vabb_publications_id,vabb_publications_url,vabb_publications_title,vabb_publications_publicationtype,vabb_publications_startpage,vabb_publications_endpage,vabb_publications_pages,vabb_publications_language,vabb_publications_publicationyear,vabb_publications_prfsstatus c:vabb:149313,,Media legitimacy and corporate environmental communication,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:149705,,Forecasting newspaper demand with censored regression,VABB-1,944,951,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:149849,,Situated perception and sensation in vision and other modalities: a sensorimotor approach,VABB-4,185,200,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:150007,,Fillers as signs of distributional learning,VABB-1,323,353,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:150207,,A variable-neighbourhood search algorithm for finding optimal run orders in the presence of serial correlation,VABB-1,30,44,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:150223,,Psychomotor functioning in chronic fatigue syndrome and major depressive disorder: a comparative study,VABB-1,46,53,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:150529,,Authenticating subcultural identities: African American and Jamaican English in niche media,VABB-1,43,57,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:150608,,Estimating the direct costs of social conflicts: road blockings in Bolivia,VABB-1,932,946,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:150613,,Performance evaluation of portfolio insurance strategies using stochastic dominance criteria,VABB-1,272,280,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:150617,,Who is dominating the Dutch neighbourhood? On the role of subsyllabic units in Dutch nonword reading,VABB-1,140,154,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:150638,,The relation between the estimated dietary intake of PCDD/Fs and levels in blood in a Flemish population (5065 years),VABB-1,9,13,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:150811,,Value capturing as a balancing act,VABB-1,56,60,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:150812,,An optimizing hazard/risk analysis review planning (HARP) framework for complex chemical plants,VABB-1,133,139,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:150944,,Screening of agelasine D and analogs for inhibitory activity against pathogenic protozoa; identification of hits for visceral leishmaniasis and Chagas disease,VABB-1,279,288,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151028,,"Fear, threat and efficacy in threat appeals: message involvement as a key mediator to message acceptance",VABB-1,276,285,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151071,,Relating knowledge to policy making,VABB-4,33,44,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151075,,Caregivers' willingness to pay to reduce the number of vaccine injections in infants,VABB-1,61,63,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151077,,Prevaccination distribution of human papillomavirus types in women attending at cervical cancer screening in Belgium,VABB-1,321,330,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151079,,Contact patterns and their implied basic reproductive numbers: an illustration for varicella-zoster virus,VABB-1,48,57,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151123,,Omzetting van een mini-instructie in een gerechtelijk onderzoek (noot onder Cass. 26 februari 2008),VABB-1,792,795,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:151180,,"The geography of containerization: half a century of revolution, adaptation and diffusion",VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151346,,The political and institutional development of the Brussels Metropolitan Zone: observations and prospects,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151378,,Phonological inconsistency in word naming: determinants of the interference effect between languages,VABB-1,23,39,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151393,,"Artikel 900 B.W. en de omvang van de nietigheid, bekeken en beoordeeld vanuit het gemene verbintenissen- en overeenkomstenrecht",VABB-1,3,18,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:151425,,"A critical cultural reading of ""You tube""",VABB-4,381,399,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151427,,Geween en tandengeknars te Brussel: de rechterlijke controle op de toepassing en de handhaving van het mededingingsrecht in België,VABB-1,1026,1042,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:151431,,Circumplex structure of the Impact Message Inventory (IMI-C): an empirical test with the Dutch version,VABB-1,187,194,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151439,,D-optimal design of split-split-plot experiments,VABB-1,67,82,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151448,,Simulating growth of the h-index,VABB-1,410,417,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151449,,Real and rational variants of the **h**-index and the **g**-index,VABB-1,64,71,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151462,,"Economic, social and cultural rights in the CRC: is there a legal obligation to cooperate internationally for development?",VABB-1,23,63,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151503,,Efficient conjoint choice designs in the presence of respondent heterogeneity,VABB-1,122,135,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151504,,Comparing the cost effectiveness of risperidone and olanzapine in the treatment of schizophrenia using the net-benefit regression approach,VABB-1,69,80,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151508,,Varieties of phenomenal externalism,VABB-1,21,31,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151522,,Complementarity and substitutability among adjacent gateway ports,VABB-1,743,762,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151525,,Top management team diversity and firm performance: moderators of functional-background and locus-of-control diversity,VABB-1,165,180,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151526,,"The ""one-commitment-per-clause"" principle and the cognitive status of qualificational categories",VABB-1,141,171,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151528,,Contesting national symbols: Belgian **belle époque** socialism between rejection and appropriation,VABB-1,55,73,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151529,,"Friction and party manifesto change in 25 countries, 1945-98",VABB-1,190,206,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151546,,The development of learning patterns of student teachers: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study,VABB-1,463,475,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151547,,Re-engineering rural society: the visions and ambitions of the Rwandan elite,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151567,,El trujillato en **The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao** (2007) de Junot Díaz,VABB-4,315,324,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151570,,Wie Sonntagskinder: Ideen der Prosa bei Benjamin und Agamben,VABB-4,37,52,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:151577,,Conceptualising e-working: exploring innovative work practices for optimising work and travel efficiency,VABB-1,77,91,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151609,,"Market access, the outer limits of free movement of goods and... the law",VABB-4,91,105,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151610,,Some thoughts on the future development of European consumer law,VABB-1,423,442,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151622,,"De uitlevering overgeleverd aan de nationaliteit? Over de positie van de nationaliteitsexceptie in het hedendaagse uitleverings-, overleverings- en overbrengingsrecht",VABB-1,1,13,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:151654,,Robust data imputation,VABB-1,7,13,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151656,,"Do universal banks create value? Universal bank affiliation and company performance in Belgium, 1905-1909",VABB-1,253,265,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151660,,The European rescue of the federal state,VABB-4,195,216,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151687,,"Europees strafrecht en het verdrag van Lissabon: een verhaal van déjà vu's, dwarsliggers en compromissen",VABB-1,14,28,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:151715,,Designing continuous safety improvement within chemical industrial areas,VABB-1,578,590,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151716,,Optimal monopoly market area spanning in multidimensional commodity spaces,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151717,,Ökonomische Auswirkungen des Zusammenspiels von Managern und Betriebsräten,VABB-1,78,85,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:151719,,Kunsteconomie en kunstbeleid,VABB-1,102,105,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:151740,,"From North-South to global South? An investigation of a changing ""South"" using airline flows between cities, 1970-2005",VABB-1,836,855,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151744,,Bakhtine et la question du roman: de l'autre côté du dilemme,VABB-4,105,123,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:151773,,Enacting is enough,VABB-1,24,30,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151827,,Age differences in work motivation in a sample from five Northern European countries,VABB-1,59,70,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151828,,In het gelijke onze verschillen... Het Belgische collectieve systeem van arbeidsverhoudingen gespiegeld aan Nederland,VABB-1,67,96,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:151865,,The last yet also the first creative act in television? an historical analysis of PSB scheduling strategies and tactics: the case of Flemish television,VABB-1,321,344,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151867,,News for adolescents: mission impossible? An evaluation of Flemish television news aimed at teenagers,VABB-1,125,148,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151894,,New directions in hybrid popular television: a reassessment of television mock-documentary,VABB-1,231,250,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151904,,Getuigenbewijs en discriminatie: enkele kritische beschouwingen over de praktijktest en varianten,VABB-1,25,30,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:151905,,Werd vervolgd: de uitwinningsvergoeding wanneer de agent zijn cliënteel meeneemt (noot onder Cass. 15 mei 2008),VABB-1,248,258,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:151906,,Management van de globalisering anno 2009: global governance en vermaatschappelijkte diplomatie,VABB-1,3,7,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:151917,,"Performance evaluation of renewable energy support policies, applied on Franders' tradable certificates system",VABB-1,1385,1394,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151945,,Het Hof van Cassatie over lacunes in de wetgeving: toenadering tot het Grondwettelijk Hof (noot onder Cass. 17 januari 2008),VABB-1,1186,1189,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:151946,,De ambtshalve veroordeling in het sociaal strafrecht in een nieuw kleedje,VABB-1,41,47,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:151950,,Nieuw Europees internationaalprivaatrechtelijk procesrecht van toepassing,VABB-1,858,867,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:151951,,Psychomotor changes in major depressive disorder during sertraline treatment,VABB-1,34,42,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151952,,"Effects of fluoxetine on fine motor performance in dysthymia: an 8-week, nonrandomized, open-label study",VABB-1,123,129,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151953,,Action monitoring and depressive symptom reduction in major depressive disorder,VABB-1,218,224,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:151956,,Handbook of small countries in the global economy: the contribution of multinational enterprises to national economic success,VABB-3,,,277 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:151968,,Beyond taxonomies of influence: doing influence and making decisions in management teams,VABB-1,57,79,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152005,,Algemene beginselen inzake de doorhaling van tuchtstraffen opgelegd aan overheidspersoneel,VABB-1,143,147,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152032,,The limits of human rights law in human development,VABB-4,355,374,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152039,,The feminine side to Santa Claus: women's work of kinship in contemporary gift-giving relations,VABB-1,124,142,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152041,,Socio-demographic determinants of informal caregiving: co-resident versus extra-resident care,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152056,,Savoir du monde et artisanat,VABB-1,129,138,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:152085,,An upper bound on the cycle time of a stochastic marked graph using incomplet information on the transition firing time distributions,VABB-1,563,572,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152087,,Cyclic scheduling of multiple tours with multiple frequencies for a single vehicle,VABB-1,214,227,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152113,,Belgium,VABB-1,95104,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152128,,"Dialects in western Europe: a balanced picture of language death, innovation and change",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152129,,Dialect loss and dialect vitality in Flanders,VABB-1,73,97,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152141,,De wet van 31 januari 2009 betreffende de continuïteit van ondernemingen,VABB-1,1289,1321,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152172,,Le recensement de la population: un requiem?,VABB-1,1,8,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:152177,,Making evacuation decisions by using a discrete-time approximation methodology,VABB-1,490,496,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152178,,Why do responders reject unequal offers in the ulitmatum game? An experimental study on the role of perceiving interdependence,VABB-1,335,343,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152179,,Shaping a novel security approach in chemical industrial clusters to prevent large-scale domini events,VABB-1,119,142,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152190,,Early endothelial dysfunction in young type 1 diabetics,VABB-1,611,615,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152201,,Naar een soepeler bestuurlijk toezicht op de personeelsformaties in de Vlaamse gemeenten: volgt de praktijk de regelgeving?,VABB-1,4,12,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152204,,"Annotatie bij EHJ, 17 juli 2008, Kozlowski, zaak C-66/08",VABB-1,128,132,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152206,,De aansprakelijkheid van vrijwilligers en vrijwilligersorganisaties: toepassingsgebied en uitwerking,VABB-1,113,121,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152208,,Phagocytosis of bacteria is enhanced in macrophages undergoing nutrient deprivation,VABB-1,2227,2240,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152221,,Correcting the concentration index,VABB-1,504,515,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152231,,Religious arguments in political decision making,VABB-4,237,254,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152249,,"Tv-fictie, etniciteit en culturele identiteit: de receptie van tv-fictie door Vlaamse autochtone en allochtone jongvolwassenen",VABB-1,15,32,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:152255,,All orthogonal arrays with 18 runs,VABB-1,467,480,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152256,,De communicatiefunctie in Belgische organisaties: hoe excellent is deze ingevuld?,VABB-1,64,77,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:152258,,OR-practice-Supporting 3PL decisions in the automotive industry by generating divers solutions to a large-scale location-routing problem,VABB-1,1058,1067,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152259,,Stretching and bending gender equality: a discursive politics approach,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152260,,"Stretching, bending and inconsistency in policy frames on gender equality: discursive windows of opportunity?",VABB-4,135,149,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152261,,Conclusions: a critical understanding of the discursive politics of gender equality,VABB-4,182,199,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152262,,"The discursive politics of gender equality: stretching, bending and policy-making",VABB-3,,,240 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152273,,Eppur si muove: de ontwikkeling van de welvaartstaat: België en nederland in vergelijkend perspectief,VABB-1,139,151,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152275,,Spectral decomposition of optimal asset-liability management,VABB-1,710,724,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152299,,Maatwerk in strategische beleidsvorming... een paradigmatisch experiment: een gevalstudie in het penitentiair Schoolcentrum Hoogstraten,VABB-1,24,39,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152324,,Kingdom of Belgium,VABB-4,92,113,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152345,,Mechanisms of gene-environment interactions in depression: evidence that genes potentiate multiple sources of adversity,VABB-1,1077,1086,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152347,,Supporting diabetes self-management in primary care: pilot-study of a group-based programme focusing on diet and exercise,VABB-1,103,109,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152348,,Psychomotor planning is deficient in recent-onset schizophrenia,VABB-1,294,302,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152355,,Letter to the editor,VABB-1,96,97,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152357,,A dynamic framework for managing horizontal cooperation in logistics,VABB-1,228,248,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152359,,Changing students' approaches to learning: a two year study within a university teacher training course,VABB-1,503,513,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152360,,Vehicle routing with stochastic time-dependent travel times,VABB-1,363,377,-,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152371,,A case-based reasoning safety decision-support tool: nextcase/safety,VABB-1,10374,10380,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152372,,Domino effects within a chemical cluster: a game-theoretical modeling approach by using Nash-equilibrium,VABB-1,289,293,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152385,,De electronische handtekening in het recht,VABB-1,283,315,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152390,,The terminalization of supply chains: reassessing port-hinterland logistical relationships,VABB-1,165,183,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152401,,Klein gewin brengt rijkdom in: de Zuid-Nederlandse handelaars in de export naar Italië in de jaren 1540,VABB-1,26,52,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152406,,Fashioning old and new: changing consumer preferences in Europe (seventeenth-nineteenth centuries),VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152407,,Fashioning old and new or moulding the material culture of Europe (late seventeenth-early nineteenth centuries),VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152408,,Conflicting consumption models? The symbolic meaning of possessions and consumption amongst the Antwerp nobility at the end of the eighteenth century,VABB-4,61,80,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152410,,"Policy interpretation of human biomonitoring research results in Belgium: priorities and complexity, politics and science",VABB-1,115,129,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152411,,Geloven in Straatsburg: levensbeschouwelijk onderricht en onderricht over levensbeschouwingen in het officieel onderwijs in het licht van recente EVRM-jurisprudentie,VABB-1,151,177,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152427,,Trust in the boardroom,VABB-4,471,481,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152452,,"Our daily bread: Maurice Potron, from catholicism to mathematical economics",VABB-1,123,154,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152459,,"Belgian schizophrenia outcome survey: results of a 2-year naturalistic study in patients stabilised on monotherapy with olanzapine, risperidone or haloperidol",VABB-1,154,163,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152477,,Health and civil war in rural Burundi,VABB-1,536,563,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152501,,Can cocaine use be evaluated through analysis of wastewater? A nation-wide approach conducted in Belgium,VABB-1,734,741,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152503,,The prognostic value of the EEG in postanoxic coma,VABB-1,318,325,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152510,,Creating customer value through SOA and outsourcing: a NEBIC approach,VABB-1,18,24,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152558,,Het geheugen van Hadewijch,VABB-1,3,20,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152572,,An efficient algorithm for constructing Bayesian optimal choice designs,VABB-1,279,291,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152578,,The diagnostic role of gut feelings in general practice: a focus group study of the concept and its determinants,VABB-1,"17,1","17,9",,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152582,,Interviewing children in Belgium: an evaluation of practices,VABB-1,248,261,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152583,,Audiovisuele verhoren van meerderjarigen: op zoek naar kwaliteitsverbetering in het verdachtenverhoor,VABB-1,17,28,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152590,,La vie d'Apollonius de Tyane et le discours hagiographique,VABB-4,335,374,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:152610,,An exploratory study into IT governance implementations and its impact on business/IT alignment,VABB-1,123,137,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152639,,Collecting political meaning from the count of metaphor,VABB-4,59,78,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152661,,On the economics of the socialist theocracy of the Jesuits in Paraguay(1609-1767),VABB-4,119,142,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152665,,A comparison of hepatitis B seroepidemiology in ten European countries,VABB-1,961,969,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152671,,"Cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination: exploring caregiver(s) and ""no medical care"" disease impact in Belgium",VABB-1,33,50,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152672,,Using empirical social contact data to model person to person infectious disease transmission: an illustration for varicella,VABB-1,80,87,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152673,,Mining social mixing patterns for infectious disease models based on a two-day population survey in Belgium,VABB-1,"5,1","5,18",,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152674,,Asia expansion of foreign direct investment: strategic and policy challenges,VABB-3,,,272 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152675,,"Common attitudes about concomitant vaccine injections for infants and adolescents in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,1964,1969,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152682,,Safety and efficacy of a novel microneedle device for dose sparing intradermal influenza vaccination in healthy adults,VABB-1,454,459,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152686,,Attributes of social and human capital disclosure and information asymmetry between managers and investors,VABB-1,71,88,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152712,,"Safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of a recombinant hepatitis B vaccine manufactured by a modified process in healthy young adults",VABB-1,92,97,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152727,,The patterns and dynamics of Asia's growing share of FDI,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152728,,India's multilayered regulation of foreign direct investment: between reluctance to multilateral negotiations and unilateral proactivism,VABB-4,240,268,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152733,,Concomitant use of the 3-dose oral pentavalent rotavirus vaccine with a 3-dose primary vaccination course of a diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis-hepatitis B-inactivated polio-haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine: immunogenicity and reactogenicity,VABB-1,177,181,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:152734,,Long-term persistence of anti-HPV-16 and -18 antibodies induced by vaccination with the AS04-adjuvanted cervical cancer vaccine: modeling of sustained antibody responses,VABB-1,S1,S6,-,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152735,,Prevalence of HIV and hepatitis C infection among patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,307,308,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152758,,Het Kadi-arrest van het Hof van Justitie inzake terrorismelijsten: de beslechting van enkele hete hangijzers met betrekking tot interne en externe bevoegdheidsafbakening en rechtsbescherming,VABB-1,1410,1426,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152763,,Handing on experience and knowledge in Hadewijchs 'Book of visions',VABB-4,149,171,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152818,,Merk toch hoe sterk: sjwa-insertie in spontaan gesproken standaardnederlands,VABB-1,45,65,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152824,,The convention on the rights of the child,VABB-4,451,472,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152861,,Use of the temperament and character inventory (TCI) for assessment of personality in chronic fatigue syndrome,VABB-1,147,154,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152875,,"The influence of parental educational level on the development of atopic sensitization, wheezing and eczema during the first year of life",VABB-1,438,447,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152878,,Time-dependent Lotkaian informetrics incorporating growth of sources and items,VABB-1,31,37,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152885,,Evaluation and economic impact analysis of different treatment options for ankle distortions in occupational accidents,VABB-1,933,939,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152903,,Jong Nederlands,VABB-1,2,7,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152904,,Reduced detection and levels of protective antibodies to hepatitis B vaccine in under 2-year-old HIV positive South African children at a paediatric outpatient clinic,VABB-1,146,151,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152911,,Assessing the language proficiency of Europe's children: what about the lexical factor?,VABB-4,193,223,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152919,,Guidelines for restoring connectivity around water mills: a population genetic approach to the management of riverine fish,VABB-1,562,571,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152922,,Attitudes towards school self-evaluation,VABB-1,21,28,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152924,,Validation of the Diabetes Obstacles Questionnaire (DOQ) to assess obstacles in living with type 2 diabetes in a Belgian population,VABB-1,43,47,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152925,,De monarchie en het 'einde van België': een naschrift,VABB-1,50,62,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152926,,The context of the rise of Ex Ante evaluation,VABB-4,13,37,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152931,,Het begrip angst,VABB-3,,,224 p.,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:152935,,Prognostic significance of oncogenic markers in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: a clinicopathologic study,VABB-1,120,132,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152958,,Connecting the world: analyzing global city networks through airline flows,VABB-4,76,95,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:152959,,EU renewable energy support policy: faith or facts?,VABB-1,2143,2146,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152963,,Inhalation incidents and respiratory health: results from the European Community respiratory health survey,VABB-1,17,24,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152983,,New relations between similarity measures for vectors based on vector norms,VABB-1,232,239,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152984,,Gravity's encyclopedia revisited: the illusion of a totalizing system in 'Gravity's Rainbow',VABB-1,167,179,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152991,,Community support and disclosure of serostatus to family members by public-sector ART patients in the Free State Province of South Africa,VABB-1,357,364,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152993,,Slow to share: social capital and its role in public HIV disclosure among public sector ART patients in the Free State Province of South Africa,VABB-1,411,421,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:152994,,Physical and emotional health outcomes after 12 months of public-sector ART in the Free State Province of South Africa: a longitudinal study using structural equation modeling,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153006,,Effect of genetic **SSTR4** ablation on inflammatory peptide and receptor expression in the non-inflamed and inflamed murine intestine,VABB-1,3283,3295,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153031,,Funding of drugs: do vaccines warrant a different approach? Authors' reply,VABB-1,270,271,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153033,,Reviewing the cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination: the importance of uncertainty in the choice of data sources,VABB-1,281,297,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153036,,Costing infectious disease outbreaks for economic evaluation: a review for hepatitis A,VABB-1,379,389,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153037,,"The economic impact of SARS in Beijing, China",VABB-1,85,91,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153038,,Economic evaluation of childhood vaccines,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153051,,MamMoeT: an intelligent agent-based communication support platform for multimodal transport,VABB-1,10280,10287,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153052,,PCR and direct agglutination as **Leishmania** infection markers among healthy Nepalese subjects living in areas endemic for Kala-Azar,VABB-1,404,411,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153055,,Optimal pricing and advertising policies for an entertainment event,VABB-1,583,596,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153056,,Investment in oligopoly under uncertainty: the accordion effect,VABB-1,320,331,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153057,,Verkiezingen voor het Europees Parlement: een maat voor niets?,VABB-1,103,107,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153058,,Naar een nieuw malgoverno?,VABB-1,85,100,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153062,,Hesitancy in Joyce's and Beckett's manuscripts,VABB-1,17,27,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153063,,Evidentiality and epistemic modality: on the close relationship between two different categories,VABB-1,32,44,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153064,,Development of galanin-containing nerve fibres in rat tibia,VABB-1,112,117,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153070,,De argumentatieve en motiveringspraktijk van hoogste rechters: rechtsvergelijkende beschouwingen,VABB-1,1498,1511,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153076,,Changing geographies and the rise of the modern auction: transformations on the second-hand markets of eighteenth-century Antwerp,VABB-4,169,185,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153078,,A strategy of seduction? The role of commercial advertisements in the eightteenth-century retailing business of Antwerp,VABB-1,100,121,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153079,,Learning intimate examinations with simulated patients: the evaluation of medical students' performance,VABB-1,139,147,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153080,,Involvement of afferent neurons in the pathogenesis of endotoxin-induced ileus in mice: role of CGRP and TRPV1 receptors,VABB-1,177,184,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153081,,Perception with compensatory devices from sensory substitution to sensorimotor extension,VABB-1,1036,1058,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153089,,Government stance and internal diversity of protest: a comparative study of protest against the war in Iraq in eight countries,VABB-1,1355,1387,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153091,,"Language, conceptualization and TAM marking: a cognitive-functional perspective",VABB-1,2,43,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153094,,In nood kent men zijn vrienden : in rechtsnood de 234-helplijn naar Luxemburg,VABB-1,480,486,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153097,,Reconstructing the theatres of Antwerp (1561-1711),VABB-1,10,19,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153101,,Verschillen in het gebruik van schoolfeedback: een verkenning van verklaringsgronden,VABB-1,306,322,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153103,,Arginine vasopressin receptor gene-based single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,102,103,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153104,,A well-scalable metaheuristic for the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with time windows,VABB-1,8460,8475,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153106,,The aging workforce: perceptions of career ending,VABB-1,102,117,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153111,,Vestiging en overname van zieken- en rusthuizen in de interne markt,VABB-1,271,289,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153112,,The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all migrant workers and memebers of their families,VABB-4,473,494,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153118,,De verplichting van de Vlaamse onderwijsinstellingen tot het vermelden van de beroepsmogelijkheden bij examen- en studievoortgangsbeslissingen,VABB-1,281,297,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153141,,The impact of progressive liberalization on the spatiality of airline networks: a measurement framework based on the assessment of hierarchical differentiation,VABB-1,276,284,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153142,,Verstek en het Europees aanhoudingsbevel (noot onder Cass.2 augustus 2006),VABB-1,1512,1515,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153145,,"Stiegler, Habermas and the techno-logical condition of man",VABB-1,125,141,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:153146,,Het Vlaams Academisch Bibliografisch Bestand voor de Sociale en Humane Wetenschappen: instrument ten dienste van een optimaal wetenschapsbeleid?,VABB-1,395,404,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153150,,Belgium's competitiveness: a comparison of foreign and domestic enterprises,VABB-4,60,98,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153163,,Seneca in Königsberg: een analyse van Kants Gedanken bei dem frühzeitigen Ableben des Herrn Johann Friedrich von Funk,VABB-1,87,114,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:153168,,What does the veil know?,VABB-3,,,101 p.,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153169,,"When Kafka says ""WE"": uncommon communities in German-Jewish literature",VABB-2,,,256 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153171,,Verval van de schenking door de verdwijning van de doorslaggevende beweegreden: het derde bedrijf,VABB-1,1666,1683,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153185,,Un des plus jolis théâtres hors de l'Italie & point de spectacle: the design and construction of the first proper theatre in Antwerp (1711-1746),VABB-1,7,21,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:153186,,Immunoglobulin-free light chains mediate antigen-specific responses of murine dorsal root ganglion neurons,VABB-1,80,86,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153187,,Purinergic signaling in the pulmonary neuroepithelial body microenvironment unraveled by live cell imaging,VABB-1,1153,1160,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153188,,The protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin induces macrophage apoptosis in rabbit atherosclerotic plaques through p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase,VABB-1,856,864,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153189,,"The role(s) of somatostatin, structurally related peptides and somatostatin receptors in the gastrointestinal tract: a review",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153190,,Micro-CT of corrosion casts for use in the computer-aided design of microvasculature,VABB-1,729,738,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153194,,Politicologen en media: meer dan een verstandshuwelijk?,VABB-1,258,265,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153234,,Contractuele schuldvergelijking na samenloop ten aanzien van natuurlijke personen: geen netting: noot onder Grondwettelijk Hof 27 november 2008,VABB-1,502,507,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153237,,Kunst en de visuele ervaring: Richard Wollheim over de fenomenologie van het beeldend weergeven,VABB-1,118,127,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153243,,"Versoepelingen in het Wetboek Vennootschappen: inbreng in natura, inkoop eigen aandelen en financiële bijstand (K.B. van 8 oktober 2008)",VABB-1,1626,1633,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153244,,A contrastive look at English and Dutch (negative) imperatives,VABB-5,407,421,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153246,,Marriage at the intersection between tradition and globalization: Turkish marriage migration between Emirdag and Belgium from 1989 to present,VABB-1,232,244,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:153247,,Treating allergic rhinitis: continuous versus on-demand regime? Executive summary of the Supportive Initiatives for the Global Management of Allergy (SIGMA): report from the Belgian Working Group,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153269,,Second-hand consumption as a way of life: public auctions in the surroundings of Alost in the late eighteenth century,VABB-1,275,305,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153272,,The lure of the new: urban retailing in the surroundings of Antwerp (late 17th-early 18the centuries),VABB-4,97,120,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153297,,Samuel Beckett in the Low Countries,VABB-4,188,208,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153300,,"De Beckett van Hugo Claus: genese, zelfreceptie en 'wat hem aan rede restte'",VABB-1,3,21,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:153307,,Genetic Joyce criticism,VABB-4,112,124,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153318,,Het geheim voorbij: sociaal kapitaal als hefboom in de strijd tegen HIV/AIDS in Zuid-Afrika,VABB-1,176,195,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153320,,Validity and reliability of portfolio assessment in pre-service teacher education,VABB-1,401,413,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153332,,Onderwijs en mededingingsrecht,VABB-1,259,280,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153343,,Les tensions sur le marché du logement à Anvers dans la première moitié du 19e siècle: une opportunité d'investissement pour l'élite des affaires?,VABB-1,1,15,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:153344,,Toekomstmuziek bij de Hoge Raad: waarom geen jaarverslagen à la française?,VABB-1,1439,1443,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153345,,Internationaal arbeidsrecht gemangeld tussen Europese fundamentele vrijheden,VABB-1,5,10,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153350,,Uitgeverijonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen: een tussentijdse stand van zaken,VABB-1,33,66,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153380,,Communicative aspects of definitions in classroom interaction: learning to define in class for first and second language learners,VABB-1,126,144,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153384,,The development of research capacity in Europe through research workshops: the EGPRN perspective,VABB-1,331,334,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153413,,Hoe ver kan de decreetgever gaan bij de (machtiging tot) oprichting van vzw's die afwijken van het federale verenigingsrecht,VABB-1,59,63,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153417,,Issue ownership stability and change: how political parties claim and maintain issues through media appearances,VABB-1,153,172,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153419,,Determining biosonar images using sparse representations,VABB-1,3052,3059,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153420,,Insights into the process of changing sourcing strategies,VABB-1,245,255,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153421,,Properties of Hirsch-type indices: the case of library classification categories,VABB-1,235,248,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153422,,"Psychological distress, depression and generalised anxiety in Turkish and Moroccan immigrants in Belgium",VABB-1,188,197,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153423,,Evaluation of cellular immunity to mumps in vaccinated individuals with or without circulating antibodies up to 16 years after their last vaccination,VABB-1,1457,1460,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153429,,Preventie van prenatale schade: reactie op FJR 2009:3,VABB-1,10,13,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153430,,Consumer preferences in Europe(17th-19th centuries),VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153431,,Metaheuristics in the service industry,VABB-3,,,171 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153432,,The UN human rights councel at work: a provisional appraisal of the Council's institution-building work,VABB-1,139,164,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153433,,Organochlorine and heavy metals in newborns: results from the Flemish environment and health survey (FLEHS 2002-2006),VABB-1,1015,1022,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153434,,Analysis of data from nonorthogonal multi-stratum designs,VABB-1,467,484,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153443,,Niets is zo praktisch als een goede theorie: wie weet dit in HRM?,VABB-1,7,28,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153465,,Enhancing the formal foundations of BPMN by enterprise ontology,VABB-5,115,129,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153469,,Het recht op persoonlijk contact van de lesbische meemoeder gevangen tussen artikel 223 BW en artikel 375bis BW? (noot onder Vred. Westerlo 16 juni 2008 en Rb. Turnhout 6 april 2009),VABB-1,118,124,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153476,,Leerzorg in de praktijk getest,VABB-1,49,54,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153478,,Le dernier des justes: a Jewish child's apprenticeship of 'the impossibility of being a jew',VABB-1,91,107,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153480,,Cassatieberoep tegen eindbeslissingen uitgesproken deels op tegenspraak en deels bij verstek (noot onder Cass. 18 maart 2008),VABB-1,1088,1091,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153484,,In vitro susceptibilities of **Leishmania donovani** promastigote and amastigote stages to antileishmania reference drugs: practical relevance of stage-specific differences,VABB-1,3855,3859,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153495,,Preventie van depressie en bevordering van geestelijke gezondheid: over de positieve consequenties van het biopsychosociale model,VABB-1,105,117,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153497,,Tussen theorie en praktijk: opleidingen in de bouwsector in het negentiende-eeuwse Antwerpen,VABB-1,129,144,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153502,,Modality in English: theory and description,VABB-3,,,384 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153503,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153504,,Key notions for pragmatics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153505,,Introduction: the pragmatic perspective,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153506,,Adaptability,VABB-4,28,47,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153507,,Culture and language use,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153516,,Analyzing inter-organizational relationships in the context of their national business systems: a conceptual framework for comparative research,VABB-1,49,76,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153517,,Adolescent suicidal ideation: a comparison of incarcerated and school-based samples,VABB-1,377,383,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153520,,"Capacity cost structure, welfare and cost recovery: are transport infrastructures with high fixed costs a handicap?",VABB-1,506,521,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153521,,The efficacy of a wetting alarm diaper for toilet training of young healthy children in a day-care center: a randomized control trial,VABB-1,305,308,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153534,,Lineage based differences in grandparental investment: evidence from a large British cohort study,VABB-1,355,379,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153549,,Alternative data-analysis techniques in research on student learning: illustrations of a person-oriented and a developmental perspective,VABB-1,35,51,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153551,,The trouble with participation: assessing the new aid paradigm,VABB-4,255,271,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153560,,"The ""Masai"" and miraa: public authority, vigilance and criminality in a Ugandan border town",VABB-1,291,317,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153563,,Reproducibility and clinical relevance of quantitative EEG parameters in cerebral ischemia: a basic approach,VABB-1,845,855,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153566,,Transitioning and co-evolving to upgrade value offerings: a competence based marketing view,VABB-1,504,512,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153569,,De auteurswet van 30 juni 1994 (art. 87),VABB-4,1,24,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153575,,Gauging the bridging function of nodes in a network: Q-measures for networks with a finite number of subgroups,VABB-5,131,142,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153582,,Die gheestelicke melody: a programm for the spiritual life in a Middle Dutch song cycle,VABB-4,123,147,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153583,,Private revelation and public relevance in the Middle Dutch sermon cycle **Jhesus collacien**,VABB-1,31,40,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153588,,Feasibility of collecting self-sampled vaginal swabs by mail: quantity and quality of genomic DNA,VABB-1,1285,1289,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153591,,Rome II: a true piece of community law,VABB-4,9,24,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153593,,Terrorism security in the chemical industry: results of a qualitative investigation,VABB-1,69,84,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:153595,,Jacoba Van Velde vertaalt Samuel Becketts **Not I** naar het Nederlands: **Niet ik** herbekeken vanuit een genetische vertaalmethode,VABB-1,23,44,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:153600,,Open Access: van DOAJ & KB Nederland naar België,VABB-1,26,29,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153601,,Returns on investments during the colonial era: the case of the Belgian Congo,VABB-1,135,166,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153620,,Evidence on changes in aid allocation criteria,VABB-1,185,208,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153625,,The adoption of DEMO: a research agenda,VABB-5,157,171,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153626,,The impact of ideology on the organizational adoption of open source software,VABB-4,1849,1864,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153627,,The migration of public administrations towards open source desktop software: recommendations from research and validation through a case study,VABB-4,1559,1576,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153628,,Hormone levels and sexual development in Flemish adolescents residing in areas differing in pollution pressure,VABB-1,612,625,-,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153634,,"Erscheinungsformen der indirekten Rede im Niederländischen und Deutschen: zou-, soll(te)- und der Konjunktiv I",VABB-4,171,187,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:153638,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen,VABB-1,150,156,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153642,,Exploring the relationship between IT governance practices and business/IT alignment through extreme case analysis in Belgian mid-to-large size financial enterprises,VABB-1,615,637,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153643,,"Animality, humanity, and technicity",VABB-1,"06,1","06,11",,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153646,,Regulation 883/2004 and invalidity and old-age pensions,VABB-1,143,162,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153647,,"Special non-contributory benefits in regulation 1408/71, regulation 883/2004 and the case law of the ECJ",VABB-1,217,234,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153648,,Estimating the incidence of symptomatic rotavirus infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153649,,Win-win or unequal exchange? The case of the Sino-Congolese cooperation agreements,VABB-1,371,396,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153651,,Assurance on sustainability reports: an international comparison,VABB-1,937,967,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153652,,The effect of high fuel costs on liner service configuration in container shipping,VABB-1,325,337,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153653,,**Authenticum** and **authenticae**: what's in a name? References to Justinian's Novels in medieval manuscripts,VABB-1,43,59,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153655,,Immigranten en sociale bijstand in België,VABB-1,107,142,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153658,,The poverty effects of social protection in Europe EU enlargement and its lessons for developing countries,VABB-4,220,242,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153660,,"Belgium, the quest for sustainability, legitimacy and a way out of 'welfare without work'",VABB-4,49,64,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153661,,"Economic inequality, poverty, and social exclusion",VABB-4,315,341,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153666,,Psychopathology among preterm infants using the diagnostic classification zero to three,VABB-1,1988,1993,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153668,,Screening for psychopathology in child welfare: the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) compared with the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA),VABB-1,691,700,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153672,,Hermann Brochs enzyklopädisches Gespräch mit den Künsten,VABB-4,201,220,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:153675,,Narrative and stylistic agency: the case of overt narration,VABB-4,99,118,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153676,,"Rhetorik der Evidenz, Schreibweisen der Kontingenz: Ernst Jünger, Robert Musil, Karl Kraus",VABB-4,43,64,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:153679,,Portfolios for prior learning assessment: caught between diversity and standardization,VABB-1,92,103,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153680,,La communauté des âmes sensibles,VABB-1,265,282,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:153682,,ECJ rules on compatibility of Belgian particiapation exemption regime with EC parent-subsidiary directive,VABB-1,146,156,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153683,,Filling-in,VABB-4,288,291,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153689,,The importance of external support in the adoption of open source server software,VABB-5,116,128,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153692,,"VACSATC (vaccine safety: attitudes, training and communication): why such a project?",VABB-1,"19181,1","19181,4",,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153693,,Me TV: towards changing TV viewing practices?,VABB-5,219,222,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153694,,Miscoding: a threat to the hospital care system: how to detect it?,VABB-1,169,177,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153697,,"Eros, Narzissus und Grammaton: Else Lasker-Schülers Erfindung der modernen Poesie",VABB-4,208,229,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:153700,,"Matthijs Roelandts, Joris Leemans and Lanceloot Lefebure: new data on Baroque tapestry in Brussels",VABB-1,360,367,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:153710,,Noot onder Geschillencommissie Thuiswinkel 10 december 2007,VABB-1,157,160,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153712,,Frequency and analogical effects in the spelling of full-form and sublexical homophonous patterns by 12 year-old children,VABB-1,239,274,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153720,,The impact of pooling and sharing broadcast rights in professional team sports,VABB-1,211,218,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153723,,2D decision support system to predict the assessment of masonry arch bridges,VABB-5,56,61,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153724,,"The great African war: Congo and regional geopolitics, 1996-2006",VABB-2,,,327 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153726,,Between the social and the spatial: exploring the multiple dimensions of poverty and social exclusion,VABB-3,,,267 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153728,,A universal basic pension for Europe's elderly: options and pitfalls,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153735,,Belgium: economic hardship despite elaborate childcar and leave time programmes,VABB-4,78,97,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153741,,Becoming a bwana and burley tobacco in the Central Region of Malawi,VABB-1,575,602,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153742,,The chronic poverty report 2008/09: escaping poverty traps,VABB-1,160,168,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153743,,"Vulnerability, poverty and coping in Zimbabwe",VABB-4,115,118,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153747,,Het Vlaams theater in de jaren tachtig: aanzetten tot een invloedsgeschiedenis,VABB-1,108,129,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153761,,Robustness in regional development studies: the case of Lithuania,VABB-1,121,140,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153762,,An econometric property of the g-index,VABB-1,484,489,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153764,,A second nuclear revolution: from nuclear primacy to post-existential deterrence,VABB-1,745,767,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153766,,Resource-partitioning processes in the audit industry,VABB-1,307,338,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153768,,"Joint sector reviews: M&E experiments in an era of changing aid modalities: experiences from JSRs in the education sectors of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger",VABB-1,204,217,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153769,,Vaut le voyage!? Nieuwe tendensen in het historisch onderzoek naar toerisme (1750-1950),VABB-1,61,73,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153780,,Retrospective and prospective views about the future of the multinational enterprise,VABB-1,215,223,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153781,,Punctuated equilibrium in comparative perspective,VABB-1,603,620,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153782,,"Commuting, congestion tolls and the structure of the labour market: Optimal congestion pricing in a wage bargaining model",VABB-1,434,438,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153785,,Naar een gedragsmatige benadering van goed ondernemingsbestuur,VABB-1,274,281,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153801,,Cost effectiveness of drug-eluting stents in Belgian practice: healthcare payer perspective,VABB-1,313,327,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153804,,Differences in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis functioning among children with ADHD predominantly inattentive and combined types,VABB-1,543,553,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153805,,From the theory of aid effectiveness to the practice: the European Commission's governance incentive tranche,VABB-1,561,580,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153806,,"Relationships among neurocognition, symptoms and functioning in patients with schizophrenia: a path-analytic approach for associations at baseline and following 24 weeks of antipsychotic drug therapy",VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153807,,Knowledge creation through mobile social networks and its impact on intentions to use innovative mobile services,VABB-1,15,35,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153809,,Do theory and techniques in executive coaching matter more than in therapy?,VABB-1,280,283,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153811,,Welke leerlingen leren het meest bij over DNA? Effecten van een interventie rond kennisconstructie en schooltaal bij anderstalige leerlingen in groep 8 van vijf zwarte basisscholen,VABB-1,109,120,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:153817,,"Beyond Kyoto, plan B: a climate policy master plan based on transparent metrics",VABB-1,2930,2937,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:153820,,Production and perception of word stress in children with Down syndrome,VABB-1,49,61,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153828,,The charm of disenchantment,VABB-4,233,286,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153830,,"Real learning opportunities at business, school and beyond",VABB-3,,,260 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:153831,,Real learning opportunities in business schools and beyond: an introduction,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:165413,,"The commercial novelization: research, history, differentiation",VABB-1,305,317,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:168042,,Evaluation of biomarkers for pharmacological activity,VABB-1,256,272,-,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:171012,,Real life evaluation of intravenous antibiotic treatment in a paediatric cystic fibrosis centre: outcome of home therapy is not inferior,VABB-1,244,250,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:171200,,Nurses’ involvement in the care for patients requesting euthanasia,VABB-4,73,96,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:173404,,Washing toys in a neonatal intensive care unit decreases bacterial load of potential pathogens,VABB-1,197,198,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:173517,,Striving for a more sustainable Belgian dwelling stock,VABB-5,335,344,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:175385,,A decision support system for cyclic master surgery scheduling with multiple objectives,VABB-1,147,161,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:176926,,L'incorporation et la question de l'accréditation du discours,VABB-4,603,618,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:179135,,The Condemnation of Vernacular Bible Reading by the Parisian Theologians (1523-31),VABB-4,111,139,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:179318,,Introduction,VABB-4,11,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:185065,,"Gender issues in suicide rates, trends and methods among youths aged 15-24 in 15 European countries",VABB-1,216,226,-,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:207214,,Evidence based educational policy’: What evidence? What basis? Whose policy?,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:208024,,IFC-based calculation of the Flemish Energy Performance Standard,VABB-5,437,443,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:208407,,Psychosocial and psychiatric factors associated with adolescent suicide : A case-control psychological autopsy study,VABB-1,849,862,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:209277,,The impact of incorporating nurse-specific characteristics in a cyclical scheduling approach,VABB-1,1683,1698,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:265153,,Altered breathing patterns during lumbopelvic motor control tests in chronic low back pain: a casecontrol study,VABB-1,1066,1073,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:265154,,Improved discrimination of autopsy-confirmed Alzheimer's disease (AD) from non-AD dementias using CSF P-tau,VABB-1,214,218,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:265156,,Added diagnostic value of CSF biomarkers in differential dementia diagnosis,VABB-1,1867,1876,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:265157,,"Preliminary results, methodological considerations and recruitment difficulties of a randomised clinical trial comparing two treatment regimens for patients with headache and neck pain",VABB-1,1471,2474,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267425,,Postmoderne Spielerei of inbreuk op het auteursrecht? Het Belgisch buitenlands beleid van Luc De Vos en Etienne Rooms bekeken vanuit intertekstueel perspectief,VABB-1,245,255,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267430,,Establishing a multi-ethnic imagined community? Ethnic minority audiences watching Flemish soaps,VABB-1,305,323,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267434,,The nation on screen: discourses of the national on global television,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267435,,Do we really use soaps to construct our identities? Everyday nationalism in TV ficion: the audience's view,VABB-4,79,96,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267436,,The nation on screen: introduction,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267437,,Television stories and discourses on the nation: conclusion,VABB-4,327,340,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267451,,Hulpverleners en hun omgeving: een kwalitatieve studie naar de rol van de organisatiecultuur,VABB-1,23,41,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267452,,"""Geestelijke verrijking"" of ""brood en spelen""? Een historische analyse van discoursen over amusement binnen de Vlaamse publieke televisie",VABB-1,93,112,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267454,,Market efficiency within dry bulk markets in the short run: a multi-agent system dynamics Nash equilibrium,VABB-1,385,396,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267457,,Ports in proximity: competition and coordination among adjacent seaports,VABB-3,,,332 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267458,,Ports in proximity: competition and coordination among adjacent seaports: introduction,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267459,,Revisiting inter-port relationships under the new economic geography research framework,VABB-4,11,28,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267460,,Path dependency and contingency in the development of multi-port gateway regions and multi-port hub regions,VABB-4,55,74,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267463,,Private equity involvement and earnings quality,VABB-1,587,615,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267465,,Evaluating academic spin-off potential in the earliest development stages,VABB-5,623,629,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267466,,Evaluating the contribution of Belgian ICT start-ups to innovation,VABB-5,691,697,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267467,,Deriving normalized-systems elements from business process models,VABB-5,27,32,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267468,,Les philosophes et leurs papes,VABB-3,,,297 p.,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:267469,,Le Dictionnaire historique et critique devant la papauté,VABB-4,15,29,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:267471,,Hocus pocus alimentatie (art. 301 BW) (noot onder Brussel 17 februari 2009),VABB-1,147,155,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267485,,Prejudiciële vragen bij samenloop van grondrechten,VABB-1,50,62,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267496,,Zakenrechtelijke bekrachtiging van onregelmatige middellijke vertegenwoordiging (noot onder Cass. 24 oktober 2008),VABB-1,68,71,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267497,,"Velen zijn geroepen, weinigen uitverkoren: zendtijdverdeling onder kerken en geestelijke genootschappen in de Mediawet 2008",VABB-1,310,323,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267499,,De materiële en territoriale bevoegdheidsverdeling inzake sociale zekerheid en sociale bijstand (2),VABB-1,195,219,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267513,,Taboe op doden of inconsistentie in het willen? Govert den Hartoghs euthanasievoorbeeld anders bekeken,VABB-1,211,214,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267514,,Dependency parsing and semantic role labeling as a single task,VABB-5,275,280,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267517,,Prepositional phrase attachment in shallow parsing,VABB-5,12,17,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267518,,Screening Belgian university students for Chlamydia trachomatis infection: a feasibility study,VABB-1,343,346,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267519,,A non-randomized comparison of gemcitabine-based chemoradiation with or without induction chemotherapy for locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck,VABB-1,"273,1","273,7",,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267525,,Thoughts on (im)perfective imperatives,VABB-4,93,106,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267526,,Lokale meldpunten: wie meldt waar? Waar meldt wie?,VABB-1,47,64,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267528,,Carl Schmitt: secularization and political theology,VABB-4,99,126,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267530,,Consistente bestraffing: utopie of realiteit? De houding van magistraten tegenover consistentie in de strafvordering en de straftoemeting doorgelicht,VABB-1,90,103,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267532,,Kapitel 1 Belgien,VABB-4,1,35,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:267534,,International encyclopaedia of intellectual property: vol. 7,VABB-3,,,1262 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267535,,"From now on we speak civilized Dutch: the authors of Flanders, the language of the Netherlands, and the readers of A. Manteau",VABB-1,265,280,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267545,,15 jaar grondwettelijke kritiek op het onderscheid arbeiders-bedienden: stand van zaken,VABB-1,357,362,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267567,,"Multi-accused cases and the ICC: challenges concerning general principles, admissibility and evaluation of incriminating evidence",VABB-4,247,261,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267573,,Voltage-gated delayed rectifier $K_{v}1$-subunits may serve as distinctive markers for enteroglial cells with different phenotypes in the murine ileum,VABB-1,80,84,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267589,,Biomimetic mechanosensor array processing for 2-D airflow direction and amplitude sensing,VABB-1,2426,2432,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267594,,The legacy of Walter Benjamin's messianism: Giorgio Agamben and other contenders,VABB-4,195,216,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267612,,De imperativische infinitief in het Nederlands: een corpusgebaseerde benadering,VABB-1,147,170,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267616,,Long-term immunogenicity of preservative-free hepatitis B vaccine formulations in adults,VABB-1,1710,1715,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267617,,An optimization approach for communal home meal delivery service: a case study,VABB-1,46,53,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267618,,An algorithm to optimize viral load testing in HIV-positive patients with suspected first-line antiretroviral therapy failure in Cambodia,VABB-1,40,48,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267623,,De interpretatieve mededeling van de Europese Commissie inzake geïnstitutionaliseerde PPS,VABB-1,54,61,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267628,,Short-term planning sophistication in SMEs: the relationship with strategy and perceived environmental uncertainty,VABB-4,20,37,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267641,,"Grammar, meaning and pragmatics",VABB-3,,,308 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267643,,Revisiting **be supposed to** from a diachronic constructionist perspective,VABB-1,599,623,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267649,,Consensus on gut feelings in general practice,VABB-1,"66,1","66,6",,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267651,,"Behoud der begeerte, of zelfbehoud? Institutionalisering en het podiumkunstenveld in de jaren tachtig",VABB-1,141,162,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267666,,The meaning of hostile bipolarization: interpreting the origins of the Cold War,VABB-1,301,319,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267667,,Wat betekende de Koude Oorlog? Belgische diplomaten en de vijandige bipoloarisering: Edouard Le Ghait en Baron Hervé de Gruben,VABB-1,103,143,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267679,,ABCD: a new FOSS library automation solution based on ISIS,VABB-1,61,67,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267684,,"You can see the funny side, can't you? Pupil humour with the teacher as target",VABB-1,553,560,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267688,,Regulatiestoornissen bij zuigelingen en jonge kinderen,VABB-1,392,397,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267689,,Embodiment and existence: Merleau-Ponty and the limits of naturalism,VABB-1,93,104,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267697,,L'agencéité relationnelle,VABB-1,317,333,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:267699,,Fairness,VABB-4,152,158,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267700,,A revalidation of the SET37-questionnaire for student evaluations of teaching,VABB-1,547,552,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267713,,Redesigning and marketing a German business communication course,VABB-4,223,235,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267715,,Basic concepts for designing renewable electricity support aiming at a full-scale transition by 2050,VABB-1,5732,5743,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:267728,,What could Marcus Aurelius feel for Fronto?,VABB-1,"10.A.3,1","10.A.3,7",,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267752,,Ei! Jongens van Vlaanderen! Retorische analyse van de nationaal-politieke teksten van Albrecht Rodenbach in Het Pennoen (1878-1879),VABB-1,49,83,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267754,,Art auctions and dealers: the dissemination of Netherlandish art during the ancien régime,VABB-3,,,174 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267755,,Rubens for sale: auctions and dealers in Antwerp during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,VABB-4,139,153,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267757,,De voor de toepassing van de exceptio non adimpleti contractus vereiste samenhang tussen verbintenissen en de toetsing van een op een uitdrukkelijk beding gegronde ontbindingsbeslissing aan de vereisten van de goede trouw,VABB-1,108,112,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267768,,Synonymes: petite bibliographie d'études descriptives,VABB-1,233,248,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:267775,,La notion de prise en charge: mise en perspective,VABB-1,3,27,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:267820,,Feature construction for memory-based semantic role labeling of catalan and spanish,VABB-4,131,142,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267865,,Waarom beleidsparticipatie door gewone burgers meestal faalt: een reconstructie van de oorzaken van participatieve verdamping,VABB-1,247,274,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:267870,,Cyberbullying: predicting victimization and perpetration,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:267878,,Power and gender: policy frames on gender inequality in politics in the Netherlands and Spain,VABB-1,357,380,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:268026,,Tears of the supraspinatus tendon: assessment with indirect magnetic resonance arthrography in 67 patients with arthroscopic correlation,VABB-1,1057,1063,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268027,,"Noot onder H.v.J., 11 september 2007, Schwarz, C-76/05 en Commissie v. Duitsland, C-12/06",VABB-1,376,379,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268031,,In the wake of the child,VABB-1,107,120,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268032,,The first time is the hardest? A cross-national and cross-issue comparison of first-time protest participants,VABB-1,455,484,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268033,,Mathematical derivation of the impact factor distribution,VABB-1,290,295,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268034,,Ethnic differences in use value and use patterns of baobab (**Adansonia digitata** L.) in northern Benin,VABB-1,433,440,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268041,,The optimal size of a sports league,VABB-1,264,270,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268043,,Wet '71 versus wet '67: de arbeidsongevallenwetgeving voor de particuliere en de publieke sector in een vergelijkend perspectief,VABB-1,303,399,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268047,,Twintig jaar kinderrechtenverdrag (1989-2009): een Belgische stand van zaken,VABB-1,386,404,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268051,,Medische ethiek,VABB-4,1481,1500,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268078,,De verhouding tussen beschikkingsbevoegdheid en het 'nemo-plus beginsel',VABB-1,434,444,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268080,,Het combineren van interne en externe evaluatie in een kwaliteitszorgsysteem,VABB-1,191,210,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268082,,Mobilising the community in the fight against HIV/AIDS,VABB-1,1501,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268083,,"State of the ART: clinical efficacy and improved quality of life in the public antiretroviral therapy program, Free State province, South Africa",VABB-1,1401,1411,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268084,,World maritime cities: from which cities do container shipping companies make decisions?,VABB-1,240,250,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268085,,Cross regional divorce risks in Belgium: culture of legislative system?,VABB-1,541,563,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268106,,De gebaarde Toussaint van Boelaere: over Toussaints Vlaamse strijd voor een zuivere literatuur en de worsteling van Golfslag met de erfenis van het incivisme en Vlaams-idealisme,VABB-4,69,82,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268120,,"La Juive noire, entre mémoire et mal-mémoire: Negerjood in moederland d'Ellen Ombre",VABB-4,99,111,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268121,,Oude en nieuwe uitdagingen van de International Accounting Standard Board,VABB-1,3,15,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268123,,Application of classical and robust chain-ladder methods: results for the Belgian non-life business,VABB-1,99,115,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268124,,Documentary at a crossroads: reality TV and de hybridization of small screen documentary,VABB-1,884,898,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268126,,Generalizing link prediction: collaboration at the University of Antwerp as a case study,VABB-5,,,15 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268129,,The cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination: comparative analyses for five European countries and transferability in Europe,VABB-1,6121,6128,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268131,,Equity in health finance,VABB-4,195,203,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268133,,Power as a conceptual metaphor of gender inequality? Comparing Dutch and Spanish politics,VABB-4,235,253,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268135,,Observerend leren van peer models bij een complexe schrijftaak = Observation learning of peer models when performing a complex writing task,VABB-1,142,165,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268136,,The potential of optimization in communal routing problems: case studies from Finland,VABB-1,484,490,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268137,,Using a TSP heuristic for routing order pickers in warehouses,VABB-1,755,763,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:268138,,Médecins et médecine dans les romans de Prévost,VABB-4,171,182,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:268139,,Notes éparses sur Charlus et le bouillon Liebig,VABB-4,107,124,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:268143,,The end of secularization?,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268144,,Rethinking secularization: philosophy and the prophecy of a secular age,VABB-3,,,400 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268151,,Keystroke logging in writing research: observing writing processes with Inputlog,VABB-1,41,64,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268152,,A practical approach for robust and flexible vehicle routing using metaheuristics and Monte Carlo sampling,VABB-1,387,407,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268159,,Wetgevingsbeleid in de reshuffle: de Britse regering ziet toch af van regulatory budgets,VABB-1,240,243,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268160,,Obama's 'regelgevingstsaar' wil burgers een duwtje in de goede richting geven,VABB-1,118,122,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268161,,European impact assessment and the choice of alternative regulatory instruments,VABB-4,137,174,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268167,,Témoigner jusqu'au bout: les journaux intimes de Victor Klemperer comme écriture secrète sous le national-socialism,VABB-4,87,104,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:268172,,Prinzipien der Dialektresistenz - zur Bestimmung einer dialektalen Abbauhierarchie,VABB-4,317,338,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:268175,,A Bantu path towards lack of differentiation between 'who?' and 'what?',VABB-1,59,76,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268176,,China challenges secularization theory,VABB-1,362,370,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268177,,Partial antimorphologization: an example from the verbal morphology of Tura,VABB-1,66,74,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268196,,Modals in the Germanic languages,VABB-4,11,69,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268198,,De arbeidssociologie in Vlaanderen 1984-2009,VABB-1,290,294,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268200,,"De individualisering van de sociale zekerheid, tussen utopie en dwaling",VABB-1,241,258,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268201,,"L'individualisation de la sécurité sociale, entre utopie et égarement",VABB-1,243,259,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:268208,,Een efficiënte pre-industriële kapitaalmarkt? Het vroeg zestiende-eeuwse 's-Hertogenbosch als voorbeeld,VABB-1,82,113,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268210,,Capturing capgras: the echo maker by Richard Powers,VABB-1,407,428,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268211,,"Do parents coordinate their work schedules? A comparison of Dutch, Flemish, and Italian dual-earner households",VABB-1,603,617,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268212,,Rules rather than discretion in audit standards: going-concern opinions in Belgium,VABB-1,1395,1428,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268213,,Chemical plant innovative safety investments decision-support methodology,VABB-1,411,419,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268221,,Burundi,VABB-4,275,284,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:268224,,Time to reconsider U.S. nuclear weapons in Europe,VABB-1,1,2,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268229,,"Do firms need to be ""third places"" for jobs to be good? Some comments on André Gorz's justification of unconditional income guarantees",VABB-4,89,110,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268231,,Building bridges between the social and the spatial? Conclusion,VABB-4,217,225,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268233,,De kennismachines van Cornelis Kiliaan: een typografische analyse van drie Nederlandse woordenboeken uit de 16de eeuw,VABB-1,9,30,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268246,,Estimating the impact of school closure on social mixing behaviour and the transmission of close contact infections in eight European countries,VABB-1,187,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268247,,"Introduction of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in Belgium, 2007-2008",VABB-1,,,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:268274,,Modals in Romance languages,VABB-4,107,137,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268287,,"The Long Tail, copyright and libraries",VABB-1,122,130,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268291,,Evaluatie van de Dienst Voorafgaande Beslissingen in voorbereiding: tijd voor een grondige check-up?,VABB-1,4,12,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268292,,Pretaxatiegeschillen inzake directe belastingen: rechtstreekse vordering voor de fiscale rechter? (noot onder Gent 13 januari 2009),VABB-1,797,801,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268295,,Time-dependent vehicle routing subject to time delay perturbations,VABB-1,1049,1066,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268296,,Bat echolocation processing using first-spike latency coding,VABB-1,1372,1382,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268303,,Cognition and pragmatics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268304,,Perspectives on language and cognition: from empiricism to rationalism and back again,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268305,,Experimentation,VABB-4,157,200,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268306,,Psycholinguistics,VABB-4,288,368,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268307,,Language acquisition,VABB-4,201,249,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268308,,Artificial intelligence,VABB-4,16,40,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268315,,Can a single indicator measure both attainment and shortfall inequality?,VABB-1,885,893,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268317,,"Hotelling, Rawls, Solow: how exhaustible resources came to be integrated into the neoclassical growth model",VABB-1,263,281,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268321,,Adolphe Van Loey,VABB-1,87,91,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268322,,De Vita Landoaldi (anno 980) als historische en prosopografische bron,VABB-1,475,507,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268325,,Senior civil servants and bureaucratic change in Belgium,VABB-4,235,261,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268336,,"Chronicling beyond Abyssinia: African writing in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-4,57,69,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268337,,Culture in transit: the migration of female genital excision in African womens lifewriting,VABB-4,121,139,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268338,,From womens rite to human rights issue: literary explorations of female genital excision since **Facing Mount Kenya** (1938),VABB-4,15,37,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268344,,De (rechtspersoon) n.v. is geen consument in handelspraktijken,VABB-1,403,407,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268357,,Het vaderland vanuit kikkerperspectief: recent Belgisch en Nederlands onderzoek naar natievorming tijdens de lange negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,522,537,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:268358,,"Structure and content of radiology reports, a quantitative and qualitative study in eight medical centers",VABB-1,354,358,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268363,,"Noot onder HvJ 25 juli 2008, C-127/08, Metock e.a. v. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform",VABB-1,594,597,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268365,,Reforming child allowances in Lithuania: what does microsimulation tell us?,VABB-4,155,186,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268379,,Natural scientific complexity from a social scientific perspective: environment and health research and policymaking in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,242,259,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268389,,Religion,VABB-4,332,342,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:268390,,Angloamerická textová kritika a pøípad H.W. Gablerovy edice Odyssea,VABB-1,196,216,,cze,2009,1 c:vabb:268394,,'The perpetual calendar' van Richard Powers,VABB-1,80,87,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268400,,Overzicht van cassatierechtspraak in strafuitvoeringszaken (1 februari 2008-28 februari 2009),VABB-1,1586,1898,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268403,,La jurisprudence récente de la Cour de cassation relative à l'indemnité de procédure en matière pénale (noot onder Cass. 21 januari 2009),VABB-1,610,620,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:268405,,"Een mislukt boek: ""Andouerpis Antwerpen""",VABB-1,299,348,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268407,,Marcel Gauchet and the end of religion,VABB-4,153,176,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:268420,,Art. 3.7 en 3.8 BVIE,VABB-4,83,105,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268421,,Art. 3.28 en 3.29 BVIE,VABB-4,107,131,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268423,,The dynamics of incompletion: multilingual manuscripts genetics and digital philology,VABB-1,451,461,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268424,,The urge to tell: Samule Beckett's Not I as a texte brisé for television,VABB-1,44,56,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268427,,"Hospital nurse practice environment, burnout, job outcomes and quality of care: test of a structural equation model",VABB-1,2175,2185,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268428,,Validiteit en betrouwbaarheid van de Nederlandstalige versie van de Revised Nursing Work Index in Vlaamse algemene ziekenhuizen,VABB-1,4,13,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268442,,"Thomae Philippo de Alsatia de Boussu gratulatur Societas Jesu (1716, 1719)",VABB-4,252,256,,lat,2009,2 c:vabb:268444,,'Ergens beginnen': bijdragen over Nederlandse poëzie (1967-2009) voor Hugo Brems bij zijn emeritaat,VABB-3,,,400 p.,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268458,,Een model voor een Belgische class action? De advocatuur neemt het voortouw,VABB-1,690,708,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268468,,Une princesse de Clèves prévostienne? A propos de motifs de retraite,VABB-1,93,102,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:268478,,A general empirical law of public budgets: a comparative analysis,VABB-1,855,873,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268479,,Aspectos de la neología en el Siglo de Oro: lengua general y lenguajes especializados,VABB-3,,,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:268482,,Natural infection of **Phlebotomus argentipes** with **Leishmania** and other trypanosomatids in a visceral leishmaniasis endemic region of Nepal,VABB-1,1087,1092,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268484,,"¿Cómo leer a Alejo Carpentier en el siglo 21? Alejo carpentier y la cultura del surrealismo en América Latina, de Anke Birkenmaier",VABB-1,54,61,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268486,,Bibliography of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268487,,Handbook of pragmatics: [13th installment],VABB-3,,,404 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268488,,Handbook of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268489,,The normative claim of law,VABB-2,,,304 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268490,,"Wallace Stevens' ""Earthy anecdote"": or, How poetry must resist ecocriticism almost successfully",VABB-1,173,192,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268491,,"LGB rights in Belgium, 1999-2007: a historical survey of a velvet revolution",VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268518,,"Genera non pereunt, of toch wel?",VABB-1,437,448,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268521,,In de spiegel van politieverslagen: de Antwerpse jodenrazzia van 15-16 augustus 1942,VABB-1,509,540,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268522,,Phonetic notation systems,VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268524,,Humor und Hoffnung im Dritten Reich: der Witz als regimekritische Ausdrucksform in den Tagebüchern,VABB-1,211,222,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:268525,,"Mijn blik is een epe, mijn woord een struikeling: over mythologie van Kees Ouwens",VABB-4,280,287,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268526,,"Er is uitzicht. Over fuga, een lang gedicht uit Aandelen en obligaties van Anne Vegter (2002)",VABB-1,1,13,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268531,,De ondraaglijke traagheid van het academisch bestaan,VABB-1,542,547,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268538,,Naar een antroponymisch woordenboek van de historische Nederlanden (tot 1225),VABB-1,267,298,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268545,,Populist radical right parties in Europe reduxe,VABB-1,330,337,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268546,,"Intellectual capital disclosure, cost of finance and firm value",VABB-1,1536,1554,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268547,,Ownership structure and earnings perception management in Chinese ipos,VABB-1,424,437,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268549,,Devolution of social protection arrangements,VABB-4,181,198,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268556,,"Iedereen wordt geacht de wet te kennen. maar wie wordt anno 2009 geacht alle ipr-regels te kennen? ""Dwaling"" in een context van europeanisatie van het ipr",VABB-1,837,840,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268558,,Uncertainty and stepwise investment,VABB-1,196,203,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:268560,,"Inland terminals within North American an European supply chains, transport and communications bulletin for Asia and the Pacific",VABB-1,1,39,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268561,,Strategic and tactical uses of Internet design and infrastructure: the case of You Tube,VABB-1,51,69,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268565,,"On the impact of managerial bonus systems on firm profit and market competition: the cases of pure profit, sales, market share and relative profits compared",VABB-1,141,153,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268571,,"Alle wegen leiden naar Rome (I), alle wegen vertrekken vanuit Rome (I)!? In hoeverre biedt de inwerkingtreding van de Rome I verordening kansen tot opheldering van ipr-onduidelijkheden bij internationale detachering",VABB-1,3,21,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268574,,Efficient distribution of emotion-related data through a networked virtual environment architecture,VABB-1,501,510,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268581,,"Public-sector ART in the Free State Province, South Africa: Community support as an important determinant of outcome",VABB-1,1177,1185,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268588,,Vernederlandsing voor de eindstreep? de taalsituatie in het middelbaar onderwijs voor jongens in Limburg tijdens het interbellum,VABB-1,119,143,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268605,,Social redistribution in federalized Belgium,VABB-4,172,194,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268612,,Rechtsvergelijkende analyse van de inning van schuldvorderingen in Europa,VABB-1,53,66,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268618,,"Patronage, painting and faction: Rubens, the archducal court and its network from the Franche-Comté",VABB-4,449,470,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268628,,Jesuit books in the Low Countries 1540-1773: a selection from the Maurits Sabbe Library,VABB-3,,,309 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268641,,Repartnering and (re)employment: strategies to cope with the economic consequences of partnership dissolution,VABB-1,1271,1293,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268645,,Social mobility in the Central Andes of Peru and Bolivia: towards a more dynamic and multi-local vision of poverty alleviation,VABB-1,377,398,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268647,,Dishing up the city: tourism and street vendors in Cuzco',VABB-4,161,176,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268652,,"Health systems policy, finance, and organization",VABB-3,,,439 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268656,,Belgian and Dutch post-war historiography on the protestant and catholic reformation in the Netherlands,VABB-1,271,292,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268657,,Filtering speed in a Continental European reorganization procedure,VABB-1,375,387,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268658,,Introduction,VABB-4,8,20,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268661,,Between language policy and linguistic reality: intralingual subtitling on flemish television,VABB-1,609,628,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268662,,"Vlaams decreet van 30 mei 2008 betreffende de vestiging, de invordering en de geschillenprocedure van provincie- en gemeentebelastingen: nieuwigheden in vergelijking met de wet van 24 december 1996 betreffende de vestiging en de invordering van de provincie- en gemeentebelastingen",VABB-1,129,165,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268664,,Kanarieliefhebberij in de achttiende eeuw: op het kruispunt van wetenschap en vrije tijd?,VABB-1,218,248,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268666,,"De bescherming van auteursrechtelijk beschermde, niet gedeponeerde modellen door het Beneluxmodellenrecht",VABB-1,489,501,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268667,,Art. 12sexies wet databanken,VABB-4,235,256,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268668,,Art. 3.10 BVIE (modellen),VABB-4,257,262,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268669,,Art. 1 t/m 12 en art. 18 en 19 wet 10 januari 1990 betreffende de rechtsbescherming van topografieën van halfgeleideproducten,VABB-4,263,296,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268704,,Live-ondertiteling met spraakherkenning: een case-analyse van reductie en fouten,VABB-1,371,390,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268705,,Correctiestrategieën van professionele spraakherkenningsgebruikers tijdens het schrijven van zakelijke teksten,VABB-1,233,246,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268711,,Consumer attitudes and recall for advertisements for new brands and extentions,VABB-1,6,21,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268713,,Le processus de justice transitionnelle au Burundi à l'épreuve de son contexte politique,VABB-1,591,611,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:268739,,Combating violence against women (VAW) in South Kivu: a critical analysis,VABB-1,49,62,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268741,,Mathematical study of h-index sequences,VABB-1,288,297,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268742,,Comprative study of h-index sequences,VABB-1,311,320,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:268743,,Performance and its relation with productivity in Lotkaian systems,VABB-1,567,585,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:268747,,A relation between h-index and impact factor in the power-law model,VABB-1,2362,2365,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268748,,Rotavirus disease and vaccination: impact on genotype diversity,VABB-1,1303,1316,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268750,,Living the transition: inside Rwanda's conflict cycle at the grassroots,VABB-1,438,463,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268752,,Will ethical consumers sustain their values in the global credit crunch?,VABB-1,674,687,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268753,,Vroegtijdige zorgplanning: de oplossing?,VABB-5,49,53,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268754,,Les journées suisses de l'Association Henri Capitant,VABB-5,50,54,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:268755,,End- of- life decisions and minors: do minors have the right to refuse life preserving medical treatment? A comparative study,VABB-1,479,497,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268757,,De status van langdurig ingezetene: naar meer stabiliteit en mobiliteit voor onderdanen uit derde landen met een duurzaam verblijf in de EU,VABB-1,277,290,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268758,,"Celebrar, tragar, amamantar lo cubano: los contextos culinarios en Cecilia Valdés de Cirilo Villaverde",VABB-1,27,46,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:268759,,'De liefhebbers van den herstelden Olyf-tack': de Antwerpse rederijkers en hun repertoire tussen 1662 en 1762,VABB-1,231,250,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268760,,Legal aspects of the withholding and withdrawing of intensive care in extremely premature infants,VABB-1,581,591,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268761,,De schemerzone tussen levensbeëindiging en pijnbestrijding met mogelijk levensverkortend effect: proportionaliteit van de pijnmedicatie en het belang van transparantie,VABB-1,4,15,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268762,,Euthanasie bij dementerende personen in België en Nederland: wat is mogelijk en wat is wenselijk,VABB-1,660,665,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268770,,Humoral and cellular immune responses to split-virion H5N1 influenza vaccine in young and elderly adults,VABB-1,6918,6925,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268777,,Does the truth pass across the fire without burning? Locating the short circuit in Rwanda's Gacaca courts,VABB-1,507,528,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268793,,Pedagogues in Greek inscriptions in hellenistic and roman antiquity,VABB-1,113,122,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268794,,Appreciating art after the end of art,VABB-1,73,84,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268797,,"Petrus Franciscus de Smidt, Hondert-jaerigh jubilé-vreught (1685)",VABB-4,202,205,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268806,,The harmonisation of the law of personal security,VABB-1,73,84,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268811,,A cognitive neuropsychiatric analysis of psychomotor symptoms in major depression and schizophrenia,VABB-1,262,270,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268817,,Protocol for synthetic review of the impact of microcredit,VABB-1,285,294,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268827,,Reducing poverty in sub-Saharan Africa through investments in water and other priorities,VABB-1,1062,1070,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268828,,"Pathways to breaking the poverty trap in Ethiopia: investments in agricultural water, education, and markets",VABB-1,1596,1604,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268830,,Research valorisation through spin-off ventures: integration of existing concepts and typologies,VABB-1,325,352,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268831,,The influence of government subsidies and risk capital on survival of university spin-offs: findings from 16 early state case studies,VABB-1,376,394,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268835,,Success factors in new product development: how do they apply to company characteristics of academic spin-offs?,VABB-1,51,61,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268849,,Voting aid applications and the effect of statement selection,VABB-1,1161,1180,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268850,,Intradermal influenza vaccine for older adults: a randomized controlled multicenter phase III study,VABB-1,7304,7312,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268854,,Multi-objective optimization with discrete alternatives on the basis of ratio analysis,VABB-1,30,41,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268857,,Robustness of the multi-objective MOORA method with a test for the facilities sector,VABB-1,352,375,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268861,,Cyberbullying among youngsters: profiles of bullies and victims,VABB-1,1349,1371,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268876,,The linguistics of zero: a cognitive reference point or a phantom?,VABB-1,417,461,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268883,,Aanvulling op: 'Peter Damian's sermon 63 on John the Evangelist in Middle Dutch',VABB-1,121,124,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268884,,"Een onbekend handschrift met evangeliepreken uit de tekstgroep Zwolle. Heverlee, Abdij van Park, 5",VABB-1,313,363,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268893,,Let the business cycle! A spatial multilevel analysis of cycling to work,VABB-1,217,232,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268897,,The economic crisis and new-Keynesian DSGE models: an evaluation,VABB-1,249,276,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:268923,,Assessing France's joint audit requirement: are two heads better than one?,VABB-1,35,63,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:268935,,Sprachdynamik an der niederländisch-deutschen Staatsgrenze: die Konsolidierung der Staatsgrenze als Dialektgrenze,VABB-1,113,133,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:268982,,"Wilhelm Nakatenus S.J., Hemels palmhof (1694, 1740)",VABB-4,270,276,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:268983,,De Antwerpse suffragiën (1703-1739): het wegen van een gedrukte bron,VABB-1,85,114,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269047,,Hoofdelijke gehoudenheid bij fiscale fraude: Grondwettelijk Hof slaat en zalft,VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269055,,"De doorwerking van polygamie in de Belgische rechtsorden, in het bijzonder in de Belgische sociale zekerheid: een status questionis na de arresten van het grondwettelijk hof van 4 mei 2005 en 4 juni 2009",VABB-1,531,567,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269072,,"Practice, reasons, and the agent's point of view",VABB-1,74,94,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269083,,Darwin's personal library and the origins of thoughts,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269125,,Het principe van de 'zelfgeïnitieerde aanpassingen' van de verrekenprijzen (self initiated transfer pricing adjustments),VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269144,,"Annotation on Case C-205/06, Commission v. Austria and Case C-249/06, Commission v. Sweden",VABB-1,2059,2076,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269158,,Technology development and product development in the front-end of innovation: a review,VABB-5,623,629,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269159,,The application of EC law to defence industries: changing interpretations of Article 296 EC,VABB-4,307,327,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269160,,"Common foreign and security policy: looking back, thinking forward",VABB-4,159,179,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269172,,La question de l'héritage dans 'Le testament français' d'Andreï Makine,VABB-4,117,127,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:269196,,The enlargement of the European Union = Economic thought and practice18,VABB-1,397,410,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269203,,Immigrants et assistance sociale en Belgique,VABB-1,105,140,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:269208,,"""Lustig om te zingen"": monophonic songs by and for beguines in the Southern Low Countries",VABB-4,77,97,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269215,,"Mag de tuchtoverheid wachten op de uitspraak van de strafrechter, gelet op de redelijketermijneis in tuchtzaken? (noot onder RvS 20 februari 2009, nr. 190.728, Darville)",VABB-1,263,270,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269217,,Invordering van schoolrekeningen: een juridische analyse,VABB-1,477,482,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269230,,"Het voorstel voor een richtlijn consumentenrechten: voorstellen tot wijziging van de consumentenkoop inzake de garantie- en meldingstermijn, de sancties bij niet-conformiteit en de handelsgarantie",VABB-1,206,231,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269233,,De spade in de dijk? Waterbeheer en rurale samenleving in de Vlaamse kustvlakte (1280-1580),VABB-2,,,359 p.,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269235,,"Credit in rural Flanders, c.1250-c.1600",VABB-4,19,38,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269245,,Visie van familieleden op therapiebeperking en euthanasie bij mensen met een (zeer) ernstige meervoudige beperking die verblijven in een woonvoorziening,VABB-1,7,12,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269254,,The Latin Patristic Reception of the Book of Canticles in the Hexapla,VABB-1,369,389,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269255,,The Book of Canticles in Codex Graecus Venetus 7,VABB-4,287,301,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269256,,"A Plague of Texts? A Text-Critical Study of the So-Called ‘Plagues Narrative’ in Exodus 7,14–11,10",VABB-2,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269257,,A Catena Hauniensis Discovered for the Book of Canticles,VABB-1,63,70,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:269258,,'Unnatural Intercourse' in Rom 1:26-27: Homosexual or Heterosexual?,VABB-4,631,640,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269273,,Opening the black box of intra-household decision-making: theory and non-parametric empirical tests of general collective consumption models,VABB-1,1074,1104,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269308,,Disaggregate productivity comparisons: sectoral convergence in OECD countries,VABB-1,63,79,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269310,,The revealed preference approach to demand,VABB-4,247,278,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269320,,Globalisation of the automotive industry: main features and trends,VABB-1,7,23,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269329,,Het recht op commissieloon van een makelaar bij verkoop door de consument na de bemiddelingsopdracht getoetst aan de WHCP en het KB van 12 januari 2007,VABB-1,217,227,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269337,,Over de pauliaanse vordering: draagwijdte van de anterioriteitsvoorwaarde en rechtsgevolgen,VABB-1,494,507,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269339,,"Het toepassingsdomein van de verschillende koopregelingen in kaart gebracht (gemeenrechtelijke koop, consumentenkoop en internationale koop), met bijzondere aandacht voor gemengd gebruik en gemengde overeenkomsten",VABB-1,71,85,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269344,,Orthodoxy: Process and Product – an Interdisciplinary Project,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269349,,het lot van de niet-ervaring. Jean-Yves Lacoste en het theologische paradigma van de relationaliteit,VABB-1,154,172,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:269350,,Terrorism and a Transvalued World Order: Compounding Tragedy,VABB-4,175,192,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269351,,Driving the Haywain: Where Stands the Church ‘Catholic’ Today?,VABB-4,13,34,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269352,,De christelijke passie voor het nieuwe. De theologische relevantie van Alain Badious filosofie,VABB-1,237,254,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269354,,Chiesa e postmoderno. Domande per l'ecclesiologia del nostro tempo,VABB-2,,,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:269361,,Touching From a Distance: In Search of the Self in Kierkegaard and Henry,VABB-1,147,156,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269364,,Introduction,VABB-4,11,17,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269365,,Augustine and Postmodern Thought: A New Alliance against Modernity?,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269366,,In (the) place of the self. A critical study of Jean-Luc Marion's 'Au lieu de soi. L'approche de Saint Augustin',VABB-1,661,686,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:269367,,"Orthodoxy, Process and Product",VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269368,,The Shortest Definition of Religion: Interruption. A Proposal for Doing Theology in a Postmodern Context,VABB-1,9,29,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269370,,Gianni Vattimo and René Girard on the Uniqueness of Christianity,VABB-1,877,889,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269371,,Las teologías ecológicas como procesos de eclesiogénesis y de discernimiento común,VABB-1,407,416,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:269372,,"Becoming a ""Church of the Poor"" in India",VABB-1,456,474,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269376,,"Charisma, Law and Spirit in Eucharistic Ecclesiology: New Perspectives on Nikolai Afanasiev’s Sources",VABB-1,19,43,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269380,,Retrieving Augustine Today: Between Neo-Augustianist Essentialism and Radical hermeneutics?,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269381,,The Bishops’ Participation in the Threefold Munera: Comparing the Appeal to the Tria Munera at Vatican II and in the Ecumenical Dialogues,VABB-1,31,58,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269383,,"Theological Truth, Particularity and Incarnation: Engaging Religious Plurality and Radical Hermeneutics",VABB-4,323,348,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269384,,"Systematic Theology, Truth and History: Recontextualisation",VABB-4,27,44,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269385,,Badiou and Theology,VABB-2,,,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:269387,,Environmental Theologies as Processes of Ecclesiogenesis and Common Discernment,VABB-1,67,75,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269391,,"Jacob van der Straeten S.J., Practijcke van een particulier examen (1654)",VABB-4,140,143,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269392,,Le teologie dell'ambiente come processi di ecclesiogenesi e di discernimiento comune,VABB-1,91,101,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:269395,,Re-Appreciating and Re-Appropriating the Integrity of Creation in the Light of the Resurrection of Jesus,VABB-4,303,313,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269397,,Saving the Particular: Incarnation and the Mediation of Salvation in the Theology of Religions,VABB-4,299,322,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269399,,Revelation,VABB-4,47,72,,lat,2009,2 c:vabb:269401,,"« La vraie réception de Vatican II n’a pas encore commencé ». Joseph Ratzinger, révélation et autorité de Vatican II",VABB-1,305,339,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:269402,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,11,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269405,,The Imagination in the Life and Thought of John Henry Newman,VABB-1,187,217,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269406,,Orthodoxy: Process nor Product.Truth and its History,VABB-4,45,58,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269407,,What Comes after Christianity? Jean-Luc Nancy's Deconstruction of Christianity,VABB-1,266,291,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269408,,"Mary, A Symbol of Liberation: A New Look at 'Historical' Mary, Marian Texts, and Dogmas",VABB-1,245,265,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269409,,Gilles Deleuze. Evaluation théologique,VABB-1,531,545,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:269411,,Reconsidering Paradigm Shifts as an Ecumenical Tool: The Irruption and Eruption in Breaking Bread,VABB-1,131,141,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269412,,Constructive Comparative Ecclesiology: the Pioneering Work of Roger Haight,VABB-1,161,191,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269413,,"Faith, Truth and Referentiality",VABB-4,257,275,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269414,,Issue salience in regional party manifestos in Spain,VABB-1,58,79,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269441,,"Philip Couplet S.J., Historie van mevrouw Candida Hiu (1694)",VABB-4,216,219,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269444,,"Nicolas Trigault S.J., Litterae Societatis Iesu e regno Sinarum (1615)",VABB-4,26,29,,lat,2009,2 c:vabb:269447,,Fostering Narrative Approaches to Scripture in Asia: The Primary Task of Explicit Recognition,VABB-1,124,141,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269448,,The Role of the Bible in Religious Education Reconsidere: Risks and Challenges in Teaching the Bible,VABB-4,377,402,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269449,,"""Come, and You Will See"" (John 1:39): Dialogical Authority and Normativity of the Future in the Fourth Gospel and in Religious Education",VABB-4,361,376,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269450,,The Ecological Crisis and the Future of Creation,VABB-4,281,295,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269451,,"Open to Both Ways ...? Anti-Judaism and Johannine Christology,",VABB-4,121,134,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269452,,Texts that Create a Future: The Function of Ancient Texts for Theology Today,VABB-4,91,116,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269453,,Interpreting the Signs of the Times in the Light of the Gospel: Vision and Normativity of the Future,VABB-4,47,90,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269454,,"The Normativity of the Future: The Authority of the Bible for Theology,",VABB-4,27,45,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269455,,"The ""Normativity of the Future"" Approach: Its Roots, Development, Current State and Challenges",VABB-4,3,25,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269459,,Qumran e o Movo Testamento: mitos e realidades,VABB-1,33,54,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:269461,,"Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness”: Paul’s Usage of Gen 15,6 in Romans 4",VABB-4,673,684,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269462,,New Understandings of Paul and His Jewish Heritage: A Select Bibliography,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269466,,Paulus en de scheiding der wegen,VABB-1,31,42,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269467,,"From Glory to Glory (2 Corinthians 3,18). A Reply to Paul B. Duff",VABB-1,143,146,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269468,,"Critical Reflections on Paul's ""Partisan ek"" as Recently Presented by Don Garlington",VABB-1,135,141,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269469,,Paulus toen en nu. Vijf belangrijke thema's,VABB-1,5,19,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269471,,Repetitions and Variations in Johannine Research: A General Historical Survey,VABB-4,33,85,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269472,,Theory of Repetitions and Variations in the Fourh Gospel: A Neglected Field of Research?,VABB-4,13,32,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269473,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269474,,"Repetitions and Variations in the Fourth Gospel: Style, Text, Interpretation",VABB-2,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269486,,New Jerusalem at Qumran and in the New Testament,VABB-4,277,289,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269490,,"Building on the Past, Reaching for the Future. The Twentieth Anniversary of the Centre for Septuagint Studies and Textual Criticism at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven",VABB-1,248,255,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269497,,"The Oneness of the Believers: Studying Romans 16,1-16 in the Light of Gal 3,28",VABB-4,779,787,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269500,,"‘Spiritual People,’ ‘Fleshly Spirit,’ and ‘Vision of Meditation’: Reflections on 4QInstruction and 1 Corinthians",VABB-4,103,118,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269502,,Forms of Pseudepigraphy in the Dead Sea Scrolls,VABB-4,85,101,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269503,,Is Covenant a Central Notion in Paul's Letter to the Romans? An Exploratory Paper,VABB-4,463,473,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269505,,Traces of Deuteronomic Influence in the Septuagint. A Text-critical Analysis of Exodus 33:1-6,VABB-1,27,44,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269506,,Jobs pijn in beeld. Het gebruik van metaforen in Jobs zelfbeschrijvingen,VABB-1,207,223,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269512,,Alguns textos Paulinos à luz da Qumran,VABB-1,11,32,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269513,,Qumran Between the Old and the New Testament,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269514,,Echoes from the Caves: Qumran and the New Testament,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269516,,"Verzoening met God in 2 Korintiërs 5,18-21",VABB-1,21,30,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269531,,The capabilities approach,VABB-4,542,566,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269532,,Unfair inequalities in health and health care,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269534,,Equality preference in the claims problem. A questionnaire study of cuts in earnings and pensions,VABB-1,533,557,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269535,,Hospital supplements in Belgium: price variation and regulation,VABB-1,276,287,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269538,,The evolution of world inequality in well-being,VABB-1,11,25,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269544,,Direct and indirect standardization and risk adjustment,VABB-1,361,374,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269545,,Critical notice: macrojustice as a research program,VABB-1,69,84,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269548,,A consistent multidimensional Pigou-Dalton transfer principle,VABB-1,1358,1371,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269549,,Semi-radial technical efficiency measurement,VABB-1,616,625,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269551,,Welfare effects of alternative financing of social security. Calculations for Belgium,VABB-4,437,470,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269552,,Evaluation économique en santé: qui a peur de l’étalon monétaire?,VABB-1,19,34,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:269557,,Voluntary affiliation to Peru's individual accounts pension system,VABB-1,23,48,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269563,,"Collegium Veteranorum aedes Sacrae Facultatis. Bij de inwijding van het Veteranencollege, Faculteit Godgeleerdheid, K.U. Leuven, 1 juli 2009",VABB-3,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269564,,"Sacramentality of the World, Human Being and the Church: A Brief Sketch of Rahner's Approach",VABB-1,105,123,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269582,,Will a radical transport pricing reform jeopardize the ambitious EU climate change objectives?,VABB-1,3863,3871,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269583,,Evaluation of post Kyoto GHG reduction paths,VABB-1,105,137,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269586,,Primes scenario analysis towards 2030 for Belgium,VABB-1,191,260,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269588,,Evaluating environmental and resource economics journals: A TOP-curve approach,VABB-1,270,287,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269591,,Milieucriminaliteit in handen van strafrechters en beboetingsambtenaren: feiten uit Vlaanderen en Brussel,VABB-1,342,349,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269593,,The use of warnings in the presence of errors,VABB-1,191,201,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269594,,Empirical analysis of sanctions for environmental violations,VABB-1,161,194,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269595,,The relative efficiency of market-based environmental policy instruments with imperfect compliance,VABB-1,25,42,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269599,,Gratis leveringen van elektriciteit - een evaluatie van de maatregel,VABB-4,245,264,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269606,,On the equivalence of coalitional and individual strategy-proofness properties,VABB-1,287,309,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269609,,Spatial asymmetric duopoly with an application to Brussels' airports,VABB-1,529,553,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269610,,Knowledge transfer from citizens’ panels to regulatory bodies in the domain of nano-enabled medical applications,VABB-1,125,142,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269611,,Intellectual Property and Regulatory Issues at the Nanoscale,VABB-4,181,194,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269612,,"Pools, Thickets and Open Source Nanotechnology",VABB-1,300,306,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269616,,Taking temperature: a review of European Union regulation in nanomedicine,VABB-1,249,269,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269626,,The Effect of Globalization on Union Bargaining and Price-Cost Margins of Firms,VABB-1,13,36,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269628,,Optimal agenda-setter timing,VABB-1,1527,1546,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269629,,The Euro at ten: achievements and challenges,VABB-1,5,20,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269630,,The impact of FX Central Bank intervention in a noise trading framework,VABB-1,1187,1195,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269631,,Exchange rate dynamics in a target zone - A heterogeneous expectations approach,VABB-1,329,344,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269640,,Globalization and the price decline of illicit drugs,VABB-1,48,61,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269643,,Schoolgerelateerde fysieke activiteit en het bewegingsgedrag tijdens de vrije tijd bij adolescenten in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,8,11,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269649,,Perceived school environment and physical activity behaviour in Flemish adolescents,VABB-1,47,57,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269655,,"Cattle Sales in War and Peacetime: a Study of Household Coping in Rwanda, 1991-2001",VABB-1,67,86,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269717,,Introduction: Seven decades of Schulzology,VABB-4,9,25,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269718,,"(Un)masking Bruno Schulz: new combinations, further fragmentations, ultimate reintegrations",VABB-3,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269729,,Non-differential return of fear in humans after a reinstatement procedure,VABB-1,175,182,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269734,,Assessing valence indirectly and online,VABB-1,1615,1629,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269735,,Reducing chronic anxiety by making the threatening event predictable: An experimental approach,VABB-1,830,839,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269738,,Associations between components of rumination and autobiographical memory specificity as measured by a minimal instructions autobiographical memory test,VABB-1,892,903,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269740,,Van slechte stellingen naar goede vragen: Een reflectie op het Najaarscongresdebat over de grenzen van gedragstherapie,VABB-1,137,144,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269741,,Paranoia and Instability of self-esteem in adolescents,VABB-1,928,932,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269753,,Temperament and risk for depressive symptoms in adolescence: Mediation by rumination and moderation by effortful control,VABB-1,349,361,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269759,,Evaluative conditioning is insensitive to blocking,VABB-1,41,57,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269764,,Reducing cognitive vulnerability to depression: A preliminary evaluation of Memory Specificity Training (MEST) in inpatients with depressive complaints,VABB-1,24,38,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269769,,Lesion neuroanatomy of the Sustained Attention to Response task,VABB-1,2866,2875,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269775,,De Penn State Worry Questionnaire - Past Day: Ontwikkeling van een toestandsmaat voor piekeren,VABB-1,69,84,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269776,,An item response theory/confirmatory factor analysis of the autobiographical memory test,VABB-1,609,623,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269781,,Encyclopaedia of Islam Three 2008-2,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269782,,7. Ägyptologische Tempeltagung. Structuring Religion,VABB-3,,,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:269783,,Encyclopaedia of Islam Three 2009-4,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269784,,Encyclopaedia of Islam Three 2009-3,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269787,,Wild or cultivated Olea europaea L. in the Eastern Mediterranean during the middle-late Holocene? A pollen-numerical approach,VABB-1,1039,1047,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:269788,,Königsgrab und Herrscherlegitimation in Alt-Syrien im 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr,VABB-4,631,654,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:269791,,Encyclopaedia of Islam Three 2009-1,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269792,,Carpe Diem,VABB-4,511,520,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:269804,,"Encyclopaedia of Islam Three, 2009-2",VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269807,,On the 3D visualisation of logical relations,VABB-1,303,332,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269808,,The intra-paradigmatic expansion of the infix -I/ESC- from Latin to Modern Romance: morphomic patterning and beyond,VABB-1,1,40,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269809,,The Falconry treatise by Artelouche de Alagona,VABB-4,55,77,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269812,,Specificational sentences and the influence of information structure on (anti-)connectivity effects,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269820,,"L'emploi préfixal des prépositions entre et tussen: analyse morphologique, sémantique et comparative",VABB-1,114,134,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:269823,,L'emploi préverbal des prépositions en français. Typologie et grammaticalisation,VABB-2,,,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:269827,,"Decision-making skills, role-specificity, and deliberate practise in association football refereeing",VABB-1,1125,1136,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269835,,Time-course contingencies in perceptual organization and identification of fragmented object outlines,VABB-1,661,687,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269836,,Subordinate categorization enhances the neural selectivity in human object-selective cortex for fine shape differences,VABB-1,1054,1064,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269839,,Dual-Processes in the Psychology of Mathematics Education and Cognitive Psychology,VABB-1,95,108,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269840,,Proportional reasoning as a heuristic-based Process: Time constraint and Dual-task considerations,VABB-1,92,99,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269841,,Neural representations that support invariant object recognition,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269847,,Context-Dependent Semantic Priming in Number Naming,VABB-1,1552,1556,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269850,,The role of vertical mirror symmetry in visual shape detection,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269851,,Perception of self and other in psychosis: A method for analyzing the structure of the phenomenology,VABB-1,128,131,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269853,,Visual scan patterns and decision-making skills of expert assistant referees in offside situations,VABB-1,786,797,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:269859,,A neurophysiologically plausible population code model for human contrast discrimination,VABB-1,22,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269864,,Detection of symmetry and repetition in one and two objects: Structures versus strategies,VABB-1,5,17,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269866,,The influence of orientation jitter and motion on contour saliency and object identification,VABB-1,2475,2484,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269867,,The effects of mirror reflections and planar rotations of pictures on the shape perception of the depicted object,VABB-1,1439,1466,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269870,,BayesGCM: software for Bayesian inference with the generalized context model,VABB-1,1111,1120,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269875,,Mechanisms of masked priming: A meta-analysis,VABB-1,452,477,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269876,,Feature integration in natural language concepts,VABB-1,1150,1163,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269877,,The art and science of bilingual naming,VABB-4,170,197,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269878,,Interpretation and application of the offside law by expert assistant referees: Perception of spatial positions in complex dynamic events on and off the field,VABB-1,551,563,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269882,,Memory loss versus memory distortion: The role of encoding and retrieval deficits in Korsakoff patients' false memories,VABB-1,349,366,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269886,,Children's representation of symbolic magnitude: the development of the priming distance effect,VABB-1,480,489,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269889,,Sex differences in human virtual water maze performance: Novel measures reveal the relative contribution of directional responding and spatial knowledge,VABB-1,408,414,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:269890,,Different magnitude representations in left and right hemisphere: Evidence from the visual half field technique,VABB-1,228,245,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269892,,Masked primes can be genuinely semantically processed: A picture prime study,VABB-1,295,300,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269895,,Configural and featural processing during face perception : a new stimulus set,VABB-1,279,283,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269896,,Transsaccadic identification of highly similar artificial shapes,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269903,,"Similar, But Not the Same: A Comparison of the Utility of Directly-rated and Feature-based Similarity Measures for Generating Spatial Models of Conceptual Data",VABB-1,889,900,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269906,,Identification of everyday objects on the basis of kinetic contours,VABB-1,417,428,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269910,,Delayed shape matching benefits from simplicity and symmetry,VABB-1,708,717,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269911,,"Implicit false memory in the DRM paradigm: Effects of amnesia, encoding instructions, and encoding duration",VABB-1,635,648,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269913,,Basic number processing and difficulties in single-digit arithmetic: evidence from velo-cardio-facial syndrome,VABB-1,177,188,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269917,,Erweiterung des seriellen Denkens: Tempobeziehungen in Henri Pousseurs Zyklus 'Aquarius-Mémorial' (1994-1999),VABB-1,53,59,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:269932,,Journal of the Alamire Foundation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269933,,Francesco Corteccia: Counterpoints on the Cantus Firmi of Solemn Masses,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269942,,'Die Uninterpretierbarkeit der Musik': Adorno's Theory of Musical Reproduction,VABB-1,42,50,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269943,,Beethoven's Tempest Sonata: perspectives of analysis and performance,VABB-3,,,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:269944,,Observations on the Performance of Plainchant in the Low Countries (10th-18th centuries),VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269950,,"The art of not playing an analytical observation: some remarks on the main theme structure of Beethoven's Adagio Op. 31/2, ii",VABB-1,63,69,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269951,,Willaert's ricercares and their use of inganno,VABB-1,45,63,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269953,,Self-portrait with Boulez and Machaut (and Ligeti is there as well): Harrison Birtwistle 'Hoquetus Petrus',VABB-4,191,204,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269958,,Children's graphical notations as representational tools for musical sense-making in a music-listening task,VABB-1,189,211,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:269960,,Taktgruppenmetrische Ambiguität in zwei Klaviersonaten Beethovens: vom Nutzen und Nachteil analytischer Ratschläge für die aufführungspraktische Interpretation,VABB-1,51,61,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:269970,,De tuin der talen. Voorstelling en beschrijving van het digitaliseringsproject,VABB-1,131,134,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269971,,Plutarch on the first Peripatetic,VABB-1,25,44,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269972,,"Hortus Linguarum, the ‘Garden of languages’: Tuin der talen. Description and presentation of a digitalisation project",VABB-1,305,308,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269987,,L'intellect n'est pas commun à tous les hommes: l'Opuscule philosophique de Georges Amirutzès (+ vers 1470),VABB-1,225,230,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:269989,,"Bessarion lecteur du commentaire de Proclus sur le Parménide, avec une édition de ses scholies aux livres II et III",VABB-1,241,279,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:269990,,"Jerónimo Xavier S.J., Historia Christi persice conscripta (1639)",VABB-4,96,99,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:269991,,"P.Bouriant 1, fol. I-V: re-edition and commentary of the syllabic word-lists",VABB-1,29,57,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:269992,,Editing and exploring Byzantine encyclopaedies,VABB-1,31,35,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269994,,"At Risk, as Risk: Abandonment and Care in a World of Spiritual Insecurity",VABB-4,129,150,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269995,,"Guy Tachard, S.J. Reis na Siam (1687)",VABB-4,206,211,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:269996,,"""Sleep occupies no space"". The use of public space by street gangs in Kinshasa",VABB-1,347,368,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270004,,The Noise of Still Images. Encounters in/with Sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,247,251,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270013,,Does hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis hypofunction in chronic fatigue syndrome reflect a ‘crash’ in the stress system?,VABB-1,701,705,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270019,,De rol van temperament in problematisch middelengebruik bij adolescenten: Een vergelijkende studie,VABB-1,180,192,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270021,,Empathy in psychotherapy. Dialogue and embodied understanding,VABB-4,113,124,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270022,,Psychotherapy as search and care for the soul,VABB-1,18,32,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270023,,Bridging the gap between therapy research and practice in a person-centered/experiential therapy training program: the Leuven systematic case study research protocol,VABB-1,143,162,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270024,,Tijd voor ethische reflectie,VABB-1,130,133,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270027,,Weerwoord op het forumartikel (Spiritualiteit in cliëntgericht-experiëntiële psychotherapie: commentaren naar aanleiding van een e-maildiscussie,VABB-1,318,323,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270031,,Stress as a key-concept in chronic pain and fatigue disorders (invited review),VABB-1,390,399,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270032,,Be kind to your eating disorder patients: The impact of positive and negative feedback on the explicit and implicit self-esteem of female patients with eating disorders,VABB-1,e237,e242,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270036,,Psychometric evaluation of the behavioral inhibition/behavioral activation system scales and the sensitivity to punishment and sensitivity to reward questionnaire in a sample of eating disordered patients,VABB-1,407,412,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270037,,Stressonderzoek in de psychiatrie: Een complex verhaal.,VABB-1,611,618,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270041,,Central sensitivity syndromes: Stress system failure may explain the whole picture,VABB-1,218,219,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270042,,A comparison of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome in two 'ideologically' contrasting clinics,VABB-1,348,353,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270043,,Comparison of reflective functioning as measured on the adult attachment interview and the object relations inventory in patients with a personality disorder: a preliminary study,VABB-1,,72,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270044,,Recent EU Legislative Action on Airports,VABB-1,189,213,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270046,,De exclusiviteitsverhouding tussen kredietgever en leverancier,VABB-1,46,52,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270047,,The New EC Regulation on Computer Reservation Systems,VABB-1,227,252,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270050,,Limits of human rights protection: drawing upon the findings of (four) legal anthropological field studies,VABB-4,375,414,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270052,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270053,,Multicultural Jurisprudence. Comparative Perspectives on the Cultural Defense,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270081,,A New Paradigm of Crystallization Arising from Non-standard Nucleation Pathways,VABB-5,47,51,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270082,,Seksuele geaardheid: een begrip in het Europese en Belgische vreemdelingenrecht?,VABB-1,291,306,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270083,,Over de dualiteitsvoorwaarde bij de cumulatie van managementovereenkomst met bestuursmandaat. Noot onder Kh. Hasselt 10 juni 2008,VABB-1,654,659,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270086,,Cultural defense and societal dynamics,VABB-4,301,319,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270090,,Facing the limits of the law (conclusion),VABB-4,487,526,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270091,,The limits of the law (Introduction),VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270092,,Facing the limits of the law,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270100,,Truck Center Belgian Withholding Tax on Interest Payments to Non-resident Companies Does Not Violate EC Law: A Critical Look at the ECJ’s Judgment in Truck Center,VABB-1,131,137,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270103,,The interpretation of ‘subject to tax’-clauses in Belgian tax treaties. A critical analysis of the ‘exemption vaut impôt’-doctrine,VABB-1,68,73,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270108,,Tax treatment of cross-border pensions under the OECD Model and EU Law,VABB-1,86,93,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270109,,Mededinging in de gezondheidszorg. Gezondheidsrechtelijke aspecten,VABB-1,50,63,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270122,,Lettres Persanes 13: Res publica en rechtsstaat: vrijheid in een onvolmaakte samenleving. Pleidooi voor een functionele (niet te bevlogen) grondwet voor Vlaanderen,VABB-1,50,59,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270123,,Res publica en rechtsstaat: vrijheid in een onvolmaakte samenleving. Pleidooi voor een functionele (niet te bevlogen) grondwet voor Vlaanderen,VABB-1,382,389,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270124,,The structure of the law on multiparty-situations in the 2009 Draft Common Frame of Reference (2nd expanded version),VABB-1,531,557,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270132,,Sponsoringcontract,VABB-1,290,310,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270135,,De verhouding tussen de Europese verordening inzake geringe vorderingen en het interne Belgische procesrecht,VABB-1,19,40,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270142,,Kroniek Internationaal Belastingrecht 2007-2008,VABB-1,115,154,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270146,,Art. 1966,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270147,,Art. 1965,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270164,,Der europarechtliche Rahmen für die Unternehmenspublizität,VABB-4,105,270,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:270165,,Free movement of capital between EU Member States and third countries: How far has the door been closed?,VABB-1,260,263,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270166,,The clash between European freedoms and national direct tax law: Public interest defences available to the Member States,VABB-1,1951,2000,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270172,,De bewijswaarde van een factuur t.a.v. een consument,VABB-1,137,142,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270196,,Estate planning anno 2013,VABB-1,195,200,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270234,,Introduction to the special issue on judicial reform in Japan,VABB-1,3,6,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270235,,Public policy perspective on judicial reform in Japan,VABB-1,11,38,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270236,,"The timely discourse of an ""ambivalent savant"": Osatake Takeki",VABB-1,137,141,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270247,,Space is the Place: The Laws of Form and Social Systems,VABB-4,157,178,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270249,,Computational Study of Molecular Complexes Based on Amonia Alane for Chemical Hydrogen Storage,VABB-1,18914,18926,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270252,,Brand-related behaviour as a competence in service organisations,VABB-4,205,221,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270259,,What are vocational training conversations about? Analysis of vocational training conversations in Dutch vocational education from a career learning perspective,VABB-1,247,266,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270260,,Ontkoppelen van begeleiden en summatief beoordelen in het hoger onderwijs: een aanzet tot discussie,VABB-1,157,170,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270262,,Social sustainability and activation strategies with unemployed young adults,VABB-4,163,178,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270268,,Les congrès catholiques en Belgique: un signe de contradiction?,VABB-5,9,28,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:270269,,Het voormalige Ministerie van landbouw,VABB-4,464,469,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270272,,Historiografie en onderzoeksperspectieven van ordes en congregaties op het grondgebied van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden/België: inleiding,VABB-1,765,768,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270274,,Historiographie et perspectives de recherche des ordres et congrégations sur le territoire des Pays-Bas méridionaux/Belgique: introduction,VABB-1,761,764,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:270278,,De landbouworganisaties,VABB-4,903,914,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270279,,Parastatalen van het voormalige Ministerie van middenstand en landbouw,VABB-4,582,595,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270280,,Occupational culture in policing reviewed: a comparison of values in the public and private police,VABB-1,461,490,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270282,,Ervaring met justitie als differentiërende factor in het oordeel over justitie. Een introductie tot procedurele rechtvaardigheid,VABB-1,562,576,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270283,,Europees toezicht op vrijheidsberoving in België,VABB-1,19,24,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270292,,De politionele aanpak van minderjarigen in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,38,51,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270293,,Panopticon's dertigerdilemma. Een tijdschrift op het spitsuur van zijn leven,VABB-1,45,62,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270297,,Is de studie van het recht een wetenschap en wie kan het wat schelen ?,VABB-1,986,994,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270300,,Regulating prison life: a case study of the inmate disciplinary system,VABB-4,125,141,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270302,,Onderzoek naar het stopzetten van een criminele carrière: de waarde van narratieve analyse,VABB-1,9,30,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270304,,Violent stalkers. Detecting Risk Factors by the Police,VABB-1,279,291,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270305,,Partner violence and stalking. In search of connection?,VABB-4,75,94,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270306,,De houding van studenten ten aanzien van stalking,VABB-1,11,26,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270307,,Dealing with stalking: police intervention or court decision?,VABB-1,51,65,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270310,,De rol van de magistratuur in herstelgerichte praktijken,VABB-1,38,51,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270316,,Listening to the Language of the Other,VABB-4,180,208,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270329,,Does Truth Matter? Democracy and Public Space,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270330,,Truth and Public Space. Setting out Some Signposts,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270334,,Why Liberals Can Favour Compulsory Attendance,VABB-1,218,222,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270338,,Is liberal Nationalism Incompatible with Global Democracy?,VABB-1,109,130,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270341,,Mirror Neurons and the Formal Unity of the Self,VABB-1,57,68,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270352,,Justification in the Liberal Era: The Failing Neutralisation of Public Contempt,VABB-1,165,188,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270358,,Een wetenschap van het geluk: filosofische beschouwingen,VABB-1,67,86,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270370,,Habermas and Gauchet on Religion in Postsecular Society. A Critical Assessment,VABB-1,279,296,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270378,,"Egalitarian Justice, Left Libertarianism and the Market",VABB-4,145,162,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270380,,Passionele ethiek. Levenslust als basiscomponent van de morele houding,VABB-1,695,722,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:270381,,Ethiek en onthechting,VABB-1,337,358,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270387,,Senior citizens and the ethics of e-inclusion,VABB-1,203,220,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270396,,The truth can never be refuted. Syrianus' view(s) on Aristotle reconsidered,VABB-4,347,380,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270443,,Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance and the Capability-Expectations Gap,VABB-4,149,178,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270444,,"La propriété c'est le vol: ""Property is Theft"" Revisited",VABB-4,279,326,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270445,,The European Commission,VABB-4,19,38,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270448,,What Democracy? Exploring the 'Absent Centre' of Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270449,,Peacebuilding and the Promise of Transdisciplinarity,VABB-1,35,42,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270454,,The EU negotiates multilateral environmental agreements: explaining the agent's discretion,VABB-1,719,737,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270455,,European Security and Defence Policy: from Taboo to a Spearhead of EU Foreign Policy?,VABB-4,51,72,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270456,,The EU in Environmental Negotiations in UNECE: An Analysis of its Role in the Aarhus Convention and the SEA Protocol Negotiations,VABB-1,329,337,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270457,,The European Union in International Environmental Negotiations: an Analysis of the Stockholm Convention Negotiations,VABB-1,21,31,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270459,,"Interest Aggregation, Political Parties, Labour Standards and Trade: Differences in the US and EU Approaches to the Inclusion of Labour Standards in International Trade Agreements",VABB-1,683,701,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270460,,The Social Dimension of European Trade Union Policies,VABB-1,629,641,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270461,,The social dimension of EU trade policies,VABB-4,148,165,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270462,,"Be like bees: the politics of mobilizing farmers for development in Tigray, Ethiopia",VABB-1,91,109,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270463,,Strengthening the ENP through Regional Civil Society Cooperation. The Case for the Inclusion of a Regional Civil Society Component into the European Neighbourhood Policy in the South Caucasus,VABB-1,26,47,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270465,,National Minorities and International Change: Being Ukrainian in Contemporary Poland,VABB-1,435,465,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270469,,Building Sustainable Futures. Enacting Peace and Development,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270472,,Environmental evaluation practices and the issue of scale,VABB-1,31,39,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270479,,Reappraising Diplomacy: Structural Diplomacy and the Case of the European Union,VABB-1,143,165,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270482,,Labour rights in EPAs : can the EU-CARIFORUM EPA be a guide?,VABB-4,304,321,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270486,,Subnationale overheden in governance voor duurzame ontwikkeling. Inter-subnationale netwerken als route voor Vlaanderen naar multilaterale besluitvorming?,VABB-1,467,488,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270488,,The European Union and Multilateral Governance - an interdisciplinary research project: Research Notes (Part 2),VABB-1,134,137,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270489,,Cooperation and Control in the European Union: the Case of the European Union as International Environmental Negotiator,VABB-1,189,208,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270491,,Natuurlijke rijkdommen en corruptie: een politiek-economische invalshoek,VABB-1,35,40,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270512,,Impairment of VGLUT2 but not VGLUT1 signaling reduces neuropathy-induced hypersensitivity,VABB-1,1008,1017,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270520,,Automated gait analysis in the open-field test for laboratory mice,VABB-1,148,153,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270521,,Enzyme Replacement Improves Ataxic Gait and Central Nervous System Histopathology in a Mouse Model of Metachromatic Leukodystrophy,VABB-1,600,606,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270522,,Integrated PET/CT in the staging of nonsmall cell lung cancer: technical aspects and clinical integration,VABB-1,201,212,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270524,,Molecular characterization and gene disruption of mouse lysosomal putative serine carboxypeptidase 1,VABB-1,1356,1369,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270527,,γ-secretase heterogeneity in the Aph1 subunit: relevance for Alzheimer’s Disease,VABB-1,639,642,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270528,,Selective effects of benzodiazepines on the acquisition of conditioned taste aversion compared to attenuation of neophobia in C57BL/6 mice,VABB-1,389,401,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270532,,Automatic analysis of altered gait in Arylsulfatase A-deficient mice in the open field,VABB-1,787,794,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270533,,Vinblastine and doxorubicin administration to pregnant mice affects brain development and behaviour in the offspring,VABB-1,647,657,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270535,,Cold stimulates the behavioral response to hypoxia in newborn mice,VABB-1,1503,1511,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270537,,Altered fast- and slow-twitch muscle fibre characteristics in female mice with a (S248F) knock-in mutation of the brain neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor,VABB-1,73,83,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270539,,The synergistic relationship of perceived autonomy support and structure in the prediction of self-regulated learning,VABB-1,57,68,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270544,,Literature review of online remedial teaching: a European perspective,VABB-1,269,275,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270547,,Employee retention: Organisational and personal perspectives,VABB-1,195,215,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270549,,"Een profiel van de Vlaamse student bij de start van de lerarenopleiding: motieven, studieaanpak en instructievoorkeuren",VABB-1,3,17,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270551,,The effects of different standard setting methods and the composition of borderline groups: a study within a law curriculum,VABB-1,174,182,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270552,,Evaluatievoorkeuren van studenten en hun ervaringen met een portfolio: beïnvloeden deze factoren de studieaanpak?,VABB-1,171,180,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270556,,The edumetric quality of new modes of assessment: Some issues and prospects,VABB-4,85,114,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270558,,Over de link tussen perfectionisme bij leerkrachten en psychologisch controlerend lesgeven: speelt burnout een mediërende rol ?,VABB-1,281,295,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:270559,,"Teacher professionalism in Flemish policy on teacher education: a critical analysis of the Decree on teacher education (2006) in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-4,21,32,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270562,,Surviving diversity in times of performativity: Understanding teachers' emotional experience of change,VABB-4,215,232,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270564,,Career stories as a gateway to understanding teacher development,VABB-4,29,48,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270567,,"Who I am in how I teach is the message. Self-understanding, vulnerability and reflection",VABB-1,257,272,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270568,,Studying regulation and inequalities in European education: An exercice in counter-moves and counter-narratives,VABB-1,133,141,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270570,,Goede praktijkvoorbeelden als hefboom voor professionalisering? Een explorerend onderzoek naar determinanten en kritische kenmerken.,VABB-1,161,184,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:270571,,Struggling with workload. Primary teachers' experience of intensification,VABB-1,1150,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270573,,Welke overheid voor welk onderwijs?,VABB-1,21,40,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:270574,,In de ban van het leren. Over biopolitiek en beleid van levenslang leren,VABB-1,23,38,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270577,,De beroepsbeleving van beginnende leerkrachten in concentratiescholen,VABB-1,130,146,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:270579,,What Is the Public Role of the University? A Proposal for a Public Research Agenda,VABB-1,249,254,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270580,,From Active Citizenship to World Citizenship: a proposal for a world university,VABB-1,236,248,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270581,,The Public and its University: beyond learning for civic employability?,VABB-1,204,217,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270582,,Higher Education and European Citizenship as a Matter of Public Concern,VABB-1,142,145,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270584,,From Schools to Learning Environments: The Dark Side of Being Exceptional,VABB-4,311,327,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270596,,Waar veel licht is valt ook een diepe schaduw: over informatiestromen en business processen,VABB-1,18,23,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270603,,The open method of coordination and domestic social policy making in Belgium and France,VABB-4,84,111,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270610,,The challenge of measuring immigrant origin and immigration-related ethnicity in Europe,VABB-1,67,88,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270614,,Linking the policy-making capacities of schools and the quality of school self-evaluations: the school leader's view,VABB-1,667,686,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270617,,"'Je zoudt maar last van mij hebben': verwanten in het Nederlandse huishouden, 1860-1940",VABB-1,139,165,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270618,,"Uitzwermen of samenklitten? De ruimtelijke spreiding van broers en zussen over stad en land van Noord-Holland, 1850-1940",VABB-1,115,138,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270620,,Van geboortebank tot collaboratory: een reflectie op twintig jaar dataverzameling en onderzoek met de HSN,VABB-1,3,36,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270621,,Contrôle social et transmission intergénérationelle de l'âge au marriage en Hollande rurale de 1850 à 1940,VABB-1,379,396,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:270622,,"Social control and the intergenerational transmission of the age at marriage, rural Holland 1850-1940",VABB-1,343,360,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270631,,Mode differences between face-to-face and web surveys: an experimental investigation of data quality and social desirability effects,VABB-1,111,121,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270632,,The Lisbon agenda on social policy: revitalizing the European social model,VABB-4,165,176,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270635,,Destination manual worker or clerk? Ethnic differences in the transition from school to work,VABB-1,343,356,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270638,,The Congolese diaspora in Brussels and hybrid identity formation: multi-scalarity and diasporic citizenship,VABB-1,68,90,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270640,,"Changing attitudes toward immigration in Europe, 2002-2007: a dynamic group conflict theory approach",VABB-1,352,365,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270641,,"The effects of immigrant population size, unemployment, and individual characteristics on voting the Vlaams Blok in Flanders 1991-1999",VABB-1,411,424,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270645,,The level of decision making: the preferences of the citizens after enlargement,VABB-4,117,141,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270651,,The effect of the elapsed time between the initial refusal and conversion contact on conversion success: evidence from the 2nd round of the European Social Survey,VABB-1,1053,1065,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270658,,"Framing the sovereignty of the 'Democratic State' sociologically: reflections on the political system, contemporary populism and democracy",VABB-4,83,105,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270659,,'Handhaven' of 'herroepen'? De vraagstelling in twaalf gemeentelijke volksraadplegingen in Vlaanderen onderzocht,VABB-1,53,82,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270668,,"Soevereiniteit, biopolitiek en moderniteit : een kritische lezing van Giorgio Agambens 'Homo Sacer'",VABB-1,52,67,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270681,,"Sources of Euroscepticism: utilitarian interest, social distrust, national identity and institutional distrust",VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270687,,De vrije beroepen: het artsenberoep,VABB-4,1009,1016,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270689,,Where do I belong? Volunteer attachment in a complex organization,VABB-1,202,220,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270690,,Are volunteers attracted by the part or by the whole? The case of the Belgian Red Cross,VABB-1,3,13,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270693,,The arena of knowledge: Antigone and feminist standpoint theory,VABB-4,39,53,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270694,,"Antigone, le foulard et la République",VABB-4,201,211,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:270695,,A network perspective on spatial data infrastructures: application to the sub-national SDI of Flanders,VABB-1,105,122,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270706,,Sibling en scholing: het effect van geslacht en van gezinssamenstelling op geletterdheid in Nederland in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,70,86,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270710,,Hospital governance and the medical practitioner in Belgium,VABB-1,319,331,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270722,,Visual arts appreciation patterns: Crossing horizontal and vertical boundaries within the cultural hierarchy,VABB-1,348,365,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270723,,Patronen van waardering voor beeldende kunst: horizontale en verticale culturele grensoverschrijdingen,VABB-1,376,405,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270732,,The local integration of employment services: assessing network effectiveness of local jobcentres in Flanders,VABB-1,1055,1071,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270749,,"Rolconflict en het tweede kind. De invloed van opleidingsniveau, genderrollen en gezinsbeleid op tweede geboorteprogressie in Europa",VABB-1,341,366,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270752,,Reinvention of activism: a chance for union renewal in new market economies? The case of Poland,VABB-4,79,96,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270753,,"International cooperation, trans-national restructuring and virtual networking in Europe",VABB-1,183,201,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270776,,EU redistributive social policy: social exclusion transcended,VABB-4,57,70,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270779,,The 'black box' problem in the study of participation,VABB-1,209,226,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270781,,De uitdaging van het hogescholendecreet van 1994: een terugblik,VABB-1,494,505,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270782,,Explaining the intention to participate in a web survey: a test of the theory of planned behaviour,VABB-1,181,195,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270784,,Representatie van de Ander: een kwalitatief onderzoek naar alterisering door niet-islamitische jongeren in het Mechelse ASO en BSO bij de beeldvorming over moslims,VABB-1,285,313,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270853,,Proclus on Matter and Physical Necessity,VABB-4,231,257,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270857,,"Clavius, Proclus, and the Limits of Interpretation: Snapshot-idealization versus Projectionism",VABB-1,317,336,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270858,,Syrianus' Theological Interpretation of the Parmenides. The Time of the Divine Souls,VABB-4,201,229,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270861,,The divine Earth: Proclus on Timaeus 40 bc,VABB-4,259,281,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270862,,Mental Propositions before Mental Language,VABB-4,95,115,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270863,,On the Trail of a Philosophical Debate: Durandus of St.-Pourçain vs. Thomas Wylton on Simultaneous Acts in the Intellect,VABB-4,433,461,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270865,,Lateinisches Mittelalter,VABB-4,446,452,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:270867,,"De la transmission à la sympathie: Plotin et la désaffection du milieu perceptif (Enn. IV, 5 [29])",VABB-1,35,69,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:270870,,Le commentaire de Proclus sur le Parménide comme source du 'Peri tôn ideôn logos' de Syrianus?,VABB-4,311,342,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:270871,,"'Condemned by some, read by all': the attempt to suppress the publications of the Louvain humanist Erycius Puteanus in 1608",VABB-1,353,364,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270873,,On Knowing Greek (and Latin): Classical Elements in the Poetry of Stevie Smith,VABB-1,467,483,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270885,,Procli In Platonis Parmenidem commentaria. Tomus III Libros VI-VII et indices continens,VABB-2,,,,lat,2009,2 c:vabb:270886,,Syrianus and Proclus on the Attributes of the One in Plato's Parmenides,VABB-4,247,280,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270889,,The needle in the haystack. In search of the model of Peter of Abano’s Expositio problematum,VABB-1,179,213,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270893,,Le néoplatonisme de Proclus,VABB-4,138,148,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:270896,,"Een litteken beschreven, de herhaling ingelijst. Over 'Vader' (2001) van Eddy van Vliet",VABB-4,288,299,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270897,,Het schrijfatelier van de auteur,VABB-1,179,201,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270898,,Over edele tegenvoeters en welvarende Hollanders: ideaal en droom in de zeventiende-eeuwse literatuur,VABB-4,43,68,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270899,,"Hendrik Engelgrave S.J., Lux Evangelica (1654)",VABB-4,144,149,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270900,,Selectieve bibliografie van het werk van Hugo Brems (1967-2009),VABB-4,362,400,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270901,,'Ergens beginnen'. Bijdragen over Nederlandse poëzie (1967-2009) voor Hugo Brems bij zijn emeritaat,VABB-3,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270904,,'Zo zouden ze nooit worden': het kinderspel als utopie in de romans van Eric de Kuyper,VABB-4,105,127,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270905,,Sporen van het utopische in de Middelnederlandse literatuur: een lezing van Jan van Boendales Boec vander Wraken,VABB-4,17,41,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270906,,Inleiding,VABB-4,1,16,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270907,,Paradijzen van papier: utopie in de Nederlandse literatuur,VABB-3,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270911,,Wereldwijd web van vergelijkingen en metaforen: over De lenige liefde (1969) van Herman de Coninck,VABB-4,20,26,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270912,,Twee toespraken en een lied: over Aub (2006) van Paul Bogaert,VABB-4,324,333,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270923,,"Genoveva van Brabant in de Nederlandse letteren, en de unieke rol van volksboeken in de negentiende eeuw",VABB-1,40,69,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270924,,De verleidelijke vrouw en de berg: interpretaties van het motief van de venusberg,VABB-1,148,171,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270931,,The role of national culture in advertising’s sensitivity to business cycles: An investigation across continents,VABB-1,623,636,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270941,,"Me, myself, and my choices: The influence of private self-awareness on choice",VABB-1,682,692,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270942,,The effect of cost information on buyer-supplier negotiations in different power settings,VABB-1,245,266,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270944,,Self-regulating enhances self-regulation in subsequent consumer decisions involving similar response conflicts,VABB-1,394,405,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270948,,I felt low and my purse feels light. Depleting mood regulation attempts affect risk decision making,VABB-1,153,170,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270949,,Darwinism and the cultural evolution of sports,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270952,,When do primes prime? The moderating role of the self-concept in individuals' susceptibility to priming effects on social behavior,VABB-1,211,216,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270959,,The presence of aggression cues inverts the relation between digit ratio (2D:4D) and pro-social behaviour in a dictator game,VABB-1,151,162,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:270966,,Latinitas Perennis. 2: Appropriation and Latin literature,VABB-3,,,248 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:270972,,Index nominum,VABB-1,525,531,,lat,2009,2 c:vabb:270977,,Instrumentum bibliographicum Neolatinum,VABB-1,423,517,,lat,2009,2 c:vabb:270979,,Pygmalion in de Nederlandstalige literatuur van de twintigste eeuw,VABB-1,85,104,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:270980,,Zoals een mooie maar onbetrouwbare vrouw? De vroegmoderne vertalingen van Justus Lipsius' Monita et exempla politica (1605),VABB-1,75,93,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:270982,,Gian Mario Filelfo’s ‘lost’ writing against Poggio Bracciolini,VABB-1,401,406,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271005,,Neo-Latin,VABB-1,2,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271006,,"Augustine's sermon 169: a systematic treatise on Phil. 3, 3-16. Exegetical context, date and critical edition",VABB-1,11,44,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271008,,"Solitari ma non soli. Traduzioni umanistiche della lettera ""De vita solitaria"" di Basilio di Cesarea",VABB-1,53,83,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:271010,,'Die wereldvreemde proffen van Leuven en hun ivoren toren': een vergeten brief van Nicolaas Oudaert aan Christoffel Plantijn,VABB-1,31,52,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271012,,The first Christian defender of stoic virtue? Justus Lipsius and Cicero's Paradoxa stoicorum,VABB-4,139,153,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271013,,Bacchus born from Jupiter's thigh tastes better than Bacchus born from Semele,VABB-5,287,299,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271020,,Hospital piriority setting in a mixed public/privtae health system: a case study of a Chilean hospital,VABB-1,193,201,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271029,,Disability in African films : a semiotic analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271031,,Should Issues of sexuality and HIV/AIDS be a rehabilitation concern? The voices of young South African people with disabilities,VABB-1,32,41,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271033,,Ethnic Diversity and Generalized Trust in Europe : a Cross-National Multilevel Study,VABB-1,198,223,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271042,,Empowerment through participation? The effectiveness of participatory methods in clientelist societies,VABB-1,393,402,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271044,,"A troubled past, a challenging present, and a promising future: Tanzania's tourism development in perspective",VABB-1,259,273,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271050,,The importance of interdisciplinary collaborative research in responding to HIV/AIDS vulnerability in rural Senegal,VABB-1,433,442,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271053,,Imaged or imagined? Cultural representations and the “tourismification” of peoples and places,VABB-1,49,71,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271061,,Is a photograph worth a thousand films?,VABB-1,143,148,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271065,,Cervantes in Paul Auster's New York Trilogy,VABB-4,219,235,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271066,,Don Quixote in the Netherlands: translations and adaptations of Cervantes' novel,VABB-4,157,167,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271073,,Littérature et bandes dessinées: enjeux et limites,VABB-1,1,11,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:271079,,"Un genre, deux univers: autour de la mémoire culturelle",VABB-1,173,189,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:271080,,La novellisatoin en version illustrée: avec ou sans images,VABB-1,137,154,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:271081,,Lire et interpréter l'innovation technologique: autour de l'analyse SCOT,VABB-1,105,120,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:271082,,Etudes culturelles et analyse médiatique: autour du concept de remédiation,VABB-1,79,91,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:271083,,"La photographie documentaire: histoire, enjeux, défis. Construire et lire le réel",VABB-1,51,69,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:271084,,Une nouvelle définition de la culture: oublier Arnold?,VABB-1,13,35,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:271085,,"Stéphane Bouquet, des poèmes pour ne pas ..",VABB-1,9,20,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:271086,,"How many is multi? On the example of photo narrative, high and low",VABB-1,73,82,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271087,,A cultural approach of non-narrative graphic novels: a case study from Flanders,VABB-4,281,287,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271089,,"Europa! Europa! The avant-garde, modernism and the fate of a continent",VABB-3,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271103,,Europese literatuur voor luisteraars verklaard: de radiolezing als vorm van middlebrow-literatuurbeschouwing tijdens het interbellum,VABB-1,55,80,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:271104,,'Wie will'n vot': Utopia in de streekliteratuur,VABB-4,69,104,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271126,,The future of the doctorate in the arts,VABB-4,97,110,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271128,,Echoes of the phenomenon - a conversation with Robert Pogue Harrison,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271132,,"Het lot van de bij artikel 1287, derde lid Ger.W. bepaalde erfrechtafspraken bij EOT in geval van overlijden vóór de inleiding van de eis",VABB-1,108,113,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271139,,Partnerleren in het zwemonderwijs,VABB-1,13,16,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271140,,Partnerleren met taakkaarten,VABB-1,18,21,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271145,,Is sight the main deterrent to race performance in visually impaired competitive swimmers?,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271148,,Peer evaluation in Reciprocal Learning with Task Cards for Acquiring Basic Life Support,VABB-1,1394,1398,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271150,,"Relationships between the front crawl stroke parameters of competitive unilateral arm amputee swimmers, with selected anthropometric characteristics",VABB-1,304,312,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271151,,The effect of self-assessment in reciprocal learning with task cards on the qualtiy of CPR,VABB-1,239,245,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271196,,Framing as strategy for effective communication about Fair Trade products in Flanders,VABB-1,223,234,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271200,,Potential economic impact of GM sugar beet in the global sugar sector,VABB-1,638,642,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271206,,Foreign Direct Investment as an Engine for Economic Growth and Human Development: A Review of the Arguments and Empirical Evidence,VABB-1,177,227,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271208,,On the proportionality of EU spatial ex ante coexistence regulations,VABB-1,508,518,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271219,,Global Welfare Effects of GM Sugar Beet under Changing EU Sugar Policies,VABB-1,119,129,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271220,,Corporate pricing strategies with heterogeneous adopters: the case of herbicide resistant sugar beet,VABB-1,334,345,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271221,,Coexistence of genetically modified (GM) and non-GM crops in the European Union. A review,VABB-1,11,30,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271223,,"Trade, standards and poverty: Evidence from Senegal",VABB-1,161,178,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271226,,Liber Amicorum Dedicated to Prof. Eric Tollens: Introduction,VABB-1,234,237,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271227,,How spatially-dissagregated land-use models can inform land-use policy: Theory and empirical application for Indonesia,VABB-4,145,162,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271231,,"Food Standards, Trade and Development",VABB-1,313,326,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271232,,Agricultural land-use in forest frontier areas: Theory and evidence from Indonesia,VABB-1,505,522,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271233,,Adoption of Soil Conservation Measures in Belgium,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271238,,"Horticulture Exports, Agro-industrialization and Farm Nonfarm Linkages with the Smallholder Farm Sector: A Case-Study from Senegal",VABB-1,219,229,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271243,,Emotional reactivity and self-regulation in relation to personality disorders,VABB-1,948,953,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271248,,Desequens: An R package for the variance decomposition of sequential processes,VABB-1,524,530,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271249,,Examining Dispositional and Situational Effects on Outgroup Attitudes,VABB-1,307,328,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271250,,Individual differences in emotion components and dynamics: Introduction to the Special Issue,VABB-1,1249,1258,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271252,,The legacy of the person-situation debate for understanding variability in emotional experience,VABB-1,255,256,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271254,,Intensity profiles of emotional experience over time,VABB-1,1427,1443,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271255,,A mixed model framework for teratology studies,VABB-1,744,755,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271259,,Working memory and individual differences in mathematics achievement: A longitudinal study from first grade to second grade,VABB-1,186,201,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271260,,Modeling DIF in Complex Response Data Using Test Design Strategies,VABB-1,151,166,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271263,,A hierarchical Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model for continuous repeated measurement data,VABB-1,395,418,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271267,,The appraisal basis of anger occurrence and intensity revisited,VABB-1,1373,1388,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271268,,A structured overview of simultaneous component based data integration,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271269,,Individual differences in core affect reactivity,VABB-1,510,515,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271270,,Metabolomics data exploration guided by prior knowledge,VABB-1,173,181,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271271,,Locally dependent linear logistic test model with person covariates,VABB-1,555,569,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271276,,Analyzing structural relations in multivariate dyadic binary data,VABB-1,77,92,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271277,,Simultaneous analysis of coupled data blocks differing in size: A comparison of two weighting schemes,VABB-1,1086,1098,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271278,,Predicting the Duration of Emotional Experience: Two Experience Sampling Studies,VABB-1,83,91,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271281,,Cross-border reproductive care in Belgium,VABB-1,3108,3118,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271286,,The LMPCA program: a graphical user interface for fitting the linked-mode PARAFAC-PCA model to coupled real-valued data,VABB-1,1073,1082,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271287,,Integrating functional genomics data using maximum likelihood based simultaneous component analysis,VABB-1,340,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271292,,A Diffusion Model Decomposition of the Practice Effect,VABB-1,1026,1036,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271293,,Testing the hypothesis of tissue-selectivity: The Intersection-Union Test and a Bayesian approach,VABB-1,2588,2594,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271295,,A royal road to understanding the mechanisms underlying person-in-context behavior,VABB-1,179,186,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271297,,"Identified parameters, parameters of interest and their relationships",VABB-1,97,105,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271298,,Investigating latent constructs with item response models: A MATLAB IRTm toolbox,VABB-1,1127,1137,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271300,,Species identification in the trematomid family using nuclear genetic markers,VABB-1,1731,1741,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271303,,Onrechtmatige bedingen - Clauses abusives,VABB-1,142,203,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271311,,Een dynamische test voor cognitieve vaardigheden van anderstalige nieuwkomers in het secundair onderwijs in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,459,473,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:271312,,School effects on the development of motivation toward learning tasks and the development of academic self-concept in secondary education: a multivariate latent growth curve approach,VABB-1,235,253,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271313,,A seasonal perspective on school effectiveness: evidence from a Flemish longitudinal study in kindergarten and first grade,VABB-1,215,233,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271314,,"A longitudinal study of childhood social behaviour: Inter-informant agreement, inter-context agreement, and social preference linkages",VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271319,,Twelve tips for successful e-tutoring using electronic portfolios,VABB-1,497,501,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271320,,Multilevel design efficiency in educational effectiveness research,VABB-1,357,373,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271322,,Associations between parental control and children’s overt and relational aggression in a sample of Flemish elementary school children,VABB-1,607,623,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271323,,Relations between parental psychological control and childhood relational aggression: Reciprocal in nature?,VABB-1,117,131,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271324,,"Measuring parenting dimensions in middle childhood: Multitrait-multimethod analysis of child, mother, and father ratings",VABB-1,133,140,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271325,,Design efficiency for imbalanced multilevel data,VABB-1,192,203,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271326,,Bootstrap confidence intervals in multilevel simultaneous component analysis,VABB-1,299,318,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271327,,How confident are students in their misconceptions about hypotheses tests?,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271329,,Three-way hierarchical classes: A comparison of the INDCLAS and Tucker3-HICLAS models,VABB-1,43,76,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271331,,The Use of IRT for Adaptive Item Selection in Item-Based Learning Environments,VABB-5,785,786,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271332,,Randomization tests for multiple baseline designs: An extension of the SCRT-R package,VABB-1,477,485,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271334,,Discriminating between strong and weak structures in three-mode principal component analysis,VABB-1,601,620,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271336,,Does switching between strategies within the same task involve a cost?,VABB-1,753,771,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271338,,Strengths and Weaknesses of the Choice/No-Choice Method in Research on Strategy Use,VABB-1,351,362,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271340,,Usefulness of the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) for persons with other than intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,1306,1316,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271345,,Therapist-aided exposure for women with lifelong vaginismus: A replicated single-case design,VABB-1,149,159,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271350,,Introduction-Pushing Social Responsibilities: The Educationalization of Social Problems,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271354,,'Evidence based educational policy': What evidence ? What basis ? Whose policy ?,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271355,,From coherence to differentiation: Understanding (changes in) the European area for higher education and research,VABB-4,561,577,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271358,,Towards the Idea of a World University,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271360,,Nietzschean ethics and authenticity: Beyond the consensual and the subjective,VABB-4,63,82,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271365,,"Education, educational research, and the 'grammar' of understanding. A response to David Bridges",VABB-1,125,129,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271367,,Afterword,VABB-4,227,237,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271368,,Philosophy and history of the discipline of education. Faces and spaces of educational research,VABB-3,,,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:271369,,Parenting in a Technological Age,VABB-4,77,92,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271370,,Revisiting Achilles' Sadness that No Method Can Be Found,VABB-4,161,176,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271372,,The narrative of a happy childhood: on the presumption of parents' power and the demand for integrity,VABB-1,83,93,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271373,,Rhetoric and Arguments in the Language of Education and of Educational Research,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271374,,"Educational Research: Proofs, Arguments, and Other Reasonings",VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271376,,The World ‘Once More’: Walking Lines,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271380,,The Political Socialization of Young People in Canada: Is There a Differential Effect of Citizenship Education on Visible Minorities?,VABB-1,613,636,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271381,,Brief report: Citizenship concepts among adolescents. Evidence from a survey among Belgian 16-year olds,VABB-1,723,732,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271383,,Exploring Regimes of Immigrant Integration: Clustering Countries on the Basis of the MIPEX Data,VABB-4,95,112,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271388,,Explaining the Evolution of the Political Finance Regime in Belgium,VABB-1,25,48,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271390,,Truancy as a Contextual and School-related Problem. A Comparative Multilevel analysis of Country and School Characteristics on Civic Knowledge among 14 year olds,VABB-1,123,142,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271397,,Belgium : ups and downs of ministerial careers in a partitocratic federal state,VABB-4,125,146,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271399,,'Ambtenaren in dienst van de vijand'. De bestraffing van het activisme in de Belgische rijksadministratie (1918-1921),VABB-1,30,56,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271403,,Explaining the Green Vote: an Analysis of the Green Vote in Belgian Local Elections 1994-2006,VABB-1,930,950,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:271404,,Preventing Conflict Escalation in Belgium,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271413,,The limits of consumer law in Europe,VABB-4,73,88,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271414,,Towards a Single Regulatory Framework on Unfair Commercial Practices?,VABB-1,507,564,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271422,,Motivational profiles from a self-determination perspective: The quality of motivation matters,VABB-1,671,688,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271428,,Corpus parallèles et corpus ciblés au secours du dictionnaire de traduction,VABB-1,187,207,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:271444,,La sémantique du français technique : Une étude empirique et quantitative,VABB-1,1,22,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:271445,,The mandate system for the Belgian public prosecution,VABB-1,87,103,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271450,,Assessing Spatial Data Infrastructures Policy Strategies using the Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis,VABB-1,265,297,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271453,,Structural change and public service performance,VABB-1,285,291,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271454,,"Bureaucracies remeber, post-bureaucratic organizations forget?",VABB-1,198,218,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271456,,Complexity theory and evolutionary public administration: a skeptical afterword,VABB-4,213,230,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271457,,Decentralised management: agencies and arms-length bodies,VABB-4,249,260,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271459,,Continuity and change in public policymaking and management,VABB-2,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271460,,Het Verdrag van Lissabon in het nieuws: een crossnationale analyse van nieuwsframes in de kwaliteitspers,VABB-1,199,216,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271468,,"Op weg naar Vlaanderen Geoland: tussen meningen, ervaringen en verwachtingen",VABB-1,10,17,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271471,,Tussen droom en daad: modern personeelsbeleid in de stad Gent. Interview met Hilde Sturtewagen,VABB-1,40,47,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271476,,"Zuinigheid, doelmatigheid en doeltreffendheid in de Vlaamse overheid - Tien jaar externe audit van prestaties",VABB-1,1,62,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271478,,De praktijk van prestatie-audit in Vlaanderen: uitdagingen en trends,VABB-1,4,13,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271479,,Special Issue: A Distinctive European Model The Neo-Weberian State,VABB-1,1,103,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271480,,Public Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe,VABB-1,94,104,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271488,,L’effet médiateur de la satisfaction professionnelle et de l’engagement organisationnel sur la performance déclarée : forte mise en évidence de la relation entre la MSP et la performance,VABB-1,11,37,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:271490,,Geoportals: An Internet Marketing Perspective,VABB-1,33,53,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271497,,Covering the European Union: from an intergovernmental towards a supranational perspective?,VABB-1,41,54,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271498,,The mediating effect of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on self-reported performance : more robust evidence of the PSM-performance relationship,VABB-1,11,34,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271500,,Een verkenning van de weg richting Vlaanderen Geoland,VABB-1,49,57,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271501,,Langzaam maar zeker op weg: de verspreiding van kwaliteitsmanagementtechnieken bij Vlaamse lokale besturen,VABB-1,6,15,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271503,,The politics of Belgium: Institutions and Policy under Bipolar and Centrifugal Federalism,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271509,,Veranderingsmanagement bij een bevoegdheids- en/of middelenoverdracht n.a.v. een staatshervorming: methodologie om dit type verandering te bestuderen,VABB-1,60,71,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271511,,Leadership diversity in an ageing workforce,VABB-4,257,275,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271512,,Over het management van inspraakprocessen,VABB-1,13,23,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271514,,Administrative reforms in Belgium: Maintenance or Modernisation,VABB-4,117,136,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271515,,About Pedagogization: From the Perspective of the History of Education,VABB-4,13,30,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271519,,"""Alternative"" education in Flanders, 1960-2000: transformation of knowledge in a neo-liberal context",VABB-1,645,671,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271520,,School in de Marge. De organisatiecultuur van de Decrolyschool in Brussel,VABB-1,211,225,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271521,,The politics of activity: Emergence and development of educational programs for people with disabilities between 1750 and 1860,VABB-1,78,90,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271523,,De waarde van het verschil,VABB-1,525,532,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271530,,"Belgian images of the psycho-pedagogical potential of the Congolese during the Colonial Era, 1908-1960",VABB-1,707,725,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271538,,The sacralization of childhood in a secularized world: another paradox in the history of education? An exposition of the problem on the basis of the open-air school Diesterweg in Heide-Kalmthout,VABB-5,167,186,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271539,,"Sources in the Making of Histories of Education: Proofs, Arguments, and Other Forms of Reasoning from the Historian's Workplace",VABB-4,23,39,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271549,,En avant Antigone? Strasbourg n'a pas d'objection à la jurisprudence Antigone,VABB-1,205,208,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:271550,,Antigoon vooruit? Straatsburg heeft geen bezwaar tegen de Antigoonrechtspraak,VABB-1,201,204,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271555,,De bewakers bewaakt: de rol van de commissies van toezicht en de Centrale Toezichtsraad voor het Gevangeniswezen,VABB-1,13,18,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271556,,"Writers on the storm. Punishment, public debate and persuasive speech",VABB-1,47,64,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271557,,"'Fouille'-arrest? Foei, arrest! Het schaamteloos uitkleden van (de rechten van) gedetineerden",VABB-1,208,211,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271559,,De erfenis van Louk Hulsman,VABB-1,104,107,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271560,,"Criminal law, victims, and the limits of therapeutic consequentialism",VABB-4,143,160,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271566,,Het gevangeniswezen in crisistijd – en vice versa. Enkele reflecties naar aanleiding van de tekst Masterplan 2008-2012 voor een gevangenisinfrastructuur in humane omstandigheden: stand van zaken en bijkomende projecten tot 2016,VABB-1,23,27,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271567,,"De rechtspersoon als strafbare dader: een grondige analyse van tien jaar wetgeving, rechtspraak en rechtsleer (deel 2)",VABB-1,14,63,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271568,,Eerherstel voor seksuele delinquenten: voltooid verleden tijd?,VABB-1,5,9,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271569,,"""Glimlachen...Niet bewegen...Dank u."" Pleidooi voor een sober en doordacht Belgisch EU-Justitie-voorzitterschap in 2010",VABB-1,67,78,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271570,,Daderschap en toerekening bij rechtspersonen,VABB-1,227,248,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271574,,Het Hof van Cassatie en het arrest C-367/05 van het Hof van Justitie: dekt het Belgische begrip ‘eenheid van opzet’ het begrip ‘dezelfde feiten’ onder het ne bis in idem-beginsel van artikel 54 SUO? (noot onder Cass. 27 november 2007),VABB-1,112,120,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271576,,'10.000 and counting...' Straatsburg Flash 2007-2008,VABB-1,67,72,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271582,,Cartel damages claims and the passing-on defense,VABB-1,457,491,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271584,,The topological approach to the aggregation of preferences,VABB-1,449,476,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271587,,Nash rationalization of collective choice over lotteries,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271593,,The limits of the International Petition Right for Individuals: A Case Study of the ECtHR,VABB-4,333,354,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271594,,A Semi-Parametric Shared Parameter Model to Handle Nonmonotone Nonignorable Missingness,VABB-1,81,87,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271595,,Evidence for co-evolution between human microRNAs and Alu-repeats,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271596,,On Hazard Ratios and Magnitude of Impact on Prognosis,VABB-1,545,545,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271597,,The use of a biplot in studying outcomes after stroke,VABB-1,825,830,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271599,,Linear Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data (Paperback Edition),VABB-2,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271601,,"Spatial analysis of breast and cervical cancer incidence in small geographical areas in Cuba, 1999-2003",VABB-1,395,403,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271602,,The correlated and shared gamma frailty model for bivariate current statuts data: an illustration for cross-sectional serological data,VABB-1,2785,2800,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271605,,Maternal hepatic vein Doppler velocimetry during uncomplicated and preeclamptic pregnancy,VABB-1,1278,1283,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271606,,Last Observation Carried Forward: A Crystal ball?,VABB-1,872,888,-,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271608,,Comparison of the guaranteed analysis with the measured nutrient composition of commercial pet foods,VABB-1,347,351,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271611,,The relationship between inpatient cardiac surgery mortality and nurse numbers and educational level: analysis of administrative data,VABB-1,796,803,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271612,,Prognostic relevance of extracapsular lymph node involvement in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma,VABB-1,3070,3079,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271613,,"Investigating association between behavior, corticosterone, heart rate, and blood pressure in rats using surrogate marker evaluation methodology",VABB-1,133,149,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271614,,A family of measures to evaluate scale reliability in a longitudinal setting,VABB-1,237,253,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271615,,Letter to the editor: Does pharmacotherapy reduce rate of decline of lung function in COPD?,VABB-1,171,171,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:271616,,Reliability of a longitudinal sequence of scale ratings,VABB-1,49,64,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271617,,Doppler measurement of Renal Interlobar Vein Impedance Index in uncomplicated and pre-eclamptic pregnancies: a pilot study,VABB-1,23,33,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271619,,Marginalizing pattern-mixture models for categorical data subject to monotone missingness,VABB-1,305,336,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271620,,Using longitudinal data from a clinical trial in depression to assess the reliability of its outcome scale,VABB-1,730,738,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271621,,A multifaceted sensitivity analysis of the Slovenian Public Opinion Survey data,VABB-1,171,196,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271623,,Mortality risk analysis following routine vs selective defunctioning stoma formation after total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer,VABB-1,797,805,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271625,,"Improved regional function after autologous bone marrow-derived stem cell transfer in patients with acute myocardial infarction: a randomized, double-blind strain rate imaging study",VABB-1,662,670,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271627,,Chromosome instability is common in human cleavage-stage embryos,VABB-1,577,583,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271629,,Percetie van Belgische Verpleegkundigen betreffende het werkklimaat in acute ziekenhuizen: een RN4CAST pilootstudie,VABB-1,63,77,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271632,,The impact of place of enrollment and delay to reperfusion on 90-day post-infarction mortality in the ASSENT-4 PCI trial: assessment of the safety and efficacy of a new treatment strategy with percutaneous coronary intervention,VABB-1,925,930,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271633,,Caries Experience and Gingivitis of Permanent First Molars in Relation to Timing of Emgergence,VABB-1,33,42,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271634,,"Incomplete data in clinical studies: Analysis, sensitivity, and sensitivity analysis",VABB-1,409,429,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271635,,Nurse staffing and patient outcomes in Belgian acute hospitals: Cross-sectional analysis of administrative data,VABB-1,928,939,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271636,,High Efficacy of Panobinostat Towards Human Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors in a Xenograft Mouse Model,VABB-1,4066,4076,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271642,,Clinical models are inaccurate to predict bile duct stones in situ for patients with gallbladder,VABB-1,38,44,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271644,,A Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Model for Estimating Calibration Intervals for Unknown Concentrations in Two-Color Microarray Data with Spike-Ins,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271645,,Predictive validity of the International Hospital Outcomes Study questionnaire: an RN4CAST pilot study,VABB-1,202,210,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271648,,Surrogate endpoints: application in pediatric clinical trials,VABB-4,501,512,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271650,,"The effects of electrical stimulation or an electrolytic lesion in the mediodorsal thalamus of the rat on survival, body weight, food intake and running activity in the activity-based anorexia model",VABB-1,116,122,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271653,,Woordenschatkennis in verband met het lichaam bij vijfjarige Turkse kinderen die het Nederlands als tweede taal verwerven,VABB-1,119,131,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271655,,Basic need satisfaction and identity formation: Bridging self-determination theory and process-oriented identity research,VABB-1,276,288,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271667,,De zelf-determinatie theorie: Kwalitatief goed motiveren op de werkvloer,VABB-1,316,335,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:271670,,Voorspellers van toekomstige inzetbaarheid van psychologiestudenten,VABB-1,111,123,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271675,,Gift as God — God as Gift? Notes Towards Rethinking the Gift of Theology,VABB-4,255,267,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271676,,Gift as God – God as Gift? Notes Towards Rethinking the Gift of Theology,VABB-1,255,267,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271677,,"Dissociations between motor timing, motor coordination, and time perception after the administration of alcohol or caffeine",VABB-1,719,729,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271680,,Loneliness and solitude in adolescence: A confirmatory factor analysis of alternative models,VABB-1,890,894,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271688,,The significance of reciprocal and unilateral friendships for peer vlctimization in adolescence,VABB-1,89,100,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271689,,"Working Memory and Postural Control: Adult Age Differences in Potential for Improvement, Task Priority, and Dual Tasking",VABB-1,193,201,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271691,,Continuity and change in Glycemic Control Trajectories From Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood: Relationships with family climate and self-concept in type 1 diabetes,VABB-1,797,801,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271699,,De “politiek-criminele nexus” in Italië: Honderdvijftig jaar betrekkingen tussen maffia en politiek,VABB-1,30,46,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271700,,Is Medicinal Opium Production Afghanistan’s Answer? Lessons from India and the World Market,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271705,,Polygraph Testing Internet Offenders,VABB-4,113,128,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:271710,,Bestaat het beroep criminoloog anno 2009 in Vlaanderen?,VABB-1,28,44,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271722,,De recidive van Den Engh,VABB-1,48,54,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271723,,Stimulerend integriteitsbeleid in de publieke sector,VABB-4,249,261,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271731,,Gevangenis en samenleving 2009: een externe evaluatie van het Vlaams Strategisch Plan hulp- en dienstverlening aan gedetineerden,VABB-1,17,22,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271734,,Statrec: inschatting van het recidiverisico van verdachten van een misdrijf,VABB-1,277,292,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271735,,India: the third largest illicit opium producer?,VABB-1,347,354,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271739,,Illegal Drugs Trade,VABB-4,611,614,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271740,,"Restorative justice, freedom and the limits of the law",VABB-4,161,175,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271743,,Dismissive attachment and posttraumatic stress disorder among Belgium securely and insecurely attached security workers,VABB-1,889,899,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271746,,Drug trafficking,VABB-4,626,650,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271751,,Development of a GIS-based indicator for environmental pesticide exposure and its application to a Belgian case-control study on bladder cancer,VABB-1,172,185,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271752,,Lifestyle changes and breast cancer prognosis: a review,VABB-1,13,22,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271760,,Can pharmacological treatment of behavioural disturbances in elderly patients with dementia lower the burden of their family caregiver?,VABB-1,279,286,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271763,,Psychose in de huisartspraktijk,VABB-1,38,42,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271767,,Elective high frequency oscillatory ventilation versus conventional ventilation for acute pulmonary dysfunction in preterm infants,VABB-1,CD000104,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271777,,Can ill-structured problems reveal beliefs about medical knowledge and knowing? A focus-group approach,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271794,,An Evaluation of a computer based education program for the diagnosis and management of dementia in primary care. An international study of the transcultural adaptations necessary for European dissemination,VABB-1,397,402,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271795,,Obstacles to the implementation of evidence-based physiotherapy in practice: A focus group-based study in Belgium (Flanders),VABB-1,476,488,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271797,,Reduction in hormone replacement therapy use and declining breast cancer incidence in the Belgian province of Limburg,VABB-1,425,432,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271802,,Osteoporosis management: a perspective based on bisphosphonate data from randomised clinical trials and observational databases,VABB-1,1792,1804,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271814,,Electronic access to health information and/or knowledge by health professionals to improve practice and patient care,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271815,,Barriers and facilitators to evidence-based care of type 2 diabetes patients: experiences of general practitioners participating to a quality improvement program,VABB-1,41,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271816,,GP's reasons for referral of patients with chest pain: a qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271821,,Re: Selenium and vitamin E: interesting biology and dashed hope,VABB-1,1363,1364,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271822,,Effectiveness of nonresuscitative first aid training in laypersons: a systematic review,VABB-1,447,457,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271825,,Interdisciplinary diabetes care teams operating on the interface between primary and specialty care are associated with improved outcomes of care: findings from the Leuven Diabetes Project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271827,,Kansen en problemen bij door huisartsen opgezette geneesmiddelenstudies in België,VABB-1,385,391,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271833,,Psychose: probleemschets vanuit de huisartsgeneeskunde,VABB-1,929,934,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271834,,The effectiveness and safety of proton radiation therapy for indications of the eye : a systematic review,VABB-1,211,221,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271835,,Antidepressants in the treatment of adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review,VABB-1,170,184,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271838,,Meta-analyse van individuele patiëntengegevens,VABB-1,402,406,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271840,,Why does the general practitioner refer patients with chest pain not-urgently to the specialist or urgently to the emergency department? Influence of the certainty of the initial diagnosis,VABB-1,259,265,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271841,,"Evaluation of the quality of life after individualized homeopathic treatment for seasonal allergic rhinitis. A prospective, open, non-comparative study",VABB-1,11,16,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271844,,Does antidepressant medication in patients with hepatitis C undergoing interferon alpha treatment reduce therapeutic efficacy?,VABB-1,145,145,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271845,,Sequence variants at the TERT-CLPTM1L locus associate with many cancer types,VABB-1,221,227,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271848,,Frailty: an emerging concept for general practice,VABB-1,364,369,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271849,,What is the role of the general practitioner towards the family caregiver of a community-dwelling demented relative?. A systematic literature review,VABB-1,31,40,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271850,,Vroegtijdige zorgplanning in rusthuizen. Een verkenning,VABB-1,180,185,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271851,,Euthanasie bij personen met dementie. Reflecties van artsen,VABB-1,666,671,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271853,,Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care in Belgium: Need for Structured Shared Care,VABB-1,367,372,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271856,,The relation between care giving and the mental health of caregivers of demented relatives: A cross-sectional study,VABB-1,99,106,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271859,,A randomized clinical trial using an educational intervention demonstrated no effect on interobserver agreement on assessments of functional status,VABB-1,128,141,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271865,,Progression and improvement after mild cognitive impairment,VABB-1,7,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271873,,Previous intravenous substance use and outcome of liver transplantation in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection,VABB-1,589,594,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271877,,"""Without wanting to push the analysis further …”: Jean-Michel Rabaté and the Materialities of Theory",VABB-1,64,69,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271883,,"A Plasma-Based Biomatrix Mixed with Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Keratinocytes Promotes Matrix Formation, Angiogenesis, and Reepithelialization in Full-Thickness Wounds",VABB-1,1533,1542,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271884,,Kafka in der Bank,VABB-4,317,334,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:271886,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271887,,Wordsworth and the recollection of South Africa,VABB-4,47,59,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271889,,Tempo e memoria nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana,VABB-3,,,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:271891,,"Een beklemmend gevoel van onontkoombaarheid. ""Leven als ambacht"" van Cesare Pavese als dagboekschrijver",VABB-1,14,25,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271892,,"""The Tunes of Death"". Music as a way to the Divine in Plutarch's De superstitione, Quaestiones Convivales IX 14, and Non posse suaviter vivi secundum Epicurum",VABB-4,401,413,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271893,,Epic & Ethics. Il New Italian Epic e le responsabilità della letteratura,VABB-1,68,76,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271898,,"""Never the twain shall meet""? Plutarch and Philostratus' Life of Apollonius: some themes and techniques",VABB-4,187,208,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271899,,Gattungschaos im 'Seghelijn van Jherusalem': an die Grenzen der Interpretabilität,VABB-4,117,139,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:271900,,"Rahmungen des Nichts: zur Ethik des Lesens und Schreibens in Schleiermachers ""Vertrauten Briefen über Friedrich Schlegels 'Lucinde'""",VABB-4,201,222,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:271902,,Does mood really influence comparative optimism?,VABB-1,579,599,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:271913,,Cultural continuity and discontinuity in Turkish migrant families: Extending the Model of Family Change,VABB-4,242,261,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271922,,Ieper. Northern City Gate,VABB-4,199,207,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271933,,Mumbai's Maidans. From Fields of Fire to Non-places,VABB-4,121,131,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271936,,Reclaiming (the Urbanism of) Mumbai,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:271943,,"Jan David S.J., Schild-wacht (1602)",VABB-4,4,7,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271951,,"‘Zwagers aan het Spaanse hof, vredesgezanten in de Nederlandse Opstand. Jan van Noircarmes (†1585) en Karel van Tisnacq jr. (†1597)’",VABB-1,27,45,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271957,,De verzoening van Rennenberg (1579-1581). Adellijke beweegredenen tijdens de Opstand anders bekeken,VABB-1,318,332,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:271966,,Gillis Claeissens: een 'onbekende' schilder uit het zestiende-eeuws Brugge. Aanzet tot reconstructie van zijn oeuvre binnen de Claeissensgroep,VABB-1,29,67,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271980,,"Joseph-François Lafitau S.J., De zeden der wilden van Amerika (1713)",VABB-4,257,260,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271981,,"José de Acosta S.J., Historie en morael van de Westersche Indien (1624)",VABB-4,54,57,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:271982,,"Zwagers aan het Spaanse hof, vredesgezanten in de Nederlandse Opstand. Jan van Noircarmes (+1585) en Karel van Tisnacq junior (+1597)",VABB-1,189,207,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272001,,Het staatshoofd,VABB-4,265,287,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272004,,Nursing and euthanasia: a review of argument-based ethics literature,VABB-1,466,486,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272009,,Historici over bankiers in het middeleeuws Brugge,VABB-4,49,73,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272015,,Cambrinus uitgedaagd: verschuivingen in de consumptie en distributie van dranken in het achttiende-eeuwse Hasselt,VABB-1,3,25,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272017,,"Het ""politiek testament"" van de hertog van Alva: aanbevelingen voor don Luis de Requenséns over het te voeren beleid in de Nederlanden (Brussel, 2 december 1573)",VABB-1,447,474,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272023,,Predicting school adjustment in early elementary school: Impact of teacher-child relationship quality and relational classroom climate,VABB-1,119,141,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272024,,Savage solitude: The problemization of disability at the turn of the eighteenth century,VABB-1,269,289,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272035,,Investigation of the Conformation of Hyperbranched Poly(arylene oxindole)s Using Hyper-Rayleigh Scattering,VABB-1,3740,3747,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272043,,Young people online: gender and age influences,VABB-4,95,106,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272046,,Media and religion,VABB-4,457,470,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272052,,The Media for Democracy Monitor applied to five countries: A selection of indicators and their assessment,VABB-1,203,220,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272054,,The European and global dimension: taking small media systems research to the next level,VABB-1,105,112,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272056,,Belgium: two communities with diverging views on how to manage media diversity,VABB-1,51,56,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272058,,"Games-based Learning, Destination Feedback and Adaptation: a case Study of an Educational Planning Simulation",VABB-4,119,130,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272062,,Journalistiek en internet in de Lage Landen: een vergelijkende studie naar het internetgebruik van Nederlandse en Vlaamse journalisten,VABB-1,99,117,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:272067,,Converging PSB policies in Western Europe: the Netherlands and Flanders compared,VABB-1,190,209,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272070,,Internet in the daily life of journalists: Explaining the use of the Internet by work-related characteristics and professional opinions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272075,,Research with children,VABB-4,31,40,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272078,,"Television performance in Indonesia: Steering between civil society, state and market",VABB-1,39,58,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272081,,Van Frankenstein tot de Goede Moeder: de inzet van frames in de strategische communicatie over duurzaamheid,VABB-1,303,316,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:272087,,"Challenging the frame in the news: the role of issue involvement, attitude, and competing frames",VABB-1,161,170,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272098,,Establishing a Holocene sediment budget for the river Dijle,VABB-1,150,163,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272099,,Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo) Pellets from Roman Sagalassos (SW Turkey): Distinguishing the Prey Remains from Nest and Roost Sites,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272102,,The Chaîne opératoire Approach in Middle Palaeolithic Archaeology,VABB-1,103,131,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:272107,,Seriation by constrained correspondence analysis: a simulation study,VABB-1,3129,3138,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272110,,Clues of production for the Neolithic Catalhöyük (central Anatolia) pottery,VABB-1,612,625,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:272114,,"De dubbele waterput uit het laat-Romeinse castellum van Oudenburg (prov. West-Vlaanderen): tafonomie, chronologie en interpretatie",VABB-1,9,142,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272116,,"The functional analysis of the Mousterian and Micoquian assemblages of Sesselfelsgrotte, Germany: aspects of tool use and hafting in the European late middle Palaeolithic",VABB-1,37,66,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272120,,"Effects of image characteristics on the identification and extraction of archaeological features from Ikonos-2 and Quickbird-2 imagery, Case study: Sagalassos (southwest Turkey)",VABB-1,5655,5668,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272163,,Radiogenic isotopes in the provenance determination of raw materials: A case of lead and glass recycling at Sagalassos (SW Turkey),VABB-1,15,23,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272165,,‘Encroachment’ in the Eastern Mediterranean between the fourth and the seventh century AD,VABB-1,203,244,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272166,,Gates in Late Antiquity. The Eastern Mediterranean,VABB-1,197,213,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272167,,"Wine and olive oil permeation in pitched and non-pitched ceramics: relation with results from archaeological amphorae from Sagalassos, Turkey",VABB-1,900,909,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272171,,Firing Temperatures and Raw Material Sources of Ancient Hittite Ceramics of Asia Minor,VABB-1,35,40,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272182,,Dental microwear study of pigs from the classical site of Sagalassos (SW Turkey) as an aid for the reconstruction of husbandry practices in ancient times,VABB-1,,154,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272191,,Nieuw onderzoek op het sitecomplex langs de Molse Nete te Lommel,VABB-1,87,91,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272196,,Comparison of pregnancy outcomes in women with repaired versus unrepaired atrial septal defect,VABB-1,1593,1601,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272197,,Pregnancy-related health behavior of pregnant women with congenital heart disease: Room for behavioural change interventions,VABB-1,348,355,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272199,,"Profile of adults with congenital heart disease with a good, moderate or poor quality of life: A cluster analytic study",VABB-1,151,157,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272200,,Expectations and experiences of adolescents with congenital heart disease on being transferred from pediatric cardiology to the adult congenital heart disease,VABB-1,316,322,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272201,,Cancer patients' perceptions of the good nurse: a literature review,VABB-1,528,542,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272203,,Congenital cardiovascular nursing: Preparing for the next decade,VABB-1,106,111,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272205,,Inhospital management of COPD exacerbations: a systematic review of the literature with regard to adherence to international guidelines,VABB-1,1101,1110,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272208,,Content analysis of euthanasia policies of nursing homes in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,313,322,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272210,,Eisenmenger syndrome: A clinical review,VABB-1,237,245,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272212,,Predicting the risk of functional decline in older patients admitted to the hospital: a comparison of three screening instruments,VABB-1,600,603,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272213,,What do cardiovascular nurses know about hematological management in patients with Eisenmenger syndrome?,VABB-1,246,250,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272214,,The effect of Bosentan in patients with a failing Fontan circulation,VABB-1,331,339,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272215,,Attitude toward and current practice of transfer and transition of adolescents with congenital heart disease in the United States of America and Europe,VABB-1,786,793,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272216,,interventions to improve medication adherence after transplantation: a systematic review,VABB-1,780,797,-,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272223,,Effects of an interdisciplinary nurse-led Delirium Prevention and Management Program (DPMP) on nursing workload: A pilot study,VABB-1,804,812,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272224,,"[Recurrent falling, osteoporosis and sarcopenia, three major problems, an integrated approach]",VABB-1,262,269,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272225,,Strontiumranelaat in de behandeling van postmenopauzale osteoporose,VABB-1,173,179,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272226,,A pilot trial of microplasmin in patients with long-term venous access catheter thrombosis,VABB-1,477,481,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272228,,Comparison of perceived health status among solid organ transplant candidates,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:272231,,The virtual gateway: Opening doors in delirium teaching and learning,VABB-1,15,19,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272232,,Nurse involvement in the care for patients requesting euthanasia,VABB-4,73,96,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272233,,Use of a Fall Prevention Practice Guideline for Community-Dwelling Older Persons at Risk for Falling: A Feasibility Study,VABB-1,169,178,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272236,,Verpleegkundige personeelsomkadering en patiëntveiligheid in Belgische acute ziekenhuizen: een analyse van administratieve databanken,VABB-1,18,22,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272239,,Is there a future for pathways? Five pieces of the future pathway puzzle,VABB-1,82,86,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272242,,Pretransplant Predictors of Posttransplant Adherence and Clinical Outcome: An Evidence Base for Pretransplant Psychosocial Screening,VABB-1,1497,1504,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272243,,Effects of clinical pathways in the joint replacement: a meta-analysis,VABB-1,32,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272244,,Should the law on anonymity of organ donation be changed? The perception of liver transplant recipients,VABB-1,375,381,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272250,,"Congenital heart disease in 111,225 births in Belgium: Birth prevalence, treatment and survival in the 21st century",VABB-1,472,477,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272251,,Medication adherence in patients with chronic non-malignant pain: Is there a problem?,VABB-1,115,123,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272254,,"Het gebruik van perifeer ingebrachte centraalveneuze katheters (PICC) voor langdurige antibioticatherapie bij personen met infecties: een prospectieve, descriptieve pilootstudie",VABB-1,306,313,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272258,,Nonadherence Consensus Conference Summary Report,VABB-1,35,41,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272260,,Wasting or Obesity at Time of Transplant Does Not Predict Pediatric Heart Transplant Outcomes: Analysis of ISHLT Pediatric Heart Transplant Registry,VABB-1,1273,1278,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272261,,"Symptom experience, nonadherence and quality of life in adult liver transplant recipients",VABB-1,161,168,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272268,,Development and validation of nursing resource weights for the Belgian Nursing Minimum Dataset in general hospitals: A Delphi questionnaire survey approach,VABB-1,256,267,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272269,,"Comparison of ICare, Dynamic Contour Tonometer, and Ocular Response Analyzer with Goldmann Applanation Tonometer in Patients with Glaucoma",VABB-1,783,789,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272270,,Involvement of Nurses in the Euthanasia Care Process in Flanders (Belgium): An exploration of two perspectives,VABB-1,264,274,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272271,,Translating Fall Incidence Data into Fall-Preventive Measures in Geriatric Wards - A Survey in Belgian Hospitals,VABB-1,398,404,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272272,,Do non-profit nursing homes separate governance roles? The impact of size and ownership characteristics,VABB-1,188,195,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272273,,Using nursing interventions classification as a framework to revise the Belgian nursing minimum data set,VABB-1,122,131,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272274,,Using hospital administrative data to evaluate the knowledge-to-action gap in pressure ulcer preventive care,VABB-1,375,382,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272276,,Governance in European hospitals. Analyzing governance practices using data mining and information visualization,VABB-4,88,105,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272282,,"Geriatrics on the run: rationale, implementation, and preliminary findings of a belgian internal liaison team",VABB-1,384,392,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272289,,Towards a rebirth of Benelux,VABB-1,533,568,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272307,,The Takeover Directive: A Commentary,VABB-4,1,76,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272309,,The Evolution of European Space Governance,VABB-1,155,189,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272311,,Space in the Treaty of Lisbon,VABB-4,116,124,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272314,,"Case-Note to European Court of Justice, International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (Intertanko) Case C-308/06",VABB-1,555,561,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272338,,Naar communicatie in beleid? Een overzicht van de initiatieven om de redactionele kwaliteit van Vlaamse regelgevende teksten te vergroten,VABB-1,3,19,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272340,,"Watching health threats on the news: Predicting health risk perceptions, fear and behavior intentions",VABB-1,161,172,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272344,,Television and children's moral reasoning: toward a closed-end measure of moral reasoning on interpersonal violence,VABB-1,305,321,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272345,,The television-to-exercise ratio is a predictor of overweight in adolescents: Results from a prospective cohort study with a two year follow up,VABB-1,368,371,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272346,,Television news exposure is related to fear of breast cancer,VABB-1,189,192,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272347,,Exposure to semi-explicit sexual television content is related to adolescents' reduced fear of AIDS,VABB-1,406,409,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272351,,Prestatiecommunicatie: een analyse van prestatiecommunicatie bij de Belgische en de Nederlandse spoorwegen,VABB-1,47,63,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272358,,"Viewership of pro-anorexia websites in seventh, ninth and eleventh graders",VABB-1,214,219,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272361,,Measuring the quality of life of people with profound multiple disabilities using the QOL-PMD: First results,VABB-1,1394,1405,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272362,,Psychometric evaluation of a questionnaire to measure the quality of life of people with profound multiple disabilities (QOL-PMD),VABB-1,1326,1336,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272363,,Mathematical learning disabilities in children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: a review,VABB-1,4,10,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272364,,Acquisition and use of shortcut strategies by traditionally schooled children,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272365,,"The Effect of Reminiscence Group Work on Life Satisfaction, Self-Esteem and Mood of Ageing People with Intellectual Disabilities",VABB-1,23,33,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272366,,Vineland screener 0-12 years research version (NL),VABB-1,110,117,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272367,,Jump or compensate? Strategy flexibility in the number domain up to 100,VABB-1,581,590,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272368,,The predictive value of numerical magnitude comparison for individual differences in mathematics achievement,VABB-1,469,479,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272371,,Efficiency and flexibility of indirect addition in the domain of multi-digit subtraction,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272375,,Een cognitieve karakterisering van rekenstoornissen bij personen met het syndroom van Turner,VABB-1,102,118,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272379,,Welke kinderen met SLI ontwikkelen lees- en spellingproblemen?,VABB-1,23,32,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272381,,Developing a reading tutor : design and evaluation of dedicated speech recognition and synthesis modules,VABB-1,985,994,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272382,,Interaction between persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and their partners: A literature review,VABB-1,296,312,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272383,,Oscillatory EEG correlates of arithmetic strategy use in addition and subtraction,VABB-1,635,642,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272385,,"Solving subtractions adaptively by means of indirect addition: influence of task, subject, and instructional factors",VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272388,,Solving subtraction problems by means of indirect addition,VABB-1,79,91,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272389,,The archive of the toparch Leon once again,VABB-4,161,168,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272390,,Kleopatra and the Diadochoi,VABB-4,63,92,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272391,,Hawara in the Graeco-Roman Period: life and death in a Fayum village,VABB-2,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272392,,Some institutional problems concerning the succession to Alexander the Great: prostasia and chiliarchy,VABB-1,287,310,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272393,,On eating meat and human sacrifice: Greek anthropology in Asclepiades of Cyprus and Theophrastus of Eresus,VABB-4,11,47,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272394,,Tears of the bereaved: Plutarch’s Consolatio ad Uxorem in context,VABB-4,335,365,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272397,,Alexander's Image in the Age of the Successors,VABB-4,235,250,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272398,,The real name of Dionysios Petosarapis,VABB-4,213,222,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272399,,An early Ptolemaic bank register from the Arsinoite nome,VABB-1,230,260,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272400,,Proactieve sportpolitiek in de oudheid. Het voorbeeld van de Ptolemaeën,VABB-1,169,187,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272401,,Archives and dossiers,VABB-4,216,255,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272402,,We too are in good health. The private correspondence from the Kleon archive,VABB-4,147,160,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272404,,Theophoric personal names in Graeco-Roman Egypt,VABB-1,68,89,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272405,,Notes on papyri,VABB-1,243,246,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272406,,Challenged by Egyptians: Greek sports in the third century BC,VABB-1,246,271,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272407,,Why tax receipts on wood? On wooden tablet archives from Ptolemaic Egypt (Pathyris),VABB-4,179,197,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272408,,Prenatale opvolging van een vrouw met obesitas weegt zwaar,VABB-1,14,19,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272409,,Prevalentie van overgewicht en obesitas in het Belgische leger. Leeftijdsafhankelijke evolutie van de body mass index,VABB-1,199,203,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272410,,"Cultural, socioeconomic and nutritional determinants of functional food consumption patterns",VABB-1,1290,1296,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272421,,Tax-compliant transfer pricing and responsibility accounting,VABB-1,151,178,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272423,,Model selection and estimation of long-memory time-series models,VABB-1,512,548,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272480,,Yes we care! Bedenkingen over de (methode der) rechtswetenschap,VABB-1,1785,1789,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272506,,Ehegüterstände in Europa,VABB-1,268,281,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:272512,,Privacy and Digital Homecare: Allies not Ennemies,VABB-4,117,149,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272517,,The fight against piracy in peer-to-peer networks: the sword of Damocles hanging over ISP's heads?,VABB-4,339,348,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272518,,Verweesde werken: wie bevrijdt hen uit het auteursrecht?,VABB-1,40,55,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272524,,Toward Implementation of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems Data Sharing Principles,VABB-1,201,290,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272536,,Gebruikers- en toegangsbeheer bij het bestuurlijke elektronische gegevensbeheer in België,VABB-1,52,60,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272540,,Cameras in your living room. The next step in eHome Care?,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272541,,Ensuring Access to Sports Content: 10 Years of EU Intervention. Time to Celebrate?,VABB-1,243,268,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272543,,"From Ownership Regulation to Legal Indicators of Media Pluralism: Background, Typologies and Methods",VABB-1,19,42,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272548,,"'Spam, spam, spam, spam … Lovely spam!' Why is Bluespam different?",VABB-1,89,97,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272556,,Delegation and Digital Mandates: Legal Requirements and Security Objectives,VABB-1,415,431,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272557,,SME cluster vs. multinational companies: similarities and differences for tax and competition lawmakers,VABB-1,400,411,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272562,,De Koningin Elisabethwedstrijd voor iedereen! Of toch niet? De evenementenlijst in het digitale televisielandschap,VABB-1,513,520,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272569,,Externe hacking: analyse van recente rechtspraak,VABB-1,136,143,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272572,,Actualiteiten – Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,460,464,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272573,,Structuur en krachtlijnen van het Nieuwe Vlaamse Mediadecreet,VABB-1,355,363,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272574,,Actualiteiten – Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,326,329,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272576,,Actualiteiten – Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,204,210,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272578,,Privacy preserving electronic petitions,VABB-1,203,209,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272582,,Identiteitsgegevens en -beheer in een digitale omgeving : een juridische benadering,VABB-1,44,52,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272583,,Biometrics,VABB-4,138,148,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272585,,Towards a new generation of CCTW networks: Erosion of data protection safeguards?,VABB-1,145,154,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272587,,All sports for free! A difficult match? Right to information in the digital broadcasting era,VABB-1,29,33,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272600,,Collective Dominance within the Context of EU Electronic Communications Regulation,VABB-1,279,303,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272602,,Social networks and web 2.0: are users also bound by data protection regulations?,VABB-1,65,79,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272607,,Rubriek telecommunicatie,VABB-1,178,181,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272609,,Rubriek telecommunicatie,VABB-1,265,268,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272610,,Een overzichtelijk juridisch kader als voorwaarde voor een goed funtionerende Geografische data Infrastructuur,VABB-1,37,42,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272618,,Young children's understanding and application of subtraction-related principles,VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272626,,Tropical Medicine Open Learning Environment,VABB-4,2155,2159,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272628,,Future mathematics teachers' ideas about proof: an explorative study using the ISIS-problem,VABB-5,364,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272632,,Onderzoek in het hoger onderwijs: onderzoeksbetrokken doelen in Vlaamse hogescholen,VABB-1,43,48,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272633,,"The relationship between learner variables, tool-usage behavior and performance",VABB-1,501,509,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272634,,Benefits of inserting support devices in electronic learning environments,VABB-1,804,810,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272635,,The use of support devices in electronic learning environments,VABB-1,793,794,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272636,,The complexity of tool use in computer-based learning environments,VABB-1,475,486,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272641,,Primingeffecten in het strategiekeuzeproces bij wiskundetaken onderzocht en bekeken vanuit het perspectief van Siegler's theorie van strategic change,VABB-1,369,384,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:272642,,"Cognitieve psychologie en wiskundeonderwijs: een ""dangerous liaison""?",VABB-1,329,333,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:272643,,High-powered learning communities: A European perspective,VABB-4,15,34,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272647,,"'Over het muurtje kijken': achtergrond, inhoud en receptie van het Final Report van het 'National Mathematics Advisory Panel' in de U.S",VABB-1,3,20,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272650,,Students' Overuse of Proportionality on Missing-Value Problems: How Numbers May Change Solutions,VABB-1,187,211,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272655,,Clearinghouse mechanisms in genetic diagnostics: conceptual framework,VABB-4,63,119,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272658,,Case 4. BirchBob. An example of a technology exchange clearing house,VABB-4,125,134,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272660,,Functions and Limits of Patent Law,VABB-4,415,442,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272663,,Das Beneluxabkommen zum Geistigen Eigentum,VABB-4,113,118,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:272669,,Beheersvennootschappen en hun bevoegdheden ten aanzien van niet-aangesloten leden,VABB-1,712,715,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272670,,"The issue of exceptions: reshaping the keys to the gates in the territory of literary, musical and artistic creation",VABB-4,317,348,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272687,,"Of Thickets, Blocks and Gaps: Designing Tools to Resolve Obstacles in the Gene Patents Landscape",VABB-4,381,463,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272691,,"Gene Patents and Collaborative Licensing Models. Patent Pools, Clearinghouses, Open Source Models and Liability Regimes",VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272693,,Legal uncertainty in the area of genetic diagnostic testing,VABB-1,903,909,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272698,,Hoe ver kan/wil men gaan in de strijd tegen namaak?,VABB-1,127,134,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272708,,Op zoek naar een adoptieregeling voor wezen in het auteursrecht,VABB-1,6,30,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272710,,Kroniek Merkenrecht (2005-2008),VABB-1,898,921,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272742,,De herziening van de handelshuurprijs,VABB-1,62,71,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272754,,Effect of pasteurization on the mannose binding lectin activity and the concentration of soluble CD14 in human milk,VABB-1,96,97,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272755,,Search and destroy policy for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: cost-benefit analysis,VABB-1,1853,1859,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272756,,Evaluation of the Copan ESswab transport system for the detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a laboratory and clinical study,VABB-1,108,111,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272760,,Visie over het omgaan met ruimtegebruik en ruimtebeslag voor 2020-2050,VABB-1,75,80,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272766,,Spatial Planning and Institutional Design: What can we expect from Transaction Cost Economics?,VABB-4,199,211,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272772,,ICT-Supported Learning and Training Tools for Terrestrial Laser Scanning Applications,VABB-5,139,143,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272791,,Genetic testing in asymptomatic minors.Background considerations towards ESHG Recommendations.,VABB-1,711,719,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272792,,Biobanks: Oversight Offers Protection,VABB-1,798,799,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272795,,'Nobody tosses a dwarf!' The relation between the empirical and the normative reexamined,VABB-1,226,235,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272797,,Examining the role of informal interpretation in medical interviews,VABB-1,159,162,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272802,,Bioethics in Hepatology,VABB-4,30,35,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272803,,Biological sample collections from minors for genetic research: a systematic review of guidelines and position papers,VABB-1,979,990,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272805,,How to deal with euthanasia requests? A palliative filter procedure,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272814,,Ethical Responsibilities Towards Dogs: An Inquiry into the Dog–Human Relationship,VABB-1,3,14,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272818,,Telepsychiatry and the meaning of in-person contact,VABB-1,469,476,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272819,,Het zorgproces rond zwangerschapsafbreking na prenatale diagnostiek,VABB-1,1058,1065,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272821,,Ethical principles and legal requirements for pediatric research in the EU: an analysis of the European normative and legal framework surrounding pediatric clinical trials,VABB-1,1225,1234,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272826,,Selected Legislation and Jurisprudence - European Court of Justice,VABB-1,105,109,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272829,,"Nursing ethics and health care policy: local, national and international perspectives",VABB-1,131,132,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272831,,Case Hecht Pharma: defining the Definition of Medicinal Products,VABB-1,872,879,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272837,,Addressing the Ethical Objections to Pediatric Biobanks,VABB-4,105,118,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272847,,Is tissue engineering a new paradigm in medicine? Consequences for the ethical evaluation of tissue engineering research,VABB-1,459,467,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272848,,The importance of the values attached to cells for a good informed consent procedure in cell donation for tissue engineering purposes,VABB-1,293,299,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272849,,An Exploratory Survey on the Views of European Tissue Engineers Concerning the Ethical Issues of Tissue Engineering Research,VABB-1,241,247,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272856,,Genetic research on stored tissue samples from minors: A systematic review of,VABB-1,2346,2358,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272864,,Gezondheidsrecht,VABB-4,1501,1523,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272866,,Belgium,VABB-4,1,200,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272868,,"Bloed, zweet en tranen. Kritische ontleding van de wet van 19 december 2008 inzake het verkrijgen en het gebruik van menselijk lichaamsmateriaal",VABB-1,178,189,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272901,,"ECJ 2009/6 Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic, 19 may 2009 (C-351/07) and Apothekekammer des Saarlandes and others, 19 May 2009 (joined cases C-171/08 and C-172/08)",VABB-1,385,389,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272902,,"ECJ 2009/5 A. Menarini and others, 2 April 2009 (joined cases C-352/07 to C-356/07, C-365/07 to C-367/07 and C-400/07)",VABB-1,381,385,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272903,,"ECJ 2009/04 Hartlauer Handelsgesellschaft mbH v. Wiener Landesregierung, Oberösterreichische Landesregierung, 10 March 2009 (C-169/07)",VABB-1,296,309,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:272904,,"ECJ 2009/03 Commission of the European Communities v. Kingdom of Spain, 5 March 2009 (C-88/07)",VABB-1,293,296,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272905,,"ECJ 2009/02 Hecht-Pharma GmbH v. Staatliches Gewerbeaufsichtsamt Lüneburg and Vertreterin des Bundesinteresses beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht, 15 January 2009 (C-140/07)",VABB-1,197,200,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:272908,,International finance: Theory into practice,VABB-2,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272909,,"Country v sector effects in equity returns, and the roles of geographical and firm-size coverage",VABB-1,433,448,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272911,,The forex forward puzzle: The career risk hypothesis,VABB-1,341,404,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272912,,The forward puzzle: The roles of exchange-rate regime and base-currency strength,VABB-1,1055,1074,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272915,,Forward premiums in the Brussels SE and the shadow price of cash balances,VABB-1,418,427,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272918,,Does competition from new equity mitigate bank rent extraction? Insights from Japanese data,VABB-1,1884,1897,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272921,,"Well-being and relationship satisfaction of couples dealing with an in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection procedure: a multilevel approach on the role of self-criticism, dependency, and romantic attachment",VABB-1,387,394,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272923,,Personality and intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning of women starting their first In Vitro Fertilization treatment,VABB-1,524,529,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272924,,Outcome and Outcome Trajectories of Personality Disordered Patients During and After a Psychoanalytic Hospitalisation-Based Treatment,VABB-1,294,307,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272931,,European Legal History: A Cultural and Political Perspective,VABB-2,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272938,,Droit germanique : la fin d'un mythe ?,VABB-1,415,426,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:272939,,Lessius and the Breakdown of the Scholastic Paradigm,VABB-1,57,78,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272940,,In memoriam Guido van Dievoet,VABB-1,275,278,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272961,,Pas op! Borgtocht in bedrijf,VABB-1,554,560,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272962,,Constitutional ideals and national identity. Limits of the freedom of the press in 19th century Belgium,VABB-4,299,314,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272963,,Ambitieuze verdedigers van het eigen vrije woord. Advocaten en de ijver voor de persvrijheid in de Belgische Grondwet (1830-31),VABB-1,137,158,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272964,,Voorlopige maatregelen bij de opzegging van een concessieovereenkomst van onbepaalde duur,VABB-1,156,167,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272974,,Afbakeningsproblemen en maximum harmonisatie: een pingpongspel met weigig rechtszekerheid of nog een reden om voorzichtig om te springen met maximumharmonisatie,VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:272976,,Positino Paper on the Proposal for a Directive on Consumer Rights,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272982,,HRM and performance: A plea for reflexivity in HRM studies,VABB-1,143,155,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:272991,,The link between board composition and board objectives : an empirical analysis for Flemish nonprofit schools,VABB-1,173,182,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:272999,,A micro-economic perspective on manager selection in nonprofit organizations,VABB-1,173,197,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273002,,Person-organization fit : testing the socialization and attraction-selection-attrition hypothesis,VABB-1,102,107,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273004,,Career mobility at the intersection between agent and structure: A conceptual model,VABB-1,739,759,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273020,,A qualitative study on the development of workplace bullying: Towards a three way model,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273036,,Religion in contemporary Europe: contrasting perceptions and dynamics,VABB-1,319,350,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273040,,Van overwinnaars tot verliezers van de geschiedenis. De erfenis van het DDR-antifascisme,VABB-1,191,202,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273041,,Een verdedigingslinie van de revolutie. Nicaraguacomités in België en politieke solidariteit in een transnationaal netwerk (1977-1990),VABB-1,28,49,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273042,,Preface,VABB-4,13,16,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273053,,Industrialising the countryside. The cooperative dairy industry in Belgium during the interwar period,VABB-4,49,75,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273054,,"Exploring the food chain. Food production and food processing in western Europe, 1850-1990",VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273055,,Between ideology and science. Higher agricultural education in Belgium and the development of a catholic agricultural network,VABB-1,236,256,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273064,,Polski wrzesien w belgijskiej historiografii,VABB-1,219,227,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273066,,Passions and ideals: Belgian historiography on Belgium communism,VABB-1,51,60,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273069,,De ideologische barst van België: van Leopold I tot Albert II,VABB-1,6,27,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273070,,‘“Heroes of the Heart”. Ideal men in the Sacred Heart devotion’,VABB-1,22,40,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273081,,Domestic heroes : Saint Nicholas and the catholic family father in the nineteenth century,VABB-1,41,63,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273087,,De Katholieke Kerk,VABB-4,1083,1115,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273088,,"ACW, MOC en hun voorlopers",VABB-4,915,924,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273090,,Vrouwenorganisaties,VABB-4,961,980,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273092,,De rurale paradox: geschiedschrijving en het post-productivistische platteland,VABB-1,62,71,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:273093,,"M. Venken, Straddling the iron curtain? Migrants' war memories (In spreidstand over het IJzeren Gordijn heen? De oorlogsherinneringen van migranten), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Moderniteit en Samenleving 1800-2000, 2008, promotor Prof. dr. I. Goddeeris; copromotor: Prof. dr. L. Vos",VABB-1,297,300,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273098,,Bodily memory: introducing immigrant organizations and the family,VABB-1,150,164,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273099,,"Families, foreignness, migration",VABB-1,125,131,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273102,,Straddling the Iron Curtain? Migrants' War Memories,VABB-1,297,300,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273108,,Introducing a new entity into discourse: comprehension and production evidence for the status of Dutch er “there” as a higher-level expectancy monitor,VABB-1,153,160,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273110,,Incorporated but not embodied?,VABB-4,445,449,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273111,,"Lexical fields, grammatical constructions, synonymy",VABB-4,1,30,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273113,,Optimizing a multiple objective surgical case sequencing problem,VABB-1,345,366,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273118,,Evaluating order throughput time in 2-block warehouses with time window batching,VABB-1,654,664,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273122,,Designing replenishment rules in a two-echelon supply chain with a flexible or an inflexible capacity strategy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273125,,Exploring the bullwhip effect by means of spreadsheet simulation,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273130,,Sequencing surgical cases in a day-care environment: an exact branch-and-price approach,VABB-1,2660,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273132,,An advanced queueing model to analyze appointment-driven service systems,VABB-1,2773,2785,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273137,,Rapid modelling in a lean context,VABB-4,163,173,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273139,,Reasons for Dropout in Infertility Treatment,VABB-1,58,64,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273142,,Anxiety in Pregnant and Postpartum Women. An exploratory study of the role of maternal orientations,VABB-1,232,242,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273143,,Dibujos como Expresio´n de la Relacio´n en Terapia,VABB-1,191,207,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273148,,"Measuring employment in the food industry: comparing the Belgian censuses, 1910-1930",VABB-1,473,505,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273149,,Parastatalen van de FOD Economische Zaken en zijn voorgangers,VABB-4,595,600,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273150,,"De FOD Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie",VABB-4,451,464,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273162,,The impact of collaboration on the technological performance of regions: time invariant or driven by life cycle dynamics? An explorative investigation of European regions in the field of biotechnology,VABB-1,847,867,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273163,,R&D investment under uncertainty: The role of R&D subsidies and patent policy,VABB-4,193,214,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273164,,Innovation success of non–R&D–performers: Substituting technology by management,VABB-1,35,58,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273165,,Exploring the relationship between scientist human capital and firm performance: The case of biomedical academic entrepreneurs in the SBIR Program,VABB-1,101,114,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273166,,Heterogeneity of patenting activity and its implications for scientific research.,VABB-1,26,34,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273174,,"Innovation, growth and structural reforms: what role for EU policies?",VABB-4,315,326,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273180,,Is China also becoming a giant in social sciences?,VABB-1,593,621,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273182,,"Capital control, debt financing and innovative activity",VABB-1,372,383,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273185,,R&D Investment and Financing Constraints of Small and Medium-Sized Firms,VABB-1,65,83,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:273187,,Are local milieus the key to innovation performance?,VABB-1,81,112,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273191,,Domestic and foreign R&D investment,VABB-1,369,380,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273192,,Tomatoes or tomato pickers? Free trade and migration between Mexico and the United States,VABB-1,109,135,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273194,,Why challenge the ivory tower? New evidence on the basicness of academic patents,VABB-1,488,499,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273201,,Strategic organization of R&D: Basicness and openness,VABB-1,43,73,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273203,,Collaboration and competition in the organization of R&D projects,VABB-1,216,233,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273208,,Growth of firms in developing countries,VABB-4,420,438,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273210,,Israeli research institutes: A dynamic and evaluative perspective,VABB-1,251,260,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273228,,Real options and foreign affiliate divestment: A portfolio perspective,VABB-1,600,620,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273237,,Regional analysis on Chinese scientific profile,VABB-1,839,857,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273238,,A structural analysis of benchmarks on different bibliometrical indicators for European research institutes based on their research profile,VABB-1,377,388,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273240,,Hybrid clustering for validation and improvement of subject-classification schemes,VABB-1,683,702,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273241,,Scholarly collaboration between Europe and Israel: A scientometric examination of a changing landscape,VABB-1,427,446,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273242,,The multi-dimensionality of journal impact,VABB-1,355,374,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273243,,Subfield-specific normalized relative indicators and a new generation of relational charts: Methodological foundations illustrated on the assessment of institutional research performance,VABB-1,165,188,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273244,,The knowledge production of 'R' and 'D'.,VABB-1,141,143,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273245,,Niet-gericht onderzoek inbedden: relevantie als criterium?,VABB-1,409,412,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273248,,Zeven mythen in de bibliometrie - Feiten en fictie in kwantitatieve wetenschappelijke studies,VABB-1,4,10,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273249,,A comparative analysis of publication activity and citation impact based on the core literature in bioinformatics,VABB-1,109,129,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273253,,Developing the support infrastructure of technology transfer offices to accommodate the needs of global spinoff companies (outline of a methodology applied within the GlobalStart project),VABB-1,201,219,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273260,,Tracing the role of individual journals in a cross-citation,VABB-1,821,838,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273262,,Strategic organization of R&D,VABB-4,39,64,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273272,,A quantitative evaluation system of Chinese journals in the humanities and social sciences journals in the humanities and social sciences,VABB-1,8,27,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273275,,Living Apart Together? A Systematic Theologian’s Response to Maarten Wisse,VABB-4,385,398,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273276,,"Truth as Performance? History, Transcendence and the ‘As If’",VABB-4,277,298,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273282,,The Historical Roots of Personalism,VABB-1,361,392,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273284,,Elevation of the ‘Care-for-Self’ of Living Beings to the ‘Care-for-the-Other’ in Human Persons. Building Blocks for a Humane Family Life as the Context for Family Education,VABB-4,18,57,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273289,,Het kwaad als keerzijde van het goede. Fenomenologie van een intrige als ethische uitdaging,VABB-1,104,113,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273290,,The Ethical Voice of the Child Plea for a Chiastic Responsibility in the Footsteps of Levinas,VABB-4,267,291,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273325,,Geen rechtsplegingsvergoeding voor procedures op eenzijdig verzoekschrift?,VABB-1,872,876,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273344,,"Why did the communist party reform in China, but not in the Sovjet Union? The political economy of agricultural transition",VABB-1,275,287,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273345,,"Media, monitoring, and capture of public funds: Evidence from Madagascar",VABB-1,242,255,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273346,,Global retail chains and poor farmers: Evidence from Madagascar,VABB-1,1728,1741,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273347,,Agrifood industry transformation and farmers in developing countries,VABB-1,1717,1727,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273348,,"Farmers, vertical coordination, and the restructuring of dairy supply chains in central and eastern Europe",VABB-1,1742,1758,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273350,,Belgium’s Diamond of Competitiveness. A Comparison between Foreign and Domestic Companies,VABB-4,30,49,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273352,,The role of FDI in technology innovation in India and China,VABB-4,102,116,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273353,,Agricultural Productivity in Transition Economies,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273356,,Credit market imperfections and the distribution of policy rents,VABB-1,1124,1139,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273362,,"Human capital, market imperfections, poverty and migration: evidence from rural Albania",VABB-1,22,45,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273367,,"Reforms, globalization and endogenous agricultural structures",VABB-1,719,732,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273369,,How can the impact of foreign direct investment on human development be measured and regulated?,VABB-1,133,136,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273371,,Governance structures and resource policy reform: insights from agricultural transition,VABB-1,33,54,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273372,,The growth of agricultural protection in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries,VABB-1,1499,1537,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273375,,The political economy of agricultural reform in transition countries,VABB-4,27,41,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273381,,"Exploratie! Exploratie! Exploratie! De transformaties van het Natuurhistorisch museum van Brussel, 1890-1920",VABB-1,162,177,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:273382,,Spreading Stones and Showing Bones: the Material Rhetoric of Prehistoric Archaeology,VABB-1,195,216,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273383,,Between the Laboratory and the Deep Blue Sea. Space Issues in the Marine Stations of Naples and Wimereux,VABB-1,199,227,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273388,,Het verhaal van de moraal: universele en nationale geschiedenis in de Zuid-Nederlandse colleges na de Theresiaanse onderwijshervorming (1777-1789),VABB-1,249,266,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273392,,"R.C. Bakhuizen van den Brink en de moderne geschiedwetenschap. Filologie, geschiedenis, archief",VABB-1,334,347,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:273393,,Altruïstisch ambtenaar of heroïsch genie? Het gepropageerde beeld van provinciale en academische directeurs van bacteriologische laboratoria in België (ca. 1900-1940),VABB-1,191,210,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273399,,"Een schooljongen op straf: brieven van Karel van de Woestijne aan Gustave van de Woestijne, 1918-1919",VABB-1,595,634,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273403,,'Une mode charmante': nineteenth-century indoor gardening between nature and artifice,VABB-1,217,234,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273412,,The path of history: narrative analysis of history textbooks - a case study of Belgian history textbooks (1945-2004),VABB-1,263,282,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273416,,The public's signatures: visitors' books in nineteenth-century museums,VABB-1,143,162,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273417,,"L. Nys, De intrede van het publiek: museumbezoek in België 1830-1914, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2009, promotor: Prof. dr. J. Tollebeek",VABB-1,312,323,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273419,,De artistieke reisbeurs in dienst van de Belgische koloniale propaganda: het ministerie van Koloniën en de koloniale kunstenaars tijdens het interbellum,VABB-1,135,171,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273420,,Scholasticism Reformed. Essays in Honour of Willem J. van Asselt,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273421,,Pro salute nostra reparanda. Radical Orthodoxy's Christology of Manifestation versus Augustine's Moral Christology,VABB-4,71,99,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273423,,Framing the Congo and the (Un)bildung of the Imperial State: De zwarte kost (1898) by Cyriel Buysse,VABB-1,390,400,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:273431,,The Penelopiad and Weight: contemporary parodic and burlesque transformations of classical myths,VABB-1,100,118,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273433,,Crise et triomphe du roman au XVIIIe siècle: un bilan,VABB-4,29,66,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:273434,,Getting lost in La Mancha: the unma(s)king of Gilliam's The man who killed Don Quixote,VABB-4,251,269,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273435,,Did Don Quixote and Cervantes read the same books?,VABB-4,183,195,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273436,,Don Quixote travelling through the young Belgium,VABB-4,169,182,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273437,,Saying Everything and Affected Self-Disclosure in the Works of Reinaldo Arenas and Hervé Guibert,VABB-4,263,279,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273438,,The Intrusive Incertitude of the Quixote or the Emergence of World Literature According to Carlos Fuentes,VABB-4,71,87,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273442,,International Don Quixote,VABB-3,,,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:273445,,"Ut pictura poesis, ut poesis musica: la page noire de la musique",VABB-4,213,230,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273446,,Aux limites de l'imitation: l'ut pictura poesis à l'épreuve de la matière (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles),VABB-3,,,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:273447,,Le récit génétique au XVIIIe siècle,VABB-2,,,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:273450,,"Discours internationaliste et conscience identitaire des échanges culturels : l’exemple belgo-allemand (Der Sturm, Résurrection)",VABB-4,267,282,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273451,,Commitment and Complicity in Cultural Theory and Practice,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273454,,« Et pour les Flamands la même chose » : quelle politique de traduction pour quelles minorités linguistiques ?,VABB-1,7,21,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:273457,,"La agonía del dictador. La muerte de Francisco Franco en novelas de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Rafael Chirbes y Juan Luis Cebrián",VABB-4,85,95,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:273472,,“¿Cerrar o no cerrar? Tensión entre clausura narrativa y sugestión ensayística en Don Juan de Gregorio Marañón,VABB-4,175,185,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:273476,,Azaña en el bosque de las letras: la pasión crítica de Goytisolo en El Lucernario,VABB-4,293,311,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:273481,,Quixotism as a Poetic and Patriotic Project in the 20-th Century Spanish Essay,VABB-4,15,31,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273486,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273490,,Cognitive poetics: a critical introduction,VABB-4,1,29,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273492,,Who is the reader of 'Pierre Menard'? Borges on Cervantes revisited,VABB-4,89,107,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273493,,Monstruos y espectros en el imaginario cinematográfico de la postguerra civil española: el espíritu de la colmena (V.Erice) y El laberinto del fauno (G. del Toro),VABB-4,259,269,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:273494,,Image de l'auteur et création d'un ethos fictif à l'Äge classique,VABB-1,1,13,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:273495,,Pierre Bayle contre Jacques Le Febvre S.J.: l'infaillibilité du pape dans Bayle en petit,VABB-4,49,65,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:273496,,Les philosophes et leurs papes,VABB-3,,,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:273499,,Don Quixote on the Mississippi: Twain's Modernities,VABB-4,237,250,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273501,,The Representational Logic of Post-Americanist Narratives,VABB-4,51,63,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273502,,"Exile, Caribbean Literature, and the World Republic of Letters",VABB-4,221,231,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273503,,Introduction,VABB-4,5,9,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273504,,Preface,VABB-4,3,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273505,,Literature for Europe?,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273512,,Innovation or Impasse? The Contribution of Familiaris Consortio to a Contemporary Theology of Marriage,VABB-1,67,86,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273513,,Stille Zaterdag in de zorg voor mensen met dementie. Een 'en toch' vanuit pastoraaltheologisch perspectief,VABB-1,401,411,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273514,,"When 'Love' Strikes. Social Sciences, Ethics and Theology on Family Violence",VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273515,,Deaf People: Community and World View,VABB-1,485,509,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273516,,Interchurch Marriage. Conjugal and Ecclesial Communion in the Domestic Church,VABB-1,383,400,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273518,,Domestic Violence and an Integral Family Ethic,VABB-4,335,355,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273519,,Highlighting Children’s Spirituality in a De-traditionalised Society. The Challenge of Theologising with Others for Religious Education and Pastoral Care,VABB-4,123,130,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273523,,The December 2004 Tsunami and the Rebirth of a Nation with Special Reference to Sri Lanka. Responsibility as a Basic Concept of the Triumph over Tragedy in the Footsteps of Emmanuel Levinas,VABB-4,273,282,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273524,,Faith in Search of Vision: Living and Celebrating Christian Community in the Deaf World,VABB-1,44,67,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273525,,Meer dan één wereld te winnen: participatie van mensen met een handicap in de christelijke gemeenschap,VABB-1,413,426,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273526,,Abortion from an Existential Point of View. The Impact of Abortion on the Life of Women,VABB-4,217,221,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273535,,De hedendaagse vraag naar sacraliteit,VABB-1,341,352,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273537,,De missie van de mis: heiliging en heling,VABB-1,439,448,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273541,,Baader on the Incarnation. Incentives for a Sound Christology,VABB-4,63,74,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273542,,Ways of Finding Truth. A Proposal for a Method of Concordance in Systematic Theology,VABB-4,231,256,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273543,,Baader sur l'eucharistie,VABB-4,115,129,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:273544,,Baader and the Necessity of Christianity's Sacramental Principle,VABB-1,106,119,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273545,,De persoonlijkheid van God en de onpersoonlijkheid onder de mensen,VABB-1,261,283,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273551,,Caritas: 'machtig' kerkelijk heilshandelen. Aspecten van diaconaal handelen in het licht van machtsmechanismen,VABB-1,371,386,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273552,,Children are the Future...and the Present. Challenging Pastoral Practices with Children,VABB-1,129,148,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273557,,Pro Veritate. A Case for a Method of Concordance in Theology,VABB-1,303,321,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273572,,De kruisiconografie in Oost en West,VABB-1,44,68,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273578,,Christian symbolism of marriage and its usefulness today,VABB-1,12,22,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273579,,Een wetenschappelijke basis basis voor de uniciteit en de universaliteit van het christendom?,VABB-1,69,88,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273582,,Belgium: the Hermeneutical-Communicative Model,VABB-4,31,44,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273583,,The role of childhood trauma in chronic pain and fatigue,VABB-4,37,64,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273585,,Depression as an evolutionary conserved mechanism to terminate separation-distress: Only part of the biopsychosocial story?,VABB-1,52,61,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273586,,"A developmental, mentalization-based approach to the understanding and treatment of borderline personality disorder",VABB-1,1355,1381,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273587,,A multi-method perspective on Emotional Availability in Flemish mothers in the postpartum period,VABB-1,228,243,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273588,,"Nood aan psychologische begeleiding bij vroeggeboorte, een miskend multitrauma in de kiem van het ouderschap",VABB-1,12,18,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273593,,The significance of therapist genuineness from the client's perspective,VABB-1,207,228,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273594,,Validation of a theory driven profile interpretation of the Dutch Short form of the MMPI using TAT Social Cognitions and Object Relations Scale (SCORS),VABB-1,155,165,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273595,,Dependency and self-criticism in postpartum depression and anxiety: A case-control study,VABB-1,22,32,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273596,,A structural-developmental psychodynamic approach to psychopathology: Two polarities of experience across the life span,VABB-1,793,814,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273597,,Structural personality organization as assessed with the Dutch Short form of MMPI predicts drop-out and treatment response in brief cognitive behavioral group therapy for Axis I disorders,VABB-1,439,452,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273598,,Pharmacological treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome: Focusing on the role of antidepressants,VABB-1,1561,1570,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273599,,Lichamelijke aspecten van mentalisatie: Therapeutische focus bij ernstige onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten,VABB-1,239,248,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273603,,Factor structure of the Impact of Event Scale-Revised in two different Peruvian samples,VABB-1,E91,E98,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273613,,"Job insecurity, perceived employability, and targets’ and perpetrators’ experiences of workplace bullying",VABB-1,206,224,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273617,,Job Insecurity Climate's Influence on Employees' Job Attitudes: Evidence from two European Countries,VABB-1,125,147,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273618,,Job Insecurity and Well-Being: Moderation by Employability,VABB-1,739,751,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273619,,Organizations’ use of temporary employment and job insecurity climate among Belgian and Spanish permanent workers,VABB-1,564,591,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273620,,Why is Organizational Change Related to Workplace Bullying? Role Conflict and Job Insecurity as Mediators,VABB-1,348,371,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273621,,Motives for accepting temporary employment: A typology,VABB-1,237,252,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273622,,Balanced versus unbalanced psychological contracts in temporary and permanent employment: Associations with employee attitudes,VABB-1,329,351,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273625,,Explaining employees' evaluations of organizational change with the job-demands resources model,VABB-1,594,613,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273626,,Bevordert een intrinsieke arbeidsoriëntatie de bevlogenheid en arbeidstevredenheid?,VABB-1,177,199,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:273628,,"Cross-lagged relationships between workplace bullying, job satisfaction and engagement: two longitudinal studies",VABB-1,225,243,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273633,,Ecological Limits to Globalization of Managerial Situations,VABB-1,185,198,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273637,,Employment prospects of temporary and permanent workers: Assocations with well-being and work-related attitudes,VABB-1,1,35,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273642,,"Job insecurity and employability in fixed-term contractors, agency workers, and permanent workers: Associations with job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment",VABB-1,193,205,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273643,,"Transitioning between temporary and permanent employment: A two-wave study on the entrapment, the stepping stone and the selection hypothesis",VABB-1,67,88,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273647,,Claiming more than equality: Should leaders ask for forgiveness?,VABB-1,287,298,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273654,,When being disadvantaged grows into vengeance: The effects of asymmetry of interest and social rejection in social dilemmas,VABB-1,526,539,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273655,,Behavioral (In)tolerance of Equality Violation in Social Dilemmas: When Trust Affects Contribution Decisions after Violations of Equality,VABB-1,517,531,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273657,,Leadership and team cohesiveness across cultures,VABB-1,358,370,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273668,,Gaining insight in domestic violence with emergent self organizing maps,VABB-1,11864,11874,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273680,,Rule-based business process modelling and enactment.,VABB-1,194,207,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273698,,A scenario-based verification technique to assess the compatibility of collaborative business processes,VABB-1,531,551,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273701,,A modified Pareto/NBD approach for predicting customer lifetime value,VABB-1,2062,2071,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273703,,Modeling churn using customer lifetime value,VABB-1,402,411,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273710,,Intelligence-led policing at the Amsterdam-Amstelland police department: operationalized business intelligence with an enterprise ambition,VABB-1,279,292,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273720,,50 years of data mining and OR: upcoming trends and challenges,VABB-1,S16,S23,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273721,,SIADBDD: an integrated tool to design distributed databases,VABB-1,161,169,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273724,,Inferring comprehensible business/ICT alignment rules,VABB-1,116,124,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273733,,Decompositional rule extraction from support vector machines by active learning,VABB-1,178,191,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273749,,Tradition and Innovation in the Psychology of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi,VABB-4,121,139,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273750,,The Afterlife of the Platonic Soul: Reflection of Platonic Psychology in the Monotheistic Religions,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273751,,Paulus en Israël – een mysterie in twee delen,VABB-1,43,56,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273753,,The Attitude of Flemish Palliative Care Physicians to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: An Empirical Study,VABB-1,311,335,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273754,,Flemish Palliative Care Nurses’ Attitudes toward Euthanasia,VABB-1,488,497,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273755,,Palliative Care Physicians’ Religious/World View and Attitude Toward Euthanasia: A Quantitative Study among Flemish Palliative Care Physicians,VABB-1,41,50,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273756,,Treatment Decisions in Advanced Disease – A Conceptual Framework,VABB-1,30,36,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273758,,The Operationalisation of Religion and World View in Surveys of Nurses' Attitudes toward Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide,VABB-1,423,431,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273760,,Religion and Nurses' Attitudes to Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide,VABB-1,303,318,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273761,,"Religion, World View and the Nurse: Results of a Quantitative Survey among Flemish Palliative Care Nurses",VABB-1,590,600,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273763,,The General Evaluation and Definition of Ritual in Social Anthropology,VABB-4,197,226,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273764,,Beyond expertise: reflections on specialist agency and the autonomy of the divinatory ritual process,VABB-1,92,109,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273766,,"Chronic low back pain: Physical training, graded activity with problem solving training, or both? The one-year post-treatment results of a randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,543,549,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273767,,Fear conditioned respiration and its association to cardiac reactivity,VABB-1,212,217,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273771,,"More is not always better: Cost-effectiveness analysis of combined, single behavioral and single physical rehabilitation programs for chronic low back pain",VABB-1,71,81,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273773,,The fidelity of treatment delivery can be assessed in treatment outcome studies: a successful illustration from behavioral medicine,VABB-1,81,90,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273780,,The psychology of fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis: a review,VABB-1,3,11,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273781,,Why do you sigh: Sigh frequency during induced stress and relief,VABB-1,1005,1013,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273799,,Dimensional and componential structure of a hierarchical organization of pain-related anxiety constructs,VABB-1,340,351,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273803,,Repeated Breathlessness Experiences Induced by Hypercapnia: Differential Effects on Intensity and Unpleasantness,VABB-1,455,461,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273804,,Active avoidance but not activity pacing is associated with disability in fibromyalgia,VABB-1,29,35,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273805,,Affective modulation of inspiratory motor drive,VABB-1,12,16,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273806,,Inaccurate perception of asthma symptoms: A cognitive–affective framework and implications for asthma treatment,VABB-1,317,327,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273808,,"Cognitive and behavioral factors in fibromyalgia: Mood, goals, and task performance",VABB-1,295,301,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273809,,"On the validity of 'activity pacing'. Comment on Jensen ""Research on coping with chronic pain: The importance of active avoidance of inappropriate conclusions"" [Pain, 2009] Letter to the editor",VABB-1,305,305,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273812,,"The fear-avoidance model of pain: We are not there yet. Comment on Wideman et al.""A prospective sequential analysis of the fear-avoidance model of pain"" [Pain, 2009] and Nicholas ""First things first: reduction in catastrophizing before fear of movement"" [Pain, 2009]",VABB-1,222,223,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273816,,Jesuit Books in the Low Countries 1540-1773. A Selection from the Maurits Sabbe Library,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273821,,"Athanasius Kircher S.J., Mundus subterraneus (1665)",VABB-4,173,176,,lat,2009,2 c:vabb:273829,,Jesuits in the Low Countries and Their Publications,VABB-4,21,25,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273868,,Constructional persistence: a case based on the grammaticalization of English adjectives of difference,VABB-1,77,96,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273870,,The clausal complementation of deontic-evaluative adjectives in extraposition constructions: a synchronic-diachronic approach,VABB-1,171,211,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273871,,Constructional change in Old and Middle English Copular Constructions and its impact on the lexicon,VABB-1,,365,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273872,,Compounds in cognitive linguistics,VABB-4,233,254,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273873,,The advanced grammaticalization of genre in teenage language,VABB-1,72,82,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273878,,"Judging distances: mental spaces, distance, and viewpoint in literary discourse",VABB-4,319,369,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273883,,"Illocution and focus at the semantics-pragmatics interface in Umpithamu (Cape York, Australia)",VABB-1,867,884,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273899,,Analysing reanalysis,VABB-1,1728,1755,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273906,,"De Westmalse Acta Sanctorum. Provenances van Pauscollege tot Guillaume Joseph De Boey. Met biobibliografie van Seraphinus Lenssen, de “bollandist” van de trappisten. Foto’s Gustaaf Janssens",VABB-2,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273907,,The Maurits Sabbe Library and Its Collection of Jesuit Books,VABB-4,11,19,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273908,,"Uso agustiniano de la tradición, en la controversia con Juliano de Eclana",VABB-1,409,452,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:273913,,"Maximilianus Sandaeus S.J., Societatis Iesu amatrix, cultrix, imitatrix, Christi crucifixi (1647)",VABB-4,114,117,,lat,2009,2 c:vabb:273915,,Between Historicism and Theologism. The Relation between History and Theology in the Thinking of M.D. Chenu (1895-1990) and R. Draguet (1896-1980),VABB-4,175,186,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273916,,Jan van Ruusbroeck. De mystieke vereniging met God,VABB-2,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273917,,De 'nouvelle théologie': een scharniergeneratie van theologen tussen modernisme en Vaticanum II,VABB-1,183,206,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273918,,"The Aesthetic ‘Shadow’ of Gothic Arianism: Archaeology, Architecture and Art in the Age of Heresies",VABB-4,411,432,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273920,,Exégesis bíblica agustiniana en Lovaina en el siglo XVI,VABB-1,199,217,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:273923,,"Gratia Fidei in the Anti-Pelagian Sermones ad Populum. Sermones 143 and 144: the Rare Appearance of John 16,7-11",VABB-4,157,197,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273925,,Shibboleth: Liberty of Conscience and Tolerance in Seventeenth-century England,VABB-4,263,279,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273928,,Divine Names in the Contra Celsum,VABB-4,205,216,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273930,,Infant Milk or Hardy Nourishment? The Bible for Lay People and Theologians in the Early Modern Period,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273931,,Mission ohne Missionierung. Die Ausbreitung des Christentums in der Spätantike (bis 400 n. Chr.) und deren aktuelle Relevanz,VABB-4,77,95,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:273935,,Vielstimmigkeit und Humus. Die Paulusrezeption in der Alten Kirche,VABB-1,42,54,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:273937,,"L' ""affaire de Rhodes"" au jour le jour. La correspondence inédite entre J.M.G. Willebrands et Ch.-J. Dumont",VABB-1,253,277,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:273938,,'Augustinus sanior interpres Apostoli': Thomas Stapleton and the Louvain Augustinian School's Reception of Paul,VABB-4,363,386,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273939,,"Famiano Strada S.J., De bello Belgico decas secunda (1648)",VABB-4,121,124,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273941,,Die volkssprachliche Bibel in den Niederlanden des 16. Jahrhunderts. Zwischen Antwerpener Buchdruckern und Löwener Buchzensoren,VABB-1,187,214,,ger,2009,1 c:vabb:273942,,"Mgr E.J. De Smedt et le texte conciliaire sur la religion juive (Nostra Aetate, n° 4)",VABB-1,341,384,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:273946,,The Louvain Faculty of Theology and the Modern(ist) Heritage. Reconciling History and Theology,VABB-1,856,891,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273947,,"Les Agendas conciliaires de Mgr J. Willebrands, secrétaire du Secrétariat pour l'Unité des chrétiens. Traduction française annotée par L. Declerck. With a Preface by Thomas P. Stransky c.s.p., Rector emeritus, Tantur",VABB-3,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273948,,L'Abrégé de la chronique ecclésiastique (Muhtasar al-Ahbar al-Bi'iyya) et la Chronique de Séert. Quelques sondages,VABB-4,161,177,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:273952,,The Syriac Renaissance,VABB-4,1,31,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:273956,,Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History I (600-900),VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273959,,Coerción religiosa patrocinada por el Estado: su contexto en Norteáfrica donatista y el cambio de la actitud de Agustín hacia aquélla,VABB-1,345,371,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:273963,,Vatican II: A Short History,VABB-1,9,51,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273964,,Some Remarks on the Notion of Truth in the Documents of Vatican II,VABB-4,205,228,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273966,,"""Vie de Jésus"" (1863) d’Ernest Renan. Analyse comparative de la réception catholique et protestante en Belgique et aux Pays-Bas",VABB-1,494,528,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:273967,,Theophilus of Edessa,VABB-4,305,308,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273968,,Jacob of Edessa,VABB-4,226,233,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273971,,Isho'yahb of Adiabene,VABB-4,133,136,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:273973,,Elenchus Bibliographicus – Historia theologiae et theologorum. Theologia ascetico-mystica,VABB-1,18*,"122*,",,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273983,,The impact of organizational structure and lending technology on banking competition,VABB-1,225,259,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273984,,The polarization of the European labor market,VABB-1,58,63,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:273985,,"The microeconometrics of banking: Methods, applications and results",VABB-2,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:273987,,Dynamic order submission strategies with competition between a dealer market and a crossing network,VABB-1,319,338,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274018,,Growth and health outcome of 102 2-year-old children conceived after preimplantation genetic diagnosis or screening,VABB-1,755,759,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274019,,"References for growth and pubertal development from birth to 21 years in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,680,694,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274040,,Robust online scale estimation in time series: a model-free approach,VABB-1,335,339,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274041,,Predicting customer wallet without survey data,VABB-1,219,231,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274042,,Goodness-of-fit tests in mixed models,VABB-1,213,239,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274043,,Connectivity measures for internet topologies on the level of autonomous systems,VABB-1,1006,1025,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274044,,Poverty dynamics in Europe. A multilevel discrete-time recurrent hazard analysis,VABB-1,368,396,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274045,,Efficient solutions for Mastermind using genetic algorithms,VABB-1,1880,1885,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274046,,Resource-constrained project scheduling for timely project completion with stochastic activity durations,VABB-1,459,474,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274051,,The transportation problem with exclusionary side constraints,VABB-1,51,60,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274054,,Bootstrapping for penalized spline regression,VABB-1,126,146,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274055,,Testing for lack of fit in inverse regression - with applications to biophotonic imaging,VABB-1,25,48,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274058,,Multivariate Generalized S-estimators,VABB-1,876,887,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274060,,Exact algorithms for the matrix bid auction,VABB-1,1090,1109,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274061,,Scheduling the Belgian soccer league,VABB-1,109,118,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274064,,Robust explicit estimators of Weibull parameters,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274069,,Asymptotic properties of penalized spline estimators,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274070,,De betaling door een niet-belanghebbende derde en de toelaatbaarheid van de conventionele subrogatie ex parte creditoris,VABB-1,1258,1261,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274071,,Over schade- en opzegbedingen: waarom de ene bedongen forfaitaire (schade)vergoeding de andere niet is. Waarom niet eigenlijk?,VABB-1,1773,1776,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274073,,Overcoming the Mere Heuristic Aspirations of (Functional) Comparative Legal Research? An Exploration into the Possibilities and Limits of Behavioral Economics,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274076,,Shifting Meanings of Modernism: Parallels and Contrast between Karel Teige and Cesare Lazarescu,VABB-1,27,44,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274091,,TERRESTRIAL LASER SCANNING IN ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE – DEFORMATION ANALYSIS AND THE AUTOMATIC GENERATION OF 2D CROSS-SECTIONS,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274093,,Rapid and Cost-effective assessment for World Heritage nominations,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274097,,The economy of the large European city: the social nature of articulated rationality,VABB-4,212,229,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274100,,Social Innovation and Territorial Development,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274101,,"Evolving [Tourist] Topographies: The Case of Hue, Vietnam",VABB-4,230,250,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274102,,Framing the Urban Project in Mumbai,VABB-4,192,203,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274103,,Projective Mapping,VABB-4,26,53,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274104,,Reclaiming Mumbai,VABB-4,8,23,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274107,,'Leaving traces': Anonymity in the modernist house,VABB-4,119,130,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274142,,Van stuk tot stad,VABB-4,137,140,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274145,,Frames and Projects for the 19th Century Belt,VABB-4,137,140,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274150,,Designing Spaces for Every Listener,VABB-1,283,292,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274185,,The use of 3D-scanning in structural restoration projects – a case study on the Church of Saint-James illustration the possibilities and limitations,VABB-1,329,335,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274205,,Documenting handicap situations and eliminations through Universal Design Patterns,VABB-1,199,203,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274206,,On natural ventilation and thermal comfort in compact urban environments – the Old Havana case,VABB-1,1943,1958,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274248,,Gotiek in het hertogdom Brabant,VABB-2,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274250,,Semantic convergence in the bilingual lexicon,VABB-1,270,290,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274258,,The inventory of personality organization-revised: Construction of an abridged version,VABB-1,223,230,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274260,,Le régime souvent dérogatoire des titres-services : la fin justifie-t-elle les moyens ?,VABB-1,59,85,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:274302,,The Matthew Effect: Why Current Pension Policy Helps the Rich Get Richer,VABB-4,151,175,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274320,,Adolescents' career decision-making process: Related to quality of attachment to parents?,VABB-1,459,483,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274329,,Understanding the effect of being a big fish in a little pond on academic self-concept,VABB-1,89,101,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274333,,Further examination of the convergent and discriminant validity of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale,VABB-1,502,520,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274334,,Children's Aggressive Behaviour and Teacher-Child Conflict in Kindergarten: Is Teacher Perceived Control over Child Behaviour a Mediating Variable?,VABB-1,663,675,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274449,,Considerations in Creating Memorable Tour Experiences,VABB-4,195,208,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274452,,"Place Branding: Glocal, Virtual and Physical Identities, Constructed, Imagined and Experienced",VABB-2,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274490,,Tourism Destination Image Formation,VABB-4,35,49,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274540,,Space in sociology: an exploration of a difficult conception,VABB-4,113,132,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274552,,De formulering van deontische concepten in regelgevende teksten,VABB-1,307,316,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274553,,Cultivating trees: adding several semantic layers to the Lassy treebank in SoNaR,VABB-5,135,146,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274554,,Brauchbarkeit von Korpora des geschriebenen Deutsch für DaF-Lehrende: eine Fallstudie,VABB-1,3,9,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:274560,,The emergence of modification patterns in the Dutch noun phrase,VABB-1,1021,1049,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274561,,"""Het lijkt met name ook een goede strategie"": interactionele metadiscursiviteit in abstracts van onderzoeksartikelen",VABB-1,77,96,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274566,,Do we need the category of postdeterminer in the NP?,VABB-1,293,321,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274569,,Gottlob Frege revisited,VABB-1,15,33,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274572,,The rise of peripheral modifiers in the noun phrase,VABB-4,175,184,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274578,,Proceedings of the seventh International workshop on treebanks and linguistic theories,VABB-3,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274583,,Understanding TBLT at the interface between research and pedagogy,VABB-4,495,499,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274584,,Task-based language teaching: introducing the reader,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274586,,Task-based language teaching: a reader,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274587,,Diffusion and implementation of innovations,VABB-4,659,672,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274591,,Mediating between predetermined order and chaos: the role of the teacher in task-based language education,VABB-1,264,285,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274592,,Learning L2 vocabulary through reading: the effect of three enhancement techniques compared,VABB-1,113,151,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274597,,Is toluene diamine a sensitizer and is there cross-reactivity between toluene diamine and toluene diisocyanate?,VABB-1,256,264,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274598,,"Multiple challenges in a mouse model of chemical-induced asthma lead to tolerance: Ventilatory and inflammatory responses are blunted, immunologic humoral responses are not",VABB-1,144,152,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274599,,Oropharyngeal aspiration: An alternative route for challenging in a mouse model of chemical-induced asthma,VABB-1,84,89,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274600,,Assessment of the sensitization potential of persulfate salts used for bleaching hair,VABB-1,85,90,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274601,,Nicotine activates the chemosensory cation channel TRPA1,VABB-1,1293,1299,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274604,,"High human exposure to cobalt and other matals in Katanga, a mining area of the Democratic Rpublic of Congo",VABB-1,745,752,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274605,,Induction of IL-6 and inhibition of IL-8 secretion in the human airway cell line CALU-3 by urban particulate matter collected with a modified method of PM sampling,VABB-1,528,535,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274606,,Circulating and intrapulmonary C-reactive protein: a predictor of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome and pulmonary allograft outcome,VABB-1,799,807,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274616,,Do Nanomedicines Require Novel Safety Assessments to Ensure their Safety for Long-Term Human Use?,VABB-1,625,636,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274617,,L'encéphalopathie toxique chronique provoquée par l'utilisation de solvants: dix ans d'expérience autor d'un diagnostic difficile,VABB-1,494,501,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:274618,,In Vivo Induction of Type 1-Like Regulatory T Cells Using Genetically Modified B Cells Confers Long-Term IL-10-Dependent Antigen-Specific Unresponsiveness,VABB-1,8232,8243,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274622,,Immunological determinants in a mouse model of chemical-induced asthma after multiple exposures,VABB-1,25,33,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274623,,Size-Dependent Cytotoxicity of Monodisperse Silica Nanoparticles in Human Endothelial Cells,VABB-1,846,853,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274633,,The development of transnational company agreements in Europe,VABB-1,412,426,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274646,,Le statut de la négociation collective dans la jurisprudence européenne,VABB-1,3,18,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:274650,,State Aid and Direct Taxation,VABB-4,291,306,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274653,,Developments in European Court of Justice case-law – 2008,VABB-1,630,642,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274654,,Die Entwicklung der Rechtsprechung des Gerichtshofs der Europäischen Gemeinschaften auf dem Gebiet der direkten Besteuerung,VABB-1,728,748,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:274658,,Simply Swallow? The Application of Nanotechnologies in European Food Law,VABB-1,167,171,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274660,,Procurement and the World Trade Organisation: Purchase power or pester power?,VABB-4,351,359,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274662,,Case 294/83 Parti écologiste 'Les Verts' v European Parliament. The Basic Constitutional Charter of a Community Based on the Rule of Law,VABB-4,295,342,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274663,,"Kant, Kafka en de ambiguïteit van de wet. Tussen de Scylla van het legalisme en de Charybdis van de zuivere terreur",VABB-1,271,303,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:274665,,Postmodern Thought and the Return of Gnosticism: The Darkness of Heidegger and the Light of Derrida,VABB-4,193,207,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274668,,Whitehead and Deleuze: Thinking the Event,VABB-4,61,76,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274671,,Dutch-speaking Scholarship on PR,VABB-4,175,179,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274674,,Formen der Subjektivität oder die Naturalisierung der Subjektivität im Opus postumum,VABB-4,287,306,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:274675,,Religion - Staat - Geschichte bei Hegel (1827-1831),VABB-4,37,55,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:274678,,Ist der Weg zur Wahrheit die Wahrheit selbst?,VABB-4,85,100,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:274680,,How to cure despair. On irony and the unhappy consciousness,VABB-1,317,351,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274688,,"Pleidoor voor een arbeidsgerichte, transparante en legitieme sociale zekerheid",VABB-1,183,187,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274719,,The Rules Within Regulation 883/2004 for Determining the Applicable Legislation,VABB-1,81,117,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274720,,"Spoorwegongevallen in treinstations, noot onder Hof Antwerpen 7 november 2007",VABB-1,1730,1733,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274737,,"Pritchard on Knowledge, Safety and Cognitive Achievements",VABB-1,51,53,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274738,,Knowledge and Safety,VABB-1,21,31,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274741,,The Role of Intuitive Probability in Scientific Theory Formation,VABB-4,123,139,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274742,,Is linguistic determinism an empirically testable hypothesis?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274745,,Extending the Hegselmann–Krause Model III: From single beliefs to complex belief states,VABB-1,145,163,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274748,,Educating for Authenticity: The Paradox of Moral Education Revisited,VABB-4,122,144,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274751,,Carnapian Modal and Epistemic Arithmetic,VABB-4,97,121,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274756,,Folles histores: de l'utilité et des inconvénients de la psychiatrie évolutionniste,VABB-1,174,180,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:274759,,A Positive Information Logic for Inferential Information,VABB-1,409,431,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274761,,Dynamic Negation and Negative Information,VABB-1,233,248,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274771,,Two Deflationary Approaches to Fitch-Style Reasoning,VABB-4,324,338,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274774,,De familie der wetenschappen. Van een wittgensteiniaanse naar een procedurele analyse van het demarcatieprobleem,VABB-1,119,145,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:274775,,Artificial Intelligence and Agentive Cognition: A Logico-linguistic Approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274776,,An argument concerning the unknowable,VABB-1,240,242,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274783,,Fricker on Testimonial Justification,VABB-1,36,44,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274785,,Grondslagen en toepassingen van de formele epistemologie,VABB-1,237,244,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274794,,Instrumental motivation is extrinsic motivation: So what?,VABB-1,21,40,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274799,,Het voormalige Ministerie van middenstand,VABB-4,470,472,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274800,,De organisaties van zelfstandigen,VABB-4,885,901,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274801,,De katholieke en christendemocratische partijen,VABB-4,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274807,,Don Quixote on Belgian staves,VABB-4,137,155,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274809,,Embracing difference in Ann-Marie MacDonald's Fall on your knees,VABB-1,324,338,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274810,,L'interprétation comme vecteur d'étrangeté: du récit colonial français au roman postcolonial africain,VABB-5,213,223,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:274816,,'Nonfactual at t': a neglected modal concept,VABB-4,31,54,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274818,,Mijmeringen,VABB-3,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274819,,Introducing psychometrical validation of questionnaires in CALL research: The case of measuring attitude towards CALL,VABB-1,349,380,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274820,,El soneto 'Una llave en Salónica' de Jorge Luis Borges: clave de la memoria histórica,VABB-4,215,224,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:274821,,"La correspondance de Marcelle Auclair avec Pierre André-May, directeur de la revue Intentions",VABB-4,143,158,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:274822,,Union et fraternité: verenigingen van Belgische migranten in Roubaix in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,,,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:274824,,"L'écriture ""extime"" de Gérard Wajcman: blancs, notes et intertextes dans L'interdit",VABB-1,131,150,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:274828,,The challenge for a medieval centre of industrial growth: Ypres and the drinking-water problem,VABB-4,381,404,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274829,,Comparative peptidomics of Caenorhabditis elegans versus C. briggsae by LC-MALDI-TOF MS,VABB-1,449,457,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274830,,"Perception, Body, and the Sense of Touch: Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind",VABB-1,97,120,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274831,,Over het tuinhek: objectum-seksualiteit,VABB-1,106,109,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274832,,The Adoration of the Crucified. What Freud and Post-Freudian Psychoanalysis Could Have Learned from This Christian Prayer,VABB-4,141,159,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274841,,Edmund Husserl,VABB-4,534,546,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:274844,,Restoring or restorying nature?,VABB-4,189,199,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274849,,Die Sichtbarkeit des Unsichtbaren,VABB-3,,,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:274853,,Vorwort. Die Sichtbarkeit des Unsichtbaren,VABB-4,7,10,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:274865,,Anton Marty and the Phenomenological Movement,VABB-1,219,240,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274871,,Beyond representation and participation. Pushing Arendt into postmodernity,VABB-1,411,426,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274877,,Walter Benjamin,VABB-4,301,312,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:274885,,Hegels politische Philosophie. 2. Teil,VABB-3,,,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:274887,,Negativity and Critique in On The Concept of Irony,VABB-1,305,316,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274891,,Kierkegaard's Antigone after Hegel - Outlines of a Political Interpretation,VABB-1,201,207,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274896,,De monteerbare mens en de bio-ethiek,VABB-1,116,130,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274897,,"A Close Reading of Georg Simmel's Essay ""How Is Society Possible? "" The Thought of the Outside and Its Various Incarnations",VABB-1,103,117,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274902,,Catholic Tradition: Custodian of Paradox,VABB-4,189,204,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274911,,Verhaal van de WAM-verzekeraar en toepassing van artikel 11 WLVO,VABB-1,69,74,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274912,,The New European conflcit-of-law rules from an Insurance perspective,VABB-1,728,774,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274920,,Photography and painting in multi-mediating pictures,VABB-1,122,131,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274925,,Between technique and symbolism: notes on the meaning of the use of gold in pre-Eyckian panel painting: a contribution to the comparative history of art north and south of the Alps,VABB-4,7,22,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274938,,"The Steenwyck family as masters of perspective: Hendrick van Steenwyck the Elder (c. 1550-1603), Hendrick van Steenwyck the Younger (1580/82-1649), Susanna van Steenwyck (dates unknown - active 1639 - c. 1660)",VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274947,,The shape of the pictorial in contemporary photography,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274953,,De blilk in de tuin: Noli me tangere en lichamelijkheid in de middeleeuwse visuele cultuur,VABB-1,291,317,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274955,,"""Wie durft daerop bieden?"" Tapestry cartoons, preparatory sketches and tapestries at auction, 1650-1750",VABB-4,83,96,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274971,,Sacrale topografie van de Olijfbereg in Jeruzalem,VABB-1,113,147,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:274979,,The Flemish Primitives: Anonymous Masters,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274993,,Generation of antibody responses to pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides is independent of CD1 expression in mice,VABB-1,1976,1980,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274994,,Share issuing privatizations in China: Sequencing and its effects on public share allocation and underpricing,VABB-1,306,320,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:274998,,Nowcasting manufacturing value added for cross-country comparison,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:274999,,Science for the People: The Belgian Encyclopédie populaire and the Constitution of a National Science Movement,VABB-4,65,88,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275002,,In vitro translocation of quantum dots and influence of oxidative stress,VABB-1,L903,L911,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275003,,Development of a physiologically based kinetic model for 99m-Technetium-labelled carbon nanoparticles inhaled by humans,VABB-1,1099,1107,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275009,,Comparative toxicity of 24 manufactured nanoparticles in human alveolar epithelial and macrophage cell lines,VABB-1,14,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275010,,Sleep disturbances and occupational exposure to solvents,VABB-1,235,243,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275023,,Burden of blood transfusion in knee and hip surgery in the US and Belgium,VABB-1,171,179,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275027,,Childhood Asthma and Environmental Exposures at Swimming Pools: State of the Science and Research Recommendations,VABB-1,500,507,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275028,,Patients at risk for long-term sick leave because of low back pain,VABB-1,350,359,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275035,,Community pharmacists' attitude toward depression: a pilot study,VABB-1,242,252,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275037,,Optimizing suicide prevention programs and their implementation in Europe (OSPI Europe): an evidence-based multi-level approach,VABB-1,428,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275075,,Bounds and approximations for sums of dependent log-elliptical random variables,VABB-1,385,397,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275083,,"""We live permanently in the recurrence of our own stories"": Michael Ondaatje's Divisadero",VABB-1,99,119,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275088,,How Much Credit for Export Credit Support Under the SCM Agreement,VABB-1,63,113,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275093,,Consumer decision-making modeling: in search of the best two-stage model,VABB-4,223,244,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275095,,Een algemeen beslissingsondersteunend systeem voor strategisch aankoopbeleid gebaseerd op total cost of ownership informatie,VABB-1,309,334,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275097,,"Time-driven activity-based costing in an outpatient clinic environment: development, relevance and managerial impact",VABB-1,296,304,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275100,,What determines goodwill impairment?,VABB-1,106,128,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275114,,Ontwerp en beheersingsstructuren voor samenwerkingsrelaties: de invloed van partnerselectie en voorgaande transactie-ervaringen,VABB-1,293,300,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275124,,Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory as a Framework for Research on Personality-Psychopathology Associations,VABB-1,421,430,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275126,,Rates of non-suicidal self-injury in high school students across five years,VABB-1,317,329,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275130,,Assessment of psychopathic traits in children and adolescents: Further validation of the Antisocial Process Screening Device and the Childhood Psychopathy Scale,VABB-1,157,163,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275131,,Body dissatisfaction moderates weight curves in the inpatient treatment of anorexia nervosa,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:275140,,Body experience assessment in non-clinical male and female subjects,VABB-1,e16,21,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275144,,Assessing rational and intuitive thinking styles,VABB-1,39,47,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275145,,Situational variability of experiential and rational information processing styles in stressful situations,VABB-1,107,114,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275284,,How to FACE© sibling violence: pathways from feud to friend.,VABB-4,259,284,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275317,,Evaluating recruitment strategies using Fuzzy set theory in stochastic Manpower Planning.,VABB-1,1148,1162,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275319,,La figure mythologique comme élément d'argumentation rhétorique dans la correspondance d' Erasme.,VABB-5,67,78,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275331,,The Swedish Cyprus Expedition at Marion: A Reassessment of the Tomb-fields at Kaparka and Evrethades,VABB-5,187,197,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275332,,Development and validation of an objective intra-organizational career success measure for managers,VABB-1,543,560,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275333,,Maximal Covering Location Problem with Price Decision for Revenue Maximization in a Competitive Environment,VABB-1,555,571,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275342,,Sequential versus simultaneous approach in the location and design of two new facilities using planar Huff-like models,VABB-1,1393,1405,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275345,,Supervision and authority in industry. Western European experiences,VABB-3,,,234 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275346,,Foremen in American and Western European Industry before the First World War,VABB-4,1,33,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275347,,"Secrets, Lies and Contracts: Conflicts between Employers and Their Foremen in Nineteenth-Century Ghent (1885-1913)",VABB-4,83,110,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275360,,La genèse d'une émotion.Lecture génétique d'un poème de Clair-obscur,VABB-2,,,0,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:275374,,Government formation in multi-level settings: Spanish regional coalitions and the quest for vertical congruence,VABB-1,93,115,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275375,,Feeling at home. Material culture and everyday life of Belgian Limburg miners in the 1950s,VABB-1,43,70,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275377,,"Evolution of Culture, Memetics",VABB-4,3205,3220,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275386,,"Governing strategies in multi-level settings – coordination, innovation or territorialization?",VABB-4,183,203,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275390,,Social Cognition and the Brain: A Meta-analysis,VABB-1,829,858,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275391,,A qualitative study into the perceived consequences of poverty: introducing consequential attributions as a missing link in lay thinking about poverty.,VABB-1,385,402,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275393,,Measurement invariance matters: a case made for the ORTOFIN,VABB-1,667,674,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275398,,Development of the Self-Regulated Learning Teacher Belief Scale,VABB-1,79,96,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275403,,Perceptual load improves the expression but not learning of relevant sequence information.,VABB-1,84,91,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275410,,"Explaining government formation in multi-level settings: Coalition theory revisited, evidence from the Spanish case",VABB-1,97,116,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275411,,Introduction - Government coalitions in multi-level settings: Institutional determinants and party strategy,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275412,,Building an academic profile: Considerations for graduate students embarking on an academic career in political science in Europe – Symposium Introduction,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275413,,Quantum approaches to graph colouring,VABB-1,302,309,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275423,,Movement skill assessment of typically developing preschool children: A review of seven movement skill assessment tools,VABB-1,154,168,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275424,,Fundamental movement skill development of four to six year-old pre-school children in Flanders,VABB-4,335,352,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275427,,First sorbitol-fermenting Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H- isolated in Belgium,VABB-1,59,64,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275433,,The 1991–2004 Evolution in Life Expectancy by Educational Level in Belgium Based on Linked Census and Population Register Data,VABB-1,175,196,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275434,,Overzicht van het Europees staatssteunbeleid. België en het Europees staatssteunbeleid in 2007 en 2008,VABB-1,32,53,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275435,,Tien jaar financiële sancties in de Europese inbreukprocedure ex artikel 260 lid 2 VWEU,VABB-1,432,446,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275448,,"""ein schwankender Busch im Niemandsland"": Sprache und Identitaet in Eli Amirs Roman ""Nuri. Vom Irak ins Land der Vaeter"".",VABB-4,255,271,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:275452,,Coping Styles as Moderating the Relationships between Terrorist Attacks and Well-Being Outcomes.,VABB-1,585,599,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275453,,Thinking Art,VABB-2,,,326 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275454,,Adolescents Mental Health Outcomes According to Different Types of Exposure to Ongoing Terror Attacks.,VABB-1,850,862,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275455,,The Netherlands and Flanders. Kierkegaard's Reception in the Dutch-Speaking World,VABB-4,271,306,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275456,,Development and validation of the work effort scale,VABB-1,266,273,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275459,,Does implicit learning in non-demented Parkinson’s disease depend on the level of cognitive functioning?,VABB-1,194,199,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275464,,An analysis of homogeneity and heterogeneity of elite sport systems in six nations,VABB-1,111,131,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275466,,The Distress Barometer: validation of method of combining the Distress Thermometer with a rated complaint scale,VABB-1,534,542,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275467,,Does pictorial elucidation foster recollection of idioms?,VABB-1,367,382,,ita,2009,1 c:vabb:275468,,Legal safeguards for privacy and data protection in ambient intelligence,VABB-1,435,444,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275469,,Measurement invariance of the Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire: explaining the ‘contented female worker paradox’ more thoroughly,VABB-1,843,854,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275471,,ERP Time Course and Brain Areas of Spontaneous and Intentional Goal Inferences,VABB-1,165,184,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275472,,A note on the suboptimality of path-dependent pay-offs in Lévy markets,VABB-1,315,330,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275474,,Microbial dissolution of hematite and associated cellular fossilization by reduced iron phases « A study of ancient microbe-mineral surface interactions »,VABB-1,777,796,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275476,,"Aanvullende gemeentebelastingen op personenbelastingen, cassatie bevestigt",VABB-1,111,119,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275479,,Heterogeneity in homogeneous Brabantian loess during the Late Pleniglacial,VABB-1,195,203,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275481,,Reasoning about Data and Information,VABB-1,231,249,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275482,,De transformatie van het rechtsbegrip ouvrier: van de Code civil naar de eerste arbeidswetgeving (1804-1900),VABB-1,43,57,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275489,,An assessment of geometric activities features for classification of urban man-made objects using meter resolution imagery,VABB-1,397,412,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275491,,Comparative sensitivity of outcome variables of a software-based Behavioral Sleep resistance Task,VABB-1,80,88,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275492,,"News from Brussels, in Brussels. EU reporting as part of a 'glocalized' and market-driven journalism. A case-study of the Belgian newspaper De Morgen.",VABB-4,159,168,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275493,,Stimuleren van geluk en sociale vooruitgang: een libertair paternalistische benadering,VABB-1,147,167,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275494,,The self-organization of time and causality,VABB-1,345,356,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275499,,Accumulation of trace metals in the muscle and liver tissues of five fish species from the Persian Gulf,VABB-1,499,514,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275500,,Tracing the Metal Pollution History of the Tisza River Through the Analysis of a Sediment Depth Profile,VABB-1,119,132,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275502,,Quantum axiomatics,VABB-4,79,126,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275503,,"Operational quantum mechanics, quantum axiomatics and quantum structures",VABB-4,434,440,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275524,,Identity Management Systems and Healthcare: The Issue of Patient Identifiers*,VABB-5,56,66,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275535,,Convex metrics revisited,VABB-1,103,108,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275536,,"Classical logical versus quantum conceptual thought: examples in economy, decision theory and concept theory.",VABB-5,128,142,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275537,,"Worldviews, Science and Us: Studies of Analytical Metaphysics. A Selection of Topics From a Methodological Perspective.",VABB-3,,,240 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275538,,"Royal taste: food, power and status at the European courtsafter 1789 (in voorbereiding)",VABB-3,,,0 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275541,,"The medical practice of euthanasia in Belgium and The Netherlands: Legal notification, control and evaluation procedures.",VABB-1,181,187,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275542,,"On the impact of spatial pattern, aggregation, and model parameters in planar Huff-type competitive location and design problems",VABB-1,601,627,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275545,,Insulin-like Growth Factor-I Receptor Signal Transduction and the Janus Kinase/Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (JAK-STAT) Pathway,VABB-1,76,81,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275547,,Genre as Discursive Practice and the Governmentality of Formatting in Post-documentary TV.,VABB-4,183,204,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:275548,,"Walraversijde 12th or 13th century – 1630: Understanding a medieval fishing settlement along the southern North Sea (Belgium, Province of West Flanders, municipality of Ostend)",VABB-4,91,121,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275549,,Newton vs. Leibniz: Intransparency vs. Inconsistency,VABB-1,2907,2940,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:275551,,"Tussen revolutie en conformisme: intellectuele engagementen, netwerken en denkbeelden in België, 1918-1956",VABB-2,,,0,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275553,,Trait Inferences in Goal-directed behavior: ERP Timing and Localization under Spontaneous and Intentional Processing,VABB-1,177,190,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275554,,Two-year auxological and medical outcome of singletons born after embryo biopsy applied in preimplantation genetic diagnosis or preimplantation genetic screening,VABB-1,470,476,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275556,,A prospective randomised clinical trial of one bis-GMA-based and two ormocer-based composite restorative systems in class II cavities: Five-year results,VABB-1,198,203,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275558,,"Prediction of walking performance in persons with Multiple Sclerosis, relevance of physical functional capacity and self-report measures",VABB-1,618,626,-,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:275571,,Best practices for developing university bioentrepreneurship education programmes,VABB-1,136,150,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275575,,A Shared Responsibility: Similarities and differences in the factors that shape online risk assessment for children in Europe,VABB-1,316,330,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275576,,The role of parental mediation in explaining cross-national experiences of risk.,VABB-4,173,186,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275577,,Explaining international sporting success. An International comparison of elite sport systems and policies in six nations.,VABB-1,113,136,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275579,,Hydrologic response of the Greenland ice sheet: the role of oceanographic warming,VABB-1,7,30,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275580,,Cryosphere,VABB-4,221,226,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275581,,Characterizing Rehabilitation Services for Patients with Knee and Hip Replacements in Skilled Nursing Facilities and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities,VABB-1,1269,1283,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275582,,Use of Rehabilitation and Other Health Care Services by Joint Replacement After Discharge from Skilled Nursing and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities,VABB-1,1297,1305,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275583,,"Reconstruction of the annual balance of Vadret da Morteratsch, Switzerland, since 1865",VABB-1,126,134,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275585,,Full Hierarchic Versus Non-Hierarchic Classification Approaches for Mapping Sealed Surfaces at the Rural-Urban Fringe Using High-Resolution Satellite Data,VABB-1,22,45,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275588,,Speciation analytics in aquatic ecosystems,VABB-4,121,137,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275591,,Popular music against extreme right populism. The Vlaams Belang and the 0110 concerts in Belgium,VABB-1,577,595,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275592,,Extreme right and anti-extreme right media in Flanders,VABB-4,182,185,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275595,,Surface mass-balance changes of the Greenland ice sheet since 1866,VABB-1,178,184,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275597,,"Privacy, trust and policy-making: challenges and responses",VABB-1,69,83,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275599,,An fMRI Study of Level of Proficiency as a Predictor of Neurocognitive Convergence for L1/L2 during a Lexicosemantic Task in a Paediatric Population,VABB-1,107,134,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275600,,Towards a regionalization od statewide electoral trends in decentralized states? The cases of Belgium and Spain,VABB-4,31,46,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275605,,De slachtoffergerichte dimensie in rechterlijk denken. België en Nederland vergeleken,VABB-1,7,19,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275609,,Joint Replacement Rehabilitation Outcomes on Discharge from Skilled Nursing Facilities and Inpatient rehabilitation Facilities,VABB-1,1284,1296,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275610,,Emotions as biocultural processes:Disciplinary debates and an interdisciplinary outlook.,VABB-4,395,413,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275611,,Neurobiological bases of emotion,VABB-4,111,138,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:275617,,Mathematical Arguments in Context,VABB-1,45,57,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275624,,De prevalentie van gedragsproblemen bij jongeren met een licht verstandelijke beperking,VABB-1,21,30,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275628,,Chronic fatigue syndrome and DSM-IV personality disorders.,VABB-1,13,20,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275630,,Long-term cognitive deficits following posterior fossa tumour resection: A follow-up neuropsychological and functional neuroimaging study,VABB-1,694,704,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275632,,Cognitive deficits and predictors three years after diagnosis of a pilocytic astrocytoma in childhood,VABB-1,3526,3532,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275634,,Heimatlos im Heimatland – Iraker juedischer Herkunft in Romanen Sami Michaels.,VABB-4,283,296,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:275635,,"Taalvaardigheid, attitudes en motivatie van Nederlandstalige en Franstalige leerlingen in het Nederlandstalig Onderwijs in Brussel",VABB-1,15,28,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275636,,How to measure the comparability of financial statements?,VABB-1,379,397,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275637,,The effect of gender on audit quality,VABB-1,78,108,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275639,,Chapter 19: Reinventing newspapers in a digital era - the mobile e-paper,VABB-4,202,215,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275640,,Co-Creation and User-Generated Content – Elderly People’s User Requirements,VABB-1,655,678,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275641,,Het gebruik van alternatieve EPS-maatstaven in de jaarverslaggeving van Europese beursgenoteerde ondernemingen sinds de invoering van IFRS in 2005.,VABB-1,12,32,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275643,,Anoetic to Noetic and Autonoetic Consciousness:A Vision of Unknowing (Anoetic) and Knowing (Noetic) Consciousness in the Remembrance of Things Past and Imagined Futures,VABB-1,1018,1028,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275645,,Towards Archaeology of Knowledge about the Past: Bridging Theory and Practice in the study of History,VABB-4,181,199,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:275647,,Optimizing a Lexical Approach to Instructed Second Language Acquisition,VABB-2,,,240 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275650,,Beyond Identity ?,VABB-1,122,133,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275651,,Strange Loops as Cognitive Refuge for Analogical Thought in the Theatre and Beyond,VABB-4,51,60,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275656,,Medical end-of-life decisions: experiences and attitudes of Belgian pediatric intensive care nurses,VABB-1,160,168,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275657,,Geglobaliseerde terrorismebestrijding en lokale rechtsbescherming. Europese rechters stappen niet mee in het scenario van de jumping of scales,VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275659,,La justice des mineurs en Belgique au prisme des sanctions,VABB-1,271,293,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:275662,,Negotiating the Pathways into care in a Globalizing World: Help-seeking Behaviour of ultra-orthodox Jewish Parents,VABB-1,153,165,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:275665,,Agency conflicts between board and manager: A discrete choice experiment in Flemish nonprofit schools,VABB-1,165,183,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275668,,Owner-specific factors associated with conversion activity in secondary pine plantations,VABB-1,230,236,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275677,,"Digital Storytelling in Belgium: Power and Participation [Islands of participation. Power, anarchist theory and digital storytelling in Dordrecht and Brussels]",VABB-4,188,204,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275678,,Postscript,VABB-4,217,225,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275679,,Kielen en toga's: arbeid(st)ers in de rechtbank en in de rechtsleer voor WOI,VABB-1,6,13,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275680,,Gestrand in Gent. Of hoe zich te ontdoen van een dure Engelse meesterknecht (1896-1898),VABB-1,15,27,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275681,,Explorerend onderzoek naar de aard van de bestuurlijke informatiestromen van de Lokale Politie. Een verkenning van enkele cruciale spanningsvelden,VABB-1,67,237,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275684,,Goede praktijken inzake de bestuurlijke informatiestromen bij de lokale politie.,VABB-1,239,290,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275688,,Reflections on the possible integration of intelligence led policing into community policing. The Belgian case,VABB-4,265,291,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275691,,"Katholicisme, liberalisme en vrijmetselarij in onafhankelijk België. Kanttekeningen bij de herderlijke brief van 28 december 1837.",VABB-1,202,215,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275702,,"The direct income tax case law of the European Court of Justice: past trends, unfair criticisms and expected future developments",VABB-1,701,752,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275704,,"Justifications in Community law for income tax restrictions on free movement: Acte Clair rules that can be readily applied by national courts"", contribution to the 17 and 18 September 2007 Conference in Lisbon on ""The Acte Clair in EC Direct Tax Law",VABB-1,279-290(part I),339-350 (partII),,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275706,,On possibilities and limitations of using self-anchoring scales in web surveys,VABB-1,1127,1139,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:275713,,A decade of quality and performance management in Flemish organized sport.,VABB-1,308,329,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275719,,Design and Optimization Aids for Composite Control Charts,VABB-1,33,43,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275722,,Zingeving vervolgd: levensbeschouwelijk pluralisme. Redactioneel,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275724,,Self-control as social control. The emergence of symbolic society,VABB-1,146,161,,spa,2009,1 c:vabb:275725,,The Culture of Academic Disciplines and the Sociopolitical Attitudes of Students. A Test of Selection and Socialization Effects,VABB-1,446,460,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275735,,Van autoritaire schoolmeesters tot democratische leraren. De evolutie van autoritarisme bij Vlaamse leerkrachten over een halve eeuw beschouwd (1953-2002),VABB-1,55,83,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275746,,De acteur als stoorzender - Dood Paard speelt Jelinek,VABB-1,81,86,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275754,,Het nationaal en internationaal instrumentarium ter bevordering van het verbod op lijfstraffen,VABB-1,10,18,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275755,,Historical language planning in nineteenth-century Flanders: standardisation as a means of language survival.,VABB-4,255,268,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275773,,Destination Manual Work or Clerk? Ethnic Differences in the Transition from Shcool to Work.,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275774,,De invloed van gedragsproblemen op het opvoedgedrag van pleegmoeders.,VABB-1,108,121,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275775,,De behandeling van ADHD met lange keten poly-onverzadigde vetzuren: een kwalitatieve meta-analyse.,VABB-1,880,888,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275776,,Intensive family preservation services in Flanders: an outcome study.,VABB-1,222,232,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275777,,"Migrants and Urban Change: Newcomers to Antwerp, 1760-1860",VABB-2,,,328 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275778,,The Causal Mechanisms of Interaction between International Institutions,VABB-1,125,156,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275779,,"La limitation des perquisitions en ligne par un renouvellement des droit fondamentaux, Note d’observations sur Cour constitutionnelle fédérale allemande, 27 février 2008 (Online Dursuchung)",VABB-1,89,92,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:275784,,Low-speckle laser projection with a broad-area vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser in the nonmodal emission regime,VABB-1,792,798,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275786,,China's future security policy in Africa,VABB-1,23,37,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275787,,Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België (19e-21e eeuw),VABB-3,,,1629 p.,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275789,,Should the Law Governing Maritime Areas in the Arctic Adapt to Changing Climatic Circumstances?,VABB-4,119,143,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275791,,Kroniek van het Belgische ambtenarenrecht (1999-2008),VABB-1,1153,1184,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275793,,"Openbare overlast betreft niet de morele openbare orde: meer duidelijkheid door de Raad van State. Not bij Raad van State, 12e Kamer – 20 maart 2008",VABB-1,1264,1267,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275794,,Dienen belastingmaatregelen die zijn vastgesteld door regionale overheden als selectieve maatregelen en bijgevolg als staatssteun aangemerkt te worden,VABB-1,49,61,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275796,,"HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitudes, practices and perceptions of rural nurses in South Africa.",VABB-1,1061,1073,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275800,,Long-term Outcomes of Joint Replacement Rehabilitation PatientsDischarged from Skilled Nursing and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities,VABB-1,1306,1316,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275801,,Variations in follow-up services after inpatient stroke rehabilitation: a multicentre study,VABB-1,646,653,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275807,,Predicitive social factors in relation to preterm birth in a metropolitan region.,VABB-1,787,792,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275808,,Le patrimoine flamand sur la scène flamande contemporaine. Reconstruction identitaire ou déconstruction identitaire,VABB-1,161,170,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:275810,,The Role of the EU in Global Environmental and Climate Governance,VABB-4,192,209,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275811,,The greening of poverty reduction strategy papers: a process approach to sustainability assessment,VABB-1,7,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275812,,Rethinking the Nation Within the Workers' Movement: Class Identity and Ethnic Diversity in Belgian Trade Unions,VABB-1,351,364,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275821,,het begrip werkgever: strafrecht versus sociaal recht,VABB-1,58,63,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275822,,"Ontslag van contractanten in overheidsdienst, publiek of privaat recht",VABB-1,1481,1485,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275823,,De mededeling van inlichtingen door de sociale inspectiediensten,VABB-1,1380,1383,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275825,,"Post-Conflict Housing Restitution. The European human rights perspective, with a case-study on Bosnia and Herzegovina (Review Essay)",VABB-1,119,129,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275826,,De Raad van State als cassatierechter in vreemdelingenzaken,VABB-1,184,198,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275835,,War and garrison towns in the Dutch Republic: the cases of Gorinchem and Doesburg (c. 1570-c. 1660),VABB-1,3,23,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275836,,Herstelgericht forensisch welzijnswerk: de sleutel of het slot op de deur?,VABB-1,66,69,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275838,,"""De impact van het Europees Stelsel der Rekeningen 1995 op het inzetten van autonome gemeentebedrijven voor vastgoedinvesteringen en het verband met het leerstuk der inbesteding bij overheidsopdrachten”, T.Gem. 2009/2, 86-91.",VABB-1,86,91,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275841,,André Cools en Agusta,VABB-1,59,69,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275843,,L’injonction formative en matière pénale: valorisation etobstacles à son effectivite,VABB-1,522,546,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:275846,,Understanding structural and cultural school characteristics in relation to educational change: the case of ICT integration,VABB-1,223,235,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275847,,An exploratory study on principals’ conceptions about their role as school leaders,VABB-1,173,196,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275858,,Taking a stance: the action researcher as an independent actor,VABB-4,107,120,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275862,,Wie zijn de gebruikers van jaarrekeningen? Een empirisch onderzoek van voornamelijk Belgische ondernemingen.,VABB-1,3,15,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275865,,2D image registration using focused mutual information for application in dentistry,VABB-1,545,553,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275867,,Embracing China's Global Security Ambitions,VABB-1,305,319,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275871,,FEPSAC’s role and position in the past and in the future of sport psychology in Europe,VABB-1,403,409,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275872,,A perspective on education and professional development in applied sport psychology.,VABB-1,435,446,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275875,,European Comparison of Stroke Rehabilitation,VABB-1,20,26,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275876,,Principles of European Prison Law and Policy,VABB-2,,,464 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275879,,European Standards on Long-term imprisonment in Europe: Penology and Human Rights,VABB-1,58,68,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275883,,Dertig jaar Panopticon - Dertig jaar strafrechtelijk beleid in België,VABB-1,17,27,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275885,,Resisting Punitiveness in Europe?,VABB-3,,,0 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275892,,Felicitometrie. Geluk in een progressief evolutionair wereldbeeld,VABB-1,87,105,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275894,,Using Remote Sensing derived Spatial Metrics for the Calibration of Land-Use Change Models,VABB-5,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275895,,Quantifying intra-urban morphology of the Greater Dublin area with spatial metrics derived from medium resolution remote sensing data,VABB-5,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275896,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek. EHRM november – december 2008,VABB-1,33,41,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275897,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek. EHRM januari – februari 2009,VABB-1,125,130,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275898,,Ik ben user 712. Recht op toegang tot persoonsgegevens en op mededeling van de logica van geautomatiseerde verwerking,VABB-1,68,73,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275901,,Vaker straffen als antwoord op een stijgende punitiviteit? Bespreking van de Rede uitgesproken door Henk Elffers.,VABB-1,93,98,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275904,,Understanding others' actions and goals by mirror and mentalizing systems: A meta-analysis.,VABB-1,564,584,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275908,,Standardization and business models for platform competition: the case of mobile television,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275911,,Reinventing data protection ?,VABB-3,,,342 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275912,,Data protection in the case law of Strasbourg and Luxemburg : constitutionalisation in action,VABB-4,3,45,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275916,,In Search of the Most Suitable Lentiviral shRNA System,VABB-1,192,211,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275919,,Low-back problems in recreational self-contained underwater breathing apparatus divers: prevalence and specific risk factors.,VABB-1,461,473,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275922,,Vocational Psychology and Career Guidance Practice: An international Partnership,VABB-1,366,377,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275946,,The promises of iDTV: between push marketing and consumer needs.,VABB-5,41,48,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275949,,"The Myth of the 24-hour Society: Non-standard Work Hours in Belgium, 1966 and 1999.",VABB-1,177,183,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275950,,Southern African Development Community,VABB-2,,,98 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275951,,The PNR Agreement and Transatlantic anti-terrorism Cooperation: No firm human rights framework on either side of the Atlantic,VABB-1,885,919,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275954,,"Determination of a technical learning line for ""Big Air"" snowboarding",VABB-4,323,334,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275955,,"Bespreking van A. Dierickx, Toestemming en strafrecht. Een strafrechtsdogmatische analyse van de toestemming en de strafrechtelijke bescherming van lijf en leven (Intersentia, 2006)",VABB-1,80,84,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275957,,The politics of Belgium. Governing a divided society,VABB-2,,,256 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275958,,"La Conservation pour une durée indéterminée d’empreintes digitales, d’échantillons cellulaires et profils A.N.D. de personnes acquittées porte atteinte au respect de leur vie privée’ annotation de Cour E.D.H. 4 décembre 2008 (Marper)",VABB-1,79,83,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:275959,,"Het voor onbepaalde tijd bijhouden van vingerafdrukken, celstalen en DNA profielen van vrijgesproken personen schendt het recht op eerbiediging van hun privé-leven. Noot bij E.H.R.M., 4 december 2008 (Marper)",VABB-1,71,78,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275960,,Directive 2008/99/EC of 19 November 2008 on the protection of the environment through criminal law: A new start for criminal law in the European Community?,VABB-1,22,28,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275964,,De plaats van psychiatrische diagnoses binnen psychotherapie. Een rizomatisch perspectief.,VABB-1,27,41,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275966,,Verbal cued recall as a predictor to Alzheimer's disease in mild cognitive impairment,VABB-1,1094,1100,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275971,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek. EHRM maart – april 2009,VABB-1,182,186,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275974,,Quantum structure in cognition,VABB-1,314,348,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275975,,Geometric analogue of holographic reduced representation,VABB-1,389,398,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275976,,A model of the emergence and evolution of integrated worldviews,VABB-1,434,451,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275978,,Blogging the 2003 Iraq War: Challenging the Ideological Model of War and Mainstream Journalism?,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275979,,Dietary exposure to total toxic As in Belgium: Importance of As speciation in North Sea fish,VABB-1,558,565,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275980,,"The ""Five Risks Algorithm"": an easy tool for cardiovascular risk estimation.",VABB-1,133,138,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:275984,,Acquired cognitive dysfunction with focal sleep spiking activity,VABB-1,29,32,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275985,,Landau-Kleffner syndrome: 50 years after,VABB-1,1,2,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275986,,A comparative study of methods to reconstruct a periodic time series from an environmental proxy record.,VABB-1,97,118,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275987,,Geochemical behavior of trace elements in subtidal marine sediments of the Belgian coast.,VABB-5,88,96,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:275992,,Mensenrechten tijdens het politioneel voorarrest: een bloemlezing van enkele recente Straatsburgse arresten,VABB-1,105,129,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:275993,,L'emploi de 'aussi' et de 'si' en contexte négatif : alternance arbitraire ou motivée ?,VABB-1,183,198,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:275999,,Reflections of a child. Depicting healthy childhood in the 1940s and 1960s.,VABB-1,759,774,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276001,,Child labor in Belgium,VABB-4,602,605,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276002,,"Child labor in the Ghent cotton mills, 19th century",VABB-4,606,609,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276003,,"Sarcopenia and functional decline: pathophysiology, prevention and therapy",VABB-1,303,316,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276004,,De opleiding binnen de private veiligheidszorg,VABB-1,21,29,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276005,,Labour supply decisions of professional tennis players: determinants of trounament entry,VABB-1,333,344,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276012,,"Past and present accumulation rate reconstruction along the Dome Fuji-Kohnen radio echo sounding profile, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica",VABB-1,112,120,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276013,,"Numerical modelling of historical front variations and the 21st century evolution of Glacier AX010, Nepal Himalaya",VABB-1,27,34,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276014,,Calibrating a glaciological model of the Greenland ice sheet from the last glacial maximum to present-day using field observations of relative sea level and ice extent,VABB-1,1631,1657,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276015,,Evolution of supra-glacial lakes across the Greenland Ice Sheet,VABB-1,2164,2171,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276020,,Male and female auditors: Who in this land is the fairest of all?,VABB-1,22,30,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276026,,The Use of Cyber Force: Need for Legal Justification?,VABB-1,375,396,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276029,,Transfer of Juvenile Offenders to Adult Court in Belgium: Critical Reflections on the Reform of a Moderate Practice,VABB-1,131,142,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276030,,Transfer of Minors to the Criminal Court in Europe: Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-4,105,124,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276031,,"Correlation Order, Merging and Diversification",VABB-1,325,332,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276035,,De tachtigers schrijven,VABB-1,193,208,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276039,,Euthanasia and other end of life decisions and care provided in final three months of life: nationwide retrospective study in Belgium.,VABB-1,,,8 p.,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276040,,Deutsch als Fremdsprache und andere Zielsprachen in Brüssel.,VABB-1,126,136,,ger,2009,1 c:vabb:276041,,La directive du 19 novembre 2008 relative à la protection de l’environnement par le droit pénal: première réalisation du nouveau système de droit pénal européen,VABB-1,164,171,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:276042,,Europese rechtspraak aangaande de bijstand van een raadsman bij een politieverhoor,VABB-1,234,241,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276045,,"Europudding or Europaradise? A performance evaluation of the Eurimages co-production film fund, twenty years after its inception.",VABB-1,257,285,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276048,,Introduction to the special issue: An international partnership in vocational psychology and career guidance practice,VABB-1,69,74,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276050,,Collimation processes in quantum mechanics interpreted in quantum real numbers,VABB-1,68,83,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276052,,Salaried authority. The versatile fate of contremaitre in the Ghent cotton industry (1830 - 1914),VABB-4,60,82,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276057,,"Attitudes of nurses towards euthanasia and towards their role in euthanasia: a nationwide study in Flanders, Belgium.",VABB-1,1209,1218,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276058,,"Nurses' attitudes towards end-of-life decisions in medical practice: a nationwide study in Flanders, Belgium.",VABB-1,649,658,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276060,,GPs' awareness of patients' preference for place of death,VABB-1,665,670,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276062,,Probation officers perspectives on recent Belgian changes in the probation service,VABB-1,257,268,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276063,,The next security frontier,VABB-1,652,663,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276064,,The Persistent Security Dilemma between China and India,VABB-1,811,840,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276065,,Still Hesitating: Gloomy Perceptions Thwart Sino-Indian Partnership,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276080,,Kiezen en verliezen. Een analyse van de keuze na het krijgen van een B-attest in het Vlaams secundair onderwijs als een replicatie van Kloosterman en De Graaf (2009).,VABB-1,279,299,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276090,,Authors respond to editorial. End of life decisions and quality of care before death.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276094,,Effective technology transfer in biotechnology,VABB-5,1,22,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276103,,The European Union and NATO: 'Shrewd Interorganizationalism' in the Making?,VABB-4,101,130,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276107,,Afasie bij kinderen met niet-aangeboren hersenletsel,VABB-1,48,58,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276108,,The data protection framework decision of 27 November 2008 regarding police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters – A modest achievement however not the improvement some have hoped for,VABB-1,403,414,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276114,,New Perspectives on Mathematical Practices. Essays in Philosophy and History of Mathematics,VABB-3,,,248 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276215,,'Comment' et les expressions indéfinies en 'n'importe' et 'que ce soit'.,VABB-1,127,148,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:276226,,Two last wills of Hadriaan Beverland (1650-1716). A comparative study.,VABB-1,17,28,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276234,,Sustainability indicators for clean development mechanism projects in Vietnam,VABB-1,561,571,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276237,,'Means to an end': verklaren van organisatorische deviaties in sociale bewegingen. De casus van Oxfam-Wereldwinkels,VABB-1,257,284,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276238,,Work and Identity of Merchants and Artisans in a Larger context,VABB-4,323,330,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276239,,"Care Partnership, Welfare and Work: A Historical Perspective",VABB-4,71,87,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276248,,"Over Goten, Germanen en indianen: de controverse Grotius-De Laet",VABB-1,120,136,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276249,,Terrorismelijsten en de paradox van de rechtsbescherming,VABB-1,336,342,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276250,,Health Impact Assessment of exposure to transport emissions in Flanders: methodology study,VABB-5,35,46,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276255,,Codeswitching and ethnicity: grammatical types of codeswitching in the Afrikaans speech community,VABB-1,103,128,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276257,,"Changes in organic carbon distribution with depth in agricultural soils in northern Belgium, 1960-2006",VABB-1,2739,2750,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276264,,"Bed properties and hydrological conditions underneath McCall Glacier, Alaska, USA.",VABB-1,80,84,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276265,,Prescribing of pain medication in palliative care. A survey in general practice.,VABB-1,16,23,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276266,,Euthanasia and other end-of-life decisions:a mortality follow-back study comparing medical practice in the two cultural communities of Belgium.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276267,,Evaluation of end of life with dementia by families in Dutch and US nursing homes.,VABB-1,321,329,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276269,,"TJCE - Sentencia de 04.12.2008, S. y Marper c. Reino Unido",VABB-1,619,633,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:276273,,"Modelling the three-dimensional spatial distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) at the regional scale (Flanders, Belgium)",VABB-1,43,52,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276274,,Stenen muren maken nog geen gevangenis. Reflecties bij het rapport van de Europees Commissaris voor de Mensenrechten,VABB-1,52,65,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276281,,Rating of symptoms and comfort in dementia patients at the end of life: comparisonof nurses and families.,VABB-1,317,324,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276283,,Quality-indicators for palliative care: a systematic review.,VABB-1,145,156,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276284,,General practitioners awareness of place of death awareness of place of death and correlates of dying in preferred place: a nationwide morality follow-back study in the Netherlands.,VABB-1,568,577,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276288,,End-of-life care for patients with Alzheimer's Disease.,VABB-2,,,158 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276293,,A UNESCO agency offers professional development across geographic and generational boundaries.,VABB-5,317,327,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276299,,De onroerende voorheffing als boedelschuld,VABB-1,34,37,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276306,,Improved superresolution enhancement of hyperspectral CHRIS/Proba images with a Thin Plate Spine non-rigid transform model,VABB-1,2569,2579,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:276308,,"Intrastrain differences in seizure susceptibility, pharmacological response and basal neurochemistry of Wistar rats.",VABB-1,234,246,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276315,,"(David Kerr and Liu Fei (eds.), The International Politics of EU-China Relations (Oxford University Press, 2007)",VABB-1,167,170,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276335,,Inhibitory processing deficits reflected by event-related potentials are related to greater arousability during the night in insomnia patients.,VABB-5,S158,S158,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276336,,"""Livres manuscrits et imprimés néo-gothiques en Belgique. Un art élitaire, historiciste, catholique ou national?""",VABB-5,101,125,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:276337,,To be a common hero. The uneasy balance between the ordinary and ordinariness in the subject position of mediated ordinary people in the talk show Jan Publiek,VABB-1,597,616,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276342,,"Children and the internet in the news: agency, voices and agendas",VABB-4,159,172,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276345,,"Intrastrain differences in seizure susceptibility, pharmacological response and basal neurochemistry of Wistar rats.",VABB-1,5,57,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276347,,"Role and Involvement of Life End Information Forum Physicians in Euthanasia and Other End-of-Life Care Decisions in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,2180,2192,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276348,,Inaccuracy as a privacy-enhancing tool,VABB-1,87,95,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276349,,"Materieel erfgoed: gebouwen, (werk)tuigen en voorwerpen",VABB-4,1339,1368,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276351,,Protection des données personnelles et mesures de sécurité : vers une perspective transatlantique,VABB-4,63,80,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:276356,,"Duitse rechtsptraak over remote searches, datamining en afluisteren op afstand. Het arrest Bundesverfassungsgericht 27 februari 2008 (Online Dursuchung) in breder perspectief",VABB-1,200,211,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276358,,Coalition formation and congruence in multi-layered systems: Belgium 1995-2007,VABB-1,13,35,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276359,,Arguments and proofs about arguments and proofs,VABB-4,127,142,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276360,,Cultural Capital as Educational Capital – The Need for a Reflection on the Educationalisation of Cultural Taste,VABB-4,79,95,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276361,,Quantum particles as conceptual entities: A possible explanatory framework for quantum theory,VABB-1,361,411,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276362,,Teleportation of geometric structures in 3D,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276363,,This world without another. On Jean-Luc Nancy and 'la mondialisation',VABB-1,31,46,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276366,,Free or fee: what’s it gonna be? - West-Europese krantensites en de slinger van de advertentiemarkt,VABB-1,16,29,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276368,,Participation is not enough. The conditions of possibility of mediated participatory practices,VABB-1,407,420,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276371,,"Change and stability in commensality patterns: a comparative analysis of Belgian time-use data from 1966, 1999 and 2004",VABB-1,703,726,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276375,,The Legal Status of Profiles,VABB-5,510,516,-,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276376,,Experimental evidence for quantum structure in cognition,VABB-5,59,70,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276379,,Is there anything meaningful to be said about meaningfulness?,VABB-1,22,31,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276380,,Why it definitely matters how we encounter nature,VABB-1,279,296,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276385,,A decision analysis framework for intermodal transport: evaluating different policy measures to stimulate the market,VABB-4,223,241,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276386,,Modelling Complex Intermodal Freight Flows,VABB-4,291,300,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276390,,Waarom herstel niet tot kerntaken behoort. Bedenkingen bij Walgraves rechtsonbehagen,VABB-1,39,47,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276393,,Real time adaptivity from Cybernetics to Intelligent Environments: rewriting the history of Ubiquitous Computing,VABB-5,517,523,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276394,,Theory versus experiment for vacuum Rabi oscillations in lossy cavities. II. Direct test of uniqueness of vacuum,VABB-1,013802-1,013802-15,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276396,,Theory versus experiment for vacuum Rabi oscillations in lossy cavities,VABB-1,033836-1,033836-18,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276410,,Determining soil organic carbon for agricultural soils: a comparison between the Walkley & Black and the dry combustion methods (north Belgium,VABB-1,346,353,-,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276416,,Termontography and DOGMA for Knowledge Engineering within PROLIX,VABB-5,534,542,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276417,,An Evolutionary Ontology Approach for Community-Based Competency Management,VABB-5,927,936,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276426,,"Europese rechtspraak binnen het invloedsdomein van het politiewerk tijdens de periode 1990-1994. Deel 2: politiële vrijheidsberoving, terrorismebestrijding, huiszoeking, beslag en verbeurdverklaring",VABB-1,33,48,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276427,,Kan de rechter een parkeerbelasting herqualificeren in een parkeerretributie,VABB-1,143,156,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276428,,recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,157,168,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276429,,recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,62,80,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276430,,recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,256,263,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276431,,Intrekking en hertaxatie bij lokale belastingen,VABB-1,937,943,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276456,,Distributed quantum programming,VABB-5,111,125,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276458,,"""Will He or Won't He: Shakespeare's Stage Presence in the Media Age.""",VABB-1,249,264,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276460,,Improving verbal memory performance in schizophrenia,VABB-1,1412,1412,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276467,,"Ethics in Operations Research and Sustainable Development, International Transactions in Operational Research,ITOR, To appear",VABB-1,427,444,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276478,,"""The Wooster Group's _Hamlet_, according to the True Original Copies""",VABB-1,539,561,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276481,,An Analysis of the Socio-Technical Gap in Social Networking Sites,VABB-4,620,635,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276482,,Living Spaces: A Participatory Design Process Model,VABB-5,6,22,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276487,,Literaire pseudonimiteit als samenspel van auteur en lezer,VABB-1,471,494,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:276492,,Overzicht rechtspraak Europees Hof voor de rechten van de mens 2007: politie en veiligheid,VABB-1,169,182,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276493,,Revue de jurisprudence de la Cour Européenne des droits de l’homme 2007: police et sécurité,VABB-1,182,193,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:276494,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek. Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens april – augustus 2009,VABB-1,287,293,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276495,,"De Belgische politie- en veiligheidsagenda voor Europa is gematigd en realistisch, maar komt tot stand in een politiek niet transparant kader",VABB-1,79,91,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276496,,"Ethics, e-Inclusion and Ageing",VABB-1,1,37,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276497,,Gevangenissen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw. De missie is helder: méér capaciteit. Maar waar is de visie?,VABB-1,07,20,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276498,,Het debat geopend. Gevangenissen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw: opportuniteit of gemiste kans?,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276501,,Transcultural Modernities: Narrating Africa in Europe,VABB-3,,,442 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276503,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. September-oktober 2009,VABB-1,325,328,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276511,,Establishing specialized health services for professional consultation in euthanasia: experiences in the Netherlands and Belgium.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276514,,'Corporate' governance in nonprofit organizations: a non-technical review of the economic literature,VABB-1,143,164,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276517,,Ice sheet extent and early deglacial history of the southwestern sector of the Greenland ice sheet,VABB-1,2760,2773,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276518,,Towards a Pattern-Driven Topical Ontology Modeling Methodology in Elderly Care Homes,VABB-5,514,523,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276527,,The rise and fall of the Belgian regionalist parties,VABB-1,559,578,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276529,,Overzicht van Rechtspraak Personenrecht (2001-2008),VABB-1,1,258,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276547,,Considering Ceramic Variability on Late Bronze Age Cyprus. A Case-study: the Plain Vessels of Alassa Pano Mandilaris,VABB-4,91,105,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276556,,Flexible spectrum and future business models for the mobile industry.,VABB-1,249,258,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276558,,Adding Value to the Network: Exploring the Software as a Service and Platform as a Service Models for Mobile Operators,VABB-5,13,22,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276559,,"The Framework Decision of 18 December 2008 on the European Evidence Warrant for the Purpose of Obtaining Objects, Documents and Data for Use in Proceedings in Criminal Matters – A Critical Assessment",VABB-1,55,78,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276563,,"”We are not offering a helpful theory of art."" Towards a possible integration of systems theory and theatre studies",VABB-1,21,41,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276577,,European State aid rules and the public service broadcasting remit in the digital age: analysing a contentious part of European policy and integration.,VABB-4,178,197,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276579,,From High Hopes to High Deficit and Back: A Historic Overview of Europe's HDTV Policy and Reflections Towards the Future of HDTV.,VABB-5,33,40,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276585,,"EnsuringTrust, Privacy,and Etiquettein Web 2.0Applications",VABB-1,42,49,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276586,,Musical performance and 'kairos': exploring the time and space of artistic resonance,VABB-1,269,281,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276591,,"Staatssteun, Europese Commissie, TV/Danmark, publieke omroep, arrest Gerecht van Eerste Aanleg: krachtlijnen.",VABB-1,135,138,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276594,,"Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Second Language Acquisition",VABB-1,461,473,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276599,,The platformisation of the European Mobile Industry,VABB-1,15,33,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276600,,Britse diplomaten en Belgische hofintriges (oktober 1939). Enkele documenten over de aanloop naar de Koningskwestie,VABB-1,387,412,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276601,,Le Congo Belge pendant la Première Guerre mondiale. Les rapports du ministre des Colonies Jules Renkin au roi Albert 1er 1914-1918,VABB-2,,,240 p.,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:276603,,Business models for wireless city networks in the EU and the US. Public Inputs and Public Leverage,VABB-4,325,340,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276605,,Assessing the perceptual influence of H.264/SVC signal-to-noise ratio and temporal scalability on full length movies.,VABB-5,29,34,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276610,,Urban Model Shift Management in Cities: an indicator based approach,VABB-5,417,429,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276611,,Low-back problems in recreational self-contained underwater breathing apparatus divers: prevelance and specific risk factors.,VABB-4,17,38,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276615,,Developmental changes and predictability of static strength in individuals of different maturity : a 30-year longitudinal study.,VABB-1,833,841,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:276616,,"Objectively measured physical activity, physical activity related personality and body mass index in 6-to 10year-old children: a cross-sectional study.",VABB-1,,,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:276618,,The effect of whole body vibration short-term exercises on respiratory gas exchange in overweight and obese women.,VABB-1,88,94,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276619,,"Représentations du sens linguistique, III",VABB-3,,,410 p.,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:276620,,Prédications secondes adjectivantes : l'interprétation des participes présents adjoints,VABB-4,89,104,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:276622,,"Que deviennent l'égalité et l'intensité lorsqu'elles sont niées ? L'emploi de 'aussi', 'autant', 'si' et 'tant' en contexte négatif",VABB-5,35,50,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:276625,,Neonatal seizures and microcephaly due to a novel mutation in TUBA1A.,VABB-5,151,151,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276626,,De bronnen van Des Roches. Jan Des Roches’ Nieuwe Nederduytsche spraek-konst (1761) en de taalgeschiedenis van de achttiende eeuw,VABB-1,362,384,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:276627,,Uit de geschiedenis van de spelling. Over de scherp- en zachtlange [e:] en [o:],VABB-1,85,140,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276629,,Grammar to the people. The Dutch Language and the Public Sphere in the 18th Century. With Special Reference to Kornelis van der Palm.,VABB-1,55,86,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276631,,Heulen met Van Heule. Gerard Outhof en zijn editie (1733) van de geslachtslijst van David van Hoogstraten,VABB-1,145,177,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276632,,Integrationisten en particularisten? Taalstrijd in Vlaanderen tijdens het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (1815-1830).,VABB-5,41,58,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276638,,Interplay Management: Enhancing Environmental Policy Integration among International Institutions,VABB-1,371,391,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276642,,De twee gezichten van de politie: interventie versus wijkwerking,VABB-1,15,36,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:276644,,Communicative approaches to politics and ethics in Europe. The intellectual work of the 2009 ECREA European media and communication doctoral summer school.,VABB-3,,,0,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276645,,Introduction: The intellectual work of the 2009 ECREA European media and communication doctoral Summer School in Tartu,VABB-4,11,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276646,,"Oscillations between coherence and fragmentation, and between globalisation, glocalisation and translocalisation: The Europeanisation of the Communication and Media Studies discipline",VABB-4,309,322,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:276651,,Extracting information on the evolution of living- and dead-cell fractions of Salmonella Typhimurium colonies in gelatin gels based on microscopic images and plate-count data,VABB-1,39,45,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276713,,Identified and introjection approach and introjection avoidance motivations in school and in sport: The limited benefits of self-worth strivings.,VABB-1,482,497,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276787,,Are psychotic experiences among detained juvenile offenders explained by trauma and substance use?,VABB-1,39,46,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:276856,,Equality in exchange revisited : from an evolutionary (genetic and cultural) point of view,VABB-4,267,298,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:277212,,Autorität und Servilität. Die Dialektik der Macht - ideologisch und textstrategisch - in Robert Walsers Erzählung Tobold (II),VABB-4,127,147,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:277213,,MRI Study of the Morphometry of the Cervical Musculature in F-16 Pilots,VABB-1,727,731,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:277214,,Functional Assessment of the Cervical Spine in F-16 Pilots with and Without Neck Pain,VABB-1,477,481,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:277258,,International encyclopaedia of intellectual property,VABB-3,,,1262 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:277984,,Weight parameters and pathological eating as predictors of obesity treatment outcome in children and adolescents,VABB-1,71,73,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:278061,,Learning mode of small business owners in Belgium,VABB-1,92,106,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:278063,,Attentional control in dysphoria: An investigation using the antisaccade task,VABB-1,251,255,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:278167,,A Simulation Model Articulation of the REA Ontology,VABB-5,554,563,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:278385,,Belgium,VABB-4,15,23,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:278465,,Improving customer attrition prediction by integrating emotions from client/company interaction emails and evaluating multiple classifiers,VABB-1,6127,6134,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:278482,,Present and perfect in Bantu : the case of Lingála,VABB-1,21,43,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:278580,,"Disorders of sex development: Update on the genetic background, terminology and risk for the development of germ cell tumors.",VABB-1,93,102,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:278651,,The role of religion in death attitudes: Distinguishing between religious belief and style of processing religious contents.,VABB-1,73,92,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:278720,,Kant on Political and Ethical Communities with Regard to Perpetual Peace,VABB-4,105,118,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:278851,,Testing regimes for newcomers,VABB-4,1,34,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:278905,,"Intelligent decision support system based geo-information technology and spatial planning for sustainable water management in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-5,283,288,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279007,,Topic accent and prosodic structure.,VABB-4,15,49,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279059,,Exploring Pauli's (quantum) views on science and biology,VABB-5,301,330,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279073,,Dialogical spaces to reconceptualize parent support in the social investment state,VABB-1,66,70,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279207,,Theios Sophistes : essays on Philostratus' Vita Apollonii,VABB-3,,,"XIII, 405 p.",eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279208,,Pythagoreanism and the planetary deities: the philosophical and literary master-structure of the Vita Apollonii,VABB-4,283,320,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279209,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,13,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279212,,Author and narrator : fiction and metafiction in Philostratus’ Vita Apollonii,VABB-4,95,128,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279213,,Staging a team performance : a linguistic ethnographic analysis of weekly meetings at a British Embassy.,VABB-1,80,99,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279216,,"Francesco Sambiasi, a Missing Link in European Map Making in China?",VABB-1,29,46,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279217,,Use of Dendrograms of Slice Spectra as a New Graphical Tool for the Interpretation of Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectra,VABB-1,73,80,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279218,,Psychiatrische stoornissen bij migranten : feiten en hypothesen,VABB-1,824,831,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279225,,A funny thing happened on my way to the market. Reading Petronius to write economic history,VABB-4,125,139,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279227,,Narrative Interest as Cultural Negotiation,VABB-1,111,129,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279229,,Minor Party and Independent Politics Beyond the Mainstream. Fluctuating Fortunes but a Permanent Presence. In: Parliamentary Affairs,VABB-1,4,18,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279230,,"Modelling heat and mass transfer in batch, top-spray fluidised bed coating processes",VABB-1,170,175,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279231,,Measuring community (dis)organizational processes through key-informant analysis,VABB-1,401,417,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279233,,Involvement in language : the role of the Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae in the history of Lingala,VABB-1,240,260,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279240,,Does bilingualism change native-language reading? Cognate effects in a sentence context,VABB-1,923,927,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279241,,"Estado nutricional y características de la dieta de un grupo de adolescentes de la localidad rural de Calama, Bolivia",VABB-1,46,50,,spa,2009,1 c:vabb:279242,,Changes in dietary habits following temporal migration : the case of international students in Belgium,VABB-1,83,88,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279247,,Van 'triomfalisme' naar 'postkolonialisme' : trends in de geschiedschrijving van de tropische geneeskunde,VABB-1,78,91,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279248,,The Biodata toolbox for MATLAB,VABB-1,49,52,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279249,,Modelling indoor air and hygrothermal wall interaction in building simulation: Comparison between CFD and a well-mixed zonal model,VABB-1,572,583,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279250,,Peeter Thijs (1624-77)- an Antwerp Portraitist under the Patronage of William Frederick of Nassau-Dietz (1613-64),VABB-1,128,131,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:279253,,Doing worse but knowing better: An exploration of the relationship between HIV/AIDS knowledge and sexual behavior among adolescents in Flemish secondary schools,VABB-1,1303,1319,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279254,,"‘Het gaat niet zozeer om het genezen, maar om het hervormen': over de rol en betekenis van het zeehospitaal voor kinderen in het hygiëne-offensief van het eind van de negentiende eeuw",VABB-1,48,61,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:279255,,Psychosocial working conditions and self-reported health in a representative sample of wage-earners: A test of the different hypotheses of the Demand-Control-Support model,VABB-1,329,342,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279256,,On the applicability of the heat and mass transfer analogy in indoor air flows,VABB-1,1431,1442,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279257,,Between the hammer and the anvil? The anti-money laundering-complex and its interactions with the compliance industry,VABB-1,9,32,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279259,,Power-seeking crime? The professional thief versus the professional launderer.,VABB-1,399,412,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279260,,Compliance in de Belgische financiële sector. Of hoe zelfregulering en overheidsregulering in elkaar verstrengeld raken.,VABB-4,87,98,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279261,,Corporations as a blind spot in research : explanations for a criminological tunnel vision,VABB-4,80,108,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279267,,Explorerend onderzoek naar de aard van de bestuurlijke informatiestromen van de Lokale Politie : een verkenning van enkele cruciale spanningsvelden,VABB-1,67,237,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279269,,Reflections on the possible integration of intelligence led policing into community policing,VABB-4,293,310,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279270,,Comparative view on the role of the police officer in different restorative practices in Flanders,VABB-1,19,37,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279271,,"Content and context for mobile television. Integrating trial, expert and user findings.",VABB-1,293,305,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279272,,The geography of social cohesion and crime at the municipality level,VABB-4,159,180,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279275,,Sharing musical expression through embodied listening: a case study based on Chinese guqin music,VABB-1,263,278,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279277,,Afvalcriminaliteit en kwetsbaarheden van de afvalsector,VABB-4,43,52,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279278,,Vulnerabilität der Wirtschaft für Organisierte Kriminalität : Vulnerabilitätsstudien zur Prävention am Beispiel der Abfallentsorgungsindustrie,VABB-1,28,35,,ger,2009,1 c:vabb:279279,,Een roze eiland in de oceaan van de ‘reguliere’ sport? De voordelen van Gay Games participatie belicht vanuit de sociale identiteitstheorie,VABB-1,32,54,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279282,,Confirmation/disconfirmation of consumers' expectations about fresh and processed tropical fruit products,VABB-1,539,551,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279284,,De Europese Metamorfose? : de implicaties van het Verdrag van Lissabon voor het Europees Strafrecht,VABB-1,31,53,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279285,,The role of Europol in joint investigation teams : a foretaste of an executive european police office,VABB-4,329,358,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279290,,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for preventing central venous catheter-related infection: Results of a knowledge test among 3405 European intensive care nurses,VABB-1,320,323,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279294,,Content for mobile television: issues for a new mass medium within today's ICT environment,VABB-4,143,163,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279299,,Introducing a commute-energy performance index for Flanders,VABB-1,580,591,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279303,,Practitioners' Attitudes concerning Evidence-Based Guidelines in Belgian Substance Abuse Treatment,VABB-1,47,55,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279307,,Attitudes of Flemish secondary school students towards euthanasia and other end-of-life decisions in minors,VABB-1,349,356,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279308,,Hoe efficiënt is CSR ter preventie van schadelijke ondernemingsactiviteiten? Een toets aan Corporate Environmental Responsibility,VABB-4,29,42,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279309,,Inleiding - organisatiecriminologie in Nederland en België: op zoek naar een nieuw ritme,VABB-4,1,10,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279310,,Reliability and correlational validity of police interview competences : assessing the stability of the police interview competency inventory,VABB-4,311,325,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279311,,The Social Nature of Beauty: Kant's Response to Burke,VABB-5,93,104,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279314,,Social work and the shift from 'welfare' to 'justice',VABB-1,113,127,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279315,,Relationship Between Motor Skill and BMI in 5- to 10-Year-Old Children,VABB-1,21,37,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279320,,Genealogy of Colonial Discourse: Hindu Traditions and the Limits of European Representation,VABB-1,563,589,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279321,,Semi-public spaces : the spatial logic of institutions,VABB-4,133,146,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279323,,An epistemic logic for becoming informed,VABB-1,363,389,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279325,,Internal audit : a comfort provider to the Audit Committee,VABB-1,90,106,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279328,,Intrinsic gait-related risk factors for Achilles tendinopathy in novice runners: A prospective study,VABB-1,387,391,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279334,,Reconceptualizing the postcolonial project : beyond the strictures and structures of orientalism,VABB-1,50,68,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279341,,A conjoint measurement approach to the discrete Sugeno integral,VABB-4,85,109,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279342,,De globalisering van ondernemingscriminaliteit: casestudy van de handel in Liberiaans conflicthout,VABB-4,53,66,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279343,,Contemporary issues in the empirical study of crime,VABB-3,,,262 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279344,,"Readings on criminal justice, criminal law & policing",VABB-3,,,377 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279346,,Werknemerscriminaliteit en verder : nu eens de onderneming als slachtoffer,VABB-4,191,200,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279347,,Checking aspects of 'nodal orientation' for policing the Port of Antwerp,VABB-4,359,376,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279350,,"An intertext that counts? : Dracula, The Woman in White, and Victorian imaginations of the foreign other",VABB-1,403,420,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279351,,Some criminal law reflections on the sexual transmission of HIV,VABB-4,203,233,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279355,,International business travel:some explorations,VABB-1,193,202,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279356,,Disentangling neighbourhood- and school contextual variation in serious offending : assessing the effect of ecological disadvantage,VABB-4,181,212,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279357,,Individual differences in adolescent life style risk by gender and ethic background : a test in two urban samples,VABB-1,5,23,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279358,,Analytical criminology : a style of theorizing and analysing the micro-macro context of acts of crime,VABB-4,129,140,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279359,,Van Heilig-Kruisklooster tot Sint-Bernardusbdij in Bornem (prov. Antwerpen). Een bouwhistorisch onderzoek met het oog op herbestemming.,VABB-1,257,288,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279365,,Dictionary of nineteenth-century journalism in Britain and Ireland,VABB-3,,,1014 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279366,,"John Middleton Murry's editorial apprenticeships : getting modernist ""rhythm"" into the Athenaeum, 1919-1921",VABB-1,123,143,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279368,,The lure of illustration in the nineteenth century : picture and press,VABB-3,,,279 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279369,,The lure of illustration,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279370,,Introduction and chronology,VABB-4,5,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279372,,Avoiding the Dire Straits,VABB-2,,,280 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279375,,FOXL2 Mutations and Genomic Rearrangements in BPES,VABB-1,158,169,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279376,,The silent encroachment of the frontier : a politics of transborder trade in the Semliki Valley (Congo-Uganda),VABB-1,55,65,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279377,,Aberrant methylation of candidate tumor suppressor genes in neuroblastoma,VABB-1,336,346,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279378,,Clinical and Molecular Study of 320 Children With Marfan Syndrome and Related Type I Fibrillinopathies in a Series of 1009 Probands With Pathogenic FBN1 Mutations,VABB-1,391,398,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279380,,Revising the myth of gay consumer innovativeness,VABB-1,134,144,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279381,,Unusual 8p inverted duplication deletion with telomere capture from 8q,VABB-1,31,36,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279382,,Evidence for a hierarchical structure underlying avoidance behavior,VABB-1,123,128,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279383,,Alianzas entre historia y ficción,VABB-3,,,471 p.,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:279385,,"Patients' ideas, concerns, and expectations (ICE) in general practice: impact on prescribing",VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279386,,Acquiring a new L2 contrast: an analysis of the English laryngeal system of L1 Dutch speakers,VABB-1,377,408,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279390,,"Determination of antidepressants in human postmortem blood, brain tissue, and hair using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry",VABB-1,451,458,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279391,,Greek-Turkish language contact in Asia Minor,VABB-1,37,54,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279393,,"Market differentiation potential of origin, quality and traceability labeling",VABB-1,20,35,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279397,,Tapping the grapevine: A closer look at word-of-mouth as a recruitment source,VABB-1,341,352,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279399,,Role of the inhibitory KIR ligand HLA-Bw4 and HLA-C expression levels in the recognition of leukemic cells by Natural Killer cells.,VABB-1,855,865,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279400,,Proactive adjustments of response strategies in the stop-signal paradigm,VABB-1,835,854,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279401,,"Common European Framework of Reference for Languages : learning, teaching, assessment",VABB-2,,,260 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279409,,Exergetic life-cycle assessment (ELCA) for resource consumption evaluation in the built environment,VABB-1,11,17,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279411,,The use of X-ray tomography in the study of water repellents and consolidants,VABB-1,84,92,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279413,,Impact of religion on halal meat consumption decision making in Belgium,VABB-1,5,26,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279418,,Public good markets : the possible role of hybrid governance structures in institutions for sustainability,VABB-4,175,191,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279421,,"Financieel-economische criminaliteit : stromingen, oorzaken, slachtofferschap en de relatie tot Community (Oriented) Policing",VABB-4,129,140,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279422,,Tussenposities. Kroniek van de poëzie,VABB-1,58,63,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279423,,"Perceived motives, barriers and role of labeling information on tropical fruit consumption : exploratory findings",VABB-1,119,138,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279424,,The G8’s Role in Global Energy Governance Since the 2005 Gleneagles Summit,VABB-1,259,277,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279425,,The transfer of sentenced persons in Europe,VABB-1,111,128,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279427,,Esperanto for EU crime statistics : towards common EU offence definitions in an EU level offence classification system,VABB-4,87,124,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279429,,Assessing personality at risk in personnel selection and development,VABB-1,51,69,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279432,,De opleiding binnen de private veiligheidsindustrie in transitie,VABB-1,21,29,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279433,,A finite-capacity production scheduling procedure for a Belgian steel company,VABB-1,561,584,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279434,,The International Labour Organization and the Quest for Social Justice 1919-2009,VABB-2,,,272 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279435,,The Effects on Mood of Adjunctive Single-Family and Multi-Family Group Therapy in the Treatment of Hospitalized Patients with Major Depression A 15-Month Follow-Up Study,VABB-1,98,105,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279436,,"Therapeutic factors in a systemic multi-family group treatment for major depression : patients and ""partners"" perspectives",VABB-1,250,269,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279439,,MRI analysis of muscle/fat index of the superficial and deep neck muscles in an asymptomatic cohort.,VABB-1,704,709,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279443,,Universalism and Relativism of Knowledge Dissipate. The intercultural perspective,VABB-4,191,201,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279444,,Personality and psychopathology in Flemish referred children: Five perspectives of continuity,VABB-1,269,285,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279445,,Der Markt für Zucker,VABB-1,26,35,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:279446,,End-of-life decision-making and terminal sedation among very old patients,VABB-1,99,105,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279447,,Is there a lexical bias effect in comprehension monitoring?,VABB-1,910,927,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279448,,The effect of combining a relative-humidity-sensitive ventilation system with the moisture-buffering capacity of materials on indoor climate and energy efficiency of buildings,VABB-1,515,524,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279452,,A cross-cultural study of online collaborative learning,VABB-1,33,46,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279453,,Symbolic Attributes and Organizational Attractiveness: The moderating effects of applicant personality,VABB-1,35,46,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279454,,Performance evaluation of indirect evaporative cooling using whole-building hygrothermal simulations,VABB-1,2870,2875,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279456,,Why should I adopt pluralism?,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279460,,Chinese Students’ perceptions of an e-learning environment and factors affecting their performance: implementing a Flemish e-learning course in a Chinese educational context,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279463,,Investigating the role of conflict resolution in memory updating by means of the one-back choice RT task,VABB-1,390,306,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279464,,Models of response inhibition in the stop-signal and stop-change paradigms,VABB-1,647,661,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279465,,"Professional categorization, risk management and inter-agency communication in public inquiries into disastrous outcomes",VABB-1,280,298,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279466,,"Globalization and languages in contact. Scale, migration and communicative practices.",VABB-3,,,288 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279468,,In de ban van Freud & Co - het epistemische drijfzand van de psychoanalyse,VABB-1,28,35,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279470,,A family of experiments to evaluate a functional size measurement procedure for Web applications,VABB-1,253,269,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279471,,Evidence of Partial Anti-Enuretic Response Related to Poor Pharmacodynamic Effects of Desmopressin Nasal Spray,VABB-1,302,309,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279476,,Juniperus communis : victim of the combined action of climate warming and nitrogen deposition?,VABB-1,49,59,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:279477,,Influence of shear flow on polymorphic behavior and microstructural development during palm oil crystallization,VABB-1,290,302,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279479,,Relations between crystallisation mechanisms and microstructure of milk fat,VABB-1,424,430,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279483,,Auditcomité voortaan verplicht in genoteerde vennootschappen en financiële ondernemingen,VABB-1,49,52,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279484,,Trimming scenic invention: oblique perspective as poetics of discipline,VABB-1,41,53,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279486,,Neighbourhood walkability and its particular importance for adults with a preference for passive transport.,VABB-1,496,504,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279487,,Structuring asynchronous discussion groups: the impact of role assignment and self-assessment on students’ levels of knowledge construction through social negotiation,VABB-1,177,188,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279488,,Immunohistochemical analysis of the oxidative phosphorylation complexes in skeletal muscle from patients with mitochondrial DNA encoded tRNA gene defects,VABB-1,172,176,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279489,,Over de verplichting van de banken krediet te verlenen aan niet-kredietwaardige huurders (noot onder GwH 1 september 2008),VABB-1,34,39,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279490,,Acute normal tissue reactions in head-and-neck cancer patients treated with IMRT: influence of dose and association with genetic polymorphisms in DNA DSB repair genes,VABB-1,1187,1195,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279492,,"Loss of control over eating in overweight youngsters: the role of anxiety, depression and emotional eating",VABB-1,68,78,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279494,,The incantations of the EU organised crime policy making,VABB-1,261,281,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279495,,Cognitive attributes and aesthetic preferences in assessment and differentiation of landscapes,VABB-1,2889,2898,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279496,,The analog switch-off in a cable dominated television landscape : implications for the transition to digital television in Flanders,VABB-1,87,101,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279497,,Parenthetical adverbials: The radical orphanage approach,VABB-4,331,347,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279498,,Postscript: Problems and solutions for orphan analyses,VABB-4,348,365,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279504,,Antwerpse drug-en alcoholmonitor : een lokale drugscene in beeld,VABB-1,1,12,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279506,,"Burnout, adult attachment and critical incidents : a study of security guards",VABB-1,374,376,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279507,,(N)iets nieuws onder de zon? : de beleidsverklaringen Justitie 2008 en 2009 over het openbaar ministerie in de strafuitvoering,VABB-1,13,16,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279508,,Tagging thinking types in asynchronous discussion groups: effects on critical thinking,VABB-1,77,94,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279509,,Dead End Street Blues,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279510,,How to use data from Facebook in your market research,VABB-1,439,447,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279511,,Argumentation ethics and the philosophy of freedom,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279512,,ANTI-TRINTARIANISM IN NEWTON'S GENERAL SCHOLIUM TO THE PRINCIPIA,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279514,,Dysfunctional schemas and eating pathology in overweight youth: A case control study,VABB-1,437,442,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279515,,Psychiatric disorders and symptom severity in referred versus non-referred overweight children and adolescents,VABB-1,164,173,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279516,,The Valsalva Maneuver and Alzheimer's Disease: Is there a link?,VABB-1,59,68,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279517,,"Psychological disorder, symptom severity and weight loss in inpatient adolescent obesity treatment",VABB-1,36,44,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279518,,Steering from ministers and departments : coping strategies of agencies in Flanders,VABB-1,79,100,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279522,,"Evaluation of the Brain 5-HT2A Receptor Binding Index in Dogs with Anxiety Disorders, Measured with I-123-5I-R91150 and SPECT",VABB-1,284,289,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279523,,On the characterization and generation of nurse scheduling problem instances,VABB-1,457,467,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279528,,"De(ar)ranged minds, mindless acts and polemical portrayal in Kleist and Canetti",VABB-1,388,406,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279536,,"Peat bank growth, Holocene palaeoecology and climate history of South Georgia (sub-Antarctica), based on a botanical macrofossil record",VABB-1,65,79,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279537,,Relationship quality and the theory of planned behavior models of behavioral intentions and purchase behavior,VABB-1,82,92,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279538,,Clinical practice: pulmonary hypertension in children,VABB-1,515,522,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279545,,Fictional narratives as didactical tools. Using Frank McCourt's Teacher Man in pre-service teacher education.,VABB-1,493,502,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279546,,"The Politics of Munificence in the Roman Empire: Citizens, Elites and Benefactors in Asia Minor",VABB-2,,,204 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279547,,Antwerp Drugs and Alcohol Monitor (ADAM): a Belgian local drug scene in the picture,VABB-1,616,622,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279556,,"Demand, control and its relationship with job mobility among young workers",VABB-1,266,293,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279557,,Genome profiling of acute myelomonocytic leukemia: alteration of the MYB locus in MYST3-linked cases,VABB-1,85,94,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279568,,Introduction: The role of phonology in reading,VABB-1,97,102,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279569,,The role of phonology in visual word recognition: Reading acquisition vs. skilled reading,VABB-1,167,190,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279571,,Contaminants and the Path to Salvation: A Study of the Sarvastivada Hrdaya Treatises,VABB-1,63,84,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279575,,"Influence of type of microorganism, food ingredients and food properties on high-pressure carbon dioxide inactivation of microorganisms",VABB-1,253,263,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279576,,Carnosine loading and washout in human skeletal muscles,VABB-1,837,842,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279581,,Reported foodborne outbreaks due to noroviruses in Belgium : the link between food and patient investigations in an international context,VABB-1,316,327,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279582,,Kinetics of resuscitation and growth of L. monocytogenes as a tool to select appropriate enrichment conditions as a prior step to rapid detection methods,VABB-1,88,93,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279588,,Evaluation of early intervention programs: towards a stepped-care-model?,VABB-1,223,240,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279589,,Kindtrainingen : een volwaardige component van vroege interventieprogramma’s voor antisociaal gedrag?,VABB-1,49,68,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279590,,Cognitief-gedragstherapeutische groepstraining voor angst en depressie bij jongeren,VABB-1,5,34,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279591,,Subtyping children and adolescents who are overweight : different symptomatology and treatment outcomes,VABB-1,814,824,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279596,,"De inclusieve rechtsstaat gekneld tussen conficterende grondrechten, Rb. Rotterdam, 6 augustus 2008",VABB-1,179,184,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279604,,Semantic transparency and masked morphological priming: The case of prefixed words,VABB-1,895,908,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279606,,"Valentie, argumentstructuur en constructionele semantiek in Ebelings Semiotaxis",VABB-1,105,111,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:279607,,"Media Agoras. Democracy, diversity, and communication",VABB-3,,,229 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279609,,The Realm of Contemporary Media Agora,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279612,,Een nieuwe toekomst voor een nieuw verleden?,VABB-1,238,243,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279613,,Attachment security and attentional breadth towards the attachment figure in middle childhood,VABB-1,872,882,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279614,,Introducing functional classification theory to land use planning by means of decision tables,VABB-1,875,881,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279615,,Itinerant crime groups: mobility attributed to anchor points?,VABB-4,211,225,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279617,,"Stedelijke communicatie in de late middeleeuwen. Aard, motivaties en politieke implicaties",VABB-1,273,295,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:279618,,REGIONAL BRAIN PERFUSION IN EPILEPTIC DOGS EVALUATED BY TECHNETIUM-99m-ETHYL CYSTEINATE DIMER SPECT,VABB-1,655,659,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279621,,Authoritarianism is Good for You: Right-wing Authoritarianism as a Buffering Factor for Mental Distress,VABB-1,33,50,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279622,,The ideal politician: Impact of voters' ideology,VABB-1,60,65,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279623,,We must not be enemies: Interracial contact and the reduction of prejudice among authoritarians,VABB-1,172,177,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279624,,Age Differences in Conservatism: Evidence on the Mediating Effects of Personality and Cognitive Style,VABB-1,51,88,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279628,,Mental Health Problems in Separated Refugee Adolescents,VABB-1,291,297,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279630,,Cross-border research on human embryonic stem cells: legal and ethical considerations,VABB-1,10,17,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279639,,De 'laatste' voedselrellen. Voedseloproer in de jaren 1850 in Vlaanderen: een casestudie van Sint-Niklaas,VABB-1,80,108,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279641,,Expertise in digitalisering : met vallen en opstaan,VABB-5,46,49,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279643,,Reading about crime in post-intervention societies : a critical assessment,VABB-4,235,262,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279645,,Cui dono lepidum novum libellum? : Huygens' Ooghen-troost door een nieuwe bril,VABB-1,49,76,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279647,,How are traits related to problem behavior in preschoolers? Similarities and contrasts between temperament and personality.,VABB-1,309,325,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279654,,The impacts of watershed management on land use and land cover dynamics in Eastern Tigray (Ethiopia).,VABB-1,192,198,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279655,,"The economic contribution of forest resource use to rural livelihoods in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,109,117,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279659,,A review of children’s rights literature since the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child,VABB-1,518,534,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279663,,Reference database of Raman spectra of pharmaceutical excipients,VABB-1,297,307,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279664,,Causal discovery and the problem of ignorance : an adaptive logic approach,VABB-1,188,205,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279665,,"Audiometric, surgical, and genetic findings in 15 ears of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta",VABB-1,1171,1179,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279666,,Vrome daden en gedachten. Een revisionistische kijk op het katholieke verleden van Nederland,VABB-1,57-,64,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279667,,"Liberty, Tyranny and the Will of God: The Principle of Toleration in Early Modern Europe and Colonial India",VABB-1,111,139,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279669,,The Musee Gustave Moreau : collecting life and work as proof of a genius's contribution to art,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279670,,"Spatial patterns of old, deep-seated landslides: a case-study in the northern Ethiopian highlands",VABB-1,239,252,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279672,,"The study of public expenditure on drugs, a useful evaluation tool for policy",VABB-4,49,78,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279673,,"The Nominal Group Technique, a participative research technique holding great potential for criminology",VABB-4,109,134,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279675,,Immersie in de schouwburg door emersie op de scène,VABB-4,38,51,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279677,,The Dumbfounded Participatory Spectator. The Power of Failure in Contemporary Performance,VABB-4,71,83,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279684,,Europese betalingsprocedure,VABB-1,98,117,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279689,,"Structure and X-ray conformation of pseudodesmins A and B, two new cyclic lipodepsipeptides from Pseudomonas bacteria",VABB-1,4173,4181,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279693,,Desertification? Northern Ethiopia re-photographed after 140 years,VABB-1,2749,2755,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279694,,How does interhemispheric communication in visual word recognition work? Deciding between early and late integration accounts of the split fovea theory,VABB-1,112,121,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279695,,Moving beyond Kucera and Francis : a critical evaluation of current word frequency norms and the introduction of a new and improved word frequency measure for American English,VABB-1,977,990,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279696,,Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology,VABB-2,,,524 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279697,,“To treat of the world”: Paul Otlet's ontology and epistemology and the circle of knowledge,VABB-1,223,244,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279698,,Differences in retail strategies on the emerging organic market,VABB-1,138,154,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279699,,"Psychiatric Disorders in Property, Violent, and Versatile Offending Detained Male Adolescents",VABB-1,31,38,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279700,,The nominative and infinitive in English and Dutch. An exercise in contrastive diachronic construction grammar,VABB-1,144,181,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279706,,The Social Democratic Malaise and World Politics,VABB-1,107,125,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279710,,Identification of protein binders in works of art by high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector analysis of their tryptic digests,VABB-1,1991,1999,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279718,,Bemiddeling en vertrouwelijkheid,VABB-1,194,206,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279725,,In the beginning there was the Germ,VABB-4,51,68,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279737,,The study and classification of medieval urban toponymy: the case of late medieval Brussels (13th-16th centuries),VABB-1,189,211,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279744,,De (gekleurde) berichtgeving over cannabisteelt in de Vlaamse media : lessen voor beleidsmakers,VABB-1,23,35,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279745,,Victim-offender mediation as a social work practice.,VABB-1,181,193,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279748,,'Caused Motion'? The semantics of the English to-dative and the Dutch aan-dative,VABB-1,5,42,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279751,,Recessive osteogenesis imperfecta caused by LEPRE1 mutations: clinical documentation and identification of the splice form responsible for prolyl 3-hydroxylation,VABB-1,233,241,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279753,,Unilateral termination and suspension of bilateral agreements concluded by the EC,VABB-4,455,466,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279760,,The semantic-pragmatic development of well from the viewpoint of (inter)subjectification,VABB-4,155,196,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279763,,Intersubjective positioning in French and English: A contrastive analysis of 'ça dépend' and 'it depends',VABB-1,37,72,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279765,,"Never two without three : commons, anticommons and semicommons",VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279767,,Justifying the incorporation of the materials balance principle into frontier-based eco-efficiency models,VABB-1,1605,1614,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279768,,"Serial position effects in the identification of letters, digits, and symbols",VABB-1,480,498,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279770,,The KEY to the ROCK: Near-homophony in nonnative visual word recognition,VABB-1,263,269,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279771,,Policing and leadership : the case of the Belgian chiefs of the local police,VABB-4,265,291,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279773,,The music industry on (the) line? Surviving music piracy in a digital era,VABB-1,77,96,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279776,,Student models of learning and their impact on study strategies,VABB-1,185,202,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279777,,Farmland for tomorrow in densely populated areas,VABB-1,859,868,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279778,,Interpreting the concept of 'discretionary power' within the execution of sentences : a comparison between the Belgian and French situation,VABB-4,57,86,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279779,,How many exemplars are used? Explorations with the Rex Leopold I model,VABB-1,337,343,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279780,,Semisupervised category learning: The impact of feedback in learning the information-integration task,VABB-1,328,341,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279782,,"Hollywood, resistance and transgressive queerness: re-reading Suddenly, Last Summer (1959), The Children’s Hour (1961) and Advise And Consent (1962)",VABB-4,79,92,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279787,,IN PRAISE OF THE FABLE. THE PHILOSTRATEAN AESOP,VABB-1,28,44,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279790,,Effectiveness of exclosures to control soil erosion and local communities perception on soil erosion,VABB-1,365,377,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279791,,"The Sasanian Rock Relief of Bahram II at Guyum (Fars, Iran)",VABB-1,531,558,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279794,,User-centered E-Government in practice : a comprehensive model for measuring user satisfaction,VABB-1,487,497,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279795,,School well-being among young people: is it influenced by the parents' socioeconomic background?,VABB-1,191,204,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279797,,Werken aan de toekomst: De historische roman van onze tijd,VABB-1,20,48,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279799,,Theatricks in the courtroom: The intertextual construction of legal cases,VABB-4,107,125,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279801,,Proceeding in abstraction : from concepts to types and the recent perspective on information,VABB-1,257,282,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279805,,Positive correlation between relative mRNA expression of PRNP and SPRN in cerebral and cerebellar cortex of sheep,VABB-1,60,64,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279813,,Purpose limitation in EU-US data exchange in criminal matters : the remains of the day,VABB-4,163,201,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279816,,Why land use patterns affect travel behaviour (or not). Toward a state-of-the-art conceptual framework and an appropriate modelling technique,VABB-1,5,26,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279817,,Incorporer l'espace dans la modélisation du choix de destination. Le cas de 4 villes flamandes,VABB-1,2,10,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:279820,,Tussentaal wordt omgangstaal in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,8,25,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279822,,Chapter 2. Belgium,VABB-4,85,122,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279823,,Het verval van de schenking wegens het verdwijnen van de oorzaak : het einde van een lang verhaal?,VABB-1,240,246,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279824,,Groundwater recharge and flow in a small mountain catchment in northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,739,753,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279843,,EU Aid for Fighting Corruption in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Where Did It Go Wrong?,VABB-1,61,81,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279846,,The validity of finger pulse line length for the detection of concealed information,VABB-1,118,123,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279849,,De Belgische rechtstraditie : van een lang zoeken naar onafhankelijkheid naar een verlangen naar afhankelijkheid?,VABB-1,979,1041,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279850,,"Intentionality, Normativity and Communality in Kant's Realm of Ends",VABB-1,125,133,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279855,,Deltoid muscle volume estimated from ultrasonography : in vitro validation and correlation with isokinetic abduction strength of the shoulder,VABB-1,557,563,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279856,,Influence of protein concentration and homogenisation pressure on O/W emulsifying and emulsion-stabilising properties of sodium caseinate and whey protein isolate,VABB-1,36,40,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279857,,"One nation, two policies: language requirements for citizenship and integration in Belgium",VABB-4,107,124,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279861,,"Drie eergetouwscharen uit een ijzertijdwaterput te Kluizen (Evergem, O.Vl.). Beschrijving van de vondsten en vergelijking met enkele andere mogelijke eergetouwonderdelen uit Vlaamse contexten.",VABB-5,131,136,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279862,,Clinical competence of nurse graduates in Kenya,VABB-1,82,89,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279866,,"Language Testing, Migration and Citizenship: Cross-National Perspectives",VABB-3,,,280 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279870,,"Pleural effusions, water balance mediators and the influence of lisinopril after completion Fontan procedures.",VABB-1,57,62,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279872,,"Het turbulente verleden van de Luikse prinsbisschoppen door de ogen van een inwoner van het oude graafschap Loon: de Chronijk van Luyk, toegeschreven aan Petrus Treckpoel (1442 - circa 1507-8)",VABB-1,5,88,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279873,,An exploratory study on principals' conceptions about their role as school leaders,VABB-1,173,196,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279874,,Exploring the link between distributed leadership and job satisfaction of school leaders,VABB-1,153,171,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279875,,"A stepwise multi-scaled landscape typology and characterisation for trans-regional integration, applied on the federal state of Belgium.",VABB-1,160,170,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279877,,Indicators for assessing changing landscape character of cultural landscapes in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,901,910,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279878,,The relationship between the perception of distributed leadership in secondary schools and teachers' and teacher leaders' job satisfaction and organizational commitment,VABB-1,291,317,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279879,,Teachers' perception of the new teacher evaluation policy: A validity study of the policy characteristics scale,VABB-1,924,930,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279882,,Development and validation of scores on the distributed leadership inventory,VABB-1,1013,1034,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279883,,The influence of distributed leadership on organizational commitment: A multilevel approach,VABB-1,40,52,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279885,,The EU in the G8 System: Assessing EU Member States' Involvement,VABB-5,1,24,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279887,,Associations between general parenting styles and specific food-related parenting practices and children's food consumption,VABB-1,233,240,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279888,,Impact of policy-induced structural change on milk quality : evidence from the Flemish dairy sector,VABB-1,234,240,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279890,,"Seasonal influence on heat-resistant proteolytic capacity of Pseudomonas lundensis and Pseudomonas fragi, predominant milk spoilers isolated from Belgian raw milk samples",VABB-1,467,482,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279891,,International private equity flows,VABB-4,395,417,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279892,,Cross-age peer tutors in asynchronous discussion groups: A study of the evolution in tutor support,VABB-1,87,105,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279894,,The influence of warning messages on the public's perception of substance use : a theoretical framework,VABB-1,349,357,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279895,,Clinical and mutation-type analysis from an international series of 198 probands with a pathogenic FBN1 exons 24-32 mutation,VABB-1,491,501,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279896,,"Contour furrows for in-situ soil and water conservation, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,257,264,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279897,,Comprehensive Clinical and Molecular Assessment of 32 Probands With Congenital Contractural Arachnodactyly: Report of 14 Novel Mutations and Review of the Literature,VABB-1,334,341,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279898,,Language testing in the context of immigration and citizenship: The case of the Netherlands and Flanders.,VABB-1,98,105,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279899,,How are parental psychological control and autonomy support related? A cluster-analytic approach.,VABB-1,187,202,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279900,,Fortress Europe? Language policy regimes for immigration and citizenship.,VABB-4,15,44,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279901,,From War to Peace: The Nepalese Maoists's Strategic and Ideological Thinking,VABB-1,420,438,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279902,,From needs to tasks: Language learning needs in a task-based approach,VABB-4,143,170,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279904,,'Let eating disorder patients decide': Providing choice may reduce early drop-out from inpatient treatment.,VABB-1,177,183,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279908,,Effectiveness of a computer tailored physical activity intervention in adolescents compared to a generic advice,VABB-1,38,41,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279910,,Determinants of Teachers' Recognitions of Self-Regulated Learning Practices in Elementary Education,VABB-1,163,173,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279911,,Reliability and validity of a healthy diet determinants questionnaire for adolescents,VABB-1,1830,1838,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279921,,"The structuring of occupational stressors in a Post-Fordist work environment. Moving beyond traditional accounts of demand, control and support.",VABB-1,1082,1090,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279923,,Mental health in a gendered context: gendered community effect on depression and problem drinking,VABB-1,990,998,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279925,,The clustering of health-related occupational stressors in a population of contemporary wage-earners,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279926,,Het afhalen van gelden vóór het inleiden van de eis tot echtscheiding : noot onder Cass. 29 mei 2008,VABB-1,425,428,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279927,,Measurement equivalence of the CES-D 8 in the general population in Belgium: a gender perspective,VABB-1,15,29,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279932,,Patterns of home leaving and subjective well-being in emerging adulthood; The role of motivational processes and parental autonomy support.,VABB-1,1416,1429,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279933,,Should parental prohibition of adolescent friendships be prohibited? The differential role of perceived parental control versus autonomy-support.,VABB-1,507,530,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279935,,Assessment of sliver polygons in geographical vector data,VABB-1,719,735,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279938,,"Examining intrinsic versus extrinsic exercise goals : cognitive, affective, and behavioral outcomes",VABB-1,189,210,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279939,,Is religiosity related to better parenting? Differentiating religiosity from religious cognitive style.,VABB-1,1287,1307,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279940,,Geostatistical modeling of sedimentological parameters using multi-scale terrain variables: application along the Belgian Part of the North Sea,VABB-1,135,150,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279941,,Ambitions fullfilled? The effects of intrinsic and extrinsic goal attainment on older adults' ego-integrity and death attitudes.,VABB-1,27,51,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279945,,'What is the usefulness of your schoolwork?': The differential effect of intrinsic versus extrinsic goal framing on learning.,VABB-1,155,163,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279946,,Beyond positive and negative affect: Achievement goals and discrete emotions in the elementary physical education classroom .,VABB-1,336,343,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279947,,Educational Technology on a Turning Point: Curriculum Implementation in Flanders and Challenges for Schools,VABB-1,573,584,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279948,,The overlooked aerial imagery of World War One: a unique source for conflict and landscape archaeology,VABB-1,231,240,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279949,,Unravelling Mr President's Nomad Lands: travelling to interdisciplinary frontiers of knowledge in disability studies,VABB-1,689,701,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279950,,The youth psychopathic trait inventory: factor structure and antisocial behaviour in non-referred 12-17-year-olds,VABB-1,577,594,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279951,,Evaluation of the different definitions of the convective mass transfer coefficient for water evaporation into air,VABB-1,3757,3766,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279952,,Coupled simulation of heat and moisture transport in air and porous materials for the assessment of moisture related damage,VABB-1,2176,2184,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279953,,"A protocol for classifying ecologically relevant marine zones, a statistical approach",VABB-1,175,185,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279955,,Immigrant mothers crossing borders: nomadic identities and multiple belongings in early childhood education,VABB-1,203,216,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279956,,Empowering the powerful : challenging hidden processes of marginalization in youth work policy and practice in Belgium,VABB-1,421,442,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279960,,Post-error slowing: An orienting account,VABB-1,275,279,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279963,,Book Epigrams in Honor of the Church Fathers. Some Inedita from the Eleventh Century,VABB-1,281,294,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279967,,"An upland farming system under transformation: Proximate causes of land use change in Bela-Welleh catchment (Wag, Northern Ethiopian Highlands)",VABB-1,231,238,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279968,,Land degradation and soil and water conservation in tropical highlands,VABB-1,197,202,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279969,,The End of Dollar Primacy? The EMU Policy Framework and the International Role of the Euro,VABB-1,117,138,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:279971,,The relationship between sex steroid hormones and behavioural inhibition (BIS) and behavioural activation (BAS) in adolescent boys and girls,VABB-1,3,7,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279977,,De mogelijkheden tot herziening van de woninghuurprijs,VABB-1,53,61,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279978,,Implicit Letter Preferences in Job Choice: An Experimental Test of the Role of Cognitive Load,VABB-1,207,233,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279980,,International evolution of legislation and guidelines in medically assisted reproduction,VABB-1,S15,S18,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279981,,Social Work and parent support in reaction to children's antisocial behaviour: constructions and effects.,VABB-1,299,306,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279982,,New Historicism Revisited. Het spook van Spies,VABB-1,45-,70,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279983,,Competition authorities and regulators in Belgium : hierarchy versus cooperation,VABB-1,139,158,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:279984,,The influence of mastery-avoidance goals on performance improvement.,VABB-1,932,943,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:279986,,Knowledge sharing in inter-unit cooperative episodes : the impact of organizational structure dimensions,VABB-1,151,160,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280001,,Impact on knowledge acquisition of the transition from a conventional to an integrated contextual medical curriculum,VABB-1,704,713,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280008,,The IAT is not enough : the added value of projective techniques in consumer research,VABB-5,105,106,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280017,,Simulating liquidity in value and supply chains,VABB-5,40,54,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280019,,Economics of comparative law,VABB-3,,,680 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280024,,Family Matters? Degrees of Family Politicization in Political Recruitment and Career Start of Mayors in Belgium.,VABB-1,125,149,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280025,,Newspapers in education in Flanders: A press policy to support the future readership market for newspapers,VABB-4,290,302,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280028,,Ordered categories and additive conjoint measurement on connected sets,VABB-1,92,105,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280029,,Score-based bibliometric rankings of authors,VABB-1,1132,1137,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280031,,Governmental risk communication: communication guidelines in the context of terrorism as a new risk.,VABB-5,3117,3124,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280032,,Dietary arginine supplementation speeds pulmonary VO2 kinetics during cycle exercise,VABB-1,1626,1632,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280036,,Pattern of deoxy[Hb+Mb] during ramp cycle exercise: Influence of aerobic fitness status,VABB-1,851,859,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280041,,"Assessment centers: A tale about dimensions, exercises, and dancing bears",VABB-1,102,121,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280042,,Measurement equivalence of paper-and-pencil and Internet organizational surveys: A large scale examination in 16 countries,VABB-1,336,361,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280043,,Modeling the impact of test anxiety and test familiarity on the criterion-related validity of cognitive ability tests,VABB-1,34,41,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280044,,Decision aids for addressing the validity-adverse impact tradeoff,VABB-4,459,478,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280048,,The mediating role of feedback acceptance in the relationship between feedback and attitudinal and performance outcomes,VABB-1,362,376,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280049,,Does contingency awareness mediate the influence of emotional learning on the cueing of visual attention?,VABB-1,107,113,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280050,,Networking as a job search behaviour: A social network perspective,VABB-1,661,682,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280051,,The importance of exercise and dimension factors in assessment centers: Simultaneous examinations of construct-related and criterion-related validity,VABB-1,375,390,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280052,,'I know what you want to know': The impact of interviewees' ability to identify criteria on interview performance and construct-related validity,VABB-1,355,374,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280054,,The effects of response instructions on situational judgment test performance and validity in a high-stakes context,VABB-1,1095,1101,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280055,,Changing perspectives on the child at risk at the end of the nineteenth century. The Belgian Maritime Hospital Roger de Grimberghe (1884-1914) as a space of inclusion and exclusion,VABB-1,425,436,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280056,,Personality scale validities increase throughout medical school,VABB-1,1514,1535,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280057,,Reflection as a strategy to enhance task performance after feedback,VABB-1,23,35,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280058,,"Alcohol Addiction and the Attachment System. An Empirical Study of Attachment Style, Alexithymia, and Psychiatric Disorders in Alcoholic Inpatients",VABB-1,99,114,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280060,,Belgian sea hospitals and the child at risk: exploring an educational paradox,VABB-1,234,248,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280062,,Unexplained Chronic Fatigue and Core Conflictual Relationship Themes: A Study in a Chronically Fatigued Population.,VABB-1,31,40,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280063,,The effect of psychological stress on the female vocal quality: a multiparameter approach,VABB-1,105,111,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280064,,What the heart thinks the tongue speaks: a study on depression and lexical choice,VABB-1,473,481,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280065,,Effects of optic flow on spontaneous overground walk-to-run transition,VABB-1,501,508,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280066,,Psychotherapy and research: a relation that needs to be reinvented,VABB-1,91,109,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280070,,An artificial immune system for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem,VABB-5,85,96,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280072,,"Democracy, Law and the Modernist Avant-Gardes. Writing in the State of Exception",VABB-2,,,320 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280073,,Spatiotemporal characteristics of spontaneous overground walk-to-run transition,VABB-1,54,58,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280076,,A genetic algorithm for net present value maximization for resource constrained projects,VABB-5,13,24,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280078,,Delay and Reward Choice in ADHD: An Experimental Test of the Role of Delay Aversion,VABB-1,367,380,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280079,,PEPT visualisation of particle motion in a tapered fluidised bed coater,VABB-1,324,336,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280080,,Evidence for modality-independent order coding in working memory,VABB-1,531,549,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280082,,Evaluation of hospital service level agreements,VABB-1,483,497,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280083,,Body-extension versus body-incorporation : is there a need for a body-model?,VABB-1,307,319,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280084,,Evaluating the inter-respondent (consumer vs staff) reliability and construct validity (SIS vs Vineland) of the Supports Intensity Scale on a Dutch sample.,VABB-1,329,338,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280085,,Regranting identity to the outgraced. Narratives of persons with learning disabilities: methodological considerations.,VABB-1,411,423,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280087,,To what extent is business and society literature idealistic?,VABB-1,10,38,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280088,,Trends identification and analysis : setting the fundamentals of sustainable business,VABB-1,37,44,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280092,,Persistence of emphasis in language production: A cross-linguistic approach,VABB-1,300,317,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280101,,"Object-oriented change detection for the city of Harare, Zimbabwe",VABB-1,571,588,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280109,,Assessment centers at the crossroads: Toward a reconceptualization of assessment center exercises,VABB-4,99,152,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280112,,Quantification of microparticle coating quality by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM),VABB-1,179,186,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280113,,Parafoveal Processing Within and Between Words,VABB-1,1356,1376,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280114,,Water soluble cellulose derivatives as coating agents in fluidized bed processing,VABB-1,389,403,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280123,,The Stakeholder Model Refined,VABB-1,113,135,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280127,,Consumer perception of bread quality,VABB-1,16,23,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280129,,Contribution of regional networks to innovation and challenges for regional policy,VABB-1,719,737,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280130,,Chain governance structures : the European traditional food sector,VABB-1,762,775,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280132,,"An entangled history of ideas and ideals: feminism, social and educational reform in children's libraries in Belgium before the First World War",VABB-1,291,308,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280133,,Critical evaluation of the use of bioinformatics as a theoretical tool to find high-potential sources of ACE inhibitory peptides,VABB-1,575,582,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280135,,What do pedometer counts represent? A comparison between pedometer data and data from four different questionnaires,VABB-1,74,81,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280136,,"Perceptions of a School-Based Self-Management Program Promoting an Active Lifestyle Among Elementary Schoolchildren, Teachers, and Parents",VABB-1,141,154,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280137,,Geestdrift voor het brein als belichaming van een foute verdeeldheid,VABB-1,35,50,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280139,,"Moderators and mediators of pedometer use and step count increase in the ""10,000 Steps Ghent"" intervention",VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280140,,Semantic and translation priming from a first language to a second and back: Making sense of the findings,VABB-1,569,586,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280142,,Promoting physical activity at the pre-school playground: The effects of providing markings and play equipment,VABB-1,335,340,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280145,,Developing the IDEFICS community based intervention program to enhance eating behaviors in 2-8 year old children: findings from focus groups with children and parents,VABB-1,381,393,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280147,,Transfer of soil contaminants to home-produced eggs and preventive measures to reduce contamination,VABB-1,4438,4446,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280148,,De politiek-organisatorische machtsconfiguratie in België: Relaties tussen maatschappelijke organisaties en de staatselite,VABB-1,117,142,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280150,,Participatory social work and report writing.,VABB-1,322,330,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280152,,"Faith-Based Aid, Globalisation and the Humanitarian Frontline. An Operational Analysis of Western-Based Muslim Aid Organisations.",VABB-1,608,628,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280153,,"The 'humanitarian frontline', development and relief, and religion. What context, which threats and which opportunities?",VABB-1,663,684,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280158,,Cultural differences in complex addition : efficient Chinese versus adaptive Belgians and Canadians,VABB-1,1465,1476,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280162,,"From the air to beneath the soil – revealing and mapping Great War trenches at Ploegsteert (Comines-Warneton), Belgium",VABB-1,279,285,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:280168,,Infertility patients' beliefs about their embryos and their disposition preferences,VABB-1,896,905,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280171,,Perversion: 'Your balls or your life' - lessons by Estela Welldon.,VABB-1,183,189,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280180,,Perceptions of nurses in nursing homes on the usage of benzodiazepines.,VABB-1,3098,3106,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280182,,The syntactic position of the perceived participant as indicator of the internal structure of the Spanish and French infinitival complement,VABB-1,759,791,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280185,,Ego and the international. The modernist circle of George Sarton,VABB-1,60,78,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280188,,Delay Aversion in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: An empirical investigation of the broader phenotype,VABB-1,446,456,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280190,,Milieurechtshandhaving : een databestand voor onderzoek naar de penale en bestuurlijke sanctioneringspraktijk,VABB-1,128,150,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280191,,Volkslinguïstiek en dialectlexicografie in de zuidelijke Nederlanden,VABB-1,314,339,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:280192,,Intersystemic correspondence rules and headwords in Dutch dialect lexicography,VABB-1,129,150,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280194,,Media art and the resurrection of an image : motion and sculpturing,VABB-1,149,162,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280197,,When God Comes to Town. Religious Traditions in Urban Contexts.,VABB-3,,,192 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280198,,From the City to the Village and Back: Greek Cypriot Refugees Engaging in 'Pilgrimages' across the Border,VABB-4,79,94,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280203,,Berry seeds : a source of specialty oils with high content of bioactives and nutritional value,VABB-1,33,49,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280206,,"Chemical composition of Turkish olive oil, Ayvalik",VABB-1,135,142,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280208,,How do investment banks value Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)?,VABB-1,130,160,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280210,,Time-varying integration and international diversification strategies,VABB-1,368,387,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280238,,"""Par défaut de précaution ou de prévoyance..."" : de waarde van strafdossiers inzake arbeidsongevallen voor het historisch onderzoek",VABB-1,28,42,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280240,,Falls among stroke survivors: an online survey on perceptions and approaches among physiotherapists in Flanders,VABB-1,818,824,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280246,,Schopenhauer on aesthetic understanding and the values of art,VABB-4,41,57,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280252,,"Hunted men in John Buchan's London, 1890s to 1920s",VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280255,,For the Common Good. State Power and Urban Revolts in the Reign of Mary of Burgundy (1477-1482),VABB-2,,,XII-309 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280256,,Fashioning old and new. Changing consumer patterns in Western Europe (1650-1900),VABB-3,,,VII-233 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280284,,Le povre peuple estoit moult opprimé: Elite Discourses on ‘the People’ in the Burgundian Netherlands (Fourteenth to Fifteenth Centuries),VABB-1,171,192,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280286,,De scharpheit van een gladde tong. Literaire teksten en publieke-opinievorming in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden,VABB-1,3,28,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:280288,,"Theatre Society in the Early Modern Netherlands. Theatricality, Controversy and Publicity",VABB-4,81,114,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:280295,,Ignoring the New Woman : ten years of a Victorian weekly fiction magazine,VABB-4,297,316,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280297,,Fitch-style natural deduction for modal paralogics,VABB-1,193,218,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280298,,The effects of female genital mutilation on the onset of sexual activity and marriage in Guinea,VABB-1,178,185,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280308,,The 12q14 microdeletion syndrome: additional patients and further evidence that HMGA2 is an important genetic determinant for human height,VABB-1,101,107,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280310,,Duplication within the SEPT9 gene associated with a founder effect in North American families with hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy,VABB-1,1200,1208,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280318,,L'hybride dans les traductions des Métamorphoses: le mythe d'Actéon,VABB-5,359,372,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:280320,,Vagus nerve stimulation for refractory status epilepticus,VABB-1,286,289,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280327,,Reassessing John Buchan: Beyond the Thirty-Nine Steps,VABB-3,,,304 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280329,,Passanten. Over wat ons rest van de stad als utopie,VABB-1,135,151,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280336,,‘I don’t worry because I have my education.’ International deaf people moving towards emancipation.,VABB-1,131,158,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280342,,The Hebb repetition effect as a laboratory analogue of novel word learning,VABB-1,435,443,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280343,,Van heiligenleven naar handschrift : het gebruik van hagiografie in hoogmiddeleeuwse monastieke gemeentschappen van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden en Noord-Frankrijk,VABB-1,3,21,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280345,,Predictive value for outcome of regular cocaine use among opioid dependent patients: a 4-year follow-up study,VABB-1,74,79,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280350,,Hidden in the host : unexpected vegetative hibernation of the holoparasite Cuscuta epithymum (L.) L. and its implications for population persistence,VABB-1,306,315,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280357,,Flow and wu-wei: A broader conception to control and its relation to the self,VABB-1,5,25,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280358,,Geluk op de politieke agenda? Pro's en contra's,VABB-1,7,24,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280359,,Handling class imbalance in customer churn prediction,VABB-1,4626,4636,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280360,,Hoe begrijpen we de maatschappij? De ontologische focus van sociaal-wetenschappelijke verklaringen,VABB-1,3,22,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280379,,A Puzzle in SRI: the Investor and the Judge,VABB-1,221,235,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280380,,Information Asymmetries in Socially Responsible Investment,VABB-1,5,19,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280385,,'Whom should I rely upon but the best able to support me?'. New Light on Richard Flecknoe (c. 1605- c. 1677) and his Patrons,VABB-1,3,16,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280387,,On the Nature and Origin of Algebraic Symbolism,VABB-5,1,27,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280392,,"Religion, Worldviews and Deliberative Democracy. A Plea for Strong Inclusionism",VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280397,,De uitdaging van het postseculiere perspectief. Jürgen Habermas over religie en de publieke rede,VABB-1,331,360,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280398,,What kind of university rankings do we want?,VABB-1,207,224,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280402,,De vaststelling van het bouwbudget en de overschrijding ervan,VABB-1,173,179,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280406,,Quantification of the impact of the end-of-life scenario on the overall resource consumption for a dwelling house,VABB-1,231,236,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280408,,Egypt Muslim Brotherhood and competitive politics: current debates and developments,VABB-4,149,166,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280410,,On idiocy or the plea for an Aristotelian health policy,VABB-1,514,516,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280411,,"Due diligence-onderzoek, bedrog en culpa in contrahendo",VABB-1,257,263,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280412,,Adaptive Logics using the Minimal Abnormality strategy are $Pi^1_1$-complex,VABB-1,93,104,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280414,,"Yes Fellows, Most Human Reasoning is Complex",VABB-1,113,131,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280415,,Perspectives in company law and financial regulation : essays in honour of Eddy Wymeersch,VABB-3,,,"xxiv, 625 p.",dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280416,,Alternative financial guarantees for environmental liabilities under the ELD,VABB-1,146,170,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280417,,'I need help on Mondays. The other days I'm ok.' Perspectives of disabled children on inclusive education,VABB-1,99,111,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280421,,Working with mothers and fathers of children with disabilities : metaphors used by parents in a continuing dialogue,VABB-1,187,201,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280426,,Thorikos (Attique - Attica),VABB-1,209,214,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280427,,Ala-Val-Phe and Val-Phe : in vitro ACE inhibitory peptides derived from insect protein with antihypertensive activity in spontaneously hypertensive rats,VABB-1,482,488,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280429,,Tunnel-bypasses and minarets of capitalism: Amman as neoliberal assemblage,VABB-1,110,120,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280430,,Comparative study of the company types in selected EU states,VABB-1,71,124,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280431,,Zusammenfassung und Thesen,VABB-4,N 79,N 107,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:280432,,Differences in gait complexity and variability between children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder,VABB-1,225,229,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280433,,Anthropometric and performance measures for the development of a talent detection and identification model in youth handball,VABB-1,257,266,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280440,,Neighborhood Environments and Physical Activity Among Adults in 11 Countries,VABB-1,484,490,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280441,,"Investigating the NPM-ness of agencies: The effect of place, age and task.",VABB-1,345,373,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280443,,"Trade, Security and Neoliberal Politics: Whither Arab Reform? Evidence from the Moroccan Case",VABB-1,91,107,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280444,,General parenting styles are not strongly associated with fruit and vegetable intake and social-environmental correlates among 11-year-old children in four countries in Europe,VABB-1,259,266,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280445,,A meta-analysis of the differences in environmental impacts between organic and conventional farming,VABB-1,1098,1119,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280446,,Importance of health and environment as quality traits in the buying decision of organic products,VABB-1,1120,1139,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280447,,Personal determinants of organic food consumption : a review,VABB-1,1140,1167,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280451,,Human Rights News : Council of Europe,VABB-1,66,71,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280452,,Strong attitudes versus strong situations : social pressure on recycling,VABB-5,601,603,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280455,,Towards the differentiation of non-treated and treated corundum minerals by ion-beam-induced luminescence and other complementary techniques,VABB-1,1043,1058,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280456,,El carácter vinculante de las medidas provisionales y las consecuencias de su incumplimiento bajo el Convenio Europeo para la protección de los derechos humanos y las libertades fundamentales,VABB-1,3,34,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:280459,,First is best : first exposure effects in aesthetic judgements,VABB-5,753,753,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280460,,Employee participation and takeovers under EC-law,VABB-4,89,102,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280461,,The consumer who knew too much : online movie piracy by young adults,VABB-5,929,931,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280463,,The influence of self-regulatory focus in the effectiveness of emotional health campaigns : it is a matter of context too,VABB-5,662,663,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280465,,Electronic intermediaries in Smart Business Networks,VABB-4,337,346,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280469,,Developing a framework for the legal rights of victims & witnesses : what can European institutions & the international criminal court learn from each other?,VABB-4,125,162,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280471,,ISAAC NEWTON'S 'OF THE CHURCH' MANUSCRIPT DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF BODMER MS. IN GENEVA,VABB-1,25,35,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280480,,Verlies van een kans : het cassatiearrest van 5 juni 2008 - vervolg en (voorlopig) slot,VABB-1,1,12,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280481,,Experimental study of the influence of the m. tibialis anterior on the walk-to-run transition by means of a powered ankle-foot exoskeleton,VABB-1,6,10,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280483,,Tracing Late Roman Rural Occupation in Adriatic Central Italy,VABB-1,103,120,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280484,,Three-Year-Olds' Retrospective Revaluation in the Blicket Detector Task Backward Blocking or Recovery From Overshadowing?,VABB-1,27,32,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280485,,Transfer of avoidance responding to a sensory preconditioned cue: Evidence for the role of S-S and R-S knowledge in avoidance learning,VABB-1,197,208,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280486,,Screening for Traumatic Exposure and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Adolescents in the War-Affected Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.,VABB-1,525,530,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280488,,Implicit Measures: A Normative Analysis and Review,VABB-1,347,368,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280489,,"Theoretical Claims Necessitate Basic Research: Reply to Gawronski, LeBel, Peters, and Banse (2009) and Nosek and Greenwald (2009)",VABB-1,377,379,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280491,,Living on the margin: disabled Iranians in Belgian society,VABB-1,259,271,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280492,,Cheating the Lie Detector: Faking in the Autobiographical Implicit Association Test,VABB-1,410,413,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:280493,,"Sedentary behaviour, physical activity and a continuous metabolic syndrome risk score in adults",VABB-1,421,429,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280494,,Default-mode brain dysfunction in mental disorders: A systematic review,VABB-1,279,296,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280495,,"Emanuel Miller Lecture: Attachment insecurity, disinhibited attachment, and attachment disorders: where do research findings leave the concepts?",VABB-1,529,543,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280496,,The proximity effect : the role of inter-item distance on reverse-item bias,VABB-1,2,12,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280497,,Temperament and Vulnerability to Psychopathology: Introduction to the Special Section,VABB-1,305,308,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280498,,"Deciding how to decide on agri-environmental schemes : the political economy of subsidiarity, decentralisation and participation in the European Union",VABB-1,689,716,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280499,,On the boundaries between the European Union's First Pillar and Second Pillar : a comment on the ECOWAS Judgment of the European Court of Justice,VABB-1,531,548,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280502,,Prevalence and characteristics of binge eating in an adolescent community sample.,VABB-1,342,353,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280503,,"Validation of the psychopathic personality inventory among psychiatric inpatients : socio-demographic, cognitive, and personality correlates",VABB-1,477,493,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280504,,"Prospections géo-archéologique dans la vallée de la Potenza (Les Marches, Italie): évolution d'un paysage adriatique dans l'antiquité",VABB-4,81,93,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:280506,,Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Acquisition Pattern Analysis : a financial-services cross-sell application,VABB-5,123,133,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280508,,The intergenerational transmission of racism : the role of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation,VABB-1,906,909,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280509,,Panopticon’s dertigerdilemma: een tijdschrift op het spitsuur van zijn leven,VABB-1,45,62,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280510,,Het recht op bijstand van een advocaat bij het politieverhoor na de arresten Salduz en Panovits van het EHRM,VABB-1,87,97,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280511,,"Stockholm richting toekomst, via Brussel: politie, justitie en strafrecht in de Europese Unie, episode 2010-2014",VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280521,,Perceptions of Staff Members on the Implementation of Conflict Management Strategies in Educational and Therapeutic Environments for Children and Youths with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders,VABB-1,157,172,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280522,,The intertarsal joint of the ostrich (Struthio camelus): Anatomical examination and function of passive structures in locomotion,VABB-1,830,847,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280523,,Suction is kid's play: extremely fast suction in newborn seahorses,VABB-1,200,203,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280525,,De spade in de dijk? Waterbeheer en rurale samenleving in de Vlaams kustvlakte (1280-1580),VABB-3,,,"XIX, 359 p.",dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280531,,Aquatic suction feeding dynamics: insights from computational modelling,VABB-1,149,158,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280535,,Growth of segment parameters and a morphological classification for children between 15 and 36 months,VABB-1,79,90,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280539,,The Social Dimension of the New Generation of EU Free Trade Agreements with Asia and Latin America: Ambitious Continuation for the Sake of Policy Coherence,VABB-1,703,722,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280544,,The impact of one HF-rTMS session on mood and salivary cortisol in treatment resistant unipolar melancholic depressed patients,VABB-1,100,108,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280545,,"Kinematics of benthic suction feeding in Callichthyidae and Mochokidae, with functional implications for the evolution of food scraping in catfishes",VABB-1,116,125,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280548,,Flemish Sign Language Standardisation,VABB-1,308,326,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280553,,Development of vegetable composition databases based on available data for probabilistic nutrient and contaminant intake assessment,VABB-1,799,803,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280554,,Assessment of the chemical contamination in home-produced eggs in Belgium: general overview of the contegg study,VABB-1,4403,4410,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280556,,Confirming the Distinctiveness of Complicated Grief from Depression and Anxiety Among Adolescents,VABB-1,437,461,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280557,,Hypocrisy or Maturity? Culture and Context Differentiation,VABB-1,251,264,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280559,,Identity through a psychoanalytic looking glass,VABB-1,391,411,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280589,,Politicus die haat zaait is strafbaar,VABB-1,372,377,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280592,,Towards an agenda for studying learning and instruction focusing on time-related competences in children,VABB-1,481,492,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280603,,Designation of Marine Protected Areas in Belgium : legal and ecological success?,VABB-1,878,886,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280605,,Adaptation to climate change : legal challenges for protected areas,VABB-1,158,175,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280606,,Does soccer participation lead to genu varum?,VABB-1,422,427,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:280607,,Information disclosure to terminally ill patients and their relatives: self-reported practice of Belgian clinical specialists and general practitioners,VABB-1,345,353,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280610,,Experimental study on the role of the ankle push off in the walk-to-run transition by means of a powered ankle-foot-exoskeleton,VABB-1,322,327,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280617,,Verb disposition in argument structure alternations : a corpus study of the Dutch dative alternation,VABB-1,593,611,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280619,,Belastbaarheid van lijfrenten gekoppeld aan de overdracht van beroepsactiva,VABB-1,73,76,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280620,,"Helikite Aerial Photography - a Versatile Means of Unmanned, Radio Controlled, Low-Altitude Aerial Archaeology",VABB-1,125,138,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280624,,Privatisation and foreign direct investment in 10 transition countries,VABB-1,143,156,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280627,,Getrapte verantwoordelijkheid in perszaken : een stand van zaken,VABB-1,192,201,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280629,,Haunting pasts : time and historicity as constructed by the Argentine Madres de Plaza de Mayo and radical Flemish nationalists,VABB-1,391,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280630,,Concern About Falls Elicits Changes in Gait Parameters in Conditions of Postural Threat in Older People,VABB-1,237,242,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280631,,Catastrophizing about their children's pain is related to higher parent-child congruency in pain ratings: An experimental investigation,VABB-1,196,201,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280632,,Is visual dominance modulated by the threat value of visual and auditory stimuli?,VABB-1,197,204,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280633,,Does the sight of physical threat induce a tactile processing bias? Modality-specific attentional facilitation induced by viewing threatening pictures,VABB-1,100,106,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280634,,Physical characteristics of the back are not predictive of low back pain in healthy workers: A prospective study,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280635,,"Autism symptoms in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder : a familial trait which correlates with conduct, oppositional defiant, language and motor disorders",VABB-1,197,209,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280637,,ERP correlates of error monitoring in adult ADHD,VABB-1,371,379,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:280638,,ERP Correlates of Effortful Control in Children with Varying Levels of ADHD Symptoms,VABB-1,327,336,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280640,,What would Karl Popper say? Are current psychological theories of ADHD falsifiable?,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280642,,Contrast Effects in Spontaneous Evaluations: A Psychophysical Account,VABB-1,265,287,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280646,,Crime prevention at the Belgian federal level : from a social democratic policy to a neo-liberal and authoritarian policy in a social democratic context,VABB-4,179,197,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280650,,Cognitieve psychologie en wiskundeonderwijs: Een discussiebijdrage met methodologische en theoretische commentaren.,VABB-1,401,408,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:280658,,Recente arresten van het E.H.R.M. in verband met artikel 10 E.V.R.M. (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie). November-december 2008.,VABB-1,113,128,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280659,,Verbod van politieke en syndicale reclame op radio en televisie ter discussie,VABB-1,211,215,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280662,,Children in public or 'public children': an alternative to constructing one's own life,VABB-1,101,118,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280663,,"Early development and allometric growth in the armoured catfish Corydoras aeneus (Gill, 1858)",VABB-1,45,54,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280665,,A single session of rTMS over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex influences attentional control in depressed patients,VABB-1,34,42,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280666,,Acute effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on attentional control are related to antidepressant outcomes,VABB-1,119,126,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280667,,Facing others in pain : experimental and clinical evidence on the role of empathy,VABB-4,153,165,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280670,,Judicialisering in het onderwijs : kijkt de rechter voortaan mee over de schouder van de leerkracht?,VABB-1,213,224,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280671,,Duivelse mechaniek: Narratologie in de Lage Landen,VABB-1,13,26,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280676,,Prevalence of overweight in Bolivia : data on women and adolescents,VABB-1,373,377,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280678,,"Understanding monastic practices of oral communication (Western Europe, Eleventh-Thirteenth centuries)",VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280680,,"Monks, knights, and the enactment of competing social realities in eleventh- and early-twelfth-century Flanders",VABB-1,582,612,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280684,,Milieucriminaliteit: feiten omtrent bestraffing,VABB-1,69,75,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280686,,"een voorlopig overzicht van de 14C-resultaten op gecremeerd bot en houtskool van het urnengrafveld te Destelbergen (provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,65,71,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280688,,"Het aardewerk van de erven op Flanders Expo - Zone I (Sint-Denijs-Westrem, stad Gent, provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,81,89,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280691,,Junkermann by M. Karagatsis : A Greek Great Gatsby and Tender is the Night,VABB-1,55,79,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280692,,"Enkele erven en een bijzondere kuilenzone uit de ijzertijd op Flanders-Expo - Zone I (Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Gent, provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,73,80,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280693,,"Archeologisch noodonderzoek te Erps-Kwerps - Villershof (Kortenberg, prov. Vlaams-Brabant). Nederzettingssporen uit de ijzertijd, de vroege en de volle middeleeuwen",VABB-1,23,80,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280695,,Sleep Quality and Falls in Older People Living in Self- and Assisted-Care Villages,VABB-1,162,168,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280703,,Chaereas revisited. Rhetorical control in Chariton's 'ideal' novel Callirhoe,VABB-1,247,262,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:280706,,Is advance reconfiguration in voluntary task switching affected by the design employed?,VABB-1,850,857,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280707,,Filmjournaals in België (1918-1994),VABB-1,53,92,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:280708,,Introduction. When God comes to town,VABB-4,9,16,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280710,,Historisch onderzoek naar de nieuwsproductie van de Vlaamse televisieomroep (NIR – BRT – BRTN – VRT). Een praktijkgebaseerde bronnenanalyse.,VABB-1,93,122,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:280711,,"Titane (Korinthia). The 2006 Survey Season, Pharos",VABB-1,215,220,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280714,,Pure economic loss,VABB-4,201,214,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280719,,All in the Family: Abraham Janssen (Liège? 1571/75-Antwerp 1632) and his relations in the Antwerp Art Trade,VABB-4,23,42,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280723,,Reliability and validity of self-reported weight and height in Belgium,VABB-1,366,367,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280724,,"A Portrait of Cervantes as ""A Learned Sancho Panza"": The Quixote in Ramón J.Sender's Thougt before de Civil War",VABB-4,33,52,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280725,,Stravaganze retoriche o no? il canto IX del Paradiso,VABB-1,81,96,,ita,2009,1 c:vabb:280747,,Transthoracic Echocardiography Guidance of Transcatheter Atrial Septal Defect Closure in Children,VABB-1,992,994,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280753,,"Antioxidative and ACE inhibitory activities in enzymatic hydrolysates of the cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis",VABB-1,38,43,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280756,,La mise en scène du bourreau: Jean Hatzfeld et Gilbert Gatore,VABB-1,29,40,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280757,,Per una retorica dell’ascolto. Gli scritti sulla musica di Savinio e Bontempelli,VABB-1,470,503,,ita,2009,1 c:vabb:280758,,"Mais où sont les tourbières d’antan? Géographie, chronologie et stratégies économiques du tourbage en Flandre (XIIe-XVIe siècles)",VABB-5,45,60,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:280760,,Policy analysis of the ‘MPA-process’ in temperate continental shelf areas,VABB-1,596,608,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280764,,"Exporting the European social model: broadening ambitions, increasing coherence?",VABB-1,99,104,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280765,,Substantive Representation of Women (and improving it). What is and should it be about?,VABB-1,95,113,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280769,,The neural representation of extensively trained ordered sequences,VABB-1,367,375,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280771,,Using the REA ontology to create interoperability between e-collaboration modeling standards,VABB-5,395,409,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280773,,Analysing the market environment for açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) juices in Europe,VABB-1,273,284,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280778,,Comparison between electromagnetic induction and fluxgate gradiometer measurements on the buried remains of a 17th century castle,VABB-1,294,300,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280779,,A Living Lab Research Approach for Mobile TV,VABB-5,189,196,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280781,,Aphrodite rejected : archetypal women in John Buchan's fiction,VABB-4,153,169,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280791,,Evaluatie van een multimodale behandeling voor kleuters met ernstige gedragsproblemen.,VABB-1,66,81,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280795,,General principles of coordination in Regulation 883/2004,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280800,,Heritage and innovation in Flemish book illumination at the turn of the Sixteenth century : framing the frames from Simon Marmion to Gerard David,VABB-5,93,130,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280808,,How solidarity works in highly diversified societies. How far do we get with national liberalism?,VABB-4,276,291,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280811,,"Russia from bust to boom and back : oil price, Dutch disease and stabilisation fund",VABB-1,213,241,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280812,,De vervrouwelijking van de advocatuur en van het juridische werkveld,VABB-1,227,247,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280816,,"Musical gestures : sound, movement, and meaning",VABB-3,,,307 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280817,,Why study musical gestures?,VABB-4,3,11,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280818,,"Music, gesture, and the formation of embodied meaning",VABB-4,126,153,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280819,,With parents at the table: creating supports for children with disabilities in general education classrooms.,VABB-1,337,354,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280824,,The Nebulous Lawmaking Process in Eritrea,VABB-1,171,193,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280825,,The Usefulness Of The Vitiated Metaphor,VABB-1,250,253,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280826,,Ohm Krüger's Travels: A Case Study in the Export of Third-Reich Film Propaganda,VABB-1,108,124,,ger,2009,1 c:vabb:280829,,Effects of scarcely dressed models in advertising on body esteem for Belgian men and women,VABB-1,366,378,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280833,,"Belgische onderwerpen van de door de bezetter gecontroleerde UFA en BELGA filmjournaals, 1940- 1944",VABB-1,199,236,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:280834,,Het Verdrag van Lissabon en de milieubescherming,VABB-1,206,218,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280835,,Die Wechselpräpositionen im DaF-Unterricht,VABB-1,96,104,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:280836,,Faculty trust and organizational school characteristics: An exploration across secondary schools in Flanders,VABB-1,556,589,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280837,,All Languages Welcomed Here,VABB-1,20,25,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280839,,The relationship between high catastrophizing children's facial display of pain and parental judgment of their child's pain,VABB-1,142,148,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280840,,The Visualisation of Urban Landscape in the Southern Netherlands during the Late Medieval and Early Modern Period,VABB-1,185,188,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280841,,Consumer liking of fruit juices with different açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) concentrations,VABB-1,S171,S176,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280842,,"Persistence of Mycobacterium ulcerans disease (Buruli ulcer) in the historical focus of Kasongo Territory, the Democratic Republic of Congo",VABB-1,888,894,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280843,,Vlaamse successierechten : voorwaarde van 'loonlasten' in artikel 60bis Wetboek van Successierechten : wat bedoelt de decreetgever eigenlijk?,VABB-1,456,498,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280856,,La ville de Gand comme lieu imaginaire du Héros de Gand de Kachtitsis,VABB-4,223,236,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:280860,,"'Les Plus Rudes Chocs de la Fortune' : Willem Frederik, Stadholder of Friesland (1613-1664), Thomas Killigrew (1612-1683) and Patronage in Exile",VABB-1,65,90,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280872,,Newspapers go for Advertising! Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing Media Environment,VABB-4,692,703,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280876,,Semantics-based design : can ontologies help in a preliminary design phase?,VABB-5,263,276,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280880,,Measuring private transaction costs of European agri-environmental schemes,VABB-1,649,667,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280884,,Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Cupriavidus metallidurans LMG 1195 (CH34) Cultured in Low-shear Microgravity Conditions,VABB-1,217,223,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280893,,Factionalism and state power in the Flemish revolt (1482-1492),VABB-1,1009,1039,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280895,,"Anthropometry of height, weight, arm, wrist, abdominal circumference and body mass index, for Bolivian adolescents 12 to 18 years : Bolivian adolescent percentile values from the MESA study",VABB-1,304,311,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280900,,Using online tools to support technology integration in education,VABB-4,437,450,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280906,,Effect of a health claim and personal characteristics on consumer acceptance of fruit juices with different concentrations of açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.),VABB-1,84,92,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280908,,"Estado nutricional de un grupo de estudiantes universitarios de La Paz, Bolivia",VABB-1,511,511,,spa,2009,1 c:vabb:280910,,Perceived importance of fuel characteristics and its match with consumer beliefs about biofuels in Belgium,VABB-1,3183,3193,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280911,,Consumers' perceptions regarding tradeoffs between food and fuel expenditures : a case study of US and Belgian fuel users,VABB-1,973,987,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280912,,"Societal concern related to stocking density, pen size and group size in farm animal production",VABB-1,16,22,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280913,,Comparison between Polish and Western European fish consumers in their attitudinal and behavioural patterns,VABB-1,179,192,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280915,,Determinants of consumer interest in fuel economy : lessons for strengthening the conservation argument,VABB-1,768,778,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280916,,Consumer-driven definition of traditional food products and innovation in traditional foods : a qualitative cross-cultural study,VABB-1,345,354,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280920,,"Educational research. Proofs, arguments, and other reasonings: The language of education",VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280924,,The International Energy Agency after 35 years: Reform needs and institutional adaptability,VABB-1,293,317,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280929,,Buitenlands beleid in België: beleid onder binnenlandspolitieke druk,VABB-1,1,12,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280931,,Pathogenic FBN1 Mutations in 146 Adults Not Meeting Clinical Diagnostic Criteria for Marfan Syndrome: Further Delineation of Type 1 Fibrillinopathies and Focus on Patients With an Isolated Major Criterion,VABB-1,854,860,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280932,,Employment and growth in Europe and the US : the role of fiscal policy composition,VABB-1,538,565,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280933,,Impact of the fish Garra on the ecology of reservoirs and the occurrence of Microcystis blooms in semi-arid tropical highlands : an experimental assessment using enclosures,VABB-1,1605,1615,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280934,,"Effects of land use and land cover on sheet and rill erosion rates in the Tigray highlands, Ethiopia",VABB-1,171,197,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280935,,Changes in water flows and water productivity upon vegetation regeneration on degraded hillslopes in northern Ethiopia: a water balance modelling exercise,VABB-1,237,249,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280936,,"Mag het iets meer zijn... of iets minder? : samenhang tussen strafrecht, criminologie en forensisch welzijnswerk",VABB-1,3,16,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280939,,How integrated catchment management and reduced grazing affect the sediment budget – a comprehensive study in the northern Ethiopian highlands,VABB-1,1216,1233,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280940,,The weaknesses of political conditionality in EU development policy: The case of Zimbabwe,VABB-1,121,137,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280941,,First finding of burkeite in melt inclusions in olivine from sheared lherzolite xenoliths,VABB-1,424,427,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280942,,"Multi-disciplinary investigation of the tomb of Menna (TT69), Theban Necropolis, Egypt",VABB-1,546,552,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280943,,Pouvoir et argent. La fiscalité d'Etat et la consommation du crédit des ducs de Bourgogne (1484-1506),VABB-1,35,59,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:280947,,Are there subtypes of alexithymia?,VABB-1,413,418,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280949,,Art. 96 van de wet van 14 juli 1991 betreffende de handelspraktijken en de voorlichting en bescherming van de consument,VABB-4,1,26,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280962,,Unexplained chronic fatigue and interpersonal problems : a study in a primary care population,VABB-1,325,340,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280967,,Validity and reliability of ultrasonography for the longus colli in asymptomatic subjects,VABB-1,421,426,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280968,,Catastrophic thinking about pain as a predictor of length of hospital stay after total knee arthroplasty : a prospective study,VABB-1,1189,1194,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280969,,Sock systems to prevent foot blisters and the impact on overuse injuries of the knee joint,VABB-1,183,189,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280970,,An-Ordnungen. Formen und Funktionen der Konstruktion von Fremde im kolonialen Afrika-Diskurs,VABB-4,145,166,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:280971,,Delayed vastus medialis obliquus to vastus lateralis onset timing contributes to the development of patellofemoral pain in previously healthy men: a prospective study,VABB-1,1099,1105,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280973,,Assessing the efficiency of irrigation water users' associations and its determinants : evidence from Tunisia,VABB-1,538,550,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280974,,Water use and technical efficiencies in horticultural greenhouses in Tunisia,VABB-1,1509,1516,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:280976,,Overheidscontrole op gefilmd nieuws tijdens het Interbellum: over de invloed van de Belgische Filmkeuringscommissie en de regering op filmactualiteiten (1919-1940),VABB-1,139,176,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:280978,,That the Powers of the Buddha Are Common to Disciples...,VABB-1,25,44,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:280981,,'Le Songe de Poliphile': Curiosité et Altérité,VABB-1,243,253,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:280982,,"De schipbreuk van een filosofie en de filosofie van een schipbreuk. Over het verband tussen de filosofie van Erasmus, Justus Lipsius, en de relazen van Jan Huygen Van Linschoten, Willem Bontekoe en Francisco Pelsaert",VABB-1,127,149,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:280985,,Rechter verleent kortere dagvaardingstermijn dan gevraagd?,VABB-1,336,367,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:280999,,European flexicurity and globalization : a critical perspective,VABB-1,209,235,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281001,,"Focus, complexiteit en extrapositie. Over de veranderende woordvolgorde in het Nederlands",VABB-1,1,32,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281003,,Epidemiology and causation,VABB-1,345,353,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281005,,The logic of law,VABB-1,1,55,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281006,,De Wet op de Continuïteit van de Ondernemingen van 31 januari 2009,VABB-1,283,321,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281012,,Schrijverschap in de Belgische belle époque. Een sociaal-culturele geschiedenis,VABB-2,,,413 p.,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281013,,An axiomatic characterization of the ranking based on the h-index and some other bibliometric rankings of authors,VABB-1,325,342,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281014,,THE FLOW OF INFLUENCE: FROM NEWTON TO LOCKE ... AND BACK,VABB-1,265,288,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281016,,"'Gott loben in einer Sprache, die man nicht versteht, ist Mehl in den Wind gestreut': Gedruckte niederländische Übersetzungen liturgischer Gesänge im 16. Jahrhundert",VABB-4,223,242,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:281020,,Contact linguistics,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281023,,Medical End-of-Life Practices under the Euthanasia Law in Belgium,VABB-1,1119,1121,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281026,,Calling the stops in a Dar-es-Salaam minibus: Embodied understandings of place in a drop-off routine.,VABB-1,1962,1975,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281027,,"Good cops, bad cops: Intertextuality, agency and structure in criminal trial discourse.",VABB-1,249,275,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281029,,Others on trial: The construction of cultural otherness in Belgian first instance criminal hearings,VABB-1,806,828,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281031,,Nader gebruik van lichaamsmateriaal voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek: toelaatbaarheid getoetst vanuit het recht op respect voor het privé-leven (art. 8 EVRM),VABB-1,372,396,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281049,,Numbers are associated with different types of spatial information depending on the task,VABB-1,248,253,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281051,,Overheidsaansprakelijkheid voor ongrondwettige (fiscale) wetgeving: een parcours met vele hindernissen. Haalt de belastingsplichtige de finish wel?,VABB-1,531,547,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281053,,Impaired self-reflection in psychiatric disorders among adults: a proposal for the existence of a network of semi-independent functions,VABB-1,653,664,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281054,,De terugbetaling van bijdragen ter financiering van in strijd met artikel 88 van het EG-Verdrag verleende steun,VABB-1,73,76,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281055,,Apartheid en postapartheid herbekeken: 'nieuwe' Stellenbosch wijn?,VABB-1,411,424,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281057,,"Het ""psychodramatisch actiesociogram"" met kinderen vanuit een ontwikkelingsgerichte psychotherapie",VABB-1,187,209,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281058,,When puppets speak: Dialectical psychodrama within developmental child psychotherapy,VABB-1,55,82,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281063,,La Sainte Eucharistie en guise de nourriture: hérésie ou miracle? Une enquête à Courtrai de l'official de Tournai et de l'inquisiteur au milieu du XVe siècle,VABB-4,147,160,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:281066,,Javier Marías: Tu rostro mañana o la redención a través de la escritura,VABB-4,171,188,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:281077,,"L'inquiétante actualité des romans historiques de Bernard du Boucheron: violence, horreur et homo sacer",VABB-4,163,176,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:281081,,Is there room for the BBC in the mental lexicon? On the recognition of acronyms,VABB-1,1832,1842,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281090,,The influence of aortic dimensions on calculated wall shear stress in the mouse aortic arch,VABB-1,491,499,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281093,,The lack of refugee burden-sharing in Tanzania : tragic effects,VABB-1,107,114,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281094,,School Ethnic Composition and Students' Integration Outside and Inside Schools in Belgium,VABB-1,217,239,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281096,,"Pottery consumption c. AD 260-70 at the Roman coastal defence fort, Oudenburg, Northern Gau",VABB-1,95,141,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281098,,'Custos montium' : a prophecy on the election of Alexander VII in Jean Lepautre's depiction of the chapel of Notre Dame de la Paix in the Louvre,VABB-1,369,388,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:281104,,The tribal-forest nexus in law and society in India: Conflicting narratives,VABB-1,381,402,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281113,,'Zijde bij de Hitlerjeugd nie meer dan?' Vooruit en Pierken de Spiegelleire op het breukvlak van twee discoursen: van socialisme naar nationaalsocialisme (1931-1944),VABB-1,41,53,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281114,,René de Clercq en de leerling-tovenaar Richard Minne. Literatuur en politiek tijdens de Gentse atheneumjaren (1905-1909),VABB-1,45,61,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281116,,Corporate ecologies of business travel in professional service firms: working towards a research agenda,VABB-1,295,308,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281118,,Naar een autonome kijktekst. Ivo Michiels' Met Dieric Bouts en Een tuin tussen hond en wolf als experimentele filmliteratuur,VABB-1,319,339,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:281119,,"L'église Notre-Dame des Dominicains à Louvain (1251-1276). Le mémorial d'Henri III, duc de Brabant, et d'Alix de Bourgogne",VABB-1,99,125,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:281125,,Evaluating the Multiple Coil Configurations of the EM38DD and DUALEM-21S Sensors to Detect Archaeological Anomalies,VABB-1,91,102,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281126,,Watkins' Law and the development of agglutinative inflections in Asia Minor Greek,VABB-1,32,48,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281132,,Continuity through appropriation?,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281133,,"One but not the Same? Cato and Alexander in Lucan's Pharsalia 9, 493-618 (and Caesar too)",VABB-1,657,679,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281134,,The rise of ergativity in Hindi: assessing the role of grammaticalization,VABB-1,367,389,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281136,,Recente ontwikkelingen in het Benelux en Europees (Gemeenschaps) tekeningen- en modellenrecht,VABB-1,3,32,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281145,,Life Space Crisis Intervention as a Modern Manifestation of Milieu Therapy and Orthopedagogy,VABB-1,122,145,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281153,,Retroactiviteit of relativiteit? (noot onder Cass. 6 december 2007),VABB-1,359,364,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281156,,Oxidative stability of UHT milk as influenced by fatty acid composition and packaging,VABB-1,372,379,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281166,,"Ground-penetrating Radar Survey over Bronze Age Circular Monuments on a Sandy Soil, complemented with Electromagnetic Induction and Fluxgate Gradiometer Data",VABB-1,193,202,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281168,,"Noot onder EHRM, Féret t. België, 16 juli 2009",VABB-1,1156,1174,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281172,,Spectral Characterization of a Digital Still Camera’s NIR Modification to Enhance Archaeological Observation,VABB-1,3456,3468,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281187,,Childhood narcolepsy with partial facial cataplexy: A diagnostic dilemma,VABB-1,797,798,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281189,,Exposure of infants to fumonisins in maize-based complementary foods in rural Tanzania,VABB-1,667,674,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281191,,Teacher education graduates' entrance into the teaching profession: Development and test of a model.,VABB-1,453,471,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281209,,De 'Franse Tijd' en het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (1794-1830),VABB-4,687,704,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281218,,Shingon Ritsu : esoteric Buddhism and the Vinaya(s) in Japan,VABB-4,845,853,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:281221,,Proceedings of the Second Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology,VABB-3,,,94 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281222,,Towards Human-Machine Sonic Interactions: Mapping Human Dance Gestures onto Robots,VABB-5,37,41,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281230,,IT Governance in SMEs: a theoretical framework based on the outsourced information systems failure,VABB-1,132,142,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281231,,IT governance in SMEs : trust or control?,VABB-5,135,149,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281235,,"Association of overweight and obesity with interest in healthy eating, subjective health and perceived risk of chronic diseases in three European countries",VABB-1,399,406,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281238,,Triacylglycerol migration and bloom in filled chocolates : effects of low-temperature storage,VABB-1,280,289,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281248,,To breach or not to breach? Deontologische en strafrechtelijke kanttekeningen bij medisch beroepsgeheim en partnernotificatie inzake seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen,VABB-1,5,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281268,,"The Limits of Constitutional Dialogue for the Prevention of Reverse Discrimination. Constitutional Court of Belgium, Judgment 11/2009 of 21 January 2009",VABB-1,327,339,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281279,,The beauty of grey? AML as a risk factor for compliance officers,VABB-4,205,242,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281289,,Robust Process Discovery with Artificial Negative Events,VABB-1,1305,1340,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281292,,Where Has Gertrud(e) Gone?: Gertrude Stein's Cinematic Journey from Movement-Image to Time-Image,VABB-4,41,62,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281300,,"Preventing socioeconomic inequalities in health behaviour in adolescents in Europe: Background, design and methods of project TEENAGE",VABB-1,AR125-1,AR125-10,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281306,,Structure narrative et connecteurs temporels en français langue seconde,VABB-5,19,34,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:281318,,"Fumonisins exposure from freshly harvested and stored maize and its relationship with traditional agronomic practices in Rombo district, Tanzania",VABB-1,1199,1208,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281322,,Evaluation of the use of decontamination agents during fresh-cut leek processing and quantification of their effect on its total quality by means of a multidisciplinary approach,VABB-1,363,373,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281324,,Rheological properties of dairy desserts prepared in an indirect UHT pilot plant,VABB-1,140,145,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281325,,The pragmatics of interaction: A survey,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281326,,The Pragmatics of Interaction,VABB-3,,,"xiii, 262 p.",eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281328,,The Moral Brain. Essays on the Evolutionary and Neuroscientific Aspects of Morality,VABB-3,,,300 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281329,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,43,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281330,,'Cosmetic Neurology' and the moral complicity argument,VABB-1,151,162,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:281332,,The audience as actor: the participation status of the audience at the victim hearings of the South African TRC,VABB-1,441,463,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281333,,Dealing with a traumatic past: the victim hearings of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission and their reconciliation discourse,VABB-1,297,309,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281337,,"Magistrates, patrons and benefactors of voluntary associations: status building and Romanisation in the Spanish, Gallic and German Provinces of the Roman Empire",VABB-5,159,167,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281342,,Community-based cross-cultural adaptation of mental health measures in emergency settings: validating the IES-R and HSCL-37A in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281343,,"Kleine Fußnote zum Untergang des Abendlandes. Das Zusammenspiel von kollektiver Erinnerung und weiblicher Perspektive in Anonymas ""Eine Frau in Berlin""",VABB-1,148,161,,ger,2009,1 c:vabb:281346,,Reducing vulnerabilities to crime of the European waste management industry: the research base and the prospects for policy,VABB-4,716,726,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281357,,Profiling the non-user : rethinking policy initiatives stimulating ICT acceptance,VABB-1,642,652,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281358,,Calculating loadfactors for the transatlantic airline market using supply and demand data. A research note on the identification of gaps in the available airline statistics,VABB-1,337,346,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281371,,"Les religions orientales dans le monde grec et romain: cent ans après Cumont (1906-2006). Bilan historique et historiographique. Colloque de Rome, 16-18 novembre 2006.",VABB-3,,,466 p.,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:281372,,Introduction,VABB-4,5,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281373,,"Le néopythagorisme, les Baals syriens et les divinités planétaires. Les théories de Cumont et le cas de la Vie d’Apollonius de Tyane",VABB-4,369,385,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:281377,,Does social interaction activate music listeners?,VABB-5,93,106,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281379,,Personality Symptoms and Self-Esteem as Correlates of Psychopathology in Child Psychiatric Patients: Evaluating Multiple Informant Data,VABB-1,499,515,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281381,,Information and Communication Technologies for Development: A critical perspective,VABB-1,29,35,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281382,,ICT4D: Een kritische doorlichting,VABB-1,394,400,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281391,,Transmitted Holocaust Trauma: A Matter of Myth and Fairy Tales?,VABB-1,62,75,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281394,,Entre profit et dommage: présence et privilèges de la nation génoise à Bruges sous les ducs de Bourgogne (1384-1477),VABB-1,117,129,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:281398,,Evaluation of pre/post-fire differenced spectral indices for assessing burn severity in a Mediterranean environment with Landsat Thematic Mapper,VABB-1,3521,3537,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:281406,,Conflict Management for Children and Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders,VABB-1,146,156,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281407,,Effects of the Combination of Life Space Crisis Interventions and a Level System at the Therapeutic Treatment Center 'Heynsdaele'- A Special School and Home for Youth with Behavioral and Emotional Problems,VABB-1,200,216,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281409,,"Europa! Europa? The Avant-Garde, Modernism, and the Fate of a Continent",VABB-3,,,534 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281412,,"Borderless Europe, Decentring Avant-Garde, Mosaic Modernism",VABB-4,3,17,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281413,,How We Look and Read. The European Avant-Garde’s Imprint on 20th-Century Theory,VABB-4,94,110,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281420,,G8+5 collaboration on energy efficiency and IPEEC: Shortcut to a sustainable future?,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281421,,A user-oriented policy for ICT acceptance: the 'relative utility' approach,VABB-1,179,189,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281434,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie). Januari-april 2009.,VABB-1,254,284,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281437,,Student teachers' professional identity formation : between being born as a teacher and becoming one,VABB-1,361,378,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281445,,"Runoff and sediment-associated nutrient losses under different land uses in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,70,80,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281450,,Narrative threads of madness,VABB-1,283,290,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281453,,When do firm's-technology intermediairy interactions result in cognitive capacity additionality?,VABB-5,245,253,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281456,,Lactic Acidosis in a Newborn With Adrenal Calcifications,VABB-1,317,322,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281458,,Cytomegalovirus DNA detection in Guthrie cards: role in the diagnostic work-up of childhood hearing loss.,VABB-1,943,949,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281462,,"Dieptebepaling van cirkelvormige structuren uit de bronstijd door middel van georadar (Koekelare, West-Vlaanderen)",VABB-5,3,6,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281468,,'Naš car ima za svašta zakon' : kolonijalna modernost i nacionalni identitet u bosanskohercegovačkoj književnosti austrougarskog razdoblja,VABB-1,467,481,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281473,,Ten considerations regarding urban projects and concept grants,VABB-4,254,266,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281474,,Stadsontwerp zonder eilanddenken,VABB-4,36,43,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281475,,Urban design : beyond the insular scope,VABB-4,36,43,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281476,,Raising an Alternative Voice: Assessing the role and value of the global alternative news agency Inter Press Service,VABB-1,5,20,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281477,,Novelty through repetition : exploring the success of artistic imitation in the contemporary film industry,VABB-1,56,73,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281478,,The Hierarchy of Global Suffering: A critical discourse analysis of television news reporting on foreign natural disasters.,VABB-1,45,61,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281479,,"The anti money laundering complex: power pantomime or potential payoff? Perspectives on practices, partnerships and challenges within the fight against money laundering.",VABB-4,79,112,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281480,,Supply and demand: anti-money laundering by the compliance industry,VABB-1,371,391,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281481,,Compliance and AML in Belgium: a booming sector with growing pains,VABB-1,113,133,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281491,,Ontbinding en derden: niet storen a.u.b.,VABB-1,689,767,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281492,,"Acts of Knowledge: History, Philosophy and Logic",VABB-3,,,586 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281493,,Epistemic Modalities,VABB-4,207,232,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281497,,"Effect of decontamination on the microbial load, the sensory quality and the nutrient retention of ready-to-eat white cabbage",VABB-1,443,455,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281533,,Fight Club and the embedding of delirium in narrative,VABB-1,373,387,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281537,,Stutter-like dysfluencies in Flemish Sign Language users,VABB-1,742,750,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281538,,Compléter les histoires de vie par imputation des dates de sortie d'observation. Une méthode adaptée aux données historiques,VABB-1,327,353,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:281542,,Attachment and weight and shape concerns in inpatient overweight youngsters,VABB-1,454,456,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281543,,Attachment and symptoms of psychopathology: Early maladaptive schemas as a cognitive link?,VABB-1,374,385,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281551,,Het Verdrag van Den Haag van 5 juli 2006 inzake het recht toepasselijk op rechten op effecten door een intermediair gehouden: toekomst in Europa?,VABB-1,47,80,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281557,,Visual deprivation leads to gait adaptations that are age- and context-specific: I. Step-time parameters,VABB-1,55,59,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281558,,When psychoanalysis meets Law and Evil : perversion and psychopathy in the forensic clinic,VABB-4,237,259,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281559,,Specific associations between types of physical activity and components of mental health,VABB-1,468,474,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281562,,"Estimating the impacts of water pricing on smallholder irrigators in North West Province, South Africa",VABB-1,1560,1566,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281563,,"Variability in smallholders' irrigation water values : study in North-West Province, South Africa",VABB-1,11,19,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281564,,Efficiency in milk production on Reunion Island : dealing with land scarcity,VABB-1,3676,3683,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281568,,The use of translations in linguistic argumentation. A case study on Spanish and Portuguese subordinate clauses introduced by para,VABB-1,76,101,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:281569,,Littell relit Degrelle: comment l’ironiste dégonfle le vantard,VABB-1,201,207,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:281570,,"Symptomatology in adolescents following initial disclosure of sexual abuse: The roles of crisis support, appraisals and coping",VABB-1,717,727,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281571,,Is developmental coordination disorder a motor imagery deficit?,VABB-1,720,730,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281573,,A patchwork of online community-based systems: can social software be used to augment online individual social capital?,VABB-1,179,186,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281574,,The Flemish manure policy as a case of economic management of ecological problems,VABB-5,75,81,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281575,,"Top-down modulation of auditory processing: effects of sound context, musical expertise and attentional focus",VABB-1,1636,1642,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281577,,Subhâkarasimha,VABB-4,337,341,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:281580,,"The Catastrophic Imperative: Subjectivity, Time and Memory in Contemporary Thought",VABB-3,,,292 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281581,,"Catastrophe, Citationality and the Limits of Responsibility in 'Disgrace'",VABB-4,154,170,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281582,,'Lees van Celan Sommerbericht'. Paul Celan in het werk van C.O. Jellema,VABB-1,306,323,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:281583,,Counting microliths: a new reliable approach to assess Mesolithic land use?,VABB-1,821,830,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281585,,Sustainable value assessment of farms using frontier efficiency benchmarks,VABB-1,3057,3069,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281590,,Investigating teachers' educational beliefs in Chinese primary schools: socioeconomic and geographical perspectives,VABB-1,363,377,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281591,,The movement analysis of temporal adverbial clauses,VABB-1,385,408,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281592,,"UNESCO's communication policies as discourse: how change, human development and knowledge relate to communication",VABB-1,939,956,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281593,,Gratifications and Seeding Behavior of Online Adolescents,VABB-1,109,137,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281594,,Improving tractability of group decision making on environmental problems through the use of social intensities of preferences,VABB-1,1457,1466,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281595,,Die Vermessung des Ungeheuren: Philosophie nach Peter Sloterdijk,VABB-3,,,504 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281597,,"""Wir stehen vor einem Problem der Oekonomie"": Notiz zu Sloterdijks politisch-psychologischem Versuch, Nietzsches Arbeit zu wiederholen",VABB-4,303,313,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:281598,,Children's and parents' perceptions of the determinants of children's fruit and vegetable intake in a low-intake population,VABB-1,1224,1233,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281599,,Balance and postural skills in normal-weight and overweight prepubertal boys,VABB-1,175,182,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281600,,Dopamine transporter gene polymorphism moderates the effects of severe deprivation on ADHD symptoms : developmental continuities in gene-environment interplay,VABB-1,753,761,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281601,,Unfavourable family characteristics and their associations with childhood obesity : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,315,323,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281602,,Predicting arithmetic abilities : the role of preparatory arithmetic markers and intelligence,VABB-1,237,251,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281603,,A longitudinal study of children's performance on simple multiplication and division problems,VABB-1,1480,1496,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281605,,Local dialect dictionaries and a proposal for a dictionary of the Dutch dialects,VABB-4,133,148,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281607,,"Classification, seriation, and counting in grades 1, 2, and 3 as two-year longitudinal predictors for low achieving in numerical facility and arithmetical achievement?",VABB-1,252,264,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281608,,From hero to zero: how commercialism ruined community radio in Flanders,VABB-1,95,112,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281614,,"Why become more general when we can be more specific? : comment on Hollins et al. 'Perceived intensity and unpleasantness of cutaneous and auditory stimuli : an evaluation of the generalized hypervigilance hypothesis' [Pain 2009;141:215-221], and on Rollman 'Perspectives on hypervigilance' [Pain 2009;141:183-184]",VABB-1,342,343,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281615,,A time course analysis of the synesthetic colour priming effect,VABB-1,211,215,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281616,,Modulation of automatic semantic priming by feature-specific attention allocation,VABB-1,37,54,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281617,,Dopamine and serotonin transporter genotypes moderate sensitivity to maternal expressed emotion : the case of conduct and emotional problems in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,1052,1063,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281618,,Theories of emotion causation: A review,VABB-1,625,662,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281619,,The propositional nature of human associative learning,VABB-1,183,+,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281620,,"Amygdala, hippocampal and corpus callosum size following severe early institutional deprivation: The English and Romanian Adoptees Study Pilot",VABB-1,943,951,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281621,,Evaluation of work-related psychosocial factors and regional musculoskeletal pain: results from a EULAR Task Force,VABB-1,885,891,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281622,,Attentional biases for emotional facial stimuli in currently depressed patients with bipolar disorder,VABB-1,393,410,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281628,,Influence of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on the inhibition of emotional information in healthy volunteers,VABB-1,1019,1028,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281634,,"The problem with(out) consensus: The scientific consensus, deliberative democracy and agonistic pluralism.",VABB-4,121,142,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281635,,Why social emergence? Discussing the use of analytical metaphysics in social theory.,VABB-5,152,166,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281636,,Where the Epistemic and the Political Meet.,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281644,,Scaling of plantar pressures in mammals,VABB-1,236,242,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281645,,Kinematics of suction feeding in the seahorse Hippocampus reidi,VABB-1,3490,3498,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:281647,,Effects of visual deprivation on intra-limb coordination during walking in children and adults,VABB-1,95,106,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281648,,Visual deprivation leads to gait adaptations that are age- and context-specific: II. Kinematic parameters,VABB-1,307,311,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281649,,"Ecomorphological analysis of aerial performance in a non-specialized lacertid lizard, Holaspis guentheri",VABB-1,2475,2482,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281650,,Functional anatomy of the gibbon forelimb: adaptations to a brachiating lifestyle,VABB-1,335,354,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281651,,"EFFECTS OF LOWER-LIMB PLYOMETRIC TRAINING ON BODY COMPOSITION, EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH, AND KICKING SPEED IN FEMALE SOCCER PLAYERS",VABB-1,1714,1722,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281652,,The relative age effect in a professional football club setting,VABB-1,1153,1158,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281654,,Psychosocial mediators of a lifestyle physical activity intervention in women,VABB-1,595,601,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281655,,Amygdala responses to positively and negatively valenced baby faces in healthy female volunteers : influences of individual differences in harm avoidance,VABB-1,94,103,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281656,,HF-rTMS treatment in medication-resistant melancholic depression : results from (18)FDG-PET brain imaging,VABB-1,439,448,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281657,,The MTA at 8,VABB-1,1120,1122,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281658,,Classically conditioned fear responses are preserved following unilateral temporal lobectomy in humans when concurrent US-expectancy ratings are used,VABB-1,2496,2503,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281659,,The unbearable lightness of somatisation : a systematic review of the concept of somatisation in empirical studies of pain,VABB-1,31,35,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281660,,The propositional approach to associative learning as an alternative for association formation models,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281663,,Gezondheid van geest : noot onder Gent 14 februari 2008,VABB-1,463,468,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281665,,How distinctive are ADHD and RD? : results of a double dissociation study,VABB-1,1007,1017,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281666,,Emotional facial expressions and the attentional blink : attenuated blink for angry and happy faces irrespective of social anxiety,VABB-1,1640,1652,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281667,,Falls and catastrophic thoughts about falls predict mobility restriction in community-dwelling older people: A structural equation modelling approach,VABB-1,587,592,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281669,,Pragmatics fragmented: the factor structure of the Dutch Children's Communication Checklist (CCC),VABB-1,549,574,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281670,,A behavioral route to dysfunctional representations: The effects of training approach or avoidance tendencies towards novel animals in children,VABB-1,471,477,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281671,,"Socio-demographic, health-related and psychosocial correlates of fear of falling and avoidance of activity in community-living older persons who avoid activity due to fear of falling",VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281673,,Assessment of environmental correlates of physical activity: development of a European questionnaire,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281674,,Beware of the pickle: health effects of nitrate intake,VABB-1,1677,1677,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281675,,"Establishment and management of woody seedlings in gullies in a semi-arid environment (Tigray, Ethiopia)",VABB-1,131,156,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281676,,"Perceived opportunities, gender, urbanization and leisure-time physical activity. A European study",VABB-1,3,21,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281679,,"The diversification of Thomas Nelson & Sons : John Buchan and the Nelson archive, 1909-1911",VABB-1,71,96,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281680,,Effects of adaptation on the stimulus selectivity of macaque inferior temporal spiking activity and local field potentials,VABB-1,2145,2165,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281682,,A small-scale randomized controlled trial of the revised new forest parenting programme for preschoolers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,605,616,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281683,,Measuring attentional bias to threat in children and adolescents : a matter of speed?,VABB-1,344,351,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281684,,Adaptation by binding : a learning account of cognitive control,VABB-1,252,257,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281685,,"Hippocampal involvement in the acquisition of relational associations, but not in the expression of a transitive inference task in mice",VABB-1,109,114,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281686,,Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and Stroop performance : tackling the lateralization,VABB-1,609,612,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281687,,Impairments in cognitive control persist during remission from depression and are related to the number of past episodes : an event related potentials study,VABB-1,169,176,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281688,,Differentiating orienting and defensive responses to concealed information : the role of verbalization,VABB-1,237,244,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281689,,The role of deception in P300 memory detection,VABB-1,253,262,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281690,,Threat of pain influences social context effects on verbal pain report and facial expression,VABB-1,774,782,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281691,,A flowery meadow and a hidden metalepsis in Achilles Tatius,VABB-1,667,670,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281693,,"Treatment of Escherichia coli O157:H7 with lactic acid, neutralized electrolyzed oxidizing water and chlorine dioxide followed by growth under sub-optimal conditions of temperature, pH and modified atmosphere",VABB-1,629,637,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281697,,Clonal population structure and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter jejuni in chicken meat from Belgium,VABB-1,4264,4272,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281698,,"Correlation between genotypic diversity, lipooligosaccharide gene locus class variation, and Caco-2 cell invasion potential of Campylobacter jejuni isolates from chicken meat and humans : contribution to virulotyping",VABB-1,4277,4288,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281699,,Attitudes of adolescent cancer survivors toward end-of-life decisions for minors,VABB-1,e1142,e1148,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281700,,Overzicht van rechtspraak personenrecht (2001-2008),VABB-1,769,1021,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281702,,Out of step? : mobility of 'itinerant crime groups',VABB-4,43,70,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281704,,Availability of free fruits and vegetables at canteen lunch improves lunch and daily nutritional profiles : a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,1030,1037,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281708,,"The catastrophic imperative : subjectivity, time and memory in contemporary thought : introduction",VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281711,,'de grenzen worden traag verlegd'. Over De droefheid is in handbereik (1981) van Gwij Mandelinck,VABB-4,140,148,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281713,,Study Involvement of Academic and Vocational Students: Does Between-School Tracking Sharpen the Difference?,VABB-1,943,973,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281714,,Incorporating the catering sector in nutrition policies of WHO European Region : is there a good recipe?,VABB-1,316,324,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281715,,"Acting figuratively, telling tropically : figures of insanity in Günter Grass's Die Blechtrommel",VABB-1,322,340,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281724,,Botsende grondrechten : over politieke partijen die discrimineren,VABB-1,451,460,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281726,,Heterogeneity of heat-resistant proteases from milk Pseudomonas species,VABB-1,68,77,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281728,,Conflict among Human Rights Norms,VABB-4,387,393,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281730,,"(Un)masking Bruno Schulz : new combinations, further fragmentations, ultimate reintegrations",VABB-3,,,529 p.,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281733,,Effect of SatSatSat and SatOSat on crystallization of model fat blends,VABB-1,243,258,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281734,,Comparing the crystallization and polymorphic behaviour of saturated and unsaturated monoglycerides,VABB-1,1415,1425,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281736,,Eating out of home in Vietnamese adolescents : socioeconomic factors and dietary associations,VABB-1,1648,1655.,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281737,,Eating out of home in Belgium : current situation and policy implications,VABB-1,921,928,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281738,,'The lie always rises to the surface like oil' : toward a metafictional reading of Karol Irzykowski's Pałuba and Bruno Schulz's fiction,VABB-4,83,133,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281740,,GRM7 variants confer susceptibility to age-related hearing impairment,VABB-1,785,796,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281745,,Liste bibliographique 2008-2009,VABB-1,644,648,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:281746,,Modeling the effect of headspace oxygen level on the degradation of vitamin C in a model fruit juice,VABB-1,S27,S27,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281750,,Providing an Archaeological Bird's-Eye View – An Overall Picture of Ground-Based Means to Execute Low-Altitude Aerial Photography (LAAP) in Archaeology,VABB-1,233,249,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281751,,Correlation between porcine PPARGC1A mRNA expression and its downstream target genes in backfat and longissimus dorsi muscle,VABB-1,361,369,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281752,,Fat structuring with partial acylglycerols : effect on solid fat profiles,VABB-1,259,272,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281757,,Subcomplexes of mitochondrial complex V reveal mutations in mitochondrial DNA,VABB-1,3565,3572,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281758,,Abdominal pain and vomiting as first sign of mitochondrial disease,VABB-1,365,368,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281759,,"Het vrij vestigingsrecht, de problematiek van de zetelverplaatsing en zijn impact op het internationaal privaatrecht : een stand van zaken na de zaak Cartesio",VABB-1,581,609,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281762,,"Assessing institutional development for livestock market participation of traditional cattle keepers in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya",VABB-1,275,283,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281763,,Buying higher welfare poultry products? : profiling Flemish consumers who do and do not,VABB-1,2702,2711,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281764,,Chlorine dioxide for minimally processed produce preservation : a review,VABB-1,17,26,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281766,,"Stakeholder, citizen and consumer interests in farm animal welfare",VABB-1,325,333,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281767,,Multiplex real-time RT-PCR for simultaneous detection of GI/GII noroviruses and murine norovirus 1,VABB-1,247,253,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281768,,Comparison of enrichment conditions for rapid detection of low numbers of sublethally injured Escherichia coli O157 in food,VABB-1,1862,1868,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281769,,Laboratory efforts to eliminate contamination problems in the real-time RT-PCR detection of noroviruses,VABB-1,72,76,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281772,,Disclosing cultural heritage over iDTV,VABB-4,85,94,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281773,,Nutritional profile of foods offered and consumed in a Belgian university canteen,VABB-1,122,128,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281774,,Local Complement Activation in Nasal Polyposis,VABB-1,1753,1758,,ger,2009,1 c:vabb:281776,,Detection of Staphylococcus aureus in nasal tissue with peptide nucleic acid-fluorescence in situ hybridization,VABB-1,461,465,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281777,,Design of an experimental viscoelastic food model system for studying Zygosaccharomyces bailii spoilage in acidic sauces,VABB-1,7060,7069,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281778,,A microbial assessment scheme to measure microbial performance of food safety management systems,VABB-1,113,125,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281779,,Systematic assessment of core assurance activities in a company specific food safety management system,VABB-1,300,312,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281789,,Browsing through memories: the online disclosure of oral history in Flanders,VABB-4,139,147,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281793,,Effect of preventive supplementation on young children in Niger,VABB-1,2208,2208,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281794,,"Prevalence and challenge tests of Listeria monocytogenes in Belgian produced and retailed mayonnaise-based deli-salads, cooked meat products and smoked fish between 2005 and 2007",VABB-1,94,104,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281803,,Thermal remote sensing imagery in permafrost studies,VABB-5,313,320,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281804,,The efficacy of preservation methods to inactivate foodborne viruses,VABB-1,83,94,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281805,,Formative research to develop the IDEFICS physical activity intervention component: finds from focus groups with children and parents,VABB-1,246,256,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:281806,,"The contribution of home, neighbourhood and school environmental factors in explaining physical activity among adolescents",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281807,,The heterozygous Lemd3+/GT mouse is not a murine model for osteopoikilosis in humans,VABB-1,546,551,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281809,,Reducing salt intake from meat products by combined use of lactate and diacetate salts without affecting microbial stability,VABB-1,337,341,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281810,,Influence of partial inactivation on growth of Listeria monocytogenes under sub-optimal conditions of increased NaCl concentration or increased acidity,VABB-1,267,271,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281814,,Inhibition of imitative behaviour and social cognition,VABB-1,2359,2367,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281815,,Control of shared representations relies on key processes involved in mental state attribution,VABB-1,3704,3718,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281816,,Was it me or was it you? How the sense of agency originates from ideomotor learning revealed by fMRI,VABB-1,290,298,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281817,,Busy doing nothing: evidence for nonaction-effect binding,VABB-1,542,549,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281818,,When doing nothing is an option: the neural correlates of deciding whether to act or not,VABB-1,1187,1193,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281819,,Dissociating what and when of intentional actions,VABB-1,AR3,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281820,,Neural correlates of overcoming interference from instructed and implemented stimulus-response associations,VABB-1,1766,1772,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281821,,The neural correlates of intending not to do something,VABB-1,1913,1920,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281822,,"Intentional inhibition: how the ""veto-area"" exerts control",VABB-1,2834,2843,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281824,,Retrospective construction of the judgement of free choice,VABB-1,12,21,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281825,,Contextual movement constraints of others modulate motor preparation in the observer,VABB-1,268,275,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281826,,"Neural activations at the junction of the inferior frontal sulcus and the inferior precentral sulcus: interindividual variability, reliability, and association with sulcal morphology",VABB-1,299,311,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281827,,"Efficacy of sodium hypochlorite and peroxyacetic acid to reduce murine norovirus 1, B40-8, Listeria monocytogenes, and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on shredded iceberg lettuce and in residual wash water",VABB-1,1047,1054,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281828,,"Now That You Know, How Do You Feel? The Milgram Experiment and Psychologization",VABB-1,223,246,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281829,,A peculiar stimulatory effect of acetic and lactic acid on growth and fermentative metabolism of Zygosaccharomyces bailii,VABB-1,320,327,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281830,,Effects of food composition on the inactivation of foodborne microorganisms by chlorine dioxide,VABB-1,138,144,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281832,,Het schoolpactcompromis in vraag gesteld. Pleidooi voor een nieuw vak over levensbeschouwingen en filosofie in het Vlaams onderwijs,VABB-1,44,64,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281835,,"Influence of acid stress on survival, expression of virulence genes and invasion capacity into Caco-2 cells of Listeria monocytogenes strains of different origins",VABB-1,140,146,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281836,,"JEM Spotlight: Fungi, mycotoxins and microbial volatile organic compounds in mouldy interiors from water-damaged buildings",VABB-1,1849,1858,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281837,,"Impact of a decontamination step with peroxyacetic acid on the shelf-life, sensory quality and nutrient content of grated carrots packed under equilibrium modified atmosphere and stored at 7 degrees C",VABB-1,141,152,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281841,,Intracellular pH as an indicator of viability and resuscitation of Campylobacter jejuni after decontamination with lactic acid,VABB-1,136,143,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281843,,"Modelling the influence of the inoculation level on the growth/no growth interface of Listeria monocytogenes as a function of pH, a(w) and acetic acid",VABB-1,83,89,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281844,,Optimization and evaluation of a decontamination step with peroxyacetic acid for fresh-cut produce,VABB-1,882,888,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281845,,"Resistance of Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Campylobacter jejuni after exposure to repetitive cycles of mild bactericidal treatments",VABB-1,889,895,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281846,,"Moderate and high doses of sodium hypochlorite, neutral electrolyzed oxidizing water, peroxyacetic acid, and gaseous chlorine dioxide did not affect the nutritional and sensory qualities of fresh-cut iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata L.) after washing",VABB-1,4195,4203,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281847,,Comparing the effect of various contamination levels for Salmonella in chicken meat preparations on the probability of illness in Belgium,VABB-1,2093,2105,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281848,,Risk assessment : a quantitative approach,VABB-4,19,26,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281857,,Grenzen aan de territorialiteit van de aanvullende gemeentebelasting : ook een gemeentelijke kwestie? : noot onder Rb. Brussel 25 februari 2009,VABB-1,839,846,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281862,,"Media, multilingualism and language policing: an introduction",VABB-1,203,207,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281863,,Chthonic science: Georges Niangoran-Bouah and the anthropology of belonging in Cote d'Ivoire,VABB-1,574,590,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:281867,,Bibliometrics in Lexicography,VABB-1,423,465,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281873,,The Social Sciences and Democracy,VABB-3,,,280 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281874,,Disease-Causing 7.4 kb Cis-Regulatory Deletion Disrupting Conserved Non-Coding Sequences and Their Interaction with the FOXL2 Promotor: Implications for Mutation Screening,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281875,,Array comparative genomic hybridization and flow cytometry analysis of spontaneous abortions and mors in utero samples,VABB-1,AR89,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281876,,Challenges for CNV interpretation in clinical molecular karyotyping : lessons learned from a 1001 sample experience,VABB-1,398,403,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281877,,Disentangling perceptual from motor implicit sequence learning with a serial color matching task,VABB-1,163,174,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281879,,Detection of GMOs in fish feed,VABB-4,871,887,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281880,,Similarity and rules united: Similarity- and rule-based processing in a single neural network,VABB-1,243,259,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281881,,Kenneth Burke's New Deal,VABB-1,13,32,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281886,,"Credit, land market and the connection between rural and urban economy. The use of perpetual annuities in Aartselaar (Brabant), from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century",VABB-4,63,74,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281889,,Levenslang loopt men in lussen. Over 'Alaska' (2003) van Peter Verhelst,VABB-4,307,316,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281894,,Single (18-25j.) zkt. lief tgn. depressie? : de relatie tussen partnerstatus en mentale gezondheid bij jongvolwassenen,VABB-1,367,389,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281896,,"Not European feudalism, but Flemish feudalism : a new reading of Galbert of Bruges's data on feudalism in the context of early twelfth-century Flanders",VABB-4,56,88,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281901,,La nécessité d'une recherche transdisciplinaire dans la production des recommendations politiques pour un développement agricole durable,VABB-4,232,248,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:281908,,A la baïonnette ou au scalpel. Comment L'horreur s'écrit,VABB-3,,,201 p.,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:281909,,"""Une littérature au jus de cadavres"":Modes de représentation de l'horreur dans les fictions de la Grande Guerre",VABB-4,111,133,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:281911,,Préface,VABB-4,5,9,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:281914,,Alternative sanctions for drug users : fruitless efforts or miracle solution?,VABB-1,513,525,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281915,,Drugs and crime : are they hand in glove? : a review of literature,VABB-4,21,48,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281917,,Disability Case Management : een meerwaarde bij arbeidsreïntegratie,VABB-1,392,410,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:281923,,L'intonation et sa fonction de structurateur hiérarchique des syntagmes propositionnels sans indice morphématique : le cas du Tarifit,VABB-4,109,121,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:281929,,Out of the Blue. September 11 and the Novel,VABB-2,,,226 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281936,,Messages from the Aalst Allergy Study,VABB-1,182,190,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281937,,"Comparison of the sensitivity of culture, PCR and quantitative real-time PCR for the detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in sputum of cystic fibrosis patients",VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281938,,The association of allergic symptoms with sensitization to inhalant allergens in childhood,VABB-1,448,457,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281939,,"The Prevalence, Characteristics of and Risk Factors for Eczema in Belgian Schoolchildren",VABB-1,129,138,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281940,,Body mass index in Belgian schoolchildren and its relationship with sensitization and allergic symptoms,VABB-1,246,253,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281942,,Early referral to cystic fibrosis specialist centre impacts on respiratory outcome,VABB-1,26,30,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281944,,Justitiële samenwerking en harmonisatie : over het hoe en het waarom van een optimalisering in het gebruik van verwezenlijkingen op vlak van harmonisatie bij de uitbouw van justitiële samenwerking,VABB-1,47,66,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:281948,,The Lexicographic Treatment of Ideophones in Zulu,VABB-1,34,54,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281949,,A Corpus-based Survey of Four Electronic Swahili-English Bilingual Dictionaries,VABB-1,340,352,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281950,,Lexikos at Eighteen: An Analysis,VABB-1,372,403,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281951,,An Analysis of Practical Lexicography: A Reader (Ed. Fontenelle 2008),VABB-1,458,489,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281953,,A sociolinguistics of globalization,VABB-4,560,573,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281957,,Deictic center shifts in literary translation: the Spanish translation of Nooteboom’s Het Volgende Verhaal,VABB-1,770,794,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281961,,"Het genot van de ""locus amoenus"". De ""villa rustica"" rondom Antwerpen en het topografische landschap circa 1545-1585",VABB-1,115,134,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281963,,Effect of washing conditions on the recovery of milk fat globule membrane proteins during the isolation of milk fat globule membrane from milk,VABB-1,3592,3603,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281965,,We hold these truths to be self-evident: Deconstructing ‘evidence-based’ medical practice,VABB-1,950,964,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281967,,Ramsey Nasr,VABB-4,1,10,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:281969,,Government centralization in late second and third century A.D. Asia Minor: a working hypothesis,VABB-1,39,51,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281970,,"Who is afraid of global history? Ambitions, pitfalls and limits of learning global history",VABB-1,22,39,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:281975,,Transverse diffusivity of cerebral parenchyma predicts visual tracking performance in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,410,415,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:281998,,Spirituality in management theories : a perspective from India,VABB-4,45,59,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282001,,Un protagoniste passionné. Quelques réflections sur l'expression incontrôlée d'émotions de Chairéas,VABB-5,239,255,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:282002,,Tradities zijn verandering,VABB-1,271,292,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:282004,,Association between traditional food consumption and motives for food choice in six European countries,VABB-1,101,108,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282014,,Consumer appeal of nutrition and health claims in three existing product concepts,VABB-1,684,692,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282015,,"Willingness to pay for water and water rights definition : study among smallholder irrigators in Limpopo province, South Africa",VABB-5,341,352,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282016,,The nutritional and toxicological value of organic vegetables : consumer perception versus scientific evidence,VABB-1,1062,1077,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282017,,A Cross-modal Heuristic for Periodic Pattern Analysis of Samba Music and Dance,VABB-1,255,283,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282024,,A literature-based comparison of nutrient and contaminant contents between organic and conventional vegetables and potatoes,VABB-1,1078,1097,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282025,,Assessing the ecological soundness of organic and conventional agriculture by means of life cycle assessment (LCA) : a case study of leek production,VABB-1,1028,1061,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282031,,Chronique de jurisprudence communautaire. Les relations extérieures (1er janvier 2006-31 décembre 2008),VABB-1,465,548,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:282042,,"Conflict, institutional changes and food insecurity in eastern DR Congo",VABB-1,41,63,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282053,,"The Academy of Everyday Life—Psychology, hauntology, and psychoanalysis",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282059,,Alexithymia and interpersonal problems: a study of natural language use.,VABB-1,990,995,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282060,,Does the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale measure alexithymia ? A study of natural language use.,VABB-1,945,956,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282062,,Influence of electrolytes on the heat-induced swelling of aqueous dispersions of native wheat starch granules,VABB-1,2204,2211,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282063,,Phospholipids delay crystallisation of milk fat,VABB-1,376,379,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282064,,Widespread dysregulation of MiRNAs by MYCN amplification and chromosomal imbalances in neuroblastoma: association of miRNA expression with survival,VABB-1,e7850,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282067,,A novel and universal method for microRNA RT-qPCR data normalization,VABB-1,R64,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282069,,Comparison of miRNA profiles of microdissected Hodgkin/Reed-Sternberg cells and Hodgkin cell lines versus CD77+ B-cells reveals a distinct subset of differentially expressed miRNAs,VABB-1,686,690,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282070,,External oligonucleotide standards enable cross laboratory comparison and exchange of real-time quantitative PCR data,VABB-1,e138,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282072,,"Policies to improve end-of-life decisions in Flemish hospitals: communication, training of health care providers and use of quality assessments",VABB-1,AR20/1,AR20/8,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282074,,Transthyretin levels in the vitreous correlate with change in visual acuity after vitrectomy,VABB-1,1539,1545,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282075,,"Regional cerebral blood flow changes in dogs with anxiety disorders, measured with SPECT",VABB-1,342,349,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282077,,Intratest reliability and test-retest reproducibility of the oxygen uptake efficiency slope in healthy participants,VABB-1,493,498,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282079,,Adenovirus-mediated hPNPase(old-35) gene transfer as a therapeutic strategy for neuroblastoma,VABB-1,707,715,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282080,,Astrocyte elevated gene-1 contributes to the pathogenesis of neuroblastoma,VABB-1,2476,2484,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282081,,Escape from p53-mediated tumor surveillance in neuroblastoma: switching off the p14(ARF)-MDM2-p53 axis,VABB-1,1563,1572,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282083,,Gamete generation from stem cells: An ethicist’s view,VABB-4,14,21,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282084,,"Mastering the Siege. Ideology and the Plot of the Leningrad Blockade and the Warsaw Uprising in Adamovich and Granin, and Bialoszewski",VABB-1,53,76,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282085,,"A meta-analysis of psychopathy-, antisocial PD- and FFM associations",VABB-1,531,565,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282086,,Validation of FFM PD counts for screening personality pathology and psychopathy in adolescence,VABB-1,587,605,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282088,,The European Union’s Role in the Prevention of Vessel-Source Pollution and its Internal Influence,VABB-1,411,422,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282089,,Stem cell research policies: Who's afraid of complicity?,VABB-1,38,42,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282090,,Science on television : how? Like that!,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282096,,"Bleeding in the heritable connective tissue disorders: Mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment",VABB-1,191,197,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282097,,Antitumor Activity of the Selective MDM2 Antagonist Nutlin-3 Against Chemoresistant Neuroblastoma With Wild-Type p53,VABB-1,1562,1574,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282098,,A new sporadic case of early-onset Loeys-Dietz syndrome due to the recurrent mutation p.R528C in the TGFBR2 gene substantiates interindividual clinical variability,VABB-1,405,410,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282099,,"Dreaming of virtual reality and rehabilitation technology in the future : virtual reality, robotics and telerehabilitation",VABB-5,120,123,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282100,,Effect of whole body vibration on intracompartmental pressure in the lower leg,VABB-1,618,622,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282101,,Chromosome 3p Microsatellite Allelotyping in Neuroblastoma: A Report on the Technical Hurdles,VABB-1,857,868,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282102,,"Genotyping of Frequent BRCA1/2 SNPs with Unlabeled Probes A Supplement to HRMCA Mutation Scanning, Allowing the Strong Reduction of Sequencing Burden",VABB-1,415,419,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282105,,The impact of one session of HF-rTMS on salivary cortisol in healthy female subjects,VABB-1,586,590,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282106,,Differential effects of atomoxetine on executive functioning and lexical decision in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and reading disorder,VABB-1,699,707,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282107,,A neurocognitive model of attention to pain : behavioral and neuroimaging evidence,VABB-1,230,232,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282108,,Failure to loose fear : the impact of cognitive load and trait anxiety on extinction,VABB-1,1096,1101,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282109,,EEG study of the mirror neuron system in children with high functioning autism,VABB-1,113,121,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282110,,Adverse reactions to methylphenidate treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder : structure and associations with clinical characteristics and symptom control,VABB-1,683,690,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282111,,Measuring methylphenidate response in attention-deficit/hyperactvity disorder : how are laboratory classroom-based measures related to parent ratings?,VABB-1,691,698,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282112,,Mastery of the counting principles in toddlers : a crucial step in the development of budding arithmetic abilities?,VABB-1,419,422,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282120,,Lokale verbondenheid en gemeentelijke spreiding van autodiefstal,VABB-1,19,37,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282121,,Belgian consumers' attitude towards surgical castration and immunocastration of piglets,VABB-1,371,380,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282122,,Attitudes of European citizens towards pig production systems,VABB-1,46,56,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282123,,"Motives, barriers and quality evaluation in fish consumption situations : exploring and comparing heavy and light users in Spain and Belgium",VABB-1,699,716,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282124,,Determinants of nutrition knowledge in young and middle-aged Belgian women and the association with their dietary behaviour,VABB-1,788,792,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282125,,Homozygous Inactivating Mutations in the NKX3-2 Gene Result in Spondylo-Megaepiphyseal-Metaphyseal Dysplasia,VABB-1,916,922,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282126,,Identification of CANT1 Mutations in Desbuquois Dysplasia,VABB-1,706,710,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:282127,,Mesomelic Dysplasia With Acral Synostoses Verloes-David-Pfeiffer Type: Follow-Up Study Documents Progressive Clinical Course,VABB-1,2220,2225,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282128,,Further delineation of the 15q13 microdeletion and duplication syndromes: a clinical spectrum varying from non-pathogenic to a severe outcome,VABB-1,511,523,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282129,,Fourteen new cases contribute to the characterization of the 7q11.23 microduplication syndrome,VABB-1,94,100,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282150,,Metacognitive prediction and evaluation skills and mathematical learning in third-grade students,VABB-1,435,446,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282154,,The nature and treatment of pain-related fear in chronic musculoskeletal pain,VABB-1,85,103,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282155,,Conditioning as a source of liking : there is nothing simple about it,VABB-4,151,166,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282160,,Expressive dimensions of pain catastrophizing : an observational study in adolescents with chronic pain,VABB-1,170,176,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282162,,Action plan of the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Board,VABB-1,271,274,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282163,,The functional role and bio-kinetics of basic and expressive gestures in activation and sonification,VABB-4,154,181,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282164,,Expressive and receptive language characteristics in three-year-old preterm children with extremely low birth weight,VABB-1,296,299,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282167,,"Methylphenidate, interstimulus interval, and reaction time performance of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder : a pilot study",VABB-1,554,566,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282169,,Hartsfield Holoprosencephaly-Ectrodactyly Syndrome in Five Male Patients: Further Delineation and Review,VABB-1,1476,1481,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282178,,On the presumed inductive behaviour of electrolyte solutes in low frequency conductance. Part I: Deficiency of the employed measurement technique,VABB-1,85,88,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282179,,On the presumed inductive behaviour of electrolyte solutes in low frequency conductance. Part II: Proposal of an alternate technique for AC conductance measurements,VABB-1,172,176,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282181,,Inleiding; Kroniek,VABB-1,5-6,183-189,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282182,,"The Mesolithic and Neolithic site of Verrebroek - Aven Ackers (East Flanders, Belgium): the radiocarbon evidence",VABB-1,15,21,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282183,,"Een waterkuil of –put van de Michelsbergcultuur te Menen (West-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,53,58,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282186,,A call for evidence-based security tools,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282187,,JESP Symposium: The European Union's global social role,VABB-1,99,116,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282188,,La psychologie de la peur et de la douleur,VABB-1,511,516,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:282189,,"Granite and rock crystal quarrying in the Civitas Ammaiensis (north-eastern Alentejo, Portugal): a geoarchaeological case study",VABB-1,171,182,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282190,,Impact of various food ingredients on the retention of furan in foods,VABB-1,1505,1511,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282191,,Uitgevoerd staat netjes? De controle op de uitvoer van afvalstoffen naar derde wereldlanden: wetgeving en beleidsvoering,VABB-1,684,717,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282192,,"The influence of combined exercise training on indices of obesity, physical fitness and lipid profile in overweight and obese adolescents with mental retardation",VABB-1,1327,1333,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282194,,Gezegd worden + te-infinitief: een verdwenen evidentiële constructie,VABB-1,385,403,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:282199,,Commentaar bij Art. 86 t.e.m. 92 W. 14 juli 1991,VABB-4,137,164,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282200,,Jong bezield of oud bedaard? Een nieuwe editie van Willem Kloos' Verzen en de keuze van een basistekst,VABB-1,404,418,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:282206,,Faces of Hellenism. Studies in the History of the Eastern Mediterranean (4th century B.C.-5th century A.D.).,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282212,,The semantic range of the Dutch double object construction: A collostructional perspective,VABB-1,190,221,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282214,,The MIQE Guidelines: Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments,VABB-1,611,622,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282215,,RDML: structured language and reporting guidelines for real-time quantitative PCR data,VABB-1,2065,2069,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282216,,Cognitive modularity in the light of the language faculty,VABB-1,373,387,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282217,,Predicting outcomes for children with neuroblastoma using a multigene-expression signature: a retrospective SIOPEN/COG/GPOH study,VABB-1,663,671,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282220,,Parkinson's disease mutations in PINK1 result in decreased Complex I activity and deficient synaptic function,VABB-1,99,111,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282226,,Bibliography of Pragmatics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282233,,"Jean-Paul Marat (1743-1793) : geneesheer, wetenschapper, journalist, politicus",VABB-1,802,808,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282240,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,10,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282241,,Suicide,VABB-1,1372,1381,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282242,,Deliberate self-harm in adolescents: Comparison between those who receive help following self-harm and those who do not,VABB-1,875,891,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282245,,Enkele leidende principes bij het hertekenen van het politieonderwijs vanuit academisch oogpunt,VABB-1,61,66,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282255,,Potential effects of national policies on the informal economy,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282258,,"La ""bonne grâce"" d'Henri de Campion",VABB-1,297,307,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:282260,,Transhumance in the Tigray highlands (Ethiopia).,VABB-1,255,264,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282264,,Cotard's syndrome: a review,VABB-1,197,202,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282266,,Quetiapine treatment and improved cognitive functioning in borderline personality disorder,VABB-1,646,649,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:282267,,Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma: Is there a causal relationship?,VABB-1,1557,1559,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282269,,"Tussen spreek- en standaardtaal. Een corpusgebaseerd onderzoek naar de situationele, regionale en sociale verspreiding van enkele morfo-syntactische verschijnselen uit het gesproken Belgisch-Nederlands (Koen Plevoets, 2008). Proefschrift KULeuven.",VABB-1,202,207,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282270,,"Paden van paradigmatische vereenvoudiging: morfologie, fonologie of pragmatiek?",VABB-1,119,146,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282271,,Variatie en verandering in het Nederlandse genus: een multi-disciplinair perspectief,VABB-1,1,11,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282272,,De juridische vrije beroepen,VABB-4,1016,1032,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282273,,Changing pronominal gender in Dutch: transmission or diffusion?,VABB-5,71,80,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282274,,‘Einheitsplural’ in Low German and Dutch: a natural syncretism?,VABB-4,88,108,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282277,,"Bookbabies, their parents and the library: an evaluation of a Flemish reading programme in families with young children",VABB-1,277,287,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282279,,Overzicht van rechtspraak consumentenbescherming (2003-2007),VABB-1,229,556,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282289,,Circulating Transforming Growth Factor-beta in Marfan Syndrome,VABB-1,526,532,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:282290,,Extending the phenotype of recurrent rearrangements of 16p11.2: Deletions in mentally retarded patients without autism and in normal individuals,VABB-1,77,87,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282295,,Should the general practitioner be prepared for the patient with decreased consciousness or coma?,VABB-1,163,165,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282306,,Preventie van suïcidepogingen in het algemeen ziekenhuis : de ontwikkeling en implementatie van een instrument voor psychosociale evaluatie en opvang van suïcidepogers (IPEO),VABB-1,1000,1007,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282336,,Talent identification and promotion programmes of Olympic athletes,VABB-1,1367,1380,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282341,,Suicide in young people,VABB-1,75,89,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282346,,Pleidooi voor meer empirie in de strafrechtsketen. De plaats van het parketbeleidsplan in de keten,VABB-1,63,93,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282350,,Monotheism in Late Antiquity Between Christians and Pagans,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282351,,Kennisgeving van de beslissing tot genezenverklaring na arbeidsongeval: diagnose en remedie,VABB-1,87,113,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282352,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282355,,Editoriaal: evaluatie 10 jaar politiehervorming,VABB-1,1,20,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282358,,"The problem of going home : land management, displacement and reconciliation in Ambon",VABB-4,138,155,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282363,,Marrying out of the lower classes in nineteenth-century Belgium,VABB-1,421,453,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282372,,Adaptive Fuzzy Logics for Contextual Hedge Interpretation,VABB-1,333,356,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282373,,"Safety and efficacy of first-line bevacizumab with FOLFOX, XELOX, FOLFIRI and fluoropyrimidines in metastatic colorectal cancer: the BEAT study",VABB-1,1842,1847,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282374,,Amphiregulin and Epiregulin mRNA Expression in Primary Tumors Predicts Outcome in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Treated With Cetuximab,VABB-1,5068,5074,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282375,,"Fuzzy Logic, Concepts and Semantic Transformers",VABB-4,79,97,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282377,,"Restorative practices within Community Oriented Policing, or meeting the needs of the officer on the beat",VABB-1,7,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282382,,"the informal economy and connections with organised crime: the impact of nationa, social and economic policies",VABB-3,,,210 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282384,,Interventions for promoting physical activity among European teenagers: a systematic review,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282396,,"Crossing geographical, legal and moral boundaries: the Belgian cigarette black market",VABB-4,77,90,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282399,,"'I don't trust you, you are going to tell', adolescents with emotional and behavioural disorders participating in qualitative research",VABB-1,323,329,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282403,,More advanced Alzheimer's disease may be associated with a decrease in cerebrospinal fluid pressure,VABB-1,1,3,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282404,,Reasons for adolescent deliberate self-harm: a cry of pain and/or a cry for help?,VABB-1,601,607,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282407,,Het verleden van het verre-kijken,VABB-1,56,63,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282408,,Is the geriatric depression scale a reliable screening tool for depressive symptoms in elderly patients with cognitive impairment?,VABB-1,556,562,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282411,,Mindfulness and reduced cognitive reactivity to sad mood: Evidence from a correlational study and a non-randomized waiting list controlled study,VABB-1,623,627,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282412,,"SSRI'S en suïcide bij kinderen, adolescenten en jongvolwassenen",VABB-1,387,393,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282413,,Drugs in de gevangenis. Kwalitatief onderzoek bij gedetineerden in de gevangenis van Gent,VABB-1,21,27,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282414,,Sociodemographic and psychopathological risk factors for repetition of attempted suicide: a 5-year follow-up study.,VABB-1,201,213,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282416,,Epidemiological Trends in Attempted Suicide in Adolescents and Young Adults Between 1996 and 2004,VABB-1,115,119,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282419,,Triacylglycerol analysis of fats and oils by evaporative light scattering detection,VABB-1,19,25,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282422,,Clinical and molecular genetic analysis of a family with macrothrombocytopenia and early onset sensorineural hearing loss,VABB-1,185,190,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282424,,Suïcide bij artsen,VABB-1,60,64,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282427,,Comparison of the nutritional-toxicological conflict related to seafood consumption in different regions worldwide,VABB-1,219,228,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282440,,"New Capital Preservation Law, Belgian Style",VABB-1,110,114,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282441,,Corporate Regulatory Frameworks for Risk Management in the US and EU,VABB-1,84,94,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282442,,A farm-to-fork approach to lower acrylamide in fried potatoes,VABB-1,66,75,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282443,,Upgrading Corporate Governance: het Auditcomité in het Wetboek van Vennootschappen,VABB-1,397,415,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282447,,Biedt de S-BVBA een afdoende antwoord op de Britse “Limited”?,VABB-1,495,508,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282449,,Balancing the interests of minority and majority shareholders: A comparative analysis of the squeeze-out and sell-out rights,VABB-1,391,439,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282451,,"Hop bitter acids efficiently block inflammation independent of GR alpha, PPAR alpha, or PPAR gamma",VABB-1,1143,1155,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282452,,Modern wood : De Coene at Expo 58,VABB-1,103,120,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282460,,Anthropometric and anaerobic fitness profile of elite and non-elite female soccer players,VABB-1,387,394,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282461,,Meta-mining of Neuroblastoma and Neuroblast Gene Expression Profiles Reveals Candidate Therapeutic Compounds,VABB-1,3690,3696,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282462,,Unreliable Real-Time PCR Analysis of Human Endogenous Retrovirus-W (HERV-W) RNA Expression and DNA Copy Number in Multiple Sclerosis,VABB-1,377,378,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282463,,RTPrimerDB: the portal for real-time PCR primers and probes,VABB-1,D942,D945,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282464,,Smoothing waves in array CGH tumor profiles,VABB-1,1099,1104,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282465,,"Autosomal Dominant Syndrome of Mental Retardation, Hypotelorism, and Cleft Palate Resembling Schilbach-Rott Syndrome",VABB-1,2700,2705,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282466,,Aicardi Syndrome in a Male Patient,VABB-1,39,42,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282474,,Markov switching regimes in a monetary exchange rate model,VABB-4,94,111,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282483,,Overall Genomic Pattern Is a Predictor of Outcome in Neuroblastoma,VABB-1,1026,1033,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282485,,International consensus for neuroblastoma molecular diagnostics: report from the International Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG) Biology Committee,VABB-1,1471,1482,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282489,,International Jurisdiction and Conflict of Law Rules for Consumer Claims : a Survey of European Legislation,VABB-1,631,677,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282491,,Improved Detection of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia by Conventional Cytogenetics Using CpG Oligonucleotide and Interleukin-2 Stimulation: A Belgian Multicentric Study,VABB-1,843,853,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282492,,Zelfbeschadigend gedrag bij adolescenten in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,629,640,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282496,,Standardization of qPCR and RT-qPCR,VABB-1,40,43,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282500,,Roman water. A Geoarchaeological Approach to Studying the Water Supply of Moderate Roman Cities,VABB-1,111,130,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282502,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie). Mei 2009,VABB-1,435,438,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282503,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie). Juni-juli 2009,VABB-1,545,560,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282522,,On the relation between corporate governance compliance and operating performance,VABB-1,497,513,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282533,,A primary antibiotic treatment for acute streptococcal tonsillitis?,VABB-1,E7,E7,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282546,,"Het eerste arrest van het Hof van Justitie inzake Gemeenschapsmodellenrecht: belang en gevolgen voor de Benelux (noot onder H.v.J., 2 juli 2009)",VABB-1,498,509,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282548,,"Education, educational research, and the ‘grammar’ of understanding. A response to Bridges",VABB-1,125,129,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282549,,"Initiating the debate. Educational research: On tensions, expectations, and policy",VABB-1,1065,1071,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282559,,Objective over-education and worker well-being,VABB-1,469,481,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282562,,The concept of neutralization outside the field of phonology,VABB-1,1,59,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282564,,Environmentally induced mechanical feedback in locomotion: frog performance as a model,VABB-1,372,378,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282566,,Childhood obesity and impulsivity: an investigation with performance-based measures,VABB-1,153,167,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282571,,Preferences of advanced lung cancer patients for patient-centred information and decision-making: A prospective multicentre study in 13 hospitals in Belgium,VABB-1,421,429,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282576,,The rise of age homogamy in 19th century Western Europe,VABB-1,1234,1253,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282578,,Strafvorderingsrichtlijnen voor het openbaar ministerie: een (nieuwe) schakel in de veiligheidsketen?,VABB-1,109,135,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282611,,Vom nationalen zum postnationalen Theater. Performances des „Österreichischen“ seit den 1950er Jahren,VABB-1,51,69,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:282613,,Current and future use of the mannitol bronchial challenge in everyday clinical practice,VABB-1,189,197,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282614,,Increasing the Difficulty of Response Selection Does Not Increase the Switch Cost,VABB-1,323,327,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282615,,Automaticity of Cognitive Control: Goal Priming in Response-Inhibition Paradigms,VABB-1,1381,1388,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282629,,Hoe kan de bijstand van een advocaat bij het verhoor in de Belgische praktijk geregeld worden?,VABB-1,212,219,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282646,,Contesting the ‘Truth’ of Turkey’s Human Rights Situation: State-Association Interactions in and outside the Southeast,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282648,,In memoriam Hans Georg Niemeyer (1933-2007),VABB-1,1,12,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:282650,,In memoriam Friedrich Rakob (1931-2007),VABB-1,13,20,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282651,,Punic Glass from Carthaginian Settlement Excavations,VABB-1,125,146,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282652,,"Italic, Latin and Greek Graffiti and Dipinti on Pottery from the Bir Messaouda Excavations 2000/2001",VABB-1,173,182,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282653,,Measuring resources in a Therapeutic Community-based treatment system: A reliability and validity study of the Dutch version of PREDI Short Diagnosis,VABB-1,344,365,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282654,,Les étudiants marranes aux Pays-Bas (XVIe et XVIIe siècles),VABB-4,21,35,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:282659,,Sociaal en disciplinair statuut van (voetbal)trainers,VABB-1,479,529,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282660,,The Belgian Eisenmenger syndrome registry: Implications for treatment strategies?,VABB-1,447,453,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282661,,Short-term systolic and diastolic ventricular performance after surgical ventricular restoration for dilated ischemic cardiomyopathy,VABB-1,995,1003,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282664,,Het herroepingsrecht: het voorstel van Richtlijn betreffende consumentenrechten en haar impact op de Belgische wetgeving,VABB-1,81,141,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282669,,How do people evaluate objects? A brief review,VABB-1,36,48,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282671,,Optical Objects in the Dresden Kunstkammer. Lucas Brunn and the Courtly Display of Knowledge,VABB-4,61,85,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282676,,"Aragonite-calcite-dolomite relationships in UHPM polycrystalline carbonate inclusions from the Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan",VABB-1,1301,1311,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282678,,Participatory journalism practices in the media and beyond : an international comparative study of initiatives in online newspapers,VABB-4,203,218,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282679,,Is quartz a potential indicator of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism? Laser Raman spectroscopy of quartz inclusions in ultrahigh-pressure garnets,VABB-1,1313,1323,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282680,,The future direction of the EU Internal Market: on vested values and fashionable modernism,VABB-1,67,80,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282681,,Inside the Kunstkammer: the circulation of optical knowledge and instruments at the Dresden Court,VABB-1,405,420,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282707,,De effectiviteit en relevantie van mission statements: een analyse vanuit communicatieperspectief,VABB-1,3,10,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282731,,Gendergerelateerd geweld en femicidewetgeving in Latijns-Amerika,VABB-1,71,77,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282733,,L'art pour l'art? Gender mainstreaming in België,VABB-1,5,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282743,,"De geneugten van het archief. De verborgen geschiedenis van de eerste Gentse vrouwelijke vrijmetselaar, Céline Dangotte (1883-1975)",VABB-1,18,25,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282747,,Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses: systematic review,VABB-1,b3675,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282748,,"Implementation of a program for type 2 diabetes based on the Chronic Care Model in a hospital-centered health care system: ""the Belgian experience""",VABB-1,AR152,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282768,,Investigating the impact of Roman urbanisation on the landscape of the Potenza Valley. A Report on Fieldwork in 2007.,VABB-1,85,110,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282769,,Kiezen voor onlinehulp - wie kent de weg en spreekt de taal?,VABB-1,1,12,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282823,,Is container liner shipping an oligopoly?,VABB-1,259,270,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282902,,On the elimination of bias averaging-errors in proxy records,VABB-1,129,144,-,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282921,,Cash holdings of small private family firms: evidence on the effect of generational evolution,VABB-5,298,305,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282924,,Feasibility and reliability of PRISMA-Medical for specialty-based incident analysis,VABB-1,486,494,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282926,,"Determining the value of business partnerships, An Intellectual Capital Approach to Value Drivers of Partnership Performance",VABB-1,20,34,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282930,,"Het imago van de accountant, gemeten bij de Vlaamse eerstejaarsstudenten",VABB-1,3,28,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282932,,"De invloeden op het imago van de accountant, gemeten bij de Vlaamse eerstejaarsstudenten (dl 2)",VABB-1,3,26,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282933,,Corporate investments and financing constraints: unraveling investment-cash flow sensitivities,VABB-1,461,488,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282936,,Private Family Ownership and the Agency Costs of Debt,VABB-1,333,346,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282959,,Bestuurskracht binnenshuis. Doorwerking van het Gemeentedecreet op bestuurskracht van Vlaamse gemeenten.,VABB-1,303,332,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282960,,Authoring systems delivering reusable learning objects,VABB-1,37,42,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282963,,Comparison of Discretization Methods for Preprocessing Data for Pyramidal Growing Network Classification Method,VABB-1,31,40,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282968,,A generalized multiple layer data envelopment analysis model,VABB-5,215,220,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282970,,Travel Time Evaluation of an innovative U-turn facility on urban arterial roadways,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282972,,Description and robustness of an aggregation method for a European road safety data set,VABB-5,197,202,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282973,,Measuring and Estimating Suppressed Travel with Enhanced Activity-Travel Diaries,VABB-1,57,63,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282975,,Considering Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Perform Adaptable Knowledge Structures,VABB-5,88,93,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282976,,"""PaGaNe"" - A classification machine learning system based on the multidimensional numbered information spaces",VABB-5,279,286,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282977,,Integrating rough sets with neural networks for weighting road safety performance indicators,VABB-5,60,67,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282979,,Activity Travel Planning and Rescheduling Behavior: Empirical Analysis of Influencing Factors,VABB-1,135,142,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:282980,,Les entreprises belges face à la diversité culturelle et langagière de l'Europe,VABB-1,149,162,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:282986,,De volle rechtsmachtbevoegdheid van de Raad voor Vreemdelingenbetwistingen in asielzaken. Eén jaar rechtspraak (juni 2007-augustus 2008) in een breder perspectief,VABB-1,190,204,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282989,,Recent Developments in European Policy Regarding Brownfield Remediation,VABB-1,256,262,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282992,,De relatie tussen de REACH-Verordening en de (Europese) regelgeving inzake afvalstoffen,VABB-1,243,254,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:282993,,Belgium,VABB-4,533,539,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:282998,,Bodemsanering in de drie Gewesten: een vergelijkend overzicht van de recente bodemsaneringsregels,VABB-1,155,198,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:283001,,De Duitstalige Gemeenschap en de bescherming van het onroerend erfgoed,VABB-1,25,45,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:283003,,De bescherming van stads- en dorpsgezichten: een moeilijke evenwichtsoefening,VABB-1,330,340,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:283009,,Sprokies is nie waar nie: Die donker god van Fransi Phillips,VABB-1,70,82,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:283022,,A local search heuristic for the pre- and end-haulage of intermodal container terminals,VABB-1,2763,2772,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283024,,A simulation optimisation approach for inventory management decision support based on incomplete information,VABB-1,93,96,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283025,,A dynamic activity-based population modelling approach to evaluate exposure to air pollution: Methods and application to a Dutch urban area,VABB-1,179,185,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283028,,Time Petri nets as an evaluation tool for handling travel time uncertainty in vehicle routing solutions,VABB-1,5987,5991,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283100,,The contribution of activity-based transport models to air quality modelling: A validation of the ALBATROSS-AURORA model chain,VABB-1,3814,3822,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283102,,Container storage and transshipment marine terminals,VABB-1,771,786,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283103,,Modelling Traffic Flow with Constant Speed using the Galerkin Finite Element Method,VABB-5,993,999,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283108,,Disaggregation of nation-wide dynamic population exposure estimates in The Netherlands: Applications of activity-based transport models,VABB-1,5454,5462,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283123,,Road Pricing as an Impetus for Environment-Friendly Travel Behavior Results from a Stated Adaptation Experiment,VABB-1,50,59,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283137,,An integrated activity-based modelling framework to assess vehicle emissions: approach and application,VABB-1,1086,1102,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283169,,Endophytic Bacteria and their Potential Application to Improve the Phytoremediation of Contaminated Environments,VABB-1,175,207,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283236,,FIELD NOTE: HYDRAULIC CONTAINMENT OF A BTEX PLUME USING POPLAR TREES,VABB-1,416,424,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283251,,Phytoremediation: plant-endophyte partnerships take the challenge Phytoremediation: plant-endophyte partnerships take the challenge,VABB-1,248,254,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283273,,Genome Survey and Characterization of Endophytic Bacteria Exhibiting a Beneficial Effect on Growth and Development of Poplar Trees,VABB-1,748,757,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283292,,ENDOPHYTIC BACTERIA FROM SEEDS OF NICOTIANA TABACUM CAN REDUCE CADMIUM PHYTOTOXICITY,VABB-1,251,267,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283334,,Higher circulating levels of IGF-1 are associated with longer leukocyte telomere length in healthy subjects,VABB-1,771,776,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283335,,Nutrient Supply Rate and Mycorrhizal Colonization Control Patterns of Element Distribution in Ectomycorrhizal Pine,VABB-1,3503,3523,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283336,,Bioaugmentation with Engineered Endophytic Bacteria Improves Contaminant Fate in Phytoremediation,VABB-1,9413,9418,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283338,,Cd-tolerant Suillus luteus: A fungal insurance for pines exposed to Cd,VABB-1,1581,1588,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283340,,Exploiting plant-microbe partnerships to improve biomass production and remediation,VABB-1,591,598,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283341,,Bacteria associated with oak and ash on a TCE-contaminated site: characterization of isolates with potential to avoid evapotranspiration of TCE,VABB-1,830,843,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283342,,Oxidative stress-related responses at transcriptional and enzymatic levels after exposure to Cd or Cu in a multipollution context,VABB-1,1982,1992,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283343,,Poplar and its Bacterial Endophytes: Coexistence and Harmony,VABB-1,346,358,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283345,,C-reactive protein: a new predictor of adverse outcome in pulmonary arterial hypertension,VABB-1,1211,1218,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283350,,Phytoremediation of contaminated soils and groundwater: lessons from the field,VABB-1,765,794,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283351,,Oxidative properties of ambient PM2.5 and elemental composition: Heterogeneous associations in 19 European cities,VABB-1,4595,4602,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283354,,Effect of Copper on Antioxidant Enzyme Activities and Mineral Nutrition of White Lupin Plants Grown in Nutrient Solution,VABB-1,1882,1900,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283355,,Selection of plastid- and nuclear-encoded reference genes to study the effect of altered endogenous cytokinin content on photosynthesis genes in Nicotiana tabacum,VABB-1,21,29,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283365,,Collateral and credit rationing: a review of recent studies as a guide for future research,VABB-1,924,946,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283385,,Integration of prospective and retrospective methods for risk analysis in hospitals,VABB-1,427,432,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283392,,A model showing the increase in time of the average and median reference age and the decrease in time of the Price index,VABB-1,243,248,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:283397,,The theorem of Fellman and Jakobsson: a new proof and dual theroy,VABB-1,1595,1605,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283400,,A rationale for the Hirsch-index rank-order distribution and a comparison with the impact factor rank-order distribution,VABB-1,2142,2144,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283407,,Empirical series of journal h-indices: the JCR category Horticulture as a case study,VABB-1,59,74,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283450,,Metrics for the design of business components with low coupling and high cohesion,VABB-1,127,150,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:283459,,Service innovations and electronic word-of-mouth: is it worth listening to?,VABB-1,249,265,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283469,,Customer self-efficacy in self-service technology: assessing between- and within-person differences,VABB-1,407,428,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283477,,Determinants of fashion store personality. A consumer perspective,VABB-1,346,355,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:283522,,The Role of Alliance Network Redundancy in the Creation of Core and Non-core Technologies,VABB-1,215,244,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283523,,Innovation for growth in mature industries: Solvay's influenza business,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:283524,,Modelling uncertainty in customer/supplier cooperation for technology-based radical innovation,VABB-4,139,163,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:283525,,"The Relationships between Foreign Competition, Absorptive Capacity and Pioneering Innovation: An Empirical Investigation in Canada",VABB-1,105,138,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:283526,,Innovation for growth in mature industries: Solvay's influenza business,VABB-1,117,142,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:283527,,The effects of inter-industry and country difference in supplier relationships on pioneering innovations,VABB-1,843,858,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283529,,Toward a dynamic perspective on open innovation: A longitudinal assessment of the adoption of internal and external innovation strategies in the Netherlands,VABB-1,177,200,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:283546,,An evaluation of graduated driver licensing programs in North America using a meta-analytic approach,VABB-1,1104,1111,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283555,,Investigating the Variability in Daily Traffic Counts Through Use of ARIMAX and SARIMAX Models Assessing the Effect of Holidays on Two Site Locations,VABB-1,57,66,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:283561,,Exposure of cyclists to ultra fine particles,VABB-5,115,122,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:287350,,Using transaction cost economics to explain outsourcing of accounting,VABB-1,93,112,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287458,,The sensory-discriminative and affective-motivational aspects of pain,VABB-1,214,222,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287468,,Optimizing and balancing operational manning levels and SHEQ within chemical companies,VABB-1,60,70,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287474,,The marketing mix: a helicopter view,VABB-4,185,208,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287482,,A game-theoretical approach for reciprocal security-related prevention investment decisions,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287505,,"Psychopathology among children and adolescents in child welfare: a comparison across different types of placement in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,353,359,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287508,,A novel methodology for evaluating the change of existing operational staffing levels (MCSL) in the chemical industry,VABB-1,179,185,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287509,,Integrating reflexivity in liverlihoods research,VABB-1,211,231,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:287527,,Does the need for linguistic expression constitute a problem to be solved?,VABB-1,15,36,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287543,,University research for sustainable development: definition and characteristics explored,VABB-1,620,636,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287544,,"Renewable energy costs, potentials, barriers: conceptual issues",VABB-1,850,861,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287560,,"Researching interest group politics in Europe and elswhere: much we study, little we know?",VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287561,,"Policy issues, organisational format and the political strategies of interest organisations",VABB-4,86,109,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287562,,Embedding interest group research: conclusion,VABB-4,190,2000,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287563,,Interest group politics in Europe,VABB-3,,,208 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287579,,Het beoordelen van de prestaties van netwerken: aanzet tot een analysekader,VABB-1,35,55,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287582,,**D**-optimal conjoint choice designs with no-choice options for a nested logit model,VABB-1,851,861,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287586,,Predicting the past: memory based copyist and author discrimination in medieval epics,VABB-5,121,128,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287587,,"What location policy can bring to sustainable commuting: an empirical study in Brussels and Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,691,701,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287588,,Schneider IV: the Commission can indeed be liable for its merger decisions... if the conditions for liability are satisfied,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287589,,"IW - ""The man who lost his body""",VABB-4,519,543,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287594,,The impact of ideology on the organizational adoption of open source software,VABB-4,160,175,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287596,,Multi-plant safety and security management in the chemical and process industries,VABB-2,,,272 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287598,,From multi-porting to a hub port configuration: the South African container port system in transition,VABB-1,224,245,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287599,,Assessing prosodic disorder in five European languages,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287600,,Opvattingen over het overgangsrecht van de Echtscheidingswet 2007: het grondwettelijk Hof slat en zalft (noot onder GwH 18 juni 2009 en GwH 16 juli 2009),VABB-1,869,872,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287606,,Income dynamics after divorce: a latent growth model of income change on the European Community Household panel,VABB-1,85,107,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287608,,"A research journey into enterprise governance of IT, business/IT alignment and value creation",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287609,,Analysing the impract of enterprise governance of IT practices and business performance,VABB-1,14,38,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287610,,Institutional economics: an introduction,VABB-2,,,393 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287617,,A memetic algorithm for bi-objective integrated forward/reverse logistics network design,VABB-1,1100,1112,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287619,,L'antichauve (Chateaubriand),VABB-1,111,121,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:287620,,On the system optimum of traffic assignment in **M/G/c/c** state-dependent queueing networks,VABB-1,183,193,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287625,,Grand jeu et jeux étrangères: la poétique du vitrail chez André Dhôtel,VABB-4,73,81,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:287626,,Commuting in Belgian metropolitan areas: the power of the Alonso-model,VABB-1,109,131,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287628,,Gender equality and new aid modalities: is love really in the air?,VABB-1,97,117,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287630,,The financial situation of the football clubs in the Belgian Jupiler League: are players overpaid in a win-maximization league?,VABB-1,67,71,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287636,,Project management by Multimoora as an instrument for transition economies,VABB-1,5,24,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:287637,,Design and analysis of industrial strip-plot experiments,VABB-1,127,136,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:287638,,"Peasants, power and ethnicity: a bottom-up perspective on Rwanda's political transition",VABB-1,273,292,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287639,,"Ecology of national rule birth: a longitudinal study of Dutch higher education law, 1960-2004",VABB-1,187,213,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287641,,Comorbide angststoornissen en stoornissen in alcoholgebruik bij bipolaire I-stoornis; onderzoek in een Vlaamse populatie,VABB-1,69,78,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287644,,Prohibition: constructions and markers,VABB-4,443,475,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287645,,Vantages on scales: a study of Russian dimensional adjectives,VABB-1,241,258,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287647,,Overheidsaansprakelijkheid in verband met de uitvoering van het regeerakkoord van 18 maart 2008,VABB-1,42,52,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287648,,Effectiveness criteria in school effectiveness studies: further research on the choice for a multivariate model,VABB-1,81,96,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287649,,The impact of instructional development in higher education: the state-of-the-art of the research,VABB-1,25,49,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287663,,"Het Wiesbadense handschrift: Handschrift Wiesbaden, Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, 3004 B 10",VABB-3,,,698 p.,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:287664,,La restructuration des paradigmes des déterminants au 16e siècle: l'histoire se répète?,VABB-4,293,309,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:287665,,How to estimate the value at risk under incomplete information,VABB-1,2213,2226,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287666,,Going beyond paradiplomacy? Adding historical institutionalism to account for regional foreign policy competences,VABB-1,151,171,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287668,,The evolution of spin-off ventures: an integrated model,VABB-1,53,70,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287672,,Small state diplomacy compared to sub-state diplomacy: more of the same or different?,VABB-4,31,45,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287673,,Comment introduire le télétravail?,VABB-1,46,87,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:287676,,Written narations by 8- to 10-year-old Turkish pupils in flemish primary education: a follow-up of seven text features,VABB-1,20,38,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287679,,Dynamic interrelationships in returns and volatilities between Capesize and Panamax markets,VABB-1,65,90,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287683,,An external domino effects investment approach to improve cross-plant safety within chemical clusters,VABB-1,167,174,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287684,,Obtaining more information from conjoint experiments by best-worst choices,VABB-1,1426,1433,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287686,,Foreland-based regionalization: integrating intermediate hubs with port hinterlands,VABB-1,19,29,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287688,,The economics behind the awarding of terminals in seaports: towards a research agenda,VABB-1,37,50,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287689,,"Falsch Freunde: warum sich die Modalverben must, müssen und moeten nicht entsprechen",VABB-4,133,148,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:287690,,Funktionale Grammatik: Konzepte und Theorien,VABB-2,,,251 p.,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:287693,,"Predictors of uptake of human immunodeficiency virus testing by tuberculosis patients in Free State Province, South Africa",VABB-1,399,405,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287696,,"Cross-border acquisition abandonment and completion: The effect of institutional differences and organizational learning in the international business service industry, 1981-2001",VABB-1,223,245,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287699,,Pratiques et directives evidence-based dans laide proposée aux toxicomanes : recommandations pour leur mise en application en Belgique,VABB-1,19,24,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:287703,,Do national activation measures stand the test of European law on the free movement of workers and jobseekers,VABB-1,81,103,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287706,,Belastingheffing over een minimummaatstaf van heffing bij de oprichting van gebouwen,VABB-1,200,207,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287708,,Psychoanalyse in tijden van evidence-based medicine: over de ideologische druk op de psychoanalyse,VABB-1,3,14,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287709,,"Power-sharing, conflict and transition in Burundi: twenty years of trial and error",VABB-1,63,86,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:287710,,The management of accounting numbers: case study evidence from the 'crash' of an airline,VABB-1,3,38,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287714,,Geen onderzoeksmachten in de gerechtelijke fiscale procedure,VABB-1,83,86,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287717,,"The grunkin and Paul Judgment of the ECJ, or How to strike a delicate balance between conflict of laws, union citizenship and freedom of movement in the EC",VABB-1,186,201,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287718,,Regional sub-state diplomacy today: introduction,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287719,,"Regional sub-state diplomacy from a comparative perspective: Quebec, Scotland, Bavaria, Catalonia, Wallonia and Flanders",VABB-1,37,64,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287721,,Principled monism and the normative Coercion of Coercion under international law,VABB-4,230,252,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287723,,"Joyce, the master craftsman: Frank Budgen and the making of the 'Wake'",VABB-4,24,32,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287724,,"From brotherhood community to civil society? Apprentices between guild, household and the freedom of contract in early modern Antwerp",VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287725,,Politici aan het woord,VABB-1,173,197,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287726,,The ideal mayor seen through the eyes of children: a Belgian case study in persception politics,VABB-1,177,193,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287728,,L'assiette des fictions : enquêtes sur l'autoréflexivité romanesque : actes des colloques de Lausanne (mars 2007) et de Leuven (juin 2007),VABB-3,,,485 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:287729,,"Les ""commencements d'amour"" d'Artaxandre: à propos d'un épisode de Clélie",VABB-4,117,130,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:287730,,Een analyse van de impact van onderwijskundige professionalisering: implicaties voor het beleidsmatig ondersteunen van de professionele ontwikkeling van docenten hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,236,245,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287732,,Knowledge diffusion through publications and citations: A case study using ESI-fields as unit of diffusion,VABB-1,340,351,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287733,,Op zoek naar een succesvolle redding van het richtlijnvoorstel consumentenrechten?,VABB-1,44,51,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287734,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,56,60,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287735,,Approaches tot teaching in higher education: validation of a dutch version of the approaches to teaching inventory,VABB-1,59,73,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287736,,Where is the reference? On the limited role of transnational dialogue in Belgian refugee law,VABB-4,17,34,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287737,,Aspects of virtuality in the meaning of the French imparfait,VABB-1,487,524,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:287738,,Klokkenluiden in het bedrijfsleven: privacyaspecten,VABB-1,21,39,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287743,,Mosaic and regulation phenomena during the early formation of the chick blastoderm,VABB-1,"572502,1","572501,10",,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287744,,De dunne lijn tussen belastingontwijking en belastingontduiking?,VABB-1,4,42,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287753,,Working class voices from late nineteenth century: 'propaganda pence' in a socialist paper in Ghent,VABB-1,133,146,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287754,,Some ISIS- software history and technical background on the new FOSS integrated library system ABCD,VABB-1,324,335,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287755,,Monitoring and evaluation reform under changing aid modalities,VABB-4,222,243,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287756,,"Correcting text production errors: isolating the effects of writing mode from error span, input mode, and lexicality",VABB-1,189,227,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287757,,Vegetarians or carnivores? Standards of living and diet in late medieval Flanders,VABB-5,495,527,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287770,,Ivo Michiels: het literatuurkritisch werk in Het Handelsblad,VABB-3,,,511 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287773,,Le marquer de l'allocatif pluriel dans les langues bantoues,VABB-4,119,141,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:287779,,Artaud and Fabre,VABB-1,36,47,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:287781,,Efficiënt handhaven van consumentenrechten,VABB-1,78,90,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287784,,Una Beatrice irregolare: l'aneddoto storico dei Cenci in alcune riscritture italiane,VABB-1,91,100,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:287787,,Spraakzaamheid van Nederlandstalige baby's en peuters: longitudinale spontane spraakdata,VABB-1,12,23,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287788,,Where never before: Beckett's poetics of elsewhere / La poétique de l'ailleurs,VABB-3,,,257 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:287789,,Beckett's principle of reversibility: chiasmus and the 'shape of ideas',VABB-4,179,192,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:287790,,Editie en/of archief: moderne manuscripten in een digitale architectuur,VABB-1,163,178,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:287791,,"Figures of script: the development of Beckett's short prose and the ""Aesthetic of inaudibilities""",VABB-4,244,262,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287801,,Involving the process dimensions of time in case-based research,VABB-1,91,99,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287803,,La spécificité émotionnelle des métiers de soins,VABB-1,179,197,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:287807,,When do women get a voice? Explaining the presence of female news sources in Belgian news broadcasts (20035),VABB-1,69,84,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287808,,Comparative North American and European gateway logistics: the regionalism of freight distribution,VABB-1,497,507,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287809,,Concentration and the formation of multi-port gateway regions in the European container port system: an update,VABB-1,567,583,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287813,,The demographic and socio-economic distribution of excess mortality during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda,VABB-1,141,162,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287815,,Complete enumeration of pure-level and mixed-level orthogonal arrays,VABB-1,123,140,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287816,,"""I"" and the ""Other"": the relevance of Wittgenstein, Buber and Levinas for an understanding of AA's recovery program in David Foster Wallace's Infinite jest",VABB-1,132,145,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:287818,,Humor 'from below' aan het einde van de 19e eeuw: socialisten en 'strijdpenning' in 'Vooruit',VABB-1,31,47,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287819,,"Hugo Grotius quomodo Taciti Germania aliisque fontibus antiquis usus sit in opusculo, C.T. ""De origine gentium Americanarum""",VABB-1,2,13,,lat,2010,2 c:vabb:287821,,Urban and rural language,VABB-4,315,331,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287823,,Imperatives of visual versus auditory perception as pragmatic markers in English and Dutch,VABB-1,74,94,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287827,,paardenboeren in Vlaanderen: middelaars en commercialisering van de vroegmoderne rurale economie in de regio Aalst,VABB-1,3,37,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287839,,Using the DEMO methodology for modeling open source software development processes,VABB-1,656,671,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287840,,One counter and your own account: redefining illicit labour in early modern Antwerp,VABB-1,26,44,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287841,,Personality rights in European tort law,VABB-3,,,620 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287842,,Optimum designs versus orthogonal arrays for main effects and two-factor interactions,VABB-1,197,208,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287851,,De schriftelijke ontnemingsvordering: een maat voor niets,VABB-1,131,134,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287855,,Calvinist pilgrimages and popish encounters: religious identity and sacred space on the Dutch Grand Tour (1598-1685),VABB-1,615,634,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287860,,Spinoza on ceremonial observances and the moral function of religion,VABB-1,51,64,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287863,,A cross-national perspective on youth environmental attitudes,VABB-1,133,144,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287864,,Do schools make a difference in their students' environmental attitudes and awareness? Evidence from PISA 2006,VABB-1,497,522,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287867,,It's the language of film! Young film audiences on Hollywood and Europe,VABB-4,421,436,-,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:287876,,Traditie of transitie? Een cohortanalyse van de Belgische arbeidsmarkt tussen 1931 en 2002,VABB-1,93,114,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287877,,De gevaren van partiële bibliometrische evaluatie in de sociale wetenschappen,VABB-1,6,22,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287884,,Discursive dynamics in gender equality politics: what about 'feminist taboos'?,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287890,,The Benelux countries: how politicization upset a pro-integration coalition' in Carbone,VABB-4,144,163,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287891,,Oxytocin and cooperation under uncertainty: the moderating influence of incentives and social information,VABB-1,368,374,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287892,,Inducing cooperative behavior among proselfs versus prosociales: the moderating role of incentives and trust,VABB-1,799,824,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287894,,The national strategic plan of South Africa: what are the prospects of success against the backdrop ot he repeated failure of previoux AIDS policy?,VABB-1,171,185,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287895,,De houdbaarheid van het Belgische naamrecht,VABB-1,1759,1849,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:287897,,Jean-Claude Monod and the historical heritage of secularization theory,VABB-1,27,50,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287900,,Scheiding der machten: de verhouding tussen rechter en politiek in Belgie,VABB-1,96,118,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287902,,The burden of the absurd: Camus on the problem of suicide,VABB-1,65,84,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287907,,Hugo Claus en Het lied van de moordenaar,VABB-1,63,85,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287910,,The functional method of comparative law: Quo vadis?,VABB-1,318,350,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287915,,Samenloop van grondrechten: artikel 26 § 4 van de Bijzondere Wet op op het Arbitragehof,VABB-1,130,135,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287917,,The emergence of the definite article: **ille** in competition with **ipse** in Late Latin,VABB-4,241,275,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287918,,Going beyond paradiplomacy? Adding historical institutionalism to account for regional foreign policy competences,VABB-4,151,172,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287921,,Over de Haagse Conferentie en het Europese IPR,VABB-1,94,102,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:287923,,Determinants of corporate financial disclosure in an unregulated environment: evidence from the early 20th century,VABB-1,7,34,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287924,,De Belgische investeringen in het buitenland en hun rendement in de periode 1870-1913: een kwantificering aan de hand van de beurswaarde van de ondernemingen,VABB-1,189,210,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:287925,,Congestion and the welfare effects of transport tax reform: the role of employer-paid parking for the relative benefits of different recycling instruments,VABB-1,213,233,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:287926,,Instructional development for teachers in higher education: impact on teaching approach,VABB-1,187,204,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287937,,"From consociational consciousness to majoritarian myth: consciationalism, multi-level politics and the Belgian case of Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde",VABB-1,346,369,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287939,,Optimal two-level conjoint designs with constant attributes in the profile sets,VABB-1,3035,3046,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287955,,De wijziging van de lastenverdeling in het appartementsrecht: het Hof van Cassatie brengt (een beetje) duidelijkheid (noot onder Cass. 3 april 2008),VABB-1,801,804,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:287957,,Main developments in immovable securities in French and Belgian law: a development from tradition to modernity,VABB-4,201,215,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:287967,,Levenslooprisico's: werk overlevingspensioen en het armoederisico bij Belgische weduwen,VABB-1,659,681,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:287968,,"Les aléas de la vie: travail, pension de survie et risque de pauvreté chez les veuves en Belgiques",VABB-1,649,672,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:287969,,A management of change approach for assessing and evaluating operational staffing levels (MocESL) in chemical plants,VABB-1,885,893,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287971,,REACH implementation costs in the Belgian food industry: a semi-qualitative study,VABB-1,81,88,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:287982,,Family business succession and its impact on financial structure and performance,VABB-1,131,147,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287984,,One money and sixteen needs: has the ECB's monetary policy become more balanced towards the needs of the member states?,VABB-1,43,60,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287998,,Modelling simultaneous echo waveform reconstruction and localization in bats,VABB-1,94,100,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:287999,,On population encoding and decoding of auditory information for bat echolocation,VABB-1,311,326,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288003,,Determinants of EU antidumping actions against East Asian countries,VABB-1,291,305,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288004,,The competitive position of a developing economy: the role of foreign direct investment in Cambodia,VABB-4,244,272,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288005,,The impact of EU antidumping measures on third country,VABB-4,516,528,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288006,,Explorative study on the influence of national cultures on business/IT alignment maturity,VABB-1,26,46,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288007,,Prioritising and linking business goals and IT goals in the financial sector,VABB-1,47,67,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288009,,Destination manual worker of clerk? Ethnic differences in the transition from school to work,VABB-1,343,356,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288015,,Incidental foreign language acquisition from media exposure,VABB-1,65,85,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288016,,English in advertising: generic intertextuality in a globalizing media environment,VABB-1,115,135,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288017,,Regional sub-state diplomacy today,VABB-3,,,210 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288018,,Regional sub-state diplomacy today: introduction,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288019,,"Regional sub-state diplomacy from a comparative perspective: Quebec, Scotland, Bavaria, Catalonia, Wallonia and Flanders",VABB-4,37,64,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288020,,The rise (and fall?) of American conservatism,VABB-1,588,594,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288021,,Supplemental health insurance and equality of access in Belgium,VABB-1,377,395,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288024,,Determinants of sell-side financial analysts' use of non-financial information,VABB-1,39,53,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288026,,De relatie tussen het intern gebruik van de accountinginformatie en de bedrijfsprestaties bij kleine Belgische ondernemingen,VABB-1,3,19,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288027,,Internal fraud risk reduction by data mining and process mining,VABB-1,21,32,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288031,,"De invloeden op het imago van de accountant, gemeten bij de Vlaamse eerstejaarsstudenten",VABB-1,3,26,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288032,,Adolescents' environmental worldview and personality: an explorative study,VABB-1,109,117,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:288036,,Conceptual and methodological challenges in the study of European socialization,VABB-1,911,922,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288044,,Voorrang van de Europese bevoegdheidsbronnen op het nationaal IPR (noot onder Hof van Beroep 25 mei 2009),VABB-1,1609,1612,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288045,,De mogelijkheid tot en de grenzen aan een rechtskeuze in een schenking voor een Belgische notaris,VABB-1,36,55,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288046,,Analysis of a monetary union enlargement in the framework of linear-quadratic differential games,VABB-1,135,156,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288047,,Schoolzelfevaluatie in Nederland en Vlaanderen,VABB-1,283,298,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288049,,Pride and prejudice in the judiciary: an analysis of the Belgian High Council of Justice in the light,VABB-1,236,253,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288050,,Staatkundige resistentie,VABB-1,252,256,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288051,,De scheiding der machten tussen feit en fictie. Of: waarom het soms goed is om in de leugen te leven,VABB-1,280,286,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288056,,Het Prins Leopold Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde te Antwerpen: een overzicht,VABB-1,116,129,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288057,,Quantifying the development of inflectional diversity,VABB-1,175,198,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288058,,Laboratory NIE: mutations in progress,VABB-1,97,109,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288063,,Do we understand life after genocide? Center and periphery in the construction of knowledge on Rwanda,VABB-1,41,59,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288065,,Child benefit support and method of payment: evidence from a randomized experiment in Belgium,VABB-1,163,184,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288072,,Mobility management measures by employers: overview and exploratory analysis for Belgium,VABB-1,121,141,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288082,,"Short sea shipping, intermodality and parameters influencing pricing policies: the Mediterranean case",VABB-1,47,67,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288085,,"Institutional constraints and ecological processes: evolution of foreign-invested enterprises in the Chinese construction industry, 1993-2006",VABB-1,539,556,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288086,,A general framework for estimating multidimensional contingency fit,VABB-1,540,553,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288088,,Transfer of training: the role of feedback in supportive networks,VABB-1,81,94,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288109,,Economic analysis of the profitability of energy-saving architectural measures for the achievement of the EPB-standard,VABB-1,2965,2971,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288111,,Comedy taste: highbrow/lowbrow comedy and cultural capital,VABB-1,49,72,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288112,,Peace operations and the protection of cultural property during and after armed conflict,VABB-1,3,16,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288116,,Op weg naar een leerbehoeftegericht NT2-aanbod voor de anderstaligen in Vlaanderen?,VABB-1,299,313,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288119,,Wat met de wet? De impact van parlement en kabinet op de kwaliteit van Vlaamse regelgeving,VABB-1,3,17,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288125,,Enkele aspecten van het verhaal van het OCMW op de gehuwde onderhoudsplichtigen (noot onder Brussel 1 december 2009),VABB-1,105,112,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288134,,"Annotatie bij EHJ, 6 oktober 2009, Wolzenburg, zaak C-123/08",VABB-1,170,176,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288135,,"Case C-123/08, Dominic Wolzenburg, Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 6 October 2009",VABB-1,831,843,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288137,,Kenniscentrum kinderrechten,VABB-1,83,87,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288138,,"The optional protocol to the International covenant on economic, social and cultural rights: an ex ante assessment of its effectiveness in light of the drafting process",VABB-1,207,237,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288151,,Pragmatics,VABB-4,83,94,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288157,,Involvement of T-cell receptor-$eta$ alterations in the development of otosclerosis linked to **OTSC2**,VABB-1,246,253,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288161,,"De Wet Verwilghen m.b.t. private ziekteverzekeringsovereenkomsten: enkele stappen voorwaarts, enkele stappen achterwaarts",VABB-1,1626,1634,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288164,,Eerlijk (be)loon(d)? Vertrouwen in beloningsmanagement in tijden van crisis,VABB-1,5,23,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288165,,Utilitair individualisme en vakbondsparticipatie in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,184,196,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288167,,"CEO pay as a reflection of power or performance: an empirical test for The Netherlands, 2002-2006",VABB-1,157,173,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288170,,Continental welfare at a crossroads: the choice between activation and minimum income protection in Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-4,129,155,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288175,,"Column: 'Meten' is 'weten', en binnen economie en arbeidsbestel dan?",VABB-1,436,439,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288180,,Towards deterministically constructing organizations based on the normalized systems approach: global perspectives on design science research,VABB-5,242,257,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288181,,Aligning the constructs of enterprise ontology and normalized systems,VABB-5,1,15,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288182,,A field study on the barriers in the assimilation of open source server software,VABB-5,281,293,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288185,,Diego Duarte II (1612-1691): a **converso**' experience in seventeenth-century Antwerp,VABB-1,169,193,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288186,,Cinco zambullidas en **boat people**,VABB-1,94,105,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288189,,The Arnhem mystical sermons in context: introduction,VABB-1,5,16,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288190,,De historische verankering van het **sanctorale** in de **Arnhemse mystieke preken**,VABB-1,64,100,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288191,,"The three births of Christ and the Christmas liturgy in **the Temple of our soul**, **the Evangelical pearl** and the **Arnhem mystical sermons**",VABB-1,121,137,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288192,,Early formation of the coelomo-cardiovascular complex in the chick blastoderm,VABB-1,65,73,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288193,,Grasping the dynamic complexity of team learning: an integrative model for effective team learning in organisations,VABB-1,111,133,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288194,,Artsen en opvoedingsvragen van ouders: evidence-based antwoorden,VABB-1,441,446,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288195,,Der ehrgeizige Jüngste: Erzherzog Albrecht und die Nachfolge Rudolfs II,VABB-1,103,139,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:288202,,A chunk-driven bootstrapping approach to extracting translation patterns,VABB-5,394,405,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288203,,Evaluation of translation technology,VABB-3,,,261 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288205,,Prototype-based active learning for lemmatization,VABB-5,65,70,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288207,,De uitwinningsvergoeding van de handelsagent en de invloed van rechtmatige mededinging (noot onder Cass. 5 november 2009),VABB-1,1781,1784,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288211,,De S-BVBA: goede of valse start,VABB-1,1714,1726,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288213,,Strategische beleidsvorming in Vlaamse steden: het stakeholder paradigma in kaart gebracht,VABB-1,20,29,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288215,,Do the media shape parties agenda preferences? An empirical study of party manifestos in Belgium (1987-2003),VABB-4,44,64,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288217,,Taxes and occupation: in search of social class in the 16th-century Low Countries,VABB-1,179,214,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288218,,Impacts of unit-level nurse practice environment and burnout on nurse-reported outcomes: a multilevel modelling approach,VABB-1,1664,1674,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288220,,Sexual behavior in male adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder and borderline/mild mental retardation,VABB-1,93,104,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288221,,Performance management in the public sector,VABB-2,,,198 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288222,,Port competition revisited,VABB-1,210,232,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288224,,A versatile framework for cooperative hub network development,VABB-1,210,227,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288225,,Messianic endgames in German-Jewish expressionist literature,VABB-5,342,358,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:288226,,"Omgaan met religie en religieuze diversiteit in een geseculariseerde samenleving: actuele pijnpunten, uitdagingen en perspectieven",VABB-1,231,245,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288229,,The effect of instruction type and dyadic or individual emulation on the quality of higher-order peer feedback in EFL,VABB-1,316,327,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288232,,Alison Des forges and Rwanda: from engaged scholarship to informed activism,VABB-1,35,74,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288233,,Role of communities in HIV/AIDS care,VABB-1,1275,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288240,,Medical communication in L1 and L2 contexts: comparative modification analysis,VABB-1,103,129,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288241,,De terugkeer van het mattheuseffect? De casus van de kinderopvang in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,151,163,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288246,,"Le rapport entre les Règlements européens en matière de procédure (en particulier celle relative aux petites créances) et le droit judiciaire interne belge, colloque du 20 mars 2009",VABB-1,5,30,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288249,,"Het recht inzake meerpartijenverhoudingen in het Ontwerp-GRK vergeleken met het Belgische recht (vertegenwoordiging, derdenbeding, cessie, subrogatie, borgtocht, garantie, delegatie)",VABB-1,1039,1112,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288261,,The structure of the law on multiparty-situations in the 2009 Draft Common Frame of Reference,VABB-1,531,557,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288262,,How to build alliance capability: a life cycle approach,VABB-4,173,200,-,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288264,,Een richtlijn consumentenrechten zonder een gemeenschappelijk referentiekader?,VABB-1,25,35,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288265,,"Belgian report on class actions"", Belgian National report for the Conference ""The Globalization of Class Actions"" (Oxford 13-14.12.2007)",VABB-1,95,104,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288267,,"Tegenwerpelijke verbintenissen bij samenloop? Wat niet bezwaart, moet niet worden gelicht! (noot onder Hof Gent 16 april 2009",VABB-1,1479,1483,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288280,,In fouten ben ik volmaakt: over Mijn tegenstem (1973) van Hugues C. Pernath,VABB-4,52,59,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288294,,"Evaluating media literacy education: concepts, theories and future directions",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288298,,Impact evaluation and interventions to address climate change: a scoping study,VABB-1,228,262,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288300,,Verklankt verleden: Vlaamse muziektheaterwerken uit de negentiende eeuw (1830-1914): tekst en representatie,VABB-2,,,230 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288302,,Zur Aktualität von Walter Benjamins messianistischem Erbe: Giorgio Agamben und andere Anwärter,VABB-4,213,238,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:288303,,On the diachrony of negation,VABB-4,73,109,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288304,,Bescherming van de band tussen broers en zussen bij en na vaststelling van de verblijfsregeling (noot onder Brussel 12 mei 2009),VABB-1,286,293,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288317,,Venetië in de ogen van pelgrims: stedelijkheid en stadservaring in laatmiddeleeuwse reisverhalen uit de Nederlanden,VABB-1,134,147,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:288320,,Urbanism,VABB-4,1670,1675,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288327,,La poésie par le théâtre avec Gontran Damas,VABB-1,132,141,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288328,,Une heure pour l'éternité: entretien avec Jean-Claude Fignolé,VABB-1,15,22,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288329,,One hour for eternity: a conversation with Jean-Claude Fignolé,VABB-1,8,14,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288330,,"Religion, democracy and the empty shrine of pluralism: some reminders",VABB-4,101,110,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288331,,Plusquamperfektkonstruktionen mit Modalverb im Deutschen,VABB-4,47,66,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:288332,,Injunctions at the request of third parties in EU competition Law,VABB-1,58,86,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288335,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de rechtspraak van het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens (2008-2009),VABB-1,90,102,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288337,,Opening the research agenda for selection of hot spots for human biomonitoring research in Belgium: a participatory research project,VABB-1,"33,1","33,38",,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288339,,MATLAB library LIBRA,VABB-1,509,515,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288341,,Diversity matters: immigrant entrepreneurship and contribution of different forms of social integration in economic performance of cities,VABB-1,521,543,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288345,,"""Den Heer Jacobi Duartes Weerdigen gunsteling"". Diego II Duarte en de Antwerpse Aalmoezeniersschouwburg",VABB-1,91,106,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288347,,Vers une typologie des opérateurs additifs scalaires,VABB-4,285,311,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288348,,"History in popular television drama: the Flemish past in Wij, Heren van Zichem",VABB-4,179,190,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288349,,An economic evaluation of photovoltaic grid connected systems (PVGCS) in Flanders for companies: a generic model,VABB-1,2674,2682,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288351,,"Scientific research in the Indian subcontinent: selected trends and indicators 19732007 comparing Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka with India, the local giant",VABB-1,403,420,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288352,,Development and evaluation of different PCR-based typing methods for discrimination of **Leishmania donovani** isolates from Nepal,VABB-1,947,957,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288353,,"On deontic modality, directivity, and mood: the case of Dutch 'mogen' en 'moeten'",VABB-1,16,34,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288354,,Ninchi to shakai no goyooronc: tougouteki apuroochi o motomete = Cognitive and social pragmatics: in search of their integration,VABB-2,,,427 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288357,,"Design and evaluation of the transportation networks: constructing transportation networks from perspectives of service integration, infrastructure investment and information system implementation",VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288371,,Naakt protest van Hugo Claus: een reconstructie van de zaak Masscheroen,VABB-1,2,31,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288372,,"Het falen van de vroegmoderne stad, 1500-1800?",VABB-1,103,112,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288374,,Payments for ecosystem services in Nicaragua: do market-bases approaches work?,VABB-1,421,444,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288386,,Escribimos porque la realidad nos parece imperfecta: entrevista con Juan Gabriel Vásquez,VABB-1,75,89,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:288395,,"Noot onder HvJ 10 maart 2009, C-169/07, Hartlauwer",VABB-1,267,270,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288397,,La métaphore espace / temps à l'épreuve: l'évolution de **venir de**,VABB-4,65,83,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288398,,Omgaan met financiële gevolgen van een relatiebreuk: een latent groeimiddel bij gescheiden en ex-samenwonende vrouwen,VABB-1,136,150,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288402,,Saberes y sabores en México y el Caribe,VABB-3,,,356 p.,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:288403,,Cuando la gastrocritica se hace carne... y papel,VABB-4,9,19,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288404,,El Nuevo Mundo comestible de Colón: los contextos culinarios en la primera década del Nuevo Mundo de Pedro Mártir de Angleria,VABB-4,235,266,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:288407,,Solving the mobile mapping van problem: a hybrid metaheuristic for capacitated arc routing with soft time windows,VABB-1,1870,1876,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288410,,Memory-based resolution of insentence scopes of hedge cues,VABB-5,40,47,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288411,,Elicitation of language learners' personal goals as design concepts,VABB-1,259,274,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288412,,"Detection systems for text-based plagiarism: developments, principles, challenges and the aftermath",VABB-1,311,320,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288414,,Belgium,VABB-4,83,128,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288417,,Art. 21ter WHPC,VABB-4,377,391,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288421,,Art. 21bis WHPC,VABB-4,105,116,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:288423,,"Reconstructing the 'Bond' of labour through stories of precarietá: storytelling according to Beppe Grillo, Aldo Nove, and Ascanio Celestini",VABB-1,194,205,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288425,,"Is pay related to performance in The Netherlands? An analysis of Duth executive compensation, 2002-2006",VABB-1,123,149,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288426,,The credit market crunch: drivers and consequences: an overview,VABB-1,459,487,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288428,,Special issue: Reading during writing: what does eyetracking research tell us about the interaction between reading and writing processes during text production,VABB-1,803,834,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288431,,"Who is accessing public-sector anti-retroviral treatment in the Free State, South Africa? An exploratory study of the first three years of programme implementation",VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288432,,Modelling social reality: limitations to measuring the impact of HIV/AIDS on rural households,VABB-1,955,957,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288433,,Distribución espacial de la actividad portuaria: notas teóricas y metodológicas para su modelación e investigación,VABB-1,19,35,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:288434,,"Determining terminal concession durations in seaports: theoretical considerations, applicable techniques and current practices",VABB-1,13,40,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288438,,Betrouwbaarheid van spontane kindertaalanalyses: consonantinventarissen,VABB-1,67,77,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288469,,Data usage in quantitative comparative politics,VABB-1,417,433,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288475,,Update formulas for split-plot and block designs,VABB-1,3381,3391,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288481,,The process of political change under the Calvanist Republic in Antwerp (1577-1585),VABB-4,25,33,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288482,,Mobiliteit en integratie: de Brabantse steden en migratie: ter inleiding,VABB-1,14,21,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288484,,Les Opera Omnia d'une mystique brabançonne: réflexions sur la mise en recueil et la tradition manuscrite des œuvres de Hadewijch (d'Anvers?),VABB-4,333,345,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288486,,Beyond secularization? Notes on Habermass account of the postsecular society,VABB-4,55,74,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288487,,Beyond building craftsmen: economic growth and living standards in the sixteenth-century Low Countries: the case of 's-Hertogenbosch (15001560),VABB-1,179,207,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288488,,Retail growth and consumer changes in a declining urban economy: Antwerp (16501750),VABB-1,638,663,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288495,,Style and styling,VABB-4,177,204,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288497,,De testeervrijheid van de beschermde persoon onder voorlopig bewind: grondwetsconform,VABB-1,30,34,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288498,,Views on peak oil and its relation to climate change policy,VABB-1,5572,5581,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288501,,Preparing the design of robust climate policy architectures,VABB-1,275,295,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:288502,,The creation of the world according to Zacharias of Mytilene,VABB-1,97,116,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288506,,Over verbindende en niet-verbindende eenzijdige (wils-)verklaringen: noot onder Luik 9 november 2007,VABB-1,165,174,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288507,,"Finance, globalisation and economic development: the role of institutions",VABB-4,74,92,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288508,,Empirical evidence on the new international aid architecture,VABB-4,150,171,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288510,,"The impact of board independence and CEO duality on firm performance: a quantile regression analysis for Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea and Thailand",VABB-1,607,626,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288511,,"Bevriest Sint-Servatius de DAEB-bloei? Noot onder H.v.J., 1 oktober 2009, Sint-Servatius, Zaak C-567/07",VABB-1,320,325,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288514,,What noseleaves do for FM bats depends on their degree of sensorial specialization,VABB-1,"e11893,1","e11893,13",,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288520,,Spit-plot factorial design,VABB-4,1413,1418,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288531,,"De verjaring van de buitencontractuele vordering (art. 2262bis BW): de kennis van de schade, de identiteit van de aansprakelijke persoon én van het casuaal verband tussen fout en schade?",VABB-1,206,209,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288533,,Bregando con la autoridad: Papi de Rita Indiana Hernández,VABB-4,106,112,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:288534,,Le chevalier de Mouhy: bagarre et bigarrure,VABB-3,,,242 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288535,,Les rêves de Jeannette ou la soumission comblée,VABB-4,85,98,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288550,,Crepusculair theater: performance en meer omtrent 1980,VABB-1,209,228,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288552,,Ritual and the avant-garde,VABB-3,,,71 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288553,,Avant-garde heritage: three concepts of ritualism for the performing Arts,VABB-1,8,20,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288555,,"De bouw van het Openluchttheater Rivierenhof te Deurne (1953) en het discours rond stad, land en gemeenschapskunst",VABB-1,45,60,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288559,,Présence africaine en Europe et au-delà,VABB-3,,,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288560,,Simulating the morphological feasibility of adaptive beamforming in bats,VABB-5,136,145,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288561,,Web-based disclosure about value creation processes: a monitoring perspective,VABB-1,320,347,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288562,,Error correction strategies of professional speech recognition users: three profiles,VABB-1,964,975,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288564,,"Corpses, live models, and nature assessing skills and knowledge before the industrial revolution (Case: Antwerp)",VABB-1,332,356,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288583,,Transregional regionalitet: Europa,VABB-4,97,106,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288586,,Empirically based development of a framework for advancing and stimulating collaboration in the chemical industry (ASC): creating sustainable chemical industrial park,VABB-1,1587,1597,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288604,,Consumer responses to different advertising appeals for new products: the moderating influence of branding strategy and product category involvement,VABB-1,50,65,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288606,,The effectiveness of telescopic ads delivered via interactive digital television: the impact of the amount of infomation and the level of interactivity on brand responses,VABB-1,297,308,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288607,,Brand placement in scripted and non-scripted Belgian and US programs on Belgian prime time television,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288613,,"Metropolitan vs rural cinemagoing in Flanders, 1925-75",VABB-1,272,280,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288615,,Cost-benefit analysis of transport investments in distorted economies,VABB-1,850,869,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288622,,"Criminal liability of master and crew in oil pollution cases: a possible conflict between the law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS, MARPOL and the European Directive 2005//35/EC",VABB-4,215,230,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288627,,Empowering patients or general practitioners? A randomised clinical trial to improve quality in reproductive health care in Belgium,VABB-1,280,289,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288628,,Experience: the most critical factor in choosing after-hours medical care,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288631,,The impact of perfectionism and anxiety traits on action monitoring in major depressive disorder,VABB-1,869,880,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288632,,Education,VABB-4,79,95,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288633,,"Seghers wapenfeiten: oude en nieuwe hypotheses omtrent de Trojeroman, het huis van Gaasbeek en het handschrift -Van Hulthem",VABB-1,249,275,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:288634,,Weigh your words: memory-based lemmatization for Middle Dutch,VABB-1,287,301,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288635,,De tijd van de collectieven: werkverhoudingen in het theater van de jaren negentig,VABB-1,256,270,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288636,,On the relation between the association strength and other similarity measures,VABB-1,1502,1504,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288637,,Identifying export opportunities for South Africa in the southern engines: A DSM approach,VABB-1,345,359,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288641,,Visual sociology reframed: an analytical synthesis and discussion of visual methods in social and cultural research,VABB-1,545,581,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288642,,Learning pattern development throughout higher education: A longitudinal study,VABB-1,256,259,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288644,,Associations between common arginine vasopressin 1b receptor and glucocorticoid receptor receptor gene variants and HPA axis responses to psychosocial stress in a child psychiatric population,VABB-1,64,68,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288646,,US tactical nuclear weapons: a European perspective,VABB-1,65,75,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288647,,Transformations in gas shipping: market structure and efficiency,VABB-1,295,325,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288648,,Bridging community assosiations in post-conflict Burundi: the difficult merging of social capital endowments and new 'institutional settings',VABB-1,485,511,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288649,,The spiritual order of the LRA,VABB-4,59,73,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288652,,Serum testosterone concentration in male autistic youngsters,VABB-1,483,488,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288653,,Financial performance explanations and institutional setting,VABB-1,421,450,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288654,,"Earnings management asset restructuring, and the threat of exchange delisting in an earnings-based regulatory regime",VABB-1,438,456,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288656,,Quand l'animal se révolte: Pierre Mac Orlan et la Grande Guerre,VABB-1,113,121,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:288659,,Short term neurocognitive effects of treatment with ziprasidone and olanzapine in recent onset schizophrenia,VABB-1,191,198,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:288660,,"Acculturation strategies and mental health in gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth",VABB-1,1199,1210,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288661,,"La question de la réintégration des déplacés et des réfugiés dans ""le programme de stabilisation et de reconstruction en zones post-conflit"" au Kivu",VABB-4,201,231,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288662,,Changing frames: citizen and expert participation in Georgian planning,VABB-1,377,395,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288664,,"""Quaternionist talk"": Luddite yearning and the colonization of time in Thomas Pynchon's against the day",VABB-1,531,547,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288665,,"When you come to a fork in the road: Marcuse, intellectual subversion and negative thought in gravitys rainbow and against the day",VABB-4,97,112,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288668,,Over de hoofdelijkheid bij de voordeelsontneming,VABB-1,179,184,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288671,,_D-optimal and D-efficient equivalent-estimation second-order split-plot designs,VABB-1,358,372,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288672,,Morphology-induced information transfer in bat sonar,VABB-1,"148701,1","148701,4",,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288673,,What happens to gazelles? The importance of dynamic management strategy,VABB-1,203,226,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288676,,My people seem to be falling to bits: confused minds and broken bodies in the writings of Samuel Beckett and Rebecca Brown,VABB-1,22,43,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288679,,Collectors and makers of pilgrimage pennants (1853-1970): an emotional approach to a traditional religious legacy,VABB-1,117,146,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288680,,Development of a software tool using deterministic logic for the optimization of cochlear implant processor programming,VABB-1,908,918,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288681,,The economy of the Belgian regions tested with multimoora,VABB-1,173,209,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288682,,Additional value of quantitative EEG in acute anterior circulation syndrome of presumed ischemic origin,VABB-1,1719,1725,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288689,,L'Afrique des grands lacs: annuaire 2009/2010,VABB-3,,,432 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288690,,"Chronique politique du Burundi, 2009-2010",VABB-4,1,18,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288691,,"Chronique politique du Rwanda, 2009-2010",VABB-4,273,298,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288692,,Une enquête faussée sur un événement majeur: analyse du rapport Mutsinzi sur l'attentat du 6 avril 1994 contre l'avion présidentiel rwandais,VABB-4,299,326,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288693,,The awarding of seaport terminals to private operators: European practices and policy implications,VABB-1,83,101,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288699,,The analysis of linear economic systems: father Maurice Proton's pioneering works,VABB-3,,,268 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288700,,"Church, society and economics: an introduction to the life and work of Maurice Potron",VABB-4,1,62,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288701,,Pouvoir et commerce: l'Ouganda et le commerce transfrontalier avec la RDC et le Soudan,VABB-4,371,404,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288702,,Aider l'état à délivrer le dividende de paix: le cas de l'éducation en RDC,VABB-4,151,174,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288704,,Stones left unturned: law and transitional justice in Burundi,VABB-2,,,450 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288705,,Lutte foncière dans la ville: gouvernance de la terre agricole urbaine à Kinshasa,VABB-4,175,200,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288707,,"'Een divertissant somertogje': transport innovations and the rise of short-term pleasure trips in the Low Countries, 1600-1750",VABB-1,78,97,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288708,,Arras College Library Leuven: the academic habitat of the Anjou Bible for three centuries,VABB-4,139,145,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288715,,Die Kriegsberichterstattung der Ufa-Auslandswochernschau,VABB-4,209,225,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:288717,,Le souper de Balzora: une relecture,VABB-1,107,116,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288718,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,178,182,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288722,,Informatiestromen en kettingmigratie in de migratiebewegingen naar het zestiende-eeuwse Antwerpen,VABB-1,22,43,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288730,,"Analogie und die Verbreitung der verbalen Kongruenz bei Imperativen, Konjunktionen und Antwortpartikeln",VABB-4,269,305,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:288731,,"Noot onder H.v.J. 8 september 2009, Liga Portuguesa, C-42/07",VABB-1,372,379,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288733,,Archimedes achterna: de Belgische musea tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,55,92,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288734,,Lieux de mémoire: erfgoed en geschiedenis,VABB-1,538,549,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:288737,,Society and language use,VABB-3,,,324 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288738,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288740,,Further understanding learning in higher education: a systematic review on longitudinal research using Vermunt's learning pattern model,VABB-4,78,96,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288741,,"Noot onder H.V.J. 8 september 2009, Liga Portuguesa, C-42/07",VABB-1,211,214,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288752,,The glory and the abyss: le ressassement éternel,VABB-4,32,61,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288755,,Der Bau,VABB-4,337,343,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:288756,,Interactional sociolinguistics,VABB-4,169,175,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288761,,Life must be led in the dark: Hans Vaihingers **The philosophy of as if** in William Gaddiss **The recognitions**,VABB-1,372,387,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:288762,,Mathematical results on Randic's H-index and H-sequence,VABB-1,203,207,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288770,,Influencing work-related learning: the role of job characteristics and self-directed learning orientation in part-time vocational education,VABB-1,239,255,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288772,,Regelgeving voor zendtijd voor levensbeschouwingen: Titel X van het Vlaamse Mediadecreet van 27 maart 2009,VABB-1,3,33,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288773,,"Noot onder EHRM 23 februari 2010, nr. 41135/98 (Arsian e.a. Turkije)",VABB-1,830,833,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288784,,Voorbij de kalme zonneschijn van de geest: Hume over moraal en religie,VABB-1,423,460,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:288785,,De Clarendoneditie van Humes 'Philosophical works': een beknopte voorstelling,VABB-1,521,525,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:288786,,Neoavanguardia and postmodernism: oscillations between innovation and tradition from 1963 to 2003,VABB-4,38,73,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288790,,Reactions to 360° feedback: the role of trust and trust-related variables,VABB-1,365,379,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288801,,Darwin en religie,VABB-4,107,111,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288802,,"Onze verwondering is ergernis geworden: Reinold Kuipers, Angèle Manteau en hun grensoverschrijdende samenwerking",VABB-1,163,177,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288803,,Systemization in foreign language teaching: monitoring content progression,VABB-2,,,373 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288813,,"Weerslag van de gezondheidstoestand van het tuchtrechtelijk vervolgd personeelslid op de tuchtprocedure en de tuchtrechtelijke bestraffing (noot onder RvS 29 mei 2008, nr. 183.532)",VABB-1,44,48,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288816,,"Tuchtmaatregelen, ordemaatregelen, maatregelen van inwendige orde en verkapte tuchtstraffen: hoe door de bomen het bos ontwaren",VABB-1,155,166,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288817,,The charm of disenchantment: a quest for the intellectual attraction of secularization theory,VABB-1,407,428,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288822,,Base rate neglect for the wealth of interacting people,VABB-1,607,619,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288825,,"Perceptions of efficacy, control, and risk: a theory of mixed control",VABB-4,259,281,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288828,,How is information used to improve performance in the public sector? Exploring the dynamics of performance information,VABB-4,33,54,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288834,,Effects of positive politeness in business letters,VABB-1,2531,2548,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288842,,Designing a decision support model for the LNG market,VABB-1,717,729,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288848,,Unravelling dynamics in inter-container port relationships through an examination of liner service patterns,VABB-4,198,230,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288849,,The economics behind the awarding of terminals in seaports: towards a research agenda,VABB-4,232,266,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288856,,The classic conceptualization and classification of distribution service outputs: time for a revision,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288868,,Onderzoeksevaluaties als beleidsinstrument aan de Universiteit Antwerpen,VABB-1,31,37,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288869,,Communicatiepatronen in de sociale en humane wetenschappen: naar een empirisch gefundeerd debat,VABB-1,544,553,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288872,,Do transnational party federations matter? (...and why should we care?),VABB-1,395,411,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288874,,A framework for the integration of safety and security in case of critical infrastructure protection (FISSCIP),VABB-1,4,12,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288878,,"Modieuze miszettingen in Antwerpen, ca 1650-1750: de Missa pro defunctis van Joseph Hector Fiocco (?) en de Missa Mariae Assumptae van Johannes Adamus Josephus Faber",VABB-4,295,311,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288879,,Une collection musicale d'origine italienne (première moitié du 18ième siècle) dans les archives archiépiscopales de Malines,VABB-1,150,161,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:288880,,Narrare le forze dell'ordine dopo Genova 2001,VABB-1,415,424,,ita,2010,1 c:vabb:288881,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,278,282,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288886,,Een valse start in de letteren: Michel Seuphor als Nederlandstalig dichter,VABB-1,10,29,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288888,,Ik heb de liefde liefgehad: Alice Nahon (1899-1933),VABB-4,82,86,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288889,,Van de tijd ontdaan...: Rose Gronon (1901-1979),VABB-4,102,106,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288890,,De kleine garnaal: Geert Pynenburg,VABB-1,32,55,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288896,,Sourcing business news: a case study of public relations uptake,VABB-4,107,126,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288897,,Towards a process view of preformulation in press releases,VABB-4,239,252,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:288899,,Typology meets usage : the case of the prohibitive infinitive in Dutch,VABB-1,471,508,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288900,,"The imperative of intentional visual perception as a pragmatic marker: a contrastive study of Dutch, English and Romance",VABB-1,223,244,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288914,,Commentaar bij art. 338 BW,VABB-4,1,11,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288916,,Commentaar bij art. 339 BW,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288919,,Commentaar bij art. 340 BW,VABB-4,1,6,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288924,,"Prefrontal, parietal and basal activation associated with the reordering of a two-element list held in working memory",VABB-1,143,148,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288926,,Schwa apocope in the German-Dutch border region of Vreden - Winterswijk,VABB-1,54,74,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:288933,,Bedingen inzake de huwelijkse vergoedingen: analyse van Cass. 17 september 2007,VABB-1,145,163,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288935,,Het regime van de gesloten centra voor de vrijheidsberoving van vreemdelingen,VABB-1,227,241,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288940,,Retroactief ingrijpen na een ommekeer in de rechtspraak (noot onder Gw.H. 26 november 2009),VABB-1,1428,1431,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288946,,Multilingualism from below,VABB-3,,,xvi + 224 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288947,,Multilingualism and language attitudes in the XHariep district: the case of Kopanong,VABB-4,21,34,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288948,,Evaluating the quality of self-evaluations: the (mis)match between internal and external meta-evaluation,VABB-1,200,212,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288949,,Service addition as business market strategy: identification of transition trajectories,VABB-1,693,714,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288952,,Een geïnstitutionaliseerd vluchtelingenbeleid in volle beweging (1944-2010),VABB-1,449,488,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:288953,,Burundi,VABB-4,293,300,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:288954,,Civil jurisdiction and the issue of legislating for the EU: review article,VABB-1,499,516,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288955,,Studie internationale kinderontvoering door ouders van en naar België in 2007 en 2008: een synopsis,VABB-1,143,151,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288956,,The pitfalls and potential of debt-for-nature swaps: a US-Indonesian case study,VABB-1,93,102,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:288958,,Corporate governance and information asymmetry between managers and investors,VABB-1,574,589,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288964,,Navigeren doorheen artikel 6 EVO-verdrag c.q. artikel 8 Rome I: mogelijkheden tot sturing van toepasselijk arbeidsrecht: een analyse vanuit de vraag naar de betekenis voor het internationaal arbeidsrecht van de zaak Intercontainer Interfrigo (C-133/08),VABB-1,49,64,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288968,,Only artists can transfigure: Kafka's artists and the possibility of redemption in the Novellas of David Foster Wallace,VABB-1,459,480,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288969,,"Den ouden luijster is verwenen: geschiedenis, herinnering en verlies bij Jan Baptist Van der Straelen (1792-1817)",VABB-1,517,555,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:288970,,"Koekeloerenop de ""paepse"" religie: gereformeerde reizigers en hun visie op de katholieke cultuur in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (1675-1750)",VABB-1,81,103,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:288971,,Research projects in the Collaborative Antwerp Psychiatric Research Institute,VABB-1,S95,S105,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288972,,De wet van 6 april 2010 betreffende marktpraktijken en consumentenbescherming: een onvoldoende stap in de goede richting,VABB-1,386,419,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288974,,Family business succession and the impact of CEO experience on the growth of small family firms,VABB-1,242,262,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288975,,Constitutional review in the mega-Leviathan: a democratic foundation for the European Court of Justice,VABB-1,695,716,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288976,,Constitutionele toetsing in een democratie zonder volk: een kelseniaanse rechtvaardiging voor het Europees Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,107,132,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:288977,,Democracy's twin challenges: Hans kelsen and the problem of extremist speech,VABB-1,37,57,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288987,,"Access regulation, competition, and broadband penetration: an international study",VABB-1,661,671,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288988,,"Sequential reciprocity in two-player, two-stage games: an experimental analysis",VABB-1,289,303,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288989,,Enhancing market power by reducing switching costs,VABB-1,131,133,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:288993,,Strategic spatial projects: catalysts for change,VABB-3,,,237 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:288994,,Pricing bounds for discrete arithmetic Asian options under Lévy models,VABB-1,5193,5207,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289001,,Applying SMC pricing in PPPs for the maritime sector,VABB-1,87,101,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289002,,Profil socio-économique du Sud-Kivu et futures pistes de recherche,VABB-4,259,271,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:289003,,Identifying special educational needs: putting a new framework for graded learning support to the test,VABB-1,375,387,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289004,,Personeelsevaluatie in onderwijs. Een onderzoek naar de wenselijkheid van juridische bescherming van de professionele autonomie van de leraar in het kader van de evaluatieperiode,VABB-1,500,524,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289005,,Socio-emotionele geïntegreerde leerlingenbegeleiding op school: de constructvaliditeit en betrouwbaarheid van de SEG-vragenlijst,VABB-1,394,411,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289007,,Darwin en het hedendaagse mensbeeld,VABB-3,,,191 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289008,,Van altruïsme tot morele gezindheid: over biologische evolutie en de oorsprong van de moraal,VABB-4,11,15,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289010,,Loe de Jong en Maurice De Wilde: twee oorlogsmonumenten,VABB-1,161,196,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289011,,Van migrantengroep tot religieuze minderheid: Joden in Antwerpen in de twintigste eeuw,VABB-1,211,241,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289013,,Epistemic modality or how to express likelihood in Burmese Alice Vittrant,VABB-1,41,80,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289018,,Behouden de oorspronkelijke grootouders na volle adoptie hun principieel recht op persoonlijk contact? (noot onder Antwerpen 1 maart 2010),VABB-1,196,204,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289019,,Subjectivité et incarnation,VABB-1,144,161,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:289020,,End of life decisions and pregnant women: do pregnant women have the right to refuse life preserving medical treatment? A comparative study,VABB-1,485,505,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289022,,Medische beslissingen van een demente patiënt aan het einde van zijn leven en het juridisch statuut van advance care planning en voorafgaande wilsverklaringen,VABB-1,4,26,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289025,,Political theory put to the test: comparative law and the origins of judicial constitutional review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289028,,Memoria e armenitá ne La Masseria delle Allodole di Antonia Arslan,VABB-4,437,448,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289030,,Acht nieuwe preken voor het Repertorium van Middelnederlandse preken,VABB-1,360,366,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289033,,Code eclecticism: linguistic variation and code alternation in the chat language of Flemish teenagers,VABB-1,657,677,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289034,,Variation and change: pragmatic perspectives,VABB-3,,,275 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289040,,"La réception du droit marocain de la famille dans la jurisprudence belge, en particulier le mariage, sa dissolution et la contestation de paternité",VABB-1,445,453,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:289041,,Quelques aspects concernant l'application dans l'espace du nouveau règlement européen 4/2009 en matière d'obligations alimentaires,VABB-1,105,110,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:289042,,"Vertegenwoordiging van en verzet door de veroordeelde voor de strafuitvoeringsrechtbank: liet de wetgever verstek gaan? (noot onder GwH 4 maart 2009, nr. 35/2009 en GwH 4 maart 2009, nr. 37/2009)",VABB-1,1512,1517,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289049,,On neo-luddites led by ayatollahs: the frame matrix of the GM food debate in Northern Belgium,VABB-1,277,300,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289051,,Jan Fabre and tg STAN: two models of postdramatic theatre in the avant-garde tradition,VABB-1,421,432,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:289053,,"Cognitive, affective and behavioural disturbances following vascular thalamic lesions: a review",VABB-1,273,319,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289056,,Determinants of the use of knowledge sources in the adoption of open source server software,VABB-1,53,70,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289060,,Good properties of similarity measures and their complementarity,VABB-1,2151,2160,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289061,,The worst case for real options,VABB-1,709,734,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289064,,"Leadership and engagement: a brief review of the literature: a proposed model, and practical implications",VABB-4,149,158,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289067,,Congestion and air transport: a challenging phenomenon,VABB-4,222,233,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289068,,Internet and social movement action repertoires: opportunities and limitations,VABB-1,1146,1171,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289069,,"Activists ""online"" and ""offline"": internet as an information channel for protest demonstrations",VABB-1,347,366,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:289070,,"Van ""anti-raketten"" tot Irak: internationale coördinatie van wereldwijd protest en de impact van veranderende communicatietechnologieën",VABB-1,5,24,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289071,,"Transnational versus national activism: a systematic comparison of ""transnationalists"" and ""nationalists"" participating in the 2006 European and Belgian Social Forums",VABB-4,23,41,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289073,,Marketing communications: A European Perspective,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289076,,Drowning protection in the multilateral bath: WTO judicialisation and European agriculture in the Doha Round,VABB-1,615,633,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289078,,Unpacking LogM: toward a more general theory of party system density,VABB-1,921,935,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289079,,"Regulation, cross-border trade and practical norms in West-Nile, Northern Uganda",VABB-1,573,594,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289081,,"Übergriffe in die Literatur : Ernst Jünger und René Magritte, mit den Erstdruck und Faksimiles der Korrespondenz",VABB-1,433,458,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:289090,,De sociale gelaagdheid van schoolse achterstand in GOK en niet-GOK scholen,VABB-1,559,566,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289095,,Audit van green IT met behulp van COBIT 4.1,VABB-1,78,122,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289096,,Relatie tussen IT-governance praktijken en business/IT alignment,VABB-1,123,152,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289098,,Schrijven pro pretio in Jericho,VABB-4,559,578,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289103,,The Middle Dutch mystical whitsun sermons from 1492 mediating Johannes Gerson,VABB-4,79,98,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289104,,De wetenschappelijke editie van Ruusbroecs werken in historisch perspectief,VABB-4,457,478,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289108,,Kandidaatkeuze in advertenties: wat bepaalt wie aandacht krijgt?,VABB-1,335,353,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289109,,Effects of popular exemplars in television news,VABB-1,103,119,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:289112,,"Het filmdocument over de staking van de eeuw herbekeken: de productie, vertoning en ontvangst van Frans Buyens' ""Vechten voor onze rechten""",VABB-1,28,59,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289116,,Payments for ecosystem services: justified or not? A political view,VABB-1,785,792,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289122,,De wil als oorzaak van een vermogensverschuiving: het onderscheid tussen hulpvaardigheid en vrijgevigheid (noot onder Cassatie 19 januari 2009),VABB-1,1084,1087,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289123,,De aard van de aansprakelijkheid van de notaris bij een onderhandse akte en bij een authentieke akte (noot onder Cassatie 23 oktober 2008),VABB-1,1349,1352,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289125,,De commercialisering van organen: pro en contra,VABB-1,3,24,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289126,,Een onderzoek naar de voor- en nadelen van de (gereglementeerde) markt in organen,VABB-1,93,186,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289131,,Controle op de redelijke termijn van het strafproces tijdens de regeling der rechtspleging: noot onder GwH 18 februari 2010 en Cass. 24 november 2009,VABB-1,1387,1390,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289132,,Videoconferenties voor verdachten en beklaagden,VABB-1,1458,1467,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289137,,Samenloop van verzet en hoger beroep: noot onder Antwerpen 14 oktober 2009,VABB-1,65,68,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289140,,Cost benefit analysis of passive house and low-energy houses compared to standard houses,VABB-1,46,53,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289152,,Le nouveau monde du Manuscrit,VABB-4,239,252,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:289154,,Een pot vol mosselen: de Schelde en de stedelijke identiteit van Antwerpen (zestiende-twintigste eeuw),VABB-1,480,485,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:289155,,Een zoet verval: Nederlandse reizigers en hun visie op de stad aan de stroom (1600-1750),VABB-1,521,533,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:289157,,Scaldis geketend: percepties van het economisch welvaren van de stad Antwerpen of de genese van een handelsideologie (zestiende-negentiended eeuw),VABB-1,486,503,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:289158,,Sa splendeur et sa décadence sont également célèbres: het Scheldeverhaal als politiek instrument tijdens de Franse periode,VABB-1,535,553,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:289159,,"Van formeel vrij tot tolvrij: de visies op de Scheldevaart en de positie van Antwerpen als havenstad binnen de schoot van de Antwerpse Kamer van Koophandel, 1795-1863",VABB-1,554,571,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:289160,,"Het Gruuthuse-handschrift in woord en klank: nieuwe inzichten, nieuwe vragen, KANTL-colloquium 30 november 2007",VABB-3,,,228 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289161,,Na de verkoop: nieuw licht op het Gruuthuse-handschrift,VABB-4,1,12,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289162,,After the sale: new light on the Gruuthuse manuscript,VABB-4,13,23,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289166,,The educated midwife in the Roman Empire: an example of differential equations,VABB-4,261,286,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289171,,Schuldvergelijking bij insolventie op het snijvlak van de Wet continuïteit ondernemingen en de Wet financiële zekerheden (noot onder Kh. Verviers 26 augustus 2010),VABB-1,396,399,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289182,,Naar snellere en efficiëntere advisering bij grote infrastructuurprojecten,VABB-1,588,606,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289184,,"Hadewijchs laatste vers (Lied 45, vs. 40)",VABB-4,655,663,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289185,,Thomas Pynchon,VABB-4,785,789,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289188,,Het stilzitten van de ouder-onderhoudsschuldeiser (noot onder Vred. Gent 6 juli 2009),VABB-1,717,723,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289189,,"Opportunisme, corporatisme en progressiviteit: conflicten en vertogen van corporatieve belangengroepen in het stedelijk milieu van het achttiende-eeuwse Mechelen",VABB-1,3,26,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289191,,Samenloop van grondrechten in fiscalibus,VABB-1,991,1012,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289192,,Naming and framing in Belgian politics: an analysis of the representation of politicians and the political state of affairs during the 2007 government formation period in the Belgian press,VABB-1,120,138,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289196,,De rechterlijke appreciatiebevoegdheid inzake kosteloze rechtsbijstand,VABB-1,218,227,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289197,,Het juridisch loket in Nederland,VABB-1,90,100,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289199,,The DCFR and the attempts to increase the private enforcement of competition law: convergences and divergences,VABB-1,1079,1119,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289201,,"Verwijzing van minderjarige verdachten naar de bijzondere jeugdkamer, noot onder Cass. 16 februari 2010",VABB-1,674,677,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289206,,Ethiek in tijden van normen en waarden: over de mogelijkheid van een ethiek van het reële,VABB-1,99,126,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289212,,Comparative research in sociology of health and illness with multilevel models: issues and promises,VABB-1,35,64,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289217,,Working together? Social integration and the effectiveness of networks among human service organizations,VABB-1,561,566,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289226,,Safety of masonry arch bridges: a quick scan method,VABB-4,24,34,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289232,,Bandeloze billijkheid: vijf bemerkingen bij de toepassing van art. 2 en 3 Alleenerkoopwet (noot onder Cass. 14 januari 2010),VABB-1,802,805,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289233,,Velthem et al.: a stylometric analysis of the rhyme words in the account of the Battle of the Golden Spurs in the fifth part of the Spiegel historiael,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289234,,Bibliography of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289235,,Handbook of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289236,,Web-based non-financial disclosure and cost of finance,VABB-1,1057,1093,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289237,,Handbook of pragmatics,VABB-3,,,426 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289241,,The organizational and geographical ramifications of the 2008-09 financial crisis on the maritime shipping and port industries,VABB-4,31,46,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289242,,Economic cycles in maritime shipping and ports: the path to the crisis of 2008,VABB-4,13,30,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289243,,Market developments in figures,VABB-4,32,49,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289249,,Talk as action: exploring discursive dimensions of welfare state reform,VABB-1,377,392,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289261,,From linear to non-linear kernel based classifiers for bankruptcy prediction,VABB-1,2955,2970,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289263,,Building acceptable classification models,VABB-1,53,74,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289265,,Contribution au débat sur la mesure de la performance de la gouvernance,VABB-1,517,532,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:289270,,"Organizational form emergence and competing professional schemata of Dutch accounting, 1884-1939",VABB-1,115,150,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289271,,From varieties of genetic experience to radical philology,VABB-4,19,34,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:289272,,Help my unbelief: James Joyce and religion,VABB-2,,,256 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289273,,Religie in de openbare ruimte,VABB-1,124,133,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289275,,La Parodia en Augusto Monterroso: una revisión de la conquista de América,VABB-1,613,623,,spa,2010,1 c:vabb:289277,,"Noot onder EHRM 23 september 2010, nr. 425/03 en EHRM 23 september 2010, nr. 1620/03",VABB-1,1678,1684,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289278,,De gunning van juridische diensten door gemeenten,VABB-1,248,259,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289279,,"Het vereiste van tijdig bestaan van de te verrekenen vorderingen voor de schuldvergelijking na samenloop (in fiscale zaken), (noot onder Cass. 24 juni 2010)",VABB-1,845,848,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289281,,De perverse effecten van een goedbedoelde wetgeving,VABB-1,88,91,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289294,,Views from below on the pro-poor growth challenge: the case of rural Rwanda,VABB-1,97,123,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289297,,Stadsgeschiedenis in buitenlandse tijdschriften (2009),VABB-1,208,226,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289298,,Power to the broker: shifting authorities over public sales in eighteenth-century Antwerp,VABB-4,158,174,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289301,,John Philoponus,VABB-4,733,755,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289310,,Kroniek van de sociale huisvesting (2003-2009),VABB-1,642,664,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289314,,Strikt finitisme en de wiskundige praktijk,VABB-1,202,205,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289316,,Herman Deleeck,VABB-1,167,170,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289322,,Introduction,VABB-1,5,16,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289325,,Literary style as cultural code: a case study of the early Ruusbroec translations by Willem Jordaens and Geert Grote,VABB-4,525,558,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289328,,"Het hele plaatje zien: de toevoeging van tekeningen in de codex Wiesbaden, Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, 3004 B 10",VABB-4,371,400,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289342,,De mondelinge ingebrekestelling (noot onder Cass. 20 november 2008),VABB-1,459,462,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289343,,"De precontractuele aansprakelijkheid en de samenloopproblematiek (noot onder Antwerpen, 26 februari 2007)",VABB-1,582,585,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289357,,Een kwestie van kwalificatie: een gewaarborgde winstmarge en een beperkt economisch risico beletten de toepassing van de Alleenverkoopwet niet (noot onder Cass. 30 april 2010),VABB-1,430,438,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289358,,Ouvrez l'histoire: revolutionaire geschiedenispolitiek in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (1792-1799),VABB-1,25,47,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:289362,,"Wie beoordeelt EU-concentraties? EDF/SEGEBEL: geen verwijzing naar Belgische mededingingsautoriteit, goedkeuring door EU-Commissie",VABB-1,3,21,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289363,,Reflecties op de omgang met religieus en levensbeschouwelijk verschil in het onderwijs in Vlaanderen en Nederland,VABB-1,3,35,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289364,,Niet-discriminatie en de eerbiediging van het privéleven in de schemerzone van de loyauteitsverklaring,VABB-1,154,161,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289365,,Een geladen uitspraak over de sanctie op overspel,VABB-1,162,166,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289368,,Better speech recognition in noise with the fine structure processing coding strategy,VABB-1,305,311,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289369,,Management of pulmonary tuberculosis patients in an urban setting in Zambia: a patient's perspective,VABB-1,1471,2458,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289373,,Regulating uneven development and the politics of reconfiguring Belgian state space,VABB-1,1151,1179,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289374,,Noise reduction: the post-political qandary of night flight at Brussels airport,VABB-1,1577,1594,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289376,,Een strijd voor een stad op mensenmaat in Gent: het Pandinistisch Verblijvingsfront en de herwaardering van de stad als woonomgeving,VABB-1,24,41,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289377,,Strategic spatial planning through strategic projects,VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289378,,Strategies for sustainable spatial development: operationalizing systainability in strategic projects,VABB-4,174,188,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289380,,Europe,VABB-4,1,35,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289381,,Decision support for national sustainable energy strategies in an integrated sustainability assessment framework,VABB-4,93,116,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289389,,The populist radical right: a pathological normalcy,VABB-1,1167,1186,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289393,,How new technologies can contribute to our understanding of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century drama: an Antwerp case study,VABB-1,28,54,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289394,,In de schaduw van Plantin: hoe Vlaanderen zich de moderniteit ontzegde,VABB-1,119,130,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289400,,Art. 16 t/m 27 Wet van 15 mei 2007 betreffende de bestraffing van namaak en piraterij van intellectuele eigendomsrechten,VABB-4,7,54,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289403,,"De beperkte vertrouwdheid van vrederechters met het auteursrecht: een illustratie aan de hand van het publiek mededelingsrecht (noot onder Vred. Leuven, 5 mei 2009, Vred. Brugge, 30 april 2009 en Vred. Péruwelz, 9 november 2009)",VABB-1,360,364,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289406,,Het mandaat van de advocaat wanneer hij niet in rechte optreedt,VABB-1,1586,1598,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289408,,"De bepaling van de koopprijs door een derde : een bindende derdenbeslissing (noot onder Hof van cassatie, 31 oktober 2008)",VABB-1,1258,1261,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289410,,De adviespraktijk van het Bemiddelingscollege voor de financiële sector betreffende de aansprakelijkheid bij verlies of diefstal van elektronische betaalinstrumenten,VABB-1,294,305,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289420,,Spatial analysis of **Leishmania donovani** exposure in humans and domestic animals in a recent kala azar focus in Nepal,VABB-1,1597,1603,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289421,,"The older, the lonelier? Risk factors for social loneliness in old age",VABB-1,1177,1196,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289422,,Ranking heating losses in a building by applying the MULTIMOORA,VABB-1,352,359,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289423,,Delay equivalence in capital accumulation models,VABB-1,1243,1246,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289427,,De doorwerking van prejudiciële arresten van het Grondwettelijk Hof in de rechtspraak,VABB-1,391,407,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289428,,The use of language analysis in the Belgian asylum procedure,VABB-4,177,185,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289434,,"Musulmanes à l'horizon : interprétation islamiques, leviers de l'émancipation des musulmanes",VABB-4,109,132,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:289438,,"Der Messias in der Schriftmaschine : Gesetz und Schrift in Giorgio Agambens Lektüre von Kafkas, In der Strafkolonie",VABB-4,173,183,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:289444,,Gemeentelijke belastingheffing op onroerende goederen en het verbod voor de gemeenten om op grondslag van de personenbelasting een soortgelijke belasting te heffen,VABB-1,111,115,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289447,,"Gemeentebelasting op (bruto)omzet : wel of niet in strijd met art. 464,1°WIB92",VABB-1,489,494,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289449,,"Het belang van de fout in alimentatierecht na echtscheiding : een rechtshistorische en rechtsvergelijkende studie van België, Nederland, Frankrijk en Engeland",VABB-1,383,492,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289450,,De redelijke termijn in strafzaken : een stand van zaken,VABB-1,315,320,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289454,,International encyclopaedia of migration law,VABB-3,,,Losbl.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289456,,Ludwig Wittgenstein,VABB-4,1,14,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:289457,,"""The suburbs are exploding"" : metaphors as framing devices in the French suburban crisis coverage",VABB-1,103,119,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289458,,Wie hoedt de wet? Op zoek naar een nieuwe invulling van de wetgevingsprocedure,VABB-1,818,828,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289459,,"Aansprakelijkheid van minderjarigen, ouders vrijwiliigersorganisaties en producenten (noot onder Gent 27 november 2008)",VABB-1,514,520,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289460,,De invloed van de keuze voor een minder veilige methode door de benadeelde op de aansprakelijkheid van de vroedvrouw (noot onder Antwerpen 30 juni 2009),VABB-1,149,153,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289463,,"Constrained, pragmatic ... Pro democratic : appraising constitutional courts in post-Soviet politics",VABB-1,409,423,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289465,,1595 : het jaar van de heks : toverijvervolgingen in de stad en Meierij van 's-Hertogenbosch,VABB-1,56,85,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289468,,"Voor 'visies op visioenen : ontwikkeling van theorieën en praktijken in mystieke middens, met Hadewijch als vluchtpunt",VABB-4,209,327,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289473,,Representation as claims-making : quid responsiveness?,VABB-1,411,423,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289474,,Vertegenwoordiging als een constructie van belangen : de substantiële vertegenwoordiging van sociale groepen,VABB-4,191,205,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289475,,Is er nood aan privatisering van het straf(proces)recht? Een aanzet tot reflectie vanuit rechtseconomische invalshoek,VABB-1,13,50,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289476,,De publiekrechtelijke afhandeling van strafrechtelijke conflicten in evolutie (noot onder Cass. 19 november 2008),VABB-1,117,122,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289477,,Het recht op tegenspraak voor de burgerlijke partij in het kader van de controle op de regelmatigheid van het onderzoek (noot onder Cass. 12 oktober 2010),VABB-1,374,377,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289478,,"De totstandkoming van een Ruusbroec-uitgave : een persoonlijke geschiedenis. Rede uitgesproken door Guido de Baere s.J. bij de viering van zijn emeritaat, Antwerpen, UA, Hof van Liere, 23 september 2006",VABB-4,3,15,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289494,,Alternatives to resolution 4 screening designs in 16 runs,VABB-1,285,295,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289502,,"Statues also die, but their death is not the final word",VABB-1,29,46,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289514,,EU gender equality policy : citizens' right and women's duties,VABB-4,62,79,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289518,,Psycholinguistics,VABB-4,1,98,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289519,,Biomimetic sonar : binaural 3D localization using artificial bat pinnae,VABB-1,975,987,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:289522,,"Humanität und Deutschtum : die ikonische Bedeutung von Goethe, Schiller und Lessing als deutsch-jüdische identificationsfiguren in den TagebüchernVictor Klemperers 1933-1945",VABB-1,113,128,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:289525,,Lingua tertii imperii: Victor Klemperers diaristische Erörterungen zur antisemitischen Hassrede,VABB-1,67,83,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:289529,,Cyberbullying in the Benelux-Countries : first findings and ways to address the problem,VABB-4,35,54,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289530,,Tolerance versus freedom of religion : the importance of amoral arguments in the history of tolerance,VABB-1,358,376,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289536,,"Second-hand trade and modernity : second-hand as consumer culture and practice in Europe, 1680-1900",VABB-3,,,290 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289537,,Middlemen and the creation of a 'fashion revolution' : the experience of Antwerp in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,VABB-4,21,40,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289538,,Modernity and second-hand trade : introducing themes and topics,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289539,,"Second-hand dealing in Bruges and the rise of an 'Antiquarian culture', c. 1750-1870",VABB-4,73,92,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289542,,De participatieve democratie als nieuw hoofdstuk in het verhaal van de politieke vrijheid : ruimte voor de verwezenlijking van het menselijk potentieel,VABB-1,67,87,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289543,,Participatie bij het opmaken van gemeentelijke mobiliteitsplannen,VABB-1,4,14,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289546,,Naar een faciliterende wetgeving voor bemiddeling met openbare besturen,VABB-1,511,530,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289549,,Politics in the news : do campaigns matter? A comparison of political news during election periods and routine periods in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,149,168,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:289550,,Vijftig jaar Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens : van Hercules naar Sisyphus?,VABB-1,602,614,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289554,,Case note under the ECJ judgment kokkelvisserij,VABB-1,2117,2126,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289559,,Introducing Turkey to the three media system models : the content of TV news in eleven countries,VABB-4,63,76,-,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289560,,Effects on cognitive functioning after olanzapine-ziprasidone crossover in recent-onset schizophrenia,VABB-1,907,912,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:289567,,Hoe fundamentele rechten het leefmilieu beschermen : overzicht van het instrumentarium,VABB-1,562,576,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289607,,De totale kwijtschelding van schulden : kritische analyse van artikel 1675/13bis Ger.W.,VABB-1,220,232,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289610,,"Domestic animals and epidemiology of visceral Leishmaniasis, Nepal",VABB-1,231,237,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289630,,De distributie van rechten van deelneming van collectieve beleggingsinstellingen,VABB-1,119,156,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289631,,De rechtspraak van de Raad van State inzake de afbakening van het Vlaams Ecologisch Netwerk eerste fase : lessen voor VEN-afbakening via RUPs en een merkwaardig arrest inzake termijnoverschrijding,VABB-1,373,382,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289632,,Beginselen van behoorlijk bestuur : eigenlijk grondwettelijke waarde? (noot sub Cas. 1 maart 2010),VABB-1,1091,1095,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289634,,Regional development in Lithuania considering multiple objectives by the MOORA method,VABB-1,613,640,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289636,,The architecture of attractions : skyscrapers in slapstick cinema,VABB-4,152,168,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289639,,Strange exhibitions : museum and art galleries in film,VABB-4,297,315,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:289644,,When typological rara generate rarissima : analogical extension of verbal agreement in Dutch dialects,VABB-4,47,73,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289645,,Hulp bij zelfdodong : nood aan een afzonderlijke strafbaarstelling met een voorwaardelijke rechtvaardigingsgrond,VABB-1,263,275,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289649,,Emotion classification in a serious game for training communication skills : proceedings of the 20th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN20),VABB-5,,,13 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289661,,Is hedendaagse kunst het bekijken waard? Arthur Danto over kunst na de Brillo Box,VABB-1,777,802,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:289664,,Freight transportation efficiency through horizontal cooperation in Flanders,VABB-1,161,178,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289666,,Begrip contract,VABB-4,1,6,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289668,,Grondbeginselen van het contractenrecht,VABB-4,1,19,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289669,,"De rol van de Modelovereenkomst in het verhaal van de WAM-verzekeraar tegen de verzekerde en de toepassingsvoorwaarden van art. 25, 3°, b, Modelovereenkomst (noot onder Cass. 18 januari 2010)",VABB-1,1130,1135,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289676,,The adoption of open source desktop software : a qualitative study of Belgian organizations,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289678,,The distribution of the uncitedness factor and its functional relation with the impact factor,VABB-1,689,695,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289680,,On the relation between Schuberts h-index of a single paper and its total number of received citations,VABB-1,115,117,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289681,,Letter to the editor: on Randić's H-sequence,VABB-1,795,797,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289682,,Characteristic scores and scales in a Lotkaian framework,VABB-1,455,462,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289684,,The Hirsch-index and related impact measures,VABB-1,65,114,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289685,,Influence of adding or deleting items and sources on the h-index,VABB-1,370,373,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289692,,"Conjugate partitions in informetrics: Lorenz curves, h-type indices, Ferrers graphs and Durfee squares in a discrete and continuous setting",VABB-1,320,330,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289693,,Characteristic scores and scales based on h-type indices,VABB-1,14,22,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289721,,Audit pricing and the Big4 fee premium : evidence from Belgium,VABB-1,122,139,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289733,,Citizen Heylen : opkomst en bloei van het Rex-concern binnen de Antwepse bioscoopsector (1950-1975),VABB-1,80,107,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289745,,Het moment van opeisbaarheid bij afstand van de beschermingsvergoeding van beschermde werknemers : noot onder Arbh. Antwerpen 14 december 2009,VABB-1,1062,1065,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289748,,All's well that bends well? The constitutional dimension to the service directive,VABB-1,397,429,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289752,,De toepasbaarheid van de Wet Verwerking Persoonsgegevens en de Wet Patiëntenrechten op expertise- en controlegeneeskunde,VABB-1,341,348,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289756,,Plus que la bouche de la loi européenne : over rechterlijk activisme en het Europees Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,439,443,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289757,,"Karlsruhe über Alles : Europese integratie, constitutionele toetsing en democratie volgens het Duitse Bundesverfassungsgericht (II)",VABB-1,51,63,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:289758,,"_Karlsruhe über Alles : Europese integratie, constitutionele toetsing en democratie volgens het Duitse Bundesverfassungsgericht (I)",VABB-1,3,15,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:289760,,Extraction of biomedical events,VABB-5,91,106,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289763,,Begoochelingen en ontgoochelingen van een Vlaams nationaal-socialist : omtrent Filip de Pillecyn,VABB-1,23,65,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289767,,Risky apples again? Australia : measures affecting the importation of apples from New Zealand,VABB-1,437,443,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289769,,Independance of experts and standards for evaluation of scientific evidence under the SPS agreement : new directions in the SPS case law,VABB-1,183,188,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289771,,Kleine gedichten voor 'kleine discipelen' : Johannes Kinker bemiddelt bij een geschil over kopijrecht (1824),VABB-1,445,455,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:289774,,Neerlandistiek als bindmiddel van de natie : hoogleraar Schrant in Gent 1817-1830,VABB-1,4,19,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289782,,Op weg naar integraal taalbeleid in hogeschool en universiteit,VABB-1,314,320,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289784,,"Noot onder H.v.J. 1 oktober 2009, Sint-Servatius , C-567/07",VABB-1,1107,1110,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289785,,"Lieve Jehan, goede vrient : visioenen in het mirakelboek van Halle",VABB-1,311,338,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289790,,"Noot bij HvJ 3 september 2009, zaak C-2/08, Olimpicclub",VABB-1,167,170,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289791,,Misbruiken van de meningsvrijheid via het internet: is het recht Web 2.0- compatibel? Pleidooi voor een technologieneutrale bescherming van de uitingsvrijheid,VABB-1,15,21,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289792,,Politie uit de kleren? Humo uit de rekken!,VABB-1,91,99,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289793,,Two-fold origin : performing hybrids between theatre and media,VABB-1,475,486,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289795,,Instance : the work of CREW with Eric joris,VABB-4,69,75,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289798,,The perceived effects of works councils on organizational outcomes : comparing the public with the private sector,VABB-1,90,132,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:289799,,Cultural accommodation and language priming : competititve versus cooperative behavior in a prisoner's dilemma game,VABB-1,559,583,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289804,,A variable neighborhood search algorithm for scheduling the hot rolling operations at a steel mill,VABB-5,1239,1243,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:289825,,The cartel settlement procedure in practice,VABB-1,168,175,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289826,,'Ex ante evaluatie' en de toetsing door het Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,61,75,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289827,,Beginselen van behoorlijke wetgeving in de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie (2008-2009),VABB-1,103,118,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289828,,De wetgevingsprocedures en de rechtshandelingen na het Verdrag van Lissabon,VABB-1,191,198,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289829,,"Bekendmaking van gemeentelijke normen : de Middeleeuwen voorbij? Tijd voor een modern communicatiebeleid, noot onder Cass. 14 september 2009",VABB-1,423,426,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289830,,Ex ante evaluation of EU legislation intertwined with judicial review? Comment on case C-58/08 Vodafone,VABB-1,869,884,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289836,,Gemeentehuis en Rijksadministratief Centrum te Boom,VABB-4,387,392,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289838,,Over de arbitreerbaarheid van concessie geschillen : eindelijk een uitgemaakte zaak? (noot onder Cass. 14 januari 2010),VABB-1,1087,1091,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289839,,Tolerance from a religious perspective : a response to Susan Mendus,VABB-1,438,445,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289840,,Over publiek en privaat : juridische grenzen aan parkeergelden en aan de bevoegdheden van concessiehouders (noot sub Vred. Eeklo 25 februari 2010),VABB-1,1192,1195,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289841,,De bevoegdheden van de gemeenschappen en gewesten inzake rechtsbescherming,VABB-1,607,621,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289844,,Vers une sécurité sociale flamande complémmentaire dans le cadre actuel de répartition des compétences?,VABB-1,301,306,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:289846,,Sentence compression : beyond deletion models?,VABB-4,45,66,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289847,,Memory-based learning,VABB-4,154,179,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289848,,POS tagging,VABB-4,776,779,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289850,,Van autoritaire schoolmeesters tot democratische leraren : de evolutie van autoritarisme bij Vlaamse leerkrachten tussen 1953-2002,VABB-1,55,83,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289861,,Johannes van der Linden and his draft Code for Holland,VABB-1,563,577,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289885,,"Socio-demographics : typical new social movement activists, old leftists or normalized protesters?",VABB-4,78,97,-,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289894,,Campagneonderzoek in België en Nederland : een beknopt ovezicht,VABB-1,285,292,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289895,,"Essay : Verkiezingscampagnes in België en Nederland : vergelijkbare landen, verschillende campagnes?",VABB-1,375,390,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289917,,Samuel Beckett : debts and legacies,VABB-3,,,483 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289918,,Adorno's notes on endgame,VABB-1,196,217,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289919,,Espèces d'origine : Darwin et l'aspect scientifique de la critique génétique,VABB-1,151,162,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:289921,,Texts beyond borders : multilingualism and textual scholarship,VABB-1,236,241,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289923,,Notes on Beckett,VABB-1,157,178,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289926,,Mood in French,VABB-4,157,178,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289927,,Ce N-ci et ce N-là en moyen français,VABB-4,86,103,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:289929,,Europa tussen Gemeenschap en Unie : het Hof van Justitie over het Europees burgerschap en het Europees aanhoudingsbevel,VABB-1,1,12,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289930,,Noot onder HvJ 3 december 2009,VABB-1,270,274,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289931,,Foltering als misdrijf in het Belgisch strafrecht : bevestiging en afwijking van de internationaalrechtelijke principes (noot onder Cass. 4 februari 2009),VABB-1,1126,1129,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289934,,Rechterlijke controle op de uitlevering : (r)evoluties (noot onder Cass. 31 maart 2009),VABB-1,492,496,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289936,,Een strafrechtelijk najaarsoffensief van de Europese Unie : overzicht van nieuwe regelgevende en jurisprudentiële munitie voor het Europees strafrecht,VABB-1,155,177,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:289937,,Bemiddeling en ruimtelijke ordening,VABB-1,229,259,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289938,,In compagnie : een onderzoek naar jongerenculturen te Lier in de achttiende eeuw,VABB-1,104,126,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289939,,La dottrina costituzionale di Sieyès,VABB-2,,,244 p.,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:289944,,Che cosa è il costituzionalismo politico?,VABB-1,336,360,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:289945,,Robert Cover's narrative approach to constitutionalism,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289961,,Proceedings of the Third International Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Conference,VABB-3,,,92 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289962,,Edgeworth expansion of stochastic trading time,VABB-1,3179,3192,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289963,,Towards a media-policy process-analysis model and its methodological implications,VABB-4,217,232,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289966,,Postponement and recuperation of Belgian fertility : how are they related to rising female educational attainment?,VABB-1,77,106,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289967,,La ricerca omparata con modelli multilivello nella sociologia della salute e della malattia,VABB-1,38,67,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:289972,,Dynamic strategic interaction between an innovating and a non-innovating incumbent,VABB-1,453,463,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289973,,Delay in finite time capital accumulation,VABB-1,465,475,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:289980,,'Coercion and the grounds of legal normativity' : contribution to a book symposium on A. Ripstein's Froce and freedom (2010),VABB-1,305,316,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:289991,,"Wat water in mijn wijn. Louis Paul Boon en Reinold Kuipers over inhoud, vorm en verkoopbaarheid",VABB-1,121,143,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289996,,"Een rederijkerskamer die de ""Hooft-Deuchden"" beoefent",VABB-1,194,206,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:289999,,Back to Ölenberg : an intertextual dialogue between fairy-tale retellings and the socio-historical study of the Grimm tales,VABB-1,99,115,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290061,,"I'll see you on IM, text, or call you : a social network approach of adolescents' use of communication media",VABB-1,75,85,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290083,,Socioemotional wealth and earnings management in private family firms,VABB-1,280,294,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290084,,Niet-financiële informatierapportering en de kwaliteit van de winstprognoses opgesteld door financiële analysten,VABB-1,3,15,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290107,,The world says no to war : demonstrations against the war on Iraq,VABB-2,,,312 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290108,,How negative environmental impacts drive MNE exit : stakeholder dynamics in the DHL Europe case,VABB-1,69,86,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290111,,Knowledge exchange through online political networks,VABB-4,315,324,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290115,,"Samen werken aan een integraal, inclusief en participatief lokaal armoedebestrijdingsbeleid : groeten uit Balen",VABB-1,69,75,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290124,,Leven in een a priora : religie bij Seuphor en Van Ostaijen,VABB-1,176,193,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:290146,,"On the road with Maritain, European modernist art circles and neothomism during the 1920's and 1930's",VABB-4,7,25,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290147,,Similarity and incompatibility : the aesthetics of Jacques Maritain and Michel Seuphor,VABB-4,56,69,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:290177,,"De juiste wijze van betekening van verstekvonnissen aan de beklaagde, noot onder Cass. 29 april 2009",VABB-1,1054,1057,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290182,,Democratisering van het hoger onderwijs : enkele kritische bedenkingen,VABB-1,554,558,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:290189,,A scientometric analysis of health and population research in South Asia : focus on two research organizations,VABB-1,135,147,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290203,,"Communicatie- en informatietekorten binnen de wet continuïteit ondernemingen : de schuldeisers blijven te vaak in de kou staan, noot bij Kh. Tongeren 15 maart 2010",VABB-1,551,556,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290204,,Het recht op onderwijs voor documentloze kinderen : illusoir recht of empowerende hefboom?,VABB-1,288,300,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290206,,Schuldvergelijking,VABB-1,1370,1383,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290208,,Hof van Cassatie bevestigt sterfhuisclausule (noot onder Cass. 10 december 2010),VABB-1,1438,1443,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290231,,Clinical assessment of scapular positioning in musicians: inter-tester reliability study,VABB-1,519,526,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290234,,Can pacing self-management alter physical behaviour and symptom severity in chronic fatigue syndrome? A case series,VABB-1,985,996,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290235,,Development and properties of the Dutch neurophysiology of pain test in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome,VABB-1,58,65,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290241,,"Failure of gamma-aminobutyrate acid-beta agonist baclofen to improve balance, gait and postural control after vestibular schwannoma resection",VABB-1,350,355,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290242,,From acute musculoskeletal pain to chronic widespread pain and fibromyalgia: application of pain neurophysiology in manual therapy practice,VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290243,,Rehabilitation of chronic whiplash: treatment of cervical dysfunctions or chronic pain syndrome?,VABB-1,243,251,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290244,,Additional exercises improve trunk performance after stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,281,286,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290245,,Comparison of the effect of two driving retraining programs on on-road performance after stroke,VABB-1,699,705,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290267,,"Cognitive, linguistic and affective disturbances following a right superior cerebellar artery infarction: a case study",VABB-1,527,536,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290273,,Immunological similarities between cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome: the common link to fatigue?,VABB-1,4714,4726,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290276,,Evidence for generalized hyperalgesia in chronic fatigue syndrome: a case control study,VABB-1,393,398,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290281,,A thousand pericardial valves in aortic position: risk factors for postoperative acute renal function impairment in elderly,VABB-1,233,237,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290286,,Altered lumbopelvic movement control but not joint hypermobility is associated with increased injury in dancers: a prospective study,VABB-1,630,635,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290454,,Monitoring of physical activity after stroke: a systematic review of accelerometry-based measures,VABB-1,288,297,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290458,,No correlation between time-linked plasma and CSF Aβ levels,VABB-1,820,825,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290460,,Foreign accent syndrome as a developmental motor speech disorder,VABB-1,870,878,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290465,,Different physical treatment modalities for lymphoedema developing after axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer: a review,VABB-1,3,9,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290467,,Effect of long-term whole body vibration training on visceral adipose tissue: a preliminary report,VABB-1,93,100,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290478,,Risk factors for delirium in intensive care patients: a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,R77,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290479,,Long term outcome after delirium in the intensive care unit,VABB-1,3349,3357,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290486,,Do antissemitismo emocional ao antissemitismo funcional na Espanha inquisitorial e na Alemanha nazista,VABB-4,37,71,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290518,,Three-dimensional glenohumeral arthrokinematics related to internal impingement in throwing athletes: communication on six clinical cases,VABB-1,427,433,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290519,,Nurses practices in pharmacotherapy and their association with educational level,VABB-1,1072,1079,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290521,,Scapular positioning in overhead athletes with and without shoulder pain: a case-control study,VABB-1,809,818,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:290522,,Pain inhibition and postexertional malaise in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: an experimental study.,VABB-1,265,278,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290523,,Sensorimotor incongruence triggers sensory disturbances in professional violinists: an experimental study,VABB-1,1281,1289,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290524,,Pain physiology education improves pain beliefs in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome compared with pacing and self-management education: a double-blind randomized controlled trial.,VABB-1,1153,1159,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290525,,"Unravelling the nature of postexertional malaise in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: the role of elastase, complement C4a and interleukin-1beta.",VABB-1,418,435,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290526,,Recognition of central sensitization in patients with musculoskeletal pain: Application of pain neurophysiology in manual therapy practice.,VABB-1,135,141,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290527,,Reduced pressure pain thresholds in response to exercise in chronic fatigue syndrome but not in chronic low back pain: an experimental study,VABB-1,884,890,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290531,,Nitric oxide concentrations are normal and unrelated to activity level in chronic fatigue syndrome: a case-control study,VABB-1,865,869,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290550,,Pulmonary rehabilitation and non-invasive ventilation in COPD,VABB-1,330,335,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290555,,"Pain, exercise and employment status in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: research priorities. Response to the letter by T. Kindlon",VABB-1,1145,1146,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290562,,Relation between frontal lobe symptoms and dementia severity within and across diagnostic dementia categories,VABB-1,1186,1195,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290563,,Altered serum glycomics in Alzheimer disease: a potential blood biomarker?,VABB-1,439,444,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290566,,A cross-sectional study about the relationship between morphology and step-time parameters in children between 15 and 36 months,VABB-1,400,404.,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290567,,Plasma amyloid-beta forms in Alzheimer's disease and non-Alzheimer's disease patients,VABB-1,291,301,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290568,,Suppression of the E-effect during the subjective visual and postural vertical test in healthy subjects.,VABB-1,297,305,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290591,,Translating irony,VABB-3,,,252 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290601,,"Living with High-Rise Modernity : the Modernist Kiel Housing Estate of Renaat Braem, a Catalyst to a Socialist Modern Way of Life",VABB-1,134,158,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290643,,Het laken wordt een muur van klei en as: tekst en intertekst in 'Obsidiaan' van Peter Verhelst,VABB-1,151,171,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:290769,,A Hebrew-Greek Index to 8HevXIIgr,VABB-1,331,349,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290777,,An Afriat Theorem for the collective model of household consumption,VABB-1,1142,1163,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290778,,Store environment and advertising: investigating two manipulative forces from the supermarket,VABB-1,90,106,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290779,,Horticulture wholesale trade and governance in India: evidence from Uttarakhand,VABB-1,113,136,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290780,,Market power and rents in global supply chains,VABB-1,109,120,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290781,,The revealed preference approach to collective consumption behavior: testing and sharing rule recovery,VABB-1,176,198,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:290786,,Firm and industry level profit efficiency analysis under incomplete price data: a nonparametric apporach based on absolute and uniform shadow prices,VABB-1,584,594,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290787,,Equity and efficiency in private and public education: a nonparametric comparison,VABB-1,563,573,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290789,,Governments at the bidding table,VABB-1,S31,S47,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290792,,Technical and economic efficiency measures under short run profit maximizing behavior,VABB-1,163,173,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290794,,Trade growth following the African growth and opportunity act,VABB-1,128,144,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290801,,The General Principle of the Prohibition of Abuse of Rights: A Critical Position on Its Role in a Codified European Contract Law,VABB-1,1121,1154,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290804,,"Veel gevorderd en weinig toegekend. Hoe moet de rechtsplegingsvergoeding bepaald worden?”, (noot onder Antwerpen 28 juni 2010)",VABB-1,290,295,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290808,,Le recours contributoire entre coobligés in solidum et l’influence de la faute intentionnelle: fraus omnia corrumpit?,VABB-1,532,535,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:290809,,"'Saying and Unsaying, to a Positive Result': Newman on the Practice of Theology in a Liberal Age",VABB-4,241,259,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290810,,Veertig jaar Collationes: een terugblik,VABB-1,363,378,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290811,,Jean-Luc Nancy's Deconstruction of Christianity,VABB-4,43,62,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290812,,The Political Ethics of Jean-François Lyotard and Jacques Derrida,VABB-2,,,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:290813,,La relecture de la pensée conciliaire sur la collégialité et la communion des Églises entre 1972 et 1983,VABB-4,125,149,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:290816,,"Levensbeschouwing, religie en onderwijs: enkele beschouwingen bij de reflectietekst",VABB-1,51,58,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290817,,Communicating Faith in Contemporary Europe: Dealing with Language Problems in and outside the Church,VABB-4,293,308,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290819,,"Marion, Levinas, and Heidegger on the Question Concerning Ontotheology",VABB-1,207,239,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290820,,"In Memoriam Edward Schillebeeckx, OP (1914-2009)",VABB-4,10,13,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290821,,The Enduring Significance and Relevance of Edward Schillebeeckx? Introducing the State of the Question in Medias Res,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290822,,Christianity and Politics: A Biographical-Theoretical Reading of Gianni Vattimo and Alain Badiou,VABB-4,187,206,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290825,,"Theologische Forschung an der Schnittstelle von Hochschule, Kirche und Gesellschaft",VABB-1,164,183,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:290826,,"From Ontology to Ecclesiology: John Zizioulas, the Cappadocians and the Quest for a New Ecclesiology",VABB-1,201,216,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290828,,God and/in Phenomenology? Jean-Yves Lacoste's Phenomenality of God,VABB-1,85,93,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290829,,The Prayer of St Benedict: A Dynamic Meta-paradigm for a Theology of Faith,VABB-1,157,182,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290830,,Between Philosophy and Theology. Contemporary Interpretations of Christianity,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290832,,"Language, Philosophy, Politics and the Development of the Filioque Clause",VABB-1,257,271,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:290833,,The Ratzinger Reader,VABB-3,,,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:290834,,De blijvende betekenis en relevantie van Edward Schillebeeckx voor de actuele theologie. Een reflectie ‘in medias res’,VABB-1,27,50,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290835,,Mutual Interruption. Toward a Productive Tension between Theology and Religious Studies,VABB-1,3,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:290841,,Graham Ward's Poststructural Christian Nominalism,VABB-1,359,373,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290843,,Canon as an act of creation: Giorgio Agamben and the extended logic of the messianic,VABB-1,132,158,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290845,,"Introduction to Ellen Armour's Thinking: Race, Sex and Religion in Postmodernity",VABB-4,167,174,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290847,,Otto Hermann Pesch und die Aporien des Differenzgedankens: Eine Archäologie des differenzierten Konsenses,VABB-1,139,168,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:290848,,Introduction to the thinking of John Caputo: religion without religion is the way out of religion,VABB-4,19,26,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290851,,"« La vraie réception de Vatican II n'a pas encore commencé ». Joseph Ratzinger, Révélation et autorité de Vatican II",VABB-4,13,50,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:290852,,How Do Children Become Active Subjects within the Domestic Church? Reflections on a Neglected Subject within Roman Catholic Ecclesiological Discourse on the Domestic Church.,VABB-4,295,306,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290856,,"Theology at the Crossroads of Academy, Church and Society",VABB-1,71,90,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290859,,Why Study Liturgical Mysticism? A Historico-Systematic Theological Reflection,VABB-1,3,26,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290865,,Ecclesia discens: The Ecumenical Significance of the Joint Declaration on Justification and its Implications for Ecumenical Learning,VABB-4,165,176,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290866,,You Are Peter: A Critical Analysis of the Orthodox View of Papal Primacy in View of an Alternative Way of Exercising Papal Primacy,VABB-1,113,133,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290868,,God's Sacramental Presence in the Contemporary World. Festschrift Lambert Leijssen,VABB-3,,,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290874,,Taking Atheism Seriously: A Challenge for Theology in the 21st Century,VABB-4,36,48,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290875,,Preface,VABB-4,17,27,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290876,,Edward Schillebeeckx and Contemporary Theology,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290878,,Richard Kearney’s Messianism: between the Narrative Theology of Hermeneutics and the Negative Theology of Deconstructionism,VABB-4,7,18,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290914,,Roger Ames: Confucian philosopher and teacher: editors' introduction,VABB-1,3,13,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290920,,Scenting the Aroma of Christ: 2Cor. 2:15-6 in Origen’s Interpretation,VABB-4,275,279,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290921,,In Search of A Vision of an Inclusive Future for a Hungry World: Rom 14:17 in a Normativity of the Future Perspective,VABB-4,197,237,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290923,,(Stifled) Voices of the Future: Learning about Children in the Bible,VABB-4,73,115,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290924,,The Divine Titles ha'ādôn and 'adonāy in Proto-Isaiah and Ezekiel,VABB-4,131,148,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290925,,"The King Deseased and Healed (Isaiah 38), the King Embarrassed and Comforted (Isaiah 39): What Do These Figures Add to the King Beleaguered and Rescued (Isaiah 36-37)?",VABB-1,379,391,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290926,,Woe to Powers in Israel that Vie to Replace YHWH's Rule on Mount Zion! Isaiah Chapters 28-31 from the Perspective of Isaiah Chapters 24-27,VABB-4,25,43,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290927,,"Israël et les Nations à la face de YHWH, le Seigneur de toute le terre. Le développement de ce thème dans la première partie du livre d'Isaïe",VABB-4,143,163,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:290928,,Jesaja 28-39,VABB-2,,,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:290930,,Christ's Good News for All. Multiple Emphases in Peter's Speech of Acts 10:34b-43,VABB-4,149,157,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:290931,,The Book of Life. Biblical Answers to Existential Questions,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290933,,"A Matter of Method (II). 2 Cor 4,13 and the Recent Studies of Schenck and Campbell",VABB-1,441,448,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:290934,,"Paul's Reasoning in 1 Corinthians 6,12-20",VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290935,,Content-Related Criteria in Characterising the LXX Translation Technique,VABB-4,357,376,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290936,,"Style and Content. A Note on Romans 8,10",VABB-1,171,176,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:290938,,"Two Brief Notes: Romans 3,19-20 and 25b-26",VABB-4,733,737,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:290940,,The Septuagint’s Rendering of Hebrew Hapax Legomena and the Characterization of its ‘Translation Technique’: the Case of Exodus,VABB-1,360,376,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:290941,,Praising God or Singing of Love? From Theological into Erotic Allegorisation in the Interpretation of Canticles,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290942,,The Prophet Isaiah and His Relational Metaphors,VABB-4,31,40,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290943,,Where is God When You Need Him Most? The Divine Metaphor of Absence and Presence as a Binding Element in the Composition of the Book of Psalms,VABB-4,377,390,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290946,,The Sweet Scent of the Gospel in the Didache and in Second Corinthians: Some Comments on Two Recent Interpretations of the Stinoufi Prayer in the Coptic Did. 10.8,VABB-1,323,344,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:290947,,Diversity of the Notion of Apostolicity in the Writings of the Apostolic Fathers,VABB-4,37,55,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290948,,The problem with the three expressions of gratitude found in Greek writings and their alleged relationship to Gal 3:28,VABB-1,761,778,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290949,,Gal 3:28 and its alleged relationship to rabbinic writings,VABB-1,370,392,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290950,,Re-Reading the Lord’s Supper Story in Corinth (1 Cor 11:17-34): A Normativity of the Future Perspective,VABB-4,239,277,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290951,,A Forgotten Witness: Recovering the Early Church Slavonic Version of the Martyrdom of Polycarp,VABB-4,123,133,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290952,,When It All Falls Apart. A Survey of the Interpretational Maze concerning the 'Final Poem' of the Book of Qohelet (Qoh 12:1-7),VABB-1,235,260,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290953,,Amalgamator or Faithful Translator? A Translation-Technical Assessment of Psalm 151,VABB-4,443,461,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290957,,"Constructing, Deconstructing and Reconstructing Fragmentary Manuscripts: Illustrated by a Study of 4Q184 (4QWiles of the Wicked Woman)",VABB-4,26,47,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290958,,Manna-Eaters and Man-Eaters: Food of Giants and Men in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies 8,VABB-4,92,114,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290959,,The Character of the City and the Temple of the Aramaic New Jerusalem,VABB-4,117,131,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290960,,Dead Sea Scrolls,VABB-4,163,180,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290962,,Greek 'Variant Literary Editions' to the Hebrew Bible?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:290963,,Het boek Prediker: een verrassende en uitdagende stem in de Bijbel,VABB-1,39,51,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:290964,,De psalm die ‘buiten het getal’ valt. Psalm 151 in de Septuaginta en in de rollen van de Dode Zee,VABB-1,7,20,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290965,,The Passover Narrative and Ritual: A Meal of Liberation From Hunger,VABB-1,135,157,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:290966,,The Motif of Gathering in Didache 14 Reconsidered,VABB-4,297,302,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290968,,Antwerp Bible Translations in the King James Bible,VABB-4,100,123,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:290969,,Aramaic Texts from Qumran and the Authoritativeness of Hebrew Scriptures: Preliminary Observations,VABB-4,155,171,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290974,,The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Joshua,VABB-4,97,109,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290975,,Before Embarking on an Adventure. Some Preliminary Remarks on Writing the NTP Commentary on the Gospel of Mark,VABB-4,145,156,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290976,,Pain and Glory. Some Introductory Comments on the Rhetorical Qualities and Potential of the Martyrs of Palestine by Eusebius of Caesarea,VABB-4,353,391,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290978,,"The Church Fathers' Interpretations and Modern Exegesis of Gal 3,28c: A Comparative Analysis",VABB-1,109,131,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290979,,The War Scroll and Related Literature: War and Peace in the Dead Sea Scrolls,VABB-4,303,334,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290980,,Normativity of the Future: Reading Biblical and Other Authoritative Texts in an Eschatological Perspective,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290994,,The New Testament and Rabbinic Literature,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290996,,Metaphors in the Psalms,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:290998,,"Transformation through the Divine Glory in Christ’s Death and Resurrection: Rom 6,5 and Phil 3,10.21 in Light of Pauline Mysticism",VABB-1,65,80,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291000,,Assessing Emanuel Tov’s “Qumran Scribal Practice”,VABB-4,173,207,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291002,,Luke and Acts - The Early Years: Some Comments in the Margin of a Recent Monograph,VABB-4,97,117,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291003,,The Human Body in Death and Resurrection,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291004,,Gelitten Gestorben Auferstanden. Passions- und Ostertraditionen im antiken Christentum,VABB-3,,,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:291007,,Scriptura Sacra Novi Testamenti,VABB-1,293,382,,lat,2010,2 c:vabb:291008,,"A Puzzling Hapax Legomenon - the Peacemakers of Matt 5,9",VABB-4,97,109,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291010,,Metaphors in the Psalms. An Introduction,VABB-4,11,34,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291011,,Scriptura Sacra Novi Testamenti,VABB-1,279,365,,lat,2009,2 c:vabb:291012,,The Beloved Child: The Presentation of Jesus as Child in the Second Testament,VABB-4,117,136,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291013,,"Calling Jesus a Prophet, as Seen by Luke",VABB-4,177,210,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291014,,Prophets and Prophecy in Jewish and Early Christian Literature,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291015,,Other Worlds and Their Relation to This World. Early Jewish and Christian Traditions,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291016,,Studien zu Einleitungsfragen und zur Theologie und Exegese des Neuen Testamentes. Gesammelte Aufsätze von Peter Dschulnigg,VABB-3,,,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:291019,,Aramaica qumranica apocalyptica?,VABB-4,435,448,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291020,,Rethinking the Bible: Sixty Years of Dead Sea Scrolls Research and Beyond,VABB-4,19,36,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291021,,Reconsidering the Cave 1 Texts Sixty Years after Their Discovery: An Overview,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291022,,Scribal practices in the Aramaic literary texts from Qumran,VABB-4,329,341,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291023,,Cave 11 in Context,VABB-4,199,209,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291036,,"Beyond the Sectarian Divide: The ""Voice of the Teacher"" as Authority-Conferring Strategy in Some Qumran Texts",VABB-4,227,244,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291048,,Preface,VABB-4,9,12,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291050,,Peter as Martyr in the Fourth Gospel,VABB-4,281,309,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291051,,Elenchus Bibliographicus 2009,VABB-1,1*,885,,lat,2009,2 c:vabb:291064,,Qumran Cave 1 Revisited: Texts from Cave 1 Sixty Years after Their Discovery. Proceedings of the Sixth Meeting of the IOQS in Ljubljana,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291065,,"La Ley, las Obras y la Gracia: Gal 3:10-14 a la luz de Qumrán",VABB-1,415,434,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:291066,,Has the world moved forward? A robust multidimensional evaluation,VABB-1,266,269,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291067,,"Designing performance incentives, an international benchmark study in the water sector",VABB-1,189,220,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291068,,Evaluatie van onderzoeksprestaties,VABB-1,170,173,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291070,,Assessing pupil and school performance by non-parametric and parametric techniques,VABB-1,1224,1237,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291072,,Social status in economic theory,VABB-1,137,169,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291073,,A Belgian flat income tax: effects on labour supply and income distribution,VABB-1,23,54,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291074,,How regressive are indirect taxes. A microsimulation analysis for five European countries,VABB-1,326,350,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291075,,Regulatory structures and operational environment in the Portuguese waste sector,VABB-1,1130,1137,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291076,,Applying the capability approach to policy-making: the impact assessment of the EU-proposal on organ donation,VABB-1,391,399,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291079,,"Influential observations in frontier models, a robust non-oriented approach to the water sector",VABB-1,377,392,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291082,,Towards a benchmarking paradigm in the water and sewerage services,VABB-1,42,48,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291086,,Sizing the government,VABB-1,39,55,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291088,,Measurement and practice of fiscal flows: the case of Belgium,VABB-4,108,124,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291090,,Incorporating heterogeneity in non-parametric models: a methodological comparison,VABB-1,188,204,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291094,,"Is a little sunshine all we need? On the impact of sunshine regulation on profits, productivity and prices in the Dutch drinking water sector",VABB-1,,242,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291096,,To publish or not to publish? On the aggregation and drivers of research performance,VABB-1,657,680,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291098,,COOPER-framework: a unified standard process for non-parametric projects,VABB-1,1573,1586,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291101,,What is the Catholic Response to Spousal Abuse in the Indian Family? An Ethical Discussion Based on Church Teaching,VABB-1,195,213,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291104,,In verwachting van een kwetsbaar leven? Pastorale zorg in de context van prenatale diagnostiek,VABB-1,309,332,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291106,,Kunst en geluk in het werk van Arthur Schopenhauer,VABB-1,245,272,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:291111,,Moral concerns on tradable pollution permits in international environmental agreements,VABB-1,1814,1823,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291112,,The impact of the EUs carbon emissions reduction proposals on the stability of global climate agreements,VABB-1,148,166,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291114,,On the existence of the optimal fine for environmental crime,VABB-1,329,337,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291116,,Minnelijke schikkingen voor milieumisdrijven in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,78,84,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291118,,Trip chaining: who wins who loses?,VABB-1,223,258,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291121,,Cost recovery in congested electricity networks,VABB-1,195,208,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291123,,Russian gas imports in Europe: how Does Gazprom reliability change the game?,VABB-1,79,110,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291124,,The impact of the judicial objective function on the enforcement of environmental standards,VABB-1,196,214,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291126,,Assessing transport investments - towards a multi-purpose tool,VABB-1,834,849,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291128,,Carve-outs under airline antitrust immunity,VABB-1,657,668,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291131,,Sequential legislative lobbying under political certainty,VABB-1,281,312,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291133,,"Simulating a sequential coalition formation process for the climate change problem: first come, but second served?",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:291134,,Evidence of a filtered approach to environmental monitoring,VABB-1,195,209,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291137,,"For Me to Know and You to Find Out? Participatory Mechanisms, The Aarhus Convention and New Technologies",VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291145,,Animal spirits and monetary policy,VABB-1,423,457,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:291146,,The Return of Keynes,VABB-1,157,163,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291147,,Forecasting and combining competing models of exchange rate determination,VABB-1,3455,3480,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291148,,The scientific foundation of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models,VABB-1,413,443,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291149,,Non-Linearities in the Relation Between the Exchange Rate and the Fundamentals,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291150,,The Fragility of the Eurozone’s Institutions,VABB-1,167,174,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:291151,,Economics of Monetary Union,VABB-2,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291153,,Gains for all: a proposal for a common euro bond,VABB-1,132,141,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291154,,"FDI Spillovers, firm heterogeneity and degree of ownership: evidence from Chinese manufacturing",VABB-1,143,182,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291155,,Dimensions of competitiveness,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291182,,Misbruiken in de sport,VABB-1,41,48,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:291196,,Student attitudes towards doping in sport: Shifting from repression to tolerance?,VABB-1,346,357,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291204,,"Challenging modern sports' moral deficit; towards Fair Trade, Corporate Social Responsibility and Good Governance in sport",VABB-1,45,53,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291229,,Integrity management in sport,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291264,,"The role of farmers and informal institutions in microcredit programs in Tigray, northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,520,544,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291286,,Reinventing the Wheel? African Cooperatives in a Liberalized Economic Environment,VABB-1,361,392,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291302,,The European Union and Multilateral Governance - an interdisciplinary research project: Research Notes (Part 3),VABB-1,412,418,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291305,,Subnational governments in transnational networks for sustainable development,VABB-1,321,339,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:291312,,Shooting at Moving Targets: Short- versus Long-Term Effects of Anti-Poverty Policies,VABB-4,471,497,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291326,,Civil Society Involvement in International Development Cooperation: In Search for Data,VABB-1,331,349,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:291329,,Governance for Sustainable Development at the Inter-subnational Level: The Case of the Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (nrg4SD),VABB-1,127,149,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291364,,Poland: A Visually-Oriented Literary Culture?,VABB-4,57,69,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291371,,The French influence in the early Dutch reception of F.M. Dostoevsky’s Brat’ja Karamazovy,VABB-1,264,284,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291372,,Unpaired shocks during extinction weaken the contextual renewal of a conditioned discrimination,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291373,,Fear generalization in humans: Impact of verbal instructions,VABB-1,38,43,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291380,,Contingency is used to prepare for outcomes: Implications for a functional analysis of learning,VABB-1,117,121,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291381,,The role of cue information in the outcome-density effect: Evidence from neural network simulations and a causal learning experiment,VABB-1,177,192,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291382,,Affect 4.0: A Free Software Package for Implementing Psychological and Psychophysiological Experiments,VABB-1,36,45,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291383,,A picture-flavour paradigm for studying complex conditioning processes in food preference learning,VABB-1,303,308,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:291384,,Evaluative conditioning in humans: A meta-analysis,VABB-1,390,421,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291385,,A free software package for a human online-conditioned suppression preparation,VABB-1,311,317,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291386,,"Preventie van stress, angst en depressie door psycho-educatie: Een overzicht van interventies",VABB-1,224,235,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:291388,,Wat als ik altijd...wat als ik nooit nog...? Een op Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-geïnspireerde behandeling van dwanggedachten bij een 23-jarige student,VABB-1,87,93,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:291389,,'Reflection' en 'brooding' als subtypes van rumineren: een herziening van de Ruminative Response Scale,VABB-1,205,214,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291390,,A psychometric evaluation of the Dutch version of the Responses to Positive Affect Questionnaire,VABB-1,293,310,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:291391,,Brooding and reflection as subtypes of rumination: Evidence from confirmatory factor analysis in nonclinical samples using the Dutch Ruminative Response Scale,VABB-1,609,617,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291392,,The relationship between mindfulness and uncontrollability of ruminative thinking,VABB-1,199,203,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291393,,The Dutch version of the Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale (BADS): Psychometric properties and factor structure,VABB-1,246,250,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291394,,Rumination and worry as mediators of the relationship between self-compassion and depression and anxiety,VABB-1,757,761,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291395,,Inhibitory control mediates the relationship between depressed mood and overgeneral memory recall in children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291396,,Brooding and reflection as components of rumination in late childhood,VABB-1,367,372,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291397,,A new tool for assessing context conditioning induced by US-unpredictability in humans: The Martians task restyled,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:291398,,Context en craving voor chocolade: extinctie en renewal in gezondheidsgerelateerd gedrag,VABB-1,225,232,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291399,,Defense reactions to interoceptive threats: a comparison between loaded breathing and aversive picture viewing,VABB-1,98,103,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291400,,Exposure to the context and removing the unpredictability of the US: Two methods to reduce contextual anxiety compared,VABB-1,361,369,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291402,,Fear conditioning following a unilateral anterior temporal lobectomy: reduced autonomic responding and stimulus contingency knowledge,VABB-1,36,48,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291405,,Resistance to extinction in an odor-CO2 inhalation paradigm with 20% CO2: Further evidence for a learning account of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity,VABB-1,47,56,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291407,,Response to “Multiple chemical sensitivity is a response to chemicals acting as toxicants via excessive NMDA activity”,VABB-1,328,330,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291408,,Counterconditioning reduces cue-induced craving and actual cue-elicited consumption,VABB-1,688,695,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291409,,Does exposure to habitual smoking contexts before smoking cessation reduce relapse? Results from a pilot study,VABB-1,19,28,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291410,,De repressie in het katholiek lager onderwijs na de Tweede Wereldoorlog in het bisdom Brugge,VABB-1,159,200,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291411,,Medieval coastal Syrian vegetation patterns in the principality of Antioch,VABB-1,251,262,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:291412,,Late Second-Early First Millennium BC Abrupt Climate Changes in Coastal Syria and their Possible Significance for the History of the Eastern Mediterranean,VABB-1,207,215,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291418,,Atrahasis en Anatolie,VABB-1,7,18,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291420,,Pathological Skeletal Remains from Ancient Egypt: the Earliest Case of Diabetes Mellitus?,VABB-1,358,363,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291427,,Royal and satrapal Armies in Babylonia during the second Diadoch War. The Chronicle of the Successors on the Events during the seventh Year of Philip Arrhidaeus (=317/316 BC),VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291435,,"Date Formulas in Cuneiform Tablets and Antigonus Monophthalmus, Again",VABB-1,467,476,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:291437,,Evidence of Amputation as Medical Treatment in Ancient Egypt,VABB-1,405,423,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291439,,A note on the Origin of the Toponym al-Barsha,VABB-1,232,236,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291440,,Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 December 2009-31 January 2010,VABB-1,576,579,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291442,,The Encyclopaedia of Islam Three 2010-3,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291443,,The Encyclopaedia of Islam Three 2010-2,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291444,,Encyclopaedia of Islam Three 2010-1,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291445,,All in the family? Al-Mu`tasim's succession to the caliphate as denouement to the lifelong feud between al-Ma'mun and his `Abbasid family,VABB-1,77,88,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291451,,Akkadian Personal Names with pahāru or sahāru as initial element,VABB-1,81,94,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291459,,Temple Building in Hellenistic Babylonia,VABB-4,211,219,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291460,,"Les expressions verbales figées de la francophonie: Belgique, France, Québec et Suisse",VABB-2,,,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:291461,,La technique lexicographique dans le Dictionnaire du béarnais et du gascon modernes de Palay: Essai de métalexicographie occitane,VABB-4,941,952,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:291476,,Pragmatic markers and pragmaticalization: lessons from false friends,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291478,,The French and Dutch noun phrase in contrast: the case of the demonstrative determiner,VABB-1,267,284,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291479,,“Ce n’est pas très beau ce que vous avez dit”. Resonance activation in French parliamentary debates,VABB-1,1,18,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:291527,,Les emprunts au grec dans le vocabulaire médical de Barthélémy de Messine,VABB-1,,,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:291542,,"La descripción de la clase de los pronombres en las gramáticas anónimas de Lovaina (1555, 1559)",VABB-4,457,475,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:291543,,Gramática razonada y aproximación funcional: el Tratado de Gregorio Herráinz (1885),VABB-4,835,850,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:291545,,"Les enjeux de l’enseignement des langues aux Temps Modernes: Dimensions ludique, politique et idéologique de la didactique et de la didaxologie",VABB-4,79,123,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:291546,,L’organisation des classes nominales en kiowa,VABB-4,445,457,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291547,,Grammar and language in Syntactic Structures: Transformational progress and structuralist ‘reflux’,VABB-4,215,233,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291551,,L'analyse du pronom comme catégorie morpho-sémantique,VABB-4,341,364,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:291552,,La historiografía de la lingüística: apuntes y reflexiones,VABB-1,67,76,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:291558,,Les verbes de parole intransitifs,VABB-1,1,22,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:291562,,Auxiliaries and Grammaticalization,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291568,,David Zeisberger’s Description of Delaware Morphology (1827),VABB-1,325,344,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:291571,,Linguistique et dialectologie romanes: l’apport de Georges Millardet,VABB-1,11,24,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:291573,,Una aportación flamenca a la gramaticografía del español: La «Spaensen grammatica» de Arnaldo de la Porte (1659),VABB-1,101,112,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:291574,,"Terminologie, terminographie et métalangage linguistiques: Quelques réflexions et propositions",VABB-1,209,222,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:291588,,Analyse sociolinguistique et dialecto-géographique de l'emploi de l'infixe verbal -IDI- dans les variantes du ladin dolomitique,VABB-1,,,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:291590,,L’evoluzione dell’infisso latino *-IDI- nella morfologia verbale romanza. Status quaestionis e approfondimenti in base ad una ricerca condotta sul ladino della Val Badia,VABB-1,1,34,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:291593,,Parataxe et prosodie,VABB-4,285,306,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291594,,Condensed grammatical knowledge in Antiquity: Doxographical accounts of the parts-of-speech system,VABB-4,135,163,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291595,,"Hortus linguarum, the 'garden of languages'",VABB-1,374,377,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291596,,Mapping the Romance Languages of Europe,VABB-4,269,300,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291619,,Le rôle institutionnel de Léon Clédat: rapports et discours,VABB-4,199,220,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:291621,,Léon Clédat et la linguistique générale de son temps,VABB-4,161,176,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:291622,,Léon Clédat et la grammaire comparée des langues romanes,VABB-4,129,141,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:291624,,De la grammaire historique à la grammaire descriptive: le rôle de la composante historique dans les grammaires descriptives de Léon Clédat,VABB-4,109,127,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:291626,,Léon Clédat: de la philologie à la grammaire: introduction,VABB-4,1,12,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:291628,,L'oeuvre grammaticale et linguistique de Léon Clédat,VABB-3,,,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:291630,,"Linguistic Identities, Language shift and Language policy in Europe",VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291633,,Serial search for fingers of the same hand but not for fingers of different hands,VABB-1,261,264,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291634,,Abstraction and model evaluation in category learning,VABB-1,421,437,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291635,,Vesicular glutamate transporter VGLUT1 has a role in hippocampal long-term potentiation and spatial reversal learning,VABB-1,684,693,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291637,,Measuring model complexity with the prior predictive,VABB-5,1919,1927,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291638,,Adaptation and reintegration of proprioceptive information in young and older adults' postural control,VABB-1,1969,1977,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291640,,Face inversion impairs holistic perception: Evidence from gaze-contingent stimulation,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291641,,Endogenous cueing attenuates object substitution masking,VABB-1,422,428,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291642,,Linking depth to lightness and anchoring within the differentiation-integration formalism,VABB-1,1486,1500,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291643,,"Surface construction by a 2-D differentiation-integration process: a neurocomputational model for perceived border ownership, depth, and lightness in Kanizsa figures",VABB-1,406,439,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291644,,Offside decision making of assistant referees in the English Premier League: Impact of physical and perceptual-cognitive factors on match performance,VABB-1,471,481,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291645,,Processing Time Evidence for a Default-Interventionist Model of Probability Judgments,VABB-5,1792,1797,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291646,,Dual-process theorieën toegepast op het (leren) oplossen van wiskundige problemen,VABB-1,385,400,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:291647,,Prior sensitivity in theory testing An apologia for the Bayes factor,VABB-1,491,498,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291648,,Combining multisensory temporal information for movement synchronisation,VABB-1,277,282,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291650,,A multi-layered dual-process approach to conditional reasoning,VABB-4,355,386,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291652,,Embodied simulation and the meaning of facial expression in autism. Comment on ‘The simulation of smiles (SIMS) model: Embodied simulation and the meaning of facial expression’ by Niedenthal et al,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291653,,"Distributed subordinate specificity for bodies, faces, and buildings in human ventral visual cortex",VABB-1,3414,3425,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291656,,Identification of fragmented object outlines: A dynamic interplay between different component processes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291658,,Detecting intra and inter categorical structure in semantic concepts using HICLAS,VABB-1,296,304,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291659,,Whole not hole: Expert face recognition requires holistic perception,VABB-1,2620,2629,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291660,,The visual analog: evidence for a preattentive representation across saccades,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291663,,Confabulation versus experimentally induced false memories in Korsakoff patients,VABB-1,211,230,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291665,,Zoeken op de tast. Een onderzoek naar tactiele informatieverwerking,VABB-1,5,9,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291667,,The effect of articulatory suppression on implicit and explicit false memory in the DRM paradigm,VABB-1,822,830,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291668,,When functions and causes compete,VABB-1,233,250,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291669,,Functional developmental changes underlying response inhibition and error-detection processes,VABB-1,3143,3151,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:291673,,Ideal representations in a similarity space,VABB-5,2290,2295,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291675,,A corpus study of conceptual combination,VABB-1,,74,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291676,,"Effect of the static magnetic field of the MR-scanner on ERPs: evaluation of visual, cognitive and motor potentials",VABB-1,672,685,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291677,,Working memory in children with epilepsy: an event-related potentials study,VABB-1,,190,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:291678,,Developmental brain alterations in 17 year old boys are related to antenatal maternal anxiety,VABB-1,1116,1122,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:291679,,Continuous mapping of the cortical object vision pathway using traveling waves in object space,VABB-1,3248,3256,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291680,,Assessment of cerebral visual impairment with the L94 visual perceptual battery: clinical value and correlation with MRI findings,VABB-1,209,217,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:291681,,Validation of ICA as a tool to remove eye movement artifacts from EEG/ERP,VABB-1,1142,1150,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291682,,Parametric integration of visual form across saccades,VABB-1,1225,1234,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291683,,Training of perceptual-cognitive skills in offside decision-making,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291684,,Shared neural resources between left and right interlimb coordination skills: The neural substrate of abstract motor representations,VABB-1,2570,2580,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291686,,The facing bias in biological motion perception: Effects of stimulus gender and observer sex,VABB-1,1256,1260,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291687,,The shading cue in context,VABB-1,159,178,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291688,,Identification of everyday objects on the basis of Gaborized outline versions,VABB-1,121,142,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291689,,Infants and toddlers show enlarged visual sensitivity to categorical compared to metric shape changes,VABB-1,149,158,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291693,,The Costs of Taking it Slowly: Fast and Slow Movement Timing in,VABB-1,980,990,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291695,,Conceptual combination and language in schizophrenia,VABB-1,238,239,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291696,,A crossed random effects diffusion model for speeded semantic categorization decisions,VABB-1,269,282,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291697,,A probabilistic threshold model: Analyzing semantic categorization data with the Rasch model,VABB-1,216,225,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291698,,Object form discontinuity facilitates displacement discrimination across saccades,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291699,,Features of graded category structure: generalizing the family resemblance and polymorphous concept models,VABB-1,244,255,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291701,,Thinking about semantic concepts in schizophrenia: The more familiar the less deviation,VABB-1,295,296,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291702,,Perceptual-cognitive skills in offside decision making: Expertise and training effects,VABB-1,828,844,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291703,,Hippocampal malrotation in pediatric patients with epilepsy associated with complex prefrontal dysfunction,VABB-1,546,555,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291704,,Removal of BCG artifacts from EEG recordings inside the MR scanner: a comparison of methodological and validation-related aspects,VABB-1,920,934,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291706,,What determines the direction of microsaccades?,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291707,,The influence of onsets and offsets on saccade programming,VABB-1,83,94,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291709,,Gaze control during face exploration in schizophrenia,VABB-1,245,249,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291710,,Incidental versus intentional encoding in the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm: Does amnesic patients’ implicit false memory depend on conscious activation of the lure?,VABB-1,536,554,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291711,,"Pain related fear predicts disability, but not pain severity: A path analytic approach of the fear-avoidance model",VABB-1,870.e1,870.e9,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291712,,The relation between consciousness and attention: an empirical study using the priming paradigm,VABB-1,86,97,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291713,,Offside decision making in the 2002 and 2006 FIFA World Cups,VABB-1,1027,1032,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291714,,The Neural Origin of the Priming Distance Effect: Distance-Dependent Recovery of Parietal Activation using Symbolic Magnitudes,VABB-1,669,677,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291715,,Distributed task coding throughout the multiple demand network of the human frontal-insular cortex,VABB-1,252,262,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291716,,Asynchronous stimulus presentation in visual extinction: A psychophysical study,VABB-1,167,179,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291717,,Determining the point of subjective ambiguity of ambiguous biological motion figures with perspective cues,VABB-1,161,167,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291718,,Inferring intentions from biological motion: A stimulus set of point-light communicative interactions,VABB-1,168,178,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291719,,Invariance in visual object recognition requires training: a computational argument,VABB-1,71,78,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291721,,“Ad christianam pigrius movebatur” (Conf.VII.xx(25)): Alypius’ more reluctant move to the Christian faith (compared to Augustine),VABB-1,191,225,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291756,,"Vorschläge zur Restitution von Melodien des Graduale Romanum, Teil 26",VABB-1,11,21,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:291759,,"Vorschläge zur Restitution von Melodien des Graduale Romanum, Teil 25",VABB-1,9,43,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:291786,,Adorno liest Benjamin. Sprache und Mimesis in Adornos Theorie der musikalischen Reproduktion,VABB-1,67,74,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291791,,Similarity perception as a cognitive tool for musical sense-making: deictic and ecological claims,VABB-1,99,118,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291795,,"Taktgruppenmetrische Ambiguität bei Beethoven. Konsequenzen metrischer Analyse für die aufführungspraktische Interpretation des Finalsatzes der Klaviersonate op. 31,2",VABB-4,335,349,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:291796,,Using graphical notations to assess children’s experiencing of simple and complex musical fragments,VABB-1,259,284,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291821,,Bach’s chorus revisited: Historically informed performance practices as ‘bounded creativity’,VABB-1,205,214,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291824,,Temporal aspects of Renaissance polyphony: Theoretical and analytical considerations,VABB-1,32,42,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291826,,"""Aus einem Hauptgedanken alles Weitere entwickeln!"" Die Kanons in Isaacs Choralis Constantinus II",VABB-4,120,134,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:291827,,Vom Choral zur Polyphonie: zu Kompositionstechniken in Isaacs Messproprien,VABB-4,104,119,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:291828,,"Adler, Guido",VABB-4,2143,2149,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:291829,,"Besseler, Heinrich",VABB-4,2180,2185,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:291834,,Gevaert and the Study of Plainchnat,VABB-1,131,155,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291843,,Repertory of Musical Sources from Flemish Beguinages: Introduction and Repertory,VABB-4,137,229,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291844,,Lifting the Veil: Musical Beguinage Sources in a European Context,VABB-4,241,248,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291845,,"Denken und Hören in der Musik der Gegenwart. Podiumsdiskussion mit Clemens Gadenstätter, Dieter Mack und Markus Neuwirth, Leitung: Andreas Dorschel",VABB-5,497,513,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:291846,,"Authenticity and Invention: Composition, Distribution, and Origin of the Offices for St. Begga",VABB-4,51,76,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:291847,,Beghinae in cantu instructae. Musical patrimony in Flemish beguinages (Middle Ages-Late 18th C),VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291849,,Kompromisslos und einzigartig. Zum Werk und zu den Schriften von Karel Goeyvaerts,VABB-4,9,17,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:291851,,"Selbstlose Musik. Texte, Briefe und Gespräche von Karel Goeyvaerts",VABB-3,,,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:291852,,Does a 'monothematic' expositional design have tautological implications for the recapitulation? An alternative approach to 'altered recapitulations' in Haydn,VABB-1,369,385,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291853,,An Exception to the Rule? The Thirteenth-Century Cistercian Historia for Mary of Oignies,VABB-1,233,269,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291855,,"In praise of St. Nicholas: music, text, and spirituality in the masses and officies of Parisian trade confraternity manuscripts",VABB-1,50,78,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291859,,Children’s criteria for representational adequacy in the perception of simple sonic stimuli,VABB-1,475,502,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291860,,"Music cognition and real-time listening: denotation, cue abstraction, route description and cognitive maps",VABB-1,187,202,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291871,,A Christian Intellectual at Trial. The Case of Apollonius of Rome,VABB-1,22,43,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291872,,Plutarch's Practical Ethics. The Social Dynamics of Philosophy,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291876,,“Quam enim periculosa sit ea via…”. Josephus Justus Scaliger’s views on linguistic kinship,VABB-1,111,140,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291889,,La Lettre B du Florilège Coislin: editio princeps,VABB-1,72,120,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:291890,,Grieks (aan)leren in de Oudheid. Het getuigenis van de papyri,VABB-1,119,146,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:291891,,Vulcanius and his network of language lovers. De literis et lingua Getarum sive Gothorum (1597),VABB-4,387,401,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291900,,Instrumentum bibliographicum Neolatinum,VABB-1,391,465,,lat,2010,2 c:vabb:291906,,"Home Call: Absence, Presence and Migration in Rural Northern Ghana",VABB-1,19,38,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291909,,Of Fools and False Pastors: Tricksters in Kinshasa's Television Fiction,VABB-1,115,135,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291913,,Female Genital Cutting and Sexual Function: In Search of an Alternate Theoretical Model,VABB-1,221,235,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291916,,Otjiherero Praises of Places: Collective Memory Embedded in Landscape and the Aesthetic Sense of a Pastoral People,VABB-4,473,500,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291921,,Last Call for Alcohol. An Epilogue,VABB-4,275,280,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291922,,"Beers and Bullets, Beads and Bulls. Drink and the making of margins in a small Namibian town",VABB-4,79,105,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291923,,Beer and the making of boundaries. An introduction,VABB-4,1,25,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291924,,"Beer in Africa. Drinking spaces, selves and states",VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291925,,Chronic fatigue syndrome: is there a role for non-antidepressant pharmacotherapy?,VABB-1,215,223,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291926,,Reactive and self-regulatory temperament dimensions in relation to alcohol use in adolescents,VABB-1,1029,1035,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291929,,Predictors of outcome in a multi-component treatment program for chronic fatigue syndrome,VABB-1,174,179,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291932,,Does commitment to celibacy lead to burnout or enhance engagement? A study among the Indian Catholic clergy,VABB-1,187,204,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291933,,De baby en zijn omgeving in beeld. Instrumenten die kunnen helpen bij de klinische diagnostiek van vroege ontwikkeling binnen primaire relaties,VABB-1,243,265,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:291934,,Evaluatie van de DGT-emotieregulatiemodule van Linehan bij patiënten met een borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis,VABB-1,259,271,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291935,,"Treatment of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), a multisystem disease, should target the pathophysiological aberrations (inflammatory and oxidative and nitrosative stress pathways), not the psychosocial ""barriers"" for a new equilibrium - Response to Maes and Twisk",VABB-1,147,147,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291936,,Relationship between personality organization and Young's cognitive model of personality pathology,VABB-1,198,203,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291938,,Psychodynamische visie op automutilatie bij borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis,VABB-1,321,330,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291940,,Eating-disordered patients' perception of pregnancy in important others and therapists,VABB-1,e98,e99,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291945,,Dropping out from a specialized inpatient treatment for eating disorders: the perception of patients and staff,VABB-1,140,147,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291947,,Personality and Compulsive Buying Disorder,VABB-4,105,113,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291948,,Personality prototypes in individuals with compulsive buying based on the Big Five Model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291949,,Emotional reactivity and self-regulation in relation to compulsive buying,VABB-1,526,530,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291950,,The Dutch Claustrophobia Questionnaire: Psychometric properties and predictive validity,VABB-1,715,722,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291951,,Bruggen slaan tussen klinische praktijk en onderzoek,VABB-1,11,24,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291952,,Het belang van systematisch case-study onderzoek. Waarom het gouden muiltje Assepoester toebehoort,VABB-1,94,104,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291953,,Uit de (medische) kleren om de psychotherapie te redden?,VABB-1,175,187,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291955,,The relationship between interpersonal problems and outcome in psychodynamic hospitalization-based treatment for personality disorders: A 12-month follow-up study,VABB-1,417,436,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291956,,Psychiatric aspects of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia,VABB-1,208,214,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291957,,Opereren in een mijnenveld van emoties,VABB-1,74,91,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291960,,"Disordered eating in adolescent girls and boys: associations with temperament, adjustment problems and perceived self-competence",VABB-1,955,960,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:291964,,Passing-on Defence and Indirect Purchaser Standing: Should the Passing-on Defence be Rejected Now the Indirect Purchaser Has Standing after Manfredi and the White Paper of the European Commission?,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291971,,El impacto de procesos transnacionales en la organización de los airo pai (secoya) de la Amazonía Peruana,VABB-1,151,175,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:291973,,Natuurbescherming en het recht op eigendom in de rechtspraak van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens: een dubbele intensifiëring,VABB-1,115,132,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:291974,,Limits of Human Rights Protection from the Perspective of Legal Anthropology,VABB-4,375,414,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:291982,,Balancing Conflicting Goods. The European Human Rights Jurisprudence on Environmental Protection,VABB-1,303,323,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:291993,,Fair play: its origins and meanings in sport and society,VABB-1,5,18,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:292007,,De S-BVBA: een minimalistische aanzet tot hervorming van het besloten vennootschapsrecht. Rechtsvergelijkende schets van de wetswijziging ter invoering van de nieuwe vennootschapsmodaliteit,VABB-1,185,220,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292008,,Nietigheid van bestuursbesluiten in een NV: enkele aantekeningen. Noot onder Kh. Dendermonde 10 september 2009 en Kh. Antwerpen 8 januari 2010,VABB-1,580,589,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292017,,The Belgian Velasquez doctrine in non-EU situations: an analysis under Belgian constitutional and treaty law,VABB-1,510,516,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292023,,Het gebruik van het facultatief duaal systeem in Belgische beursgenoteerde vennootschappen : enkele facts and figures,VABB-1,527,538,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292031,,Clinical spectrum of early-onset epileptic encephalopathies associated with STXBP1 mutations,VABB-1,1159,1165,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292034,,"Remuneratie van ""leiders"" van genoteerde vennootschappen na de wet van 6 april 2010",VABB-1,291,329,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292036,,Een kritische analyse van de wet marktpraktijken en consumentenbescherming,VABB-1,703,744,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292097,,The Jury System in Modern Japan: Revolution Failed?,VABB-1,125,144,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292099,,The Taisho Jury System: A Didactic Experience,VABB-1,23,27,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292102,,Theoretical models of participation in adult education: the need for an integrated model,VABB-1,45,61,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292105,,Issues of Citizenship. Coming-into-presence and preserving the difference,VABB-1,487,502,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292113,,Transitional learning and reflexive facilitation: The case of learning for work,VABB-4,218,232,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292122,,Het spel en de spelers: over de participatie van vrouwen in de Belgische politiek,VABB-1,18,23,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292127,,"The Low Countries, 1750-2000",VABB-4,199,224,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292128,,Entre sciences sociales et politique: la pensée leplaysienne et les milieux catholiques belges,VABB-1,147,166,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:292129,,Towards a modern religious art: the case of Albert Servaes,VABB-4,71,83,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292130,,The Maritain factor: taking religion into interwar Modernism,VABB-3,,,211 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292133,,Building social support for restorative justice through the media: is taking the victim perspective the most appropriate strategy?,VABB-1,239,267,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292134,,De verlossing is nabij. FATIK sprak met Shadd Maruna,VABB-1,23,26,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292142,,Socializing into fear. The impact of socializing institutions on adolescents' fear of crime,VABB-1,385,402,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292145,,Doing gender in fear of crime. The Impact of Gender Identity on Reported Levels of Fear of Crime in Adolescents and Young Adults,VABB-1,58,74,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:292146,,Jongeren en geweld: gewelddadige jeugd of 'usual suspects'?,VABB-1,248,258,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292147,,"Onbekend, maar wel bemind. Inbraakpreventief advies in België",VABB-1,3,16,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:292152,,Fairness perceptions and organisational misbehaviour: an empirical study,VABB-1,691,703,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292153,,Empirical research on restorative justice in Europe: perspectives,VABB-4,267,278,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292154,,Restorative justice in Europe: introducing a research endeavour,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292155,,Restorative Justice Realities. Empirical research in a European context,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292158,,Toward a theoretical framework for ethical decision making of street-level bureaucracy: existing models reconsidered,VABB-1,66,100,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292159,,Het herstelrechtelijk ongeloof in het concept bestraffing. Een verkenning op basis van het ‘last resort’- principe,VABB-1,37,52,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292160,,De wet op de bijzondere inlichtingenmethoden: een reus op lemen voeten,VABB-1,147,170,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292164,,"""Reculer pour mieux sauter?"" Enkele reflecties over gevangenisonderzoek in België",VABB-1,29,34,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292167,,Consensus and Power in Deliberative Democracy,VABB-4,119,142,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292168,,Perplexities of Tolerance,VABB-1,351,357,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292169,,Toleration and political conflict. A comment on Rainer Forst’s analysis of toleration,VABB-1,391,406,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292170,,Bernard Williams on the history of ethical views and practices,VABB-1,225,243,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292174,,"La condition politique. Lefort, un penseur normatif",VABB-1,101,125,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:292176,,"Religion, Belief and Literalness",VABB-1,312,326,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292182,,La religion dans l'espace public postséculier. Une confrontation critique des perspectives de Habermas et Gauchet,VABB-1,53,72,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:292183,,Inleiding: de politieke partij als weeskind van de filosofie?,VABB-1,3,7,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292184,,Waarom een democratie nood heeft aan politieke partijen: Rosanvallon over de productie van maatschappelijke identiteiten,VABB-1,45,63,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292185,,Institutions versus lifestyle: do citizens have environmental duties in their private sphere?,VABB-1,501,517,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292190,,Carl Schmitt’s Two Concepts of Humanity,VABB-1,917,934,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292192,,Macht zonder representatie? Socialisme ou barbarie of de partij die geen partij wilde worden,VABB-1,64,78,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292193,,Kroniek van recente Nietzsche-literatuur (IV),VABB-1,147,223,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:292199,,"""Ein Thier oder ein Gott"" oder beides. Nietzsches Ueber Wahrheit und Lüge im aussermoralischen Sinne und Aristoteles' Politik",VABB-1,55,69,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:292201,,Ethiek en herstelrecht,VABB-1,70,85,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292203,,Defending democracy: the concentric containment of political extremism,VABB-1,649,665,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292206,,"Disagreement, Perspectivism, Consequentialism",VABB-1,155,163,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292207,,"Atheism, Radical Evil, and Kant",VABB-1,155,176,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292208,,Evolutietheoretische verklaringen: van ontluistering naar herbetovering,VABB-4,45,53,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292209,,De moraalfilosofie van Thomas Hobbes. Enkele nieuwe publicaties,VABB-1,803,809,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:292210,,Is Liberal Nationalism Incompatible with Global Democracy?,VABB-4,195,216,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292211,,Introduction: Global Democracy and Exclusion,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292212,,Global Democracy and Exclusion,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292224,,Getekend door het lichaam: de rol van het lichaam bij de totstandkoming van persoonsidentiteit,VABB-1,273,307,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:292238,,"'Faith is in things not seen': Merleau-Ponty on Faith, Virtù, and the Perception of Style",VABB-4,185,207,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292240,,"The ""Noble"" and the ""Hypocritical"" Memory. Institution and Resistance in the Later Merleau-Ponty",VABB-1,233,243,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:292241,,Gods moeilijke persoonlijkheid. Spinoza en Halbertal over het antropomorfisme,VABB-1,289,311,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292260,,Belgium,VABB-4,52,59,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292271,,The Implications of Horizontal Inequality for Aid,VABB-4,94,121,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292281,,Horizontal Inequality and Conflict: A Critical Review and Research Agenda,VABB-1,27,55,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292282,,Conceptualizing and Measuring Ethnicity,VABB-1,411,436,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292283,,The situational importance of ethnicity and religion in Ghana,VABB-1,9,29,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292287,,The EU's Security Sector Reform Policies in the Democratic Republic of Congo,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292293,,What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation,VABB-1,183,198,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292294,,Crónica de una crisis y de sus aspectos más cercanos a la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT),VABB-1,10,15,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:292297,,The Unique Challenges of Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance,VABB-1,178,184,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292298,,Developing country perceptions of the EU’s trade-labour linkage,VABB-1,763,784,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292300,,Backdoor nationalism,VABB-1,325,357,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:292311,,Towards ensemble asteroseismology of the young open clusters chi Persei and NGC 6910,VABB-1,1080,1083,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292313,,Contesting Europe: Strategies and Legacies in Polish Political Competition,VABB-1,503,522,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292316,,"Minority associations: Issues of representation, internal democracy and legitimacy",VABB-4,682,701,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292318,,How to assess the European Union’s influence in international affairs: addressing a major conceptual challenge for EU foreign policy analysis,VABB-1,22,42,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292326,,Concluding Remarks: Which road(s) for Russia and the Council of Europe?,VABB-4,187,196,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292328,,Russia's Membership of the European Council of Europe: Ten Years After,VABB-4,7,29,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292336,,Russia and the Council of Europe. 10 Years After,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292337,,"Peacemaking, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding",VABB-4,1,50,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292338,,Sustainable peace building architecture,VABB-4,2027,2044,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292341,,How Agents Weaken their Principal’s Incentives to Control: The Case of EU Negotiators and EU Member States in Multilateral Negotiations,VABB-1,357,374,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292346,,The Dynamics of Europeanisation and Regionalisation: Regional reform in Romania,VABB-1,181,194,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292347,,Romania: from Historical Regions to Local Decentralization via the Unitary State,VABB-4,685,714,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292349,,Europeanization and new patterns of multi-level governance in Romania,VABB-1,59,70,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292351,,The Tragedy of the Commons: Institutions and Fisheries Management at the Local and EU Levels,VABB-1,537,547,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292355,,Clustering of multiple lifestyle behaviours and its relationship with weight status and cardiorespiratory fitness in a sample of Flemish 11-12-year-olds,VABB-1,1838,1846,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292360,,The longitudinal effects of a home-based lifestyle intervention and a structured exercise intervention on multidimensional self-esteem in older adults,VABB-1,743,760,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:292368,,Effectiveness of a Lifestyle Physical Activity versus a Structured Exercise Intervention on Physical Fitness and Health in Older Adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292369,,The role of national identity representation in the relation between in-group identification and out-group derogation: Ethnic versus civic representation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292370,,When the best become the rest: The interactive effect of premerger status and relative representation on postmerger identification and ingroup bias,VABB-1,461,475,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292373,,Role Satisfaction Mediates the Relation between Role Ambiguity and Social Loafing among Elite Women Handball Players,VABB-1,408,419,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292374,,Neurotoxicity of Alzheimer's disease Abeta peptides is induced by small changes in the Abeta(42) to Abeta(40) ratio,VABB-1,3408,3420,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292375,,Matrix-binding vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) isoforms guide granule cell migration in the cerebellum via VEGF receptor Flk1,VABB-1,15052,15066,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292376,,Exploring the role of nociceptor-specific sodium channels in pain transmission using Na(v)1.8 and Na(v)1.9 knockout mice,VABB-1,149,157,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292377,,"AP-1/σ1B-adaptin mediates endosomal synaptic vesicle recycling, learning and memory",VABB-1,1318,1330,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292378,,Genetic modification of the inner ear lateral semicircular canal phenotype of the Bmp4 haplo-insufficient mouse,VABB-1,780,785,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292379,,Receptive-field properties of V1 and V2 neurons in mice and macaque monkeys,VABB-1,2051,2070,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292380,,The neural basis of visual object learning,VABB-1,22,30,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292381,,Impaired development of hippocampal mossy fibre synapses in mouse mutants for the presynaptic scaffold protein Bassoon,VABB-1,2133,2145,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292383,,From tau phosphorylation to tau aggregation: what about neuronal death?,VABB-1,967,972,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292384,,Informativeness and learning: Response to Gauthier and colleagues,VABB-1,236,237,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292385,,Transfer of object learning across distinct visual learning paradigms,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292386,,"Differential involvement of the extracellular 6-O-endosulfatases Sulf1 and Sulf2 in brain development, and neuronal and behavioral plasticity",VABB-1,4505,4521,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:292389,,"Impaired neurogenesis, learning and memory and low seizure threshold associated with loss of neural precursor cell survivin",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292390,,Probing the mysterious underpinnings of multi-voxel fMRI analyses,VABB-1,567,571,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292397,,Uitstel en afstel van ouderschap tijdens het interbellum in Nederland,VABB-4,197,227,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292398,,"""De levenskracht der bevolking"". Sociale en demografische kwesties in de Lage Landen tijdens het interbellum",VABB-4,9,22,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292399,,The Family Factor in Migration Decisions,VABB-4,215,250,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292400,,De levenskracht der bevolking. Sociale en demografische kwesties in de Lage Landen tijdens het interbellum,VABB-3,,,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292401,,Pioneers of the Modern Lifestyle? Childless Couples in the Early Twentieth-Century Netherlands,VABB-1,47,72,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292404,,Employee participation and involvement: experiences of aerospace and automobile workers in the UK and Italy,VABB-1,21,32,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292405,,Volunteering,VABB-4,73,89,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292407,,"Geografische Data Infrastructuren: eerst organiseren, dan data uitwisselen?",VABB-1,30,36,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292416,,Mental-physical co-morbidity and its relationship with disability: results from the World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,33,43,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:292422,,'Uphold' or 'Revoke'? A Study of Question Wording in Twelve Municipal Plebiscites in Flanders,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292424,,Service-Learning: Findings From a 14-Nation Study,VABB-1,161,179,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292425,,Institutionally individualized volunteering: toward a late modern reconstruction,VABB-1,165,179,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292426,,Trends in de prevalentie van zelfsturende teams in Nederland en Vlaanderen,VABB-1,454,463,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292433,,Improving Survey Response. Lessons Learned from the European Social Survey,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292434,,Research in university colleges in Belgium,VABB-4,111,129,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292435,,Academic middle managers and management in university colleges and universities in Belgium (Flanders)',VABB-4,55,81,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292436,,The Antwerp COR*-database: a unique Flemish source for historical-demographic research,VABB-1,109,115,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292439,,Parttime werk en gender in Europa: nog steeds divers?,VABB-1,33,47,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292445,,Information and communication technologies in the life of university freshmen: an analysis of change,VABB-1,53,66,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292451,,Training and low-pay mobility: the case of the UK and the Netherlands,VABB-1,37,59,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292463,,The flip side of the coin: the consequences of the European budgetary projections jon the adequacy of social security pensions,VABB-1,94,120,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292467,,"A life-course approach to co-residence in the Netherlands, 1850-1940",VABB-1,285,312,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292468,,Formal and Informal Social Protection in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Complex Welfare Mix to Reduce Poverty and Inequality,VABB-4,311,333,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292470,,Politique sociale dans les pays en voie de developpement: Autrement qu'ailleurs? Quelles sont les caracteristiques propres de la protection sociale en Afrique?,VABB-1,121,152,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:292474,,De dans van de taal in het sociaal werk,VABB-1,63,81,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292491,,Sociaal beleid in ontwikkelingslanden: Anders dan Elders? Op zoek naar de eigenheid van Afrikaanse sociale beschermingsmechanismen,VABB-1,123,154,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292496,,A cross-cultural examination of student volunteering: is it all about résumé building?,VABB-1,498,523,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292500,,"Impure Gestures Towards 'Choreography in General': Re/Presenting Flemish Contemporary Dance, 1982-2010",VABB-1,405,415,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292501,,Gender differences in depression in 25 European countries after eliminating measurement bias in the CES-D 8,VABB-1,396,404,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292508,,A Mixed effects model of birth spacing for pre-transition populations. Evidence of deliberate fertility control from nineteenth century Netherlands,VABB-1,125,138,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292516,,"Workers' experiences of skill, training and participation in lean and high performance workplaces in Britain and Italy",VABB-1,606,624,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292517,,Trade unions and transnational regulation in Europe: developments and limitations,VABB-1,574,589,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292530,,Empowerment als uitdagend kader voor sociale inclusie en moderne zorg,VABB-1,22,42,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:292538,,Work agency and trade union renewal: The case of Poland,VABB-1,221,240,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292557,,A method for evaluating mode effects in mixed mode surveys,VABB-1,1027,1043,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292559,,Navigating Theories of Volunteering: A Hybrid Map for a Complex Phenomenon,VABB-1,410,434,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292560,,"I Quit, Therefore I Am? Volunteer Turnover and the Politics of Self-Actualization",VABB-1,236,255,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292564,,Managing Affects and Sensibilities: the case of not-handshaking and not fasting,VABB-1,439,454,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292566,,Escaping low pay: do male labour market entrants stand a chance?,VABB-1,908,927,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292569,,Impact of poll results on personal opinions and perceptions of collective opinion,VABB-1,230,255,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292570,,Verbeteren mixed mode surveys de representativiteit van de Veiligheidsmonitor?,VABB-1,72,75,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:292575,,Social and cultural origins of motivation to volunteer: a comparison of university students in six countries,VABB-1,349,382,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292578,,A modern socio-technical view on ERP-systems,VABB-4,693,704,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292580,,Classifying historical occupational titles of women in a social class scheme: the career mobility of fertile women living in Antwerp during 1846-1906,VABB-1,143,175,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292586,,"The third party model: enhancing volunteering through governments, corporations and educational institutes",VABB-1,139,158,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292590,,Gerard Veldkamp,VABB-1,291,295,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292592,,Measurement and adjustment of non-response bias based on non-response surveys: the case of Belgium and Norway in the European Social Survey Round 3,VABB-1,165,178,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292603,,Canadian National Sport Organisations’ use of the Web for relationship marketing in promoting sport participation,VABB-1,164,184,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292604,,Gender and age inequalities in regular sports participation. A cross-national study of 25 European countries,VABB-1,1077,1084,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292605,,HIV prevention through sport: the case of the Mathare Youth Sport Association in Kenya,VABB-1,1012,1020,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292636,,Relationships between mainstream participation rates and elite sport success in disability sports,VABB-1,18,29,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292638,,Factors affecting repeat visitation and flow-on tourism as sources of event strategy sustainability,VABB-1,121,142,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292653,,Sport for All? Insight into stratification and compensation mechanisms of sporting activity in the EU-27,VABB-1,495,512,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292667,,La latitudine della nobiltà. Una questione filosofica nel Commento di Giovanni da Serravalle alla Divina Commedia (1416),VABB-1,31,49,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:292669,,Swag-bellied Hollanders and Dead-drunk Almaines: Reputation and Pseudo-translation in Early Modern England,VABB-1,182,191,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292670,,Latin Letters and Poems in Motet Collections by Franco-Flemish Composers (c.1550 - c.1600),VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292671,,Damascius,VABB-4,667,696,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292677,,La Libertà del volere in Giovanni Picardi di Lichtenberg,VABB-1,303,334,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:292680,,Réussir sans raison(s). Autour du texte et des gloses 'Liber De bona fortuna Aristotilis' dans le manuscrit de Melk 796 (1308),VABB-4,705,770,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:292684,,The European Image of God and Man. A Contribution to the Debate on Human Rights,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292685,,Christ as the Common Doctor and John Duns Scotus’s Place in the History of Hermeneutics,VABB-4,85,113,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292692,,"What Do I See When I See This Lion?: Intuitive Cognition and Concept Formation, According to William of Ockham",VABB-1,335,364,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:292697,,Landulph Caracciolo on Human Intellectual Cognition of Singulars,VABB-4,235,257,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:292698,,40 Cases of Plagiarism,VABB-1,350,391,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292700,,Henry of Harclay and Aufredo Gonteri Brito,VABB-4,263,368,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292701,,Medieval Trinitarian Thought from Aquinas to Ockham,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292703,,Olympiodorus,VABB-4,697,710,,lat,2010,2 c:vabb:292760,,The integration of Aristotelian physics in a Neoplatonic context: Proclus on movers and divisibility,VABB-4,189,229,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292761,,"M. Annius Ammonius, a philosophical profile",VABB-4,123,186,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292762,,The origins of the Platonic system. Platonisms of the Early Empire and their philosophical contexts,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292764,,"""Ceux qui acceptent des Idées de toutes choses"". Sur l'interprétation de Parménide 130b3-e4 dans l'Antiquité tardive",VABB-1,227,254,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:292765,,Arguments non-linéaires et pensée en cercles. Forme et argumentation dans les Questions platoniciennes de Plutarque,VABB-4,93,116,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:292769,,Per non mancare l' onore. Dante e le radici razionali della riverenza,VABB-1,51,66,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:292774,,La dignité de l'homme chez Dante: une question préliminaire,VABB-4,293,301,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:292775,,"Les usages politiques du savoir: le Concile de Constance (1414-1418), théâtre d’action de l’autorité magisteriale",VABB-1,327,332,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:292784,,Durandus modernus? Der Glaube eines (anti)thomistischen Theologen im Jahr 1308,VABB-4,319,339,,lat,2010,2 c:vabb:292785,,"Ibn Sīnā's Impact on Faḫr ad-Dīn ar-Rāzī's Mabāḥiṯ al-Mašriqiyya, with Particular Regard to the Section Entitled al-Ilāhiyyāt al-maḥḍa: An Essay of Critical Evaluation",VABB-1,259,285,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292786,,Proclus,VABB-4,630,653,,lat,2010,2 c:vabb:292787,,Al-Ghazālī: The Introduction of Peripatetic Syllogistic in Islamic Law (and Kalām),VABB-1,219,233,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292788,,Appunti sulla nobiltà in Pietro di Giovanni Olivi,VABB-4,113,134,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:292789,,Bene comune e bene individuale in Enrico di Gand,VABB-4,193,214,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:292800,,De schaduwzijde van de vooruitgang in Nederlandstalige typebeschrijvingen,VABB-1,27,52,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292801,,Inleiding,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292811,,"Le mythe de la cour parfaite: Maugis, Malagis, Malegijs et l'adaption des scènes de cour",VABB-4,143,155,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292818,,'Schryver van' of burgerman? Het afficheren van cultureel en sociaal kapitaal in Vlaamse negentiende-eeuwse romans,VABB-1,29,52,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292825,,Intersystemische relaties tussen historische romans en orale verhaalcultuur. De rol van motiefchronotopen,VABB-1,31,56,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:292828,,Partonopeusromane,VABB-4,369,391,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:292831,,Elle t'amène à la plus haute joie: les émotions dans trois miracles de la Vierge en moyen néerlandais,VABB-1,653,669,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:292832,,Den overigens zoo door my geliefden: Multatuli en Pierre-Jean de Béranger,VABB-1,137,156,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292833,,Julius De Geyter (1830-1905) en zijn Keizer-Karel en het Rijk der Nederlanden,VABB-1,93,111,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292838,,"Bakhtin’s Theory of the Literary Chronotope: Reflections, Applications, Perspectives",VABB-4,3,16,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292840,,Internal Chronotopic Genre Structures: The Nineteenth-Century Historical Novel in the Context of the Belgian Literary Polysystem,VABB-4,159,178,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292841,,‘Leven bij tijdsverlies’. Over Achter de bergen (1996) van Miriam Van hee,VABB-4,250,257,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:292843,,Under construction. Brussel als tekst,VABB-4,301,316,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:292849,,Noise and nostalgia. The literary identities of Brussels in contemporary Dutch literature,VABB-1,120,132,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:292853,,A case of cultural castration? Paul de Man’s translation of The Soldier Johan by Filip de Pillecyn,VABB-1,212,236,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:292856,,Van TNTL naar TLN: een kort pleidooi voor een taalkundige letterkundige neerlandistiek,VABB-1,133,139,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:292860,,Woord vooraf. Ergens beginnen over Hugo Brems,VABB-4,9,14,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:292862,,Een nieuwe configuratie van betekenis? Over Pornschlegel en andere gedichten (1988) van Dirk Van Bastelaere,VABB-4,196,209,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:292872,,Intra- and Interformat Competition Among Discounters and Supermarkets,VABB-1,456,473,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292873,,Time series models in marketing: Some recent developments,VABB-1,93,98,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292876,,Estimating cannibalization rates for pioneering innovations,VABB-1,1024,1039,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292877,,Between colleagues: Bonaventura Vulcanius and Justus Lipsius,VABB-4,287,334,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:292881,,From Preaching to Epigrammatizing,VABB-1,179,214,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:292882,,"Contradicit apostolus. A particular use of Rom. 9, 11 in Augustine’s sermo 165",VABB-1,494,512,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:292885,,“Two strange halves of one?”. A poetological comparison of Joseph Tusiani’s Latin and English Standstill’,VABB-1,329,341,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292889,,A More Original Version of s. 142 of Saint Augustine,VABB-1,119,144,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292914,,Lipsius's Neostoic reflections on the pale face of death: from Stoic constancy and liberty to suicide and Rubens's Dying Seneca,VABB-1,35,53,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292915,,"Ministerium sermonis. Philological, Historical and Theological Studies on Augustine’s Sermones ad Populum",VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292916,,Een suer-soete Maeghd voor Constantijn Huygens: Anna Maria van Schurman (1607-1678),VABB-1,149,202,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:292917,,Warfare,VABB-4,974,981,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292925,,An Overlooked Letter in Verse from Nicodemus Frischlin to Justus Lipsius (1 February 1587),VABB-1,23,34,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292931,,Ethnic Dimensions in the Discourse and Identity Strategies of European Converts to Islam in Andalusia and Flanders,VABB-1,1483,1497,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292935,,Tourism and cosmopolitanism: A view from below,VABB-1,55,69,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292936,,"'Laag-Molem, Kuregemse Kuren en Buitenlandse Buren',",VABB-1,101,120,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:292947,,'Bringing them back on the right track': Perceptions of medical staff on the rehabilitation of individuals with violently acquired spinal cord injuries,VABB-1,444,451,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292949,,Bulgarian Human Trafficking in Belgium and Proactive Learning Entrepreneurship: Developments 2002-2009,VABB-1,7,26,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292952,,Towards an anthropology of cultural mobilities,VABB-1,53,68,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292959,,The glocalisation of heritage through tourism: Balancing standardisation and differentiation,VABB-4,130,147,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292960,,Envisioning Eden: Mobilizing imaginaries in tourism and beyond,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292978,,Studying local-to-global tourism dynamics through glocal ethnography,VABB-4,177,187,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:292986,,Het feuilleton is beter dan het boek! Over Johan en de Alverman,VABB-1,341,367,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:292989,,"Het gelaat van Levinas en het scheermes van Lamarque. Over filosofie en literatuur, ethiek en waarheid",VABB-1,203,216,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:292997,,"The Gathering of Form. Forests, Gardens and Legacies in Robert Pogue Harrison",VABB-1,19,36,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:292999,,Photonarrative,VABB-4,165,182,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293000,,"Borrowed Time, Borrowed World and Borrowed Eyes: Care, Ruin and Vision in McCarthy's The Road and Harrison's Ecocriticism",VABB-1,776,789,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293001,,"Constrained Writing, Creative Writing. The Case of Handbooks for writing Romances",VABB-1,81,106,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293011,,Modernism Before and After Theory,VABB-4,59,78,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293020,,Time and photography,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293035,,De halfschaduw van Ann Radcliffe in de Nederlandse literatuur van het eerste kwart van de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,73,92,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:293073,,The Surrogates: Science Fiction as MacGuffin,VABB-1,73,84,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293076,,Een deur in het struikgewas,VABB-4,334,342,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:293078,,"Marcel Mariën's ""Woman Ajar"". A Case of Minor Photography",VABB-1,4,19,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293084,,The shock of the past: what can we learn from French Impressionism,VABB-1,34,41,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293114,,Task card instruction: The effect of different cue sequences on students' learning in tennis,VABB-1,237,249,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293120,,Bias in self-reported height and weight in preadolescents,VABB-1,911,916,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293131,,Instructional guidance in reciprocal peer tutoring with task cards,VABB-1,38,53,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293149,,Betaalbaarheid van het wonen. Gebruikskosten in Vlaanderen en Nederland,VABB-1,27,48,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:293150,,Inkomensongelijkheid en woonuitgaven in Vlaanderen en Nederland,VABB-1,143,175,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:293168,,Uitkeringsfraude binnen de sociale en fiscale fraude,VABB-1,39,48,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293169,,Van de dingen die oude mensen verbruiken ... en hun welvaart,VABB-1,397,418,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:293178,,Centre d'analyse et d'information ou observatoire de l'économie souterraine (OBSOE): étude de faisabilité,VABB-1,81,114,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:293179,,Informatie- en analysecentrum of observatorium ondergrondse economie (OBSOE): haalbaarheidsstudie,VABB-1,81,113,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293187,,The snowball effect: global sourcing as an accelerator of economic globalisation,VABB-1,327,342,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293232,,Assessing the sustainability of forest management: An application of multi-criteria decision analysis to community forests in northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,1294,1304,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293234,,Biomass production and allocation in Jatropha curcas L. seedlings under different levels of drought stress,VABB-1,667,676,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293236,,On the competitiveness of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera damage abatement strategies in Hungary: a bio-economic approach,VABB-1,395,408,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293244,,Adoption of soil conservation practices in Belgium: An examination of the theory of planned behaviour in the agri-environmental domain,VABB-5,86,94,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293246,,"Valuing soil and water conservation effects of exclosures: a case study in Douga-tembein district of Tigray, Ethiopia",VABB-4,127,138,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293250,,On the proportionality of EU spatial ex ante coexistence regulations: Reply,VABB-1,183,184,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293251,,Life cycle assessment of Jatropha biodiesel as transportation fuel in rural India,VABB-1,3652,3660,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293255,,Rural Poverty Dynamics and Impact of Intervention Programs upon Chronic and Transitory Poverty in Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,92,114,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293256,,Governance and surplus distribution in commodity value chains in Africa,VABB-4,77,98,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293257,,Voorbij individuele gedragsverandering: een pleidooi voor een herpolitisering van milieuactie,VABB-1,5,13,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293267,,Jatropha: From global hype to local opportunity,VABB-1,164,165,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293269,,Life cycle assessment of a palm oil system with simultaneous production of biodiesel and cooking oil in Cameroon,VABB-1,4809,4815,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293275,,A general framework and an R package for the detection of dichotomous differential item functioning,VABB-1,847,862,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293277,,Bayesian Parameter Estimation in the Expectancy Valence Model of the Iowa Gambling Task,VABB-1,14,27,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293279,,Generalizability of self-other agreement from one personality trait to another,VABB-1,128,132,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293280,,Emotional inertia and psychological maladjustment,VABB-1,984,991,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293281,,An Iterative Maximum a Posteriori Estimation of Proficiency Level to Detect Multiple Local Likelihood Maxima,VABB-1,75,89,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293282,,Bridges between deterministic and probabilistic models for binary data,VABB-1,187,209,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293283,,Identification of modules in Aspergillus niger by gene co-expression network analysis,VABB-1,539,550,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293286,,The affect-regulation function of nonsuicidal self-injury in eating disordered patients: which affect-states are involved?,VABB-1,386,392,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293287,,Bayesian hypothesis testing for psychologists: A tutorial on the Savage-Dickey method,VABB-1,158,189,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293288,,RIM: A random item mixture model to detect Differential Item Functioning,VABB-1,432,457,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293292,,"Person fit for test speededness: normal curvature, likelihood ratio tests, and empirical Bayes estimates",VABB-1,3,16,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293295,,A hierarchical state space approach to affective dynamics,VABB-1,68,83,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:293296,,Uniqueness of real-valued hierarchical classes models,VABB-1,215,221,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293297,,An appraisal account of individual differences in emotional experiences,VABB-1,1138,1150,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293298,,Using a differential item functioning approach to investigate measurement invariance,VABB-4,415,432,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293299,,The relationship between individual differences in intraindividual variability in core affect and interpersonal behavior,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293301,,"Beteugeling van bedrog met de kilometerstand bij de verkoop van tweedehands voertuigen: de wet van 11 juni 2004 en het wilsgebrek bedrog, (noot onder Gent 8 oktober 2008 en Brussel 17 oktober 2008)",VABB-1,96,114,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293302,,Clauses abusives - Onrechtmatige bedingen,VABB-1,144,205,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:293306,,"Edmond Picard (1836-1924), actor en getuige van een veranderend Belgisch rechtsdenken in Europees perspectief aan het einde van de negentiende eeuw",VABB-1,662,674,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293307,,Data-division-specific robustness and power of randomization tests for ABAB designs,VABB-1,191,214,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293308,,School engagement and language achievement: A longitudinal study of gender differences across secondary school,VABB-1,374,405,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293310,,Multilevel component analysis for studying intra-individual variability and inter-individual differences,VABB-4,291,318,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293311,,Do you know what I feel? A first step towards a physiological measure of the subjective well-being of persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities,VABB-1,366,378,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293314,,Estimating slope and level change in single-case designs,VABB-1,195,218,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293315,,Staff reactions to challenging behaviour: An observation study,VABB-1,525,535,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293317,,Season of birth and school success in the early years of primary education,VABB-1,285,306,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293318,,Staff variables associated with the challenging behaviour of clients with severe or profound intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,620,632,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293319,,Factorial validity of the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS),VABB-1,327,339,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293320,,Linking student outcome variables with school process variables: Multilevel confirmatory factor analysis takes precedence,VABB-1,117,142,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293322,,Vocational trainees’ views and experiences regarding the learning and teaching of communication skills in general practice,VABB-1,65,72,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293324,,Perceptions of maternal and paternal attachment security in middle childhood: Links with positive parental affection and psychosocial adjustment,VABB-4,211,225,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293326,,Adaptive Item-Based Learning Environments Based on the Item Response Theory: Possibilities and Challenges,VABB-1,549,562,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293328,,"Psychometric evaluation of the Dutch version of the Mood, Interest & Pleasure Questionnaire (MIPQ)",VABB-1,1652,1658,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293329,,What makes them feel like they do? Investigating the subjective well-being in people with severe and profound disabilities,VABB-1,1623,1632,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293331,,De vernieuwing van het statistiekonderwijs in Vlaanderen: percepties en betekenisgeving in het implementatieproces,VABB-1,134,151,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:293332,,Perceptions of maternal and paternal attachment security in middle childhood: Links with positive parental affection and psychosocial adjustment,VABB-1,209,225,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293333,,The role of teacher behavior management in the development of disruptive behaviors: An intervention study with the Good behavior Game,VABB-1,869,882,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293334,,Teacher-child interactions. Relations with children's self-concept in second grade,VABB-1,385,405,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293335,,Improving the effectiveness of peer feedback for learning,VABB-1,304,315,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293336,,A comparative study of peer and teacher feedback and of various peer feedback forms in a secondary school writing curriculum,VABB-1,143,162,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293337,,The influence of previous strategy use on individuals' subsequent strategy choice: Findings from a numerosity judgement task,VABB-1,191,205,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293338,,Factorial and reduced K-means reconsidered,VABB-1,1858,1871,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293340,,Multilevel exploratory factor analysis: illustrating its surplus value in educational effectiveness research,VABB-1,209,235,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293341,,A meta-analysis of intervention effects on challenging behaviour among persons with intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,634,649,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293342,,Reaching out or reaching in? The use of party websites suring the 2006 electoral campaign in Belgium,VABB-1,619,714,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293346,,Political participation of immigrant youth in Belgium,VABB-1,919,937,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293349,,Beyond the civic-ethnic dichotomy: investigating the structure of citizenship concepts across thirty-three countries,VABB-1,579,597,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293350,,Territorial Party Politics in Western Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293354,,Tempel of Magazijn. Belgische volksvertegenwoordigers over het museumwezen (1890-1900),VABB-1,49,69,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293361,,Why can’t a Student be more like an Average Person? Sampling and Attrition Effects in Social Science Field and Laboratory Experiments,VABB-1,85,96,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293369,,Inequalities in Non-Institutionalised Forms of Political Participation. A Multi-level Analysis of 25 countries,VABB-1,187,213,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293373,,"Vertrouwen is goed, controle is beter?",VABB-1,27,30,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293374,,Nog steeds een brug tussen de samenleving en het politiek systeem ?,VABB-1,20,31,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293375,,"Civic Education in Europe: Comparative Policy Perspectives from the Netherlands, Belgium and France",VABB-4,219,234,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293379,,"When in Rome, do as the Romans do. The Acculturation of generalized trust among immigrants in Europe",VABB-1,697,727,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293383,,The effects of schools on political participation: a multilevel logistic analysis,VABB-1,137,154,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293385,,Negatieve verkiezingscampagnes en de gevolgen op kiesintenties. De Vlaamse regionale verkiezingen van juni 2009,VABB-1,353,372,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293393,,Newspapers in Education: a critical inquiry into the effects of using newspapers as teaching agents,VABB-1,341,363,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293394,,Anti-Gay Sentiment among Adolescents in Belgium and Canada: A Comparative Investigation into the Role of Gender and Religion,VABB-1,384,400,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293409,,Explaining the number of preferential votes for women in an Open List-PR system: The 2003 federal elections in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,468,490,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293411,,Enkele politicologische beschouwingen bij het benchmarkonderzoek naar regulering en ondersteuning van politieke fracties,VABB-1,469,475,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293433,,A propos du patrimoine missionnaire du Congo Belge et des images médiévales 1908-1940,VABB-1,895,917,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:293438,,Concluding observations,VABB-4,249,270,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293444,,"Individuele rechtsbescherming, Europese netwerken van nationale toezichthouders en Lamfalussy-convergentie",VABB-1,13,31,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293448,,EU VAT Grouping from a Comparative Tax Law Perspective,VABB-1,299,309,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293449,,EC Communication on VAT Grouping: An Attempt to Harmonize or to Restrict the Use of Group Registration?,VABB-1,454,461,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293450,,Representational flexibility in linear-function problems: a choice/no-choice study,VABB-4,74,93,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293452,,Kwaliteitspercepties van studenten: de rol van onderzoeksintegratie [Quality perceptions: The role of research integration],VABB-1,21,30,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293453,,The relation between self-regulation and the embedding of support devices in learning environments,VABB-1,573,587,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293455,,"Conceptualising, investigating and stimulating representational flexibility in mathematical problem solving and learning: a critical review",VABB-1,627,636,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293457,,"From popular to unpopular education? The open-air school(s) of “Pont-Rouge”, Roubaix (1921-1978)",VABB-1,199,227,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293461,,The exploration of drawings as a tool to gain entry to students' epistemological beliefs,VABB-1,655,688,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293465,,Forschung zur Geschichte und Entwicklung des Lehrerberufs: ein Plädoyer für mehr Theorie in der pädagogischen Historiographie,VABB-4,52,59,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:293474,,文脈化のための実践例を取り入れたワークショップ型教師研修,VABB-5,215,222,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:293479,,メディア・リテラシー向上を目指す日本語新聞講読授業の試み,VABB-5,235,242,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:293487,,"La conception de didacticiels intégrés d'aide à la lecture, à la traduction et à la rédaction",VABB-1,53,65,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:293491,,Search and You will Find. Stand-alone Lexicographic Tools to User Driven Task and Problem-oriented Multifunctional Leximats,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293494,,La lexicographie d'apprentissage française au tournant du troisième millénaire : le couple FLM/FLE(S) entre tradition et innovation,VABB-1,109,134,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:293496,,Developing a curriculum for 'learning to live together'. Building peace in the minds of people,VABB-4,133,158,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293497,,Compromiso vs involucración del hablante: una reflexión crítica a partir de dos casos de variación lingüística,VABB-5,23,37,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:293500,,Transfer of Educational Programs in Public Management: Transfer Inhibiting and Enhancing Factors in the Belgian Public Sector,VABB-1,231,255,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293520,,De slaagkansen van de interne Vlaamse staatshervorming,VABB-1,8,17,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293524,,Bepalende factoren voor een succesvolle bevoegdheidsoverdracht: een analyse van de overheveling van landbouw naar het Vlaamse Gewest n.a.v. de vijfde staatshervorming,VABB-1,453,482,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293525,,The coordination of public sector organizations: shifting patterns of public management,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293527,,Openbaarheid : prive,VABB-1,12,18,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:293529,,Leeftijdsbewust verlonen en evalueren binnen de overheid,VABB-1,3,11,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293531,,Practices to develop Spatial Data Infrastructures: Exploring the contribution to E-government,VABB-4,229,248,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293532,,Autonomy and control of State agencies: comparing states and agencies,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293533,,Performance Management in the Public Sector,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293534,,De werking van de Vlaamse strategische adviesraden verkend: een zelf-analyse,VABB-1,115,130,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293546,,Revisiting the motivational bases of public service: twenty years of research and an agenda for the future,VABB-1,681,690,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293551,,"Performance regimes in health care: Institutions, critical junctures and the logic of escalation in England and The Netherlands",VABB-1,13,29,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293554,,A Strategy for Building Public Service Motivation Research Internationally,VABB-1,701,709,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293558,,Evaluatie van interbestuurlijk beleid via de beleidstheoriegedreven benadering,VABB-1,18,28,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293561,,Toekomstverkenningen: mythes ontleden en mogelijkheden voor Vlaanderen ontdekken,VABB-1,41,52,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293568,,Naar een lokale externe auditfunctie - resultaten van een survey-onderzoek bij de ontvangers van de Vlaamse gemeenten en OCMW's,VABB-1,59,68,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293569,,Het beoordelen van de prestaties van netweken: aanzet tot een analysekader,VABB-1,35,55,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293573,,Hyper-stability in an age of hyper-innovation: a comparative case study,VABB-1,289,304,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293574,,The quality of local governance - Ranking local governments in Belgium,VABB-1,330,345,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293582,,Publieksconsultatie als gangmaker voor een meer legitiem beleid?,VABB-1,3,7,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293583,,Technologische veranderingen in een basis overheidsdienst,VABB-1,36,45,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293589,,New Public Leadership for Public Service Reform,VABB-4,51,67,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293591,,Value of Spatial Data: Networked Performance Beyond Economic Rhetoric,VABB-1,96,119,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293595,,Technological Change: A Central yet Neglected Feature of Public Administration,VABB-1,31,53,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293596,,Systematic evaluation of public participation projects: Analytical framework and application based on two Belgian neighbourhood watch projects,VABB-1,134,140,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293597,,De Lange Wapper: een brug te ver? Een analyse van de inspraak in de besluitvorming over de Oosterweelverbinding,VABB-1,39,57,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293603,,Envisioning Public Administration as a Scholarly Field in 2020,VABB-1,S292,S294,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293604,,Spatial data infrastructures as complex adaptive systems,VABB-1,439,463,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293606,,Performance blight and the tyranny of light? Accountability in advanced performance measurement regimes,VABB-4,81,97,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293608,,Deugdelijk bestuur en BBB in de Vlaamse overheid: een terugblik op de studiedag van 7 mei 2009 in het Vlaams Parlement,VABB-1,16,23,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:293611,,Organizing public sector agencies: challenges and reflections,VABB-4,275,297,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293612,,Sturende actoren bij publieke sector hervormingen: casestudies van Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk,VABB-1,25,35,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293613,,Performance of public sector organizations: do managerial tools matter?,VABB-4,211,233,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293614,,Specialization and fragmentation in regulatory regimes,VABB-4,66,87,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293616,,Reforming public sector organizations,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293617,,"Governance of public sector organizations: proliferation, autonomy and performance.",VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293620,,The Relevance of Culture for NPM,VABB-4,47,64,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293625,,Managing Performance and Auditing Performance,VABB-4,223,236,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293626,,Interne audit als governance-instrument binnen de Belgische publieke sector,VABB-1,47,58,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293631,,Straatsburg flash 2009,VABB-1,99,105,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293632,,Death of a Metaphor? Healing Victims and Restorative Justice,VABB-4,491,510,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293642,,"Durkheim is hot, Foucault is not? De nieuwe slingerbeweging in de bestraffingssociologie",VABB-1,78,85,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293643,,"Mooi, het leven is mooi. Over het vijfde rapport van het Europese antifoltercomité (CPT)",VABB-1,1,16,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293654,,Twintig jaar CPT: een terugblik,VABB-1,79,83,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293655,,La volonté et la faute de la personne morale,VABB-1,65,73,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:293657,,De bruid van Frankenstein,VABB-1,7,25,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293659,,Program duplication in higher education is not necessarily bad,VABB-1,397,409,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293660,,Empirical analysis of markets with free and restricted entry,VABB-1,403,406,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293662,,Specification and testing of models estimated by quadrature,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293663,,Participation and study decisions in a public system of higher education,VABB-1,355,391,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293668,,Ordering infinite utility streams comes at the cost of a non-Ramsey set,VABB-1,32,37,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293670,,The regional interpretative decree: in search for a right answer,VABB-1,1,65,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293671,,Effectiveness of the introduction of a Chronic Care Model-based program for type 2 diabetes in Belgium,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293672,,Results of single-probe microwave ablation of metastatic liver cancer,VABB-1,725,730,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293673,,Statistical approach to assign functional regulators in gene expression compendia,VABB-1,145,154,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293674,,Joint modelling of progression-free survival and death in advanced cancer clinical trials,VABB-1,1724,1734,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293676,,Non-ignorable models for intermittently missing categorical longitudinal responses,VABB-1,834,844,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293677,,A variant at chromosome 9p21 is associated with recurrent myocardial infarction and cardiac death after acute coronary syndrome: The GRACE Genetics Study,VABB-1,1132,1141,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293678,,The effective sample size and an alternative small sample degrees of freedom method,VABB-1,389,399,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293679,,Nonlinear models for longitudinal data,VABB-1,378,388,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293680,,Longitudinal and incomplete clinical studies,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293681,,Reproductive benefits of high social status in male macaques (Macaca),VABB-1,643,649,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293682,,A sensitivity analysis for shared-parameter models for incomplete longitudinal outcomes,VABB-1,111,125,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293683,,Fully exponential Laplace approximations for the joint modelling of survival and longitudinal data,VABB-1,637,654,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293685,,Marginal correlation in longitudinal binary data based on generalized linear mixed models,VABB-1,3540,3557,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293689,,Implementation of the guidelines for the management of patients with chest pain through a critical pathway approach improves length of stay and patient satisfaction but not anxiety,VABB-1,30,34,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293696,,Does the organization of care processes affect outcomes in patients undergoing total joint replacement?,VABB-1,121,128,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293698,,Prosthesis-patient mismatch predicts structural valve degeneration in bioprosthetic heart valves,VABB-1,2123,2129,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293700,,Willems II. Non-gender-specific dental maturity scores,VABB-1,84,85,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293704,,Discovering transgenic events: using information from early screening trials for improving experimental design,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293705,,Temporal trends in survival to adulthood among patients born with congenital heart disease from 1970-1992 in Belgium,VABB-1,2264,2272,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293708,,Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of TB-402 in Healthy Male Volunteers,VABB-1,1205,1220,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293710,,Analysis of array CGH data for the detection of single-cell chromosomal imbalances,VABB-1,224,244,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293716,,A Note on the indeterminacy of the random-effects distribution in hierarchical models,VABB-1,318,324,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293717,,Reliability of Single Administered Tests: A Unified Approach,VABB-1,1061,1068,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293718,,Clinical outcome of coronary stenting after thoracic radiotherapy: a case-control study,VABB-1,678,682,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293719,,The Functional Living Index - Cancer: Estimating its Reliability based on Clinical Trial Data,VABB-1,103,109,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293720,,Coping with memory effect and serial correlation when estimating reliability in a longitudinal framework,VABB-1,255,266,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293721,,Plasma N-terminal fragment of the prohormone B-type natriuretic peptide concentrations in relation to time to treatment and Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) flow: a substudy of the Assessment of the Safety and Efficacy of a New Treatment Strategy with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (ASSENT IV-PCI) trial,VABB-1,131,140,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293722,,Testing for misspecification in generalized linear mixed models,VABB-1,771,786,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293723,,Evaluation of molecular assays for rapid detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,VABB-1,4598,4601,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293725,,Semi-parametric marginal models for hierarchical data and their corresponding full models,VABB-1,585,597,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293726,,Characterizing persistent disturbing behavior using longitudinal and multivariate techniques,VABB-1,341,355,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293727,,Differential effects of progenitor cell populations on left ventricular remodeling and myocardial neovascularization after myocardial infarction,VABB-1,2232,2243,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293730,,A comparison of methods for estimating the random effects distribution of a linear mixedmodel,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293732,,Latent-class analysis of persistent disturbing behavior patients using longitudinal profiles,VABB-1,495,512,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293735,,A weighted combination of pseudo-likelihood estimators for longitudinal binary data subject to non-ignorable non-monotone missingness,VABB-1,1511,1521,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293737,,A unified framework for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints in mental-health clinical trials,VABB-1,205,236,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293739,,Considerations for comparing a test drug with standard of care in phase II clinical trials of central nervous system disorders,VABB-1,443,452,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293740,,Mid-term follow up of triple valve surgery in a western community: predictors of survival,VABB-1,644,51,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293741,,Considerations for using positive controls in phase II clinical trials of central nervous system disorders,VABB-1,431,441,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293743,,Design archetypes for phase II clinical trials in central nervous system disorders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293744,,"Estimating precision, repeatability, and reproducibility from Gaussian and non-Gaussian data: a mixed models approach",VABB-1,1729,1739,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293748,,Middle Ear Cholesteatoma: Non-Echo-planar Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging versus Delayed Gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR Imaging--Value in Detection,VABB-1,866,872,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293750,,Using earlier measures in a longitudinal sequence as potential surrogate for a later one,VABB-1,1342,1354,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293754,,Repeated Measurements,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293755,,Random effects models for longitudinal data,VABB-4,37,96,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293756,,Repeated Measurements,VABB-4,695,708,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293760,,Long-term epidemiology of bacterial susceptibility profiles in adults suffering from febrile neutropenia with hematologic malignancy after antibiotic change,VABB-1,53,61,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293762,,MCMC-based estimation methods for continuous longitudinal data with non-random (non)-monotone missingness,VABB-1,301,311,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:293765,,Establishing the relationship between nurse staffing and hospital mortality using a clustered discrete-time logistic model,VABB-1,778,785,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293766,,Selection and evaluation of gene-specific biomarkers in preclinical and clinical microarray experiments,VABB-1,106,127,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293767,,"Effect of unloading, lairage, pig handling, stunning and season on pH of pork",VABB-1,931,937,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:293769,,"Reperfusion before percutaneous coronary intervention in ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients is associated with lower NT-proBNP levels during follow up, irrespective of pretreatment with full-dose fibrinolysis",VABB-1,2213,2219,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293771,,Correcting for misclassification for a monotone disease process with an application in dental research,VABB-1,3103,3117,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293773,,Increasing nurse staffing levels in Belgian cardiac surgery centres: a cost-effective patient safety intervention?,VABB-1,1291,1296,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293775,,Pattern-mixture models for categorical outcomes with non-monotone missingness,VABB-1,1279,1296,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293777,,Estimating the effective reproduction number for pandemic influenza from notification data made publicly available in real time: A multi-country analysis for influenza A/H1N1v 2009,VABB-1,896,904,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:293778,,A latent pharmacokinetic time profile to model dose-response survival data,VABB-1,759,767,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293779,,Flexible estimation of serial correlation in nonlinear mixed models,VABB-1,833,846,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293780,,Multiple-imputation-based residuals and diagnostic plots for joint models of longitudinal and survival data,VABB-1,20,29,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293781,,"Arbitrariness of models for augmented and coarse data, with emphasis on incomplete-data and random-effects models",VABB-1,391,419,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293784,,Factors that influence data quality in caries experience detection: a multi-level modeling approach,VABB-1,438,444,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293786,,Prediction of cardiogenic shock using plasma B-type natriuretic peptide and the N-terminal fragment of its pro-hormone concentrations in ST elevation myocardial infarction: an analysis from the ASSENT IV percutaneous coronary intervention trial,VABB-1,1793,1801,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293789,,Human dental age estimation using third molar developmental stages: does a Bayesian approach outperform regression models to discriminate between juveniles and adults?,VABB-1,35,42,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293790,,Predictive validity of the RN4CAST-instruments: a pilot Study,VABB-5,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293795,,"’Our Most Serious Deficiency-Disease’: Reason, Faith and the Rediscovery of Sensibility",VABB-1,718,737,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293799,,Forensic DNA databases: genetic testing as a societal choice,VABB-1,,320,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293803,,"Longitudinal associations between profile stability and adjustment in college students: Distinguishing among overall stability, distinctive stability, and within-time normativeness",VABB-1,1163,1184,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293806,,Time perspective and identity formation: Short-term longitudinal dynamics in college students,VABB-1,238,247,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293808,,Exploring the link between religious attitudes and subjective well-being in chronic pain patients,VABB-1,393,404,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293810,,‘Is Medicinal Opium Production Afghanistan's Answer?: A Reply To Comments’,VABB-1,1,3,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293822,,"Mutual Assistance between Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands. A Comparative Analysis of Possibilities and Difficulties",VABB-4,131,168,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293827,,Quelques considérations sur l'entraide judiciaire en matière pénale à l'occasion de l'approbation par la Belgique du deuxième protocole additionnel à la convention européenne du 20 avril 1959,VABB-1,55,60,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:293828,,Enige bedenkingen bij de wederzijdse rechtshulp in strafzaken naar aanleiding van de instemming door België met het Tweede Aanvullend Protocol bij het Europees Verdrag van 20 april 1959,VABB-1,49,54,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293832,,"Usable knowledge, hazardous ignorance - beyond the percentage correct score",VABB-1,375,380,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293834,,Impact of early childhood air pollution on respiratory status of school children,VABB-1,133,138,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293836,,"Europese richtlijnen voor eerste hulp. Project ""Europees handboek Eerste Hulp"" van Rode Kruis Vlaanderen",VABB-1,159,166,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:293845,,"Albuminuria during the screening for diabetes in a semi-rural area (Kisantu City, DR Congo)",VABB-1,513,519,-,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293846,,Excess of mortality in patients with chest pain peaks in the first three days period after the incident and normalizes after one month,VABB-1,604,608,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293847,,Validation of a food-frequence questionnaire for Flemish and Italian-native subjects in Belgium: The IMMIDIET study,VABB-1,302,309,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:293849,,Supporting family carers of community-dwelling elder with cognitive decline: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293850,,"Mortality of young patients with diabetes in Kinshasa, DR Congo",VABB-1,405,411,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293851,,"Maligna melanoma: to screen or not to screen? An evaluation of the Euromelanoma day in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,517,518,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293852,,Estimating prevalence of diabetes in a Congolese town was feasible,VABB-1,172,181,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:293853,,Computerized general practice based networks yield comparable performance with sentinel data in monitoring epidemiological time-course of influenza-like illness and acute respiratory illness,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293855,,Suicide registration in eight European countries: A qualitative analysis of procedures and practices,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293856,,Identifying an accurate pre-screening tool in geriatric oncology,VABB-1,243,248,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293857,,Living to the bitter end? A personalist approach to euthanasia in persons with severe dementia,VABB-1,78,86,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293859,,Triage with human papillomavirus (HPV) testing versus repeat cytology for underlying high-grade cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia in women with minor cytological lesions,VABB-1,1,204,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293860,,Genetic variation in the prostate stem cell antigen gene PSCA confers susceptibility to urinary bladder cancer,VABB-1,991,995,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293863,,Supporting the dementia family caregiver: the effect of home care intervention on general well-being,VABB-1,44,56,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293865,,Kankerpatiënten op zoek naar een tweede opinie: frequentie en reden van tweede opinies na een kankerdiagnose,VABB-1,770,774,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293872,,De bijdrage van huisartsgeneeskunde in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg,VABB-1,317,321,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293873,,Differential diagnosis in a primary care population with persumed airway obstruction. The DIDASCO2 study,VABB-1,34,40,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293875,,Objective: remission of depression in primary care The Oreon Study,VABB-1,169,176,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293876,,The BELFRAIL (BFC80+) study: a population-based prospective cohort study of the very elderly in Belgium,VABB-1,39,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293878,,Réflexions critiques à propos de l'euthanasie de personnes atteintes de démence,VABB-1,453,458,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:293882,,Methods to evaluate renal function in elderly patients: a systematic literature review,VABB-1,542,8,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293883,,Factors determining the impact of care-giving on caregivers of elderly patients with dementia. A systematic literature review,VABB-1,191,200,-,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293884,,Exploring Barriers to the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice in Psychiatry to Inform Health Policy: A Focus Group Based Study,VABB-1,423,432,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293885,,Efficacy and safety of a once-yearly intravenous zoledronic acid 5 mg for fracture prevention in elderly postmenopausal women with osteoporosis aged 75 and older,VABB-1,292,9,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293886,,Meta-analysis: excess mortality after hip fracture among older women and men,VABB-1,380,390,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293887,,The perception of the clinical relevance of the MDS-Home Care(C) tool by trainers in general practice in Belgium,VABB-1,638,643,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293888,,Diagnostic accuracy of plasma NT-proBNP levels for excluding cardiac abnormalities in the very elderly,VABB-1,85,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293889,,Suicide intervention skills and related factors in community and health professionals,VABB-1,115,124,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293890,,Care of elderly people by the general practitioner and the geriatrician: a qualitative study of their relationship,VABB-5,37,60,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293892,,De verkoop van producten voor hormonale substitutietherapie: evolutie van borstkankerincidentie tussen 1992 en 2008,VABB-1,25,30,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293894,,Impact of place of residence onrelationship between quality oflife and cognitive decline in dementia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293895,,Tien jaar cervixscreening in de provincie Limburg: de LIKAR-cytologiegegevens van 1996 tot en met 2005,VABB-1,31,39,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293896,,Waarom gaan kankerpatiënten en hun naasten naar een inloophuis?,VABB-1,40,44,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293897,,Reflecties bij de Belgische patiënt-controlestudie over de determinanten van blaaskanker,VABB-1,19,24,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293898,,Diagnostic value of clinical features at presentation to identify serious infection in children in developed countries: a systematic review,VABB-1,834,845,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293900,,The attitude of Belgian social insurance physicians towards evidence-based practice and clinical practice guidelines,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293901,,Effectiveness of electronic guideline-based implementation systems in ambulatory care settings - a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293904,,Orthostatic hypotension is a more robust predictor of cardiovascular events than nighttime reverse dipping in elderly,VABB-1,56,61,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293906,,Medicinal use of potato-derived products: conclusions of a rapid review versus full systematic review,VABB-1,787,788,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:293909,,The use of human tissue in epidemiological research; ethical and legal considerations in two biobanks in Belgium,VABB-1,169,175,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293915,,Monitoring modifiable cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes care in general practice: the use of an aggregated z-score,VABB-1,589,95,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293916,,Tien jaar kanker in de provincie Limburg (1996-2005): de belangrijkste individuele lokalisaties,VABB-1,11,18,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293917,,"Tien jaar kanker in de provincie Limburg (1996-2005): incidenties, trends en voorspellingen",VABB-1,3,10,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293919,,Start improving the quality of care for people with type 2 diabetes through a general practice support program: A cluster randomized trial,VABB-1,56,64,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293923,,A sequence variant at 4p16.3 confers susceptibility to urinary bladder cancer,VABB-1,415,419,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293929,,The attitude of Flemish occupational health physicians toward evidence-based occupational health and clinical practice guidelines,VABB-1,201,208,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293933,,The impact of a nurse-led care programme on events and physical and psychosocial parameters in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a randomized clinical trial in primary care in Russia,VABB-1,205,214,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293936,,Of Humorous Heroes and Nonexistant Knights,VABB-4,197,218,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293940,,Forever Young. Over het recentere werk van Hans Magnus Enzensberger,VABB-1,128,135,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293943,,“Wir überschlagen den Schiffskatalog der Ilias und halten uns an die Feldherren”: Betrachtungen über ‘die Romantikerinnenrezeption’ aus der Genderperspektive,VABB-1,83,102,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:293946,,Edna O'Brien,VABB-4,272,275,-,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293947,,John Banville's Dualistic Universe,VABB-4,345,359,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293950,,Migrantenliteratuur’ of de radicale tegenwoordige tijd in de Duitse letteren,VABB-1,94,100,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293951,,"The rhetoric of pedagogical narcissism: philosophy, philotimia, and self-display in Maximus of Tyre's first oration",VABB-1,593,607,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293953,,"Hear, Hear! The pedagogical projects in Plutarch's De audiendo and Maximus of Tyre's first Dialexis",VABB-1,15,24,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293954,,"""Wein, Weib und Witz""...: Quarrel at the Plutarchan Symposion!",VABB-4,437,446,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:293959,,"Das sich abfinden ist das Schlechteste: der reine Zynismus ist noch besser, Margarete Susman, Staat, Literatur oder nochmals zum deutschen Intellektualismus",VABB-1,483,503,,ger,2009,1 c:vabb:293962,,Character and the Career: Anthony Trollope's Phineas Finn and the Rhetoric of the Victorian State,VABB-1,91,110,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:293963,,Michael Rothberg (interview réalisé par Fransiska Louwagie et Pieter Vermeulen): L'Holocauste et l'imagination comparative,VABB-1,151,167,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293966,,Introduction: Toward a new conception of women's literary history,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293967,,Women writing back / writing women back: transnational perspectives from the late Middle Ages to the dawn of the Modern Era,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293968,,Surgical findings and post-operative parathormone levels in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism,VABB-1,143,148,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:293971,,"Gods, Daimones, Rituals, Myths and history of Religions in Plutarch's Works. Studies devoted to Professor Frederick E. Brenk by the International Plutarch Society",VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293981,,"Political Mobilization of Dutch Muslims: Religious Identity Salience, Goal Framing, and Normative Constraints",VABB-1,759,779,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293984,,Integratie en religiositeit onder de Turkse tweede generatie in Duitsland en Nederland: een analyse van jonge moslims in twee Europese hoofdsteden,VABB-1,199,219,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:293985,,The educational attainment of second generation immigrants from different countries of origin in different EU member states,VABB-4,163,204,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293986,,The Socio-Economic Integration of Immigrants in the EU. Effects of Characteristics of Origin and Destination Countries on the First and Second Generation,VABB-4,258,283,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:293987,,Unemployment among immigrants in European labour markets: an analysis of origin and destination effects,VABB-1,337,354,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293989,,From ethnic boundaries to ethnic penalties: Urban economies and the Turkish second generation,VABB-1,1824,1850,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293995,,Culture-general and -specific associations of attachment avoidance and anxiety with perceived parental warmth and psychological control among Turk and Belgian adolescents,VABB-1,593,602,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:293998,,Situational differences in dialectical emotions: boundary conditions in a cultural comparison of North Americans and East Asians,VABB-1,419,435,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294008,,Iteration between Collaborative Urbanism and Formal Cartographies. Design experiments in Southwest Flanders,VABB-4,202,213,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294009,,"Sites and Services in Nairobi, 1973 – 1987",VABB-4,82,91,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294030,,Unsettling Landscapes: new settlements for the Volta River Project between tradition and transition (1951-1970),VABB-1,115,138,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294039,,Parc de la Deûle: Design as a mediator between town and country in the metropolitan region of Lille,VABB-4,188,199,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294043,,"Designing the Belgian welfare state 1950s to 1970s: social reform, leisure and ideological adherence",VABB-1,557,585,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294068,,Cultura e prassi politiche tra Fiandre e Italia nel Seicento: note introduttive,VABB-1,8,17,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:294071,,"Genegenheid tussen vier muren. Informele contacten en sociale relaties van alleenstaande vrouwen in testamenten (Lier, 1670-1755)",VABB-1,3,25,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294076,,Dorst heeft een prijs. Bierprijzen te Lier tussen 1400 en 1800,VABB-1,587,644,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:294081,,Archieven: 'lieux de mémoire'?,VABB-1,17,23,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:294106,,Academic Interests and Catholic Confessionalisation: the Louvain Privileges of Nomination to Ecclesiastical Benefices,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294108,,"Our man in Rome: Peter Lombard, agent of the University of Louvain, at the grand theatre of European politics, 1598-1612",VABB-4,110,141,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294131,,Los lugares de memoria archiística europea: un reconocimiento del recorrido,VABB-1,83,90,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:294132,,Het brouwproces in Brabant en Vlaanderen tijdens de late Middeleeuwen en de Nieuwe Tijd,VABB-1,3,26,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294182,,Digitale geletterdheid bij Vlaamse jongeren: hoe gaan ze om met onlinecontentrisico's?,VABB-1,100,117,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:294183,,The quest for credibility and other motives for news consumption among ethnically diverse youths in Flanders,VABB-1,331,349,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294184,,Herinneringen in steen en op papier. Monumenten en prentbriefkaarten voor twee heldinnen van de Eerste Wereldoorlog: Edith Cavell en Gabrielle Petit,VABB-1,379,403,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:294193,,Examining the Use of Peer-to-Peer Networks from an Activity Perspective,VABB-4,91,114,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294195,,QoE Estimation of a Location-Based Mobile Game using on-body sensors and QoS-related data,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294197,,Intertwining verbal and visual elements in printed narratives for adults,VABB-1,35,52,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294207,,To frame is to explain: A deductive frame-analysis of Dutch and French climate change coverage during the annual UN Conferences of the Parties,VABB-1,732,742,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294208,,Supporting the Social Uses of Television: Sociability Heuristics for Social TV,VABB-5,595,604,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294212,,Interest Based Selection of User Generated Content for Rich Communication Services,VABB-1,84,97,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294216,,Designing with Care: The Future of Pervasive Healthcare,VABB-1,85,88,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294217,,Touch Affordances,VABB-5,977,978,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294218,,Digital literacy of Flemish youth: How do they handle online content risks?,VABB-1,397,416,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294226,,Investigating the Use of the Experience Clip Method,VABB-5,79,86,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294227,,Perceived digital game realism: A quantitative exploration of its structure,VABB-1,585,600,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294235,,Standardization or adaptation? Ethnic marketing strategies through the eyes of practitioners and consumers in Flanders,VABB-1,165,185,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294240,,Strategies to take subjectivity out of framing analysis,VABB-4,84,109,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294244,,Die Kontrolle des Gedächtnisses. NS-Interventionen gegen Belgische Filme über den Ersten Weltkrieg zwischen 1937 und 1939,VABB-4,167,179,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:294245,,On cross-national variation in the correlation between authoritarianism and social dominance orientation,VABB-1,311,322,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294246,,"Bourdieu, habitus en omnivoriteit",VABB-1,110,135,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294255,,Never Too Old to Play: The Appeal of Digital Games to an Older Audience,VABB-1,155,170,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:294259,,"Designing intergenerational play via enactive interaction, competition and acceleration",VABB-1,425,433,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294280,,The Conquest of Space. Evolution of panel arrangements and page lay outs in early comics,VABB-1,227,252,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294282,,Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution and Over-The-Top TV: An Analysis of Value Networks,VABB-4,961,983,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294283,,Zelfreflexieve vertelstrategieën in Willy Vandersteens Suske en Wiske (1945-1972),VABB-1,281,298,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:294286,,Vlaamse en Waalse kranten: partners in crime? Een vergelijkende inhoudsanalyse van criminaliteitsartikels,VABB-4,285,300,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294287,,Editor's Introduction (Special Issue on Media Governance: New Policies for Changing Media Landscape),VABB-1,131,134,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294292,,"Kawaguchi’s Zipang, an alternate Second World War",VABB-1,61,71,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294299,,"A UCD approach towards the design, development and assessment of accessible applications in a large scale European Integrated project",VABB-5,184,192,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294302,,Sociability Heuristics for Evaluating Social Interactive Television Systems,VABB-4,78,98,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294303,,Identity under construction: Chilean adolescents' self-disclosure through the use of Fotolog,VABB-1,435,450,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294304,,"""What we know, what we do not know""",VABB-4,19,30,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294306,,Multi-User Multi-Touch Setups for Together Learning in an Educational Setting,VABB-5,181,188,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294309,,Dazed and Confused considered normal: An Approach to Create Interactive Systems for People with Dementia,VABB-5,119,134,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294313,,Social Interactive Television: Immersive Shared Experiences and Perspectives,VABB-2,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294314,,"Fragment, Tag, Enrich, and Send: Enhancing the Social Sharing of Videos",VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294315,,A multi-disciplinary approach towards the design and development of value+ eHomeCare services,VABB-4,243,267,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294316,,Het striplabyrint. Over onduidelijke leeftijdsprofielen en meervoudige adressering,VABB-1,81,91,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294322,,Sites with Holocene dung deposits in the Eastern Desert of Egypt: visited by herders?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294331,,The hidden material culture of the Dark Ages. Early medieval ceramics at Sagalassos (Turkey): new evidence (ca AD 650-800),VABB-1,147,165,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294332,,A Middle-Late Byzantine pottery assemblage from Sagalassos. Typo-chronology and socio-cultural interpretation,VABB-1,,,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:294335,,Méthode de reconstitution des procédés de traitement des peaux en préhistoire: premières applications archéologiques,VABB-4,269,282,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:294342,,Sagalassos - Jaarboek 2008,VABB-2,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294346,,‘Pisidian’ culture? The Classical-Hellenistic site at Düzen Tepe near Sagalassus (southwest Turkey),VABB-1,105,128,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294347,,Keramiekproductie,VABB-4,43,48,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294351,,Application of a multi-analytical toolset to a 16th century ointment: Identification as lead plaster mixed with beeswax,VABB-1,227,234,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294352,,Bagage van een woelige periode: de vroege Middeleeuwen,VABB-3,,,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294371,,Taking microliths into account,VABB-1,827,830,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294375,,Human-environment interactions in residential areas susceptible to landsliding: the Flemish Ardennes case study,VABB-1,339,358,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294388,,From production to destruction? Pagan statuary in late antique Asia Minor,VABB-1,267,303,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294403,,Early pottery traditions in the lower Rhine area: concluding remarks,VABB-4,209,213,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294404,,Non-LBK pottery from Wange and Overhespen,VABB-4,79,82,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294405,,Bowls of contention: Mesolithic sites with pottery in the lower Rhine area,VABB-4,15,26,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294409,,"Pots, farmers and foragers: pottery traditions and social interaction in the earliest Neolithic of the lower Rhine area",VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294416,,Screening for risk of unplanned readmission in older patients admitted to the hospital: predictive accuracy of three instruments,VABB-1,345,351,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294418,,Indicators for follow-up of multidisciplinary teamwork in care processes: results of an international expert panel,VABB-1,258,277,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:294419,,An overview on the history and concept of care pathways as complex interventions,VABB-1,117,124,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294421,,Experiences and concerns about 'returning to work' for women breast cancer survivors: a literature review,VABB-1,677,683,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294422,,Adolescents with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Who cares after the age of 16?,VABB-1,790,797,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294423,,Critical Care Nursing of Older Adults: Best Practices,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294424,,"""It's Intense, you know."" Nurses' experiences in caring for patients requesting euthanasia",VABB-1,41,48,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294425,,Adolescents’ understanding of their congenital heart disease upon the transfer to adult-focused care,VABB-1,1803,1807,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294428,,"A systematic review of care needs of people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) on a cognitive, emotional and behavioural level",VABB-1,1198,1206,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294430,,Do pathways lead to better organized care processes?,VABB-1,782,788,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294431,,D-Catch instrument: development and psychometric testing of a measurement instrument for nursing documentation in hospitals,VABB-1,1388,400,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294432,,"Determinants of the Accuracy of Nursing Diagnoses: Influence of Ready Knowledge, Knowledge Sources, Disposition Toward Critical Thinking, and Reasoning Skills",VABB-1,232,241,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294433,,"Sexual counselling of cardiac patients: Nurses’ perception of practice, responsibility and confidence",VABB-1,24,29,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294435,,Involvement of hospital nurses in care decisions related to administration of artificial nutrition or hydratation (ANH) in patients with dementia: a qualitative study,VABB-1,1105,1116,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294437,,The impact of care pathways for exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: rationale and design of a cluster randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294441,,"Health-related quality of life, treatment adherence, symptom experience and depression in adolescent renal transplant patients",VABB-1,216,223,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294442,,Budget impact analysis of orphan drugs in Belgium: estimates from 2008 to 2013,VABB-1,295,301,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294445,,Sense of coherence – a determinant of quality of life over time in older female acute myocardial infarction survivors,VABB-1,820,831,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294446,,Prehospital stroke scales in a Belgian prehospital setting: A pilot study,VABB-1,2,6,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294447,,Pharmacologic pain treatment in a multidisciplinary pain center: do patients adhere to the prescription of the physician?,VABB-1,81,86,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294449,,Comparing the Belgian and Spanish nursing workforce,VABB-5,121,121,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294450,,Communication in Nursing Care for Patients Requesting Euthanasia: a Qualitative Study,VABB-1,3372,3380,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294451,,Management challenges in care pathways: conclusions of a qualitative study within 57 health care organizations,VABB-1,142,149,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294452,,Depressive Symptomatology in Pregnant and Postpartum Women. An exploratory study of the role of maternal orientations,VABB-1,155,166,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294455,,Distress associated with adverse effects of immunosuppressive medication in kidney transplant recipients,VABB-1,40,46,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294456,,Behavior of unrepaired perimembranous ventricular septal defect in young adults,VABB-1,,407,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294458,,Predictors of pregnancy complications in women with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,2124,2132,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294459,,Improving patient safety culture,VABB-1,489,506,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294461,,Testicular biopsy before ART: the patients' perspective on the quality of care,VABB-1,3072,3082,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294462,,Issues surrounding orphan disease and orphan drug policies in Europe,VABB-1,343,350,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294464,,"The European Quality of Care Pathway (EQCP) Study: history, project management and approach",VABB-1,52,56,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294467,,Vallen en ouderen: diagnostische en therapeutische aanpak,VABB-1,669,673,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294468,,Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)6 of the committee of Ministers to member states on good governance in health systems,VABB-1,385,388,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294469,,"Childbirth expectations and experiences. Associated with the mother’s orientation on pregnancy, the child and motherhood?",VABB-1,143,160,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294470,,The Evolving Professional Nursing Self-Image of Students in Flemish Baccalaureate Programs: A Cross-Sectional Survey,VABB-1,688,698,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294473,,Patient-reported outcomes in congenital cardiac disease: Are they as good as you think they are?,VABB-1,143,148,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294474,,Discharge management for patients in Flemish psychiatric hospitals,VABB-1,1116,1123,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294475,,Key interventions and outcomes in joint arthroplasty clinical pathways: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294476,,"Nursing Care for Patients Requesting Euthanasia in General Hospitals in Flanders , Belgium",VABB-1,2410,2420,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294479,,European cardiovascular nurses’ experiences of and attitudes towards having family members present in the resuscitation room,VABB-1,15,23,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294482,,"Systematic review: Effects, design choices, and context of pay-for-performance in health care",VABB-1,247,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294485,,A comparative study of European rare disease and orphan drug markets,VABB-1,173,179,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294490,,Redesigning Hospital Financing Systems: Insights from Principal-Agent and Contract Theory,VABB-1,190,209,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294494,,Pregnancy outcome in women with repaired versus unrepaired isolated ventricular septal defect,VABB-1,683,689,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294495,,The importance of methodological rigor in quality-of-life studies,VABB-1,246,247,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294497,,Reducing fracture risk with calcium and vitamin D,VABB-1,277,285,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294498,,Delirium in critical illness,VABB-4,577,597,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294499,,Reliability and validity of the Dutch version of the Maternal Antenatal Attachment Scale,VABB-1,267,277,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294500,,"Prevalence, determinants, and outcomes of nonadherence to imatinib therapy in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia: the ADAGIO study",VABB-1,5401,5411,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294501,,How Accurate are Electronic Monitoring Devices? A Laboratory Study Testing Two Devices to Measure Medication Adherence,VABB-1,1652,1660,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294502,,"Comparison of ocular response analyzer, dynamic contour tonometer and goldmann applanation tonometer",VABB-1,651,659,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294504,,Return to Work and Social Participation: Does Type of Organ Transplantation Matter?,VABB-1,1009,1015,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294505,,Adherence to the immunosuppressive regimen in pediatric kidney transplant recipients: A systematic review,VABB-1,603,613,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294507,,Nurses' ethical reasoning and behaviour: a literature review,VABB-1,635,650,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294510,,Gerontological care in nursing education programmes,VABB-1,139,148,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294511,,Smoking resumption after lung transplantation: a sobering truth,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294512,,"Werk, seks en het hart",VABB-1,63,66,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294513,,The Effectiveness of Inpatient Geriatric Evaluation and Management Units: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,VABB-1,83,92,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294514,,Healthcare provision for adults with congenital heart disease in Europe: a review,VABB-1,573,578,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294519,,"Three self-report questionnaires of the early mother-to-infant bond: reliability and validity of the Dutch version of the MPAS, PBQ and MIBS",VABB-1,,384,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294521,,"Validity, reliability and responsiveness of a Dutch version of the prolapse quality-of-life (P-QoL) questionnaire",VABB-1,569,578,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294525,,Adherence to immunosuppressive regimen in adult and pediatric kidney transplant recipients,VABB-4,371,382,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294530,,Defining high risk in adult kidney transplantation: reflections from the Belgian perspective,VABB-1,113,113,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294531,,The International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation Guidelines for the Care of Heart Transplant Recepients,VABB-1,914,956,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294532,,Determinants of medication underuse and medication overuse in patients with chronic non-malignant pain: a multi-center study,VABB-1,1408,1417,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294533,,A New Electronic Monitoring Device to Measure Medication Adherence: Usability of the Helping Hand (TM),VABB-1,1535,1552,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294534,,Effect of creatine supplementation as a potential adjuvant therapy to exercise training in cardiac patients: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,988,999,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294545,,"Challenging Acts of Other United Nations’ Organs, Subsidiary Organs and Officials",VABB-4,77,110,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294549,,Forest Certification as a Global Environmental Governance Tool. What is the Macro-impact of the Forest Stewardship Council,VABB-1,408,434,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294554,,Litigation for Overseas Corporate Human Rights Abuses in the European Union: the Challenge of Jurisdiction,VABB-1,101,136,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294557,,When Rules and Values Collide,VABB-1,301,344,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294558,,The Long and Winding Road of International Investment Agreements,VABB-1,263,300,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294559,,"Foreign Direct Investment, Human Development and Human Rights",VABB-1,137,176,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294562,,The EU's commitment to effective multilateralism in the field of security: theory and practice,VABB-4,164,189,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294563,,The 2009 Russian-Ukrainian Gas Dispute,VABB-1,511,538,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294571,,Overzicht van rechtspraak. Huwelijksvermogensrecht 2003-2010,VABB-1,1383,1583,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294596,,Testing the effectiveness of a skin cancer narrative in promoting positive health behavior: a pilot study,VABB-1,178,181,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294597,,"Television viewing, computer game play and book reading during meals are predictors of meal skipping in a cross sectional sample of twelve, fourteen and sixteen year olds",VABB-1,537,543,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294599,,Belief in complementary and alternative medicine is related to age and paranormal beliefs in adults,VABB-1,227,230,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294602,,"Consumers, Crime and the Downloading of Music",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294606,,"Television exposure is related to fear of avian flu, an Ecological Study across 23 member states of the European Union",VABB-1,370,374,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294612,,"Nieuw leven, oude vrienden? Een longitudinale studie naar het effect van communicatietechnologie op het sociaal kapitaal van eerstejaarsstudenten in het hoger onderwijs",VABB-1,317,334,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294613,,Ideologies overruled? An explorative study of the link between ideology and climate change reporting in Dutch and French newspapers,VABB-1,190,205,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294624,,"Downloading as Deviance: Discourses of immorality, consumer ethics and the practice of internet piracy",VABB-1,411,418,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294626,,Relations entre feuilletons documentaires et choix de métier chez les adolescents,VABB-1,317,328,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:294627,,Developmental changes in adolescents’ television viewing habits. Longitudinal trajectories in a three-wave panel study,VABB-4,31,58,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294634,,Detection and identification of monaural and binaural pitch contours in dyslexic listeners,VABB-1,515,524,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294638,,Single-digit arithmetic in children with dyslexia,VABB-1,183,191,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294641,,Phonological processing and arithmetic fact retrieval: Evidence from developmental dyslexia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294642,,De Nederlandstalige versie van de Supports Intensity Scale. Psychometrische eigenschappen en toepassingen,VABB-1,4,27,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294643,,Diagnostiek van gedragsproblemen en psychische stoornissen bij mensen met een verstandelijke beperking,VABB-1,4,19,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294644,,Analysis of daytime activities for children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities in specific settings,VABB-1,123,136,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294645,,Distorted symptom perception in patients with medically unexplained symptoms,VABB-1,226,234,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294646,,Predicting expressive vocabulary acquisition in children with intellectual disabilities: A 2-year longitudinal study,VABB-1,1673,1686,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294647,,Adults’ use of subtraction by addition,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294648,,Travelling down the road from cognitive neuroscience to mathematics education ... and back,VABB-1,649,654,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294649,,Autism spectrum disorders in gender dysphoric children and adolescents,VABB-1,930,936,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294650,,Who is at risk for dyslexia? Phonological processing in five- to seven-year-old Dutch-speaking children with SLI,VABB-1,58,84,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294651,,Could Specific Braille Reading Difficulties Result from Developmental Dyslexia?,VABB-1,228,238,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294654,,Beyond division: convergences between postmodern qualitative research and family therapy,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294655,,Cognitive neuroscience meets mathematics education,VABB-1,97,105,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294656,,"Frequency, efficiency and flexibility of indirect addition in two learning environments",VABB-1,205,215,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294657,,How is phonological processing related to individual differences in children's arithmetic skills?,VABB-1,508,520,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294658,,Towards a further characterization of phonological and literacy problems in Dutch-speaking children with dyslexia,VABB-1,5,31,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294659,,What the eyes already 'know': Using eye movement measurement to tap into children's implicit numerical magnitude representations,VABB-1,175,186,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294662,,Using addition to solve large subtractions in the number domain up to 20,VABB-1,163,169,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294665,,Adult attachment in the context of refugee traumatisation: the impact of organized violence and forced separation on parental states of mind regarding attachment,VABB-1,249,264,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294668,,Eliciting proto-imperatives and proto-declaratives in children with intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,154,166,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294669,,Holding harm: Narrative methods in mental health research on refugee trauma,VABB-1,1664,1676,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294670,,Dyscalculie: standpunt van onderzoekers in Vlaanderen en Nederland,VABB-1,4,8,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294671,,"The numerical stroop effect in primary school children: a comparison of low, normal and high achievers",VABB-1,461,477,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294673,,Preschool Psychopathology Reported by Parents in 23 Societies: Testing the Seven-Syndrome Model of the Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 1.5-5,VABB-1,1215,1224,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294674,,Describing dialogue between persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and direct support staff using the scale for dialogical meaning making,VABB-1,679,690,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294675,,The Use of ICT to Support Students with Dyslexia,VABB-5,457,462,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294676,,Adults with dyslexia are impaired in categorizing speech and nonspeech sounds on the basis of temporal cues,VABB-1,10389,10394,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294679,,Analysis of staff reports on the frequency of challenging behaviour in people with severe or profound intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,863,872,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294684,,An account of the last year of Kleopatra in the Hawara embalmers archive,VABB-5,69,84,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294685,,Linguistic diversity in the archive of the engineers Kleon and Theodoros,VABB-4,35,50,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294694,,The Limestone Quarries in the Wâdî Nakhla at Dayr al-Barshā. Qualitative Stone Material for Temple Building,VABB-5,47,61,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294695,,History. Ptolemaic Egypt,VABB-4,159,179,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294696,,"Die Debatte über die Struktur der ""Fragmente der griechischen Historiker""",VABB-1,427,461,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:294701,,Quarry marks in Deir el-Barsha and the Logistics of Building Materials in Late Period and Graeco-Roman Egypt,VABB-5,93,106,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294703,,Bilingual Greek-Demotic Documentary Papyri and Hellenization in Ptolemaic Egypt,VABB-4,120,139,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294704,,A Sale of a House in Thebes on a complete Papyrus Roll (P. BM EA 10678 & Brux. E 8053 & Brux. E 8051 B-A & Brux. E 8054),VABB-4,261,282,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294705,,Two Demotic letters from a Village Scribe of Alexandrou Nesos,VABB-4,147,152,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294708,,Bilingual papyrological archives,VABB-4,47,72,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294710,,Verkürzungen in und von Historiographie in klassischer und hellenistischer Zeit,VABB-4,395,434,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:294711,,Challenged by Egyptians: Greek Sports in the Third Century BC,VABB-4,98,123,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294714,,"Pammachon, a new sport",VABB-1,185,204,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:294715,,Words spoken by Osiris or the Ibis? An Ibis Coffin with a Hieroglyphic Inscription in the Macquarie University Museum of Ancient Cultures,VABB-1,98,103,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294717,,Demotistische Literaturübersicht XXXI,VABB-1,163,184,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294718,,People in Greek Documentary Papyri. First Results of a Research Project,VABB-1,31,47,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294719,,καὶ ὡς χρηματίζει and the Importance of Naming in Roman Egypt,VABB-1,159,166,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294720,,Controlling the Perfume Monopoly. A Demotic Letter in Duke referring to a Proxy in Duke,VABB-1,201,208,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294721,,Do Mothers Matter? The Emergence of Metronymics in Early Roman Egypt,VABB-4,120,139,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294725,,Two Greek funerary stelae from Lydia and the Antonine plague,VABB-1,27,33,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294726,,Egyptian temples and priests : Graeco-Roman,VABB-4,274,290,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294727,,The border between Egypt and Syria from the 7th century B.C. until the 7th century A.D,VABB-4,199,216,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294728,,Chamaileon: Biographie und Schriften peri tou deina,VABB-1,31,65,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294729,,Women and gender in Roman Egypt: the impact of Roman rule,VABB-4,415,435,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294731,,Observing the Sabbath in the Roman Empire: a Case Study,VABB-1,51,57,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294732,,"Politische Theorie, ‘Fürstenspiegel’ und Propaganda: Philistos von Syrakus, Xenophons Hieron und Dionysios I. von Syrakus",VABB-4,37,61,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:294735,,Construction of weight gain charts in a low-risk obstetric belgian population,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294736,,Reproducibility and validity of a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire among military men,VABB-1,852,856,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294737,,Maternal Bariatric surgery: adverse outcomes in neonates,VABB-1,191,196,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294738,,Distribution of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Belgian Army Men,VABB-1,135,139,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294739,,"The effect of a lifestyle intervention on dietary habits, physical activity and gestational weight gain in obese pregnant women: a randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,373,380,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294740,,Reproductive outcome after bariatric surgery: a critical review,VABB-1,189,201,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294744,,Alcohol during pregnancy and lactation: recommendations versus real intake,VABB-1,134,142,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294745,,Determinants of capital structure in business start-ups: The role of nonfinancial stakeholder relationship costs,VABB-1,487,517,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294748,,How debt creates pressure to perform when information asymmetries are large: empirical evidence from business start-ups,VABB-1,1043,1069,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294749,,The Effect of Auditor Industry Specialization on Audit Pricing in Belgium,VABB-1,129,148,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294750,,Hedging with two futures contracts: Simplicity pays,VABB-1,806,834,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:294755,,"Homer on Competition. Mimetic Rivalry, Sacrificial Violence and Autoimmunity in Nietzsche",VABB-1,115,131,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294758,,Vormvereisten en nietigheden van het openbaar testament,VABB-1,201,218,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294759,,Principles of European Family Law,VABB-4,1180,1183,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294761,,Namensrecht,VABB-4,1093,1096,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:294763,,Ehegüterrecht,VABB-4,350,354,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:294774,,Entwicklungen im europäischen Familien- und Erbrecht 2009-2010,VABB-1,1481,1486,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:294780,,Belgian report,VABB-4,217,238,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294789,,Negative and positive roles of media in the Belgium conflict: a model for de-escalation,VABB-1,173,195,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294797,,"Ambtshalve toepassen van de Wet Betalingsachterstand Handelstransacties: mogen, moeten of uit den boze?",VABB-1,112,116,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294798,,Bekrachtiging en rechtstreekse aanspraken tussen lastgever en wederpartij na een optreden van een onbevoegde lasthebber in eigen naam,VABB-1,606,611,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294799,,Informatie aan consumenten in het Voorstel voor een Richtlijn Consumentenrechten,VABB-1,36,80,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294800,,Wijziging van het huwelijksvermogensstelsel. Een commentaar op de wet van 18 juli 2008,VABB-1,946,954,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294805,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Zakenrecht (2000-2008),VABB-1,1123,1721,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294808,,Over het beding dat de bevoegdheid verleent om een partijbeslissing te nemen en de vraag of de opname van objectieve criteria noodzakelijk is voor de geldigheid ervan,VABB-1,309,314,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294835,,Cyberlaw Portugal,VABB-3,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294836,,Cyber law South Africa,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294849,,Rubriek telecommunicatie,VABB-1,249,252,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294850,,Rubriek telecommunicatie,VABB-1,81,84,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294852,,De omgang van de pers met gebruikersinhoude: de bluts met de buil?,VABB-1,7,21,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294853,,Drukpersmisdrijven in de digitale informatiemaatschappij: tijd om te bezinnen over de toekomst van artikel 25 G.W,VABB-1,147,160,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294855,,Actualiteiten – Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,307,310,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294862,,Sub-national Geographic Markets within the Electronic Communications Sector,VABB-1,437,456,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294863,,Data protection issues pertaining to social networking under EU law,VABB-1,193,201,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294866,,Mandatory implementation for in-vehicle eCall: Privacy compatible?,VABB-1,385,390,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294867,,In the Aftermath of the Promusicae Case: How to strike the balance?,VABB-1,50,71,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294870,,Spectroscopic determination of the fundamental parameters of 66 B-type stars in the field-of-view of the CoRoT satellite,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294871,,When video cameras watch and screen: Privacy implications of pattern recognition technologies,VABB-1,377,384,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294878,,Watching Live Sport on Television: A Human Right? The Right to Information and the List of Major Events Regime,VABB-1,396,407,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294886,,Media law in Belgium,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294887,,Facebook and its EU users - applicability of the EU data protection law to US based SNS,VABB-4,75,85,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294898,,Mobile-Centric Ambient Intelligence in Health- and Homecare-Anticipating Ethical and Legal Challenges,VABB-1,303,323,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:294899,,"Who's the author, editor and publisher in user-generated content? Applying traditional media concepts to UGC providers",VABB-1,119,131,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294909,,The Availability of Spatial and Environmental Data in the European Union. At the Crossroads between Public and Economic Interests,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294910,,Cyberlaw Hong Kong,VABB-3,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294912,,Protecting children in the digital era: the use of alternative regulatory instruments,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294914,,Ground-based observations of the beta Cephei CoRoT main target HD 180 642: abundance analysis and mode identification,VABB-1,269,280,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294918,,"Audi's ""Voorsprong door Techniek"" nu ook door het merkenrecht bevestigd",VABB-1,307,312,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294919,,Designing Models to Clear Patent Thickets in Genetics,VABB-4,305,324,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294923,,Intellectual Property and Facilitated Access to Genetic Resources under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294924,,Monitoring Profile Shifts and Differences among WISEs in Flanders,VABB-1,229,258,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294940,,Institutional aspects of governance for sustainable development in Flanders,VABB-5,163,174,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:294943,,A Puzzle in SRI: Stakeholders in the Mist,VABB-1,81,96,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294944,,The Consequences of an Open Labour Market in Separated Product Markets in European Professional Football,VABB-1,489,511,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:294973,,"Well-being, capabilities en geluk in België",VABB-1,121,146,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:294974,,With a focus on well-being and capabilities,VABB-1,384,390,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294975,,From Individual Well-Being to Sustainable Development. A Path Where Psychologists and Economists Meet,VABB-4,62,82,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:294976,,De classificatie van overeenkomsten overeenkomstig art. 5 (1) van de Brussel I - Verordening (noot),VABB-1,1731,1735,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294979,,De proceduretermijn voor een gedwongen vrijwaringsvordering wegens lichte verborgen gebreken inzake aanneming (noot onder Cass. 14 november 2008),VABB-1,1224,1227,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:294996,,Dissemination of Bacillus cereus in the burn unit due to contaminated non-sterile gloves,VABB-1,92,93,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295012,,Visie over het omgaan met ruimtegebruik en ruimtebeslag voor 2020-2050. Een synthese,VABB-1,67,72,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295015,,More of the same is not enough! How could strategic spatial planning be instrumental in dealing with the challenges ahead?,VABB-1,1115,1127,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295016,,From Strategic Spatial Plans to Spatial Strategies,VABB-1,142,145,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295017,,"How to enhance creativity, diversity and sustainability in spatial planning: strategic planning revisited",VABB-4,3,25,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295020,,Enhancing creativity and action orientation in planning,VABB-4,215,232,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295021,,Is the 'new' strategic planning suited to coping with the issues of globalization?,VABB-4,197,208,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295022,,Bridge the gap: From spatial planning to strategic projects,VABB-4,85,103,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295026,,Korangi as a Cornerstone of the Greater Karachi Resettlement Housing Program (1958-59),VABB-4,53,57,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295028,,Territorial cohesion discourses: Hegemonic strategic concepts in European Spatial Planning,VABB-1,397,416,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295034,,Strategic spatial planning and Regional revisited: experiences from western Europe,VABB-1,9,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295045,,"Duelling with the past: medieval authors and the problem of the Christian Era, c. 990-1135",VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295050,,Blind Body Language,VABB-5,109,118,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295052,,Conservation Meets Inclusion. Model Meets Reality,VABB-5,209,218,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295054,,Harnessing Different Dimensions of Space. The Built Environment in Auti-Biographies,VABB-4,13,23,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295062,,The Use Of Diagnostic Collections Of DNA For Research: Interviews At The Eight Belgian Centres For Human Genetics,VABB-1,274,279,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295071,,"From Brute Luck to Option Luck? On Genetics, Justice and Moral Responsibility in Reproduction",VABB-1,101,129,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295072,,Access to investigational medicinal products for minors in Europe. Ethical and regulatory issues in negotiating children’s access to investigational medicines,VABB-1,791,794,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295079,,European regulatory issues related to quality in provision of genetic service,VABB-4,41,48,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295080,,De plicht van een arts de patiënt te informeren over een zeldzaam risico op een ernstige complicatie,VABB-1,427,431,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295081,,Organ transplantation and the proposed directive on cross border care,VABB-1,427,431,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295103,,Human Tissue Samples for Research. A Focus Group Study in Adults and Teenagers in Flanders,VABB-1,157,168,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295104,,The EU legal framework on e-health,VABB-4,561,588,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295106,,Frontline ethical issues in pediatric clinical research. Ethical and regulatory aspects of seven current bottlenecks in pediatric clinical research,VABB-1,1541,1548,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295108,,Genetica via het web. Is er een toekomst voor genetische zelftests?,VABB-1,51,56,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295109,,"Het einde van geïnformeerde toestemming. Als medische noodzakelijkheid de regels bepaalt. (noot onder EHRM 7 oktober 2008, Bogumil v. Portugal)",VABB-1,32,47,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295110,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2010/7 José Manuel Blanco Pérez & María del Pilar Chao Gómez vs. Consejería de Salud Servicios Sanitarios (C-570/07), Principado de Asturias (C-571/07), 1 June 2010 (joined cases C-570/07 and C-571/07)",VABB-1,419,425,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295111,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2010/6 Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry v. Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, 22 April 2010 (C-62/09)",VABB-1,415,419,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295115,,"Noot bij Grondwettelijk Hof, 18 maart 2010",VABB-1,582,586,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295117,,The Legal protection of the medically examined applicant for insurance,VABB-1,183,192,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295120,,"New challenges for biobanks. Ethics, law and governance",VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295121,,De ontwikkeling van het gezondheidsrecht in 2007 en 2008,VABB-1,87,116,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295122,,The Return of Individual Research Findings in Pediatric Genetic Research,VABB-1,179,183,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:295123,,The Use of Stored Tissue Samples from Minors for Genetic Research. Interviews with Professionals,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295130,,"""The physician's right to conscientious objections: An evolving recognition in Europe",VABB-1,227,237,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295131,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2010/5 - Nicolas Bressol and others and Céline Chaverot and others v Gouvernement de la Communauté française, 13 April 2010 (case C-73/08)",VABB-1,315,320,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295133,,Eropean Court of Justice. ECJ--2010/5 Domnica Petersen vs. Berufungsausschuss für Zahnärzte für den Bezirk Westfalen-Lippe of 12 January 2010 (C-341/08),VABB-1,180,185,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:295134,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ--2010/4--Association generale de l'industrie du medicament ASBL, Bayer SA, pfizer SA, Servier Benelux SA, Janssen Cilag SA (limited to C-471/07), Sanofi-Avnetis Belgium SA vs. Belgium Sanofi-Aventis Belgium SA (limited to C-472/07), 14 January 2010 (joined cases C-471/07 and C-472/07)",VABB-1,177,180,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295135,,"ECJ 2010/2 - AHP Manufacturing BV v. Bureau voor de Industriële Eigendom, 3 September 2009 (C-482/07). Legal cases",VABB-1,112,115,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295136,,"ECJ 2010/1 - European Commission vs. Republic of Austria, 25 June 2009 (case C-356/08). Legal cases",VABB-1,109,112,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295143,,An exploratory survey of professionals on the use of stored tissue samples from minors for genetic research,VABB-1,973,980,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295148,,Health-related direct-to-consumer genetic testing. A review of companies' policies with regard to genetic testing in minors,VABB-1,51,59,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295149,,"Parental authority, future autonomy and assessing risks of predictive genetic testing in minors",VABB-1,379,385,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:295150,,Corporate-governance ratings and company performance: a cross-European study,VABB-1,87,106,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295151,,The plausibility of risk estimates and implied costs to international equity investments,VABB-1,623,644,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295152,,"Banks, ABS's and CDS's: Information production, risk bearing, and incentive compatibility",VABB-4,315,333,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295153,,Credit scoring for microfinance - Is It worth It?,VABB-1,103,123,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:295157,,Process and Outcome in Psychoanalytic Hospitalisation-Based Treatment for Patients with a Personality Disorder,VABB-1,110,115,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295160,,Medieval family and marriage law: from actions of status to legal doctrine,VABB-4,100,122,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295165,,Alberico Gentili's just post bellum and Early Modern Peace Treaties,VABB-4,210,240,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295169,,Pre-contractual Duties to Inform in Early Modern Scholasticism,VABB-1,89,133,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295171,,Counter-Reformation Diplomacy Behind Francisco Suárez's Constitutionalist Theory,VABB-1,68,92,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295175,,De conventionele vaststelling van de uitwinningsvergoeding in een handelsagentuurovereenkomst,VABB-1,179,183,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295178,,La subrogation réelle au cas d'un fidéicommis de residuo: quelques observations comparatives à propos de l'arrêt de la Cour de cassation française du 20 février 2008,VABB-1,579,586,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295179,,Zekerhedenrecht in ontwikkeling. Bespreking preadvies KNB 2009,VABB-1,745,757,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295184,,Belgian Report,VABB-4,75,97,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295185,,Harmonization of security rights on immoveables: an ongoing story,VABB-4,1043,1064,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295194,,Advocaten van de duivel? De verdediging aan het woord in heksenprocessen,VABB-1,37,61,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295208,,"Wie zaait, maait... Over de toepassing van artikel 549 B.W",VABB-1,618,621,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295209,,Verkoopconcessieovereenkomst en franchiseovereenkomst,VABB-1,589,1154,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295211,,De hervorming van het appartementsrecht door de Wet van 2 juni 2010,VABB-1,178,196,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295212,,The Third Time is not always a Charm: The Troublesome Legacy of a Dutch Art Dealer - The Limitation and Act of State Defenses in Looted Art Cases,VABB-1,255,316,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295244,,Volume-eigendom. Een verkenning van de verticale begrenzing van onroerende eigendom,VABB-1,21,102,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295255,,Sustainable cities,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295256,,"Interrelationships between human capital, HRM and innovation in Belgian start-ups aiming at an innovation strategy",VABB-1,1860,1880,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295258,,"The sustainability of cultural diversity. Nations, cities and organizations",VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295259,,Enacting global careers: Organizational career scripts and the global economy as co-existing career referents,VABB-1,687,706,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295260,,The impact of continuous and discontinuous alliance strategies on startup innovation performance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295261,,The Psychological Reward Satisfaction Scale : developing and psychometric testing two refined subscales for nurses,VABB-1,911,922,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295267,,Social-cognitive factors affecting clients’ career and life satisfaction after counseling,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295269,,The career reality of global managers. An examination of career triggers,VABB-1,1884,1910,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295271,,Career counseling in the new career era,VABB-1,2,22,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295276,,Characteristics of international work: Narratives of the global manager,VABB-1,337,348,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295289,,Technology alliance portfolios and financial performance: Value-enhancing and cost-increasing effects of open innovation,VABB-1,785,796,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295290,,Structural ambidexterity in NPD processes: A firm-level assessment of the impact of differentiated structures on innovation performance,VABB-1,291,299,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295291,,Towards sustainable diversity in organizations: Lessons from good diversity management practices,VABB-4,261,280,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295292,,Facilitating cultural encounters within a global context: Towards processual conditions,VABB-4,26,43,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295293,,Sustainable DiverCities,VABB-4,3,25,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295299,,Manoeuvring men: masculinity as spatially defined readability,VABB-1,249,268,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295304,,Van onzichtbaar naar zichtbaar: van communistes tot slachtoffers en baboesjka’s. Gewezen Ostarbeiterinnen in België,VABB-1,15,20,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295305,,Wie Singen Kriegserlebnisse Sinn verleihen kann. Ostarbeiterinnen im Belgien der Nachkriegzeit,VABB-4,159,189,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:295306,,The transnational scope of Western labour's solidarity with Solidarnosc,VABB-1,60,75,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:295310,,"Looking Past the Rural Idyll. ""De Kat"", or Televising the Post-productivist Countryside",VABB-1,793,809,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:295317,,Polish Liberators and Ostarbeiterinnen in Belgium During the Cold War: Mixed Marriages and their Differences for Immigrant Men and Women,VABB-4,54,75,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295321,,Non-state actors in exile: benefits and disadvantages of legitimacy claims,VABB-1,145,161,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295322,,Prawomocność czy integracja? Studia porównawcze działalności politycznej na uchodźstwie,VABB-1,171,186,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295330,,Van 'cité martyre' naar 'stad der bloemen'. Stadsnatuurbeleid in Leuven tijdens het interbellum,VABB-1,169,188,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295333,,"Van favoritisme naar legaliteit: de Belgische tolerantiedrempel voor politieke activiteiten van ballingen, 1830-1914",VABB-1,313,344,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:295336,,The role of concept characteristics and lexical heterogeneity in dialects,VABB-1,221,242,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295338,,Advances in Cognitive Sociolinguistics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295339,,Heterodox concept features and onomasiological heterogeneity in dialects,VABB-4,23,40,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295341,,The Automatic Identification of Lexical Variation between Language Varieties,VABB-1,469,491,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295342,,Causes for causatives: the case of Dutch doen and laten,VABB-4,173,204,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295343,,Mutual intelligibility of standard and regional Dutch language varieties,VABB-1,101,117,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295344,,Lexical patterning in a construction grammar. The effect of lexical co-occurrence patterns on the inflectional variation in Dutch attributive adjectives,VABB-1,87,118,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295347,,Theories of lexical semantics,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295352,,Single-pass and approximate dynamic-programming algorithms for order acceptance and capacity planning,VABB-1,189,209,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295354,,Supplier managed inventory in the OEM supply chain: the impact of relationship types on total costs and cost distribution,VABB-1,219,246,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:295355,,Constrained optimization in expensive simulation: novel approach,VABB-1,164,174,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295360,,Queueing models for appointment-driven systems,VABB-1,155,172,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295361,,Operating room planning and scheduling: A literature review,VABB-1,921,932,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295363,,On the use of planning models in the operating theatre: Results of a survey in Flanders,VABB-1,400,414,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295364,,Scheduling Markovian PERT networks to maximize the net present value,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295366,,The financial impact of a rapid modeling issue: the case of lot sizing,VABB-4,163,174,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295367,,Comparing league formats with respect to match unimportance in Belgian football,VABB-1,223,240,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:295370,,Predictors of psychological distress in patients starting IVF treatment: infertility-specific versus general psychological characteristics,VABB-1,1471,1480,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295371,,Avoiding Colonizer Positions in the Therapy Room: Some Ideas About the Challenges of Dealing with the Dialectic of Misery and Resources in Families,VABB-1,123,137,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295375,,Europa en de wereldeconomie in het interbellum,VABB-4,25,47,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295377,,"Sectoral developments, 1914-1945",VABB-4,208,231,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295389,,The role of universities within innovation systems: an overview and assessment,VABB-1,62,82,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295390,,On the profitability of innovative assets,VABB-1,1941,1953,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295396,,Comparison of entrepreneurs’ and employee’s health in a national representative sample,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295397,,Performance-based vs. socially-supportive culture: A cross-national study of descriptive norms and entrepreneurship,VABB-1,1347,1363,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295401,,Organizing links with science: Cooperate or contract? A project level analysis,VABB-1,882,892,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295402,,"Innovation, exports and productivity",VABB-1,372,376,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295403,,Towards a multipolar science world: Trends and impact,VABB-1,439,456,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295405,,On young innovative companies: Why they matter and how (not) to policy support them,VABB-1,969,1007,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295417,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295418,,Experiments and the practise of competition policy implementation,VABB-4,301,312,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295420,,Dynamic efficiency of Cournot and Bertrand competition: input versus output spillovers,VABB-1,119,136,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:295421,,Experiments and Competition Policies,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295422,,A note on testing for complementarity and substitutability in the case of multiple practices,VABB-1,263,269,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295425,,Is there a trade-off between academic research and faculty entrepreneurship? Evidence from U.S. NIH supported biomedical researchers,VABB-1,505,520,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295427,,A cross-cultural approach to understanding entrepreneurial intention,VABB-1,162,185,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:295431,,Subject clustering analysis based on ISI category classification,VABB-1,185,193,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295433,,Exploring the feasability and accuracy of Latent Semantic Analysis based text mining techniques to detect similarity between patent documents and scientific publications,VABB-1,289,306,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295436,,High-growth entrepreneurial firms in Africa: a quantile regression approach,VABB-1,31,51,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295441,,In-depth analysis on China’s international cooperation in science,VABB-1,597,612,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295442,,Commercializing science: Is there a university 'brain drain' from academic entrepreneurship?,VABB-1,1599,1614,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295443,,On reliability and robustness of scientometrics indicators based on stochastic models. An evidence-based opinion paper,VABB-1,313,319,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295446,,The rise of the academic technology transfer organization,VABB-1,175,189,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295453,,Cardiovascular research in Spain. A comparative scientometric study,VABB-1,509,526,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295454,,Can applied science be ‘good science’? Exploring the relationship between patent citations and citation impact in nanoscience,VABB-1,527,539,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295455,,"On Sleeping Beauties, Princes and other tales of citation distributions…",VABB-1,195,202,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295458,,A structural analysis of collaboration between European research,VABB-1,55,65,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295459,,The role of the h-index and the characteristic scores and scales in testing the tail,VABB-1,697,709,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295460,,Hirsch-type characteristics of the tail of distributions. The generalised h-index,VABB-1,118,123,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295474,,Journal Cross-Citation Analysis for Validation and Improvement of Journal-Based Subject Classification in Bibliometric Research,VABB-1,687,706,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295476,,Which firms buy licenses?,VABB-1,471,488,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295479,,Weighted Hybrid Clustering by Combining Text Mining and Bibliometrics on Large-Scale Journal Database,VABB-1,1105,1119,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295492,,'Care' en globale rechtvaardigheid. Betrokkenheidsethiek in het moraalfilosofische en theologische debat,VABB-1,223,248,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295493,,From Boy Scouts and Missionaries to Development Partners,VABB-1,27,34,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:295498,,"Parental Blessing at a ""Marriage-in-Becoming"": A Pastoral Proposal",VABB-1,13,26,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295502,,"Nigeria’s Human Rights Violation Investigation Commission and Restorative Justice: The Promises, Tensions and Inspirations for Transitional Societies",VABB-1,55,86,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295555,,The Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde Question: a linguistic trap,VABB-1,5,15,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295562,,The impact of interfirm relationships on investment: evidence from the Polish dairy sector,VABB-1,121,129,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295563,,Die politische Ökonomie der bisher umfassendsten Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU,VABB-1,37,48,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:295564,,Reputation concerns in aid conditionality,VABB-1,433,459,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295565,,Product and process innovation and the decision to export,VABB-1,3,24,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295567,,China and thefFuture of Asian technology trade,VABB-4,351,377,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295568,,"Trade Liberalization, Rural Poverty and the Environment: Two Studies of Agricultural Exports in Madagascar",VABB-4,78,97,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295569,,Tracking the evolution of multiple in vitro HCV replicon mutants under protease inhibitor selection pressure by 454 ultra deep sequencing,VABB-1,11124,11133,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295570,,Reforms and agricultural productivity in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics: 1989-2005,VABB-1,241,258,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295571,,Total factor productivity estimation: a practical review,VABB-1,98,128,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:295578,,Are Food Safety Standards Different from Other Food Standards? A Political Economy Perspective,VABB-1,507,523,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:295580,,"The political economy of agricultural and food policies: recent contributions, new insights, and areas for further research",VABB-1,33,58,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295581,,Land inequality and conflict intensity,VABB-1,119,135,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:295582,,Media economics and the political economy of information,VABB-4,643,662,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295583,,The political economy of agricultural price distortians,VABB-4,141,161,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295584,,Political economy of agricultural distortions: the literature to date,VABB-4,81,104,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295588,,Global production networks and China’s processing trade,VABB-1,640,654,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295589,,Stimulating mergers between stevedores,VABB-1,8,35,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295591,,"Edouard De Jonghe, 1878-1950. Wegbereider voor koloniale instellingen en administratie",VABB-1,93,112,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295601,,"Organisms and their Milieu. Alfred Giard, his Pupils and the History of Early Ethology, 1870-1930",VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295602,,Stories of/on citizenship education. A case of participatory planning,VABB-1,171,185,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295605,,Blatende beroepshistorici? Over het schisma in de Darwinhistoriografie,VABB-1,37,40,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295606,,"Schizophrenia, evolution and the borders of biology: on Huxley et al.'s 1964 paper in Nature",VABB-1,144,159,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295608,,Philosophical history in the revolutionary school curriculum: Claude-François-Xavier Millot's Élémens d'histoire générale,VABB-1,302,310,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295616,,'Reaping the harvest of the experiment? The government's attempt to train enlightened citizens through history education in revolutionary France (1789-1802),VABB-4,247,276,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295623,,Reforming Views of Reformed Scholasticism: Introduction,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295624,,"Truth as a Person, Theology as Crisis Management: By Way of Conclusion",VABB-4,399,410,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295625,,Towards a Theological Account of Theology. Reconceptualizing Church History and Systematic Theology,VABB-4,351,374,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295626,,"Truth in Augustine, Plotinus, and Radical Orthodoxy. The Trinity in Outer Man",VABB-4,143,170,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295629,,L'immobilité du récit. Quelques considérations sur la narration romanesque au XVIIIe siècle,VABB-1,1,9,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:295635,,Rhétorique des polémiques préfacielles au XVIIIe siècle,VABB-4,289,303,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295638,,L'univers de la chanson ouvrière dans l'agglomération de Lille-Roubaix-Tourcoing (1870-1914),VABB-1,365,381,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:295639,,The fate of a migrant language in Northern France (1880-1914): Flemish in song repertoire,VABB-1,255,268,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295640,,Arno Schmidt in Flandern und den Niederlanden,VABB-4,34,62,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:295641,,"Lecturas neobarrocas del 'Espejo de paciencia' y reconceptualizaciones de la nación: José Lezama Lima, Cintio Vitier y Severo Sarduy",VABB-1,265,278,,spa,2010,1 c:vabb:295646,,Les sciences humaines en état de siege?,VABB-4,197,213,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295650,,"Metamorphoses, Mechanic, and Magic in Contemporary Literature",VABB-4,91,98,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295653,,"Au-delà des oppositions binaires national/international, traduit/non traduit: les relations littéraires hier, aujourd'hui et demain",VABB-1,93,117,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:295656,,Lo fugaz es lo único que permanece: negociaciones de una identidad en tránsito,VABB-4,167,178,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:295658,,Traduction et transfert: pour une démarche intégrée,VABB-1,133,150,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:295659,,Parodic border crossings in The Robber Bride,VABB-4,36,49,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295661,,Tactiques de l’entre-deux : une analyse discursive des chansons de migrants belges en France (1850-1914),VABB-4,99,108,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295665,,Pour en finir: le projet de Mouhy,VABB-4,223,235,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295666,,Le Chevalier de Mouhy: bagarre et bigarrure,VABB-3,,,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295668,,"Bonne fin, mauvaise fin: le dénouement comme lieu polémique à l'âge classique",VABB-4,205,215,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295671,,"Cognitive poetics: goals, gains and gaps",VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295674,,Elizabeth Gaskell's 'The Poor Clare' and the Irish Famine,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295677,,"Lokaal, nationaal of internationaal? Een eeuw intra- en internationale relaties in België (1850-1950)",VABB-1,31,44,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295678,,L'assiette des fictions: un mode d'emploi,VABB-4,461,474,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295679,,La cuisine de Merlin,VABB-4,5,20,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295680,,L'assiette des fictions : enquêtes sur l'autoréflexivité romanesque : actes des colloques de Lausanne (mars 2007) et de Leuven (juin 2007),VABB-3,,,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295681,,Trois descentes dans les souterrains du roman prémoderne,VABB-4,25,36,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295682,,Cleveland et les forges de Vulcain: sur l'épisode de Serrano,VABB-4,77,92,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295683,,"Sobre exiliados, migrantes y extranjeros: hacia una definición terminológica",VABB-1,71,78,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:295686,,Translation history,VABB-4,397,405,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295689,,Multilingualism and Translation,VABB-4,227,230,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295700,,Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse et Manuscrit trouvé au Mont Pausilype: sur une probleme de genèse textuelle chez Potocki,VABB-4,267,279,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295701,,La melancolía como mal de la frontera y estereotipo nacional en 'La frontera de cristal' de Carlos Fuentes,VABB-1,165,173,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:295711,,Chronicle: Expert Seminar 'After You'. The Ethics of the Pastoral Counselling Process,VABB-1,531,534,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295712,,"""Tijdschrift voor liturgie"" bestaat honderd jaar",VABB-1,269,273,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295713,,Over het belang en de plaats van de vredesritus,VABB-1,128,139,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295714,,Een heuglijk eeuwfeest: honderd jaar Liturgische Beweging,VABB-1,265,276,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295715,,Het doopsel in de brieven van Paulus,VABB-1,143,152,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295717,,Wanneer de geloofsgemeenschap liturgisch samenkomt..,VABB-1,8,18,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295719,,Die Ehe als Prozess aus sakramententheologischer Perspektive,VABB-1,273,292,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:295722,,Ethisch advies over de preventie van zelfdoding in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg,VABB-1,315,324,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295726,,Community and Participation. Theological Correspondences between Johann Baptist Hirscher and the Liturgical Movement,VABB-1,201,212,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295735,,Uitverkoop van het sacrament of pastorale kans? Theologische en pastorale overwegingen bij de huwelijksviering,VABB-1,289,308,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295737,,Reflections on the 2009 Congress,VABB-1,110,117,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295746,,Het credo zingen in de mis. Enkele beschouwingen op het grensvlak tussen liturgietheologie en muziekgeschiedenis,VABB-1,165,184,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295747,,Les présupposés et implications philosophiques de la célébration de l'année liturgique,VABB-1,9,25,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295749,,"The Early and Late Schillebeeckx OP on Rituals, Liturgies, and Sacraments",VABB-1,132,150,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295750,,The Philosophical Presuppositions and Implications of Celebrating the Liturgical Year,VABB-1,197,207,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295751,,Thought and the Eucharist. Philosophical Models and Their Theological Appropriation,VABB-1,83,106,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295759,,A Critical Appraisal to Louis-Marie Chauvet's Theology of Creation,VABB-1,51,72,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295760,,Care and Responsibility for Children as a Challenge to Sacramental Theology,VABB-4,207,220,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295765,,"Kwetsbaar voor goed en kwaad. Een katholieke, ethische en pastorale visie op het menselijk kwaad",VABB-1,449,464,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295766,,Never Revoked. Nostra Aetate as Ongoing Challenge for Jewish-Christian Dialogue,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295767,,The Bible in the Ecological Debate: Guide or Obstacle,VABB-4,163,166,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295768,,The Covenant Never Revoked: Remembering the Conciliar Courage to Dialogue,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295771,,Een theologische inleiding: 'Ik geloof in de verrijzenis van het lichaam en het eeuwig leven',VABB-1,8,18,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295772,,Lijden en liefde. Enkele reflecties,VABB-1,465,479,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295773,,Huwelijksvoorbereiding in de Vlaamse kerk: kansen en uitdagingen,VABB-1,267,272,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295774,,Ehespiritualität. Die Anfänge einer Laienbewegung im 20. Jahrhundert,VABB-1,150,158,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:295775,,Israel and the Church: Fulfillment beyond Supersessionism?,VABB-4,159,184,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295778,,Uitdagingen voor het pastoraat in de gezondheidszorg. Over de identiteit van pastorale zorg in de spirituele en integrale zorg,VABB-1,387,400,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295783,,Die Ehe als Prozess? Eine sakramententheologische Problemskizze,VABB-4,153,173,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:295784,,Education of Chaplains in Psycho-Oncology,VABB-4,605,610,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295786,,Stability and change in levels of depression and personality: A follow-up study of postpartum depressed mothers hospitalized in a mother-infant unit,VABB-1,45,51,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295803,,Onderwijsexpansie en -democratisering in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,199,238,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295804,,Adult education participation: the Matthew principle,VABB-1,154,161,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:295828,,"Deeltijds leren, deeltijds werken: spanningsvelden bij het realiseren van een voltijds engagement",VABB-1,232,240,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:295844,,Doopvoorbereiding thuis: de doopliturgie in een nieuw perspectief,VABB-1,140,149,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:295880,,Identity statuses in young adult employees,VABB-1,339,349,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295891,,"Capturing autonomy, competence, and relatedness at work: construction and initial validation of the Work-related Basic Need Satisfaction scale",VABB-1,981,1002,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295892,,Not all job demands are equal: differentiating job hindrances and job challenges in the job demands-resources model,VABB-1,735,759,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295893,,The role of the formal employment contract in the range and fulfilment of the psychological contract: testing a layered model,VABB-1,696,716,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295894,,"Temporary employment: associations with employees' attitudes, well-being and behaviour. A review of Belgian research",VABB-1,249,273,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:295895,,"The Relationship between the occurence of conflicts in the work unit, the Conflict management styles in het work unit and workplace bullying",VABB-1,207,226,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:295906,,Conclusions,VABB-4,231,251,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:295907,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295908,,Individual and organizational outcomes of employment contracts,VABB-4,65,87,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295910,,"Employment contracts, psychological contracts & employee well-being: an international study",VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295911,,The role of organizational communication and participation in reducing job insecurity and its negative association with work-related well-being,VABB-1,249,264,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295912,,"Gender ratio, societal culture, and male and female leadership",VABB-1,895,914,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295920,,The international assignments of peacekeepers: What drives them to seek future expatriation?,VABB-1,135,151,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:295921,,Impress to become employable. The case of temporary workers,VABB-1,635,652,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295925,,“Seeing is believing”: the effects of facial expressions of emotion and verbal communication in social dilemmas,VABB-1,271,287,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295928,,Is family-to-work interference related to co-workers' work outcomes?,VABB-1,461,469,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295930,,Developing space for diversity: an appreciative stance,VABB-4,139,154,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295932,,Interdisciplinary knowledge integration through group model building,VABB-1,,891,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295933,,Job insecurity and employee health: the buffering potential of job control and job self-efficacy,VABB-1,56,72,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295934,,Moving European research on work and ageing forward: overview and agenda,VABB-1,76,101,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295935,,Work-family conflict and facilitation: the combined influence of the job demand-control model and achievement striving,VABB-1,615,628,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295936,,A job characteristics approach to explain workplace bullying,VABB-1,487,504,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295937,,Why are subordinates less satisfied with mediation? The role of uncertainty,VABB-1,417,433,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295938,,Review of temporary employment literature: perspectives for research and development in Latin America,VABB-1,61,73,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295940,,Associations between quantitative and qualitative job insecurity and well-being. A test in Belgian banks,VABB-1,40,56,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295941,,From the outside in: The negative spillover effects,VABB-1,886,905,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:295942,,Autonomy and workload in relation to temporary and permanent workers' job involvement. A test in Belgium and Finland,VABB-1,40,49,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295943,,Unemployed individuals' work values and job flexibility: An explanation from expectancy-value theory and self-determination theory,VABB-1,296,317,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295944,,Objective threat of unemployment and situational uncertainty during a restructuring: associations with perceived job insecurity and strain,VABB-1,75,85,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295945,,The relationship between job insecurity and employability and well-being among finnish temporary and permanent employees,VABB-1,57,73,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295950,,Combining business process and data discovery techniques for analyzing and improving integrated care pathways,VABB-5,505,517,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295951,,Formal concept analysis in knowledge discovery: a survey,VABB-5,139,153,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295952,,Existence dependency-based domain modeling for improving stateless process enactment,VABB-5,515,521,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:295954,,Credit rating prediction using ant colony optimization,VABB-1,561,573,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295955,,The development of a simple and intuitive rating system under Solvency II,VABB-1,500,510,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295958,,"Curbing domestic violence: instantiating C-K theory with formal concept analysis and emergent self organizing maps, intelligent systems in accounting, finance and management",VABB-1,167,191,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295967,,Combining ESOMs trained on hierarchical feature sets for single-trial decoding of LFP responses in monkey area V4,VABB-5,548,555,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295970,,Software effort prediction using regression rule extraction from neural networks,VABB-5,45,52,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295971,,Linking technology intelligence to open innovation,VABB-1,335,343,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295972,,Linking the strategic importance of ICT with investment in business-ICT alignment: an explorative framework,VABB-1,39,57,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:295973,,Enterprise-wide business-IT engagement in an empowered business environment: the case of FedEx Express EMEA,VABB-1,323,332,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295985,,An overview of declarative process modeling principles and languages,VABB-1,51,58,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:295991,,Beginning teachers' job experiences in multi-ethnic schools,VABB-1,259,276,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:295993,,Een kritische discoursanalyse van het onderwijstijdschrift Klasse: ontwikkelen van een analytisch kader,VABB-1,183,201,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:296000,,Catholic/Jewish Dialogue – Contesting the Covenants,VABB-1,37,60,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296005,,Christen und Muslime: Freunde oder Feinde? Herausforderung an die Moderne,VABB-2,,,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:296006,,“Maryam and her Son as Sign for the Worlds”,VABB-1,205,218,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296007,,Le Forum islamo-chrétien au Vatican (4-6 novembre 2008),VABB-1,235,253,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296008,,Yahyâ ibn ‘Adî,VABB-4,390,438,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:296010,,Vernieuwend geloof? Over evangelicalisme & evangelicalisering,VABB-1,381,384,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296022,,The ‘Parting of the Ways’ between Christianity and Judaism: Inheriting a Covenantal Paradox,VABB-4,259,271,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296023,,Inculturation at the Service of the Church's Catholicity and Unity,VABB-1,7,30,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296024,,Euthanasia and palliative care in Belgium: The Attitudes of Flemish Palliative Care Nurses and Physicians toward Euthanasia,VABB-1,31,44,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296025,,Onderwijs en religie. Welke islam en welk onderwijs?,VABB-1,67,71,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296034,,Waarom theologen zich ergeren aan John Hick,VABB-1,159,179,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296038,,Oneself as Another: The Frailty of Religious Commitments and Its Impact on Interreligious Dialgoue,VABB-1,355,377,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296045,,A Babelish World (Genesis 11:1-9) and Its Challenge to Cultural-Linguistic Theory,VABB-1,,234,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:296046,,“Van consensuspluralisme naar radicaal pluralisme. Een kritische analyse van een Vlaams debat,VABB-1,284,303,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:296047,,"Religion in the Public Arena. Recognition, Vulnerability and Tragedy",VABB-1,283,309,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296050,,Starship Troopers: het totalitarisme voor de spiegel,VABB-1,113,134,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296055,,Bewegingsvrees bij spier- en gewrichtspijn,VABB-1,211,215,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296057,,Anterior Insula Integrates Information about Salience into Perceptual Decisions about Pain,VABB-1,16324,16331,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296071,,Sigh rate and respiratory variability during mental load and sustained attention,VABB-1,117,120,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:296077,,Effects of a shortened asthma selfmanagement group program,VABB-1,29,36,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296078,,Stress during pregnancy: Is the autonomic nervous system influenced by anxiety?,VABB-5,725,728,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296081,,Assessment of pain expression in infant cry signals using Empirical Mode Decomposition,VABB-1,448,452,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296083,,Decoupling between fundamental frequency and energy envelope of neonate cries,VABB-1,35,40,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296084,,Is a behavioral graded activity program more effective than manual therapy in patients with subacute neck pain? Results of a randomized clinical trial,VABB-1,1017,1024,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296085,,Take a deep breath: The relief effect of spontaneous and instructed sighs,VABB-1,67,73,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296086,,Cognitieve gedragstherapie voor primaire insomnia: effectiviteit in een klinische setting,VABB-1,79,88,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296087,,Respiratory variability preceding and following sighs : A resetter hypothesis,VABB-1,82,87,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296088,,Negative affective pictures can elicit physical symptoms in high habitual symptom reporters,VABB-1,685,698,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296089,,Assessment of pain expression in infant cry signals using Empirical Mode Decomposition',VABB-5,448,452,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296090,,Effects of mental stress on autonomic cardiac modulation during weightlessness,VABB-1,H202,H209,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296091,,Feeling lightheaded: the role of cerebral blood flow,VABB-1,672,680,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296092,,Self-discrepancies in work-related upper extremity pain: Relation to emotions and flexible goal adjustment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296093,,Learning about pain from others: An observational learning account,VABB-1,167,174,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:296094,,Fear reduction in patients with chronic pain: a learning theory perspective,VABB-1,1733,1745,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296095,,"A content analysis of ideal, ought, and feared selves in patients with chronic low back pain",VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296096,,"The contribution of disease severity, depression and negative affectivity to fatigue in multiple sclerosis: a comparison with ulcerative colitis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296097,,Treatments addressing pain-related fear and anxiety in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain: A preliminary review,VABB-1,46,63,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296099,,Breathtaking! About the comparison of the subjective sensations of pain and dyspnea,VABB-1,411,412,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296100,,The role of current mood and stop rules on physical task performance: an experimental investigation in patients with work-related upper extremity pain,VABB-1,434,440,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296104,,Fatigue and physical disability in patients with multiple sclerosis: a structural equation modeling approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296105,,De letter levend maken: Opstellen aangeboden aan Guido De Baere bij zijn zeventigste verjaardag,VABB-3,,,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296108,,"""For which we are created:"" The Image of God as the Fundament for Deification in the Arnhem Mystical Sermons",VABB-1,101,120,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296109,,The Incorporation of Ruusbroec’s Spiritual Espousals into the Sixteenth-Century Arnhem Mystical Sermons. A Comparative Textual Analysis,VABB-1,547,578,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296113,,Creativity or passion ? What is at stake in philosophy with children ?,VABB-1,131,149,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296114,,E-ducating the gaze: the idea of a poor pedagogy,VABB-1,43,53,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296116,,"The “Trotter” open-air school, Milan (1922–1977): a city of youth or risky business?",VABB-1,157,170,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:296117,,New education within an architectural icon? A case study of a Milanese open-air school (1922-1977),VABB-1,243,266,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296118,,The Ten Commandments of Good Practices in History of Education Research,VABB-1,31,34,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296121,,Teaching and knowledge: a necessary combination? An elaboration of forms of teachers’ reflexivity,VABB-1,379,393,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296124,,"Democracy, knowledge and critique: rethinking (European) universities beyond tradition and the market",VABB-1,117,126,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296126,,Child-rearing in the 'risk' society. On the discourse of rights and the 'best interests of a child',VABB-1,271,284,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296129,,Dazzling statistics ? On the university expansion in Flanders and the need for research into the history of education that transcends quantifying sociology,VABB-4,27,42,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296130,,Representation or hard evidence ? The use of statistics in education and educational research,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296131,,Educational Research: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Statistics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296133,,The hatred of public schooling: the school as the mark of democracy,VABB-1,666,682,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296134,,"Governmental, political and pedagogic subjectivation: Foucault with Rancière",VABB-1,588,605,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296135,,Hatred of democracy... and of the public role of education? Introduction to the special issue on Jacques Rancière,VABB-1,509,522,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296137,,The Democracy of the Flesh: Laughter as an Educational and Public Event,VABB-1,204,212,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296144,,"Empathy, paternalism and practical reason. Philosophy of education and the ethics of care revisited",VABB-1,171,180,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296146,,Revising Foucault’s Model of Exclusion: Gauchet and Swain on Madness and Democracy,VABB-1,33,51,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296151,,A rede cultural da Escola de Decroly em Bruxelas: A teoria da organização e a função de guardião da história,VABB-1,329,345,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296153,,"Judith Butler and the Public Dimension of the Body: Education, Critique and Corporeal Vulnerability",VABB-1,153,170,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296156,,"Multicultural education: embeddedness, voice and change",VABB-1,53,64,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296158,,The Sacralization of Childhood in a Secularized World: Another Paradox in the History of Education? An Exploration of the Problem on the Basis of the Open-Air School Diesterweg in Heide-Kalmthout,VABB-4,187,216,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296163,,The Public Role of Teaching: To keep the door closed,VABB-1,523,539,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296164,,"Disability, education and history: a refreshing and explosive cocktail recipe for educational historiography",VABB-1,3,6,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296175,,Statistics and the inference to the best explanation: living without complexity,VABB-4,161,176,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296231,,Funciones pragmáticas de la referencia de persona en el lenguaje coloquial y en el discurso político,VABB-1,247,266,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:296232,,Complete and sort of: from identifying to intensifying?,VABB-1,262,292,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:296233,,The emergence and structure of be like and related quotatives: a constructional account,VABB-1,777,807,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:296234,,The rise of the to-infinitive: evidence from adjectival complementation,VABB-1,19,51,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296236,,"'Where am I, lurking in what place of vantage?' The discourse of distance in John Banville's fiction",VABB-1,203,225,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296239,,Reconstructing paths of secondary grammaticalization of same from emphasizing to phoric and nominal-aspectual postdeterminer uses,VABB-1,68,87,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296242,,"Finite and gerundive complementation in Modern and Present-day English: Semantics, variation and change",VABB-4,132,159,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296243,,A cognitive-functional perspective on deverbal nominalization in English,VABB-4,49,80,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296246,,"Subjectification, Intersubjectification and Grammaticalization",VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296247,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,25,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296248,,English adjectives of comparison: lexical and grammaticalized uses,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296249,,Formal Evidence in Grammaticalization Research,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296250,,On the subjectification and intersubjectification paths followed by the adjectives of completeness,VABB-4,277,314,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296251,,From determining to emphasizing meanings: The adjectives of specificity,VABB-1,311,343,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:296257,,"Focus, mood and clause linkage in Umpithamu (Cape York Peninsula, Australia)",VABB-4,451,468,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296259,,Animacy and information structure in the system of ergative marking in Umpithamu,VABB-1,1637,1651,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296260,,Extraposition constructions in the deontic domain,VABB-1,723,748,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296263,,Size noun constructions as collocationally constrained constructions: lexical and grammaticalized uses,VABB-1,83,109,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296264,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296267,,An interactional approach to evidential and epistemic adverbs in Spanish conversation,VABB-4,309,330,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296268,,On conceptual semantics and discourse functions: The case of Spanish modal adverbs in informal conversation,VABB-1,300,320,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296269,,From premodal to modal meaning: Adjectival pathways in English,VABB-1,537,571,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296270,,Distinguishing animacy effects for Agents: A case study of Australian languages,VABB-1,183,207,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296271,,The grammaticalization of nominal type noun constructions with kind/sort of: chronology and paths of change,VABB-1,180,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296272,,Complex subordinators derived from noun complement clauses: grammaticalization and paradigmaticity,VABB-1,101,116,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296274,,"La complementación transitiva compleja: la alternancia {como/Ø} con considerar, juzgar y estimar",VABB-4,217,247,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:296278,,"Posteriority in expressions with 'must' and 'have to': a case of interplay between syntax, semantics and pragmatics",VABB-4,211,222,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296279,,Así como atributo abnominal comparativo-evaluativo,VABB-5,53,68,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296280,,La grille événementielle de mouvement et l'aspectualité: le cas des verbes espagnols entrar et salir,VABB-5,69,84,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:296289,,The functions of weordan and its loss in the past tense in Old and Middle English,VABB-1,457,484,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296290,,Reconceptualising word problems as exercises in mathematical modelling,VABB-1,9,29,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296292,,Greek and Flemish students’ interpretation of the literal symbols as variables,VABB-5,257,264,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296293,,"Greek and Flemish students’ understanding of the density of rational numbers: More similar, than different",VABB-5,249,256,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296294,,How do proportional and additive methods develop along primary and secondary school?,VABB-5,353,360,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296295,,Abstract or concrete examples in learning math? A replication and elaboration of Kaminski et al.’s study,VABB-5,297,304,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296297,,Do abstract examples really have advantages in learning math?,VABB-5,305,312,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296305,,Hervorming van ons secundair onderwijs. Bedenkingen van een onderzoeker bij de voorstellen van de commissie Monard,VABB-1,246,255,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296308,,"Conceptualizing, investigating, and enhancing adaptive expertise in elementary mathematics education",VABB-1,335,359,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:296310,,"Longitudinal studies at the country level as a new approach to educational effectiveness: explaining change in reading achievement (PIRLS) by change in age, socio-economic status and class size",VABB-1,53,84,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296316,,Learner control en preferenties van studenten… ingrediënten voor reflectie?,VABB-1,46,56,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296319,,Individuele verschillen in werkgeheugen en aandacht en hun relatie met studieaanpak,VABB-1,118,132,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296330,,Flexible and adaptive use of strategies and representations in mathematics education. Introduction,VABB-1,535,540,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296342,,Realistisch modelleren in het basisonderwijs: tussen doelstelling en resultaat,VABB-1,10,17,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296347,,Just answering … or thinking? Contrasting pupils’ solutions and classifications of missing-value word problems,VABB-1,20,35,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296348,,From addition to multiplication … and back. The development of students’ additive and multiplicative reasoning skills,VABB-1,360,381,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296349,,Representations and proof: The case of the Isis problem,VABB-4,94,111,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296350,,The Isis problem as an experimental probe and teaching resource,VABB-1,237,246,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296351,,Discriminating non-linearity from linearity: Its cognitive foundations in 5-year olds,VABB-1,4,19,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296354,,What PISA tells us about the quality and inequality of Japanese education in mathematics and science,VABB-1,389,408,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296357,,Use of representations in reasoning and problem solving: Analysis and improvement,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296359,,'Teach as you preach': the effects of student-centred versus lecture-based teaching on student teachers' approaches to teaching,VABB-1,43,64,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296362,,Teachers' approaches towards word problem solving: Elaborating or restricting the problem context,VABB-1,152,160,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296366,,"Over rekenen, doen en weten. De ontwikkeling van schoolse, impliciete en expliciete kennis over beweging op een hellend vlak",VABB-1,21,35,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296368,,Teachers' metacognitive and heuristic approaches to word problem solving: Analysis and impact on students' beliefs and performance,VABB-1,205,218,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296369,,(On)terecht lineair redeneren bij het oplossen van fysicavraagstukken door leerlingen van het secundair onderwijs,VABB-1,7,19,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296378,,Academic development and educational developers: Perspectives from different European higher education contexts,VABB-1,7,18,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296379,,Use of representations in reasoning and problem solving: an overview,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296380,,Effect of the number structure and the quantity nature on secondary school students' proportional reasoning,VABB-5,25,32,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:296383,,"""Stel een andere vraag en je krijgt een ander antwoord"". Reflecties over onderzoek door leraren",VABB-1,296,305,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:296385,,The reflexive relation between students' mathematics-related beliefs and the mathematics classroom culture,VABB-4,292,327,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296390,,Using student-centred learning environments to stimulate deep approaches to learning: factors encouraging or discouraging their effectiveness,VABB-1,243,260,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296391,,Vooruitgang in technisch lezen gedurende het schooljaar en de zomervakantie,VABB-1,196,213,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:296392,,Competence-based teacher education: illusion or reality? An assessment of the implementation status in Flanders from teachers' and students' points of view,VABB-1,1495,1510,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296395,,"""Duplicter intelligi potest"": Jan van Ruusbroec in the First Century of the Society of Jesus",VABB-4,285,307,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296402,,"Himmlischer Aufstieg im ""Apokryphon des Jakobus"" (NHC I,2)",VABB-4,343,353,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:296403,,"Nouvelle Théologie - New Theology: Inheritor of Modernism, Precursor of Vatican II",VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296404,,Origen and the Episode on Stephen in the Book of Acts,VABB-4,141,148,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296406,,The Position of Gentiles and Pagans and Their Relation to Grace in Augustine’s Sermones ad Populum,VABB-4,181,196,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296407,,Más allá del déficit de teología (1930-1965): La 'nouvelle théologie' y el redescubrimiento de Agustín,VABB-1,165,184,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:296410,,Epílogo,VABB-1,205,210,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:296411,,Mgr. De Smedt en de concilietekst over de Joodse godsdienst,VABB-1,81,104,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296412,,Katholische Exegese vor dem Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil (1960-1961),VABB-1,1,24,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:296415,,La Iglesia Católica y la Unidad de los Cristianos después del Vaticano II. Una reflexión en torno a la expresión 'subsistit in' de Lumen Gentium,VABB-1,277,294,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:296417,,"Andreas Masius (1514-73): Humanist, Exegete and Syriac Scholar",VABB-1,199,244,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296418,,Thomas Stapleton (1535-1598) sobre la caída de Adán y las consecuencias de ella para su descendencia. ¿Exégesis agustiniana o cripto-jesuítica?,VABB-1,129,140,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:296419,,"The Antwerp Printers Christoffel and Hans (I) van Ruremund, Their Dutch and English Bibles, and the Intervention of the Authorities in the 1520/30’s",VABB-1,7,28,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:296420,,La réception du Dei Verbum. Entre histoire et théologie,VABB-4,51,68,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:296421,,General Introduction,VABB-4,11,17,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296422,,Hagiography and Historical-Critical Analysis: The Earliest Layer of the Dossier of Theodore the Recruit ((BHG 1760 and 1761),VABB-4,135,161,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296423,,Augustine’s Legacy in the Dutch Remonstrants and the Cambridge Platonists,VABB-4,161,180,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296424,,Martyrdom and Persecution in Late Antique Christianity. Festschrift Boudewijn Dehandschutter,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296427,,The Correspondence of René Draguet (1896-1980) with Berthold Altaner (1885-1964) and the Debate on the Relation between History and Theology in the Context of the Dogmatic Definition of the Assumption of Mary (1950),VABB-1,331,353,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296428,,"John 3,5 and the Topic of Infant Baptism in Augustine. A Case Study to Evaluate the Continuity of his Thinking on Grace",VABB-1,41,62,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296429,,"The Council Diaries of Edward Schillebeeckx, 1962-1963. Critically annotated bilingual edition",VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296430,,"Pie XII, précurseur du Concile Vatican II?",VABB-1,,,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:296435,,Augustine on the Holy Spirit in the Controversy with Julian of Aeclanum,VABB-4,289,315,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296436,,Reading Acts 6-7 in the Early Church: Gregory of Nyssa's First and Second Homilies on Stephen the Protomartyr,VABB-5,9,20,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296437,,Communicating Truth: The Construction of Orthodoxy in Gregory of Nyssa’s Sermons,VABB-4,61,83,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296439,,Augustine's Use of Tradition in His Reaction to Julian of Aeclanum's Ad Turbantium: Contra Iulianum I-I,VABB-1,183,200,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296451,,After Philo and Paul: Hagar in the Writings of the Church Fathers,VABB-4,437,449,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296452,,"Fadrique Furió Ceriol, Giovanni di Bononia y la Traducción de la Biblia en lengua vernácula: análisis del ""Bononia"" (1556)",VABB-1,61,90,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296453,,"Gratia Dei, Gratia Sacramenti. Grace in Augustine of Hippo's Anti-Donatist Writings",VABB-1,307,329,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296454,,"Imitatio Christi, Imitatio Stephani. El pensamiento de Agustín sobre el martirio, a partir de los sermones sobre el protomártir Esteban",VABB-1,143,171,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:296455,,Elenchus Bibliographicus – Historia theologiae et theologorum. Theologia ascetico-mystica,VABB-1,18*,"135*,",,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296458,,Dealing with the Donatist Church: Augustine of Hippo's Nuanced Claim to the Authority of Cyprian of Carthage,VABB-4,181,202,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296459,,Epilogue,VABB-4,367,377,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:296460,,Augustine's Use of Tradition in the Controversy with Julian of Aeclanum,VABB-1,11,61,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296464,,The Development of the Concept of Grace in Late Antique North Africa (Its Context Within the Donatist & Pelagian Debates),VABB-1,163,187,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296465,,Vatican II on the Jews: A Historical Survey,VABB-4,13,56,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296466,,Christian Arabic Bibliography 2001-2005,VABB-1,271,302,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296469,,Faraj b. Jirjis Afram,VABB-4,557,560,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296473,,Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History II 900-1050,VABB-3,,,-,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296474,,Türkei,VABB-4,35,42,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:296475,,Syrien,VABB-4,87,104,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:296476,,"An Important Concept in Muslim and Christian Mysticism: the Remembrance of God, dhikr Allah-'uhdono Aloho",VABB-4,10,23,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296479,,"“Poenus disputator … Non Ego, Sed Cyprianus Poenus”: ¿Por qué necesitaba Agustín apropiarse de Cipriano de Cartago?",VABB-1,141,164,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296480,,"Como hacerse pelagiano en cuatro pasos. Ensayo sobre la lectura de romanos 5, 12",VABB-1,185,203,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:296481,,La presencia de los temas antipelagianos del Baptismus Paruulorum y del Peccatum Originale en los Sermones ad Populum de Agustín. ¿Una perspectiva pastoral sobre asuntos doctrinales y polémicos?,VABB-1,109,127,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296485,,The Seventeenth Century Crisis of Mysticism in the Society of Jesus: The Analysis of Jean-Joseph Surin (1600-1665),VABB-1,268,288,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296486,,Further Notes on the Aesthetic ‘Shadow’ of Gothic Arianism in Ravenna,VABB-1,199,212,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296491,,Donatist North Africa and the Beginning of Religious Coercion by Christians: A New Analysis,VABB-1,445,466,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296492,,The implementation of national competition policy law and the dynamics of price-cost margins: evidence from Belgium and the Netherlands 1993-1999,VABB-4,191,213,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296514,,Lang en kort in laatmiddeleeuws Brussel,VABB-1,11,25,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296518,,Factiestrijd in laatmiddeleeuws Vlaanderen,VABB-1,209,225,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:296521,,De laatste rustplaats als politiek statement: de landsheerlijke begraafplaatsen (negende-dertiende eeuw),VABB-4,183,193,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296530,,"Realities of reformist leadership in early eleventh-century Flanders: the case of Leduin, abbot of Saint-Vaast",VABB-1,47,74,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:296543,,De benedictijnse geschiedschrijving in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (ca. 1150-1550): historisch bewustzijn en monastieke identiteit,VABB-2,,,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296560,,Misbruik en devaluatie van excommunicatie in het Merovingische rijk,VABB-1,7,39,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:296566,,"Buren, straten en aanknopingspunten: plaatsbepaling in het laatmiddeleeuwse Brussel (dertiende-zestiende eeuw)",VABB-1,97,114,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:296574,,What Factors Contributed to the Establishment of the Mendicant Orders in Thirteenth-century Ypres?,VABB-4,97,111,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296608,,"The Broiler Breeder Paradox: ethical, genetic and physiological perspectives, and suggestions for solutions",VABB-1,569,579,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296609,,"Coverage of recommended vaccines in children at 7-8 years of age in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,1307,1312,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:296610,,"Breastfeeding, growth and growth standards: performance of the WHO growth standards for monitoring growth of Belgian children",VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296612,,Exploring the aneugenic and clastogenic potential in the nanosize range: A549 human lung carcinoma cells and amorphous monodisperse silica nanoparticles as models,VABB-1,382,395,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296613,,Chemotherapy-induced structural changes in cerebral white matter and its correlation with impaired cognitive functioning in breast cancer patients,VABB-1,480,493,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:296614,,Detection of Mumps Virus-specific Memory B cells by Transfer of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells into Immune Deficient Mice,VABB-1,33,39,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296616,,On the complexity of testing the collective axiom of revealed preference,VABB-1,123,136,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296620,,S-estimation for penalized regression splines,VABB-1,609,625,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296621,,Between a rock and a hard place: the two-to-one assignment problem,VABB-5,159,169,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296623,,Comparing different sampling schemes for approximating the integrals involved in the efficient design of stated choice experiments,VABB-1,1268,1289,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296624,,Algorithms for recognizing economic properties in matrix bid combinatorial auctions,VABB-1,339,352,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296625,,Heuristics for the Traveling Repairman Problem with Profits,VABB-5,34,44,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296628,,Round robin tournaments and three index assignment,VABB-1,365,374,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296629,,On a periodic vehicle routing problem,VABB-1,1719,1728,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296630,,Solving a dock assignment problem as a three-stage flexible flow-shop problem,VABB-5,320,324,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:296631,,Resource allocation by means of project networks: complexity results,VABB-1,59,67,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:296633,,The selection of clients for promotion campaigns by means of mathematical programming,VABB-5,286,290,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:296635,,A comparison of new and existing Bayesian two-stage designs,VABB-1,177,194,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296636,,Exact algorithms for coloring graphs while avoiding monochromatic cycles,VABB-5,229,242,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296640,,Robust corporate social responsibility investment screening,VABB-1,1159,1169,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296643,,RoPEUS: A new robust algorithm for static positioning in ultrasonic systems,VABB-1,4211,4229,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:296644,,Efficient and robust scale estimation for trended time series,VABB-1,1900,1905,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:296645,,Robust regression in Stata,VABB-1,439,453,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:296646,,On the construction of the European economic sentiment indicator,VABB-1,47,62,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296648,,Robust forecasting with exponential and Holt-Winters smoothing,VABB-1,285,300,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296649,,"Regression-based, regression-free and model-free approaches for robust online scale estimation",VABB-1,1023,1040,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296650,,Robust exponential smoothing of multivariate time series,VABB-1,2999,3006,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296651,,Fast and robust estimation of the multivariate errors in variables model,VABB-1,286,303,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296652,,Influence functions of the Spearman and Kendall correlation measures,VABB-1,497,515,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296653,,The k-step spatial sign covariance matrix,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296655,,Time warping achieved by a Bayesian prior-posterior transfer fitting strategy,VABB-1,673,694,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296656,,Order selection tests with multiply-imputed data,VABB-1,2284,2295,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296657,,The approximability of three-dimensional assignment problems with bottleneck objective,VABB-1,7,16,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296658,,Robust M-estimation of multivariate GARCH models,VABB-1,2459,2469,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296659,,Simultaneous confidence bands for penalized spline estimators,VABB-1,852,863,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296661,,Nonparametric estimation of mean and dispersion functions in extended generalized linear models,VABB-1,580,608,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296665,,Classificatie van contracten,VABB-4,1,23,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296668,,Scrutinizing design educators' perceptions of design process,VABB-1,357,366,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296669,,Cultural capital: a thesaurus for teaching design,VABB-1,121,133,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296696,,Between Damage Repair and Grand Project: Tsunami Reconstruction in Southern Sri Lanka,VABB-4,142,151,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296703,,"Belgium and the Netherlands: Two Different Ways of Coping with the Housing Crisis, 1945-1970",VABB-1,159,178,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296712,,The Ten-year Plan for the port of Antwerp (1956-1965). A linear city along the river,VABB-1,303,322,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296716,,"Importazione, invenzione, assimilazione: Vincidor di Bologna architetto nelle Fiandre",VABB-4,309,320,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:296717,,Echanges architecturaux entre la France et les anciens Pays-Bas dans le domaine religieux: coupoles et dômes,VABB-4,269,278,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:296721,,Bâtiments publics à fonction économique à Anvers au XVIe siècle: l’invention d’un type?,VABB-4,183,200,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:296722,,The First Jesuit Schools in the Southern Low Countries 1585-1648,VABB-4,307,324,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296725,,Public Buildings in Early Modern Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296726,,‘FINIS CORONAT 1534’. An Unknown Renaissance Façade Design Linked with the Low Countries,VABB-1,37,70,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296729,,Can Neighbourhoods Save the City? Community Development and Social Innovation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296730,,Analysing Regional Development and Policy: A Structural-Realist Approach,VABB-1,103,118,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296735,,Entre France et Empire: l’architecture dans le duché de Brabant au temps de Jeanne de Brabant et de Wenceslas de Luxembourg (1355-1406),VABB-1,9,25,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:296736,,Van kapittelkerk tot priorijkerk: De romaanse Sint-Hilariuskerk van Bierbeek in nieuw perspectief naar aanleiding van de dendrochronologische datering van de sporenkap (prov. Vlaams-Brabant),VABB-1,69,98,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296748,,The un-read. The mismatch between theory and practice,VABB-1,30,33,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296758,,"Project en ontwerp, bijdragen tot het amenderen van de projectmodus",VABB-4,18,30,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:296760,,Stadsvernieuwingsprojecten in Vlaanderen,VABB-3,,,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:296761,,Project and Design. Amening the Project Mode,VABB-4,18,30,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296762,,Framing Urban Renewal in Flanders,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296763,,Towards an Urban Debate. Questioning Mumbai's Voices & Issues,VABB-4,179,191,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296787,,"From Tropical Transitions to Ekistic Experimentation: Doxiadis Associates in Tema, Ghana",VABB-1,40,63,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296799,,Het begijnhof Sint-Agnes van Sint-Truiden: een nieuwe studie,VABB-1,72,78,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:296831,,Delta Force: New Cartographies of the Sundarbans. Alternative Design Concepts for Khulna & Environs,VABB-1,29,42,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:296859,,The Court Architect as Artist in the Southern Low Countries 1520-1560,VABB-1,110,135,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296875,,Back to the start and elsewhere. Travels between cities and natures,VABB-4,217,227,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296908,,Can crap design be inclusive?,VABB-5,55,65,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296924,,Human Settlements: Formulations and [re]Calibrations,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:296970,,Loneliness and social support in adolescent boys with autism spectrum disorders,VABB-1,218,226,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296977,,"A typology of coping with type 1 diabetes in emerging adulthood: Associations with demographic, psychological, and clinical parameters",VABB-1,228,238,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296978,,"Glycemic control, coping, and internalizing and externalizing symptoms in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: a cross-lagged longitudinal approach",VABB-1,1424,1429,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296980,,Short term fluctuations in identity: introducing a micro-level approach to identity formation,VABB-1,191,202,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296981,,The relation of change in hostility and sociability during childhood to substance use in mid adolescence,VABB-1,103,114,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296983,,How you provide corrective feedback makes a difference: The motivating role of communicating in an autonomy-supporting way,VABB-1,619,637,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296986,,Autonomous and controlled regulation of performance-approach goals: Their relations to perfectionism and educational outcomes,VABB-1,333,353,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296988,,Updating Allport's and Batson's Framework of religious orientations: A reevaluation from the perspective of self-determination theory and Wullf's social cognitive modelm,VABB-1,425,438,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296989,,Loneliness in adolescence: Gene x environment interactions involving the serotonin transporter gene,VABB-1,747,754,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296990,,Why do adolescents gather information or stick to parental norms? Examining autonomous and controlled motives behind adolescents' identity style,VABB-1,1343,1356,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:296991,,Detaching reasons from aims: Fair play and well-being in soccer as a function of pursuing performance-approach goals for autonomous or controlling reasons,VABB-1,217,242,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297003,,Patterns of interaction in Austrian parliamentary debates. The pragmasemantics of interruptive comments,VABB-4,135,164,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297009,,Adverbial morphology: How Dutch and German are moving away from English,VABB-1,381,402,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297014,,‘Doing’ ethos—A discursive approach to the strategic deployment and negotiation of identities in meetings,VABB-1,2449,2461,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297015,,Making Transportable Identities Relevant as a Persuasive Device. The Case of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Concession Speech,VABB-1,229,239,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297023,,"From manner adverbial to attitudinal discourse marker: the case of Dutch ""anders""",VABB-4,137,189,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297024,,On the argumentative strength of indirect inferential conditionals,VABB-1,337,362,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297026,,Wanneer 'of' geen 'en' is,VABB-1,54,78,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297029,,The Unofficial Goals of Business Speeches,VABB-4,88,101,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297032,,Reactie,VABB-1,116,120,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297034,,Interactional metadiscourse in research article abstracts,VABB-1,128,139,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297035,,The Adams family,VABB-1,302,318,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297043,,Die Übersetzung von Modalpartikeln als Indiz ihres Grammatikalisierungsgrades: die französischen Pendants von denn und eigentlich,VABB-1,1,19,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:297047,,Die Art der Subjektlücken in deutscher und niederländischer Verbzweitkoordination,VABB-4,115,128,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:297048,,Het verdwijnen van een linguïstisch taboe: variatie en groei van de syntactische complexiteit van de NP,VABB-1,244,256,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297049,,Ontwikkelingen in de linkerperiferie van de nominale constituent,VABB-1,220,237,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297051,,The emergence of the determiner in the Dutch NP,VABB-1,263,299,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297052,,A rehearsed self in repeated narratives? The case of two interviews with a former hooligan,VABB-1,721,740,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:297066,,"The indefeasibility of the inference that 'if not A, then not C'",VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297068,,'Süffiger Rotwein': A corpus-based study of attributive adjectives preceding (compounds of) 'Wein' as wine descriptions in German,VABB-4,157,166,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297086,,Assessing intercultural competence in training and language education: anytthing but a wound-up issue.,VABB-4,17,34,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297088,,Automated feedback in a semi-open grammar learning environment: an analysis of reactions to different on-line feedback types,VABB-1,45,61,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297089,,Testing the untestable in language education,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297091,,"Influence of size, surface area and microporosity on the in vitro cytotoxic activity of amorphous silica nanoparticles in different cell types",VABB-1,307,18,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297093,,Proteome analysis of multiple compartments in a mouse model of chemical-induced asthma,VABB-1,5868,5876,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297094,,The nanosilica hazard: another variable entity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297096,,Choice of Mouse Strain Influences the Outcome in a Mouse Model of Chemical-Induced Asthma,VABB-1,e12581,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297097,,Synthesis and Characterization of Stable Monodisperse Silica Nanoparticle Sols for in Vitro Cytotoxicity Testing,VABB-1,328,335,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297098,,Air pollution related prothrombotic changes in persons with diabetes,VABB-1,191,196,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297100,,Sensitization to inhaled ryegrass pollen by collateral priming in a murine model of allergic respiratory disease,VABB-1,233,242,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297102,,Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B facilitates allergic sensitization in experimental asthma,VABB-1,1079,1090,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297105,,Fentanyl transdermal absorption linked to pharmacokinetic characteristics in patients undergoing palliative care,VABB-1,667,678,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297106,,Genetic susceptibility in solvent induced neurobehavioral effects,VABB-1,268,278,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297109,,Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin killed by extended freeze-drying targets plasmacytoid dendritic cells to regulate lung inflammation,VABB-1,1062,70,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297110,,Mouse models to unravel the role of inhaled pollutants on allergic sensitization and airway inflammation,VABB-1,7,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297111,,Ammonium persulfate can initiate an asthmatic response in mice,VABB-1,252,257,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297112,,Noninvasive and invasive pulmonary function in mouse models of obstructive and restrictive respiratory diseases,VABB-1,96,104,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297115,,Goede trouw en belangenafweging in het arbeidsrecht. Toepassing op de eenzijdige wijziging van arbeidsvoorwaarden,VABB-1,469,535,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297116,,Het voortijdig afwerven van uitzendkrachten. De praktijk van afwervingsbedingen. Noot onder Gent 15 februari 2010,VABB-1,498,504,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297119,,Transnationale ondernemingsakkoorden en het (Europese) arbeidsrecht: een verkennend onderzoek,VABB-1,387,424,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297124,,"Privacy in arbeidsrechtelijke context. Relatieve privacybescherming: een uitdaging, maar must. noot onder Arbh. Antwerpen 2 september 2008",VABB-1,347,359,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297128,,Justification of training compensation in European football: Bosman and Bernard compared,VABB-1,19,33,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297130,,Berekening van de beëindigingsvergoeding bij verminderde arbeidsprestaties: een kwestie van keuze of dwang?,VABB-1,491,495,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297131,,"Knelpunten bij het bepalen van de opzeggingstermijn en de opzeggingsvergoeding voor bedienden. Brengen het Hof van Cassatie, het Grondwettelijk Hof en het Hof van Justitie licht in de duisternis?",VABB-1,1282,1304,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297132,,Arbeidsrecht tussen flexibiliteit en zekerheid. Existentiële vragen over het arbeidsrecht en de vastheid van betrekking in het licht van flexizekerheid,VABB-1,1,11,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297135,,Employment privacy,VABB-4,437,458,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297136,,Arbeidsrecht voor de spiegel,VABB-1,3,59,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297140,,"Case C-420/07, Meletis Apostolides v. David Charles Orams, Linda Elizabeth Orams, Judgment of the Grand Chamber of 28 April 2009, [2009] ECR I-3571",VABB-1,1123,1159,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297141,,Regions and the European Courts: Giving Shape to the Regional Dimension of Member States,VABB-1,609,635,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297144,,Exploring the Obligations for States to Act upon the ICC’s Arrest Warrant for Omar Al-Bashir. A Legal Conflict between the Duty to Arrest and the Customary Status of Head of State Immunity,VABB-1,428,444,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297145,,The International Criminal Court and Universal Jurisdiction: a Fraught Relationship,VABB-1,498,512,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297146,,Non-State Actors and International Governance,VABB-1,5,14,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297148,,Nanomaterials and regulation of cosmetics,VABB-1,92,92,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297149,,Prejudiciële vragen aan het Hof van Justitie na het Verdrag van Lissabon,VABB-1,1154,1177,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297154,,Defining nanomaterials for the purpose of regulation within the European Union,VABB-1,115,122,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297156,,"De vrijheid van economisch niet-actieve EU-burgers om binnen de EU te reizen, te verblijven en te studeren",VABB-1,144,154,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:297162,,Droit international et monisme de l'ordre juridique de l'Union,VABB-1,505,519,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:297163,,"Zaak C-370/07, Commissie/Raad",VABB-1,477,481,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297166,,Le traité de Lisbonne et la protection juridictionnelle des particuliers en droit de l'Union,VABB-1,711,745,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:297167,,La solidarité ou le chapitre IV de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne,VABB-1,217,236,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:297168,,"The Contribution of the European Court of Justice to the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice",VABB-1,255,301,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297169,,Federalism and the Rule of Law. Perspectives from the European Court of Justice,VABB-1,1338,1387,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297171,,Non-State Actor Dynamics in International Law: from Law-Takers to Law-Makers,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297175,,The Limits of Substantive International Economic Law: In Support of Reasonable Extraterritorial Jurisdiction,VABB-4,237,252,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297177,,The Impact of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law on the Process of the Formation of Customary International Law,VABB-4,111,131,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297180,,Domestic Remedies against the OPEC Cartel,VABB-4,239,257,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297181,,Non-State Actors and the Legitimacy of International Law,VABB-4,69,90,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297193,,Territorial Jurisdiction over Cross-Frontier Offences: Revisiting a Classic Problem of International Criminal Law,VABB-1,187,209,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297194,,The Relevance of the Right to Self-determination in the Kosovo Matter,VABB-1,573,587,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297196,,The limits of the law and the development of the EU,VABB-4,205,236,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297209,,The constitutional allocation of powers and general principles of EU law,VABB-1,1629,1669,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297229,,"Cultural Identity, Religion, Moral Pluralism and the Law",VABB-4,61,72,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297232,,Spinoza's Theory of the Emotions and its Relation to Therapy,VABB-4,71,90,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297238,,De ziekte tot de dood. Een christelijk psychologisch betoog tot opbouwing en opwekking,VABB-2,,,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297241,,Religious Fictionalism in Kant’s Ethics of Autonomy,VABB-4,475,484,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297244,,"""Against The Day"", Luc Tuymans at Wiels",VABB-1,235,238,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297265,,"De zaken Rindal en Slinning: vrij patiëntenverkeer, experimentele geneeskunde en de zoektocht naar internationale kwaliteitsindicatoren in de gezondheidszorg",VABB-1,117,125,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297272,,Private zorgvoorzieningen voor residentiële ouderzorg in Europees perspectief,VABB-1,535,585,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297277,,Zin en onzin van de contractualisering binnen de wettelijke sociale zekerheid,VABB-1,391,423,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297291,,Second-Order Knowledge,VABB-4,586,596,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297294,,Toward an Integrative Approach of Cognitive Neuroscientific and Evolutionary Psychological Studies of Art,VABB-1,695,719,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297296,,Determinism and the Paradox of Predictability,VABB-1,233,249,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297298,,Wat doet psychotherapie met het brein? Een niet-reductionistische 'neurofilosofische' visie,VABB-1,455,461,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297299,,On the alleged non-existence of orbitals,VABB-1,178,182,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297300,,Ontheemd,VABB-1,62,69,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297301,,Non-convergent truth. Response to Arnold Burms. ''Disagreement Perspectivism and Consequentialism'',VABB-1,652,656,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297303,,Descriptions and unknowability,VABB-1,50,52,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297304,,The evolutionary turn in psychiatry: a historial overview,VABB-1,131,143,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297305,,Alle gekheid in een hokje. Over de wortels van het psychiatrisch essentialisme,VABB-1,7,39,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:297311,,Het moeilijke huwelijk: Darwins evolutietheorie en de sociale wetenschappen,VABB-4,81,103,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297312,,Is the Cannibal a Good Sport?,VABB-4,214,225,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297313,,Amusing ourselves to death: superstimuli and the evolutionary social sciences,VABB-1,821,843,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297315,,The cognitive basis of arithmetic,VABB-4,59,106,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297317,,Chemistry and physics: no need for metaphysical glue,VABB-1,123,136,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297319,,The effects of urban retail greenery on consumer experience: Reviewing the evidence from a restorative perspective,VABB-1,57,64,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297320,,Autonomy in R. S. Peters' Educational Theory,VABB-1,189,207,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:297321,,"The Philosophical ""Mind-Body Problem"" and Its Relevance for the Relationship between Psychiatry and the Neurosciences",VABB-1,545,557,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297322,,"Will Science and Consciousness Ever Meat? Complexity, Symmetry and Qualia",VABB-1,1250,1269,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297323,,Science as Structured Imagination,VABB-1,29,44,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297325,,"Cuts and Clouds. Vagueness, its Nature and its Logic",VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297328,,On the differentiation of achievement goal orientations in physical education: A Rasch analysis approach,VABB-1,671,697,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297342,,"On Social Achievement Goals: Their Relations With Peer Acceptance, Classroom Belongingness, and Perceptions of Loneliness",VABB-1,285,307,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:297359,,Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale: resistance through narrating,VABB-4,227,245,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297363,,Can we factor out free choice?,VABB-4,183,201,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297364,,"Contextual cues for particle placement: Multiplicity, motivation, modeling",VABB-4,145,192,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297365,,Doubler-upper nouns: A challenge for usage-based models of language?,VABB-4,335,374,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297366,,"Interprétations aspectuelles des verbes à particule en anglais: téliques, comparatifs, résultatifs",VABB-4,249,281,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:297373,,Daar roert entwat: het Gezellemuseum in 2010,VABB-1,236,241,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297375,,Licht en schaduw op de biografie van Gezelle: Caesar Gezelles brieven uit Versailles (1915-1918),VABB-1,112,136,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297383,,Infinitex: An interactive editing system for the production of large texture data sets,VABB-1,643,654,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297400,,Die Zivilisationskrise als anthropologische Herausforderung. Paul Shepards neoprimitivistische Anthropologie,VABB-4,231,248,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:297406,,Husserl’s New Phenomenology of Time Consciousness in the Bernau Manuscripts,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297407,,Husserls Beweis für den transzendentalen Idealismus,VABB-4,93,106,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:297409,,Transzendentale Phänomenologie?,VABB-4,41,70,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:297410,,Présentation de l'édition Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit (Husserliana XXXVIII),VABB-1,17,30,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:297418,,Husserls Idee einer nicht-empirischen Wissenschaft von der Lebenswelt,VABB-1,49,66,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:297426,,Bergson on the Driven Force of Consciousness and Life,VABB-4,42,62,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297427,,The Cinquefoil Controversy: Restoring Relics between Managers and Purists,VABB-1,17,32,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297432,,Sexuality and Psychoanalysis: Philosophical Criticisms,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297433,,"Sexuality, Psychoanalysis, and Philosophy: An Introduction",VABB-4,9,17,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297434,,Oedipus and Cain: Brothers in Arms,VABB-1,172,184,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297435,,"Philosophy, Phenomenology, Sciences: Essays in Commemoration of Edmund Husserl",VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297436,,Philosophy and ‘Experience’: A Conflict of Interests?,VABB-4,405,438,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297443,,"The Hermeneutics of Perception in Cassirer, Heidegger, and Husserl",VABB-4,41,58,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297444,,Meerstemmigheid. Een 'continentaal' perspectief,VABB-1,173,186,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297445,,De liefde van Alcibiades. Een breekpunt in Plato? Lacans lectuur van het Symposium,VABB-1,215,243,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:297446,,What is Frightening about Sexual Pleasure? - Introducing Lacan's Jouissance into Freudian Psychoanalysis via Plato and Aristotle,VABB-4,21,33,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297447,,The Universal as ‘What is in Common’: Comments on the Proton-Pseudos in Husserl’s Doctrine of the Intuition of Essence,VABB-4,525,557,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297459,,"Opzettelijke veroorzaking van het schadegeval: orde op zaken?, noot onder Cass 24 april 2009",VABB-1,58,61,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297465,,Les principes du droit européen du contrat d'assurances. L'esprit des principes,VABB-1,985,999,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:297466,,An Outsider's View on Solvency II,VABB-1,109,116,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297482,,‘The Foundation of Our Affairs': a history of the archives of the old Jesuit order in the Southern Low Countries,VABB-1,191,211,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297505,,Artistic representation and politics: an exchange between Victor Burgin and Hilde Van Gelder,VABB-1,1,13,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:297506,,Photographing Fashion: a critical look at The Sartorialist,VABB-1,158,170,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297510,,‘Who touched my clothes?’ The healing of the woman with the Haemorrhage (Mark 5: 24-34; Luke 8: 42-48 and Matthew 9: 19-22) in early medieval visual culture,VABB-1,65,90,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297515,,Photofilmic images in contemporary visual culture,VABB-1,48,53,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297518,,"""Che ha toccato i miei vestiti?"" La guarigione della donna con l'emorragia fra testo, immagine e tabù nella cultura visiva del primo medioevo",VABB-1,393,412,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:297522,,"""Wenn ich nur sein Kleid möchte anrühren"": die Frau mit dem Blutfluss in der frühmittelalterlichen Ikonographie (Mark 5:24b-34parr)",VABB-1,52,76,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:297533,,"Vanguard Economics, Rearguard Art: Gustave Coûteaux and the Modernist Myth of the Dealer-critic System",VABB-1,25,41,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297539,,Introduction,VABB-4,20,23,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297540,,Design and craft: a history of convergences and divergences,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297548,,The Anjou Bible. A Royal Manuscript Revealed. Naples 1340,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297549,,Eight unknown designs by Hendrick de Clerck for Archduke Albert's entry into Brussels in 1596,VABB-1,18,32,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:297552,,Spanish Family Pride in Flemish Wool and Silk: The Moncada and their Baroque Tapestry Collection,VABB-4,284,315,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297553,,New Light on the Brussels Raes Workshop and Rubens’s Achilles Series,VABB-4,20,33,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297565,,The co-movement of stock markets in East Asia. Did the 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis really strengthen stock market integration?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297569,,Bankruptcy reform - evidence from a survey among judges and receivers,VABB-1,1367,1371,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:297570,,Institutional Affiliation of General Partners and Private Equity Investment Choices,VABB-1,25,41,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297571,,Antecedents of growth through mergers and acquisitions: Empirical evidence from Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297576,,Catholic propaganda and public science. The Société Scientifique de Bruxelles and the popularization of Darwinism,VABB-5,1132,1136,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297577,,X-rays and old masters. The art of the scientific connoisseur,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297582,,"Are we hitting immunity targets? The 2006 age-specific seroprevalence of measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria and tetanus in Belgium",VABB-1,494,504,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:297585,,Cancer during pregnancy: an analysis of 215 patients emphasizing the obstetrical and the neonatal outcomes,VABB-1,683,689,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297587,,"Eco-, geno- and human toxicology of bio-active nanoparticles for biomedical applications",VABB-1,170,181,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297589,,Assay conditions can influence the outcome of cytotoxicity tests of nanomaterials: Better assay characterization is needed to compare studies,VABB-1,620,629,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297592,,"Niacin, an old drug with new perspectives for the management of dyslipidaemia",VABB-1,,28,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297594,,Concentration response functions for ultrafine particles and all-cause mortality and hospital admissions: results of a European expert panel elicitation,VABB-1,476,82,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297596,,"Occupational cadmium exposure and calcium excretion, bone density, and osteoporosis in men",VABB-1,,1445,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297598,,Validity of predictive equations for resting energy expenditure in Belgian normal weight to morbid obese women,VABB-1,347,351,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297599,,What's new in nanotoxicology? Implications for public health from a brief review of the 2008 literature,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297609,,Outcome and cost of spinal fractures and spinal tumors,VABB-1,S74,S78,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297610,,"Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases. Diseases from Work, Home, Outdoor and Other Exposures",VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297644,,Sleep apnoeas and neurobehavioral effects in solvent exposed workers,VABB-1,66,70,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:297645,,Evidence-based guidelines in the evaluation of work disability: an international survey and a comparison of quality of development,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:297646,,Gedeeltelijke werkhervatting bij arbeidsongeschikte werknemers op ziekteverzekering in België: een retrospectieve studie,VABB-1,151,156,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297647,,Selecting an appropriate biomonitoring strategy to evaluate dermal exposure to opioid narcotic analgesics in pharmaceutical production workers,VABB-1,464,470,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297682,,Optimal portfolio selection for general provisioning and terminal wealth problems,VABB-1,90,97,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297683,,Inequalities for the De Pril approximation to the distribution of the number of policies with claims,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297685,,Decision principles derived from risk measures,VABB-1,294,302,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297686,,A note on additive risk measures in rank-dependent utility,VABB-1,187,189,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297694,,An overview of comonotonicity and its applications in finance and insurance,VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297699,,Bounds for right tails of deterministic and stochastic sums of random variables,VABB-1,847,866,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:297700,,A robustification of the chain-ladder method,VABB-1,280,298,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297703,,Los hijos chingados: el estereotipo del 'charolastra' y de la 'extranjera fácil' en Y tu mamá también de Alfonso Cuarón,VABB-5,59,70,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:297707,,Vrij dienstenverkeer in de EG en de WTO: een stand van zaken,VABB-1,770,789,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:297708,,The Global Financial Crisis and Government Support for Banks: What Role for the GATS?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297709,,International Legal Aspects of Sovereign Wealth Funds: Reconciling International Economic Law and the Law of State Immunities with a New Role of the State,VABB-1,779,818,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297710,,WTO Disciplines on Export Credit Support for Agricultural Products in the Wake of the US – Upland Cotton Case and the Doha Round Negotiations,VABB-1,349,384,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297711,,"Case note to Belgian Supreme Court of Justice (Cour de Cassation), Prosecutor General at the Court of Appeal of Liège v S.M.E. 29 July 2008",VABB-1,1345,1349,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297714,,Time-driven activity-based costing for a library acquisition process: A case study in a Belgian university,VABB-1,83,91,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297715,,Organizational learning and interfirm control: the effects of partner search and prior exchange experiences,VABB-1,1233,1250,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297717,,Adjuvant dendritic cell-based tumour vaccination for children with malignant brain tumours,VABB-1,519,525,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297718,,Increased history of childhood and life-time traumatic events among adults with alopecia areata,VABB-1,388,393,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:297719,,"Differentiating bingeing/purging and restrictive eating disorder subtypes: The roles of temperament, effortful control and cognitive control",VABB-1,166,170,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297720,,The assessment of effortful control in childhood: Questionnaires and the Test of Everyday Attention for Children compared,VABB-1,59,65,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297721,,Comparison of non-suicidal self-injurious behavior and suicide attempts in patients admitted to a psychiatric crisis unit,VABB-1,83,87,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297724,,"Brief report: the association between non-suicidal self-injury, self-consept and acquaintance with self-injurious peers in a sample of adolescents",VABB-1,775,778,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297725,,Het Verdrag van Lissabon: anywhere as long as it’s forward?,VABB-1,195,206,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:297727,,Student mobility in the European Union: Facing new hurdles?,VABB-1,77,99,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297731,,"Case C-555/07, Seda Kücükdeveci v. Swedex GmbH & Co. KG",VABB-1,497,519,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:297733,,"Annotatie Hof van Justitie uitspraak in zaak C-518/07, Commissie / Duitsland",VABB-1,416,419,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297734,,"Noot onder Zaak C-73/08, Nicolas Bressol e.a. en Céline Chaverot e.a./Gouvernement de la Communauté française",VABB-1,423,426,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297735,,"Noot onder Zaak C-310/08, London Borough of Harrow/Nimco Hassan Ibrahim en Secretary of State for the Home Department",VABB-1,416,419,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297736,,Noot onder Zaak C-135/08 Janko Rottmann/Freistaat Bayern,VABB-1,379,382,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:297737,,"Note under Case C-127/08, Blaise Baheten Metock and Others v. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform",VABB-1,321,341,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:297738,,Regio's en de rechtsbescherming voor de Europese Gerechtshoven,VABB-1,622,635,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297761,,Estimating the length of hospitalization attributable to multidrug antibiotic resistance,VABB-1,4046,4046,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297763,,Prevention of cardiovascular disease in asymptomatic people,VABB-1,477,482,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297767,,Samen onveiligheid te lijf? Lokale burgerinitiatieven inzake criminaliteit en onveiligheid,VABB-1,37,53,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:297768,,Using activity sensitivity and network topology information to monitor project time performance.,VABB-1,359,370,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297771,,The eighteenth-century novel,VABB-1,552,599,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:297889,,Mouth rinse but not ingestion of a carbohydrate solution improves 1-h cycle time trial performance,VABB-1,105,111,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:297931,,"Press conferences on the Internet: Technology, mediation and access in the news",VABB-1,1900,1911,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:297933,,Philosophical Aspects of Symbolic Reasoning in Early Modern Mathematics,VABB-3,,,302 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298094,,Tuareg City Blues – Cultural Capital in a Global Cosmopole,VABB-4,41,58,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:298124,,Access to premium content on mobile television platforms: the case of mobile sports,VABB-1,32,39,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298303,,"International comparisons of employment contracts, psychological contracts, and worker well-being",VABB-4,213,229,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298307,,Dialoog tussen planning en proza,VABB-1,66,84,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298386,,It's about time: an explanatory study on children's difficulties with the concept of time,VABB-5,14,14,-,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298413,,"The Habsburg Theatre State. Court, City and the Performance of Identity in the Early Modern Southern Low Countries",VABB-4,131,149,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298512,,Jommelli’s ‘tenacious memory’: replications in 'L’Ifigenìa' (1751),VABB-1,361,387,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298518,,Herstelrecht en de maatschappelijke (re)integratie van de dader,VABB-1,32,43,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298519,,The glocalised telenovela as a space for possible identifications for diaspora girls in Northern Belgium?An audience cum content analysis of Sara,VABB-1,171,195,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298520,,"Betwisting van genezenverklaring na arbeidsongeval: moeilijk verantwoordbare ongelijke behandeling tussen private en publieke regelgeving, noot onder GwH 18 juni 2009",VABB-1,303,314,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298521,,"Lives of the Sonnet, 1787-1895. Genre, Gender and Criticism",VABB-2,,,218 p,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:298523,,Aanbevelingen voor de preventie van cardiovasculaire aandoeningen in de klinische praktijk. Belgische Nationale werkgroep voor de preventie van hart- en vaatziekten,VABB-1,78,88,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:298527,,An embodied approach to music semantics,VABB-1,43,67,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298528,,Prices of antihypertensive medicines in sub-Saharan Africa and alignment to WHO's model list of essential medicines,VABB-1,350,361,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298537,,A review of why patients with leg ulcers do not adhere to treatment,VABB-1,337,349,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298548,,"Validity and reproducibility of a self-administered semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire for estimating usual daily fat, fibre, alcohol, caffeine, and theobromine intakes among Belgian post-menopausal women",VABB-1,121,150,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298549,,An architecture of distraction : the MAS by Neutelings Riedijk Architects,VABB-1,111,115,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298550,,Advergames : the impact of brand prominence and game repetition on brand responses,VABB-1,5,18,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298554,,Les effets adverses des politiques officieles en matière de drogue sur les mécanismes d’autorégulation des consommateurs de drogues illicites,VABB-1,295,333,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:298555,,Development and validation of a model for prediction of mortality in patients with acute burn injury,VABB-1,111,117,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298557,,An enigmatic souvenir of Venetian opera: Alessandro Piazza’s Teatro (1702),VABB-1,387,401,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298558,,The gods out of the machine … and their comeback,VABB-4,193,209,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298559,,Prevention and treatment of incontinence-associated dermatitis : literature review,VABB-1,1141,1154,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298560,,Determination of standard times of nursing activities based on a Nursing Minimum Dataset,VABB-1,92,102,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298561,,Determinants of ferritin and soluble transferrin receptors as iron status parameters in young adult women,VABB-1,1775,1782,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298564,,Predictive ability of the SCORE Belgium risk chart for cardiovascular mortality,VABB-1,385,390,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298565,,Night-day blood pressure ratio and dipping pattern as predictors of death and cardiovascular events in hypertension,VABB-1,645,653,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298566,,Body weight dissatisfaction and communication with parents among adolescents in 24 countries : international cross-sectional survey,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298567,,"Results from a dietary intervention study in preschools ""Beastly Healthy at School""",VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298568,,Body-mass index and cause-specific mortality in 900.000 adults: collaborative analyses of 57 prospective studies,VABB-1,1083,1096,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298569,,Number processing pathways in human parietal cortex,VABB-1,77,88,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298570,,The exercise tablets from chantier B in Susa revisited,VABB-1,225,257,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298571,,How evidence-based is venous leg ulcer care ? A survey in community settings.,VABB-1,337,347,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298572,,Het 'as-builtattest' : een nieuw attest in het ruimtelijke ordeningsrecht,VABB-1,107,137,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298573,,Small effect of the androgen receptor gene GGN repeat polymorphism on serum testosterone levels in healthy men,VABB-1,171,177,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298574,,"HDL cholesterol protects against cardiovascular disease in both genders, at all ages and at all levels of risk",VABB-1,611,616,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298575,,Prevalence and impact on quality of life of peripheral neuropathy with or without neuropathic pain in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients attending hospital outpatients clinics,VABB-1,206,213,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298576,,"EUROASPIRE III: a survey on the lifestyle, risk factors and use of cardioprotective drug therapies in coronary patients from 22 European countries",VABB-1,121,137,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298577,,"Cardiovascular prevention guidelines in daily practice: a comparison of EUROASPIRE I, II and III surveys in eight European countries",VABB-1,929,940,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298578,,Rotating shift work and the metabolic syndrome: a prospective study,VABB-1,848,854,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298579,,"Polymorphisms of the SHBG gene contribute to the interindividual variation of sex steroid hormone blood levels in young, middle-aged and elderly men",VABB-1,330,310,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298580,,Chronic diseases and calls to action,VABB-1,310,311,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298585,,"Weight control behaviors among overweight, normal weight and underweight adolescents in Palestine : findings from the national study of Palestinian schoolchildren (HBSC-WBG2004)",VABB-1,326,336,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298586,,From Monterrey to Doha: Taxation and Financing for Development,VABB-1,155,172,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298587,,"Parental occupation, family affluence and adolescent health behaviour in 28 countries",VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298589,,Decrease in adolescent cannabis use from 2002 to 2006 and links to evenings out with friends in 31 European and North American countries and regions,VABB-1,119,125,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298594,,Associations of overweight and of weight dissatisfaction among Palestinian adolescents: findings from the national study of Palestinian schoolchildren (HBCS-WBG2004),VABB-1,40,49,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298595,,New European guidelines for cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice,VABB-1,138,142,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298597,,Toward a Domain-Specific Approach to the Study of Parental Psychological Control: Distinguishing Between Dependency-Oriented and Achievement-Oriented Psychological Control,VABB-1,217,256,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298598,,Een 55-jarige vrouw met persisterende stijging van creatininekinase,VABB-1,140,145,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:298599,,The path from identity commitments to adjustment: Motivational underpinnings and mediating mechanisms,VABB-1,52,60,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298600,,Monumental architecture in Hellenistic and Julio-Claudian Pessinus,VABB-1,111,139,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298601,,A scatter search heuristic for maximizing the net present value of a resource-constrained project with fixed activity cash flows,VABB-1,1983,2001,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298602,,When transport geography meets social psychology : toward a new conceptual model of travel behaviour,VABB-1,219,240,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298603,,Does the effect of self-control on adolescent offending vary by the level of morality? A test in three countries.,VABB-1,732,743,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298607,,How ordinary folk became involved in the Ambonese conflict : understanding private opportunities during communal violence,VABB-1,25,48,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298609,,"East European Jewish migrants and settlers in Belgium, 1880-1914 : a transatlantic perspective",VABB-1,261,284,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298614,,Art. 13 (wet 10 januari 1990 : topografieën van halfgeleiders),VABB-4,89,103,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298615,,Benelux-verdrag inzake de intellectuele eigendom : art. 2.34 t/m 2.44 BVIE,VABB-4,47,87,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298616,,La réforme des règlements sur la coordination des systèmes de sécurité sociale : quels acquis et modifications en matière de prestations de chômage?,VABB-1,435,477,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:298620,,Art. 12quinquies (wet databanken van 31 augustus 1998),VABB-4,21,36,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298622,,Wet 10 januari 1990 : topografieën van halfgeleiders : art. 14 t/m 16,VABB-4,37,59,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298625,,"Late Roman burnished ware in Adriatic Italy : the archaeometric evidence for trade from the Central Adriatic town of Potentia (Porto Recanati), Italy",VABB-1,185,193,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298628,,Searching for the Mecca of finance : Islamic financial services and the world city network,VABB-1,35,46,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298629,,Turkey's Kurds and the quest for recognition. Transnational politics and the EU-Turkey accession negotiations.,VABB-1,3,25,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298632,,The emerging social pedagogical paradigm in UK child and youth care: deus ex machina or walking the beaten path?,VABB-1,789,805,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298633,,Bidirectionality in synesthesia: Evidence from a multiplication verification task,VABB-1,178,184,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298634,,"Verbales Wortfeld, Norm und Polysemie : eine synchronische Analyse des verbalen 'hören'-Paradigmas im Französischen",VABB-1,237,274,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:298635,,'Il y a des gens ils viennent acheter des aspirines pour faire de l'eau gazeuse' : sur les raisons d'être des structures parataxiques en il y a,VABB-4,167,184,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:298636,,Refugees and transnationalism on the Thai-Burmese border,VABB-1,282,299,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298637,,Forecasting broadband Internet adoption on trains in Belgium,VABB-1,10,20,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298638,,Atteone furioso. La caccia alla divina conoscenza negli Eroici furori di Giordano Bruno,VABB-1,695,717,,ita,2010,1 c:vabb:298639,,Instruction and load effects on high-skill and low-skill individuals : a study in the domain of mental arithmetic,VABB-1,964,989,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298640,,Deaf epistemologies as a critique and alternative to the practice of science. An anthropological perspective,VABB-1,435,446,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298641,,Bilingual education in Flanders : policy and press debate (1999-2006),VABB-1,412,433,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298643,,Inconsistency-adaptive modal logics. On how to cope with modal inconsistency,VABB-1,31,61,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298644,,'Raise the people in silence': traces of hesychasm in the discourse of the elder Zosima,VABB-1,47,88,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298646,,The moral requirement in theistic and secular ethics,VABB-1,192,207,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298647,,"Dostoevskij's portrait of a 'pure, ideal Christian': echoes of Nil Sorskij in the elder Zosima",VABB-1,185,216,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:298650,,Psychiatric disorders in detained male adolescents : a systematic literature review,VABB-1,255,263,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298651,,Measures of work-family conflict predict sickness absence from work,VABB-1,879,886,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298659,,The EU's Emerging Relations with Central Asia: A Test Case for EU Foreign Policy,VABB-4,294,303,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298660,,Influence of treadmill acceleration on actual walk-to-run transition.,VABB-1,52,56,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298661,,Global Energy Governance in a Multipolar World,VABB-2,,,221 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298662,,"PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in home-produced eggs from Belgium: levels, contamination sources and health risks",VABB-1,4419,4429,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298663,,Effect of ALA-Enriched Food Supply on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Males,VABB-1,603,611,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298665,,Chronic stress and obesity in adolescents: Scientific evidence and methodological issues for epidemiological research,VABB-1,511,519,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298666,,Overground vs. treadmill walk-to-run transition,VABB-1,420,428,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298667,,Writing the past out of the present : history and politics of time in transitional justice,VABB-1,111,131,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298668,,Identité collective et mémoire des réformes 'Lotharingiennes' dans l'historiographie bénédictine en Basse Lotharingie et au Nord-Est de la France (11ième-12ième siècles),VABB-1,259,289,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:298669,,A compromised inheritance : monastic discourse and the politics of property exchange in early-twelfth-century Flanders,VABB-1,229,251,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298670,,School ethnic composition and aspirations of immigrant students in Belgium,VABB-1,209,237,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298671,,Fentanyl HCI iontophoretic transdermal system versus morphine IV-PCA for postoperative pain management: survey of healthcare provider opinion,VABB-1,293,301,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298672,,Intensifying dialysis: how far should we go and at what cost?,VABB-1,1077,1078,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298674,,Cost-effectiveness evaluation of a quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine in Belgium,VABB-1,231,245,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298681,,"Europol, quid novis? : kritische exploratie van het Europol-Besluit",VABB-1,20,45,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298682,,Food-related lifestyles and their association to obesity in five European countries,VABB-1,156,162,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298684,,Additive conjoint measurement with ordered categories,VABB-1,195,204,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298685,,Grammatical metaphor as a construction type: A semiotic-functional model,VABB-2,,,224 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298686,,Systemic Functional Grammar and the Legacy of Hjelmslev,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:298690,,Understanding the role of orthography in the acquisition of a non-native vowel contrast,VABB-1,380,394,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298691,,Going for gold!: welfare characteristics and Olympic success: an application of the Structural Equation Approach,VABB-1,189,205,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:298693,,Evaluation of bioaerosol sampling techniques for the detection of Chlamydophila psittaci in contaminated air,VABB-1,31,37,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298694,,Human rights enforcement by people living in poverty : access to justice in Nigeria,VABB-1,258,282,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298695,,Finding and defining the Victorian supplement,VABB-1,97,110,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298703,,"The gap between food-based dietary guidelines and usual food consumption in Belgium, 2004",VABB-1,423,431,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298704,,Business Cycle Evidence on Firm Entry,VABB-1,605,624,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298705,,Systemic telomere length and preclinical atherosclerosis: the Asklepios study,VABB-1,3074,3081,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298708,,Is it time to leave behind the Revised Hierarchical Model of bilingual language processing after fifteen years of service?,VABB-1,359,371,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298709,,The Split Fovea Theory and the Leicester critique : what do the data say?,VABB-1,96,106,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298714,,Sign languages and sign language research,VABB-4,709,729,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298716,,The association between depressive symptoms and executive control impairments in response to emotional and non-emotional information,VABB-1,264,280,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298717,,How impaired is mind-reading in high-functioning adolescents and adults with autism?,VABB-1,123,134,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298718,,When your errors make me lose or win: Event-related potentials to observed errors of cooperators and competitors,VABB-1,360,374,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298719,,Do feelings have a mind of their own?,VABB-4,38,65,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298728,,Diffuse authority in the Beedi commodity chain: Naxalite and state governance in tribal Telangana (India),VABB-1,153,178,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298737,,The persistence of family farming : a review of explanatory socio-economic and historical factors,VABB-1,639,660,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298738,,The impact of the directive on payment services in the internal market on Danish and Belgian legislation on fraudulent payment transactions,VABB-1,179,196,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298742,,The spatiotemporal representation of dance and music gestures using topological gesture analysis (TGA),VABB-1,93,111,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298746,,European citizen and consumer attitudes and preferences regarding beef and pork,VABB-1,284,292,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298751,,A Catalogue of Coleridge's 'Great Circulating Library',VABB-1,210,211,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298756,,"Constructions équatives, similatives, exclamatives et interprétations scalaires",VABB-4,17,38,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:298761,,Approches de la scalarité,VABB-3,,,298 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:298763,,Préface: La scalarité: concept éclaté ou outil explicatif performant?,VABB-4,7,14,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:298764,,Fat Mass Is Negatively Associated with Cortical Bone Size in Young Healthy Male Siblings,VABB-1,2325,2331,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298765,,"Use of digital elevation models to understand and map glacial landforms : the case of the Canigou Massif (Eastern Pyrenees, France)",VABB-1,78,89,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298766,,The focus of family members' functioning in the acute phase of traumatic coma: Part Two: protecting from suffering and protecting what remains to rebuild life,VABB-1,583,589,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298767,,The focus of family members' functioning in the acute phase of traumatic coma: Part One: the initial battle and protecting life,VABB-1,574,582,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298769,,Association between tobacco control policies and smoking behaviour among adolescents in 29 European countries,VABB-1,1918,1926,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298770,,"The cultural defense as courtroom drama: The enactment of identity, sameness and difference in criminal trial discourse",VABB-1,67,98,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298771,,"Orientalism, postcolonialism and the 'construction' of religion",VABB-4,135,163,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298772,,Gérard de Brogne en Flandre. Etat de la question sur les réformes monastiques du dixième siècle,VABB-1,271,295,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:298773,,"Individual Experience, Collective Remembrance, and the Politics of Monastic Reform in High Medieval Flanders",VABB-1,70,89,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298774,,Pressure ulcer prevention: Development and psychometric validation of a knowledge assessment instrument,VABB-1,399,410,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298776,,Pressure ulcers and incontinence-associated dermatitis : effectiveness of the Pressure Ulcer CLASsification education tool on classification by nurses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298778,,Illumination effects on the differenced Normalized Burn Ratio’s optimality for assessing fire severity,VABB-1,60,70,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298780,,On Relevance Conditions for Asserting Disjunctions,VABB-4,143,156,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298782,,I think and other complement-taking mental predicates: A case of and for constructional grammaticalization,VABB-1,295,332,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:298783,,A constructional taxonomy of I think and related expressions: Accounting for the variability of complement-taking mental predicates,VABB-1,399,427,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298784,,Eine von den Halberstädter Putzfrauen überwaschte Fussspur. Die produktive Kleist-Rezeption Alexander Kluges,VABB-4,29,46,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:298790,,A Common Heritage: EU Environmental Law and National Judges,VABB-1,221,233,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298794,,"Musculoskeletal complaints, physical activity and health-related quality of life among patients with the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome hypermobility type",VABB-1,1339,1345,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298796,,"Families of Choice? Exploring the Supportive Networks of Lesbians, Gay Men and Bisexuals",VABB-1,312,331,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:298797,,Der Nörgler der 'letzten Tage der Menschheit': Kraus’ Alter Ego als Erzählfigur,VABB-4,87,96,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:298798,,Ins and outs of systems biology vis-à-vis molecular biology: continuation or clear cut?,VABB-1,15,49,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298802,,"Validity of Self-Reported Weight and Height of Adolescents, Its Impact on Classification into BMI-Categories and the Association with Weighing Behaviour",VABB-1,2696,2711,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298803,,The colonial construction of what?,VABB-4,164,183,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298805,,"The saint, the criminal and the terrorist : towards a hypothesis on terrorism",VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298806,,Environmental decision making with conflicting social groups : a case study of the Lar rangeland in Iran,VABB-1,394,402,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298807,,A Poem Wrongly Ascribed to Johnson and to Coleridge,VABB-1,211,213,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298808,,Perspectives of fluidized bed coating in the food industry,VABB-4,277,301,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298810,,Cross-Language Differential Item Functioning of the Job Content Questionnaire Among European Countries: The JACE Study,VABB-1,136,147,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298811,,Rethinking religion in India : the colonial construction of Hinduism,VABB-3,,,"XV, 192 p.",eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298812,,Introduction : rethinking religion in India,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298814,,Happiness on the political agenda? Pros and cons,VABB-1,585,603,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298817,,Verbal-spatial and visuo-spatial coding of number-space interactions,VABB-1,180,190,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298819,,Muscle individual phospholipid classes throughout the processing of dry-cured ham : influence of pre-cure freezing,VABB-1,431,436,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298820,,"Security risks in nuclear waste management : exceptionalism, opaqueness and vulnerability",VABB-1,940,948,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298821,,Grammaticalisatie in de ambtelijke formule 'zoals voorzeid is',VABB-1,20,33,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:298823,,"Malnutrition and associated factors in elderly hospital patients: a Belgian cross-sectional, multi-centre study",VABB-1,469,476,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298824,,The Human Prerogative: A critical analysis of evidence-based and other paradigms of care in substance abuse treatment,VABB-1,227,238,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298826,,Are private banks more efficient than public banks? Evidence from Russia,VABB-1,209,244,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298827,,Crystallization of model fat blends containing symmetric and asymmetric triacylglycerols,VABB-1,233,245,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298829,,Recalibration and validation of the SCORE risk chart in the Australian population: the AusSCORE chart,VABB-1,562,570,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298830,,Posttransplantation Hypomagnesemia and Its Relation with Immunosuppression as Predictors of New-Onset Diabetes after Transplantation,VABB-1,2140,2149,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298831,,How much does HDL cholesterol add to risk estimation? A report from the SCORE investigators,VABB-1,304,314,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298832,,"Amplification of the Pressure Pulse in the Upper Limb in Healthy, Middle-Aged Men and Women",VABB-1,414,420,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298833,,Relative Validity and Reproducibility of a Food-Frequency Questionnaire for Estimating Food Intakes among Flemish Preschoolers,VABB-1,382,399,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298834,,Small scale domestic cannabis cultivation : an anonymous web survey among 659 cultivators in Belgium,VABB-1,341,370,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298835,,Blinding ourselves with science : the chronic infections of our thinking on pleasurable substances,VABB-4,33,51,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298836,,Effect of water and monoglyceride concentration on the behaviour of monoglyceride containing fat systems,VABB-1,872,881,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298837,,Musical Gestures: Concepts and Methods in Research,VABB-4,12,35,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298838,,"Cost effectiveness of Varenicline in Belgium, compared with Bupropion, nicotine replacement therapy, brief counselling and unaided smoking cessation : a BENESCO Markov cost-effectiveness analysis",VABB-1,655,665,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298839,,Proteinuria and clinical outcomes in hypertensive patients,VABB-1,1137,1147,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298840,,Investigating user typologies and their relevance within a living lab-research approach for ICT-innovation,VABB-5,1597,1606,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298841,,Societal and patient burden of fibromyalgia syndrome,VABB-1,547,559,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298843,,Parents' and Teachers' Opinions about the School Food Policy in Belgian Flemish Nursery Schools,VABB-1,1268,1281,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298844,,The role of behavioural factors in explaining socio-economic differences in adolescent health: A multilevel study in 33 countries,VABB-1,396,403,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298845,,Breakfast consumption and its socio-demographic and lifestyle correlates in schoolchildren in 41 countries participating in the HBSC study,VABB-1,180,190,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298846,,Overweight in school-aged children and its relationship with demographic and lifestyle factors: results from the WHO-Collaborative Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Study,VABB-1,167,179,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298847,,Feasibility of the Young Children's Nutrition Assessment on the Web,VABB-1,1896,1902,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298848,,Incidence and risk factors for pressure ulcers in the intensive care unit,VABB-1,1258,1266,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298849,,Effectiveness of Two Cushions in the Prevention of Heel Pressure Ulcers,VABB-1,114,120,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298850,,Impact of Pressure Ulcers on Quality of Life in Older Patients: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,1175,1183,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298851,,The identification of older nursing home residents vulnerable for deterioration of grade 1 pressure ulcers,VABB-1,3050,3058,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298853,,Soft drink consumption in adolescence: associations with food-related lifestyles and family rules in Belgium Flanders and the Veneto Region of Italy,VABB-1,312,317,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298854,,Young children's dietary habits and associations with the mothers' nutritional knowledge and attitudes,VABB-1,44,51,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298856,,Association of objectively assessed physical activity with total and central body fat in Spanish adolescents: the HELENA study,VABB-1,1126,1135,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298857,,Effectiveness of school-based interventions in Europe to promote healthy nutrition in children and adolescents: systematic review of published and 'grey' literature,VABB-1,781,797,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298860,,The contribution of clubs participation to adolescent health: evidence from 6 countries,VABB-1,89,95,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298861,,Prevalence of Chlamydophila psittaci infections in a human population in contact with domestic and companion birds,VABB-1,1207,1212,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298866,,The commonality of the neural networks for verbal and visual short-term memory,VABB-1,2570,2593,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298867,,Outcome expectancy and not accuracy determines posterror slowing : ERP support,VABB-1,270,278,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298868,,Effect of food processing on plant DNA degradation and PCR-based GMO analysis : a review,VABB-1,2003,2022,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298873,,Access to ethnic music : advances and perspectives in content-based music information retrieval,VABB-1,1008,1031,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298875,,Kritische kanttekeningen bij de informatieverplichtingen voor de instrumenterende ambtenaar in het decreet ruimtelijke ordening 1999,VABB-1,282,298,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:298876,,The Global Imbalances and the Contradictions of US Monetary Hegemony,VABB-1,105,135,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298878,,'...We shall not cease from exploration' : reconceptualizing India studies,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:298880,,Die Erwerbssequenzhypothese: Theorie und Praxis des Kasuserwerbs,VABB-1,43,69,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:298882,,The reader in eleventh-century book epigrams,VABB-4,69,88,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:298883,,Psychological well-being and socio-economic hardship among AIDS orphans and other vulnerable children in Guinea,VABB-1,1490,1498,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298887,,"One for the road: John Geometres, reader and imitator of Gregory Nazianzen's poems",VABB-4,223,248,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298890,,The use of latent classes to identify individual differences in the importance of landscape dimensions for aesthetic preference,VABB-1,827,842,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298891,,New Testament Book Epigrams. Some New Evidence from the Eleventh Century,VABB-1,13,23,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298893,,eis Orsilokhou (Ar. Lys. 752),VABB-1,629,631,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:298896,,Perception of traditional food products in six European regions using free word association,VABB-1,225,233,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298897,,Skin replacement in burn care,VABB-1,490,501,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298900,,Can community indicators live up to their expectations? : the case of the Flemish city monitor for liveable and sustainable urban development,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298903,,Challenges and Opportunities of iDTV for Audience Measurement Systems: a Set-top box based Approach,VABB-1,221,229,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298905,,Predictive factors for outcome of invasive video-EEG monitoring and subsequent resective surgery in patients with refractory epilepsy,VABB-1,118,126,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298906,,A 3D inclusion test on large datasets,VABB-5,181,199,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298909,,William Collins and haplotes,VABB-1,416,428,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:298910,,"Visual Readings, Print, and Illustrations of Thomson’s The Seasons, 1730–1797",VABB-1,23,64,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298911,,"Curiosity, Surveillance and Detection in Charlotte Brontë’s Villette",VABB-1,160,171,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298912,,The Comedy of Superstition: Servant Figures in Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Udolpho,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298916,,The concept of ecological debt : some steps towards an enriched sustainability paradigm,VABB-1,691,712,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298918,,Feiten en normen in het moreel relativisme debat,VABB-1,26,37,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298919,,Free radical scavengers versus methylprednisolone in the prevention of experimentally induced heterotopic ossification,VABB-1,748,751,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298920,,Corporate environmental responsibility and criminology,VABB-1,349,364,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298921,,"Fred or Farid, bacon or baydun ('egg') : proper names and cultural-specific items in the Arabic translation of Harry Potter",VABB-1,474,498,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298923,,An Extremely Loud Tin Drum: A Comparative Study of Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and Günter Grass’s The Tin Drum,VABB-1,185,199,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298924,,Students' perceptions about the use of video games in education,VABB-1,1145,1156,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298925,,Development and validation of EMP-3: an instrument to measure physicians' attitudes towards ethnic minority patients,VABB-1,262,267,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298928,,"The anti money laundering complex on a crime control continuum: perceptions of risk, power and efficacy.",VABB-4,141,166,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298929,,Moral power : the magic of witchcraft,VABB-2,,,"XIV, 269 p.",eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298930,,States of the system: Questioning cognitive and interpretive takes on ritual,VABB-1,355,372,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:298931,,The magic that perpetuates war,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:298933,,Why consciousness has no plural,VABB-4,5,30,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298934,,Introducing: A global war,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:298935,,Mwanga magic: Resident violence,VABB-4,120,134,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:298937,,Implementation of a guideline for pressure ulcer prevention in home care: pretest-posttest study,VABB-1,1803,1811,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298938,,Economic evaluation of pressure ulcer care: a cost minimisation analysis of preventive strategies,VABB-1,390,400,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:298940,,Europese verordeningen en de handhaver. De sanctieregelingen van milieuverordeningen in het licht van de handhavingspraktijk,VABB-1,164,202,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298941,,Prospection of two circular Bronze Age ditches with multi-receiver electrical conductivity sensors (North Belgium),VABB-1,2198,2206,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298942,,Materiële detentiecondities en strafuitvoeringsrecht – waarom resolute actie van de Europese Unie nu nodig is,VABB-1,47,52,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298947,,"The impact of the water rights system on smallholder irrigators' willingness to pay for water in Limpopo province, South Africa",VABB-1,465,483,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298948,,Les Républiques calvinistes et la tradition médiévale des révoltes urbaines dans les Pays-Bas,VABB-4,7,23,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:298950,,De stem van een francofiel flamingant. Richard Minne en de drang naar het zuiden,VABB-1,411,425,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298953,,Gender differences in depression in 23 European countries. Cross-national variation in the gender gap in depression,VABB-1,305,313,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298955,,"The morality of attitudes toward nanotechnology: About God, techno-scientific progress and interfering with nature",VABB-1,373,381,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298956,,The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) and the Payment Services Directive (PSD): What's in it for Consumers?,VABB-1,83,108,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298959,,Neighborhood SES and walkability are related to physical activity behavior in Belgian adults,VABB-1,S74,S79,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298961,,Sensitivity of multi-coil frequency domain electromagnetic induction sensors to map soil magnetic susceptibility,VABB-1,469,478,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298965,,The Europol Council Decision: Transforming Europol into an Agency of the European Union,VABB-1,1089,1121,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298968,,The Europol Council Decision: A New Legal Basis for Europol,VABB-1,178,198,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298969,,Beyond regional landscape typologies : a multi-scaled and trans-regional landscape characterisation for the federal state of Belgium,VABB-4,419,436,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:298972,,Growing apple (Malus domestica) under tropical mountain climate conditions in Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,53,65,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298977,,Voor vorst en stad. Rederijkersliteratuur en vorstenfeest in Vlaanderen en Brabant (1432-1561),VABB-2,,,339 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298978,,Europa's toekomst na het Verdrag van Lissabon,VABB-1,116,120,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:298979,,Modelling word recognition and reading aloud,VABB-1,641,649,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298981,,Embedded Words in Visual Word Recognition: Does the Left Hemisphere See the Rain in Brain?,VABB-1,1256,1266,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298983,,Core Labour Standards in the GSP Regime of the European Union: Overshadowed by other Considerations,VABB-4,487,508,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298985,,Wuggy: A multilingual pseudoword generator,VABB-1,627,633,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298986,,SUBTLEX-NL: A new measure for Dutch word frequency based on film subtitles,VABB-1,643,650,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298988,,SUBTLEX-CH: Chinese Word and Character Frequencies Based on Film Subtitles,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298989,,High dietary supplement intakes among Flemish preschoolers,VABB-1,340,345,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:298990,,The Common Commercial Policy and Global Economic Governance,VABB-4,140,148,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:298993,,Aanbevelingen voor een basisprogramma voor opleidingen bedrijfseerstehulp,VABB-1,563,569,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:298999,,Psychological factors and long-term abstinence after smoking cessation treatment,VABB-1,10,17,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:299000,,"Survival of Campylobacter spp. in poultry meat preparations subjected to freezing, refrigeration, minor salt concentration and heat treatment",VABB-1,147,153,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299001,,A multi-layered approach to speech events. The case of Spanish justificational conjunctions,VABB-1,2204,2218,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299002,,Comparison of the prognostic value of dipyridamole and dobutamine myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in hemodialysis patients,VABB-1,428,436,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299003,,Noninvasive assessment of central and peripheral arterial pressure (waveforms): implications of calibration methods,VABB-1,300,305,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299006,,On coupling 1D non-isothermal heat and mass transfer in porous materials with a multizone building energy simulation model,VABB-1,865,877,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299008,,Developments in the EU and world sugar markets in 2009,VABB-1,29,36,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299009,,Selbstbegegnungen in der Stadt.,VABB-1,318,346,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:299010,,Student teachers' thinking processes and ICT integration : predictors of prospective teaching behaviors with educational technology,VABB-1,103,112,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299011,,"Exploring the role of exposure to offending and deviant lifestyles in explaining offending, victimisation and the strength of the association between offending and victimisation",VABB-4,61,84,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299013,,Active thermal insulators : finite elements modeling and parametric study of thermoelectric modules integrated into a double pane glazing system,VABB-1,1156,1164,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299014,,"Willingness-to-accept and purchase genetically modified rice with high folate content in Shanxi Province, China",VABB-1,118,125,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299015,,Yugoslavism Between the World Wars: Indecisive Nation-Building,VABB-1,227,244,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299017,,Electromyographic analysis of knee push up plus variations: what’s the influence of the kinetic chain on scapular muscle activity?,VABB-1,1010,1015,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299026,,Dilemmas in measuring and using pressure ulcer prevalence and incidence: an international consensus,VABB-1,97,104,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:299027,,A GIS for flood risk management in Flanders,VABB-4,51,69,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299028,,Oboedientia. Réformes et discipline monastique au début du onzième siècle,VABB-1,255,266,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:299030,,STICORDI : wat werkt?,VABB-1,38,42,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299032,,Is there any superiority in the clinical outcome of mobile-bearing knee prosthesis designs compared to fixed-bearing total knee prosthesis designs in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint?,VABB-1,367,374,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299033,,Mobility and distance decay at the aggregated and individual level,VABB-4,41,59,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299034,,Exploring itinerant crime groups,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299035,,Migratie en mobiele daders: heling bij rondtrekkende dadergroepen,VABB-1,170,185,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299036,,Journey to crime of ‘itinerant crime groups’,VABB-1,339,353,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299037,,Comparison and evaluation of interphase momentum exchange models for simulation of the solids volume fraction in tapered fluidised beds,VABB-1,3100,3112,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299038,,"Bronze and Iron Age Pottery from the Ilam Graveyard (Pusht-i Kuh, Iran)",VABB-1,277,304,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299039,,Quand l'adjectif seul se comporte comme un adverbe,VABB-4,245,263,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:299040,,Does verb bias modulate syntactic priming?,VABB-1,455,461,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299042,,When typological rara become productive: the extension of grammatical agreement in Dutch dialects,VABB-4,47,74,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299043,,Building absorptive capacity to organise inbound open innovation in traditional industries,VABB-1,130,141,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299044,,The effect of rating scale format on response styles: The number of response categories and response category labels,VABB-1,236,247,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299045,,The internal syntax of adverbial clauses,VABB-1,628,648,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299046,,Birth weight in relation to sex steroid status and body composition in young healthy male siblings,VABB-1,1587,1594,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299047,,Activation of articulatory information in speech perception,VABB-1,592,597,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299050,,The role of phonological and visual working memory in complex arithmetic for Chinese and Canadian adults,VABB-1,176,185,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299052,,Shaping and reshaping the concepts of nobility and chivalry in Froissart and the Burgundian chroniclers,VABB-4,59,83,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299055,,Divided loyalties : Angevin partisans in the Southern Netherlands in the aftermath of the war of the Spanish succession,VABB-1,59,76,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299059,,Kant’s Realm of Ends: A Communal Moral Practice as Locus for the Unity of Moral Personhood,VABB-4,424,437,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299060,,"“Safety: everybody’s concern, everybody’s duty”? Questioning the significance of ‘active citizenship’ and ‘social cohesion’ for people’s perception of safety.",VABB-4,85,108,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299062,,Statistical Analysis of Human Body Movement and Group interactions in Response to Music,VABB-5,399,408,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299063,,Magnetic resonance imaging and electromyography to measure lumbar back muscle activity,VABB-1,e836,e842,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299068,,Different measures of fear of crime and survey measurement error,VABB-4,19,39,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299070,,Subantarctic flowering plants : pre-glacial survivors or post-glacial immigrants?,VABB-1,582,592,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299072,,Pressure ulcer prevention and management,VABB-4,405,434,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299074,,Admission systems to dental school in Europe: A closer look at Flanders,VABB-1,215,220,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299075,,"Proposed framework for evaluating Quality of Experience in a mobile, testbed-oriented Living Lab setting",VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299076,,Impact of soil and water conservation on catchment hydrological response : a case in north Ethiopia,VABB-1,1880,1895,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299078,,Sediment dynamics and the role of flash floods in sediment export from medium-sized catchments : a case study from the semi-arid tropical highlands in northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,611,627,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299080,,Beyond the mental number line : a neural network model of number-space interactions,VABB-1,218,240,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299081,,Ancient rhetoric as a hermeneutical tool for the analysis of characterization in narrative literature,VABB-1,23,51,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299085,,Advance knowledge effects on kinematics of one-handed catching,VABB-1,875,884,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299087,,"Trade, security and neoliberal politics : wither Arab reform? : evidence from the Moroccan case",VABB-4,88,104,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299089,,Criminal liability and vessel-source pollution in European Union and United States : inspiration for the prevention of vessel-source pollution in China,VABB-4,193,214,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299090,,Hydrodynamic constraints on prey-capture performance in forward-striking snakes,VABB-1,773,785,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299091,,An Unknown Reaction to Coleridge's Higginbottom Sonnets.,VABB-1,163,165,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299094,,The syntax of wek ('which') and zuk ('such') in West Flemish,VABB-1,850,863,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299096,,Freedom as praxis: a comparative analysis of August Cieszkowski and Nikolaj Berdjaev,VABB-1,109,123,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:299097,,beta-Alanine supplementation reduces acidosis but not oxygen uptake response during high-intensity cycling exercise,VABB-1,495,503,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299107,,De miskenning van een 'terugkooprecht' bij de verkoop van een onroerend goed : noot onder Gent 8 oktober 2009,VABB-1,74,77,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299108,,"Temperament, personality and developmental psychopathology: A review based on the conceptual dimensions underlying childhood traits",VABB-1,313,329,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299109,,Biogenic silver for disinfection of water contaminated with viruses,VABB-1,1082,1087,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299110,,A spatial analysis of multiple airport cities,VABB-1,345,353,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299111,,"Pinning the Butterfly. Women, Blue collar and Allochtonous MPs vis-à-vis Parliamentary Norms and the Parliamentary Role of the Group Representative",VABB-1,380,393,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299115,,The functional neuroanatomy of mental pain in depression,VABB-1,141,144,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299116,,Smoking cessation rates after a nurse-led inpatient smoking cessation intervention,VABB-1,69,76,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299118,,Deaf perspectives on communicative practices in South Africa : institutional language policies in educational settings,VABB-1,125,144,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299119,,"Bedrog bij verkoop van risicogronden niet zonder gevaar : noot onder Hof van Beroep, Antwerpen, 15 juni 2009",VABB-1,154,159,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299120,,The costs of treating terminal patients,VABB-1,436,448,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299121,,We Love What We Know. The Canonicity of Pippi Longstocking in Different Media in Flanders,VABB-4,51,72,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299122,,The effect of a multi-strategy workplace physical activity intervention promoting pedometer use and step count increase.,VABB-1,608,619,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299124,,"The benefactive semantic potential of 'caused reception' constructions : a case study of English, German, French, and Dutch",VABB-4,219,243,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299125,,Lectal variation in constructional semantics : benefactive ditransitives in Dutch,VABB-4,191,221,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299126,,Prepositional dative constructions in English and Dutch : a contrastive semantic analysis,VABB-1,129,150,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299128,,Influence of gestational age on on nosologic Cp characteristics,VABB-1,305,310,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299130,,The culture of futility and its impact on study culture in technical/vocational schools in Belgium.,VABB-1,23,43,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299136,,MICROBIAL AND DIETARY FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EQUOL AND 8-PRENYLNARINGENIN PRODUCER PHENOTYPES,VABB-5,235,246,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299137,,"Memory, social mobility and historiography. Shaping noble identity in the Bruges chronicle of Nicholas Despars (+ 1597)",VABB-1,377,408,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299138,,Dairy polar lipids,VABB-4,189,210,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299140,,Value networks and changing business models for the digital television industry,VABB-1,41,58,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299141,,The view of the police on community policing in Belgian multicultural neighbourhoods,VABB-4,161,182,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299142,,Food-related family lifestyle associated with fruit and vegetable consumption among young adolescents in Belgium Flanders and the Veneto region of Italy,VABB-1,394,397,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299143,,LSP suitability maps,VABB-1,421,434,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299144,,Hospital costs in patients with nosocomial Methicillin-resistant or Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infection,VABB-1,1127,1127,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299145,,"Comment on ""Health-related quality of life as a prognostic factor of survival in critically ill patients""",VABB-1,1308,1308,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299147,,Universitetsjubileernas betydelse för det ökade nordiska samarbetet under 1800-talet,VABB-1,187,194,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:299148,,Joint position sense and vibratory perception sense in patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type III (hypermobility type),VABB-1,289,295,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299150,,Common Sense and Community in Kant's Theory of Taste,VABB-4,308,320,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299151,,Breast-Feeding Modulates the Influence of the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-gamma (PPARG2) Pro12Ala Polymorphism on Adiposity in Adolescents The Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) cross-sectional study,VABB-1,190,196,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299152,,Prevalence and determinants of childhood overweight and obesity in European countries: pooled analysis of the existing surveys within the IDEFICS Consortium,VABB-1,1103,1110,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299155,,An Adaptive Logic for the Formal Explication of Scalar Implicatures,VABB-5,235,251,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299156,,Korpschefs. Rapport van het onderzoek naar het profiel en de evaluatie van de korpschefs van de lokale politie in België,VABB-4,35,178,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299157,,"Evolution and challenges of dairy supply chains : evidence from supermarkets, industries and consumers in Ethiopia",VABB-1,60,68,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299159,,Towards a coherent EU policy on outgoing data transfers for use in criminal matters? The adequacy requirement and the framework decision on data protection in criminal matters. A transatlantic exercise in adequacy,VABB-4,95,122,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299160,,"Practical intelligence, emotional intelligence, and social intelligence",VABB-4,339,360,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299161,,Een U-Turn voor jongvolwassen veelplegers? : kanttekeningen bij een empirisch onderzoek naar het effect van een controlerend-begeleidend programma,VABB-1,5,19,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299162,,Volatility regimes in Central and Eastern European countries’ exchange rates,VABB-1,2,21,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299164,,Recruitment and selection,VABB-4,135,154,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299165,,Lack of consensus among competency ratings of the same occupation: Noise or substance?,VABB-1,562,571,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299166,,"Gathering behavioral samples through a computerized and standardized assessment center exercise: Yes, it is possible",VABB-1,94,98,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299167,,Bias in the news? The representation of Palestinians and Israelis in the coverage of the First and Second Intifada,VABB-1,91,109,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299169,,Framing the First and Second Intifada: A Longitudinal Quantitative Research Design Applied to the Flemish Press,VABB-1,3,23,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299172,,Bicycle Use for Transport in an Australian and a Belgian City: Associations with Built-Environment Attributes,VABB-1,189,198,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299174,,Physical fitness in morbidly obese patients: effect of gastric bypass surgery and exercise training.,VABB-1,61,70,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:299175,,The syntactic licensing of ellipsis,VABB-2,,,230 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299176,,Contribution of androgen receptor sensitivity to the relation between testosterone and sexual desire : an exploration in male-to female transsexuals,VABB-1,37,41,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299178,,EU and international crime control. Topical issues.,VABB-3,,,222 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299180,,"Safety, societal problems and citizens' perceptions : new empirical data, theories and analyses",VABB-3,,,312 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299183,,Rooilijnplannen: een uniforme en transparante regelgeving,VABB-1,986,992,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299186,,TRASTUZUMAB TREATMENT OF EARLY STAGE BREAST CANCER IS COST-EFFECTIVE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE BELGIAN HEALTH CARE AUTHORITIES,VABB-1,100,112,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299187,,Perceived social and physical environmental correlates of physical activity in older adolescents and the moderating effect of self-efficacy,VABB-1,S24,S29,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299188,,Furan formation from vitamin C in a starch-based model system : influence of the reaction conditions,VABB-1,1163,1170,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299189,,"Diamond-Graphite Relationships in Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphic Rocks from the Kokchetav Massif, Northern Kazakhstan",VABB-1,763,783,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299190,,Consumeren zonder grenzen : nieuwe regels in de Rome I-verordening,VABB-1,2,14,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299191,,Bevoegdheidsvragen bij echtscheidingen over de landsgrenzen,VABB-1,35,44,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299194,,Geneesmiddelen en ontwikkelingslanden,VABB-1,119,124,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299196,,Obesity and overall satisfaction with pork meat and derived pork-based products,VABB-1,123,124,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299200,,Europees Hof laat ontslag van werknemers wegens karikatuur overeind,VABB-1,57,61,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299208,,Procentuele verschillen in kleine vergelijkende klinische studies: wanneer zijn verschillen statistisch significant en klinisch relevant,VABB-1,544,547,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299210,,Life Is Priceless: Mayan Q’eqchi’ Voices on the Guatemalan National Reparations Program,VABB-1,4,25,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299211,,The relationship between physical activity and mental health varies across activity intensity levels and dimensions of mental health among women and men,VABB-1,1207,1214,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299212,,Chapter 2 Belgium,VABB-4,83,128,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299214,,Over (bindende) prijsbepaling door een derdebeslisser en de schending van de bindende kracht van de overeenkomst (door de rechter),VABB-1,338,352,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299215,,Workplace Visits Versus Case Studies in Undergraduate Occupational Medicine Teaching,VABB-1,1455,1459,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299216,,The measurement and determinants of skill acquisition in young workers' first job,VABB-1,116,149,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299217,,Lexical neutralisation: a case study of the lexical opposition 'day'/'night',VABB-1,545,562,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299218,,Style is never out of Life. Bioethics at a Critical Juncture,VABB-1,550,558,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299219,,The consequences of the sinking of the m/s Erika in European waters:towards a Total loss for international shipping law,VABB-1,57,83,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299221,,A magnetic resonance imaging investigation into the function of the deep cervical flexors during the performance of craniocervical flexion,VABB-1,286,291,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299222,,The feasibility and practicability of police training investigative interviewers' perceptions towards coaching,VABB-1,664,680,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299223,,A Cold War sketch : the visual antagonism of the USA vs. the USSR at Expo 58,VABB-1,723,742,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299228,,Use of Muscle Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging to CompareCervical Flexor Activity Between Patients With Whiplash-Associated disorders and those who are healthy,VABB-1,1157,1164,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299233,,Theoretische minimale pendelafstand als ruimtelijke karakteristiek : een denkoefening,VABB-1,150,158,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299234,,"Gedane zaken nemen geen keer, of soms wel? : over het karakter van 'dading' van de EOT-regelingsakte : noot onder Gent 16 oktober 2008",VABB-1,216,222,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299237,,"Twee jaar toepassing van het nieuwe alimentatierecht na EOO, met inbegrip van het overgangsrecht",VABB-1,55,75,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299241,,Screening en assessment van psychiatrische stoornissen in Belgische gevangenissen: sensitiviteit en specificiteit van de BJMHS en de SSI-A,VABB-1,41,57,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299242,,The Politics of Improvement in Thomas Holcroft's Anna St. Ives,VABB-1,21,43,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:299257,,Die Ethik des Botenberichts (in Antike und Gegenwart),VABB-1,151,165,,ger,2009,1 c:vabb:299258,,Having a goal to stop action is associated with advance control of specific motor representations,VABB-1,541,548,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299260,,The residual parent to come : on the need for parental expertise and advice,VABB-1,341,356,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299271,,How far can we go in applying the principle of mutual recognition?,VABB-4,241,258,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299272,,Appreciating Approximation. Using common offence concepts to facilitate police and judicial cooperation in the EU,VABB-4,15,40,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299273,,Approximation and mutual recognition of procedural safeguards of suspects and defendants in criminal proceedings throughout the European Union’,VABB-4,41,62,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299274,,Shaping the competence of Europol. An FBI perspective,VABB-4,63,94,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299275,,Explaining Violence and Aggression on Public Transport. Literature on Typology and Etiology Applied,VABB-4,263,286,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299284,,"Humanitarian presence and urban development: new opportunities and contrasts in Goma, DRC",VABB-1,S256,S273,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299286,,Detection of hen's egg white lysozyme in food : comparison between a sensitive HPLC and a commercial ELISA method,VABB-1,580,584,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299287,,"Micro-Raman spectroscopy of decorated pottery from the Iberian archaeological site of Puente Tables (Jaén, Spain, 7th - 4th century B.C.)",VABB-1,68,73,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299289,,"Response rates in organizational science, 1995-2008: A meta-analytic review and guidelines for survey researchers",VABB-1,335,349,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299290,,Los imaginarios apocalípticos en la literatura hispanoamericana contemporánea,VABB-3,,,427 p.,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:299294,,The disclosure of a metaphysical horizon,VABB-1,17,27,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299296,,"Sense, existence and justice",VABB-1,149,160,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299297,,The seal of the sanga. On the Old Babylonian sangas of Shamash of Sippar-Jahrurum and Sippar-Amnanum,VABB-2,,,306 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299298,,Interventions to promote healthy eating habits : evaluation and recommendations,VABB-1,895,898,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299299,,Determinants of disparities between perceived and physiological risk of falling among elderly people : cohort study,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299301,,"Influence of NaCl reduction and replacement on the growth of Lactobacillus sakei in broth, cooked ham and white sauce",VABB-1,9,16,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299304,,"Art History, History of Science and Visual Experience",VABB-1,618,622,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299305,,Myths and Reality in the History of Restorative Justice,VABB-4,287,306,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299306,,"Trading luxury glass, picturing collections and consuming objects of knowledge in early seventeeth-century Antwerp",VABB-4,261,292,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299309,,Silent Messengers. The Circulation of Material Objects of Knowledge in the Early Modern Low Countries,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299310,,The interpretation of ambiguous trimorphemic words in sentence context,VABB-1,88,94,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299312,,Islamic Jurisprudence and Western Legal History,VABB-4,45,55,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299313,,Muscle carnosine metabolism and β-alanine supplementation in relation to exercise and training,VABB-1,247,263,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299315,,Attempt To Push Back Frontiers – Digital Near-Ultraviolet Aerial Archaeology,VABB-1,833,845,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299316,,Patients' conceptualization of cryopreserved embryos used in their fertility treatment,VABB-1,705,713,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299317,,Beware of the Trojan horse : dispute settlement in (mixed) agreements and the autonomy of the EU legal order,VABB-4,187,207,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299320,,"Left ventricular mass : allometric scaling, normative values, effect of obesity, and prognostic performance",VABB-1,91,98,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299321,,In casu. De wereld als wat het geval is,VABB-1,37,44,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299322,,The biological standard of living,VABB-1,55,59,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299325,,Are Trained Athletes Less Efficient Than Their Untrained Counterparts? Response,VABB-1,1428,1428,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299328,,"Time-varying integration, interdependence and contagion",VABB-1,791,818,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299330,,Police torture in China and its causes,VABB-4,185,216,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299334,,Leiderschap in de boeken. Een literatuurstudie naar leiderschap en politieleiderschap,VABB-4,11,34,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299335,,The international private security industry as part of the European Union security framework: a critical assessment of the French EU presidency White Paper,VABB-4,123,136,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299336,,Politieleiderschap : reflecties op politieleiders en hun professionaliteit,VABB-3,,,272 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299338,,"Development of the Vierendeel : calculation, aesthetics, welding, concrete",VABB-5,206,211,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299339,,Onverklaarde chronische vermoeidheid,VABB-1,18,27,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:299344,,Transitional Justice and Cultural Contexts: Learning from the Universality Debate,VABB-1,199,224,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299346,,La disparition du phonème /ae/ issu du /a/ latin tonique et libre et l'avènement du mode antérieur en gallo-roman,VABB-5,213,229,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:299347,,An assessment of government funding of business angel networks in Flanders,VABB-1,119,130,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299349,,Los imaginarios apocalípticos en la narrativa hispanoamericana contemporánea (sXX- XXI),VABB-4,11,32,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:299353,,Effective quality control of incoming potatoes as an acrylamide mitigation strategy for the French fries industry,VABB-1,417,425,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299354,,The Perverse Art of Reading. On the phantasmatic semiology in Roland Barthes' Cours au Collège de France,VABB-2,,,293 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299355,,Mathematics learning difficulties in primary education: teachers' professional knowledge and the use of commercially available learning packages,VABB-1,CP3,71,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299358,,"'Groote kuisch nondedju! Stofzuigers, ontsmetters, fly-tox.' Wies Moens onder het fileermes van Richard Minne",VABB-1,18,39,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299359,,From expressive gesture to sound: The development of an embodied mapping trajectory inside a musical interface,VABB-1,67,78,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299360,,Alfred Stevens,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299361,,Bologna in Vlaanderen : een aanzet tot het 'maatschappelijk debat',VABB-1,199,202,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299366,,"Eén obstakel voor de realisatie van de Oosterweelverbinding opgeruimd : noot onder Raad van State, nr. 200.738, 10 februari 2010",VABB-1,277,283,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299367,,The use of the RCQ-D in patients with poly drug abuse,VABB-1,409,420,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299368,,"Macroeconomic announcements, communication and order flow on the Hungarian foreign exchange market",VABB-1,172,188,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:299369,,Institutional distrust in Flanders: What is the role of social capital and dimensions of discontent?,VABB-4,109,134,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299370,,Three types of oriented adjuncts in English and Swedish,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299372,,"On the use of integrated process models to reconstruct prehistoric occupation, with examples from Sandy Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,784,814,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299373,,A grammatical overview of Lingala,VABB-2,,,202 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299378,,User-oriented Studies in Embodied Music cognition,VABB-1,203,223,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299380,,Fish bones and amphorae : evidence for the production and consumption of salted fish products outside the Mediterranean,VABB-1,161,195,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299381,,Health-related attitudes as a basis for segmenting European fish consumers,VABB-1,448,455,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299384,,The Progress of Society: An Inquiry into an 'Old-Fashioned' Thesis of Walter Bagehot,VABB-1,519,541,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:299385,,"Nancian virtual doubts about ‘Leformal’ democracy, or how to deal with contemporary political configuration in an uneasy way?",VABB-1,999,1010,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:299388,,Bringing class (back) in. Methodological reflections on social class and representation,VABB-1,183,195,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299389,,Meer gewicht voor voorkeurstemmen op lokaal vlak: broodnodige of overbodige hervorming?,VABB-1,103,114,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299391,,Wor(l)ds of Grief: Traumatic Memory and Literary Witnessing in Cross-Cultural Perspective,VABB-1,51,68,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299392,,"""Only Not beyond Love"": Testimony, Subalternity, and the Famine in the Poetry of Eavan Boland",VABB-1,165,176,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299393,,Allowing plaintiffs to choose damage multipliers: a proposal to increase access to justice,VABB-1,236,243,-,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299397,,AIDS knowledge and sexual activity among Flemish secondary school students: A multilevel analysis of the effects of type of education,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299406,,The echo of the quartercentenary of Uppsala University in 1877. Nordic universities as examples in Europe,VABB-1,21,43,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299408,,A seasonal model of contracts between a monopsonistic processor and smallholder pepper producers in Costa Rica,VABB-1,10,20,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299410,,A doubly robust test for gene-environment interaction in family-based studies of affected offspring,VABB-1,213,225,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299411,,Car ownership as a mediating variable in car travel behaviour research using a structural equation modelling approach to identify its dual relationship,VABB-1,65,74,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299412,,Asylum legislation and asylum applications : a geographical analysis of Belgian asylum policy by country of origin (1992-2003),VABB-1,129,147,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299413,,Geographies of business air travel in Europe,VABB-4,31,56,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299414,,Business Plan Conception Pattern Language,VABB-5,C4-1,C4-27,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299415,,La stratégie d'identification et les prédications non verbales,VABB-4,245,258,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:299418,,The impact of structural complexity on the understandability of UML statechart diagrams,VABB-1,2209,2220,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:299419,,Policy-Enabled Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering for Semantic Business Process Management,VABB-1,784,812,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299420,,A Conceptual Model of Service Exchange in Service-Dominant Logic,VABB-5,224,238,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299421,,"European consumers and beef safety : perceptions, expectations and uncertainty reduction strategies",VABB-1,835,844,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299422,,"Fish market segmentation based on consumers' motives, barriers and risk perception in Belgium",VABB-1,166,183,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299426,,Terbeschikkingstelling van kantoorruimte onder het btw-stelsel,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299427,,The Innateness Hypothesis and Mathematical Concepts,VABB-1,3,13,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299429,,Modernization and identity creation (1868-1920) : the evolution of competitive swimming in Japan,VABB-1,505,522,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299436,,On the fractional crystallization of palm olein : solid solutions,VABB-1,972,981,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299437,,The times and life of John Th. Desaguliers (1683-1744) : Newtonian and Freemason,VABB-1,349,363,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299438,,Whewell's tidal researches : scientific practice and philosophical methodology,VABB-1,26,40,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299439,,Understanding (in) Newton's argument for universal gravitation,VABB-1,227,258,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299440,,"Whewell, necessity and the inductive sciences : a philosophical-systematic survey",VABB-1,333,358,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299443,,Policing multiple communities,VABB-3,,,277 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299444,,De politiële ruimtelijke assymetrie. De geografische politiële verankering en de delokalisering van criminaliteit en ordeverstoring.,VABB-4,15,47,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299445,,Figuren en feiten,VABB-1,51,61,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299446,,Verbs of answering revisited: a corpus-based study of their pragmatic development,VABB-4,223,245,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:299453,,The dual voice of domination : ritual and power in a British embassy,VABB-1,213,233,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299454,,"Sir Toby Matthew and His 'Fidus Achates' George Gage, 1607-1620",VABB-1,20,30,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299455,,Huis-tuin-en-keukenmoraal? Jan van Leeuwen en de tien geboden,VABB-1,1,29,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:299461,,"A ""hypersensitive"" hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system could be indicative for a negative clinical high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation outcome in melancholic depressed patients",VABB-1,54,57,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299462,,Mechanisms of attentional biases towards threat in anxiety disorders: An integrative review,VABB-1,203,216,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299463,,Funding the digitisation and unlocking of analogue audiovisual public service content: a look into Flanders and The Netherlands.,VABB-1,221,238,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299464,,Pressure ulcers: development and psychometric evaluation of the Attitude towards Pressure ulcer Prevention instrument (APuP),VABB-1,1432,1441,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299470,,Carcinoid encephalopathy : a single entity or a spectrum of different disorders?,VABB-1,268,270,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299479,,Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging of the dopamine transporter in healthy dogs,VABB-1,356,358,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:299480,,Setting-up early computer programs: D. H. Lehmer’s ENIAC computation,VABB-1,123,146,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299487,,Le bien commun en Flandre médiévale : la lutte discursive entre princes et sujets,VABB-2,253,266,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:299488,,Balancing public and private value for the digital television era,VABB-1,5,22,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299489,,Influence of cryopreservation on the pulpal tissue of immature third molars in vitro.,VABB-1,281,289,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299490,,Towards New Rules on Disembarkation of Persons Rescued at Sea?,VABB-1,377,403,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299491,,Complications Encountered With the Use of Constrained Acetabular Prostheses in Total Hip Arthroplasty,VABB-1,287,294,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299492,,Using the implicit association test as a measure of causal learning does not eliminate effects of rule learning,VABB-1,61,67,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299494,,Automatic constructive appraisal as a candidate cause of emotion,VABB-1,139,156,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299495,,Mood-congruent attention and memory bias in dysphoria: Exploring the coherence among information-processing biases,VABB-1,219,225,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299497,,Reflections on Inter Press Service: Evaluating the importance of an alternative news voice,VABB-1,121,125,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299498,,Metaphysical Explanatory Asymmetries,VABB-1,345,365,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299499,,A multilevel analysis of social stratification patterns of leisure-time physical activity among Europeans,VABB-1,304,311,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299500,,Continuous deep sedation until death in Belgium: a nationwide survey,VABB-1,490,493,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299502,,Anti-Positionalism's Regress,VABB-1,?,?,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:299503,,Filling The Typical Gap In a Regress Argument,VABB-1,589,597,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:299509,,Deaths of children occurring at home in six European countries,VABB-1,375,384,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299511,,"""Such a magnificent farmstead in my opinion asks for a muddy pool"". Rural buildings and the search for a 'regional' architecture in Belgium",VABB-4,110,133,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299512,,The syntactic productivity of (new) verbs of instrument of communication: a corpus-based study,VABB-1,57,86,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:299514,,ACI verbs and NCI verbs in English and Dutch : a contrastive diachronic construction grammatical investigation,VABB-1,157,182,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299516,,De Bono Communi : the discourse and practice of the common good in the European city (13th-16th c.),VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299518,,Tejiendo reciprocidades : John Murra y el contextualizar entre los Aymara contemporáneos,VABB-1,247,255,,spa,2010,1 c:vabb:299520,,Notes on linguistic ethnography as a liminal activity,VABB-1,235,244,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299521,,A Critical Note on Empirical Comprehensive Income Research,VABB-1,82,101,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299523,,'Positive appraisal' as a core meaning of 'well'. A corpus-based analysis of Middle and Early Modern English data,VABB-1,643,673,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299526,,Ethical aspects of the use of stem cell derived gametes for reproduction,VABB-1,267,278,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299527,,Officials of the Shamash temple of Sippar as contract witnesses in the Old Babylonian period.,VABB-1,78,112,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:299528,,Theatre and politics in Brussels from Charles the Bold to Philip the Fair : the Leemans collection,VABB-4,213,230,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299529,,"In fact, en fait, de fait, au fait : a contrastive study of the synchronic correspondences and diachronic development of English and French cognates",VABB-1,433,463,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299530,,"Review article: Luisa Amenta. Perifrasi aspettuali in greco e in latino, Origini e grammaticalizzazioni. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2003 (Materiali Linguistici. Università di Pavia 38)",VABB-1,127,141,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:299531,,"Een urnenveld uit de vroege ijzertijd en een nederzetting uit de late ijzertijd - vroeg-Romeinse periode te Wijnegem/Blikstraat (provincie Antwerpen, België)",VABB-1,93,99,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299532,,"Een bronstijdgrafheuvel in de ruilverkaveling Merksplas (provincie Antwerpen, België)",VABB-1,49,55,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299533,,"Sporen uit de metaaltijden te Oostkamp Nieuwenhove, Hertsberge Papenvijvers 3 & Hertsberge Papenvijvers 4 (gemeente Oostkamp, provincie West-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,23,29,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299534,,Een status quaestionis van 14C-dateringen op gecremeerd bot,VABB-1,5,12,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299536,,Cross-border reproductive care : a phenomenon expressing the controversial aspects of reproductive technologies,VABB-1,261,266,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299539,,The Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary : devotional communication and politics in the Burgundian-Habsburg Low Countries (c. 1490 - 1520),VABB-1,252,278,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299540,,Politics and print at the time of Philip the Fair,VABB-4,231,255,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299545,,Is the non-patentability of ‘essentially biological processes’ under threat?,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299549,,Contingency learning and unlearning in the blink of an eye: A resource dependent process,VABB-1,235,250,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299551,,Attentional control in depression : a translational affective neuroscience approach,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299554,,In situ investigations of vault paintings in the Antwerp cathedral,VABB-1,511,519,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299556,,The attractive female body weight and female body dissatisfaction in 26 countries across 10 world regions : results of the International Body Project I,VABB-1,309,325,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299560,,Het overgangsrecht voor exequatur van vreemde beslissingen,VABB-1,1393,1396,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299561,,Assessing human impact on fan development using satellite images: a case-study from Lower Khuzestan (SW Iran),VABB-1,267,285,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299564,,Assessing the morality of the commercial exploitation of inventions concerning uses of human embryos and the relevance of moral complicity,VABB-1,83,103,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299565,,Purpose-limited pharmaceutical product claims under the revised European Patent Convention: A camouflaged attack on generic substitution?,VABB-1,88,107,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299568,,Normative Ethics Does Not Need a Foundation: It Needs More Science,VABB-1,29,51,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:299570,,"Saving, spending and serving: expressions of the use of time in the Dorothy and its supplements (1889-1899)",VABB-1,171,182,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299571,,Oprar sempre come in teatro : the Rome of Alexander VII as the theatre of papal self-representation,VABB-1,352,363,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299572,,Drop-out bij de behandeling van kinderen met overgewicht,VABB-1,272,283,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299577,,The curious phenomenon of 'environmental migration/displacement' and the role of international law in cross-border protection,VABB-4,273,288,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299579,,De vloek van Derème. Richard Minne en 'le cercle des fantaisistes',VABB-1,393,409,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:299584,,Dante Gabriel Rossetti en de poëzie van de geboorte,VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299586,,Linking Users' Subjective QoE Evaluation to Signal Strength in an IEEE 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Environment,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299587,,"SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROCLIVITY OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS: DIMENSIONS, MEASUREMENT, AND VALIDATION",VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299588,,"Unravelling the dynamics of access to farmland in Tigray, Ethiopia : the 'emerging land market' revisited",VABB-1,1018,1026,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299589,,Development of the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences to code health providers’ responses (VR-CoDES-P) to patient cues and concerns,VABB-1,149,155,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:299590,,Police Torture in China and its Causes. A review of Literature,VABB-1,557,579,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299591,,Negative concord and multiple agree: a case study of West Flemish,VABB-1,181,211,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299593,,Exploring the Political-Economic Factors of Participatory Journalism: Self reports by online journalists in ten countries,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299594,,Exploring bilingualism in a monolingual school system: insights from Turkish and native students from Belgian schools,VABB-1,307,321,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299595,,Primary health care in Africa : do family physicians fit in?,VABB-1,286,292,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299596,,Disentangling Causal Pluralism,VABB-5,207,223,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:299597,,The Little Magazine in the 1890s: Towards a “Total Work of Art”,VABB-1,133,149,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299598,,European beef consumers' interest in a beef eating-quality guarantee : insights from a qualitative study in four EU countries,VABB-1,289,296,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299600,,Een blik op herstelbemiddeling vanuit een sociaal werk-perspectief,VABB-1,36,46,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299604,,"Kemal Taskin / Turkije, 2 februari 2010",VABB-1,552,562,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299606,,Quality of life among opiate-dependent individuals: A review of the literature,VABB-1,364,380,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299607,,Impact of whole-building hygrothermal modelling on the assessment of indoor climate in a library building,VABB-1,1641,1652,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299608,,Sex equity and physical activity levels in coeducational physical education : exploring the potential of modified game forms,VABB-1,159,173,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299611,,BVBA Starter,VABB-1,302,313,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299615,,Léon Clédat: de la philologie à la grammaire,VABB-4,1,12,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:299616,,De la grammaire historique à la grammaire descriptive. Le rôle de la composante historique dans les grammaires descriptives de Clédat,VABB-4,109,127,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:299617,,Les locutions en sous comme constructions,VABB-1,3,27,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:299618,,Comment dissocier des locutions prépositives quasi-synonymiques ? Essai d’analyse collostructionnelle,VABB-1,55,?,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:299619,,L'oeuvre grammaticale et linguistique de Léon Clédat,VABB-3,,,220 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:299621,,La traduction des particules denn et eigentlich entre désémantisation et persistance lexicale,VABB-1,115,132,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:299622,,L'oeuvre de Léon Clédat,VABB-4,15,43,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:299624,,Autonomia e importanza delle città nel processo di formazione dello Stato dei Paesi Bassi: l'esempio di Anversa e Amsterdam,VABB-1,19,48,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:299625,,Characterization of Escherichia coli from raw poultry in Belgium and impact on the detection of Campylobacter jejuni using Bolton broth,VABB-1,248,253,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299626,,Problems and Divides in Comparative Regionalism,VABB-4,21,39,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299627,,World city network integration in the Eurasian realm,VABB-1,385,401,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299628,,Omwegen naar de literatuur,VABB-1,47,56,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299631,,Short-term effects of conservation agriculture on vertisols under tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter) in the northern Ethiopian highlands,VABB-1,294,302,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299632,,Copular constructions and adjectival uses of bare nouns in French: a case of syntactic recategorization?,VABB-1,89,122,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299636,,United or bound by death? A case-study on group identity and textual communities within the Devotio Moderna,VABB-1,346,380,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299637,,Towards defining a unified concept for the acceptability of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) : a conceptual analysis based on the case of Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA),VABB-1,164,178,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299639,,It's All About the Format – Unleashing the Power of RAW Aerial Photography,VABB-1,2009,2042,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299640,,La singularidad del proyecto poético de Sergio Chejfec: análisis de mis dos mundos,VABB-5,1,7,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:299643,,Individual phospholipid classes from Iberian pig meat as affected by diet,VABB-1,1755,1760,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299649,,The Impact of Insider Trading on Forecasting in a Bookmakers’ Horse Betting Market,VABB-1,537,542,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299651,,Does Identity Precede Intimacy? Testing Erikson's Theory on Romantic Development in Emerging Adults of the 21st Century,VABB-1,387,415,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299653,,User-driven innovation? Challenges of user involvement in future technology analysis,VABB-1,51,61,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299660,,Reconstruction and validation of the Personal Style Inventory in a Dutch clinical and student sample,VABB-1,394,404,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299662,,On the thin line between good intentions and creating tensions. A view on gender programmes in Muslim contexts and the (potential) position of Islamic aid organisations,VABB-1,23,46,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299664,,"The fedayeen of the Reich. Muslims, Islam and collaborationism during World War II",VABB-1,23,46,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299666,,International BMI-for-age references underestimate thinness and overestimate overweigth and obesity in Bolivian adolescents,VABB-1,428,436,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299668,,El camino de la reescritura: La metamorfosis en El Divino Narciso de Sor Juana,VABB-1,289,305,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:299669,,Teoqualo o Dios es comido: un plato ritual descrito por Juan de Torquemada en la Monarquía Indiana (1615) y escenificado por Sor Juana Inés (1690),VABB-4,77,98,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:299670,,"Entre bombones, melodías de piano y arañas: Imágenes de la femenidad maléfica en dos cuentos de Julio Cortázar",VABB-1,378,399,,spa,2011,1 c:vabb:299671,,"Antigona Vélez, la tragedia clásica releída como rito fundacional de un espacio argentino",VABB-1,439,452,,spa,2009,1 c:vabb:299679,,Effects of non-starch hydrocolloids on the physicochemical properties and stability of a commercial béchamel sauce,VABB-1,115,120,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299685,,Commentaar bij art. 321 BW,VABB-4,1,12,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299686,,Commentaar bij art. 328 BW,VABB-4,1,19,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299690,,"Aerobic fitness, muscle efficiency, and motor unit recruitment during ramp exercise",VABB-1,402,408,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299691,,Rariteiten in successieplanning-land,VABB-1,75,85,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299695,,Task switching: Interplay of reconfiguration and interference control,VABB-1,601,626,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299698,,De invloed van leraar- en schoolkenmerken op het gebruik van ict in het lager onderwijs,VABB-1,91,104,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299699,,From ICT coordination to ICT integration: a longitudinal case study,VABB-1,296,306,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299700,,Effect of maternal multiple micronutrient supplements on cord blood hormones : a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1649,1658,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299701,,"Dietary behaviour, food and nutrient intake of pregnant women in a rural community in Burkina Faso",VABB-1,211,222,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299702,,Reconsidering the paradox of parochialism and the shrinking news agenda,VABB-4,195,217,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299707,,"Contingency hedges in Dutch, French and English: a corpus-based contrastive analysis of the language internal and external properties of English depend, French dépendre and Dutch afhangen, liggen and zien",VABB-1,183,213,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299711,,"""GESPRAKEN VAN LIEFHEBBERS DES GHEMEYNEN NUTS"": Foucaults gouvernementalité in dialoog met Coornhert (1522-1590) en Charron (1541-1603)",VABB-1,109,146,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299712,,"Collaborative learning in pre-service teacher education: an exploratory study on related conceptions, self-efficacy and implementation",VABB-1,537,553,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299713,,Goal-Directed Tableaux,VABB-4,241,256,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:299714,,Belgium,VABB-4,29,46,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299715,,Freedom of Expression and Information in a Democratic Society. The Added but Fragile Value of the European Convention on Human Rights,VABB-1,407,423,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299716,,The Left Ventral Occipito-Temporal Response to Words Depends on Language Lateralization but Not on Visual Familiarity,VABB-1,1153,1163,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299717,,Response to McGettigan et al.: Task-based accounts are not sufficiently coherent to explain articulatory effects in speech perception,VABB-1,E43,E43,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299718,,Split fovea theory and the role of the two cerebral hemispheres in reading: A review of the evidence,VABB-1,353,365,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299719,,"The French Lexicon Project: Lexical decision data for 38,840 French words and 38,840 pseudowords",VABB-1,488,496,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299721,,Effect of NaCl reduction and replacement on the growth of fungi important to the spoilage of bread,VABB-1,749,756,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299722,,"Currency, bullion and accounts. Monetary modes in the Roman world",VABB-5,91,121,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:299724,,A falls concern scale for people with spinal cord injury (SCI-FCS),VABB-1,704,709,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299725,,An overview of bitumen trade in the Near East from the Neolithic (c.8000 BC) to the early Islamic period,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299727,,La flexicurité en Belgique. Une proposition basée sur des principes économiques,VABB-1,1,15,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:299729,,Interpersonal problems in alexithymia: a review of literature and consequences for clinical practice.,VABB-4,161,176,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299730,,The Observer Alexithymia Scale: A reliable and valid alternative for alexithymia measurement?,VABB-1,175,185,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299731,,"Intorno al testo di ""Senilità"". Saggio critico filologico sulla genesi e sull'evoluzione del secondo romanzo sveviano seguito dall'edizione critica della princeps.",VABB-2,,,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:299732,,Contribution of drug related problems to hospital admission in the elderly,VABB-1,477,482,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299737,,Effect of exercise protocol on deoxy[Hb+Mb] : incremental step versus ramp exercise,VABB-1,935,942,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299740,,The instrumental-symbolic framework: Organizational image and attractiveness of potential applicants and their companions at a job fair,VABB-1,311,335,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:299742,,Simplified nutrient labelling : consumers' perceptions in Germany and Belgium,VABB-1,169,180,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299743,,Effectiveness of HIV prevention for youth in subSaharan Africa : systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized and nonrandomized trials,VABB-1,1193,1202,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299744,,A genetic algorithm for the preemptive and non-preemptive multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem,VABB-1,409,418,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299745,,"Development of a validated model to describe the individual and combined water activity depressing effects of water soluble salt, sugar and fat replacers",VABB-1,433,439,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299746,,The role of structure in age-related increases in visuo-spatial working memory span,VABB-1,275,291,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299747,,De moeizame relaties tussen de Europese Unie en de Mediterrane landen: Onderhandelingen over de Unie voor het Middellandse Zeegebied,VABB-1,438,458,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299752,,The knowledge paradox explored: what is impeding the creation of ICT spin-offs?,VABB-1,479,493,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299756,,De invloed van extraneïteitselementen op de heffing van het schenkingsrecht,VABB-1,261,317,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299761,,Commentaar bij art. 313 BW,VABB-4,1,18,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299762,,"A Breakdown of Civic Community? Civic Traditions, Voluntary Associations and the Ghent Calvinist Regime (1577-84)",VABB-4,273,291,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:299763,,Commentaar bij art. 319 BW,VABB-4,1,11,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299764,,Commentaar bij art. 319bis BW,VABB-4,1,11,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299765,,Commentaar bij art. 320 BW,VABB-4,1,5,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299767,,De wet van 19 februari 2009 tot afschaffing van het verzet tegen het huwelijk,VABB-1,84,90,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299768,,To be married or not to be married? Celibaatsbewijs bij huwelijken met grensoverschrijdende aspecten,VABB-1,654,661,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299769,,The Right of the Former Legal Father to Re-claim Previously Paid Child Maintenance and the (Im)possibility to Establish Biological Paternity in Case the Legal Paternity of the Husband is Confirmed by Social Reality,VABB-1,390,405,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299774,,Irreducible incoherence and intelligent design : a look into the conceptual toolbox of a pseudoscience,VABB-1,473,482,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299775,,Fumonisin exposure through maize in complementary foods is inversely associated with linear growth of infants in Tanzania,VABB-1,1659,1667,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299777,,Physiological and cognitive mediators for the association between self-reported depressed mood and impaired choice stepping reaction time in older people,VABB-1,538,544,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299778,,A multifactorial approach for understanding fall risk in older people,VABB-1,1679,1685,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299780,,Evaluation of the incidental and planned activity questionnaire for older people,VABB-1,1029,1034,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299785,,De goden zijn gevlucht : Rituele aspecten in Seneca's Thyestes en Shakespeares Titus Andronicus,VABB-1,258,271,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299787,,Flower and Fire Altar – Fact and Fiction on the Barm-i Dilak rock reliefs,VABB-1,337,352,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299788,,"Early Bronze Age graveyards to the west of the Kabir Kuh (Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan)",VABB-2,,,241 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299790,,Validation of amplified fragment lenght polymorphism genotyping for species identification of bovine associated coagulase-negative staphylococci,VABB-1,287,294,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299793,,"Model Misspecification, Learning and the Exchange Rate Disconnect Puzzle",VABB-1,13,24,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299794,,Natural Resources and Internal Conflict,VABB-1,145,165,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299803,,De discrete bevalling: onaanvaardbare ontwijking van ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid,VABB-1,81,84,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299809,,Overzicht van rechtspraak: privaat bankrecht (1999-2007),VABB-1,1043,1268,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299815,,"Failure to launch, failure to achieve criteria for adulthood?",VABB-1,743,777,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299816,,Flamininus and the Assassination of the Macedonian Prince Demetrius,VABB-1,69,83,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299817,,How distributed leadership can make a difference in teachers' organizational commitment? A qualitative study.,VABB-1,565,575,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299823,,L'histoire urbaine en Belgique: construire l'après-Pirenne entre tradition et rénovation,VABB-1,3,22,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:299824,,Three Prakrit grammars,VABB-2,,,131 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299825,,Postpositions and agreement in Rajasthani languages,VABB-1,35,64,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:299826,,Aspects of the integration of the periphery in the Roman Empire,VABB-1,11,28,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299828,,Neighborhood walkability and sedentary time in Belgian adults,VABB-1,25,32,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299831,,Assessing the Universal Structure of Personality in Early Adolescence The NEO-PI-R and NEO-PI-3 in 24 Cultures,VABB-1,301,311,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299833,,"Imágenes de la barbarie en ""La ilusión monarca"" de Marcelo Cohen",VABB-4,257,262,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:299840,,EPA's: Welkome stimulans voor samenwerking of mogelijke bron voor desintegratie? De perceptie van de Oost-Afrikaanse politieke elite,VABB-1,489,518,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299844,,Technology shocks and robust sign restrictions in a Euro area SVAR,VABB-1,727,750,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299845,,Oil and the Euro area economy,VABB-1,603,651,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299846,,How not to attack intelligent design creationism : philosophical misconceptions about methodological naturalism,VABB-1,227,244,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299847,,Differentiation between deep and superficial fibers of the lumbar multifidus by magnetic resonance imaging,VABB-1,122,128,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299849,,Inconsistencies in Activists' Behaviours and the Ethics of NGOs,VABB-1,503,521,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299851,,Inactivation of murine Norovirus 1 and Bacteroides fragilis phage B40-8 by mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of pig slurry,VABB-1,2013,2017,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299853,,L'effet sur l'emploi du complément de revenue au travail à temps partiel en Belgique,VABB-1,299,312,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:299854,,"Wie niet ziek is, is gezien",VABB-1,75,87,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299860,,Translation priming between the native language and a second language : new evidence from Dutch-French bilinguals,VABB-1,173,179,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299862,,Inactivation of naturally occurring microorganisms in liquid whole egg using high pressure carbon dioxide processing as an alternative to heat pasteurization,VABB-1,74,82,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299864,,Childhood personality pathology : dimensional stability and change,VABB-1,853,869,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299865,,Corporate Governance in the Debate on CSR and Ethics: Sensemaking of Social Issues in Management by Authorities and CEOs,VABB-1,573,593,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299866,,Childhood antecedents of personality disorder: An alternative perspective,VABB-1,771,791,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299867,,Crystallization behavior of milk fat obtained from linseed-fed cows,VABB-1,495,505,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299868,,Remedying the obsolescence of digitised surveys of medieval sources : 'Narrative Sources' and 'Diplomata Belgica',VABB-1,151,166,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299869,,Effect of TAG composition on the crystallization behaviour of model fat blends with the same saturated fat content,VABB-1,2057,2067,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299871,,Creationism in the Netherlands,VABB-1,791,816,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299872,,Can income support for part-time workers serve as a stepping-stone to regular jobs? An application to young long-term unemployed women,VABB-1,189,229,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299873,,Measuring for knowledge : a data-driven research approach for e-Government,VABB-5,417,424,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299875,,Borders in a 'borderless' world,VABB-1,177,181,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299877,,Internationaal familierecht en migratiebeleid: IPR als deus ex machina?,VABB-1,152,155,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299881,,"Advertising for extensions: Moderating effects of extension type, advertising strategy, and product category involvement on extension evaluation",VABB-1,175,189,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299882,,Relationship Quality and Purchase Intention and Behavior: The Moderating Impact of Relationship Strength,VABB-1,87,98,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299885,,Redactie Privaat. Vergoeding voor medische schade: aansprakelijkheid of solidariteit?,VABB-1,5,20,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:299886,,Smells like me Personality and perfume choice,VABB-1,465,480,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299887,,The Stability of Individual Response Styles,VABB-1,96,110,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299889,,The Individual Consistency of Acquiescence and Extreme Response Style in Self-Report Questionnaires,VABB-1,105,121,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299893,,A new measure of brand personality,VABB-1,97,107,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299895,,Predicting Website Audience Demographics for Web Advertising Targeting Using Multi-Website Clickstream Data,VABB-1,49,70,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299896,,Ensemble classification based on generalized additive models,VABB-1,1535,1546,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299897,,Improved marketing decision making in a customer churn prediction context using generalized additive models,VABB-1,2132,2143,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299898,,Benefits of quantile regression for the analysis of customer lifetime value in a contractual setting: An application in financial services,VABB-1,10475,10484,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299900,,"The effectiveness of coach turnover and the effect on home team advantage, team quality and team ranking",VABB-1,679,689,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299906,,Informal controls and the explanation of propensity to offend: a test in two urban samples.,VABB-1,15,27,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299908,,Naar een kwantitatieve evaluatie van Proefzorg? Een verkennende studie op basis van recidivegraden en overlevingsduuranalyse.,VABB-1,99,102,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299912,,Theoretical perspectives on community social cohesion and crime.,VABB-4,59,76,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299916,,A comparative follow-up study of aftercare and compliance of suicide attempters following standardized psychosocial assessment,VABB-1,135,145,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299918,,The psychological impact of forced displacement and related risk factors on Eastern Congolese adolescents affected by war,VABB-1,1096,1104,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299923,,Peasant labour strategies and the logic of family labour in the Southern Low Countries during the eighteenth century,VABB-4,637,649,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:299924,,Schopenhauer on Empirical and Aesthetic Perception and Cognition,VABB-4,187,210,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299925,,"Introduction: Credit and the rural economy in North-Western Europe, c. 1200-c.1850",VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:299926,,Rural credit and the market for annuities in eighteenth-century Flanders,VABB-4,75,98,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:299933,,"Population density, disadvantage, disorder and crime. Testing competing neighbourhood level theories in two urban settings.",VABB-4,183,202,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299936,,Shaw and McKay’s classic disorganisation perspective revisited.,VABB-4,39,58,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299938,,Adolescent involvement in offending: descriptive findings from the Antwerp Youth Survey.,VABB-4,77,91,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299939,,Disentangling neighbourhood and school contextual variation in serious offending: assessing the effect of ecological disadvantage.,VABB-4,121,144,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299940,,The impact of neighbourhood disorder on the relationship between lifestyle risk and adolescent short-term offending.,VABB-4,145,160,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299943,,"Urbanisation, disorder, victimisation and fear of crime : an aggregate level analysis of 346 Belgian municipalities",VABB-4,161,175,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299944,,Does it really have to be ‘an urban village’? A multilevel analysis of fear of crime.,VABB-4,177,197,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299945,,Introducing key-informant analysis in area studies of crime.,VABB-4,217,229,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299946,,Violent youth group involvement in context: the case of Antwerp.,VABB-4,231,248,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299949,,Astrid Lindgren tussen dode blanke Europese mannen,VABB-1,19,30,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:299950,,Resident and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma,VABB-1,336,342,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299952,,Minimal rights based solidarity,VABB-1,47,64,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299955,,Parafoveal processing during reading is reduced across a morphological boundary,VABB-1,136,142,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299960,,Dealing with timing and synchronization in opportunities for joint activity participation,VABB-1,245,266,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299962,,Developments in 3D geo-information sciences,VABB-3,,,"XIII, 219 p.",eng,2010,2 c:vabb:299965,,Annullable Bonuses and Penalties,VABB-1,349,359,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:299966,,The Formation of Contracts in the Draft Common Frame of Reference,VABB-1,113,132,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:299972,,News discourses on distant suffering: A critical discourse analysis of the 2003 SARS outbreak,VABB-1,586,601,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299973,,Validation of selective ion flow tube mass spectrometry for fast quantification of volatile bases produced on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua),VABB-1,5213,5219,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299974,,De media(de)constructie van rampen. Onderzoek naar de selectie en berichtgeving van rampen in Vlaamse nieuwsmedia,VABB-1,139,155,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:299981,,Ça dépend professeur d'université de quoi : cherchez la dépendance,VABB-4,209,227,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:299986,,"Mannerism, modernity and the modernist architect, 1920-1950",VABB-1,243,265,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299988,,Tübingen als poëticaal strijdperk. Een dubbele lectuur van het Tübingen-gedicht van Jan Lauwereyns,VABB-1,185,202,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:299990,,How advertising strategy affects brand and USP recall for new brands and extensions,VABB-1,165,194,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299994,,The trophy figure in the work of Giorgio De Chirico (and Piranesi),VABB-1,335,356,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299996,,Innovation in traditional food products in Europe : do sector innovation activities match consumers' acceptance?,VABB-1,629,638,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:299997,,"Direct intervention in the brain, ethical issues concerning personal identity.",VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:299998,,Gelijke behandeling van minderheidsaandeelhouders: geen Europees algemeen rechtsbeginsel (noot onder HvJ 15 oktober 2009),VABB-1,262,267,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300001,,"Mechanical stress, fracture risk, and beak evolution in Darwin’s ground finches (Geospiza)",VABB-1,1093,1098,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300002,,Modelling preferential sugar imports of the EU : a spatial price equilibrium analysis,VABB-1,165,186,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300004,,Circulating oxidized low-density lipoprotein: a biomarker of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk?,VABB-1,128,137,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300005,,"Het hof van beroep te Gent doet het doek inzake de bewijslast met betrekking tot de specifieke antirechtsmisbruikbepaling bij de herstructurering van vennootschappen definitief vallen, noot onder Gent 27 januari 2009",VABB-1,623,630,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300006,,Fiscaal-technische verwerking van belastingneutrale moeder-dochterfusies tussen binnenlandse vennootschappen na de fusiewet van 11 december 2008,VABB-1,597,609,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300010,,Colette’s Travels. The Discursive Framing of the Mobility of Women in Saints’ Lives,VABB-1,13,53,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300011,,"Het nieuwe art. 19, tweede lid, Ger. W. (versus kort geding)",VABB-1,1318,1322,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300012,,The temptation of national identity: The case of Grigor Parlicev,VABB-4,53,63,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300015,,The Affect and Arousal Scales: Psychometric Properties of the Dutch Version and Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analyses,VABB-1,241,258,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300021,,Development of the Ghent Multidimensional Somatic Complaints Scale,VABB-1,70,80,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300022,,Are individual-level and country-level value structures different? : testing Hofstede's legacy With the Schwartz value survey,VABB-1,135,151,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300025,,Lost in Transition: De Kerk en (anti)seksualiteit in postcommunistisch Polen,VABB-1,91,103,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300027,,Een digitaal compilatiecorpus historisch Nederlands,VABB-1,132,142,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:300031,,"Bakhtin's Theory of the Literary Chronotope: Reflections, Applications, Perspectives",VABB-3,,,213 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300033,,Eulogizing Realism: Documentary Chronotopes in Nineteenth-Century Prose Fiction,VABB-4,77,89,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300038,,De civielrechtelijke dimensie van MiFID in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief,VABB-1,303,313,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300039,,Assessing burn severity using satellite time series,VABB-5,107,118,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300042,,Adaptation and function of Darwin’s 1 finch beaks: divergence by feeding type and sex,VABB-1,39,47,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300043,,Arterial Load and Ventricular-Arterial Coupling Physiologic Relations With Body Size and Effect of Obesity,VABB-1,558,566,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300048,,Determination of benzene in different food matrices by distillation and isotope,VABB-1,124,129,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300049,,"Digitizing, inventorying, reviewing and analyzing the ""Bronze Age barrows database"" of East and West Flanders (Belgium)",VABB-1,43,47,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300050,,Bronze and Iron Age landscapes in Sandy Flanders (NW-Belgium): a geoarchaeological approach,VABB-1,17,22,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300051,,"Geoarchaeological research of the large palaeolake of the Moervaart (municipalities of Wachtebeke and Moerbeke-Waas, East Flanders, Belgium). From Late Glacial to Early Holocene",VABB-1,105,112,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300056,,Can mechanisms really replace laws of nature?,VABB-1,317,340,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300059,,How prosody reflects semantic change: A synchronic case study of 'of course',VABB-4,103,154,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300061,,China’s 2009 Regulation on the Prevention and Control of Marine Pollution from Ships,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300065,,Measuring physical activity-related environmental factors : reliability and predictive validity of the European environmental questionnaire ALPHA,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300066,,Labour taxes and unemployment evidence from a panel unobserved component model,VABB-1,354,364,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300067,,A replication note on unemployment in the OECD since the 1960s: what do we know?,VABB-1,479,485,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300068,,The HELENA online food frequency questionnaire: reproducibility and comparison with four 24-h recalls in Belgian-Flemish adolescents,VABB-1,541,548,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300069,,Evaluation of a Computer-Tailored Physical Activity Intervention in Adolescents in Six European Countries: The Activ-O-Meter in the HELENA Intervention Study,VABB-1,458,466,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300071,,Marketing Communications: A European Perspective,VABB-2,,,658 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300075,,Maoist Martyrs: Remembering the Revolution and Its Heroes in Naxalite Propaganda (India),VABB-1,379,394,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300078,,From De Becker to Varnava: The. State of Continuing Situations in the Strasbourg Case Law,VABB-1,47,59,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300083,,Streaming in Flemish Secondary Schools: Exploring Teachers’ Perceptions of and Adaptations to Students in Different Streams,VABB-1,267,284,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300084,,"Langue, pouvoirs et dialogue. Aspects linguistiques de la communication entre les ducs de Bourgogne et leurs sujets flamands (1385-1505)",VABB-1,9,33,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:300085,,Microbial succinic acid production : natural versus metabolic engineered producers,VABB-1,1103,1114,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300086,,Advies- en hulpvragen van jongeren in verband met seksualiteit,VABB-1,31,35,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300087,,Integrating a developmental perspective in dimensional models of personality disorders,VABB-1,154,162,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300088,,Perceptions of Aging Across 26 Cultures and Their Culture-Level Associates,VABB-1,941,954,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300093,,Basic gestures as spatiotemporal reference frames for repetitive dance/music patterns in Samba and Charleston,VABB-1,71,91,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300094,,De betekenis van het verpleegkundig spreekuur voor patiënten die recent met borstkanker gediagnosticeerd zijn,VABB-1,11,17,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300096,,Vocational interests and Big Five traits as predictors of job instability,VABB-1,547,558,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:300098,,"Internationale koop-verkoop van roerend goed tussen handelaars (onder CISG), het nieuw ipr van contracten en de nieuwe bijzondere verjaringstermijn voor die kooptransacties",VABB-1,82,88,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300104,,The A to Z of Bulgaria,VABB-2,,,710 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300107,,Towards a Dialogic Interpretation of Dynamic Proofs,VABB-4,27,51,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300108,,"On the Transparency of Defeasible Logics: Equivalent Premise Sets, Equivalence of Their Extensions, and Maximality of the Lower Limit",VABB-1,281,304,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300109,,Adaptive Cn Logics,VABB-4,27,45,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300110,,Factors governing partial coalescence in oil-in-water emulsions,VABB-1,30,42,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300111,,Überaffen aus dem Kaffeehaus. Nietzsche und das Deutschlandbild in Flandern zur Zeit des Fin de siècle,VABB-4,161,198,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:300112,,Folates and folic acid : from fundamental research toward sustainable health,VABB-1,14,35,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300114,,Extracting Consumers Needs for New Products A Web Mining Approach,VABB-5,440,443,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300116,,The automatic orienting of attention to goal-relevant stimuli,VABB-1,61,69,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300117,,Perceiving Pain in Others: Automatic and Controlled Mechanisms,VABB-1,101,108,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300120,,Implicit Race Attitudes Predicted Vote in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election,VABB-1,241,253,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300129,,Voicing in Contrast. Acquiring a Second Language Laryngeal System,VABB-2,,,272 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300132,,Intellectuele rechten kroniek 2008,VABB-1,518,547,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300134,,Strategic options for regional products as a tool for regional development,VABB-1,260,267,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300135,,Coastal flood risks and seasonal tourism,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300136,,"Living donation, are there limits?",VABB-1,1330,1330,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300140,,Post production losses in iodine concentration of salt hamper the control of iodine deficiency disorders : a case study in northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,238,244,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300141,,A hybrid scatter search heuristic for personalized crew rostering in the airline industry.,VABB-1,155,167,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300142,,ECCENTRIC TRAINING AND THE SCIENCE BEHIND RESPONSE,VABB-1,252,252,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300143,,Effect of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching on the plantar flexor muscle-tendon tissue properties,VABB-1,553,560,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300144,,The historical evolution of European private law,VABB-4,20,32,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300146,,'Voor het princiep van Recht en Gelijkheid'. De politiek-ideologische positionering van de frontdichter Daan Boens,VABB-1,82,97,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300147,,Dikke boeken poëzie. Kroniek van de poëzie,VABB-1,63,69,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300148,,Decontamination strategies for fresh-cut produce,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300149,,The Social And Political Construction Of Early Childhood Education,VABB-1,139,153,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300151,,Improving Project Performance using Earned Value Management,VABB-2,,,164 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300153,,The clinical effectiveness of a myofeedback-based teletreatment service in patients with non-specific neck and shoulder pain: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,316,321,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300155,,Une interprétation de la sécurité privée et des événements footballistiques en Belgique,VABB-1,140,143,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:300165,,How is e-government progressing? A data driven approach to e-government monitoring,VABB-1,1075,1088,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300178,,"""CJCE, 3 mars 2009, Commission/Autriche - CJCE, mars 2009, Commission/Suède""",VABB-1,143,152,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:300179,,"Ausnahmepianist fettgeschreckt - inbleich! : deutsche, niederländische und schwedische Präfixoide im Spannungsfeld von Genealogie, Kreativität und Norm",VABB-1,863,892,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:300180,,Art. 12quater (wet databanken van 31 augustus 1998),VABB-4,31,45,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300182,,Yersinia enterocolitica in slaughter pig tonsils: Enumeration and detection by enrichment versus direct plating culture,VABB-1,158,161,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300183,,"Medical end-of-life decisions in children in Flanders, Belgium : a population-based postmortem survey",VABB-1,547,553,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300194,,Voluntary task switching under load: Contribution of top-down and bottom-up factors in goal-directed behavior,VABB-1,387,393,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300195,,Trust and perception related to information about biofuels in Belgium,VABB-1,595,608,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:300196,,Attrition strength of water-soluble cellulose derivatives coatings,VABB-1,298,309,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300200,,Phenotype of patients responsive to occipital nerve stimulation for refractory head pain,VABB-1,662,673,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300204,,"The relation between selection expectations, perceptions and organizational attraction: A test of competing models.",VABB-1,447,452,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300207,,Ingratiation and self-promotion in the selection interview: The effects of using single tactics or a combination of tactics on interviewer judgments.,VABB-1,2155,2169,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300210,,In de schaduw van de advocatuur. De Belgische pleitbezorgers (1800-1969),VABB-1,267,296,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300213,,Intrenational Encyclopedia of Law: Civil Procedure Supp 55_Ethopia Monograph,VABB-2,,,215 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300224,,Should we expand the pharyngitis paradigm for adolescents and young adults?,VABB-1,477,478,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300226,,Enhancing Competences for Competitive Advantage,VABB-3,,,xi+261 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300227,,"A Focused Issue on Identifying, Building and Linking Competences",VABB-3,,,viii+258 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300228,,The importance of message framing for providing information about sustainability and environmental aspects of energy,VABB-1,5541,5549,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300229,,Horizontal and vertical networks for innovation in the traditional food sector,VABB-1,123,132,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300233,,Antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior among blue and white collar workers in Turkey,VABB-1,356,367,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:300235,,Reflections by patients who undergo IVF on the use of their supernumerary embryos for science,VABB-1,880,891,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300236,,Sexual exposure to and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases: a Belgian substantive criminal law point of view,VABB-4,107,117,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300237,,"Schizofreen, kieskeurig of gewoonweg menselijk: inconsistenties bij het nemen van energiebesparende maatregelen in eigen woning",VABB-1,16,23,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300248,,Ouders en kinderen in armoede en onderwijs: slechts kinderspel?,VABB-1,443,451,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300251,,Silence of the limbs : pharmacological symptomatic treatment of intermittent claudication,VABB-1,383,387,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300256,,Consistently handling geographical user data : context-dependent detection of co-located POIs,VABB-5,85,94,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300270,,Tijdelijke natuur. Overtreft de dynamiek van de natuur die van het natuurbehoudsrecht?,VABB-1,23,55,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300272,,Film choices for screening literacy: the 'Pygmalion template' in the curriculum as contact zone,VABB-1,519,538,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300273,,Narrative and Rhetoric in Social Work Education,VABB-1,480,495,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300275,,The rhetorical construction of the nation in education: the case of Flanders,VABB-1,775,790,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300276,,Even important connections are not always meaningful : on the use of a polarisation measure in a typology of European cities in air transport networks,VABB-1,333,348,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300279,,De Vooght versus Sersanders. De strijd om het presidentschap van de Raad van Vlaanderen en het probleem van de 'Anjouaanse' benoemingen in de Oostenrijkse Nederlanden (1716-1725),VABB-1,15,35,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300284,,Information society policies 2.0. A critical analysis of the potential and pitfalls of social computing & informatics in the light of e-inclusion,VABB-1,139,142,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300285,,Understanding Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder in Adolescence: A Dimensional Personality Perspective,VABB-1,467,478,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300290,,On Doing Justice to Cosmopolitan Values and the Otherness of the Other: Living with Cosmopolitan Scepticism,VABB-1,197,211,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300292,,El Conde en la cocina de Jose,VABB-4,335,349,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:300293,,Assessing socio-economic impacts of wave overtopping: An institutional perspective,VABB-1,203,209,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300294,,Measuring hierarchical differentiation : connectivity and dominance in the European urban network,VABB-1,343,366,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300295,,The image of fish from aquaculture among Europeans : impact of exposure to balanced information,VABB-1,103,119,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300296,,"Quantitative verification of the correspondence between the Welfare Quality (R) operational definition of farm animal welfare and the opinion of Flemish farmers, citizens and vegetarians",VABB-1,108,114,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300299,,Cost recovery in the water supply and sanitation sector: A case of competing policy objectives?,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300304,,Optimaal motiveren van gedragsverandering: Psychologische behoeftebevrediging als motor van therapiesucces,VABB-1,171,189,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300305,,A theoretical upgrade of the concept of parental psychological control : proposing new insights on the basis of self-determination theory,VABB-1,74,99,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300324,,Predicting the headspace oxygen level due to oxygen permeation across multilayer polymer packaging materials : a practical software simulation tool,VABB-1,511,519,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300325,,'But shall the twain never meet?' Vlaamse Congo-romans voor en na Expo 58,VABB-1,14,24,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300326,,Response to ‘Protected areas and climate change – Reflections from a practitioner’s perspective’,VABB-1,141,150,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300328,,Strikt finitistische rekenkunde zonder vrees,VABB-1,188,191,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300329,,Studying thought processes of online peer tutors through stimulated-recall interviews,VABB-1,645,661,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300330,,Roles as a structuring tool in online discussion groups: The differential impact of different roles on social knowledge construction,VABB-1,516,523,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300332,,Supporting active cognitive processing in collaborative groups : the potential of Bloom's taxonomy as a labeling tool,VABB-1,165,172,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300334,,EU counterterrorism strategy: value added or chimera?,VABB-1,857,873,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300341,,The Problem of Comparison in Comparative Regionalism,VABB-1,731,753,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300344,,Health impact in China of folate-biofortified rice,VABB-1,554,556,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300346,,"The impact of cross-age peer tutoring on third and sixth graders’ reading strategy awareness, reading strategy use, and reading comprehension",VABB-1,33,46,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300348,,"Influence of age and gender on party drug use among young adults attending dance events, clubs and rock festivals in Belgium",VABB-1,1899,1915,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300349,,Determinants of relapse and re-admission among alcohol abusers after intensive residential treatment,VABB-1,194,211,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300350,,Cannabis-Related Treatment Demands in Belgium : A Socio-Demographic and Treatment Seeking Profile,VABB-1,179,193,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300351,,Het meten van effectiviteit en efficiëntie in de integrale jeugdhulp: droom of nachtmerrie?,VABB-1,1,15,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300353,,A new youth at every Biennial : Geert Bekaert & the Interieur Foundation,VABB-4,220,223,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300354,,Het omgekeerde dubbeltalent: Charlotte Mutsaers,VABB-4,215,218,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300355,,Experimental validation and sensitivity analysis of a coupled BES-HAM model,VABB-1,2202,2217,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300356,,"EHRM, Zubczewski t. Zweden, 12 januari 2010",VABB-1,628,631,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300357,,Collaboration and rivalry at Expo 58 : authorship in the building industries’ landmarks,VABB-5,1944,1951,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300358,,"Learning to Live with Ghosts: Postcolonial Haunting and Mid-Mourning in David Dabydeen’s ""Turner"" and Fred D’Aguiar’s Feeding the Ghosts",VABB-1,467,475,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300359,,"Onveiligheidsbeleving van jonge adolescenten op school: de rol van de schoolcontext, kwetsbaarheid en individuele slachtofferervaringen op school",VABB-1,17,36,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300370,,Corporate decision-making in R&D outsourcing and the impact on internal R&D employment intensity,VABB-1,1741,1768,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300377,,Pecking order and debt capacity considerations for high-growth companies seeking financing,VABB-1,53,69,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300379,,Assessment of the acrylamide intake of the Belgian population and the effect of mitigation strategies,VABB-1,1199,1207,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300380,,Geriatric day hospital : opportunity or threat? : a qualitative exploratory study of the referral behaviour of Belgian general practitioners,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300381,,Behavioral determinants of hand hygiene compliance in intensive care units,VABB-1,230,239,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300385,,Algebraic partitioning problems from Luca Pacioli’s Perugia manuscript (Vat. Lat. 3129),VABB-1,3,51,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300388,,Modeling logistic performance in quantitative microbial risk assessment,VABB-1,20,31,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300389,,Estimating distributions out of qualitative and (semi)quantitative microbiological contamination data for use in risk assessment,VABB-1,260,269,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300390,,Survival of Campylobacter jejuni on raw chicken legs packed in high-oxygen or high-carbon dioxide atmosphere after the decontamination with lactic acid/sodium lactate buffer,VABB-1,201,206,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300391,,Pulsed UV light as an intervention strategy against Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on the surface of a meat slicing knife,VABB-1,446,451,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300392,,"Survival of poultry-derived Campylobacter jejuni of multilocus sequence type clonal complexes 21 and 45 under freeze, chill, oxidative, acid and heat stresses",VABB-1,829,834,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300393,,Alternative microbial methods : an overview and selection criteria,VABB-1,710,730,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300394,,Dynamics of Reason and the Kantian Project,VABB-1,389,400,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300395,,Europa: een stand van zaken,VABB-1,50,54,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300396,,Paley's iPod: The cognitive basis of the design argument within natural theology,VABB-1,665,684,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300397,,Continuity and Change in Grammar,VABB-3,,,359 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300398,,Continuity is change: The long tail of Jespersen’s cycle in Flemish,VABB-4,61,76,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300399,,"Raman-based geobarometry of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks: applications, problems, and perspectives",VABB-1,2739,2752,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300400,,Raman spectra of pure biomolecules obtained using a handheld instrument under cold high-altitude conditions,VABB-1,2753,2760,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300401,,Important role of muscle carnosine in rowing performance,VABB-1,1096,1101,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300404,,"Broadband for culture, a culture for broadband?",VABB-1,119,135,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300406,,How European consumers define the concept of traditional food : evidence from a survey in six countries,VABB-1,453,476,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300410,,The relationship between children’s home food environment and dietary patterns in childhood and adolescence,VABB-1,1729,1735,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300412,,"Mrs Warren’s professions: Eliza Warren Francis (c. 1810-1900), editor of The Ladies’ Treasury (1857-1895) and London boarding-house keeper",VABB-1,49,61,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300414,,Fokalisierung aus anthropologischer Sicht. Tierdarstellungen als impliziter Erzählfaden in Schwarzenbachs Das glückliche Tal,VABB-1,255,291,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:300415,,Emotional attachment to a hospital: bringing employees and customers into the engagement zone,VABB-1,78,93,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300417,,Van waar de wind waait : het religieuze wereldbeeld van Lambertus van Sint-Omaars,VABB-1,3,22,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300420,,Smallholder dairy sheep production and market channel development : an institutional perspective of rural Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,VABB-1,3869,3879,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300422,,A Targeted public. Public services in late medieval Bruges and Ghent,VABB-1,203,225,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300425,,Groepsportret van een dame: poëticale verwanten van Charlotte Mutsaers,VABB-1,359,391,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300426,,Consumer perceptions of beef healthiness : results from a qualitative study in four European countries,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300427,,Glazing of frozen fish : analytical and economic challenges,VABB-1,40,44,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300428,,Subjective and objective knowledge as determinants of organic vegetables consumption,VABB-1,581,588,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300430,,Christopher Lasch’s The Culture of Narcissism: The Failure of a Critique of Psychological Politics,VABB-1,528,548,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300431,,Exploring the Importance of Institutional Contexts for the Development of Ethnic Stereotypes: A Comparison of Schools in Belgium and England,VABB-1,1350,1371,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300438,,Identifying operational improvements during the design process of a time-driven ABC system: The role of collective worker participation and leadership style,VABB-1,185,198,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300440,,Hauntology or the Return of the Real Man: Edging the Žižek-Laclau controversy on populism,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300441,,Future Living in a Participatory Way,VABB-4,779,793,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300443,,Personalization according to politicians: A practice theoretical analysis of mediatization,VABB-1,309,326,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300444,,"Pathways of change : shifting connectivities in the world city network, 2000-08",VABB-1,1861,1877,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300445,,Trans-reality TV as a site of contingent reality,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300446,,The limits of intimate citizenship: reproduction of difference in Flemish-Ethiopian 'adoption cultures',VABB-1,365,372,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300447,,Designated Terrorists: the Kurdistan Workers' Party and its struggle to (Re)gain Political Legitimacy.,VABB-1,393,413,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300448,,Interactions in Cuckoo's Nest: Elements of a Narrative Speech-Act Analysis,VABB-1,276,299,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300449,,The temporal dimension of differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) fire/burn severity studies : the case of the large 2007 Peloponnese wildfires in Greece,VABB-1,2548,2563,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300451,,Past and present characteristics of Vierendeel's poutre à arcades,VABB-5,1968,1975,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300459,,The internal logic of the cosmos as ‘justice’ and ‘reconciliation’: Micro-level perceptions in post-conflict Guatemala,VABB-1,287,312,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300462,,La liberté d’expression syndicale mise à mal par la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme,VABB-1,733,747,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:300463,,Het Europese ‘First Amendment’. De Straatsburgse jurisprudentie over artikel 10 EVRM : 2004-2009 (Deel 1),VABB-1,106,116,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300464,,Het Europese ‘First Amendment’. De Straatsburgse jurisprudentie over artikel 10 EVRM : 2004-2009 (Deel 2),VABB-1,186,201,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300466,,The Reforms of the European Financial Supervisory Systmem - an overview,VABB-1,240,265,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300467,,"Post-mortem (re)distribution of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy') : human and animal data",VABB-1,453,459,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300469,,The Reception of Ancient Indian Mathematics by Western Historians,VABB-4,135,152,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300472,,"EHRM, Alajos Kiss t. Hongarije, 20 mei 2010",VABB-1,1014,1021,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300476,,EU external action after the collapse of the pillar structure. In search of a new balance between delimitation and consistency,VABB-1,987,1019,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300477,,"EHRM, Rantsev t. Cyprus en Rusland, 7 januari 2010",VABB-1,353,383,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300485,,"Gender ideology, same-sex peer group affiliation and the relationship between testosterone and dominance in adolescent boys and girls",VABB-1,463,475,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300486,,The Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area: An Evaluation on the Eve of the (Missed) Deadline,VABB-1,193,206,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300487,,When do we simulate non-human agents? Dissociating communicative and non-communicative actions,VABB-1,426,434,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300488,,The cognitive representation of intending not to act : evidence for specific non-action-effect binding,VABB-1,9,16,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300489,,Resisting motor mimicry : control of imitation involves processes central to social cognition in patients with frontal and temporo-parietal lesions,VABB-1,401,416,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300490,,REVISITING PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION,VABB-1,91,116,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:300491,,The hidden side of intentional action : the role of the anterior insular cortex,VABB-1,603,610,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300492,,Post-action determinants of the reported time of conscious intentions,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300493,,Top-Down Modulation of Motor Priming by Belief About Animacy,VABB-1,221,227,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300494,,Minimizing motor mimicry by myself: Self-focus enhances online action-control mechanisms during motor contagion,VABB-1,98,106,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300495,,AUTOMATIC IMITATION OF PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE MOVEMENTS,VABB-1,59,73,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300496,,EEG activations during intentional inhibition of voluntary action: An electrophysiological correlate of self-control?,VABB-1,619,626,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300498,,Supplements and Paratext: The Rhetoric of Space,VABB-1,196,210,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300501,,Hoe contracteren onder CISG aanleiding kan geven tot onvoorziene omstandigheden,VABB-1,885,894,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300505,,Mice in ecstasy : advanced animal models in the study of MDMA,VABB-1,421,433,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300506,,"The ""new"" principal task for Europol to support Member States in connection with major international events. The blurring of boundaries between law enforcement and public order?",VABB-4,121,138,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300507,,"Stability of motor problems in young children with or at risk of autism spectrum disorders, ADHD and or developmental coordination disorder",VABB-1,e174,e178,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300511,,Consistent bibliometric rankings of authors and of journals,VABB-1,365,378,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300512,,Adolescents' New Media Literacy in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,361,374,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300516,,Twelfth-century Epistolary Language of Friendship Reconsidered. The Case of Guibert of Gembloux,VABB-1,983,1017,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300517,,"Technical, allocative and economic efficiency of commercial poultry farms in Bangladesh",VABB-1,465,475,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300522,,Identifying multiple roles of ICT coordinators,VABB-1,1651,1655,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300531,,Chlamydophila psittaci zoonotic risk assessment in a chicken and turkey slaughterhouse,VABB-1,3244,3250,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300534,,Health-related beliefs and consumer knowledge as determinants of fish consumption,VABB-1,480,488,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300535,,Post-Conflict Ambon: Forced Migration and the Ethno-Territorial Effects of Customary Tenure,VABB-1,401,419,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300536,,Structural Determinants of Boredom Among the Clients of Psychosocial and Vocational Rehabilitation Centers,VABB-1,1969,1998,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300537,,Stigma and client satisfaction in mental health services,VABB-1,2295,2318,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300538,,'I was never a new historicist': Catherine Belsey's cultural history at the level of the signifier,VABB-1,1033,1044,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300539,,Oughtonomy in healthcare : a deconstructive reading of Kantian autonomy,VABB-1,303,312,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300540,,"Occupational titles? Hard to eat, easy to catch",VABB-1,7,31,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300541,,How to measure class from occupation,VABB-1,87,109,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300542,,"Measuring social structure in a rural context Applying the SOCPO scheme to Scania, Sweden (17(th)-20(th) century)",VABB-1,249,293,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300545,,Predictability of cerebral palsy in a high-risk NICU population,VABB-1,413,417,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300546,,Predictability of cerebral palsy and its characteristics through neonatal cranial ultrasound in a high-risk NICU population,VABB-1,1213,1218,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300547,,Haskell before Haskell. Curry's contribution to programming (1946-1950),VABB-5,108,117,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300548,,Unique health care utilization patterns in a homeless population in Ghent,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300550,,Place of birth and satisfaction with childbirth in Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-1,e11,e19,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300551,,Mining ideas from textual information,VABB-1,7182,7188,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300552,,Labour pain acceptance and personal control in pain relief in Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300553,,"Divorce, divorce rates, and professional care seeking for mental health problems in Europe : a cross-sectional population-based study",VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300556,,Four meanings of medicalization: childbirth as a case study,VABB-1,123,142,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300558,,A Monte Carlo sample size study : how many countries are needed for accurate multilevel SEM?,VABB-1,45,58,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300560,,Religious Involvement: Its Relation to Values and Social Attitudes,VABB-4,175,208,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300563,,"Symptomatology in Friedrich Nietzsche and René Girard: Demarcation, Illustration and Onto-aesthetical Consequences",VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300565,,Partner selection decisions in interfirm collaborations : the paradox of relational embeddedness,VABB-1,995,1019,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300568,,Solvability of the halting and reachability problem for binary 2-tag systems,VABB-1,435,471,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300569,,"Postmemory, Afterimages, Transferred Loss: First and Third Generation Holocaust Trauma in American Literature and Film",VABB-4,63,74,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300576,,Performance of food safety management systems in poultry meat preparation processing plants in relation to Campylobacter spp. contamination,VABB-1,1447,1457,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300578,,Het verbod op short selling : Belgische reglementering en Europese ontwikkelingen,VABB-1,47,60,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300581,,Suomen terveydenhuoltojärjestelmän ja sairaaloiden kehittyminen - vaatimattomista oloista modernin terveydenhuollon eturintamaan,VABB-1,25,41,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300583,,From the second unknown to the symbolic equation,VABB-4,57,101,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300586,,Consumer Ethics: The Role of Self-Regulatory Focus,VABB-1,241,255,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300590,,Marine Pollution and the Right of Entry in Maritime Ports for Ships in Distress,VABB-4,41,54,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300593,,"Price sensitivity of farmers' preferences for irrigation water pricing method : evidence from a choice model analysis in Krishna river basin, India",VABB-1,205,214,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:300595,,Fifth Century Chinese Nuns: An Exemplary Case,VABB-1,61,76,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300598,,Physical activity as a mediator of the associations between neighborhood walkability and adiposity in Belgian adults,VABB-1,952,960,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300599,,The extent and nature of heterogeneity of venture capital selection behaviour in new technology-based firms,VABB-1,357,371,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300602,,Slope aspect affects geomorphic dynamics of coal mining spoil heaps in Belgium,VABB-1,109,121,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300611,,Irrigation water pricing between governmental policies and farmers' perception : implications for green-houses horticultural production in Teboulba (Tunisia),VABB-1,44,54,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300613,,The spectacle of the real and wathever other constructions,VABB-4,23,36,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300619,,Then I received the habit of holy religion : memorializing the monastic profession at the turn of the twelfth century,VABB-1,379,406,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300620,,The effect of unilateral muscle pain on recruitment of the lumbar multifidus during automatic contraction : an experimental pain study,VABB-1,364,369,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300621,,Radiographic analysis of extracorporeally irradiated autografts,VABB-1,999,1008,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300629,,Design and craft : a history of convergences and divergences,VABB-3,,,553 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300630,,‘Casualising’ sexuality in teen series. A study on the gendered sexual discourses in the popular American teen series One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl',VABB-4,167,184,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300631,,'Gender And Sexual Scripts in Popular American Teen Series. A Study on The Gendered Discourses in One Tree Hill And Gossip Girl',VABB-1,77,92,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300632,,Cognitive vs. affective listening modes and judgments of music - An ERP study,VABB-1,393,409,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300635,,The influence of school leadership on teachers' perception of teacher evaluation policy,VABB-1,521,536,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300637,,Importance of fat oxidation in starch-based emulsions in the generation of the process contaminant furan,VABB-1,9579,9586,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300641,,Gendered transformations. Theory and practices on gender and media,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300642,,Conclusion: gendered transformations,VABB-4,221,226,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300644,,The ethical debate on donor insemination in China,VABB-1,895,902,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300653,,Voicing the Perpetrator’s Perspective. Translation and Mediation in Jean Hatzfeld’s 'Une Saison de machettes',VABB-1,315,336,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:300655,,Partying and Cocooning. No Paradox for Mayoral Recruitment in Belgium,VABB-1,203,226,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300656,,Les conflits de temporalités dans la gestion du littoral à l'épreuve de la GIZC,VABB-1,1,15,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:300657,,"Gezondheidszorg, verantwoordelijkheid en leefstijl : waarheen met de individuele autonomie?",VABB-1,84,89,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300659,,Communicative diagnosis of cost-saving options for reducing nitrogen emission from pig finishing,VABB-1,2370,2377,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300661,,The open-air museum of Bokrijk : staging pre-modern architecture in the margins of the 1958 World Fair,VABB-1,295,315,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:300668,,"'Niet briesend, zonder schuim'. Anton van Wilderode als arrière-gardist. Een verkenning van zijn expliciete poëtica (1943-1989)",VABB-4,729,746,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300670,,Freedom of Expression under the European Human Rights System. From Sunday Times (n° 1) v. U.K. (1979) to Hachette Filipacchi Associés (“Ici Paris”) v. France (2009),VABB-1,3,49,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300673,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie). September - december 2009.,VABB-1,69,83,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300674,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie). Januari 2010.,VABB-1,197,201,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300675,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie). Februari-maart 2010,VABB-1,283,294,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300677,,News media and the (de)construction of risk : how Flemish newspapers select and cover international disasters,VABB-1,253,266,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300683,,Carthage Studies,VABB-3,,,82 + VIII p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:300695,,An unknown treasure for historians of early medieval Europe: the debate of German legal historians on the nature of medieval law,VABB-1,87,90,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300699,,Neuerungen im belgischen Arbeitsrecht in den Jahren 2006 bis 2009?,VABB-1,266,271,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:300700,,FISH RESERVOIR EFFECT ON CHARRED FOOD RESIDUE 14C DATES: ARE,VABB-1,697,705,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300701,,Contact and interaction between early farmers and late hunter-gatherers in Belgium during the 6th and 5th millennium calBC,VABB-5,551,566,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300705,,EATWELL project : approaching European healthy eating policies from a multi-disciplinary perspective,VABB-1,867,868,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300708,,Free will : emotions and consciousness could contribute,VABB-1,1052,1053,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300709,,Unbiased categorical classification of pediatric sleep disordered breathing,VABB-1,1341,1347,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300710,,The emergence of 'holistic reconciliation' : lessons learned from victims and offenders inside the South African truth and reconciliation commission,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300711,,Een Evaluatie van het Gebruik van het Gesloten Centrum voor Jongeren te Everberg door Jeugdmagistraten,VABB-1,5,12,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300712,,"Doctrine : l'évaluation d'un centre fermé pour mineurs, le centre 'de Grubbe' à Everberg'",VABB-1,726,753,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:300713,,Explanatory pluralism in the medical sciences: theory and practice.,VABB-1,371,390,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300719,,Competitive interaction between aspen and birch moderated by invertebrate and vertebrate herbivores and climate warming,VABB-1,221,232,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300722,,Inactivation of viruses in water by biogenic silver : innovative and environmentally friendly disinfection technique,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300724,,Range expansion of thermophilic aspen (Populus tremula L.) in the Swedish subarctic,VABB-1,362,375,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300728,,What? How? Why? : broadening the mind with the treasury of literature (1868-1875) : supplement to the ladies’ treasury (1857-1895),VABB-1,174,195,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300734,,In the Name of the Father? The Role of Family Politicization in the Political Socialization Process of Belgian Federal Election Candidates,VABB-1,217,238,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300735,,True Love or Just Friends? Flemish Picture Books in English Translation,VABB-1,105,117,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300736,,Distributional Effects of Word Frequency on Eye Fixation Durations,VABB-1,1280,1293,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300743,,A South African case study for the recognition and regulation of Muslim family law in a minority Muslim secular context,VABB-1,361,396,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300744,,El eslogan publicitario en la prensa escrita: hacia una definición más precisa del concepto,VABB-5,980,989,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:300746,,From research to farm : ex ante evaluation of strategic deworming in pig finishing,VABB-1,483,493,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:300748,,"Upstaging The “Death of the Subject”: Gertrude Stein, The Theater, and The Self-Differential Self",VABB-1,150,165,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300749,,Greenblatt’s Melancholy Fetish: Literary Criticism and the Desire for Loss,VABB-1,483,500,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300750,,"'Remember, or now know': Chang-rae Lee's Native Speaker and the Politics of Melancholia",VABB-1,143,158,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300752,,Facts and figures,VABB-1,52,62,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300753,,Philosophy of sport in Belgium and the Netherlands : history and characteristics,VABB-1,225,236,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300756,,Balancerend tussen gelijkheid en verschil : de sociologie van Rodolphe Broda als wetenschappelijke onderbouw voor het relationele feminisme aan het begin van de twintigste eeuw,VABB-1,12,17,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300757,,Oligarchs and Benefactors: Elite Demography and Euergetism in the Greek East of the Roman Empire,VABB-4,185,195,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:300758,,Disciplining the nouvelle vague : censoring a bout de souffle and other early French new wave films (1956-1962),VABB-4,103,116,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300762,,Of sonnets and other monuments : picturing sonnets of the nineteenth century,VABB-1,451,459,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300763,,Geoffrey Hartman: Romanticism after the Holocaust,VABB-2,,,192 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300775,,Hoe wetenschappelijk is de rechtswetenschap?,VABB-1,629,687,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300778,,Rehabilitation of shoulder impingement syndrome and rotator cuff injuries : an evidence-based review,VABB-1,319,327,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300779,,"Descriptive profile of scapulothoracic position, strength and flexibility variables in adolescent elite tennis players",VABB-1,678,684,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300780,,Qualitative insights into general practitioners’ views on polypharmacy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300782,,Medication administration in nursing homes : pharmacists' contribution to error prevention,VABB-1,275,283,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300786,,"A Broken Broker in Antwerp : William Aylesbury and the Duke of Buckingham's Goods, 1648-1650",VABB-4,65,78,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300787,,"On the Origin of Taisho 1462, the Alleged Translation of the Pali Samantapasadika",VABB-1,435,449,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300791,,"The effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on recurrence of depressive episodes, mental health and quality of life: A randomized controlled study",VABB-1,738,746,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300792,,Relationship of physical activity and dietary habits with body mass index in the transition from childhood to adolescence : a 4-year longitudinal study,VABB-1,1722,1728,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300793,,Evidence-based development of school-based and family-involved prevention of overweight across Europe : the ENERGY-project's design and conceptual framework,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300794,,Surfing depth on a behaviour change website : predictors and effects on behaviour,VABB-1,41,52,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300796,,Introducing telemonitoring for diabetic patients : development of a telemonitoring 'Health Effect and Readiness' questionnaire,VABB-1,576,584,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300798,,Two-year outcome of vagus nerve stimulation in treatment-resistant depression,VABB-1,273,281,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300799,,Alzheimer's disease : cerebral glaucoma?,VABB-1,973,977,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300800,,Gender differences in the implementation of cardiovascular prevention measures after an acute coronary event,VABB-1,1744,1749,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300801,,High occurrence rate of glaucoma among patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus,VABB-1,225,226,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300802,,EUROASPIRE III : management of cardiovascular risk factors in asymptomatic high-risk patients in general practice : cross-sectional survey in 12 European countries,VABB-1,530,540,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300803,,Management of overweight and obese patients with coronary heart disease across Europe,VABB-1,447,454,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300804,,Reproducibility and validity of a diet quality index for children assessed using a FFQ,VABB-1,135,144,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300806,,A cognitive-behavioural pedometer-based group intervention on physical activity and sedentary behaviour in individuals with type 2 diabetes,VABB-1,724,736,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300807,,Prevalent fractures are reltaed to cortical bone geometry in young healthy men at age of peak bone mass,VABB-1,1433,1440,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300810,,A multi-agent simulation model for spatial optimisation of manure allocation,VABB-1,1011,1030,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300811,,A family assessment based on the Social Relations Model,VABB-1,259,279,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300812,,Governance and intergovernmental relations in the European Union and the United States,VABB-3,,,224 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300813,,How monist is heterodoxy?,VABB-1,793,805,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300814,,The division of labour in science: the tradeoff between specialisation and diversity,VABB-1,37,51,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300815,,Standards and the distribution of cognitive labour: A model of the dynamics of scientific activity,VABB-1,278,294,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300817,,"Relation between patient satisfaction, compliance and the clinical benefit of a teletreatment application for chronic pain",VABB-1,322,328,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300818,,"Early smoking is associated with peak bone mass and prevalent fractures in young, healthy men",VABB-1,379,387,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300819,,"""Comment. ECJ, Opinion 1/08""",VABB-1,1523,1539,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300820,,The European Union and International Maritime Organization: EU’s External Influence on the Prevention of Vessel-Source Pollution,VABB-1,581,594,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300823,,Metaphors in action : early modern church buildings as spaces of knowledge,VABB-1,99,122,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300826,,The spatial asymmetry of the police : the geographical anchoring of the police and the delocalisation of crime and disorder,VABB-4,235,278,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300828,,Het debat geopend : Meervoudige fraude,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300840,,Culture politique et capital social pendant la République calviniste à Gand,VABB-4,35,46,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:300841,,Umweltbedingte Einflussfaktoren : Möglichkeiten und Barrieren für ein gesundes Ernährungs- und Bewegungsverhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen,VABB-1,716,724,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:300842,,Sedentary patterns and media availability in European adolescents : the HELENA study,VABB-1,50,55,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300845,,Adellijke inwijking in het graafschap Vlaanderen tussen 1350 en 1500,VABB-1,5,26,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:300846,,Rationale and methods of the European Study on Cardiovascular Risk Prevention and Management in Daily Practice (EURIKA),VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300847,,Diefstal handbagage hotelgast bij inchecken : quid ((on-)beperkte) aansprakelijkheid hotelhouder?,VABB-1,408,413,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300848,,Essay review,VABB-1,685,688,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:300850,,Energy and macronutrient intakes in Belgium : results from the first National Food Consumption Survey,VABB-1,1823,1829,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300854,,"Ausnahmepianist fettgeschreckt – inbleich! Deutsche, niederländische und schwedische Präfixoide im Spannungsfeld von Genealogie, Kreativität und Norm",VABB-1,863,892,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:300858,,Grammatik : wissenschaftlich und didaktisch : Überlegungen zu einer neuen deutschen Grammatik für den akademischen Unterricht mit Ausgangssprache Niederländisch,VABB-1,113,125,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:300860,,"Les plantes et l’invisible chez les Mbuun, Mpiin et Nsong (Bandundu, RD Congo) : une approche ethnolinguistique",VABB-1,95,122,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:300862,,De plaats en betekenis van evaluatie in de interbestuurlijke veiligheids- en preventieplannen,VABB-1,40,57,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300863,,Retrieving Food History through Linguistics: Culinary Traditions in Early Bantuphone communities,VABB-4,258,269,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300864,,One God. Pagan Monotheism in the Roman Empire (1-4th cent. A.D),VABB-3,,,250 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300865,,Pagan Monotheism as a religious phenomenon,VABB-4,13,33,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300867,,Episcopal Succession in Constantinople (381-450 C.E.): The Local Dynamics of Power,VABB-1,425,451,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300868,,Varro’s Divine Antiquities: Roman Religion as an Image of Truth,VABB-1,162,188,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300870,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300871,,The Name Game. The Hellenistic Historian and Royal Epithets,VABB-4,89,100,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300872,,Dealing with the legacy of gross human rights violations in Guatemala: grasping the mismatch between macro level policies and micro level processes,VABB-1,1160,1181,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300875,,Pendel in en om de compacte stad : een ruimtelijke analyse van de afstand tot het werk,VABB-1,5,22,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300876,,Die Übersetzungen liturgischer Lobgesänge im 'Böddeker Gebetbuch' (ca. 1564): deutsche Versionen mittelniederländischer Originaltexte,VABB-1,324,349,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:300877,,"Impact of armed conflicts on urban livestock production in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo",VABB-1,159,167,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300878,,Toekomsten voorstellen. Over exploratieve scenario's voor Vlaamse steden en gemeenten,VABB-1,241,252,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300885,,Using Web2.0 to Support the Independent Film Production Process,VABB-1,134,156,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300892,,"Testosterone, androgen receptor gene CAG repeat length, mood, and behaviour in adolescent males",VABB-1,319,328,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300894,,"'Die geräte Klüger als ihre Besitzer' : philologische Durchblicke hinter die Schreibszene des Graphical User Interface : Überlegungen zur digitalen Quellenphilologie, mit einer textgenetischen Studie zu Michael Speiers ausfahrt st. nazaire",VABB-1,149,199,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:300897,,The great men of Jainism in utero,VABB-4,33,55,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300901,,On Jaina Apabhramsa prasasti's,VABB-1,275,287,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300915,,Over het nut en nadeel van sportethiek,VABB-1,62,71,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300920,,"The career and the Seal of Bulālum, doorkeeper of the Ebabbar temple at Sippar.",VABB-1,325,335,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:300921,,Communicating the Right Emotion to Generate Help for Connected Versus Unconnected Others,VABB-1,498,521,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300922,,Craniocervical orientation affects muscle activation when exercising the cervical extensors in healthy subjects,VABB-1,1418,1422,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300923,,Der Markt für Zucker,VABB-1,32,44,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:300930,,"Growth, maturation, functional capacities and sport-specific skills in 12-13 year-old- basketball players",VABB-1,174,181,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300931,,Short-term effects of midseason coach turnover on team performance in soccer,VABB-1,379,383,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300932,,Le Sud-Sudan dans l'attente du référendum. Un regard sur la formation de l'Etat par le bas.,VABB-1,189,205,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:300933,,Physical activity levels after treatment for breast cancer : one-year follow-up,VABB-1,417,425,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300934,,Lessen in goed wonen : woonvoorlichting in België 1945-1958,VABB-2,,,317 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300936,,"Children, rights and social work : rethinking children's rights education",VABB-1,60,69,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300937,,"Practice effects in large-scale visual word recognition studies : a lexical decision study on 14,000 Dutch mono- and disyllabic words and nonwords",VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300943,,Impact of the effort-reward imbalance model on intent to leave among Belgian health care workers: A prospective study,VABB-1,879,893,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300945,,On the way of integrating evacuation approaches,VABB-5,169,172,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300948,,The movement derivation of conditional clauses,VABB-1,595,621,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300949,,Het oordeel van Salomon van de Gentse Oudburg,VABB-1,103,119,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300951,,Interracial Public-Police Contact: Relationships with Police Officers’ Racial and Work-Related Attitudes and Behavior,VABB-1,551,560,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300952,,Herstelmaatregelen voor financiële instellingen,VABB-1,268,273,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300958,,Balance problems during obstacle crossing in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder,VABB-1,327,331,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300960,,"Citizens' views on farm animal welfare and related information provision : exploratory insights from Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,551,569,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300961,,Teacher education and the choice to enter the teaching profession: a prospective study,VABB-1,1619,1629,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300962,,Contact linguistics,VABB-4,36,45,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300963,,Profiling European traditional food consumers,VABB-1,871,886,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300966,,"Transportation Risk ANalysis tool for hazardous Substances (TRANS) : a user-friendly, semi-quantitative multi-mode hazmat transport route safety risk estimation methodology for Flanders",VABB-1,489,496,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300967,,The Eastern Partnership: Characteristics and Challenges,VABB-1,205,209,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300968,,Brokers and 'Guild' (huiguan 會館) Organizations in China’s Maritime Trade with her Eastern Neighbours during the Ming and Qing Dynasties,VABB-1,99,150,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300969,,Measuring the extent of inside trading in horse betting markets,VABB-1,21,41,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300970,,"VI. INSTITUTIONAL DEPRIVATION, SPECIFIC COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS, AND SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT: ENGLISH AND ROMANIAN ADOPTEE (ERA) STUDY FINDINGS",VABB-1,125,142,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300971,,Reliability and validity of the Infoot 3D foot digitizer for normal healthy adults,VABB-1,65,75,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300972,,A reliability study of biomechanical foot function in psoriatic arthritis based on a novel multi-segmented foot model,VABB-1,619,626,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300973,,The Abuse Clause in International Human Rights Law: An Expedient Remedy against Abuse of Power or an Instrument of Abuse Itself?,VABB-4,117,124,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300974,,The Deepening Crisis: March 1938-October 1938,VABB-4,244,275,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300979,,Intellectuele rechten Kroniek 2009,VABB-1,474,497,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:300982,,Semi-automatic city model extraction from tri-stereoscopic VHR satellite imagery,VABB-5,89,96,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:300986,,Texte de la nature et nature du texte. Jean-Loup Trassard et les enjeux de l'écopoétique en France,VABB-1,477,494,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:300987,,The perception and categorisation of emotional stimuli: A review,VABB-1,377,400,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300988,,VIII. POSTADOPTION ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES,VABB-1,167,186,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300989,,La chancellerie comtale en Flandre et en Hainaut sous Baudouin VI/IX (1195-1206) et pendant la régence de Philippe Ier de Namur (1206-1212),VABB-1,259,284,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:300990,,The quality of life of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review,VABB-1,83,105,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300991,,"Disputed Desert. Decolonisation, Competing Nationalisms and Tuareg Rebellions in Northern Mali",VABB-2,,,xxxiv; 434 pp p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:300992,,Muscle moment arms and function of the siamang forelimb during brachiation,VABB-1,521,535,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:300997,,Snout allometry in seahorses : insights on optimisation of pivot feeding performance during ontogeny,VABB-1,2184,2193,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300998,,Age-related changes in mechanical and metabolic energy during typical gait,VABB-1,495,501,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:300999,,On Poet-Dancers and Animal-Thinkers: The Bodily Capacity to Read and Make Sense of Unjointed Time and Intensive Space in Wayn Traub's Maria Dolores (2003),VABB-1,356,373,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301000,,"The Creative Power in the Failure of Word and Language On Silence, Stuttering and other Performative Intensities",VABB-1,77,93,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301002,,Concurrency and the limited effectiveness of behavioural interventions on sexual risk behaviour of youth in sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,2140,2142,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301004,,Depressive symptoms among immigrants and ethnic minorities: a population based study in 23 European countries,VABB-1,97,109,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:301006,,'From novelistic romance to romantic novel'. The revival of the ancient adventure chronotope in Byzantine and Modern Greek literature,VABB-1,43,68,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301007,,The falls efficacy scale international (FES-I) : a comprehensive longitudinal validation study,VABB-1,210,216,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301008,,Het Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie: implicaties voor de nationale rechtsorde,VABB-1,529,588,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301009,,The influence of changes in the market environment on economic production characteristics of pangasius farming in the Mekong delta (Vietnam),VABB-1,373,390,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301011,,Valuing improvements in the water rights system in South Africa : a contingent ranking approach,VABB-1,1133,1144,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301012,,Intervention designs for perceived improved access to farm productivity- enhancing resources in the drylands : case study of Kenya,VABB-1,2452,2461,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301013,,'J'ai tué'. Violence guerrière et fiction,VABB-3,,,304 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:301017,,Effect of food matrix and pH on the volatilization of bases (TVB) in packed North Atlantic gray shrimp (Crangon crangon) : volatile bases in MAP fishery products,VABB-1,11864,11869,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301029,,'J'ai tué' : la fiction face à la violence guerrière au XXe siècle,VABB-4,7,14,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:301030,,Guerre juste et littérature : 'la façon dont un soldat en tue un autre',VABB-4,21,48,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:301031,,"Guerre et fiction : représenter la violence personnelle : une rencontre avec F. Bernard, P. Chauvel, G. Gatore et L. Mauvignier, animée par Pierre Schoentjes",VABB-4,267,302,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:301046,,Modelling the growth/no growth boundary of Zygosaccharomyces bailii in acidic conditions : a contribution to the alternative method to preserve foods without using chemical preservatives,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301063,,Are Technology VC investors a distinct species on the investment market?,VABB-1,267,283,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301064,,Attentional Retraining Procedures: Manipulating Early or Late Components of Attentional Bias?,VABB-1,230,236,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301065,,"IV. DEVELOPMENTAL COURSE OF DEPRIVATION-SPECIFIC PSYCHOLOGICAL PATTERNS: EARLY MANIFESTATIONS, PERSISTENCE TO AGE 15, AND CLINICAL FEATURES",VABB-1,79,101,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301066,,Why do I like you when you behave like me? Neural mechanisms mediating positive consequences of observing someone being imitated,VABB-1,384,392,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301067,,III. DEPRIVATION-SPECIFIC PSYCHOLOGICAL PATTERNS,VABB-1,48,78,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:301068,,5HTT genotype moderates the influence of early institutional deprivation on emotional problems in adolescence: evidence from the English and Romanian Adoptee (ERA) study,VABB-1,755,762,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301069,,"IX. RISK, CAUSATION, MEDIATION, AND MODERATION",VABB-1,187,211,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301070,,Hyporesponsive Reward Anticipation in the Basal Ganglia following Severe Institutional Deprivation Early in Life,VABB-1,2316,2325,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301071,,The association between choice stepping reaction time and falls in older adults : a path analysis model,VABB-1,99,104,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301072,,Temporal precedence of emotion over attention modulations in the lateral amygdala: Intracranial ERP evidence from a patient with temporal lobe epilepsy,VABB-1,83,93,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301073,,Modulation of Face Processing by Emotional Expression and Gaze Direction during Intracranial Recordings in Right Fusiform Cortex,VABB-1,2086,2107,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301074,,Errors recruit both cognitive and emotional monitoring systems: Simultaneous intracranial recordings in the dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus and amygdala combined with fMRI,VABB-1,1144,1159,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301075,,I. INVESTIGATING THE IMPACT OF EARLY INSTITUTIONAL DEPRIVATION ON DEVELOPMENT: BACKGROUND AND RESEARCH STRATEGY OF THE ENGLISH AND ROMANIAN ADOPTEES (ERA) STUDY,VABB-1,1,20,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:301076,,"Beyond the dual pathway model : evidence for the dissociation of timing, inhibitory, and delay-related impairments in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder",VABB-1,345,355,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301077,,Developmental phenotypes and causal pathways in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: potential targets for early intervention?,VABB-1,368,389,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301078,,"V. DIFFERENTIATING DEVELOPMENTAL TRAJECTORIES FOR CONDUCT, EMOTION, AND PEER PROBLEMS FOLLOWING EARLY DEPRIVATION",VABB-1,102,124,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301079,,VII. PHYSICAL GROWTH AND MATURATION FOLLOWING EARLY SEVERE INSTITUTIONAL DEPRIVATION: DO THEY MEDIATE SPECIFIC PSYCHOPATHOLOGICAL EFFECTS?,VABB-1,143,166,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301080,,Context-dependent dynamic processes in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder : differentiating common and unique effects of state regulation deficits and delay aversion,VABB-1,86,102,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301081,,Detecting Children With Arithmetic Disabilities From Kindergarten: Evidence From a 3-Year Longitudinal Study on the Role of Preparatory Arithmetic Abilities,VABB-1,250,268,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301082,,The Validity of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised in a Community Sample,VABB-1,334,346,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301083,,Role of the Left DLPFC in Endogenous Task Preparation: Experimental Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study,VABB-1,162,168,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301084,,"From nature versus nurture, via nature and nurture, to gene x environment interaction in mental disorders",VABB-1,199,210,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301104,,Enkele aspecten van 'minder bekende' procedures in onderwijsgeschillen voor de Raad van State,VABB-1,357,371,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301105,,Het meten van concentratie in (luchtvaart)netwerken : een analyse van verschillende indices,VABB-1,55,62,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301107,,Game over. Speltheorie en het ludieke experiment in Ivo Michiels’ Exit,VABB-1,241,261,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301112,,'Toegang tot minderjarige onderzoekssubjecten en het effect van ouderlijke toestemming: een explorerende analyse,VABB-1,95,99,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301113,,Clock reading: an underestimated topic in children with mathematics difficulties,VABB-1,351,360,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:301117,,The effect of individually defined physiotherapy in children with cerebral palsy (CP),VABB-1,519,525,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301120,,The Use of Interim Measures Issued by the European Court of Human Rights in Times of War or Internal Conflict,VABB-4,77,129,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301124,,Eeuwen van ambitie. De adel in laatmiddeleeuws Vlaanderen,VABB-2,,,338 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301125,,Girale en elektronische betalingen,VABB-1,518,537,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301136,,Mediastinoscopy vs endosonography for mediastinal nodal staging of lung cancer : a randomized trial,VABB-1,2245,2252,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301137,,Institutional and organizational issues in livestock services delivery in Bangladesh,VABB-1,111,125,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301139,,Consuming organic versus conventional vegetables : the effect on nutrient and contaminant intakes,VABB-1,3058,3066,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301145,,World War 2.0: Commemorating War and Holocaust in Poland Through Facebook,VABB-1,45,62,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301149,,De Wet Consumentenkoop. Enkele beschouwingen,VABB-1,545,548,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301152,,The role of interpersonal influence in families in understanding children's eating behavior,VABB-1,1267,1278,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301153,,Letting States off the Hook? The Paradox of the Legal Consequences following State Non-compliance with Provisional Measures in the Inter-American and European Human Rights Systems,VABB-1,332,360,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301155,,Vluchtelingen en de transformatie van het vreemdelingenbeleid in België (1860-1914).,VABB-1,345,381,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:301156,,"Vluchtelingenbeleid in de 19de en 20ste eeuw, een terugblik",VABB-1,299,312,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:301157,,Het bewogen ontstaan van een vluchtelingenbeleid (1918-1940).,VABB-1,383,413,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:301160,,Getrouwd met de vijand. Hoe na 1918 Duits-Belgische vrouwen van kamp konden wisselen,VABB-1,21,24,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301163,,"Jewish Refugee Aid Organizations in Belgium and the Netherlands and the Flight from Nazi Germany, 1938-1940",VABB-4,45,65,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301165,,From Milgram to Zimbardo: the double birth of postwar psychology/psychologization,VABB-1,156,175,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301167,,Radicalisering van corporate governance-regelgeving : remuneratie en transparantie na de wet van 6 april 2010,VABB-1,909,963,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301169,,Are Shareholders Rights Appealing to Foreign Shareholders?,VABB-4,629,644,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301170,,The Influence of Shareholders Rights on Shareholders Behavior,VABB-1,50,62,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301171,,Risk Management and Corporate Governance,VABB-3,,,242 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301172,,Risk Management in Financial Law,VABB-4,109,162,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301173,,"Risk Management Interconnections in Law, Accounting and Tax",VABB-4,191,231,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301176,,Are voluntary switches corrected repetitions?,VABB-1,1176,1181,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301177,,Agency and similarity effects and the VC's attitude towards academic spin-out investing,VABB-1,567,584,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301178,,Digital photographic archives for environmental and historical studies : an example from Ethiopia,VABB-1,185,207,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301179,,Between a rock and a hard place : the ombudsman between administrative and judicial appeal procedures,VABB-1,147,171,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:301183,,Something is Rotten on the Stage of Flanders. Postdramatic Shakespeare in Contemporary Flemish Theatre,VABB-1,437,448,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301186,,The legal construction of Policy towards Aliens prior to 1933,VABB-4,193,206,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301187,,"Refugees from Nazi Germany and the Development of Refugee Policies, 1933-1937",VABB-4,207,243,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301188,,"From Kristallnacht to War, November 1938-August 1939",VABB-4,276,312,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301189,,Conclusions,VABB-4,313,324,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:301190,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301191,,The internal anticipation of sensory action effects: When action induces FFA and PPA activity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301192,,Brain areas consistently linked to individual differences in perceptual decision-making in younger as well as older adults before and after training,VABB-1,2147,2158,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:301193,,Experience-Dependent Plasticity of White-Matter Microstructure in Younger and Older Adulthood.,VABB-1,3878,3883,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301194,,Reduced thickness in medial orbitofrontal cortex in smokers,VABB-1,1061,1065,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301195,,Dissociating mental states related to doing nothing by means of fMRI pattern classification,VABB-1,1294,1300,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301198,,Tastend door een donkere tunnel : het autobiografische universum van Assia Djebar,VABB-1,83,95,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:301199,,La bataille des mémoires. Herinneringen aan de Slag om Algiers in Historia Magazine,VABB-1,141,154,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301200,,Chain networks as a leverage for innovation capacity : the case of food SMEs,VABB-1,279,294,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301202,,The hatred of democracy revisited,VABB-4,11,18,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301203,,"""Sorry, aber das ist doch wohl völlig egal, oder?"" Zur Pragmatik der Indifferenz anhand des Partikelgebrauchs in Indifferenzausdrücken",VABB-4,327,344,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:301204,,Hollywood vs. Localiteit. Het ongelijke aanbod van Amerikaanse en Europese film in de jaren dertig in Gent,VABB-1,60,79,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301210,,Restoring reputations in times of crisis: An experimental study of the Situational Crisis Communication Theory and the moderating effects of locus of control,VABB-1,256,262,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301212,,European consumers' acceptance of beef processing technologies : a focus group study,VABB-1,721,732,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301213,,De finaal-neolithische(?) vindplaats van Hertsberge ‘Papenvijvers 3’,VABB-1,81,85,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301215,,"Evergem-Nest, Mesolithic habitation in the harbour of Ghent: a preliminary report",VABB-1,23,28,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301216,,"Continued geoarchaeological research at the Moervaart palaeolake area (East Flanders, Belgium): preliminary results",VABB-1,55,61,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301221,,Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorders in Flemish Day-Care Centres with the Checklist for Early Signs of Developmental Disorders,VABB-1,1247,1258,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301222,,Empathy and Social Support Provision in Couples: Social Support and the Need to Study the Underlying Processes,VABB-1,259,284,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301223,,A multi-modal approach to the study of attachment-related distress,VABB-1,149,162,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301224,,Consumer reactions to foods with nutrition and health claims,VABB-1,5,8,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301225,,Lexical Access Problems Lead to Disfluencies in Speech,VABB-1,169,177,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301226,,Direct analysis of the central panel of the so-calledWyts triptych after Jan van Eyck,VABB-1,1210,1219,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301228,,Altered spontaneous low frequency brain activity in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder,VABB-1,134,143,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301229,,Priming associations between bodily sensations and catastrophic misinterpretations: Specific for panic disorder?,VABB-1,900,908,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301230,,The construct validity of the illness cognition questionnaire : the robustness of the three-factor structure across patients with chronic pain and chronic fatigue,VABB-1,90,96,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301231,,Parenting in families with a child with autism spectrum disorder and a typically developing child: Mothers' experiences and cognitions,VABB-1,661,669,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301232,,Looking out for danger: An attentional bias towards spatially predictable threatening stimuli,VABB-1,1150,1154,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301233,,Aversive conditioning under conditions of restricted awareness: Effects on spatial cueing,VABB-1,2336,2358,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301234,,On the costs and benefits of directing attention towards or away from threat-related stimuli: A classical conditioning experiment,VABB-1,692,697,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301235,,"Een (vroeg)mesolithische site op de Graanmarkt te Ninove (Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,113,119,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:301236,,"Een finaalneolitische potbeker op het Aquafintracé te Hansbeke (gemeente Nevele, provincie Oost-Vlaanderen)",VABB-1,81,85,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:301237,,Een finaalneolithisch graf (?) te Ranst Zevenbergen (Antwerpen),VABB-1,149,155,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:301238,,Towards a cognitive neuroscience of intentional action and non-action,VABB-1,189,193,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301239,,Sensitivity analysis of CFD coupled non-isothermal heat and moisture modelling,VABB-1,2485,2496,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301240,,"Working memory, response inhibition, and within-subject variability in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or reading disorder",VABB-1,366,379,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301241,,Keeping pain in mind: A motivational account of attention to pain,VABB-1,204,213,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301243,,Error monitoring in children with ADHD or reading disorder: An event-related potential study,VABB-1,176,185,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301244,,The role of motivation in distracting attention away from pain: An experimental study,VABB-1,229,234,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301245,,Children's catastrophic thinking about their pain predicts pain and disability 6 months later,VABB-1,90,96,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301246,,Parental Responses to Pain in High Catastrophizing Children: The Moderating Effect of Child Attachment,VABB-1,755,763,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301250,,The New GSP+ Benefi ciaries: Ticking the Box or Truly Consistent with ILO Findings?,VABB-1,663,681,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:301253,,Revolution in times of Eurosklerosis? The case of the first Lomé Convention,VABB-1,167,181,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:301254,,Beyond Market Access for Economic Development EU–Africa relations in transition,VABB-3,,,416 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:301255,,Economic Partnership Agreements between the EU and Africa: Beyond Free Trade?,VABB-4,3,20,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:301256,,The EU’s insistence on reciprocal trade with the ACP group: Economic interests in the driving seat?,VABB-4,38,64,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:301257,,Of potholes and roadblocks The difficult path to development relevant EPAs,VABB-4,361,372,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:301264,,Measuring for Knowledge: A Data-Driven Research Approach for eGovernment,VABB-1,227,236,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301272,,Flexicurity in Belgium : a reform proposal based on economic principles,VABB-1,361,372,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301279,,L’action en cessation vise toute atteinte au droit d’auteur. Qu’est-ce à dire?,VABB-1,330,336,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301280,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie). April 2010,VABB-1,364,376,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301285,,"Meurtre politique, guerre civile et catharsis littéraire au XIIe siècle : les émotions dans l'oeuvre de Guibert de Nogent et de Galbert de Bruges",VABB-4,225,254,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:301286,,Living room vs concert hall patterns of music consumption in flanders,VABB-1,185,207,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301287,,Patriotism of Tomorrow? The Commemoration and Popularization of the Warsaw Rising Through Comics,VABB-1,46,65,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301288,,The Resource-Service-System Model for Service Science,VABB-5,117,126,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301290,,Les liens entre philosophie et religion dans quelques Scripta Minora de Franz Cumont,VABB-5,97,110,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:301294,,Reliability of the qualitative and semiquantitative nailfold videocapillaroscopy assessment in a systemic sclerosis cohort : a two-centre study,VABB-1,1092,1096,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301295,,Towards an integral and integrated drug policy : pearls and pitfalls,VABB-4,239,262,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301296,,"Patterns of drug use before, during and after detention : a review of epidemiological literature",VABB-4,227,255,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:301298,,Met velen aan tafel: goede voorbeelden van een integraal en geïntegreerd drugsbeleid,VABB-1,54,71,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301302,,"Sozialwissenschaften, Geschichte und Rechtswissenschaft",VABB-4,331,375,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:301305,,Double talent in reverse : Charlotte Mutsaers (1942),VABB-4,165,168,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301306,,Switch performance in peripherally and centrally triggered saccades,VABB-1,243,248,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301307,,Hippocampal contribution to early and later stages of implicit motor sequence learning,VABB-1,795,807,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301308,,Beyond bureaucracy : ritual mediation in late antiquity,VABB-4,231,246,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301310,,"Implementing the truce : negotiations between the republic and the archducal Netherlands, 1609-10",VABB-1,817,833,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301312,,The output and input dimension of the European representation in the G20,VABB-1,141,154,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301314,,Ernst Grosse and the 'Ethnological method' in art theory,VABB-1,302,312,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301317,,Eu agencies : does the Meroni doctrine make sense?,VABB-1,281,305,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301319,,Methodology for assessing determinants of manure use in urban areas of Africa,VABB-1,1076,1086,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301321,,Is it still possible to recover Fichte’s reflexions about education? Notes on Fichte’s aphorisms on education (1804),VABB-4,151,160,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301322,,Brain regions involved in the learning and application of reward rules in a two-deck gambling taskless in a two-deck gambling task,VABB-1,1438,1446,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301323,,Further evidence for temporal decay in working memory,VABB-1,1302,1317,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:301324,,Salience maps in parietal cortex : imaging and computational modeling,VABB-1,1005,1014,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301325,,Geometric and featural representations in semantic concepts,VABB-1,962,968,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301326,,Persisting activation in voluntary task switching: it all depends on the instructions,VABB-1,381,386,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301327,,Theta burst stimulation dissociates attention and action updating in human inferior frontal cortex,VABB-1,13966,13971,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301328,,"Dyscalculie : getal-, taal-, en ruimte-interacties als basis van numerieke cognitie",VABB-1,55,62,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301329,,Expertise doordacht : reflectie via klimaatanalyse,VABB-1,72,82,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301330,,Construct validity of the assessment of balance in children who are developing typically and in children with hearing impairments,VABB-1,1783,1794,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301331,,Unconscious task application,VABB-1,999,1006,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301334,,Quantification methods for Bacillus cereus vegetative cells and spores in the gastrointestinal environment,VABB-1,202,210,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301335,,International business travel and the global economy : setting the context,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301340,,"Cognitive control in cued task switching with transition cues : cue processing, task processing, and cue–task transition congruency",VABB-1,1916,1935,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301342,,The role of executive control in task switching,VABB-4,35,47,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301345,,El infinitivo flexionado gallego : ¿entre portugués y castellano?,VABB-1,415,442,,spa,2010,1 c:vabb:301346,,Het nut van intra-articulaire injecties met corticoïden en hyaluronzuur in de aanpak van artrose,VABB-1,39,44,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301347,,De kroon op het werk,VABB-1,93,110,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301351,,Costs of terminal patients who receive palliative care or usual care in different hospital wards,VABB-1,1365,1369,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301352,,Non deerit etiam in hac… : some thoughts on reading and writing literature in the fourth century,VABB-1,11,27,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:301353,,The Rise of Self-Determination Versus the Rise of Democracy,VABB-1,981,996,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301354,,Le génocidaire parle : mise en texte et mise en scène chez J. Hatzfeld et G. Gatore,VABB-4,197,211,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:301355,,"Reconstructing environmental changes since the Last Glacial Maximum(LGM) in the Geba basin, Northern Ethiopia, by geomorphic process interpretation and land management evaluation",VABB-4,9,26,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301356,,World city networks and global commodity chains : towards a world-system's integration,VABB-1,15,41,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301358,,The distractor frequency effect in picture–word interference : evidence for response exclusion,VABB-1,878,891,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301360,,"Welzijn in Vlaanderen : beleid, bestuurlijke organisatie en uitdagingen",VABB-2,,,245 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301363,,"'Nuestro Dios vive, el de ellos está muerto' : el lugar de la disputa sobre el ateísmo en las lecciones sobre doctrina de la ciencia de 1810",VABB-4,475,484,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:301365,,Dyscalculie in fa #,VABB-1,64,77,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301366,,"Listening to yourself is like listening to others : external, but not internal, verbal self-monitoring is based on speech perception",VABB-1,347,374,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301370,,Morphophonological and conceptual effects on Dutch subject-verb agreement,VABB-1,728,748,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301374,,Notes on the 'later' poems of Boris Ryzhii,VABB-1,97,111,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301375,,A Cavalier King Charles dog with shadow chasing : clinical recovery and normalization of the dopamine transporter binding after clomipramine treatment,VABB-1,345,349,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301376,,Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus),VABB-4,791,826,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:301377,,World cities and global commodity chains : an introduction,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301379,,To frame the unframable : quantifying irregular migrants’ presence,VABB-4,97,114,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301380,,Hyperimitation of actions is related to reduced understanding of others' minds in autism spectrum conditions,VABB-1,1148,1155,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301383,,The carbon origin of structural carbonate in bone apatite of cremated bones,VABB-1,578,586,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301385,,Searching for unpublished trials in Cochrane reviews may not be worth the effort,VABB-1,838,844,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:301394,,Evaluatie van de psychometrische eigenschappen van de Rosenberg zelfwaardeschaal in een poliklinisch psychiatrische populatie,VABB-1,307,317,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301396,,Sorrow shared is sorrow halfed : neural correlates of emotional synchrony,VABB-1,368,374,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:301398,,"Municipal amalgamations in the low countries : same problems, different solutions",VABB-1,803,822,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301401,,Het Spector-arrest van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie en het vermoeden van gebruik van voorkennis : een zegen voor de (administratieve) handhaving van handel met voorkennis?,VABB-1,367,385,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301403,,Het spoor van de psychoanalyse : een schuinse pas ten aanzien van alle mogelijke aanpassing,VABB-1,229,239,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301406,,Les masses vulgaires et les intelligences élevées. Les agents de la vie religieuse dans Lux perpetua et leur interaction,VABB-5,63,81,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:301407,,"Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine during pregnancy in Burkina Faso : effect of adding a third dose to the standard two-dose regimen on low birth weight, anaemia and pregnancy outcomes",VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301411,,Evaluation of rice markets integration in Bangladesh,VABB-1,77,96,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301413,,Biography and fictionality in the Greek literary tradition : introduction,VABB-1,3,10,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301414,,Beelden van vertrouwen: het vertrouwen in politie en justitie in perspectief geplaatst (locomotieftekst).,VABB-1,7,20,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301415,,Networks of European cities in worlds of global economic and environmental change,VABB-1,37,49,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301425,,No genetics without epigenetics? No biology without systems biology? On the meaning of a relational viewpoint in a complex account of living systems,VABB-1,305,317,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:301428,,Researching gender : the challenge of global diversity today,VABB-1,25,37,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301436,,Conceptualizing digital and physical connectivity : the position of European cities in Internet backbone and air traffic flows,VABB-1,417,429,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301442,,"Crime, victimisation and urbanisation in Belgium: a descriptive analysis of frequently occurring crime",VABB-4,93,119,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301443,,Oorzaken van het met mijden van onveilige situaties bij mannen en vrouwen. Een contextuele analyse op basis van de 'collective efficacy'-theorie.,VABB-1,374,394,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301445,,The study of crime and insecurity in ecological settings: some persisting problems and recent developments.,VABB-4,21,38,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301447,,International business travel in the global economy,VABB-3,,,268 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301449,,Racisme van leerkrachten in de klas : een exploratief onderzoek naar de betekenis en perceptie van racisme bij leerkrachten door hun autochtone en allochtone leerlingen,VABB-1,330,353,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301452,,"Perceived participation, experiences from persons with spinal cord injury in their transition period from hospital to home",VABB-1,346,355,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301455,,Men kan niet eén worden : over het lichaam tussen taal en genot,VABB-1,127,141,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301457,,Evidence based policing : ook voor politie?,VABB-4,17,53,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301460,,Draagmoederschap : het internationaal privaatrecht uitgedaagd,VABB-1,172,180,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301462,,The tripartite model in childhood and adolescence : future directions for developmental research,VABB-1,174,180,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301464,,Do Unstructured Routines Modify The Link Between Social-Psychological Strain And Adolescent Offending?,VABB-1,221,235,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301465,,The differential impact of job isostrain and home-work interference on indicators of physical and mental health in women and men,VABB-1,1236,1244,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301477,,The attenuation of very low frequency brain oscillations in transitions from a rest state to active attention,VABB-1,191,198,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:301478,,Teachers’ Adaptations to Ethnic Minority Students in Belgium and England,VABB-4,119,144,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301479,,Predictability of oppositional defiant disorder and symptom dimensions in children and adolescents with ADHD combined type,VABB-1,2089,2100,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301480,,The holy grail of money laundering statistics : input and outcome of the Belgian AML system,VABB-4,143,168,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301481,,HF-rTMS treatment decreases psychomotor retardation in medication-resistant melancholic depression,VABB-1,684,687,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301482,,Right prefrontal HF-rTMS attenuates right amygdala processing of negatively valenced emotional stimuli in healthy females,VABB-1,450,455,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301484,,Passively viewing negatively valenced baby faces attenuates left amygdala activity in healthy females scoring high on 'Harm Avoidance',VABB-1,97,101,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301485,,How do Russian depositors discipline their banks ? Evidence of a backward bending deposit supply function,VABB-1,36,61,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301487,,Depression-related attentional bias : the influence of symptom severity and symptom specificity,VABB-1,1044,1052,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301488,,Attentional bias training in depression : therapeutic effects depend on depression severity,VABB-1,265,274,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301489,,Stop what you are not doing! Emotional pictures interfere with the task not to respond,VABB-1,699,703,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301490,,Understanding vulnerability for depression from a cognitive neuroscience perspective : a reappraisal of attentional factors and a new conceptual framework,VABB-1,50,70,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301491,,Generalization versus contextualization in automatic evaluation,VABB-1,683,701,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301494,,Emotional lability in children and adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) : clinical correlates and familial prevalence,VABB-1,915,923,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301496,,Separation of cognitive impairments in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder into 2 familial factors,VABB-1,1159,1167,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301500,,Policing in Europe,VABB-3,,,360 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301507,,De empirische wending in het vrije wil debat : over de bijdrage van de experimentele filosofie,VABB-1,14,26,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301509,,Case-control genome-wide association study of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,906,920,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301510,,Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder,VABB-1,884,897,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:301511,,Identifying loci for the overlap between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder using a genome-wide QTL linkage approach,VABB-1,675,685,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301517,,Politie in de maatschappij : bakens voor de toekomst : de kerk in het midden houden,VABB-1,54,64,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301518,,Fraudebestrijding in België anno 2010 : quo vadis?,VABB-1,7,16,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301519,,Relevance of the Tripartite Dimensions of Affect for Anxiety and Depression in youth : examining sex and psychopathology status,VABB-1,935,948,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301521,,Neu vernetz : Yoko Tawadas 'Bioskoop der Nacht' auf Niederländisch,VABB-1,535,553,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301525,,Commodity chains and world cities,VABB-3,,,208 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301539,,Les études de renseignement en Belgique : un état de la question provisoire,VABB-1,145,149,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:301546,,Patient and clinician perceptions of therapeutic alliance as predictors of improvement in depression,VABB-1,378,385,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301547,,The validity and structure of culture-level personality scores : data from ratings of young adolescents,VABB-1,815,838,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301548,,Delineating childhood autism spectrum symptoms from a maladaptive trait perspective,VABB-1,529,536,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301549,,Informatieverplichtingen in Vlaamse codex ruimtelijke ordening,VABB-1,810,821,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301550,,Inšušinak lu dārû! : lawsuits in Old-Babylonian Susa,VABB-1,27,48,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301553,,Noot : over de betwisting van de ereloonstaat van de deskundige en de taxatie door de rechter,VABB-1,44,48,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301555,,De ontstaans- en drukgeschiedenis van een vroege novelle van Cyriel Buysse,VABB-1,7,40,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301556,,"Forgotten transnational connections and national contexts : an 'entangled history' of the political transfers that shaped Belgian feminism, 1890-1914",VABB-1,503,522,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301557,,European union accession policy,VABB-4,166,176,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301558,,"Legal cultures, legal paradigms and legal doctrine : towards a new model for comparative law",VABB-4,291,332,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301559,,Epistemological perspectives in jurisprudence,VABB-4,187,204,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301564,,De criminosofie van fiscale fraude : who is John Galt?,VABB-1,103,114,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301567,,Consumer arbitration in the EU : a forced marriage with incompatible expectations,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301571,,Rewiring strategies for changing environments,VABB-1,45,53,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301577,,Which maturity is being measured? A classification of business process maturity models,VABB-5,7,16,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301578,,Transforming standard process models to decentralized autonomous entities,VABB-5,97,106,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301581,,Aandeelhoudersactivisme in goede en slechte economische tijden : aanwezigheid van aandeelhouders op de algemene vergadering van Belgische beursgenoteerde vennootschappen,VABB-1,43,79,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301588,,Chronique de jurisprudence communautaire citoyenneté européenne et droits sociaux (1er janvier 2007-31 décembre 2008),VABB-1,747,808,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:301589,,Europees consumentenrecht en arbitrage,VABB-1,1321,1382,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301595,,The socio-economic distribution of health-related occupational stressors among wage-earners in a post-fordist labour market,VABB-1,14,29,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301598,,Experimentally generated footprints in sand : analysis and consequences for the interpretation of fossil and forensic footprints,VABB-1,515,525,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301601,,Politiek-filosofische reflecties over de grensvervaging tussen leger en politie,VABB-1,17,24,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301607,,Asmat dress,VABB-4,471,478,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301613,,Blood flow of the Achilles tendon during military training,VABB-1,901,905,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301614,,L'Union européenne et la protection des minorités : une question de volonté politique,VABB-1,425,455,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:301619,,"Credit cards, overdraft facilities and European consumer protection : a blank cheque for unfairness?",VABB-1,1181,1241,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301620,,Oplettendheid niet altijd geboden : de verificatieverplichting van een financiële instelling bij de uitvoering van overschrijvingen,VABB-1,349,353,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:301626,,The autopoiesis of decisions in school organizations : conditions and consequences,VABB-4,289,302,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:301629,,Belgium : a tale of regional divergence,VABB-4,71,95,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301630,,De bevoegdheidsverdeling inzake niet-ioniserende stralingen : wie maakt de regels voor gsm-masten?,VABB-1,258,267,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:301639,,"Special investigation techniques, data processing and privacy protection in the jurisprudence of the European court of human rights",VABB-1,97,142,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301643,,The exploitation of business register data from a public sector information and data protection perspective : a case study,VABB-1,398,405,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301647,,The legal nature of the biodiversity provisions adopted by the Andean community,VABB-1,64,70,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301648,,Legitimacy issues in public participation in coastal decision making processes : case studies from Belgium and France,VABB-1,760,768,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301649,,Analogue switch-off vs digital switch-on : rethinking policy strategies in the digital television era,VABB-1,132,143,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301651,,Eeny meeny miny moe : who is the craftiest to go?,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301652,,De beperkte vertrouwdheid van vrederechters met het auteursrecht : een illustratie aan de hand van het publiek mededelingsrecht’,VABB-1,360,364,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301653,,De eerste rechtspraak van het hof van justitie en het gerecht van eerste aanleg inzake het gemeenschapsmodel,VABB-1,237,246,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301663,,"Linking credentialed skills, social class, working conditions and self-reported health : a focus on health inequality-generating mechanisms",VABB-1,948,964,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301673,,Breteau index threshold levels indicating risk for dengue transmission in areas with low Aedes infestation,VABB-1,173,175,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301677,,Encuesta poblacional sobre conocimientos y percepciones acerca de dengue contra practicas preventivas en el municipio Lisa,VABB-1,245,253,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:301679,,Referential CPs and DPs : an operator movement account,VABB-1,111,152,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301680,,"Noot bij EHRM, 8 december 2009, Aquilera Jiménez, Spanje",VABB-1,270,279,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301682,,Projected reduction in healthcare costs in Belgium after optimization of iodine intake : impact on costs related to thyroid nodular disease,VABB-1,1301,1306,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301689,,Communities of practice in inclusive education,VABB-1,345,355,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301691,,Is cheater/cooperator detection an in-group phenomenon? Some preliminary findings,VABB-1,10,14,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301694,,Economic opportunities and local governance on an African frontier. The case of the Semliki Valley (Congo‐Uganda),VABB-1,317,332,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:301697,,"Trans-reality television. The transgression of reality, genre, politics, and audience",VABB-3,,,332 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301705,,Cross-border crime inroads on integrity in Europe,VABB-3,,,417 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301706,,Blurring military and police roles,VABB-3,,,231 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301707,,The civil law effects of MiFID in a comparative law perspective,VABB-4,2621,2639,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301711,,Het grondwettelijk hof buiten spel gezet in naam van de rechtszekerheid,VABB-1,89,96,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301714,,"De bank als distributeur van ICB’s, adviseur van de belegger, en pandhouder van zijn effectenportefeuille : belangenconflict of alleen maar conflicterende belangen?",VABB-1,61,80,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301716,,"Secretaris, ontvanger en managementteam : heilige drievuldigheid of duivels trio?",VABB-1,53,64,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301717,,"Local government in Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia : towards more convergence or divergence in Belgium’s local government system?",VABB-4,14,29,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301720,,Reduced attentional blink for alcohol-related stimuli in heavy social drinkers,VABB-1,1349,1356,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301721,,"Anxiety not only increases, but also alters early error-monitoring functions",VABB-1,479,492,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301733,,Criterion distances and correlates of active transportation to school in Belgian older adolescents,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301734,,A way with words : recent advances in lexical theory and analysis : a festschrift for Patrick Hanks,VABB-3,,,384 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301735,,Revolutionizing bantu lexicography : a Zulu case study,VABB-1,161,201,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301736,,The Monolingual lusoga dictionary faced with demands from a new user category,VABB-1,326,350,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301737,,Getting to the bottom of how language works,VABB-4,3,34,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301741,,Mannerism and meaning in complexity and contradiction in architecture,VABB-1,267,282,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301744,,Kroniek : boekhoudrecht (mei 2009 - april 2010),VABB-1,307,330,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301750,,Over interestkapitalisatie en het uitdrukkelijk vorderen van moratoriumintresten bij het betwisten van de aanslag,VABB-1,971,980,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301753,,"Artikel 5,1 Brussel I-Verordening : het arrest Falco Privatstiftung en andere recente rechtspraak",VABB-1,852,859,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301754,,Reduced left subgenual anterior cingulate cortical activity during withdrawal-related emotions in melancholic depressed female patients,VABB-1,326,331,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301757,,Evaluative conditioning and conscious knowledge of contingencies : a correlational investigation with large samples,VABB-1,2313,2335,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301758,,Does the cortisol response to stress mediate the link between expressed emotion and oppositional behavior in attention-deficit/hyperactivity-disorder (ADHD)?,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301759,,Beyond psychologisation : the non-psychology of the Flemish novelist Louis Paul Boon,VABB-1,201,215,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301777,,Lugares de maravilla y de horror : la imagen de la casa en El palacio de la risa de Germán Marín y Una casa vacía de Carlos Cerda,VABB-1,,,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:301781,,Functional adaptation of knee cartilage in asymptomatic female novice runners compared to sedentary controls. A longitudinal analysis using delayed Gadolinium Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cartilage (dGEMRIC),VABB-1,1564,1569,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301783,,Gedane zaken nemen geen keer,VABB-1,956,959,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301784,,Performance evaluation of passive cooling in office buildings based on uncertainty and sensitivity analysis,VABB-1,1453,1467,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301791,,An analytical perspective on the study of crime at multiple levels,VABB-4,199,215,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301794,,"Minority specific determinants of mental well-being among lesbian, gay and bisexual youth",VABB-1,153,166,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301797,,Kroniek : Cyriel Buysse oktober 2009 - september 2010,VABB-1,191,200,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301802,,"Opheldering omtrent kredietverlening, aandeelhouders en discrete zekerheden",VABB-1,506,513,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301803,,Consumentenkrediet : richtlijn 2008/48/EG en de Belgische uitdaging,VABB-1,5,38,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:301806,,Rechtsplegingsvergoeding per gerechtelijke band : where will it all end?,VABB-1,888,894,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301822,,Begrijpend lezen beter begrepen : impact van een conceptueel model op de diagnostiek en therapie van begrijpend lezen,VABB-1,28,38,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301832,,Doen wiskundemethoden er toe?,VABB-1,26,36,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301833,,Metacognition and spelling performance in college students,VABB-4,367,394,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301834,,Stimulant drug effects on attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a review of the effects of age and sex of patients,VABB-1,2424,2433,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301835,,Trial-to-trial variability in evoked neural responses exhibits a very low frequency temporal signature a magnetoencephalography study,VABB-1,7,24,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301836,,ADHD And DAT1 : further evidence of paternal over-transmission of risk alleles and haplotype,VABB-1,97,102,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301837,,Gevraagd : betere informatie van de overheid over dreigende ontwikkelingen in het aanbod van drugs,VABB-1,18,31,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301840,,Criminal justice responses to drug offences : recidivism following the application of alternative sanctions in Belgium,VABB-1,550,560,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:301849,,Youth delinquents and mental complaints : a study with the revised Massachusetts youth screening instrument (MAYSI-2) with Flemish juvenile boys,VABB-1,138,142,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301850,,Angry facial expressions hamper subsequent target identification,VABB-1,727,732,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301851,,Processing efficiency in anxiety : evidence from eye-movements during visual search,VABB-1,1180,1185,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301853,,Being moved : valence activates approach-avoidance behavior independently of evaluation and approach-avoidance intentions,VABB-1,607,613,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301854,,The polygraph and the detection of deception,VABB-1,325,338,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301856,,Are children with ADHD predominantly inattentive and combined subtypes different in terms of aspects of everyday attention?,VABB-1,679,685,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301857,,"Eunethydis : a statement of the ethical principles governing the relationship between the European group for ADHD guidelines, and its members, with commercial for-profit organisations",VABB-1,737,739,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301858,,The effects of background white noise on memory performance in inattentive school children,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301859,,Early increase of radiation-induced gamma H2AX foci in a human Ku70/80 knockdown cell line characterized by an enhanced radiosensitivity,VABB-1,633,641,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301860,,Attentional avoidance of high-fat food in unsuccessful dieters,VABB-1,282,288,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301861,,Detecting concealed information with reaction times : validity and comparison with the polygraph,VABB-1,991,1002,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301863,,Expertise als sleutelfactor voor de integratie van landschap in ruimtelijk ontwerp in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,23,51,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301864,,Prevention of nosocomial infections in intensive care patients,VABB-1,251,256,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301866,,Modes of individualisation at cemeteries,VABB-1,?,?,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:301871,,Scientific communication : sociology journals and publication practices,VABB-1,559,576,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301883,,Towards a global integration and discussion of findings on the social ecology of crime,VABB-4,249,254,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301887,,Wavelet-based colour texture retrieval using the kullback-leibler divergence between bivariate generalized gaussian models,VABB-5,265,268,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:301890,,Constitutional diversity in Ethiopia : a comparative analysis of Ethiopia's regional constitutions,VABB-1,19,43,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301891,,Description of a large-scale study design to assess work-stress-disease associations for cardiovascular disease,VABB-1,293,312,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301892,,"Laryngeal systems in Dutch, English, and German : a contrastive phonological study on second and third language acquisition",VABB-1,403,424,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301893,,Estimate of total salt intake in two regions of Belgium through analysis of sodium in 24-h urine samples,VABB-1,1260,1265,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301894,,Quality of life measurement in the field of intellectual disabilities : eight principles for assessing quality of life-related personal outcomes,VABB-1,61,72,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301896,,The ‘struggle for life’ : Virginie Loveling (1836-1923),VABB-4,18,21,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301897,,Labor's second front : the foreign policy of the American and British trade union movements during the second world war,VABB-1,663,680,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301903,,The influence of n-3 PUFA supplements and n-3 PUFA enriched foods on the n-3 LC PUFA intake of flemish women,VABB-1,313,320,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301904,,Harmonisation of food categorisation systems for dietary exposure assessments among European children,VABB-1,1639,1651,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301908,,Belgisch socialisme en kolonisering : dépendance chacha?,VABB-1,5,27,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301909,,All is politics : fifty years of mobility history in Belgium,VABB-1,179,185,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:301910,,The multifaceted interplay between attention and multisensory integration,VABB-1,400,410,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301920,,Low vision affects dynamic stability of gait,VABB-1,547,551,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301922,,An empirical typology of perfectionism in early-to-mid adolescents and its relation with eating disorder symptoms,VABB-1,686,691,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301924,,The kinked demand curve and price rigidity : evidence from scanner data*,VABB-1,723,752,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301926,,Improving purchasing behavior predictions by data augmenting with situational variables,VABB-1,853,872,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301927,,An optimized workflow for processing airborne laserscan data in a GIS-based environment,VABB-5,163,167,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301929,,"'Le souci du pittoresque' : wielertoerisme en de bescherming van het landschap, 1895-1914",VABB-1,54,81,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:301930,,"Werkmanstreinen en de geboorte van de moderne pendelaar, 1870-1914",VABB-1,131,148,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:301936,,John Locke ou la traduction de l'entendement,VABB-4,311,346,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:301937,,"Turkey's profile in the G20 : emerging economy, middle power and bridge-builder",VABB-1,125,140,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301949,,Screening for eating pathology in the pediatric field,VABB-1,483,490,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301950,,Relations of dietary restraint and depressive symptomatology to loss of control over eating in overweight youngsters,VABB-1,587,596,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301952,,Tipping the balance : a longitudinal study of perceived 'pleasures' and 'pains' of cocaine use (1997-2009),VABB-4,35,54,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:301953,,Is vertically integrated contract poultry farming system paving the way of small-scale poultry farmers in Bangladesh?,VABB-1,77,84,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:301955,,Gender mainstreaming in European commission development policy in Asia : a transformative tool?,VABB-1,80,111,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301962,,Comparative in vivo forefoot kinematics of homo sapiens and pan paniscus,VABB-1,608,619,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:301966,,Noise-induced hearing loss from MP3 players reply,VABB-1,1280,1280,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301975,,Gerechtelijk recht kroniek 2007-2008 : rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Cassatie (1 oktober 2008 en 31 augustus 2009),VABB-1,870,892,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:301979,,"Artikel 55 Vl. W.Succ. in Belgisch, interregionaal en Europees perspectief",VABB-1,76,97,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:301983,,A compared R&D-based and patent-based cross impact analysis for identifying relationships between technologies,VABB-1,1037,1050,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301984,,Madonna or Don McLean? The effect of order of exposure on relative liking,VABB-1,442,451,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301986,,Better think before agreeing twice Mere agreement : a similarity-based persuasion mechanism,VABB-1,133,141,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:301994,,"Repairing the body, restoring the soul",VABB-1,325,340,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302006,,Direct shareholder suits for damages based on reflective loss,VABB-4,1537,1564,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302008,,Cadre théorique de l'orientation nodale dans la domaine de la sécurité appliquée à deux cas : le port d'Anvers et le commerce illégal de métaux précieus,VABB-1,79,84,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:302009,,Evidence based policing,VABB-3,,,378 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302011,,Conceptualising the role of police culture in change strategies,VABB-4,135,153,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302017,,Organisatorische uitdaging verbonden aan multiple community policing @ be,VABB-1,49,67,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302018,,Police and military : two worlds apart? : current challenges in the process of constabularisation of the armed forces and militarisation of the civilian police,VABB-4,11,27,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302025,,Wetenschap voor beleid of beleid voor wetenschap? Een analyse van 15 jaar politie en justitie onderzoek in België,VABB-1,11,39,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302033,,"Pleasure, pain and profit : European perspectives on drugs",VABB-3,,,154 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302036,,Verhaal van derde-betalers op de aansprakelijke als instrument voor de toerekening van ongevalsschade,VABB-1,7,92,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302043,,"Kapitalismus, Staat, Zivilgesellschaft und Strafgesetzgebung in der Spätmoderne",VABB-1,129,142,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:302046,,Willem Bonger,VABB-4,58,61,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302054,,"Friedman, positive economics, and the Chicago Boys",VABB-4,175,195,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302059,,Maakt de buurt het verschil? : een sociaal pedagogische kijk,VABB-1,5,21,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302060,,Militarisering en constabularisering : groeien politie en krijgsmacht naar elkaar toe?,VABB-1,5,16,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302063,,De vereisten voor de wijziging van huwelijksvermogensstelsels : boedelbeschrijving : bekendmaking : toepassingen en gevolgen,VABB-1,2,30,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302068,,MRI-based attenuation correction for PET/MRI using ultrashort echo time sequences,VABB-1,812,818,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302069,,Te handhaven bepalingen in Europese richtlijnen : casus van de afvalstoffenrichtlijnen,VABB-1,382,411,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302074,,Cosmopolitanism in relation to the self and the other : from Michel Foucault to Stanley Cavell,VABB-1,449,467,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302077,,"Discourse, critique and ethnography : class-oriented coding in accounts of child protection",VABB-4,251,266,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302080,,State intervention and technologization and regulation of parenting,VABB-1,265,270,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302088,,Woordvorming in onomasiologisch perspectief : een case study uit het Nederlands,VABB-1,71,91,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302089,,Educational research : the ethics and aesthetics of statistics,VABB-3,,,"IX, 200 p.",eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302094,,Separate rooms : Luis García Montero and the reading of experience,VABB-1,187,201,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302097,,Copernican revolutions revisited in Adam Smith by way of David Hume,VABB-1,213,248,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302098,,De bestraffing van de collaboratie na de Tweede Wereldoorlog : beeldvorming en onderzoek,VABB-1,55,92,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:302108,,"Review of G.A.J. Rogers, Tom Sorrell and Jill Kraye (eds.), insiders and outsiders in seventeenth-century philosophy",VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302109,,Modelling imperfect time intervals in a two-dimensional space,VABB-1,983,1010,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302114,,"Het hof neemt een correcte beslissing aangaande de toepasbaarheid van de artikelen 208 en 209 WIB 1992, maar baseert deze beslissing op een verkeerd begrip van artikel 210 § 1, 2° WIB 1992 : noot onder Antwerpen 23 december 2008",VABB-1,76,80,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302123,,De aftrek als beroepskost van fiscale en niet-fiscale administratieve geldboeten : noot onder Antwerpen 23 juni 2009,VABB-1,138,147,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302128,,Legal historians I have known : a personal memoir,VABB-1,253,299,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302131,,"Thérèse, Ferrand, Isabelle et leurs époux. Les alliances matrimoniales portugaises des comtes et comtesses de Flandre (1184-1526)",VABB-1,127,136,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:302146,,Il contributo della cartografia storica per lo studio delle divisioni agrarie nella bassa valle del Potenza nel Piceno,VABB-1,375,393,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:302154,,Tort law and probabilistic litigation : how to apply multipliers to address the problem of negative value suits,VABB-1,236,243,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302155,,Developing indicators for sustainable entrepreneurship in Flemish agriculture,VABB-5,602,610,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302166,,DCD + Leerstoornis : één + één is meer dan twee,VABB-1,28,35,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:302167,,"Social mix and passive revolution : a neo-gramscian analysis of the social mix rhetoric in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,181,200,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302174,,"De oorkonden der graven van Vlaanderen (juli 1128 - sept. 1191), regering van Filips van de Elzas, tweede deel : 1177-1191",VABB-2,,,457 p.,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:302177,,The main determinants of subjective well-being : a quest for the holy grail? : can governments enhance the percieved quality of life?,VABB-4,193,219,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302180,,Before the mining begins : an enquiry into the data for performance measurement in the public sector,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302188,,La cour de Malines au bas moyen âge (1477-1530) : un laboratoire de recherche sur le 'gender'?,VABB-4,11,24,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:302190,,Copyright abolition and attribution,VABB-1,1063,1080,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302194,,International court of justice judgement on the paper mill permit dispute between Argentina and Uruguay recognizes the requirement of environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context,VABB-1,263,269,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302213,,"Von der Materialität der Kommunikation zur Medienanthropologie : Aufsätze zur Methodologie der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, 1977-2009 / K. Ludwig Pfeiffer",VABB-3,,,344 p.,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:302215,,Einleitung : zwischen Symposion und Symptomatologie,VABB-4,11,15,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:302216,,Simulation modelling and risk assessment as tools to identify the impact of climate change on microbiological food safety : the case study of fresh produce supply chain,VABB-1,1925,1935,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302218,,Food safety performance indicators to benchmark food safety output of food safety management systems,VABB-1,180,187,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302224,,Activist hedge funds and legal strategy devices,VABB-4,277,292,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302227,,De erfovereenkomst is niet langer strijdig met de openbare orde : een nieuw mijlpaalarrest inzake successieplanning,VABB-1,126,146,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302231,,Teste Quintiliano : Jean de Salisbury et Quintilien – un exemple de la crise des autorités au XIIe siècle,VABB-4,155,170,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:302237,,A typology of mixed bilateral agreements,VABB-4,11,29,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302239,,Law and practice of EU External Relations : salient features of a changing landscape,VABB-3,,,484 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302248,,The importance of international developments in the case-law of the European court of justice : Kadi and the autonomy of the EC legal order,VABB-4,187,201,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302249,,Handhaving in havens tegen de achtergrond van het ‘nodal governance’-model : de positie van de politie in een netwerksamenleving,VABB-4,87,100,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302250,,De Delacroix à Kandinsky : l'orientalisme en Europe,VABB-3,,,316 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:302251,,Impact of IPSAS on reforming governmental financial information systems : a comparative study,VABB-1,537,554,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302253,,Can resource dependence and coercive isomorphism explain nonprofit organizations' compliance with reporting standards?,VABB-1,5,32,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:302254,,Police officers’ views and fears about some criminals’ threatening reactions to police investigations,VABB-4,169,184,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302256,,"Trois clercs de chancellerie hennuyers au service des comtes de Hainaut, Hollande et Zélande (1299-1345) : au centre d’une réforme administrative?",VABB-1,313,342,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:302260,,Chain member perception of chain performance : the role of relationship quality,VABB-1,27,49,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302262,,Im Banne des Orients : Motive und Erscheinungsformen einer künstlerischen Strömung,VABB-4,14,33,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:302270,,"The ENP, security and democracy in the context of the European security strategy",VABB-4,73,88,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302281,,Going beyond the bounds of possibility : questioning the delimitation of the social in social work,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302295,,De opgeworpen rechtbank der publieke opinie. Het tijdschrift en de geschiedenis van de publieke opinie,VABB-1,54,75,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:302304,,"A quantitative analysis of the morphology, morphophonology and semantic import of the Lusoga noun",VABB-1,97,153,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302309,,Vegetarians or Carnivores? : standards of living and diet in late medieval Flanders,VABB-4,495,527,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302325,,'Vivre noblement' hier et aujourd’hui,VABB-1,339,348,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:302326,,De culturele identiteit van de Belgische adel : taalkennis en taalgebruik in de 19de en de 20ste eeuw,VABB-1,541,556,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:302329,,Een belvedère aan de Schelde : paviljoen de Notelaer in Hingene (1792-1797),VABB-3,,,574 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302331,,"Philosophical relations, natural relations and philosophic decisionism in belief in the external world : comments on P. J. E. Kail, 'projection and realism in Hume’s philosophy'",VABB-1,67,76,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302353,,"Credit and rural economy in North-Western Europe, c. 1200-c. 1800",VABB-3,,,196 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302358,,Les verbes attributifs : inventaire(s) et statut(s),VABB-1,79,113,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:302363,,Child soldiers,VABB-4,638,644,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302365,,Right and access to healthcare for undocumented children : addressing the gap between international conventions and disparate implementations in North America and Europe,VABB-1,329,336,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302377,,Contemporary strategies in combating microbial contamination in food chain,VABB-1,S29,S42,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302378,,Quantification of the emetic toxin cereulide in food products by LC-MS using synthetic cereulide as a standard,VABB-1,7466,7472,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302380,,Intracellular pH in campylobacter jejuni when treated with aqueous chlorine dioxide,VABB-1,325,328,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:302381,,"Survival of lactic acid and chlorine dioxide treated campylobacter jejuni under suboptimal conditions of pH, temperature and modified atmosphere",VABB-1,S140,S146,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302382,,The development of escherichia coli and listeria monocytogenes variants resistant to high-pressure carbon dioxide inactivation,VABB-1,653,656,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302383,,Antiglobalization movement,VABB-4,55,61,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302385,,The management of professional roles during boundary work in child welfare,VABB-1,348,357,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302388,,Mortgaged dreams : the economics of seduction in J. A. Bardem's Calle Mayor,VABB-1,17,32,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302430,,"A latere principis : le Conseil Suprême des Pays-Bas et de Bourgogne sous Philippe II, 1588-1598",VABB-1,1085,1104,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:302454,,Fill in the Gaps : EU sanctioning requirements to improve member state enforcement of EU environmental law,VABB-1,135,162,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302458,,ориентаОсновы обновленной Европейской стратегии безопасности,VABB-1,105,120,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:302461,,Odd couple or dynamic duo? The EU and strategy in times of crisis,VABB-1,367,384,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302464,,Comparison of a food frequency questionnaire with an online dietary assessment tool for assessing preschool children's dietary intake,VABB-1,502,510,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302472,,The European Union as a security actor : cooperative multilateralism,VABB-1,12,17,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302484,,How accurate are adolescents in portion-size estimation using the computer tool young adolescents' nutrition assessment on computer (YANA-C)?,VABB-1,1844,1850,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302502,,Los fundamentos ontológicos en el trabajo de Renato Prada Oropeza y la importancia de integrarlos en traductología,VABB-1,97,113,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:302513,,The educational work of Catholic women religious in the 19th and 20th centuries : a historiographical survey,VABB-1,529,549,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:302525,,'Candy darling',VABB-1,191,207,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302530,,De psychoanalytische blik van François Truffaut in l'enfant sauvage,VABB-1,90,102,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:302555,,Revue critique de fixxion française contemporaine. Le projet,VABB-1,1,4,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:302561,,Micro-scopies,VABB-1,3,11,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302591,,Les drogues en milieu carcéral : une étude qualitative chez les détenus de la prison de Gand,VABB-1,9,16,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:302593,,The compatibility of 'temporary nature' with European nature conservation law,VABB-1,106,131,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302597,,Series introduction,VABB-4,11,15,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302598,,The Low countries 1750-2000,VABB-4,169,198,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302603,,Dionysos on lekythoi : a surprising presence?,VABB-1,37,43,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302606,,Long-term outcomes of aftercare participation following various forms of drug abuse treatment in Scotland,VABB-1,703,728,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302615,,Longer breastfeeding is associated with increased lower body explosive strength during adolescence,VABB-1,1989,1995,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302626,,"Abuses of dominant position, intellectual property rights and monopolization in EU competition law : some thoughts on a possible course of action",VABB-4,169,188,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302629,,De nieuwe kleren van de filosoof : over het nut en nadeel van experimentele filosofie,VABB-1,60,69,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302632,,"Effect of diet, sex and age on fatty acid metabolism in broiler chickens : n-3 and n-6 PUFA",VABB-1,189,197,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302633,,"Effect of diet, sex and age on fatty acid metabolism in broiler chickens : SFA and MUFA",VABB-1,204,213,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302634,,River bed changing in the Lower Potenza Valley (Mid-Adriatic Italy). A geo-archaeological approach to historical documents,VABB-1,83,98,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:302638,,The struggle for life: Virginie Loveling (1836-1923),VABB-4,18,21,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302642,,Learning localization through Trans-Atlantic collaboration : bridging the gap between professions,VABB-1,401,411,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302644,,I blackberried him twice and skyped him a happy father's day : a propos des (nouveaux) verbes de communication : une étude contrastive basée sur corpus,VABB-1,285,306,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302645,,Modale partikels en vertaling,VABB-1,18,29,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302647,,Van Delacroix tot Kandinsky : oriëntalisme in Europa,VABB-3,,,316 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302655,,Oriëntalisme : een chronologie (1798-1914),VABB-4,226,273,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302657,,Orientalismus in Europa : von Delacroix bis Kandinsky,VABB-3,,,311 p.,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:302659,,In de ban van het Oosten : motieven en verschijningsvormen van een artistieke stroming,VABB-4,14,33,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302660,,Sous le charme de l'Orient : les tropismes d'un courant artistique,VABB-4,14,33,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:302661,,Heating up or cooling up the brain? MEG evidence that phrasal verbs are lexical units,VABB-1,189,201,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302665,,Orientalismus : eine Chronologie (1798-1914),VABB-4,226,273,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:302671,,How false friends give true hints about pragmatic markers,VABB-1,129,138,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302672,,Archaeology of a Roman landscape in central Portugal,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302673,,A Monte Carlo model for simulating insufficiently remunerating risk premium : case of market failure in organic farming,VABB-5,76,89,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302696,,Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and competitive politics,VABB-5,149,166,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:302698,,Blur the boundaries! Policing in contemporary peace operations,VABB-4,79,110,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302699,,Militarisering van politiefuncties in postconflictgebieden : is er een plaats voor de civiele politie bij gemengde vredesoperaties?,VABB-1,71,82,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302707,,Determinants of syntactic variation in original and translated language : a corpus-based study of PP placement in German,VABB-1,59,76,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302708,,"Lodewijk XIV als spelverdeler in de Spaanse successie, 1707-1708",VABB-1,281,319,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302711,,Home-ownership and asset-based welfare : the case of Belgium,VABB-1,243,262,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302713,,The Lord's resistance army : myth and reality,VABB-3,,,356 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302714,,Ethnographic fieldwork : a beginner’s guide,VABB-2,,,94 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302716,,Language and movement in space,VABB-4,366,385,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302718,,Quality evidence important for quality guidelines,VABB-1,1449,1450,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302731,,"EHRM, Aksu t. Turkije : 27 juli 2010",VABB-1,1380,1390,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302732,,"Motivated consumer innovativeness : concept, measurement, and validation",VABB-1,308,318,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302733,,Attitudes toward the extension and parent brand in response to extension advertising,VABB-1,1237,1244,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302734,,Patents and access to drugs in developing countries : an ethical analysis,VABB-4,297,314,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302737,,Fragile states and the international response : in pursuit of security and development,VABB-1,3,8,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302738,,From conflict to development diamonds : the Kimberley process,VABB-1,79,96,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302741,,LADO practices in the Belgian asylum procedure,VABB-4,113,131,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302742,,Negotitated peace for extortion : the case of Walikale territory in eastern DR Congo,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:302744,,Beyond the dative alternation : the semantics of the Dutch aan-dative,VABB-4,271,303,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302756,,Four centuries of Dutch-American relations : 1609-2009,VABB-3,,,1190 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302759,,Dutch perceptions of American culture and promotion of dutch culture in the United States,VABB-4,431,441,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302765,,The Abhidharma school in China and the Chinese version of Upasanta's *Abhidharmahrdayasutra,VABB-1,49,69,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:302773,,A round peg in a square hole? the sikkatu in Old Babylonian Susa,VABB-1,121,143,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302774,,"From Susa to Sippar : the travels of two bulls, a mountain and a tree",VABB-1,11,27,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302777,,Transforming Gendered Well-Being: The Impact of Social Movements,VABB-3,,,240 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302779,,ICT4D in de informatiesamenleving – Oude wijn in nieuwe zakken,VABB-1,400,404,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:302781,,"An Experimental Approach to the Joint Effects of Relations with Partner, Friends and Parents on Happiness",VABB-1,629,645,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302782,,The algebra of sleepiness: investigating the interaction of homeostatic (S) and circadian (C) processes in sleepiness using linear metrics”,VABB-1,541,559,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302784,,Cross-national comparability of the WHOQOL-BREF: A measurement invariance approach,VABB-1,219,224,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302787,,"Intellectual Property Rights, Resources Allocation, and Ethical Usefulness",VABB-4,3188,3198,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302788,,Prevalence of posttraumatic stress and emotional and behavioral problems among Israeli adolescents facing ongoing terror.,VABB-1,117,144,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302789,,The influence of ICSI on family functioning and 8-year-old children’s socio-emotional development. (under revision for resubmission).,VABB-1,1480,1487,-,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302791,,The Belgian e-ID and its complex path to implementation and innovational change,VABB-1,27,41,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302792,,A Eurosceptic vision in a europhile country: The case of the Lega Nord,VABB-1,63,75,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302793,,Landscapes as a symbol of nationhood: the Alps in the rhetoric of the Lega Nord,VABB-1,354,373,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302795,,A comparison of Web-based and face-to-face Functional Measurement experiments.,VABB-1,490,508,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302796,,Posttraumatic stress among Palestinian adolescents in the Gaza Strip: An analysis of event-related and demographic factors,VABB-1,32,55,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302797,,"The New Triangle of Power: China, the United States, and the European Union",VABB-4,295,314,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302798,,Defending National Identity and Interests: The Lega Nord's Asymmetric Model of Globalisation,VABB-1,221,233,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302800,,Stadsvernieuwing en utopie in Brussel: van ideaal naar realiseerbaar?,VABB-1,187,203,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:302802,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Maart - mei 2010,VABB-1,167,170,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302803,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. November - december 2010,VABB-1,67,73,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302809,,Jongerencriminaliteit in Maastricht en omgeving (1798-1821),VABB-1,53,77,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302810,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Juli – Augustus 2010,VABB-1,301,306,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302811,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. September – Oktober 2010,VABB-1,349,354,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302812,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Mei - juni 2010,VABB-1,219,225,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:302815,,WWW image searching delivers high precision and no misinformation: reality or ideal?,VABB-5,109,131,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302817,,Digital access to cultural heritage material: case of the Moroccan manuscripts.,VABB-1,137,141,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302820,,Experiences of children in martial arts,VABB-1,19,34,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302821,,The social-psychological outcomes of martial arts practise among youth: A review,VABB-1,528,537,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302822,,Community sports development for socially deprived groups: a wider role for the commercial sports sector? A look at the Flemish situation,VABB-1,1395,1413,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302826,,Assessment of movement skill performance in preschool children: Convergent validity between MOT 4-6 and M-ABC,VABB-1,597,604,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302827,,Sportparticipatie en fysieke (in)activiteit van de Vlaamse bevolking: huidige situatie en seculaire trend (2003-2009),VABB-4,25,42,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:302831,,Worldviews Science and Us: Interdisciplinarity and bridging knowledge,VABB-3,,,,und,2012,2 c:vabb:302832,,On the Foundations of the Theory of Evolution,VABB-4,266,280,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302833,,Computational and Biological Analogies for Understanding Fine-Tuned Parameters in Physics.,VABB-1,375,393,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302834,,"Worldviews, Science and Us: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Worlds, Cultures and Society.",VABB-3,,,220 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302835,,Quantum interference and superposition in cognition: Development of a theory for the disjunction of concepts,VABB-4,169,211,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302839,,"Fine-tuning, Quantum Mechanics and Cosmological Artificial Selection.",VABB-1,310,323,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302841,,Extending the Hegselmann-Krause Model I,VABB-1,323,335,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302842,,Extending the Hegselmann-Krause Model II,VABB-4,245,258,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302843,,Quantum programming,VABB-4,229,265,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302844,,Distributed quantum programming,VABB-1,110,124,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302845,,Interpreting quantum particles as conceptual entities,VABB-1,2950,2970,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302846,,Compatibility and separability for classical and quantum entanglement,VABB-4,212,218,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302847,,Dissipative dynamics of the Kaon decay process,VABB-1,71,78,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302848,,Quantum experimental data in psychology and economics,VABB-1,2971,2990,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302850,,Anthropomorphic Quantum Darwinism as an explanation for classicality,VABB-1,177,197,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302851,,Spatial Localization in Quantum Theory based on qr-numbers,VABB-1,607,628,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302852,,A potentiality and conceptuality interpretation of quantum physics,VABB-1,15,52,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302853,,"Interdisciplinary perspectives on worlds, cultures and society.",VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302854,,A quantum-conceptual explanation of violations of expected utility in economics.,VABB-4,281,303,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302855,,Interdisciplinarity and bridging knowledge.,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302856,,On the role of contextuality in the integration of worldviews.,VABB-4,142,168,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302857,,On the orthocomplementation of State--Property--Systems of contextual systems.,VABB-1,3069,3084,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302858,,Some remarks on the notion of separability within the creation discovery view.,VABB-1,3061,3068,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302859,,A Possible Operational Motivation for the Orthocomplementation in Quantum Structures.,VABB-1,1669,1680,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302860,,Experimental proposal for testing the emergence of environment induced (EIN) classical selection rules with biological systems,VABB-1,259,277,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302861,,An intuitionistic model of electron signle interference,VABB-1,81,100,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302862,,On Mutually unbiased bases,VABB-1,535,640,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302863,,Affine constellations without mutually unbiased counterparts,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302866,,New trends in anti-ageing cosmetic ingredients and treatments : an overview.,VABB-4,291,301,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302867,,Revulsive products : way of action and evaluation,VABB-4,653,661,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302868,,Values and limitations of bioengineering measurements,VABB-4,819,825,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302873,,Goniometric Aspects of Movements,VABB-4,115,144,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302874,,Soy consumption fits within a healthy lifestyle,VABB-1,362,370,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302877,,Nutrient Based Estimation of Acid-Base Balance in vegetarians and non-vegetarians.,VABB-1,77,82,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302879,,Dietary patterns and socioeconomic position.,VABB-1,231,238,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302906,,Reproducibility of kinematic motion coupling parameters during manual upper cervical axial rotation mobilization: a 3-dimensional in vitro study of the atlanto-axial joint.,VABB-1,93,104,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:302917,,Formules de prédiction de l'adiposité chez la femme … contrôle de qualité.,VABB-1,291,303,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:302918,,"Contrôle de qualité global de 157 formules de prédiction de l'adiposité chez l'homme, une étude originale.",VABB-1,131,142,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:302919,,Direct relationship of body mass index and waist circumference with body tissue distribution in elderly persons.,VABB-1,924,931,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:302920,,Body Mass Index as a measure of bone mass,VABB-1,202,206,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302921,,Towards a better understanding of ulnar wrist paraesthesia and entrapments in leisure and competitive sports.,VABB-2,,,384 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:302940,,Accuracy of Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Assessing cortical Bone Cross-Sectional Area: A Cadaver Study,VABB-1,469,472,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302941,,Reproducibility of global three-dimensional motion during manual atlanto-axial rotation mobilization: an in vitro study,VABB-1,15,21,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302944,,The Musculus Pterygoïdeus Proprius: an in vivo approach with magnetic resonance imaging,VABB-1,679,682,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302950,,The hazards of hydrodensitometry,VABB-1,95,102,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302951,,"A macro-quality evaluation of DXA variables using whole dissection, ashing, and computer tomography in pigs",VABB-1,1477,1485,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302953,,Whole body composition by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry: system reliability versus user accuracy and precision,VABB-4,45,62,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:302954,,"Critical appraisal of data acquisition in body composition: evaluation of methods, techniques and technologies on the anatomical tissue-system level",VABB-4,281,312,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302955,,Direct Measurement of Tibial Cortical Bone Surface Area,VABB-1,720,725,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:302956,,Critical appraisal and hazards of Surface Electromyography data acquisition in sport and exercise,VABB-1,69,80,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:302957,,A macro quality control of 157 whole body adiposity prediction formulae in men,VABB-1,131,142,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:302958,,"A macro-quality control of dual energy X-ray absorptiometry using whole dissection, ashing and computer tomography in pigs",VABB-5,549,553,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303088,,Richtlijnen voor het bereiden van kunstvoeding voor de zuigeling; een Belgsiche consensus.,VABB-1,1125,1132,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:303103,,A Biodegradable Esophageal Stent in the Treatment of a Corrosive Esophageal Stenosis in a Child.,VABB-1,254,257,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303105,,Determinants of the Place of Death in the Brussels Metropolitan Region.,VABB-1,996,1005,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303160,,Probiotics and functional gastrointestinal disorders in children,VABB-1,S107,S109,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303161,,Saccharomyces boulardii in childhood.,VABB-1,253,265,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303162,,Thickened infant formula does what it has to do: decrease regurgitation.,VABB-1,e549,e550,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303163,,Safety and adequacy of a semi-elemental formula for children with gastro-intestinal disease,VABB-1,909,914,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303204,,Natural evolution of infantile regurgitation versus the efficacy of thickened formula.,VABB-1,26,30,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303208,,Natural evolution of regurgitation in healthy infants.,VABB-1,1189,1193,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303209,,"A Global, Evidence-Based Consensus on the Definition of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in the Pediatric Population.",VABB-1,1278,1295,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303229,,End-of-life decisions among cancer patients,VABB-2,693,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303230,,Euthanasia in patients dying at home in Belgium: interview study on adherence to legal safeguards,VABB-1,163,170,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303231,,Klachtenrapportage bij kinderen en hoe ouders hiermee omgaan.,VABB-1,101,110,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303232,,Physician reports of medication use with explicit intention of hastening the end of life in the absence of explicit patient request in general practice in Belgium.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303233,,Consulting a trained physician when considering a request for euthanasia: an evaluation of the process in Flanders and The Netherlands,VABB-1,497,513,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303234,,Attitudes and experiences of Belgian physicians regarding euthanasia practice and the euthanasia law,VABB-1,580,593,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303235,,Reporting of euthanasia in medical practice in Flanders. Cross sectional analysis of reported and unreported cases.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303237,,Influence of the metropolitan environment on end-of-life practices. A population based study of end-of-life decision-making in the Brussels metropolitan region and non-metropolitan Flanders,VABB-1,784,793,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303238,,Physician-assisted dying in Belgian medical practice. A nationwide retrospective survey,VABB-1,895,901,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303239,,Which cancer patients die at home? A study of six European countries using death certificate data,VABB-1,2267,2273,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303245,,Place of death of older persons with dementia. A study in five European countries.,VABB-1,751,756,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303246,,Involvement of palliative care services strongly predicts place of death in Belgium.,VABB-1,1461,1468,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303248,,Assisted death without consent,VABB-1,1331,1331,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303250,,The oldest old and GP end-of-life care in the Dutch community: a nationwide study.,VABB-1,716,722,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303252,,DEALING WITH REQUESTS FOR EUTHANASIA Interview study among general practitioners in Belgium,VABB-1,1060,1072,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:303254,,Characteristics of gastroesophageal reflux and potential risk of gastric content aspiration in children with cystic fibrosis,VABB-1,161,166,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303255,,Preferences of patients with advanced lung cancer regarding the involvement of family and others in medical decision-making,VABB-1,1199,1203,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303257,,The labelling and reporting of euthanasia by Belgian physicians: a study of hypothetical cases.,VABB-1,19,26,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:303268,,Electricity markets and the functioning of spot power exchanges - a Belgian perspective (together with C. Musialski),VABB-1,4,27,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303272,,"Humanist Friendship, Politics and Religion in Marnix of Sint-Aldegonde's Correspondence just before the Fall of Antwerp.",VABB-5,263,280,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303275,,"Revolutions in Mathematics. More than Thirty Years after Crowe’s (1975) ""Ten Laws"". A New Interpretation.",VABB-4,107,120,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303276,,Philosophical Perspectives on Mathematical Practice,VABB-3,,,356 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303279,,Het voormalige Ministerie van Onderwijs en Cultuur,VABB-4,489,495,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303280,,Vrijmetselarij en vrijzinnige organisaties,VABB-4,1049,1067,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303281,,Ethnomathematics and the Philosophy of Mathematics (Education),VABB-4,121,154,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303282,,The Thing Called Environment: What It Is and How to Be Concerned With It,VABB-1,109,130,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303285,,"Philosophy of mathematics in the curriculum of mathematics. Questions and Problems Raised by a case study of secondary education in Flanders, Belgium.",VABB-5,211,219,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303290,,Whitehead: Relativity and Experience,VABB-1,3,9,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:303291,,The Minkowskian Background of Whitehead's Theory of Gravitation,VABB-4,3,23,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303292,,On the Need to Interpret General Relativity,VABB-1,1,65,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303297,,Putting Information First. Luciano Floridi and the Philosophy of Information,VABB-1,247,254,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303299,,Finitism in geometry,VABB-1,1,39,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303300,,"Visual praxis: moving the body, the world and the self",VABB-1,112,143,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303302,,Display calculi and other modal calculi: a comparison,VABB-1,259,279,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303303,,A cut-free and contraction free sequent calculus for propositional dynamic logic,VABB-1,69,94,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303304,,Gentzen Calculi for Modal Propositional Logic,VABB-2,,,256 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303305,,A purely syntactic and cut-free sequent calculus for the modal logic of provability,VABB-1,593,611,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303307,,The Tree-hypersequent Method for Modal Propositional Logic,VABB-4,31,51,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:303310,,The Patentability of Computer Programs in Europe: An Improved Interpretation of Art. 52 (2) and (3) EPC.,VABB-1,366,402,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:303311,,Dosage regime claims in the European Patent Office,VABB-1,294,298,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303314,,Lifestyle-related factors and access to medically assisted reproduction,VABB-1,578,583,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303315,,Providing infertility treatment in resource-poor countries,VABB-1,1008,1011,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303316,,A Classical Prejudice?,VABB-1,25,40,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303317,,"""Conversation of Mankind"" or ""idle talk""?: A Pragmatist Approach to Social Networking Sites",VABB-1,195,206,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303318,,De ziekte tot de dood. Een christelijk psychologisch betoog tot opbouwing en opwekking,VABB-3,,,211 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303319,,Nawoord,VABB-4,151,177,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303324,,Peer Review and Knowledge by Testimony in Mathematics,VABB-4,155,178,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303326,,"Review Article: Paolo Mancosu, The Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (Oxford University Press, 2008)",VABB-1,118,122,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303328,,Principia Mathematica Centenary,VABB-1,225,263,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303331,,The experience of two European preimplantation genetic diagnosis centres on human leukocyte antigen typing,VABB-1,732,740,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303333,,Een verdediging van het strikt finitisme,VABB-1,164,183,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303339,,"The Good, the Beautiful and the Literate: Making Statistics Accessible for Action",VABB-4,145,160,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303340,,Recht op geestelijke gezondheidszorg voor personen met een verstandelijke beperking: onnodig controversieel?,VABB-1,79,98,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303341,,Naar een ethisch beleid inzake personen met een handicap of functiebeperking. Inleiding,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303346,,Patenting and licensing of university research: Promoting innovation or undermining academic values?,VABB-1,45,64,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:303350,,Unassertive Interregionalism in the Great Lakes Region,VABB-4,205,223,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303355,,De zaak Feryn: een voorbeeld van directe discriminatie op grond van etnische afkomst,VABB-1,475,498,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303358,,Les jeux de hasard en ligne dans l’Union européenne : mise en contexte et commentaire de l’arrêt Santa Casa,VABB-1,55,79,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:303359,,Financement du service de radiodiffusion public: état des lieux,VABB-1,23,48,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:303362,,The Architecture of the Global Climate Regime: A Top-down Perspective,VABB-1,600,614,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303369,,The Legal Regime of Navigation in the Russian Arctic,VABB-1,327,342,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303375,,The Role of the European Union in Regional Fisheries Organizations,VABB-4,419,448,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303376,,The International Seabed Authority and the Common Heritage of Mankind: The Need for States to Establish the Outer Limits of Their Continental Shelf,VABB-1,543,567,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303382,,Holding Countries to Account: The Kyoto Protocol’s Compliance System Revisited after Four Years of Experience,VABB-1,133,158,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303386,,Female auditors in Belgium: Striking figures and facts.,VABB-1,15,28,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303389,,Opinion-shopping in de Belgische auditmarkt: illusie of realiteit?,VABB-1,3,15,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303391,,"The uniformity-flexibility dilemma when comparing financial statements. The view of auditors, analysts and other users",VABB-1,16,37,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303393,,"""ELITE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ELITE ?” An assessment of the impact of sport development on elite sport success",VABB-4,575,595,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303395,,"""An assessment of the impact of sport development on sport participation ?” An assessment of the impact of sport development on elite sport success.",VABB-4,596,610,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303396,,Developing a methodology for comparing the elite sport systems and policies of nations: a mixed research methods approach,VABB-1,567,600,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303401,,De toegevoegde waarde van de audit: een onderzoek naar verschillen tussen Belgische kmo’s met en zonder auditor,VABB-1,22,36,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303403,,A lifespan perspective on the career development of talented and elite athletes: Perspectives on high-intensity sports,VABB-1,88,94,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303404,,The Relationship Between Performances at U-14 International Youth Tournaments and Later Success in Tennis.,VABB-1,21,25,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303413,,Exchanging Medieval Material Culture. Studies on archaeology and history presented to Frans Verhaeghe.,VABB-3,,,383 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303414,,"The Nine Lives of Frans Verhaeghe: an overview of his career until now. In: De Groote K., Tys D., Pieters M. (eds.). Exchanging Medieval Material Culture. Studies on archaeology and history presented to Frans Verhaeghe, Brussels, 11-19.",VABB-4,11,19,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303415,,"Medieval moated sites in coastal Flanders: the impact of social groups on the formation of the landscape in relation to the early estates of the Count of Flanders. In: De Groote K., Tys D. & Pieters M. (eds.): Exchanging Medieval Material Culture Studies on archaeology and history presented to Frans Verhaeghe, Brussels, 289-301.",VABB-4,289,301,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303419,,Nieuw experimenteel onderzoek naar de oorsprong van kerfresten.,VABB-1,101,104,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303422,,Kartering en waardering van een finaalpaleolithisch/mesolithisch sitecomplex te Arendonk-Korhaan (prov. Antwerpen). Boorcampagne 2003,VABB-1,9,21,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303424,,History meets archaeology: the historical use of images. A survey,VABB-1,667,683,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303426,,The identification of chromophores in ancient glass by the use of UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopy,VABB-5,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303427,,Optical spectroscopy applied to the analysis of medieval and post-medieval plain flat glass fragments excavated in Belgium,VABB-5,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303428,,Diagnostiek van persoonlijkheid en persoonlijkheidspathologie bij ouderen.,VABB-1,68,77,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303436,,A new international journal on the archaeology of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period in the Netherlands and Belgium,VABB-1,7,10,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303439,,Pharmacological and neurochemical characterization of the involvement of hippocampal adrenoreceptor subtypes in the modulation of acute limbic seizures.,VABB-1,1595,1607,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303440,,"Le produit dans la vitrine : devantures et dioramas en Belgique, 1870-1940",VABB-4,49,76,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:303442,,Relicten van houtskoolmeilers in het Zoerselbos,VABB-1,20,34,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303443,,Raman spectroscopy as a rapid screening method for ancient plain window glass,VABB-1,1055,1061,-,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303457,,"Human occupation of the Late and Early Post-Glacial environments in the Liereman Landscape (Campine, Belgium)",VABB-1,31,51,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303459,,De Noordzee: een waardevol archief onder water. Meer dan 100 jaar onderzoek van strandvondsten en vondsten uit zee in België: een overzicht.,VABB-1,177,218,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303462,,recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,266,292,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303468,,Grondwettelijk hof aanvaardt retroactieve reparatiewetgeving aanvullende gemeentebe-lasting op de personenbelasting,VABB-1,261,266,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303469,,Fiscale sancties in gemeente en provinciebelastingen,VABB-1,3,41,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303471,,"Gewestelijk ingrijpen in de lokale leegstandsbelasting; deel 1, noot bij Grondwettelijk hof 20 januari 2010",VABB-1,669,672,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303472,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek’,VABB-1,58,81,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303474,,"Artikel 464,1° WIB92 en gemeentebelastingen op de omzet: voor elk wat wils,",VABB-1,920,928,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303506,,New EU Place-of-Supply Rules for Services,VABB-1,8,17,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:303514,,"Charles Magnette, Belgian Grand Master in 1914: Cosmopolitan or Nationalist Icon ?",VABB-1,94,119,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303518,,Work floor under tension: working conditions and international competition in textiles,VABB-4,679,701,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303519,,Voedingsleer op zoek naar het ideale menu voor arbeidersgezinnen in België tussen 1900 en 1940,VABB-4,255,284,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303521,,Rethinking the Nation in the Age of Diversity: an Introduction,VABB-1,327,331,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303524,,"Migratiebeleid en economische verandering: Nieuwkomers en armenzorg in Antwerpen, 1750-1900",VABB-1,99,128,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303525,,Een demografische knoop ontward? Brugse bevolkingscijfers voor de vroegmoderne tijd,VABB-1,3,48,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303530,,Het onderwijs in Brussel,VABB-1,1,19,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303533,,Upgrading the local. Belgian cuisine in global waves.,VABB-1,49,54,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303534,,The value of international business archives: the importance of the archives of multinational companies in shaping cultural identity,VABB-1,215,225,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303537,,De Haas en de Schildpad. Stad en staat in pre-industrieel Europa.,VABB-1,56,71,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303539,,"Abandoned in Brussels, Delivered in Paris: Long-Distance Transports of Unwanted Children in the Eighteenth Century",VABB-1,232,248,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303540,,"Food exchanges in history: people, products, ideas (IEHCA's Summer University, 2008)",VABB-1,105,109,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303541,,The Diffusion of the Restaurant Culture in Europe in the Nineteenth Century: the Brussels Connection,VABB-1,45,68,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303551,,Doctoraal proefschrift - Display at the Dining Table? Culinary Networks of Power at the Belgian Royal Court of the Nineteenth Century,VABB-1,675,679,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303552,,Freemasonry as a Patriotic Society ? The 1830 Belgian Revolution.,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303557,,"Polybius, the Ebro treaty, and the Gallic invasion of 225 BCE",VABB-1,495,510,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303564,,Supplying armies in the Iberian peninsula during the Republic,VABB-4,135,144,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303570,,De krijgsmacht.,VABB-4,388,407,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303571,,Het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest.,VABB-4,211,226,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303575,,"Salinisation of surface water, groundwater, and soils in the shrimp farming areas of the coastal Cai Nuoc district, South Vietnam",VABB-1,69,81,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:303576,,Linking participation to foresight for wanted futures,VABB-1,55,65,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303577,,IGF-1 suppresses Bim expression in multiple myeloma via epigenetic and posttranslational mechanisms,VABB-1,2430,2440,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303580,,Combining deliberative governance theory and discourse analysis to understand the deliberative incompleteness of centrally formulated plans,VABB-1,93,101,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:303593,,Urethral Strictures and biopolar transurethralresection in saline of the prostate: Fact or Fiction,VABB-1,1333,1337,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303594,,Conventional monopolar resection or bipolar resection in saline for the management of large (>60g) bening prostatic hyperplasia: An evalution of morbitity,VABB-1,207,213,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303595,,Bipolar transurethral resection in saline: The solution to avoid hyponatraemia and transurethral restion syndrome,VABB-1,228,235,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303596,,The Effects of Forodesine in Murine and Human Multiple Myeloma Cells,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303601,,The k-Centrum Straight-line Location Problem,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303603,,Alternating local search based VNS for linear classification,VABB-1,121,134,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303604,,Finding an Euclidean Anti-k-Centrum Location of a Set of Points,VABB-1,292,301,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303606,,Functional effectiveness of threat appeals in exercise promotion messages,VABB-1,577,604,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303607,,"Do ‘sleepy’ and ‘tired’ go together? Rasch analysis of the relationships between sleepiness, fatigue and non-restorative sleep complaints in a non-clinical population sample.",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303611,,'Miskenning van de kinderzegen'. Kleine gezinnen en kinderloosheid tijdens het interbellum in België,VABB-4,229,252,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303612,,Optimal recruitment strategies in a multi-level manpower planning model,VABB-1,931,940,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:303615,,In situ interferometric monitoring of Fiber Insertion in Fiber Connector Components,VABB-1,60,62,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303617,,Novel information theory based method for superimposition of lateral head radiographs and cone beam computed tomography images,VABB-1,191,198,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303618,,Minmax-distance approximation and separation problems. Geometrical properties.,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:303624,,The role of the partner in promotions to top positions in Belgium,VABB-1,654,668,-,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303629,,Chapter 18: Anybody listening?,VABB-4,339,358,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303630,,Chapter 16. Best things first: The application of multi-criteria analysis to derive implementation priorities for innovative road safety measures,VABB-4,305,326,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303631,,A decision analysis framework for intermodal transport: Comparing fuel price increases and the internalisation of external costs,VABB-1,550,561,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303632,,The multi-actor multi-criteria analysis (MAMCA): Application in the Flemish long term decision making process on mobility and logistics,VABB-1,303,311,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303633,,Multi-criteria analysis in transport project evaluation : an institutional approach,VABB-1,3,24,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:303635,,Commuting to Brussels: how attractive is ‘free’ public transport?,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303636,,Chapter 3. Structuring the way: A new approach on multi-criteria and cost-benefit analysis to be applied to road safety measures,VABB-4,23,42,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:303640,,Tonal synchrony in mother-infant interaction based on harmonic and pentatonic series.,VABB-1,387,400,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303641,,Deep proton writing: a powerful rapid prototyping technology for various micro-optical components,VABB-5,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303642,,Realistic opto-mechanical simulation and tolerancing of an automotive optical transmitter coupling system,VABB-5,77161P,77161P-9,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303643,,Optical interconnects for satellite payloads: overview of the state-of-the-art,VABB-5,77161E-,77161E-17,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303644,,Populating multi-fiber fiberoptic connectors using an interferometric measurement of fiber tip position and facet quality,VABB-5,77161I,77161I-7,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303645,,A statistical multi-criteria procedure with stochastic preferences,VABB-1,49,73,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303646,,Multi-dimensional Data Inspection for Supervised Classification with Eigen Transformation Classification Trees,VABB-5,583,588,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303647,,"Chapter 4. A bundle of ideas. Generation of scenarios, preliminary assessment of safety effects and initial prioritization to increase the self-explaining and forgiving character of road environments”, in: E. Bekiaris, M. Wiethoff and L. Gaitanidou",VABB-4,43,84,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:303651,,"Arsenate reductase, mycothiol, and mycoredoxin concert thiol/disulfide exchange.",VABB-1,15107,15116,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303652,,Emergence of security in supply chain management literature,VABB-1,287,302,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303654,,A region-based approach for describing urban morphology based on sub-pixel estimation of sealed surface cover,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303657,,Radium mobility in sediments: application of sequential extraction and DGT techniques.,VABB-1,2439,2445,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303658,,Mercury accumulation in fish species from the Persian Gulf and in human hair from fishermen,VABB-1,203,216,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303659,,"Distribution of Trace Elements in Sediments and Biota of Songkhla Lake, Southern Thailand",VABB-1,155,174,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303661,,Radium analysis by sector field ICP-MS in combination with the diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT) technique.,VABB-1,1115,1117,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303662,,Mercury speciation in the Persian Gulf sediments,VABB-1,363,373,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:303664,,Towards a Framework for Learning in the OSMA Serious Game Engine,VABB-1,36,42,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303680,,Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis: A case study on night time delivery for urban distribution,VABB-4,101,119,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303681,,Transport of goods to and from the centre of Brussels: using the port to improve sustainability,VABB-4,176,199,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303698,,Type 2 diabetes in Belgians of Turkish and Moroccan origin,VABB-1,62,87,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:303699,,Do Artists Benefit from Arts Policy? The Position of the Performing Artists in Flanders (2001-2008).,VABB-1,58,75,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303704,,The introduction of an ex ante evaluation for new media services: ‘Europe’ asks it or public broadcasters need it?,VABB-1,133,148,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303707,,Collaboration through ICT between Healthcare Professionals: The Social Requirements of Health 2.0 Applications,VABB-5,165,172,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303715,,"'Produsers' on participatory websites. Ordinary young people and the politics of banality,",VABB-4,51,68,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303716,,Mapping the rhizome. Organizational and informational networks of two Brussels alternative radio stations,VABB-1,162,174,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303717,,"Introduction: Community media's long march, Community media",VABB-1,115,118,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303721,,To bundle or not to bundle? How Western European newspapers package their online content,VABB-1,117,142,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303724,,"Contesting extreme right populism through popular culture. The Vlaams Belang and the 0110 concerts in Belgium,",VABB-1,175,196,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303725,,The particularity of objectivity. A post-structuralist and psycho-analytical reading of the gap between objectivity-as-value and objectivity-as-practice in the 2003 Iraqi war coverage,VABB-1,311,328,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303727,,Classifying payment instruments: A matryoshka approach,VABB-1,73,94,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303730,,"Trans-reality television. The transgression of reality, genre, politics and audience",VABB-3,,,340 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303733,,"Post-democracy, hegemony and invisible power. The Reality TV media professional as 'primum movens immobile'",VABB-4,105,124,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303734,,"The politics of the prefix. From ""post"" to ""trans"" (and back)?",VABB-4,297,315,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303735,,The Reconfiguration of Mobile Service Provision: Towards Platform Business Models,VABB-4,197,215,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303737,,Mythes op de pijnbank. Naar een herwaardering van de taalsituatie in de Nederlanden in de achttiende en negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,93,112,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303747,,De reproductie van sociale ongelijkheid bij jongvolwassenen in België. Impact van sociale afkomst en sociale mobiliteit op gezondheid,VABB-1,15,38,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303749,,“Spellingsnormen in het Zuiden. Standaardisatie van het geschreven Nederlands in de achttiende en negentiende eeuw.”,VABB-4,27,48,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303750,,How to approach a many splendored thing: Proxy Technology Assessment as a methodological praxis to study virtual experience,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303753,,De la persistance des inégalités socio-spatiales de santé : le cas belge,VABB-1,149,158,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:303757,,Etnische onderwijsongelijkheid in context. De rol van structurele gemeentekenmerken en etnische compositie,VABB-1,295,329,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303759,,From high hopes to high deficit and back: A historic overview of Europe's HDTV policy and reflections towards the future of HDTV,VABB-1,283,294,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303760,,Media and Communication Studies Interventions and Intersections. The intellectual work of ECREA's 2010 European media and communication doctoral summer school.,VABB-3,,,355 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303761,,The intellectual work of the 2010 ECREA European media and communication doctoral Summer School in Ljubljana,VABB-4,13,21,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303762,,Deploying Discourse Theory. An introduction to Discourse Theory and Discourse Theoretical Analysis,VABB-4,251,265,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303767,,The introduction of a tax-and-fund system to subsidise public television in France: cultural revolution or legal swamp?,VABB-1,227,244,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303768,,The benefits of introducing European competition principles into national public broadcasting policy,VABB-1,56,68,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303772,,Chaos and Standards. Orthography in the Southern Netherlands (1720-1830),VABB-1,417,438,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303773,,Assessing quality of experience of IPTV and video on demand services in real-life environments,VABB-1,458,466,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303774,,Beyond being there: A grounded investigation of the value of virtual worlds for remote family interaction,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303780,,De onderzoeksbevoegdheden van de rechter in de correctionele procedure: noodzakelijke instrumenten voor de waarheidsvinding.,VABB-1,93,115,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303788,,Onderzoek naar de oorzaken van de uiteenlopende rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof en het Hof van cassatie in het strafrecht en het strafprocesrecht,VABB-1,2,15,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303790,,Halfjaarlijkse overzichten van rechtspraak over algemeen strafrecht,VABB-1,473,480,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303791,,Halfjaarlijkse overzichten van rechtspraak over algemeen strafrecht,VABB-1,1067,1080,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:303792,,Halfjaarlijkse overzichten van rechtspraak over algemeen strafrecht,VABB-1,556,571,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303808,,“Het daderschap van de werknemer in het sociaal strafrecht. Is sociaal strafrecht dan geen strafrecht meer?”,VABB-1,342,347,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303816,,Kroniek van het constitutioneel straf(proces)recht (januari-juni 2010),VABB-1,321,335,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303817,,The incidence and first-year mortality of heart failure in Belgium: a 2-year nationwide prospective registration.,VABB-1,330,335,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303818,,Medical students have too little knowledge of emergency medical care.,VABB-1,1,9,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303822,,Place of fibrates for the treatment of patients with atherogenic dyslipidemia,VABB-1,512,518,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:303824,,Me or not me as source of ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation: A connectionist perspective.,VABB-1,84,109,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303825,,"Nursing home policies regarding advance care plannning in Flanders, Belgium. (in Press)",VABB-1,189,194,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303827,,Racial disparities in stroke functional outcomes upon discharge from inpatient rehabilitation facilities,VABB-1,1604,1611,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303828,,"Black-white differences in patient characteristics, treatments, and outcomes in inpatient stroke rehabilitation.",VABB-1,1712,1722,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303829,,Six Employment Conditions and Health Inequalities: A Descriptive Overview,VABB-1,269,280,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303830,,"Unemployment, Informal Work, Precarious Employment, Child Labor, Slavery, and Health Inequalities: Pathways and Mechanisms",VABB-1,281,295,-,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303831,,Analysis of Rehabilitation Activities within Skilled Nursing and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities Following Hip Replacement for Acute Hip Fracture,VABB-1,530,540,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303834,,Physical and occupational therapy in inpatient stroke rehabilitation: the contribution of therapy extenders.,VABB-1,877,898,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303837,,Infants’ Teleological and Belief Inference: A Recurrent Connectionist Approach to their Minimal Representational and Computational Requirements,VABB-1,1095,1108,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303846,,"Predisposing, enabling and pregnancy-related determinants of late initiation of prenatal care.",VABB-1,1067,1075,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:303847,,"Black-White Disparities in Motor Function Outcomes Taking into Account Patient Characteristics, Non-therapy Ancillaries, Therapy Activities, and Therapy Interventions.",VABB-1,1722,1730,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303848,,Determinants of the number antental visits in a metropolitan region,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303850,,WOLVES IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING OR SHEEP IN WOLF’S CLOTHING? SCENES OF A DIALOGUE,VABB-1,39,51,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303852,,De begroting van de Europese Unie,VABB-1,51,60,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303854,,Differential exposure and differential vulnerability as two counteracting forces linking the psychosocial work environment to socio-economic health differences,VABB-1,866,873,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303860,,The effect of board-manager agency conflicts on non-profit organisations' earnings and cost allocation manipulations,VABB-1,407,419,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303862,,Physician-assisted deaths under the euthanasia law in Belgium: a population-based survey,VABB-1,895,901,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303864,,End-of-life care policies in Flemish residential care facilities accommodating persons with intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,1067,1077,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303868,,The clustering of health-related occupational stressors among contemporary wage-earners,VABB-1,654,674,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303869,,"Employment relations, social class and health: A review and analysis of conceptual and measurement alternatives",VABB-1,2130,2140,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303873,,Health economic evaluation of a vaccine for the prevention of herpes zoster (shingles) and post-herpetic neuralgia in adults in Belgium.,VABB-1,537,551,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303874,,A review of international pharmaeconomic models assessing the use of aspirin in primary prevention.,VABB-1,418,427,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303875,,Cost-effectiveness of atorvastatin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus : a phamacoeconomic analysis of the collaborative atorvastatin diabetes study in the Belgian population.,VABB-1,133,142,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303882,,Minder Kilts achter tralies. Het rapport ‘Scotlands’ choice’ als basis voor een nieuwe koers in de Schotse penale politiek.,VABB-1,11,18,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303886,,Veiligheid in Brussel.,VABB-1,1,11,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303889,,Interviewen intra muros: een muur te doorbreken?,VABB-1,5,12,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303893,,Modèles de guidance judiciaire: sur la voie d'un modèle intégré?,VABB-5,93,107,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:303894,,"Nouveaux éclairages de la notion de la notion de «donnée personnelle» et application audacieuse du critère de proportionnalité. Cour européenne des droits de l’homme Grande Chambre S et Marper c. Royaume Uni, 4 décembre 2008",VABB-1,141,161,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:303900,,Belgium,VABB-4,70,104,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303904,,Assessing European futures in an age of reflexive security,VABB-1,187,203,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303905,,Maatschappelijke Dienstverlening - verslagtekst Jubileum 30 jaar Panopticon,VABB-1,64,67,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303910,,"Als hoge bomen worden verzilverd. David W. Garland, Doctor Honoris Causa aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel.",VABB-1,76,79,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303911,,Encounters of a different kind. Social enquiry and sentencing in Belgium,VABB-1,309,328,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303912,,Sociale voorlichitngsrapporten in het kader van straftoemeting: tussen brugfunctie en professioneel strijdtoneel,VABB-1,6,25,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303913,,Les juges Belges face à l'(in)exécution des peines,VABB-1,401,424,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:303914,,From 'community service' to 'autonomous work penalty' in Belgium. What's in a name?,VABB-1,4,21,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303915,,"Community service in Belgium, the Netherlands, Scotland and Spain: a comparative perspective",VABB-1,82,98,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303917,,Modellen van daderbegeleiding: op weg naar een geïntegreerd model?,VABB-1,42,57,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303918,,The use of method triangulation in probation research,VABB-1,39,52,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303920,,Bijstand van een advocaat bij het verhoor,VABB-1,4,17,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303921,,ECtHR Taxquet v. Belgium. Can juries convict in accordance with the European Convention on Human Rights?,VABB-1,7,15,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303922,,De aanhouding van een comateuze verdachte,VABB-1,1261,1265,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303923,,Le cas S. et Marper et les données personnelles : l’horloge de la stigmatisation stoppée par un arrêt européen,VABB-4,101,114,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:303924,,"Burgerlijke rechters passen strafrecht toe in de zaak Telefacts. Over artikel 378bis Strafwetboek, afweging van vrijheden en een strafrecht à la carte’, Noot onder Hof van beroep Antwerpen arrest van 15 april 2009",VABB-1,118,124,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303926,,Liberté religieuse: vers un devoir de neutralité de l'Etat dans l'enseignement public?,VABB-1,133,138,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:303928,,Maatschappelijke dienstverlening in detentie,VABB-1,95,98,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303930,,Sorting out smart surveillance,VABB-1,343,354,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303931,,The EU PNR framework decision proposal: Towards completion of the PNR processing scene in Europe,VABB-1,368,376,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303932,,“Ge moet daar in gezeten hebben om dat te begrijpen”. Onderzoek naar de ervaringen van leden van de assisenjury in België,VABB-1,290,309,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303933,,"De overheidsplicht tot neutraliteit en onpartijdigheid inzake religie. Noot onder EHRM, 2 februari 2010, Siman Isik t. Turkije",VABB-1,458,468,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303935,,Verstrikt en gevangen? De hiaten in de Belgische opvang van 'Niet-begeleide Minderjarige Vreemdelingen',VABB-1,7,21,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303937,,Data Protection in a Profiled World,VABB-3,,,334 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303938,,From Unsollicited Communications to Unsollicited Adjustments,VABB-4,105,117,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303940,,"Statelijke neutraliteit, neutraliteit van het Gemeenschapsonderwijs en de Raad van State. Is deze eerste uitspraak ten gronde over het hoofddoekverbod voor leerkrachten ook richtingaangevend voor toekomstige rechtspraak over een hoofddoekverbod voor leerlingen? Annotatie bij bij Raad van State, 12e Kamer – 2 juli 2009",VABB-1,997,1005,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303944,,"Police, Policing, Policy and the City in Europe",VABB-3,1,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303947,,'Spy drain' dans la sphère belge du renseignement,VABB-1,98,104,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:303951,,The Law and Ethics of Belgian Biobanking: A Reversal for the Logic of Regulation?,VABB-1,27,50,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303962,,"Trajecten van vrouwelijke gedetineerden. Weinig jeugddelinquenten, veel late starters.",VABB-1,394,410,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303963,,De nieuwe wet op inlichtingendinesten in België. Ruime en nieuwe bevoegdheden voor geheime diensten,VABB-1,188,191,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303964,,European Human Rights Law and the Regulation of European Criminal Law,VABB-1,289,294,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303966,,"Rechters mogen GPS-toezicht toevoegen aan het bestaande wetgevende arsenaal. Noot onder EHRM, 2 september 2010, Uzun t. Duitsland",VABB-1,1448,1460,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303967,,"Data protection in the area of freedom, security and justice. A short introduction and many questions left unanswered Data protection in the area of freedom, security and justice. A short introduction and many questions left unanswered",VABB-1,159,167,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:303969,,Assessing the affective features of psychopathy in adolescence. A further validation of the Inventory of Callous and Unemotional Traits,VABB-1,44,57,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303971,,"Lange zwangerschap, uitgestelde geboorte: over geschiedenis en toekomst van de forensische psychologie in Vlaanderen",VABB-1,169,179,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303972,,over het weigeren van begrip,VABB-1,120,123,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303979,,De politionele aanpak van minderjarigen in Vlaanderen. Een congruentie tussen de organisatorische aanpak en de beleidsmatige visie?,VABB-1,38,51,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303980,,Naar een school voor veiligheid? Locomotieftekst,VABB-1,5,16,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:303986,,Le cadre théorique de l'orientation nodale dans la domaine de la sécurité appliquée à deux cas: le port d'Anvers et le commerce de métaux précieux,VABB-1,79,86,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:303987,,"Straatsburg heeft gesproken: tijdens het politioneel verdachtenverhoor geldt een recht op bijstand van de advocaat. Noot bij EHRM, 14 oktober 2010 (Brusco t. Frankrijk)",VABB-1,183,192,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303988,,"La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme s’est prononocée: un droit à l’assistance d’un advocat s’applique pendant l’audition du suspect par la police. Observation sous ECDH, 14 octobre 2010 (Brusco c. France)",VABB-1,193,199,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:303990,,Constitutioneel erfgoed in vraag gesteld in naam van mensenrechten. Welk kader voor religie en religieuze spanningen?,VABB-1,42,50,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303992,,Mannelijkheid en detentie. De waarde van mannelijkheidsstudies voor gevangenissociologie,VABB-1,433,447,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303993,,De omvang en impact van agressie tegen treinbegeleiders opgespoord. Op naar een doeltreffend agressiebeleid bij de NMBS?,VABB-1,10,30,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303995,,Resisting punitiveness in Europe?,VABB-1,273,292,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:303997,,De definitieve invrijheidstelling van gëïnterneerden... a never ending story?,VABB-1,09,20,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:303998,,Juvenile Justice in Belgium seen through the sanctions looking-glass,VABB-4,29,58,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304000,,A liberal is a conservative who’s been arrested,VABB-1,27,32,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:304001,,Het leven in de gevangenis: individuele beleving en collectief gebeuren,VABB-1,17,22,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304004,,Sneeuwwitje en de machoman. Sekse en gender in de (Nederlandstalige) criminologie,VABB-1,335,351,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304015,,"‘De onbewoonbare krotten zijn etterende middens, waar al de ziekten van het sociaal korps gisten.’ De kruistocht tegen de krotwoningen in het interbellum",VABB-4,321,353,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304016,,Eating and drinking in Brussels: the construction of “the good life” in the European capital,VABB-1,627,630,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304024,,Een nieuwe organieke regelgeving voor de OCMW's : het Vlaams OCMW-decreet van 19 december 2008,VABB-1,207,221,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:304032,,China's Roads to Influence,VABB-1,641,662,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304033,,China-EU cooperation with regard to climate change,VABB-1,75,89,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304034,,The Strategic dissonance between China and Europe,VABB-1,325,345,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304035,,"British Foreign Policy, National Identity, and Neoclassical Realism",VABB-2,,,255 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304037,,In Search of the Harried Leisure Class in Contemporary Society: Time-Use Surveys and Patterns of Leisure Time Consumption.,VABB-1,163,181,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304038,,Arbeidsmobiliteit van allochtonen. Een analyse van de evolutie in het beroepsprestige en het loon van allochtone en autochtone mannen en vrouwen in de eerste jaren van hun beroepsloopbaan.,VABB-1,47,69,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304041,,De groei van jongeren naar democratisch burgerschap en de verschillen naar onderwijstype.,VABB-1,75,93,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304042,,Feelings of insecurity in context: theoretical perspectives for studying fear of crime in late life,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:304044,,Wantrouwen in wetenschap: een kwestie van reflexiviteit of maatschappelijk onbehagen?,VABB-1,26,45,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304045,,An Unfinished Job? The Effect of Subject Choice and Family Formation Processes on Labor Market Outcomes of Young Men and Women,VABB-1,319,338,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304046,,Afstemming van beroepsloopbanen op gezinsverantwoordelijkheden,VABB-1,287,302,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304052,,Reflections about interventions and strategies on increasing feelings of safety in later life,VABB-1,83,89,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304053,,RECRUITING OLDER VOLUNTEERS: FINDINGS FROM THE BELGIAN AGEING STUDIES,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304054,,"Sociaal-cultureel werk, meetinstrumenten voor maatschappelijke participatie",VABB-4,115,168,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304055,,Join the club - Een profiel van leden van verenigingen en vrijwilligers,VABB-4,83,120,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304056,,"It runs in the family?"" Sociale overerving van participatiepatronen",VABB-4,121,158,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304057,,"Wat staat er op de vrijetijdsagenda? Een typologie van hoe sociale, culturele en sportieve participatie met elkaar samen gaan",VABB-4,467,483,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304058,,Institutionalizing the new self. A comparative analysis,VABB-1,743,764,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304064,,Inleiding: sociale en demografische kwesties in de Lage Landen tijdens het interbellum,VABB-4,9,22,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304065,,Subreplacement fertility in the West before the baby boom: past and current perspectives,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304066,,"Choice of study discipline and the postponement of motherhood in Europe: the impact of expected earnings, gender composition and family attitudes",VABB-1,439,458,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304067,,De levenskracht der bevolking. Sociale en demografische kwesties in de Lage Landen tijdens het interbellum,VABB-3,,,446 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304069,,Etniciteit: op het lijf geschreven? Etnische patronen in gezondheid: een conceptueel model,VABB-1,23,56,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304070,,"Timing of first union among second-generation Turks in Europe: The role of parents, peers and institutional context",VABB-1,473,504,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304073,,Children of immigrants in the Netherlands: growing up in diversity,VABB-1,503,524,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304075,,Second birth rates across Europe: interactions between women's level of education and child care enrolment,VABB-1,107,138,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304105,,De cassatieprocedure voor de Raad van State - een overzicht van de rechtspraak,VABB-1,82,107,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304110,,De terugwerkende kracht van de verjaringsregeling van schuldvorderingen tegen de overheid,VABB-1,206,212,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304118,,WET VAN 19 MAART 2010 TER BEVORDERING VAN EEN OBJECTIEVE BEREKENING VAN DE DOOR DE OUDERS TE BETALEN ONDERHOUDSBIJDRAGEN VOOR HUN KINDEREN,VABB-1,258,279,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304131,,De houding van de arts tegenover minderjarigen betrokken in een echtscheiding,VABB-1,492,500,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304135,,Time-Series Reconstruction from Natural Archive Data with the Averaging Effect Taken into Account,VABB-1,705,722,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304136,,Ectopic expression of E2F1 stimulates beta cell proliferation and function,VABB-1,1435,1444,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304138,,Improving the calibration of the MOLAND urban growth model with land-use information derived from a time-series of medium resolution remote sensing data,VABB-5,89,104,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304142,,3D imaging of volcano gravitational deformation by computerized X-ray micro-tomography,VABB-1,482,498,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304143,,"Fundamental changes in the activity of the natrocarbonatite volcano Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania: II. Eruptive behaviour",VABB-1,913,931,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304144,,On the construction of a time base and the correction for averaging errors in environmental archives,VABB-1,705,722,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304148,,An accurate model for the determination of the kinetic coefficients of the copper-catalyzed oxidation of iodide by oxygen in an aqueous acidic medium,VABB-1,1034,1038,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304149,,"Fundamental changes in the activity of the natrocarbonatite volcano Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania: I New magma composition",VABB-1,893,912,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304150,,"Apparent tidal influence on magmatic activity at Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Tanzania,as observed in Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data",VABB-1,151,157,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304151,,"Tectonic control over active volcanism at a range of scales: Case of the Rungwe Volcanic Province, SW Tanzania; and hazard implications",VABB-1,764,777,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304152,,Cryospheric Contributions to Sea-level Rise and Variability,VABB-4,177,255,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304153,,Ocean regulation hypothesis for glacier dynamics in southeast Greenland and implications for ice sheet mass changes,VABB-1,F03026.1,F03026.15,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304154,,Results from the ice sheet model intercomparison project – Heinrich event intercomparison (ISMIP HEINO),VABB-1,371,383,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304155,,Thresholds for irreversible decline of the Greenland ice sheet,VABB-1,1065,1073,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304156,,Impact of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheet interactions on climate sensitivity,VABB-1,1005,1018,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:304157,,Description of the Earth system model of intermediate complexity LOVECLIM version 1.2,VABB-1,603,633,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304158,,Spatially extensive estimates of annual accumulation in the dry zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet determined from radar altimetry,VABB-1,467,474,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304159,,The cryoconite ecosystem on the Greenland ice sheet,VABB-1,123,129,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304175,,"Lesekompetenz in Erst-, Zweit- und Fremdsprache",VABB-3,,,205 p.,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:304181,,"Marseille-Buenos Aires,1936.Une traversée à bord du Florida .Reportage d'Ernest Claes.",VABB-1,142,152,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:304184,,"Des confins de la terre gercée, un appel, un cri, une voix.",VABB-1,48,61,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304185,,Judgements and the Demand for Novels in Flanders,VABB-1,197,218,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304186,,A global investigation of key turning points in business process maturity,VABB-1,792,815,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:304188,,"Home work, telework and the regulation of working time",VABB-1,193,216,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304200,,De houdbaarheid van compenserende uitkeringen in geval van verlies van kostwinner door overlijden (overlevingspensioen) en na echtscheiding (recht op alimentatie) in het ‘adult worker model’: incorporatie van nieuwe sociale risico’s,VABB-1,683,725,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:304201,,Le maintien des prestations compensatoire en cas de perte du soutien de famille par décès (pension de survie) et après divorce (pension alimentaire) dans 'l'adult worker model': l'intégration des nouveaux risques sociaux,VABB-1,675,715,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:304204,,Commentaar bij art. 301 BW,VABB-4,1,44,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304206,,De invloed van de rechtspraak en de regelgeving van de Europese Unie op de rechtspositie van het Belgische overheidspersoneel,VABB-1,503,521,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304230,,Reconciling Asset Correlations,VABB-1,47,64,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304232,,Buy-and-Hold Strategies and Comonotonic Approximations.,VABB-1,17,28,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304233,,External R&D: exploring the functions and qualifications of R&D personnel,VABB-1,967,987,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304238,,Crisis management in the European Union: experience shows that the EU need ambitious progress,VABB-4,49,53,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304261,,Biochemical Changes in Response to Intensive Resistance Exercise Training in the Elderly,VABB-4,365,386,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304372,,Development and validation of a predictive outcome score of cerebral venous thrombosis.,VABB-1,66,68,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304396,,Insulin-Like Growth Factor I: A potential Neuroprotective Compound for the Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke?,VABB-1,e83,e88,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304398,,Anaemia in the Elderly,VABB-1,292,302,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304400,,REHABILITATION USING MANUAL MOBILIZATION FOR THORACIC KYPHOSIS IN ELDERLY POSTMENOPAUSAL PATIENTS WITH OSTEOPOROSIS,VABB-1,129,135,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304401,,Risk factors for cerebral venous thrombosis and deep venous thrombosis in patients aged between 15 and 50 years.,VABB-1,620,622,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304402,,Dietary patterns in clinical subtypes of multiple sclerosis: an exploratory study.,VABB-1,8,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304403,,Treatment of seizures in multiple sclerosis.,VABB-1,CD007150,CD007150,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304404,,Hyperdense middle cerebral artery sign and outcome after intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke.,VABB-1,114,117,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304405,,"Fatigue, depression and disability accumulation in multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional study.",VABB-1,348,352,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304406,,Parity and secondary progression in multiple sclerosis.,VABB-1,676,678,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304408,,JAK2-V617F mutation in cerebral venous thrombosis.,VABB-1,1039,1040,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304416,,Circulating Stress Proteins in Infectious Disease,VABB-4,227,239,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304417,,Astrocytic beta2-adrenergic receptors: From physiology to pathology.,VABB-1,189,199,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304429,,Grip work estimation during sustained maximal contraction: validity and relationship with dependency and inflammation in elderly persons.,VABB-1,731,736,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:304433,,Progesterone and dexamethasone differentially regulate the IGF-system in glial cells,VABB-1,178,182,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304434,,Does smoking influence outcome after intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke?,VABB-1,819,822,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304435,,Thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke,VABB-1,1285,1290,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304436,,Cryptococcal cerebellitis after chemotherapy and autologous stem cell re-infusion in a patient with multiple myeloma.,VABB-1,145,146,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304437,,Delayed akinetic catatonic mutism following methadone overdose.,VABB-1,762,764,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304438,,Reduced creatine kinase B activity in multiple sclerosis normal appearing white matter,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304440,,T2 lesions and rate of progression of disability in multiple sclerosis.,VABB-1,1471,1475,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304441,,Modifiable factors influencing relapses and disability in multiple sclerosis.,VABB-1,773,785,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304442,,Effect of selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) on functional outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with tPA.,VABB-1,65,67,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304443,,Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 activates integrin-mediated intracellular signaling and migration in oligodendrocytes,VABB-1,1319,1330,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304444,,tPA treatment for acute ischaemic stroke in patients with leukoaraiosis.,VABB-1,866,870,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304445,,Astrocytes as potential targets to suppress inflammatory demyelinating lesions in multiple sclerosis.,VABB-1,446,450,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304446,,Statin use and functional outcome after tissue plasminogen activator treatment in acute ischaemic stroke.,VABB-1,263,267,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304449,,"Integrating the International Classificiation of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in the Geriatric Minimum Data Set-25 (GMDS-25) for intervention studies in older persons.",VABB-1,128,132,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304455,,Medication history reconciliation by clinical pharmacists in elderly inpatients admitted from home or a nursing home.,VABB-1,1596,1603,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304457,,Strength training does not influence serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor.,VABB-1,285,293,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304458,,The appropriate use of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs in rheumatic disease: opinions of a multidisciplinary European expert panel.,VABB-1,818,822,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:304462,,Anemia and transfusions in geriatric patients: a time for evaluation,VABB-1,116,121,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304463,,Cerebral autoregulation in stroke: a review of transcranial Doppler studies.,VABB-1,2697,2704,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304464,,Intravenous thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in a stroke patient treated with dabigatran.,VABB-1,533,534,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304467,,"The feasibility of thoracic spine rehabilitation in postmenopausal osteoporosis patients and its effects on thoracic kyphosis, back pain and quality of life : a randomized controlled trial.",VABB-1,129,135,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304469,,Advances in Health Promotion in Africa: Promoting Health through Hospitals.,VABB-1,33,36,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304470,,Genetics of epilepsy syndromes starting in the first year of life.,VABB-1,273,281,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304474,,The research agenda for general practice/family medicine and primary health care in Europe. Part 2. Results: Primary care management and community orientation.,VABB-1,42,50,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304475,,Job satisfaction and turnover intent of primary health care nurses in rural South Africa: A questionnaire survey,VABB-1,371,383,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304476,,Conceptualizing collaboration between children’s services and child and adolescent psychiatry: A bottom—up process based on a qualitative needs assessment among the professionals,VABB-1,251,266,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304478,,"The research agenda for general practice/family medicine and primary health care in Europe. Part 3. Results: Person centred care, comprehensive and holistic approach",VABB-1,113,119,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304479,,Abnormal development of the human cerebral cortex,VABB-1,312,323,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304480,,Cognitive deficits and developmental language disorders in patients with malformations of cortical development.,VABB-1,70,71,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304481,,Clinical and imaging heterogeneity of polymicrogyria: a study of 328 patients.,VABB-1,1415,1427,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304486,,"De rechterlijke tussenkomst bij de ontbinding van de sociale huurovereenkomst gerehabiliteerd. Noot onder GwH nr. 101/2008, 10 juli 2008.",VABB-1,1138,1143,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:304487,,Empirical evidence for a four factor framework of personality disorder organization: Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory - III personality disorder scales across Belgian and Danish data samples,VABB-1,128,150,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304494,,"Wirtgen, A., “Verjaring inzake overheidsaansprakelijkheid: stuiting door het beroep tot nietigverklaring bij de Raad van State”, C.D.P.K. 2009, 188-194.",VABB-1,188,194,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:304498,,"Research note. Privacy, Data Protection and Emerging Sciences and Technologies: Towards a Common Framework.",VABB-1,61,67,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304500,,Frequency converter implementing an optical analogue of the cosmological redshift,VABB-1,5350,5355,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304502,,Kino-Tanz. L'art chorégraphique du cinéma,VABB-3,,,152 p.,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:304503,,L'actualité pure. Essai sur le temps paralysé,VABB-3,,,88 p.,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:304504,,Gouverner sans gouverner. Une archéologie politique de la statistique,VABB-3,,,0,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:304506,,La main gauche de David Lynch. Twin Peaks et la fin de la télévision,VABB-3,,,128 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304507,,La règle du Je. Autofiction: Un essai,VABB-3,,,96 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304508,,Résistances philosophiques,VABB-3,,,160 p.,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:304510,,Cioran dans mes souvenirs,VABB-3,,,0,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:304519,,Louis Althusser et la critique du droit,VABB-1,457,466,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304524,,The indeterminacy of an emergency: challenges to criminal jurisdiction in constitutional democracy,VABB-1,161,181,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304528,,Trade marks in Tanzania: the prima facie case and interim relief,VABB-1,566,576,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304529,,Some caveats on profiling,VABB-4,31,41,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304532,,Straatsburg en de levensbeschouwelijke neutraliteit van de Italiaanse staat: een commentaar op Lautsi t. Italië (EHRM 13 oktober 2009).,VABB-1,307,314,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304543,,"Amalia D. Kessler, A Revolution in Commerce. The Parisian Merchant Court and the Rise of Commercial Society in Eighteenth-Century France",VABB-1,133,136,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304546,,"“Misbruiken van de meningsvrijheid via het internet: is het recht Web 2.0- compatibel? Pleidooi voor een technologieneutrale bescherming van de uitingsvrijheid”,",VABB-1,15,22,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304549,,Confining light in deep subwavelength electromagnetic cavities,VABB-1,113102,113106,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304562,,"De uithuiszetting en de herhuisvesting, de Achilleshiel in het sociaal woonbeleid, ook in het Vlaamse Gewest.",VABB-1,43,54,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304571,,Toestemming voor e-mailreclame kan per e-mail,VABB-1,200,203,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304577,,De herstelvordering getoetst aan het evenredigheidsbeginsel: het Hof van Cassatie stelt orde op zaken,VABB-1,1347,1350,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:304578,,Het afval van de horeca buiten gezet. De gemeente staat erbij en kijkt ernaar?,VABB-1,3,16,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:304579,,Implementering Bolkesteinrichtlijn in Ikeawet,VABB-1,662,666,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:304587,,Der Kampf um das Bild. Elfriede Jelineks Die Kinder der Toten im Dialog mit Franz Kafka und Gilles Deleuze,VABB-4,153,167,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:304590,,Investigating the Effects and Effectiveness of L2 Instruction,VABB-4,736,755,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:304591,,"""Auto/Biography in American Performance.""",VABB-4,287,304,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304593,,"""Anne-Marie Boisvert, Manon Oligny, and Thomas Israel: Three Artists in Search of Cindy Sherman.""",VABB-1,39,58,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304594,,Competency-based job descriptions and termontography. The case of terminological variation,VABB-4,179,191,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304595,,A procedure for testing the Noticing Hypothesis in the context of vocabulary acquisition.,VABB-4,169,197,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304605,,Neurobiochemical markers of brain damage in cerebrospinal fluid of acute ischemic stroke patients,VABB-1,451,458,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304607,,Identifying the Neural Substrates of Second Language Acquisition: What is the Contribution from Functional and Structural MRI?,VABB-2,,,14 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304608,,Progressive volume reduction and its relation to the different stages of schizophrenia,VABB-1,99,100,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304609,,L'icône et la tragédie. Les interprétations d'Antigone dans le théâtre flamand depuis 1990.,VABB-4,275,285,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304618,,L'identification des personnes dans le texte informatif: analyse discursive des constructions appositives en espagnol,VABB-4,259,272,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304619,,Standardisation through the Media. The case of Dutch in Flanders.,VABB-4,309,322,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304623,,Enseigner les structures langagières en FLE,VABB-3,,,300 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304624,,Instruction grammaticale et stabilisation de la morphologie verbale. L'accord sujet-verbe à la 3e personne,VABB-4,249,268,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304625,,Las construcciones apositivas de referente humano en el discurso periodístico informativo,VABB-2,,,318 p.,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:304627,,Towards an assessment of learners’ receptive and productive syntagmatic knowledge,VABB-4,139,152,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:304628,,The perks of norm-referenced translation evaluation.,VABB-4,73,93,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:304629,,Does chunking accelerate chunk-uptake?,VABB-4,99,120,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304631,,Ontological support for multilingual domain-specific translation dictionaries,VABB-4,137,146,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304632,,"La représentation tragique du Roi et de l'État: Théologie politique, Théâtralité et Absolutisme.",VABB-4,155,169,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304636,,"Adaptive Collaboration, Collaborative Adaptation: Filming the Mamet Canon",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304642,,Consecutive acupuncture stimulations lead to significantly decreased neural responses,VABB-1,481,487,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304646,,Why special language translators need insight in the mechanisms of metaphorical models and figurative denominations,VABB-4,351,369,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304649,,"""Node: Inter-relations: Instance: Anne-Marie Boisvert, _Identité dénudée: regard sous le maquillage de Sherman_ Manon Oligny: _Pouliches: autour de l'oeuvre de Cindy Sherman_ Thomas Israel: _Looking for Cindy_ (2006)""",VABB-4,210,216,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304653,,Negación y rebeldía. El exilio en Agustín Gómez-Arcos,VABB-4,249,258,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:304655,,"Rising Anthills: African and African American Writing on Female Genital Excision, 1960-2000",VABB-2,,,274 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304657,,Les orphelins d’Éros. Lexicographie et traductologie,VABB-1,1,5,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304659,,"A peritidal evaporite environment in the Neoproterozoic of South Gabon(Schisto-Calcaire Subgroup, Nyanga Basin).",VABB-1,253,265,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304661,,Pedagogues in Latin Inscriptions,VABB-1,303,325,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304664,,Education,VABB-4,79 / 196,95 / 199,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304666,,Vroegmoderne relativa: naar een diachrone constructiegrammatica.,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304667,,Antigone and the Law: Legal Theory and the Ambiguities of Performance,VABB-4,185,195,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304670,,Cognitive and affective disturbances following focal cerebellar damage in adults: a neuropsychological and SPECT study,VABB-1,869,879,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304674,,The cerebellum and cognition: a review of clinical and neuroimaging studies.,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304676,,Cross-linguistic neuroimaging and dyslexia: A critical view.,VABB-1,1312,1316,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304678,,Ethnicity in linguistic variation: White and coloured identities in Afrikaans-English code-switching,VABB-1,425,447,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304679,,Afrikaans norms of spoken usage and the desirability of re-standardizing Standard Afrikaans along ethnic lines,VABB-4,197,221,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304680,,Afrikaanse spreektaalnormen en prescriptieve Afrikaanse normen: Is er genoeg ruimte voor grammaticale diversiteit in het Standaardafrikaans?,VABB-1,418,443,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:304682,,Living Truthfully: David Mamet's Practical Aesthetics,VABB-1,329,339,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304683,,Warring and Whoring: Mamet Performs for Television,VABB-1,293,303,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304686,,Recent Trends In Grammatical Variation In Afrikaans Varieties Within And Across Namibia’s Borders,VABB-1,85,105,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304693,,Quantification et scalarité: le fonctionnement de tant/ autant (que),VABB-1,155,173,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:304695,,Les structures corrélatives: pour une inscription dans les sous-systèmes parataxe/ hypotaxe et coordination/ subordination,VABB-4,219,239,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304696,,Delicia-Children Revisited: the Evidence of Statius' Silvae,VABB-4,245,272,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304698,,De rutina a ritual: Cotidianeidad y erotismo en la literatura mexicana,VABB-5,143,160,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:304699,,Stadt–Land–Unterschiede in der Kanzleisprache Flanderns im 19. Jahrhundert.,VABB-4,75,96,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:304701,,Le rire du prince de Ligne,VABB-4,539,556,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304702,,Bonnefoy et l’expérience poétique de la ville,VABB-4,19,24,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304703,,Receptive L2 Grammar Knowledge Development in Bilingual Preschools,VABB-4,69,100,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304717,,Linguistic strategies referring to politicians in the Spanish written press: an analysis of appositive constructions,VABB-1,206,222,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304718,,Las construcciones apositivas en el artículo periodístico informativo: un análisis pragmático-discursivo,VABB-4,291,299,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:304724,,Jean Cocteau. Le cinéma et son monde,VABB-3,,,181 p.,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:304725,,Jean Cocteau et la radio,VABB-3,,,277 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:304727,,The Professionalisation of the Author in Belgium around 1900,VABB-4,39,52,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304733,,An introduction to assurance engagements,VABB-1,13,20,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304734,,Het Global Reporting Initiative (GRI),VABB-1,3,7,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:304748,,Academic theory,VABB-4,142,172,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304752,,Are culturally congruent websites more effective? An overview of a decade of empirical evidence,VABB-1,14,29,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304753,,Triple testing the quality of multinationality-performance research: An internalization perspective,VABB-1,265,275,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304756,,Toward More Effective Research on the Multinationality-Performance Relationship,VABB-1,149,162,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304758,,Virtual worlds: a gateway for SMEs towards internationalization,VABB-1,72,90,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:304763,,A Strategic Management Analysis of Ownershp Advantages in the Eclectic Paradigm,VABB-1,89,108,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304765,,Occasioning Change through HR Sourcing,VABB-5,307,324,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304768,,Hernieuwbare energie als alternatieve energiebron: een realistische opportuniteit of “wishful thinking,VABB-1,20,36,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:304769,,Correction of under-quantified specimens with the second version of the Roche COBAS(R) AmpliPrep(R)/COBAS(R) TaqMan(R) assay for HIV-1 viral load,VABB-1,1337,1342,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304770,,Correct Implementation of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry in Routine Clinical Microbiology.,VABB-1,1991,1992,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304771,,Transient Epstein-Barr virus reactivation in CD3 monoclonal antibody-treated patients.,VABB-1,1145,1155,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304773,,Confirmation diagnosis of Influenza A(H1N1)2009 by Belgian sentinel laboratories during the epidemic phase.,VABB-1,76,82,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304774,,Prevalence of subtilase cytotoxin in verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli isolated from humans and raw meats in Belgium,VABB-1,1395,1399,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304775,,Antimicrobial resistance testing of verocytotoxin-producing 1 Escherichia coli and first description of TEM-52 extended-spectrum β-lactamase in serogroup O26,VABB-1,4907,4909,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304776,,Does a period of detraining cause a decrease in serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor ?,VABB-1,146,149,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304777,,Neuroplasticity: the effect of acute and training on peripheral brain-derived neurotrophic factor; a systematic review of experimental studies in human subjects,VABB-1,765,801,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304780,,Reduced congruency effects only for repeated spatial irrelevant information.,VABB-1,1137,1167,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304781,,Practice-induced and sequential modulations of the Simon effect,VABB-1,895,911,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304782,,Testing the attention-shift hypothesis as an account for the flanker-sequence based congruency modulation in spatial flanker tasks.,VABB-1,337,351,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304783,,Congruency reversals in an accessory signal Simon task with auditory and visual stimuli,VABB-1,391,397,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304784,,Effect of an acute d-amphetamine administration on context information memory in healthy volunteers: Evidence from a source memory task.,VABB-1,326,344,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304785,,Verbal memory improved by d-amphetamine: Influence of the testing effect,VABB-1,377,387,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304788,,The dynamic postural control is impaired in patients with chronic ankle instability : Reliability and Validity of the Multiple Hop Test.,VABB-1,107,114,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304789,,Reliability and discriminative validity of sudden ankle inversion measurements in patients with chronic ankle instability.,VABB-1,82,86,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304790,,Binding of event files in a (go/no-go) Simon task with accessory peripheral signal.,VABB-1,100,111,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:304795,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:304796,,Anticellulite products and treatments.,VABB-4,603,613,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:304797,,Oral cosmetics,VABB-4,677,687,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:304811,,Effectiveness of robot-assisted gait training in persons with spinal cord injury: A systematic review,VABB-1,520,526,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:304818,,Research and clinical synergy in foot and lower extremity biomechanics.,VABB-1,111,122,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:304826,,De bescherming van het zakengeheim voor de Raad van State in geschillen inzake overheidsopdrachten,VABB-1,839,844,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:305061,,Performance and thermoregulatory effects of chronic bupropion administration in the heat.,VABB-1,493,498,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305062,,Effects of four recovery methods on repeated maximal rock climbing performance.,VABB-1,1303,1310,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305063,,Training Adherence in Early Cardiac Rehabilitation: effect of exercise session duration.,VABB-1,179,182,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305064,,Commuter cycling: effect on physical performance in untrained men and women in Flanders.,VABB-1,179,187,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305065,,Functional anatomy of the dorsal hood or the hand: correlation of ultrasound and MR findings with cadaveric dissection.,VABB-1,1849,1856,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305066,,Time trial performance in normal and high ambient temperature: is there a role for 5-HT?,VABB-1,119,126,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305067,,Perception of effort: it is what we think we know that keeps us from learning.,VABB-1,2063,2063,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305070,,A pictorial overview of ultrasound of tendon disorders,VABB-1,218,223,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:305092,,Mapping bicycle use and the risk of accidents for commuters who cycle to work in Belgium.,VABB-1,77,87,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305093,,Fatigue: from muscle to brain or vica versa ?,VABB-1,459,460,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305094,,Alterations in central fatigue by pharmacological manipulations of neurotransmitters in normal and high ambient temperature.,VABB-1,229,246,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305095,,"Effects of Post-Exercise Recovery Interventions on Physiological, Psychological, and Performance Parameters.",VABB-1,327,335,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305101,,Sonography of the normal ankle: a target approach using bony reference points,VABB-1,487,495,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:305116,,Serotonin release in the preoptic area and anterior hypothalamus is not involved in thermoregulation during low-intensity exercise in a warm environment.,VABB-1,7,11,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305119,,Efficacy of a 3 month training program on the jump-landing technique in jump-landing sports. Design of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305120,,"Effects of training modalities on the clinical benefits of exercise intervention in cardiovascular disease risk patients and type 2 diabetics Sports Med 40(11): 921-940, 2010 SCI=3.018",VABB-1,921,940,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305121,,"Central Fatigue and neurotransmitters, can thermoregulation be manipulated?",VABB-1,19,28,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305123,,Diagnosing overtraining in athletes using the two bout exercise protocol.,VABB-1,642,648,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305124,,The overtraining Syndrome (OTS). Chapter 2.10. In : “Strength and Conditioning- Biological Principles and Practical Applications”,VABB-4,243,252,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305144,,A cross-cultural study of teacher perspectives on teacher roles and adoption of online collaborative learning in higher education,VABB-1,147,165,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305153,,Teacher roles and adoption of educational technology in the Chinese context,VABB-1,72,86,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305154,,Life designing: A paradigm for career construction in the 21st century,VABB-1,239,250,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305158,,Gene therapy strategies for hemophilia: benefits versus risks.,VABB-1,797,809,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305159,,Preclinical and clinical progress in hemophilia gene therapy.,VABB-1,387,392,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305161,,Comparative analysis of transposable element vector systems in human cells.,VABB-1,1200,1209,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305164,,Recent advances in lentiviral vector development and applications.,VABB-1,477,490,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305168,,Absence of thrombospondin-2 causes age-related dilated cardiomyopathy.,VABB-1,1585,1597,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305169,,Efficient stable gene transfer into human cells by the Sleeping Beauty transposon vectors.,VABB-1,287,297,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305170,,Emerging potential of transposons for gene therapy and generation of induced pluripotent stem cells.,VABB-1,1461,1468,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305171,,A murine model for induction of long-term immunologic tolerance to factor VIII does not require persistent detectable levels of plasma factor VIII and involves contributions from Foxp3+ T regulatory cells.,VABB-1,677,685,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305172,,Molecular evolution of a novel hyperactive Sleeping Beauty transposase enables robust stable gene transfer in vertebrates.,VABB-1,753,761,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305173,,Atonal homolog 1 is a tumor suppressor gene.,VABB-1,e39,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305174,,IL-10 dampens TNF/inducible nitric oxide synthase-producing dendritic cell-mediated pathogenicity during parasitic infection.,VABB-1,1107,1118,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305177,,Novel hyperactive transposons for genetic modification of induced pluripotent and adult stem cells: a nonviral paradigm for coaxed differentiation.,VABB-1,1760,1771,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305180,,Retroviral Vectors Induce Epigenetic Chromatin Modifications and IL-10 Production in Transduced B Cells via Activation of Toll-like Receptor 2.,VABB-1,711,722,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:305184,,Sleep and the Emotional Brain: a bi-directional relationship,VABB-1,219,226,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305185,,Pragmatic solutions to offender profiling and behavioural investigative advice.,VABB-1,115,132,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305187,,Is gezinsondersteunende pleegzorg echt preventief?,VABB-1,15,25,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:305189,,Gedragsproblemen en de samenhang met kind-en gezinsfactoren bij jongeren met een licht verstandelijke beperking.,VABB-1,176,185,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:305190,,The nonword reading deficit of disabled redaers. A developmental interpretation.,VABB-1,717,734,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305194,,Wat vinden pleegouders ervan? Ondersteuningsbehoeften van pleegouders in 'Gezinsondersteunende Pleegzorg'.,VABB-1,92,101,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:305198,,The positivity effect in older adults: The role of affective interference and inhibition,VABB-1,129,137,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305199,,Expressing emotions with the social robot Probo.,VABB-1,377,389,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305201,,Neurocognitive effects of HF-rTMS over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on the attentional processing of emotional information in healthy women: an event-related fMRI study.,VABB-1,487,495,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305212,,Using 3D-MRI to localize the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in TMS research.,VABB-1,425,430,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305230,,Gedragsproblemen van pleegkinderen en opvoedgedrag van pleegmoeders.,VABB-1,108,121,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:305236,,Outcome of motor training programmes on arm and hand functioning in patients with cervical spinal cord injury according to different levels of the ICF: a systematic review,VABB-1,497,505,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305240,,TwoMP: A MATLAB graphical user interface for two-mode partitioning,VABB-1,507,514,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305244,,Ordinal goal attainment scores are not suited to arithmetic operations or parametric statistics. Letter to the editor,VABB-1,479,479,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305245,,Freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: the impact of dual-tasking and turning,VABB-1,2563,2570,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305254,,Heart rate-based nighttime awakening detection,VABB-1,317,322,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305255,,An Exploratory Study on the Effects of Tele-neurofeedback and Tele-biofeedback on Objective and Subjective Sleep in Patients with Primary Insomnia,VABB-1,125,134,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305256,,Nocturnal road traffic noise: A review on its assessment and consequences on sleep and health,VABB-1,492,498,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305269,,The Belgian Cancer Plan,VABB-1,264,267,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305273,,Business Alliance & Partnership Performance and its Value Drivers: An Intellectual Capital Approach,VABB-1,249,274,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305275,,"Vervallen fiscale schulden in de toelichting van grote Belgische ondernemingen, een doolhof ?",VABB-1,3,13,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:305276,,Risicorapportering door niet-beursgenoteerde Belgische ondernemingen,VABB-1,3,12,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:305277,,Collateral and credit rationing: a review of recent empirical studies as a guide for future research,VABB-4,133,157,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305282,,Niet-financiële informatierapportering en de kwaliteit van de winstprognoses opgesteld door financiële analisten,VABB-1,3,15,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:305285,,Long-term outcome of thalamic deep brain stimulation in two patients with Tourette syndrome,VABB-1,1068,1072,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305287,,Strategic investment decision-making : communicating the true meaning of the real options framework to the board,VABB-1,137,162,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305305,,Diversity management in Belgium,VABB-4,45,66,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305306,,Learning to work with interdependencies effectively: the case of the HRM forum of the suppliers teams at Volvo Cars Gent,VABB-1,95,100,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305308,,Cost-utility of a cardiovascular prevention program in highly educated adults: Intermediate results of a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,11,19,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305312,,The Implementation Costs of an Electronic Prevention Program,VABB-1,12,17,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305314,,A Decision Support Tool for Evaluating Loyalty and Word-of-Mouth Using Model-Based Knowledge Discovery,VABB-5,691,700,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305316,,Quality assessment of location data obtained by the GPS-enabled PARROTS survey tool,VABB-1,93,104,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305317,,Evaluation of Traffic Safety at Un-signalized Intersections Using Microsimulation:A Utilization of Proximal Safety Indicators,VABB-1,43,52,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305318,,"Collateral, relationship lending and family firms",VABB-1,243,259,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305319,,Internal Fraud Risk Reduction: Results of a Data Mining Case Study,VABB-1,17,41,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305320,,Road safety risk evaluation by means of ordered weighted averaging operators and expert knowledge,VABB-1,48,52,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305322,,Implementation Framework and Development Trajectory of FEATHERS Activity-Based Simulation Platform,VABB-1,111,119,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305326,,Pedagogical traditions in EU universities: challenges and opportunities,VABB-1,100,116,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:305327,,A hybrid system of neural networks and rough sets for road safety performance indicators,VABB-1,1255,1263,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305328,,Evaluating Trauma Management Performance in Europe A Multiple-Layer Data Envelopment Analysis Model,VABB-1,69,75,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305330,,A DEA-based malmquist productivity index approach in assessing road safety performance,VABB-5,923,928,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305355,,Belgisch Congo als utopische maatschappij. Een beschavingsroman van Gerard Walschap,VABB-1,25,32,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:305362,,"Gender Influences on purchasing negotiation objectives, outcomes and communication patterns",VABB-1,88,98,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305369,,"Regulations, standards and international sourcing: New evidence from Dutch survey data",VABB-4,117,135,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305370,,Maternal renal interlobar vein impedance index is higher in early- than in late-onset preeclampsia,VABB-1,69,75,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305371,,Hoe moeten tijdens het huwelijk verworven rechten in een groepsverzekering bij de verdeling van het gemeenschappelijk vermogen worden betrokken?,VABB-1,329,335,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:305372,,standpunt: De BVBA-Starter. Een onverwacht huwelijksvermogensrechtelijk gevolg.,VABB-1,437,445,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:305374,,The use of bio-energy crops (Zea mays) for 'phytoattenuation' of heavy metals on moderately contaminated soils: A field experiment,VABB-1,35,41,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305375,,Economic assessment of flash co-pyrolysis of short rotation coppice and biopolymer waste streams,VABB-1,2736,2747,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305377,,Comparing frontier methods for economic-environmental trade-off analysis,VABB-1,1027,1040,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305378,,Economic Viability of Phytoremediation of a Cadmium Contaminated Agricultural Area Using Energy Maize. Part II: Economics of Anaerobic Digestion of Metal Contaminated Maize in Belgium,VABB-1,663,679,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305379,,Economic Viability of Phytoremediation of a Cadmium Contaminated Agricultural Area Using Energy Maize. Part I: Effect on the Farmer's Income,VABB-1,650,662,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305381,,ROBUST REGIONAL INNOVATION POLICY LEARNING: KEY LESSONS FROM A LARGE-SCALE INTERVENTION PROGRAM,VABB-1,89,107,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305384,,Seizing the Opportunity: Using Availability Samples in Policy Programs for Creating Relevance in Broader Contexts,VABB-1,146,155,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305389,,The Board of Directors as a Team: Investigating the Influence of Shared Leadership on Board Task Performance.,VABB-5,1,455,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305391,,Prospective risk analysis prior to retrospective incident reporting and analysis as a means to enhance incident reporting behaviour: A quasi-experimental field study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305392,,Defining near misses: Towards a sharpened definition based on empirical data about handling processes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305393,,"If only .... : failed, missed and absent error recovery opportunities in medication errors",VABB-1,37,41,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305400,,Study of some Editor-in-Chief decision schemes,VABB-1,184,195,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305408,,A deterministic annealing algorithm for the pre- and end-haulage of intermodal container terminals,VABB-1,340,355,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305417,,Modelling shortest path decisions using an activity-based segmentation,VABB-5,358,365,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305418,,Analyzing factorial experimental data using PLS: an alternative approach and application in an online complaining context.,VABB-4,567,587,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305421,,Simultaneous exposure to a program and advertising content in an interactive context: Perceptual and semantic interference and reinforcement,VABB-1,972,978,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305425,,Inter-firm R&D networks in the global software industry: An overview of major trends and patterns,VABB-1,120,149,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305426,,Exploring a theoretical framework to structure the public policy implications of open innovation,VABB-1,877,896,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305427,,"Environment, Network Interactions and Innovation Performance",VABB-1,210,233,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305428,,Broadening the scope of Open Innovation: Introduction to the special issue,VABB-1,221,235,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305429,,Reframing the role of lead users in radical innovations: an open innovation perspective,VABB-1,202,220,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:305431,,The technological origins of radical inventions,VABB-1,1051,1059,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305434,,A Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Approach for Prioritizing Accident Hotspots in the Absence of Crash Data,VABB-1,97,113,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305440,,Externality of risk and crash severity at roundabouts,VABB-1,1966,1973,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305442,,Changes in Travel Behavior in Response to Weather Conditions Do Type of Weather and Trip Purpose Matter?,VABB-1,22,28,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305443,,Assessing the Impact of Public Holidays on Travel Time Expenditure Differentiation by Trip Motive,VABB-1,29,37,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305445,,Explaining variation in safety performance of roundabouts,VABB-1,393,402,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305446,,Official reporting and newspaper coverage of road crashes: A case study,VABB-1,1469,1476,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305447,,Calibrating Activity-Based Models with External Origin-Destination Information Overview of Possibilities,VABB-1,98,110,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305451,,Additional road markings as an indication of speed limits: Results of a field experiment and a driving simulator study,VABB-1,953,960,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305461,,"Commuting by bike in Belgium, the costs of minor accidents",VABB-1,2149,2157,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305462,,Applying activity-travel data for the assessment of vehicle exhaust emissions: Application of a GPS-enhanced data collection tool,VABB-1,117,122,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305463,,How children view their travel behaviour: a case study from Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,702,710,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305464,,Exposure to particulate matter in traffic: A comparison of cyclists and car passengers,VABB-1,2263,2270,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305465,,Scrutinizing individuals' leisure-shopping travel decisions to appraise activity-based models of travel demand,VABB-1,647,661,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305477,,Lotkaian informetrics and applications to social networks,VABB-1,689,703,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305484,,De uitvoerende bevoegdheid van de Koning: van conforme proclamatie tot eerste staatsmacht. Een historische analyse van artikel 108 Grondwet,VABB-1,195,216,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:305526,,De (gedeeltelijke) opheffing van een bekrachtigd stakingsbevel nader bekeken,VABB-1,39,43,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:305541,,De toerekenbaarheid van artikel 544 BW en aannemers bij burenhinder: snijdt het Hof van Cassatie zich niet in zijn eigen vingers?,VABB-1,291,294,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:305542,,De toerekenbaarheid en objectieve aansprakelijkheid bij burenhinder (art. 544 B.W.): het Hof van Cassatie zaait verwarring en schept onduidelijkheid,VABB-1,469,474,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:305545,,Identifying Hazardous Road Locations: Hot Spots versus Hot Zones,VABB-5,288,300,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:305551,,De onmogelijkheid van troost. Memorandum van Marlene van Niekerk en Adriaan van Zyl,VABB-1,85,102,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:305577,,Overzicht van rechtsleer. Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode 26 juli 2009 - 6 november 2009.,VABB-1,269,274,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:305578,,Overzicht van rechtsleer. Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode 3 april 2009 - 25 juli 2009.,VABB-1,234,239,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:305579,,Modeling the complexity of inventory management systems for intermittent demand using a simulation-optimisation approach,VABB-4,303,314,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:305586,,An overview and framework for PD backtesting and benchmarking,VABB-1,359,373,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:305646,,A vector impedance meter method to characterize multiconductor transmission line parameters,VABB-1,1019,1025,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:306534,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,14,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306535,,"Law, normativity and the model of norms",VABB-4,246,280,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306536,,Do boards with different compositions face different organizational information contexts?,VABB-1,55,75,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:306538,,"Comparing the neural basis of decision making in social dilemmas of people with different social value orientations, a fMRI study",VABB-1,11,24,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306546,,"The predictive validity of peer review: a selective review of the judgmental forecasting qualities of peers, and implications for innovation in science",VABB-1,166,182,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306553,,"Hoe ver reikt het recht op nakoming in het contractenrecht? (Recensie: D. Haas, De grenzen van het recht op nakoming)",VABB-1,94,101,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:306569,,The influence of competences and support on school performance feedback use,VABB-1,141,154,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306589,,Psychomotor function and response inhibition in chronic fatigue syndrome,VABB-1,367,372,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306603,,Variation in the conduct and the quality of self-evaluations : a multi-level path analysis,VABB-1,277,287,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306613,,Categories and prototypes,VABB-4,166,189,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306631,,Displaying competence in organizations: discourse perspectives,VABB-3,,,256 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306638,,"Versluierende taal? Spreken over onderwijs en levensbeschouwing, en over de juridische vormgeving daarvan",VABB-1,36,41,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306639,,Race in early Pynchon: rewriting sphere in V.,VABB-1,17,29,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306643,,Towards integrative religious education in Belgium and Flanders : challenges and opportunities,VABB-1,17,30,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306644,,Bayesian conjoint choice designs for measuring willingness to pay,VABB-1,129,149,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306647,,"ICT in teacher education in an emerging developing country: Vietnam's baseline situation at the start of ""The year of ICT""",VABB-1,974,982,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306650,,Internal exposure to pollutants and sexual maturation in Flemish adolescents,VABB-1,224,233,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306651,,Optimal design of factorial paired comparison experiments in the presence of within-pair order effects,VABB-1,198,204,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306653,,How IT enabled investments bring value to the business: a literature review,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306656,,"Constructing the truth, dealing with dissent, domesticating the world : governance in post-genocide Rwanda",VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306658,,Optimizing the R&D process using spin-outs : case studies from the pharmaceutical industry,VABB-1,32,41,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306660,,"Accuracy of tuberculosis routine data and nurses: views of the TB-HIV information system in the Free State, South Africa",VABB-1,67,73,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306662,,De meesters van de spiegel: auteursonderscheiding op basis van het frequente rijmwoord in het aandeel van Utenbroeke en Maerlant in de Spiegel historiael,VABB-1,97,121,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:306663,,The anatomy of investing in energy efficient buildings,VABB-1,905,914,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306664,,Cinema and the swastika: the international expansion of Third Reich cinema,VABB-3,,,360 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306665,,Poverty in the Enlarged European Union: a discussion about definitions and reference groups,VABB-1,77,91,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306666,,Introduction,VABB-4,19,24,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306667,,"Europe's new Hollywood? The German film industry under Nazi rule, 1933-45",VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306668,,"German influence on Belgian cinema, 1933-45: from low-profile presence to downright colonisation",VABB-4,72,84,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306671,,On news media and democratic debate: framing agricultural biotechnology in Northern Belgium,VABB-1,83,105,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306672,,Better performance management: some single- and double-loop strategies,VABB-1,421,434,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306673,,Can we account for selection bias? A comparison between bare metal and drug-elting stents,VABB-1,3,14,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306678,,Performance of classification models from a user perspective,VABB-1,782,793,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306679,,Process discovery in event logs: an application in the telecom industry,VABB-1,1697,1710,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306681,,Building comprehensible customer churn prediction models with advanced rule induction techniques,VABB-1,2354,2364,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306682,,Towards greater consistency in sentencing: findings from a survey of Belgian magistrates,VABB-1,6,16,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306684,,Humour and religion: challenges and ambiguities,VABB-3,,,272 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306685,,"Humour, religion and vulnerability",VABB-4,191,203,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306686,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306690,,"""Den Europäischen Kreis im Rücken"": Walter Benjamins langer Abschied von Europa",VABB-4,32,52,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:306692,,A split-plot experiment with factor-dependent whole-plot sizes,VABB-1,66,79,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306693,,"Experiences of the use of FOX, an intelligent agent, for programming cochlear implant sound processors in new users",VABB-1,50,58,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306702,,The state as citizen: state personhood and ideology,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306703,,Global governance: parsimony and the strictures of complexity,VABB-1,19,29,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306704,,Top management team functional diversity and firm performance: the moderating role of CEO characteristics,VABB-1,151,177,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306714,,Family governance: zelfzorg en familiale zorg met private familiewetten,VABB-1,4,11,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306715,,Family (self-)governance at the boundaries of a privatised family law: a Belgian exploration,VABB-1,209,223,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306719,,Optimal pricing of a conspicuous product during a recession that freezes capital markets,VABB-1,163,174,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306720,,A proposal for a first-citation-speed-index,VABB-1,181,186,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306723,,"Grieving for lost children, Pagan and Christian",VABB-4,315,330,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306725,,A sequential-move game for enhancing safety and security coooperation within chemical clusters,VABB-1,401,406,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306726,,Empirical validation of a real options theory based method for optimizing evacuations decisions within chemical plants,VABB-1,779,787,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306727,,Factors affecting MD&A disclosures by SEC registrants : views of practitioners,VABB-1,45,59,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306729,,Talking like a 'zerolingual' : ambiguous linguistic caricatures at an urban secondary school,VABB-1,1264,1278,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306731,,Multilingual structures and agencies,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306732,,Marshall in Belgium,VABB-4,141,144,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:306734,,Politieke wetenschap als beroep : over het spanningsveld tussen maatschappelijke relevantie en academische ernst,VABB-1,106,112,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306735,,De Wet Menselijk Lichaamsmateriaal van 19 december 2008 : een grondige analyse,VABB-1,217,253,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306736,,The law on sperm : the liability of sperm banks in Belgium,VABB-1,287,299,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306738,,"Social norms, social cohesion, and corporate governance",VABB-1,41,60,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306739,,Interest groups and EU anti-dumping policy,VABB-1,339,360,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306741,,Efficient designs with minimal aliasing,VABB-1,62,71,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306742,,A class of three-level designs for definitive screening in the presence of second-order effects,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306743,,An empirical study of the prediction performance of space-filling designs,VABB-1,1,18,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306752,,The practicality of pure reason : a normative defence of Kant's 'Theory of moral motivation',VABB-1,152,191,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306768,,Current quality of life and its determinants among opiate-dependent individuals five years after starting methadone treatment,VABB-1,139,150,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306769,,Gebruik van antipsychotica bij somatomorfe stoornissen : een literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,163,173,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306770,,Treatment outcomes of an integrated residential programme for patients with schizophrenia and substance use disorder,VABB-1,154,163,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306771,,Persistence and outcome of auditory hallucinations in adolescence : a longitudinal general population study of 1800 individuals,VABB-1,252,256,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306772,,Depressieve stoornis bij ouderen : een stand van zaken,VABB-1,372,380,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306773,,Ziprasidone vs olanzapine in recent-onset schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder : results of an 8-week double-blind randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,352,361,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306774,,Meer discriminatie door meer diversiteit : een paradox voor het Belgisch publiek managment? = More discrimination by more diversity : a paradox for the Belgian public management?,VABB-1,3,20,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306775,,Midwives in Greek inscriptions in Hellenistic and Roman Antiquity,VABB-1,154,162,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306776,,An application of multi-criteria analysis (MCA) to the location of a container hub port in South Africa,VABB-1,51,79,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306797,,Barry and Kukathas as inspiring sources for a church-state system in Belgium,VABB-1,3,20,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306798,,Flow interaction with dynamic vegetation patches : implications for biogeomorphic evolution of a tidal landscape,VABB-1,"F01008,1","F01008,13",,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306799,,"Beurzen van België : een geschiedenis van het beurswezen, 1801-1867",VABB-2,,,288 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306800,,MULTIMOORA : optimization decides on bank loan to buy property,VABB-1,174,188,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306801,,Two founts of ivory : nudity on stage in the seventeenth century Low Countries,VABB-4,83,96,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306802,,Raising : Dutch between English and German,VABB-1,1,36,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306803,,Negation and perfective vs. imperfective aspect,VABB-1,65,84,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306809,,Power-sharing as a fragile safety valve in times of electoral turmoil : the costs and benefits of Burundi's 2010 elections,VABB-1,315,335,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306812,,Beyond good and evil? Morality in video games,VABB-1,37,44,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306815,,From now to eternity,VABB-3,,,209 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306816,,In the mood for mood,VABB-3,,,174 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306817,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306818,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306819,,Disclosing or protecting? Teenagers'online self-disclosure,VABB-4,285,307,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306822,,Compressive sensing : a strategy for fluttering target discrimination employed by bats emitting broadband calls,VABB-1,1100,1110,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306823,,Mathematical derivation of the scale-dependence of the h-index and other h-type indices,VABB-1,287,292,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306826,,Mathematical relations of the h-index with other impact measures in a Lotkaian framework,VABB-1,610,616,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306836,,"One religion, many identities? The reception of Islam related news items by Muslim women with Turkish, Moroccan and Flemish roots in Flanders",VABB-1,116,134,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306837,,Can a charter of diversity make the difference in ethnic minority reporting? A comparative content and production analysis of two Flemish television newscasts,VABB-1,195,216,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306838,,Readers' responses to product+strategies of print media brands : increasing readership or commoditization of print media?,VABB-1,22,36,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306841,,"Social class, experiences of distinction and cinema in postwar Ghent",VABB-4,101,124,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306842,,The political economy of audiences,VABB-4,415,435,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306843,,Explorations in new cinema history : approaches and case studies,VABB-3,,,344 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306849,,Coordinating sentence composition with error correction : a multilevel analysis,VABB-1,331,363,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306850,,The contribution of global administrative law to the legitimacy of the Codex Alimentarius Commission,VABB-4,171,212,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306854,,De juridische implicaties van het EU-beleid inzake Betere Regelgeving : over legitimiteit en rechterlijk toezicht,VABB-1,50,58,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306855,,Cyberbullying : predicting victimisation and perpetration,VABB-1,59,72,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306858,,Optimal congestion taxes in a time allocation model,VABB-1,79,95,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306866,,The fiscal aspects of the free movement of workers in the EC context,VABB-4,73,99,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306872,,Wat de rechtsvergelijking vermag : over onderzoeksdesign,VABB-1,194,204,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306873,,Gedaantewisselingen van het recht,VABB-1,1120,1126,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306874,,Gedaantewisselingen van het recht,VABB-1,540,546,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306875,,Doing what doen't come naturally : on the distictiveness of comparative legal research,VABB-4,229,240,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306881,,An empirical investigation into the assimilation of open source server software,VABB-1,117,140,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306882,,Evaluation research in cross-agency settings of social work : an international comparison,VABB-1,77,96,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306893,,Foreign nation visibility in US news coverage : a longitudinal analysis (1950-2006),VABB-1,1,21,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306894,,Teacher educators' conceptions of learning to teach and related teaching strategies,VABB-1,207,222,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306895,,Political journalists : covering politics in the democratic corporatist media systedm,VABB-4,511,526,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306896,,The political information environment during election campaigns,VABB-4,50,63,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306897,,Media systems and the political information environment : a cross-national comparisons,VABB-4,33,49,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306898,,Does knowledge of hard news go with knowledge of soft news? A cross-national analysis of the structure of public affairs knowledge,VABB-4,119,137,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306901,,"Intrinsic vowel F0, the size of vowel inventories and second language acquisition",VABB-1,168,177,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306902,,Only evolutions : Joyce's and Danielewski's works in progress,VABB-4,123,140,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306905,,Ethnographic discourse analysis and social science,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306908,,Writing from news sources : the case of Apple TV,VABB-1,1876,1889,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306910,,On the credibility of the judge : a cross-classified multilevel analysis on student evaluations of teaching?,VABB-1,121,131,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306911,,Reconversion to Hinduism : a Hindu nationalist reaction against conversion to Christianity and Islam,VABB-1,31,50,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306912,,Phenomenology,VABB-4,217,221,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306921,,Hannah Arendt and the law,VABB-3,,,366 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306923,,An extremist monarchy in the guise of a republic? Remarks on Ackerman's proposals for the American presidency,VABB-1,449,465,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306924,,"A normative positivism for the deliberative republic (Review article of S. Besson, J. Marti (eds.), Legal Republicanism, Oxford, University Press, 2009)",VABB-1,249,260,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306925,,Critical issues in air transport economics and business,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306926,,The future air transport sector : a modified market and ownership structure,VABB-4,10,28,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306927,,World air cargo and merchandise trade,VABB-4,98,111,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306928,,Major challenges for the future of the air transport sector,VABB-4,393,402,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306929,,Integrators in a changing world,VABB-4,112,132,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306930,,The role of the Supreme Court in Arendt's Political constitutionalism,VABB-4,117,132,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306931,,Multilayered legal conventionalism and the normativity of law,VABB-4,158,176,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306934,,Managing globalization at school : a review of 'Constructing inequality in multilingual classrooms',VABB-1,93,97,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306935,,Non-state actors in multilateral trade governance,VABB-4,447,462,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306936,,Q-measures and betweenness centrality in a collaboration network : a case study of the field of informetrics,VABB-1,133,147,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306937,,"Efficiency wages, unemployment benefits and union : firm wage bargaining : the issue of the choice of the outside option",VABB-1,75,86,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306939,,De clash der Titanen : een psychopolitieke cartografie van de Belgische politiek,VABB-2,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306945,,Cognitivism and the claim to correctness,VABB-1,15,30,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:306946,,"Constitutional rights, balancing and the structure of autonomy",VABB-1,129,154,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306947,,New essays on the normativity of law,VABB-3,,,355 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306949,,Principled monism and the normative conception of coercion under international law,VABB-4,317,341,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306950,,Between reason and strategy : some reflections on the normativity of proportionality,VABB-4,90,120,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:306955,,(Con)tekst en commentaar: zes wetenschappelijke publieksedities vergeleken,VABB-1,40,53,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306957,,Welke plaats is er voor de autoriteit en de zeggingskracht van religie in een (post)seculiere samenleving?,VABB-1,62,77,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306963,,Tussen feit en fictie : over Roelands wapenschild en een Zuid-Vlaams ontstaansmilieu voor de Middelnederlandse Fierabras,VABB-1,1,18,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306964,,Critical and creative perspectives on fairy tales : an intertextual dialogue between fairy-tale scholarship and postmodern retellings,VABB-2,,,384 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306968,,Lost in diffusion? How collaborative arrangements lead to an accountability paradox,VABB-1,505,530,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306971,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,43,47,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306972,,Patient- and delivery-system factors related to acceptance of HIV councelling and testing services among TB patients in South Africa :a qualitative study with community health workders and program managers,VABB-1,"27,10",,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306974,,The effect of author set size and data size in authorship attribution,VABB-1,35,55,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306975,,Convergence and divergence : the federalization of Belgian equality politics,VABB-1,55,71,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306980,,Planet and people-centered economics,VABB-4,171,178,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306981,,Beeldvorming van de seksualiteit van ouderen in reclame,VABB-4,239,267,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306983,,Gender and network formation in rural Nicaragua : a village case study,VABB-1,31,61,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306987,,Is er sociale zekerheid op andere planeten?,VABB-1,5,23,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:306989,,Ghent revisited : unemployment insurance and union membership in Belgium and the Nordic countries,VABB-1,125,139,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306991,,Data mining and economic crime risk management,VABB-4,205,227,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:306993,,The distinctiveness of family firm intangibles : a review and suggestions for future research,VABB-1,268,287,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:306994,,Kasstroominformatie als voorspeller van toekomstige operationele kasstromen,VABB-1,2,21,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307002,,Simulation results on a continuous flow transfer line with three unreliable machines,VABB-1,15,26,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307010,,The local relevance of human rights,VABB-3,,,400 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307011,,Public diplomacy and soft power in East-Asia,VABB-2,,,290 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307012,,WikiLeaks : ruwe edelstenen made in USA,VABB-1,271,274,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307013,,Efficient GRASP+VND and GRASP+VNS metaheuristics for the traveling repairman problem,VABB-1,189,209,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307016,,Analysing the lobby-effect of port competitiveness determinants : a stochastic frontie approach,VABB-1,113,123,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307021,,"Local livelihoods, global interests and the state in the Congolese mining sector",VABB-4,149,169,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307022,,"Constraints, opportunities and hope : artisanal gold mining and trade in South Kivu(DRC)",VABB-4,192,214,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307023,,Triangular arm wrestling : analysis and revision of the Sino-Congolese agreements,VABB-4,237,251,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307024,,Causal disclosures on earnings and earnings management in an IPO setting,VABB-1,431,459,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307025,,De invloed van de algemene mediareputatie van een onderneming op het versterkte klantenkrediet,VABB-1,2,13,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307026,,Queer in Poland : under construction,VABB-4,159,172,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307027,,"Real governance beyond the ""failed state"" : negotiating the education sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)",VABB-1,213,231,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307029,,Two birds of a feather? Collaboration in social work research in Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307032,,Theories of learning for the workplace : building blocks for training and professional development programs,VABB-2,,,176 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307033,,On organisational learning : C. Argyris,VABB-4,115,124,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307034,,From the theory of situated cognition to communities of practice,VABB-4,66,78,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307040,,Bridging the abyss : Victor Basch's political and aesthetic mindset,VABB-1,87,107,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:307041,,The muse of mysticism : transforming and recycling catholicism (1900-1950),VABB-1,1161,1170,-,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:307043,,"Space, art an mystic contemplation : the self-fashioning of converted avant-gardists",VABB-1,1277,1292,-,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:307056,,Het metabool syndroom bij kinderen en jongeren : het belang van monitoring bij een behandeling met atypische antipsychotica,VABB-1,288,298,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307058,,Quantitative EEG in ischemic stroke : correlation with functional status after 6 months,VABB-1,874,883,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307060,,The European social fund and domestic activation policies : Europeanization mechanisms,VABB-1,55,72,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307069,,Institutionalised individualism : Parsons and Luhmann on American society,VABB-4,171,200,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307071,,Land relations and local livelihoods in the Great Lakes region,VABB-4,3,25,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307072,,Natural resources and local livelihoods in the Great Lakes Region of Africa : a political economy perspective,VABB-3,,,265 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307073,,"Participatie in complexe besluitvormingsprocessen. Yes, we should",VABB-1,29,38,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307093,,Ideological variation in political style and emotive strategy of metaphor,VABB-1,57,76,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307098,,Compound real option valuation with phase-specific volatility : a multi-phase mobile payments case study,VABB-1,240,255,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307103,,"De eenvoud van de btw is wonderzoet, voor wie haar geen geweld aandoet : terugkeer naar de principes betreffende de btw-regeling met betrekking tot privé-gebruik van investeringsgoederen",VABB-1,75,78,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307105,,De gevolgen van btw-fraude,VABB-1,220,223,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307106,,"Hoe sturen verantwoordelijken het strategisch beleid van Vlaamse besturen? Naar een ""paradigmatisch"" beleidsmodel",VABB-1,34,52,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307113,,De sterfhuisclausule springlevend (noot onder Cass. 10 december 2010),VABB-1,106,111,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307117,,How gender shapes local party politics : the case of Belgium,VABB-4,115,128,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307120,,A good quality of life under the influence of methadone : a qualitative study among opiate-dependent individuals,VABB-1,1244,1257,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307122,,"Belangenafweging bij een schorsingsverzoek en modulering van vernietigingsarresten door het Grondwettelijk Hof : een verhaal van rechtszekerheid (noot onder GwH 29 juli 2010, nr. 97/2010)",VABB-1,1253,1257,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:307129,,Adoption intentions toward interactive digital television among advertising professionals,VABB-1,45,59,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307131,,Trade credit and bank relationships: evidence from pre-World War I Belgium,VABB-1,1647,1655,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307134,,De toets aan het belang van het kind van de vaderlijke erkenning (noot onder Grondwettelijk Hof 16 december 2010),VABB-1,57,61,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307140,,Rational reconstruction reconsidered,VABB-1,595,615,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307141,,Transparency and sensorimotor contingencies : do we see through photographs?,VABB-1,463,480,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:307142,,A modal theory of function,VABB-1,412,431,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:307143,,What if reality has no architecture?,VABB-1,181,197,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307144,,Philosophy of perception : the new wave,VABB-4,3,12,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307145,,Perceiving the world : new essays on perception,VABB-3,,,392 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307147,,"Noot onder EHRM 3 februari 2011, nr. 18136/02 (Siebenhaar)",VABB-1,709,713,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307149,,Schade ingevolge medische ongevallen,VABB-1,158,168,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307150,,"Gelijkheid van de burgers voor de openbare lasten : wel fundamenteel, (nog) niet absoluut (noot onder Cass. 24 juni 2010)",VABB-1,1223,1227,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307160,,Noot onder HvJ 29 juni 2010,VABB-1,88,91,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307162,,Participatory journalism: guarding open gates at online newspapers,VABB-2,,,240 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307164,,Inside the newsroom : journalists' motivations and organizational structures (Ch. 4),VABB-4,59,75,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307174,,Effecten van ondersteuning bij schoolfeedbackgebruik,VABB-1,90,106,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:307177,,Slapstick comedy,VABB-3,,,288 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307178,,Restoring slapstick to the historiography of early film,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307186,,Writing in the natural sciences : understanding the effects of different types of reviewers on the writing process,VABB-1,365,393,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307187,,Een veiligheidsprotocol voor het gebruik van psychofarmaca bij kinderen,VABB-1,267,277,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307188,,Rank-order choice-based conjoint experiments : efficiency and design,VABB-1,2519,2531,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307190,,A metaheuristic for a teaching assistant assignment-routing problem,VABB-1,249,258,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:307191,,Production control in a failure-prone manufacturing network using discrete event simulation and automated response surface methodology,VABB-1,35,46,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307200,,The impact of low sulphur fuel requirements in shipping on the competitiveness of roro shipping in Northern Europe,VABB-1,63,95,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307203,,The financialization of the port and terminal industry : revisiting risk and embeddedness,VABB-1,191,213,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307206,,Are bunker adjustment factors aimed at revenue-making or cost recovery? Empirical evidence on pricing strategies of shipping lines,VABB-4,223,255,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307208,,"Digital games, the aftermath : qualitative insights into post game experiences",VABB-4,149,164,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307210,,What drives the acceptability of Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA)?,VABB-1,256,273,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307211,,Blood cigarettes : cigarette smuggling and war economies in central and eastern Africa,VABB-1,226,232,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307214,,Team learning : building shared mental models,VABB-1,283,301,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307217,,Julie et ses doubles : à propos des Amours de Milord Edouard Bomston,VABB-4,385,394,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:307226,,The rise of gender quota laws : expanding the spectrum of determinants for electoral reform,VABB-1,514,530,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307228,,Exploring deliberate practice in medicine : how do internists learn at work,VABB-1,81,95,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307232,,Pieter Paul Rubens als diplomatiek debutant : het verhaal van een ambitieus politiek agent in de vroege zeventiende eeuw,VABB-1,20,33,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:307234,,Bescherming van cliënteel,VABB-1,1458,1468,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:307250,,Afzendersaansprakelijkheid in luchtvervoer,VABB-1,373,378,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:307253,,Postgraduate education on palliative care for general practitioners in Belgium,VABB-1,187,188,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307256,,Tekstredactie - een wetenschappelijke onderbouw voor de praktijk,VABB-1,53,79,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307257,,Teksredaksie,VABB-2,,,543 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:307262,,From multidimensional needs to language training for mobile professionals : an interdisciplinary approach,VABB-5,70,84,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307264,,Evaluation in the course development process : a learner centered approach,VABB-1,120,140,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307269,,"Jespersen cycles in Kanincin : double, triple and maybe even quadruple negation",VABB-1,155,181,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:307272,,Waging (civil) war abroad : Rwanda and the DRC,VABB-4,132,151,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307273,,"The dark side of childhood in Late Antiquity and the Middele Ages : unwanted, disabled and lost",VABB-3,,,130 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307274,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,10,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307275,,Disabled children in Gregory of Tours,VABB-4,39,62,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307276,,Faam en waan van het modernistische theater in Vlaanderen : 1920-1929,VABB-4,91,97,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307277,,Effects of teachers' instructional development on students' study approaches in higher education,VABB-1,2,19,-,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:307285,,A quantitative analysis of poverty and livelihood profiles : the case of rural Rwanda,VABB-1,584,598,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:307288,,Comments on the modified collaborative coefficient,VABB-1,171,174,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307289,,"Stress-related growth, coming out, and internalized homonegativity in lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth : an examination of stress-related growth within the minority stress model",VABB-1,117,137,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307298,,Civil society action in the field of cultural heritage : a European perspective,VABB-1,59,81,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307300,,Governance of urban agricultural space : struggle for land in Kinshasa (DRC),VABB-4,68,82,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307302,,A method for estimating the orientation of a directional sound source from source directivity and multi-microphone recordings : principles and application,VABB-1,1046,1058,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307305,,Universal and transcendental pragmatics,VABB-4,289,296,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307306,,Ludwig Wittgenstein,VABB-4,297,308,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:307307,,Märtyrertum als interreligiöses Skandalon in moderner jüdischer Literatur,VABB-4,83,89,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:307308,,Philosophical perspectives for pragmatics,VABB-3,,,318 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307310,,Zimmer à la Belge : could a commissionaire arrangement create an agency permanent establishment in Belgium?,VABB-1,237,248,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307311,,"Over bouw- en installatieactiviteiten, onderaanneming en de vaste inrichtingsproblematiek (noot onder Indian authority for advanced rulings 11 september 2009)",VABB-1,585,595,-,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307317,,The enduring stuff of narrative : late capitalist ideology and the end of history in Don DeLilo's Underworld and cosmopolis,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307318,,Le Risorgimento perverti : lecture du chap. III de Il sorriso dell'ignoto marinaio de Vincenzo Consolo,VABB-4,279,291,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:307323,,Het Hof van cassatie over 'parasitaire mededinging' en 'aanhaking' : scherpstelling of genadeschot? (noot onder Cass. 29 mei 2009),VABB-1,1562,1566,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307327,,Firm lobbying and EU trade policy making : reflections on the anti-dumping case against Chinese and Vietnamese shoes (2005-2011),VABB-1,965,991,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307328,,Continuously and simultaneously optimizing an organisation's safety and security culture and climate : the improvement diamond for excellence achievement and leadership in safety and security (IDEAL S&S),VABB-1,1239,1249,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307329,,The unequal benefits of activation : an analysis of the social distribution of family policy among families with young children,VABB-1,472,485,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307338,,Verjährung und Verfassung : Belgische Erfahrungen,VABB-4,143,175,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:307339,,Robustness in the MULTIMOORA model : the example of Tanzania,VABB-1,67,83,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:307342,,Openbare bibliotheken : strategische partners in stadsontwikkeling,VABB-1,4,13,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307344,,On the definition of forward and backward citation generations,VABB-1,27,36,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307345,,From spreading of behavior to dyadic interaction : a robot learns what to imitate,VABB-1,228,245,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307348,,Conflicten in vennootschappen en het wetboek van vennootschappen : de vlag dekt niet de lading,VABB-1,1603,1703,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:307351,,Walter Benjamin's dialectics of attentiveness,VABB-1,16,24,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307353,,"Visible and non-visible borders of a minority group : the ""Jewish neighborhood"" in Antwerp in the twentieth century",VABB-4,45,61,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307358,,Applying machine learning in accounting research,VABB-1,13414,13424,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307395,,"De schending van een wet van openbare orde in het kader van een belastingontwijkende constructie : de puntjes op de i, noot onder Cass. 16 oktober 2009",VABB-1,808,811,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:307397,,The ruler's drum and the people's shout : accountability and representation on Rwanda's Hills,VABB-4,67,78,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307398,,Het broodje gebakken? Huwelijksstrategieën en partnerkeuze van de bakkers(kinderen) te Brussel in de overgang van het Ancien Régime naar de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,148,168,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:307399,,"De door de rechtbank aangewezen vereffenaar, noot onder Hof Antwerpen, 3 juni 2010",VABB-1,1603,1606,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307401,,Assessment of NER solutions against the first and second CALBC Silver Standard Corpus: proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine (SMBM),VABB-5,63,71,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307402,,History man : de eerste biografie over R.G. Collingwood,VABB-1,147,155,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307405,,Instructional development for teachers in higher education : effects on students' perceptions of the teaching-learning environment,VABB-1,398,419,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:307406,,Impala 1991-2011 : 20 years of ILL in Belgium,VABB-1,101,110,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307407,,Is universal coverage via social health insurance financially feasible in Swaziland?,VABB-1,179,183,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307408,,Why the European Commission fails to adhere to the principles of good donorship : the case of the governance incentive tranche,VABB-1,409,425,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307411,,Het voorkomen van armoede onder werkenden in België : de beleidsopties overwogen,VABB-1,3,44,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307412,,Wie zijn de werkende armen in België,VABB-1,221,244,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307420,,"The paradox of the social investment state : growth, employment and poverty in the Lisbon era",VABB-1,432,449,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307421,,(Un)desirable effects of output funding for flemish universities,VABB-1,1059,1072,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307425,,New challenges for urban social work and urban social work research,VABB-1,27,39,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307426,,Research with social workers to improve their social interventions,VABB-1,71,88,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307427,,Evaluation as learning : the collaboration between social work and research in cross-agency evaluation in Germany and Slovenia,VABB-1,89,107,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307431,,Dossier spécial sur André et Simone Schwarz-Bart,VABB-3,,,274 p.,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:307438,,Eliminating nuclear weapons : the role of missile defense,VABB-2,,,176 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307439,,Determinants of liner shipping network configuration : a two region comparison,VABB-1,213,228,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307440,,The development of the Yangtze River container port system,VABB-1,772,781,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307444,,The role of institutional design and organizational practice for health financing performance and universal coverage,VABB-1,183,192,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307445,,Mutual health insurance in Rwanda : evidence on access to care and financial risk protection,VABB-1,203,209,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307447,,"Vader moeder zult gij eren?, (noot onder Cass. 3 juni 2010)",VABB-1,1648,1651,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:307456,,"Same-sex marriage - Belgium : 18th annual Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Washington, D.C., July 25 - August 1, 2010, National Report",VABB-1,57,84,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307458,,Spelling strategies in alphabetic scripts : insights gained and challenges ahead,VABB-1,110,140,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307464,,"Rives et dérives, en passant par la **drive** : les divagations glissantiennes",VABB-1,97,110,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:307466,,In quest of legitimacy : changes in land law and legal reform in Burundi,VABB-4,83,103,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307468,,Les bushingantahe écartés de la loi : la place de la justice traditionnelle burundaise après la loi communale de 2010,VABB-4,19,32,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:307469,,Vers un nouveau code foncier au Burundi?,VABB-4,67,97,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:307486,,Capabilities in place : locating poverty and affluence in Kinhasa (Democratic Republic of Congo),VABB-1,235,256,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:307487,,How do human and social capital contribute to the early development of academic spin-off ventures?,VABB-5,567,581,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307498,,De ondraaglijke lichtheid van het evenement van de liefde : Alain Badiou en Milan Kundera,VABB-1,71,80,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307499,,Leren zonder school : een verkennend onderzoek naar huisonderwijs,VABB-1,400,416,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307500,,Information and communication technology in teacher education in Vietnam : from policy to practice,VABB-1,89,103,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307501,,How to understand the peculiar public discourse on immigration and integration in Flanders?,VABB-4,127,140,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307506,,The gender paradox in suicidal behavior and its impact on the suicidal process,VABB-1,19,26,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:307508,,A numerical toolbox to solve **N**-player affine LQ open-loop differential games,VABB-1,375,410,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307509,,When are subsidies to trans-European network projects justified?,VABB-1,161,170,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307510,,An assessment of debt-for-education swaps: case studies on swap initiatives between Germany and Indonesia and between Spain and El Salvador,VABB-1,139,156,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307512,,"Tragically modern : centrifugal sub-nationalisms in Belgium, 1830-2009",VABB-4,17,28,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307513,,Necessity into virtue : the culture of postwar reconstruction in Western Europe between asceticism and anti-asceticism,VABB-4,207,226,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307514,,"Dynamics of HPV vaccination initiation in Flanders(Belgium), 2007-2009 : a Cox regression model",VABB-1,"470,1","470,8",,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:307522,,Sociale bescherming van het overheidspersoneel : stilstand of 'standstill'?,VABB-1,217,276,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307523,,Are citizens becoming sources? A look into Flemish journalists' professional contacts,VABB-4,139,151,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307524,,A non-structural test for competition in the container liner shipping industry,VABB-1,219,234,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307527,,Exploring the political-economic factors of participatory journalism,VABB-4,201,212,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307528,,Two state capital accumulation with heterogenous products : disruptive vs. non-disruptive goods,VABB-1,462,478,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307530,,Information generated by the moving pinnae of **Rhinolophus rouxi** : tuning of the morphology at different harmonics,VABB-1,"e20627,1","e20627,11",,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307531,,De investeringsstaat en het verdelingsvraagstuk : waarom is de armoede niet gedaald?,VABB-1,141,159,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307532,,Broadcast rights and competitive balance in European soccer,VABB-1,23,39,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307534,,"A non-linear forecasting of container traffic : the case-study of the Port of Piraeus, 1973-2008",VABB-1,72,99,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307541,,"Gilding golden ages : perspectives from early modern Antwerp on the guild debate, c. 1450 c. 1650",VABB-1,221,253,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307542,,Tuning parameter estimation in penalized least squares methodology,VABB-1,1444,1457,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307547,,"Port activities, hinterland congestion, and optimal government policies : the role of vertical integration in logistic operations",VABB-1,247,275,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307550,,A new method for the construction of bivariate Archimedean copulas based on the $lambda$ function,VABB-1,2670,2679,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307552,,"The evolving socio-political context of community health worker programmes in South Africa : implications for historical analysis : a commentary on van Ginneken, Lewin and Berridge ""The emergence of community health worker programmes in the late-apartheid era in South Africa : an historical analysis""(2010)",VABB-1,1021,1024,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307556,,De zorgvuldige wetgever en de gekwalificeerde fout : een overvloedig respect voor de beleidsvrijheid van de wetgever (noot onder Cass. 10 september 2010),VABB-1,1726,1729,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307560,,The influence of an individual's transactive memory profile when advice is sought,VABB-4,267,283,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307561,,Building learning experiences in (and for) a changing world : an overview,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307562,,Building learning experiences in a changing world,VABB-3,,,225 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307563,,"An urban civilization : the case of municipal autonomy in Belgian history, 1830-1914",VABB-4,110,130,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307567,,Teaching conceptions and approaches to teaching of medical school faculty : the difference between how medical school teachers **think** about teaching and how they say that they **do** teach,VABB-1,e382,e387,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307569,,The representation of competence in newspaper interviews : a linguistic-pragmatic discourse analysis of the (self-)representation of journalists and politicians in written interviews,VABB-4,113,141,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307571,,JMP statistical software,VABB-1,188,194,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307581,,Intra-industry conformity in dividend policy,VABB-1,492,516,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307584,,"Mass murder in Eastern Congo, 1996-1997",VABB-4,20,36,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307585,,Bemiddeling en milieuvergunningen,VABB-1,3,19,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307586,,"The good, the bad, and the talented: entrepreneurial talent and selfish behavior",VABB-1,64,81,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:307601,,De Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) bij Vlaamse jongeren van 11 tot 18 jaar : normgegevens en verdere evidentie voor de betrouwbaarheid binnen een bevolkingsgroep,VABB-1,30,43,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307603,,Het aanbod en het gebruik van spoedeisende psychiatrische zorg voor kinderen en jongeren in België : een verkenning,VABB-1,52,66,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307607,,Whither the microeconomic foundations of macroeconomic theory,VABB-1,51,80,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307608,,Discursive pragmatics,VABB-3,,,307 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307609,,The usefulness of Bayesian optimal designs for discrete choice experiments,VABB-1,173,188,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307610,,"La première décision de la Cour de justice sur le droit de suite (note sous C.d.J., 15 avril 2010, aff. C-518/08 (Fundacion Gala-Salvador Dali t/ ADAGP))",VABB-1,484,487,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307626,,Fusing recommendations for social bookmarking web sites,VABB-1,31,72,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307627,,Designing and evaluating the process of school self-evaluations,VABB-1,200,212,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307630,,When the media matter for politics : partisan moderators of the mass media's agenda-setting influence on parliament in Belgium,VABB-1,321,342,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307632,,The effect of the trainees' perception of the training design on transfer of training,VABB-4,215,233,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307637,,World Trade Organization judicialization and preference convergence in EU trade policy : making the agent's life easier,VABB-1,361,382,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307648,,"Multi-accused Cases and the ICC : challenges concerning general principles, admissibility and evaluation of incriminating evidence",VABB-5,247,261,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307649,,"A strategic network choice model for global container flows : specification, estimation and application",VABB-1,1163,1172,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307650,,Cruise industry,VABB-4,249,254,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:307651,,"Eternal fandom : elderly fans, the media and the staged divorce of a schlager singer",VABB-1,212,226,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307652,,Een bekende smoel voor het goede doel : de effectiviteit van bekende Vlamingen in non-profit campagnes,VABB-1,4,20,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:307653,,"Tuberculosis patients' reasons for, and suggestions to address non-uptake of HIV testing : a cross-sectional study in the Free State Province, South Africa",VABB-1,"110,1","110,9",,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307654,,Are beginning teachers ready for the job? The development and validation of an instrument to measure the basic skills of beginning secondary teachers,VABB-1,429,449,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307663,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307670,,Gezondheid boven alles? Kritische bespreking van het rapport Effecten van preventie,VABB-1,85,90,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307673,,Antwerpen,VABB-4,120,124,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307674,,"Deliberate practice, the high road to expertise : K.A. Ericsson",VABB-4,1,16,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307675,,The reflective practitioner : D. Schön,VABB-4,79,86,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307680,,New inscriptions from Pessinous (VIII),VABB-1,59,86,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307682,,Works councils and organizational performance,VABB-1,136,156,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307684,,"Cinema, audiences and modernity : new perspectives on European cinema history",VABB-3,,,256 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307685,,Measuring comonotonicity in M-dimensional vectors,VABB-1,191,213,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307686,,Inter-party agenda-setting in the Belgian parliament : the role of party characteristics and competition,VABB-1,368,388,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307692,,"Hof van justitie, Zaak C-499/08, Andersen en C-45/09, Rosenbladt",VABB-1,303,306,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307694,,Bypassing the prohibition of amnesty for human rights crimes under international law : lessons learned from the Burundi peace process,VABB-1,189,211,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307695,,De beperking van het stakingsrecht van ambtenaren; partim : het personeel van de penitentiaire instellingen,VABB-1,9,17,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307696,,De bestuursjurist : een profielschets,VABB-1,323,333,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307697,,Can health insurance improve access to quality care for the indian poor?,VABB-1,471,486,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307699,,The efficiency wages perspective to wage rigidity in the open economy: a survey,VABB-1,273,299,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307700,,"World inequality, globalisation, technology and labour market institutions",VABB-1,257,272,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307701,,Participatory planning for project sustainability of environmental education projects : a case study of the Secondary Teacher Training Environmental Education Project (St²eep) in Zimbabwe,VABB-1,433,449,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307702,,Constitutional tort liability and the prudent legislature,VABB-1,69,94,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307703,,Human rights protection in the European legal order : the interaction between the European and the national courts,VABB-3,,,382 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307704,,Re-conceptualizing scale boundaries : the case of Dutch **helemaal**,VABB-1,2043,2056,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307705,,The interaction between European and national courts as to human rights protection,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307706,,The supremacy dilemma : the Belgian Constitutional Court caught between the European Court of Human Rights and the Euroepan Court of Justice,VABB-4,149,171,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307707,,Time series of outgrow indices,VABB-1,413,421,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307708,,Characterizations of the generalized Wu- and Kosmulski-indices in Lotkaian systems,VABB-1,439,445,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307712,,Bipartite networks for link prediction : can they improve prediction performance?,VABB-5,249,260,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307714,,Je m'abreuve d'eau de coco à la glace et d'ananas : los contextos culinarios en La Havane de la condesa de Merlin,VABB-1,45,66,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:307715,,"Junot Díaz y el canon, un ""canibalismo líquido""",VABB-1,89,97,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:307718,,Joyce world-wide intertext,VABB-1,247,254,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:307719,,Informetric laws,VABB-4,2747,2754,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307721,,"At the cradle of the transport revolution? Paved roads, traffic flows and economic development in eighteenth-century Brabant",VABB-1,89,111,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307722,,Is er iets veranderd? De rekrutering en selectie van kandidaten door Belgische partijen na de invoering van quotawetten,VABB-1,6,19,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307725,,De impact van party magnitude op het aantal vrouwelijke verkozen : gender quata in België kritisch bekeken,VABB-1,141,165,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307730,,La centralidad de la personalidad política en la idoneidad política: ¿Un asunto de Carisma? = The centrality of political personality to political suitability,VABB-1,66,81,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307733,,Special features of the advanced loans module of the ABCD integrated library system,VABB-1,323,332,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307735,,Practical versus theoretical domestic energy consumption for space heating,VABB-1,5219,5227,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307736,,Clinical assessment of pitch perception,VABB-1,736,741,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307737,,Katoen en economische groei : De katoenhandel in de Oostenrijkse Nederlanden tussen politieke ambities en economische realiteit 1759-1791,VABB-1,32,60,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307740,,An algorithmic construction of E($s^{2}$)-optimal supersaturated designs,VABB-1,357,367,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307741,,From theory to practice : a path through imperfection-lessons from policy oriented environment and health research in Belgium,VABB-1,131,147,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307746,,Grensoverschrijdend contracteren? Dat lossen we samen wel op,VABB-1,1246,1250,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307769,,Simulation-based optimization of ship design for dry bulk vessels,VABB-1,190,212,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307770,,Seaports,VABB-4,353,356,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307772,,"Moving into the new aid approach, dilemmas for NGOs : the Belgian case",VABB-1,188,204,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307786,,Sociologische doorlichting van afdeling X1 en de PAAZ van het ZNA Psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis Stuivenberg in het licht van Goffmans totale institutie,VABB-1,125,152,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307793,,Het recht op onderwijs voor documentloze kinderen : illusoir recht of empowerende hefboom?,VABB-1,287,299,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:307797,,"Measuring socioeconomic inequality in health, health care and health financing by means of rank-dependent indices : a recipe for good practice",VABB-1,685,694,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307798,,Evaluating media education : a quantitative approach,VABB-1,96,101,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307802,,Das Comeback der Mundarten : Dialektrenaissance und die Flämische Dialektpopwelle (20012010),VABB-4,301,318,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:307806,,Krediet in een kleine Vlaamse stad : Aalst in de tweede helft van de achttiende eeuw,VABB-3,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307816,,KLM's enterprise governance of IT journey : from managing IT costs to managing business value,VABB-1,109,120,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307824,,A care time benefit as a timely alternative for the non-working spouse compensation in the Belgian tax system,VABB-1,57,72,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307825,,Portfolio and short-term capital inflows to the new and potential EU countries : patterns and determinants,VABB-4,193,213,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307827,,The languages and linguistics of Europe : a comprehensive guide,VABB-3,,,911 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307828,,Standard average European,VABB-4,291,306,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307830,,Prespecified factor level combinations in the optimal design of mixture-process variable experiments,VABB-1,661,670,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307832,,Is de beginnende leraar klaar voor de praktijk? De validering van de vragenlijst BaCoBeLe : een instrument voor het meten van de basiscompetenties van de beginnende leraar in het secundair onderwijs,VABB-1,266,282,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:307839,,"Taking the grading leniency story to the edge : the influence of student, teacher, and course characteristics on student evaluations of teaching in higher education",VABB-1,289,306,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307840,,Fremde Gemeinschaft : deutsch-jüdische Literatur der Moderne,VABB-2,,,342 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:307843,,Dérive et aventure : la poétique du fantomatique dans Seule Venise de Claudie Gallay,VABB-1,111,116,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:307844,,"A powerful instrument of progress : economic textbooks in Belgium, 1830-1925",VABB-4,214,247,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307845,,Open the door to more of the same? The development of interest group representation at the WTO,VABB-1,447,472,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307846,,Modularity in enterprise architecture projects : an exploratory case study,VABB-5,106,120,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307849,,"De beeldspraak van Geert Wilders, een Tsunami over Nederland?",VABB-1,5,20,-,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:307852,,Het opzetten van leertrajectbegeleiding : wat kunnen leer- en motivatiekenmerken van eerstejaarsstudenten en hun perceptie op de begeleiding ons leren?,VABB-1,82,97,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307854,,Levenseindebeslissingen en zwangere vrouwen : recht op zelfbepaling of dwingt de foetus tot naastenliefde?,VABB-1,303,316,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307855,,Over parasitaire concurrentie en namaak,VABB-1,283,288,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307856,,The Sage handbook of visual research methods,VABB-3,,,754 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307857,,An integrated conceptual framework for visual social research,VABB-4,3,23,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307858,,Researching websites as social and cultural expressions : methodological predicaments and a multimodal model for analysis,VABB-4,571,590,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307859,,A semi-public diasporic space : Turkish film screenings in Belgium,VABB-1,395,414,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307863,,"Introduction : cognitive approaches to tense, aspect, and epistemic modality",VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307864,,"Some remarks on the role of the **reference point** in the construal configuration of ""more"" and ""less"" grounding predications",VABB-4,137,158,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307867,,Ground handling in a changing market : the case of Brussels Airport,VABB-1,128,135,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307868,,An evolutionary perspective on regional port systems : the role of windows of opportunity in shaping seaport competition,VABB-1,1674,1692,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307869,,A game theoretical approach to competition between multi-user terminals : the impact of dedicated terminals,VABB-1,395,414,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307870,,Minimum Efficient Scale (MES) and preferred scale of container terminals,VABB-1,71,80,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307871,,Strategic maritime passages,VABB-4,30,41,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:307874,,How much confidence can we have in EU-SILC? Complex sample designs and the standard error of the Europe 2020 poverty indicators,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307875,,Quantification of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in small amounts of human serum using the sensitive H1L7.5c1 mouse hepatoma cell line : optimization and analysis of human serum samples from adolescents of the Flemish Environment and Health Study (FLEHS II),VABB-1,2484,2491,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307877,,The influence of random removal of sources and items on the h-index,VABB-1,363,370,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307878,,Problems with natural selection of academic papers,VABB-1,663,667,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307888,,Document-type country profiles,VABB-1,1403,1411,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307889,,Managerial perceptions of works councils effectiveness in the Netherlands,VABB-1,497,513,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307890,,Long-term functioning following whiplash injury : the role of social support and personality traits,VABB-1,927,935,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307896,,"Exploring task-shifting practices in antiretroviral treatment facilities in the Free State Province, South Africa",VABB-1,S94,S101,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307897,,De prijs als kernbeding in het consumentenrecht,VABB-1,70,76,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:307899,,Contextualizing ethnic educational inequality : the role of stability and quality of neighborhoods and ethnic density in second-generation attainment,VABB-1,386,425,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307900,,De voorlopige bestuurder en het faillissement : uniformiteit gewenst,VABB-1,594,597,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307901,,Oefening in christendom,VABB-3,,,328 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307903,,Humour as practical wisdom,VABB-4,22,34,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307904,,Selection and response bias in protest surveys,VABB-1,203,222,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307907,,Ascetism in modern social thought,VABB-4,106,120,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307908,,Legal implications of better regulation : a special issue,VABB-1,455,466,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307909,,Governance and better regulation : dealing with the legitimacy paradox,VABB-1,555,568,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307910,,L'acculturation juridique des pratiques commerciales à Anvers : l'exemple de la lettre de change (XVIe-XVIIe siècle),VABB-4,151,160,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:307912,,"Een nieuw, maar toch vertrouwd geluid bij Cassatie? Belangenafweging en de contra legem werking van algemene rechtsbeginselen, noot onder Cass. 1 maart 2010",VABB-1,78,81,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307917,,Linking international trade and labour standards : the effectiveness of sanctions under the European Union's GSP,VABB-1,63,85,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307918,,Once again on norms and comparison classes,VABB-1,525,553,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307919,,"The economics of sport, health and happiness : the promotion of well-being through sporting activities",VABB-3,,,250 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307921,,Factors affecting the development of absorptive capacity in the adoption of open source software,VABB-1,17,38,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307926,,"The Brussels I regulation and the Hague Convention on choice of Court agreements, ERA Forum",VABB-1,19,27,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307933,,Building capabilities to manage strategic alliances,VABB-1,875,886,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307939,,De impact van het vrij kapitaalverkeer op het vennootschapsrecht na Volkswagen,VABB-1,401,415,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307940,,De voortijdige beëindiging van de gerechtelijke reorganisatie : enkele opmerkingen,VABB-1,430,435,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307942,,Het statuut van de tekst in het postdramatische theater,VABB-3,,,208 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307945,,The effects of Belgian outward direct investment in European high-wage and low-wage countries on employment in Belgium,VABB-1,300,312,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307946,,Determinants of foreign direct investment in Cambodia,VABB-1,222,234,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307947,,"The utilization of export opportunities in the world market : a comparison of Belgium, South Africa and Thailand",VABB-1,28,32,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307948,,ASEAN-EU FTA negotiations : waiting for Godot?,VABB-4,259,299,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:307949,,De politieke economie van het exportpromotiebeleid,VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:307951,,De wettelijke pensioenen voor de ambtenaren versus die van de contractanten : het verschil tussen de hemel en het vagevuur,VABB-1,119,132,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307957,,The transformation of requirements into software primitives : studying evolvability based on systems theoretic stability,VABB-1,1210,1222,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307959,,Do we see apples as edible?,VABB-1,305,322,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307961,,Exploring the SAWA corpus : collection and deployment of a parallel corpus English-Swahili,VABB-1,331,344,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307962,,Do we sense modalities with our sense modalities?,VABB-1,299,310,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307964,,The environmental impact of container transport compared to road transport : case study in the Antwerp harbor region and some general extrapolations,VABB-1,886,896,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307965,,"Firm entry diversity, resource space heterogeneity and market structure",VABB-4,153,164,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307972,,Employment chances and changes of immigrants in Belgium : the impact of citizenship,VABB-1,350,368,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307973,,The regionalization of Africa : delineating Africa's subregions using airline data,VABB-1,179,190,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307974,,Easy going : multilevel assessment of ISA,VABB-4,215,232,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307975,,Multi-actor multi-criteria analysis : a case study on night-time delivery for urban distribution,VABB-4,101,119,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307979,,Dynamics of liner shipping service scheduling and their impact on container port competition,VABB-1,471,485,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307983,,Mergers and acquisitions in the global food processing industry in 19862006,VABB-1,466,479,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307988,,Silent witnesses : deaf-mutes in Graeco-Roman Antiquity,VABB-1,451,473,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:307990,,"Waarom België een sterk voorzitterschap neerzette : politiek pragmatisme, diplomatieke handigheid en een regering in lopende zaken",VABB-1,339,348,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307991,,The effects of personality composition and decision-making processes on change preferences of self-managing teams,VABB-1,333,353,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307992,,"Trait-based conformity in reporting of selling, general and administrative expenses",VABB-1,108,131,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:307994,,Landschapstheater in kaart : van tekstueel tot virtueel landschap,VABB-4,157,170,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307996,,Ecos guatemaltecos en El misterio de San Andrés de Dante Liano,VABB-1,593,604,,spa,2011,1 c:vabb:307997,,Privéleven is personenrecht is familierecht,VABB-1,41,58,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307998,,Enkele topics van estate planning door de fiscale bril van de Rulingdienst,VABB-1,125,155,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:307999,,Content matters : the dynamics of parliamentary questioning in Belgium and Denmark,VABB-1,1031,1059,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308000,,"Weinig speelruimte, onmiskenbare invloed : het Belgisch EU-voorzitterschap en de Europese sociale agenda",VABB-1,315,335,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308009,,Context effects of TV programme-induced interactivity and telepresence on advertising responses,VABB-1,641,663,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308029,,Betere regelgeving : vijf uitdagingen voor juristen,VABB-1,28,35,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308031,,Intrinsic approach spaces on domains,VABB-1,2343,2355,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308034,,Analytische filosofie op Vlaamse wijze : tussen taalanalyse en naturalisme,VABB-1,135,144,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308038,,Versnelling van investeringsprojecten : wat valt er te leren uit 10 jaar werken aan betere regelgevingsprocessen?,VABB-1,69,77,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:308041,,"Modelling the evolution of the Belgian population using matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors",VABB-4,467,477,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308044,,Heiner Müllers Hamletmachine in een regie van Jan Decorte (1981) : postdramatisch theater avant laa lettre,VABB-4,125,135,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308045,,Arrufat y los avatares del canon en la Cuba revolucionaria,VABB-1,123,142,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:308046,,Boom van vrijheid / Boom van slavernij : de Antwerpse vrijheidsbomen tussen oud en nieuw,VABB-1,221,253,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:308047,,Instructional development for teachers in higher education : effects on students' learning outcomes,VABB-1,295,308,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:308048,,The subsidiary mechanism as a tool for inter-level dialogue in Belgium : on 'regional blindness' and cooperative flaws,VABB-1,204,228,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308049,,Structuring and understanding the coaching industry : the coaching cube,VABB-1,204,221,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308051,,"De vrucht van een giftige boom is zelf niet altijd giftig : over onmenselijke behandeling (art. 3 EVRM) en bewijsuitsluiting, noot onder EHRM 1 juni 2010, Gäfgen v. Duitsland",VABB-1,179,191,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308054,,Voortdurende lopende zaken,VABB-1,235,243,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308057,,Fiscale uitdagingen anno 2011,VABB-1,107,111,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308068,,Prevenir la pauvreté chez les travailleurs belges : reflexion sur les options politiques,VABB-1,3,46,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308070,,Pieges financiers à l'inactivité chez les personnes atteintes d'un handicap à l'emplo,VABB-1,47,79,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308071,,Qui sont les travailleurs pauvres en Belgique?,VABB-1,229,252,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308080,,"Cinema, audiences and modernity : an introduction",VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308081,,Negotiating cinema's modernity : strategies of control and audience experiences of cinema in Belgium,VABB-4,186,201,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308095,,Impact assessment for a sustainable energy future : reflections and practical experiences,VABB-1,6243,6253,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308102,,"Gekocht op e-Bay? No way, (noot onder Luik 26 mei 2010)",VABB-1,62,80,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308103,,"Verlenging van de garantietermijn versus schorsing en stuiting van de verjaringstermijn, (noot onder Kh. Nijvel 3 november 2009)",VABB-1,83,90,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308104,,The interrelatioship between leniency and damages actions,VABB-1,181,220,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308105,,Quimica : further developing the rules on parent liability,VABB-1,431,440,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308107,,Genetic spectrum of hereditary neuropathies with onset in the first year of life,VABB-1,2664,2676,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308111,,Investor reactions to new product development failures : the moderating role of product development stage,VABB-1,985,1015,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:308112,,Interest groups and the failure of EU anti-dumping reform,VABB-4,17,38,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308119,,De identificatie van de Kempische plaatsnaam 'Diclo'(1154) aan de hand van een opmerkelijke akte,VABB-1,239,247,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308121,,"Castrametatio and the grid in the Spanish Habsburg World : contributions from the Low Countries, 1550-1750",VABB-4,129,160,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308134,,"Early modern urbanism and the grid : townplanning in the Low Countries in international context : exchanges in theory and practice, 1550-1800",VABB-3,,,272 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308136,,Behind the façade of Rwanda's elections,VABB-1,64,69,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308137,,La prise en charge énonciative : études théoriques et empiriques,VABB-3,,,256 p.,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308138,,Présentation,VABB-4,7,17,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308139,,De juridische waarde van een erkenning van de aansprakelijkheid of van de fout van de verzekerde door de aansprakelijkheidsverzekeraar,VABB-1,5,17,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308140,,18th World Copngress on Medical Law (WCML) Zagreb 2010,VABB-5,176,182,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:308141,,Economic growth and living standards : a commentary on Bas van Bavel's Manors and markets,VABB-1,78,89,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308145,,"Chronique politique du Rwanda, 2010-2011",VABB-4,233,260,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308146,,België schuldig aan onmenselijke en vernederende behandelingen wegens schending van het EU-asielrecht door Griekenland,VABB-1,1707,1712,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308147,,"Belgium condemned for inhuman or degrading treatment due to violations by Greece of EU Asylum Law, M.S.S. v. Belgium and Greece, Grand Chamber, European Court of Human Rights, January 21, 2011,",VABB-1,581,596,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308150,,Judges on thin ice : the European Court on human rights and the treatment of asylum seekers,VABB-1,3,48,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:308177,,Communicating shared value creation and business identity in the chemical industry through mission slogans,VABB-1,415,431,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308178,,Adapting to the reader during writing,VABB-1,188,223,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308179,,Mud pies and tears : little Mary's funny side,VABB-4,89,113,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:308181,,Leve saaie bankiers!,VABB-1,321,324,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:308187,,"Mobility, translocal development and the shaping of development corridors in (semi-)rural Nicaragua",VABB-1,409,428,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308188,,Verrijking zonder oorzaak kan geen substituut zijn voor een wettelijke of conventionele cliënteelvergoeding (noot onder Antwerpen 7 januari 2010),VABB-1,237,240,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308190,,L'Afrique des grands lacs : annuaire 2010/2011,VABB-3,,,364 p.,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308191,,"Chronique politique du Burundi, 2010-2011",VABB-4,1,22,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308192,,Strange bedfellows : appropriations of a tainted urban dialect,VABB-1,493,524,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308193,,Brief aan de aandeelhouders van Belgisch beursgenoteerde ondernemingen : omvang en determinanten van impressiemanagement,VABB-1,1,22,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308201,,Het Grondwettelijk Hof en artikel 124 van de Wet van 25 juni 1992 op de landverzekeringsovereenkomst,VABB-1,274,288,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308203,,Incorporating technical risk in compound real option models to value a pharmaceutical R&D licensing opportunity,VABB-1,1200,1216,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308206,,Nietigheden in het strafproces,VABB-2,,,198 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308207,,"De juiste wijze van betekening van verstekvonnissen aan de beklaagde, noot onder Cass. 29 april 2009",VABB-1,1054,1057,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308214,,Tussen contact en bedreiging : etnische diversiteit en etnocentrisme in Antwerpse buurten,VABB-1,153,176,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308215,,Systematic classification or purposive moralization? On why teleology is not the (only) key to Kants Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View,VABB-1,43,66,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308216,,How biological is human history? Kants use of biological concepts and its implications for history as moral anthropology,VABB-1,154,168,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308217,,Hegel and Heidegger on true art and the truth of art,VABB-4,305,310,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308218,,"Negotiating the anthropological limit : Derrida, Stiegler, and the question of the ""animal""",VABB-1,57,80,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308228,,Wordt een beding van aanwas tussen samenwonenden een verboden erfovereenkomst zo het buiten spel gezet wordt bij feitelijke scheiding,VABB-1,520,530,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308237,,Vrouwenbesnijdenis in de Afrikaanse literaturen : literaire bijdragen aan een evoluerend en complex debat,VABB-1,4,17,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308240,,"Markttoegang en 'commerciële' netwerken van rurale huishoudens : de regio Aalst, 1650-1800",VABB-2,,,366 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308241,,Innovating financial law in the early modern Netherlands and Europe : transfers of commercial paper and recourse liability in legislation and ius commune (sixteenth to eighteenth centuries),VABB-1,505,518,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308242,,Westers recht in ontwikkeling : privaat- en publiekrecht van Rome tot vandaag,VABB-2,,,564 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308243,,Van Themis en Mercurius : handelsgebruiken- en recht in Antwerpen (15de-17de eeuw),VABB-1,1105,1134,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:308244,,Factors influencing the success of animal husbandry cooperatives : a case study in Southwest Iran,VABB-1,89,99,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:308249,,Domestic embeddedness and the dynamics of multi-level venue-shopping in four EU-member states,VABB-1,263,290,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:308251,,Linguistic assessment tools for the Digisonic® Dual electric-acoustic speech processor,VABB-1,306,311,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:308252,,The relation between early implantation and the acquisition of grammar,VABB-1,302,305,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308253,,Het ogenblik waarop een geldige overeenkomst inzake de opzegtermijn kan worden afgesloten,VABB-1,65,70,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308255,,"Like mother, like daughter? Mother's history of cervical cancer screening and daughter's Human Papillomavirus vaccine uptake in Flanders (Belgium)",VABB-1,8390,8396,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308257,,Team learning and context; assessing the relationship between team-learning activities and contextual factors of team-learning environment and team-configurations,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308258,,The effect of a short voice training program in future teachers,VABB-1,191,198,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308264,,Bollywood and Turkish films in Antwerp (Belgium) : two case studies on diasporic distribution and exhibition,VABB-1,55,70,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308282,,De beslagbaarheid van de derdenrekening van de advocaat (zgn. Carparekening),VABB-1,570,575,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308285,,De wederkerigheidsvoorwaarde voor schuldvergelijking op het snijvlak van verbintenissen- en zakenrecht,VABB-1,75,122,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308295,,Goederenrecht : de gestage groei naar een conventioneel vermogensrecht,VABB-1,68,73,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308297,,La subrogation réelle au cas d'un fidéicommis de residuo : quelques observations comparatives à propos de l'arrêt de la Cour de cassation française de 20 février 2008,VABB-1,579,588,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:308299,,"De weg bijster in het grensgebied tussen beslag en faillissement, noot onder Cass. 23 april 2010",VABB-1,935,938,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:308300,,Free movement of persons in the European Union and social rights : an area of conflicting secondary law,VABB-1,287,299,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308307,,Layered global player : legal dynamics of EU external relations,VABB-2,,,171 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308309,,Judicial activism in the Court of Justice of the European Union : the case of LGBT rights,VABB-1,639,666,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308311,,"The ever-evolving concept of EU citizenship : of paradigm shifts, quantum leaps and copernican revolutions",VABB-4,191,207,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308315,,Het statuut van de tekst in het postdramatische theater : inleiding,VABB-4,5,27,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308319,,International criminal law : a collection of international and regional instruments,VABB-3,,,2202 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308324,,"Réflexions sur quelques principes du droit de l'extradition, (noot onder Cass. 16 november 2010)",VABB-1,793,799,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308326,,"London, Westminster Cathedral Treasury, MS 4 : an edition of the Westminster compilation",VABB-1,1,59,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308329,,Take a walk on the safe side : reading the fragments from Ruusbroecs Die geestelike brulocht in The chastising of Gods children,VABB-4,233,246,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:308330,,The middle Dutch translation of De doctrina cordis : De bouc van der leeringhe van der herten,VABB-4,208,222,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:308337,,Witness and suspect perceptions of working alliance and interviewing style,VABB-1,110,130,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308349,,Handboek grond- en pandenbeleid,VABB-3,,,276 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308350,,Algemene inleiding,VABB-4,1,22,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308351,,Missie en planning van het grond- en pandenbeleid,VABB-4,25,33,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308352,,Activering van gronden en panden : algemene situering,VABB-4,25,33,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308362,,Genetic predisposition and sensory experience in language development: Evidence from cochlear-implanted children,VABB-1,1083,1101,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308363,,De invloed van de rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof op de evolutie van het recht,VABB-1,382,387,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308365,,Werking van de Ethische en Deontologische Commissie : naar een deontologische versoepeling van reclamevoering voor logopedisten,VABB-1,15,19,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308366,,The way assisted suicide is legislated : balancing a medical framework against a demedicalised model,VABB-1,149,162,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308367,,The Belgian Constitutional Court as a positive legislator : in search of a balance between Rights' Protection and Respect for Acts of Parliament,VABB-4,265,281,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308368,,Are blue chip stock market indices good proxies for all-shares market indices? The case of the Brussels Stock Exchange 183320051,VABB-1,277,308,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308370,,"Noot onder Zaak C-29/10, Koelzsch/Groothertogdom Luxemburg",VABB-1,363,367,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308372,,International child abduction : the inadequacies of the law,VABB-2,,,272 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308374,,"De toepasselijkheid van algemene publiekrechtelijke regelgeving en beginselen op autonome overheidsbedrijven, IVA's en EVA's",VABB-1,4,33,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308375,,"Rechtspraakpublicatie anno 2011: historische beschouwingen, hedendaagse bedenkingen toekomstperspectieven",VABB-1,206,226,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308376,,Kind/Kindheit (Rom und Spätantike),VABB-4,,,6 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:308377,,Familie (Rom und Spätantike),VABB-4,,,5 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:308378,,Frauen (Rom und Spätantike),VABB-4,,,6 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:308379,,Religious arguments in the public sphere : comparing Habermas with Rawls,VABB-1,237,249,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308380,,"Guilds, product quality and intrinsic value : towards a history of conventions?",VABB-1,103,124,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308381,,Wettelijke of gerechtelijke schuldvergelijking na samenloop met de vordering tot schadevergoeding wegens de ontbinding van een lopende overeenkomst door de curator (noot onder Cass. 4 februari 2011),VABB-1,488,491,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308384,,"Biomimetic sonar, outer ears versus arrays",VABB-5,821,824,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308386,,Towards designing enterprises for evolvability based on fundamental engineering concepts,VABB-5,11,20,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308391,,Questioning queer audiences : exploring diversity in lesbian and gay mens' media uses and readings,VABB-4,260,276,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308396,,De ontdekking van de vermomde schenking : het Hof van Cassatie bevestigt de klassieke opvatting,VABB-1,439,457,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308397,,Competition and regulation in seaports,VABB-4,822,843,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308398,,Thoughts on uncitedness : Nobel laureates and Fields medalists as case studies,VABB-1,1637,1644,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308403,,Lyriklandschaft Lotharingien,VABB-4,37,49,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:308404,,Einleitung,VABB-4,1,9,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:308405,,Jozef van Mierlo (1878-1958) : Vlaams en Katholiek,VABB-1,119,133,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308406,,Dialog mit den Nachbarn : mittelniederländische Literatur zwischen dem 12. und 16. Jahrhundert,VABB-3,,,390 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:308410,,An outgrow index,VABB-1,287,290,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:308411,,La chronologie des œuvres de Guillaume de Saint-Thierry,VABB-1,193,203,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308412,,Een groep zondaars in Ruusbroecs XII beghinen door Sirius gered,VABB-1,204,219,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308413,,Tres veritates Gersonis : het succesverhaal van een tekstpassage,VABB-1,220,240,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308415,,"""Parquecito"", de Aurora Arias : una cronotopía subversiva",VABB-1,115,128,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:308416,,The digital challenge : photographic realism revisited : proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics,VABB-1,115,125,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308417,,"Entre cheval et choses banales : Anvers et les paradoxes de la naissance de la consommation, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle",VABB-4,181,203,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308418,,On the role of morphological richness in the early development of noun and verb inflection,VABB-1,461,479,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308419,,Het Verdrag van Lissabon : Europa dichter bij de burger,VABB-1,119,124,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308421,,"Die ""Floris ende Blancefloer"" : Überlieferung in den nideren landen",VABB-1,113,126,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308423,,Zorgen voor later? De betekenis van de dienstperiode voor jonge vrouwen in het laatmiddeleeuwse Gent herbekeken,VABB-1,1,15,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308442,,Individually adapted sequential Bayesion conjoint-choice designs in the presence of consumer heterogeneity,VABB-1,378,388,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308443,,"Relations and regulations in local gold trade networks in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo",VABB-1,427,446,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308445,,An enriched model for the integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment problem,VABB-1,14136,14147,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308446,,"The structure of the labor market, telecommuting, and optimal peak period congestion tolls : a numerical optimization mode",VABB-1,426,438,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308448,,Knelpunten bij de gerechtelijke reorganisatie door een collectief akkoord,VABB-1,847,859,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308449,,Van toegelaten differentiatie tot verboden discriminatie,VABB-1,916,923,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308452,,A cross-cultural study of environmental values and their effect on the pro-environmental behaviour of children,VABB-1,551,583,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308459,,De geografie van de sociale zekerheid in België,VABB-1,1,20,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308460,,La géographie de la sécurité sociale en Belgique,VABB-1,167,196,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308461,,Towards minimum income protection in Europe : budgetary and political obstacles to overcome,VABB-1,453,469,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308463,,"Nouvelles gauches et inclusion financière : la microfinance contestée en Bolivie, en Equateur et au Nicaragua",VABB-1,129,153,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308464,,Gender bias in Nicaraguan dairy chains,VABB-1,196,209,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308466,,_Air freight and merchandise trade: towards a disaggregated analysis,VABB-1,28,48,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308472,,Practices of truth : foreword,VABB-4,9,12,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308474,,Reaching universal coverage by means of social health insurance in Lesotho? Results and implications from a financial feasibility assessment,VABB-1,45,63,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308475,,R&D spin-outs in the pharmaceutical industry,VABB-1,87,99,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308478,,Marriage migration and the labour market : the case of migrants of Turkish descent in Belgium,VABB-1,69,79,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308481,,"Management reporting on internal control and accruals quality : insights from a ""comply-or-explain"" internal control regime",VABB-1,181,209,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308484,,"K. as ""confessional hero"" : a Foucauldian reading of Kafka's Der Prozeß",VABB-1,99,120,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308491,,A critical perspective : towards a broader understanding of 'active ageing',VABB-1,8,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308493,,"Artikel 26, § 4 van de bijzondere wet op het Grondwettelijk Hof : naar een nieuw evenwicht tussen de rechtscolleges bij samenloop van grondrechten",VABB-1,387,410,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:308497,,De vertegenwoordiging van de deelstaten in federale instellingen,VABB-1,419,422,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308498,,Deelstatelijke administratieve rechtscolleges: enkele beschouwingen bij het arrest nr. 8/2011 van het Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-1,195,202,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308506,,Spousal influence on the retirement decisions of single-earner and dual-earner couples,VABB-1,112,123,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308514,,Kwalitatieve analyse met NVivo,VABB-2,,,307 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308517,,The coverage of China in Belgian television news : a case study on the impact of foreign correspondents on news content,VABB-1,331,347,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308518,,Youth development and training after the Bosman Verdict (1995) and the Bernard Case (2010) of the European Court of Justice,VABB-1,547,553,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308519,,Economic impact analysis versus cost benefit analysis : the case of a medium-sized sport event,VABB-1,185,203,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308531,,The use of rail transport as part of the supply chain in an urban logistics context,VABB-4,217,233,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308549,,De woningkwaliteitsbewaking in het Vlaamse Gewest bij het begin van 2011 : een stand van zaken,VABB-1,15,21,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308550,,De verdere optimalisering van de Vlaamse woningkwaliteitsbewaking : het decreet van 29 april 2011,VABB-1,166,176,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308566,,Dominant glint based prey localization in horseshoe bats : a possible strategy for noise rejection,VABB-1,"e1002268,1","e1002268,11",,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308567,,The brown gold : a reappraisal of medieval peat marshes in Northern Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,73,93,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308568,,Socio-institutional path dependency in the history of the medieval Low Countries. An introduction to Bas van Bavels Manors and markets1,VABB-1,66,77,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308572,,Collectief overleg in het onderwijs,VABB-1,117,151,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308574,,Le pari qui paralysait : la suspension des activités minières artisanales au Sud-Kivu,VABB-4,161,183,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308575,,Waardering tegen reële waarde in het kader van de IFRS-jaarrekening,VABB-1,4,22,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308576,,Power sharing and transitional justice : a clash of paradigms?,VABB-1,489,505,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308578,,Van Brussel tot Belgrado : een inleiding tot de sociologie van Europa en Europese integratie,VABB-1,228,238,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308580,,De rol van het misdrijf valsheid in geschriften in de strijd tegen verzekeringsfraude (noot onder Cass. 27 januari 2010),VABB-1,608,613,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308586,,"HvJ 23 november 2010, zaak C-145/09, Tsakouridis",VABB-1,194,198,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308589,,Het belang van gerechtelijke antecedenten in het straf(proces)recht,VABB-1,8,38,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308590,,De efficiëntie van onderhandelde conflictoplossingen in het strafrecht,VABB-1,1586,1599,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308593,,Vijfenzeventig jaar Rechtskundig Weekblad,VABB-1,2,6,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308594,,Enkele actuele knelpunten in het verbintenissenrecht,VABB-1,49,55,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308597,,Overzicht van cassatierechtspraak in strafuitvoeringszaken (1 maart 2009-31 december 2010),VABB-1,1626,1643,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308600,,Handhaving van de omgangsregeling met kinderen door middel van private sancties,VABB-1,319,325,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308609,,"De bevoegdheid van de burgemeester in de strijd tegen vervallen en verkrotte woningen : artikel 135, A§2, N. Gem. onderzocht",VABB-1,638,645,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308613,,Pattern versus process concepts of grammar and mind: A cognitive-functional perspective,VABB-4,47,66,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308614,,Burgerpersoneel in (top)functie : onderzoek naar opvattingen binnen de politie,VABB-4,51,77,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308631,,The challenges of the paradigm shift in religious education,VABB-4,169,176,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308632,,"Religious education in a plural, secularised society : a paradigm shift",VABB-3,,,180 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308633,,Religious education in a religiousliy pluralised and secularised society,VABB-4,9,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308634,,'Religious education in Belgium : historical overview and current debates,VABB-4,35,54,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308636,,Interactional sociolinguistics and discourse analysis,VABB-4,135,146,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308638,,Grammaticalization and semantic maps,VABB-4,318,327,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308643,,Strukturwandel in Grenzdialekten : die Konsolidierung der niederländisch-deutschen Staatsgrenze als Dialektgrenze,VABB-2,,,360 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:308645,,Valéry's Serpent and the wake's genesis : toward a digital library of James Joyce,VABB-1,427,444,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:308646,,Metamorfe tekstgedaanten : een dossier over critique génétique,VABB-1,275,279,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:308647,,Narratologie en tekstgenese : een terreinverkenning,VABB-1,281,309,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:308649,,Stirrings still / Soubresauts and Comment dire / what is the word : an electronic genetic edition,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308650,,The Making of Samuel Becketts Stirrings Still / Soubresauts and Comment dire / what is the word,VABB-2,,,152 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308651,,Italian literature : the epics of reality,VABB-4,77,92,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308656,,Ontwikkeling en validering van een vragenlijst naar motivatie voor onderwijs van docenten in het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,383,399,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:308669,,Assessment of NER solutions against the first and second CALBC Silver Standard Corpus,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308670,,Is trilled smell possible? How the structure of olfaction determines the phenomenology of smell,VABB-1,59,95,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308671,,« Rouwgeld » verder geduid en (een beetje) uitgeklaard (noot onder Cass. 26 april 2010),VABB-1,697,700,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308675,,De (veron)gelijk(t)e positie van de schuldeisers bij gerechtelijke reorganisatie via collectief akkoord,VABB-1,289,300,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308680,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,372,377,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308682,,"Hybrid constitutionalism, fundamental rights and the state : a response to Gunther Teubner",VABB-1,216,229,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308691,,The European world of temporary employment : gendered and poor?,VABB-1,83,111,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:308693,,Social entrepreneurship in urban planning and development in Montreal,VABB-4,117,132,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308697,,Female and male transgender quality of life : socio-economic and medical differences,VABB-1,743,750,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:308699,,Diaristik und Alltagsgeschichte. Victor Klemperers Tagebücher 1933-1945 als periphere Geschichtsschreibung des Nationalsozialismus,VABB-1,261,272,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:308700,,"Between trust and suspicion : comparative study of the relationship between politicians and political journalists in Belgium, Norway and Sweden",VABB-1,73,88,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308701,,Minimal or massive? The political agenda setting power of the mass media according to different methods,VABB-1,295,313,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308702,,La literatura moderna entre arte y política : sobre la sociosemiótica postmarxista de Peter V. Zima,VABB-1,103,118,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:308704,,Party members as part-time marketeers : using relationship marketing to demonstrate the importance of rank-and-file party members in election campaigns,VABB-4,151,163,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308705,,Mnemotechnik und Archivpoetik : Victor Klemperers Tagebücher als Speichermedium des Alltags,VABB-1,59,77,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:308706,,Wahrheit und Dichtung : für eine literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Tagebuchtheorie,VABB-1,35,49,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:308718,,Spinoza's politics : between tradition and utopia,VABB-1,161,182,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308721,,Social distribution of internal exposure to environmental pollution in Flemish adolescents,VABB-1,474,481,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:308724,,Europese studentenmobiliteit als hefboom voor Europese indentiteitsvorming?,VABB-1,266,290,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308725,,In search of network performance,VABB-4,185,204,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308726,,Performance in the public sector,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308727,,Bayesian optimal designs for discrete choice experiments with partial profiles,VABB-1,52,74,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308735,,Patiner à Balbec,VABB-4,37,53,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308739,,De onderwijspositie en -segregatie naar herkomst,VABB-4,239,262,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308740,,De zaak R.J.: een probleem voor de school : over tuchtstraffen en fundamentele rechtsbeginselen,VABB-1,102,107,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308742,,Floods and money : funding drainage and flood control in coastal Flanders from the thirteenth to the sixteenth centuries,VABB-1,333,365,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308744,,Het erfrecht in woelige wateren : crisis en opportuniteit,VABB-1,271,280,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308745,,Exercising religious freedom in the public space : a comparative and European Convention analysis of general burqa bans,VABB-1,424,452,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308746,,"HvJ EU, arrest van 18 oktober 2011, zaak C-128/09 t/m C-131/09, C-134/09 en C-135/09, Antoine Boxus e.a. / Waals Gewest",VABB-1,1249,1260,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308761,,Alice Nahon en E. du Perron,VABB-1,13,23,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:308762,,I have loved love: Alice Nahon (1896-1933),VABB-4,64,68,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:308767,,Access to resources and predictability in armed rebellion : the FAPC's short-lived 'Monaco' in Eastern Congo,VABB-1,43,70,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308768,,De brieven van Alice Nahon aan Emmanuel de Bom,VABB-1,46,61,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308777,,De christelijke en middeleeuwse latiniteit : van Sondersprache tot substraat van de westerse cultuur. Christine Mohrmann (1903-1988),VABB-1,143,160,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308778,,A research journey into maturing the business information security of mid market organizations,VABB-1,18,39,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:308780,,Towards an optimal well-being for the Lithuanian regions,VABB-1,7,21,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308781,,Multi-objective seaport planning by MOORA decision making,VABB-1,39,58,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:308782,,MULTIMOORA for the EU member states updated with fuzzy number theory,VABB-1,259,290,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308783,,Implementation of the strategy Euope 2020 by multi-objective evaluation method MULTIMOORA,VABB-1,6,21,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308784,,Robustness in economic development studies : the case of Tanzania,VABB-4,199,213,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308787,,From a centrally planned economy to multi-objective optimization in an enlarged project management : the case of China,VABB-1,167,188,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308809,,"Norine Couture, Brussels : a showcase for artists during the Interwar Period (vertaald in het Russisch)",VABB-1,43,69,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:308824,,Positief opvoeden als preventie van emotionele en gedragsstoornissen bij kinderen,VABB-1,216,225,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308825,,HIV testing in Europe : mapping policies,VABB-1,101,110,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308826,,"Improving access to quality care for female slum dwellers in urban Maharashtra, India : researching the need for transformative social protection in health",VABB-1,367,392,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308827,,De Gordiaanse Knoop van migratie en de (multiculturele) welvaartsstaat,VABB-4,285,302,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308828,,De vorm en inhoud van het Vlaamse integratiebeleid in verandering,VABB-4,321,344,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308834,,Sowing the seeds of its own failure : implementing the concept of gender mainstreaming,VABB-1,469,489,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308839,,Characteristics and typology of last-mile logistics from an innovation perspective in an urban context,VABB-4,56,71,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308840,,The impact of works councils on productivity in times of reorganization,VABB-4,160,191,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308841,,Evolutionary store atmospherics : designing with evolution in mind,VABB-4,289,317,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308842,,Separation : consequences for wealth in later life,VABB-4,103,114,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308843,,"Multiple voices, competing spatial claims : social innovation and the transformation of the Angus locoshops, Brownfield site (Montreal)",VABB-4,26,51,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308844,,EU-US horizontal regulatory cooperation : mutual recognition of impact assessment?,VABB-4,249,269,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308846,,Undocumented children and the right to education : illusory right or empowering lever?,VABB-1,613,639,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308852,,An empirical relation between k-shells and the h-index in scale-free networks,VABB-1,9,16,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308854,,Perceiving pictures,VABB-1,461,480,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308856,,"Internationalization revisited : progression through institutionalization, exploitative and exploratory learning",VABB-4,135,157,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308858,,Eenvoud en verleidelijkheid : rechtsvergelijkende analyse en taal van descriptie,VABB-1,796,801,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308859,,Buitenlands recht in nationale rechtspleging,VABB-1,2912,2919,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308867,,At Europe's service : the origins and evolution of the European People's Party,VABB-2,,,385 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308868,,Zichtbare politiek als voorwaarde voor een Europese publieke ruimte,VABB-1,329,354,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308869,,België na het voorzitterschap : een langetermijnvisie voor een krachtig EU-beleid,VABB-1,350,354,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308870,,Law meets sociology in human rights,VABB-1,45,68,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308872,,Sites of rights resistance,VABB-4,11,40,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308873,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308883,,"Households as agents of change? Perspectives from the Low Countries, eighteenth-twentieth centuries",VABB-1,3,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308886,,De meting van armoede in de Europese Unie : een pleidooi voor de ontwikkeling van Europese referentiebudgetten,VABB-1,470,496,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308888,,The full effect of EU law and of constitutional review in Belgium and France after the Melki judgment,VABB-1,355,391,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308893,,"Childrens rights in EU external action : beyond charity and protection, beyond instrumentalisation and conditionality",VABB-1,477,500,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308895,,International law on children and armed conflict,VABB-3,,,120 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308897,,"Opschortingsbedingen, Over de rechtsgeldigheid en tegenwerpelijkheid van contractuele clausules inzake de exceptie van niet-uitvoering en het retentierecht",VABB-1,718,738,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308898,,"Rechtsmisbruik bij de aanwending van het (conventioneel) retentierecht in het raam van de Wet Continuïteit Ondernemingen (noot onder Antwerpen 6 juni 2011),",VABB-1,750,753,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308899,,De samenhang tussen de exceptio non adimpleti contractus en de gerechtelijke ontbinding van een overeenkomst wegens wanprestatie (noot onder Cass. 24 september 2009),VABB-1,1346,1349,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308900,,"Left-wing authoritarianism is not a myth, but a worrisome reality : evidence from 13 Eastern European countries",VABB-1,299,308,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308901,,Trends in authoritarianism : evidence from 31 European countries,VABB-1,395,404,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308903,,BioGraph : unsupervised biomedical knowledge discovery via automated hypothesis generation,VABB-1,"R57,1","R57,12",,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308908,,"Voorlopige hechtenis: de onmogelijkheid voor de verdachte om voor het onderzoeksgerecht te verschijnen: bieden videoconferenties een oplossing?, noot onder Cass. 22 juni 2010",VABB-1,447,450,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308924,,A dyadic view on the post-separation network of single mother,VABB-1,72,96,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308927,,Brand placement in scripted and non-scripted Belgian and US programs on Belgian prime time television,VABB-1,299,318,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308928,,Fear appeal effectiveness for familiar and unfamiliar issues,VABB-1,171,191,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308930,,Derdenbeding,VABB-2,,,892 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308938,,"Deutschlandbilder in Belgien, 1830-1940",VABB-3,,,478 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:308939,,Einleitung,VABB-4,8,22,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:308945,,Corporate governance en gouden parachute : mag het iets meer zijn? (Deel 1),VABB-1,730,749,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:308946,,Corporate governance en gouden parachute : mag het iets meer zijn? (Deel 2),VABB-1,774,780,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:308960,,De leer- en motivatiekenmerken van studenten in het volwassenenonderwijs: een mixed-methodonderzoek naar de leer- en motivatiekenmerken van studenten in het onderbelichte domein van het volwassenenonderwijs,VABB-1,52,57,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308962,,Zilver in Antwerpen : drie eeuwen particulier zilverbezit in context,VABB-4,95,125,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308967,,Pragmatics in practice,VABB-3,,,326 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308968,,Handbook of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308969,,Handbook of pragmatics: [15th installment],VABB-3,,,297 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308970,,Bibliography of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308973,,h-Degree as a basic measure in weighted networks,VABB-1,668,677,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308974,,"Modernity, boredom, and war : a suggestive essay",VABB-1,1775,1792,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308975,,Multiple engagements and network bridging in contentious politics : digital media use of protest participants,VABB-1,325,349,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308977,,A paradise for LGBT rights? The paradox of Belgium,VABB-1,1058,1084,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308978,,The single publication H-index of papers in the Hirsch-core of a researcher and the indirect H-index,VABB-1,727,739,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308979,,L'évolution du bien-être dans huit villes congolaises entre 1975 et 2005,VABB-4,207,232,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:308980,,"_Tussen droom en daad... over armoedebestrijding, minimuminkomensgarantie en het Europese sociale model",VABB-1,439,469,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308981,,When should a firm open its source code : a strategic analysis,VABB-1,877,888,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:308986,,Overzicht van de Gemeenschaps- en Benelux rechtspraak inzake Gemeenschaps- en Beneluxmodellen (2009-2010),VABB-1,3,49,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308987,,Evoluties binnen het recht van de intellectuele eigendom (2009-2010),VABB-1,174,200,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:308996,,Dialectology and geolinguistics dynamics,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308997,,Access to Leniency-Related Documents after Pfleiderer,VABB-1,597,615,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:308998,,Welches Outfit sollte man am besten anziehen? Eine Korpusstudie komparativer Modalkonstruktionen im Deutschen,VABB-1,65,85,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:308999,,"Urban and suburban lifestyles and residential preferences in a highly urbanized society : experiences from a case study in Ghent (Flanders, Belgium)",VABB-1,89,104,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309003,,"De zekerheidswaarde van schuldvergelijking in het belgische recht, mede in het licht van de financiële crisis : pleidooi voor een genuanceerde maar verantwoorde aanpak",VABB-1,761,773,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309005,,Fast forward? Reflections on fashion and modernity,VABB-1,175,195,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309006,,A la recherche de de l'œuvre perdue : kritische status quaestionis van het onderzoek naar de Madoc,VABB-1,19,33,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:309007,,Online service providers and liability : a plea for a balanced approach,VABB-1,1455,1502,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309008,,"Book auctions in Mechelen, 1773-1800",VABB-1,97,183,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309012,,"Queer in Belgium : ignorance, goodwill, compromise",VABB-4,11,24,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309013,,Editor's column : slice the mango,VABB-1,5,15,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309014,,"Claus, Shelley, Coetzee, Stevens: een casestudy over de transformatieve identiteit van wereldliteratuur",VABB-1,357,387,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:309015,,Editor's column: the beauty of epigraphic blackbirds (or just after),VABB-1,149,159,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309016,,Dertien manieren om naar Wallace Stevens en Europa te kijken,VABB-1,12,18,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309017,,Always a potent and an impotent romantic: stylistic enactments of desire in Henry Jamess The Ambassadors and Wallace Stevens' Anecdote of the Jar,VABB-1,37,63,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:309024,,Derrida and the Jewish Heritage : introductory remarks,VABB-1,239,245,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309028,,Naar een divers-sensitieve en empowerende hulpverlening,VABB-4,345,361,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309035,,Armoede en sociale uitsluiting : jaarboek 2011,VABB-3,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309038,,Les limites des réformes foncières étatiques dans un contexte de pluralisme juridique au Burundi : une approche sous l'angle du genre,VABB-4,23,39,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:309039,,The present and future of diplomacy and diplomatic studies,VABB-1,709,728,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309044,,The implied author : a secular excommunication,VABB-1,11,28,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309052,,WTO judicialization and preference convergence in EU trade policy : making the agent's life easier,VABB-4,361,382,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309061,,Popper's Darwinian analogy,VABB-1,337,354,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309062,,Three ways of resisting essentialism about natural kinds,VABB-4,175,197,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309066,,Three ways of resisting racism,VABB-1,255,282,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:309067,,Group selection and our obsession with the grand questions of life,VABB-1,76,95,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:309069,,Inflected and uninflected experience of pictures,VABB-1,85,105,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:309070,,Philosophy of perception : he new wave,VABB-4,181,207,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:309076,,Over de datering van de Middelnederlandse ridderepiek,VABB-1,1,59,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309078,,Ov'ogni orecchia è sorda». Alcune note sul problema dell'interiorità e dell'identità nel Canzoniere,VABB-1,119,129,,ita,2011,1 c:vabb:309083,,The common history of European legal scholarship,VABB-1,3,20,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309085,,Republican security theory revisited,VABB-1,2269,2292,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309093,,"Engels, mode of noodzaak? Frans en Duits verguisd? Enkele caveats!",VABB-1,46,56,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309095,,De l'Art d'aimer à l'art d'aimer courtoisement : le Facetus moribus et vita,VABB-4,17,37,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:309096,,Zelfmoord als arbeidsongeval: nil novi sub sole?,VABB-1,213,218,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309099,,Gezin en arbeid in je eentje : combinatiestrategieën van alleenstaande moeders en vaders,VABB-1,487,506,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309101,,A dragon and a dove? A comparative overview of Chinese and European trade relations with Sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,17,60,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309102,,Identifying potential trade barriers by using a sequential approach,VABB-5,7,11,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309117,,The rise of meta-conflicts during Rwanda's Gacaca process,VABB-4,303,318,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309122,,On the performativity of journalistic identity,VABB-1,399,413,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309132,,"De toegang van de leraar en de leerling in het secundair onderwijs tot het ""schooldossier""",VABB-1,170,185,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:309135,,"noot Hof van justitie - 55 9 november 2010, gevoegde zaken C-92/09 en C-93/09, Volker und Markus Schecke GbR en Hartmut Eifert/Land Hessen",VABB-1,141,148,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309152,,The political economy of state restructuring and the regional uneven transition to after-Fordism in Belgium,VABB-4,83,94,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309155,,Governmental subsidies and coercive pressures : evidence from sport clubs and their resource dependencies,VABB-1,257,280,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309157,,French regions as diplomatic actors : the case of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur,VABB-1,339,363,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:309163,,Interpretatie en critique génétique,VABB-4,109,120,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:309166,,"Beyond territoriality : the Maastricht principles on extra-territorial obligations in the area of economic, social and cultural rights",VABB-1,429,433,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309167,,Een Nuttelijc boec den kerstenen menschen (ca. 1400) : heilsgeschiedenis voor beginners,VABB-4,263,282,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:309171,,"_Crisis style or radical rhetoric? The speech by Dyab Abou Jahjah, leader of The Arab European League",VABB-4,57,80,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:309174,,"Le cadre institutionnel des élections dans la Belgique actuelle, à la lumière du principe de représentativité",VABB-4,75,97,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:309176,,"België : een land in crisis, een regering in lopende zaken",VABB-1,436,444,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309180,,Proceedings of the Fourth International Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Conference,VABB-3,,,133 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309183,,Is het eigenhandig testament zonder datum geldig?,VABB-1,115,118,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309184,,Vermogensverschuivingen en vergoedingen in stelsels van scheiding der goederen,VABB-1,193,205,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309186,,De interpretatie en het toepassingsgebied van art. 1435 B.W.,VABB-1,1470,1473,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:309190,,Disastrous responsibility : Blanchots criticism of Levinass concept of subjectivity in 'The writing of the disaster',VABB-1,113,130,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309191,,"A Unique Latin Life of Christ in Rhyme : Fragment Antwerp, Ruusbroecgenootschap, MS Lat. 6",VABB-1,311,324,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309195,,The Joy and Pain of Work: Global Attitudes and Valuations 1500-1650,VABB-3,,,322 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309197,,"Jewish parliamentary prepresentatives in the Netherlands, 1848-1914 : crossing borders, encountering boundaries?",VABB-4,65,80,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309205,,Pleidooi voor een breed perspectief inzake een mogelijke hervorming van de bestuursrechtspraak,VABB-1,407,410,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309207,,Rapport sur lorganisation et le fonctionnement du Conseil dÉtat des Pays-Bas,VABB-1,73,82,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:309224,,Het daderschap van de werknemer in het sociaal strafrecht. Is sociaal strafrecht dan geen strafrecht meer?,VABB-1,342,347,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:309258,,"La vision de Strasbourg sur les menaces de torture pendant l'audtion des suspects par la police et les preuves qui en résultent: l'arrêt Gäfgen contre Allemagne du 1er juin 2010, noot onder EHRM 1 juni 2010, Gäfgen v. Duitsland",VABB-1,140,150,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:309259,,The shareholder-manager relationship and its impact on the likelihood of firm bribery,VABB-1,495,507,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:309270,,"Knowledge, culture and power : biotechnology and the popular press",VABB-4,86,105,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:309284,,Introduction,VABB-4,13,32,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:309286,,L'activité judiciaire au Burundi : données quantitatives,VABB-4,65,84,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:309288,,Visceral Leishmaniasis in the Indian subcontinent : modelling epidemiology and control,VABB-1,"e1405,1","e1405,12",,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309290,,A disadvantage of h-type indices for comparing the citation impact of two researchers,VABB-1,341,346,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309293,,Educational differentials in fertility intensions and outcomes : family formation in Flanders in the early 1990s,VABB-1,227,258,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309296,,Scenario analysis for supply chain integration in container shipping,VABB-1,705,725,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309304,,La formation pédagogique des professeurs dans l'enseignement supérieur : une étude d'impact,VABB-1,15,30,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:309305,,A new lower bound to $A_{2}$-optimality measure for multi-level and mixed-level column balanced designs and its applications,VABB-1,877,888,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309306,,Explanations first : a case for presenting explanations before the decision in dutch bad-news messages,VABB-1,36,67,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309307,,The prison of the future? An evaluation of an innovative prison design in the Netherlands,VABB-1,313,330,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:309311,,Afstamming en Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-1,1102,1110,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309313,,GAS en lokaal en integraal veiligheidsbeleid : uitholling van of hulp voor de strafrechtelijke keten?,VABB-1,351,364,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309315,,Das Buch in der nationalsozialistischen Propagandapolitik,VABB-2,,,437 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:309318,,Detecting contrast patterns in newspaper articles by combining discourse analysis and text mining,VABB-1,647,683,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309320,,A theoretical framework for the evaluation of competition between container terminal operators,VABB-1,535,559,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309321,,"The tax treatment of company cars, commuting and optimal congestion taxes",VABB-1,1527,1544,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309322,,Questioning 'participation' : a critical appraisal of its conceptualization in a Flemish participatory technology assessment,VABB-1,673,690,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309323,,Monetary values of freight transport quality attributes : a sample of Tanzanian firms,VABB-1,1222,1234,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309324,,Dynamics of liner shipping network and port connectivity in supply chain systems : analysis on East Asia,VABB-1,1272,1281,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309335,,Le piège de l'essentialisme : Thyl Ulenspiegel entre littérature et propagande,VABB-1,85,98,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:309337,,"Bernd Witte, Europa",VABB-4,278,285,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:309338,,"Een artistieke guerrillagroep : Hugo Claus, Harry Mulisch en de opera Reconstructie",VABB-1,390,419,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:309341,,Vice city virtue : moral issues in digital game play,VABB-3,,,352 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309342,,Moral issues in digital game play : a multi-disciplinary view,VABB-4,21,30,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309343,,Digital game rethoric and critical reasoning : the case of grand theft auto IV and America's army : special forces,VABB-4,245,260,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309352,,Mee met de stroom? Regionale verschillen in tewerkstellingskansen van migranten,VABB-4,215,238,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309357,,B2B information duties in the feasibility study : analysis of article 23,VABB-1,787,797,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309358,,"De gevolgen van de ontbinding van kanscontracten, in het bijzonder van een contract van levenslange huur (noot onder Cass. 8 februari 2010)",VABB-1,447,452,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309359,,Late zwangerschapsafbreking en aansprakelijkheid voor ongewenst bestaan (noot onder Gent 3 november 2011),VABB-1,212,229,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309362,,De Wet Medische Ongevallen,VABB-1,84,134,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:309366,,"Indefinite pronouns, synchrony and diachrony : comments on Willis",VABB-4,325,345,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309370,,Negotiating the Thailand-US free trade agreement,VABB-4,167,180,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309372,,"""Au-delà"" of ""En route vers""? Over achttien economische opstellen van Hendrik de Man",VABB-1,529,554,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:309375,,Health financing in the developing world : supporting countries' search for viable systems,VABB-3,,,448 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309378,,Discursive pragmatics : a platform for the pragmatic study of discourse,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309380,,"_Religious pluralism and organizational diversity: an empirical test in the city of Zwolle, the Netherland, 1851-1914",VABB-1,150,173,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:309386,,De impact van de invoering van IFRS 2 transacties gebaseerd op aandelenwaarde voor Belgische bedrijven,VABB-1,2,22,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309387,,Energiearmoede in Vlaanderen : problematiek en beleid belicht,VABB-4,135,156,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309388,,Social value orientation and climate strength as moderators of the impact of work group cooperative climate on affective commitment,VABB-1,918,944,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:309389,,Het recente eindarrest van het Hof van Beroep te Brussel over de voetbaluitzendrechten : de afgezwakte verplichting voor Telenet : **pro** Pro League,VABB-1,291,304,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309397,,A life course perspective in the analysis of self-experiences of female migrants in Belgium : the case of Ukrainian and Russian women in Belgium,VABB-1,199,225,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309398,,Deconstructing fixed identities : an intersectional analysis of Russian-speaking female marriage migrants self-representations,VABB-1,65,80,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:309403,,In the shadow of Luxembourg : EU and national developments in the regulation of gambling,VABB-3,,,316 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309406,,Modern manuscripts and textual epigenetics : Samuel Beckett's works between completion and incompletion,VABB-1,801,812,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309409,,Believability of advertising and confidence in information to make purchase by product category involvement,VABB-1,140,145,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309410,,Constraint-satisfaction inference for entity recognition,VABB-4,199,221,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309411,,Automatic genre classification for resource scarce languages,VABB-5,132,137,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309412,,Non-English journals and papers in physics : bias in citations?,VABB-5,463,473,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309413,,Splines can recover dynamic information contained in discrete data,VABB-5,1022,1024,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309414,,Algebraic structures in the ego article citation network,VABB-5,737,741,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309418,,Ports as cluster of economic activity,VABB-4,638,655,-,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:309422,,A grasp metaheuristic to improve accessibility after a disaster,VABB-1,525,542,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309423,,Taalvariatie op de Vlaamse openbare omroep : substandaardisering in fictieprogrammas vroeger en nu,VABB-1,167,185,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:309426,,"Verleden, heden en toekomst van juridische tijdschriften in Vlaanderen",VABB-1,7,22,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309447,,Verlichte cultuurkritiek of paternalistische retoriek? Representaties van de Turkse Andere in het reisverhaal van Pieter van Woensel,VABB-1,188,213,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:309460,,Van ARAB over de Welzijnswet naar de Welzijnscodex : voldoende bescherming voor de werknemers,VABB-1,15,26,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309463,,Degrammaticalisatie in de Nederlandse modale hulpwerkwoorden,VABB-1,155,182,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309475,,Growth persistence and profile robustness of hight-growth firms : longitudinal analysis and Flemish high-growth firms for the period 2000-2009,VABB-5,1,23,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309477,,Ex ante tests in Flanders : making ends meet?,VABB-4,155,163,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309479,,Bestaansonzekerheid : de verhoogde tegemoetkoming in de ziekteverzekering als indicator,VABB-1,191,218,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309482,,Absence de sécurité d'existence : la prestation majorée de l'assurance-maladie en guise d'indicateur de pauvreté,VABB-1,197,228,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:309484,,"Cinema, contingencies, metaphysics",VABB-1,118,124,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309496,,Getekend op verschillende domeinen : deprivatie bij personen van buitenlandse herkomst,VABB-4,199,213,-,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309499,,De motiveringsverplichting als waarborg tegen rechterlijke willekeur,VABB-1,230,242,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309553,,Farmacologie in de opleiding verpleegkunde in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,1192,1201,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309580,,"Internal Migration and Ethnic Division: The Case of Palmas, Brazil",VABB-1,203,219,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309588,,Geen tijd om ongelukkig te zijn. Migrantenmeisjes in en uit Zuid-China,VABB-1,58,71,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309602,,Blindness/City: The Local Making of Multisensorial Public Spaces: An Interdisciplinary View of Urban Sensescapes,VABB-4,87,97,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309608,,The Brussels metro: Accessibility through co-creation,VABB-1,638,647,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309611,,Empathy through accumulating techné: Designing an accessible metro,VABB-1,207,229,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309618,,La rencontre anthropologique et ses ombres,VABB-1,23,40,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:309619,,Twins and intertwinement: ambivalence and ambiguity in northern Namibia,VABB-4,61,80,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309620,,Inhabiting ocular ground: Kinshasa's Future in the Light of Congo's Spectral Urban Politics,VABB-1,263,286,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309621,,Confession cum Deliverance : In/Dividuality of the Subject among Kinshasa's Born-Again Christians,VABB-1,280,310,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309623,,The socio-cultural-symbolic nexus in the perpetuation of female genital cutting: a critical review of existing discourses,VABB-1,53,70,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309628,,"Rebels and Taboos. Or, Transgression and Regulation in the Work and Lives of Kinshasa's Television Journalists",VABB-1,114,125,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309631,,Visual Media and Political Communication: Reporting about Suffering in Kinshasa,VABB-1,625,645,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309641,,El Camino Europeo del Rocío: A Pilgirmage towards Europe?,VABB-1,256,284,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:309646,,The Attitudes of Belgian Adolescents towards Peers with Disabilities,VABB-1,504,509,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309650,,Narrowing the critical deletion region for autism spectrum disorders on 16p11.2,VABB-1,243,245,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309651,,Impairments in speech and nonspeech sound categorization in children with dyslexia are driven by temporal processing difficulties,VABB-1,593,603,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309653,,Cognitive neuroscience meets mathematics education: It takes two to tango,VABB-1,232,237,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309655,,Reduced sensitivity to slow-rate dynamic auditory information in children with dyslexia,VABB-1,2810,2819,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309656,,Expressive vocabulary acquisition in children with intellectual disabilities: Speech or manual signs?,VABB-1,91,104,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309657,,Managing complexity: Impact of organization and processing style on nonverbal memory in autism spectrum disorders,VABB-1,135,147,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309659,,Coherent motion sensitivity predicts individual differences in subtraction,VABB-1,1075,1080,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309660,,Evaluating the quality of the interaction between persons with profound intellectual disabilities and direct support staff: A preliminary application of three observation scales from parent-infant research,VABB-1,407,420,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309663,,Intentional communication in nonverbal and verbal low-functioning children with autism,VABB-1,601,614,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309664,,Parenting behaviour among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,1143,1152,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309665,,Aesthetic preferences in the size of images of real-world,VABB-1,291,298,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309667,,Combining strengths and weaknesses in visual perception of children with an autism spectrum disorder: Perceptual matching of facial expressions,VABB-1,1327,1342,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309668,,Cognitive flexibility in autism spectrum disorder: Explaining the inconsistencies?,VABB-1,1390,1401,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309669,,Self-injurious behavior in people with profound intellectual disabilities: a meta-analysis of single-case studies,VABB-1,911,923,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309673,,Predicting children’s academic achievement after the transition to first grade,VABB-1,47,57,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309674,,Multi-sensory storytelling: Current research results in Flanders,VABB-4,63,91,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309675,,Non-suicidal and suicidal self-injurious behavior among Flemish adolescents: A websurvey,VABB-1,56,67,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309676,,Preschool impairments in auditory processing and speech perception uniquely predict future reading problems,VABB-1,560,570,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309677,,International Comparisons of Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Preschool Children: Parents’ Reports from 24 Societies,VABB-1,456,467,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309678,,The role of gestures in the transition from one- to two-word speech in a variety of children with intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,714,727,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309679,,Connecting education and cognitive neuroscience: where will the journey take us?,VABB-1,37,42,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309680,,The Role of Depressogenic Personality and Attachment in the Intergenerational Similarity of Depressive Symptoms: A Study With Early Adolescents and Their Mothers,VABB-1,284,297,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309681,,Long-Term Outcome of Pediatric Eating Pathology and Predictors for the Onset of Loss of Control over Eating Following Weight-Loss Treatment,VABB-1,397,405,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309683,,Symbolische en niet-symbolische representatie van hoeveelheden bij kinderen met een randnormale begaafdheid en een licht verstandelijke beperking,VABB-1,67,79,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309685,,Defective number module or impaired access? Numerical magnitude processing in first graders with mathematical difficulties,VABB-1,278,292,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309686,,Numerical magnitude processing in children with mild intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,2853,2859,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309687,,"Use of indirect addition in adults' mental subtraction in the number domain up to 1,000",VABB-1,585,597,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309688,,Neurophysiological evidence for the validity of verbal strategy reports in mental arithmetic,VABB-1,128,136,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309689,,Attentional processes in interactions between people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and direct support staff,VABB-1,491,503,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309690,,Neurowetenschappelijke inzichten in de ontwikkeling van rekenvaardigheden en dyscalculie,VABB-1,46,53,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:309691,,Coherent motion sensitivity and reading development: changing relations in the transition from pre-reading to reading stage,VABB-1,854,869,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309693,,How Temperament and Personality Contribute to the Maladjustment of Children With Autism,VABB-1,196,212,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309694,,Effects of problem size and arithmetic operation on brain activation during calculation in children with varying levels of arithmetical fluency,VABB-1,771,781,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309696,,Een cognitief perspectief op hechting: Het interne werkmodel en verbanden met de cognitieve schema theorie,VABB-1,38,49,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:309697,,De behandeling van depressie bij kinderen en jongeren: bruggen slaan tussen cognitieve gedragstherapie en gehechtheidstheorie,VABB-1,149,164,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309698,,Depressieve Jongeren in Thuisbegeleiding binnen de Vlaamse Bijzondere Jeugdzorg: Kan Attachment Based Family Therapy een Meerwaarde Hebben?,VABB-1,161,172,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309701,,Visual local and global processing in low-functioning deaf individuals with and without autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,95,105,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309704,,Diagnostic yield of syncope investigation (initiated) in the emergency department: a pilot study,VABB-1,110,115,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309708,,Pharmacist- versus physician-acquired medication history: a prospective study at the emergency department,VABB-1,371,375,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:309718,,Incidence and outcome of first syncope in primary care: A retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,102,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309735,,The long-term outcome after severe trauma of children in Flanders (Belgium): a population-based cohort study using the International Classification of Functioning-related outcome score,VABB-1,65,73,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309740,,A simple tool to improve medication reconciliation at the emergency department,VABB-1,382,385,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309743,,Severity (and treatment) of chronic lithium poisoning: clinical signs or lab results as a criterion?,VABB-1,127,128,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:309757,,Disentangling instructional roles: the case of teaching and summative evaluation,VABB-1,897,910,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309758,,Sequential meta-analysis of single-case experimental data,VABB-1,720,729,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309759,,The signature pedagogy of social work? An investigation of the evidence,VABB-1,363,372,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309760,,The influence of the previous strategy on individuals' strategy choices,VABB-1,339,350,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309761,,Simultaneous analysis of coupled data matrices subject to different amounts of noise,VABB-1,277,290,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309762,,ADPROCLUS: A graphical user interface for fitting additive profile clustering models to object by variable data matrices,VABB-1,56,65,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309763,,The CHull procedure for selecting among multilevel component solutions,VABB-1,12,20,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309764,,A Comparative Analysis of Three Online Appraisal Instruments’ Ability to Assess Validity in Qualitative Research,VABB-1,1736,1743,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:309765,,Attitudes toward statistics: How do they evolve during students' curriculum and what is the relation with students' evaluation of their course?,VABB-1,43,60,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309768,,Ontology-driven Adaptive and Pervasive Learning Environments - APLEs: An Interdisciplinary Approach,VABB-5,99,115,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309769,,Pragmatism as the philosophical underpinning of the Joanna Briggs meta-aggregative approach to qualitative evidence synthesis,VABB-1,1632,1642,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309770,,An inventory of peer assessment diversity,VABB-1,137,155,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309773,,"Transactional associations among teacher support, peer social preference, and child externalising behavior: A four-wave longitudinal study",VABB-1,87,99,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309774,,Tool-use in a blended undergraduate course: In Search of user profiles,VABB-1,2135,2144,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309775,,Strategy switch cost in mathematical thinking: Empirical evidence for its existence and importance,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309776,,Goals of peer assessment and their associated quality concepts,VABB-1,719,735,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309777,,A flexible framework for sparse simultaneous component based data integration,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309778,,Effect of multimedia information sequencing on education outcome in orthodontic treatment,VABB-1,458,465,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:309780,,Measuring statistics attitudes: Structure of the Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics,VABB-1,35,51,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309781,,Obstacles to the implementation of Evidence-Based Practice In Belgium: a worked example of an aggregative approach,VABB-4,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309782,,Approaches to quality management and accreditation in a genetic testing laboratory,VABB-1,S1,19,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:309783,,Customer satisfaction survey to improve the European cystic fibrosis external quality assessment scheme,VABB-1,1295,8,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309784,,Mutation nomenclature in practice: Findings and recommendations from the cystic fibrosis external quality assessment scheme,VABB-1,1197,1203,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309785,,Multiallelic synthetic quality control material: Lessons learned from the cystic fibrosis external quality assessment scheme,VABB-1,579,586,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309786,,External Quality Assessment for KRAS Testing Is Needed: Setup of a European Program and Report of the First Joined Regional Quality Assessment Rounds,VABB-1,467,478,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309788,,Laboratory accreditation and participation in external quality assessment schemes: tools to improve the quality of genetic testing services,VABB-1,315,321,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:309789,,"The Johannesschüssel as Andachtsbild: the gaze, the medium and the senses",VABB-1,225,264,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309793,,"Interspaces between word, gaze and touch: the Bible and the visual medium in the Middle Ages: collected essays on Noli me tangere, the woman with the haemorrhage, the head of John the Baptist",VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309798,,Photography theory in historical perspective: case studies from contemporary art,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309807,,Codicology of the Anjou Bible,VABB-4,187,207,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:309808,,Illuminating with Pen and Bruch. The Techniques of a Fourteenth-Century Neapolitan Illuminator Explored,VABB-4,147,170,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:309811,,David Teniers the Younger (1610-1690): a biography,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309816,,(In) the Spirit of the Time: Imitation of Epochal Style in Nineteenth-Century French and Belgian Art,VABB-1,209,226,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309821,,"Over samenwerking en verwantschap tussen Antwerpse beeldhouwers, schilders en zilversmeden tijdens het ancien régime",VABB-4,127,145,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309822,,"Zilver in Antwerpen: de handel, het ambacht en de klant",VABB-3,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:309825,,Touching the Hem: the thread between garment and blood in the story of the woman with the hemorrhage (Mark 5:24b-34parr),VABB-1,308,351,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309826,,"He must increase, but I must decrease: on the spiritual and pictorial interwining between the Johannesschüssel and the Vera icon (1200-1500)",VABB-4,323,366,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309827,,L’Honneur Animant la Beauté: Hendrick De Clerck’s Diana Paintings for the Archdukes Albert and Isabella,VABB-4,181,191,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309828,,The Nude and the Norm in the Early Modern Low Countries,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309829,,Belgian photography: towards a minor photography,VABB-1,71,80,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309831,,Willem Key (1516-1568): portrait of a humanist painter,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309836,,The head of Saint John the Patist on a platter: the gaze of death,VABB-1,163,174,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309839,,Rubens. Subjects from history. 3. The Constantine series,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309840,,The art of strip photography: making still images with a moving camera,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309841,,"Shifting places: Peter Downsbrough, the photographs",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309842,,A case of mistaken identity: Rubens’s so-called “Constantine and Crispus” oil sketch in Sydney,VABB-1,86,89,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309845,,Vivência: from disciplined to remade lived experience in the Brazilian avant-garde of the 1960s,VABB-1,193,208,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:309848,,The (de)construction of national photography in minor photographies: the case of Marcel Mariën,VABB-1,111,122,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:309852,,"Selfishness, Self-Interest, and Self-Love",VABB-1,286,306,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309874,,Use of palm-mat geotextiles for soil conservation: I. Effects on soil properties,VABB-1,99,107,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309884,,Two rapid appraisals of FAO-56 crop coefficients for semiarid natural vegetation of the northern Ethiopian highlands,VABB-1,353,359,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309887,,Gully Erosion: Procedures to Adopt When Modelling Soil Erosion in Landscapes Affected by Gullying,VABB-4,360,386,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:309892,,"Neoliberal Urban Movements? A Geography of Conflict and Mobilisation over Urban Renaissance in Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-4,99,117,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:309916,,Catchment-scale carbon redistribution and delivery by water erosion in an intensively cultivated area,VABB-1,65,74,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:309921,,The effect of soil redistribution on soil organic carbon : an experimental study,VABB-1,3971,3986,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:309932,,"Threatened or Empowered? The Impact of Neighborhood Context on Community Involvement in Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-1,797,820,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:309939,,Holocene environmental change and its impact on sediment dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean,VABB-1,137,157,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309955,,Improving surface–subsurface water budgeting using high resolution satellite imagery applied on a brownfield,VABB-1,800,809,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:309966,,Fluvial architecture of Belgian river systems in contrasting environments: implications for reconstructing the sedimentation history,VABB-1,31,50,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310003,,VI.1.2. Hoe overexploitatie van landbouw uiteindelijk zichzelf gedeeltelijk elimineerde,VABB-4,16,18,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310015,,"The Hague, International City of Peace and Justice: A Relational Network Brand",VABB-4,150,156,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310016,,Website Analysis: Brand Africa,VABB-4,156,171,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:310018,,The E-branding of Places,VABB-4,121,133,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:310019,,Introduction,VABB-4,22,41,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310021,,International Place Branding Yearbook 2010: Place Branding in the New Age of Innovation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310036,,Prediction of spatial patterns of collapsed pipes in loess-derived soils in a temperate humid climate using logistic regression,VABB-1,185,196,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310039,,Sediment yield as a desertification risk indicator,VABB-1,1715,1725,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310063,,"Human settlement in the Late- and early Post-Glacial environments of the Liereman Landscape (Campine, Belgium)",VABB-1,31,51,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310081,,Changing hillslope and fluvial Holocene sediment dynamics in a Belgian loess catchment,VABB-1,44,58,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310084,,Evaluating the impact of soil redistribution on the in situ mineralization of soil organic carbon,VABB-1,427,438,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310085,,Complexity and performance of urban expansion models,VABB-1,17,27,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310089,,"Soil erosion rates in tropical villages: A case study from Lake Victoria Basin, Uganda",VABB-1,89,98,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310098,,Coupling urban expansion models and hydrological models: how important are spatial patterns?,VABB-1,965,975,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310104,,Betaald voetbal: grijpt de provincie de macht?,VABB-1,20,23,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:310110,,"Investigating the link between soil quality and agricultural land use change. A case study in the Lake Balaton catchment, Hungary",VABB-1,61,70,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310113,,Evaluation of biological geotextiles for reduction of runoff and soil loss,VABB-4,509,520,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310117,,Reversible Dispersion of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Based on a CO2-Responsive Dispersant,VABB-1,16667,16671,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310119,,The Politicization of Suburbanization in Belgium: Towards an Urban-Suburban Divide,VABB-1,699,717,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310123,,The Suburbanisation of Political Representation in a context of Proportional Representation : The Case of Belgium,VABB-1,72,87,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310124,,The medieval climate anomaly and the Little Ice Age in coastal Syria inferred from pollen-derived palaeoclimatic patterns,VABB-1,178,187,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310127,,Scale-dependency of sediment yield from badland areas in Mediterranean environments,VABB-1,297,332,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310130,,Misapplications and misconceptions of erosion models,VABB-4,117,134,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310131,,Dependence of effective hydraulic conductivity on rainfall intensity: loamy agricultural soils,VABB-1,2257,2268,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310133,,Scale effects on runoff and erosion losses from arable land under conservation and conventional tillage: The role of residue cover,VABB-1,143,154,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310134,,The impact of agricultural soil erosion on biogeochemical cycling,VABB-1,311,314,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310135,,The relative impact of climate change and urban expansion on peak flows: a case study in central Belgium,VABB-1,2846,2858,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310142,,Underrated transformations in the open space-The case of an urbanized and multifunctional area,VABB-1,196,205,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310143,,The Accumulation of Stone Age Lithic Artifacts in Rock Fragment Mulches in Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,137,148,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310151,,A new method to estimate air-quality levels using a synoptic-regression approach. Part II: Future O3 concentrations,VABB-1,1356,1366,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310152,,A new method to estimate air-quality levels using a synoptic-regression approach. Part I: Present-day O-3 and PM10 analysis,VABB-1,1341,1355,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310159,,The human occupation of the Benelux during the Younger Dryas,VABB-1,267,276,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:310162,,Automated observation and analysis of earthworm surface behaviour under experimental habitat quality and availability conditions,VABB-1,259,263,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310163,,"Global pressures, local measures: the re-regulation of sex work in the Antwerp Skipper’s Quarter",VABB-1,548,561,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310165,,Effect of ENSO events on sediment production in a large coastal basin in northern Peru,VABB-1,1776,1788,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310166,,Optimizing Earthworm Sampling in Ecosystems,VABB-4,19,38,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310168,,"True political representation of disadvantaged neighbourhoods? Where Brussels parliamentary members live, 1989-2009",VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310169,,"Vers une représentation politique fidèle des quartiers défavorisés? Le lieu de résidence des parlementaires bruxellois, 1989-2009",VABB-1,1,21,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:310170,,"Op weg naar een representatieve politieke vertegenwoordiging van de achtergestelde buurten? De woonplaats van de Brusselse parlementsleden, 1989-2009",VABB-1,1,21,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:310181,,The Impact of Size Distribution Assumptions in a Bulk One-Moment Microphysics Scheme on Simulated Surface Precipitation and Storm Dynamics during a Low-Topped Supercell Case in Belgium,VABB-1,1131,1147,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310182,,The evaluation of moist processes in km-scale NWP models using remote sensing and in-situ data: Impact of size distribution assumptions,VABB-1,15,38,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310189,,More than biofuel? Jatropha curcas root system symmetry and potential for soil erosion control,VABB-1,201,205,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310191,,Relations between atmospheric circulation and precipitation in Belgium,VABB-1,27,39,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310197,,Impact of vegetation changes on a mesoscale convective system in West Africa,VABB-1,109,122,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310198,,Sensitivity of quantitative precipitation forecast to soil moisture initialization and microphysics parametrization,VABB-1,978,996,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310199,,Historical land use change has lowered terrestrial silica mobilization,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310207,,The COST733 circulation type classification software: an example for surface ozone concentrations in Central Europe,VABB-1,143,166,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310215,,"Aspects of tool production, use, and hafting in Palaeolithic assemblages from Northeast Africa",VABB-1,637,664,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310223,,Empirical models for predicting the erosion-reducing effects of plant roots during concentrated flow erosion,VABB-1,425,432,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310224,,Sensitivity of West and Central European river systems to environmental changes during the Holocene A review,VABB-1,163,182,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310229,,Effectiveness of geotextiles in reducing runoff and soil loss: A synthesis,VABB-1,184,195,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310234,,Experimental rainfall-runoff data: Reconsidering the concept of infiltration capacity,VABB-1,255,262,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310243,,Spatial variability of soil horizon depth in natural loess-derived soils,VABB-1,37,45,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310260,,Rates and spatial variations of soil erosion in Europe: A study based on erosion plot data,VABB-1,167,177,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310267,,Assessing the effect of soil tillage on crop growth: A meta-regression analysis on European crop yields under conservation agriculture,VABB-1,231,241,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310269,,Resequencing of positional candidates identifies low frequency IL23R coding variants protecting against inflammatory bowel disease,VABB-1,43,U58,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310270,,Wind tunnel calibration of the USGS dust deposition sampler: sampling efficiency and grain size correction,VABB-1,159,170,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310293,,Long-term evaluation of COSMO forecasting using combined observational data of the GOP period,VABB-1,119,132,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310297,,Factors controlling sediment yield at the catchment scale in NW Mediterranean geoecosystems,VABB-1,690,707,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310299,,Sediment yield in Europe: Spatial patterns and scale dependency,VABB-1,142,161,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310303,,Spatial clustering of events on a network,VABB-1,411,418,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310308,,Quantification of alluvial sediment storage in contrasting environments: Methodology and error estimation,VABB-1,169,182,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310311,,Hydrogeology and groundwater flow in a basalt-capped Mesozoic sedimentary series of the Ethiopian highlands,VABB-1,641,650,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310312,,Factors affecting soil loss at plot scale and sediment yield at catchment scale in a tropical volcanic agroforestry landscape,VABB-1,34,46,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310319,,"Gross erosion, net erosion and gross deposition of dust by wind: field data from 17 desert surfaces",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310324,,"Effects of wind erosion, off-road vehicular activity, atmospheric conditions and the proximity of a metropolitan area on PM10 characteristics in a recreational site",VABB-1,94,107,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310326,,"The Menin Gate Memorial, Ieper, Belgium",VABB-4,253,258,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310334,,An exploratory study on the use of enzyme activities as sediment tracers: biochemical fingerprints?,VABB-1,136,151,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310357,,Evaluation of microphysical assumptions of the COSMO model using radar and rain gauge observations,VABB-1,133,144,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310377,,Cover crops and their erosion-reducing effects during concentrated flow erosion,VABB-1,237,244,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310378,,"Farmer’s perception on landslide occurrences in Bududa District, Eastern Uganda",VABB-1,7,18,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310379,,Evaluation of the EUROSEM model for predicting the effects of erosion-control blankets on runoff and interrill soil erosion by water,VABB-1,285,297,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310381,,Sensitivity analysis of logistic regression parameterization for land use and land cover probability estimation,VABB-1,489,507,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310383,,Patterns of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in relation to soil movement under different land uses in mountain fields (South Central Pyrenees),VABB-1,43,52,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:310392,,Tree species selection for land rehabilitation in Ethiopia: from fragmented knowledge to an integrated multi-criteria decision approach,VABB-1,303,330,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310440,,Factors controlling the spatial distribution of soil piping erosion on loess-derived soils: a case study from central Belgium,VABB-1,339,348,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310441,,Soil loss rates due to piping erosion,VABB-1,1715,1725,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310447,,Modeling the sensitivity of sediment and water runoff dynamics to Holocene climate and land use changes at the catchment scale,VABB-1,18,31,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310448,,Human impact on fluvial regimes and sediment flux during the Holocene: Review and future research agenda,VABB-1,87,98,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310457,,Experiences and Recommendations on Required Student Knowledge and E-Skills,VABB-4,179,193,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310459,,The Danger of the Downward Spiral: Teachers and Digital Literacy,VABB-5,811,819,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310462,,Les systèmes prépositionnels en français et en néerlandais: Les emplois nouveaux de sur et leurs traductions en néerlandais,VABB-1,224,238,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:310463,,Christmannus aliquidne De temporibus post Scaligerum?’ Jacob Christmann’s answer to Justus Lipsius’ question,VABB-1,269,296,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310475,,Identifying domestic functional areas. Chemical analysis of floor sediments at the Classical-Hellenistic settlement at Düzen Tepe (SW Turkey),VABB-1,2274,2292,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310477,,Mitochondrial analysis of a Byzantine population reveals the differential impact of multiple historical events in South Anatolia,VABB-1,571,576,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310486,,Vervolg-onderzoek op het sitecomplex langs de Molse Nete te Lommel (B). Opgravingscampagne 2011,VABB-1,61,68,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310487,,The 2008 and 2009 survey season in the territory of Sagalassos,VABB-5,139,153,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310488,,VI.3.5. Een fontein voor keizer Trajanus,VABB-4,114,117,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310489,,"VI.3.4. Een paleiscomplex dat niet alleen groter, maar ook ouder wordt",VABB-4,104,113,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310490,,VI.3.3. Nieuw watergekletter in het Macellum,VABB-4,90,104,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310491,,VI.3.2. Twee Romeinse badgebouwen boven elkaar: de oudste thermen van Anatolië en de grote ‘Keizerlijke Thermen’,VABB-4,53,90,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310492,,VI.3.1. De Bovenste Agora. Van toplocatie voor stedelijke zelfrepresentatie tot ambachtelijke zone,VABB-4,29,52,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310493,,"VI.2. Düzen Tepe. Een chaotisch nederzettingsplan, maar desondanks sporen van een centrale autoriteit en een goed georganiseerde maatschappij",VABB-4,19,28,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310495,,VI.1.1. Continuïteit troef. De archeologische prospectie in de vallei van Burdur,VABB-4,1,16,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310496,,VI.4.5. De inauguratie van het Antonijnse Nymphaeum,VABB-4,151,154,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310497,,VI.4.1. De restauratie van het beeld van Apollo Klarios uit het laat-Hadrianische Nymphaeum,VABB-4,146,148,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310498,,Deel VII. De vroeg- tot midden-Byzantijnse periode,VABB-4,155,246,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310499,,Deel VI. De onderzoek- en opgravingscampagne in 2010,VABB-4,1,154,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310500,,Sagalassos–Jaarboek 2010. De vroeg- tot midden-Byzantijnse periode (450-1250 n. Chr.). Het Jaarverslag van de campagne van 2010,VABB-3,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310523,,"Geofizikalna prospekcija z uporabo magnetne in georadarske metode na klaisčnem in helenističnem arheološkem najdišču Düzen Tepe, Turčija",VABB-5,91,94,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310525,,"Urban housing in the Pisidian town of Sagalassos (Burdur, Turkey)",VABB-5,291,309,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310530,,The Early Bronze Age on Crete,VABB-4,66,82,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310531,,The Middle Bronze Age on Crete,VABB-4,113,125,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310533,,Understanding ceramic variability: An archaeometrical interpretation of the Classical and Hellenistic ceramics at Düzen Tepe and Sagalassos (Southwest Turkey),VABB-1,2101,2115,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310534,,"The Minoan Palace-Temple Reconsidered: A Critical Assessment of the Spatial Concentration of Political, Religious and Economic Power in Bronze Age Crete",VABB-1,219,243,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310546,,Mapping regional ceramic fabrics in Sagalassos (SW Turkey) dating from 500 BC-700 AD,VABB-5,33,40,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310550,,"Urban-rural integration at ancient Sagalassos (SW Turkey). Archaeological, archaeozoological and geochemical evidence",VABB-1,73,83,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310551,,The pale red slipped dot,VABB-1,101,110,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310552,,Investing in Roman antiquity. Modelling moderate growth,VABB-1,9,13,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310553,,Producing pottery vs. producing models: interpreting workshop organization at the Potters' Quarter of Sagalassos,VABB-5,30,36,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310555,,"Une cachette d’objets de valeur des années 260 apr. J.-C. dans une villa de la cité des Nerviens (Merbes-le-Château, Belgique)",VABB-1,209,253,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:310566,,"Evaluatieonderzoek van een steentijd- en vroege bronstijdsite in Mechelen-Zennegat (Antwerpen, B)",VABB-1,239,251,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310572,,"The evaporitic deposits of Lake Fazda (Wadi Natrun, Egypt) and their use in Roman glass production",VABB-1,916,929,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310611,,"The International Financial Crisis, Global Financial Governance and the European Union",VABB-4,141,166,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310614,,From Vodka to Baltika: a perfect storm in the Russian beer market,VABB-4,287,307,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310618,,The firm size distribution and inter-industry diversification,VABB-1,65,82,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310621,,A Political Economy Perspective on the Fischler Reform of the CAP,VABB-4,55,66,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310622,,"The Food Crisis, Mass Media and the Political Economy of Policy Analysis and Communication",VABB-1,409,426,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310624,,"Taboos, Agriculture and Poverty",VABB-1,1455,1481,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310627,,Consumers and the political economy of European agricultural and food policies,VABB-4,34,45,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310628,,Changing policy regimes in outward foreign direct investment: from control to promotion,VABB-4,277,304,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310630,,Policy gridlock or future change? The political economy dynamics of EU biotechnology regulation,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310632,,Property rights imperfections and asset allocation: co-ownership in Bulgaria,VABB-1,159,175,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310633,,"Transatlantic regulatory cooperation. The shifting roles of the EU, the US and California",VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310635,,Complementary platforms,VABB-1,1,33,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310636,,Globalization and poverty in Senegal: a worst case scenario?,VABB-1,31,54,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310637,,"Liberalization, endogenous institutions, and growth: a comparative analysis of agricultural reforms in Africa, Asia, and Europe",VABB-1,412,445,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310639,,Trade and the political economy of food standards,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310640,,How the East Was Won: The Foreign Take-Over of the Eastern Beer Market,VABB-4,247,264,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310641,,The Political Economy of Food Standards,VABB-4,416,437,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310643,,Using mixed integer programming to win a cycling game,VABB-1,93,99,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310644,,Optimal pooling of inventories with substitution: a literature review,VABB-1,345,374,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310646,,A decision support system for surgery sequencing at UZ Leuven's day-care department,VABB-1,435,450,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310647,,Multi-Level reverse logistics network design under uncertainty,VABB-1,23,40,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:310649,,RESCON: Educational project scheduling software,VABB-1,327,336,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310650,,Reactive scheduling in the multi-mode RCPSP,VABB-1,63,74,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:310651,,Advanced resource planning as a decision support module for ERP,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310654,,Analytical analysis of a generic assembly system,VABB-1,107,114,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310655,,Proactive policies for the stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling problem,VABB-1,308,316,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310656,,Robust project scheduling,VABB-1,201,376,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310657,,Organizing for supply chain management,VABB-1,297,315,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310658,,Time slack-based techniques for robust project scheduling subject to resource uncertainty,VABB-1,443,464,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310660,,Modeling a hospital queueing network,VABB-4,767,798,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310661,,Setting staffing levels in an emergency department: opportunities and limitations of stationary queuing models,VABB-1,73,100,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310662,,Effect of choice complexity on design efficiency in conjoint choice experiments,VABB-1,2276,2286,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310663,,The modeling of interrupts and unplanned absences,VABB-1,32,40,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310669,,Nonparametric estimation,VABB-4,959,962,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310670,,Model Selection,VABB-4,830,833,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:310671,,Robust control charts for time series data,VABB-1,13810,13815,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310673,,Heuristics for deciding collectively rational consumption behavior,VABB-1,173,204,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310674,,The Gaussian rank correlation estimator: robustness properties,VABB-1,471,483,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:310675,,New competitive results for the stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling problem: exploring the benefits of pre-processing,VABB-1,157,171,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310676,,Optimization models for targeted offers in direct marketing: exact and heuristic algorithms,VABB-1,670,683,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310678,,Outlyingness weighted covariation,VABB-1,657,684,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310679,,Charlemagne's challenge: the periodic latency problem,VABB-1,674,683,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310682,,Sequential choice designs to estimate the heterogeneity distribution of willingness-to-pay,VABB-1,429,448,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310683,,Variable selection in partially linear wavelet models,VABB-1,409,427,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310684,,Fitting state space models with eviews,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310687,,Flexible modelling of functional data using continuous wavelet dictionaries,VABB-4,297,300,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310689,,The global entry of new pharmaceuticals: a joint investigation of launch window and price,VABB-1,295,308,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310691,,"Missing covariates in logistic regression, estimation and distribution selection",VABB-1,69,93,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310692,,Robust estimation of intraweek periodicity in volatility and jump detection,VABB-1,353,367,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310693,,On the optimality of multivariate S-estimators,VABB-1,332,341,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310694,,Exact algorithms for a generalization of the order acceptance and scheduling problem in a single-machine environment,VABB-1,367,378,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310696,,Empirical management of community-acquired pneumonia: impact of concurrent A/H1N1 influenza pandemic on guideline implementation,VABB-1,2864,2871,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310700,,Een vergelijkende studie van de criteria en de in-house screening,VABB-1,237,290,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:310701,,Preferences and subjective satisfaction: measuring well-being on the job for policy evaluation,VABB-1,683,714,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310702,,Is ELIE a wasteful minimum income scheme?,VABB-4,235,256,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310705,,User charges,VABB-4,329,353,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310709,,Distributed event-based process execution - assessing feasibility and flexibility,VABB-5,133,147,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310710,,The secrets to managing business analytics projects,VABB-1,65,69,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310720,,Concept relation discovery and innovation enabling technology,VABB-5,53,62,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310723,,Governing Web 2.0,VABB-1,124,130,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310727,,Formally analysing the concepts of domestic violence,VABB-1,3116,3130,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310728,,Recommender system based on algorithm of bicluster analysis RecBi,VABB-5,122,126,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310730,,A concept discovery approach for fighting human trafficking and forced prostitution,VABB-5,201,214,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310731,,Unified patterns to transform business rules into an event coordination mechanism,VABB-5,730,742,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310732,,Transforming standard process models to decentralized autonomous entities,VABB-5,97,107,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310735,,"An empirical evaluation of the comprehensibility of decision table, tree and rule based predictive models",VABB-1,141,154,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310740,,Text mining with emergent self organizing maps and multi-dimensional scaling: A comparative study on domestic violence,VABB-1,3870,3876,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310744,,Rule extraction from minimal neural network for credit card screening,VABB-1,265,276,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310745,,A critical evaluation study of model-log metrics in process discovery,VABB-5,158,169,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310749,,Business process discovery & workforce intelligence techniques in healthcare,VABB-1,25,39,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310750,,Requirements for successful software development with variability: a case study,VABB-5,238,247,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310754,,Building a requirements engineering methodology for software product lines,VABB-5,25,34,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310755,,Options in inter-organizational systems integration,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310756,,An exploratory approach to process lifecycle transitions from a paradigm-based perspective,VABB-5,178,185,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310757,,A transformation from SBVR business rules into event coordinated rules by means of SBVR patterns,VABB-5,172,179,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310759,,Engaging in turbulent times: direction setting for business and IT alignment,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310762,,Embodiment and social cognition,VABB-4,491,506,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310763,,Inhibitory spillover : increased urination urgency facilitates impulse control in unrelated domains,VABB-1,627,633,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310764,,Can buy me love: Mate attraction goals lead to perceptual readiness for status products,VABB-1,254,258,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310765,,Cognitive control and individual differences in economic ultimatum decision-making,VABB-1,e21257,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310767,,Effects of providing total cost of ownership information on attribute weights in purchasing decisions,VABB-1,132,142,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310768,,Strategic assortment decisions in information-intensive and turbulent environments,VABB-1,17,28,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310771,,The Connected Customer,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310772,,Return on roller coasters: a model to guide investments in theme park attractions,VABB-1,721,737,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310773,,Are social values expressed automatically? Decision making in the dictator game,VABB-1,1080,1090,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310775,,Is love for green in our genes? A critical analysis of evolutionary assumptions in restorative environments research,VABB-1,261,268,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310776,,A critical review of the presence and use of fractal geometry in architectural design,VABB-1,814,828,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310777,,Biophilic design aesthetics in art and design education,VABB-1,17,35,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310781,,Effectiveness of in-store displays in a virtual store environment,VABB-1,75,89,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310784,,Blikopener: Overstromingen in de lage landen,VABB-1,1,7,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310788,,Multi-level interactions in a sustainable development context: different routes for Flanders to decision-making in the UN commission on sustainable development,VABB-1,70,82,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310790,,"The European Union, the BRICs, and the Emerging New World Order",VABB-4,380,403,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310798,,Competency development and career success: the mediating role of employability,VABB-1,438,447,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310799,,Ethnic minority professionals' experiences with subtle discrimination in the workplace,VABB-1,1203,1227,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310814,,Baanonzekerheid en sympathie voor extreemrechtse patijen,VABB-1,97,111,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310822,,"The meaning of career success: Avoiding reification through a closer inspection of historical, cultural and ideological contexts",VABB-1,364,384,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310828,,Diversity and diversity management in business and organization studies,VABB-4,159,179,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310829,,Si passivation for Ge pMOSFETs: Impact of Si cap growth conditions,VABB-1,116,121,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310830,,The influence of line managers and HR department on employees’ affective commitment,VABB-1,1616,1635,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310837,,"Career sidestep, wage setback? The impact of different types of employment interruptions on wages",VABB-1,E110,E131,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310838,,Antecedents of Front Line Managers’ perceptions of HR role stressors,VABB-1,549,569,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310844,,Technological activities and their impact on the financial performance of firms: Exploitation and exploration within and between firms,VABB-1,869,882,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310858,,Processes of personal identity formation and evaluation,VABB-4,77,98,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310859,,Indecisiveness and Big Five Personality Factors: Relationship and Specificity,VABB-1,1023,1028,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310860,,Identity formation in adolescents with congenital cardiac disease: A forgotten issue in the transition to adulthood,VABB-1,411,420,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310861,,Parenting and trajectories of children's maladaptive behaviors: A 12-year prospective community study,VABB-1,468,478,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310862,,Preschoolers’ attachment to mother and risk for adjustment problems in kindergarten: Can teachers make a difference?,VABB-1,33,50,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310863,,Adolescent ethnic prejudice: Understanding the effects of parental extrinsic versus intrinsic goal promotion.,VABB-1,441,454,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310864,,Perceived instability in emerging adulthood: The protective role of identity capital,VABB-1,137,145,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310866,,The social costs of extrinsic relative to intrinsic goal pursuits revisited: The moderating role of general causality orientation,VABB-1,684,687,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310867,,The how and what of identity formation: Associations between identity styles and value orientations,VABB-1,295,299,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310868,,Come rain or come shine: Individual differences in how weather affects mood,VABB-1,1495,1499,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310869,,Identity formation in juvenile delinquents and clinically referred youth,VABB-1,123,130,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310874,,Adolescents with congenital heart disease: The importance of perceived parenting for psychosocial and health outcomes,VABB-1,651,659,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310879,,Congruence between adolescent personality types based on the Big Five domains and the thirty NEO-PI3 personality facets,VABB-1,513,517,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310880,,Vitality and interest-enjoyment as a function of class-to-class variation in need-supportive teaching and pupils' autonomy motivation,VABB-1,353,366,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310881,,Understanding Workaholics' Motivations: A Self-Determination Perspective,VABB-1,600,621,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310883,,Ligand stoichiometry of the cold- and menthol-activated channel TRPM8,VABB-1,4827,4835,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310885,,Teacher-child conflict and aggressive behavior in first grade: The intervening role of children’s self-esteem,VABB-1,449,465,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310886,,Ontwikkelingstrajecten van persoonlijkheid in de adolescentie,VABB-1,188,205,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310887,,Academic Self-Concept in High School: Predictors and Effects on Adjustment in Higher Education,VABB-1,586,594,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310888,,"Parental depressive feelings, parental support, and the serotonin transporter gene as predictors of adolescent depressive feelings: A latent growth curve analysis",VABB-1,453,462,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310889,,"Loneliness, depressive symptomatology, and suicide ideation in adolescence: Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses",VABB-1,137,150,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310890,,Identity styles and interpersonal behavior in emerging adulthood: The intervening role of empathy,VABB-1,664,684,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310891,,Familial roots of empathy-related characteristics. The role of perceived maternal and paternal need support,VABB-1,1342,1352,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310892,,Aromatase inhibitor-induced loss of grip strength is body mass index dependent: hypothesis-generating findings for its pathogenesis,VABB-1,1763,1769,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310893,,How does longitudinally measured expressed emotion affect internalizing and externalizing symptoms of adolescents from the general community?,VABB-1,1174,1183,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310896,,Understanding the association between future time perspective and self-regulated learning through the lens of self-determination theory,VABB-1,332,344,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310897,,Indecisiveness: Specificity and Predictive Validity,VABB-1,295,305,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310899,,Life satisfaction in chronic pain patients,VABB-1,507,516,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310901,,God image and happiness in chronic pain patients,VABB-1,765,773,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310903,,"The dopamine D2 receptor, perceived parental support, and adolescent loneliness: Longitudinal evidence for gene-environment interactions",VABB-1,1044,1051,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310904,,Réflexions sur le concept de détachement adolescentaire,VABB-1,215,220,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:310905,,Different forms of loneliness are associated with different forms of psychopathology in adolescence,VABB-1,233,237,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310906,,"Big five personality dimensions in Italian and Dutch adolescents: A cross-cultural comparison of mean levels, sex differences, and associations with internalizing symptoms",VABB-1,285,296,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310909,,Self-determined motivation and social achievement goals in children's emotions,VABB-1,67,86,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310910,,Identity styles and conflict resolution styles: Associations in mother-adolescent dyads,VABB-1,972,982,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310911,,Self-classification as an adult in patients with type 1 diabetes: Relationships with glycemic control and illness coping,VABB-1,245,250,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310912,,Intracerebroventricular enzyme infusion corrects central nervous system pathology and dysfunction in a mouse model of metachromatic leukodystrophy,VABB-1,2760,2769,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310913,,Telencephalic histopathology and changes in behavioural and neural plasticity in a murine model for metachromatic leukodystrophy,VABB-1,309,314,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310914,,"An n-methyl-d-aspartate-receptor dependent, late-phase long-term depression in middle-aged mice identifies no glun2-subunit bias",VABB-1,27,38,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310915,,Impaired appetitively as well as aversively motivated behaviors and learning in PDE10A-deficient mice suggest a role for striatal signaling in evaluative salience attribution,VABB-1,260,269,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310916,,"Tau-Induced Defects in Synaptic Plasticity, Learning, and Memory Are Reversible in Transgenic Mice after Switching Off the Toxic Tau Mutant",VABB-1,2511,2525,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310917,,The Drosophila L1CAM homolog Neuroglian signals through distinct pathways to control different aspects of mushroom body axon development,VABB-1,1595,1605,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310920,,Notch3 Arg170Cys Knock-In Mice Display Pathologic and Clinical Features of the Neurovascular Disorder Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy With Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy,VABB-1,2881,2888,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310921,,Emergence of perceptual gestalts in the human visual cortex: The case of the configural-superiority effect,VABB-1,1296,1303,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310922,,Reversibility of Tau-Related Cognitive Defects in a Regulatable FTD Mouse Model,VABB-1,432,437,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310923,,Multiple scales of organization for object selectivity in ventral visual cortex,VABB-1,1372,1381,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310924,,"Nocturnal hyperactivity, increased social novelty preference and delayed extinction of fear responses in post-weaning socially isolated mice",VABB-1,354,362,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310925,,Vglut2 haploinsufficiency enhances behavioral sensitivity to MK-801 and amphetamine in mice,VABB-1,1316,1321,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310926,,Increased Stroop interference with better second-language reading skill,VABB-1,596,607,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310927,,Dynamic prototypicality effects in visual search,VABB-1,506,519,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310930,,Dynamic norm-based encoding for unfamiliar shapes in human visual cortex,VABB-1,1829,1843,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310931,,Activation of fusiform face area by Greebles is related to face similarity but not expertise,VABB-1,3949,3958,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310933,,"Hippocampal tauopathy in tau transgenic mice coincides with impaired hippocampus-dependent learning and memory, and attenuated late-phase long-term depression of synaptic transmission",VABB-1,296,304,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310934,,Cerebellar Alterations and Gait Defects as Therapeutic Outcome Measures for Enzyme Replacement Therapy in alpha-Mannosidosis,VABB-1,83,94,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310940,,Geloof in kinderen? Levensbeschouwelijke perspectieven van kinderen in kaart gebracht,VABB-2,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:310943,,The magnitude representation of small and large symbolic numbers in the left and right hemisphere: An event-related fMRI study,VABB-1,622,630,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310944,,Counterconditioning: An effective technique for changing conditioned preferences,VABB-1,31,38,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310945,,The acquisition of fear of movement-related pain and associative learning: A novel pain-relevant human fear conditioning paradigm,VABB-1,2460,2469,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310946,,Electrolytic lesions of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis disrupt freezing and startle potentiation in a conditioned context,VABB-1,357,362,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310947,,Construction and factorial validation of a short form of the Self-Compassion Scale,VABB-1,250,255,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310948,,The hide-and-seek of retrospective revaluation: Recovery from blocking is context dependent in human causal learning,VABB-1,230,240,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310949,,"Dissociations between ABA-, ABC-, and AAB-renewal of Pavlovian modulation in human sequential Feature Positive discrimination learning",VABB-1,278,286,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310951,,Pain-related fear and chronic pain: Interoceptive fear conditioning as a novel approach,VABB-1,889,894,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310952,,Psychophysiological responses to inspiratory resistive loads,VABB-1,161,165,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310954,,Towards chronic contextual conditioning in rats: The effects of different numbers of unpaired tone-shock presentations on freezing time and startle,VABB-1,331,338,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310956,,Contextual conditioning in rats as an animal model for generalized anxiety disorder,VABB-1,228,244,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310965,,Retrospective revaluation effects following serial compound training and target extinction,VABB-1,67,83,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310969,,Optimization of a contextual conditioning protocol for rats using combined measurements of startle amplitude and freezing: The effects of shock intensity and different types of conditioning,VABB-1,305,311,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310974,,Smoking behavior in context: Where and when do people smoke?,VABB-1,172,177,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310978,,Cognition and emotion: Reviews of current research and theories,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:310983,,De Nederlandstalige versie van de Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire–Revised (ATQ-R),VABB-1,53,62,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:310984,,Fear generalization in humans: Impact of prior non-fearful experiences,VABB-1,1078,1084,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310988,,Contrasting cue-density effects in causal and prediction judgments,VABB-1,110,115,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310989,,Context dependent activation of reduced autobiographical memory specificity as an avoidant coping style,VABB-1,1500,1506,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310990,,Specificity of worry and rumination in the development of anxiety and depressive symptoms in children,VABB-1,364,378,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310991,,Rumination subtypes in relation to problematic substance use in adolescence,VABB-1,695,699,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310993,,A generic linked-mode decomposition model for data fusion,VABB-1,83,94,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:310994,,Identification of differential item functioning in multiple-group settings: A multivariate outlier detection approach,VABB-1,733,755,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310995,,Do Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices function in the same way in typical and clinical populations? Insights from the intellectual disability field,VABB-1,281,291,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310996,,catR: An R Package for Computerized Adaptive Testing,VABB-1,576,577,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310997,,A Test-Length Correction to the Estimation of Extreme Proficiency Levels,VABB-1,91,109,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310998,,Measuring mastery across grades: An application to spelling ability,VABB-1,367,387,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:310999,,Content and student factors in mastering environmental studies - nature in primary education: evidence from a national assessment in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,20,28,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311000,,A hierarchical latent stochastic differential equation model for affective dynamics,VABB-1,468,490,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311001,,A generalized logistic regression procedure to detect differential item functioning among multiple groups,VABB-1,365,386,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311003,,Constructing informative model priors using hierarchical methods,VABB-1,106,117,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311005,,The linear mixed model and the hierarchical Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model: Some Equivalences and differences,VABB-1,134,160,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311006,,Illness and symptom perception: A theoretical approach towards an integrative measurement model,VABB-1,428,439,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311007,,Comparability problems in the analysis of multiway data,VABB-1,2,11,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311008,,Expression of anger in depressed adolescents: The role of the family environment,VABB-1,463,474,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311010,,Essentialist beliefs predict automatic motor-responses to social categories,VABB-1,559,567,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311011,,Reconsidering culture and self,VABB-1,12,22,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311012,,The estimation of item response models with the lmer function from the lme4 package in R,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311013,,A tutorial on Bayes factor estimation with the product space method,VABB-1,331,347,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311014,,Covers of surfaces with fixed branch locus,VABB-1,859,874,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311015,,Hierarchical diffusion models for two-choice response times,VABB-1,44,62,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311016,,Economic inequality is linked to biased self-perception,VABB-1,1254,1258,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311017,,De niet-gebruikswaarde bij waardering van cultuur en sport,VABB-4,375,407,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311018,,Tissue-specific disallowance of housekeeping genes: The other face of cell differentiation,VABB-1,95,105,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311019,,Cardiovascular autonomic adaptation to long-term confinement during a 105-day simulated Mars mission,VABB-1,711,716,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311020,,Betalingsbereidheid voor het gebruik van cultuur- en sportgoederen,VABB-4,409,433,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311021,,How people see others is different from how people see themselves: A replicable pattern across cultures,VABB-1,870,882,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311022,,Feelings change: Accounting for individual differences in the temporal dynamics of affect,VABB-1,1042,1060,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311023,,Economische aspecten van cultuur en sport,VABB-4,223,237,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311025,,The relation between event processing and the duration of emotional experience,VABB-1,20,28,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311026,,A two-mode clustering method to capture the nature of the dominant interaction pattern in large profile data matrices,VABB-1,361,371,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311030,,Raising argument strength using negative evidence: A constraint on models of induction,VABB-1,1496,1507,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311031,,Transsaccadic memory for the position of stationary and translating biological-motion walkers,VABB-1,177,192,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311034,,Feature-based processing of personally familiar faces in prosopagnosia: Evidence from eye-gaze contingency,VABB-1,255,257,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311035,,Perceptual grouping of object contours survives saccades,VABB-1,"e21257,",,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311040,,Small is beautiful. Herman Van San's Microstructure and the Quest for Form,VABB-4,73,99,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311042,,Exploring the Limits: Karel Goeyvaerts's 'Post-Serial' Works,VABB-4,181,204,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311043,,New Perspectives on the History and Analysis of Serial Music,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311044,,Rewriting Recent Music History: The Development of Early Serialism 1947 - 1957,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311050,,Heinrich Isaac and polyphony for the proper of the mass in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311051,,Leonhard Paminger's manuscript of mass propers,VABB-4,299,318,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311058,,Chant adorned: the polyphonic mass proper in the later Middle Ages and Renaissance,VABB-4,25,30,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311064,,"""Quasi una taciturnità"": The silence and salience of dissonances according to sixteenth-century theorists",VABB-1,237,247,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311065,,Absorbing Heinrich Isaac,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311069,,"""Natürliche Triebkraft"" und ""wahrer Charakter"". Analytische Bemerkungen zu einem vernachlässigten Beethoven-Thema",VABB-1,147,156,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:311082,,fMRI activation during response inhibition and error processing: the role of the DAT1 gene in typically developing adolescents and those diagnosed with ADHD,VABB-1,1641,1650,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311085,,"Lifespan Changes in Multi-Tasking: Concurrent Walking and Memory Search in Children, Young, and Older Adults",VABB-1,401,405,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311086,,Communicative interactions improve visual detection of biological motion,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311087,,Gestalts as predictions: Some reflections and an application to art,VABB-1,325,344,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311088,,Integration of tactile input across fingers in a patient with finger agnosia,VABB-1,138,146,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311090,,The effect of looming and receding sounds on the perceived in-depth orientation of depth-ambiguous biological motion figures,VABB-1,e14725,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311092,,Incongruence in number-luminance congruency effects,VABB-1,259,265,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311093,,False approximations of the approximate number system,VABB-1,e2405,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311094,,"Numerosities and space, indeed a cognitive illusion! A reply to de Hevia and Spelke (2009)",VABB-1,248,252,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:311095,,Generating nonsymbolic number stimuli,VABB-1,981,986,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311096,,Subjectively interpreted shape dimensions as privileged and orthogonal axes in mental shape space,VABB-1,422,441,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311098,,Development of differential sensitivity for shape changes resulting from linear and nonlinear planar transformations,VABB-1,121,136,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311099,,Rank order scaling of pictorial depth,VABB-1,724,744,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311100,,Percept-switch nucleation in binocular rivalry reveals local adaptation characteristics of early visual processing,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311101,,The role of frontal and parietal brain areas in bistable perception,VABB-1,10293,10301,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311106,,On the functional relevance of frontal cortex for passive and voluntarily controlled bistable vision,VABB-1,2322,2331,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311109,,Distinct Mechanisms for Coding of Visual Actions in Macaque Temporal Cortex,VABB-1,385,401,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311113,,Gestalts and pictorial worlds,VABB-1,289,324,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311114,,The second-agent effect: Communicative gestures increase the likelihood of perceiving a second agent,VABB-1,e22650,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311117,,Truth Table Tasks: Irrelevance and Cognitive Ability,VABB-1,213,246,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311118,,Children's representation of symbolic and non-symbolic magnitude examined with the priming paradigm,VABB-1,174,186,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311119,,Switching dynamics of border ownership: A stochastic model for bi-stable perception,VABB-1,2085,2098,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311121,,Light fields and shape from shading,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311122,,A review of behavioural and electrophysiological studies on auditory processing and speech perception in autism spectrum disorders,VABB-1,701,714,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311123,,Measuring 3D point configurations in pictorial space,VABB-1,77,111,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311124,,Integration of contour and surface information in shape detection,VABB-1,179,186,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311125,,Towards a new kind of experimental psycho-aesthetics? Reflections on the Parallellepipeda project,VABB-1,648,678,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311126,,"Encoding of complexity, shape, and curvature by macaque infero-temporal neurons",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311127,,A computational model of visual anisotropy,VABB-1,"e21091,",,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311128,,Depth,VABB-1,541,564,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311129,,Integrating biological motion: The role of grouping in the perception of point-light actions,VABB-1,"e25867,",,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311130,,Motor learning with augmented feedback: Modality-dependent behavioral and neural consequences,VABB-1,1283,1294,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311131,,The influence of orientation and contrast flicker on contour saliency of outlines of everyday objects,VABB-1,65,73,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311132,,Pictorial depth probed through relative sizes,VABB-1,992,1013,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311134,,Somatosensory saccades reveal the timing of tactile spatial remapping,VABB-1,3046,3052,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311135,,Some effort for some: Further evidence that scalar implicatures are effortful,VABB-1,2352,2367,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311136,,I can't believe this isn't wood! An investigation in the perception of naturalness,VABB-1,95,111,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311137,,"The facing bias in biological motion perception: Structure, kinematics, and body parts",VABB-1,130,143,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311138,,Mobile learning. Can students really multitask?,VABB-1,5,20,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311139,,Putting reward in art: A tentative prediction error account of visual art,VABB-1,1035,1062,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311140,,Metaphor interpretation and use: a window into semantics in schizophrenia,VABB-1,205,211,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311142,,Relative finger position influences whether you can localize tactile stimuli,VABB-1,245,255,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311143,,The BOLD correlates of the visual P1 and N1 in single-trial analysis of simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings during a spatial detection task,VABB-1,824,835,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311144,,On the depth reversibility of point-light actions,VABB-1,1158,1190,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311145,,Reduced recognition of fear and sadness in post-traumatic stress disorder,VABB-1,974,980,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311146,,Context modulates the ERP signature of contour integration,VABB-1,"e25151,",,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311147,,Space perception in pictures,VABB-5,,,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311148,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de adviespraktijk van de afdeling wetgeving van de Raad van State (2009-10),VABB-1,114,147,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311165,,"Noot under ECtHR 3 May 2011 (Negrepontis-Giannisis v. Greece), The Interaction between Human Rights and Private International Law",VABB-1,70,74,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311175,,De recente herstructurering van de Raad van State: een vergelijking met het Belgisch model,VABB-1,261,269,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:311176,,Het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens: een bijzondere vorm van internationaal recht?,VABB-1,700,719,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:311177,,Droit international général et droit international des droits de l’homme: l’apport de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme,VABB-1,807,838,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:311197,,Recognition of States: International Law or Realpolitik?,VABB-1,467,490,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311200,,Toepasselijkheid van art. 867 Ger.W. op te laat neergelegde conclusies: het Hof van Cassatie houdt voet bij stuk,VABB-1,955,959,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311212,,Kroniek rechtspraak EHRM 2008,VABB-1,150,160,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311213,,Kroniek rechtspraak EHRM 2007,VABB-1,531,548,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:311222,,De omkering van de residuaire bevoegdheden: sleutel of slot?,VABB-1,503,515,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311225,,Liebe auf Distanz: het BVerfG en het Verdrag van Lissabon,VABB-1,3,26,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:311231,,Germs of Pluralist Judicial Adjudication: Advocaten voor de Wereld and Other References from the Belgian Constitutional Court,VABB-1,645,672,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311234,,Overzicht van de communautaire onderhandelingen sinds 2007. Straatje zonder eind of de weg naar verandering?,VABB-1,452,485,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311238,,Het 'perpetuum mobile' van de nationaliteitsverkrijging en de wettigheid van het vereiste verblij,VABB-1,145,148,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:311246,,"Federalisme met gemeenschappen én gewesten: een tussenstand van moeilijkheden, mogelijkheden en voorstellen",VABB-1,486,502,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311250,,Tolkuren voor dove en slechthorende leerlingen,VABB-1,606,610,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:311254,,De wet rechtgezet? Over errata en andere correcties bij de bekendmaking van rechtsregels,VABB-1,268,282,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:311261,,De hoeder van de meerlagige Europese Constitutie tussen unierecht en grondwet in Frankrijk en België,VABB-1,152,165,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311263,,An aggregate resource efficiency perspective on sustainability: A Sustainable Value application to the EU-15 countries,VABB-1,99,110,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311264,,Assessing Nutritional Diversity of Cropping Systems in African Villages,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311267,,Sustainable Food Consumption and Production in a Resource-constrained World. Summary Findings of the EU SCAR Third Foresight,VABB-1,38,43,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311268,,"Frankincense yield assessment and modeling in closed and grazed Boswellia papyrifera woodlands of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,695,702,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311277,,De gelijkheid van de openbare lasten als grondslag voor overheidsaansprakelijkheid,VABB-1,120,129,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311328,,Discrimineert de Nederlandse discriminatiewet? De Nederlandse gelijke-behandelingswetgeving ‘getoetst’ aan de rechtspraak van het Belgisch Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-1,226,239,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311334,,Campagne électorale et emploi des langues: The Sound of Silence?,VABB-1,435,444,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311372,,Versnelde rechtspleging in België,VABB-1,60,71,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311378,,"Ideas, Interests, and Politics in the Case of Belgian Corn Law Repeal, 1834-1873",VABB-1,185,210,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311380,,Inleiding,VABB-1,163,172,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311384,,"Belgian Catholic entrepreneurs’ organisations, 1880-1940. A dialogue on social responsibility",VABB-1,163,186,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311385,,Apostolische actie en spirituele passie. Negentiende-eeuwse vrouwelijke congregatiestichteressen en hun zoektocht naar een spirituele identiteit,VABB-1,243,262,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311389,,The dynamics of the extreme right support: A growth curve model of the populist vote in Flanders-Belgium in 1987-2007,VABB-1,672,688,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311394,,"Modernisme, tradition et acculturation juridique.",VABB-3,,,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:311395,,Tweehonderd jaar balie te Brussel 1811-2011. Verkenning van een rijk verleden,VABB-1,1714,1721,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311396,,Le barreau de Bruxelles a deux cent ans,VABB-1,504,508,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:311405,,"Das Ende der Ausnahme? – Intergouvernementale und transgouvernementale, supranationale und transnationale Elemente der Gemeinsame Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der Europäischen Union (nach dem Lissaboner Vertrag)",VABB-1,86,105,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:311410,,Integration and religiosity among the Turkish second generation in Europe: A comparative analysis across four capital cities,VABB-1,320,341,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:311411,,‘Dual’ Identity as a two edged sword: Identity threat and minority school performance,VABB-1,121,143,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311413,,Religious identification and politicisation in the face of discrimination: Support for political Islam and political action among the Turkish and Moroccan second generation in Europe,VABB-1,628,648,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311415,,Where do My Emotions Belong? A Study on Immigrants' Emotional Acculturation,VABB-1,451,463,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311417,,Zijn gevoelens van discriminatie 
mede oorzaak van rellen in Brussel?
Een vergelijking van Turkse en Marokkaanse
minderheden in Brussel en in Antwerpen,VABB-1,1,15,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311418,,Do feelings of discrimination explain the riots in Brussels? A comparison of Moroccan and Turkish groups in Brussels and Antwerp,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311421,,"Religious Identification, Beliefs, and Practices among Turkish-Belgian and Moroccan-Belgian Muslims: Intergenerational Continuity and Acculturative Change",VABB-1,1356,1374,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311422,,Entitativity,VABB-4,238,241,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:311424,,Bringing together acculturation theory and intergroup contact theory: Predictors of Flemings' expectations of Turks' acculturation behavior,VABB-1,334,335,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311425,,Context in facial perception,VABB-1,286,290,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311426,,Partnership preferences of the Belgian second generation: Who lives with whom?,VABB-1,152,163,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311431,,The contrivance of mobile learning. An actor-network perspective on the emergence of a research field,VABB-1,8,18,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311432,,"""Perform, measure accurately, optimize"": On the constitution of (evidence-based) education policy",VABB-1,115,135,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311433,,"""Where are you?"" Cell phones and environmental self-understanding amongst students",VABB-1,705,722,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311436,,"The direct and indirect effect of motivation for learning on students’ approaches to learning, through perceptions of workload and task complexity",VABB-1,135,150,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311437,,The Experience of Childhood and the Learning Society: Allowing the Child to be Philosophical and Philosophy to be Childish,VABB-1,183,198,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311444,,A gaming exercise to explore problem-solving versus relational activities for river floodplain management,VABB-1,454,471,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311450,,The role of job resources in the relation between perceived employability and turnover intention: A prospective two-sample study,VABB-1,253,263,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311451,,"Social capital, team efficacy and team potency The mediating role of team learning behaviors",VABB-1,82,99,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311452,,Job autonomy and workload as antecedents of workplace bullying: A two-wave test of Karasek's Job Demand Control Model for targets and perpetrators,VABB-1,191,208,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311453,,Linking job insecurity to well-being and organizational attitudes in Belgian workers: the role of security expectations and fairness,VABB-1,1866,1886,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311454,,The management paradox: Self-rated employability and organizational commitment and performance,VABB-1,152,172,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311456,,"Associations between perceived employability, employee well-being, and its contribution to organizational success: a matter of psychological contracts?",VABB-1,1486,1503,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311457,,Job demands-resources and early retirement intention: Differences between blue-and white-collar workers,VABB-1,47,68,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311458,,The Role of Perceived Control in the Relationship between Job Insecurity and Psychosocial Outcomes: Moderator or Mediator?,VABB-1,E215,E227,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311460,,Discouraging Bullying: The Role of Ethical Leadership and its Effects on the Work Environment,VABB-1,17,27,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311463,,Does an intrinsic work value orientation strengthen the impact of job resources? A perspective from the Job Demands-Resources Model,VABB-1,581,609,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311464,,'Objective' vs 'Subjective' Job Insecurity: Consequences of Temporary Work for Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Four European Countries,VABB-4,343,372,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311470,,Job Insecurity and Psychological Well-being: Review of the Literature and Exploration of Some Unresolved Issues,VABB-4,129,150,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311471,,Exploring Risk Groups Workplace Bullying with Categorical Data,VABB-1,73,88,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311472,,Do demands and resources affect target's and perpetrators' reports of workplace bullying? A two-wave cross-lagged study,VABB-1,128,146,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311473,,The Demand-Control model and target's reports of bullying at work: A test within Spanish and Belgian blue-collar workers,VABB-1,157,177,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311474,,The relationship between the work unit's conflict management styles and bullying at work: Moderation by conflict frequency,VABB-1,401,419,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311476,,Mediating hierarchical labor conflicts: procedural justice makes a difference - for subordinates,VABB-1,621,636,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311478,,"The Relationship Between Personality, Burnout, and Engagement Among the Indian Clergy",VABB-1,276,288,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311479,,"""Being"" in pain: The role of self-discrepancies in the emotional experience and activity patterns of patients with chronic low back pain",VABB-1,403,409,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311484,,Detecting coached feigning using the Test Of Memory Malingering (TOMM) and the Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology (SIMS),VABB-1,850,855,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311485,,Activity Patterns in Chronic Pain: Underlying Dimensions and Associations With Disability and Depressed Mood,VABB-1,1049,1058,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311487,,"Overcoming selfishness: reciprocity, inhibition, and cardiac-autonomic control in the ultimatum game",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311496,,"Dyspnea perception in COPD: Association between anxiety, dyspnea-related fear and dyspnea in a pulmonary rehabilitation program",VABB-1,618,625,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311497,,Observational learning and pain-related fear: An experimental study with colored cold pressor tasks,VABB-1,1230,1239,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311499,,Norming of the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia across pain diagnoses and various countries,VABB-1,1090,1095,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311500,,Tailored treatment: It's not what you think it is: Comment on the article by Van Koulil et al,VABB-1,921,922,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311501,,"Pain-related fear, perceived harmfulness of activities, and functional limitations in complex regional pain syndrome type I",VABB-1,1209,1218,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311502,,Catastrophizing and Fear of Tinnitus Predict Quality of Life in Patients With Chronic Tinnitus,VABB-1,634,641,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311503,,Goals matter: Both achievement and pain-avoidance goals are associated with pain severity and disability in patients with low back and upper extremity pain,VABB-1,1382,1390,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311504,,The PACE trial in chronic fatigue syndrome,VABB-1,1834,1834,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311505,,The role of fearful beliefs in the relationship between situational self-awareness and report of breathing-related sensations,VABB-1,359,372,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311506,,Sigh rate and respiratory variability during normal breathing and the role of negative affectivity,VABB-1,175,179,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311507,,The influence of fear of symptoms and perceived control on asthma symptom perception,VABB-1,154,159,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311510,,Manifestations of Developmental Dyslexia in Monolingual Persian Speaking Students,VABB-1,259,265,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311513,,"Feeling More Pain, Yet Showing Less: The Influence of Social Threat on Pain",VABB-1,1255,1261,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311515,,Tinnitus Interferes With Daily Life Activities: A Psychometric Examination of the Tinnitus Disability Index,VABB-1,623,633,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311519,,Strengthening the capacity for health promotion in South Africa through international collaboration,VABB-1,6,16,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:311520,,Behavioral and nonbehavioral risk factors for occupational injuries and health problems among belgian farmers,VABB-1,299,310,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311521,,Development and validation of criteria to select projects for funding in the EU Health Programme,VABB-1,598,601,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:311522,,Assessment of health state in patients with tinnitus: A comparison of the EQ-5D and HUI mark III,VABB-1,428,435,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311526,,"Treating Primary Insomnia: Clinical Effectiveness and Predictors of Outcomes on Sleep, Daytime Function and Health-Related Quality of Life",VABB-1,312,321,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311527,,Evaluating an in-home multicomponent cognitive behavioural programme to manage concerns about falls and associated activity avoidance in frail community-dwelling older people: Design of a randomised control trial [NCT01358032],VABB-1,228,239,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311528,,Modulation of responses to emotional information in pathological anxiety,VABB-1,371,385,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311529,,"Negative emotional constructs relevant to pain: Unique variability, content overlap and interrelations: A comment on Mounce, Keogh, and Eccleston",VABB-1,304,305,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311531,,Toerekening van betalingen bij pluraliteit van schulden: zo eenvoudig dat een computerprogramma het kan?,VABB-1,1661,1667,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311535,,Belgium,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311539,,"The Relationship between the Principles of Fraus omnia corrumpit and of the Prohibition of Abuse of Rights in the Case Law of the European Court of Justice, case note under Case C-285/09, Criminal proceedings against R, Judgment of the Court of Justice of 7 December 2010",VABB-1,1703,1717,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311541,,"Don’t find fault, find a remedy",VABB-1,855,872,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311544,,Rechtsverwerking aanvaard als toepassing van rechtsmisbruik?,VABB-1,143,148,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311545,,Afstand van recht: een eenzijdige rechtshandeling,VABB-1,333,343,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311546,,De rol van de wil en het gedrag van partijen bij de bevrijdende verjaring,VABB-1,1538,1559,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311547,,A European Optional Contract Law: Policy Choices,VABB-1,457,470,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311548,,"Belgian Case Note, The defect of consent deceit, information duties, and discrimination legislation: the Thor Steinar cases applied in Belgian law",VABB-1,372,393,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311549,,Financial Services,VABB-4,371,433,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:311552,,De meerlagige rechtsverhouding financiële dienstverlener - belegger,VABB-1,229,242,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311553,,De meerlagige rechtsverhouding financiële dienstverlener - belegger,VABB-1,846,862,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311554,,Het verbod van aankondiging van prijsverminderingen tijdens de sperperiode binnenkort zelf versperd?,VABB-1,106,109,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311570,,Ten years after : de la Belgique au Delaware ?,VABB-1,178,181,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311581,,Post Financial Crisis Regulation in Belgium,VABB-1,207,213,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311586,,[Aripiprazole-induced parkinsonism in a 64-year-old female patient diagnosed with bipolar disorder],VABB-1,299,303,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311609,,Enforcement,VABB-4,500,579,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:311613,,Art. 24(5) of the OECD Model in Relation to Intra-Group Transfers of Assets and Profits and Losses,VABB-1,179,225,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311614,,Tax Treaties and Tax Avoidance. Application of Anti-Avoidance Provisions,VABB-1,375,389,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311616,,"Towards a Simpler, More Robust ad Efficient VAT System by Levying VAT et EU level",VABB-1,242,248,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311617,,Kroniek internationaal belastingrecht 2010,VABB-1,75,105,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311625,,"Fiscal Federalism, Fiscal Surrealism or Fiscal Realism? Regionalization of Taxing Powers in Belgium",VABB-1,110,113,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311631,,Le capital et ses restructurations,VABB-1,205,209,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:311650,,Kroniek internationaal belastingrecht 2009,VABB-1,117,149,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:311656,,Enforcement and Compliance: An EU Law Perspective,VABB-4,513,530,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311661,,Clinical evaluation of the Copan ESwab for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus detection and culture of wounds,VABB-1,943,949,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311678,,Scheiding van goederen en onverdeeldheden. Over de rechtsgeldgheid van een TIGV,VABB-1,179,192,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311690,,Gender-ongelijkheid bij zuivere scheiding van goederen. Pleidooi voor een gedwongen én onderhandelde aanpak,VABB-1,98,117,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:311695,,Kroniek familiaal vermogensrecht en vennootschapsrecht anno 2010,VABB-1,61,74,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311711,,Hof van Cassatie bevestigt sterfhuisclausule,VABB-1,1438,1443,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:311712,,De sterfhuisclausule springlevend,VABB-1,106,111,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311713,,Hervorming van Belgisch erfrecht,VABB-1,3,13,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311716,,Marital Agreements and Private Autonomy in France and Belgium,VABB-4,68,88,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:311719,,A new recommendation of the Council of Europe on Continuing Powers of Attorney for Incapacity,VABB-4,1399,1413,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311720,,Testamentary Formalities in France and Belgium,VABB-4,51,71,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311730,,"Verleden, heden en toekomst van juridische tijdschriften in Vlaanderen",VABB-1,7,22,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311737,,Entwicklungen im europäischen Personen- und Familienrecht 2010-2011,VABB-1,1433,1440,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:311738,,Is ons familiaal vermogensrecht nog bij de tijd?,VABB-1,49,54,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311739,,The Marckx Case: A 'Whole Code of Family Law'?,VABB-4,155,174,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311745,,Rechtszekerheid en aansprakelijkheid in het familiaal vermogensrecht,VABB-1,1657,1660,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311746,,La revalorisation des récompenses (article 1435 du Code civil),VABB-1,721,724,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:311753,,Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas (over samenhang in het verbintenissenrecht),VABB-1,1787,1790,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311754,,De ontbinding van meerpartijenovereenkomsten na het cassatiearrest van 17 oktober 2008,VABB-1,189,199,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311761,,"De wet van 7 mei 1999 op de kansspelen, de weddenschappen, de kansspelinrichtingen en de bescherming van de spelers. Een commentaar bij de wijziging van de Kansspelwet",VABB-1,1330,1341,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:311762,,Spel zonder grenzen: de aanpak van buitenlandse kansspelwebsites,VABB-1,466,471,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311770,,De vrije beroepsbeoefenaar als onderneming: het traditionele ondernemingsbegrip onder druk,VABB-1,453,460,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311771,,De (on)verenigbaarheid van de (strikte) vervaltermijn voor de betwisting van het vaderschap van de echtgenoot met het recht op eerbiediging van het privéleven,VABB-1,218,223,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311772,,Een andere (grondwetsconforme?) kijk op bezit van staat,VABB-1,154,161,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311775,,Discriminatie van ongehuwd samenwonenden in hun relatie tot de kosten van het geding,VABB-1,207,211,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:311776,,Het in solidum-karakter van de hoofdelijke gehoudenheid krachtens art. 50 Sw,VABB-1,1698,1703,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311782,,Handgift zonder (bewezen) traditio: onbestaand of vernietigbaar? (noot onder Gent 17 april 2007),VABB-1,66,83,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311783,,Verschoonbaarheid leidt nu ook tot bevrijding van de wettelijk samenwonende: een brug te ver?,VABB-1,206,212,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311789,,Het laattijdig blanco bodemattest: een vrijbrief voor de misnoegde koper?,VABB-1,54,57,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311792,,Zakenrechtelijke en vermogensrechtelijke aspecten van bouwen op de grond van een partner,VABB-1,44,52,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311793,,Time flies... ook voor de syndicus bij het invorderen van schulden met betrekking tot de gemeenschappelijke lasten van mede-eigendom,VABB-1,685,690,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:311794,,Een collectieve stedenbouwkundige vergunning als alternatief voor een verkavelingsvergunning? Over de splitsing van eigendom in het administratief recht,VABB-1,253,257,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:311801,,Early periprosthetic bone remodelling around cemented and uncemented custom-made femoral components and their uncemented acetabular cups,VABB-1,941,948,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311824,,Observing how others lift light or heavy objects: Which visual cues mediate the encoding of muscular force in the primary motor cortex?,VABB-1,2082,2090,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311825,,Echocardiographic study of structure and functional cardiac profile of football referees,VABB-1,633,638,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311826,,Physiological profile of national-level Spanish soccer referees,VABB-1,85,91,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311857,,Brain-Behavior Relationships in Young Traumatic Brain Injury Patients: DTI Metrics are Highly Correlated with Postural Control,VABB-1,992,1002,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311866,,Motor imagery ability in patients with early- and mid-stage Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,168,177,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311870,,The integration of temporally shifted visual feedback in a synchronization task: the role of perceptual stability in a visuo-proprioceptive conflict situation,VABB-1,893,909,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311873,,Mechanobiological prediction of proximal femoral deformities in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,253,262,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311883,,"Functional knee axis based on isokinetic dynamometry data: comparison of two methods, MRI validation, and effect on knee joint kinematics",VABB-1,2595,2600,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:311887,,Stability of Measurement Outcomes for Voluntary Task Performance in Participants With Ankle Instability and Healthy Controls,VABB-1,366,375,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311898,,Comparison of the 2- and 6-minute walk test in multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,1269,1272,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311900,,Instantaenous changes in heart rate regulation due to mental load in simulated office work,VABB-1,1497,1505,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311905,,Arm swing during walking at different speeds in children with Cerebral Palsy and typically developing children,VABB-1,1957,1964,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311912,,Movement observation affects sensorimotor memory when lifting a familiar object,VABB-1,638,640,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:311913,,Bimanual coordination and corpus callosum microstructure in young adults with traumatic brain injury: a diffusion tensor imaging study,VABB-1,897,913,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311914,,Correlations between white matter integrity and motor function in traumatic brain injury patients,VABB-1,492,502,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311915,,Dual-task interference during initial learning of a new motor task results from competition for the same brain areas,VABB-1,2517,2527,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311917,,Action and Emotion Recognition from Point Light Displays: An Investigation of Gender Differences,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311927,,Brain-behavior relationships in young traumatic brain injury patients: Fractional anisotropy measures are highly correlated with dynamic visuomotor tracking performance,VABB-1,1472,1482,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311928,,Construction of a stereotaxic DTI atlas with full diffusion tensor information for studying white matter maturation from childhood to adolescence using tractography-based segmentations,VABB-1,470,86,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311929,,Aging and movement control: the neural basis of age-related compensatory recruitment,VABB-4,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:311931,,Reduced Basal Ganglia Function When Elderly Switch between Coordinated Movement Patterns,VABB-1,2368,2379,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311934,,"The Neural Control of Bimanual Movements in the Elderly: Brain Regions Exhibiting Age-Related Increases in Activity, Frequency-Induced Neural Modulation, and Task-Specific Compensatory Recruitment",VABB-1,1281,1295,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311935,,Martial arts fall training to prevent hip fractures in the elderly,VABB-1,215,21,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311950,,Excitability of the motor cortex ipsilateral to the moving body side depends on spatio-temporal task complexity and hemispheric specialization,VABB-1,e17742,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311953,,Involvement of the primary motor cortex in controlling movements executed with the ipsilateral hand differs between left and right handers,VABB-1,3456,3469,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311954,,Age-related changes in brain activation underlying single- and dual-task performance: Visuomanual drawing and mental arithmetic,VABB-1,2400,2409,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311968,,Estimation of muscle fatigue using surface electromyography and near-infrared spectroscopy,VABB-1,353,359,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311971,,Keeping an eye on imagery: the role of eye movements during motor imagery training,VABB-1,37,44,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311972,,Hemispheric Asymmetries of the Premotor Cortex are Task Specific as Revealed by Disruptive TMS During Bimanual Versus Unimanual Movements,VABB-1,2842,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311973,,The Effect of Component Placement on Joint Loading and Contact Stress of Resurfacing Arthroplasty of the Hip,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:311974,,Hemispheric asymmetries of motor versus non-motor processes during (visuo)motor control,VABB-1,1311,1329,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311976,,Freezing in Parkinson's disease: a spatiotemporal motor disorder beyond gait,VABB-1,254,263,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:311979,,Age-related differences in human corticospinal excitability during simple reaction time,VABB-1,53,57,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311991,,Sensitivity of dynamic simulations of gait and dynamometer experiments to Hill muscle model parameters of knee flexors and extensors,VABB-1,1876,1883,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311993,,Calculating gait kinematics using MR-based kinematic models,VABB-1,158,164,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311994,,Level of subject-specific detail in musculoskeletal models affects hip moment arm length calculation during gait in pediatric subjects with increased femoral anteversion,VABB-1,1346,1353,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:311997,,Detection algorithm for the firing of a single motor unit in surface electromyography from the trapezius muscle during a mental task,VABB-1,492,495,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:311998,,Three-dimensional reaching tasks: Effect of reaching height and width on upper limb kinematics and muscle activity,VABB-1,500,507,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312001,,Transcranial magnetic stimulation of macaque frontal eye fields decreases saccadic reaction time,VABB-1,143,52,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312002,,Force requirements of observed object lifting are encoded by the observer’s motor system: A TMS-study,VABB-1,1144,1153,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312005,,The effect of long-term TENS on persistent neuroplastic changes in the human cerebral cortex,VABB-1,872,882,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:312020,,Children with a learning disorder show prospective control impairments during visuomanual tracking,VABB-1,195,202,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312023,,Kinematic movement strategies in primary school children with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome compared to age- and IQ-matched controls during visuo-manual tracking,VABB-1,768,776,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312024,,Age-related reduction in the differential pathways involved in internal and external movement generation,VABB-1,301,314,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312027,,Testing Multiple Coordination Constraints with a Novel Bimanual Visuomotor Task,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312037,,Does osteoporosis predispose falls? a study on obstacle avoidance and balance confidence,VABB-1,1,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312038,,Effect of addition of botulinum toxin-A to standardized therapy for dynamic manual skills measured with kinematic aiming tasks in children with spastic hemiplegia,VABB-1,332,8,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312042,,"Neuromuscular training improves knee kinematics, in particular in valgus aligned adolescent team handball players of both sexes",VABB-1,575,84,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312043,,Can improved obstacle avoidance performance explain the effectiveness of a multimodal falls prevention program for persons with osteoporosis?,VABB-1,368,9,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312044,,Walking patterns in Parkinson's disease with and without freezing of gait,VABB-1,217,24,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312045,,"Dynamic posturography in Parkinson's disease: diagnostic utility of the ""first trial effect""",VABB-1,387,94,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312046,,TMS: a navigator for NIRS of the primary motor cortex?,VABB-1,142,8,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312048,,Step performance in persons with rheumatoid arthritis: a case-control study,VABB-1,1669,74,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312049,,Unraveling the Association Between SSRI Use and Falls: An Experimental Study of Risk Factors for Accidental Falls in Long-Term Paroxetine Users,VABB-1,210,215,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312050,,Control of angular momentum during walking in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,2860,2866,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312051,,Modulation of cutaneous reflexes from the foot during gait in Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,230,8,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312052,,"The effect of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on two important predictors for accidental falls: Postural balance and manual reaction time. A randomized, controlled pilot study",VABB-1,384,395,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312055,,Efficacy of a short multidisciplinary falls prevention program for elderly persons with osteoporosis and a fall history: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1705,11,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312056,,Plantar pressure changes after long-distance walking,VABB-1,2264,72,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312063,,Action perception in individuals with congenital blindness or deafness: how does the loss of a sensory modality from birth affect perception-induced motor facilitation?,VABB-1,1080,1087,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312066,,Visual feedback modulates hemispheric asymmetries during an interlimb coordination task,VABB-1,1566,1577,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312067,,The effect of saddle position on maximal power output and moment generating capacity of lower limb muscles during isokinetic cycling,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312068,,Movement observation improves early consolidation of motor memory,VABB-1,11515,11520,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312070,,Ankle sprains: getting off on the wrong foot,VABB-1,143,149,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312084,,"Identiteiten in koers. Roeselaarse wielrenners als kopmannen van lokale, regionale en (sub)nationale identiteiten, 1900-1960",VABB-1,167,214,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:312085,,Fit for the Nation: a utopian view on physical education in Belgium (1900-1914),VABB-4,157,169,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:312086,,Daredevils and Early Birds: Belgian Pioneers in Automobile Racing and Aerial Sports During the Belle Époque,VABB-1,205,239,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:312088,,Beneficial metabolic adaptations due to endurance exercise training in the fasted state,VABB-1,236,45,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312098,,Computational fluid dynamics analysis of drag and convective heat transfer of individual body segments for different cyclist positions,VABB-1,1695,1701,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312110,,"The effects of whole body vibration training and vitamin D supplementation on muscle strength, muscle mass and bone density in institutionalised elderly women - A 6-month randomised controlled trial",VABB-1,42,49,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312114,,Is PPARα intron 7 G/C polymorphism associated with muscle strength characteristics in nonathletic young men?,VABB-1,494,500,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:312126,,"Changes in Balance, Functional Performance and Fall risk following Whole Body Vibration Training and Vitamin D supplementation in Institutionalized Elderly Women A 6 month Randomized Controlled Trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312146,,Protective role of {alpha}-actinin-3 in the response to an acute eccentric exercise bout,VABB-1,564,573,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312158,,Nutritional status of Flemish vegetarians compared with non-vegetarians: a matched samples study,VABB-1,770,780,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312160,,Identification and prioritization of NUAK1 and PPP1CC as positional candidate loci for skeletal muscle strength phenotypes,VABB-1,981,992,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312164,,Effect of different swim caps on the assessment of body volume and percentage body fat by air displacement plethysmography,VABB-1,191,196,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312175,,The Contribution of Prenatal Environment and Genetic Factors to the Association between Birth Weight and Adult Grip Strength,VABB-1,e17955,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312181,,Measures of exercise capacity in adults with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,26,30,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312187,,Inulin-type fructans with prebiotic properties counteract GPR43 overexpression and PPARγ-related adipogenesis in the white adipose tissue of high-fat diet-fed mice,VABB-1,712,722,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312189,,The unfolded protein response in human skeletal muscle is not involved in the onset of glucose tolerance impairment induced by a fat-rich diet,VABB-1,1553,1558,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312191,,Genome-wide linkage scan for resistance to muscle fatigue,VABB-1,580,588,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312193,,The effect of muscle length on force depression after active shortening in soleus muscle of mice,VABB-1,1361,1367,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312198,,A 2-year follow-up of a lifestyle physical activity versus a structured exercise intervention in older adults,VABB-1,1602,1611,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312200,,7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone vs. testosterone implants for hypogonadal osteoporosis: a preclinical study in the aged male orchidectomized rat model,VABB-1,E601,E611,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312202,,Correlates of physical activity in Portuguese adolescents from 10 to 18 years,VABB-1,318,323,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312210,,"Actieve vrijetijdssport in Vlaanderen. Trends, profielen en settings",VABB-4,43,82,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312214,,Force-Velocity Characteristics of the Knee Extensors: An Indication of the Risk for Physical Frailty in Elderly Women,VABB-1,1827,1832,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312216,,Sport en fysieke activiteit,VABB-4,169,222,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312223,,High-fat diet overrules the effects of training on fiber-specific intramyocellular lipid utilization during exercise,VABB-1,108,16,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312231,,The KörperkoordinationsTest für Kinder: reference values and suitability for 6-12-year-old children in Flanders,VABB-1,378,388,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:312238,,"Body composition assessment in anorexia nervosa patietns by air displacement plethysmography, bioelectrical impedance and skin fold measurements",VABB-1,49,56,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312241,,Aerodynamic study of different cyclist positions: CFD analysis and full-scale wind-tunnel tests,VABB-1,1262,1268,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312254,,A genetic predisposition score for muscular endophenotypes predicts the increase in aerobic power after training: the CAREGENE study,VABB-1,84,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312256,,Variability in physical activity patterns as measured by the SenseWear Armband: how many days are needed?,VABB-1,1653,1662,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:312257,,Increased p70s6k phosphorylation during intake of a protein-carbohydrate drink following resistance exercise in the fasted state,VABB-1,791,800,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312258,,Training in the fasted state improves glucose tolerance during fat-rich diet,VABB-1,4289,4302,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312263,,Comprehensive fine mapping of chr12q12-14 and follow-up replication identify activin receptor 1B (ACVR1B) as a muscle strength gene,VABB-1,208,215,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312266,,"Exercise-induced, but not creatine-induced, decrease in intramyocellular lipid content improves insulin sensitivity in rats",VABB-1,1178,1185,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312267,,Cross-validation of the Beunen-Malina method to predict adult height,VABB-1,593,597,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312270,,A growth curve to model changes in sport participation in adolescent boys,VABB-1,679,685,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312273,,Genes and strength and power phenotypes,VABB-4,159,176,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312277,,A simple health-sign increases stair-use in a shopping mall and two train stations in Flanders,VABB-1,183,191,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312282,,Comparison of Three Instructional Approaches to Enhance Tactical Knowledge in Volleyball among University Students,VABB-1,375,392,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312284,,Do perceived justice and need support of the coach predict team identification and cohesion? Testing their relative importance among top volleyball and handball players in Belgium and Norway,VABB-1,192,201,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312286,,‘Computer’ and ‘Information and Communication Technology’: Students’ Culture Specific Interpretations,VABB-1,227,239,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312287,,"Personal epistemology: nomenclature, conceptualizations, and measurement",VABB-4,7,36,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312289,,Past and present in contemporary history education. An exploratory empirical research on prospective history teachers,VABB-4,217,236,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312290,,Medical trainees' epistemological beliefs and their cognitive flexibility,VABB-4,157,174,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312291,,Can instruction as such affect learning? The case of learner control,VABB-1,2322,2332,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312293,,Mobile vocabulary learning : activities allowing for interaction through input enhancement,VABB-5,15,27,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312299,,Do pedagogical agents make a difference to student motivation and learning?,VABB-1,27,54,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312300,,The influence of learners' attitudes to and perceptions of CALL: A methodological approach,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312301,,Tool use in a psychomotor task: The role of tool and learner variables,VABB-1,139,160,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312302,,Les Belges reconnaissants. De houding van Belgische migranten tegenover het Franse nationaliteitsdebat in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,29,52,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312303,,De financiële leefbaarheid van de Belgische fitnesssector,VABB-1,2,14,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312313,,The influence of sport leagues on the business-to-business marketing of teams: the case of professional road cycling,VABB-1,602,613,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312317,,Social stratification in adults' sports participation from a time-trend perspective. Results from a 40-year household study,VABB-1,31,44,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312318,,Sports - idrott - esporte - deporte - sportovní. The problem of equivalence of meaning in comparative sports research,VABB-1,85,97,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312319,,Expenditures on sport apparel. Creating consumer profiles through interval regression modelling,VABB-1,251,274,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312328,,Introduction to the Special Issue on Sports participation in Europe,VABB-1,7,13,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312334,,"Wat staat er op de vrijetijdsagenda? Een typologie van hoe sociale, culturele en sportieve participatie met elkaar samen gaan",VABB-4,467,483,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312354,,A Framework for Physical Activity Programs Within School–Community Partnerships,VABB-1,300,320,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312358,,Effects of Peer Mediated Instruction with Task Cards on Motor Skill Acquisition in Tennis,VABB-1,31,50,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312364,,Long Road Home. Building Reconciliation and Trust in Post-War Sierra Leone,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:312365,,"Making the Transition. International Intervention, State-Building and Criminal Justice Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312366,,Stones Left Unturned. Law and Transitional Justice in Burundi,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:312367,,Margins of Conflict. The ECHR and Transitions to and From Armed Conflict,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312368,,Rethinking Transitions. Equality and Social Justice in Societies Emerging from Conflict,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312396,,How to restore justice in Serbia? A closer look at peoples’ opinions about postwar reconciliation,VABB-4,262,274,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:312397,,The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa,VABB-4,393,399,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312398,,The Missing Link: Criminological perspectives on dealing with the past and transitional justice,VABB-4,380,392,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312399,,Dealing with war crimes in Bosnia: retributive and restorative options through the eyes of the population,VABB-4,140,167,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312400,,Reconsidering human rights from below,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312401,,De staat van de criminologie van internationale misdrijven,VABB-1,287,309,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312402,,Gesloten jeugdinstellingen in Vlaanderen en Nederland,VABB-1,333,341,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312412,,International Crimes and Transitional Justice: where does organised crime fit?,VABB-1,86,100,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:312413,,Restoring Justice in Serbia. Reconciliation and restorative justice in a post-war context,VABB-1,23,41,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:312426,,In Criminal Justice We Trust? A decade of public opinion research in Belgium,VABB-1,286,302,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312427,,International law on children and armed conflict: the interface between various normative frameworks,VABB-1,2,13,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312428,,De paradox van de Duitse concentratiekampen: een criminologische duiding van de ‘plantage’ in Dachau (1937-1945),VABB-1,345,362,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312436,,Tussen evaluatiedrift en cijferfobie. Over pseudo-wetenschap en deugdelijke veiligheidsdiagnostiek,VABB-1,58,71,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:312437,,Beelden van vertrouwen: het vertrouwen in politie en justitie in perspectief geplaatst,VABB-1,7,20,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:312459,,'Angst voor criminaliteit' onderzocht. De brede schemerzone tussen alledaagse realiteit en irrationeel fantoom,VABB-2,,,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:312462,,Burgerpersoneel in (top)functies? Een onderzoek naar opvattingen binnen de politie,VABB-1,51,78,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312489,,Delphi in Criminal Justice Policy: A Case Study on Judgmental Forecasting,VABB-1,1477,1495,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312490,,De visitatiebevoegdheid van de sociaal inspecteurs na de invoering van het Sociaal Strafwetboek,VABB-1,29,52,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312491,,De Nederlandse Wet Bevordering integriteitsbeoordelingen door het openbaar bestuur: ook voor België het overwegen waard ?,VABB-1,232,257,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312505,,Advocaten als aristocraten? Is het bijzonder BIM-regime voor advocaten verantwoord?,VABB-1,73,82,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312508,,Mannen en vrouwen als plegers van huiselijk geweld,VABB-1,46,62,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:312510,,Themanummer Internationale misdrijven,VABB-1,287,409,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312511,,Special issue on International law on children and armed conflict,VABB-1,1,119,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312512,,Adult female sexual offending: a comparison between co-offenders and solo offenders in a Dutch sample,VABB-1,45,60,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:312522,,Measuring childhood abuse and neglect in a group of female indoor sex workers in the Netherlands: A confirmatory factor analysis of the Dutch version of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form,VABB-1,856,860,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312527,,Over objectieve en subjectieve onveiligheid. En de (on)zin van het rationaliteitdebat,VABB-1,24,40,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312544,,Overzicht van rechtspraak - Bijzondere overeenkomsten: tussenpersonen (1999-2009),VABB-1,589,1154,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:312546,,La convention de Rotterdam: une révolution dans le droit maritime?,VABB-1,107,118,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:312555,,Het classificatievraagstuk: buitenlandse transparante entiteiten in het Belgisch belastingrecht,VABB-1,42,76,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:312562,,Opzettelijke veroorzaking van het schadegeval: orde op zaken,VABB-1,53,58,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:312566,,"Met verzekeringssubagenten wordt niet gesold: toepassing van de wet handelsagentuur en verzekeringsbemiddeling”, (noot onder Vred. Landen – Zoutleeuw (zet. Zoutleeuw) 27 januari 2011),",VABB-1,306,318,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312573,,Discrimination in Insurance Law,VABB-4,81,108,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312575,,Over de bewijskracht van de boekhouding,VABB-1,472,477,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312576,,Solvabilité II - un très bref aperçu et quelques points d’interrogation,VABB-1,195,210,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:312585,,Standpunt : Het arbeidsrechtelijk statuut van een lid van het directiecomité van een NV (art. 524 bis W.Venn.),VABB-1,217,225,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312591,,Europe’s Ius Commune on Director Revocability,VABB-1,199,234,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312594,,Europese Insolventieverordening,VABB-1,246,253,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312595,,Standpunt. Het bestuursorgaan kan de statutaire zetel verplaatsen naar een ander taalgebied,VABB-1,32,39,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312596,,De belangenconflictprocedure: de toepassing op de managementvennootschap en de nietigheidssanctie kritisch bekeken,VABB-1,553,559,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:312597,,De wet van 8 juni 2008 en de grensoverschrijdende fusie,VABB-1,306,320,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:312612,,Noot onder Hof van Cassatie 17 april 2008: Het lot van lopende gerechtelijke procedures na afsluiting van de vereffening van een vennootschap met rechtspersoonlijkheid,VABB-1,154,163,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:312616,,"Fusie, splitsing en andere herstructureringen : de verslagplicht op drift ?",VABB-1,539,549,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:312636,,"Circumferential skin creases, cleft palate, typical face, intellectual disability and growth delay: ""Circumferential skin creases Kunze type""",VABB-1,236,240,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312638,,De grootste misdadigers eindelijk op de beklaagdenbank,VABB-1,48,55,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312641,,Ruis op de lijn. Het Belgische antwoord op het vijfde rapport van het Europese antifoltercomité (CPT),VABB-1,37,47,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312644,,Buitenbeentje in Europa. Fatik sprak met experten in de buurlanden over het stakingsrecht in de penitentiaire sector,VABB-1,27,32,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312652,,"""Let's Stick Together (c'mon c'mon)"": Decumul enkel mogelijk bij gezamenlijke vervolging van natuurlijke en rechtspersoon?",VABB-1,382,386,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312653,,Enkel voor amateurs. Reflecties over en vanuit het extern toezicht op gevangenissen,VABB-1,73,78,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312673,,Patterns of Inner Change and Their Relation with Patient Characteristics and Outcome in a Psychoanalytic Hospitalization-Based Treatment for Personality Disordered Patients,VABB-1,303,313,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312675,,The Interacting-Reflecting Training Exercise: Addressing the therapist’s inner conversation in family therapy training,VABB-1,158,170,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312677,,Gelijke onderwijskansen en een doordacht toelatingsbeleid een contradictio in terminis?,VABB-1,22,25,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312678,,(Non-)modal uses of the present indicative in Dutch legislation,VABB-5,139,156,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312680,,International negotiations post Lisbon: a case study of the Union’s external environmental policy,VABB-5,97,112,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312688,,Competition and trade policy and the challenge of globalisation,VABB-4,3,17,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312693,,Het Hof van Cassatie en de immuniteit van internationale organisaties,VABB-1,678,683,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312694,,Ambtshalve toepassing van het EU mededingingsrecht,VABB-1,59,63,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312700,,The Long Road to the Entrenchment of Human Rights in China,VABB-1,99,112,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312702,,"Le rôle du juge de l'Union dans l'interprétation des articles 14 et 106, paragraphe 2, TFUE",VABB-1,4,7,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:312703,,"Case-Note to Belgian Court of Cassation, Western European Union v. Siedler; General Secretariat of the ACP Group v. Lutchmaya; General Secretariat of the ACP Group v. B.D",VABB-1,560,567,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312704,,Hof van Justitie - 28 april 2009,VABB-1,1104,1107,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312707,,National Remedies for Private Parties in the Light of the EU Law Principles of Equivalence and Effectiveness,VABB-1,13,37,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312711,,"An Overview of the Accelerated and Urgency Procedure in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice",VABB-1,32,61,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312715,,Self-employed and Europe: Small businesses and the freedom to provide services,VABB-1,32,48,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312716,,The Role of General Principles of EU Law,VABB-4,179,197,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312718,,The Court of Justice as a Constitutional Adjudicator,VABB-4,123,150,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312720,,Ruiz-Zambrano (C-34/09) o de la emancipación de la Ciudadanía de la Unión de los límites inherentes a la libre circulación,VABB-1,493,521,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:312723,,"European Union Citizenship, National Welfare Systems and Social Solidarity",VABB-1,397,421,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312726,,"Case C-166/07, European Parliament v. Council of the European Union - Institutional Pragmatism or Constitutional Mayhem?",VABB-1,1271,1296,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312727,,"“O, Where is Faith? O, Where is Loyalty?” Some Thoughts on the Duty of Loyal Co-operation and the Union’s External Environmental Competences in the light of the PFOS Case",VABB-1,405,419,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312728,,The Protection of Member States' Regions Through the Subsidiarity Principle,VABB-4,55,80,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312729,,The Institutionalization of Investment Arbitration and Sustainable Development,VABB-4,611,637,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312731,,De Europese rechtsruimte in burgerlijke en handelszaken,VABB-1,1,40,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312732,,The Limits of Substantive International Economic Law : in Support of Reasonable Extraterritorial Jurisdiction,VABB-4,387,404,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312747,,Private International Law in the EU,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312749,,Tien jaar Eurowob: reden voor een feestje?,VABB-1,217,230,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312750,,Mogen statische Unieburgers worden gediscrimineerd op het vlak van gezinshereniging? Enkele beschouwingen bij de arresten Ruiz Zambrano en McCarthy van het Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,242,253,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312753,,"Case C-135/08, Janko Rottmann v. Freistaat Bayern",VABB-1,375,394,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:312755,,"Case C-34/09, Gerardo Ruiz Zambrano v. Office National de l'Emploi (ONEM) & Case C-434/09, Shirley McCarthy v. Secretary of State for the Home Department",VABB-1,673,704,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312757,,The Commission's 2010 Green Paper on European Contract Law: Reflections on Union Competence in Light of the Proposed Options,VABB-1,151,172,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312758,,The Evolution of the Action for Damages against the European Union and Its Place in the System of Judicial Protection,VABB-1,695,750,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312760,,"Zaak C-434/09, Shirley McCarthy/Secretary of State for the Home Department",VABB-1,413,416,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312761,,"Zaak C-34/09, Gerardo Ruiz Zambrano/Office national de l'emploi",VABB-1,410,413,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312770,,Participatierechten van kinderen in scheidingssituaties. Visie en praktijk van scheidingsbemiddelaars,VABB-1,312,318,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312771,,Het FJR gaat Belgisch?,VABB-1,303,347,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312772,,Het Europees recht en het sociaal recht nogmaals onder hoogspanning: de Albany voorwaarde getest op de openbare aanbesteding. (Noot bij rechtspraak EHvJ 15 juli 2010 - Europese Commissie / Bondsrepubliek Duitsland (Zaak C-271/08)),VABB-1,61,64,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312798,,Compensation in case of breach of contract according to Belgian labour law,VABB-1,163,176,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312799,,European labour law after the Lisbon Treaty: (re-visited) Assessment of fundamental social rights,VABB-4,75,89,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312807,,Labour law between change and tradition: liber amicorum Antoine Jacobs,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312808,,Beyond Viking and Laval: the evolving European context,VABB-1,1055,1078,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312810,,Beroepsziekten: overzicht van wetgeving en rechtspraak (2006-2011),VABB-1,332,369,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312814,,"De bevoegdheid van de arbeidsrechtbank voor RSZ-geschillen betreffende het afzien van bijdrageopslagen, interesten of forfaitaire vergoedingen op socialezekerheidsbijdragen (noot onder Cass. 30 mei 2011)",VABB-1,318,321,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312827,,De formulering van rechtsnormen in wetsteksten,VABB-1,37,49,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312835,,De toezichttaak en het recht van toegang van Zorginspectie,VABB-1,463,503,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312837,,"""Opzeggingsvergoeding bij vermindering arbeidsprestaties"" (noot onder GwH 10 november 2011)",VABB-1,769,772,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312844,,"Willekeurig ontslag, het gedrag van de werkman en het verbod van kennelijk onredelijk ontslag",VABB-1,1734,1738,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312853,,"Recent gestelde vragen inzake concurrentie, afwerving en confidentialiteit: een terugblik op 2010",VABB-1,118,130,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312857,,Second primary malignancies in patients with a gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumour : a case report and review of the literature,VABB-1,397,402,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312862,,Medische contracten in het licht van het recht op eerbied voor de fysieke integriteit. De informed consent-vereiste als raakpunt,VABB-1,430,457,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:312864,,Non-profit care providers on the internal market: the middle out of balance,VABB-1,268,288,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312869,,A Glimpse at the Democratic Legitimacy of Private Standards -- Assessing the Public Accountability of GlobalG.A.P.,VABB-1,677,710,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312870,,Managerial Accountability: What Impact on International Organisations’ Autonomy?,VABB-4,230,256,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312871,,A Coherent European Procurement Law and Policy for the Space Sector: Towards a Third Way,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312872,,The EU and International Diplomatic Law,VABB-1,31,49,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312873,,Immunity of International Organizations before Domestic Courts: Recent Trends,VABB-1,121,148,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:312875,,Legal Aspects of EU Operations,VABB-1,218,242,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312876,,The Application of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law in CSDP Operations,VABB-4,189,212,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312885,,Kroniek van rechtspraak,VABB-1,601,715,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312886,,Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea? Conflicts in External Action Pursued by OCTs and the EU,VABB-4,307,321,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312887,,Implementing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement in Albania: Avoiding Discriminatory Practices in the Free Movement of Goods,VABB-1,511,530,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:312890,,The Lisbon Treaty and the Status of the European Union in the International Arena,VABB-1,166,170,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312891,,L’influenza del diritto criminale bizantino nel Codice di Dušan 1349-1354,VABB-1,217,253,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:312893,,"L'hérésie des premiers titres du Code de Justinien, Une hypothèse sur la rédaction tardive de C. 1,1-13",VABB-1,253,296,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:312894,,Tutela mulierum herbekeken,VABB-4,295,304,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:312895,,Secret Compensation. A Friendly and Lawful Alternative to Lipsius's Political Thought,VABB-4,263,280,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312896,,From Law to Paradise: Confessional Catholicism and Legal Scholarship,VABB-1,12,34,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312899,,The Classical Law of Nations (1500-1800),VABB-4,408,440,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312900,,Law and History: Law between Past and Present,VABB-4,133,152,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312903,,A Schoolmaster Absolishing Homework? Vattel on Peacemaking and Peace Treaties,VABB-4,353,386,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312911,,Réception ou refoulement? Pour une lecture grecque de l'histoire du droit de la Renaissance,VABB-4,137,149,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:312912,,La transformation de la culture juridique occidentale dans le premier 'tribunal mondial',VABB-4,125,135,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:312916,,"Prevalence of overweight, obesity and physical activity levels in children from Azores Islands",VABB-1,682,91,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312917,,Correlates of health-related physical fitness levels of Portuguese children,VABB-1,53,59,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312919,,Correlates of changes in BMI of children from the Azores islands,VABB-1,1487,1493,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:312954,,Lower trunk muscle activity during front crawl swimming in a single leg amputee,VABB-5,751,754,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312966,,The influence of the PSI directive on open government data: an overview of recent developments,VABB-1,446,456,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312968,,International Encyclopaedia of Media Law. Media Law in South Africa,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:312969,,International Encyclopaedia of Media Law. Media Law in Slovakia,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:312970,,International Encyclopaedia of Media Law. Media Law in Denmark,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312971,,International Encyclopaedia of Media Law. Media Law in India,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312972,,International Encyclopaedia of Media Law. Media Law in Italy,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312975,,Identification numbers as pseudonyms in the EU public sector,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312976,,"Yahoo! als operator of verstrekker, noot bij Cass. 18 januari 2011",VABB-1,218,223,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312985,,Looking For the User in Media Pluralism Regulation: Unraveling the Traditional Diversity Chain and Recent Trends of User Empowerment in European Media Regulation,VABB-1,287,320,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312986,,"A European Risk Barometer for Media Pluralism: Why assess damage, when you can map risk?",VABB-1,185,216,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312987,,Collective solutions for cultural collections online: Search and select!,VABB-1,638,650,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:312990,,"The ""Panopticon"" of search engines: the response of the european data protection framework",VABB-1,47,54,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:312991,,Rubriek Telecommunicatie,VABB-1,357,360,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:312992,,Rubriek Telecommunicatie,VABB-1,91,94,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312993,,Rubriek Telecommunicatie,VABB-1,232,235,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312994,,Rubriek Telecommunicatie,VABB-1,270,273,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:312995,,Integrating patient consent in e-health access control,VABB-1,1,24,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313005,,The Use of Alternative Regulatory Instruments to Protect Minors in the Digital era: Applying Freedom of expression safeguards,VABB-1,164,188,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313008,,Confidentiality and Privacy: Complementary or Conflicting Values?,VABB-1,477,494,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313009,,Risk-reducing regulatory strategies for protecting minors in social networks,VABB-1,43,54,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313011,,Copyright: a curse or a blessing?,VABB-4,79,92,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313019,,International Encyclopedia of Media Law. Media Law in Botswana,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313020,,Some aspects of price squeeze within the EU: a case law analysis,VABB-1,250,257,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313022,,Moving from opt-out to opt-in? Online information disclosure and privacy policies in an era of personalisation,VABB-1,156,171,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313029,,Watching the Football Game: Broadcasting Rights for the European Digital Television Market,VABB-1,33,49,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313030,,"The European Media Pluralism Monitor: Bridging Law, Economics and Media Studies as a first step towards Risk-Based Regulation in Media Markets",VABB-1,85,113,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313031,,Handbook of Digital Homecare. Successes and Failures in Communications,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313032,,he role of public sector information in the European market for online content: a never-ending story or a new beginning?,VABB-1,20,29,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313045,,El filtrado de las comunicaciones como medida de tutela de los derechos de autor: análisis de su impacto sobre la vida privada de los usuarios,VABB-4,321,333,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:313046,,Privacy Settings in Social Networking Sites: Is It Fair?,VABB-4,231,243,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313048,,Excessive Prices within EU Competition Law,VABB-1,47,70,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313049,,When is providing Spatial Information a Public Task? A search for criteria,VABB-4,3,20,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313051,,Privacy Friendly Pay-As-You-Drive Insurance,VABB-1,742,755,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313053,,User-centric privacy enhancing Identity Management,VABB-4,91,106,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313055,,Regulating identity management,VABB-4,73,89,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313056,,The need for privacy-enhancing Identity Management,VABB-4,53,71,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313059,,Normality Mining: Privacy Implications of Behavioral Profiles Drawn from GPS Enabled Mobile Phones,VABB-1,251,261,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313060,,The identity landscape,VABB-4,33,51,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313061,,Treating or Tracking? Regulatory challenges of Nano-Enabled ICT Implants,VABB-1,256,275,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313063,,De juridische bestrijding van racistische meningsuitingen onderzocht,VABB-1,60,64,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313064,,Interaction between Customary Legal Systems and the Formal Legal System of Peru,VABB-4,151,167,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313065,,Boerkaverbod. Juridische aspecten van lokale en algemene verboden op gezichtsverhulling in België,VABB-1,398,414,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313078,,"Represailleontslag na discriminatieklacht: tussen naakte en met redenen omklede klacht in, en het schild van rechtsmisbruik. (Noot onder Arbeidsrechtbank Brussel 16 december 2010)",VABB-1,111,116,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313095,,De 'herontdekking' van hervestiging in België,VABB-1,122,134,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313109,,Language and Integration Requirements in Belgium: Discordances Between the Flemish Policy of ‘Inburgering’ and the Federal Legislator’s View(s) on the Integration of Newcomers and Migrants,VABB-4,271,306,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313110,,The Fragmented Development of EU Immigration and Integration Policy. Which Status for Third-Country Nationals in Europe?,VABB-4,81,110,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313114,,De Terugkeerrichtlijn en onverwijderbare vreemdelingen,VABB-1,253,267,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313125,,Dynamic Patent Governance in Europe and the United States: The Myriad Example,VABB-1,287,342,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313126,,The impact of legislative framework conditions on the development of stem cell technology,VABB-1,191,196,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313127,,Patent pools and clearinghouses in the life sciences,VABB-1,569,576,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313128,,Impact of gene patents on diagnostic testing: a new patent landscaping method applied to spinocerebellar ataxia,VABB-1,1114,1121,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313129,,A Paper Tiger? Compulsory License Regimes for Public Health in Europe,VABB-1,4,40,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313130,,IPR Issues and High Quality Genetic Testing,VABB-4,251,265,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313131,,Human Rights’ Limitations in Patent Law,VABB-4,236,271,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313134,,Evoluties binnen het merkenrecht,VABB-1,183,195,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313135,,Uncorking Trade Secrets: Sparking the Interaction Between Trade Secrecy and Open Biotechnology,VABB-4,246,268,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313138,,Test je rijk: genoctrooien en gezondheid,VABB-1,519,525,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313140,,Policy Levers Tailoring Patent Law to Biotechnology. Comparing U.S. and European Approaches,VABB-1,435,517,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313141,,Gene and genetic diagnostic method patent claims: a comparison under current European and US patent law,VABB-1,1104,1107,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313150,,Observations on economic governance and the search for e European economic constitution,VABB-4,95,120,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313151,,Overzicht van rechtspraak. Handelsrecht en handelspraktijken 2003-2010,VABB-1,921,1320,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313152,,"Koppelverkoop is niet langer per se verboden, maar kan wel nog in concreto oneerlijk blijken",VABB-1,115,137,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313153,,"Het gebruik van oneerlijke of intransparante bedingen als oneerlijke, misleidende of agressieve handelspraktijk",VABB-1,138,145,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313155,,"Transforming Shields into Swords: The VEBIC judgement, adequate judicial protection standards and the emergence of procedural heteronomy in EU law",VABB-1,511,547,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313158,,The New European Law of Unfair Commercial Practices and Competition Law,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313161,,"Modelling interactive reading, translating ans writing assistants",VABB-4,275,286,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313162,,La lexicographie et l’analyse de corpus : nouvelles perspectives,VABB-1,247,265,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313164,,Le tandem transfrontalier,VABB-5,74,80,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:313169,,"UrgentiAS, a lexical database for medical students in clinical placements: Architecture, use and evaluation",VABB-4,191,210,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313172,,The Critique of Hamletism in The Wild Irish Girl and Corinne,VABB-1,201,223,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313203,,User Costs and Housing Expenses. Towards a more Comprehensive Approach to Affordability,VABB-1,593,614,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313209,,Lagging behind or catching up? A comparison of Chinese and European environmentally related taxes,VABB-4,35,54,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313230,,Armoede zonder papieren,VABB-4,381,396,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313231,,Het Gelijke Onderwijskansendecreet: een breuk in de cirkel?,VABB-4,101,118,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313244,,"Het CLB: multidisciplinair, vraaggestuurd, subsidiair en netwerkend? Uitvoeringsknelpunten in relatie tot het CLB-decreet",VABB-1,521,532,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313320,,Iterative Modernism: The Design Mode of Interwar Engineering in Belgium,VABB-1,97,126,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313330,,Transcending boundaries: design as a medium for integration in the 'rurban' landscape,VABB-4,128,153,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313332,,Op zoek naar draagvlak voor een nieuw ruimtelijk beleid in Vlaanderen: leren van het Ruimtelijk Structuurplan Vlaanderen,VABB-1,25,48,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313346,,Mapping Mariano Melgar,VABB-4,120,125,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:313348,,Uncanny and In-between: The garage in rural and suburban Belgian Flanders,VABB-1,757,787,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313349,,Dam[ned] landscapes: re-visioning the volta river,VABB-1,54,69,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313352,,Robust topology optimization accounting for spatially varying manufacturing errors,VABB-1,3613,3627,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313353,,Geotechnical characterization of a river dyke by surface waves,VABB-1,515,527,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313355,,Scaling Haptics - Haptic Scaling. Studying scale and scaling in the haptic design process of two architects who lost their sight,VABB-4,127,135,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313357,,Modelling quality and housing preferences for affordable new housing developments,VABB-1,27,37,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313360,,Patient involvement in mental health care: one size does not fit all,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313361,,Best Practice Elements of Multilevel Suicide Prevention Strategies,VABB-1,319,333,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313366,,The professional self-image of home nurses in Flanders (Belgium): a cross-sectional questionnaire survey,VABB-1,29,36,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313368,,Quality of life of residents with dementia in long-term care settings in the Netherlands and Belgium: design of a longitudinal comparative study in traditional nursing homes and small-scale living facilities,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313369,,The reliability of suicide rates: An analysis of railway suicides from two sources in fifteen European countries,VABB-1,120,127,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313370,,Drug suicide: a sex-equal cause of death in 16 European countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313374,,Strategic Planning and Regional Governance in Europe,VABB-4,75,97,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313375,,Strategic Planning and Regional Governance in Europe Recent trends in Strategic Planning in Europe and how efforts are being made to address emerging issues and problems,VABB-4,15,42,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313377,,Territorial Attractiveness in EU Urban and Spatial Policy: A critical review and future research agenda,VABB-1,349,365,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:313378,,Developing shared terms for spatial quality through design,VABB-4,97,127,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313380,,Strategies for sustainable spatial development: operationalising sustainability in strategic projects,VABB-4,174,188,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313382,,Why sustainability is so fragilely ‘social’…,VABB-4,163,173,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313387,,Strategic Spatial Planning Through Strategic Projects,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313388,,Understanding land-use conflicts in strategic urban projects: lessons from Gent Sint - Pieters,VABB-4,189,211,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313391,,Analysing social innovation through planning instruments. A strategic-relational approach,VABB-4,52,78,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313392,,Limits to social innovation,VABB-1,75,88,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313394,,Laatste achterhoedegevechten over de vergoedingsregeling van artikel 29bis WAM-wet?,VABB-1,62,67,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313404,,Testable implications of general equilibrium models: an integer programming approach,VABB-1,564,575,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313406,,The computational complexity of rationalizing boundedly rational choice behavior,VABB-1,425,433,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313411,,Revealed preference of noncooperative household consumption,VABB-1,1073,1096,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313412,,Literatuursignalementen 2010-2011,VABB-1,503,512,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313414,,The the... the... construction: Meaning and readings,VABB-1,99,117,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313415,,"From spell, grammar and style checkers to writing aids for English and French as a foreign language : challenges and opportunities",VABB-1,67,84,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:313417,,The shifting of the demonstrative determiner in French and Dutch in parallel corpora: from translation mechanisms to structural differences,VABB-1,443,464,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313418,,The literary text as talking cure: a psychoanalytic interpretation of Restlessness,VABB-1,53,66,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313420,,On the distinction between inferential and meta-inferential conditionals in Dutch,VABB-1,3387,3402,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313421,,The Classical Aristotelian hexagon versus the Modern Duality hexagon,VABB-1,171,199,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313422,,Vocabulary Treatment in Adventure and Role-Playing Games: A Playground for Adaptation and Adaptivity,VABB-5,131,146,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313424,,"Formal Modelling, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Design and Development of User-centric Pervasive Software: A Meta-review",VABB-1,96,125,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313425,,"Cognitive Approaches to Tense, Aspect and Epistemic Modality",VABB-2,,,319 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313426,,Future time reference expressed by 'be to' in Present-day English,VABB-1,271,291,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:313427,,Constraints on the meanings of modal auxiliaries in counterfactual clauses,VABB-4,21,42,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313431,,"""Écriture migrante"", ""littérature (im)migrante"", ""migration literature"": réflexions sur un concept aux contours imprécis",VABB-1,301,310,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:313432,,La traduction dans les cultures plurilingues,VABB-3,,,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:313435,,Dos estéticas de lo sobrenatural: lo siniestro en El espinazo del diablo y lo abyecto en El laberinto del Fauno de Guillermo del Toro,VABB-1,16,32,,spa,2011,1 c:vabb:313436,,Entre dire et faire: la traduction poétique dans deux revues belges francophones du XIXe siècle,VABB-4,47,59,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:313438,,Reading for the English Patient,VABB-1,408,432,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:313464,,"Making a Rural Movement. A Farmers' Union's answer to a changing rural world (Flanders, 1960s-1970s)",VABB-1,227,249,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313466,,Vruchtgebruik en maatschap,VABB-1,156,173,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313472,,De rechtstreekse aanspraak van de consument : Een nieuw pijnpunt in ons dualistisch kooprecht ?,VABB-1,87,98,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313473,,Civiel- en fiscaalrechtelijke aspecten van de levenslange woninghuur,VABB-1,211,240,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313475,,De strafrechtelijke repressie van het Vlaamse activisme tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog in de Duitse krijgsgevangenkampen (november 1918 tot juli 1925) Deel 1,VABB-1,230,258,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313476,,Nietigheid als sanctie wegens miskenning van de informatieplicht van art. 101 Bodemdecreet: te pas en te onpas,VABB-1,1521,1525,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313477,,Het uur van de vergelding. Vlaamse activisten voor de krijgsraad van het Groot Hoofdkwartier van het Leger (23 januari tot 30 juni 1919),VABB-1,7,33,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313479,,Het uur van de vergelding. Vlaamse activisten voor de krijgsraad van het Groot Hoofdkwartier van het Leger (23 januari tot 30 juni 1919),VABB-1,306,330,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313483,,Een kerkelijke rechtbank aan het werk in de contrareformatie. De rechtspraak van de officialiteit van Brugge in 1585-1610,VABB-4,125,161,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313488,,De Wet Betalingsdiensten op de korrel genomen,VABB-1,62,103,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313525,,Beslag op een derdenrekening van een advocaat. De teloorgang van het vermogensbegrip,VABB-1,1776,1779,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313526,,Het eigendomsvereiste bij onroerende goederen door bestemming,VABB-1,998,1001,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313530,,Artikel 56-57 WMPC,VABB-4,1,123,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313531,,Artikel 45-48 WMPC,VABB-4,1,123,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313532,,"Artikel 2, 21°-23° WMPC",VABB-4,1,123,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313533,,Reisrecht - redactioneel,VABB-1,1,49,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313544,,Right of withdrawal and standard terms,VABB-4,239,302,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313545,,Chapter 3: Consumer contract law,VABB-4,157,238,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313556,,Persoonlijke kritiek op magistraten: grenzen en verweermiddelen,VABB-1,89,97,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313559,,De lange schaduw van de grondwetgever. Perswetgeving en persmisdrijven in België,VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313568,,Hier komt de charge back,VABB-1,200,214,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313575,,Response to Garwood P. Anderson: Parables in Luke,VABB-1,177,183,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:313576,,"Origen in the Making: Reading between (and behind) the Lines of Eusebius' ""Life of Origen"" (HE 6)",VABB-4,713,725,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313577,,Life Beyond Daeth in Matthew's Gospel: Religious Metaphor or Bodily Reality?,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313580,,Genesis 38: The Search for Progeny and Heir,VABB-1,276,288,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313583,,Was It Rape? The David and Bathsheba Pericope Re-examined,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313595,,More Transformations in Biblical Studies: Changing Tendencies in Reading the Book of Qohelet,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313616,,"Studies in the Gospel of Luke. Structure, Language and Theology",VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313617,,Auteursindex Collationes 1971-2010,VABB-1,379,410,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313618,,Thematische index Collationes 1971-2010,VABB-1,411,450,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313620,,The Controversy between Jesus and the Sadducees about the Resurrection (Matt 22:23-33) in the Context of Early Jewish Eschatology,VABB-4,129,151,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313621,,Some anonymous recommendations to Athonite monks,VABB-1,203,211,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313622,,De eucharistie: Het woord en het brood. Een oecumenische studie van Ton van Eijk,VABB-1,225,233,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313623,,"""Lead, Kindly Light“. Spiegel van Newmans spiritualiteit",VABB-1,281,301,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313624,,"Ancient Christian Interpretations of ""Violent Texts"" in The Apocalypse",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313629,,Paul Ricoeur. Poetics and Religion,VABB-3,,,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:313632,,"Community Formation in Matthew: A Study of Matthew 18,15-18",VABB-5,453,463,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313636,,"The Weeds in Context: Composition in Matthew 13,24-43",VABB-4,561,568,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313637,,"""You shall not swear falsely"" (Matt 5:33c): A Response to John A.L. Lee",VABB-1,315,318,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313638,,Multiple Attestation? Two Passages in John P. Meyer's 'A Marginal Jew',VABB-1,189,200,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313639,,The Comforted Comforter: The Meaning of parakaleô/paraklêsis Terminology in 2 Corinthians,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313640,,Reconciliation to God in the Light of 2 Corinthians 5:14-21,VABB-4,39,58,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313641,,"Reconciliation in Interfaith Perspective: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Voices",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313642,,Een geschenk van Gods genade,VABB-1,209,225,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313644,,When Heaven Turns into Hell: The Vision of Dorotheus and the Strange World of Human Imagination,VABB-4,123,141,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313645,,Rock and Stumbling Block: The Fate of Matthew's Peter,VABB-4,263,311,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313646,,Luther’s Assertio: A Preliminary Assessment of the Reformer’s Relationship to Patristics,VABB-1,351,363,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313647,,Perfection in the Didache: Ethical Objective or Eschatological Hope?,VABB-4,3,13,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313648,,"Studia Patristica LI: Including Papers Presented at the Conference ‘The Image of the Perfect Christian in Patristic Thought’ at the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine under Taras Khomych, Oleksandra Vakula and Oleh Kindiy in 2009",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313650,,"‘Begrijpt ge wat ge leest?’ (Hand 8,30). Over de plaats en rol van de Bijbelwetenschap",VABB-1,7,19,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313651,,From Linguistics to Hermeneutics. A Functional and Cognitive Approach to Job 12-14,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313652,,"Rewritten Bible, Variant Literary Editions and Original Text(s). Exploring the Implications of a Pluriform Outlook on the Scriptural Tradition",VABB-4,65,91,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313654,,Light on the Joshua Books from the Dead Sea Scrolls,VABB-4,145,159,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313657,,"Proto-Luke, and What Can Possibly Be Made of It",VABB-4,617,654,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313658,,"New Studies in the Synoptic Problem. Oxford Conference, April 2008. Essays in Honour of Christopher M. Tuckett",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313659,,"“Oud en jong tezamen, laten zij loven de naam van de HEER” (Ps. 148,12-13). Naar een nieuwe vertaling van het boek Psalmen voor de liturgie in de volkstaal",VABB-1,370,381,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313660,,From Damascus to Mount Zion: A Journey through the Land of the Harvester (Isaiah 17-18),VABB-4,63,80,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313661,,The Groningen Hypothesis Revisited,VABB-5,17,29,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313662,,"""I Melt Away and Will No Longer Live"". The Use of Metaphor in Job's Self-Descriptions",VABB-1,91,107,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313666,,Understanding What One Reads II. Essays on the Gospels and Paul (2003-2011),VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313667,,Seeing Tamar through the Prism of an African Woman: A Contextual Reading of Genesis 38,VABB-1,555,573,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313669,,I testi qumranici testimoni di Scritture autorevole,VABB-4,17,33,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:313670,,"Experiences of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Early Parenting: Practical Theological Research into the ""Lived Religion"" of Flemish Heterosexual Expectant Couples",VABB-1,37,47,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313674,,La recepción ecuménica y la tensión entre la tradición y la renovación,VABB-1,105,137,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:313675,,"Orthodoxy, History and Theology : Recontextualisation and its Descriptive and Programmatic Features",VABB-4,185,204,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313676,,"Revelation, Scripture and Tradition: Lessons from Vatican II’s Constitution Dei verbum for Contemporary Theology",VABB-1,416,433,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313680,,Experiences and Reflections on a Latin american Feminist Thelogy of Liberation Using an Ecofeminist Key Towards an Indigenous Women's Perspective,VABB-1,411,422,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:313681,,Institutional Authority: A Christian Perspective,VABB-1,133,145,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313682,,The ‘Theological Imaginary’ in History: John Henry Newman and the Catholic Theological Imagination,VABB-1,185,208,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313683,,Résister à l'épreuve du temps. La théorie newmanienne du développement et son importance pour l'église contemporaine,VABB-1,28,38,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:313684,,Bestand tegen de tijd. Newmans ontwikkelingstheorie en het belang ervan voor de Kerk van nu,VABB-1,249,259,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313686,,Naming God in Open Narratives: Theology between Deconstruction and Hermeneutics,VABB-4,81,100,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313687,,Een nieuwe commentaar op de documenten van het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie (Deel 4),VABB-1,443,462,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313690,,"Conclusion: Lessons from Philosophy for Theology, and vice versa",VABB-4,213,229,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313691,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313696,,'The Apostolicity of the Church' in Light of the Lutheran - Roman Catholic Consensus on Justification,VABB-1,317,335,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313697,,"Church Renewal and Reform in the Documents of Vatican II: History, Theology, Terminology",VABB-1,369,400,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313700,,In Search for an Ontological Openness for Ethics in a Ricoeurian Way: Response to Passion for Mercy and Justice,VABB-4,91,96,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313701,,Is There a Future for Denominationalism? Reflections from the Perspective of Roman Catholic Ecclesiology and from the Perspective of the Future of the Ecumenical Movement,VABB-4,147,164,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313702,,The logic of the ‘as if’ and the existence of God: An inquiry into the nature of belief in the work of Jacques Derrida,VABB-1,86,106,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313703,,Précurseur du Secrétariat pour l'Unité: le travail oecuménique de la 'Conférence Catholique pour les questions oecuméniques' (1952-1963),VABB-4,271,308,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:313704,,Trinitarian Theology beyond Participation: Augustine's De Trinitate and Contemporary Theology,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313705,,Jean-François Lyotard on Differends and Unpresentable Otherness: Can God Escape the Clutches of the Christian Master Narrative?,VABB-1,263,284,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313708,,René Girard and Christus Victor: Solving the Problem of the Cross,VABB-1,323,335,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313709,,Une histoire de changement et de conflit de paradigmes théologiques? Vatican II et sa réception entre continuité et discontinuité,VABB-4,355,366,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:313711,,"Vitale kerkgemeenschappen ter plaatse. Reflecties over christelijke gemeenschap, lokaliteit en leiderschap",VABB-1,5,29,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313712,,Liberation Theology: Deleuze and Althaus-Reid,VABB-1,154,164,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:313713,,"Transzendenz, Andersheit und die Dezentrierung des Subjekts. Theologische Anmerkungen zur zeitgenössischen Hermeneutik der Religionen",VABB-4,77,112,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:313714,,Believing that there is Hope for Love: The Promise of Christian Faith in the Resurrection of the Body,VABB-1,43,57,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313715,,Newman's Disputed Honesty: A Case Study in Victorian Religious Controversy,VABB-1,361,384,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313716,,The Interruption of Political Theology,VABB-4,53,65,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313717,,Neurotheologie: terreinverkenning en theologische evaluatie,VABB-1,395,407,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313720,,The Ecumenical Vision of the Apostle Paul and its Relevance for Contemporary Search for full Unity of all Christians,VABB-1,144,169,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313721,,Ist es immer eine Tugend im ökumenischen Dialog mit einer gemeinsamen Stimme zu sprechen? Reflexionen über die Spannung universaler und regionaler Identitäten in der römisch-katholischen Kirche,VABB-1,426,436,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:313722,,'De verdeeldheid reikt niet tot in de hemel' - Anton Houtepen als oecumenicus,VABB-1,152,169,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313724,,"Beyond violence, beyond the text: The role of gesture in Walter Benjamin and Giorgio Agamben, and its affinity with the work of René Girard",VABB-1,952,961,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313726,,"Desire, Consent and Sin: The Earliest Free Will Debates of the Reformation",VABB-4,471,486,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313731,,Rooms-katholieke sprokkels over de verhouding tussen geloof en sacrament in de initiatie,VABB-1,167,184,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313732,,Het credo in het leven van de kerk. De geloofsbelijdenis: een situering,VABB-1,145,164,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313734,,"The Absent Notion of “Canonicity” in Paul Ricoeur's Memory, History, Forgetting",VABB-5,487,501,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313735,,Catechesis Inside Out: A Hermeneutical Model for Catechesis in Parishes,VABB-1,151,177,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313736,,"Learning from Religion at a Detraditionalizing Catholic University. The Case of the Required Course 'Perspectives on Religion and Meaning' at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium",VABB-1,64,78,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313737,,Differences between the public and private communication of rumors. A pilot survey in Belgium,VABB-1,281,291,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313743,,Van gelimiteerd tot gecoördineerd: het gebruik van geo-informatie bij de Vlaamse gemeenten,VABB-1,14,24,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313744,,"Hervormingsvoorstellen voor justitie: verleden, heden en toekomst",VABB-1,5,28,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313756,,Social Network Analysis of the SDI in Flanders,VABB-4,121,135,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313757,,The changing Public Service Bargain in the federal administration in Belgium,VABB-1,167,188,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313758,,The Public Service Bargain in the United Kingdom: the Whitehall model in decline?,VABB-1,233,252,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313760,,Evaluating the Application of the Multi-view SDI Assessment Framework,VABB-1,121,141,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313766,,Beleidsdomeinspecifieke coördinatie als onderdeel van deugdelijk bestuur. Succes- en faalfactoren in de Vlaamse coördinatiepraktijk,VABB-1,15,28,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313768,,Mainstreaming technological change in the study of public administration: a conceptual framework,VABB-1,377,397,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313769,,De impact van de staatshervorming op de administratie: de betrokken ambtenaar aan het woord,VABB-1,29,36,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313770,,Norms used: some strategic considerations from the Netherlands and the UK,VABB-4,75,94,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313773,,The conduct of performance audit : selection of topics,VABB-4,51,74,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313774,,Schalen in België. De kleine staatshervorming,VABB-1,29,37,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313775,,Organisatiecultuur in het lokale bestuur - dynamisch en extern of traditioneel regelgericht?,VABB-1,37,42,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313777,,"The 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries: Adopting, implementing or scoring results?",VABB-1,189,200,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313779,,Multilevel regulering van nutssectoren: Telecommunicatie en Energie in België,VABB-1,43,50,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313781,,An assessment view to evaluate whether Spatial Data Infrastructures meet their goals,VABB-1,217,229,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313783,,Talking About Government: The role of magic concepts,VABB-1,641,658,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313786,,Not odious but onerous: comparative public administration,VABB-1,114,127,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313788,,Managing performance across levels of government: lessons learned or reproducing disconnects?,VABB-5,236,254,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313797,,Evaluation of the Multi-view Spatial Data Infrastructure Assessment Framework,VABB-1,121,141,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313799,,Atlas of INSPIRE – Evaluating SDI- Development through an Inventory of INSPIRE Experiences of European National Mapping Agencies,VABB-1,126,144,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313800,,Conclusion: Implications for Future Research and Practice,VABB-4,235,243,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313802,,Spatial Data Infrastructures in Context: North and South,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313803,,Exploring the Innovative Capacity of Intergovernmental Network Managers: The Art of Boundary-Scanning and Boundary Spanning,VABB-4,155,175,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313806,,De strategische adviesraden: buitenboordmotor van het Vlaams beleid?,VABB-1,105,119,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313807,,Public Administration and Management Reforms in CEE: Main Trajectories and Results,VABB-1,9,29,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313808,,Regulerende organisaties in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,37,46,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313809,,Een Hasselts recept voor een mensvriendelijk HR beleid. Een interview met Karel Bosmans,VABB-1,4,13,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313810,,Integrating spatial information and business processes: the role of organisational structures,VABB-4,49,67,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313812,,The Establishment of Marine Protected Areas in Senegal: Untangling the Interactions Between International Institutions and National Actors,VABB-1,564,572,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313813,,Impact at local government level: a multiple case study,VABB-4,248,267,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313815,,The impact of performance audits: a review of the existing evidence,VABB-4,175,208,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313819,,Een multidisciplinaire kijk op maatschappelijke participatie,VABB-1,4,8,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313820,,Kosten-batenanalyse van participatief beleid,VABB-1,39,44,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313823,,Actualiteit: 1. De omzetting van de INSPIRE-richtlijn op het niveau van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest; 2. Omzendbrief archiefwet; 3. Ook landmeters-experten kunnen voortaan schattingsverslag opstellen; 4. Strategische Veiligheids- en Preventieplannen verlengd tot 30 juni 2011; 5. Besluit rechtspositieregeling OCMW-personeel definitief goedgekeurd,VABB-1,81,87,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313824,,Actualiteit: 1. De dienstenrichtlijn opnieuw ... opnieuw; 2. Archiefdecreet in werking getreden; 3. Decreet van 16 juli 2010 houdende aanpassing van de Vlaamse Codex Ruimtelijke Ordening van 15 mei 2009 en van het decreet van 10 maart 2006 houdende decretale aanpassingen inzake ruimtelijke ordening en onroerend erfgoed als gevolg van het bestuurlijk beleid; 4. Omzendbrief bij de Wet op de gemeenschapswachten gepubliceerd,VABB-1,298,314,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313825,,Actualiteit: 1. De dienstenrichtlijn opnieuw ... opnieuw; 2. GDI-decreet in werking getreden; 3. Uitgangspunt van de ontworpen regeling; 4. Motieven voor een wijziging van de vroegere regeling; 5. Beginselen van de ontworpen regeling; 6. Van GIS-Vlaanderen naar GDI-Vlaanderen,VABB-1,404,414,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313826,,Actualiteit: 1. De dienstenrichtlijn opnieuw; 2. De jaarrapporten van de ombudsdiensten; 3. Overheidsopdrachten,VABB-1,204,207,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313827,,Vlaams Parlementscommunicatie tussen 1971 en 2009: van ad hoc middelenaanpak tot communicatiebeleid,VABB-1,131,145,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313828,,Actualiteit: 1. De dienstenrichtlijn gedeeltelijk omgezet; 2. De toevoeging van een nieuw boek in de wet van 24 december 1993 betreffende de overheidsopdrachten; 3. Aanpassing van de camerawet,VABB-1,91,100,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313829,,Who Wants to Deliver Public Service? Do Institutional Antecedents of Public Service Motivation Provide an Answer?,VABB-1,87,107,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313830,,"Participatie in complexe besluitvormingsprocessen: yes, we should?",VABB-1,29,38,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313835,,Interorganizational Information Sharing as a Driver of Change in Public Administration,VABB-1,87,106,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313838,,Meetbare en auditeerbare efficiëntiewinsten in de overheid,VABB-1,46,56,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313842,,Maatregelen tot het voorkomen van integriteitsinbreuken op lokaal niveau,VABB-1,202,217,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313843,,Analyse van deontologische coedes en van de implementatie ervan bij Vlaamse gemeenten,VABB-1,173,201,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313844,,Moderation in all things: International comparisons of governance quality,VABB-1,435,457,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313845,,Competentiemanagement voor een beter werkende overheid? Over de invoering van competentiemanagement in twee Vlaamse OCMW's,VABB-1,37,45,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313846,,Innovation in the public sector: an introductory,VABB-4,35,43,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313847,,Diversiteit in het personeelsbestand van de Vlaamse Overheid : evaluatie van het strategisch beleidsplan 2005-2010 van de dienst Emancipatiezaken,VABB-1,13,24,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313848,,De impact van de staatshervorming op de administratie: de vakbonden aan het woord,VABB-1,3,9,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313850,,The national civil service in Belgium,VABB-4,115,149,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313854,,Mainstreaming Technological Change in the Study of Public Management,VABB-1,377,397,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313855,,"Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis-New Public Management, Governance, and the Neo-Weberian State",VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313856,,Editorial: Changing Public Service Bargains for top officials,VABB-1,159,165,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313859,,Explaining the Innovative Culture and Activities of State Agencies,VABB-1,1321,1347,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313861,,L'évaluation de la politique d'égalité des chances et de diversité mise en oeuvre par le gouvernement flamand en Belgique,VABB-1,201,217,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:313862,,"Balancing expertise, societal input and political control in the production of policy advice. A comparative study of education councils in Europe",VABB-1,126,145,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313865,,European Works Councils and Trade Union Networking. A New Space for Regulation and Workers' Solidarity in Europe?,VABB-4,11,128,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313867,,Study and Non-Study Related Technologies use of Flemish Students in Higher Education,VABB-4,227,248,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313877,,Cross-Cultural Analysis. Methods and Applications,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313881,,Religious Involvement: Its Relation to Values and Social Attitudes,VABB-4,175,208,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313882,,Perceived economic threat and anti-immigration attitudes: Effects of immigrant group size and economic conditions revisited,VABB-4,283,312,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313886,,The Medical Council in Belgian Hospitals: A political perspective,VABB-1,163,181,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313897,,The European Network for Dynamic Microsimulation (EURODYM) - The initiating Ideas,VABB-1,100,105,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313898,,Acceptability of Preclinical Research on Nonhuman Primates in Reproductive Medicine: The Patient Perspective,VABB-1,70,78,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313899,,Assessing Mode Effects in a National Crime Victimization Survey using Structural Equation Models: Social Desirability Bias and Acquiescence,VABB-1,49,63,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313903,,Bringing Labour Market 'Back in'. Restructuring in Internationalised Business in Europe,VABB-1,655,677,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313904,,Gender and Spirituality,VABB-4,49,57,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313905,,Armoede en levensstandaardbeveiliging bij ouderen: België in een internationaal perspectief,VABB-4,133,144,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313906,,Het uitsluiten van geïnstitutionaliseerde ouderen in surveys. Gevolgen voor de Open Coördinatiemethode Pensioenen,VABB-1,492,521,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313911,,Toward a dynamic description of the attributes of organizational change,VABB-4,191,231,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313912,,“Breaking the taboo of Multiculturalism. The Belgian Left and Islam”,VABB-4,235,250,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313914,,Regionale gezinsculturen en kinderopvang door grootouders in Europa,VABB-1,522,552,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313926,,Europese integratie en europeanisering : sociologische perspectieven,VABB-1,225,576,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:313927,,'After Luhmann': Dirk Baecker's Sociology of Culture and Art,VABB-1,155,165,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:313931,,Employment relations in Italy,VABB-4,138,168,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313934,,Healthcare and the EU: the Law and Policy Patchwork,VABB-4,84,133,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313935,,The Hard Politics of Soft Law: the Case of Health,VABB-4,186,230,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:313944,,De pijlers onder en van de sociale zekerheid: inleiding vanwege de redactieraad,VABB-1,547,550,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:313961,,The contextualization of definitions of religion,VABB-1,191,204,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313965,,Divorce and Social Class During the Early Stages of the Divorce Revolution: Evidence From Flanders and the Netherlands,VABB-1,159,172,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313966,,Not-/unveiling as an ethical practice,VABB-1,83,109,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313971,,Secularization Theories and Sociological Paradigms: Convergences and Divergences,VABB-4,101,114,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313979,,The Attention Regime: On Mass Media and the Information Society,VABB-4,115,132,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:313991,,The EU and industrial relations modernization: supra-national state support for trade union and social partner modernization and social dialogue,VABB-1,3776,3793,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:313995,,Van clubhuis naar giro-nummer? Giro-activisme en sociaal kapitaal in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,24,58,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314019,,De democratie van de kunst,VABB-4,71,80,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314034,,Marrying in the City in Times of Rapid Urbanization,VABB-1,72,92,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314035,,Family size and intergenerational social mobility during the fertility transition. Evidence of resource dilution from the city of Antwerp in nineteenth century Belgium,VABB-1,313,344,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314036,,Satisficing among reluctant respondents in a cross-national context,VABB-1,956,984,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314040,,Identifying sources of strength: resilience from the perspective of older people receiving long-term community care,VABB-1,145,156,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314048,,De Arabische Wereld. Een demografische tijdbom?,VABB-1,1,5,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314049,,How unique is the Western European marriage pattern? A comparison of nuptiality in historical Europe and the contemporary Arab world,VABB-1,387,400,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314063,,"Sibling struggle for schooling: between resource dilution and collaborative learning, the Netherlands, 1850-1920",VABB-1,330,349,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314064,,"Household structure, resource allocation and child well-being. A comparison across family systems",VABB-1,76,101,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314073,,Media use and adolescents' risk taking in traffic: a literature review,VABB-1,78,93,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314074,,Mediators of the association between television viewing and fear of crime: Perceived personal risk and perceived ability to cope,VABB-1,107,124,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314075,,Television news coverage about cervical cancer: impact on female viewers' vulnerability perceptions and fear,VABB-1,381,386,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314076,,"New Life, Old Friends: A Cross-cultural Comparison of the Use of Communication Technologies in the Social Life of College Freshmen",VABB-1,219,240,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314077,,Inducing value-congruent behavior through advertising and the moderating role of attitudes toward advertising,VABB-1,25,37,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314078,,The Impact of Adolescents' News and Action Movie Viewing on Risky Driving Behavior: A Longitudinal Study,VABB-1,488,508,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314079,,The relationship between adolescents’ music video viewing and risky driving: a two wave panel survey,VABB-1,371,394,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314080,,Gevraagd: betere informatie van de overheid over dreigende ontwikkelingen in het aanbod van drugs,VABB-1,131,145,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:314082,,The relationship of Dispositional and Situational Fear of Crime with Television Viewing and Direct Experience with Crime,VABB-1,600,619,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314085,,"Government communication about potential policies: Public relations, propaganda or both",VABB-1,59,62,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314086,,Minding the gap: Applying a service marketing model into government policy communications,VABB-1,34,40,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314087,,"Temptation Island, The Bachelor, Joe Millionaire: A Prospective Cohort Study on the Role of Romantically-themed Reality Television in Adolescents’ Sexual Development",VABB-1,563,580,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314088,,"Excellent gamer, excellent driver? The impact of adolescents' video game playing on driving behavior: A two-wave panel study",VABB-1,58,65,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314094,,Over de poppetjes én de touwtjes. Protagonisten in de debatten en politieke motieven voor investeringen in de artistieke sector op het einde van de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,319,334,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:314095,,Shifting inequalities. Patterns of exclusion and inclusion in emerging forms of political particiation,VABB-1,119,142,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314096,,"Television and political participation among adolescents. The impact of television viewing, entertainment and information preferences",VABB-1,620,642,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314097,,Veto Players and Electoral Reform in Belgium,VABB-1,626,643,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314099,,The Potential of Internet Mobilization. An Experimental Study on the Effect of Internet and Face-to-Face Mobilization Efforts,VABB-1,406,431,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314100,,Dynamics of Regionalisation and the Impact of the EU: Comparing Regional Reforms in Romania and Turkey,VABB-1,1195,1222,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314103,,Does political trust matter? An empirical investigation into the relation between political trust and support for law compliance,VABB-1,267,291,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314109,,"An Ecological Study of Community Level Correlates of Suicide Mortality Rates in the Flemish Region of Belgium, 1996-2005",VABB-1,453,464,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314110,,The Effect of Compulsory Voting on Turnout Stratification Patterns. A Cross-National Analysis,VABB-1,396,416,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314111,,"Unemployment, Inequality, Poverty and Crime: Spatial Distribution Patterns of Criminal Acts in Belgium, 2001–06",VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314112,,Zonder regering lukt het ook. Over de robuustheid van multi-level government,VABB-1,468,473,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314117,,Political careers in Belgium: an example of the integrated career model,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314122,,The Impact of Gendered Friendship Patterns on the Prevalence of Homophobia among Belgian Late Adolescents,VABB-1,543,550,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314123,,The Effects of Civic Education on Political Knowledge. A Two Year Panel Survey among Belgian Adolescents,VABB-1,321,339,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314127,,Politicologen tussen feiten en normen,VABB-1,101,105,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314130,,Why there is Basically only one Form of Political Trust,VABB-1,269,275,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314132,,Europeanization and new patterns of multi-level governance in Romania,VABB-4,56,67,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314134,,Introduction: the context of political trust,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314135,,Measuring Political Trust Across Time and Space,VABB-4,13,46,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314136,,Political trust. Why context matters,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314137,,Maken sterke lijsten een verschil ? Een analyse van de lijsten bij de federale en regionale verkiezingen in het Vlaams gewest (2003-2010),VABB-1,165,188,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314138,,"Immigration, diversity and crime: an analysis of Belgian national crime statistics, 2001–6",VABB-1,198,212,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314141,,Value Patterns and Local Identity in Flanders: In Search of a Regional Identity,VABB-4,157,170,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314145,,Talking about sustainability: Responses to frames in persuasive messages about sustainable agriculture and food,VABB-4,373,393,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314149,,"Prospects for transformative media in a transcultural society: Drivers and barriers in media policy, production and research",VABB-1,375,379,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314150,,De doorbraak van de strip als populair medium in de Vlaamse pers van de jaren dertig,VABB-1,5,24,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314151,,Publieke televisie en identificatie: Familieonderzoek naar Vlaamse burgers met Marokkaanse en Turkse achtergrond,VABB-1,38,56,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:314152,,Een typologie van jonge nieuwsgebruikers in een multimediaal landschap,VABB-1,64,78,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:314153,,Wie schrijft ons nieuws? Een analyse van voorverpakt nieuws en brontransparantie in binnenlandse nieuwsonderwerpen in vier Nederlandse en Vlaamse kwaliteitskranten,VABB-1,77,91,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:314154,,Factors determining social distance towards people with depression among community pharmacists,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:314161,,Children's television in Indonesia. Broadcasting policy and the growth of an industry,VABB-1,86,101,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314164,,Von Comicexperten übersehen: Das künstlerische Potential des Manga aufgezeigt anhand eines close reading von Nananan Kiriko's Kuchizuke,VABB-4,203,218,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314166,,Quality of Service and Quality of Experience Correlations in a Location-Based Mobile Multiplayer Role-Playing Game,VABB-5,101,112,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314168,,From IPTV to Synchronous Shared Experiences: Challenges in Design: Distributed Media Synchronization,VABB-1,370,377,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314170,,Mise en scène and Framing. Visual Storytelling in Lone Wolf and Cub,VABB-4,71,83,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314172,,Fail with honour or win by cheating? Research into the perceptions and motivations of cheaters in online multiplayer games,VABB-4,177,203,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314173,,Nieuwsvaardig : een crossmediale competentiematrix voor journalisten,VABB-2,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314174,,Rock is dood,VABB-1,391,409,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314177,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314180,,Media and Ethnic Minorities,VABB-4,235,250,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314181,,From public service broadcasting to public service media,VABB-4,185,218,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314182,,Media in Europe Today,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314185,,Involving the user in the design of a mobile task-oriented,VABB-5,25,28,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314186,,A creative culture where it’s hard to make a living. The socio-economic situation of comics authors and illustrators in Belgium,VABB-1,59,80,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314187,,"Journalistiek in Vlaanderen : Afstemming tussen praktijk, opleiding en onderzoek",VABB-1,65,89,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:314190,,Innovation in Online Communities – Towards Community-Centric Design,VABB-4,50,57,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314191,,The Sociability of Mobile TV,VABB-4,25,28,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314192,,Debating diversity and conceptual purity : Reflections on identification as a meaningful concept for diasporic minority research,VABB-1,440,458,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314193,,"Do-it-yourself creation of pervasive, tangible applications",VABB-5,361,364,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314195,,Do Turkish women in the diaspora build social capital? Evidence from the Low Countries,VABB-1,924,940,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:314196,,Some medium-specific qualities of graphic sequences,VABB-1,14,33,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314197,,"Multimedia, interactive and hypertexual features in devergent online news platforms : an explorator study of Flemish online news",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314201,,No longer 'the other': A reflection on diversity in Canadian fiction television,VABB-1,380,399,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314204,,Persberichtgeving over jongerengeweld : schaven aan een vertekend beeld over vertekening,VABB-1,10,32,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314205,,The impact of online news features on learning from news. A knowledge experiment,VABB-1,8,28,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314206,,Sustainable Development and Transnational Communication: Assessing the International Influence on Subnational Policies,VABB-1,527,544,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314208,,Addressing Horizontal Inequalities in Post-Confl ict Reconstruction,VABB-4,11,30,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314209,,Horizontal Inequalities and Post-Conflict Development,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314210,,Ceci n'est pas une présidence: The 2010 Belgian Presidency of the EU,VABB-1,91,102,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:314211,,New co-operatives in China: why they break away from orthodox co-operatives?,VABB-1,35,48,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314222,,Cities and global environmental NGOs: emerging transnational urban networks?,VABB-4,151,175,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314228,,Europeanisering en de Roma: op zoek naar maatschappelijke inclusie in een nieuwe politieke en institutionele context,VABB-1,414,436,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314229,,"The European Commission in the WTO’s DDA Negotiations. A Tale of an Agent, a Single Undertaking, and Twenty-Seven Nervous Principals",VABB-4,132,149,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314230,,"The European Union, its Common Commercial Policy, and the World Trade Organization",VABB-4,199,208,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314236,,Beyond Chapter VIII: limits and opportunities of regional representation at the UN Security Council,VABB-1,149,169,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314237,,Towards a systematic analysis of the EU as an actor in the UN system,VABB-1,105,108,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314238,,Multi-ethnic Parties in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Naša Stranka and the Paradoxes of Postethnic Politics,VABB-1,451,467,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314239,,Multi-stakeholder co-operatives in China: a resource mix structure approach,VABB-1,259,279,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314244,,Exploring the agency of global environmental consultancy firms in earth system governance,VABB-1,43,61,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314247,,Informal Governance and Networks in EU Foreign Policy,VABB-4,558,590,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314249,,Riding the Ever-Rolling Stream: Time and the Ontology of Violent Conflict,VABB-1,188,198,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314250,,The Communist Party of the Russian Federation: not communist per se,VABB-1,37,63,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314252,,"Delegation Chains, Agenda Control and Political Mobilisation: how the EU Commission tries to affect domestic mobilisation on the DDA",VABB-4,129,153,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314271,,Drugs for rare diseases - orphan designation status influences price,VABB-1,275,279,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314272,,Detecting pre-diabetes and the role of the pharmacist,VABB-1,88,92,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314275,,Factors affecting the cost-effectiveness of antibiotics,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314280,,Pricing and reimbursement of orphan drugs: the need for more transparency,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314282,,Where a cheap medicine is not the same as a generic medicine: the Belgian case,VABB-1,185,189,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314287,,Patients with a future diagnosis of diabetes have higher drug use and costs: an analysis of community pharmacy data,VABB-1,23,27,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314297,,Constraints and perspectives of pharmacists counseling patients with depression at hospital discharge,VABB-1,101,110,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314298,,Prescription of antibiotics in hospitals: prescribers' opinions matter,VABB-1,13,14,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314299,,The increasing role of health economic evaluations in drug development,VABB-1,457,462,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314300,,Expiry of patent protection on statins: effects on pharmaceutical expenditure in Australia,VABB-1,52,54,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314302,,Does the market share of generic medicines influence the price level? A European analysis,VABB-1,875,882,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314304,,Critical assessment of Belgian reimbursement dossiers of orphan drugs,VABB-1,883,893,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314305,,Endometriosis cost assessment (the EndoCost study): a cost-of-illness study protocol,VABB-1,170,176,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314309,,The costs of breast cancer prior to and following diagnosis,VABB-1,311,317,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314315,,"Monoclonal antibodies: indications, budget impact and use",VABB-1,123,130,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314322,,Review of the cost-effectiveness of interventions to improve seamless care focusing on medication,VABB-1,909,917,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314326,,Non-health care costs associated with endometriosis,VABB-1,2363,2367,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314328,,Use of economic evaluation in decision making: evidence and recommendations for improvement,VABB-1,1917,1926,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314330,,"Efficacité d'une perte de poids chez des patients obèses, diabétiques de type 2 et avec Syndrome des Apnées Obstructives du Sommeil",VABB-1,,,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:314332,,Poly- plutôt que monothérapie médicamenteuse pour l'arrêt du tabac?,VABB-1,,,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:314333,,Informer plutôt que prescrire,VABB-1,,,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:314335,,Following up patients with depression after hospital discharge: a mixed methods approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314338,,Handel en wandel van glucosamine en Co,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314339,,Informeren in plaats van voorschrijven,VABB-1,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314342,,Combinatietherapie beter dan monotherapie bij rookstop?,VABB-1,,,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:314344,,Ajuga remota Benth.: from ethnopharmacology to phytomedical perspective in the treatment of malaria,VABB-1,1229,1239,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314353,,The impact of reference pricing systems in Europe: a literature review and case studies,VABB-1,729,737,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314354,,The Use of Intravenous Immunoglobulins in Belgium,VABB-1,173,176,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314364,,Change in psychotropic drug use among community-dwelling people aged 75 years and older in Finland: repeated cross-sectional population studies,VABB-1,1278,1284,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314366,,Biosimilar medicines and cost-effectiveness,VABB-1,29,36,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314382,,Health technology assessment and economic evaluation across jurisdictions,VABB-1,857,859,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314390,,How to assess the value of medicines?,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314400,,Addressing escalating health care costs in ageing populations by increasing generic medicine utilization,VABB-1,150,156,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314415,,Matrix models as an instrument to support generic medicine prescribing,VABB-1,334,341,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314416,,Lacosamide as adjunctive therapy for partial-onset epileptic seizures: a review of the clinical and economic literature,VABB-1,1329,1338,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314417,,Generic medicines sustain health care systems: a European analysis,VABB-1,28,33,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314433,,Barriers to medication counselling for people with mental health disorders: a six country study,VABB-1,122,131,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314442,,Drug use among persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus prior to diagnosis in Belgium,VABB-1,1001,1003,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314455,,Budget impact analysis of adjunctive therapy with lacosamide for partial-onset epileptic seizures in Belgium,VABB-1,299,304,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314461,,Market access of biosimilars: not only a cost issue,VABB-1,218,221,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314463,,"ABOP, the automatic patient information leaflet optimizer: evaluation of a tool in development",VABB-1,411,416,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314464,,"Determinants of mental health stigma among pharmacy students in Australia, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, India and Latvia",VABB-1,3,14,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314474,,Impact of Regulatory Safety Warnings on the Use of Antidepressants among Children and Adolescents in Finland,VABB-1,145,150,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314475,,Valorising and creating access to innovative medicines in the European Union,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314492,,Comment: Economic impact of therapeutic substitution of a brand selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor with an alternative generic selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor in patients with major depressive disorder,VABB-1,1169,1170,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314501,,A comparative analysis of remuneration models for pharmaceutical professional services,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314502,,Consumption patterns and in vitro resistance of S. pneumoniae to fluoroquinolones,VABB-1,3051,3053,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314508,,Kiovig for primary immunodeficiency: reduced infusion and decreased costs per infusion,VABB-1,1358,1361,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314521,,Health technology assessment of lacosamide as adjunctive therapy for partial-onset epileptic seizures,VABB-4,203,2012,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314522,,Public health and prevention in Europe: is it cost-effective?,VABB-1,151,155,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314524,,Generic and therapeutic substitution: ethics meets health economics,VABB-1,469,470,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314531,,Tendering for outpatient prescription pharmaceuticals: what can be learned from current practices in Europe?,VABB-1,146,152,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314533,,Kijken naar cel- en gentherapie als „geneesmiddel” – Technische en juridische uitdagingen in ATMP-ontwikkeling,VABB-1,1105,1111,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314536,,Creating sustainable European healthcare systems through increased use of generic medicines: a policy analysis,VABB-1,131,137,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314537,,Treatment of primary immunodeficiency with Kiovig: a literature review,VABB-1,142,149,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314538,,Continuous versus on-demand pharmacotherapy of allergic rhinitis: evidence and practice,VABB-1,615,25,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314539,,Geen octrooibescherming van genetische informatie bij functieverandering via verwerking in een biotechnologisch proces,VABB-1,213,216,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314541,,Pharmacoeconomics of anti-epileptic drugs as adjunctive therapy for refractory epilepsy,VABB-1,309,315,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314550,,Continuity and change in regional disparities in Belgium during the twentieth century,VABB-1,329,337,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314553,,The competitiveness of regions: a comparison between Belgian and German regions,VABB-1,274,287,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314556,,State aid and moral hazard in banking: the case of China in the late nineties,VABB-1,10,29,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314557,,The future of law and finance after the financial crisis. A perspective on regulation and corporate governance for banks,VABB-1,1551,1576,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314560,,The impact of incentives on creativity: a literature review,VABB-1,463,483,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314565,,"Auditor Differentiation, Mitigating Management Actions and Audit Reporting Accuracy for Distressed firms",VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314568,,The impact of corporate governance on IFRS adoption choices,VABB-1,1,39,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314573,,Can stock markets predict M&A failure? A study of European transactions in the fifth takeover wave,VABB-1,9,45,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314574,,"Legitimacy, trustee incentives, and board processes: the case of public and private non-profit nursing homes",VABB-1,224,245,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314578,,Corporate cash holdings: An increasingly important issue in corporate finance?,VABB-1,180,205,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314583,,Stock listing and financial flexibility,VABB-1,483,489,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314594,,Article contribution and subsequent citation rates: Evidence from European Accounting Review,VABB-1,837,855,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314596,,The impact of bank and non-bank financial institutions on local economic growth in China,VABB-1,179,199,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314597,,Cross-border exposures and financial contagion,VABB-1,209,240,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314602,,Study protocol of KLIMOP: a cohort study on the wellbeing of older cancer patients in Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-1,825,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314605,,Enhancing the educational interaction in Family Medicine registrar training in the clinical context,VABB-1,51,54,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314607,,Dealing with low-incident serious diseases in general practice,VABB-1,43,46,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314608,,Validation of the IMMIDIET Food Frequency Questionnaire in an adult Belgian population: A report from the Belgian case-control study on bladder cancer risk,VABB-1,18,25,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314609,,Once-yearly zoledronic acid in older men compared with women with recent hip fracture,VABB-1,2084,90,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314610,,Fibromen en infertiliteit,VABB-1,571,581,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314612,,Framework for the impact analysis and implementation of Clinical Prediction Rules (CPRs),VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314613,,Clinical Risk Factors for Recurrent Fracture after Hip Fracture: A Prospective Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314614,,Diagnosing dementia: no easy job,VABB-1,60,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314615,,Genetic Evidence Supporting the Association of Protease and Protease Inhibitor Genes with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314617,,To screen or not to screen for peripheral arterial disease in subjects aged 80 and over in primary health care: a cross-sectional analysis from the BELFRAIL study,VABB-1,39,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314618,,Associations Between Cytomegalovirus Infection and Functional Impairment and Frailty in the BELFRAIL Cohort,VABB-1,2201,2208,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314621,,Focus op talentvolle studenten geneeskunde,VABB-1,334,343,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314624,,The objective assessment of cough frequency: accuracy of the LR102 device,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314625,,Attracting and retaining GPs: a stakeholder survey of priorities,VABB-1,452,453,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314627,,Estimating GFR in the oldest old: does it matter what equation we use?,VABB-1,401,405,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314630,,Incident somatic comorbidity after psychosis: results from a retrospective cohort study based on Flemish general practice based data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314631,,Influence de la variation saisonnière sur la prévalence de la pré-eclampsie à Kinshasa,VABB-1,132,135,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:314632,,"Epidemiology of chronic non-cancer pain in Europe: narrative review of prevalence, pain treatments and pain impact",VABB-1,449,62,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314634,,The primary care physician and Alzheimer's disease: an international position paper (letter),VABB-1,595,596,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314635,,"Consumption of animal products, olive oil and dietary fat and results from the Belgian case-control study on bladder cancer risk",VABB-1,436,442,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314642,,"A roadmap of aging in Russia: the prevalence of frailty in the community-dwelling elderly in the St. Petersburg district—the ""Crystal"" study",VABB-1,980,988,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314645,,Mexicaanse greip: kennis en angsten bij de Vlamingen voor de start van de vaccinatiecampagne,VABB-1,331,335,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314646,,Multidisciplinary Team Meetings about a Patient in Primary Care: an explorative study,VABB-1,72,76,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314652,,A recursive approach to mortality-linked derivative pricing,VABB-1,240,248,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314653,,Atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 on S-passivated Ge,VABB-1,1553,1556,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314654,,Optimal capital allocation principles,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:314655,,Comonotonic approximations for a generalized provisioning problem with application to optimal portfolio selection,VABB-1,3245,3256,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314657,,Buy-and-hold strategies and comonotonic approximations,VABB-1,17,28,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314658,,Phenotypic and genome-wide analysis of an antibiotic-resistant small colony variant (SCV) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314659,,Safety of immunomodulatory therapy in patients with bronchiectasis associated with rheumatic disease and IBD: a retrospective and cohort analysis,VABB-1,367,373,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:314660,,Repeated invasive lung function measurements in intubated mice: an approach for longitudinal lung research,VABB-1,81,89,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314661,,Evaluation of transdermal fentanyl patch attachment in dogs and analysis of residual fentanyl content following removal,VABB-1,407,412,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314662,,Epicutaneous Immunotherapy Using a New Epicutaneous Delivery System in Mice Sensitized to Peanuts,VABB-1,299,309,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314665,,The impact of traffic air pollution on bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome and mortality after lung transplantation,VABB-1,748,754,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314666,,How much do resin-based dental materials release? A meta-analytical approach,VABB-1,723,747,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314667,,Airway exposure to hypochlorite prior to ovalbumin induces airway hyperreactivity without evidence for allergic sensitization,VABB-1,101,107,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314668,,Successful transfer of chemical-induced asthma by adoptive transfer of low amounts of lymphocytes in a mouse model,VABB-1,85,90,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314669,,Investigation of the cytotoxicity of nanozeolites A and Y,VABB-1,472,485,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314670,,Does Air Pollution Trigger Infant Mortality in Western Europe? A Case-Crossover Study,VABB-1,1017,1022,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314671,,A Model of Ex Vivo Perfusion of Porcine Donor Lungs Injured by Gastric Aspiration: A Step Towards Pretransplant Reconditioning,VABB-1,E159,E167,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314672,,Preemptive Therapy with Steroids but Not Macrolides Improves Gas Exchange in Caustic-Injured Donor Lungs,VABB-1,E141,E148,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314673,,Subclinical responses in healthy cyclists briefly exposed to traffic-related air pollution: an intervention study,VABB-1,64,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314674,,Selective Nasal Allergen Provocation Induces Substance P-mediated Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness,VABB-1,517,523,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314675,,Lung exposure to nanoparticles modulates an asthmatic response in a mouse model of asthma,VABB-1,299,309,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314676,,Voorspellen van de verwachte verzuimduur met de vragenlijst ArbeidsReïntegratie (VAR),VABB-1,7,13,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314677,,Supporting return-to-work in the face of legislation: stakeholders' experiences with return-to-work after breast cancer in Belgium,VABB-1,241,251,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:314679,,Traffic Air Pollution and Oxidized LDL,VABB-1,e16200,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314680,,Ethics of Screening,VABB-4,371,381,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314688,,Nurses’ perceptions of sexuality in institutionalized elderly: A literature review,VABB-1,1140,1154,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314690,,Teleheelkunde. Een ethische analyse,VABB-1,601,607,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314692,,Impact of Written Ethics Policy on Euthanasia From the Perspective of Physicians and Nurses. A Multiple Case Study in hospitals,VABB-1,49,60,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314693,,Experiential learning of empathy in a care-ethics lab,VABB-1,325,336,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314694,,A Review and Taxonomy of Argument-Based Ethics Literature regarding Conscientious Objections to End-of-Life Procedures,VABB-1,274,295,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314695,,A personalist approach to care ethics,VABB-1,161,173,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314699,,What's in a Name? Palliative Sedation in Belgium. Reply to Chambaere et al,VABB-1,E2,E5,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314700,,"Palliative sedation, not slow euthanasia: a prospective, longitudinal study of sedation in Flemish palliative care units",VABB-1,14,24,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314702,,Genetic testing and common disorders in a public health framework: how to assess relevance and possibilities. Background Document to the ESHG recommendations on genetic testing and common disorders,VABB-1,S6,S44,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314704,,Europese regelgeving en geneesmiddelen,VABB-1,1083,1092,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314705,,A comprehensive systematic review of the development process of 103 patient-reported outcomes (PROs) for physical activity in chronically ill and elderly people,VABB-1,1,116,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314706,,Monitoring Quality in a Federal State with shared Powers in Healthcare: The Case of Belgium,VABB-1,413,422,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314707,,Validity of instruments to measure physical activity may be questionable due to a lack of conceptual frameworks: a systematic review,VABB-1,86,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314708,,Users’ motivations to purchase direct-to-consumer genome-wide testing: an exploratory study of personal stories,VABB-1,135,146,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314712,,Is there a doctor in the house? The presence of physicians in the direct-to-consumer genetic testing context,VABB-1,105,112,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314720,,Medical liability in Belgium,VABB-4,61,96,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314727,,De rechten van de europatiënt. De individuele rechten van de patiënt in Richtlijn 2011/24/EU,VABB-1,558,564,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314729,,Towards a human right 'to be forgotten online'?,VABB-1,469,475,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314730,,Human Dignity and Human Tissue: A Meaningful Ethical Relationship?,VABB-1,552,556,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314732,,The psychometric properties and practicability of self-report instruments to identify medication non-adherence in adult transplant patients to date: a systematic review,VABB-1,205,219,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314734,,How to test electronic adherence monitoring devices for use in daily life: A conceptual framework,VABB-1,489,495,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314735,,Chronic illness management as an innovative pathway for enhancing long-term survival in transplantation,VABB-1,2262,2263,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314736,,Interventions used by health care professionals to enhance medication adherence in transplant patients: a survey of current clinical practice,VABB-1,322,331,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314737,,Diversified Harmony. Supranational and Domestic Regulation of Pediatric Clinical Trials in the European Union,VABB-1,S183,198,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314739,,Het beroepsgeheim van de adviserende arts in de private verzekering,VABB-1,858,869,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314740,,Emergency Department Triage: an Ethical Analysis,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314742,,The medically examined applicant for private insurance and his/her right to informed consent. A comparative analysis,VABB-1,319,330,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314743,,“Het afleveren van een medische verklaring bij private verzekeringen: een verklaring over de huidige gezondheidstoestand afgeleverd aan de verzekerde zelf” (noot onder Gent 18 maart 2010),VABB-1,401,405,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314744,,“De medische verklaring over de doodsoorzaak: strikte of ruime interpretatie?” (noot onder Antwerpen 25 maart 2009),VABB-1,618,623,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314746,,The fetal respiratory system as target for antenatal therapy,VABB-1,22,35,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314747,,Advance Directives,VABB-4,219,227,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314749,,"Children, Biobanks and the Scope of Parental Consent",VABB-1,735,739,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314752,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2011/11. Synthon BV v. Merz Pharma GmbH & Co. KGaA, 28 July 2011 (C-195/09)",VABB-1,572,577,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:314753,,European Court of Justice. ECJ 2011/10 Joao Filipe da Silva Martins v. Bank Betriebskrankenkasse--Pflegekasse 30 June 2011 (C-388/09),VABB-1,563,577,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314754,,"ECJ 2011/9, MSD Sharp 7 Dohme GmbH v. Merckle GmbH, 5 May 2011 (case C-316/09)",VABB-1,441,445,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314755,,"ECJ 2011/ 8 Novo Nordisk AS v. Ravimiamet, 5 May 2011 (C-249/09)",VABB-1,437,441,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314757,,"ECJ 2011/*, Commission v. France, 16 December 2010 (Case C-89/09)",VABB-1,345,350,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:314760,,To be is to care: a philosophical-ethical analysis of care with a view from nursing,VABB-4,15,31,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314761,,"Care, compassion and recognition: an ethical discussion",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314764,,Closure of population biobanks and direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies,VABB-1,425,432,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314766,,Telepsychiatrie en de betekenis van persoon-tot-persooncontact: een voorlopige pesonalistisch-ethische analyse,VABB-1,493,499,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314767,,Preconceptional genetic carrier testing and the commercial offer directly-to-consumers,VABB-1,972,977,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314768,,Statement of the ESHG on direct-to-consumer genetic testing for health-related purposes European Society of Human Genetics,VABB-1,1271,1273,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314771,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2011/1, Commission v. France, 5 October 2010 (case C-152/08)",VABB-1,93,97,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:314772,,Children and biobanks: A review of the ethical and legal discussion,VABB-1,403,413,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314773,,International survey on attitudes towards ethics in health technology assessment: an exploratory study,VABB-1,50,54,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314774,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2011/2, 5 October 2010 (case C-173/09)",VABB-1,97,106,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314776,,The Storage and Use of Biological Tissue Samples from Minors for Research: A Focus Group Study,VABB-1,68,76,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314778,,The fetal patient - ethical aspects of fetal therapy,VABB-1,221,227,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314780,,Europe and direct-to-consumer genetic tests,VABB-1,10.1038/nrg3073,c1,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314782,,European Court of Justice. ECJ 2011/5 9 December 2010 (C-421/09),VABB-1,242,245,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314789,,Return to work after arthroscopic subacromial decompression,VABB-1,737,742,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314790,,"The effect of pre-pregnancy BMI on intention, initiation and duration of breast-feeding",VABB-1,840,848,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:314791,,Short-term exposure to particulate matter induces arterial but not venous thrombosis in healthy mice,VABB-1,2651,2661,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314793,,Revealing age-specific past and future unrelated costs of pneumococcal infections by flexible generalized estimating equations,VABB-1,1533,1547,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314794,,Occupational therapy and return to work: a systematic literature review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314795,,Determinants and nutritional implications associated with low-fat food consumption,VABB-1,34,38,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:314797,,"Socioeconomic, health, and dietary determinants of multivitamin supplements use in Belgium",VABB-1,289,294,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314798,,Obesitas en zwangerschap: een wetenschappelijke basis voor een nutritioneel beeld,VABB-1,5,13,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:314799,,Occupational allergic contact dermatitis caused by rhodium solutions,VABB-1,158,161,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314800,,"Appearance of konzo in South-Kivu, a wartorn area in the Democratic Republic of Congo",VABB-1,644,649,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314804,,"Parva Naturalia, Commentaries on Aristotle's",VABB-4,917,923,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314805,,Aristotle Transmitted: Reflections on the Transmission of Aristotelian Scientific Thought in the Middle Ages,VABB-1,325,353,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314807,,Sicut vidi et tetigi... Ego-statements and Experience in Pietro d'Abano's Expositio Problematum Aristotelis,VABB-4,405,426,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314811,,Philosophy of action,VABB-4,222,227,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314816,,Animals and Anthropology in Medieval Philosophy,VABB-4,153,177,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314821,,Ethische principes in de logopedische praktijk,VABB-1,11,14,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:314825,,Alia translatio planior: les traductions latines du De generatione et corruptione et les commentateurs médiévaux,VABB-4,27,53,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:314827,,De progressu animalium. De motu animalium. Translatio Guillemi de Morbeka,VABB-2,,,,lat,2011,2 c:vabb:314828,,De motu animalium. Fragmenta translationis anonymae,VABB-2,,,,lat,2011,2 c:vabb:314830,,Parental perception of overweight and underweight in children and adolescents,VABB-1,260,5,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314831,,Maternal and gestational factors and micronucleus frequencies in umbilical blood: the NewGeneris Rhea cohort in Crete,VABB-1,1460,1465,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314832,,Are ICSI adolescents at risk for increased adiposity?,VABB-1,257,264,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:314833,,Waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio in Norwegian children 4-18 years of age: reference values and cut-off levels,VABB-1,1576,1582,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314834,,A Novel Method for the Nonradiological Assessment of Ineffective Swallowing,VABB-1,1796,1802,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314838,,Al-Ghazali,VABB-4,358,365,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:314840,,Fakhr al-Din Al-Razi on God and the Trinity,VABB-1,113,126,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314842,,Muhil Din al-Isfahani,VABB-4,755,758,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314843,,Michael the Syrian,VABB-4,736,741,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314844,,Two texts from Sbath 1002,VABB-4,704,707,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314846,,Bibliographia Academica Prof. Dr. Boudewijn Dehandschutter,VABB-4,17,33,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:314847,,"Elias II, Ibn al-Muqli",VABB-4,418,421,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314848,,Makkikha ibn Sulayman al-Qankani,VABB-4,323,328,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314849,,Yahya ibn Jarir,VABB-4,280,286,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314853,,Elenchus Bibliographicus – Historia theologiae et theologorum. Theologia ascetico-mystica,VABB-1,17*,"144*,",,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314856,,Cardinal Paul-Émile Léger and the Establishment of the Mixed Commission on Revelation,VABB-4,184,207,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314859,,Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History III 1050-1200,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314860,,"Eastern Christians and Their Written Heritage. Manuscripts, Scribes and Context",VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314861,,The Mikhail Sado Collection of Syriac Manuscripts in St Petersburg,VABB-4,43,76,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314862,,Kerk en wereldlijke macht: van Constantijn tot Atatürk,VABB-4,79,90,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314863,,The Idea of Perfection in the Spiritual Works of Gregory Barhebraeus (1226-1286),VABB-4,195,203,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314866,,Historical-critical Thomas Research and the Debate on the 'Scientific' Nature of Theology in the 1930s,VABB-1,527,561,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314867,,Augustine on Marriage: A Comparison of De bono coniugali and De nuptiis et concupiscentia,VABB-1,32,52,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:314868,,De liturgische beweging in context,VABB-1,186,208,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314869,,Ad christianam fidem pigrius movebatur (Conf. vii.xx(25)) : Alypius' more reluctant move to the Christian faith (compared to Augustine) : Part 2: Between conversion and baptism,VABB-1,193,234,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314870,,Logic and the Trinity: Introducing Text and Context of Gregory of Nyssa's Ad Graecos,VABB-4,111,131,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314871,,In memoriam Boudewijn Dehandschutter,VABB-1,405,411,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314872,,Modernism and the Problematic Relation between History and Theology. The Search for a Compromise by Louvain Historians and Theologians (1870-1910),VABB-1,59,78,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314873,,Accomplishing One’s Essence: The Role of Meditation in the Theology of Gabriel Biel,VABB-4,126,151,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314875,,"God and Humans in Islamic Thought: `Abd al-Jabbār, Ibn Sīnā and al-Ghazālī",VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314877,,"Vernacular Bibles in the Low Countries, Between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era",VABB-5,155,168,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314878,,The Liturgical Movement in Germany and the Low Countries,VABB-4,91,121,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314879,,Jerusalem und Babylon. Die Lehre des Augustinus von den zwei Städten in ihrem Kontext,VABB-1,536,545,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:314880,,Jerusalem and Babylon: Augustine's Two Cities in Context,VABB-1,71,81,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314881,,The Principle of Detachment from Private Property in Basil of Caesarea's Homily 6 and Its Context,VABB-4,173,198,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314882,,Reading Patristic Texts on Social Ethics: Issues and Challenges for 21st Century Christian Social Thought,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314884,,The Importance of Diaries for the Study of Vatican II,VABB-4,9,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314886,,The Grand Silence of St. Joseph: Devotion to St. Joseph and the Seventeenth Century Crisis of Mysticism in the Jesuit Order,VABB-4,137,150,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314887,,La théologie catholique entre intransigeance et renouveau: La réception des mouvements préconciliaires à Vatican II,VABB-3,,,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:314890,,"Habitare Christum per fidem in cordibus uestris (Eph. 3,17). Brève présentation de l’approche biblique d’Augustin sur les questions doctrinales de ses Sermons",VABB-1,367,376,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:314891,,Het triniteitsdenken van Catherine M. LaCugna onder de loep van Jan van Ruusbroec,VABB-1,298,315,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314893,,"Sermones 29 and 29A on Ps. 117, 1 (118, 1): Two Early Carthaginian Sermones on the Meaning of Confessio during the Vigil of Pentecost?",VABB-4,75,95,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314898,,Recherches et publications récentes autour de Vatican II,VABB-1,321,373,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:314900,,Hekserijbestraffing met twee snelheden. Peilen naar geografische verschillen in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden,VABB-4,317,343,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314902,,"Augustine’s Exegesis of 1Tim. 1,15-16 and Rom. 6,12-13. A Specific Use of the Scriptures within the Anti-Pelagian Sermones",VABB-1,130,148,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314903,,La tradition mystique chrétienne et la dignité de la personne humaine,VABB-1,15,42,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:314904,,Patristics in Belgium around 1911: Universities and Beyond,VABB-1,140,163,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314905,,Gerusalemme e Babilonia. La dottrina agostiniana delle due città nel suo contesto,VABB-1,123,135,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:314908,,Episcopal Elections in Late Antiquity: Structures and Perpectives,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314909,,The Prayer Theme in Augustine’s Sermones ad Populum at the Time of the Pelagian Controversy. A Pastoral Thematizing of a Focal Point of his Doctrine of Grace,VABB-1,379,408,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314910,,La mission par quatre chemins… Les origines des vice provinces gréco-catholiques des rédemptoristes belges en Ukraine et au Canada (1879-1919),VABB-1,558,583,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:314911,,"Prudence in Lipsius’ Monita et exempla politica: Stoic Virtue, Aristotelian Virtue or Not a Virtue at all?",VABB-4,233,262,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314913,,"Solomon Writing and Resting: Tradition, Words and Images in the 1548 Dutch ‘Louvain Bible’",VABB-4,181,213,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314915,,Vatican Diplomacy After the Cuban Missile Crisis. New Light on the Release of Josyf Slipyj,VABB-1,679,712,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314917,,Role of Prayer in Augustine’s Works to the Monks of Hadrumetum and Marseilles,VABB-1,367,684,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314919,,The Impact of the Status of Religion in Contemporary Society upon Interreligious Learning,VABB-1,21,53,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314920,,Rituals' Narrative Logics,VABB-1,113,126,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314921,,"Geven we niet beter de ‘eerste communie’ bij elke doopviering, ook bij die van zuigelingen?",VABB-1,275,287,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314922,,Weet wat je zegt en zingt in de liturgie,VABB-1,227,233,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314926,,Is Physical Touch a Prophetic Act? A Case Study,VABB-4,47,57,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314927,,The Perspective of Mental Disability Care on Asymmetry in the Care-Relationship. Towards Empowering Compassion,VABB-4,117,130,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314930,,Het voorwaardelijk gedeelde beroepsgeheim bij het uitwisselen van informatie in een team of netwerk. Revisie van een ethisch advies,VABB-1,841,849,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314931,,The Struggle for Recognition: a Festive Perspective,VABB-1,105,130,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314932,,De zelfgave van pater Damiaan als inspiratie voor pastores? Over versluierde machtsaanspraken en een evenwichtige spiritualiteit,VABB-1,185,198,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314939,,Fragile Identities. Towards a Theology of Interreligious Dialogue,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314941,,Nieuwe wegen en bekende horizonten in een niet meer zo vertrouwd landschap. De theologische studie van liturgie en sacramenten,VABB-1,61,75,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314948,,Rehabilitating Johann Adam Möhler’s Sacramental Insights,VABB-1,77,100,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:314951,,"Power, justice, asymmetry and relationality in pastoral care and parent-childrelationships",VABB-1,204,218,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314952,,Ricoeur on the (Im-)possibility of a Global Ethics Towards an Ethics of Fragile Interreligious Compromises,VABB-1,440,461,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:314953,,Empowering Children in Religious Education: Rethinking Power Dynamics,VABB-1,4,12,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314957,,A Theological Encounter with Louis-Marie Chauvet: A Survey of Recent Anglophone Literature,VABB-1,46,85,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314963,,Le partage d'informations en soins de santé mentale. Un avis éthique,VABB-1,40,47,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:314964,,Somewhere in Between. Children with Divorced Parents as a Challenge for Pastoral Theological Thinking,VABB-1,208,215,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:314965,,"A Liturgical Study of the proper prayers for St Charles of St Andrew Houben, C.P. (1) The Opening Prayer",VABB-1,28,44,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314966,,"Empowerment, Resilience and Vulnerability. Prophetic Pastoral Care and Counseling in Light of the Kin-dom of God",VABB-4,235,242,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314967,,Prophetic Witness in World Christianities. Rethinking Pastoral Care and Counseling,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314969,,"Truth, Orthodoxy, and the Nouvelle Théologie: Truth as Issue in a 'Second Modernist Crisis' (1946-1950)",VABB-4,149,182,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314970,,Christelijke gemeenschapsvorming: vitaal! Enkele reflecties,VABB-1,71,86,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314973,,The Silence of Jonah and the Boundaries of Forgiveness. Dialoguing with Adele Reinhartz,VABB-4,29,38,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314974,,Caritas: powerful ecclesiastical salvific action. Aspects of diaconal service in light of power mechanisms,VABB-1,66,80,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314975,,Good News for Children? Towards a Biblical Hermeneutic of Texts of Terror,VABB-1,164,182,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:314976,,Welke gemeenschap heeft de liturgie nodig?,VABB-1,122,135,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:314978,,Penser l'eucharistie. De l'herméneutique à la spéculation,VABB-1,129,145,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:314993,,Sexual counseling of cardiovascular patients in Europe: Culture matters,VABB-1,1092,1099,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314994,,Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing and SF-36 In Patients With Atrial Septal Defect Type Secundum,VABB-1,308,315,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314995,,"The Use of ""Lives Saved"" Measures in Nurse Staffing and Patient Safety Research: Statistical Considerations",VABB-1,100,106,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314997,,Researching lived experience in health care: Significance for care ethics,VABB-1,232,242,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314998,,Measurement of itching: Validation of the Leuven Itch Scale,VABB-1,939,950,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:314999,,The outcome of Eisenmenger patients with trisomy 21 does not differ from patients without trisomy 21,VABB-1,293,301,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315000,,Transfer of adolescents with congenital heart disease from pediatric cardiology to adult health care: an analysis of transfer destinations,VABB-1,2368,2374,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315003,,Non-pharmacological management of osteoporosis: a consensus of the Belgian Bone Club,VABB-1,2769,2788,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315004,,Sequential therapy in the treatment of osteoporosis,VABB-1,1149,1155,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315005,,Patient-reported outcomes in adult survivors with single ventricle physiology,VABB-1,36,42,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315006,,Measuring knowledge of patients with congenital heart disease and their parents: Validity of the ‘Leuven Knowledge Questionnaire for Congenital Heart Disease’,VABB-1,77,84,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315007,,What does it mean to grow up with juvenile idiopathic arthritis? A qualitative study on the perspectives of patients,VABB-1,459,465,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315013,,The patients' perspective on fertility care: a systematic review,VABB-1,467,487,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315014,,Longitudinal analysis of patterns and predictors of changes in self-reported adherence to antiretroviral therapy: Swiss HIV Cohort Study,VABB-1,197,203,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315015,,Physicians underestimate the importance of patient-centredness to,VABB-1,584,593,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315016,,Effectiveness of chest pain unit care after implementation of a critical pathway,VABB-1,30,34,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315019,,GAVeCeLT* consensus statement on the correct use of totally implantable venous access devices for diagnostic radiology procedures,VABB-1,292,305,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315024,,Increased adherence after switch from twice daily calcineurin inhibitor based treatment to once daily modified released tacrolimus in heart transplantation: A pre-experimental study,VABB-1,4238,4242,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315025,,Which interventions are used to enhance medication adherence in cardiovascular patients? A survey of current practice,VABB-1,14,21,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315026,,Comparison of a computer assisted learning program to standard education tools in hospitalized heart failure patients,VABB-1,187,193,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315027,,Validity of 2 sleep quality items to be used in a larger cohort study of kidney transplant recipients,VABB-1,27,35,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315030,,Excessive daytime sleepiness is associated with poor medication adherence in adults with heart failure,VABB-1,340,348,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315033,,"Nursing staff attitudes of hip protector use in long-term care, and differences in characteristics between adherent and non-adherent residents: A survey and observational study",VABB-1,193,203,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315034,,ASH positioning paper: Adherence and persistence with taking medication to control high blood pressure,VABB-1,757,764,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315036,,"Broosheid bij ouderen of ""frailty"": het geriatrisch kernsyndroom ontleed",VABB-1,1059,1070,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315037,,Nonadherence to imatinib treatment in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors: the ADAGIO study,VABB-1,1407,1409,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315038,,Problem alcohol drinking after liver transplantation is associated with graft injury,VABB-1,345,359,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315039,,Impact of a care pathway for in-hospital management of COPD exacerbation: a systematic review,VABB-1,1445,1456,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315040,,Pregnancy in women with corrected tetralogy of Fallot: Occurrence and predictors of adverse events,VABB-1,307,313,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315041,,Sensory perceptions of oncology patients undergoing surgical insertion of a totally implantable venous access device: a qualitative exploratory study,VABB-1,E20,E26,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315042,,Immediate versus delayed self-reporting of symptoms and side effects during chemotherapy: Does timing matter?,VABB-1,130,136,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315043,,Prevalence of accurate nursing documentation in patient records,VABB-1,2481,2489,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315044,,"Prospective clinical evaluation of the POLYPERF® Safe, a safety Huber needle, in cancer patients",VABB-1,200,206,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315045,,Content validity and internal consistency of the Dutch translation of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire: An observational study,VABB-1,327,337,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:315047,,Risk for poor outcomes in older patients discharged from an emergency department: feasibility of four screening instruments,VABB-1,215,220,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315048,,Influence of percutaneous transcatheter closure of an atrial septal defect on the atrio-ventricular conduction,VABB-1,309,314,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315049,,Sense of Coherence as a predictor of quality of life in adolescents with congenital heart defects: a register-based 1-year follow-up study,VABB-1,316,327,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315050,,Is er behoefte aan een specialisatieopleiding voor cardiovasculaire verpleegkundigen in België?,VABB-1,303,309,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315051,,Systematic review: Malfunction of totally implantable venous access devices in cancer patients,VABB-1,883,898,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315052,,The Prevalence and Correlates of Self-reported Non-adherence: The Belgian Compliance Study in Ophthalmology (BCSO),VABB-1,414,421,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315053,,"Nurse Forecasting in Europe (RN4CAST): Rationale, design and methodology",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315054,,First-generation versus third-generation comprehensive geriatric sssessment instruments in the acute hospital setting: A comparison of the Minimum Geriatric Screening Tools (MGST) and the interRAI Acute Care (interRAI AC),VABB-1,638,644,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315055,,"Farmacologische osteoporosebehandeling, valpreventieve maatregelen en geriatrische nazorg in het kader van een zorgpad voor heupfractuurpatiënten",VABB-1,205,214,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315062,,Het patiëntenperspectief op endometriosezorg. Systematisch literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,1124,1131,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315064,,Exploring the relation between process design and efficiency in high-volume cataract pathways from a lean thinking perspective,VABB-1,83,93,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315065,,What factors influence the prevalence and accuracy of nursing diagnoses documentation in clinical practice? A systematic literature review,VABB-1,2386,2403,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315066,,Pay-for-performance step-by-step: introduction to the MIMIQ model,VABB-1,8,17,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315068,,Is variation in the content of care pathways leading to quality and patient safety problems?,VABB-1,770,771,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315069,,"Effect of an inpatient geriatric consultation team on functional outcome, mortality, institutionalization, and readmission rate in older adults with hip fracture: a controlled trial",VABB-1,1299,1308,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315071,,The 3-blackboard method as consensus development exercise for building care pathways,VABB-1,49,52,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315073,,Patient-Reported Outcomes (PRO's) in glaucoma: A systematic review,VABB-1,555,557,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315074,,Adherence-enhancing education in adolescent liver transplant recipients: discrepancy between beliefs and practice in healthcare providers,VABB-1,148,156,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315075,,"The spectrum of nonadherence with medication in heart, liver, and lung tranplant patients assessed in various ways",VABB-1,882,891,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315078,,Patient knowledge of and adherence to oral anticoagulation therapy after mechanical heart valve replacement for congenital or acquired valve defects,VABB-1,139,146,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315085,,Trends in PACS architecture,VABB-1,199,204,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315086,,Looking Toward the End: Revisiting Aquinas' Teleological Ethics,VABB-1,388,400,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315088,,In de ban van de neurowetenschappen?,VABB-1,363,379,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315089,,"Die Ökonomie überdenken - ein Anliegen der Liebe oder der Gerechtigkeit? Das Kompendium der Soziallehre der Kirche und die Enzyklika ""Caritas in Veritate""",VABB-1,554,564,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:315094,,“We are (not) the master of our body”. Elderly Jewish Women’s Attitudes towards Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide,VABB-1,259,278,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315096,,Historische bouwstenen voor een hedendaagse consistente relationele en seksuele ethiek in christelijk perspectief,VABB-1,87,102,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315097,,Orthodox Jewish Perspectives on Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment,VABB-1,835,846,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315098,,Can Liturgy Save the World? A Response to David Pratt,VABB-4,201,206,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315099,,American Jewish Approaches to Contemporary Ethical Issues in Medicine: the Case of Organ Retrieval from Brain-dead Donors,VABB-1,365,379,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315101,,The Victim as Prophet? Isaiah's Songs of the Suffering Servant Read in Kinshasa,VABB-4,185,192,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315102,,The Diverse Influence of Religion and World View on Palliative-care Nurses’ Attitudes to Euthanasia,VABB-1,36,56,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315103,,The Attitudes of Indian Palliative-Care Nurses and Physicians toward Pain Control and Palliative Sedation,VABB-1,33,41,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315104,,The Ongoing Charity of Organ Donation. Contemporary English Sunni Fatwas on Organ Donation and Blood Transfusion,VABB-1,167,175,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315110,,Passion for Mercy and Justice. Biblical and Ethical Perspectives on Prophetic Pastoral Care and Counseling,VABB-4,61,90,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315113,,Living in the Hands of God. English Sunni E-Fatwas on (non-)Voluntary Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide,VABB-1,29,41,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315114,,Evangisatie tussen vernieuwing en conservatisme. Nieuwe bewegingen in de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk,VABB-1,431,447,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:315115,,Forgiveness as Confirmation and Surpassing of Ethics: A Philosophical and Christian Perspective,VABB-4,163,184,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315117,,Religion and Politics: Revisiting an Old Problem in Light of Different Model of Thought,VABB-1,13,36,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315118,,Can Curative or Life-sustaining Treatment Be Withheld or Withdrawn? The Opinions and Views of Indian Palliative-care Nurses and Physicians,VABB-1,5,18,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315121,,"Natuur en/of cultuur? Evolutie, brein en vrije wil",VABB-1,421,442,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315122,,Uitgesproken theologisch. Essays naar aanleiding van 50 jaar TvT,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315123,,Het Goede als belofte. Een theologisch-antropologisch perspectief op de fundamentele moraaltheologie,VABB-1,47,60,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315127,,Country versus sector factors in equity returns: The roles of non-unit exposures,VABB-1,64,77,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315128,,Technologieakquisition und Marktstellung,VABB-4,27,42,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:315129,,"Small business owners’ success criteria, a values approach to personal differences",VABB-1,207,232,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315138,,Economics of the R&D support process,VABB-1,335,345,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315141,,Innovation and internationalization through exports,VABB-1,56,75,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315148,,Optimized data fusion for K-means Laplacian Clustering,VABB-1,118,126,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315149,,ESSS 2010: A review of the inaugurational European Summer School for Scientometrics in Berlin,VABB-1,235,236,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315152,,The footmarks of Eugene Garfield in the journal Scientometrics,VABB-1,177,183,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315153,,Financing constraints for industrial innovation: What do we know?,VABB-1,346,362,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315155,,Industrial research versus development investment: The implications of financial constraints,VABB-1,527,544,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315158,,"Relational practices, participative organizing",VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315159,,Entry and exit of firms in a global economy: A cross-country and industry analysis,VABB-1,1240,1257,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315172,,Using `core documents' for the representation of clusters and topics,VABB-1,297,309,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315173,,A priori vs. a posteriori normalisation of citation indicators,VABB-1,415,424,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315174,,The application of characteristic scores and scales to the evaluation and ranking of scientific journals,VABB-1,40,48,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315175,,"Publication activity, citation impact and bi-directional links between publications and patents in biotechnology",VABB-1,505,525,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315177,,Thinking along: a process for tapping into knowledge across boundaries,VABB-1,69,88,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315179,,Improving SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) subject classification through reference analysis,VABB-1,741,758,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315180,,Hybrid clustering of multi-view data via Tucker-2 model and its application,VABB-1,819,839,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315181,,The Party Political Make-Up of EU Legislative Bodies,VABB-4,137,147,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315182,,The diffusion of H-related literature,VABB-1,583,593,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315183,,The appointment of the commission and its role in the legislative process in the European union,VABB-1,156,174,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315184,,Treaty reform and the commission’s appointment and policy making role in the European Union,VABB-1,291,314,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315185,,Entrepreneurial effectiveness of European universities: An empirical assessment of antecedents and trade-offs,VABB-1,553,564,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315186,,Boosting innovation in Europe,VABB-1,264,286,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315188,,The great divide in scientific productivity: why the average scientist does not exist,VABB-1,295,336,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315189,,Capturing spillovers: complementarities in innovation strategy and the link to science,VABB-1,136,155,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315190,,Political Business Strategies and the Political Economy of Transatlantic Trade: Airbus and Boeing,VABB-1,224,243,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315192,,Universiteit en hogeschool van de toekomst: hoe kunnen we de begane paden verlaten?,VABB-1,223,228,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:315193,,"Innovation policy, entrepreneurship, and development: a Finnish view",VABB-4,179,193,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315198,,Wacky patents meet economic indicators,VABB-1,131,134,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315203,,The university as an engine of economic growth,VABB-1,167,180,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315204,,Pricing with the help of the choke price,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315205,,"Patent protection, market uncertainty, and R&D investment",VABB-1,147,159,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315206,,General and specific social learning mechanisms in foreign investment location choice,VABB-1,1309,1330,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315207,,Universities and industrial performance: an empirical assessment on the level of Italian provinces,VABB-4,106,133,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315224,,Where to measure the Deterrence effects of merger policy tools: frequency or composition,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315230,,Financial constraints: Routine versus cutting edge R&D investment,VABB-1,121,157,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315234,,Internationalization strategies and performance of small and medium sized enterprises.The case of Belgium,VABB-1,128,146,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315235,,Evaluating the impact of R&D tax credits on innovation: A microeconometric study on Canadian firms,VABB-1,217,229,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315236,,Industry funding of university research and scientific productivity,VABB-1,534,555,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315237,,Inverted U relations and innovative activities,VABB-1,298,308,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315238,,Pricing with the help of the choke price,VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315241,,A family of generalized linear models for repeated measures with normal and conjugate random effects,VABB-1,32,357,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315242,,Prospective Evaluation of (11)C-Choline Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography and Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Nodal Staging of Prostate Cancer with a High Risk of Lymph Node Metastases,VABB-1,125,130,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315244,,Factors predicting the quality of total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer,VABB-1,982,988,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315245,,Frequent activation of EGFR in advanced chordomas,VABB-1,1,20,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315247,,Human third molars development: Comparison of 9 country specific populations,VABB-1,102,105,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315250,,An application of Harrell's C-index to PH frailty models,VABB-1,3160,3171,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315251,,Dose-escalation models for combination phase I trials in oncology,VABB-1,2870,2878,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315252,,Hurdle models for multilevel zero-inflated data via h-likelihood,VABB-1,3294,3310,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315253,,Discriminant analysis using a multivariate linear mixed model with a normal mixture in the random effects distribution,VABB-1,3267,3283,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315255,,Bayesian latent variable models for spatially correlated tooth-level binary data in caries research,VABB-1,25,47,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315258,,Prediction of the Response to Peg-Interferon-Alfa in Patients With HBeAg Positive Chronic Hepatitis B Using Decline of HBV DNA During Treatment,VABB-1,1135,1142,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315259,,The relation of near-infrared spectroscopy with changes in peripheral circulation in critically ill patients,VABB-1,1649,1654,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315260,,Logistic random effects regression models: a comparison of statistical packages for binary and ordinal outcomes,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315261,,Intraluminal Thrombus in Facilitated Versus Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention An Angiographic Substudy of the ASSENT-4 PCI (Assessment of the Safety and Efficacy of a New Treatment Strategy With Percutaneous Coronary Intervention) Trial,VABB-1,1867,1873,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315265,,Lip and tongue pressure in orthodontic patients,VABB-1,466,71,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315266,,Impact of self-esteem on the relationship between orthodontic treatment need and oral health-related quality of life in 11- to 16-year-old children,VABB-1,731,737,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:315268,,The Use of Semi-parametric Mixed Models to Analyze PamChip Peptide Array Data: an Application to an Oncology Experiment,VABB-1,2859,2865,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315271,,An up to 3-year controlled clinical trial comparing the outcome of glass fibre posts and composite cores with gold-alloy bases posts and cores for the restoration of endodontically treated teeth,VABB-1,363,372,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315276,,Information-theoretic approach to surrogate markers evaluation with failure time endpoints,VABB-1,195,214,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315277,,"Measurement, analysis and interpretation of examiner reliability in caries experience surveys: some methodological thoughts",VABB-1,117,127,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:315278,,Forensic oral imaging quality of hand-held dental X-ray devices: Comparison of two image receptors and two devices,VABB-1,20,27,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315280,,Metformin therapy to reduce weight gain and visceral adiposity in children and adolescents with neurogenic or myogenic motor deficit,VABB-1,61,69,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315282,,Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin at ICU admission predicts for acute kidney injury in adult patients,VABB-1,907,14,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315283,,Estimating negative variance components from Gaussian and non-Gaussian data: a mixed models approach,VABB-1,1071,1085,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315284,,"On the Weibull-Gamma frailty model, its infinite moments, and its connection to generalized log-logistic, logistic, Cauchy, and extreme-value distributions",VABB-1,861,868,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315286,,Human dental age estimation by calculation of pulp/tooth volume ratios yielded on clinically acquired cone beam computed tomography images of monoradicular teeth,VABB-1,S77,S82,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315287,,The effect of trabeculectomy on ocular pulse amplitude,VABB-1,231,235,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315289,,Preoperative nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug or steroid and outcomes after trabeculectomy: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1324,30,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315290,,Agreement and Accuracy of Non-Expert Ophthalmologists in Assessing Glaucomatous Changes in Serial Stereo Optic Disc Photographs,VABB-1,742,746,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315292,,Modeling the asymmetric evolution of a mouse and rat-specific microRNA gene cluster intron 10 of the Sfmbt2 gene,VABB-1,257,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315293,,Comparison of two cone beam computed tomographic systems versus panoramic imaging for localization of impacted maxillary canines and detection of root resorption,VABB-1,93,102,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315298,,Outcome Predictors of Radical Prostatectomy in Patients With Prostate-Specific Antigen Greater Than 20 ng/ml: A European Multi-Institutional Study of 712 Patients,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315299,,Human dental age estimation using third molar developmental stages: Accuracy of age predictions not using country specific information,VABB-1,106,111,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315300,,Donor cause of brain death and related time intervals: does it affect outcome after lung transplantation?,VABB-1,E68,E76,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315301,,Single-lung transplantation: does side matter?,VABB-1,E83,E92,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315302,,Comparison of pig behaviour when given a sequence of enrichment objects or a chain continuously,VABB-1,641,649,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315305,,"Professional responsibility. Persistent commitment, perpetual vulnerability?",VABB-4,113,126,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315310,,Using students’ motivational and learning profiles in investigating their perceptions and achievement in case-based and lecture-based learning environments,VABB-1,491,506,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:315311,,Constraint's expanded field : novelization as an example of multiply constrained writing,VABB-1,51,79,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315313,,La alternancia O/como en complementos predicativos con verbos de proceso mental : una cuestión de ajuste focal,VABB-1,49,77,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:315314,,Spanish ya: a conceptual pragmatic anchor,VABB-1,73,98,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315315,,The survival of 19th-Century Scientific Optimism : The Public Discourse on Science in Belgium in the Aftermath of the Great War (ca. 1919-1930),VABB-1,280,305,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315316,,The revelation of a modern saint: Marie Curie's scientific asceticism and the culture of professionalised science,VABB-4,171,189,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315317,,"The association between urinary kidney injury molecule 1 and urinary cadmium in elderly during long-term, low-dose cadmium exposure: a pilot study",VABB-1,77,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315320,,Bone resorption and environmental exposure to cadmium in children: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,104,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315321,,Public health importance of triggers of myocardial infarction: a comparative risk assessment,VABB-1,732,740,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315322,,An epidemiological reappraisal of the familial aggregation of prostate cancer: a meta-analysis,VABB-1,e27130,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315327,,Online journals: paying or delaying?,VABB-1,984,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315342,,Trends and complementarities in the Canadian automobile industry,VABB-4,240,283,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315345,,Global value chains in the automotive industry: an enhanced role for developing countries,VABB-1,181,205,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315347,,Wages equal productivity. Fact or fiction?,VABB-1,1333,1346,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315348,,Dissecting intra-industry trade,VABB-1,71,75,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315349,,Constructing a knowledge economy composite indicator with imprecise data: a proposal,VABB-1,10940,10949,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315350,,Big and beautiful? On non-parametrically measuring scale economies in non-convex technologies,VABB-1,213,226,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315352,,Evaluating efficient public good provision: theory and evidence from a generalised conditional efficiency model for public libraries,VABB-1,319,327,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315353,,Accounting for exogenous influences in performance evaluations of teachers,VABB-1,641,653,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315354,,Does school time matter? On the impact of compulsory education age on school dropout,VABB-1,1384,1398,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315355,,Invloed van leerplichtwet op voortijdig schoolverlaten,VABB-1,166,169,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315357,,Is big better? On Scale and scope economies in the Portuguese water sector,VABB-1,1009,1016,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315359,,Global Governance and the Certification Revolution,VABB-4,590,603,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315360,,Global Climate Governance and the Energy Challenge: European and Chinese Perspectives,VABB-4,201,214,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315367,,The Tormented Relationship between International Law and EU Law,VABB-4,198,221,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315369,,The OECD and the G20: An Ever Closer Relationship?,VABB-1,345,375,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315370,,The EU’s Internal and External Regulatory Actions After the Outbreak of the 2008 Financial Crisis,VABB-1,201,206,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315373,,"Crisp-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (csQCA), Contradictions and Consistency Benchmarks for Model Specification",VABB-1,97,142,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315385,,"""Geconstipeerd en hongerig"": een systeem op zoek naar wetenschappelijke ondersteuning in tijden van overbevolking",VABB-1,24,31,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315390,,De deelname aan herstelbemiddeling als voorwaarde voor invrijheidstelling onder voorwaarden of vrijheid onder voorwaarden: een schending van het principe van vrijwillige participatie,VABB-1,39,47,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315391,,"Belgische straffen, Nederlandse tralies. Fatik sprak met Frank Schoeters, directeur van Penitentiaire Inrichting van Tilburg",VABB-1,15,22,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315401,,Delinquent gedrag bij Vlaamse jongeren. Een seksespecifieke benadering,VABB-1,6,20,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315402,,Samen sterk? De vraag naar coherentie en effectiviteit in het slachtoffer- en herstelbeleid,VABB-1,1,9,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:315403,,"Slachtoffers: ontwikkelingen in praktijk, beleid en onderzoek",VABB-1,53,58,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:315405,,"Vrouwe Justitia: 'horen, zien en ... leren?'",VABB-1,1,5,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315434,,Een empirische blik op herstelrecht en criminaliteitspreventie,VABB-1,29,42,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315435,,Herstelrecht en criminaliteitspreventie: valt het te onderzoeken?,VABB-1,23,28,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315439,,Une autre conception des orders: les colonnes à fût orné du recueil de Madrid,VABB-1,73,92,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:315445,,Variety and quality in Intra-European manufacturing trade: the impact of innovation and technological spillovers,VABB-1,43,59,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315446,,Chinese competition in OECD markets: impact on the export position and export strategy of OECD countries,VABB-1,151,170,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315447,,Substitutability and protectionism: Latin America's trade policy and imports from China and India,VABB-1,446,473,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315448,,Escaping a protectionist rut? Policy mechanisms for trade reform in a democracy,VABB-1,72,85,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315451,,Milieucriminaliteit in het beleid van de strafrechter: bestraffen tussen Haus en Brundtland,VABB-1,898,931,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315452,,The value of continuous power supply for Flemish households,VABB-1,7853,7864,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315453,,What long-term road transport future? Trends and policy options,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315454,,Transport infrastructure investment and demand uncertainty,VABB-1,129,139,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315456,,Network development under a strict self-financing constraint,VABB-1,109,127,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:315457,,Economic analysis of the climate pledges of the Copenagen Accord for the EU and other major countries,VABB-1,S33,S40,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315458,,A political economy model of road pricing,VABB-1,79,92,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:315460,,Cost-inducing waste-reducing policies? Assessing the impact of solid waste reduction policy instruments on collection and processing costs,VABB-1,1429,1440,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315461,,The European Union’s potential for strategic emissions trading through permit sale contracts,VABB-1,247,267,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315462,,Disappointing poverty trends: is the social investment state to blame?,VABB-1,450,471,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315467,,Lorenz comparisons of nine rules for the adjudication of conflicting claims,VABB-1,791,807,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315475,,"Intergenerational equity, efficiency, and constructibility",VABB-1,227,242,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:315478,,The passing-on defence and the full compensation principle,VABB-1,9,13,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315479,,A simple estimator for the correlated random coefficient model,VABB-1,158,161,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315484,,"Strategien gegen die Architektur: Temporäre Ausstellungspavillons von Xenakis, Stockhausen, Zumthor und Diller + Scofido",VABB-1,22,27,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:315486,,On the Role of Design in Information Visualization,VABB-1,356,371,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315487,,Fluid Interaction for Information Visualization,VABB-1,327,340,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315492,,Architectural Competition in a University Town: The Mendicant Friaries in Late Medieval Louvain,VABB-4,207,220,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315493,,Building a hybrid highway system. Road infrastructure as an instrument of economic urbanization,VABB-1,59,86,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315497,,Towards a Phenomenology of Civil War: Hobbes Meets Benjamin in Beirut,VABB-1,421,430,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315502,,Mimarlik ve Modernite. Bir Elestiri,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315503,,In Search of a Future for Large-Scale Care Homes in Flanders,VABB-1,329,351,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315515,,Spatial design as a strategy for a qualitative social-spatial transformation,VABB-4,87,96,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315538,,Studying the unthinkable designer: Designing in the absence of sight,VABB-4,23,34,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315542,,"Light railways and the rural-urban continuum: technology, space and society in late nineteenth-century Belgium",VABB-1,312,328,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315553,,Between Finitude and Infinity: On Hegel’s Sublationary Infinitism,VABB-4,115,140,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315556,,"""Subjektive Freiheit"" bei Hegel",VABB-1,207,224,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:315558,,Die Subjektivität des natürlichen Lebens bei Hegel,VABB-4,125,144,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:315565,,"Kant, Reichenbach, and the Fate of A Priori Principles",VABB-1,507,531,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315568,,"Identité en Europe, identité de l'Europe. Conférence Schuman 2003",VABB-1,137,160,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:315573,,Nature and logos. A Whiteheadian key to Merleau-Ponty's fundamental thought,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315578,,Kant and Hegel: Critical reflections on reason,VABB-4,143,155,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315579,,Différance as negativity: The Hegelian remains of Derrida’s philosophy,VABB-4,594,610,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315580,,Beyond tragedy: Tracing the Aristophanian subtext of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit,VABB-4,133,151,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315581,,Differenz: zwischen Hegel und Derrida,VABB-4,349,367,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:315587,,"Art as Propaideia to Philosophy or Philosophy as a ""continuous confrontation with the question of representation"": Hegel and Benjamin on Art",VABB-1,366,370,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315588,,On Hegel: The Sway of the Negative,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315589,,Pure reason’s enlightenment: Transcendental reflection in Kant’s first Critique,VABB-1,53,73,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315593,,Hoe het verlangen te bewaren?,VABB-1,341,366,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315597,,Yearning for the Grave. The Unhappy Consciousness in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit and in Kierkegaard’s Aesthetic Stage of Either/Or I,VABB-1,255,261,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315598,,Ethics as Medicine for the Mind (5P1-20),VABB-4,265,279,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315600,,On God and the Between,VABB-4,99,126,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315601,,The Theater of the Metaxu. Staging the Between,VABB-1,113,124,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315609,,De ziel in het gedrang door de neurowetenschap?,VABB-1,189,200,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:315612,,Geist? Zweiter Teil,VABB-3,,,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:315614,,De maatschappelijke rol van de filosofie in het gedrang?,VABB-1,125,134,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315617,,Filosofie in stripvorm,VABB-1,535,539,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315619,,"Transformations of Transcendental Philosophy: Wolff, Kant, and Hegel",VABB-1,50,79,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315621,,"Arbeid, vrije tijd en zin",VABB-1,83,90,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315622,,Ordo geometricus. Definitio. Axioma,VABB-4,278,281,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315623,,"Deus, Intellectus and Voluntas Dei",VABB-4,196,199,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315625,,Vaticanum II in Vlaanderen in zijn cultureel-maatschappelijke context,VABB-1,308,316,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315627,,"Pluralism, Legitimacy and Radical Democracy",VABB-4,3,9,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315628,,"Legitimiteit, gemeenschap en rechtvaardigheid. Een kritiek op Dworkins verklaring voor legitimiteit",VABB-1,31,46,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315630,,How to deal with the redistributive impact of environmental goods? Assessing David Miller’s account,VABB-1,86,101,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315640,,Beyond markets and states: the importance of communities,VABB-1,489,500,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315644,,Nationalism and Global Justice. David Miller and his critics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315645,,Global justice as justice for a world of largely independent nations? From dualism to a multi-level ethical position,VABB-4,145,164,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315646,,David Miller’s theory of global justice. A brief overview,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315649,,"Waarheid, evocatie, symbool",VABB-2,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315656,,The co-originality of law and democracy in the moral horizon of modernity,VABB-1,256,266,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315657,,The semantic potential of religious arguments. A deliberative model of the postsecular public sphere,VABB-1,385,408,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315660,,"De spanning tussen een intern en een extern perspectief op religie vandaag. In gesprek met Marcel Gauchet, Luc Ferry en Charles Taylor",VABB-1,39,64,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315670,,Towards an Eco-Marxism,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315673,,Singularity and Repetition in Carl Schmitt’s Vision of History,VABB-1,105,129,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315675,,Moral conflicts and moral awareness,VABB-1,563,587,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315678,,The God of the Gaps,VABB-1,199,212,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315681,,Environmental Refugees: A Misleading Notion for a Genuine Problem,VABB-1,229,248,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315686,,Whitehead et l’idéalisme allemand: un héritage poétique,VABB-1,77,103,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:315687,,Hayek’s Post-Positivist Empiricism: Experience Beyond Sensation,VABB-4,143,170,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315692,,Une politique de l’abstraction ou les ruses chorégraphiques des Noces de Bronislava Nijinska,VABB-4,177,190,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:315693,,In memoriam Claude Lefort,VABB-1,205,209,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315695,,Naar een deontologische versoepeling van reclamevoering door logopedisten,VABB-1,15,19,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315700,,A Problem for Contrastivist Accounts of Knowledge,VABB-1,287,292,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315701,,In Defence of Virtue Epistemology,VABB-1,409,433,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315702,,Sustaining a Rational Disagreement,VABB-4,101,110,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315703,,Het 'universele zuur' van de evolutionaire psychologie?,VABB-1,287,305,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315704,,The Cognitive Appeal of the Cosmological Argument,VABB-1,103,122,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315705,,Kants schizofrene compatibilisme,VABB-1,201,205,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315706,,A Cognitive Approach to the Earliest Art,VABB-1,379,389,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315709,,Some Remarks on the Model Theory of Epistemic Plausibility Models,VABB-1,375,395,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315710,,Introduction: Reading R.S. Peters on Education Today,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315711,,"Reading R.S. Peters Today. Analysis, Ethics, and the Aims of Education",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315713,,The Transmission of Support: A Bayesian Re-analysis,VABB-1,333,343,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315719,,"Maladapting Minds: Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Evolutionary Theory",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315725,,Nature and I are two: a critical examination of the biophilia hypothesis,VABB-1,189,215,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315726,,The role of material culture in human time representation: Calendrical systems as extensions of mental time travel,VABB-1,63,76,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315727,,Filosofisch consulentschap: zwarte doos van Pandora?,VABB-1,307,340,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315728,,Truth's Role in Understanding,VABB-4,341,357,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315729,,"Ultimate Educational Aims, Overridingness, and Personal Well-being",VABB-1,543,556,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315731,,"Faultless Disagreement, Assertions, and the Affective-Expressive Dimension of Judgements of Taste",VABB-1,637,655,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315732,,The Epistemic Predicament of a Pseudoscience: Social Constructivism Confronts Freudian Psychoanalysis,VABB-1,159,179,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315733,,What is money? An alternative to Searle's institutional facts,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315735,,Philosophy of mind,VABB-4,235,243,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315737,,Not Without Justification,VABB-1,581,595,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315738,,What’s the Point of “Knowledge” Anyway?,VABB-1,53,66,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315739,,"Truth Approximation, Social Epistemology, and Opinion Dynamics",VABB-1,271,283,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315742,,On generalizing Kolmogorov,VABB-1,323,335,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315743,,Carnap’s Theory of Descriptions and its Problems,VABB-1,355,380,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315746,,Why philosophers of psychiatry should care about evolutionary theory,VABB-4,1,32,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315755,,De overstroming van de Nijl. Een vergeten traktaat van Aristoteles?,VABB-1,513,534,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315756,,James Bringfield: The Posthumous Fame of Marlborough's Gentleman of the Horse,VABB-1,107,116,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315757,,From Siger of Brabant to Erasmus. Philosophy and Civilization in the Late Medieval Low Countries,VABB-4,953,979,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315759,,Imagination as Self-knowledge: Kepler on Proclus' Commentary on the First Book of Euclid's Elements,VABB-1,179,199,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315762,,The dedicatory epistle in an historical perspective: a brief overview,VABB-1,269,274,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315763,,Monstrosity in 17th Century German Theosophy: The Case of Jacob Boehme (1575-1624),VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315764,,Al-Lawkarī’s Reception of Ibn Sīnā’s Ilāhiyyāt,VABB-4,7,26,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315767,,Henry of Ghent and Averroes,VABB-4,85,99,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315768,,Al-Ghazālī between Philosophy (Falsafa) and Sufism (Taṣawwuf): His Complex Attitude in the Marvels of the Heart ( ‘Ajā’ib al-qalb) of the Ihyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn,VABB-1,614,632,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315769,,Henry of Ghent and Avicenna,VABB-4,63,83,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315770,,Moral Philosophy in Henry of Ghent,VABB-4,275,314,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315773,,Medieval Trinitarian Theology from the late Thirteenth to the Fifteenth Centuries,VABB-4,197,209,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315775,,Metaphysics,VABB-4,584,587,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315778,,Colloque international sur Marguerite Porete,VABB-1,309,312,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:315779,,I gradi dell’immaginazione nel commento di Giovanni da Serravalle alla Divina Commedia (1416),VABB-4,369,390,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:315780,,"al-Ġazālīʾs Maqāṣid al-Falāsifa, Latin Translation of",VABB-4,387,390,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315781,,"Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna), Latin Translations of",VABB-4,522,527,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315783,,Les arguments de Proclus contre l'existence d'Idées des maux,VABB-1,75,103,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:315785,,Reverentia,VABB-4,639,648,,lat,2011,2 c:vabb:315787,,Augustine on Prudence,VABB-1,255,279,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315789,,The Reception of Ibn Sīnā's Physics in later Islamic Thought,VABB-1,15,36,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315790,,A philological diet for philosophers. Aristippus' translation of book IV of Aristotle's Meteorology and Albert the Great,VABB-4,79,106,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315791,,Landulph Caracciolo on Intentions and Intentionality,VABB-1,219,240,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:315792,,"Virtue, Fortune, and Happiness in Theory and Practice",VABB-4,151,173,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315793,,Like a Book written by God's Finger. Animals Showing the Path toward God,VABB-4,127,151,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315795,,Gregory of Rimini,VABB-4,439,444,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315797,,Michael of Massa,VABB-4,786,789,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315798,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315799,,Matthew of Aquasparta and the Greeks,VABB-4,813,853,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315800,,Philosophy and Theology in the Long Middle Ages. A Tribute to Stephen F. Brown,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315801,,Platonismus,VABB-4,410,416,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:315810,,Simone de Beauvoir over leven en werk van Markies de Sade,VABB-1,211,224,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315816,,Aesthetics of Space: Modern Architecture and Photography,VABB-1,105,114,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315819,,Over natuurvervalsing in de Doelse polders. Robert Elliots antirestauratiethesis,VABB-1,421,444,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315823,,Mauvais sang. Descartes en de woede,VABB-1,445,466,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315824,,Der Durchgang durch das Unmögliche. An Unpublished Manuscript from the Husserl-Archives,VABB-1,217,226,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315825,,Batailles lezing van Sade. Genot en literatuur als expressies van kracht,VABB-1,231,260,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:315826,,Eidetics and its methodology,VABB-4,254,265,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:315827,,Jean-Paul Sartre,VABB-4,62,70,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:315832,,"Le sujet, entre conscience et singularité",VABB-1,24,38,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:315834,,Intentionales Bewusstsein und Formen des Selbstbezugs,VABB-4,229,250,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:315835,,Brentano and Mathematics,VABB-1,149,167,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315842,,"Deictic Abstractions: On the Occasional References to Ideal Objectivities Producible with the Words ""This"" and ""Thus""",VABB-1,5,25,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315844,,The Gadamer Dictionary,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315846,,Validity of nonaffective functional psychosis of the DSM IV in a Congolese population. A transversal clinical trial,VABB-1,101,109,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315858,,In the elites’ toolkit. Decoding the initiative and reference system behind the investment in the architecture and decoration of Roman nymphaea,VABB-1,65,100,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315859,,The role of experienced research integration into teaching upon students' appreciation of research aspects in the learning environment,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315862,,Analyzing and developing strategy flexibility in mathematics education,VABB-4,175,197,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315863,,"Deleuze’s Tensive Notion of Painting in the Light of Riegl, Wölfflin and Worringer",VABB-1,52,62,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315866,,De waarheid en het kerkelijk recht. Tussen vorm en inhoud,VABB-4,157,169,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315868,,Adult Education and the Community,VABB-1,129,133,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315883,,"Rancière, Public Education and the Taming of Democracy",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315884,,Sustainable development as a public issue. Challenges for education,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315885,,Sociedade da aprendizagem e governamentalidade: uma introdução,VABB-1,121,136,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:315887,,"Diverse views on citizenship, community and participation Exploring the role of adult education research and practice",VABB-1,193,208,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315892,,"Auf den Spuren von Diskurs, Traum und Wirklichkeit der Architektonischen Formgebung in Decroly’s Ermitage",VABB-1,928,951,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:315893,,The hatred of public schooling : the school as the mark of democracy,VABB-4,150,165,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315894,,"Governmental, political and pedagogic subjectivation : Foucault with Rancière",VABB-4,76,92,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315895,,Introduction: Hatred of democracy ... and the public role of education?,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315897,,El evolucionismo y el desarollo del pensamiento educacional en Bélgica antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial,VABB-1,11,34,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:315899,,Philosophy of education as an exercise in thought : to not forget oneself when 'things take their course',VABB-1,356,366,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315920,,The educational meaning of communal laughter. On the experience of corporeal democracy,VABB-1,719,734,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315922,,The university : a public issue,VABB-4,165,177,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315931,,Education in motion: uses of documentary film in educational research,VABB-1,457,472,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315932,,The Decroly School in documentaries (1930s-1950s): Contextualising propaganda from within,VABB-1,507,523,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315934,,The school desk: from concept to object,VABB-1,97,117,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315937,,Philosophy of … Philosophy and … Taking the conditions we find ourselves in seriously,VABB-1,292,301,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315938,,"Transdisciplinarity? On discipline, method and the danger of a new homogenization of educational research",VABB-1,143,147,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315939,,How to improve your impact factor: Questioning the quantification of academic quality,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315940,,Experimentum Scholae: The world once more ...But not (yet) finished,VABB-1,529,535,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315941,,"Parents as ‘educators’; Languages of education, pedagogy and ‘parenting’",VABB-1,197,212,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315942,,The question of 'parenting',VABB-1,101,108,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315943,,Comparing young peoples' civic competence in Europe: Composite and domain-specific indicators using IEA Civic Education Study data,VABB-1,82,110,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315945,,Effect of number structure and nature of quantities on secondary school students' proportional reasoning,VABB-1,69,81,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315946,,Upper elementary school children's understanding and solution of a quantitative problem inside and outside the mathematics class,VABB-1,770,780,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315950,,What fills the gap between discrete and dense? Greek and Flemish students’ understanding of density,VABB-1,676,685,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315951,,Investigating the impact of positive resource interdependence and individual accountability on students' academic performance in cooperative learning,VABB-1,73,94,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315952,,Promoting language in under 3’s. Assessing language development and the quality of adult intervention,VABB-1,269,297,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315954,,Self-regulation of mathematical knowledge and skills,VABB-4,155,172,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315955,,Learning in the second half of the career: Stimulating and prohibiting reasons for participation in formal learning activities,VABB-1,679,697,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315958,,Fifth-grade students’ approaches to and beliefs of mathematics word problem solving: a large sample Hungarian study,VABB-1,561,571,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315959,,Word problem classification: A promising modelling task at the elementary level,VABB-4,47,55,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315960,,The role of intelligence and feedback in children's strategy competence,VABB-1,61,76,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315961,,Students’ over-use of linearity: An exploration in physics,VABB-1,389,412,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315963,,Effecten van werkplekleren bij verpleegkundigen. Een empirisch onderzoek,VABB-1,36,40,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315964,,Causal ordering of academic self-concept and achievement: Effects of type of achievement measure,VABB-1,689,709,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:315965,,The learning intention of low-skilled employees: A key for participation in lifelong learning and continuous training,VABB-1,211,229,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315967,,Students' self-regulation of emotions in mathematics: An analysis of meta-emotional knowledge and skills,VABB-1,483,495,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315968,,An investigation on Chinese teachers’ realistic problem posing and problem solving ability and beliefs,VABB-1,919,948,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315970,,The lucid loneliness of the gatekeeper. Exploring the emotional dimension in principals' work lives,VABB-1,93,108,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315971,,Vulnerability in teaching: the moral and political roots of a structural condition,VABB-4,65,84,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:315973,,The impact of approaches to reflection and learner control upon critical reflection,VABB-1,495,506,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315974,,Systems thinking and building learning organisations: P.Senge,VABB-4,87,114,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315976,,Inter-organisational expansive learning at work,VABB-4,125,147,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315977,,Why do learning goals (not) work: a reexamination of the hypothesized effectiveness of learning goals based on students’ behaviour and cognitive processes,VABB-1,553,573,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315981,,Zal de hervorming van het Vlaamse secundair onderwijs leerlingen doen schitteren? Een reactie op de plannen voor de hervorming van het SO,VABB-1,244,251,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:315982,,The self in career learning: an evolving dialogue,VABB-4,454,469,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315985,,Learning patterns in organizations: Towards a typology of workplace-learning configurations,VABB-1,545,559,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:315988,,Contributions to innovative learning and teaching? Effective research-based pedagogy - a response to TLRP's principles from a European perspective,VABB-1,345,356,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315992,,Sample size neglect problems: A critical analysis,VABB-1,123,135,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:315994,,The perception of workload and task complexity and its influence on students’ approaches to learning: A study in higher education,VABB-1,393,415,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316022,,"Jonah, the Unwilling Prophet as a Pastoral Carer? An Old Testament Perspective on Prophetic Pastoral Care (International Practical Theology, 13)",VABB-4,15,22,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316024,,Guideline on the design and conduct of cystic fibrosis clinical trials: the European Cystic Fibrosis Society-Clinical Trials Network (ECFS-CTN),VABB-1,S67,74,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316025,,"Building humanistic libraries in late Imperial China: circulation of books, prints and letters between Europe and China (XVII-XVIII cent.) in the framework of the Jesuit mission",VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316029,,Regional Organizations in China’s Security Strategy for Africa: The Sense of Supporting “African Solutions to African Problems”,VABB-1,91,118,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316031,,Li Ling: at home in homelessness: editor's introduction,VABB-1,3,11,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316035,,"China, Sovereignty and the Protection of Civilians in Africa: The Emergence of A 'Third Paradigm' of International Intervention?",VABB-4,147,166,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316036,,"Circulation and reception of Portuguese books in the 17th/18th Jesuit mission of China, mainly in three Episcopal collections (D. Valente; P. de Souza; A. de Gouvea)",VABB-4,243,264,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316037,,"Addenda to the prosopography of the ""foreign"" indipetae - mathematicians in Portuguese SJ colleges (II): P.W. Kirwitzer, S.J. and G.B. Keynes, S.J. in Portugal",VABB-1,429,436,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316041,,"From Propertius's Laudes Italiae (Romae)' to 17th-century Jesuit ""Laus Sinarum"": a new aspect of Propertius' reception",VABB-1,225,233,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316052,,Mo Zi research in the People's Republic of China: editor's introduction,VABB-1,3,11,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316055,,s(ch)+en. Over een invectief van (te) geringe omvang,VABB-1,189,194,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316056,,Left-peripheral expansion of the English NP,VABB-1,387,415,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316065,,"Standardized relational pairs in interviews with former slaves: construction, negotiation and alignment",VABB-1,44,67,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316070,,"A corpus-based account of the development of English such and Dutch zulk: identification, intensification and (inter)subjectification",VABB-1,765,797,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316071,,Tree Alignment through Semantic Role Annotation Projection,VABB-5,73,82,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316072,,Wait’ll (you hear) the next one: a case for an enclitic preposition and complementizer,VABB-4,175,191,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316076,,Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316079,,SMT - CAT Integration in a Technical Domain. Handling XML mark-up using pre and post-editing processing methods,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316080,,Automated detection of inconsistent phraseology translation,VABB-1,283,290,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316081,,Does framing work? An empirical study of Simplifying Models for sustainable food production,VABB-1,459,490,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316082,,Anaphoric adjectives becoming determiners. A corpus-based account,VABB-4,241,256,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316086,,"‘Vervellen van journalist tot politicus’, de constructie van het politieke ethos van een oud-journalist",VABB-1,148,165,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316088,,Identity negotiations in narrative accounts about poverty,VABB-1,565,591,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316094,,Dissolving Binding Theory,VABB-2,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316097,,Des formes aux sens:les clitiques dans la construction causative en FAIRE,VABB-4,41,60,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316102,,"""Ah petta ecco, io prendo questi che mi piacciono"". Agire come coppia al supermercato. Un approccio conversazionale e multimodale allo studio dei processi decisionali",VABB-2,,,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:316107,,Degrees of Grammaticalization across Languages,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316109,,Degrés de grammaticalisation à travers les langues de même famille,VABB-1,167,192,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316113,,Les emplois référentiels du SN démonstratif en français et en néerlandais: pas du pareil au même,VABB-1,273,294,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:316121,,"(Pseuo)-Jean Mésué, De gradibus simplicium ou Liber graduum Mesue, [XIIIe s.]",VABB-4,773,774,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316122,,"Guillaume de Saint-Étienne et alii, Statuts de l'Ordre de l'Hôpital de St. Jean de Jérusalem, XIIe-XIVe s",VABB-4,526,527,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316123,,"(Pseudo)-Aristote, Problemata (physica), source grecque: Ier s. av.J.-C.-Ve s.; versions latines: 1260 et 1310",VABB-4,94,96,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316124,,The use of Citétaal among adolescents in Limburg: the role of space appropriation in language variation and change,VABB-1,451,464,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316127,,"Rhetorica ad Herennium, Ier s. av. J.-C.-Ier s",VABB-4,231,232,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316131,,"Donat, 'Ars minor', 2e moitié du IVe s",VABB-4,179,183,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316136,,"Cicéron, 'De Inventione', Ier s. av. J.-C",VABB-4,166,168,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316142,,La traduction comme critère définitoire des confins des langues,VABB-4,487,497,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316150,,"Endonimi, esonimi e altre forme onimiche. Una verifica empirica",VABB-1,477,501,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:316152,,Information structure and epistemic modality in adverbial clauses in French,VABB-1,298,326,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316155,,Quand passent les cigognes. Le sujet nominal postverbal en français moderne,VABB-2,,,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316156,,Routines conversationnelles et figement,VABB-4,195,217,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316158,,"Prosodie, syntaxe, discours : autour d'une approche prédictive",VABB-5,19,32,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316162,,The French construction 'nouveau + past participle' revisited. Arguments in favour of a prefixoid analysis of nouveau,VABB-1,163,178,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316170,,The Catena Marciana on the Song of Songs,VABB-5,177,209,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316171,,New Manuscripts of the catena Trium Patrum (‘B2’) and of the Commentaries by Theodoret of Cyrrhus and the Three Fathers (‘B1’) on the Song of Songs,VABB-1,105,120,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316172,,Apollinaris of Laodicea in the Catenae as a Source of Hexaplaric Readings,VABB-1,431,449,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316173,,"Unknown Hexaplaric Readings of Ezekiel, Isaiah and Psalms, Offered by Apollinaris of Laodicea",VABB-1,406,423,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316175,,Plutarch's 'Diet-Ethics'. Precepts of Healthcare between Diet and Ethics,VABB-4,109,129,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316177,,Instrumentum bibliographicum neolatinum,VABB-1,343,422,,lat,2011,2 c:vabb:316178,,Efficiency and Effectiveness of Plutarch's Broadcasting Ethics,VABB-4,7,16,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316179,,Origène dans la catena Hauniensis sur le Cantique des cantiques,VABB-4,307,329,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316180,,The Earliest Stages of Persian-German Language Comparison,VABB-5,147,165,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316182,,Readings attributed to “οἱ περὶ (τὸν) Ἀκύλαν and/or (τὸν) Σύμμαχον” by Greek Christian scribes and authors (Theodoret excepted),VABB-1,73,88,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316183,,"Joseph the Philosopher, an Outstanding Outsider: Philosophy and Rhetoric at the Court of Andronicus II",VABB-4,205,215,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316184,,A New Source of the Synopsis of Joseph Rhakendytès,VABB-1,265,270,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316185,,"Reading fables in Epicurus’ Garden. On Metrodorus, fr. 60 K",VABB-1,33,36,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316186,,Reviving the old Teutonic language. An unpublished preface by Abraham Mylius retrieved in Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's heritage,VABB-1,129,147,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316188,,Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Newsletter,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316190,,"Greek Rhetoric and the Later Roman Empire. The ""Bubble"" of the ""Third Sophistic""",VABB-1,211,224,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316191,,"The De Oeconomia Dei by Nilus Doxapatres: Some Introductory Remarks to the Work and its Edition & Chapter I, 40 : Edition, Translation and Commentary",VABB-1,265,307,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316192,,Pseudo-Themistius Pros Basilea. A Panegyric for Justinian?,VABB-1,412,423,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316194,,La 'diet-etica' di Plutarco. L'autopromozione d'autore nei Precetti Igienici,VABB-1,147,171,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:316196,,Monarchy and Mass Communication. Antioch 362/3 Revisited,VABB-1,166,184,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316199,,The Panegyric of Polycarp of Smyrna attributed to Metrophanes of Smyrna (BHG 1563),VABB-4,311,331,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316201,,The Sources of Ps.-Apollodorus's Library: a Case-Study,VABB-1,129,146,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316203,,Theodosius and his Byzantine Successors on the Participle: A Didactic Approach,VABB-4,405,428,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316204,,Le Iudicium coci et pistoris iudice Vulcano (AL 190 ShB): à cheval sur l'Antiquité et le Moyen Âge,VABB-1,215,229,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:316205,,"Les Capita X De duplici voluntate Domini attribués à Maxime le Confesseur (CPG 7697, 25)",VABB-4,195,213,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316206,,La continuation de l'exploration du Florilegium Coislinianum: la Lettre Eta,VABB-1,74,126,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316207,,A Man of Eight Hearts. Hadrianus Junius and sixteenth-century plurilinguism,VABB-4,188,213,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316209,,Virtues for the People. Aspects of Plutarchan Ethics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316210,,À la recherche d'une grammaire perdue: Johann Ernst Hanxleden's Grammatica Grandonica retrieved,VABB-1,445,457,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316211,,Der 18. Wachtendoncksche Psalm: einen kleinen Schritt näher zur Quelle,VABB-1,53,63,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:316212,,Plutarch Against Epicurus on Affection for Offspring. A Reading of De amore prolis,VABB-4,175,201,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316213,,How to deal with the philosophical tradition? Some general rules in Plutarch's anti-Epicurean treatises,VABB-1,133,146,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316215,,On ‘the Scythian theory’. Reconstructing the outlines of Johannes Elichmann’s (1601/1602-1639) planned Archaeologia harmonica,VABB-1,70,80,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316216,,Introduction: classifying and comparing languages in post-Renaissance Europe,VABB-1,63,69,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316217,,"Ambition and love of fame in Plutarch's Lives of Agis, Cleomenes and the Gracchi",VABB-1,208,225,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:316218,,For love of an honourable name. Prototypical philosophy and philosophers in Maximus of Tyre,VABB-4,183,206,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316219,,'Always to excel'! Some observations and reflections on philotimia in Greek literature and culture,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316220,,"The Lash of Ambition. Plutarch, Imperial Greek Literature and the Dynamics of Philotimia",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316221,,The figure of Socrates in the early Christian Acta Martyrum,VABB-4,241,256,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:316222,,Latin grammatical manuals in the Early Middle Ages: tradition and adaptation in the participle chapter,VABB-4,375,404,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316223,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2011-4,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316224,,The Jebleh Plain through History: Tell Tweini and its Intercultural Contacts in the Bronze and Early Iron Age,VABB-5,183,203,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316225,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2011-2,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316227,,CD248 facilitates tumor growth via its cytoplasmic domain,VABB-1,162,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316228,,"Rainer Hannig, Zur Paläographie der Särge aus Assiut. Hildesheiler Ägyptologische Beiträge 47. Hildesheim: Gerstenberg 2006 (ISBN-10: 3-8067-8569-4, XXXVIII + 930 pages, € 98).",VABB-1,359,366,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:316234,,Die lokalen Eliten in Babylonien,VABB-4,105,131,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:316236,,The Reigns of the Seleucid Kings According to the Babylon King List,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316237,,The Early Old Kingdom at Nuwayrat in the 16th Upper Egyptian Nome,VABB-4,679,702,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316240,,Between the royal administration and local elite: the pahatu in Hellenistic Babylonia as epistates?,VABB-1,49,57,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316241,,"An experimental approach for tracing olive processing residues in the archaeobotanical record, with preliminary examples from Tell Tweini, Syria",VABB-1,471,478,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316242,,New Visualization Techniques for Cuneiform Texts and Sealings,VABB-1,163,178,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316244,,"The Sea People, from Cuneiform Tablets to Carbon Dating",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316245,,The Fifth Dynasty Royal Decree of Ia-Ib at Dayr al-Barshā,VABB-1,57,71,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316247,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2011-1,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316248,,Literacy for all,VABB-4,215,235,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316249,,When it comes to intercultural competence: Education as help or hindrance,VABB-4,45,50,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316260,,Promoting equity and excellence in education: An overview,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316263,,Semantic relations in bilingual lexicons,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316266,,Un outil de gestion terminologique pour la traduction juridique en Belgique : état de la question et perspectives,VABB-1,93,104,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:316269,,Noun phrase modification,VABB-4,182,193,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316270,,Vantage construal in the attributive use of basic color terms: the AcN and N of Nc constructions,VABB-1,170,183,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316271,,Variation among blog text types: A multi-dimensional analysis,VABB-4,303,322,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316273,,Terminology in Everyday Life,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316274,,A statistical method for the identification and aggregation of regional linguistic variation,VABB-1,193,221,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316276,,Variation in the (non)metonymic capital names in mainland Chinese and Taiwan Chinese,VABB-1,90,112,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316278,,Applying word space models to sociolinguistics. Religion names before and after 9/11,VABB-4,111,137,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316279,,Changing the world vs. changing the mind: Distinctive collexeme analysis of the causative construction with 'doen' in Belgian and Netherlandic Dutch,VABB-4,111,122,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316281,,"Zones, facets and prototype-based metonymy",VABB-4,89,102,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316282,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316286,,Sociolectal variation in the length of color terms used in advertising,VABB-1,47,79,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316292,,Platinum sensitivity-related germline polymorphism discovered via a cell-based approach and analysis of its association with outcome in ovarian cancer patients,VABB-1,5490,5500,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316293,,Schmidt redux: How systematic is the linguistic system if variation is rampant?,VABB-4,237,262,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316294,,Recontextualizing grammar: Underlying trends in thirty years of Cognitive Linguistics,VABB-4,71,102,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316295,,Prospects for the past: Perspectives for diachronic cognitive semantics,VABB-4,333,356,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316296,,Lexical variation in space,VABB-4,821,837,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316297,,La réception de la linguistique cognitive dans la linguistique française,VABB-1,185,192,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:316298,,The doctor and the semantician,VABB-4,63,78,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316305,,Altered gray matter morphometry and resting-state functional and structural connectivity in social anxiety disorder,VABB-1,167,177,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316308,,Secondary determiners as markers of generalized instantiation in English noun phrases,VABB-1,211,233,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316314,,Tense use in direct and indirect speech in English,VABB-1,236,250,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316318,,Revisiting deontic modality and related categories. A conceptual map based on the study of English modal adjectives,VABB-1,150,163,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316319,,Impersonal constructions in Umpithamu and the Lamalamic languages,VABB-4,607,625,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316321,,Differential Agent Marking and animacy,VABB-1,533,547,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316323,,"Experienced action constructions in Umpithamu: Involuntary experience, from bodily processes to externally instigated actions",VABB-1,275,302,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316325,,Involuntary agent constructions are not directly linked to reduced transitivity,VABB-1,311,336,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316329,,A typology of anaphoric and cataphoric relations expressed by English complex determiners,VABB-1,2689,2703.,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316330,,The functions of represented speech and thought in Umpithamu narratives,VABB-1,491,517,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316332,,The meaning of the English present participle,VABB-1,473,498,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316333,,Attenders or attendees? Deverbal -ee and -er variants in English,VABB-1,62,72,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:316334,,"The development of intensification scales in noun-intensifying uses of adjectives: sources, paths and mechanisms of change",VABB-1,251,277,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316335,,English -ing-clauses and their problems: the structure of grammatical categories,VABB-1,1153,1193,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316336,,Grammatical interference: subject marker for and phrasal verb particle out,VABB-4,75,104,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316339,,Psychopathic traits in adolescence: Associations with the revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory systems,VABB-1,201,205,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316341,,"Media hype, diagnostic fad or genuine disorder? Professionals' opinions about night eating syndrome, orthorexia, muscle dysmorphia, and emetophobia",VABB-1,145,155,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316342,,"Can eating disorder become ""contagious"" in group therapy and specialized inpatient care?",VABB-1,289,295,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316345,,Listen to the Story: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients Do Not Live in a Vacuum,VABB-1,113,115,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316346,,"Hypnosis in refractory alopecia areata significantly improves depression, anxiety and life quality but not hair regrowth",VABB-1,517,518,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316347,,A Psychometric Exploration of an Italian Translation of the SCOFF Questionnaire,VABB-1,371,373,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316348,,Integrating theory-driven and empirically-derived models of personality development and psychopathology: a proposal for DSM V,VABB-1,52,68,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316356,,Self-esteem mediates the relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and depression in chronic fatigue syndrome,VABB-1,1543,1548,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316357,,Mentaliseren bij ernstige onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten,VABB-1,5,21,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316359,,The relationship between non-suicidal self-injury and temperament in male and female adolescents based on child- and parent-report,VABB-1,527,530,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316363,,Hypnosis and alopecia areata: Long-term beneficial effects on psychological well being,VABB-1,35,39,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316365,,Psychometric Properties of the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire for Children in a French-Speaking Population,VABB-1,317,326,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316366,,Was Freud partly right on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? Investigation of latent aggression in OCD,VABB-1,180,184,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316367,,"Self-critical perfectionism, stress generation and stress sensitivity in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Relationships with severity of depression",VABB-1,21,30,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316368,,Unraveling the role of perfectionism in chronic fatigue syndrome: Is there a distinction between adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism?,VABB-1,373,377,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316369,,"The relation between compulsive buying, eating disorder symptoms, and temperament in a sample of female students",VABB-1,50,55,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316374,,De ouder-kind relatie als cliënt binnen een transdisciplinaire werking,VABB-1,250,256,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316375,,Rondetafelgesprek over de klinische kinderpsychologie en -psychotherapie,VABB-1,149,156,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316377,,Religie en geestelijke gezondheid: Aartsvijanden of boezemvrienden?,VABB-1,257,264,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316382,,Cross-validation of the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire for Children in Three Populations,VABB-1,418,427,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316383,,Temperamental characteristics of adolescents with problematic substance use: A case-control study,VABB-1,1094,1098,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316384,,Mentalisierung und das Selbst,VABB-1,243,258,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:316385,,De gevalsstudie: Assepoester van de klinische psychologie,VABB-1,66,69,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316386,,Palliatieve zorg als tijd voor de ziel,VABB-1,30,36,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316387,,"Borderline personality disorder, mentalization, and the neurobiology of attachment",VABB-1,47,69,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316388,,Effortful control in typically developing boys and in boys with ADHD or autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,483,490,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316394,,Non-suicidal self-injury in eating disordered patients: A test of a conceptual model,VABB-1,102,108,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316396,,Differentiating non-suicidal self-injury in adolescent outpatients: Symptoms of borderline personality disorder,VABB-1,148,155,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316399,,Do Humor Styles Mediate or Moderate the Relationship Between Self-Criticism and Neediness and Depressive Symptoms?,VABB-1,757,764,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316400,,The roots of borderline personality disorder in childhood and adolescence: A review of evidence from the standpoint of a mentalization based approach,VABB-1,900,952,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316402,,Interpersonal stress regulation and the development of anxiety disorders: an attachment-based developmental framework,VABB-1,epub,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316404,,The Relationship Between Personality Organization as Assessed by Theory-Driven Profiles of the Dutch Short Form of the MMPI and Self-Reported Features of Personality Organization,VABB-1,599,609,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316426,,"Een verkennende studie naar kwetsbaarheid en veerkracht bij Vlaamse adoptiegezinnen. [Vulnerability and resilience in adoptive families: An exploratory study in Flanders, Belgium.]",VABB-1,100,117,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316436,,"The relationship between an orthodox protestant upbringing and current orthodox protestant adherence, DSM-IV axis II B cluster personality disorders and structural borderline personality organization",VABB-4,373,387,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316450,,Experimental evidence for the attenuating effect of SOM protection on temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition,VABB-1,2789,2798,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316453,,An intraspecific application of the leaf-height-seed ecology strategy scheme to forest herbs along a latitudinal gradient,VABB-1,132,140,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316460,,"The So-called ""Crown-Games"": Terminology and Historical Context of the Ancient Categories for Agones",VABB-1,97,109,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316463,,Departure without saying goodbye,VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316464,,An early Ptolemaic bank register from the Arsinoite nome revised,VABB-1,35,54,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316465,,Une curieuse table d'ombres au monastère de Baouît,VABB-1,273,286,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:316471,,Uniformity up to the Grave? Funerary inscriptions of Roman legionaries in Western Europe,VABB-1,147,183,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316474,,Xenophons Poroi als philosophische Schrift,VABB-1,65,93,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316476,,"A successful, but fragile biculturalism: the hellenization process in the Upper-Egyptian town of Pathyris under Ptolemy VI and VIII",VABB-4,292,308,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316481,,"Ptolémée III et Bérénice II, divinités cosmiques",VABB-5,357,388,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316484,,Nicagoras and Paradoxography,VABB-1,265,279,,lat,2011,2 c:vabb:316489,,Urban history of the medieval Low Countries. Research trends and new perspectives (2000-10),VABB-1,345,354,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316496,,Ecclesia in medio nationis: reflections on the study of monasticism in the central Middle Ages,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316498,,Le cartographe Jacques de Deventer à Bruxelles,VABB-1,873,887,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:316500,,Social memory and rebellion in fifteenth-century Ghent,VABB-1,443,463,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316503,,Het Brusselse hof van Nassau: de oprichting van een laatmiddeleeuwse stadsresidentie,VABB-1,349,376,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:316505,,Ten geleide: De kuststreek doorheen de tijden,VABB-4,7,11,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316506,,"The policy on relic translations of Baldwin II of Flanders (879-918), Edward of Wessex (899-924), and Aethelflaed of Mercia (d. 924): a key to Anglo-Flemish relations?",VABB-4,473,492,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316507,,"Recensie van: Els Witte, Voor, vrede, democratie, wereldburgerschap en Europa. Belgische historici en de naoorlogse politiek-ideologische projecten (1944-1956) (Pelckmans, Kapellen 2009) 389p",VABB-1,264,269,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316510,,L'historien quotidien: pour une anthropologie de la science historique moderne,VABB-1,143,167,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316512,,Unremitting generosity. Antwerp patrons’ societies cooperate for the benefit of a new Municipal print room (1926-1934),VABB-1,121,147,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316517,,Belgium,VABB-4,137,140,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316519,,"At the crossroads of nationalism: Huizinga, Pirenne and the Low Countries in Europe",VABB-1,187,215,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316520,,"The hyphen of national culture: the paradox of national distinctiveness in Belgium and the Netherlands, 1860-1919",VABB-1,207,225,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316525,,Everyman his own sociologist. Henri Pirenne and disiplinary boundaries around 1900,VABB-1,355,380,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316535,,An era of grandeur: the Middle Ages in Belgian national historiography,VABB-4,113,135,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316543,,"Degeneration und Dressur. Naturheilverfahren, Vegetarismus und Naturismus als Entwürfe einer modernen Gesellschaft 1890-1950",VABB-4,262,291,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:316548,,"Dogs and Coca-Cola: Commemorative Practices as part of Laboratory Culture at the Heymans Institute Ghent, 1902–1970",VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316549,,The Performance of Redemption: Asceticism and Liberation in Belgian Lebensreform,VABB-4,21,41,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:316550,,Tot lering en vermaak: wetenschappelijke kinderboeken van Belgische uitgevers in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,211,237,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316553,,Geschiedenis als bindmiddel? Het geschiedenisonderwijs aan de colleges en athenea in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden onder het bewind van Willem I,VABB-1,174,189,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:316566,,Modern asceticism: a historical exploration,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316567,,Beyond pleasure: cultures of modern asceticism,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316568,,"Traum oder Fluch: Flämische Literaten über Deutschland, 1870-1914",VABB-4,92,114,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:316573,,The importance of being a spinal neurosurgeon: evaluation of spinal surgery in Belgium between 2000 and 2005 and the creation of the Belgian Neurosurgical Spine Society,VABB-1,422,424,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316580,,De ontsluiting van vroegmodern gerechtelijk archief : beloften en impasses,VABB-1,96,102,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316581,,Philip II's Quest. The Appointment of Governors-General during the Dutch Revolt (1559-1598),VABB-1,3,29,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316585,,"The Clementia Lipsiana: Between political analysis, autobiography and panegyric",VABB-4,207,231,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316586,,"Collaborators and Parvenus? Berlaymont and Noircarmes, Loyal Noblemen in the Dutch Revolt",VABB-1,20,38,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:316589,,The absence of public exchange banks in medieval and early modern Flanders and Brabant (1400-1800): a historical anomaly to be explained,VABB-1,91,117,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316590,,"Respectability, Middle-class Material Culture and Economic Crisis: The Case of Lier in Brabant, 1690-1770",VABB-1,159,184,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316608,,An ongoing past: the Seond World War in Flemish History Textbooks for Secondary Schools,VABB-5,57,68,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316620,,„Der Schrei des Marsyas“. The Mythic Voices of the Subaltern in Reinhard Jirgl's Mutter Vater Roman,VABB-4,69,84,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316622,,"""Das hatte ich mal irgendwo gelesen"": Überlegungen zu Reinhard Jirgls Essayismus",VABB-1,86,97,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:316626,,Toward a New conception of Women's Literary History,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316628,,Half-man or Half-doll: George Egerton's response to Friedrich Nietzsche,VABB-1,524,546,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316629,,"De passage van de ander. Theatraliteit, narrativiteit en Trauerarbeit in het werk van De Parade",VABB-4,81,92,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316632,,"Melancholia, MIgration, and Mise en Scene. Comparing Else Lasker-Schüler and Emine Sevgi Özdamar",VABB-1,385,404,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316633,,"Die profane Lesestunde des ""unwissenden Lehrmeisters""",VABB-4,59,76,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:316638,,Gray Mornings of Tolerance. Pasolini's Calderón and the Living Theatre of New York (1966-1969),VABB-1,31,46,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316639,,"Semper duo, numquam tres? Plutarch's Popularphilosophie on Friendship and Virtue in On having Many Friends",VABB-5,19,39,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316642,,"Petrus Naghel, Übersetzer in Herne",VABB-1,267,281,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:316643,,Mittelniederländische Kreuzzugsepik,VABB-1,167,178,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:316644,,Karel ende Elegast,VABB-2,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316645,,"Petrus Naghel, Gulden Legende (de Middelnederlandse vertaling van de Legende aurea door Petrus Naghel, deel 2)",VABB-3,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316647,,Fergus / Ferguut,VABB-4,311,329,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316648,,Gauvainromane,VABB-4,249,309,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:316652,,A Pepaideumenoi's Novel. Sophistry in Longus' Daphnis and Chloe,VABB-1,53,75,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316654,,Perpetual Remnant: Sartor Resartus and 'the Necessary Kind of Reading',VABB-4,204,225,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316656,,Sartor Resartus and the Rhetoric of Translation,VABB-1,61,78,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316657,,Geniale Koinzidenz. Transzendentalphilosophie und/als Übersetzung in Coleridge's Biographia Literaria,VABB-1,9,28,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:316660,,Religious globalization in post-war Europe,VABB-1,63,108,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316663,,States Going Transnational. Transnational State Civilian Networks and Socialist Cuba and Sandinista Nicaragua Solidarity Movements in Belgium (1960s-1980s),VABB-1,1277,1305,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316675,,‘Mystics of a modern time? Public mystical experiences in Belgium in the 1930s’,VABB-1,1171,1189,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316676,,‘Heroic men and Christian ideals’,VABB-4,63,94,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316683,,Verwerkt en onverwerkt verleden: oorlogstrauma's in postcommunistisch Polen,VABB-1,506,523,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:316684,,"Lobbying allies? The NSZZ Solidarność coordinating office abroad, 1982-1989",VABB-1,83,125,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:316685,,Facing the Catastrophe. Jews and non-Jews in Europe during World War II,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316686,,Congomania in academia: recent historical research on the Belgian colonial past,VABB-1,54,74,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:316689,,Cultural Memory and Legal Responses: Holocaust Denial in Belgium and Romania,VABB-4,229,260,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316690,,Studying the History of the Holocaust,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316692,,Inspirées par le Sud ? Les mobilisations transnationales Est-Ouest pendant la guerre froide,VABB-1,155,168,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316702,,Sign of the Times,VABB-1,109,120,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316704,,The unconcept: the Freudian uncanny in late-twentieth-century theory,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316708,,Unconscious Thinking out of Bounds. Christopher Bollas as Thinker and Artist,VABB-1,109,120,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316710,,How to 'Read' Images with Texts: The Graphic Novel Case,VABB-4,590,600,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316712,,Zwischen Animismus und Computeranimation. Das Unheimliche als Unbegriff im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert,VABB-4,19,46,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:316715,,"Literature et communication: questions d'Alain Payeur à Jan Baetens, Yves Jeanneret et Thierry Lancien",VABB-1,11,35,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316718,,Abstraction in comics,VABB-1,94,113,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316720,,Les littératures francophones au révélateur de la pseudonymie,VABB-1,371,384,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:316721,,La pseudonymie dans les littératures francophones. Prolégomènes,VABB-1,229,239,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:316724,,Le poème-novellisation,VABB-1,119,128,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:316732,,"Strip, série, sequence",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316737,,From black & white to colour and back: what does it mean (not) to use colour,VABB-1,111,128,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316739,,Efficacité/Efficacity: how to do things with words and images?,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316741,,Given the Popular,VABB-4,3,11,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316742,,"Regarding the Popular: Modernism, the Avant-Garde, and High and Low Culture",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316743,,A Fantastic Voyage into Inner Space: Description in Science-Fiction Novelizations,VABB-1,288,303,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316750,,Dominique Goblet: The meaning of form,VABB-4,76,92,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316752,,Popular fiction,VABB-4,244,249,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316753,,Popular world literature,VABB-4,336,344,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316754,,The graphic novel,VABB-4,1137,1153,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316755,,"Frédéric Boyer, détournement et conquête de sens",VABB-4,161,173,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316757,,Sous la robe de Clara Gazul: comment Prosper Mérimée est entré en littérature,VABB-4,157,168,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316758,,Raymond Federman and critical theory,VABB-4,191,200,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316760,,Mon grand tour en sémiotique,VABB-1,153,164,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316761,,Transmedial aesthetics is ordinary: some remarks on Victor Erice's The spirit of the beehive,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316764,,"Une défense ""culturelle"" des études littéraires",VABB-1,1,12,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316768,,Comics Studies,VABB-1,159,164,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316771,,Un manuscrit retrouvé de Gordon de Percel,VABB-5,267,280,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316772,,Border Studies and post-Nafta Culture: Zorro as New Mestizo,VABB-4,59,68,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316776,,Stijn Streuvels en Camille Melloy: schrijven en vertalen in België,VABB-1,49,69,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316777,,Du plurilinguisme discursif dans des revues belges et françaises du XIXe siècle,VABB-4,33,46,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316778,,Metres and the Pound: Taking the Measure of British Modernism,VABB-1,285,297,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316779,,La traduction dans les cultures plurilingues/Translation in multilingual cultures: quelques réflexions sur le plurilinguisme en traductologie,VABB-4,7,20,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316780,,The Canonical Debate Today: Crossing Disciplinary and Cultrural Boundaries,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316781,,How many Canons Do We Need?,VABB-4,19,38,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316782,,El arte según Wieder: estética y política de lo abyecto en Estrella distante,VABB-1,65,79,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:316787,,Intercultural mediators in multilingual cultures: blessing or curse?,VABB-4,61,72,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316791,,"“Misericordia"" de Benito Pérez Galdós a través del prisma de John Rawls",VABB-4,11,22,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316793,,De Spaanse Ruusbroecvertaling van Blas López,VABB-4,167,192,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316794,,"Los artículos de crítica artística de Galdós en ""La Prensa""",VABB-4,106,112,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:316797,,Habitus and Self-image of native literary author-translators in diglossic societies,VABB-4,135,153,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316803,,"La partie et le tout: la composition du roman, de l'âge baroque au tournant des Lumières: préface générale",VABB-5,3,10,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316804,,"La partie et le tout: la composition du roman, de l'âge baroque au tournant des Lumières",VABB-3,,,705 p.,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316810,,"Le ""Tyrocinium linguae Latinae ex optimis quibusdam auctoribus collectum"" de Petrus Apherdianus",VABB-4,205,222,,lat,2010,2 c:vabb:316827,,Women Latin poets: some notes,VABB-1,377,390,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316828,,Bibliographie intermédiaire des poètes et versificateurs latins en France au XIXe siècle,VABB-1,223,304,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:316829,,Torrius. Appendix: some unpublished or little-known documents,VABB-1,191,211,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316832,,Three overlooked poems by Marco Galdi,VABB-1,331,341,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316837,,Neo-Latin,VABB-1,7,28,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316844,,The Transmission of Francesco Filelfo’s Commentationes Florentinae De Exilio,VABB-1,7,29,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316845,,Gli Epistolographi Graeci di Francesco Filelfo,VABB-1,177,206,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316846,,Carolus Scribani and the Lipsian Legacy. The Politico-Christianus and Lipsius's Image of the Good Prince,VABB-4,283,305,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316847,,Introduction. Towards a more balanced view of Justus Lipsius's political writings and their influence,VABB-4,3,22,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316848,,(Un)masking the Realities of Power. Justus Lipsius and the Dynamics of Political Writing in Early Modern Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316849,,Pius Lipsius or Lipsius Proteus?,VABB-4,303,349,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316850,,Between Scylla and Charybdis: learned letter writers navigating the reefs of religious and political controversy in early modern Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316858,,"Honour, Justice and Clemency. Some Observations on Rhetorical Strategy in Cato's Pro Rhodiensibus",VABB-1,331,349,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:316862,,Petrarch’s “Inner Eye” in the Familiarium libri XXIV,VABB-4,45,68,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316865,,Schifting Orthodoxy in the Republic of Letters: Kaspar Schoppe mirrors Justus Lipsius,VABB-4,352,366,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:316867,,The theme of concordia: pax in the works of the poet Prudentius,VABB-1,67,80,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316868,,"Stoic Fate and Christian Rule: Superstition, Fate and Divination in Lipsius’s Monita et exempla politica (1605)",VABB-4,195,205,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316869,,The earliest phase of the Jansenist controversy among the Flemish Capuchins. Part I: Hildebrand’s interpretation and the case of Eugenius of Bruges,VABB-1,155,185,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316873,,Philologische Kontakte zwischen Deutschland und Flandern in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts,VABB-4,71,91,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:316875,,"Something Old, Something New: Middle Dutch Late Chivalric Romances",VABB-1,155,166,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316876,,Jan Walravens en Roerloos aan Zee: een existentialistisch debuut?,VABB-4,161,178,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316880,,Het postuur Berckmans. De postume theaterreceptie van een poète maudit,VABB-1,175,188,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316881,,Pyramus et Thisbe dans la littérature en moyen néerlandais. Un exemple à suivre?,VABB-4,73,103,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316882,,Les translations d'Ovide au Moyen Âge,VABB-3,,,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316883,,"Representations of Mysticism in Flemish Interwar Literature: between Poetry and Prose, Ecstacy and Realism",VABB-1,1255,1276,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316884,,"Het discours van de kritiek. Literaire kritiek in Vlaanderen tussen de twee wereldoorlogen: Joris Eeckhout, Urbain van de Voorde, Paul de Vree",VABB-2,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316885,,"Transnationaal, maar toch Neerlandistiek?",VABB-1,73,84,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316886,,De ziel en de wegen van Paul en Waldo. Katholieke romanexperimenten in Vlaanderen (1920-1930): Karel van den Oever en Gerard Walschap,VABB-4,31,44,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316887,,"Poétique / Poëtica. Comparer les concepts, une problématiqe de poétiques comparées",VABB-1,125,139,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:316893,,Performance-related increases in hippocampal N-acetylaspartate (NAA) induced by spatial navigation training are restricted to BDNF Val Homozygotes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316894,,"La révolution de 1848, catalysateur du redéploiement du système financier belge",VABB-4,17,32,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:316898,,The globalization of cannabis cultivation,VABB-4,1,20,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316903,,Psychopathy and the detection of concealed information,VABB-4,215,231,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316909,,Interrogational fairness under the European convention on human rights,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316911,,Detecting inherent bias in lexical decision experiments with the LD1NN algorithm,VABB-1,34,52,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316915,,Top-down effects on early visual processing in humans : a predictive coding framework,VABB-1,1237,1253,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316918,,Perceived maternal parenting as a mediator of the intergenerational similarity of dependency and self-criticism : a study with Arab Jordanian adolescents and their mothers,VABB-1,756,765,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:316919,,Cone-beam volumetric tomography for applications in the temporal bone,VABB-1,453,460,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316924,,Evaluation of the agonal stress : can immunohistochemical detection of ubiquitin in the locus coeruleus be useful?,VABB-1,333,340,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316926,,Gelijke kansen als hefboom voor het universeel recht op onderwijs? Een pedagogische lezing,VABB-1,477,484,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316931,,A time-integrated MODIS burn severity assessment using the multi-temporal differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBRMT),VABB-1,52,58,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316932,,Amphores grecques timbrées découvertes à Suse (SO-Iran),VABB-1,161,192,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:316934,,Swifterbant pottery from the lower Scheldt Basin (NW Belgium),VABB-4,161,165,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316943,,Bilingual inequality : linguistic rights and disenfranchisement in late Belgian colonization,VABB-1,1279,1287,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316945,,Re-embedding volunteerism : in search of a new collective ground,VABB-1,5,21,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316946,,Lokale besturen en onderwijs : een nieuwe samenwerkingsdynamiek?,VABB-1,15,24,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316949,,European consumers' perceived importance of qualifying and disqualifying nutrients in food choices,VABB-1,550,558,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316957,,"Policy, performance and management in governance and intergovernmental relations : transatlantic perspectives",VABB-3,,,392 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316969,,Framing van de eerste en tweede intifada in de Vlaamse en Nederlandse pers : een casestudy van De Morgen en het NRC Handelsblad,VABB-1,21,43,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:316971,,Industries and Services within Rome,VABB-4,317,335,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316976,,In denkbeeldige tegenwoordigheid. Historische letterkunde vandaag en morgen,VABB-2,,,245 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316977,,"Flemish monasticism, comital power, and the archbishops of Canterbury : a written legacy from the late tenth century",VABB-4,67,86,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316978,,Roerloos ontroerd : emotie en cognitie in Roerloos aan zee,VABB-4,143,160,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316979,,"Plautus I : Amphitruo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captiui",VABB-2,,,768 p,lat,2011,2 c:vabb:316981,,Kin terms in the East Bantu proto languages : initial findings,VABB-4,79,82,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316983,,Woordenboek van de Vlaamse dialecten : deel III : algemene woordenschat : aflevering 7 : het menselijk lichaam,VABB-2,,,"XLIV, 524 p.",dut,2010,2 c:vabb:316984,,Functional reorganization of cervical flexor activity because of induced muscle pain evaluated by muscle functional magnetic resonance imaging,VABB-1,470,475,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316985,,Is there altered activity of the extensor muscles in chronic mechanical neck pain? A functional magnetic resonance imaging study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316986,,Sociaal protest in een bezet land : voedseloproer in België tijdens de eerste wereldoorlog,VABB-1,30,47,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:316989,,EU Agencies : between Meroni and Romano or the devil and the deep blue sea,VABB-1,1055,1075,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316990,,Het actuele veiligheidsdebat in Frankrijk : een toneelstuk in meerdere bedrijven,VABB-1,3,16,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:316991,,Why um helps auditory word recognition : the temporal delay hypothesis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316992,,Appreciating the anticipation of citizenship expertise,VABB-1,32,44,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:316993,,Imitation assessment and its utility to the diagnosis of autism : evidence from consecutive clinical preschool referrals for suspected autism,VABB-1,484,496,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:316994,,The nominative and infinitive in English and Dutch : an exercise in contrastive diachronic construction grammar,VABB-4,143,180,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:316995,,Constructional semantics on the move : on semantic specialization in the English double object construction,VABB-1,183,209,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317008,,Separation and marital property in late medieval England and the Franco-Belgian region,VABB-5,77,97,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317014,,Processability theory and German case acquisition,VABB-1,455,505,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317018,,A semantic rule checking environment for building performance checking,VABB-1,506,518,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317019,,Allomorphic Responses in Serbian Pseudo-Nouns as a Result of Analogical Learning,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317025,,Response to method errors or unexplained biological information?,VABB-1,e9,e10,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317027,,De anatomie van de amateur : een onderzoek naar de determinanten van actieve cultuurparticipatie,VABB-4,273,306,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317028,,Participatie in de levensloop : een non-lineaire analyse van leeftijdsverschillen in participatie,VABB-4,435,466,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317029,,Episcopal elections in late Antiquity,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317030,,Social ethics and moral discourse in Late Antiquity,VABB-4,43,61,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317031,,The rhetoric of rules and the rule of consensus,VABB-4,243,258,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317036,,"Konzo and dietary pattern in cassava-consuming populations of Popokabaka, democratic republic of Congo",VABB-1,613,619,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:317037,,Oud maar niet out! : denken en doen met de Oudheid vandaag,VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:317041,,The impact of study design and diagnostic approach in a large multi-centre ADHD study : part 1 : ADHD symptom patterns,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317042,,"Decolonizing spaces : a (visual) essay on strategies of appropriation, transformation and negotiation of the colonial built environment in postcolonial Congo",VABB-1,49,88,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:317044,,Antihypertensive effect of insect cells : in vitro and in vivo evaluation,VABB-1,526,530,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317046,,When strategic plans fail to lead. A complexity acknowledging perspective on decision-making in Urban Development Projects. The case of Kortrijk (Belgium),VABB-1,981,997,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:317051,,Direct contact and authoritarianism as moderators between extended contact and reduced prejudice : lower threat and greater trust as mediators,VABB-1,223,237,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317056,,Recruitment sources and organizational attraction : a field study of Belgian nurses,VABB-1,376,391,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:317058,,Más que un amateur esclarecido : la afición de Julio Cortázar por la filosofía de Heráclito,VABB-1,247,262,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:317060,,Recent criticism (since 1985),VABB-4,435,444,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:317067,,Liefde en haat : het duurzaamste koppel : over de werkzaamheid van psychotherapie,VABB-1,357,369,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:317084,,Understanding business domain models : the effect of recognizing resource-event-agent conceptual modeling structures,VABB-1,69,101,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317085,,Ethnic school context and the national and sub-national identifications of pupils,VABB-1,357,378,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317088,,Mechanistic insights into furan formation in Maillard model systems,VABB-1,229,235,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317093,,The distractor frequency effect in a delayed picture-word interference task : further evidence for a late locus of distractor exclusion,VABB-1,116,122,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317098,,"Les localisateurs dans les constructions existentielles : approche comparée en espagnol, en français et en italien",VABB-2,,,281 p.,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:317101,,The attentional blink is diminished for targets that form coherent semantic categories,VABB-1,321,328,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317102,,Modelling coating quality in fluidised bed coating : spray sub-model,VABB-1,220,227,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317103,,Het concept intimiteit in de context van partnerrelaties : een kwalitatief onderzoek bij jongvolwassenen,VABB-1,81,88,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317104,,Implementing an ICT curriculum in a decentralised policy context : description of ICT practices in three Flemish primary schools,VABB-1,E139,E141,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317126,,Towards the proof-theoretic unification of dung's argumentation framework : an adaptive logic approach,VABB-1,133,156,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317129,,Development and initial validation of the preschool imitation and praxis scale (PIPS),VABB-1,463,473,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317130,,The implementation of verbal instructions : an fMRI study,VABB-1,1811,1824,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317134,,Werving en selectie : terug van nooit weggeweest,VABB-1,,,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:317138,,Translating the watcher's voice : Junot Díaz's The brief wondrous life of Oscar Wao into Spanish,VABB-1,20,41,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317141,,From aspect to evidentiality : the subjectification path of the French semi-copula se faire and its Spanish cognate hacerse,VABB-1,1042,1060,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317142,,Ecclesia in medio nationis : reflections on the state of the art in monastic studies/réflexions sur l’état de la question dans l’historiographie du monachisme au Moyen Âge central,VABB-3,,,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:317143,,Molecular perspectives on the Bantu expansion : a synthesis,VABB-1,50,88,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317145,,Analysing the effect of educational differences between partners : a methodological/theoretical comparison,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:317151,,Distribution of attention modulates salience signals in early visual cortex,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317156,,Literary metaphor between cognition and narration : 'the sandman' revisited,VABB-4,58,76,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317158,,Scenarios based on sustainability discourses : constructing alternative consumption and consumer perspectives,VABB-1,1187,1199,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317160,,Explanations in software engineering : the pragmatic point of view,VABB-1,277,289,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317172,,Frankrijk en zijn antiklerikale wetten (1880-1910),VABB-1,11,30,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317173,,Legal migration in the relationship between the European Union and ACP countries : the absence of a true global approach continues,VABB-1,53,94,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317174,,Strengths and limitations of theoretical explanations in psychology : introduction to the special section,VABB-1,161,162,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317176,,The EU-Korea protocol on cultural cooperation : towards cultural diversity or cultural deficit?,VABB-1,245,271,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317177,,Opening closed minds : the combined effects of intergroup contact and need for closure on prejudice,VABB-1,514,528,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317179,,The syntax–semantics interface in systemic functional grammar : Halliday's interpretation of the Hjelmslevian model of stratification,VABB-1,1100,1126,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317181,,Does French really have bare singular subject NPs? : on semantic reconstruction based on cataphoric ellipsis,VABB-1,3,40,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:317182,,Recollecting landscapes : landscape photography as a didactic tool,VABB-1,47,55,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317183,,"Advanced EFL learners’ beliefs about language learning and teaching : a comparison between grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary",VABB-1,896,922,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317185,,Stimulating professional learning through teacher evaluation : an impossible task for the school leader?,VABB-1,891,899,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317188,,Measuring urbanisation in the late republican and early imperial landscape of Adriatic central Italy,VABB-5,80,90,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:317191,,"Item selection and validation of a brief, 15-item version of the need for closure scale",VABB-1,90,94,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317193,,Queer cuttings on YouTube : re-editing soap operas as a form of fan-produced queer resistance,VABB-1,442,456,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:317194,,Introducing the UNEP/SETAC methodological sheets for subcategories of social LCA,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317195,,Enkele actuele problemen inzake de (gerechtelijke) openbare verkopen van onroerende goederen na de recente wetswijziging,VABB-1,46,62,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317197,,"Wet vorderingsrecht leefmilieu opnieuw getoetst aan grondwet en bijzondere wet : noot onder grondwettelijk hof, 24 februari 2011",VABB-1,377,382,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317214,,Metonymic language use as a student translation problem : towards a controlled psycholinguistic investigation,VABB-4,67,92,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317215,,Sociale mobiliteit en verwachtingen ten aanzien van films,VABB-1,257,278,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317217,,World wide weed : global trends in cannabis cultivation and its control,VABB-3,,,250 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317224,,Salutary Reading. Conversion and Calvinist Humanism in Constantijn Huygens' Ooghentroost,VABB-4,1,24,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:317225,,Cross-linguistic activation in bilingual sentence processing : the role of word class meaning,VABB-1,351,359,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317235,,Impaired visuo-motor sequence learning in Developmental Coordination Disorder,VABB-1,749,756,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317238,,Laboratory tests of window-wall interface details to evaluate the risk of condensation,VABB-1,562,575,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317242,,Frequency drives lexical access in reading but not in speaking : the frequency-lag hypothesis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317243,,Il desiderio problematico di Frédéric Moreau e di Alfonso Nitti : studio delle analogie tra l' 'Éducation sentimentale' e 'Una vita',VABB-1,341,372,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:317244,,"Valence, arousal, and cognitive control : a voluntary task-switching study",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317260,,Introduction : performance measurement and accountability in IGR-MLG settings,VABB-4,213,216,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317262,,Researching race/ethnicity and educational inequality in the Netherlands: a critical review of the research literature between 1980 and 2008,VABB-1,5,43,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317265,,Changing Practices of Journalism,VABB-4,221,233,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317266,,'Keep calm and carry on' : structural correlates of expressive suppression of emotions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317267,,Fostering industry-science cooperation through public funding: different impact for universities and public research centres,VABB-1,484,493,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:317280,,Friendship among the Romans,VABB-4,404,421,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317282,,"The impact of disseminating the whole-community project '10,000 Steps' : a RE-AIM analysis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317287,,"Geoarchaeological research in the Roman town of Ammaia (Alentejo, Portugal)",VABB-5,58,70,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:317289,,The IARC and mechanistic evidence,VABB-4,91,109,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317292,,Arranging place and time : a GIS toolkit to assess person-based accessibility of urban opportunities,VABB-1,561,575,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317298,,"William Hymers and the editing of William Collins’s poems, 1765–1797",VABB-1,333,354,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317300,,Trade and competition law in the EU and beyond,VABB-3,,,512 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317303,,Understanding sexual pain : a cognitive-motivational account,VABB-1,251,253,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317304,,Professional collegia : guilds or social clubs ?,VABB-1,187,195,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317305,,General and maladaptive personality dimensions in pediatric obsessive-compulsive symptoms,VABB-1,24,41,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317307,,Therapeutic outcome of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and personality pathology comorbidity : a multilevel analysis,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317308,,Participatie in Vlaanderen 1 : basisgegevens van de participatiesurvey 2009,VABB-3,,,292 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317317,,Child L2 development : a longitudinal case study on voice onset times in word-initial stops,VABB-1,159,173,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317337,,"Setting Shari’a standards : on the role, power and spatialities of interlocking Shari’a boards in Islamic financial services",VABB-1,94,103,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317338,,Doing justice to existence : Jean-Luc Nancy and 'The Size of Humanity',VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317343,,Schopenhauer on sense perception and aesthetic cognition,VABB-1,37,57,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317348,,Dataverzameling,VABB-4,257,288,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317349,,Geen goesting : over drempels en percepties van kunstenparticipatie,VABB-4,307,346,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317350,,Eusebius of Caesarea and the concept of paganism,VABB-4,86,109,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317351,,"Pseudo-themistius, pros basilea : a false attribution",VABB-1,408,419,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317353,,Grado de conocimiento de las guías de prevención de la neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica de las enfermeras de cuidados intensivos del sur de Europa,VABB-1,6,12,,spa,2011,1 c:vabb:317354,,Indirect flow through passages : Trinh T. Minh-ha’s art practice,VABB-1,90,99,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:317355,,Noninvasive assessment of diastolic intraventricular pressure gradients in a large general population (the Asklepios study),VABB-5,715,716,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317356,,Consumption patterns and labelling of fish and fishery products in Poland after the EU accession,VABB-1,843,850,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317357,,Power assertive discipline and internalizing problems in adolescents : the role of attachment,VABB-1,34,55,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317386,,Le rôle de certains facteurs (morpho-)syntaxiques et informationnels dans le choix de il ou de celui-ci,VABB-1,137,164,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:317396,,Consumer satisfaction with pork meat and derived products in five European countries,VABB-1,167,170,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317401,,Mainstreaming gender in European commission development policy : conservative Europeanness?,VABB-1,39,49,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317402,,"Simulation of efficiency impact of drainage water re-use : case of small-scale vegetable growers in North West Province, South Africa",VABB-1,89,101,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317405,,Playing the sports game: broadcasting rights in the digital television era,VABB-1,33,49,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317413,,"Print culture, high-cultural consumption, and Thomson's the seasons, 1780-1797",VABB-1,495,514,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317443,,"Internationalist utopias of visual education : the graphic and scenographic transformation of the Universal Encyclopaedia in the work of Paul Otlet, Patrick Geddes and Otto Neurath",VABB-1,32,80,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317445,,"Collectieve identiteit, sociaal gedrag en monastieke memoria in het liber traditionum van de priorij van Saint-Georges te Hesdin (1094 - circa 1180)",VABB-1,79,112,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317447,,Stability and transformation in the cult of an early medieval saint : the case of bishop Folcuin of Thérouanne († 855),VABB-1,131,151,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:317450,,2666 : o la legitimidad de la literatura en tiempos 'post',VABB-1,611,630,,spa,2014,1 c:vabb:317451,,'Why do they have to grow up so fast?' Parental separation anxiety and emerging adults' pathology of separation-individuation,VABB-1,647,664,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317452,,The Belgian economic elite and the punishment of economic collaboration after the second world war : power and legitimacy (1944-1952),VABB-1,95,105,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:317468,,The prism of everyday life : towards a new research agenda for time geography,VABB-1,25,47,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317469,,Evaluating the temporal organization of public service provision using space-time accessibility analysis,VABB-1,1039,1064,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317480,,Travelling certainties : Darwin’s doubts and their Dutch translations,VABB-1,275,299,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317481,,Testing asymmetries in non-cognate translation priming : evidence from RTs and ERPs,VABB-1,74,81,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317493,,Evidence against an occasion setting account of avoidance learning,VABB-1,46,52,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317495,,General image and attribute perceptions of traditional food in six European countries,VABB-1,129,138,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317496,,A concurrent diagnosis of microbiological food safety output and food safety management system performance : cases from meat processing industries,VABB-1,555,565,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317497,,The spatial and social context of television-viewing adolescents,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317498,,The symbiotic relationship of Thomas Nelson & Sons and John Buchan within the publisher's series,VABB-4,156,170,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317511,,Attracting the un-served audience : the sustainability of long tail-based business models for cultural television content,VABB-1,1005,1023,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317527,,Meaning and interpretation : the semiotic similarities and differences between cognitive grammar and European structural linguistics,VABB-1,1,50,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317533,,Selim Chazbijewicz jako poeta polsko-tatarski,VABB-1,117,136,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317534,,Intratest reliability in determining the subtalar joint axis using the palpation technique described by K. Kirby,VABB-1,122,129,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:317539,,Şerife Yiğit : Turkije,VABB-1,332,345,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317544,,"Generation, generatio, Verwandtschaft : Kleists 'Der Findling' in Kontexten der zeit-genössischen Literatur und Wissenschaft",VABB-4,202,219,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:317547,,"Copularization processes in French : constructional intertwining, lexical attraction, and other dangerous things",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:317553,,Vocabularies and retrieval tools in biomedicine : disentangling the terminological knot,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317563,,"The amir Yalbughā al-Khāṣṣakī (d. 1366), the Qalāwūnid sultanate, and the cultural matrix of Mamluk society : a re-assessment of Mamluk Politics in the 1360s",VABB-1,423,443,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317564,,Reversals of fire : the philosophy of Heraclitus as thematic subtext of Julio Cortázar's 'all fires the fire',VABB-1,945,963,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317565,,The relationship between social-cultural attitudes and behavioral measures of cognitive style : a meta-analytic integration of studies,VABB-1,1765,1799,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317576,,Edwardian transitions in the fiction of Una L Silberrad,VABB-1,212,233,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:317584,,Sneller aan werk dankzij activering van het zoeken,VABB-1,1,14,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317589,,Fair trespass,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317590,,Education and depressive symptoms in 22 European countries,VABB-1,107,110,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317603,,The collapse of a European bank in the financial crisis : an analysis from stakeholder and ethical perspectives,VABB-1,169,191,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317605,,"'Weemoedig als een kind, maar sterk als een man' : beelden van mannelijkheid in West-Vlaamse katholieke prijsboeken uit de late negentiende eeuw",VABB-1,59,100,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:317606,,Towards a fruitful formulation of Needham’s grand question,VABB-1,9,26,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:317609,,The impact of HF-rTMS treatment on serotonin(2A) receptors in unipolar melancholic depression,VABB-1,104,111,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317613,,Bank affiliations and corporate dividend policy in pre-World War I Belgium,VABB-1,590,616,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317618,,Het 'perpetuum mobile' van de nationaliteitsverkrijging en de wettigheid van het vereiste verblijf : noot onder Cass. 20 februari 2009,VABB-1,145,148,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:317619,,Measuring spatial separation processes through the minimum commute : the case of Flanders,VABB-1,42,60,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317621,,Oil for Rome During the Second and Third Century AD: A Confrontation of Archaeological Records and the Historia Augusta,VABB-1,591,623,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317623,,The effectiveness of regulatory (in)congruent ads : the moderating role of an ad’s rational versus emotional tone,VABB-1,397,420,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:317624,,Irrigation pricing policies and its impact on agricultural inputs demand in Tunisia : a DEA-based methodology,VABB-1,2109,2118,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317629,,Promoting gender equality in EU development aid : from transformative policy to transformative practice?,VABB-1,39,51,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317631,,Technology and the body : the (im)possibilities of re-embodiment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317635,,The dual voice of power : an ethnographic perspective on meetings,VABB-2,,,192 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317636,,Interaction between whey proteins and lipids during light-induced oxidation,VABB-1,1190,1197,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317638,,Effect of protein glycation in the presence or absence of wheat proteins on detection of soybean proteins by commercial ELISA,VABB-1,127,135,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317644,,Kant on friendship,VABB-1,127,139,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317649,,"Regionale verschillen in het leven van ongehuwde moeders op het platteland in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, 1730-1846",VABB-1,2,28,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317650,,Bottlenecks in the coverage of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict : the coverageof the first and second intifada in the Flemish press,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317651,,De politieke werkzaamheid van waarheid aan het eind van de twintigste eeuw : de waarheids- en verzoeningscommissie in Zuid-Afrika,VABB-1,93,99,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317652,,Biorders with frontier,VABB-1,53,87,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317653,,Institutions under construction : resolving resource conflicts in Tanzanian irrigation schemes,VABB-1,252,273,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317654,,A new perspective on role-player training in assessment centres,VABB-1,213,231,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317657,,Adapting to the system or the student? Exploring teacher adaptations to disadvantaged students in an English and Belgian secondary school,VABB-1,59,75,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317665,,Transcendentalism and original beginnings,VABB-5,307,322,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317666,,Anchor uncertainty and space-time prisms on road networks,VABB-1,1223,1248,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317679,,Formats for law & economics in legal scholarship : views and wishes from Europe,VABB-1,1485,1516,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317683,,"Een midden-bronstijdbewoning te Sint-Gillis-Waas – Kluizenmolen (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,27,33,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317684,,De milieustrafrechter en toekomstbeveiliging : praktijkprofiel van het exploitatieverbod,VABB-1,101,126,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317688,,The relationship between spatial proximity and travel-to-work distance : the effect of the compact city,VABB-1,687,706,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:317691,,L'empereur Charles VI et 'l'héritage anjouin' dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux (1716-1725),VABB-1,53,79,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:317694,,The semantics of case alternation (Accusative/Dative) in German locative constructions with two-way prepositions. A constructional approach,VABB-1,324,366,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317695,,Food photographs in nutritional surveillance : errors in portion size estimation using drawings of bread and photographs of margarine and beverages consumption,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317698,,Non spatial neglect for the mental number line,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317703,,What money cannot buy : the distinctive and multidimensional impact of volunteers,VABB-1,138,158,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317706,,Governance in EU foreign policy : exploring small state influence,VABB-1,164,180,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317711,,The abuse clause and freedom of expression in the European Human Rights Convention : an added value for democracy and human rights protection?,VABB-1,54,83,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317714,,Performing QoE-measurements in an actual 3G network,VABB-5,1,6,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:317725,,Stroke in patients with migraine,VABB-1,118,122,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317727,,On the brink of a New Era? Yalbugha al-Khassaki (d. 1366) and the Yalbughawiya,VABB-1,1,38,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317728,,Expo 58 : the catalyst of Belgium's Welfare State governmental complexes?,VABB-1,649,659,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317731,,History and the history of science in the work of Hendrik De Man,VABB-1,487,511,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:317733,,The pragmatic quality of Resources- Events-Agents diagrams: an experimental evaluation,VABB-1,63,89,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317735,,Energy saving potential and repercussions on indoor air quality of demand controlled residential ventilation strategies,VABB-1,1497,1503,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317737,,Copyright Backlash,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317738,,Proprio una 'Bella Giornata'? Un' analisi delle metafore conoscitive in 'Ferito a morte' di Raffaele La Capria,VABB-1,94,110,,ita,2011,1 c:vabb:317740,,Der Markt für Zucker,VABB-1,37,51,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:317747,,"What is philosophy for children, what is philosophy with children- after Matthew Lipman",VABB-1,171,182,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317750,,"Salted with fire : biblical allusions, Heraclitus and judgement by fire in Julio Cortázar’s 'All fires the fire'",VABB-1,312,340,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317752,,"The CCK(-like) receptor in the animal kingdom : functions, evolution and structures",VABB-1,607,619,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317753,,On the critical evaluation of growth/no growth assessment of Zygosaccharomyces bailii with optical density measurements : liquid versus structured media,VABB-1,736,745,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317754,,Legal doctrine : which method(s) for what kind of discipline?,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317755,,The Flemish connection : socio-cultural news from London in the Ghendtsche post-tydingen (1667-1723),VABB-1,703,704,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317756,,Re-enacting modernity: Fabian barba's 'A Mary Wigman Dance Evening' (2009),VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317757,,"The neural underpinnings of event-file management: Evidence for stimulus-induced activation of, and competition among stimulus-response bindings",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317768,,Varying versions of moral relativism : the philosophy and psychology of normative relativism,VABB-1,95,113,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:317769,,Assessing intra-annual vegetation regrowth after fire using the pixel based regeneration index,VABB-1,17,27,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317770,,What do we know about real exchange rate nonlinearities?,VABB-1,457,474,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:317771,,Kant's moral theism and moral despair argument against atheism,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:317772,,Social exclusion and youth work : from the surface to the depths of an educational practice,VABB-1,219,231,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317773,,Childcare practitioners and the process of professionalization,VABB-4,62,76,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317774,,Consumer satisfaction with dry-cured ham in five European countries,VABB-1,336,343,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317778,,"Kille, niet-emotionele trekken in de adolescentie : een dimensionele benadering",VABB-1,18,29,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317779,,Constantforce : remembering Denis Dutton (1944-2010),VABB-1,4,7,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:317780,,Avoiding transgenerational risks of mitochondrial DNA disorders : a morally acceptable reason for sex selection?,VABB-1,1354,1360,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:317785,,Formation of semicarbazide upon hypochlorous acid treatment of nitrogen containing compounds,VABB-5,115,118,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:317786,,Between public and private : town architects in Belgium during the interwar period,VABB-1,105,118,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317788,,Policing in Europe : an introduction,VABB-4,7,17,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:317789,,Evaluation of a norovirus detection methodology for soft red fruits,VABB-1,52,58,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317792,,De nieuwe wet consumentenkrediet en de kredietopening : een afdoende bescherming voor de consument?,VABB-1,191,214,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:317794,,Dual power in Susa : chronicle of a transitional period : from Ur III via Šimaški to the Sukkalmahs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:317801,,Kinshasa : architecture et paysage urbains,VABB-3,,,128 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:317803,,CBN-adviezen : jaaroverzicht 2009 : de comeback,VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:317852,,General and maladaptive traits and anger in a combined forensic psychiatric and general population sample,VABB-1,354,361,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:317954,,Manoel de Moraes : spelen met de grenzen van de eigen identiteit in Nederlands Brazilië,VABB-1,5,15,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:318032,,"Perfectionism, body dissatisfaction, and bulimic symptoms : the intervening role of perceived pressure to be thin and thin ideal internalization",VABB-1,1043,1068,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:318057,,Diffusion theory vs. today’s ICT environment,VABB-1,175,202,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:318058,,Gender stereotyping in rape cases : the CEDAW committee's decision in Vertido v the Philippines,VABB-1,329,342,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:318059,,Attitudinal determinants of fish consumption in Spain and Poland,VABB-1,1412,1419,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:318505,,Is a risky lifestyle always 'risky'? : the interaction between individual propensity and lifestyle risk in adolescent offending : a test in two urban samples,VABB-1,608,626,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:318506,,Fast phonology and the bimodal interactive activation model,VABB-1,764,778,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:318545,,John Ragsdale and William Collins Once Again,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:318546,,De Vlaamse romanvernieuwing en de nouveau roman : de visie van Jan Walravens,VABB-4,119,142,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:318561,,Prioritising land to be preserved for agriculture : a context-specific value tree,VABB-1,219,226,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:318578,,Elements of the modernist creed in Henri Pirenne and George Sarton,VABB-1,377,394,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:318580,,"History, memory, and state-sponsored violence : time and justice",VABB-2,,,250 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:318583,,From famine to food crisis. What history can teach us about local and global food crises,VABB-1,47,65,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:318584,,Nationalisms and Political Islam in Turkey,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:318634,,"Furan formation from lipids in starch-based model systems, as influenced by interactions with antioxidants and proteins",VABB-1,2368,2376,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:318847,,Contract law and economics,VABB-3,,,512 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:318852,,"The gap between educational research and practice : views of teachers, school leaders, intermediaries and researchers",VABB-1,299,316,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:318855,,Itinerant lordship : relic translations and social change in eleventh- and twelfth-century Flanders,VABB-1,143,163,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:318902,,Slidecast yourself : exploring the possibilities of a new online presentation tool,VABB-5,255,261,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:318908,,Multilingualism in legal settings,VABB-4,297,313,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:318923,,Contexte urbain et ambivalences chez les entrepreneurs etniques,VABB-1,153,167,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319014,,Spatiogram features to characterize pearls in paintings,VABB-5,804,,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319022,,"Famine, exchange networks, and the village community : a comparative analysis of the subsistence crises of the 1740s and the 1840s in Flanders",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319028,,Evaluating Landsat Thematic Mapper spectral indices for estimating burn severity of the 2007 Peloponnese wildfires in Greece,VABB-1,558,569,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319087,,Knowledge economies in Agnes Grey,VABB-1,224,234,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319088,,Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Gilles Deleuze as interpreters of Henri Bergson,VABB-4,269,284,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319093,,Enhanced visual perception with occipital transcranial magnetic stimulation,VABB-1,1320,1325,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319095,,Feedback type as a moderator of the relationship between achievement goals and feedback reactions,VABB-1,703,722,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319101,,Locomotieftekst : justitie en politie in de unie : van Lissabon over Stockholm naar Brussel,VABB-1,7,13,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319104,,Does bracing influence brain activity during knee movement : an fMRI study,VABB-1,1145,1149,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319110,,White matter hyperintensities and impaired choice stepping reaction time in older people,VABB-1,1177,1185,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:319113,,Syntax and language disorders,VABB-4,1833,1874,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:319126,,The Politics of solidarity: the Kurdish question in European Parliament,VABB-4,197,217,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319129,,The impact of an education program about evolution on the shift from teleological to evolutionary explanations among Belgian children around the age of ten,VABB-5,2539,2543,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319130,,The postmodern application of holistic education,VABB-1,18,34,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319142,,Adherence to leg ulcer lifestyle advice : qualitative and quantitative outcomes associated with a nurse-led intervention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319186,,Hypnerotomachia Poliphili or Lucius's Strife of love in a dream?,VABB-4,131,144,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319199,,Internal exposure to pollutants and body size in Flemish adolescents and adults : associations and dose-response relationships,VABB-1,330,337,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319244,,Therapeutic processes in multi-family groups for major depression: results of an interpretative phenomenological study,VABB-1,226,234,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319246,,"The determinants of overeducation : different measures, different outcomes?",VABB-1,608,625,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319247,,Preverbal skills as mediators for language outcome in preterm and full term children,VABB-1,265,272,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319250,,Psychometric properties of a motor skill checklist for 3- to 5-year-old children,VABB-1,350,357,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:319276,,Gastrointestinal passage of Bacillus cereus,VABB-5,3,6,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319277,,Het debat geopend : inleiding : op weg naar een Europese politiële samenwerking voor de burger?,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319281,,A nice thing about standards,VABB-5,197,206,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319282,,De moderne roman / Paul de Wispelaere,VABB-3,,,226 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319289,,Regulation of toxin production by Bacillus cereus and its food safety implications,VABB-1,188,213,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319290,,The relationship between ADHD and key cognitive phenotypes is not mediated by shared familial effects with IQ,VABB-1,861,871,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319296,,Personality traits in chronic pain patients are associated with low acceptance and catastrophizing about pain,VABB-1,209,215,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319301,,Medication use in patients with migraine and medication-overuse headache : the role of problem-solving and attitudes about pain medication,VABB-1,1334,1339,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319304,,Implementation of chlorhexidine gluconate in the prevention of line-related infection,VABB-1,346,347,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319305,,The novel and the nation : the case of David Grossman's see under : love,VABB-1,1,15,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:319306,,"Susanna, the fathers and the passio sereni (BHL 7595-6) : sexual morals, intertextuality and early Christian self-definition",VABB-1,556,580,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319308,,Comparing societies with different numbers of individuals on the basis of their average advantage,VABB-4,261,277,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319315,,Publieke sculpturen van de hand van vrouwen : de casus Brussel,VABB-1,99,123,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319320,,Perceived social approval and condom use with casual partners among youth in urban Cameroon,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319322,,Resident aliens and translocal merchant collegia in the Roman empire,VABB-5,335,348,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319323,,"Technology & torts : a theory of memory costs, nondurable precautions and interference effects",VABB-1,284,290,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319324,,"Etnowiskunde : ontstaan, en betekenisverschuiving van een concept",VABB-1,72,91,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:319325,,Muscle functional MRI as an imaging tool to evaluate muscle activity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319327,,De verdeling van de schadelast bij samenloop van een opzettelijke en onopzettelijke fout,VABB-1,474,485,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:319328,,Not 'Simply Mrs. Warren' : Eliza Warren Francis (1810-1900) and the Ladies' treasury,VABB-1,307,326,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319329,,Regiolectisering en de opkomst van tussentaal in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,61,77,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319332,,"Migrants and diffusion of low marital fertility in nineteenth century Sart, Belgium",VABB-1,593,614,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:319334,,Sociaal contact in een MMORPG : een exploratief onderzoek naar de motivaties voor het spelen van World of Warcraft vanuit de Uses & Gratifications benadering,VABB-1,44,61,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:319335,,Geen baan voor een Marokkaan? Discriminatie bij CV-screening nader bekeken,VABB-1,139,164,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:319340,,Women’s mobility in the Late Medieval low countries : the evidence of diplomatic documents (12th-13th century),VABB-1,227,253,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:319343,,Foreword,VABB-1,5,11,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:319344,,"An 8-year follow-up of treated obese children : children's, process and parental predictors of successful outcome",VABB-1,626,633,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319345,,Factors associated with medication adherence to oral hypoglycaemic agents in different ethnic groups suffering from type 2 diabetes : a systematic literature review and suggestions for further research,VABB-1,262,275,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319349,,Why the cognitive approach in psychology would profit from a functional approach and vice versa,VABB-1,202,209,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319352,,The united nations intellectual history project and the role of ideas,VABB-4,47,59,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319356,,Five replies to Kant's moral despair argument against atheism,VABB-5,1,9,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319359,,Overall and within-food group diversity are associated with dietary quality in Belgium,VABB-1,1965,1973,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319360,,Psychopathy and lifetime experiences of depression,VABB-1,279,294,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319364,,"Reading Adam Smith after Darwin : on the evolution of propensities, institutions, and sentiments",VABB-1,14,22,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319365,,"Spinoza’s Conatus as an essence preserving, attribute-neutral immanent cause : toward a new interpretation of attributes and modes",VABB-4,65,86,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319367,,Hypochlorous and peracetic acid induced oxidation of dairy proteins,VABB-1,907,914,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319368,,The Latin renovatio of Byzantium : the empire of Constantinople (1204-1228),VABB-2,,,535 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319380,,Outbound offending : the journey to crime and crime sprees,VABB-1,70,78,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319383,,Een Middelnederlands Oud Testament uit Holland in de Vorsterman-bijbel (1528)? : de cantica in het Middelnederlandse Philadelphia-psalter,VABB-1,3,27,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:319384,,The moderational role of anxiety sensitivity in flight phobia,VABB-1,422,426,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319386,,"Pediatric cochlear implantation : a qualitative study of the parental decision-making process in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,339,362,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319387,,Reinventing the employable citizen : a perspective for social work,VABB-1,94,110,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:319388,,Proto Oceanic (Austronesian) and Proto East Bantu (Niger-Congo) kin terms ca. 1000 BC,VABB-4,83,94,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:319391,,Do imitation problems reflect a core characteristic in autism? Evidence from a literature review,VABB-1,89,95,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319396,,A mise-en-scène of the shattered habitus : the effect of social mobility on aesthetic dispositions towards films,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319397,,"Dynamic modeling of causal relationship between energy consumption, CO2 emissions and economic growth in India",VABB-1,3243,3251,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319399,,Foundation or fragment of local democracy? : empirically assessing the roles of local councillors in Belgian governance,VABB-1,103,122,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319400,,Theory of the concealed information test,VABB-4,128,148,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319407,,Minors travelling alone : a risk group for human trafficking?,VABB-1,164,185,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319417,,Computational estimation of soybean oil adulteration in Nepalese mustard seed oil based on fatty acid composition,VABB-5,211,214,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319422,,"Research review : the center for journalism studies, Ghent university",VABB-1,539,546,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319423,,'What are men to rocks and mountains?' : the architectural models of OMA/Rem Koolhaas,VABB-1,31,36,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319424,,De kritische dimensie van de hedendaagse historische roman,VABB-1,219,245,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:319425,,Effects of sprint training combined with vegetarian or mixed diet on muscle carnosine content and buffering capacity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319427,,Combining quantitative proteomics data processing workflows for greater sensitivity,VABB-1,481,U66,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319428,,Psychological well-being during unemployment : the role of personality and perception of time structure,VABB-1,207,232,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319429,,The ease of lying,VABB-1,908,911,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319434,,Accuracy assessment of a LiDAR digital terrain model by using RTK GPS and total station,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319435,,Le fabellae esopiche di Maffeo Vegio : spigolature da un codice lodigiano poco noto,VABB-5,133,163,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:319436,,Pain-induced changes in the activity of the cervical extensor muscles evaluated by muscle functional magnetic resonance imaging,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319438,,Effectiveness of administrative appeals within the framework of administrative justice in Belgium,VABB-1,277,293,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319443,,EU and world sugar markets in 2010,VABB-1,90,100,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319446,,"Suicide bombers, weddings, and prison tattoos : an evolutionary perspective on subjective commitment and objective commitment",VABB-4,459,484,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319447,,Facebook en arbeidsrecht : mysterium tremendum et fascinans,VABB-1,1498,1510,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319450,,Ethics of modifying the mitochondrial genome,VABB-1,97,100,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319451,,To continue or discontinue storage of cryopreserved embryos? : patients' decisions in view of their child wish,VABB-1,861,872,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319452,,Attitudes van medewerkers van fertiliteitscentra ten aanzien van de Belgische wet betreffende de medisch begeleide voortplanting en de bestemming van de overtallige embryo's en de gameten,VABB-1,1076,1086,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:319464,,ELISA detection of hazelnut proteins : effect of protein glycation in the presence or absence of wheat proteins,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319469,,Over verborgen gebreken en korte termijnen : noot onder Brussel 2 oktober 2008,VABB-1,35,39,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319470,,Development of competitive ELISA for the soybean protein detection in processed foods,VABB-5,97,100,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319472,,Rhodian amphora stamps from the old and new excavations of Mleiha (emirate of Sharjah),VABB-1,208,223,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:319475,,The black box revelation : in search of conceptual clarity regarding climate and culture in school effectiveness research,VABB-1,505,524,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319480,,What is there beyond Mertonian and dollar green science? Exploring the contours of epistemic democracy,VABB-4,35,48,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:319481,,Effect of the breakup context on unwanted pursuit behavior perpetration between former partners,VABB-1,934,941,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319482,,"Balance, gait, falls and fear of falling in women with the hypermobility type of ehlers-danlos syndrome.",VABB-1,1432,1439,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319483,,Criterion distances and environmental correlates of active commuting to school in children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319485,,Does the present mathematics curriculum effectively promote the acquisition of clock reading? A comparative study of Chinese and Flemish children’s clock reading abilities,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319486,,Linking long-term gully and river channel dynamics to environmental change using repeat photography (Northern Ethiopia),VABB-1,238,251,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319489,,Do chain goals match consumer perceptions? The case of the traditional food sector in selected European Union countries,VABB-1,221,243,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319490,,Mentally ill offenders in prison : the Belgian case,VABB-1,71,78,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319498,,"Three-dimensional information exchange over the semantic web for the domain of architecture, engineering, and construction",VABB-1,317,332,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319499,,Introducing the minimalist program to students of English,VABB-1,149,172,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319500,,A working memory account for spatial–numerical associations,VABB-1,114,119,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319501,,Effectiveness of varenicline as an aid to smoking cessation : results of an inter-European observational study,VABB-1,769,775,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319504,,A new view on Kant's sensus communis logicus,VABB-5,79,89,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319516,,"Over hulp kennen, willen en krijgen : mid-adolescente slachtoffers en hulpverlening",VABB-1,81,84,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319517,,Psychometric evaluation of the Dutch resilience scale RS-nl on 3265 healthy participants : a confirmation of the association between age and resilience found with the Swedish version,VABB-1,86,92,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319520,,Monetary policy rules in central and Eastern European countries : does the exchange rate matter?,VABB-1,807,818,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319523,,European consumer acceptance of safety-improving interventions in the beef chain,VABB-1,1776,1784,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319524,,Involvement of inpatient mental health clients in the practical training and assessment of mental health nursing students : can it benefit clients and students?,VABB-1,198,203,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319532,,Challenges of digital preservation for cultural heritage institutions,VABB-1,157,165,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319533,,Translation and linguistic innovation : the rise and fall of Russian loanwords in literary translation into Dutch,VABB-4,101,120,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319536,,"Newton's substance monism, distant action, and the nature of Newton's empiricism : discussion of H. Kochiras 'Gravity and Newton's substance counting problem'",VABB-1,160,166,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319539,,Validity of the Ghent multidimensional somatic complaints scale in a clinical sample,VABB-1,535,538,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319540,,Chaotische structuur of gestructureerde chaos : een intertekstuele analyse van een traditionele en een vernieuwende historische roman,VABB-4,71,83,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319541,,"Time, temporality, and the characteristic marks of the conditioned : Sarvastivada and Madhyamaka Buddhist interpretations",VABB-1,341,360,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319542,,Energy management on industrial parks in Flanders,VABB-1,1988,2005,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319544,,Nog eens levensleer : over de samenwerking tussen Virginie Loveling en Cyriel Buysse,VABB-1,157,166,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:319547,,An evolutionary approach for the nurse rerostering problem,VABB-1,1400,1411,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319548,,Cue management : using fitness cues to enhance advertising effectiveness,VABB-4,257,287,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319553,,The quality of school life : teacher-student trust relationships and the organizational school context,VABB-1,85,100,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319562,,The quality and impact of computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) in radiology case-based learning,VABB-1,353,362,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319567,,Stages of nonsymbolic number processing in occipitoparietal cortex disentangled by fMRI adaptation,VABB-1,7168,7173,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319568,,The frozen embryo and its nonresponding parents,VABB-1,1980,U138,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319569,,The OSCE Chairmanship-in-Office's election procedure : is there a need for formalized criteria?,VABB-1,49,62,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319570,,Using an online tool to support school-based ICT policy planning in primary education,VABB-1,434,447,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319578,,Partners in business : Roman merchants and the potential advantages of being a collegiatus,VABB-1,221,256,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319581,,Assessing QuADEM : preliminary notes on a new method for evaluating online language learning courseware,VABB-1,433,449,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319582,,Arbeidsrechtelijke dimensies van het verdrag van Lissabon,VABB-1,294,322,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319583,,Sequential analysis of the numerical stroop effect reveals response suppression,VABB-1,1243,1249,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319584,,"Vroege ijzertijdbewoning op het 'Klein Zand' te Grembergen : een voorlopige analyse (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,95,100,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319585,,Les tripodes de bronze à protomés zoomorphes du type Geraardsbergen sont-ils véritablement celtiques ou antiques?,VABB-1,133,137,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:319587,,Balancing on the borderline : a low-cost approach to visualize the red-edge shift for the benefit of aerial archaeology,VABB-1,267,278,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319588,,Factors discriminating gymnasts by competitive level,VABB-1,591,597,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319589,,Terwijl we wachten op de FPC's : de organisatie van de forensische geestelijke gezondheidszorg,VABB-1,43,48,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319592,,Unintended allocation of spatial attention to goal-relevant but not to goal-related events,VABB-1,48,55,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319597,,"Membrane permeabilization and cellular death of Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as induced by high pressure carbon dioxide treatment",VABB-1,541,549,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319598,,On the selection of relevant environmental factors to predict microbial dynamics in solidified media,VABB-1,220,228,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319599,,De ontwikkeling va de persoonsgerichte ondersteuningsuitkomsten schaal (POS),VABB-1,180,196,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:319611,,Effort-reward imbalance and actual turnover among Belgian health care workers,VABB-4,141,155,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319612,,'Our land is only founded on trade and industry' : economic discourses in fifteenth-century Bruges,VABB-1,374,389,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319613,,"Associations of parenting styles, parental feeding practices and child characteristics with young children's fruit and vegetable consumption",VABB-1,589,596,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319614,,Patterns of urban rebellion in medieval Flanders,VABB-4,369,393,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:319618,,Development and psychometric evaluation of an instrument to assess venous leg ulcer lifestyle knowledge among nurses,VABB-1,2574,2585,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319620,,Dose-length product of scanners correlates with DNA damage in patients undergoing contrast CT,VABB-1,1495,1499,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:319621,,Sex and the City: a postfeminist point of view? Or how popular culture functions as a channel for feminist discourses.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319626,,The importance of irrigation water rights : lessons from South Africa and Tunisia,VABB-1,663,676,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319628,,Dealing with creationist challenges : what European biology teachers might expect in the classroom,VABB-1,176,182,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319629,,Newspapers: Adapting and Experimenting,VABB-4,45,59,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319631,,Credibility of fiscal policies and independent fiscal bodies,VABB-1,288,308,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319632,,Dyadic and triadic skills in preterm and full term infants : a longitudinal study in the first year,VABB-1,179,188,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319633,,"Effects of attention training on self-reported, implicit, physiological and behavioural measures of spider fear",VABB-1,211,218,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319645,,Der penis als dildo oder : das letzte Spektakel der Männlichkeit (in der Performancekunst),VABB-5,329,339,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:319647,,Displaying authenticity and progress : architectural representation of the Belgian Congo at international exhibitions in the 1930s,VABB-1,21,32,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:319648,,Anti-abortion protest and freedom of expression in Europe,VABB-1,47,50,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319657,,Degrees of pragmaticalization : the divergent histories of 'actually' and actuellement,VABB-1,166,193,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:319659,,Predictors of maximal short-term power outputs in basketball players 14-16 years,VABB-1,789,796,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319661,,Selecting predictor subsets : considering validity and adverse impact,VABB-1,260,270,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319663,,"A Dutch version of the modified reasons for smoking scale : factorial structure, reliability and validity",VABB-1,799,806,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:319664,,Computed tomographic analysis of the quality of trunk muscles in asymptomatic and symptomatic lumbar discectomy patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319667,,The modification of predicative bare nouns in French : a functional analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319668,,A century of tree line changes in sub-Arctic Sweden shows local and regional variability and only a minor influence of 20th century climate warming,VABB-1,907,921,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319670,,Historische uitvoeringspraktijk,VABB-1,21,38,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319672,,Live and let die? Welke toekomst voor de Vlaamse provincies?,VABB-1,360,379,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:319673,,First things first : characterising mutual recognition in criminal matters,VABB-4,17,38,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319674,,"EU criminal justice, financial & economic crime : new perspectives interest-based dispute resolution",VABB-3,,,298 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319675,,Opgeruimd staat netjes? Fusies en alternatieven voor de bestuurlijke verrommeling,VABB-1,332,346,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:319676,,Further fMRI validation of the visual half field technique as an indicator of language laterality : a large-group analysis,VABB-1,2879,2888,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319684,,"Effecten van fysieke training op de fysieke fitheid, de vermoeidheid en de levenskwaliteit bij borstkankerpatiënten : een literatuuroverzicht",VABB-1,317,326,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319685,,Re-thinking the cost of supply chain security,VABB-1,389,405,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319687,,YouTube : a political advertising tool? A case study of the use of YouTube in the campaign for the European parliament elections 2009,VABB-1,195,212,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:319688,,Künstler im Lernen : Umbildung der belgischen Medizinischen Fakultäten in den 1870er Jahren,VABB-4,115,136,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:319696,,Introducing optimization techniques to students : an exam case distribution model,VABB-1,53,61,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:319698,,"The masculine middlebrow : what Mr Miniver Read, 1880-1950",VABB-3,,,240 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:319709,,The farm decision role of price information from commodity exchanges : an ex-ante evaluation using quasi-rational price expectations in Ethiopia,VABB-1,3610,3618,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319729,,How harmful are survey translations? A test with Schwartz's human values instrument,VABB-1,485,510,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:319739,,Testing for a rational bubble under long memory,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:319784,,Assessing emotional and behavioural problems with the child behaviour checklist : exploring the relevance of adjusting the norms for the Flemisch community,VABB-1,213,235,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319785,,"Pesten onder de loep : sociale kenmerken van slachtoffers, pesters, en pester-slachtoffers",VABB-1,17,25,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:319832,,Farmers' satisfaction with group market arrangements as a measure of group market performance : a transaction cost analysis of Non Timber Forest Products' producer groups in Cameroon,VABB-1,545,553,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319833,,ISSLS prize winner : smudging the motor brain in young adults with recurrent low back pain,VABB-1,1721,1727,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319880,,On the limits of judicial intervention : EU citizenship and family reunification rights,VABB-1,443,466,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319926,,The influence of the self-regulatory focus on the effectiveness of stop-smoking campaigns for young smokers,VABB-1,275,305,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:319963,,Two kinds of procedural semantics for privative modification,VABB-5,252,271,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:320003,,"Semantic and pragmatic motivations for constructional preferences : a corpus-based study of provide, supply, and present",VABB-1,359,391,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320005,,Uploaders' definitions of the networked public on YouTube and their feedback preferences : a multimethod approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320158,,Spierfunctionele MRI : een beeldvormingstechniek om spieractiviteit te evalueren,VABB-1,177,185,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:320164,,Dus (dus) is (dus) een accessibility marker (dus)? Reactie op : J. Evers-Vermeul 'Dus vooraan of in het midden?',VABB-1,198,203,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:320205,,Biased latent variable mean comparisons due to measurement non-invariance : a simulation study,VABB-4,117,148,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320206,,Toward the development of a pedagogical model for health-based physical education,VABB-1,321,338,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320216,,Differences in hours worked in the OECD : institutions or fiscal policies?,VABB-1,1333,1369,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320217,,Civil society development during accession : on the necessity of domestic support to EU incentives,VABB-1,623,656,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320250,,Process mining manifesto,VABB-5,169,194,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:320277,,Preoccupied with the market : the EU as a promoter of 'shallow' democracy in the Mediterranean,VABB-1,623,637,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320317,,Evolutionary approaches to epistemic justification,VABB-1,517,535,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320362,,May they come in? A comparison of German and Flemish efforts to welcome public participation in the news media,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320363,,Buddhist Nuns : between past and present,VABB-1,603,631,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320384,,De verdieping van de Westerschelde : de stuwing voorbij?,VABB-1,304,321,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:320622,,Staats-Torheit oder Freiheitskampf? Die Revolte des Brutus auf der Amsterdamer und Hamburger Bühne,VABB-5,311,324,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:320656,,The use of a multi-method approach to identify the pigments in the 12th century manuscript Liber Floridus,VABB-1,125,132,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320702,,"From corpus to dictionary : a hybrid prescriptive, descriptive and proscriptive undertaking",VABB-1,120,143,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320704,,The use of the marasha ard plough for conservation agriculture in Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,287,297,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320705,,'Catch me if you can' : ambiguities and complexities of street children (bashege) of Kinshasa,VABB-4,111,128,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320706,,What you see is what will change : evaluative conditioning effects depend on a focus on valence,VABB-1,89,110,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320707,,Kuipers meets Minne en Boon : de Kapellekensbaan in het fonds van De Arbeiderspers,VABB-1,63,83,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:320708,,An ontology-based nurse call management system (oNCS) with probabilistic priority assessment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320709,,Implementation of guidelines for sequential therapy with fluoroquinolones in a Belgian hospital,VABB-1,404,410,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:320710,,Implementation of acrylamide mitigation strategies on industrial production of French fries : challenges and pitfalls,VABB-1,898,906,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320712,,Cost effectiveness of treatments for wet age-related macular degeneration,VABB-1,107,131,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320713,,The IDEFICS community-oriented intervention programme : a new model for childhood obesity prevention in Europe?,VABB-1,S16,S23,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320717,,Inferring additional knowledge from QTC(N) relations,VABB-1,1573,1590,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320718,,Parental catastrophizing about their child's chronic pain : are mothers and fathers different?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320719,,"Species boundaries and phylogenetic relationships between Atlanto-Mediterranean shallow-water and deep-sea coral associated Hexadella species (Porifera, Ianthellidae)",VABB-1,104,114,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:320721,,Remote sensing meets psychology : a concept for operator performance assessment,VABB-1,251,257,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320722,,"The 4th International comparison on EPR dosimetry with tooth enamel, part 1 : report on the results",VABB-1,765,771,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320723,,Parental catastrophizing about child's pain and its relationship with activity restriction : the mediating role of parental distress,VABB-1,212,222,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320724,,Incongruency effects in affective processing : automatic motivational counter-regulation or mismatch-induced salience?,VABB-1,413,425,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320725,,Plant and animal protein intake and its association with overweight and obesity among the Belgian population,VABB-1,1106,1116,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320726,,Empathic accuracy in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,126,134,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320727,,Mental rotation meets the motion aftereffect : the role of hV5/MT+ in visual mental imagery,VABB-1,1395,1404,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320728,,Preferential sugar imports of the EU,VABB-1,93,101,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320731,,Determinants of unmet need for contraception among Chinese internal migrants a worksite-based survey,VABB-1,26,35,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320732,,Secondary generalisation in categorisation : an exemplar-based account,VABB-1,153,173,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:320733,,On the role of goal relevance in emotional attention : disgust evokes early attention to cleanliness,VABB-1,466,477,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320734,,Angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory activity of gelatin hydrolysates and identification of bioactive peptides,VABB-1,552,558,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320735,,The role of working memory in the attentional control of pain,VABB-1,453,459,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320736,,Multiple goal management starts with attention goal prioritizing affects the allocation of spatial attention to goal-relevant events,VABB-1,55,61,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320737,,Parametric modulation of error-related ERP components by the magnitude of visuo-motor mismatch,VABB-1,360,367,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320738,,"Pilot evaluation of the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) Food-O-Meter, a computer-tailored nutrition advice for adolescents : a study in six European cities",VABB-1,1292,1302,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320740,,Vastus medialis obliquus atrophy does it exist in Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome?,VABB-1,1450,1455,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320742,,Dietary sources of fiber intake and its association with socio-economic factors among Flemish preschool children,VABB-1,1836,1853,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320743,,FADS1 genetic variability interacts with dietary α-linolenic acid intake to affect serum non-HDL-cholesterol concentrations in European adolescents,VABB-1,1247,1253,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320744,,Reproducibility of food consumption frequencies derived from the children's eating habits questionnaire used in the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,S61,S68,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320752,,Saving Opel : discursive perspectives on news management,VABB-4,281,299,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:320754,,"Enlightenment? Ideas, transfers, circles, attitudes, practices",VABB-1,323,327,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320755,,Questioning the homogenization of irregular migrants in educational policy : from (il)legal residence to inclusive education,VABB-1,659,669,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320756,,Protecting investors through information requirements,VABB-1,111,127,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320758,,The perception of work stressors is related to reduced parasympathetic activity,VABB-1,185,191,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320763,,Equity of urban service delivery : a comparison of different accessibility measures,VABB-1,1613,1635,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:320766,,Modality and negation in the history of low German,VABB-1,131,167,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320767,,Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on the attentional processing of emotional information in major depression : a pilot study,VABB-1,102,107,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320773,,Social-ethnic school composition and school misconduct : does sense of futility clarify the picture?,VABB-1,224,256,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320775,,Incontinence-associated dermatitis : step-by-step prevention and treatment,VABB-1,334,339,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320776,,Strong paraconsistency by separating composition and decomposition in classical logic,VABB-5,272,292,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320777,,"Connections, connections, connections! : the Atlantic copper market during the long twentieth century",VABB-4,175,195,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320778,,Mechanisms of peer influence among adolescents : cohesion versus structural equivalence,VABB-1,183,204,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320779,,Hierarchic adaptive logics,VABB-1,45,72,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:320794,,Common alterations in sensitivity to type but not amount of reward in ADHD and autism spectrum disorders,VABB-1,1164,1173,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320796,,Zelfstandige training in consultvoering : studenten leren van de simulatiepatiënt en van elkaar,VABB-1,194,205,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:320797,,Les tombelles de l'âge du bronze en Flandre sablonneuse (nord-ouest de la Belgique) : un status quaestionis,VABB-1,491,505,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:320799,,'All the butter in the country belongs to us Belgians' : well-being and lower class national identification in Belgium during the First World War,VABB-4,230,249,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320801,,Bohemian baroque culture and folk devotion : Johann Santini Aichel's Nepomuk church in Žd'ár,VABB-1,6,23,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320804,,The Novel after Melancholia: David Mitchell’s Ghostwritten and Tom McCarthy’s Remainder,VABB-4,254,267,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320814,,Heroes in the sports pages : the troubled road to victory for Belgian cyclist Tom Boonen,VABB-1,658,672,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320815,,The war-wounded and the congenitally impaired : competing categories of disability in John Buchan's Huntingtower (1922),VABB-1,7,20,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320816,,Differential effects of painful and non-painful stimulation on tactile processing in Fibromyalgia syndrome and subjects with masochistic behaviour,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:320821,,De kunst van het verbergen : een lichtzinnige naziprins en de Nederlandse monarchie,VABB-1,71,81,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:320840,,Beyond Kurdistan? The Mesopotamia social forum and the re-appropriation and re-imagination of Mesopotamia by the Kurdish movement,VABB-1,417,432,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320843,,Virtual restoration of the Ghent altarpiece using crack detection and inpainting,VABB-5,417,428,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320844,,Are they really too busy for survey participation? The evolution of busyness and busyness claims in Flanders,VABB-1,619,632,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320855,,Peasants and depeasantization,VABB-4,313,321,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:320856,,Cutting the Gordian Knot of world history : Giovanni Arrighi’s model of the great divergence and convergence,VABB-1,89,106,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320860,,Applicant versus employee scores on self-report emotional intelligence measures,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320862,,"Food insecurity, school absenteeism and educational attainment of adolescents in Jimma zone Southwest Ethiopia : a longitudinal study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320863,,Risk calculation and precautionary uncertainty : two configurations within crime assessment,VABB-1,15,31,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320882,,"Le fédéralisme belge et la politique de l'environnement : concertation, coopération et... agir chacun pour soi dans un contexte européen",VABB-5,1,36,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:320893,,Communicating food and food chain integrity to consumers : lessons from European research,VABB-4,285,293,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320895,,Modest opposite associations of endogenous testosterone and oestradiol with left ventricular remodelling and function in healthy middle-aged men,VABB-1,e587,e593,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320896,,The echo of the quartercentenary of Uppsala University in 1877 across Scandinavia,VABB-4,138,167,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320907,,Explorations in new cinema history : approaches and case studies,VABB-3,,,352 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320912,,Van millefeuille tot boekske : recept van de interne Vlaamse staatshervorming,VABB-1,317,331,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:320913,,In search of a framework for the treatment of alexithymia,VABB-1,84,97,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320918,,La hibridez de la tradición judeocristiana como reivindicación del sincretismo religioso en la Nueva España: El Divino Narciso de Sor Juana,VABB-1,459,475,-,spa,2010,1 c:vabb:320919,,Reconceptualizing the role of fear of falling and balance confidence in fall risk,VABB-1,3,23,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320923,,Rethinking orientalism : colonialism and the study of Indian traditions,VABB-1,101,128,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320928,,Keeping History at Bay: Absent Presences in Three Recent Jewish American Novels,VABB-1,673,693,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320941,,"Narratieve schokken, narratologische verschuivingen : Kleists Erdbeben in Chili herbekeken",VABB-1,35,56,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:320943,,Critical evaluation of the EU-technical guidance on shelf-life studies for L. monocytogenes on RTE-foods : a case study for smoked salmon,VABB-1,176,185,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320956,,Human ankle cartilage deformation after different in vivo impact conditions,VABB-1,137,143,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320960,,Les pronoms anaphoriques 'il' et 'celui-ci',VABB-2,,,394 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:320962,,From fashion colours to spectrum analysis : negotiating femininities in Mid-Victorian women’s magazines,VABB-1,21,36,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:320968,,"Facing the challenges of social upliftment and definition of identity : a field analysis of the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind's social service Wing network in Meerut, India",VABB-1,479,500,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:320969,,Between the devil and the deep blue sea : medical confidentiality and partner notification in case of sexually transmitted infections,VABB-4,289,314,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320970,,The functional and neural mechanisms of action preparation: Roles of EBA and FFA in voluntary action control,VABB-1,214,220,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320972,,Gender differences in food insecurity and morbidity among adolescents in Southwest Ethiopia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320973,,The first thirty kilometres of the western front 1914-1918 : an aerial archaeological approach with historical remote sensing data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320974,,EuropeaN Energy balance Research to prevent excessive weight Gain among Youth (ENERGY) project: Design and methodology of the ENERGY cross-sectional survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:320980,,The financial impact of the proposed amendments to IAS 17 : evidence from Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-1,275,295,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320985,,Metaheuristics in architecture,VABB-5,190,196,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320990,,China's new renewable energy law,VABB-1,74,80,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:320991,,Cultuurparticipatie,VABB-4,19,88,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:320992,,Inleiding : participatie in kaart,VABB-4,11,24,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:320993,,Cultuurparticipatie in Vlaanderen : beleidscontext en sociologische achtergrond,VABB-4,219,234,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321014,,"Influence of combined aerobic and resistance training on metabolic control, cardiovascular fitness and quality of life in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321015,,A deontic logic framework allowing for factual detachment,VABB-1,61,80,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321017,,Staying the return of aliens from Europe through interim measures : the case-law of the European Commission and the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-1,31,51,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321020,,Fast morphological effects in first and second language word recognition,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321021,,Investigating effects of problem-based versus lecture-based learning environments on student motivation,VABB-1,101,113,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321022,,"A temple of the sun-god Shamash and other occupational remains at ed-Dur (Emirate of Umm al-Qaiwain, UAE)",VABB-2,,,175 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321023,,'… als ob ich dort noch etwas zu suchen hätte : 'Europa- und Orientdiskurse in Annemarie Schwarzenbachs Erzählung … Sehr viel Geduld : (1934/35),VABB-1,406,424,-,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:321024,,A resource-based view of value creation in social purpose business ventures,VABB-4,221,240,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321025,,Attention-induced deactivations in very low frequency EEG oscillations : differential localisation according to ADHD symptom status,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321026,,Deep brain stimulation in children : parental authority versus shared decision-making,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:321028,,Fibre intake among the Belgian population by sex-age and sex-education groups and its association with BMI and waist circumference,VABB-1,1692,1703,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321029,,Food and drink intake during television viewing in adolescents : the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321031,,"How to make the medical consultation more successful from a patient's perspective? : tips for doctors and patients from lay people in the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands",VABB-1,287,293,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321032,,"Onderzoek als vormgever van beleid, of beleid als vormgever van onderzoek?",VABB-1,1,10,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:321033,,Rethinking the gods : philosophical readings of religion in the post-hellenistic period,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321034,,"Pluralisme, tolerantie en de liberale staat : twijfelen met Augustinus",VABB-4,107,119,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321039,,Juigchen in den adel der menschlijke natuur : het verhevene in de Nederlanden (1770-1830),VABB-2,,,411 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321040,,De raad voor Vreemdelingenbetwistingen en buitenlandse huwelijksakten : een complexe verhouding,VABB-1,1006,1010,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321046,,Une analyse en miroir de deux verbes évidentiels : s'avérer vs se révéler,VABB-1,49,75,-,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:321058,,Predicting ICT integration into classroom teaching in Chinese primary schools: exploring the complex interplay of teacher-related variables,VABB-1,160,172,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321062,,Augmented photoframe for interactive smart space,VABB-5,60,66,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321063,,Using school performance feedback : perceptions of primary school principals,VABB-1,167,188,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321064,,Consumer information (in) sufficiency in relation to biofuels : determinants and impact,VABB-1,125,131,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321065,,The role of spatial attention in attentional control over pain : an experimental investigation,VABB-1,269,275,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321066,,"Evidential mood, restructuring, and the distribution of functional sembrare",VABB-4,297,326,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321068,,Environmental and psychosocial correlates of accelerometer : assessed and self-reported physical activity in Belgian adults,VABB-1,235,245,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321069,,Vlaanderen versus Nederland : verschillen in depressieve klachten bij mannen en vrouwen gemeten met de CES-D8,VABB-1,73,82,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321072,,Tradition et créativité dans les formes gnomiques en Italie et en Europe du Nord (XIVe-XVIIe siècles) = Tradizione e creatività nelle forme gnomiche in Europa del Nord e in Italia (XIV-XVII ss.),VABB-3,,,322 p.,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:321075,,A novel time series analysis approach for prediction of dialysis in critically ill patients using echo-state networks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321078,,"Anticoagulantia, een veld in beweging",VABB-1,695,698,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:321080,,Measuring the safety of the food chain in Belgium : development of a barometer,VABB-1,940,950,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321082,,Een kritische analyse van het begrip perfectionisme in relatie tot eetstoornissen,VABB-1,117,128,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321085,,From La Mettrie's Voluptuous Man Machine to the per-verse core of Psycho,VABB-1,67,85,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321089,,Sequential trials and the English rule,VABB-1,31,43,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:321108,,The silver lining of materialism : the impact of luxury consumption on subjective well-being,VABB-1,411,437,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:321109,,The importance of expressing antimicrobial agents on water basis in growth/no growth interface models : a case study for Zygosaccharomyces bailii,VABB-1,258,266,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321110,,A Lacanian perspective on psychotic hallucinations,VABB-1,86,106,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321111,,Straatsburg flash januari t.e.m. juni 2010,VABB-1,80,86,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321112,,The integration of land and marine spatial planning,VABB-1,291,303,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321113,,Pre-industrial headstones across the continental North Sea plain,VABB-1,273,287,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321115,,The ties that bind : an integrative framework of physician-hospital alignment,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321116,,The role of vision in obese and normal-weight children's gait control,VABB-1,179,184,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321117,,Life cycle analysis to estimate the environmental impact of residential photovoltaic systems in regions with a low solar irradiation,VABB-1,267,281,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321126,,Improved solvent extraction procedure and HPLC-ELSD method for analysis of polar lipids from dairy materials,VABB-1,10407,10413,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321129,,The welfare impact of policy interventions in the foodgrain markets in Bangladesh,VABB-1,215,225,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321132,,"'I want support, not comments,' children's perspectives on supports in their lives",VABB-1,207,221,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321133,,Un faux problème? La violence des jeunes à Anvers dans la première moitié du vingtième siècle,VABB-4,161,180,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:321134,,Membrane separations in food processing,VABB-4,192,261,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321135,,Food systems,VABB-4,41,56,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321138,,Newton on action at a distance and the cause of gravity,VABB-1,154,159,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321139,,Malnutrition and nutritional care practices in hospital wards for older people,VABB-1,736,746,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321150,,The theory of the lemon markets in IS research,VABB-4,213,229,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:321152,,Learning through stakeholder involvement in the implementation of MOTIFS : an integrated assessment model for sustainable farming in Flanders,VABB-1,350,363,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321155,,Zijn er voorbodes van dyscalculie op baby-leeftijd?,VABB-1,25,38,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321160,,The symbolic model for algebra : functions and mechanisms,VABB-5,519,532,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321161,,Pregnant women's fear of childbirth in midwife- and obstetrician-led care in Belgium and the Netherlands : test of the medicalization hypothesis,VABB-1,220,239,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321163,,"Signals of threat do not capture, but prioritize, attention : a conditioning approach",VABB-1,81,89,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321173,,Differential predictive power of self report and implicit measures on behavioural and physiological fear responses to spiders,VABB-1,166,174,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321174,,Mothers' and fathers' responses to their child's pain moderate the relationship between the child's pain catastrophizing and disability,VABB-1,786,793,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321176,,Acceptance and well-being in adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis : a prospective study,VABB-1,476,487,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321177,,Attention for emotional facial expressions in dysphoria : an eye-movement registration study,VABB-1,111,120,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321179,,Detecting concealed information within less than a second : response latency-based measures,VABB-4,46,62,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321180,,Protection of working relationships in Belgium,VABB-4,43,59,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321182,,Willem Key (1516-1568) : portrait of a humanist painter,VABB-2,,,350 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321183,,"Censuurmodaliteiten, disciplineringspraktijken en film : een comparatieve analyse van de historische receptie van Sergei Eisensteins film Pantserkruiser Potemkin (1925) in België en Nederland",VABB-1,53,82,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321184,,The European union's trade policy response to the crisis : paradigm lost or reinforced?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321185,,Afzendersaansprakelijkheid in luchtvervoer,VABB-1,373,378,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:321193,,Processes underlying adherence to leg ulcer treatment : a qualitative field study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321195,,"Thomson's The Seasons and the Tragic-Sentimental Verse Tale, 1728-1764",VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321197,,Biogerontologie : wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen en ethische implicaties,VABB-1,174,180,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321199,,Calibration and comparison of accelerometer cut points in preschool children,VABB-1,E582,E589,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321201,,Consumption of plant sterols in Belgium : estimated intakes and sources of naturally occurring plant sterols and beta-carotene,VABB-1,960,966,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321203,,Improving feedback reports : the role of procedural information and information specificity,VABB-1,661,681,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321209,,De boedelbeschrijving en het ernstig belang in de bewaring,VABB-1,5,9,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321211,,The use of the marasha ard plough for conservation agriculture in Northern Ethiopia,VABB-4,295,308,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321212,,"Een bronstijdgrafheuvel in Brecht (prov. Antwerpen, België) : veldprospecties 2010",VABB-1,15,19,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321214,,Young people's internet use : divided or diversified?,VABB-1,54,66,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321216,,Control of interference during working memory updating,VABB-1,137,151,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321219,,Shifting the boundaries? European Union citizenship and the scope of application of EU law,VABB-1,263,276,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321220,,The political economy of audiences,VABB-4,415,435,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321221,,Anticipation and the constitution of time in the philosophy of Ernst Cassirer,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321222,,Communicating with voters by blogs : campaigning for the European parliament elections 2009,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321223,,Indirectly measured self-esteem predicts gaze avoidance,VABB-1,32,43,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321225,,Hulde aan Lode Wils,VABB-1,197,209,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:321226,,Swimming into memory : the Los Angeles Olympics (1932) as Japanese lieu de mémoire,VABB-1,430,443,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321229,,The goods transport network's vulnerability to crime : opportunities and control weaknesses,VABB-1,203,219,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321230,,Newton’s challenge to philosophy : a programmatic essay,VABB-1,101,128,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321232,,Straatsburg flash juli t.e.m. december 2010,VABB-1,91,97,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321239,,Children's rights education and social work : contrasting models and understandings,VABB-1,443,456,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321247,,Un coeur si simple : Baillon et l'ironie d'en sabots,VABB-5,8,22,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:321248,,Order or dis-order? : impaired hebb learning in dyslexia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321250,,"Jacob Jordaens' Sint Ivo…, patroon van niet alleen de advocaten",VABB-1,218,239,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:321252,,"Fundamental questions and some new answers on philosophical, contextual and scientific whewell : some reflections on recent whewell scholarship and the progress made therein",VABB-1,242,272,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321254,,Assessing the adequacy of pressure ulcer prevention in hospitals : a nationwide prevalence survey,VABB-1,260,267,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321258,,Changing gender systems : a multidisciplinary approach,VABB-1,237,244,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321263,,Partner selection and divorce in ethnic minorities : distinguishing between two types of ethnic homogamous marriages,VABB-1,269,296,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321266,,"From 'patrimoine partagé' to 'whose heritage'? : critical reflections on colonial built heritage in the city of Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo",VABB-4,175,191,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321267,,l’Afrique c’est chic : achitecture and urban planning in Africa 1950-1970/Architectuur en stadsplanning in Afrika 1950-1970,VABB-3,,,144 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321269,,Subjective expected utility without preferences,VABB-1,457,468,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321270,,"The good, the bad or the queer : articulations of queer resistance in The Wire",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:321271,,Intra- and inter-observer reliability in anthropometric measurements in children,VABB-1,S45,S51,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321272,,Parental acceptance of digital game-based learning,VABB-1,1434,1444,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321273,,A world of deception and deceit? Jacob Campo Weyerman and the eighteenth-century art market,VABB-1,100,113,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:321284,,Nineteenth-century university jubilees as the driving force of increasing Nordic cooperation,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321285,,Network experiences lead to the adaptation of a firm's network competence,VABB-1,114,125,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321287,,Loss of control over eating in pre-adolescent youth : the role of attachment and self-esteem,VABB-1,289,295,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321294,,"Policy interventions to promote healthy eating : a review of what works, what does not, and what is promising",VABB-1,365,375,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321305,,Het Vlaamse stadsregionale beleid : 'bottom-up' te bewegen?,VABB-1,347,359,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:321307,,"The quest for know-how, know-why, know-what and know-who : using KAOS for enterprise modelling",VABB-5,29,40,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321311,,Development of strategies for effective communication of food risks and benefits across Europe : design and conceptual framework of the FoodRisC project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321313,,Is continuous deep sedation at the end of life an ethically preferable alternative to physician-assisted suicide?,VABB-1,32,40,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321314,,"The use of London lodgings in middlebrow fiction, 1900-1930s",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321318,,De politicoloog als beleidsadviseur?,VABB-1,112,115,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321319,,Laat whiplashsyndroom : klinisch wetenschappelijke benadering van prognostisch ongunstige factoren en behandeling,VABB-1,521,526,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:321320,,"What has driven private sector credit developments in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe?",VABB-4,41,59,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321322,,Louis Ferron,VABB-4,17-,24,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:321323,,Free movement of scientific expert evidence in criminal matters,VABB-4,69,83,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321324,,Estimation and inference in time series with Omitted I(1) variables,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321325,,"The bicentenary of the university of Lund in 1868 : a low point in Scandinavian cooperation, or a rebirth?",VABB-4,99,137,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321326,,The bicentenary of Helsinki University in 1840 : the jubilee of a Russian University in a Nordic context,VABB-4,13,38,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321330,,Tracing the origin of the 'record of dots',VABB-1,49,62,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321332,,Inter amicos : Liber amicorum Monique Van Melkebeek,VABB-2,,,364 p.,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:321333,,"Etnische schoolsamenstelling en sociaal kapitaal : een onderzoek naar de effecten van etnische concentratie en heterogeniteit op verbondenheid met leeftijdsgenoten, leerkrachten en de school bij autochtone en allochtone leerlingen",VABB-4,105,131,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321334,,Die Mission des Grafen von Daun in Brüssel 1725 : ein Wendepunkt in der Regierung der Österreichischen Niederlande?,VABB-1,405,439,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:321337,,God and moral responsibility,VABB-4,217,229,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321339,,The clerical response to a totalitarian political religion : la civiltà Cattolica and Italian Fascism,VABB-1,245,270,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:321341,,Uncovering elements of style,VABB-5,1017,1020,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321342,,The effects of a pedometer-based behavioral modification program with telephone support on physical activity and sedentary behavior in type 2 diabetes patients,VABB-1,275,279,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321343,,A line through the sacred lands of the Altai Mountains : perspectives on the Altai Pipeline project,VABB-1,372,379,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321344,,"Simulation of biological evolution under attack, but not really : a response to Meester",VABB-1,113,118,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321352,,Predicting secondary school teachers' acceptance and use of a digital learning environment : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,568,575,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321354,,Rethinking determinants of ICT acceptance : towards an integrated and comprehensive overview,VABB-1,411,423,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321356,,The perceived long-term impact of the radiological curriculum innovation in the medical doctors training at Ghent University,VABB-1,326,333,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321357,,Co-responsibility : a new horizon for today’s health care?,VABB-1,139,151,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:321358,,Birds of a feather : leader-follower similarity and procedural fairness effects on cooperation,VABB-1,388,415,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321359,,Ontwerp van richtlijn hypothecair krediet : communautair luchtkasteel of solide bescherming voor kredietnemers?,VABB-1,136,140,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321361,,"'Merci à tous et à toutes de votre propagande, si pleine de charme et de sourires' : on tour with the socialist travelling colony Gentse Volkskinderen (1898–1915)",VABB-1,315,332,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:321363,,Inventariare l'immaginario gnomico : l'apparato dell'eloquenza Italiano e latino (1699-1703) di Lorenzo Stramusoli,VABB-4,307,316,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:321364,,De zelf- versus ander-gerefereerde angstvragenlijst : validatie van een Franstalige versie en verschillen in faalangst tussen Vlaamse en Waalse sollicitanten in België,VABB-1,165,182,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:321366,,Mathematical modelling and in situ determination of pH in complex aqueous solutions during high-pressure carbon dioxide treatment,VABB-1,77,85,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321369,,"Performances of highly insulated compact zinc roofs under a humid-moderate climate, part I : hygrothermal behavior",VABB-1,178,191,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321370,,"Performances of highly insulated compact zinc roofs under a humid-moderate climate, part II : corrosion behavior",VABB-1,277,293,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321371,,Person-centered planning : analysis of research and effectiviness,VABB-1,432,453,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321377,,"Domitian and Pentheus, Apollonius and Dionysos : echoes of Homer and of Euripides' Bacchae in Philostratus' Vita Apollonii",VABB-1,1058,1067,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321380,,The affective shift model of work engagement,VABB-1,1246,1257,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321383,,Dual nationality = double trouble?,VABB-1,601,626,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321386,,How many steps/day are enough? : for older adults and special populations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321389,,Modelling potential movement in constrained travel environments using rough space-time prisms,VABB-1,1389,1411,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321390,,Quantification of the influence of trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) on the heat resistance of Escherichia coli K12 at lethal temperatures,VABB-1,116,122,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321393,,"'The queerer, the better' : een carnavaleske interpretatie van Pippi Langkous",VABB-1,87,110,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321401,,"Thomas Stothard, illustration, and the royal engagement pocket Atlas, 1779-1826",VABB-1,3,22,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:321412,,The decision making process of juvenile judges concerning minors with(out) mental disorders : a review of literature,VABB-4,227,262,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321416,,On the dynamic use of project performance and schedule risk information during project tracking,VABB-1,416,426,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321420,,Integrating computer log files for process mining : a genetic algorithm inspired technique,VABB-5,282,293,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321422,,Digital elevation model generation for historical landscpae analysis based on LiDAR data : a case study in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,8178,8185,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321424,,Understanding modal choices within the built environment : is it just objectively determined?,VABB-1,105,120,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321425,,Mobiel en daarom excellent of excellent en daarom mobiel?,VABB-1,37,41,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321429,,"Espace vécu, espace idéalisé dans les villes des anciens Pays-Bas bourguignons",VABB-1,111,128,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:321434,,"Myth, mind and metaphor : on the relation of mythology and psychoanalysis",VABB-1,56,70,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321435,,Consumer attitudes and communication challenges for agro-food technologies,VABB-1,34,36,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321436,,Mistica in forma gnomica : le poesie 17-24 della Pseudo-Hadewijch,VABB-4,117,131,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:321437,,Tools for the performance assessment and improvement of food safety management systems,VABB-1,S80,S89,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321438,,Critical studies on binding-based RT-PCR detection of infectious Noroviruses,VABB-1,153,159,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321439,,Evaluation of a norovirus detection methodology for ready-to-eat foods,VABB-1,420,425,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321441,,Onderscheid en complementariteit : gender en de visuele kunsten in Afrika,VABB-4,143,158,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321444,,Ardashir II or Shapur III? : reflections on the identity of a king in the smaller grotto at Taq-i Bustan,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321445,,"The public understanding of nanotechnology in the food domain : the hidden role of views on science, technology, and nature",VABB-1,195,206,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321446,,Het temporele toepassingsgebied van de informatieverplichtingen in het ruimtelijk ordeningsrecht,VABB-1,1388,1393,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321447,,De grenzen van de gemeenschap : over immigratie en de hedendaagse democratie,VABB-1,65,90,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321448,,Test-retest reliability of the assessment of postural stability in typically developing children and in hearing impaired children,VABB-1,679,685,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321449,,A pictorial attitude IAT as a measure of implicit motives,VABB-1,76,86,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321450,,Implementing a qualitative calculus to analyse moving point objects,VABB-1,5187,5196,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321453,,Relationship between the physical environment and physical activity in older adults : a systematic review,VABB-1,458,469,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321455,,Return of fear after retrospective inferences about the absence of an unconditioned stimulus during extinction,VABB-1,212,218,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321457,,"Passiveness and inversion in Mbuun (Bantu B87, DRC)",VABB-1,72,111,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321459,,The role of nurses in physician-assisted deaths in Belgium,VABB-1,905,910,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321464,,The size congruity effect : is bigger always more?,VABB-1,94,110,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321465,,Towards the development of innovative strategies for traditional food chains in the EU,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321468,,The relationship between diet and subclinical atherosclerosis : results from the asklepios study,VABB-1,606,613,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321470,,Vriendschappen van teruggetrokken en agressieve kinderen,VABB-1,18,32,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321473,,Mozart voor en na de verlichting : Idomeneo en Die Zauberflöte volgens Ivo van Hove en William Kentridge,VABB-4,111,131,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321477,,A corpus-based study of lecture functions,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321479,,The origins of Belgian colonial language policies in the Congo,VABB-1,190,206,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321483,,Monsteraansprakelijkheid van de notaris bij vernietiging van een verkoop van een onroerend goed! Of toch niet ...? : noot onder Cass. 24 september 2009 en Cass. 6 december 2010,VABB-1,618,628,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321485,,Corporate governance 2.0 : assessing the green paper of the European commission,VABB-1,165,174,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321486,,Shareholder activism in good and bad economic times,VABB-1,32,44,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321495,,"Plautus II : Casina, Cistellaria, Curculio, Epidicus, Menaechmi",VABB-2,,,,lat,2011,2 c:vabb:321500,,Globalization : theory and migration,VABB-4,153,164,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321503,,Kant and whewell on bridging principles between metaphysics and science,VABB-1,22,45,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321507,,Combined influence of selective focus and decision involvement on attitude-behavior consistency in a context of memory-based decision making,VABB-1,539,560,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321512,,Assessing the usefulness of google books' word frequencies for psycholinguistic research on word processing,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321514,,Negotiations of tradition in James Thomson’s Winter (1726–1744),VABB-1,668,682,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:321518,,A case study in discourse analysis of 'community arts' in cultural policy and the press,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321519,,Science fiction and a rhetorical analysis of the 'literature myth',VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321520,,Four-year follow-up of the community intervention '10 000 steps Ghent',VABB-1,372,380,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321521,,Testing an integrated model of the theory of planned behaviour and self-determination theory for different energy balance-related behaviours and intervention intensities,VABB-1,113,134,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321523,,Cognitive differences between patients with left-sided and right-sided Parkinson's disease : a review,VABB-1,405,424,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321524,,Video games as equipment for living,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321525,,Hulpverlening aan seksuele delinquenten : tussen emancipatie en beheersing,VABB-1,91,95,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:321529,,Het onmogelijkheidscriterium inzake overmacht : hoe onmogelijk is onmogelijk?,VABB-1,123,166,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321530,,Weight loss and improved gross motor co-ordination in children as a result of multidisciplinary residential obesity treatment,VABB-1,1999,2005,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321531,,Effect of a tailored behavior change program on a composite lifestyle change score : a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,886,895,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321533,,"The development of the five mini-theories of self-determination theory : an historical overview, emerging trends, and future directions",VABB-4,105,166,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321534,,The detection of biomarkers in evaporite matrices using a portable Raman instrument under Alpine conditions,VABB-1,8,13,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321535,,Neuro-imaging the serotonin 2A receptor as a valid biomarker for canine behavioural disorders,VABB-1,465,472,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321538,,"Cities, Buildings and Benefactors in the Roman East",VABB-4,173,192,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321542,,Neo-liberalism at a time of crisis : the case of taxation,VABB-1,43,56,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321544,,"'La Guerre, un pays de fées perverti' : violence personnelle et militaire dans Les Bienveillantes de J. Littell",VABB-5,129,144,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:321553,,Do dictionaries define on the level of their target users? A case study for three Dutch dictionaries,VABB-1,5,28,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321556,,Are patients' preferences for information and participation in medical decision-making being met? Interview study with lung cancer patients,VABB-1,62,70,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321557,,"Continuous deep sedation at the end of life of children in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,449,455,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321560,,An analysis of the public perception of flood risk on the Belgian coast,VABB-1,1055,1068,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321561,,"Sexuality, globalization and ethics : some reflections",VABB-4,139,150,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321562,,Educational structures in context : at the interface of higher education,VABB-3,,,136 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321563,,"Vrijheid van meningsuiting, foto's van publieke figuren en 'chilling effect' : noot onder MGN Limited t. het Verenigd Koninkrijk (EHRM 18 januari 2011)",VABB-1,781,806,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321564,,Knowledge and attitudes of nurses on pressure ulcer prevention : a cross-sectional multicenter study in Belgian hospitals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321565,,The use of hypnosedative drugs in a university hospital : has anything changed in 10 years?,VABB-1,723,729,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321568,,Institutional analysis of irrigation management in Haiti : a case study of three farmer managed schemes,VABB-1,555,570,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321570,,Fairness as social responsibility : a moral self-regulation account of procedural justice enactment,VABB-1,S47,S58,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321571,,Five-factor model personality dimensions and right-wing attitudes : psychological bases of punitive attitudes?,VABB-1,486,491,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321572,,Conservatism is good for you cultural conservatism protects self-esteem in older adults,VABB-1,120,123,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321575,,The sceptic's tools : circularity and infinite regress,VABB-1,359,369,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321577,,Tis of tisni : over poëtische densiteit en de materialiteit van het woord in het postdramatische theater,VABB-4,115,124,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321580,,Value and prediction error in medial frontal cortex : integrating the single-unit and systems levels of analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321586,,Postural balance under normal and altered sensory conditions in normal-weight and overweight children,VABB-1,84,89,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321591,,Early error detection predicted by reduced pre-response control process : an ERP topographic mapping study,VABB-1,403,422,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321593,,Alles ontdekt en niets gedaan?,VABB-4,1,9,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321595,,Comparing push and pull measures for PV and wind in Europe,VABB-5,2706,2713,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321596,,"Integrating the semantics of events, processes and tasks across requirements engineering layers",VABB-5,11,19,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321599,,Respondents' evaluation of the 24-h dietary recall method (EPIC-Soft) in the EFCOVAL project,VABB-1,S29,S37,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321600,,Factors that influence weekday sleep duration in European children,VABB-1,633,639,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321601,,"Le 'travail de soins' des mères de famille sans papiers, une forme de citoyenneté?",VABB-1,169,184,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:321603,,Punctuated equilibrium in the energy regime complex,VABB-1,117,143,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:321604,,A new method for non-invasive estimation of human muscle fiber type composition,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321610,,The visible hand of shipping interests in American immigration laws,VABB-1,38,62,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321614,,"To eat or not to eat pork, how frequently and how varied? Insights from the quantitative Q-PorkChains consumer survey in four European countries",VABB-1,619,626,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321618,,De veiligheidsmonitor in crisis,VABB-1,54,62,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321626,,De gedaanteverwisseling van de voorheffing en de gevolgen voor de moratoriuminteresten,VABB-1,522,527,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321627,,Europe’s corporate governance green paper : rethinking shareholder engagement,VABB-4,201,217,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321628,,What do we know about physical activity in infants and toddlers : a review of the literature and future research directions,VABB-1,127,130,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321631,,Hoe literair internationalisme organiseren? De 'vervlochten' geschiedenis van de Belgische PEN-club (1922-1931),VABB-1,152,181,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321635,,Assessing individual support needs to enhance personal outcomes,VABB-1,193,202,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321636,,Promises and pitfalls of interdisciplinary legal research : the case of evolutionary analysis in law,VABB-4,241,256,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321642,,"Hörrohr, Schnürstiefelchen und stattlicher Bart : das subversive Potential weiblichen Alters in den Romanen von Monika Maron",VABB-4,103,132,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:321650,,Economic impact of decreasing stocking densities in broiler rabbit production based on Belgian farm data,VABB-1,123,132,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321652,,Lezen in de breedte,VABB-1,57,63,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321655,,"Aansprakelijkheidsbeperking zeeschip, zeegaand vaartuig, binnenschip, estuair schip",VABB-1,466,470,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321662,,Evaluation of the children's eating habits questionnaire used in the IDEFICS study by relating urinary calcium and potassium to milk consumption frequencies among European children,VABB-1,S69,S78,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321666,,On ambiguous past participles in Dutch,VABB-1,611,634,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321670,,Internal exposure to pollutants and sex hormone levels in Flemish male adolescents in a cross-sectional study : associations and dose-response relationships,VABB-1,106,113,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321674,,Toepassing van het gelijkheidsbeginsel op de verkoop van een onroerend goed door lokale overheden : is een transparante bevraging nog vereist?,VABB-1,242,245,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321677,,A religion too far : a historical and qualitative study on how ex-Synanon members value critical incidents that might have led to the downfall of their utopia,VABB-1,177,194,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321678,,Prevención del cáncer colorrectal con dieta y actividad física : actualización reciente,VABB-1,1491,1491,,spa,2011,1 c:vabb:321679,,A quantitative meta-analysis on cue-induced male sexual arousal,VABB-1,2269,2275,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321680,,Structural correlates of trait anxiety : reduced thickness in medial orbitofrontal cortex accompanied by volume increase in nucleus accumbens,VABB-1,315,319,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321683,,Psychoanalytic facts as unintended institutional facts,VABB-1,239,269,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:321685,,MVO-implementatie bij de Vlaamse overheid,VABB-1,14,27,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321688,,Literary cultures and public opinion in the early modern Low Countries,VABB-4,1,36,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321690,,Historical objections against the number line,VABB-1,863,880,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321694,,Liberal political theory and the cultural migration of ideas : the case of secularism in India,VABB-1,571,599,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321701,,La gardiennage privé et la protection dans les écoles,VABB-1,106,110,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:321702,,The assessment of emotional awareness in children : validation of the levels of emotional awareness scale for children,VABB-1,265,273,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321703,,Sexual dimorphism in the early life programming of serum leptin levels in European adolescents : the HELENA study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321704,,Extracorporeally irradiated autografts for the treatment of bone tumours : tips and tricks,VABB-1,889,895,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321705,,"Early error detection is generic, but subsequent adaption to errors is not : evidence from ERPs",VABB-1,1236,1245,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321707,,Increased interoceptive awareness in fear of flying : sensitivity to suffocation signals,VABB-1,427,432,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321708,,"Mahanama, more than a Monk",VABB-1,175,187,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321709,,Controlling attention to nociceptive stimuli with working memory,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321710,,On the (un)conditionality of automatic attitude activation : the valence proportion effect,VABB-1,125,132,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321711,,Margaret Cavendish's mythopoetics,VABB-1,705,710,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321712,,Forced conscription of children during armed conflict : experiences of former child soldiers in northern Uganda,VABB-1,551,562,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321714,,Aan(- en ver)koopbeloften vallen niet onder toepassing van de informatieverplichtingen opgelegd in de Vlaamse codex ruimtelijke ordening,VABB-1,750,754,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321715,,Belgian football : a uniting force in a two-track policy,VABB-4,107,122,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321716,,Transnational environmental crime : exploring (un)charted territory,VABB-4,155,183,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321719,,"Episcopal benediction and monastic autonomy in late twelfth-century bishopric of Tournai : the curious blessing of Hugo, first abbot of Saint-André (1188)",VABB-1,37,60,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321720,,Customary International Law,VABB-4,293,308,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321721,,"Social sciences, history and law",VABB-4,414,422,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321723,,"Risk, uncertainty and the assessment of organised crime",VABB-4,85,96,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321725,,Power in the house : does Gregory house's authority over others affect his own behavior?,VABB-4,221,235,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321726,,A multilevel analysis on predicting mathematics performance in Chinese primary schools : implications for practice,VABB-1,503,520,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321727,,"The influence of subjective and objective knowledge on attitude, motivations and consumption of organic food",VABB-1,1353,1378,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321733,,"Additive effects of emotional, endogenous, and exogenous attention : behavioral and electrophysiological evidence",VABB-1,1779,1787,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321735,,An atlas for the social world : what should it (not) look like? Interdisciplinarity and pluralism in the social sciences,VABB-4,43,72,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321736,,"Challenges for the youth Olympic games, summer and winter",VABB-1,165,173,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321737,,Language contact in the East and Northeast of Europe,VABB-4,381,392,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321738,,"Medication, surgery, and physiotherapy among patients with the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome",VABB-1,1106,1112,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321739,,The effect of combined exercise training in adolescents who are overweight or obese with intellectual disability : the role of training frequency,VABB-1,2274,2282,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321740,,Indispensability arguments in favour of reductive explanations,VABB-1,33,46,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321741,,Economic impact of decreasing stocking densities in broiler production in Belgium,VABB-1,1844,1851,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321742,,Posting point-of-purchase nutrition information in university canteens does not influence meal choice and nutrient intake,VABB-1,562,570,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321743,,In search of a critical form : postmodern fiction in Flanders,VABB-1,1073,1090,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321745,,Policy instruments to meet fisheries management objectives in Belgian fisheries,VABB-1,8,23,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321746,,Searching for cyberspace : the position of major cities in the information age,VABB-1,73,92,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321747,,"The relationship between knowledge transfer, top management team composition, and performance : the case of science‐based entrepreneurial firms",VABB-1,777,803,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321751,,Multilingual states and empires in the history of Europe : Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union,VABB-4,745,760,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321752,,Technical efficiency changes at the farm-level : a panel data analysis of rice farms in Bangladesh,VABB-1,5559,5566,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321753,,Construction and validation of the self-conscious emotions at work scale,VABB-1,251,274,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321755,,Ingekleurd(e) verleden(s),VABB-1,141,144,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321756,,Multiple categorization in resume screening : examining effects on hiring discrimination against Arab applicants in field and lab settings,VABB-1,544,570,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:321757,,Imagining the state through social protest : state reformation and the mobilizations of unemployed graduates in Morocco,VABB-1,241,259,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321763,,"Oiling global capital accumulation : analyzing the principles, practices and geographical distribution of Islamic financial services",VABB-1,327,341,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321764,,Sustainability transitions and the nature of technology,VABB-1,195,225,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321768,,The origins of the numerical distance effect : the same-different task,VABB-1,112,120,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321769,,Psychotherapie vanuit de psychotherapeut,VABB-1,164,175,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:321772,,Validated empirical models describing the combined effect of water activity and pH on the heat resistance of spores of a psychrotolerant Bacillus cereus strain in broth and bechamel sauce,VABB-1,1662,1669,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321773,,Grensvervaging tussen interne en externe veiligheid : achtergronden en gevolgen,VABB-1,59,69,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321775,,Interpersonal problems in alexithymia : a study in three primary care groups,VABB-1,351,362,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321776,,Isolation and applications of milk fat globule membrane material : isolation from buttermilk and butter serum,VABB-5,111,114,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321777,,The cross-atlantic law and economics divide : a dissent,VABB-1,1593,1606,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321780,,Bestuurlijke aanpak van kleine ordeverstoring in drie Europese landen,VABB-4,221,246,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321781,,Effects of snout dimensions on the hydrodynamics of suction feeding in juvenile and adult seahorses,VABB-1,307,317,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321782,,Swimming is never without risk : opening up on learning through activism and research,VABB-1,224,232,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321783,,Comparison of several anthropometric indices with insulin resistance proxy measures among European adolescents : the Helena study,VABB-1,731,739,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321785,,De sociaaleconomische integratie van etnische minderheden : de rol van interklasse en interetnische contacten,VABB-1,205,214,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321788,,"Drunk on capitalism : an interdisciplinary reflection on market economy, art and science",VABB-3,,,"XXIII, 180 p.",eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321789,,Vernal keratoconjunctivitis in school children in Rwanda and its association with socio-economic status : a population-based survey,VABB-1,711,717,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321791,,Differential effects of 5-HTTLPR genotypes on inhibition of negative emotional information following acute stress exposure and Tryptophan challenge,VABB-1,819,826,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321793,,A different kind of war story : Aleksandar Zograf's regards from Serbia and Tomaz Lavric's Bosnian fables,VABB-1,161,187,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321794,,Does IT matter for business process maturity? A comparative study on business process maturity models,VABB-5,687,697,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321795,,Effect of combined exercise training on physical and metabolic fitness in adults with intellectual disability : a controlled trial,VABB-1,1097,1108,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321797,,Penile reconstruction with the radial forearm flap : an update,VABB-1,208,214,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321798,,The effects of high frequency rTMS on negative attentional bias are influenced by baseline state anxiety,VABB-1,1824,1830,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321813,,Zoek niets achter verhalen,VABB-4,1,11,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321816,,Ending prematurely a weight loss programme : the impact of child and family characteristics,VABB-1,406,417,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321817,,Maladaptive schemas and psychopathology in adolescence : on the utility of Young's schema theory in youth,VABB-1,316,332,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321822,,The G8 and G20 : how far can the parallel be drawn?,VABB-1,93,98,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321823,,What gives? : cross-national differences in students' giving behavior,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321827,,"Executive agencies, ministers and departments : can policy and management ever be separated?",VABB-1,183,206,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:321831,,Evidence-based medicine and progress in the medical sciences,VABB-1,852,856,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321833,,Disziplinbildung : zum Wandel wissenschaftlicher Kommunikation in der Soziologie,VABB-1,297,312,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:321838,,Essen oder fressen? : eine Fallstudie zum Verhältnis von Korpusdaten und Intuition in der lexikalischen Semantik,VABB-1,154,183,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:321844,,Exploring desistance : an appraisal of theoretical frameworks,VABB-4,243,568,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321847,,Remembering the glory days of the nation : sport as lieu de mémoire in Japan,VABB-1,403,411,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321849,,Discriminatie en etnische ongelijkheden in depressie : een multilevel-analyse voor de Europese bevolking,VABB-1,177,202,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321855,,"Making a living : family, income and labour",VABB-3,,,347 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321860,,Een pleidooi voor meer geschiedenis van het economisch recht in België,VABB-1,207,217,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:321862,,Impact of organ dysfunction on mortality in ICU patients with hematologic malignancies,VABB-1,1744,1750,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321864,,'Vereerde meester Willem Kloos' : de briefwisseling tussen Willem Kloos en Emmanuel de Bom,VABB-1,2,27,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321866,,Is the enlarged board of appeal of the European patent office authorised to extend the bounds of the patentable? The G-3/85 second medical indication/EISAI and G-2/08 dosage regime/ABBOTT RESPIRATORY cases,VABB-1,257,271,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321867,,"Rahimi tegen Griekenland, 5 april 2011",VABB-1,1065,1083,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321868,,Discrimination of U-14 soccer players by level and position,VABB-1,790,796,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321871,,End-of-life care of the geriatric patient and nurses' moral distress,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:321872,,Knelpunten in de opsporing en vervolging van mensenhandel en mensensmokkel : casestudie binnen een gerechtelijk arrondissement,VABB-1,33,49,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321873,,Situational judgment tests as a new tool for dental student selection,VABB-1,743,749,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321875,,"Current and projected prevalence of arterial hypertension in sub-Saharan Africa by sex, age and habitat : an estimate from population studies",VABB-1,1243,1252,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321877,,"Progress in medicine : autonomy, oughtonomy and nudging",VABB-1,857,861,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321878,,Four species of reflexivity and history of economics in economic policy science,VABB-1,425,444,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321882,,Drug use and nightlife : more than just dance music,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321888,,The prevention and treatment of complicated grief : a meta-analysis,VABB-1,69,78,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321890,,Towards the identification of verbal periphrasis in Ancient Greek : a prototype analysis,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321894,,Brain dynamics of upstream perceptual processes leading to visual object recognition : a high density ERP topographic mapping study,VABB-1,1227,1241,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321896,,Quality of life after intensive care : a systematic review of the literature,VABB-1,2386,2400,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321900,,Het theater van de straat : publiek geweld in Antwerpen tijdens de eerste helft van de twintigste eeuw,VABB-2,,,368 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321909,,The new Belgian law on biobanks : some comments from an ethical perspective,VABB-1,247,258,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321910,,Current controversies in prenatal diagnosis : does industry sponsorship accelerate or hinder the pace of research?,VABB-1,244,245,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321912,,Fruitless attempts? The Kurdish initiative and containment of the Kurdish movement in Turkey,VABB-1,103,127,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321915,,The freedman economy of Roman Italy,VABB-4,88,109,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321918,,Impairment and impact of pain in female patients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome : a comparative study with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis,VABB-1,1979,1987,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321919,,Phenolic compounds and some quality parameters of pumpkin seed oil,VABB-1,208,217,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321920,,Autonomic pain responses during sleep : a study of heart rate variability,VABB-1,554,560,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321921,,The Gotte Koya IDP mystery : tribal identity and the IDP-migrant continuum in the Chhattisgarh-Andhra Pradesh Borderland (India),VABB-1,110,131,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321925,,The pain matrix reloaded : a salience detection system for the body,VABB-1,111,124,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321929,,neuRosim : an R package for generating fMRI data,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321931,,General and maladaptive personality dimensions and the assessment of callous-unemotional traits in adolescence,VABB-1,681,701,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321933,,Affective determinants of anxiety and depression development in children and adolescents : an individual growth curve analysis,VABB-1,694,711,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321935,,Is hip muscle weakness a predisposing factor for patellofemoral pain in female novice runners? : a prospective study,VABB-1,1877,1882,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321936,,'Progressief seksueel pessimisme' : progressieve onvrede met de seksuele revoluties en het belang van instemming voor een seksuele ethiek,VABB-1,39,67,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:321937,,ICT research and school performance feedback: a perfect marriage?,VABB-1,341,343,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:321940,,"Vegetarianism, female gender and increasing age, but not CNDP1 genotype, are associated with reduced muscle carnosine levels in humans",VABB-1,1221,1229,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321941,,"A case of mass murder : personality disorder, psychopathology and violence mode",VABB-1,135,143,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321943,,Study protocol of physical activity and sedentary behaviour measurement among schoolchildren by accelerometry : cross-sectional survey as part of the ENERGY-project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321948,,Exchanging logoi for aloga : cultural capital and material capital in a letter of Michael Psellos,VABB-1,134,148,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:321954,,From contract to treaty : the legal transformation of the Spanish succession (1659-1713),VABB-1,347,375,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321957,,Onderzoeksopzet en doelstellingen,VABB-4,11,16,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321958,,Achtergrondkenmerken,VABB-4,239,256,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321959,,"Wat staat er op de vrijetijdsagenda ? Een typologie hoe sociale, culturele en sportieve participatie met elkaar samengaan",VABB-4,467,483,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321960,,Playing the ritual game in Constantinople under the Theodosian dynasty,VABB-4,183,201,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:321962,,Examining the light and dark sides of emerging adults' identity : a study of identity status differences in positive and negative psychosocial functioning,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321963,,Inleiding,VABB-4,5,21,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321965,,European perspective and standards on interrogational fairness,VABB-4,85,109,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321968,,The silence of the lambs to be plucked or not in Susa,VABB-1,133,143,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321970,,How system-internal linguistic factors indicate language change and diffusion : a geolinguistic analysis of Berber data,VABB-1,62,80,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321973,,Het roterende voorzitterschap na Lissabon : op zoek naar een nieuwe rol binnen het EU buitenlands beleid : analyse van het Belgische voorzitterschap van de raad,VABB-1,269,290,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321974,,In kleur en op ware grootte : de operadecors van Albert Dubosq,VABB-4,228,249,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321975,,De administratiefrechtelijke organisatie van het 'Vagevuur' : de Etappenkommandantur Kortrijk als deel van het Duitse Etappengebiet tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,181,214,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321977,,Worksite physical activity interventions and obesity : a review of European studies (the HOPE project),VABB-1,479,488,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321979,,Traumatic mirrorings : holocaust and colonial trauma in Michael Chabon's the final solution,VABB-1,569,586,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321981,,"Jane Austen fan fiction and the situated fantext : the example of Pamela Aidan's Fitzwilliam darcy, gentleman",VABB-1,165,185,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321982,,Promoting embedded democracy? Researching the substance of EU democracy promotion,VABB-1,565,588,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321983,,With map and compass on narrow paths and through shallow waters : discovering the substance of EU democracy promotion,VABB-1,705,725,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:321985,,On the need for randomised trials of therapeutic community approaches,VABB-1,338,355,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:321991,,"Journalisten mogen niet met vuur(werk) spelen! Noot bij Nr. 18 EHRM 24 mei 2011, Mikkelsen en Christensen/Denemarken",VABB-1,215,218,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:321995,,Testing the validity of implicit measures of wanting and liking,VABB-1,284,292,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:321999,,"Continued geoarchaeological research at the Moervaart palaeolake area (East Flanders, B) : field campaign 2011",VABB-1,201,211,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322001,,Cost-effectiveness of catch-up programs in human papillomavirus vaccination,VABB-1,1187,1201,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322002,,Social media for digital and social inclusion : challenges for information society 2.0 research & policies,VABB-1,28,38,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322003,,Three attempts at a Dutch sublime,VABB-1,35,57,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322005,,Handschriftelijke productie in tijden van hervorming : de kloosterbibliotheek van Sint-Gislenus in het tweede kwart van de elfde eeuw,VABB-1,6,32,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322006,,"Het vertrekpunt van de vervaltermijn waarbinnen de beweerde biologische vader een vaderlijke erkenning moet betwisten : noot onder GwH nr. 54/2011, 6 april 2011",VABB-1,96,100,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322007,,Innovation in the elderly care sector : at the edge of chaos,VABB-1,122,128,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322013,,"Freedom, liberty, autonomy",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322016,,Eye movements and word skipping during reading : effects of word length and predictability,VABB-1,514,528,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322023,,Addressing the sustainability challenge beyond the fact-value dichotomy : a call for engaged knowledge,VABB-4,200,220,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322027,,De aansprakelijkheid van de hotelhouder bij ontvreemding van een meegebrachte zaak en de rol van overmacht,VABB-1,355,360,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322028,,Data recording and social work : form the relational to the social,VABB-1,1372,1382,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322032,,Deriving reference values and utilities for the QoL-AGHDA in adult GHD,VABB-1,243,252,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322034,,"Management of familial hypercholesterolemia in children and young adults : consensus paper developed by a panel of lipidologists, cardiologists, paediatricians, nutritionists, gastroenterologists, general practitioners and a patient organization",VABB-1,272,280,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322038,,Retrospectieve evaluatie van het terugplaatsingsbeleid bij in-vitrofertilisatiebehandelingen en suggesties voor verbetering,VABB-1,606,611,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322040,,Prevalence and correlates of poor sleep quality and daytime sleepiness in Belgian truck drivers,VABB-1,126,134,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322043,,Attachment-style differences in the appraisal of the attachment figure,VABB-1,173,183,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322044,,Adult attachment and attentional inhibition of interpersonal stimuli,VABB-1,612,625,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322045,,Long-term effectiveness of a back education programme in elementary schoolchildren : an 8-year follow-up study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322046,,An adaptive logic framework for conditional obligations and deontic dilemmas,VABB-1,95,128,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322048,,The mechanisms underlying the interhemispheric integration of information in foveal word recognition : evidence for transcortical inhibition,VABB-1,81,89,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322049,,The influence of semantic constraints on bilingual word recognition during sentence reading,VABB-1,88,107,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322050,,Linking expected mobility production to sustainable residential location planning : some evidence from Flanders,VABB-1,936,942,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322051,,Brancati antologista : i 'piaceri' del paratesto,VABB-1,331,338,,ita,2011,1 c:vabb:322053,,Bibliometric rankings of journals based on impact factors : an axiomatic approach,VABB-1,75,86,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322054,,"Urban militias, nobles and mercenaries. The organisation of the Antwerp army in the Flemish-Brabantine revolt of the 1480s",VABB-1,146,166,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322055,,Equity and excellence in education : towards maximum learning opportunities for all students,VABB-3,,,286 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322056,,Donor haptoglobin phenotype determines outcome following liver transplantation,VABB-1,619,626,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322058,,Urban literary patronage in the early modern Low Countries : public festive culture and individual authorship,VABB-1,50,78,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322059,,A predictive model for the growth/no growth boundary of Zygosaccharomyces bailii at 7°C and conditions mimicking acidified sauces,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:322070,,Laryngeal stop systems in contact : connecting present-day acquisition findings and historical contact hypotheses,VABB-1,225,254,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322071,,"Tanquam domina superior : gendering the charters of Joan of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders and Hainaut (1212-1244)",VABB-1,91,112,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322072,,Localisation des lignes françaises du XVIIe siècle entre Ypres et Comines (Belgique) : une contribution archéologique et géographique,VABB-1,9,18,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:322086,,"Effect of beaver dams on the hydrology of small mountain streams : example from the Chevral in the Ourthe Orientale basin, Ardennes, Belgium",VABB-1,92,102,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322087,,Sedentary behaviours and socio-economic status in Spanish adolescents : the AVENA study,VABB-1,151,157,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322092,,'SOS European court of human rights' : protocol No. 14bis Urgently reforms the institutional framework wile awaiting the entry into force of protocol No. 14,VABB-1,115,130,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322093,,Reliability and validity of the INFOOT three-dimensional foot digitizer for patients with rheumatoid arthritis,VABB-1,198,207,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322099,,Transient-evoked and distortion product otoacoustic emission : a short-term test-retest reliability study,VABB-1,99,109,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322101,,Bias in the common law,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322102,,Cross-structural priming prepositional phrase attachment primes relative clause attachment,VABB-1,227,234,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322103,,Nociceptive steady-state evoked potentials elicited by rapid periodic thermal stimulation of cutaneous nociceptors,VABB-1,6079,6087,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322105,,Facebook en de raad voor de journalistiek : foto’s van slachtoffers in de media,VABB-1,38,44,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322109,,Freedom of expression and the right to reputation : human rights in conflict,VABB-1,183,236,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322120,,L’occupation du nord-ouest de la Belgique aux IVe et IIIe millénaires : bilan des recherches récentes en région sablonneuse,VABB-5,103,118,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:322122,,Psychiatric disorder in detained male adolescents as risk factor for serious recidivism,VABB-1,44,50,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322127,,Exploratory study on domain-specific determinants of opiate-dependent individuals' quality of life,VABB-1,198,210,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322130,,"Conclusion : making a living in rural societies in the North sea area, 500-2000",VABB-4,323,347,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322131,,Scavi presso la porta occidentale di Potentia : notizia preliminare,VABB-1,169,205,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:322132,,Breakfast habits and factors influencing food choices at breakfast in relation to socio-demographic and family factors among European adolescents : the HELENA study,VABB-1,649,657,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322136,,Appendix to 'brokers'and 'guild' (huiguan 會館) organizations in China's Maritime trade with her Eastern neighbours during the Ming and Qing dynasties,VABB-1,21,52,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322137,,Greet me with words : gifts and intellectual friendships in eleventh-century Byzantium,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322140,,Waarheidsaanspraken over 'onveiligheid' : de kloof tussen objectieve en subjectieve onveiligheid anders bekeken,VABB-1,4,20,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322141,,De SGP-zaak anders bekeken : naar een holistische uitleg van artikel 7 VN-Vrouwenverdrag,VABB-1,445,457,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322142,,Born to learn or born to win? : birth order effects on achievement goals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322144,,Hierarchical Bayesian analysis of censored microbiological contamination data for use in risk assessment and mitigation,VABB-1,712,719,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322148,,Measurement equivalence of the wong and law emotional intelligence scale across self and other ratings,VABB-1,1007,1020,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322151,,"De klacht van Nkunda : over universiteiten, kolonisatie en dekolonisatie in Belgisch-Congo",VABB-1,61,73,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:322168,,Participatie in Vlaanderen 2 : eerste analyses van de participatiesurvey 2009,VABB-3,,,488 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322169,,"Louter een kwestie van voorkeur en goesting ? Over kunsten- en erfgoedparticipatie, bekeken door een cultuursociologische bril",VABB-4,235,272,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322173,,"Reconciliation and recordkeeping : heresy, civic dissent and the exercise of episcopal authority in eleventh-century Cambrai",VABB-1,343,357,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322176,,Protocollair behandelen in de kinderpsychotherapie,VABB-1,148,159,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322178,,Recente arresten van het E.H.R.M. in verband met artikel 10 E.V.R.M. (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie) - apr - juni 2011,VABB-1,540,559,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322182,,De minnelijke schikking voor milieucriminaliteit na het Vlaamse Milieuhandhavingsdecreet : tussen bestuurlijke beboeting en penale vervolging,VABB-1,244,257,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322184,,"Male subfertility : communication, care, coping : an explorative study",VABB-1,253,265,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:322186,,De implementatie van evidence-based voedingsrichtlijnen in en met de praktijk,VABB-1,13,20,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:322196,,Factors associated with failure of surface-modified implants up to four years of function,VABB-1,347,358,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:322197,,The slav reception of Gregory of Nyssa’s works : an overview of early slavonic translations,VABB-5,593,608,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322213,,A sun-tanned or 3D smurf or just a list of their names : patentability of computer programs in Europe,VABB-1,254,261,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322214,,"Borges réécrit Apollinaire, ou la genèse d'une appropiation",VABB-1,339,353,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:322216,,Emotional advertising : revisiting the role of product category,VABB-1,418,426,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322217,,"A comment on commission v. Sweden, case C-246/07",VABB-1,307,313,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:322220,,Norms and screening utility of the Dutch version of the children's depression inventory in clinical and nonclinical youths,VABB-1,866,877,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322222,,"Social disorganisation, offending, fear and victimisation : findings from Belgian studies on the urban context of crime",VABB-3,,,306 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322224,,New media adoption and usage among Flemish youngsters,VABB-1,77,85,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322226,,The initial representation in reasoning towards an interpretation of conditional sentences,VABB-1,339,362,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322227,,Combining speed and accuracy in cognitive psychology : is the Inverse Efficiency Score (IES) a better dependent variable than the mean Reaction Time (RT) and the Percentage of Errors (PE)?,VABB-1,5,13,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322229,,Depsychologizing torture,VABB-1,286,314,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322232,,A microbial assessment scheme of the cooked chilled food production,VABB-5,119,123,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322238,,How convenient! The epistemic rationale of self-validating belief systems,VABB-1,341,364,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:322241,,"An Alternative, Sensitive method to detect helicobacter pylori DNA in feces",VABB-1,113,118,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322242,,To know or not to know : adaptations to expected and unexpected visual occlusions in interceptive actions,VABB-5,99,104,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322262,,Essential elements of treatment : a comparative study between European and American therapeutic communities for addiction,VABB-1,1023,1031,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322263,,Integrated analysis and consistency measurement of bremsstrahlung and charge exchange spectroscopy data for the determination of the ion effective charge,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322265,,De gemeenschappelijke nationaliteit van (ex-)echtgenoten in gevallen van dubbele nationaliteit : noot onder Cass. 4 december 2009,VABB-1,6,11,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322268,,Schiller versus Fichte : Schillers Begriff der Person in der Zeit und Fichtes Kategorie der Wechselbestimmung im Widerstreit,VABB-2,,,312 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:322271,,Gross motor coordination in relation to weight status and age in 5- to 12-year-old boys and girls : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,e556,e564,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322273,,Strategic groups in the Belgian fishing fleet,VABB-1,121,132,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322274,,Entre le marteau et l’enclume : le secret médical et la notification au partenaire en cas de maladies sexuellement transmissibles en Belgique,VABB-1,33,50,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:322278,,"Writing war, writing memory : the representation of the recent past and the construction of cultural memory in contemporary Bosnian prose",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322279,,Increasing information feed in the process of structural steel design,VABB-5,180,189,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322280,,"So where's the teacher in school effects research? : the impact of teacher's beliefs, culture, and behavior on equity and excellence in education",VABB-4,75,95,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322281,,The eighteenth century : the novel,VABB-1,20,29,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322283,,Clinical challenges of preventing incontinence-associated dermatitis,VABB-1,717,720,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322284,,Defining business process maturity : a journey towards excellence,VABB-1,1119,1137,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322286,,Going soft : on how subjective variables explain modal choices for leisure travel,VABB-1,115,146,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322287,,European guidelines on managing adverse effects of medication for ADHD,VABB-1,17,37,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:322290,,Cystitis : symptomatology in women with suspected uncomplicated urinary tract infection,VABB-1,1117,1121,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322291,,A paraconsistent multi-agent framework for dealing with normative conflicts,VABB-5,312,329,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322292,,Employee correlates of sickness presence : a study across four European countries,VABB-1,224,242,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322303,,"'Je crois que c'est une histoire très inhabituelle' : le démonstratif CE dans les copulatives à prédicat nominal, un marqueur de discontinuité topicale?",VABB-1,113,136,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:322307,,The Russian genitive within the NP and the VP,VABB-4,55,104,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322317,,Concealed information under stress : a test of the orienting theory in real-life police interrogations,VABB-1,348,356,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322318,,Consumer response to the possible use of a vaccine method to control boar taint v. physical piglet castration with anaesthesia : a quantitative study in four European countries,VABB-1,1107,1118,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322319,,Motivational profiles for secondary school physical education and its relationship to the adoption of a physically active lifestyle among university students,VABB-1,117,139,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322327,,"Consumers' acceptance of innovations in dry-cured ham : impact of reduced salt content, prolonged aging time and new origin",VABB-1,31,41,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322329,,Critical & creative perspectives on fairy tales : an intertextual dialogue between fairy-tale scholarship and postmodern retellings,VABB-2,,,362 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322330,,Neglected middle men? Gatekeepers in homeland politics : case : Flemish nationalists receptivity to the plight of Turkey’s Kurds,VABB-1,501,521,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322335,,CBN-adviezen : jaaroverzicht 2010 : de bevestiging,VABB-1,2,17,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322341,,Healthy brooders employ more attentional resources when disengaging from the negative : an event-related fMRI study,VABB-1,207,216,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322342,,"Environmental factors : opportunities and barriers for physical activity, a healthy eating",VABB-4,391,418,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322354,,Das Drama des Prekären : über die Wiederkehr der Ethik in Theater und Performance,VABB-2,,,300 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:322355,,"History by parliamentary vote : science, ethics and politics in the Lumumba Commission",VABB-1,300,311,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322357,,De omzetting van de richtlijn betaaldiensten in België,VABB-1,2,10,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322358,,Errors and conflict at the task level and the response level,VABB-1,1366,1374,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322360,,Alexithymia and posttraumatic stress : subscales and symptom clusters,VABB-1,1076,1089,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322373,,The metre in the poems of Christopher Mitylenaios,VABB-1,571,594,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:322378,,L'Orco in Matteo Maria Boiardo e in Ludovico Ariosto : osservazioni circa la mostruosità e il modello di Polifemo,VABB-1,627,651,,ita,2011,1 c:vabb:322383,,Modelling defeasible reasoning by means of adaptive logic games,VABB-1,417,437,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:322385,,Emerging trends in cannabis cultivation : and the way forward,VABB-4,273,285,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322387,,La correspondance bilatérale entre Alfred Loisy et Franz Cumont : brève présentation et projet d'édition,VABB-1,261,265,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:322389,,"Belgium, Canada and Switzerland : are there differences in the contributions of selected variables on self-reported property-related and violent delinquency?",VABB-1,145,166,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322390,,Unravelling urban sustainability : how the Flemish city monitor acknowledges complexities,VABB-1,104,110,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322392,,Analyse van de Belgische bemiddelingswet in het licht van de Europese richtlijn inzake bemiddeling,VABB-1,33,49,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:322399,,Het concept democratie binnen het VN-systeem,VABB-1,1291,1299,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322400,,Oxford bilingual school dictionary : Zulu and English,VABB-2,,,640 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322402,,Radicalisering en de rol van de lokale setting,VABB-4,119,134,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322404,,The investiture of emperor Charles VI in Brabant and Flanders : a test case for the authority of the new Austrian government,VABB-1,443,463,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322405,,Zorg en behandeling van palliatieve patiënten in België : resultaat van een onderzoek,VABB-1,5,15,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322407,,Onderzoek naar meer levenskwaliteit tijdens scheiding : IPOS-project : eerste resultaten,VABB-1,26,35,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:322408,,Een pad bezaaid met exclusiecriteria,VABB-1,241,263,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322411,,Improved heat stability by whey protein-surfactant interaction,VABB-1,594,603,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322412,,Without God : gravity as a relational quality of matter in Newton's treatise,VABB-4,80,102,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322418,,Dorothy's literature class : late-Victorian women auto-didacts and penny fiction weeklies,VABB-4,23,35,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322419,,"Pirenne and economic and social theory : influences, methods and reception",VABB-1,323,353,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322425,,Media en rampen : tussen realiteit en constructie,VABB-1,85,94,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322429,,How do speakers resist distraction? : evidence from a taboo picture-word interference task,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322431,,A tale of two cities : bridging families and schools,VABB-1,42,46,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322432,,Early multisensory interactions affect the competition among multiple visual objects,VABB-1,1208,1218,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322433,,Investment arbitration under public scrutiny and the new European competence in the field,VABB-1,154,163,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322435,,Potential for in-car speed assistance systems : results of a large-scale survey in Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-1,80,89,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322436,,De gulzigheid en verveling van Marinetti,VABB-4,151,161,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322437,,Het zorgaanbod voor geïnterneerden in België,VABB-1,17,38,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322439,,Kultermann and after : on the historiography of 1950s and 1960s' architecture in Africa,VABB-1,5,24,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322440,,Cross-border reproductive care in six European countries,VABB-1,1361,1368,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322441,,Modeling complex longitudinal consumer behavior with dynamic Bayesian networks : an acquisition pattern analysis application,VABB-1,283,304,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322442,,"Consumption of plant sterols in Belgium : consumption patterns of plant sterol-enriched foods in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,911,918,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322444,,Over disfunctionele betekenisverleningen en andere spiegelbeelden,VABB-1,41,50,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322445,,Cultural and gender convergence in adolescent drunkenness : evidence from 23 European and North American countries,VABB-1,152,158,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322446,,Het techno-subsysteem van de Vlaamse tiener: keuzes van jongeren in hun gebruik van communicatietechnologieën,VABB-1,17,40,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:322447,,Whose museum? Whose history? Whose memories? Remembering in the work of Dubravka Ugrešić,VABB-1,295,306,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322449,,Impact of groundwater markets in India on water use efficiency : a data envelopment analysis approach,VABB-1,2924,2929,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322451,,"Does fish origin matter to European consumers? : insights from a consumer survey in Belgium, Norway and Spain",VABB-1,535,549,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322452,,Grappling with evolutionary theory : femininities and masculinities in the work of Virginie Loveling (1836-1923),VABB-1,543,553,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322455,,Towards a revised parental leave framework agreement/directive,VABB-1,431,435,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322457,,The anti money laundering complex and the compliance industry,VABB-2,,,208 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322461,,Early modern literary cultures and public opinion : an epilogue in the form of a discussion,VABB-4,267,291,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322462,,Recht op geestelijke gezondheidszorg voor personen met een verstandelijke beperking : onnodig controversieel?,VABB-1,79,98,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322463,,Student response system and learning oral presentation skills,VABB-5,1786,1789,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322465,,"'Wie is toch deze verrassende Krijgelmans?' Ivo Michiels, C.C. Krijgelmans en het Vlaamse romanexperiment",VABB-1,164,188,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:322467,,Internet parenting styles and the impact on internet use of primary school children,VABB-1,454,464,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322469,,Mindreading in individuals with an empathizing versus systemizing cognitive style An fMRI study,VABB-1,214,222,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322476,,Mémoires de la délégation archéologique en Iran : mission de Susiane : tombes d'époque parthe,VABB-2,,,87 p.,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:322477,,Reconstructing palaeochannel morphology with a mobile multicoil electromagnetic induction sensor,VABB-1,136,141,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322480,,"Emotional mobility and gender in the court room : the perspective of the consistory courts of Cambrai, Brussels and Tournai",VABB-1,301,326,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:322481,,Progressive narratives of sexual pessimism : from 'anti-sexuality' to 'wrong-sexuality'?,VABB-4,75,80,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322483,,The IDEFICS validation study on field methods for assessing physical activity and body composition in children : design and data collection,VABB-1,S79,S87,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322484,,Negotiating statehood in a hybrid political order : the case of Somaliland,VABB-1,723,746,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322486,,Modernization and time preferences in Tanzania : evidence from a large-scale elicitation exercise,VABB-1,564,580,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:322487,,Physical properties and microstructure of yoghurt enriched with milk fat globule membrane material,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322489,,Sensitivity analysis of predicted night cooling performance to internal convective heat transfer modelling,VABB-1,2429,2441,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322490,,Understanding depressive rumination from a cognitive science perspective : the impaired disengagement hypothesis,VABB-1,138,145,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322492,,"The experience of daily hassles, cardiovascular reactivity and adolescent risk taking and self esteem",VABB-1,63,88,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322493,,The association between residential area characteristics and mental health,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322494,,A systematic review on the contributions of edible plant and animal biodiversity to human diets,VABB-1,381,399,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322495,,De geheimen van de lokale coalitievorming,VABB-4,53,70,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322501,,When 'small' is 'beautiful' : a comparative analysis of local radio policies in Europe,VABB-1,5,22,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322502,,Conflict adaptation by means of associative learning,VABB-1,1662,1666,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322519,,Diurnal variations in arousal : a naturalistic heart rate study in children with ADHD,VABB-1,381,392,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322522,,Frontiers in higher education,VABB-3,,,242 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322523,,The psychologization of humanitarian aid : skimming the battlefield and the disaster zone,VABB-1,103,122,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322524,,The covering law model applied to dynamical cognitive science : a comment on Joel Walmsley,VABB-1,33,39,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322526,,Complicity in stem cell research : the case of induced pluripotent stem cells,VABB-1,2175,2180,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322528,,Continuous deep sedation until death in Belgium : a survey among nurses,VABB-1,870,879,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322529,,Naturalized citizens and social mobility in classical Athens : the case of Apollodorus,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322530,,Are physical activity interventions equally effective in adolescents of low and high socio-economic status (SES) : results from the European Teenage project,VABB-1,119,130,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322531,,ICT as cultural capital : the relationship between socioeconomic status and the computer-use profile of young people,VABB-1,151,168,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322538,,Practical guidelines for developing a concealed information test,VABB-4,293,302,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322544,,Orale woordenschat en het iWNT,VABB-1,169,179,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322550,,Pointed poetry : agudeza and petrarchism in Góngora’s late sonnets,VABB-1,306,322,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:322551,,Furan formation in baby food model system via lipid oxidation and sugar degradation,VABB-5,107,110,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322555,,Implementation of a dose calculator for vancomycin to achieve target trough levels of 15-20 µg/mL in persons undergoing hemodialysis,VABB-1,124,129,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322558,,Pathways to change in one-session exposure with and without cognitive intervention : an exploratory study in spider phobia,VABB-1,964,971,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322559,,Questionning the design of business process maturity models,VABB-5,51,60,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322560,,Social modulation of facial pain display in high-catastrophizing children : an observational study in schoolchildren and their parents,VABB-1,1591,1599,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322564,,Linoleate isomerase activity occurs in lactic acid bacteria strains and is affected by pH and temperature,VABB-1,593,606,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322565,,Van IPPC naar IED : de geïntegreerde preventie en bestrijding van verontreiniging door industriële emissies herbekeken,VABB-1,196,226,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322566,,"Ouders als onderzoekers, opvoedingsondersteuning en evidence based werken",VABB-1,393,420,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322568,,"The landscape of postgraduate education in palliative care for general practitioners : results of a nationwide survey in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,220,225,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:322570,,"De retoriek van waanzin : taalhandelingen, onbetrouwbaarheid, delirium en de waanzinnige ik-verteller",VABB-2,,,426 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322571,,"Repeatability of maternal report on prenatal, perinatal and early postnatal factors : findings from the IDEFICS parental questionnaire",VABB-1,S52,S60,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322572,,"Jean Coustain en de hoge rechtsmacht te Lovendegem en Zomergem : favoritisme, schenkingen en afgunst aan het hof van Filips de Goede",VABB-1,87,128,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:322574,,A case-study investigation of respiration in operatic singing : an implementation of research design and applications,VABB-1,41,55,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322576,,Matter without qualities? Wax in Giacomo Vivio’s 'Discorso of 1590,VABB-4,91,120,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322577,,Item nonrespons in slachtofferenquêtes onder jongeren : een probleem?,VABB-1,60,66,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322581,,Overdracht van gronden zonder voorafgaandelijk bodemattest : nietig zonder rechtsmisbruik? En hoe moet het nu verder met de koopverkoop onder opschortende voorwaarde?,VABB-1,23,28,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322584,,The structure of memory in infants and toddlers : an SEM study with full-terms and preterms,VABB-1,83,91,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322585,,The promotion of participatory governance in the EU's external policies : compromised by sectoral economic interests?,VABB-1,978,1000,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322587,,"Drie versies van Celan : Bernlef, Kuijper en Theunynck",VABB-1,117,132,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322588,,Breuken en bruggen : moderne Nederlandse literatuur : hedendaagse perspectieven,VABB-3,,,292 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322593,,Reliability and validity of the Adolescent Stress questionnaire in a sample of European adolescents : the HELENA study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322594,,Corporate social responsibility reporting : a comprehensive picture?,VABB-1,187,204,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322596,,EU actorness in international affairs : the case of EULEX mission in Kosovo,VABB-1,283,303,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322597,,Efficacy of a self-learning station for basic life support refresher training in a hospital : a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,214,219,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:322598,,The chasm between having and using : adoption versus use diffusion of iDTV in Flanders,VABB-1,223,235,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322604,,Design and results of the pretest of the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,S30,S44,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322607,,Naar een heilige schoonheid van de vorm : Willem Kloos' poëzieleer en de praktijk,VABB-1,333,355,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:322608,,"The IDEFICS cohort : design, characteristics and participation in the baseline survey",VABB-1,S3,S15,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322616,,"Taxation in the Habsburg Low Countries and in Belgium, 1579-1914",VABB-4,67,92,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322617,,Categorizations of child 'in need' and child 'in need of protection' and its implications for the formulation of 'deficit' parenting,VABB-4,63,80,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322618,,"The myth of the Heliades in Góngora : poplars, poetics and the Petrarchan tradition",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:322620,,What's a brain : neuroanatomy and neurochemistry of anxiety disorders in dogs,VABB-1,175,184,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322622,,Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322623,,"Op het snijvlak van cognitie, wetenschap en filosofie : intertheoretische relaties in de twintigste eeuw",VABB-1,21,38,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:322624,,Avoiding deontic explosion by contextually restricting aggregation,VABB-5,148,165,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322627,,The 'one-person choir' : a multidisciplinary approach to the development of an embodied human–computer interface,VABB-1,22,35,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322629,,Workers' perception of chemical risks : a focus group study,VABB-1,335,342,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322630,,Executive control is shared between sentence processing and digit maintenance : evidence from a strictly timed dual-task paradigm,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322631,,Do managers use feedback seeking as a strategy to regulate demands-abilities misfit? The moderating role of implicit person theory,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322632,,CFD study of solids concentration in a fluidised-bed coater with variation of atomisation air pressure,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322636,,"Social egg freezing : for better, not for worse",VABB-1,824,829,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322639,,Design criticism and social responsibility : the Flemish design critic K.-N. Elno (1920-1993),VABB-4,33,44,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322644,,From the guest editors : ICT and global urban networks,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322646,,Het herstelrechtelijke karakter van het collectief slachtofferschap in Zuid-Afrika,VABB-1,39,47,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322650,,Controle-instrumenten voor politieoptreden : zien we door de bomen het bos nog?,VABB-1,33,40,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322652,,Kwetsbaarheid voor georganiseerde criminaliteit : een voor preventie bruikbaar concept?,VABB-1,121,133,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322653,,Monachos hujus ecclesie ad se venire fecit : attitudes laïques comme reflets des stratégies monastiques orales et rituelles dans les transferts patrimoniaux,VABB-4,49,64,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:322654,,"Improving health outcomes in young people : a holistic, team based approach",VABB-1,153,156,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322655,,Economische motieven en moedige vrouwen : de geschiedenis van gendergelijkheid in de Europese Unie,VABB-1,3,8,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322657,,Een handhavingsbeleid voor het OCMW : hefboom tot of bedreiging van een menswaardig bestaan?,VABB-1,65,68,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322662,,Stigma and trust among mental health service users,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322667,,Classical Architecture and the Communion Debate. The Iconography of Suggestion,VABB-4,75,92,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322672,,A goal-oriented requirements engineering method for business processes,VABB-5,29,43,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322677,,Growth of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes with prior resistance to intense pulsed light and lactic acid,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322680,,Roma Interrotta : the urbs that is not a capital,VABB-1,37,49,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322686,,Het proces-verbaal van een verdachtenverhoor : een bron van informatie? Diverse formats van geschreven communicatie tussen politie en parket,VABB-4,123,144,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322688,,"The impact of cultural factors on students' learning style preferences : a global comparison between Japan, Australia and Belgium",VABB-1,243,265,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322689,,The modernity myth,VABB-1,69,85,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322690,,Functional brain imaging: a brief overview of imaging techniques and their use in human and canine anxiety research,VABB-1,185,192,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322691,,The effect of medetomidine on the regional cerebral blood flow in dogs measured using Technetium-99m-ethyl cysteinate dimer SPECT,VABB-1,138,143,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322694,,A differentiated approach to client protection : the example of MiFID,VABB-4,105,162,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322695,,"Incidence, diversity and toxin gene characteristics of Bacillus cereus group strains isolated from food products marketed in Belgium",VABB-1,34,41,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322696,,Ranking scientists and departments in a consistent manner,VABB-1,1761,1769,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322698,,Treating chronic fatigue syndrome : a study into the scientific evidence for pharmacological treatments,VABB-1,907,913,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322699,,Antihistamines for the common cold,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:322701,,Beverage consumption among European adolescents in the HELENA study,VABB-1,244,252,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:322702,,"Glocalized telenovelas and national identities : a 'textual cum production' analysis of the 'telenovelle' Sara, the Flemish adaptation of Yo soy Betty, la fea",VABB-1,551,567,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:322703,,Exploring the impact of student tutoring on at-risk fifth and sixth graders' self-regulated learning,VABB-1,419,425,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322704,,The role of business centres in firms' networking capabilities and performance,VABB-1,569,580,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322706,,De mechaniek van de magie (of andersom) : een gesprek met Sigrid T'Hooft over HIP,VABB-4,250,257,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322707,,Pork consumption in Brazil : challenges and opportunities for the Brazilian pork production chain,VABB-1,99,114,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322708,,Familiekroniek en oorlogsverleden,VABB-1,141,144,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322712,,Concurrent use of Lamotrigine and electroconvulsive therapy,VABB-1,148,152,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322717,,Competence on display : crafting stories during newsroom editorial conferences,VABB-4,111,130,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322720,,Deciding where to stop speaking,VABB-1,359,380,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322723,,A comparison of drug use prevention systems in Belgium and the Czech Republic,VABB-1,180,187,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322724,,The use of accelerometry in adolescents and its implementation with non-wear time activity diaries in free-living conditions,VABB-1,103,113,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322726,,"Inactivation of murine Norovirus-1, coliphage φX174 and Bacteroides fragilis phage B40-8 on surfaces and fresh cut iceberg lettuce by hydrogen peroxide and UV light",VABB-1,1399,1404,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322730,,Impact des allégations nutritionnelles et de santé sur le consommateur,VABB-1,283,288,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:322732,,Modification of information-processing biases in emotional disorders : clinically relevant developments in experimental psychopathology,VABB-1,208,222,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322733,,Chest radiograph for acute respiratory infections,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322734,,I like it because I said that I like it : evaluative conditioning effects can be based on stimulus-response learning,VABB-1,466,476,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322735,,Samenleven met Roma : fictie of realiteit?,VABB-4,363,380,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322736,,The dominance of associative theorizing in implicit attitude research : propositional and behavioral alternatives,VABB-1,465,496,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322737,,The economics of residue analysis,VABB-1,1088,1094,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322739,,Attempts to control pain prioritize attention towards signals of pain : an experimental study,VABB-1,1068,1073,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322747,,Development and initial validation of the iconographical falls efficacy scale,VABB-1,674,680,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322748,,Classification of protein binders in artist's paints by matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionisation time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry : an evaluation of principal component analysis (PCA) and soft independent modelling of class analogy (SIMCA),VABB-1,1631,1640,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322749,,Secular law and the realm of false religion,VABB-4,43,61,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322750,,The problem of slums : shifting methods of neoliberal urban government in Morocco,VABB-1,709,731,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322757,,"Religieuze co-existentie en de publieke kerk : Walcheren en Staats-Vlaanderen, 1602-1630",VABB-1,3,24,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:322758,,Het sublieme in de kunst : van Kant tot Duchamp en verder,VABB-1,701,733,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:322760,,Student teachers' skills in the implementation of collaborative learning : a multilevel approach,VABB-1,1090,1100,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322761,,"Relationships between right-wing authoritarianism, terrorism threat, and attitudes towards restrictions of civil rights : a comparison among four European countries",VABB-1,245,259,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322762,,Tolerance of justice violations : the effects of need on emotional reactions after violating equality in social dilemmas,VABB-1,357,380,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322764,,Philosophy with children as an exercise in Parrhesia : an account of a philosophical experiment with children in Cambodia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322765,,Causality and causation : a functional approach to causative constructions in Modern Swedish,VABB-1,127,164,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322767,,Schopenhauer and the objectivity of art,VABB-4,219,234,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322769,,Towards a linguistics of news production,VABB-1,1843,1852,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322782,,"About motivated project teams, user expectations, proof-of-concept testing and the after-a-good-project-hang-over",VABB-4,223,245,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322790,,Advancing democracy on difficult terrain : EU democracy promotion in Central Asia,VABB-1,639,658,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322800,,Effects of in vivo exercise on ankle cartilage deformation and recovery in healthy volunteers : an experimental study,VABB-1,1123,1131,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322802,,An empirical evaluation of rotation-based ensemble classifiers for customer churn prediction,VABB-1,12293,12301,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322803,,"When Pinocchio acts like a human, a wooden hand becomes embodied : action co-representation for non-biological agents",VABB-1,1373,1377,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322804,,The role of perceived parental dimensions and identification in late adolescents' identity processing styles,VABB-1,189,210,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322807,,De D&A-code van corruptie : lessen uit een anticorruptietraining bij douane en accijnzen,VABB-1,100,115,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322808,,Understanding perceptions of corruption,VABB-4,205,226,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322809,,Arthur Schopenhauer : the man and his work,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322811,,"Pouvoir des armes... impuissance du roman : livres, barbarie et fictions de guerre",VABB-4,374,397,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:322812,,A closer look at the mechanisms of perceived job discrimination : 'How I think you think about us',VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322813,,Rapid parallel semantic processing of numbers without awareness,VABB-1,136,147,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322814,,Gene-culture co-evolutionary theory and the evolution of legal behavior and institutions,VABB-4,248,269,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322815,,"The relationship between genetic testing, psychological well-being and surveillance behavior : a questionnaire study in presymptomatic female and male BRCA carriers and non-carriers",VABB-1,12,22,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322820,,Proteine-lipid interactions during the incubation of whey proteins with autoxidizing lipids,VABB-1,427,433,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322822,,Historical consciousness in youth work and adult education,VABB-1,32,45,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322823,,Een GIS benadering van de bronstijdgrafheuvel in Zandig-Vlaanderen : enkele voorlopige resultaten (België),VABB-1,3,8,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322831,,Spinoza on the politics of philosophical understanding Susan James and Eric Schliesser angels and philosophers : with a new interpretation of Spinoza's common notions,VABB-1,497,518,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322836,,Narcolepsie bij kinderen met een psychiatrische stoornis,VABB-1,865,870,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322838,,Effect of a cardiovascular prevention program on health behavior and BMI in highly educated adults : a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,122,126,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322839,,Perspective taking eliminates differences in co-representation of out-group members' actions,VABB-1,423,428,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322846,,Markets of concentration permits : the case of manure policy,VABB-1,2098,2104,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322851,,Archives in motion : concrete steps towards the digital disclosure of audiovisual content,VABB-1,459,465,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322854,,'How pendulum-like are siamangs? : energy exchange during brachiation',VABB-1,581,591,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322855,,Fraud-on-the-market : een causaliteitstheorie inzake beleggersverliezen : een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek naar de toepassing van causaliteitstheorieën inzake beleggersverliezen in het Belgisch en het Amerikaans aansprakelijkheidsrecht,VABB-1,277,347,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322856,,Cognosssement; art. 91 Zeewet; aansprakelijkheid zeevervoerder; ontheffingsgronden,VABB-1,613,619,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322858,,Post-conflict slowing : cognitive adaptation after conflict processing,VABB-1,76,82,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322859,,The effect of using assessment instruments on substance-abuse outpatients' adherence to treatment : a multi-centre randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322862,,Distinct representations of numerical and non-numerical order in the human intraparietal sulcus revealed by multivariate pattern recognition,VABB-1,674,680,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322863,,To have or to be? A comparison of materialism-based theories and self-determination theory as explanatory frameworks of prejudice,VABB-1,1037,1070,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322866,,Analysis of radiology education in undergraduate medical doctors training in Europe,VABB-1,309,318,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322868,,Economic hardship and depression across the life course : the impact of welfare state regimes,VABB-1,262,276,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322875,,Queer theory and change : towards a pragmatic approach to resistance and subversion in media research on gay and lesbian identities,VABB-1,197,215,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322877,,Explaining the genesis of a trade dispute : the European Union's seal trade ban,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322879,,Entrepeneurship and innovation : the hidden costs of corporate governance in Europe,VABB-1,1,47,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322881,,Risk management in corporate law and corporate governance,VABB-4,215,242,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322884,,Objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time in European adolescents : the HELENA study,VABB-1,173,184,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322887,,La lutte contre la criminalité itinerante et le débat sur l'immigration : une 'cohabitation' en bonne voie en Belgique,VABB-1,68,77,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:322888,,"'Ça dépend', réponse de Normand? Comment combiner accord et réfutation",VABB-4,199,212,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:322889,,Why was there no controversy over life in the scientific revolution?,VABB-4,187,219,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322890,,Het strategisch speerpuntenbeleid onderzoek van de UGent,VABB-1,22,25,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322891,,Hunter-gatherer responses to environmental change during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in the southern North Sea basin : final Palaeolithic-Final Mesolithic land use in northwest Belgium,VABB-1,454,471,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322892,,A comparison of priority rules for the job shop scheduling problem under different flow time- and tardiness-related objective functions,VABB-1,4255,4270,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:322893,,Neural processing of reward magnitude under varying attentional demands,VABB-1,218,229,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322894,,"Pollute first, clean up later?",VABB-1,77,82,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322895,,"The language factor in international business : new perspectives on research, teaching and practice",VABB-3,,,320 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322896,,Rekensom of relatiegeschenk? Partnerkeuze bij coalitievorming op lokaal vlak,VABB-1,91,104,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322899,,"Een aantal kuilen uit de metaaltijden onder de voetbalgrasmat te Drongen/Keiskant (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,75,80,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322900,,Scan problems in digital CORONA satellite images from USGS archives,VABB-1,1257,1264,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322904,,Promoting a special learning environment for second language learning in a Chinese rural primary school,VABB-5,137,144,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322905,,Different resting state brain activity and functional connectivity in patients who respond and not respond to bifrontal tDCS for tinnitus suppression,VABB-1,217,227,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322907,,"Clustering patterns of physical activity, sedentary and dietary behavior among European adolescents : the HELENA study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322909,,Jīva and Ahiṃsā : a contribution towards a biocentric morality,VABB-1,29,32,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322912,,"Goal striving, coping, and well-being : a prospective investigation of the self-concordance model in sport",VABB-1,124,145,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322913,,Evolution and rape : a feminist Darwinian perspective,VABB-1,732,747,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322914,,Relationship between self-reported dietary intake and physical activity levels among adolescents : the HELENA study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322918,,Exploring the relationship between offending and victimization : what is the role of risky lifestyles and low self-control? A test in two urban samples,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322919,,"Das Poetische heißt Sammeln : Ernst Jünger im Spiegel der enzyklopädischen Literatur (Kempowski, Littell, Kluge, Müller)",VABB-4,137,162,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:322920,,Avantgarde und Alter in der Dokumentarliteratur der dritten Generation,VABB-4,75,88,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:322921,,Influence of milk fatty acid composition and process parameters on the quality of ice cream,VABB-1,431,447,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322922,,Effect of dietary antioxidant supplementation on the oxidative status of plasma in broilers,VABB-1,198,205,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322927,,Jan Walravens en het experiment,VABB-3,,,221 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322930,,De Europese publieke sfeer : dovemansgesprek of dialoog tussen de Europese Commissie en haar burgers?,VABB-1,355,386,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322931,,Main characteristics of type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients interested in the use of a telemonitoring platform,VABB-1,456,468,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322932,,The role of stimulus salience and attentional capture across the neural hierarchy in a stop-signal task,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322935,,World art studies,VABB-4,493,496,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322936,,The importance of sampling frequency of routine tracheal surveillance cultures to predict bacterial etiology in ventilator-associated pneumonia,VABB-1,468,469,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322937,,The techno-economic potential of renewable energy through the anaerobic digestion of microalgae,VABB-1,1149,1158,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322941,,How to measure the size of a bio-based economy : evidence from Flanders,VABB-1,4368,4375,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322943,,Effects of phonological feedback on the selection of syntax : evidence from between-language syntactic priming,VABB-1,503,516,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322945,,"Introduction : identifying the middlebrow, the masculine, and Mr Miniver",VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322948,,Cavendish's body of knowledge,VABB-1,729,743,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322949,,Medical schools in sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,1294,1294,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322950,,"QUALICOPC, a multi-country study evaluating quality, costs and equity in primary care",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322952,,Setting the stage subliminally : unconscious context effects,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322953,,Assessment of actual food portions sizes in a sample of adolescents from Cochabamba (Bolivia),VABB-1,1195,1197,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322954,,"Absorption, distribution and elimination of Carnosic acid : a natural Antioxidant from Rosmarinus officinalis, in Rats",VABB-1,196,202,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322955,,Using the intervention mapping protocol to develop a community-based intervention for the prevention of childhood obesity in a multi-centre European project : the IDEFICS intervention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322957,,Food choice questionnaire revisited in four countries : does it still measure the same?,VABB-1,94,98,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322958,,Individual differences in local gray and white matter volumes reflect differences in temperament and character : a voxel-based morphometry study in healthy young females,VABB-1,32,42,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322959,,Macro-environmental factors associated with leisure-time physical activity : a cross-national analysis of EU countries,VABB-1,419,436,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322960,,Data augmentation by predicting spending pleasure using commercially available external data,VABB-1,367,383,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322961,,"Association of health involvement and attitudes towards eating fish on farmed and wild fish consumption in Belgium, Norway and Spain",VABB-1,475,488,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322962,,The relationship between paediatric calcaneal quantitative ultrasound measurements and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and DXA with laser (DXL) as well as body composition,VABB-1,S125,S130,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322963,,"Personality similarity, perceptual accuracy, and relationship satisfaction in dating and married couples",VABB-1,128,145,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:322964,,Improving campaign success rate by tailoring donation requests along the donor lifecycle,VABB-1,51,63,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322965,,Ensembles of probability estimation trees for customer churn prediction,VABB-5,57,66,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322966,,Frequency of and subjective response to critical incidents in the prediction of PTSD in emergency personnel,VABB-1,133,136,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322968,,"Testing universal gravitation in the laboratory, or the significance of research on the mean density of the earth and big G, 1798-1898 : changing pursuits and long-term methodological-experimental continuity",VABB-1,181,227,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322971,,Reshaping Congolese statehood in the midst of crisis and transition,VABB-4,139,168,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:322973,,Platus III: The Merchant. The Braggart Soldier. The Ghost. The Persian.,VABB-2,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:322978,,Making/Hacerse,VABB-1,99,132,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:322983,,Vulnerability to crime of the hotel and catering industry in Belgium,VABB-4,129,154,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322985,,Caractérisation interrégionale des paysages de la Belgique,VABB-1,1,12,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:322986,,Interaction in web-based communities : a case study of,VABB-1,234,249,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:322988,,Construct validation and internal consistency of the geometric categorization task (GEOCAT) for measuring primary and secundary processes,VABB-1,209,228,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:322997,,De bisschop dwarsboomt : perikelen omtrent heerlijke rechten in het Doornikse (17de-18de eeuw),VABB-4,163,186,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323002,,Intermediality as cultural literacy and teaching the graphic novel,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323004,,Passive hand movements disrupt adults' counting strategies,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323006,,Parental catastrophizing about children's pain and selective attention to varying levels of facial expression of pain in children : a dot-probe study,VABB-1,1751,1757,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323007,,Evaluative conditioning : a review of functional knowledge and mental process theories,VABB-4,399,416,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323013,,Is there co-movement of agricultural commodities futures prices and crude oil?,VABB-1,4971,4984,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323014,,"School-based ICT policy plans in primary education : elements, typologies and underlying processes",VABB-1,505,519,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:323018,,Instruments for personnel selection in the 21st century : research and practice,VABB-1,18,42,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323021,,Clinical application of ASCEND : a pathway to higher ground for communication,VABB-1,6,6,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323022,,Baseline 'state anxiety' influences HPA-axis sensitivity to one sham-controlled HF-rTMS session applied to the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,VABB-1,60,67,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323023,,Non-topical wa-phrases in Japanese,VABB-4,135,148,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323024,,Familles flamandes ayant adopté des enfants éthiopiens : travail culturel et citoyenneté ambivalente,VABB-1,185,200,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:323025,,Use of endospore-forming bacteria as an active oxygen scavenger in plastic packaging materials,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323032,,Monks for Hire : Liang Wudi's Use of Household Monks (jiaseng 家僧),VABB-1,45,69,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323034,,"A-Z of nutritional supplements : dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance-Part 20",VABB-1,530,532,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323036,,Ethnic school composition and peer victimization : a focus on the interethnic school climate,VABB-1,465,473,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323037,,Approches de représentations sociales de l’autisme en Afrique : sémantique culturelle en république démocratique du Congo,VABB-1,121,129,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:323051,,Critical and metacritical dimensions in Helmholtz's account of human vision,VABB-1,35,48,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:323056,,The implications of the cognitive sciences for the relation between religion and science education : the case of evolutionary theory,VABB-1,1167,1184,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:323061,,A living lab research approach for mobile TV,VABB-1,271,282,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323062,,De roman als schilderij : Vladimir Nabokov en Jean Rousset,VABB-1,73,87,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323063,,Task-load-dependent activation of dopaminergic midbrain areas in the absence of reward,VABB-1,4955,4961,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323064,,The role of temperament and personality in problem behaviors of children with ADHD,VABB-1,277,291,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:323066,,Rotavirus vaccines in Belgium policy and impact,VABB-1,S21,S24,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323067,,Cost-effectiveness analysis of malaria chemoprophylaxis for travellers to West-Africa,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323069,,Researching discourse in business genres : cases and corpora,VABB-3,,,215 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:323071,,Transactions under scrutiny : looking for privacy and proportionality in financial crime investigation,VABB-4,81,94,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323074,,'Een eerbiedwaardige vorm van vaandelvlucht' : Richard Minne en de eigentijdsheid van 'Het Geestesleven',VABB-4,147,157,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323075,,Over het belang van controle op politie en justitie,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323078,,A methodological framework for the development and evaluation of user-centered art installations,VABB-1,19,39,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323080,,Un double compromis : enjeux et débats relatifs à l'enseignement universitaire en Belgique au XIXe siècle,VABB-2,,,485 p.,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:323081,,From counter-strike to counter-statement : using Burke's pentad as a tool for analysing video games,VABB-1,91,102,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323083,,"'Destare l’infranto, rinnovare silenzi' : open form in Luigi Nono's 'Prometeo' (1984-85)",VABB-1,203,222,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:323089,,Gekooid recht voor de gekooide mens : stand van zaken basiswet gevangeniswezen en rechtspositie van gedetineerden,VABB-1,337,345,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323093,,Framing pictures : film and the visual arts,VABB-2,,,224 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323095,,Kants morele kritiek op het atheïsme : mogelijkheid of onmogelijkheid van het hoogste goede,VABB-1,39,57,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323097,,Internationaal privaatrecht voor persoonlijke borgstelling tegen gezinsbelangen : Antwerpse hof van beroep zet de puntjes op de i,VABB-1,76,81,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323098,,Las estrategias de comunicación oral en español de los estudiantes neerlandófonos en Bélgica : un estudio de caso,VABB-1,123,141,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:323101,,Underestimating busyness : indications of nonresponse bias due to work–family conflict and time pressure,VABB-1,1691,1701,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323102,,Lucien Lévy-Bruhl,VABB-4,233,238,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:323104,,Pragmatic markers,VABB-4,223,247,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323105,,Why humans do not make good vampires : testing the ability of humans to detect true blood,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:323112,,'Confounding closed systems' : transforming the boundaries of jewish identity in Rebecca Goldstein's novel mazel,VABB-1,907,919,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323113,,Uncanny doublings in 'Owen Wingrave',VABB-4,149,164,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323117,,A formal logic for the abduction of singular hypotheses,VABB-4,93,108,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323121,,Ontogeny of the cranial skeleton in a Darwin's finch (Geospiza fortis),VABB-1,115,131,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323123,,Dansen op de brug : enkele reflecties over het beroepsgeheim van de justitieassistent,VABB-1,53,61,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323124,,Urbanistica delle città romane di Corsica : l'esempio di Mariana,VABB-5,8,14,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:323128,,Distance in motion : response trajectories reveal the dynamics of number comparison,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323131,,'Becoming angry when another is treated fairly' : on understanding when own and other's fair treatment influences negative reactions,VABB-1,280,298,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323137,,Improved dewatering by freeze-thawing of predewatered sludge cakes,VABB-1,798,803,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323138,,"Motivation and autonomy in counseling, psychotherapy, and behavior change : a look at theory and practice",VABB-1,193,260,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323139,,From deposit to point cloud : a study of low-cost computer vision approaches for the straightforward documentation of archaeological excavations,VABB-5,81,88,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323149,,Solar imagery in Russian Avant-Garde,VABB-4,330,354,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323154,,An embodied approach to testing musical empathy in subjects with an autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,28,36,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:323157,,The constraint is the possibility : a dynamical perspective on Kant's theory of objectivity,VABB-1,95,112,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323158,,Opera : achter de schermen van de emotie,VABB-3,,,304 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323160,,"Transfer of risk in the international sale of goods, 'commentary on Articles nos. 66, 67'",VABB-4,878,899,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323161,,Influence of sample collection and preanalytical sample processing on the analyses of biological markers in the European multicentre study IDEFICS,VABB-1,S104,S112,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323163,,Reduced attentional blink for gambling-related stimuli in problem gamblers,VABB-1,265,269,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323168,,"Distraction from pain and executive functioning : an experimental investigation of the role of inhibition, task switching and working memory",VABB-1,866,873,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323169,,A diagnostic modelling framework to construct indices of biotic integrity : a case study of fish in the Zeeschelde estuary (Belgium),VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323170,,Problema religii i iazyka v rakurse imiaslavia i fenomenologii,VABB-4,192,202,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:323171,,Article 8 TEU : towards a new generation of agreements with the neighbouring countries of the European Union?,VABB-1,688,703,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323172,,"A 3-in-1 perineal care washcloth impregnated with dimethicone 3% versus water and pH neutral soap to prevent and treat incontinence-associated dermatitis : a randomized, controlled clinical trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323173,,Stay tuned : what is special about not shifting attention?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323175,,A chance of survival : introduction,VABB-4,9,19,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323179,,Exposure makes the heart grow less fond! The effects of exposure to palatable foods on the subsequent attention processing of food cues,VABB-1,230,238,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323180,,The closed mind : 'experience' and 'cognition' aspects of openness to experience and need for closure as psychological bases for right-wing attitudes,VABB-1,184,197,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323181,,Need and ability to achieve closure : relationships with symptoms of psychopathology,VABB-1,155,160,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323183,,The social interactive behaviour of young children with autism spectrum disorder and their mothers Is there an effect of familiarity of the interaction partner?,VABB-1,43,64,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323184,,De Brugse ambachtsbesturen tijdens de late middeleeuwen : enkele institutionele en rechtshistorische aspecten,VABB-1,309,327,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:323185,,"Een proces van bloed, zweet en tranen! Juridisering van arbeidsongevallen in de negentiende eeuw in België",VABB-2,,,503 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323186,,How farsighted are behavioral tendencies of approach and avoidance? The effect of stimulus valence on immediate vs. ultimate distance change,VABB-1,622,627,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323188,,Kinderalimentatie : loopt België nu vóór of achter op Nederland?,VABB-1,306,311,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323190,,Sound ideas and absurd consequences : reflections of a legal historian,VABB-1,93,104,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323191,,Sampling approaches to predict urban street noise levels using fixed and temporary microphones,VABB-1,2710,2719,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323193,,"Entrepreneurial origin, technological knowledge, and the growth of spin-off companies",VABB-1,1420,1442,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323196,,Quantifying QoE of mobile video consumption in a real-life setting drawing on objective and subjective parameters,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323198,,Empathy as added value in predicting donation behavior,VABB-1,1288,1295,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323202,,Gottfried Benn und das Wissen der Moderne : 1905-1932,VABB-2,,,839 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:323211,,Het vergunningen- en plannenregister in de Vlaamse Codex Ruimtelijke Ordening,VABB-1,228,248,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323212,,Incorporating neighborhood effects in customer relationship management models,VABB-5,90,95,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323213,,"The impact of entrepreneurial capacity, experience and organizational support on academic entrepreneurship",VABB-1,1084,1093,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323230,,Roerende voorheffing bij verkrijging van eigen aandelen door een Belgische vennootschap : hindernissen en valkuilen,VABB-1,14,28,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323231,,De Boekhoudkundige en fiscale betekenis van het begrip 'waardevermindering' in het kader van afschrijvingen,VABB-1,489,509,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323232,,Decoding sequence learning from single-trial intracranial EEG in humans,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323233,,'I know what you need right now' : empathic accuracy and support provision in marriage,VABB-4,71,88,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:323238,,"A study of the relationships between generation, market orientation, and innovation in family firms",VABB-1,252,272,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323239,,Self-regulation of creativity at work : the role of feedback-seeking behavior in creative performance,VABB-1,811,831,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323242,,Wijziging van de huwelijksbeletselen na gewone adoptie : commentaar bij de wet van 2 juni 2010,VABB-1,143,149,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:323243,,De wet van 19 maart 2010 ter bevordering van een objectieve berekening van kinderalimentatie,VABB-1,161,188,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:323246,,Sachsenspiegel in Brüssel,VABB-3,,,60 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:323247,,The 10-word learning task in the differential diagnosis of early Alzheimer's disease and elderly depression : a cross-sectional pilot study,VABB-1,113,121,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323257,,Antonio negri’s ontology of empire and multitude,VABB-1,109,135,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323272,,Fotografisches Wahrnehmen : Visualität und Subjektivität in Annemarie Schwarzenbachs Das glückliche Tal,VABB-1,22,40,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:323273,,Intensive high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment in an electroconvulsive shock therapy-resistant bipolar I patient with mixed episode,VABB-1,46,49,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323278,,"Painted pottery of the first half of the early bronze age (late 4(TH) : first centuries of the 3(RD) millennium BC) in Luristan, W-Iran",VABB-1,55,106,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:323283,,International legal framework on the prevention of vessel-source pollution,VABB-1,238,263,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:323287,,De aanstelling van een voogd ad hoc en andere remedies tegen ouderlijk wanbeheer : noot onder Rb. Veurne 14 juni 2007,VABB-1,13,17,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323290,,Chaste and confined : ideal women in sermons and exempla,VABB-1,57,90,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:323291,,Scholarly communication in education journals,VABB-1,109,130,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323292,,"Measuring the relative topographic position of archaeological sites in the landscape, a case study on the Bronze Age barrows in northwest Belgium",VABB-1,3435,3446,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323296,,Primary prevention from the epidemiology perspective : three examples from the practice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323297,,Breastfeeding in infancy is not associated with inflammatory status in healthy adolescents,VABB-1,411,417,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323298,,Standardisierte Entwicklung der IDEFICS-Intervention und Implementierung in Deutschland,VABB-1,330,338,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:323310,,Strategic entrepreneurship in family business,VABB-1,285,306,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323312,,The effectiveness of university knowledge spillovers : performance differences between university spinoffs and corporate spinoffs,VABB-1,1128,1143,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:323315,,Do individual differences in perceiving situational demands moderate the relationship between personality and assessment center dimension ratings?,VABB-1,231,250,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323317,,Identifying a distinctive familial frequency band in reaction time fluctuations in ADHD,VABB-1,711,719,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323318,,Novelty increases the mesolimbic functional connectivity of the substantia nigra/ventral tegmental area (SN/VTA) during reward anticipation : evidence from high-resolution fMRI,VABB-1,647,655,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323319,,Freeing yourself towards your own being-free : Jean-Luc Nancy on the metaphysics of freedom,VABB-1,267,281,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323320,,A hybrid single and dual population search procedure for the job shop scheduling problem,VABB-1,512,523,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323322,,Peer assessment of oral presentation skills,VABB-5,1776,1780,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323323,,Cross-age peer tutors in asynchronous discussion groups : exploring the impact of three types of tutor training on patterns in tutor support and on tutor characteristics,VABB-1,1167,1181,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323325,,Mirroring the mind : on empathy and autism,VABB-4,241,244,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323329,,"The timing of aeolian events near archaeological settlements around Heidebos (Moervaart area, N Belgium)",VABB-1,173,186,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:323332,,Magnetic resonance imaging of the medial extremity of the clavicle in forensic bone age determination : a new four-minute approach,VABB-1,757,767,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323333,,Cross-validation and reliability of the line-drill test of anaerobic performance in basketball players 14-16 years,VABB-1,1113,1119,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323336,,Die analytische Theatralität des Erzählens in Elias Canettis Die Blendung : ein postapokalyptischer Nachklang der Literatur der Jahrhundertwende und eine Vorwegnahme der postdramatischen Ästhetik,VABB-1,121,130,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:323337,,Applying a hybrid job shop procedure to a Belgian manufacturing company producing industrial wheels and castors in rubber,VABB-1,697,708,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323338,,"Complementarity between water pricing, water rights and local water governance : a Bayesian analysis of choice behaviour of farmers in the Krishna river basin, India",VABB-1,1756,1766,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323339,,Association between the FTO rs9939609 polymorphism and leptin in European adolescents : a possible link with energy balance control : the HELENA study,VABB-1,66,71,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323341,,EURO-MUSCULUS-I and -II behind and EURO-MUSCULUS-III ahead,VABB-1,736,736,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323342,,European adolescents' level of perceived stress and its relationship with body adiposity : the HELENA study,VABB-1,519,524,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:323343,,Participatory approach for integrated basin planning with focus on disaster risk reduction : the case of the Limpopo river,VABB-1,737,763,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323346,,The use of stereoscopic images taken from a microdrone for the documentation of heritage : an example from the Tuekta burial mounds in the Russian Altay,VABB-1,2968,2978,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323360,,Huwelijksvoordelen : geen verboden erfovereenkomst en nog adviseerbaar,VABB-1,115,120,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323362,,Galbert of Bruges and 'law is politics',VABB-4,19,32,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323364,,"Radiokoolstofdateringen van enkele vroeg-mesolithische concentraties te Evergem : De Nest (Oost-Vlaanderen, B)",VABB-1,15,19,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323365,,"Vuursteen onder glas : steentijdvondsten in de glastuinbouwzone Stokstorm (Deinze, Kruishoutem, B)",VABB-1,47,54,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323366,,Collectief slachtofferschap in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief,VABB-1,17,28,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323370,,"'You serve me well' : representations of gossip, newsmongering and public opinion in the plays of Cornelis Everaert",VABB-4,37,53,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323371,,Factors associated with eating out of home in Vietnamese adolescents,VABB-1,649,655,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323378,,A hybrid dual-population genetic algorithm for the single machine maximum lateness problem,VABB-5,14,25,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323379,,The neural underpinnings of how reward associations can both guide and misguide attention,VABB-1,9752,9759,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323380,,Cultural differences in strategic behavior : a study in computational estimation,VABB-1,1294,1301,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323383,,Wat is dat : filosofie?,VABB-1,117,225,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323388,,Feasibility and validity of accelerometer measurements to assess physical activity in toddlers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323392,,Environmental displacement within Kenya: a search for legal protection frameworks,VABB-1,164,185,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323393,,Poor comprehensive readers : what do we know about their profile?,VABB-5,229,234,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323394,,The quality of life of siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,41,55,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323395,,Comparison of the IPAQ-A and actigraph in relation to VO2max among European adolescents : the HELENA study,VABB-1,317,324,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323404,,Multiscale causal connectivity analysis by canonical correlation : theory and application to epileptic brain,VABB-1,3088,3096,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323405,,Twee kunstvormen onder één dak : de Nederlandse opera in Het muziektheater Amsterdam,VABB-4,271,279,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323406,,Wat verstaan we onder operakritiek?,VABB-4,99,109,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323411,,Afschrijving : kleine vennootschap : definitie : noot : moet men het begrip 'kleine vennootschap' beoordelen op geconsolideerde basis?,VABB-1,600,603,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323414,,Art. 78 en 78ter van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994,VABB-4,1,6,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323416,,Evoluties binnen het recht van de intellectuele eigendom (2009-2010),VABB-1,174,200,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323417,,Art. 55bis en 60bis van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994,VABB-4,7,10,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323419,,The Russian avant-garde and radical modernism : an introductory reader,VABB-3,,,350 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323423,,"Le contrôle préventif et répressif de l'espionnage économique, d'entreprise et industriel par la sécurité privée en Belgique",VABB-1,19,23,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:323426,,Toe function and dynamic pressure distribution in ostrich locomotion,VABB-1,1123,1130,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323429,,"De relatie armoede en jeugdzorg, of : de bijzondere jeugdzorg tussen 'maatschappelijke noodzaak' en 'maatschappelijke hulpbron'",VABB-1,353,373,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323430,,Case-note : Palomo Sánchez v. Spain,VABB-1,1794,1810,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323432,,Laurence Binyon and the Belgian artistic scene : unearthing unknown brotherhoods,VABB-1,184,197,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323433,,Democracy and human rights : a complex relationship,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323434,,Empirical evidence for Freud's theory of primary process mentation in acute psychosis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:323440,,Cognitieve literatuurwetenschap,VABB-4,153,158,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323443,,Active commuting and physical activity in adolescents from Europe : results from the HELENA study,VABB-1,207,217,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323444,,Long term study of safe internet use of young children,VABB-1,1292,1305,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323445,,Profile elements that inform first impressions of trustworthiness in virtual project teams,VABB-1,15,35,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323446,,Antisocial personality disorders,VABB-4,13,28,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323450,,Elective oocyte cryopreservation : who should pay?,VABB-1,9,13,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:323452,,Translational research and multimorbidity : need for a paradigm-shift,VABB-1,207,214,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323454,,A biopsychosocial formulation of pain communication,VABB-1,910,939,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323456,,(Geen) Vergoeding voor de aannemer voor werken uitgevoerd zonder of in strijd met een stedenbouwkundige vergunning?,VABB-1,744,747,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323457,,Hoe de oude Klingsor wordt verschalkt : Wagner door Romeo Castellucci en Ivo van Hove,VABB-4,159,175,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323458,,Commentaar bij art. 329bis BW,VABB-4,71,118,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:323459,,"De naam van de geadopteerde na stiefouder- of partneradoptie door een persoon van hetzelfde geslacht als de ouder van de geadopteerde : noot onder GwH nr. 104/2010, 16 september 2010",VABB-1,90,93,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323460,,Bevrijdende betaling na overlijden : commentaar bij de artikelen 1240bis en 1240ter BW,VABB-1,113,136,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:323467,,Towards minimum procedural guarantees for the defence in criminal proceedings in the EU,VABB-1,1017,1038,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323468,,Predicting objectively assessed physical activity from the content and regulation of exercise goals : evidence for a mediational model,VABB-1,175,197,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323469,,Different antibiotic treatments for group A streptococcal pharyngitis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323473,,The role of need for closure in essentialist entitativity beliefs and prejudice : an epistemic needs approach to racial categorization,VABB-1,52,73,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323474,,Recommended levels and intensities of physical activity to avoid low-cardiorespiratory fitness in European adolescents : the HELENA study,VABB-1,750,756,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323481,,Kroniek boekhoudrecht (mei 2010 - april 2011),VABB-1,226,284,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323488,,Explanation in the social sciences,VABB-4,633,646,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323490,,"The role of human interference on the channel shifting of the Karkheh River in the Lower Khuzestan plain (Mesopotamia, SW Iran)",VABB-1,52,63,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:323499,,From virgin to mother of the eldest son and widow : the ideal life-cycle of aristocratic women in Flanders during the high middle ages according to feudal law,VABB-4,305,316,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323500,,"Het verband tussen islamitische religie, religiositeit en onderwijsprestaties",VABB-1,339,353,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:323501,,Publishing provenance information on the web using the Memento datetime content negotiation,VABB-5,6,15,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323504,,Depth and time in Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze,VABB-1,327,348,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323506,,In the gallery of the gaze : the museum in Hitchcock's 'Vertigo',VABB-4,195,207,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323508,,Cross-border execution of judgements involving deprivation of liberty in the EU : overcoming legal and practical problems through flanking measures,VABB-2,,,310 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323509,,Progress in spatial working memory research,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323514,,"Changing concerns, changing messages : UPA pamphlets and politics in Northern Angola, 1960-62",VABB-1,293,310,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323519,,"Lessons learned from a measles outbreak in Antwerp, Belgium 2007-2008",VABB-1,343,345,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323527,,Test-retest reliability and comparison of children's reports with parents' reports of young children's fruit and vegetable preferences,VABB-1,574,581,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323528,,Voice typology,VABB-4,368,398,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323533,,De transparantieverplichting voor aandeelhouders van niet-genoteerde NV's : een analyse van het wazige artikel 515bis W.Venn.,VABB-1,435,460,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323535,,International consistency of auditor specialization,VABB-1,275,287,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323536,,Where does business research go from here? Food-for-thought on academic papers in business research,VABB-1,1104,1107,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323541,,Modeling musicological information as trigrams in a system for simultaneous chord and local key extraction,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323547,,"Stadsprojecten, stedelijke netwerken en de macht van lokale besturen",VABB-1,51,64,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323549,,The University of Dorpat as a(n) (inter)national institution at its 50th anniversary in 1852,VABB-4,39,69,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323550,,Wij komen hier veel tekort : een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de behoeften van gedetineerden in de gevangenis van Oudenaarde,VABB-1,4,10,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323552,,The anonymous of sola and the school of Nosiai,VABB-1,81,88,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:323553,,Whodunnit? Electrophysiological correlates of agency judgements,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323554,,EU aid conditionality in ACP countries : explaining inconsistency in EU sanctions practice,VABB-1,380,395,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323555,,The head of the finch : the anatomy of the feeding system in two species of finches (Geospiza fortis and Padda oryzivora),VABB-1,676,695,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323556,,"Review : Norovirus prevalence in Belgian, Canadian and French fresh produce : a threat to human health?",VABB-1,261,269,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323557,,A tool to diagnose context riskiness in view of food safety activities and microbiological safety output,VABB-1,S67,S79,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323558,,"Evaluation of groundwater resources in the Geba basin, Ethiopia",VABB-1,461,466,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:323559,,Multi-stakeholder involvement and urban green space performance,VABB-1,785,811,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323560,,'Misschien is dit de betekenis van deze Schriftpassage : bijbel en rationaliteit bij de copernicaan Georg Joachim Rheticus (1541-1543),VABB-5,91,108,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323562,,Entre discipline autonome et pratique instrumentale : nouveaux regards sur l'architecture d'après guerre en Afrique,VABB-1,360,366,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:323564,,Prediction of falling among stroke patients in rehabilitation,VABB-1,876,883,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323569,,Annotatie bij arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof van 27 januari 2011,VABB-1,372,377,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323574,,Public transaction costs of agri-environmental schemes and their determinants-analysing stakeholders' involvement and perceptions,VABB-1,641,650,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323576,,European consumer response to packaging technologies for improved beef safety,VABB-1,45,51,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323578,,Neural and behavioral correlates of intentional actions,VABB-1,767,776,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323579,,Spatially uninformative sounds increase sensitivity for visual motion change,VABB-1,457,464,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323580,,Rooted in the real : writings on architecture by Geert Bekaert,VABB-3,,,535 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323581,,"De 'neuklassische' tragedie als moreel exempel voor een nieuwe maatschappij : Paul Ernsts 'Demetrios', een tijdloze tragedie",VABB-1,57,72,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323586,,"Een bronzen vlakbijl uit Herne (prov. Vlaams-Brabant, België)",VABB-1,51,54,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323588,,Pirenne in Brussels before 1930 : Guillaume Des Marez and the relationship between a master and his student,VABB-1,459,485,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:323592,,The challenge of merging food safety diagnostic needs with quantitative PCR platforms,VABB-1,S30,S38,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323593,,Follow-up of the Bacillus cereus emetic toxin production in penne pasta under household conditions using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry,VABB-1,1105,1109,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323594,,Why do GPs hesitate to refer diabetes patients to a self-management education program : a qualitative study,VABB-1,12,94,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323596,,Performance monitoring at the task and the response level,VABB-1,575,581,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323597,,Annotatie bij arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof van 24 maart 2011,VABB-1,687,690,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323598,,Evaluation of ISO 10272:2006 standard versus alternative enrichment and plating combinations for enumeration and detection of Campylobacter in chicken meat,VABB-1,1117,1123,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323599,,Sensitivity analysis of a two-dimensional quantitative microbiological risk assessment : keeping variability and uncertainty separated,VABB-1,1295,1307,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323600,,Conclusion : towards a new intellectual biography on Pirenne,VABB-1,575,581,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323602,,"Comparing word processing times in naming, lexical decision, and progressive demasking : evidence from Chronolex",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323603,,'Good the think' : the historiography of intercultural art studies,VABB-1,43,57,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323604,,Development and application of a moveability index to quantify possibilities for physical activity in the built environment of children,VABB-1,1191,1201,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323605,,Increasing physical activity in Belgian type 2 diabetes patients : a three-arm randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,188,198,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323606,,Stirring up the Porridge : how early Bantu speakers prepared their cereals,VABB-4,209,224,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323608,,Blood pressure control and knowledge of target blood pressure in coronary patients across Europe : results from the EUROASPIRE III survey,VABB-1,1641,1648,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323609,,Estimation of population percentiles,VABB-1,750,751,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323610,,"Relationships between body mass index, cardiovascular mortality, and risk factors : a report from the SCORE investigators",VABB-1,731,742,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323611,,Prevention of vessel-source marine pollution : a note on the challenges and prospects for Chinese practice under international law,VABB-1,356,367,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323613,,European union citizenship and the purely internal rule revisited,VABB-1,308,324,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323615,,"Zentral im Lehnswesen nach Ganshof : das flämische Lehnsrecht, ca. 1000-1305",VABB-1,301,347,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:323616,,ICT platforms and regulatory concerns in Europe,VABB-1,702,714,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:323618,,Radiological clerkships as a critical curriculum component in radiology education,VABB-1,342,348,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323624,,Bringing the private into the public,VABB-4,185,204,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323625,,Non-direct patient care factors influencing nursing workload : a review of the literature,VABB-1,2109,2129,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323630,,"Women with intellectual disabilities : a study of sexuality, sexual abuse and protection skills",VABB-1,226,230,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323632,,"When you dislike patients, pain is taken less seriously",VABB-1,2342,2347,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323633,,The use of mobile Raman spectroscopy to compare three full-page miniatures from the breviary of Arnold of Egmond,VABB-1,194,199,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323634,,Vedijskie korni tipa CaC // C(C)ā : morfonologičeskie modeli i sintaksičeskaja orientirovannost' glagolov (K diaxroničeskoj tipologii kategorii perexodnosti),VABB-1,89,111,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:323635,,Grammar disruption in a patient with Neuro-Sweet syndrome,VABB-1,235,247,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:323637,,Six sporting worlds : a cluster analysis of sports participation in the EU-25,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:323639,,Verdi als politiek theater : Peter Konwitschny regisseert Aida en Don Carlos,VABB-4,133,156,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:323642,,La recherche en littérature française : la Flandre entre proximité et éloignement,VABB-4,61,76,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:323645,,"Global questions, local answers : soil management and sustainable intensification in diverse socioeconomic contexts of Cuba",VABB-1,650,670,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323647,,Kwaliteit in product en onderneming : over de link tussen het artistieke profiel en de interne werking van de Muntschouwburg,VABB-4,263,269,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323649,,De nalatenschap van de Westhoek,VABB-1,46,53,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323651,,De taal schettert en schreeuwt in de Grauwzone : taal- en maatschappijkritiek in het werk van J.M.H. Berckmans,VABB-1,493,522,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:323658,,Inventory of experiences from national/regional dietary monitoring surveys using EPIC-Soft,VABB-1,S16,S28,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323659,,Training to deeper compression depth reduces shallow compressions after six months in a manikin model,VABB-1,1323,1327,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323660,,Attenuation of the effect of the FTO rs9939609 polymorphism on total and central body fat by physical activity in adolescents : the HELENA study,VABB-1,328,333,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323668,,Oneness through rupture : on the severances that bind Americans,VABB-4,49,64,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323669,,A new ICT curriculum for primary education in Flanders : defining and predicting teachers' perceptions of innovation attributes,VABB-1,124,135,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323671,,Characteristics of energy under-reporting in children and adolescents,VABB-1,1671,1680,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323672,,Associations of birth weight with serum long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in adolescents; the HELENA study,VABB-1,286,291,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323674,,Merging computer log files for process mining : an artificial immune system technique,VABB-5,99,110,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:323676,,Collegial trust and the organizational context of the teacher workplace : the role of a homogeneous teachability culture,VABB-1,437,464,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323677,,Attracting and retaining GPs : a stakeholder survey of priorities,VABB-1,e411,e418,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323680,,Endogenous testosterone and cardiovascular disease in healthy men : a meta-analysis,VABB-1,870,875,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323681,,Hermeneutiek in veelvoud,VABB-3,,,164 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323682,,Hermeneutiek in veelvoud : een gedachte-experiment,VABB-4,5,11,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323684,,Fitness and fatness are independently associated with markers of insulin resistance in European adolescents : the HELENA study,VABB-1,253,260,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323686,,De verrassend effectieve interne coördinatie van het Belgisch Voorzitterschap van 2010 : algemene analyse en toepassing op de casus milieubeleid,VABB-1,291,313,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323687,,Validity of parent-reported weight and height of preschool children measured at home or estimated without home measurement : a validation study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323689,,Cue-switch effects do not rely on the same neural systems as task-switch effects,VABB-1,600,607,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323690,,Relationships of proactive behaviour with job-related affective well-being and anticipated retirement age : an exploration among older employees in Belgium,VABB-1,233,241,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323692,,The impact of study design and diagnostic approach in a large multi-centre ADHD study : part 2 : dimensional measures of psychopathology and intelligence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323693,,"Now you see it, now you don't : controlling for contingencies and stimulus repetitions eliminates the gratton effect",VABB-1,176,186,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323694,,Affective focus increases the concordance between implicit and explicit attitudes,VABB-1,300,313,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323695,,Objectivity and stability of the preschool imitation and praxis scale,VABB-1,569,577,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323700,,De relevante consument in het merkenrecht : het mystieke wezen ontsluierd,VABB-1,354,366,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:323704,,Repeated 24-hour recalls versus dietary records for estimating nutrient intakes in a national food consumption survey,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323707,,Identification and characterization of yeasts causing chalk mould defects on par-baked bread,VABB-1,1019,1027,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323708,,Controle op politie en justitie : een lappendeken met weinig samenhang,VABB-1,7,17,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323709,,Negative emotionality in a large community sample of adolescents : the factor structure and measurement invariance of the short version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21),VABB-1,E120,E128,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323710,,Where the design argument goes wrong : auxiliary assumptions and unification,VABB-1,558,578,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323712,,Inducing disbelief in free will alters brain correlates of preconscious motor preparation : the brain minds whether we believe in free will or not,VABB-1,613,618,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323713,,Visual working memory capacity and stimulus categories : a behavioral and electrophysiological investigation,VABB-1,501,513,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323715,,When the brain tames the tongue : covert editing in inappropriate language,VABB-1,1252,1257,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323716,,"From substantival to functional vitalism and beyond : animas, organisms and attitudes",VABB-1,212,235,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323720,,'Alles is van ons!' Anonieme brieven over de voedselvoorziening in Nederland tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,25,51,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:323725,,Screening of fruit products for norovirus and the difficulty of interpreting positive PCR results,VABB-1,425,431,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323726,,Detection of low numbers of healthy and sub-lethally injured Salmonella enterica in chocolate,VABB-1,488,491,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323727,,Jeugdzorg en armoedebestrijding : nood aan een ander debat,VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:323728,,Differential language effects on numerical skills in second grade,VABB-1,614,629,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323729,,Germanistik in Gent : Positionierung und Perspektivierung,VABB-4,128,136,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:323731,,Job resources and matching active coping styles as moderators of the longitudinal relation between job demands and job strain,VABB-1,373,383,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323732,,Как искать структуру в распаде? Анализ художественного пространства в произведениях Влодзимежа Одоевского,VABB-1,,,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:323733,,Levels of physical activity that predict optimal bone mass in adolescents : the HELENA study,VABB-1,599,607,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323734,,Somatic and emotional well-being among Turkish immigrants in Belgium : acculturation or culture?,VABB-1,56,74,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323742,,Measuring physical activity using accelerometry in 13-15-year-old adolescents : the importance of including non-wear activities,VABB-1,2124,2133,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323743,,Adolescent's physical activity levels and relatives' physical activity engagement and encouragement : the HELENA study,VABB-1,705,712,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323745,,Nineteenth-century university jubilees as (rhetorical) attempts at increasing Nordic cooperation,VABB-4,313,318,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323746,,"National, Nordic or European? Nineteenth-century university jubilees and Nordic cooperation",VABB-3,,,"XIII, 326 p.",eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323748,,Immunoglobulin treatment for respiratory syncytial virus infection,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:323750,,Potential and requirements for a standardized pan-European food consumption survey using the EPIC-Soft software,VABB-1,S48,S57,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323756,,Het moratorium op de commercialisering van bijzonder ingewikkelde financiële instrumenten,VABB-1,290,293,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323757,,Decisions on embryo disposition in cross-border reproductive care : differences between Belgian and Dutch patients at a Belgian fertility center,VABB-1,293,301,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323758,,Extraterritoriality for cross-border reproductive care : should states act against citizens travelling abroad for illegal infertility treatment?,VABB-1,546,554,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323760,,Classics is not a subject (in Academia) : de Klassieken in de 21ste eeuw,VABB-4,29,42,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323762,,Effect of information provisioning on attitude toward surgical castration of male piglets and alternative strategies for avoiding boar taint,VABB-1,327,332,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323764,,"Op zoek naar Glorie in Vlaanderen : de Zonnekoning en de Spaanse Successie, 1707-1708",VABB-2,,,518 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323770,,Nieuwe tendensen in het onderzoek over scriptoria en kanselarijen in de Lage Landen : resultaten en perspectieven,VABB-1,461,478,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:323771,,GULiVER : travelling into the heart of good doctor-patient communication from a patient perspective : study protocol of an international multicentre study,VABB-1,464,469,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:323775,,"Looking, language, and memory : bridging research from the visual world and visual search paradigms",VABB-1,138,150,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323776,,Cascade of neural events leading from error commission to subsequent awareness revealed using EEG source imaging,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323778,,Early childhood education and care : equity and excellence in the foundational stage,VABB-4,145,165,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323779,,Die verbotene Zukunftsvision eines mystischen Kochs : fünf 'verdeutschte' Schriften Jans van Leeuwen († 1378),VABB-4,285,299,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:323782,,"The causative/applicative syncretism in Mbuun (Bantu B87, DRC) : semantic split or phonemic merger?",VABB-1,179,218,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323783,,"Biomarker-based evaluation of two 24-h recalls for comparing usual fish, fruit and vegetable intakes across European centers in the EFCOVAL Study",VABB-1,S38,S47,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323786,,"Responsibility and spatiality, or can Jean-Luc Nancy sit on a bench in Hannah Arendt's public space?",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323792,,"Amino acid catalysis of 2-alkylfuran formation from lipid oxidation-derived α,β-unsaturated aldehydes",VABB-1,11058,11062,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323793,,"Armatures and the question of forager-farmer contact along the north-western fringe of the LBK : the site of Verrebroek 'Aven Ackers' (East Flanders, Belgium)",VABB-1,473,490,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323795,,Belgium,VABB-4,27,55,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323800,,When is identity congruent with the self? A self-determination theory perspective,VABB-4,381,402,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323801,,The role of parenting and mother adolescent attachment in the intergenerational similarity of internalizing symptoms,VABB-1,802,816,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:323802,,Restorative justice in custodial settings : altering the focus of imprisonment,VABB-1,44,66,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323803,,Intercountry surrogacy : a comment on recent Belgian cases,VABB-1,657,662,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323806,,Suicidal brains : a review of functional and structural brain studies in association with suicidal behaviour,VABB-1,688,698,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323815,,Knowledge of a second language influences auditory word recognition in the native language,VABB-1,952,965,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323819,,Politieke reclame op radio en televisie : want u bent het waard,VABB-1,1754,1771,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323820,,"SQUAT, zero and no/nothing : syntactic negation vs. semantic negation",VABB-1,14,24,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323823,,"The British lexicon project : lexical decision data for 28,730 monosyllabic and disyllabic English words",VABB-1,287,304,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:323824,,"'Stories', 'facts' and 'myths' : perceptions of domestic cultivators on potency and quality of cannabis",VABB-4,167,197,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323825,,Help! De burgers voelen zich onveilig! Constructies en bronnen van veiligheidsbeleving bij burgers,VABB-4,27,50,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323828,,Identifying the key factors in increasing recycling and reducing residual household waste : a case study of the Flemish region of Belgium,VABB-1,2683,2690,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323831,,How drug policy should (not) be : institutionalised young people's perspectives,VABB-1,491,497,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323832,,Improving the key extraction accuracy of a simultaneous key and chord estimation system,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323834,,Assessment and feedback to facilitate self-directed learning in clinical practice of midwifery students,VABB-1,E263,E269,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:323841,,Application of GM crops in Sub-Saharan Africa : lessons learned from green revolution,VABB-1,908,912,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323844,,Ambidextrous leadership for innovation : the influence of culture,VABB-4,41,69,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323847,,Het lot van de enige kandidaat bij de sociale verkiezingen : commentaar bij Cass. 4 april 2011,VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323848,,The word frequency effect a review of recent developments and implications for the choice of frequency estimates in German,VABB-1,412,424,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323849,,The adoption of 'targeted sanctions' and the potential for inter-institutional litigation after Lisbon,VABB-1,488,499,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323850,,Effectiveness of a community pharmacist intervention in diabetes care : a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,602,613,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323860,,Jean-Paul Sartre's 'Les Mouches' (1943) : a classical tragedy revised as a pièce de résistance,VABB-1,359,370,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323866,,Grey matter volume correlates with virtual water maze task performance in boys with androgen excess,VABB-1,225,232,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323868,,'Wat zullen de kinderen lezen?' Een sociaalkritische en feministische invulling van goede kinderliteratuur,VABB-1,5,41,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323869,,"Ahu Motu Toremo Hiva (Poike Peninsula, Easter Island) : dynamic architecture of a series of Ahu",VABB-5,47,56,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:323878,,Age-related variation of anaerobic power after controlling for size and maturation in adolescent basketball players,VABB-1,721,727,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323880,,Use of consumer insight in the new product development process in the meat sector,VABB-1,251,258,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323882,,Die Transformation von Körper und Familie in Hanna Johansens Kurnovelle,VABB-1,27,44,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:323898,,"The validity and incremental validity of knowledge tests, low-fidelity simulations, and high-fidelity simulations for predicting job performance in advanced-level high-stakes selection",VABB-1,927,940,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323902,,The modus operandi of the model,VABB-1,75,81,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323904,,Critical evaluation of a handheld Raman spectrometer with near infrared (785 nm) excitation for field identification of minerals,VABB-1,36,40,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323905,,"First findings of monocrystalline aragonite inclusions in garnet from diamond-grade UHPM rocks (Kokchetav Massif, Northern Kazakhstan)",VABB-1,21,26,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323906,,Quality of service and quality of experience correlations in a location-based mobile multiplayer role-playing game,VABB-5,101,112,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323907,,Een checklist voor beleidsmakers,VABB-1,95,98,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323916,,A cloistered entrepôt : sir Tobie Matthew and the English Carmel in Antwerp,VABB-1,548,561,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323921,,Geen dak boven je hoofd? Over dakloze jongeren en middelengebruik,VABB-1,30,39,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323922,,Ex-corporation : on male birth fantasies,VABB-1,54,67,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323927,,How many steps/day are enough? : for adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323932,,A joint modeling approach for reaction time and accuracy in psycholinguistic experiments,VABB-1,487,503,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323934,,Do the effects of subjective frequency and age of acquisition survive better word frequency norms?,VABB-1,545,559,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323935,,SUBTLEX-ESP : Spanish word frequencies based on film subtitles,VABB-1,133,143,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323938,,Transitional justice in the case law of the European court of human rights,VABB-1,282,303,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323944,,Het debat geopend : over het belang van controle op politie en justitie,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323949,,The city of Ghent on 16 June 2011 declined the request for restitution of a Kokoschka-painting presently in the Ghent museum of fine arts and sold late 1937- early 1938 by a German Jewish family from Dresden,VABB-1,140,143,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323950,,Impact of rotavirus vaccination on laboratory confirmed cases in Belgium,VABB-1,4698,4703,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323955,,Individual fascicles of the paraspinal muscles are activated by discrete cortical networks in humans,VABB-1,1580,1587,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323956,,First evidence of Pleistocene rock art in North Africa : securing the age of the Qurta petroglyphs (Egypt) through OSL dating,VABB-1,1184,1193,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323959,,Within- and between-day variability of objectively measured physical activity in preschoolers,VABB-1,366,378,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323963,,Evropejskie tsennosti iz zapadnoj i vostochnoj perspektivy,VABB-1,35,43,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:323964,,Urban renewal and social development in Morocco in an age of neoliberal government,VABB-1,403,417,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323967,,Ah-prefacing in Kiswahili second pair parts,VABB-1,563,590,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323969,,Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s criticism of Bergson's theory of time seen through the work of Gilles Deleuze,VABB-1,309,325,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323972,,What they highlight is... : the discourse functions of basic wh-clefts in lectures,VABB-1,112,124,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:323974,,Benchmark experiments for moisture transfer modelling in air and porous materials,VABB-1,884,898,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323975,,The effect of one left-sided dorsolateral prefrontal sham-controlled HF-rTMS session on approach and withdrawal related emotional neuronal processes,VABB-1,2217,2226,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323976,,"Effects of conservation agriculture on runoff, soil loss and crop yield under rainfed conditions in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,404,414,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323978,,"Mensenrechten, detentie en gemeenschap : een averechtse bedenking bij het Liga-rapport over Tilburg",VABB-1,59,64,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:323984,,The impact of opening hours on the equity of individual space-time accessibility,VABB-1,276,288,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323985,,Towards the quantification of the effect of acid treatment on the heat tolerance of Escherichia coli K12 at lethal temperatures,VABB-1,702,711,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323987,,What do parents think about parental participation in school-based interventions on energy balance-related behaviours? : a qualitative study in 4 countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:323993,,Antibody persistence and immune memory in healthy adults following vaccination with a two-dose inactivated hepatitis A vaccine : long-term follow-up at 15 years,VABB-1,1885,1891,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324002,,Effect of atomisation air pressure on solids concentration in a fluidised-bed coater,VABB-5,177,180,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324006,,From distress to exit : determinants of the time to exit,VABB-1,407,446,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324008,,Het proces-verbaal van verhoor en/of aangifte,VABB-4,33,52,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324009,,Kroniek financieel recht (1 september 2007 - 1 oktober 2011),VABB-1,603,664,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324012,,Democratic conditionality in the eastern enlargement : ambitious window dressing,VABB-1,589,605,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324018,,"Vowel split in Hungan (Bantu H42, Kwilu, DRC) : a contact-induced language-internal change",VABB-1,247,268,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324019,,The influence of emotion on cognitive control : relevance for development and adolescent psychopathology,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324020,,Vermeylen en de nieuwe academische verwachtingshorizont,VABB-1,63,75,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324021,,The basic prey model in 'deep time' : the exploitation of animal resources during MIS 3-5e in France,VABB-1,157,182,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324022,,The neural basis of implicit perceptual sequence learning,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324025,,How to make overweight children exercise and follow the recommendations,VABB-1,35,41,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324026,,Passive to anticausative through impersonalization : the case of vedic and Indo-European,VABB-4,229,254,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324027,,"Just-care, justitie en zorg in dialoog over internering",VABB-1,55,59,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324028,,Societal vulnerability and troublesome youth group involvement : the mediating role of violent values and low self-control,VABB-1,283,296,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324029,,Le détachement des travailleurs en droit européen,VABB-1,89,95,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:324030,,"Reshaping exercise design in assessment centers : theory, practice, and research",VABB-4,47,60,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324031,,Economic impact of enoxaparin after acute ischemic stroke based on PREVAIL,VABB-1,150,157,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324033,,Monitoring the presence of humic substances in wool and silk by the use of nondestructive fluorescence spectroscopy : quality control for 14C dating of wool and silk,VABB-1,429,442,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324035,,A didactical approach for musculoskeletal physiotherapy : the planetary model,VABB-1,218,224,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324040,,The euros and sense of stents : do we get value for money?,VABB-1,878,882,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324043,,Familie- en jeugdrechtbank : einde materiële bevoegdheidsversnippering?,VABB-1,415,419,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324045,,On the curious historical coincidence of algebra and double-entry bookkeeping,VABB-4,109,130,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324049,,Personality pathology comorbidity in adult females with eating disorders,VABB-1,303,313,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324050,,Recente arresten van het E.H.R.M. in verband met artikel 10 E.V.R.M. (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie) : januari - maart 2011,VABB-1,357,376,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324053,,Assessing and enhancing e-business processes,VABB-1,437,499,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324054,,Gelijkwaardige gezondheid voor migranten en etnisch-culturele minderheden in België,VABB-4,263,285,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324056,,Commentaar bij artikel 126 WIPR,VABB-4,1,12,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324057,,Commentaar bij artikel 127 WIPR,VABB-4,1,8,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324063,,Discriminatoir bevonden wetgeving houdt niet noodzakelijk een fout van de wetgever in,VABB-1,197,201,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324065,,Designing pareto-optimal selection systems : formalizing the decisions required for selection system development,VABB-1,907,926,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324067,,"Language, culture and emotions : exploring ethnic minority patients' emotional expressions in primary healthcare consultations",VABB-1,406,412,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324068,,Wat maakt Russische opera anders?,VABB-4,177,199,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324069,,Psychologization or the discontents of psychoanalysis,VABB-1,354,372,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324071,,The use of economic valuation to create public support for green infrastructure investments in urban areas,VABB-1,198,206,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324073,,Conflict and error adaptation in the Simon task,VABB-1,212,216,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324076,,Psychological changes and the resolution of acute neck pain after a motor vehicle accident,VABB-1,306,312,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324079,,Needham’s grand question revisited : on the meaning and justification of causal claims in the history of Chinese science,VABB-1,13,32,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324083,,'Repsol meets YPF' : displaying competence in cross-border M&A press releases,VABB-1,373,392,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324085,,Tinnitus severity and the n to depressive symptoms : a critical studyrelatio,VABB-1,276,281,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324086,,Hepatitis A vaccines : impact of universal childhood vaccination programmes,VABB-1,77,83,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324087,,Cassatie beslecht procedureslag inzake de belastbaarheid van liquidatieboni anno 2002 ... in het nadeel van de belastingplichtige : noot onder Cass 10 juni 2010,VABB-1,253,256,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324091,,Sustainable value analysis : sustainability in a new light : results of the EU SVAPPAS project,VABB-1,9,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324092,,Sneller aan werk dankzij activering van het zoeken?,VABB-1,245,264,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324096,,Het CAW-landschap aan hertekening toe : een koppige lectuur van een 'historische' Vlaamse beleidsnota,VABB-1,68,71,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324102,,International private equity flows,VABB-4,395,418,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:324104,,"Modelling the value of wetlands in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania, using community preferences",VABB-5,27,39,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324105,,Nieuwe vergoedingsregeling voor schade ingevolge medische ongevallen : wet 31 maart 2010,VABB-1,158,168,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324110,,To look or not to look : an eye movement study of hypervigilance during change detection in high and low spider fearful students,VABB-1,666,674,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324113,,"Smart phone, smart science : how the use of smartphones can revolutionize research in cognitive science",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324114,,A right visual field advantage for tool-recognition in the visual half-field paradigm,VABB-1,2342,2348,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324115,,Perspectives on the experience of will,VABB-1,139,158,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324118,,By accident : the prevention of chronic neck pain after a motor vehicle accident,VABB-1,76,84,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:324119,,Interoceptive awareness and unaware fear conditioning : are subliminal conditioning effects influenced by the manipulation of visceral self-perception?,VABB-1,1393,1402,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324123,,"Multivariate association among morphology, fitness, and motor coordination characteristics in boys age 7 to 11",VABB-1,504,520,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324128,,Democracy promotion meets development cooperation : the EU as a promoter of democratic governance in Sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,659,672,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324129,,Over het beheer van een verpande effectenportefeuille (i.h.b. met deelnemingsrechten in door de pandhouder gedistribueerde ICB’s),VABB-1,747,760,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324130,,De vordering tot voordeeloverdracht,VABB-1,13,66,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324131,,Technological led policing,VABB-3,,,300 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324132,,Multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling using RCPSP and SAT solvers,VABB-1,73,82,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324134,,Seafood quality analysis : molecular identification of dominant microbiota after ice storage on several growth media,VABB-1,1162,1169,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324137,,Rural to urban land conversion in China : how large is the over-conversion and what are its welfare implications?,VABB-1,474,484,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324140,,Self-enhancement in scientific research : the self-citation bias,VABB-1,129,137,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324142,,Noot Reinhard Steennot : onrechtmatige bedingen in de luchtvaartsector,VABB-1,172,184,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324143,,Introduction générale : les professionnels du droit,VABB-1,15,34,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:324144,,Decentralized event-based orchestration,VABB-5,695,706,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324147,,When urban design leaves some room : shifting degrees of indeterminacy in Rotterdam-Zuid,VABB-1,17,32,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324150,,Glasheldere principes inzake de artikelen 108 en 7 W.Succ.,VABB-1,139,153,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324151,,"Art. 77, 77bis, 77ter, 77quater en 77quinquies van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994",VABB-4,31,58,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324152,,What is the impact of autism on mother-child interactions within families with a child with autism spectrum disorder?,VABB-1,358,367,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324156,,The use of role-player prompts in assessment center exercises,VABB-1,190,197,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324159,,Are all identity commitments created equally? The importance of motives for commitment for late adolescents' personal adjustment,VABB-1,358,369,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324160,,De minnelijke schikking na de wetten van 14 april en 11 juli 2011 : verruiming van de buitengerechtelijke afhandeling en fundamentele hervorming,VABB-1,550,563,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324161,,Belgium : how innovative staffing solutions can make a difference : the case of selecting crane operators for the port of Antwerp,VABB-4,3,11,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324169,,Taal is nog strijd in internationale contacten en contracten,VABB-1,112,118,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324174,,Alcohol approach tendencies in heavy drinkers : comparison of effects in a relevant stimulus-response compatibility task and an approach/avoidance Simon task,VABB-1,697,701,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324176,,"Googling 'vice-president ford' and the 'keene act' : the discovery of watchmen's uchronical universe, twenty years after publication",VABB-1,159,175,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324181,,"Assimilation, territoriality and reverse discrimination : a shift in European social security law?",VABB-1,289,320,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324191,,Profili melodici della varietà genovese,VABB-4,188,199,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:324196,,To know or not to know : influence of explicit advance knowledge of occlusion on interceptive actions,VABB-1,483,490,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324197,,Pharmacoeconomic impact of adverse events of long-term opioid treatment for the management of persistent pain,VABB-1,73,86,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324199,,Inleiding : de Pen-club : 'a world-parliament of literature',VABB-1,123,131,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324200,,Alleen voor amateurs : reflecties over en vanuit het extern toezicht op gevangenissen,VABB-1,73,78,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324201,,Intersubjective positioning in French and English: A contrastive analysis of ‘ça dépend’ and ‘it depends’,VABB-4,37,72,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324205,,"Gekleurd verleden : over geschiedenis, herinnering en mythe",VABB-1,116,126,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324206,,Recente arresten van het E.H.R.M. in verband met artikel 10 E.V.R.M. (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie) : oktober-december 2010,VABB-1,196,216,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324209,,A longitudinal study on the relationship between financial bootstrapping and new venture growth,VABB-1,681,705,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324212,,Les degrés d'intégration syntaxique de la modalité épistémique : le cas de sembler et paraître,VABB-4,61,72,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:324218,,"Current productions carnuntum, German limes and radiopast",VABB-1,131,137,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324220,,"A fourfold conceptual framework for cultural and cross-cultural psychology: relativism, construct universalism, repertoire universalism and absolutism",VABB-4,165,189,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324221,,Learning from experience and learning from others : how congenital and interorganizational learning substitute for experiential learning in young firm internationalization,VABB-1,164,182,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:324223,,30 years after Bayh-Dole : reassessing academic entrepreneurship,VABB-1,1045,1057,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324226,,Een toekomst voor de transactie als sanctioneringsinstrument in het milieurecht? Lessen uit de praktijk in België en Nederland,VABB-1,325,345,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324227,,Nieuwe vormen van mobiliteit en sociale zekerheid,VABB-1,421,461,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324228,,A NEO-PI-R short form for older adults,VABB-1,135,144,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324229,,The structure of personality disorders : comparing the DSM-IV-TR Axis II classification with the Five-Factor Model framework using structural equation modeling,VABB-1,378,396,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324231,,"Perceived sanction risk, individual propensity and adolescent offending : assessing key findings from the deterrence literature in a Dutch sample",VABB-1,386,400,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324232,,Explaining EU aid allocation in the Mediterranean : a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis,VABB-1,405,426,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324233,,De tertius/tertia comparationis : aanhaling als onderdeel van het equivalentiemodel van de vertaler,VABB-4,165,183,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324234,,Nederlands in het perspectief van uitspraakverwerving en contrastieve taalkunde,VABB-3,,,241 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324239,,Does satisfaction matter more if a multichannel customer is also a multicompany customer?,VABB-1,39,66,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324246,,'Alafranga Nationalism' : civil nationalism in the Ottoman Balkans,VABB-5,202,223,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324248,,"De 'sterfhuisclausule', het Hof van Cassatie, de commentaren in de rechtsleer en de Fiscale Administratie",VABB-1,210,263,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324253,,"Art. 66, 70, 71 en 78bis van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994",VABB-4,1,7,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324255,,Reviewing 10 years of aerial photography in the valley of the river Potenza (Marche),VABB-5,257,266,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324256,,Een kritische kijk op de artikelen 94-95 (nieuw) W.Succ.,VABB-1,178,189,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324261,,Prisoner transfer & sentence execution in the European Union : a journey bound for choppy waters?,VABB-4,39,67,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324262,,Historische overwegingen n.a.v. de Sachsenspiegel,VABB-4,11,16,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324263,,"Noodonderzoek van een wetland site in Bazel-Sluis (Kruibeke, Oost- Vlaanderen, B) : een nieuwe kijk op de neolithisatie in Vlaanderen",VABB-1,31,45,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324267,,Eikes kaum bekannte Kollegen : die Sprecher der Nordwesteuropäische Gerichtshöfen,VABB-4,27,36,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:324269,,Long term outcome of lumbar discectomy : results from a biopsychosocial perspective,VABB-1,287,295,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324270,,Toward an anti-stereotyping approach for the European court of human rights,VABB-1,707,738,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324276,,Verbod kortfilm wegens schade aan merk en reputatie Mc Donalds,VABB-1,387,391,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324279,,Dealing with the threats inherent in unproctored Internet testing of cognitive ability : results from a large-scale operational test program,VABB-1,817,824,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324282,,"Material detention conditions, execution of custodial sentences and prisoner transfer in the EU Member States",VABB-2,,,1006 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324285,,Airline connectivity as a measure of the globalization of African cities,VABB-1,609,620,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324288,,Methods for investigating structural equivalence,VABB-4,179,215,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:324289,,Homer im lateinische Mittelalter,VABB-4,329,336,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:324290,,Data analytic approaches for investigating isomorphism between the individual-level and the cultural-level internal structure,VABB-4,273,298,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:324293,,Conflated epistemology or how to lose the organism (again),VABB-1,353,385,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324294,,From world war 2 to world war 2.0 : commemorating war and holocaust in Poland on the internet,VABB-4,81,89,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324299,,Experimental evaluation of an ontology-driven enterprise modelling language,VABB-5,163,172,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324300,,Shareholder(s) matter(s),VABB-4,1565,1592,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:324302,,"Notaris, vastgoedbemiddeling en schijnmandaat : noot onder Rb. Gent (14de kamer) 9 november 2010",VABB-1,682,695,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324304,,"Evidence-based practice, professionalism and respect for diversity : a tense relation",VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324305,,A multidisciplinary identification model for youth handball,VABB-1,355,363,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324306,,The influence of working memory load on response inhibition in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or reading disorder,VABB-1,753,764,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324307,,"La première décision de la Cour de Justice sur le droit de suite : note sous C.J. 15 avril 2010, aff. C-518/08 (Fundacion Gala-Salvador Dali t/ ADAGP)",VABB-1,484,487,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:324313,,How to make a 29% increase look bigger : the unit effect in option comparisons,VABB-1,308,322,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324316,,Noise measurements as proxies for traffic parameters in monitoring networks,VABB-5,653,658,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324321,,The representation of multiplication and division facts in memory evidence for cross-operation transfer without mediation,VABB-1,312,323,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324322,,Towards a service system ontology for service science,VABB-5,250,264,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324324,,Macroeconomic regimes,VABB-1,1,54,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324328,,De 'duoschenking' in het Vlaams Gewest,VABB-1,174,177,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324329,,"Impact of international donors' new policy agenda on project collaboration between community-based women organizations and NGOs in the Kibera slums of Nairobi, Kenya",VABB-1,33,50,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324330,,Waardevermindering van een actief en realisatie van een meerwaarde tijdens hetzelfde belastbare tijdperk. Of hoe het schijnbaar onverzoenbare toch kan worden verzoend : noot onder Gent 19 oktober 2010,VABB-1,203,208,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324333,,Commentaar bij art. 330 BW,VABB-4,7,59,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324335,,Explaining growth paths of young technology-based firms : structuring resource portfolios in different competitive environments,VABB-1,137,157,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324339,,Handelsrecht en handelspraktijken 2003-2010,VABB-1,921,1320,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324342,,Intorno al testo di 'Senilità' : Saggio critico filologico sulla genesi e sull'evoluzione del secondo romanzo sveviano seguito dall'edizione critica della princeps : edizione critica,VABB-3,,,507 p.,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:324348,,A systematic literature review on the quality of UML models,VABB-1,46,70,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324350,,"Als een vrouwelijke collega met pensioen gaat : geschiedenis, vrouwen, en het glazen plafond aan de Universiteit Gent",VABB-4,345,353,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324351,,Opportunities and challenges for ecological restoration within REDD+,VABB-1,683,689,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324354,,"Art. 75, 75bis, 76, 76bis en 76ter van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994",VABB-4,11,17,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324356,,"Vroeg-mesolithicum in zone M van het Deurganckdok te Doel (Oost-Vlaanderen, B)",VABB-1,101,109,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324358,,On the problematic omniscient narrator in Nicole Krauss's the history of love,VABB-1,48,50,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324359,,Art. 65quater en 65quinquies van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994,VABB-4,1,7,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324361,,"The low countries, 1000-1750",VABB-4,157,184,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324365,,Academic discourse and narratives of literacy as 'equipment for living',VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324366,,"Intermediality, rhetoric & pedagogy",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324367,,Disentangling child and family influences on maternal expressed emotion toward children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,1042,1053,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324374,,Spatial working memory,VABB-3,,,216 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324378,,Nutritional knowledge in European adolescents : results from the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study,VABB-1,2083,2091,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324379,,Multi-faceted single legal personality and a hidden horizontal pillar : EU external relations post-Lisbon,VABB-4,87,111,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324381,,Cultural values and volunteering : a cross-cultural comparison of students' motivation to volunteer in 13 countries,VABB-1,87,106,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324382,,Toepassing van de nieuwe overheidsopdrachtenwetgeving door ziekenhuizen,VABB-1,394,401,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324383,,Assessment of reliability in isokinetic testing among adolescent basketball players,VABB-1,446,452,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324384,,EU Common commercial policy throwing off the shackles of 'mixity',VABB-4,144,158,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324385,,The relevance of a non-colonial view on science and knowledge for an open perspective on the world,VABB-4,31,42,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324421,,"Overheidsopdrachten, zakengeheimen, vertrouwelijke stukken en de Raad van State: de leemte is niet meer",VABB-4,131,154,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324422,,Incidence and preventability of adverse events requiring intensive care admission: a systematic review,VABB-1,485,497,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:324423,,"Stang's Law and the Indo-European word for ""cow""",VABB-1,42,59,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324426,,De schorsing van de straf-en/of herstelvordering bij de uitoefening van het woonrecht voor weekendverblijven: voorbij de grens van de redelijke termijn,VABB-1,73,83,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324427,,Cycle commuting in Belgium: Spatial determinants and 're-cycling' strategies,VABB-1,118,137,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324428,,Hoogdringende onteigening door gemeentebesturen. Een praktisch stappenplan doorheen de rechtspleging voor het vredegerecht,VABB-1,21,28,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324429,,"Diversity in the lean automobile factory: doing class through gender, disability and age",VABB-1,105,127,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324434,,Measuring dissimilarity of geographically dispersed space-time paths,VABB-1,65,79,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324436,,Return on marketing investments in B2B customer relationships: A decision-making and optimization approach,VABB-1,149,161,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324437,,A linear programming formulation for an inventory management decision problem with a service constraint,VABB-1,7929,7934,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324439,,Verkoop tussen echtgenoten versus verkoop tussen partners die ongehuwd samenwonen,VABB-1,1511,1518,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324442,,The effects of social networks on choice set dynamics: Results of numerical simulations using an agent-based approach,VABB-1,310,322,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324443,,Analyzing a self-managed CHP system for greenhouse cultivation as a profitable way to reduce CO2-emissions,VABB-1,1940,1947,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324445,,The effect of history of teasing on body dissatisfaction and intention to eat healthy in overweight and obese subjects,VABB-1,121,126,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:324446,,"Evidence for laryngeal aspiration in Greek? Part 1: The ""recent"" evidence",VABB-1,87,109,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324448,,Levensverzekering en erfrecht. Stand van zaken na het arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof van 16 december 2010,VABB-1,210,219,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324449,,Simulation and optimisation of intermodal barge transport networks,VABB-1,211,214,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324450,,Intra-European Trade of Manufacturing Goods: An Extension of the Gravity Model,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324451,,Success factors of a networked government: learning from Thai Health Promotion Foundation,VABB-1,103,117,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324452,,Belgische toestanden,VABB-1,2,5,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324454,,Boards of Directors in Family Businesses: A Literature Review and Research Agenda,VABB-1,134,152,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324456,,Statistical tests on metrics for the design of business components with low coupling and high cohesion,VABB-1,3,18,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:324458,,Activated carbon from co-pyrolysis of particle board and melamine (urea) formaldehyde resin: a techno-economic evaluation,VABB-1,835,846,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324461,,"Joined cases C-188/10 and C-189/10, Proceedings against Aziz Melki and Sélim Abdeli. Or How the Last Shall Be the First: the Court of Justice Rules on Priority Constitutional Review",VABB-1,129,149,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324462,,De afbakening van het begrip ‘productnorm’ als aanknopingspunt voor de federale restbevoegdheden inzake leefmilieu,VABB-1,108,113,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324463,,Rechtseconomische analyse van het beginsel van de redelijke termijn bij vergunningsaanvragen,VABB-1,9,22,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324467,,The socio-cognitive links between road pricing acceptability and changes in travel-behavior,VABB-1,779,788,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324471,,"Trade policy, competition and productivity: The impact of EU harmonization in the Dutch food processing industry",VABB-1,483,509,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324475,,A business process mining application for internal transaction fraud mitigation,VABB-1,13351,13359,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324476,,SLIDER: A Generic Metaheuristic for the Discovery of Correlated Motifs in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks,VABB-1,1344,1357,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324477,,Impact of time-activity patterns on personal exposure to black carbon,VABB-1,3594,3602,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324478,,Future of nanomedicine: obstacles and remedies,VABB-1,747,755,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324479,,"The influence of scope, depth, and orientation of external technology sources on the innovative performance of Chinese firms",VABB-1,362,373,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324480,,Additivity and Complementarity in External Technology Sourcing: The Added Value of Corporate Venture Capital Investments,VABB-1,483,496,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324481,,Achieving ethnic minority students’ inclusion: A Flemish school’s discursive practices countering the quasi-market pressure to exclude,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:324487,,Language and Text-to-Speech Technologies for Highly Accessible Language & Culture Learning,VABB-1,11,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324490,,Verblijfso-ouderschap en onderhoudsgeld in het licht van de wet van 19 maart 2010. Enkele bedenkingen vanuit genderperspectief. Proeve van clausule,VABB-1,334,354,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324491,,"Country-image discourse model: Unraveling meaning, structure, and function of country images",VABB-1,1259,1269,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324492,,Inhibitory control and reward predict risky driving in young novice drivers: A simulator study,VABB-5,604,612,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324493,,The Presence of a Pleasant Ambient Scent in a Fashion Store: The Moderating Role of Shopping Motivation and Affect Intensity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324494,,Holding costs under push or pull conditions - The impact of the Anchor Point,VABB-1,115,125,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324495,,Pareto-optimality of oblique decision trees from evolutionary algorithms,VABB-1,301,311,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324496,,The Bright Side and Dark Side of Embedded Ties in Business-to-Business Innovation,VABB-1,34,52,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324497,,Role of dysfunctional maternal venous hemodynamics in the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia: a review,VABB-1,123,129,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324500,,The single publication H-index and the indirect H-index of a researcher,VABB-1,1003,1004,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324501,,Are fixed-rate step tests medically safe for assessing physical fitness?,VABB-1,2593,2599,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324503,,Tax Aggressive Behaviour in Private Family Firms -the effect of the CEO and board of directors,VABB-5,379,386,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324504,,Professionalization of TMT in Private Family Firms - the danger of institutionalism,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324505,,Fukushima in de Lage Landen. Over de noodplanning en informatieverstrekking bij het voltrekken van een kernramp in België en de Verenigde Staten,VABB-4,87,106,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324507,,Individuele beleggingsverzekering Gelijkschakeling met andere spaarverrichtingen. Informatieplicht.,VABB-4,221,241,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324508,,An experimental approach towards the evaluation of a seat belt campaign with an inside view on the psychology behind seat belt use,VABB-1,600,613,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324509,,The Board of Directors as a Team: Getting Inside the Black Box,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324510,,A generalized multiple layer data envelopment analysis model for hierarchical structure assessment: A case study in road safety performance evaluation,VABB-1,15262,15272,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324511,,"Internationalization Revisited: Progression through Institutionalization, Exploitative and Exploratory Learning",VABB-4,135,157,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324514,,Analyzing firm-varying investment-cash flow sensitivities and cash-cash flow sensitivities: A Bayesian approach,VABB-1,439,468,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324515,,Much More Than CEO Duality: a Behavioural Perspective on Board Leadership,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324519,,Geheimhouding en transparantie in het arbeidsrecht. De invloed van gebrekkige looninformatie op de loonkloof tussen vrouwen en mannen in de Europese Unie en in België.,VABB-4,203,218,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324521,,Travel Time Evaluation of a U-Turn Facility Comparison with a Conventional Signalized Intersection,VABB-1,26,33,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324523,,The story of the button on the jacket,VABB-1,353,371,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324524,,"Wel goed, niet gek. Borstvoedingsverlof voor haar … en voor hem ! HvJ EG 30 september 2010, zaak C-104/09 (Roca Álvarez)",VABB-1,33,44,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324526,,Challenges in Managing Empty Container Movements at Multiple Planning Levels,VABB-1,681,708,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324530,,Willingness to pay for a cardiovascular prevention program in highly educated adults: A randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,283,289,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324531,,Development of a learner-centered learning process for a course. case: The course Business Information Systems,VABB-5,256,263,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324532,,Cyberpesten. Als de grenzen van de echte en de virtuele wereld vervagen,VABB-1,21,35,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324536,,Recent Developments of EC Environmental Policy and Law,VABB-1,293,298,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324537,,Het meedelen van vergelijkingspunten in de onderhandelingsfase voorafgaand aan onteigening,VABB-4,73,86,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324538,,"Cassation administrative, théorie de la cause et moyen nouveau",VABB-1,65,87,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:324544,,GIS-based assessment of the biomass potential from phytoremediation of contaminated agricultural land in the Campine region in Belgium,VABB-1,4469,4480,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324545,,Deontologische codes of deugden voor (te) openhartige magistraten?,VABB-1,806,823,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324546,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 23 november 2010 tot en met 11 april 2011,VABB-1,138,142,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324556,,Recruitment bias in chronic pain research: whiplash as a model,VABB-1,1481,1489,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324558,,70 km/h Speed Limits on Former 90 km/h Roads: Effects of Sign Repetition and Distraction on Speed,VABB-1,771,785,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324560,,"De rol van de EU met betrekking tot het ambtenarenrecht: de ene ambtenaar lijkt steeds meer op de andere, maar we zeggen het hen niet",VABB-1,195,218,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324561,,From Armani to Zara: Impression formation based on fashion store patronage,VABB-1,1487,1494,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:324562,,Fashion store personality: Scale development and relation to self-congruity theory,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324563,,Am I cheap? Testing the role of store personality and self-congruity in discount retailing,VABB-1,513,539,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324568,,Economics of electricity and heat production by gasification or flash pyrolysis of short rotation coppice in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,1912,1924,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324571,,A deterministic annealing algorithm for a bi-objective full truckload vehicle routing problem in drayage operations,VABB-5,344,353,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324577,,"""Murder most foul"": Relaas van 'n moord van Antjie Krog",VABB-1,36,52,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324578,,Short rotation coppice culture of willows and poplars as energy crops on metal contaminated agricultural soils,VABB-1,194,207,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324580,,Er zijn geen geheimen meer in het recht of toch nog enkele … maar hou het stil,VABB-4,275,280,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324582,,De bescherming van het onroerend erfgoed en het notariaat,VABB-1,67,90,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324583,,Informatie en geheimhouding binnen de zorg voor het onroerend erfgoed. De regeling inzake archeologische monumenten en vindplaatsen.,VABB-4,185,197,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324591,,Using an activity-based framework to determine effects of a policy measure on population exposure to Nitrogen Dioxide,VABB-1,72,79,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324592,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 12 april 2011 tot en met 3 november 2011,VABB-1,283,290,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324597,,Corporate lobbying in private accounting standard setting: does the IASB have to reckon with national differences,VABB-1,211,234,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324607,,Electronic Data Interchange: from its Birth to its New Role in Logistics Information Systems,VABB-1,45,56,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324608,,Minimax optimization approach for the robust vehicle routing problem with time windows and uncertain travel times,VABB-1,461,477,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324613,,Making compliance measures actionable: a new compliance analysis approach,VABB-5,159,164,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:324614,,A process deviation analysis - a case study,VABB-5,87,98,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:324615,,Board Team Leadership Revisited: A Conceptual Model of Shared Leadership in the Boardroom,VABB-1,403,420,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324623,,Geheimen in het recht,VABB-3,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324624,,"Briefgeheim tussen echtgenoten. Brave echtgenoten komen in de hemel, slimme echtgenoten overal!",VABB-4,241,249,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324627,,"“De rol van het cassatiearrest van 25 mei 2009: een constructieve of destructieve bijdrage ter invulling van het begrip “administratieve overheid” (art. 14, § 1 RvS – Wet)?”",VABB-1,133,142,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324628,,“Het gezamenlijk aanbod van art. 71 WMPC en het Europese recht: conformiteit of diversiteit?”,VABB-1,59,90,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324629,,“De bijzondere machtenattributie binnen een periode van lopende zaken: een loopje met de grondwettelijke bevoegdheidsverdeling?”,VABB-1,198,234,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324630,,De wisselwerking tussen diensten van algemeen economisch belang en staatssteun bij de zoektocht naar alternatieve energiebronnen,VABB-1,147,159,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324631,,"""De ‘War on Terror’ en het journalistiek bronnengeheim: droomhuwelijk of (v)echtscheiding?""",VABB-4,155,184,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324632,,“Evolueert de Richtlijn Oneerlijke Handelspraktijken tot een algemene toetssteen voor Europese conformiteit?”,VABB-1,483,487,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324633,,"""Het EHRM en het journalistiek bronnengeheim: een contrarevolutie in de maak?""",VABB-1,244,253,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324635,,Modeling qualitative data in data envelopment analysis for composite indicators,VABB-1,21,30,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324639,,Bilingual and multilingual legal dictionaries in the European Union : an updated bibliography,VABB-1,149,209,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324647,,Mag de regering geheimen hebben voor het parlement? Geen commentaar,VABB-4,5,28,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:324648,,Judicial Loyalty Through Dissent or Why The Timing is Perfect for Belgium to Embrace Separate Opinions,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:324649,,"A New Short Proof of Naranan's Theorem, Explaining Lotka's Law and Zipf's Law",VABB-1,2581,2583,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:324651,,Achieving MANET network-layer security through establishing,VABB-1,31,54,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:324656,,Multiple criteria performance analysis of non-dominated sets obtained by multi-objective genetic algorithms for optimisation,VABB-5,94,103,-,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:324657,,Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Modeling Complex,VABB-5,166,174,-,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:324658,,On the completion time of a project with random activity durations on a model of stochastic marked graphs,VABB-5,247,252,-,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:324680,,Assessing the Quality of Origin-Destination Matrices Derived from Activity Travel Surveys Results from a Monte Carlo Experiment,VABB-1,49,59,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:324692,,Overzicht van rechtspraak. Huwelijksvermogensrecht (2003-2010),VABB-1,1383,1583,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:324693,,La première décision de la Cour de Justice sur le droit de suite,VABB-1,484,487,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:324695,,"De vzw als “administratieve overheid” in de zin van art. 14, § 1, 1° RvS – Wet: de weg van de verwekking tot de geboorte",VABB-1,437,474,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:324827,,Mechanical design of the huggable robot Probo,VABB-1,481,511,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:324828,,Exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) adversely affects the life-cycle of the damselfly Enallagma cyathigerum,VABB-1,901,905,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:324832,,Design for (every)one : co-creation as a bridge between universal design and rehabilitation engineering,VABB-1,107,121,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325370,,Multifractal features of spot rates in the liquid petroleum gas shipping market,VABB-1,88,98,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325374,,Modeling the major accident legislation change process within Europe,VABB-1,513,521,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325375,,Explaining differences in job retention between alien and nonalien workers after an in-company training,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325376,,Classical design structure of orthogonal designs with six to eight factors and sixteen runs,VABB-1,61,70,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325377,,Relations between the shape of a size-frequency distribution and the shape of a rank-frequency distribution,VABB-1,238,245,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325379,,A variable selection method for analyzing supersaturated designs,VABB-1,484,496,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325383,,Exploiting opportunities at all costs? Entrepreneurial intent and externalities,VABB-1,379,393,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325384,,Healthcare utilisation among the Belgian elderly in relation to their socio-economic status,VABB-1,174,182,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325385,,"Port economics, policy and management : content classification and survey",VABB-1,445,471,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325386,,Scalar additive operators in the languages of Europe,VABB-1,3,54,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325387,,"The effect of Flemish eco-schools on student environmental knowledge, attitudes and effect",VABB-1,1513,1538,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325388,,The use of school self-evaluation results in the netherlands and Flanders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325390,,Throughput maximization of particle radius measurements by balancing size and current of the electron probe,VABB-1,940,947,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325391,,Le poète est un nageur (brèves remarques sur Chateaubriand et Byron),VABB-1,4,13,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:325393,,"Hiérophanies du bord de mer chez Verne, Queffélec et Abraham",VABB-1,61,68,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:325394,,Vera effigies? Vindingrijke omgang met drukvormen : productiekosten reducerende beeldmanipulatie bij bedevaartprenten,VABB-1,1,30,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:325398,,Rivage guerrier : week-end à Zuydcoote de Robert Merle,VABB-1,14,20,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:325400,,Instructional development for early career academics : an overview of impact,VABB-1,459,474,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325402,,Contesting co-inquiry : 'noncommunicative' discours in a Flemish participatory assessment,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325404,,Who takes a seat at the pro-poor table? Determinants of civil society participation in poverty-reduction strategies,VABB-1,112,132,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325405,,De constructie van een vorstelijk imago : Perkin Warbeck in de Nederlanden en het Heilige Roomse Rijk,VABB-1,156,173,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:325406,,"Theodoor Van Ryswyck: een vreemde eend in de Vlaamse bijt? Antigonus, of De volksklagten",VABB-1,461,491,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:325407,,Measuring integration of information and communication technology in education : an item response modeling approach,VABB-1,1247,1259,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325408,,Een buchelinn in flemische : over ontstaan en verspreiding van de ridderepiek in de Nederlanden (ca. 1150-1450),VABB-1,233,251,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:325413,,"An ASEAN-EU FTA regional production sharing, and regional cohesion : focus on Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar",VABB-1,411,427,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325417,,Rat hippocampal somatostatin sst3 and sst4 receptors mediate anticonvulsive effects in vivo: indications of functional interactions with sst2 receptors.,VABB-1,1327,1333,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325421,,A cross-sector comparison of motivation-related concepts in for-profit and not-for-profit service organizations,VABB-1,296,317,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325422,,Mass loss out of close binaries. Case A Roche lobe overflow,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325424,,The delay-time distribution of Type Ia supernovae: a comparison between theory and observation,VABB-1,A89,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325427,,"Mass loss out of close binaries. The formation of Algol-type systems, completed with case B RLOF",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325429,,Revisiting the impact of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on nurse turnover intention: an individual differences analysis.,VABB-1,1562,1569,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325430,,"China, the EU, and the New Multipolarity",VABB-1,57,67,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325431,,Graduated response and the emergence of a European surveillance society,VABB-1,69,79,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325432,,The Return of the State?,VABB-1,69,91,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325434,,A new deal for NPO governance and management: Implications for volunteers using psychological contract theory,VABB-1,639,657,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325436,,‘International organizations and the organization of gender’ Chapter 21,VABB-4,355,374,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325438,,‘From Equal Treatment to Gender Mainstreaming and Diversity Management’ Chapter 4 in press,VABB-4,85,103,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325439,,"Transforming Gendered Well Being in Europe, Chapter 1",VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325440,,"The role of social movements in transforming well-being, Chapter 16",VABB-4,265,272,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325442,,"Europe, China, and Expectations for Human Rights",VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325444,,E-Accessibility and Municipal Wi-Fi: Exploring a Model for Inclusivity and Implementation,VABB-1,52,66,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325445,,The Belgian Federal System: an Unstoppable Centrifugal Dynamic?,VABB-4,53,63,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325448,,Privacy-Enhancing Identity Management in Business,VABB-4,107,129,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325449,,Challenges in Astronomy Education,VABB-1,642,667,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325450,,Two distributions shedding light on supernova Ia progenitors: delay times and G-dwarf metallicities,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325451,,Centrifugal Regionalism in Flanders and Northern Italy? Elements for a Comparison,VABB-4,269,290,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325452,,Contemporary Centrifugal Regionalism: Comparing Flanders and Northern Italy.,VABB-3,,,290 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325453,,Comparing and Contextualizing Interpretations of Regional Difference: Italy vs Belgium.,VABB-4,109,126,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325454,,Contemporary Centrifugal Regionalism: Comparing Flanders and Northern Italy.,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325457,,The effect of intermediate mass close binaries on the chemical evolution of Globular Clusters,VABB-1,,,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:325458,,Wi-Fi based community networks,VABB-4,175,194,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325460,,The European Union's Performance in the International Telecommunication Union,VABB-1,683,698,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325461,,Volunteers' psychological contracts: Extending traditional views,VABB-1,1072,1091,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:325462,,Online Content: European Policy and Regulation in a Global Market,VABB-1,3,7,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325463,,Introduction: Assessing the EU's Performance in International Institutions.,VABB-1,599,620,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325466,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. November – december 2010,VABB-1,84,87,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325467,,Verslagen workshops Jubileumcongres 30 jaar Panopticon (12 november 2009) Mensenrechten,VABB-1,80,83,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:325469,,The European Arrest Warrant and Fundamental Rights: An Opportunity for Clarity,VABB-1,31,43,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325470,,"ECBA Autumn Conference 2009 - The future of citizen's rights in criminal proceedings in the European Union - Stockholm, Sweden - 2 & 3 October 2009",VABB-1,119,124,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325471,,Gewikt en gewogen: de internering opgelegd door de Minister,VABB-1,1114,1124,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:325472,,The Bodily Excess of a Worldview: Beyond a Theoretical Account of the World.,VABB-4,334,346,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325473,,"""Des fonds nets & claires"": de Krijgskas, de Raad van Financiën en het beheer van het militaire budget in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (1718-1775)",VABB-1,1135,1158,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:325475,,ATTENUATION OF IGF-I RECEPTOR SIGNALLING INHIBITS SERUM-INDUCED PROLIFERATION OF PROSTATE CANCER CELLS,VABB-1,252,259,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325476,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Maart - april 2011,VABB-1,214,220,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325477,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Mei-juni 2011,VABB-1,293,299,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325478,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Juli - augustus 2011,VABB-1,360,366,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325479,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. September - oktober 2011,VABB-1,452,458,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325480,,"The ""Globe"" of Globalization",VABB-1,10,25,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325481,,Fundamental movement skill performance of preschool children related to family context,VABB-1,649,660,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325488,,"Tired of being inactive: a systematic literature review of physical activity, physiological exercise capacity and muscle strength in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome",VABB-1,1493,1500,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325490,,Effectiveness of national elite sport policies: A multidimensional approach applied to the case of Flanders,VABB-1,115,141,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325496,,Mastery of fundamental movement skills among 6-year-old Flemish pre-school children,VABB-1,3,17,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325502,,Constructivism,VABB-4,235,256,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325509,,"My Heart Will Go On: The cybernetics of organ harvesting, donor (im)mortality and the politics of the non-self",VABB-4,347,359,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325511,,Non-Individuality in the Formal Structure of Quantum Mechanics,VABB-1,207,222,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325512,,For and Against Metaphysics in the Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,VABB-1,84,117,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325513,,Metaphysical Issues in the Philosophical Foundation of Quantum Mechanics,VABB-1,5,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325514,,Many worlds and modality in the interpretation of quantum mechanics: an algebraic approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:325516,,The SCOP-formalism: an Operational Approach to Quantum Mechanics.,VABB-5,33,44,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325518,,Quantum structure in cognition: Why and how concepts are entangled,VABB-1,116,127,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325520,,Self-perceived mating intelligence predicts sexual behavior in college students: empirical validation of a theoretical construct,VABB-1,341,362,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325521,,Evolutionary approaches to creativity,VABB-4,279,300,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325522,,Implicit learning as an ability,VABB-1,321,340,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325524,,"The effects of mood, cognitive style, and cognitive ability on implicit learning",VABB-1,215,219,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325525,,Toekomsten voorstellen. Over exploratieve scenario’s voor Vlaamse steden en gemeenten,VABB-1,241,252,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325528,,"Climate Policy is Dead, Long Live Climate Politics! Ethics, Policy and Environment",VABB-1,207,214,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325529,,"the origins of cancer rubustness and evolvability (Tianhai Tian, Sarah Olson, James M. Whitacre, Angus Harding)",VABB-1,17,30,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325532,,Once upon a time I was a nuclear physicist. What the politics of sustainability can learn from the nuclear laboratory.,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325534,,Has science ever been normal? On the need and impossibility of a sustainability science.,VABB-1,627,636,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325535,,Postphenomenology and the politics of sustainable technology.,VABB-1,173,194,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325537,,Addressing the sustainability challenge beyond the fact-value dichotomy. A call for engaged knowledge.,VABB-4,200,220,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325540,,Medial Inversion as an Artistic Strategy. An Analysis of Two Contemporary Works of Art,VABB-1,69,86,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325541,,"Virtual invaders : Where We Are Going, We Don’t Need Roads. Reply to Kurt Vanhoutte",VABB-1,159,163,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325546,,14. Introduction: Beyond Empiricism in the Social Explanation of Action,VABB-1,197,201,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325550,,Contextual risk and its relevance in economics,VABB-1,241,245,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325552,,A quantum cognition analysis of the Ellsberg paradox,VABB-1,95,104,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325554,,Dangling from a tassel on the fabric of socially constructed reality: Reflections on the creative writing process,VABB-4,277,296,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325556,,Recovering quantum logic within an extended classical framework,VABB-1,399,419,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:325563,,Reflections on Meaningfulness and its Social Relevance,VABB-1,138,149,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325565,,"Two-spinors, oscillator algebras, and qubits: aspects of manifestly covariant approach to relativistic quantum information",VABB-1,171,232,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325569,,Degeneracy and networked buffering: principles for supporting emergent evolvability in agile manufacturing systems (Freu and Whitacre),VABB-1,417,430,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:325570,,Quantum axiomatics: Topological properties and classical properties of state property systems,VABB-1,3635,3645,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325572,,survival of the flexible: explaining the dominance of meta-heuristics within a rapidly evolving world,VABB-1,135,146,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325574,,Potentiality states: Quantum versus classical emergence,VABB-4,314,333,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325578,,Quantum interference and superposition in cognition: Development of a theory for the disjunction of concepts.,VABB-4,169,211,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325579,,Measuring meaning on the World-Wide Web,VABB-4,304,313,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325580,,Compatibility and separability for classical and quantum entanglement,VABB-4,212,228,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325581,,Dimensional Reduction in Vector Space Methods for Natural Language Processing: Products and Projections,VABB-1,3646,3653,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325582,,Equational characterization for two-valued states in orthomodular quantum systems,VABB-1,65,83,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325583,,Similarity metrics within a point of view,VABB-1,13,24,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325585,,La noción de potencialidad en la interpretación modal de la mecánica cuántica,VABB-1,137,164,-,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:325587,,Participatory noise mapping,VABB-5,33,36,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325589,,Quest for the time operator with a single trapped ion,VABB-1,189,202,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325591,,The influence of stratum corneum hydratation on body fat determination by bioelectrical impedance.,VABB-1,55,60,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:325592,,Relationship between the physical environment and physical activity in older people : a systematic review.,VABB-1,458,469,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325593,,Nutritional intake of various groups of Flemish vegetarians.,VABB-1,121,133,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325594,,Comparison of anthropometric characteristics and sprint start performance between talented late adolescent and elite adultsport sprint athletes.,VABB-1,9,15,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:325595,,Dietary acid-base balance in adolescent sprint athletes : a follow-up study.,VABB-1,200,211,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325597,,Energy and macronutrient intake in adolescent sprint athletes : A follow-up study.,VABB-1,73,82,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325598,,Influence of probe application pressure on in vitro and in vivo capacitance (Corneometer CM825) and Conductance (Skicon 22ZX) measurements.,VABB-1,445,450,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325600,,Energy expenditure and habitual activities in adolescent sprint athletes.,VABB-1,362,368,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325606,,Whole body composition by Hologic QDR 4500/A DXA: system reliability versus user accuracy and precision,VABB-4,45,60,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325608,,"Comparison of frequently used, unexplored and newly designed indices for the assessment of segmental and whole body constituents.",VABB-1,418,425,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325612,,Quality control of 157 whole body adiposity prediction formulae in age and activity matched men.,VABB-1,426,434,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325614,,Morphology and kinematics of the atlanto-axial joints and their interaction during manual cervical rotation mobilization,VABB-1,481,486,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325626,,"""QPC - verhouding tussen Franse Hof van Cassatie en Conseil Constitutionnel"", noot onder 19 mei 2010, nr. 09.82-582, 19 mei 2010, 09-87.307, 19 mei 2010, nr. 09-83.328 en 29 juni 2010, nr. 12.132 en 12.133.",VABB-1,327,330,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325633,,"L'évolution jurisprudentielle de la notion de responsabilité derivée des personnes morales en droit français, vue par un pénaliste belge",VABB-1,341,359,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325634,,Halfjaarlijkse overzichten van rechtspraak over algemeen strafrecht,VABB-1,1200,1214,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:325638,,Wetgevingstechniek en de besluiten van de provinciale en lokale besturen.,VABB-1,195,199,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:325644,,Toepassingsgebied en bijdrageregeling zelfstandigen,VABB-1,175,216,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325648,,De wijzigingen van overheidsopdrachten en andere overheidsovereenkomsten : een Europees sausje ?,VABB-1,142,158,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:325662,,De overheidsaansprakelijkheid voor fouten van de wetgever: geen eenheid van ongrondwettigheid en fout” (noot onder Cass. 10 september 2010),VABB-1,291,298,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325666,,Use of Palliative Care Services and General Practitioner Visits at the End of Life in The Netherlands and Belgium,VABB-1,436,448,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325667,,Discussing end-of-life issues in the last months of life: a nationwide study among General Practitioners,VABB-1,323,330,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325669,,Process and outcomes of euthanasia requests in Belgium under the euthanasia act: a nationwide survey.,VABB-1,721,733,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325670,,Continuous deep sedation at the end of life and the natural death hypothesis,VABB-1,329,336,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:325673,,New Classification of ELPAT for Living Organ Donation,VABB-1,935,938,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325676,,"A global, evidence-based consensus on the definition of gastroesophageal reflux disease in pediatric population.",VABB-1,1586,1593,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325677,,Safety and adequate of an optimized formula for pediatric patients with cow's milk-sensitive enteropathy,VABB-1,339,345,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325678,,Clinical efficacy of Saccharomyces boulardii or metronidazole in symptomatic children with Balstocystis hminis infection,VABB-1,541,545,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325679,,Soy infant formula : is it that bad ?,VABB-1,162,166,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325680,,Esophageal impedance in children : symptom - based results,VABB-1,949,954,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325684,,Access to Palliative Care Services in the Hospital: A Matter of Being in the Right Hospital. Hospital charts study of patients potentially benefiting from palliative care services in a Canadian city.,VABB-1,89,94,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:325685,,Study of recent and future trends in place of death in Belgium using death certificate data: a shift from hospitals to care homes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325686,,"Clinical efficacy comparison of Saccharomyces boulardii and yogurt fluid in acute non-bloody diarrhea in children: a randomized, controlled, open label study.",VABB-1,488,491,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325688,,Exploration of basal immune parameters in healthy infants receiving an infant milk formula supplemented with prebiotics.,VABB-1,e377,e385,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325689,,Informative privacy and confidentiality for adolescents: the attitude of the Flemish paediatrician anno 2010.,VABB-1,1159,1163,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325690,,"A preliminary report on the efficacy of the Multicare AR-Bed in 3-week-3-month-old infants on regurgitation, associated symptoms and acid reflux.",VABB-1,26,30,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325692,,The use of palliative care services associated with better dying circumstances. Results from an epidemiological population-based study in the Brussels metropolitan region.,VABB-1,839,851,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325697,,General practitioners' report of continuous deep sedation until death for patients dying at home: A descriptive study from Belgium,VABB-1,5,13,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325699,,Advance Care Planning in Belgium and The Netherlands: A Nationwide Retrospective Study Via Sentinel Networks of General Practitioners.,VABB-1,565,577,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325700,,Palliative sedation in flemish palliative care units.,VABB-1,e1,2,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325701,,"Trends in Medical End-of-Life Decision Making in Flanders, Belgium 1998-2001-2007.",VABB-1,500,510,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325702,,Interviews on End-of-Life Care with Older People: Reflection on Six European Studies,VABB-1,1588,1600,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325714,,Palliative Care in Primary Care,VABB-4,113,121,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325717,,Perceived barriers and facilitators for general practitioner‐patient communication in palliative care: A systematic review,VABB-1,613,629,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325719,,Spirituality at the End of Life: Conceptualization of Measurable Aspects ‐ a Systematic Review.,VABB-1,852,861,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325720,,A New Set of Quality Indicators for Palliative Care: Process and Results of the Development Trajectory,VABB-1,169,182,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325721,,End-of-Life care and circumstances of death in patients dying of cancer in Belgium and the Netherlands. (submitted),VABB-1,4327,4334,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325723,,"Advanced care planning and dying in nursing homes in Flanders, Belgium. An nationwide survey.",VABB-1,223,234,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:325730,,Symptoomrapportage bij kinderen met of zonder buikpijn en de relatie ervan met coping met buikpijn.,VABB-1,80,90,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325733,,The Surgeon and the Law on Patient's Rights for Minors,VABB-1,119,124,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325736,,Social-cultural factors in end-of-life care in Belgium: a scoping of the research literature,VABB-1,131,143,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:325739,,Evaluation of quality-of-life measures for use in palliative care: A systematic review.,VABB-1,17,37,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325741,,What is the methodological rigour of palliative care research in long-term care facilities in Europe? A systematic review.,VABB-1,722,733,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:325743,,Is Individual Educational Level Related to End-of-Life Care Use? Results from a Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study in Belgium.,VABB-1,1135,1141,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325761,,The Optional Common European Sales Law : Better buyer’s remedies for seller’s non-performance in sales of goods (together with F. Vanbossele),VABB-1,873,905,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325777,,The Logic of 'Being Informed' Revisited and Revised,VABB-1,417,434,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325778,,In-Between Science and Politics,VABB-1,161,171,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325779,,Foundations of the Formal Sciences VII. Bringing together Philosophy and Sociology of Science,VABB-3,,,282 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325782,,Putting Information First: Luciano Floridi and the Philosophy of Information,VABB-3,,,208 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325784,,Ethnomathematics in European Context,VABB-5,1511,1520,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325785,,Where am I — body and mind reviewed in the context of situatedness and virtuality.,VABB-1,65,74,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325786,,Etnowiskunde: ontstaan en betekenisverschuiving van een concept / Ethnomathematics: Development of a Concept and its Shifted Meaning,VABB-1,33,54,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:325787,,"'Mama and papa nothing': living with infertility among an urban population in Kigali, Rwanda",VABB-1,623,629,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325792,,Against Chronological and Impersonal Accounts of the History of Science. Towards non-linear didactics.,VABB-1,60,75,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325793,,Voorbij de tegenstelling tussen vrouwenrechten en cultuur. Pleidooi voor een cultuursensitieve benadering van eergerelateerd geweld.,VABB-1,7,19,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325794,,From Justice to Humanity? The Ethics of Regularisation Policies,VABB-4,89,107,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325798,,Mislukt in de morgen. De Sade-interpretatie van Jan Walravens,VABB-4,11,22,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325799,,Sur les rites funéraires de la franc-maçonnerie belge du XIXe siècle,VABB-1,160,182,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:325801,,"Politics in an Indian canyon? Some thoughts on the implications of ethnomathematics (Online first 27 May 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s10649-011-9328-z",VABB-1,261,273,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325802,,In Between Us: On the Transparency and Opacity of Technological Mediation,VABB-1,139,159,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325803,,On when a disjunction is informative. Ambiguous Connectives and a Realist Commitment to Pluralism,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325807,,The Possibility of Discrete Time,VABB-4,145,162,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325809,,On constructing a research model for historical cognitive linguistics (HCL): Some theoretical considerations.,VABB-4,31,69,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325811,,Evolutionary epistemology as a scientific method: a new look upon the units and levels of evolution debate.,VABB-1,167,182,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325812,,"Logic, Philosophy and History of Science in Belgium. Proceedings of the Young Researchers Days 2010 (to appear)",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325815,,Being and Becoming a Virtual Self. Taking Kierkegaard into the Realm of Online Social Interaction,VABB-1,303,320,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325820,,The Many Faces of Closure and Introspection. An Interactive Perspective.,VABB-1,91,124,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:325821,,Minimal Revision and Classical Kripke Models: First Results,VABB-5,300,313,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325824,,Mathematical and Philosophical Newton,VABB-1,467,476,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325827,,Chromatikon VI - Yearbook of Philosophy in Process,VABB-3,,,256 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325832,,An artistic logic of practice: the case of the performer.,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325834,,MICHEL WEBER. Eduquer (à) l’anarchie: La fin de l’université. [Educating (Toward) Anarchy: The End of the University],VABB-1,366,369,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:325836,,History and Philosophy of Science: From Peaceful Coexistence to Golden Age of Interdisciplinarity?,VABB-4,26,36,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325837,,Informational Semantics as a Third Alternative?,VABB-1,167,185,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:325839,,"Association, Patronizing and Autonomy: Belgian Masonic Lodges as Sponsors of a ‘Cooperative’ Movement in the 1860s and 1870s",VABB-1,261,292,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325841,,Technological Remembering/Forgetting: A Faustian Bargain?,VABB-1,167,180,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325844,,American and Chinese Views on Navigational Rights of Warships,VABB-1,187,206,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325847,,"The Council, the European Council and International Climate Policy: From Symbolic Leadership to Leaderhip by Example",VABB-4,74,91,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325848,,"The VAT exemption for insurance-related services of brokers and agents: The case of a “call center""",VABB-1,19,30,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325852,,Estonia-Russia (Report Number 10-22),VABB-4,4567,4584,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325853,,Maritime Delimitation in the Baltic Sea: What Has Already Been Accomplished?,VABB-4,139,144,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325855,,Should the Law Governing Maritime Areas in the Arctic Adapt to Changing Climatic Circumstances?,VABB-1,397,432,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325856,,The Naming of Maritime Features Viewed from an International Law Perspective,VABB-1,1,40,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325857,,从国际法的角度看海洋地物的命名,VABB-1,41,69,,chi,2011,2 c:vabb:325862,,Managing Policy Contradictions between the Montreal and Kyoto Protocols: The Case of Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases.,VABB-4,115,141,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325863,,Determinants of the European Commission's state aid decisions,VABB-1,399,426,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325864,,The UN Mapping Report on International Crimes Committed in the DRC Between 1993 and 2003,VABB-4,105,125,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325867,,Vertical Agremeents in EU Competition Law,VABB-2,,,388 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325869,,Introduction: Institutional Interaction in Global Environmental Change,VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325870,,Conclusions: Decentralized Interplay Management in an Evolving Interinstitutional Order.,VABB-4,313,341,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325871,,Managing Institutional Complexity: Regime Interplay and Global Environmental Change.,VABB-3,,,376 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325872,,Global Climate Governance after Cancun: Options for EU Leadership.,VABB-1,5,13,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325873,,The European Union's Performance in the International Climate Change Regime.,VABB-1,667,682,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325874,,Institutional Interaction: Ten Years of Scholarly Development.,VABB-4,25,58,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325876,,The impact of sex composition on the performances of audit groups.,VABB-1,18,26,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325879,,Het afschaffen van de jaarrekeningplicht voor micro-entiteiten,VABB-1,2,13,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325881,,Transitions in competitive sports,VABB-4,63,76,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325893,,Profiles of participants in alternative systems for obtaining secondary diplomas.,VABB-1,781,794,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325894,,The Gendered Production of Audit Quality - A Summary,VABB-1,23,36,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325895,,Social media and cookies: challenges for online privacy,VABB-1,30,42,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325898,,Undeclared Work in Non-Profit Sports Clubs: A Mixed Method Approach for Assessing the Size and Motives,VABB-1,846,869,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325899,,De financiële leefbaarheid van de Belgische fitness sector,VABB-1,2,14,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325900,,Problem areas when comparing European IFRS financial statements,VABB-1,14,33,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325904,,Lead isotopic analysis for the identification of Late Bronze Age pottery from Hala Sultan Tekke (Cyprus),VABB-1,37,57,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325905,,"Steentijdvondsten te Ver-Assebroek (Brugge, West-Vlaanderen): hoe het onderzoek naar een middeleeuws kasteel naar een steentijdlandschap kan leiden.",VABB-1,43,48,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:325908,,Using Raman spectroscopy as a tool for the detection of iron in glass,VABB-1,1789,1795,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325909,,Quantitative WD-XRF calibration for small ceramic samples and their source material,VABB-1,440,450,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325914,,Stad en architectuur. Recente evoluties in het historisch onderzoek naar stedelijke architectuur in het negentiende-eeuwse België,VABB-1,93,106,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325917,,Optical spectroscopy as a rapid and low-cost tool for the first-line analysis of glass artefacts: a step-by-step plan for Roman green glass,VABB-1,2387,2398,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325927,,Cobalt absorption bands for the differentiation of historical Na and Ca/K rich glass,VABB-1,219,226,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:325932,,De mechaniek van de magie (of andersom): een gesprek met Sigrid T’Hooft over HIP,VABB-4,250,257,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325934,,Raman spectroscopy as a rapid screening method for ancient plain window glass,VABB-1,1055,1061,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325945,,"Walter-Jean Ganshof van der Meersch, een topmagistraat in zijn professionele en maatschappelijke context. Een kijk op het Belgische gerecht in de twintigste eeuw.",VABB-1,97,134,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325946,,Culinary Networks of Power in a Nineteenth Century Court Society. Dining with the Kings of the Belgians (1831-1909),VABB-4,171,190,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325947,,The strategy of a Belgian multiple grocer: Delhaize le Lion 1867-1940. An essay in comparative retailing history,VABB-1,41,63,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325948,,"Hearing the Consumer? The Laboratory, the Public, and the Construction of Food Safety in Brussels (1840s – 1910s)",VABB-1,1139,1155,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325949,,Food and Power: Studying Food at (Modern) Courts,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325950,,Noble Dining Guests at the Belgian Royal Court of the Nineteenth Century,VABB-1,479,496,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:325951,,"Popular discourse on nutrition, health and indulgence in Flanders, 1945-1960.",VABB-1,278,283,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325952,,"The Belgian Multiple Food Retailer Delhaize Le Lion and its clientele, 1867 - 1914",VABB-1,87,100,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325963,,"Between 'passéisme' and modernisation? The case of the Belgian fortification system, 1926-1940.",VABB-4,211,250,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325968,,"[Review] JAAP KLOOSTERMAN & JAN LUCASSEN, Wereldverbeteraars. Vijf eeuwen sociale geschiedenis verzameld door het Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis",VABB-1,84,87,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325969,,"Loonsystemen, arbeidsorganisatie en arbeidsverhoudingen in de Belgische glas- en textielnijverheid: 1886-1914",VABB-1,227,240,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325974,,Jaarverslag van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis over 2009 - Rapport annuel de la Commission royale d'Histoire pour 2009,VABB-1,274,295,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325976,,Tussen banketten en begrafenissen. De radicaal-liberale burgerlijke cultuur rond Charles Potvin in Brussel tijdens de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw.,VABB-1,289,309,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325978,,La Ville de Gand et l'aide aux chômeurs (1900-1914). Une initiative communale à résonance nationale et internationale,VABB-1,889,917,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:325984,,"Sumptuary legislation, material culture and the semiotics of 'vivre noblement' in the county of Flanders (14th-16th centuries)",VABB-1,393,417,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:325986,,Sociale hiërarchisering en informatiebeheer tussen vorst en kasselrij. De productie van “adelslijsten” in het graafschap Vlaanderen (14e-16e eeuw),VABB-1,65,128,-,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:325992,,"“Between Legal Action and Performance: The firmatio of Charters in the Early Middle Ages”, in M. Mostert – P.S. Barnwell (eds.), Medieval Legal Process. Physical, Spoken and Written Performance in the Middle Ages (Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, vol. 22), Brepols, Turnhout, 2011, p. 55-73.",VABB-4,55,73,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:325993,,"“Van privaatoorkonde tot vorstelijke oorkonde. De oorkonden van de eerste graven van Vlaanderen, inzonderheid voor de Sint-Pietersabdij te Gent (10de-11de eeuw)”, in Bulletin de la Commission royale d’Histoire – Handelingen van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 176/2 (2010), p. 41-77 = Th. De Hemptinne – J.M. Duvosquel (eds.), Chancelleries princières et Scriptoria dans les anciens Pays-Bas. Xe - XVe siècles – Vorstelijke kanselarijen en Scriptoria in de Lage Landen. 10de - 15de eeuw, Brussel, 2010, p. 41-78 (verschenen in 2011)",VABB-1,41,77,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:325997,,"“Le comte Baudouin V de Flandre et les origines urbaines de Lille”, in Revue belge de Philologie et d’Histoire – Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 89 (2011), p. 227-238 = A. Dierkens – C. Loir – D. Morsa – G. Vanthemsche (eds.), Villes et Villages: organisation et représentation de l’espace. Mélanges offerts à Jean-Marie Duvosquel, Brussel, 2011, p. 227-238.",VABB-1,227,238,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:326000,,"Changer de place. Occupations, réseaux et carrières des immigrants à Anvers au XVIIIe siècle",VABB-1,57,72,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326004,,Mobilisation capacity for agri-environmental management,VABB-1,1023,1032,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326005,,"Environmental health impacts of mobility and transport in Hai Phong, Vietnam",VABB-1,363,376,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326006,,"Converging impact assessment discourses for sustainable development: the case of Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,607,626,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326008,,Lifelong Learning as a strategy for educating global citizens within higher education.,VABB-1,55,61,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326010,,Theorizing the relationship between older people and their immediate social living environment,VABB-1,13,32,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326011,,The microenvironment and molecular biology of the multiple myeloma tumor.,VABB-1,19,42,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326012,,"A socio-ecological assessment aiming at improved forest resource management and sustainable ecotourism development in the mangroves of Tanbi Wetland National Park, The Gambia, West Africa",VABB-1,513,526,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326027,,Determinants of folic acid use in multi-ethnic pregnant women: A cross sectional study,VABB-1,685,692,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326031,,Health behavior and health awareness in infant mortality in the Gaza Strip,VABB-1,539,544,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326032,,"Traditional Knowledge Systems and the Conservation of Cross River Gorillas: a Case Study of Bechati, Fossimondi, Besali, Cameroon",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326035,,Activation of ATF4 mediates the unwanted Mcl-1accumulation by proteasome inhibition.,VABB-1,826,837,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326036,,Tumor-initiating capacity of CD138- and CD138+ tumor cells in the 5T33 multiple myeloma model.,VABB-1,1436,1439,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326037,,Dll1/Notch activation accelerates multiple myeloma disease development by promoting CD138+ MM cell proliferation.,VABB-1,1402,1405,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326042,,Linking modal choice to motility: a comprehensive review,VABB-1,329,341,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:326045,,Hidden heterogeneity in manpower systems: a Markov-switching model approach,VABB-1,106,113,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326049,,Criteria Evaluations by means of Fuzzy Logic. Case Study: The cost of a nuclear-fuel repository,VABB-4,311,339,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326053,,A multi-actor multi-criteria analysis to assess the stakeholder support for different biofuel options: the case of Belgium,VABB-1,200,214,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326056,,An extended and tractable approach on the convergence problem of the mixed push-pull manpower model,VABB-1,9062,9071,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326066,,Continuous location of an assembly station,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326067,,"Detection of cavitated or non-cavitated approximal enamel caries lesions using CMOS and CCD digital X-ray sensors and conventional D and F-speed films at different exposure conditions,Am J Dent 2011,24:74-78",VABB-1,74,78,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326070,,Mapping form and function in urban areas: an approach based on urban metrics and continuous impervious surface data,VABB-1,143,155,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326076,,Wat veranderen quota ? Rekrutering en selectie van kandidaten door Belgische partijen na de invoering van de quotawetten,VABB-1,6,19,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326077,,Trace metal behaviour in riverine sediments: Role of organic matter and sulfides,VABB-1,80,90,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326079,,Fuzzy Autoepistemic Logic: Reflecting about Knowledge on Truth Degrees,VABB-5,616,627,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326081,,An agent-based model of consumer mobility in a retail environment.,VABB-5,186,196,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326085,,Measurement Methodology for Tempomandibular Joint Displacement Based on Focus Mutual Information Alignment of CBCT Images,VABB-5,204,207,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326086,,Corynebacterium glutamicum survives arsenic stress with arsenate reductases coupled to two distinct redox mechanisms,VABB-1,998,1014,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326087,,Vertegenwoordigende claims en de substantiële vertegenwoordiging van vrouwen in de Kamer,VABB-1,429,450,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326090,,Corridor network design in hinterland transportation systems,VABB-1,294,319,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326091,,Multi Actor Multi Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) as a tool to support sustainable decisions: state of use,VABB-1,610,620,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326094,,Rapid Prototyping Technology – Principles and Functional Requirements,VABB-2,,,392 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326096,,Improved fixed point optimality conditions for mixed norms minisum location,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326098,,Location Analysis Model for Belgian Intermodal Terminals: towards an integration of the modal choice variables,VABB-5,79,89,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:326099,,A decision support framework for intermodal barge transport policy,VABB-1,167,178,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326104,,Encouraging environmentally friendlier cars via fiscal measures: General methodology and application to Belgium,VABB-1,471,491,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326105,,A combined AHP-PROMETHEE approach for selecting the most appropriate policy scenario to stimulate a clean vehicle fleet,VABB-5,954,965,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326106,,Risk analysis system for the transport of hazardous materials,VABB-1,55,63,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:326108,,Experimental Evaluation of an Ontology-Driven Enterprise Modeling Language,VABB-4,163,172,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326109,,Multi-criteria analysis and the resolution of sustainable development dilemmas in project evaluation,VABB-1,122,131,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:326112,,Belgica's Antarctic Toponymic Legacy,VABB-1,1168,1171,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326116,,Preface ODISE 201,VABB-4,397,400,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326118,,Adding value to the network: Mobile operators' experiments with Software-as-a-Service and Platform-as-a-Service models,VABB-1,12,21,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326122,,Newspapers and their fear of channel spillover: evidence for Europe,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326123,,Ethnic differences in diabetes-related mortality in the Brussels-Capital Region (2001-05): the role of socioeconomic position,VABB-1,533,539,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326124,,The “Ordinary” on Commercial Radio and TV: A Reception Analysis of the Subject Position of Ordinary People in the Participatory Programs Recht van Antwoord and Zwart of Wit,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326125,,Contribution of mortality and disability to the secular trend in health inequality at the turn of the century in Belgium,VABB-1,781,787,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326129,,New Configurations of the Audience? The Challenges of User-Generated Content for Audience Theory and Media Participation,VABB-4,190,212,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326134,,The promises of iDTV: between push marketing and consumer needs,VABB-1,230,238,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326135,,New Media Technologies and User Empowerment,VABB-3,,,317 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326136,,User-driven Innovation in the Case of Three-dimensional Urban Environments,VABB-4,123,140,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326137,,Conclusion: substantiating user empowerment,VABB-4,285,307,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326139,,Het internet als instrument voor cultuurparticipatie,VABB-4,347,374,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326140,,ICT,VABB-4,95,114,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326141,,The promise of the i in iDTV: real interactivity or directed pseudo-interactivity?,VABB-1,70,82,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326142,,"Making students think more critically, book review Barry Brummet Rhetorics and popular culture",VABB-1,415,419,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326143,,The determinants of the diversity of cultural expressions. An international quantitative analysis of diversity of production in the recording industry,VABB-1,215,249,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326147,,Media and Participation. A site of ideological-democratic struggle,VABB-2,,,224 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326148,,"Policy's hubris. Power, fantasy and the limits of (global) media policy interventions",VABB-4,113,128,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326149,,"The associations between nationality, fertility history and diabetes-related mortality: a retrospective cohort study in the Brussels-Capital Region (2001-2005)",VABB-1,100,107,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326155,,Political television formats as strategic resources in achieving journalists’ roles.,VABB-4,75,92,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326156,,Public service television's different ways of dealing with a changed media landscape: A comparison of pre-election program formats on Dutch-speaking and French-speaking Belgian public television,VABB-1,41,56,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326157,,Information behaviour of parents of children admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit: Constructing a conceptual framework.,VABB-1,54,77,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326161,,Ethics and morality in virtual space,VABB-4,33,50,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326166,,De openbare omroep onder druk: toepassing van de staatssteunregels tussen 1992 en 2010.,VABB-1,270,278,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326168,,"""Tekst als object. Over de herwonnen autonomie van de dramatekst""",VABB-4,105,114,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326170,,Educational inequalities in avoidable mortality in Europe,VABB-1,913,920,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326175,,More variation in lifespan in lower educated groups: evidence from 10 European countries.,VABB-1,1703,1714,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326176,,The Marvel of our time. Visions surrounding the introduction of radio broadcasting in Belgium in the radio magazine Radio (1923-1928),VABB-1,199,214,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326178,,The ideological model of war. Discursive mediations of the Self and the Enemy,VABB-4,13,38,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326179,,"Historizising Author-audience convergences. 'New' technologies' claims to increased participation, novelty and uniqueness",VABB-1,517,533,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326180,,Encarando a morte do Autor. O trabalho identitário do profissional de cultura e as fantasias de controle [Facing the death of the Author. Cultural professional's identity work and the fantasies of control],VABB-1,183,204,,por,2011,2 c:vabb:326181,,A Narrative Approach to Studying Writers’ Weblogs as Interactive Processes of Identity Performance,VABB-5,1,26,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326182,,Educational inequalities in tuberculosis mortality in sixteen European populations,VABB-1,1461,1468,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326185,,Scenario-based Regulatory Requirements for Cognitive Radio,VABB-5,2320,2324,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326186,,Techno-Economic Evaluation of Cognitive Radio in a Factory Scenario,VABB-4,52,61,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326189,,Migrant mortality from diabetes mellitus across Europe: the importance of socio-economic change,VABB-1,109,117,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326192,,Voice Training in Teacher Education: The Effect of Adding an Individualized Microteaching session of 30 Minutes to the Regular 6-Hour Voice Training Program.,VABB-1,198,206,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326196,,Special issue: Young scholars' network of ECREA,VABB-1,1,77,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326197,,Mapping Users' Motivations and Thresholds for Casually 'Produsing' News,VABB-4,251,270,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326198,,"Review of Montesano Montessori, Nicolina (2009). A Discursive Analysis of a Struggle for Hegemony in Mexico. The Zapatista Movement Versus President Salinas de Gortari",VABB-1,475,480,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326199,,Produsage as a form of self-publication. A qualitative study of casual news produsage.,VABB-1,99,120,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326200,,Exporting the Public Value Test. The Regulation of Public Broadcasters' New Media Services Across Europe,VABB-3,,,188 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326201,,Ex Ante Tests in Europe. From Diverging Perspectives to Infinite Conclusions,VABB-4,9,15,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326202,,The Public Value Test. A Reasoned Response or Panic Reaction?,VABB-4,29,37,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326203,,From Television without Frontiers to the Digital Big Bang: The EU's Continuous Efforts to Create a Future-proof Internal Media Market,VABB-4,525,542,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326206,,Do public television channels provide more diversity than private ones?,VABB-1,50,63,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326208,,High-level scenarios for the future of Cognitive Radio business.,VABB-5,2330,2334,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326210,,Moving from opt-out to opt-in? Online information disclosure and privacy policies in an era of personalisation.,VABB-1,156,171,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326212,,Van digitale kloof naar digitale inclusie. Naar een duurzame ondersteuning van e-inclusie-initiatieven in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,104,119,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:326213,,L’influence de la structure de marché sur la diversité éditoriale et les formes de mobilisation de la main d’œuvre dans la presse magazine,VABB-1,145,165,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326215,,L’économie de la diversité culturelle. Les économistes ont-ils des choses intéressantes à dire sur la diversité culturelle ?,VABB-5,151,168,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326221,,"Taal, natievorming en cultuurbeleid onder Willem I",VABB-3,,,0 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326222,,"'Iets over de Hollandsche tael, noch voor, noch tegen'?",VABB-4,201,225,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326223,,Nieuw onderzoek naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden,VABB-4,7,10,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326225,,"Contextualising author-audience convergences. 'New' technologies' claims to increased participation, novelty and uniqueness",VABB-1,517,533,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326231,,Internal consistency of reference equations.,VABB-1,233,234,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326236,,Follow-up of a cardiovascular prevention campaign.,VABB-1,190,196,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326237,,Online monitoring of flu in Belgium. Influenza Other Respi Viruses.,VABB-1,351,356,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326239,,Symptoms and clinical signs associated with hospital admission and mortality for heart failure.,VABB-1,209,214,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326240,,Wet op de patiëntenrechten: in de praktijk niet evident voor minderjarigen.,VABB-1,764,769,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326241,,Signs for early diagnosis of heart failure in primary health care.,VABB-1,591,596,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326242,,Acupuncture for 'frequent attenders' with medically unexplained symptoms.,VABB-1,492,492,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326244,,Spontaneous and intentional trait inferences recruit a common mentalizing network to a different degree: Spontaneous inferences activate only its core areas.,VABB-1,123,138,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326245,,A dissociation between social mentalizing and general reasoning.,VABB-1,1589,1599,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326246,,On the capital of non-profit organisations: a replication and extension with Belgian data,VABB-1,18,31,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326247,,Donors and non-profit organisations' accounting manipulations: an overview of the literature,VABB-1,21,29,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326249,,Social learning and connectionism,VABB-4,345,375,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326250,,Counterfactual Thinking and The Episodic System,VABB-1,225,227,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326251,,The Bologna process needs academic career consulting in medical education. (Open access article),VABB-1,56,59,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326252,,Congenitally deaf children's care trajectories in the context of univerisal neonatal hearing screening .A qualitative study of parental experiences.,VABB-1,305,324,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326255,,A novel multidisciplinary educational programme for patients with chronic skin diseases : Ghent pilot project and first results.,VABB-1,57,63,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326256,,The impact of disease stage on direct medical costs of HIV management : a review of the international literature.,VABB-1,35,47,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326257,,A review of economic evaluations of darunavir boosted by low-dose ritonavir in treatment-experienced persons living with HIV infection.,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326258,,"Cost effectiveness of darunavir/ritonavir 600/100 mg bid in protease inhibitor-experienced HIV-1-infected adults in Belgium, Italy, Sweden and the UK.",VABB-1,107,128,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326261,,Efficient Rehabilitation Care for Joint Replacement Patients: Skilled Nursing Facility or Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility?,VABB-1,176,187,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326262,,Financing constraints in nonprofit organisaions: a 'Tirolean' approach.,VABB-1,640,648,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326265,,Beneficiaries' participation in nonprofit organizations: a theory-based approach,VABB-1,175,182,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326266,,Zelfstudie of terug naar school ? Keuze tussen de examencommissie en het tweedekansonderwijs in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,417,433,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326274,,Cost of hospitalization for cerebrovascular disorders in Belgium,VABB-1,104,110,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326275,,Innovations and networks: the case of mental health care reforms,VABB-1,135,144,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326276,,Using threshold values for cost per quality-adjusted life-year gained in healthcare decisions,VABB-1,71,76,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326277,,N400 and LPP in Spontaneous Trait Inferences,VABB-1,83,92,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326279,,Informal structures and governance processes in transition economies: the case of Uzbekistan,VABB-1,579,590,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326280,,The development and application of a new tool to assess the adequacy of the content and timing of antenatal care.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326283,,"Employment Precariousness in Spain: Prevalence, Social Distribution, and Population-Attributable Risk Percent of Poor Mental Health",VABB-1,626,646,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326286,,"Physical Therapy Activities in Stroke, Knee Arthroplasty, and Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Their Variation, Similarities, and Association With Functional Outcomes",VABB-1,1826,1837,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326287,,"“Who takes a second chance?"" Profile of participants in alternative systems for obtaining a secondary diploma",VABB-1,781,794,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326288,,de budgettaire impact van de Europese Vrijhandels Associatie,VABB-1,525,534,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326289,,"From Screening to Care: A Qualitative Analysis of the Parental Experiences Related to Screening and (Re)habilitation Care for Children with Congenital Deafness in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,299,324,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326290,,Arm and hand function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy: A one-year follow-up study.,VABB-1,257,265,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326291,,Eindelijk vrij! Een terugkeer naar (n)ergens: de invrijheidstelling van illegale gedetineerden,VABB-1,6,15,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326292,,"""Reculer pour mieux sauter?"" Gevangenisonderzoek in België",VABB-5,29,34,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326295,,Evidence-based werken in penitentiaire settings. Waarom niet eigenlijk?,VABB-1,11,17,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326296,,Etnografisch onderzoek en emoties: Over de (on)verenigbaarheid van mens en wetenschap,VABB-1,21,38,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326298,,Are the OECD Guidelines at 30 showing their age?,VABB-1,119,127,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326300,,Effects of Pre-sleep Negative Emotion on Subsequent Sleep,VABB-1,219,226,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326304,,"Computers, privacy and data protection: an element of choice",VABB-3,,,457 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326305,,The German Constitutional Court Judgment on Data Retention: Proportionality Overrides Unlimited Surveillance (Doesn’t It?),VABB-4,3,24,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326306,,Mobility Should be Fun. A Consumer (Law) Perspective on Border Check Technology,VABB-1,490,502,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326308,,Correctioneel veroordeelden tussen vijf en tien jaar. Wie zijn ze?,VABB-1,70,80,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326309,,Shaping penal policy from above? The role of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-4,168,190,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326310,,"Strafpleiters, ken uw Straatsburgse rechtspraak ook al gaat deze over het civiele recht! Redelijke termijn in strafonderzoeken en het niet uitputten van interne rechtsmiddelen. Noot onder Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens, 12 januari 2010, nr. 22738/08 (Khatchadourian t. Belgie)",VABB-1,22,27,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326311,,"Onderzoek van gevangeniskledij of fouillering op het lichaam? Noot onder Hof van beroep Antwerpen, 17 maart 2010",VABB-1,77,83,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326314,,Systeemverantwoordelijkheid voor de informatiemaatschappij als positieve mensenrechten verplichting,VABB-4,33,95,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326317,,Chronique de criminologie - La formation policière: « fonction motrice » de changement?,VABB-1,846,870,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326318,,Gesprek met em. Prof. dr. Jacques Timperman: interview door em. Prof. dr. Robert Rubens,VABB-1,1102,1105,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326320,,De dilemma's van dynamische veiligheid voor bewaarders,VABB-1,21,36,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326322,,"EU Criminal Justice, Financial & Economic Crime",VABB-2,,,319 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326325,,International mutual legal assistance in criminal law made redundant: A comment on the Belgian Yahoo! case,VABB-1,291,297,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326330,,Bijna Perfect: Onderzoek naar de validiteit en betrouwbaarheid van de Nederlandstalige/Almost Perfect Scale-Revised in een poliklinisch psychiatrische steekproef,VABB-1,111,129,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326331,,Waarheidsaanspraken over ‘onveiligheid’. De kloof tussen objectieve en subjectieve onveiligheid anders bekeken,VABB-1,4,20,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326332,,"Policing, surveillance and law in a pre-crime society: Understanding the consequences of technology based strategies",VABB-1,163,192,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326336,,"Maffia, diamanten en Mozart. Etnografie in criminologisch onderzoek.",VABB-1,68,72,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326337,,"Organisational change, increasing managerialism and social work values in the Belgian Houses of Justice, Department of Offender Guidance",VABB-1,15,30,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326339,,"Openbaarheid van documenten staat de bescherming van persoonsgegevens niet in de weg. Noot bij HvJ, 29 juni 2010 zaak nr. C-28/08 P (Commissie Van De Europese Gemeenschappen t. The Bavarian Lager Co Ltd.",VABB-1,537,540,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326340,,"Lokale besturen, informatienoden en de nood aan een wet verwerking politiegegevens. Gedaan met deeloplossingen",VABB-1,1,5,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326341,,"Administrations locales, besoins d’information et le besoin d’une loi sur le traitement des données policières. Assez de solutions partielles",VABB-1,6,10,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326342,,Het gebruik van camerabeelden als bewijs voor toevallig vastgestelde misdrijven. Noot onder Cass. 5 oktober 2010,VABB-1,36,42,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326343,,L’utilisation d’images de caméras comme preuve d’infractions constatées par hasard. Annotation de Cass. 5 octobre 2010,VABB-1,43,47,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326344,,Een advocaat bij het verhoor: volgens het Hof van Cassatie enkel een recht voor kandidaten voor vrijheidsberoving. Noot onder Cass. 5 april 2011,VABB-1,80,83,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326346,,"L’interdiction de la dissimulation du visage dans l’espace public mise en cause par le tribunal de police de Bruxelles. Annotation de Pol. Bruxelles, 26 janvier 2011",VABB-1,92,99,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326350,,Specific Human Rights for Older Persons? The inevitable colouring of Human Rights Law,VABB-1,398,418,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326351,,The Patients' Rights Directive (2011/24/EU) - Providing (some) rights to EU residents seeking healthcare in other Member States,VABB-1,497,502,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326352,,Wet consultatie- en bijstandsrecht. Wet van 13 augustus 2011 als antwoord op Salduz-rechtspraak,VABB-1,522,531,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326355,,"Insluiten en niet uitsluiten. Overbevolking, detentieschade en re-intergratiegerichte detentie",VABB-1,52,59,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326360,,Openbaarmaking van gezondheidsgegevens en het recht op privacy. De toepassing van de bescherming van persoonsgegevens blijft en moeilijke drempel. Nnoot onder Luik 25 november 2008,VABB-1,280,284,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326361,,De minnelijke schikking na de wetgeving van april en juli 2011. Verruiming van de buitengerechtelijke afhandeling en fundamentele hervorming,VABB-1,550,563,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326363,,"Le cabinet du juge de la jeunesse : espace d’éloignement, de rupture et de rapprochement",VABB-1,1,12,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326364,,"Resisting Punitiveness in Europe? Welfare, Human Rights and Democracy",VABB-3,,,304 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326365,,Resisting punitiveness in Europe? An introduction,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326366,,Conclusion: why and how to resist punitiveness in Europe,VABB-4,247,260,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326371,,Het Europees Comité voor de Preventie van Foltering. Beter een lappendeken dan naakt in de koude nacht?,VABB-1,87,94,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326372,,De bijstand van een advocaat bij het verhoor: erkenning of inperking door het Hof van Cassatie?,VABB-1,294,301,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326377,,"Punitive Needs, Society and Public Opinion: An Explorative Study of Ambivalent Attitudes to Punishment and Criminal Justice",VABB-4,225,246,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326381,,"Inzage, notificatie en accountability: verwaarloosde mensenrechten in de BIM-wet",VABB-1,93,98,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326384,,Continuities and ruptures of the governance of Islam in Malaysia,VABB-4,175,198,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326386,,Les injustices de la sécurisation urbaine dans la ville brésilienne de Campinas (also available in English under the title “The injustices of urban securitization in the Brazilian city of Campinas).,VABB-1,1,19,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326389,,Herstelrecht en maatschappelijk (re)integratie van de dader,VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326391,,Governing Families in the Social Investment State,VABB-4,119,129,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326394,,Het debat geopend. Over het belang van controle op politie en justitie,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326395,,Controle op politie en justitie: een lappendeken met weinig samenhang,VABB-1,7,16,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326397,,The Democratic Legitimacy of European Social Movement Organisations. All for one and one for all?,VABB-2,,,250 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326398,,The Elusive Axis,VABB-1,293,331,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326399,,Trapped Giant,VABB-2,,,160 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326402,,Politieke Theorie en politieke Filosofie,VABB-1,5,9,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326407,,Democrazia deliberativa e governance ambiental nell'UE: il caso della Politica Integrata di Prodotto.,VABB-1,86,102,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:326408,,China and the Coups,VABB-1,367,386,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326410,,Krotten als metafoor voor een verrotte maatschappij: Les taudis (1929) van Léon Degrelle,VABB-1,95,121,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326412,,Substantiële vertegenwoordiging van vrouwen en hoe die te verbeteren.,VABB-1,20,34,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326414,,The Europeanization of national foreign policy: Continuity and Change in European Crisis Management,VABB-2,,,216 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326415,,Introduction.,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326422,,The Substantive Representation of Women: What to do with Conservative's Claims?,VABB-1,213,225,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326424,,Conclusion and outlook.,VABB-4,146,155,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326425,,The EU in Afghanistan: crisis management in a transatlantic setting.,VABB-4,117,130,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326427,,EU Conflict Prevention and Crisis Management.,VABB-2,,,0,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326429,,Gekleurd door het leven. Getuigenissen van jonge Turkse en Marokkaanse vrouwen over hun schooljaren en eerste ervaringen op de arbeidsmarkt,VABB-2,,,122 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326431,,Lokaal Cultuurbeleid,VABB-4,89,93,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326432,,Privéconcert of open boek? Ongelijke toegang tot culturele centra en bibliotheken.,VABB-4,159,179,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326433,,Waar een wil is... Culturele participatieafstand naar de Vlaamse cultuurcentra.,VABB-4,181,195,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326434,,Van kaft tot kaft: leesgedrag en bezoek aan literaire evenementen,VABB-4,197,217,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326435,,Keuzes maken verschillen. Over de rol die onderwijskeuzes spelen in de sociale reproductie van onderwijsongelijkheid in het licht van de hervormingsvoorstellen voor het secundair onderwijs.,VABB-1,186,195,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326438,,"Fysieke, sociale en psychologische dimensies van de woonomgeving: Ouderen aan het woord over hun verbondenheid met de buurt",VABB-1,59,87,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326444,,Onverdraagzaam en repressief worden: de rol van school en media,VABB-1,43,68,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326445,,Narrating linguistic conflict: a storytelling analysis of the language conflict in Belgium,VABB-1,211,234,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326447,,European map of prevalence rates of elder abuse and its impact for future research,VABB-1,129,143,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326449,,The overestimated workweek revisited,VABB-1,43,53,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326450,,First Names as Collective Identifiers: An Empirical Analysis of the Social Meanings of First Names,VABB-1,403,422,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326452,,Marriage strategies among immigrants in Spain,VABB-1,139,166,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326453,,Paths to adulthood: A focus on the children of immigrants in the Netherlands.,VABB-4,165,186,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326454,,Immigrant settlement and the life course: An exchange of research perspectives and outlook for the future.,VABB-4,283,297,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326455,,The sociological life course approach and research on migration and integration,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326456,,A life-course perspective on migration and integration,VABB-3,,,297 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326459,,Classical republicanism and the contemporary voter: An empirical cultural sociology of the relationship between the private realm and the public sphere,VABB-1,407,425,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326460,,"The labour market integration of the children of immigrants in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-4,121,138,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326461,,De sociale gelaagdheid van schoolse achterstand in GOK en niet-GOK scholen,VABB-1,559,566,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326462,,Career Trajectories for Women After Childbirth: Job Quality and Work-Family Balance,VABB-1,426,436,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:326463,,"Diversity and Standardization: Concepts, Issues and Approches",VABB-4,9,26,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326465,,"Gender-role behavior of second-generation Turks: The role of partner choice, gender ideology and societal context",VABB-1,164,177,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326466,,Onderwijstrajecten van de tweede generatie: Een vergelijkende sequentieanalyse,VABB-1,51,80,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326467,,Does social embeddedness influence union formation differences among the Turkish and Moroccan second generation in the Netherlands?,VABB-1,787,808,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326469,,Two of a kind? An empirical investigation of anti-welfarism and economic egalitarianism,VABB-1,748,760,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326479,,Huwen in het hart van Europa. Europese binationale huwelijken in België.,VABB-1,241,365,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326480,,Filial obligations among immigrants and native Dutch: A comparison of perceptions and behaviour among ethnic groups and generations,VABB-4,97,116,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326489,,Over het tellen van diploma's en het nut van alsmaar meer hoogopgeleiden,VABB-1,50,54,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326494,,De wraking van een magistraat wegens een rechtsgeleerde opinie,VABB-1,57,61,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326499,,De cassatieprocedure voor de Raad van State-een overzicht van de rechtspraak,VABB-1,218,241,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326506,,Rechtsbescherming in het publiek recht,VABB-1,197,208,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326512,,Melt-induced speed-up of Greenland ice sheet offset by efficient subglacial drainage,VABB-1,521,524,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326513,,The influence of decadal to millennial-scale ice mass changes on present-day vertical land motion in Greenland: Implications for the interpretation of GPS observations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326515,,"Spatial analysis of soil organic carbon evolution in Belgian croplands and grasslands, 1960-2006",VABB-1,466,479,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326516,,Evaluating climate model performance with various parameter sets using observations over the last centuries,VABB-1,511,526,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326517,,Response of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets to Multi-Millennial Greenhouse Warming in the Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity LOVECLIM,VABB-1,397,416,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326518,,Atlantic pycnocline theory scrutinized using a coupled climate model,VABB-1,10,13,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326520,,Inferring urban land use using the optimised spatial reclassification kernel,VABB-1,1279,1288,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326521,,On Characteristic Time Scales of Glacier AX010 in the Nepalese Himalaya,VABB-1,19,29,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326522,,"Characteristics of the 2000 fissure eruption and lava flow fields at Mount Cameroon volcano, West Africa: a combined field mapping and remote sensing approach",VABB-1,344,363,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326523,,"Field evidence for flank instability, basal spreading and volcano-tectonic interactions at Mt Cameroon, West Africa",VABB-1,851,867,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326524,,"Systematic documentation of landslide events in Limbe area (Mt Cameroon Volcano, SW Cameroon): geometry, controlling, and triggering factors",VABB-1,47,74,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326525,,Use of impervious surface data obtained from remote sensing in distributed hydrological modelling of urban areas.,VABB-4,255,274,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326526,,"Measuring the accessibility of different household income groups to basic community services in upland Misamis Oriental, Northern Mindanao, Philippines",VABB-1,168,184,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326527,,Fully automatic subpixel image registration of multiangle CHRIS/Proba data,VABB-1,2829,2839,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326529,,Remote sensing data assimilation in modeling urban dynamics: Objectives and methodology,VABB-5,140,145,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326530,,Cultural Political Economy of Small Cities,VABB-3,,,232 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326531,,Introduction: Cultural Political Economy of Small Cities,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326532,,Small Cities and the Sociospatial Specificity of Economic Development: a Heuristic Approach,VABB-4,17,30,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326533,,Precessional and half-precessional climate forcing of Mid-Devonian monsoon-like dynamics,VABB-1,337,351,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326534,,"Cyclostratigraphic calibration of the Frasnian (Late Devonian) time-scale (western Alberta, Canada)",VABB-1,928,942,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326536,,Long term monitoring of wetlands along the Western-Greek bird migration route using Landsat and ASTER satellite images: Amvrakikos Gulf (Greece),VABB-1,215,223,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326537,,Preliminary results of superresolution enhanced angular hyperspectral (CHRIS/Proba) images for land cover classification,VABB-1,1011,1015,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326538,,Quantitative measurement for the homogeneity and contrast of the step edges in satellite image point spread function estimation,VABB-1,7179,7201,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326540,,Improved convergence and stability properties in a three-dimensional higher-order ice sheet model,VABB-1,1133,1149,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326544,,Explaining students’ appraisal of lectures versus student-activating teaching: perceived context and student characteristics.,VABB-1,391,422,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326546,,Neural Differences in Bilingual Children's Arithmetic Processing Depending on Language of Instruction.,VABB-1,79,88,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326552,,The Development of Student Teachers' Professional Identity.,VABB-1,3,18,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326554,,Wikis supporting research workshops in higher education: Prospective use in Cuban universities,VABB-5,146,155,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326555,,Development of Teacher Competences in Creating Powerful Learning Environments in vocational Secondary Education,VABB-1,63,69,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326558,,Is je spreekstijl groen of zwart? Op verkenning naar akoestisch-prosodische correlatenin het prosogram.,VABB-1,93,101,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326559,,Is there a unique relation between a deficit of deviance detection and schizophrenia?,VABB-1,299,299,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326560,,Stemtherapie: experts opinion.,VABB-1,118,123,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326562,,"Leerkracht zijn met mijn lerarendiploma? Neen, dank u. Een onderzoek naar de redenen van gekwalificeerde leraren om niet te starten in het onderwijs na afstuderen of na korte tijd er uit te stappen",VABB-1,3,19,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:326564,,Helping learners engage with L2 words: The form-meaning fit.,VABB-1,95,114,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326565,,Il romanzo del Risorgimento,VABB-3,,,363 p.,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:326566,,"Il ""Lorenzo Benoni"" dall'inglese all'italiano",VABB-4,123,136,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:326568,,Passages pour les choses qui n’ont peut-être pas été.,VABB-1,160,169,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326569,,68. Kontrastive Analyse Niederländisch-Deutsch,VABB-4,641,647,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:326570,,108. Vermittlung der Lesefertigkeit,VABB-4,976,982,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:326571,,Choosing motivated chunks for teaching,VABB-4,239,256,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326572,,Determination of linear thermal expansion coefficient by using digital image correlation,VABB-5,421,425,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326579,,The Role of the regions in EU Governance,VABB-2,,,346 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326580,,Preface,VABB-2,,,346 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326581,,"""Belgium: The State and the Sub State Entities are Equal, but is the State sometimes still more Equal than the Others""",VABB-4,251,274,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326582,,The Role of the Regions in the EU: the regional blindness of both the EU and its Member States,VABB-4,297,346,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326583,,De rechtspositieregeling van vijf grote Vlaamse steden twee jaar na de inwerkingtreding van het Besluit van de Vlaamse regering van 7 december 2007,VABB-1,3,20,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326584,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,56,60,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326585,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,178,182,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326586,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,278,282,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326588,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,43,47,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326596,,"Noot onder HvJ 10 maart 2009, C-169/07, Hartlauer",VABB-1,267,270,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326605,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,150,156,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326607,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,372,377,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326608,,Free movement of persons in the European Union and social rights: an area of conflicting secondary law,VABB-1,287,299,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326609,,EU Free Movement of Persons and Member States’ Solidarity Systems: Searching for a Balance,VABB-4,47,74,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326615,,Central banks and their banknote series: the efficiency-cost trade-off,VABB-1,1482,1488,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326617,,"Vanmaele, M., Deelstra, G., De Schepper, A., Dhaene, J., Schoutens, W., Vanduffel, S. (Eds.): Handelingen Contactforum Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Conference, Interplay between Finance and Insurance, February 4-5, 2010, Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, Brussel, 2010 (ISBN 9789065690722)",VABB-3,,,0,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326618,,The effect of website design dimensions on initial trust: A synthesis of the empirical literature,VABB-1,272,301,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326620,,"Vanmaele, M., Deelstra, G., De Schepper, A., Dhaene, J., Vanduffel, S., Vyncke D. (Eds.): Handelingen Contactforum Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Conference, Interplay between Finance and Insurance, February 10-11, 2011, Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, Brussel.",VABB-3,,,0,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326621,,Hoe waarde creëren met derivaten?,VABB-1,3,7,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326622,,Improving the Design of Financial Products in a Multidimensional Black Scholes Market,VABB-1,77,96,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326624,,Bounds for some sums of random variables,VABB-1,382,391,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326627,,Reliability and clinical correlates of 3D-accelerometry based gait analysis outcomes according to age and fall-risk,VABB-1,366,372,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326629,,Circulating heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) in elderly members of a rural population from Cameroon: Association with infection and nutrition.,VABB-1,359,363,,gre,2011,1 c:vabb:326630,,Age-related differences in pre-movement antagonist muscle co-activation and reaction-time performance.,VABB-1,637,642,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326631,,"Circulating Heat Shock Protein 70 in Health, Aging and Disease.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326634,,The use of Acetyl Cholinesterase Inhibitors and Memantine in nursing home residents.,VABB-1,361,366,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326635,,Pharmacologic treatment of depression in multiple sclerosis.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326636,,"Interleukin-6, a mental cytokine",VABB-1,157,183,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326637,,Motivators and barriers for physical activity in the oldest old: a systematic review.,VABB-1,464,474,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326639,,Influence of citalopram and environmental temperature on exercise-induced changes in BDNF.,VABB-1,150,154,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326641,,Assessment of the Short-Term Safety and Tolerability of a Quantified 80 % Ethanol Extract from the Stem Bark of Nauclea pobeguinii (PR 259 CT1) in Healthy Volunteers: A Clinical Phase I Study.,VABB-1,111,116,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326643,,Galantamine (Reminyl) once daily outcome and satisfaction survey (RODOS) in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease: A study in a real life population,VABB-1,256,261,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326650,,Late onset painful cold-aggravated myotonia: three families with SCN4A L1436P mutation,VABB-1,590,593,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326651,,A novel mutation in the SCN4A responsible for cold-induced myotonia with normal electromyography findings on room temperature,VABB-1,162,164,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326654,,Inflammation-related muscle weakness and fatigue in geriatric patients.,VABB-1,52,59,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326655,,Immunomodulatory effect of NSAID in geriatric patients with acute infection: effects of piroxicam on chemokine/cytokine secretion patterns and levels of heat shock proteins. A double-blind randomized controlled trial. (ISRCTN58517443).,VABB-1,255,265,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326656,,Cellular aging and senescence characteristics of human T-lymphocytes.,VABB-1,169,181,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326657,,Effects on muscle performance of NSAID treatment with Piroxicam versus placebo in geriatric patients with acute infection-induced inflammation. A double blind randomized controlled trial.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326658,,"Alcohol, coffee, fish, smoking and disease progression in multiple sclerosis.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326660,,"Menarche, oral contraceptives, pregnancy and progression of disability in relapsing onset and progressive onset multiple sclerosis",VABB-1,855,861,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326661,,Intra-arterial blood pressure reading in intensive care unit patients in the lateral position,VABB-1,1825,1830,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326662,,Sunlight exposure and sun sensitivity associated with disability progression in multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,451,459,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326663,,Insulin-like growth factor I serum levels influence ischemic stroke outcome,VABB-1,2180,2185,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326664,,Vascular aspects of multiple sclerosis.,VABB-1,657,666,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326666,,Pilot Health Promoting Hospital in rural South Africa: evidence-based approach to systematic hospital transformation,VABB-1,47,50,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326668,,TUBA1A mutations. From Isolated lissencephaly to familial polymicrogyria.,VABB-1,988,992,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326672,,Lafora body disease,VABB-4,143,146,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326673,,Neuroacanthocytosis,VABB-4,212,215,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326674,,"Contacts between general practitioners and migrants without a residence permit and the use of ""urgent"" medical care.",VABB-1,649,655,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326675,,Introducing a Primary Health Care nurse training course at the University of Limpopo: Experiences and views of trainees,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:326676,,Public Health: a need to think outside the box. (Correspondence),VABB-1,e26,e27,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326683,,"Avatars out of Control. Gazira Babeli, Pose Balls and ‘Rape’ in Second Life",VABB-4,233,250,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326684,,"Identity, profiling algorithms and a world of ambient intelligence",VABB-1,71,85,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326698,,"Law, Human Agency and Autonomic Computing.The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology",VABB-3,,,248 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326699,,Proactive Forensic Profiling: unbounded criminalization?,VABB-4,113,136,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326700,,Criminal Liability in a Smart Environment,VABB-4,507,533,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326701,,Autonomic and autonomous thinking as preconditions for criminal liability,VABB-4,141,160,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326702,,Introduction: a multifocal view of human agency in the era of autonomic computing,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326706,,The Challenges of Ambient Law and Legal Protection in the Profiling Era,VABB-1,428,460,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326707,,Bridging the Accountability Gap. Rights for New Entities in the Information Society,VABB-1,497,561,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326708,,'Wrongful life' en de zaak Rukiyé. Heeft een genetisch zwaar beschadigde foetus een in rechte beschermd belang bij zijn eigen abortus?,VABB-1,354,365,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326709,,International Law: Human Rights Law and State Responsibility,VABB-4,252,274,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326710,,Unilateral Exceptions to International Law: Systematic legal analysis and critique of doctrines that seek to deny or reduce the applicability of human rights norms in the fight against terrorism,VABB-1,20,56,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326711,,L’acculturation juridique des coutumes commerciaLes à Anvers. L’exemple de la lettre de change (XVIe-XVIIe siècle),VABB-4,151,160,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326713,,Rethinking security at the Olympics,VABB-4,20,35,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326715,,Segregatie van Roma kinderen in school op basis van taal schendt de mensenrechten.,VABB-1,565,578,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326718,,The securitization of care spaces: lessons from telecare,VABB-4,39,57,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326722,,Innovating Financial Law in Early Modern Europe: Transfers of Commercial Paper and Recourse Liability in Legislation and Ius Commune (Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries),VABB-1,505,518,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326737,,Approaching Law through Conflicts,VABB-1,44,63,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326738,,Is het het recht op inzage en afschrift van het verzorgingsdossier in rust-en verzorgingstehuizen een basisrecht?,VABB-1,21,28,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326741,,"Minimizing Technology Risks with PIAs, Precaution and Participation",VABB-1,47,54,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326745,,"Waiting for the barbarians or shaping new societies? A review of Helen Nissenbaum’s Privacy In Context (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010)",VABB-1,391,395,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326746,,Patents,VABB-1,336,339,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326747,,"L'accountability, un concept adapté aux organisations internationales?",VABB-1,476,497,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326748,,"Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society,",VABB-1,265,286,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326751,,Who needs stories if you can get the data?,VABB-1,371,390,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326752,,Legal protection by design: objections and refutations,VABB-1,223,248,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326754,,Privacy en identiteit in slimme omgevingen,VABB-1,172,182,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:326755,,Retour sur Kadi : de la nécessité d’une jurisprudence de type Solange I dans les rapports entre le droit de l’Union européenne et le droit des Nations Unies,VABB-1,683,729,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326758,,Koning Eenoog in het land der blinden: de BIM-wet gezien door het oog van de VN Mensenrechtenraad,VABB-1,107,115,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326760,,Plurivers - Essai sur la fin du monde,VABB-3,,,144 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:326761,,Court traité du design,VABB-3,,,128 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:326763,,Legal Shandeism: The Law in Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy,VABB-1,224,240,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326764,,La pensée du droit de Philippe Muray,VABB-1,481,486,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326766,,L'assassinat de Mickey Mouse,VABB-3,,,184 p.,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326767,,Esthétique du stéréotype - Essai sur Edouard Levé,VABB-3,,,112 p.,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326768,,Le plus sublime des hystériques - Hegel avec Lacan,VABB-3,,,448 p.,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326769,,Piracy as Method: Nine Theses on Law and Literature,VABB-1,63,72,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326772,,"Piret, J.V.A.G. (2011). A Wise Return to Judicial Restraint.",VABB-1,273,278,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326773,,"What about the Kosovo Constitution: is there anything special? Discussing the grundnorm, the sovereignty and the consociational model of employed democracy",VABB-1,49,70,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326774,,"The Past and Present: A Note on the Civil Service of Kosovo: Discussing its Design, Independence, and Management",VABB-1,341,358,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326775,,"Constitutional Rigidity in Kosovo: Significance, Outcomes, and Rationale",VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326777,,Taking Care of Strasbourg: The Status of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Case-Law of the European Court of Human Rights in Kosovo’s Domestic Legal System,VABB-1,209,223,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326780,,"Mayröcker, Friederike",VABB-4,78,81,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:326781,,"review: Ökonomie im Theater der Gegenwart, hrsg. v. F. Schössler u. C. Bähr",VABB-1,151,156,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:326783,,A Semiological Reassessment of the Fidelity Debate,VABB-1,28,38,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326786,,Cerebellar-induced apraxic agraphia: a review and three new cases.,VABB-1,424,434,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326792,,El 'Dicionario dos dicionarios do galego medieval'. Reseña,VABB-1,295,300,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:326795,,Jan Walravens en het experiment,VABB-3,,,229 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326797,,Judith Butler and the Catachretic Human,VABB-4,77,90,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326798,,Children in the Roman Empire. Outsiders Within,VABB-2,,,350 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326799,,"Brain basis of meaning, words, constructions, and grammar",VABB-4,397,418,-,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:326804,,La questione nazionale nei «Promessi sposi» e nell’«Innominato» di Luigi Gualtieri,VABB-4,149,158,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:326806,,Marqueurs cadratifs temporels et argumentatifs dans les récits d’apprenants néerlandophones de français L2,VABB-1,1,29,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326807,,"Prince Charles-Joseph de Ligne, ""De moi pendant le jour, pendant la nuit""",VABB-4,387,396,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326808,,Conceptualizing and measuring the impact of contextual factors in instructed SLA – the role of language prominence.,VABB-1,83,112,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326811,,Cerebellar Mutism,VABB-4,1753,1769,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326812,,"“Überaffen aus dem Kaffeehaus"". Nietzsche und das Deutschlandbild in Flandern zur Zeit des Fin de siècle",VABB-4,182,218,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:326813,,“‘Het leven is niet goed’. Jan Biorix als exponent van ‘le nouveau journal’,VABB-4,199,213,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326819,,Hermeneutics,VABB-4,125,135,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326825,,"Een ontologie van het heden. Kritische bibliografie (Rob Devos, Biopolitiek en postfordisme)",VABB-1,99,105,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326826,,Over ‘generaties’ in de literatuurgeschiedenis. Een revisie,VABB-4,15,30,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326828,,Breuken en bruggen. Moderne Nederlandse literatuur / Hedendaagse perspectieven,VABB-3,,,294 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326830,,"De retoriek van waanzin. Taalhandelingen, onbetrouwbaarheid, delirium en de waanzinnige ik-verteller",VABB-2,,,426 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326831,,Posterior Fossa Syndrome in Adults: a new case and comprehensive survey of the literature,VABB-1,284,300,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:326837,,L’authenticité historique au XVIIIe siècle : Britannicus interprété par Lekain et Talma,VABB-1,231,239,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326841,,Tekst en “choraliteit”. De plaats van het koor in het postdramatische theater,VABB-4,69,80,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326845,,"""Spalding Gray's levenslessen""",VABB-1,139,149,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326848,,Eating Girls: Becoming-Animal and the Romantic Sublime in William Blake’s Lyca Poems,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326849,,Sinus sigmoideus thrombosis secondary to Graves disease: a case description.,VABB-1,203,209,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326851,,Researching plurilinguistic competences in specialised domains. Looking for means to prevent exclusion.,VABB-1,163,174,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326854,,Can EU Harmonisation Efforts of Administrative Forms Co-exist with Cultural and Linguistic Diversity?,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326858,,Das Buch in der nationalsozialistischen Propagandapolitik,VABB-2,,,443 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:326864,,Schizophrenia-related outpatient treatment of Medicaid-financed patients after hospital discharge.,VABB-1,113,113,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326866,,Posterior fossa syndrome in an adult patient following surgical evacuation of an intracerebellar haematioma.,VABB-1,587,592,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326867,,"Mamet on the Move, or Disciplined Perversity Across Media and Genres",VABB-1,231,250,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326871,,Second language learners and their self-confidence in using English: A social constructive perspective,VABB-1,246,271,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326872,,English as a lingua franca in Flanders: A study of university students’ attitudes.,VABB-1,257,278,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326874,,Roles of the cerebellum in motor control - The diversity of ideas on cerebellar involvement in movement,VABB-1,457,487,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326875,,Hermeneutiek in veelvoud,VABB-3,,,164 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326884,,"""True West: There's nothing a man can't do. You dream it up and he can do it.""",VABB-1,213,225,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326885,,"‘Een god die zwijgt’. Betekenisresonanties en verhaalrestanten in ‘Verbeurd van alles’, een nagelaten gedicht van Karel van de Woestijne",VABB-1,311,331,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:326887,,"De PEN-club: “a world-parliament of literature""",VABB-1,124,131,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326888,,"Banketten en etiquette van de PEN-club. Geïllustreerd aan België, de “Cockpit van Europa”",VABB-1,240,256,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326889,,Het stadstheater als ideologische constructie. Kunnen burgerlijke theaterinstituten zichzelf opnieuw uitvinden?,VABB-4,81,97,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326891,,Sprache und Religion / Language and Religion / Langue et Religion,VABB-3,,,293 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326892,,Language and religion as a sociolinguistic field of study: some introductory notes.,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326899,,De Kleenex à la création d’une culture kleenex,VABB-1,239,251,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326900,,"Jean Cocteau: décentralisation, artisanat et méditerranéisme",VABB-4,5,29,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326901,,Edition critique du “Guide de la Mairie” de Jean Cocteau,VABB-4,111,122,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326902,,Jean Cocteau potier-céramiste à Villefranche-sur-Mer,VABB-4,123,140,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326905,,Jean Cocteau et la Côte d’Azur,VABB-3,,,220 p.,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:326913,,The effect of environmental factors on accounting diversity. A literature review.,VABB-1,23,34,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326915,,Problem areas when comparing European IFRS financial statements,VABB-1,14,33,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326917,,The relative performance of auditors’ going-concern opinions and statistical failure prediction models in Jordan.,VABB-1,23,35,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326921,,Adoption of Social Media by Online Retailers: Assessment of Current Practices and Future Directions,VABB-1,26,46,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326923,,Integrating CSR Initiatives in Business: An Organizing Framework,VABB-1,75,92,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326928,,MVO implementatie bij de Vlaamse overheid,VABB-1,15,28,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:326929,,The processing of threat appeals in the prevention of obesity: weighing the weight issue.,VABB-5,354,359,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326933,,Enhancing Regional Trade Integration in Southeast Europe,VABB-2,,,196 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:326938,,Factors Influencing e-Commerce Growth: A Comparative Study of Transition Economies in Central Asia,VABB-1,29,43,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326947,,Entrepeneurship in the Global Firm,VABB-2,,,378 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326953,,"Shopping in virtual worlds: Perceptions, Motivations,and Behavior",VABB-1,320,335,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326954,,Safe and compliant guidance by a powered knee exoskeleton for robot-assisted rehabilitation of gait,VABB-1,513,535,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326955,,Virulence Profiling and Quantification of Verocytotoxin- Producing Escherichia coli O145:H28 and O26:H11 Isolated During an Ice Cream-Related Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Outbreak,VABB-1,421,426,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326957,,Differentiation of cfiA-negative and cfiA-positive Bacteroides fragilis isolates by Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry.,VABB-1,1961,1964,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326958,,Acceptance criteria for identification results of Gram-negative rods by mass spectrometry.,VABB-1,684,686,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326959,,Position specific and team-ranking-related characteristics in German amateur soccer players - a descriptive study.,VABB-1,168,182,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326960,,"Decrease in postural sway and trunk stiffness during cognitive dual-task in non-specific chronic low back pain patients, performance compared to healthy control subjects",VABB-1,583,589,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326961,,Typing of O26 enterohaemorrhagic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from humans and cattle with IS621 multiplex PCR-based fingerprinting,VABB-1,773,786,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326962,,Low prevalence of STEC autotransporter contributing to biofilm formation (Sab) in verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli isolates of humans and raw meats,VABB-1,1463,1465,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326963,,"Occurence and virulence patterns of E. coli 026, 0103, 0111 and O145 in slaughter cattle.",VABB-1,418,421,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326964,,Activity of fusidic acid against extracellular and intracellular Staphylococcus aureus : influence of pH and comparison with linezolid and clindamycin.,VABB-1,s493,s503,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326965,,Emergence of NDM-1-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Belgium.,VABB-1,3036,3038,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326966,,Pertussis serodiagnosis in Belgium from 1990 to 2009.,VABB-1,588,594,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326967,,In vivo development of antimicrobial resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from the lower respiratory tract of intensive care unit patients.,VABB-1,513,522,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326968,,Vitek 2 ANC card versus BBL Crystal Anaerobe and RapID ANA II for identification of clinical anaerobic bacteria.,VABB-1,355,361,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326969,,"Prevalence and impact on FEV(1) decline of chronic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization in patients with cystic fibrosis a single center, case control study of 165 patients.",VABB-1,2,7,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:326970,,Convulsions and apnoea in a patient infected with New Delhi metallo-B-lactamase-1 Escherichia coli treated with colistin.,VABB-1,468,470,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326972,,Freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease is associated with impaired conflict resolution,VABB-1,765,773,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326974,,Physical environmental correlates of self-reported and objectively assessed physical activity in Belgian type 2 diabetes patients.,VABB-1,171,188,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326981,,Feature integration and spatial attention: common processes for endogenous and exogenous orienting.,VABB-1,239,254,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:326986,,Urban-rural differences in physical activity in Belgian adults and the importance of psychosocial factors.,VABB-1,154,167,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326991,,Methodology of electromyographic analysis of the trunk muscles during walking in healthy subjects: A literature review,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:326993,,Relationships between neighborhood walkability and adults physical activity : How important is residential self-section?,VABB-1,1011,1014,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326994,,Do adults like living in high-walkable neighborhoods. Associations of walkability parameters with neighborhood satisfaction and possible mediators.,VABB-1,971,977,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326995,,"Scapular positioning and movement in unimpaired shoulders, shoulder impingement syndrome, and glenohumeral instability.",VABB-1,352,358,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326996,,On the automaticity of pure perceptual sequence learning,VABB-1,1460,1472,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:326998,,EMOGIB: Emotional Gibberish Speech Database for Affective Human-Robot Interaction,VABB-5,163,172,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327000,,Groeiconvergentie in de eurozone ? Een alternatieve benadering,VABB-1,567,586,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327002,,"Pain neurophysiology education improves cognitions, pain thresholds and movement performance in people with chronic whiplash: a pilot study",VABB-1,43,58,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327006,,"Plasma adipokine and inflammatory marker concentrations are altered in obese, as opposed to non-obese, type 2 diabetes patients.",VABB-1,397,404,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:327007,,Magnetic Resonance Imaging of anatomical variants of the subtalar joint.,VABB-1,623,630,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327008,,Long-term effect of rehabilitation in coronary artery disease patients: randomised clinical trial of the impact of exercise volume.,VABB-1,319,327,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:327014,,The Validity of Session-RPE Method for Quantifying Training Load in Teamgym.,VABB-1,3063,3068,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:327015,,Exercise as a countermeasure to psycho-physiological deconditioning during long-term confinement Behavioural Brain Researc,VABB-1,208,214,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:327016,,Scapular positioning and motor control in children and adults: a laboratory study using clinical measures,VABB-1,155,160,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327017,,The effect of five different recovery methods on repeated cycle performance.,VABB-1,890,897,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327022,,No exercise-induced increase in serum BDNF after cycling near a major traffic road.,VABB-1,129,132,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327025,,No effect of caffeine on exercise performance in normal and high ambient temperature.,VABB-1,3089,3095,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327028,,Pain physiology education applied to the specific nature of chronic pain in people with chronic fatigue syndrome (letter to the Editor),VABB-1,1015,1016,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327030,,Treatment of central sensitization in patients with ‘unexplained’ chronic pain: What options do we have?,VABB-1,1087,1098,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327032,,The use of Session-RPE Method for Quantifying Training Load in Diving.,VABB-1,408,418,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327033,,"Coordination of Soccer Players during Pre-Seasonal Training""",VABB-1,3059,3069,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327036,,The monoaminergic system in animal models of exercise.,VABB-4,59,76,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327037,,Overtraining Syndrome. Encyclopedia of Exercise Medicine in Health and Disease.,VABB-4,672,676,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327038,,Continuous monitoring of hypothalamic neurotransmitters and thermoregulatory responses in exercising rats.,VABB-1,119,123,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327039,,How to explain central sensitization to patients with ‘unexplained’ chronic musculoskeletal pain: Practice guidelines,VABB-1,413,418,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327040,,Ultrasound findings in injuries of dorsal extensor hood: Correlation with MR and follow-up findings,VABB-1,249,253,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327046,,Codon optimisation of human factor VIII cDNAs leads to high level expression.,VABB-1,798,807,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327048,,Relationship between teachers' preferred teacher-student interpersonal behaviour and intellectual styles,VABB-1,301,317,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327049,,Finite group algebras of nilpotent groups: A complete set of orthogonal primitive idempotents,VABB-1,157,165,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327050,,Teacher perceptions of school culture and their organizational commitment and well-being in a Chinese school,VABB-1,319,328,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327051,,Thinking styles and conceptions of creativity among university students,VABB-1,361,375,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327053,,On non-abelian T-dual geometries with Ramond fluxes,VABB-1,21,42,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327054,,Warped General Gauge Mediation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:327055,,SECM study of defect repair in self-healing polymer coatings on metals,VABB-1,169,173,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327061,,Het concept 'avant-garde',VABB-4,11,34,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327063,,Hepatocyte-targeted expression by integrase-defective lentiviral vectors induces antigen-specific tolerance in mice with low genotoxic risk.,VABB-1,1696,1707,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327065,,Online collaborative learning: cultural differences in student satisfaction and performance.,VABB-1,12,28,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327068,,"A combined mechanical, microscopic and local electrochemical evaluation of self-healing properties of shape-memory polyurethane coatings (available online)",VABB-1,9619,9626,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327070,,Construire sa vie (life designing): un paradigme pour l'orientation au 21e siècle,VABB-1,5,39,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:327072,,A Construção da Vida: Um Novo Paradigma para Entender a Carreira no Século XXI,VABB-1,203,217,,por,2010,2 c:vabb:327074,,Radicalisering moslimjongeren in Rotterdam?,VABB-1,54,69,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327076,,Het schoolplein tussen speelplaats en wijkherstructurering,VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327079,,Doorzetters uit de arbeidersklasse. Leve de onderwijssociologie!,VABB-1,112,118,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327086,,Transposon-Mediated Gene Transfer into Adult and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.,VABB-1,406,413,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327087,,A model of executive coaching: a qualitative study,VABB-1,150,164,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327088,,Microstructured optical fiber sensors embedded in a laminate composite for smart material applications,VABB-1,2566,2579,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327092,,The impact of cultural and school factors on the implementation of CSCL,VABB-1,484,501,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:327099,,Adsorptive separation of liquid water/acetonitrile mixtures,VABB-1,76,86,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327103,,Life in rebel captivity and its challenges for the psychosocial rehabilitation and reintegration of former child soldiers: the case of northern Uganda (in press),VABB-4,307,328,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327113,,Asperger Syndrome and violent thoughts.,VABB-1,334,336,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:327114,,A neurocognitive theory of higher mental emergence: From anoetic affective experiences to noetic knowledge and autonoetic awareness,VABB-1,2017,2025,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327116,,Unobtrusive assessment of motor patterns during sleep based on mattress indentation measurements,VABB-1,787,794,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327122,,The effect of one left-sided dorsolateral prefrontal cortical HF-rTMS session on emotional brain processes in women.,VABB-1,S163,S163,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:327124,,A survey on the intentions and attitudes towards oocyte cryopreservation for non medical reasons among women of a reproductive age,VABB-1,655,661,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327129,,Neurobiological mechanisms of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on the underlying neurocircuitry in unipolar depression.,VABB-1,139,145,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327131,,Pilootstudie naar het effect van twee opvoedingsondersteuningsprogramma’s op de emotionele beschikbaarheid in ouder-kindrelaties.,VABB-1,511,521,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327133,,"The reliability of and the relation between non-symbolic numerical distance effects in comparison, same-different judgments and priming",VABB-1,73,80,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327139,,Towards unveiling individual differences in different stages of information processing: A clustering-based approach,VABB-1,455,464,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:327140,,Effect of ankle-foot orthoses on gait in typically developing children: developmental trend in segmental coordination,VABB-1,163,170,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:327141,,Evaluation of a task-oriented client-centered upper extremity skilled performance training module in persons with tetraplegia,VABB-1,1049,1054,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327142,,ToCUEST: a task-oriented client-centered training module to improve upper extremity skilled performance in cervical spinal cord-injured persons,VABB-1,1042,1048,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327143,,Prophylactic vaccination against human papillomaviruses to prevent cervical cancer and its precursors (Protocol),VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:327145,,Evaluation of a comprehensive rehabilitation program for post-treatment patients with cancer.,VABB-1,E418,E424,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327148,,Portfolio in medisch onderwijs: implementatie in het stagejaar,VABB-1,386,393,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327149,,"Establishing a European research agenda on ""gut feelings"" in general practice: a qualitative study using the nominal group technique",VABB-1,75,79,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:327151,,Optimizing diabetes care regarding cardiovascular targets at general practice level: Direct@GP,VABB-1,19,24,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327154,,Beloop en gevolgen van excessief huilen bij babys : een literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,142,148,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327155,,De voor- en nadelen van het systematisch bevolkingsonderzoek naar borstkanker in Vlaanderen zorgvuldig afgewogen,VABB-1,845,851,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327156,,Bevraging van kleuterleidsters over zindelijkheid,VABB-1,69,74,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327157,,"Consumption of tobacco, alcohol and recreational drugs in university students in Belgium and the Netherlands : the role of living situation",VABB-1,527,534,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:327161,,Levenseindebeslissingen en zwangere vrouwen : recht op zelfbepaling of zal de foetus dwingen tot naastenliefde?,VABB-1,303,316,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327167,,Nurses estimating body weight and height to screen for malnutrition in bedridden patients : good practice?,VABB-1,e202,e206,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327168,,Patiëntentevredenheid op een polikliniek : ontwikkelen van een meetinstrument,VABB-1,20,29,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327170,,Gespannen en ongespannen klinkers aan het syllabe-einde : een overzicht van 25 jaar Antwerps onderzoek op het terrein,VABB-1,129,154,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327183,,Een verplicht ouderschapsplan na echtscheiding? Inzichten vanuit de SIV-studue,VABB-1,1,35,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327184,,"Noot onder H.v.J. 23 september 2008, Bartsch; zaak C-427/06, H.v.J. 18 juni 2009, Hütter, zaak C-88/08; H.v.J. 12 januari 2010, Wolf, zaak C-229/08; H.v.J. 12 januari 2010, Petersen, zaak C-341/08 en H.v.J. 19 januari 2010, Kücükdeveci, zaak C-555/07",VABB-1,136,140,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327186,,The Relation between Spatial Planning Law and Soil Remediation Law,VABB-1,25,36,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:327192,,"""Medehuurders en de evenwichtsleer van Art. 544 B.W.: het begrip “nabuurschap”""",VABB-1,25,29,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327193,,De gemeenten en de zorg voor het onroerend erfgoed,VABB-1,216,227,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327195,,Overzicht van rechtsleer. Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 7 november 2009 tot en met 9 februari 2010.,VABB-1,33,37,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327197,,"Over de milieustakingsvordering, golfterreinen en het Vlaams Golfmemorandum",VABB-1,155,168,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327199,,Equality and Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment,VABB-4,393,435,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:327203,,Op zoek naar indicatoren voor een duurzame ontwikkeling van brownfields,VABB-1,17,38,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327205,,Measuring a journal's input rhythm based on its publication-reference matrix,VABB-5,201,209,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:327206,,SYSTEMOLOGICAL LANGUAGE FOR INTELLIGENCE BUSINESS MODELLING,VABB-5,439,444,-,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:327207,,Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Law,VABB-1,235,241,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:327211,,The Relevance of Environmental Justice for the Legal Framework in the European Union,VABB-1,163,175,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:327213,,"De (procedure)slag om Terlamen. Over het belang van het (tijdig) aanvechten van een besluit, zelfs als het intussen gewijzigd is, en over de ruime invulling van het standstill-beginsel",VABB-1,59,66,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327214,,Door de turbines het bos zien: de beoordeling van stedenbouwkundige aanvragen voor windturbines,VABB-1,43,56,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327221,,Overzicht van rechtsleer. Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 7 april 2010 tot en met 21 juni 2010.,VABB-1,184,187,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327222,,De rechterlijke onpartijdigheid is niet steeds wat ze lijkt. Een historische en prospectieve analyse over de grens tussen objectieve en subjectieve onpartijdigheid.,VABB-1,499,524,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:327223,,Antibiotic use and doctor visits are reduced after adenotonsillectomy,VABB-1,239,243,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:327226,,Actualia Wetgeving en Beleid,VABB-1,27,32,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:327285,,The force of dissimilar analogies in bioethics,VABB-1,117,128,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:327291,,Chemical distribution in Belgium from 2007 to 2010 : an empirical study,VABB-1,105,113,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327292,,A novel biomimetic sonarhead using beamforming technology to mimic bat echolocation,VABB-1,1369,1377,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327293,,Evaluating three-dimensional localisation information generated by bio-inspired in-air sonar,VABB-1,516,525,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327295,,Active ageing : from empty rhetoric to effective policy tool,VABB-1,1077,1098,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:327296,,Connecting and protecting? Comparing predictors of selfdisclosure and privacy settings use between adolescents and adults,VABB-1,-,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327300,,Art. 66quater en 67bis van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994,VABB-4,1,15,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327302,,"Art. 1, 2 en 3 van de wet van 30 juni 1994 betreffende de bescherming van computerprogramma's",VABB-4,1,9,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327304,,Building contractors in late-nineteenth-century Belgium : from craftsmen to contractors,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327308,,Irrregularity in morphology (and beyong),VABB-3,,,321 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327309,,Introduction: Irregularity : glimpses of a uibiquitous phenomenon,VABB-4,7,37,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327314,,Coordinating the cognitive processes of writing : the role of the monitor,VABB-1,345,368,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327317,,Stylometry for medieval authorship studies : an application to rhyme words,VABB-1,42,72,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327322,,"The relation between order of acquisition, segmental frequency and function : the case of word-initial consonants in Dutch",VABB-1,703,740,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:327323,,A visual representation of relative first-citation times,VABB-1,1420,1425,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327325,,"The complex agenda-setting power of protest : demonstrations, media, parliament, government, and legislation in Belgium, 1993-2000",VABB-1,129,156,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327326,,Anxiety and depression amongst patients enrolled in a public sector antiretroviral treatment programme in South Africa : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327327,,Quantity and quality of information and SME financial structure,VABB-1,341,358,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327328,,Intensive infinity : Walter Benjamin's reception of Leibniz and its sources,VABB-1,589,610,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327330,,Tabloids as windows into our interpersonal relationships : a content analysis of mass media gossip from an evolutionary perspective,VABB-1,404,424,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327331,,Television programming and the audience,VABB-4,349,360,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327332,,Flemish high school students' everyday use of communication technologies for schoolwork-related communication,VABB-1,367,383,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327335,,From risk management towards uncertainty management,VABB-4,11,22,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327338,,Studying ethnic minorities' media uses : comparative conceptual and methodological reflections,VABB-1,372,391,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327339,,"Are parties stimulating candidate-centered voting? The case of the Belgian district council elections, 2000-2006",VABB-1,144,166,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:327340,,A simulation study of an ASEAN monetary union,VABB-1,1870,1890,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327341,,Productivity and competition from a global point of view,VABB-4,277,312,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327342,,Corruption in cyclone preparedness and relief efforts in coastal Bangladesh : lessons for climate adaptation?,VABB-1,933,943,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327343,,"Over de (verboden) cumul van de voordeelsontneming, de teruggave en de schadevergoeding : noot onder Cass. 12 juni 2012",VABB-1,321,328,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327344,,The limits of programmed professional development on integration of information and communication technology in education,VABB-1,1039,1056,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327345,,Conversatie en lichamelijke codeterminatie,VABB-1,207,221,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327346,,Changes in the EU social security coordination due to the case-law of the Court of Justice,VABB-1,391,430,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327347,,Hyperstandaardisering,VABB-1,97,125,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:327349,,Continuïteit en schuldeisers : op zoek naar het juiste evenwicht? noot,VABB-1,95,100,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327350,,Auteursherkenning met rijmwoorden in de middelnederlandse Artur- en Karelepiek : eerherstel voor Icarus?,VABB-1,135,159,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:327353,,Spiegel of masker? De antieken en pedofilie,VABB-4,91,106,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327355,,Primacía del aliento : ensayo y ficción en Antonio José Ponte,VABB-4,157,165,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:327362,,Towards a more effective legal aid in Belgium,VABB-1,7,26,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327363,,"Allochtone leerkrachten, waarom niet?",VABB-1,60,74,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327366,,Police actions with regard to cyberbullying : the Belgian case = Acciones policiales relacionadas con cyberbullying : el caso Belga,VABB-1,646,652,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327367,,Social investment and the euro crisis : the necessity of a unifying social policy concept,VABB-1,200,206,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327371,,Solidarity and reciprocity in the social investment state : what can be learned from the case of Flemish school allowances and truancy?,VABB-1,657,675,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327372,,Quo vadis sociale zekerheid?,VABB-4,345,369,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327373,,"""Le goût pour l'Orient"" : demande cosmopolite et objets de luxe à Bruges à la fin du Moyen Âge",VABB-1,21,40,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:327374,,"Militaire organisatie, bewapening en wapenbezit in het laatmiddeleeuwse Brugge",VABB-1,1049,1074,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:327376,,"The all-at-onceness of embodied, face-to-face linguistic interaction",VABB-1,166,187,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327377,,Supervision and control in euthanasia law : going Dutch?,VABB-1,15,33,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327378,,Globaliserende rechtspraak : democratisch omstreden?,VABB-1,533,543,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327379,,Practice and theory in comparative law,VABB-3,,,352 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327380,,Against comparative method : explaing similarities and differences,VABB-4,279,301,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327381,,Comparing law : practice and theory,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327385,,Changing aid modalities through a gender lens : an international perspective and the case of Dutch development cooperation,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327387,,A statistical relational learning approach to identifying evidence based medicine categories,VABB-5,579,589,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327388,,Kernel-based logical and relational learning with kLog for hedge cue detection,VABB-4,347,357,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327389,,Wie is de ander? De representatie van Japan in het Nederlandse televisieprogramma Wie is de mol?(2010),VABB-1,212,230,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:327402,,Does birth history account for educational differences in breast cancer mortality? A comparison of premenopausal and postmenopausal women in Belgium,VABB-1,2878,2885,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327403,,Comparing concepts of ethnicity in ethnic composition measures: local community contexts and the educational attainment of the second generation in Belgium,VABB-1,1513,1531,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327409,,Simulating poverty and inequality dynamics in developing countries,VABB-1,713,728,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327410,,Development monopoly : a simulation game on poverty and inequality,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327414,,"Whose paradise? Itinerant street vendors' individual and collective practices of political agency in the tourist street of Cusco, Peru",VABB-1,1007,1021,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327416,,Capital accumulation and embodied technological progress,VABB-1,588,614,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327417,,The philosophical implications of the Perky experiments : reply to Hopkins,VABB-1,439,443,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327418,,Intergenerational differences in family firms : impact on capital structure and growth behavior,VABB-1,703,725,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327419,,Elementary multivariate rearrangements and stochastic dominance on a Fréchet class,VABB-1,1450,1459,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327424,,The EU as promoter of environmental norms in the Doha Round,VABB-1,911,932,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327425,,MULTIMOORA-FG : a multi-objective decision making method for linguistic reasoning with an application to personnel selection,VABB-1,173,190,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327426,,A qualitative study on the organizational adoption of open source server software,VABB-1,170,187,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327427,,Lithuanian case study of masonry buildings from the soviet period,VABB-1,444,456,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327428,,"Convergence or divergence? A comparison of informal consultant-client relationship development practices in Britain, France and Germany",VABB-1,1707,1720,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327430,,Predicting the place of out-of-hours care-A market simulation based on discrete choice analysis,VABB-1,284,290,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327431,,Updating the journal impact factor or total overhaul?,VABB-1,413,417,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327432,,Leave none to claim the land : a Malthusian catastrophe in Rwanda?,VABB-1,547,563,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327433,,Pattern for Python,VABB-1,2063,2067,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327434,,Learner contribution to English language learning : Chinese research students' agency and their transitional experiences in Australia,VABB-1,585,597,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327439,,"Coriolan Gabriel Ioviţoni e.a. t. Roemenië, noot bij : Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens, 3 april 2012, nrs. 57581/10, 1245/11 en 4189/11",VABB-1,1941,1946,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327441,,Sermon writing women : fifteenth century vernacular sermons from the Brussels Augustinian Convent of Jericho,VABB-1,211,232,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327443,,Overcoming the post-structuralist methodological deficit : metapragmatic markers and interpretive logics in a critique of the Bologna process,VABB-1,501,534,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327447,,Hoe beter consulteren?,VABB-1,19,31,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327451,,"""C'è, in un'isola lontana, una favola cubana..."" : La rivoluzione cubana degli intellettuali e dei cantautori italiani",VABB-4,353,363,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:327456,,De-auxiliarization without de-modalization in the Dutch core modals : a case of collective degrammaticalization?,VABB-1,124,133,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:327464,,The intensity of the Rwandan genocide : measures from the Gacaca records,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327465,,Does a win bonus help to increase profit or wins in professional team sports?,VABB-4,407,413,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327466,,The salary cap proposal of the G-14 in European football,VABB-4,291,300,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327475,,Cost and E-level analysis of different dwelling types and different heating systems with or without heat exchanger,VABB-1,604,610,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327478,,Energy renovations of buildings in practice,VABB-5,72,80,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327483,,"Friendship type, clique formation and the everyday use of communication technologies in a peer group",VABB-1,1258,1277,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327485,,Methods for modalities,VABB-4,121,142,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327486,,Leermechanismen in tweededialectverwerving,VABB-1,59,88,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327487,,"Messia davanti alla Legge : Giorgio Agamben, Walter Benjamin e Kafka",VABB-4,44,60,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327488,,Students' persistence and academic success in a first-year professional bachelor program : the influence of students' learning strategies and academic motivation,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327490,,The Court of Strasbourg acting as an asylum court,VABB-1,203,245,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327491,,Visiones desde el exterior : la información sobre temas catalanes en los periódicos belgas,VABB-4,197,220,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:327495,,De toekomst van het christelijk verleden : Marcel Gauchet versus Charles Taylor over de essentie en de evolutie van religie,VABB-1,143,167,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327497,,De roes van de kritiek : Bruno Bauer en Die Freien,VABB-2,,,749 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327498,,"The history of futurism : the precursors, protagonists, and legacies",VABB-3,,,408 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327499,,L'Europe sociale en Belgique : emploi et inclusion social au prisme de l'Europeanisation,VABB-1,1,30,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:327500,,Sociaal Europa in België : werkgelegenheid en sociale uitsluiting vanuit een Europeaniseringsperspectief,VABB-1,1,22,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327508,,Transportation and economic development,VABB-4,226,248,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327517,,Multiplex amplicon quantification screening the ABCA13 gene for copy number variation in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder,VABB-1,269,270,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327518,,A new approach for measuring the value of patents based on structural indicators for ego patent citation networks,VABB-1,1834,1842,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327519,,Efficacy of miltefosine in the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis in India after a decade of use,VABB-1,543,550,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327520,,Symmetric equilibrium strategies in game theoretic real option models,VABB-1,219,225,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327521,,"Conceptualising the 'visual essay' as a way of generating and imparting sociological insight : issues, formats and realisations",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327522,,Co-occurrence of Marfan syndrome and schizophrenia : what can be learned?,VABB-1,252,255,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:327523,,Online advertising and congruency effects : it depends on how you look at it,VABB-1,579,604,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327524,,Impacts of advertisements that are unfriendly to women and men,VABB-1,623,656,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327525,,Metropolis and hinterland? A comment on the role of rural economy and society in the urban heart of the medieval Low Countries,VABB-1,82,88,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327526,,Weights in multidimensional indices of wellbeing : an overview,VABB-1,7,34,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327527,,"Filmed news and nationalism in Belgium : Flemish events at the crossroads of politics, culture and commerce (1929-1942)",VABB-1,379,399,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327528,,La genèse de L'Innommable : essai de critique génétique postcognitiviste,VABB-1,65,77,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:327529,,Questionario per Italianistica : Risposte di Monica Jansen,VABB-1,32,37,,lat,2012,1 c:vabb:327530,,Le cinque vie di Kaha : i colori dei fra-intendimenti,VABB-1,237,248,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:327532,,Jean de Joinville et la mort apprivoisée,VABB-1,19,32,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:327533,,Introduction : watering the flowers,VABB-1,5,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327534,,"Wallace Stevens, New York, and Modernism",VABB-3,,,184 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327535,,Introduction: Back at the Waldorf?,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327536,,The invisible skyscraper : Stevens and urban architecture,VABB-4,85,104,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327539,,Fine-grained emotion detection in suicide notes : a thresholding approach to multi-label classification,VABB-1,61,69,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327542,,deLearyous : training interpersonal communication skills using unconstrained text input,VABB-5,505,513,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327543,,Profiling approaches to teaching in higher education : a cluster-analytic study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:327544,,7. Niederländische Lyrik,VABB-4,307,345,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:327547,,"Van kade naar stadhuis : informatieuitwisseling, fraudebestrijding en gereglementeerde innovatie in Antwerpse zeeverzekeringen (ca. 1550-ca. 1700",VABB-1,367,383,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:327549,,"Eerlycke huijsarmen of ledichgangers? Armenzorg en gemeenschapsvorming in Brussel, 1300-1640",VABB-1,1,21,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327554,,The practice of arbitration : essays in honour of Hans Van Houtte,VABB-3,,,382 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327556,,Onderhoudsvorderingen: nieuwe IPR-wetgeving,VABB-1,32,42,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327559,,"H.v.J. 7 december 2010, C-585/08, Pammer en Alpenhof",VABB-1,31,44,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327560,,"H.v.J. 7 december 2010, C-585/08, Pammer en Alpenhof",VABB-1,55,69,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327571,,De gevolgen van de Europese Erfrechtverordening voor Nederbelgen,VABB-1,100,106,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327575,,De krachtlijnen van de fiscale bevoegdheidsverdeling in België na het institutioneel akkoord voor de zesde staatshervorming van 11 oktober 2011,VABB-4,265,310,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327578,,Gender differences in environmental values : an issue of measurement?,VABB-1,373,397,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:327579,,Dits scrifte dat nu inder handen es : commercial writing in the Brussels Augustinian Convent of Jericho,VABB-1,114,133,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327581,,"Feeding cities : transportation costs, paved roads and town-countryside relationships in eighteenth-century Brabant",VABB-4,123,141,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327582,,De motiveringsplicht in het Europees bestuursrecht,VABB-1,136,158,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327584,,Het redelijkerwijze voorzienbaar gebruik van een product en het later ontstaan van gebreken in de Wet Productenaansprakelijkheid (noot onder Antwerpen 28 oktober 2009),VABB-1,388,396,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327585,,Kroniek Europees overheidsopdrachtenrecht 2005 juni 2011,VABB-1,186,208,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327586,,Aangifte van een misdrijf aan een gerechtelijke overheid en civielrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid (noot onder Rb. Gent 14 oktober 2011),VABB-1,27,33,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327592,,"Postponement and recuperation in cohort fertility : Austria, Germany and Switzerland in a European context",VABB-1,417,452,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327594,,"Aufschieben und Nachholen von Geburten aus der Kohortenperspektive : Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz im europäischen Kontext",VABB-1,453,494,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:327597,,How regions assemble in Brussels : the organizational form of territorial representation in the European Union,VABB-1,527,550,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:327598,,Zelfwording als imitatie : over de rol van voorbeeldigheid en de overgang van filosofie naar theologie in Kierkegaards ethiek,VABB-1,18,38,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327599,,Authenticity and imitation : on the role of moral exemplarity in Anti-Climacus' Ethics,VABB-4,341,363,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327600,,Vertrouwde paden en nieuwe wegen : stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2010),VABB-1,113,133,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327602,,The intermediate effect of geographic proximity on intergenerational support : a comparison of France and Bulgaria,VABB-1,455,486,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327603,,An algorithm for finding D-efficient equivalent-estimation second-order split-plot designs,VABB-1,363,374,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327604,,Designs for two-stage intensive screening of pharmaceutical production processes,VABB-1,336,347,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327605,,De stad in al haar facetten : stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2009),VABB-1,71,92,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327607,,"One religion, many identities? The reception of Islam related news items by Muslim women with Turkish, Moroccan and Flemish roots in Flanders",VABB-1,116,134,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327608,,Overheidsaansprakelijkheid voor ambtsfouten van magistraten en van politieambtenaren,VABB-1,273,301,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327613,,A self-learning assistive vocal interface based on vocabulary learning and grammar induction,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327616,,Taking stock of monitoring and evaluation arrangements in the context of poverty reduction strategy papers : evidence from 20 aid-dependent countries in Sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,749,772,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327617,,"Make schools, not war? Donors' rewriting of the social contract in the DRC",VABB-1,681,701,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327619,,Nuclear elimination with or without missile defence?,VABB-1,433,450,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327621,,"Contextualizing contestation : framework, design, and data",VABB-1,249,262,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327622,,Transnational collective identification : May Day and climate change protesters' identification with similar protest events in other countries,VABB-1,301,317,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327623,,Heeft mediareputatie een invloed op het verkrijgen van leverancierskrediet?,VABB-1,14,28,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327624,,"The visual and multimodal representation of time in film, or : How time is metaphorically shaped in space",VABB-1,85,100,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327628,,Technology and the transformation of news work : are labor conditions in (online) journalism changing?,VABB-4,192,208,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327629,,A survey of professional journalists in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-4,141,154,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327630,,Bringing newsworthiness to the 21st Century,VABB-5,106,117,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327633,,Project management for a country with multiple objectives,VABB-1,80,101,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327634,,Personnel selection based on computing with words and fuzzy MULTIMOORA,VABB-1,7961,7967,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327636,,Visio,VABB-4,179,188,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327638,,Degrees of grammaticalization across languages,VABB-4,302,317,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327639,,The grammaticalization of definite articles,VABB-4,522,535,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327641,,Indicatif et subjonctif dans les complétives en français,VABB-1,145,160,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:327644,,Als de Europese consument moet procederen,VABB-1,66,91,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327650,,Het groene verleden van de industriële stad. Wortels en bloei van het historisch onderzoek naar de stedelijke groenruimte in de negentiende en twintigste eeuw,VABB-1,96,112,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327651,,"Agorafobie in een moderniserende metropool? Gebruik, betekenis en aanleg van stadspleinen in negentiende-eeuws Antwerpen",VABB-1,28,46,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327652,,"Revolutie op de koperplaat : repertorium van politieke prenten tijdens de Brabantse Omwenteling, 1787-1792",VABB-2,,,570 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327653,,The impact of EU law on the devolution of social powers,VABB-4,265,286,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327657,,ConanDoyle-neg : annotation of negation in Conan Doyle stories,VABB-5,1563,1568,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327658,,Vreselijk mooi! (terribly beautiful) : a subjectivity lexicon for Dutch adjectives,VABB-5,3568,3572,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327660,,Dividend policies of privately held companies : stand alone companies and group companies in Belgium,VABB-1,816,835,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327661,,Language is the only thing that lies : linguistic scepticism in Rebecca Brown's reinvention of literary minimalism,VABB-1,378,400,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327662,,Rebecca Brown's disidentificatory reading of canonical minimalism : placing anti-abjection on the literary agenda,VABB-1,858,875,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327663,,"When the SS man says I : on Robert Merle, Michel Rachline and Jonathan Littell",VABB-4,167,176,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327674,,Grondwetswijziging via overgangsbepaling,VABB-1,409,423,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327675,,Devorando a lo cubano : una lectura gastrocrítica de textos relacionados con el siglo 19 y el Período Especial,VABB-2,,,311 p.,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:327676,,"Recht van terugkoop : kunnen de toezichthoudende overheid en de Raad van State optreden tegen een beslissing van een gemeente die met die beslissing haar contractuele verbintenissen schendt ? (noot onder RvS 21 juni 2011, nr. 214.025)",VABB-1,170,177,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327682,,Een verkennende studie naar de doorwerking van het Verdrag inzake de Rechten van het Kind in het pestbeleid op basisscholen,VABB-1,41,57,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327683,,Naar een opleidingsonderdeel in de nascholing voor onderwijzend personeel over het juridisch kader van toepassing op probleemsituaties op school,VABB-1,125,128,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327685,,Openbaar en privaat domein (Brussel 8 februari 2011),VABB-1,286,297,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327687,,"Allegorising Gerard ter Borch : research, appropriation and the baroque impulse in the work of Karin Hanssen",VABB-1,66,83,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327690,,Learning to write effectively : current trends in European research,VABB-3,,,425 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327697,,Teksredaksie,VABB-2,,,543 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327698,,Text Editing : a handbook for students and practitioners,VABB-2,,,640 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327701,,Effects of an efficacy-focused approach to academic writing on students' perceptions of themselves as writers,VABB-1,294,303,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327702,,Divergent perspectives on language-discordant mobile medical professionals communication with colleagues : an exploratory study,VABB-1,368,383,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327703,,Academic acculturation : the case of writing in an EFL teaching and learning environment,VABB-1,58,72,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327705,,Welke factoren bepalen de aansluiting van onderwijs en beroep? Een onderzoek bij Vlaamse afgestudeerden uit het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,416,436,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327707,,"Over ambtsgebeden, beden en verstilling",VABB-1,229,232,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327708,,Over positieve vrijheid en de rol van de wetgever,VABB-1,297,300,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327714,,The representation of the social sciences and humanities in the Web of Science : a comparison of publication patterns and incentive structures in Flanders and Norway (2005-9),VABB-1,280,290,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327716,,Uit elkaar gaan : kenmerken van het echtscheidingsproces en het welzijn van ex-partners na de scheiding,VABB-1,1,22,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327717,,Coming to terms with accountability : combining multiple forums and functions,VABB-1,1011,1036,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327721,,Implementing the EU strategy in Baltic States : a multi-objective evaluation,VABB-1,317,329,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327722,,Ranking of the European Union countries by MULTIMOORA optimization,VABB-5,329,335,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327723,,Evaluation of performance of Lithuanian commercial banks by multi-objective optimization,VABB-5,1042,1049,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327724,,A multi-objective decision support system for project selection with an application for the Tunesian textile industry,VABB-1,28,43,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327726,,Research on consultation and liaison psychiatry in CAPRI : achievements and perspectives.,VABB-1,38,43,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327727,,Ongoing research projects in the Collaborative Antwerp Psychiatric Research Institute (CAPRI),VABB-1,7,17,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327731,,Lietuvos statistinių duomenų panaudojimas mokesčių-imokų mikrosimuliaciniuose modeliuose,VABB-1,156,171,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327734,,The sorting of workers across job tasks : an application to graduates and occupational choice,VABB-1,5,19,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327737,,Optimal design of container liner services : interactions with the transport demand in ports,VABB-1,409,434,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327738,,Containerized freight distribution in North America and Europe,VABB-4,219,246,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327741,,De reikwijdte van de vestigingsvrijheid in het vennootschapsrecht en het insolventierecht : convergentie of divergentie ?,VABB-1,65,80,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327743,,De gerechtelijke reorganisatie door overdracht onder gerechtelijk gezag : conceptuele en juridische knelpunten,VABB-1,391,420,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327744,,De rechtsbescherming van schuldeisers bij een gerechtelijke reorganisatie door een collectief akkoord,VABB-1,443,449,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327745,,Handelshuur en Wet Continuïteit Ondernemingen : onderzoek naar complementariteit in het licht van de continuïteitsdoelstelling,VABB-1,3,12,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327747,,Samengevoegde afwikkeling van faillissementen : het Europees Hof van Justitie stelt de grenzen scherp,VABB-1,136,143,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327750,,Imagined communities of television viewers : reception research on national and ethnic minority audiences,VABB-4,87,103,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327751,,De superdiversiteit van armoede en sociale uitsluiting,VABB-4,177,198,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327752,,Inkomensarmoede in beeld gebracht,VABB-4,73,87,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327753,,Werk en werkloosheid in onzekere tijden,VABB-4,89,100,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327754,,Naar een gezonde geest in een gezond lichaam voor iedereen,VABB-4,119,132,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327755,,Armoedebestrijding in het tweede decennium,VABB-4,445,450,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327758,,Over de toepassing van het Europese en Belgische mededingingsrecht door de feitenrechter en de beperkende werking van het mededingingsrecht (noot onder Luik 28 februari 2011),VABB-1,249,256,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327759,,La diachronie latino-romane : le conflit des chronologies et la diglossie,VABB-1,405,456,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:327761,,The legal enforcement of subsidiarity through the lens of Flanders,VABB-4,63,76,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327762,,Interparlementaire samenwerkingsakkoorden : van oligarchie naar democratie en weer terug,VABB-1,173,194,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327763,,"The imperative of intentional visual perception : a contrastive study of Dutch, English and Romance",VABB-4,95,115,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327764,,Kroniek van het gedrukte boek in België tot 2000 -30- afgesloten op 31 december 2010,VABB-1,201,254,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327765,,Providing constructive feedback on learning patterns : an individual learner perspective,VABB-1,114,132,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327766,,Towards effective feedback in higher education : bridging theory and practice,VABB-1,132,147,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327767,,Het rechtszekerheidsbeginsel als bewaker van behoorlijke regelgeving : de zaak Siat (C-318/10),VABB-1,619,623,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327768,,Verdragsbevoegdheid van de gemeenschappen en de gewesten : na ruim 18 jaar eindelijk erkend in de fiscale praktijk,VABB-1,847,851,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327769,,"Artikel 207, 2e lid WIB 1992 is een grensoverschrijdende context getoetst aan het grondwettelijk gelijkheidsbeginsel",VABB-1,187,206,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327770,,Over kleurschakeringen en tinten van armoede en sociale uitsluiting,VABB-4,37,52,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327771,,Het DNA van het Vlaamse armoedebeleid,VABB-4,57,72,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327772,,Armoede en sociale uitsluiting ontcijferd,VABB-4,451,507,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327778,,Het foutbegrip bij sportbeoefenaars : amateurs vs. professionelen,VABB-1,177,182,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327779,,Forecasting spot rates at main routes in the dry bulk market,VABB-1,498,537,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327784,,"Mastering the connoisseur's eye : paintings, criticism, and the canon in Dutch and Flemish travel culture, 1600-1750",VABB-1,29,56,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327785,,"Uitgebreid, complementair of omvattend? Het waar en hoe van het mentale",VABB-1,173,188,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327786,,"Name-hunting, visual characteristics and ""New Old Masters"" : tracking the taste for paintings at art auctions in Antwerp and Brussels (1739-1794)",VABB-1,57,84,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327790,,Kinderrechten tussen individuele responsabilisering en maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid : enkele beschouwingen,VABB-1,165,170,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327793,,Human impersonal pronouns in Swedish and Dutch : a contrastive study of man and men,VABB-1,121,138,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327795,,Flemish primary teachers use of school performance feedback and the impact of school characteristics,VABB-1,431,449,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327797,,Formal participation in the IASB's due process of standard setting : a multi-issue/multi-period analysis,VABB-1,693,729,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327801,,A view on **big data** and its relation to informetrics,VABB-1,12,26,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327802,,Health-care and home-care utilization among frail elderly persons in Belgium,VABB-1,671,677,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327803,,Parsing the components of the psychomotor syndrome in schizophrenia,VABB-1,256,265,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327804,,Rare copy number variants in neuropsychiatric disorders : specific phenotype or not?,VABB-1,812,822,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327805,,Inequality of wellbeing : a multidimensional approach,VABB-1,721,746,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327806,,A framework for measuring efficiency levels : the case of express depots,VABB-1,484,495,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327807,,"Remarks on the paper by A. De Visscher, ""what does the g-index really measure?""",VABB-1,2118,2121,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327808,,Polity-building in the constitutional convention : transnational party groups in European Union institutional reform,VABB-1,837,852,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327810,,Action-oriented Perception,VABB-1,430,446,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327811,,Impact of community-based support services on antiretroviral treatment programme delivery and outcomes in resource-limited countries: a synthetic review,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327812,,Journal peer review as an information retrieval process,VABB-1,527,535,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327813,,Less cognitive and neurological deficits in schizophrenia patients carrying risk variant in ZNF804A,VABB-1,158,166,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327814,,Embodied visual meaning : image schemas in film,VABB-1,84,101,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327820,,The marathon of the hare and the tortoise : implementing the EU Water Framework Directive,VABB-1,1449,1467,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:327823,,Retirement timing in Europe : does sector makes a difference?,VABB-1,472,596,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327824,,The female player does not exist : gender identity relates to differences in player motivations and play styles,VABB-1,634,638,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327825,,Identification and categorization of digital game experiences : a qualitative study integrating,VABB-1,107,129,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327829,,NGOs and aid fragmentation : the Belgian case,VABB-1,378,404,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:327832,,Popular deception by IOC and FIFA,VABB-4,150,155,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327833,,Dry ports in European and North American intermodal rail systems : two of a kind?,VABB-1,4,15,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327834,,Gateway and hinterland dynamics : the case of the Southern African container port system,VABB-1,10807,10825,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327836,,Introduction : tools for studying and supporting writing : technological advances in writing research,VABB-1,345,349,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327837,,Inputlog 4.0 : keystroke logging in writing research,VABB-1,363,366,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327838,,Deals and dealings : inconclusive peace and treacherous trade along the South Sudan-Uganda border,VABB-1,5,31,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327845,,Taking and using : ethical issues of photographs for research purposes,VABB-4,233,249,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327846,,Between challenge and defeat : repeated player-death and game enjoyment,VABB-1,443,459,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327847,,Eenheid in verscheidenheid : waarom het multiculturalisme de sociale cohesie niet noodzakelijk ondermijnt,VABB-1,19,39,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327848,,Het multiculturalisme ondervraagd : de kritiek van Slavoj Zizek in politiek-filosofisch perspectief,VABB-1,351,374,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327849,,De duurtijd van warrants uitgegeven ten behoeve één of meer bepaalde externe investeerders,VABB-1,649,653,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327850,,Creating mutual identification and solidarity in highly diversified societies : the importance of identification by shared participation,VABB-1,560,575,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327852,,"Bestaat er een algemeen rechtsbeginsel dat collegiale (bestuurs)organen geheim moeten stemmen in individuele personeelsaangelegenheden? (noot onder RvS, 13 maart 2012, nr. 218.453, B.C.)",VABB-1,381,385,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327855,,Het dogma van de exclusieve bevoegdheden gerelativeerd : de meervoudige bevoegdheidskwalificatie in het federale België,VABB-4,209,230,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327856,,"De herstelvordering op grond van de milieustakingswet en de Grondwet (noot onder GwH 24 februari 2011, 29/2011)",VABB-1,1293,1296,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327858,,Decretale validatie bij infrastructuurprojecten : een pleidooi voor de herziening van de rechtsbescherming,VABB-1,114,125,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327859,,De bescherming van bestaande garanties in de faciliteitengemeenten en Brussel : artikel 16bis bijzondere wet van 8 augustus 1980 en artikel 5bis bijzondere Brusselwet,VABB-1,503,523,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327861,,Het Hof van Cassatie komt tussen in de procedure van gerechtelijke reorganisatie,VABB-1,851,858,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327862,,"Annotatie bij EHJ, 22 Mei 2012, P.I./Oberbürgermeisterin der Stadt Remscheid, zaak C-348/09",VABB-1,479,482,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327864,,Het beginsel van wederzijdse erkenning in de interne markt van de EU en de justitiële strafrechtelijke samenwerking in de EU,VABB-1,1830,1842,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327865,,"Annotatie bij EHJ, 15 september 2011, Gevoegde zaken C-483/09 en C-1/10 Magatte Gueye and Valentín Salmerón Sánchez",VABB-1,159,163,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327866,,In search of a British connection : Flemish dealers on the London art market and the taste for continental paintings (1750-1800),VABB-4,101,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327867,,The foundations of mystical anthropology in the Arnhem mystical sermons,VABB-4,129,157,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327868,,H.P. Grice,VABB-4,104,124,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:327870,,Coins from Roman Antwerp,VABB-1,309,312,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327871,,De truc met artikel 195 : een lapje voor het bloeden met de zegen van Venetië,VABB-1,421,443,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327878,,Towards a multidimensional approach to journalistic stance : analyzing foreign media coverage of Belgium,VABB-1,123,134,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327879,,The agency of branding and the location of value : hallmarks and monograms in early modern tableware industries,VABB-1,1055,1076,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327880,,"Conventions, the great transformation and actor network theory",VABB-1,44,54,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327881,,The use of financial bootstrapping in small and medium-sized ventures and the impact on venture growth,VABB-4,88,109,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327883,,Literatuurwetenschap en uitgeverijonderzoek,VABB-3,,,127 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327885,,"Neither beginning, nor end : the anarcho-atelic event of natality",VABB-1,102,115,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:327886,,Foreword : Human rights and immigration in Europe : a bridge over troubled water,VABB-1,122,137,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327887,,Concreet denken,VABB-4,103,115,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327895,,Framing and measuring international patient management,VABB-1,145,159,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327896,,Transnational health care : from a global terminology towards transnational health region development,VABB-1,37,44,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327902,,Framing and measuring international patient management,VABB-4,145,159,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327903,,Integrating leadership : the leadership circumplex,VABB-1,435,455,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:327904,,Therapeutic drug monitoring of common antipsychotics,VABB-1,629,651,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:327905,,Composing first species counterpoint musical scores with a variable neighbourhood search algorithm,VABB-1,169,189,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327906,,Effect of aripiprazole on verbal memory and fluency in schizophrenic patients : results from the ESCAPE Study,VABB-1,975,982,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327908,,"Differentiation between deviant trajectory planning, action planning, and reduced psychomotor speed in schizophrenia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327909,,Pharmacokinetic evaluation of armodafinil for the treatment of bipolar depression,VABB-1,1189,1197,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327910,,"Effect of modafinil on impulsivity and relapse in alcohol dependent patients : a randomized, placebo-controlled trial",VABB-1,948,955,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:327912,,Drijvende krachten en uitdagingen voor economie en logistiek van de Vlaams-Nederlandse Delta voor 2040 : een scenario-analyse?,VABB-1,32,58,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327917,,Armoede en sociale uitsluiting : jaarboek 2012,VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327918,,Audit firm governance : do transparency reports reveal audit quality?,VABB-1,193,214,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327920,,The subject of attention,VABB-1,535,554,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327921,,Predicting adolescent perpetration in cyberbullying: An application of the theory of planned behavior,VABB-1,614,620,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327922,,The tipping point: F-score as a function of the number of retrieved items,VABB-1,1171,1180,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327923,,Life with HIV as a chronic illness: a theoretical and methodological framework for antiretroviral treatment studies in resource-limited settings,VABB-1,368,391,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327924,,Do Firms Learn to Manage Alliance Portfolio Diversity? The Diversity-Performance Relationship and the Moderating Effects of Experience and Capability,VABB-1,139,152,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327925,,Basic independence axioms for the publication-citation system,VABB-1,22,27,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327927,,Scholarly communication and social work in the Google era,VABB-1,79,94,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:327931,,"Jane Jacobs, a rebel with a cause",VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327933,,Democratiseren van toegang tot onderzoeksresultaten,VABB-1,111,127,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327939,,The added value of auditing in Belgium : does audit remain if no longer mandatory?,VABB-1,9,22,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327940,,Male and female auditors' overconfidence,VABB-1,105,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327942,,"Mixed methods, bifocal vision : combining quantitative and qualitative data to assess public service performance",VABB-1,743,756,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327945,,Growing income inequalities in advanced countries,VABB-4,11,45,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327946,,Is there a trade-off between wage inequality and unemployment?,VABB-4,147,170,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327956,,"Reconciling old and new : imprisonment for debts and cessio bonorum, in Antwerp and Mechelen (c. 1500-c. 1530)",VABB-4,35,48,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327957,,"Painting, drama and discomfort : the Great Painters Hall of the Antwerp Saint Lukes Guild (1664-1810)",VABB-1,247,268,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327958,,How nazis undermine their own point of view,VABB-4,97,110,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327960,,From royal representation to scientific aspiration : Charles V's columnar device and the dynamics of appropriation (16th-18th centuries),VABB-1,217,234,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327962,,"Historical publications at Flemish universities, 2000-2009",VABB-1,110,143,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327963,,Language is an instrument for thought. Really?,VABB-1,317,333,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327968,,Aneignung und Abwehr : jüdische Tradition im neuen Denken,VABB-4,35,55,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:327970,,Burgerschap tussen recht en deugd : een analyse van burgerschap in het Vlaamse inburgeringsbeleid,VABB-1,51,72,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327976,,Early nineteenth century bohemianism in Antwerp : the unpublished Archives of the St Luybrecht Guild,VABB-1,256,278,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:327977,,Rights of dental patients in the EU : a legal assessment,VABB-1,4,11,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327985,,Child and adolescent psychiatry research areas in the Collaborative Antwerp Psychiatric Research Institute (CAPRI),VABB-1,44,47,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:327986,,"Inleiding : Over sociale innovatie, lokale actie en maatschappelijke transformatie",VABB-4,33,48,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327987,,Inkomensarmoede en schulden anno 2011,VABB-4,51,70,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327988,,Arbeid in tijden van crisis,VABB-4,129,147,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327989,,Besluit : Peilingen over armoede,VABB-4,423,427,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327990,,Armoede en sociale uitsluiting ontcijferd,VABB-4,429,485,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327992,,Multidimensionele armoede in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,71,87,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327993,,Referentiebudgetten en minimuminkomensbescherming in België,VABB-4,89,106,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327995,,Lokale initiatieven als bouwstenen van sociale innovatie,VABB-4,195,212,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327996,,De ambigüe rol van voedselbanken,VABB-4,213,228,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:327997,,Over netwerken en sociale innovatie : de kracht van een lokaal bestuur,VABB-4,333,353,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328002,,Auteurscontract,VABB-4,1,115,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328003,,Art. 3 van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994,VABB-4,1,61,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328004,,Art. 17 t/m 20 van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994,VABB-4,1,20,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328005,,Art. 25 t/m 30 van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994,VABB-4,1,21,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328006,,Art. 31 en 32 van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994,VABB-4,1,12,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328021,,Stadsbewoners zonder papieren : een verkennende analyse van de regularisatieaanvragen in Antwerpen in 2000 en 2009,VABB-1,1,24,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328030,,About provisional measures in the Brussels I Regulation,VABB-1,9,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328031,,Substantive representation through a claims-making lens : a strategy for the identification and analysis of substantive claims,VABB-1,161,181,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328032,,Rome III : Europese verwijzingsregels inzake echtscheiding als eerste toepassing van de nauwere samenwerking,VABB-1,98,107,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328050,,Over het vreemde recht en de cassatiecontrole daarop (noot onder Cass. 4 november 2010),VABB-1,825,828,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328053,,"Le conditionnel ""journalistique"", marqueur de modalisation en discours second : éléments d'archéologie grammaticale",VABB-4,229,248,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328056,,"La lente reconnaissance du ""conditionnel de reprise"" par les grammaires du français",VABB-4,631,652,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328062,,De gehuwde vrouw en de société conjugale (16de-19de eeuw) : aanzetten tot een nieuwe benadering,VABB-1,195,201,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328073,,Herziening van beslissingen van de jeugdrechter in een zaak van een minderjarige die zich in een problematische opvoedingssituatie bevindt : noot onder Cass. 8 november 2011,VABB-1,1556,1559,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328078,,De beslissing van de raadkamer in geval van onvolledig gerechtelijk onderzoek : noot onder Cass. 17 april 2002,VABB-1,376,379,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328082,,Strafrechtelijke verantwoordelijkheid van minderjarigen,VABB-1,69,82,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328083,,Verhoren-Audiovisueel verhoor van minderjarigen,VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328085,,The serial mythology of a non-representative self : Rebecca Browns life writing,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328086,,De comeback van de familiesociologie in Vlaanderen en Nederland,VABB-1,200,207,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328087,,Doen gescheiden vaders ertoe? De impact van opvoedingsstijlen van gescheiden vaders op het welbevinden van het kind,VABB-1,239,266,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328088,,Een nieuwe partner na een echtscheiding? Opleidingsverschillen bij mannen en vrouwen in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,331,352,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328089,,Welke rol speelt alimentatie in het arbeidsaanbod van gescheiden vrouwen?,VABB-1,353,377,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328090,,Voorhuwelijks samenwonen : een vergelijking tussen intacte en niet-intacte huwelijken in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,1,25,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328091,,Voorhuwelijks samenwonen en echtscheiding in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,1,20,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328095,,De impact van een echtscheiding op kinderopvang door grootouders,VABB-4,107,128,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328097,,A Shoah classic resurfacing : the strange destiny of The last of the just (André Schwarz-Bart) in the African diaspora,VABB-1,229,262,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:328098,,Towards an institutional approach to payments for ecosystem services : perspectives from two Nicaraguan cases,VABB-4,357,375,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328099,,Geweld op school : het aansprakelijkheids- en verzekeringsvraagstuk,VABB-1,23,34,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328100,,The impact of high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on fine motor functions in medication-resistant major depression,VABB-1,252,258,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328101,,Research in the Collaborative Antwerp Psychiatric Research Institute on cognitive and psychomotor dysfunctions in mood disorders,VABB-1,25,29,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328102,,Research into schizophrenia in the Collaborative Antwerp Psychiatric Reserach Institute (CAPRI) : cognitive and psychomotor dysfunctions in schizophrenia,VABB-1,18,24,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328113,,Grammaticalization and language change : new reflections,VABB-3,,,342 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328114,,"Introduction : new reflections on the sources, outcomes, defining features and motivations of grammaticalization",VABB-4,1,37,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328115,,Epistemic must and its cognates in German and Dutch : the subtle differences,VABB-1,2150,2164,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328118,,Third party beneficiary in commercial law,VABB-1,21,42,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328119,,Nationalist vs. regionalist? The Flemish and Walloon movements in belle époque Belgium,VABB-4,209,226,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328120,,"Hume's atheistic agenda : Philo's confession in Dialogues, 12",VABB-1,281,303,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328123,,Under the (legal) radar screen : global health initiatives and international human rights obligations,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328130,,Genette devient écrivain,VABB-1,1,9,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328131,,Commentaar bij artikel 1427 BW,VABB-4,1,23,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328135,,"Gradualness of grammaticalization in romance : the position of French, Spanish and Italian grammaticalization and language change : new reflections",VABB-4,199,226,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328136,,Classification of noun-noun compound semantics in Dutch and Afrikaans,VABB-5,121,125,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328137,,Cross-lingual genre classification for closely related languages,VABB-5,133,137,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328140,,"Lobbyen, vleien en herinneren : onderhandelen om privileges bij de Blijde Inkomst van Filips in Antwerpen (1549)",VABB-1,64,79,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328141,,"'Mannen kom eens zien, een wijf op een koersvelo!' Gender en sportbeleving in de verhalen van Belgische atletes (1955-1975)",VABB-1,4,17,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328142,,Handbook of pragmatics: [16th installment],VABB-3,,,250 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328143,,Handbook of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328144,,Bibliography of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328145,,The pragmatic perspective,VABB-4,1,35,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328152,,Klios Dichtung : Gattungstheoretische Annäherungen an das Tagebuch,VABB-1,233,255,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:328153,,Überleben als Widerstand : die Performativität des Schreibens in Holocaust-Tagebüchern,VABB-1,1,7,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:328154,,Fraglos empfindet das Volk die Judenverfolgung als Sünde : Victor Klemperers Überlegungen zum Antisemitismus,VABB-1,349,364,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:328165,,Gibt es einen besseren Deutschen als Franzos Pojaz? Das galizische Ostjudentum in Victor Klemperers autobiografischen Notizen,VABB-5,329,344,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:328168,,The driving forces of stability : exploring the nature of long-term bureaucracy-interest group interactions,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328170,,Towards an embodied poetics of cinema : the metaphoric construction of abstract meaning in film,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328172,,Exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) : an application to the SET37-questionnaire for students evaluation of teaching,VABB-5,1282,1288,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328173,,Who participates (not)? A non-response analysis on students' evaluations of teaching,VABB-5,990,996,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328175,,Financial consequences of relationship dissolution : a longitudinal comparison of formerly married and unmarried cohabiting men and women,VABB-1,90,108,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:328176,,Europeanization and sub-national authorities,VABB-4,384,407,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328177,,Healthcare professionals' perceptions toward interprofessional collaboration in palliative home care : a view from Belgium,VABB-1,313,319,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:328178,,"Tracing media policy decisions : of stakeholders, networks and advocacy coalitions",VABB-4,17,34,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328180,,The smell of crisis : style and rhetoric of political parties in and outside crisis situations,VABB-1,131,154,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328182,,De beoordeling door de rechter van een herstelvordering met het oog op de verbetering van de woningkwaliteit : analogie met de principes inzake de herstelvordering ruimtelijke ordening of toch niet? (noot onder Cass. 4 oktober 2011),VABB-1,91,97,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328187,,Jongeren 2.0 : een open boek of privacygevoelig?,VABB-1,108,118,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328193,,Beklaagde alwetend : over het criterium van de redelijke voorzienbaarheid als maatstaf van het lex certa principe in strafzaken,VABB-1,802,817,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328194,,"De privatisering van de ruimtelijke ordening : de benadeelde derde moet zelf de handen uit de mouwen steken (noot onder Antwerpen, 20 januari 2010)",VABB-1,1768,1776,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328196,,"Motivering door verwijzing naar adviezen (noot onder R.v.St., R..., nr. 211.205, 14 februari 2011)",VABB-1,448,452,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328198,,Verkoop met verlies en materiële vergissingen,VABB-1,421,429,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328203,,Democratic learning and fiscal rules in the political budget cycles of the CEE countries,VABB-1,168,182,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328204,,The europeanisation of the law on national independent regulatory authorities from a vertical and horizontal perspective,VABB-1,93,130,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328205,,The expression of epistemic modality in Ewe,VABB-1,133,168,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328210,,Dialectverlies en dialectnivellering in Nederlands-Duitse grensdialecten,VABB-1,175,195,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328214,,De invloed van nieuwe en hardnekkige loopbaanpraktijken op de duurzaamheid van loopbanen,VABB-1,413,433,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328215,,"L'accaparement des terres par des élites en territoire de Kalehe, RDC",VABB-4,205,226,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328224,,Can higher employment levels bring down relative income poverty in the EU? Regression-based simulations of the Europe 2020 target,VABB-1,472,486,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328225,,Changing policies : how faith-based organisations participate in poverty policy,VABB-4,155,172,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328226,,Een toetsing van de armoedetoets,VABB-4,181,192,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328227,,To work or not to work? The role of the organisational context for social workers' perceptions on activation,VABB-1,1170,1189,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:328228,,How can we study the integration of networks among human service organizations? Some lessons from organizational sociology = Hoe bestuderen we de integratie van netwerken tussen hulpverleningsorganisaties? Enkele lessen vanuit de organisatiesociologie,VABB-1,484,502,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328229,,Advances in enterprise engineering V : First Enterprise Engineering Working Conference (EEWC 2011),VABB-3,,,120 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328231,,Introduction : the politics of agency governance,VABB-1,11,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328232,,The influence of agencies on policy-making,VABB-1,143,152,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328233,,Agencification and related changes in structures of government : emerging findings from an international comparative research network,VABB-1,157,165,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328235,,Besturen in tijden van crisis en globalisering: uitdagingen voor publieke taakuitvoering op afstand,VABB-1,27,37,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328236,,Doe je het of doe je het niet? Verzelfstandigen op lokaal niveau : vier uitdagingen voor nieuwe bestuurders,VABB-1,38,53,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328237,,"The process of liberalisation, privatisation and marketization",VABB-4,6,32,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328238,,A theory-driven approach to PPP : the dynamics of complexity and control,VABB-4,188,210,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328239,,Biomimetic sonar for biomimetic SLAM,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328240,,Putting intersectionality into practice in different configurations of equality architecture : Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-1,513,538,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328241,,Belgium: the collateral damage of electoral system design,VABB-4,143,153,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328247,,Teacher use of the interactive whiteboards in Flemish secondary educationmapping against a transition framework,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328251,,Les journaux intimes juifs sous le national-socialisme,VABB-1,71,79,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328252,,Generalizability of text quality scores,VABB-4,23,32,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328256,,"Noot bij : HvJ EU, arrest van 12 juli 2012, zaak C-171/11, SpA / Deutsche Vereinigung des Gas und Wasserfaches eV",VABB-1,1249,1260,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328257,,Wat het Nederlands ons kan leren over de Jespersencyclus,VABB-1,403,413,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328261,,The Associative Dimension of Issue Ownership,VABB-1,771,782,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328262,,The ENBIS-12 Special Issue,VABB-1,991,991,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328263,,A general framework for describing diversity within systems and similarity between systems with applications in informetrics,VABB-1,787,812,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328264,,Anticipation in innovative investment under oligopolistic competition,VABB-1,2812,2823,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328265,,Evolution of cusped lightlike Wilson loops and geometry of the loop space,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328266,,Metrics: a fetish for high-profile journals,VABB-1,343,343,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328267,,Two internal critiques of political constitutionalism,VABB-1,926,949,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328268,,Celebrities' quest for a better world understanding flemish public perceptions of celebrities' societal engagement,VABB-1,75,92,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328269,,Endorsing children's appetite for healthy foods: Celebrity versus non-celebrity spokes-characters,VABB-1,371,391,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328270,,English in Flemish adolescents' computer-mediated discourse : a corpus-based study,VABB-1,321,351,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328271,,"European and national rules as potential red tape drivers: an ecological analysis of the europeanization of dutch competition law, 1962-2010",VABB-1,266,287,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328272,,Experiencing the supernatural in sixteenth-century Brabant : construction and reduction of the exceptional in everyday life,VABB-1,525,548,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328274,,Le droit international privé et le principe de non-discrimination,VABB-2,,,p.9-184,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328275,,Habana póstuma : pasaje y paisaje en Guillermo Cabrera Infante,VABB-4,61,74,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:328287,,Zwakkere contractpartijen in het bouwrecht steeds meer beschermd,VABB-1,239,243,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328291,,"The transnational dimensions of the early socialist pillars in Belgium and the Netherlands, c. 1885-1914 : an exploratory essay",VABB-1,1321,1337,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328292,,"How regional, national, and transnational history have (not) been written in Belgium : reflections within a European perspective",VABB-4,404,422,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328293,,The role of modularity and absorptive capacity in the context of information systems outsourcing,VABB-4,316,325,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328303,,Editors column : the surprising LMNs that matter most,VABB-1,161,174,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328304,,English architectural landscapes and metonymy in Hollinghurst's The Stranger's Child,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328308,,"An uphill battle : campaigning for the militarization of Belgium, 1870-1914",VABB-1,144,179,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328310,,La lex mercatoria contextualisée : tracer son parcours intellectuel,VABB-1,499,515,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328325,,Does globalization broaden the mind? The impact of globalization on attitudes towards immigrant-rights of young adolescents in 35 regions,VABB-1,419,438,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328326,,The acceptance of the multicultural society among young people : a comparative analysis of the effect of market-driven versus publicly regulated educational systems,VABB-1,767,779,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:328327,,Editorial : new citizens for globalized societies? Citizenship education from a comparative perspective,VABB-1,3,6,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328328,,European business ethics casebook : the morality of corporate decision making,VABB-3,,,182 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328329,,European business ethics cases in context : the morality of corporate decision making,VABB-3,,,295 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328332,,Case summary : construction fraud,VABB-4,261,277,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328333,,Commentary : law versus community,VABB-4,245,251,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328334,,Construction fraud,VABB-4,162,179,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:328335,,Triangulation in historical audience research : reflections and experiences from a multimethodological research project on cinema audiences in Flanders,VABB-1,690,715,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328336,,"Stadsgeschiedenis in meervoud : impressies van de internationale stadshistorische conferenties in Praag en New York, 2012",VABB-1,262,280,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328337,,Arguing for a contextual approach to European media education research,VABB-1,106,124,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328340,,Valores interculturales en la comunicación publicitaria internacional : un análisis cualitativo basado en corpus,VABB-1,243,261,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:328341,,Hoe (vaak) kijken beginnende leraren in de spiegel?,VABB-1,339,345,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328342,,De triomf van steden : een keerzijde,VABB-1,211,221,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328351,,Loving unintentionally : charity and the bad conscience in the works of Levinas and Marion,VABB-1,3,27,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328352,,Meerdere schermen in de huiskamer : een onderzoek naar simultaan mediagebruik,VABB-1,60,70,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:328354,,Dringende voorlopige maatregelen over vennootschapsgoederen na wettelijke samenwoning (noot onder Vred. Zelzate 9 juli 2009),VABB-1,629,634,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328357,,German film distribution in Scandinavia during World War 2,VABB-1,263,280,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328358,,Contextualising the state duty to protect human rights as defined in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328359,,Why do they want to teach? The multiple reasons of different groups of students for undertaking teacher education,VABB-1,1007,1022,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:328361,,An exploratory study of transediting in students' translation processes,VABB-1,99,117,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328364,,We werken eraan : stadsvernieuwing in Antwerpen = Were working on it : urban renewal in Antwerp,VABB-1,28,39,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328366,,Container port competition and complementarity in supply chain systems : evidence from the Pearl River Delta,VABB-1,102,120,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:328368,,"Copy-paste? Die handschriftliche Präsentation mittelniederdeutscher epischer Texte in Handschrift Stockholm, KB, Cod. Holm. Vu 73",VABB-1,33,57,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:328370,,Moeder en dochter keren terug naar de hoofdstad : een parabel als inleiding - (Dossier : Politiek in de hoofdstad),VABB-1,74,85,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328371,,"De politieke kracht van het dienstbetoon : interacties tussen burgers en volksvertegenwoordigers in Parijs, 1893-1914",VABB-1,74,85,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328373,,René Kalisky : de geschiedenis dubbelop gespeeld,VABB-1,25,43,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328378,,Multi-tiered political questions : the ECJ's mandate in enforcing subsidiarity,VABB-1,321,346,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328384,,Chinese outward direct investment in Europe and Belgium : characteristics and policy issues,VABB-4,195,225,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328385,,Gevangen in een te smal doel,VABB-1,340,347,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328386,,"Europa : de sociale uitdaging : een breder en sociaal doel is geen luxe meer voor de Unie, maar noodzaak",VABB-1,197,238,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328387,,"Le défi social européen : la poursuite d'un objectif social n'est plus aujourd'hui un luxe pour l'Union européenne, mais elle est devenue une nécessité",VABB-1,195,237,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328391,,An academic exploration into the core principles and building blocks of COBIT 5,VABB-1,51,63,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328394,,Service-based differentiation strategies for business incubators : exploring external and internal alignment,VABB-1,656,670,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328396,,Long-term debt maturity and financing constraints of SMEs during the global financial crisis,VABB-1,433,448,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:328397,,"A political chronicle of Uganda 2011 : moving forward, backward or staying the same?",VABB-4,93,110,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328398,,De la prospérité à Saoudi à la noyade au 'Darfour' : l'histoire d'un marais au Rwanda,VABB-4,375,396,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328402,,Comparative law in a globalizing world : three challenges,VABB-1,263,268,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328405,,"Capitalisme, institutions et conflits hydrauliques autour de la mer du Nord, 13e-18e siècle",VABB-4,149,171,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328409,,Noot onder HvJ 13 maart 2012,VABB-1,426,429,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328410,,De voorlopige aanhouding ingeval van uitlevering en de hiërarchie der rechtsnormen (noot onder Cass. 7 februari 2012),VABB-1,664,667,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328411,,De bijzondere regeling voor het toezicht op de uitleveringsdetentie (noot onder Cass. 29 februari 2012),VABB-1,341,344,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328412,,Mensenrechtelijke grenzen aan de strafbepaling (noot onder Cass. 20 september 2011),VABB-1,378,383,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328413,,"Het mistige spanningsveld tussen het Europees aanhoudingsbevel en het recht op een eerlijk proces van artikel 6 EVRM (noot onder Cass. 10 januari 2012),",VABB-1,308,311,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328415,,Le fait de se retrancher n'équivaut pas à un privation de liberté (noot onder Cass. 31 mei 2011),VABB-1,319,332,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328416,,"'You can run, but you can't hide' : bespiegelingen omtrent de wet van 6 februari 2012 die nieuwe mogelijkheden creëert voor vervolgingen in absentia van buitenlandse misdrijven",VABB-1,177,186,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328421,,The right to education for all? An assessment of the parents' right in education,VABB-1,40,54,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328422,,Rewriting the author : a narrative approach to empathy in 'Infinite jest' and 'the Pale king',VABB-1,409,427,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328424,,Preliminary comments on the role of courts as regulatory watchdogs,VABB-1,257,270,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328429,,The consumer rights directive - adopted,VABB-1,212,218,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328430,,The impact of EU law on Belgian consumer law terminology,VABB-1,1325,1352,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328432,,"Het voorstel voor een Verordening over een Gemeenschappelijk Europees Kooprecht, zo gek nog niet?",VABB-1,153,165,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328433,,Rimini Protokoll's theatricalization of reality,VABB-4,153,160,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:328435,,"Noot onder EHRM 15 mei 2012, nr. 56030/07",VABB-1,2019,2025,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328436,,"Noot onder EHRM 3 april 2012, nr. 28790/08",VABB-1,1651,1656,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328438,,Verso un divieto generale del «burqa» nei Paesi Bassi,VABB-1,107,132,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:328440,,Balance and Sequence in Online Reviews: The Wrap Effect,VABB-1,71,97,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:328441,,Theoretical evidence for empirical findings of A. Pulgarin on Lotka's law,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328442,,Disciplinary Networks and Bounding: Scientific Communication Between Science and Technology Studies and the History of Science,VABB-1,451,470,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328443,,WTO Non-Violation or Situation Complaints: A Remedy for Extraterritorial Effects on the Human Right to an Adequate Standard of Living,VABB-1,471,475,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328444,,A General Strategy for Analyzing Data From Split-Plot and Multistratum Experimental Designs,VABB-1,340,354,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328445,,Staggered-Level Designs for Experiments With More Than One Hard-to-Change Factor,VABB-1,355,366,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328446,,The relevance of class in shaping authoritarian attitudes: A cross-national perspective,VABB-1,280,295,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328447,,"Who Wrote What When: The Bible, Science and Criticism",VABB-1,301,315,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328448,,Why the European Union is not Delivering. An Essay on the Role of Diversity,VABB-1,365,375,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328449,,European Union member states preparing for europe 2020. an application of the MULTIMOORA method,VABB-1,567,587,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:328450,,VALENCE: affective visualisation using EEG,VABB-1,272,277,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328451,,"Stereotypes, ideology and persuasion in America's Army",VABB-1,35,+,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328453,,Gezinsvorming en vrouwelijke arbeidsparticipatie : de opleidingsgradiënt van voltijds werk en attitudes ten aanzien van gezin en werk in 10 Europese landen,VABB-1,428,461,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328454,,Elite behaviour and elite communication in a divided society : the Belgian federal coalition formation of 2007,VABB-1,500,520,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328456,,Territorialiteit versus personaliteit : a never ending story,VABB-4,61,107,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328461,,Scale and the workplace as level of analysis in transport geography,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328462,,Humour and religion : challenges and ambiguities,VABB-3,,,272 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328465,,Paradigm change in regional policy : towards smart specialisation? Lessons from Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,2,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328467,,The EU regulatory framework on criminal sanctions for ship-source pollution : a consumer law perspective in accordance with international law,VABB-1,209,239,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328473,,Privaatrechtelijke erfdienstbaarheden door het oog van de 21e eeuw,VABB-2,,,118 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328474,,"Cases, materials and text on national, supranational and international property law",VABB-2,,,1170 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328480,,"Het eigendomsvereiste bij onroerende goederen door bestemming, (noot onder Cass. 12 april 2010)",VABB-1,998,1001,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328481,,"Beslag op een derdenrekening van een advocaat : de teloorgang van het vermogensbegrip, (noot onder Cass. 27 januari 2011)",VABB-1,1776,1779,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328482,,"Reïntegranda en erfdienstbaarheid van uitweg : een gedwongen huwelijk?, (noot onder Grondwettelijk Hof 13 januari 2012)",VABB-1,1804,1808,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328488,,A discourse-analytical perspective on sustainability assessment : interpreting sustainable development in practice,VABB-1,187,198,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:328491,,"Software for sustainability assessment : a case study in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam",VABB-1,541,550,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:328499,,"Everything costs its own cost, and one of our best virtues is a just desire to pay it : an analysis of Belgian law",VABB-4,79,88,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328506,,Commune a tous par largesse de pure charité = Common love in Beatrice of Nazareth and Marguerite Porete,VABB-1,297,323,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328507,,Nog enkele artikelen van Henricus Suso,VABB-1,355,363,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328510,,Het verlies van een kans op het verlies van een kans,VABB-1,229,233,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328515,,'Etre libre de nom et esclave de fait' : de Brabantse constituties tijdens de Franse periode (Zuidelijke Nederlanden),VABB-1,126,140,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328518,,De motivering van gemeentebelastingen in het kader van de toetsing van de eerbiediging van het non-discriminatiebeginsel : naar een niet-discriminerende behandeling van de gemeenten? (noot onder Rb. Hasselt 3 maart 2011),VABB-1,917,921,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328520,,De ambtshalve taxatie als garantie voor het recht van verdediging in geval van betwisting over de toepassing van lokale belastingen (noot onder Cass. 21 oktober 2010),VABB-1,1254,1257,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328525,,Old regions and new regions in the economic history of the medieval Low Countries : a comment on the notion of economic change in Bas van Bavel's 'Manors and markets',VABB-1,103,113,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328533,,"Contractweigering en het verbod van rechtsmisbruik : de contractvrijheid onder druk (noot onder Cass., 7 oktober 2011)",VABB-1,491,495,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328538,,Multi-objective optimization of well-being in the European Union member states,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:328540,,"Religie, ongeloof en fanatisme in de Encyclopédie",VABB-1,371,387,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328542,,"Zwangerschapsafbreking onder morele dwang, (noot onder Antwerpen 13 januari 2012)",VABB-1,136,140,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328543,,Hybrid evolutionary metaheuristics for concurrent multi-objective design of urban road and public transit networks,VABB-1,441,480,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328544,,De impact van regularisatie op de socio-economische trajecten van migranten : de Belgische regularisatie van 2000,VABB-1,159,193,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328545,,Mefisto : een nieuw microsimulatiemodel voor Vlaanderen,VABB-1,545,573,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328546,,Een kinderzorguitkering : de opwaardering van kinderzorgtijd in een tweeverdienerstijdperk,VABB-1,629,655,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328549,,eYouth : between opportunities and risks,VABB-4,13,36,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328552,,"Exhibición y programación cinematográfica en Monterrey, México de 1922 a 1962 : un estudio de caso desde la perspectiva de la ""Nueva historia del cine""",VABB-1,73,94,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:328558,,L'impact de la régularisation sur les parcours socioéconomiques des migrants : la régularisation belge de 2000,VABB-1,155,194,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328561,,Ex libris Baestaens : papieren paradepaardjes voor Consciences jubileumjaar,VABB-1,207,213,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328563,,Designing the word of God : layout and typography of Flemish 16th-century folio bibles published in the vernacular,VABB-1,143,179,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328564,,"Nog enkele artikelen van Henricus Suso, Utrecht, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Fragment 4.13",VABB-1,355,363,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328565,,Albert Deblaere on the relationship between christian and non-christian mystical literature,VABB-4,191,197,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328566,,Jesuit spirituality in the Low Countries in dialogue with the older mystical tradition,VABB-5,3,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328567,,The hidden revelation of God : Brabantine mystics on the incarnation in the present,VABB-4,319,333,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328572,,Het thema van de overgave bij Beatrijs van Nazareth (1200-1268),VABB-4,7,12,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328575,,Eendracht als een vorm van overgave : Jan van Ruusbroec in Van den geesteliken Tabernakel,VABB-4,29,36,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328577,,De 'Mengeldichten' van pseudo-Hadewijch : een onderzoek van enkele vormaspecten,VABB-1,403,427,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:328579,,Illustrations in early printed Latin bibles in the Low Countries (1477-1547),VABB-4,41,62,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328580,,"Introduction to ""Wading lambs and swimming elephants"" : the bible for the laity and theologians in the late medieval and early modern era",VABB-4,9,12,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328581,,"""Wading lambs and swimming elephants"" : the bible for the laity and theologians in the late medieval and early modern era",VABB-3,,,406 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328582,,Am Rand : Grenzen und Peripherien in der europäisch-jüdischen Literatur,VABB-3,,,277 p.,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:328584,,Nietzsche and Taylor between truth and meaning,VABB-1,168,189,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328585,,Nietzsche and Taylor tussen waarheid en zin,VABB-1,36,56,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328586,,Nietzsche en het Europese nihilisme : kritische bibliografie van Paul van Tongerens Het Europese nihilisme : Friedrich Nietzsche over een dreiging die niemand schijnt te deren,VABB-1,164,170,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328591,,Stabilizing features in substandard Flemish : the chat language of Flemish teenagers as a test case,VABB-1,129,148,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328592,,"Een naeckt kindt, een naeckt vrauwken ende andere figueren : an analysis of nude representations in the Brussels domestic setting",VABB-4,117,128,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328593,,"Photography, public pedagogy and the politics of place-making in post-industrial areas",VABB-1,699,718,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328594,,"Brussel binnenskamers : kunst- en luxebezit in het spanningsveld tussen hof en stad, 1600-1735",VABB-2,,,391 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328596,,De regulatiebenadering : de onwaarschijnlijke reproductie van het kapitalisme,VABB-1,36,56,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328597,,Over de problematische 'I' in internationale politieke economie : een meerschalig perspectief op de kritische politieke economie van de crisis,VABB-1,109,117,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328614,,Film audiences in perspective : the social practices of cinema-going,VABB-4,123,140,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328617,,L'acculturation juridique des pratiques commerciales à Anvers : l'exemple de la lettre de change (16e-17e siècle),VABB-4,151,160,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:328620,,All law is plural : legal pluralism and the distinctiveness of law,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328621,,Apologia dellambivalenza : la negoziazione come trama della politica,VABB-1,279,305,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:328624,,Does legal institutionalism rule out legal pluralism? Schmitts institutional theory and the problem of the concrete order,VABB-1,42,59,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328625,,Legality and legitimacy of exporting democracy,VABB-4,414,438,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328628,,The legal theory of Carl Schmitt,VABB-2,,,204 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328630,,Self-sufficiency of law : a critical-institutional theory of social order,VABB-2,,,245 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328631,,De wet betreffende de precontractuele informatie bij commerciële samenwerkingsovereenkomsten : zes jaar toepassing in de praktijk,VABB-1,162,175,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328633,,Perceptual phenomenology,VABB-1,235,246,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328635,,Anti-pornography : André Kertészs distortions,VABB-4,191,205,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328643,,"Het abstract, autonoom en letterlijk karakter van de bankgarantie op eerste verzoek",VABB-1,1282,1290,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328644,,From queer to gay to : the names we dare to speak in Poland,VABB-1,65,98,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328648,,"Bye bye ""Hello ladies""? In-vision announcers as continuity technique in a European postlinear television landscape : the case of Flanders and Norway",VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328652,,Is there an alternative to intra-European bilateral investment treaties framework under European law?,VABB-4,353,398,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328654,,If and when : towards standard-based regulation in the reduction of catastrophic risks,VABB-4,115,136,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328659,,Opinie : studentenevaluaties in het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,270,281,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328663,,"""Comme si réellement nous venions d'une source dépouvante"" : Maeterlinck et l'idéalisme symboliste",VABB-1,12,34,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328668,,"Sports governance, development and corporate responsibility",VABB-3,,,206 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328669,,"Creative city, city marketing, creative industries and cultural policy : challenges for Antwerp",VABB-4,153,159,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328671,,Unlocking the potential of time-driven activity-based costing for small logistics companies,VABB-1,303,322,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328672,,An empirical investigation of lead-time reduction in purchasing groups : evidence for SMEs,VABB-1,379,392,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328673,,How biological is human history? Kants use of biological concepts and its implications for history as moral anthropology,VABB-1,252,268,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328674,,Digital as the new popular in African cinema? Case studies from the continent,VABB-1,112,127,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328676,,Changing dimensionality in the political issue space : effects on political party competition,VABB-5,690,696,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328682,,Improving enterprise architecture evaluation based on concepts from the normalized systems theory,VABB-1,38,50,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328683,,Winstmanipulatie na het geven van vrijwillige winstvoorspellingen in het IPO : een al dan niet terechte vrees?,VABB-1,2,26,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328684,,Het gebruik van grafieken als instrument voor presentatieverbetering in de jaarverslagen van Belgische ondernemingen,VABB-1,2,25,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328689,,The impact of TMT knowledge diversity on organizational ambidexterity : a conceptual framework,VABB-1,8,26,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328702,,El impacto de los cambios en el sistema generalizado de preferencias (SGP) de la Unión Europea (UE) en paises asiáticos y latinomericanos,VABB-1,65,87,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:328706,,Latin inscriptions and the life course : regio III (Bruttium and Lucania) as a test case,VABB-1,95,113,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328707,,Economic diplomacy : economic and political perspectives,VABB-3,,,230 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328708,,Consular affairs and diplomacy,VABB-3,,,333 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328711,,Public diplomacy,VABB-4,192,208,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328712,,Monetary policy and stock prices in small open economies: Empirical evidence for the new EU member states,VABB-1,372,390,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328713,,Designing the Space of Linguistic Knowledge: A Typographic Analysis of Sixteenth-Century Dictionaries,VABB-1,325,346,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328716,,History and future of the European Board of Ophthalmology Diploma examination,VABB-1,-,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328726,,Een eerste verkenning van het voorstel Verordening bescherming persoonsgegevens,VABB-1,185,199,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328729,,L'Oréal v. eBay : the Court of Justice clarifies the position of online auction providers,VABB-1,129,136,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328731,,"IPR : internationale bevoegdheid bij e-commerce geschillen, Noot onder H.J.E.U., 7 dec. 2010, C-585/08",VABB-1,266,269,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328733,,L'Oréal v. eBay : is the tide finally turning for hosting providers?,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328736,,Il Mediterraneo di Massimo Bontempelli,VABB-4,631,649,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:328740,,"Discursos, políticas y prácticas de convivencia en la Europa del siglo 21 : una traducción antropológica",VABB-1,1,10,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:328741,,Nuevos patrones de identidad y memoria en la Europa transmoderna,VABB-1,170,184,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:328743,,"Apresentação, deslocamentos : estudos no duplo campo de tradução e antropologia",VABB-1,11,17,,por,2012,2 c:vabb:328744,,Bibliografia parcial,VABB-1,187,200,,por,2012,2 c:vabb:328746,,Derivational morphology and skilled reading: an empirical overview,VABB-4,311,332,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328747,,Impact of an interactive anti-speeding threat appeal : how much threat is too much?,VABB-1,281,289,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:328749,,Robust rhymes? The stability of authorial style in medieval narratives,VABB-1,54,76,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328750,,Data mining techniques for software effort estimation: a comparative study,VABB-1,375,397,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328753,,Give the reader something to drink : performativity in the Middle Low German **Flos unde Blankeflos**,VABB-1,81,101,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:328754,,An analysis of household waste management policy using system dynamics modelling,VABB-1,351,370,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:328755,,Active boards of directors in foreign subsidiaries,VABB-1,153,168,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:328761,,Content vs. style : acquiescence in student evaluations of teaching?,VABB-1,3,21,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328764,,Performing phenomenology : negotiating presence in intermedial theatre,VABB-1,275,284,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:328766,,Combating in-work poverty in continental Europe : an investigation using the Belgian case,VABB-1,19,41,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328772,,Hoe behoeftegericht werken NT2-lesgevers? Een onderzoek naar de onderwijsaanpak bij VDAB en de CVO's,VABB-1,307,322,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328778,,Commuting trips within tours : how is commuting related to land use?,VABB-1,465,486,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:328784,,Do board composition and investor type influence innovativeness in SMEs?,VABB-1,285,308,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328786,,The EU at work? The European employment strategy from crisis to crisis,VABB-1,335,356,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328796,,Benchmarking regression algorithms for loss given default modeling,VABB-1,161,170,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328804,,Optimal design of experiments : a case study approach,VABB-2,,,304 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328821,,The discourse of medical tourism in the media,VABB-1,31,44,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328827,,Second hand vessel value estimation in maritime economics : a review of the past 20 years and the proposal of an elementary method,VABB-1,213,236,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:328829,,Multiconfessionalism in a commercial metropolis : the case of 16th-century Antwerp,VABB-4,75,97,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328832,,The long road to universal antiretroviral treatment coverage in South Africa,VABB-1,801,812,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:328833,,"Team learning and innovation in nursing, a review of the literature",VABB-1,65,70,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328864,,Discourse perspectives on competence in organizations,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328868,,New insights into churn prediction in the telecommunication sector : a profit driven data mining approach,VABB-1,211,229,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328869,,The economic crisis and European integration,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328871,,"From mechanical to organic solidarity, and back : with Honneth beyond Durkheim",VABB-1,454,470,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328883,,EU free movement of persons and member states solidarity systems : searching for a balance,VABB-4,47,74,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328886,,Contemporary discourses on non-heterosexual and gender non-conforming citizens of Turkey,VABB-1,10,31,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328889,,Rail commuting to workplaces in Belgium : a multilevel approach,VABB-1,67,87,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328891,,A multi-attribute systemic risk index for comparing and prioritizing chemical industrial areas,VABB-1,35,42,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328892,,Man-made versus biological in-air sonar systems,VABB-4,195,207,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328893,,Household preferences for municipal water services in Nicaragua,VABB-1,105,126,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328899,,"Het arrest-Melki-Abdeli van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie : een voorwaardelijk ""fiat"" voor de voorrang van de toetsing aan de Grondwet op de toetsing aan het internationaal en Europees recht",VABB-1,770,794,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328904,,Burundi,VABB-4,295,304,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:328905,,Logging tools to study digital writing processes,VABB-4,507,533,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328906,,Prevention in the chemical and process industries : future directions,VABB-1,227,231,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328914,,De levenskwaliteit van transgender personen in Vlaanderen,VABB-2,,,141 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328915,,Long-term care financing in Belgium,VABB-4,300,321,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328916,,"The personalization of mediated political communication : a review of concepts, operationalizations and key findings",VABB-1,203,220,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328917,,"Political balance in the news : a review of concepts, operationalizations and key findings",VABB-1,240,257,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328927,,Youngsters and online political participation : a story in need of qualification,VABB-4,101,123,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328928,,Oost-West mobiliteit en de bestuurlijke europeanisering van steden : een vergelijkende studie van de cases Gent en Rotterdam,VABB-1,291,326,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328929,,"Co-optation : cooperation or competition? Microfinance and the new left in Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua",VABB-1,143,160,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328930,,Nuclear proliferation and nuclear disarmament : a complicated relationship,VABB-4,317,326,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328931,,"What determines carpooling to workplaces in Belgium : location, organisation, or promotion",VABB-1,77,86,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328940,,Nationhood from below : Europe in the long nineteenth century,VABB-3,,,280 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328944,,"Authoritarianism, social dominance orientation, and religious identity : a cross-cultural comparison",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328945,,Optimized filtering reduces the error rate in detecting genomic variants by short-read sequencing,VABB-1,61,68,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328946,,Towards evolvable software architectures based on systems theoretic stability,VABB-1,89,116,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328948,,An OPC UA interface for an evolvable ISA88 control module,VABB-5,1,9,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:328950,,Probability markers in Croatian and Belgian advertisements and tolerance for ambiguity,VABB-4,376,397,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328951,,The adoption of interactive digital television by advertising professionals : exploring an international marketing communication medium,VABB-4,133,152,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328953,,A parricidal memory : Flanders memorial universe as product and producer of Belgian history,VABB-1,32,44,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328958,,Development and validation of a questionnaire measuring teachers motivations for teaching in higher education,VABB-1,421,436,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328960,,Mag de vrije beroepsbeoefenaar eindelijk gewoon onderneming heten? (noot onder GwH 6 april 2011),VABB-1,905,910,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328962,,Ideology in language use : pragmatic guidelines for empirical research,VABB-2,,,377 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328963,,Classification of three-level strength-3 arrays,VABB-1,794,809,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328964,,Auditory-perceptual speech analysis in children with cerebellar tumours : a long-term follow-up study,VABB-1,434,442,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328965,,Two-level designs of strength 3 and up to 48 runs,VABB-1,163,174,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328970,,Het recht voor elkeen die wordt verhoord op consultatie van en bijstand door een advocaat na de Salduz-wet van 13 augustus 2011,VABB-1,934,952,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328971,,The Cambridge companion to Thomas Pynchon,VABB-3,,,193 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328972,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328973,,Early Pynchon,VABB-4,19,29,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328975,,Cultural differences in the environmental worldview of children,VABB-1,21,32,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328980,,When regional becomes national : the production and reception of Flemish TV drama in a cultural divided country,VABB-1,13,23,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:328981,,"Adolescents, online marketing and privacy : predicting adolescents' willingness to disclose pesonal information for marketing purposes",VABB-1,-,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328982,,eYouth : balancing between opportunities and risks,VABB-3,,,296 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328985,,"Consumenten, samenaankoop en de Wet Marktpraktijken",VABB-1,234,242,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:328986,,Can digital pictures qualify as photographs,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328987,,Exploring supportive and developmental career management through business strategies and coaching,VABB-1,99,120,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328989,,Muslimahs impact on and acquisition of Islamic religious authority in Flanders,VABB-4,301,322,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328990,,The furrows of Rhinolophidae revisited,VABB-1,1100,1103,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:328992,,The European Union and multilateral trade governance : the politics of the Doha Round,VABB-3,,,224 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:328993,,Naar Europese referentiebudgetten voor maatschappelijke participatie? Wat leren de Belgische budgetten?,VABB-4,97,115,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328994,,Vers des budgets de référence européens pour la participation sociale? Que nous apprennent les budgets belges?,VABB-4,215,238,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328995,,Hoogte en adequaatbeleid van de Belgische sociale minima in de periode 2000-2011,VABB-4,215,238,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:328996,,Niveau et adéquation des minima sociaux belges au cours de la période 2000-2011,VABB-4,221,244,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:328997,,The macro and the micro : Andreas Gurskys aesthetics,VABB-1,91,100,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329005,,Gated communities? Regulating migration in early modern cities,VABB-3,,,308 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329006,,Regulating migration in early modern cities : an introduction,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329008,,Structure from flow for calibration of an array air-flow sensor,VABB-1,307,315,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329010,,The cognitive demands on cooperation in social dilemmas : an fMRI study,VABB-1,494,509,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329011,,"The rise and fall of modernistic music in Brussels, 1919-1939",VABB-1,44,66,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329012,,"The viability of local payments for watershed services : empirical evidence from Matiguás, Nicaragua",VABB-1,169,176,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329013,,Towards a new intermediate hub region in container shipping? Relay and interlining via the Cape route vs. the Suez route,VABB-1,164,178,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329014,,_Challenges for container river services on the Yangtze: case study for Chongqing,VABB-1,41,49,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329015,,Current practices in European ports on the awarding of seaport terminals to private operators: towards an industry good practice guide,VABB-1,107,123,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329017,,Port competition and competitiveness,VABB-4,549,571,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329018,,Container shipping,VABB-4,230,262,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329021,,Navorming voor huisartsen in Vlaanderen inzake palliatieve zorg : een doorlichting van het registratiesysteem,VABB-1,109,115,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329022,,Multi-abstraction layered business process modeling,VABB-1,131,147,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329023,,Model-based electron microscopy : from images toward precise numbers for unknown structure parameters,VABB-1,509,515,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329024,,Precision of three-dimensional atomic scale measurements from HRTEM images : what are the limits?,VABB-1,20,30,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329027,,On the mobility policies of companies : what are the good practices? The Belgian case,VABB-1,10,19,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329028,,Legislatieve validatie in fiscalibus: rechtsbescherming voor de overheid?,VABB-1,126,131,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329030,,Path dependence : a political economy perspective,VABB-1,158,165,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329032,,Artikel 14ter RvS-wet als alternatief voor legislatieve validatie? Of hoe het ene probleem door het andere vervangen wordt,VABB-1,100,113,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329033,,Brussels as political world city,VABB-4,486,497,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329036,,"Value innovation, deliberate learning mechanisms and information from supply chain partners",VABB-1,27,39,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329040,,Localising the human rights of children,VABB-4,80,93,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329041,,Consonant inventories in the spontaneous speech of young children : a bootstrapping procedure,VABB-1,164,187,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329042,,The acquisition of scalar structures : production of adjectives and degree markers by Dutch-speaking children and their caregivers,VABB-1,241,268,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329043,,Transition towards sustainable material innovation : evidence and evaluation of the Flemish case,VABB-1,63,72,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:329044,,De Beurs van Brussel uit de vergetelheid : de eerste resultaten van een onderzoeksprogramma,VABB-1,507,527,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329055,,"Freiheit und Endlichkeit : Cassirer, Heidegger und Kant",VABB-4,195,216,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:329059,,Port congestion and implications to maritime logistics,VABB-4,49,68,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329060,,Multiple equilibria in the dynamics of financial globalization : the role of institutions,VABB-1,329,342,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329061,,Filmaffiches uit bezet Leuven (1940-1944) : getuigen van een gestuurd filmaanbod tussen propaganda en pragmatisme,VABB-4,79,95,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329066,,The media richness of Flemish teenagers : a multi-method approach to the appropriation of media technologies,VABB-4,37,55,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329069,,Detecting hidden violence : the spatial distribution of excess mortality in Rwanda,VABB-1,44,56,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329071,,Self-serving causal disclosures and short-term IPO valuation : evidence from China,VABB-1,49,75,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329074,,A game-theory based multi-plant collaboration model(MCM) for cross-plant prevention in a chemical cluster,VABB-1,164,176,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329075,,Situating social imaginaries in transitional justice : the Bushingantahe in Burundi,VABB-1,40,59,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329077,,From laggard to leader : explaining the Belgian gender quotas and parity clause,VABB-1,362,379,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329078,,"Over onrechtmatige afwerving van cliënteel : veel geblaat, weinig wol (noot onder Kh. Dendermonde 15 oktober 2009)",VABB-1,1137,1140,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329079,,"Noot onder Comm. Namur, 10 mars 2010,",VABB-1,59,68,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329080,,"Changing publication patterns in the social sciences and humanities, 2000-2009",VABB-1,373,390,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329083,,Subjectivity and embodiment,VABB-4,97,114,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329084,,The sacred in the city,VABB-3,,,265 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329085,,Framing the sacred in the city : an introduction,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329086,,Sacred horror vacui : a philosophical reflection,VABB-4,15,30,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329092,,De aanpak van strafrechtelijke problemen in de sport door private organisaties: de Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond als casestudy,VABB-1,19,39,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329098,,The classic coming out novel : unacknowledged challenges to the heterosexual mainstream,VABB-1,94,118,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329100,,A longitudinal analysis of knowledge spillovers in the classroom,VABB-4,157,177,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329101,,"Past, present and future of EDiNEB from the perspectives of participants and management team",VABB-4,237,246,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329102,,Learning at the crossroads of theory and practice : an overview,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329103,,Learning at the crossroads of theory and practice : research on innovative learning practices,VABB-3,,,255 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329104,,Has Europe got anything to do with the European elections? A study on split-ticket voting in the Belgian regional and European elections of 2009,VABB-1,3,25,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329106,,The perceived impact of publications on Neglected Tropical Zoonoses as measured by their impact factor,VABB-1,331,342,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329107,,The travelling salesperson problem with hotel selection,VABB-1,207,217,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329109,,"Pleasure to play, arousal to stay : the effect of player emotions on digital game preferences and playing time",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329112,,"De architect, landmeter en notaris onderworpen aan de bepalingen inzake onrechtmatige bedingen uit de Wet Marktpraktijken? De vrije beroepsbeoefenaar is steeds meer gewoon onderneming (noot onder GwH 6 april 2011)",VABB-1,18,21,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329114,,The blind and the lame : Marie Luise Kaschnitzs **Zoon Politikon**,VABB-4,333,343,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:329124,,Antidepressiva en risico op bloedingen : een literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,225,234,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329125,,Do environmental attitudes and food technology neophobia affect perceptions of the benefits of nanotechnology?,VABB-1,149,157,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329137,,IT outsourcing partnerships and cultural differences : an analysis of European-Asian projects,VABB-1,388,408,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329140,,Toen barstte de bom: het Grondwettelijk Hof handhaaft in een prejudicieel arrest de gevolgen van een vastgestelde ongrondwettigheid,VABB-1,1230,1241,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329145,,Connectives,VABB-4,377,401,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329147,,The diverging need (to)'s of Asian Englishes,VABB-4,55,75,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329149,,A ranking of safety journals using different measurement methods,VABB-1,1445,1451,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329150,,Paradoxes in the meaning of quotas in Belgium,VABB-4,153,172,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329160,,Heidegger and the question concerning biotechnology,VABB-1,32,54,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329161,,"Mapping the WTO interest group system : exploring density, diversity, and stability over time",VABB-4,180,201,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329162,,Energiearmoede in België,VABB-4,179,201,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329163,,La précarité énergétique en Belgique,VABB-4,185,208,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329164,,Security aspects of uni- and multi-modal hazmat transportation systems,VABB-3,,,302 p.,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329165,,History and importance of hazmat transportation,VABB-4,9,15,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329168,,"The structure of optimism : "" controllability affects the extent to which efficacy beliefs shape outcome expectancies""",VABB-1,854,867,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329171,,"Hof van Justitie 22 december 2010 en 12 mei 2011, zaken C-208/09, Sayn-Wittgenstein en C-391/09, Runevic-Verdyn en Wardyn",VABB-1,76,81,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329172,,Enhancing market power by reducing switching costs,VABB-1,359,361,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329174,,De krachtlijnen van de fiscale bevoegdheidsverdeling in België na het Institutioneel Akkoord voor de zesde staatshervorming van 11 oktober 2011,VABB-1,4,26,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329175,,"Re-Member: Rehabilitation, Reintegration and Reconciliation of War-Affected Children",VABB-3,,,568 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329176,,The Convention on the Rights of the Child : repertoires of NGO participation,VABB-1,33,64,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329177,,"_Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all? Distributional sensitivity in the measurement of socioeconomic inequality of health",VABB-1,257,270,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329178,,Texts beyond borders : multilingualism and textual scholarship,VABB-3,,,296 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329180,,Research opportunities in auditing in the EU,VABB-1,115,126,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329182,,Summary for policymakers,VABB-4,3,26,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329183,,Technical summary,VABB-4,27,160,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329184,,Renewable energy and climate change,VABB-4,161,208,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329185,,"Policy, financing and implementation",VABB-4,865,952,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329186,,"Glossary, acronyms, chemical symbols and prefixes",VABB-4,953,972,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329187,,Methodology,VABB-4,973,1000,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329188,,Recent renewable energy cost and performance parameters,VABB-4,1001,1022,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329190,,Land productivity of seaport terminals : the role of exogenous factors,VABB-1,219,237,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329192,,The worldwide maritime network of container shipping : spatial structure and regional dynamics,VABB-1,395,423,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329195,,_US tactical nuclear weapons in Europe after NATO's Lisbon summit : why their imminent withdrawal is desirable and feasible,VABB-1,78,100,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329196,,De eliminatie van kernwapens : de rol van raketafweersystemen,VABB-1,118,121,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329199,,De Vlaming : een hevige en trouwe supporter van de publieke omroep,VABB-4,63,85,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329204,,Denied ethnicism: On the Walloon Movement in Belgium,VABB-1,230,246,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329215,,Weten of vergeten? Historisch onderzoek in archieven van geheime diensten van voormalige dictaturen,VABB-1,65,79,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:329217,,End-of-life decisions and demented patients. What to do if the patients current and past wishes are in conflict with each other?,VABB-1,177,186,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329218,,"Breaking the in-group out-group : shifting boundaries in transnational partner choice processes of individuals of Moroccan, Tunesian, Algerian, Turkish, Punjabi Sikh, Pakistani and Albanian descent in Belgium",VABB-1,460,478,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:329219,,"My daughter is a free woman, so she can't marry a Muslim : the gendering of ethno-religious boundaries",VABB-1,157,171,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329226,,The renewed EU social security coordination in regulation No. 883/2004 and its link with bilateral tax agreements,VABB-1,98,111,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329229,,"Definitieve arbeidsongeschiktheid bekeken vanuit het anti-discriminatierecht : wordt het recht op redelijke aanpassingen voor werknemers met een ""beperking"" niet al te zeer ""beperkt",VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329232,,"New Belgian stock market returns, 1832-1914",VABB-1,189,204,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329233,,Children affected by armed conflict at the intersection of three fields of study,VABB-4,1,31,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329242,,De VRT in de 21ste eeuw : overbodige luxe of maatschappelijke noodzaak,VABB-2,,,210 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329243,,Inleiding,VABB-4,7,17,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329244,,Een blik achteruit : de publieke omroep in Vlaanderen in historisch perspectief,VABB-4,19,31,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329245,,Naar een nieuwe beheersovereenkomst,VABB-4,51,63,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329246,,"De beheersovereenkomst, 2012-2016 : niemand tevreden, niemand ongelukkig?",VABB-4,117,131,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329247,,Conclusies,VABB-4,133,139,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329249,,From thought to modality : a theoretical framework for analysing structural-conceptual metaphors and image metaphors,VABB-1,96,113,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329251,,Is there a Belgian public sphere? What the case of a federal multilingual country can contribute to the debate on transnational public spheres and vice versa,VABB-4,172,204,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329256,,"The maritime shipment of LNG to Europe : dynamics in markets, ships and terminal projects",VABB-1,339,357,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329257,,Visual sociology reframed : an analytical synthesis and discussion of visual methods in social and cultural research,VABB-4,179,211,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329262,,"Leerbereidheid van leerlingen aanwakkeren : principes die motiveren, inspireren én werken",VABB-2,,,190 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329263,,"Onderzoekend leren stimuleren : effecten, maatregelen en principes",VABB-2,,,129 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329265,,Concept of the Flemish human biomonitoring programme,VABB-1,102,108,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329270,,Dynasty and piety : Archduke Albert (1598-1621) and Habsburg political culture in an age of religious wars,VABB-2,,,592 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329271,,Willem van Haecht and Tielman Susato as innovators of vernacular songs,VABB-4,293,299,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:329275,,The process and results of school self evaluation through the eyes of experts : a Delphi-study,VABB-1,47,61,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329280,,De formele wetgever verzet zich met veel energie tegen EU recht : the charge of the light brigade (noot sub GwH 31 mei 2011),VABB-1,43,49,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329281,,Notes on the role of metapragmatic awareness in language use,VABB-4,202,217,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:329287,,Een stylometrisch onderzoek naar Jan van Boendales auteurschap voor de Brabantse Yeesten,VABB-1,1019,1048,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:329288,,What can stylometry learn from its application to Middle Dutch literature?,VABB-1,46,65,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329294,,Centenaire de Léon-Gontran Damas,VABB-1,1,7,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329303,,Integrating risk and sustainability : a holistic and integrated framework for optimizing the risk decision and expertise rad (ORDER),VABB-1,25,32,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329304,,TePiTri : a screening method for assessing terrorist-related pipeline transport risks,VABB-1,173,186,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329305,,"Tycoons and contraband : informal cross-border trade in West Nile, North-Western Uganda",VABB-1,47,63,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329306,,Rebels without borders in the Rwenzori borderland? A biography of the Allied Democratic Forces,VABB-1,154,176,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329307,,A tutorial on the deterministic Impulse Control Maximum Principle : necessary and sufficient optimality conditions,VABB-1,18,26,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329308,,A preliminary investigation on diffusion through a layered system,VABB-1,177,191,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329309,,Averages of ratios compared to ratios of averages : mathematical results,VABB-1,307,317,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329310,,Increased orienting to unexpected action outcomes in schizophrenia schizophrenia,VABB-1,"32,1","32,7",,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329311,,"Social influence, agent heterogeneity and the emergence of the urban informal sector",VABB-1,1563,1574,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329312,,A framework for knowledge integration and diffusion,VABB-1,31,44,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329313,,"From sin to insanity? Suicide trials in the Spanish Netherlands, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries",VABB-1,981,1002,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329314,,"The association between Islamic religion, religiosity and academic achievement",VABB-1,339,353,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329318,,Port hinterland connections : a comparative study of Polish and Belgian cases,VABB-5,59,68,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329319,,"Women, peace and security : addressing accountability for wartime sexual violence",VABB-1,576,593,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329321,,Audience motivations to donate : the case of the Catalan telethon La marató de TV3,VABB-1,57,71,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329323,,"Jaarlijkse vakantieregelingen bij de Vlaamse lokale besturen : stand van zaken, knelpunten en beleidsvoorstellen",VABB-2,,,300 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329324,,Statutaire of contractuele tewerkstelling : een strategische keuze,VABB-4,67,88,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329325,,Beloningsbeleid,VABB-4,190,210,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329330,,Parenting stress and marital relationship as determinants of mothers' and fathers' parenting,VABB-1,259,276,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:329333,,Positive spill-over effects of ART scale-up on wider health systems development : evidence from Ethiopia and Malawi,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:329336,,Metaphors in Buster Keaton's short films,VABB-1,133,147,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329337,,I-optimal versus D-optimal split-plot response surface designs,VABB-1,85,101,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329338,,De digitale kloof en/in elektronische dienstverlening : een catch-22?,VABB-1,46,70,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:329339,,"How to measure public administration performance : a conceptual model with applications for budgeting, human resources management, and open government",VABB-1,489,508,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329340,,Recht en publiek management : een schimmenspel?,VABB-1,74,80,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329342,,A multimodal framework for analyzing websites as cultural expressions,VABB-1,247,265,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329343,,De Vlaamse vredesbeweging na de Koude Oorlog : gewogen en vederlicht bevonden,VABB-1,66,71,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329344,,Financial appraisal of efficiency investments : why the good may be the worst enemy of the best,VABB-1,571,582,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329345,,Assessing the performance of renewable electricity support instruments,VABB-1,635,644,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329346,,L'origine et les ingrédients du discours hagiographique,VABB-1,35,70,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:329347,,Transformaties van geloof,VABB-1,45,64,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:329349,,The role of teacher's expectations in the association between children's SES and performance in kindergarten : a moderated mediation analysis,VABB-1,"e34502,1","e34502,8",,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329352,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,68,72,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329354,,"From usages of merchants to default rules : practices of trade, ius commune and urban law in early modern Antwerp",VABB-1,3,29,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329357,,De motivering van de straf en strafmaat: een onderzoek naar de toepassing ervan in de praktijk. Komt de huidige motiveringspraktijk tegemoet aan de door de strafwetgever vooropgestelde doelstellingen?,VABB-1,131,149,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329361,,Over het gebruik van een afkorting als vennootschapsnaam,VABB-1,360,364,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:329363,,Brèves remarques sur Franco Moretti,VABB-1,89,96,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329364,,Diasporicità sull'esempio di Erich Auerbach in Gad Lerner e Miro Silvera,VABB-4,361,374,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329371,,How (Not) to talk about education today? From evidence-based to concern-oriented policy,VABB-5,1,27,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329372,,Christological aspects of the mystical union with God in John of Ruusbroec and the Arnhem mystical sermons,VABB-1,505,537,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:329373,,Preface,VABB-4,5,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329376,,Modifying the 'Positive Parenting Program' for parents with intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,616,626,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:329384,,Wat doet politieke participatie met een mens?,VABB-1,141,162,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329387,,"De wet in het verkeerde daglicht gesteld : Kant over deugd, autocratie en de hang naar het kwaad",VABB-1,65,101,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:329391,,_Determinants for assigning value-added logistics services to logistics centers within a supply chain configuration,VABB-1,3,41,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329392,,The repartition of tax powers in federal states within the context of the European Union,VABB-1,123,132,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329393,,The corporate geography of global container terminal operators,VABB-1,249,279,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329394,,Hoe neutraal is kerkfinanciering? Kritische analyse van het Belgische erkennings- en ondersteuningsbeleid,VABB-1,12,27,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329397,,Market strategy renewal as a dynamic incremental process,VABB-1,720,728,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329400,,"Local encounters with globetrotters : tourism's potential for street vendors in Cusco, Peru",VABB-1,601,619,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329401,,Editing bilingual Beckett : the Case of Cascando,VABB-4,211,227,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329403,,De motiveringsverplichting tijdens het vooronderzoek,VABB-1,85,107,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329404,,¿Cuánto aprendí en la enseñanza secundaria ? Las actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios de primer año respecto a la relación enseñanza-aprendizaje de su segunda lengua en la escuela secundaria en tres contextos internacionales,VABB-1,159,184,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:329405,,Burundi's Truth and Reconciliation Commission: how to shed light on the past while standing in the dark shadow of politics?,VABB-1,355,365,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329406,,Social inclusion and social protection in the EU : interactions between law and policy,VABB-3,,,231 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329407,,Filosofie aan de Universiteit Antwerpen,VABB-1,3,9,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:329409,,Wording effects and the factor structure of the hospital anxiety & depression scale in HIV/AIDS patients on antiretroviral treatment in South Africa,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329411,,Media coverage in times of political crisis : a text mining approach,VABB-1,11616,11622,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329412,,Het bereik van het mentale : van uitgebreid naar omvattend geheugen,VABB-1,103,127,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:329413,,Notions of (inter)subjectivity,VABB-1,53,76,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329414,,De duur van de svarabhaktivocaal in het Standaardnederlands : een pioniersstudie,VABB-1,2,19,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:329415,,Social protection and social inclusion in the EU : any interaction between law and policy?,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329416,,Union law and the fight against poverty : which legal instruments?,VABB-4,205,231,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329417,,Nijvelse rechtbank bevestigt de onbelastbaarheid van het sterfhuisbeding (noot onder Rb. Nijvel 6 januari 2012),VABB-1,21,29,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329424,,"Samenwerking tussen concurrenten, dat komt als eb en vloed : wijsheid is maat",VABB-1,130,140,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329429,,Efficient metaheuristics to solve the intermodal terminal location problem,VABB-1,2079,2090,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329430,,The captive or the broker? Explaining public agency-interest group interactions,VABB-1,291,314,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329431,,Theory and practice of the shifted Lotka function,VABB-1,295,301,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329433,,Better to give than to take? Interactive social decision-making in severe major depressive disorder,VABB-1,98,105,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329434,,Basic properties of both percentile rank scores and the I3 indicator,VABB-1,416,420,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329435,,A modified Cournot model of the natural gas market in the European Union : mixed-motives delegation in a politicized environment,VABB-1,280,285,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329436,,Religiosity as a moderator of the relationship between authoritarianism and social dominance orientation : a cross-cultural comparison,VABB-1,31,41,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329437,,Static efficiency decompositions and capacity utilization : integrating economic and technical capacity notions,VABB-1,4125,4141,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329438,,First stone especially in the Netherlands in the Middle Ages and beyond,VABB-1,919,931,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329443,,Boards and directors : leadership and accountability,VABB-4,181,195,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329446,,Handelsagentuur en arbitrage (noot onder Cass. 3 november 2011),VABB-1,1647,1650,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:329447,,The birth of criticism from the spirit of art : Karin Hanssens Allegories of Satin,VABB-4,57,66,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329448,,The Borrowed Gaze / Variations GTB,VABB-2,,,72 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329453,,Wat kunnen ouders doen om de negatieve gevolgen van een echtscheiding voor kinderen te verlichten,VABB-1,20,41,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329454,,The effectiveness of EU's generalised system of preferences : evidence from ASEAN countries,VABB-1,65,81,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329455,,A lawless legacy : Hannah Arendt and Giorgio Agamben,VABB-4,89,97,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329465,,"Proust et Charles, Ray et Michel",VABB-4,143,156,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329467,,De culturele constructies voorbij ? Prijsevoluties op de veilingmarkten voor schilderijen in de Oostenrijkse Nederlanden (1739-1794),VABB-1,57,86,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329473,,The metapragmatics of civilized belligerence,VABB-4,111,128,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329474,,Stark style solidarity : reader identification and emotional immersion in Rebecca Brown's literary minimalism,VABB-1,171,192,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329475,,Verruimde minnelijke schikking in strafzaken : buitengerechtelijke afhandeling van strafzaken doorbreekt haar ketens,VABB-1,314,321,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329476,,How to measure the onset of babbling reliably?,VABB-1,523,552,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329478,,Frugality,VABB-4,269,277,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:329479,,Compassion : Chinese and Western perspectives on practical wisdom in management,VABB-1,778,788,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:329480,,Responsibility in a globalised environment : a charter of human responsibilities,VABB-1,111,120,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329481,,"You cannot try them, you cannot detain them and you cannot deport them (Observations sous C.E.D.H., M.S. c. Belgique, 31 janvier 2012)",VABB-1,351,355,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329488,,"The great divide? Donor perceptions of budget support, eligibility and policy dialogue",VABB-1,791,806,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329491,,A quantitative analysis of European port governance,VABB-1,178,203,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329492,,Developing and learning from EU measures of social inclusion,VABB-4,299,342,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329493,,Cross-genre authorship verification using unmasking,VABB-1,340,356,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329494,,The Netlog corpus : a resource for the study of Flemish Dutch internet language,VABB-5,1569,1572,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329495,,"It is all about location! GIS, property records, and the structuring role of space in late medieval urban life",VABB-1,83,106,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329503,,How does one do the history of disability in antiquity? One thousand years of case studies,VABB-1,915,946,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:329504,,From contrastive linguistics to linguistic typology,VABB-1,69,86,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329505,,Robust preprocessing and model selection for spectral data,VABB-1,282,289,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329507,,"Enkele beschouwingen naar aanleiding van diverse recente Europese en Nederlandse uitspraken in het internationaal arbeidsrecht (Koelzsch, Voogsgeerd, Vicoplus, Nuon-rechtspraak en zaak FNV/De Mooij). Welke (nieuwe) argumentatiemogelijkheden voor werknemers tot opeisen van (meer) arbeidsrechtelijke bescherming in internationale situaties?",VABB-1,23,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329508,,Corporate human rights violations and private international law : a facilitating role for PIL or PIL as a complicating factor?,VABB-1,192,219,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329509,,Transparant consulteren in Vlaanderen : de spanning tussen rationeel wetgevingsmodel en besluitvormingspraktijk,VABB-1,2,13,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329510,,Numerical solution of a conspicuous consumption model with constant control delay,VABB-1,1868,1877,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329511,,Reflections on the activity index and related indicators,VABB-1,413,421,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329512,,Is knowledge important? Empirical research on nuclear risk communication in two countries,VABB-1,614,625,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329513,,The Hirsch index of a shifted Lotka function and its relation with the impact factor,VABB-1,1048,1053,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329514,,How to improve the fit of Archimedean copulas by means of transforms,VABB-1,345,355,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329515,,Constitutional pluralism and the question of the European common good,VABB-1,385,406,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329516,,Information provision by regulated public transport companies,VABB-1,492,510,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329517,,Structural indicators in citation networks,VABB-1,451,460,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329518,,Dispersal and redemption : the future dynamics of memory studies : a roundtable,VABB-1,223,239,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329520,,Media revenue sharing as a coordination device in sports leagues,VABB-1,153,163,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329522,,Robustness of MULTIMOORA : a method for multi-objective optimization,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329523,,Contemplating the state of visual research : an assessment of obstacles and opportunities,VABB-4,248,264,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329524,,Towards applying normalized systems theory implications to enterprise process reference models,VABB-1,31,45,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329529,,"Security within the chemical process industry : survey results from Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,465,470,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329532,,Connecting Islam and film culture : the reception of The Message (Ar Risalah) among the Moroccan diaspora,VABB-1,68,94,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329533,,Crises dans la microfinance au Nicaragua : éléments d'analyse et mise en perspectives,VABB-1,134,141,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329539,,Evolving principles of international law : studies in honour of Karel C. Wellens,VABB-3,,,319 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329540,,Evolving principles of international law : the quest for demarcation,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329541,,Evolving international law : trends and principles in perspective,VABB-4,293,312,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329543,,The semi-permanent European Council presidency : some reflections on the law and early practice,VABB-1,1039,1074,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:329544,,Belgique : documentation systématique du droit,VABB-4,63,100,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329545,,Het Europees Burgerinitiatief: verdere verdunning van het democratisch deficit?,VABB-1,56,65,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329549,,"Noot bij: Hof van Justitie van de EU, 28 februari 2012, zaak C-41/11, Inter-Environnement Wallonie / Région WalloneJurisprudentie bestuursrecht",VABB-1,440,452,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329550,,Hamlet without the Prince : religie zonder geloof in een naturalistisch perspectief,VABB-1,287,297,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:329553,,De dubbele Franciscaanse erfenis : een ontbrekende schakel in het Löwith-Blumenberg-debat,VABB-1,11,44,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:329556,,The concept of transcendence in Charles Taylors later work,VABB-4,67,84,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329557,,Digital landscapes : the meta-picturesque qualities of Kurt D'Haeseleers audiovisual sceneries,VABB-1,161,177,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329558,,From the field to the forest : a book review essay on Charles Taylors Dilemmas and connections,VABB-1,456,465,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:329559,,"Feedback, a powerful lever in teams : a review",VABB-1,123,144,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329560,,Unveiling social fashion patterns: a case study of frilled veils in the Low Countries (1200-1500),VABB-4,33,64,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:329562,,The EU social security co-ordination system : a close interplay between the EU legislature and judiciary,VABB-4,177,204,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329563,,Kants 'Religionsschrift' door de bril van twee hedendaagsetheologen : bedenkingen bij 'In defense of Kant's Religion' van Firestone en Jacobs,VABB-1,382,407,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:329568,,"Una mirada en los abismos de la historia. La impronta de Pynchon, Borges y Sebald sobre Los informantes de Juan Gabriel Vásquez",VABB-1,30,35,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:329570,,De publieke omroepopdracht in de ogen van het publiek : survey-onderzoek naar de toekomstige taak van de Vlaamse publieke omroep,VABB-1,135,156,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:329573,,"Legislatures, courts and the unfair terms directive",VABB-4,92,117,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329574,,Les ruines de Yedburg ou le refus des chimères,VABB-1,125,140,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329583,,De naweeën van de Total-zaak: recht spreken op grond van een vernietigde wetsbepaling? - (noot onder Cass. 8 december 2010),VABB-1,654,658,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329585,,Van regel tot uitzondering: de bescherming van het specialiteitsbeginsel ingeval van uit- en overlevering (noot onder Gent 8 september 2010),VABB-1,1431,1435,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329587,,Grenzen aan de (extra)territoriale rechtsmacht van België - (noot onder Cass. 7 juni 2011),VABB-1,69,72,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329588,,Noot onder EHRM 20 december 2011,VABB-1,525,536,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329589,,Noot onder EHRM 17 januari 2012 en EHRM 24 januari 2012,VABB-1,778,805,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329590,,"Club objectives, competitive balance, and the invariance proposition",VABB-4,38,50,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329591,,Réflexions sur les critères de définition et les problèmes d'identification des marqueurs évidentiels en français,VABB-1,13,29,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:329592,,"The economic impact, costs and benefits of the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games : who wins, who loses?",VABB-4,270,278,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329593,,"""Oui, il y a encore du pain sur la planche "". À propos de la notion dénoncé dans la théorie du dialogisme de J. Bres",VABB-4,184,201,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329595,,"Openbaarheid van bestuur: ook voor de resultaten per ziekenhuis van de handhygiënecampagnes? - (noot onder RvS 7 april 2011, cvba Verbruikers Unie Test Aankoop)",VABB-1,75,89,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329597,,L'allégement de la dette en République démocratique du Congo : évaluation d'une pierre angulaire de la reconstruction de la RDC,VABB-4,97,124,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329599,,"On getting it right : Moshe Idel's Old Worlds, New Mirrors",VABB-1,297,302,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329600,,"Corinne, l'Italie et la mort",VABB-4,221,236,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329601,,Dupaty et l'Italie des voyageurs sensibles,VABB-3,,,278 p.,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:329604,,From keystrokes to annotated process data : enriching the output of inputlog with linguistic information,VABB-5,2224,2229,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329607,,Who benefits? The social distribution of subsidized childcare in Sweden and Flanders,VABB-1,125,142,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329612,,Bilateral donors' efforts to assess and manage UN agencies' effectiveness : seeking a balance between Paris principles and domestic accountability,VABB-1,399,424,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329622,,Age-related differences in work motivation,VABB-1,300,329,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329623,,Neuro-endocriene correlaten van burn-out,VABB-1,517,526,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329624,,The Matthew effect and a relation with concept symbols and defaults,VABB-1,335,345,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:329625,,Building ties in a stratified society : a social networking simulation game,VABB-1,673,685,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329626,,A dangerous bet : the challenges of formalizing artisanal mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo,VABB-1,322,330,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329630,,Handel in oud en nieuw recht: lobbyen voor een afzonderlijk handelsrecht doorheen de geschiedenis,VABB-1,1599,1647,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:329631,,Enkele procedure vraagstukken inzake de echtscheiding op grond van onherstelbare ontwrichting van het huwelijk (noot onder Brussel 13 december 2011),VABB-1,113,119,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329632,,Walter Benjamin's farewell to Europe,VABB-4,111,128,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329634,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de rechtspraak van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens (2010-2011),VABB-1,88,95,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329637,,Global recession of the Mid-2000s and the Indian economy,VABB-1,37,55,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:329638,,"Who seeks, finds : how artisanal miners and traders benefit from gold in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo",VABB-1,197,212,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329646,,Unveiling supply chain integration and its value in container shipping,VABB-1,275,298,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329647,,A comparison of different Bayesian design criteria for setting up stated preference studies,VABB-1,789,807,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329648,,"Approaching complexities in health and environment : proceedings from the HENVINET (Health and Environment Network) Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 14-15 April 2012",VABB-5,1,74,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329650,,We're only in it for the knowledge? A problem solving turn in environment and helath expert elicitation,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329651,,An expert assessment on climate change and health : with a European focus on lungs and allergies,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329652,,Clorpyrifos and neurodevelopmental effects : a literature review and expert elicitation on research and policy,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329653,,Policy relevant results from an expert elicitation on the health risks of phthalates,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329654,,Policy relevant results from an expert elicitation on the human health risks of decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD),VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329655,,A healthy turn in urban climate change policies : European city workshop proposes health indicators as policy integrators,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329656,,The challenge of social networking in the field of environment and health,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329657,,Critical complexity in environmental health practice : simplify and complexificy,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329658,,Parenting of divorced fathers and the association with children's self-esteem,VABB-1,1643,1656,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329659,,Applications of the generalized law of Benford to informetric data,VABB-1,1662,1665,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329660,,Inter-organizational governance of information technology : learning from a global multi-business unit environment,VABB-1,15,32,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329661,,IT value management as a vehicle to unleash the business value from IT enabled investments : a literature study,VABB-1,33,47,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329665,,Vive la Belgique! O no? Nazionalismo ed etnicità nel Partito operaio belga (1885-1914),VABB-1,73,91,,ita,2012,1 c:vabb:329670,,Determinants of attitudes toward muslim students among Flemish Teachers : a research note,VABB-1,368,376,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329671,,Internationale impuls en nationale beheersingsdrang inzake bestuurlijke verzelfstandiging: het Grondwettelijk Hof en de casus van de energieregulator,VABB-1,214,228,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329672,,Het begrip administratieve overheid : stand van zaken van a never ending story,VABB-1,1614,1639,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329673,,Contextual antecedents of informal feedback processes in the workplace,VABB-1,233,257,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329674,,Presidential intervention and the changing 'politics of survival' in Kampala's informal economy,VABB-1,264,270,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329675,,Perceiving tropes,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329676,,Political information opportunities in Europe : a longitudinal and comparative study of thirteen television systems,VABB-1,247,274,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329678,,Pharmaceutical care for people with depression : Belgian pharmacists' attitudes and perceived barriers,VABB-1,452,459,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329679,,The bargaining position of low-skilled and high-skilled workers in a globalising world,VABB-1,312,319,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329680,,At the origins of constitutional review : Sieyes' constitutional jury and the taming of constituent power,VABB-1,211,234,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329681,,Interactions between journal attributes and authors' willingness to wait for editorial decisions,VABB-1,1213,1225,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329682,,The effects of institutional change in European soccer,VABB-1,318,335,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329683,,The effectiveness of high-frequency direct-response commercials,VABB-1,98,109,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329684,,Epistemic meanings for the French imperfect and simple past?,VABB-1,99,114,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329687,,This is to count as a construction,VABB-1,109,132,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329689,,Balance and sequence in online reviews : how perceived usefulness affects attitudes and intentions,VABB-1,244,255,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329692,,"België, quo vadis? Waarheen na de zesde staatshervorming?",VABB-3,,,356 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329693,,Stabiliteit en instabiliteit in de Belgische federale staatsstructuur,VABB-4,1,29,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329694,,"De formele motivering van beslissingen van collegiale organen genomen bij geheime stemming (noot onder GwH 18 mei 2011, nr. 85/2011)",VABB-1,1898,1903,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:329695,,Genetic markers for SSG-resistance in **Leishmania donovani** and SSG-treatment failure in visceral leishmaniasis patients of the Indian subcontinent,VABB-1,752,755,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329696,,De lastige positie van een bestuur na de ongrondwettigverklaring van een regelgevende norm : hoe een duidelijk antwoord verloren geraakt in een veelheid aan opvatting,VABB-1,332,350,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329697,,"Het eerste gewin is kattengespin : de onzekere toekomst van art. 14ter RvS-wet (noot onder GwH 9 februari 2012, nr. 18/2012)",VABB-1,356,360,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329702,,"A contextual theory of organizational learning from failures and successes : a study of acquisition completion in the global newspaper industry, 1981-2008",VABB-1,938,964,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329703,,Towards a representation of diffusion and interaction of scientific ideas : the case of fiber optics communication,VABB-1,791,801,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329704,,Simplified tools for measuring retention in care in antiretroviral treatment program in Ethiopia : cohort and current retention in care,VABB-1,"e38555,1","e38555,8",,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329705,,Blinded by the starlight : an evolutionary framework for studying celebrity culture and fandom,VABB-1,144,151,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329706,,Transitions in formal and informal care utilisation amongst older Europeans : the impact of national contexts,VABB-1,27,37,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329707,,"Self-monitoring as a familial vulnerability marker for psychosis : an analysis of patients, unaffected siblings and healthy controls",VABB-1,235,245,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329708,,Virtual lead user communities : drivers of knowledge creation for innovation,VABB-1,167,177,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329711,,Waardeverminderingen op aandelen : een complex gegeven,VABB-1,473,487,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329714,,"De ongecoördineerde interactie tussen clementieregelingen en schadevergoedingsacties: is it coming to an end soon? Noot onder Ger., 15 december 2011",VABB-1,260,264,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329715,,"De opmars van de romein : het gebruik van romein en gotisch in Nederlandstalig drukwerk uit de zuidelijke Lage Landen, 1541-1700",VABB-1,66,85,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329716,,Augustine on stage in the Southern Low Countries in the Early Modern Period,VABB-4,111,128,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329717,,"Een veld in beweging : onderzoeksevaluatie in de sociale en humane wetenschappen : Internationaal Colloquium van het Expertisecentrum Onderzoeks-en Ontwikkelingsmonitoring (ECOOM), Antwerpen, 9 december 2011",VABB-1,345,351,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329718,,Longitudinal measurement invariance of Likert-type learning strategy scales : are we using the same ruler at each wave?,VABB-1,577,587,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329721,,Openbaarheid inzake nucleaire veiligheid: de ene afweging is de andere niet (noot bij Beslissing 2011-3 van de Federale Beroepscommissie inzake de toegang tot milieu-informatie),VABB-1,125,129,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329722,,The need for sub-national constitutions in federal theory and practice : the Belgian case,VABB-1,36,58,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329723,,The role of individual and organizational characteristics in feedback-seeking behaviour in the initial career stage,VABB-1,283,301,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329725,,"Miguel Barnet's Cimarrón, the real thing? A gastrocritical approach",VABB-1,59,68,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:329728,,Publishing and sharing library resources with the ABCD Site,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329729,,"Een Vlaamse vertegenwoordiger van de Europese romantiek. ""De geest"", een ""eigenaerdig"" verhaal van Theodoor Van Ryswyck (1837)",VABB-1,207,221,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:329730,,"Diagnose-onderzoek in een beperkt uitgerust ziekenhuis : hoe grondig is zorgvuldig?, (noot onder Antwerpen 14 februari 2011)",VABB-1,362,367,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:329734,,Changing world: changing pedagogy,VABB-4,205,222,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329735,,What keeps low- and high-qualified workers competetive: Exploring the influence of job characteristics and self-directed learning orientation on work-related learning,VABB-4,53,72,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329736,,Dancing metamemories,VABB-1,102,108,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:329743,,Lost/Last in translation : what happened to the laughing Isaac (Gen 17-26),VABB-4,177,180,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329748,,Measuring health-related quality of life of HIV-positive adolescents in resource-constrained settings,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329749,,A socio-spatial perspective on the car regime,VABB-4,160,179,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:329750,,Caught between strategic positions and principles of equality : female suffrage in Belgium,VABB-4,407,420,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329751,,Institutionalizing intersectionality in the Low Countries : Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-4,119,147,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329752,,Redactioneel,VABB-1,7,10,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329753,,Een voetnoot bij Mormon : hoe paratekstuele elementen hebben bijgedragen tot de schepping van de mormoonse canon,VABB-1,195,211,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329754,,De invloed van techniek op het uiterlijk van letters in boeken,VABB-1,87,99,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329755,,The rise of gender quotas laws : expanding the spectrum of determinants for electoral reform,VABB-4,78,94,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329757,,Business strategy and applications in enterprise IT governance,VABB-3,,,311 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329759,,Market driven promotion of international labour standards in Southeast-Asia: the corporatization of social justice,VABB-4,114,151,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329763,,Diasporic film cultures from a multi-level perspective : Moroccan and Indian cinematic flows in and towards Antwerp (Belgium),VABB-1,257,274,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:329771,,Clothing consumption in two recent EU member states : a cross-cultural study,VABB-1,975,982,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:329772,,Emotions as determinants of electric car usage intention,VABB-1,195,237,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329773,,New advertising formats : how persuasion knowledge affects consumer responses,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329783,,Is the International Physical Activity Questionnaire - short form (IPAQ-SF) valid for assessing physical activity in Chronic Fatique Syndrome?,VABB-1,9,16,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329790,,Is activity loss predictive for development of upper limb oedema after stroke?,VABB-1,398,403,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329791,,Incidence of upper limb oedema in patients with acute hemiparetic stroke,VABB-1,1791,1796,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329797,,Mentoring in nursing education: perceived characteristics of mentors and the consequences of mentorship.,VABB-1,274,278,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329799,,Can a submaximal exercise test predict peak exercise performance in dancers?,VABB-1,397,400,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329800,,Prediction of surgical outcome after aortic valve replacement,VABB-1,59,64,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329805,,Maternal position and other variables : the effect on the perineal outcome in 557 births,VABB-1,115,120,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329806,,Nurse-led education and counseling to enhance adherence to phosphate binders,VABB-1,1304,1313,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329807,,Barriers for nurses to safe medication management in nursing homes,VABB-1,171,180,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329818,,Airway clearance in COPD: need for a breath of fresh air? A systematic review,VABB-1,196,205,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329819,,Symptom fluctuations and daily physical activity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: a case-control study,VABB-1,1820,1826,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329820,,Central sensitization in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic literature review,VABB-1,556,567,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329821,,Lack of endogenous pain inhibition during exercise in people with chronic whiplash associated disorders: an experimental study,VABB-1,242,254,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329824,,The effect of earplugs during the night on the onset of delirium and sleep perception: a randomized controlled trial in intensive care patients.,VABB-1,R73,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329826,,Effect of tens on pain in relation to central sensitization in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329829,,Improved radiographic methods for the investigation of paintings using laboratory and synchrotron X-ray sources,VABB-1,1068,1077,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329838,,"Lymphoedema Functioning, Disability and Health questionnaire (Lymph-ICF): reliability and validity",VABB-1,944,957,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329839,,Effect of manual lymph drainage in addition to guidelines and exercise therapy on arm lymphoedema related to breast cancer: randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,d5326,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329840,,A cross-sectional study about the relationship between morphology and kinematic parameters in children between 15 and 36 months,VABB-1,159,163,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329841,,Development of independent locomotion in children with a severe visual impairment,VABB-1,2069,2074,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329845,,Role of psychological aspects in both chronic pain and in daily functioning in chronic fatigue syndrome: a prospective longitudinal study,VABB-1,921,929,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329853,,On the size and shape of initial out-of-plane curvatures in structural glass components,VABB-1,2700,2712,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329858,,Lap shear tests on adhesive bonds of historic iron and mild steel,VABB-1,413,418,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329873,,Increased mechanical cost of walking in children with diplegia: The role of the passenger unit cannot be neglected,VABB-1,1996,2003,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329874,,Mechanical energy estimation during walking: Validity and sensitivity in typical gait and in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,231,237,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329875,,The assessment of cervical sensory motor control: A systematic review focusing on measuring methods and their clinimetric characteristics.,VABB-1,1,7,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:329876,,Evolution of cardiorespiratory fitness after stroke: a 1-year follow-up study. Influence of prestroke patients' characteristics and stroke-related factors.,VABB-1,669,676,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329877,,Observing signs of toilet readiness: results of two prospective studies,VABB-1,424,430,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329878,,Readiness signs used to define the proper moment to start toilet training: a review of the literature,VABB-1,437,440,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329879,,"Toilet training in daycare centers in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,955,961,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329885,,In the mind or in the brain? Scientific evidence for central sensitisation in chronic fatigue syndrome,VABB-1,203,212,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329886,,"Kinesiophobia, catastrophizing and anticipated symptoms before stair climbing in chronic fatigue syndrome: an experimental study",VABB-1,1299,1305,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329887,,Pain in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: time for specific pain treatment?,VABB-1,E677,E686,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329888,,Dysfunctional endogenous analgesia during exercise in patients with chronic pain: to exercise or not to exercise?,VABB-1,ES205,ES213,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329889,,The efficacy of patient education in whiplash associated disorders: a systematic review.,VABB-1,351,361,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329892,,"Effects of aerobic endurance, muscle strength, and motor control exercise on physical fitness and musculoskeletal injury rate in preprofessional dancers: an uncontrolled trial.",VABB-1,381,389,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329894,,Influence of sensory loss on the perception of verticality in stroke patients,VABB-1,1965,1970,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329895,,Randomized controlled trial of truncal exercises early after stroke to improve balance and mobility,VABB-1,231,238,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329896,,Screening for fitness to drive after stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis.,VABB-1,747,756,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329906,,Speelt centrale sensitisatie een rol in reumatoïde artritis?,VABB-1,64,69,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329917,,Queering conversion : exploring new theoretical pathways to understand religious conversion in a Western context,VABB-4,109,124,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329923,,Writing as cultural practice : case study of a Chinese heritage school in Belgium,VABB-5,1592,1596,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329926,,Acute effects of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation in COPD patients assessed by using conventional outcome parameters and a novel computational fluid dynamics technique,VABB-1,667,671,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329928,,Gateways to the urban economy : Chinatowns in Antwerp and Brussels,VABB-4,52,67,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329933,,Tanzanian migration imaginaries,VABB-4,673,687,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:329934,,Tourism imaginaries: A conceptual approach,VABB-1,863,882,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329938,,Imaginative technologies of (im)mobility at the “end of the world”,VABB-4,237,254,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329940,,The power of imagination in transnational mobilities,VABB-1,576,598,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:329943,,"Community-based cultural tourism: Issues, threats and opportunities",VABB-1,9,22,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329944,,(Trans)forming boundaries in a contact zone: The experience of Brazilian migrants in Brussels,VABB-1,89,105,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329946,,Pulled towards the Border : Creating a Disability Identity at the Interstices of Society,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329948,,The Cyborg Villain: Mechanical hybridity and Existential Fear,VABB-4,163,178,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329955,,Nuevos patrones de identidad y memoria en la Europa transmoderna,VABB-1,170,184,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:329959,,"Albanian Entrepreneurial Practices in Human Smuggling and Trafficking; Over the Road to England via Brussels, 1995-2005’",VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329961,,"European Publc Sphere, Islam and Islamic authority: Tariq Ramadan and Fethullah Gülen",VABB-4,65,79,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329964,,Shifting values and meanings of heritage: From cultural appropriation to tourism interpretation and back,VABB-4,21,41,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329968,,Deslocamentos: estudos no duplo campo de tradução e antropologia,VABB-1,11,17,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329974,,The (im)mobility of tourism imaginaries,VABB-4,34,39,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329976,,Reversing the {Im}material Sense of a Nonplace: The Impact of Blidness on the Brussels Metro,VABB-1,224,238,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329978,,Moving Ethnography Online: Researching Brazilian Migrants’ Online Togetherness,VABB-1,1794,1809,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329979,,To the land of milk and honey: migration to Belgium as a stigma management strategy,VABB-1,541,559,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329982,,"Matrix marmorea. The sub-symbolic iconography of the creative energies in Europe and North Africa, in New perspectives in iconology. Visual studies and anthropology",VABB-4,180,210,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329984,,City on the Move: How urban dwellers in Central Africa manage the siren’s call of migration,VABB-4,59,86,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329985,,Kinshasa and its (un)certainties: the polis and the sacred,VABB-4,191,207,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329986,,Divination in Africa,VABB-4,79,96,,lat,2012,2 c:vabb:329987,,"Of divinatory connaissance in South-Saharan Africa: the bodiliness of perception, inter-subjectivity and inter-world resonance",VABB-1,107,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329988,,Infrastructure: Commentary from Filip De Boeck,VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:329989,,The Eiffel tower and the eye: Actualizing modernity between Paris and Ghana,VABB-4,137,154,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329990,,On the Cause of Migration: Being and Nothingness in the African-European Borderzone,VABB-4,23,42,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329991,,The Global Horizon : expectations of migration in Africa and the Middle East,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329992,,Divination and Islam: Existential Perspectives in the Study of Ritual and Religious Praxis in Senegal and Gambia,VABB-4,17,32,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329993,,"How people of Butembo (RDC) were chosen to embody ""the New Congo"": or what the appearance of a poster in a city's public places can teach about its social tissu",VABB-1,448,461,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:329994,,"Political billboards as contact zones : reflections on Urban Space, the Visual and Political Affect in Kabila’s Kinshasa",VABB-4,187,204,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329995,,"The Making of the Pentecostal Melodrama. Religion, Media, and Gender in Kinshasa",VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329997,,Spectral Kinshasa: Building the City through an Architecture of Words,VABB-4,311,328,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329998,,"Conservation's ambiguities. Rangers on the periphery of the W park, Burkina Faso",VABB-1,330,343,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:329999,,Introduction : reflections on migratory expectations in Africa and beyond,VABB-4,7,22,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330002,,The ironies of pop: local music production and citizenship in a small Namibian town,VABB-1,413,436,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330004,,"Television viewing, internet use and self reported bed time and rise time in adults: Implications for sleep hygiene recommendations from an exploratory cross-sectional study",VABB-1,95,105,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330006,,The Interdependence of Mobility and Faith: An Introduction,VABB-1,355,365,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330008,,Frames under Pressure. Probing the transformational dynamics within a spanish pilgrimage,VABB-1,21,38,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330009,,Religious Devotion and Sublime Experience During the Procession of the Romería in El Rocío (Spain),VABB-4,139,160,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330010,,From Shop to Chapel. Changing Emotional Efficacy of the Statue of the Virgin Mary of El Rocío within the Spanish Community in Vilvoorde (Belgium),VABB-4,75,95,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330012,,'Every name has its path': imagining and realizing Fulbe's entanglement in a Moose community,VABB-1,457,478,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330013,,Roundtable two: A discussion of Sven Augustijnen's Spectres (2011),VABB-4,37,64,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330014,,Children’s use of subtraction by addition on large single-digit subtractions,VABB-1,335,349,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330015,,"A tractography study in dyslexia: neuroanatomic correlates of orthographic, phonological and speech processing",VABB-1,935,948,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330019,,On-line hulp voor nabestaanden na zelfdoding in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Een onderzoek naar het aanbod en de kwaliteit,VABB-1,184,193,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330020,,"Microduplication 22q11.2: a description of the clinical, developmental and behavioral characteristics during childhood",VABB-1,135,48,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330021,,Loneliness among Students with Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Seventh Grade,VABB-1,1888,1897,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330023,,The influence of mothers’ and fathers’ parenting stress and depressive symptoms on own and partner’s parent–child communication,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330025,,Evaluation of the criterion and convergent validity of the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders in young and low-functioning children,VABB-1,487,497,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330026,,Children’s use of addition to solve two-digit subtraction problems,VABB-1,495,511,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:330027,,Parallel versus sequential processing in print and braille reading,VABB-1,2153,3163,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330028,,"Quantitative autism traits in first degree relatives: Evidence for the broader autism phenotype in fathers, but not in mothers and siblings",VABB-1,247,260,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330029,,Staff emotional reactions and experiences towards challenging behaviour: an interview study,VABB-1,95,110,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330031,,Observing and influencing alertness in individuals with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities in multisensory environments,VABB-1,5,20,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330032,,The role of attention in the affective life of people with severe or profound intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,902,909,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:330036,,Quality of Life in Adolescents with a Disability and Their Parents: The Mediating Role of Social Support and Resilience,VABB-1,487,503,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330038,,Language in low functioning children with autistic disorder: Differences between receptive and expressive skills and concurrent predictors of language,VABB-1,2181,2191,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330039,,Development of Phonological Processing Skills in Children With Specific Language Impairment With and Without Literacy Delay: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study,VABB-1,1053,1067,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330042,,Don’t Pull me Out!? Preliminary Findings of a Systematic Review of Qualitative Evidence on Experiences of Pupils with Special Educational Needs in Inclusive Education,VABB-5,1709,1713,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330045,,Hemispheric asymmetry of auditory steady-state responses to monaural and diotic stimulation,VABB-1,867,876,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330046,,De communicatieontwikkeling van jonge kinderen met een verstandelijke beperking: een longitudinale studie,VABB-1,25,34,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330047,,Oral language and narrative skills in children with specific language impairment with and without literacy delay: a three-year longitudinal study,VABB-1,1857,1870,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330050,,"Introduction to the special section on ""Numerical and mathematical processing""",VABB-1,117,118,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330051,,Mathematical learning,VABB-4,2107,2110,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330053,,Neuroeducation - a critical overview of an emerging field,VABB-1,105,117,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330054,,Auditory processing and speech perception in children with specific language impairment: relations with oral language and literacy skills,VABB-1,635,644,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330055,,Atypical sensory processing in adolescents with an autism spectrum disorder and their non-affected siblings,VABB-1,639,645,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330056,,How do children with a chronic or long-term illness perceive their school re-entry after a period of homebound instruction?,VABB-1,490,496,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330058,,Academic performance of Peruvian elementary school children: The case of schools in Lima at the 6th grade,VABB-1,323,343,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330061,,Association between basic numerical abilities and mathematics achievement,VABB-1,344,357,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330062,,Begeleiding van rouwprocessen bij personen met een verstandelijke beperking: Een kwalitatieve metasynthese van case studies,VABB-1,247,268,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330063,,Level of sense-making in children with autistic disorder and intellectual disability: Patterns of delay and deviance in development,VABB-1,806,814,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330064,,A qualitative and quantitative review of diffusion tensor imaging studies in reading and dyslexia,VABB-1,1532,1552,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330066,,Attachment and depressive symptoms in middle childhood and pre-adolescence: Testing the applicability of the emotion regulation model of attachment,VABB-1,445,464,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330068,,"Underlying neurological dysfunction in children with language, speech or learning difficulties and a verbal IQ - performance IQ discrepancy",VABB-1,71,76,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330069,,Probing the Perceptual and Cognitive Underpinnings of Braille Reading. An Estonian Population Study,VABB-1,1366,1379,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330070,,A multilevel meta-analysis of single-case and small-n research on interventions for reducing challenging behavior in persons with intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,766,780,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330071,,The tell-tale: What do heart rate; skin temperature and skin conductance reveal about emotions of people with severe and profound intellectual disabilities?,VABB-1,1117,1127,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330072,,"Commentary on the chapter by Ferdinand Rivera, “Neural correlates of gender, culture, and race and implications to embodied thinking in mathematics”",VABB-4,545,550,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330073,,Is there a common neuroanatomical substrate of language deficit between autism spectrum disorder and specific language impairment?,VABB-1,2263,2271,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330074,,Het betrekken van kinderen en jongeren bij diagnostische adviesgesprekken: theorie en praktijk,VABB-1,59,71,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330075,,Numerical Magnitude Representations and Individual Differences in Children's Arithmetic Strategy Use,VABB-1,129,136,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330077,,Fear of movement in cancer survivors: validation of the Modified Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia-Fatigue,VABB-1,762,770,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330079,,Auditory steady state cortical responses indicate deviant phonemic-rate processing in adults with dyslexia,VABB-1,134,143,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330080,,Assessing Dimensions of Parental Discipline,VABB-1,216,231,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330081,,Emergency department visits due to alcohol intoxications: characteristics of patients and impact on the emergency room,VABB-1,433,438,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330082,,"Comment on ""Under-triage as a significant factor affecting transfer time between the emergency department and the intensive care unit""",VABB-1,320,321,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330083,,Can the heart scan be used for diagnosis and monitoring of emergencies in general practice,VABB-1,525,531,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330084,,Intravenous lipid emulsion for intentional Chloroquine poisoning,VABB-1,223,223,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330087,,Clusterwise simultaneous component analysis for analyzing structural differences in multivariate multiblock data,VABB-1,100,119,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330088,,How to perform multiblock component analysis in practice,VABB-1,41,56,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330089,,Sequential meta-analysis to determine the sufficiency of cumulative knowledge: The case of early intensive behavioral intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders,VABB-1,168,176,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330090,,Capturing the structure of distinct types of individual differences in the situation-specific experience of emotions: The case of anger,VABB-1,484,495,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330091,,RT4Win: A Windows-based program for randomization tests,VABB-1,387,406,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330092,,On the misinterpretation of histograms and box plots,VABB-1,155,174,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:330093,,A few thoughts on evidence in social work,VABB-1,483,505,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330094,,A move to more transparent and systematic approaches of qualitative evidence synthesis: update of a review on published papers,VABB-1,402,442,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330095,,Obstacles to implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Belgium: a context-specific qualitative evidence synthesis including findings from different health care discipline's,VABB-1,99,107,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330096,,Master thesis projects in the field of education: who says we need more basic research?,VABB-1,340,344,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330097,,Simple Imputation Methods versus Direct Likelihood Analysis for Missing Item Scores in Multilevel Educational Data,VABB-1,516,531,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330099,,Multi-context versus Context-specific qualitative evidence syntheses: discussing their value for practice and policy decision making processes,VABB-1,271,278,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330100,,The SIMCLAS model: Simultaneous analysis of coupled binary data matrices with noise heterogeneity between and within data blocks,VABB-1,724,740,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330102,,Clusterwise HICLAS: A generic modeling strategy to trace similarities and differences in multi-block binary data,VABB-1,532,545,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330103,,The CLASSI-N method for the study of sequential processes,VABB-1,85,105,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330104,,The real-valued model of hierarchical classes,VABB-1,363,389,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330105,,Block-relaxation approaches for fitting the INDCLUS model,VABB-1,277,296,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330106,,Lowdimensional additive overlapping clustering,VABB-1,297,320,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330107,,The effect of single versus repeated previous strategy use on individuals' subsequent strategy choice,VABB-1,307,326,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330108,,Qualitative Evidence Synthesis: choosing the right approach (volume 1),VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330109,,Spirituality in general practice. A qualitative evidence synthesis,VABB-1,680,681,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330112,,When the truth hits you between the eyes: A software tool for the visual analysis of single-case experimental data,VABB-1,104,114,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330113,,Mutation analysis of KRAS prior to targeted therapy in colorectal cancer: development and evaluation of quality by a European external quality assessment scheme,VABB-1,155,160,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330114,,Interference of ethylene glycol with lactate measurement: A comparison study on new generation cassette-based blood gas analyzers,VABB-1,18,19,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330115,,Creatinine reference values in ELBW infants: impact of quantification by Jaffe or enzymatic method,VABB-1,1678,1681,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330116,,Quality assurance practices in Europe: a survey of molecular genetic testing laboratories,VABB-1,1118,1126,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330117,,Improvement of interpretation in cystic fibrosis clinical laboratory reports: longitudinal analysis of external quality assessment data,VABB-1,1209,1215,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330119,,"Schilders, connoisseurs en hun (Salomons)oordeel: Het Schilderijenkabinet (1659) van Jacob de Formentrou en Erasmus II Quellinus",VABB-1,40,65,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330122,,The gaze in the garden: Mary Magdalene in Noli me tangere,VABB-4,189,222,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330123,,A Motif and Its Basal Layer. The Haemorrhoissa (Mark 5.24-34) and the Interplay of Iconological and Anthropological Research,VABB-4,162,179,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330124,,New perspectives in iconology: visual studies and anthropology,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330129,,Canon in Context. Consumption of Early Netherlandish Images in the Fifteenth and the First Half of the Sixteenth Centuries,VABB-4,3,21,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330130,,A sign of health: new perspectives in iconology,VABB-4,7,14,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330131,,Erudition and Originality: Jordaens’ Tapestry Series with Themes from Classical Antiquity,VABB-4,249,253,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330133,,"Revisiting Brussels tapestry, 1700–1740. New data on tapissiers Albert Auwercx and Judocus de Vos",VABB-1,183,199,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:330134,,Kunst und Okkasionalität - Werke im Kontext ihrer Genese?,VABB-4,383,386,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:330135,,"Spiel, Gelegenheit und Darstellung. Hans-Georg Gadamer und das Bild als Ereignis in der Kunst des Spätmittelalters",VABB-4,11,80,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:330136,,Das Bild als Ereignis,VABB-3,,,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:330137,,"The legend of the true cross reconsidered: a discovery in the Grotto Church of Andria, Italy (15th century)",VABB-1,49,74,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330141,,Homosexuality Disclosed: An Iconological Analysis of The Two Young Lovers and a Coiffeuse,VABB-4,61,79,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330142,,An issue of blood: the healing of the woman with the Haemorrhage (Mark 5.24B–34; Luke 8.42B–48; Matthew 9.19–22) in early medieval visual culture,VABB-1,663,681,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330143,,Roundtable four: A discussion of Els Opsomer's Building stories #001 [That distant piece of mine] (2012),VABB-4,99,127,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330144,,Roundtable three: A discussion of Herman Asselberghs's Speech art (2011),VABB-4,67,95,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330145,,Roundtable one: A discussion of Renzo Martens's Episode III (Enjoy poverty) (2009),VABB-4,5,34,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330148,,"In and out of Brussels: figuring postcolonial Africa and Europe in the films of Herman Asselberghs, Sven Augustijnen, Renzo Martens, and Els Opsomer",VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330149,,Minor Photography. Connecting Deleuze and Guattari to Photography Theory,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330152,,Decapitation and the Paradox of the Meditative Image. Andrea Solario (1507) and the Transformation and the Transition of the Johannesschüssel from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance,VABB-4,277,315,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330153,,The Antependium of Nedstryn and the Exultation of the Cross,VABB-1,65,83,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330154,,"Van der Weyden in Context, Papers presented at the Seventheenth Symposium for the Study of Underdrawing and Technology in Painting held in Leuven, 22-24 October 2009",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330157,,Reproductive effort of bison bulls (Bison bison) in semi-natural conditions,VABB-1,285,291,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330158,,Food Citizenship: Is There a Duty for Responsible Consumption?,VABB-1,895,907,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330161,,Pelvic dimensions in phenotypically double-muscled Belgian Blue cows,VABB-1,365,371,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330164,,Addressing Homelessness through Disaster Discourses: The Role of Social Capital and Innovation in Building Urban Resilience and Addressing Homelessness,VABB-1,137,148,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330165,,Spaces of Social Innovation,VABB-4,212,225,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330166,,Documentation in World Heritage conservation: Towards managing and mitigating change – the case studies of Petra and the Silk Roads,VABB-1,130,152,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330167,,Introduction : Fighting amnesia and recovering the scientific heritage of urban and regional analysis,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330168,,Theoretical Foundations for the Analysis of Socio-economic Development in Space,VABB-4,18,44,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330177,,London between Global Narcissism and National Responsibility,VABB-4,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330180,,The DEMOLOGOS Methodology for Analyzing Urban and Regional Trajectories,VABB-4,45,62,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330183,,’Produits du terroir’ et ‘appellations contrôlées’: le rôle des pierres à bâtir dans la définition des écoles régionales d’architecture médiévale en Belgique,VABB-4,221,232,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:330184,,Social Cohesion: A Conceptual and Political Elucidation,VABB-1,1873,1889,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330186,,Crowding Externalities from Tourist Use of Urban Space,VABB-1,649,670,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330187,,Soil functioning and conservation tillage in the Belgian Loam Belt,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330188,,Legacy of human-induced C erosion and burial on soil–atmosphere C exchange,VABB-1,19492,19497,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330191,,Watering our cities: The capacity for Water Sensitive Urban Design to support urban cooling and improve human thermal comfort in the Australian context,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330192,,Determining soil erosion and threshold friction velocity at different soil moisture conditions using a portable wind tunnel,VABB-1,97,109,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:330193,,"Arsenic concentrations in dust emissions from wind erosion and off-road vehicles in the Nellis Recreational Area, Nevada, USA",VABB-1,77,89,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330194,,A method for dry extracting large volumes of fine particulate matter from bulk soil samples,VABB-1,425,431,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330196,,Analyzing dune dynamics at the dune-field scale based on multi-temporal analysis of Landsat-TM images,VABB-1,105,117,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330197,,How effective are soil conservation techniques in reducing plot runoff and soil loss in Europe and the Mediterranean?,VABB-1,21,36,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330198,,Quantitative assessment of the piping erosion susceptibility of loess-derived soil horizons using the pinhole test,VABB-1,66,79,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330200,,Socio-spatial inequalities and social cohesion in European cities,VABB-1,1909,1924,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330201,,Le Belgian Middle Egypt Prehistoric Project de la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,VABB-4,114,125,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330202,,Combining quantitative field and modelling approaches towards understanding landscape dynamics: an evolution of ideas spanning Jef Vandenberghe's research career,VABB-1,233,244,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330203,,Het Belgian Middle Egypt Prehistoric Project van de katholieke Universisteit Leuven,VABB-4,114,125,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330205,,Final Palaeolithic of the Campine region (NE Belgium) in their environmental context: optical age constraints,VABB-1,7,21,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330207,,Impact of conservation agriculture on catchment runoff and soil loss under changing climate conditions in May Zeg-zeg (Ethiopia),VABB-1,336,349,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330208,,Tracking mesoscale convective systems in the Sahel: relation between cloud parameters and precipitation,VABB-1,1921,1934,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330209,,The precipitation response to the desiccation of Lake Chad,VABB-1,2163,2181,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330210,,Tropospheric clouds in Antarctica,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330211,,Adoption of soil and water conservation technologies in the Rwizi catchment of south western Uganda,VABB-1,264,281,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:330212,,The role of precipitation size distributions in km-scale NWP simulations of intense precipitation: evaluation of cloud properties and surface precipitation,VABB-1,2163,2181,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:330213,,Socializing space and politicizing financial innovation/destruction: some observation on Occupy Wall Street,VABB-1,2,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330214,,Editorial: Belgeo and the four crises of geography,VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330216,,"Land reclamation using reservoir sediments in Tigray, northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,113,119,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330217,,Cost-benefit analysis of soil and water conservation measure: The case of exclosures in northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,27,36,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330218,,How long should we measure? An exploration of factors controlling the inter-annual variation of cathment sediment yield,VABB-1,603,619,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330219,,A comparison of measured catchment sediment yields with measured and predicted hillslope erosion rates in Europe,VABB-1,586,602,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330220,,The 2008 and 2009 archaeometrical research at Sagalassos,VABB-5,117,138,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330221,,Food and habitat preferences of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. for cover crops,VABB-1,S139,S144,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330223,,Network strategies of passive revolution,VABB-1,364,367,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330224,,Fingerprinting historical fluvial sediment fluxes,VABB-1,154,186,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330225,,Unravelling changing sediment sources in a Mediterranean mountain catchment: a Bayesian fingerprinting approach,VABB-1,896,910,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330226,,Regime-dependent evaluation of accumulated precipitation in the COSMO model,VABB-1,39,52,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330227,,Pattern-process relationships in surface hydrology: hydrological connectivity expressed in landscape metrics,VABB-1,3760,3773,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330229,,SUSTAPARK: an agent-based model for simulating parking search,VABB-1,63,76,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330230,,How to catch floating populations? Research and the fixing of migration in space and time,VABB-1,1775,1793,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330231,,Impact of Urban Land-Cover Classification on Groundwater Recharge Uncertainty,VABB-1,1859,1867,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330234,,Estimating cloud optical thickness and associated surface UV irradiance from SEVIRI by implementing a semi-analytiscal cloud retrieval algorithm,VABB-1,7961,7975,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330235,,"War, heritage, tourism, and the centenary of the Great War in Flanders and Belgium",VABB-4,254,272,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330236,,"Man, vegetation and climate during the Holocene in the territory of Sagalassos, Western Taurus Mountains, SW Turkey",VABB-1,249,266,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330237,,Effectiveness of tropical grass species as sediment filters in the riparian zone of Lake Victoria,VABB-1,409,418,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330239,,"Complex land cover change, water and sediment yield in a degraded Andean environment",VABB-1,25,35,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330243,,"Faecal biomarker and archaeobotanical analyses of sediments from a public latrine shed new light on ruralisation in Sagalassos, Turkey",VABB-1,1143,1159,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330244,,‘Happiness Hefei’: public art and rural–urban citizenship struggles in transitional China,VABB-1,719,733,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330251,,Effects of land use on annual runoff and soil loss in Europe and the Mediterranean: A meta-analysis of plot data,VABB-1,599,653,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330253,,"Spatial patterns, causes and consequences of landslides in the Gilgel Gibe catchment, SW Ethiopia",VABB-1,127,136,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330255,,Gully head retreat in the semi-arid Highlands of Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,185,195,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330256,,A robust algorithm for estimating soil erodibility in different climates,VABB-1,85,94,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330261,,Jobs and organisations: explaining group level differences in job satisfaction in the banking sector,VABB-1,200,215,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330262,,Digital destinations in the tourist sector: a path model for the impact of e-services on tourist expenditures in Amsterdam,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330272,,"Numerically derived evidence for late-Holocene climate change and its impact on human presence in the southwest Taurus Mountains, Turkey",VABB-1,425,438,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330273,,Meer dan 2000 jaar van landschapsveranderingen in het territorium van Sagalassos,VABB-4,175,181,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330277,,"Renewable energy in Flanders. Current situation, trends and potential related to spatial planning",VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330283,,European mortgage markets before and after the financial crisis,VABB-4,120,150,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330284,,Validation and comparison of two soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer models for Tropical Africa,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330286,,"Surface and snowdrift sublimation at Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica",VABB-1,841,857,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330288,,"Current situation, trends and potential of renewable energy in Flanders",VABB-1,4400,4409,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330289,,Impact of remotely sensed land-cover proportions on urban runoff prediction,VABB-1,54,65,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330290,,Placing prostitution: the spatial-sexual order of Amsterdam and its growth coalition,VABB-1,129,145,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330291,,Controlling factors of the parental safety perception on children's travel mode choice,VABB-1,39,49,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330292,,How Do Mortgage Lenders Influence Nieghbourhood Dynamics? Redlining and Predatory lending,VABB-4,63,85,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330293,,Re-making a landscape of Prostitution: the Amsterdam red light district. Introduction,VABB-1,112,128,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330294,,"Urban growth of Kampala, Uganda: pattern analysis and scenario development",VABB-1,199,206,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330295,,Urban renewal without displacement? Belgium’s ‘housing contract experiment’ and the risks of gentrification,VABB-1,157,166,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:330296,,Tourist Crowding Perception and Acceptability in Cities: An Applied Modelling Study on Bruges,VABB-1,2133,2153,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330297,,Onveiligheidsgevoelens bij blanke middenklassers in Kaapstad. Op zoek naar een comfortzone in een ongelijk land,VABB-1,53,72,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330299,,"Urban Shrinkage and Everyday Life in Post-Socialist Cities: Living with Diversity in Hrušov, Ostrava, Czech Republic",VABB-1,229,243,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330300,,"The divisive nature of neoliberal urban renewal in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso",VABB-4,60,80,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330302,,Object-oriented identification of forested landslides with derivatives of single pulse LiDAR data,VABB-1,30,42,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330303,,Short-term versus medium-term monitoring for detecting gully-erosion variability in a Mediterraneaen environment,VABB-1,1604,1623,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330304,,Utilising biological geotextiles: introduction to the Borassus project and global perspectives,VABB-1,453,462,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330306,,"Sediment, soil organic carbon and runoff delivery at various spatial scales",VABB-1,46,56,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330307,,Impact of subsurface rock fragments on runoff and interrill soil loss from cultivated soils,VABB-1,1929,1937,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330309,,Spatial variation of bed roughness in eroding rills and gullies,VABB-1,76,86,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330310,,"Can BSNE (Big Spring Number Eight) samplers be used to measure PM10, respirable dust, PM2.5 and PM1.0?",VABB-1,43,49,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330311,,"Contributions to atmospheric dust production of natural and anthropogenic emissions in a recreational area designated for off-road vehicular actitivy (Nellis Dunes, Nevada, USA)",VABB-1,80,99,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330315,,Comprehensive Parametrization of Surface-Layer Transfer Coefficients for Use in Atmospheric Numerical Models,VABB-1,539,550,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330316,,Impact of vegetation die-off on spatial flow patterns over a tidal marsh,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330319,,Comparative Feedback in the Street: Exposing Residential Energy Consumption on House Façade,VABB-5,470,488,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330331,,The odd one out? Revisiting the Belgian welfare state,VABB-1,87,90,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330333,,"And What if the Tangible Were Not, and Vice Versa? On Boundary Works in Everyday Mobility Experience of People Moving Into Old Age",VABB-1,186,197,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330344,,"Stad in de regio, 1212–2012 – Centrum van de periferie",VABB-4,31,68,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330346,,Custom Digital Workflows: A New Framework for Design Analysis Integration,VABB-1,481,500,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330349,,Topology optimization with geometric uncertainties by perturbation techniques,VABB-1,1321,1336,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330350,,Topology optimization considering material and geometric uncertainties using stochastic collocation methods,VABB-1,597,612,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330351,,Efficient reanalysis techniques for robust topology optimization,VABB-1,217,231,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330358,,Interplay between HIV entry and transportin-SR2 dependency,VABB-1,7,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330360,,"The characterization of sedimentary quartzite artefacts from Mesolithic sites, Belgium",VABB-1,193,199,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330363,,"Huisje weltevree: de opgravingen ten oosten van de Neon-Bibliotheek, 2012",VABB-4,135,142,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330364,,Hennep in christelijke grafrituelen? De suburbane kerk in Catal Oluk,VABB-4,131,135,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330365,,"De Oostelijke Voorstad, een multifunctionele wijk gonzend van activiteit met meer dan rookpluimen van ovens alleen",VABB-4,12,32,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330366,,Word versus Dirt. History and archaeology applied to proto-historical Sagalassos,VABB-4,457,470,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330370,,Sin(a)=object/vision of hoe door de 'gezichtsbarrière' te breken,VABB-1,14,19,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330371,,Technical and social considerations of tools from Roman-period ceramic workshops at Sagalassos (Southwest Turkey): not just tools of the trade?,VABB-1,69,89,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330372,,Long-term clay raw material selection and use in the region of Classical/Hellenistic to Early Byzantine Sagalassos (SW Turkey),VABB-1,1296,1305,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330373,,Whirlwind of numbers. Demographic experiments for Roman Corinth,VABB-1,127,158,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330375,,Vervolgonderzoek op het sitecomplex langs de Molse Nete te Lommel. Opgravingscampagne 2012,VABB-1,37,42,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330378,,"Evaluatie van de bodemkundige bewaring van het neolithisch aardwerk van Bosvoorde Vijvers (Brussel, B)",VABB-1,55,60,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:330383,,Evaluatie van een mesolithische vindplaats te Holsbeek-Rotselaarsebaan 2 (B). Opgravingscampagne 2011,VABB-1,87,99,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:330384,,"Des pots dans les mines. La céramique Michelsberg des minières et de l'enceinte du site de Spiennes (Hainaut, Belgique)",VABB-5,167,181,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:330385,,Le néolithique moyen II dans le sud-ouest du bassin de l'Escaut. Nouveaux éléments dans le Groupe de Spiere,VABB-5,55,76,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:330386,,Scherben bringen Glück. HEROM’S Editorial Statement,VABB-1,7,22,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:330389,,The 2010 Survey Season in the Territory of Sagalassos,VABB-5,185,204,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330392,,A tale of prosperity. Asia Minor in the Theodosian period,VABB-1,113,164,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330394,,Sensitivity of the Eastern Mediterranean geomorphic system towards environmental change during the Late Holocene: a chronological perspective,VABB-1,371,382,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330395,,De opkomst van de ‘Terramare cultuur’? Kritische beschouwingen bij de kolonisatietheorie,VABB-1,1,9,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:330396,,Chemical characterisation of glass mosaic tesserae from sixth-century Sagalassos(south-west Turkey): chronology and production techniques,VABB-1,1480,1492,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330397,,'We surpass the beautiful waters of other cities by the abundance of ours’. Reconciling function and decoration in Late Antique fountains,VABB-1,3,71,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330398,,"The 2nd century AD crisis in Altinum (Venetia, Northern Italy) : A mixture of historiographical determinism and archaeological scarcity ?",VABB-1,139,160,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330401,,Indigenous versus Greek identity in Hellenistic Pisidia. Myth or reality?,VABB-5,19,54,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330407,,Control Marks and Mint Administration in the Fourth Century AD,VABB-1,161,178,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330410,,‘Mercator et William Parsons représentés sur une médaille d’argent gravée par Simon de passe et Simon Gribelin’,VABB-4,221,224,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:330418,,Legisprudence. Practical Reason in Legislation,VABB-2,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330430,,Parental mediation of television viewing in the context of changing parent-child relationships: a latent growth curve analysis in early and middle adolescence,VABB-1,2,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330433,,Heterogeneity within homogeneity: impact of online skills on the use of online news media and interactive news features,VABB-1,297,316,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330434,,Nieuwsvaardig: een crossmediale competentiematrix voor journalisten,VABB-2,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:330435,,Disentangling the 'New Liberal Dilemma': On the Relation between General Welfare Redistribution Preferences and Welfare Chauvinism,VABB-1,120,139,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330437,,Marriage and children as a key to happiness? Cross-national differences in the effects of marital status and children on well-being,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330442,,The Experience Economy as the Future for European Agriculture and Food?,VABB-1,29,45,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330444,,The right price of food,VABB-1,667,688,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330445,,Mega-events and sports institutional development: the impact of the world cup on football academies in Africa,VABB-4,314,335,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330446,,Football Academies and Player Migration in Developing Countries,VABB-4,156,176,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330447,,"Governance structures, political economy and public policy",VABB-1,310,316,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330448,,"China's Milk Scandal, Government Policy and Production Decisions of Dairy Farmers: The Case of Greater Beijing",VABB-1,390,400,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330449,,Rich Consumers and Poor Producers: Quality and Rent Distribution in Global Value Chains,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330450,,Quality and Inclusion of Producers in Value Chains: A Theoretical Note,VABB-1,122,136,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330453,,Antidumping practices in the European Union: a comparative analysis of rules and application in WTO context (Accepted),VABB-4,440,466,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330454,,Subsidiary strategic evolution in China,VABB-4,199,224,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330455,,Globalization drives strategic product switching,VABB-1,45,72,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330456,,"Regulations, brokers, and interlinkages: the institutional organization of wholesale markets in India",VABB-1,864,886,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330457,,Food Standards and Welfare: General Equilibrium Effects,VABB-1,223,244,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330458,,Does firm agglomeration drive product innovation and renewal? An application for Belgium,VABB-1,45,72,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330459,,The political economy of relief aid allocation : evidence from Madagascar,VABB-1,486,500,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330460,,"Institutions, Exchange and Growth: Evidence from Bulgarian Agriculture on the Impact of Hold-ups and Contract Innovations",VABB-1,29,50,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330461,,Global Production Networks in Electronics and Intra-Asian Trade,VABB-4,351,386,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330463,,Impact of the WTO on Agricultural and Food Policies,VABB-1,1089,1101,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330464,,Trade and the Political Economy of Standards,VABB-1,390,400,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330466,,Checking into China’s Cow Hotels: Have Post-Milk Scandal Policies Changed the Structure of the Dairy Sector?,VABB-1,2282,2298,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330467,,China’s exports in a world of increasing oil prices,VABB-1,133,151,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330468,,The impact of the global economic crisis on foreign direct investment : the case of China,VABB-4,49,65,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330469,,Locational determinants of internationalization : a firm-level analysis of Chinese and Indian acquisitions,VABB-1,264,277,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330471,,Modern Food Supply Chains and Development: Evidence from Horticulture Export Sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,473,497,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330473,,"Private Standards, Trade and Poverty: GlobalGAP and Horticultural Employment in Senegal",VABB-1,1073,1088,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330474,,A dynamic perspective on subsidiary strategy in China,VABB-1,365,383,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330475,,Locational determinants of outward foreign direct investment: an analysis of Chinese and Indian greenfield investments,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330476,,Gender and modern supply chain in developing countries,VABB-1,1412,1430,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330477,,Dropping Out: Why Are Students Leaving Junior High in China’s Poor Rural Areas,VABB-1,555,563,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330478,,Transfer Paths and Academic Performance: The Primary School Merger Program in China,VABB-1,423,431,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330479,,Private standards and global governance: legal and economic perspectives,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330480,,The optimal allocation of server time slots over different classes of patients,VABB-1,508,521,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:330481,,Expected improvement in efficient global optimization through bootstrapped kriging,VABB-1,59,73,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330484,,Supply chain management of blood products: a literature review,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330485,,Bullwhip in a multi-product production setting,VABB-1,354,380,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330486,,Sales and operations planning revisited: linking operational and financial performance,VABB-1,327,338,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330487,,Managing variability in manufacturing and services,VABB-1,302,315,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330488,,Matrix-analytic methods in supply chain management: recent developments,VABB-1,283,301,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330489,,Improving workforce scheduling of aircraft line maintenance at Sabena Technics,VABB-1,352,364,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330490,,Public private partnerships:look before you leap into marriage,VABB-1,249,261,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330492,,Centralization or decentralization of remanufacturing facilities in an after-market service supply chain,VABB-5,3,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330493,,Cross training policies in field services,VABB-1,76,88,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330494,,Is there a need for decision support in R&D portfolio management?,VABB-5,797,804,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330495,,Extending the production dice game,VABB-1,1460,1472,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330498,,Two branch-and-bound algorithms for the robust parallel machine scheduling problem,VABB-1,1652,1660,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330499,,Combining thresholding rules: a new way to improve the performance of wavelet estimators,VABB-1,905,922,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330500,,Coloring graphs using two colors while avoiding monochromatic cycles,VABB-1,485,499,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330504,,Computer-assisted proofs of performance ratios for the differencing method,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330505,,Exploring incomplete data using visualization techniques,VABB-1,29,47,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330507,,Lack-of-fit tests in linear mixed models with application to wavelet tests,VABB-1,853,865,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330508,,A comparison of algorithms for the multivariate L1-median,VABB-1,393,410,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:330511,,Solids - a combinatorial auction for a housing corporation,VABB-5,76,88,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330512,,Improving the efficiency of individualized designs for the mixed logit choice model by including covariates,VABB-1,2059,2072,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330513,,Dynamics in international market segmentation of new product growth,VABB-1,81,92,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330514,,Phase and amplitude-based clustering for functional data,VABB-1,2360,2374,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330515,,Between a rock and a hard place: the two-to-one assignment problem,VABB-1,223,237,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330516,,On model selection and model misspecification in causal inference,VABB-1,7,30,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330518,,On the computational complexity of peer-to-peer satellite refueling strategies,VABB-1,88,94,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330519,,Jump robust daily covariance estimation by disentangling variance and correlation components,VABB-1,2993,3003,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330522,,Focused estimation and model averaging for high-dimensional data: an overview,VABB-1,272,287,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330523,,The interval ordering problem,VABB-1,1094,1103,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330525,,"Breaks, cuts, and patterns",VABB-1,428,432,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330526,,Soccer schedules in Europe: an overview,VABB-1,641,651,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330527,,The carry-over effect does not influence football results,VABB-1,288,305,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330530,,Using appropriate prior information to eliminate choice sets with a dominant alternative from D-efficient designs,VABB-1,22,45,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330531,,Optimizing the unlimited shift generation problem,VABB-5,508,518,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330532,,Approximating the multi-level bottleneck assignment problem,VABB-5,64,75,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330533,,Robust estimation of mean and dispersion functions in extended generalized additive models,VABB-1,31,44,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330535,,Empirical social choice,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330536,,An improved artificial negative event generator to enhance process event logs,VABB-5,254,269,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330538,,Managing data dependencies in service compositions,VABB-1,2604,2628,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330539,,A multi-dimensional quality assessment of state-of-the-art process discovery algorithms using real-life event logs,VABB-1,654,676,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330540,,A total data quality management for credit risk: new insights and challenges,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330542,,Promises from SOA: Reengineering a procurement process at Belgacom Mobile - a case study,VABB-1,815,828,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330543,,A new SOM-based method for profile generation: theory and an application in direct marketing,VABB-1,199,209,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330548,,ICT Skills and Computer Self-Efficacy of Higher Education Students,VABB-5,1123,1132,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330550,,An iterative requirements engineering framework based on Formal Concept Analysis and C–K theory,VABB-1,8115,8135,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330552,,Gaining insight into student satisfaction using comprehensible data mining techniques,VABB-1,548,562,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330553,,A prototype tool for the event-driven enforcement of SBVR business rules,VABB-5,446,457,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:330556,,Modeling decision structures and dependencies,VABB-5,525,533,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330560,,Leveraging process discovery with trace clustering and text mining for intelligent analysis of incident management processes,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330561,,Rule-Based business process mining applications for management,VABB-5,273,282,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330562,,Advanced care-flow mining and analysis,VABB-5,167,168,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330564,,Technology-enhanced support for learning conceptual modeling,VABB-5,435,449,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330565,,Using social network classifiers for predicting e-commerce adoption,VABB-5,9,21,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330566,,The use of data quality information (DQI) for decision-making: an exploratory study,VABB-5,386,394,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330567,,Predictors of Gleason Score (GS) upgrading on subsequent prostatectomy: a single institution study in a cohort of patients with GS 6,VABB-1,496,502,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330568,,Brian Boyd's evolutionary account of art: Fiction or future?,VABB-1,176,183,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330569,,Avoiding negative vs. achieving positive outcomes in hard and prosperous economic times,VABB-1,275,284,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330570,,Collective consumption models with restricted bargaining weights: an empirical assessment based on experimental data,VABB-1,395,421,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330571,,Would male conspicuous consumption capture the female eye? Menstrual cycle effects on women's attention to status products,VABB-1,346,349,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330572,,"Potential impact of interventions resulting in reduced exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation (UVA and UVB) on skin cancer incidence in four European countries, 2010-2050",VABB-1,53,62,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330573,,Risk factors for actinic keratosis in eight European centres: a case–control study,VABB-1,36,42,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330574,,Assessing physicians’ preferences on skin cancer treatment in Europe,VABB-1,29,35,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330575,,"Health literacy, sunscreen and sunbed use: an uneasy association",VABB-1,14,21,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330576,,Known and potential new risk factors for skin cancer in European populations: a multicentre case–control study,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330577,,Effect of business cycle fluctuations on private-label share: what has marketing conduct got to do with it?,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330578,,Embodied myopia,VABB-1,1033,1044,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330579,,Identity-based consumer behavior,VABB-1,310,321,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330580,,Sensory exploitation: underestimated in the evolution of art as once in sexual selection?,VABB-4,189,216,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330581,,Engaging in self-regulation results in low-level construals,VABB-1,763,769,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330582,,The processing of two-digit numbers depends on task instructions,VABB-1,37,41,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330583,,Consumers’ evaluation of allocation policies for scarce health care services: vested interest activation trumps spatial and temporal distance,VABB-1,531,543,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330584,,Promoting interactive decision aids on retail websites: a message framing perspective,VABB-1,226,235,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330585,,The impact of an item-based loyalty program,VABB-1,50,65,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330586,,Consumer acceptance of recommendations by interactive decision aids: The joint role of temporal distance and concrete vs. abstract communications,VABB-1,233,264,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330587,,Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations: The Multi-Level Politics of Climate Change Policy in Belgium,VABB-1,441,458,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330589,,Het governancenetwerk van de Europese voetbalsport. Het introduceren van nieuwe governancebenaderingen om voetbal te sturen op EU-niveau,VABB-1,383,386,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330590,,A Governance Perspective on Sport Mega-Events: The 2010 Football World Cup in South Africa as a Lubricant in Domestic and International Affairs?,VABB-4,135,149,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330591,,Sports Governance: Between the Obsession with Rules and Regulation and the Aversion to Being Ruled and Regulated,VABB-4,107,121,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330592,,The governance network of European football. Towards a more important role for the EU and football’s stakeholder organizations,VABB-1,130,139,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330593,,The Position(s) of the EU in the UN System: The Examples of Human Rights and Environmental Governance,VABB-4,253,281,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330594,,The European Union’s Participation in United Nations Human Rights and Environmental Governance. Key Concepts and Major Challenges,VABB-4,3,22,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330595,,Analysing the Position of the European Union in the United Nations System. Analytical Framework,VABB-4,25,45,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330596,,The European Union and Multilateral Governance : Assessing EU Participation in United Nations Human Rights and Environmental Fora,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330598,,The State of Sustainable Development: Perspectives From the Subnational Level,VABB-4,239,262,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330599,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330600,,Sustainable Development and Subnational Governments. Policy-Making and Multi-Level Interactions,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330603,,The process of value realization in asymmetric new venture development alliances: Governing the transition from exploration to exploitation,VABB-1,508,527,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330604,,Towards an assessment of perceived HRM system strength: scale development and validation,VABB-1,1481,1506,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330608,,How to identify leadership potential: Development and testing of a consensus model,VABB-1,361,385,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330612,,Job advertisements: portraying fitting values by profit and nonprofit organizations,VABB-1,216,232,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330613,,In-depth joint supply chain learning: towards a framework,VABB-1,627,637,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330614,,"Career adapt-abilities scale – Netherlands form: Psychometric properties and relationships to ability, personality, and regulatory focus",VABB-1,716,724,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330615,,Career adapt-abilities scale − Belgium form: psychometric characteristics and construct validity,VABB-1,674,679,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330617,,Career and employer change in the age of the ‘boundaryless’ career: The influence of career concerns and organisational commitment,VABB-1,280,288,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330618,,"How ‘boundaryless’ are the careers of high potentials, key experts and average performers?",VABB-1,271,279,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330620,,Psychological mobility and career success in the 'new' career climate,VABB-1,289,297,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330624,,Attracting Generation Y: how work values predict organizational attraction in graduating students in Belgium,VABB-4,42,63,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330626,,More than 'mutual information': educational and sectoral gender segregation and their interaction on the Flemish labour market,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330627,,Alliance portfolios and innovation performance: Connecting structural and managerial perspectives,VABB-1,241,268,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330629,,Identifying the entrepreneur in entrepreneurship: An overview of the research field with special emphasis on human and social capital,VABB-1,257,281,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330630,,Towards an ethical research agenda for international HRM: The possibilities of a plural cosmopolitan framework,VABB-1,61,72,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330631,,Identifying financially successful start-up profiles with data mining,VABB-1,5794,5800,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330632,,The role of learning agility and career variety in the identification and development of high potential employees,VABB-1,340,358,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330633,,Research on behavioral integrity: A promising construct for positive organizational scholarship,VABB-4,325,340,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330634,,Four key steps in developing leader integrity,VABB-4,135,155,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330635,,Workforce implications of injury among home health workers: Evidence from the national home health aide survey,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330636,,Authentic leadership and behavioral integrity as drivers of follower commitment and performance,VABB-1,255,264,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330637,,"Behavioral integrity for safety, priority of safety, psychological safety, and patient safety: A team-level study",VABB-1,1273,1281,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330649,,"Heritability of body mass index in pre-adolescence, young adulthood and late adulthood",VABB-1,247,253,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330650,,"Determinants of cardiorespiratory fitness at 3, 6 and 12 months poststroke",VABB-1,1835,1842,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330651,,Effects of deep water running in older adults. A Systematic review,VABB-1,3219,3227,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330652,,Prediction of adult height in girls: the Beunen-Malina-Freitas method,VABB-1,1683,91,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:330660,,Ulnar variance and its related factors in gymnasts: a review,VABB-1,59,89,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330664,,Caucasian children's fat mass: routine anthropometry v. air-displacement plethysmography,VABB-1,1528,1537,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:330665,,Growth references for Brazilian children and adolescents: healthy growth in Cariri study,VABB-1,11,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330667,,The value of a non-sport-specific motor test battery in predicting performance in young female gymnasts,VABB-1,497,505,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330668,,"Tracking of fatness during childhood, adolescence and young adulthood: a 7-year follow-up study in Madeira Island, Portugal",VABB-1,59,67,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330669,,The effects of physical activity feedback on behavior and awareness in employees: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330670,,"Variation in sport participation, fitness and motor coordination with socioeconomic status among Flemish children",VABB-1,113,28,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330671,,"Biological maturation, morphology, fitness, and motor coordination as part of a selection strategy in the search for international youth soccer players (age 15-16 years)",VABB-1,1695,1703,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330672,,Role of Alpha-actinin-3 in Contractile Properties of Human Single Muscle Fibers: A Case Series Study in Paraplegics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330673,,Relationship between sports participation and the level of motor coordination in childhood: a longitudinal approach,VABB-1,220,5,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330674,,Assessment of physical activity and inactivity in multiple domains of daily life: a comparison between a computerized questionnaire and the SenseWear Armband complemented with an electronic diary,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330679,,"Patterns of physical activity and sedentary behavior in normal-weight, overweight and obese adults, as measured with a portable armband device and an electronic diary",VABB-1,756,764,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330680,,Muscular strength and diameter as determinants of aerobic power and aerobic power response to exercise training in CAD patients,VABB-1,399,406,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330682,,The Left Hand Second to Fourth Digit Ratio (2D:4D) Does Not Discriminate World-Class Female Gymnasts from Age Matched Sedentary Girls,VABB-1,e40270,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330685,,Characterizing the self-system over time in adolescence: Internal structure and associations with internalizing symptoms,VABB-1,1208,1225,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330686,,"The 13-item sense of coherence scale in Dutch-speaking adolescents and young adults: Structural validity, age trends, and chronic disease",VABB-1,351,368,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330687,,Hypermaturity and immaturity of personality profiles in adolescents,VABB-1,203,211,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330688,,Teacher-child relationships from an attachment perspective,VABB-1,205,211,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330689,,Personality traits and educational identity formation in late adolescents: Longitudinal associations and academic progress,VABB-1,346,361,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330691,,"Identifying configurations of perceived teacher autonomy support and structure: Associations with self-regulated learning, motivation and problem behavior",VABB-1,431,439,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330692,,Future time perspective as a motivational variable: Content and extension of future goals affect the quantity and quality of motivation,VABB-1,321,333,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330693,,"Employees’ job demands-resources profiles, burnout, and work engagement. A person-centered examination",VABB-1,691,706,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330696,,The Dynamics of Personality and Identity in Adolescence,VABB-1,472,484,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330697,,Validating the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale: testing factor structure and measurement invariance across child gender and age in a Dutch sample,VABB-1,215,234,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330698,,"Relationships with mother, teacher, and peers: Unique and joint effects on young children’s self-concept",VABB-1,233,248,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330699,,The interplay of loneliness and depressive symptoms across adolescence: Exploring the role of personality traits,VABB-1,776,787,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330700,,Individual and contextual determinants of quality of life in adolescents with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,122,128,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330703,,"Parenthood motives, well-being and disclosure among men from couples ready to start treatment with intrauterine insemination using their own sperm or donor sperm",VABB-1,159,166,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330704,,Perceived parenting and separation-individuation in Belgian college students: Associations with emotional adjustment,VABB-1,353,370,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330705,,"Psychologically controlling teaching: Examining outcomes, antecedents, and mediators",VABB-1,108,120,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330706,,Choosing a major in higher education: Profiles of students' decision-making process,VABB-1,229,239,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330707,,"Attachment, parenting, and separation-individuation in adolescence: A comparison of hospitalized adolescents, institutionalized delinquents, and controls",VABB-1,119,141,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330710,,Teacher and observer views on student-teacher relationships: Convergence across kindergarten and relations with student engagement,VABB-1,61,76,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330711,,Identity and perceived peer relationship quality in emerging adulthood: The mediating role of attachment-related emotions,VABB-1,1417,1425,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330712,,Daily fluctuations in perfectionism dimensions and their relation to eating disorder symptoms,VABB-1,678,687,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330714,,Perceived parental psychological control and adolescent depressive experiences: A cross-cultural study with Belgian and South-Korean athletes,VABB-1,261,272,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330715,,The time perspective of the Alzheimer caregiver,VABB-1,451,469,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330716,,Identity dynamics and peer relationship quality in adolescents with a chronic disease: the sample case of congenital heart disease,VABB-1,625,632,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330718,,Disentangling the longitudinal relation between loneliness and depressive symptoms: Prospective effects and the intervening role of coping,VABB-1,810,834,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330719,,Voices of dialogue and directivity in family therapy with refugees: Evolving ideas about dialogical refugee care,VABB-1,391,404,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330720,,The effect of track changes on the development of academic self-concept in high school: A dynamic test of the Big-Fish-Little-Pond effect,VABB-1,793,805,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330721,,Identity processes and coping strategies in college students: Short-term longitudinal dynamics and the role of personality,VABB-1,1226,1239,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330722,,Loneliness and depressive symptoms: The mediating and moderating role of uncontrollable ruminative thoughts,VABB-1,259,276,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330723,,Dynamics of spatial frequency tuning in mouse visual cortex,VABB-1,2937,2949,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330724,,Recovery from retinal lesions: molecular plasticity mechanisms in visual cortex far beyond the deprived zone,VABB-1,2883,2892,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330725,,Bi-stable Gestalts reduce activity in the whole of V1 not just the retinotopically predicted parts,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330726,,Efficacy of enzyme replacement therapy in an aggravated mouse model of metachromatic leukodystrophy declines with age,VABB-1,2599,2609,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330727,,Arylsulfatase G inactivation causes loss of heparan sulfate 3-O-sulfatase activity and mucopolysaccharidosis in mice,VABB-1,10310,10315,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330728,,Cognitive defects are reversible in inducible mice expressing pro-aggregant full-length human Tau,VABB-1,787,805,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330729,,"LPA5 receptor plays a role in pain sensitivity, emotional exploration and reversal learning",VABB-1,1009,1019,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330730,,Stimulus generalization and return of fear in C57BL/6J mice,VABB-1,41,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330731,,A Multivariate Approach Reveals the Behavioral Templates Underlying Visual Discrimination in Rats,VABB-1,50,55,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330732,,Decline of the McCollough effect by orientation-specific post-adaptation exposure to achromatic gratings,VABB-1,52,56,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330733,,An aberrant cerebellar development in mice lacking matrix metalloproteinase-3,VABB-1,17,29,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330734,,Autistic-like behaviours and hyperactivity in mice lacking ProSAP1/Shank2,VABB-1,256,260,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330735,,"TUDCA, a Bile Acid, Attenuates Amyloid Precursor Protein Processing and Amyloid-β Deposition in APP/PS1 Mice",VABB-1,440,454,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330736,,Olfactory classical conditioning in neonatal mouse pups using thermal stimuli,VABB-1,250,256,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330738,,Kan het daderschap van pesterijen verklaard worden via het Job Demands-Resources Model?,VABB-1,45,65,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:330741,,"De relatie tussen werkeisen, energiebronnen, spanning, en werkplezier: en kwestie van leeftijd?",VABB-1,5,27,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:330742,,Internet + bemiddeling = e-mediation,VABB-1,22,30,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:330743,,The mediating role of frustration of psychological needs in the relationship between job insecurity and work-related well-being,VABB-1,252,271,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330744,,Generalization of conditioned responding: Effects of autobiographical memory specificity,VABB-1,S60,S66,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:330745,,Dampening of positive affect prospectively predicts depressive symptoms in non-clinical samples,VABB-1,75,82,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330746,,The effects of noradrenergic blockade on extinction in humans,VABB-1,598,605,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330747,,Responses to positive affect predict mood symptoms in children under conditions of stress: A prospective study,VABB-1,381,389,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330748,,Psychophysiological responses to CO2 inhalation,VABB-1,45,50,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330749,,Safety behavior can hamper the extinction of fear of movement-related pain: An experimental investigation in healthy participants,VABB-1,735,746,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330750,,Stress reduction through psychoeducation: a meta-analytic review,VABB-1,474,485,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330751,,Learning to fear suffocation: A new paradigm for interoceptive fear conditioning,VABB-1,821,828,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330753,,Het verband tussen subtypes van ruminatie en (problematisch) middelengebruik in de adolescentie,VABB-1,27,37,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330754,,Memory specificity in borderline personality disorder: Associations with depression and self-discrepancy,VABB-1,S51,S59,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330755,,Current psychometric and methodological issues in the measurement of overgeneral autobiographical memory,VABB-1,S21,S31,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330756,,A relationship between verbal aggression and personal network size,VABB-1,164,170,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330757,,Additivity pretraining and cue competition effects: Developmental evidence for a reasoning-based account of causal learning,VABB-1,180,190,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330758,,Effect of self-discrepancy on specificity of autobiographical memory retrieval,VABB-1,63,72,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330759,,The effect of self-compassion on the development of depression symptoms in a non-clinical sample,VABB-1,33,36,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330760,,Validation of the Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire – Dutch version (PTQ-NL),VABB-1,102,108,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330761,,Narrowing down the conditions for extinction of Pavlovian feature-positive discriminations in humans,VABB-1,393,404,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330762,,Expectancy bias in a selective conditioning procedure: Trait anxiety increases the threat value of a blocked stimulus,VABB-1,832,837,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330763,,The interplay between rumination and intrusions in the prediction of concurrent and prospective depression symptoms in two non-clinical samples,VABB-1,777,788,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330764,,Instructed extinction differentially affects the emotional and cognitive expression of associative fear memory,VABB-1,1426,1435,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330765,,The role of inhibition in exposure therapy,VABB-1,322,345,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330766,,Repetitive negative thinking predicts depressed mood at 3-year follow-up in students,VABB-1,497,501,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330767,,Rumination relates to reduced autobiographical memory specificity in formerly depressed patients following a self-discrepancy challenge: The case of autobiographical memory specificity reactivity,VABB-1,1002,1007,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330771,,"Women, but not men, report increasingly more pain than men during repeated (un)predictable painful electrocutaneous stimulation: Evidence for mediation by fear of pain",VABB-1,1030,1041,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330772,,Retrieval per se is not sufficient to trigger reconsolidation of human fear memory,VABB-1,338,345,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330773,,Unconscious semantic activation depends on feature-specific attention allocation,VABB-1,91,95,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330774,,Post-acquisition repetitive thought in fear conditioning: An experimental investigation of the effect of CS-US-rehearsal,VABB-1,737,744,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330775,,The Penn State Worry Questionnaire – Past Day: Development and validation of a measure assessing daily levels of worry,VABB-1,35,47,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330776,,Repetitive thought about an aversive learning experience maintains conditioned responding,VABB-1,84,102,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330777,,Relationship between cognitive avoidant coping and changes in overgeneral autobiographical memory retrieval following an acute stressor,VABB-1,S37,S42,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330778,,Micro-positron emission tomography imaging of rat brain metabolism during expression of contextual conditioning,VABB-1,254,263,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330779,,Ruminative Response Scale (RSS),VABB-1,81,84,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330780,,Contextual control over expression of fear is affected by cortisol,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330781,,Greater positive affect change after mental imagery than verbal thinking in a student sample,VABB-1,178,188,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330782,,The Mediational Role of responses to positive and negative affect mediate the association between temperament and mood symptoms in children,VABB-1,768,775,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330783,,Guilt by association and honor by association: The role of acquired equivalence,VABB-1,385,390,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:330784,,De ziekte van Dupuytren: een lange weg naar ziektecontrole in UZ Leuven anno 2011,VABB-1,577,582,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:330785,,Neutral mechanical alignment: a requirement for successful TKA: opposes,VABB-1,E507,E509,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330786,,Multiple needle puncturing: balancing the varus knee,VABB-1,e510,E512,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:330789,,Decreased variability in postural control strategies in young people with non-specific low back is associated with altered proprioceptive reweighting,VABB-1,115,123,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330790,,Physical activity and low back pain: a systematic review of recent literature,VABB-1,826,845,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330791,,Development and application of a handbike ergometer to measure the 3D force generation pattern during arm crank propulsion in realistic handcycling conditions,VABB-1,65,73,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330793,,The between-day and inter-rater reliability of a novel wireless system to analyse lumbar spine posture,VABB-1,82,90,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330794,,The validity of O'Sullivan's classification system (CS) for a sub-group of NS-CLBP with motor control impairment (MCI): overview of a series of studies and review of the literature,VABB-1,9,14,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330795,,The effect of acute back muscles fatigue on postural control in people with and without recurrent low back pain,VABB-1,2152,2159,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330798,,Musculoskeletal frailty: a geriatric syndrome at the core of fracture occurrence in older age,VABB-1,161,177,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330800,,Avascular Necrosis of the Scaphoid After Three-Ligament Tenodesis for Scapholunate Dissociation: Case Report,VABB-1,587,590,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330801,,Randomized Controlled Trial on Physical Therapy for TMJ Closed Lock,VABB-1,364,369,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330802,,One-year evaluation of the effect of physical therapy for masticatory muscle pain: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,737,747,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330805,,Sway activity and muscle recruitment order during transition from double to single-leg stance in subjects with chronic ankle instability,VABB-1,546,551,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330808,,"Rugpijn, of: de psychologie van de mechanica",VABB-1,106,117,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:330809,,The volar portal in wrist arthroscopy,VABB-1,290,293,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330810,,The evidence-base for conceptual approaches and additional therapies targeting lower limb function in children with in Cerebral Palsy: A systematic review using the ICF as a framework,VABB-1,396,405,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330811,,Evaluatie van de taalvaardigheid van ernstig slechthorende en dove kinderen met de CELF-4-NL,VABB-1,52,72,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:330812,,Predictors of spoken language development following pediatric cochlear implantation,VABB-1,617,639,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330813,,Effect of pediatric bilateral cochlear implantation on language development,VABB-1,28,34,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330814,,The evidence-base for basic physical therapy techniques targeting lower limb function in children with cerebral palsy – a systematic review using the ICF as a conceptual framework,VABB-1,385,395,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330815,,Turning and unilateral cueing in Parkinson’s disease patients with and without freezing of gait.,VABB-1,298,306,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330816,,To what extent is mean EMG frequency during gait a reflection of functional muscle strength in children with cerebral palsy?,VABB-1,916,923,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330818,,Repeatability in the assessment of multi-segment foot kinematics,VABB-1,255,260,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330819,,The effect of different physiotherapy interventions in post-BTX-A treatment of children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,20,28,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330820,,Effects of 3 weeks' whole body vibration training on muscle strength and functional mobility in hospitalized persons with multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,498,505,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330823,,Risk factors in Dupuytren’s diathesis: is recurrence after surgery predictable?,VABB-1,27,32,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330824,,Split-second decisions on a split belt: does simulated limping affect obstacle avoidance?,VABB-1,33,42,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330825,,Validation of a novel spinal posture monitor: comparison with digital videofluoroscopy,VABB-1,2633,2639,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330826,,Ankle proprioception is not targeted by exercises on an unstable surface,VABB-1,1577,1585,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330827,,Altered preparatory pelvic control during the sit-to-stance-to-sit movement in people with nonspecific,VABB-1,821,828,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330828,,Implementing one standardized rehabilitation protocol following autologous chondrocyte implantation or microfracture in the knee results in comparable physical therapy management,VABB-1,125,136,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330829,,New approach to the diagnosis and classification of chronic foot and ankle disorders: Identifying motor control and movement impairments,VABB-1,522,530,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330831,,Are Personal Characteristics Associated with Exercise Participation in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis? A Cross-Sectional Explorative Survey,VABB-1,90,100,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330832,,"Physical fitness, rather than self-reported physical activities, is more strongly associated with low back pain: evidence from a working population",VABB-1,1265,72,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330833,,Influence of Bone Remodeling Rate on Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) Parameters at the Calcaneus and DXA BMDa of the Hip and Spine in Middle Aged and Elderly European Men: The European Male Ageing Study (EMAS),VABB-1,977,986,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330834,,Body of evidence supporting the clinical use of 3-D Multisegment Foot Models: a systematic review,VABB-1,338,349,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330836,,The in vitro reliability of the CODA MPX30 as the basis for a method of assessing the in vivo motion of the subtalar joint,VABB-1,400,406,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330838,,Predisposing factors which are relevant for the clinical outcome after revision total knee arthroplasty,VABB-1,1049,1056,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330839,,Complex total knee arthroplasty using resection prostheses at mid-term follow-up,VABB-1,550,4,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330840,,A biomechanical study on fracture risks in ulnohumeral arthroplasty,VABB-1,183,187,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330841,,"Prosthetic inlay resurfacing for the treatment of focal, full thickness cartilage defects of the femoral condyle: a bridge between biologics and conventional arthroplasty",VABB-1,1753,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330842,,Improved postoperative outcome of segmental fasciectomy in Dupuytren disease by insertion of an absorbable cellulose implant,VABB-1,157,164,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330843,,Is High Impact Sports Participation Associated With Bowlegs In Adolescent Boys?,VABB-1,993,998,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330844,,The effect of dynamic sitting on the prevention and management of low back pain and low back discomfort: a systematic review,VABB-1,898,908,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330845,,Fixing simple olecranon fractures with the Olecranon Osteotomy Nail (OleON),VABB-1,438,445,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330846,,Towards monitoring lumbo-pelvic posture in real-life situations: concurrent validity of a novel posture monitor and a traditional laboratory-based motion analysis system,VABB-1,77,83,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330847,,Successful Treatment of Painful Irreparable Partial Meniscal Defects With a Polyurethane Scaffold: Two-Year Safety and Clinical Outcomes,VABB-1,844,853,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330848,,Lumbar posture and trunk muscle activation during a typing task when sitting on a novel dynamic ergonomic chair,VABB-1,1586,1595,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330849,,The Lateral Tibial Tunnel in Revision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery: A Biomechanical Study of a New Technique,VABB-1,818,826,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330850,,What do physiotherapists consider to be the best sitting spinal posture?,VABB-1,432,437,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330851,,Can we reduce the effort of maintaining a neutral sitting posture? A pilot study,VABB-1,566,571,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330852,,Calcium and vitamin d supplementation in men,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330853,,Smoking in relation to age in aesthetic facial surgery,VABB-1,853,856,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330854,,Smoking and its effect on scar healing,VABB-1,421,424,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330856,,Peak and submaximal steady-state metabolic and cardiorespiratory responses during arm-powered and arm-trunk-powered handbike ergometry in able-bodied participants,VABB-1,983,989,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330857,,Elbow arthrolysis for traumatic arthrofibrosis. A shift towards minimally invasive surgery,VABB-1,758,764,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330858,,Arterial anatomy of the free vascularised corticoperiosteal graft from the medial femoral condyle,VABB-1,502,505,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330859,,Physical therapy as a means to optimize posture and voice parameters in student classical singers: a case report,VABB-1,e91,e101,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330863,,A comparison between laser-doppler imaging and colorimetry in the assessment of scarring:a pilot study,VABB-1,188,191,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330864,,Back to basics. Or why the group of companies doctrine should be disregarded once and for all,VABB-4,125,132,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330866,,Explanatory secondary dimension modelling of latent DIF,VABB-1,583,603,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330867,,Identifying the situational triggers underlying avoidance of communication situations and individual differences therein,VABB-1,438,443,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330868,,Contrast effects in typicality judgements: A hierarchical Bayesian approach,VABB-1,1721,1739,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330869,,Testing theories of post-error slowing,VABB-1,454,465,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330870,,Using priors to formalize theory: Optimal attention and the generalized context model,VABB-1,1047,1056,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330871,,"Differentiating children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Learning Disabilities and Autistic Spectrum Disorders by means of their motor behavior characteristics",VABB-1,196,204,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330874,,Taking atypical response patterns into account: A multidimensional measurement model from item response theory.,VABB-4,238,259,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330875,,Getting stuck in depression: The roles of rumination and emotional inertia,VABB-1,1412,1427,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330877,,Heart rate responses to parental behavior in depressed adolescents,VABB-1,80,87,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330878,,The name pronunciation effect: Why people like Mr. Smith more than Mr. Colquhoun,VABB-1,752,756,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330879,,A formal ideal-based account of typicality,VABB-1,1006,1014,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330880,,"Blaming, praising and protecting our humanity: The implications of everyday dehumanization for judgments of moral status",VABB-1,469,483,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330881,,"Agreement among physical educators, teachers and parents on children's behaviors: A multitrait-multimethod design approach",VABB-1,1343,1351,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330882,,Sleep-wake differences in heart rate variability during a 105-day simulated mission to Mars,VABB-1,125,130,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330884,,Feeling bad about being sad: The role of social expectancies in amplifying negative emotions,VABB-1,69,80,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330885,,The effect of response style on self-reported conscientiousness across 20 countries,VABB-1,1423,1436,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330886,,An exemplar approach to conceptual combination,VABB-1,435,458,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330887,,"The dynamic interplay between emotions in daily life: Augmentation, blunting, and the role of appraisal overlap.",VABB-1,1320,1328,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330888,,On the relationships between Jeffreys modal and weighted likelihood estimation of ability under logistic IRT models,VABB-1,163,169,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330889,,Angoff's Delta method revisited: improving DIF detection under small samples,VABB-1,302,321,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330890,,A robust outlier approach to prevent Type I error inflation in Differential Item Functioning,VABB-1,291,311,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330891,,Representation at different levels in a conceptual hierarchy,VABB-1,11,18,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330892,,Emotional inertia prospectively predicts the onset of depressive disorder in adolescence,VABB-1,283,289,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330893,,Our flaws are more human than yours: Ingroup bias in humanizing negative characteristics,VABB-1,283,295,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330894,,Changing emotion dynamics: Individual differences in the effect of anticipatory social stress on emotional inertia,VABB-1,256,267,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330895,,Determinants of the shape of emotion intensity profiles,VABB-1,1486,1495,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330896,,"The relationship between extraversion, neuroticism and aspects of trait affect",VABB-1,664,669,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330898,,Categories versus dimensions in personality and psychopathology: A quantitative review of taxometric research,VABB-1,903,920,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330899,,Belief inhibition in children's reasoning: Memory-based evidence,VABB-1,231,242,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330900,,IRTrees: Tree-based item response models of the GLMM family,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330901,,DISCO-SCA and Properly Applied GSVD as Swinging Methods to Find Common and Distinctive Processes,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330902,,The relationship between self-distancing and the duration of negative and positive emotional experiences in daily life.,VABB-1,1248,1263,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330903,,Depression is associated with the escalation of adolescents' dysphoric behavior during interactions with parents,VABB-1,913,918,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330904,,Can fast and slow intelligence be differentiated?,VABB-1,23,32,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330905,,Comparability of self-reported conscientiousness across 21 countries,VABB-1,303,317,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330906,,Prepotent inhibition predicts treatment outcome in ADHD,VABB-1,50,61,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:330907,,The effectiveness of mindfulness training for children with ADHD and mindful parenting for their parents,VABB-1,139,147,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330913,,The generalized polymorphous concept account of graded structure in abstract categories,VABB-1,1117,1132,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330914,,On domain differences in categorization and context variety,VABB-1,1290,1300,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330915,,Uncovering contrast categories in categorization with a probabilistic threshold model,VABB-1,1515,1531,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330916,,The adolescent outcome of children with ADHD treated with methylphenidate or methylphenidate combined with multi-modal behavior therapy: Results of a naturalistic follow-up study,VABB-1,270,278,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330917,,Can Motivation Normalize Working Memory and Task Persistence in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder? The Effects of Money and Computer-Gaming,VABB-1,669,681,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330920,,Beethoven's Tempest Sonata. Five Annotated Analyses for Performers and Scholars,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330921,,Klang-Zeit-Auflösung des Werkbegriffs in der neuen Musik. Versuch einer musikanalytischen Neuorientierung. Zu diesem Heft,VABB-1,291,292,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:330930,,Elliott Carter's Structural Polyrhythms in the 1970s: 'A Mirror on which to Dwell',VABB-1,12,25,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330932,,"Analysing Sixteenth-Century Chant-Based Polyphony: Some Methodological Observations, and a Case-Study from Leonhard Paminger",VABB-1,144,161,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330937,,"Tempo und Zeit als kompositorisches Problem in serieller und postserieller Musik. Eine theoretische Untersuchung mit analytischen Beispielen von Gottfried Michael Koenig (Klavierstück II aus den Zwei Klavierstücken, 1957) und Brian Ferneyhough (Opus Contra Naturam, 2000)",VABB-1,341,363,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:330938,,"‘Autant de compositeurs, autant de polytonalités différentes’: Polytonality in French Music Theory and Composition of the 1920s",VABB-4,157,172,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330946,,Beethoven. Der einsame Revolutionär,VABB-2,,,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:330947,,'Regnavit a ligno Deus': Tradition and Modernity in Liszt's 'Via crucis',VABB-4,99,121,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330948,,"Music, Competition, and Propaganda in the Court of Philip the Fair",VABB-4,147,151,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330952,,Musical sense-making and the concept of affordance: an ecosemiotic and experiential approach,VABB-1,391,409,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330953,,Picasso in the mind’s eye of the beholder: Three-dimensional filling-in of ambiguous line drawings,VABB-1,394,412,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330954,,A century of Gestalt psychology in visual perception: I. Perceptual grouping and figure-ground organization,VABB-1,1172,1217,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330955,,The role of social cues in the deployment of spatial attention: Head-body relationships automatically activate directional spatial codes in a Simon task,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330956,,Investigating the Status of Biological Stimuli as Objects of Attention in Multiple Object Tracking,VABB-1,e16232,e16232,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330958,,Testing the dorsal stream attention hypothesis: Electrophysiological correlates and the effects of ventral stream damage,VABB-1,1089,1121,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330959,,The parallel representation of the objects selected by attention,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:330961,,The role of visual information in numerosity estimation,VABB-1,(epub),,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330962,,Continuous visual properties explain neural responses to non-symbolic number,VABB-1,1649,1659,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330968,,"Theory of ""Edge-Detection""",VABB-4,35,49,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330969,,Content and epistemic relations: a developmental study of recall,VABB-1,255,270,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330970,,Dual Task Performance of Working Memory and Postural control in major depressive disorder,VABB-1,110,118,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330972,,"Shading, a view from the inside",VABB-1,308,338,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330973,,Een Nederlandstalige versie van de Dalla Barba confabulatie-test,VABB-1,49,59,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:330974,,Cognitive control of intentions for voluntary actions in individuals with a high level of autistic traits,VABB-1,2523,2533,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330975,,Gestalt has no notion of attention. But does it need one?,VABB-1,35,68,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:330979,,Creative reasoning across developmental levels: Convergence and divergence in problem creation,VABB-1,172,188,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330982,,A century of Gestalt psychology in visual perception. II. Conceptual and theoretical foundations,VABB-1,1218,1252,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330983,,"Indicatives, concessives, and evidential support",VABB-1,480,499,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330984,,Recognizing biological motion and emotions from point light displays in Autism Spectrum Disorders,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330990,,Are you approaching me? Motor execution influences perceived action orientation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330991,,Curbing the attentional blink: Practice keeps the mind's eye open,VABB-1,13,22,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330993,,Relationship between neural response and adaptation selectivity to form and color: an ERP study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330994,,"Perceptual grouping in haptic search: The influence of proximity, similarity, and good continuation",VABB-1,817,821,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330995,,The “why” and “how” of JointICA: results from a visual detection task,VABB-1,1171,1185,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:330998,,The activation of alternative response candidates: When do doubts kick in?,VABB-1,38,45,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331000,,All is beautiful? Generality vs. specificity of word usage in visual aesthetics,VABB-1,187,201,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331002,,Generalization of visual shapes by flexible and simple rules,VABB-1,237,261,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331003,,Partial synchronization in diffusively time-delay coupled oscillator networks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331006,,Perceptual wholes can reduce the conscious accessibility of their parts,VABB-1,308,312,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331007,,Conflict-monitoring and the intuitive error in quantitative reasoning,VABB-1,385,401,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331012,,Is the Truth Table Task Mistaken?,VABB-1,119,132,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331013,,"Clustering, randomness and regularity: Spatial distributions and human performance on the Traveling Salesperson Problem and Minimum Spanning Tree Problem",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331015,,What can the same-different task tell us about the development of magnitude representations?,VABB-1,35,42,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331016,,The construction of perceptual grouping displays using GERT,VABB-1,439,446,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331019,,High-Capacity Embedding of Synfire Chains in a Cortical Network Model,VABB-1,185,209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:331020,,Fragmentation: Loss of global coherence or breakdown of modularity in functional brain architecture?,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331032,,La nécessité d'une ingérence dans la liberté d'expression n'est jamais évidente. L'obligation de réparation d'une faute civilie non plus?,VABB-1,434,450,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:331033,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331034,,Comparative law as an act of modesty: a pragmatic and realistic approach to comparative legal scholarship,VABB-4,302,325,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331036,,La censure préventive en matière de presse audiovisuelle : contraire à la Constitution et à la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme,VABB-1,245,248,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:331049,,Ontkentenis van proceshandeling: enkele aandachtspunten,VABB-1,1389,1393,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331053,,De rol van de vereffenaar in een appelprocedure tegen een gerechtelijke ontbinding,VABB-1,1512,1515,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331064,,Over toetsingscriteria en toetsingsintensiteit. Haalt het Grondwettelijk Hof de Straatsburgse standaarden?,VABB-1,76,91,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331069,,"De nieuwe ""overgangsbepaling"" bij artikel 195 van de Grondwet. Een herbruikbare tijdelijke afwijking van de herzieningsprocedure?",VABB-1,156,172,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331070,,Federalism in the European Union,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331071,,The European Court of Justice and Member State Federalism: Balancing or Categorisation?,VABB-4,322,361,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331072,,Introduction. Religious Diversity and Accommodation in the European Workplace,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331073,,Silence is golden? Charting the Intersections of Speech and Direct Discrimination Under EU Discrimination Law with a Special Focus on Racial and Religious Discrimination in Recruitment,VABB-4,121,150,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331074,,'Kuifje in Afrika' en de Antiracismewet,VABB-1,530,534,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331082,,"Directe of indirecte discriminatie, overeenstemming van de regelgeving met het discriminatieverbod en redelijke aanpassingen",VABB-1,115,124,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331086,,De impact van Better regulation (betere regelgeving) in de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,1790,1802,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331087,,Beginselen van behoorlijke wetgeving in de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie 2010-2011,VABB-1,10,21,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331094,,Federalism in the European Union,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331095,,Economic and Monetary Union: Caught between Brussels and Luxembourg? The Influence of EU Law on Belgian Federalism,VABB-4,392,403,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331096,,Verschillende gelijkheden? Recente Europese en nationale rechtspraak over discriminatie,VABB-1,23,67,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331100,,EU Law and Language Regulation in (Quasi-)Federal Member States,VABB-4,287,321,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331101,,Federalism’s Janus Face,VABB-4,1,10,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:331102,,Het Bundesverfassungsericht en ultra vires-controle na Lissabon – Retorische dissidentie,VABB-1,505,524,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:331103,,Kroniek rechtspraak EHRM 2009,VABB-1,423,440,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331106,,Voldoet de rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof inzake wetgevende validaties aan de criteria in de rechtspraak van het EHRM?,VABB-5,76,91,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331109,,Het Hof van Cassatie en het Grondwettelijk Hof op weg naar een nieuw conflict?,VABB-1,1358,1381,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331110,,De dubbele gelaagdheid van het Belgisch federalisme: quo vadis ?,VABB-4,111,154,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331112,,A Test of Faith? Religious Diversity and Accommodation in the European Workplace,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331114,,Il divieto del ‘burqa’ nel sistema giuridico belga,VABB-1,161,191,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:331115,,The Belgian Constitutional Review Procedure under European Scrutiny,VABB-1,411,422,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331116,,Sustainability in Development Cooperation: Preliminary Findings on the Carbon Footprint of Development Aid Organizations,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:331119,,Beyond the Environmentalist's Paradox and the Debate on Weak versus Strong Sustainability,VABB-1,251,259,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331120,,The future of organic photovoltaic solar cells as a direct power source for consumer electronics,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331122,,"Beyond individual behaviour change: the role of power, knowledge and strategy in tackling climate change",VABB-1,45,65,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331125,,Comparative life cycle assessmant of Flemish and Western Cape pork production,VABB-1,105,128,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331126,,Rural livestock asset portfolio in northern Ethiopia: a microeconomic analysis of choice and accumulation,VABB-1,133,144,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331129,,Knee loading patterns in a simulated netball landing task,VABB-1,475,482,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:331130,,Specimen specific tibial kinematics model for in-vitro gait simulations,VABB-1,454,463,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331131,,Selective bilateral activation of leg muscles after cutaneous nerve stimulation during backward walking,VABB-1,1933,1941,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331136,,De aansprakelijkheid van de burgemeester na een sluiting van een inrichting,VABB-1,178,183,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331137,,Naamsverandering in de rechtspraak van de Raad van State,VABB-1,172,185,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331141,,Concentric democracy: Resolving the incoherence in the European Court of Human Rights' case law on freedom of expression and freedom of association,VABB-1,106,126,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331142,,Vrouwelijke religieuzen en religieuze vrouwen: geschiedenis van de Zusters Kindsheid Jesu (1935-2010),VABB-1,27,30,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331144,,"The Economics of Providence. Management, Finances and Patrimony of Religious Orders and Congregations in Europe, 1773-c1930",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331146,,L'histoire religieuse en Belgique: aperçu historiographique et bilan,VABB-4,99,118,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:331151,,Éducation et religion en Flandre (Belgique) du XIXe siècle à nos jours: approches bibliographiques et historiographiques,VABB-1,33,56,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:331152,,The Oxford Movement: reception and perception in Catholic circles in nineteenth-century Belgium,VABB-4,185,202,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331161,,Na sluiting Fortisgate (eindelijk) opening voor separate opinions?,VABB-1,1278,1288,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331163,,The European External Action Service and the European Parliament,VABB-1,65,80,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331165,,"The Hubris Hypothesis: You Can Self-Enhance, but You’d Better not Show It",VABB-1,1237,1275,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331168,,What Do People Infer from Social Comparisons? Bridges between Social Comparison and Person Perception,VABB-1,607,618,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331169,,Representations of self and other in the southern and northern United States: an analysis of personal ads,VABB-1,435,445,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331171,,Staying on or Dropping out: The Role of the School Environment in Minority and Non-minority School Careers,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331172,,Social integration and religious identity expression among Dutch Muslims: The role of minority and majority group contact,VABB-1,131,148,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331173,,Threat Advantage: Perception of Angry and Happy Dynamic Faces across Cultures,VABB-1,1326,1334,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331174,,"The construction of emotion in interactions, relationships, and cultures",VABB-1,221,229,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331175,,"“Yes, we can!”: Perceptions of collective efficacy sources in volleyball",VABB-1,641,649,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331176,,Influencing and adjusting in daily emotional situations: A comparison of European and Asian American action styles,VABB-1,332,340,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331177,,When Words Speak Louder: The Effect of Verb Abstraction on Inferences from Interpersonal Events,VABB-1,253,288,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331179,,Heritage culture maintenance precludes host culture adoption and vice versa: Flemings’ perceptions of Turks’ acculturation behavior,VABB-1,133,145,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331181,,The gap between attitudes and use in prediction of effect of an online smoking cessation program,VABB-1,946,959,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331182,,Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa and witchcraft: A reappraisal,VABB-1,3,18,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331183,,"Religiosity, Values, and Acculturation: A study of Turkish, Turkish Belgian, and Belgian adolescents",VABB-1,367,373,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331184,,Corporeal experience and equality. A new approach to the educational significance of the body,VABB-1,371,388,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331185,,Physical education beyond sportification and biopolitics. An untimely defense of Swedish gymnastics,VABB-1,277,291,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331186,,Relatedness and self-definition in personality and psychopathology,VABB-4,37,56,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331187,,The European quality of care pathways (EQCP) study on the impact of care pathways on interprofessional teamwork in an acute hospital setting: study protocol: for a cluster randomised controlled trial and evaluation of implementation processes.,VABB-1,47,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331188,,Care Pathways Lead to Better Teamwork: Results of a Systematic Review,VABB-1,264,268,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331189,,It takes two to tango: Macht en emoties in arbeidsconflicten en -mediation,VABB-1,12,27,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331190,,Divergent intentions to use antibiotic guidelines: a theory of planned behavior survey,VABB-1,145,153,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331196,,This is funny: On the beneficial role of self-enhancing and affiliative humour in job design,VABB-1,87,93,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331198,,The psychological consequences of unemployment in South Africa,VABB-1,235,252,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331199,,Workplace bullying: a perspective from the Job Demands-Resources Model,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331202,,"My share is fair, so I don’t care: The moderating role of distributive justice in the perception of leaders’ self-serving behavior",VABB-1,49,59,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331207,,A Helping Hand? The Moderating Role of Leaders' Conflict Management Behavior on the Conflict-Stress Relationship of Employees,VABB-1,253,277,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331208,,Are employment relations in Europe based on trust? The employee representative perspective,VABB-1,255,272,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331210,,Music is what feelings sound like: the role of tonal and atonal music in unethical behavior,VABB-1,189,195,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331211,,The association between workers' employability and burnout in a reorganization context: Longitudinal evidence building upon the Conservation of Resources Theory,VABB-1,162,174,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331212,,Perceived job insecurity and perceived employability in relation to temporary and permanent workers' psychological symptoms: A two samples study,VABB-1,899,909,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331213,,HR attributions and the dual commitment of outsourced IT workers,VABB-1,832,848,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331214,,Work characteristics in long-term temporary workers and temporary-to-permanent workers: A prospective study among Finnish health care personnel,VABB-1,357,377,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331215,,The route to employability: Examining resources and the mediating role of motivation,VABB-1,104,119,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331216,,"Cross-lagged associations between perceived employability, job insecurity and exhaustion: testing gain and loss spirals according to the COR theory",VABB-1,770,788,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331220,,Effects of responsibility and mood on painful task persistence,VABB-1,186,193,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:331222,,Operant learning theory in pain and chronic pain rehabilitation,VABB-1,117,126,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331223,,Rumination and age: some things get better,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331224,,Effects of resting heart rate variability on performance in the P300 brain-computer interface,VABB-1,336,341,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331225,,Reduction of pain-related fear and increased function and participation in work-related upper extremity pain (WRUEP): Effects of exposure in vivo,VABB-1,2109,2118,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331228,,"Physiotherapists' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Intolerance of Uncertainty Influence Decision Making in Low Back Pain",VABB-1,467,474,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331229,,Fear-avoidance model of chronic pain: the next generation,VABB-1,475,483,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331230,,A sigh following sustained attention and mental stress: Effects on respiratory variability,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331231,,"Symptoms, lung function and perception of asthma control: An exploration into the heterogeneity of the asthma control construct",VABB-1,63,69,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331232,,Role of fear of movement in cancer survivors participating in a rehabilitation program: A longitudinal cohort study,VABB-1,332,338,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331233,,Reduction of fear of movement-related pain and pain-related anxiety: An associative learning approach using a voluntary movement paradigm,VABB-1,1504,1513,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331234,,Effect of time and socio-economic status on the determinants of oral health-related behaviours of parents of preschool children,VABB-1,153,160,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331235,,Do main caregivers selectively attend to pain-related stimuli in the same way that patients do?,VABB-1,62,67,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331236,,Health literacy and public health: A systematic review and integration of definitions and models,VABB-1,80,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331237,,Fear-avoidance model of chronic musculoskeletal pain: 12 years on,VABB-1,1144,1147,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331238,,Specialised treatment based on cognitive behaviour therapy versus usual care for tinnitus: a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,1951,1959,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331239,,Fear of suffocation alters respirations during obstructed breathing,VABB-1,829,832,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331240,,Mere intention to perform painful movements elicits fear of movement-related pain: An experimental study on fear acquisition beyond actual movements,VABB-1,412,423,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:331241,,Psychological interventions for chronic pain: Reviewed within the context of goal pursuit,VABB-1,141,150,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331242,,Non-pain goal pursuit inhibits attentional bias to pain,VABB-1,1180,1186,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331243,,New proposals for the international classification of diseases-11 revision of pain diagnoses,VABB-1,305,316,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331244,,Fear-avoidance as a risk factor for the development of chronic back pain and disability,VABB-4,269,294,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331246,,Imposing respiratory variability patterns,VABB-1,153,160,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331247,,Older people's preferences regarding programme formats for managing concerns about falls,VABB-1,474,481,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331248,,"Pain catastrophizing, threat, and the informational value of mood: Task persistence during a painful finger pressing task",VABB-1,1410,1417,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331250,,On the psychology of cough,VABB-1,55,61,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331252,,De rol van repetitieve negatieve gedachten bij chronische pijn,VABB-1,43,54,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331253,,Predicting asthma treatment outcome at diagnosis: The role of symptom perception during a histamine challenge test,VABB-1,230,236,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331254,,Social comparison and anxious mood in pulmonary rehabilitation: The role of cognitive focus,VABB-1,463,476,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331255,,Peak-End Memory Bias in Laboratory-Induced Dyspnea: A Comparison of Patients With Medically Unexplained Symptoms and Healthy Controls,VABB-1,974,981,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331256,,Sensitization in medically unexplained dyspnea: Differential effects on intensity and unpleasantness,VABB-1,989,995,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331257,,Developmental programming of early brain and behaviour development and mental health: a conceptual framework,VABB-1,19,23,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331258,,The Efficiency of Attentional Networks in Children who Stutter,VABB-1,946,59,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331259,,Fetal sleep organization: a biological precursor of self-regulation in childhood and adolescence?,VABB-1,584,590,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331261,,Diamonds are (not always) forever: (verborgen) gebreken in het Burgerlijk Wetboek,VABB-1,112,123,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331267,,De feitelijke bekwaamheid en de handelingsbekwaamheid van een lasthebber,VABB-1,1594,1597,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331271,,De rol van de leidende partij in het kader van een meerpartijenovereenkomst: zoektocht naar de gepaste juridische kwalificatie,VABB-1,1109,1138,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331273,,Derde-medeplichtigheid en de onderzoeksplicht van beroepshandelaars in tweedehandsvoertuigen,VABB-1,142,148,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331274,,"Een EHBO-cursus aansprakelijkheidsrecht voor politiebeampten, slachtoffer van hooliganisme (noot onder Antwerpen 23 maart 2011)",VABB-1,385,391,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331278,,"Everything costs its own cost, and one of our best virtues is a just desire to pay it. An analysis of Belgian law",VABB-4,79,88,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331282,,"""A “Belvédère” on international finance law” note under Cass. com. 13 september 2011",VABB-1,167,176,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:331287,,Hiërarchie in de remedies bij consumentenkoop: bescherming van consumenten en verkopers?,VABB-1,132,149,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331291,,"Over de sanctionering van het wilsgebrek bedrog en de afwezigheid van invloed van de onopzettelijke fout van het slachtoffer: een toepassing van fraus omnia corrumpit, noot onder Cass. 18 maart 2010",VABB-1,36,44,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331293,,"La loyauté en droit européen de le consommation, à l'aune des directives européennes",VABB-1,313,334,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:331295,,Réflexions sur une meilleure intégration du droit de la concurrence et du droit des pratiques commerciales déloyales,VABB-1,455,479,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:331297,,Is Keck still alive and kicking?,VABB-1,343,357,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331299,,La nouvelle directive relative aux droits des consommateurs,VABB-1,69,75,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:331300,,And the question remains… 'Who is (actually) protected?',VABB-1,151,162,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331303,,"Marktpraktijken en vrije beroepen: het Hof heeft gesproken. De rechter moet nu wachten op de wetgever, noot bij G.H., 6 april 2011",VABB-1,192,197,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331304,,Het 'beperkte' aan de beperking van vrij verkeer ten aanzien van een in voorlopige hechtenis genomen verdachte,VABB-1,386,391,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331308,,Enforcement and Class Actions in the Area of Financial Transactions? Comments from a European Perspective,VABB-4,299,308,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331311,,Pratiques du commerce et concurrence: vers un nouvel équilibre?,VABB-1,3,25,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:331314,,Toezicht op de financiële sector volgens het bipolaire twin peaks-model: ander en beter?,VABB-1,173,185,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331316,,De conversie van de fiduciaire eigendomsoverdracht van een schuldvordering in een pand bij samenloop,VABB-1,1178,1181,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331319,,State Competition : the Belgian Case for Reform,VABB-1,270,275,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331326,,Hoe actief mag de notaris zijn bij gerechtelijke vereffeningen?,VABB-1,136,144,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331329,,Een directe blik op directe belastingen voor het notariaat. Een terugblik over de laatste jaren,VABB-1,582,594,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331344,,Aandeelhouders hebben geen zelfstandig vorderingsrecht voor afgeleide schade,VABB-1,319,325,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331352,,Collectieve en individuele schade na faillissement: een kwestie van concrete schadebegroting,VABB-1,371,374,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331354,,Het eerste jaarverslag van het Beheers- en toezichtscomité over het centraal beslagregister,VABB-1,596,599,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331356,,De Richtlijn Consumentenrechten. Gevolgen voor de WMPC en de Wet Elektronische Handel,VABB-1,7,65,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331360,,"Herstructurering van vennootschappen en registratierecht: artikel 117 W. Reg. ""revisited""",VABB-1,36,64,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331366,,National Report for Belgium,VABB-4,42,81,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331373,,artikel 353-9 BW,VABB-4,157,161,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331375,,Artikel 353-8 BW,VABB-4,153,156,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331378,,Nijvelse rechtbank bevestigt de onbelastbaarheid van het sterfhuisbeding,VABB-1,21,29,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331389,,Appendix Tables: The Importance of the Various Time-Limited Interests in Land,VABB-4,498,506,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331390,,Belgian Report,VABB-4,49,459,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331391,,The Many Faces of Usufruct,VABB-4,33,56,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331392,,"Time Limited Interests in Land, Common Core of European Private Law",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331393,,Finaal verrekenbeding: civielrechtelijk en fiscaal performant bevonden,VABB-1,209,215,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331394,,Het Vlaamse decreet overdracht familiebedrijven. Illustratie van een ontspoorde samenleving,VABB-1,51,64,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331412,,Het insolventierecht op nieuwe wegen,VABB-1,74,80,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331430,,De sterfhuisclausule na het arrest van het Hof van Cassatie van 10 december 2010,VABB-1,139,146,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331433,,De beroepsaansprakelijkheid van de notaris en de draagwijdte van zijn informatieplicht,VABB-1,75,82,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331440,,Het bankgeheim in de vereffening-verdeling,VABB-4,251,273,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331447,,Trusts in België: Liaisons dangereuses,VABB-1,693,704,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:331449,,De derdenrekening: stand van zaken na het cassatiearrest van 27 januari 2011,VABB-1,470,488,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331460,,Actualités et perspectives des jeux de hasard réels et en ligne,VABB-1,739,781,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:331464,,"Noot onder Antwerpen, 26 oktober 2009: Het bewijs van de ongezondheid van geest door medische attesten",VABB-1,20,26,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331465,,"Noot onder GwH, 3 februari 2011: Het bezit van staat als absolute grond van niet-ontvankelijkheid bij betwisting van de afstamming strijdig met het recht op eerbiediging van het privéleven",VABB-1,63,73,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331472,,Overzicht van rechtspraak (2003-2011) - De dwangsom in het familierecht,VABB-1,4,12,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331473,,Alimentaite tussen ouders en kinderen. Bijt niet de hand die je voedt!,VABB-1,103,106,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331477,,Het verbod tot vaststelling van een afstammingsband ingeval daaruit incest blijkt strijdig bevonden met het gelijkheidsbeginsel (noot onder GwH 9 augustus 2012),VABB-1,221,226,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331481,,Afschaffing van de verplichte persoonlijke verschijning in de echtscheidingsprocedure. Commentaar bij de wet van 5 april 2011,VABB-1,208,213,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331483,,Overzicht van rechtspraak (2005-2011) - De onderhoudsuitkering tussen ex-echtgenoten na echtscheiding op grond van bepaalde feiten (art. 301 oud BW) en het overgangsrecht,VABB-1,172,188,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331486,,Overzicht van rechtspraak (2007-2011) - De onderhoudsuitkering na echtscheiding op grond van onherstelbare ontwrichting,VABB-1,111,137,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331487,,De machtiging tot afzonderlijke verblijfplaats fnuikt het recht op nieuwsgierigheid,VABB-1,227,231,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331504,,Similar muscles contribute to horizontal and vertical acceleration of center of mass in forward and backward walking: implications for neural control,VABB-1,3385,3396,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331505,,The added value of an actuated ankle-foot orthosis to restore normal gait function in patients with spinal cord injury: A systematic review,VABB-1,299,309,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331506,,Is interlimb coordination during walking preserved in children with cerebral palsy?,VABB-1,1418,1428,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331507,,Graph analysis of functional brain networks for cognitive control of action in traumatic brain injury,VABB-1,1293,1307,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331508,,Motor learning-induced changes in functional brain connectivity as revealed by means of graph-theoretical network analysis,VABB-1,633,50,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331509,,Hemispheric asymmetries in goal-directed hand movements are independent of hand preference,VABB-1,1815,1824,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331510,,Specific cerebellar regions are related to force amplitude and rate of force development,VABB-1,1647,56,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331511,,Abnormalities and cue dependence of rythmical upper-limb movements in Parkinson patients with freezing of gait,VABB-1,636,645,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331512,,Cortical regions involved in the observation of bimanual actions,VABB-1,2594,2611,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331513,,Is MS Intention Tremor Amplitude Related to Changed Peripheral Reflexes?,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331514,,Sensitivity analysis of hip joint centre estimation based on three-dimensional CT scans,VABB-1,539,546,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331515,,Effect of time of day on walking capacity and self-reported fatigue in persons with multiple sclerosis: a multi-center trial,VABB-1,351,7,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331516,,A physiology-based inverse dynamic analysis of human gait using sequential convex programming: a comparative study,VABB-1,1093,1102,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331517,,A child with bilateral proptosis: a sign of acute myeloid leukemia?,VABB-1,35,37,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331518,,Attentional demands of movement observation as tested by a dual task approach,VABB-1,e27292,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331519,,"Time-frequency heart rate variability characteristics of young adults during physical, mental and combined stress in laboratory environment",VABB-5,1973,1976,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331520,,Microstructural organization of corpus callosum projections to prefrontal cortex predicts bimanual motor learning,VABB-1,351,7,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331521,,Altered arm posture in children with cerebral palsy is related to instability during walking,VABB-1,528,535,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331522,,Split-belt walking: adaptation differences between young and older adults,VABB-1,1149,1157,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331523,,Aging and Inhibitory Control of Action: Cortico-Subthalamic Connection Strength Predicts Stopping Performance,VABB-1,8401,8412,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331526,,Quantifying individual muscle contribution to three-dimensional reaching tasks,VABB-1,579,584,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331527,,The relation between cognitive and motor dysfunction and motor imagery ability in patients with multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,1303,1309,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331528,,External cueing improves motor imagery quality in patients with Parkinson disease,VABB-1,27,35,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331530,,Frontoparietal involvement in passively guided shape and length discrimination: a comparison between subcortical stroke patients and healthy controls,VABB-1,178,189,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331531,,Bimanual force coordination in children with spastic unilateral cerebral palsy,VABB-1,2011,2019,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331532,,White matter fractional anisotropy predicts balance performance in older adults,VABB-1,1900,12,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331533,,Effect of a metatarsal pad on the forefoot during gait,VABB-1,18,24,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331534,,Sensitivity of the OLGA and VCM models to erroneous marker placement: effects on 3D-gait kinematics,VABB-1,517,21,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331535,,Dual-tasking interferes with obstacle avoidance reactions in healthy seniors,VABB-1,236,40,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331536,,Multi-channel NIRS of the primary motor cortex to discriminate hand from foot activity,VABB-1,046010,046010,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331537,,Cued motor imagery in patients with multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,115,121,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331538,,Active versus Passive Training of a Complex Bimanual Task: Is Prescriptive Proprioceptive Information Sufficient for Inducing Motor Learning?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331539,,The neural basis of central proprioceptive processing in older versus younger adults: An important sensory role for right putamen,VABB-1,895,908,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331540,,Observing how others lift light or heavy objects: time-dependent encoding of grip force in the primary motor cortex,VABB-1,503,513,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331541,,The relative age effect in European professional soccer: Did ten years of research make any difference?,VABB-1,1665,71,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331544,,Gait variability in Parkinson's Disease: an indicator of non-dopaminergic contributors to gait dysfunction?,VABB-1,566,572,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331546,,The reliability of upper limb kinematics in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy,VABB-1,568,575,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331547,,Five-year mortality and related prognostic factors after inpatient stroke rehabilitation. A European multi-center study,VABB-1,547,552,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331548,,The use of night orthoses in cerebral palsy treatment: Sleep disturbance in children and parental burden or not?,VABB-1,341,349,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331549,,Short- and long-term recovery of upper limb function after axillary lymph node dissection,VABB-1,77,86,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331550,,Measuring Procedural Imitation Aptitude In Children: Further Validation Of The Preschool Imitation And Praxis Scale (PIPS),VABB-1,773,792,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331551,,Freezing of gait: Moving forward on a mysterious clinical phenomenon,VABB-1,734,744,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331552,,Imitatie bij kinderen met een typische ontwikkeling en met een autismespectrumstoornis,VABB-1,36,45,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331553,,A clinical tool to measure trunk control in children with cerebral palsy: The Trunk Control Measurement Scale,VABB-1,2624,2635,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331554,,Three-dimensional upper limb movement characteristics in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy and typically developing children,VABB-1,2283,2294,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331555,,Pelvic floor muscle training after prostate surgery,VABB-1,120,121,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331556,,Tibial rotation in single- and double-bundle ACL reconstruction: a kinematic 3-D in vivo analysis,VABB-1,S115,S121,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331557,,Repeatability of a 3D multi-segment foot model protocol in presence of foot deformities,VABB-1,635,638,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331558,,Response of the oxygen pulse during exercise in children with atrial repair for transposition of the great arteries,VABB-1,57,62,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331560,,A biomechanical analysis of handcycling: a case study,VABB-1,240,245,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:331562,,Is the good-imitator-poor-talker profile syndrome-specific in Down syndrome?: Evidence from standardised imitation and language measures,VABB-1,148,157,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331566,,A new bedside test of gestures in stroke: The apraxia screen of TULIA (AST),VABB-1,389,392,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331567,,The Arm Profile Score: A new summary index to assess upper limb movement pathology,VABB-1,227,233,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331568,,The Trunk Impairment Scale-modified to ordinal scales in the Norwegian version,VABB-1,1385,95,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331569,,Determinants of fitness to drive in Huntington disease,VABB-1,1975,1982,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331570,,Rehabilitation and Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331572,,Behavioral problems in children with motor and intellectual disabilities: Prevalence and associations with maladaptive personality and marital relationship,VABB-1,1027,1038,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331573,,Botulinum toxin type A treatment in children with cerebral palsy: evaluation of treatment success or failure by means of goal attainment scaling,VABB-1,229,236,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331575,,Upper limb impairments and their impact on activity measures in children with unilateral cerebral palsy,VABB-1,475,84,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331577,,Upper limb kinematics: Development and reliability of a clinical protocol for children,VABB-1,279,285,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331578,,Freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: disturbances in automaticity and control,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331579,,Probabilistic gait classification in children with cerebral palsy: A Bayesian approach,VABB-1,2542,2552,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331581,,Explaining freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease: motor and cognitive determinants,VABB-1,1644,1651,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331582,,Targeting dopa-sensitive and dopa resistant gait dysfynction in Parkinson's disease: Selective responses to internal and external cues,VABB-1,430,435,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331584,,Are patients 1 year post-stroke active enough to improve their physical health?,VABB-1,574,580,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331585,,The Dyskinesia Impairment Scale: a new instrument to measure dystonia and choreoathetosis in dyskinetic cerebral palsy,VABB-1,278,283,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331586,,"Cycling in the City? Belgian Cyclists Conquering Urban Spaces, 1800-1900",VABB-1,1942,1962,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331587,,Subject positioning in the BOD POD® only marginally affects measurement of body volume and estimation of percent body fat in young adult men,VABB-1,e32722,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331588,,Opuntia ficus-indica ingestion stimulates peripheral disposal of oral glucose before and after exercise in healthy men,VABB-1,284,291,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331589,,Dietary nitrate improves muscle but not cerebral oxygenation status during exercise in hypoxia,VABB-1,736,745,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331590,,Insulinotropic and muscle protein synthetic effects of branched-chain amino acids: potential therapy for type 2 diabetes and sarcopenia,VABB-1,1664,78,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331591,,Simultaneous determination of nitrite and nitrate in human plasma by on-capillary preconcentration with field-amplified sample stacking,VABB-1,402,405,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331592,,ER Stress in Skeletal Muscle: Origin and Metabolic Consequences,VABB-1,43,49,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331593,,Hepatic n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Depletion Promotes Steatosis and Insulin Resistance in Mice: Genomic Analysis of Cellular Targets,VABB-1,e23365,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331594,,ER stress induces anabolic resistance in muscle cells through PKB-induced blockade of mTORC1,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331595,,Genetic variation in human muscle strength-opportunities for therapeutic interventions?,VABB-1,355,362,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331596,,Reliability and validity of the ultrasound technique to measure the rectus femoris muscle diameter in older CAD-patients,VABB-1,7,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331597,,"Short-term secular change in height, body mass and Tanner-Whitehouse 3 skeletal maturity of Madeira youth, Portugal",VABB-1,195,205,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331599,,Genetics of maximally attained lung function: A role for leptin?,VABB-1,235,242,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331600,,Modulation of autophagy and ubiquitin-proteasome pathways during ultra-endurance running,VABB-1,1529,1537,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331601,,TLR2 and TLR4 Activate p38 MAPK and JNK during Endurance Exercise in Skeletal Muscle,VABB-1,1463,1472,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331602,,TLR2 and TLR4 activation induces p38 MAPK-dependent phosphorylation of S6 kinase 1 in C2C12 myotubes,VABB-1,1107,1113,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331605,,In adults with atrial switch operation for transposition of the great arteries low physical activity relates to reduced exercise capacity and decreased perceived physical functioning,VABB-1,49,57,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331606,,Alpha-actinin-3 deficiency does not significantly alter oxidative enzyme activity in fast human muscle fibers,VABB-1,555,561,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331607,,Lack of Evidence for the Role of Human Adenovirus-36 in Obesity in a European Cohort,VABB-1,220,221,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331608,,Clinical practice of body composition assessment in female subjects with anorexia nervosa,VABB-4,2783,2794,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331610,,How School Social and Physical Environments Relate to Autonomous Motivation in Physical Education: the Mediating Role of Need Satisfaction,VABB-1,216,230,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331612,,After the ten commandements ... the sermon,VABB-1,89,92,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331615,,Educational choice in secondary school in Flanders: The relative impact of occupational interests on option choice,VABB-1,541,569,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331618,,The added value of advice when learners can control their tool use,VABB-1,187,209,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331619,,Pedagogical agents,VABB-4,2567,2571,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331620,,Qualities of irrelevance: history of education in the training of teachers,VABB-4,39,53,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331623,,"The role of learner variables, tool variables and interventions on tool use and performance in computer learning environments",VABB-5,48,57,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331624,,Understanding and enhancing the use of multiple representations in chemistry education,VABB-1,780,795,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331625,,Between learning and playing? Exploring learners’ perceptions of corrective feedback in an immersive game for English pragmatics,VABB-1,257,278,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331626,,Darwinism and the development of educational thought in Belgium before World War II,VABB-4,71,92,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331628,,The lure of psychology for education and educational research,VABB-1,315,331,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331629,,The contribution of learner characteristics in the development of computer-based adaptive learning environments,VABB-1,118,130,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331631,,Listening to an educational podcast while walking or jogging: Can students really multitask?,VABB-1,23,33,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331633,,Brodskys hygienische Klappschulbank : Zu leicht für die schulische Mentalität ?,VABB-1,50,65,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:331634,,Game based learning: A review on the effectiveness of educational games,VABB-4,628,647,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331636,,Online measurement perspectives for students’ strategy-use: Tool-use within a content management system,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331637,,Interdisciplinary Approaches to Adaptive Learning,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331638,,Learners' perceptions and illusions of adaptivity,VABB-1,307,324,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331639,,Content Management Systems: Enriched learning opportunities for all?,VABB-1,795,808,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331640,,The role of feedback in foreign language learning through digital role playing games,VABB-5,49,53,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331643,,Team decision making in child welfare,VABB-1,2101,2116,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331645,,The value of human resources in non-public sports providers: the importance of volunteers in non-profit sports clubs versus professionals in for-profit fitness and health clubs,VABB-1,3,25,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331648,,The Association Between Socio-Ecological Factors and Having an After-School Physical Activity Program,VABB-1,395,403,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331649,,Predictors of healthcare professionals' intention and behaviour to encourage physical activity in patients with cardiovascular risk factors,VABB-1,246,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331650,,"Recommendations for physical activity, recreation sport, and exercise training in paediatric patients with congenital heart disease: a report from the Exercise, Basic & Translational Research Section of the European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, the European Congenital Heart and Lung Exercise Group, and the Association for European Paediatric Cardiology",VABB-1,1034,1065,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331651,,Clinical recommendations for cardiopulmonary exercise testing data assessment in specific patient populations,VABB-1,2917,2927,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331652,,Clinical Recommendations for Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Data Assessment in Specific Patient Populations,VABB-1,2261,2274,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331655,,Hypertension,VABB-4,27,55,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331656,,"Effects of endurance training on blood pressure regulation, biomarkers and the heart in older subjects",VABB-1,526,534,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331658,,Risk of sports: do we need a pre-participation screening for competitive and leisure athletes?,VABB-1,934,944,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331659,,"Reproducibility of maximal and submaximal exercise testing in ""normal ambulatory"" and ""community ambulatory"" children and adolescents with spina bifida: which is best for the evaluation and application of exercise training?",VABB-1,267,76,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331662,,Interobserver agreement of medical research council sum-score and handgrip strength in the intensive care unit,VABB-1,18,25,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331663,,Physiotherapy in critically ill patients,VABB-4,294,303,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331664,,The development of a clinical management algorithm for early physical activity and mobilization of critically ill patients: synthesis of evidence and expert opinion and its translation into practice,VABB-1,771,87,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331665,,Exercise training after lung transplantation improves participation in daily activity : a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1584,1592,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331666,,Reproducibility of different methods to measure the endothelial function,VABB-1,79,84,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331667,,Determinants of physical activity in daily life in candidates for lung transplantation,VABB-1,747,754,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331668,,Predictors of mid-term event-free survival in adults with corrected tetralogy of Fallot,VABB-1,415,421,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331669,,The interobserver agreement of handheld dynamometry for muscle strength assessment in critically ill patients,VABB-1,1929,1934,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331670,,"Impact of Resistance Training on Blood Pressure and Other Cardiovascular Risk Factors :A Meta-Analysis of Randomized, Controlled Trials",VABB-1,950,U564,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331671,,Randomized Controlled Study of Home-Based Treadmill Training for Ambulatory Children With Spina Bifida,VABB-1,597,606,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331672,,Rehabilitation and acute exacerbations,VABB-1,702,12,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331673,,Effect of an action plan with ongoing support by a case manager on exacerbation-related outcome in patients with COPD: a multicentre randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,977,84,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331674,,Cardiovascular Disease,VABB-4,47,59,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331675,,Effectiveness of exercise training in patients with COPD: the role of muscle fatigue,VABB-1,338,44,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331676,,Pulmonary rehabilitation following exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,CD005305,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331677,,"Reply 'Resistance training, blood pressure and meta-analyses""",VABB-1,E24,E24,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331678,,Heart rate variabilitiy after heart transplantation: a 10-year longitudinal follow-up study,VABB-1,220,224,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331679,,"Serial exercise testing in children, adolescents and young adults with senning repair for transposition of the great arteries",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331680,,Cardiac Rehabilitation in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator,VABB-4,207,222,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331681,,Importance of characteristics and modalities of physical activity and exercise in the management of cardiovascular health in individuals with cardiovascular disease. Part III,VABB-1,1333,1356,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331682,,Importance of characteristics and modalities of physical activity and exercise in defining the benefits to cardiovascular health within the general population. Recommendations from the EACPR (Part I),VABB-1,670,686,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331683,,Importance of characteristics and modalities of physical activity and exercise in the management of cardiovascular health in individuals with cardiovascular risk factors. Recommendations from the EACPR (Part II),VABB-1,1005,1033,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331684,,Psychometric properties of the Flemish version of the MacNew Heart Disease Health-related Quality of Life questionnaire,VABB-1,31,39,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331685,,Nonlinear heart rate dynamics : circadian profile and influence of age and gender,VABB-1,108,117,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331686,,Impact of inspiratory muscle training in patients with COPD: what is the evidence?,VABB-1,416,425,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331687,,Level of daily physical activity in individuals with COPD compared with healthy controls,VABB-1,33,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331691,,The impact of using different symptom-based exacerbation algorithms in patients with COPD,VABB-1,1260,1268,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331692,,The CAREGENE study: genetic variants of the endothelium and aerobic power in patients with coronary artery disease,VABB-1,407,14,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331695,,Lack of physical activity during leisure time contributes to an impaired health related quality of life in patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,122,127,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331696,,"Relationship between obesity, functional exercise capacity, physical activity participation and physical self-perception in people with schizophrenia",VABB-1,423,430,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331698,,The functional exercise capacity is correlated with global functioning in patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,382,387,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331700,,A systematic review of correlates of physical activity in patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,352,362,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331702,,The Paralympic Athlete,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331706,,"Physical Activity Participation, Cardio-Respiratory Fitness and Self-Esteem in Patients with Schizophrenia with High and Low Physical Self Perception",VABB-1,222,229,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331708,,Development of a new scale for perceived self-efficacy in manual wheeled mobility: a pilot study,VABB-1,602,8,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331709,,Towards evidence-based classification in wheelchair sports: impact of seating position on wheelchair acceleration,VABB-1,1089,96,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331710,,Trunk strength effect on track wheelchair start: implications for classification,VABB-1,2344,51,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331711,,Most essential wheeled mobility skills for daily life: an international survey among paralympic wheelchair athletes with spinal cord injury,VABB-1,629,635,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331712,,Technical proficiency among table tennis players with and without intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,1517,28,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331714,,Quality assessment of physical activity within clinical guidelines for the prevention and treatment of cardiometabolic risk in people with schizophrenia,VABB-1,703,710,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331715,,"Experimental verification of a self-consistent theory of the first-, second-, and third-order (non)linear optical response",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331724,,Self-esteem in Deaf children and adolescents: a review,VABB-1,73,84,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331728,,Guideline Concordant Monitoring of Metabolic Risk in People Treated with Antipsychotic Medication: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Screening Practices,VABB-1,125,147,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331729,,The relation between basic movement skills and perceptual-motor skills in 5 to 7 years old children,VABB-1,57,65,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331731,,International Organization of Physical Therapy in Mental Health consensus on physical activity within multidisciplinary rehabilitation programmes for minimising cardio-metabolic risk in patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331732,,Self-concept and physical self-concept in psychiatric children and adolescents,VABB-1,874,881,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331734,,Onderzoek naar de actieve en passieve woordenschat in verband met het lichaamsbesef bij 2;0 - 2;6 jarige kinderen,VABB-1,23,32,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331735,,"Laterality Preference and Cognition: Cross-Syndrome Comparison of Patients with Trisomy 21 (Down), del7q11.23 (Williams-Beuren) and del22q11.2 (DiGeorge or Velo-Cardio-Facial) Syndromes",VABB-1,413,422,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331736,,COMT Val(158) Met genotype and striatal D(2/3) receptor binding in adults with 22q11 deletion syndrome,VABB-1,967,970,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331737,,Study on the association between severity/recovery of depression and severity/recovery of gross motor retardation,VABB-1,12,21,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331738,,Study on the perceived exertion during a graded exercise test in patients with depressive and anxiety disorders,VABB-1,47,55,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331739,,Acute effects of progressive muscle relaxation on state anxiety and subjective well-being in chronic bulgarian patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,367,372,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331742,,Fysieke activiteit en schizofrenie: wetenschappelijke evidentie en concrete richtlijnen,VABB-1,133,138,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331744,,The effect of body-awareness training of pre-school children based on the Sherborne developmental movement method versus regular physical education class,VABB-1,38,50,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331747,,Walking capacity is associated with health related quality of life and physical activity level in patients with schizophrenia: a preliminary report,VABB-1,211,6,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331748,,"State anxiety, psychological distress and positive well-being responses to yoga and aerobic exercise in people with schizophrenia",VABB-1,684,689,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331749,,Effects of progressive muscle relaxation on state anxiety and subjective well-bieng in people with schizophrenia: a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,567,575,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331750,,Guidelines for screening and monitoring of cardiometabolic risk in schizophrenia: systematic evaluation,VABB-1,99,105,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331751,,Developmental coordination Disorder: het gebruik van rating scales door ouders,VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331752,,"Psychomotorická terapie v Belgii, Evidence Based Medicine a doporučení pro terapii poruch nálad a úzkostných poruch",VABB-1,21,37,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331753,,A cognitive-behavioural therapeutic program for patients with obesity and binge eating disorder: short- and long term follow-up data of a prospective study,VABB-1,670,686,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331755,,International Paralympic Committee Position Stand -Background and scientific rationale for Classification in Paralympic Sport,VABB-1,259,69,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331756,,Systematic Review of the Benefits of Physical Therapy within a Multidisciplinary Care Approach for People with Schizophrenia,VABB-1,11,23,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331757,,The association of metabolic syndrome with physical activity performance in patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,318,323,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331758,,Body awareness in preschool children with psychiatric disorder,VABB-1,1623,1630,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331759,,"Exercise, manual therapy, and education with or without high-intensity deep-water running for nonspecific chronic low back pain: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,526,534,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331760,,Het belang van bewegingsgerichte interventies in de multidisciplinaire behandeling van een eetbuistoornis: een literatuuronderzoek,VABB-1,719,730,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331762,,Lichaamsgerichte werkvormen binnen de psychomotorische therapie voor mensen met schizofrenie: een literatuuronderzoek,VABB-1,531,541,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331764,,"Genotype and Cardiovascular Phenotype Correlations with TBX1 in 1,022 Velo-Cardio-Facial/DiGeorge/22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome Patients",VABB-1,1278,1289,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331765,,Monitoring cardiometabolic risk in schizophrenia reply; Authors' reply,VABB-1,76,77,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331768,,Eurofit test battery in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder: reliability and clinical correlates,VABB-1,416,421,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331769,,"Reliability, minimal detectable changes, practice effects and correlates of the six-minute walk test in patients with schizophrenia",VABB-1,62,67,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331770,,Preliminary analysis of the psychometric proporties of the Portuguese version of the test of performance strategies (TOPSp) in athletes with disabilities,VABB-1,7,22,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331772,,"Change is Possible: The History of the International Drug Control Regime and Implications for Future Policymaking’,",VABB-1,923,935,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331773,,Police-youth relationships: a qualitative analysis of Flemish adolescents' attitudes toward the police,VABB-1,191,205,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331774,,Worrying about the future and fear of crime among young adults: a social psychological approach,VABB-1,191,205,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331776,,"Re-Member: rehabilitation, reintegration and reconciliation for war-affected children",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331779,,Strafbare deelneming: een overzicht van rechtspraak (2000-2010),VABB-1,1,18,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331782,,"The Police as Societal Moral Agents: ""Procedural Justice"" and the Analysis of Police Fiction",VABB-1,38,54,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331785,,Artikel 21 van de Wet Bescherming Maatschappij doorstaat nu ook de toets van het Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-1,258,264,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331791,,Seksueel misbruik binnen de katholieke kerk: een schets van fenomeen en daderschap,VABB-1,3,23,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331794,,Public Forgiveness in Post-Conflict Contexts,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331797,,Signalementen,VABB-1,158,161,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331799,,Optioneel Vervoer: exit CMR?,VABB-1,25,30,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331801,,Gelden de traditionele berekeningsregels voor wettelijk voorgeschreven termijnen uit rechtshandelingen?,VABB-1,317,328,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331804,,Prijsbepaling van aandelen in de geschillenregeling: na vijftien jaar nog steeds een hemeltergend raadsel voor de initiatiefnemende aandeelhouders,VABB-1,338,406,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331805,,"""Daadwerkelijke kennisname"" als aanvangspunt van de vijfjarige verjaringstermijn (art. 2262bis, §1, lid 2 BW). De schemerzone tussen kennen en behoren te kennen",VABB-1,945,949,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331806,,Contractoverdracht,VABB-1,442,458,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331809,,Geheimhoudingsovereenkomsten: een samenvattend overzicht,VABB-1,367,376,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331811,,Knelpunten bij de implementatie van het bemiddelingsbeding,VABB-1,318,328,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331813,,Trouble in paradise: foreclosure-mediation in de Verenigde Staten,VABB-1,13,25,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331814,,Bemiddeling en rechtspraak hand in hand – wegwijs voor de rechter,VABB-1,34,38,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331816,,De onderhoudsverplichting van de lesbische meemoeder,VABB-1,143,147,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331817,,Waarom de uitvoering van een natuurlijke verbintenis toch een schenking kan zijn..,VABB-1,281,302,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331818,,De kwalificatie als sponsoringovereenkomst,VABB-1,40,52,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331819,,A sercret shared is a secret lost? Bedenkingen bij de belgische bewijsuitsluiting voor bemiddeling,VABB-1,43,73,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331820,,Fleximodal contracts and CMR: the Belgian approach,VABB-1,364,371,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331825,,"Cross-Border Loss Relief and the ""Effet Utile"" of EU Law: Are We Losing It?",VABB-1,58,61,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331833,,Tax Issues in Consensual Debt Restructuring,VABB-1,211,216,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331835,,"Interpretatie en toepassing van de algemene antimisbruikbepalingen in de inkomstenbelasting, registratie- en successierechten",VABB-1,4,23,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331836,,Het hervormd Vlaams verdelingsrecht : een oude dame in een fonkelnieuwe jurk,VABB-1,572,620,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331837,,Claim handling services from an European VAT perspective,VABB-1,411,416,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331845,,Het identificatievereiste bij reclame,VABB-1,148,154,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331850,,"Gender Differentiation in Insurance Contracts after the Judgment in Case C-236/09, Association belge des Consommateurs Test-Achats asbl v. Conseil des Ministres",VABB-1,339,367,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331854,,The Struggle over Interpretative Authority concerning Human Rights - the Belgian Experience,VABB-5,223,235,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331855,,Insurance Law,VABB-4,408,420,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331857,,Some remarks on the material scope of an optional instrument for contract law,VABB-5,101,107,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331861,,Insurance Law - Case Law,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331863,,Variabele remuneratie: de rol van tantièmes uitgespeeld of onderschat?,VABB-1,153,172,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331864,,noot onder Cass. 15 februari 2012,VABB-1,52,55,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331865,,Niet-uitvoerende bestuurders in een one-tier board systeem. Begrip en wettelijke toepassing,VABB-1,111,166,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331868,,Corporations and Partnerships in Belgium,VABB-4,1,254,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331869,,Overzicht van rechtspraak - Vennootschappen (1999-2010),VABB-1,73,683,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331871,,"To Save the Legomena: Theory, Praxis and Narrative in Ethico-Educational Perspective",VABB-1,212,227,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331873,,Signalementen,VABB-1,398,402,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331874,,Het bevel tot betalen in het verkeersstrafrecht. Een analyse van de Wet van 22 april 2012,VABB-1,359,371,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331875,,De verruimde minnelijke schikking: een wenselijk maar delicaat product,VABB-1,422,461,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331878,,A Case for Cybercrime Legislation in Malawi,VABB-1,122,134,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331881,,"""Hoor wie klopt daar kinderen?"" Zoekingen in onderwijsinstellingen",VABB-1,306,328,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331882,,Sociale media. Een nieuwe uitdaging voor politie en justitie,VABB-1,205,230,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331885,,Malawi Criminal Law,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331888,,Het bevel tot verlenging: een stille revolutie in de voorlopige hechtenis?,VABB-1,1702,1712,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331889,,Signalementen,VABB-1,330,339,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331891,,Medewerking in een virtuele context? Ya! Hoo echter afdwingen?,VABB-1,239,243,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331893,,Recht op behandeling van de geïnterneerde: evenwaardig met of ondergeschikt aan bescherming van de maatschappij?,VABB-1,207,212,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331904,,"Ne bis in idem: tijd voor hetzelfde ""idem""",VABB-1,274,282,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331906,,Patient-centred infertility care: a qualitative study to listen to the patient's voice,VABB-1,827,833,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331907,,Sexual Functioning in Women Using Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine Systems as Compared to Copper Intrauterine Devices,VABB-1,1065,1073,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331908,,Legal Aspects of EU Participation in Global Environmental Governance under the UN Umbrella,VABB-4,145,170,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331909,,Does EU decision-making take into account regional interests?,VABB-4,191,209,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331910,,Doorwerking van het internationale recht in de Europese rechtsorde: verplichting en uitdaging voor de Belgische rechter,VABB-1,402,414,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331913,,EU Ordre Public,VABB-2,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331918,,Human Rights Challenges for Multinational Corporations Working and Investing in Conflict Zones,VABB-1,3,13,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331919,,Enhancing and enforcing compliance with international humanitarian law by non-State armed groups: an inquiry into some mechanisms,VABB-1,443,472,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331921,,The EU’s Role in Global Governance: The Legal Dimension,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331922,,'Civis europaeus sum': van grensoverschrijdende aanknoping naar status van burger van de Unie,VABB-1,2,13,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331923,,Burgerschap van de Unie en sociale solidariteit: kanttekening bij de Europese rechtspraak,VABB-1,1013,1019,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331924,,Federalism and International Relations in the European Union and the United States: A Comparative Outlook,VABB-4,131,166,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331925,,T.M.C. Asser and Public and Private International Law: The Life and Legacy of ‘a Practical Legal Statesman’,VABB-1,3,36,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331926,,Co-Adaptation in the International Legal Order: The EU and the WTO,VABB-5,311,325,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331927,,The interactions between the legislature and the judiciary in EU external relations,VABB-4,243,273,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331928,,European Integration and the Rule of Law in Foreign Policy,VABB-4,354,383,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331929,,From theory to practice - exploring the relevance of the Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International organizations (DARIO): the responsibility of the WTO and the UN,VABB-1,511,541,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331939,,Die EU-Grundrechtecharta: Anwendbarkeit und Auslegung,VABB-1,3,17,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:331941,,Defining the Concept of 'Services of General Interest' in Light of the 'Checks and Balances' Set Out in the EU Treaties,VABB-1,1247,1267,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331950,,"Noot - Zaak T-33/09, Portugal/Commissie en zaak T-139/06, Frankrijk/Commissie",VABB-1,163,168,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331951,,Exploring the Limits of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights,VABB-1,375,403,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331953,,The Court of Justice of the European Union and the Protection of fundamental Rights,VABB-1,79,106,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331955,,Protecting consumers or failing them? The Regulation of nanotechnologies in the EU,VABB-1,85,113,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:331956,,'Civis Europaeus Sum': From the Cross-border Link to the Status of Citizen of the Union,VABB-4,213,232,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331958,,The European Court of Justice and Process-Oriented Review,VABB-1,3,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331959,,Sociale steun aan Unieburgers en de recente wijziging van de OCMW-wet: enkele bedenkingen in het licht van richtlijn 2004/38,VABB-1,194,201,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331961,,European Private International Law,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331962,,E-commerce en de bevoegdheid van Europese rechtbanken na Pammer /Alpenhof,VABB-1,266,269,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:331965,,EU Federalism in 3-D,VABB-4,13,44,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:331966,,Union Citizenship and Immigration: Rethinking the Classics?,VABB-1,10,37,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331968,,N.S. v. Secretary of State for the Home Department,VABB-1,616,624,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331969,,Mercury Rising: The European Union and the International Negotiations for a Globally Binding Instrument on Mercury,VABB-1,640,655,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:331971,,Foreword,VABB-4,11,14,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331975,,Automatic occlusion removal from facades for 3D urban reconstruction,VABB-5,681,692,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:331978,,Rules of law in the business of sport,VABB-4,177,195,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331979,,Definitieve arbeidsongeschiktheid bekeken vanuit het anti-discriminatierecht. Wordt het recht op redelijke aanpassingen voor werknemers met een 'beperking' niet al te zeer beperkt?,VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331980,,Foundations and functions of contemporary labour law,VABB-1,108,129,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331989,,Europese Arbeidstijdenrichtlijn. Noodzaak tot en stand van zaken van de herziening,VABB-1,788,796,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331990,,Europese ondernemingsraad - Toepassingsgebied,VABB-4,47,61,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:331991,,Security in Social Security - Reflections from a Legal Point of View,VABB-1,21,38,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:331999,,De verplichting van de arts tot het verstrekken van afdoende informatie omtrent de risico’s (noot onder Cass. 26 juni 2009),VABB-1,313,316,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332002,,Participatie van het kind in het gerechtelijk scheidingsproces: droombeeld of realiteit?,VABB-1,23,39,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332008,,Navigating the Maze. The Interrelation of International Standards for Juvenile Justice,VABB-1,329,365,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332009,,De jeugdrechter en meerderjarigen: lacunes en toekomstperspectieven (noot onder Brussel 19 oktober 2011),VABB-1,330,336,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332023,,Explicit competence to coordinate social security of highly mobile workers - The case of moving researchers,VABB-1,309,351,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332029,,De GAS-wetgeving als instrument voor de aanpak van overlast. Bedenkingen bij en suggesties voor een integraal en onderbouwd overlastbeleid,VABB-1,552,563,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332030,,De kar of het paard? Justitieassistenten en beroepsgeheim,VABB-1,286,296,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332043,,Interactions between policy and law regarding pensions,VABB-4,153,171,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332044,,Limitation of lenght of service with one employer in the context of the acquisition of pension rights: not EU proof,VABB-1,69,79,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332045,,Toenemende instroom in de bijzondere jeugdzorg: proeve van verklaring(en),VABB-1,30,38,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332048,,Delinquentie tijdens jongvolwassenheid. De rol van ‘agency’ versus ‘structure’,VABB-1,118,135,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332049,,Restorative Dimensions in Belgian Youth Justice,VABB-1,83,100,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332060,,Foreign direct investment and human development,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332061,,The EU and China: emerging global powers capable of balancing US hegemony and shaping a new world order?,VABB-4,297,310,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332062,,Clarifying the Extraterritorial Application of the European Convention on Human Rights (Al Skeini v the United Kingdom),VABB-1,57,60,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332065,,"A Responsible Lender? The European Investment Bank's Environmental, Social and Human Rights Accountability",VABB-1,47,96,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332071,,The responsibility to prevent: on the assumed legal nature of responsibility to protect and its relationship with conflict prevention,VABB-4,111,123,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332074,,Transatlantic Regulatory Co-operation: Main conclusions and policy recommendations,VABB-4,273,294,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332078,,The G20 and Global Economic Governance,VABB-1,751,775,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332079,,Private Food Standards and the World Trade Organization,VABB-1,479,489,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332083,,Rights over areas vs resources in outer space: what’s the use of orbital slots?,VABB-1,39,150,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332088,,Human Rights in the Dutch Legal Order,VABB-4,237,256,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332091,,Enige reflecties over de verruiming van de mogelijkheden tot opsporing en vervolging van internationale misdrijven in Nederland,VABB-1,25,33,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332092,,International Law in Domestic Couts. Rule of Law Reform in Post-Conflict States,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332095,,The domestic prosecution of genocide,VABB-4,177,206,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332096,,The End of the Cold War: An Epochal Event in the History of International Law?,VABB-5,45,60,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332097,,Peace Treaties and the Formation of International Law,VABB-4,71,94,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332100,,Peace Treaties after World War I,VABB-4,118,128,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332101,,Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928),VABB-4,579,584,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332103,,The Code of Dušan 1349-1354,VABB-1,77,93,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332104,,L'origine romaine des obligations naturelles,VABB-1,311,327,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:332105,,Turnhout aan de grens ? De Kempen waren ooit het hart van Brabant en de Nederlanden,VABB-4,39,44,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332107,,Theologen en contractenrecht: De morele transformatie van het ius commune (ca. 1500-1650),VABB-1,242,251,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332113,,Dans quelles limites peut-on parler d'enfants naturels dans le droit romain de l'Antiquité?,VABB-1,399,414,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:332115,,Qualitative Evaluation of Water Displacement in Simulated Analytical Breaststroke Movements,VABB-1,53,63,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332119,,Introduction: Human Nature as a Promising Concept to Make Sense of the Spirit of Sport,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332120,,"Self, Other, Play, Display and Humanity: Development of a Five-Level Model for the Analysis of Ethical Arguments in the Athletic Enhancement Debate",VABB-4,21,43,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332121,,"Athletic enhancement, human nature and ethics",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332123,,The Effect of Aquatic Intervention on the Gross Motor Function and Aquatic Skills in Children with Cerebral Palsy,VABB-1,167,174,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332128,,"Sports Governance, Development and Corporate Responsibility",VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332133,,Associations of Body Mass Index (maternal BMI) and gestational diabetes mellitus with neonatal and maternal pregnancy outcomes in a multicentre european database (Diabetes and Pregnancy Vitamin D and Lifestyle Intervention for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Prevention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332138,,Physical activity promotion in schools: which strategies do schools (not) implement and which socioecological factors are associated with implementation?,VABB-1,470,483,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332154,,Using program theory to evaluate sport league reforms: the case of professional road cycling,VABB-1,83,109,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332155,,A financial management tool for sport federations,VABB-1,225,240,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332157,,The added value of a brief self-efficacy coaching on the effectiveness of a 12-week physical activity program,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:332163,,"Idebenone as a novel, therapeutic approach for Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Results from a 12 month, double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial",VABB-1,396,405,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:332176,,Trust in the proposed EU regulation on trust services?,VABB-1,568,576,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332178,,Blocking and Removing Illegal Content: Analysis from a Technical and Legal Perspective,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332179,,Regulatory trends in a social media context,VABB-4,557,580,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332182,,"Media Law in the European Union, International Encyclopaedia of Media Law",VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332184,,Actualiteiten – Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,265,268,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332187,,Actualiteiten – Raad van State,VABB-1,116,122,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:332188,,Risk-Based Regulation in the Media Sector: To Measure is To Know,VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332190,,New Media and Sport – International Legal Aspects,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332194,,Rubriek Telecommunicatie,VABB-1,173,177,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:332196,,Actualiteiten – Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,589,593,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:332200,,Alternative Regulatory Instruments versus Fundamental Rights: Match Made in Heaven or Recipe for Disaster?,VABB-4,251,269,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332201,,Future Legal Challenges for Geographic Data and SDI,VABB-4,179,186,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332202,,The Relationship between the Public and the Private Sector in the Spatial Information Market: How to Define their Roles?,VABB-4,139,156,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332203,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332204,,Geographic Data and the Law. Defining New Challenges,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332207,,A Multidisciplinary Research Framework for Analysing the Spatial Enablement of Public Sector Processes,VABB-1,125,150,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332210,,The journalist's right to reveal his information sources: continuing battle or truce established?,VABB-1,635,662,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332213,,What electronic health records don’t know just yet. A privacy analysis for patient communities and health records interaction,VABB-1,159,183,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332221,,"Vernietiging van marktanalysebesluiten in de communicatiesector: De rol van OPTA, het CBb en de NMa",VABB-1,419,427,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332225,,The ITS Directive: More than a timeframe with privacy concerns and a means for access to public data for digital road maps?,VABB-1,416,428,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332230,,Jewish Women in the Belgian Workplace: An Anthropological Perspective,VABB-4,225,242,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332231,,Implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child for ‘youth’: who and how?,VABB-1,3,23,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332232,,"Oog op de klok, deurknop in de hand: borstvoedingspauzes voor werkende moeders tussen accommodatiegedachte en barrièrevorming",VABB-1,33,102,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332233,,"Het vernieuwd jeugd- en kinderrechtenbeleid: een verhoogde duidelijkheid, een verarmd maatschappelijk debat?",VABB-1,53,62,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332237,,The Fate and Future of Patents on Human Genes and Genetic Diagnostic Methods,VABB-1,441,448,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332239,,"Zaak C-235/09, DHL Express France SAS t. Chronopost",VABB-1,548,553,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332240,,Belgium,VABB-4,345,423,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332249,,Europees Recht - De 'Adwords' arresten van het Hof van Justitie van 23 maart en 25 maart 2010,VABB-1,1271,1274,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332255,,De invloed van het Unieburgerschap op zuiver interne situaties,VABB-1,510,527,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:332260,,Vijf jaar toepassing van de Richtlijn oneerlijke handelspraktijken in België (2007-2012),VABB-1,451,470,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332261,,"Eigen schuld, dikke bult. Over de grenzen van het recht van consumentenorganisaties om in het kader van een concentratieonderzoek door de Commissie te worden gehoord",VABB-1,244,247,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332262,,Judicial protection against EU Financial Supervisory Authorities in the wake of Regulatory Reform,VABB-1,231,263,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332263,,From paper dictionary to an elaborate electronic lexicographical database,VABB-1,758,763,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332265,,"Submission in Christianity and Islam (islam or taslim), a basis for interreligious dialogue",VABB-4,219,246,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332270,,"Comentarios al artículo “Los errores léxicos intralinguales semánticos en la producción escrita de los aprendientes griegos de español"" de Kiriakí Palapanidi",VABB-1,37,40,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:332272,,Data access revisited: The Interactive Language Toolbox,VABB-4,147,162,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332273,,La Base lexicale du français: un outil lexicographique multi-usage,VABB-4,389,398,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:332274,,La referencia a L1 y L2 en ELE: propuestas a partir de un corpus de aprendices,VABB-5,3,50,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:332276,,"Self-efficacy, task complexity and task performance: Exploring interactions in two versions of vocabulary learning tasks",VABB-1,17,35,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332277,,"Task complexity, student perceptions of vocabulary learning in EFL and task performance",VABB-1,160,181,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:332278,,Effective writing tasks and feedback for the internet generation,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332279,,La enseñanza de ELE: metodología actual en los manuales de Caminos y Aula,VABB-1,1,8,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:332281,,Vocabulary learning from reading: Examining interactions between task and learner related variables,VABB-1,255,274,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:332282,,Dictatorship in a single export crop economy,VABB-1,210,234,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332285,,Size and distribution trade-offs for the leximin ordering,VABB-1,237,248,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:332290,,Coöperatie voor meer inclusie: sociale innovatie in de kinderopvang,VABB-4,355,374,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332292,,"Woonuitgaven, woonsubsidies en armoede in Vlaanderen en Nederland",VABB-4,165,180,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332294,,A ratio or budget benchmark for comparing affordability across countries?,VABB-1,547,565,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:332295,,Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (I-ADL) trigger an urgent request for nursing home admission,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332304,,Inclusive Governance or Incrementalism? The Choice of a Sustainable Development Governance Model for Flanders,VABB-4,49,66,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332308,,Improving the Methodology for Measuring the Greening of the Tax System,VABB-4,3,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332311,,Sustainable Development in Wallonia: Trial and Error Along Two Tracks of Governance,VABB-4,85,102,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332312,,Sustainable development in Quebec and Flanders: Institutionalizing symbolic politics?,VABB-1,553,573,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332315,,Sustainable development and subnational governments: Going beyond symbolic politics?,VABB-1,2,17,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332318,,A smart social inclusion policy for Europe 2020: the role of education and training,VABB-1,327,342,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332339,,Priority education policies in Belgium: two modes of regulation of a market logic,VABB-4,55,89,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332343,,"Formal adult education in the spotlight: profiles, motivations and experiences of participants in 12 European countries",VABB-4,63,85,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332346,,The Impact of PIRLS 2006 in Belgium (Flemish),VABB-4,61,74,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332347,,Mediating the Sacred. A Ritual Perspective on Christian Education,VABB-4,105,119,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332348,,Why do adults learn? Developing a motivational typology across twelve European countries,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332376,,Job Design and Innovative Work Behavior: One Size Does Not Fit All Types of Employees,VABB-1,5,20,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332377,,Mainstreaming Innovation in Europe. Findings on Employee Innovation and Workplace Learning from Belgium,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332381,,Employee Driven Innovation and Industrial Relations,VABB-4,230,245,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332386,,The Citizen-User Perspective: Results From a Cross-Country Survey,VABB-4,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332388,,Radical Re-Use. Intersections of migrant agency and modernist space in Johannesburg,VABB-1,72,77,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332389,,Modernity and Community. A Difficult Combination,VABB-4,69,77,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332395,,Inhabitation as a process. Theoretical frameworks for analysing interiors,VABB-1,112,121,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332398,,Voorwoord,VABB-4,5,8,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332403,,"Leisure Politics. The construction of social infrastructure and Flemish cultural identity in Belgium, 1950s to 1970s",VABB-1,271,293,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332408,,Designing for the Situated and Public Visualization of Urban Data,VABB-1,25,46,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332410,,Architects' considerations while selecting materials,VABB-1,584,593,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332411,,Evaluating the Effect of Style in Information Visualization,VABB-1,2739,2748,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332412,,Blind Photographers: An (Im)material Quest into the Spatial Experiences of Children Born Blind,VABB-1,99,124,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332413,,Hospital Reality from a Lying Perspective: Exploring a Sensory Research Approach,VABB-4,3,12,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332414,,{im}materiality: Designing for more sense/s,VABB-1,180,185,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332415,,"Red or rough, what makes materials warmer?",VABB-1,441,449,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332416,,Bridging Building Information Modeling and Parametric Design,VABB-5,453,458,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332418,,Towards more inclusive approaches in soundscape research,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332419,,Environmental and economic optimisation of the floor on grade in residential buildings,VABB-1,813,827,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332421,,Relating material experience to technical parameters: A case study on visual and tactile warmth perception of indoor wall materials,VABB-1,359,367,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332423,,Urban planning for a renewable energy future: methodological challenges and opportunities from a design perspective,VABB-1,1309,1328,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332424,,ArchiBrain: A Conceptual Platform for the Visualization of Collaborative Design,VABB-5,396,402,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332425,,How to cut across the catchall? A philosophical-cultural framework for assessing sustainability,VABB-1,403,424,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332427,,Spatial Clues for Orientation: Architectural Design Meets People with Dementia,VABB-4,227,236,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332428,,Home in later life: A framework for the architecture of home environments,VABB-1,195,218,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332431,,Neoadjuvant capecitabine and docetaxel (plus trastuzumab): an effective non-anthracycline-based chemotherapy regimen for patients with locally advanced breast cancer,VABB-1,588,594,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:332433,,Short-term follow-up of patients diagnosed by their GP with mild depression or first-time moderate depression. Results of a 1-year nationwide surveillance study,VABB-1,688,695,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332434,,The influence of municipal characteristics on the use of informal home care and home care services by the elderly Flemish,VABB-1,241,246,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:332435,,Family caregiver perspectives on social relations of elderly residents with dementia in small-scale versus traditional long-term care settings in the Netherlands and Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332436,,How do patients with uncontrolled diabetes in the Brussels-Capital Region seek and use information sources for their diet?,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332437,,Interventions to delay institutionalization of frail older persons: design of a longitudinal study in the home care setting (Epub ahead of print),VABB-1,615,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332438,,Validity of suicide statistics in Europe in relation to undetermined deaths: developing the 2-20 benchmark,VABB-1,321,325,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332439,,Global pattern of experienced and anticipated discrimination reported by people with major depressive disorder: a cross-sectional survey,VABB-1,55,62,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332445,,"Functional Status, Behaviour and Social Interaction of Residents with Dementia Living in Small-Scale and Traditional Long-Term Care Settings in the Netherlands and Belgium",VABB-1,106,113,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332447,,Quality of life of residents with dementia in traditional versus small-scale long-term care settings: A quasi-experimental study,VABB-1,931,940,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332449,,The Dutch Strategy to Combat Homelessness: From Ambition to Window Dressing?,VABB-1,101,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332450,,Ervaring met ervaringsdeskundigheid,VABB-1,98,104,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332453,,The IPS Fidelity Scale as a Guideline to Implement Supported Employment,VABB-1,13,23,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332457,,Community and health professionals' attitude toward depression: a pilot study in nine EAAD countries,VABB-1,387,401,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:332458,,Anticipated discrimination among people with schizophrenia,VABB-1,77,83,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332461,,Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex transcranial magnetic stimulation and electrode implant for intractable tinnitus,VABB-1,778,84,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332462,,Social entrepreneurship in urban planning and development in Montreal,VABB-4,117,132,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332463,,Transformative practices: where strategic spatial planning meets social innovation,VABB-4,17,25,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332464,,"Strategic Spatial Projects, Catalysts for Change",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332465,,The social construction of planning systems. A strategic-relational institutionalist approach,VABB-1,41,61,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332466,,Economic well-being and poverty among the elderly: an analysis based on a collective consumption model,VABB-1,985,1000,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332467,,Revealed preference tests for collective behavior,VABB-4,83,98,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332469,,The effect of input enhancement in L2 listening on incidental vocabulary learning: A review,VABB-5,153,157,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332472,,"Mashups by Orchestration and Widget-based Personal Environments: Key Challenges, Solution Strategies, and an Application",VABB-1,383,428,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332473,,Using Open Source Automatic Speech Recognition for Conceptual Knowledge Monitoring,VABB-5,128,135,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332476,,Literatuursignalementen 2011-2012,VABB-1,423,438,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332477,,"""L’écrivain et le traducteur imaginaires. Entretien avec José-Luis Diaz au sujet de sa théorie de l’auteur."" Propos recueillis par Karen Vandemeulebroucke & Elien Declercq",VABB-1,211,227,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:332481,,“Quiero creer que hay un nicho para los híbridos como yo”. Una conversación con Jordi Soler,VABB-1,,,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:332483,,Le concept technologique qui sous-tend l'environnement d'apprentissage des langues Franel: Evolutions récentes et perspectives,VABB-5,100,105,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:332484,,Multimedia CALL,VABB-4,2368,2371,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332485,,(Semi)authentic audio-visual materials for the A2 level in the online language learning environment FRANEL: Pitfalls and challenges,VABB-5,164,168,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332486,,Mapping Participatory Design Methods to the Cognitive Process of Creativity to Facilitate Requirements Engineering,VABB-4,221,241,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332492,,"""Quis esset episcopus Tornacensis ignorabatur"". Le Schisme tournaisien (1483-1506)",VABB-1,131,168,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:332493,,La linguistique française entre 1864 et 1916: histoire de continuités et de discontinuités,VABB-1,159,163,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:332495,,Restless Border Crossings in Aritha van Herk’s Writings,VABB-1,247,266,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332498,,Longing for the Present in the History of History Education,VABB-1,793,799,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332506,,"El ensayo hispánico: Cruces de géneros, síntesis de formas",VABB-3,,,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:332508,,"Between or without nations? Multiple identifications among Belgian migrants in Lille, France, 1850-1900",VABB-4,193,214,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332509,,"A contrastive analysis of five automated QA tools (QA Distiller 6.5.8, Xbench 2.8, ErrorSpy 5.0, SDLTrados 2007 QA Checker 2.0 and SDLX 2007 SP2 QA Check)",VABB-4,161,192,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332510,,A contrastive analysis of MT evaluation techniques,VABB-4,101,124,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332511,,Comparing formal translation evaluation and meaning-oriented translation evaluation: or how QA tools can(not) help,VABB-4,25,50,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332512,,Time in sentences with modal auxiliaries,VABB-4,989,1019,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332514,,perspectives on translation quality,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332515,,Advanced English grammar - a linguistic approach,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332519,,La Cataluña de la otra orilla: exilio e identidad cultural en La última hora del último día de Jordi Soler,VABB-5,45,61,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:332521,,Le vers libre entre rejet et tolérance subtile. Le cas de La Jeune Belgique (1881-1897),VABB-1,63,82,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:332522,,"""We will call this ""doing our exorcises"""": Abjecting Mrs. Blood",VABB-1,186,203,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332523,,Socialist en spion. Victor Capart in de Frans-Belgische grensregio op het einde van de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,4,21,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332524,,"Les tribulations d'un architecte belge en Chine: Gustave Volckaert, au service du Crédit Foncier d'Extrême-Orient, 1914-1954",VABB-1,129,153,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:332530,,Siege warfare (early modern),VABB-4,1987,1994,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332532,,Exporting Flemish Gothic Architecture to China: Meaning and Context of the Churches of Shebiya (Inner Mongolia) and Xuanhua (Hebei) built by Missionary-Architect Alphonse De Moerloose in 1903-1906,VABB-1,219,262,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332543,,De Nationale Bank van België en de verhouding tussen aandeelhouders en de soevereine Staat (noot onder Brussel 30 september 2010),VABB-1,69,75,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332544,,Reïntegranda en erfdienstbaarheid van uitweg: een gedwongen huwelijk?,VABB-1,1804,1808,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:332554,,De verbintenisrechtelijke aard van de schuldenaarverklaring bij derdenbeslag revisited,VABB-1,261,267,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332558,,De strafrechtelijke repressie van het Vlaams activisme tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog in de Duitse krijgsgevangenkampen (november 1918 tot juli 1925) Deel 2,VABB-1,313,343,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:332567,,"Cases, materials and text on Property Law",VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332569,,"What Kind of Logic Is There in 1 Corinthians 7,14cd?",VABB-1,173,178,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:332570,,Naherwartung in Luke? A Note on M. Wolter’s Explanation of Luke 21,VABB-1,425,431,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:332571,,Paul and Epistolary Thanksgiving,VABB-1,167,171,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332572,,"“In Those Days” (Luke 2,1): A Reply to Michael Wolter",VABB-1,419,423,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:332575,,"Mark 10,15 and Grammatical Parallels in Mark",VABB-1,489,492,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332577,,The variational use of the particle את with subject and direct object,VABB-1,93,114,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332578,,Creating Difference through Parallelism. Luke's Handling of the Traditions on John the Baptist and Jesus in the Infancy Narrative,VABB-4,137,160,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332579,,The Great Escape: Some Comments on a Controversial Suggestion for Explaining Matt 28:2-4,VABB-4,201,216,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332580,,Patristic and Text-Critical Studies. The Collected Essays of William L. Petersen,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332584,,A Quest for Appropriate Terminology: The Joshua Texts as a Case in Point,VABB-4,51,63,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332585,,"Once More, With Feeling: Qoh 11,7-12,7 as the Ultimate Expression of Qohelet's Alternative to Life-beyond-Death",VABB-4,73,84,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332586,,"Editions, Reworkings, and the Continuity of Tradition: Some Experimental Considerations on the Genesis Apocryphon",VABB-4,89,105,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332587,,The King/prince of Tyre in Ezekiel 28:11-19 in Hebrew and in Greek,VABB-4,223,234,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332589,,The Resurrection Stories as Signs in the Fourth Gospel: R. Bultmann’s Interpretation of the Resurrection Revisited,VABB-4,249,264,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332591,,Stranger on Earth and Divine Guest : Human and Divine Hospitality in the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts,VABB-4,87,100,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332592,,‘An Early Church Slavonic Translation of the Martyrdom of St. Polycarp’: Three Decades Later,VABB-1,294,302,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332593,,"Notes on the Three Qumran-Type Yadin Fragments Leading to a Discussion of Identification, Attribution, Provenance, and Names",VABB-1,198,214,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332594,,Parabiblical Literature from Qumran and the Canonical Process,VABB-1,525,556,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332598,,"Characterizing the LXX Translation of Judges on the Basis of Content-Related Criteria. The Greek Rendering of Hebrew Absolute Hapax Legomena in Judg 3,12-30",VABB-4,171,192,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332600,,Introduction,VABB-4,11,14,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332601,,After Qumran: Old and Modern Editions of the Biblical Texts – The Historical Books,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332602,,The Study of Aetiological Wordplay as a Content-Related Criterion in het Characterisation of LXX Translation Technique,VABB-4,273,294,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332603,,Influence of a So-Called P-redaction in the ‘Major Expansions’ of Exod 7–11? Finding Oneself at the Crossroads of Textual and Literary Criticism,VABB-4,203,222,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332604,,Schipperen tussen twee rijken: Q en het Romeinse gezag,VABB-1,,,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:332605,,Research of Qumran Scrolls in the Netherlands,VABB-4,487,509,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332606,,Gleanings from the Plates of Unidentified Fragments: Two PAM 43.674 Identifications (4Q365 and 4Q416),VABB-4,317,322,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332607,,The Dead Sea Scrolls,VABB-4,204,227,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332608,,A History of Qumran Scrolls Research in Spain,VABB-4,511,528,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332609,,The Use of the Pronomen abundans in the Fourth Gospel,VABB-1,419,442,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332610,,The Ecumenical Legacy of Johannes Cardinal Willebrands (1909-2006),VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332611,,For a Pair of Shoes: A New Light on an Obscure Verse in Amos’ Prophecy,VABB-1,95,114,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332612,,Prayer and Poetry in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Essays in Honor of Eileen Schuller on the Occasion of Her Sixty-Fifth Birthday,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332613,,"Luke 13,31-33: Structure and Line of Thought. Some Critical Notes",VABB-1,107,112,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332616,,Plaatsen van eredienst in het Nieuwe Testament,VABB-1,216,224,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332617,,Johannes Cardinal Willebrands (1909-2006). His Life and his Spirituality. Opening Lecture,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332618,,Preface,VABB-4,11,14,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332621,,"Solomon’s Temple According to 1 Kings 6,3-14 in Hebrew and in Greek",VABB-4,265,274,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332622,,"Ezekiel in the Old Greek and in the ‘Recentiores’, with Special Emphasis on Symmachus",VABB-4,167,181,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332629,,The Scrolls and Biblical Traditions. Proceedings of the Seventh Meeting of the IOQS in Helsinki,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332632,,Classifications of the Collection of Dead Sea Scrolls and the Case of Apocryphon of Jeremiah C,VABB-1,519,550,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332633,,La autoridad de 4Esdras y el descubrimiento de América,VABB-1,321,341,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:332634,,Editing the Hebrew Bible: An Overview of Some Problems,VABB-4,41,65,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332635,,"The Construction of 2 Corinthians 1,20 Revisited",VABB-1,283,290,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332636,,Ancient Interpretation of Scripture in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls,VABB-4,83,97,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332637,,Recollections: A Scholarly Profile of Julio C. Trebolle Barrera,VABB-4,15,22,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332638,,Light and Darkness. From Reality to Literature,VABB-1,555,568,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332642,,Resurrection of the Dead in the Shepherd of Hermas: A Matter of Dispute,VABB-5,403,416,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332643,,The Spirit Before the Letter: Dreams and Visions as the Legitimation of the Shepherd of Hermas. A Study of Vision 5,VABB-4,23,56,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332644,,"Trouble at Bethsaida: Some Comments on the Interpretation and Location of Mark 8,22-26 within the Gospel",VABB-4,209,232,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332647,,"The Unity of Luke-Acts: One Work, One Author, One Purpose?",VABB-4,27,50,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332648,,Elenchus Bibliographicus ETL. II. Historia Religionum,VABB-1,144*,174*,,lat,2011,2 c:vabb:332649,,Sacra Scriptura Novi Testamenti,VABB-1,323*,421*,,lat,2011,2 c:vabb:332650,,"Suffering, Eucharist, and Early Christologies: A Study of the Motive of Saving Efficacy of Suffering in the Letters of Ignatius of Antioch, the Martyrdom of Polycarp, and the Didache",VABB-4,307,318,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332652,,Patterns of Daily Prayer in Second Temple Period Judaism,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332662,,Een hardnekkig virus. Psychoanalyse en het primaat van de verbeelding,VABB-1,183,195,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332670,,Reading Giorgio Agamben's 'Homo Sacer' with René Girard,VABB-1,154,163,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332671,,'Fruitio dei' and/or 'jouissance féminine'? An Exploration,VABB-4,61,78,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:332673,,Orthodox Diaspora in the Context of the Debates over Primacy,VABB-1,5,22,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332674,,On Incarnation in the Work of Slavoj Zizek,VABB-4,475,482,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332678,,The poetic atheology of Giorgio Agamben: Defining the scission between poetry and philosophy,VABB-1,203,217,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332683,,Response to David Tracy's 'Incarnation and Suffering: On Rereading Augustine',VABB-4,93,99,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332685,,Critical Realism as a Philosophical Foundation for Interreligious Dialogue: Examining the Proposal of Bernard Lonergan,VABB-1,113,135,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332686,,Prolonging the Itinerary of Meaning: Ricoeur on Parables as Incentives to Christian Praxis,VABB-1,361,381,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332687,,Universale Salutis Sacramentum: Understanding the Church as the Universal Sacrament of Salvation in Relation to the Challenges of Interreligious Dialogue,VABB-1,82,99,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332688,,'Utrum caritas sit aliquid creatum in anima': Aquinas on the Lombard's Identification of Charity with the Holy Spirit,VABB-1,39,74,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332689,,A Hunger Unstilled: Retrieving Jan van Ruusbroec's Understanding of Minne in View of Jean-Luc Marion's Erotic Turn,VABB-1,53,74,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332690,,Why Did You Become a Christian? A Lonerganian Lesson for Christian (and possibly Religious) Self-Understanding,VABB-1,745,763,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332691,,Keeping Mission and Unity Together: Impulses from Roman Catholic Ecclesiology and from Multilateral and Bilateral Dialogue Processes,VABB-1,64,89,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332692,,Godhead here in Hiding: Incarnation and the History of Human Suffering,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332693,,Auf dem Weg zu einer konkreten Communio-Gestalt der Kirche: 50 Jahre Lumen Gentium,VABB-1,355,374,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:332694,,The Question of Theological Truth in a Multireligious World: Reflections at the Interface of Continental Philosophy and Interreligious Studies,VABB-4,267,307,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332695,,Introducing the Question of Theological Truth,VABB-4,31,55,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332696,,Editors' Introduction,VABB-4,1,30,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332697,,The Question of Theological Truth: Philosophical and Interreligious Perspectives,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332698,,Gilles Deleuze and the Transcendence of the Immanent,VABB-4,93,104,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332699,,Theology After Deleuze,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332700,,Apophatic and Kataphatic Theology in Dumitru Staniloae (1903-1993),VABB-1,9,22,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:332701,,Mystical Anthropology: Cross-Religious Perspectives,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332702,,Recente interpretaties van Lumen Gentium,VABB-1,372,383,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332703,,"Conscience and Selfhood: Thomas More, John Henry Newman, and the Crisis of the Postmodern Subject",VABB-1,841,869,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332705,,Unterbrechung und Identität in der pluralistischen Welt von heute: Spiritualität und das offene christliche Narrativ,VABB-4,161,179,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:332706,,Aporie,VABB-4,13,19,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:332707,,Liturgie en volksvroomheid: twee uitingen van geloof door een theologisch-pastorale bril,VABB-1,55,64,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332708,,Theological Truth in the Context of Contemporary Continental Thought: The Turn to Religion and the Contamination of Language,VABB-4,77,100,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332710,,Religious Education in a Post-Secular and Post-Christian Context,VABB-1,143,156,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332714,,"The Trinity, Creation and Christian Anthropology",VABB-4,414,427,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332715,,Weakness of Will in Renaissance and Reformation Thought,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332716,,Overgave: ruimte maken voor God?,VABB-4,37,42,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332720,,The Enduring Influence of Newman on Willebrands’ Ecumenical Views,VABB-4,31,47,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332722,,Johannes Willebrands and the Catholic Conference for Ecumenical Questions (1952-1963),VABB-4,49,77,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332724,,"Touching and Being Touched. A Book Review Essay of Toine van de Hoogen's ""A Taste of God: On Spirituality and Reframing Foundational Theology""",VABB-1,325,336,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332726,,Bestuurlijk vertrouwen binnen de overheid: een onderzoeksagenda,VABB-1,17,26,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332727,,Resultaatgericht plannen en begroten in Vlaamse gemeenten,VABB-1,17,37,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332730,,Should all capital goods of governments be recognised as assets in financial accounting?,VABB-1,429,443,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332735,,Overheidsmanagement: België-Holland,VABB-1,4,9,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332736,,Personeelsbeleid in lokale besturen : slimme besturen investering in menselijk kapitaal,VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332738,,Verdrag van Aarhus. Omzetting van het verdrag op het niveau van de Europese Unie,VABB-1,614,632,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332740,,Een andere overheid … een andere ambtenaar,VABB-1,38,44,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332742,,"International Agreements and the Salience of Domestic Politics: Locus, Focus and Gradus. The Case of Fisheries Policy Reforms in China and Senegal",VABB-1,9,25,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332743,,Trade-offs between environmental protection and economic development in China's fisheries policy: A political analysis on the adoption and implementation of the Fisheries Law 2000,VABB-1,38,49,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332744,,Governing without Government: Lessons from Belgium's Caretaker Government,VABB-1,173,176,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332748,,The politics of agency governance,VABB-1,11,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332758,,De leidinggevende in een netwerk van personeelsactoren,VABB-4,421,445,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332762,,Diversiteitsbeleid,VABB-4,337,355,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332764,,De context van personeelsbeleid in lokale besturen,VABB-4,1,23,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332765,,Leeftijdsbewust Personeelsbeleid,VABB-4,313,334,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332766,,De toegang van de leraar en de leerling in het secundair onderwijs tot het 'schooldossier',VABB-1,170,185,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:332768,,Motivatie en tevredenheid van personeel,VABB-4,249,269,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332769,,Werving en selectie,VABB-4,137,157,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332770,,Introduction to a symposium on public service motivation: an international sampling of researc,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332771,,Trust and public administration,VABB-1,91,115,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332772,,Reforming for Performance and Trust. Some reflections,VABB-1,367,384,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332773,,New perspectives on public services : place and technology,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332774,,How governance of complex PPPS affects performance,VABB-1,140,188,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332780,,Lessons and recommendations for the practice of agencification,VABB-4,413,439,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332781,,Agencification in Latin Countries : Belgium and its Regions,VABB-4,84,97,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332783,,Agencification as a global phenomenon. Introduction,VABB-4,3,17,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332785,,Een strategische benadering van personeel in de beleids- en beheerscyclus,VABB-4,27,47,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332786,,Conclusion: choosing public sector rewards,VABB-4,285,292,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332787,,Rewards at the top in Belgium: uneasy struggles with transparency and variability in paying public office,VABB-4,125,140,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332788,,Rewards at the top: cross-country comparisons across offices,VABB-4,11,30,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332789,,Rewards for high public office: continuing developments,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332796,,"Gevoegde zaken C-92/09 en C-93/09, Volker und Markus Schecke GbR en Hartmut Eifert/ Land Hessen",VABB-1,141,148,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:332798,,Managing public consultation: a conceptual framework and empirical findings from Belgian case studies,VABB-1,1047,1066,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332799,,Comparing agencification in Latin countries,VABB-4,145,156,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332800,,Rewards for High Public Office in Europe and North America,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332801,,Government Agencies: Practices and Lessons from 30 Countries,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332804,,Access to administrative documents in Belgium : an example of transparency within the European Union,VABB-1,663,699,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332805,,Handhelds en arbeidsdeling in Nederlandse horecabedrijven,VABB-1,34,48.,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332806,,"De gepercipieerde consequenties van de welvaartstaat: een multi-level, cross-nationale analyse van 25 Europese landen",VABB-5,109,130,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332810,,Tussen Markt en Instituties Is er Beweegruimte voor Lokale Actoren bij Herstructureringen in Europa?,VABB-1,124,155,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332814,,The impact of perceived and actual unemployment benefit generosity and unemployment rates on the employment security of workers,VABB-4,46,67,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332816,,Explaining attitudes towards immigration policies in European countries: The role of human values,VABB-1,757,775,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332817,,"Welfarism and the multidimensionality of welfare state legitimacy: evidence from The Netherlands, 2006",VABB-1,79,93,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332818,,Balancing Risk Prevention and Health Promotion: Towards a Harmonizing Approach in Care for Older People in the Community,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:332822,,Welfare performance and welfare support,VABB-4,25,57,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332823,,The management of change. Local union responses to company-level restructuring in France and Ireland - a study between and within countries,VABB-1,411,427,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332825,,From 'Saving Women' to 'Saving Gays': Rescue Narratives and their dis/continuities,VABB-1,237,252,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332826,,The European dimension of employee involvement: articulating between local practices and supra-national structures,VABB-4,101,115,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332830,,Levenslooptrajecten en het pensioeninkomen van gescheiden gepensioneerde vrouwen,VABB-1,48,73,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332831,,Uitsluiten van collectieve huishoudens uit de onderzoekspopulatie: consequenties voor inkomens- en armoedeonderzoek bij ouderen,VABB-1,715,737,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:332837,,Regie over het eigen leven voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking,VABB-1,120,127,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332839,,L’exclusion des ménages collectifs de l’échantillon de recherche: consequences sur l’étude des revenus et de la pauvreté chez les personnes agées,VABB-1,719,742,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:332840,,What Role Do Traditional Beliefs Play in Treatment Seeking and Delay for Buruli Ulcer Disease? Insights from a Mixed Methods Study in Cameroon,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332848,,Maintaining mastery despite age related losses. The resilience narratives of two older women in need of long-term community care,VABB-1,343,354,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332860,,Contact tussen kleinkinderen en grootouders na echtscheiding,VABB-1,1,24,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332861,,"Evaluating, comparing, monitoring and improving representativness of survey response through R-indicators and partial R-indicators",VABB-1,382,399,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332868,,Pauvreté et protection du niveau de vie des aînés : la Belgique dans une perspective internationale,VABB-4,135,146,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:332869,,Changes in the basic ICT skills of freshmen between 2005 and 2009: who's catching up and who's still behind?,VABB-1,205,231,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332870,,Do ICT competences support educational attainment at university?,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332871,,Has divorce become a pro-natal force in Europe at the turn of the 21st century,VABB-1,751,775,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332874,,Transnational Negotiations and the Europeanisation of Industrial Relations. Potentials and Obstacles,VABB-1,615,638,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332877,,Quality assessment of automatically extracted data from GPs' EPR,VABB-1,726,730,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332878,,"Deeltijds versus voltijds stiefouderschap. De relatie tussen stiefouders en stiefkinderen in moedergezinnen, vadergezinnen en verblijfsco-ouderschap na scheiding",VABB-1,267,295,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332883,,New practice development in professional service firms: The role of market sensing,VABB-4,202,218,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332885,,"Policy Toward Child Abuse and Neglect in Belgium: Shared Responsibility, Differentiated Response",VABB-4,204,222,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332886,,"Popular Perceptions of Welfare State Consequences. A Multi-Level, Cross-National Analysis of 25 European Countries",VABB-1,181,197,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332887,,Those Who’re in the Gutter Look at the Stars? Explaining Perceptions of Labour Market Opportunities among European Young Adults,VABB-1,379,395,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332888,,Should high response rates really be a primary objective?,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332889,,"The reversal of gender inequality in education, union formation, and fertility in Europe",VABB-1,127,154,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332890,,Education and the global fertility transition - introduction,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332893,,Non-Response and Measurement Error,VABB-4,149,178,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332894,,Regional family cultures and childcare by grandparents in Europe,VABB-1,85,120,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332895,,Temporal differentiation across a West-European Y-chromosomal cline - genealogy as a tool in human population genetics,VABB-1,434,440,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332900,,Populisme als buitengewone politiek: naar een Weberiaanse interpretatie,VABB-1,127,151,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332903,,Van Brussel tot Belgrado: een inleiding tot de sociologie van Europa en Europese integratie,VABB-1,228,240,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:332905,,Consultants and organization concepts,VABB-4,267,284,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332908,,Lean in de zorg : de praktijk van continu verbeteren,VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332909,,On sedimentation in management fashion; An institutional perspective,VABB-1,121,142,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332910,,Taux de remplacement pour la politique belge des pensions,VABB-1,125,154,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:332911,,Vervangingsratio's voor het Belgische pensioenbeleid,VABB-1,133,158,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332912,,Les trois piliers du paysage Belge des pensions de retraite. Aperçu et défis,VABB-1,5,54,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:332913,,De drie pijlers van het Belgische pensioenlandschap. Overzicht en uitdagingen,VABB-1,5,54,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332914,,Social mobility and demographic behavior: long term perspectives,VABB-1,173,190,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332915,,In the name of the migrant father - Analysis of surname origin identifies historic admixture events undetectable from genealogical records,VABB-1,90,95,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332916,,Equal Access of Ethnic Minority Students to Different Types of Higher Education Institutions?,VABB-1,197,213,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332918,,“Is the headscarf oppressive or emancipatory?” Field notes from the ‘multicultural debates’,VABB-1,36,56,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332919,,First year university students' self-perception of ICT skills: Do learning styles matter?,VABB-1,109,133,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332928,,Migration and reproduction in transitional times. Stopping behaviour of immigrants and natives in the Belgian city of Antwerp (1810-1925),VABB-1,321,350,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332929,,De welvaartsstaat: voor wie wel en voor wie niet?,VABB-4,303,320,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:332930,,Who should care for the children? Support for government intervention in childcare,VABB-4,107,133,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332931,,Social location and value priorities. A European-wide comparison of the relation between social-structural variables and human values,VABB-4,45,67,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332933,,Depressive symptoms in the Belgian population: disentangling age and cohort effects,VABB-1,903,915,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332936,,Dynamic Microsimulation Modeling for Policy Support: An Application to Belgium and Possibilities for Japan,VABB-1,31,47,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332938,,Reconsidering the definition of a Spatial Data Infrastructure,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332939,,A method to evaluate mode effects on the mean and variance of a continuous variable in mixed-mode surveys,VABB-1,306,322,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332941,,'One Size Fits All'? An Empirical Study into the Multidimensionality of Social Cohesion Indicators in Belgian Local Communities,VABB-1,185,202,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332944,,"Understanding sexual objectification: a comprehensive approach toward media exposure and girls’ internalization of beauty ideals, self-objectification, and body surveillance",VABB-1,869,887,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332945,,"Het verband tussen reclame, gezinsconflicten en teleurstelling bij kinderen",VABB-1,290,301,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:332948,,An exploration of adolescents’ sexual contact and conduct risks through mobile phone use,VABB-1,55,77,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332949,,Music video viewing as a marker of driving after the consumption of alcohol,VABB-1,155,165,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332951,,Blind Faith in the Web? Internet Use and Empowerment among Visually and Hearing Impaired Adults: a Qualitative Study of Uses and Gratifications Sought and Obtained,VABB-1,129,151,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332952,,The relationship between news exposure to a serial killer case and altruistic fear: An exploratory study,VABB-1,167,192,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332953,,Trauma recovery in victims of crime: the role of television viewing motives and television exposure,VABB-1,73,97,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332954,,Seksuele objectivering in een vampierenromance: een experimentele studie naar het effect van de film ‘Twilight’ op zelfobjectivering bij adolescente meisjes,VABB-1,22,34,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:332955,,Advancing HIV/AIDS combination prevention through mass media: a review of practices in Sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,189,198,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332957,,Maternal attachment and television viewing in adolescents' sexual socialization: differential associations across gender,VABB-1,38,52,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332961,,Toward a more nuanced perception of Alzheimer's disease: designing and testing a campaign advertisement,VABB-1,388,96,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332962,,Redactioneel : Veertig jaar 'Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap',VABB-1,3,8,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332963,,Clinical practice Fear effects by the media,VABB-1,613,616,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332966,,User eXperience Laddering with Preschoolers: Unveiling Attributes and Benefits of Cuddly Toy Interfaces,VABB-1,451,465,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332967,,Designing for Collaboration: A Study in Intergenerational Social Game Design,VABB-1,57,65,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332968,,Political Socialization among Young People. Evidence from a two-year panel study,VABB-1,193,206,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332970,,Social Movements,VABB-4,225,232,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332971,,Political Culture,VABB-4,201,208,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332973,,The Impact of Mobilization Media on Off-Line and Online Participation: Are Mobilization Effects Medium-Specific?,VABB-1,152,169,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332974,,"Urbanization, Community Size and Population Density: Is There a Rural-Urban Divide in Participation in Voluntary Organizations or Social Network Formation?",VABB-1,120,144,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332975,,Is sexual well-being part of subjective well-being? An empirical analysis of Belgian (Flemish) survey data using an extended well-being scale,VABB-1,264,273,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332976,,I’m Happy; Hope You’re Happy Too. Examining the Different Dynamics of Individual Subjective Well-Being and View on Society,VABB-1,17,29,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332977,,Gathering Counter-Factual Evidence: An Experimental Study on Voters‟ Responses to Pre-Electoral Coalitions,VABB-4,233,248,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:332978,,The Relation Between Civic Education and Political Attitudes and Behavior: A Two-Year Panel Study Among Belgian Late Adolescents,VABB-1,140,150,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332979,,"Electoral volatility, political sophistication, trust and efficacy: A study on changes in voter preferences during the Belgian regional elections of 2009",VABB-1,18,41,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332982,,The stability of individualized collective action. Results of a panel study among Belgian late adolescents,VABB-4,197,211,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:332985,,"Ontzuiling van kiesgedrag. Een proces van generationele vervanging gedreven door cognitive mobilisatie? Een age-period-cohort analyse van stemmen voor CDA en PvdA in Nederland, 1971-2010",VABB-1,333,360,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:332991,,"Homophobia and the Transition to Adulthood: A Three Year Panel Study among Belgian Late Adolescents and Young Adults, 2008-2011",VABB-1,1197,1207,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332996,,The Effect of Electoral Outcomes on Political Trust. A Multi-level Analysis of 23 Countries,VABB-1,712,726,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:332997,,The relationship between ethnocentric attitudes and avoidance behavior among Belgian students,VABB-1,15,30,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:332998,,Religion and Voting Behaviour in Belgium. An Analysis of the Relation between religious beliefs and Christian Democratic Voting,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333001,,Political Attitudes and Political Participation: A Panel Study on Socialization and Self-Selection Effects among Late Adolescents,VABB-1,63,81,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333002,,Do Diverse Geographical Contexts Lead to Diverse Friendship Networks? A Multilevel Analysis of Belgian Survey Data,VABB-1,343,362,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333003,,The political crisis in Belgium (2007–2011): a federal system without federal loyalty,VABB-1,131,138,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333005,,De selectie van verkiesbare kandidaten.Een analyse van de Belgische Kamerverkiezingen 1999-2010,VABB-1,289,308,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333006,,Do Ethnically Diverse Classes Reduce Ethnocentrism? A Two-Year Panel Study among Majority Group Late Adolescents in Belgium,VABB-1,108,117,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333007,,Leidt meer kennis over de Europese Unie tot een sterkere Europese identiteit? Een vergelijkend onderzoek bij adolescenten in 21 lidstaten,VABB-1,465,491,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333008,,"Age, Period and Cohort effects in the Decline of Party Identification in Germany. An Analysis of a Two Decade Panel Study in Germany (1992-2009)",VABB-1,209,227,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333011,,The non-participation policy of the young: a study of temporary and permanent barriers in engagement,VABB-1,405,425,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333012,,Van doorbraak tot consolidatie. Een analyse van de partijorganisatie van LDD na de federale verkiezingen van 2007,VABB-1,14,29,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333016,,A Two-Year Panel Study among Belgian Late Adolescents on the Impact of School Environment Characteristics on Political Trust,VABB-1,208,224,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333018,,Politics in Peer Groups: Exploring the Causal Relationship between Network Diversity and Political Participation,VABB-1,867,884,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333020,,"The cognitive basis of trust. The relation between education, cognitive ability, and generalized and political trust",VABB-1,604,613,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333021,,"Election Forecasting under Opaque Conditions. A Model for Francophone Belgium, 1981-2010",VABB-1,777,788,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333022,,Actual use of Computers and the Internet by Older Adults: Potential Benefits and Risks,VABB-4,161,190,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333023,,The construction of national and foreign identities in French and Belgian postwar comics (1945-1970),VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333024,,Coping and resilience: Children's responses to online risks,VABB-4,205,218,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333025,,Opvallen en verleiden. Filmaffiches vormelijk bekeken,VABB-4,30,46,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333026,,Social networking sites and contact risks among Flemish youth,VABB-1,69,85,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333028,,Een grote film vol liefde en vuur... Een bioscoopgeschiedenis van Leuven in tien filmaffiches,VABB-4,47,62,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333029,,Cinema Leuven. Een studie naar de Belgische filmaffiche aan de hand van de collectie van het Leuvens stadsarchief,VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333030,,Competitive pressure and arousing television news: A cross-cultural study,VABB-1,179,196,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333037,,Sustainable food and agriculture: Stakeholder's frames,VABB-1,127,148,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333038,,Frames And Counter-Frames Giving Meaning To Dementia: A Framing Analysis Of Media Content,VABB-1,1274,1281,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333046,,The use of standard calendar software by individuals with acquired brain injury and cognitive complaints: a mixed methods study,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333047,,Computer use in older adults: Determinants and the relationship with cognitive change over a six year episode,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333048,,Tracing 'Taiwanization' Processes in Taiwanese Presidential Statements in Times of Cross-Strait Rapprochement,VABB-1,63,98,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333054,,Mediating Flemish Children's Reactions of Fear and Sadness to television news and its Limitations: Survey and In-depth Interview Results,VABB-1,485,501,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333056,,A qualitative inquiry and a quantitative exploration into the meaning of game reviews,VABB-1,209,229,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333057,,"Interactive TV and video: Papers from the EuroITVConference, Introduction by the Conference Chairs",VABB-1,181,185,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333059,,Digital Games for Physical Therapy: Fulfilling the Need for Calibration and Adaption,VABB-5,117,124,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333061,,A Semiotic Analysis of Multi-Touch Interface Design: The MuTable Case Study,VABB-1,714,728,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333062,,"Interactive applications for children with hearing impairments: a process of inspiration, ideation, and conceptualization",VABB-5,240,243,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333070,,Newspapers' narratives based on wire stories: Facsimiles of input?,VABB-1,1853,1864,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333072,,The impact of paper prototyping on card sorting: A case study,VABB-1,351,357,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333074,,The evolution of a media image: Newspaper attention to the Flemish far right 1987-2004,VABB-1,356,377,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333075,,Strips,VABB-4,1,9,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333080,,The amount of ergonomics and user involvement in 151 design processes,VABB-1,989,996,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333083,,Comparing media policy and regulation,VABB-4,221,233,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333086,,Are you a gamer? A qualititive study on the parameters for categorizing casual and hardcore gamers,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333089,,"P-III: A Player-Centered, Iterative, Interdisciplinary and Integrated Framework for Serious Game Design and Development",VABB-4,82,86,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333090,,Children's media use in Indonesia,VABB-1,304,319,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333091,,Food plating preferences,VABB-1,e388,e389,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333098,,The complexities of measuring regional actorness at the UN Security Council,VABB-4,59,70,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333099,,"Affirmative Action: Foundations, Contexts, and Debates",VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333100,,Horizontal Inequalities and Militancy: The Case of Nigeria’s Niger Delta,VABB-4,231,250,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333101,,Macro-Economic Policies in Post-Conflict Countries,VABB-4,28,60,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333105,,Affirmative Action in Plural Societies : International Experiences,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333106,,Elgar Handbook Of Civil War And Fragile States,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333108,,International Trade and Horizontal Inequalities: Conceptual and Empirical Linkages,VABB-1,665,687,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333110,,"Does Autonomy Matter? Subnational Governments and the Challenge of Vertical Policy Integration for Sustainable Development: A Comparative Analysis of Quebec, Flanders, North Rhine-Westphalia and North Holland",VABB-1,141,161,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333114,,The rebirth of Flemish nationalism: assessing the impact of N-VA chairman Bart De Wever’s charisma,VABB-1,268,285,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333116,,Theories of ethnic mobilization: Overview and recent trends,VABB-4,223,239,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333118,,Reframing the Roma: EU Initiatives and the Politics of Reinterpretation,VABB-1,1195,1212,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333119,,The European Union in the Commission on Sustainable Development,VABB-4,171,190,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333120,,The EU in the United Nations climate change regime,VABB-4,191,213,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333122,,Explaining EU Activism and Impact in Global Climate Politics: is the Union a Norm- or Interest-Driven Actor?,VABB-1,169,186,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333124,,Un État patrimonial,VABB-1,31,41,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:333125,,Regionalization in the European Union: the case of Belgium's 'centrifugal' federalism,VABB-5,287,295,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333126,,Reflections on Islamic Reconciliation as a 'Return to Normalcy' from a Social Scientific Perspective,VABB-4,133,161,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333130,,The European Union's policy on Kosovo,VABB-4,172,203,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333136,,Are you Talking to us? How Subnational Governments Respond to Global Sustainable Development Governance,VABB-1,127,142,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333137,,Horizontal Inequalities and Post-Conflict Development: Laying the Foundations for Durable Peace,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333138,,"Conflict, post-conflict, and state fragility: conceptual and methodological issues",VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333139,,Russia's 'Vital and Exclusive' National Interests in the Near Abroad,VABB-4,17,38,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333141,,The RS as a strong nationalizing state and the consequences for postethnic activism,VABB-1,203,220,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333142,,The Concept of Ethnicity: Strengths and Limitations for Quantitative Analysis,VABB-4,56,90,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333145,,Intergovernmental Cooperation for International Decision-making in Federal States: The Case of Sustainable Development in Belgium,VABB-1,407,433,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333148,,Governing human rights and Roma inclusion: Can the EU be a catalyst for local social change?,VABB-1,800,822,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333149,,Measuring regional actorness at the UN Security Council: the EU as a paragon of complexity,VABB-4,59,71,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333150,,The External Institutional Context Matters: the EU in International Negotiations,VABB-4,58,75,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333151,,The European Union in UN Politics,VABB-4,115,127,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333152,,What’s in a Name? Challenges to the Creation of EU Delegations,VABB-1,51,64,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333154,,Routes to global decision-making. Flanders in the UN and OECD discussions on sustainable development,VABB-4,180,197,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333155,,The burden of endometriosis: costs and quality of life of women with endometriosis and treated in referral centres,VABB-1,1292,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333156,,Orphan drugs for rare diseases: grounds for special status,VABB-1,115,119,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333157,,A review of generic medicine pricing in Europe,VABB-1,8,12,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333159,,Cost-effectiveness of lacosamide in the adjunctive treatment of patients with refractory focal epilepsy in Belgium,VABB-1,337,350,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333160,,What is the value for money of medicines? A registry study,VABB-1,182,186,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333161,,Optimizing the European regulatory framework for sustainable bacteriophage therapy in human medicine,VABB-1,161,72,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333162,,How can pharmacist remuneration systems in Europe contribute to generic medicine dispensing?,VABB-1,3,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333165,,Orphan drugs for rare diseases: is it time to revisit their special market access status?,VABB-1,1437,1443,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333169,,Sedative use and incident cognitive decline among persons aged 75 years and older: a population-based longitudinal study,VABB-1,48,54,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333174,,Reference pricing systems in Europe: characteristics and consequences,VABB-1,127,131,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333177,,Cost-effectiveness analysis and the value for money of health technologies,VABB-4,92,109,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333178,,Early versus late parenteral nutrition in ICU patients: cost analysis of the EPaNIC trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333180,,Guidelines recommendations on care of adult patients receiving home parenteral nutrition: a systematic review of global practices.,VABB-1,602,608,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333181,,Cost-effectiveness of anticoagulants,VABB-1,82,87,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333185,,Kosten voor zorg aan terminale patiënten in Belgische rusthuizen,VABB-1,41,49,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333188,,Incidence and drug treatment of emotional distress after cancer diagnosis: a matched primary care case-control study,VABB-1,1644,1651,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333192,,A European perspective on the market accessibility of biosimilars,VABB-1,33,40,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333194,,"Generische atorvastatine, de Belgische statinemarkt en de kosteneffectiviteit van een behandeling met statines",VABB-1,333,343,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333195,,Paying for the orphan drug system: break or bend? Is it time for a new evaluation system for payers in Europe to take account of new rare disease treatments?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333200,,Economic perspective on diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis,VABB-4,27,32,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333202,,Biosimilars and market access: a question of comparability and costs?,VABB-1,227,231,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333203,,From generic to biosimilar drugs: why take an innovative pace?,VABB-1,21,27,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333204,,Evaluating and improving orphan drug regulations in Europe: a delphi policy study,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333205,,Hospital pharmacists providing drug information to psychiatric inpatients: still a long way ahead,VABB-1,336,339,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333207,,The cost-effectiveness of immunotherapy for respiratory allergy: a review,VABB-1,1087,1105,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333211,,Market uptake of orphan drugs – a European analysis,VABB-1,664,667,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333214,,Introducing yesterday's phage therapy in today's medicine,VABB-1,381,392,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333216,,Overcoming challenges in market access of generic medicines in the European Union,VABB-1,21,28,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333217,,Pharmaco-economic aspects of Sipuleucel-T,VABB-1,1,3,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333230,,Patient adherence to oral anticancer drugs: an emerging issue in modern oncology,VABB-1,85,96,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333235,,Economic aspects of the nationality problem in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Belgium,VABB-4,33,47,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333240,,The universal service obligation for telephone directories: regulating the redundant,VABB-1,40,70,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333242,,Selecting business partners: A literature review,VABB-1,2,36,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333244,,"ABC information, fairness perceptions, and interfirm negotiations",VABB-1,951,973,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:333245,,"Corporate governance, principal-principal agency conflicts, and firm value in European listed companies",VABB-1,125,143,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333251,,The effect of strategic and operating turnaround initiatives on audit reporting for distressed companies,VABB-1,223,241,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333252,,Beloningen voor bestuurders en de vergoeding van de commissaris onder de loep,VABB-1,342,351,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:333253,,An empirical test of spatial competition in the audit market,VABB-1,450,465,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333256,,"Remodeling the Working-Kaldor curve: The roles of scarcity, time to maturity and time to harvest",VABB-1,459,487,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333257,,Value added by design: a literature review,VABB-1,320,357,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333260,,Capital structure adjustments in private business group companies,VABB-1,1275,1288,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333262,,Allocation de crédit et création de valeur par les banques: L'impact de la banque relationnelle en temps normal et en temps de crise,VABB-1,23,35,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:333264,,Expropriation of minority investors in Chinese listed firms: The role of internal and external corporate governance mechanisms,VABB-1,308,332,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333270,,Foreign bank entry and credit allocation in emerging markets: Evidence from Poland,VABB-1,2949,2959,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333271,,The impact of aggressive orders in an order-driven market: A simulation approach,VABB-1,1015,1038,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333272,,The consequences of business group affiliation: a review of the literature,VABB-1,77,97,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333273,,Ownership dynamics after partial privatization: evidence from China,VABB-1,389,429,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333275,,Nation-wide primary healthcare research network: a privacy protection assessment,VABB-1,23,28,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333277,,Preventing delirium in older adults with recent hip fracture through multidisciplinary geriatric consultation,VABB-1,733,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333278,,The prevalence and detection of chronic kidney disease (CKD)-related metabolic complications as a function of estimated glomerular filtration rate in the oldest old,VABB-1,E419,425,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333279,,Rigour of development does not AGREE with recommendations in practice guidelines on the use of ice for acute ankle sprains,VABB-1,747,55,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333280,,Accuracy of Office Spirometry Performed by Trained Primary-Care Physicians Using the MIR Spirobank Hand-Held Spirometer,VABB-1,543,552,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333282,,"Cytological screening for cervical cancer in the province of Limburg, Belgium",VABB-1,18,24,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333284,,The evolution of renal function and the incidence of end-stage renal disease in patients aged >=50 years,VABB-1,2297,303,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333285,,Response to Dr. Strandberg et al,VABB-1,1389,,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:333286,,The impact of confounders on the test performance of natriuretic peptides for cardiac dysfunction in subjects aged 80 and older,VABB-1,118,126,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333287,,Family Physicians' Perceptions and Use of Electronic Clinical Decision Support During the First Year of Implementation,VABB-1,3677,3684,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333288,,Minimum Data Set Home Care as an additional tool in the admission procedure for a nurrsing home,VABB-1,82,90,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333289,,Differential Diagnosis in a Primary Care Population with Presumed Airway Obstruction: A Real-Life Study,VABB-1,44,54,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333291,,Optimizing the utility of communication OSCE's,VABB-1,106,112,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333293,,The prevalence of chronic kidney disease in a Flemish primary care morbidity register,VABB-1,231,3,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333295,,Systemische lupus erythematodes en zwangerschap: hoe beïnvloeden ze elkaar?,VABB-1,73,82,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333297,,How competent do general practice residents feel and why?,VABB-1,19,26,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333298,,Care of elderly people by the general practitioner and the geriatrician in Belgium: a qualitative study of their relationship,VABB-1,17,24,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333301,,Zorgdiagnose bij thuiswonende dementerende patiënten,VABB-1,25,32,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333304,,Association between timing of zoledronic acid infusion and hip fracture healing,VABB-1,2329,2336,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333305,,betere criteria voor inclusie in het zorgtraject chronishce nierinsufficiëntie: een kritische noot,VABB-1,607,611,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333307,,Systematic review and validation of prediction rules for identifying children with serious infections in emergency departments and urgent-access primary care,VABB-1,1,100,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333308,,Higher Incidence of Common Diagnoses in Patients with Low Back Pain in Primary Care,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333309,,Outcome Measures of Spiritual Care in Palliative Home Care: A Qualitative Study,VABB-1,437,444,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333312,,Hoge incidentie van hematologische kankers in de provincie Limburg: het gevolg van een betere reigstratie?,VABB-1,278,287,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:333313,,Het gebruik van observatieschalen bij tekens van mogelijke cognitieve problemen thuis,VABB-1,986,994,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333314,,European genome-wide association study identifies SLC14A1 as a new urinary bladder cancer susceptibility gene,VABB-1,4268,4281,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333315,,Variation in cancer incidence in northeastern Belgium and southeastern netherlands seems unrelated to cadmium emission of zinc smelters,VABB-1,549,555,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333316,,Clinicians' gut feeling about serious infections in children: observational study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333319,,"Designing the selenium and bladder cancer trial (SELEBLAT), a phase III randomized chemoprevention study with selenium on recurrence of bladder cancer in Belgium",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333320,,Chronic Diseases among Older Cancer Survivors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333321,,Stigmatisering van psychiatrische patiënten door huisartsen en studenten geneeskunde,VABB-1,885,894,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:333322,,Dietary intake of micronutrients and the risk of developing bladder cancer: results from the Belgian case-control study on bladder cancer risk,VABB-1,469,478,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333323,,NPI data in a Belgian sample of elderly persons with and without dementia,VABB-1,423,440,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333330,,A novel hereditary extensive vascular leukoencephalopathy mapping to chromosome 20q13,VABB-1,2283,2287,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333331,,GPs' views concerning spirituality and the use of the FICA tool in palliative care in Flanders: a qualitative study,VABB-1,536,537,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333334,,Een halve eeuw huisartsgeneeskunde: een verkenning op basis van interviews met huisartsen,VABB-1,1004,1012,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333343,,"Relation between diabetes, metformin treatement and t he occurence of malignancies in a Belgian primary care setting",VABB-1,331,336,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333345,,Comonotonic approximations for the probability of a lifetime ruin,VABB-1,285,309,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333346,,Convex order and comonotonic conditional mean risk sharing,VABB-1,265,270,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333347,,The herd behaviour index: A new measure for the implied degree of co-movement in stock markets,VABB-1,357,370,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333348,,Statistical concepts of a priori and a posteriori risk classification in insurance,VABB-1,187,224,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333349,,FIX: The fear index - Measuring market fear,VABB-4,37,57,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333350,,"On the interplay between distortion-, mean value- and Haezendonck-Goovaerts risk measures",VABB-1,10,18,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:333353,,Remarks on quantiles and distortion risk measures,VABB-1,319,328,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333354,,Convex order approximations in case of cash flows of mixed signs,VABB-1,249,256,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333355,,Survived but feeling vulnerable and insecure: a qualitative study of the mental preparation for RTX after breast cancer traitement,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333356,,Cadmium from zinc smelter emission and variation in cancer incidence: the hierarchy of evidence,VABB-1,497,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333358,,Epigenetic changes in lymphocytes of solvent-exposed individuals,VABB-1,269,277,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333359,,Letter to the editor regarding the article by Wittmaack,VABB-1,4,6;,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333360,,Oxidative stress induced by pure and iron-doped amorphous silica nanoparticles in subtoxic conditions,VABB-1,828,837,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333361,,Risk factors for morbidity and death in non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of CT diagnosed bronchiectatic patients,VABB-1,21,,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:333362,,Thrombogenic changes in young and old mice upon subchronic exposure to air pollution in an urban roadside tunnel,VABB-1,756,768,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333363,,Occupational Exposure to Petroleum Products and Respiratory Health: A Cross-Sectional Study From Algeria,VABB-1,1382,1388,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333365,,Nano-titanium dioxide modulates the dermal sensitization potency of DNCB,VABB-1,15,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333366,,Health impact of urban air pollution in Belgium,VABB-1,243,246,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333367,,"Blood pressure and particulate air pollution in schoolchildren of Lahore, Pakistan",VABB-1,378,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333369,,Acute changes in pulse pressure in relation to constituents of particulate air pollution in elderly persons,VABB-1,60,67,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333370,,Adverse health effects of child labor: high exposure to chromium and oxidative DNA damage in children manufacturing surgical instruments,VABB-1,1469,74,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333371,,Breast cancer treatment and work disability: Patient perspectives,VABB-1,534,8,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333372,,Quantification of lung fibrosis and emphysema in mice using automated micro-computed tomography,VABB-1,e43123,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333374,,Guidelines for Assessment of Work Disability: An International Survey,VABB-1,e103,10,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333375,,Epigenetic Factors in Cancer Risk: Effect of Chemical Carcinogens on Global DNA Methylation Pattern in Human TK6 Cells,VABB-1,e34674,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333376,,Placental Growth Factor Contributes to Bronchial Neutrophilic Inflammation and Edema in Allergic Asthma,VABB-1,781,789,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333377,,Interactions of nanomaterials with the immune system,VABB-1,169,183,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333378,,"Lifestyle after bariatric surgery: a multicenter, prospective cohort study in pregnant women",VABB-1,1456,1464,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333379,,"A decade's experience in lumbar spine surgery in Belgium: sickness fund beneficiaries, 2000-2009",VABB-1,2693,2703,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333381,,Guiding low back claimants to work: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1425,31,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333382,,Negative impact of occupational exposure on surgical outcome in patients with rhinosinusitis,VABB-1,560,565,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333383,,The Metabolic Syndrome and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Relation to the Parathyroid Hormone to 25-OH-D(3) Ratio in a General Population,VABB-1,102,109,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333384,,A theoretical and experimental proteome map of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1,VABB-1,169,181,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333385,,A randomized controlled trial of azithromycin to prevent chronic rejection after lung transplantation.,VABB-1,164,172,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333386,,Cytokine production by co-cultures exposed to monodisperse amorphous silica nanoparticles: The role of size and surface area,VABB-1,98,104,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333387,,Air Pollution-Associated Procoagulant Changes: role of Circulating Microvesicles,VABB-1,96,106,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333388,,Lymphocytic Bronchiolitis After Lung Transplantation Is Associated With Daily Changes in Air Pollution,VABB-1,1831,1838,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333389,,Air Pollution and the Meuse Valley Fog of December 1930,VABB-4,33,39,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333391,,Effect of chemical mutagens and carcinogens on gene expression profiles in human TK6 cells,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333392,,Pulmonary inflammation in mice with collagen-induced arthritis is conditioned by complete Freund's adjuvant and regulated by endogenous IFN-γ,VABB-1,3223,3234,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333394,,Contamination of nanoparticles by endotoxin: evaluation of different test methods,VABB-1,41,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333395,,Proteome changes in auricular lymph nodes and serum after dermal sensitization to toluene diisocyanate in mice,VABB-1,3548,3558,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333396,,Should we be concerned about composite (nano-)dust?,VABB-1,62,70,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333397,,Neurobehavioral function and low-level exposure to brominated flame retardants in adolescents: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333398,,Placental Mitochondrial DNA Content and Particulate Air Pollution during in Utero Life,VABB-1,1346,1352,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333399,,An epidemiological appraisal of the association between heart rate variability and particulate air pollution: a meta-analysis,VABB-1,1127,1135,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333400,,Predicting changes in preferences for life-sustaining treatment among patients with advanced chronic organ failure,VABB-1,1251,1259,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333401,,Informed consent when donating cells for the production of human tissue engineered products,VABB-4,149,158,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333404,,the right to informed choice and the patients' rights directive,VABB-1,327,331,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333406,,What do Islamic institutional fatwas say about medical and research confidentiality and breach of confidentiality,VABB-1,104,112,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333408,,Kinderen in geneeskunde: object of subject van verantwoordelijkheid,VABB-1,209,218,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333410,,Sexuality in institutionalized elderly persons: a systematic review of argument-based ethics literature,VABB-1,346,357,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333411,,Het recht van de patiënt op vergoeding van abnormale schade als gevolg van gezondheidszorg,VABB-1,322,344,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333412,,Recommendations for the Predictive Genetic Test in Huntington's Disease,VABB-1,221,231,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:333414,,"""Because we see them naked"" - Nurses' experiences ini caring for hospitalized patients with dementia: considering artificial nutrition or hydratation (ANH)",VABB-1,285,295,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333416,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2012/3, Advisory Opinion of 17 December 2011 (E-1/11)",VABB-1,215,218,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333417,,Advance directives as an instrument in an ageing Europe,VABB-1,121,140,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333418,,Should we retransplant a patient who is non-adherent? A literature review and critical reflection,VABB-1,4,11,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333420,,Patient-reported physical activity questionnaires: a systematic review of content and format,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333421,,"Implementing a standardized, evidence-based education program using the patient's electronic file for lung transplant recipients",VABB-1,264,270,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333423,,Nurses' decision-making in cases of physical restraint: a synthesis of qualitative evidence,VABB-1,1198,1210,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333424,,Elderly patients' and residents' perceptions of 'the good nurse': a literature review,VABB-1,93,97,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333425,,Nurse-physician communication concerning artificial nutrition or hydratation (NH) in patients with dementia: a qualitative study,VABB-1,2975,2984,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333426,,Oncology patients' perceptions of the good nurse: an explorative study on the psychometric properties of teh Flemish adaptation of the Care-Q instrument,VABB-1,1387,1400,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333428,,Development and Validation of a Modified Version of the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale in a Flemish Palliative Care Population,VABB-1,475,82,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333430,,Legislation on direct-to-consumer genetic testing in seven European countries,VABB-1,715,721,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333431,,Non-adherence in adolescent transplant recipients: the role of uncertainty in health care providers,VABB-1,148,56,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333432,,An ecological perspective on medication adherence,VABB-1,635,653,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333433,,A new taxonomy for describing and defining adherence to medications,VABB-1,691,705,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333434,,Level of consciousness in dying patients. The role of palliative sedation: a longitudinal prospective study,VABB-1,195,200,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333436,,The changing landscape of genetic testing and its impact on clinical and laboratory services and research in Europe,VABB-1,911,916,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333439,,QUAGOL: A Guide for Qualitative Data Analysis,VABB-1,360,371,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:333440,,A Fair Share for the Orphans: Ethical Guidelines for a Fair Distribution of Resources within the Bounds of the 10-Year Old European Orphan Drug Regulation (Forthcoming),VABB-1,148,153,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333441,,Review of national research ethics regulations and guidelines in Middle Eastern Arab countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333443,,Ethics in Age Estimation of Unaccompanied Minors,VABB-1,85,102,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333449,,BELGIUM,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333450,,The Historical Roots of Personalism,VABB-1,388,403,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333457,,Medical law in Belgium,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333460,,"Oncology patients' perceptions of ""the good nurse"": a descriptive study in",VABB-1,719,729,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:333464,,Percepties van ouderen ten aanzien van de 'goede verpleegkundige',VABB-1,73,79,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333466,,Culture is a priority for research in end-of-life care in Europe: a research agenda,VABB-1,285,294,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333467,,Trust and trustworthiness in nursing: an argument-based literature review,VABB-1,223,237,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333468,,"European Court of Justice: ECJ 2011/01, Oliver Brüstle v. Greenpeace e. V., 18 October 2011 (Case C-34/10)",VABB-1,101,106,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333469,,"European Court of Justice: ECJ 2011/02, European Commission v. Portuguese Republic, 27 October 2011 (Case C-255/09)",VABB-1,106,113,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333470,,Het wettelijk monopolie van de apotheker,VABB-1,170,182,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333475,,Are the kids really all right? Direct-to-consumer genetic testing in children: are company policies clashing with professional norms?,VABB-1,1122,6,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333476,,Medication beliefs and antihypertensive adherence among older adults,VABB-1,89,95,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333477,,An Explorative Study of Experiences of Healthcare Providers Posing as Simulated Care Receivers in a 'Care-Ethical' Lab,VABB-1,68,79,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333478,,"Where are you going, where have you been. A recent history of the direct-to-consumer genetic testing market",VABB-1,101,106,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333481,,Nurses' ethical reasoning in cases of physical restraint in acute elderly care: a qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333485,,Why genomics shouldn't get too personal: In favor of filters: Re: Invited Comment by Holly K. Tabor et al. in American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A Volume 155,VABB-1,2641,2642,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333486,,"Explorative study on patients' perceived knowledge level, expectations, preferences and fear for side effects for treatment for allergic rhinitis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333488,,"commentaar bij art.2,3,5,9,32 GEESTESZIEKE",VABB-4,57,102,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333489,,Legal aspects of Personalized health monitoring,VABB-1,503,513,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333492,,Immunogenicity and tolerance of a measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine following a 4 week and a 12-month interval between two doses,VABB-1,3842,3849,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333494,,The health and economic burden of chickenpox and herpes zoster in Belgium,VABB-1,2096,2109,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333497,,Public forgiveness: Theoretical and practical perspectives,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333502,,Nihilism and Transcendence,VABB-4,179,190,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333505,,Textes dispersés II: artistes contemporains,VABB-2,,,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:333506,,Averroes’ philosophical conception of separate intellect and God,VABB-4,391,404,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333509,,Textes dispersés I: esthétique et théorie de l'art,VABB-2,,,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:333510,,"Remarks on the Text Tradition of De longitudine et brevitate vitae, tr. Guillelmi",VABB-4,145,169,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333516,,Averroes on the Ontology of the Human Soul,VABB-1,580,596,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333517,,Geoffrey of Aspall's Question of Whether the World is Generable and Perishable. An Edition and Discussion,VABB-1,321,355,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333519,,Modulation of protein fermentation does not affect fecal water toxicity: a randomized cross-over study in healthy subjects,VABB-1,e52387,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333520,,Maternal and neonatal outcome after laparoscopic gastric banding: a systematic review,VABB-1,1568,1579,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333521,,Integrity of the inferior longitudinal fasciculus and impaired object recognition in children: a diffusion tensor imaging study,VABB-1,38,43,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333523,,Small number discrimination in early human development: the case of one versus three,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333526,,Pubertal development in ICSI children,VABB-1,1156,61,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333527,,Blood pressure in ICSI-conceived adolescents,VABB-1,3100,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333529,,Visual perceptual function in preterm born children: what are we currently measuring,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333530,,Screening for Cerebral Visual impairment: validation of a CVI questionnaire,VABB-1,138,147,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333533,,"La contribution de la ""squadra belga"" au Concile Vatican II",VABB-1,157,183,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333534,,"Die Briefe des Isidor von Pelusium: Bildung, Glaube, Kommunikation",VABB-4,29,49,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:333535,,Flexibele Heiligkeit. Der Beitrag der Märtyrer zur Identitätskonstitution christlicher Gemeinden im griechischen Osten im 4. Jahrhundert,VABB-4,205,231,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:333536,,"The Martyrdom of Sabas the Goth: History, Hagiography and Identity",VABB-4,201,225,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333537,,"Martyrdom in Late Antiquity. History and Discourse, Tradition and Religious Identity",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333538,,Van dualisme naar veelheid. Pleidooi voor een katholieke lezing van het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie,VABB-1,381,401,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333539,,De lange weg naar Lumen gentium. Een nieuwe blik op de ecclesiologie in de aanloop naar het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie,VABB-1,312,329,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333541,,Envisager la concélébration entre catholiques et orthodoxes?,VABB-1,127,157,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:333543,,The Election of Primian of Carthage: The Beginning of the End of Donatist Christianity?,VABB-1,290,308,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333544,,Un discours anonyme (CPG 4739): Témoin d'une tradition homilétique pour l'ascension,VABB-1,282,323,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:333545,,"The Unreliability of Irenaeus’s Reference to Syneisaktism (Adversus Haereses 1,6,3)",VABB-1,551,557,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333547,,"Passio Pollionis (BHL 6869): Introduction, Critical Text and Notes",VABB-1,9,35,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333548,,"Augustine’s Exegesis of Rom 1:17 and 4:5. Continuity in Augustine’s Combination of Iustitia, Fides and Gratia?",VABB-1,233,250,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333549,,Jesuit Spirituality in the Low Countries in Dialogue with the Older Mystical Tradition,VABB-4,3,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333551,,Embraced by the Father and the Son in the Unity of the Holy Spirit: A Study of the Trinity and the Mystical Life in the Works of Jan van Ruusbroec,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333552,,Introduction,VABB-4,IX(=9),XV(=15),,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333553,,Commune à tous par largesse de pure charité: Common Love in Beatrice of Nazareth and Marguerite Porete,VABB-1,297,323,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:333555,,The Archives of the Dutch Jesuit Province,VABB-4,255,259,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333556,,The Jesuits in the Low Countries 1540-1773: Apostles of the Printing Press,VABB-4,129,138,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333557,,Les chrétiens orientaux à la veille de l'islam,VABB-4,53,60,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:333558,,"Sed de quo peccato? Augustine’s exegesis of Rom. 8:3c in sermo 152, 9-11",VABB-1,190,212,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:333559,,Eastern Christians and Their Written Heritage,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333560,,Who are the Syriacs?,VABB-4,47,56,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333561,,Barhebraeus,VABB-4,588,609,,lat,2012,2 c:vabb:333562,,Christian-Muslim Interaction 1200-1350. A Historical and Contextual Introduction,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333563,,Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History IV (1200-1350),VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333564,,"""Sursum cor"" Three early sermones ad populum of Augustine on the Christological-liturgical feast of the Ascension (263, 263A, 265B)",VABB-1,191,215,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333565,,Augustine and the Golden Age of Biblical Scholarship in Louvain (1550-1650),VABB-4,235,289,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333566,,"Erasmus van Rotterdam, De bijbel voor boer, smid en steenkapper",VABB-2,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333567,,Augustine’s sermones ad populum on the Feast of Ascension. A Liturgical-Soteriological Understanding of Grace,VABB-1,340,360,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333568,,The Presence and Treatment of Gratia in Augustine’s Sermones ad Populum on the Liturgical Feast of Pentecost: Do Anti-Donatist and Anti-Pelagian Polemics Influence Augustine’s Preaching?,VABB-1,217,240,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333572,,Divine Apatheia in the Early Church: Gregory of Nyssa on the Passionless,VABB-4,119,133,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333574,,Augustine’s Homiletic Definition of Martyrdom: the Centrality of the Martyrs Grace in his Anti-Donatist and Anti-Pelagian Sermones ad Populum,VABB-4,155,178,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333575,,Patristic Source Use at the Second Vatican Council. An Analysis of the Prevalence of Augustinian References in the Preparatory and the Conciliar Documents,VABB-4,11,48,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333577,,Gaudet Mater Ecclesia. Johannes XXIII's openingsrede op het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie,VABB-1,363,379,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333584,,"An Aristotelian, an Example of Virtue and/or a Mystic? Learned Conventions Disguising Polemic Goals in the Biography of Leonardus Lessius",VABB-1,369,393,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333587,,Augustinus’ denken over doopcatechese voor volwassenen en zijn theologisch pleidooi voor het kinderdoopsel. Vruchtbare spanning tussen ontwikkelingspsychologie en genadetheologie,VABB-1,245,262,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333588,,Gratia in Augustine’s Sermones ad Populum on Christmas,VABB-4,355,371,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333589,,Soteriology at the Core of Mystical Anthropology. Augustine of Hippo and Gerlach Peters: The Difference between Electio and Deificatio,VABB-4,97,114,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333590,,"Fadrique Furió Ceriol, Giovanni di Bononia et la traduction de la Bible en langue vulgaire. Analyse du Bononia",VABB-4,219,252,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:333591,,"Tractatio Scripturarum. Philological, Exegetical, Rhetorical and Theological Studies on Augustine’s Sermons",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333594,,Una lectura del comentario de Pelagio a la Carta de Pablo a los Romanos. Respuesta a dos preguntas: ¿Fue Pelagio solo un moralista o también un teólogo? ¿Es ortodoxa la teología del ‘primer’ Pelagio?,VABB-1,49,73,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:333595,,Beatrijs van Nazareth: een proeve van christelijke 'defectusmystiek',VABB-4,13,18,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333602,,Augustine’s Use of the Concept of Praeuaricatio. A Case Study in the Recent Debate on Continuity in Augustine’s Doctrine of Grace,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333603,,The Conciliar Schema De Deposito Fidei on “Doctrinal Progress”. An Analysis from the Perspective of Preconciliar Theories of Dogmatic Development,VABB-4,123,144,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333606,,"""Happy for No Other Reason Except that He Is Out of Himself"": Love, the Structure of the Human Person and the Christian Mystical Tradition",VABB-4,45,60,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333607,,Elenchus Bibliographicus – Historia theologiae et theologorum. Theologia ascetico-mystica,VABB-1,18*,957*,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333608,,A Status Quaestionis on Recent Debates on the Chronology and the Dating Methodology of Augustine’s Sermones ad Populum,VABB-4,646,659,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333609,,"Eloquia divina populis legere: Bible, Apologetics and Asceticism in the Passio Pollionis",VABB-4,179,198,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333610,,‘Nouvelle Théologie’: Four Historical Stages of Theological Reform Towards 'Ressourcement' (1935-1965),VABB-4,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333613,,Poor in Ourselves and Rich in God: Indwelling and Non-identity of Being (wesen) and Suprabeing (overwesen) in John of Ruusbroec,VABB-1,147,169,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333614,,The Conciliar Diary of Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk C.SS.R. (1911-1996): Annotated Ukrainian-English Edition,VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333615,,Ter inleiding. De doorwerking van Ruusbroecs mystiek in de vijftiende en zestiende eeuw,VABB-4,87,90,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333616,,Over levensgemeenschap met Christus,VABB-4,61,64,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333617,,Overgave in het godscouwende leven. Jan van Ruusbroec in Vanden blinkenden steen,VABB-4,43,54,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333629,,Bible Exegesis in Early Seventeenth Century Louvain: The Case of Jacob Janssonius' Digression on John 12:39-40,VABB-4,323,345,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333630,,Jan David (1546-1613). Een Kortrijkse jezuïet en zijn praktische demonologie,VABB-1,355,361,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333634,,Christians in Iraq. An Analysis of some recent political developments,VABB-1,179,198,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333635,,"Augustine’s Exegesis of Lk. 18,1-7. A Pastoral Approach to a Doctrinal Issue",VABB-1,130,134,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333636,,Het thema van ‘Godvormigheid’ bij Gerlach Peters. Een studie van het ‘Soliloquium ignitum cum Deo',VABB-4,91,128,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333641,,"The Jesuits of the Low Countries: Identity and Impact (1540-1773). Proceedings of the International Congress at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven (3-5 December 2009)",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333646,,Recent contributions to the study of St. Augustine's Sermones ad populum. An international colloquium on St. Augustine's sermons on the New Testament and their context,VABB-5,210,213,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333653,,Msgr. Willebrands and Nostra Aetate 4: Diplomacy and Pragmatism,VABB-4,245,259,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333654,,A Mind-Centered Approach of Imago Dei. A Dynamic Construction in Augustine’s De Trinitate XIV,VABB-1,7,43,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333655,,The Role of Imago Dei in Augustine’s Speaking of Trinity. A Study of the Neglected Book XV of De Trinitate,VABB-1,325,359,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333656,,"""Wading Lambs and Swimming Elephants"": The Bible for the Laity and Theologians in Late Medieval and Early Modern Era",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333660,,Heurs et malheurs de la «collégialité». Pontificats et Synodes face à la réception de Vatican II,VABB-2,,,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:333664,,Humour and Religion: Challenges and Ambiguities,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333665,,The 'Methodic' Exploration of the Ethical and Pastoral Dimension in Interaction: the Cycle of Encounter,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333667,,Geestelijk voedsel bereiden. Over de voorbereiding van de homilie,VABB-1,242,251,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333670,,Het vormsel tussen doopsel en communie. Van een minimalistische sacramententheorie naar een maximalistische liturgietheologie,VABB-1,263,282,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333671,,"Verantwoordelijkheid voor de Ander? Levinas, interreligieuze dialoog en de andersheid van de Ander",VABB-1,32,51,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333676,,From Soteriological Openness to Hermeneutical Openness. Recent Developments in the Theology of Religions,VABB-1,35,52,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333677,,"Postliberalism, Religious Diversity and Interreligious Dialogue: A Critical Analysis of Lindbeck’s Fiduciary Interests",VABB-1,64,87,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333678,,Comparative Theology in Search for a Hermeneutical Framework,VABB-4,137,151,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333679,,Mirroring Truth. A Theological Appropriation of Imagination along with Speculation,VABB-1,3,21,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333680,,A Study of the Louvain Hermeneutical-Communicative Model of Religious Education from an Asian Perspective,VABB-1,170,183,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333681,,Dialogue as a Path for Mutual Understanding & Peace between Christianity and Buddhism,VABB-1,436,450,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333682,,"Lindbeck and Ricoeur on Meaning, Truth and the Translation of Religions,",VABB-4,157,179,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333683,,Abraham’s Strangers: A Hermeneutic Wager,VABB-4,95,108,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333694,,Heilige Kerk van zondaars?,VABB-1,123,145,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333696,,The Resiliency of Children and Spirituality: a Practical Theological Reflection,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333705,,A New Inventory for the Archives of the Old Society of the Dutch Jesuit Province,VABB-4,261,268,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333706,,Ruusbroec's Concept of gemeen (Common) Reconsidered,VABB-1,97,121,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333707,,Validity of the interRAI Acute Care based on test content: a multi-center study,VABB-1,476,486,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333709,,The effect of care pathways for hip fractures: a systematic review,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333710,,Prediction of functional decline in older hospitalized patients: a comparative multicenter study of three screening tools,VABB-1,421,426,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333711,,"Fall prediction according to nurses' clinical judgment: differences between medical, surgical, and geriatric wards",VABB-1,1115,21,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333714,,A quality improvement initiative to reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia at a largen regional hospital,VABB-1,76,82,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333716,,Have We Drawn the Wrong Conclusions About the Value of Care Pathways? Is a Cochrane Review Appropriate?,VABB-1,28,42,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333717,,The impact of care pathways for patients with proximal femur fracture: rationale and design of a cluster-randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333718,,Validity of six activity monitors in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a comparison with indirect calorimetry,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333720,,The ENDOCARE questionnaire guides European endometriosis clinics to improve the patient-centeredness of their care,VABB-1,3168,3178,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333721,,Methods to assess the validity of the interRAI Acute Care: A frame work to guide clinimetric testing Part I,VABB-1,296,306,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333722,,Development and implementation of a critical pathway for patients with chest pain through action research,VABB-1,466,471,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333726,,Assessing Cognitive Function,VABB-4,122,134,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:333727,,Identifying barriers to emergency care services,VABB-1,e104,e120,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333728,,Attitudes of rheumatology practitioners toward transition and transfer from pediatric to adult healthcare,VABB-1,3887,3896,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333730,,"[Quality, security and job satisfaction under the magnifying glass]",VABB-1,52,55,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333733,,[The country needs new management concepts],VABB-1,18,21,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333736,,Explanatory value of the Ability Index as assessed by cardiologists and patients with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,559,564,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333737,,Heart Failure 2012: Beyond pills,VABB-1,79,85,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333738,,A randomized clinical trial of comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation versus usual care for patients treated for infective endocarditis – the CopenHeartIE trial protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333740,,"The relationship between in-hospital mortality, readmission into the intensive care nursing unit and/or operating theatre and nurse staffing levels",VABB-1,1073,81,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333741,,Assessing the causes inducing lengthening of hospital stays by means of the Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol,VABB-1,66,71,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333743,,The ENDOCARE questionnaire (ECQ): a valid and reliable instrument to measure the patient-centeredness of endometriosis care in Europe,VABB-1,2988,2999,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333744,,Translation and Adaption of the interRAI Suite to Local Requirements in Belgian Hospitals,VABB-1,53,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333745,,A cluster randomized trial to assess the effect of clinical pathways for patients with stroke: results of the Clinical Pathways for Effective and Appropriate Care Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333747,,Implementation of inpatient geriatric consultation teams and geriatric resource nurses in acute hospitals: a national survey study,VABB-1,842,849,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333748,,Feasibility and Safety of Endovascular Stripping of Totally Implantable Venous Access Devices,VABB-1,607,12,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333749,,"7 fasen model voor de ontwikkeling, implementatie en evaluatie van zorgpaden",VABB-1,473,481,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:333750,,Interrater reliability of the interRAI Acute Care,VABB-1,165,172,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:333751,,The Western Norway Mental Health Interface Study: a Controlled Intervention Trial on referral letters between Primary Care and Specialist Mental Health Care,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333752,,"Patient safety, satisfaction, and quality of hospital care: cross sectional surveys of nurses and patients in 12 countries in Europe and the United States",VABB-1,e1717,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333753,,Effects of care pathways on the in-hospital treatment of heart failure: a systematic review,VABB-1,81,[Epub,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333760,,Methodological support for business process redesign in health care: a literature review protocol,VABB-1,119,126,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333763,,Camera-based fall detection on real world data,VABB-4,356,375,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333764,,Methods to assess the reliability of the interRAI Acute Care: A framework to guide clinimetric testing part II,VABB-1,822,827,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333765,,Psychosocial impact of implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) in young adults with Tetralogy of Fallot,VABB-1,509,519,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333766,,Management of functional complications of totally implantable venous access devices by an advanced practice nursing team: 5 Years of clinical experience,VABB-1,465,471,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333767,,Eight-step method to build the clinical content of an evidence-based care pathway: the case for COPD exacerbation,VABB-1,229,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333769,,knowledge sources and reasoning skills affect the accuracy of nursing diagnoses?,VABB-1,11,23,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333770,,Cross-cultural evaluation of the relevance of the HCAHPS survey in five European countries,VABB-1,470,475,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333771,,Anaemia and iron deficiency in cardiac patients: What do nurses and allied professionals know?,VABB-1,S90,S95,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333772,,Self-Reported Symptoms and Concerns in Long-Term Survivors Attending Follow-Up Visits after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Cross-Sectional Single Center Evaluation in Switzerland,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333773,,Tell Me What You Eat and I Will Tell You Your Sociotype: Coping with Diabesity,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333774,,Patients from across Europe have similar views on Patient Centred Care: an international multi-lingual qualitative study in infertility care,VABB-1,1702,1711,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333777,,"Retrospective medical record evaluation: reliability in assessing causation, preventability, and disability of adverse events",VABB-1,649,662,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333779,,Improving recognition of delirium in clinical practice: a call for action,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333780,,[Generalized or targeted screening for carriage of MRSA on admission to a geriatric hospital],VABB-1,184,193,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333781,,Expressed breast milk on a neonatal unit:a hazard analysis and critical control points approach,VABB-1,832,838,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333782,,Impact of pasteurization on the antibacterial properties of human milk,VABB-1,1231,1237,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333783,,The Recovery of Aquinas's Action Theory: A Reply to William Murphy,VABB-1,139,150,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333787,,"Damiaan, icoon van de zelfgave. Verkenning van een sleutelmotief in de huidige theologische antropologie",VABB-1,25,40,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333790,,Flemish Palliative-Care Nurses’ Attitudes to Palliative Sedation: Results of a Quantitative Study,VABB-1,692,704,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333791,,Mahātmā Gandhi’s view on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide,VABB-1,431,434,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333794,,"Rethinking Perspectives on Engineering, Nature, and Society. Introduction to Section 3",VABB-4,270,274,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333795,,Lynn White Revisited: Religious and Cultural Backgrounds for Technological Development,VABB-4,379,395,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333797,,"""It's in God's hands"". The Attitudes of Elderly Muslim Women in Antwerp (Belgium) toward Active Termination of Life",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333798,,Vrije wil?,VABB-1,73,87,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333801,,"""U zult geen mens alleen laten sterven"": Over verantwoordelijkheid als medelijden met de ander die lijdt en sterft",VABB-1,41,70,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333803,,Levinas autrement,VABB-3,,,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:333804,,A True Master of Thought: Taking the Talmudic Philosophy of Levinas as an Inspiration for Christianity,VABB-4,399,419,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333805,,Recherches Levinassiennes,VABB-3,,,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:333806,,"""Gods gelaat moge over u stralen"". Zegeningen in Bijbels-filosofisch perspectief",VABB-1,34,44,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333807,,"""There is a time to be born and a time to die"" (Ecclesiastes 3:2a). Jewish Perspectives on Euthanasia",VABB-1,778,795,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333809,,Voorbij de angst. Economische crisis en de emergentie van toekomst,VABB-1,6,18,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333810,,Sobering Up To the Other: Levinas' Paradoxical View on Mystical Enthusiasm,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333811,,“Be patient and grateful”. Elderly Muslim Women’s Responses to Illness and Suffering,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333812,,"“I Was a Stranger and You Invited Me in"": Theological Anthropology as a source for the Issue of Global Migration in Catholic Social Teaching",VABB-1,425,449,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333818,,Is het personalisme achterhaald? Darwin en christelijke ethiek,VABB-1,226,248,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333819,,The home bias puzzle in equity portfolios,VABB-4,310,330,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333820,,Disentangling value-enhancing and cost-increasing effects of knowledge management,VABB-1,387,399,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333821,,Evaluation of public R&D policies: A cross-country comparison,VABB-1,254,282,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333822,,Entrepreneurial intentions in developing and developed countries,VABB-1,353,370,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333824,,Commercializing academic research: The quality of faculty patenting,VABB-1,1403,1437,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333825,,Optimized data fusion for kernel k-means clustering,VABB-1,1031,1039,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333826,,"Business groups, foreign direct investment, and capital goods trade: the import behavior of Japanese affiliates",VABB-1,187,200,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333828,,Where demographics meets scientometrics: towards a dynamic career analysis,VABB-1,617,630,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333829,,Party identification and the economy in Europe: A literature review,VABB-1,305,320,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333830,,Reform of the common agricultural policy under the co-decision procedure,VABB-1,336,342,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333834,,Gene-targeting of Phd2 improves tumor response to chemotherapy and prevents side-toxicity,VABB-1,263,77,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333835,,Corporate venturing: Strategies and success factors,VABB-1,243,257,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333836,,Motive der Ausübung externer Kontrollmandate durch Vorstandsvorsitzende in deutschen Großunternehmen,VABB-1,101,119,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:333837,,Volume-based R&D tax credits and behavioural additionality in YICs,VABB-5,672,679,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333838,,Which policy instruments to induce clean innovating,VABB-1,1770,1778,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333839,,Productivity effects of basic research in low-tech and high-tech industries,VABB-1,1555,1564,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333840,,The participation of entrepreneurial universities in technology development: Do creation and use coincide? An empirical investigation on the level of national innovation systems,VABB-1,445,472,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333841,,Delineating the scientific footprint in technology: Identifying scientific publications within non-patent references,VABB-1,383,398,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333842,,Machtindex und Drittelmitbestimmung: Differenzierter Arbeitnehmereinfluss und dessen Konsequenzen,VABB-1,133,152,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:333843,,On the stability of research joint ventures: Implications for collusion,VABB-1,98,110,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333844,,"Innovative capability and financing constraints for innovation: more money, more innovation?",VABB-1,1126,1142,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333845,,The nexus between science and industry: Evidence from faculty inventions,VABB-1,755,776,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333846,,R&D collaboration and innovative performance,VABB-4,160,181,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333847,,The role of research orientation for attracting competitive research funding,VABB-4,35,49,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333848,,Olle Persson wins the 2011 Derek John de Solla Price Medal,VABB-1,327,330,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333849,,Do firms benefit from being present in multiple technology clusters? An assessment of the technological performance of biopharmaceutical firms,VABB-1,1107,1119,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333850,,Technology “make” and “buy” strategies and firm growth: firm level evidence from Brazil,VABB-1,518,529,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333851,,Spillovers of innovation activities and their profitability,VABB-1,302,322,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333852,,Let's not stick together: Anticipation of cartel and merger control in The Netherlands,VABB-1,357,376,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333853,,Returns to inventors,VABB-1,1173,1190,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333854,,"Entrepreneurship, financiership and selection",VABB-1,601,628,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333855,,Optimal and hierarchical clustering of large-scale hybrid networks for scientific mapping,VABB-1,473,493,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333856,,Event report: esss 2011 - Scientometric education in Indian summer at the University of Vienna,VABB-1,311,313,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333858,,Using ‘core documents’ for detecting and labelling new emerging topics,VABB-1,399,416,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333859,,Spatial models of European union politics,VABB-1,283,304,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333862,,International and domestic technology transfers and productivity growth: firm level evidence,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333864,,"Persistence of, and interrelation between horitzontal and vertical technology alliances",VABB-1,812,183,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333865,,Proceeding papers in journals versus the “regular” journal publications,VABB-1,88,96,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333866,,The contribution of in-house and external design activities to product market performance,VABB-1,878,895,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333867,,The role of core documents in bibliometric network analysis and their relation with h-type indices,VABB-1,113,123,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333868,,Bibliometric methods for detecting and analysing emerging research topics,VABB-1,194,201,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333869,,Reflections on the relation between competition and innovation,VABB-1,7,19,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333870,,A hierarchical and optimal clustering of WoS journal database by hybrid information,VABB-5,485,496,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333873,,Innovation management of SME’s in the creative sector in Flanders and the Netherlands,VABB-1,140,153,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333874,,A note on a hierarchical interpretation for negative variance components,VABB-1,389,408,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333875,,Generalized shared-parameter models and missingness at random,VABB-1,279,310,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333876,,Pseudo-likelihood estimation for incomplete data,VABB-1,187,206,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333877,,Microarray analysis of copy number variation in single cells,VABB-1,281,310,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333878,,A nonparametric approach to weighted estimating equations for regression analysis with missing covariates,VABB-1,100,113,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333880,,"Discussion Contribution to 091037PR4 (Ghosh, Taylor, and Sargent)",VABB-1,233,235,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333881,,Integration of autologous dendritic cell-based immunotherapy in the standard of care treatment for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma: results of the HGG-2006 phase I/II trial,VABB-1,2033,44,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333882,,"Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Crete, Stasinopoulos, M. (ed)",VABB-1,247,254,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333883,,"A multilevel model for hierarchical, repeated, and overdispersed time-to-event outcomes and its estimation strategies",VABB-1,1420,1433,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:333884,,Risk adjusted benchmarking of clinical anastomotic leakage rate after total mesorectal excision in the context of an improvement project,VABB-1,e413,e421,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333885,,A structured approach to choosing estimands and estimators in longitudinal clinical trials,VABB-1,456,461,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333886,,Missing data handling in long term clinical trials: a case study,VABB-1,442,448,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333887,,Joint modeling of hierarchically clustered and overdispersed non-Gaussian continuous outcomes for comet assay data,VABB-1,449,455,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333888,,A joint marginalized multilevel model for continuous and binary longitudinal outcomes,VABB-1,2413,2430,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333890,,The Prevention and Treatment of Missing Data in Clinical Studies,VABB-1,1355,1360,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333891,,A mixed effects least squares support vector machine model for classification of longitudinal data,VABB-1,611,628,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333892,,"A combined beta and normal random-effects model for repeated, overdispersed binary and binomial data",VABB-1,94,109,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333893,,A meta-analytical approach to allometric scaling to include historical data,VABB-1,205,215,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333894,,Circulating apoptotic endothelial cells and apoptotic endothelial microparticles independently predict the presence of cardiac allograft vasculopathy,VABB-1,324,331,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333895,,Detection of gravity modes in the massive binary V380 Cyg from Kepler space-based photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy,VABB-1,L21,L25,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333896,,Venous pulse transit time in normal pregnancy and preeclampsia,VABB-1,4331,436,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333898,,Impedance cardiography in uncomplicated pregnancy and pre-eclampsia: a validation study,VABB-1,000,000,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333900,,Efficacy of daily intake of L.casei Shirota on respiratory symptoms and influenza vaccination immune response: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial in healthy elderly nursing home residents,VABB-1,1165,1171,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333902,,Laparoscopic sigmoid resection with transrectal specimen extraction: a novel technique for the treatment of bowel endometriosis,VABB-1,1348,1355,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333903,,Minimally invasive liver surgery for metastases from colorectal cancer: oncologic outcome and prognostic factors,VABB-1,2288,2298,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333904,,A statistical dataprocessing methodology of Py-GC/MS data for the simulation of flash co-pyrolysis reactor experiments,VABB-1,12,128,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333905,,Risk factors for caries incidence in a cohort of Flemish preschool children,VABB-1,805,812,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333906,,Analysis of binary outcome derived from frequent longitudinal data: Application to daily pain evaluation,VABB-1,1554,1571,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333907,,Behavior of piglets after castration with or without carbon dioxide anesthesia,VABB-1,3310,3317,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333908,,Analysing intensive longitudinal data after summarization at landmarks: an application to daily pain evaluation in a clinical trial,VABB-1,513,534,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333909,,High-dose intracoronary adenosine for myocardial salvage in patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction,VABB-1,867,877,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333910,,Changes in Pulmonary Function up to 10 Years after Locoregional Breast Irradiation,VABB-1,701,707,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333911,,Ignoring overdispersion in hierarchical loglinear models: Possible problems and solutions,VABB-1,1475,1482,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333912,,Clinical outcome after CO2 laser laparoscopic radical excision of endometriosis with colorectal wall invasion combined with laparoscopic segmental bowel resection and reanastomosis,VABB-1,2336,2343,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333913,,Malignancies and mortality in 200 patients with primary sclerosering cholangitis: a long-term single-centre study,VABB-1,214,22,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333914,,Pulmonary arterial pressure and right ventricular dilatation independently determine tricuspid valve insufficiency severity in pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension,VABB-1,743,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333915,,A combined overdispersed and marginalized multilevel model,VABB-1,1944,1951,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333916,,Pseudo-likelihood methodology for partitioned large and complex samples,VABB-1,892,901,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333917,,"Improving survival, growth rate, and animal welfare in piglets by avoiding teeth shortening and tail docking",VABB-1,88,93,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333918,,Statin use and the presence of microalbuminuria. Results from the ERICABEL trial: a non-interventional epidemiological cohort study,VABB-1,e31639,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333919,,Secondary stroke prevention: misguided by guidelines?,VABB-1,431,438,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333920,,Analysing the composition of outpatient antibiotic use: a tutorial on compositional data analysis,VABB-1,89,94,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333921,,Apllication of mixed-effects models to study the country-specific outpatient antibiotic use in Europe: A tutorial on longitudinal data,VABB-1,79,87,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333922,,"European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): Outpatient use of tetracyclines, sulfonamides and trimethoprim, and other antibactierals in Europe (1997-2009)",VABB-1,57,70,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333923,,European surveillance of antimicrobial consumption (ESAC): Outpatient quinolone use in Europe (1997-2009),VABB-1,47,56,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333924,,"European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): Outpatient macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin use in Europe (1997-2009)",VABB-1,37,45,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333925,,Assessing the predictive ability of a multilevel binary regression model,VABB-1,1966,1980,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333926,,European Surveillance Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): Outpatient penicillin use in Europe (1997-2009),VABB-1,vi13,vi23,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333927,,Catheter-directed thrombolysis with microplasmin for acute peripheral arterial occlusion (PAO): an exploratory study,VABB-1,289,296,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333928,,"A Bayesian, generalized frailty model for comet assays",VABB-1,000,000,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333929,,European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption (ESAC): Outpatient antibiotic use in Europe (1997-2009),VABB-1,vi3,vi12,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333930,,Analysis of non-ignorable missing and left-censored longitudinal data using weighted random effects tobit model,VABB-1,3167,3180,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333931,,Patients' experiences with patient-centered care are associated with documented outcome of care indicators for diabetes: findings from the Leuven Diabetes Project,VABB-1,65,75,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333932,,Comparison of methods for the selection of genomic biomarkers,VABB-1,000,000,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333933,,Third molar development: measurements versus scores as age predictor,VABB-1,1035,1040,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333934,,Prospective study comparing different indirect methods to measure portal pressure,VABB-1,1553,1558,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333935,,Testing variance components in balanced linear growth curve models,VABB-1,563,572,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333936,,Premature discontinuation during the Understanding the Potential Long-term Impacts on Function with Tiotropium (UPLIFT) study: significance to efficacy results,VABB-1,1523,1530,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333937,,Inferential implications of over-parameterization:a case study in incomplete categorical data,VABB-1,92,113,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333938,,Assessing neural activity related to decision-making through flexible odds ratio curves and their derivatives,VABB-1,1695,1711,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333939,,A frequentist approach to estimating the force of infection for a respiratory disease using repeated measurement data from a birth cohort,VABB-1,551,570,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333940,,The influence of maternal cortisol and emotional state during pregnancy on fetal intrauterine growth,VABB-1,305,15,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333941,,Sexual dimorphism in multiple aspects of 3D facial symmetry & asymmetry defined by spatially-dense geometric morphometrics,VABB-1,97,114,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333942,,Fast Wavelet Based Functional Models for Transcriptome Analysis with Tiling Arrays,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333944,,"Do inter-hospital comparisons of in-hospital, acute myocardial infarction case-fatality rates serve the purpose of fostering quality improvement? An evaluative study",VABB-1,000,000,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333945,,Gene Filtering in the Analysis of Illumina Microarray Experiments,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333946,,Sensitivity analysis for incomplete continuous data,VABB-1,589,606,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333947,,Flow cytometry for fast microbial community fingerprinting,VABB-1,907,919,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333949,,Hierarchical modeling of agreement,VABB-1,3667,3680,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333950,,Doubly robust and multiple imputation based generalized estimating equations,VABB-1,202,225,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333951,,A bivariate pseudo-likelihood for incomplete longitudinal binary data with nonignorable non-monotone missingness,VABB-1,1119,1126,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333952,,A comparison of various software tools for dealing with missing data via imputation,VABB-1,1653,1675,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333953,,Assessment of caries experience in epidemiological surveys: a review,VABB-1,14,20,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333955,,Dealing with misclassification and missing data when estimating prevalence and incidence of caries experience,VABB-1,28,35,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333956,,Estimating emergence sequences of permanent teeth in Flemish schoolchildren using interval-censored biplots: a graphical display of tooth emergence sequences,VABB-1,49,55,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333957,,Examiner performance in calibration exercises compared with field conditions when scoring caries experience,VABB-1,481,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333958,,Comparison of 6 cone-beam computed tomography systems for image quality and detection of simulated canine impaction-induced external root resorption in maxillary lateral incisors,VABB-1,e129,e139,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333963,,Learning (not) to become a teacher: A qualitative analysis of the job entrance issue,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333970,,De invloed van de belangstelling en de specifieke begaafdheid op de studiekeuze in het secundair onderwijs,VABB-1,236,245,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:333973,,Learning environment and students' mathematics attitude,VABB-1,107,120,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333975,,Establishing a Knowledge Base for Quality in Education: Testing a Dynamic Theory for Education. Handbook of the Research Project,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333979,,The effect of class composition by gender and ability on secondary school students’ school well-being and academic self-concept. A literature review,VABB-1,62,74,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333981,,Looking at learning approaches from the angle of student profiles,VABB-1,493,513,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333982,,Factors affecting students' self-efficacy in higher education,VABB-1,95,108,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:333983,,Predicting mathematical performance: The effect of cognitive processes and self-regulation factors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333984,,"Individual differences in working memory capacity and attention, and their relationship with students’ approaches to learning",VABB-1,285,297,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333987,,Towards a networked university,VABB-4,87,100,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:333988,,Reallocation of Operating Room Capacity Using the Due-time Model,VABB-1,779,784,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333989,,The internal economics of a university: evidence from personnel data,VABB-1,591,626,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333991,,Creative accounting or creative destruction? Firm-level productivity growth in Chinese manufacturing,VABB-1,339,351,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333992,,Married with children. A collective labor supply model with detailed time use and intrahousehold expenditure information,VABB-1,3377,3405,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333993,,Gaming in a benchmarking environment. A non-parametric analysis of benchmarking in the water sector,VABB-1,45,66,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333994,,Naming and shaming in a fair way. On disentangling the influence of policy in observed outcomes,VABB-1,767,787,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333995,,Comparing students by a matching analysis – on early school leaving in Dutch cities,VABB-1,3679,3690,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333996,,The role of innovations in secondary school efficiency – Evidence from a conditional efficiency model,VABB-1,541,549,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333997,,On the allocation of resources for secondary education schools,VABB-1,575,586,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:333998,,How are teachers teaching? A nonparametric approach,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:333999,,Onderwijsinnovaties en leerprestaties,VABB-1,513,516,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334003,,25 Annees de ‘QCA’ (Qualitative Comparative Analysis: Quel Chemin Parcouru?,VABB-1,1,18,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:334005,,Human Rights Norms for Business: The Missing Piece of the Ruggie Jigsaw -- The Case of Institutional Investors,VABB-4,217,244,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334007,,Mandates,VABB-4,81,112,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:334009,,The Political Economy of Global Governance and Democracy,VABB-1,60,77,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334012,,Dealing with International Crimes in Post-War Bosnia: Looking through the lens of the affected population,VABB-1,553,564,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334018,,Gangland Online: Performing the Real Imaginary World of Gangstas and Ghettos in Brussels,VABB-1,165,180,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334019,,Conditional release in Belgium: how reforms have impacted recall,VABB-1,19,33,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334020,,"Het 'probleemkind' in de Belgische jeugdbescherming, een geschiendenis",VABB-1,5,21,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334022,,De jeugd van tegenwoordig. Problematisch en geproblematiseerd gedrag van kinderen en jongeren,VABB-1,1,99,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334026,,De maatschappelijke rol van (criminologische) onderzoekers vanuit een kinderrechtenperspectief. Een moeilijke evenwichtsoefening?,VABB-1,126,147,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334029,,Factor Structure of the Dutch Version of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-SF among Female Sex Workers in the Netherlands,VABB-1,432,442,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334030,,(Dys)Functional behavior in forensic psychiatric patients: Study of analogy between music therapy and group work,VABB-1,304,313,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334031,,"High and Low Aggressive Narcissism and Anti-social Lifestyle in Relationship to Impulsivity, Hostility, and Empathy in a Group of Forensic Patients in the Netherlands",VABB-1,147,162,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334034,,Het verhoor anno 2012. De Belgische Salduzregeling doorgelicht,VABB-1,165,260,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334035,,De opsporing van alcohol- en drugsintoxicatie in het verkeer: een reflectie bij de wettelijke en jurisprudentiële uitbreiding van de mogelijkheden ter zake,VABB-1,58,62,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:334036,,Proefschrift: De rol van procedurele rechtvaardigheid in de ervaringen met strafrecht en herstelrecht: een onderzoek naar rechtsbeleving (Perceptions of justice and fairness in criminal proceedings and restorative encounters: Extending theories of procedural justice),VABB-1,175,179,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334037,,"Het Belgisch Voorzitterschap 2010. Kritische beschouwingen over het luik Justitie, Politie en Binnenlandse Zaken",VABB-1,1,69,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:334043,,Hersteldimensies van de slachtofferzorg,VABB-1,46,58,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:334049,,Community of care from a victim perspective: a qualitative study,VABB-1,17,37,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334055,,Geweld en politie,VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334056,,"Regels bij de politie: volgen, buigen of breken",VABB-1,91,110,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334058,,Kan een integriteitsbeleid in de politie werkelijk een verschil maken op de werkvloer?,VABB-1,111,129,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334059,,Integriteitsbeleid,VABB-4,379,397,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334062,,Criminografische ontwikkelingen II. Van (victim)-survey tot penitentiaire statistiek,VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334064,,Conferencing in Northern Ireland: Implementing restorative justice at the core of the criminal justice system,VABB-4,173,188,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334065,,Conferencing: A developing practice of restorative justice,VABB-4,11,32,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334066,,Het recht op veiligheid ontleed. Een reflectie op de invulling van ‘veiligheid’ en de gevaren voor de omgang met jongeren,VABB-1,114,125,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334067,,Sample survey on sensitive topics: Investigating respondents' understanding and trust in alternative versions of the randomized response technique,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334069,,Restorative justice and the active victim: exploring empowerment,VABB-1,5,19,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334070,,Doping and Anti-Doping: Neglected Issues in Criminology,VABB-1,231,238,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334072,,Conferencing at the crossroads between rehabilitation and restorative justice,VABB-4,189,203,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334073,,Conferencing: setting the scene,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334074,,Conferencing and restorative justice,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334079,,Kind als gevaar. De nieuwe preventie en criminalisering van gedrag,VABB-1,278,288,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334080,,European competitiveness: learning from De Grauwe policy cycles,VABB-1,382,393,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334082,,What kind of governance for the Eurozone?,VABB-4,7,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334083,,Economics of Monetary Union,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334084,,African trade dynamics: is China a different trading partner?,VABB-1,15,45,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334085,,Unemployment and drug treatment,VABB-1,366,373,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334086,,Barry Eichengreen's exorbitant privilege: a review essay,VABB-1,567,571,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334088,,European Monetary Union,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334090,,Capital utilization and the amplification mechanism,VABB-1,e,pub,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334091,,Lectures on Behavioral Macroeconomics,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334092,,Self-fulfilling crises in the Eurozone: an empirical test,VABB-1,15,36,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:334093,,Mispricing of sovereign risk and macroeconomic stability in the Eurozone,VABB-1,866,880,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334095,,Slow recoveries: a structural interpretation,VABB-1,9,30,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334096,,Unemployment in an estimated New Keynesian DSGE model,VABB-1,629,660,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334097,,Information in the yield curve: a macro-finance approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:334100,,Relieving banks from toxic or impaired assets: the EU state aid policy framework,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334103,,"Firm entry, markups and the monetary transmission mechanism",VABB-1,e,pub,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334105,,Fiscal activism and the cost of debt financing,VABB-1,14,22,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334106,,An extended macro-finance model with financial factors,VABB-1,1893,1916,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334107,,Spatial propagation of macroeconomic shocks in Europe,VABB-1,377,402,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334108,,Dynamic forecasting rules and the complexity of exchange rate dynamics,VABB-1,454,471,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334109,,Animal spirits in the foreign exchange market,VABB-1,1176,1192,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334110,,"The banking crisis: causes, consequences and remedies",VABB-4,10,31,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334111,,Lessons from the eurocrisis for East Asian monetary relations,VABB-1,405,418,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334112,,Illicit trade and the global economy,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334113,,The exchange rate in a behavioral finance framework,VABB-4,111,132,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334114,,Financial market regulation in Europe,VABB-4,9,32,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334119,,Energy efficiency policy in a non-cooperative world,VABB-1,2209,2215,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334120,,How to decide on regional infrastructure to achieve intra-regional acceptability and inter-regional consensus?,VABB-1,617,643,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334121,,The EU climate policy perspectives and their implications for Belgium,VABB-1,213,241,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334122,,Economic modelling of climate impacts: a partial review,VABB-1,144,156,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334123,,Review of applications of game theory to global climate agreements,VABB-1,122,143,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334124,,Economic modelling of the EU climate policy - a reader's guide,VABB-1,110,121,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334125,,Extended producer responsibility for consumer waste: the gap between economic theory and implementation,VABB-1,36,42,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334126,,Informational Benefits of International Treaties,VABB-1,185,202,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334127,,Milieucriminaliteit: verbeurdverklaring van wederrechtelijk verworven vermogensvoordelen in cijfers,VABB-1,195,205,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334128,,Milieucriminaliteit: waardering van wederrechtelijk verworven vermogensvoordelen (forthcoming),VABB-1,482,499,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334129,,Public versus private incentives to invest in green roofs: a cost benefit analysis for Flanders (forthcoming),VABB-1,417,425,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334130,,Variable compliance incentives in conservation policies in a dynamic setting,VABB-1,313,326,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334132,,Transport policy competition between governments: a selective survey of the literature,VABB-1,35,48,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334133,,Energy and environment challenges in the transport sector,VABB-1,77,87,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334134,,Learning about compliance under asymmetric information,VABB-1,55,73,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334135,,Inefficiencies in regional commuting policy,VABB-1,659,689,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334136,,"Welfare, labor supply and heterogeneous preferences: evidence for Europe and the US",VABB-1,789,817,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:334141,,Feiten en cijfers over de nieuwe financieringswet,VABB-4,311,340,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334144,,Gevangen in een te smal doel. Beleid en maatschappij,VABB-1,340,347,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334145,,Signaling and indirect taxation,VABB-1,331,340,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334148,,Unit root tests for panel data with AR(1) errors and small T,VABB-1,101,124,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334149,,Vertical control of a distribution network: evidence from magazines,VABB-1,26,50,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334153,,Strategic (Spatial) Planning Reexamined,VABB-4,287,306,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334154,,"Landscapes of Nostalgia: Biologists and Literary Intellectuals Protecting Belgium's ""Wilderness""",VABB-1,237,260,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334156,,Architecture and the Ideology of Productivity. Four Public Housing Projects by Groupe Structures in Brussels (1950-1965),VABB-1,25,40,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334165,,Design Studio 2.0: Augmenting Reflective Architectural Design Learning,VABB-1,502,519,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:334166,,"“New Media” and the Obsolescence of Architecture: Exhibition Pavilions by Le Corbusier, Xenakis, Stockhausen, and E.A.T",VABB-1,127,142,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334171,,"Designing the nation. The Belgian railway project, 1830-1837",VABB-1,703,732,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334172,,Guilhermina Suggia. Violoncelo para Sempre,VABB-1,9,24,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:334179,,"Genius, gender and architecture. The star system as exemplified in the Pritzker prize",VABB-1,331,345,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334180,,Introduction 2: Reading the Handbook,VABB-4,23,37,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334181,,Introduction 1. Architectural Theory in an Expanded Field,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334182,,Introduction: Shifting Paradigms and Concenrs,VABB-4,39,55,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334183,,Inclusive Built Heritage as a Matter of Concern: A Field Experiment,VABB-4,207,216,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334184,,Designing Inclusive Systems,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334187,,Democracy Out of Joint? The Financial Crisis in Light of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,VABB-1,36,53,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334193,,Neither Cosmopolis nor Ghetto: Religion and the Intimate Universal,VABB-4,87,113,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334194,,Marcel Gauchet on the Radicalization of Transcendence and the Rise of Modern Immanence,VABB-4,77,89,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334195,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334196,,"Hegel’s conception of immanent critique: its sources, extent, and limit",VABB-4,83,100,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334198,,Heidegger’s Phenomenological Reading of Kant,VABB-4,304,308,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334199,,Hegel’s Philosophy of Right: A modern criticism of modernity?,VABB-1,200,205,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334200,,Conceptions of Critique in Modern and Contemporary Philosophy,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334201,,"Gnosis, Modernity and Divine Incarnation. The Voegelin-Blumenberg Debate",VABB-1,190,211,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334204,,Das Ende der Kunst? Oder vielmehr eine Wiedergeburt?,VABB-1,246,249,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:334205,,Welches Ende ist der Anfang der Moderne?,VABB-1,13,18,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:334208,,The Future of Political Theology: Religious and Theological Perspectives,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334209,,"""The Philosopher as a Physician of Culture"": Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and their Diagnosis of Modern Culture",VABB-1,267,300,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334211,,From First Theology to Political Theology,VABB-4,75,86,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334212,,Nadenken over menselijke waardigheid,VABB-1,252,267,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334214,,Oude rituelen voor mensen van vandaag?,VABB-1,23,33,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334215,,Hinduism: A Religion of Fantasy,VABB-4,31,50,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334217,,Exceeding virtue: Aquinas and the Beatitudes,VABB-4,28,49,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334218,,The Intimate Strangeness of Being. Metaphysics after Dialectic,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334219,,Hegel and Protestantism,VABB-4,243,273,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334223,,Schopenhauer’s Philosophy of the Dark Origin,VABB-4,89,104,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334225,,Modernity Gone Awry. Lefort on Totalitarian and Democratic Self-representation,VABB-1,74,93,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334226,,Echte democratie nu! Over directe democratie en representatie,VABB-1,32,42,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334229,,Why Care Whether The Top Keeps Spinning?,VABB-4,108,122,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334232,,Gendering the Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy,VABB-1,231,236,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334233,,The Right To Be Children: An Arendtian Exploration of Our Responsibility To Grow Up,VABB-1,171,190,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334236,,Transcendence and chaos,VABB-4,199,206,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334237,,Staging deliberation. The role of representative institutions in the deliberative democratic process,VABB-1,23,44,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334238,,A glimpse of the Aurel Kolnai Nachlass,VABB-1,153,173,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:334239,,Sensus Communis as a Foundation for Men as Political Beings: Arendt's Reading of Kant's Critique of Judgment,VABB-1,345,358,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334241,,Language and Luck,VABB-1,357,381,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334242,,Libertarian Socialism. A Better Reconciliation between Equality and Self-Ownership,VABB-1,211,226,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334245,,The Enduring Relevance of Kant’s Analysis of (Radical) Evil,VABB-1,121,142,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334247,,Defending democracy’s symbolic dimension: a Lefortian critique of Arendt’s Marxist assumptions,VABB-1,63,80,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334250,,Universalizability in moral judgments: Winch's ambiguity,VABB-1,397,404,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334252,,Language is just a tool! On the instrumentalist approach to language (forthcoming),VABB-4,124,145,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334255,,Federalism as Fairness,VABB-1,167,189,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334256,,"Jazz Bands, Camping Trips, and Decommodification: G. A. Cohen on Community",VABB-1,141,163,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334260,,"French Liberalism, an Overlooked Tradition?",VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334261,,Civilized Spaces and Extreme Horrors. An interview with Saskia Sassen,VABB-1,377,386,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334263,,French Liberalism. From Montesquieu to the Present Day,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334265,,Probability in the Philosophy of Religion: introduction,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334267,,Tegen scepticisme over de waarde van kennis,VABB-1,513,521,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:334268,,On the Compatibilist Origination of Moral Responsibility,VABB-1,11,33,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334271,,Structures of Oppositions in Public Announcement Logic,VABB-4,313,339,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334272,,Probability in the Philosophy of Religion,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334273,,Self-Respect Regained,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334276,,Language as Embodied Information,VABB-1,129,146,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334277,,Intentionality versus Constructive Empiricism,VABB-1,91,100,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:334278,,R.S. Peters' 'The Justification of Education' Revisited,VABB-1,3,17,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334280,,Why Darwinians Should Not Be Afraid of Mary Douglas - and vice versa: the case of disgust,VABB-1,459,488,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334285,,"Evolutionary theory, constructivism and male homosexuality",VABB-4,77,94,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334286,,"Design and disorder: Gould, adaptationism and evolutionary psychiatry",VABB-4,303,324,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334287,,In Defense of the Rational Credibility Account: a Reply to Casalegno,VABB-1,289,297,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334288,,Do 'Contextualist Cases' Support Contextualism?,VABB-1,115,120,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334294,,Proclus: Imagination as a Symptom,VABB-1,393,406,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334295,,Proclus. Ten problems concerning Providence,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334296,,Guillaume de Moerbeke Traducteur du 'Liber de bona fortuna' et de 'l'Éthique à Eudème',VABB-4,401,446,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:334297,,Mathematical Explanation and the Philosophy of Nature in Late Ancient Philosophy : Astronomy and the Theory of the Elements,VABB-1,65,106,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334298,,"Aristotle's Concept of Chance. Accidents, Cause, Necessity, and Determinism",VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334299,,"An Essay Review of In the Age of Averroes: Arabic Philosophy in the Sixth/Twelfth Century, edited by Peter Adamson",VABB-1,117,126,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334300,,Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī on the Soul: A Critical Approach to Ibn Sīnā,VABB-1,562,579,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334301,,Damascius on the Contemplative Life,VABB-4,199,212,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334302,,Francesco Piccolomini on Prime Matter and Extension,VABB-1,225,244,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334303,,Maximus Confessor on Theory and Praxis. A Commentary on Ambigua ad Johannem VI (10) 1–19,VABB-4,229,257,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334304,,Plato's geography: Damascius' interpretation of the Phaedo myth,VABB-4,174,196,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334305,,Ibn Sīnā’s Taʿlīqāt: The Presence of Paraphrases of and Super-commentaries on the Ilāhīyāt of the Šifāʾ,VABB-4,201,222,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334307,,Plutarch on the division of the soul,VABB-4,311,330,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334310,,"Latin Philosophy, 1200-1350",VABB-4,192,219,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334311,,Appendix: A case for the ordering of the books of HA VII-IX and a question about the biological study of man that arises therefrom,VABB-4,289,292,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334313,,The Physics of the Avicenna Latinus and Its Significance for the Reception of Aristotleâs Physics in the Latin West,VABB-4,311,330,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334316,,Self-motion according to Iamblichus,VABB-1,259,290,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334318,,Plato as seen by Aristotle (Metaphysics A 6),VABB-4,167,200,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334320,,Aristotle's Metaphysics Alpha,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334322,,"How 'Aegidian' Were Later Augustinian Hermits Regarding Intellectual Cognition? Gerard of Siena, Michael of Massa and the Object of the Intellect",VABB-4,427,478,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334323,,In defence of geometric atomism. Explaining elemental properties,VABB-4,147,173,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334326,,Het middeleeuwse Arabische en Joodse denken. Een vernieuwde aandacht,VABB-1,129,144,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:334327,,"Aristotle's Modal Proofs. Prior Analytics A, 8-22 in Predicate Logic, by A. Rini",VABB-1,206,211,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334328,,Per una nuova lettura di Socrate: una prospettiva non platonica,VABB-1,286,294,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:334329,,Alexander of Aphrodisias’ Solution to the Puzzle of the Two Modal Barbaras: a Semantic Approach,VABB-1,35,64,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334332,,A Renaissance Reading of Aquinas: Thomas Cajetan on the Ontological Status of Essences,VABB-1,217,227,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334334,,Vertaalwetenschap en de geschiedenis van het politieke denken,VABB-1,41,48,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334335,,Struggling with Authority: Durand of Saint-Pourçain on the Origin of Power and on Obedience to the Pope,VABB-4,107,138,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334336,,"Il Timeo. Esegesi greche, arabe, latine",VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334340,,Another Supplement to the Aristoteles Latinus,VABB-1,387,392,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334341,,The Latin Translation of the Physics: A Useful Source for the Critical Edition of the Arabic Text?,VABB-1,515,528,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334343,,Connections between Metaphysics and Logic in Ockham's Thought,VABB-1,427,447,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334345,,Religion and Morality. Elements of Plato's Anthropology in the Myth of Prometheus (Protagoras 320 d - 322 d),VABB-4,145,164,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334352,,How to Read the Logical Investigations? About Husserl's Guide for the Reader and a Rediscovered Typescript of It,VABB-1,247,264,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334354,,Heidegger und Husserl,VABB-3,,,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:334355,,The letter and the soil. Why humanity is not a forest,VABB-4,445,455,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334359,,The Third Life of Subjectivity: Towards a Phenomenology of Dreaming,VABB-4,457,480,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334360,,The Forgiveness of Time and Consciousness,VABB-4,503,524,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334361,,Husserl’s Psychology of Arithmetic,VABB-1,97,120,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334362,,Misbehaving Machines: The Emulated Brains of Transhumanist Dreams,VABB-1,10,22,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:334363,,Body and World in Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze,VABB-1,181,209,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334364,,Silhouette & manipulation,VABB-4,303,323,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:334365,,"Gilles Deleuze leest Sade en Sacher-Masoch. Over natuur en literatuur, kritiek en kliniek",VABB-1,249,275,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334366,,Moral life in times of loneliness. Does the notion of double conscience illuminate Lacan's understanding of moral sensibility?,VABB-4,481,511,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334367,,Phantasieren und Phantasma bei Husserl und Freud,VABB-4,1,21,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:334372,,Roland Barthes' semiologische lezing van Sade. Sadisme als formalisme,VABB-1,425,459,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:334375,,Freud contra Laplanche. Over het sadisme en het masochisme in 'Triebe und Triebschicksale',VABB-1,43,60,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334377,,Le temps irréel (Sartre),VABB-1,261,272,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:334378,,Antigone en hoe Lacan onze morele sensibiliteit begrijpt,VABB-1,61,90,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334379,,"Life, Subjectivity & Art. Essays in honor of Rudolf Bernet",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334380,,Phénoménologies du randonneur solitaire,VABB-4,513,536,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:334384,,Destructieve passie: Freuds metapsychologie van de haat in 'Triebe und Triebschicksale',VABB-1,321,335,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334386,,La présence pulsionnelle de la Volonté dans mon corps libidinal et dans les forces naturelles des corps matériels,VABB-1,345,365,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:334390,,Husserls deskriptive Erforschung der Gefühlserlebnisse,VABB-4,51,99,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:334398,,"Water for the City, Fountains for the People. Monumental Fountains in the Roman East: an Archaeological Study of Water Management",VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334399,,Op zoek naar de komst van de mens en de introductie van de landbouw: de archeologische prospectie in de Vallei van Burdur,VABB-4,160,170,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334401,,Professional standards for teachers: how do they ‘work’? An experiment in tracing standardisation in-the-making in teacher education,VABB-1,29,47,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334405,,What all parents need to know? Exploring the hidden normativity of the language of developmental psychology in parenting,VABB-1,352,369,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334407,,Experiencing (im)potentiality: Bollnow and Agamben on the educational meaning of school practices,VABB-1,189,203,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334409,,Beyond Democratic Citizenship Education: Making and Argument for Religious Freedom through an Extended Ethic of Care,VABB-1,117,132,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334410,,Moral perception and judgment and a truly radical change of social practices,VABB-1,199,205,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334411,,Learned voices of European citizens: from governmental to political subjectivation,VABB-1,19,40,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334412,,"Like a swallow, moving forward in circles. On the future dimension of environmental care and education",VABB-1,399,412,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334413,,Chains of dependency: On the disenchantment and the illusion of being free at last (Part 2),VABB-1,461,471,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334414,,Chains of dependency: On the disenchantment and the illusion of being free at last (Part 1),VABB-1,177,191,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334415,,Inciting an attentive experimental ethos and creating a laboratory setting. Philosophy of education and the transformation of educational institutions,VABB-1,354,370,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334416,,The Experience of Childhood: Allowing the Child to be Philosophical and Philosophy to be Childish,VABB-4,13,29,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334417,,The making of Dong Van Karst Plateau geopark: tracing its origin through the evolution of a cooperation project on karst research,VABB-1,60,69,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334418,,"Education, corporeality and the evolution towards digital learning. A ""Stieglerian"" Perspective",VABB-1,129,150,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334419,,Experimentum Scholae : The world once more ... but not (yet) finished,VABB-4,101,107,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334421,,Microgenetic method,VABB-4,2265,2268,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334424,,An investigation on Chinese teachers' realistic problem solving abilities and beliefs,VABB-1,80,96,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334426,,Instructional effectiveness of higher-order questions: The devil is in the detail of students’ use of questions,VABB-1,279,298,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334428,,Searching for a whole number bias in secondary school students - a reaction time study on fraction comparison,VABB-5,187,194,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334429,,How students understand aspects of linearity: searching for obstacles in representational flexibility,VABB-5,179,186,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334430,,The influence of narrative and depictive elements in solving mathematical word problems realistically,VABB-1,17,33,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334431,,Students' reported justifications for their representational choices in linear function problems: an interview study,VABB-1,104,117,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334434,,Acceptance of interactive whiteboards by Italian mathematics teachers,VABB-1,553,565,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334435,,Theory development,VABB-4,791,800,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334437,,What counts as a flexible representational choice? An evaluation of students' representational choices to solve linear function problems,VABB-1,999,1019,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334440,,The development of students' use of additive and proportional methods along primary and secondary school,VABB-1,421,438,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334441,,Patterns in the prevalence of research-related goals in Higher Education Programmes,VABB-1,298,310,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:334442,,"Constructive, self-regulated, situated and collaborative learning: An approach for the acquisition of adaptive competence",VABB-1,33,47,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334443,,Naturally biased? In search for reaction time evidence for a natural number bias in adults,VABB-1,344,355,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334445,,Textes en théorie esthétique présentés en résumé / Texts in Aesthetic Theory Presented in Summary,VABB-4,30,45,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334446,,Arthur Schopenhauer over de Platoonse Idee en de unieke cognitieve waarde van kunst,VABB-1,1,20,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334447,,Learning German formulaic sequences: the effect of two attention-drawing techniques,VABB-1,65,79,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334448,,Humour and irony in cognitive pragmatics,VABB-4,463,504,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334449,,Remembrance education between history teaching and citizenship education,VABB-1,157,171,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334451,,"""Non signat Aegyptus”? Seals and stamps in the multicultural society of Greco-Roman Egypt",VABB-4,81,98,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334459,,Towards a Jesuit Science of Law,VABB-4,17,42,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334463,,The rise and contradictions of Italy as a secular state,VABB-4,126,146,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334476,,"Living in the presence of others: towards a reconfiguration of space, asylum and inclusion",VABB-1,1189,1202,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334478,,How Darwinism has affected Catholic as well as non-Catholic psychopedagogical constructs in Belgium from the 1870s to the 1930s,VABB-1,51,66,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334479,,How farmers learn about environmental issues. Reflections on a socio-biographical approach,VABB-1,56,72,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334480,,The fatal attraction of the language of developmental psychology in childrearing,VABB-4,73,89,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334481,,"The claims of parenting: Reasons, responsibility and society",VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334482,,Wandelaar zonder reisgids: De historisch pedagoog tussen puinhoop en vooruitgang,VABB-1,82,91,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334483,,Education as Invitation to Speak: On the Teacher Who Does Not Speak,VABB-1,85,99,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334487,,The effects of policies for the education and learning of adults,VABB-1,199,203,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334488,,Constructing measures for school process variables: The potential of multilevel confirmatory factor analysis,VABB-1,155,188,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334489,,Effects of a school reform on longitudinal stability of students' preferences with regard to education,VABB-1,512,532,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334490,,Who is granted authority in the mathematics classroom? An analysis of the observed and perceived distribution of authority,VABB-1,223,234,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334491,,Heuristics and problem solving,VABB-4,1421,1424,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334492,,Conceptual change,VABB-4,735,738,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334508,,Osobennosti perevoda juridičeskich tekstov (na primere russkogo i niderlandskogo jazykov,VABB-5,1006,1010,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334513,,The translation of the Russian parenthetical clause cto ni govori into Dutch,VABB-1,66,71,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334520,,Here comes Pankowski: adventures in ambiguity,VABB-1,467,478,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:334529,,Translation and the international dissemination of the novels of Tolstoy,VABB-4,2559,2570,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334539,,Instruction dialogues in the Zhuangzi: an ‘anthropological’ reading,VABB-1,459,478,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334542,,Reconstructing Western Book Collections in the Jesuit Mission in China (ca. 1650-1750): the evidence of book inscriptions and testimonia,VABB-4,213,234,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334543,,The Pre-1773 Bollandist Archives and Their Evidence for the Relation between Antwerp and the Jesuit Mission in China (269-282),VABB-4,269,282,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334545,,The Jesuits and the circulation of Western books in the sciences (17th – 18th cent.): the medical and pharmaceutical sector in the Jesuit libraries of Peking,VABB-1,15,85,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334551,,Libraries of Western learning for China: circulation of Western books between Europe and China in Jesuit Mission (ca. 1650 - ca. 1750),VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334555,,The spiritual exercises of Ignatius of Loyola in the China mission of the 17th and 18th centuries,VABB-1,73,124,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334564,,"Chinese voices in the rites controversy: travelling books, community networks, intercultural arguments",VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334570,,Displaying competence: introduction,VABB-1,351,354,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334571,,A structural-functional account of NP-internal mood,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334572,,German and English corporate mission statements as hybrid internal/external communication: expressions of competence and HR competencies,VABB-4,181,209,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334573,,Maneuvering between the individual and the social dimensions of narratives in a poor man’s discursive negotiation of stigma,VABB-1,122,145,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334574,,"The discursive construction of gender, ethnicity and the workplace in second generation immigrants’ narratives; The case of Moroccan women in Belgium",VABB-1,301,325,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334576,,Pronominagebruik en identiteit in Nederlandstalige deportatieverhalen uit het Breendonkcorpus,VABB-1,130,143,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334579,,Over niet-finiete vervangvormen van de imperatief,VABB-1,73,98,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:334584,,Politeness and gender in Belgian organisational emails,VABB-4,33,52,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334588,,The particulization of German complement-taking mental predicates,VABB-1,776,797,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334591,,The CEO's new year's message from the 1960s to 2000,VABB-4,245,262,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334593,,On the agreement between predicative complements and their target,VABB-5,1,19,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334596,,"Het imperativische participium in het Nederlands: vorm, betekenis en gebruik",VABB-1,26,56,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334602,,The discursive construal of purpose by means of competence in German and English corporate mission statements,VABB-4,150,179,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334603,,La qualité de la traduction médicale et les exercices terminologiques préparatoires,VABB-5,549,556,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:334605,,Boolean differences between two hexagonal extensions of the logical Square of Oppositions,VABB-5,193,199,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334606,,PP extraction and extraposition in Functional Discourse Grammar,VABB-1,433,454,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334610,,Intersubjectivity and intersubjectification: typology and operationalization,VABB-1,128,152,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334611,,Introduction: Intersections of intersubjectivity,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334613,,"""U.G. Lauts en het eerste zinsdeel""",VABB-4,191,199,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:334614,,"Aus Verba sentiendi hervorgegangene Partikeln im Deutschen: Formen, die zwischen den Stühlen sitzen?",VABB-1,177,193,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:334616,,"The language factor in international business: new perspectives on research, teaching and practice",VABB-4,9,13,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334617,,"The language factor in international business: new perspectives on research, teaching and practice",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334618,,Email use in a belgian company: looking for the hybridity of the genre,VABB-4,15,31,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334620,,Researching discourse in business genres: cases and corpora,VABB-4,7,12,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334621,,Researching discourse in business genres : cases and corpora,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334622,,Displaying competence in organizations: discourse perspectives,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334624,,From job announcement to recruitment advertising: the evolution of recruitment ads in a Flemish newspaper (1946-2010),VABB-4,263,276,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334625,,Instrumentum bibliographicum neolatinum,VABB-1,573,643,,lat,2012,2 c:vabb:334627,,The Integrated Contrastive Model evaluated: The French and Dutch demonstrative determiner in L1 and L2,VABB-1,392,413,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334628,,Corpus Studies in Contrastive Linguistics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334629,,Developments in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334633,,Blurring boundaries of the EU (nano)future in Italian: cognitive grammar as discourse analysis,VABB-4,289,311,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334636,,"Word Order in French, Spanish and Italian: a Grammaticalization Account",VABB-1,387,415,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334637,,Linguistics ante litteram. Compiling and transmitting views on language diversity and relatedness before the nineteenth century,VABB-4,37,53,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334639,,Tessere il futuro concettuale delle isole nanotecnologiche italiane in Europa,VABB-1,123,134,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334640,,"Review of Application-driven terminology engineering / Ibekwe-San Juan, F., A. Condamines and M. T. Cabré Castellvi (2007, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins (=Benjamins Current Topics 2))",VABB-1,92,99,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334641,,How false friends give true hints about pragmatic markers,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334643,,Pragmatic markers and pragmaticalization: lessons from false friends,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334644,,Crossing perspectives on onomastic methodology: Reflections on fieldwork in place name research. An essay in interactional onomastics,VABB-4,441,462,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334652,,Fleshing out embodied language and intersubjectivity: an exploration of Merleau-Ponty's legacy to cognitive linguistics,VABB-1,189,224,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334658,,"Greek Christian Access to ‘the Three’, 250-600 CE",VABB-4,165,191,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334659,,Nouveaux témoins manuscrits de la chaîne de Polychronios sur le Cantique (CPG C 83),VABB-1,603,628,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:334661,,On a Commentary Attributed to Eusebius of Caesarea and Nilus (the Monk / the Anchorite),VABB-1,283,296,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334662,,No Stories for Old Men. Damophilus of Bithynia and Plutarch in Julian’s Misopogon,VABB-4,209,222,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334663,,Why the EU is failing in its neighbourhood: The case of Armenia,VABB-1,285,302,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334669,,Socrates and Alcibiades: A Notorious Skandalon in the Later Platonist Tradition,VABB-4,85,100,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334672,,Two Controversial Passages in Damascius (In Phd. I 275-292 and II 28),VABB-1,469,492,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334673,,Texts beyond Borders: Multilingualism and Textual Scholarship,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334674,,Les Quaestiones ad Antiochum ducem d’un Pseudo-Athanase (CPG 2257). Un état de la question,VABB-4,121,150,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334676,,De Beneficentia: A Homily on Social Action attributed to Basil of Caesarea,VABB-1,457,481,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334678,,Will the Epicurean sage break the law if he is perfectly sure that he will escape detection? A difficult problem revisited,VABB-1,23,40,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334680,,"Van polis tot politiek. De Oudheid gisteren, vandaag en morgen",VABB-4,1,9,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334681,,Fitnessen en diëten met Grieken en Romeinen. Antieke geneeskunde en moderne sociale zekerheid,VABB-4,57,73,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334685,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2011-3,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334690,,Plant Economy and Land Use in Middle Egypt during the Late Antique/Early Islamic Period: Archaeobotanical Analysis of Mud Bricks and Mud Plasters from the Area of Dayr al-Barshā,VABB-4,119,136,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334692,,1947: Two Tablets as a Christmas Gift to a Leuven Assyriologist,VABB-4,268,277,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334693,,"The Ancient Near East, A Life! Festschrift Karel Van Lerberghe",VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334699,,Lead Isotopic Analysis of Copper Alloy Artifacts from Tell Tweini. Changing Ore Sources from the Early Bronze Age to the Iron Age?,VABB-4,131,142,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334700,,The 'Ochre' Room: Sheding Some Lights on a 'Dark' Period of Transition. Tell Tweini in the Early Iron Age,VABB-4,59,74,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334701,,"Checkpoint Room 32912. Inspection of Incoming Goods, Outgoing Wares or Temporary Disposals in the Early Jezireh IIIb Official Upper City Complex of Tell Beydar?",VABB-4,9,20,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334702,,Het belang van de vergelijkende taalwetenschap voor het compileren van het historisch woordenboek der Arabische taal,VABB-1,11,64,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334705,,Strontium isotopic and tree-ring signatures of Cedrus brevifolia in Cyprus,VABB-1,796,806,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334706,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2012-4,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334707,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2012-3,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334708,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2012-2,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334709,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2012-1,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334710,,"Pottery from Sidment op de Beeck, A. and S. Vereecken (2011). Pottery from Sidment and Haraga in the Royal Museums of Art and History Brussels",VABB-4,731,750,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334712,,Tell Tweini: A Multi-Period Harbour Town at the Syrian Coast,VABB-5,73,87,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334714,,Middle KingdomPottery from Deir el-Bersha,VABB-4,237,259,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334715,,The Physical and Cultic Landscape of the Northern Nile Delta according to Pyramid Texts Utterance 625,VABB-4,1097,1107,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334717,,"Fowl for the Governor. The tomb of governor Djehutinakht IV or V at Dayr al-Barshā reinvestigated, I: Architecture and Archaeology",VABB-1,55,72,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334720,,De opgravingen van de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in de regio van Dayr al-Barsha,VABB-4,126,147,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334721,,Het epigrafische en archeologische project in de Romeinse tempel van Shanhur,VABB-4,107,113,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334723,,"Shenhur, Temple of",VABB-4,1,9,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:334724,,Sustainable education: basic principles and strategic recommendations,VABB-1,285,304,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334725,,"Review of Studies on English modality: in honour of Frank Palmer / Anastasios Tsangalides and Roberta Facchinetti (eds.) (Linguistic Insights, volume 111. Bern: Peter Lang, 2009)",VABB-1,155,160,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334726,,Vocabulary materials and study strategies at advanced level,VABB-1,47,63,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334728,,Debunking the ‘Nerd’ Myth. Doing Action Research with First-year Engineering Students in the Academic Writing Class,VABB-1,74,84,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334730,,Cognitive Sociolinguistics meets loanword research: Measuring variation in the success of anglicisms in Dutch,VABB-1,749,792,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334738,,"Lexicalization and grammaticalization: modal modifier constructions with ""no question""",VABB-1,569,591,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334739,,"Contact-induced restructuring of pronominal morphosyntax in Umpithamu (Cape York Peninsula, Australia)",VABB-1,326,358,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334740,,DIACHRONEX: Corpus-based exercises for English diachronic linguistics,VABB-1,67,93,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334741,,"New Perspectives, Theories and Methods: Grammaticalization",VABB-4,1558,1577,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334742,,Textual Choices in Discourse: A view from cognitive linguistics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334743,,Identifying and intensifying uses of prenominal such: A data-based approach,VABB-1,516,545,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334744,,The role of the accessibility of the subject in the development of adjectival complementation from Old English to Present-day English,VABB-4,199,227,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334745,,Assessment at completion of community interpreting training: how to reshape theoretical concepts for practice?,VABB-4,152,176,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334746,,Grammaticalization and Language Change: New Reflections,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334747,,European signed languages : towards a typological snapshot,VABB-4,269,290,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334748,,Modal adjectives: English deontic and evaluative constructions in diachrony and synchrony,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334749,,A typology of complement insubordination in Dutch,VABB-1,123,153,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:334750,,"On ways of being on the way: lexical, complex preposition and aspect marker uses",VABB-1,229,258,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334751,,Conceptualización de la luz en verbos derivados de lumen,VABB-1,307,343,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:334752,,Data collection,VABB-4,401,420,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334757,,On the distribution and merger of is and bið in Old and Middle English,VABB-1,301,325,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:334758,,Textual choices in discourse: Emerging views from cognitive linguistics,VABB-4,185,191,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334760,,"'Where am I, lurking in what place of vantage?' The discourse of distance in John Banville's fiction",VABB-4,63,85,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334763,,"Hey Presto! Preparation, practice and performance in the world of signed language interpreting and translating",VABB-4,110,137,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334764,,Collaborative narration and cross-speaker repetition in Umpila and Kuuku Ya'u,VABB-4,237,260,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334765,,"Named and Unnamed Spaces: Color, Kin, and the Environment in Umpila",VABB-1,57,67,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334766,,History of English historical linguistics: The Netherlands and Belgium,VABB-4,1341,1354,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334767,,General productivity: How become waxed and wax became a copula,VABB-1,27,65,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334768,,‘Wait till you got started’: How to submerge another’s discourse in your own,VABB-4,198,218,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334769,,Quotative go and be like: Grammar and grammaticalization,VABB-4,173,202,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334770,,Hacerse y volverse como nexo pseudo-copulativos: dos maneras de concebir el cambio en español,VABB-1,277,306,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:334775,,The concept of light in Spanish denominal verbs: a cognitive analysis,VABB-4,369,408,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334777,,Un análisis cognitivo-funcional de la concordancia verbal con construcciones (pseudo)partitivas del tipo [N1 + de + N2],VABB-1,219,257,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:334779,,"Signed language interpreting: preparation, practice and performance",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334780,,The course of actualization,VABB-1,601,633,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334781,,Is there a postdeterminer in the English noun phrase?,VABB-1,248,264,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334782,,The establishment of quantifier constructions for size nouns: A diachronic case study of heap(s) and lot(s)”,VABB-1,202,231,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334783,,Designs for studying the effectiveness of long-term psychoanalytic treatments: Balancing level of evidence and patients’ acceptability,VABB-1,361,387,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334784,,Validation of the social appearance anxiety scale in eating disorder patients,VABB-1,406,409,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334785,,"The relationship among compulsive buying, compulsive internet use and temperament in a sample of female eating-disorder patients",VABB-1,126,131,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334786,,Binge eating and temperament in morbidly obese pre-bariatric surgery patients,VABB-1,e91,e95,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334787,,Multidisciplinary Pain Education Program (MPEP) for chronic pain patients: Preliminary evidence for effectiveness and mechanisms of change,VABB-1,1595,1601,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334788,,Suicide in young men,VABB-1,2383,2392,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334789,,The facial and subjective emotional reaction in response to a video game designed to train emotional regulation (Playmancer),VABB-1,484,489,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334790,,Personality subtypes in male eating disorder patients: Validation of a classification approach,VABB-1,981,987,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334792,,Mood states preceding and following compulsive buying episodes: An ecological momentary assessment study,VABB-1,575,580,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334794,,Zinvol rommen: zoeken naar een evenwicht tussen gebruiksvriendelijkheid en klinische relevantie,VABB-1,161,165,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334795,,Stemmingsstoornissen bij kinderen en jongeren met ADHD: een literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,2,12,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334798,,The structure and stability of temperament from infancy to toddlerhood: A one-year prospective study,VABB-1,94,108,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334799,,Prayer and pain: The mediating role of positive re-appraisal,VABB-1,542,549,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334800,,Repetitief negatief denken en psychische klachten bij kinderen en adolescenten,VABB-1,69,80,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334801,,ICCS document K: psychological and psychiatric issues in bladder disturbances,VABB-1,1432,1437,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334803,,International prevalence of adolescent non-suicidal self-injury and deliberate self-harm,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334804,,Self-Injury and Disordered Eating: Expressing Emotion Dysregulation through the Body,VABB-1,416,425,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334806,,Liegen in therapie: de ondraaglijke zwaarte van eerlijkheid,VABB-1,214,221,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334807,,Liefde in tijden van evidencebased behandelingen,VABB-1,167,172,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334808,,Met de ziel onder de arm,VABB-1,129,132,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:334809,,Psychodynamic treatment of depression,VABB-1,111,129,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334811,,Psychopathic Traits in Adolescence and the Five Factor Model of Personality,VABB-1,84,93,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334812,,Is fibromyalgia a discrete entity?,VABB-1,585,588,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334814,,"The impact of the voice in relation to psychosomatic well-being after education in female student teachers. A longitudinal, descriptive study",VABB-1,230,235,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334815,,De betekenis van onvruchtbaarheid in het kader van adoptie,VABB-1,173,183,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334818,,Gaming en ADHD: opportuniteit of gevaar?,VABB-1,119,125,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334822,,Mindfulness-based interventions in child and adolescent psychopathology,VABB-4,371,385,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334823,,In de spiegel van de deontologie. Een ethisch-deontologisch kader rondom een psychoanalytische therapie-opleiding,VABB-1,273,281,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334828,,The multidimensional construct of mentalization and its relevance to understanding borderline personality disorder,VABB-4,405,426,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334829,,Mentalization-based treatment for parents (MBT-P) with borderline personality disorder,VABB-4,79,97,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334834,,Emotional competence and quality of life of children with asthma: The mediating effect of coping strategies,VABB-1,1678,1695,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334836,,The scars of the inner critic: Perfectionism and nonsuicidal self-injury in eating disorders,VABB-1,196,202,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334837,,Out of control: Inhibition processes in eating disorders from a personality and cognitive perspective,VABB-1,407,417,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334838,,Male eating disorder patients with and without non-suicidal self-injury: A comparison of psychopathological and personality features,VABB-1,335,338,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334841,,"Depression, Materialism, and Excessive Internet Use in relation to Compulsive Buying",VABB-1,420,424,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334843,,Differences in psychological symptoms and self-competencies in non-suicidal self-injurious Flemish adolescents,VABB-1,753,759,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334844,,Temperament and Problematic Alcohol Use in Adolescence: an Examination of Drinking Motives as Mediators,VABB-1,282,292,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334848,,Does compulsive buying differ between male and female students?,VABB-1,1309,1312,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334849,,Railway Suicide in Belgium 1998-2009 Incidence and Prevention,VABB-1,39,45,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334850,,Essential Questions on Suicide Bereavement and Postvention,VABB-1,24,32,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334851,,Religie en geestelijke gezondheid: Hoe en wat?,VABB-1,71,83,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334853,,Intelligent Diagnosing of Intellectual Disabilities in Offenders: Food for Thought,VABB-1,28,48,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334855,,De effectiviteit van mindfulnesstraining voor kinderen met ADHD en mindful parenting voor hun ouders,VABB-1,13,26,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334857,,Western Mediterranean sand deposits as a raw material for Roman glass production,VABB-1,2835,2907,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334858,,Lead phytotoxicity in soils and nutrient solutions is related to lead induced phosphorus deficiency,VABB-1,242,247,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334859,,"Necessity of normalization to aluminum to assess the contamination by heavy metals and arsenic in sediments near Haiphong Harbor, Vietnam",VABB-1,229,239,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334864,,"Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean. Proceedings of the International Conference at the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo, 25th to 29th October 2008",VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334865,,Hellenization and Onomastic Change. The Case of Egyptian Pȝ-dỉ/Πετε-Names,VABB-1,109,132,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334867,,“Blushing in Such Company”? The Social Status of Athletes in Late Antiquity,VABB-4,199,209,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334869,,"Ares: Brother, Commander, Deity or Son? A New Interpretation of the Ares Tombstone",VABB-1,322,339,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334871,,"Language Use, Literacy, and Bilingualism",VABB-4,493,506,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334872,,"Physical descriptions, registration and εἰκονίζειν. With new interpretations for P. Par. 65 and P. Oxy. I 34",VABB-1,189,199,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:334873,,Demotistische Literaturübersicht XXXII,VABB-1,101,119,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:334876,,Silver and bronze standards and the date of P. Heid. VI 383,VABB-1,36,42,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334877,,A military reform before the battle of Raphia?,VABB-1,26,35,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334878,,"Reflecting the ""Change in A.D. 140"": The Veteran Categories of the Epikrisis Documents Revisited",VABB-1,267,277,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334884,,Diodorus and the Chronology of the Third Diadoch War,VABB-1,74,96,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:334888,,"‘Viticulture’, ‘Arsinoe II’, Kleopatra V’",VABB-4,1,7,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334889,,Identity in Roman Egypt,VABB-4,260,276,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334890,,Greek and Demotic loan agreements in epistolary style. Formalisation and registration in the later Ptolemaic period,VABB-4,171,185,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334891,,Ὁ τοῦ: an Alternative for the Greek Patronymic in Egypt,VABB-1,49,61,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334893,,Un miroir à double face: les chroniques de Jean Molinet et de Nicolas Despars. La lutte discursive entre la cour burgondo-habsbourgeoise et l'élite urbaine du comté de Flandre dans le cadre de la révolte brugeoise de 1488,VABB-1,269,301,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:334894,,The politics of factional conflict in late medieval Flanders,VABB-1,13,31,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334896,,Twee 14de-eeuwse cautsiderekeningen van Brussel,VABB-1,129,174,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334901,,"La nature des ""reformes"" de Gérard de Brogne en Flandre (milieu du Xe siècle): résumé",VABB-5,97,101,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:334904,,Projet (aspects of 10th- and 11th-century bishops of the church province of Rheims),VABB-1,1338,1341,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334905,,'A bad chicken was brooding'. Subversive speech in late medieval Flanders,VABB-1,45,86,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334907,,Kompastoponymie in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden tijdens het ancien régime,VABB-1,185,240,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334911,,The medieval territory of Brussels: A dynamic landscape of urbanisation,VABB-4,223,238,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334913,,"Bloed en inkt. Een nieuwe blik op opstand en geweld te Leuven, 1360-1383",VABB-1,141,164,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334916,,Les plans de villes de Jacques de Deventer (XVIe siècle). État de la question et pistes de recherche,VABB-1,613,633,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:334917,,"Politics, social memory, and historiography in sixteenth-century Flanders: towards a research agenda",VABB-5,195,215,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334923,,Groningse studenten op reis. Natuur- en landschapsbeleving rond 1800,VABB-1,231,260,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334924,,"A blend of Romanism and Germanism: experimental science instruction in Belgian State secondary education, 1880-1914",VABB-1,807,825,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:334925,,Historians and the web,VABB-4,415,422,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334945,,"Institutions, networks and communities in a European perspective",VABB-4,3,26,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334946,,"Setting the standards: institutions, networks and communities of national historiography",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334957,,"Medische expertise en politieke strijd. De dienst medisch schooltoezicht in Antwerpen, 1860-1900",VABB-1,113,128,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:334958,,"Poetry and Precision. Johannes Thienemann, the Bird Observatory in Rossitten and Civic Ornithology",VABB-1,171,203,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334960,,The Documents of Feith. The Centralization of the Archive in Nineteenth-century Historiography,VABB-4,357,375,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334961,,"Het adres van de kunst of de kunst van het adres. Locatiepatronen en de verschuivingen op de scène van de Brusselse kunst- en antiekhandel, 1830-1914",VABB-1,30,56,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334963,,"Sociology in a Transnational Perspective: Brussels, 1890-1925",VABB-1,1273,1296,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334964,,Gouden toetsstenen? Over de cultuur van schilderijenveilingen in negentiende-eeuws Brussel,VABB-1,541,570,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:334965,,Geschiedenisonderwijs tegen de horizon van het heden. Het experiment van Leopold Flam in het Nederlandstalige rijksonderwijs (1955-1970),VABB-1,139,192,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:334968,,Laboratory versus farm: The conquest of laboratory science over tradition in the Belgian agriculture (end of 19th C),VABB-1,31,54,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:334971,,"'Professor, wat kunt u ons vertellen?' Wetenschapsprogramma's tijdens de pioniersjaren van de Vlaamse televisie, 1953-ca. 1970",VABB-1,216,232,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:334972,,Exegi monumentum: the great syntheses of national history,VABB-4,105,129,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334975,,Adrian VI: A Dutch Pope in a Roman Context,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334976,,La religione nell’economia. L’economia nella religione – Europa 1000-1800,VABB-5,3,115,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334978,,On noble artists and poor craftsmen: Networking painters in Renaissance Bruges,VABB-4,85,101,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334982,,Is that flesh for sale? Seventeenth-century jests on nudity in the Spanish Netherlands,VABB-4,97,107,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334985,,Felix als huisdier of ondier? De relatie tussen mens en kat in middeleeuwen en nieuwe tijd,VABB-1,488,503,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:334986,,"In de ban van hertog Jan. Schuttersgilde en kleinhandelsrevolutie in Leuven, zeventiende en achttiende eeuw",VABB-1,99,119,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:334987,,From Antwerp to Peru - books from the Southern Netherlands in the 16th century's Viceroyalty,VABB-1,115,132,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:334988,,"Confraternities, Jansenism and the Birth of a Consumer Society in 17th-18th-Century Leuven",VABB-4,671,693,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:334989,,"Bread provisioning and retail dynamics in the southern Low Countries: the bakers of Leuven, 1600-1800",VABB-1,405,438,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:334998,,Reconquista and Reconciliation in the Dutch Revolt: The Campaign of Governor-General Alexander Farnese (1578-1592),VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335000,,"'Challenges to Clemency: Seneca, Lipsius and the Dutch Revolt",VABB-5,81,97,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335001,,"La Causa Croÿ et les limites du mythe bourguignon: la frontière, le lignage et la mémoire (1465-1475)",VABB-5,97,123,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335002,,"Bishops in the Habsburg Netherlands on the Eve of the Catholic Renewal, 1515-1559",VABB-4,46,62,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335004,,Vredehandel. Adellijke en Habsburgse verzoeningspogingen tijdens de Nederlandse Opstand (1564-1581),VABB-2,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335007,,De ordonnantie betreffende de pacificatie van de beroerten te Antwerpen (24 mei 1567): breekpunt voor de politiek van Filips II ten overstaan van de Nederlanden,VABB-1,105,132,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335008,,The Development of Katherine Mansfield's First-Person Narratives,VABB-1,149,165,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335009,,'And the Transformation Begins': Present-Tense Narration in Claire Keegan's Daughter Stories,VABB-1,190,204,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335010,,The Poetics of House and Home in the Short Stories of Elizabeth Bowen,VABB-1,267,289,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335014,,Vertaligheid,VABB-1,3,12,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335016,,"Review of Gli artifici della non-fiction: la messinscena narrativa in Albinati, Franchini, Veronesi / Stefania Ricciardi",VABB-1,558,561,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335019,,Victorian Instincts: Anthony Trollope and the Philosophy of Law,VABB-1,801,812,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335020,,Salt in the Holy Water: Plutarch’s Quaestiones Naturales in Michael Psellus’ De omnifaria doctrina,VABB-5,101,121,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335024,,The correlation between style and argument in newspaper columns,VABB-4,185,199,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335026,,Le copertine di Pitigrilli. Un fenomeno editoriale tra testo e paratesto,VABB-1,49,62,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:335030,,The Scientific Design of Sarah Grand's Short Story Collection Our Manifold Nature,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335031,,'The method of life we all lead': Olive Schreiner's Short Fiction as Challenge to the Stage Method,VABB-4,43,54,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335033,,Van praten komen grote baten. Over antieke retoriek en Obama,VABB-4,129,144,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335034,,Basta un'isola per 'il nuovo': la rivoluzione in nuvolette,VABB-1,365,375,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:335035,,"Le avventure di Corto Maltese: intermedialità, peripli e spazi segreti nel romanzo grafico",VABB-1,377,386,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:335039,,"Reading books, talking culture. The performance of paideia in Imperial Greek literature",VABB-4,227,244,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335042,,"Between Ghetto and Zion: Margarete Susman's Mediations of Germany, Jewishness and Culture 1906-1918",VABB-1,318,335,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335046,,Insularità e cultura mediterranea nella lingua e nella letteratura italiana,VABB-3,,,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:335048,,"'A Common Humanity Is Not Yet Enough"": Shadows of the Coming Race in George Eliot's Final Fiction",VABB-1,17,39,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335050,,Matching in Mind the Sea Beast’s Complexion. On the Pragmatics of Plutarch’s Hypomnemata and Scientific Innovation: the Case of Q.N. 19 (916BF),VABB-1,234,259,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335058,,Das Verhältnis zur Welt. Gedanken über Kultur im Schatten des Ersten Weltkrieges,VABB-4,13,34,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:335059,,"Grenzgänge zwischen Dichtung, Philosophie und Kulturkritik",VABB-4,7,12,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:335060,,Grenzgänge zwischen Dichtung Philosophie und Kulturkritik. Über margarete Susman,VABB-3,,,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:335063,,Translation assessment methodology and the prospects of European collaboration,VABB-4,171,184,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335066,,Bildung and the State in the Long Nineteenth Century,VABB-1,241,250,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335068,,Conclusions,VABB-4,245,257,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335069,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335070,,"War, Agriculture, and Food. Rural Europe from the 1930s to the 1950s",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335072,,Food systems in the nineteenth century,VABB-4,49,66,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335074,,Mobility as a transnational strategy: Sikhs moving to and from Belgium,VABB-4,51,67,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335078,,The limits of the transnational,VABB-1,1237,1248,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335080,,De schaduw van Foucault. Over de opsluiting van krankzinnigen in de achttiende eeuw,VABB-1,132,146,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335084,,"'Tant vaut le village, tant vaut le pays': plaintes et ambitions des villages belges au milieu du XXe siècle",VABB-4,287,303,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335087,,"Felbevochten vergroeningen. Het Leuvense stadsnatuurbeleid, 1918-1958",VABB-2,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335088,,Beyond the feminization thesis. Gendering the history of Christianity in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries,VABB-4,7,33,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335089,,Gender and Christianity n Modern Europe,VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335090,,"'From that moment on, I was a man!' Images of the Catholic male in the Sacred Heart devotion",VABB-4,120,135,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335091,,Sensitive but sane. Male visionaries and their emotional display in Belgium in the 1930s,VABB-1,127,149,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335092,,"Masculinity and Catholicism: the Leagues of the Sacred Heart in Belgium, 1900-1940",VABB-1,422,443,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335093,,‘Houses of Glass’. Architecture and the Idea of Community in Poland 1925-1944,VABB-4,93,103,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335097,,The quest for transnational authority: the Anti-Apartheid movements of the European Community,VABB-1,1249,1276,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:335101,,Taking off the soft power lens: the United States information service in Cold War Belgium (1950-1958),VABB-1,10,49,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335104,,"‘L’homme du monde est obligé de se battre’. Duel-vertogen en -praktijken in en rond het Belgische parlement, 1830-1900",VABB-1,190,,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:335106,,Inleiding: een geschiedenis van mensen en (andere) dieren,VABB-1,464,475,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335110,,"""Op 't bloedig oorlogsveld, is ied're man een held"". Hoe kinderen het slagveld verbeeldden en beleefden aan het eind van de negentiende eeuw",VABB-1,306,324,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335112,,Prijs de lijst!,VABB-1,1,11,-,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335114,,Comics and characterization: the case of Fritz Haber (David Vandermeulen),VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335117,,Roy Ascott's La Plissure du Texte: Toward Some Elements of a User's Manual,VABB-1,191,202,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335121,,"Ce que la poésie fait du document: note méthodologique sur les insertions, les emprunts et les listes dans les années 1920",VABB-5,1,12,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335122,,La Littérature dévisagée. Figurations iconographiques de l'écrivain au XXe siècle,VABB-1,1,10,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335123,,"""Toi mon sublime moi réalité de mon image dans la réalité du poème"". À propos des autoportraits de Pierre Albert-Birot",VABB-1,33,47,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335130,,"L'écrivain comme objet culturel, une figure en complexité",VABB-4,7,16,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335131,,"L'écrivains, un objet culturel",VABB-3,,,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335132,,Georges Schehadé. Le théâtre du poète. Correspondances dramatiques et dossiers de réception,VABB-2,,,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335135,,Les livres,VABB-3,,,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:335136,,Literatuursociologie als engagement. Robert Escarpit over het uitgeverswezen,VABB-4,27,44,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335137,,Les livres,VABB-3,,,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:335138,,Les livres,VABB-3,,,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335139,,Modernism in the Ether. Middlebrow Perspectives on European Literature in Flemish Radio Talks (1936-37),VABB-4,410,424,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335140,,"De revanche van de populaire cultuur. Literatuur, nieuwe media en smaak",VABB-1,160,182,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335141,,Un réseau de concepts. Entretien avec Dominique Maingueneau au sujet de l’analyse du discours littéraire,VABB-1,203,221,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335142,,Tien vragen aan een tijdschriftexpert,VABB-1,91,94,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335147,,From Caméra-Stylo to Photo-Book: on Chris Marker’s Staring Back,VABB-1,113,132,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335148,,NHenri Van Lier,VABB-4,246,249,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335149,,Une tombeau pseudonyme au présent perpétuel. 'Le Brésil' ou le candomblé de Cendrars,VABB-4,55,70,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335150,,Marcel Proust en 48cc,VABB-4,173,184,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335155,,Novelizing Tati,VABB-4,201,215,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:335157,,"L’exemple, un mal nécessaire",VABB-1,135,148,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335159,,"LACE, A Virtual Common Course on Changing Cultures In Europe for an International Master",VABB-5,4755,4763,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335162,,"Eten! Lezen! Reizen! Traditie, toerisme en lifestyle bij Bart van Loo en Geerten Meijsing",VABB-1,204,224,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335166,,Photo love!,VABB-1,1,7,-,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335169,,De middlebrow schrijft terug. Nederlandse en Vlaamse literatuur in een spanningsveld,VABB-1,287,291,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335170,,Rogue Paratexts: Epo's Graphic Classic Adaptations and the Jupien Effect,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335174,,OpenCourseware KU Leuven,VABB-5,4278,4281,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335175,,"Colour as a visual signifier in screen topography: ""les means more""",VABB-4,373,385,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335176,,From Skills to Expertise: The importance of Being an Accurate Informant for ICT Professionals,VABB-5,2421,2430,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335178,,Words and images in the American graphic novel,VABB-4,92,110,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335179,,OuLiPo and proceduralism,VABB-4,115,127,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335180,,Visual studies and visual culture,VABB-4,91,106,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335183,,Het andere schrijven uit België,VABB-1,1,4,-,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335184,,Het andere scenario,VABB-1,1,6,-,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335187,,Historicizing achronism: some notes on the idea of art without history in the writings of David Carrier,VABB-1,130,145,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335189,,De alcohol van Rimbaud. Decorte onder invloed,VABB-4,203,217,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335192,,Identité et fiction : la prose flamande d’après 1970,VABB-4,117,136,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335193,,The genealogical novel as a way of defining and/or deconstructing cultural identity: Flemish fiction since 1970,VABB-1,57,68,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335199,,Het buitenland als referentiekader. De casus van het literaire expressionisme in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,194,211,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335200,,Robert Musil en het grote gat dat men ziel noemt,VABB-1,31,35,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335201,,The Prism of Propaganda,VABB-1,43,62,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335204,,"Futurism and the Politics of the Ugly: Theory, History and Actuality",VABB-4,319,336,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335208,,Wolfgang Iser. A Companion,VABB-2,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335210,,Gabriel Bounoure: noblesse poétique du monde arabe,VABB-4,141,152,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:335219,,Translation in heterotopia: Alejandro Morales’s novel 'Waiting to Happen',VABB-4,211,222,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335222,,A quien corresponda: Policial negro y memorias de la militancia revolucionaria en la novela posdictatorial,VABB-4,217,231,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:335224,,L'Italie des âmes sensibles et les trois esprits de Dupaty: quelques éléments de synthèse,VABB-4,261,272,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335225,,Les années de pélerinage de Mme de Krüdener: Valérie et l'Italie,VABB-4,171,188,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335226,,Dupaty et l'Italie des voyageurs sensibles,VABB-3,,,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335227,,Observations critiques de M. le C. Gordon de Percel sur son livre de l'usage des romans: un manuscrit inédit de Lenglet Dufreynoy (partie 1),VABB-1,149,183,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:335229,,"""L'autobiographe au tombeau. Pour une approche pragmatique de l'écriture autobiographique chez Rousseau""",VABB-1,157,176,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335231,,La problematización de la mímesis: Carlos de Haes y Galdós,VABB-1,369,383,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:335232,,Mapping world literature,VABB-4,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335233,,"Preface: Weltliteratur, littérature universelle, vishwa sahitya ..",VABB-4,18,21,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335234,,The Routledge Companion to World Literature,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335239,,La bande dessinée dans l'orbe des guerres et des génocides du vingtième siècle,VABB-3,,,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:335241,,La traduction et les disciplines en 1830: vers une étude intégrée,VABB-4,35,48,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335242,,Re-visioning the Spanish Baroque: The Ekphrastic Dimension of Constancia and Other Stories for Virgins by Carlos Fuentes,VABB-1,76,94,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335261,,"Body, Mind, Love: Nora Roberts and the Evolution of Popular Romance Studies",VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335264,,Multilingualism as a challenge for Translation Studies,VABB-4,519,533,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335269,,The next step in the CBI professionalisation process: training the public services providers,VABB-1,191,203,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335272,,Observations critiques de M. le C. Gordon de Percel sur son livre de l'usage des romans: un manuscrit inédit de Lenglet Dufreynoy (partie 2),VABB-1,391,436,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:335274,,Translations of youth literature in Spain’s official languages,VABB-5,183,195,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335276,,"Literaire bemiddelaars in bewogen tijden: Thomas Colley Grattan, zijn bronnen en vertalers in de (ex-)Nederlanden, 1828-1840",VABB-1,239,254,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335277,,Stereotypes and Identity Construction. Concepts as Tools,VABB-1,183,191,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335278,,Transgresión y rebeldía: la Virgen de Guadalupe en el arte y la literatura de los chicanos,VABB-1,1,22,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:335280,,Bibliographies of translation studies,VABB-4,13,16,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335283,,Handbook of translation studies. 2,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335284,,Translation studies bibliography online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335285,,The ethical stance of testimony: memory politics and representational choices,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335286,,Una literatura abyecta: Gombrowicz en la tradición argentina,VABB-2,,,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335287,,(Re)locating translation history: from assumed translation to assumed transfer,VABB-1,139,155,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335288,,"De Rose-Cassamus: de versie van de Roman van Cassamus in Den Haag, KB, XXIV",VABB-1,112,139,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335291,,‘St Beghé is a most liberal saint’: Lady Morgan and the Béguines in the 1830s,VABB-1,192,203,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335292,,"Violencia y transnacionalidad en el cine latinoamericano contemporáneo. Sobre Carancho (P. Trapero, 2010) y Los bastardos (A. Escalante, 2008)",VABB-1,103,119,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:335295,,Literary Translation,VABB-4,3562,3568,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335296,,Translational justice in a multilingual world. An Overview of Translational Regimes,VABB-1,743,757,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335298,,The Routledge Concise History of World Literature,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335299,,"José Fago, personaje de transición en los Episodios Nacionales de Benito Pérez Galdós",VABB-5,18,25,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:335300,,Quantitative or qualitatieve analysis? An interesting methodological route in the field of community interpreting,VABB-1,205,212,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335301,,Transmisión de imágenes culturales a través de las traducciones entre las lenguas oficiales españolas,VABB-5,484,493,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:335304,,'Celestina' in de Nederlanden,VABB-1,3,13,,lat,2012,2 c:vabb:335305,,Methodolgy in Translation Studies,VABB-4,88,96,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335307,,"""Saturnal"" de Rosa Chacel: puentes entre el ensayo, la autobiografía y la ficción",VABB-4,99,108,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:335309,,Ethnographic approaches,VABB-4,116,119,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335313,,A new critical edition of Augustine’s sermo 170. With a tentative analysis of the stemmatic position of the De lapsu mundi collection,VABB-1,185,225,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335314,,"Lipsius, Justus",VABB-4,746,750,,lat,2012,2 c:vabb:335315,,"Heinsius, Nicolaus",VABB-4,547,550,,lat,2012,2 c:vabb:335316,,"Heinsius, Daniel",VABB-4,543,547,,lat,2012,2 c:vabb:335320,,Ministerium Sermonis. An International Colloquium on Saint Augustine’s Sermons on the New Testament and their Context,VABB-1,539,546,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335321,,"Lipsian Style and Swedish 18th-Century Politics? Nicolaus Laurentii Sörström's Dissertatio De Laconismo Lipsiano (Uppsala, 1739)",VABB-5,813,822,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335323,,Arundel 163. From Milan via Bruges to London,VABB-1,166,173,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335325,,‘Bis repetita placent?’ Guillaume Budé’s two translations of Basil’s Second Letter to Gregorius,VABB-1,103,117,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335327,,Ruzie in het Latijn over de volkstaal? Een poëtische dialoog tussen Caspar Barlaeus en Constantijn Huygens herbezien,VABB-1,1,33,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335328,,"Far and Away? Japan, China and Egypt, and the Ruins of Ancient Rome in Justus Lipsius's Intellectual Journey",VABB-4,81,102,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335329,,From Philip Numan's Miracles of the Virgin of Montaigu (1604) towards Justus Lipsius's Diva Sichemiensis sive Aspricolis (1605),VABB-4,61,87,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335330,,Neo-Latin,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335331,,"Francesco Filelfo. Traduzioni da Senofonte e Plutarco. Respublica Lacedaemoniorum, Agesilaus, Lycurgus, Numa, Cyri Paedia",VABB-2,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335332,,The Polybius Translation of Romulus Amasaeus,VABB-1,39,56,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335339,,De diagnostische blik. Van antieke fysiognomiek tot hedendaagse 'head hunting',VABB-4,75,90,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335340,,The earliest phase of the Jansenist controversy among the Flemish Capuchins. Part II: the cases of Augustinus of ’s Hertogenbosch and Fulgentius of Maaseik,VABB-1,225,269,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335343,,Justus Lipsius (1547-1606) and the Jesuits in Rome,VABB-1,167,199,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335346,,Juste Lipse et évolution politique aux Pays-Bas du Nord après 1584,VABB-4,295,314,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335347,,The Hermeneutics of Topicality. Justus Lipsius’s Dedications to the House of Habsburg,VABB-1,1125,1150,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335349,,"Forgotten letters from Hugo Blotius to Justus Lipsius in Vienna, Önb, Ms. 9490*",VABB-1,319,331,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335350,,Hieremias Drexel and the Commonplace Tradition. The Direct and Indirect Sources of 'Orbis Phaëthon',VABB-1,389,413,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335364,,Self reported body weight and height on admission to hospital : a reliable method in multi-professional evidence-based nutritional care?,VABB-1,509,517,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335376,,Weight during the postpartum period : what can health care workers do?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335385,,The effect of the notional interest deduction on the capital structure of Belgian SMEs,VABB-1,228,247,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335387,,Predictors of chronic food insecurity among adolescents in Southwest Ethiopia: a longitudinal study,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335389,,Behandeling van centrale sensitisatie bij chronische ‘onverklaarbare’ pijn: welke opties hebben we?,VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335390,,Unity in Diversity - Federalism as a Mechanism to Accommodate Ethnic Diversity: The Case of Ethiopia,VABB-2,,,368 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335394,,Dietary sources and sociodemographic and economic factors affecting vitamin D and calcium intakes in Flemish preschoolers,VABB-1,1039,1047,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335400,,Just remember this: Lexicogrammatical relevance markers in lectures,VABB-1,221,233,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335403,,Bayesian adaptive Lasso quantile regression,VABB-1,279,297,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335406,,A qualitative study of in-service teachers' evaluation beliefs,VABB-5,1076,1085,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335407,,The impact of age and gender on the learners' motivation and attitudes towards French in secondary education in Flanders,VABB-5,159,165,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335420,,L'organisation interne des champs d'urne en Flandre: l'exemple de Destelbergen/Eenbeekeinde,VABB-5,125,147,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335423,,Entre droit privé et droit international: la succession d'Espagne aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles,VABB-5,69,113,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335424,,Joining forces: commercial partnerships or societates in the early Roman empire,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335425,,Common genetic variation in the 3'-BCL11B gene desert is associated with carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity and excess cardiovascular disease risk: the AortaGen Consortium,VABB-1,81,90,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335426,,Die Suche nach bergenden Räumen als Reise- und Schreibprogramm: Annemarie Schwarzenbachs journalistische Afrika-Texte,VABB-1,1,24,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:335427,,Socio-institutional path-dependency in the history of the medieval Low Countries: an introduction to Bas van Bavel's Manors and Markets,VABB-1,66,77,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335428,,Monastic recruitment in an age of reform: new evidence for the Flemish abbey of Saint-Bertin (10th-12th centuries),VABB-1,232,251,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335429,,"Beauty, disinterested pleasure, and universal communicability: Kant's response to Burke",VABB-1,207,233,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335430,,On the association between adolescent autonomy and psychosocial functioning: examining decisional independence from a self-determination theory perspective,VABB-1,76,88,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335431,,Rural Malta: first results of the joint Belgo-Maltese survey project,VABB-1,1,47,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335432,,Zin en onzin van het toepassen van de wet rijkscomptabiliteit in fiscale zaken,VABB-1,5,24,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335433,,The triple articulation of media technologies in teenage media consumption,VABB-1,401,420,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335436,,"Beauty, disinterested pleasure and pure contemplation: Schopenhauer's response to Kant",VABB-1,241,255,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:335437,,Queer resistances in the adult animated sitcom,VABB-1,124,138,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335438,,Combining video instruction followed by voice feedback in a self-learning station for acquisition of basic life support skills: a randomised non-inferiority trial,VABB-1,896,901,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335439,,Why the long face?: a comparative study of feeding kinematics of two pipefishes with different snout lengths,VABB-1,1786,1798,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335440,,Average daily nitrate and nitrite intake in the Belgian population older than 15 years,VABB-1,1193,1204,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335441,,Food intake of European adolescents in the light of different food-based dietary guidelines: results of the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study,VABB-1,386,398,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335442,,African gateways: measuring airline connectivity change for Africa's global urban networks in the 2003-2009 period,VABB-1,103,119,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335443,,A cycle of book epigrams in honour of the four evangelists,VABB-1,237,249,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335444,,Ausdehnung and plasticity from Freud and Kant: the dancer through the looking glass/looking through the dancer,VABB-1,79,90,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:335445,,How monitoring other's actions influences one's own performance: post-error adjustments are influenced by the nature of the social interaction,VABB-1,499,508,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335446,,Image-making in Thomson's the seasons,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335447,,De factoriële validiteit en meetinvariantie van de Utrechtse Burnout Schaal Algemene versie (UBOS-A),VABB-1,192,201,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335448,,"Commercial, non-profit and governmental residential elderly care in Flanders: differences in client selection and efficiency?",VABB-1,384,392,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335449,,Achter de schermen van de Belgische werkliedenpartij: de verslagen van Bureau en Algemene Raad 1892-1940: historiek en duiding als bron,VABB-1,183,260,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335450,,Crises of cenobitism: abbatial leadership and monastic competition in late eleventh-century Flanders,VABB-1,259,284,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335451,,Ex-ante evaluation of biotechnology innovations: the case of folate biofortified rice in China,VABB-1,2751,2760,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335452,,Irony and social work: in search of the happy Sisyphus,VABB-1,1592,1607,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335453,,Y avait-il des 'révoltes fiscales' dans les villes médiévales des Pays-Bas méridionaux? L’exemple de Saint-Omer en 1467,VABB-1,,,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:335454,,New state space formation in Morocco: the example of the Bouregreg Valley,VABB-1,255,270,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335456,,The influence of general beliefs on the formation of justice expectations: the moderating role of direct experiences,VABB-1,67,82,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335458,,The history of 'Belgian' tropical medicine from a cross-border perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335459,,¿Ao cair da noite o al caer el día? Análisis contrastivo de las construcciones infinitivas con al/ao en español y portugués,VABB-1,259,285,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:335460,,Die zwar… aber-Relation im Gegenwartsdeutschen: Funktionsweise: Variation: Grammatikalisierung,VABB-1,2,31,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:335461,,The late medieval 'crisis of the nobility' reconsidered: the case of Flanders,VABB-1,1117,1134,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335463,,Time-resolved quantitative analysis of CCK1 receptor-induced intracellular calcium increase,VABB-1,219,225,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335464,,"Geschiedenis in overheidsopdracht: wetenschap, ethiek en politiek in de Belgische Lumumba-commissie",VABB-1,81,,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335465,,Against coevalness: a belated critique of Johannes Fabian’s project of radical contemporaneity and a plea for a new politics of time,VABB-1,352,374,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:335468,,"Lexical selection and verbal self-monitoring: effects of lexicality, context, and time pressure in picture-word interference",VABB-1,163,176,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335472,,Tinnitus severity and its association with cognitive and somatic anxiety: a critical study,VABB-1,2327,2333,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335475,,Kroniek boekhoudrecht (mei 2011 - april 2012),VABB-1,403,466,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335476,,Open preperitoneal techniques versus Lichtenstein repair for elective inguinal hernias,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335479,,Print culture and visual interpretation in eighteenth-century German editions of Thomson's the seasons,VABB-1,37,59,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335481,,Ontbrekende huwelijksakte in het kader van een echtscheidingsprocedure: uiteenlopende standpunten in de rechtspraak,VABB-1,95,98,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335485,,"Psychopathy and predatory violence in homicide, violent, and sexual offences: factor and facet relations",VABB-1,59,74,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335488,,Fraus legis of wetsontduiking in het Belgisch fiscaal recht anno 2012,VABB-1,537,562,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335489,,St Paul in the early 20th century history of religions: 'The mystic of Tarsus' and the pagan mystery cults after the correspondence of Franz Cumont and Alfred Loisy,VABB-1,222,239,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335493,,De rechtsvordering en het CMR,VABB-1,371,375,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335494,,Ethnic school segregation and self-esteem: the role of teacher-pupil relationships,VABB-1,1135,1159,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335495,,Enzymatic interesterification of palm oil and fractions: monitoring the degree of interesterification using different methods,VABB-1,219,229,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335496,,Verbal periphrasis in Ancient Greek: a state of the art,VABB-1,5,56,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335497,,Researching instructional use and the technology acceptation of learning management systems by secondary school teachers,VABB-1,688,696,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335498,,Cognitive profile of students who enter higher education with an indication of dyslexia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335499,,Rethinking IT governance for SMEs,VABB-1,206,223,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335500,,CFD study of droplet atomisation using a binary nozzle in fluidised bed coating,VABB-1,555,566,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335501,,Mental quality of life in chronic fatigue is associated with an accommodative coping style and neuroticism: a path analysis,VABB-1,1337,1345,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335503,,Communicating creativity on YouTube: what and for whom?,VABB-1,129,134,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335504,,Medication management among home-dwelling older patients with chronic diseases: possible roles for community pharmacists,VABB-1,721,726,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335506,,Contract farmer and poultry farm efficiency in Bangladesh: a data envelopment analysis,VABB-1,3737,3747,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335507,,Using online periodontal case-based discussions to synchronize theoretical and clinical undergraduate dental education,VABB-1,52,58,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335508,,The evolution of criminal interrogation rules in China,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335509,,The instrumental and symbolic dimensions of organizations' image as an employer: a large-scale field study on employer branding in Turkey,VABB-1,543,557,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335510,,"Le poids des mots: le dictamen de la chancellerie des comtes et comtesses de Flandre et de Hainaut (1191-1244): méthode d'analyse assistée par ordinateur, résultats et potentialités",VABB-1,385,425,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335511,,Between Yugoslavism and Serbianism: reshaping collective identity in Serbian textbooks between the world wars,VABB-1,175,194,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335512,,Ethical consistency and the logic of ought,VABB-1,45,51,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335513,,SMEs and IT: evidence for a market for 'lemons',VABB-1,25,35,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335515,,En busca de lo nuevo: el testamento de O'Jaral (1995) de Marcelo Cohen,VABB-1,171,191,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:335517,,Possessives and grammaticalization in Romance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335518,,Territorial reform of local government: evaluation criteria underpinning decisions and debate in Flanders,VABB-1,533,552,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335519,,The integration of fuzzy sets and statistics: toward strict falsification in the social sciences,VABB-1,3185,3200,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335520,,Between tribes and nation: the definition of Yugoslav national identity in interwar Yugoslav elementary school curricula,VABB-1,152,181,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335521,,Excess travel in non-professional trips: why look for it miles away?,VABB-1,20,38,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335525,,Vers une esthétisation des marges urbaines dans Impureza' de Marcelo Cohen,VABB-1,153,168,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335526,,Singing hail Columbia in German and English: the sequential bilingualism of Carl Schurz,VABB-1,197,218,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335528,,Augustales and Decuriones: sixteen inscriptions from Narbonese Gaul,VABB-1,404,423,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335529,,"De Donder en De Clippel tegen België, 6 december 2011",VABB-1,470,489,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335532,,Quantitative meta-analysis on state and trait aspects of auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335533,,"Video testimony, modernity, and the claims of melancholia",VABB-1,549,568,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335534,,Hacia una (est)ética del posapocalipsis en la narrativa argentina posdictatorial,VABB-1,631,651,-,spa,2014,1 c:vabb:335535,,Inscribing memory: elegies to the Rev. Joseph Foord,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335537,,Challenging a decade of brain research on task switching: brain activation in the task-switching paradigm reflects adaptation rather than reconfiguration of task sets,VABB-1,639,651,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335538,,"The changing geography of globalized service provision, 2000-2008",VABB-1,2293,2307,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335539,,Alignment pattern in the Hindi varieties: the relation between ergativity and transitivity,VABB-1,187,203,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335540,,The uneasy case for rehabilitating small firms under the 1997-reorganization law in Belgium: evidence from reorganization plans,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335541,,Literatur als Praktik: Tegnérs Romanze Axel (1822) als Vorlesestück,VABB-1,117,135,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:335542,,Resources and time pressure as day-level antecedents of work engagement,VABB-1,181,198,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335543,,Controlling access to pick-up and delivery vans: the cost of alternative measures,VABB-1,163,182,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335545,,"Qalāwūnid discourse, elite communication and the Mamluk cultural matrix: interpreting a 14th-century panegyric",VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335546,,De weigering van partijen om in te stemmen met een conform de rechterlijke richtlijnen aangepaste vereffeningstaat: noot onder Gent 30 oktober 2008,VABB-1,15,20,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335547,,More academics in regular schools? The effect of regular versus special school placement on academic skills in Dutch primary school students with Down Syndrome,VABB-1,21,38,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335548,,"Design, media, and the reading of Thomson's 'The Seasons'",VABB-1,139,160,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335549,,"History, poetry, and the footnote: cleanth Brooks and Kenneth Burke on Keats's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'",VABB-1,537,552,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335550,,De stad verbeeld: de representatie van stedelijke ruimte in de late middeleeuwen en vroegmoderne tijd: een status quaestionis,VABB-1,248,261,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335551,,La caminata urbana construye espacios literarios. Un análisis de ‘Cuando aparecen Aquéllos’ de Marcelo Cohen,VABB-1,99,114,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:335552,,The architectural design of Beckford's Vathek,VABB-1,301,323,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335553,,Pedro Angel Palou: ?un escritor posmoderno?,VABB-1,737,750,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:335555,,The celebritization of society and culture: understanding the structural dynamics of celebrity culture,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335557,,Assessing a clarinet player's performer gestures in relation to locally intended musical targets,VABB-1,31,48,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335558,,Solving Kant's puzzle of realizing peace,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:335559,,La vocación helenística de Julio Cortázar: sus lecturas y su formación clásica en el Mariano Acosta (1929-1936),VABB-1,383,410,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:335562,,"Abbatial obedience, liturgical reform and the threat of monastic autonomy at the turn of the twelfth century",VABB-1,241,270,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335564,,Vertical integration in the Roman economy,VABB-1,109,125,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335565,,The 'Song' of the Servant: Gen 24:23,VABB-1,449,504,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335568,,Cross-cultural conceptualization of the words Traditional and Innovation in a food context by means of sorting task and hedonic evaluation,VABB-1,69,78,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335569,,Food safety and organic meats,VABB-1,203,225,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335570,,A clinical postural model of sagittal alignment in young adolescents before age at peak height velocity.,VABB-1,2188,2197,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335572,,Barbauld's Richardson and the canonisation of personal character,VABB-1,431,454,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335573,,Dignity and the right of internally displaced adolescents in Colombia to sexual and reproductive health,VABB-1,617,634,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335574,,"'It's a hair-dryer… No, it's a drill': misidentification-related false recognitions in younger and older adults",VABB-1,310,316,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335575,,Kant's 'Beantwortung der Frage: was ist Aufklärung?' in het licht van de Ander,VABB-1,29,42,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:335576,,Employee performance management: naar een geïntegreerd en strategisch human resource management systeem,VABB-1,2,8,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335577,,Practice and research: seeking common ground to benefit people,VABB-1,i10,i12,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335578,,Semi-quantitative study to evaluate the performance of a HACCP-based food safety management system in Japanese milk processing plants,VABB-1,227,233,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335579,,How reform began: 'traditional' leadership and the inception of monastic reform in late eleventh-century Flanders,VABB-1,261,281,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335580,,"Frederick's Athens: crushing superstition and resuscitating the marvellous at the Königliches Opernhaus, Berlin",VABB-1,1,42,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335581,,Acusativo y dativo en la construcción factitiva: hacia un replanteamiento en términos multifactoriales,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335582,,The involvement of the dopaminergic midbrain and cortico-striatal-thalamic circuits in the integration of reward prospect and attentional task demands,VABB-1,607,615,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335586,,'Merci à tous et à toutes de votre propagande': Aimé Bogaerts en de Gentse Volkskinderen als reizende kolonie (1898-1915),VABB-1,5,31,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:335587,,'Miejsca-archetypy' poezji polsko-tatarskiej (przykład Selima Chazbijewicza i Musy Czachorowskiego),VABB-1,29,49,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335590,,Incentive effect on inhibitory control in adolescents with early-life stress: an antisaccade study,VABB-1,217,225,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335591,,The periphrastic perfect in Ancient Greek: a diachronic mental space analysis,VABB-1,171,211,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335592,,"What’s in a name: Orsilochus, or the perfect adulterer",VABB-1,166,173,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335594,,Evaluation of methods measuring the capsid integrity and/or functions of noroviruses by heat inactivation,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335595,,Are general practitioners prepared to end life on request in a country where euthanasia is legalised?,VABB-1,274,280,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335596,,Vitalism and the resistance to experimentation on life in the eighteenth century,VABB-1,255,282,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335597,,Development of a highly sensitive and robust Cor a 9 specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of hazelnut traces,VABB-1,116,122,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335598,,Diplomatique et discours politiques: une analyse lexicographique qualitative et quantitative des ordonnances de Philippe le Bon pour la Flandre (1419-1467),VABB-1,323,356,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:335599,,Textual diversity and textual community in a monastic context: the case of eleventh-century Marchiennes,VABB-1,897,930,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335600,,"Print culture, marketing and Thomas Stothard's illustrations for the royal engagement pocket atlas",VABB-1,27,53,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335601,,"Undocumented mothers raising citizens: a study with lone undocumented migrant women in their interactions with childcare, school and home",VABB-1,18,30,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335602,,Dimensions of distributed leadership and the impact on teachers' organizational commitment: a study in secondary education,VABB-1,1745,1784,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335603,,The relation between school leadership from a distributed perspective and teachers' organizational commitment: examining the source of the leadership function,VABB-1,728,771,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335604,,And the mass was praying outside: a note on Luke 1:10,VABB-1,10,31,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335605,,"The illustrated pocket diary-cum-almanac: generic continuity and innovation, 1820-1840",VABB-1,23,48,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335606,,A possible source for Thomson's 'Damon and Musidora',VABB-1,213,216,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335608,,Multi-stage versus single-stage inflation and deflation cycle for alternating low pressure air mattresses to prevent pressure ulcers in hospitalised patients: a randomised-controlled clinical trial,VABB-1,416,426,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335609,,Pressure ulcers: knowledge and attitude of nurses and nursing assistants in Belgian nursing homes,VABB-1,1425,1434,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335612,,Does temporal contiguity moderate contingency learning in a speeded performance task?,VABB-1,408,425,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335613,,Role of the medial part of the intraparietal sulcus in implementing movement direction,VABB-1,1382,1394,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335614,,Het planlastendecreet: begin of einde voor het lokale sportbeleid?,VABB-1,66,73,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335616,,Der Markt für Zucker,VABB-1,27,40,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:335617,,The convergence of alexithymia measures,VABB-1,237,250,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335618,,New challenges for pluralist adjudication after Lisbon: the protection of fundamental rights in a Ius commune Europaeum,VABB-1,195,217,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335619,,Predatory violence aiming at relief in a case of mass Murder: Meloy's criteria for applied forensic practice,VABB-1,578,591,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335620,,2001: a space Odyssey and the anticipatory function of the symbolic order in the staging of the beating fantasy,VABB-1,69,76,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:335621,,A survey of tax compliance costs of Flemish SMEs: magnitude and determinants,VABB-1,605,621,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335622,,Evidence for the automatic evaluation of self-generated actions,VABB-1,117,127,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335623,,"Homicide sadique sexuel, schizophrénie et 'crise catathymique': étude de cas",VABB-1,67,79,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:335624,,Comparison of alternative versions of the job demand-control scales in 17 European cohort studies: the IPD-Work consortium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335625,,Occupation-differential construct validity of the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) psychological job demands scale with physical job demands items: a mixed methods research,VABB-1,425,439,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335626,,Job strain in relation to body mass index: pooled analysis of 160.000 adults from 13 cohort studies,VABB-1,65,73,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335627,,"Tinnitus, anxiety and automatic processing of affective information: an explorative study",VABB-1,823,830,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335628,,Signifiers to stand on: on the anticipatory function of the other,VABB-1,61,68,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:335629,,Anticipation: how does literature create its limits through reading and writing?,VABB-1,77,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:335631,,"Heat recovery ventilation operation traded off against natural and simple exhaust ventilation in Europe by primary energy factor, carbon dioxide emission, household consumer price and exergy",VABB-1,315,323,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335634,,The perception of the neighborhood environment changes after participation in a pedometer based community intervention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335636,,Development of EU and world sugar markets in 2011,VABB-1,40,48,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335637,,Vers une réduction des préjugés et la fonte des antagonismes: un bilan de l'expansion de la métallurgie du fer en Afrique sud-saharienne,VABB-1,71,84,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:335640,,"Distinct modes of executing movement sequences: reacting, associating and chunking",VABB-1,274,282,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335642,,Digital representation of historical globes: methods to make 3D and pseudo-3D models of sixteenth century Mercator globes,VABB-1,107,117,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335643,,Musculoskeletal ultrasonography in physical and rehabilitation medicine,VABB-1,310,318,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335644,,Sport participation and stress among women and men,VABB-1,466,483,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335646,,The assessment of the social cognition and object relations scale on TAT and interview data,VABB-1,372,379,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335647,,FIAR: an R package for analyzing functional integration in the brain,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335648,,Does partial Granger causality really eliminate the influence of exogenous inputs and latent variables,VABB-1,73,77,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335649,,Prevalence of psychosomatic and emotional symptoms in European school-aged children and its relationship with childhood adversities: results from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,253,265,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335650,,Epidemiological approaches to measure childhood stress,VABB-1,280,297,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335651,,Between Layman and professional? Political recruitment and career development of local councillors in comparative perspective,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335652,,Microbiological performance of a food safety management system in a food service operation,VABB-1,706,716,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335653,,Firm valuation in venture capital financing rounds: the role of investor bargaining power,VABB-1,500,530,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335654,,Influence of filtering of cold pressed berry seed oils on their antioxidant profile and quality characteristics,VABB-1,1848,1855,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335655,,Evaluating the welfare of the child in same-sex families,VABB-1,1609,1615,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335656,,ESHRE's good practice guide for cross-border reproductive care for centers and practitioners,VABB-1,1625,1627,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335657,,Oocyte cryopreservation for age-related fertility loss,VABB-1,1231,1237,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335659,,Sperma op maat: een patiëntenrecht,VABB-1,1154,1159,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335660,,Fiets 'Ersatzpaard': de etymologische kwestie revisited en beslecht?,VABB-1,327,342,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:335662,,Stretching the posterior shoulder structures in subjects with internal rotation deficit: comparison of two stretching techniques,VABB-1,56,63,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335664,,Effects of a 2-year healthy eating and physical activity intervention for 3-6-year-olds in communities of high and low socio-economic status: the POP (Prevention of Overweight among Pre-school and school children) project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335665,,Parental socioeconomic status and soft drink consumption of the child: the mediating proportion of parenting practices,VABB-1,76,80,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335666,,Impact of thermal processing and the Maillard reaction on the basophil activation of hazelnut allergic patients,VABB-1,1722,1728,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335667,,Detection of hazelnut in foods using ELISA: challenges related to the detectability in processed foodstuffs,VABB-1,149,156,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335668,,Age-dependent sensitization to the 7S-vicilin-like protein Cor a 11 from hazelnut (Corylus avellana) in a birch-endemic region,VABB-1,245,251,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335669,,Seventeen-year antibody persistence in adults primed with two doses of an inactivated hepatitis A vaccine,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335670,,Electrophysiological markers of the motivational salience of delay imposition and escape,VABB-1,965,972,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335671,,Negative emotional responses elicited by the anticipation of pain in others: psychophysiological evidence,VABB-1,467,476,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335672,,How to support children with mathematical learning disabilities learning to play an instrument?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335673,,Cost-effectiveness of ranibizumab in treatment of diabetic macular oedema (DME) causing visual impairment: evidence from the RESTORE trial,VABB-1,688,693,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335674,,Children's experiences and meaning construction on parental divorce: a focus group study,VABB-1,266,279,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335675,,Empathy beyond the conceptual level core nonspecific factors of psychotherapy,VABB-1,175,182,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335676,,Mathematical problems in children with developmental coordination disorder,VABB-1,1128,1135,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335677,,Can infants' orientation to social stimuli predict later joint attention skills?,VABB-1,267,282,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335678,,Determinants of vitamin D status in young children: results from the Belgian arm of the IDEFICS (Identification and Prevention of Dietary- and Lifestyle-Induced Health Effects in Children and Infants) study,VABB-1,1093,1099,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335679,,"The influence of mood, decision style and affect intensity on attitude-behavior consistency",VABB-1,917,923,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335680,,"Interpreting indirect treatment comparisons and network meta-analysis for health-care decision making: report of the ISPOR Task Force on Indirect Treatment Comparisons Good Research Practices, part 1",VABB-1,417,428,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335681,,"Philostratus, Plutarch, Gorgias and the end of Plato's Phaedrus",VABB-1,436,439,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335682,,Conflict adaptation: it is not what you expect,VABB-1,1993,2007,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335683,,"Engineering the rural idyll: road construction and the Peri-urban landscape in Belgium, 1925–1940",VABB-1,417,435,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335684,,Zich uit de naad werken voor de vijand: de tewerkstelling van vrouwen in de Duitse E. Reitz Uniformwerke tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,19,24,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335686,,Path dependency: do councillor recruitment and career development matter?,VABB-1,85,101,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335687,,What’s in a name? Current effects of family politicization on legislative,VABB-1,219,228,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335688,,Over de betekenis van lokale participatie in stadsvernieuwingsprojecten,VABB-1,9,20,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335689,,"Andere schaal, dezelfde problemen? Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de rol van raadsleden in de Vlaamse lokale en provinciale politiek",VABB-1,255,270,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335690,,Increasing choice satisfaction through goal-based labeling,VABB-1,119,136,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335691,,Lokale besturen & Europa: een verkennend onderzoek naar de invloed van Europa op de lokale besturen in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,271,287,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335693,,Lokale New Politics Partijen in Vlaanderen: van groene luis tot grijze muis?,VABB-1,288,305,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335694,,"Toeschouwer, scheidsrechter of spelverdeler? Lokale besturen in de gelaagde netwerksturing",VABB-1,51,59,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335695,,A motivational account of the question-behavior effect,VABB-1,111,127,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335696,,Intention superiority perspectives on preference-decision consistency,VABB-1,692,700,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335697,,Regress argument reconstruction,VABB-1,489,503,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335699,,Rewriting theory: from autopoiesis to communication,VABB-1,377,386,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335701,,Speaking in numbers as a transitional phase between mutism and Wernicke's aphasia: a report of three cases,VABB-1,917,932,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335702,,Three problems for the mutual manipulability account of constitutive relevance in mechanisms,VABB-1,399,427,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335703,,Certaines versions sont plus égales que d'autres: l'analyse comparative de multitextes législatifs effectuée par la Cour de Justice européenne,VABB-1,288,299,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335704,,"Web-based, computer-tailored, pedometer-based physical activity advice: development, dissemination through general practice, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy in a randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335705,,Environmental factors associated with overweight among adults in Nigeria,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335706,,De Sint-Jacobskerk te Gent: een onderzoek naar de betekenis van de stedelijke parochiekerk in de zestiende-eeuwse Nederlanden,VABB-1,103,125,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335707,,"Ferraris, the legend",VABB-1,30,42,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335708,,Subtyping children and adolescents who are overweight based on eating pathology and psychopathology,VABB-1,279,286,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335709,,Right-wing authoritarianism: protective factor against or risk factor for depression?,VABB-1,536,549,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335710,,Explaining the effects of a point-of-purchase nutrition-information intervention in university canteens: a structural equation modelling analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335711,,Is news media related to civic engagement? The effects of interest in and discussions about the news media on current and future civic engagement of adolescents,VABB-1,587,597,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335712,,"General personality and psychopathology in referred and non-referred children and adolescents: An investigation of continuity, pathoplasty, and complication models",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335714,,Medium-term effects of conservation agriculture based cropping systems for sustainable soil and water management and crop productivity in the Ethiopian highlands,VABB-1,53,62,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335715,,A dual indicator set to help farms achieve more sustainable crop protection,VABB-1,1130,1140,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335718,,The effect of adding ready-to-use supplementary food to a general food distribution on child nutritional status and morbidity: a cluster-randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335719,,The role of teacher and faculty trust in forming teachers' job satisfaction: do years of experience make a difference?,VABB-1,879,889,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335721,,Working with volunteers in victim support: mirror or camouflage?,VABB-1,269,281,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335723,,Monitoring job search effort: an evaluation based on a regression discontinuity design,VABB-1,729,737,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335724,,Le contrôle de la recherche d'emploi est-il efficace?,VABB-1,65,106,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335726,,Prevalence and socioeconomic differences of risk factors of cardiovascular disease in Ecuadorian adolescents,VABB-1,274,283,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335727,,How ruminative thinking styles lead to dysfunctional cognitions: evidence from a mediation model,VABB-1,910,914,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335728,,Observed support provision in couples: the influence of biological sex and gender identity,VABB-1,175,176,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335730,,Psychopathy and internalizing psychopathology,VABB-1,269,275,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335731,,Obsolete or resurgent? The international energy agency in a changing global landscape,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335733,,Oral antihistamine-decongestant-analgesic combinations for the common cold,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335734,,Comparing the technical efficiency of farms benefiting from different agricultural interventions in Kenya's drylands,VABB-1,287,301,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335735,,"Newton and spinoza: on motion and matter (and God, of course)",VABB-1,436,458,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335736,,Computer vision-based orthophoto mapping of complex archaeological sites: the ancient quarry of Pitaranha (Portugal-Spain),VABB-1,1114,1129,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335737,,Dietary sources of animal and plant protein intake among Flemish preschool children and the association with socio-economic and lifestyle-related factors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335738,,Factors influencing benzene formation from the decarboxylation of benzoate in liquid model systems,VABB-1,12975,12981,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335739,,Quantitative detection of hazelnut (Corylus avellana) in cookies: ELISA versus real-time PCR,VABB-1,11395,11402,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335740,,Detection of allergenic ingredients using real-time PCR: a case study on hazelnut (Corylus avellena) and soy (Glycine max),VABB-1,10803,10814,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335741,,Determining a set of measurable and relevant factors affecting nursing workload in the acute care hospital setting: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,427,436,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335742,,Health promotion intervention in mental health care: design and baseline findings of a cluster preference randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335743,,A comparative analysis of international frameworks for 21st century competences: implications for national curriculum policies,VABB-1,299,321,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335744,,Parental psychological control and dysfunctional separation-individuation: a tale of two different dynamics,VABB-1,1099,1109,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335745,,One for all: what representing a group may do to us,VABB-1,1047,1056,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335746,,Training nurses in a self-learning station for resuscitation: factors contributing to success or failure,VABB-1,386,391,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335749,,Ageing and health status in adults with intellectual disabilities: results of the European POMONA II study,VABB-1,49,60,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335750,,Impact of prenatal multiple micronutrients on survival and growth during infancy: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,916,924,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335751,,"An analysis of timing and frequency of malaria infection during pregnancy in relation to the risk of low birth weight, anaemia and perinatal mortality in Burkina Faso",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335752,,"The influence of supports strategies, environmental factors, and client characteristics on quality of life-related personal outcomes",VABB-1,96,103,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335753,,Prenatal micronutrient supplements cumulatively increase fetal growth,VABB-1,548,554,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335754,,Randomized controlled trial of 2 prenatal iron supplements: is there a dose-response relation with maternal hemoglobin?,VABB-1,1012,1018,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335755,,Deaf parents and pediatric cochlear implantation: an exploration of the decision-making process,VABB-1,290,304,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335757,,Error adaptation in mental arithmetic,VABB-1,1059,1067,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335758,,Verpleegkundige begeleiding bij automutilatie: balanceren tussen begrip en onbegrip: een exploratief onderzoek,VABB-1,5,12,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335759,,Assessment of prevalence of persons with down syndrome: a theory-based demographic model,VABB-1,247,262,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335760,,Why does the ethnic and socio-economic composition of schools influence math achievement? The role of sense of futility and futility culture,VABB-1,366,378,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335763,,Brainpeps: the blood-brain barrier peptide database,VABB-1,687,718,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335764,,The other 'other singer': linguistic alterity in Esther Kreitman's transit fiction,VABB-1,95,117,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335765,,Changes in yearly birth prevalence rates of Children with Down Syndrome in the period of 1986-2007 in the Netherlands,VABB-1,462,473,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335767,,"Furan formation in starch-based model systems containing carbohydrates in combination with proteins, ascorbic acid and lipids",VABB-1,816,821,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335768,,Conflict: Run! Reduced stroop interference with avoidance responses,VABB-1,1052,1058,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335769,,The oxygen uptake response to incremental ramp exercise: methodological and physiological issues,VABB-1,511,526,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335770,,White veined marble from Roman Ammaia (Portugal): provenance and use,VABB-1,370,390,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335771,,Differential impact of unguided versus guided use of a multimedia introduction to equine obstetrics in veterinary education,VABB-1,1076,1084,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335774,,"Un collaborateur qui a 'beaucoup de qualités', mais…' Lorsque Charles Michel introduit Franz Cumont auprès d'Alfred Loisy",VABB-1,219,234,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335775,,Trade credit and company performance during the 2008 financial crisis,VABB-1,1125,1151,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335777,,Importance of system and leadership in performance appraisal,VABB-1,756,776,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335778,,De limieten van de controle van computerbestanden,VABB-1,222,230,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335783,,Evaluation of food and nutrient intake assessment using concentration biomarkers in European adolescents from the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence study,VABB-1,736,747,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335785,,Assessment of human exposure to benzene through foods from the Belgian market,VABB-1,1001,1007,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335786,,"Een nieuwe driehoeksverhouding: maffia, diamanten en Mozart: etnografie in criminologisch onderzoek (Oratie Utrecht)",VABB-1,210,214,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335787,,Anna G. en Sigmund Fr.: er is geen seksuele verhouding? Freuds hantering van de (tegen)overdracht en het vraagstuk van de vrouwelijkheid,VABB-1,145,167,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335789,,When the separation-individuation process goes awry: distinguishing between dysfunctional dependence and dysfunctional independence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335790,,"Research-practice interactions as reported in recent design studies: still promising, still hazy",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335791,,At the crossroads of grammaticalization and pragmaticalization: a diachronic cross-linguistic case study on vraiment and really,VABB-1,169,190,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335792,,"A cornerstone in architectural history: the dedication of St. Peter's Abbey, Ghent, 1629",VABB-1,15,21,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335793,,(R)evolutie in ontbindingsland?,VABB-1,1844,1849,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335795,,Differences in physical fitness and gross motor coordination in boys aged 6-12 years specializing in one versus sampling more than one sport,VABB-1,379,386,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335796,,Reliability of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) for measuring forearm oxygenation during incremental handgrip exercise,VABB-1,2369,2374,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335797,,Spousal similarity in depression: a dyadic latent panel analysis of the panel study of Belgian households,VABB-1,309,314,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335798,,Building the rainbow nation: a critical analysis of the role of architecture in materializing a post-apartheid South African identity,VABB-1,7,27,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335799,,Influence of priming exercise on muscle deoxy[Hb+Mb] during ramp cycle exercise,VABB-1,1143,1152,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335800,,De originaliteit van een compilator: wereldkaarten in het Liber Floridus van Lambertus van Sint-Omaars,VABB-1,43,77,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335801,,Legal expenses insurance versus third party financing of litigation,VABB-1,743,777,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335805,,Prevention of cardiovascular disease guided by total risk estimations: challenges and opportunities for practical implementation: highlights of a CardioVascular Clinical Trialists (CVCT) Workshop of the ESC Working Group on CardioVascular Pharmacology and Drug Therapy,VABB-1,1454,1464,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335807,,The relevance of personality assessment in patients with hyperventilation symptoms,VABB-1,316,322,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335808,,Behavioural and psychosocial correlates of nondipping blood pressure pattern among middle-aged men and women at work,VABB-1,381,387,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335809,,Changes in microcirculation of the trapezius muscle during a prolonged computer task,VABB-1,3305,3312,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335810,,Informatieverwerking bij anorexia nervosa: is ze verstoord?,VABB-1,116,120,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335812,,"Angiopoietin-like protein 4: health effects, modulating agents and structure-function relationships",VABB-1,181,199,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335813,,In mysterious ways: on petitionary prayer and subtle forms of supernatural causation,VABB-1,449,469,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335814,,Gay male domesticity on the small screen: queer representations of gay homemaking in six feet under and brothers & sisters,VABB-1,217,230,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335815,,"So great a revolution: Charles Townshend and the partition of the Austrian Netherlands, September 1725",VABB-1,50,68,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335816,,ELISA based detection of soybean proteins: a comparative study using antibodies against modified and native protein,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335818,,Student volunteering in China and Canada: comparative perspectives,VABB-1,55,83,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335819,,The effect of cognitive load in emotional attention and trait anxiety: an eye movement study,VABB-1,79,91,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335820,,No influence of one right-sided prefrontal HF-rTMS session on alcohol craving in recently detoxified alcohol-dependent patients: results of a naturalistic study,VABB-1,209,213,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335821,,Industry expectations regarding the transition toward a biobased economy,VABB-1,453,464,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335822,,Child's and parent's catastrophizing about pain is associated with procedural fear in children: a study in children with diabetes and their mothers,VABB-1,879,895,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335823,,"The impact of process recovery communication on customer satisfaction, repurchase intentions, and word-of-mouth intentions",VABB-1,262,279,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335824,,Hybrid economies and statebuilding: on the resilience of the extralegal,VABB-1,57,72,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335825,,Yield and turnover of illicit indoor cannabis (Cannabis spp.) plantations in Belgium,VABB-1,265,270,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335826,,The independence of the inter-American judge,VABB-1,111,135,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335827,,"The relation between elementary students' recreational and academic reading motivation, reading frequency, engagement, and comprehension: a self-determination theory perspective",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335828,,Consumer attitudes towards sustainability aspects of food production: insights from three continents,VABB-1,334,372,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335829,,Ethnomathematics: a challenge,VABB-1,76,87,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335830,,Examining pre-service teacher competence in lesson planning pertaining to collaborative learning,VABB-1,349,379,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335831,,Improving quality of life in patients with chronic kidney disease: influence of acceptance and personality,VABB-1,116,121,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335832,,"The ATXN1 and TRIM31 genes are related to intelligence in an ADHD background: evidence from a large collaborative study totaling 4,963 subjects",VABB-1,145,157,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335833,,Time as a simple/multiple melody in Henri Bergson's duration and simultaneity and Gertrude Stein's landscape writing,VABB-1,105,120,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335834,,"Dietary fatty acid intake, its food sources and determinants in European adolescents: the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study",VABB-1,2261,2273,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335835,,Altered circadian profiles in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: an integrative review and theoretical framework for future studies,VABB-1,1897,1919,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335836,,"The decisions regarding ADHD management (DRAMa) study: uncertainties and complexities in assessment, diagnosis and treatment, from the clinician's point of view",VABB-1,87,99,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335837,,Social network profiles as information sources for adolescents' offline relations,VABB-1,290,295,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335839,,Is the emotional modulation of the attentional blink driven by response bias?,VABB-1,1176,1183,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335840,,Abolition of the EU sugar quotas: what's at stake?,VABB-1,146,155,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335841,,A systematic approach for the development of a kindergarten-based intervention for the prevention of obesity in preschool age children: the ToyBox-study,VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335844,,Family firms: a research agenda and publication guide,VABB-1,187,198,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335846,,Assessment tools of energy balance-related behaviours used in European obesity prevention strategies: review of studies during preschool,VABB-1,42,55,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335847,,"Preschooler's physical activity levels and associations with lesson context, teacher's behavior, and environment during preschool physical education",VABB-1,221,230,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335848,,Weight status of European preschool children and associations with family demographics and energy balance-related behaviours: a pooled analysis of six European studies,VABB-1,29,41,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335849,,"The association between body mass index class, sickness absence, and presenteeism",VABB-1,604,609,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335850,,Psychosocial characteristics associated with breast cancer survivors' intimate partners' needs for information and support after primary breast cancer treatment,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335852,,The ACP-EU joint parliamentary assembly seen by its members: empowering the voice of people's representatives?,VABB-1,241,260,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335853,,Analysis of intracellular pH in Escherichia coli O157:H7 to determine the effect of chlorine dioxide decontamination,VABB-1,327,331,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335854,,Detection of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxins A and B in milk by ELISA and immuno-PCR at higher sensitivity than mouse bio-assay,VABB-1,319,326,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335855,,Determination of Bacillus cereus emetic toxin in food products by means of LC-MS²,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335856,,Survival of Bacillus cereus vegetative cells and spores during in vitro simulation of gastric passage,VABB-1,690,694,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335857,,Impact of intestinal microbiota and gastrointestinal conditions on the in vitro survival and growth of Bacillus cereus,VABB-1,241,246,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335858,,"Incidence, growth and enterotoxin production of Staphylococcus aureus in insufficiently dried traditional beef ham 'govedja pršuta' under different storage conditions",VABB-1,369,373,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335859,,SOS: a screening instrument to identify children with handwriting impairments,VABB-1,306,319,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335860,,Feesten van nostalgie en vooruitgang: de representatie van het stedelijke landschap in Vlaamse provinciesteden 1837-1958,VABB-1,20,43,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:335861,,Staging urban history: festivities and the creation of historical townscapes in Belgium (1860-1958),VABB-1,122,160,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:335862,,Simulierter Gelehrtenstreit: Margaret Cavendish und die Selbstinszenierung weiblicher Autorität im 17. Jahrhundert,VABB-1,325,341,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:335863,,Cultural ecology and Chinese Hamlets,VABB-1,419,438,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335864,,The physical status of astronomical models before the 1570s. The curious case of Lutheran astronomer Georg Joachim Rheticus,VABB-1,367,390,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335865,,"'Halte, tu serres trop!' De getuigenis van Louis Althusser",VABB-1,29,39,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335866,,Citizenship rights and the federal balance between the European Union and its member states: comment on dereci,VABB-1,176,190,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335867,,"Incontinence-associated dermatitis: consensus statements, evidence-based guidelines for prevention and treatment, and current challenges",VABB-1,303,315,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335868,,The quadratic relationship between socioeconomic status and learning performance in China by multilevel analysis: implications for policies to foster education equity,VABB-1,412,422,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335872,,An unpublished letter by Christina Rossetti,VABB-1,439,440,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335874,,Mid-adolescent victims: (un)willing for help?,VABB-1,109,132,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335875,,Mapping by matching: a computer vision-based approach to fast and accurate georeferencing of archaeological aerial photographs,VABB-1,2060,2070,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335876,,"Over Freges Sinn, Bedeutung en Vorstellung in het werk van Lacan: een lezing van seminaries XVIII, XIX en XX",VABB-1,91,109,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335877,,"Architectural metaphors of knowledge: the Mundaneum designs of Maurice Heymans, Paul Otlet, and Le Corbusier",VABB-1,371,396,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335878,,De cirkel is rond: het Vlaams decreet houdende de organisatie van lokale en provinciale verkiezingen,VABB-1,27,45,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335881,,De Minimis Doctrine and effect on competition: an overview of EU and national case law,VABB-1,1,13,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335882,,The combined cognitive bias hypothesis in depression,VABB-1,413,424,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335883,,Temporal dimensions of vulnerability to crime in economic sectors: theory meets evidence and spawns a new framework,VABB-1,93,108,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335884,,Surveying the townscape of Roman Ammaia in Portugal: an integrated geoarchaeological investigation of the forum area,VABB-1,123,139,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335885,,Identifying students with dyslexia in higher education,VABB-1,186,203,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335886,,Beslag op dieren in de Wet Dierenwelzijn,VABB-1,1534,1554,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335887,,Development of a dedicated peptide tandem mass spectral library for conservation science,VABB-1,39,48,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335888,,De implementatie van de richtlijn oneerlijke handelspraktijken in België en Nederland,VABB-1,677,780,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335891,,Human rights in the EU return policy: the case of the EU-Albania relations,VABB-1,95,114,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335895,,De illussie van het meten tegenover de kracht van de erkenning,VABB-1,253,263,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335898,,Prosthetic joint infections: radionucle state-of-the-art imaging,VABB-1,892,909,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335899,,A clinically applicable six-segmented foot model,VABB-1,655,661,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335900,,Cities in late medieval Europe: the promise and curse of modernity,VABB-1,329,349,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335901,,De controller als sleutel voor verandering,VABB-1,25,31,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335902,,Using video-cases to assess student reflection: development and validation of an instrument,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335906,,The case of the drunken sailor: on the generalizable wrongness of harmful transgressions,VABB-1,183,195,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335907,,Towards an integrated methodology for assessing rural settlement landscapes in the Belgian lowlands,VABB-1,141,145,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335908,,La force exécutoire en matière de sécurité privée: encore une occasion manquée en termes d'éthique et d'économie juridique,VABB-1,141,148,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335909,,Sécurité privée en Europe: une analyse des trois Livres blancs,VABB-1,40,54,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:335910,,De impact van multi-level governance op de democratische input in het EU-handelsbeleid onder het Verdrag van Lissabon,VABB-1,63,84,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335911,,"Topical ciclosporin in the treatment of vernal keratoconjunctivitis in Rwanda, Central Africa: a prospective, randomised, double-masked, controlled clinical trial",VABB-1,323,328,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335912,,Hidden in plain sight: the Hebrew inscription on Ardashir I's rock relief at Naqsh-i Rustam,VABB-1,331,340,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335913,,Doing business out of war: an analysis of the UPDF's presence in the Democratic Republic of Congo,VABB-1,2,21,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335915,,Three-dimensional recording of archaeological remains in the Altai Mountains,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335917,,The association between malnutrition and oral health status in elderly in long-term care facilities: a systematic review,VABB-1,1568,1581,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335918,,The dynamic relationships between world and domestic prices of rice under the regime of agricultural trade liberalization in Bangladesh,VABB-1,113,126,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335919,,Locomotief tekst,VABB-1,6,11,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335922,,Cognitive dimensions of anger in chronic pain,VABB-1,515,517,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335923,,No pain no gain? Pursuing a competing goal inhibits avoidance behavior,VABB-1,800,804,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335924,,The Dutch version of the McLean Screening Instrument for borderline personality disorder (MSI-BPD),VABB-1,243,248,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335928,,Health care decisions by Sukuma 'peasant intellectuals': a case of radical empiricism?,VABB-1,119,128,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335929,,Nederlandstalige definitie van chronische vermoeidheid,VABB-1,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335933,,They entered without any rumor: human rights in the Belgian legal periodicals,VABB-1,271,291,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335940,,European asylum law and the ECHR: an uneasy coexistence,VABB-1,197,242,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335941,,Some reflections on the mark-up and analysis of Dūnhuáng Manuscripts: exemplified by the platform Sūtra,VABB-1,7,50,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335942,,"Threads of life: Matilda Marian Pullan (1821-1862), needlework instruction and the periodical press",VABB-1,253,276,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335943,,Formal venture capital acquisition: can entrepreneurs compensate for the spatial proximity benefits of South East England and 'star' golden-triangle universities?,VABB-1,281,296,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335946,,Insight into the prevalence and distribution of microbial contamination to evaluate water management in the fresh produce processing industry,VABB-1,671,681,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335947,,Inleiding: subsidiariteit in de EU en verder,VABB-1,27,38,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335949,,PubMed searches by Dutch-speaking nursing students: the impact of language and system experience,VABB-1,1538,1552,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335953,,Geen automatisme tussen de toepassing van de exceptio non adimpleti contractus en de gerechtelijke ontbinding: noot onder Cass. 24 september 2009,VABB-1,161,166,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335954,,Socio-economic and ethnic inequalities in social capital from the family among labour market entrants,VABB-1,683,694,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335955,,"Energy consumption, carbon emissions and economic growth nexus in Bangladesh: cointegration and dynamic causality analysis",VABB-1,217,225,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335957,,The rhetoric of disability: a dramatistic-narrative perspective,VABB-1,631,647,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335958,,Roma Interrotta: barok Rome als een (post-) modernistisch model,VABB-1,74,85,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:335963,,Causal information approach to partial conditioning in multivariate data sets,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335964,,"Negative life events, emotions and psychological difficulties as determinants of salivary cortisol in Belgian primary school children",VABB-1,1506,1515,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335965,,"Wood charcoal and seeds as indicators for animal husbandry in a wetland site during the late mesolithic–early neolithic transition period (Swifterbant culture, ca. 4600–4000 B.C.) in NW Belgium",VABB-1,51,60,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335966,,Early detection and intervention for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,557,563,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335967,,Difficultés de l'attention conjointe des jeunes enfants atteints d'autisme et de leurs frères et sœurs,VABB-1,433,439,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:335968,,Epistemic motivation is what gets the learner started,VABB-1,306,309,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335969,,The role of faculty members' cross-cultural competencies in their perceived teaching quality: evidence from culturally-diverse classes in four European countries,VABB-1,217,248,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335970,,Governing without an government: the Belgian experiment,VABB-1,167,171,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335971,,Hersenwandel: buitenlandse doctoraatsstudenten aan Vlaamse universiteiten,VABB-1,31,38,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:335972,,"Individual social capital, neighbourhood deprivation, and self-rated health in England",VABB-1,349,357,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335973,,Impact of parental catastrophizing and contextual threat on parents' emotional and behavioral responses to their child's pain,VABB-1,687,695,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335974,,Indigenous corporal punishments in ecuador and the prohibition of torture and Ill-treatments,VABB-1,975,1016,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335991,,The applicative in Cilubà grammar and discourse: a semantic goal analysis,VABB-1,101,124,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335992,,"Pushing back the origin of Bantu lexicography: the vocabularium congense of 1652, 1928, 2012",VABB-1,159,194,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335993,,Rationality and irrationality in the history of continental drift: was the hypothesis of continental drift worthy of pursuit?,VABB-1,147,159,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:335995,,"Money makes the world go 'round: voluntary associations, financial support, and social capital in Belgium",VABB-1,1176,1196,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:335996,,Assessing collaboration in a wiki: the reliability of university students' peer assessment,VABB-1,201,206,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:335997,,Arkady Dragomoshchenko's photography: a new visuality and a poetics of metaphysical inebriation,VABB-1,583,613,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:335998,,The impact of bullying and victimization on students' relationships,VABB-1,104,113,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:335999,,"Hidden violence is silent rape: sexual and gender-based violence in refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands",VABB-1,505,520,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336002,,A mixed spaceborne sensor approach for surface modelling of an urban scene,VABB-1,6035,6059,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336003,,Measuring energy-efficient behavior in households: the development of a standardized scale,VABB-1,64,71,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336004,,Monitoring the intracellular pH of Zygosaccharomyces bailii by green fluorescent protein,VABB-1,290,295,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336006,,Between Charlemagne and Atlantis: Belgium and the Netherlands during the first stages of European integration (1950-1966),VABB-1,183,205,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336007,,"Newtonian emanation, spinozism, measurement and the Baconian origins of the laws of nature",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336008,,"Bonnore Olivier, courtier ligurien de la fiscalité bourguignonne",VABB-1,,,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:336010,,"'A fresh look for old puppets': Marcus Stone, Charles Dickens, and authorship",VABB-1,51,63,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336011,,Steady-state evoked potentials to tag specific components of nociceptive cortical processing,VABB-1,571,581,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336012,,"Information processing, affect, and psychopathology: a Festschrift for Michael W. Eysenck",VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336013,,Can we predict mathematical learning disabilities from symbolic and non-symbolic comparison tasks in kindergarten? Findings from a longitudinal study,VABB-1,64,81,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336014,,Genome-wide association study of motor coordination problems in ADHD identifies genes for brain and muscle function,VABB-1,211,222,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:336015,,KONY 2012 and the prospects for change: examining the viral campaign,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336016,,Depressive symptoms and cognitive control in a mixed antisaccade task: specific effects of depressive rumination,VABB-1,886,897,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336017,,Failures to induce implicit evaluations by means of approach-avoid training,VABB-1,1311,1330,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336019,,Marriage seasonality and the industrious revolution: southern Sweden 1690–1895,VABB-1,1123,1146,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336022,,De Franse overheersing in België,VABB-1,13,31,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:336023,,Reconciling performance and interpretability in customer churn prediction using ensemble learning based on generalized additive models,VABB-1,6816,6826,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336024,,"Subject marking, object-verb order and focus in Mbuun (Bantu, B87)",VABB-1,139,154,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336025,,Bantu DO/SAY polysemy and the origins of a quotative in Shangaci,VABB-1,97,132,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336026,,Emotion work and emotional exhaustion in teachers: the job and individual perspective,VABB-1,63,72,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336027,,People's republic of China: water and soil conservation law,VABB-1,69,74,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336028,,Draagmoederschap en de grenzen van het Belgisch IPR,VABB-1,1511,1557,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:336029,,Een drugsvrije therapeutische gemeenschap: een totaal(itair?) pakket ter behandeling van een totaalervaring,VABB-1,201,217,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336030,,Word and deed: a computational model of instruction following,VABB-1,54,65,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336032,,The Leuven Adolescent Perceived Parenting Scale (LAPPS): reliability and validity with French-speaking adolescents in Belgium,VABB-1,289,305,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336033,,A transactional approach to person-environment fit: reciprocal relations between personality development and career role growth across young to middle adulthood,VABB-1,307,321,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336034,,Personal identity processes and self-esteem: temporal sequences in high school and college students,VABB-1,159,170,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336035,,The jingle–jangle fallacy in adolescent autonomy in the family: in search of an underlying structure,VABB-1,994,1014,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336036,,"The influence of experiential, inherited and external knowledge on the internationalization of venture capital firms",VABB-1,929,940,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336037,,De seksuele carrière van Nederlandse en Vlaamse jongeren,VABB-1,179,187,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336038,,Lex mercatoria keskiajan ja varhaisen uuden ajan Euroopassa: totta vai tarua?,VABB-1,1016,1031,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336040,,Determinants of nonurgent use of the emergency department for pediatric patients in 12 hospitals in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336041,,Strain-specific transfer of antibiotic resistance from an environmental plasmid to foodborne pathogens,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336042,,Separable mechanisms underlying global feature-based attention,VABB-1,15284,15295,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336043,,"Macrotekst, short story cycle, recueil de nouvelles: naar een theorie van de verhalenbundel",VABB-1,23,38,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336044,,"Effecten van finietheid, tempus en irrealis op de werkwoordsvolgorde in Vlaamse IPP constructies",VABB-1,23,46,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336045,,Een Oudenaards stadsreglement op de 'nering' van advocaten en procureurs (1662),VABB-1,133,145,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336049,,Human plasma protein polymorphisms and the persistence of cultural diversity,VABB-1,E2914,E2914,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336050,,Modeling partial customer churn: on the value of first product-category purchase sequences,VABB-1,11250,11256,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336052,,"Job strain as a risk factor for leisure-time physical inactivity: an individual-participant meta-analysis of up to 170,000 men and women",VABB-1,1078,1089,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336053,,Utility of self-reported diagnosis and electrocardiogram Q-waves for estimating myocardial infarction prevalence: an international comparison study,VABB-1,1660,1666,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336054,,Job strain as a risk factor for coronary heart disease: a collaborative meta-analysis of individual participant data,VABB-1,1491,1497,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336056,,"Norms, self-interest and effectiveness: explaining double standards in EU reactions to violations of democratic principles in Sub-Saharan Africa",VABB-1,109,120,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336057,,Problematiek van de stadregio's in Vlaanderen: de nood aan een Vlaamse agenda,VABB-1,54,67,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336058,,Occupational and leisure time physical activity in contrasting relation to ambulatory blood pressure,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336060,,Élargissement et diversification du contrôle juridictionnel belge des actes administratifs: appel pour l’utilisation du droit comparé et la création d'une vision claire,VABB-1,949,971,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:336062,,The challenge of technolgy: alignment dynamics in local governments,VABB-1,173,181,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336065,,Longitudinal studies using a 'natural experiment' design: the case of adoptees from Romanian institutions,VABB-1,762,770,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336066,,Parental experience at the end-of-life in children with cancer: 'preservation' and 'letting go' in relation to loss,VABB-1,27,35,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336069,,Some ideas on the definition of Raman spectroscopic detection limits for the analysis of art and archaeological objects,VABB-1,1545,1550,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336070,,"Contribution to the identification of alpha-, beta- and epsilon-copper phthalocyanine blue pigments in modern artists' paints by X-ray powder diffraction, attenuated total reflectance micro-fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and micro-Raman spectroscopy",VABB-1,1772,1780,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336072,,Prise en charge de la douleur chronique non cancéreuse en Belgique: un état des lieux,VABB-1,208,213,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:336073,,Isolating N400 as neural marker of vocal anger processing in 6-11 year old children,VABB-1,268,276,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336074,,"Chlamydia psittaci, causative agent of avian chlamydiosis and human psittacosis: risk assessment and biosafety recommendations for laboratory use",VABB-1,82,88,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336079,,B2B brand architecture,VABB-1,58,71,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:336080,,Misresponse to reversed and negated items in surveys: a review,VABB-1,737,747,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336085,,Surmounting obstacles: circulation and adoption of algebraic symbolism,VABB-1,5,25,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336086,,Sustainable prevention of obesity through integrated strategies: the SPOTLIGHT project's conceptual framework and design,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336087,,Food consumption and screen-based sedentary behaviors in European adolescents: the HELENA study,VABB-1,1010,1020,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336088,,Active relatives and health-related physical fitness in European adolescents: the HELENA study,VABB-1,1329,1335,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336089,,Efficacy and feasibility of lowering playground density to promote physical activity and to discourage sedentary time during recess at preschool: a pilot study,VABB-1,319,321,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336090,,Associations of parental education and parental physical activity (PA) with children's PA: the ENERGY cross-sectional study,VABB-1,310,314,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336091,,Differences in weight status and energy-balance related behaviours according to ethnic background among adolescents in seven countries in Europe: the ENERGY-project,VABB-1,399,411,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336092,,"The relative timing between eye and hand in rapid sequential pointing is affected by time pressure, but not by advance knowledge",VABB-1,99,109,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336093,,The positive effect of mirror visual feedback on arm control in children with Spastic Hemiparetic Cerebral Palsy is dependent on which arm is viewed,VABB-1,393,402,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336094,,Deficits in upper limb position sense of children with Spastic Hemiparetic Cerebral Palsy are distance-dependent,VABB-1,971,981,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336095,,Matching accuracy in hemiparetic cerebral palsy during unimanual and bimanual movements with (mirror) visual feedback,VABB-1,2088,2098,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336096,,"Historical geography, discipline in crisis: advocacy for a new approach: a subjective look at a historical study of the countryside",VABB-1,803,819,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336097,,Bringing together linguistic and genetic evidence to test the Bantu expansion,VABB-1,3256,3263,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336098,,Does parental involvement make a difference in school-based nutrition and physical activity interventions?: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,673,678,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336099,,Mineral concentrations in hair of Belgian elementary school girls: reference values and relationship with food consumption frequencies,VABB-1,56,67,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336100,,In search for incentives to gum arabic collection and marketing in Senegal: interlocking gum trade with pre-finances from traders,VABB-1,72,82,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336101,,Prevalence of negative life events and chronic adversities in European pre- and primary-school children: results from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336102,,"Towards a renewed University history: UGent memorie and the merits of public history, academic heritage and digital history in commemorating the university",VABB-1,179,192,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336103,,Bullying at work: the relation with physical health complaints and the influence of social support,VABB-1,367,399,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336104,,A five-factor model framework for understanding childhood personality disorder antecedents,VABB-1,1533,1563,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336105,,Stereotypes of age differences in personality traits: universal and accurate?,VABB-1,1050,1066,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336107,,Philosophy of ... philosophy and ... taking the conditions we find ourselves in seriously,VABB-1,292,301,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:336111,,"Review of Yusef Waghid, conceptions of Islamic education: pedagogical framings",VABB-1,91,98,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336112,,Origins and rationele of centres for parents and young children together,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:336118,,Reconsidering ubuntu: on the educational potential of a particular ethic of care,VABB-1,6,20,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336119,,Taking into account African philosophy: an impetus to amend the agenda of philosophy of education,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336122,,Malondialdehyde measurement in oxidized foods: evaluation of the spectrophotometric thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) test in various foods,VABB-1,9589,9594,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336123,,"Acrylamide formation in fried potato products: present and future, a critical review on mitigation strategies",VABB-1,1138,1154,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336124,,Effect of sodium ascorbate dose on the shelf life stability of reduced nitrite liver pates,VABB-1,29,35,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336125,,"Effect of rosemary extract dose on lipid oxidation, colour stability and antioxidant concentrations, in reduced nitrite liver pates",VABB-1,925,931,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336126,,Immunochemical detection of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) proteins using chicken antibodies,VABB-1,217,226,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336127,,A two-year investigation towards an effective quality control of incoming potatoes as an acrylamide mitigation strategy in french fries,VABB-1,362,370,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336128,,Immunochemical detection of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) proteins using chicken antibodies,VABB-1,17,26,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336129,,From philosophy of history to philosophy of historicities: some ideas on a potential future of historical theory,VABB-1,113,120,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336130,,Effect of a participatory approach on the successful development of agricultural decision support systems: the case of Pigs2win,VABB-1,164,172,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336131,,Sport selection in under-17 male roller hockey,VABB-1,1793,1802,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336134,,Dissociable neural systems of sequence learning,VABB-1,73,82,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336135,,Attention supports verbal short-term memory via competition between dorsal and ventral attention networks,VABB-1,1086,1097,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336136,,Inconsistencies in spontaneous and intentional trait inferences,VABB-1,937,950,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336138,,De taak van de appelrechter in kort geding: wijsheid achteraf,VABB-1,867,871,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336141,,Computing pareto-optimal predictor composites for complex selection decisions,VABB-1,385,393,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336142,,Designing pareto-optimal systems for complex selection decisions,VABB-1,488,513,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336143,,New CEPANI rules of arbitration in force as from 1 January 2013,VABB-1,51,60,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:336144,,Physical activity does not attenuate the obesity risk of TV viewing in youth,VABB-1,240,250,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336145,,"A merovingian surprise: early medieval radiocarbon dates on cremated bone (Borsbeek, Belgium)",VABB-1,581,588,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:336148,,Objectively measured sedentary time and physical activity time across the lifespan: a cross-sectional study in four age groups,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336149,,"Paul Verhaeghen's own voice in 'Omega Minor': a comparative study of source text, trial translation and self-translation",VABB-1,1481,1494,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:336151,,"Individual, social and physical environmental correlates of 'never' and 'always' cycling to school among 10 to 12 year old children living within a 3.0 km distance from school",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336152,,Micro-level economic factors and incentives in children's energy balance related behaviours: findings from the ENERGY European cross-section questionnaire survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336153,,Abduction of generalizations,VABB-1,345,364,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336155,,A chain-retrieval model for voluntary task switching,VABB-1,241,283,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336156,,Role of working memory in task switching,VABB-1,229,253,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336157,,Het diversiteit-validiteitsdilemma in complexe selectiebeslissingen,VABB-1,158,176,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:336158,,Tradition VS reform: a critical review of teacher evaluation beliefs in China,VABB-1,509,527,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336159,,A qualitative study of in-service teacher evaluation beliefs,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336161,,Strategieën smeden: goud- en zilversmeden in achttiende-eeuws Gent tussen ambacht en academie,VABB-1,165,182,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336165,,Numbers and propositions versus nominalists: yellow cards for Salmon & Soames,VABB-1,381,397,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336168,,Mobile phones in a traffic flow: a geographical perspective to evening rush hour traffic analysis using call detail records,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336170,,Imports as product and labour market discipline,VABB-1,331,361,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336173,,The role of seed money and threshold size in optimizing fundraising campaigns: past behavior matters!,VABB-1,13075,13084,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336174,,Constitutional and judicial language protection in multilingual states: a brief overview of South Africa and Belgium,VABB-1,211,232,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336176,,Predicting partial customer churn using Markov for discrimination for modeling first purchase sequences,VABB-1,337,353,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336177,,Predicting e-commerce company success by mining the text of its publicly-accessible website,VABB-1,13026,13034,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336178,,Including spatial interdependence in customer acquisition models: a cross-category comparison,VABB-1,12105,12113,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336179,,Social capital and social inequality in adolescents' health in 601 Flemish communities: a multilevel analysis,VABB-1,202,210,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336183,,Neutralized electrolyzed water efficiently reduces Fusarium spp. in vitro and on wheat kernels but can trigger deoxynivalenol (DON) biosynthesis,VABB-1,515,521,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336184,,Differences in social capital between urban and rural environments,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336185,,How Spanish were the Spanish Netherlands?,VABB-1,3,18,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336186,,Learning from playing with microworlds in policy making: an experimental evaluation in fisheries management,VABB-1,757,770,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336187,,The Mamluk Sultanate as a Military Patronage State: household politics and the case of the Qalāwūnid bayt (1279-1382),VABB-1,189,217,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336188,,Airtightness of the window–wall interface in cavity brick walls,VABB-1,32,42,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336189,,Condensation risk assessment on box windows: the effect of the window-wall interface,VABB-1,35,56,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336191,,"Physicochemical properties, glass transition state diagram and colour stability of pulp and peel of two dragon fruit varieties (Hylocereus spp.) as affected by freeze-drying",VABB-1,743,750,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336192,,Deficient distracter inhibition and enhanced facilitation for emotional stimuli in depression: an ERP study,VABB-1,249,258,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336193,,Neck and shoulder complaints in computer workers and associated easy to assess occupational factors: a large-scale cross-sectional multivariate study,VABB-1,197,206,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336194,,The heterogeneous nature of number–space interactions,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336196,,Reducing car use: changing attitudes or relocating?: the influence of residential dissonance on travel behavior,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336197,,Aesthetic disinterestedness in Kant and Schopenhauer,VABB-1,45,70,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336198,,MALDI based identification of soybean protein markers: possible analytical targets for allergen detection in processed foods,VABB-1,187,196,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336199,,Eating out of home and its association with dietary intake: a systematic review of the evidence,VABB-1,329,346,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336200,,Association of out-of-home eating with anthropometric changes: a systematic review of prospective studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:336201,,Food safety is a key determinant of fruit and vegetable consumption in urban Beninese adolescents,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336203,,Acknowledging ambivalence in a multicultural neighbourhood: in search of an educational space in narrative practices,VABB-1,33,45,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336204,,Urban public space and the construction of social life: a social-pedagogical perspective,VABB-1,97,110,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336205,,Campylobacter contamination in broiler carcasses and correlation with slaughterhouses operational hygiene inspection,VABB-1,105,112,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336206,,"Children's morning and evening salivary cortisol: pattern, instruction compliance and sampling confounders",VABB-1,27,35,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336207,,Changing preferences for information and participation in the last phase of life: a longitudinal study among newly diagnosed advanced lung cancer patients,VABB-1,2473,2482,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336208,,The impact of photo-induced molecular changes of dairy proteins on their ACE-inhibitory peptides and activity,VABB-1,951,962,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336209,,The emotion regulation model of attachment: an emotion-specific approach,VABB-1,107,123,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336211,,Use of lysozyme as an indicator of protein cross-contact in fresh-cut vegetables via wash waters,VABB-1,39,44,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336213,,Effectiveness of workplace interventions in Europe promoting healthy eating: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336214,,"Antibody persistence and immune memory in adults, 15 years after a three-dose schedule of a combined hepatitis A and B vaccine",VABB-1,11,17,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336215,,How do lay people assess the quality of physicians' communicative responses to patients' emotional cues and concerns?: an international multicentre study based on videotaped medical consultations,VABB-1,347,353,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336217,,The effect of procedural justice in the relationship between charismatic leadership and feedback reactions in performance appraisal,VABB-1,3047,3062,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336220,,Recente arresten van het E.H.R.M. in verband met artikel 10 E.V.R.M. (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie): januari 2012,VABB-1,337,344,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336221,,Self-esteem of academic and vocational students: does within-school tracking sharpen the difference?,VABB-1,73,89,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336223,,Political participation and web 2.0 in Europe: a case study of Facebook,VABB-1,466,470,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:336224,,Determinants of the formation of a European identity among children: individual- and school-level influences,VABB-1,198,213,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336225,,Does the mobility of foreign offenders fit the general pattern of mobility?,VABB-1,290,308,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336226,,Exploring directional consistency in offending: the case of residential burglary in The Hague,VABB-1,135,148,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336228,,Min and max induced rankings: an experimental study,VABB-1,233,266,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336229,,Using resource scarceness characteristics to solve the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem,VABB-1,705,728,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336230,,The social gradient in doctor-patient communication,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336231,,Alcohol and cannabis use among adolescents in Flemish secondary school in Brussels: effects of type of education,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336232,,'One size fits all?' The social construction of dis-employ-abled women,VABB-1,703,716,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336233,,"Prevalence and determinants of personality disorders in a clinical sample of alcohol-, drug- and dual-dependent patients",VABB-1,649,661,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336234,,Illicit drug use in the Flemish nightlife scene between 2003 and 2009,VABB-1,153,160,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336235,,Impact of one HF-rTMS session on fine motor function in right-handed healthy female subjects: a comparison of stimulation over the left versus the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,VABB-1,96,102,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336239,,On the definition of Raman spectroscopic detection limits for the analysis of biomarkers in solid matrices,VABB-1,48,54,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336241,,The use of Bluetooth for analysing spatiotemporal dynamics of human movement at mass events: a case study of the Ghent Festivities,VABB-1,208,220,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336243,,A GIS-based method to identify spatiotemporal gaps in public service delivery,VABB-1,253,264,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336244,,"Response to: 'severe tinnitus and depressive symptoms: a complex interaction,' from Berthold Langguth et al",VABB-1,520,520,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336245,,"Schizofrenie, mythe en museum: architectuur op de Documenta 8 (1987)",VABB-1,26,37,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336246,,Politiesterkte en omgevingsindicatoren: methodologische lessen uit een verkennende omgevingsanalyse naar basisfunctionaliteiten,VABB-1,506,529,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336247,,The democratic entitlement and pro-democratic interventions: twenty years after Haiti?,VABB-1,779,798,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336248,,Grist to the mill of anti-evolutionism: the failed strategy of ruling the supernatural out of science by philosophical fiat,VABB-1,1151,1165,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336249,,The influence of emotional stimuli on attention orienting and inhibitory control in pediatric anxiety,VABB-1,856,863,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336250,,"Modelling the effects of an abolition of the EU sugar quota on internal prices, production and imports",VABB-1,75,94,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336252,,Colateralization of Broca's area and the visual word form area in left-handers: fMRI evidence,VABB-1,171,178,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336253,,Offline and online data: on upgrading functional information to knowledge,VABB-1,371,392,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336254,,The influence of different stop-signal response time estimation procedures on behavior–behavior and brain–behavior correlations,VABB-1,123,130,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336255,,Cité et réciprocité: le rôle de croyances culturelles dans l’économie romaine (c. 200 a.C. – c. 250 p.C.),VABB-1,913,942,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:336256,,"EPODE approach for childhood obesity prevention: methods, progress and international development",VABB-1,299,315,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336257,,The impact of human and social capital on entrepreneurs' knowledge of finance alternatives,VABB-1,63,86,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336259,,Recente arresten van het E.H.R.M. in verband met artikel 10 E.V.R.M. (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie): juli -september 2011,VABB-1,72,83,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336260,,Is treatment-resistance in unipolar melancholic depression characterized by decreased serotonin(2A) receptors in the dorsal prefrontal: anterior cingulate cortex?,VABB-1,340,346,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336261,,Adolescent aesthetic athletes: a group at risk for eating pathology?,VABB-1,119,122,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336262,,Effects of attentional load on early visual processing depend on stimulus timing,VABB-1,63,74,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336263,,Cognitive control moderates the association between stress and rumination,VABB-1,519,525,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336264,,How common are motor problems in children with a developmental disorder: rule or exception?,VABB-1,139,145,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336265,,Exploring the nature of joint attention impairments in young children with autism spectrum disorder: associated social and cognitive skills,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336268,,Historical reflections on Islam and the Occident,VABB-1,203,209,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336269,,'Voor de overlevenden': ervaringen en beproevingen van slachtoffers van seksueel misbruik in de Katholieke Kerk,VABB-1,24,42,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336270,,Pleidooi voor een familierechtelijke regeling van draagmoederschap in België,VABB-1,1421,1510,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:336272,,Analyzing existing customers' websites to improve the customer acquisition process as well as the profitability prediction in B-to-B marketing,VABB-1,2597,2605,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336273,,De heropstanding van de Centrale Toezichtsraad voor het Gevangeniswezen? Enkele kanttekeningen bij de publicatie van een markant jaarrapport,VABB-1,140,148,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336275,,Kinderrechten als referentiekader voor 'kindvriendelijkheid': opvattingen en discussies,VABB-1,40,52,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336277,,Policies to promote healthy eating in Europe: a structured review of policies and their effectiveness,VABB-1,188,200,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336280,,Optimisation of implementation policies of environmental quota trade,VABB-1,95,113,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336284,,The writing and reading of fan fiction and transformation theory,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336285,,'I don't wanna be anything other than me': a case study on gender representations of teenagers in American teen drama series 'One Tree Hill',VABB-1,17,33,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336286,,False friends in the Fanfanyu,VABB-1,99,106,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:336287,,The EU in the G20: what role for small states?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:336288,,WISE recommendations to ensure the safety of injections in diabetes,VABB-1,S2,S8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336292,,Behoeften en verwachtingen van familieleden van drugsgebruikers als basis voor gerichte ondersteuning,VABB-1,34,46,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:336294,,Gemeenschappelijk Europees Kooprecht: een nieuw instrument van uniform toepasselijk recht,VABB-1,2,12,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336296,,Guerrilla warriors on the Brooklyn Bridge: a case-study of the unbearables' poetic terrorism (1994-2001),VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336297,,Students' sense of belonging in technical/vocational schools versus academic schools: the mediating role of faculty trust in students,VABB-1,1,36,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336299,,Jeugdwerk en sociale integratie: klein antwoord op een grote vraag...,VABB-1,82,95,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336301,,Agrarisch woon-werkverkeer in zeventiende-eeuws Sinaai: de ruimtelijke organisatie van landerijen op het vroegmoderne Vlaamse platteland,VABB-1,2,26,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336302,,Can Pyrrhonists act normally?,VABB-1,227,289,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336303,,Vlinderakkoord kondigt hertekening gerechtelijk landschap aan via artikel 144 Grondwet,VABB-1,76,105,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336305,,On the frontline or on the side-line? Homelessness care and care avoiders,VABB-1,620,634,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336306,,Gender and communication: contemporary research questions,VABB-1,143,153,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336307,,Impact of three alternative consultation training formats on self-efficacy and consultation skills of medical students,VABB-1,e500,e507,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336308,,A modified glucomannan mycotoxin-adsorbing agent counteracts the reduced weight gain and diminishes cecal colonization of Salmonella Typhimurium in T-2 toxin exposed pigs,VABB-1,1139,1141,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336309,,Het aanbieden van consumentenkrediet na richtlijn 2008/48/EG: de Nederlandse en Belgische regelgeving aan elkaar getoetst,VABB-1,55,63,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336310,,Phthalates in Belgian cow's milk and the role of feed and other contamination pathways at farm level,VABB-1,2945,2953,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336311,,Treatment-related and psychosocial variables in explaining physical activity in women three weeks to six months post-treatment of breast cancer,VABB-1,171,177,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336312,,"De vondst van een benen artefact in de Moervaart depressie te Klein-Sinaai (provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, B)",VABB-1,115,120,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336313,,"Preliminary results of an archaeological survey of the land-sea transition at Doelpolder Noord (prov. Of Antwerp, B.)",VABB-1,165,174,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336314,,Een (graf?)kuil met gecremeerde beenderen uit het midden-neolithicum aangetroffen op de Bentel te Oud-Turnhout (provincie Antwerpen),VABB-1,227,232,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336315,,"Het potentieel voor intrasitestudie van lithische vindplaatsen uit het vroegholoceen: concentratie C3 van de vroeg-mesolithische vindplaats Doel-Deurganckdok 2003, sector J/L",VABB-1,237,255,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336316,,Smart ideas for smart cities: investigating crowdsourcing for generating and selecting ideas for ICT innovation in a City context,VABB-1,49,62,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336318,,De R&D functie in het onderwijs: drie modellen voor kennisbenutting en -productie,VABB-1,338,349,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336319,,Contextual type theory with judgemental modalities for reasoning from open assumptions,VABB-1,579,600,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336321,,Het interieur van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België door de Kortrijkse Kunstwerkstede De Coene: markante getuige van een wijzigende visie rond representatie,VABB-1,199,210,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336322,,The development of long-term lexical representations through Hebb repetition learning,VABB-1,342,354,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336323,,Lavaan: an R package for structural equation modeling,VABB-1,1,36,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336324,,"Het recht van het kind om zijn ouders te kennen (art. 7.1 IVRK) na heterologe medisch begeleide voortplanting, adoptie en draagmoederschap in België",VABB-1,5,22,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336325,,Adoptie na internationaal draagmoederschap,VABB-1,45,51,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336326,,Weigering volle adoptie na commercieel laagtechnologisch draagmoederschap,VABB-1,264,269,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336328,,Rit langs de drie gerechtelijke wegen bij aantasting van een overeenkomst door een nietigheidsgrond,VABB-1,705,759,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336329,,Een vordering tot vernietiging van een meerpartijenovereenkomst: alle contractpartijen in het geding betrekken? noot onder Rb. Hasselt 13 augustus 2010,VABB-1,504,509,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336330,,'Zoals het was…' en 'nooit meer zal zijn': Buysse in Russische vertaling,VABB-1,23,75,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336331,,Bicycling to school during the transition from childhood into adolescence: a six-year longitudinal study,VABB-1,369,383,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336332,,Students' objectively measured physical activity levels and engagement as a function of between-class and between-student differences in motivation toward physical education,VABB-1,457,480,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336333,,Synchronizing music and movement with BeatLED: an interactive musical social game,VABB-1,351,363,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336334,,Economics of biomass electricity: direct generation costs & system benefits,VABB-1,23,26,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336335,,Trends in twenty-five years of academic lexicography,VABB-1,464,506,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336338,,Familie- en jeugdrechtbank,VABB-1,746,755,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336339,,Een Belgische vertegenwoordigende collectieve rechtsvordering: vier bouwstenen voor een Belgische class action,VABB-1,682,697,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336340,,Effect of biomechanical constraints in the hand laterality judgment task: where does it come from?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336341,,Common substrate for mental arithmetic and finger representation in the parietal cortex,VABB-1,1520,1528,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336343,,"Een afgedekte finaalpaleolithische site langs de Bovenschelde te Ruien 'Rosalinde' (gem. Kluisbergen, O.-Vl.): voorlopige resultaten",VABB-1,151,157,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336344,,Using capabilities as an alternative indicator for well-being,VABB-1,133,152,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336346,,Determinants of access patterns to goods and services from wetlands in Tanzania and the impact on sustainable wetland management,VABB-1,5585,5593,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336347,,Distinct contribution of the parietal and temporal cortex to manipulation and contextual knowledge of tool use,VABB-1,2097,2105,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336348,,EU trade policy and the European security strategy: speaking the same language in different worlds,VABB-1,3,24,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336349,,Quantitative assessment of foot structure in rheumatoid arthritis by a foot digitizer: detection of deformities even in the absence of erosions,VABB-1,1641,1648,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336352,,Chance between holism and reductionism: tensions in the conceptualisation of Life,VABB-1,113,120,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336354,,The cultural 'text of behaviour': the Moscow-Tartu school and the religious philosophy of language,VABB-1,175,194,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336355,,Italian opera 'under the Belgian climate': the 1727-30 seasons at the Monnaie,VABB-1,259,280,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336356,,"Het 39e van de Limburgse sermoenen, de Boengaert van der geesteleker herten en Hadewijchs Brieven",VABB-1,193,215,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336357,,Kwaliteit van leven: 'onder invloed' van methadon: een kwalitatieve studie bij opiaatafhankelijke personen,VABB-1,45,58,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336358,,"Slachtofferschap en onveiligheidsbeleving van adolescenten op het openbaar vervoer: een verkennend onderzoek naar de intermediaire rol van slachtofferschap, routineactiviteiten en levensstijlen",VABB-1,530,551,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336359,,Gully development and its spatio-temporal variability since the late 19th century in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands,VABB-1,121,131,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336360,,Steentijdvondsten uit het mesolithicum en neolithicum op de meerperioden-site van Aalter 'Woestyne' (O.-Vl.),VABB-1,89,98,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336362,,Self-reported psychopathic-like traits as predictors of recidivism in detained male adolescents,VABB-1,1421,1435,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336363,,Structural tissue organization in the beak of Java and Darwin's finches,VABB-1,383,393,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336364,,Relationship between markers of body fat and calcaneal bone stiffness differs between preschool and primary school children: results from the IDEFICS baseline survey,VABB-1,276,285,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336365,,Chemerin as biomarker for insulin sensitivity in males without typical characteristics of metabolic syndrome,VABB-1,135,138,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336366,,The recognition of a right of reply under the European convention,VABB-1,322,332,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336367,,Environmental factors influencing older adults' walking for transportation: a study using walk-along interviews,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336368,,"Collective efficacy, sociaal kapitaal en 'fear of crime': een evaluatie van contextuele effecten op drie aspecten van onveiligheidsbeleving",VABB-1,306,321,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336369,,Cognitive aspects of nociception and pain: bridging neurophysiology with cognitive psychology,VABB-1,325,336,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336370,,Een empirische inhoudsanalyse van verblijfs- en contactregelingen in Vlaamse EOT-overeenkomsten,VABB-1,289,307,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336371,,Baseline EEG theta/beta ratio and punishment sensitivity as biomarkers for feedback-related negativity (FRN) and risk-taking,VABB-1,1958,1965,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336372,,The effect of counterconditioning on evaluative responses and harm expectancy in a fear conditioning paradigm,VABB-1,757,767,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336373,,Does the inferior frontal sulcus play a functional role in deception? A neuronavigated theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336376,,Een empirisch-juridische studie van overeenkomsten voorafgaand aan echtscheiding door onderlinge toestemming,VABB-1,642,657,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336377,,14C dates and spatial statistics: modeling intrasite spatial dynamics of urnfield cemeteries in Belgium using case study of Destelbergen cemetery,VABB-1,635,648,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336379,,Teaching quality improvement in family medicine,VABB-1,378,381,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336380,,Understanding the ethical concerns that have shaped European regulation of human embryonic stem cell research,VABB-1,127,139,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336381,,Ethical issues in infertility treatment,VABB-1,853,863,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336382,,De gemeente- en provincieraadsverkiezingen van 2012 in het licht van de interne Vlaamse staatshervorming,VABB-1,68,79,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336383,,Economic evaluation of different treatment modalities in acute kidney injury,VABB-1,4095,4101,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336384,,Cost-effectiveness of optimizing prevention in patients with coronary heart disease: the EUROASPIRE III health economics project,VABB-1,2865,2872,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336385,,Ramadan fasting and diabetes: an observational study among Turkish migrants in Belgium,VABB-1,293,296,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336386,,Expanding the transfer entropy to identify information circuits in complex systems,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336387,,Megalopolitische variaties van flânerie: identiteit als ruimtelijk en relationeel gegeven in 'Megalopolis' van Constanza Macras,VABB-1,187,197,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336390,,The Gurudharmas in Taiwanese Buddhist Nunneries,VABB-1,273,300,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:336391,,Longitudinal intergroup contact effects on prejudice using self- and observer-reports,VABB-1,221,238,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336392,,Kiezen voor continuïteit: waarom veel coalities een voortzetting zijn van hun voorgangers?,VABB-1,5,16,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336393,,Externalities awareness in anticommons dilemmas decreases defective behavior,VABB-1,228,238,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336395,,Het effect van intensief surveilleren vlak bij en vlak na een eerdere inbraak,VABB-1,335,348,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336397,,The dynamic of relevance: adaptive belief revision,VABB-1,1,42,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336398,,Increasing set size breaks down sequential congruency: evidence for an associative locus of cognitive control,VABB-1,133,139,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336399,,The tyranny of choice: a cross-cultural investigation of maximizing-satisficing effects on well-being,VABB-1,689,704,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336400,,'Making families': parenting and belonging in transnational adoption in Flanders,VABB-1,100,108,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336401,,Spatial intuition in elementary arithmetic: a neurocomputational account,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336403,,Translating the law,VABB-1,267,277,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336404,,Differences in weight status and energy-balance related behaviors among schoolchildren across Europe: the ENERGY-project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336405,,Strategies to reduce exposure of fumonisins from complementary foods in rural Tanzania,VABB-1,503,511,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336406,,Assessment of human exposure to 3rd generation cephalosporin resistant E. coli (CREC) through consumption of broiler meat in Belgium,VABB-1,30,38,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336407,,Why the evicence-based paradigm in early childhood education and care is anything but evident,VABB-1,537,552,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336408,,"Adsorption of cobalt (II) 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(2-aminophenyl)-porphyrin onto copper substrates: characterization and impedance studies for corrosion inhibition",VABB-1,73,82,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336409,,Vertraagde en geannuleerde vluchten in de Europese luchtvaart: een vlucht doorheen de criteria van het Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,5,42,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336410,,Epistasis between 5-HTTLPR and ADRA2B polymorphisms influences attentional bias for emotional information in healthy volunteers,VABB-1,1027,1036,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336412,,A right to education for all: the meaning of equal educational opportunities,VABB-1,523,540,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336413,,Animalité et écriture de la nature: pouvoir de la fiction,VABB-1,645,653,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:336414,,Non-Western art and the concept of art: can cluster theories of art account for the universality of art?,VABB-1,148,165,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336419,,Milieucriminaliteit: verbeurdverklaring van wederrechtelijk verworven vermogensvoordelen in cijfers,VABB-1,195,205,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336420,,Milieucriminaliteit: waardering van wederrechtelijk verworven vermogensvoordelen,VABB-1,482,499,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336421,,Attentional bias towards pain-related information diminishes the efficacy of distraction,VABB-1,2345,2351,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336423,,The influence of dry needling of the trapezius muscle on muscle blood flow and oxygenation,VABB-1,685,691,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336424,,Professional health care use and subjective unmet need for social or emotional problems: a cross-sectional survey of the married and divorced population of Flanders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336426,,How ignoring physiological noise can bias the conclusions from fMRI simulation results,VABB-1,125,132,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336428,,The influence of 'regulatory agencies' on pluralism in European administrative law,VABB-1,61,91,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336429,,"Intercorrelations between serum, salivary, and hair cortisol and child-reported estimates of stress in elementary school girls",VABB-1,1072,1081,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336430,,Victim blaming revisited: beyond the explanation of self protection,VABB-1,38,46,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336431,,Instruction-based task-rule congruency effects,VABB-1,1325,1335,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336433,,Tolerating deontic conflicts by adaptively restricting inheritance,VABB-1,477,506,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336434,,The relationship between opening hours and accessibility of public service delivery,VABB-1,128,140,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336436,,Influence of relational and referential coherence on the distribution of coordinated verb-second clauses in German and Dutch: a contrastive corpus-based case study,VABB-1,35,64,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336440,,Poverty and Livelihood diversification in rural Liberia: exploring the linkages between artisanal diamond mining and smallholder rice production,VABB-1,413,428,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336443,,Oil exploitation and human rights violations in Nigeria's oil producing communities,VABB-1,160,166,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336448,,Zeilen op het Europese Kompas: de implementatie van Suitability of assistance in de Wet Consumentenkrediet,VABB-1,761,869,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336449,,Expressed wishes and incidence of euthanasia in advanced lung cancer patients,VABB-1,949,956,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336450,,"Het verbod om betalingen te verrichten voorafgaand aan de ondertekening van de kredietovereenkomst: zijn de artikelen 16, 88 en 89 van de Wet Consumentenkrediet aan herziening toe? Noot onder Gent (12de k.), 21 september 2011",VABB-1,43,73,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336451,,Enterotoxin production by Bacillus cereus under gastrointestinal conditions and their immunological detection by commercially available kits,VABB-1,1130,1136,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336455,,Technology intermediaries in low tech sectors: the case of collective research centres in Belgium,VABB-1,375,387,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336456,,Hercules @ sea: 10 werken voor een betere juridische bescherming van de waardevolle natuurgebieden in het Belgische deel van Noordzee,VABB-1,500,535,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336475,,Mortificata est: het onterven of doodmaken van het geschaakte meisje in het laatmiddeleeuws Gent,VABB-1,357,435,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:336476,,"Spaanssprekend, seksistisch en kleurling: kan dat in het Nederlands?",VABB-1,17,25,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336478,,Pawns or pioneers? The logic of user participation in anti-poverty policy making in public policy units in Belgium,VABB-1,807,822,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336479,,Narratives of loss and order and imaging the Belgian landscape 1900-1945,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336480,,Towards competent systems in early childhood education and care: implications for policy and practice,VABB-1,508,526,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336481,,The education and care divide: the role of the early childhood workforce in 15 European countries,VABB-1,527,541,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336482,,Relatie tussen stress en lichaamssamenstelling bij kinderen: design en eerste resultaten van de ChiBS studie,VABB-1,8,12,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336484,,Informal and formal supports for former child soldiers in Northern Uganda,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336485,,Het technologische lichaam als utopie,VABB-1,222,236,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336486,,'Recovery came first': desistance versus recovery in the criminal careers of drug-using offenders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336487,,Historie a soucanost belického jazykového konfliktu: pouceni pro Evropu?,VABB-1,123,133,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336488,,Het verzet in de publieke herinnering in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,78,107,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:336489,,Quand paganisme et catholicisme se rencontrent: quelques observations concernant la nature du mythe de la romanité dans l’Istituto di Studi Romani,VABB-1,176,192,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:336490,,Imperialismo e mito della romanità nella Terza Roma Mussoliniana,VABB-1,,,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:336491,,"The basic prey model in 'deep time', part 2: competition during MIS 3 in France?",VABB-1,175,184,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336493,,The implementation of verbal instructions: dissociating motor preparation from the formation of stimulus-response associations,VABB-1,1143,1153,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336494,,Reducing self-control by weakening belief in free will,VABB-1,1482,1490,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336496,,Evolution and the palaeolithic,VABB-1,257,287,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336497,,Basic information processing abilities at 11 years account for deficits in IQ associated with preterm birth,VABB-1,198,209,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336498,,The development of the SNARC effect: evidence for early verbal coding,VABB-1,671,680,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336499,,Spatial navigation training protects the hippocampus against age-related changes during early and late adulthood,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336500,,Cortical thickness correlates with impulsiveness in healthy adults,VABB-1,824,830,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336501,,Brain grey matter deficits in smokers: focus on the cerebellum,VABB-1,517,522,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336503,,Resting-state brain activity in schizophrenia and major depression: a quantitative meta-analysis,VABB-1,358,365,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336504,,The neural basis of video gaming,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336505,,Cortical thickness changes following spatial navigation training in adulthood and aging,VABB-1,3389,3397,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336506,,The dynamics of change in striatal activity following updating training,VABB-1,1530,1541,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336507,,Reduction of cerebellar grey matter in Crus I and II in schizophrenia,VABB-1,523,529,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336508,,Potential impact and cost-effectiveness of multi-biofortified rice in China,VABB-1,432,442,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336511,,"Mobile television in Italy: the key of success, the cause of failure",VABB-1,53,68,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336512,,The fiction of blindness and real life: the diary portion of Henry Green’s blindness (1926),VABB-1,421,424,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336513,,Are short-lived jobs stepping stones to long-lasting jobs?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336514,,The perception of English front vowels by North Holland and Flemish listeners: acoustic similarity predicts and explains cross-linguistic and L2 perception,VABB-1,280,288,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336515,,Learning words in a third language: effects of vowel inventory and language proficiency,VABB-1,746,761,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336516,,Orienting to errors with and without immediate feedback,VABB-1,278,285,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336518,,A cost-effectiveness study of the community-based intervention '10 000 Steps Ghent',VABB-1,442,451,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336519,,The sensory component of imagination: the motor theory of imagination as a present-day solution to Sartre's critique,VABB-1,503,520,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336521,,The analysis of zero-inflated count data: beyond zero-inflated poisson regression,VABB-1,163,180,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336522,,Naar een nieuw uitzicht voor de Centra Algemeen Welzijnswerk?,VABB-1,60,76,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336524,,Van peer tutoring tot metacognitieve regulatie? Een studie naar de potentiële impact van reciproke peer tutoring in het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,224,239,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336525,,Exploring the potential impact of reciprocal peer tutoring on higher education students' metacognitive knowledge and regulation,VABB-1,559,588,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336526,,Van Vis Viva tot Bewegungskraft: Freuds psychische energie in historisch perspectief,VABB-1,277,291,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336527,,The reality of real time,VABB-1,63,75,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336528,,Relation of androgen receptor sensitivity and mood to sexual desire in hormonal contraception users,VABB-1,470,479,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336529,,Assessment of evaluations made to healthy eating policies in Europe: a review within the EATWELL Project,VABB-1,1489,1496,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336530,,"Gender, educational and age differences in meanings that underlie global self-rated health",VABB-1,513,523,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336531,,Drug interactions and adverse drug reactions in the older patients admitted to the emergency department,VABB-1,15,21,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336532,,Reproductive wish in transsexual men,VABB-1,483,487,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336533,,Sagittal standing posture and its association with spinal pain: a school-based epidemiological study of 1196 Flemish adolescents before age at peak height velocity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336535,,The association between network social capital and self-rated health: pouring old wine in new bottles?,VABB-1,358,365,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336536,,De relevantie van evolutietheorie voor esthetica: een reactie op Rob Van Gerwen,VABB-1,58,61,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336540,,Teachers' acceptance and use of an educational portal,VABB-1,1308,1317,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336541,,A new approach to combine texture compression and filtering,VABB-1,371,385,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336542,,Mediating effects of home-related factors on fat intake from snacks in a school-based nutrition intervention among adolescents,VABB-1,36,45,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336545,,Effects of medetomidine and ketamine on the regional cerebral blood flow in cats: a SPECT study,VABB-1,81,88,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336547,,"The impact of rotator cuff tendinopathy on proprioception, measuring force sensation",VABB-1,1080,1086,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336548,,Scapular-muscle performance: two training programs in adolescent swimmers,VABB-1,160,167,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336549,,"The concept of farm animal welfare: citizen perceptions and stakeholder opinion in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,79,101,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336550,,The working of EU conditionality in the area of migration policy: the case of readmission of irregular migrants to Albania,VABB-1,115,134,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336551,,Consumer implications of the WCRF's permanent update on colorectal cancer,VABB-1,977,978,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336552,,Merleau-Ponty's sexual schema and the sexual component of body integrity identity disorder,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336554,,Scaffolding information problem solving in web-based collaborative inquiry learning,VABB-1,82,94,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336555,,What's in God's name: literary forerunners and philosophical allies of the Imiaslavie-debate,VABB-1,163,181,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336556,,"Legal pluralism, Sharia courts and constitutional issues in Ethiopia",VABB-1,72,104,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:336557,,"Crisis response and crisis timing strategies, two sides of the same coin",VABB-1,83,88,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336558,,Wealth of recent immigrants to the USA,VABB-1,330,344,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:336559,,Between 'believers' and 'opponents': critical discussions on children's rights,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336560,,"Impact of thermal treatment on physicochemical, antioxidative and rheological properties of white-flesh and red-flesh dragon fruit (Hylocereus spp.) purees",VABB-1,1365,1365,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336561,,La noia di Adamo: immagini postume del libro in Vitaliano Brancati,VABB-1,301,321,,ita,2012,1 c:vabb:336563,,Gender identity disorder in twins: a review of the case report literature,VABB-1,751,757,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336564,,"Inventing paradigms, monopoly, methodology, and mythology at 'Chicago': Nutter, Stigler, and Milton Friedman",VABB-1,160,171,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336566,,"Reproducibility, validity and predictors of six-minute walk test in overweight and obese adolescents with intellectual disability",VABB-1,846,851,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336567,,Sleep well! Sleeping practices in Buddhist disciplinary rules,VABB-1,427,444,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336568,,Preparing pre-service teachers to integrate technology in education: a synthesis of qualitative evidence,VABB-1,134,144,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336569,,A modal type theory for formalizing trusted communications,VABB-1,92,114,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336570,,Modelling particle random walk in a confined environment for inclusion in fluidised bed applications,VABB-1,115,163,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336571,,MALDI based identification of whey protein derived tryptic marker peptides that resist protein glycation,VABB-1,23,30,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336572,,The X-factor of charity: a critical analysis of celebrities' involvement in the 2010 Flemish and Dutch Haiti relief shows,VABB-1,709,725,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336573,,Schiller and the recognition of the other in its otherness: the challenge of thinking intersubjectivity according to a logic of the difference,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336574,,From Enclisis to Proclisis in Medieval Greek: Σε λέγω and its Uses in the Chronicle of Morea,VABB-1,240,258,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336575,,Laienethik in der mittelniederländischen Literatur,VABB-1,219,237,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:336576,,Screening of soy and milk protein hydrolysates for their ability to activate the CCK1 receptor,VABB-1,226,231,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336577,,Penitential discourse and conflict management in the late-eleventh- and early-twelfth-century southern low countries,VABB-1,471,492,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336578,,The music paint machine: stimulating self-monitoring through the generation of creative visual output using a technology-enhanced learning tool,VABB-1,79,101,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336579,,Do hospital physicians' attitudes change during PACS implementation?: a cross-sectional acceptance study,VABB-1,88,97,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336580,,"Anxiety, a benefit and detriment to cognition: behavioral and magnetoencephalographic evidence from a mixed-saccade task",VABB-1,257,267,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336581,,Advance care planning in terminally ill and frail older persons,VABB-1,323,329,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336582,,Consumer valuation of improved rice parboiling technologies in Benin,VABB-1,63,70,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336583,,"The performance of notes inégales: the influence of tempo, musical structure and individual performance style on expressive timing",VABB-1,449,459,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336584,,Post-breakup unwanted pursuit: a refined analysis of the role of romantic relationship characteristics,VABB-1,437,452,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336585,,Potential of Escherichia coli as a surrogate indicator for postchill broiler carcasses with high Campylobacter counts,VABB-1,96,100,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336586,,Worry and catastrophizing about pain in youth: a re-appraisal,VABB-1,1560,1562,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336587,,Evaluative conditioning without directly experienced pairings of the conditioned and the unconditioned stimuli,VABB-1,1657,1674,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336588,,"The influence of an audience on performers: a comparison between rehearsal and concert using audio, video and movement data",VABB-1,67,78,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336590,,Traum oder Schande: Nachdenken über transkulturelle Räume in den Werken Günter Grass',VABB-1,7,14,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:336591,,The what and how components of cognitive control,VABB-1,203,211,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336594,,Social education or medical care? Divergent views on visiting nurses in Belgium in the interwar years,VABB-1,505,522,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336595,,"Intuition, introspection and observation in linguistic inquiry",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336596,,Participatie van kinderen met een beperking en hun ouders in de realisatie van inclusief onderwijs,VABB-1,319,330,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336597,,Screening of commercial and pecan shell–extracted liquid smoke agents as natural antimicrobials against foodborne pathogens,VABB-1,1148,1152,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336598,,Isothermal crystallization behaviour of milk fat in bulk and emulsified state,VABB-1,685,695,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336599,,"National innovation policy and global open innovation: exploring balances, tradeoffs and complementarities",VABB-1,113,124,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336600,,"Typography in the eyes of Bertin, gender and expertise variation",VABB-1,176,185,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336601,,"Deficits in the ability to recognize one's own affects and those of others: associations with neurocognition, symptoms and sexual trauma among persons with schizophrenia spectrum disorders",VABB-1,1183,1192,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336602,,"Perceived neighborhood environmental attributes associated with adults' transport-related walking and cycling: findings from the USA, Australia and Belgium",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336603,,"Alexithymia, social detachment and cognitive processing",VABB-1,49,51,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336604,,How efficient is the orienting of spatial attention to pain? An experimental investigation,VABB-1,1226,1231,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336607,,The default mode network and recurrent depression: a neurobiological model of cognitive risk factors,VABB-1,229,251,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336609,,"Monastic reform, abbatial leadership and the instrumentation of Cluniac discipline in the early twelfth-century Low Countries",VABB-1,41,65,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336610,,Non-traditional wearing positions of pedometers: validity and reliability of the Omron HJ-203-ED pedometer under controlled and free-living conditions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336611,,Can differences in physical activity by socio-economic status in European adolescents be explained by differences in psychosocial correlates?: a mediation analysis within the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336612,,Socioeconomic status and bone mass in Spanish adolescents: the HELENA study,VABB-1,484,490,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336614,,Digital games in the classroom? A contextual approach to teachers' adoption intention of digital games in formal education,VABB-1,2023,2033,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336615,,Zuwanderung von Arbeitskräften in die Industriestaaten Westeuropas: ein vergleichende Analyse der Muster von Arbeitsmarktintegration und Rückkehr 1945-1960,VABB-1,39,52,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:336616,,The contribution of growth and maturation in the functional capacity and skill performance of male adolescent handball players,VABB-1,543,549,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336617,,A longitudinal analysis of gross motor coordination in overweight and obese children versus normal-weight peers,VABB-1,61,67,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336618,,Scaling lower-limb isokinetic strength for biological maturation and body size in adolescent basketball players,VABB-1,2881,2889,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336619,,Identification of inorganic pigments used in porcelain cards based on fusing Raman and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) data,VABB-1,1281,1290,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336620,,Assessing guilt towards the former spouse,VABB-1,783,789,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336622,,Test-retest reliability and validity of a child and parental questionnaire on specific determinants of cycling to school,VABB-1,289,311,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336623,,Comparison of Actical and activPAL measures of sedentary behaviour in preschool children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336625,,Emerging markets in a shifting global financial architecture: the case of Islamic securitization in the Gulf region,VABB-1,340,350,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336626,,Low plasma carnosinase activity promotes carnosinemia after carnosine ingestion in humans,VABB-1,F1537,F1544,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:336629,,'But we also support monitoring': INGO monitoring and donor support to Gacaca justice in Rwanda,VABB-1,390,411,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336630,,La variación social y estilística del voseo chileno en diferentes géneros televisivos,VABB-1,185,211,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:336633,,Oil exploration and ecological damage: the compensation policy in Nigeria,VABB-1,164,179,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336635,,The triple articulation of media technologies in audiovisual media consumption,VABB-1,421,439,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336636,,Technological convergence in audiovisual media technologies,VABB-1,187,196,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336638,,Hoe verwerven studentleraren competenties die leiden tot ICT-gebruik in de klas: een exploratieve casestudy in drie Vlaamse lerarenopleidingen,VABB-1,183,193,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:336639,,L'analyse spatiale des nécropoles revisitée: l'exemple de la nécropole de l'âge du fer final et du début de l'époque gallo--romaine de Lamadeleine (Grand-Duché du Luxembourg),VABB-1,185,204,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:336640,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie): februari-mei 2012,VABB-1,442,462,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336641,,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and comorbidities through the eyes of the patient,VABB-1,183,191,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336643,,"'Ik voel mij zoo behagelijk 'zu Hause': ' Stijn Streuvels, het Derde Rijk en het historische belang van brieven",VABB-1,345,357,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:336644,,Patients' priority regarding outpatients physiotherapy care: a qualitative and quantitative study,VABB-1,155,164,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336646,,Effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination in prevention of hospital admissions for rotavirus gastroenteritis among young children in Belgium: case-control study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336647,,"Two decades of hepatitis B vaccination in mentally retarded patients: effectiveness, antibody persistence and duration of immune memory",VABB-1,4757,4761,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336648,,Endogenous oestradiol and cardiovascular disease in healthy men: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies,VABB-1,1478,1482,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336649,,Job strain and tobacco smoking: an individual-participant data meta-analysis of 166 130 adults in 15 European studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336650,,Job strain and alcohol intake: a collaborative meta-analysis of individual-participant data from 140 000 men and women,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336651,,"De notie drukpersmisdrijf van de 19de naar de 21ste eeuw: internetmedia, weblogs en websites zijn ook drukpers!",VABB-1,254,259,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336652,,Emergent correlative concessivity: the case of German zwar… aber 'true … but',VABB-1,116,142,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336653,,Improved multilevel security with latent semantic indexing,VABB-1,13462,13471,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336654,,No shorter telomeres in subjects with a family history of cardiovascular disease in the Asklepios Study,VABB-1,3076,3081,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336655,,Beantwoording van de vraag: wat is verlichting?,VABB-1,339,345,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336657,,The impact of public resource dependence on the autonomy of NPOs in their strategic decision making,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:336658,,"De media, de verdachte en het vermoeden van onschuld",VABB-1,7,12,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336659,,Breakfast habits among European adolescents and their association with sociodemographic factors: the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study,VABB-1,1879,1889,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336661,,The European external action service and the nexus between CFSP/CSDP and development cooperation,VABB-1,625,652,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336663,,Plant sterols and cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,444,451,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336664,,European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (version 2012),VABB-1,1635,1701,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336666,,Dragon fruit (Hylocereus spp.) seed oils: their characterization and stability under storage conditions,VABB-1,207,215,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336670,,The printed rise of the common man: how web 2.0 has changed the representation of ordinary people in newspapers,VABB-1,825,835,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336671,,Long-term evaluation of cross-sex hormone treatment in transsexual persons,VABB-1,2641,2651,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336672,,Relative age effect and Yo-Yo IR1 in youth soccer,VABB-1,987,993,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336673,,Indigenous insurgence in the central Balkan during the principate,VABB-1,15,40,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336674,,European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (version 2012): the Fifth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of nine societies and by invited experts): developed with the special contribution of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation (EACPR),VABB-1,1,68,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336675,,Survey of physicians' practices in the control of cardiovascular risk factors: the EURIKA study,VABB-1,541,550,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336676,,A simple multiplier to calculate the impact of HDL cholesterol on cardiovascular risk estimation using SCORE,VABB-1,564,566,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336677,,"Risk stratification in cardiovascular disease primary prevention: scoring systems, novel markers, and imaging techniques",VABB-1,163,174,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336678,,TS tools: presentatie van de database 'vertalers van Scandinavische literatuur naar het Nederlands',VABB-1,146,151,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:336679,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens,VABB-1,375,383,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336680,,Youth psychopathic traits inventory-short version: a further test of the internal consistency and criterion validity,VABB-1,476,486,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336681,,Fixed and dynamic predictors of treatment process in therapeutic communities for substance abusers in Belgium,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336682,,"De logica's van de vakbeweging: de maatschappelijke, economische en politieke positie, rol en relevantie van de vakbond in België",VABB-1,30,60,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336684,,Sexual coercion among in-school adolescents in Rwanda: prevalence and correlates of victimization and normative acceptance,VABB-1,139,153,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336685,,How to make sense of the right to education? Issues from the case of Roma people,VABB-1,163,174,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336687,,A critical analysis of the work of the European commission and European court of human rights in relation with non-compliance of interim measures: period 1957-2011,VABB-1,1,56,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336688,,Effectiveness of a peer-led HIV prevention intervention in secondary schools in Rwanda: results from a non-randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336693,,Eerste geslachtsgemeenschap op jonge leeftijd: hoe wordt dit beleefd en wat beïnvloedt deze beleving?,VABB-1,188,193,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336694,,Geslachtsgemeenschap op jonge leeftijd: (wanneer) is het een risico?,VABB-1,202,208,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336696,,Benzalkonium chloride induces anterior chamber inflammation in previously untreated patients with ocular hypertension as measured by flare meter: a randomized clinical trial,VABB-1,e221,e224,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336697,,Staking en collectieve actie in de naoorlogse Belgische rechtspraak en rechtsleer,VABB-1,147,179,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336698,,"The research interview as a test: alignment to boundary, topic, and interactional leeway in parental accounts of a child protection procedure",VABB-1,51,61,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336699,,"Interviewing parents of children in care: perspectives, discourses and accountability",VABB-1,457,465,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336700,,La raccolta di narrativa breve tra teoria e pratica: prime note teoriche e analisi di un caso gaddiano,VABB-1,702,730,,ita,2012,1 c:vabb:336702,,Musical entrainment subsumes bodily gestures: its definition needs a spatiotemporal dimension,VABB-1,63,67,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336703,,The architecture biennale of 1991: the exhibition as Mimesis,VABB-1,43,53,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:336704,,'Architecture can't help exposing itself': in conversation with Geert Bekaert,VABB-1,108,112,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336705,,"Innovative opportunity pursuit, human capital and business ownership experience in an emerging region: evidence from Ghana",VABB-1,603,625,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336706,,When does hearing laughter draw attention to happy faces? Task relevance determines the influence of a crossmodal affective context on emotional attention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336707,,Mainstreaming gender in European Union development policy in the European neighborhood,VABB-1,322,344,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336708,,Challenging science teachers’ beliefs and practices through a video-case-based intervention in China’s primary schools,VABB-1,363,378,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336709,,Losing the watershed focus: a look at complex community-managed irrigation systems in Bolivia,VABB-1,744,759,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336710,,De diverse kleuren van fruit: case studie naar de informele economie in de seizoenarbeid,VABB-1,489,499,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336711,,How do European SME owner-managers make sense of 'stakeholder management'? Insights from a cross-national study,VABB-1,39,51,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336715,,Modelling the bed characteristics in fluidised-beds for top-spray coating processes,VABB-1,649,662,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336716,,Mobile mapping of sporting event spectators using Bluetooth sensors: Tour of Flanders 2011,VABB-1,14196,14213,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336718,,Altered trunk muscle coordination during rapid trunk flexion in people in remission of recurrent low back pain,VABB-1,173,181,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336720,,Evaluation of the anti-adhesive effect of milk fat globule membrane glycoproteins on Helicobacter pylori in the human NCI-N87 cell line and C57BL/6 mouse model,VABB-1,312,318,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336725,,Development of a competency framework for quality improvement in family medicine: a qualitative study,VABB-1,174,180,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336726,,"God, die ons noch doemen sel, biddic dat hi den duvel in den joncsten male metten scalken betale: apocalyptische tendensen in het oeuvre van Jacob van Maerlant",VABB-1,20,41,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336727,,"Determinants of household access to formal credit in the rural areas of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam",VABB-1,261,287,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336728,,Verantwoordelijkheid en handelingsdr(w)ang: een denkoefening rond een opdringerig concept,VABB-1,171,186,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336729,,Archeologiedecreet: impact op het bouwproces,VABB-1,38,41,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336732,,Placebo analgesia affects brain correlates of error processing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336733,,De handdruk van de onderwereld,VABB-1,401,404,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336734,,Development and test-retest reliability of a nutrition knowledge questionnaire for primary-school children,VABB-1,1630,1638,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336736,,Massaschadeafwikkeling door een Belgische bril,VABB-1,177,185,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336739,,A meta-analytic study of event rate effects on go/no-go persormance in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,990,996,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336741,,"Learning, awareness, and instruction: subjective contingency awareness does matter in the colour-word contingency learning paradigm",VABB-1,1754,1768,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336743,,The proto-Indo-European case system and its reflexes in a diachronic typological perspective: evidence for the linguistic prehistory of Eurasia,VABB-1,289,309,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336745,,Voor vorst voor vrijheid en voor recht: een comparatieve analyse van het stedelijke fiscale en financiële beleid in de zeventiende eeuw,VABB-1,47,73,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336749,,Improving customer retention in financial services using kinship network information,VABB-1,11435,11442,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336750,,Stabilizing anticipation in the psychotic delusions of some so-called transgendered subjects,VABB-1,121,128,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336751,,Fetishism: the anticipation of castration,VABB-1,109,120,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336753,,Blurring the boundaries between city and countryside in photography,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336756,,"Preferred and actual involvement of advanced lung cancer patients and their families in end-of-life decision making: a multicenter study in 13 hospitals in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,515,526,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336757,,Towards methodologically more rigorous corpus-based translation studies,VABB-1,137,143,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336758,,Investigating the effectiveness of an efficient label placement method Using eye movement data,VABB-1,234,246,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336765,,Pour une archéologie du royaume Kongo: la tradition de Mbafu,VABB-1,175,209,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:336767,,When two worlds meet: an inter-paradigmatic mixed method approach to convergent audiovisual media consumption,VABB-1,716,742,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336768,,Drought vulnerability assessment: the case of wheat farmers in Western Iran,VABB-1,122,130,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336769,,The world of the landscape,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336770,,Exorbitant Belgisch taalstatuut van de voorziening in cassatie: 65 jaar later,VABB-1,127,144,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336771,,"Correspondence between objective and perceived walking times to urban destinations: influence of physical activity, neighbourhood walkability, and socio-demographics",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336773,,Alcoholslot en firmavoertuig: enkele juridische aspecten,VABB-1,337,349,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336774,,Vides lexicaux et stratégies de remédiation dans l'interlangue française d’apprenants néerlandophones,VABB-1,31,50,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:336775,,Survival and germination of Bacillus cereus spores without outgrowth or enterotoxin production during in vitro simulation of gastrointestinal transit,VABB-1,7698,7705,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336778,,Inactivation of Bacillus cereus vegetative cells by gastric acid and bile during in vitro gastrointestinal transit,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336780,,The effect of the UP4FUN pilot intervention on objectively measured sedentary time and physical activity in 10-to 12 year old children in Belgium: the ENERGY-project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336783,,Rationally evaluating inconsistent theories,VABB-1,83,99,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336786,,The consequences of S.H. and Others v. Austria for legislation on gamete donation in Europe: an ethical analysis of the European Court of Human Rights judgments,VABB-1,665,669,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336788,,VN-antifoltercomité moeizaam uit de startblokken,VABB-1,586,590,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336789,,L'uranium congolais: une retrospective et une vision vers l'avenir vues dans le cadre des renseignements et de la sécurité,VABB-1,95,98,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:336790,,Sensitivity of the predicted convective heat transfer in a cooled room to the computational fluid dynamics simulation approach,VABB-1,420,436,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336792,,Assessment of a photogrammetric approach for urban DSM extraction from tri-stereoscopic satellite imagery,VABB-1,293,310,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336793,,Binary quantile regression: a Bayesian approach based on the asymmetric Laplace distribution,VABB-1,1174,1188,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336794,,Consumers' awareness and attitudinal determinants of European Union quality label use on traditional foods,VABB-1,89,105,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336796,,Poly(butylene adipate) functionalized with quaternary phosphonium groups as potential antimicrobial packaging material,VABB-1,81,85,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336798,,"'Although quite nice, I was somehow not attracted by that person': attitudes towards romantically committed opposite-sex others are immune to positive evaluative conditioning",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336799,,Post-divorce wellbeing in Flanders: facilitative professionals and quality of arrangements matter,VABB-1,62,75,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336800,,Toward high-quality divorce agreements: the influence of facilitative professionals,VABB-1,453,473,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336801,,Why share a language or tradition?: Gadamer and Davidson in dispute,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336803,,Een Europese ethische code voor gevangenispersoneel,VABB-1,21,26,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336811,,Mapping the epileptic brain with EEG dynamical connectivity: established methods and novel approaches,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336812,,"Corporate governance, opaque bank activities, and risk/return efficiency: pre- and post-crisis evidence from Turkey",VABB-1,51,80,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336813,,An annotated copy of Sir William Killigrew's 'The Seege of Urbin' (1666),VABB-1,195,201,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336814,,Childhood atopic diseases and early life circumstances: an ecological sstudy in Cuba,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336815,,Depth slicing of multi-receiver EMI measurements to enhance the delineation of contrasting subsoil features,VABB-1,514,521,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336816,,"An economic evaluation based on a randomized placebo-controlled trial of varenicline in smokers with cardiovascular disease: results for Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Italy",VABB-1,1173,1183,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336818,,The impact of refinement on the accuracy of time-driven ABC,VABB-1,439,472,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336819,,Interpreting maps through the eyes of expert and novice users,VABB-1,1773,1788,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336820,,Changes to the statin prescribing policy in Belgium potential impact in clinical and economic terms,VABB-1,225,232,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336822,,Competing paths of regional economic integration in the post-soviet space: legal and political dilemmas for Ukraine,VABB-1,421,447,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336824,,Work participation and work transition in patients with systemic sclerosis: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,297,304,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336825,,The European nation state: a great survivor,VABB-1,28,40,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336828,,Self-reported TV and computer time do not represent accelerometer-derived total sedentary time in 10- to 12-year-olds,VABB-1,30,32,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336829,,De wederrechtelijke oprichting van een surfclub: in vogelvlucht door het handhavingslandschap,VABB-1,117,124,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336831,,Should we use automated external defibrillators in hospital wards,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336832,,Tackling NCDs: a different approach is needed: authors' reply,VABB-1,1873,1874,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336833,,Using narrative analysis to map the control parameters of enhanced operatic singing,VABB-1,121,136,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336834,,Microtiming patterns and interactions with musical properties in Samba music,VABB-1,225,238,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336836,,"'The age of a mistaken nationalism': histoire croisée, cross-national exchange and an Anglo-French network of periodicals",VABB-1,681,698,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336838,,Technische hulpmiddelen en doelwitselectie bij woninginbraak: een experimenteel onderzoek naar de invloed van Google Maps en Google Street View,VABB-1,362,373,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336839,,A description of the lumbar interfascial triangle and its relation with the lateral raphe: anatomical constituents of load transfer through the lateral margin of the thoracolumbar fascia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336840,,"Production and marketing trends of the cultured Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck 1819, in Greece",VABB-1,859,874,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336841,,"Psychopathy, traumatic exposure, and lifetime posttraumatic stress",VABB-1,505,524,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336842,,Teachers' attitudes and students' opposition: school misconduct as a reaction to teachers' diminished effort and affect,VABB-1,860,869,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336844,,Arterial properties as determinants of time-varying myocardial stress in humans,VABB-1,64,70,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336848,,Sense of belonging in secondary schools: a survey of LGB and heterosexual students in Flanders,VABB-1,90,113,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336849,,European adolescents' level of perceived stress is inversely related to their diet quality: the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence study,VABB-1,371,380,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336850,,Terminal patients in Belgian nursing homes: a cost analysis,VABB-1,407,413,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336851,,"Existing policies, regulation, legislation and ongoing health promotion activities related to physical activity and nutrition in pre-primary education settings: an overview",VABB-1,118,128,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336852,,How is reward sensitivity related to bodyweight in children?,VABB-1,478,483,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336853,,"Ground-penetrating radar survey at the Roman town of Mariana (Corsica), complemented with fluxgate gradiometer data and old and recent excavation results",VABB-1,35,45,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336854,,"Schaal, bestel en capaciteit: te groot of te klein, te veel of te weinig?",VABB-1,32,43,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336855,,Physical fitness of elite Belgian soccer players by player position,VABB-1,2051,2057,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336856,,The cognitive effects of amygdalohippocampal deep brain stimulation in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy,VABB-1,759,764,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336857,,The effect of technology information on consumer expectations and liking of beef,VABB-1,444,450,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336858,,Analysing the spatial dimension of eye movement data using a visual analytic approach,VABB-1,1324,1332,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336860,,How do perceptions of God as autonomy supportive or controlling relate to individuals' social-cognitive processing of religious contents? The role of motives for religious behavior,VABB-1,10,30,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336861,,"Pain, body, and space: what do patients with complex regional pain syndrome really neglect?",VABB-1,948,951,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336862,,Eating regulation and bulimic symptoms: the differential correlates of health-focused and appearance-focused eating regulation,VABB-1,108,117,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336863,,State-dependent attention modulation of human primary visual cortex: a high density ERP study,VABB-1,2365,2378,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336864,,Analysis of phthalates in food products and packaging materials sold on the Belgian market,VABB-1,2575,2583,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336865,,Validity of the modified child psychopathy scale for juvenile justice center residents,VABB-1,244,252,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336866,,"Associations between perceived neighborhood environmental attributes and adults' sedentary behavior: findings from the USA, Australia and Belgium",VABB-1,1375,1384,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336867,,Eerst de violen stemmen: harmonieuze gunning van overheidsopdrachten in de EU,VABB-1,325,348,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336869,,On lawfulness in history and historiography,VABB-1,172,192,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336870,,Multi-layered bird beaks: a finite-element approach towards the role of keratin in stress dissipation,VABB-1,1787,1796,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336871,,Exploring individual trajectories of social communicative development in toddlers at risk for autism spectrum disorders,VABB-1,1038,1052,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336872,,Sustainability and change in the institutionalized commute in Belgium: exploring regional differences,VABB-1,95,103,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336873,,Physical environmental factors related to walking and cycling in older adults: the Belgian aging studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336874,,Working to keep aligned in psychotherapy: using nods as a dialogic resource to display affiliation,VABB-1,9,27,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336875,,Over ketellogica en het herroepen van de wet: een psychoanalytisch perspectief op psychopathie,VABB-1,185,200,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336877,,"Omejevanje prostitucije na strani povpraševanja: ekonomija, morala in nasilje",VABB-1,291,300,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336878,,Criminalisation of clients and the new moralism: what's harm got to do with it?,VABB-1,37,48,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336880,,Lagged duration dependence in mixed proportional hazard models,VABB-1,108,110,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336881,,Context-dependent motor skill: perceptual processing in memory-based sequence production,VABB-1,31,`40,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336882,,Redundant sensory information does not enhance sequence learning in the serial reaction time task,VABB-1,109,120,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336885,,Motor imagery ability in patients with traumatic brain injury,VABB-1,828,833,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336887,,Market orientation and marketing management of traditional food producers in the EU,VABB-1,481,499,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336888,,Family quality of life in 25 Belgian families: quantitative and qualitative exploration of social and professional support domains,VABB-1,1123,1135,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336889,,Stability of milk fat globule membrane proteins toward human enzymatic gastrointestinal digestion,VABB-1,2307,2318,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336890,,Can child care workers contribute to the early detection of autism spectrum disorders? A comparison between screening instruments with child care workers versus parents as informants,VABB-1,781,796,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336891,,The relationship between time perspective and subjective well-being of older adults,VABB-1,19,38,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336892,,Modelling the degradation kinetics of vitamin C in fruit juice in relation to the initial headspace oxygen concentration,VABB-1,207,214,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336893,,Comparing push and pull measures for PV and wind in Europe,VABB-1,33,37,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:336894,,Gender differences in the development of numerical skills in four European countries,VABB-1,62,77,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336895,,Interpersonal influence in families: development and psychometric evaluation of the influence in families questionnaire,VABB-1,39,57,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336896,,Easing the conscience: feeling guilty makes people cooperate in divorce negotiations,VABB-1,324,336,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336897,,Rapid assimilation: automatically integrating new information with existing beliefs,VABB-1,199,219,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336898,,A functional variant of the serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4) moderates impulsive choice in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder boys and siblings,VABB-1,230,236,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336899,,Electrophysiological recordings in humans reveal reduced location-specific attentional-shift activity prior to recentering saccades,VABB-1,1393,1402,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336901,,Strategic allocation of attention reduces temporally predictable stimulus conflict,VABB-1,1834,1848,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336902,,The role of the pulvinar in distractor processing and visual search,VABB-1,1115,1132,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336903,,Distinct representations of attentional control during voluntary and stimulus-driven shifts across objects and locations,VABB-1,1351,1361,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336904,,Non-Readings and misreadings of 'The Jamesian Lie',VABB-1,259,265,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336905,,Leo Baekeland's transatlantic struggle for Bakelite: patenting inside and outside of America,VABB-1,366,400,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336908,,Is sexism a gender issue? A motivated social cognition perspective on men's and women's sexist attitudes toward own and other gender,VABB-1,350,359,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336909,,Personality effects on cardiovascular reactivity: need for closure moderates the impact of task difficulty on engagement-related myocardial beta-adrenergic activity,VABB-1,704,707,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336910,,Allport's prejudiced personality today: need for closure as the motivated cognitive basis of prejudice,VABB-1,349,354,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336911,,Impaired performance as a source of reduced energy investment in judgement under stressors,VABB-1,625,632,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336912,,"An integrative process approach on judgment and decision making: the impact of arousal, affect, motivation, and cognitive ability",VABB-1,497,520,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336913,,Intergroup contact buffers against the intergenerational transmission of authoritarianism and racial prejudice,VABB-1,231,234,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336914,,A step into the anarchist's mind: examining political attitudes and ideology through event-related brain potentials,VABB-1,296,303,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336915,,A psycho-political profile of party activists and left-wing and right-wing extremists,VABB-1,166,203,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336916,,The effect of followers' belongingness needs on leaders' procedural fairness enactment mediation through interpersonal and team attraction,VABB-1,31,39,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336917,,"Geoarchaeological study of the Achaemenid dam of Sad-i Didegan (Fars, Iran)",VABB-1,91,108,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336918,,Determinants of willingness-to-pay for GM rice with health benefits in a high-risk region: evidence from experimental auctions for folate biofortified rice in China,VABB-1,87,94,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336919,,Hoe percipieert een taalkundige leek het Vlaamse taallandschap?,VABB-1,123,146,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:336921,,Improving student satisfaction in a first-year undergraduate accounting course by team learning,VABB-1,53,82,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336923,,The man and machine robot orchestra at logos,VABB-1,28,48,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336924,,Diagnosis in the field of psychotherapy: a plea for an alternative to the DSM-5.x,VABB-1,128,142,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336925,,"Late bronstijd-vroege ijzertijdsporen op de verkaveling Mussenpad 2 in Nijlen (prov. Antwerpen, België)",VABB-1,89,94,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336928,,AMS C-14 dating of Balearic lime burials,VABB-1,563,574,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336929,,"Het urnengrafveld van Meerhout-Galgenheide (prov. Antwerpen, België)",VABB-1,71,74,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336930,,"Een bronzen beitel te Melden (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,49,52,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336933,,Gerelateerde ontwikkeling van externaliserend gedrag en opvoedgedrag bij kinderen en adolescenten,VABB-1,32,50,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336935,,"Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, T-2 toxin and some masked metabolites in different cereals and cereal-derived food",VABB-1,819,835,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336937,,Natural occurrence of mycotoxins and their masked forms in food and feed products,VABB-1,207,219,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336938,,How to make the research agenda in the health sciences less distorted,VABB-1,75,93,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336939,,Ghent Developmental Balance Test: a new tool to evaluate the balance performance in toddlers and preschool children,VABB-1,841,852,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336940,,A different look at why selection procedures work: the role of candidates' ability to identify criteria,VABB-1,128,146,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:336941,,Stad in de storm: arbeidersvrouwen en het hongerjaar 1916,VABB-1,205,227,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:336945,,"Serotonin 2A receptor, serotonin transporter and dopamine transporter alterations in dogs with compulsive behaviour as a promising model for human obsessive-compulsive disorder",VABB-1,78,87,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336946,,Preparing or executing the wrong task: the influence on switch effects,VABB-1,1172,1184,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336948,,Determination and validation of the elastic moduli of small and complex biological samples: bone and keratin in bird beaks,VABB-1,1381,1388,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336950,,Age-related differences in metabolites in the posterior cingulate cortex and hippocampus of normal ageing brain: a 1H-MRS study,VABB-1,e223,e231,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336951,,Delayed monitoring of accuracy errors compared to commission errors in ACC,VABB-1,1925,1936,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336952,,Supporting self-regulated learning in computer-based learning environments: systematic review of effects of scaffolding in the domain of science education,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336953,,Time-frequency analysis of chemosensory event-related potentials to characterize the cortical representation of odors in humans,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336954,,The effectiveness of school-based smoking prevention interventions among low- and high-SES European teenagers,VABB-1,459,469,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336955,,Treatment of skeletal muscle injury: a review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336959,,Does conservatism have a self-esteem enhancing function? An examination of associations with contingent self-worth and ill-being in late adults,VABB-1,728,732,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336961,,A process-content approach to adolescent identity formation: examining longitudinal associations between identity styles and goal pursuits,VABB-1,135,161,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336962,,Research on self-determination in physical education: key findings and proposals for future research,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336964,,Player identification in online games: validation of a scale for measuring identification in MMOGs,VABB-1,197,221,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336965,,'Something of the two of us': the emotionally loaded embryo disposition decision making of patients who view their embryo as a symbol of their relationship,VABB-1,45,52,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336967,,New reference values must be established for the Alberta Infant Motor Scales for accurate identification of infants at risk for motor developmental delay in Flanders,VABB-1,260,267,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:336968,,Neural correlates of pantomiming familiar and unfamiliar tools: action semantics versus mechanical problem solving?,VABB-1,905,918,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336969,,The meaning of emotion in the white Afrikaans language group: a componential emotion theory approach,VABB-1,555,563,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336970,,Extraterritorial laws for cross-border reproductive care: the issue of legal diversity,VABB-1,187,200,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:336972,,On-fiber furan formation from volatile precursors: a critical example of artefact formation during solid-phase microextraction,VABB-1,37,41,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336973,,Food insecurity and age at menarche among adolescent girls in Jimma Zone Southwest Ethiopia: a longitudinal study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:336975,,"Crises, crude oil and BRIC stock markets",VABB-1,304,321,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:336978,,Protein-derived bioactives affecting CCK-induced satiety: how to detect untargeted compounds and determine their identity,VABB-1,6,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336979,,The parent-child relationship as predictor of eating pathology and weight gain in preadolescents,VABB-1,445,457,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336984,,Altered default-mode network activation in mild cognitive impairment compared with healthy aging,VABB-1,1195,1206,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336985,,"Overeducation, undereducation and earnings: further evidence on the importance of ability and measurement error bias",VABB-1,76,90,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336986,,Contingency learning with evaluative stimuli: testing the generality of contingency learning in a performance paradigm,VABB-1,175,182,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336987,,'Not just right experiences' predict obsessive-compulsive symptoms in non-clinical Italian individuals: a one-year longitudinal study,VABB-1,159,167,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336988,,The pictorial attitude implicit association test for need for affiliation,VABB-1,838,842,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336990,,MVO-rapportering in België,VABB-1,26,36,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:336991,,The nature of threat: enhanced recall of internal threat words in fear of flying,VABB-1,390,396,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336993,,Decreased cognitive control in response to negative information in remitted depression: an event related potential study,VABB-1,250,258,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336994,,Increased attentional control for emotional distractors moderates the use of reflective pondering in times of life stress: a prospective study,VABB-1,474,483,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336996,,To control or not? A motivational perspective on coping with pain,VABB-1,3,7,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:336999,,The interaction of functional and dysfunctional emotions during balance beam performance,VABB-1,300,307,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337000,,Interpersonal problems and cognitive characteristics of interpersonal representations in Alexithymia: a study using a self-report and interview-based measure of Alexithymia,VABB-1,607,613,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337001,,The influence of emotional priming on the neural substrates of memory: a prospective fMRI study using portrait art stimuli,VABB-1,876,883,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337002,,Internal cognitive control in clinical depression: general but no emotion-specific impairments,VABB-1,124,130,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337004,,Why ruminators won't stop: the structural and resting state correlates of rumination and its relation to depression,VABB-1,352,360,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337005,,"Mainstreaming gender in European Union development cooperation with Sub-Saharan Africa: promising numbers, narrow contents, telling silences",VABB-1,319,338,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337006,,Neuropsychological correlates of emotional lability in children with ADHD,VABB-1,1139,1148,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:337007,,Exegi Monumentum :lLa Belgique judiciaire (1842-1939),VABB-1,46,58,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:337008,,Time-of-day effects in arousal: disrupted diurnal cortisol profiles in children with ADHD,VABB-1,782,789,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337009,,Stress sensitive healthy females show less left amygdala activation in response to withdrawal-related visual stimuli under passive viewing conditions,VABB-1,230,236,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337010,,Cambyses aan de Vlaamse kust,VABB-1,126,136,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337012,,Feasibility study of the application of micro-Raman imaging as complement to micro-XRF imaging,VABB-1,363,376,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337013,,Small-business owner-managers' perceptions of business ethics and CSR-related concepts,VABB-1,425,453,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337014,,Evaluation of a spectral searching algorithm for the comparison of Raman band positions,VABB-1,27,31,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337015,,"Brown diamonds from an eclogite xenolith from Udachnaya kimberlite, Yakutia, Russia",VABB-1,41,48,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337016,,The hypocrisy-sincerity continuum in corporate communication and decision making: a model of corporate social responsibility and business ethics practices,VABB-1,586,600,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337017,,Discrimination of zeolites and beryllium containing silicates using portable Raman spectroscometric equipment with near-infrared excitation,VABB-1,341,346,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337018,,The hierarchical factor model of ADHD: invariant across age and national groupings?,VABB-1,292,303,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337019,,De screening van kleinere projecten op milieueffecten: stand van zaken na het arrest van het Hof van Justitie van 24 maart 2011?,VABB-1,201,227,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337020,,De kaderrichtlijn mariene strategie: een nieuwe hefboom voor het Europese mariene milieubeleid of een gemiste kans?,VABB-1,3,23,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337021,,Out of the woods: the illegal trade in tropical timber and a European trade hub,VABB-1,191,212,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337022,,Vrijmetselarij en criminalisering tijdens het Vichy-regime: een criminologische benadering van de forces occultes,VABB-1,10,31,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337023,,Gustave de Molinari: à la recherche des fondements de la sécurité privée,VABB-1,128,134,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:337024,,Ditransitive verbs and the ditransitive construction: a diachronic perspective,VABB-1,387,410,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337025,,The Dutch evidential NCI: a case of constructional attrition,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337028,,Colouring inside what lines?: interference of the urban growth boundary and the political-administrative border of Brussels,VABB-1,1509,1527,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337038,,CBN-Adviezen? Jaaroverzicht 2011: op volle toeren,VABB-1,2,17,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337039,,Help! There's a picture in my novel! An investigation into the imaginative possibilities of pictures in literary texts,VABB-1,195,204,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337040,,"Nutritional quality and acceptability of a weekly vegetarian lunch in primary-school canteens in Ghent, Belgium: 'Thursday Veggie Day'",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337041,,Relative validity of a short qualitative food frequency questionnaire for use in food consumption surveys,VABB-1,737,742,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337042,,Electrical conductivity depth modelling with a multireceiver EMI sensor for prospecting archaeological features,VABB-1,21,30,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337043,,Adding the goal to learn strengthens learning in an unintentional learning task,VABB-1,723,728,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337045,,Scapular muscle rehabilitation exercises in overhead athletes with impingement symptoms: effect of a 6-week training program on muscle recruitment and functional outcome,VABB-1,1906,1915,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337046,,Kinetic chain influences on upper and lower trapezius muscle activation during eight variations of a scapular retraction exercise in overhead athletes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337048,,Can hospitals prohibit euthanasia? An analysis from a European Human Rights Perspective,VABB-1,295,306,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337049,,Adverse associations of increases in television viewing time with 5-year changes in glucose homoeostasis markers: the AusDiab study,VABB-1,918,925,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337050,,Systems of attitudes towards production in the pork industry: a cross-national study,VABB-1,885,897,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337051,,Resistance and resilience in a life full of professionals and labels: narrative snapshots of Chris,VABB-1,426,435,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337052,,Sustainable and efficient energy consumption of corn production in Southwest Iran: combination of multi-fuzzy and DEA modeling,VABB-1,672,681,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337053,,What nutrition label to use in a catering environment?: a discrete choice experiment,VABB-1,741,750,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337056,,Supporting gaduate students toward a 'pedagogy of hope': resisting and redefining traditional notions of disability,VABB-1,45,54,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337057,,An electrophysiological monetary incentive delay (e-MID) task: a way to decompose the different components of neural response to positive and negative monetary reinforcement,VABB-1,40,49,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337059,,Annual research review: categories versus dimensions in the classification and conceptualisation of child and adolescent mental disorders: implications of recent empirical study,VABB-1,469,489,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337060,,Genome-wide copy number variation study associates metabotropic glutamate receptor gene networks with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,78,84,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337061,,Van onderzoeker tot doctoraathouder aan een Vlaamse universiteit,VABB-1,226,233,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337067,,Muscle strength and hop performance criteria prior to return to sports after ACL reconstruction,VABB-1,1798,1805,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337068,,What predicts functional outcome after treatment for patellofemoral pain?,VABB-1,1827,1833,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337069,,Electromyographic analysis of an eccentric calf muscle exercise in persons with and without Achilles tendinopathy,VABB-1,150,155,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337070,,Manipulation under anaesthesia versus low stretch device in poor range of motion after TKA,VABB-1,2751,2758,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337071,,Teach me how to talk,VABB-1,54,58,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337072,,Range of motion in femoroacetabular impingement,VABB-1,327,332,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337073,,Informatieverplichtingen in het Bodemdecreet 2006 en de Vlaamse Codex Ruimtelijke Ordening: duiding bij enkele recente arresten van het Hof van Cassatie,VABB-1,202,210,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337075,,The epidemiology of injuries in contact flag football,VABB-1,39,44,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337077,,Biomechanical insights into the aetiology of inspraspinatus syndrome,VABB-1,239,244,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337079,,Medical confidentiality and partner notification in cases of sexually transmissible infections in Belgium,VABB-1,399,422,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337081,,"Discriminatie op grond van HIV-status: Van Straatsburg, stigma en stereotypen (Kiyutin t. Rusland)",VABB-1,747,757,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337084,,We discount the pain of others when pain has no medical explanation,VABB-1,1198,1205,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337085,,"Safe from harm: learned, instructed, and symbolic generalization pathways of human threat-avoidance",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337089,,Aetiology for the covariation between combined type ADHD and reading difficulties in a family study: the role of IQ,VABB-1,864,873,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337090,,Children born small for gestational age are not at special risk for preschool emotion and behaviour problems,VABB-1,479,485,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337091,,Different perspectives on the sex-attachment link: towards an emotion-motivational account,VABB-1,105,124,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337092,,Inter-identity autobiographical amnesia in patients with dissociative identity disorder,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337093,,Painfully reassuring? The effects of validation on emotions and adherence in a pain test,VABB-1,592,599,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337094,,The catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) Val158Met polymorphism moderates the effect of antenatal stress on childhood behavioural problems: longitudinal evidence across multiple ages,VABB-1,148,154,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337095,,Differences in posttraumatic stress reactions between witnesses and direct victims of motor vehicle accidents,VABB-1,280,287,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337096,,Pain catastrophizing influences the use and the effectiveness of distraction in schoolchildren,VABB-1,256,267,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337097,,"The effect of validating and invalidating communication on satisfaction, pain and affect in nurses suffering from low back pain during a semi-structured interview",VABB-1,239,246,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337099,,Reliability and validity of a screen time-based sedentary behaviour questionnaire for adolescents: the HELENA study,VABB-1,373,377,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337100,,"Family, ambition, locality and party: a study of professionalization in the activation and apprenticeships of local councillors in Europe",VABB-1,37,62,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337101,,Levels of physical activity and sedentary time among 10-to 12-year-old boys and girls across 5 European countries using accelerometers: an observational study within the ENERGY-project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337102,,Motor anticipation failure in infants with autism: a retrospective analysis of feeding situations,VABB-1,420,429,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337103,,"'Tu as versé beaucoup de sang, et tu as fait de grandes guerres': Charles Quint et le roi David dans les écrits des rederijkers",VABB-1,1,12,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:337104,,The effect of a long-distance run on plantar pressure distribution during running,VABB-1,405,409,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337105,,"'Wij sullen valcken zijn, en hebben Arents oogen': zien, blindheid en kennis in Constantijn Huygens' 'Ooghentroost'",VABB-1,165,191,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:337106,,Patriotism and Bellicism in German and Dutch epics of the enlightenment,VABB-1,54,77,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337108,,Sensitivity of night cooling performance to room/system design: surrogate models based on CFD,VABB-1,23,36,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337109,,Images de la nature dans les romans de la Grande guerre: esquisse d'une typologie,VABB-1,123,138,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:337110,,"'Zou de wereldbol een beetje aan het leeglopen zijn?': Herman de Coninck over het Afrikaans en Afrikaner maatschappij, cultuur en politiek",VABB-1,5,24,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:337111,,Evaluation of strategies for reducing patulin contamination of apple juice using a farm to fork risk assessment model,VABB-1,119,129,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337112,,Response to the letter by Van Laarhoven and Evers '(Dis)confirmations of expectancies: two parts of the whole',VABB-1,1932,1933,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:337113,,Co-production: state of the art in research and the future agenda,VABB-1,,,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:337114,,Hugo Claus als meervoud: pleidooi voor een wetenschappelijke documentaire varianteneditie van Claus' verzamelde poëzie,VABB-1,150,159,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:337115,,A traumatheoretical reading of Hugues C. Pernath's war poetry,VABB-1,117,132,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:337117,,Extraction of food-borne viruses from food samples: a review,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337118,,'Sou niet te duchten staen gewetens scharpe dwang': politieke beschouwingen in Joost van den Vondels Palamedes en Baruch de Spinoza’s Theologisch-Politiek Traktaat,VABB-1,66,81,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337120,,Het verleden dichterbij brengen: literatuur als bron van historische kennis?,VABB-1,78,91,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337121,,Test-retest reliability and agreement between children's and parent's reports of a computerized food preferences tool,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337122,,"Neolithic occupation of an artesian spring: KS043 in the Kharga Oasis, Egypt",VABB-1,178,191,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337123,,"Verlangen, uitstoting en 'magisch naturalisme': 'Schoppenboer' en 'Bahnwärter Thiel' aan de hand van de mimetische theorie van René Girard",VABB-1,35,59,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:337124,,Approches éducatives auprès des enfants présentant de l’autisme en République Démocratique du Congo,VABB-1,69,85,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:337125,,"The influence of sex, age and heritability on human skeletal muscle carnosine content",VABB-1,13,20,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337126,,"Reduced muscle carnosine content in type 2, but not in type 1",VABB-1,21,24,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337127,,Physical activity levels and supportive care needs for physical activity among breast cancer survivors with different psychosocial profiles: a cluster-analytical approach,VABB-1,790,799,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337128,,Implicit advance knowledge effects on the interplay between arm movements and postural adjustments in catching,VABB-1,117,121,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337131,,Information flow in networks and the law of diminishing marginal returns: evidence from modeling and human electroencephalographic recordings,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337132,,"Student values, religiosity, and pro-social behaviour: a cross-national perspective",VABB-1,2,25,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337133,,Overeenkomsten voorafgaand aan echtscheiding door onderlinge toestemming: een analyse van de socio-juridische context,VABB-1,1,32,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337134,,Bitter sweet: how sustainable is bio-ethanol production in Brazil?,VABB-1,3599,3603,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337135,,Put on your poker face? Neural systems supporting the anticipation for expressive suppression and cognitive reappraisal,VABB-1,903,910,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337137,,The informed society: an analysis of the public's information-seeking behavior regarding coastal flood risks,VABB-1,1369,1381,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337138,,Measuring the exitability of buildings: a new perspective on indoor accessibility,VABB-1,507,518,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337141,,An emerging challenge for justice sector aid in Africa: lessons from Mozambique on legal pluralism and human rights,VABB-1,289,311,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337142,,Access to justice in Pemba City: how exploring women's lived reality with plural law uncovers programmatic gaps,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337144,,An environment-adjusted evaluation of citizen satisfaction with local police effectiveness: Evidence from a conditional Data Envelopment Analysis approach,VABB-1,214,225,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337146,,Reward modulates adaptations to conflict,VABB-1,324,332,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337147,,Analysing imperfect temporal information in GIS using the Triangular Model,VABB-1,265,280,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337148,,Interactive analysis of time intervals in a two-dimensional space,VABB-1,255,272,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337149,,Constrict in the school context: the impact of ethnic school diversity on the quantity and quality of friendships,VABB-1,654,675,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337150,,De vraag is waarom: de impact van segregatie op cognitieve en non-cognitieve uitkomsten,VABB-1,129,150,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337151,,Self-medication of regular headache: a community pharmacy-based survey,VABB-1,1093,1099,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337152,,Gender mainstreaming in European Union development policy toward Latin America: transforming gender relations or confirming hierarchies?,VABB-1,181,197,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337154,,Validation of a Chinese version of metacognitive awareness of reading strategies inventory,VABB-1,117,134,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337155,,A glance at unfair terms in consumer transactions in Arab legal systems and Islamic law: what Arab lawyers can learn from the European experience,VABB-1,200,227,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337157,,De tuininstallatie 'EXOTE' van Kris Verdonck: ecozoïsche omzwervingen aan de grenzen van Eden,VABB-1,97,105,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337158,,Parent-reported attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and subtypes of conduct disorder as risk factor of recidivism in detained male adolescents,VABB-1,329,334,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337159,,Misleading advertising practices in consumer transactions: can Arab lawmakers gain advantage from European insight?,VABB-1,287,311,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337161,,Cinemagoing as a conditional part of everyday life: memories of cinemagoing in Ghent from the 1930s to the 1970s,VABB-1,561,584,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337162,,Assessing post-fire vegetation recovery using red-near infrared vegetation indices: accounting for background and vegetation variability,VABB-1,28,39,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337163,,Spectral mixture analysis to assess post-fire vegetation regeneration using Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery: accounting for soil brightness variation,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337164,,"Assessment of post-fire changes in land surface temperature and surface albedo, and their relation with fire-burn severity using multitemporal MODIS imagery",VABB-1,243,256,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337165,,Kasuserwerb in der Präpositionalphrase vom Standpunkt der Verarbeitbarkeitstheorie,VABB-1,221,239,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:337166,,Ernst Grosse and the birth of the anthropology of aesthetics,VABB-1,497,09,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337169,,'Verdenckt den Dichter niet die desen Rijm beleidt': op weg naar een intertekstuele commentaar bij historische teksten,VABB-1,273,297,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337170,,Effect of cooking at home on the levels of eight phthalates in foods,VABB-1,4428,4435,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337171,,Comparative versus contributory negligence: a comparison of the litigation expenditures,VABB-1,54,61,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337172,,The influence of a vestibular dysfunction on the motor development of hearing-impaired children,VABB-1,2837,2843,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337175,,'Ignore that 'cause it's totally irrelevant': marking lesser relevance in lectures,VABB-1,2085,2099,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337176,,Drie-argumentstructuurconstructies met een voorzetselobject,VABB-1,205,228,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337183,,"Enkele bedenkingen rond een nuttige rol voor het versleten verbod van leeuwenbeding: bescherming van de vennootschap en haar schuldeisers, niet alleen van de medevennoten",VABB-1,697,708,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337184,,Rechtsplegingsvergoeding en juridische tweedelijnsbijstand,VABB-1,177,180,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337185,,Uniform expected utility criteria for decision making under ignorance or objective ambiguity,VABB-1,297,315,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337186,,Ph.D. graduates in the humanities and social sciences: what do they do?,VABB-1,69,80,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:337187,,Distributie en exploitatie van film te Gent: een historische typologie op basis van de programmeringsprofielen,VABB-1,73,100,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337188,,Analysing spatiotemporal sequences in Bluetooth tracking data,VABB-1,659,668,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337190,,Het VEBIC arrest van het Hof van Justitie: are you being served?,VABB-1,237,245,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337193,,Development of adopted children with histories of early adversity,VABB-1,31,61,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337194,,Children in institutional care: delayed development and resilience,VABB-1,8,30,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337195,,The neurobiological toll of early human deprivation,VABB-1,127,146,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337198,,Recht op (uitvoering van) euthanasie? Instellingsbeleid en de professionele autonomie van de arts,VABB-1,7,22,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337199,,Honderd jaar na de kinderbescherming: de institutionalisering van een pedagogische paradox,VABB-1,454,469,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337200,,"To thrive, one must wive? Subsistence strategies of single women in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century rural Flanders",VABB-1,199,219,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337201,,'Depuis que le moyen âge est à la mode': het neogotisme in de romantische salonschilderkunst van Edward Wallays (1813-1891) en andere schilders aan de Brugse academie tussen 1830 en 1866,VABB-1,105,153,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337203,,Van gevaarlijke tot 'vroede' vrouwen: Oost-Vlaamse vroedvrouwen in de achttiende en begin negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,177,204,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337204,,The 1996 architecture biennale: the unfulfilled promise of Hans Hollein's exhibition concept,VABB-1,54,60,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337205,,Moeder Marckx maakt geen bastaard!,VABB-1,97,107,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337206,,"Gent Kinemastad: een multimethodisch onderzoek naar de ontwikkeling van de filmexploitatie, filmprogrammering en filmbeleving in de stad Gent en randgemeenten (1896-2010) als case binnen New Cinema History onderzoek",VABB-1,235,241,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337207,,De Roma en maatschappelijke instituties: twee onverenigbare werelden?,VABB-1,479,483,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337208,,Is language a news value in Belgium? A case study of the use of Dutch-language quotes in the French-language TV news,VABB-1,407,422,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337209,,De pyrronistische zaak,VABB-1,523,532,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:337210,,On the effectiveness of ego- and other-focused ad-evoked emotions: the moderating impact of product type and personality,VABB-1,529,546,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337214,,"Muscle mass, muscle strength, functional performance, and physical impairment in women with the hypermobility type of Ehlers Danlos syndrome",VABB-1,1584,1592,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337221,,An illustrated framework for the analysis of Web2.0 interactivity,VABB-1,263,281,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337232,,Technological pedagogical content knowledge in teacher education: in search of a new curriculum,VABB-1,239,243,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337238,,An analysis of day-to-day variations in individual space-time accessibility,VABB-1,81,91,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337239,,"How do men with paraplegia choose activities in the light of striving for optimal participation?: a qualitative study, based on phenomenological-hermeneutical method",VABB-1,645,669,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337241,,Adolescent callous-unemotional traits and conduct disorder in adoptees exposed to severe early deprivation,VABB-1,197,201,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337243,,E-deliberation 2.0 for smart cities: a critical assessment of two 'idea generation' cases,VABB-1,82,98,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337253,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie): september 2010,VABB-1,55,65,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337254,,Fairness perceptions of video resumes among ethnically diverse applicants,VABB-1,423,433,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337255,,Documenting the adverse impact of resume screening: degree of ethnic identification matters,VABB-1,364,474,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337257,,Als 'vergoeding wegens afstand' vermomd strafbeding ontmaskerd: noot onder Cass. 28 april 2011,VABB-1,122,127,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337259,,Absolute dating (14C and OSL) of the formation of coversand ridges occupied by prehistoric hunter-gatherers in NW Belgium,VABB-1,715,726,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337260,,Perceived crime and traffic safety is related to physical activity among adults in Nigeria,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337262,,"In the book of life: manuscript, memoria, and community in Eduard de Dene's testament rhetoricael (Bruges, 1562)",VABB-1,1013,1035,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337263,,Retorische hermeneutiek als 'culturele conversatie': een verkenning,VABB-1,121,134,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337264,,'En de gezangen maken ons sterker en groter dan we zijn': 'Medea' tussen monoloog en muzikalisering,VABB-1,106,112,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337265,,Using a multi-receiver survey of apparent electrical conductivity to reconstruct a Holocene tidal channel in a polder area,VABB-1,104,111,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337266,,Van zelfstandig bankagent naar vennoot: is de vergoeding een compensatievergoeding of een stopzettingsmeerwaarde: of is er een derde in het spel?,VABB-1,579,587,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337267,,The European Union and its Eastern neighbours: towards a more ambitious partnership?,VABB-1,658,661,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337269,,Parental attention to their child's pain is modulated by threat value of pain,VABB-1,623,631,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337270,,Sleep duration and overweight in European children: is the association modified by geographic region?,VABB-1,885,890,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337271,,Wissenstranfer zwischen Latinitas und Volkssprache: die Endkaiserlegende in der 'Fünften Partie' des mittelniederländischen Spiegel Historiael,VABB-1,199,229,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:337273,,Vitamin D status among adolescents in Europe: the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence study,VABB-1,755,764,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337274,,Taste preferences in association with dietary habits and weight status in European children: results from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,27,34,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337275,,"Eating behaviour, insulin resistance and cluster of metabolic risk factors in European adolescents: the HELENA study",VABB-1,140,147,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337276,,Intake and dietary sources of haem and non-haem iron in Flemish preschoolers,VABB-1,806,812,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337277,,Cardiorespiratory fitness and dietary intake in European adolescents: the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence study,VABB-1,1850,1859,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337278,,Food sources and correlates of sodium and potassium intakes in Flemish pre-school children,VABB-1,1039,1046,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337279,,Blood cells as a source of transcriptional biomarkers of childhood obesity and its related metabolic alterations: results of the IDEFICS Study,VABB-1,E648,E652,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337280,,"Physical activity, fitness, and serum leptin concentrations in adolescents",VABB-1,598,603,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337287,,De lichamelijke ervaring van de werkelijkheid: de bevrijding van het lichaam bij Daniël Robberechts,VABB-1,159,172,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337288,,Playing in school or at home? An exploration of the effects of context on educational game experience,VABB-1,199,208,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337289,,Companies' opinions and acceptance of Global Food Safety Initiative benchmarks after implementation,VABB-1,1660,1672,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337292,,Small sample surveys: increasing rigor in supply chain management research,VABB-1,615,639,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337293,,"Antioxidant vitamin status (A, E, C, and Beta-Carotene) in European adolescents: the HELENA Study",VABB-1,245,255,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337295,,The ontology of causal process theories,VABB-1,523,538,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337296,,Frank Ankersmit and Eelco Runia: the presence and the otherness of the past,VABB-1,393,415,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:337297,,Virtues of historiography,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337298,,Psychoanalyse en geschiedfilosofie,VABB-1,293,305,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337299,,Enkele aspecten van schuldig verzuim,VABB-1,83,90,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337300,,De psychoanalyse was altijd al een luis in de pels,VABB-1,170,182,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337301,,Wat ik van Freud en Lacan geleerd heb: met de hulp van analysanten: stellingen over psychoanalyse en psychotherapie,VABB-1,255,260,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337302,,Revisiting the rhetorical curriculum,VABB-1,727,743,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337303,,Migrants in the Mediterranean: do's and don'ts in maritime interdiction,VABB-1,342,370,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337305,,"Controls, service type and perceived supplier performance in interfirm service exchanges",VABB-1,423,435,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337306,,Causality and explanation in the sciences,VABB-1,133,136,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337307,,Rechtsmiddelen moeten efficienter!,VABB-1,617,662,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337309,,Food systems: new-ruralism versus new-urbanism,VABB-1,2224,2226,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337310,,Exploring synergies between place branding and agricultural landscape management as a rural development practice,VABB-1,432,452,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337311,,Is there a perfectionist in each of us? An experimental study on perfectionism and eating disorder symptoms,VABB-1,531,540,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337313,,Logics for qualitative inductive generalization,VABB-1,61,80,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337315,,Egyptian workers and 'their' intellectuals: the dialectical pedagogy of the Mahalla strike movement,VABB-1,139,155,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337316,,It might have been classical logic,VABB-1,241,279,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337318,,Carving the world as we please,VABB-1,7,24,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337320,,Introduction,VABB-1,1,3,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337321,,Effect of oxidation in the presence or absence of lipids on hazelnut and soybean protein detectability by commercial ELISA,VABB-1,179,192,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337322,,Effect of partial hydrolysis on the hazelnut and soybean protein detectability by ELISA,VABB-1,497,503,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337324,,MALDI based identification of hazelnut protein derived tryptic marker peptides,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337326,,Repetition priming in the stop signal task: the electrophysiology of sequential effects of stopping,VABB-1,2860,2868,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337328,,"Metáfora, alegoría y nostalgia: la casa en las novelas de Alejandro Zambra",VABB-1,25,42,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:337329,,Why are some people more susceptible to ingroup threat than others? The importance of a relative extrinsic to intrinsic value orientation,VABB-1,164,172,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337330,,Temporele bevoegdheid op grond van artikel 1280 Ger. W.: het begin van het einde,VABB-1,125,133,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337331,,Eighteenth-century poetry,VABB-1,610,618,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337335,,"Rumour, Hanjian 漢奸 and identity: who Led the 'Barbarians' to burn the Yuanming yuan?",VABB-1,169,241,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337336,,On Yuan Dynasty 'Newspapers': the existence of Dibao 邸報 and Guanbao 官報 reexamined,VABB-1,343,374,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337338,,Vlaanderen vs. Nederland: invloed van de ruimtelijke planning op mobiliteit,VABB-1,1,27,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337339,,Causation in perspective: are all causal claims equally warranted?,VABB-1,123,148,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337340,,Toward systematic integration between Self-Determination Theory and Motivational Interviewing as examples of top-down and bottom-up intervention development: autonomy or volition as a fundamental theoretical principle,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337343,,Chronic disease management programmes: an adequate response to patients' needs?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:337344,,Voluntary outreach counselling and testing for HIV and STI among men who have sex with men in Antwerp,VABB-1,172,176,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337345,,Culture of distinction or culture of openness? Using a social space approach to analyze the social structuring of lifestyles,VABB-1,491,513,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337346,,Structuring user involvement in panel-based living labs,VABB-1,31,38,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337347,,"Stress, emotional eating behaviour and dietary patterns in children",VABB-1,762,769,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337348,,Separability and aggregation of equivalence relations,VABB-1,191,212,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337349,,Hervormingsvoorstellen uit het verleden: richtlijnen voor de toekomst van de strafrechtspraak?,VABB-1,29,47,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337350,,Leven met een uurrooster... een persoonlijke ervaring met een enkelband,VABB-1,4,9,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337351,,Rethinking the twentieth-century catholic church in Belgium: the inter-relationship between liturgy and architecture,VABB-1,269,297,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337352,,Microbial safety and quality of various types of cooked chilled foods,VABB-1,510,517,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337354,,Perfect periphrases in post-classical and early Byzantine Greek: an ecological-evolutionary account,VABB-1,205,275,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337355,,Werkgelegenheid en economische groei: Duitsland als voorbeeld voor Europa?,VABB-1,224,239,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337357,,Tell-tale landscapes and mythical chronotopes in urban designs for twenty-first century Paris,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337358,,"Children’s body composition and stress, the ChiBS study: aims, design, methods, population and participation characteristics",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337359,,VP-Ellipsis is not licensed by VP-Topicalization,VABB-1,591,614,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337360,,The posthumous legacy of Khlebnikov versus Mayakovsky sub specie Avant-Garde performance of scandal: debating the semiotic pragmatics of Avant-Garde behavior and life-creation,VABB-1,97,118,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337361,,The futurist pragmatics of life-creation and the performative ideology of the avant-garde,VABB-1,371,392,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337362,,The notion 'ideology' in the context of the Russian avant-garde,VABB-1,135,154,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337363,,Implications of oocyte cryostorage for the practice of oocyte donation,VABB-1,2886,2893,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337364,,The processing of anticipated and unanticipated fearful faces: an ERP study,VABB-1,85,90,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337365,,Giving more weight to preferential votes: welcome or superfluous reform? The case of the local elections in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,91,111,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337366,,Blue collars striking the red flag: formal and descriptive representation of the working class in the Belgian House of Representatives 1946-2007,VABB-1,225,243,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337367,,It's not only about lists: explaining preference voting in Belgium,VABB-1,293,313,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337368,,Vertegenwoordiging van oude en nieuwe breuklijnen in de Lage Landen,VABB-1,309,331,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337369,,Scarring effects of remaining unemployed for long-term unemployed school-leavers,VABB-1,951,980,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337371,,Muscle-tendon tissue properties in the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome,VABB-1,766,772,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337372,,Total mesophilic counts underestimate in many cases the contamination levels of psychrotrophic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in chilled-stored food products at the end of their shelf-life,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337373,,Nothing as practical as a good theory? The theoretical basis of HIV prevention interventions for young people in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337374,,"Criminal law, the victim and community: the shades of 'we' and the conceptual involvement of community in contemporary criminal law theory",VABB-1,205,215,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:337375,,"De strijd tegen het biodiversiteitsverlies: minder flexibiliteit, meer natuur of net omgekeerd? (deel 1)",VABB-1,83,95,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337379,,Spread components in the Hungarian Forint-Euro market,VABB-1,52,69,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337381,,Motivating inhibition: reward prospect speeds up response cancellation,VABB-1,498,503,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337382,,The deadlock of Husserl’s life-world: from a critique of psychologism to psychologization,VABB-1,324,341,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337384,,Narcissism and the DSM V: Lasch and the political leftovers of the debate,VABB-1,49,61,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337385,,The roller-coaster of experiences: becoming the parent of a deaf child,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337388,,Effects of a variety of food extracts and juices on the specific binding ability of Norovirus GII.4 P particles,VABB-1,1350,1354,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337389,,"Policy‐making in an era of agencification: an exploration of task divisions between politicians, core departments and public agencies",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337391,,Transferability of private food marketing success factors to public food and health policy: an expert Delphi survey,VABB-1,650,660,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337392,,De openheid van de omnivoor: de sociale structurering van culturele leefstijlen in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,97,123,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337397,,Why the devil wears Prada: consumers' purchase motives for luxuries,VABB-1,609,622,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337398,,The meaning of luxury brands in a democratized luxury world,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337400,,Customary arbitration in Nigeria: development and prospects,VABB-1,307,330,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337401,,Cardiovascular risk age: concepts and practicalities,VABB-1,941,946,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337402,,"Strong, universal and provably non-trivial set theory by means of adaptive logic",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337406,,"Scott's Minstrelsy and Victorian Ballad anthologies: authorship, editing, and authority",VABB-1,47,63,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337407,,Authorship as cultural performance: new perspectives in authorship studies,VABB-1,5,29,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337408,,Isolation and identification of a potent radical scavenger (canolol) from roasted high erucic mustard seed oil from Nepal and its formation during roasting,VABB-1,7506,7512,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337409,,"'What to naturalists is known as a symbiosis': literature, community and nature in the evergreen",VABB-1,111,129,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337412,,How law frames moral inuitions: the expressive effect of specific performance,VABB-1,673,717,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337414,,De academische blik op het literaire oeuvre van Jan de Roek: beschouwingen bij een beperkt receptieoverzicht,VABB-1,105,120,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337417,,Parents who catastrophize about their child's pain prioritize attempts to control pain,VABB-1,1695,1701,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337418,,Changes in attentional processing of emotional information following mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in people with a history of depression: towards an open attention for all emotional experiences,VABB-1,612,620,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337419,,How is family support related to students' GPA scores? A longitudinal study,VABB-1,399,420,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337420,,Steady-state evoked potentials to study the processing of tactile and nociceptive somatosensory input in the human brain,VABB-1,315,323,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337423,,Emotional interference in working memory is related to rumination,VABB-1,348,357,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337424,,Temporal discounting of monetary rewards in children and adolescents with ADHD and autism spectrum disorders,VABB-1,791,800,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337425,,How a two-step approach discloses different determinants of voluntary social and environmental reporting,VABB-1,567,605,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337426,,The effects of monetary and social rewards on task performance in children and adolescents: liking is not enough,VABB-1,301,310,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337427,,"How useful are screening instruments for toddlers to predict outcome at age 4? General development, language skills, and symptom severity in children with a false positive screen for autism spectrum disorder",VABB-1,541,551,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337428,,Increased intramuscular fatty infiltration without differences in lumbar muscle cross-sectional area during remission of unilateral low-back pain,VABB-1,584,588,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337430,,Evaluative conditioning can be modulated by memory of the CS-US Pairings at the time of testing,VABB-1,116,126,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337431,,Evaluative conditioning: recent developments and future directions,VABB-1,79,88,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337432,,"The impact of parental gender, catastrophizing, and situational threat upon parental behaviour to child pain: a vignette study",VABB-1,1176,1184,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337433,,Adaptation visuomotrice et représentations corporelles: de la négligence au syndrome douloureux régional complexe: visuo-motor adaptation and bodily representations: from neglect to complex regional pain syndrome,VABB-1,93,98,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337434,,Effects of social context and predictive relevance on action outcome monitoring,VABB-1,460,478,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337435,,Mindwandering heightens the accessibility of negative relative to positive thought,VABB-1,1517,1525,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337437,,L'approche processuelle en évaluation et intervention cliniques: une approche psychologique intégrée,VABB-1,4,23,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:337439,,Rumination mediates the relationship between impaired cognitive control for emotional information and depressive symptoms: a prospective study in remitted depressed adults,VABB-1,292,297,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337440,,Impaired filtering of irrelevant information in depression: an ERP study,VABB-1,752,763,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337442,,"Voluntary attention reliably influences visual processing at the level of the C1 component: a commentary on Fu, Fedota, Greenwood, & Parasuram (2010)",VABB-1,325,327,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337443,,"Transient state-dependent fluctuations in anxiety measured using STAI, POMS, PANAS or VAS: a comparative review",VABB-1,603,645,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337444,,Valence-specific modulation in the accumulation of perceptual evidence prior to visual scene recognition,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337445,,A parameterizable spatiotemporal representation of popular dance styles for humanoid dancing characters,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337447,,Let's talk about sex: audience research of Flemish teenage television viewers and their view on sexuality,VABB-1,287,303,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337448,,Medial adjunct PPs in English: implications for the syntax of sentential negation,VABB-1,5,26,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337449,,Is it all going to waste? Illegal transports of e-waste in a European trade hub,VABB-1,221,249,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337451,,Pagan monotheism as a hermeneutic concept,VABB-1,451,463,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337453,,Motivational dynamics of eating regulation: a self-determination theory perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337454,,'Ik heb geen enkele herinnering aan je': Jenny Erpenbecks allegorische verhaal van het oude kind,VABB-1,24,30,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337455,,Narrative and rhetorical approaches to problems of education: Jerome Bruner and Kenneth Burke revisited,VABB-1,327,343,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337456,,The genesis of the algebra textbook: from Pacioli to Euler,VABB-1,26,61,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337459,,Recente arresten van het E.H.R.M. in verband met artikel 10 E.V.R.M. (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie): oktober - december 2011,VABB-1,221,238,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337460,,De recente rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie met betrekking tot de Habitatrichtlijn: enkele nuttige lessen voor de toepassing van Natura 2000 in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,508,528,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337461,,"Hof van Justitie dwingt Vlaanderen tot een aanpassing van het m.e.r.-Besluit van 10 december 2004: kleinere projecten mogen niet worden vrijgesteld van milieueffectenrapportage': noot onder HvJ, 24 maart 1011, zaak nr. C-435/09, Commissie t. België",VABB-1,356,371,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337462,,Challenging global neoliberalism? The global political economy of China's capital controls,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337464,,Assessing basic life support skills without an instructor: is it possible?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337465,,Studies claiming efficacy of CPR training interventions: which skills should be assessed and how should data be reported to allow comparison?,VABB-1,E217,E217,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337466,,Excessive chest compression rate is associated with insufficient compression depth in prehospital cardiac arrest,VABB-1,1319,1323,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337467,,Prediction of smoke filling in large volumes by means of data assimilation-based numerical simulations,VABB-1,300,317,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337468,,Application of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for the detection of enterotoxins produced by pathogenic strains of the Bacillus cereus group,VABB-1,1691,1702,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337469,,Does reflection have an effect upon case-solving abilities of undergraduate medical students?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337472,,Childhood personality types: vulnerability and adaptation over time,VABB-1,716,722,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337473,,Spatiotemporal dynamics of feature-based attention spread: evidence from combined electroencephalographic and magnetoencephalographic recordings,VABB-1,9671,9676,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337474,,Complementizer agreement and the relation between C° and T°,VABB-1,441,454,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337475,,Coating quality as affected by core particle segregation in fluidized bed processing,VABB-1,415,421,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337476,,Stripping the political cynic: a psychological exploration of the concept of political cynicism,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337478,,You can’t Stroop a lexical decision: is semantic processing fundamentally facilitative?,VABB-1,130,139,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337479,,Anxiety disrupts the evaluative component of performance monitoring: an ERP study,VABB-1,1286,1296,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337480,,Behind mathematical learning disabilities: what about visual perception and motor skills?,VABB-1,498,504,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337481,,Toward E-motion based music retrieval: a study of affective gesture recognition,VABB-1,250,259,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337484,,Successierechten bij plaatsvervulling: bedenkingen bij een mogelijke hervorming,VABB-1,26,40,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337485,,"The hanging roofs of Expo 58: knowledge, prestige and ideals",VABB-1,187,196,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337486,,De geschiedenis van de Middelnederlandse psaltervertalingen herzien: de middeleeuwse overzettingen van het psalmboek uit het zuiden van het Nederlandse taalgebied (ca. 1300 - ca. 1550),VABB-1,3,56,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337487,,White-matter connectivity between face-responsive regions in the human brain,VABB-1,1564,1576,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337488,,Context effects in evaluative conditioning of implicit evaluations,VABB-1,155,165,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337489,,The effects of attentional training on physiological stress recovery after induced social threat,VABB-1,365,379,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337490,,Small number discrimination in early human development: the case of one versus three,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337492,,Thermal detection thresholds of a delta- and C-Fibre afferents activated by brief CO2 laser pulses applied onto the human hairy skin,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337493,,Lying and executive control: an experimental investigation using ego depletion and goal neglect,VABB-1,133,141,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337495,,Cognitieve controle over negatieve gedachten: een stand van zaken,VABB-1,55,68,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337496,,A GIS toolkit for measuring and mapping space-time accessibility from a place-based perspective,VABB-1,1131,1154,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337497,,The traumatic impact of motor vehicle accidents in high school students,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337498,,The German Drang nach Osten: linguistic perspectives on historical stereotyping,VABB-1,94,108,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:337499,,"Het Hof van Justitie creëert een forum actoris voor slachtoffers van een lasterlijke publicatie op het internet: noot onder Hof van Justitie 25 oktober 2011, eDate & Martinez, gevoegde zaken C-509/09 en C-161/10)",VABB-1,49,55,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337503,,Monitorial citizens or civic omnivores? Repertoires of civic participation among university students,VABB-1,95,117,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337504,,Los locativos en la valencia de la construcción existencial española: ¿actante o circunstante?,VABB-1,57,70,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:337505,,"De ornamentele beeldhouwkunst van Georges Etienne Houtstont (Parijs, 1832 - Sint-Gillis, 1912): de synergie van kunst(ambacht) en architectuur",VABB-1,1,24,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337506,,William Beckford's EPISODES OF VATHEK and the architecture of identity,VABB-1,71,22,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337508,,Een kritische kijk op onderzoeks- en publicatieontwikkelingen in de arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie,VABB-1,211,221,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:337509,,"Fragmentatie en samenhang in de aanpak van veiligheid: een vergelijking tussen Nederland, Belgie en Engeland",VABB-1,12,31,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337510,,Belgische overheidsuitgaven voor drugs: preventie van misbruik en afhankelijkheid van alcohol als kind van de rekening,VABB-1,13,29,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337511,,De maatschappelijke opdracht van de politie,VABB-1,70,75,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337512,,Where I-O psychology should really (re)start its investigation of intelligence constructs and their measurement,VABB-1,153,158,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337513,,On how a failing government creates an intrusive police force,VABB-1,115,134,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337514,,"Koop van onroerend goed in België, Nederland en Frankrijk: nood aan professionele begeleiding",VABB-1,24,36,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337517,,Translation and time: a memento of the curvature of the poststructuralist plane,VABB-1,426,468,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337519,,Order and memory: constructing the image of a mid-size city in photography and urban planning in Ghent around 1900,VABB-1,12,27,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337520,,The current perspective of neuromodulation techniques in the treatment of alcohol addiction: a systematic review,VABB-1,S14,S20,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337521,,Orde en geheugen: de verbeelding van Gent rond 1900,VABB-1,12,27,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337522,,De middelgrote stad als Europese stedelijke conditie en strategie,VABB-1,2,8,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337523,,"Roma antica, sacra, moderna: the analogous Romes of the travel guide",VABB-1,397,417,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337525,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens,VABB-1,480,486,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337526,,School is cool: the importance of faculty trust for students' social integration in technical/vocational versus academic schools,VABB-1,103,127,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337527,,Ditransitieve constructies in het Nederlands: semasiologische en onomasiologische kwesties,VABB-1,345,361,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337528,,Nonprofit governance quality: concept and measurement,VABB-1,561,578,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337530,,Constructie- en generatieve grammatica in discussie,VABB-1,380,402,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337531,,Gender and performance in accounting examinations: exploring the impact of examination format,VABB-1,471,487,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337532,,Problematiek commissarisfunctie verenigingen en stichtingen tgv sectorale boekhoud- en externe auditregelingen,VABB-1,26,34,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337533,,Research note: ontology-based structuring of conceptual data modeling patterns,VABB-1,50,64,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337534,,Rediscovering recovery: re-conceptualizing underlying assumptions of citizenship and interrelated notions of care and support,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337535,,Adaptively applying modus ponens in conditional logics of normality,VABB-1,125,148,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337536,,"Social issues in supply chains: capabilities link responsibility, risk (opportunity), and performance'",VABB-1,103,115,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337541,,Are accruals useful for predicting earnings and cash flows?: a comparison between Europe and the United States,VABB-1,18,24,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337544,,Reservation and allocation policies for influenza vaccines,VABB-1,495,507,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337545,,"Het bedrieglijk opzet en art. 64, 2° W.Venn.: een duidelijk nog niet beslechte twistvraag (?): noot onder rechtbank van koophandel te Dendermonde, 22 januari 2009 - 2de Kamer",VABB-1,765,773,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337546,,Research on Roman bathing: old models and new ideas,VABB-1,143,164,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337547,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie): juni-juli 2012,VABB-1,563,587,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337549,,Are alliterative word combinations comparatively easy to remember for adult learners?,VABB-1,127,135,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337550,,Demythifying contract farming: evidence from rural South Africa,VABB-1,24,51,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337551,,Financiële bijstand (art. 629 W.Venn.) onder de vorm van dividenden en managementvergoedingen: waar ligt de grens?,VABB-1,288,302,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337552,,Das neue europaeische Finanzmarktregulierungs- und Aufsichtssystem,VABB-1,443,470,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:337554,,Attempted suicide among immigrants in European countries: an international perspective,VABB-1,241,251,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337555,,Agranulocytosis after cocaine use: a case of suspected levamisole contamination in Belgium,VABB-1,1159,1160,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337557,,Europe's new financial regulatory bodies,VABB-1,443,462,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337559,,From parental engagement to the engagement of social work services: discussing reductionist and democratic forms of partnership with families,VABB-1,449,457,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337560,,Kinderen en adolescenten met obesitas: trends in het onderzoek,VABB-1,76,80,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337561,,Exposición de los conceptos de 'restrictividad' y 'exhortación' a partir de los §§ 15 y 16 del manuscrito Krause de la Doctrina de la Ciencia nova methodo,VABB-1,315,343,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337562,,Het debat tussen 'groene spellers' en 'witte spellers' geëvalueerd vanuit een sociaal-epistemologische invalshoek,VABB-1,61,78,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337563,,Organisatieaansprakelijkheid,VABB-1,42,53,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337565,,De toezichtstaak van de raad van bestuur,VABB-1,1175,1221,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337566,,Family- and school-based correlates of energy balance-related behaviours in 10-12-year-old children: a systematic review within the ENERGY (EuropeaN Energy balance Research to prevent excessive weight Gain among Youth) project,VABB-1,1380,1395,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337567,,'Platonic' thought experiments: how on earth,VABB-1,731,752,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337568,,Busting a myth about Leśniewski and definitions,VABB-1,159,189,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337569,,Basic principles for paediatric care: what ENT professionals should know,VABB-1,125,131,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337570,,A private matter: how patients decide what to do with cryopreserved embryos after infertility treatment,VABB-1,210,216,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337571,,Omzetting van de Europese Richtlijn 2008/52/EG inzake bemiddeling/mediation in de lidstaten van de Europese Unie: een eerste evaluatie,VABB-1,6,37,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337573,,Studying web 2.0 interactivity: a research framework and two case studies,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337574,,Do nonprofit organizations manage ernings towards zero profit and does governmental financing play a role?,VABB-1,205,217,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337576,,"De strijd tegen het biodiversiteitsverlies: minder flexibiliteit, meer natuur of net omgekeerd? (deel 2)",VABB-1,155,165,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337577,,Voir passer et laisser passer: la syntaxe de la perception visuelle et de la causation négative en contraste,VABB-1,263,289,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:337580,,Self-esteem revisited: performance on the implicit relational assessment procedure as a measure of self- versus ideal self-related cognitions in dysphoria,VABB-1,1441,1449,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337582,,Milieueffectenrapportage in de rechtbank: van lastpost tot motor van duurzame ontwikkeling (deel 1),VABB-1,117,160,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337583,,Un descubrimiento imprevisto: nuevos hallazgos de cerámica en Son Matge,VABB-1,15,25,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:337584,,De nietigheid van overeenkomsten wegens strijdigheid met de openbare orde of de goede zeden: algemene beginselen en een grondslagenonderzoek,VABB-1,1355,1420,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337585,,Education and geographical differences,VABB-1,246,273,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337589,,The validity of interpersonal skills assessment via situational judgment tests for predicting academic success and job performance,VABB-1,460,468,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337590,,The 'China Seas' in world history: a general outline of the role of Chinese and East Asian maritime space from its origins to c. 1800,VABB-1,63,86,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337591,,Measuring the perceived pressure and stakeholders' response that may impact the status of the safety of the food chain in Belgium,VABB-1,257,264,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337594,,'Waerom sij met haeren man niet en woont ende waermede sij haer van haeren kant alleen geneirt': getrouwde alleenstaande prostituees in Brugge tijdens de achttiende eeuw,VABB-1,7,13,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337595,,"Grammaticalization and subjectification in the semantic domain of possibility in Kirundi (Bantu, JD62)",VABB-1,5,40,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337596,,Overzicht van rechtspraak (2000-2012): de wettelijke samenwoning,VABB-1,196,206,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337599,,Challenges in the development and reimbursement of personalized medicine-payer and manufacturer perspectives and implications for health economics and outcomes research: a report of the ISPOR Personalized Medicine Special Interest Group,VABB-1,1162,1171,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337601,,A public health and budget impact analysis of vaccinating at-risk adults and the elderly against pneumococcal diseases in Germany,VABB-1,631,643,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337602,,Cost effectiveness of vaccinating adults with the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) in Germany,VABB-1,645,660,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337604,,Client attitudinal stance and therapist-client affiliation: a view from grammar and social interaction,VABB-1,117,130,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337605,,"Track and trace future, present, and past product and money flows with a resource-event-agent model",VABB-1,123,136,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337606,,The impact of treatment with risperidone long-acting injection on the Belgian healthcare system: results from a budget impact model,VABB-1,108,119,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337607,,"Spermatogonial stem cell preservation in boys with Klinefelter syndrome: to bank or not to bank, that's the question",VABB-1,284,289,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337608,,How to kill gamete donation: retrospective legislation and donor anonymity,VABB-1,2881,2885,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337609,,Grensoverschrijdende fertiliteitszorg van Nederland naar België: een grens te ver? Kwalitatief onderzoek naar het perspectief van de gynaecoloog,VABB-1,974,978,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337610,,Relationship between self-report and proxy ratings on assessed personal quality of life-related outcomes,VABB-1,159,165,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337611,,Preventing corruption: lessons learned from anti-corruption training for Belgian customs and excise officers,VABB-1,35,48,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337612,,Social inequalities in educational choice at the transition from primary to secondary education: a matter of rational calculation?,VABB-1,188,214,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337613,,The Hajj From West Africa from a global historical perspective (19th and 20th centuries),VABB-1,187,214,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337614,,Effect of O₂-CO₂ enriched atmospheres on microbiological growth and volatile metabolite production in packaged cooked peeled gray shrimp (Crangon crangon),VABB-1,65,75,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337615,,Quality of gum arabic in Senegal: linking the laboratory research to the field assessment,VABB-1,357,383,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337617,,Building situational stimuli in assessment center exercises: do specific exercise instructions and role-player prompts increase the observability of behavior?,VABB-1,255,271,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337618,,The effects of coaching on situational judgment tests in high-stakes selection,VABB-1,272,282,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337619,,Validity evidence for the situational judgment test paradigm in emotional intelligence measurement,VABB-1,438,447,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337620,,Responding to personality tests in a selection context: the role of the ability to identify criteria and the ideal-employee factor,VABB-1,273,302,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337621,,Opmaak van de beheersrekening: de ongelijke bijdrage door de echtgenoten in de afbetaling van het woonkrediet en de woonstvergoeding,VABB-1,209,215,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337622,,A proof procedure for adaptive logics,VABB-1,743,766,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337623,,De (on)mogelijkheid tot volle stiefouderadoptie na laagtechnologisch commercieel draagmoederschap: noot onder Gent 30 april 2012,VABB-1,374,387,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337625,,How not to use the church-turing thesis against platonism,VABB-1,74,89,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337628,,"Mannen, mannelijkheid en vrouwenrechten in de belle époque: gender en klasse in het feminisme van de jurist en publicist Louis Frank (1864-1917)",VABB-1,5,19,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337629,,"Strategic entrepreneurship, resource orchestration and growing spin-offs from universities",VABB-1,911,927,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337630,,La délicatesse de Pétrone ou la galanterie de Saint-Evremond,VABB-1,53,67,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:337633,,"Zo ongeveer als een zak met aardappelen een zak aardappelen vormt: boeren in verzet, over boerenbewegingen vroeger en nu",VABB-1,5,27,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337634,,"Saint-Evremond: contre le vain fracas des périodes oratoires' des lettrés, contre les 'méditations creuses' des théologiens",VABB-1,35,42,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:337635,,Problematiek van de commissarisfunctie in de verenigingen en stichtingen ten gevolge van de sectorale boekhoud- en externe auditregelingen,VABB-1,26,34,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337637,,Reading gays on the small screen a reception study among flemish viewers of Queer resistance in contemporary television fiction,VABB-1,57,72,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337638,,"From 'patientr to 'person' to 'people': the need for integrated, people-centered healthcare",VABB-1,601,614,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337639,,Stimulating preventive procedures in primary care: effect of PIUPOZ program on the delivery of preventive procedures,VABB-1,704,710,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337643,,Maatschappelijke organisatie en individuele stoornissen: over het nieuwe onbehagen in de cultuur,VABB-1,171,185,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337645,,Wat ik van Freud en Lacan geleerd heb: met de hulp van analysanten: zes stellingen over psychoanalyse en psychotherapie,VABB-1,102,120,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337648,,Influencing factors of screen time in preschool children: an exploration of parents' perceptions through focus groups in six European countries,VABB-1,75,84,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337649,,Correlates of energy balance-related behaviours in preschool children: a systematic review,VABB-1,13,28,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337650,,"The illusion and the paradox of being autonomous, experiences from persons with spinal cord injury in their transition period from hospital to home",VABB-1,491,502,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337651,,Energy balance-related behaviours associated with overweight and obesity in preschool children: a systematic review of prospective studies,VABB-1,56,74,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337653,,Pig producer attitude towards surgical castration of piglets without anaesthesia versus alternative strategies,VABB-1,524,530,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337655,,The mechanism of cultural evolution in Nietzsche's genealogical writings,VABB-1,309,326,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337656,,European Union regulatory politics in the shadow of the WTO: WTO rules as frame of reference and rhetorical device,VABB-1,700,718,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337657,,"The overall quality of my life as a sibling is all right, but of course, it could always be better': quality of life of siblings of children with intellectual disability: the siblings' perspectives",VABB-1,87,101,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337658,,Limited transfer of threat bias following attentional retraining,VABB-1,794,800,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337659,,Does country-context matter? A cross-national analysis of gender and leisure time physical inactivity in Europe,VABB-1,452,457,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337661,,Coastal flood risks and seasonal tourism: analysing the effects of tourism dynamics on casualty calculations,VABB-1,1211,1229,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337662,,Language has many faces: so does truth,VABB-1,284,287,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337663,,Survey of Belgian consumption patterns and consumer behaviour of poultry meat to provide insight in risk factors for campylobacteriosis,VABB-1,293,299,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337666,,Al determination in whole blood samples as AlF via high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry: potential application to forensic diagnosis of drowning,VABB-1,1964,1973,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337668,,Straatsburg Flash januari t.e.m. juni 2011,VABB-1,95,99,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337669,,Psychoanalyse en filosofie: relaas van een turbulente relatie,VABB-1,5,9,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337670,,Au fait: naissance d'un emploi discursif: analyse synchronique et diachronique d'un parcours original de pragmaticalisation,VABB-1,113,128,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:337671,,"Comparison of antimicrobial resistance patterns and phage types of Salmonella Typhimurium isolated from pigs, pork and humans in Belgium between 2001 and 2006",VABB-1,913,918,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337673,,"Upward structural mobility, exchange mobility, and subgroup consistent mobility measurement: U.S.-German mobility rankings revisited",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337675,,A conceptual modeling quality framework,VABB-1,201,228,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337677,,"Case note EHRM, Makharadze and Sikharulidze v. Georgië",VABB-1,939,955,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337679,,Towards a city-regional policy in Flanders from the bottom-up,VABB-1,116,128,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337680,,Risk assessment and management of Chlamydia psittaci in poultry processing plants,VABB-1,340,349,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337681,,"Schools, strain and offending: testing a school contextual version of general strain theory",VABB-1,52,72,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337682,,Het 'boerkaverbod' in België,VABB-1,623,638,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337683,,The ethics of encounters in contemporary theater performance,VABB-1,271,279,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337684,,The effect of EU derogation strategies on the compliance costs of the nitrate directive,VABB-1,94,101,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337685,,Fiscale invulling van het begrip 'dividend': economische verrijking in hoofde van de ontvangende aandeelhouder niet noodzakelijk: noot onder Gent 17 mei 2011,VABB-1,26,31,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337687,,Assessing the concept of the 'Insecure-Other' category in the Cassidy-Marvin scheme: changes between 4 and 6 years in the English and Romanian adoptee study,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337688,,De notionele interestaftrek bij belastingneutrale fusies: een zoektocht naar fiscale neutraliteit: uittekenen van een conceptueel kader,VABB-1,54,81,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337689,,The influence of environmental changes on local and regional vegetation patterns at Rieme (NW Belgium): implications for final palaeolithic habitation,VABB-1,17,38,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337690,,Heat inactivation of Escherichia coli K12 MG1655: effect of microbial metabolites and acids in spent medium,VABB-1,72,78,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337691,,Adolescent offending and the segregation of poverty in urban neighbourhoods and schools: an assessment of contextual effects from the standpoint of situational action theory,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337694,,Private equity portfolio company performance during the global recession,VABB-1,193,205,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337695,,Entrepreneurship's next act,VABB-1,67,83,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337696,,Trends in embryo disposition decisions: patients' responses to a 15-year mailing program,VABB-1,506,514,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337697,,"Effect of grape seed extract on human norovirus GII. 4 and murine norovirus 1 in viral suspensions, on stainless steel discs, and in lettuce wash water",VABB-1,7572,7578,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337698,,The effect of cultural orientation and leadership style on self- versus other-oriented organizational citizenship behavior in Turkey and the Netherlands,VABB-1,249,260,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337699,,Building long-term relationships between producers and trader groups in the non-timber forest product sector in Cameroon,VABB-1,230,239,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337700,,No free lunches: paraprasis in the Greek cities of the Roman East,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337701,,Factors confounding the assessment of reflection: a critical review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337702,,Early risk behaviors and adolescent injury in 25 European and North American countries: a cross-national consistent relationship,VABB-1,104,125,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337703,,Institutioneel akkoord over de bijzondere financieringswet ontsluierd,VABB-1,1190,1208,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337704,,Perceived work ability and turnover intentions: a prospective study among Belgian healthcare workers,VABB-1,1556,1566,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337705,,Gaze aversion during social interaction in preterm infants: a function of attention skills?,VABB-1,129,139,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337706,,Nietigheid van beslissingen van een algemene vergadering: perikelen rond het bewijs van de aanvang van de oproepingstermijn voor de vergadering,VABB-1,48,59,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337707,,Lacan's construction and deconstruction of the double mirror device,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337708,,Informele economie in tijden van financieel-economische crisis? Een analyse van seizoenarbeid binnen de fruitsector,VABB-1,48,55,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337710,,Ecosystem services: what's in it for a lawyer?,VABB-1,31,40,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337711,,Is translated language more standardized than non-translated language? Using profile-based correspondence analysis for measuring linguistic distances between language varieties,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337713,,Training parents of overweight children in parenting skills: a 12-month evaluation,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337716,,Attrition strength of water-soluble cellulose derivative coatings applied on different core materials,VABB-1,71,79,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337718,,"Communicating Africa: researching mobile communities, communication technologies and social transformation in Angola and Cameroon",VABB-1,41,58,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337719,,"Jan van Nijlen, Palladium en het plan voor Beatrijs",VABB-1,73,88,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337720,,The shaping of Islam and Islamophobia in Belgium,VABB-1,28,44,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337722,,Lessons for public health campaigns from analysing commercial food marketing success factors: a case study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337723,,Volstaat de afwezigheid van toestemming voor aanranding van de eerbaarheid met geweld of bedreiging?,VABB-1,61,68,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337724,,ParaCalc®: a novel tool to evaluate the economic importance of worm infections on the dairy farm,VABB-1,204,211,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337726,,School belonging and school misconduct: the differing role of teacher and peer attachment,VABB-1,499,514,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337727,,The interruptive effect of pain in a multitask environment: an experimental investigation,VABB-1,131,138,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337728,,Learning from others' previous experience: the contribution of the venture capital firm to the likelihood of a portfolio company's trade sale,VABB-1,575,590,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337729,,Legal constraints to the European union's accession to the international maritime organization,VABB-1,279,291,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337730,,The effect of experience on the acquisition of a non-native vowel contrast,VABB-1,269,283,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337732,,Near-infrared aerial crop mark archaeology: from its historical use to current digital implementations,VABB-1,132,160,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337733,,The choice of child delivery is a European Human Right,VABB-1,257,269,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337734,,"Drugbehandelingskamer, de Gentse ervaringen",VABB-1,80,84,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337740,,"Picturing the perfect setting: the mediation of landscape and the road engineering project in Belgium, 1925–1962",VABB-1,69,96,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337743,,An embodied music cognition approach to multilevel interactive sonification,VABB-1,211,219,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337746,,The Jin revisited: new assessment of Jurchen emperors,VABB-1,343,404,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337748,,Microbiological spoilage of vacuum and modified atmosphere packaged Vietnamese Pangasius hypophthalmus fillets,VABB-1,408,419,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337749,,Metabolism of ferulic acid during growth of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus collinoides,VABB-1,2291,2296,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337751,,Non-situational functions of demonstrative noun phrases in Lingala (Bantu),VABB-1,147,166,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337752,,"Sustainability of the whole-community project '10,000 Steps': a longitudinal study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337753,,Economic impact of enoxaparin versus unfractionated heparin for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in patients with acute ischemic stroke: a hospital perspective of the PREVAIL trial,VABB-1,176,182,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337754,,Sonographic evaluation of the acromiohumeral distance in elite and recreational female overhead athletes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337756,,Quantifying acromiohumeral distance in overhead athletes with glenohumeral internal rotation loss and the influence of a stretching program,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337757,,"Does adding heavy load eccentric training to rehabilitation of patients with unilateral subacromial impingement result in better outcome?: a randomized, clinical trial",VABB-1,1158,1167,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:337758,,Chocolate yield stress as measured by oscillatory rheology,VABB-1,2660,2665,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:337759,,A critical literature review of health economic evaluations in pertussis booster vaccination,VABB-1,71,94,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337760,,From the clinic to the lab (and back): a call for laboratory research to optimize cognitive-behaviour treatment of pain,VABB-1,102,105,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337762,,The Vedic -ya-presents: passives and intransitivity in Old Indo-Aryan,VABB-2,,,"XXIX, 994 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337770,,"Pieter Bladelin, de Rijselse Rekenkamer en de stichting van Middelburg-in-Vlaanderen (ca. 1444-1472): de ambities van een opgeklommen hofambtenaar versus de bescherming van het vorstelijke domein",VABB-2,,,"145, 309 p.",dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337773,,"Sisyphus' dochters: vrouwelijke beeldhouwers en hun werk in de publieke ruimte (Parijs, Londen, Brussel, ca. 1770-1953)",VABB-2,,,2 vol. (523 p. + 289 p.) p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337774,,Restitutie na vernietiging of ontbinding van overeenkomsten,VABB-2,,,"XIX, 372 p.",dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337778,,The subject of psychosis: a Lacanian perspective,VABB-2,,,208 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337780,,Orosius and the rhetoric of history,VABB-2,,,272 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337784,,Psychologisation in times of globalisation,VABB-2,,,162 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337786,,Experiments in Decorum: Antwerp Art after Iconoclasm (1566-1585),VABB-2,,,300 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:337787,,Framing pictures: film and the visual arts,VABB-2,,,210 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337795,,"Adverbial clauses, main clause phenomena and the composition of the left periphery: the cartography of syntactic structures",VABB-2,,,"XIII, 315 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337806,,14-18 van dichtbij: inspiratiegids voor lokale projecten over de Grote Oorlog,VABB-2,,,240 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337811,,Jean-Luc Nancy and the question of community,VABB-2,,,256 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337813,,The relationship between venture capital and private equity investors and their portfolio companies: foundations and trends in entrepreneurship series,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337822,,Latin embedded clauses,VABB-2,,,388 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337824,,Stadland België: hoofdstukken uit de geschiedenis van de stedenbouw,VABB-2,,,360 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337827,,Basic statistics for psychologists,VABB-2,,,432 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337828,,De intrede van het publiek: museumbezoek in België 1830-1914,VABB-2,,,"IX, 534 p.",dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337829,,Le sang et les larmes: le suicide dans les tragédies profanes de Jean Racine,VABB-2,,,330 p.,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:337831,,Unity in diversity: federalism as a mechanism to accommodate ethnic diversity: the case of ethiopia,VABB-2,,,352 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337832,,Extending offender mobility: investigating mobile offenders through the case study of 'itinerant crime groups',VABB-2,,,155 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337837,,Das Buch in der nationalsozialistischen Propagandapolitik,VABB-2,,,"XII, 437 p.",ger,2012,2 c:vabb:337842,,Article 17: access to a diversity of mass media sources,VABB-2,,,"XIV, 94 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337847,,"The disqualifications triad: approximating legislation, executing requests, ensuring equivalence",VABB-2,,,341 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337851,,Naar een facultaire advocatenpraktijk ter versterking van het klinisch rechtsonderwijs?,VABB-2,,,76 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:337854,,Cyprus and its places of desire: cultures of displacement among Greek and Turkish Cypriot refugees,VABB-2,,,320 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337861,,Liability of legal persons for offences in the EU,VABB-2,,,201 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337863,,Christophori Mitylenaii Versuum Variorum Collectio Cryptensis,VABB-2,,,"XCVI, 233 p.",dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337865,,The Europeans and confidence,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337866,,Washington Square,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337876,,Celan auseinandergeschrieben: Paul Celan in de Nederlandstalige poëzie,VABB-2,,,368 p.,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:337880,,Genome-wide analysis of copy number variants in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: the role of rare variants and duplications at 15q13.3,VABB-1,195,204,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:337881,,"Attentional selection for locations, features, and objects in vision",VABB-4,3,29,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337885,,Introduction: a relational urban studies,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337886,,Global city/world city,VABB-4,73,82,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337887,,Advanced producer servicing networks of world cities,VABB-4,135,145,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337888,,Art in (and of) architecture: autonomy and medium,VABB-4,165,176,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337889,,"The many faces of organized crime in Europe, and its assessment",VABB-4,83,96,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337891,,Competing transfer constructions in Dutch : the case of ont-verbs,VABB-4,39,60,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:337893,,Gravity models applied to regional integration,VABB-4,198,219,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337897,,Lexical lectometry in corpus-based translation studies: combining profile-based correspondence analysis and logistic regression modeling,VABB-4,325,345,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337900,,Architect-designed interiors for a culturally progressive upper-middle class: the implicit political presence of Knoll International in Belgium,VABB-4,169,185,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337901,,Reassembling the political life of community: naturalizing neoliberalism in Amman,VABB-4,155,172,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:337904,,The process of radicalization: an exploratory empirical study,VABB-4,97,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337909,,Regulating the Belgian informal economy: a case study in three sectors,VABB-4,117,129,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337910,,The social analysis of the anti money laundering complex and the compliance industry,VABB-4,57,82,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337916,,Ugandan military entrepreneurialism on the Congo border,VABB-4,35,59,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337924,,"Alfa, Cobra, Zero: abstractie, abstracte kunst en De alfa-cyclus",VABB-4,45,59,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337931,,'The world city-concept travels east': on excessive imagination and limited urban sustainability in UAE world cities,VABB-4,530,537,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337933,,The quest for a world environment organization: reflections on a failing debate as an input for future improvement,VABB-4,233,247,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337939,,"Ritual, politics and the city in Mamluk Cairo: the Bayna l-Qasrayn as a dynamic lieu de mémoire, 1250-1382",VABB-4,227,276,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:337941,,Salvador Dalí's Dream of Venus at the 1939 New York world's fair: capitalist funhouse or surrealist landmark?,VABB-4,101,115,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337945,,"The political geography of public space: on criminalisation and punishment, privatisation, dispersion and exclusion",VABB-4,147,164,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337948,,Philippe de Commynes et le monde urbain,VABB-4,201,224,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:337949,,Church consecrations in England 1549-1715: an unestablished ceremony,VABB-4,297,313,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337952,,Reading blindly: Huygens in the wake of Augustine,VABB-4,287,302,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:337960,,Linking legacies of loss: traumatic histories and cross-cultural empathy in Caryl Phillips's higher ground and the nature of blood,VABB-4,155,173,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337962,,Giving a small taste,VABB-4,3,15,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337963,,Gifts of words: the discourse of gift-giving in eleventh-century Byzantine poetry,VABB-4,37,51,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337964,,Rechts-extremistisch geweld in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,33,56,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:337970,,"Cases T-385/07, T-55/08 and T-68/08, FIFA and UEFA v. Commission",VABB-4,255,270,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:337971,,Psychosocial care in rehabilitation centres for former child soldiers in Northern Uganda,VABB-4,329,362,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337972,,Exploring the context for adolescent mental health and psychosocial assistance in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo,VABB-4,475,498,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337974,,The fit between mental health needs and programming responses for war-affected children in northern Uganda,VABB-4,437,448,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337976,,Staging age and aging in 'the rite of spring': reconstruction or critical intervention?,VABB-4,53,74,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337986,,Type-theoretical dynamics: exploring belief revision in a constructive framework,VABB-4,191,210,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337989,,"Vom beweglichen Denken: zwischen Exilerfahrung, Psychoanalyse und Judentum",VABB-4,126,148,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:337990,,'Thus have I heard' and other claims to authenticity: development of rhetorical devices in the Sarvastivada Satpadabhidharma texts,VABB-4,121,162,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337992,,Theoretical foundations for information systems success in small and medium-sized enterprises,VABB-4,80,101,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337994,,Forms of materialist embodiment,VABB-4,129,144,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:337997,,Charles de Flandre et saint Jonat: les moines de Marchiennes entre pouvoir comtal et sainteté foncière (début du XIIe siècle),VABB-4,277,294,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:337999,,Crossing boundaries: connecting with secular society in the late eleventh and early twelfth centuries,VABB-4,243,252,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338002,,Les collèges et la romanisation dans les provinces occidentales,VABB-4,13,46,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:338003,,Jewish/postcolonial diasporas in the work of Caryl Phillips,VABB-4,135,150,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338005,,Measuring foreignization in literary translation: an attempt to operationalize the concept of foreignization,VABB-4,139,157,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338012,,The Newtonian refutation of Spinoza: Newton's challenge and the socratic problem,VABB-4,299,319,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338013,,"The making of the urban fiscal system of Antwerp until 1800: excises, annuities and debt managment",VABB-4,131,148,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338015,,Organic meat operations in the United States,VABB-4,13,21,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338023,,Alternation biases in corpora vs. picture description experiments: DO-biased and PD-biased verbs in the Dutch dative alternation,VABB-4,87,125,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338024,,Bearbeitungen,VABB-4,312,323,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:338027,,Burke and kant on the social nature of aesthetic experience,VABB-4,177,192,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338031,,The humanities under fire?,VABB-4,25,34,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338032,,"Human artistic behaviour: adaptation, byproduct, or cultural group selection?",VABB-4,167,187,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338033,,New Historicism: Hierusalem Verwoest (1620) and the Jewish question,VABB-4,201,224,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338035,,Los verbos de causación negativa dejar y laisser: sintaxis y polisemia,VABB-4,87,119,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:338039,,Film audiences in perspective: the social practices of cinemagoing,VABB-4,123,140,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338041,,Klaus Schlesinger's 'Trug' and beyond,VABB-4,83,97,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338046,,Data collection,VABB-4,1023,1045,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338050,,Toezicht op detentie in internationaal perspectief,VABB-4,9,39,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338054,,The challenges of co-management for public accountability: lessons from Flemish child care,VABB-4,337,360,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338055,,Co-production as a maturing concept,VABB-4,1,9,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338056,,Conclusion: taking research on co-production a step further,VABB-4,381,388,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338059,,Belgium,VABB-4,25,36,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338062,,"Nothing better than a homemade meal? Mixing representative, participatory and direct democratic ingredients at the local level in Europe",VABB-4,25,50,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338066,,The use of historical aerial photographs in West-Flanders for the detection of archaeological sites,VABB-4,69,85,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338074,,Philosophy with children as an exercise in Parrhesia: an account of a philosophical experiment with children in cambodia,VABB-4,152,169,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338075,,Sheila Cussons en Wilma Stockenström in de Nederlandse literatuur. Aanzetten voor een receptiestudie. Literair-institutionele positionering en kritische ontvangst van twee Zuid-Afrikaanse dichters in Nederland,VABB-4,319,339,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338076,,(Non)existence of 'migration literature' in the Netherlands and Flanders,VABB-4,263,281,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338080,,Explaining and preventing distrust in the criminal justice system: a combined quantitative and qualitative approach,VABB-4,257,270,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338084,,No return home: the (non-)reintegration of youth ex-combatants in Sierra Leone as a Challenge to the contextualisation of DDR and transitional justice,VABB-4,215,241,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338085,,'Blow your mind and cool your heart': can tradition-based justice fill the transitional justice gap in Sierra Leone?,VABB-4,263,287,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338089,,Le prix est (de) 15 euros: on copular constructions expressing quantification in French,VABB-4,233,256,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338092,,Main Clause phenomena and the privilege of the root,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338093,,On how to pragmaticize understanding,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338094,,Echoes from the animist past: abattoir Fermé's Dark Backward and abysm of time,VABB-4,77,89,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338098,,Chariton,VABB-4,483,501,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338099,,"Feeding sixteenth-century Antwerp: food imports, local supply and the agrarian structure of the town's rural surroundings",VABB-4,31,47,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338107,,The accentuation in the 'various verses' of Christophoros Mitylenaios,VABB-4,133,145,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338115,,Roman rural settlements in Flanders: perspectives on a 'non-villa' landscape in extrema Galliarum,VABB-4,235,258,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338118,,Rhetoricians and their classical and foreign contemporary sources,VABB-4,255,260,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338127,,An introduction,VABB-4,1,94,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338128,,Coming to terms with terms: the rhetorical function of technical terms in Chán Buddhist texts,VABB-4,205,236,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338133,,European aid coordination in Africa: is the commission calling the tune?,VABB-4,37,56,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338137,,Childcare practitioners and the process of prosfesionalisation,VABB-4,99,112,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338138,,Childcare professionalism in Flanders: an inside-outside perspective,VABB-4,131,144,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338140,,"Explaining support for vigilantism and punitiveness: assessing the role of perceived procedural fairness, ethnocentrism, authoritarianism and anomia",VABB-4,31,55,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338145,,Knotted subjectivity: on Lacan's use of knot theory in building a non-universalist theory of the subject,VABB-4,114,128,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338146,,Sociale percepties over jongeren en geweld: adolescenten als vergeten groep (potentiële) slachtoffers?,VABB-4,13,31,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338147,,The IDEFICS intervention toolbox: a guide to successful obesity prevention at community level,VABB-4,3,40,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338151,,Celebrating with dignity: the purpose of Benedictine Matins readings,VABB-4,115,136,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338152,,"Politics, social memory and historiography in sixteenth-century Flanders: towards a research agenda",VABB-1,195,215,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338156,,The rule of quantity by Chuquet and de la Roche and its influence on German Cossic algebra,VABB-4,127,147,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338158,,Exploring the features and challenges of the urban parish church in the Southern Low Countries: the case of sixteenth-century Ghent,VABB-4,53,76,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:338160,,The syntax of Main clause phenomena: deriving truncation,VABB-4,113,134,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338161,,Life stance and religous identity in an urbanized world,VABB-4,108,126,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338165,,Shifting centres of power and changing elite symbolism in the scheldt fluvial basin during the late Bronze Age and the Iron Age,VABB-4,302,318,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338166,,Châtier les villes: un plaidoyer pour une histoire urbaine comparée?,VABB-4,397,409,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:338171,,The general theory of marketing ethics and Machiavellianism: some comments,VABB-4,217,229,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338172,,"Human rights law, refugee and migration law, and environmental law: exploring their contributions in the context of 'environmental migration'",VABB-4,248,265,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338175,,"North-west Germany, 1000-1750",VABB-4,211,232,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338177,,Food-borne pathogen occurrence in organically and naturally raised poultry,VABB-4,315,328,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338178,,The future of organic meats,VABB-4,425,430,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338179,,Organic meat marketing,VABB-4,67,85,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338180,,Family law transfers from Europe to Africa: lessons for the methodology of comparative legal research,VABB-4,279,302,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338181,,Historical and current perspectives on organic meat production,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338184,,A modern infection: the veil in Roman baroque architecture,VABB-4,131,139,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338185,,Miracle books and religious architecture in the Southern Netherlands: the case of Our Lady of Hanswijk in Mechelen,VABB-4,559,585,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338186,,Oprar sempre come in teatro: the Rome of Alexander VII as the theatre of papal self-representation,VABB-4,152,163,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338188,,Folding mutants or crumbling hybrids? Of looking baroque in contemporary theatre and performance,VABB-4,90,101,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338192,,Disability management: new methodology to support workplace reintegration in Belgium,VABB-4,131,143,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338201,,"The pragmaticalization and intensification of verily, truly and really: a corpus-based study on the developments of three truth-identifying adverbs",VABB-4,75,92,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338206,,Performantiemanagement en HR Indicatoren,VABB-4,1,27,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338207,,Tempus ridendi?,VABB-4,225,256,,lat,2012,2 c:vabb:338208,,Achilles Tatius,VABB-4,517,535,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338209,,Xenophon of Ephesus,VABB-4,503,516,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338210,,The turns in social crime prevention in Belgian crime prevention policy since the 1980s,VABB-4,37,62,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338211,,Social crime prevention in late modern Europe: towards a comparative analysis,VABB-4,21,36,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338214,,'Bird never nest in bare tree': Überlegungen zu einer praxisorientierten Kulturwissenschaft am Beispiel des Haare Machens in der japanischen Kultur,VABB-4,107,119,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:338215,,Swimming into memory: the Los Angeles Olympics (1932) as Japanse lieu de mémoire,VABB-4,28,41,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338216,,Muscle pain: the fear-avoidance model,VABB-4,1963,1966,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:338217,,Empathy and pain,VABB-4,1128,1134,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:338218,,"Comparison of affect program theories, appraisal theories, and psychological construction theories",VABB-4,257,278,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338220,,Integration of face and voice during emotion perception: is there anything gained for the perceptual system beyond stimulus modality redundancy?,VABB-4,181,205,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338223,,Leafing through Los Angeles: Edward Ruscha's photographic books,VABB-4,211,222,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338224,,"Subject positions, point of view and the neuter pronoun tet in West Flemish",VABB-4,81,91,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338229,,Examining the mapping problem in dual process models,VABB-4,20,34,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:338230,,Christian Norberg-Schulz (1926-2000): architecture protected by phenomenology,VABB-1,29,47,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338231,,Ethics of community-based sanctions,VABB-4,144,148,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338232,,Cultural relativism and universal fair interrogation standards in Europe and China,VABB-4,143,176,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338233,,Freedom of religion V: freedom from religion: putting religious dictates of conscience (back) on the map,VABB-4,113,142,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338236,,The consolations of reading: blindness and insight,VABB-4,167,177,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338238,,The Belgian informal economy: some conceptual and methodological considerations on investigating the case of seasonal work in the fruit farming in south-Limburg,VABB-4,57,78,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338241,,Fund eines mittelalterlichen 'Lutherpsalters': der mittelniederländische Philadelphia-Psalter (ca. 1485) und die frühmodernen niederländischen Bibeldrucke,VABB-4,55,88,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:338244,,Du 'Junkermann' au '10' de Karagatsis: la réconciliation entre la simplicité aristocratique et la volupté,VABB-4,275,286,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:338246,,De kunst van het misverstand: Friedrich Nietzsches ambivalente afrekening met het christendom,VABB-4,83,112,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338248,,"Conditional clauses,main clause phenomena and the syntax of polarity emphasis",VABB-4,133,167,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338249,,La experiencia de lo extranjero en 'El intérprete' y El entenado de Juan José Saer,VABB-4,123,138,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:338252,,Alltägliche Abnormitäten: Strukturen der Abweichung in Wilhelm Genazinos Romanen Mittelmäßiges Heimweh und Das Glück in glücksfernen Zeiten,VABB-4,167,177,-,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:338259,,Exploring the law in medieval minds: the duty of the legal historian to write books of non-written law,VABB-4,118,130,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338260,,The spokesmen of the medieval courts: unknown leading judges of customary law and makers of the first continental law reports,VABB-4,192,208,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338261,,Precaire arbeid en arbeidsrecht of hoe de staat de flexploitatie regelt,VABB-4,239,254,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338262,,Travail précaire et droit au travail ou comment l’état régule-t-il la flexplotation?,VABB-4,245,260,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:338264,,An ecological approach to understanding the development of racism in schools: a case study of a Belgian secondary school,VABB-4,151,168,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338268,,'Yong Xia bian Yi 用夏變夷' im Kontext von Nationalismus und Historiographie,VABB-4,113,128,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338282,,"Rivalry and envy, rehabilitation and self-promotion: philotimia in Flavius Philostratus",VABB-4,207,228,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338292,,Literatur- und Kulturtheorie nach 1900,VABB-4,494,499,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:338295,,From media anthropology to media ecology,VABB-4,321,336,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338297,,Litigation success functions,VABB-4,165,174,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338308,,"Pinning the butterfly: women, blue collar and ethnic minority MPs vis-à-vis parliamentary norms and the parliamentary role of the group representative",VABB-4,97,110,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338310,,Modal complement ellipsis: VP ellipsis in Dutch,VABB-4,1,34,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338311,,A place to party? Parties and nonpartisanship in Local Government,VABB-4,210,230,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338314,,The information structure of Japanese,VABB-4,187,216,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338315,,"Die Utopie visueller Bildung: zur grafischen und szenografischen Transformation der universellen Enzyklopädie bei Paul Otlet, Patrick Geddes und Otto Neurath",VABB-4,63,101,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:338317,,Automaticity,VABB-4,163,175,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338318,,Schopenhauer on aesthetic contemplation,VABB-4,101,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338320,,"Contingency hedges in Dutch, French and English: a corpus-based contrastive analysis of the language-internal and -external properties of English depend, French dépendre and Dutch afhangen, liggen and zien",VABB-4,33,62,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338324,,"The securitization of environmental conflicts, a blessing or a curse?",VABB-4,209,228,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338328,,Dutch in Belgium: facing multilingualism in a context of regional monolingualism and standard language ideology,VABB-4,259,282,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338331,,Toezicht en beklag m.b.t. detentie in België,VABB-4,79,98,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338332,,English adverbs of essence and their equivalents in Dutch and French,VABB-4,83,102,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338333,,Double criminality in international cooperation in criminal matters,VABB-4,106,184,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338334,,International cooperation in criminal matters: more than cooperation between judicial authorities,VABB-4,65,90,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338340,,How to define and examine implicit processes?,VABB-4,183,198,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338346,,Introduction and methodology,VABB-4,41,61,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338347,,Critical recommendations to rethink the entirety of international cooperation in criminal matters in the EU,VABB-4,533,547,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338348,,EU-wide effect in criminal matters: logical domestic consequences of international cooperation,VABB-4,487,531,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338349,,Eurojust & the European public prosecutor's office: reflections on future policy options,VABB-4,465,486,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338350,,EULOCS in support of international cooperation in criminal matters,VABB-4,421,463,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338351,,Unregulated or inadequately regulated forms of cooperation,VABB-4,389,417,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338352,,Implementation issues: an old sore in international cooperation in criminal matters,VABB-4,367,388,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338353,,Liability of legal persons for offences: ensuring consistent cooperation,VABB-4,361,365,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338354,,Correction mechanisms: a necessity in the current cooperation climate,VABB-4,337,360,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338355,,Criminal justice finality: a decisive element in the development of international cooperation in criminal matters,VABB-4,91,103,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338356,,Horizontalisation and decentralisation: future perspectives on communication and decision making,VABB-4,185,204,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338357,,Enhanced stringency in cooperation,VABB-4,205,336,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338359,,Social analysis of security: an epilogue,VABB-4,425,431,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338363,,The complex(ity) of policing 'dirty' crime,VABB-4,273,290,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338365,,A literary analysis of the Shiloah (Siloam) tunnel inscription,VABB-4,101,110,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338371,,The clustering of multilateral environmental agreements: can the clustering of the chemicals-related conventions be applied to the biodiversity and climate change conventions?,VABB-4,147,177,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:338379,,"A multifactorial analysis of that/zero alternation: a diachronic study of the grammaticalization of the zero complementizer construction with think, guess and understand",VABB-4,201,240,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:338386,,Building justice through criminal law: issues of criminalisation and trust,VABB-4,43,55,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338389,,Very Small States and the European Union: the Case of Liechtenstein,VABB-4,500,527,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338390,,The Brita ruling of the European court of justice: a few comments,VABB-4,276,289,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338392,,Vroegmoderne en laatmoderne hermeneutiek: naar aanleiding van Constantijn Huygens' Ooghentroost,VABB-4,77,92,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:338395,,"General report: the regulation of private equity, hedge funds and state funds",VABB-4,1,36,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338396,,The European alternative investment fund management directive,VABB-4,433,496,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338398,,History of negation in High and Low German,VABB-4,181,222,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:338399,,Promoting labour standards through trade: normative power or regulatory state Europe?,VABB-4,161,186,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338400,,"Grundzüge, Schwerpunkte, Desiderate",VABB-4,529,548,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:338402,,"Cities, Roman Empire (East)",VABB-4,1516,1520,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338403,,"Economic development, social space and political power in Bruges, c. 1127-1302",VABB-4,33,58,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338404,,Philippe de Commynes et les discours politiques en Flandre médiévale,VABB-4,33,55,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:338405,,The use of antihypertensive medicines in primary health care settings,VABB-4,131,152,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338410,,The rhythm of Hiphop: the popularization of multiethnic slang in Swedish literature,VABB-4,175,195,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338411,,'Multicultural literature' in a comparative perspective,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338413,,Jutland and the West Coast as liminal spaces in Danish literature,VABB-4,80,94,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:338414,,From lexicalization to constructional generalizations: on complex prepositions in French,VABB-4,79,111,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338416,,"Negotiating cinema’s modernity: strategies of control and audience experiences of cinema in Belgium, 1930s-1960s",VABB-4,186,201,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338421,,"Cinema, audiences and modernity: an introduction",VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338422,,Theorizing the unity of bodies and minds: nomadology and subjectivity in disability studies,VABB-4,161,176,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338423,,The semantics of self-denial: the new American studies through the lens of Luhmann's social systems theory,VABB-4,131,150,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338426,,"The multilingualism of Dutch rhetoricians: Jan van den Dale’s Uure van den doot and the use of language (Brussels, ca.1516)",VABB-4,50,72,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:338427,,Prenational identities in the Balkans,VABB-4,13,65,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338430,,Wittgenstein lights Lichtenberg's candle,VABB-4,103,113,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:338437,,Parole d'état et mémoire 'collective' dans les Pays-Bas bourguignons: les discours prononcés devant des assemblées représentatives (XVe - XVIe siècles),VABB-4,15,28,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:338439,,Why a propositional single-process model of associative learning deserves to be defended,VABB-4,530,541,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:338441,,"The guard who molested gentlemen … a letter ana awīlē, from the Ur-Utu archive",VABB-4,281,294,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338446,,Art history in a global frame: world art studies,VABB-4,217,229,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338450,,Believe-type raising-to-object and raising-to-subject verbs in English and Dutch: a contrastive investigation in diachronic construction grammar,VABB-4,7,32,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338451,,The productivity of the prototype: on Julien Maire's cinema of contraptions,VABB-4,178,192,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338453,,Technicolor-multicolor-sennett-color: natural color processes in Mack Sennett comedies 1926-1931,VABB-4,23,36,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338475,,Functional meaning and negative effects of drug use and alcohol use among female sex workers in Belgium,VABB-4,98,117,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338477,,Intertextuality,VABB-4,251,266,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338478,,Pursuing trust in child protection meetings: familiarisation and informality,VABB-4,111,127,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338491,,A discipline without a country: Geert Bekaert and universal architecture (in Belgium),VABB-4,227,232,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338493,,Of wills and bills... on inherited debts in the Ur-Utu archive,VABB-4,585,598,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338494,,"Learned, rich, famous and unhappy: Ur-Utu of Sippar",VABB-4,270,287,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338511,,Does value leverage pay off? A model for measuring value-leverage capabilities in automotive large-scale system integrators,VABB-4,209,235,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338515,,Religious accomodation in the workplace: improving the legal reasoning of the European court of human rights,VABB-4,33,58,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338516,,"'Better safe than sorry, but, you know, don't overdo it' responsabilization and fatalism in perception of safety",VABB-4,56,72,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338517,,Construction and sources of people's perception of safety: towards an alternative approach to understand a relative phenomenon,VABB-4,233,255,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338518,,Queering Antigone: the artistwin deufert&plischkes gender performance,VABB-4,67,87,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338524,,The syntactic expression of information structure,VABB-4,1,38,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338525,,Word order variation adn information structure in Japanese and Korean,VABB-4,77,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338526,,Types of focus and their interaction with negation,VABB-4,227,264,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338539,,"Killer applications for fiber to the home networks: market potential, time horizons and user groups",VABB-5,115,128,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338541,,'Army of one or join the club?': comparing local political leadership in Europe,VABB-4,227,248,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338543,,Private security in Europe: towards a European private security model for the future,VABB-4,93,114,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338544,,Medienwechsel in der Praxis: Die 'Verzen' (1894) von Willem Kloos,VABB-4,219,227,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:338547,,Prisoners' rights in the EU & procedural rights in the context of EU cross-border gathering & use of evidence in criminal matters,VABB-4,105,137,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338552,,Note sur les femmes dans les appels flamands au Parlement de Paris,VABB-4,529,539,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:338555,,Transnational environmental crime and its governance: case study research on illegal transports of e-waste and tropical timber,VABB-4,83,102,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338559,,The European Union in the Gx system,VABB-4,311,323,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338560,,Computational models of human learning,VABB-4,707,710,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338561,,"Reinforcement learning, high-level cognition, and the human brain",VABB-4,283,296,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338562,,Vibrational spectroscopy: theoretical basis relevant to archaeometry and archaeological applications,VABB-4,49,58,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338565,,Sociaal kapitaal voor een betere gezondheid bij Vlaamse adolescenten,VABB-4,149,164,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338566,,The PKK in the 2000s: continuity through breaks?,VABB-4,143,162,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338567,,Born from the left: the making of the PKK,VABB-4,123,142,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338570,,Meanings of domesticity,VABB-4,153,156,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338573,,Brain asymmetry and visual word recognition: do we have a split fovea?,VABB-4,139,158,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338574,,Enzymatic and other modification techniques to produce cocoa butter alternatives,VABB-4,443,474,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338576,,Drugs in figures III: study of public expenditures on drug control and drug problems,VABB-4,41,63,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338579,,Pigments and dyes,VABB-4,345,360,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338586,,Applying 'differential association theory' to understand perceptions of corruption,VABB-4,103,112,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338587,,Schaden doet het allicht ergens: Willem Brakman voor beginners,VABB-4,3,19,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338588,,Literatuur als negatieve taaldaad: Brakmans verbeeldige taalhandelingen,VABB-4,187,202,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338592,,Methods of visualisation,VABB-4,3,48,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338595,,Satellite images as evidence for environmental crime in Europe: a judge's perspective,VABB-4,321,355,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338603,,The desired stranger: attraction and expulsion in the medieval city,VABB-4,32,45,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338619,,"Equipment and existential spatiality: Heidegger, cognitive science and the prosthetic subject",VABB-4,276,308,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338628,,Le mécanique face au vivant,VABB-4,115,138,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:338632,,Social disorganisation and adolescent offending in Antwerp: a multilevel stydy of the effect of neighbourhood disadvantage on individual involvement in offending,VABB-4,133,166,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338633,,The Methanex arbitration: the elaboration of a legal standard on transparency in treaty-based investor-state arbitration,VABB-4,279,294,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338635,,Public reconciliation at the South African TRC: the impact of the victim hearings hearings,VABB-4,203,225,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338636,,Representing apartheid trauma: the archive of the TRC victim hearings,VABB-4,285,305,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338641,,An intellectual spin-off in the public-private security management training partnership debate,VABB-4,417,424,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338654,,Infrastructures for cities in globalization,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338667,,Refering to Islam in mutual teasing: notes on an encounter between two Tanzanian revivalists,VABB-4,124,134,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338672,,I want to ride my bicycle… but how bikeable is my neighbourhood?,VABB-4,91,113,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338675,,MaxSumo: a new approach to the evaluation of mobility management projects,VABB-4,131,151,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338678,,"Au-delà de la vertu, Corneille néo-stoïcien",VABB-4,651,661,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:338679,,Electronic monitoring: convicts' experiences in Belgium,VABB-4,77,96,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338684,,Core debates in assessment center research: dimensions 'versus' exercises,VABB-4,68,94,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338685,,On the development and the transition of empirical based criminological theory,VABB-4,15,28,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338686,,Simulations,VABB-4,383,410,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338692,,"Takeuchi Yoshimi: 'Japan's Asianism', 1963",VABB-4,317,326,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:338694,,Recidivemetingen: een beschrijving en evaluatie van kerngetallen,VABB-4,93,112,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338696,,Variance in avoidance behaviour between residential neighbourhoods: context or composition? A multilevel approach,VABB-4,158,172,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338697,,Recruiting/hiring of older workers,VABB-4,380,391,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338702,,Political culture and educational reform,VABB-4,5,27,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338703,,Stadsbeelden voor het post-carbon tijdperk: de Kleine stad als gelokaliseerde utopie,VABB-4,80,93,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338717,,The (il)legible city: civic survey and the imagined community,VABB-4,57,68,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338719,,Follow-on financing of venture capital backed companies,VABB-4,373,400,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338721,,Dignified doping: truly unthinkable?: an existentialist critique of 'talentocracy' in sports,VABB-4,59,86,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338723,,Toezicht en detentie in de Europese Unie,VABB-4,41,78,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338724,,Europe's financial regulatory bodies,VABB-4,255,274,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338727,,To implement or not to implement?: mutual recognition of judgements in criminal matters imposing custodial sentences or measures involving deprivation of liberty,VABB-4,17,39,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338729,,The European financial supervisory authorities or ESA's,VABB-4,232,317,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338739,,"'Montcassin, Montserrat or… An Alcazar'? Architecture, Propaganda and Everyday School Practices in the Collège du Saint-Esprit in Bujumbura (Burundi)",VABB-4,277,294,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338746,,Verb typology: between construction and lexicon,VABB-4,23,48,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338755,,Geographical patterns of lexical variation in the Dutch-speaking area,VABB-4,512,531,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:338756,,Considerations for a future EU policy on disqualifications,VABB-4,115,141,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338760,,Potentia: a lost new town,VABB-4,77,95,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338763,,"Growing inequalities, globalization and trade unions",VABB-4,175,200,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338764,,From a diversified present to a coherent future: ne bis in idem applied to immunity from prosecution and double prosecutions,VABB-4,65,92,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338765,,Liability of legal persons for offences in the EU: outstanding policy decisions,VABB-4,177,203,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338766,,"Criminalisation of demand-side actors of trafficking in human beings, forced labour and labour exploitation. Paving the way for assessing the feasibility and added value of a criminal justice response",VABB-4,205,225,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338767,,"Executive summary: rethinking international cooperation in criminal matters in the EU: moving beyond actors, bringing logic back, footed in reality",VABB-4,23,39,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338774,,Flanders (Belgium): regulated anarchy in catholic and public education,VABB-4,85,94,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338775,,Reform in stable systems (Austria and Belgium-Flanders): the impossible dream?,VABB-4,127,138,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338776,,"'Wer vorwärts kommen will, muss auch mal rückwarts denken': reflections on the case studies",VABB-4,193,212,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:338796,,Food and politics,VABB-4,75,94,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338797,,Enclosing the academic commons: increasing knowledge transfer or eroding academic values?,VABB-4,49,64,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338798,,The lack of access to medicines and the Health Impact Fund scheme,VABB-4,151,170,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338799,,Nuevas pautas para el estudio de los imaginarios (post)apocalípticos en la literatura hispanoamericana,VABB-4,315,337,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:338800,,Exploring the factor structure of measures of confidence in procedural justice and performance of the criminal justice system by actor: a latent-variables approach,VABB-4,119,140,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338801,,The low countries 1750-2000,VABB-4,185,207,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338804,,"'You can't make a monkey out of me': over het creationisme, van het apenproces tot intelligent design",VABB-4,215,231,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:338806,,'Academisering' van het hoger politieonderwijs: kansen en gevaren,VABB-4,53,68,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338808,,Age-related differences in predictive response timing in children: evidence from regularly relative to irregularly paced reaction time performance,VABB-1,801,810,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338809,,Influence of perspective on the neural correlates of motor resonance during natural action observation,VABB-1,752,767,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338810,,Migrations climatiques: quel rôle pour le droit international?,VABB-1,61,84,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:338811,,Belgium on the Move: Transnational History and the Belle Epoque,VABB-1,1213,1226,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338814,,Review of trade-offs and co-benefits from greenhouse gas mitigation measures in agricultural production,VABB-1,147,157,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338815,,"Screening of different stress factors and development of growth/no growth models for Zygosaccharomyces rouxii in modified Sabouraud medium, mimicking intermediate moisture foods (IMF)",VABB-1,389,396,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338816,,"Urban governance beyond the state: practices of informal urban regulation in the city of Goma, Eastern D.R. Congo",VABB-1,483,499,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338817,,Equity-efficiency trade-offs in irrigation water sharing: evidence from a field lab in rural Tanzania,VABB-1,2537,2551,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338818,,The interpretation of masculine personal nouns in German and Dutch: A comparative experimental study,VABB-1,253,268,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338820,,A review of known and hypothetical transmission routes for noroviruses,VABB-1,131,152,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338821,,Molecular detection and genotyping of noroviruses,VABB-1,153,167,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338824,,Stijging in de prevalentie van autismespectrumstoornissen: feit of fictie?,VABB-1,419,424,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338825,,Vedic preverbs as markers of valency-changing derivations: Transitivity and objecthood in Indo-European (Evidence from Old Indo-Aryan),VABB-1,721,746,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338826,,Analyzing Employee Agreement on Maturity Assessment Tools for Organizations,VABB-1,142,147,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338827,,"Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras VII: Proceedings of the 16th, 17th and 18th International Colloquium Organized at the University of Ghent in May 2007, 2008 and 2009",VABB-3,,,561 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338830,,A quelles conditions les étudiants peuvent-ils étudier à l'étranger avec une bourse d'étude de l'Etat membre de résidence?,VABB-1,289,294,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:338831,,Small Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579 subpopulations are responsible for cytotoxin K production,VABB-1,899,906,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338833,,How lingering representations of abandoned context words affect speech production,VABB-1,218,229,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338834,,Thematic emphasis in language production,VABB-1,631,664,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338836,,Alternative investment fund regulation,VABB-3,,,680 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338839,,Ivo Michiels intermediaal,VABB-3,,,197 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338848,,Propionyl-L-carnitine for intermittent claudication (protocol),VABB-1,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338850,,ICT policy planning in a context of curriculum reform: disentanglement of ICT policy domains and artifacts,VABB-1,1339,1350,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338851,,Reconcilability of socio-economic development and environmental conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338852,,"Determining appropriate forestry extension model: application of AHP in the Zagros area, Iran",VABB-1,91,97,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338854,,A new coin type from Sicilian Naxos?,VABB-1,161,168,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338855,,Apollo mediating identities in ancient Greek Sicily,VABB-1,97,110,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338858,,Prevention of vessel-source pollution in the South China Sea: what role can China play,VABB-1,147,166,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338859,,Auditor specialisation at individual partner level,VABB-1,23,31,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338860,,"La diphtongaison dans les langues bantu B70-80 (Bandundu, RDC): typologie et classification historique",VABB-1,355,386,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:338861,,Testing a global city hypothesis: an assessment of polarization across US cities,VABB-1,74,93,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338862,,'Gatekeepers' of Islamic financial circuits: analysing urban geographies of the global Shari'a elite,VABB-1,337,355,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338864,,Managing organizational and geographical complexity: the 'positionality' of advanced producer services in the globalizing economies of metropolitan regions,VABB-1,45,55,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338865,,'Google Books Ngram Viewer' und historische Computerlexikologie: der Sprachgebrauch der NS-Zeit,VABB-1,81,101,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:338866,,Ruimtelijke criminologie: van woonbuurt tot cyberspace en van politiestatistiek tot space-time budgets,VABB-1,291,305,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338867,,Effectiveness of preventive school-based obesity interventions in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review,VABB-1,415,438,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338868,,De ene verzekeraar is de andere niet: geen wettelijk verhaal van de private ziektekostenverzekeraar op grond van artikel 29bis WAM,VABB-1,260,264,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338869,,Publieke werkgever en zijn verzekeraar: de nieuwe contouren van het verhaalsrecht,VABB-1,778,787,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338875,,European guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (version 2012),VABB-1,585,667,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338876,,Europejskie wytyczne dotyczące zapobiegania chorobom serca i naczyń w praktyce klinicznej na 2012 rok,VABB-1,S1,S99,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338877,,"Advance directives and physicians' orders in nursing home residents with dementia in Flanders, Belgium: prevalence and associated outcomes",VABB-1,1133,1143,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338878,,Two-mode networks and the interlocking world city network model: a reply to Neal,VABB-1,171,173,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338879,,"Firm exit after distress: differentiating between bankruptcy, voluntary liquidation and M&A",VABB-1,949,975,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338880,,Are accruals useful for predicting future cash flows and earnings ? A comparison between Europe and the United States,VABB-1,18,24,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338882,,Improving the success of radical innovation projects within established firms: engaging employees across different hierarchal levels,VABB-1,951,965,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338883,,Application of the Unidroit principles of international commercial contracts in arbitration: how to find their way into practice,VABB-1,441,472,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338884,,Pre-contractual information duties and remedies in the CESL,VABB-1,867,897,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338886,,Greening the constitution: the principle of sustainable development in the Belgian Constitution,VABB-1,74,82,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338888,,Brain activation to cues predicting inescapable delay in adolescent Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: an fMRI pilot study,VABB-1,57,66,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338889,,Initial evidence that polymorphisms in neurotransmitter-regulating genes contribute to being born small for gestational age,VABB-1,103,113,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338890,,Student volunteering in Zagreb in a comparative perspective,VABB-1,25,48,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338892,,De notionele interestaftrek bij belastingneutrale fusies: een zoektocht naar fiscale neutraliteit: toetsing van de theorie van het 'gedeeld belastbaar tijdperk',VABB-1,425,446,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338893,,Een volledige boekhouding en afschrijven bij vervreemding tijdens het boekjaar,VABB-1,309,314,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338894,,Verwerving van activa tegen een lage prijs: boeking tegen aanschaffingsprijs of werkelijke waarde?,VABB-1,706,711,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338895,,Ambiguities in terminology and taxonomy as factors in the marginalization of architectural styles: The Case of Orientalism,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338896,,Phthalates dietary exposure and food sources for Belgian preschool children and adults,VABB-1,102,108,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338897,,Vitamin D status and physical activity interact to improve bone mass in adolescents: the HELENA study,VABB-1,2227,2237,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338898,,Long-term dietary exposure to lead in young European children: comparing a pan-European approach with a national exposure assessment,VABB-1,1701,1715,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338900,,Validity of hip-mounted uniaxial accelerometry with heart-rate monitoring vs. triaxial accelerometry in the assessment of free-living energy expenditure in young children: the IDEFICS Validation Study,VABB-1,1530,1536,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338901,,Influence of birth weight on calcaneal bone stiffness in Belgian preadolescent children,VABB-1,267,275,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338902,,The impact of societal vulnerability and violent values on self-control in a Belgium sample of youth: a gender comparison journal of contemporary criminal justice,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338903,,Adding part-of-speech information to the SUBTLEX-US word frequencies,VABB-1,991,997,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338904,,"Age-of-acquisition ratings for 30,000 English words",VABB-1,978,990,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:338907,,"Translations of the sublime: the early modern reception and dissemination of longinus' Peri Hupsous in rhetoric, the visual arts, architecture and the theatre",VABB-3,,,"XX, 272 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338908,,Organic meat production and processing,VABB-3,,,464 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338909,,Methodologies of legal research: which kind of method for what kind of discipline?,VABB-3,,,294 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338910,,"Foundation, dedication and consecration in early modern Europe",VABB-3,,,396 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338914,,"Vom Wandervogel zum 'Compañero': Jan Andries Jolles (1906-1942), Soldat der Weltrevolution: Dokumente zu einer Biographie",VABB-3,,,393 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338915,,The spread of Buddhism,VABB-3,,,474 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338916,,Pragmaticizing understanding: studies for Jef Verschueren,VABB-3,,,"VI, 230 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338917,,Jihadi terrorism and the radicalisation challenge: European and American experiences,VABB-3,,,340 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338923,,(Dis)embodying myths in ancien régime opera: multidisciplinary perspectives,VABB-3,,,190 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338926,,"Zen Buddhist rhetoric in China, Korea, and Japan",VABB-3,,,493 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338928,,Geweld en politie,VABB-3,,,244 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338929,,"Rethinking international cooperation in criminal matters in the EU: moving beyond actors, bringing logic back, footed in reality",VABB-3,,,767 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338931,,European criminal justice and policy,VABB-3,,,229 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338932,,"Social conflicts, citizens and policing",VABB-3,,,176 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338934,,Tides and currents in police theories,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338939,,Toezicht op detentie: tekst en context,VABB-3,,,103 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338940,,"New public governance, the third sector and co-production",VABB-3,,,422 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338947,,"El ensayo hispánico: cruces de géneros, síntesis de formas",VABB-3,,,234 p.,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:338949,,Toenadering: literair grensverkeer tussen Afrikaans en Nederlands/Literêre grensverkeer tussen Afrikaans en Nederlands,VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:338952,,Pragmatic markers and pragmaticalization: lessons from false friends,VABB-3,,,160 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338955,,Main Clause phenomena: new horizons,VABB-3,,,433 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338956,,Social crime prevention in late modern Europe: a comparative perspective,VABB-3,,,366 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338957,,"Reisen, Dialoge, Begegnungen: Festschrift für Franziska Ehmcke",VABB-3,,,224 p.,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:338958,,"Sport, memory, and nationhood in Japan: remembering the glory days",VABB-3,,,158 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338960,,Hans Hauben: studies on the melitian schism in Egypt (AD 306-335),VABB-3,,,294 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338961,,Juan José Saer: la construccion de una obra,VABB-3,,,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:338965,,A companion to Schopenhauer,VABB-3,,,432 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338969,,Belgium at the fair: exile on Main Street,VABB-3,,,252 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338970,,The realism-antirealism debate in the age of alternative logics,VABB-3,,,362 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338972,,"Proces-verbaal, aangifte en forensisch onderzoek",VABB-3,,,268 p.,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:338973,,Brain theory: essays in critical neurophilosophy,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:338974,,"Vitalism and the scientific image in post-enlightenment life science, 1800-2010",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338982,,International handbook of globalization and world cities,VABB-3,,,"IX, 569 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338984,,Interpreting Newton: critical essays,VABB-3,,,450 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338988,,Taxation and debt in the early modern city,VABB-3,,,288 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338993,,Social disorder,VABB-3,,,254 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338994,,Poetry and its contexts in eleventh-century Byzantium,VABB-3,,,230 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338995,,"Re-member: rehabilitation, reintegration and reconciliation of war-affected children",VABB-3,,,"XXXVIII, 568 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:338997,,Philosophy for children in transition: problems and prospects,VABB-3,,,2600 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:338999,,The United Nations and the regions: third world report on regional integration,VABB-3,,,"IXI, 272 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339000,,"Interdisciplinary perspectives on worlds, cultures and society",VABB-3,,,220 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339004,,"Cinema, audiences and modernity: new perspectives on European cinema history",VABB-3,,,232 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339006,,"Literature, language, and multiculturalism in Scandinavia and the Low Countries",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:339009,,Financial regulation and supervision: a post-crisis analysis,VABB-3,,,560 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339018,,Grammaticalization and language change: new reflections,VABB-3,,,342 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339019,,Ethnicity and sinicization reconsidered: workshop on non-han empires in China,VABB-3,,,126 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339022,,"Crime, security and surveilance: effects for the surveillant and the surveilled",VABB-3,,,232 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339026,,Diversity and European human rights: rewriting judgments of the ECHR,VABB-3,,,495 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339028,,Subsidiarity and multi-level governance,VABB-3,,,152 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339032,,Defence rights: international and European developments,VABB-3,,,138 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339035,,Het binnenste buiten: werk en leven van Willem Brakman,VABB-3,,,237 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:339040,,Memory detection: theory and application of the concealed information test,VABB-3,,,338 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339047,,Analytical archaeometry: selected topics,VABB-3,,,575 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339048,,"Criminografische ontwikkelingen: Van (victim)-survey tot penitentiaire statistiek, deel II",VABB-3,,,178 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:339052,,A focused issue on competence perspectives on new industry dynamics,VABB-3,,,264 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339055,,"Athletic enhancement, human nature and ethics: threats and opportunities of doping technologies",VABB-3,,,"XIV, 315 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339057,,"Social analysis of security: financial, economic and ecological crime ; crime, (in)security and (dis)trust ; public and private policing",VABB-3,,,436 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339058,,"Religious education in a plural, secularised society: a paradigm shift",VABB-3,,,179 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339061,,"Literary cultures and public opinion in the Low Countries, 1450-1650",VABB-3,,,324 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339062,,The history of creationism in Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:339067,,Unsettling the 'colonizing camera': curatorial notes on the Congo belge en images-project,VABB-1,327,342,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339068,,Caïn et Abel: fils prodigues de la psychanalyse?,VABB-1,303,321,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:339073,,Quantifying subjective quality evaluations for mobile video watching in a semi-living lab context,VABB-1,580,589,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339075,,A geomagnetic survey of Ammaia: a contribution to understanding Roman urbanism in Lusitania,VABB-1,121,145,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339076,,L'encyclopédie Grammaticale du Français (EGF): présentation et illustration,VABB-1,109,112,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:339077,,Het principe van de onherroepelijkheid van de schenking: een hinderpaal bij de familiale vermogensplanning?,VABB-1,383,449,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:339078,,Theoretische en praktische problemen van mannelijk feminisme: de strijd voor het recht op abortus in Frankrijk (1970-1975),VABB-1,32,44,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:339079,,Wind farm development in the Belgian part of the North Sea: a policy Odyssey without precedent,VABB-1,304,312,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339080,,The banking union's single supervisory mechanism and the securities business,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339083,,Entre comunidad indígena y Estado liberal: los 'vecinos' de Carangas (siglos XIX-XX),VABB-1,39,59,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:339084,,The social dimension of teaching: trust and teachers' efficacy beliefs,VABB-1,301,319,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339087,,Exhibitions: showing and producing architecture,VABB-3,,,128 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339089,,"Challenges, threats and opportunities in post-conflict urban development in Kosovo",VABB-1,143,151,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339090,,Theatre between performance and installation: three contemporary Belgian examples,VABB-4,17,30,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339094,,Ivo Michiels en Jef Verheyen: langs lijnen van verwantschap,VABB-4,27,42,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:339095,,Implicit measures in social and personality psychology,VABB-4,283,310,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:339100,,Experimental investigation of the impact of room/system design on mixed convection heat transfer,VABB-1,542,551,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339102,,A book for two! Peer tutoring and reading comprenhension in elementary school practice,VABB-1,54,58,-,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:339106,,A pure mind in a clean body: bodily care in the Buddhist monasteries of ancient India and China,VABB-2,,,194 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339116,,Toegepaste statistiek met SPSS voor criminologen,VABB-2,,,286 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:339124,,The art of religion: Sforza Pallavicino and art theory in Bernini's Rome,VABB-2,,,241 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339139,,Exclusions from patentability: how far has the European Patent Office eroded boundaries?,VABB-2,,,"XXIX, 341 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339146,,Visualizing the process of process modeling with PPMCharts,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339147,,Process mining and the ProM framework: an exploratory survey,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339148,,"Tying process model quality to the modeling process: the impact of structuring, movement, and speed",VABB-5,33,48,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339151,,Evaluating automatic cross-domain semantic role annotation,VABB-5,88,93,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339152,,Ovalisation measurements of newly built concrete tunnels by means of terrestrial laser scanning,VABB-5,287,294,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339156,,"Geschiedenissen lezen, herlezen en onthouden: literatuur, geschiedschrijving en ideologie, 1600-1815",VABB-5,65,77,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:339159,,Urban institutions and the formation of a theatre repertoire in Amsterdam and Hamburg (1675-1750),VABB-5,125,130,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339169,,How to use stereotypes to raise awareness of cultural interpretation and encourage intercultural competence,VABB-5,6177,6185,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339170,,In the shadow of France: legal acculturation and legal transplants in the Southern Netherlands/Belgium,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339179,,Geweld op school: kanttekeningen bij een probleemdefintie,VABB-5,24,30,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:339184,,The role of the court of justice in ensuring the unity of the EU's external representation,VABB-5,37,58,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339189,,Goossen van der Weyden and the Transmission of the Rogeresque Tradition from Brussels to Antwerp,VABB-5,341,351,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339204,,Composition and state of alteration of 18th century glass from the Cistercian nunnery of Clairefontaine (Belgium),VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339207,,La Commission Daniszewski et le retour de Pologne de la 'collection hollandaise': du transfert d'archives dans le bloc de l'Est (1945-1991),VABB-5,301,312,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:339210,,An andersonian deontic logic with contextualized sanctions,VABB-5,151,169,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339213,,Automatic and robust external camera calibration for high accuracy mobile mapping,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339253,,Germanistik/Deutsch im belgischen Hochschulwesen: Flandern und Frankophonie im Vergleich,VABB-5,60,76,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:339275,,Monitoring strains in the Liefkenshoek railway tunnel,VABB-5,1,8,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:339283,,The role of unification in explanations of facts,VABB-5,403,413,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339320,,"Lucie, Yvonne and Camille: a chain of women (sculptors) in Paris, 1900-1945",VABB-5,83,108,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:339330,,SMEs and IT: Evidence for a market for 'lemons'?,VABB-5,25,35,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339377,,Intellectual capital disclosure commitment: a myth or reality?,VABB-5,501,508,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339382,,Risk-based sampling plan to control Listeria monocytogenes in a hospital food service operation,VABB-5,51,54,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339384,,Towards a decision tool for choosing a business process maturity model,VABB-5,78,87,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339388,,Detection of enterotoxins produced by B. cereus isolates using mass spectrometry,VABB-5,263,267,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339423,,Towards a process model for service systems,VABB-5,1,15,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339425,,Cross-domain Dutch coreference resolution,VABB-5,186,193,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339441,,Combining indoor and outdoor navigation: the current approach of route planners,VABB-5,283,303,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339447,,Doubling PPs in Flemish dialects,VABB-5,1,13,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339449,,Rent seeking and reginoal integration agreements,VABB-5,35,41,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339450,,Analysis and reference resolution of Bridge Anaphora across different text genres,VABB-5,1,11,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339461,,L'itinéraire sensible d'un Brugeois éclairé: le 'Grand Tour' d'André Jacopssen,VABB-5,247,260,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:339465,,"Stakeholder management, reciprocity and stakeholder responsibility",VABB-1,83,96,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339467,,Fichtes Satz des Grundes als een normatieve en descriptieve grondslag voor een Europees politiek project,VABB-1,68,86,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:339468,,A tale of two world capitals: the internationalisms of Pieter Eijkman and Paul Otlet,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339469,,3D building reconstruction based on given ground plan information and surface models extracted from spaceborne imagery,VABB-1,52,64,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339470,,"Landscape, culture, and education in Defoe's Robinson crusoe",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339471,,Factores de éxito en campañas de alimentación saludable: un estudio de casos,VABB-1,1536,1541,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:339472,,Non-linear creep-recovery measurements as a tool for evaluating the viscoelastic properties of wheat flour dough,VABB-1,50,59,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339475,,Interacting with the music paint machine: relating the constructs of flow experience and presence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339476,,Anglo-French relations in the Anglo-French review: 'Bien en Advienne',VABB-1,69,93,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339477,,"Spaces of information modelling, action, and decision making",VABB-1,304,324,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339490,,"Zeitungsbauern, Mückensieber, Regelnichten: Personale Suffixoide im Deutschen und Niederländischen zwischen Genealogie, Kreativität und Norm",VABB-5,101,105,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:339501,,International liability and redress for genetically modified organisms and challenge for China's biosafety regulation,VABB-5,581,600,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339507,,Beyond SoNaR: towards the facilitation of large corpus building efforts,VABB-5,2897,2904,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339511,,The impact of web-based inquiry in secondary science education on students' motivation for science learning,VABB-5,1332,1339,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339512,,Face-to-face peer assessment in secondary education: does anonymity matter?,VABB-5,1340,1347,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339513,,The role of biomass in the renewable energy system,VABB-5,381,408,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339528,,Deformation monitoring with terrestrial laser scanning: measurement and processing optimization through experience,VABB-5,707,714,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339529,,Statistical comparison of urban 3D models from photo modeling and airborne laser scanning,VABB-5,901,908,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339532,,Designing selection systems for medicine: the importance of balancing predictive and political validity in high-stakes selection contexts,VABB-1,486,496,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339538,,"The Belgian civil remedy in case of an unfair commercial practice towards a consumer: an effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanction?",VABB-5,17,23,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339541,,"A pragmatic approach towards software usage in construction projects: the Port House in Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-5,509,512,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339542,,Optimization in compliance checking using heuristics: Flemish Energy Performance Regulations (EPR),VABB-5,477,482,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339547,,World War I heritage in Belgium: combining historical aerial photography and EMI,VABB-5,265,273,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339548,,"Earnest play: religion, rhetoric and intertextuality in the life of Apollonius of Tyana by Flavius Philostratus",VABB-5,109,126,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339553,,Discovering missing Wikipedia inter-language links by means of cross-lingual word sense disambiguation,VABB-5,841,846,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339554,,From underground magazines to cross-cultural poetics and media art: Arkadii Dragomoshchenko and alternate routes in contemporary Russian literature,VABB-5,614,626,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339555,,Improving customer churn prediction by data augmentation using pictorial stimulus-choice data,VABB-5,217,226,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339558,,Stimulating self-regulated learning in primary education encouraging versus hampering factors for teachers,VABB-5,1562,1571,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:339578,,"The regulation of private equity, hedge funds and state funds",VABB-5,273,320,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339583,,Temporary staffing services: a data mining perspective,VABB-5,287,292,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339585,,Water in Ammaia: infrastructures and leisure in a Roman town of Lusitania,VABB-5,183,190,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339587,,"Radiography of a townscape: understanding, visualising and managing a Roman townsite",VABB-5,429,441,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339589,,Video games and civic learning,VABB-5,56,62,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339596,,Spontaneous mind map use and learning from texts: the role of instruction and student characteristics,VABB-5,1387,1394,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339598,,Moral perception and judgement and a truly radical change of social practices: a reply to Paul Standish's 'Registers of the religious',VABB-5,199,205,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339601,,Decomposition of the transfer entropy: partial conditioning and informative clustering,VABB-5,226,233,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339603,,Alignment dynamics in eGovernment: behind the scenes of local governments,VABB-5,102,109,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339621,,Customer event history for churn prediction: how long is long enough?,VABB-1,13517,13522,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339623,,Local radio in Europe: policy options for a sustainable sector,VABB-1,112,122,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339625,,De herinnering blijft: memoria en materiële cultuur in de monastieke ruimte van Clairefontaine (B),VABB-1,282,305,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:339626,,Proleptic honours in classical Athens? A short note on IG II² 212,VABB-1,171,175,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339627,,Belgium's burning coal tips: coupling thermographic ASTER imagery with topography to map debris slide susceptibility,VABB-1,23,52,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339630,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens,VABB-1,232,240,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:339631,,Kris Verdonck's Garden installation EXOTE Ecozoic wanderlust at the edge of Eden,VABB-1,106,110,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:339633,,Ethnicity effects in graduates' resume content,VABB-1,427,453,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:339635,,"International competition law enforcement: different means, one goal?",VABB-1,223,253,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339640,,Dutch parallel corpus: a balanced copyright-cleared parallel corpus,VABB-1,374,390,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339641,,Combining lexico-semantic features for emotion classification in suicide notes,VABB-1,125,128,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339647,,Examining the validity of cross-lingual word sense disambiguation,VABB-5,29,35,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339648,,A posteriori agreement as a quality measure for readability prediction systems,VABB-5,424,435,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339649,,SBFC: an efficient feature frequency-based approach to tackle cross-lingual word sense disambiguation,VABB-5,248,255,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339651,,Atopobium,VABB-4,31,43,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:339653,,Residues of growth promotors,VABB-4,923,944,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339654,,Gardnerella,VABB-4,81,94,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339698,,Luminescence dating of fluvial deposits near archaeological sites in the Upper Khabur basin (NE Syria): an introduction with illustrative applications.,VABB-4,111,134,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339699,,Nitrogen processes in terrestrial ecosystems,VABB-4,99,125,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339700,,Nitrogen as a threat to the European greenhouse gas balance,VABB-4,434,462,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339710,,Why cities prosper as Deltas: the urbanisation of the Eurodelta,VABB-4,192,215,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339723,,Velocity profile of self compacting concrete and traditional concrete flowing in a half open pipe,VABB-5,1382,1387,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339737,,Strategies to inhibit the toxicity of systemic TNF treatment,VABB-1,481,484,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339738,,Introduction to the session 'Mechanisms of pathological and therapeutic effects of the TNF family',VABB-1,401,402,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339739,,Workshop summary: cell death mechanisms controlled by the TNF family,VABB-1,585,588,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339740,,Mechanisms regulating TNF-driven gut and joint inflammation,VABB-1,403,408,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:339747,,Technologies and building blocks for on-chip optical interconnects,VABB-4,1,66,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339756,,Interfacing silicon nanophotonic integrated circuits and single-mode optical fibers with diffraction gratings,VABB-1,71,94,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339759,,Numerical model for the determination of the soil retention curve from global characteristics obtained via a centrifuge,VABB-4,199,212,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339760,,Scientific research based optimisation and geo-information technologies for integrating environmental planning in disaster management,VABB-4,359,390,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339834,,Modelling fish habitat preference with a genetic algorithm-optimized Takagi-Sugeno model based on pairwise comparison,VABB-5,375,387,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339852,,Identification of confinement regimes in tokamak plasmas by conformal prediction on a probabilistic manifold,VABB-5,244,253,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339863,,Tree size- and age-related changes in leaf physiology and their influence on carbon gain,VABB-4,235,253,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339865,,Seasonality of hydrological and biogeochemical fluxes,VABB-4,521,539,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:339876,,Invasive alien arthropod predators and parasitoids: an ecological approach,VABB-3,,,324 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339877,,Arthropod-plant interactions: novel insights and approaches for IPM,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:339896,,ISA implementation and uncertainty: a literature review and expert elicitation study,VABB-1,83,96,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339904,,Inborn oxidative phosphorylation defect as risk factor for propofol infusion syndrome,VABB-1,520,525,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339905,,Forces applied to the maxillary incisors by video laryngoscopes and the Macintosh laryngoscope,VABB-1,224,229,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339906,,Assessment of variables affecting late left ventricular flow propagation velocity,VABB-1,391,397,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339907,,Ten years single-centre experience with intra-aortic balloon pump,VABB-1,707,713,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339908,,Closure of a lateral baffle leak in a Fontan patient with an Amplatzer PDA II AS plug,VABB-1,599,602,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339909,,Training models in laparoscopy: a systematic review comparing their effectiveness in learning surgical skills,VABB-1,77,95,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:339910,,"Exploring limits for data registration in the context of PROCARE, a quality improvement project on rectal cancer",VABB-1,15,23,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339911,,Legislation and refusal of blood transfusion by a minor Jehovah-witness in Belgium,VABB-1,355,359,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339912,,New insights into the surgical anatomy of the rectum: a review,VABB-1,261,272,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339913,,Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in hepatosplenic sarcoidosis,VABB-1,429,431,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339914,,The Belgian geriatric day hospitals as part of a care program for the geriatric patient: first results of the implementation at the national level,VABB-1,186,190,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339915,,"Better drug knowledge with fewer drugs, both in the young and the old",VABB-1,367,370,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339916,,Do-not-resuscitate decisions in a large tertiary hospital: differences between specialties and results of a hospital-wide intervention,VABB-1,116,122,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339917,,Nutritional intake evolution in adolescent sporting boys over the last two decades,VABB-1,280,282,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339918,,Thoracic duct ligation as treatment of chylothorax due to vena cava superior thrombosis,VABB-1,221,222,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339920,,Multiple magnet ingestion: a real challenge for the paediatric surgeon,VABB-1,298,300,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339921,,Use of out-of-hours services: the patient's point of view on copayment: a mixed methods approach,VABB-1,1,8,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:339924,,PARP inhibitors in oncology: a new synthetic lethal approach to cancer therapy,VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339925,,An inquiry on pain management in the emergency department of training hospitals,VABB-1,405,409,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339926,,Nephrotoxicity of anticancer drugs: an underestimated problem?,VABB-1,337,345,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339927,,High dose chemotherapy and stem cell rescue for metastatic germ cell tumours: long term results from a single institution,VABB-1,254,259,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339928,,Cardiovascular toxicity of cancer treatment,VABB-1,260,266,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339929,,Cyclic vomiting syndrome: case report and short review of the literature,VABB-1,123,126,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339930,,The genetics of familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and MutYH-associated polyposis (MAP),VABB-1,421,426,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339931,,Faecal incontinence due to atrophy of the anal sphincter in myotonic dystrophy: a case report,VABB-1,88,90,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339932,,Upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding management: Belgian guidelines for adults and children,VABB-1,45,66,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339933,,Necrotizing acute pancreatitis following therapeutic plasmapheresis in HCV-related cryoglobulinemia,VABB-1,355,358,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339934,,"Familial adenomatous polyposis: clinical presentation, detection and surveillance",VABB-1,415,420,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339935,,Quality of care indicators in rectal cancer,VABB-1,445,450,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339937,,"Hepatitis E seroprevalence in East and West Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,322,324,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339938,,FAPA Familial Adenomatous Polyposis Association: the Belgian polyposis registry,VABB-1,413,414,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339939,,IL28B polymorphism and the control of hepatitis C virus infection: ready for clinical use ?,VABB-1,317,322,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339940,,Anaphylactic shock as a single presentation of Echinococcus cyst,VABB-1,462,464,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339941,,Ascites: not always the usual suspects,VABB-1,45,48,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339942,,Recommendations for the treatment of epilepsy in adult patients in general practice in Belgium: an update,VABB-1,119,131,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339943,,Late-onset post-irradiation vasculopathy of the posterior cerebral vasculature,VABB-1,101,104,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339944,,The genetics and neuropathology of frontotemporal lobar degeneration,VABB-1,353,372,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339945,,Sentinel node procedures in gynecologic cancers: an overview,VABB-1,174,181,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339946,,Percutaneous K-wire fixation versus palmar plating with locking screws for Colles' fractures,VABB-1,180,187,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339947,,Can we predict the natural course of femoroacetabular impingement?,VABB-1,188,196,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339948,,Angulated greenstick fractures of the distal forearm in children: closed reduction by pronation or supination,VABB-1,21,26,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339949,,Clinical and functional outcome of the Birmingham hip resurfacing,VABB-1,771,776,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339950,,Osteoporotic fracture treatment,VABB-1,441,447,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339951,,Intramedullary fixation of intertrochanteric hip fractures: a comparison of two implant designs: a prospective randomised clinical trial,VABB-1,192,198,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339952,,A pilot cost-of-illness study on long-term complications/sequelae of AOM,VABB-1,153,165,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339953,,Bovine fasciolosis in the human fasciolosis hyperendemic Binh Dinh province in central Vietnam,VABB-1,19,22,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339954,,Temperature-switchable assembly of supramolecular virus-polymer complexes,VABB-1,2012,2019,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339955,,Modulation of dendritic cells by lipid grafted polyelectrolyte microcapsules,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339956,,Release properties of pressurized microgel templated capsules,VABB-1,1411,1418,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339957,,Ordered mesoporous phenolic resins: highly versatile and ultra stable support materials,VABB-1,39,51,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339959,,Selection and hydroponic growth of potato cultivars for bioregenerative life support systems,VABB-1,156,165,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339960,,Efficacy and safety of mometasone furoate nasal spray in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis,VABB-1,238,249,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339961,,"Onset of bronchodilation with fluticasone/formoterol combination versus fluticasone/salmeterol in an open-label, randomized study",VABB-1,958,969,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339962,,Ecological and human impacts on stand density and distribution of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) in Senegal,VABB-1,253,265,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339963,,Historical climate-human-ecosystem interaction in East Africa: a review,VABB-1,409,421,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:339967,,Systematic appraisal of dementia guidelines for the management of behavioural and psychological symptoms,VABB-1,78,86,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339968,,Telomere length and cardiovascular aging: the means to the ends?,VABB-1,297,303,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339969,,Alteration in N-glycomics during mouse aging: a role for FUT8,VABB-1,1056,1066,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339970,,"Interpretation of commercial production information: a case study of lulo (Solanum quitoense), an under-researched Andean fruit",VABB-1,258,270,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339971,,Evaluation of pedotransfer functions for predicting water retention of soils in Lower Congo (D.R. Congo),VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339972,,Delineating water management zones in a paddy rice field using a Floating Soil Sensing System,VABB-1,8,12,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339973,,"Reconstructing prehistoric land use change from archeological data: validation and application of a new model in Yiluo valley, northern China",VABB-1,99,107,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339974,,The short term agronomic impact of raising canal water levels in grassland areas: a case study in the Belgian polders,VABB-1,159,166,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339975,,Quantifying the masses of Macrotermes subhyalinus mounds and evaluating their use as a soil amendment,VABB-1,54,59,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339976,,Prebiotic effect and potential health benefit of arabinoxylans,VABB-1,9,12,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339977,,An in vitro technology platform to assess host-microbiota interactions in the gastrointestinal tract,VABB-1,VIII,XI,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339978,,Phenotypic variation of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) fruit traits in Mali,VABB-1,87,97,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:339979,,Short-term effect of tillage intensity on N2O and CO2 emissions,VABB-1,453,461,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339980,,Changes in sexual behaviour among HIV-infected women in west and east Africa in the first 24 months after delivery,VABB-1,997,1007,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339981,,Treatment-centred prevention: an integrated biomedical and social approach to HIV prevention,VABB-1,1435,1437,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339982,,Periodic presumptive treatment of curable sexually transmitted infections among sex workers: a systematic review,VABB-1,437,445,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339983,,Sexual and physical violence against female sex workers in Kenya: a qualitative enquiry,VABB-1,612,618,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339984,,"Universal prevention is associated with lower prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in Northern Cape, South Africa: a multicentre before-after study",VABB-1,67,74,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339985,,Carbohydrate deficient transferrin in a driver's license regranting program,VABB-1,253,260,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339987,,Die chronische Rhinosinusitis in Europa: eine Zusammenfassung epidemiologischer Arbeiten von GA²LEN,VABB-1,110,114,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:339988,,Wirksamkeit von Präparaten mit nicht modifizierten Allergenen zur sublingualen: Evidenzbewertung anhand klinischer Studien,VABB-1,59,74,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:339989,,How to design and evaluate randomized controlled trials in immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis: an ARIA-GA2LEN statement,VABB-1,765,774,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339990,,Alternatively activated macrophages and impaired phagocytosis of S-aureus in chronic rhinosinusitis,VABB-1,396,403,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339991,,Viruses and bacteria in acute asthma exacerbations: a GA2LEN-DARE* systematic review,VABB-1,458,468,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339992,,Clinical and immunological determinants of severe/refractory asthma (SRA): association with Staphylococcal superantigen-specific IgE antibodies,VABB-1,32,38,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339993,,Mucosal tissue polyclonal IgE is functional in response to allergen and SEB,VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339994,,Chronic rhinosinusitis in Europe: an underestimated disease: a GA²LEN study,VABB-1,1216,1223,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339995,,MeDALL (Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy): an integrated approach from phenotypes to systems medicine,VABB-1,596,604,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339996,,Reliability of EP3OS symptom criteria and nasal endoscopy in the assessment of chronic rhinosinusitis - a GA2LEN study,VABB-1,556,561,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:339997,,Asthma in adults and its association with chronic rhinosinusitis: the GA2LEN survey in Europe,VABB-1,91,98,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339998,,Ursodeoxycholic acid suppresses eosinophilic airway inflammation by inhibiting the function of dendritic cells through the nuclear farnesoid X receptor,VABB-1,1501,1510,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:339999,,Dendritic cells and airway epithelial cells at the interface between innate and adaptive immune responses,VABB-1,579,587,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340000,,Practical guide to skin prick tests in allergy to aeroallergens,VABB-1,18,24,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340001,,Increased expression of IL-19 in the epithelium of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyps,VABB-1,878,886,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340002,,Adaptive immune responses in Staphylococcus aureus biofilm-associated chronic rhinosinusitis,VABB-1,1449,1456,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340003,,The association between bacterial colonization and inflammatory pattern in Chinese chronic rhinosinusitis patients with nasal polyps,VABB-1,1296,1303,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340004,,Transforming growth factor-beta1 in inflammatory airway disease: a key for understanding inflammation and remodeling,VABB-1,1193,1202,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340005,,Local free light chain expression is increased in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps,VABB-1,1165,1172,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340006,,Role of imbalance of eicosanoid pathways and staphylococcal superantigens in chronic rhinosinusitis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340007,,Geostatistical assessment of the impact of World War I on the spatial occurrence of soil heavy metals,VABB-1,417,424,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340008,,Patient to nurse ratio and risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia in critically ill patients,VABB-1,E1,E9,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340009,,Deviations in endotracheal cuff pressure during intensive care,VABB-1,421,422,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340010,,A weighting approach to causal effects and additive interaction in case-control studies: marginal structural linear odds models,VABB-1,1197,1203,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340011,,A simple unified approach for estimating natural direct and indirect effects,VABB-1,190,195,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340012,,"Stability of extemporaneously prepared cytarabine, methotrexate sodium, and methylprednisolone sodium succinate",VABB-1,232,240,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340013,,Whole-exome sequencing identifies mutations in GPR179 leading to autosomal-recessive complete congenital stationary night blindness,VABB-1,321,330,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340014,,In-frame mutations in exon 1 of SKI cause dominant Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome,VABB-1,950,957,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340015,,A nonsense mutation in PDE6H causes autosomal-recessive incomplete achromatopsia,VABB-1,527,532,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340016,,"Mutations in PIGO, a member of the GPI-anchor-synthesis pathway, cause hyperphosphatasia with mental retardation",VABB-1,146,151,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340017,,"A Mutation in CABP2, Expressed in Cochlear Hair Cells, Causes Autosomal-Recessive Hearing Impairment",VABB-1,636,645,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340018,,Prevention of needlestick injuries among health care workers,VABB-1,347,348,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340019,,Intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome,VABB-1,159,169,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340020,,Human cytomegalovirus and kidney transplantation: a clinician's update,VABB-1,118,126,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340021,,Objective assessment of nasality in Flemish adults with neurofibromatosis type 1,VABB-1,2974,2981,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340022,,Genotype-phenotype analysis of the branchio-oculo-facial syndrome,VABB-1,22,32,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340023,,Atypical presentation of pseudoxanthoma elasticum with abdominal cutis laxa: evidence for a spectrum of ectopic calcification disorders?,VABB-1,2855,2859,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340024,,Superior mesenteric artery aneurysm in a 9-year-old boy with classical Ehlers-Danlos syndrome,VABB-1,626,629,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340025,,Acetazolamide for severe apnea in Pitt-Hopkins syndrome,VABB-1,932,934,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340026,,Gardnerella vaginalis comprises three distinct genotypes of which only two produce sialidase,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340027,,Prior knowledge of HPV status improves detection of CIN2+ by cytology screening,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340028,,sGCα1 mediates the negative inotropic effects of NO in cardiac myocytes independent of changes in calcium handling,VABB-1,H157,H163,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340029,,Soluble guanylate cyclase-alpha(1) is required for the cardioprotective effects of inhaled nitric oxide,VABB-1,H1477,H1483,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340030,,Inflammatory signatures for eosinophilic vs. neutrophilic allergic pulmonary inflammation reveal critical regulatory checkpoints,VABB-1,L679,L690,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340031,,Catecholamine and insulin control of lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue during long-term diet-induced weight loss in obese women,VABB-1,E226,E232,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340032,,Alterations of serum protein N-glycosylation in two mouse models of chronic liver disease are hepatocyte and not B cell driven,VABB-1,G833,G842,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340034,,MicroRNA expression in induced sputum of smokers and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,898,906,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340035,,Activation of the WNT/β-catenin pathway attenuates experimental emphysema,VABB-1,723,733,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340036,,Dual role of IL-22 in allergic airway inflammation and its cross-talk with IL-17A,VABB-1,1153,1163,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340037,,Attributable mortality of ventilator associated pneumonia: a reappraisal using causal analysis,VABB-1,1133,1139,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340038,,Persistent activation of dendritic cells after resolution of allergic airway inflammation breaks tolerance to inhaled allergens in mice,VABB-1,303,311,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340039,,A clinical algorithm to diagnose invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in critically ill patients,VABB-1,56,64,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340040,,C-Kit-positive cells accumulate in remodeled vessels of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension,VABB-1,116,123,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340041,,Ventilator-associated pneumonia and cuff shape,VABB-1,485,486,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340042,,Genome-wide association studies identify CHRNA5/3 and HTR4 in the development of airflow obstruction,VABB-1,622,632,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340043,,Pulmonary lymphoid neogenesis in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension,VABB-1,311,321,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340044,,Targeting interleukin-4 in asthma: lost in translation ?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340045,,Midterm Results of the Treatment of Cartilage Defects in the Knee Using Alginate Beads Containing Human Mature Allogenic Chondrocytes,VABB-1,75,82,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340046,,"Interobserver reliability of the international society of arthroscopy, knee surgery and orthopaedic sports medicine (ISAKOS) classification of meniscal tears",VABB-1,926,932,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340048,,"Tissue ingrowth after implantation of a novel, biodegradable polyurethane scaffold for treatment of partial meniscal lesions",VABB-1,774,782,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340050,,Five-year outcome of characterized chondrocyte implantation versus microfracture for symptomatic cartilage defects of the knee: early treatment matters,VABB-1,2566,2574,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340051,,The 'ligamentization' process in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: what happens to the human graft?: a systematic review of the literature,VABB-1,2476,2483,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340053,,"Cartilage thickness of the trochlea of the talus, with emphasis on sites predisposed to osteochondrosis dissecans, in clinically normal juvenile and adult dogs",VABB-1,1318,1324,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340054,,Glomerular filtration rate estimation by use of a correction formula for slope-intercept plasma iohexol clearance in cats,VABB-1,1652,1659,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340055,,Accuracy of pressure plate kinetic asymmetry indices and their correlation with visual gait assessment scores in lame and nonlame dogs,VABB-1,820,825,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340056,,Magnetic resonance imaging vertebral canal and body ratios in Doberman Pinschers with and without disk-associated cervical spondylomyelopathy and clinically normal English Foxhounds,VABB-1,1496,1504,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340057,,Influence of P-glycoprotein modulation on plasma concentrations and pharmacokinetics of orally administered prednisolone in dogs,VABB-1,900,907,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340058,,Effect of differences in tendon properties on functionality of the passive stay apparatus in horses,VABB-1,474,483,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340059,,Micro-computed tomography of the head and dentition in cadavers of clinically normal rabbits,VABB-1,227,232,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340060,,Comparison of cross-sectional anatomy and computed tomography of the tarsus in horses,VABB-1,1209,1221,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340061,,Radiographic vertebral canal and vertebral body ratios in Doberman Pinschers with and without clinical signs of caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy,VABB-1,958,966,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340062,,Computed tomographic anatomy of the equine stifle joint,VABB-1,512,521,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340063,,Synthesis of new functionalized aziridine-2-and azetidine-3-carboxylic acid derivatives of potential interest for biological and foldameric applications,VABB-1,541,558,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340064,,Glycine and its N-methylated analogues cause pH-dependent membrane damage to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli,VABB-1,245,253,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340065,,Clostridium novyi type B as a causative agent of bovine meat spoilage,VABB-1,286,288,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340066,,Annular diffusion denuder for simultaneous removal of gaseous organic compounds and air oxidants during sampling of carbonaceous aerosols,VABB-1,68,75,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340067,,"Development and validation of an open screening method for diuretics, stimulants and selected compounds in human urine by UHPLC-HRMS for doping control",VABB-1,137,146,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340068,,Development of a liquid-chromatography tandem mass spectrometry and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry method for the quantitative determination of zearalenone and its major metabolites in chicken and pig plasma,VABB-1,37,48,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340069,,Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in high-throughput confirmation and quantification of 34 anabolic steroids in bovine muscle,VABB-1,70,77,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340070,,A direct assessment of mycotoxin biomarkers in human urine samples by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry,VABB-1,58,69,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340071,,Evaluation of pulsed radiofrequency glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometry for precious metal determination in lead fire assay buttons,VABB-1,129,133,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340072,,"Comparison between triple quadrupole, time of flight and hybrid quadrupole time of flight analysers coupled to liquid chromatography for the detection of anabolic steroids in doping control analysis",VABB-1,107,120,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340073,,Static secondary ion mass spectrometry for the surface characterisation of individual nanofibres of polycaprolactone functionalised with an antibacterial additive,VABB-1,1163,1172,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340074,,Applicability of a yeast bioassay in the detection of steroid esters in hair,VABB-1,1031,1039,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340075,,Development and validation of an UPLC-MS/MS method for the determination of ionophoric and synthetic coccidiostats in vegetables,VABB-1,3335,3344,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340076,,The use of library identification and common fragments for the identification of corticosteroids in forensic samples,VABB-1,2837,2846,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340077,,Silicon photonic sensors incorporated in a digital microfluidic system,VABB-1,2887,2894,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340078,,Qualitative detection of desmopressin in plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,VABB-1,2789,2796,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340079,,Selective accurate-mass-based analysis of 11 oxy-PAHs on atmospheric particultate matter by pressurized liquid extraction followed by highperformance liquid chromatography and magnetic sector mass spectrometry,VABB-1,1697,1711,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340080,,Towards a human proteomics atlas,VABB-1,1069,1077,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340081,,Multiplex flow-through immunoassay formats for screening of mycotoxins in a variety of food matrices,VABB-1,265,278,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340082,,Quantum dot based rapid tests for zearalenone detection,VABB-1,3013,3024,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340083,,Development of analytical strategies using U-HPLC-MS/MS and LC-ToF-MS for the quantification of micropollutants in marine organisms,VABB-1,1459,1472,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340084,,"Thyreostatic drugs, stability in bovine and porcine urine",VABB-1,2973,2982,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340085,,Use of pneumatic nebulization and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry to study the distribution and bioavailability of an intraperitoneally administered Pt-containing chemotherapeutic drug,VABB-1,2121,2129,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340086,,Speciation analysis of bromine-containing drug metabolites in feces samples from a human in vivo study by means of HPLC/ICP-MS combined with on-line isotope dilution,VABB-1,439,448,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340087,,Prevalence of legal and illegal stimulating agents in sports,VABB-1,421,432,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340088,,Specific screening method for dextran and hydroxyethyl starch in human urine by size exclusion chromatography-in-source collision-induced dissociation-time-of-flight mass spectrometry,VABB-1,563,571,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340090,,Differential apoptotic staining of mammalian blastocysts based on double immunofluorescent CDX2 and active caspase-3 staining,VABB-1,228,230,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340091,,Differential microRNA expression analysis in blastocysts by whole mount in situ hybridization and reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction on laser capture microdissection samples,VABB-1,93,101,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340092,,The influence of peptide impurity profiles on functional tissue-organ bath response: the 11-mer peptide INSL6[151-161] case,VABB-1,547,555,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340093,,A simplified hydroethidine method for fast and accurate detection of superoxide production in isolated mitochondria,VABB-1,147,151,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340094,,HPLC/ICP-MS in combination with 'reverse' online isotope dilution in drug metabolism studies,VABB-1,2395,2401,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340095,,Direct trace-elemental analysis of urine samples by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after sample deposition on clinical filter papers,VABB-1,8682,8690,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340096,,Linking mass spectrometric imaging and traditional peptidomics: a validation in the obese mouse model,VABB-1,7682,7691,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340097,,The use of synchrotron X-rays to observe copper corrosion in real time,VABB-1,4866,4872,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340098,,Development of suspension polymerized molecularly imprinted beads with metergoline as template and application in a solid-phase extraction procedure toward ergot alkaloids,VABB-1,10411,10418,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340099,,Near-infrared spectroscopy for in-line monitoring of protein unfolding and its interactions with lyoprotectants during freeze-drying,VABB-1,947,955,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340100,,Molecularly imprinted polymers as specific adsorbents for zearalenone produced by precipitation polymerization and applied to mycotoxin production,VABB-1,2633,2643,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340101,,Influence of breed and slaughter weight on boar taint prevalence,VABB-1,1283,1289,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340102,,The effect of N-fertilisation rate or inclusion of red clover to timothy leys on fatty acid composition in milk of dairy cows fed a commercial silage: concentrate ratio,VABB-1,1178,1186,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340103,,Nutritional strategies to combat Salmonella in mono-gastric food animal production,VABB-1,557,564,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340104,,Selective integration advantages when transience is costly: immigration behaviour in an agrobiont spider,VABB-1,837,841,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340105,,Do great spotted cuckoo nestlings beg dishonestly?,VABB-1,163,169,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340106,,Mometasone furoate nasal spray increases the number of minimal-symptom days in patients with acute rhinosinusitis,VABB-1,275,279,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340130,,How to achieve the huggable behavior of the social robot Probo?: a reflection on the actuators,VABB-1,490,500,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340137,,"Information Structure, Discourse Structure and Grammatical Structure",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340138,,Modeling Infectious Disease Parameters Based on Serological and Social Contact Data: A Modern Statistical Perspective,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340139,,"Ambient Intelligence: Third International Joint Conference, AmI 2012, Pisa, Italy, November 13-15, 2012, Proceedings",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340148,,Framework of Knowledge and Intelligence Base: From Intelligence to Service,VABB-4,219,247,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340153,,Retailing in Belgium: A managerial perspective,VABB-4,155,183,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340155,,Smart Camera System-on-Chip Architecture for Real-Time Brush Based Interactive Painting Systems,VABB-4,339,353,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340161,,Secured Professional Use of Wireless Technologies,VABB-4,73,85,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340167,,A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for finding efficient solutions to a competitive facility location problem,VABB-4,623,650,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340179,,"Shop opening hours and population exposure to NO2 assessed with an activity-based transportation model, in Urban Environment",VABB-4,161,170,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340180,,The metaverse as lab to experiment with problems of organized complexity.,VABB-4,345,366,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340183,,TOPSIS and its Extensions: Applications for Road Safety Performance Evaluation,VABB-4,109,130,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340192,,Estimation Under Order Restrictions,VABB-4,11,28,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:340193,,Cadmium and copper stress induce a cellular oxidative challenge leading to damage versus signalling,VABB-4,65,90,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340194,,Classification of Monotone Gene Profiles Using Information Theory Selection Methods,VABB-4,151,164,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340196,,Technology Transfer at IBBT-EDM: a Case Study in the Computer Graphics,VABB-4,499,508,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340200,,"Biochemical and functional responses of Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to cadmium, copper and zinc",VABB-4,239,263,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340205,,Fallout and Miss in journal peer review,VABB-1,411,416,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:340208,,Science Outreach Programs as a Powerful Tool for Science Promotion: An Example from Flanders,VABB-1,602,604,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340209,,"Reply to the Comment on: ""An efficient method to calculate the aggregated isotopic distribution and exact center-masses""",VABB-1,753,763,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340210,,"Five years ""Journal of Informetrics""",VABB-1,422,426,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340211,,Een minder frequente vorm van winstbestemming in Belgische vennootschappen : winstuitkeringen aan andere rechthebbenden,VABB-1,2,22,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340212,,Over het herstel van putten in de weg en andere gebrekkige zaken: de gemeente heeft recht op terugbetaling door de bewaarder,VABB-1,192,197,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340217,,De syndicus als procespartij: een orgaan is geen (gewone) lasthebber,VABB-1,501,505,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340218,,Concurrentie onder instellingen en associaties voor hoger onderwijs: waar liggen de grenzen?,VABB-1,175,202,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340220,,Changes in undesirable impacts on sustainable road transport: A DEA-based malmquist productivity index approach,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340223,,Which walking capacity tests to use in multiple sclerosis? A multicentre study providing the basis for a core set,VABB-1,364,371,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340225,,Regular Expressions with Counting: Weak versus Strong Determinism,VABB-1,160,190,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340226,,Hof van Justitie: verbod van discriminatie op grond van leeftijd,VABB-1,441,444,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340227,,"Nonfinancial goals, governance and dividend payout in private family firms",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:340228,,De vervanging van de boedelnotaris,VABB-1,451,455,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340230,,The determinants of cash holdings in private family firms,VABB-1,537,560,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:340233,,Na sluiting Fortisgate (eindelijk) opening voor separate opinions?,VABB-1,1278,1288,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340234,,Een nieuw draaiboek tot gerechtelijke vereffening-verdeling in het licht van de wet van 13 augustus 2011,VABB-1,1446,1461,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340241,,We are keeping a secret: The Increasing Equivalence of Civil-Service Concepts in the European Union,VABB-1,356,378,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340244,,Study of rank- and size-frequency functions and their relations in a generalized Naranan framework,VABB-1,1898,1903,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340249,,De “uiterst dringende noodzakelijkheid” is voor de Raad voor Vreemdelingenbetwistingen steeds minder uiterst dringend,VABB-1,202,209,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340253,,Tracking household routines using scheduling hypothesis embedded in skeletons,VABB-1,225,241,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340254,,De gevolgen van schuldvernieuwing bij gehoudenheid in solidum,VABB-1,659,662,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340255,,Combining photovoltaics and sound barriers – A feasibility study,VABB-1,297,303,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340256,,Mental maps and travel behaviour: meanings and models,VABB-1,143,165,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340258,,A note on the antipode for algebraic quantum groups,VABB-1,260,270,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340260,,In goede en kwade dagen. De vereffening-verdeling van gemeenschappelijke of onverdeelde aandelen na echtscheiding. En wat met de vennootschapsrechtelijke geschillenregeling?,VABB-1,282,299,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340262,,Ontstaat tussen ongehuwd samenwonende partners die samenwerken een commerciële maatschap?,VABB-1,635,643,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340263,,De begunstigingsclausule in een individuele levensverzekering door de wet aangepast.,VABB-1,452,458,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340264,,"De invoering van artikel 110/1 in de wet van 25 juni 1992 op de landverzekeringsovereenkomst, wat de aanwijzing betreft van een begunstigde in een levensverzekeringsovereenkomst en andere evoluties in verband met levensverzekeringen en familiaal vermogensrecht.",VABB-1,231,237,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340265,,Een verjaringstermijn is nog geen beroepstermijn: de impact van regelgeving inzake openbaarheid van bestuur op artikel 15 van de arbeidsovereenkomstenwet,VABB-1,469,482,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340269,,Tuning the Dimensions of ZnO Nanorod Arrays for Application in Hybrid Photovoltaics,VABB-1,2777,2783,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340274,,Noot onder GwH 10 maart 2011 nr. 36/2011,VABB-1,1463,1466,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340275,,"Over beslag inzake namaak, derdenverzet buiten termijn en de gewijzigde procedureregels",VABB-1,61,67,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340276,,Family Firm Types Based on the Professionalization Construct: Exploratory Research,VABB-1,81,99,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340277,,Constructivism based blended learning in higher education,VABB-1,4,9,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340281,,Effect of a telemonitoring-facilitated collaboration between general practitioner and heart failure clinic on mortality and rehospitalization rates in severe heart failure: the TEMA-1 (TElemonitoring in the MAnagement of heart failure) study,VABB-1,333,340,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340283,,On the correction of the h-index for career length,VABB-1,563,571,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:340285,,Using activity-based modeling to predict spatial and temporal electrical vehicle power demand in Flanders,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340286,,Berusting in een fiscale rechterlijke beslissing: onmogelijk wegens materie van openbare orde,VABB-1,366,369,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340287,,Effect of acute endurance and resistance exercise on endocrine hormones directly related to lipolysis and muscle protein synthesis in adult individuals with obesity: a review.,VABB-1,415,431,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340288,,Identifying the determinants of light rail mode choice for medium/long distance trips: results from a stated preference study,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340289,,De indicatio solvens: de aanwijzing door de schuldenaar van een persoon die in zijn plaats moet betalen geldt als lastgeving en levert geen schuldvernieuwing op,VABB-1,336,339,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340290,,A transformation-based approach to context-aware modelling,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:340291,,A nationwide Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture in Belgian hospitals: setting priorities at the launch of a 5-year patient safety plan,VABB-1,760,767,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340292,,Design of a medical record review study on the incidence and preventability of adverse events requiring a higher level of care in Belgian hospitals,VABB-1,468-1,468-9,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340293,,Characterisation of adsorbents prepared by pyrolysis of sludge and sludge/disposal filter cake mix,VABB-1,2783,2794,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340296,,"Combined experimental–theoretical NMR study on 2,5-bis(5-aryl-3-hexylthiophen-2-yl) thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole derivatives for printable electronics",VABB-1,379,387,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340297,,"Improved Photovoltaic Performance of a Semicrystalline Narrow Bandgap Copolymer Based on 4H-Cyclopenta[2,1-b:3,4- b′]dithiophene Donor and Thiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole Acceptor Units",VABB-1,587,593,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340298,,"Vibrational states of Zn-meso-indolo[3,2-b]carbazolyl-substituted porphyrins: Fluorescence line narrowing study",VABB-1,199,205,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340299,,"(Thio)Ureido Anion Receptors Based on a 1,3- Alternate Oxacalix[2]arene[2]pyrimidine Scaffold",VABB-1,2791,2797,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340300,,Niet-financiële informatie in de jaarverslagen van Belgische beursgenoteerde ondernemingen.,VABB-1,2,13,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340301,,A decision support tool for evaluating customer intentions using model-based knowledge discovery,VABB-1,6903,6910,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340303,,Application of Different Exposure Measures in Developing Planning-level Zonal Crash Prediction Models,VABB-1,145,153,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340304,,Oligoether-strapped meso-pyrimidinylporphyrins,VABB-1,2406,2409,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340306,,"The Poisson center and polynomial, maximal Poisson commutative subalgebras, especially for nilpotent Lie algebras of dimension at most seven",VABB-1,83,113,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340307,,Novel Applications Integrate Location and Context Information,VABB-1,64,73,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340309,,Interference of regional support policies on the economic and environmental performance of a hybrid cogeneration-solar panel energy system,VABB-1,670,680,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340312,,Reference genes for qPCR assays in toxic metal and salinity stress in two flatworm model organisms,VABB-1,475,484,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340314,,Creating Sustainable Retail Interiors through Reuse of Historic Buildings,VABB-1,271,293,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340315,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 4 november 2011 tot en met 20 februari 2012,VABB-1,74,78,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340318,,Het gedwongen huwelijk van de werknemers (of de RSZ) met de WCO. Een eerste overzicht van rechtspraak(2009-2011),VABB-1,105,113,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340322,,Bezint eer ge begint? Over de professionele aansprakelijkheid van een advocaat wegens een gestrande actio mandati,VABB-1,257,263,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340323,,The Effect of Family Business Professionalization as a Multidimensional Construct on Firm Performance,VABB-1,516,538,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:340324,,Improved Haptic Linear Lines for Better Movement Accuracy in Upper Limb Rehabilitation,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340325,,CEO compensation in private family firms: pay-for-performance and the moderating role of ownership and management,VABB-1,140,160,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:340326,,Optimizing the implementation of policy measures through social acceptance segmentation,VABB-1,80,87,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340329,,Heat-Transfer Resistance at Solid–Liquid Interfaces: A Tool for the Detection of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms in DNA,VABB-1,2712,2721,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340330,,"Bevestiging van de onderzoeksmaatregel zoals bedoeld in art.1068, tweede lid Ger.W.: wanneer geldt deze uitzondering op de (verruimde) devolutieve werking van het hoger beroep?",VABB-1,107,112,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340332,,Crosslinked poly[1-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propyne] membranes: Characterization and pervaporation of aqueous tetrahydrofuran mixtures,VABB-1,459,469,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340333,,Preparation and benchmarking of thin film supported PTMSP-silica pervaporation membranes,VABB-1,265,271,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340335,,Op zoek naar Afrika: over Begging to be black van Antjie Krog en andere recent verschenen autobiografische teksten,VABB-1,73,95,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340338,,De (notaris als) gerechtelijk sekwester,VABB-1,335,343,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340341,,Lensing degeneracies and mass substructure,VABB-1,1772,1780,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340343,,Force Feedback to Assist Active Contour Modelling for Tracheal Stenosis Segmentation,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340345,,“La position du “sweepstake” dans le commerce: une pratique commerciale déloyale ?”,VABB-1,151,176,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340347,,"Over de betaling aan onbekwamen, nietigheid, restitutie en het begrip «voordeel» als bedoeld in art. 1241 BW en art. 1312 BW",VABB-1,14,17,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340349,,"On random sample size, ignorability, ancillarity, completeness, separability, and degeneracy: Sequential trials, random sample sizes, and missing data",VABB-1,11,41,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:340355,,A data imputation method with support vector machines for activity-based transportation models,VABB-5,249,257,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340357,,Exploring the impact of Open Innovation on National Systems of Innovation—A theoretical analysis,VABB-1,419,428,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340358,,Estimating vaccination coverage for the trivalent measles-mumps-rubella vaccine from trivariate serological data,VABB-1,1432,1449,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340359,,Age-related differences in corticospinal excitability during a choice reaction time task.,VABB-1,1705,1719,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340361,,E-Learning Readiness in Organisations: Case KBC Bank,VABB-1,4,7,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340363,,The role of chiral local field enhancements below the resolution limit of Second Harmonic Generation microscopy,VABB-1,256,264,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340364,,"Phytoremediation, a sustainable remediation technology? Conclusions from a case study. I: Energy production and carbon dioxide abatement",VABB-1,454,469,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340365,,"Phytoremediation, a sustainable remediation technology? II: Economic assessment of CO2 abatement through the use of phytoremediation crops for renewable energy production",VABB-1,470,477,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340367,,Hoog in de wolken. De rechtszaak Claus,VABB-1,1172,1177,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340368,,Impact of functional groups onto the electronic structure of metal electrodes in molecular junctions,VABB-1,21810,21815,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340369,,How Chinese firms employ open innovation to strengthen their innovative performance,VABB-1,235,254,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340370,,"O brother, where art thou located? : Raising awareness of variability in location tracking for users of location-based pervasive applications",VABB-1,211,233,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340371,,The Avatar as a Methodological Tool for the Embodied Exploration of Virtual Environments,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340377,,Service-oriented decisions on inventory levels in the case of incomplete demand information,VABB-1,33,46,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340389,,Economic Sentiment Shocks and Fluctuations in Economic Activity in the Euro Area and the USA,VABB-1,44,51,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340390,,De verkoop van andermans zaak: wisselwerking tussen art. 1599 BW en art. 2279 BW?,VABB-1,1466,1470,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340391,,Het afwijkend bewijsrecht inzake pacht en het bewijs tegen de inhoud van de overeenkomst,VABB-1,1121,1124,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340392,,"Sociaal recht - Discriminatie op grond van leeftijd - Maatregelen ten gunste van de tewerkstelling van jongeren - Aanwerving van laaggeschoolde jongeren - Ontslag bij afloop van ""subsidies""",VABB-1,222,230,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340393,,De verjaring van de eis tot terugbetaling van onterecht geïnde belastingschulden: species van het genus schuldvordering ten aanzien van de overheid?,VABB-1,1334,1338,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340394,,Het bewijs van betaling en de vraag of een verbintenis uit eenzijdige wilsuiting beschouwd kan worden als oneigenlijk contract,VABB-1,1033,1036,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340395,,Implementing Early-Warning Indicators of HIV Drug Resistance in the Caribbean,VABB-1,S290,S293,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340400,,De boezem van de wetenschap-redactioneel,VABB-1,2,6,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340401,,Bouche de la loi ‘à papa’ in kielzog van New Public Management?,VABB-1,570,575,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340402,,Notarieel tuchtprocesrecht: een geval van legistieke slordigheid,VABB-1,403,407,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340406,,A comparative study of traffic related air pollution next to a motorway and a motorway flyover,VABB-1,132,141,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340407,,"PM2.5 and NOx from traffic: human health impacts, external costs and policy implications from the Belgian perspective",VABB-1,569,577,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340409,,Changed gene expression in brains of mice exposed to traffic in a highway tunnel,VABB-1,131,139,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340410,,Negative effects of ultrafine particle exposure during forced exercise on the expression of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the hippocampus of rats,VABB-1,131,139,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340411,,De repercussies van het Bodemsaneringsdecreet op de teruggaveplicht van de huurder op het einde van het huurcontract,VABB-1,423,427,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340413,,Analysing care-related decisions in parents of congenitally deaf children: introduction of an explanatory model,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340415,,First Information Parents Receive After UNHS Detection of Their Baby’s Hearing Loss,VABB-1,387,401,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340416,,Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Law,VABB-1,225,229,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340418,,Digital image bullying among school students in Belgium: an exploration of the characteristics of bullies and their victims,VABB-1,968,983,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340420,,"Domain Ontology, an instrument of semantic web knowledge management in e-learning",VABB-1,22,31,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340421,,Winstmanipulatie na het geven van vrijwillige winstvoorspellingen in een IPO: een al dan niet terechte vrees?,VABB-1,2,26,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340423,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 21 februari 2012 tot en met 30 april 2012,VABB-1,150,153,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340426,,Overdracht van gronden in het Bodemdecreet. Een evaluatie,VABB-1,297,306,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340428,,Modeling overdispersed longitudinal binary data using a combined beta and normal random-effects model,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340429,,Data Science for Simulating the Era of Electric Vehicles,VABB-1,275,278,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340438,,Effects of lifestyle intervention in obese pregnant women on gestational weight gain and mental health: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,814,821,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:340442,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 23 juni 2012 tot en met 6 november 2012,VABB-1,277,280,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340443,,Performance analysis of a new algorithm for establishing trust in wireless sensor networks,VABB-1,31,50,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340444,,Evaluating geometric queries using few arithmetic operations,VABB-1,179,193,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340445,,Quantifier elimination for elementary geometry and elementary affine geometry,VABB-1,399,416,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340449,,Het statuut van het groepsverzekeringskapitaal in een gemeenschapsstelsel: het Grondwettelijk Hof hakt de knoop door,VABB-1,22,27,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340451,,La representacion de Belgica en el consejo de la Union Europea,VABB-1,39,54,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:340454,,A generalized Poisson-gamma model for spatially overdispersed data.,VABB-1,185,194,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340467,,Putting Dementia into Context : a Selective Literature Review of Assistive Applications for Users with Dementia and their Caregivers,VABB-5,181,198,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340469,,Intel Collaborative Research Institute - Sustainable Connected Cities,VABB-5,364,372,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340470,,Developing Zonal Crash Prediction Models with a Focus on Application of Different Exposure Measures,VABB-5,1,15,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340475,,The Social Maze: A collaborative game to motivate MS patients for upper limb training,VABB-5,476,479,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340478,,The Effect of Closely-coupled Interaction on Player Experience in Casual Games,VABB-5,243,255,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340482,,Mixed-Initiative Context Filtering and Group Selection for Improving Ubiquitous Help Systems,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340489,,An Eco-friendly Hybrid Urban Computing Network Combining Community-based Wireless LAN Access and Wireless Sensor Networking,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340495,,Design of learner-centred constructivism based learning process,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340496,,Identifying the determinants of light rail mode choice for medium/long distance trips: results from a stated preference study,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340501,,Adaptive Memory Architecture for Real-Time Image Warping,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340507,,Automated tracking of the mandibular canal in CBCT images using matching and multiple hypotheses methods,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340509,,Seoul activity-based model: an application of Feathers solutions to Seoul metropolitan area,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340522,,Metadata quality evaluation of a repository based on a sample technique,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340526,,Application of Zonal Crash Prediction Models in Traffic Safety Evaluation of a Fuel-Cost Increase Scenario Using an Activity-Based Transportation Model,VABB-5,1,15,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340528,,Understanding Complex Environments with the Feedforward Torch,VABB-5,312,319,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340529,,Audit Demand in Private Firms: Coping With Complexity,VABB-5,103,109,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340539,,Carpus: A Non-Intrusive User Identification Technique for Interactive Surfaces,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340542,,An agent-based model to evaluate carpooling at large manufacturing plants,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340552,,Exploiting graph-theorie tools for matching and partitioning of agent population in an agent-based model fro traffic and transportation applications,VABB-5,833,839,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340554,,Usefulness of sequence alignment methods in valudating rule-based activity-based models,VABB-5,1,17,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340555,,Learning Method Inspired on Swarm Intelligence for Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: Travel Behaviour Modelling,VABB-5,718,725,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340558,,Quantifying Input-Uncertainty in Traffic Assignment Models,VABB-5,1,19,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340559,,Co-activity manager: integrating activity-based collaboration into the desktop interface,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340560,,Informing the Design of Situated Glyphs for a Care Facility,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340594,,An Epidemiological Appraisal of Smoking Related Outcomes,VABB-4,93,116,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340601,,Belgium,VABB-4,581,586,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340609,,What’s in a name: over de kwalificatie van overeenkomsten en het onderscheid tussen huur en aanneming,VABB-1,565,569,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340611,,The Processing of Threat Appeals in the Prevention of Obesity: Weighing the Weight Issue,VABB-1,354,359,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340614,,Different transmission patterns in the early stages of the influenza A(H1N1)v pandemic: a comparative analysis of 12 European countries,VABB-1,125,133,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:340615,,A comparison of graph-theoretic DNA hybridization models,VABB-1,46,53,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340616,,A Unified Approach to Uncertainty-Aware Ubiquitous Localisation of Mobile Users,VABB-1,20,34,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340619,,Het recht als logisch consistent systeem: (ongrondwettige) lacunes in de wetgeving,VABB-1,32,46,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340621,,The Group Structure of Pivot and Loop Complementation on Graphs and Set Systems,VABB-1,1353,1367,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340622,,Cassatie als baken voor een nieuwe koers : de verraderlijke klip van de volgorde van excepties definitief omzeild ?,VABB-1,70,75,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340623,,Low-Cost Real-Time Stereo Vision Hardware with Binary Confidence Metric and Disparity Refinement,VABB-1,70,77,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340625,,Exploring Whole-Hand Gestures in a Tabletop Environment for Urban Modeling,VABB-5,201,205,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340631,,Over het proces-verbaal van de zitting en het zittingsblad: two of a kind?,VABB-1,90,93,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340635,,Bemiddeling en rechtspraak hand in hand – wegwijs voor de rechter,VABB-1,34,38,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340641,,Administratieve cassatie en substitutie van motieven,VABB-1,456,465,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340647,,Over de stuitende werking van de dagvaarding voor een onbevoegde rechter. Wat indien de strafrechter onbevoegd is inzake de burgerlijke vordering wegens de vrijspraak op de strafvordering?,VABB-1,295,299,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340648,,"Impedimetric, diamond-based immmunosensor for the detection of C-reactive protein",VABB-1,130,138,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340651,,Assessing authenticity of nineteenth-century shopping passages,VABB-1,135,156,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340653,,"Noot onder H.v.J., 1 oktober 2009, Leyman, zaak C-3/08",VABB-1,43,46,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340654,,Over onttrekking van de zaak aan de rechter wegens wettige verdenking,VABB-1,398,402,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340657,,"Het recht van terugkoop van de overheid op grond van de economische expansiewetgeving: veel antwoorden, maar nog meer vragen",VABB-1,1242,1252,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340660,,Rechtseconomische analyse van het beginsel van de redelijke termijn bij vergunningen,VABB-1,9,22,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340662,,How much change is true change?: The smallest detectable difference of the Preschool Imitation and Praxis Scale (PIPS) in preschoolers with intellectual disabilities of heterogeneous aetiology,VABB-1,180,187,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340663,,Aansprakelijkheid van de overheid als bewaarder van een gebrekkige zaak na strafrechtelijk beslag of verbeurdverklaring en de stoelendans tussen de (al dan niet) bevoegde ministers,VABB-1,399,408,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340664,,The ‘architect-friendliness’ of six building performance simulation tools: a comparative study,VABB-1,237,244,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340666,,Eenvoudig evalueren van zomercomfort,VABB-1,46,50,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340667,,Conservation of fruitless'role as master regulator of male courtship behaviour from cockroaches to flies,VABB-1,43,48,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340670,,Macroeconomic Adjustment in Armenia: The Role of External Factors,VABB-1,51,75,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340673,,Cyclicity of common slow-fast cycles,VABB-1,165,206,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340674,,Festina lente? Over de (redelijke-)termijnproblematiek in het raam van aansprakelijkheidsvorderingen tegen overheden,VABB-1,1480,1488,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340675,,Rapid assessment of the stability of DNA duplexes by impedimetric real-time monitoring of chemically induced denaturation,VABB-1,1656,1663,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340676,,De (terugwerkende kracht van de) rechtsgevolgen na gerechtelijke ontbinding wegens wanprestatie: confectie of maatwerk?,VABB-1,646,652,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340678,,Joint Modeling of HCV and HIV Infections among Injecting Drug Users in Italy Using Repeated Cross-Sectional Prevalence Data,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340686,,Overzicht van rechtsleer. Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 22 juni 2010 tot en met 22 november 2010.,VABB-1,77,82,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340687,,User Driven Evolution of User Interface Models – The FLEPR Approach,VABB-1,610,627,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340692,,De dading in de notariële praktijk van vereffening en verdeling,VABB-1,158,166,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340695,,Facilitating robot-assisted training in MS patients with arm paresis: a procedure to individually determine gravity compensation,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340704,,User Modeling Approaches towards Adaptation of Users’ Roles to Improve Group Interaction in Collaborative 3D Games,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340718,,Individualized robot-assisted training for MS- and stroke patients in I-TRAVLE,VABB-5,267,270,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340720,,Binary Confidence Evaluation for a Stereo Vision Based Depth Field Processor SoC,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340730,,Modeling route choice of car travelers using an activity-based segmentation,VABB-5,1,13,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340732,,Handhaving op lokaal niveau,VABB-5,35,38,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340739,,Process mining in auditing: from current limitations to future challenges,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340746,,What drives people? Analyzing leisure-shopping trip decisions making,VABB-5,1,20,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340747,,Using an activity-based framework to determine the effects of a policy measure on population exposure to NO2,VABB-5,72,79,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340752,,Exploring the Design Space for Situated Glyphs to Support Dynamic Work Environments,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340754,,Assessment of the effect of micro-simulation error on key travel indices: evidence from the activity-based model feathers,VABB-5,1,15,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340758,,Multi-scale modelling of masonry structures,VABB-5,260,268,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340759,,Features for Art Painting Classification based on Vector Quantization of MPEG-7 Descriptors,VABB-5,146,153,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340772,,Changes in undesirable impacts on sustainable road transport,VABB-5,1,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340784,,Transport of NORM in the port of Antwerp: from megaports to a special purpose measurement methodology,VABB-5,285,294,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340787,,Travel Time Evaluation of a U-Turn Facility and Its Comparison with a Conventional Signalized Intersection,VABB-5,26,33,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340793,,Time-dependent mesoscopic modelling of masonry using embedded weak discontinuities,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340794,,Stroke-based Creation of Depth Maps,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340795,,Multiscale modelling of masonry structures using domain decomposition techniques,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340803,,Applying Associative Classifier PGN for Digitised Cultural Heritage Resource Discovery,VABB-5,117,126,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340827,,Pay level satisfaction and psychological reward satisfaction as mediators of the organizational justice - turnover intention relationship,VABB-1,51,68,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340829,,Self-determination theory as a framework for exploring the impact of the organizational context on volunteer motivation: A study of Romanian volunteers,VABB-1,1195,1214,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340830,,Overcoming institutional distance: Expansion to base-of-the-pyramid markets,VABB-1,1692,1699,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340831,,Using new technologies for stimulating interpersonal communication on HIV and AIDS,VABB-1,166,176,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340832,,Anamnestic Comparative Self Assessment (ACSA),VABB-4,166,169,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:340836,,International History and International Relations.,VABB-2,,,264 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340838,,Felicitometric hermeneutics: interpreting quality of life measurements.,VABB-1,207,220,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340839,,"A cross-cultural experimental approach to the contribution of health, religion and personal relations to subjective satisfaction with life as a whole",VABB-1,591,608,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340843,,The Influence of Environmental Law on the Development of the Law of the Sea: CITES and the International Law of Fisheries,VABB-1,218,259,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340845,,Volunteer decisions (not) to leave: reasons to quit versus functional motives to stay,VABB-1,883,900,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340846,,Individual differences in the relationship between satisfaction with job rewards and job satisfaction.,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340847,,Surveillance and regulating code: an analysis of graduated response in France,VABB-1,365,377,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340849,,Inconvenient multilateralism. The challenges of the EU as a player in the United Nations Human Rights Council.,VABB-4,66,82,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340850,,"Judgment of daytime sleepiness in self-reported short, long and midrange sleepers.",VABB-1,609,630,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340856,,EU-China Relations,VABB-4,492,508,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340859,,What are The Best and Worst Times in the Lives of South African Township Dwellers? A Content Analysis of the Self-Defined End-Anchors for Bernheim’s ACSA Scale of Subjective Well-Being,VABB-1,611,640,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:340863,,Multi-level Party Systems in Spain.,VABB-1,123,139,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340864,,Institutional Change in Advanced European Democracies: An Exploratory Assessment.,VABB-5,1,37,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340865,,The Performance of the EU in International Institutions.,VABB-3,,,176 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340866,,Episème de bouclier ou égide (śam’alite ?) à inscription ouest sémitique,VABB-4,253,268,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:340868,,High-qualified women and the gendered division of domestic labour: an exploratory analysis from the field of photonics.,VABB-4,250,267,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340873,,Digitale inclusie : Het middenveld als structurele partners,VABB-4,317,332,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340874,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Oktober - december 2011,VABB-1,43,52,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340878,,Durable remission of inoperable liver metastasis from rectal cancer after hepatic arterial infusion of oxaliplatin and 5-fluorouracil in combination with intravenous cetuximab,VABB-1,256,259,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340879,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Januari – Februari 2012,VABB-1,108,115,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340880,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Maart - April 2012,VABB-1,178,185,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340883,,An International Training Program in Library and Information Science: Looking Backward and Forward.,VABB-1,279,290,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340884,,More synergy between digital curation education and university investment in ICT.,VABB-5,322,325,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340886,,Improving information discovery in digital libraries.,VABB-1,137,151,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340887,,Digital libraries of cultural contents and integration in the university open access repository.,VABB-5,6117,6121,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340890,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Mei - Juni 2012,VABB-1,232,240,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340892,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. September-Oktober 2012,VABB-1,480,486,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340893,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Juli – Augustus 2012,VABB-1,407,415,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340894,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Juli– augustus,VABB-1,452,458,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340895,,Laattijdige vaststelling eenheid van opzet ook mogelijk bij veroordeling in een andere EU-lidstaat,VABB-1,226,231,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340899,,Social capital development among ethnic minorities in mixed and separate sport clubs,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340900,,The potential of sports-based social interventions for vulnerable youth: implications for sport coaches and youth workers,VABB-1,437,454,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340902,,Traditional Asian martial arts and youth: Experiences of young Chinese wushu athletes,VABB-1,27,35,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340903,,Martial arts and youth: an analysis of contextual factors. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth.,VABB-1,237,241,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340904,,A closer look at effects of martial arts involvement among youth,VABB-1,193,205,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340905,,Sports-based interventions for socially vulnerable youth: Towards well-defined interventions with easy-to-follow outcomes?,VABB-1,471,484,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340907,,Sport plus and socially vulnerable youth: Opening the Black Box,VABB-4,44,61,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340911,,Teaching in martial arts: the analysis and identification of teaching approaches in youth martial arts practice,VABB-1,191,202,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340912,,Kijken naar kansengroepen en sport in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,305,316,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340913,,Preface,VABB-4,11,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340915,,Metaphilosophical Criteria for Worldview Comparison,VABB-1,306,347,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340917,,"A brain in a vat cannot break out: why the singularity must be extended, embedded and embodied",VABB-1,126,142,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340918,,The evolution of human intelligence,VABB-4,328,350,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340920,,Five clarifications about cultural evolution,VABB-1,61,83,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340921,,Quantum structures in economics: The Ellsberg paradox,VABB-5,487,494,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340925,,Lost in translation. Climate denial and the return of the political.,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340927,,Heeft het klimaat nood aan consensus? Pleidooi voor een politiek van het denkbare,VABB-1,453,466,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:340928,,A quantum-like approach to the stock market,VABB-5,495,506,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340929,,Quantum structure in economics: Risk versus ambiguity,VABB-4,281,303,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340930,,Quantum Model Theory (QMod): Modeling contextual emergent entangled interfering entities,VABB-4,126,137,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340931,,Entanglement of conceptual entities in Quantum Model Theory (QMod),VABB-4,114,125,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340932,,A quantum model for the Ellsberg and Machina paradoxes,VABB-4,48,59,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340934,,Quantum theory-inspired search,VABB-5,278,280,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340935,,The guppy effect as interference,VABB-1,36,47,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340937,,Trends in organ transplantation policy: a dialogue between Belgium and India,VABB-1,168,171,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340946,,"Expérience privée, expérience subjective : de l'expérience du sujet à la connaissance pratique",VABB-5,13,28,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:340949,,Distributed representations based on geometric algebra: The continuous model,VABB-1,407,417,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340951,,"Bastard or Playmate? Adapting Theatre, Mutating Media and Contemporary Performing Arts : Theater Topics",VABB-3,,,264 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340952,,"Drunk on Capitalism. An interdisciplinary Reflection on Market Economy, Science and Art",VABB-3,,,180 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340957,,"How insight emerges in a distributed, content-addressable memory",VABB-4,19,44,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340958,,Creative ideas for actualizing student potential.,VABB-4,119,131,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340959,,Elementary characterisation of small quantaloids of closed cribles,VABB-1,1952,1960,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340960,,Causality in the sciences,VABB-2,,,952 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340961,,On empirical generalisations,VABB-4,123,139,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340965,,Epistemic causality and evidence-based medicine,VABB-1,563,581,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340966,,Inferring causality through counterfactuals in observational studies. Some epistemological issues.,VABB-1,43,64,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340967,,Scientific evidence and the law : an objective Bayesian formalization of the precautionary principle in pharmaceutical regulation,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340968,,The homo poeiticus and the bridge between physis and techne,VABB-4,65,81,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340969,,"Biological Robustness: Mechanisms, Origins, and Systems Principles” Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling",VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340970,,WIGNER TOMOGRAPHIC QKD IN DIMENSION STRICTLY LARGER THAN 2,VABB-1,1185,1208,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:340971,,Participatory noise mapping works! An evaluation of participatory sensing as an alternative to standard techniques for environmental monitoring,VABB-1,681,694,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:340972,,A privacy-preserving cloud computing system for creating participatory noise maps,VABB-5,581,586,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340974,,Evolutionary Mechanics: new engineering principles for the emergence of flexibility in a dynamic and uncertain world,VABB-1,431,448,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340975,,T cell adaptive immunity proceeds through environment-induced adaptation from the exposure of cryptic genetic variation,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340976,,"Worldviews, Science and Us: Bridging Knowledge and Its Implications for Our Perspectives of the World.",VABB-3,,,368 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:340978,,EnviroGenomarkers. The interplay between difference-making and mechanisms,VABB-1,249,262,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340982,,The matter of climate change: what it is and how to be concerned with it.,VABB-4,165,176,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340983,,Verloren in vertaling. Klimaatscepticisme en de terugkeer van het politieke,VABB-1,523,526,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:340985,,The New Creatures of Difference: A Look at the Concept of Repetition Within Dissipative Systems Theory,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:340989,,Sobre teorías cerradas y paradigmas: un dialogo entre Werner Heisenberg y Thomas Kuhn,VABB-5,368,381,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:340990,,Sobre la noción de posibilidad y el teorema de Kochen-Specker modal en la interpretación modal de la mecánica cuántica.,VABB-5,382,392,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:340995,,Hydration measurements of the stratum corneum : comparison between the capacitance method (digital version of the (Corneometer CM 825R) and the impedance method (Skicon-200 EX R).,VABB-1,316,323,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:340996,,"Health aspects, nutrition and physical characteristics in matched samples of institutionalized vegetarian and non-vegetarian elderly (+65yrs)",VABB-1,37,45,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341009,,The effects of Iontophoresis in the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Disorders - A systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.,VABB-1,180,194,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341010,,"Demographic, socioeconomic and nutritional determinants of daily versus non-daily sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened beverage consumption.",VABB-1,150,155,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341022,,Influence of physical development on start and countermovement jump performance in adolescent sprint athletes.,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341023,,"Reproducibility, accuracy and concordance of Accutrend Plus for measuring circulating lipid concentration in adults.",VABB-1,100,108,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341024,,Prediction of segmental lean mass using anthropometric variables in young adults,VABB-1,777,785,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341026,,Critical appraisal of selected body composition data acquisition techniques in public health,VABB-4,133,152,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341027,,Cross-sectional content analysis of clinically applied circumferences,VABB-1,961,966,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341033,,Monitoring and classifying evidence-based workload for profiling manual handling occupations.,VABB-5,377,381,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341034,,Les aléas de l'électromyographie de surface dans l'appréciation du mouvement,VABB-1,265,273,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:341035,,Hervormingsvoorstellen uit het verleden: richtlijnen voor de toekomst van de administratieve rechtspraak?,VABB-1,49,78,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341036,,recente rechspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,39,75,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341037,,"Het begrip werkgever, de feitelijke arbeidsverhouding en het concern: kanttekening bij het arrest-Albron van het Hof van Justitie van 21 oktober 2010",VABB-1,1062,1068,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341039,,Het Grondwettelijk Hof geeft zijn zegen ana de antigoonrechtspraak: een commentaar bij het arrest nr. 158/2010 van 22 december 2010,VABB-1,11,17,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341042,,De BOM terug op snelheid,VABB-1,226,231,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341058,,Bestuursrechtelijke uitdagingen voor de toekomst.,VABB-1,36,40,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341060,,Gemeentebelastingen op (gsm-)masten en pylonen: zijn alle juridische obstakels eindelijk opgeruimd?,VABB-1,18,38,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341066,,"De redactie privaat. Arbeidsrecht en burgerlijk recht: een stevig huwelijk, een turbulente lat-relatie of scheiding?",VABB-1,173,180,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341070,,De ontwikkelingen van het ontslagrecht en het Hof van Cassatie: enige beschouwingen.,VABB-1,93,101,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341072,,recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,32,48,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341073,,Nederlandse bezwaardrempel in strijd met Europees eigendomsrecht,VABB-1,3,21,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341080,,"Recente ontwikkelingen met betrekking tot het Grond- en Pandendecreet en de Vlaamse Codex Ruimtelijke Ordening op het vlak van de ""sociale last"", het ""wonen in eigen streek"", de goede ruimtelijke ordening en de planbatenheffing",VABB-1,179,200,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341083,,"Vertrouwens- versus legaliteitsbeginsel. Het ""salomonsoordeel"" van de Gentse rechter van eerste aanleg",VABB-1,251,256,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341091,,Enkele algemene en specifieke bedenkingen bij de coördinereden omzendbrief gemeentefiscaliteit van 10 juni 2011,VABB-1,3,21,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341092,,"Art. 464,1° WIB92 en lokale belastingen op brutowinst: als twee honden vechten voor een been breekt de derde het in twee, noot bij GwH 16 februari 2012",VABB-1,886,892,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341093,,"De gemeentebelastingen op het kadastraal inkomen zijn onwettig, ook de onrechtstreekse, noot bij Cass 24 mei 2012",VABB-1,1033,1037,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341097,,Kroniek van de rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof in strafzaken in 2011,VABB-1,28,62,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341102,,Una via in fiscale strafzaken : een weg vol putten en bulten.,VABB-1,5,9,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341103,,"Zwijgrecht en wapengelijkheid in fiscale zaken : a small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind.",VABB-1,1,5,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341108,,In dubio contra fiscum” is een mensenrecht.,VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341115,,"“Kroniek van de rechtspraak van de Raad voor Vreemdelingenbetwistingen inzake de annulatiebevoegdheid en de rechtspleging (gerechtelijke jaren 2007-2008 en 2008-2009)”, RW 2009-10, afl. 29, 1202-1218 en (31 maart 2010); RW 2010-11, afl. 34, 1410",VABB-1,1202,1218,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341116,,"De gerechtelijke achterstand in administratieve rechtscolleges: Mogelijkheden om efficiëntie te vergroten? “, Ius & Actores 2011, afl. 3, 147-166",VABB-1,147,166,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341117,,"“De (volle) rechtsmacht van de Raad voor Vreemdelingenbetwistingen, TBP 2012, afl. 5, 275-296",VABB-1,275,296,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341121,,"“De keuze van de herstelmaatregel bij stedenbouwmisdrijven gepleegd in strijd met de bestemmingsvoorschrift en van het gebied” (noot onder Gent 16 december 2010), RW 2011-12, afl. 20, 920-924",VABB-1,920,924,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341122,,"“Het staken van een ‘gewoonlijk gebruik’ van een grond” TROS 2011, afl. 61, 49-52.",VABB-1,49,52,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341123,,"De algemene opsporingsvbevoegdheid van de politiediensten en de (geldigheid van de )vaststellingen gedaan omtrent een ander misdrijf, noot onder Cass. 7 september 2011",VABB-1,322,326,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341124,,"Compétence générale de recherche des services de policie et (validité des) constations faites, pendant une perquisition, concernant une autre infraction, note sous Cass. 6 septembre 2011",VABB-1,326,329,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:341125,,Over het handelen in het belang van de beslagene bij het misdrijf van ontdraging van in beslag genomen goederen en de vraag of het wijzigen van hoedanigheid een kwalificatiewijziging inhoudt,VABB-1,471,475,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341126,,Autonome gemeentebedrijven: de fiscale speeltuin van gemeenten (noot onder GwH 6 december 2012),VABB-1,28,39,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341133,,De meest opvallende rechterlijke uitspraken van 2011-12,VABB-1,3,17,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341134,,‘Is een concessie van openbare dienst nu nog een concessieovereenkomst voor diensten? Bedenkingen naar aanleiding van het arrest Stadler’,VABB-1,254,266,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341139,,A critical analysis of the impact of the Beijing Olympic Games on Australia’s sport policy direction,VABB-1,321,341,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341142,,Forecasting the performance of nations in elite sport,VABB-4,86,100,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341144,,"The more the better: Internationalisation, competitiveness and performance in Athletics (1984-2006)",VABB-1,88,102,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341146,,"Report on the first International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society (IMACSSS) Conference - “Game, Drama, Ritual in Martial Arts and Combat Sports”",VABB-1,44,47,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341154,,Athletes' perceptions of multilevel changes related to competing at the 2008 Beiing Olympic Games,VABB-1,687,692,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341156,,The first five years of euthanasia legislation in Belgium and the Netherlands. Description and comparison of cases.,VABB-1,43,49,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341157,,A Public Health Perspective on End-of-Life Care,VABB-3,,,272 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341158,,"The practice of continuous deep sedation until death in Flanders (Belgium), the Netherlands and the U.K.: A comparative study",VABB-1,33,43,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341159,,The experiences of relatives with the practice of palliative sedation: A systematic review,VABB-1,431,445,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341160,,"Preferences for place of death if faced with advanced cancer: A population survey in England, Flanders, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain",VABB-1,2006,2015,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341161,,Implementation of a service for physicians' consultation and information in euthanasia requests in Belgium,VABB-1,272,278,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341162,,The Moral Difference or Equivalence between Continuous Sedation until Death and Physician-Assisted Death: Word Games or War Games?,VABB-1,171,183,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341164,,Using drugs to end life without an explicit request of the patient,VABB-1,201,221,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341167,,Enclosing the academic commons – Increasing knowledge transfer or eroding academic values?,VABB-4,49,64,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341168,,Dying at home in Belgium: a descriptive GP interview study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341169,,Important treatment aims at the end of life. A nationwide study among GPs.,VABB-1,e121,e126,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341171,,"Sex-based differences in end-of-life decision-making in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,815,820,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341172,,Age-based disparities in end-of-life decisions in Belgium: a population-based death certificate survey,VABB-1,447,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341173,,Pereira’s attack on legalizing euthanasia or assisted suicide: Smoke and mirrors,VABB-1,133,138,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341175,,"Facilitators and barriers for GP-patient communication in palliative care: a qualitative study among GPs, patients, and end-of-life consultants.",VABB-1,167,172,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341178,,Out-of-hours palliative care provided by GP co-operatives in the Netherlands: A focus group study.,VABB-1,160,166,-,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341180,,Older people dying with dementia: a nationwide study.,VABB-1,1581,1591,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341181,,"Het Belgische model van integrale levenseindezorg: palliatieve zorg en wettelijke euthanasie als aanvullende, niet-tegenstrijdige ontwikkelingen. I. Historische, epidemiologische en regulatorische gegevens",VABB-1,539,548,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341182,,"Het Belgische model van integrale levenseindezorg: palliatieve zorg en wettelijke euthanasie als aanvullende, niet-tegenstrijdige ontwikkelingen II. Nationale en internationale controverses",VABB-1,549,559,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341184,,Continuous sedation until death: moral justifications of physicians and nurses - a content analysis of opinion pieces,VABB-1,533,542,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:341186,,Electronic Medical File Exchange between On-Duty Care Providers and the Attending Paediatrician: a Belgian Paediatric Pilot Project,VABB-1,116,120,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341189,,Gastroesophageal reflux evaluation in patients affected by chronic cough : restech versus multichannel intraluminal impedance/pH metry,VABB-1,980,984,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:341190,,The influence of the law on patient's rights on the practice of the Flemish paediatricians anno 2010,VABB-1,297,301,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341191,,Gastrointestinal manifestations of cow's milk protein allergy and gastrointestinal motility,VABB-1,1105,1109,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341192,,Cost/benefit of synbiotics in acute infectious gastroenteritis : spend to save,VABB-1,189,194,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341193,,Esophageal impedance baseline according to different time intervals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341194,,"Indications, methodology, and interpretation of combined esophageal impedance-pH monitoring in children : ESPGHAN EURO-PIG standard protocol",VABB-1,230,234,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341195,,Diagnostic approach and management of cow's-milk protein allergy in infants and children : ESPGHAN GI committee practical guidelines,VABB-1,221,229,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341196,,"Dectection, diagnosis and prevention of child abuse : the role of the pediatrician",VABB-1,17,23,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341197,,Interobserver and intraobserver variability in pH-impedance analysis between 10 experts and automated analysis,VABB-1,5,7,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341198,,Opportunistic infections in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease patients,VABB-1,5,7,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341200,,Lane-Hamilton syndrome : case report and review of the literature,VABB-1,1597,1602,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341202,,Randomised clinical trial : the synbiotic food supplement probiotical vs placebo for acute gastroenteritis in children,VABB-1,862,867,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341203,,Probiotics and prebiotics in prevention and treatment of diseases in infants and children,VABB-1,292,300,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341205,,On the Contingency of Death. A Discourse-Theoretical Perspective on the Construction of Death,VABB-1,99,116,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341206,,The discursive construction of the dying subject. A discourse-theoretical analysis of Belgian newspaper articles on the end-of-life care,VABB-1,479,499,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341207,,What is case management in palliative care ? An expert panel study.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341209,,Culture and end of life care: a scoping exercise in seven European countries,VABB-1,e34188,e34188,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341210,,Decision-making in the end of life phase of high grade glioma patients.,VABB-1,226,232,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341211,,Cultural differences affecting euthanasia practice in Belgium: one law but different attitudes and practices in Flanders and Wallonia,VABB-1,845,853,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341212,,Factors that facilitate or constrain the use of continuous sedation at the end of life by physicians and nurses in Belgium: results from a focus group study,VABB-1,230,234,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:341215,,Does Health Status Affect Perceptions of Factors Influencing Dignity at the End of Life?,VABB-1,1030,1038,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:341216,,Living organ procurement from the mentally incompetent: The need for more appropriate guidelines,VABB-1,101,109,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:341217,,"Similarities and differences between continuous sedation until death and euthanasia: professional caregivers’ attitudes and experiences. A focus group study in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,553,561,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:341218,,‘Trust is not something you can reclaim easily’ - Patenting in the field of direct to consumer genetic testing,VABB-1,382,387,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:341219,,Using mentally incompetents as living organ donors: The regulatory framework in Europe,VABB-1,441,466,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341221,,Exclusions from Patentability – How far has the European Patent Office eroded boundaries?,VABB-2,,,374 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341223,,Approaches to suffering at the end of life: the use of sedation in the USA and Netherlands.,VABB-1,235,240,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:341225,,Medical end-of-life decisions: does its use differ in vulnerable patient groups? A systematic review and meta-analysis.,VABB-1,1282,1287,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341226,,The ACA training to improve communication between general practitioners and their palliative care patient: development and applicability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341227,,Enhancing patient reported outcome measurement in research and practice of palliative and end-of-life care.,VABB-1,1573,1578,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341228,,"Cultural competence in end of life care: terms, definitions and conceptual models from the British literature",VABB-1,812,820,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341229,,Oncothesis: preferences of advanced lung cancer patients for information and participation in medical decision-making: a longitudinal multicentre study,VABB-1,132,135,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341230,,Measuring relatives' perspectives on the quality of palliative care: the consumer quality index of palliative care,VABB-1,875,884,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:341231,,Measuring patients' experiences with palliative care: the consumer quality index for palliative care,VABB-1,367,372,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341233,,End-of-life hospital referrals by out-of-hours general practitioners: a retrospective chart study,VABB-1,89,89,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341235,,"Experiences and perceptions of Muslim and non-Muslim women during prenatal screening: a comparative study in Flanders and Brussels, Belgium.",VABB-1,142,143,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341236,,Quality indicators for palliative care: Update of a Systematic Review,VABB-1,145,156,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341240,,Selection Bias in Family Reports on End of Life with Dementia in Nursing Homes,VABB-1,1292,1296,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341242,,The effect of a multispecies synbiotic mixture on the duration of diarrhea and length of hospital stay in children with acute diarrhea in Turkey : single blinded randomized study,VABB-1,459,464,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:341244,,Effectiveness and safety of Saccharomyces boulardii for acute infectious diarrhea.,VABB-1,395,410,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341245,,Diagnosis and management of cow's milk protein allergy in infants,VABB-1,19,24,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341247,,Impact of antisecretory treatment on respiratory symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease in children.,VABB-1,671,677,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341253,,"Older patients’ attitudes towards and experiences of patient-physician end-of-life communication. A secondary analysis of interviews from British, Dutch and Belgian patients.",VABB-1,28,32,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341265,,"Justice for All in the Dispute Settlement System of the World Trade Organization?, 39 GEORGIA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW 787-811 (2011)",VABB-1,787,806,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341272,,"Un droit de vente Européen, pour une meilleure protection du consommateur? Les moyens d'action du consommateur en cas d'inexécution du vendeur (co-author F.Vanbossele)",VABB-1,3,36,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:341305,,"Evoluties binnen het Recht van de Intellectuele Eigendom (2009-2010) in samenwerking met Marie-Christine Janssens, Paul Maeyaert en Hendrik Vanhees",VABB-1,174,200,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341308,,Review of: Not Exactly. In Praise of Vagueness (K. van Deemter),VABB-1,41,45,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341309,,Beyond the Human-Nature Dualism. Towards a Concept of Nature as Part of the Life-World.,VABB-4,205,216,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341310,,The Spaces of Mathematics: Dynamic Encounters Between Local and Universal,VABB-5,67,82,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341311,,Ethnomathematics: A social and scientific issue / Etnowiskunde: maatschappelijke en wetenchappelijke keuze,VABB-1,74,93,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341312,,The Interplay of Psychology and Mathematics Education: From the Attraction of Psychology to the Discovery of the Social,VABB-1,370,385,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341313,,The Cavendish Experiment as a Tool for Historical Understanding of Science,VABB-1,87,108,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341314,,Scientific Representations as Limiting Cases,VABB-1,73,89,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341315,,"""The main Business of natural Philosophy"": Isaac Newton's Natural-Philosophical Methodology",VABB-2,,,378 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341316,,Communicating a Sort of Philosophical Solidity to Taste: Newtonian Elements in Burke’s Philosophical Enquiry,VABB-4,57,68,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341320,,A Defense of strict finitism,VABB-1,141,149,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341321,,In-Between Critical Mathematics Education and Ethnomathematics. A Philosophical Reflection and an Empirical Case of a Romany Students’ group Mathematics Education.,VABB-1,234,247,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341322,,Introduction: From Practice to Results in Mathematics and Logic,VABB-1,5,11,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341324,,Ethnomathematics in a European Context: Towards an Enriched Meaning of Ethnomathematics,VABB-1,191,208,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341325,,Information and Logical Discrimination,VABB-5,17,28,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341328,,What can the intake of parents asking for PGD/HLA learn us about the anticipated degree of instrumentalization of the future saviourbaby?,VABB-5,i53,i53,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341329,,"Atheïstische religiositeit. Een pragmatische analyse in de geest van William James, Erich Fromm en Leo Apostel",VABB-2,,,256 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341333,,"The Economics of Providence. Management, finances and patrimony of religious orders and congregations in Europe, 1773 - ca.1930 / L'économie de la Providence. Gestion, finances et patrimoine des ordres et congrégations en Europe, 1773 - ca.1930",VABB-3,,,371 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341336,,"Mirror neuron, mirror neuron in the brain, who's the cleverest of them all? From the Attraction of Psychology to the Discovery of the Social.",VABB-4,91,104,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341338,,Het geheim van de kosmologie ontrafeld. Ten dienste van een waarheid.,VABB-2,,,416 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341339,,"Experiential knowledge and improvisation: Variations on movement, motion, emotion",VABB-1,179,198,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341340,,Sensory Fluidity: Dialogues of Imagination in Art,VABB-1,453,470,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341347,,"""Transnational Seculars: Belgium as an International Forum forFreethinkers and Freemasons in the Belle Epoque""",VABB-1,1353,1372,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341348,,Een idee om voor te leven en te sterven,VABB-2,,,132 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341349,,Te leven voor een idee. Vingerwijzingen bij Kierkegaards Gilleleje tekst.,VABB-4,43,51,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341350,,McLuhan's Philosophy of Media - Centennial Conference (Contactforum),VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341354,,Amor Technologiae: Marshall McLuhan as Philosopher of Technology – Toward a Philosophy of Human-Media Relationships,VABB-2,,,520 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341358,,Adaptive Logic as a Modal Logic,VABB-1,933,958,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341360,,Dots and Lines in the South China Sea: Insights from the Law of Map Evidence,VABB-1,89,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341361,,"The Concept of an ""Economic Unit"" in State Aid Matters and the Deggendorf Principle",VABB-1,149,162,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341362,,The European Union's Competence in International Trade After the Treaty of Lisbon,VABB-1,639,661,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341363,,New Developments in the Arctic: Protecting the Marine Environment from Increased Shipping,VABB-4,178,205,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341366,,Estuaries,VABB-4,677,681,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341367,,Fisheries Cases before the European Court of Justice,VABB-4,42,47,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341371,,From Probative Value to Authentic Interpretation: The Legal Effects of Interpretative Declarations,VABB-1,170,196,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341372,,Key Features of the Kyoto Protocol's Compliance System.,VABB-4,77,101,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341373,,The European Council and the CFSP after the Lisbon Treaty,VABB-1,327,350,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341375,,The Constitutional and Lisbon Treaties,VABB-4,163,178,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341377,,The European Union's Constitutional Order? Between Community Method and Ad Hoc Compromise,VABB-4,293,353,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341383,,The EU as a Global Leader? The Copenhagen and Cancun UN Climate Change Negotiations,VABB-1,173,191,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341387,,Greening the Economy through Design Incentives -- Allocating Extended Producer Responsibility.,VABB-1,274,305,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341397,,Insufficient climate policy integration in EU energy policy: the importance of the long-term perspective.,VABB-1,228,247,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341399,,"Bijdrage in E. DAVID (Ed.), “La pratique du pouvoir exécutif et le contrôle des chambres législatives en matière de droit international (2007-2011)”",VABB-1,295,647 (passim),,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:341400,,“Article 12”,VABB-4,209,245,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341401,,“Article 13”,VABB-4,246,287,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341402,,An Inverse Method to Determine Material Properties of Soft Tissues,VABB-5,19,32,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341404,,Male and female auditors' overconfidence,VABB-1,105,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341406,,In search of the invisible user of financial statements and his information needs. The (non)sense of different standards for listed and non-listed companies.,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341407,,Determinants influencing the de facto comparability of European IFRS financial statements.,VABB-1,21,40,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341408,,Early onset of contralateral shoulder-arm morbidity in breast cancer patients enrolled in a randomized trial of post-surgery radiation treatment.,VABB-1,79,93,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341413,,Ultrasound Elastography as an objective diagnostic measurement tool for lymphedema of the treated breast in breast cancer patients following breast conserving surgery and radiotherapy,VABB-1,284,295,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341414,,Preliminary analysis of a randomized clinical trial comparing shoulder-arm morbidity between early breast cancer patients treated with short course image guided radiation therapy and conventional post surgery radiation therapy,VABB-1,68,75,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341415,,Scapula alata in early breast cancer patients enrolled in a randomized clinical trial of post-surgery short-course image- guided radiotherapy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341417,,The Effect of Material Modeling on Finite Element Analysis of Human Breast Biomechanics: a simplified finite element model of the human breast.,VABB-1,27,34,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341418,,"The uniformity-flexibility dilemma when comparing financial statements. The view of auditors, analysts and other users.",VABB-1,114,141,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341419,,A prospective cohort study on minor accidents involving commuter cyclists in Belgium.,VABB-1,683,693,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341420,,Privacy by Design through social requirement analysis of social network sites form a user perspective,VABB-5,241,265,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341421,,Early contralateral shoulder-arm morbidity in breast cander patients enrolled in a randomized trial of post-surgery radiation therapy.,VABB-1,79,93,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341422,,"Short course radiotherapy with simultaneous integrated boost for stage I-II breast cancer, early toxicities of a randomized clinical trial",VABB-1,80,80,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341424,,Health-related quality of life in survivors of stage I-II breast cancer: randomized trial of post-operative conventional radiotherapy and hypofractionated tomotherapy,VABB-1,495,495,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341428,,The added value of auditing in Belgium: Does audit remain if no longer mandatory?,VABB-1,9,20,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341438,,(Dis)embodying myths in Ancien Régime opera: multidisciplinary perspectives,VABB-3,,,184 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341439,,Preface,VABB-4,9,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341440,,Addressing the divine: the ‘numinous’ accompagnato in opera seria,VABB-4,97,116,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341449,,On the origin and significance of microburins: an experimental approach,VABB-1,729,741,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341451,,The creation of the late antique city. Constantinople and Asia Minor during the 'Theodosian Renaissance',VABB-1,1,52,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341454,,Verzamelingen en musea: een kwestie van mobilisatie,VABB-4,196,200,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341457,,Archeologisch onderzoek van de Antwerpse burcht.,VABB-1,4,21,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341458,,De 'Cirkel' van Ver-Assebroek: prehistorisch heiligdom of middeleeuwse versterking?,VABB-1,36,49,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341460,,Aanzetten voor een erfgoedbeleid. De afbraak van het Antwerpse burchtgebied als casestudy voor de veranderende omgang met erfgoed (1863-1900),VABB-1,129,145,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341463,,"Late Bronze Age Cornelian and Red Jasper Scarabs with Cross Designs. Egyptian, Levantine or Minoan ?",VABB-1,5,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341466,,Reflection on “Reverse Archaeology”,VABB-1,121,124,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341467,,Potential age bias in the NEO-PI-R: potential differential item functioning in older versus younger adults.,VABB-1,361,369,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341468,,Validation of the FFM PD count technique for screening personality pathology in later middle-aged and older adults.,VABB-1,180,188,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:341469,,Testdiagnostiek van persoonlijkheid en persoonlijkheidsstoornissen bij ouderen: een praktijkgerichte benadering.,VABB-1,24,32,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341472,,Commensal Soft Power Tools for Elites in European States: Networks and Dramaturgy between Divergence and Convergence,VABB-1,49,68,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341476,,"Review of: Stéphane LEBECQ, Bruno BÉTHOUART & Laurent VERSLYPE (eds.). 2010: Quentovic. Environnement, Archéologie, Histoire. Actes du colloque international de Montreuil-sur-Mer, Étaples et Le Touquet et de la journée d’études de Lille sur les origines de Montreuil-sur-Mer (11-13 mai 2006 et 1er décembre 2006). Lille: Conseil Scientifique de l’Université Charles-de-Gaulle",VABB-1,216,219,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341483,,"Beyond migration and ethnicity? Introduction to the theme of ""The very beginning of Europe? Cultural and Social Dimensions of Early Medieval migration and Colonisation (5th-8th centuries)",VABB-4,21,26,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341484,,The very beginning of Europe? Cultural and Social Dimensions of Early-Medieval Migration and Colonisation (5th-8th century).,VABB-3,,,275 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341485,,Early medieval communities around the North Sea: a 'maritime culture'?,VABB-4,81,87,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341488,,Medieval Archaeology,VABB-4,290,294,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341494,,"Succursales partout en Belgique. Delhaize Le Lion: Belgium’s First Food Chain Store, its Architecture and Brand Identity, 1867-1940.",VABB-1,107,142,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341504,,The potential of Raman spectroscopy in glass studies,VABB-5,842207,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341505,,Using optical spectroscopy to characterize the material of a 16th c. stained glass window,VABB-5,84220A,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341506,,Potential prospects in archaeological research by using optical spectroscopy through a black glass ocular,VABB-5,842209,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341507,,The potential of UV-VIS-NIR absorption spectroscopy in glass studies,VABB-5,842208,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341508,,Lost transparency! Weathering phenomena on the archaeological window glass collection of the Cistercian Abbey of the Dunes – Koksijde,VABB-5,84220D,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341510,,Women in Law and Law-Making in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Europe,VABB-3,,,0,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341511,,"Industrial representations of Belgian Limburg miners in the 1950s: labour, everyday life, and corporate culture",VABB-5,1,16,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341512,,The proliferation of brands: the case of food in Belgium (1890-1940),VABB-1,53,84,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341514,,Eating Out,VABB-4,107,122,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341515,,A Cultural History of Food,VABB-3,,,1728 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341516,,"Marchands ambulants, réglementation et police à Bruxelles au XIXe siècle.",VABB-1,53,64,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:341519,,Regulating urban migration and relief entitlements in eighteenth-century Brabant,VABB-4,175,196,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341520,,Innovative traditions in swiftly transforming foodscapes: an exploratory essay.,VABB-1,47,52,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341522,,"De koffie, de fiets en het geld van Mathieu. Bedenkingen over de impact van het kolonialisme op het dagelijks leven in de metropool",VABB-1,471,492,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341523,,"Belgium and the Congo, 1885-1980",VABB-2,,,304 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341526,,Nederlandse religieuze controversepublicaties en de kunst van het argumenteren in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (ca. 1591-ca.1688),VABB-1,241,272,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341528,,"A fine balance. Household finance and financial strategies of Antwerp Households, 17th-18th century",VABB-1,15,43,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341533,,Writing Food History. A Global Perspective,VABB-3,,,296 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341534,,Surveying Global Food Historiography,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341535,,The Many Rooms in the House: Research on Past Foodways in Modern Europe,VABB-4,59,71,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341536,,Conclusion: Contours of Global Food Historiography,VABB-4,209,216,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341537,,Bibliography,VABB-4,217,284,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341538,,Professional lobbying in eighteenth century Brussels. The role of agents in petitioning the central government institutions in the Habsburg Netherlands,VABB-1,95,119,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341542,,A cultural history of food. Volume 1. Antiquity,VABB-3,,,251 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341543,,Introduction. Food and commensality in the Ancient Near East,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341544,,"Food security, safety, and crises",VABB-4,57,74,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341545,,Manpower and food supply during the First and Second Punic Wars,VABB-4,58,76,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341546,,Urbanism,VABB-4,241,265,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341547,,A forum on trade,VABB-4,287,318,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341548,,"Soldiers, Roman citizens and Latin colonists in mid-Republican Italy",VABB-1,109,146,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341549,,Jews and Christians at the dinner table. A study in social and religious interaction,VABB-1,71,107,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341555,,Convergence andd Divergence in Europe since 1800. Presentation.,VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341558,,Jaarverslag van de Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis over 2010 / Rapport annuel de la Commission royale d'Histoire pour 2010,VABB-1,238,257,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341561,,'Vlaanderen weent over een dierbaar socialistische zoon'. De socialistische doods-en rouwcultuur in Gent tijdens de jaren 1880-1940.,VABB-1,5,31,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341562,,"Helden, machines en vooruitgang? Visuele representaties in gedenkboeken van Belgisch- en Nederlands-Limburgse mijnbedrijven",VABB-1,153,170,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341572,,Literate mentalities in French and Belgian towns in the twelfth century,VABB-4,47,52,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341573,,"“Qu’est-ce qu’un Liber Traditionum? À propos d’un genre mal défini”, in Décrire, inventorier, enregistrer entre Seine et Rhin au Moyen Âge. Formes, fonctions et usages des écrits de gestion, Xavier Hermand, Jean-François Nieus et Étienne Renard dir., Paris, p. 35-50(in drukproef, te verschijnen eind 2012).",VABB-4,35,50,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:341575,,Geheimen van jongeren. De Antwerpse jeugd en haar nachtleven in de vroege twintigste eeuw,VABB-1,32,46,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341576,,Stedelijke criminaliteit en rechtshandhaving in het verleden. Een greep uit recent historisch onderzoek,VABB-1,389,398,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341577,,"Delinquente en problematische meisjes in de molen van de jeugdbescherming, 1912-1965",VABB-1,437,453,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341582,,The HDAC inhibitor LBH589 enhances the anti-myeloma effects of the IGF-1 RTK inhibitor picropodophyllin,VABB-1,2230,2239,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341583,,Multiple myeloma induces the immunosuppressive capacity of distinct myeloid-derived suppressor cell subpopulations in the bone marrow.,VABB-1,2424,2428,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341584,,Translating road safety into health outcomes using a quantitative impact assessment model,VABB-1,413,420,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341585,,Health impact assessment of air pollution using a dynamic exposure profile: implications for exposure and health impact estimates,VABB-1,42,51,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341586,,Integration of population mobility in the evaluation of air quality measures on local and regional scales,VABB-1,67,74,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341588,,Comparison of the haemostatic properties of conventional monopolar and bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate in patients on oral anticoagulants.,VABB-1,858,863,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341590,,Presentation and evaluation of an integrated model chain to respond to traffic- and health-related policy questions,VABB-1,160,170,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:341591,,Understanding the hypoxic niche of multiple myeloma: therapeutic implications and contributions of mouse models.,VABB-1,763,771,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341592,,Dll1/Notch activation contributes to bortezomib resistance by upregulating CYP1A1 in multiple myeloma.,VABB-1,518,524,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341593,,"Linking green space to health: a comparative study of two urban neighbourhoods in Ghent, Belgium",VABB-1,171,193,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341594,,An analysis of the decision-making process for single implant treatment in general practice.,VABB-1,166,172,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341598,,Preclinical Evaluation of Invariant Natural Killer T-Cells in the 5T33 Multiple Myeloma Model,VABB-5,938,938,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341600,,A note towards improved homeland defense,VABB-1,244,248,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341601,,Efficient Querying of Distributed RDF Sources in Mobile Settings based on a Source Index Model,VABB-5,554,561,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341603,,Multi-modal analysis framework for hazmat transport and security,VABB-4,135,162,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341604,,Why pairwise comparison methods may fail in MCDM rankings,VABB-5,97,102,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341605,,Understanding the attitude-action gap: functional integration of environmental aspects in car purchase intentions.,VABB-1,547,574,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341608,,The table placement problem: a research challenge at the EWI 2007,VABB-1,208,226,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:341613,,Environmental performance of a battery electric vehicle: a descriptive Life Cycle Assessment approach,VABB-1,782,786,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341614,,"Sources of PCDD/Fs, non-ortho PCBs and PAHs in sediments of high and low impacted transboundary rivers (Belgium–France)",VABB-1,203,209,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341615,,"Trace metal pollution and its influence on the community structure of soft bottom molluscs in intertidal areas of the Dar es Salaam coast, Tanzania",VABB-1,521,531,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341616,,Size-fractionated labile trace elements in the Northwest Pacific and Southern Oceans,VABB-1,108,113,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341617,,Response of DET and DGT trace metal profiles in sediments to phytodetritus mineralization,VABB-1,41,47,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341618,,Links between bacterial communities in marine sediments and trace metal geochemistry as measured by in situ DET/DGT approaches,VABB-1,353,362,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341619,,"The effects of bacterial mineralisation of Phaeocystis-derived phytodetritus on the release of arsenic, cobalt and manganese from muddy sediments in the Southern North Sea. A microcosm study",VABB-1,98,108,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341621,,Evolution of trace metal and organic pollutant concentrations in the Scheldt River Basin and the Belgian Coastal Zone,VABB-1,52,61,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:341622,,Spectral interferences in the analysis of cadmium in human blood by ICP-MS: comparison between high resolution sector field ICP-MS and quadrupole ICP-MS,VABB-1,1819,1826,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341623,,Is a one-night stay in the lab really enough to conclude? First-night effect and night-to-night variability in polysomnographic recordings among different clinical population samples.,VABB-1,795,801,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341624,,The market potential for (plug-in hybrid) electric vehicles in Flanders: a choice-based conjoint analysis.,VABB-1,592,597,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341627,,Locating fire stations: An integrated approach for Belgium,VABB-1,173,182,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341629,,Rapid prototyping of interfacing microcomponents for printed circuit board-level optical interconnects,VABB-5,82670P,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341630,,Photonically enhanced polymer labs-on-a-chip,VABB-5,84280Z,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341631,,Design and fabrication of advanced fiber alignment structures for field-installable fiber connectors,VABB-5,84280I,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341633,,Some results on the embeddable problem for discrete-time Markov models in manpower planning.,VABB-1,1575,1584,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:341634,,A methodology for improving road safety by novel infrastructural and in vehicle technology combination,VABB-1,67,77,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341638,,Bringing intermodal transport to the potential customers: an interactive modal shift website tool,VABB-1,67,77,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341641,,Women's substantive representation in the Belgian Chamber of Representatives: testing the added value of a 'claims-making' approach.,VABB-1,28,47,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341646,,The impact of telework on transport externalities: the case of Brussels Capital Region,VABB-5,240,250,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341647,,Synthesized mercaptopropyl nanoporous resins in DGT probes for determining dissolved mercury concentrations,VABB-1,262,267,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341649,,"A clash between the creative city, city marketing and cultural policy? The case of the city of Antwerp (Flanders/Belgium)",VABB-4,153,159,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341650,,"Teenagers, Internet and Morality",VABB-4,31,48,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341654,,Public Service Media and Policy in Europe,VABB-2,,,234 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341656,,"It's a different game you go to watch: competitive balance in men's and women's tennis,",VABB-4,167,185,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341658,,The Social Meaning of Young People's Online Creativity,VABB-4,79,100,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341659,,The contribution of educational inequalities to lifespan variation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341667,,Prospects and Pitfalls of Douglass North's New Institutional Economics Approach for Global Media Policy Research,VABB-4,33,53,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341674,,Graduated response beyond the copyright balance. How the will to control the Internet increases uncertainty in the information society,VABB-5,1,17,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341678,,"Vosters, R., G. Rutten, & W. Vandenbussche (2012). “The sociolinguistics of spelling. A corpus-based case study of orthographical variation in nineteenth-century Dutch in Flanders.”",VABB-4,253,274,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341681,,Making a success of FTTH learning from case studies in Europe,VABB-1,22,31,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341684,,Apples-to-apples: a framework analysis for energy-efficiency in networks,VABB-5,81,85,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341685,,"Introduction: All or nothing? From public service broadcasting to public service media, to public service ‘anything’?",VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341686,,Strijden voor of om de publieke omroep? Hoe subsidiariteit de Europese Commissie en de lidstaten verdeelt in het Staatssteunbeleid,VABB-1,39,61,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341687,,Analyzing national practices after European state aid control: are multi-stakeholder negotiations beneficial for public service broadcasting?,VABB-1,162,180,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341690,,Inleiding,VABB-4,11,18,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341691,,De verkeerde kant van de telescoop: uiteenlopende visies op de publieke omroep,VABB-4,33,50,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341692,,Wat denkt de concurrentie? Een pleidooi voor een strenger gereguleerde publieke omroep,VABB-4,87,100,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341696,,Superficial harmonization versus one-size-fits-all: The implementation of European State aid principles in Flanders and the Netherlands,VABB-1,237,261,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341699,,Merging publishers' and libraries' institutional interests through business modelling,VABB-1,112,120,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341701,,The governance of nonprofit organizations: integrating agency theory with stakeholder and stewardship theories,VABB-1,431,451,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341702,,Het middenveld: de publieke omroep in een democratische samenleving.,VABB-4,101,114,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341703,,Public Service Media and partnership practices. Matching public policy with broadcasting policy.,VABB-1,105,125,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341704,,In search for the Holy Grail? Comparative analysis in public broadcasting studies,VABB-4,17,28,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341705,,Power Profiling the Internet Core: A Sensitivity Analysis,VABB-4,287,308,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341706,,Femtocell Deployment Strategies for MVNOs Enabled by Cognitive Sharing,VABB-5,2506,2511,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341707,,Spelling and identity in the Southern Netherlands (1750–1830),VABB-4,135,160,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341709,,Understanding digital inequality: the interplay between parental socialisation and children's development,VABB-4,257,272,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341710,,The Evolving European Video Game Software Ecosystem,VABB-4,221,243,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341711,,Public broadcasters and innovation: a contested combination in Flanders,VABB-1,276,288,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341713,,Modonomics: Participation and Competition in Contention,VABB-1,119,135,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341715,,PresenceScape: Virtual World Mediated Rich communication,VABB-1,219,242,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341717,,Assessing the Importance of Audio/Video Synchronization for Simultaneous Translation of Video Sequences,VABB-1,445,457,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341718,,Socioeconomic inequalities in mortality from conditions amenable to medical interventions: do they reflect inequalities in access or quality of health care?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341720,,Geolinguistic data and the past tense debate. Linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of Dutch verb regularization.,VABB-4,227,248,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341730,,Public service media and civic involvement in Flanders: a long way to heaven?,VABB-1,27,42,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341733,,"Collaboration in a Multidisciplinary, Distributed Research Organization: A Case Study",VABB-1,267,288,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341739,,Cognitive radio for medical body area networks using ultra wideband,VABB-1,74,81,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341740,,Halos Networks: A Competitive Way to Internet of-with Things,VABB-1,41,55,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341745,,The Postmodern Challenge to Journalism: Strategies for Constructing a Trustworthy Identity,VABB-4,60,71,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341746,,Interactive Grouping of Friends in OSN: Towards Online Context Management,VABB-5,555,562,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341747,,From Era of Plenty to Era of Overflow: What Shall I Watch?,VABB-1,305,321,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341748,,Exploring Types of Parent–Child Relationship and Internet Use across Europe,VABB-1,114,132,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341749,,Cancer mortality patterns among Turkish immigrants in four European countries and in Turkey.,VABB-1,915,921,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341751,,Building Regions. The Regionalization of the World Order.,VABB-2,,,198 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341753,,Discursive structures in the network society. A theoretical case study on the role of immaterial structures in media organisations,VABB-1,25,40,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341756,,Translational Ethics and the Grammatization of At-homeness. A grammatical analysis of Hafid Bouazza's 'De verloren zoon' and the French Translation,VABB-1,8,25,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341757,,The Tussle with Trust: trust in the news media ecology,VABB-1,542,550,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341758,,Retourtje Tekst. Intencie als leidraad bij de vertaling van Alejandra Pizarniks poëzie,VABB-1,67,75,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341759,,Professionalism in political broadcast talk: The performance of a distancing journalistic self in formatted pre-election debates,VABB-1,114,122,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341761,,De zinnen verzetten: een terugkeer naar de (literaire) vertaling.,VABB-1,635,637,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:341762,,Bipartite negation in 18th and Early 19th Century Southern Dutch: Sociolinguistic aspects of Norms and Variation,VABB-1,353,374,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341769,,Audience measurement and digitalization: Integrating TV and Internet?,VABB-1,239,252,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341770,,Raise Your Hands or Hands-on? The Role of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Stimulating Intercreativity in Education,VABB-1,104,113,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341771,,Intergenerational effects of mobile telecommunications diffusion in Sweden,VABB-1,357,373,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341772,,Mobile Business and the Smart City: Developing a Business Model Framework to Include Public Design Parameters for Mobile City Services,VABB-1,135,149,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341777,,Online privacy in social media: a conceptual exploration of empowerment and vulnerability,VABB-1,99,120,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341779,,Geolocation database beyond TV white spaces? Matching applications with database requirements.,VABB-5,467,478,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341781,,Get Organized At Work! A look inside the game design process of Valve and Linden Lab,VABB-1,477,485,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341782,,Graduated response beyond the copyright balance. Why and how the French HADOPI takes consumers as targets,VABB-1,34,44,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341785,,Evaluating Impacts of Oversubscription on Future Internet Business Models,VABB-4,105,112,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341786,,"From NWICO to WSIS - 30 years of Communication Geopolitics. Actors and Flows, Structures and Divides",VABB-3,,,240 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341787,,Notification about influenza vaccination in Belgium: a descriptive study of how people want to be informed.,VABB-1,308,312,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341788,,Sarcoidosis in a patient with metastatic melanoma sequentially treated with anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody and selective BRAF inhibitor,VABB-1,1355,1359,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341790,,Methylphenidate as a treatment for stuttering: a case report.,VABB-1,66,69,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341791,,A comparison between Moroccan and Belgian type-2 diabetic patients.,VABB-1,246,249,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341792,,Acupuncture for dyspnea on exertion in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: no blindness,VABB-1,1772,1773,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341793,,Belgian global implementation of cardiovascular and stroke risk assessment study: methods and baseline data of the BELGICA-STROKE STUDY,VABB-1,635,641,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341794,,Spontaneous Goal Inferences are often Inferred Faster than Spontaneous Trait Inferences,VABB-1,13,18,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341796,,A note on State aid and concentration,VABB-1,153,162,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341798,,Situation and Person Attributions under Spontaneous and Intentional Instructions: An fMRI Study,VABB-1,481,493,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:341799,,"Welfare states, flexible employment, and health: a critical review",VABB-1,99,127,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341800,,Counterfactual Thinking: An fMRI Study on Changing the Past for a Better Future,VABB-1,556,564,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:341801,,"A pharmacist-led information technology intervention for medication errors (PINCER): a multicentre, cluster randomised, controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis.",VABB-1,1310,1319,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341803,,Setting the stage : First information parents receive after UNHS detection of their baby's hearing loss,VABB-1,387,401,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341804,,Analysing care-related decisions in parents of congenitally deaf children: introduction of an explanatory model,VABB-1,264,281,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341807,,Stimulating pharmaceutical innovation in the EU.,VABB-1,235,239,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341808,,The equity dimension in evaluations of the quality and outcomes framework : a systematic review.,VABB-1,209,209,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341810,,Distinct recruitment of Temporo-Parietal Junction and Medial Prefrontal Cortex in behavior understanding and trait identification.,VABB-1,591,605,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341817,,Perceptions of mental health nurses and patients about health promotion in mental health care : a literature review.,VABB-1,487,492,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341818,,Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of lifestyle interventions on physical activity and eating habits in persons with severe mental disorders : a systematic review.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:341819,,Het Congres van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika,VABB-1,567,578,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341821,,de gerechtelijke structuren in federale landen,VABB-1,209,222,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:341822,,The effect of subsidising firms on voting behaviour. Evidence from Flemish elections.,VABB-1,30,43,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341823,,Functioning at 6 months post stroke following discharge from inpatient rehabilitation.,VABB-1,545,548,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341825,,Europese regelgeving en overheidsbegroting,VABB-1,486,497,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341827,,The relationship between antenatal care and preterm birth: the importance of content of care,VABB-1,366,371,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:341829,,Monitoring costs in the ICU: a search for a pertinent methodology,VABB-1,1104,1113,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341830,,Social movement structures in relation to goals and forms of action: an exploratory model.,VABB-1,67,81,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341831,,Air quality management,VABB-4,17,25,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341838,,Kosteneffectiviteit van chronische zuurstoftherapie bij COPD-patiënten met ernstige hypoxemie,VABB-1,639,647,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341863,,Experiential versus Analytical Emotion Regulation and Sleep:Breaking the Link Between Negative Events and Sleep Disturbance,VABB-1,1415,1421,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:341868,,De betekenis en de rol van socialisatie tijdens de politieopleiding,VABB-1,11,39,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341870,,De wegen van de Commissie Adriaenssens waren ondoorgrondelijk,VABB-1,43,59,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341871,,Naar een nieuw uitzicht voor de Centra Algemeen Welzijnswerk? Verslag van een rondetafelgesprek rond een Vlaamse beleidsnota,VABB-1,60,76,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341872,,The rise of the penal state: what can human rights do about it ?,VABB-4,107,132,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341876,,European data protection: in good health ?,VABB-3,,,363 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341879,,Architecturale behoeften van gevangenisbewoners en gebruikers,VABB-1,5,16,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341880,,Positieve mensenrechtenverplichtingen met betrekking tot politie en justitie. Verduidelijking aan de hand van Europese rechtspraak over intrafamiliaal geweld en seksueel misbruik,VABB-1,3,16,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341882,,De levenslange gevangenisstraf: geen evident mensenrechtelijk alternatief voor de doodstraf,VABB-1,125,139,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341883,,Maatregelen tegen de overbevolking in de gevangenissen: een audit door het Rekenhof,VABB-1,28,32,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341890,,Filmen maar! Versoepeling van de camerawet door het Hof van Cassatie. Noot onder Cass. 5 oktober 2010 en Cass. 17 maart 2010,VABB-1,1332,1344,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341891,,The European Patients’ Rights Directive: A clarification and codification of individual rights relating to cross border healthcare and novel initiatives aimed at improving pan-European healthcare co-operation,VABB-1,28,69,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341900,,Caractérisation d’une population de patients hospitalisés sous contrainte juridique à partir de l’Unité de « Psychiatrie d’urgence » du CHU Saint Pierre pendant un an,VABB-1,35,44,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:341904,,De verwachting van de burger over de politie en het gebruik van geweld,VABB-4,177,200,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341906,,"D. Siegel. Maffia, diamanten en Mozart. Etnografie in criminologisch onderzoek (oratie Utrecht)",VABB-1,210,214,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341907,,Estudantes sobre controle: a racionalizacao do espaço escolar atraves do uso de cameras de vigilancia,VABB-1,193,212,,por,2012,2 c:vabb:341908,,Het levensverhaal en (jeugd)delinquente traject van vrouwelijke gedetineerden.,VABB-1,20,31,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341910,,Vrijmetselarij en criminalisering tijdens het Vichy-regime. Een criminologische benadering van de forces occultes.,VABB-1,10,31,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341912,,Kinderen die voor problemen zorgen. Een geschiedenis van het 'probleemkind' in de Belgische jeugdbescherming (1912-2012),VABB-1,5,21,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341913,,Gijzelingen van penitentiair personeel: Kan te veel veiligheid onveilig worden?,VABB-1,301,304,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341914,,Incarcerated by numbers? Wat leren de cijfers ons over ‘vreemdelingen’ in de gevangenis?,VABB-1,305,324,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341915,,De problematische 'jeugd van tegenwoordig'. Bedenkingen bij de toenemende instroom van POS - jongeren.,VABB-1,22,29,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341917,,Who is irritiating? Over intelligente camera’s en gebalde aanpak van jongeren,VABB-1,261,266,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341918,,Who is irritiating? A propos des cameras intelligentes et d’une approche easperee des jeunes,VABB-1,267,272,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:341919,,"The amended EU law on ePrivacy and electronic communications after its 2011 implementation; new rules on data protection, spam, data breaches and protection of intellectual property rights",VABB-1,29,74,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341923,,Zijn vreemdelingenrecht en penitentiair recht verenigbaar? Beslissingen tot invrijheidstelling ten aanzien van ‘illegale’ gedetineerden,VABB-1,31,36,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341924,,A comparative analysis of anti-discrimination and data protection legislations,VABB-4,61,89,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341925,,"Biometrics, Privacy and Agency",VABB-4,81,101,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341926,,Does reintegration need REHAB? Early release procedures for prisoners without a legal permit of residence in Belgium.,VABB-1,21,36,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341928,,Vijf jaar strafuitvoeringsrechtbanken. FATIK sprak met vier ‘ervaringsdeskundigen’,VABB-1,37,40,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341929,,Kroniek: Onderzoek naar de Belgische jeugdrechtbankpraktijk,VABB-1,262,271,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341930,,"Cools, M., De Ruyver, B., Easton, M., Pauwels, L., Ponsaers, P., Vande Walle, G., Vander Beken, T., Vander Laenen, F., Verhage, A., Vermeulen, G., Vynckier, G., Social conflicts, citizens and policing, Maklu, Antwerpen, 2012, 176p.",VABB-3,,,176 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341931,,"European criminal justice and policy, Maklu, Antwerpen, 2012, 225p.",VABB-3,,,225 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341932,,Private Security in Europe: towards a European private security model for the future,VABB-4,93,114,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341934,,Integrale veiligheid. Meer dan een strategie van de ‘veiligheidssector’?,VABB-1,13,21,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341936,,Accountability and System Responsibility: New Concepts in Data Protection Law and Human Rights Law,VABB-4,193,232,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341943,,Toegang tot sociale media en controle door politie. Een eerste juridische verkenning vanuit mensenrechtelijk perspectief,VABB-1,258,272,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341946,,Internet (access) as a new fundamental right. Inflating the current rights framework?,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341947,,"Duidelijkheid over de grenzen aan collectieve, preventieve fouilleringen en ‘crime control policing’ in de publieke ruimte. Noot onder EHRM, 12 januari 2010, Gillan en Quinton t. Verenigd Koninkrijk",VABB-1,372,384,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341948,,De Yahoo-saga: de keuze tussen nationale opsporingsmethoden en internationale rechtshulpinstrumenten,VABB-1,324,331,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341950,,The Doctrine of Equivalent Protection: Its Life and Legitimacy Before and After the European Union’s Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights,VABB-1,874,895,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341955,,Legal Challenges Posed by Online Aggregation of Museum Content: The Cases of Europeana and the Google Art Project,VABB-1,314,339,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341956,,"Notification, an important safeguard against the improper use of surveillance - finally recognized in case law and EU law",VABB-1,346,359,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341957,,International Criminal Law as Global Law: An Assessment of the Hybrid Tribunals,VABB-1,228,240,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341958,,"Global law will be Responsive Law, at least with regard to Cyberspace",VABB-1,346,359,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341964,,Criminografische ontwikkelingen II: van (victim)-survey tot penitentaire statistiek,VABB-3,,,178 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341965,,Bijstandsrecht en voorlopige hechtenis: de invalshoeken van het Hof van Cassatie en het EHRM,VABB-1,467,470,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341966,,Openbaarheid van rechtspraak en het verwerken van persoonsgegevens : categorisch denken vermijden,VABB-1,520,523,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341968,,"Het geweldsmonopolie en zijn limieten: het Evrm en ordehandhaving bij massabetogingen. Noot onder EHRM 24 maart 2011, Giuliani en Gaggio t. Italië en onder EHRM 21 Juni 2011, Shimovolos t. Rusland",VABB-1,446,460,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341970,,Female Offenders’ Pathways to Prison in Belgium.,VABB-1,7,22,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341971,,What does one expect from the police? The police service as a caretaker of safety or an emergency call service?,VABB-4,333,354,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341972,,Toward a modern criminological theatre play: the door to theoretical development in police science,VABB-4,405,415,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341973,,Legitimacy of penal policies: Punishment between normative and empirical legitimacy,VABB-4,50,70,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341974,,Testing the Principle of Subsidiarity in EU Criminal Policy – The Omitted Exercise in the Recent EU Documents on Principles for Substantive European Criminal Law,VABB-1,394,411,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341978,,Craftmanship is mastery! About the need to professionalize police leadership.,VABB-4,273,294,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341979,,Professionalisering en socialisering van de politie.,VABB-4,7,10,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341981,,Over schalen en bestellen,VABB-1,5,10,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341982,,Locomotieftekst: Bestellen en schalen,VABB-1,5,11,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341983,,Inleiding: wat met de politieschalen en het politiebestel anno 2012 in ons land?,VABB-1,2,5,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341984,,"De missie van de kinderrechter. Een onderzoek naar het ontstaan en de praktijk van de (Antwerpse) kinderrechter (België, 1912-1965)",VABB-1,391,414,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341985,,Kinderrechten tegen punitiviteit? Over de perverse wending van het kinderrechtenvertoog,VABB-1,228,238,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341986,,The Substantive Representation of Women: What to doe with Conservative's Claims?,VABB-5,213,225,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:341990,,Waar en wanneer praten mannen en vrouwen over politiek?,VABB-1,5,26,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341991,,Samen naar de kiezer. De vorming van pre-electorale allianties tussen CD&V en N-VA en tussen SP.a en Groen! bij de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 2006,VABB-1,407,428,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:341994,,Favorable conditions to epistemic validity in deliberative experiments: a methodological assessment,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:341996,,Balancing Work and Family: A Panel Analysis of the Impact of Part-Time Work on the Experience of Time Pressure.,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342000,,Combating complexity: the integration of Eu climate and energy policies.,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342006,,The European Neighbourhood Policy in the countries of the Mediterranean Area.,VABB-1,485,488,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342008,,Changing forms of interactions between the European Commission and interest groups: the case of religious lobbying.,VABB-1,447,463,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342009,,Does Globalization Broaden The Mind? The impact of Globalization on attitudes towards immigrant-rights of young adolescents in 35 regions.,VABB-1,415,434,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:342014,,Shopping for food in Western Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries,VABB-1,71,82,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342015,,Restaurants in Western Europe and the United States in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: an Introduction,VABB-1,143,153,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342016,,"The Organisation of Marathons in Divided Cities: Brussels, Belfast, Beirut and Jerusalem",VABB-1,1553,1576,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342017,,Conflict Resolution after the 2008 Georgia-Russia War: The Taiwan and Kosovo Models as Tools for Mobilization and Comparison,VABB-1,677,701,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342020,,Tussen representatie en deliberatie,VABB-1,372,375,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342021,,De combinatie van arbeid en gezin: een panelanalyse van de impact van deeltijdwerk op de ervaring van tijdsdruk,VABB-1,404,427,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342025,,Institutionalizing Intersectionality in the Low Countries.,VABB-5,119,147,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342027,,Social Movement Organizations and Changing State Architectures: Comparing Women's Movement Organizing in Flanders and Scotland.,VABB-1,44,67,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342028,,China: A Deterrence Paradox.,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:342029,,Unravelling Harmony: How Distorted Trade Imperils the Sino-European Partnership,VABB-1,439,456,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342030,,China’s Evolving Behaviour in Africa and the Options of Cooperation with Europe,VABB-1,1,33,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:342032,,Populisme en de zorg over de samenleving,VABB-1,114,133,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342033,,More than preparing a meal? Concerning the meaning of home cooking,VABB-1,1050,1056,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342035,,Modellering elektriciteitsverbruik van gezinnen op basis van tijdsbestedingsonderzoek,VABB-1,8,13,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342040,,"Social Cohesion, Culture Politics and the Impact of Migration",VABB-4,125,142,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342041,,Populisme en de zorg over de samenleving,VABB-1,114,133,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:342044,,Perpetrators of abuse against older women: a multi-national study in Europe,VABB-1,302,314,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:342045,,Ouderen als actieve bouwers aan beleid: Belgian Ageing Studies als case,VABB-1,54,64,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342046,,"Social Capital and Feelings of Unsafety in Later Life: A Study on the Influence of Social Networks, Place Attachment, and Civic Participation on Perceived Safety in Belgium",VABB-1,425,448,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342047,,The contemporary contradictions of egalitarianism: an empirical analysis of the relationship between the old and the new left/right alignments,VABB-1,217,239,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342049,,The Socioemotional Selectivity Theory: Findings from the Belgian Aging Studies,VABB-5,S316,S317,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342051,,Are anti-Muslim feelings more widespread than anti-foreigner feelings? Evidence from two split-sample experiments,VABB-1,800,819,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342054,,Ongeschoold maakt onbemind. Een thematische inhoudsanalyse van de voorstelling van laag- en hooggeschoolden in twee Vlaamse kranten,VABB-1,248,267,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:342070,,Contact tussen kleinkinderen en grootouders na echtscheiding,VABB-1,1,24,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342071,,Social control and institutional trust: Reconsidering the effect of modernity on social malaise,VABB-1,101,111,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342072,,Ouderenmis(be)handeling in België: de rol van de leefomgeving in de prevalentie van mis(be)handeling bij oudere vrouwen.,VABB-1,504,529,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342073,,Individual risk factors of feelings of unsafety in later life,VABB-1,233,242,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342074,,Echtscheiding en contacten tussen kleinkinderen en grootouders,VABB-1,296,328,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342075,,Samen doen of samen zijn? Over arbeids- en gezinsverantwoordelijkheden en de tijd die partners samen doorbrengen,VABB-1,381,403,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342077,,"Navigating the school system in Sweden, Belgium, Austria and Germany",VABB-1,776,799,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342078,,Partner choice patterns among the descendants of Turkish immigrants in Europe.,VABB-1,241,269,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342079,,Internal mobility of international migrants: the case of Belgium,VABB-4,13,38,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342080,,Union formation and partner choice,VABB-4,225,284,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342087,,"Violence, fear of crime and Islam skepticism",VABB-1,552,564,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342088,,Van Gutenberg tot internet,VABB-1,448,451,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342094,,De Raad van State als cassatierechter. Overzicht van rechtspraak (2006-2011),VABB-1,1486,1504,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342103,,De syntheseconclusies en het beschikkingsbeginsel,VABB-1,88,91,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342105,,"Artikel 882 BW: schuldeisers binnen de vereffening-verdeling, zwak of machtig?",VABB-1,81,102,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342122,,De levensbeschouwing van de rechter is geen wrakingsgrond,VABB-1,10,17,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342129,,Multiple endmember unmixing of CHRIS/Proba imagery for mapping impervious surfaces in urban and suburban environments,VABB-1,3409,3424,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342130,,An operational superresolution approach for multi-temporal and multi-angle remotely sensed imagery,VABB-1,110,124,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342131,,Systematic morphometric characterization of volcanic edifices using digital elevation models,VABB-1,114,131,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342132,,"Geomorphometric variability of “monogenetic” volcanic cones: Evidence from Mauna Kea, Lanzarote and experimental cones",VABB-1,59,75,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342133,,An evaluation of ensemble classifiers for mapping Natura 2000 heathland in Belgium using spaceborne angular hyperspectral (CHRIS/Proba) imagery,VABB-1,13,22,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342134,,A minimal model for wind- and mixing-driven overturning: threshold behavior for both driving mechanisms,VABB-1,239,260,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342135,,Relationships between volcano gravitational spreading and magma intrusion,VABB-1,743,765,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342136,,"Evaluating the degree of weathering in landslide-prone soils in the humid tropics: The case of Limbe, SW Cameroon",VABB-1,378,389,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342137,,Landslide susceptibility assessment in Limbe (SW Cameroon): A field calibrated seed cell and information value method,VABB-1,83,98,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342139,,"Greenland Ice Sheet surface mass balance 1870 to 2010 based on Twentieth Century Reanalysis, and links with global climate forcing",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342140,,A dynamic continental runoff routing model applied to the last Northern Hemisphere deglaciation,VABB-1,599,609,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342142,,The Earth’s Cryosphere and Sea Level Change,VABB-3,,,343 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342143,,Century-scale relative sea-level changes in West Greenland - A plausibility study to assess contributions from the cryosphere and the ocean,VABB-1,86,93,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342145,,Mapping Natura 2000 heathland in Belgium - An evaluation of ensemble classifiers for spaceborne angular CHRIS/Proba imagery,VABB-5,2757,2760,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342146,,"Modeling the impacts of agroforestry systems on the spatial patterns of soil erosion risk in three catchments of Claveria, the Philippines",VABB-1,411,423,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342148,,"Results of the Marine Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project, MISMIP",VABB-1,573,588,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342149,,Differentiating neural crest stem cells induce proliferation of cultured rodent islet beta cells,VABB-1,2016,2025,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342150,,"Dykes and structures of the NE rift of Tenerife, Canary Islands: a record of stabilisation and destabilisation of ocean island rift zones",VABB-1,963,980,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342152,,Mapping impervious surfaces from superresolution enhanced CHRIS/Proba imagery using multiple endmember unmixing,VABB-1,99,112,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342155,,Evaluation of the DisTrad thermal sharpening methodology for urban areas,VABB-1,163,172,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342156,,Use of land-cover fractions derived from MESMA for urban water balance calculation,VABB-5,1594,1597,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342160,,Authority and Expertise in New Sites of Knowledge Production,VABB-4,25,56,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342164,,Securitization across borders:Organizational mimicry in Islamic finance,VABB-1,85,106,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342165,,Millennial total sea level commitments projected with the Earth system model of intermediate complexity LOVECLIM,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342166,,Stable dynamics in a Greenland tidewater glacier over 26 years despite reported thinning,VABB-1,241,248,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342167,,An improved estimate of microbially mediated carbon fluxes from the Greenland Ice Sheet,VABB-1,1098,1108,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342169,,Isotopic model of oceanic silicon cycling: The Kerguelen Plateau case study.,VABB-1,42,59,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342173,,Experiential Knowledge Creation Processes in the Higher Education Teaching-Learning Process,VABB-5,88,96,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342175,,Organizational culture and instructional innovations in higher education: perceptions and reactions of teachers and students,VABB-1,136,158,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:342178,,DTI reveals structural differences in white matter tracts between bilingual and monolingual children,VABB-1,72,80,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342180,,Comparing five sets of Five-Factor Model personality disorder counts in a heterogeneous sample of psychiatric patients,VABB-1,377,388,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342181,,Het perspectief van de tutee,VABB-1,240,256,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:342182,,Door de ogen van de peer tutor. Een blik op de ervaren uitdagingen en factoren van invloed tijdens PAL.,VABB-1,257,270,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:342184,,A review of the role of information communication technology and course design in transitional education practices.,VABB-1,563,581,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342191,,Notable e-Health Developments,VABB-5,35,38,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342196,,"Veel talen, één brein. Wat een studie van het meertalige kinderbrein ons leert over de effecten van verschillende vormen van tweedetaalverwerving",VABB-1,147,163,-,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342199,,Sprachnormen in der Auslandsgermanistik,VABB-1,194,202,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:342200,,International Perspectives on Voice Disorders,VABB-2,,,11 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342203,,A typology of approaches to peer tutoring. Unraveling peer tutors’ behavioural strategies.,VABB-1,703,723,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342204,,A facilitative versus directive approach in training clinical skills? Investigating students’ clinical performance and perceptions.,VABB-1,104,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342205,,Enhancing students’ approaches to learning: The added value of gradually implementing case-based learning.,VABB-1,315,336,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342206,,The effects of different learning environments on students’ motivation for learning and their achievement.,VABB-1,484,501,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342210,,"Directive versus facilitative peer tutoring? A view on students' appraisal, reported learning gains, and experiences within two differently tutored learning environments.",VABB-1,437,459,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:342211,,Germanistik in Belgien / Brüssel,VABB-4,81,90,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:342212,,"Auto-Commentary in Ardengo Soffici’s ""BIF&ZF+18. Simultaneita' e chimismi lirici""",VABB-4,233,246,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:342214,,STUDY OF THE BENDING BEHAVIOUR OF TEXTILE REINFORCED CEMENTITIOUS COMPOSITES WHEN EXPOSED TO HIGH TEMPERATURES.,VABB-5,233,241,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342216,,Does social capital increase political accountability ? An empirical test for Flemish municipalities,VABB-1,731,744,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342220,,Moonlighting Politicians: a Survey and Research Agenda,VABB-1,76,97,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342224,,Association Membership and Generalised Trust: are connections between Associations losing their Value ?,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342225,,Understanding voters' preferences: how the electorate's complexity affects prediction accuracy and wishful thinking amog politicians with respect to election outcomes,VABB-1,340,370,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342226,,Sociaal kapitaal dwingt politieke verantwoordelijkheid af,VABB-1,249,252,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342229,,Nonprofit governance and effectiveness: beyond the organizational perspective.,VABB-1,28,35,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342231,,Success and Failure in Electoral Competition: Selective Issue Emphasis under Incomplete Issue Ownership,VABB-1,406,412,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342232,,Limitations of the KISS Principle and a Strong Organisational Society: A Rejoinder to Wollebaek and Selle.,VABB-1,201,206,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342234,,"Delegation, Accountability & Legislator Moonlighting: Agency Problems in Germany",VABB-1,255,273,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342235,,The impact of Economic Costs of Conflict on Inviduals' Political Attitudes,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342236,,The 'principle of invariance’ in currency systems: a comment on Caianiello et al.,VABB-1,215,223,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342237,,Financial Bounds for Insurance Claims,VABB-1,27,56,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:342238,,A provisioning problem with stochastic payments,VABB-1,445,453,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342239,,"A note on ""Improved Fréchet Bounds and Model-Free Pricing of Multi-Asset Options by Tankov (2011).",VABB-1,866,875,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342240,,An explicit option-based strategy that outperforms Dollar Cost Averaging.,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342241,,Bounds for sums of random variables when the marginals and the variance of the sum are known,VABB-1,103,118,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342247,,Managing Open Innovation - Connecting the Firm to External Knowledge,VABB-2,,,0,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342248,,Asset Risk Management of Participating Contracts,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342249,,Performance Regularity: a new class of executive compensation packages,VABB-1,353,370,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342250,,Nearly exact option price simulation using characteristic functions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342255,,"Vanmaele, M., Deelstra, G., De Schepper, A., Dhaene, J., Vanduffel, S., Vyncke D. (Eds.): Handelingen Contactforum Actuarial and Financial Mathematics Conference, Interplay between Finance and Insurance, February 9-10, 2012, Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, Brussel.",VABB-3,,,144 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342256,,A Natural Hedge for Equity Indexed Annuities,VABB-1,211,230,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342257,,"New paradigms in banking, financial markets and regulation",VABB-3,,,225 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342258,,Conversion of the Mini Mental State Examination to the ICF terminology and scoring system’,VABB-1,112,119,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342259,,"White-matter astrocytes, axonal energy metabolism, and axonal degeneration in multiple sclerosis",VABB-1,413,424,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342260,,Exaggerated postural blood pressure rise is related to a favorable outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke,VABB-1,92,96,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342261,,Pre-stroke use of beta-blockers does not affect ischaemic stroke severity and outcome,VABB-1,234,240,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342263,,Effect of medication reconciliation at hospital admission on medication discrepancies during hospitalization and at discharge for geriatric patients,VABB-1,484,494,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342264,,Chronic low-grade inflammation and age-related sarcopenia,VABB-1,12,22,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342265,,The Multiple Hop Test: A Discriminative or Evaluative Instrument for Chronic Ankle Instability?,VABB-1,228,233,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342266,,Spontaneously hypertensive rats display reduced microglial activation in response to ischemic stroke and lipopolysaccharide,VABB-1,114,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342267,,Acute Stroke Management in Patients Taking Dabigatran,VABB-1,616,622,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342268,,Prediction of hospitalization duration for acute stroke in Belgium,VABB-1,19,25,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342269,,Associations of alcohol consumption with clinical and MRI measures in multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,657,660,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342270,,Lack of association between serum uric acid levels and outcome in acute ischemic stroke,VABB-1,51,55,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342271,,Thrombolytic therapy for ischaemic stroke in patients using warfarin: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,537,540,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342275,,Interventions to enhance the quality of life of older people in residential long-term care: A systematic review.,VABB-1,141,150,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342276,,The Active Ageing-concept translated to the residential long-term care.,VABB-1,929,937,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342277,,Osteoarthritis of the knee: why does exercise work? A qualitative study of the literature.,VABB-1,226,236,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342278,,Pre-stroke use of statins on stroke outcome: a meta-analysis of observational studies,VABB-1,261,267,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342280,,Discrepancies in medication information for the primary care physician and the geriatric patient at discharge.,VABB-1,983,990,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342281,,Variations of Blood Pressure in Stroke Unit Patients May Result from Alternating Body Positions,VABB-1,459,466,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342282,,Biochemical parameters and their therapeutic applications in acute ischemic stroke,VABB-1,112,126,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342283,,The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents on behavioural changes and cytokine production following systemic inflammation: Implications for a role of COX-1,VABB-1,584,585,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342284,,Impact of External Resistance and Maximal Effort on Force-Velocity Characteristics of the Knee Extensors during Strengthening Exercise: a Randomized Controlled Experiment.,VABB-1,1118,1127,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342287,,Management of Chronic Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa: Cross-Fertilisation between HIV/AIDS and Diabetes Care.,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342294,,Tackling health workforce shortages during antiretroviral treatment scale-up--experiences from Ethiopia and Malawi.,VABB-1,S109,S112,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:342306,,Outcomes of antiretroviral treatment program in Ethiopia: retention of patients in care is a major challenge and varies across health facilities.,VABB-1,81,81,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342308,,Prevention (of Sarcopenia): is it possible?,VABB-4,324,338,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342315,,Effect of TENS on pain in relation to central sensitization in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee,VABB-1,21,27,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342317,,"In young children, persistent wheezing is associated with bronchial bacterial infection: a retrospective analysis.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342319,,Hearing tresholds in children with a congenital CMV infection: a prospective study.,VABB-1,712,717,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342320,,KCNQ2 encephalopathy: Emerging phenotype of a neonatal epileptic encephalopathy,VABB-1,15,25,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342323,,Potential Liability of European States Under the ECHR for Failure to Take Appropriate Measures with a View on Adaptation to Climate Change,VABB-5,134,165,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:342325,,Does Personality Affect Compulsive Buying? An Application of the Big Five Personality Model,VABB-4,131,144,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342332,,“The international regime for the compensation of oil-pollution damage: a good candidate to have a human rights law approach?”,VABB-1,194,207,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:342339,,Can We Identify Compulsive Buyers Based on Their Personality? An Application of the Personality Adjective Check List,VABB-1,221,240,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342341,,The fundamental right of data protection in the European Union: in search of an uncharted right,VABB-1,73,82,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342342,,Integrating Psychopathology and Personality Disorders Conceptualized by the MMPI–2–RF and the MCMI–III: A Structural Validity Study,VABB-1,345,357,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342345,,Creating electromagnetic cavities using transformation optics,VABB-1,033007,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342346,,De Drittwirkung van grondrechten: retorisch curiosum of vaandel van een paradigmatische omwenteling in ons rechtsbestel?,VABB-1,44,62,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342349,,Verruimde correctionalisatie van onvrijwillige doodslag bij diefstal sluit retroactieve toepassing strengere correctionele straffen niet uit,VABB-1,85,90,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342350,,A Different View on the ‘Making’ of European Security: The EU Passenger Name Record System as a Socio-Technical Assemblage,VABB-1,109,124,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342352,,Lautsi Revisited. Naar meer rechterlijke terughoudendheid en zelfbeperking van jurisdictie bij het EHRM?,VABB-1,160,179,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342354,,Psychology: Selected Papers,VABB-2,,,342 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342355,,The Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i): Evaluation of Psychometric Aspects in the Dutch Speaking Part of Belgium.,VABB-4,145,172,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342356,,Verjaring in het buitencontractueel aansprakelijkheidsrecht vanuit mensenrechtelijk perspectief,VABB-1,1742,1764,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342357,,Thinking about electronic monitoring in the context of pre-trial detention in Belgium: a solution to prison overcrowding?,VABB-1,3,22,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342359,,Trymbach of het probleem van de fictieve rechtsbescherming,VABB-1,139,146,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342360,,Aanranding van de eerbaarheid en seksuele integriteit,VABB-1,149,159,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342361,,Auteursrecht en internet zoekmotoren,VABB-1,209,215,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342362,,Privacy en technologie,VABB-1,53,57,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342369,,Copyright Enforcement in Europe after ACTA: What Now?,VABB-1,99,104,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342374,,"Enkele beschouwingen inzake de toepassing van art. 14ter RvS-Wet (noot bij RvS 29 december 2011, nr. 217.085)",VABB-1,254,257,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342377,,Overzicht van rechtspraak van de Raad van State inzake het voorhanden hebben van wapens,VABB-1,460,470,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342378,,"Beyond accountability, the return to privacy ?",VABB-4,261,284,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342379,,La protección de datos en Europa y la persistente huella de la privacidad,VABB-1,9,14,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:342381,,The MMPI-2-Restructured Form and the Standard MMPI-2 Clinical Scales in Relation to DSM-IV,VABB-1,182,188,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342382,,Comparing the predictive accuracy of case linkage methods in serious sexual assaults,VABB-1,28,56,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342387,,Een verkennende studie naar de doorwerking van het Verdrag inzake de Rechten van het Kind in het pestbeleid op basisscholen,VABB-1,41,57,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342389,,Naar een opleidingsonderdeel in de nascholing voor onderwijzend personeel over het juridisch kader van toepassing op probleemsituaties op school,VABB-1,121,124,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342390,,Balancing intellectual property against data protection: a new right’s wavering weight,VABB-1,34,46,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342400,,Water management and protection in France,VABB-4,443,462,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342407,,Deleuze and Law,VABB-3,,,224 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342408,,Pourquoi philosopher?,VABB-3,,,108 p.,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:342409,,Figures de l'histoire,VABB-3,,,80 p.,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:342410,,The Kamis of Kapital,VABB-1,2499,2511,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342412,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342413,,A Brief Reflection on the Universality of Jurisprudence,VABB-4,204,212,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342429,,The Italian Court of Cassation delivers its ruling in the Abu Omar case. What to expect from the decision?,VABB-1,412,420,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342430,,A needed balance between Security Liberty and Justice. Positive signals arrive from the field of victim's rights,VABB-1,141,157,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342432,,"La sentencia A, B y C contra Irlanda y la cuestión del aborto: ¿Un “punto de inflexión” en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos en materia de consenso y margen de apreciación nacional?",VABB-1,115,124,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:342435,,Wicked Aporetics: Liminal Loyalties in _Homicide_,VABB-1,108,120,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342436,,Artist on the Make: David Mamet's Work Across Media and Genres,VABB-2,,,366 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342437,,"""Je serai Archéologue"": ein autofiktionales Lebenskonzept bei Annemarie Schwarzenbach.",VABB-4,73,122,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:342442,,"""Amos Poe's Neo-Noir Stage""",VABB-1,109,125,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342444,,Animality in British Romanticism: The Aesthetics of Species (To Be Published 1st May 2012 by Routledge - 228 pages; Series: Routledge Studies in Romanticism),VABB-2,,,224 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342447,,Die Erschöpfung des Subversiven. Franzobels 'Liebesgeschichte',VABB-4,195,208,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:342449,,"El ensayo hispánico: cruces de géneros, síntesis de formas",VABB-3,,,237 p.,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:342457,,"""Certo d'un merlo il nero"" di Giorgio Orelli",VABB-1,71,83,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:342461,,"""De banaliteit van het kwaad en andere clichés: _Edward II_ in Berlijn""",VABB-1,40,49,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342463,,Review of _Performing Presence: Between the Live and the Simulated_ by Gabriella Giannachi and Nick Kaye,VABB-1,64,68,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342472,,"Nature, Desire and the Law. On Libertinism and Early Modern Legal Theory",VABB-1,133,145,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342473,,"The Fourth Wall, or the Rift Beween Citizen and Government",VABB-4,31,42,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342474,,Review of _Film and Literature: An Introduction and Reader - Second Edition_ Ed. Timothy Corrigan,VABB-1,325,331,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342475,,Formulaic sequences and L2 oral proficiency: Does the type of target language influence the association?,VABB-1,321,343,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:342480,,Letters as loot. Confiscated letters filling major gaps in the history of Dutch,VABB-4,139,161,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342481,,"Local dialects, supralocal writing systems. The degree of orality of Dutch private letters from the seventeenth century",VABB-1,251,274,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:342482,,"""Apraxic dysgraphia"" in a 15-year-old left-handed patient: disruption of the cerebello-cerebral network involved in the planning and execution of graphomotor movements.",VABB-1,131,139,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342483,,Behavioral symptoms in mild cognitive impairment as compared to Alzheimer’s disease and healthy elderly,VABB-1,265,275,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342488,,Why we need dynamic terminological resources,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342489,,Ethnicity as an independent factor of language variation across space: Trends in morphosyntactic patterns in spoken Afrikaans,VABB-4,231,252,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342490,,Code-switching practices in Luxembourg’s Portuguese-speaking minority: A pilot study on the distinctive characteristics of an immigrant community’s code-switching practices within a trilingual majority.,VABB-1,153,185,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342491,,De veelvoudige uitdrukking van Gadda’s lijden. Een (filosofische) leerschool,VABB-1,107,112,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342502,,"Ik voel mij zoo behagelijk ‘zu Hause’ Stijn Streuvels, het Derde Rijk en het historische belang van brieven",VABB-1,345,357,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:342504,,Spinoza's ongehoorzaamheid. Een gesprek met Jonathan Israel,VABB-1,185,196,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342506,,A contextual perspective on oral L2 fluency,VABB-1,135,163,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342508,,‘Lowthian’ Linguistics across the North Sea,VABB-1,43,60,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:342510,,Functions of epistolary formulae in Dutch letters from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries,VABB-1,173,201,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342511,,From adverb to conjunction and back. The (de)grammaticalization of Dutch 'dan',VABB-1,301,325,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342512,,"Nichtmenschliche Körperfigurationen in ""brütt oder Die seufzenden Gärten""",VABB-4,97,114,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:342513,,"Dimensions of L2 Performance and Proficiency - Investigating Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in SLA",VABB-3,,,317 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342514,,"Complexity, accuracy and fluency: Definitions, measurement and research",VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342515,,Defining and operationalising L2 complexity,VABB-4,21,46,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342516,,Epilogue - Whither CAF?,VABB-4,299,302,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342517,,Time and Amount of L2 Contact Inside and Outside the School – Insights from the European Schools,VABB-4,111,140,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342522,,Intrathecal bupivacaine for arachnoiditis ossificans: a case report,VABB-1,1162,1163,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342523,,Asking the Right Question: how to transform multilingual unstructured data to query semantic databases,VABB-5,262,271,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342536,,Pour une éthique de la réception : Notes anthropologiques sur l’ambivalence et la lecture littéraires,VABB-1,53,61,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:342537,,Psyche und Anomie. Die Judenverfolgung als existentielle Krisensituation in Victor Klemperers Tagebüchern,VABB-4,87,108,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:342550,,Degrees of grammaticalization in three Romance languages: A comparative analysis of existential constructions,VABB-1,417,451,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342552,,Introducción,VABB-4,9,17,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:342553,,"Les localisateurs dans les constructions existentielles: Approche comparée en espagnol, en français et en italien",VABB-2,,,268 p.,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:342555,,Prevalence and associated behavioral symptoms of depression in mild cognitive impairment and dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease.,VABB-1,947,958,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342558,,Coins from Roman Antwerp,VABB-1,309,312,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342560,,Condenadas al análisis sintáctico-semántico del verbo condenar,VABB-1,57,84,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:342562,,Van een hartveroverende bescheidenheid. Zelfironie als intentionele auteursstrategie?,VABB-1,183,198,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342564,,Les écrits de Jean Cocteau sur la musique et la danse. Principes d'une édition scientifique,VABB-1,109,120,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:342565,,Spinal cord stimulation modulates cerebral function: an fMRI study.,VABB-1,1399,1407,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342566,,De vie romancée als vorm van middlebrow-literatuur. De opkomst van een subgenre,VABB-1,313,335,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:342567,,Het dagboek als rollenspel. Insingel en het 'nieuwe journaal',VABB-1,237,248,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342570,,"Los locativos espacio-temporales en las construcciones existenciales: un estudio comparativo entre el español, el francés y el italiano",VABB-5,255,264,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:342578,,'Aussi bien que' et le marquage de l'adjonction,VABB-1,85,103,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:342579,,Ivo Michiels intermediaal,VABB-3,,,197 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342580,,Ivo Michiels en de kunsten,VABB-4,3,13,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342582,,Naar een nieuwe methodologische aanpak inzake de vergelijkbaarheid van de controleverklaring,VABB-1,2,22,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342585,,The Effect of Addition of Pozzolanic Tuff on Geopolymers,VABB-5,53,69,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:342586,,Production of geopolymers from untreated kaolinite,VABB-5,83,89,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:342587,,Production of monetite-based Inorganic Phosphate Cement (M-IPC) using hydrothermal post curing (HTPC),VABB-1,30,37,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342588,,Evaluation of a low temperature hardening Inorganic Phosphate Cement for high-temperature applications,VABB-1,38,45,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342589,,Durability models for GRC: uncertainties on strength predictions,VABB-1,77,87,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342590,,Crushing and energy absorption performance of different geometrical shapes of small-scale glass/polyester composite tubes under quasi-static loading conditions,VABB-1,992,1007,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342595,,‘De kleur zal de plastische waarde der vlakken onderstrepen’ Het kleurgebruik in het interieur van Huib Hoste,VABB-5,69,86,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:342596,,Close-range blast loading on empty recyclable metal beverage cans for use in sacrificial cladding structure,VABB-1,1966,1987,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342597,,Low velocity axial impact crushing performance of empty recyclable metal bevrage cans,VABB-1,622,636,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342598,,Thermal comfort of patients: Objective and subjective measurements in patient rooms of a Belgian healthcare facility,VABB-1,1195,1204,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342600,,Form Finding Methodology for force-modelled anticlastic shells in glass fibre textile reinforced cement composites,VABB-1,2603,2611,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342601,,Performance of a sacrificial cladding structure made of empty recyclable metal beverage cans under large-scale air blast load,VABB-1,416,421,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342604,,Shell elements of textile reinforced concrete using fabric formwork: a case study,VABB-1,677,689,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342608,,Analysis and verification of the performance of sandwich panels with textile reinforced concrete faces,VABB-1,589,603,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342610,,Industrial processing technique for textile reinforced cement composites with structural use,VABB-5,511,518,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342612,,Zeldzame reminiscenties van de Grooten Oorlog: archivalisch en bouwhistorisch onderzoek van de legerbarakken te Jabbeke,VABB-1,377,418,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:342615,,"Les assemblages rivetés des structures historiques en fer et en acier : un siècle d'effervescences technologiques, structurelles et géométriques (1840-1940)",VABB-1,137,154,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:342617,,The interior decoration of the Japanese Tower at the Royal Castle Domain in Laeken,VABB-1,77,99,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342620,,Brussels Cinquantenaire Park halls: a structural revolution or evolution?,VABB-1,145,155,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342623,,The influence of externally bonded longitudinal TRC reinforcement on the crack pattern of a concrete beam,VABB-5,1259,1265,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342624,,Technical improvements in 19th-century Belgian window glass production,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342625,,Morphogenesis of the theory and design principles of riveted connections in historical iron and steel structures,VABB-5,1080,1088,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342628,,"Marbrite Fauquez opalescent and mass coloured glass: history, production and composition",VABB-5,1106,1113,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342630,,Feasibility of the Universal Scissor Component (USC): Building a Full-scale Deployable Dome,VABB-1,227,236,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342634,,"Unraveling an unique construction history as a result of monitoring: the medieval gateway of the Huysmans farm (Eeklo, Belgium)",VABB-5,2567,2572,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342635,,The impact of in-store greenery on customers,VABB-1,807,821,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342636,,The Effect of Web Communities on Consumers’ Initial Trust in B2C e-Commerce Websites,VABB-1,791,817,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342640,,The Future of Stakeholder Management Theory: A Temporal Perspective,VABB-1,529,543,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342642,,The Potential Impact of an EU-GCC FTA: A Benchmarking Exercise,VABB-4,255,281,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342651,,Virulence profiling and disease association of verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 and non-O157 isolates in BelgiumVirulence profiling and disease association of verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 and non-O157 isolates in Belgium,VABB-1,530,535,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342652,,"Incidence and virulence determinants of Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli infections in the Brussels-capital region, Belgium, in 2008-2010.",VABB-1,1336,1345,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:342653,,"Infections with verotoxin producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 and other serotypes, including the outbreak strain O104:H4.",VABB-1,7,12,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:342655,,Microbiology of bronchoalvealar lavage fluid in children with acute nonresponding or recurrent community-acquired pneumonia : identification of non typeable Haemophilus influenzae as a major pathogen.,VABB-1,1437,1444,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342657,,Galactomannan enzymatic immunoassay cross-reactivity caused by prototheca species.,VABB-1,3371,3373,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342659,,O157:H7 and O104/4 Vero/Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli outbreaks: respective role of cattle and humans.,VABB-1,13,13,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342660,,"Genetic characteristics of Shiga toxin producing E.coli O157, O26, O103, O111, O145 isolates from humans, food and cattle in Belgium.",VABB-1,2503,2515,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342662,,Self-determined motivation towards physical activity in adolescents treated for obesity: An observational study,VABB-1,97,107,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342667,,Sequence-based typing of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 clinical isolates from Belgium between 2000 and 2010,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342668,,"Prevalence and impact on (FEV(1) decline of chronic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization in patients with cystic fibrosis. A single-center, case control study of 165 patients.",VABB-1,2,7,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342670,,Species identification of clinical Prevotella isolates by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry,VABB-1,1415,1418,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342671,,HIV-1 low level viraemia assessed with 3 commercial real-time PCR assays show high variability.,VABB-1,100,100,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342672,,Multicenter evaluation of a sequence-based protocol for subtyping Shiga toxins and standardizing Stx nomenclature,VABB-1,2951,2963,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342673,,"High heterogenicity in methods used for the laboratory confirmation of pertussis diagnosis among European countries, 2010 : integration of epidemiological and laboratory surveillance must include standardization of methodologies and quality assurance.",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342674,,Establisment and reinforcement of the national reference centers for humab microbiology in Belgium.,VABB-1,2,6,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342675,,From block clearance to sprint running: characteristics underlying an effective transition.,VABB-1,137,149,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342677,,Visuospatial perceptual sequence learning and eye movements,VABB-1,279,285,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342678,,The involvement of bottom-up saliency processing in endogenous inhibition of return,VABB-1,285,299,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342679,,Conflict and freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease: support for a response control deficit,VABB-1,144,154,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342680,,Treadmill training in multiple sclerosis: Can body weight support or robot assistance provide added value? A systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342686,,Mediators of physical activity change in a behavioral modification program for type 2 diabetes patients.,VABB-1,105,105,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342687,,"Socio-demographic, psychosocial and home-environmental attributes associated with adults' domestic screen time.",VABB-1,668,668,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342690,,Cognitive control: A role for implicit learning?,VABB-1,1243,1258,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342691,,"Conscious, but not unconscious, logo priming of brands and related words.",VABB-1,824,834,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342693,,Active living neighborhoods: is neighborhood walkability a key element for Belgian adolescents?,VABB-1,12,17,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342698,,Cognitive aspects of freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease: a challenge for rehabilitation.,VABB-1,543,557,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342699,,Continuous versus intermittent stochastis resonance whole body vibration and its effect on pelvic floor muscle activity.,VABB-1,683,687,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342700,,In vivo measurement of the 3D kinematics of the temporomandibular joint using miniaturized electromagnetic trackers : technical report.,VABB-1,479,484,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342701,,Intra-session test-retest reliability of pelvic floor muscle electromyography during running.,VABB-1,1515,1522,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342703,,"Meta-analysis of observational studies of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and colorectal, breast and prostate cancer and colorectal adenoma.",VABB-1,1414,1424,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342708,,Relationship between the physical environment and different domains of physical activity in European adults : a systematic review.,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342709,,"Adaptation, Test-Retest Reliability, and Construct Validity of the Physical Activity Neighborhood Environment Scale in Nigeria (PANES-N).",VABB-1,1079,1090,-,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342713,,"Acute running stimulates hippocampal dopaminergic neurotransmission in rats, but has no influence on brain-derived neurotrophic factor.",VABB-1,535,541,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342718,,Changed cervical kinematics after fusion surgery,VABB-1,1353,1359,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342719,,"Caffeine, Dopamine & Thermoregulation.",VABB-1,1979,1980,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342721,,"BJSM reviews: A-Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance--Part 16.",VABB-1,73,74,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:342725,,Nociception affects motor output: a review on sensory-motor interaction with focus on clinical implications,VABB-1,175,181,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342726,,Heart rate responses and technical-tactical aspects of official 5-a-side youth soccer matches played on clay and artificial turf.,VABB-1,106,112,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342728,,Pacing as a strategy to improve energy management in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: A consensus document,VABB-1,1140,1147,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342731,,Developing an evaluation and assessment policy in physiotherapy education,VABB-5,545,548,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342732,,Effects of Noradrenaline and Dopamine on Supraspinal Fatigue in Well-Trained Men.,VABB-1,2299,2309,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342733,,Subclinical Effects of Aerobic Training in Urban Environment.,VABB-1,439,447,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342735,,Effects of different types of acute and chronic exercise on glycaemic control in Type 1 Diabetes – A meta-analysis.,VABB-1,1059,1080,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342736,,Ignoring the evidence favouring exercise therapy is unethical and scientifically incorrect (letter to the editor),VABB-1,1257,1258,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342737,,Time-contingent pacing and exercise therapy accounting for post-exertional malaise and central sensitization in chronic fatigue (central sensitivity) syndrome (letter to the editor),VABB-1,1363,1365,,chi,2012,1 c:vabb:342739,,Evidence for central sensitization in chronic whiplash: A systematic literature review.,VABB-1,299,312,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342740,,How to exercise people with chronic fatigue syndrome: Evidence based practice guidelines,VABB-1,1136,1144,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342742,,"Combined biotelemetry, metabolic measurements and in vivo microdialysis reveals thermoregulatory responses in rats during incremental treadmill running to be associated with increased release of hypothalamic catecholamines.",VABB-1,119,123,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:342743,,"Intense exercise increases circulating endocannabinoid and BDNF levels in humans-Possible implications for reward and depression. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 37(6): 844-851, 2012. SCI: - 5.168 –",VABB-1,844,851,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342744,,"A dopamine/noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor improves performance in the heat, but only at the maximum therapeutic dose.",VABB-1,e93,98,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342745,,Clinical assessment of the scapula in patients with shoulder pain: a review of the literature.,VABB-1,883,890,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:342746,,Different Pacing Strategies during Time Trials in 18°C and 30°C.,VABB-5,474,475,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342747,,A holomorph approach to xiphosuran evalution - A case study on the ontogeny of Euproops,VABB-1,253,268,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342748,,Spatial memory is improved by aerobic and resistance exercise through divergent molecular mechanisms.,VABB-1,309,317,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342749,,Evaluation of critical swimming velocity in young amateur swimmers.,VABB-1,87,91,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342750,,No changes in time trial performance of master endurance athletes after 4 weeks on a low carbohydrate diet.,VABB-1,51,58,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342753,,Diagnostic work-up of an elderly patient with unilateral head and neck pain,VABB-1,598,601,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342756,,"A-Z of nutritional supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: part 38.",VABB-1,1027,1028,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342761,,"Evidence-based treatment methods for the management of shoulder impingement syndrome among Dutch-speaking physiotherapists: an online, web-based survey",VABB-1,720,726,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342763,,Altered perception of distorted visual feedback occurs soon after whiplash injury: an experimental study of central nervous system processing,VABB-1,405,413,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342765,,“Sensorimotor Incongruence Exacerbates Symptoms in Patients with Chronic Whiplash Associated Disorders: An Experimental Study”,VABB-1,1492,1499,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342770,,A Methodological Framework for Ontology and Multilingual Termontological Database Co-evolution,VABB-5,220,230,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342774,,De invloed van scenisch verloop op poëtische teksten. Beschrijving van en reflectie op een ondrzoeksworkshop van De Tijd,VABB-4,136,157,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342777,,"Students' satisfaction, performance and knowledge construction in online collaborative learning",VABB-1,127,136,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342778,,Creativity in Artistic Education: Introducing Artists into Primary Schools,VABB-1,53,66,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342781,,Visual Arts as Leverage for Educational Innovation in Formal and Lifelong Learning,VABB-5,1644,1648,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342782,,Exploring the educational beliefs of primary education student teachers in the Chinese context,VABB-1,417,425,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342783,,In vivo antinociception of potent mu opioid agonist tetrapeptide analogues and comparison with a compact opioid agonist - neurokinin 1 receptor antagonist chimera,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342784,,Atomic Force Microscopy based study of Self-Healing coatings based on reversible polymer network systems,VABB-1,40,46,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:342785,,Transport in holographic superfluids.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342786,,Duality Invariance: From M-theory to Double Field Theory.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342787,,"Non-abelian T-duality, Ramond Fields and Coset Geometries.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:342789,,"A holistic model to infer mathematics performance: the interrelated impact of student, family and school context variables",VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:342793,,Electrochemical synthesis of thin HKUST-1 layers on copper mesh,VABB-1,209,213,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342794,,Providing formative feedback to students via emails and feedback strategies based on student metacognition,VABB-1,78,93,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342795,,How innovative are schools in teaching and learning? A case study in Beijing and Hong Kong,VABB-1,137,145,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342797,,"Design of a multichannel, multiresolution smart imaging system",VABB-1,4810,4817,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342799,,"Optical design of a multi-channel, multi-resolution imaging system",VABB-5,84290A,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342800,,Ageing in urban environments : Developing 'age-friendly' cities,VABB-1,597,617,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342801,,Anomaly/Transport in an Ideal Weyl gas,VABB-1,97,97,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342806,,The development of counterfactual reasoning in belief revision,VABB-1,407,434,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342807,,"Variation of the Net Charge, Lipophilicity, and Side Chain Flexibility in Dmt(1)-DALDA: Effect on Opioid Activity and Biodistribution",VABB-1,9549,9561,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342808,,Temperature-insensitive polarimetric vibration sensor based on HiBi microstructured optical fiber,VABB-1,6130,6138,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342809,,Control over the Pressure Sensitivity of Bragg Grating-Based Sensors in Highly Birefringent Microstructured Optical Fibers,VABB-1,527,529,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342812,,Duality Invariant M-theory: Gauged supergravities and Scherk-Schwarz reductions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342817,,The impact of foster children’s behavioural problems on Flemish foster mother’s parenting behaviour.,VABB-1,34,42,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342819,,The influence of pre-sleep cognitive arousal on sleep onset processes,VABB-1,8,15,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342820,,Ontwikkeling en proefimplementatie van twee ondersteuningsprogramma's voor pleegouders,VABB-1,69,83,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342821,,De ontwikkeling van probleemgedrag bij pleegkinderen: een Vlaams longitudinaal onderzoek.,VABB-1,13,31,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342822,,"The mental, motor, socio-emotional and language development of 2-year-old twins born after PGD/PGS and parental well-being",VABB-1,299,301,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342823,,Effects of pre-sleep media use on sleep/wake patterns and daytime functioning among adolescents: the moderating role of parental control.,VABB-1,427,443,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:342824,,Verschillen pleegmoeders van pleegvaders? Onderzoek naar ondersteuningsbehoeften en tevredenheid met de pleegzorgsituatie.,VABB-1,167,181,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342825,,Alliance repture and repair in conjoint family therapy: an exploratory case study,VABB-1,26,37,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342826,,Alliance rupture ande repair in conjoint family therapy : an exploratory case study,VABB-1,26,37,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342829,,Kinship and non-kinship foster care: Differences in contact with biological parents and foster child mental health problems.,VABB-1,1533,1539,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342831,,Pilootstudie naar het effect van twee opvoedingsondersteuningsprogramma's op de emotionele beschikbaarheid in ouder-kindrelaties,VABB-1,511,521,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:342832,,A systematic review: A quest for effective interventions for children and adolescents in street situation,VABB-1,1259,1272,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342833,,Using the Social Robot Probo as Social Story Telling Agent for Children with ASD,VABB-1,348,372,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342837,,"Diffusion tensor imaging provides an insight into the microstructure of meningiomas, high-grade gliomas and peritumoral edema",VABB-1,577,582,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342838,,Emotional heart rate component and frontal alpha asymmetry during REM sleep,VABB-5,395,395,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342839,,The Influence of Social Discourses Concerning Deafness on the Interaction between Hearing Mothers and Deaf Infants: A Comparative Case Study.,VABB-4,35,62,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342840,,Vergrijzing: een nieuwe uitdaging voor de gezondheidszorg,VABB-1,2,8,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342842,,Behoeften en verwachtingen van familieleden van drugsgebruikers als basis voor gerichte ondersteuning,VABB-1,34,46,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:342843,,Old and new ways to study characteristics of reading disablity: The case of the nonword-reading deficit.,VABB-1,414,456,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342846,,Inter-individual differences in the habitual use of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression are associated with variations in prefrontal cognitive control for emotional information: An event related fMRI study.,VABB-1,433,439,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342847,,Treatment Perspectives on Interned Mentally Ill Offenders in a Forensic Psychiatric Centre (FPC): A Delphi Study on Experts’ Opinions,VABB-1,61,77,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:342848,,Estimating spine shape in lateral sleep positions using silhouette-derived body shape models,VABB-1,489,498,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342849,,Effects of pre-sleep simulated on-call instructions on subsequent sleep,VABB-1,383,388,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342850,,850nm VCSEL with a liquid crystal overlay,VABB-5,84321X,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342854,,Development of an intervention for foster parents of young foster children with externalizing behavior: Theoretical basis and program description.,VABB-1,330,334,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342855,,Een vergelijkend onderzoek van netwerk- en bestandpleegzorg in Vlaanderen.,VABB-1,432,446,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342858,,Increase in prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders: fact or fiction?,VABB-1,419,424,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342862,,Hoe zit het met de kennis van patiënten over de mogelijke gevolgen van hun eetstoornis?,VABB-1,823,828,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:342863,,Validation and reliability of the Young Schema Questionnaire in a Flemish inpatient eating disorder and addiction sample,VABB-1,647,656,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342880,,The power of unconscious semantic processing: The effect of semantic relatedness between prime and target on subliminal priming,VABB-1,59,70,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342881,,Individual differences in equity models,VABB-1,473,482,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342882,,Is consciousness necessary for cognitive control? A state of the art,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342883,,"The magnitude of priming effects is not independent of prime awareness. Reply to Francken, van Gaal & de Lange (2011).",VABB-1,1571,1572,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342884,,Predictors for mathematics achievement? Evidence from a longitudinal study,VABB-1,119,128,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342888,,Design and process evaluation of an informative website tailored to breast cancer survivors' and intimate partners' post-treatment care needs,VABB-1,548,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342889,,Joint Action European Partnership for Action Against Cancer,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342892,,Identifying genomic and metabolic features that can underlie early successional and opportunistic lifestyles of human gut symbionts.,VABB-1,1974,1984,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342893,,"Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome.",VABB-1,207,214,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342894,,A framework for human microbiome research.,VABB-1,215,221,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342895,,Microbial interactions: from networks to models.,VABB-1,538,550,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342896,,Microbial Co-occurrence Relationships in the Human Microbiome.,VABB-1,e1002606,e1002606,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:342902,,Sleep Surveys and Screening,VABB-4,223,243,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342907,,Sleep disturbance in children with ADHD.,VABB-1,565,577,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:342911,,Clinical Practice Guideline : Diagnosis and Management of Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome,VABB-1,704,712,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342912,,Technical Report of Clinical Practice Guideline : Diagnosis and Management of Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome,VABB-1,576,584,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342921,,Occupational therapy in return to work for BC patients: opninion of Belgian experts,VABB-1,267,280,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:342922,,Care needs after primary breast cancer treatment. Survivors' associated sociodemographic and medical characteristics.,VABB-1,125,132,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342923,,The contribution of general and cancer-related variables in explaining physical activity in a breast cancer population 3 weeks to 6 months post-treatment,VABB-1,203,211,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:342932,,Effect of ankle-foot orthoses on trunk sway and lower limb intersegmental coordination in children with bilateral cerebral palsy,VABB-1,171,179,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:343872,,The carrot and the stick : the unlevel playing field in Uganda's 2011 elections,VABB-4,111,130,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:343873,,Simplified campaign narratives on civil war : case study of 'KONY 2012',VABB-4,131,156,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:343874,,L'Afrique des grands lacs : annuaire 2011/2012,VABB-3,,,464 p.,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:343875,,"Chronique politique du Burundi, 2011-2012",VABB-4,13,32,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:343876,,L'éligibilité de l'actuel président de la République du Burundi aux élections présidentielles de 2015 : une analyse juridique,VABB-4,59,78,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:343877,,"Chronique politique du Rwanda, 2011-2012",VABB-4,307,335,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:343878,,De l'autre côté de la colline : le contrôle contesté de Mukungwe au Sud Kivu,VABB-4,181,203,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:343879,,Burundi,VABB-4,295,304,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:343884,,From model to practice : researching and representing Rwanda's 'modernized' gacaca courts,VABB-1,388,414,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:343886,,Congo : fragilité de l'état et fiscalité,VABB-4,251,277,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:343887,,"Quelles normes dans les tribunaux burundais? Entre légal, le légitime et les pratiques",VABB-4,33,47,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:343888,,Economie politique de l'information en RDC : quelques expériences liées à des enquêtes nationales (1984-2011),VABB-4,279,305,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:343889,,The Rwandan coffee sector : out of the ordinary,VABB-4,397,426,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:343909,,Finding a needle in a haystack: an interactive video archive explorer for professional video searchers,VABB-1,331,356,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343911,,Local governance in Belgium: A 'Catch 22' Between Autonomy and Hierarchy,VABB-4,26,52,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:343912,,Constructivism based blended learning in higher education,VABB-5,581,591,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:343913,,Offset-control attenuates context conditioning indu ced by US-unpredictability in a human conditioned suppression paradigm,VABB-1,39,56,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343916,,A Process Deviation Analysis Framework,VABB-5,701,706,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343917,,Integrated health impact assessment of travel behaviour: model exploration and application to a fuel price increase,VABB-1,45,58,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343918,,Theory of the topical coverage of multiple databases,VABB-1,126,131,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343919,,Letter to the Editor. Note on a possible decomposition of the h-index,VABB-1,871,871,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343921,,Open innovation practices in SMEs and large enterprises,VABB-1,537,562,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343922,,Une expérience FOS valorisée et valorisante,VABB-1,19,32,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:343924,,A techno-economic evaluation of a biomass energy conversion park,VABB-1,611,622,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343925,,Comparative study of four impact measures and qualitative conclusions,VABB-1,865,870,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343932,,Bro-cam: Improving game experience with empathic feedback using posture tracking,VABB-5,222,233,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:343935,,A patent landscape analysis for organic photovoltaic solar cells: Identifying the technology's development phase,VABB-1,5,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343937,,Omtrent de “onbevoegdheid” van de arrondissementsrechtbank inzake bevoegdheidsperikelen,VABB-1,106,109,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:343940,,Exercise assessment and prescription in patients with type 2 diabetes in the private and home care setting: clinical recommendations from AXXON (Physical Therapy Association Belgium),VABB-1,597,610,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343943,,"Het vergunningsplichtige 'gewoonlijk gebruik' van een grond als 'stedenbouwkundig gewoontemisdrijf', noot onder Cass.6 december 2011, nr. P.11.0599.N",VABB-1,1031,1034,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:343947,,Computational Intelligence for Traffic and Mobility,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:343951,,Investigating the Progress towards Sustainable Road Transport in Europe: Lessons Learned from a DEA-based Malmquist Productivity Index,VABB-4,223,242,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:343956,,A physiological and proteomic study of poplar leaves during ozone exposure combined with mild drought,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343957,,Street characteristics and traffic factors determining road users’ exposure to black carbon,VABB-1,72,79,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343958,,Container drayage operations at intermodal terminals: a deterministic annealing approach,VABB-4,57,70,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:343959,,Bicrossproducts of algebraic quantum groups,VABB-1,1,48,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343962,,Multilevel and multi-user sustainability assessment of farming systems,VABB-4,63,88,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:343964,,Ext algebra of Nichols algebras of Cartan type A2,VABB-1,(1250191-1),(1250191-31),,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343972,,GIS-BASED location optimization of a biomass conversion plant on contaminated willow in the Campine region (Belgium),VABB-1,339,349,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343973,,"You look for diversity management, you find CSR: Practices aligning business goals and minorities’ needs in Flemish SMEs",VABB-4,168,192,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:343974,,Perceived and actual arm performance in multiple sclerosis: relationship with clinical tests according to hand dominance,VABB-1,1341,1348,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343975,,"Trigonostomum vanmecheleni sp. nov., a new species of Trigonostomidae (Rhabdocoela: Dalytyphloplanida) from the channels of Venice (Italy), with a discussion on the T. lilliei species group",VABB-1,46,51,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343977,,Characterization of activated carbons derived from short rotation hardwood pyrolysis char,VABB-1,199,208,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343978,,Parametric analysis of evolutionary algorithms for the storage location of outbound containers at a seaport terminal,VABB-1,31,52,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:343979,,Self-reported use of the upper limbs related to clinical tests in persons with Multiple Sclerosis,VABB-1,2016,2020,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343980,,Deliberate learning mechanisms for stimulating strategic innovation capacity,VABB-1,39,71,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343981,,"Bestrijding van (boekhoudkundige) fraude, al dan niet gebaat met publiek-private samenwerking",VABB-1,17,41,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:343991,,A holistic framework for conceptualizing customer experiences in retail environments,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343992,,Soil–plant relationships of metals and metalloids,VABB-4,161,193,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:343993,,Placental DNA hypomethylation in assiociation with particulate air pollution in early life,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:343994,,Anti-slip rechtspraak van het Hof van Cassatie inzake keuze van woonplaats: back to the future?,VABB-1,1303,1307,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:343999,,Normalisering van de ambtelijke status: een rechtsvergelijkende kijk op de Nederlandse situatie,VABB-1,5,11,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344001,,Personen- en samenlevingsrecht. Kroniek 2010-2012,VABB-1,94,105,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344009,,If These Walls Could Walk: Architecture as a Deformative Scenography of the Past,VABB-4,123,134,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344010,,Implementing Service-Based Chemical Supply Relationship,VABB-4,181,198,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344012,,The case for process mining in auditing: Sources of value added and areas of application,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344013,,With a Little Help from My Friends”: Context Aware Help and Guidance Using the Social Network,VABB-4,251,269,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344014,,De Koning en de vorming van de federale Regering. Evaluatie van de langste institutionele crisis ooit,VABB-1,230,249,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344022,,"Managing legitimacy in the educational quasi-market: a study of ethnically diverse, inclusive schools in Flanders",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344023,,Customer value disclosure and cost of equity capital,VABB-1,130,147,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344029,,Deformations of Koszul Artin–Schelter Gorenstein algebras,VABB-1,463,483,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344033,,Regulatory delay and growth: a cross country analysis,VABB-1,385,396,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344035,,Plant-associated bacteria and their role in the success or failure of metal phytoextraction projects: first observations of a field-related experiment,VABB-1,288,299,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344036,,Safe use of metal-contaminated agricultural land by cultivation of energy maize (Zea mays),VABB-1,375,380,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344039,,La creación de valor en servicios: una aproximación a las dimensiones utilitarista y hedonista en el ámbito de la restauración,VABB-1,83,94,,spa,2013,1 c:vabb:344040,,Comparing the effectiveness of two cardiovascular prevention programmes for highly educated professionals in general practice: a randomised clinical trial,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344041,,Long-term TENS treatment decreases cortical motor representation in multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,1,7,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:344042,,Skew polynomial algebras with coefficients in Koszul Artin–Schelter regular algebras,VABB-1,231,249,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344049,,Bachelard’s House Revisited: Toward a New Poetics of Space,VABB-1,109,124,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344069,,Smelling the books: The effect of chocolate scent on purchase-related behavior in a bookstore,VABB-1,65,69,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344072,,"Response to letter from JB Gentzel ‘On ""Exercise Assessment and Prescription in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes...""",VABB-1,1142,1144,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344075,,Analyzing language practices in mother–child interaction against the background of maternal construction of deafness,VABB-1,232,245,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344076,,Time for a Euro currency syringe injection? Bank crisis financial credit metaphors in The Economist,VABB-4,119,130,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344082,,Energy Aware Software Evolution for Wireless Sensor Networks,VABB-5,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344083,,Cell proliferation monitoring by multiplexed electrochemical impedance spectroscopy on microwell assays,VABB-1,882,888,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344093,,Anodal tDCS increases corticospinal output and projection strength in multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,151,155,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344094,,Modelling Route Choice Decisions of Car Travellers using Combined GPS and Diary Data,VABB-1,351,372,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344096,,De notie 'groep' in het Belgisch (collectief) arbeidsrecht,VABB-4,127,160,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344097,,Life cycle analyses of organic photovoltaics: A review,VABB-1,3136,3149,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344099,,Exploiting graph-theoretic tools for Matching in Carpooling Applications,VABB-1,393,407,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:344101,,Diffusion of Interacting Particles in Discrete Geometries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344102,,Het bewijs van kennis van de verblijfplaats in België bij betekening aan de woonplaats in het buitenland,VABB-1,171,174,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344104,,Developing principles of sustainability and stakeholder engagement for gentle remediation approaches: the European context,VABB-1,283,291,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344126,,Doorheen de angst. Fenomenologische analyse van vijf existentiële structuurmomenten.,VABB-1,226,242,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344127,,Het lichaam doorheen een existentieel bewustwordingsproces. Mogelijk of niet?,VABB-1,297,313,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344143,,Bimanual motor deficits in older adults predicted by diffusion tensor imaging metrics of corpus callosum subregions,VABB-1,273,290,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:344145,,A single session of 1mA anodal tDCS-supported motor training does not improve motor performance in patients with multiple sclerosis.,VABB-1,293,300,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344147,,A flexible joint-modeling framework for longitudinal and time-to-event data with overdispersion,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344148,,Actualia wetgeving en beleid,VABB-1,76,82,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344149,,Actualia wetgeving en beleid,VABB-1,146,149,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344150,,Actualia wetgeving en beleid. Recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van milieu- en energierecht in België,VABB-1,214,221,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344154,,"Pachtoverdracht aan een landbouwvennootschap is geen familiale pachtoverdracht, ook niet als de kinderen van de overdrager beherend vennoot zijn",VABB-1,262,266,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344156,,Geeft het Grondwettelijk Hof de transmissienetbeheerder een financiële aderlating?,VABB-1,24,31,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344158,,Efficiency at maximum power of a chemical engine,VABB-1,134111-1,134111-8,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344159,,De aansprakelijkheid van de curator voor andermans daad bij beschadigingen aan een verkocht maar nog niet geleverd onroerend goed,VABB-1,338,342,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344162,,Mathematical characterizations of the Wu- and Hirsch-indices using two types of minimal increments.,VABB-5,1159,1169,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344163,,"Comments on the article ""Relative h-index to compare the scientific performance of researchers"" by L.A.S. Dias",VABB-1,1984,1986,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344164,,A new explanation of some Leiden Ranking graphs using exponential functions,VABB-1,6,11,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344166,,An instantaneous spatiotemporal model to predict a bicyclist's Black Carbon exposure based on mobile noise measurements.,VABB-1,623,631,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344167,,Influence of ambient air pollution on global DNA methylation in healthy adults: a seasonal followup,VABB-1,418,424,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344168,,Personal and Environmental Characteristics Associated with Choice of Active Transport Modes versus Car Use for Different Trip Purposes of Trips up to 7.5 Kilometers in the Netherlands,VABB-1,e73105,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344173,,"Noot onder HvJ 28 februari 2013, C-427/11 (Margaret Kenny e.a.)",VABB-1,453,457,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344174,,Increasing the medium-term clinical benefits of hospital-based cardiac rehabilitation by telerehabilitation in coronary artery disease patients.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344175,,Dynamic Scapular Movement Analysis: Is It Feasible and Reliable in Stroke Patients during Arm Elevation?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344179,,Collaborative Interactions in Future Crisis Rooms,VABB-5,35,39,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344186,,An evaluation of the impact of game genre on user experience in cloud gaming,VABB-5,216,221,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344187,,Zijn drukbezette bestuurders gunstig voor de bedrijfsprestaties van private middelgrote ondernemingen?,VABB-1,2,19,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344188,,Collaborative Logistics from the Perspective of Road Transportation Companies,VABB-1,700,719,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344189,,"Aard, draagwijdte en civielrechtelijke gevolgen van de indeplaatsstelling wegens miskenning van het bestuurlijk voorkooprecht inzake sociale huisvesting",VABB-1,538,544,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344193,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 7 november 2012 tot en met 21 februari 2013,VABB-1,68,73,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344194,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 22 februari 2013 tot en met 3 mei 2013,VABB-1,150,153,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344195,,Workshop report: mental representations and discrete choice behaviour: state-of-the-art and avenues for future research,VABB-4,107,124,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344198,,МЕЖДУНАРОДНОЕ ЛЕСНОЕ ПРАВО И НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЕ ЛЕСНОЕ ПРАВО (НА ПРИМЕРЕ ФЛАМАНДСКОГО РЕГИОНА КОРОЛЕВСТВА БЕЛЬГИЯ),VABB-5,72,86,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:344199,,An EU Perspective on Age as a Distinguishing Criterion for Collective Dismissal: The Case of Belgium and The Netherlands,VABB-1,415,432,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344204,,Prevention – Passive smoking and pregnancy,VABB-1,242,247,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344205,,Aanpak van energiearmoede via energie-efficiëntie: mogelijkheden en beperkingen,VABB-4,177,226,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344207,,Entwicklung einer Storyboard Language für Personen mit leichter Demenz,VABB-1,58,65,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344208,,De impact van wetgevingskwaliteit op de gerechtelijke achterstand,VABB-1,302,310,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344209,,Accessoire rechten en gedinghervatting bij rechtsopvolging te bijzonderen titel,VABB-1,625,630,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344211,,Development and techno-economic evaluation of a biorefinery based on biomass (waste) streams – case study in the Netherlands,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344212,,Calabi-Yau pointed Hopf algebras of finite Cartan type,VABB-1,1105,1144,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344213,,Shortest route problem with soft time windows,VABB-5,279,283,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344214,,The entrepreneurial orientation–performance relationship in private family firms: the moderating role of socioemotional wealth,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344218,,It's the culture stupid: Determinanten van de positie van managementteams in de lokale beleidscyclus,VABB-1,31,48,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344222,,Sequential advanced guide signing for work zone related rerouting on highways,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344224,,Introduction to Storing Graphs by NL-Addressing,VABB-1,263,284,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344225,,Introduction to the Natural Language Addressing,VABB-1,139,146,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344226,,Storing Dictionaries and Thesauruses Using NL-Addressing,VABB-1,239,251,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344230,,Intelligent Data Processing Based on Multi-Dimensional Numbered Memory Structures,VABB-4,156,184,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344234,,Between the devil and the deep blue sea: Exploring the hybrid identity narratives of ethnic minority professionals,VABB-1,186,196,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344245,,Validation of an activity-based traffic demand model for Flanders,VABB-4,89,104,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344246,,A data imputation method with support vector machines,VABB-4,159,170,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344247,,A Micro Simulated and Demand Driven Supply Chain Model To Calculate Regional Production and Consumption Matrices,VABB-5,404,411,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344250,,Constituents’ Participation in the IASC/IASB’s due Process of International Accounting Standard Setting: A Longitudinal Analysis,VABB-4,79,110,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344251,,Het belang van de eigendomsstructuur bij de beslissing tot vrijwillige overschakeling naar IFRS voor Belgische niet-beursgenoteerde ondernemingen,VABB-1,2,28,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344253,,Investigating individual driver performance – applying DEA on simulator data,VABB-5,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344261,,Classifier PGN: Classification with High Confidence Rules,VABB-1,143,164,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344262,,A travel behaviour study through learning and clustering of fuzzy cognitive maps,VABB-4,259,293,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344263,,Learning and clustering of fuzzy cognitive maps for travel behaviour analysis,VABB-1,435,462,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344264,,Fuzzy Cognitive Maps with Rough Concepts,VABB-5,527,536,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344280,,Benefitting from markets for ideas — An investigation across different typologies,VABB-1,1,37,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344285,,Electron Momentum Spectroscopy of 1‑Butene: A Theoretical Analysis Using Molecular Dynamics and Molecular Quantum Similarity,VABB-1,8388,8398,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344288,,De groei van de economische activiteiten in een vzw: onduidelijkheid troef in de inkomstenbelastingen,VABB-1,369,390,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344290,,"Het Grondwettelijk Hof, gehoudenheid tot successierechten en de begunstiging bij verzekeringen. Wat is het gevolg van het nieuwe artikel 124 van de Wet van 25 juni 1992 op de landverzekeringsovereenkomst op deze materie?",VABB-1,241,253,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344294,,Tricuspid annuloplasty concomitant with mitral valve surgery: Effects on right ventricular remodeling,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:344295,,Etiology and Relevance of the Figure-of-Eight Artifact on Echocardiography after Percutaneous Left Atrial Appendage Closure with the Amplatzer Cardiac Plug,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:344296,,Enriching open innovation theory and practice by strengthening the relationship with strategic thinking,VABB-4,15,25,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344298,,Het lot van de MBV-overeenkomst na beëindiging van de wettelijke samenwoning van de wensouders vóór de bevruchting,VABB-1,205,211,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344301,,The impact of transitive closure on the expressiveness of navigational query languages on unlabeled graphs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344308,,Endurance training is feasible in severely disabled patients with progressive multiple sclerosis.,VABB-1,627,630,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:344310,,Socio-demographic and obstetrical correlates of pre-pregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain,VABB-1,150,159,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344313,,An investigation of illegal direction change behavior of road users using behavioral models,VABB-5,1,19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344318,,Geen onderwijs voor vreemdelingen,VABB-1,374,382,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344324,,"Europees Hof van Justitie (Tweede Kamer) 7 maart 2013, C-358/11",VABB-1,191,202,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344325,,Recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van milieu en energierecht in België,VABB-1,280,289,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344327,,"Activering van oprichtingskosten in de Belgische jaarrekening: weinig populair, soms merkwaardig",VABB-1,2,17,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344333,,De klaarblijkelijke (niet-)schending van samenlopende grondrechten in de rechtspraak van het Hof van Cassatie en de Raad van State,VABB-1,124,135,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344348,,Trouble in paradise: foreclosure-mediation in de Verenigde Staten,VABB-1,13,25,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344354,,"Honing met stuifmeelpollen,. Kan men op grond van de huidige wetgeving GGO's beheersen?",VABB-1,3,18,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:344355,,Articulatie en concordantie tussen de nationale en de Europese ondernemingsraad: a matter of 'timing',VABB-4,65,83,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:344357,,Actualia wetgeving en beleid,VABB-1,277,281,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:344358,,Actualia wetgeving en beleid,VABB-1,200,213,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:344359,,Actualia wetgeving en beleid,VABB-1,143,149,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:344382,,“Beyond” Immanence and Transcendence: Reflections in the Mirror of Andrei Tarkovsky’s Andrei Roublev and Solaris,VABB-4,471,486,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344383,,Belgium,VABB-1,418,424,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344384,,Regimes of mobility: Imaginaries and relationalities of power,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344389,,"Islam and education among Turkish Belgians : The Impact of Diyanet, Milli Görüs and Gülen Movement",VABB-4,325,338,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344390,,Islam and autonomy. Exploring the way Moroccan Muslims in the Netherlands and Belgium experience and give expression to their religion,VABB-4,97,112,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344395,,Imagineering Otherness: Anthropological legacies in tourism,VABB-1,669,696,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344401,,Regimes of mobility across the globe,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344403,,In the Rhythm of the Global Market: Female Expatriates and Mobile Careers. A Case Study of Indian ICT Professionals on the Move,VABB-1,147,157,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344404,,Seducation: Learning the trade of tourism enticement,VABB-4,110,123,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344408,,Imagining mobility at the “end of the world”,VABB-1,233,252,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344410,,From Fake Market to a Strong Brand: The Silk Street Market in Beijing,VABB-1,224,235,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344414,,Seasonal lifestyle tourism: The case of Chinese elites,VABB-1,81,99,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344415,,Anthropology,VABB-4,55,63,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344420,,Contemporary ethnographic practice and the value of serendipity,VABB-1,178,185,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344424,,"Managing Multi-Mobility and Multilayered Identity in China: how Ethnic Chinese-Venezuelan Returnees Cope with Chinese Language, Culture and Identity",VABB-1,511,524,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344428,,Conversion and agency : Tradition transition to and intensification within Islam,VABB-4,113,127,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344432,,The Drama(s) of Independence Day. Reflections on Political Affect and Aesthetics in Kinshasa (2010),VABB-1,58,67,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344434,,Of divinatory co-naissance among the Yaka of the DR Congo,VABB-4,25,58,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344435,,"Religion, Migration and Media Aesthetics. Notes on the Circulation and Reception of Nigerian Films in Kinshasa",VABB-4,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344436,,"For Richer, For Poorer: Marriage and Casualized Sex in East African Artisanal Mining Settelements",VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:344437,,Prostitution or Partnership? Wifestyles in Tanzanian artisanal gold-mining settlements,VABB-1,33,56,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344439,,"The Comings and Goings of Key Scenarios, TV Fiction, Culture and Transnational Flows in Postcolonial Kinshasa",VABB-4,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344440,,Borderlands and Frontiers in Africa,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344441,,Mossi-Fulbe borderlands: towards a history of interconnectedness of a region in Burkina Faso,VABB-4,55,90,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344442,,Water for all and all for water? Governmental interventions affecting property of natural resources in northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,1300,1313,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344443,,"The power of the uniform. Paramilitary foresters and rangers at the W park, Burkina Faso",VABB-1,11,36,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344444,,"An erotics of sin: promiscuity, polygamy and homo-erotics in missionary photography from the Congolese rainforest",VABB-1,355,382,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344445,,"Fenced frontiers and murky boundaries. Two cases from Kaoko, northern Namibia",VABB-4,151,181,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344446,,"The Sacred and the City: Modernity, Religion, and the Urban Form in Central Africa",VABB-4,528,548,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344447,,"Scripting Kinshasa’s Teleserials Reflections on Authorship, Creativity and Ownership",VABB-4,525,543,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344448,,Reciprocity and Risk in the Work and Lives of Kinshasa's TV Journalists,VABB-1,57,71,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344451,,"Borders of the present: Maasai tradition, modernity, and female identity",VABB-4,213,233,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344452,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344453,,"First-grade retention in the Flemish educational context: Effects on children’s academic growth, psychosocial growth, and school career throughout primary education",VABB-1,323,347,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344454,,Young Adolescent’s Confidence in Maternal Support: Attentional Bias Moderates the Link Between Attachment-Related Expectations and Behavioral Problems,VABB-1,829,839,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344455,,Young children with language difficulties: A dimensional approach to subgrouping,VABB-1,4115,4124,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344460,,Intact but less accessible phonetic representations in adults with dyslexia,VABB-1,1251,1254,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344461,,Parenting stress and dimensions of parenting: cross-sectional and longitudinal links with adolescents' somatization,VABB-1,243,270,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344463,,Effecten van zittenblijven in het basis- en secundair onderwijs in kaart gebracht: Een systematische literatuurstudie,VABB-1,17,30,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:344464,,"See me, feel me. Using physiology to validate behavioural observations of emotions of people with severe or profound intellectual disability",VABB-1,452,461,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344465,,Psychosocial interventions for reducing vocal challenging behaviour in persons with autistic disorder: A multilevel meta-analysis of single-case experiments,VABB-1,4515,4533,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344466,,Differential cognitive and perceptual correlates of print reading versus braille reading,VABB-1,372,385,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344467,,Children with autism spectrum disorder spontaneously use scene knowledge to modulate visual object processing,VABB-1,913,922,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344468,,"Multi-sensory storytelling for persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: An analysis of the development, content and application in practice",VABB-1,350,359,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344470,,Taaldiagnostiek bij meertalige kinderen: Een case-study,VABB-1,73,84,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344471,,Taaldiagnostiek bij meertalige kinderen: Een onderbouwd protocol,VABB-1,67,73,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344472,,Emotion differentiation in autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,1221,1227,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344473,,White matter lateralization and interhemispheric coherence to auditory modulations in normal reading and dyslexic adults,VABB-1,2087,2099,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344474,,"De impact van dyslexie bij jongeren: ervaringen van jongeren, ouders, studiebegeleiders en hulpverleners",VABB-1,130,150,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344475,,Staff interactive style during multi-sensory storytelling with persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities,VABB-1,167,178,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344476,,Physiological measurements as validation of alertness observations? An exploratory case-study in three individuals with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities,VABB-1,300,310,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344477,,Screening Symptoms of Reactive Attachment Disorder: Evidence for Measurement Invariance and Convergent Validity,VABB-1,256,265,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344479,,"Zij surfde, maar hij durfte niet. De spellingproblematiek van de zwakke verleden tijd in Nederland en Vlaanderen",VABB-1,133,151,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344482,,Autismespectrumstoornissen: van DSM-IV-TR naar DSM-5,VABB-1,221,224,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344483,,Investigating the relationship between observed mood and emotions in people with severe and profound intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,440,451,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344485,,The relationship between symbolic and non-symbolic numerical magnitude processing skills and the typical and atypical development of mathematics: a review of evidence from brain and behavior,VABB-1,48,55,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344486,,"Suicide bereavement online. Sharing memories, seeking support, and exchanging hope",VABB-4,150,165,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344487,,De betrouwbaarheid en discriminante validiteit van de Social Participation Questionnaire in het Vlaamse onderwijs,VABB-1,2,16,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:344488,,Factorial Validity of the Chedoke-McMaster Attitudes Towards Children with Handicaps Scale (CATCH),VABB-1,1336,1345,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344489,,"Depression in Early, Middle and Late Adolescence: Differential Evidence for the Cognitive Diathesis-Stress Model",VABB-1,369,383,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344490,,Evaluation of a Parental Behavior Scale in a Peruvian Context,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344492,,The specificity of autobiographical memories in early adolescence: The role of mother-child communication and attachment-related beliefs,VABB-1,710,731,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344494,,An electrophysiological investigation of non-symbolic magnitude processing: Numerical distance effects in children with and without mathematical learning disabilities,VABB-1,2162,2177,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344496,,Psychometric evaluation of a Dutch version of the Mini PAS-ADD for assessing psychiatric disorders in adults with different levels of intellectual disability,VABB-1,689,702,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344497,,DYSL-X:Design of a tablet game for early risk detection of dyslexia in preschoolers,VABB-5,257,266,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344499,,"Mixed methods research synthesis: Definition, framework, and potential",VABB-1,659,676,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344501,,Critical appraisal of mixed methods studies,VABB-1,302,327,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344502,,Truly included? A literature study focusing on the social dimension of inclusion in education,VABB-1,60,79,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344503,,The development of numerical magnitude processing and its association with working memory in children with mild intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,3361,3371,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344505,,Numerical matching judgments in children with mathematical learning disabilities,VABB-1,3182,3189,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344506,,Associations between Psychosocial Factors and Learning Disabilities: The Peruvian Case,VABB-1,725,737,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344507,,Taalbegrip als struikelblok: een onderzoek naar receptieve en expressieve taalvaardigheden bij kinderen met een autismespectrumstoornis en een verstandelijke beperking,VABB-1,62,74,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344512,,Interaction with a person with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: A case study in dialogue with an experienced staff member,VABB-1,189,204,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344518,,Subspace K-means clustering,VABB-1,1011,1023,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344519,,Autism spectrum disorders in children with functional defecation disorders,VABB-1,873,878,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:344520,,Individual differences in kindergarten math achievement: the integrative roles of approximation skills and working memory,VABB-1,119,129,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344522,,Diagnosing autism spectrum disorder: Who will get a DSM-5 diagnosis?,VABB-1,1242,1250,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344524,,Beyond spelling: the writing skills of higher education students with dyslexia,VABB-1,705,720,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344525,,Modern Times. Literary Change,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344526,,Deliberate self-poisoning: characteristics of patients and impact on the emergency department of a large university hospital,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344527,,"Drug-related admissions due to interaction with an old drug, lithium",VABB-1,356,358,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344529,,Paddenstoelvergiftiging: een praktische aanpak,VABB-1,934,942,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:344530,,Impact of temperature exposure on stability of drugs in a real-world out-of-hospital setting,VABB-1,380,387,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344532,,Cyanide poisoning by fire smoke inhalation: a European expert consensus,VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344534,,Mass carbon monoxide poisoning at an ice-hockey game: initial approach and long-term follow-up,VABB-1,408,412,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344535,,Paediatric community-acquired septic shock: results from the REPEM network study,VABB-1,667,674,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344536,,The Single-Case Data Analysis package: Analysing single-case experiments with R software,VABB-1,450,478,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344537,,The Use of Multilevel Analysis for Integrating Single-Case Experimental Design Results Within a Study and Across Studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344538,,Double serial correlation for multilevel growth curve models,VABB-1,1413,1427,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344540,,The heuristic interpretation of box plots,VABB-1,22,35,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344542,,Clusterwise Parafac to identify heterogeneity in three-way data,VABB-1,87,97,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344543,,"Acculturation of personality: A three-culture study of Japanese, Japanese Americans, and European Americans",VABB-1,701,718,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344544,,Associations between parental psychological control and relational aggression in children and adolescents: A multilevel and sequential meta-analysis,VABB-1,1697,1712,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344545,,What's being female got to do with anything? Comment on From the frontline: 30 something science,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344546,,CHull: A generic convex hull based model selection method,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344547,,The role of verbal and performance intelligence in children's strategy selection and execution,VABB-1,134,138,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344548,,Robust multilevel simultaneous component analysis,VABB-1,33,39,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344549,,Celebrating methodological challenges and changes: reflecting on the emergence and importance of the role of qualitative evidence in Cochrane reviews,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344552,,Analysis of single-case data: Randomization tests for measures of effect size,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:344553,,On the selection of the weighting parameter value in principal covariates regression,VABB-1,36,43,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344554,,A clusterwise simultaneous component method for capturing within-cluster differences in component variances and correlations,VABB-1,81,102,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344556,,Different pathways towards dropout: the role of engagement in early school leaving,VABB-1,739,760,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344558,,Three-level meta-analysis of dependent effect sizes,VABB-1,576,594,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344560,,CHull as an alternative to AIC and BIC in the context of mixtures of factor analyzers,VABB-1,782,791,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344561,,On the added value of multiset methods for three-way data analysis,VABB-1,98,107,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344563,,Additive biclustering: A comparison of one new and two existing ALS algorithms,VABB-1,56,74,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344564,,Common and cluster-specific simultaneous component analysis,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344565,,The impact of coding time on the estimation of school effects,VABB-1,1021,1040,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344566,,Sense-making and structure in teachers’ reception of educational reform. A case study on statistics in the mathematics curriculum,VABB-1,13,24,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344567,,Performance of evidence-based youth psychotherapies compared to usual clinical care: A multi-level meta-analysis,VABB-1,750,761,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344568,,Modeling differences in the dimensionality of multiblock data by means of clusterwise simultaneous component analysis,VABB-1,648,668,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344570,,Three-level Analysis of Single-Case Experimental Data: Empirical Validation,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344571,,The learning intentions of low-qualified employees: A multilevel approach,VABB-1,165,189,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344572,,Modeling External Events in the Three-Level Analysis of of multiple-baseline across-participants designs: A simulation study,VABB-1,547,559,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344573,,The Three-Level Synthesis of Standardized Single-Subject Experimental Data: a Monte Carlo Simulation Study,VABB-1,719,748,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344574,,Multilevel Meta-Analysis of Single-Subject Experimental Designs: A Simulation Study,VABB-1,1244,1254,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344575,,The role of children's on-task behavior in the prevention of aggressive behavior development and peer rejection: A randomized controlled study of the Good Behavior Game in Belgian elementary classrooms,VABB-1,187,199,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344576,,External representations for data distributions: in search of cognitive fit,VABB-1,4,19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344577,,Guideline on the requirements of external quality assessment programs in molecular pathology,VABB-1,27,37,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344578,,European consensus conference for external quality assessment in molecular pathology,VABB-1,1958,63,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344579,,A safety study on single intravenous dose of tetrachloro-diphenyl glycoluril [iodogen] dissolved in dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO),VABB-1,730,737,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344580,,"Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts, Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp",VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344582,,To touch or not to touch: interdisciplinary: prspectives on the Noli me tangere,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344584,,Wind — on a pictorial quintessence,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344595,,Wild is the wind: pathosfomel and iconology of a quintessence,VABB-1,9,47,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344597,,"Intermediality, for the sake of radical neutrality, in Peter Friedl's work",VABB-4,149,174,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344600,,"Catalogue of Illuminated manuscripts Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344602,,Landschappen met jachttaferelen door Norbert van Bloemen en Pieter Rysbrack (ca. 1700). Brusselse wandtapijten à l’anversoise,VABB-4,239,251,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344603,,"Tapestry: Luxurious Art, Collaborative Industry",VABB-4,295,315,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344604,,"Paintings, prices and productivity. A worm’s-eye view from Maximiliaan de Hase’s Memorie Boeck (1744–1780)",VABB-1,173,183,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344605,,"The final convulsions of Brussels tapestry: The Legend of the Miraculous Host, 1769–1785",VABB-1,82,87,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344606,,"Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscrpts Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344607,,J. Philip van Goethem,VABB-1,18,29,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344617,,Nourished by inwardness: the Beato Chiarito Tabernacle (c. 1340),VABB-4,213,240,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344618,,Wind und Sublimierung in der christlichen Kunst des Mittelalters: Essay über Pathos und Affekt,VABB-1,231,268,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:344619,,"The Johannesschüssel as Andachtsbild: the gaze, the medium and the senses,",VABB-4,117,160,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344620,,Disembodies heads in medieval and early modern culture,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344622,,Voor vorst en vaderland. Een nieuwe lezing van de muurschilderingen van Henri Leys in het Antwerpse stadhuis,VABB-1,513,539,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:344623,,De sociale cultuurkritiek van Achilles Mussche. Een internationaliserende en tagoreaanse lezing van de dichtbundel De Twee Vaderlanden (1927),VABB-1,141,159,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:344628,,The Annunciation revisited: essay on the concept of wind and the senses in late medieval and early modern visual culture,VABB-1,57,68,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344637,,Allan Sekula: imagining a collective future,VABB-1,129,137,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344638,,Allan Sekula (1951-),VABB-4,200,204,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344656,,"An odour, a taste, a touch, Impossible to describe: Noli me tangere and the senses",VABB-4,111,151,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344662,,O ontwaken van de schone prinses. Else Lasker-Schüler in de Vlaamse expressionistische literatuur (1920-1925),VABB-1,61,85,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:344665,,Heterogeneous objects: intermedia and photography after modernism,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344667,,Hieronymus Cock. The Renaissance in Print,VABB-3,,,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:344668,,Hieronymus Cock and Volcxken Diericx - Print Publishers in Antwerp,VABB-4,12,21,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344671,,Can tapestry scholarship benefit from economic sociology and social network analysis?,VABB-4,43,51,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344674,,The influence of zoo visitor numbers on the behaviour of Harbour seals (Phoca vitulina),VABB-1,31,34,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344676,,Father knows best: zijn dwingende regels omtrent het aantal leden in een vennootschap of een huwelijk verantwoord?,VABB-1,54,74,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344682,,De zijdelingse vordering,VABB-4,1,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344684,,National Report for Belgium,VABB-4,29,47,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344685,,Once more unto the breach: het grondwettelijk gelijkheidsbeginsel en de muren rond collectieve insolventieprocedures,VABB-1,630,642,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344690,,Rechtseconomische doorlichting van de gewone en kosteloze borgtocht,VABB-1,870,881,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344692,,Nieuwe financieringstechnieken in de bancaire sector: covered bonds en de mobilisering van schuldvorderingen,VABB-1,147,172,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344693,,"Regelingsakte echtscheiding door onderlinge toestemming: kwalificatie, wilsgebreken en erkenning gekwalificeerde benadeling",VABB-1,1416,1420,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344694,,Proeve van een wettelijke waarderingsmethode bij de gerechtelijke omzetting van vruchtgebruik,VABB-1,45,67,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344695,,Art. 1690-1691,VABB-4,1,40,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344699,,International Encyclopaedia of Constitutional Law: Belgium,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344713,,"Granges domestiques, basses-cours et fermes abbatiales : évolution typologique et architecturale en Belgique",VABB-1,155,186,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:344715,,Utopia-Driven Projective Research,VABB-1,60,65,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344716,,"La création d’un style architectural sino-chrétien. L’œuvre d’Adelbert Gresnigt, moine-artiste bénédictin en Chine (1927-1932)",VABB-1,128,170,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:344718,,"Architecture for leisure in post-war Europe, 1945-1989: between experimentation, liberation and patronisation",VABB-1,623,631,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344722,,From interspace to interface: metaphoric nature of spaces in transition,VABB-5,59,67,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344725,,"Campsites as Utopias? A Socio-spatial Reading of the Postwar Holiday Camp in Belgium, 1950s to 1970s",VABB-1,53,85,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344729,,"Venturing off the beaten path: Social innovation and settlement upgrading in Voi, Kenya",VABB-4,207,218,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344730,,Emptiness as potential. Different conceptions of the sober interior,VABB-1,30,41,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344734,,"L’abbaye de moniales cisterciennes de Clairefontaine (Luxembourg). Synthèse archéo-historique des quatre phases de construction, XIIIe-XVIIIe siècle",VABB-1,117,139,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:344735,,Design for the ecological age: Rethinking the role of sustainability in architectural education,VABB-1,175,185,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344737,,Equipment and Pattern Language as Legacy to Design the Skin of the City,VABB-1,37,48,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344738,,General introduction: The return of social innovation as a scientific concept and a social practice,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344739,,"The international handbook on social innovation: Collective action, social learning and transdisciplinary research",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344742,,Urban and regional development trajectories in contemporary capitalism,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344743,,Practicing strategic planning: in search of critical features to explain the strategic character of plans,VABB-1,16,27,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344752,,Conclusions. Shifts in Time and Place,VABB-4,431,439,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344753,,A tale of two cities. The image of Brussels and of Antwerp in Lodovico Guicciardini's Descrittione di tutti i Paesi Bassi,VABB-1,135,157,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:344754,,Pushing back the frontiers of property: Community land trust and low income housing in urban Kenya,VABB-1,73,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344756,,'Ces fleurons lointains à notre splendide diadème artistique'. The Historiography of the Influence of Netherlandish Architecture in Europe,VABB-4,31,49,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:344758,,"The Architecture of the Low Countries and its International Reception, 1480-1680: A Bird's Eye View",VABB-4,14,30,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344760,,Inventing the Vocabulary of Antique Architecture. The Early Translators and Interpreters of Renaissance Architectural Treatises in the Low Countries,VABB-4,217,240,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344761,,Introduction,VABB-4,3,13,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344763,,Pleidooi voor een opschaling van het lokale woonbeleid in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,10,33,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344766,,The obduracy of the detached single family house in Flanders,VABB-1,358,380,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344767,,Netherlandish Models from the Habsburg Sphere: from Spain to Germany and Denmark,VABB-4,237,262,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344778,,The Low Countries at the Crossroads. Netherlandish Architecture as an Export Product in Early Modern Europe (1480-1680),VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344779,,Learning Ecology. The studio as an experiment in communication and learning.,VABB-5,279,288,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344781,,La région sociale dans un monde globalisant,VABB-4,377,390,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:344782,,Social innovation: a territorial process,VABB-4,131,141,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344783,,"Social Innovation: Intuition, Precept, Concept, Theory and Practice",VABB-4,13,24,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344784,,Social Innovation research: A New Stage in Innovation Analysis?,VABB-4,110,130,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344785,,Holistic Research Methodology and Pragmatic Collective Action,VABB-4,442,452,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344786,,"Sint-Lucasneogotiek in Noord-China: Alphonse De Moerloose, missionaris en architect",VABB-1,6,33,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344787,,Framing Social Innovation Research: A Sociology of Knowledge Perspective,VABB-4,466,480,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344788,,Social inequalities in mental health: results from the EU contribution to the World Mental Health Surveys Initiative,VABB-1,173,181,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344789,,"Attachment in old age: Theoretical assumptions, empirical findings and implications for clinical practice",VABB-1,67,81,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344791,,Deep Brain Stimulation in the Ventral Capsule/Ventral Striatum for the Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Role of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis,VABB-4,35,41,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344793,,Neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders in the people's republic of China - Responsibilities of international societies,VABB-1,56,59,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344794,,Prediabetic increase in hemoglobin A1c compared with impaired fasting glucose in patients receiving antipsychotic drugs,VABB-1,205,211,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344798,,How to initiate lithium therapy: a systematic review of dose estimation and level prediction methods,VABB-1,15,33,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344799,,Menstrual Disturbances During Electroconvulsive Therapy: the Forgotten Adverse Effect: Case Report and Review of the Literature,VABB-1,58,60,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344800,,Within-subject variability during spatial working memory in children with ADHD: an event-related potentials study,VABB-1,199,210,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344802,,"Configuration perception and face memory, and face context effects in developmental prosopagnosia",VABB-1,464,81,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344809,,"Personal stigma in schizophrenia spectrum disorders: A systematic review of prevalence rates, correlates, impact and interventions",VABB-1,155,164,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344825,,An updated global picture of cigarette smoking persistence among adults,VABB-1,135,144,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344827,,Efficacy and safety of maintenance and continuation ECT in depressed elderly: a systematic review,VABB-1,5,17,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344828,,The practice of giving consent to ECT in the European Union: an overview,VABB-1,4,6,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344829,,Evidence-based treatment strategies for treatment-resistant bipolar depression: a systematic review,VABB-1,61,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344830,,Emotional information in body and background hampers recognition memory for faces,VABB-1,321,325,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344832,,"Body weight and metabolic adverse effects of asenapine, iloperidone, lurasidone and paliperidone in the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: a systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis",VABB-1,733,759,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:344833,,Parent psychopathology and offspring mental disorders: results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,290,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344835,,Use of general practitioners versus mental health professionals in six European countries: the decisive role of the organization of mental health-care systems,VABB-1,137,149,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344836,,Early-life mental disorders and adult household income in the world mental health surveys,VABB-1,228,37,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344837,,A strange face in the mirror. Face-selective self-misidentification in a patient with right lateralized occipito-temporal hypo-metabolism,VABB-1,1088,1090,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344838,,"A prospective, multicentre, open-label study to evaluate the effectiveness of aripiprazole in the treatment of a broad range of patients with schizophrenia",VABB-1,506,512,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344840,,No gender differences in social outcome in patients suffering from schizophrenia,VABB-1,406,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344841,,How are we assessing functioning in schizophrenia? A need for a consensus approach,VABB-1,391,395,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344842,,Levels of personality functioning and their association with clinical features and interpersonal functioning in patients with personality disorders,VABB-1,320,336,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344843,,Making the best of a bad job,VABB-4,345,348,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344844,,A comparative evaluation of cone beam CT and micro-CT on trabecular bone structures in the human mandible,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344847,,Increased ventral striatal CB1 receptor binding is related to negative symptoms in drug-free patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,304,312,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344848,,Managing identity in early-stage dementia: maintaining a sense of being valued,VABB-1,216,242,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344851,,The prevalence and impact of early childhood trauma in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,VABB-1,664,669,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344852,,The impact of personality organization on treatment response: A systematic review,VABB-1,355,374,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344853,,[The decision-making process in obsessive compulsive disorder],VABB-1,39,49,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344854,,Deep-Brain Stimulation for Anorexia Nervosa,VABB-1,S29.e1,S29.e10,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:344857,,Progressive muscle relaxation in persons with schizophrenia: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,291,298,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344858,,A review of physical activity correlates in patients with bipolar disorder,VABB-1,285,291,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344859,,"Is the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Metabolic Abnormalities Increased in Early Schizophrenia? A Comparative Meta-Analysis of First Episode, Untreated and Treated Patients",VABB-1,295,305,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344860,,Chronic fatigue syndrome / fibromyalgia: a ‘stress adaptation’ model,VABB-1,137,147,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344861,,Setting new standards in schizophrenia outcomes: Symptomatic remission 3 years before versus after the andreasen criteria,VABB-1,170,175,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344862,,Intracraniële hypertensie bij lithiumgebruik: gevalsbeschrijving en systematisch literatuuronderzoek,VABB-1,453,462,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:344864,,Creativity and Psychiatric Illness: The Search for a Missing Link - An Historical Context for Current Research,VABB-1,136,144,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344865,,Genetic association study of the P300 endophenotype in schizophrenia,VABB-1,54,59,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344866,,"Relationships between physical fitness, physical activity, smoking and metabolic and mental health parameters in people with schizophrenia",VABB-1,25,32,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344868,,Electroconvulsive Therapy After Eye Surgery,VABB-1,139,141,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344869,,Practtioner Review: Current best practice in the management of adverse events during treatment with ADHD medications in children and adolescents,VABB-1,227,246,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344870,,Methylphenidate in mania project (MEMAP): study protocol of an international randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study on the initial treatment of acute mania with methylphenidate,VABB-1,71,71,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344873,,Schizophrenia genetic variants are not associated with intelligence,VABB-1,2563,2570,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344874,,Self-critical perfectionism and its relationship to fatigue and pain in the daily flow of life in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome,VABB-1,995,1002,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344875,,Nonpharmacological interventions for ADHD: systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials of dietary and psychological treatments,VABB-1,275,289,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344876,,Partial disability associated with common mental and physical disorders,VABB-4,149,170,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344877,,Association between serious mental illness and personal earnings,VABB-4,97,109,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344878,,De liaisonpsycholoog in de 21ste eeuw,VABB-1,253,263,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344879,,"Associations between Lifetime Traumatic Events and Subsequent Chronic Physical Conditions: A Cross-National, Cross-Sectional Study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344881,,Prevalence of DSM-IV personality disorders in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: A controlled study,VABB-1,219,228,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344882,,Associations between physical activity and the built environment in patients with schizophrenia: a multi-centre study,VABB-1,653,658,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344885,,What influences clinicians' decisions about ADHD medication? Initial data from the Influences on Prescribing for ADHD Questionnaire (IPAQ),VABB-1,533,542,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344886,,Agressiebeleid op een forensische psychiatrische unit voor adolescenten : literatuuroverzicht en implementatie in de praktijk,VABB-1,101,110,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344888,,New DSM-5 category ‘unspecified catatonia’ is a boost for pediatric catatonia: review and case reports,VABB-1,401,410,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344889,,Missing data in long-term follow-up of patients with eating disorders using the Body Attitude Test,VABB-1,224,229,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344891,,Increased incidence of forced admissions in Belgium and the Netherlands? An epidemiological approach,VABB-1,45,55,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344893,,Genetic schizophrenia risk variants jointly modulate total brain and white matter volume,VABB-1,525,531,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344895,,Differential effects of olanzapine and risperidone on plasma adiponectin levels over time: Results from a 3-month prospective open-label study,VABB-1,17,26,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344896,,"A meta-analysis of cardio-metabolic abnormalities in drug naive, first-epidode and multi-episode patients with schizophrenia versus general population controls",VABB-1,240,250,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344897,,Dissimilar processing of emotional facial expressions in human and monkey temporal cortex,VABB-1,402,411,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344899,,The associative-semantic network for words and pictures: Effective connectivity and graph analysis,VABB-1,264,72,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344900,,Associations between sedentary behaviour and metabolic parameters in patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,73,78,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344901,,Yoga in schizophrenia: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials,VABB-1,12,20,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344906,,Extended release quetiapine fumarate in major depressive disorder: analysis in patients with anxious depression,VABB-1,574,586,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344907,,Medical outcome of psychiatric inpatients with admission hyponatremia,VABB-1,24,27,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344908,,Replication Study and Meta-Analysis in European Samples Supports Association of the 3p21.1 Locus with Bipolar Disorder,VABB-1,645,650,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344909,,Safety and tolerability of antipsychotic polypharmacy,VABB-1,527,452,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344911,,"Frequency, Characteristics and Management of Adolescent Inpatient Aggression",VABB-1,271,281,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344912,,The Cognitive Biases Questionnaire for Psychosis (CBQ-P) and the Davos Assessment of Cognitive Biases (DACOBS): Validation in a Flemish sample of psychotic patients and healthy controls,VABB-1,310,314,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344913,,An impaired health related muscular fitness contributes to a reduced walking capacity in patients with schizophrenia: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344915,,Prediabetes in Patients Treated With Antipsychotic Drugs,VABB-1,460,466,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344916,,Measuring extrastriatal dopamine release during a reward learning task,VABB-1,575,586,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344917,,Second generation antipsychotics in the treatment of bipolar depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,603,17,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344920,,CNR1 Gene and Risk of the Metabolic Syndrome in Patients With Schizophrenia.,VABB-1,186,192,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344921,,Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Metabolic Abnormalities in Schizophrenia and Related Disorders. A Systematic review and Meta-Analysis,VABB-1,306,318,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344922,,Het verband tussen DSM-IV-as-II en de anaclitische en introjectieve persoonlijkheidsdimensies,VABB-1,9,19,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344925,,The prevalence and management of side effects of lithium and anticonvulsants as mood stabilizers in bipolar disorder from a clinical perspective: a review,VABB-1,287,296,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344926,,Similarity of fMRI activity patterns in left perirhinal cortex reflects similarity between words,VABB-1,18597,18607,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344927,,Schattingsmethoden versus klinische titratie bij het opstarten van lithium; een systematisch overzicht,VABB-1,761,771,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344928,,Efficacy and cognitive side effects after brief pulse and ultrabrief pulse right unilateral electroconvulsive therapy for major depression: a randomised double blind controlled study,VABB-1,1029,1036,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344929,,Motorische ontwikkeling bij kinderen en jongeren met een psychiatrische stoornis,VABB-1,75,83,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344931,,Metabolic syndrome and metabolic abnormalities in bipolar disorder: A meta-analysis of prevalence rates and moderators,VABB-1,265,274,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344932,,Medication adherence in schizophrenia: Factors influencing adherence and consequences of non-adherence – a systematic literature review,VABB-1,200,218,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344933,,Development of the Davos Assessment of Cognitive Biases Scale (DACOBS),VABB-1,63,71,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:344934,,Patient evaluation of infertility management in an ISO 9001:2008-certified centre for reproductive medicine,VABB-1,293,300,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344935,,Restoration facilitated recolonization decreased population genetic variation of a terrestrial orchid species,VABB-1,4206,4215,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344936,,"Distinct Clinical Characteristics of C9orf72 Expansion Carriers Compared With GRN, MAPT, and Nonmutation Carriers in a Flanders-Belgian FTLD Cohort",VABB-1,365,373,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344937,,C9orf72 G4C2 repeat expansions in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment,VABB-1,1712.e1,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344938,,Variability in Affective Activation Predicts Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Eating Disorders,VABB-1,143,147,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344939,,Association between genetic variation in a region on chromosome 11 and schizophrenia in large samples from Europe,VABB-1,906,917,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344945,,Longitudinal assessment of chemotherapy-induced structural changes in cerebral white matter and its correlation with impaired cognitive functioning,VABB-1,274,281,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344946,,Indirect measurement of perfectionism: Construct and predictive validity,VABB-1,844,858,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344947,,"Diabetes, physical activity participation and exercise capacity in patients with schizophrenia",VABB-1,451,456,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344948,,"Response to bartoli et Al. Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and metabolic syndrome",VABB-1,928,929,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344949,,Role of common mental and physical disorders in partial disability around the world,VABB-1,454,61,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344950,,Explorative genetic study of UBQLN2 and PFN1 in an extended Flanders-Belgian cohort of frontotemporal lobar degeneration patients,VABB-1,1711.e1,5,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344951,,End-of-life (care) perspectives and expectations of patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,246,252,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344952,,Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and onset of self-reported peptic ulcer in the World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,121,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344953,,Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and subsequent heart disease onset: beyond depression,VABB-1,5293,9,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:344954,,"Days out-of-role due to common physical and mental health problems: Results from the São Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey, Brazil",VABB-1,1392,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344955,,Time course of improvement of different symptom clusters in patients with major depression and pain treated with duloxetine or placebo,VABB-1,41,48,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344956,,[Managing aggression in a forensic psychiatric unit for adolescents: literature review and clinical implementation],VABB-1,797,806,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:344957,,Osteoporosis and fracture risk in people with schizophrenia,VABB-1,415,429,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344958,,Social anxiety in physical acitvity participation in patients with mental illness: A cross-sectional multicentre study,VABB-1,757,762,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344959,,Genetic Variation Underlying Psychosis-inducing Effects of Cannabis: Critical Review and Future Directions,VABB-1,5015,5023,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344961,,The importance of self-determined motivation towards physical activity in patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,812,818,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344962,,Stigmatization of schizophrenia in Flemish newspapers,VABB-1,598,599,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344963,,Creativiteit en psychiatrische stoornissen: verkenning van een randdomein,VABB-1,603,615,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:344964,,"Investigation into the Long-term Metabolic Effects of Aripiprazole Adjunctive to Lithium, Valproate, or Lamotrigine",VABB-1,84,91,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344965,,Neurocognition in clinical high risk young adults who did or did not convert to a first schizophrenic psychosis : a meta-analysis,VABB-1,48,55,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344966,,Dysmetabolic Features of the Overweight Patients Receiving Antipsychotic Drugs: A comparison with normal weight and obese subjects,VABB-1,179,182,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344968,,"Insulin secretion in patients receiving clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine and risperidone",VABB-1,358,362,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:344969,,Dissociation in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Evidence from the World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,302,12,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344972,,Maternale antidepressiva tijdens de zwangerschap en de lactatie: literatuuroverzicht van de pre- en postnatale effecten op het kind,VABB-1,146,154,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:344976,,Drop out from out-patient mental healthcare in the World Health Organization's World Mental Health Survey initiative,VABB-1,42,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344977,,Embarrassment when illness strikes a close relative: a World Mental Health Survey Consortium Multi-Site Study,VABB-1,2191,202,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344978,,Family burden related to mental and physical disorders in the world: results from the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) surveys,VABB-1,115,25,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344979,,Cross-national differences in the prevalence and correlates of burden among older family caregivers in the World Health Organization World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys,VABB-1,865,79,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344980,,Gender differences in mental health expectancies in early- and midlife in six European countries,VABB-1,294,300,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344981,,The prevalence and correlates of binge eating disorder in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,904,14,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344982,,The Mental Component of the Short-Form 12 Health Survey (SF-12) as a Measure of Depressive Disorders in the General Population: Results with Three Alternative Scoring Methods,VABB-1,564,73,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344983,,Disability mediates the impact of common conditions on perceived health,VABB-1,e65858,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344984,,Is ADHD in childhood associated with lifetime hoarding symptoms? An epidemiological study,VABB-1,741,8,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344985,,Long-term quality-of-life and functioning comparison of atomoxetine versus other standard treatment in pediatric attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,766,774,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344986,,"Evaluation of the effect of duloxetine treatment on functioning as measured by the Sheehan disability scale: pooled analysis of data from six randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies",VABB-1,298,309,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:344987,,Reduced Reward Learning Predicts Outcome in Major Depressive Disorder,VABB-1,639,45,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344989,,"A Pan-European study of the C9orf72 Repeat Associated with FTLD: Geographic Prevalence, Genomic Instability and Intermediate Repeats",VABB-1,363,373,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344990,,Targeting Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis for Severe Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: More Unexpected Lead Placement in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder than in Surgery for Movement Disorders,VABB-1,S30.e11,e16,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344992,,Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in outpatients with schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,588,595,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344993,,A systematic review on physical therapy interventions for patients with binge eating disorder,VABB-1,2191,2196,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344994,,"Het ""stressadaptatiemodel"" van het chronischevermoeidheidssyndroom/fibromyalgie: een update",VABB-1,905,911,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:344995,,"Adult catatonia: etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment",VABB-1,391,399,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:344996,,"Economic Valuation of Landslide Damage in Hilly Regions: A Case Study from the Flemish Ardennes, Belgium",VABB-5,153,158,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:344998,,Assessing the performance of a spatially distributed soil erosion and sediment delivery model (WATEM/SEDEM) in Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,188,204,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:344999,,Factors controlling patterns of deforestation in moist evergreen Afromontane forests of Southwest Ethiopia,VABB-1,171,181,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345000,,"Meteorological regimes and accumulation patterns at Utsteinen, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica: Analysis of two contrasting years",VABB-1,1700,1715,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345001,,Quantifying long-term changes in gully networks and volumes in dryland environments: The case of Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,254,263,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345004,,"More people, more trees in South Eastern Tanzania: local and global drivers of land-use change",VABB-1,44,58,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345008,,Housing projects for low-income groups and modes of economic integration: a comparative study in Greater Cairo,VABB-1,456,477,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345009,,Human impact on sediment fluxes within the Blue NBile and Atbara River basins,VABB-1,231,241,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345010,,"Sensitivity of floodplain geoecology to human impact – a Holocene perspective for the headwaters of the Dijle catchment, Central Belgium",VABB-1,1403,1414,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345012,,Assessing the role of policies on land use change and agricultural development since 1960s in northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,944,951,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345013,,Land Transitions in Nortwest Vietnam: An Integrated Analysis of Biophysical and Socio-Cultural Factors,VABB-1,37,50,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345014,,Editorial: Belgeo et les quatre crises de la géographie,VABB-1,2,9,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345015,,Estimating the parameters of the Green-Ampt infiltration equation from rainfall simulation data: Why simpler is better,VABB-1,332,344,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345016,,Development and parameterization of an infiltration model accounting for water depth and rainfall intensity,VABB-1,3777,3790,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345020,,Short communication: Humans and the missing C-sink: erosion and burial of soil carbon through time,VABB-1,45,52,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345039,,"Activities of cruise-ship employees in Cozumel, Mexico",VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345040,,Serological evidence of Ostertagia ostertagi infection in dairy cows does not impact the efficacy of rabies vaccination during the housing period,VABB-1,1055,1058,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345048,,Governance in the Tourism Practice: Entrepreneurial Attitudes,VABB-4,301,322,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345049,,Effectiveness of soil conservation measures in two contrasting landscape units of South Eastern Tanzania,VABB-1,269,288,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345050,,Predicting runoff and sediment connectivity and soil erosion by water for different land use scenarios in the Spanish Pre-Pyrenees,VABB-1,62,73,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345052,,Predicting soil erosion and sediment yield at regional scales: Where do we stand?,VABB-1,16,29,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345053,,Estimating the effect of tree uprooting on variation of soil horizon depth by confronting pedogenetic simulations to measruements in a Belgian loess area,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345054,,"Economics of Grass Strips Used as Sediment Filters in the Riparian Zones of Lake Victoria, Uganda",VABB-1,1040,1062,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345055,,Factors controlling the morphology and volume (V)-length (L) relations of permanent gullies in the northern Ethiopian Highlands,VABB-1,1672,1684,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345056,,Soil organic carbon mobilization by interrill erosion: Insights from size fractions,VABB-1,348,360,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345061,,Spatial interaction between collapsed pipes and landslides in hilly regions with loess-derived soils,VABB-1,826,835,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345062,,The diurnal evolution of the urban heat island of Paris: a model-based case study during Summer 2006,VABB-1,8525,8541,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345063,,What if we all work in between? Notes on the geography of geographical knowledge production and consumption,VABB-1,209,212,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345064,,A sediment fingerprinting approach to understand the geomorphic coupling in an eastern Mediterranean mountainous river catchment,VABB-1,64,75,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345065,,Debate on neoliberalism in and after the neoliberal crisis,VABB-1,1052,1057,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345066,,Neoliberalism is dead.... Long live neoliberalism,VABB-1,1083,1090,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345067,,Social Media affecting Tour Operators' Customer Loyalty,VABB-1,41,57,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345068,,"Geomorphology of the Lake Tana basin, Ethiopia",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345072,,The effect of atmospheric and topographic correction methods on land cover classification accuracy,VABB-1,9,21,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345074,,Transferring Google Earth observations to GIS-software: example from gully erosion study,VABB-1,196,201,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345075,,"Naturally Occurring Asbestos: Potential for Human Exposure, Southern Nevada, USA",VABB-1,2192,2204,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345076,,Measuring Fast-Temporal Sediment Fluxes wit an Analogue Acoustic Sensor: A Wind Tunnel Study,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345078,,Evaluating the performance of reservoirs in semi-arid catchments of Tigray: Tradeoff between water harvesting and soil and water conservation,VABB-1,146,154,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345079,,"Climate, people, fire and vegetation: new insights into vegetation dynamics in the eastern Mediterranean since the 1st century AD",VABB-1,57,87,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345081,,Simulating the surface energy balance over two contrasting urban environments using the Community Land Model Urban,VABB-1,3182,3205,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345082,,A new statistical approach to downscale wind speed distributions at a site in northern Europe,VABB-1,2272,2283,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345083,,Subprime Cities: The Political Economy of Mortgage Markets,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345084,,A conceptual framework and its software implementation to generate spatial decision support systems for land use planning,VABB-1,271,282,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345085,,A global red-light city? Prostitution in Amsterdam as a real-and-imagined place,VABB-4,273,287,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345086,,Subprime Cities and the Twin Crises,VABB-4,3,22,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345087,,Landslide Hazard Assessment on the Ugandan Footslopes of Mount Elgon: The Worst is Yet to Come,VABB-4,527,531,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345090,,"Holocene floodplain deposition and scale effects in a typical European upland catchment: A case study from the Amblève catchment, Ardennes (Belgium)",VABB-1,1184,1197,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345091,,Impact of soil characteristics and land use on pipe erosion in a temperature humid climate: Field studies in Belgium,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345094,,Describing the relationships between tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty in a segmented and digitalized market,VABB-1,987,1004,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345095,,The effect of rainfall on spatio-temporal variability in cropping systems and duration of crop cover in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands,VABB-1,374,383,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345096,,Location information strategies: bringing location into e-government,VABB-4,65,82,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345097,,Quantifying successional land cover after clearing of tropical rainforest along forest frontiers in the Congo Basin,VABB-1,417,440,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345099,,Will urban farming survive the growth of African cities: A case-study in Kampala (Uganda),VABB-1,40,49,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345100,,"Economic Valuation of Landslide Damage in Hilly Regions: a Case Study from Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,323,336,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345101,,Community Reinvestment Act,VABB-4,210,214,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345102,,"Carbon burial in soil sediments from Holocene agricultural erosion, Central Europe",VABB-1,828,835,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345104,,"Prostitutie, glocalisering en lokaal beleid",VABB-1,20,25,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345105,,Ambivalent geographies of encounter inside and around the fortified homes of middle class Whites in Cape Town,VABB-1,679,688,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345106,,Soil erosion and hydrology of the western Mediterranean badlands throughout rainfall simulation experiments: A review,VABB-1,101,112,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345108,,"Temporal dynamics of bio-available Si fluxes in a temperate forested catchment (Meerdaal forest, Belgium)",VABB-1,275,291,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345109,,Transport of Dissolved Si from Soil to River: A Conceptual Mechanistic Model,VABB-1,115,133,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345119,,Touching materials visually: About the dominance of vision in building material assessment,VABB-1,31,41,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345120,,OpenWindow: Citizen-Controlled Content on Public Displays,VABB-5,121,126,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345123,,"'Liggend {be)leven' , hoe ervaren patiënten het ziekenhuis?",VABB-1,6,9,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345128,,From Planning to Profiling. Reactivating the watermarks that structure the Flemish territory,VABB-1,32,41,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345132,,Chronologies of a (sub)urbanized territory,VABB-1,76,83,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345134,,Changing land use in the countryside: stakeholders’ perception of the ongoing rural planning processes in Flanders,VABB-1,197,206,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345137,,Unfolding – a library for interactive maps,VABB-5,497,513,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345139,,Approach for calculating the environmental external costs of the Belgian building sector,VABB-1,710,721,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345142,,Experiencing BIM collaboration in education,VABB-5,505,514,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:345145,,Identification of environmental and financial cost efficient heating and ventilation services for a typical residential building in Belgium,VABB-1,188,199,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345147,,Moving towards a more sustainable Belgian dwelling stock: the passive standard as the next step?,VABB-1,112,132,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345149,,On the similarities between micro/nano lithography and topology optimization projection methods,VABB-1,717,730,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345152,,Le système prépositionnel français: le cas des emplois nouveaux de sur,VABB-1,198,219,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:345155,,The remarkable conformational plasticity of alpha-synuclein: blessing or curse?,VABB-1,368,377,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345156,,Interaction of Transportin-SR2 with Ras-related nuclear protein (Ran) GTPase,VABB-1,25603,25613,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345157,,Valla's dialectic in Louvain: The Oratio in laudem Aristotelis (1510) of Maarten Van Dorp,VABB-1,143,162,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345160,,A call for sobriety: sixteenth-century educationalists and humanist conviviality,VABB-1,161,173,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345162,,Performance of creatinine and cystatin C-based glomerular filtration rate estimating equations in a European HIV-positive cohort,VABB-1,1573,81,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345164,,Value of Preoperative Esophagogastroduodenoscopy in Morbidly Obese Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass,VABB-1,249,253,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345165,,Anti-Trypanosoma cruzi Cross-Reactive Antibodies Detected at High Rate in Non-Exposed Individuals Living in Non-Endemic Regions: Seroprevalence and Association to Other Viral Serologies,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345166,,Measuring renal function in older patients,VABB-1,78,87,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345168,,"Carcinoma of the gallbladder: Patterns of presentation, prognostic factors and survival rate. An 11-year single centre experience",VABB-1,548,553,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345171,,The Bronze Age cemetery of Gâvur Evi Tepesi,VABB-1,241,259,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345175,,Societal changes in the Bereket valley during the Roman Imperial period Results from the Sagalassos Territorial Archaeological Survey 2008 (southwest Turkey),VABB-1,75,95,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345176,,"Pottery, Roman Empire",VABB-4,5482,5489,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345178,,Geo-archaeological research on the Late Pleistocene of the Egyptian Eastern Desert: recent threats to the Sodmein Cave,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345179,,Geomorphologic context and proposed chronostratigraphic position of Lower Palaeolithic artefacts from the Op de Schans pit near Kesselt (Belgium) to the west of Maastricht,VABB-1,137,157,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345180,,"Out of Africa, the Nile Valley and the Northern Route",VABB-1,168,179,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345181,,Soil geochemistry as a tool aiding geophysical prospection on an archaeological site in Sagalassos (SW-Turkey),VABB-5,110,113,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345182,,"Nubian Complex reduction strategies in Dhofar, southern Oman",VABB-1,244,266,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345183,,Multi-element soil prospection aiding geophysical and archaeological survey on an archaeological site in suburban Sagalassos (SW-Turkey),VABB-1,2961,2970,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345186,,Sagalassos 2011 Yüzey Araştirmasi,VABB-5,339,352,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345187,,Aesthetic Maintenance of Civic Space. The ‘Classical’ City from the 4th to the 7th c. AD,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345189,,Negotiating complexity of material culture studies: editorial preface,VABB-1,7,10,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345192,,"Molecular evidence for the mixing of meat, fish and vegetables in Anglo-Saxon coarseware from Hamwic, UK",VABB-1,1150,1174,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345196,,Postinterventiedossier en keuring van elektrische installaties bij de verkoop van vastgoed,VABB-1,211,216,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345213,,Overzicht van Gemeenschaps- en Benelux rechtspraak inzake Gemeenschaps- en Beneluxmerken,VABB-1,341,398,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345214,,On the relationship between criminoloy and criminal justice,VABB-4,517,530,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345216,,Words on 'Words on Words',VABB-1,77,84,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345225,,"Spreekplicht versus zwijgrecht bij de totstandkoming van overeenkomsten, in het bijzonder bij het sluiten van arbeidsovereenkomsten",VABB-4,117,161,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345226,,De invloed van de financiële crisis op de harmonisatie van het hypotheekrecht,VABB-1,900,906,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345227,,"De ""gemakkelijke"" identificeerbaarheid van de (schijn)producent door de mededeling van de leverancier",VABB-1,117,127,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345241,,Overzicht rechtspraak: zakelijke zekerheden,VABB-1,1223,1400,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345257,,Ne me quitte pas. Over de (inhoudelijke doch structureel gebrekkige) samenhang van verenigings- en vennootschapsrecht,VABB-1,42,51,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345266,,Privaatrechtelijke en handelsrechtelijke beschouwingen inzake forumbedingen in factuurvoorwaarden naar Belgisch recht,VABB-1,342,364,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345277,,Promotionele praktijken ten aanzien van consumenten,VABB-1,85,95,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345278,,Vijf jaar bestuursrechtelijke handhaving van de Nederlandse Wet Oneerlijke Handelspraktijken (2008-2013),VABB-1,474,492,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345279,,Which way forward for the new European law of unfair commercial practices?,VABB-1,233,275,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345281,,Acte équipollent à rupture en bijkomende schadevergoeding in het handelsagentuurrecht,VABB-1,386,399,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345282,,"De begrippen ""alleenvertegenwoordiging"" en ""klant""",VABB-1,261,264,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345287,,De overlevingsstrijd van de fiduciaire eigendom naar Belgisch recht: de zekere crisis en de onzekere loutering,VABB-1,70,77,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345291,,China and the European Union: Emerging Partners in Global Climate Governance?,VABB-1,190,200,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345293,,Characteristics of joint physical custody families in Flanders,VABB-1,821,848,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345294,,Journalistic tools of the trade in Flanders : Is there a fit between journalism education and professional practice?,VABB-1,127,144,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345297,,Bio-objects' political capacity: a research agenda,VABB-1,206,211,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345300,,"Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands",VABB-4,118,131,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345301,,Coherence in European Union external policy before and after the Lisbon Treaty: the cases of energy security and climate change,VABB-1,169,186,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345302,,Explaining the evolution of European Union foreign climate policy: A case of bounded adaptiveness,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345303,,"China, the European Union and Global Environmental Governance: The Case of Climate Change",VABB-4,51,75,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345307,,Revisiting the 'cotton problem' - a comparative analysis of cotton reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,209,221,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345308,,The impact of a senior high school tuition relief program on poor junior high school students in rural China,VABB-1,80,97,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345309,,Multinational versus cooperatives: The income and efficiency effects of supply chain governance in India,VABB-1,217,244,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345310,,School dropouts and conditional cash transfers: evidence from a randomized controlled trial in rural China’s junior high schools,VABB-1,190,207,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345311,,Can one-to-one computing narrow the digital divide and the educational gap in China? The case of Beijing migrant schools,VABB-1,14,29,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345312,,Capitalization of direct payments in land rents: Evidence from New EU Member States,VABB-1,423,443,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345314,,Land and happiness: land distribution and subjective well-being in Moldova,VABB-1,61,85,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345316,,The political economy of wine regulations,VABB-1,244,284,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345317,,Innovation and creativity: The future of the global economy,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345320,,Political economy of public policies: insights from distortions to agricultural and food markets,VABB-1,423,477,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345329,,Emissions from indirect land use change: do they matter with fuel market leakages?,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345330,,Global Hunger: Food crisis spurs aid for poverty,VABB-1,492,492,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345333,,Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities for Eastern Europe and Central Asia,VABB-1,37,52,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345334,,Food Security and Sociopolitical Stability: Eastern Europe and Central Asia,VABB-4,381,405,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345336,,A longitudinal perspective on research and innovation in Belgium,VABB-4,85,102,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345337,,Innovation and creativity: Statement of the issues,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345338,,Self-reported food insecurity in Africa during the food price crisis,VABB-1,51,63,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345339,,Deterrence in Contests,VABB-1,171,189,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345340,,When drains and gains coincide: migration and international football performance,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345341,,How the East was won: supply chain restructuring in the Eastern European beer market,VABB-1,213,222,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345342,,Foreign aid and oil taxes: helping the poor in oil rich countries,VABB-1,249,268,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345343,,Mass media and public policy: global evidence from agricultural policies (forhtcoming),VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345344,,Narrow and scientific replication of 'The slave trade and the origins of mistrust in Africa',VABB-1,166,169,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345345,,Managing inventories with one-way substitution: a newsvendor analysis,VABB-1,484,493,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345349,,Product service systems: exploring operational practices,VABB-1,501,515,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345350,,Sustainable R&D portfolio management,VABB-1,1521,1532,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345351,,On the interaction between roadrunner or railway scheduling and priority lists or resource flow,VABB-1,145,174,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345353,,The best time to invest in photovoltaic panels in Flanders,VABB-1,348,358,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345354,,Optimizing the facility location design of organ transplant centers,VABB-1,1568–1579,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345355,,Teaching integer programming starting from an energy supply game,VABB-1,129,137,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345357,,An exact method for scheduling of the alternative technologies in R&D projects,VABB-1,395,405,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345358,,A closer view at the patient surgery planning and scheduling problem: a literature review,VABB-1,115,139,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345359,,A multilevel integrative approach to hospital case mix and capacity planning,VABB-1,2198,2207,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345360,,Controlling excessive waiting times in small service systems with time-varying demand: an extension of the ISA algorithm,VABB-1,1558,1567,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345361,,Optimization of a stochastic remanufacturing network with an exchange option,VABB-1,1548,1557,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345362,,A new approach for quantitative risk analysis,VABB-1,27,65,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345363,,Operating Room Planning and Scheduling,VABB-4,121,152,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345365,,"A three-stage approach for aircraft line maintenance personnel rostering using MIP, discrete event simulation and DEA",VABB-1,2659,2668,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345367,,Railway scheduling reduces the expected project makespan over roadrunner scheduling in a multi-mode project scheduling environment,VABB-1,271,291,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345368,,Personnel scheduling: a literature review,VABB-1,367,385,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345370,,Integrated staffing and scheduling for an aircraft line maintenance problem,VABB-1,1023,1033,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345373,,The accessibility arc upgrading problem,VABB-1,458,465,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345374,,Goodness-of-fit tests for the frailty distribution in proportional hazards models with shared frailty,VABB-1,433,446,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345375,,Block-thresholded-adapted estimators via a maxiset approach,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345376,,"A comparison of robust versions of the AIC based on M, S and MM estimators",VABB-1,216,235,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345377,,Scheduling elective patient admissions considering room assignment and operating theatre capacity constraints,VABB-5,153,158,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345379,,Self-imposed time windows in vehicle routing problems,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345380,,The impact of a sustainability constraint on the mean-tracking error efficient frontier,VABB-1,255,260,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345381,,Robust estimation for ordinal regression,VABB-1,1486,1499,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345383,,Robust optimization for resource-constrained project scheduling with uncertain activity durations,VABB-1,175,205,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345384,,Sparse least trimmed squares regression for analyzing high-dimensional large data sets,VABB-1,226,248,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345385,,The three-dimensional matching problem in Kalmanson matrices,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345386,,Balancing profits and costs on trees,VABB-1,200,211,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345387,,Integrated mixed logit and latent variable models,VABB-1,245,259,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345396,,Optimal scheduling policies for diagnosing k-out-of-n systems with imperfect tests,VABB-5,624,627,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345397,,Warping functional data in R and C via a Bayesian multiresolution approach,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345398,,Robust estimation of economic indicators from survey samples based on Pareto tail modeling,VABB-1,271,286,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345399,,Fast separation algorithms for three index assignment problems,VABB-5,189,200,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345401,,Approximating the multi-level bottleneck assignment problem,VABB-1,282,286,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345402,,Heuristics for the traveling repairman problem with profits,VABB-1,1700,1707,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345403,,Do stock prices contain predictive power for the future economic activity?,VABB-1,93,103,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345404,,Approximation algorithms for the wafer to wafer integration problem,VABB-5,286,297,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345405,,Sequential testing policies for complex systems under precedence constraints,VABB-1,611,620,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345406,,Robust sparse principal component analysis,VABB-1,202,214,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345407,,Comparing two-stage segmentation methods for choice data with a one-stage latent class choice analysis,VABB-1,1188,1212,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345409,,"Lack of fit, graphics, and multilevel model diagnostics",VABB-4,425,445,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345410,,A Note on `Discrete sequential search with group activities',VABB-1,395,401,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345411,,Optimization of the annual planning of targeted offers in direct marketing,VABB-1,1770,1779,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345412,,A metaheuristic for the school bus routing problem with bus stop selection,VABB-1,518,528,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345416,,The East as a practical and spiritual basis for economics,VABB-4,97,106,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345418,,A comprehensive investigation of the applicability of process mining techniques for enterprise risk management,VABB-1,464,475,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345420,,Active trace clustering for improved process discovery,VABB-1,2708,2720,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345421,,A financial perspective on improving ICT service delivery: a case at the Belgian railways,VABB-5,174,182,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345422,,Process innovation: redesigning an enterprise backbone system,VABB-5,1,17,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345423,,How IT enables business model innovation at the VDAB,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345424,,Understanding and predicting bank rating transitions using optimal survival analysis models,VABB-1,280,283,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345425,,Corporate IT transformation at BARCO,VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345427,,Towards enterprise architecture infused organizations,VABB-1,8,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345428,,Investigating goal-oriented requirements engineering for business processes,VABB-1,35,71,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345429,,Feedback-enabled MDA-prototyping effects on modeling knowledge,VABB-5,411,425,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345430,,Measuring the impact of suspension on the process enactment environment during process evolution,VABB-5,75,89,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345431,,Discrete variable generation for improved neural network classification,VABB-5,230,237,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345432,,Healthcare analytics: examining the diagnosis-treatment cycle,VABB-5,996,1004,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345433,,Pregnant mothers with resolved anxiety disorders and their offspring have reduced heart rate variability: implications for the health of children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345434,,A case study on variability management in software product lines: identifying why real-life projects fail,VABB-1,37,48,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345435,,Financial efficiency and social impact of microfinance institutions using self-organizing maps,VABB-1,197,210,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345436,,Towards comprehensible software fault prediction models using Bayesian network classifiers,VABB-1,237,257,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345437,,Requirements-Driven Iterative Project Planning,VABB-5,121,135,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345438,,A novel profit maximizing metric for measuring classification performance of customer churn prediction models,VABB-1,961,973,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345441,,Process mining for the multi-faceted analysis of business processes - A case study in a financial services organization,VABB-1,57,67,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345442,,A survey on the evolution of RSVP,VABB-1,1,29,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:345443,,Pupils’ Viewpoints Towards The Use Of Facebook In And Outside The Classroom,VABB-5,1101,1110,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345445,,A QoS enabled two-stage service differentiation model for the Internet,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345446,,Getting a grasp on clinical pathway data: an approach based on process mining,VABB-5,22,35,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345448,,Comprehensive rule-based compliance checking and risk management with process mining decision support systems,VABB-1,1357,1369,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345449,,Process evolution in a distributed process execution environment,VABB-1,65,90,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345450,,Retrieval of criminal trajectories with an FCA-based approach,VABB-5,83,94,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345451,,Formal concept analysis in knowledge processing: a survey on applications,VABB-1,6538,6560,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345452,,A multidimensional analysis of data quality for credit risk management: new insights and challenges,VABB-1,43,58,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345454,,Do for-profit microfinance institutions achieve better financial efficiency and social impact?,VABB-1,359,380,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345455,,Visualizing variability management in requirements engineering through formal concept analysis,VABB-5,189,199,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345458,,Choosing the right business process maturity model,VABB-1,466,488,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345459,,CORDIET - Healthcare: extracting knowledge from electronic patient record data,VABB-5,321,325,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345460,,A new cross-validation technique to evaluate quality of recommender systems,VABB-5,195,202,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345461,,Text mining scientific papers: a survey on FCA-based information retrieval research,VABB-5,273,287,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345462,,Human-centered text mining: a new software system,VABB-5,258,272,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345464,,"Toward a dynamic, systemic, and holistic theory for strategic value creation in ICT-based services",VABB-4,153,207,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345465,,Using goals and customizable services to improve adaptability of process-based service compositions,VABB-5,0,0,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345467,,New methods for assessing the fascinating nature of nature experiences,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345469,,Rising from the ashes: How brands and categories can overcome product-harm crises,VABB-1,58,77,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345473,,Adapting to an initial self-regulatory task cancels the ego depletion effect,VABB-1,816,821,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345474,,The tricks of the trait: Neural implementation of personality varies with genotype-dependent serotonin levels,VABB-1,393,399,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345475,,Situated embodied cognition: Monitoring orientation cues affects product evaluation and choice,VABB-1,424,433,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345476,,Women seek more variety in rewards when closer to ovulation,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345477,,Limits to growing customer value: Being squeezed between the past and the future,VABB-1,655,664,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345478,,Does private-label production by national-brand manufacturers create discounter goodwill?,VABB-1,343,357,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345479,,Mémorisation des parrains : l’influence de la congruence du parrainage réexaminée à l’aide du modèle de flexibilité de l’encodage,VABB-1,28,46,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:345480,,How effective are self- and peer assessment of oral presentation skills compared to teachers’ assessments?,VABB-1,129,142,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345481,,Price and advertising effectiveness over the business cycle,VABB-1,177,193,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345482,,Retailer private-label margins: The role of supplier and quality-tier differentiation,VABB-1,86,103,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345483,,Extending literary Darwinism: culture and alternatives to adaptation,VABB-1,19,27,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345485,,"Architecture, Ethical Perception, and Educating for Moral Responsibility",VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345486,,On the value relevance of retailer advertising spending and same-store sales growth,VABB-1,447,461,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345487,,The referral backfire effect: The identity threatening nature of referral failure,VABB-1,370,379,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345488,,From willpower breakdown to the breakdown of the willpower model. The symmetry of self-control and impulsive behavior,VABB-1,16,25,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345489,,The joint effect of tangible and non-tangible rewards on healthy food choices in children,VABB-1,403,408,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345490,,An exploration of the functions of religious monumental architecture from a Darwinian perspective,VABB-1,53,68,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345491,,Close encounter with the hard discounter: A multiple-store shopping perspective on the impact of local hard-discounter entry,VABB-1,606,626,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345492,,The Governance of Climate Relations between Europe and Asia: Evidence from China and Vietnam as Key Emerging Economies,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345493,,The Increasingly Complex Nature of EU-China Climate Relations,VABB-4,25,50,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345494,,EU-China Climate Relations: The Clean Development Mechanism and Renewable Energy in China,VABB-4,227,244,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345495,,The Governance of Climate Relations between Europe and Asia in the ‘Pivotal Decade’ (2010-2020): Evidence from China and Vietnam,VABB-4,273,299,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345496,,Introduction: Governing Climate Relations between Europe and Asia in a Restructuring World Order,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345497,,Taking stock of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development: The policymaking process in Flanders.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345521,,Progress and prospects for HRM-performance research in small and medium-sized businesses,VABB-4,173,196,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345522,,HR practices and affective organizational commitment: (when) does HR differentiation pay off?,VABB-1,329,345,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345524,,Being unemployed in the boundaryless career era: Does psychological mobility pay off?,VABB-1,135,143,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345525,,Attraction-selection-attrition model,VABB-4,48,51,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345527,,People practices that enable delivery,VABB-4,246,279,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345528,,Designing human resources practices that matter for service organizations,VABB-4,75,104,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345533,,A situational touch: How touch affects people's decision behavior,VABB-1,237,250,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345534,,Doeltreffend HRM door lijnmanagers,VABB-1,5,21,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345535,,Job seekers' search intensity and wage flexibility: Does age matter?,VABB-1,346,366,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:345536,,Patenting activities and firm performance: Does firm size matter?,VABB-1,1089,1098,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345537,,How job characteristics relate to need satisfaction and autonomous motivation: Implications for work effort,VABB-1,1342,1352,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345538,,Dynamics of psychological contracts with work outcomes: The influence of organizational tenure,VABB-1,107,122,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345539,,De promotiekloof: Carrières van vrouwen en mannen op de Belgische arbeidsmarkt,VABB-2,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:345542,,Applying a talent management lens to career management: The role of human capital composition and continuity,VABB-1,1816,1831,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345543,,"Mindfulness, authentic functioning, and work engagement: A growth modeling approach",VABB-1,238,247,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345544,,Antecedents of willingness to share information on enterprise social networks,VABB-4,109,117,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345545,,"Does financial hardship explain differences between Belgian and South African unemployed regarding experiences of unemployment, employment commitment and job search behaviour?",VABB-1,75,95,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345547,,Multilingual scholarship and the paradox of translation and language in management and organization studies (accepted),VABB-1,131,142,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345548,,Meer vrouwen in het bedrijfsleven? De rol van quota voor raden van bestuur,VABB-1,394,399,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345550,,HR practices and HRM outcomes: The role of basic need satisfaction,VABB-1,4,27,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345553,,Comparing and explaining HR department effectiveness assessments: Evidence from line managers and trade union representatives,VABB-1,1708,1735,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345560,,Compliance with different physical activity recommendations and its association with socio-demographic characteristics using an objective measure,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345561,,Biological maturation at time of selection and swimming career paths in Flemish swimmers,VABB-4,247,251,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345562,,The design of instructional tools affects secondary school students' learning of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in reciprocal peer learning. A randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,1591,1595,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345563,,Judges in judo conform to the referee because of the reactive feedback system,VABB-1,599,604,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345566,,"Physical activity, physical fitness, gross motor coordination, and metabolic syndrome: focus of twin research in Portugal",VABB-1,296,301,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345567,,"Strength training at high versus low external resistance in older adults: Effects on muscle volume, muscle strength, and force-velocity characteristics",VABB-1,1351,1361,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345568,,Intracyclic velocity variation and arm coordination assessment in swimmers with down syndrome,VABB-1,70,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345569,,Validation of anthropometry and foot-to-foot bioelectrical resistance against a three-component model to assess total body fat in children: the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,520,526,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345570,,Digit ratio (2D:4D) and competition level in world-class female gymnasts,VABB-1,1302,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345571,,Body composition in athletes: a comparison of densitometric methods and tracking of individual differences,VABB-1,78,85,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345572,,The Left Hand Second to Fourth Digit Ratio (2D:4D) Is Not Related to Any Physical Fitness Component in Adolescent Girls,VABB-1,e59766,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345575,,Quantification of Aquatic Interventions in Children With Disabilities: A Systematic Literature Review,VABB-1,344,379,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345576,,SenseWear-Determined Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior and Metabolic Syndrome,VABB-1,481,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345577,,"‘Every step counts!’ - Effects of a structured walking intervention in a community-based senior organization on physical activity, fitness and well-being",VABB-1,167,185,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345580,,The relation between environmental factors and pedometer-determined physical activity in children: the mediating role of autonomous motivation,VABB-1,273,287,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345581,,Evaluation of a workplace intervention to promote commuter cycling: A RE-AIM analysis,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345588,,Measurement of elasticity and transepidermal water loss rate of burn scars with the Dermalab(®),VABB-1,420,428,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345589,,"Genetic predisposition scores associate with muscular strength, size and trainability",VABB-1,1451,1459,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345590,,Transmission of whole body vibration and its effect on muscle activation,VABB-1,2533,2541,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345591,,Year-round effectiveness of physical activity counseling in subjective well-being: A self-determination approach among Flemish sedentary adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345592,,Reciprocal learning with task cards for teaching Basic Life Support (BLS): investigating effectiveness and the effect of instructor expertise on learning outcomes. A randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,85,94,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345598,,Genetic and environmental influences on blood pressure variability: a study in twins,VABB-1,690,697,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345599,,Benefits of swimming for children with cerebral palsy: a pilot study,VABB-1,57,69,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345600,,Do genetic factors contribute to the relation between education and metabolic risk factors in young adults? A twin study,VABB-1,986,91,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345601,,"Genetic, Maternal and Placental Factors in the Association between Birth Weight and Physical Fitness: A Longitudinal Twin Study",VABB-1,e76423,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345602,,"Ethisch verantwoord sporten. Beleid, acties en drempels in Vlaamse jeugdsportclubs",VABB-1,105,119,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345603,,Effects of fitness and vibration training on muscle quality: A 1-year postintervention follow-up in older men,VABB-1,910,918,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345608,,Unraveling the importance of the quantity and the quality of workers' motivation for well-being: A person-centered perspective,VABB-1,69,78,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345609,,"Personality traits, quality of life, and perceived health in adolescents with congenital heart disease",VABB-1,319,335,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345610,,"Parent-adolescent conflict, treatment adherence, and glycemic control in type 1 diabetes: The importance of adolescent externalizing symptoms",VABB-1,1082,1097,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345611,,"Personal identity processes from adolescence through the late twenties: Age trends, functionality, and depressive symptoms",VABB-1,701,721,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345612,,"Personality traits, interpersonal identity, and relationship stability: Longitudinal linkages in late adolescence and young adulthood",VABB-1,1661,1673,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345613,,Which national group will I identify myself with? The role of preferred and perceived identity representations,VABB-1,456,474,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345614,,"Development and validation of the Revised Identity Style Inventory (ISI-5): Factor structure, reliability, and validity",VABB-1,893,904,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345615,,Health risk behaviors in adolescents and emerging adults with congenital heart disease: Psychometric properties of the Health Behavior Scale-CHD,VABB-1,544,557,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345616,,Unravelling the role of sense of coherence: More research is needed to empirically underpin the construct,VABB-1,569,570,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345617,,Sense of coherence and perceived physical health explain the better quality of life in adolescents with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,475,483,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345619,,"Personality traits, loneliness, and attitudes to being alone in adolescence",VABB-1,1045,1063,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345621,,Motivational dynamics among eating-disordered patients with and without non-suicidal self-injury: A self-determination theory approach,VABB-1,209,214,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345622,,Family Climate of Adolescents with and Without Type 1 Diabetes: Longitudinal Associations with Psychosocial Adaptation,VABB-1,344,354,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345624,,The measurement of emotional intelligence for Spanish adolescents with social anxiety disorder symptoms,VABB-1,509,515,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345625,,Converging identities: Dimensions of acculturation and personal identity status among immigrant college students,VABB-1,155,165,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345626,,Sense of coherence is a predictor of perceived health in adolescents with congenital heart disease: A cross-lagged prospective study,VABB-1,776,785,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345627,,"Sense of coherence, depressive feelings and life satisfaction in older persons: A closer look at the role of integrity and despair",VABB-1,839,843,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345628,,Trajectories of Loneliness in Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease: Associations With Depressive Symptoms and Perceived Health,VABB-1,342,349,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345631,,"Attachment and socio-emotional skills: A comparison of depressed patients, insititutionalized delinquents, and control adolescents",VABB-1,424,433,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345632,,"Oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) in relation to loneliness in adolescence: Interactions with sex, parental support, and DRD2 and 5-HTTLPR genotypes",VABB-1,204,213,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345634,,"Loneliness, genetics, and adolescent development: A rejoinder to Cacioppo, Lichtenstein, and Meeus",VABB-1,446,471,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345635,,"Genes, environments, and interactions as a new challenge for European developmental psychology: The sample case of adolescent loneliness",VABB-1,432,445,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345636,,Extrinsic relative to intrinsic goal pursuits and peer dynamics: Selection and influence processes among adolescents,VABB-1,925,933,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345637,,Within-person configurations and temporal relations of personal and perceived parent-promoted aspirations to school correlates among adolescents,VABB-1,895,910,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345638,,Interpersonal behaviors and complementarity in interactions between teachers and kindergartners with a variety of externalizing and internalizing behaviors,VABB-1,143,158,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345639,,Depressive symptoms in university freshmen: Longitudinal relations with contingent self-esteem and level of self-esteem,VABB-1,356,363,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345640,,Quality of life in adult congenital heart disease: what do we already know and what do we still need to know?,VABB-1,407,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345641,,Personal identity in college and the work context: Developmental trajectories and psychosocial functioning,VABB-1,222,237,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345643,,Meta-analytic structural equation modelling with missing correlations,VABB-1,132,139,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345644,,Attachment Narratives in Refugee Children: Interrater Reliability and Qualitative Analysis in Pilot Findings From a Two-Site Study,VABB-1,413,417,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345645,,Contingencies of self-worth in early adolescence: The antecedent role of perceived parenting,VABB-1,242,258,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345646,,"The development of loneliness from mid-to late adolescence: Trajectory classes, personality traits, and psychosocial functioning",VABB-1,1305,1312,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345647,,Personal and contextual antecedents of achievement goals: Their direct and indirect relations to students' learning strategies,VABB-1,187,194,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345648,,Depressed mood mediates the relationship between rumination and intrusions,VABB-1,209,216,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345649,,Associations of identity dimensions with big five personality domains and facets,VABB-1,213,221,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345650,,"Cognitive biases and alcohol use in adolescence and young adulthood: the moderating role of gender, attentional control and inhibitory control",VABB-1,925,930,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345652,,Beyond the ethnic-civic dichotomy: Cultural citizenship as a new way of excluding immigrants,VABB-1,611,630,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345655,,Perceived structure and achievement goals as predictors of students' self-regulated learning and affect and the mediating role of competence need satisfaction,VABB-1,179,186,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345656,,Low self-esteem as a risk factor for loneliness in adolescence: Perceived – but not actual – social acceptance as an underlying mechanism,VABB-1,1067,1081,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345657,,Trajectories of Loneliness: Predictors and Health Outcomes,VABB-1,1283,1293,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345658,,Early adolescents’ academic self-concept formation: Do classmates or friends matter most?,VABB-1,193,200,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345660,,Intrinsic motivation and creativity related to product: A meta-analysis of the studies published between 1991-2010,VABB-1,80,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345661,,Met anderen praten over je negatieve gevoelens is niet altijd een goede zaak: Literatuurstudie over de adaptieve en maladaptieve gevolgen van coruminatie,VABB-1,151,160,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345662,,Positive affectivity and attentional control moderate the link between negative affectivity and depressed mood,VABB-1,802,807,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345663,,Dimensions of temperament and depressive symptoms in youth: Replicating a three-way interaction,VABB-1,908,921,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345664,,Combinatorial brain decoding of people's whereabouts during visuospatial navigation,VABB-1,78,78,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345665,,Progressive Age-Related Cognitive Decline in Tau Mice,VABB-1,777,788,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:345666,,Dose-dependent improvements in learning and memory deficits in APPPS1-21 transgenic mice treated with the orally active Aβ toxicity inhibitor SEN1500,VABB-1,458,466,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345667,,Behavioural alterations relevant to developmental brain disorders in mice with neonatally induced ventral hippocampal lesions,VABB-1,71,81,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345668,,Selective inhibition of phosphodiesterase 10A impairs appetitive and aversive conditioning and incentive salience attribution,VABB-1,437,444,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345669,,Improved spatial learning is associated with increased hippocampal but not prefrontal long-term potentiation in mGluR4 knockout mice,VABB-1,615,625,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345670,,Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) supplementation prevents cognitive impairment and amyloid deposition in APP/PS1 mice,VABB-1,21,29,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345672,,Efficient recovery of proteins from multiple source samples after TRIzol(®) or TRIzol(®)LS RNA extraction and long-term storage,VABB-1,181,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345674,,Representations of facial identity information in the ventral visual stream investigated with multivoxel pattern analyses,VABB-1,8549,8558,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345675,,Protein expression dynamics during postnatal mouse brain development,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345676,,"Postnatal Disruption of the Disintegrin/Metalloproteinase ADAM10 in Brain Causes Epileptic Seizures, Learning Deficits, Altered Spine Morphology, and Defective Synaptic Functions",VABB-1,12915,15928,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345677,,Tauroursodeoxycholic acid suppresses amyloid β-induced synaptic toxicity in vitro and in APP/PS1 mice,VABB-1,551,561,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345678,,Observations in THY-Tau22 mice that resemble behavioral and psychological signs and symptoms of dementia,VABB-1,34,39,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345680,,Homologous involvement of striatum and prefrontal cortex in rodent and human water maze learning,VABB-1,3131,3136,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345681,,AMIGO2 mRNA expression in hippocampal CA2 and CA3a,VABB-1,123,130,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345682,,Haploinsufficiency of VGluT1 but not VGluT2 impairs extinction of spatial preference and response suppression,VABB-1,13,21,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345683,,Increased gait variability in mice with small cerebellar cortex lesions and normal rotarod performance,VABB-1,32,37,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345684,,Loss of survivin in neural precursor cells results in impaired long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus and CA1-region,VABB-1,413,419,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345686,,Generation and Characterization of an Nxf7 Knockout Mouse to Study NXF5 Deficiency in a Patient with Intellectual Disability,VABB-1,e64144,e64144,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345687,,Configural Gestalts remain nothing more than the sum of their parts in visual agnosia,VABB-1,493,497,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345688,,Haploinsufficiency of the autism candidate gene Neurobeachin induces autism-like behaviors and affects cellular and molecular processes of synaptic plasticity in mice,VABB-1,144,151,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345689,,Chronic administration of AFQ056/Mavoglurant restores social behaviour in Fmr1 knockout mice,VABB-1,72,79,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345690,,Chronic 5-HT4 receptor activation decreases Aβ production and deposition in hAPP/PS1 mice,VABB-1,1779,1789,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345691,,More complex brains are not always better: Rats outperform humans in implicit category-based generalization by implementing a similarity-based strategy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:345692,,Amyloid and Tau Neuropathology Differentially Affect Prefrontal Synaptic Plasticity and Cognitive Performance in Mouse Models of Alzheimer's Disease,VABB-1,109,125,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345693,,"Low hippocampal PI(4,5)P(2) contributes to reduced cognition in old mice as a result of loss of MARCKS",VABB-1,449,U114,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345694,,System Identification of mGluR-Dependent Long-Term Depression,VABB-1,650,670,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345695,,rAAV2/7 vector-mediated overexpression of alpha-synuclein in mouse substantia nigra induces protein aggregation and progressive dose-dependent neurodegeneration,VABB-1,44,44,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345700,,Fiscale en sociale kennisgevingen na overlijden,VABB-1,15,32,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345703,,Tontine en exclusief genot,VABB-1,1300,1303,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:345704,,De verbintenisrechtelijke vergoedingsregels in het raam van onroerende natrekking,VABB-1,496,500,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345712,,De geldigheid en tegenwerpelijkheid van de overdracht van roerende lichamelijke goederen,VABB-1,323,336,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345713,,The Delivery Requirement in So-called Consensual Transfer Systems,VABB-1,1277,1297,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345717,,Workplace mediation: An underdeveloped research area,VABB-1,329,353,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345720,,"Interpersonal Justice, Relational Conflict, and Commitment to Change: The Moderating Role of Social Interaction",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345721,,The role of affect in the relationship between distributive justice expectations and applicants' recommendation and litigation intentions,VABB-1,383,509,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345724,,Work Motivation: A Conceptual and Empirical Overview and Suggestions for the Future Avenues from the Perspective of Self-Determination Theory,VABB-1,15,32,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345726,,The Arabic version of the hospital survey on patient safety culture: a psychometric evaluation in a Palestinian sample,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345728,,Standing by your Organization: The Impact of Organizational Identification and Abusive Supervision on Followers' Perceived Cohesion and Tendency to Gossip,VABB-1,623,634,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345729,,Training Resilience for High-risk Environments: Towards a Strength-based Approach within the Military,VABB-4,313,329,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345731,,The Job Demands-Resources Model: Overview and Critical Appraisal,VABB-4,83,107,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345732,,Self-focus and procedural fairness: The role of self-rumination and self-reflection,VABB-1,151,167,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345734,,What friends tell you about justice: The influence of peer communication on applicant reactions,VABB-1,37,44,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345735,,Testing the strain hypothesis of the Demand Control Model to explain severe bullying at work,VABB-1,69,87,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345736,,"Sociale bemiddeling in België: Kansen, uitdagingen en knelpunten - Verslag Academische Zitting",VABB-1,69,74,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345737,,When does self-promotion work? The influence of temporal distance on interviewer evaluations,VABB-1,109,117,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345739,,Increasing the selectivity of threat through post-training instructions: Identifying one stimulus as source of danger reduces the threat value of surrounding stimuli,VABB-1,315,324,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345740,,The weight of cognitions in panic: The link between misinterpretations and panic attacks,VABB-1,e70315,e70315,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345741,,Language attitudes revisited: Auditory affective priming,VABB-1,83,92,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345742,,Fear extinction and relapse: state of the art,VABB-1,215,248,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345743,,Pre-trauma individual differences in extinction learning predict posttraumatic stress,VABB-1,63,67,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345744,,Cued reacquisition trials during extinction weaken contextual renewal in human predictive learning,VABB-1,184,195,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345745,,Rating data are underrated: Validity of US expectancy in human fear conditioning,VABB-1,201,206,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345746,,Individual differences in discriminatory fear learning under conditions of ambiguity: A vulnerability factor for anxiety disorders?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345747,,Reduced memory specificity predicts the acquisition of problem solving skills in psychoeducation,VABB-1,135,140,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345748,,Learning to fear obstructed breathing: Comparing interoceptive and exteroceptive cues,VABB-1,36,42,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345749,,Psychophysiological response patterns to affective film stimuli,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345750,,"ExpTimer: timer software to facilitate complex, multi-step procedures",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345751,,Reduction in memory specificity following an Approach/Avoidance Scrambled Sentences Task relates to cognitive avoidant coping,VABB-1,73,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345752,,What's wrong with fear conditioning?,VABB-1,90,96,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345753,,Interference resolution moderates the impact of rumination and reappraisal on affective experiences in daily life,VABB-1,492,501,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345754,,Disentangling fear and anxiety in self-reported responses to situational scripts,VABB-1,221,236,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345755,,"Extinction, generalization and return of fear: a critical review of renewal research in humans",VABB-1,51,58,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345756,,Worry as a predictor of fear acquisition in a non-clinical sample,VABB-1,723,750,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345757,,Encouraging children to think counterfactually enhances blocking in a causal learning task,VABB-1,1910,1926,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345758,,"Don’t worry, be mindful: Effects of induced worry and mindfulness on respiratory variability in a nonanxious population",VABB-1,147,151,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345759,,Blocking in children’s causal learning depends on working memory and reasoning abilities,VABB-1,562,569,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345760,,The cognitive building blocks of emotion regulation: Ability to update working memory moderates the efficacy of rumination and reappraisal on emotion.,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345761,,"Norms of valence, arousal, dominance, and age of acquisition for 4300 Dutch words",VABB-1,169,177,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345762,,Depressive symptoms moderate the effects of a self-discrepancy induction on overgeneral autobiographical memory,VABB-1,751,761,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345763,,Detecting cheaters without thinking: Testing the automaticity of the cheater detection module,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345765,,Preexposure to (un)predictable shock modulates discriminative fear learning between cue and context: An investigation of the interaction between fear and anxiety,VABB-1,180,187,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345766,,Can you enhance executive control without glucose? The effects of fructose on problem solving,VABB-1,645,50,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345767,,Associative foundation of causal learning in rats,VABB-1,25,41,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345768,,Increasing predictive estimations without further learning: The peak-shift effect,VABB-1,134,141,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345769,,Extinction with multiple excitors,VABB-1,119,137,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345773,,Dysphoric students show higher use of the observer perspective in their retrieval of positive versus negative autobiographical memories,VABB-1,423,30,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345774,,Reappraisal of threat value: Loss of blocking in human aversive conditioning,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345775,,The inertia of conditioned craving: Does context modulate the effect of counterconditioning?,VABB-1,51,57,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345777,,Self-discrepancy and reduced autobiographical memory specificity in ruminating students and depressed patients,VABB-1,245,262,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345779,,Generalization as a basis for emotional change: Perceptual and nonperceptual,VABB-4,67,73,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345782,,Prediction error governs pharmacologically induced amnesia for learned fear,VABB-1,830,833,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345783,,Effectiveness of a six session stress reduction program for groups,VABB-1,19,25,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345784,,The eACS: Attentional control in the presence of emotion,VABB-1,777,782,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345785,,Unpredictability and context conditioning: Does the nature of the US matter?,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345786,,Empowerment implementation: Enhancing fidelity and adaptation in a psychoeducational intervention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:345787,,Een hogere bereidheid van studenten voor inspraak en medezeggenschap in hogescholen bij groter eigenbelang,VABB-1,60,65,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:345788,,Studentenmedezeggenschap: factoren die van invloed zijn op de participatiebereidheid van studenten,VABB-1,124,143,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:345790,,Repeated activation of a CS-US-contingency memory results in sustained conditioned responding,VABB-1,305,305,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345791,,Handhaving van consumentenbescherming via strafsancties - Kritische analyse,VABB-1,5,43,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:345792,,Persisting anorectal dysfunction after rectal cancer surgery,VABB-1,e672,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345793,,Upper and lower lumbar segments move differently during sit-to-stand,VABB-1,390,394,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345794,,Investigating the effect of real-time spinal postural biofeedback on seated discomfort in people with non-specific chronic low back pain,VABB-1,1315,1325,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345795,,Treatment options to improve anorectal function following rectal resection: a systematic review,VABB-1,67,78,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345796,,CERVICAL MOTOR DYSFUNCTION AND ITS PREDICTIVE VALUE FOR LONG-TERM RECOVERY IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE WHIPLASH-ASSOCIATED DISORDERS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW,VABB-1,113,122,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345797,,Specific flexion-related low back pain and sitting: comparison of seated discomfort on two different chairs,VABB-1,650,658,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345798,,The effect of dynamic sitting on trunk muscle activation: A systematic review,VABB-1,628,635,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345800,,Sarcopenia and its relationship with bone mineral density in middle-aged and elderly European men,VABB-1,87,98,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345802,,"Expressive vocabulary, morphology, syntax and narrative skills in profoundly deaf children after early cochlear implantation",VABB-1,2008,2022,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345803,,A new method to analyze postural stability during a transition task from double-leg stance to single-leg stance,VABB-1,2213,2219,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345805,,Which aspects of postural control differentiate between patients with Parkinson’s disease with and without freezing of gait?,VABB-1,/,/,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345806,,Gait characteristics and lower limb muscle strength in women with early and established knee osteoarthritis,VABB-1,40,47,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345807,,Frequency domain mediolateral balance assessment using a center of pressure tracking task,VABB-1,2831,6,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345808,,"Association of postural control with muscle strength, proprioception, self-reported knee instability and activity limitations in patients with knee osteoarthritis",VABB-1,192,197,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345809,,Comparison of foot segmental mobility and coupling during gait between patients with diabetes mellitus with and without neuropathy and adults without diabetes,VABB-1,813,819,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345810,,Pattern description and reliability parameters of six force-time related indices measured with plantar pressure measurements,VABB-1,824,829,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345811,,Associations of serum C-Reactive Protein and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate with Muscle strength in patients with Knee Osteoarthritis,VABB-1,727,732,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345812,,Tendon strain imaging using non-rigid image registration: a validation study,VABB-5,10p,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345813,,Narrative spoken language skills in severely hearing impaired school-aged children with cochlear implants,VABB-1,3833,3846,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345814,,Long-Term Impact of Strength Training on Muscle Strength Characteristics in Older Adults,VABB-1,2054,2060,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345815,,"Proprioceptive accuracy in women with early and established knee osteoarthritis and its relation to functional ability, postural control, and muscle strength",VABB-1,1365,1374,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345816,,Postural strategy and back muscle oxygenation during inspiratory muscle loading,VABB-1,1355,1362,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345817,,The assessment of inspiratory muscle fatigue in healthy individuals: A systematic review,VABB-1,331,346,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345819,,Proprioceptive changes impair balance control in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345821,,Greater diaphragm fatigability in individuals with recurrent low back pain,VABB-1,199,123,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345822,,A systematic review of 3D scapular kinematics and muscle activity during elevation in stroke subjects and controls,VABB-1,3,13,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345826,,Lumbar repositioning error in sitting: Healthy controls versus people with sitting-related non-specific chronic low back pain (flexion pattern),VABB-1,526,532,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345830,,"Affect dynamics in relation to depressive symptoms: Variable, unstable or inert?",VABB-1,1132,1141,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345831,,Contextualized personality questionnaires: A case for copulas in structural equation models for categorical data,VABB-1,845,870,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345832,,The relationship between arousal and the remembered duration of positive events,VABB-1,493,496,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345833,,"Matching structural, effective, and functional connectivity: A comparison between structural equation modeling and ancestral graphs",VABB-1,375,385,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345834,,"Perceived causal relations between anxiety, posttraumatic stress and depression: extension to moderation, mediation, and network analysis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345835,,Modelling rater differences in the analysis of three-way three-mode binary data,VABB-5,123,133,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345836,,Idealness and similarity in goal-derived categories: A computational examination,VABB-1,312,327,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345837,,Modeling item-position effects within an IRT framework,VABB-1,164,185,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345838,,Personality disorder dysfunction versus traits: Structural and conceptual issues,VABB-1,293,303,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345839,,Constrained multilevel latent class models for the analysis of three-way three-mode binary data,VABB-1,306,337,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345840,,Affective instability in daily life is predicted by resting heart rate variability,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345841,,Non-graphical solutions for Cattell’s scree test,VABB-1,23,29,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345842,,Item purification does not always improve DIF detection: A counterexample with Angoff ’s delta plot,VABB-1,293,311,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345844,,A network approach to psychopathology: New insights into clinical longitudinal data,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345845,,A note on the item information function of the four-parameter logistic model,VABB-1,304,315,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345846,,Identifying common and distinctive processes underlying multiset data,VABB-1,40,51,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345847,,Inferring protein-protein interaction complexes from immunoprecipitation data,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345848,,A diffusion model account of the relationship between the emotional flanker task and rumination and depression.,VABB-1,739,747,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345849,,Executive well-being: Updating of positive stimuli in working memory is associated with subjective well-being,VABB-1,335,340,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345850,,The relation between valence and arousal in subjective experience,VABB-1,917,940,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345852,,Sex Differences in variability in personality: A study in four samples,VABB-1,49,60,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345853,,The regulation of negative and positive affect in daily life,VABB-1,926,939,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345854,,The relation between social sharing and the duration of emotional experience,VABB-1,1023,1041,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345856,,Explanatory item response modeling of children's change on a dynamic test of analogical reasoning,VABB-1,157,168,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345857,,Being angry for different reasons: The role of personality in distributive justice,VABB-1,795,805,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345858,,Functionally Unidimensional Item Response Models for Multivariate Binary Data,VABB-1,534,562,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345859,,The duration of emotional episodes,VABB-4,174,180,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345860,,Measuring the duration of emotional experience: The influence of actual duration and response format,VABB-1,2557,2567,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345861,,Observational learning and pain-related fear: Exploring contingency learning in an experimental study using coloured warm water immersions.,VABB-1,676,688,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345862,,An R package for probabilistic latent feature analysis of two-way two-mode frequencies,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345863,,SCA with rotation to distinguish common and distinctive information in linked data,VABB-1,822,833,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345864,,The relation between appraised mismatch and the duration of negative emotions: Evidence for universality,VABB-1,481,494,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345866,,How much power and speed is measured in this test?,VABB-1,242,252,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345867,,Facebook use predicts declines in subjective well-being in young adults,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345868,,Circadian rhythm of autonomic cardiovascular control during Mars500 simulated mission to Mars,VABB-1,1023,1028,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345869,,Europe,VABB-1,537,552,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345870,,The Temporal Scope of the Rome II Regulation after Homawoo,VABB-1,289,300,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345874,,Waste,VABB-4,1,282,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345875,,The Practice of Arbitration,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:345876,,The Environmental Liability Directive’s background,VABB-4,9,30,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345877,,Visual encoding and fixation target selection in free viewing: presaccadic brain potentials,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345878,,Processing statistics: an examination of focused and distributed attention using event-related potentials,VABB-1,20,25,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345879,,Conditional automaticity in subliminal morphosyntactic priming,VABB-1,399,421,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345880,,Structural information theory: the simplicity of visual form,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345881,,The interplay between visual cues and non-symbolic number and its continuous visual properties,VABB-1,642,648,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345882,,The “side” matters: How configurality is reflected in completion,VABB-1,31,45,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345883,,Mind and Brain,VABB-1,71,87,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345884,,Sensory optimization by stochastic tuning,VABB-1,798,816,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345886,,Brightness perception of unrelated self-luminous colors,VABB-1,1248,1255,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345887,,Grouping and Crowding Affect Target Appearance over Different Spatial Scales,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345888,,Geometry of imaginary spaces,VABB-1,173,182,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345889,,Cross-frequency phase synchrony around the saccade period as a correlate of perceiver's internal state,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345890,,Traveling waves and trial averaging: The nature of single-trial and averaged brain responses in large-scale cortical signals,VABB-1,95,112,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345891,,Grouping by proximity in haptic contour detection,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345892,,Mood and the DRM paradigm: An investigation of the effects of valence and arousal on false memory,VABB-1,1060,1081,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345893,,Spontaneous EEG Activity and Biases in Perception of Supra-Threshold Stimuli,VABB-5,289,295,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345894,,SFS? Not likely!,VABB-1,299,302,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345895,,Advance information modulates the global effect even without instruction on where to look,VABB-1,639,648,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345896,,Web-based training improves on-field offside decision-making performance,VABB-1,577,585,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345897,,Right fusiform response patterns reflect visual object identity rather than semantic similarity,VABB-1,87,97,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345898,,Amnesia and the DRM paradigm: How encoding factors (do not) affect lure recognition,VABB-1,95,120,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345899,,Attention and multisensory integration of emotions in schizophrenia,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345900,,Spatial arrangement in texture discrimination and texture segregation,VABB-1,36,52,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345901,,An octave effect in auditory attention,VABB-1,15225,15230,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345902,,Exocentric pointing in the visual field,VABB-1,532,542,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345903,,"ViSA: A neurodynamic model for visuospatial working memory, attentional blink and conscious access",VABB-1,745,769,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345904,,Reversing as a dynamic process: variability of ocular and brain events in perceptual switching,VABB-1,117,140,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345905,,The role of eye movements in a contour detection task,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345906,,"The Leuven Perceptual Organizing Screening Test (L-POST), an online test to assess mid-level visual perception",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345907,,The dynamics of contour integration: A simultaneous EEG-fMRI study,VABB-1,10,21,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345908,,Age-related differences in attentional cost associated with postural dual tasks: increased recruitment of generic cognitive resources in older adults,VABB-1,1824,1837,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345909,,The emergent property of border-ownership and the perception of illusory surfaces in a dynamic hierarchical system,VABB-1,54,57,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345910,,An anxiety-induced bias in the perception of a bistable point-light walker,VABB-1,548,553,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345911,,Reduced accuracy and sensitivity in the perception of emotional facial expressions in individuals with high autism spectrum traits,VABB-1,668,680,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345912,,Spatial stimulus configuration and attentional selection: Extrastriate and superior parietal interactions,VABB-1,2840,2854,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345913,,"Truth Table Task: Working Memory Load, Latencies and Perceived Relevance",VABB-1,339,364,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345914,,A neural population model for visual pattern detection,VABB-1,472,496,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345915,,Do students attend to and profit from representational illustrations of non-standard mathematical word problems?,VABB-5,217,224,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345916,,Component processes in contour integration: A direct comparison between snakes and ladders in a detection and a shape discrimination task,VABB-1,39,46,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345917,,Antecedent occipital alpha band activity predicts the impact of oculomotor events in perceptual switching,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345918,,Adaptive observers and parameter estimation for a class of systems,VABB-1,2409,2423,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345919,,Lyapunov-like conditions of forward invariance and boundedness for a class of unstable systems,VABB-1,2306,2334,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345920,,Left parietal TMS disturbs priming between symbolic and non-symbolic number representations,VABB-1,1528,1533,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345922,,Comparing the neural distance effect derived from the non–symbolic comparison and the same–different task,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345923,,Working memory load attenuates emotional enhancement in recognition memory,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345925,,Opposite Influence of Perceptual Memory on Initial and Prolonged Perception of Sensory Ambiguity,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345926,,"United we sense, divided we fail: context-driven perception of ambiguous visual stimuli",VABB-1,932,941,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345927,,Zograscopic viewing,VABB-1,192,206,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345928,,Number comparison and number line estimation rely on different mechanisms,VABB-1,17,35,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345929,,A mixture approach to vagueness and ambiguity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345930,,Accounting for graded structure in adjective categories with valence-based opposition relationships,VABB-1,568,583,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:345931,,Perceptual organization in colour perception: Inverting the gamut expansion effect,VABB-1,328,332,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345932,,"Processing convexity and concavity along a 2D contour: Figure-ground, structural shape, and attention",VABB-1,191,207,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345933,,Against better knowledge: The magical force of amodal volume completion,VABB-1,511,515,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345934,,"Further explorations of the facing bias in biological motion perception: Perspective cues, observer sex, and response times",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345936,,The Probabilities of Conditionals Revisited,VABB-1,711,730,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345937,,The neural mechanisms underlying passive and active processing of numerosity,VABB-1,301,307,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345939,,"The ""shading twist"", a dynamical shape cue",VABB-1,49,62,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345941,,The role of intuition and deliberative thinking in experts' superior tactical decision-making,VABB-1,72,78,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345942,,‘But’ how do we reason with it: An experimental investigation of the implicature stemming from ‘but’,VABB-1,194,209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345943,,Gauge fields in pictorial space,VABB-1,1213,1233,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345944,,"Emotions in “the world”: Cultural practices, products, and meanings of anger and shame in two individualist cultures",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345945,,Task and age dependent effects of visual stimulus properties on children’s explicit numerosity judgments,VABB-1,216,233,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345948,,The effect of mood on confidence in false memories,VABB-1,309,318,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345949,,"Acuity of the approximate number sense, symbolic number comparison or mapping numbers onto space: what underlies mathematics achievement?",VABB-1,418,431,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345950,,Time will show: Real time predictions during interpersonal action perception,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345951,,Single trial ERP reading based on parallel factor analysis,VABB-1,97,110,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345952,,Pleasures of ambiguity: The case of Piranesi's Carceri,VABB-1,121,138,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345963,,From sound to music: An evolutionary approach to musical semantics,VABB-1,585,606,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:345966,,"Parodistic subversion in Mauricio Kagel‘s Zehn Märsche, um den Sieg zu verfehlen (1979)",VABB-1,159,175,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:345967,,The relative importance of children’s criteria for representational adequacy in the perception of simple sonic stimuli,VABB-1,691,712,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:345973,,Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a Communications Procedure: Good News?,VABB-1,367,387,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345974,,Het recht op onderwijs voor personen met een handicap volgens Artikel 24 van het VN-Verdrag inzake de Rechten van Personen met een Handicap: juridische analyse en toepassing in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,90,104,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345978,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de adviespraktijk van de afdeling wetgeving van de Raad van State (2011-2012),VABB-1,124,158,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345979,,Antigone(s) in Straatsburg: mensenrechten tussen recht en gerechtigheid,VABB-1,762,771,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345980,,Artikel 3 EVRM als bescherming tegen socio-economische en humanitaire omstandigheden in het land van herkomst of terugkeer: de rechtspraak van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens,VABB-1,19,39,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345984,,"annotatie onder EHRM 9 oktober 2012, nr. 42811/06, Alkaya t. Turkije",VABB-1,102,106,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:345987,,Human Rights Indicators: From Theoretical Debate to Practical Application,VABB-1,380,397,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345989,,The right to a fair trial and its multiple manifestations. Article 6(1) ECHR,VABB-4,294,314,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:345995,,National Structures for the Implementation and Monitoring of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,VABB-4,11,66,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346000,,Belgium,VABB-4,126,131,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346013,,Country Report for Belgium,VABB-1,59,68,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346019,,"Ere wie ere toekomt. Over emeriti, ere-rechters en werkende magistraten",VABB-1,1670,1673,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346020,,De pleitende fiscale ambtenaar: een orgaan ad litem,VABB-1,586,589,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346022,,De ‘privaatrechtelijke’ vertegenwoordigers,VABB-1,192,200,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346023,,De gemeente tegen de gemeente. De milieustakingsvordering,VABB-1,159,171,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346027,,Art. 194 (nieuw) Gemeentedecreet: het optreden namens de gemeente (heimelijk) aan banden gelegd,VABB-1,1322,1329,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346029,,Het bedekte gelaat van de Belgische Grondwet. Het Belgisch Grondwettelijk Hof en het ‘boerkaverbod’,VABB-1,251,267,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346032,,De uitbreiding van de constitutieve autonomie ingevolge de zesde staatshervorming,VABB-1,440,451,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346033,,Uncovering French and Belgian Face Covering Bans,VABB-1,69,99,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346036,,De Grondwet aan het gezicht onttrokken. Het Grondwettelijk Hof en het ‘boerkaverbod,VABB-1,250,260,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346039,,"Religie tussen definitie en divinatie. Over de Rokerskerk, Satanistische Zusters en Onzichtbare Roze Eenhoorns",VABB-1,190,198,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346040,,De splitsing van de kieskring Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde - over vijf minuten die tien jaar werden,VABB-1,389,416,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346042,,De wetgever en experimentalisme: de juridische grenzen van een wetgevingsaanpak,VABB-1,16,38,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346049,,Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes. Onderwijsfinanciering is ook onderwijsbeleid,VABB-1,399,406,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346052,,Stilstaan is vooruitgaan. De artikelen 16bis BHWI en 5bis BBW na de zesde staatshervorming,VABB-1,436,439,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346057,,Status quaestionis van de bevoegdheidsverdeling inzake grondrechten,VABB-1,162,173,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346058,,Kroniek rechtspraak EHRM 2011,VABB-1,317,332,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346059,,Kroniek rechtspraak EHRM 2010,VABB-1,275,290,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346060,,Beyond Federal Dogmatics,VABB-2,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346070,,De onbestaande bestuurshandeling – hoe bestaat het?,VABB-1,589,593,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346071,,Touwtrekken om een vredesdividend. De wet van 13 augustus 2011 inzake overheidsopdrachten op defensie- en veiligheidsgebied in context geplaatst,VABB-1,374,386,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346074,,Art. 331 WIB 92: het Grondwettelijk Hof zwakt de administratieve gijzeling af (maar er komt ook tegenwind),VABB-1,191,195,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346076,,Processes of modernization in horticulture food value chains in Rwanda,VABB-1,273,283,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346077,,Adoption of conservation agriculture in the Mexican Bajio,VABB-1,171,178,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346078,,"Horticultural exports, female wage employment and primary school enrolment: Theory and evidence from Senegal",VABB-1,118,131,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346079,,Do private standards create exclusive supply chains? New evidence from the Peruvian asparagus export sector,VABB-1,291,305,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346080,,Private Food Standards and Firm-Level Trade Effects: A Dynamic Analysis of the Peruvian Asparagus Export Sector,VABB-4,187,210,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346082,,Adoption of climbing beans in the central highlands of Kenya: an empirical analysis of farmers’ adoption decisions,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346083,,Green market expansion by reducing information asymmetries: Evidence for Labeled Organic Food Products,VABB-1,31,43,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346085,,"Soil and water conservation technologies and technical efficiency in banana production in upper Rwizi micro-catchment, Uganda",VABB-1,13,29,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346086,,Economic assessment at farm level of the implementation of deficit irrigation for quinoa production in the Southern Bolivian Altiplano,VABB-1,894,907,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346087,,"An Investigation into the Socio-psychological Determinants of Farmers' Conservation Decisions: Method and Implications for Policy, Extension and Research",VABB-1,53,72,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346089,,"Experimental Auctions, Collective Induction and Choice Shift: Willingness-to-pay for Rice Quality in Senegal",VABB-1,261,286,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346090,,Does contracting make farmers happy? Evidence from Senegal,VABB-1,138,160,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346091,,Influence of altered gait patterns on the hip joint contact forces,VABB-1,352,359,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346092,,An extended dynamometer set-up to improve the accuracy of knee joint moment assessment,VABB-1,1202,1208,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346094,,Alterated talar and navicular bone morphology is associated with pes planus deformity: A CT-scan study,VABB-1,282,287,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346095,,"The flexion synergy, mother of all synergies and father of new models of gait",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346096,,Early respiratory dysfunction as a biomarker for epileptic encephalopathy,VABB-1,381,385,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346097,,Muscle contributions to center of mass acceleration adapt to asymmetric walking in healthy subjects,VABB-1,739,44,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346098,,In vitro analysis of muscle activity illustrates mediolateral decoupling of hind and mid foot bone motion,VABB-1,56,61,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346099,,An in vitro approach to the evaluation of foot-ankle kinematics: Performance evaluation of a custom-built gait simulator,VABB-1,955,67,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346100,,Process evaluation of podiatric treatment of patients with forefoot pain,VABB-1,32,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346101,,Effect of thong style flip-flops on children's barefoot walking and jogging kinematics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346102,,Gait stability in children with Cerebral Palsy,VABB-1,1689,1699,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346103,,Influence of weak hip abductor muscles on joint contact forces during normal walking: probabilistic modeling analysis,VABB-1,2186,93,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346105,,De onteigeningsvergoeding bij de onteigening van verontreinigde gronden,VABB-1,20,25,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346112,,Engineering institutions and networking in nineteenth-century Belgium and Britain,VABB-1,25,35,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346114,,Regionalism and Modernity. Architecture in Western Europe 1914-1940,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346115,,Transnational religious history,VABB-1,146,150,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346117,,Das Ausbalancieren von öffentlicher und privater Initiative auf dem Markt der Wohltätigkeit: Belgien im 19. Jahrhundert,VABB-4,257,282,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:346130,,"De Belgische Gids voor de magistraten: slag in het water, voorlopige moraal of dubbele binding?",VABB-1,1555,1606,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346132,,The security-development nexus and securitization in the EU's policies towards developing countries,VABB-1,556,572,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346133,,The making and unmaking of religious boundaries: Comparing Turkish and Moroccan Muslim minorities in European Cities,VABB-1,123,145,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346134,,Contextualizing religious acculturation: Cross-cultural perspectives on Muslim minorities in Western Europe,VABB-1,203,214,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346136,,Are you feeling what I'm feeling? Emotional similarity buffers stress,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346139,,Feeling close and doing well,VABB-1,682,694,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346140,,"Defending honour, keeping face: Interpersonal affordances of anger and shame in Turkey and Japan",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346141,,Gender and developmental pathways of acculturation and adaptation in immigrant adolescents,VABB-4,177,190,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346143,,A cultural perspective on emotion labor,VABB-4,251,272,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346144,,What I infer depends on who you are: The influence of stereotypes on trait and situational spontaneous inferences,VABB-1,1247,1256,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346145,,"Cultural regulation of emotion: Individual, relational, and structural sources",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346146,,From ethnic capital to ethnic educational inequality: How family and co-ethnic neighbourhood resources affect second-generation attainment in Belgium,VABB-1,1239,1250,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346148,,"""They are all the same"": Low perceived typicality and outgroup disapproval as buffers of intergroup threat in mass media",VABB-1,146,158,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346149,,Dual Identity Under Threat: When and How Do Turkish and Moroccan Minorities,VABB-1,214,222,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346151,,The ISI Change phenomenon: When contradicting one stereotype changes another,VABB-1,624,633,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346152,,Condoned or condemned: The situational affordance of anger and shame in the United States and Japan,VABB-1,540,553,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346153,,Emotional Acculturation,VABB-4,127,133,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346155,, Towards a student-oriented video annotation tool and language learning environment,VABB-5,5018,5025,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346156,,Co-Constructing Colonial Dichotomies in Female Former Colonizers' Narratives of the Belgian Congo,VABB-1,E66,E83,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346157,,Rearranging (in) space: On mobility and its relevance for the study of face-to-face interaction,VABB-4,434,463,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346159,,The collaborative organisation of next actions in a semiotically rich environment. Shopping as a couple,VABB-4,123,151,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346162,,Negotiating professional and leader identities in interviews with female Indian professionals,VABB-1,175,198,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346163,,Modal particles: Problems in defining a category,VABB-4,133,161,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346164,,A review on leadership of head nurses and patient safety and quality of care,VABB-1,3,34,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346165,,"Hardiness promotes work engagement, prevents burnout, and moderates their relationship",VABB-1,105,115,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346166,,Is a funny worker a productive worker?,VABB-1,426,444,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346167,,"Burnout en bevlogenheid bij Vlaamse journalisten: prevalentie, antecedenten en gevolgen",VABB-1,287,303,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346168,,Do job resources affect work engagement via psychological empowerment? A mediation analysis,VABB-1,127,134,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346169,,Coping with job insecurity: Exploring effects on perceived health and organizational attitudes,VABB-1,484,502,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346170,,Does Positive Affect Buffer the Associations between Job Insecurity and Work Engagement and Psychological Distress? A Test among South African Workers,VABB-1,558,570,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346171,,A longitudinal person-centred view on perceived employability: The role of job insecurity,VABB-1,490,503,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346172,,The cognitive/affective distinction of job insecurity: Validation and differential relations,VABB-1,127,134,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346173,,Outcomes of Job Insecurity Climate: The Role of Climate Strength,VABB-1,382,405,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346174,,"Better interprofessional teamwork, higher level of organized care, and lower risk of burnout in acute healthcare teams using care pathways: A cluster randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,99,107,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346175,,Can a leader be seen as too ethical? The curvilinear effects of ethical leadership,VABB-1,680,695,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346178,,Money or children? Power sources in divorce mediation,VABB-1,161,175,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346181,,The Role of Hierarchy in Face-to-Face and E-Supported Mediations: The Use of an Online Intake to Balance Hierarchy,VABB-1,305,319,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346182,,Team entitativity and teacher teams in schools: Towards a typology,VABB-1,86,98,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346183,,Burn-out en fysieke arbeidsomstandigheden. Onderzoek naar een mogelijke associatie bij 842 Waalse werknemers in België,VABB-1,8,13,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346184,,Health care professionals as second victims after adverse events: a systematic review,VABB-1,135,162,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346185,,Interpregnancy weight change and risk for adverse perinatal outcome,VABB-1,999,1009,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346186,,Stress classification by separation of respiratory modulations in heart rate variability using orthogonal subspace projection,VABB-5,6123,6126,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346187,,Feasibility of a nurse-led in-home cognitive behavioral program to manage concerns about falls in frail older people: A process evaluation,VABB-1,257,270,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346188,,"Accuracy and awareness of perception: Related, yet distinct (commentary on Herbert et al., 2012)",VABB-1,426,427,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346189,,Cardiorespiratory dynamic response to mental stress : a multivariate time-frequency analysis,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346190,,Analysis of cardio-respiratory dynamics during mental stress using (partial) time-frequency spectra,VABB-5,105,108,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346192,,Breath holding duration as a measure of distress tolerance: examining its relation to measures of executive control,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346194,,"Goals, mood and performance duration on cognitive tasks during experimentally induced mechanical pressure pain",VABB-1,240,247,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346195,,Oral health and oral health-related behaviour in preschool children: evidence for a social gradient,VABB-1,231,237,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346196,,"Mood, stop-rules and task persistence: No Mood-as-Input effects in the context of pain",VABB-1,463,468,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346197,,Disability and fear of movement,VABB-4,1126,1130,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346199,,Measuring determinants of oral health behaviour in parents of preschool children,VABB-1,19,25,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346200,,Enhanced cardiac perception is associated with increased susceptibility to framing effects,VABB-1,922,935,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346201,,Pain catastrophizing moderates the effects of pain-contingent task interruptions,VABB-1,1082,1092,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346202,,The acquisition and generalization of cued and contextual pain-related fear: An experimental study using a voluntary movement paradigm,VABB-1,272,282,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346207,,"Quality of life, emotion regulation, and heart rate variability in individuals with intellectual disabilities and concomitant impaired vision",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346208,,"Anxiety, pCO2 and cerebral blood flow",VABB-1,72,77,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346209,,Respiratory variability and sighing: A psychophysiological reset model,VABB-1,24,32,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346211,,"Activity pacing in chronic pain: Concepts, evidence, and future directions",VABB-1,461,468,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346212,,Inducing symptoms in high symptom reporters via emotional pictures: The interactive effects of valence and arousal,VABB-1,191,196,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346213,,Tinnitus: A Cost Study,VABB-1,508,514,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346214,,Confirmatory factor analysis of the Dutch Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale: Comparison of the full and short version,VABB-1,21,29,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346215,,Caffeine Intake During Pregnancy and Risk of Problem Behavior in 5- to 6-Year-Old Children,VABB-1,E305,E313,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346216,,Separating acoustic deviance from novelty during the first year of life: A review of event related potential evidence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346218,,Inhibitory control in childhood stuttering,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346219,,Psychosocial stress during pregnancy is related to adverse birth outcomes: results from a large multi-ethnic community-based birth cohort,VABB-1,485,491,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346220,,Detecting violations of temporal regularities in waking and sleeping two-month-old infants,VABB-1,315,322,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346223,,The psychology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,458,463,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346225,,The impact of a high-grade glioma on everyday life: A systematic review from the patient's and caregiver's perspective,VABB-1,107,117,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346226,,Anxiety and depressed mood in obese pregnant women: a prospective controlled cohort study,VABB-1,152,64,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346227,,Optimism lowers pain: Evidence of the causal status and underlying mechanisms,VABB-1,53,58,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346228,,Anxiety during early pregnancy predicts postpartum weight retention in obese mothers,VABB-1,1942,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346229,,Atypical modulation of startle in women in face of aversive bodily sensations,VABB-1,157,163,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346230,,Multiscale principal component analysis to separate respiratory influences from the tachogram : application to stress monitoring,VABB-5,277,280,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346231,,Perceived Triggers of Asthma: Key to Symptom Perception and Management,VABB-1,1000,1008,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346232,,Extraction of Direct Respiratory Influences from the Tachogram using Multiscale Principal Component Analysis,VABB-1,97,101,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346233,,Obesity in pregnancy: Altered onset and progression of labour,VABB-1,1303,13,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346241,,"Lessen uit het verzekeringsrecht voor de rechtsgevolgen van Fraus omnia corrumpit: kan de dader een onrechtstreeks voordeel halen uit zijn bedrieglijke fout?, noot onder Cass. 3 maart 2011",VABB-1,1098,1104,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346249,,Het bewijs door een schriftelijke getuigenverklaring. Commentaar bij de wet van 16 juli 2012,VABB-1,30,37,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346252,,Het volledige verbod op herziening van onrechtmatige bedingen: de botte bijl van het Hof van Justitie? (noot onder HvJ 14 juni 2012),VABB-1,320,331,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346260,,Contractweigering en het verbod van rechtsmisbruik; de contractvrijheid onder druk (noot onder Cass. 7 oktober 2011),VABB-1,491,495,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346261,,Kanttekening. Nieuwe wettelijke regeling voor de vergoeding van slachtoffers van grote technologische rampen,VABB-1,1076,1079,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346263,,De nieuwe richtlijn betalingsachterstand handelstransacties en haar omzetting in het Belgische recht: een mogelijkheid tot vooruitgang inzake (betalings)achterstand?,VABB-1,722,738,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346266,,De imprevisieleer in België: Quousque tandem abutere patientia nostra?,VABB-1,446,464,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346270,,Fraus omnia corrumpit in het privaatrecht,VABB-2,,,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:346271,,Evolutiepolen van de onrechtmatige bedingenleer,VABB-1,135,158,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346272,,The Role of the Principle Fraus omnia corrumpit in the European Union: A Possible Evolution Towards a General Principle of Law?,VABB-1,460,498,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:346273,,Fraus omnia corrumpit: autonome rechtsfiguur of miskend correctiemechanisme?,VABB-1,362,380,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346274,,Zuivere economische schade: hoe de pleinvrees overwinnen,VABB-1,1039,1049,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346276,,Uitkeringen tot onderhoud na echtscheiding en het recht op bewijs,VABB-1,151,157,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346277,,Buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheid voor schending van persoonlijkheidsrechten,VABB-1,522,536,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346278,,Het vertrekpunt van de vijfjarige verjaringstermijn voor buitencontractuele vorderingen: effectieve of normatieve kennis? (noot onder Cass. 26 april 2012),VABB-1,54,57,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346279,,Contractweigering kan rechtsmisbruik uitmaken (noot onder Cass. 7 oktober 2011),VABB-1,1182,1186,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346280,,Grensoverschrijdende collectieve vorderingen van gedupeerde beleggers,VABB-1,243,260,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346282,,De basisbeginselen van het contractenrecht: kroniek van de recentste evoluties,VABB-1,2,30,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346284,,Voorlopige hechtenis in het kwadraat: verbod en beperking van vrij verkeer in wetshistorisch en rechtsvergelijkend perspectief,VABB-1,153,204,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346289,,De omvang van de schade bij vervroegde beëindiging van de leasing,VABB-1,405,408,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346290,,Vergelijkende reclame in België: een overzicht,VABB-1,127,139,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346296,,De MiFID geschiktheidsbeoordeling : naar een beter georganiseerde kennis van cliënt en product,VABB-1,235,269,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346298,,Het aankondigen van uitverkopen mag niet vooraf tot betalde situaties beperkt worden,VABB-1,241,246,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346300,,Het aankondigen van uitverkopen mag niet vooraf tot bepaalde situaties beperkt worden,VABB-1,5,17,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346304,,Le caractère abusif d'une disposition d'un règlement d'un transporteur public,VABB-1,190,196,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:346305,,Les clauses abusives et paiements supplémentaires,VABB-1,553,562,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:346306,,La directive 2011/83 relative aux droits des consommateurs,VABB-1,521,524,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:346308,,De onzichtbare hand van Pareto in het cessierecht. Een rechtsvergelijkende en rechtseconomische studie,VABB-1,85,131,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346310,,Stuck in the middle with EU,VABB-1,35,41,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346312,,Parole parole parole - Over echte en holle slogans in het Belgisch vennootschapsrecht,VABB-1,94,101,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346316,,"Les règles de conduite MiFID, le droit de la consommation et le droit civil : une relation complexe",VABB-1,271,310,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:346322,,Corporate Boards in Belgium,VABB-4,119,173,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346324,,The Effect of Maintenance Quality on Spare Parts Inventory for a Fleet of Assets,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346325,,Closed Loop Recycling of Plastic Housing for Flat Screen TVs,VABB-5,P,28,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346327,,Integration of disparate data sources to perform maintenance prognosis and optimal decision making,VABB-1,440,445,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346328,,End-of-Life Treatment Strategies for Flat Screen Televisions: A Case Study,VABB-1,103,108,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346329,,An Integrated Approach to Accurate Part Manufacture in Single Point Incremental Forming using Feature Based Graph Topology,VABB-5,869,876,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346330,,Influence of Material Properties on Accuracy Response Surfaces in Single Point Incremental Forming,VABB-5,919,924,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346331,,Life cycle assessment of wheat gluten powder and derived packaging film,VABB-1,429,458,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346333,,On the Implementation of Exergy Efficiency Metrics in Discrete Manufacturing System: The Dissipative Nature of Production Processes,VABB-5,545,550,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346334,,A memetic algorithm for the travelling salesperson problem with hotel selection,VABB-1,1716,1728,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346335,,Methodology for systematic analysis and improvement of manufacturing unit process life cycle inventory (UPLCI) Part 2: Case Studies,VABB-1,242,251,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346337,,Critical comparison of methods to determine the energy input for discrete manufacturing processes,VABB-1,63,66,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346338,,Methodology for systematic analysis and improvement of manufacturing unit process life cycle inventory (UPLCI) Part 1: Methodology Description,VABB-1,69,78,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346339,,Webcrawling for a biological strategy corpus to support Biologically-Inspired Design,VABB-5,83,92,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346340,,Joint maintenance and inventory optimization systems: a review,VABB-1,499,508,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346341,,Computational Complexity and Scalability Analysis of PROSA and delegate MAS,VABB-5,29,34,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346342,,Toward Integrated Product & Process Life Cycle Planning – Environmental Perspective,VABB-1,681,702,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346343,,Refinements to the Variety Metric for Idea Evaluation,VABB-1,243,263,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346344,,Environmental impact modeling of discrete part manufacturing processes,VABB-5,557,562,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346345,,Variable Speed Limit Control Based on Extended Link Transmission Model,VABB-1,11,19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346346,,Stimulating Students to Experience Sustainable Engineering: The CQS Group T Racing Team,VABB-5,103,106,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346348,,Quantifying the economic potential of a PSS: methodology and case study,VABB-5,523,528,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346349,,Electrical energy analysis and potential environmental improvements of sheet metal punching processes,VABB-5,131,136,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346350,,Advanced feature detection algorithms for incrementally formed sheet metal parts,VABB-1,s315,s322,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346352,,Second Thoughts on Preferred End-of-Life Treatment Strategies for Consumer Products,VABB-4,30,42,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346353,,A dynamic predictive maintenance policy for complex multi-component systems,VABB-1,39,50,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346356,,"Recycling of flame retardant plastics from WEEE, technical and environmental challenges",VABB-1,67,77,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346357,,Uncertainty Determination and Quantification for Dimensional Measurements with Industrial Computed Tomography,VABB-1,535,538,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346358,,A Variable Neighborhood Search Method for the Orienteering Problem with Hotel Selection,VABB-1,150,160,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346359,,Cross-docking: State of the art,VABB-1,827,846,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346360,,The Multiconstraint Team Orienteering Problem with Multiple Time Windows,VABB-1,53,63,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346361,,Plasma Detection and Control Requirements for CO2 Laser Cutting,VABB-1,215,215,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346364,,Tool path compensation strategies for single point incremental sheet forming using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines,VABB-1,575,590,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346365,,Effects of boundary conditions on the end-of-life treatment of LCD TVs,VABB-1,35,38,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346366,,Towards online planning for open-air engineering processes,VABB-1,242,251,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346367,,Enhanced priority list unit commitment method for power systems with a high share of renewables,VABB-1,115,123,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346368,,Non-unique flows in macroscopic first-order intersection models,VABB-1,343,359,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346370,,Allocating Reforestation Areas for Sediment Flow Minimization: an Integer Programming Formulation and a Heuristic Solution Method,VABB-1,247,269,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346372,,Sense and Non-Sense of Beam Hardening Correction in CT Metrology,VABB-1,495,498,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346373,,Evaluating the impact of environmental constraints in networks: formulation and analysis in a simple case,VABB-5,104,124,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346374,,A Multi-Agent System for Modelling Urban Transport Infrastructure Using Intelligent Traffic Forecasts,VABB-4,175,186,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346375,,Traffic Radar: A Holonic Traffic Coordination System Using PROSA++ and D-MAS,VABB-4,163,174,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346376,,Dynamic Origin-Destination estimation in congested networks: theoretical findings and implications in practice,VABB-1,494,513,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346377,,In-Process Hardening in Laser Supported Incremental Sheet Metal Forming,VABB-5,827,832,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346379,,A refined typology of Product-Service Systems based on Functional Hierarchy Modeling,VABB-1,261,276,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346383,,A Tabu Search Approach to the Truck Scheduling Problem with Multiple Docks and Time Windows,VABB-1,818,826,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346384,,On the geometric accuracy in shallow sloped parts in single point incremental forming,VABB-5,1443,1450,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346385,,Cooperation between a Holonic Logistics Execution System and a Vehicle Routing Scheduling System,VABB-5,184,189,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346386,,Bending properties of locally laser heat treated AA2024-T3 aluminium alloy,VABB-5,257,264,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346387,,Enhanced formability of age-hardenable aluminium alloys by incremental forming of solution-treated blanks,VABB-5,164,171,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346388,,Do fiber-reinforced polymer composites provide environmentally benign alternatives? A life-cycle-assessment-based study,VABB-1,374,382,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346389,,Tool path generation for single point incremental forming using intelligent sequencing and multi-step mesh morphing techniques,VABB-1,1408,1418,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346390,,Energy Service Companies for Office Lighting: Characterization and Economic Potential,VABB-4,561,572,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346391,,Integrating public transportation in personalised electronic tourist guides,VABB-1,758,774,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346392,,Environmental impact of incineration of calorific industrial waste: Rotary kiln vs. cement kiln,VABB-1,1853,1863,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346393,,"Robust Railway Station Planning: an Interaction between Routing, Timetabling and Platforming",VABB-1,68,77,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346394,,An Approach for the Integration of a Scheduling System and a Multi-Agent Manufacturing Execution System. Towards a Collaborative Framework,VABB-5,W258,W263,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346395,,Sustainability assessment of industrial waste treatment processes: The case of automotive shredder residue,VABB-1,17,28,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346396,,Assessment of avanced dispatching measures for recovering disrupted railway situations,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346398,,Adjustable Tooling System for Air Bending,VABB-5,270,276,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346401,,Optimal inter-area coordination of train rescheduling decisions,VABB-1,71,88,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346403,,A mixed integer linear programming model for the strategic optimisation of biomass-for-bioenergy supply chains,VABB-5,52,63,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346405,,Quantifying the added value of an imperfectly performing condition monitoring system — Application to a wind turbine gearbox,VABB-1,45,57,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346407,,Environmental impact reduction in discrete manufacturing: Examples for non-conventional processes,VABB-5,27,34,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346409,,Manufacture of Accurate Titanium Cranio-Facial Implants with High Forming Angle Using Single Point Incremental Forming,VABB-1,223,230,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346410,,Originality and Novelty: A Different Universe,VABB-5,1961,1966,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346413,,Recent evolutions in costing systems: A literature review of Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing,VABB-1,34,64,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346414,,A Service-Oriented Approach for Holonic Manufacturing Control and Beyond,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346415,,Criticality classification of spare parts: A case study,VABB-1,570,578,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346416,,A Collaborative Framework between a Scheduling System and a Holonic Manufacturing Execution System,VABB-4,3,17,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346417,,Modelling maintenance effects on manufacturing equipment performance: results from simulation analysis,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346419,,Towards Energy and Resource Efficient Manufacturing: A Processes and Systems Approach,VABB-1,587,609,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346420,,A Prognostic Maintenance Policy – Effect on Component Lifetimes,VABB-5,148,153,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346423,,A framework for robustness analysis of road networks for short term variations in supply,VABB-1,828,842,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346424,,Dynamic Modeling of VISSIM's Critical Gap Parameter at Unsignalized Intersections,VABB-1,12,20,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346425,,A PSS model for diamond gemstone processing: economic feasibility analysis,VABB-5,395,400,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346427,,Automated classification into the Biomimicry Taxonomy,VABB-5,1161,1166,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346429,,Electric energy consumption analysis of SPIF processes,VABB-5,547,554,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346430,,The narrative quality of career conversations in vocational education,VABB-1,115,126,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346431,,Can training teachers stimulate career learning conversations? Analysis of vocational training conversations in Dutch secondary vocational education,VABB-1,333,350,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346434,,Overzicht van rechtspraak EOT (2001-2012),VABB-1,48,89,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346435,,Trusts in België: dangerous liaisons,VABB-1,1,9,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:346448,,To Reserve or Not To Reserve,VABB-1,3,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346449,,Langstlevende echtgenoot versus kinderen. Een nieuwe communautaire twist in België,VABB-1,2471,2485,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346450,,"Onwaardigheid, plaatsvervulling en huwelijksvoordelen",VABB-1,14,53,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346456,,"Een eerste commentaar bij de wet van 10 december 2012 inzake de onwaardigheid, de plaatsvervulling, de huwelijksvoordelen en de giften",VABB-1,1162,1179,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346457,,Waardig familiaal vermogensrecht,VABB-1,3,13,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346462,,De toegang tot de overheidsopdrachten van inschrijvers met een strafrechtelijk incident: een status quaestionis en een blik in de toekomst,VABB-1,3,26,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346476,,Art. 350 BW,VABB-4,1,6,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346477,,De strijd tegen intrafamiliaal geweld. Commentaar bij de wetten van 15 mei 2012 en 15 juni 2012,VABB-1,192,200,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346478,,"Rechter, vermeld steeds ook het bedrag van de voordelen in natura in uw alimentatievonnis",VABB-1,93,96,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346481,,Pleidooi voor de veralgemeende invoering van de Europese erfrechtverklaring in het Belgisch recht,VABB-1,204,213,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346485,,Elke deelgenoot heeft recht op een voorschot,VABB-1,161,164,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346491,,De relevantie van het onderscheid tussen de hoofdelijkheid en de in solidum gehoudenheid in het domein van de medeaansprakelijkheid,VABB-1,953,1033,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346494,,Feasibility of measuring event related desynchronization with electroencephalography during walking,VABB-5,2764,7,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346495,,"Flat feet, happy feet? Comparison of the dynamic plantar pressure distribution and static medial foot geometry between Malawian and Dutch adults",VABB-1,e57209,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346496,,Arm movements during split-belt walking reveal predominant patterns of interlimb coupling,VABB-1,79,90,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346497,,The relationship between joint mobility and motor performance in children with and without the diagnosis of developmental coordination disorder,VABB-1,35,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346498,,The efficacy of two task-orientated interventions for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Neuromotor Task Training and Nintendo Wii Fit Training,VABB-1,2449,61,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346499,,Classification of forefoot pain based on plantar pressure measurements,VABB-1,350,6,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346500,,Split-belt locomotion in Parkinson's disease with and without freezing of gait,VABB-1,110,6,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346501,,"Noise, variability, and motor performance in developmental coordination disorder",VABB-1,69,72,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346502,,Arm movements can increase leg muscle activity during submaximal recumbent stepping in neurologically intact individuals,VABB-1,34,42,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346503,,Double-leg stance and dynamic balance in individuals with functional ankle instability,VABB-1,968,73,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346504,,Responses of human hip abductor muscles to lateral balance perturbations during walking,VABB-1,301,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346505,,Are effects of the symmetric and asymmetric tonic neck reflexes still visible in healthy adults?,VABB-1,89,92,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346506,,Hand tapping at mixed frequencies requires more motor cortex activity compared to single frequencies: an fNIRS study,VABB-1,231,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346508,,A multi-signature brain-computer interface: use of transient and steady-state responses,VABB-1,026005,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346510,,Relearning of writing skills in Parkinson’s disease: A literature review on influential factors and optimal strategies,VABB-1,349,357,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346524,,Interlimb Coordination during Forward and Backward Walking in Primary School-Aged Children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346525,,Evaluation of motor imagery ability in neurological patients: a review,VABB-1,31,38,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346526,,Match officials,VABB-4,271,286,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346529,,White matter organization in relation to upper limb motor control in healthy subjects: exploring the added value of diffusion kurtosis imaging,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346531,,Topological correlations of structural and functional networks in patients with traumatic brain injury,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346532,,The how and why of arm swing during human walking,VABB-1,555,562,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346533,,Validity and reliability of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 Checklist for children with and without motor impairments,VABB-1,368,75,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346534,,"European Academy for Childhood Disability (EACD): recommendations on the definition, diagnosis and intervention of developmental coordination disorder (long version)",VABB-1,54,93,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346535,,Age-related changes in motor imagery from early childhood to adulthood: probing the internal representation of speed-accuracy trade-offs,VABB-1,1151,62,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346536,,Reference values for the muscle power sprint test in 6- to 12-year-old children,VABB-1,327,32,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346537,,Understanding performance deficits in developmental coordination disorder: a meta-analysis of recent research,VABB-1,217,28,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346538,,Efficacy of interventions to improve motor performance in children with developmental coordination disorder: a combined systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,229,37,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346539,,The relationship between motor coordination and intelligence across the IQ range,VABB-1,e950,6,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346540,,Ageing of internal models: from a continuous to an intermittent proprioceptive control of movement,VABB-1,1339,1355,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346542,,"CNS effects of indomethacin, should patients be cautioned about decreased mental alertness and motor coordination?",VABB-1,814,21,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346543,,The Effect of Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) on Static Balance and Gait,VABB-1,244,50,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346545,,Does somatosensory discrimination activate different brain areas in children with unilateral cerebral palsy compared to typically developing children? An fMRI study,VABB-1,1710,1720,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346547,,Is Motor Learning Mediated by tDCS Intensity?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346548,,Bimanual motor coordination in older adults is associated with increased functional brain connectivity--a graph-theoretical analysis,VABB-1,e62133,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346549,,Task-specific effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on motor learning,VABB-1,333,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346550,,Age-related neural correlates of cognitive task performance under increased postural load,VABB-1,2111,24,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346551,,Diffusion Tensor Imaging Metrics of the Corpus Callosum in Relation to Bimanual Coordination: Effect of Task Complexity and Sensory Feedback,VABB-1,241,252,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346552,,Disturbed Cortico-Subcortical Interactions During Motor Task Switching in Traumatic Brain Injury,VABB-1,1254,71,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346554,,Proprioception: Bilateral inputs first,VABB-1,96,100,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346555,,The contribution of step characteristics to sprint running performance in high-level male and female athletes,VABB-1,116,124,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346556,,A Clinical Measurement to Quantify Spasticity in Children with Cerebral Palsy by Integration of Multidimensional Signals,VABB-1,141,147,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346557,,Comprehensive quantification of the spastic catch in children with Cerebral Palsy,VABB-1,386,396,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346558,,A technological platform for cerebral palsy - The ICT4Rehab project,VABB-1,529,536,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346559,,Can the Dyskinesia Impairment Scale be used by inexperienced raters? A reliability study,VABB-1,238,247,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346560,,Validation of a screening battery to predict driving fitness in persons with Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,671,674,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346561,,Six-Minute Walk Test: Reference Values and Prediction Equation in Healthy Boys Aged 5 to12 Years,VABB-1,e84120,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346562,,Virtual reality for rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346564,,Clinical characteristics of impaired trunk control in children with spastic cerebral palsy,VABB-1,327,334,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346565,,Shifting up a gear: considerations on assessment and rehabilitation of driving in people with neurological conditions. An extended editorial,VABB-1,125,131,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346566,,Interventions for preventing falls in people after stroke,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346567,,Stroke Rehabilitation: Issues for Physiotherapy and Physiotherapy Research to Improve Life after Stroke,VABB-1,65,69,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346569,,Impaired implicit sequence learning in Parkinson's disease patients with freezing of gait,VABB-1,28,36,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346570,,Summary of the recommendations of the EFNS/MDS-ES review on therapeutic management of Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,5,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346572,,Guidelines for future research in constraint-induced movement therapy for children with unilateral cerebral palsy: an expert consensus,VABB-1,125,137,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346573,,Three-dimensional head and trunk movement characteristics during gait in children with spastic diplegia,VABB-1,770,776,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346575,,Test-retest reliability and developmental evolution of the six minute walk test in Caucasian boys aged 5-12 years,VABB-1,19,24,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346576,,Challenges of instrumented spasticity assessment,VABB-1,586,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346577,,Freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: where are we now?,VABB-1,350,/,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346578,,Characterizing freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: Models of an episodic phenomenon,VABB-1,1509,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346579,,Driving and off-road impairments underlying failure on road testing in Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,1949,1956,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346580,,Randomized Trial of Modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy With and Without an Intensive Therapy Program in Children With Unilateral Cerebral Palsy,VABB-1,799,807,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346581,,Head-pelvis coupling is increased during turning in patients with Parkinson's disease and freezing of gait,VABB-1,619,25,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346582,,Ambulatory capacity and disease progression as measured by the 6-minute-walk-distance in Duchenne muscular dystrophy subjects on daily corticosteroids,VABB-1,618,23,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346583,,Development of the Performance of the Upper Limb module for Duchenne muscular dystrophy,VABB-1,1038,45,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346584,,Anxiety and depression after stroke: a 5 year follow-up,VABB-1,140,145,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346585,,Influence of preoperative and postoperative pelvic floor muslce training (PFMT) compared with postoperative PFMT on urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,766,772,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346587,,Internal social processes of discipline formation: the case of kinanthropometry,VABB-1,312,320,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346588,,CFD simulations of the aerodynamic drag of two drafting cyclists,VABB-1,435,445,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346589,,Additive insulinogenic action of Opuntia ficus-indica cladode and fruit skin extract and leucine after exercise in healthy males,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346590,,"Exercise Capacity, Physical Activity, and Obesity in Adults With Repaired Aortic Coarctation",VABB-1,66,73,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:346591,,Disruption of skeletal muscle mitochondrial network genes and miRNAs in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,VABB-1,107,117,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346592,,Effect of acute environmental hypoxia on protein metabolism in human skeletal muscle,VABB-1,251,264,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346593,,Long-term effectiveness and mediators of a need-supportive physical activity coaching among Flemish sedentary adults,VABB-1,407,417,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346594,,Acute vs chronic hypoxia: what are the consequences for skeletal muscle mass?,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346595,,Sprint Interval Training in Hypoxia Stimulates Glycolytic Enzyme Activity,VABB-1,2166,2174,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346596,,Contribution of non-esterified fatty acids to mitogen-activated protein kinases activation in human skeletal muscle during endurance exercise,VABB-1,201,209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346597,,Endurance training in mice increases the unfolded protein response induced by a high-fat diet,VABB-1,215,225,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346598,,Effects of high altitude and cold air exposure on airway inflammation in asthmatics,VABB-1,906,913,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346599,,CFD Modeling of Air Cooling of Multiple Beef Carcasses Using 3D Geometrical Models,VABB-5,159,164,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346600,,Endoplasmic reticulum stress in human skeletal muscle: any contribution to sarcopenia?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346601,,Reliability of power output during eccentric sprint cycling,VABB-1,76,82,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346602,,Force depression and relaxation kinetics after active shortening and deactivation in mouse soleus muscle,VABB-1,1021,6,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346604,,The link between resource problems and interorganisational relationships. A quantitative study of Western European sport clubs,VABB-1,31,45,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346605,,Visitor composition and event-related spending,VABB-1,132,147,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346606,,The effect of exercise on the cardiovascular risk factors constituting the Metabolic Syndrome: a meta-analysis of controlled trials,VABB-1,121,133,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346608,,Improving physical activity in COPD: towards a new paradigm,VABB-1,1,1,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346611,,Systematic review of breast cancer related lymphoedema: making a balanced decision to perform an axillary clearance,VABB-1,106,115,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346613,,"Physical activity, physical fitness and the effect of exercise training interventions in lymphoma patients: as systematic review",VABB-1,1007,1021,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346614,,Increased pulmonary artery pressures during exercise are related to persistent tricuspid regurgitation after atrial septal defect closure,VABB-1,365,372,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346615,,Rationale and design of a randomized trial on the effectiveness of aerobic interval training in patients with coronary artery disease: The SAINTEX-CAD study,VABB-1,3532,3536,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346616,,A Systematic Review of the Relationship between Physical Activities in Sports or Daily Life and Postural Sway in Upright Stance,VABB-1,1171,1189,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346617,,Validity of activity monitors in health and chronic disease: a systematic review,VABB-1,84,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346618,,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: exercise training on the edge,VABB-1,1079,1080,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346619,,Daily physical activity in subjects with newly diagnosed COPD,VABB-1,962,963,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346620,,Impact of exacerbations of cystic fibrosis on muscle strength,VABB-1,46,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346621,,Validity of physical activity monitors during daily life in patients with COPD,VABB-1,1205,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346622,,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients experience with pulmonary rehabilitation: a systematic review of qualitative research,VABB-1,141,157,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346624,,Inspiratory muscle training protocol for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (IMTCO study): a multicentre randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346627,,Effect of tolerating macronutrient deficit on the development of intensive care unit-acquired weakness: a subanalysis of the EPaNIC trial,VABB-1,621,629,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346629,,Aerobic exercise beneficially affects ambulatory blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,639,648,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346630,,Usefulness of cardiopulmonary exercise testing to predict the development of arterial hypertension in adult patients with repaired isolated coarctation of the aorta,VABB-1,2037,2041,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346631,,The influence of comrbidities on outcomes of pulmonary rehabilitation programs in patients with COPD: a systematic review,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346633,,Measurement validity of an electronic inspiratory loading device during a loaded breathing task in patients with COPD,VABB-1,633,5,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346634,,Nonlinear exercise training in advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is superior to traditional exercise training. A randomized trial,VABB-1,193,200,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346635,,Course length of 30 metres versus 10 metres has a significant influence on six-minute walk distance in patients with COPD: an experimental crossover study,VABB-1,169,76,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346636,,Discrepancy between functional exercise capacity and daily physical activity: a cross-sectional study in patients with mild to moderate COPD,VABB-1,425,30,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346637,,Reliability and validity of perceived self-efficacy in wheeled mobility scale among elite wheelchair-dependent athletes with a spinal cord injury,VABB-1,851,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346638,,Reliability Of The Test Of Wheeled Mobility (Towm) And The Short Wheelie Test,VABB-1,761,70,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346642,,Can Cognitive Behavioural Therapy based Strategies be integrated into Physiotherapy for the Prevention of Chronic Low Back Pain? A Systematic Review,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346646,,Assessing children at Risk: psychometric properties of the motor behavior checklist,VABB-1,1054,1063,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:346647,,"Concordance among physical Educators', Teachers', and Parents' Perceptions of Attention Problems in Children",VABB-1,437,443,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346649,,Managing ethics in youth sport: an application of the integrity management framework,VABB-4,9,24,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346653,,Artikel 345 VWEU: een rem op de Europese harmonisatie van het goederenrecht?,VABB-1,67,87,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346654,,Belgiës gespleten erfgoedbescherming - Internationaal privaatrechtelijke aspecten van de patrimoniumpolitiek,VABB-1,2,30,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346660,,De niet-concurrentieverbintenis bij de overdracht van een handelsactiviteit,VABB-1,18,68,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346662,,The DPD-case: a case for a parcel-specific liability regime?,VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346666,,Belgian Perspective on Rainy Sky S.A. and Others (Appellants) v. Kookmin Bank (Respondent),VABB-1,1319,1358,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346670,,De (nefaste) impact van de consumentenkoop op het kunstveilingswezen,VABB-1,197,205,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346672,,Interpretatie van een borgtochtovereenkomst,VABB-1,92,110,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346673,,Ontbindingsbevoegdheid na cessie van schuldvordering,VABB-1,77,90,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346678,,Programmawet van 28 juni 2013 : wijzigingen op het vlak van registratierechten,VABB-1,466,475,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346679,,The Interaction between the Interpretation of Article 24 OECD MC and the Non-discrimination Standard Developed by the CJEU,VABB-1,172,186,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346680,,Articles 24(4) and 24(5) of the OECD Model Convention Applied to Domestic Thin Capitalization Rules,VABB-1,148,171,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346682,,"Het nieuwe onderkapitalisatieregime van artikel 198, § 1, 11° WIB",VABB-1,914,924,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346686,,Exit Taxation on Capital Gains in the European Union: A Necessary Consequence of Corporate Relocations?,VABB-1,507,522,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346688,,Antimisbruikbepaling in registratie- en successierechten : nieuwe ontwikkelingen,VABB-1,6,38,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346690,,"Inkoop eigen aandelen, op de fiscale grens tussen meerwaarde en dividend",VABB-1,118,134,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346695,,Uitzondering fiscaal bankgeheim verenigbaar met recht op privéleven (noot onder GwH 14 maart 2013),VABB-1,498,502,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346696,,Exitbelastingen op emigrerende vennootschappen : een moeilijk evenwicht na National Grid Indus,VABB-1,5,20,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346703,,Kroniek Internationaal Belastingrecht 2012,VABB-1,233,256,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346705,,Current Highlights Concerning CCCTB: A Report About the Fifth Frans Vanistendael Lecture Held in Leuven On 2 March 2012,VABB-1,225,228,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346714,,"Over leiden en lijden bij medeverzekering, noot onder Antwerpen 15 september 2010",VABB-1,540,543,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346716,,Vergoedingsregeling voor verkeersongevallen met motorrijtuigen (Art. 29bis WAM-wet),VABB-4,1,68,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346718,,Friends with Benefits?! A Comparative View on Legal Standing to Challenge Board Decisions,VABB-1,461,505,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346719,,Can’t buy me love? Over de beloning van trouwe aandeelhouders,VABB-1,7,15,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346720,,Empty Voting: A European Perspective,VABB-1,446,483,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346725,,"Enkele tussentijdse bedenkingen bij een tussenarrest: wilsgebreken bij een kapitaalverhoging, de alarmbelprocedure en de vernietigbaarheid van beslissingen van de algemene vergadering",VABB-1,654,659,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346726,,De BVBA-Starter: een kritische analyse van het wetgevend kader en het wetsontwerp,VABB-1,731,739,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346728,,Internet use for health information among haematology outpatients: A cross-sectional survey,VABB-1,62,73,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346729,,Androgen Regulation of the TMPRSS2 Gene and the Effect of a SNP in an Androgen Response Element,VABB-1,2028,40,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346731,,Fold-increase in antibody titer upon vaccination with pneumococcal unconjugated polysaccharide vaccine,VABB-1,136,138,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346732,,Rare MEFV variants are not associated with risk to develop MS and severity of disease,VABB-1,1132,1136,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346734,,Upper Esophageal Sphincter Impedance as a Marker of Sphincter Opening Diameter,VABB-1,G909,G913,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346735,,Characteristics of androgen deficiency in late-onset hypogonadism: results from the European Male Aging Study (EMAS),VABB-1,1508,1516,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346736,,Monitoring excess mortality in Europe,VABB-1,f5568,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346737,,Postmenopausal osteoporosis treatment with antiresorptives: effects of discontinuation or long-term continuation on bone turnover and fracture risk--a perspective,VABB-1,963,974,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346738,,Comparison of serum testosterone and estradiol measurements in 3174 European men using platform immunoassay and mass spectrometry; relevance for the diagnostics in aging men,VABB-1,983,991,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346739,,The hinge region in androgen receptor control,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346740,,Thyroid hormones and male sexual function,VABB-1,668,679,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346741,,Cognitieve en functionele revalidatie bij beginnende dementie,VABB-1,231,235,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346742,,The effect of 3 versus 6 years of zoledronic acid treatment of osteoporosis: a randomized extension to the HORIZON-Pivotal Fracture Trial (PFT),VABB-1,243,54,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346743,,Previous fractures at multiple sites increase the risk for subsequent fractures: the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women,VABB-1,645,53,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346744,,Relationship between bone mineral density changes with denosumab treatment and risk reduction for vertebral and nonvertebral fractures,VABB-1,687,93,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346745,,Radicale prostatectomie versus een afwachtend beleid bij gelokaliseerde door PSA-screening gedetecteerde prostaatkanker,VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346746,,Effect of co-morbidities on fracture risk: findings from the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW),VABB-1,1288,93,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346747,,Potential of polymethylmethacrylate cement-augmented helical proximal femoral nail antirotation blades to improve implant stability--a biomechanical investigation in human cadaveric femoral heads,VABB-1,E54,E59,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346748,,Effect of denosumab treatment on the risk of fractures in subgroups of women with postmenopausal osteoporosis,VABB-1,211,218,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346749,,SELECTING AN APPROPRIATE AND REIMBURSED ANTI-OSTEOPOROTIC TREATMENT OPTION: A PRACTICAL TOOL IN THE BELGIAN SETTING,VABB-1,13,18,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346750,,Relationship of changes in total hip bone mineral density to vertebral and nonvertebral fracture risk in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis treated with once-yearly zoledronic acid 5 mg: the HORIZON-Pivotal Fracture Trial (PFT),VABB-1,1627,34,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346751,,The impact of inpatient geriatric consultation teams on clinical outcome in acute hospital wards: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346752,,The discovery of novel human androgen receptor antagonist chemotypes using a combined pharmacophore screening procedure,VABB-1,644,51,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346753,,Cohort Profile: The European Male Ageing Study,VABB-1,391,401,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346755,,Selective and Classical Androgen Response Elements in Androgen-Regulated Gene Expression,VABB-4,13,28,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346756,,Comparisons of immunoassay and mass spectrometry measurements of serum estradiol levels and their influence on clinical association studies in men,VABB-1,E1097,102,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346757,,The genomic landscape of prostate cancer,VABB-1,10822,51,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346759,,Differing risk profiles for individual fracture sites: evidence from the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW),VABB-1,1907,15,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346761,,"A randomized, placebo-controlled study of the effects of denosumab for the treatment of men with low bone mineral density",VABB-1,3161,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346762,,Reduced expression of hsa-miR-27a-3p in CSF of patients with Alzheimer disease,VABB-1,2103,2106,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346763,,An increased rate of falling leads to a rise in fracture risk in postmenopausal women with self-reported osteoarthritis: a prospective multinational cohort study (GLOW),VABB-1,911,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346764,,"Evidence for safety and efficacy of risedronate in men with osteoporosis over 4 years of treatment: Results from the 2-year, open-label, extension study of a 2-year, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study",VABB-1,383,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346765,,Balloon kyphoplasty in patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures,VABB-1,423,436,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346766,,Cement augmentation of hip implants in osteoporotic bone: How much cement is needed and where should it go?,VABB-1,362,368,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346767,,The Transcription Intermediary Factor 1β coactivates the 1 Androgen Receptor,VABB-1,699,706,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346768,,Characteristics associated with anti-osteoporosis medication use: Data from the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW) USA cohort,VABB-1,975,980,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346769,,Epidemiological evidence against a role for C-reactive protein causing leptin resistance,VABB-1,101,106,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346770,,Regional Variation in Thyroid Cancer Incidence in Belgium Is Associated With Variation in Thyroid Imaging and Thyroid Disease Management,VABB-1,_,_,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346771,,A venlafaxine and mirtazapine-induced serotonin syndrome confirmed by de- and re-challenge,VABB-1,686,688,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:346772,,Healthy birth after testicular extraction of sperm and ICSI from an azoospermic man with mild androgen insensitivity syndrome caused by an androgen receptor partial loss-of-function mutation,VABB-1,593,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346773,,Regulation of androgen receptor-dependent transcription by coactivator MED1 is mediated through a newly discovered noncanonical binding motif,VABB-1,858,70,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346775,,Gelokaliseerde prostaatkanker: lange termijn ongewenste effecten van prostatectomie en externe radiotherapie,VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346777,,Testosterone and bone,VABB-4,177,190,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346778,,Atypische dijbeenfracturen in het kader van een langdurige bisfosfonaatbehandeling,VABB-1,531,538,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346779,,Androgens and skeletal muscle: cellular and molecular action mechanisms underlying the anabolic actions,VABB-1,1651,1667,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346780,,Medische preventie van osteoporotische breuken bij patiënten behandeld met glucocorticoïden,VABB-1,612,620,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346781,,Association of hypogonadism with vitamin D status: the European Male Ageing Study,VABB-1,77,85,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346782,,Genome-wide association study identifies a variant in HDAC9 associated with large vessel ischemic stroke,VABB-1,328,333,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346784,,[The attitudes and perceptions of older persons towards the automatic monitoring of the activities of daily living using contactless sensors: a systematic literature review.],VABB-1,121,131,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346786,,The influence of clinical assessment (including age) and geriatric assessment on treatment decisions in older patient with cancer,VABB-1,235,241,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346787,,Ergotamine-induced pleural and pericardial effusion successfully treated with colchicine,VABB-1,113,5,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346788,,Poor bone microarchitecture in older men with impaired physical performance-the STRAMBO study,VABB-1,2785,2796,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346789,,"Burden of non-hip, non-vertebral fractures on quality of life in postmenopausal women : The Global Longitudinal study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW)",VABB-1,2863,2871,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346790,,Fall incidents unraveled: A series of 26 video-based real-life fall events in three frail older persons,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346791,,Alternative analyses for handling incomplete follow-up in the intention-to-treat analysis: the randomized controlled trial of balloon kyphoplasty versus non-surgical care for vertebral compression fracture (FREE),VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346792,,Impact of clinical fractures on health-related quality of life is dependent on time of assessment since fracture: results from the FREEDOM trial,VABB-1,1361,9,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346793,,"Non-hip, non-spine fractures drive healthcare utilization following a fracture: the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW)",VABB-1,59,67,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346794,,Implications for fracture healing of current and new osteoporosis treatments: an ESCEO consensus paper,VABB-1,343,53,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346795,,Efficacy and safety of risedronate 150-mg once a month in the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis: 2-year data,VABB-1,293,299,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346796,,Frailty and sarcopenia: definitions and outcome parameters,VABB-1,1839,48,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346797,,Regional and age-related variations in the proportions of hip fractures and major fractures among postmenopausal women: the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women,VABB-1,2179,88,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346798,,What's in a name? What constitutes the clinical diagnosis of osteoporosis?,VABB-1,2093,7,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346799,,Impaired bone microachitecture at the distal radius in older men with low muscle mass and grip strength - the STRAMBO study,VABB-1,169,78,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346800,,A framework for the development of guidelines for the management of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis,VABB-1,2257,76,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346801,,Denosumab Treatment in Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis Does Not Interfere with Fracture-Healing: Results from the FREEDOM Trial,VABB-1,2113,2119,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346802,,Relevance of a systematic geriatric screening and assessment in older patients with cancer : results of a prospective multicentric study,VABB-1,1306,1312,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346803,,Age-associated changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular function in middle-aged and older men are modified by weight change and lifestyle factors: longitudinal results from the European Male Ageing Study,VABB-1,445,55,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346804,,"Trends in serotype prevalence in invasive pneumococcal disease before and after infant pneumococcal vaccination in Belgium, 2002-2010",VABB-1,1529,1534,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346805,,Osteoporosis in older men: Recent advances in pathophysiology and treatment,VABB-1,527,39,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346806,,Structural basis for nuclear hormone receptor DNA binding,VABB-1,411,417,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346807,,"The interRAI Acute Care instrument incorporated in an eHealth system for standardized and web-based geriatric assessment: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the acute hospital setting",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346808,,"Extraskeletal benefits and risks of calcium, vitamin D and anti-osteoporosis medications",VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:346809,,Convergent validity of the Cognitive Performance Scale of the interRAI Acute Care and the Mini-Mental State Examination,VABB-1,636,645,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:346810,,Clinical changes in older patients during hospitalization: Responsiveness of the MDS interRAI Acute Care instrument,VABB-1,799,804,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346814,,Salduz-sancties tijdens voorlopige hechtenis,VABB-1,286,296,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346815,,De lokalisatie van opsporing in een virtuele omgeving: Wie zoekt waar in cyberspace?,VABB-1,1,25,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346827,,Het einde van de termijn van minimaal 15 dagen waarbinnen bijkomend onderzoek kan worden gevraagd,VABB-1,391,397,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346832,,Strafrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid in de officiële kinderopvang: Hoe hoog ligt de lat?,VABB-1,314,321,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346844,,La législation parue du 1er janvier 2013 au 30 avril 2013,VABB-1,140,143,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:346845,,Regelgeving inzake politie tussen 1 januari 2013 en 30 april 2013,VABB-1,135,139,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346846,,Reële valsheid vs. virtuele valsheid,VABB-1,238,243,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346851,,La législation parue du 1er avril 2012 au 31 août 2012,VABB-1,403,407,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:346852,,Van een netwerkzoeking naar online doorzoeking: grenzeloos of grensverleggend?,VABB-1,23,32,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346853,,Regelgeving inzake politie tussen 1 april 2012 en 31 augustus 2012,VABB-1,398,402,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346854,,Het Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie en de justitiële samenwerking in strafzaken,VABB-1,344,354,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346855,,Regelgeving inzake politie tussen 1 september 2011 en 31 maart 2012,VABB-1,330,339,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346857,,Ontsnapt een buitenlands schijnhuwelijk aan de Belgische strafwetgeving?,VABB-1,182,186,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346861,,Vraag en aanbod. Laat de misdrijfomschrijving van publieke omkoping nog plaats voor straffeloze poging?,VABB-1,398,402,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346862,,Grootschalig DNA-onderzoek: heiligt de efficiënte strafprocedure de opoffering van grondrechten van het individu?,VABB-1,269,285,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346864,,Hof van Cassatie verduidelijkt bijzondere omstandigheden bevel tot verlenging,VABB-1,444,448,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346869,,De gemeentelijke aanpak van mensenhandel en mensensmokkel: een analyse van het nieuwe artikel 134quinquies van de Nieuwe Gemeentewet,VABB-1,286,298,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346879,,Ontsnappen space invaders aan onze pacmannen? De materiële en formele strafrechtsmacht van België bij strafbare weigering van medewerking door elektronische dienstverleners,VABB-1,143,166,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346883,,Signalementen,VABB-1,135,139,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346891,,The EU and death penalty abolition: the limited prospects of judicial cooperation as an external policy tool,VABB-1,481,505,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346897,,Students’ individual perceptions of school climate predict reading achievement in Shanghai,VABB-1,188,198,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346898,,Disentangling conscious and unconscious processing: A subjective trial-based assessment approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346899,,Not easy to treat forensic patients. The development and initial validation of the Mind-scale,VABB-1,740,755,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346900,,The EU and the Responsibility to Protect,VABB-4,95,109,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346901,,Operationalizing the Accountability of Informal International Lawmaking,VABB-4,310,336,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346902,,Conclusion,VABB-4,926,944,,lat,2012,2 c:vabb:346903,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346904,,How the ECJ Thinks: A Study on Judicial Legitimacy,VABB-1,1302,1371,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346906,,"The Law of EU External Relations: Cases, Materials, and Commentary on the EU as an International Legal Actor",VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346909,,Le nouveau règlement de procédure de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne anno 2012,VABB-1,185,189,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:346910,,The Principle of Democracy in the Case Law of the CJEU,VABB-1,271,315,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:346912,,"From ‘Don’t Mention the Titanium Dioxide Judgment’ to ‘I Mentioned it Once, But I Think I Got Away with it All Right’: Reflections on the Choice of Legal Basis in EU External Relations after the Legal Basis for Restrictive Measures Judgment",VABB-1,537,562,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346914,,The ECJ’s judgment in Air Transport Association of America and the international legal context of the EU’s climate change policy,VABB-1,389,410,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346915,,The Principle of Democracy in the Case-Law of the European Court of Justice,VABB-4,631,658,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346921,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,261,267,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346922,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,324,330,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346923,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,87,94,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346924,,Astrazeneca: Court of Justice Upholds First Decision Finding Abuse of Dominant Position in Pharmaceutical Sector,VABB-1,228,232,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346925,,"Zaak C-199/11, Europese Gemeenschap/Otis NV e.a",VABB-1,123,127,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346926,,Pringle: A Paradigm Shift in the European Union’s Monetary Constitution,VABB-1,141,168,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346928,,Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej a ochrona praw podstawowych/The Court of Justice of the European Union and the Protection of Fundamental Rights,VABB-1,4,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346929,,"Kerpow! The United Kingdom Courts, West Tankers, and the arbitration ‘exception’ in the Brussels I Regulation",VABB-1,205,220,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346930,,European Private International Law,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346935,,The Court's Outer and Inner Selves: Exploring the External and Internal Legitimacy of the European Court of Justice,VABB-4,13,60,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346941,,Tax Mitigation vs. Tax Evasion in the Case Law of the European Court of Justice,VABB-1,219,237,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346947,,"Noot - Zaak C-136/11, Westbahn Management, zaak C-363/11, Epitropos tou Elegktikou Synedriou sto Ypourgeio Politismou kai Tourismou en zaak C-394/11, Valeri Hariev Belov",VABB-1,557,564,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346948,,Wettigheidstoetsing van handelingen van de instellingen van de Europese Unie: complementaire rechtsbescherming in een meerlagige context,VABB-1,195,211,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346951,,To Say What the Law of the EU Is: Methods of Interpretation and the European Court of Justice,VABB-5,3,48,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346952,,The concept of EU citizenship in the case law of the European Court of Justice,VABB-1,569,583,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346953,,"Het rechtsstaatbeginsel in het recht van de Europese Unie en het internationaal recht: Be you never so high, the Law is above you",VABB-1,1362,1376,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346957,,Identity and Difference: the EU and the UN as Part of Each Other,VABB-4,21,42,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346958,,"Joined Cases C-411/10 & C-493/10, N.S. v. SEC'Y OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEP'T",VABB-1,143,174,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346960,,"China, Minerals Export, Raw and Rare Earth Materials: A perfect storm for WTO dispute settlement",VABB-1,117,122,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346961,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,179,183,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346965,,Kostenvergoeding voor vrijwillig thuiswerken? (noot onder Arbh. Gent 14 juni 2013),VABB-1,806,810,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346966,,“Opzeggingsvergoeding deeltijds tijdskrediet” (noot onder Arbh. Gent 14 januari 2013),VABB-1,218,228,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346967,,“Sociale verkiezingen” (noot onder GwH 14 november 2012),VABB-1,159,164,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346971,,Article 8 ECHR: Judicial Patterns of Employment Privacy Protection,VABB-4,183,208,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346973,,An Employer’s Duty to Provide Information and Advice on Economic Risks?,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346974,,Tussen wil en daad. Wilsgebreken in het arbeidsrecht,VABB-1,118,129,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346979,,Resolving disputes over employment rights in Belgium,VABB-1,743,772,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346980,,Regulating Temporary Work in the European Union: The Agency Directive,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346981,,Regulating temporary work in Belgium,VABB-4,91,112,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346982,,Temporary agency work in the European Union and the United States,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346983,,Open norms and employment law’s foundations: a legal examination of hidden patterns in employment relationships,VABB-1,173,186,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:346984,,Completing economic and social integration: towards labour law for the United States of Europe,VABB-4,61,80,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346985,,Vrijwillige brandweerlieden kunnen worden uitgesloten van arbeidstijdreglementering,VABB-1,747,752,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346986,,The Ring and Skouboe Werge-case: a reluctant acceptance of the social approach of disability,VABB-1,135,142,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:346988,,Wanneer een theoretisch schuldonbekwame minderjarige werkelijk schuldonbekwaam blijkt te zijn (noot onder jeugdrechtbank Kortrijk 8 augustus 2013),VABB-1,411,414,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346989,,Jeugdsanctierecht over de grenzen heen (2): een wispelturig Hof van Cassatie (noot onder Hof van Cassatie 11 juni 2013),VABB-1,298,301,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:346993,,De vergunning en de erkenning in de sociale zekerheid en de zorgsector,VABB-1,181,219,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:346996,,Burgerrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid in de kinderopvang (noot onder Luik 22 januari 2013),VABB-1,306,313,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347001,,Solidariteitsbijdrage wegens niet-aangifte tewerkstelling,VABB-1,822,834,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347005,,Réforme des pensions : vers plus d’égalité entre catégories professionnelles,VABB-1,3,30,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:347014,,De doorwerking van het Kinderrechtenverdrag in de rechtspraak van het EHRM,VABB-1,82,89,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347021,,Jeugdsanctierecht over de grenzen heen: ver weg van het principe van wederzijdse erkenning? (noot onder Hof van Cassatie 6 februari 2013),VABB-1,177,182,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347028,,"Ingrijpen(de) (in) levenskeuzes van minderjarigen: obstakels op de weg naar Boeddha (noot onder Jrb. Gent 12 september 2013, Gent (Jk.) 13 september 2013, Gent (Jk.) 7 oktober 2013 en Jrb. Gent 25 oktober 2013)",VABB-1,400,409,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347036,,"Private Standards, Global Governance and International Trade",VABB-4,255,292,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347040,,Introduction: Foreign Direct Investment and Human Development,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347044,,Mapping the Approaches to the Question of Exemption From International Responsibility,VABB-1,93,120,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347045,,The International Monetary Fund,VABB-4,221,233,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347047,,International Investment Dispute Settlement in the 21st Century,VABB-4,417,449,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347048,,The General Assembly,VABB-4,109,129,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347049,,International Investment Law: The Perpetual Search for Consensus,VABB-4,25,69,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347050,,The international legal framework against corruption: Achievements and challenges,VABB-1,205,280,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347052,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347054,,"The Role of Development Banks: the European Investment Bank's Substantive and Procedural Accountability Principles with Regard to Human Rights, Social and Environmental Concerns",VABB-4,292,339,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347055,,The Arab uprisings and the European Union: In search of a comprehensive strategy,VABB-5,19,51,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347056,,The Arab Uprisings and the European Union: In Search of a Comprehensive Strategy,VABB-1,1,36,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347057,,Concluding Remarks: China–EU Relations in Turbulent Times: Which Way Forward?,VABB-4,325,330,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347058,,Commentary on the Tallinn Manual on International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347059,,Sovereign-Wealth Funds and (Un)Ethical Investment: Using ‘Due Diligence’ As a Yardstick To Avoid Contributing to Human Rights Violations Committed by Companies in the Investment Portfolio,VABB-4,183,221,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347063,,The International Responsibility of the Union in the Context of Its CSDP Operations,VABB-4,313,338,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347067,,The State of Play and Future of Services Negotiations in the WTO,VABB-1,235,253,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347068,,"Alcune considerazioni su storia del diritto e slavistica (a proposito di A.V. Solovjev, Istorija slovenskih prava / Zakonodavstvo Stefana Dušana cara srba i grka, Klasici Jugoslovenskog prava, Službeni list SRJ), Historia et ius, 4",VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347069,,"Le Décret de Gratien, Ouvrage scientifique ou plaidoirie d'un canoniste face à l'ordre impérial?",VABB-4,351,361,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:347071,,Capital Confidence: Updating Harold Berman's Views on Mercantile Law and Belief Systems,VABB-1,180,185,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347072,,"Adrian of Utrecht (1459–1523) at the Crossroads of Law and Morality: Conscience, Equity, and the Legal Nature of Early Modern Practical Theology",VABB-1,573,593,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347075,,Theologians and Contract Law: The Moral Transformation of the Ius commune (ca. 1500-1650),VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347081,,Sportimonium: an Olympic museum in Belgium,VABB-5,48,54,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347083,,"London is Just Arournd the Corner: Belgium, Britain and Sport",VABB-1,736,756,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:347094,,"Military Sport in the Belgian Congo: From Physical Training and Leisure to Belgian-Congolese Records in Track and Field, 1945-1960",VABB-1,1929,1946,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347098,,"Fédérations sportives innovantes. Attitude, perceptions et champions de l’innovation",VABB-1,5,20,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347099,,Determinants of service innovation. A typology of sports federations,VABB-1,55,73,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347104,,"Stepping from Belgium to the USA and back: The conceptualization and impact of the Harvard Step Test, 1942-2012",VABB-1,186,197,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347105,,Social sustainability of non-mega sport events in a global world,VABB-1,121,141,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347106,,The diffusion of world sports events between 1891 and 2010. A study on globalisation,VABB-1,101,119,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347107,,"Connecting City and Countryside? Faces of Cycling Mobility in Belgium, 1890-1914",VABB-1,240,259,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347109,,Belgium: Flanders,VABB-4,7,21,,lat,2013,2 c:vabb:347110,,Gestion de la fatigue dans la sclérose en plaques:approche thérapeutique et performance occupationelle,VABB-5,e169,e174,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:347112,,"Cognitive performance is of clinical importance, but is unrelated to pain severity in women with chronic fatigue syndrome",VABB-1,1475,1485,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347114,,Understanding the mechanisms behind deficits in imitation: Do individuals with autism know 'what' to imitate and do they know 'how' to imitate?,VABB-1,538,545,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347115,,Privacy and Data Protection Issues of Biometric Applications,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347117,,Bullying,VABB-4,139,148,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347121,,Connecting for surgery - Legal aspects of the digital operating room,VABB-5,11,19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347127,,Independent media regulators: Condition sine qua non for freedom of expression?,VABB-4,55,82,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347128,,The Independence of the Media and its Regulatory Agencies. Shedding New Light on Formal and Actual Independence against the National Context,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347134,,Open data as the standard for Europe? A critical analysis of the European Commission's proposal to amend the PSI Directive,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347137,,Media regulatory authorities in the EU context: Comparing sector-specific notions and requirements of independence,VABB-4,83,110,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347142,,Noot bij arrest Hof van Beroep te Brussel van 4 september 2012: Openstelling van de kabel weer een stap dichterbij,VABB-1,15,23,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347143,,Limits and challenges of the expanding use of covert CCTV in the workplace in Spain – beyond jurisprudential analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347145,,"“Chain, chain, chain,…”: a conceptual framework for copyright’s restricted acts",VABB-5,6,49,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347147,,Veroordeling van identiteitsdiefstal op Facebook 'avant la lettre' van de wet ?,VABB-1,161,170,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:347148,,Een eerste verkenning van het Voorstel Verordening bescherming persoonsgegevens,VABB-1,185,199,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:347151,,The Right to be Forgotten Across the Pond,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347152,,Trust in the information society : In search of trust generating mechanisms for the network society,VABB-1,504,512,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347153,,"The accountability principle in data protection regulation: origin, development an future directions",VABB-5,1,27,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:347157,,Can open internet access be imposed upon European CATV networks?,VABB-1,970,980,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347164,,'The thin blue line between monitoring advertising rules and commercial freedom in broadcasting: The case study of product placement',VABB-4,229,244,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347165,,Privacy notices versus informational self-determination: Minding the gap,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347169,,Berichtgeving over slachtoffers. Journalistieke praxis volgens Vlaamse verslaggevers,VABB-1,251,267,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:347170,,International Encyclopaedia of Media Law - Hungary,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347171,,International Encyclopaedia of Media Law - Czech Republic,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347172,,International Encyclopaedia of Media Law - Slovakia,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347174,,International Encyclopaedia of Media Law - Bosnia and Herzegovina,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347176,,International Encyclopeadia of Media Law - Bulgaria,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347177,,International Encyclopaedia of Media Law - Israel,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347186,,Best Practices for privacy and data protection for the processing of biometric data,VABB-4,339,367,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347193,,The struggle for platform leadership in the European sports broadcasting market,VABB-4,66,80,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347194,,Belgium’s “List of Major Events” Mechanism in the Digital Broadcasting Era,VABB-4,145,165,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347198,,Perspectives and opportunities for precompetitive public-private partnerships,VABB-1,131,139,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347199,,Smart innovation and inclusive patents for sustainable food and health care: Redefining the Europe 2020 objectives,VABB-4,231,254,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347200,,Heildarendurskoðun höfundalaga og þróun íslensks höfundaréttar frá 2009,VABB-1,71,76,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347201,,Oversigt over udviklingen af ophavsretten i Island siden maj 2009,VABB-1,551,554,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:347204,,The Impact of Emerging Market Patent Systems on Europe: Awaiting ‘The Rape Of Europa’?,VABB-4,355,368,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347205,,Exclusive Property versus Open Commons. The Case of Gene Patents,VABB-1,139,158,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347207,,Handhaving van auteursrechten in een internationale context: de toepassing van artikel 5.3 van de Brussel I Verordening,VABB-1,334,341,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347208,,Het arrest SAS Institute: een toepassing van de idee-expressie dichotomie op computerprogrammatuur,VABB-1,234,239,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347211,,Does EU economic law preclude national prohibitions of sales below cost?,VABB-1,253,266,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347212,,Constitutionalizing comprehensively tailored judicial review in EU competition law,VABB-1,519,546,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347214,,The Confusing Constitutional Status of Positive Procedural Obligations in EU law,VABB-1,81,100,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347216,,Commitments and settlements in the future UK competition law regime,VABB-1,160,168,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347217,,De religieuze overheid en het ontslag van haar bedienaren. Soeverein in een slinkend rechtsgebied?,VABB-1,59,65,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:347218,,The Hearing Officer’s extended mandate. Whose special friend in the conduct of EU competition proceedings?,VABB-1,286,292,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347219,,Judge-made standards of national procedure in the post-Lisbon constitutional framework,VABB-1,91,101,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:347220,,"Comment on Case C-69/10, Brahim Samba Diouf v. Ministre du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Immigration, Judgment of the Court of Justice (Second Chamber) of 28 July 2011, not yet reported",VABB-1,327,348,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347223,,A deterministic algorithm for robust location and scatter,VABB-1,618,637,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:347224,,Item Difficulty Estimation: an Auspicious Collaboration Between Data and Judgment,VABB-1,1183,1193,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:347225,,Dropout in secondary education: An application of a multilevel discrete-time hazard model accounting for school changes,VABB-1,2425,2446,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347227,,WebCEF: An online collaboration tool for assessing foreign language proficiency,VABB-4,559,570,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347232,,CEFR B1レベルの産出活動からのモダリティ表現,VABB-5,59,66,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:347234,,Possible effects of free on line data driven lexicographic instruments on foreign language learning: The case of linguee and the interactive language toolbox,VABB-5,507,512,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347235,,“Come and sit here next to me”: Towards a communicative assessment of oral language skills,VABB-1,89,107,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347239,,Donde fueres haz lo que vieres.: aortaciones de la neurociencia al desarrollo de la competencia pragmática. Un nuevo horizonte en la enseñanza del ELE: el Serious Game,VABB-1,22,38,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347243,,"Discours libertin et argument national dans le triptyque (Haywood, Crébillon-fils, Kimber) des 'Heureux orphelins'",VABB-1,655,685,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:347244,,‘Keywords Method’ versus ‘Calcul des Spécificités’: A comparison of tools and methods,VABB-1,536,560,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347247,,How housing outcomes vary between the Belgian regions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347248,,Hoe zijn de woonsubsidies in Vlaanderen verdeeld?,VABB-1,32,55,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347249,,Belgian state reform as an opportunity to reorient Flemish housing policy,VABB-1,74,82,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347250,,The Effect of Housing Expenses and Subsidies on the Income Distribution in Flanders and the Netherlands,VABB-1,1142,1161,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347255,,Holidays with a plus. The multi-faceted reality of social tourism in Flanders unveiled,VABB-4,41,55,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347256,,The distributional impact of housing subsidies in Flanders,VABB-1,37,54,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347257,,"Illegale en informele economie, een economische visie",VABB-1,33,50,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347259,,Sociaal geïnspireerde wooninitiatieven buiten de klassieke sociale huursector,VABB-1,109,133,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:347270,,What if we voted on the weights of a multidimensional well-being index? An illustration with Flemish data,VABB-1,315,332,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347272,,Global Learning in Belgium,VABB-4,53,66,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347273,,"Learning about the effects of development education programmes: strengthening planning, monitoring, and evaluation (PME) through reflective practice",VABB-1,47,70,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347274,,Explaining the Development of China's Renewable Energy Policies: Comparing Wind and Solar Power,VABB-4,76,106,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347275,,New development philanthropists? The effects and characteristics of the (Flemish) fourth pillar of development cooperation,VABB-1,33,48,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347277,,Het nieuwe inschrijvingsdecreet: succesfactoren voor sociale mix,VABB-1,316,329,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347278,,"Langetermijneffecten van zittenblijven en afstromen op opleidingsniveau, participatie in levenslang leren en de beroepscarrière",VABB-1,74,88,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:347280,,How can cross-country differences in the practice of grade retention be explained? A closer look at national educational policy factors,VABB-1,54,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347285,,Voortijdig schoolverlaten in Vlaanderen: een stand van zaken en een voorstel tot aanpak,VABB-4,13,60,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347286,,Flemish formal adult education: (g)rowing against the stream?,VABB-4,187,205,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347287,,Se-N-Se en hoger beroepsonderwijs: verschillend arbeidsmarktrendement?,VABB-1,352,369,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347289,,"‘Iets voor u?’ Het stimuleren van sociale, culturele en sportieve participatie bij OCMW-cliënten",VABB-4,309,328,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347292,,"The impact of institutional context, education and labour market policies on early school leaving: a comparative analysis of EU countries",VABB-1,331,345,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347295,,Religion and Immigration. The Acculturation Attitudes of Muslim Primary School Children Attending Flemish Schools,VABB-4,132,163,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347296,,Overtuigingen als sleutel om zittenblijven te begrijpen en terug te dringen. Een kwalitatieve analyse van overtuigingen over zittenblijven in Vlaamse scholen,VABB-1,4,16,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:347299,,"Ce n'est pas votre truc? L'encouragement de la participation sociale, culurelle et sportive chez les bénéficiaires du CPAS",VABB-4,315,336,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:347321,,"Space as receptor, instrument or stage. Notes on the interaction between spatial and social constellations",VABB-1,342,357,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347322,,"Planning Rural-Urban Landscapes. Rails and Countryside Urbanization in South-West Flanders, Belgium (1830-1930)",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347323,,How does inclusive design relate to good design?,VABB-1,93,110,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347325,,GUAYAQUIL,VABB-1,515,532,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:347327,,Enriching our understanding of architecture through disability experience,VABB-1,7,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347329,,Robust topology optimization accounting for misplacement of material,VABB-1,317,333,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347331,,Antidepressant Utilization and Suicide in Europe: An Ecological Multi-National Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347334,,Patient Suicide: The Experience of Flemish Psychiatrists,VABB-1,379,94,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347335,,"Social differences in postponing a General Practitioner visit in Flanders, Belgium: which low-income patients are most at risk?",VABB-1,364,372,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347337,,Public attitudes towards depression and help-seeking in four European countries baseline survey prior to the OSPI-Europe intervention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347338,,Studeren met een leefloon: 10 jaar praktijk,VABB-4,249,265,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347343,,Professional caregivers' mental health problems and burnout in small-scale and traditional long term care settings for elderly people with dementia in the Netherlands and Belgium,VABB-1,486.e7,11,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:347344,,Editoriaal. Evidence-based beleid en praktijk in de non-profit sector,VABB-1,203,207,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347345,,Service User and Family Carer Involvement in Mental Health Care: Divergent Views,VABB-1,675,685,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347352,,Developing social capital in implementing a complex intervention: a process evaluation of the early implementation of a suicide prevention intervention in four European countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347353,,Is perceived patient involvement in mental health care associated with satisfaction and empowerment?,VABB-1,516,526,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:347356,,Au carrefour du handicap et de la pauvreté: efficacité des allocations pour personnes handicapées,VABB-1,29,57,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:347357,,Op het snijpunt van handicap en armoede: effectiviteit van de tegemoetkomingen voor personen met een handicap,VABB-1,29,57,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347358,,Recht op kwaliteitsvolle zorg voor minderjarigen: van EBP naar co-creatieve kennis- en leergemeenschappen,VABB-1,225,240,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347359,,Armoede bij personen met een handicap onderschat,VABB-4,123,140,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347363,,Cistercian architecture or architecture of the Cistercians?,VABB-4,151,169,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347364,,Farming and folklore in the contested countryside: the ‘Year of the Village’ (1978) and the transformation of the Farmers’ Union in Flanders,VABB-1,97,116,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:347370,,The Poetry of the Wiles of the Wicked Woman (4Q184),VABB-1,621,633,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347381,,Constituent Order in היה-clauses in the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls,VABB-4,83,104,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347388,,Elenchus Bibliographicus 2012. II. Historia Religionum,VABB-1,146*,180*,,lat,2012,2 c:vabb:347389,,Elenchus Bibliographicus ETL 2012. IV. Scriptura Sacra Novi Testamenti,VABB-1,321*,420*,,lat,2012,2 c:vabb:347390,,Justin's Text of the Gospels: Another Look at the Citations in 1 Apol. 15.1-8,VABB-4,313,335,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347392,,Lost (and Found). A Critical Study and Analysis of the History on LOst Documents and Hypothetical Sources of Early Christianity,VABB-1,419,422,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347393,,Damn Paul... and Leave It There. A Note on a Puzzling Formula,VABB-4,435,461,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347394,,Die zweite und dritte Missionsreise,VABB-4,109,116,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:347395,,The New Testament Canon,VABB-4,389,411,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347396,,The Early Church and 'the Other Gospels',VABB-4,477,506,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347397,,Reading Matthew and Mark in the Middle Ages: The Glossa Ordinaria,VABB-4,121,149,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347398,,A Puzzling Chapter in the Reception History of the Gospels: Victor of Antioch and His So-called Commentary on Mark,VABB-4,17,27,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347399,,Some Comments on the Earliest Evidence for the Reception of the Book of Chronicles in Christian Tradition,VABB-1,58,65,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347400,,A Cry for Help: A Note in the Margin of Acts 16:9,VABB-4,115,127,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347401,,The Scriptures of Israel in Jewish and Christian Tradition. Essays in Honour of Maarten M.J. Menken,VABB-3,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347402,,Jacob and Esau: Who Are They? The Use of Romans 9:10-13 in Anti-Jewish Literature of the First Centuries,VABB-4,297,316,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347403,,Ancient Perspectives on Paul,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347404,,Early Christian Ethics in Interaction with Jewish and Greco-Roman Contexts,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347405,,"The Figure of Solomon in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Tradition. King, Sage and Architect",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347406,,Elenchus Bibliographicus ETL 2013. IV. Scriptura Sacra Novi Testamenti,VABB-1,323*,415*,,lat,2013,2 c:vabb:347407,,Elenchus Bibliographicus ETL 2013. II. Historia Religionum,VABB-1,155*,188*,,lat,2013,2 c:vabb:347410,,"""Do You Understand what You Are Reading?"" (Acts 8:30). On the Place and Role of Exegesis",VABB-4,69,84,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347412,,Divine-Human Reconciliation in 2 Cor 5:18-21 in its Interpersonal Context: The Contextual Meaning of the katallassô/katallagê Terminology of 2 Corinthians,VABB-4,61,80,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347414,,Touching Jesus? The Meaning of mê mou haptou in Its Johannine Context,VABB-4,61,81,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347415,,Dying and Being Raised For: Shifts in the Meaning of hyper in 2 Cor 5:14-15,VABB-4,163,175,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347416,,"""... because the Father is greater than I"" (John 14:28): Johannine Christology in Light of the Relationship Between the Father and the Son",VABB-4,181,204,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347417,,The Martyrdom of Polycarp in Church Slavonic: An Evidence of the Academic Menologion,VABB-1,393,406,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347418,,Introduction,VABB-4,13,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347419,,Hermas in Clement of Alexandria,VABB-4,41,51,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347421,,Between Philology and Theology: Contributions to the Study of Ancient Jewish Interpretation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347428,,Re-Reading Habakkuk 2:4b: Lemma and Interpretation in 1QpHab VII 17–VIII 3,VABB-1,127,132,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347430,,Metaphor in Biblical Theology: Toward a Hermeneutic of Cognition and Corporeality,VABB-4,57,66,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347433,,Conservation through Innovation: The Dynamic Scriptural Tradition of the Pentateuch within Judaism of the Second Temple Period,VABB-4,345,353,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347436,,Eenheid en verscheidenheid in het vroege jodendom: de ‘jodendommen’ uit de Tweede Tempeltijd,VABB-1,257,271,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347437,,The Royal Official’s Son: Incarnating the Giving Power of Jesus’ Word,VABB-4,314,328,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347438,,The Criticism of the Miracles in the Fourth Gospel: A Reflection on the Ideological Criterion of the Semeia Hypothesis,VABB-4,302,321,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347439,,The Signs of the Messiah in the Fourth Gospel: The Problem of a “Wonder-working Messiah”,VABB-4,159,178,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347440,,C.H. Dodd on John 13:16 (and 15:20): St. John’s Knowledge of Matthew Revisited,VABB-4,86,106,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347442,,Johannine Scholarship in Dutch-Speaking Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-1,540,560,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347444,,Josephus on Solomon,VABB-4,85,106,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347445,,"Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the Scriptures: Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense 61, July 26–28, 2012",VABB-1,555,562,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:347447,,Nahum 2:14: Text-Critical Notes,VABB-1,546,554,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347449,,"A 'Creative' Perspective on Qohelet: Creation and Createdness in Qohelet's Opening and Final Poems (1,3-8; 12,1-7)",VABB-4,43,53,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347454,,Benedict XVI’s Hermeneutics of Reform and Its Implication for the Renewal of the Church,VABB-1,279,294,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347455,,Looking Forward to the Birth of a Child,VABB-4,81,90,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347456,,Het concept 'realistisch verhaal' bij Hans Frei: Betekenis en verwijzing bij evangelieverhalen,VABB-1,272,286,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347457,,Dekolonialität als Versöhnung,VABB-1,98,105,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:347458,,La “decolonialità” come riconciliazione,VABB-1,148,158,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347459,,Decoloniality as Reconciliation,VABB-1,115,122,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347460,,Questioning the Development Paradigm: Latin American Liberation Theology,VABB-1,5,26,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347461,,The Earth as our Common Habitat: Towards an Ecological Experience of the Sublime,VABB-4,43,70,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347462,,The use of (post-)conciliar texts in Gavin D’Costa’s theology of religions,VABB-1,739,756,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347463,,Tradition and the Normativity of History,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347464,,Conversion and Cognitive Dissonance: Evaluating the Theological-Ecclesial Program of Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI,VABB-1,242,254,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347465,,Creating Space for Catholic Theology? A Critical-Empathetic Reading of Theology Today,VABB-1,828,855,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347467,,Ruimte voor de katholieke theologie? Een kritisch-empathische lezing van Theologie vandaag,VABB-1,245,276,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347468,,"La théologie aux marges et aux carrefours: Théologie, Église, université, société",VABB-1,388,412,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:347469,,Mutual Self-Mediation as a Theological Heuristic Structure: A Lonerganian Perspective on Developing Solutions to the Environmental Crisis,VABB-4,405,418,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347471,,Theological Hermeneutics,VABB-4,979,986,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347474,,Krijtlijnen voor de bevrijdingstheologie anno 2013: 40 jaar 'Theologie van de bevrijding' (Gustavo Gutiérrez) en 25 jaar Centrum voor Bevrijdingstheologieën KU Leuven,VABB-1,491,508,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347475,,Reconciliación: ¿Qué nos enseñan acerca de ellas las ciencias sobre resolución de conflictos?,VABB-1,85,96,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:347480,,Allumfassend? - Zum ekklesiologischen Selbstverständnis heutiger Katholizität,VABB-1,37,48,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:347481,,A Vision of Unity from a Catholic Perspective,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347482,,Problems and Possibilities of Religious Experience as a Category for Interreligious Dialogue: Intimations from Newman and Lonergan,VABB-1,796,812,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347483,,"Religious Experience, the Hermeneutics of Desire, and Interreligious Dialogue",VABB-1,581,604,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347486,,JRS: Faith Doing Justice. Discernment From and With Refugees,VABB-1,549,572,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347487,,Reconciliation: Empowering Grace,VABB-1,7,10,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347497,,Religie volgens New Atheism: Natuurlijk fundamentalisme?,VABB-1,162,177,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347498,,"Om het gesprek verder te zetten: Bedenkingen over christologie, soteriologie, pneumatologie en eschatologie",VABB-1,243,252,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347500,,To Discern Creation in a Scattering World,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347503,,Postmortale perspectieven - verrijzenis en reïncarnatie. Een kleine theologische weging,VABB-1,31,51,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347504,,Pope Francis: A Pastor according to the Heart of Christ,VABB-1,147,160,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347505,,"Genocide, Risk and Resilience: An Interdisciplinary Approach",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347506,,Introduction: Between Risk and Resilience - An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Genocide,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347507,,Communities that Taste for More: Religion's Best Way to Prevent Genocide,VABB-4,68,84,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347508,,Dear and Costly Traditions in the Face of Contemporary Planet-Wide Challenges,VABB-4,331,344,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347509,,Christelijke perspectieven op vredesopbouw,VABB-4,61,74,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347510,,Public Apology Between Ritual and Regret: Symbolic Excuses on False Pretenses or True Reconciliation out of Sincere Regret?,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347512,,Introduction: A Groaning Creation in a Growling World,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347513,,"Theologie van de religies en comparatieve theologie: Typologieën, presupposities en vooroordelen",VABB-1,429,448,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347514,,Declericalizing the Church in Response to Globalization,VABB-1,145,164,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347516,,Saint-Lyotard on the Differend/Difference Love Can Make,VABB-4,123,138,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347517,,"Richard Whately's Influence on John Henry Newman's Oxford University Sermons on Faith and Reason, 1839-1840",VABB-1,82,95,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347520,,Problemas y Posibilidades de la Experiencia Religiosa como una Categoria Para el Diálogo Interreligioso: Algunos Indicios en Newman y Lonergan,VABB-1,145,167,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:347521,,Politiek en vrijheid: waar filosofie en theologie zich samen engageren (boekenessay),VABB-1,79,89,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347522,,Desire and Vision: Problems of Conversion,VABB-1,199,227,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347525,,Believing in Community. Ecumenical Reflections on the Church,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347526,,The Household of God and Local Households. Revisiting the Domestic Church,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347527,,Hermeneutics: 1500-2000,VABB-4,642,647,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347529,,The First Modern Person? Twentieth-Century Theological Reception of Augustine,VABB-4,106,116,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347532,,"Abtverkiezingscommissies in Brabant, 1540-1600: Een politiek-religieus machtsspel?",VABB-1,225,248,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:347536,,The Young Precariat in Greece: What Happened to “Generation 700 Euros”?,VABB-1,30,49,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347537,,Comparative Public Administration: From General Theory to General Frameworks,VABB-4,511,531,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347538,,Public value creation and strategic human resource management: public service motivation as a linking pin,VABB-4,37,54,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347539,,"Motivation, job satisfaction and retention/turnover in the public sector",VABB-4,214,235,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347540,,Talking the talk of public service motivation,VABB-1,1007,1019,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347550,,Investigating the Structure and Meaning of Public Service Motivation across Populations: Developing an International Instrument and Addressing Issues of Measurement Invariance,VABB-1,79,102,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347551,,Interorganizational Mobility within the U.S. Federal Government: Examining the Effect of Individual and Organizational Factors,VABB-1,869,881,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347552,,Politiek-ambtelijke verhoudingen,VABB-4,287,314,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347553,,Institutionalized advisory systems: an analysis of member satisfaction of advice production and use across nine strategic advisory councils in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,225,240,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347554,,De federale overheid,VABB-4,125,160,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347555,,Policy-oriented foresight as evidence for policy-making: conditions of (mis)match,VABB-1,473,492,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347556,,Van bureaucratie naar post-New Public Management,VABB-4,97,121,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347557,,Inleiding tot de bestuurskunde,VABB-4,21,47,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347558,,Outsource versus in-house? An identification of organizational conditions influencing the choice for internal or external evaluators,VABB-1,43,63,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347559,,"Le nouveau management public, les marches bureaucratiques et les problèmes de coordination interdépartementale",VABB-1,31,51,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:347560,,Regulering,VABB-4,259,285,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347561,,Verzelfstandiging van publieke diensten,VABB-4,233,258,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347564,,Les systèmes de gestion de la performance pour la haute fonction publique. Quelle est la force des marchés bureaucratiques (public service bargain) managériaux ?,VABB-1,11,29,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:347566,,L’évolution des marchés bureaucratiques pour la haute fonction publique : quelques comparaisons internationales,VABB-1,5,10,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:347567,,"New Public Management, Public Service Bargains and the Challenges of Interdepartmental Coordination. A Comparative Analysis of Top Civil Servants in State Administration",VABB-1,29,48,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347570,,A methodology to assess the performance of Spatial Data Infrastructures in the context of work processes,VABB-1,58,66,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347571,,Adolescent Perceptions of the Performance and Fairness of the Police: Examining the Impact of Television Exposure,VABB-1,109,132,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347576,,Talentmanagement in ontwikkeling. Een kijk op de praktijk in de Vlaamse overheid,VABB-1,47,67,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347578,,Office effects and campaign spending in a semi-open list PR system: The Belgian/Flemish federal and regional elections 1999-2010,VABB-1,852,863,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347579,,Context: what kind of missing link?,VABB-4,415,422,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347580,,Fourth link,VABB-4,407,414,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347581,,Third link,VABB-4,228,232,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347582,,Hospitals and the dynamics of multiple contexts,VABB-4,374,406,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347583,,Second link,VABB-4,208,215,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347584,,First link,VABB-4,88,97,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347587,,Benchmarking van het interne gelijkekansen- en diversiteitsbeleid van de Vlaamse overheid: Wat kunnen we leren van omringende overheden?,VABB-1,60,77,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347588,,A Dublin Core Application Profile for Documenting Analysis Patterns in a Reuse Infrastructure,VABB-1,267,281,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347589,,Searching for impacts in performance-oriented management reform: A review of the European literature,VABB-1,7,32,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347591,,Initiatie: de ontbrekende schakel in beleidsevaluatieonderzoek? Drie hefbomen voor beter gebruik van beleidsevaluaties,VABB-1,176,187,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347592,,De ombudsnormen van de Ombudsdienst Pensioenen. Een visie op kwaliteitsvol overheidshandelen,VABB-1,98,142,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:347593,,Performance management systems for senior civil servants. How strong is the managerial public service bargain?,VABB-1,9,27,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347599,,City events: short and serial reproduction effects on the city's image?,VABB-1,110,118,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347604,,Eerlijk duurt het langst? Een onderzoek naar het belang van procedurele rechtvaardigheid bij complexe ruimtelijke besluitvorming en de rol van publieksconsultatie en -participatie,VABB-1,163,183,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:347605,,De impact van de provincialisering van de kieskringen op het lijstvormingsproces binnen politieke partijen : een vergelijkende studie tussen CD&V en CDH,VABB-1,184,203,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:347606,,Thirty years of public management reforms: has there been a pattern?,VABB-4,180,201,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347607,,Evidence-based trust: a contradiction in terms,VABB-4,36,45,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347608,,Context in public policy and management: the missing link?,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347609,,Back in the OECD…an oblique comment on the World Bank’s ‘Better results from public institutions,VABB-1,406,412,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347610,,The evolving narratives of public management reform: 40 years of reform white papers in the UK,VABB-1,406,412,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347611,,"40 years of public management reform in UK central government: promises, promises?",VABB-1,343,360,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347614,,Liberalisation and Privatisation of Higher Education in Flanders: passing the point of no return. A case study,VABB-1,514,525,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347618,,Geographic Information Science at the Heart of Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347621,,Numbers in context: applying Frege’s principles to public administration,VABB-4,74,87,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347625,,Het begrip bestuursinstantie en onderwijsinstellingen,VABB-1,27,36,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:347635,,Towards Measurable and Auditable Efficiency Gains in the Flemish Public Sector,VABB-1,245,260,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347636,,Waarom burgers coproducent willen zijn: Een theoretisch model om de motivaties van coproducerende burgers te verklaren,VABB-1,72,81,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347641,,Gezinstrajecten en schoolloopbanen van kinderen,VABB-4,285,308,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347642,,Verblijfsregelingen en welbevinden van kinderen: Verschillen naar gezinskenmerken,VABB-1,1,29,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347643,,Gezinstrajecten van ouders en kinderen na een (echt)scheiding,VABB-4,73,108,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347644,,Verblijfsco-ouderschap en de relaties tussen ouders en stiefouders,VABB-1,1,33,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347645,,"Levensloop, pensioenen en armoede bij oudere vrouwen. De impact van familietrajecten, loopbanen en pensioenregelgeving",VABB-4,235,264,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347649,,Facebook: when education meets privacy,VABB-1,125,148,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347650,,Een nieuw tijdperk van medische consumptie: medicalisering revisited,VABB-1,66,71,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347652,,"But Who Are Those ""Most People"" That Can Be Trusted? Evaluating the Radius of Trust Across 29 European Societies",VABB-1,703,722,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347654,,Les ambivalences de l’ activation sociale,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347655,,De opkomst en consolidering van medische specialisten in België (1857-1957),VABB-1,10,45,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:347656,,"Firm-level restructuring and union strategies in Europe: local union responses in Ireland, Italy and the Netherlands",VABB-1,842,859,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347658,,On weights in dynamic-ageing microsimulation models,VABB-1,59,65,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347659,,Spatial Data Infrastructures at Work. Analysing the Spatial Enablement of Public Sector Processes,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347660,,Het cordon sanitaire gewikt en gewogen: burgers tussen instrumentele pragmatiek en democratische principes,VABB-1,97,124,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347661,,De vreemde bedreiging van de verzorgingsstaat,VABB-1,227,249,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347663,,Een politieke kruisgang van een miskend volk: over populistische beeldvormingen en de aanmaak van een kiespubliek,VABB-1,84,106,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:347666,,How Couples’ Experiences prior to the Start of Infertility Treatment with Donor Gametes Influence the Disclosure Decision,VABB-1,125,132,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347670,,Europeanisering en de betrokkenheid van werknemers. Is er nog ruimte voor een sociaal Europa?,VABB-1,36,59,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347671,,A head with two tales: trade unions' influence on temporary agency work in Belgian and German workplaces,VABB-1,4149,4165,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347672,,Low historical rates of cuckoldry in a Western European human population traced by Y-chromosome and genealogical data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347676,,Als de dingen nog slechts 'zijn' en 'gebeuren': Naar een onttoverde experimentele cultuursociologie,VABB-1,197,226,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347678,,The OMC and Beyond: ‘Soft-to-Hard-to-Soft’ Governance of Health Care in the EU,VABB-4,71,103,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347680,,Meer jobs door beter werkbare jobs,VABB-4,61,92,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347688,,"Onderzoek en/in methodiekontwikkeling, een veelstemmig proces",VABB-1,78,96,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347689,,"Unraveling the intergenerational transmission of fertility: genetic and shared-environment effects during the demographic transition in the Netherlands, 1810–1910",VABB-1,116,134,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347690,,Kinderen krijgen vóór en na een echtscheiding in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,1,34,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347698,,Teaching Theory and the Art of Not-knowing: Notes on Pedagogical Commonalism,VABB-1,63,73,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347701,,'Being in common': Theorizing artistic collaboration,VABB-1,94,102,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:347702,,Grootouders en kleinkinderen over contact na echtscheiding,VABB-1,1,24,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347714,,De invloed van ouderlijke echtscheiding op schoolloopbanen,VABB-4,289,309,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347715,,Verblijfsregelingen en welbevinden van kinderen : verschillen naar gezinskenmerken,VABB-4,265,287,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347716,,Echtscheiding en contacten tussen kleinkinderen en grootouders,VABB-1,296,328,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347717,,Grootouders en kleinkinderen over contact na echtscheiding,VABB-4,161,181,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347718,,Het sociaal leven van gescheiden ouders : wat is de rol van de verblijfsregeling?,VABB-4,123,141,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347719,,Verblijfsco-ouderschap en de relaties tussen ouders en stiefouders,VABB-4,91,121,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347720,,"Scheiden in meervoud : over partners, kinderen en grootouders",VABB-3,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347726,,Wanneer eigenbelang en ideologie botsen: Een analyse van steun voor welvaartsherverdeling in tijden van financiele crisis,VABB-4,125,146,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347728,,The relative deservingness of the unemployed in the eyes of the European public,VABB-4,95,116,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347729,,Three worlds of welfare chauvinism? How welfare regimes affect support for distributing welfare to immigrants in Europe,VABB-1,164,181,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347730,,Comparative welfare state analysis with survey-based benefit recipiency data: The 'Dependent Variable Problem' revisited,VABB-1,224,249,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347731,,"Healthcare professionals' acceptance of BelRAI, a web-based system enabling person-centred recording and data sharing across care settings with interRAI instruments: a UTAUT analysis",VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347732,,"The Dynamics of Welfare Opinions in Changing Economic, Institutional and Political Contexts: An Empirical Analysis of Dutch Deservingness Opinions, 1975–2006",VABB-1,731,749,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347734,,Studeren met een leefloon: regelgeving en praktijk,VABB-1,298,315,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:347736,,The transformation of employment relations in Europe. Institutions and Outcomes in the Age of Globalization.,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347737,,'How long will it take?' An analysis of interview length in the fifth round of the European Social Survey,VABB-1,69,78,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347744,,The Baby Boom and Its Causes: What We Know and What We Need to Know,VABB-1,257,288,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347748,,Underwriting Citizenship. The introduction of predictive medicine in life insurance,VABB-4,209,226,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347749,,"Equity, equality, or need? A study of popular preferences for welfare redistribution principles across 24 European countries",VABB-1,1174,1195,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347753,,Inherited dimensions of infant mortality. Detecting signs of disproportionate mortality risks in successive generations,VABB-1,169,186,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347756,,"Grootouders in woelige tijden: nieuwe gezinssamenstellingen, verblijfsregelingen en contacten tussen grootouders en kleinkinderen na een echtscheiding",VABB-4,331,351,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347757,,Becoming a Grandparent and Early Retirement in Europe,VABB-1,1295,1308,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347759,,Divorce and adult children’s perceptions of family obligations,VABB-1,291,310,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347761,,"Virtual knowledge in family history: visionary technologies, research dreams, and research agendas",VABB-4,219,250,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347765,,The popular legitimacy of European health care systems: a multilevel analysis of 24 countries,VABB-1,231,247,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347766,,Immigrant Integration Policies and Perceived Group Threat: A Multilevel Study of 27 Western and Eastern European Countries,VABB-1,670,682,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347768,,Evaluating Relative Mode Effects in Mixed-Mode Surveys: Three methods to disentangle selection and measurement effects,VABB-1,82,104,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347769,,'Het artistieke blijft het belangrijkste': rockesthetica en individuele selecties binnen de Vlaamse alternatieve mainstream,VABB-1,390,413,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347770,,'Samen kunst maken': de semi-directieve werkrelatie binnen de hedendaagse dans,VABB-1,340,363,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347774,,Genetic Discrimination 2.0 The un/differentiating gene in insurance,VABB-4,187,203,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347775,,Using a Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling Approach to Explain Cross-Cultural Measurement Noninvariance,VABB-1,558,575,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347776,,The impact of respondents and interviewers on interview speed in face-to-face interviews,VABB-1,1422,1430,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347777,,Governance by numbers: enkele gevaren verbonden aan de internationale benchmarking en ranking van pensioensystemen,VABB-1,133,155,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347778,,Transformations of the Secular and 'The Muslim Question'. Revisiting the Historical Coincidence of Depillarisation and the Institutionalisation of Islam in The Netherlands,VABB-1,208,226,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347779,,"Etudier avec un revenu d'intégration sociale. ""Etudier, motif d'équite, pour s'affranchir de l'exigence de disposition au travail"" de la loi concernant le droit à l'intégration sociale: évaluation de 10 ans d'existence",VABB-1,677,706,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:347780,,Studeren met een leefloon. Een evaluatie van 10 jaar 'Studeren als billijkheidsreden om af te zien van de werkbereidheidseis' in de leefloonwet,VABB-1,671,700,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347781,,Prevention.The cases of social security and healthcare,VABB-4,47,58,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347782,,"""The Proper Age for Parenthood” and Second Birth Rates in Europe",VABB-1,1149,1161,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347783,,"Globalization, Restructuring and Unions: Transnational Co-ordination and Varieties of Labor Engagement",VABB-1,261,289,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347790,,Het eigenbelang van de middenklasse als basis voor solidaire herverdeling,VABB-4,205,216,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347791,,De legitimiteit van de welvaartsstaat op een hellend vlak? Kritische bedenkingen bij het draagvlakdenken,VABB-4,189,203,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347794,,De januskop van de Europese armoedebestrijding : sociaal beleid in tijden van crisis,VABB-4,157,172,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347795,,Stretching Concepts: The Role of Competing Pressures and Decoupling in the Evolution of Organization Concepts,VABB-1,7,32,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347796,,Understanding and Improving the External Survey Environment of Official Statistics,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347797,,Le féminisme du positionnement. Héritages et perspectives contemporaines,VABB-1,45,66,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:347798,,Commuting between two parental households: the association between joint physical custody and adolescent well-being following divorce,VABB-1,139,158,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347800,,Emergence and development of medical unionism in Belgium. An Eliasian perspective,VABB-1,306,321,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347802,,De invloed van ouderlijke echtscheiding op schoolloopbanen,VABB-1,1,25,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347804,,Withdrawal from the public employment service by young unemployed: a matter of non-take-up or of non-compliance? How non-profit social work initiatives may inspire public services,VABB-1,451,469,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347807,,Local actors and trans-national structures. Explaining trends in multinational company-level negotiation in Europe,VABB-4,141,160,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347809,,Excluding institutionalized elderly from surveys. Consequences for old age research,VABB-1,751,769,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347810,,De tegenstrijdigheden van de 'sociale activering',VABB-4,201,222,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347811,,Technology-enabled division of labor: the use of handhelds,VABB-1,184,197,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347813,,Performing the Islamic prayer (şalat) at work. Secular and pious Muslims negotiating the contours of the public in Belgium,VABB-1,729,750,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347817,,Predicting young drivers’ car crashes: The role of music video viewing and the playing of driving games. Results from a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,88,114,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347820,,"""I might get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans"": Sexualization on music entertainment television",VABB-1,178,194,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347821,,"Sexualization of adolescent boys: Media exposure and boys’ internalization of appearance ideals, self-objectification and body surveillance",VABB-1,283,306,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347822,,Cultivation Theory : Television Fiction as a Vector of Socialization,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347823,,Display of alcohol use on Facebook: A content analysis,VABB-1,497,503,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347824,,Exposure to media predicts use of dietary supplements and anabolic-androgenic steroids among Flemish adolescent boys,VABB-1,1387,1392,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347825,,"Adolescents’ school experience and the importance of having a ‘cool’ mobile phone: conformity, compensation and resistance?",VABB-1,265,293,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347826,,"Measuring mobile phone use: Gender, age, and real usage level in relation to the accuracy and validity of self-reported mobile phone use",VABB-1,213,236,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347827,,Determinants of HIV/AIDS-related information needs and media use: Beyond individual-level factors,VABB-1,624,36,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347828,,The cultivation of fear of sexual violence in women: Processes and moderators of the relationship between television and fear,VABB-1,96,124,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347829,,Media use and HIV/AIDS knowledge: A knowledge gap perspective,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:347831,,HIV/AIDS-related information needs of urban and rural residents of northwest Ethiopia: Alerting the rural populace and meeting the progressive needs of the urban populace,VABB-1,323,332,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347832,,Online risks: Coping strategies of less resilient children and teenagers across Europe,VABB-1,60,78,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347833,,Cyberbullying by Mobile Phone among Adolescents: the Role of Gender and Peer Group Status,VABB-1,107,118,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347834,,"Offline netwerken, online pesten: een sociale netwerkanalyse van cyberpesten in de schoolcontext",VABB-1,4,18,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:347837,,Sexually explicit websites and sexual initiation: Reciprocal relationships and the moderating role of pubertal status,VABB-1,621,634,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347838,,Driving game playing as a predictor of adolescents’ unlicensed driving in Flanders,VABB-1,307,318,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347839,,The Portrayal of Health Problems in Entertainment Television: Implications for Risk Perception and Health Promotion,VABB-1,77,86,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:347842,,Social Media Politics en democratie: een reactie op Henry Milner,VABB-1,116,123,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347844,,"Politieke preferenties, breuklijnen en houdingen ten opzichte van politieke partijen. Een studie bij kiezers in Vlaanderen en Wallonië",VABB-1,177,208,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347848,,"The influence of social structure, networks and community on party choice in the Flemish Region of Belgium. A multilevel analysis",VABB-1,209,236,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347851,,The Origins of Generalized and Political Trust among Immigrant Minorities and the Majority Population in the Netherlands,VABB-1,1336,1350,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347852,,"Questioning Generational Replacement. An Age, Period and Cohort Analysis of Electoral Volatility in the Netherlands, 1971-2010",VABB-1,37,47,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347854,,Socialization or self-selection? Membership in deliberative associations and political attitudes,VABB-1,174,192,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347855,,"How does Education have an Impact on Ethnocentrism? A Structural Equation Analysis of Cognitive, Occupational Status and Network Mechanisms",VABB-1,507,522,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347857,,Party competition in regional elections: The strategies of statewide parties in Spain and the United Kingdom,VABB-1,624,640,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347858,,Inleiding: jongeren en politiek in verandering,VABB-1,5,9,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347861,,‘Kunst is geld’. Het politiek beleid ten aanzien van het Belgische kunstonderwijs in de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,97,115,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347862,,Economic Policy Voting and Incumbency: Unemployment in Western Europe,VABB-1,53,56,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347865,,The Relationship between Political Participation Intentions of Adolescents and a Participatory Democratic Climate at school in 35 countries,VABB-1,567,589,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347868,,Is same-sex marriage legislation related to attitudes toward homosexuality?,VABB-1,258,268,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347870,,Pushed Toward the Exit? How Female MPs Leave Parliament,VABB-1,61,75,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347871,,Wie schreeuwt zal gehoord worden. Internet en ongelijkheid,VABB-1,129,132,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347872,,Career patterns in multi-level states: an analysis of the Belgian regions,VABB-1,356,367,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347874,,The Selection of Candidates for Eligible Positions on PR Lists: The Belgian/ Flemish Federal Elections 1999–2010,VABB-1,49,65,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347875,,"Online Political Engagement, Facebook and Personality Traits",VABB-1,280,290,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:347876,,The Impact of Education and Intergroup Friendship on the Development of Ethnocentrism. A Latent Growth Curve Model Analysis of a Five Year Panel Study among Belgian Late Adolescents,VABB-1,1109,1121,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347878,,Do all associations lead to lower levels of ethnocentrism? A two-year longitudinal test of the selection and adaptation model,VABB-1,289,309,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347880,,Life Satisfaction among Ethnic Minorities in the Netherlands: Immigration Experience or Adverse Living Conditions?,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347883,,The Impact of Socio-economic Status on Political Participation,VABB-4,273,288,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347884,,Trust and Openness: Prerequisites for Democratic Engagement ?,VABB-4,109,134,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347885,,"""Won't You Be My Numbert Two?"" De invloed van genderquota op het rekruteringsproces van vrouwelijke burgemeesters in het Vlaams Gewest van België (2012)",VABB-1,303,320,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347886,,Is Online Participation Distinct from Offline Participation? A Latent Class Analysis of Participation Types and Their Stratification,VABB-1,91,101,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347887,,Opportunities to learn about Europe at school. A comparative analysis among adolescents in 21 European member states,VABB-1,838,864,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347889,,Voters and Candidates of the Future. The Intention for Electoral Participation among Adolescents in 22 European countries,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347893,,A Comparative Analysis of the Relation between Political Trust and Forms of Political Participation in Europe,VABB-1,131,152,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347895,,"Periode, cohorte of intergenerationele vervanging? Een verklaring voor de daling in de afkeuring van homoseksualiteit in België",VABB-5,101,115,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347897,,De intergenerationele overdracht van milieubewustzijn: de invloed van beide ouders en de rol van communicatie binnen het gezin,VABB-1,5,28,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:347898,,Silencing Cinema. Film Censorship around the World,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347901,,Geloofwaardigheid van e-WOM: de invloed van reviewpercepties op de persuasieve impact van online reviews,VABB-1,332,345,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:347907,,Children and online news: a suboptimal relationship. Quantitative and qualitative research in Flanders,VABB-4,125,140,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:347908,,Cultural values in reporting on Islam: The UK and Flanders compared,VABB-1,35,45,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347909,,"Unveiling Culturally Diverse Markets: A Typology of Youth in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-4,43,65,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347910,,The Netherlands: Initiatives to subsidize press innovation,VABB-4,271,289,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347915,,Internet-using children and digital inequality: A comparison between majority and minority Europeans,VABB-1,41,60,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347916,,Narration in the Flemish Dual Publication System: The Crossover Genre of the Humoristic Adventure,VABB-1,255,269,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347917,,Group Recommendation in a Hybrid Broadcast Broadband Television Context,VABB-5,12,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347920,,Self-taught assistive vocal interfaces: An overview of the ALADIN project,VABB-5,2038,2043,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347921,,Silencing Cinema: An Introduction,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347922,,Verbal and visual rhetoric in a media world,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347931,,Communication in nuclear emergency preparedness: A closer look at information perception,VABB-1,1987,2001,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347933,,A depression training session with consumer educators to reduce stigmatizing views and improve pharmacists’ depression care attitudes and practices,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347935,,De eurocrisis in het nieuws. Een framinganalyse van de verslaggeving in Vlaamse kranten,VABB-1,162,183,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:347936,,Measuring product liking in preschool children: An evaluation of the Smileyometer and This or That method,VABB-1,61,70,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347943,,Designing with dementia: guidelines for participatory design together with persons with dementia,VABB-5,649,666,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347947,,Perceived game realism: a test of three alternative models,VABB-1,31,36,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347949,,Video games in therapy: a therapist's perspective,VABB-1,106,122,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347950,,Implications of stealing thunder for the impact of expressing emotions in organizational crisis communication,VABB-1,293,308,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347952,,Young People’s News Orientations and Uses of Traditional and New Media for News,VABB-1,367,388,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347953,,The American Dark Ages and the Terrorist Witch in Season of the Witch,VABB-1,51,65,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347954,,Making design representations as catalysts for reflective making in a collaborative design research process,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347955,,From theory to practice. A crisis simulation exercise,VABB-1,322,338,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347957,,"Cities, networks, and global environmental governance : spaces of innovation, places of leadership",VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347958,,De 'veiligheid-ontwikkeling nexus' en de securitisering van het EU-beleid ten aanzien van ontwikkelingslanden,VABB-1,541,544,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347959,,The Illusion of Choice: The European Union and the trade-labor linkage,VABB-1,542,559,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347966,,Nationalism and political competition in Central Europe: the case of Poland,VABB-1,128,145,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347973,,Conclusion – Towards Engaged Pluralism in the Study of European Trade Politics,VABB-1,659,674,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347974,,Theorizing European Union Trade Politics: Contending or Complementary Paradigms?,VABB-1,493,500,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347975,,Learning to Talk the Talk: Re-Appraising the External Perspective in the EU’s Foreign Policy,VABB-1,296,322,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347976,,The Role and Dynamics of the Clean Development Mechanism in EU-Vietnam Climate Relations,VABB-4,157,188,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347977,,The Governance of the CDM in China: Achievements and Deficiencies,VABB-4,128,154,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347980,,Do we need authorised orphan drugs when compounded medications are available?,VABB-1,1,2,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347981,,Differentiated information on antidepressants at hospital discharge: a hypothesis-generating study,VABB-1,252,262,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347983,,Information on antidepressants for psychiatric inpatients: the divide between patient needs and professional practice,VABB-1,81,89,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347984,,Preventing COPD exacerbations with macrolides: a review and budget impact analysis,VABB-1,637,648,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347986,,Quality of care for cancer patients on home parenteral nutrition: development of key interventions and outcome indicators using a two-round Delphi approach,VABB-1,1373,1381,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:347987,,Measures to enhance angiotensin-receptor blocker prescribing efficiency in Belgium following generic losartan: impact and implications for the future,VABB-1,173,181,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347990,,Dabigatran - a case history demonstrating the need for comprehensive approaches to optimise the use of new drugs,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347991,,Demand-side policies to encourage the use of generic medicines: an overview,VABB-1,59,72,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347992,,Response to 'Clinical guidelines for the care of adult patients receiving home parenteral nutrition.',VABB-1,155,156,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347994,,Market entry of biosimilar low-molecular-weight heparins in Europe: opportunities and challenges,VABB-1,250,257,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:347995,,Do ultra-orphan medicinal products warrant ultra-high prices? A review,VABB-1,23,31,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:347996,,Preventie van recidiverende urineweginfecties met lactobacilli,VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348001,,Length of stay after reaching clinical stability drives hospital costs associated with adult community-acquired pneumonia,VABB-1,219,226,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348003,,"Generic atorvastatin, the Belgian statin market and the cost-effectiveness of statin therapy",VABB-1,49,60,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:348004,,Cost-effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for COPD in ambulatory care: a review,VABB-1,1004,1011,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348005,,Development of quality of care interventions for adult patients on home parenteral nutrition (HPN) with a benign underlying disease using a two-round Delphi approach,VABB-1,59,64,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348014,,The generic pharmaceutical industry: moving beyond incremental innovation towards re-innovation,VABB-1,13,19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348015,,Analgesic Use and Frailty among Community-Dwelling Older People : A Population-Based Study,VABB-1,129,36,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348016,,Open innovation and firm performance in small-sized R&D active companies in the chemical industry: the case of Belgium,VABB-1,117,132,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348017,,"The interaction between economic theories and policies in Belgium, 1944-2000",VABB-1,103,120,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348018,,A rent index for the private rental sector in Flanders,VABB-1,435,449,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348021,,Changes in the Structure of Coal and Steel Industries under the ECSC (1952-1967): Was West Germany Kept 'Small'?,VABB-1,5,30,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348023,,Budgetary sustainability in the presence of macroeconomic and financial market instability: an application to the case of Belgium,VABB-1,114,134,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348024,,Pass-on trade: why do firms simultaneously engage in two-way trade in the same varieties?,VABB-1,85,112,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348025,,Antidumping protection hurts exporters: firm-level evidence,VABB-1,295,320,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348026,,Regulation of banking and financial markets,VABB-4,558,606,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348027,,Indian Antidumping Measures against China,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348028,,Audit Report Lags in the Belgian Non-Profit Sector: An Empirical Analysis,VABB-1,138,158,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348030,,Turnaround initiatives and auditors' going-concern judgment: Memory for audit evidence,VABB-1,105,121,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348031,,Determinanten van octrooiaanvragers in België,VABB-1,27,40,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348032,,"Taxes, agglomeration rents and location decisions of firms",VABB-1,421,446,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348035,,Are your taxes set in Warsaw? Spatial tax competition in Europe,VABB-1,317,337,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348038,,"Opening the ""black box"" of efficiency measurement: Input allocation in multi-output settings",VABB-1,1148,1165,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348041,,Management control in creative firms,VABB-4,242,263,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348042,,Audit reporting for going-concern uncertainty: A research synthesis,VABB-1,353,384,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348044,,Costs and benefits of disclosure,VABB-4,144,162,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348045,,A geographic analysis of constituents’ formal participation in the process of international accounting standard setting: Do we have a level playing field?,VABB-1,237,270,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348047,,Genderdiversiteit in de raad van bestuur en winststuring bij continentaal Europese ondernemingen,VABB-1,20,32,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348048,,De samenstelling van de raad van bestuur en de rapportering van informatie over het intellectueel kapitaal in hoogtechnologische en traditionele sectoren,VABB-1,2,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348049,,Managing in a complex world: Accounting and governance choices in hospitals,VABB-1,647,684,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348050,,Do CEO demographics explain cash holdings in SMEs?,VABB-1,549,554,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348051,,Heeft mediareputatie een invloed op het verkrijgen van leverancierskrediet?,VABB-1,14,28,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348052,,Response of the EAA FRSC to the EFRAG/ANC/FRC Discussion Paper: Towards a Disclosure Framework for the Notes,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348053,,Strategic fee discounting of the Big 4 audit firms in private client segments,VABB-1,961,994,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348054,,"Auditor Performance, Client Satisfaction and Client Loyalty: Evidence from Belgian Non-Profits",VABB-1,19,37,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348058,,How did the notional interest deduction affect Belgian SMEs' capital structure,VABB-1,351,373,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348059,,Problematiek van de commissarisfunctie in de verenigingen en stichtingen ten gevolge van de sectorale boekhoud- en externe auditregelingen,VABB-1,27,35,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348063,,Jump robust two time scale covariance estimation and realized volatility budgets,VABB-1,1041,1054,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:348064,,Institutional development and financing decisions: Evidence from a cross-regional study on Chinese listed firms,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348067,,Value creation and division of gains in horizontal acquisitions in Europe: The role of industry conditions,VABB-1,1819,1833,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348069,,Dark trading,VABB-4,213,230,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348072,,"Debt in rural South-India: fragmentation, social regulation and discrimination",VABB-1,1155,1171,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348074,,Do microfinance institutions accomplish their mission? Evidence from the relationship between traditional financial sector development and microfinance institutions' outreach and performance,VABB-1,1965,1982,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348076,,Asset allocation with conditional value-at-risk budgets,VABB-1,39,68,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348077,,Using heteroskedastic models to analyze the use of rules versus discretion in lending decisions,VABB-4,216,237,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348078,,Is more finance better? Disentangling intermediation and size effects of financial systems,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348079,,The Interplay Between Tonal Synchrony and Social Engagement in Mother–Infant Interaction,VABB-1,849,872,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348080,,Bertrand competition with an asymmetric no-discrimination constraint,VABB-1,62,83,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348081,,Robust forecasting of dynamic conditional correlation GARCH models,VABB-1,244,257,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348086,,Can training improve laypersons helping behaviour in first aid? A randomised controlled deception trial,VABB-1,292,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348088,,An alternative classification system for chronic kidney disease,VABB-1,21,21,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348089,,Drug prescriptions unadapted to the renal function in patients aged 80 years and older (a.),VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348094,,De Orde van geneesheren op een keerpunt: hervormen of verwijnen,VABB-1,57,65,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348095,,No relation between vitamin D status and physical performance in the oldest old: results from the Belfrail study,VABB-1,186,190,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348098,,A framework provided an outline toward the proper evaluation of potential screening strategies,VABB-1,639,647,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348101,,"The relationship between grip strength and muscle mass (MM), inflammatory biomarkers and physical performance in community-dwelling very old persons",VABB-1,345,351,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348103,,Systematic review of efficacy and safety of buprenorphine versus fentanyl or morphine in patients with chronic moderate to severe pain,VABB-1,833,845,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348107,,Routinely-collected General Practice Data from the Electronic Patient Record and General Practitioner Active Electronic Questioning Method: A Comparative Study,VABB-1,510,514,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348108,,"Measuring the glomerular filtration rate in different age groups using iohexol, the protocol from the Belgian Iohexol Study",VABB-1,31,36,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348109,,Development and validation of COMPASS: clinical evidence of orphan medicinal products – an assessment tool,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348113,,The influence of renal function on vitamin d metabolism in the very elderly,VABB-1,107,111,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348114,,Cognos: Care for people with Cognitive dysfunction. A national observational study,VABB-1,123,132,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348117,,Welke factoren beïnvloeden de kwaliteit van het levenseinde?,VABB-1,1133,1142,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348119,,Identifying Experiential Expertise to Support People With Diabetes Mellitus in Applying for and Participating Effectively in Paid Work A Qualitative Study,VABB-1,92,100,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348120,,"3',5'Di-O-trityluridine inhibits in vitro flavivirus replication",VABB-1,242,247,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:348121,,The insignificance of statistical significance,VABB-1,50,52,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348122,,Material vs. psychosocial explanations of old-age educational differences in physical and mental functioning,VABB-1,587,592,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348123,,The effect of multimorbidity on health related functioning: Temporary or persistent? Results from a longitudinal cohort study,VABB-1,211,217,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348124,,Defining the Palliative Care Patient: a systematic review.,VABB-1,197,208,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348125,,Perceived unfairness and socioeconomic inequalities in functional decline: the Dutch SMILE prospective cohort study,VABB-1,818,823,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348127,,Appropriate prescribing for older people: a new tool for the general practitioner,VABB-1,8,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348129,,An in-depth analysis of theoretical frameworks for the study of care coordination,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348130,,Using a ‘yellow card’ in the objective structured clinical exam: does it add to the identification of problem postgraduate trainees in general practice?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348134,,Care pathways across the primary-hospital care continuum: using the multi-level framework in explaining care coordination,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348135,,Harvesting Experiential Expertise to Support Safe Driving for People with Diabetes Mellitus A Qualitative Study Evaluated by Peers in a Survey,VABB-1,251,264,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348136,,Supporting People With Diabetes Mellitus in Applying for and Participating Effectively in Paid Work Validation of Successful Diabetes-Related Behaviors by Experiential Experts and Professional Care Providers,VABB-1,1491,1499,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348137,,Excess of health care use in general practice and of comorbid chronic conditions in cancer patients compared to controls,VABB-1,60,60,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348138,,Socioeconomic factors from midlife predict mobility limitation and depressed mood three decades later; Findings from the AGES-Reykjavik Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348139,,Unhealthy Lifestyles Do Not Mediate the Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Incident Depressive Symptoms: The Health ABC study,VABB-1,664,674,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348140,,Predictability of Persistent Frequent Attendance in Primary Care: A Temporal and Geographical Validation Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348141,,Cognitive hostility predicts all-cause mortality irrespective of behavioural risk at late middle and older age,VABB-1,701,705,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348142,,Variation in 17 obstetric care pathways: potential danger for health professionals and patient safety?,VABB-1,278,285,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348143,,Coronary heart disease in primary care: accuracy of medical history and physical findings in patients with chest pain - a study protocol for a systematic review with individual patient data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348144,,Long-term evolution of renal function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a registry-based retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348147,,Identificatie van een palliatieve patiënt,VABB-1,543,549,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348148,,Defining a palliative care patient: Reaction on Groninger H. Letter to the Editor: Regarding a definition of the palliative care patient,VABB-1,954,955,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348149,,Spirituele zorg aan het levenseinde,VABB-1,535,538,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348150,,A frontline triage system across different health settings,VABB-1,f2313,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348151,,Global quality indicators for primary care electronic patient records,VABB-1,66,70,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348152,,Influence of chronic comorbidity and medication on the efficacy of treatment in patients with diabetes in general practice,VABB-1,267,73,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348153,,Tools that Detectives Use: In Search of Learner-related Determinants for Usage of Optional Feedback in a Written Murder Mystery,VABB-4,22,45,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348154,,Value of Adding Natriuretic Peptides and Electrocardiographic Findings to Assess the Presence of Cardiac Dysfunction in Patients ≥ 80 Years of Age,VABB-1,1198,1208,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348155,,Palliatieve zorg voor de patiënt met dementie,VABB-1,550,553,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348159,,Spirituality in palliative home care: a framework for the clinician,VABB-1,1061,1069,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348160,,Human computation as a new method for evidence-based knowledge transfer in web-based guideline development groups: A proof of concept randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348162,,How well do clinical prediction rules perform in identifying serious infections in acutely ill children across an international network of ambulatory care datasets?,VABB-1,10,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348163,,"Sputum cytokine mapping reveals an 'IL-5, IL-17A, IL-25-high' pattern associated with poorly controlled asthma",VABB-1,1009,1017,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348164,,"Hepatitis C prevalence in injecting drug users in Europe, 1990-2007: impact of study recruitment setting",VABB-1,563,572,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348165,,Tail variance premiums for log-elliptical distributions,VABB-1,441,447,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348166,,A note on the (in)dependence between financial and actuarial risks,VABB-1,522,531,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348168,,Individual loss reserving with the multivariate skew normal framework,VABB-1,399,428,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348171,,Micro-level stochastic loss reserving in general insurance,VABB-1,649,669,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:348172,,Guidance on research integrity: no union in Europe,VABB-1,1097,1098,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348173,,Intracellular oxidative stress caused by nanoparticle: what do we measure with dichlorofluorescein assay?,VABB-1,223,227,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348174,,Crucial Role of TRPA1 and Mast Cells in Induction of Non-Allergic Airway Hyperreactivity in Mice,VABB-1,486,493,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348175,,Neutrophil and eosinophil granulocytes as key players in a mouse model of chemical-induced asthma,VABB-1,406,418,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348176,,Prior lung inflammation impacts on body distribution of gold nanoparticles,VABB-1,923475,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348178,,Integrity Training: Conflicting Practices,VABB-1,1403,1403,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348179,,Impact of air pollution on cystic fibrosis pulmonary exacerbations: a case-crossover analysis,VABB-1,946,54,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348180,,"Visienota voor de toekomst van de arbeidsgeneeskunde in België. Een gemeenschappelijk standpunt van de vertegenwoordigers van de BBvAg-APBMT, VWVA, SSST, VVIB-AMTI",VABB-1,69,72,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348181,,B-lymphocytes as Key Players in Chemical-Induced Asthma,VABB-1,e83228,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348182,,High Risk of Malignant Mesothelioma and Pleural Plaques in Subjects Born Close to Ophiolites,VABB-1,164,171,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348184,,Effects of environmental stressors on histone modifications and their relevance to carcinogenesis: A systematic review,VABB-1,491,500,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348185,,How physico-chemical characteristics of nanoparticles cause their toxicity: complex and unresolved interrelations,VABB-1,23,28,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348186,,Decreased Mitochondrial DNA Content in Association with Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in House Dust during Wintertime: From a Population Enquiry to Cell Culture,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348187,,Amorphous silica nanoparticles promote monocyte adhesion to human endothelial cells: Size-dependent effect,VABB-1,430,438,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348188,,Return to Work Following Breast Cancer Treatment: The Employers' Side,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:348192,,"Genetic testing and couselling in the case of consanguinity: facts, ethical and legal consequences",VABB-4,69,84,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348194,,"Could minors be living kidney donors? A systematic review of guidelines, position papers and reports",VABB-1,949,960,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348196,,Genetic testing: anonymity of sperm donors under threat,VABB-1,169,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348197,,"“It’s our DNA, we deserve the right to test!” A content analysis of a petition for the right to access direct-to-consumer genetic testing",VABB-1,729,739,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348202,,Direct-to-consumer genetic testing - where should we focus the policy debate?,VABB-1,499,500,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348203,,"Survey of European clinical geneticists on awareness, experiences and attitudes towards direct-to-consumer genetic testing",VABB-1,45,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348206,,Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Services: Policies and Challenges,VABB-4,1583,1597,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348207,,Direct-to-consumer genetic testing: from ethical concerns to policy answers,VABB-1,115,118,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348209,,Dignity-enhancing care for persons with dementia and its application to advance euthanasia directives,VABB-4,145,165,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348210,,"Justice, luck & responsibility in health care: philosophical background and ethical implications for end-of-life care",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348211,,Dignity-enhancing nursing care: a foundational ethical framework,VABB-1,142,149,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348212,,A recent phenomenon in European biolaw: advance directives,VABB-1,51,71,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348213,,"Reflections on the cost of ""low-cost"" whole genome sequencing: framing the health policy debate",VABB-1,e1001699,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348219,,Why do participants enroll in population biobank studies? A systematic literature review,VABB-1,35,47,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348220,,To tell or not to tell? A systematic review of ethical reflections on incidental findings arising in genetics contexts,VABB-1,248,55,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348223,,Research evaluation: Flanders overrates impact factors,VABB-1,29,29,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348224,,Nurses' decision-making process in cases of physical restraint in acute elderly care: A qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348225,,Factors contributing to parental decision-making in disclosing donor conception: a systematic review,VABB-1,714,733,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348227,,Trust in Nurse-Patient Relationships: A Literature Review,VABB-1,501,516,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348228,,Whole-genome sequencing in health care,VABB-1,580,4,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348231,,Completeness and satisfaction with the education and information received by patients immediately after kidney transplant: a mixed-models study,VABB-1,12,22,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348232,,Nurses' knowledge and attitudes towards aged sexuality: validity and internal consistency of the Dutch version of the Aging Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Scale,VABB-1,2584,96,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348235,,"On Justice, Luck and Moral Responsibility Concerning Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis",VABB-4,55,83,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348237,,Nood aan duidelijke schriftelijke afspraken met de hoofdgeneesheer,VABB-1,118,131,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348238,,"Realizing Good Care within a Context of Cross-Cultural Diversity: An Ethical Guideline for Healthcare Organizations in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,38,46,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348239,,From Birth to Death? A Personalist Approach to End-of-Life Care of Severely Ill Newborns,VABB-1,7,24,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348241,,Reflecting on earlier experiences with unsolicited findings: Points to consider for next generation sequencing and informed consent in diagnostics,VABB-1,1322,1328,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348242,,Developing a policy for paediatric biobanks: principles for good practice,VABB-1,2,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348243,,The Ethical Introduction of Genome-Based Information and Technologies into Public Health,VABB-1,100,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348247,,Papain-induced asthma: a man with dyspnea from dawn till dust,VABB-1,132,134,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348249,,Impact of a stepwise introduction of smoke-free legislation on the rate of preterm births: analysis of routinely collected birth data,VABB-1,f441,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348252,,Prenatal exposure to environmental contaminants and behavioural problems at age 7-8years,VABB-1,225,231,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348254,,Retinal microvascular responses to short-term changes in particulate air pollution in healthy adults,VABB-1,1011,6,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348255,,Host and environmental predictors of exhaled breath temperature in the elderly,VABB-1,1226,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348256,,Genetic variation in interleukin-17 receptor A is functionally associated with chronic rejection after lung transplantation,VABB-1,1233,1240,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348258,,References and cutoffs for triceps and subscapular skinfolds in Norwegian children 4-16 years of age,VABB-1,928,933,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348259,,Dental attendance in preschool children - a prospective study,VABB-1,84,93,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348264,,Against the Secret Ballot: Toward a New Proposal for Open Voting,VABB-1,490,507,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348265,,Vriendschap en nihilisme,VABB-1,5,23,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:348266,,Textual and Philosophical Issues in Averroes' Long Commentary on the De Anima of Aristotle,VABB-4,267,287,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348268,,The influence of weight gain patterns in pregnancy on fetal growth using cluster analysis in an obese and nonobese population,VABB-1,1416,1422,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348273,,High school dropout and long-term sickness and disability in young adulthood: a prospective propensity score stratified cohort study (the Young-HUNT study),VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348274,,"How does brain activation differ in children with unilateral cerebral palsy compared to typically developing children, during active and passive movements, and tactile stimulation? An fMRI study",VABB-1,183,197,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348275,,"Growth references for 0-19 year-old Norwegian children for length/height, weight, body mass index and head circumference",VABB-1,220,227,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348276,,TV viewing and obesity among Norwegian children: the importance of parental education,VABB-1,199,205,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348277,,Impact of instrument error on the estimated prevalence of overweight and obesity in population-based surveys,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348282,,Van Gaudet Mater Ecclesia! naar Gaudet Mater Ecclesia? en terug,VABB-4,419,432,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:348283,,"Maarten van Dorp, the Oratio Paulina (1516/1519), and the Biblical-Humanist Voice among the Louvain Theologians",VABB-1,163,193,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348284,,Literatuursignalementen 2012-2013,VABB-1,453,471,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348286,,The Use of 1Cor 7:36-38 in Early Christian Asceticism,VABB-4,148,160,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348287,,Perseverance until the End in Augustine's Anti-Donatist polemic,VABB-4,433,438,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348288,,"Scio unum Deum vivum et verum, qui est trinus et unus Deus: The Relevance of Creedal Elements in the Passio Donati, Venusti et Hermogenis",VABB-4,243,257,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348289,,Augustine's Use of the Concept of Praeuaricatio: A Case Study in the Recent Debate on Continuity in Augustine's Doctrine of Grace,VABB-1,195,213,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348290,,Ruusbroec at the Charterhouse of Herne: How did the Carthusians React to the Eckhart Shock?,VABB-4,107,125,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348293,,The abyss of the soul: a response to Saskia Wendel,VABB-4,199,209,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348294,,A Champion of Ethics in the World of Professional Sport: Antoon Van Clé O.Praem. (1891-1955),VABB-1,239,249,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348296,,Christian Martyrdom in Late Antiquity: Some Introductory Perspectives,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348297,,Individualisation and the Cult of the Martyrs: Examples from Asia Minor in the Fourth Century,VABB-4,187,215,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348298,,Augustine’s Preaching on Grace at Pentecost,VABB-4,3,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348300,,"The Priest, the Sexton, and the Weaver: A Flemish Dinner Play Performing Biblical Theology (c. 1539-1565)",VABB-4,19,41,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348302,,The influence of Beatrice of Nazareth on Marguerite Porete : the seven manners of love revised,VABB-1,41,88,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348304,,Sex,VABB-4,1726,1737,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348306,,Mysticism with or without the Church? John of Ruusbroec's Conflict with the Clergy,VABB-1,18,32,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348307,,Biblical Interpretation in Basil of Caesarea's Asketikon,VABB-4,246,267,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348309,,The Problem of the Self and the Divine in the Mystical Testimonies,VABB-4,115,127,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348310,,Elenchus Bibliographicus – Historia theologiae et theologorum. Theologia ascetico-mystica,VABB-1,1*,885*,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348313,,Julian of Eclanum,VABB-4,1236,1239,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:348315,,De peccatorum meritis et remissione et de baptismo parvulorum,VABB-4,370,373,,lat,2013,2 c:vabb:348316,,De natura et gratia,VABB-4,350,353,,lat,2013,2 c:vabb:348319,,Santiago Sancho on the Conception of a Filipino Missionary Institute,VABB-1,31,50,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348326,,"Thomism and the Renewal of Theology: Chenu, Charlier, and their Ressourcement",VABB-1,50,68,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348327,,La Iglesia Católica y la lectura de la Biblia en lengua vernácula antes y después de Trento,VABB-1,245,273,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:348329,,Divine inspiration in Virgil's Aeneid and Augustine's Christian alternative in Confessiones,VABB-4,15,29,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348330,,The Circumstances Related to the Arrival of the Divine Word Missionaries in the Philippines at the Dawn of the 20th Century,VABB-1,809,839,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348331,,Between Aristotle and Ignatius of Loyola: The Biography of Leonardus Lessius and Its Frontispiece as Guides to His Work,VABB-4,279,293,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348332,,Augustine’s (Neo)Platonic Soul and Anti-Pelagian Spirit,VABB-4,63,73,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348333,,Biblical Editions and Commentaries. I. From 1200 to 1600,VABB-4,667,674,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348334,,"Damnatio Paruulorum. El Pensamiento de san Agustín sobre el pecado original en los ss. 174,175, 176 y ss. 293-294",VABB-1,201,214,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:348335,,"Inventaire des archives personnelles du Cardinal J. Willebrands, Secrétaire (1960-1969) et Président (1969-1989) du Secrétariat pour l'unité des chrétiens, Archevêque d'Utrecht (1975-1983)",VABB-2,,,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:348336,,Forms without Substance or Synchronism? Attempts to Define Culture and Civilization in Early 20th Century Romania,VABB-1,39,66,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348337,,The Catholic Church and Sport. A Burgeoning Territory within Historical Research!,VABB-1,342,354,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348338,,Gratia in Augustine’s Sermones ad Populum during the Pelagian Controversy. Do Different Contexts Furnish Different Insights?,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348339,,"‘Pelagianism', the Rule of Reason and the ‘pruritus scribendi’: Jansenius’ Sources and the Authority They Are Ascribed",VABB-1,931,966,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348342,,Rondom het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie,VABB-1,380,390,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348343,,Discontinuity in the Teaching of the Roman Catholic Church. The Case of Nostra Aetate 4,VABB-4,55,86,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348344,,Catholic and Protestant Modernisms: A Call for a Comparative Approach,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348345,,Religious Modernism in the Low Countries,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348347,,The History after the History?,VABB-1,437,441,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348350,,Jan van Leeuwen’s Criticism of Meister Eckhart: An Aspect of the Impact from the Papal Bull In agro dominico in 14th Century Brabant,VABB-1,170,192,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348352,,De liturgie in het hart van de Kerk. Een lectuur van Sacrosanctum concilium na 50 jaar,VABB-1,363,384,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348354,,"""After You"". Dialogical Ethics and the Pastoral Counselling Process",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348356,,The Complexity of Power in Pastoral Relations: Challenges for Theology and Church,VABB-1,221,235,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348361,,Liturgie en rituelen. Of waarom bidden en vieren vandaag zo moeilijk zijn,VABB-1,94,105,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348363,,Is er iets mis met de mis? Beschouwingen over de eucharistie in het licht van recente ontwikkelingen en Vaticanum II,VABB-1,65,84,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348367,,Interchurch Families. A Test Case for the “Domestic Church”,VABB-4,577,590,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348368,,"Bodily Mediation in Sacramental Theology. Exploring Tensions between de Lubac, Chauvet, and Lacoste",VABB-4,221,230,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348369,,Een nieuwe liturgische cultuur? Theologische overwegingen over de verwevenheid van Sacrosanctum concilium met de drie andere conciliaire constituties,VABB-1,320,333,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348370,,"Doing Justice in Primary Relationships. Intersubjectivity, Social Identity, and Power in Pastoral Counselling in Dialogue with the Thought of Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy",VABB-4,217,232,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348372,,The Place of Baptism. On Being and/or Becoming Christian in Postmodern Cultures,VABB-1,130,153,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348380,,"Neither Angels, nor Devils. Theological Views on Children's Responsibility",VABB-1,192,202,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348385,,"Seeing a Reflection, Considering Appearances: The History, Theology and Literary Composition of the Missale Romanum at a Time of Vernacular Reflection",VABB-1,109,143,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348388,,Entre théologie et philosophie: des Arabes chrétiens dans l'œuvre de Shlomo Pines (1908-1990),VABB-4,101,112,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:348389,,La diversité dévotionelle en islam égyptien,VABB-4,183,199,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:348390,,Towards an Interpretation of Yaḥyā ibn ‘Adī’s Terminology in his Theological Treatises,VABB-1,61,72,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348391,,Les chrétiens en pays d’islam,VABB-4,467,477,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348392,,The Complex Relationship between Body and Mind as a Key for a Renewed Catholic Reflection on Diaconal Work,VABB-4,261,269,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348396,,Religieuze volkscultuur: natuur versus cultuur,VABB-1,5,22,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348400,,The Phallocentric Hierarchical Model of the Family in Igbo Context: Towards a More Egalitarian Model in the Light of the Theology of Domestic Church,VABB-4,279,300,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348405,,Macht en mededogen in het pastoraat. Vanuit het perspectief van Michel Foucault,VABB-1,327,338,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348407,,Pastoral care and psychotherapy. A need for theoretical clarity,VABB-1,6:1,6:13,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348408,,Eviter le Burn-out. Pour un soutien appuyé aux agents pastoraux dans le secteur des soins de santé et d’aide aux personnes,VABB-1,275,292,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:348410,,Adelmann of Liège and the Eucharistic Controversy,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348412,,Le paradox de la pédagogisation et les conséquences pour les soins pastoraux en pédiatrie,VABB-1,11,25,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:348414,,Did the Council of Trent Produce a Liturgical Reform? The Case of the Roman Missal,VABB-1,171,195,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348415,,Kwaad als Perversio Boni. Post-holocaust perspectieven op de Godsvraag,VABB-1,366,379,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348416,,"Rationale, design and baseline data of a mixed methods study examining the clinical impact of a brief transition programme for young people with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: the DON'T RETARD project",VABB-1,e003591,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348417,,Phantom shocks in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator: Results from a randomized rehabilitation trial (COPE-ICD),VABB-1,1463,1467,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348418,,Evaluation of the appropriateness and outcome of in-hospital telemetry monitoring,VABB-1,1219,1223,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348419,,Sense of coherence as a resource for quality of life in patients with congenital heart disease: The benefits continue into adulthood,VABB-1,567,568,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348420,,Perceived health is partially associated with the symptomatological profile in patients with benign and severe conditions: The case of congenital heart disease,VABB-1,1295,1304,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348421,,"A systematic survey instrument translation process for multi-country, comparative health workforce studies",VABB-1,264,73,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348422,,Important variations in the content of care pathway documents for total knee arthroplasty may lead to quality and patient safety problems,VABB-1,11,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348427,,Development of an international research agenda for adult congenital heart disease nursing,VABB-1,7,16,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348428,,Feasibility and impact of an evidence-based electronic decision support system for diabetes care in family medicine: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,83,90,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348429,,Nurses' reports of working conditions and hospital quality of care in 12 countries in Europe,VABB-1,143,153,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348431,,Effective strategies for nurse retention in acute hospitals: A mixed method study,VABB-1,185,94,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348432,,Levenslange zorg voor patiënten met een aangeboren hartafwijking,VABB-1,7,13,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348435,,Levels and correlates of implicit rationing of nursing care in Swiss acute care hospitals-A cross sectional study,VABB-1,230,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348436,,"What would Deming, Juran and Crosby have to say about “a zero tolerance” for patient harm?",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348437,,Predictive model for late atrial arrhythmia after closure of an atrial septal defect,VABB-1,318,322,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348438,,Healthcare payment reforms across western countries on three continents : lessons from stakeholder preferences when asked to rate the supportiveness for fulfilling patients' needs,VABB-1,14,23,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348439,,Transitie van jongvolwassenen,VABB-4,9,14,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348440,,An evaluation of disease knowledge in dyads of parents and their adolescent children with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,541,549,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348441,,Management of delirium on acute geriatric wards: A survey in Belgian hospitals,VABB-1,209,213,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348442,,Supporting involved health care professionals (second victims) following an adverse health event: a literature review,VABB-1,678,687,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348443,,Psychometric properties of the Hospital Ethical Climate Survey: a cross-sectional study in a large sample of Belgian psychiatric nurses,VABB-1,202,208,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348445,,Epidemiology of catheter-related infections in adult patients receiving home parenteral nutrition: a systematic review,VABB-1,16,26,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348446,,Feasibility of implementing a practice guideline for fall prevention on geriatric wards: A multicentre study,VABB-1,495,507,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348447,,The Leuven questionnaire for Patient Self-care during Chemotherapy (L-PaSC): Instrument development and psychometric evaluation,VABB-1,275,283,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348449,,2013 ESH/ESC guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: the Task Force for the Management of Arterial Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC),VABB-1,2159,2219,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348450,,Optimizing triage and hospitalization in adult general medical emergency patients: the triage project,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348452,,Validation of a single item to assess daytime sleepiness for the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study,VABB-1,220,8,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348456,,Self-reported sleep disturbances in renal transplant recipients,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348461,,Student midwives' views on maternity care just before their graduation,VABB-1,600,609,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348463,,A hermeneutic phenomenological study of Belgian midwives' views on ideal and actual maternity care,VABB-1,e9,e17,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348465,,Evaluation of the impact of a clinical pathway on the organization of a multidisciplinary dental sleep clinic,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348466,,The Leuven Questionnaire on Patient Knowledge of Chemotherapy (L-PaKC): Instrument development and psychometric evaluation,VABB-1,465,473,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348497,,Experiences with an IP based system for the digital operating room,VABB-5,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348500,,Understanding the importance of using patient-reported outcome measures in patients with immune thrombocytopenia,VABB-1,S39,S42,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348505,,Identification and Assessment of Adherence-Enhancing Interventions in Studies Assessing Medication Adherence Through Electronically Compiled Drug Dosing Histories: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis,VABB-1,545,562,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348506,,Access of a fully rotated implantable port leads to extravasation,VABB-1,299,300,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348507,,A Multi-country perspective on nurses' tasks below their skill level: Reports from domestically trained nurses and foreign trained nurses from developing countries,VABB-1,202,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348508,,Group-level impact of work environment dimensions on burnout experiences among nurses: A multivariate multilevel probit model,VABB-1,281,91,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348509,,"Hospital nursing, care quality, and patient satisfaction: Cross-sectional surveys of nurses and patients in hospitals in China and Europe",VABB-1,154,61,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348510,,Quality indicators for in-hospital management of exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: results of an international Delphi study,VABB-1,348,362,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348511,,Transfer from paediatric rheumatology to the adult rheumatology setting: experiences and expectations of young adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis,VABB-1,575,583,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348513,,Sexual concerns and practices after ICD implantation: Findings of the COPE-ICD rehabilitation trial,VABB-1,468,474,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348514,,Academic Service Partnerships: What do we learn from around the globe? A systematic literature review,VABB-1,447,57,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348516,,Living organ donation practices in Europe - results from an online survey,VABB-1,145,53,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348519,,"A proposal for interdisciplinary, nurse-coordinated atrial fibrillation expert programs as a way to structure daily practice",VABB-1,2725,2730,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348520,,"Comparing normal saline versus diluted heparin to lock non-valved totally implantable venous access devices in cancer patients: a randomized, non-inferiority, open trial",VABB-1,1892,1899,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348524,,Theologie en het Nieuwe Atheïsme,VABB-1,178,191,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348526,,Lugares secretos e sagrados. O papel da arte nos processos de reconciliação,VABB-1,24,34,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:348527,,Geheime und heilige Orte. Die Rolle der Kunst im Prozess der Versöhnung,VABB-1,15,24,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:348534,,Movements Struggling for Justice Within the Church: A Theological Response to John Coleman's Sociological Approach,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348540,,Introduction,VABB-4,5,10,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348541,,"Het huwelijk vandaag. Uitdagingen en kansen voor pastoraat, theologie en spiritualiteit vanuit katholiek perspectief",VABB-1,283,302,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348542,,"Le mariage aujourd’hui. Défis et chances pour la pastorale, la théologie et la spiritualité au départ de la perspective catholique",VABB-1,13,25,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:348543,,My Age is Predetermined by God. Elderly Muslims and Pain Control,VABB-4,249,264,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348546,,Perspectives on Islamic Culture. Essays in Honour of Emilio G. Platti,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348550,,Perception Sanctified: Retrieving the Spiritual Senses in the wake of Hans Urs von Balthasar,VABB-1,276,290,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348557,,The Domestic Church – Revisiting a Theological Concept at the Intersection of Family Studies and Ecclesiology,VABB-4,3,23,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348558,,Vatican Teachings on Labour and Their Relevance for The Unorganised Workers in India,VABB-1,852,863,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348560,,The (Mal)Practice of Dowry in Contemporary India. A Challenge to Marriage and Family Ministry,VABB-1,203,211,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348561,,Catholic Social Thought and the Movements: Towards Social Discernment and a Transformative Presence in the World,VABB-1,231,239,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348564,,The Seriousness of Marriage,VABB-4,49,55,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348567,,The Economic Crisis as a Crisis in Anthropology: Would a Trinitarian Anthropology Offer an Alternative to the Economic Individualistic Approach?,VABB-1,295,315,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348568,,Secret and Sacred Places: The Role of Art in Processes of Reconciliation,VABB-1,24,34,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348569,,Indissolubility and Second Marriage - A New Way Out of the Impasse?,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348570,,What Drives International Equity and Bond Holdings? An Empirical Study,VABB-1,1067,1082,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348573,,The equity home bias puzzle: A survey,VABB-1,289,416,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348574,,The Impact of Size Bias on Empirical Research on Stock Market Anomalies: US and International Evidence,VABB-5,190,203,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348578,,Managing Open Innovation: Connecting the Firm to External Knowledge,VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348579,,Top research productivity and its persistency: Gender as a double-edged sword,VABB-1,273,285,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348580,,Young leading innovators and the EU’s R&D intensity gap,VABB-1,177,198,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348582,,Do firms benefit from investing in basic research? An empirical investigation for pharmaceutical firms,VABB-4,259,283,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348583,,How global is R&D? Firm-level determinants of home country bias in R&D,VABB-1,765,786,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348584,,Which percentile-based approach should be preferred for calculating normalized citation impact values?,VABB-1,933,944,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348585,,The political economy of EU enlargement: Impact on decision-making and budget,VABB-1,81,97,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348586,,The impact of international standards certification on the performance of firms in less developed countries,VABB-1,87,101,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348587,,Technology alliances in emerging economies: Persistence and interrelation in European firms' alliance formation,VABB-1,447,460,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348588,,Young innovative companies: the new high--growth firms?,VABB-1,1315,1340,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348589,,Global fixed capital investment by multinational firms,VABB-1,274,299,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348590,,Scanning for profitable (international) growth,VABB-1,96,110,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348591,,The impact of academic technology: Do modes of involvement matter? The Flemish case,VABB-1,456,472,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348594,,Servitization: or why services management is relevant for manufacturing environments,VABB-4,430,442,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348595,,Managing services across national boundaries,VABB-4,411,429,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348596,,Developing sustainable strategies,VABB-4,387,429,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348597,,Performance measurement systems in service firms,VABB-4,303,337,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348598,,(Information) technology and services,VABB-4,105,134,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348599,,The return-to-entrepreneurship puzzle,VABB-1,57,67,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348600,,The service concept,VABB-4,37,52,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348601,,The nature of service management,VABB-4,23,36,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348602,,The nature of services,VABB-4,3,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348603,,"Special Issue: Selected papers of the the 8th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics & 13th COLLNET Meeting",VABB-1,1,119,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348610,,Value for money? New microeconometric evidence on public R&D grants in Flanders,VABB-1,76,89,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348611,,Europeanization of EU member-state competition policy: The commission’s leadership role,VABB-1,41,51,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348612,,The determinants of student mobility in Europe: The quality dimension,VABB-1,172,190,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348613,,Business model innovation: propositions on the appropriateness of different learning approaches,VABB-1,337,358,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348614,,Research collaboration and R&D outsourcing: different R&D personnel requirements in SMEs,VABB-1,142,153,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348615,,"Closing the policy cycle: Increasing the utilization of evaluation findings in research, technological development and innovation policy design",VABB-1,366,377,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348617,,The effect of export promotopn programs on export satisfaction: A study in the Flemish design sector,VABB-4,126,154,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348618,,Firms’ response to peer behaviour,VABB-5,755,761,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348626,,Simultaneous experimentation as a learning strategy: Business model development under uncertainty,VABB-1,288,310,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348628,,Fostering industry-science cooperation through public funding: differences between universities and public research centres,VABB-1,676,695,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348629,,The deterrence effects of U.S. merger policy instruments,VABB-1,1114,1144,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348632,,Estimating the benefits of targeted R&D subsidies,VABB-1,255,272,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348633,,Formal R&D management and strategic decision making in small firms in knowledge-intensive business services,VABB-1,37,51,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348638,,Servitization: Disentangling the impact of service business model innovation on manufacturing firm performance,VABB-1,169,180,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348639,,A macro-level study of science in Brazil: seven years later,VABB-1,51,66,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348640,,The application of citation-based performance classes in institutional research assessment,VABB-5,122,129,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348645,,Learning from failures or failing to Learn? Lessons from pharmaceutical R&D,VABB-1,45,58,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348647,,Persistence and uncertainty in the academic career,VABB-1,5213,5218,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348648,,"The size distribution of US cities: Not Pareto, even in the tail",VABB-1,232,237,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348649,,Global networks of trade and bits,VABB-1,33,56,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348651,,Evolution of controllability in interbank networks,VABB-1,1626,1626,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348653,,The R&D investment-uncertainty relationship: Do strategic rivalry and firm size matter?,VABB-1,15,28,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348654,,Managing innovation in a service environment,VABB-4,361,386,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348655,,Steering manufacturing firms towards service business model innovation: Embracing indicators that reflect market performance,VABB-1,100,123,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348656,,Multi-view partitioning via tensor methods,VABB-1,1056,1069,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:348658,,"Managerial ownership, entrenchment and innovation",VABB-1,279,699,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348659,,The contribution of universities to growth: Empirical evidence for Italy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:348660,,Corporate science in the patent system: An empirical analysis of the semiconductor technology,VABB-1,118,135,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348661,,Service Management,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348662,,Inventions shaping technological trajectories; do existing indicators provide a comprehensive picture: The case of biotechnology,VABB-1,397,419,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348664,,Bibliometric evidence for a hierarchy of the sciences,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348665,,High-end performance or outlier? Evaluating the tail of scientometric distribution,VABB-1,13,23,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348666,,Opinion paper: thoughts and facts on bibliometric indicators,VABB-1,381,394,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348667,,Do second-order similarities provide added-value in a hybrid approach?,VABB-1,667,677,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348668,,Opportunities for and limitations of the book citation index,VABB-1,1388,1398,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348669,,What does scientometrics share with other ‘metrics sciences’?,VABB-1,1515,1518,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348670,,Contribution of four common pulmonary function tests to diagnosis of patients with respiratory symptoms: a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,705,13,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348671,,"Public preferences over efficiency, equity and autonomy in vaccination policy: An empirical study",VABB-1,84,89,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348672,,The history of Belgian assisted reproduction technology cycle registration and control: a case study in reducing the incidence of multiple pregnancy,VABB-1,2709,2719,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348674,,"Genetic variability in the multidrug resistance associated protein-1 (ABCC1/MRP1) predicts hematological toxicity in breast cancer patients receiving (neo-)adjuvant chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide (FEC)",VABB-1,1513,1525,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348675,,Predictors of axillary lymph node metastases in early breast cancer and their applicability in clinical practice,VABB-1,357,61,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348676,,Prospective study to assess fluid accumulation and tenosynovial changes in the aromatase inhibitor-induced musculoskeletal syndrome: 2-year follow-up data,VABB-1,350,5,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348677,,Standardisation of EGFR FISH in colorectal cancer: results of an international interlaboratory reproducibility ring study,VABB-1,218,223,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348679,,Long term outcome of trapeziectomy with ligament reconstruction/tendon interposition versus thumb basal joint prosthesis,VABB-1,839,843,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348680,,Outcomes for case-matched single-port colectomy are comparable with conventional laparoscopic colectomy,VABB-1,634,641,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348681,,HIPEC in T4a colon cancer: a defendable treatment to improve oncologic outcome?,VABB-1,3123,3129,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348682,,Recurrent Symptoms after Stapled Haemorrhoidopexy and the Impact on Patient Satisfaction after a Minimum of 2 Years Follow-up,VABB-1,419,422,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348683,,An in vitro comparison of subjective image quality of panoramic views acquired via 2D or 3D imaging,VABB-1,293,300,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348684,,Pasteurization of mother's own milk for preterm infants does not reduce the incidence of late-onset sepsis,VABB-1,170,176,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348685,,A hierarchical Bayesian approach for the analysis of longitudinal count data with overdispersion: A simulation study,VABB-1,233,245,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348687,,Interactions between climatological variables and sheltering behavior of pastoral beef cattle during sunny weather in a temperate climate,VABB-1,943,949,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348688,,"Characteristics of heart, arteries, and veins in low and high cardiac output preeclampsia",VABB-1,218,222,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348690,,"A marginalized model for zero-inflated, overdispersed and correlated count data",VABB-1,149,165,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348691,,A joint survival-longitudinal modelling approach for the dynamic prediction of rehospitalization in telemonitored chronic heart failure patients,VABB-1,179,198,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348692,,The gradient function for checking goodness-of-fit of the random-effects distribution in mixed models,VABB-1,477,490,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348693,,Establishing normative data for repeated cognitive assessment: a comparison of different statistical methods,VABB-1,1073,1086,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348694,,Importance of root development in autotransplantations: a retrospective study of 137 teeth with a follow-up period varying from 1 week to 14 years,VABB-1,680,688,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348695,,"Vitamin D status at breast cancer diagnosis: correlation with tumor characteristics, disease outcome and genetic determinants of vitamin D insufficiency",VABB-1,1319,1326,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348696,,Fibrinolysis or Primary PCI in ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction,VABB-1,1379,87,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348697,,A joint model for longitudinal and time-to-event outcomes with direct marginal interpretation,VABB-1,572,588,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348698,,Applying the 2011 St Gallen panel of prognostic markers on a large single hospital cohort of consecutively treated primary operable breast cancers,VABB-1,2578,2584,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348699,,Development and Implementation of an Oral Health Data Registration and Evaluation System for the Belgian Population,VABB-1,45,54,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348700,,Mapping of Pelvic Lymph Node Metastases in Prostate Cancer,VABB-1,450,458,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348701,,Identifying Differentially Expressed genes in the Absence of Replication,VABB-1,71,90,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348702,,Ten Years of Experience with the GORE EXCLUDER (R) Stent-Graft for the Treatment of Aortic and Iliac Aneurysms: Outcomes from a Single Center Study,VABB-1,498,507,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348703,,Impact of Interval between Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy ans TME for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer on Pathologic Response and Oncologic Outcome,VABB-1,2833,2841,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348704,,Survival and heart failure therapy in chronic dialysis patients with heart failure and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction: an observational retrospective study,VABB-1,51,57,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348705,,Piecewise transition models with random effects for unequally-spaced longitudinal measurements,VABB-1,503,525,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348706,,Testing multiple variance components in linear mixed effects models,VABB-1,144,159,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348707,,A structured framework for assessing sensitivity to missing data assumptions in longitudinal clinical trials,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348708,,The Treatment of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis of Colorectal Cancer with Complete Cytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Peroperative Chemotherapy (HIPEC) with Oxaliplatin: A Belgian Multicentre Prospective Phase II Clinical Study,VABB-1,2186,2194,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348710,,Longitudinal conditional models with intermittent missingness: SAS code and application,VABB-1,753,780,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:348712,,Third Molar Development: Evaluation of Nine Tooth Development Registration Techniques for Age Estimations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348713,,Large-Bore Nitinol Stents for Malignant Superior Vena Cava Syndrome: Factors Influencing Outcome,VABB-1,667,674,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348714,,Influence of 23 coronary artery disease variants on recurrent myocardial infarction or cardiac death: the GRACE Genetics Study,VABB-1,993,1001,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348716,,Een analyse van leiderschapspraktijken op bovenschools niveau vanuit micropolitiek perspectief,VABB-1,40,56,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:348718,,Do teachers have a relationship with their subject? A review of the literature on the teacher-subject matter relation,VABB-1,109,124,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348721,,Investigating the gap between real world and school word problems: A comparative analysis of the authenticity of word problems in the old and the current mathematics textbooks for the 5th grade of elementary school in Greece,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348722,,Learning to get along at work: Micropolitical learning in teachers’ first year,VABB-1,33,37,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348724,,"Who I am in how I teach is the message: Self-understanding, vulnerability, and reflection",VABB-4,379,401,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348726,,Organisational position and social-professional relationships in schools: An exploratory study of teacher leaders’ work life in Flanders,VABB-4,63,80,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348728,,Pedagogical content knowledge: A systematic review of the way in which the concept has pervaded mathematics educational research,VABB-1,12,25,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348731,,Can alternative education increase children’s early school engagement? A longitudinal study from kindergarten to third grade,VABB-1,212,233,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348732,,Vroege schoolverlaters in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,107,127,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348734,,Principal leadership long-term indirect effects on learning growth in mathematics,VABB-1,225,251,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348735,,The assessment of critical thinking critically assessed in higher education: a validation study of the CCTT and the HCTA,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348736,,How to improve reading comprehension in high-risk students: effects of class practices in grade 5,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:348737,,Kenmerken van effectief basisonderwijs. Een literatuurstudie,VABB-1,2,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348738,,Formatieve lessen uit peilingsonderzoek: de toegevoegde waarde van mixture IRT-modellen,VABB-1,7,20,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:348739,,Student achievement and academic self-concept among secondary students in Flanders: gender and changes over time,VABB-1,157,178,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348740,,Methodescholen in het Vlaamse basisonderwijs. Een overzicht van onderzoek naar de werking en effecten van methodescholen op basis van SiBO,VABB-1,30,41,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348741,,Students’ approaches to learning in higher education: The interplay between context and student,VABB-4,249,272,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348742,,Antecedenten van een succesvolle organisatieontwikkeling en hun relatie met het leerklimaat van de organisatie: Een mixed method studie,VABB-1,357,378,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:348743,,"Approaches to learning at work: Investigating work motivation, workload and choice independence",VABB-1,271,291,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348744,,Team learning beliefs and behaviours in response teams,VABB-1,357,379,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348745,,Symbiotic ß-proteobacteria beyond legumes: Burkholderia in Rubiaceae,VABB-1,e55260,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348746,,Examining the learning intentions of low-qualified employees: A mixed method study,VABB-1,178,197,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348747,,Predicting general academic performance and identifying the differential contribution of participating variables using artificial neural networks,VABB-1,42,71,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348748,,What motivates low-qualified employees to participate in training and development? A mixed method study on their learning intentions,VABB-1,315,336,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348749,,Facilitating team learning through transformational leadership,VABB-1,287,305,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348750,,A facilitative versus directive approach in training clinical skills? Investigating students' clinical performance and perceptions,VABB-1,104,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348751,,A typology of approaches to peer tutoring. Unravelling peer tutors' behavioural strategies,VABB-1,703,723,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348752,,A meta-analysis of the effects of face-to-face cooperative learning. Do recent studies falsify or verify earlier findings?,VABB-1,133,149,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348753,,Antecedents of employees’ involvement in work-related learning: A systematic review,VABB-1,273,313,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348754,,Characteristics and effectiveness of complex nursing interventions aimed at reducing symptom burden in adult patients treated with chemotherapy: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,495,510,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348755,,The taxation of diesel cars in Belgium - revisited,VABB-1,33,41,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348756,,Private versus public consumption within groups: testing the nature of goods from aggregate data,VABB-1,485,500,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348757,,Nonparametric analysis of multi-output production with joint inputs,VABB-1,1,41,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348758,,"Proximity strategies in outsourcing relations: the role of geographical, cultural, and relational proximity in the European automotive industry",VABB-1,475,503,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348759,,Accounting for economies of scope in performance evaluations of university professors,VABB-1,1595,1606,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348760,,The empirical content of Cournot competition,VABB-1,1552,1581,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348762,,Outsourcing when investments are specific and interrelated,VABB-1,871,896,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348764,,Economies of scope in research and teaching: a non-parametric investigation,VABB-1,305,314,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348766,,Nash bargained consumption decisions: a revealed preference analysis,VABB-1,195,235,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348768,,The predictive content of the yield curve for inflation,VABB-4,390,411,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348769,,Exchange rate pass-through: evidence from the Syrian economy,VABB-1,405,425,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348773,,Taking preferences seriously,VABB-1,139,146,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348774,,Patient socioeconomic determinants for the choice of the cheapest molecule within a cluster: evidence from Belgian prescription data,VABB-1,315,325,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348775,,Patient socioeconomic determinants of the choice of generic versus brand name drugs in the context of a reference price system: evidence from Belgian prescription data,VABB-1,301,313,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348777,,Citizen coproduction and efficient public good provision: theory and evidence from local public libraries,VABB-1,592,602,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348779,,Meisjes schudden het onderwijs wakker,VABB-4,101,111,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348780,,Genderrechtvaardig onderwijs in 12 Europese landen – een vergelijking,VABB-4,171,187,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348781,,What about excellence in teaching? A benevolent ranking of universities,VABB-1,337,364,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348782,,Girls ignite education,VABB-4,93,103,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348783,,Gender specific education in 12 European countries – A comparison,VABB-4,159,175,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348784,,Het effect van verlengde leertijd op de taal- en rekenprestaties van basisschoolleerlingen,VABB-1,17,29,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348786,,Kızlar eğitimi ateşliyor,VABB-4,93,103,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348788,,Mädchen rütteln das bildungswesen wach,VABB-4,101,113,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:348789,,Gendergerechte Bildung und Erziehung in 12 europäischen Ländern : ein Vergleich,VABB-4,179,197,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:348791,,Dropout from secondary education: all's well that begins well,VABB-1,131,149,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348792,,A critical review of the literature on school dropout,VABB-1,13,28,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348793,,What explains performance of students in a heterogeneous environment? Conditional efficiency estimation with continuous and discrete environmental variables,VABB-1,2401,2412,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348794,,Does anybody notice? On the impact of improved truancy reporting on school dropout,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348797,,On the allocation of resources for secondary education schools,VABB-1,541,549,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348800,,Urban water sector performance in Africa: a stepwise bias-corrected efficiency and effectiveness,VABB-1,31,40,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348801,,"Dropout prevention measures in the Netherlands, an evaluation",VABB-1,155,177,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348802,,Marxisme en Ecologisme: een uitgestelde ontmoeting,VABB-1,254,269,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348803,,The Politics of Establishing International Criminal Tribunals,VABB-4,6,80,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348809,,"Arma fero, ergo sum? The European Union, NATO and the Quest for ‘European Identity’",VABB-4,43,71,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348810,,Human Rights and Democracy with Chinese Characteristics?,VABB-1,645,689,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348813,,Ideology Critique and the Political. Towards a Schmittian Perspective on Ideology,VABB-1,381,396,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348814,,Carl Schmitt's Metapolitics,VABB-1,121,137,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:348816,,"Case C-366/10, Air Transport Association of America and Others v. Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change",VABB-1,143,165,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348824,,Geweld tegen en door de politie: een kijk op het Belgische en Nederlandse materiële strafrecht,VABB-4,83,106,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348838,,"Interprétation des sources de droit: 'Fun, fun, fun'. Pour tout le monde?",VABB-1,83,88,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348839,,"Interpretatie van rechtsbronnen: 'Fun, fun, fun'. Voor iedereen?",VABB-1,77,82,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348840,,Un plaidoyer dans un plaidoyer: n'oubliez s.v.p. pas la police dans la simplication (annoncée) de la procédure pénale,VABB-1,415,422,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:348841,,Een pleidooi in een pleidooi: vergeet bij de (aangekondigde) vereenvoudiging van de strafprocedure aub de politie niet,VABB-1,409,414,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348842,,Editoriaal: Van Mechelen naar Kigali en Srebrenica: pleidooi voor een criminologie van de internationale misdaden,VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348843,,Punishing perpetrators or seeking truth for victims: what does the population in Serbia think about dealing with war crimes?,VABB-1,43,62,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348844,,The Determinants of Organized Crime: Some Initial Reflections,VABB-1,10,26,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348845,,Redactioneel. Alternatieve geschillenbeslechting,VABB-1,3,9,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348846,,The supply of doping products: a neglected phenomenon. The case of cycling,VABB-4,75,92,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348847,,Kinderen als 'crash test dummies'. Keerzijde van de lokroep naar vroegtijdige interventie,VABB-1,252,265,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348876,,Vergelding en herstel: de behoeften van het slachtoffer,VABB-1,7,22,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348877,,Conferencing: de vraag naar de maatschappelijke betrokkenheid in het herstelrecht,VABB-1,8,12,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348879,,Editorial: An adventure is taking off. Why Restorative Justice: an International Journal?,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348880,,In memoriam Achiel Neys,VABB-1,500,504,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348883,,Conferencing in South America as an exercise of democracy? An exploration of the ‘vertical’ role of restorative justice,VABB-4,153,170,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348885,,Het belang van de institutionele context: slachtofferervaringen met bemiddeling vergeleken,VABB-1,9,19,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348886,,For whom is restorative justice? A mixed-method study on victims and (non-) participation,VABB-1,190,214,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348888,,Over motieven voor het melden van misstanden. Een kwalitatief onderzoek binnen het Belgische federale politiekorps,VABB-1,72,89,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348890,,"""Dat we op zo'n menselijke manier hebben kunnen praten"". Ervaringen met herstelbemiddeling in Vlaanderen",VABB-1,19,41,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348891,,"Harm: A Neglected Concept in Criminology, A Necessary Benchmark in Crime Policy",VABB-1,359,377,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348892,,A Framework to Assess the Harms of Crime,VABB-1,864,885,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348893,,The ritual of apology and restorative justice: Exploring the victim’s perspective,VABB-4,123,146,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348895,,Sexual Violence against Women in Armed Conflicts and Restorative Justice: An Exploratory Analysis,VABB-4,189,213,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348896,,Introduction: Feminist Perspectives on Transitional Justice,VABB-4,1,5,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:348897,,Integriteit en integriteitsbeleid,VABB-4,395,421,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348898,,Feminist Perspectives on Transitional Justice,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348899,,De invloed van ouderlijke responsitiviteit en opvolging op de onveiligheidsbeleving van adolescenten,VABB-1,100,114,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348901,,A new definition and conceptualization of ethical competence,VABB-4,29,51,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348902,,Conferencing: concluding comments,VABB-4,231,242,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348903,,Kansen voor een responsieve gemeenschapsjustitie. Beschouwingen bij de zesde staatshervorming,VABB-1,237,244,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348904,,Why restorative justice matters for criminology,VABB-1,159,167,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348905,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,487,495,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348906,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,481,486,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348907,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,410,416,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348908,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,406,409,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348909,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,326,332,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348910,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,262,267,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348911,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,258,261,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348912,,Conferencing internationaal: vaker toegepast dan gedacht,VABB-1,13,29,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348913,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,146,151,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348914,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,142,145,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348915,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,82,88,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348916,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,77,81,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:348917,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,499,503,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348918,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,495,498,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348920,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,406,410,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348921,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,333,340,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348922,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,329,332,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348924,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,261,269,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348925,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,256,260,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348927,,De Salduzregeling: een literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,257,260,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348928,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,80,83,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348946,,Grid-group cultural theory and the causal mechanism approach as requisite partners. Explaining enforcement decisions in a West-European labour inspection,VABB-1,416,435,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348947,,A value-based monitoring system to support heritage conservation planning,VABB-1,130,147,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348948,,"Financial markets: productivity, procyclicality and policy",VABB-4,191,211,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348949,,Monetary policy frameworks after the great financial crisis,VABB-4,21,50,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348950,,Learning to forecast the exchange rate: two competing approaches,VABB-1,42,76,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348951,,Uncertainty about welfare effects of consumption fluctuations,VABB-1,35,62,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348952,,Growth in transition countries,VABB-1,381,417,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348953,,From panic-driven austerity to symmetric macroeconomic policies in the eurozone,VABB-1,31,41,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348954,,Fiscal implications of the ECB’s bond buying program,VABB-1,843,852,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348955,,Explaining the spatial variation in housing prices: an economic geography approach,VABB-1,1673,1689,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348957,,The impact of European enlargement on the direction and prospects of Brussels exports,VABB-1,188,2014,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348958,,Enlargement versus deepening: on the trade-off facing economic unions,VABB-1,247,267,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348959,,Moving up the quality ladder? EU-China dynamics in clothing,VABB-1,303,326,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348960,,Disfavored nations: anti-dumping at the WTO,VABB-1,105,116,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348961,,Central Bank communication when agents experience cognitive limitations,VABB-4,25,48,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348962,,"Booms and busts in economic activity, a behavioral explanation",VABB-1,484,501,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348964,,A normative analysis of transport policies in a footloose capital model with interregional and intraregional transportation costs,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348965,,Security aspects of uni- and multi-modal hazmat transportation systems,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348966,,From risk management towards uncertainty management,VABB-4,33,40,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:348968,,The choice of environmental regulatory enforcement by lobby groups,VABB-1,328,347,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348970,,Waste pricing policies and cost efficiency in municipal waste services: The case of Flanders,VABB-1,751,758,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348971,,Measuring and explaining the cost efficiency of municipal solid waste collection and processing services,VABB-1,653,664,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348972,,Strengthening bottom-up and top-down climate governance,VABB-1,363,383,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348979,,"Hedonic valuation of odor nuisance using field measurements, a case study of an animal waste processing facility in Flanders",VABB-1,53,75,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348980,,Intercontinental airport regulation,VABB-1,56,72,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348985,,The political economy of fixed regional public expenditure shares with an illustration for Belgian railway investments,VABB-1,808,815,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348986,,Evaluating the efficiency of municipalities in collecting and processing municipal solid waste: a shared input dea-model,VABB-1,1968,1978,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:348989,,The political cost of residual municipal solid waste taxation: Perception versus reality,VABB-4,152,178,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:348991,,The economics of enhanced landfill mining: private and societal performance drivers,VABB-1,92,102,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348994,,De efficiëntie van het gemeentelijk afvalbeleid,VABB-1,32,39,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:348997,,How to define and interpret a probability in a risk and safety setting,VABB-1,223,231,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:348998,,Generational accounts for Belgium: fiscal sustainability at a glance,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349000,,The active welfare state revisited,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349001,,In-work tax credits in Belgium: an analysis of the Jobkorting using a discrete labor supply model,VABB-1,121,150,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349002,,Is het Belgische gezondheidssysteem rechtvaardig?,VABB-4,325,339,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349003,,"Preconditions for efficiency and affordability in competitive healthcare markets: Are they fulfilled in Belgium, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands and Switzerland?",VABB-1,226,245,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349005,,Leiden GOK-middelen tot leerwinsten?,VABB-1,377,382,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349008,,"A social European Union: why we need it, what it means",VABB-1,221,247,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349013,,A characterization of maximin,VABB-1,151,156,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349014,,A mechanism for eliciting the mean and quantiles of a random variable,VABB-1,121,123,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349015,,Undesirable specialization in the construction of composite policy indicators: The environmental performance index,VABB-1,143,154,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349016,,Arrow's theorem of the deductible: moral hazard and stop-loss in health insurance,VABB-1,147,163,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349017,,Bestaansonzekerheid bij kinderen: vaststellingen en uitdagingen,VABB-4,253,273,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349023,,"Le défi social européen. La poursuite d’un objectif social n’est plus aujourd’hui un luxe pour l’Union européenne, mais elle est devenue une nécessité",VABB-1,195,237,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349024,,"Europa: de sociale uitdaging. Een breder en sociaal doel is geen luxe meer voor de Unie, maar noodzaak",VABB-1,197,238,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:349025,,Behavioral welfare economics and redistribution,VABB-1,180,205,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349026,,Equivalent income and fair evaluation of health care,VABB-1,711,729,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349029,,Equity in health and equivalent incomes,VABB-4,131,156,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349030,,Biofuels and food security: micro-evidence from Ethiopia,VABB-1,963,976,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349032,,Governing the ice. Ice fishing villages on Lake Mille Lacs and the creation of environmental governance institutions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349033,,Using export market performance to evaluate regional preferential policies in China,VABB-1,343,367,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349054,,Art and Math of the 1.35 Ratio Rectangle,VABB-5,451,462,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349056,,This is Research by Design,VABB-4,137,160,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349057,,"Walkability as a Performance Indicator for Urban Spaces, Strategies and Tools for the Social Construction of Experiences",VABB-5,423,432,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349083,,A structural language for a conceptual design collaboration,VABB-5,1719,1726,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349087,,"Theoretical, Conceptual, Ethical and Methodological stakes to induce a New Age: M.U.D",VABB-4,43,62,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349090,,Tien jaar de tienjarige aansprakelijkheid. Een kritische reflectie over de stevigheid van de artikelen 1792 en 2270 BW,VABB-1,225,232,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349094,,Recent Trends in Research by Design,VABB-5,28,45,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349096,,Affordable Web-based Collaborative Mapping Environments for the Analysis and Planning of the Green Networks of Brussels,VABB-5,413,422,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349097,,Virtual Worlds and Architectural Education: A Typological Framework,VABB-5,739,746,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349116,,Reframing Structures,VABB-5,1295,1302,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349118,,De dynamiek van het niet-verhuizen in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,1,24,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:349123,,Teleoscipisc urbanism: ook in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349129,,A House for God or a Home for his People? The Domus Dei Church Building Action in the Belgian Archbishopric,VABB-1,387,425,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349130,,De rol van tijdelijk gebruik in de stedelijke (her)ontwikkeling: Brusselse voorbeelden,VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349135,,The Unheimliche Approach in the Making of Interiors,VABB-1,1,7,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349140,,La déclaration des choses. Expression évocatrice et lyrisme chez G. Misch,VABB-1,7,58,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349143,,Reframing Strategic Spatial Planning by using a coproduction perspective,VABB-1,46,63,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349144,,Redesigning the urban design studio: Two learning experiments,VABB-1,45,62,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349147,,"Que peindre? Adami, Arakawa, Buren",VABB-2,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349149,,Spinoza and Hume on Religion as a Natural Phenomenon,VABB-1,3,21,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349150,,"Gott, Geist, Vernunft. Prinzipien und Probleme der Natürlichen Theologie",VABB-2,,,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:349151,,In Praise of Shadows. Commemorative Images and the Atomic Bomb,VABB-1,19,34,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349154,,The Aesthetic Dimension of Ethical Communication,VABB-1,845,865,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349156,,Is Metaphoricity Threatening or Saving Thought?,VABB-4,279,294,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349157,,"Physiologie de la Théodicée: la réception des Essais de Théodicée dans le débat sur l’origine de l’âme et la génération des corps, à l’occasion des Anonymi Dilucidationes (1738-1751)",VABB-4,321,342,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349159,,Les catégories sont-elles définissables?,VABB-5,719,729,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349160,,On the Sacred Character of Human Life and Death: General Discussion and Conclusion of Part II,VABB-4,205,213,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349164,,De verwikkeling van markt en staat in het licht van Hegels Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts,VABB-1,70,87,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349165,,"Walter Benjamin. Presence of Mind, Failure to Comprehend",VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349166,,Das Ideal. Zu den Konstitutionsproblemen des spekulativen Begriffs des Kunstschönen,VABB-4,79,92,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:349167,,Spinoza and Galileo: Nature and Transcendence,VABB-1,99,108,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349168,,"Religion, Ethics, and Democracy",VABB-4,15,25,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349169,,"Radicalizing the Post-secular Thesis, Provincialising Habermas",VABB-4,218,238,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349174,,"Figural Aesthetics: Lyotard, Valéry, Deleuze",VABB-1,144,157,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349175,,Plus ultra. Navigating beyond the Pillars of Hercules. The Ambiguous Genesis of a Geographical Metaphor,VABB-4,103,122,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349181,,De universiteit: einde van een idee?,VABB-1,4,15,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349182,,A Greek Tragedy? A Hegelian Perspective on Greece’s Sovereign Debt Crisis,VABB-1,358,375,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349183,,"L'assassinat de l'expérience par la peinture, Monory",VABB-2,,,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349184,,"The rigorous and the vague: aesthetics and art history in Riegl, Wölfflin and Worringer",VABB-1,1,24,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349191,,Rituelen: cultuurfilosofisch bekeken,VABB-1,82,93,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349199,,Neoliberalisme en de symbolische institutie van de samenleving. Lefort en Foucault over de staat en 'het politieke',VABB-1,525,551,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:349200,,Justice and responsibility in health care: general discussion and conclusion of Part I,VABB-4,101,105,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349201,,Ricoeur on Citizenship: A Picture of a Personalist Republicanism,VABB-4,35,50,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349202,,A short introduction to Aurel Kolnai's moral philosophy,VABB-1,203,232,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349204,,Markt en staat,VABB-1,110,114,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349207,,Democratisation and Development in Tanzania: Complementary or Contradictory Forces?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349208,,Reflection and Critique: Philosophy’s Hope for Education,VABB-1,266,272,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349211,,European Ties that Bind: Political or Cultural?,VABB-4,169,190,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349216,,The Poverty of Philosophy: Desmond’s Hyperbolic Gifts and Caputo’s Events,VABB-1,411,432,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349217,,The Importance of the Third Proposition in Groundwork I's Analysis of Duty,VABB-5,745,756,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349218,,The Lutheran Influence on Kant’s Depraved Will,VABB-1,117,134,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349219,,Beyond representation? A critique of the concept of the referent,VABB-1,33,43,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349221,,Noble Lies and Tragedy in Nietzsche's Zarathustra,VABB-1,127,143,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349222,,Metaxological 'Yes' and Existential 'No': William Desmond and Atheism,VABB-1,637,655,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349223,,New Perspective on Schopenhauer's Ontology of Will,VABB-1,31,52,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349226,,Hobbes's Account of Distributive Justice as Equity,VABB-1,13,33,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349227,,Ricoeur and the Pertinence of a Political Education: On Crisis and Commitment,VABB-1,71,80,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349228,,On the possibility of a Wittgensteinian account of moral certainty,VABB-1,125,147,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349233,,Taking the Road Less Travelled: Indigenous Self-Determination and Participation in Canadian Institutions,VABB-1,14,35,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349234,,The “Idle No More” movement and global indifference to Indigenous nationalism,VABB-1,172,177,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349236,,Inkompetenzkompensationskompetenz. Odo Marquard over filosofie,VABB-4,208,265,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:349237,,"Postcolonialism, Power, and ‘the Poor’: What Will Eliminate Global Poverty?",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349238,,The Pietist Premise of Kant's Postulation of God,VABB-1,162,188,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349240,,The Political Theory of Personalism: Maritain and Mounier on Personhood and Citizenship,VABB-1,108,126,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349246,,Proper Bootstrapping,VABB-1,171,185,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349247,,Extended Cognition and Robust Virtue Epistemology,VABB-1,245,252,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349248,,"Professional ICT Knowledge, Epistemic Standards, and Social Epistemology",VABB-4,274,294,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349249,,De onmogelijkheid van een freudiaanse sublimeringstheorie,VABB-4,171,189,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349250,,Freuds antropologische wending,VABB-4,15,31,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349251,,Knowledge: The Safe-Apt View,VABB-1,265,278,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349254,,Contemporary Epistemic Logic and the Lockean Thesis,VABB-1,599,610,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349255,,Contrastive Confirmation: Some Competing Accounts,VABB-1,129,138,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349256,,Pathologizing sexual deviance: a history,VABB-1,276,298,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349257,,"Moral Shallowness, Metaphysical Megalomania, and Compatibilist-Fatalism",VABB-1,173,188,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349258,,"Consciousness, Recursion and Language (published online 2013, in print 2014)",VABB-4,169,179,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349259,,Substances: The Ontology of Chemistry,VABB-4,191,229,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349260,,Prehistory of the Philosophy of Chemistry,VABB-4,21,45,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349261,,Chemical Engineering Science,VABB-4,531,545,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349263,,"Acceptance, Aggregation and Scoring Rules",VABB-1,201,217,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349264,,Agentive Thinking and Illusions of Understanding,VABB-4,439,458,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349265,,A Practical Explication of the Knowledge Rule of Informative Speech Acts,VABB-1,367,383,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349266,,Modal-Epistemic Arithmetic and the problem of quantifying in,VABB-1,89,111,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349267,,Doping use as an artistic crime: on natural performances and authentic art,VABB-4,149,162,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349269,,The Knowledge of Life in Canguilhem's Critical Naturalism,VABB-1,107,127,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349270,,Thought and Repetition in Bergson and Deleuze,VABB-1,544,563,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349271,,Why we essentialize mental disorders,VABB-1,107,127,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349273,,R. S. Peters,VABB-2,,,,lat,2013,2 c:vabb:349274,,Outlawed by nature? A critique of some current psychiatric and psychoanalytic theories of sexual perversion,VABB-4,185,198,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349275,,Defeat Reconsidered,VABB-1,49,51,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349276,,"Agentive Metaphors, the Selfish Gene, and Puritanism about Teleological Concepts",VABB-4,83,99,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349277,,"Remembering wartime schooling ... Catholic education, teacher memory and World War II in Belgium",VABB-1,149,159,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349278,,From comparison to indices: A disabling perspective on the history of happiness,VABB-1,248,264,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349291,,A Sixteenth-Century Neoplatonic Synthesis. Francesco Piccolomini's Theory of Mathematics and Imagination in the Academicae Contemplationes,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:349292,,Polyglotte publicaties in de vroegmoderne tijd,VABB-4,71,91,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349293,,"Art, Intellect and Politics. A Diachronic Perspective",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349294,,"La philosophie peut-elle contribuer au dialogue interreligieux? Réflexions à partir de Ghazālī, Maïmonide, Thomas d’Aquin et Yaḥyā ‘ibn ‘Adī",VABB-4,197,218,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349296,,Medieval Perspectives on Aristotle's De Anima,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349299,,Albert le Grand et sa connaissance des écrits logiques arabes: une réévaluation du dossier Grignaschi,VABB-4,225,257,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349301,,The Ikhwān aṣ-Ṣafā’ on King-Prophet Solomon,VABB-4,241,253,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349302,,Surface Reading and Deeper Meaning. On Aristotle reading Plato and Platonists reading Aristotle,VABB-4,469,494,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349304,,Cato in England: Translating Latin Sayings for Moral and Linguistic Instruction,VABB-4,139,155,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349306,,La sagesse chez Augustin: de la philosophie à l'Ecriture,VABB-4,389,405,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:349310,,Simplicius. On Aristotle On the Soul 3.6-13,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349315,,Plato's Gods,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349316,,Ockham's reading of the dictum de omni et de nullo and his nominalistic epistemology,VABB-1,263,294,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349317,,Commission II: The Latin Aristotle and Medieval Latin Commentaries on Aristotle (2007-2012),VABB-1,3,22,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349319,,William Ockham on Metaphysics: The Science of Being and God,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349320,,The lives and opinions of Socrates and Stilpo as defended by Plutarch against the insidious yet ignorant attacks of Colotes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349322,,Traditie en individueel talent. Een filosofisch portret van Dante,VABB-1,283,310,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:349324,,"Intellectual Traditions at the Medieval University: The Use of Philosophical Psychology in Trinitarian Theology among the Franciscans and Dominicans, 1250-1350",VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349325,,De sociale integratie van minderheden. Het bijzondere geval van de Roma,VABB-4,77,96,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349328,,Onderbescherming en proactief handelen door OCMW's,VABB-4,331,351,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349330,,"Outliers, Freaks, and Cheats: Constituting Normality in the Age of Enhancement",VABB-4,125,146,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349332,,Seksualiteit is niet te integreren. Hoe Freud over de conditio humana nadenkt,VABB-4,67,89,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349333,,Flesh Made Paint,VABB-1,78,104,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349336,,The Death Drive and the Nucleus of the Ego: An Introduction to Freudian Metaphysics,VABB-1,94,119,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349337,,Anxiety is not without an object: a Lacanian speculation on the uncanny,VABB-1,7,23,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349338,,Antigone: diabolical or demonic?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349339,,The Body as a 'Legitimate Naturalization of Consciousness',VABB-4,43,65,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349340,,Phenomenology and Naturalism: Editors' Introduction,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349341,,Phenomenology and Naturalism. Examining the Relationship between Human Experience and Nature,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349342,,Emmanuel Levinas and a Soliloquy of Light and Reason,VABB-4,265,282,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349345,,Fenomenologia Transcendental?,VABB-1,115,139,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349346,,Schopenhauer on the Will as Drive of my Libidinal Body and as Natural Force of Material Bodies,VABB-1,59,77,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349348,,Auch kleine Dinge... Skizzen zu einer Phänomenologie des Kleinen,VABB-4,29,50,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:349349,,Homecoming. Jan Patočka’s Reflections on the First World War,VABB-4,207,243,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349350,,De doodsdrift in context,VABB-4,145,169,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349351,,Mythische moordenaars,VABB-4,205,230,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349352,,Voorbij Freud? De grenzen en de mogelijkheden van een psychoanalytische patho-analyse,VABB-4,241,257,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349353,,Freud filosoof?,VABB-4,9,13,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349356,,"Freud als filosoof: Over seksualiteit, psychopathologie en cultuur",VABB-3,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349357,,De schaduw van Kaïn: Freuds klinische antropologie van de agressiviteit,VABB-2,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349359,,Stille crisis of stilte voor de storm? Over het statuut van de humanities in tijden van neoliberalisme,VABB-1,175,184,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349360,,‘Mijn naam was Sabina Spielrein’: Freuds Russische dochter en de echo’s van haar fascinerende oeuvre,VABB-1,261,281,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349362,,Husserls fenomenologie als dam tegen het reductionisme van de positieve wetenschappen: In gesprek met Ullrich Melle,VABB-1,35,52,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349363,,De bijzondere metafysica van Vergote (1921-2013),VABB-1,755,771,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:349365,,Image and Ontology in Merleau-Ponty,VABB-1,75,97,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:349366,,Refutations of Idealism in Kant and Husserl: Some Preliminary Reflections,VABB-5,713,725,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349367,,Horizonte der Aufmerksamkeit. Entwurf einer dynamischen Konzeption der Aufmerksamkeit aus phänomenologischer und kognitionspsychologischer Sicht,VABB-2,,,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:349368,,De nomadische enkeling op het immanente plan. Een zoektocht naar Deleuzes en Guattari's 'personnage conceptuel' doorheen een lezing van Kierkegaard,VABB-1,667,696,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:349369,,De herovering van het zelf. Montaigne over de vriendschap,VABB-1,639,665,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:349371,,Medium und Grenze: Der Leib als Kategorie der Intersubjektivität. Phänomenologie und Anthropologie im Dialog,VABB-4,217,238,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:349375,,'In the beginning was the Deed': On Oedipus and Cain,VABB-4,265,282,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349379,,De doodsdrift en het doodse aan het Ik. De claustrofobische metafysica van Freud,VABB-1,487,523,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:349380,,"Strange Objects, Counterfeits, and Reproductions: Clues for Analyzing Perceptual Experience in the Different Senses",VABB-1,84,108,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349381,,Freuds dochters,VABB-1,221,233,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349382,,Het subject van het lijden,VABB-1,697,720,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:349383,,Rating scale design: a comparative study of two analytic rating scales in a task-based test,VABB-4,271,287,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349385,,Bee-com a 21st century communicator. A didactic toolkit for user-centered communication design in higher education,VABB-1,119,131,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349386,,Task-Based Language Assessment,VABB-4,578,593,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349389,,Disentangling spatio-environmental drivers of human settlement: an eigenvector based variation decomposition,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349390,,Physical Education as ‘means without ends’. Towards a new concept of physical education,VABB-1,934,948,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349393,,Community Forest a Heterotopia,VABB-1,877,892,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349394,,Making sense of the attraction of psychology: on the strengths and weaknesses for education and educational research,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349395,,Educational research: The attraction of psychology,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349396,,Marginal comments on the presence and absence of education,VABB-1,251,255,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349399,,Education and sustainability issues: an analysis of publics-in-the-making,VABB-4,195,211,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349400,,Sustainable citizenship as practice,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349401,,Exploring a multitude of spaces in education and educational research,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349402,,Making sense of the legacy of epistemology in education and educational research,VABB-1,311,321,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349403,,Educational Research: The importance and effects of institutional spaces,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349404,,"The governing of education in Europe: commercial actors, partnerships and strategies",VABB-1,416,424,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349407,,To be Accountable in Neoliberal Times: an exploration of educational policy in Ecuador,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349408,,‘Parents need to become independent problem solvers’: a critical reading of the current parenting culture through the case of Triple P,VABB-1,77,88,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349410,,Does (company) size matter? Differences in social media usage for business purposes,VABB-1,3,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349412,,How students connect descriptions of real-world situations to mathematical models in different representational modes,VABB-4,385,393,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349413,,Investigation on fifth-grades pupils’ mathematical problem posing ability and beliefs,VABB-1,27,32,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349414,,Disentangling teaching and summative assessment in higher education? Pros and cons from students’ perspectives,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349418,,Metacognition and the use of tools,VABB-4,187,195,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349420,,Willy Servais (1913-1979) en de debatten in de jaren vijftig over een hervorming van de wiskundecurricula voor het secundair onderwijs,VABB-5,16,26,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349421,,Educated adults are still affected by intuitons about the effect of arithmetical operations: evidence from a reaction-time study,VABB-1,323,330,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349423,,Competition and students' perceptions in a game-based language learning environment,VABB-1,927,950,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349424,,Comparing apples and pears in studies on magnitude estimations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349425,,The natural number bias and magnitude representation in fraction comparison by expert mathematicians,VABB-1,64,72,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349426,,Regulation of tool-use within a blended course: Student differences and performance effects,VABB-1,385,395,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349427,,Beweging en stilstand: anders en toch weer niet,VABB-1,27,30,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:349429,,The framework theory approach applied to mathematics learning,VABB-4,305,321,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349430,,The relationship between students' problem posing and problem solving abilities and beliefs: A small-scale study with Chinese elementary school children,VABB-1,147,161,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349432,,Adopting web-casts over time: The influence of perceptions and attitudes,VABB-1,40,57,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349433,,Exemples abstraits ou concrets? Apprendre les mathématiques à partir d'exemples abstraits ou concrets: la réponse d'une équipe de psychologues cognitives réfutée ?,VABB-1,63,75,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349434,,Tool use and performance: Relationships between tool- and learner-related characteristics in a computer-based learning environment,VABB-1,330,345,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349435,,Students’ tool-use within a web enhanced course: Explanatory mechanisms of students’ tool-use pattern,VABB-1,2013,2021,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349436,,Completing the research cycle: A framework for promoting dissemination of undergraduate research and inquiry,VABB-1,105,118,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349438,,Are secondary school students still hampered by the natural number bias? A reaction time study on fraction comparison tasks,VABB-1,154,164,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349439,,Efficient and flexible strategy use on multi-digit sums: a choice/no-choice study,VABB-1,129,140,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349443,,Giftedness considered from the perspective of research on learning and instruction,VABB-1,3,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349447,,Understanding possibilities and limitations of abstract chemical representations for achieving conceptual understanding,VABB-1,715,734,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349448,,"Does the confusion between dimensionality and ""directionality"" affect students' tendency towards improper linear reasoning?",VABB-5,297,304,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349449,,The effect of representations on difficulty perception and learning of the physical concept of pressure,VABB-1,91,108,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349451,,Het Job-demands resources model: Een motivationele analyse vanuit de Zelf-Determinatie Theorie,VABB-1,449,466,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:349452,,Aangifte in de rechtspersonenbelasting dan wel in de vennootschapsbelasting - aanslag van ambtswege of wijzigingsprocedure - art. 346 of 351 WIB 1992 noot onder Cassatie 27 september 2012,VABB-1,257,260,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349455,,Local participation in complex technological projects as bridging between different communities,VABB-1,95,115,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349457,,On the Integration of i* into RUP,VABB-5,61,66,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349459,,Management principles of sustainable industrial chemistry,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349463,,Mapping i* within UML for Business Modeling,VABB-5,237,252,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349465,,Using game theory to improve safety within chemical industrial parks,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349466,,Engineering Risk Management,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349475,,Sustainable industrial chemistry from a nontechnological viewpoint,VABB-4,33,41,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349476,,Integrated business and SHESE management systems,VABB-4,89,104,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349477,,Editorial introduction,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349478,,Conclusions and recommendations,VABB-4,265,268,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349479,,Cluster management for improving safety and security in chemical industrial areas,VABB-4,147,159,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349480,,Building corporate social responsibility: developing a sustainability management system framework,VABB-4,45,53,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349481,,A threat assessment review planning (TARP) decision flowchart for complex industrial areas,VABB-1,1662,1669,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349482,,"Zuiver interne situaties, omgekeerde discriminaties en het fiscaal recht",VABB-1,193,212,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349483,,An approach for optimal allocation of safety resources: using the knapsack problem to take aggregated cost-efficient preventive measures,VABB-1,2056,2067,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349484,,Twisted surfaces in Euclidean and Minkowski 3-space,VABB-4,143,151,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349486,,Avoiding occupational accidents and man-made disasters: a semi-qualitative study in 27 companies investigating factors influencing safety stall points,VABB-1,30,43,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349487,,Cluster thinking as part of sustainable chemical plants,VABB-1,6,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349488,,A method to assess multi-modal Hazmat transport security vulnerabilities: Hazmat transport SVA,VABB-1,103,113,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349494,,Sustainability Assessment in Higher Education: Evaluating the Use of the Auditing Instrument for Sustainability in Higher Education (AISHE) in Belgium,VABB-4,157,174,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349504,,A tale of market efficiency,VABB-1,139,156,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349505,,Extended roster quality staffing problem - A medium term roster quality to support staffing decisions,VABB-5,424,436,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349507,,Valuating noise reduction benefits with hedonics: Heterogeneity in NDSIs from road noise,VABB-1,2,33,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349512,,When will employees blow the whistle? The role of fairness and moral identity,VABB-1,15,29,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349513,,Measuring and comparing leadership styles of male and female chief executive officers in businesses with a varying family intensity,VABB-4,425,448,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349514,,Zu aktuellen Herausforderungen im flämischen Hochschulwesen,VABB-5,101,110,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:349515,,EDucation & GEnder. Gendergerechte Bildung und Erziehung in ausgewählten Ländern. Historische Aspekte – aktuelle Trends,VABB-3,,,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:349517,,EDucation & Gender. Genderrechtvaardige vorming en opvoeding in diverse landen. Historische aspecten – actuele trends,VABB-3,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349521,,Cultuurspiegels: op zoek naar evenwicht in management en organisatiecultuur in het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,5,9,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349522,,EDucation & GEnder; Gender-specific education in different countries,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349524,,Avrupa ülkesinde cinsiyet temelli eğitim ve öğretim: Bir kıyaslama,VABB-4,157,175,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349525,,EDucation & GEnder. Farklı ülkelerde cinsiyet temelli eğitim,VABB-3,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349528,,Environmental Health Risk Governance in Practice: Lessons Learned from a Flemish Case Study Approach,VABB-4,289,310,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349536,,A snapshot on STI policies and indicators for Belgium,VABB-4,85,102,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349539,,Facebook: A literature review,VABB-1,982,1002,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349540,,Agency problems between managers and employees in nonprofit organizations. A discrete choice experiment,VABB-1,63,85,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349542,,Performance Evaluation of Tour de France Cycling Teams using Data Envelopment Analysis,VABB-1,236,257,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349544,,Service recovery's impact on customers next-in-line,VABB-1,495,512,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349546,,Losses from membership in EMU: an estimated two-country DSGE model,VABB-1,27,63,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349547,,Thermoelastic Model for Impulsive Stimulated Scattering Monitoring the Evolution from Capillary to Rayleigh TypeWave Propagation on the Surface of Viscoelastic Materials Throughout the Glass Transition,VABB-1,2145,2158,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349548,,Student Response System and How to Make Engineering Students Learn Oral Presentation Skills,VABB-1,940,947,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349553,,Optimal allocation of safety and security resources,VABB-5,397,402,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349556,,Burgertevredenheid met lokaal gemeentebeleid: meten is weten,VABB-1,401,418,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349558,,Investigating the success of operational business process management systems,VABB-1,295,314,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349559,,Insights into road safety enforcement,VABB-1,158,184,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349561,,"Less ado, more done: Verbal and visual antithesis in the media",VABB-1,343,360,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349564,,Analyzing student teachers’ academic literacy needs: A qualitative analysis of Flemish first-year teacher trainees’ needs,VABB-1,267,292,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349570,,Eigen aard is goud waard,VABB-1,261,269,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:349571,,Lezen op de grens: interacties tussen literatuurstudie en andere disciplines,VABB-1,260,269,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349573,,Resonating humour : A corpus-based approach to creative parallelism in discourse,VABB-4,181,204,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349574,,"'In playing those bells, his amazing dexterity raised my wonder much higher': Carillon Performance Practice in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries",VABB-4,147,161,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349584,,Introduction: Rhetorical perspectives,VABB-4,9,37,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349586,,Clinical evaluation of Rega 8: an updated genotypic interpretation system that significantly predicts HIV-therapy response,VABB-1,e61436,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349588,,Uw glimlach is verzekerd. Een crosslinguïstisch onderzoek naar humor in productadvertenties,VABB-4,69,79,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349590,,De Nouveau Roman in Nederland en Vlaanderen rond 1965. Cees Nooteboom en Hector-Jan Loreis,VABB-1,122,145,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349594,,La morale à l'aide du droit commun: les théologiens et les contrats (16e-17e siècles),VABB-1,263,281,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349597,,Katholische Moraltheologie und Vertragsrecht — Die Umwandlung der Vertragslehre des Gemeinen Rechts (16./17. Jh.),VABB-1,1,19,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:349601,,Diverse cities: learning to live together,VABB-1,5,12,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349605,,"Disability, Rehabilitation & the Great War: Making Space for Silence in the History of Education",VABB-4,95,113,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349608,,Struggling with the historical attractiveness of psychology for educational research illustrated by the case of Nazi Germany,VABB-4,11,31,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349609,,"""But everything is against us here."" Some thoughts on Noddings and on turning our educational present",VABB-1,494,497,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349610,,From substantive to negative universalism. Lefort and Habermas on legitimacy in democratic societies,VABB-1,26,43,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349617,,Crossing the Atlantic to gain knowledge in the field of psycho-pedagogy: the 1922 mission of Ovide Decroly and Raymond Buyse tot the USA and the travel diary of the latter,VABB-4,47,60,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349625,,Creating Cultural hybridity by exporting metropolitan structures and cultures of schooling and educationalisation ? The emergence of a Congolese 'elite' in the 1950s as a starting point for further research,VABB-1,201,214,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349626,,Imagining Pedagogy in Public Space. Visions on cultural policies and practices in a city in transformation,VABB-1,77,95,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349629,,This is (Not) a Philosopher: On Educational Philosophy in an Age of Psychologisation,VABB-1,601,612,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349630,,Transitions in a Life-World. Looking backward and forward after forty-five years of social-pedagogical research and teaching in Leuven,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349631,,Games-based learning in teacher education: A strategy to integrate digital games into secondary schools,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349632,,Game-based learning as a vehicle to teach first aid content: a randomized experiment,VABB-1,493,499,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349634,,Social networking services as platforms for transcultural fannish interactions: deviantART and pixiv,VABB-4,141,159,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349636,,"EU-Japan Relations, 1970-2012: From Confrontation to Global Partnership",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349638,,Focus on the irrefutable: A closer look at the main clause of the Russian universal concessive conditional,VABB-1,61,69,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349639,,Metarefleksja artystyczna i zależność między sztukami w polskim modernizmie – prace graficzne i literackie Brunona Schulza,VABB-1,286,305,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349644,,"Een Schulziaanse 'anarchie van lappen en draden'. Autoreferentialiteit en intertekstualiteit in ""Marcel"" van Erwin Mortier",VABB-4,59,82,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349645,,Literaire dwarsverbanden tussen Midden-Europa en de Lage Landen. Ten geleide,VABB-4,3,10,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349646,,Van Eeden tot heden. Literaire dwarsverbanden tussen Midden-Europa en de Lage Landen,VABB-3,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349649,,Polishness in Crisis? Migration and Inter-Ethnic Coupling,VABB-4,51,68,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349650,,Polish Literature in Transformation (ed. Ursula Phillips with the assistance of Knut Andreas Grimstad and Kris Van Heuckelom),VABB-3,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349651,,Londoners and Outlanders: Polish Labour Migration through the European Lens,VABB-1,210,234,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349658,,Excavated manuscripts and political thought: Cao Feng on early Chinese texts: editor’s introduction,VABB-1,3,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349660,,The religious nature of Confucianism in contemporary China’s “Cultural Renaissance movement: editor's introduction,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349662,,Heaven as a standard,VABB-4,237,269,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349663,,Are Mozi's three 'Jian Ai' chapters about universal love,VABB-4,35,67,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349664,,The Mozi as an evolving text: different voices in early Chinese thought: introduction,VABB-4,1,34,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349665,,The Mozi as an evolving text: different voices in early Chinese thought,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349667,,Biblical Chronology and the Transmission of the Theory of Six “World Ages” to China: Gezhi Aolüe 格致奧略 (Outline of the mystery [revealed through] natural science; before 1723),VABB-1,89,138,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349670,,"The instrument collection of Prince-Bishop Ernest of Bavaria († Liège, 1612), Nicolas Trigault & Johan Terrentius, and the Chinese destiny of some of its items",VABB-1,691,701,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349671,,"A note on the “machine of Roemer” in late-17th century China, Antoine Thomas, SJ, and the first contacts of Ferdinand Verbiest, S.J., with the Jesuits in Paris",VABB-1,63,73,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349674,,Libraries of Western learning for China: circulation of Western books between Europe and China in Jesuit Mission (ca. 1650 - ca. 1750). 2 : Formation of Jesuit libraries,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349676,,Jesuit accounts of Chinese history and chronology and their Chinese sources,VABB-1,11,87,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349681,,Paronomasia or Wordplay? A Babel-Like Confusion. Towards A Definition of Hebrew Wordplay,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349683,,How do you sluice when there is more than one CP?,VABB-4,40,67,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349684,,Logic and colour,VABB-1,227,248,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349685,,Tackling the Complexity of Spontaneous Humorous Interaction: An Integrated Classroom-modeled Corpus Approach,VABB-4,243,268,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349687,,Negotiating discursive norms: Community interpreting in a Belgian rest home,VABB-1,23,54,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349688,,The interactional negotiation of group membership and ethnicity; The case of an interview with a former slave,VABB-1,163,183,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349689,,The Quotative ‘He/She Says’ in Interpreted Doctor-Patient Interaction,VABB-1,92,117,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349692,,Comparative Germanic Syntax: the state of the art,VABB-4,9,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349693,,Moroccorp: tien miljoen woorden uit twee Marokkaans-Nederlandse chatkanalen,VABB-1,456,475,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:349694,,Zu den französischen Entsprechungen der deutschen Modalpartikel eben und einiger bedeutungsähnlicher Ausdrücke in literarischen Texten,VABB-1,73,88,,ger,2013,1 c:vabb:349695,,Comparative Germanic Syntax: the state of the art,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349697,,The lexicalisation of elementary imperfective quantification in Dutch versus English,VABB-1,65,97,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349699,,The Construction of a 500-million-word Reference Corpus of Contemporary Written Dutch,VABB-4,219,247,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349700,,Large Scale Syntactic Annotation of Written Dutch: Lassy,VABB-4,147,164,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349701,,Homoplasy in diachronic grammar,VABB-1,66,77,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349702,,Parse and Corpus-based Machine Translation,VABB-4,305,319,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:349704,,External possessors and related constructions in Functional Discourse Grammar,VABB-4,155,187,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349705,,Why and How to Differentiate Complement Raising from Subject Raising in Dutch,VABB-5,222,242,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349707,,Creativity and the Agile Mind,VABB-4,15,36,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349708,,A Cognitive Grammar of Creativity,VABB-4,205,227,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349709,,Creativity and The Agile Mind: A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Mult-ifaceted Phenomenon,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349710,,"E Unis Pluribum: Using Mental Agility to Achieve Creative Duality in Word, Image and Sound",VABB-4,37,57,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349713,,Enacting Power Asymmetries in Reported Exchanges in the Narratives of Former Slaves,VABB-1,52,83,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349714,,Serving two masters: form-function friction in syntactic amalgams,VABB-1,534,565,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349715,,A composite index of citizen satisfaction with local police services,VABB-1,238,262,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349716,,Réédition de C. Ayer : Introduction à l’étude des dialectes du pays romand,VABB-4,141,180,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349717,,Cyprien Ayer et l’étude des dialectes francoprovençaux,VABB-4,133,139,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349718,,La Phonologie de la langue française (1874-1875) de Cyprien Ayer,VABB-4,77,98,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349719,,Cyprien Ayer : Bibliographie des écrits scientifiques,VABB-4,23,29,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349721,,L’homme et la matière grammaticale : historiographie et histoire de la grammaire,VABB-4,115,133,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:349722,,Définition et statut de la grammaire comparée chez Antoine Meillet,VABB-4,353,364,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:349724,,Grammatica en retorica in de Middeleeuwen. Traditie en vernieuwing in de artes sermocinales,VABB-1,561,568,,lat,2012,1 c:vabb:349728,,"Hortus linguarum - de tuin der talen: het Renaissance-onderzoek naar geneaologie en classificatie van talen, korte voorstelling van een project",VABB-4,311,321,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349729,,"Multimodal blending and musical creativity: Dualities in the quixotry of Richard Strauss, Jan Sandström and Christian Lindberg",VABB-4,315,333,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349730,,Comment optimiser la compétence (inter)culturelle des étudiants en traduction: un projet authentique prometteur,VABB-1,257,273,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:349731,,Genitive case and genitive constructions: An introduction,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349734,,Meeting report of: Diversitas linguarum. Sprach(en)vielfalt und sprachliche Diversität von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart,VABB-1,304,308,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:349735,,Le sort des néologismes dans la langue des sciences au Moyen Âge: une question de morphologie?,VABB-1,41,56,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349736,,"De tuin der talen. Taalstudie en taalcultuur in de Lage Landen, 1450-1750",VABB-3,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349737,,Het 'vernieuwde' taal- en wereldbeeld van de vroegmoderne tijd. Bakens en referentiepunten,VABB-4,3,46,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349738,,"Taaldiversiteit en taalfascinatie in de Renaissance: een inleiding tot, en rondleiding door, de 'tuin der talen'",VABB-4,7,23,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349739,,Génie de la langue: The Genesis and Early Career of a Key Notion in Early Modern European Learning,VABB-1,81,97,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349741,,Les emplois référentiels du SN démonstratif en français. Essai de systématisation,VABB-1,17,41,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:349742,,La prosodie des marqueurs de thématisation,VABB-1,,,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349744,,La construction causative en faire et le marquage différentiel de l’objet en français,VABB-4,3,17,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349748,,The Genitive,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349750,,"A classification of French adverbs based on distributional, syntactic and prosodic criteria",VABB-1,201,228,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349751,,DE: a genitive marker in French? Its grammaticalization path from Latin to French,VABB-4,141,216,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349753,,Dutch Parallel Corpus: A Balanced Parallel Corpus for Dutch-English and Dutch-French,VABB-4,185,199,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349757,,Theocritus' view of Socrates' Divine Sign in De genio Socratis 580CF,VABB-4,233,248,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349758,,Malachias the Monk as a Textual Critic of LXX Proverbs,VABB-4,67,85,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349759,,Early Slavic Hagiography Translation in the Vidin Miscellany,VABB-1,37,40,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349762,,"Pour une histoire de la tradition imprimée du ""De duabus Christi naturis"" de Maxime le Confesseur",VABB-1,391,411,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:349763,,"Sur le mensonge, l'âme de l'homme et les faux prophètes. La lettre ψ du Florilège Coislin",VABB-1,49,82,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349766,,Structuring Patterns in the Anthologium Gnomicum by Elias Ecdicus,VABB-1,57,72,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349767,,The third way: philology and critical edition for a digital age,VABB-1,61,76,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349768,,Exploration du genre byzantin des Kephalaia. La collection attribuée à Théognoste,VABB-4,51,66,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349769,,On the Topaz Island. Diodorus of Sicily and the Byzantine Florilegium Coislinianum,VABB-1,283,296,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349770,,Greek Mythography at Work: the Story of Perseus from Pherecydes to Tzetzes,VABB-1,147,166,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349771,,Text and Transmission of Ps.-Apollodorus' Bibliotheca: Avenues for Future Research,VABB-4,95,114,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349772,,Some Observations on the Catalogue of Danaids (Apollod. 2.16-20 and Hyg. Fab. 170),VABB-1,726,731,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349773,,Plutarch's Polemic Against Colotes' View on Legislation and Politics. A Reading of Adversus Colotem 30-34 (1124D-1127E),VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349774,,Virtues and vices ascribed to the Dutch Language,VABB-4,21,39,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349777,,En toen was er chaos. Het genre van de capita in Byzantium,VABB-1,163,176,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:349780,,Performing paideia. Greek culture as an instrument for social promotion in the fourth century A.D,VABB-1,387,406,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349781,,An unresolved crux in Hermias of Alexandria (In Phdr. 68.11 Couvreur),VABB-1,473,476,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:349783,,Beyond the Tree of Texts: Building an Empirical Model of Scribal Variation Through Graph Analysis of Texts and Stemmata,VABB-1,504,521,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349787,,The ulama as autonomous bearers of religious authority: Explaining Western Europe's current identity problem with Islam,VABB-4,15,29,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349788,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2013-2,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349789,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2013-1,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349791,,Les ‘noms cachés’ d’Amon: jeux de signs et rituels sur la porte ptolémaïque du deuxième pylône du temple de Karnak,VABB-4,183,195,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:349792,,L'activité épigraphique belge dans le temple de Karnak,VABB-4,92,105,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:349797,,Expenditures by the gu-za-lá official at Maškan-šapir at the time of Rim-Sîn of Larsa,VABB-4,1,36,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349805,,Zum sozialen Hintergrund der Verfügungen des N.y-kA-anx bei Tihna al-Jabal,VABB-4,241,262,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:349806,,Nomarchs and Local Potentates: the Provincial Administration in the Middle Kingdom,VABB-4,341,392,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349808,,Sealing in Old Babylonian Nippur,VABB-4,216,234,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349814,,"Measuring Writing: Recent insights into theory, methodology and practices",VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349816,,The language industry : growing partner in business and economy for world markets,VABB-5,73,85,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349817,,Functional equivalance and legal dynamism,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349818,,Degrees of semantic control in measuring aggregated lexical distances,VABB-4,353,374,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349819,,Dative and genitive variability in Late Modern English: Exploring cross-constructional variation and change,VABB-1,382,419,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349820,,Analyzing aggregated linguistic data,VABB-4,433,455,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349821,,Commentary: Lost in space? The many geographies and methodologies in research on variation within languages,VABB-4,240,244,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349822,,"Space in language and linguistics: Geographical, Interactional, and Cognitive Perspectives",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349823,,Integrating the perspectives on language and space,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349824,,Transparant aggregation of linguistic variables with Individual Differences Scaling,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349826,,A multivariate spatial analysis of vowel formants in American English,VABB-1,31,51,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349827,,Supra-regional characteristics of colloquial Dutch,VABB-4,532,556,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349828,,Lexical semantics from speculative etymology to structuralist semantics,VABB-4,555,569,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349829,,The treatment of meaning in dictionaries and prototype theory,VABB-4,487,495,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349830,,Phonetic distance and intelligibility in Dutch,VABB-4,227,242,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349832,,Post-structuralist and cognitive approaches to meaning,VABB-4,571,585,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349835,,"Introduction. Onomasiological, methodological and phraseological perspectives on lexical borrowing",VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349838,,What makes a catchphrase catchy? Possible determinants in the borrowability of English catchphrases in Dutch,VABB-4,41,64,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349839,,"New Perspectives on Lexical Borrowing: Onomasiological, Methodological and Phraseological Innovations",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349840,,Towards a 3D-Grammar: Interaction of linguistic and extralinguistic factors in the use of Dutch causative constructions,VABB-1,34,48,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349841,,Mapping constructional spaces: A contrastive analysis of English and Dutch analytic causatives,VABB-1,825,854,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349842,,Lexical variation in aggregate perspective,VABB-4,103,126,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349843,,A statistical analysis of regional variation in adverb position in a corpus of written Standard American English,VABB-1,39,72,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349844,,Stable Lexical Marker Analysis: a corpus-based identification of lexical variation,VABB-4,127,142,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349846,,Macro and micro perspectives on the distribution of English in Dutch. A quantitative usage-based analysis of job ads,VABB-1,1019,1064,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349847,,Cognitive Sociolinguistics meets loanword research: Measuring variation in the success of anglicisms in Dutch,VABB-4,251,294,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349848,,"Snoeien in de wijngaard. Het verhaal achter de Princelycke lof-dichten (Brussel, 1660)",VABB-1,523,535,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:349853,,Ending Up with a Question Mark: An Interview with David Albahari,VABB-1,12,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349854,,Images of the Self and the Other in the Columns by Jordi Soler in the Spanish and Mexican Press,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349856,,Beatrijs de wereld in. Inleiding,VABB-4,5,18,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349858,,Inventaris. De vertalingen en bewerkingen van het Middelnederlandse verhaal,VABB-4,19,28,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349859,,Beatrijs de wereld in. Vertalingen en bewerkingen van het Middelnederlandse verhaal,VABB-3,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349862,,Revision of the Arabic translation of Language Rich Europe [Awrubbā al-ġaniyyah bi-luġātihā],VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349863,,Sabores y aromas de México: la comida en la obra de Sandra Cisneros,VABB-4,333,342,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:349864,,Traveling between languages and literatures: A spatial analysis of 'The Family Tree' by Margo Glantz,VABB-4,149,161,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349865,,"Het verschil van één letter: vertalen, het goed en het goede doen",VABB-1,35,39,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349867,,"Postface. Questions de frontière, entre traduction et pseudo-traduction",VABB-1,497,504,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349868,,‘Un des plus purs joyaux de la littérature néerlandaise du Moyen Âge’. Robert Guiette en de Beatrijs-receptie in België tijdens het Interbellum,VABB-4,297,314,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349872,,La violencia a flor de piel en la narrativa de Alfredo Bryce Echenique: las tinieblas en 'Dos señoras conversan' a la luz de 'Permiso para sentir',VABB-1,105,128,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:349874,,(More than) American prisms on Eurocentrisms,VABB-4,113,121,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349875,,On constructing continental views on translation studies,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349876,,Eurocentrism in translation studies,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349877,,De Vlaamse vertalingen en bewerkingen van de Beatrijs,VABB-4,177,194,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349878,,Impact of translation theory,VABB-4,77,83,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349879,,National and cultural images,VABB-4,122,127,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349880,,Eurocentrism,VABB-4,47,51,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349881,,Handbook of translation studies. 4,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349882,,Handbook of translation studies. 3,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349888,,Claves belgas para la lectura de 'Por la Europa católica' de Emilia Pardo Bazán,VABB-1,139,162,,spa,2013,1 c:vabb:349890,,Language and culture in the special setting of a home for elderly people,VABB-5,67,73,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349891,,Reception and Translation,VABB-4,142,147,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349892,,Het Frans als lingua franca in de Lage Landen (1800-1914),VABB-1,177,183,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349896,,Le bon sens en traduction,VABB-3,,,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349897,,"Bon sens, faux sens, contresens et non-sens sens dessus dessous: pour une évaluation fidèle et valide de la compétence de traduction",VABB-4,79,93,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:349898,,"Translation, court networks, and the fashioning of an Imperial image: Charles V and the work of Luis de Ávila y Zúñiga",VABB-1,271,289,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349899,,Culture in crisis: Babel or monolingualism?,VABB-5,54,65,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349900,,De ware erfenis van een vertalende duizendpoot. J.J.A. Goeverneur als vertaler voor de jeugd,VABB-1,6,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349903,,"Dessí nei Paesi Bassi: «Il disertore», un nobile ignoto",VABB-4,117,126,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:349904,,Min Batlimos Ila Flora [Van Ptolemaeus aan Flora],VABB-1,1,20,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349906,,Functional shifts and the development of English determiners,VABB-4,271,300,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349908,,Variation between and within Sign Language of the Netherlands and Flemish Sign Language,VABB-4,680,699,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349911,,Completives as markers of non-volitionality,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349913,,"Sign language research, uses and practices : Crossing views on theoretical and applied sign language linguistics",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349916,,The pseudo-copular use of the Spanish verbs hacerse and volverse: two types of change,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349918,,El cambio expresado por la pseudo-cópula hacerse: una aproximación cognitiva,VABB-5,475,486,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:349921,,"Source and strength of modality: an empirical study of root should, ought to and be supposed to in Present-day British English",VABB-1,210,225,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349922,,Towards a constructional account of high and low frequency binominal quantifiers in Spanish,VABB-1,421,478,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:349923,,Subjective Compounds and subjectivity/subjectification in the English noun phrase,VABB-1,90,117,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349924,,Discourse markers and modal particles: two sides of the same coin? Introduction,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349925,,Dossier: Morfosintaxis histórica y tradiciones discursivas,VABB-1,5,7,,spa,2013,1 c:vabb:349926,,"A diachronic account of Dutch -nis, -heid, -dom and -schap: rivalry within the paradigm of abstract suffixes",VABB-1,87,121,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349927,,Passive auxiliaries in English and German: decline versus grammaticalization of bounded language use,VABB-4,71,100,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349928,,Spreading patterns: Diffusional change in the English system of complementation,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349929,,Change through recombination: blending and analogy,VABB-1,80,94,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349930,,Executive function training with game elements for obese children: A novel treatment to enhance self-regulatory abilities for weight-control,VABB-1,290,299,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349931,,Current state of the empirical evidence for psychoanalysis: A meta-analytic approach,VABB-1,107,137,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349932,,A multidimensional model of psychobiological interactions in functional dyspepsia: A structural equation modeling approach,VABB-1,1573,80,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349933,,Autism spectrum disorders and the image of God as core aspect of religiousness,VABB-1,145,160,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349934,,Ethical climate in a Belgian psychiatric inpatient setting: Relation with burnout and engagement in psychiatric nurses,VABB-1,443,449,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349935,,The 'Methodic' Exploration of Ethics in Interaction: the Cycle of Encounter,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:349938,,Validation of the German version of the Exercise Dependence Scale,VABB-1,213,219,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349940,,Praktijkgericht wetenschappelijk onderzoek aan Vlaamse hogescholen,VABB-1,18,23,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:349941,,Psychoanalysis/Depth Psychology,VABB-4,1874,1883,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349942,,Counseling and psychotherapy in Belgium: Towards accessible and evidence-based mental healthcare,VABB-4,261,270,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349944,,"Personality prototypes in female pre-bariatric obese patients: do they differ in eating disorder symptoms, psychological complaints, and coping behavior?",VABB-1,72,77,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349946,,Mentalizing in female inpatients with major depressive disorder,VABB-1,202,207,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349948,,Faktorenstruktur der deutschsprachigen Version der BIS/BAS-Skalen in einer Bevölkerungsstichprobe / Factor structure of the German version of the BIS/BAS scales in a population-based sample,VABB-1,75,80,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:349949,,The measurement of couple and family interactions and relationship quality in bereavement research,VABB-1,66,78,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349950,,Existentieel trauma,VABB-1,169,175,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349952,,Impairments in Self Structures in Depression and Suicide in Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavioral Approaches: Implications for Clinical Practice and Research,VABB-1,265,279,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349955,,ADHD symptomatology in eating disorders: A secondary psychopathological measure of severity?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349957,,What is the evidence for specific factors in the psychotherapeutic treatment of fibromyalgia?,VABB-1,675,676,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349958,,"Hospitalization-based treatment for postpartum depressed mothers and their babies: Rationale, principles, and preliminary follow-up data",VABB-1,150,168,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349960,,Zal de crisis in Europa leiden tot een toename van het aantal suïcides? Lessen uit het rapport over suïcide van de Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development,VABB-1,149,154,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349961,,Are maladaptive schema domains and perfectionism related to body image concerns in eating disorder patients?,VABB-1,45,51,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349962,,Latent personality profiles and the relations with psychopathology and psychopathic traits in detained adolescents,VABB-1,217,232,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349963,,'I was holding on to my ancestral merit': Religious coping and the Holocaust in the light of Hasidic tales of survival,VABB-1,65,90,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349964,,Interpersonal Relatedness and Self-Definition in Normal and Disrupted Personality Development: Retrospect and Prospect,VABB-1,172,183,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349970,,Braingame Brian: Toward an Executive Function Training Program with Game Elements for Children with ADHD and cognitive control problems,VABB-1,44,49,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349972,,"What part of working memory is not working in ADHD? Short-Term Memory, The Central Executive and Effects of Reinforcement",VABB-1,901,917,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349975,,Meaning making: A crucial psychological process in the confrontation with a life stressor,VABB-4,167,184,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349977,,Co-occurrence of non-suicidal self-injury and impulsivity in extreme weight conditions,VABB-1,137,140,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349986,,Association of training on attitudes towards self-injury across health professionals,VABB-1,462,468,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349987,,Psychopathic traits in youth and the association with temperamental features: Results from a performance-based measure,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349988,,Predicting quality of life in pediatric asthma: The role of emotional competence and personality,VABB-1,907,916,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349990,,The indirect effect of attention bias on memory via interpretation bias: Evidence for the combined cognitive bias hypothesis in subclinical depression,VABB-1,1450,1459,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:349991,,Collocaties leren in een vreemde taal,VABB-1,177,192,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:349993,,Properties of primes and natural mathematics,VABB-1,26,46,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:349994,,"Sign language research, uses and practices: A Belgian perspective",VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350000,,"Contrastive news discourse analysis from a pragmatic perspective: Context, ideology and representation in press coverage about Kenya’s postelection crisis",VABB-4,67,98,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:350002,,"Een kritische kijk op krantendiscours over Kenia’s crisis: een pragmatische analyse van het taalgebruik in De Morgen en De Standaard, The Standard en Daily Nation",VABB-1,79,101,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:350003,,"What Sluicing Can do, What it Can’t, and in Which Language: on the cross-linguistic syntax of ellipsis",VABB-4,502,536,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350004,,Ellipsis phenomena,VABB-4,701,745,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350005,,What can medical communication learn from technical communication?,VABB-5,36,49,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350006,,"An expanded lower Eocene shelf sequence from the eastern Aquitaine Basin, SW France: biostratigraphy, biofacies, and stable carbon and oxygen isotopes",VABB-1,339,361,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350007,,Copper toxicity in soils under established vineyards in Europe: a survey,VABB-1,470,477,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350008,,"Geogene Versus Anthropogene Origin of Trace Metals in Sediments in Cua Luc Estuary and Ha Long Bay, Vietnam",VABB-1,203,219,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350009,,Mutation of Cultural Landscapes: The 'Unplanned' Tourism Map of Europe,VABB-4,15,33,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350010,,Cultural heritage resources of traditional agricultural landscapes - inspired by Chinese experiences,VABB-4,273,282,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350011,,Reflections on the Great War Centenary: from Warscapes to Memoryscapes in 100 years,VABB-4,273,287,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:350015,,Coupled hydrogeophysical inversion of elecrical resitances and inflow measurements for topsoil hydraulic properties under constant head infiltration,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350016,,"Assessment on Pollution by Heavy Metals and Arsenic Based on Surficial and Core Sediments in the Cam River Mouth, Haiphong Province, Vietnam",VABB-1,415,432,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350018,,"Speciation and Mobility of Selected Trace Metals (As, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn) in Sediment with Depth in Cam River-Mouth, Haiphong, Vietnam",VABB-1,57,75,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350019,,"Leachability of arsenic and heavy metals from blasted copper slag and contamination of marine sediment and soil in Ninh Hoa district, south central of Vietnam",VABB-1,80,92,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350024,,A New Reading in Philodemus' Historia Academicorum (PHerc. 1021 Col. 2) with Observations on Dicaearchus in Col. Y (F 46b Mirhady),VABB-1,17,26,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350026,,"Dionysos, Souchos and Sarapis as personal names?",VABB-1,259,266,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350027,,The mummified fish of Esna: a case study in animal worship,VABB-1,17,23,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350028,,Early New Testament manuscripts and their dates,VABB-1,443,474,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350030,,Quantifying Imprecisely Dated Sources. A New Inclusive Method for Charting Diachronic Change in Graeco-Roman Egypt,VABB-1,101,114,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350034,,Überlegungen zu POxy. LXXI 4808,VABB-1,105,122,,lat,2013,1 c:vabb:350035,,Bemerkungen zu Papyri XXVI (KorrTyche),VABB-1,204,207,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350036,,Explicit name change in Roman Egypt,VABB-1,313,336,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350038,,The Evolution and Use of Demotic Contracts in Epistolary Form,VABB-4,155,170,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350040,,Creating a New Local Elite: The Establishment of the Metropolitan Orders of Roman Egypt',VABB-1,143,153,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350042,,How Christian was Fourth Century Egypt? Onomastic perspectives on Conversion,VABB-1,407,435,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350043,,Determinatives in Greek loan-words and proper names,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350045,,When Two Fragments Meet: A Funerary Stela for Two People from Roman Egypt (Nikopolis),VABB-1,183,189,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350048,,The ‘Digital Thematic Deconstruction’ of early modern urban maps and bird’s-eye views,VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350049,,Alle wegen leiden naar Brussel. Bestemmingstoponymie als kapstok voor de studie van het historische wegennet,VABB-1,195,270,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350050,,Sint-Guido in de historische microtoponymie van Anderlecht,VABB-1,184,194,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350055,,Popular politics in the late medieval city: York and Bruges,VABB-1,771,805,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350057,,Autour de Jean Molinet. La mémoire collective à la cour habsbourgeoise et l’alternative des élites urbaines en Flandre (XVe-XVIe siècles),VABB-4,27,44,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350059,,The “Digital Thematic Deconstruction” of early modern urban maps and bird’s-eye views,VABB-1,160,177,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350060,,Review of periodical articles (2012),VABB-1,355,381,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350062,,Papieren munitie. Een pamflet over verraad tijdens de Brusselse opstand tegen Maximiliaan van Oostenrijk (1488-1489),VABB-1,47,62,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350063,,'Let each man carry on and remain silent'. Middle-class ideology in the urban literature of the late medieval Low Countries,VABB-1,169,189,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350064,,Damme en Sluis: de oorsprong en vroege stadsontwikkeling van twee middeleeuwse Zwinstadjes,VABB-1,13,56,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350065,,Middeleeuws Namen aan Samber en/of Maas. Beeldvorming en vooringenomenheid in stadstopografisch onderzoek,VABB-1,1,18,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350068,,A war on metaphysics. Positivism and the radicalization of Dutch modernism,VABB-4,115,129,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350069,,Usi della storia nell'età della guerra fredda: il caso del Belgio e dell'Olanda,VABB-1,103,124,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:350071,,"A Few Painters, a Few Heroes and Many Factory Workers. In Search of the Historical Culture of Belgian Immigrants in Northern France, 1850-1914",VABB-4,199,218,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350073,,Old narratives adapted: Post-Napoleonic history education and its relation to the present in the Soutern Netherlands (1815-1830),VABB-1,810,824,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350074,,"Spektakelstukken: de mise-en-scène van de wetenschap in de Belgische stad, 1860-1914",VABB-4,43,69,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350075,,"Een traject van onderhandeling. Hygiënisme als wetenschap, Antwerpen 1880-1900",VABB-1,3,28,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:350076,,Het Belgische geschiedenisonderwijs en de uitdaging van de eigentijdse geschiedenis (1945-1961),VABB-1,76,91,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:350077,,Cultural Integration of Belgian Migrants in Northern France (1870-1914): A Study of Popular Songs,VABB-1,91,108,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350080,,Het verleden verzameld in anderhalve reeks. De Bijdragen voor Vaderlandsche Geschiedenis en Oudheidkunde als 'hoofdzakelijke standmeter' van de Nederlandse geschiedbeoefening (1835-1868),VABB-1,359,386,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:350081,,De intrede van het publiek. Museumbezoek in België 1830-1914,VABB-2,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:350082,,Historians in the archive: an introduction,VABB-1,3,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350083,,"The trial of Henry of Brederode: Historians, sources and location under discussion in 19(th) -century historiography",VABB-1,50,66,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:350085,,Disciplines en studies: vernieuwing in de geesteswetenschappen,VABB-1,79,90,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350086,,"'Houdt ons voor geen sentimenteele knapen!' Natuur en emoties in Brieven, geschreven op eene wandeling door een gedeelte van Duitschland en Holland, in den zomer van 1809",VABB-1,548,563,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:350088,,De Akte van Afstand als pacificatiestrategie tijdens de Nederlandse Opstand (1597-1600),VABB-1,209,221,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:350096,,Nieuws en informatienetwerken: de Medici en het begin van de Opstand in de Nederlanden (1566),VABB-1,63,77,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350098,,De belichaming van christelijke liefde. Gevoelens en lichamelijkheid in zestiende eeuwse franciscaanse martelaarsverhalen,VABB-1,501,515,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:350107,,‘Pour servir de mémoire à la postérité.’ Herinneringscultuur en overstromingen in het vroegmoderne Namen,VABB-1,45,56,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350110,,"Theater en commerciële cultuur in een secundaire stad: rederijkerskamer De Kersouwe te Leuven, 17de-18de eeuw",VABB-1,140,158,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350115,,'Tout-à-la-Fois Cultivateurs et Commerçans': Smallholders and the Industrious Revolution in Eighteenth-Century Brabant,VABB-1,153,172,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:350117,,"The 'authenticity effect', a propaganda tool in trench newspapers",VABB-4,3,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350118,,Pour une nouvelle approche de la dynamique littéraire. Pense-bête,VABB-1,,,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350122,,X-Raying the Italian Novel of the 1930s: From Autonomy to Heteronomy (and Back),VABB-4,45,64,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350123,,Conversazioni istoriate: intorno all’edizione illustrata di Conversazione in Sicilia (1953),VABB-1,95,104,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:350124,,Opening up the Heavens over Athens: Plutarch and Laetus Discussing Physical Causes,VABB-5,249,262,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350134,,"Linked Stories, Connected Lives: The Lucky Ones as Short Story Cycle",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350137,,'One Step from Politics'. Sartor Resartus and Aesthetic Ideology,VABB-1,23,41,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350139,,«Le narrazioni di innocenza e vittimismo nel dibattito italiano bloccano l’assunzione di responsabilità dell’Italia nei confronti delle persecuzioni degli ebrei.» Intervista a Emiliano Perra a proposito di Conflicts of Memory,VABB-1,,,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:350141,,Virgilian Incarnation: Hartman and the Issue of Auerbach's Jewishness,VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350143,,"Robert Musil's ""The Serious Writer in Our Time"": Rhetoric and the Modernist Writer's Speech",VABB-4,27,44,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350144,,Beyond all Bearing: Bespeaking the Intolerable (introduction),VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350148,,The Unbearable. Still Live,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350149,,"Dal trauma all'umorismo pirandelliano: ""L'esclusa"" e ""Suo marito""",VABB-1,183,192,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:350151,,Germanistik/Deutsch im belgischen Hochschulwesen: Flandern und Frankophonie im Vergleich,VABB-4,58,74,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:350152,,A History of Aristocracies. Old and New Avant-Gardisms in Poggioli and Marinetti,VABB-1,64,78,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350154,,Living in the past: historians in exile,VABB-4,394,411,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350156,,Spioneren voor het communisme: Belgische prominenten en Poolse geheim agenten,VABB-2,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350164,,"Introduction: Solidarity, ideology, instrumentality, and other issues",VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350166,,A new floor for the silenced? Congolese hip-hop in Belgium,VABB-1,87,113,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350169,,"Diplomatie, activisme en effectieve solidariteit. Een nieuw perspectief op de mobilisatie voor Vietnam (1960-1975)",VABB-1,4,27,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350172,,Les catholiques libéraux en Belgique à l’époque contemporaine,VABB-4,117,131,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350176,,Racism for beginners: constructions of Chinese in twentieth-century Belgian comics,VABB-4,231,259,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350181,,Why Brazil? The Belgian Mobilization against Repression in Brazil and its Significance for Third World Solidarity Activism in the 1970s and beyond,VABB-1,108,147,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350188,,Benevolent Fathers and Virile Brothers Metaphors of Kinship and the Construction of Masculinity and Age in the Nineteenth-Century Belgian Army,VABB-1,72,100,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350192,,"Confusing categories: peasants, politics and national identities in a multilingual state, Belgium c. 1880-1940",VABB-1,95,123,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350193,,Damiaan: held en heilige,VABB-1,103,120,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350199,,“Is it a habit or is it a disease?”: the changing social meaning of stammering in nineteenth-century Western Europe,VABB-1,17,37,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350200,,Eten in oorlogstijd. Voedselaanbevelingen en keukentips in België tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,257,278,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:350201,,De lichamelijkheid van emoties. Een introductie,VABB-1,452,465,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:350204,,"E-readers, Deconvergence Culture and McSweeney’s Circle. An Interview with Jim Collins",VABB-1,193,206,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350205,,Happily Ever After ... And After: Serialization and the Popular Romance Novel,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350207,,COnTEXTES (10). Querelles d’écrivains (XIXe-XXIe siècles) : de la dispute à la polémique,VABB-3,,,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:350208,,Waar alles geoorloofd is. Een discursieve receptieanalyse van Sophie Podolski's Le pays où tout est permis,VABB-4,57,73,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350209,,"Inleiding: Differentiatie, problematisering & perspectief",VABB-4,5,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350211,,Marges van de literatuur,VABB-3,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350212,,Trakl's Tone. Mood and the Distinctive Speech Act of the Demonstrative,VABB-4,355,372,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350215,,La Littérature dévisagée. Figurations iconographiques de l'écrivain au XXe siècle,VABB-1,1,10,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350216,,Het meest complete mafke. De functie van waanzin in het postuur van J.M.H. Berckmans,VABB-1,5,22,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:350218,,Learning from comics (and Bart Beaty),VABB-1,101,110,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350219,,Fun Home,VABB-4,205,218,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350220,,Modernism Today,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350221,,"Une vie en cartes postales. Pour une lecture ""contemporaine"" d'Histoire de Claude Simon",VABB-1,261,271,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350222,,Writing or Rewriting a Silent Movie.. The Example of Carl Th. Dreyer's La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc and its Novelization by Pierre Bost,VABB-1,101,108,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350223,,Hypertext Revisited,VABB-1,477,480,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350225,,Road Block in the Streets of Brussels. Hergé in Translation,VABB-1,105,124,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:350226,,Image and Visual Culture after the Pictorial Turn: An Outsider's Note,VABB-1,180,185,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350228,,Sharing is caring. Sharing and documenting complex participatory projects to enable generative participation,VABB-1,9,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350229,,"Of Handwriting, Typewriters, and a Writer's Block, or How the Playwright Learnt to Drive a Car and Stopped Worrying about Writing Another Word",VABB-1,93,104,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350230,,Light in Black: On Olivier Deprez' BlackBlackBlack,VABB-4,221,235,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350231,,Uncaging and reframing ‘The Cage’,VABB-4,67,85,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350233,,"Le roman illustré, une nouvelle forme de texte adultère",VABB-1,59,70,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:350234,,The photonovel: Stereotype as Surprise,VABB-1,137,152,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:350239,,La 'culture populaire' des Cultural Studies,VABB-4,61,74,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350240,,La livraison versus le livre. Une réédition singulière de Terry et les pirates,VABB-1,21,27,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350241,,Intermedialiteit,VABB-4,17,26,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:350246,,The Obtuse Space of Carl Theodor Dreyer's 'La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc'. A Visual-Essayistic Approximation,VABB-1,47,62,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350249,,Iconographies de l'écrivain au XXe siècle. Usages et enjeux : un portrait en pied,VABB-1,129,153,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:350250,,La franchise du pseudonyme. Conditions d’exercice d’un indicateur de posture,VABB-1,71,83,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:350251,,EuropeanaPhotography: Early Photography accessible in Europeana,VABB-5,36,41,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350252,,"De gestileerde auteur. Stijl, auteurschap en grafische literatuur",VABB-4,17,28,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350253,,"Ethos: L'ethos en question. Effets, contours et perspectives",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350254,,"eXistenZ, the Story of a Novelization: An Interview with Christopher Priest",VABB-4,201,210,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350255,,Introduction: Science-Fiction Adaptation across Media,VABB-4,3,17,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350257,,Earlier is Impossible. Deep Time and Geological Posthumanism in Dutch Fiction,VABB-1,68,91,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350258,,The Surrealist “Pêle-Mêle”: Picturing Literary History,VABB-4,81,99,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350259,,"‘Ik hoop dat gij braaf zijt’. De briefwisseling tussen Hilda Ram en Marie Elisabeth Belpaire, twee intellectuele vrouwen aan het einde van de negentiende eeuw",VABB-1,2,23,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:350260,,Avant-Garde Nows: Presentist Reconfigurations of Public Time,VABB-1,272,287,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350261,,"Before the absolute: literature, time and the autoimmunity of sovereignty in the work of Hermann Broch",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:350263,,Wittgenstein Reading,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350264,,The Untamables: Marinetti and Gramsci’s political language philosophy,VABB-4,243,254,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350265,,"Opera, Allegory, Remembrance: The Certain Melody in Auden's and Stravinsky's ""The Rake's Progress""",VABB-1,86,99,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350266,,What Modernism Was and Is,VABB-4,7,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350267,,Italy,VABB-4,437,444,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350268,,The Low Countries,VABB-4,287,292,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350270,,Correspondance: Mail Art and Literary Appropriation in the 1920s,VABB-1,109,126,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350273,,O Mensch! De vormen van de humanitair-expressionistische poëzie in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,26,46,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350274,,Buysse in gesprek met D'Oliveira. Het literaire interview en de constructie van auteursbeelden,VABB-1,39,53,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350275,,Relire La poésie pure (1926) d'Henri Bremond,VABB-1,506,522,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:350276,,Le corps du Christ. Le roman À propos de Dédé et le catholicisme,VABB-1,55,70,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:350278,,The Will to Style. The Dutch Contribution to the Avant-Garde,VABB-4,293,312,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350279,,From normality to normativity: Alberto Moravia and Robert Musil on the problems with normality,VABB-1,395,410,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350280,,“A mysterious malady of the times”: Robert Musil’s Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften as a working through of the symptoms of modern life,VABB-1,291,311,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350281,,Iconic/Ironic Greenery: The Cultural Cultivation of Plants in Brecht Evens' The Making Of,VABB-4,181,195,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350282,,Science Fiction across Media: Adaptation/Novelization,VABB-3,,,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:350283,,'Iedere lezer is geen psychiater.' De literaire receptie van 'Jan Arends' (1972-1979) in het licht van de antipsychiatrie,VABB-1,51,75,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:350284,,Une pratique journalistique au service du peuple. Les contributions illustrées de Louis Paul Boon et Maurice Roggeman au Roode Vaan (1945-1946),VABB-1,81,96,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350285,,Literatuursociologische benaderingen van de auteur,VABB-4,163,168,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350287,,The Abyss: Between Film and Novelization,VABB-4,227,243,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350288,,Monomodal Hybridity in Contemporary Writing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350290,,Abstraction et narration,VABB-1,45,67,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350293,,Phonogrammatic Reading. On the Sight of Sound in Paul van Ostaijen's Poetry,VABB-4,65,80,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350294,,Arrière-garde Perspectives on the History of Modern Literature: The Case of the Netherlands (1880-1940),VABB-4,99,119,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350295,,"The Aesthetics of Matter: Modernism, The Avant-Garde and Material Exchange",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350298,,"The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines, 3: Europe 1880-1940",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350299,,Het binnenste buiten. Werk en leven van Willem Brakman,VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:350300,,Ivo Michiels intermediaal,VABB-3,,,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:350301,,Stories and Minds: Cognitive Approaches to Literary Narrative,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350302,,"Chronique, critique, écriture : manières de se dire écrivain (ou non) dans Mon Siècle de Bernard Frank",VABB-1,387,408,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:350304,,L'avant-gardisme aristocratique de Valentine de Saint-Point,VABB-1,50,63,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:350305,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350306,,Changing Covers: The Paratextual Transformations of René Burri's 'Die Deutschen',VABB-1,69,78,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350308,,"Andréa Oberhuber, Mélusine n° 32 , A belles mains Livre surréaliste/livre d'artiste",VABB-1,279,282,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350309,,Matter on the Move,VABB-4,3,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350314,,Het verlangen om te vallen. De dissociatieve houding van bewerkers in Beatrijs-bewerkingen voor de jeugd (1907-207),VABB-1,429,458,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:350315,,"Les premiers romans français, entre traduction et pseudo-traduction",VABB-1,359,377,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350316,,"Postface. Questions de frontière, entre traduction et pseudo-traduction",VABB-1,479,486,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350319,,La fiction française à la remorque de l’Angleterre : au sujet de quelques avatars romanesques de Pamela,VABB-1,161,178,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350320,,La fiction à l'anglaise: au sujet des stratégies préfacielles dans l'oeuvre de deux romancières françaises du XVIIIe siècle,VABB-1,199,217,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350321,,Karel Verleyen,VABB-4,1,11,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:350322,,"""A Hybrid Activity"": l'histoire litéraire selon Douwe Fokkema",VABB-1,267,276,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:350323,,Beatrijs in 'The Yellow Nineties',VABB-4,93,103,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350325,,Hoe jong kan Beatrijs worden? Beatrijs-adaptaties voor de jeugd,VABB-4,105,124,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350326,,Het essay,VABB-1,119,124,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:350328,,Ethos: pour une mise au point conceptuelle et méthodologique,VABB-1,,,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350329,,Avant-propos,VABB-1,,,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350332,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350333,,Tracks and Treks in Translation Studies,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350335,,L’intérêt romanesque et les aventures poétiques de Jacques le Fataliste,VABB-1,81,100,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:350336,,Translation anthologies and collections. An overview and some prospects,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350340,,Forms and functions of anthologies of translations into French in the nineteenth century,VABB-4,17,34,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350342,,El juego literario en 'Travesuras de la niña mala' de Mario Vargas Llosa,VABB-1,1,22,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:350344,,The Humanities Under Siege? (Chinese version),VABB-4,77,92,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:350345,,Translation in Anthologies and Collections (19th and 20th Centuries),VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350346,,“Me interesa tratar de sembrar dudas respecto de lo que se está contando.” Una conversación con Sergio Chejfec,VABB-1,,,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:350348,,The Gothic and Grotesque in Barbara Gowdy's 'Mister Sandman',VABB-1,172,191,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:350349,,Douwe Wessel Fokkema,VABB-1,224,227,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:350350,,“(No) Postmodernism in the Age of World Literature,VABB-1,317,331,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:350351,,European Postmodernism: The Cosmodern Turn,VABB-1,271,283,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350352,,Des Romans-mémoires aux Mémoires : la négociation d’un pacte autobiographique chez Rétif de la Bretonne,VABB-4,243,256,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350353,,Enseñar la competencia intercultural a través de la literatura: el individualismo como regulador del diálogo en el mundo hispanohablante en las crónicas de Alfredo Bryce Echenique,VABB-1,315,330,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:350354,,Men who did not exist? Irish tourists and the definition of a national élite,VABB-4,209,221,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350355,,Poëziespektakel: een podium voor nieuw talent?,VABB-1,61,78,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:350356,,From Latin to Latino Lover: Hispanicity and Female Desire in Popular Culture,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350357,,World Literature: A Reader,VABB-3,,,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350359,,Translating to communicate with linguistic minorities: State obligations under international law,VABB-1,405,441,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350360,,"Translating for linguistic minorities in Northern Ireland: A look at translation policy in the judiciary, healthcare and local government",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350363,,Instrumentum bibliographicum neolatinum,VABB-1,623,696,,lat,2013,2 c:vabb:350364,,Instrumentum lexicographicum,VABB-1,697,700,,lat,2013,2 c:vabb:350365,,Neo-Latin literature,VABB-4,893,899,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350367,,Taalkunde met een ranzig randje: wetenschap en ideologie in het Noordnederlandse debat over de oorsprong en de status van de indianen (1641-1644),VABB-4,125,152,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350372,,An anti-Donatist sermon on fasting: Augustine’s De utilitate ieiunii. A new critical edition with philological introduction,VABB-1,5,48,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:350374,,The Descendants of Petrarch’s ‘Pro Archia’,VABB-1,292,328,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350376,,A New Stemma for Cicero’s ‘Pro Archia’,VABB-1,193,208,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350378,,Francesco Filelfo. On Exile. Commentationes Florentinae de Exilio,VABB-2,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350384,,In decreto continetur doctrina plane Molinistica. The anti-Jansenist decree of the Capuchin Minister General Bernardino of Arezzo (1691),VABB-1,329,368,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350386,,Ambrosii Novidii Fracci (c. 1480-c. 1550) hendecasyllabi cuiusmodi sint,VABB-1,601,609,,lat,2013,2 c:vabb:350387,,‘New Light on the Roman Professor and Neo-Latin Poet Henricus Chifellius (1583-1657) (with Unnoticed Poems of Jusqtus Rycquius and Maxaemilianus Vrientius),VABB-1,445,487,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350390,,"Medicinae Laus per Eobanum Hessum ex Erasmo, versu reddita Reassessed",VABB-4,41,82,,lat,2013,2 c:vabb:350393,,Instrumentum lexicographicum,VABB-1,645,648,,lat,2012,2 c:vabb:350395,,Le tremblement de terre de Messine en Sicile et Reggio de Calabre (1908) et la poésie néo-latine,VABB-5,105,136,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:350396,,Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Upsaliensis,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:350399,,On good Government: Erasmus’s Institutio principis Christiani versus Lipsius’s Politica,VABB-4,179,208,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350406,,A. V. Amfiteatrov’s Stena plača i stena nerušimaja and the Attempts to Restore the Fighting Spirit among Russian Émigrés in the Early 1930s,VABB-1,62,73,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350408,,'Something more than a storage warehouse'. The creation of national archives,VABB-4,29,46,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:350411,,Brain correlates of subjective freedom of choice,VABB-1,1271,1284,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350413,,Consumer interest in receiving information through social media about the risks of pesticide residues,VABB-1,386,392,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350417,,Restitutie na vernietiging woninghuurovereenkomst wegens overtreding van gewestelijke woonkwaliteitsnormen,VABB-1,108,114,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350418,,"Locomotieftekst: 'Is er plaats voor ""radicalisme"" in onze democratische samenleving",VABB-1,6,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350420,,Value Fusion : The blending of consumer and firm value in the distinct context of mobile technologies and social media,VABB-1,268,293,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350425,,"Resources, Conflict and Governance: a critical review of the evidence",VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350431,,Designing an explanatory practice framework: local food systems as a case.,VABB-1,306,336,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350435,,Does the perception of neighborhood built environmental attributes influence active transport in adolescents?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350442,,Comparing various indicators for the LCA of residential photovoltaic systems,VABB-4,211,239,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350443,,Consumer knowledge and use of information about fish and aquaculture,VABB-1,25,30,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350447,,Experimental assessment of polyphonic tones with cochlear implants,VABB-1,1267,1271,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350448,,Predicting customer profitability during acquisition: Finding the optimal combination of data source and data mining technique,VABB-1,2007,2012,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350451,,"Science–policy challenges for biodiversity, public health and urbanization: examples from Belgium",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350452,,Physical activity and beverage consumption in preschoolers: focus groups with parents and teachers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350455,,To Be Recognized Again: Christa Wolf's Paradigm of Sincerity,VABB-1,373,379,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350459,,Clinical heterogeneity in patients with the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome,VABB-1,873,881,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350461,,Exploring the potential of criminal law in protecting the environment,VABB-1,81,111,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350467,,Alternative Predictors for Dealing with the Diversity-Validity Dilemma in Personnel Selection: The constructed response multimedia test,VABB-1,239,250,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350471,,Towards understanding Cotard's syndrome: an overview,VABB-1,481,486,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350473,,From Vagrancy to Homelessness:The Value of a Welfare Approach to Homelessness,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:350476,,Challenges faced by former child soldiers in the aftermath of war in Uganda.,VABB-1,757,764,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350479,,Influence of COMT val158 met and ADRA2B deletion polymorphisms on recollection and familiarity components of human emotional memory,VABB-1,819,829,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350481,,Cultural Chameleons: social mobility and cultural practices in the private and the public sphere,VABB-1,309,324,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350484,,Investigating the limits of multifunctional agriculture as the dominant frame for Green Care in agriculture in Flanders and the Netherlands,VABB-1,50,59,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350489,,De machines van Justitie: vijftien jaar elektronisch toezicht in België,VABB-3,,,185 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350490,,Functies en functionarissen van het elektronisch toezicht,VABB-4,75,126,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350491,,A choice experiment approach for assessing preferences to forest law configuration and compliance: the case of NTFP traders in Cameroon,VABB-1,241,254,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350492,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie): September 2012 - oktober 2012,VABB-1,119,130,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350494,,Beyond child soldiering: The interference of daily living conditions in former child soldiers' longer term psychosocial well-being in northern Uganda.,VABB-1,485,503,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350497,,Adaptive smoothing as inference strategy,VABB-1,435,445,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350504,,Therapeutic communities for addictions: a review of their effectiveness from a recovery-oriented perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350507,,"Crises, crude oil and BRIC stock markets",VABB-1,304,321,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350509,,Personality across working life: The longitudinal and reciprocal influences of personality on work,VABB-1,S7,S25,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350511,,Lost in PubMed. Factors influencing the success of medical information retrieval,VABB-1,4106,4114,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:350512,,Breakfast consumption and CVD risk factors in European adolescents: the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe bu Nutrition in Adolescence) Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350528,,Seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag,VABB-4,217,240,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350533,,Do governance choices matter in health care networks?: an exploratory configuration study of health care networks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350539,,Price Transparency as a Prerequisite for Fair Competition: The Case of the European Food Prices Monitoring Tool,VABB-4,243,261,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350544,,Perceived job insecurity as a risk factor for incident coronary heart disease: systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350548,,Not only a man's world: women's involvement in artisanal mining in eastern DRC,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:350551,,La base de datos terminológica jurídica bilingüe diseñada para el traductor,VABB-1,84,110,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:350563,,Service oriented enterprise engineering: applying viable system approach in enterprise engineering for sourcing decision making,VABB-5,124,129,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350572,,Comparative performance of Thin Layer Agar and Lowenstein-Jensen culture for diagnosis of tuberculosis,VABB-1,E502,E508,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350575,,Autonomy in Family Decision Making for Chinese Adolescents: Disentangling the Dual Meaning of Autonomy,VABB-1,1184,1209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350602,,Policing in Central and Eastern Europe as an epiphenomenon of geopolitical events,VABB-4,5,13,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350603,,When colors backfire: The impact of color cues on moral judgment,VABB-1,341,348,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350605,,The anticipation of pain at a specific location of the body prioritizes tactile stimuli at that location,VABB-1,1464,1468,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350606,,The Swedish verb låta 'let' from a synchronic and diachronic perspective,VABB-1,113,123,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350610,,YN questions in L2 Italian of Dutch speaking learners,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350621,,Sentir: un verbo en la intersección de las lenguas románicas,VABB-5,99,110,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:350629,,Avtobiografija li e 'Avtobiografijata' na Grigor Pyrlichev? (Is Grigor Pyrlichev's 'Autobiography' an autobiography?),VABB-5,41,66,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350630,,Positioning in time and space: cost-effective exterior orientation for airborne archaeological photographs,VABB-5,313,318,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350632,,The discovery of a gladiatorial school at Carnuntum,VABB-5,423,426,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350635,,Student perspectives on wiki-tasks and the introduction of computer-supported peer feedback,VABB-5,558,565,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350647,,When threat to society becomes a threat to oneself: implications for right-wing attitudes and ethnic prejudice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350648,,European consumers' perceived seriousness of their eating habits relative to other personal health risks,VABB-1,618,622,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350649,,The relationship between formal education and skill acquisition in young workers' first jobs,VABB-1,638,659,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350650,,Peak oil supply or oil not for sale?,VABB-1,74,85,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350652,,Motiveren van geïnterneerden met een verstandelijke beperking die middelen misbruiken,VABB-1,4,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:350653,,A UNEP/SETAC approach towards a life cycle sustainability assessment: our contribution to Rio+20,VABB-1,1673,1685,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350656,,La viande du futur sera-t-elle produite in vitro?,VABB-1,363,374,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:350674,,Alleged assassins: realist and constructivist semantics for modal modification,VABB-5,94,114,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350694,,Décoloniser l’espace (péri)urbain en République Démocratique du Congo: le cas de Lubumbashi,VABB-5,141,151,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350697,,On becoming 'too Belgian': a comparative study of ethnic conformity pressure through the city as context approach,VABB-1,335,360,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350698,,The problematic implementation of teacher evaluation policy: school failure or governmental pitfall?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:350699,,La causación negativa y el argumento causado: la sintaxis de dejar y laisser en contraste,VABB-5,159,170,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:350710,,DanSync: a platform to study entrainment and joint-action during spontaneous dance in the context of a social music game,VABB-5,124,135,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350754,,The impact of teachers' beliefs on grammar instruction and students' grammar competences,VABB-5,641,648,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350755,,Information system support in construction industry with semantic web technologies and/or autonomous reasoning agents,VABB-5,643,652,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350758,,The influence of energy performance levels on the heating demand in dwellings: case-study analyses on neighbourhoods,VABB-5,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350762,,Calculating least risk paths in 3D indoor space,VABB-5,113,120,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350764,,Anticipation and identity formation: towards a rewriting of the fundamental fantasy in a case of toxicomania,VABB-5,129,140,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350768,,Presenting material via graphic organizers in science classes in secondary education,VABB-5,458,466,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350776,,"Legal discourse between integration and disintegration: the case of the peaceful succession struggles, 1713-1739",VABB-5,159,174,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350781,,Charles Marcellis and Arthur Vierendeel: a century of Belgian bridge building (1835-1940),VABB-5,1332,1338,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350792,,Fostering university students' metacognitive regulation through peer tutoring,VABB-5,1594,1600,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350794,,Identification of informative subgraphs in brain networks,VABB-5,74,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350806,,Improved emergency management by a loosely coupled logistic system,VABB-5,5,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350809,,Perception and production of complex bowing movements in violin performance,VABB-5,035013,035021,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350816,,Change detection on cultural heritage by radiometric comparison of terrestrial photos and terrestrial laser scanning,VABB-5,587,594,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350821,,Using webcrawling of publicly available websites to assess E-commerce relationships,VABB-5,402,410,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:350848,,The development of a free stereopsis test for active shutter displays,VABB-5,26,27,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350850,,"The use of high resolution digital surface models for change detection and viewshed analysis in the area around the pyramids of Giza, Egypt",VABB-5,21,24,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350860,,Transforming enterprise ontologies into SBVR formalizations,VABB-5,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350862,,Towards an integrative component framework for business models: identifying the common elements between the current business model views,VABB-5,114,121,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350863,,Dual indicator set for crop protection sustainability surveys DISCUSS: preconditions for implementation on fruit farms,VABB-5,523,529,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350870,,The Roman Heidentor as study object to compare mobile laser scanning data and multi-view image reconstruction,VABB-5,25,28,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:350875,,European market environment for selected Latin American tropical fruit species,VABB-5,615,623,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350880,,The life of dialogue: Etty Hillesum and Martin Buber,VABB-5,243,274,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:350882,,La influencia latinizante en el uso del futuro en la traducción bíblica del códice Escorial I.i.6,VABB-5,353,364,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:350891,,A generative approach towards performance-based design: using a shape grammar implementation,VABB-5,627,633,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350892,,"Renewed (2013) geomatics Bachelor, Master and PhD programs at Belgian academic universities",VABB-5,497,504,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350893,,"The evolution of education in land surveying in Flanders, Belgium: a work in progress",VABB-5,557,564,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350913,,Using NMF for analyzing war logs,VABB-5,73,76,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350917,,Free movement of bankruptcy judgments across borders,VABB-5,154,159,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:350934,,Co-designing interactive content: developing a traffic safety game concept for adolescents,VABB-5,11,20,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350941,,Higher hydrography education in Belgium,VABB-5,429,436,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:350947,,How to consolidate urban flows of goods without setting up an urban consolidation centre?,VABB-5,687,701,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350957,,Towards a particle swarm optimization-based regression rule miner,VABB-5,961,963,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350959,,"Social media's learning outcomes within writing instruction in the EFL classroom: exploring, implementing and analyzing storify",VABB-5,442,448,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350960,,"Peer assessment in a Wiki: product improvement, students' learning and perception regarding peer feedback",VABB-5,585,594,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:350967,,La contribution des dates radiocarbone pour démêler les palimpsestes mésolithiques: exemples provenant de la région des sables de couverture en Belgique du Nord-Ouest,VABB-5,235,249,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:350974,,Connecting world heritage nominations and monitoring with the support of the silk roads cultural heritage resource information system,VABB-5,319,324,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351018,,Dual indicator set for sustainable crop protection: do's and don'ts,VABB-5,401,405,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:351022,,A combined pattern-based and distributional approach for automatic hypernym detection in Dutch,VABB-5,593,600,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351024,,Oriental: automatic geo-referencing and ortho-rectification of archaeological aerial photographs,VABB-5,175,180,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351046,,Normalization of Dutch user-generated content,VABB-5,179,188,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351058,,Five languages are better than one: an attempt to bypass the data acquisition bottleneck for WSD,VABB-5,343,354,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351072,,Can fat taxes and package size restrictions stimulate healthy food choices?,VABB-1,421,423,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351073,,Development of a portfolio of learning for postgraduate family medicine training in South Africa: a Delphi study.,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:351074,,On the symbiosis between enterprise modelling and ontology engineering,VABB-5,487,494,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351075,,German or European ? Jülich and Berg between imperial and public international law,VABB-5,355,362,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351076,,La fouille du secteur 8000: le choeur de la basilique paléochrétienne,VABB-5,144,150,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:351080,,Masters of change: seasonal plasticity in the prey-capture behavior of the Alpine newt Ichthyosaura alpestris (Salamandridae),VABB-1,4426,4434,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351081,,Older adults' transportation walking: a cross-sectional study on the cumulative influence of physical environmental factors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351082,,Tuareg separatism in Mali,VABB-1,1,11,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:351084,,"Ties of resistance and cooperation: Aedemon, Lusius Quietus and the Baquates",VABB-1,708,733,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:351085,,"Packaging, design and colour: from fine-printed to small-format editions of Thomson's the seasons, 1793–1802",VABB-1,97,124,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351089,,Use of β-alanine as an ergogenic aid,VABB-5,99,108,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351092,,Higher education policy: the evolution of a journal revisited,VABB-1,433,445,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351093,,Substantiële voorwaarden bij het bod tot aankoop van onroerend goed: quo vadis? noot onder Rb. Gent 10 januari 2012,VABB-1,393,397,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351094,,Dopaminergic medication counteracts conflict adaptation in patients with Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,556,561,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351095,,Reduced intra-individual reaction time variability during a Go-NoGo task in detoxified alcohol-dependent patients after one right-sided dorsolateral prefrontal HF-rTMS session,VABB-1,552,557,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351096,,Gift-exchange as a means of 'Handling diversity': Japanese-European interactions in the seventeenth century,VABB-1,565,583,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351107,,The (ab)sense of a concept of social support in parenting research: a social work perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351109,,Ecological and economic benefits of the application of bio-based mineral fertilizers in modern agriculture,VABB-1,239,248,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351110,,Longitudinal study of repeated sprint performance in youth soccer players of contrasting skeletal maturity status,VABB-1,371,379,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351111,,Are attachment styles differentially related to interpersonal perfectionism and binge eating symptoms?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351112,,Food quality management system: reviewing assessment strategies and a feasibility study for European food small and medium-sized enterprises,VABB-1,607,616,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351113,,Adultery and the Rumor Mill: les bourgeois de Molinchart and El gran galeoto,VABB-1,183,197,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:351114,,Geografias ficcionales: el Uruguay de Copi,VABB-1,1,14,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:351115,,Vlaamse decreetgever hertekent het fiscaal kader voor de overdracht van familiebedrijven – eerste verkenning van de regeling en evaluatie vanuit de beleidsdoelstellingen,VABB-1,65,93,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:351118,,Analyzing the applicability of the least risk path algorithm in indoor space,VABB-5,19,26,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351120,,Evaluation of virtual microscopy in medical histology teaching,VABB-1,307,315,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351125,,"Incidence, patient characteristics and treatment initiated for GP-diagnosed depression in general practice: results of a 1-year nationwide surveillance study",VABB-1,678,687,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351126,,Neonatal and neurodevelopmental outcome of children aged 3-10 years born following assisted oocyte activation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351128,,Afstamming: overzicht van rechtspraak: familierecht (2007-2011),VABB-1,1521,1595,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:351131,,"Female monasticism, ecclesiastical reform and regional politics: the northern archdiocese of Reims, circa 1060-1120",VABB-1,364,384,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351132,,Floridas señas: Góngora and the Petrarchan tradition,VABB-1,929,947,,spa,2013,1 c:vabb:351133,,Reliability of position generator measures across different occupational lists: a parallel-test experiment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351134,,Intensive HF-rTMS treatment in refactory medication-resistant unipolar depressed patients,VABB-1,625,631,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351139,,Generic noun phrases in subject function,VABB-4,114,117,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351140,,Adnominal distributive numerals,VABB-4,130,133,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351142,,Impacts of community oriented policing,VABB-4,2430,2435,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:351150,,Cultural heritage documentation and integrated geomatics techniques in an educational context: case Bois-du-Luc (Belgium),VABB-5,611,615,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351151,,Risk assessment: a comparison between the use of laser scanners and total stations in a situation where time is the critical factor,VABB-5,687,694,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351155,,Distinct brain mechanisms for conscious versus subliminal error detection,VABB-1,80,94,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351156,,Being a celebrity in times of its democratization: a case-study from the Flemish region,VABB-1,249,253,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351157,,Dietary intake of lycopene by the Belgian adult population,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351158,,Application of the topographic position index to heterogeneous landscapes,VABB-1,39,49,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351159,,Big five traits and intrinsic success in the new career era: a 15 year longitudinal study on employability and work-family conflict,VABB-1,124,156,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351160,,"Analyzing consumers' reactions to news coverage of the 2011 Escherichia coli O104:H4 outbreak, using the extended parallel processing model",VABB-1,473,481,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351161,,Development of software tool support for enterprise architecture in small and medium-sized enterprises,VABB-5,87,98,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351162,,Are attentional bias and memory bias for negative words causally related?,VABB-1,293,299,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351163,,The integration of nature conservation into the marine spatial planning process,VABB-1,133,139,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351166,,Attitudes toward supplementary criteria in the reimbursement process in Poland,VABB-1,443,449,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351167,,'Coveting thy neighbour's legs': a qualitative study of exercisers' experiences of intrinsic and extrinsic goal pursuit,VABB-1,308,321,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351168,,Trustworthy reuse of health data: a transnational perspective,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351169,,Is de culturele omnivoor een sociale omnivoor: netwerkkenmerken van omni- vs. univoren,VABB-1,457,480,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351170,,The validity of cerebrospinal fluid parameters for the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis,VABB-1,e1111,e1115,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351171,,Incremental yield of bronchial washing for diagnosing smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis,VABB-1,813,816,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351172,,Advancing science and policy through a coordinated international study of physical activity and built environments: IPEN adult methods,VABB-1,581,601,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351173,,Ordericus Vitalis en het graafschap Vlaanderen,VABB-1,3,12,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351175,,The problem of literary generations: origins and limitations,VABB-1,567,588,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351176,,"Institutional profiles, some strategic tools",VABB-1,21,36,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351177,,Radiocarbon chronology and the correlation of hunter-gatherer sociocultural change with abrupt palaeoclimate change: the Middle Mesolithic in the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt area of northwest Europe,VABB-1,755,763,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351180,,Persinette en Allemagne: le corpus 'purement allemand pour sa naissance et sa mise en forme' des frères Grimm,VABB-1,29,54,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:351183,,Setting a framework for valuing the multifunctional landscape and its multiple perceptions,VABB-4,23,52,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351184,,The loss of CP-internal presentational foci in Latin: causes and consequences,VABB-4,265,279,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:351192,,The temporal dimension in a 4D archaeological data model: applicability of the geoinformation standard,VABB-5,111,121,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351200,,A systematic literature review of methodology used to measure effectiveness in digital game-based learning,VABB-5,607,616,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351201,,ADHD performance reflects inefficient but not impulsive information processing: a diffusion model analysis,VABB-1,193,200,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351202,,The influence of body movements on children's perception of music with an ambiguous expressive character,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351204,,Der Genitiv als Attributskasus im Fremdsprachenerwerb,VABB-1,195,205,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:351205,,Internal and external threat in relationship with right-wing attitudes1,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351207,,Teachers' beliefs and self-reported use of inquiry in science education in public primary schools,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351208,,Kroniek van een aangekondigd succes: de status van Astrid Lindgren in het Nederlandstalige discours,VABB-1,69,86,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351210,,Item response drift in the Family Affluence Scale: a study on three consecutive surveys of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey,VABB-1,3119,3126,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351212,,Association between DRD2/DRD4 interaction and conduct disorder: a potential developmental pathway to alcohol dependence,VABB-1,546,549,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351213,,Ontwikkelingen op vlak van EU materieel strafrecht: een blijvend gebrek aan visie?,VABB-1,526,533,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351215,,A novel Medical Achievement Self-efficacy Scale (MASS): a valid and reliable tool,VABB-1,575,580,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351217,,从良知学到孝经学,VABB-1,12,19,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351218,,Residual risk of cardiovascular mortality in patients with coronary heart disease: the EUROASPIRE Risk Categories,VABB-1,910,914,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351219,,"Societal vulnerability and adolescent offending: the role of violent values, self-control and troublesome youth group involvement",VABB-1,444,461,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351221,,Mediated and unmediated market dependence in the Flemish countryside in the nineteenth century: two paths of rural development,VABB-1,89,120,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351222,,External pressures affecting the adoption of employee performance management in higher education institutions,VABB-1,686,704,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351223,,Exploring the usefulness of school education about risks on social network sites: a survey study,VABB-1,285,294,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351224,,De status van de Vlaamse tussentaal: een analyse van enkele socio-economische determinanten,VABB-1,191,233,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:351226,,The adverb truly in present-day English,VABB-4,169,186,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351227,,The influence of social discourses concerning deafness on the interaction between hearing mothers and deaf infants: a comparative case study,VABB-4,35,62,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351228,,The Belgian informal economy: a case study of seasonal work in fruit-growing in South Limburg,VABB-4,201,224,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351231,,An interdisciplinary focus on the concept of causation: what philosophy can learn from psychology,VABB-4,55,71,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:351234,,Educational inequalities in TV viewing among older adults: a mediation analysis of ecological factors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351242,,"Rekenen bij de nieuwe generatie kinderen met gehoorverlies dat vroegtijdig bilateraal optimaal auditief gecorrigeerd werd, een verkennende studie",VABB-1,50,58,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351244,,The influence of extinction and counterconditioning instructions on evaluative conditioning effects,VABB-1,312,325,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351245,,PROG imperfective drift in ancient Greek?: reconsidering eimi 'be' with present participle,VABB-1,67,107,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:351247,,Negative motor phenomena in cortical stimulation: implications for inhibitory control of human action,VABB-1,1251,1261,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351248,,A review of the role of cue processing in task switching,VABB-1,5,14,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351249,,Patterns of neighborhood environment attributes related to physical activity across 11 countries: a latent class analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351250,,Central sensitization in urogynecological chronic pelvic pain: a systematic literature review,VABB-1,291,308,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351252,,Parental education associations with children's body composition: mediation effects of energy balance-related behaviors within the ENERGY-project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351255,,Higher prefrontal cortical thickness in high schizotypal personality trait,VABB-1,960,965,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351256,,Effects of childhood aggression on parenting during adolescence: the role of parental psychological need satisfaction,VABB-1,393,404,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351257,,Het historisch dunne vernis van de gemeentelijke autonomie,VABB-1,193,212,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351259,,Crossing cultural borders: how does the Italian film fare in Flanders?,VABB-1,411,428,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351267,,Prevalence and determinants of misreporting among European children in proxy-reported 24 h dietary recalls,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351268,,"Work, version, text and scriptum: high medieval manuscript terminology in the aftermath of the new philology",VABB-1,266,296,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351269,,Een hopeloze zaak François Laurents ontwerp van burgerlijk wetboek voor België,VABB-1,261,283,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351270,,Cognitive phenotype of mathematical learning disabilities: what can we learn from siblings?,VABB-1,404,412,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351271,,"Death as a symbolic arena: abbatial leadership, episcopal authority and the 'Ostentatious Death' of Richard of Saint-Vanne (d. 1046)",VABB-1,29,48,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351272,,"The principality of Adrianople and the challenge of feudalism: empire, Venice and local autonomy",VABB-1,325,342,-,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:351273,,New regional geographies of the world as practised by leading advanced producer service firms in 2010,VABB-1,497,511,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351274,,A stochastic actor-based modelling of the evolution of an intercity corporate network,VABB-1,947,966,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351275,,Analyzing urban networks through the lens of corporate networks: a critical review,VABB-1,430,437,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351277,,How negative product attributes alter consumer perceptions of folate biofortified rice in a high risk region of China,VABB-1,269,287,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351278,,Using the rural web in dialogue with regional stakeholders,VABB-1,400,410,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351279,,Human Left Ventral Premotor Cortex Mediates Matching of Hand Posture to Object Use,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351281,,A theoretical lens for revealing the complexity of chronic care,VABB-1,289,299,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351282,,Less is more: why some domains are more positional than others,VABB-1,225,236,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351283,,The European union's foreign policy since the treaty of Lisbon: the difficult Quest for more consistency and coherence,VABB-1,207,226,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:351284,,On the predictive validity of automatically activated approach/avoidance tendencies in abstaining alcohol-dependent patients,VABB-1,81,86,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351285,,Solving degeneracy and stability in nonmetric unfolding,VABB-1,85,95,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351286,,A multi-faceted tailored strategy to implement an electronic clinical decision support system for pressure ulcer prevention in Belgian nursing homes: a two-armed randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351287,,Las palabras servían para ese fin: la literatura y el mal en 2666 de Roberto Bolaño,VABB-1,79,91,,spa,2013,1 c:vabb:351288,,Spatio-temporal gait characteristics during transitions from trot to canter in horses,VABB-1,197,204,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351289,,Europäischer vs. US-amerikanischer Wettbewerb der Gesellschaftsrechte: Abschied vom alten Delaware Verbundprodukt,VABB-1,469,477,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:351290,,Foreign exchange accumulation and the entrapment of Chinese monetary power: towards a balanced growth regime?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351291,,Selective woodland exploitation for charcoal production: a detailed analysis of charcoal kiln remains (ca. 1300-1900 AD) from Zoersel (northern Belgium),VABB-1,681,689,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351294,,Interetnische interacties in studierichtingenvan het secundair onderwijs: een etnografische studie in België,VABB-1,330,339,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351299,,Long-term outcomes and quality of life in critically ill patients with hematological or solid malignancies: a single center study,VABB-1,889,898,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351301,,The universality of the virtual absence of critical psychology in Flanders: some personal remarks,VABB-1,391,407,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351307,,Noun phrase conjunction and comitative,VABB-4,280,283,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351308,,Expletive subject of existential verb,VABB-4,252,255,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351309,,Ditransitive constructions with 'give',VABB-4,236,239,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351310,,Ability verb and epistemic possibility,VABB-4,216,219,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351311,,Uses of the progressive marker,VABB-4,184,187,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351312,,HAVE-perfects in post-classical and early Byzantine Greek,VABB-1,159,191,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351313,,Towards a three-dimensional cost-effective registration of the archaeological heritage,VABB-1,1108,1121,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351315,,Restorative justice in Belgian prisons: the results of an empirical research,VABB-1,79,111,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351316,,Lugares de memoria en el palacio de la risa de GermÁn MarÍn Y nocturno de Chile de Roberto BolaÑo,VABB-1,109,125,,spa,2013,1 c:vabb:351317,,Urban development projects catalyst for sustainable urban transformations: the need for entrepreneurial political leadership,VABB-1,181,188,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351318,,Reliability and factor structure in an adolescent sample of the Dutch 20-item Toronto alexithymia scale,VABB-1,393,404,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351319,,Affective processing and affect regulation: a clinical interview study,VABB-1,NP12,NP16,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351320,,The impostor anticipates the truth of the other,VABB-1,95,102,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:351323,,Disadvantageous decision-making as a predictor of drop-out among cocaine-dependent individuals in long-term residential treatment,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351324,,De GECORO: 10 jaar adviespraktijk in de rechtspraak,VABB-1,364,379,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:351325,,Een bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van het Tijdschrift voor Sociaal Recht,VABB-1,773,793,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351328,,Modelling developmental changes in repeated-sprint ability by chronological and skeletal ages in young soccer players,VABB-1,773,780,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351329,,Descartes on the heartbeat: the Leuven affair,VABB-1,397,428,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351333,,The apology mismatch: asymmetries between victim's need for apologies and perpetrator's willingness to apologize,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351334,,Continuity in primary school children's eating problems and the influence of parental feeding strategies,VABB-1,52,66,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351335,,Exploration of the difference in incidence of renal replacement therapy in elderly patients in Flanders and the Netherlands: a comparison of referral policy,VABB-1,338,344,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351337,,Development and evaluation of a training on need-supportive teaching in physical education: qualitative and quantitative findings,VABB-1,64,75,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351338,,A longitudinal study of multidimensional performance characteristics related to physical capacities in youth handball,VABB-1,325,334,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351339,,Omalizumab is effective in allergic and nonallergic patients with nasal polyps and asthma,VABB-1,110,U166,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351340,,Postural adjustments in catching: on the interplay between segment stabilization and equilibrium control,VABB-1,48,61,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351342,,Beyond the Metropolis: French and Belgian symbolists between the region and the Republic of Letters,VABB-1,241,258,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351343,,The effect of familiarity with the response category labels on item response to likert,VABB-1,368,381,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351344,,'Van groeter bannicheit hoers herten': de conditionering van de alledaagse gevoelswereld in vrouwelijke gemeenschappen uit de laatmiddeleeuwse Moderne Devotie,VABB-1,480,499,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:351346,,Strengthening weak primary care systems: steps towards stronger primary care in selected Western and Eastern European countries,VABB-1,170,179,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351347,,Blinded by an error,VABB-1,228,236,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351349,,Meal mapping,VABB-1,47,55,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351350,,Entre système et usage en discours: nouvelles perspectives sur la localisation de l'opposition massif/comptable: le cas des noms de fruits et de légumes,VABB-1,,,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:351351,,Gender agreement of adnominal adjectives,VABB-4,154,157,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:351352,,Pronominal and adnominal demonstratives,VABB-4,122,125,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:351353,,Indefinite articles,VABB-4,110,113,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351354,,Indefinite pronouns,VABB-4,80,83,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351355,,Formeel zorg- en medicatiegebruik vanwege psychische problemen: zo verschillend bij alleenstaande ouders?,VABB-4,195,222,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351356,,Gender distinctions in personal pronouns,VABB-4,50,53,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351361,,Mechanics of overground accelerated running vs. running on an accelerated treadmill,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351362,,Airborne photogrammetry and LIDAR for DSM extraction and 3D change detection over an urban area: a comparative study,VABB-1,1087,1110,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351364,,Profiles of quality of life in opiate-dependent individuals after starting methadone treatment: a latent class analysis,VABB-1,342,350,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351365,,Spatial attention modulates tactile change detection,VABB-1,295,302,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351366,,On the cross-linguistic equivalence of sentir(e) in Romance languages: a contrastive study in semantics,VABB-1,957,991,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351367,,Les restes d'Auschwitz: intertextualité et postmémoire dans Jan Karski de Yannick Haenel et c'est maintenant du passé de Marianne Rubinstein,VABB-1,145,162,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:351368,,Sheila Cussons en Wilma Stockenström in de Nederlandse literatuur: aanzetten voor een receptiestudie: literair-institutionele positionering en kritische ontvangst van twee Zuid-Afrikaanse dichters in Nederland,VABB-1,108,127,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:351369,,The right to know your genetic parents: from open-identity gamete donation to routine paternity testing,VABB-1,33,41,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351370,,Overweight in singletons compared to children with siblings: the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351373,,Learning from Entrepreneurial Failure: Leo Baekeland's Exit from Europe,VABB-1,46,79,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351377,,'Kalmte alleen kan u redden': een andere benadering in het voorschrijven van kalmeermiddelen,VABB-1,116,120,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351379,,Necessary asymmetry or undemocratic imbalance? Professionalisation in the recruitment and career of Belgian local councillors,VABB-1,273,297,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351385,,"Federalism in a context of extreme ethnic pluralism: the case of Ethiopia's Southern nations, nationalities and peoples region",VABB-1,3,17,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351386,,Time Variation in US wage dynamics,VABB-1,769,783,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351389,,The role of personality factors in the reduction of intergroup anxiety and amelioration of outgroup attitudes via intergroup contact,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351390,,Droit en contexte,VABB-1,189,193,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:351391,,De regionalisering van de laaggeschooldheid in België,VABB-1,254,259,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351394,,The therapeutic relationship in action: how therapists and clients co-manage relational disaffiliation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351395,,Activating and relaxing music entrains the speed of beat synchronized walking,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351396,,Health promotion in individuals with mental disorders: a cluster preference randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,657,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351399,,A homeric garden in tenth-century Constantinople: John Geometres' rhetorical Ekphraseis of his estate,VABB-4,114,127,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351400,,Dutch parallel corpus: a balanced parallel corpus for Dutch-English and Dutch-French,VABB-4,185,199,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351404,,Municipal imagery and regionalism in the aftermath of the first world war in Flanders: provincial agencies of the National Bank of Belgium,VABB-4,110,133,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351406,,Modulation of motor cortex activity when observing rewarding and punishing actions,VABB-1,52,58,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351407,,Multifunctionality and care farming: contested discourses and practices in Flanders,VABB-1,17,24,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351408,,Complementary hemispheric specialization for language production and visuospatial attention,VABB-1,E322,E330,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351411,,Infants' mu suppression during the observation of real and mimicked goal-directed actions,VABB-1,173,185,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351412,,Plausibility versus richness in mechanistic models,VABB-1,139,152,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351413,,Reflections of caretakers on the process of implementation of life space crisis intervention at a therapeutic centre for youngsters with emotional and behavioural disorders,VABB-1,239,254,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351415,,"Common challenges in gum arabic production and commercialization in West Africa: a comparative study of Cameroon, Niger and Senegal",VABB-1,182,199,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351416,,The role of form in morphological priming: evidence from bilinguals,VABB-1,967,987,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351418,,Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus),VABB-4,370,386,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:351419,,Democratic experimentation in early childhood education,VABB-4,151,165,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351423,,Willy Roggeman: de ruimte van het autonome kunstwerk,VABB-4,3,18,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351424,,Biomechanics of human bipedal gallop: asymmetry dictates leg functions,VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:351425,,Revisiting the NRI 'genre': Indian diasporic engagements with NRI and multiplex films,VABB-1,47,60,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351427,,A simple exoskeleton that assists plantarflexion can reduce the metabolic cost of human walking,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351429,,Children's cycling skills: development of a test and determination of individual and environmental correlates,VABB-1,688,697,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351431,,"Pension reform, employment by age, and long-run growth",VABB-1,769,809,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351433,,Globalization versus nationalism? Understanding the failure of the League of Nation's minority policy,VABB-1,61,86,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351434,,Intervention designs for household food security: lessons from Kenya,VABB-1,231,242,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351435,,Alternative-based thresholding with application to presurgical fMRI,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351436,,Component processes in voluntary task switching,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351437,,"Learning to play, playing to learn: comparing the experiences of adult foreign language learners with off-the-shelf and specialized games for learning German",VABB-1,22,35,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351443,,"Musical meter classification with beat synchronous acoustic features, DFT-based metrical features and support vector machines",VABB-1,267,282,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351444,,To give or not to give? Intervivos gifts of mobile property and donor profile before and after the 2004 Flemish gift tax reform,VABB-4,210,228,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:351445,,La dévotion des sept douleurs de la vierge Marie aux Pays-Bas: propagande princière et sensibilité urbaine,VABB-4,45,57,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:351446,,REALITY and related concepts: towards a semantic-pragmatic map of English adverbs,VABB-4,253,280,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351448,,Elevated twins and the vicious sublime: Gianlorenzo Bernini and Louis XIV,VABB-4,117,137,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:351452,,"Rural history and the environment: a survey of the relationship between property rights, social structures and sustainability of land use",VABB-4,15,42,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351455,,"Response styles in survey research: a literature review of antecedents, consequences, and remedies",VABB-1,195,217,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351456,,Effect of adaptation on object representation accuracy in macaque inferior temporal cortex,VABB-1,777,789,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351457,,Los diarios de viaje escritos por particulares: un estudio exploratorio de un género turístico,VABB-1,147,169,,spa,2013,1 c:vabb:351458,,What Carroll's tortoise actually proves,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351459,,Spatial and temporal variability of river flows in the degraded semi-arid tropical mountains of northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,143,169,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351460,,Weak signal identification with semantic web mining,VABB-1,4978,4985,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351461,,Gender difference in sickness absence from work: a multiple mediation analysis of psychosocial factors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351463,,Determinants and reference values of short-term heart rate variability in children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351464,,'Finger' and 'toe',VABB-4,452,455,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351465,,'Tears',VABB-4,444,447,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351466,,Syllable onsets,VABB-4,474,476-477,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351467,,Mapping children's presence in the neighbourhood,VABB-4,73,89,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351468,,Theorising underlying notions of citizenship in the dynamics of learning in public policy units,VABB-4,181,194,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351469,,"Getting by or getting rich, or simply looking for a better life? The informal economy in times of economic crisis",VABB-4,389,404,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351471,,Reflexive constructions,VABB-4,346,349,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351472,,The dark hour of secularism: Hindu fundamentalism and colonial liberalism in India,VABB-4,111,130,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351473,,"'So gibt es nichts Schändlicheres, als illiterat zu sein': zur Literalität der Kriegerklasse (bushi) im frühmodernen Japan",VABB-4,199,216,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:351475,,Impasses en gevaren van de diagnose psychopathie,VABB-1,179,194,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351477,,"'Shall I tell you what is wrong with Hector as a teacher?': the history boys, stereotypes of popular and high culture, and teacher education",VABB-1,88,97,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351479,,Work–family conflict and stress: indications of the distinctiveness of role combination stress for Belgian working mothers,VABB-1,351,371,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351480,,When errors do not matter: weakening belief in intentional control impairs cognitive reaction to errors,VABB-1,264,269,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351481,,Imaging volition: what the brain can tell us about the will,VABB-1,301,312,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351482,,"Identifying subtypes among children with developmental coordination disorder and mathematical learning disabilities, using model-based clustering",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:351484,,Roman public baths in modern Libya,VABB-1,205,228,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351492,,"Left, right, left: the influence of party ideology on the political representation of ethnic minorities in Belgium",VABB-1,451,467,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351496,,"Cinema, modernity and audiences: revisiting and expanding the debate",VABB-4,17,32,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351498,,Tort standards and legal expenditures: A unified model,VABB-4,156,164,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351499,,Objectively-determined intensity- and domain-specific physical activity and sedentary behavior in relation to percent body fat,VABB-1,999,1006,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351500,,De aanhouder wint? Een A-attest onder dwang(som),VABB-1,275,288,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351504,,Schematizing and processing informational texts with mind maps in fifth and sixth grade,VABB-1,61,81,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351505,,Threat and right-wing attitudes: a cross-national approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351506,,The relationship between right-wing ideological attitudes and psychological well-being,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351507,,"Scrivere, assemblare, creare: percorsi macrotestuali ne 'Il castello di Udine' di Carlo Emilio Gadda",VABB-1,67,86,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:351508,,Reassembling the political: the PKK and the project of radical democracy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351509,,Reward associations reduce behavioral interference by changing the temporal dynamics of conflict processing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351510,,An empirical assessment of the cross-national measurement validity of graded paired comparisons,VABB-1,1063,1076,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351511,,Conscious correction of scapular orientation in overhead athletes performing selected shoulder rehabilitation exercises: the effect on trapezius muscle activation measured by surface electromyography,VABB-1,3,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351514,,The EU's international identity: the Curious Case of the OECD,VABB-4,187,209,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351517,,Predicative possession,VABB-4,306,309,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351520,,From emotion to feeling: the internal structure of the Feeling component,VABB-4,129,148,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351521,,"Torture, betrayal, forgiveness: red dust and the search for truth in post-apartheid South Africa",VABB-4,135,155,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351524,,Children's selective attention to pain and avoidance behaviour: the role of child and parental catastrophizing about pain,VABB-1,1979,1988,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351525,,Mothering as a citizenship practice: an intersectional analysis of 'carework' and 'culturework' in non-normative mother–child identities,VABB-1,385,399,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351526,,2013 ESH/ESC Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: the Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC),VABB-1,1281,1357,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351528,,Reading Rem Koolhaas,VABB-1,1,3,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351531,,Legal and illegal drug use among female sex workers in bar and club prostitution in Belgium: a quantitative and qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351532,,tDCS over the left prefrontal cortex enhances cognitive control for positive affective stimuli,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351533,,Candidate genetic pathways for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) show association to hyperactive/impulsive symptoms in children with ADHD,VABB-1,1204,1212,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351534,,Mental health care use among recently cohabiting and newlywed couples: an application of the social control theory,VABB-1,132,154,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:351535,,"Knowledge, attitudes and behavioral intentions of agricultural professionals toward genetically modified (GM) foods: a case study in Southwest Iran",VABB-1,1201,1227,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351537,,MaxSUMO: a new expert approach for evaluating mobility management projects,VABB-1,285,294,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351538,,"Gendered assumptions, institutional disconnections and democratic deficits: the case of European Union development policy towards Liberia",VABB-1,212,221,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351539,,Children’s heart rate variability as stress indicator: association with reported stress and cortisol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351540,,Knowledge networking and growth in service firms,VABB-1,1051,1067,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351541,,How may teacher evaluation have an impact on professional development? A multilevel analysis,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351542,,The impact of military work experience on later hiring chances in the civilian labour market: evidence from a field experiment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351543,,Interhemispheric communication influences reading behavior,VABB-1,1442,1452,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351545,,Overzicht van de gemeenschaps- en Benelux rechtspraak inzake gemeenschaps- en Beneluxmodellen (2011-2012),VABB-1,239,340,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351548,,"Breaking up time: negotiating the borders between present, past and future",VABB-3,,,274 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351550,,Approaches to literary readings of ancient Jewish writings,VABB-3,,,"XII, 281 p.",eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351552,,Complementizer with verbs of speaking,VABB-4,378,381,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351553,,'De noodzaak tegen het lichaam in te denken': het lichaam in het werk van Willy Roggeman,VABB-4,165,193,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351554,,Pitfalls and challenges for trust and effectiveness in collaborative networks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351555,,Muscle functional MRI to evaluate quadriceps dysfunction in patellofemoral pain,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351556,,"Soil quality under different farming systems in Santa Clara, Cuba",VABB-1,195,204,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351557,,The influence of sentence context and accented speech on lexical access in second-language auditory word recognition,VABB-1,508,517,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351558,,"Production, communication, and comprehension of knowledge of the new world: ethnographic descriptions in Caspar Barlaeus’'rerum per octennium",VABB-1,223,246,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351559,,Mechanics of snout expansion in suction feeding seahorses: musculoskeletal force transmission,VABB-1,407,417,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351560,,The untold death of Laertes: revaluating Odysseus's meeting with his father,VABB-1,1,25,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:351561,,"Reconstructing phreatic palaeogroundwater levels in a geoarchaeological context: a case study in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,170,189,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351562,,Withdrawal versus continuation of chronic antipsychotic drugs for behavioural and psychological symptoms in elderly patients with dementia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351563,,Cortisone in hair of elementary-school girls and its relationship with childhood stress,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351564,,Nominalizations of Spanish perception verbs at the syntax-semantics,VABB-4,61,88,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351566,,Tales of delight: Damophilus of Bithynia and Julian,VABB-4,209,222,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351568,,Armoedebestrijding als democratisch vraagstuk,VABB-4,181,199,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351571,,"Free will, responsibility, and the punishment of criminals",VABB-4,247,274,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351573,,"The (in)visible hand of Muhajirat: a field observation on labour migration, social change and religion in the Vakhsh valley, Tajikistan",VABB-4,521,538,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351574,,"Kiezen zonder te verliezen: Hoogbaljuw Servaas van Steelant en het Land van Waas, 1562-1585",VABB-1,93,118,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351576,,Professionals understanding of partnerships with parents in the context of family support programmes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:351578,,Workers of the ancient world: analyzing labour in classical antiquity,VABB-1,32,48,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351579,,Acquiring basic life support skills in a self-learning station: video alone is not enough,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351581,,Broadcast market structures and retransmission payments: a European perspective,VABB-1,417,434,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351582,,The impact of policy measures and coaching on the availability and accessibility of early child care: a longitudinal study,VABB-1,69,79,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351583,,Royal Ancestor worship and Buddhist politics: the Hyŏnhwa-sa Stele and the origins of the first Koryŏ Tripitaka,VABB-1,115,146,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351585,,A study on juridification: the case of industrial accidents in nineteenth century Belgium,VABB-1,247,273,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351586,,Making the new order legal! Het Juristenblad 1941-1944,VABB-1,594,600,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351587,,Being macrosomic at birth is an independent predictor of overweight in children: results from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,1373,1381,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351588,,Migrant background and weight gain in early infancy: results from the German study sample of the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351590,,Feeling in control: neural correlates of experience of agency,VABB-1,1935,1942,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351591,,There is no free won't: antecedent brain activity predicts decisions to inhibit,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351595,,'Take' serial verb constructions,VABB-4,338,341,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351596,,Complements of 'think' and 'want',VABB-4,390,393,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351597,,Focus particle 'also',VABB-4,422,425,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351598,,Pequenino,VABB-4,436,439,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:351599,,Savvy,VABB-4,440,443,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351600,,Female and male animals,VABB-4,468,471,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351603,,Action research and democracy,VABB-4,107,121,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351604,,History from the Grave? Politics of time in Spanish mass grave exhumations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351605,,"Breaking up time: negotiating the borders between present, past and future",VABB-1,31,50,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351606,,Clustering of energy balance-related behaviors and parental education in European children: the ENERGY-project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351608,,Hair minerals and metabolic health in Belgian elementary school girls,VABB-1,335,343,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351610,,Psychotic-like symptoms as a risk factor of violent recidivism in detained male adolescents,VABB-1,478,483,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351611,,Discounting pain in the absence of medical evidence is explained by negative evaluation of the patient,VABB-1,669,676,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351612,,Predictors of handwriting in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder,VABB-1,176,186,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351615,,Suku Phull v. France rewritten from a procedural justice perspective: taking religious minorities seriously,VABB-4,218,240,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351616,,Two prenominal possessors in West Flemish,VABB-4,219,251,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351617,,The East Asian 'Mediterranean': a medium of flourishing exchange relations and interaction in the East Asian world,VABB-4,109,144,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:351621,,War at large: miner magic and the carrion system,VABB-4,234,250,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351626,,"No name, no gain? The role of family politicization in Belgian election candidates' perception of their initial selection criteria",VABB-1,81,100,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:351627,,Reconstructing nurse schedules: computational insights in the problem size parameters,VABB-1,903,918,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351628,,An integrated nurse staffing and scheduling analysis for longer-term nursing staff allocation problems,VABB-1,485,499,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351629,,The relation between presenteeism and different types of future sickness absence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351631,,"'And honey, I am the world's forgotten boy': over de overdracht van het niet-gezegde als wording",VABB-1,197,213,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351632,,The impact of graphic organisers on learning from presentations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351633,,"Multislice computed tomography in the diagnosis of superior canal dehiscence: how much error, and how to minimize it?",VABB-1,215,222,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351634,,Japan facing a rising China: food safety as a framework for Japanese identity formation,VABB-1,115,133,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351638,,From noun to intensifier: massa and massa4s in Flemish varieties of Dutch,VABB-1,147,160,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351639,,Gender distribution of suicide attempts among immigrant groups in European countries: an international perspective,VABB-1,279,284,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351640,,"Weight, socio-demographics, and health behaviour related correlates of academic performance in first year university students",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351642,,Recht van terugkoop: kunnen de toezichthoudende overheid en de Raad van State optreden tegen een beslissing van een gemeente die met die beslissing haar contractuele verbintenissen schendt?,VABB-1,170,177,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:351645,,"Crime, violence, justice and social order: monitoring contemporary security issues",VABB-4,7,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351646,,Intensifiers and reflexive pronouns,VABB-4,350,353,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351647,,'Hand' and 'arm',VABB-4,448,451,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351649,,Het contacteren van professionele hulpverleners omwille van sociale of emotionele problemen bij net-gehuwde en net-samenwonende koppels: de rol van partner- en relatiekenmerken,VABB-4,203,222,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351650,,Alignment of case marking of personal pronouns,VABB-4,232,235,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351651,,'Body hair' and 'feather',VABB-4,456,459,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351653,,Transitive motion verbs: 'push',VABB-4,326,329,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351654,,In de marge van het lijden: endosferen van voldoening en ascese in het werk van Michel Houellebecq,VABB-1,75,88,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351658,,A blind deconvolution approach to recover effective connectivity brain networks from resting state fMRI data,VABB-1,365,374,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351660,,Environmental perceptions as mediators of the relationship between the objective built environment and walking among socio-economically disadvantaged women,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351661,,Morphological and physiological profile of elite basketball players in Belgium,VABB-1,630,638,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351662,,Development of an upwind sailing ergometer,VABB-1,663,670,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351664,,Loki’s wager and Laudan’s error: on genuine and territorial demarcation,VABB-4,79,98,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351665,,De tijd en mens-poëzie van Albert Bontridder: landmark voor een oeuvre: een beknopt overzicht van lezingen door 'believers',VABB-4,173,185,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351667,,Adolescent delinquency and diversity in behavior settings,VABB-1,357,378,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351670,,The impact of instructional context on classroom on-task behavior: a matched comparison of children with ADHD and non-ADHD classmates,VABB-1,487,498,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351671,,Adrenergic receptor gene variation and selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors,VABB-1,446,447,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351672,,The relationship between slack resources and the performance of entrepreneurial firms: the role of venture capital and angel investors,VABB-1,1070,1096,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351674,,Life cycle energy analysis of a zero-energy house,VABB-1,435,449,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351675,,Cost comparison between private and public collection of residual household waste: multiple case studies in the Flemish region of Belgium,VABB-1,3,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351676,,Procedures without borders: the language-ideological anchorage of administrative procedures in translocal institutional settings,VABB-1,71,92,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351677,,"All Crystal Clear: 18th-century glass à la façon de Bohème from the cistercian nunnery of Clairefontaine, Belgium",VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:351679,,Bollywood tracks towards and through the city: structural patterns of Hindi film culture in Antwerp (Belgium),VABB-1,102,115,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351680,,Polarity- and valence-dependent effects of prefrontal transcranial direct current stimulation on heart rate variability and salivary cortisol,VABB-1,58,66,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351681,,Psychoanalyse morgen: aan gene zijde van 'het goede' en 'het geluk',VABB-1,196,204,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:351682,,Beloken blikvelden in de Lage Landen: eenentwintigste-eeuwse receptie van Nederlandse vertalingen van Afrikaanse poëzie,VABB-1,16,35,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351685,,Research competences in translation studies,VABB-1,125,148,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351686,,The epistemic integrity of NASA practices in the space shuttle program,VABB-1,72,92,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351691,,Investigation of pigment degradation due to acetic acid vapours: Raman spectroscopic analysis,VABB-1,855,862,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351694,,"Associations between family-related factors, breakfast consumption and BMI among 10-to 12-year-old European children: the cross-sectional ENERGY-study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351695,,The human thing: de positie van het object in het oeuvre van Kris Verdonck,VABB-1,31,50,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351696,,Polymorphisms of matrix metalloproteinase gene and adiposity indices in European children: results of the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,1539,1544,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351697,,Genetic and molecular insights into the role of PROX1 in glucose metabolism,VABB-1,1738,1745,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:351698,,Physical activity attenuates the negative effect of low birth weight on leptin levels in European adolescents: the HELENA study,VABB-1,344,349,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351699,,De burgemeester in noodsituaties: meer dan alleen crisismanager?,VABB-1,16,24,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351700,,Het noodbeheer in nood? De (lokale) aanpak van noodsituaties aan de orde gesteld,VABB-1,5,15,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351705,,A delta-rule model of numerical and non-numerical order processing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351706,,The promise of critical historical institutionalism for EU trade policy analysis,VABB-1,618,632,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351709,,Public authority and the provision of public goods in conflict-affected and transitioning regions,VABB-1,1,58,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351710,,Komt er een instrument voor dyscalculie?,VABB-1,61,64,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351711,,14C dating of 'Brandgrubengräber' from the bronze age to the Roman period in Western Flanders,VABB-1,1233,1245,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:351712,,The EEAS' discretionary power within the Eastern Partnership: in search of the highest possible denominator,VABB-1,47,65,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351713,,Frege en Lacan: een transcendentale denklijn,VABB-1,353,369,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351714,,How (not) to properly abandon the improper?,VABB-1,69,81,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351717,,The effectiveness of a fundamental motor skill intervention in pre-schoolers with motor problems depends on gender but not environmental context,VABB-1,4571,4581,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351719,,Language in the prediction of arithmetics in kindergarten and grade 1,VABB-1,90,96,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351720,,Using urban commuting data to calculate a spatiotemporal accessibility measure for food environment studies,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351722,,Sex as spectacle: an overview of gender and sexual scripts in teen series popular with Flemish teenagers,VABB-1,170,185,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351723,,An early bronze age tomb near Khorramabad (W-Iran) Herzfeld's Gilviran revisited,VABB-1,39,76,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:351724,,"And man created God? Kings, priests and gods on Sasanian investiture reliefs",VABB-1,313,354,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351725,,Franz Cumont’s Syrian tour: a Belgian archaeologist in the Ottoman empire,VABB-1,327,357,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351726,,"Between the individual and the collective: Ford Madox Ford, Peter Kropotkin and the spirit of collaboration",VABB-1,231,244,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351730,,Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,VABB-1,36,39,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351734,,Een kennelijke inbreuk op een (nog) niet-gerealiseerde gewestplanbestem- ming?,VABB-1,342,347,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:351735,,Het Sinksenfoorvonnis: geen milieu- stakingsvordering bij vervanging tegen jezelf?!,VABB-1,610,614,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:351736,,De Eikendael-doctrine moet wijken voor de Aarhusdoctrine,VABB-1,393,397,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351738,,American labor's global ambassadors: the international history of the AFL-CIO during the cold war,VABB-3,,,302 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351742,,Verbal and visual rhetoric in a media world,VABB-3,,,320 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351746,,The draft common European sales law: towards an alternative sales law? A Belgian perspective,VABB-3,,,336 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351747,,Dejar: entre verbo causativo y verbo de control,VABB-1,505,522,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351748,,Common structural correlates of trait impulsiveness and perceptual reasoning in adolescence,VABB-1,374,383,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351750,,"Indefinites, negation and Jespersen's Cycle in the history of Low German",VABB-1,171,201,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351751,,Het cruciaal belang van de signaalfunctie van politiediensten in de strijd tegen criminaliteit,VABB-1,312,316,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351752,,"Job strain and cardiovascular disease risk factors: meta-analysis of individual-participant data from 47,000 men and women",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351753,,Population-level changes to promote cardiovascular health,VABB-1,409,421,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351754,,Renal dysfunction in STEMI-patients undergoing primary angioplasty: higher prevalence but equal prognostic impact in female patients: an observational cohort study from the Belgian STEMI registry,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351755,,Differential pricing of new pharmaceuticals in lower income European countries,VABB-1,735,741,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351757,,Diffusion of community empowerment strategies for Aedes aegypti control in Cuba: a muddling through experience,VABB-1,44,52,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351759,,"'Ik weet niet hoe ge over mij denkt, maar ik durf uitkomen voor wat ik ben': Gust Gils en Paul Snoek: twee Gard Sivik'ers met een verschillend temperament",VABB-1,2,37,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351760,,Knowledge for sustainable development: a worldview's perspective,VABB-1,687,709,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351761,,"Impact of land fragmentation, farm size, land ownership and crop diversity on profit and efficiency of irrigated farms in India",VABB-1,397,405,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351762,,"Petrarchism and perspectivism in Garcilaso's sonnets (1, 10, 18, 22)",VABB-1,863,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351763,,Estimating the impact of water pricing on water use efficiency in semi-arid cropping system: an application of probabilistically constrained nonparametric efficiency analysis,VABB-1,55,73,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351764,,Positive emotion broadens attention focus through decreased position-specific spatial encoding in early visual cortex: evidence from ERPs,VABB-1,60,79,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351765,,Lumbar muscle dysfunction during remission of unilateral recurrent nonspecific low-back pain: evaluation with muscle functional MRI,VABB-1,187,194,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351766,,The hysterical and obsessional transference patterns: do they underlie the field of neurotic symptoms?,VABB-1,NP7,NP11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351767,,"The Dutch language version of the Toronto structured interview for Alexithymia: reliability, concurrent validity, and factor structure",VABB-1,93,116,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351768,,The tongue ever turns to the aching tooth: a pilot study on depressed patients’ self-preoccupation,VABB-1,NP21,NP25,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351769,,The dread of living without anticipation: a case of melancholia,VABB-1,103,108,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:351770,,Overeducation and depressive symptoms: diminishing mental health returns to education,VABB-1,1242,1259,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351771,,"Dieren, dilemma's en discriminatie: naar een samenhangende ethiek van dierengelijkheid",VABB-1,33,59,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351774,,"'It's the culture, stupid!'",VABB-1,31,48,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351775,,De winstgevendheid van de collectieve schuldenregeling voor de schuldbemiddelaar: een studie met Time-Driven Activity-based Costing (deel 1: model),VABB-1,94,114,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351776,,"Gens, maisnie, ou hôtel? Le personnel à gages à la cour de Guillaume I/III de Hainaut et Hollande/Zélande et de son épouse Jeanne de Valois (1304-1337)",VABB-1,23,64,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:351777,,Inleiding en Kroniek,VABB-1,5/6,131/137,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351779,,Vrijheid van meningsuiting: laster: parlementaire onverantwoordelijkheid: proportionaliteit,VABB-1,2816,2828,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351780,,"Ni du Hallstatt, ni de La Tène, mais du Moyen Âge, ou les pièges de la stylistique. Le cerf en bronze de Durtal, la «fibule à masques» ou anse d’Angers, le trépied à protomés zoomorphes de Nantes, le mors de Saint-Hilaire-du-Bois",VABB-1,133,144,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:351781,,Tracks and treks in translation studies: proceedings of the 6th EST conference,VABB-3,,,298 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351782,,Van status tot contract: de arbeidsovereenkomst in België vanuit rechtshistorisch perspectief,VABB-3,,,189 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351791,,Emotion detection in suicide notes,VABB-1,6351,6358,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351793,,Differentiated instruction in teacher education: a case study of congruent teaching,VABB-1,93,107,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351794,,Towards more balanced news access? A study on the impact of cost-cutting and Web 2.0 on the mediated public sphere,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351795,,One technology does not fit all: profiling consumers of tender and tenderised beef steaks,VABB-1,361,370,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351796,,"Retraining basic life support skills using video, voice feedback or both: a randomised controlled trial",VABB-1,72,77,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351798,,"A poem's flight: reprints of Dante Gabriel Rossetti's 'Sunset wings"" in the American newspaper Press",VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351800,,Dutch literature and North America: J. Bernlef and American poetry: poetic-strategic mentions of Marianne Moore,VABB-1,84,93,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:351801,,"Determining the fill rate for a periodic review inventory policy with capacitated replenishments, lost sales and zero lead time",VABB-1,726,729,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351802,,The role of neuroimaging in our understanding of the suicidal brain,VABB-1,921,929,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351811,,Are mechanics different between male and female runners with patellofemoral pain?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351813,,De Koning en de vorming van de federale Regering: evaluatie van de langste institutionele crisis ooit,VABB-1,230,249,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351814,,Determinants and associated factors influencing medication adherence and persistence to oral anticancer drugs: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351816,,Establishing discovery probabilities of stone artefacts in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic sites with core sampling,VABB-1,240,247,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351817,,Fatality following a suicidal overdose with varenicline,VABB-1,85,91,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351818,,Understanding the science-policy nexus in Belgium: an analysis of the drug policy debate (1996–2003),VABB-1,241,248,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351819,,Transnational marriages on the decline: explaining changing trends in partner choice among Turkish Belgians,VABB-1,1006,1038,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351820,,Value and prediction error estimation account for volatility effects in ACC: a model-based fMRI study,VABB-1,1627,1635,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351822,,Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders estimated from genome-wide SNPs,VABB-1,984,996,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351824,,'No learned rhetorical flourishes!' Anti-rhetorical narration and metaphorical agency in Raabe's 'Celtic Bones',VABB-1,191,204,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351825,,A surface-based analysis of language lateralization and cortical asymmetry,VABB-1,1477,1492,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351826,,The word frequency effect in first- and second-language word recognition: a lexical entrenchment account,VABB-1,843,863,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351827,,Introducing a new lexicographical model: AlphaConceptual+ (and how it could be applied to dictionaries for Luganda),VABB-1,172,200,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351832,,Handboek bestuurskunde: organisatie en werking van het openbaar bestuur,VABB-3,,,423 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351838,,Enterprise information systems of the future,VABB-3,,,"XII, 277 p.",eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351839,,Managing complexity: a technical communication /translation case study in multilateral international collaboration,VABB-1,67,84,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351840,,Gene expression of carnosine-related enzymes and transporters in skeletal muscle,VABB-1,1169,1179,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351841,,Community embedded reproductive health interventions for adolescents in Latin America: development and evaluation of a complex multi-centre intervention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351842,,Attentional processing of other's facial display of pain: an eye-tracking study,VABB-1,836,844,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351843,,Spirometry-related pain and distress in adolescents and young adults with cystic fibrosis: the role of acceptance,VABB-1,286,292,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351845,,The mediatization of deviant subcultures: an analysis of the media-related practices of graffiti writers and skaters,VABB-1,8,25,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351849,,Philosophy and its history: aims and methods in the study of early modern philosophy,VABB-3,,,384 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351850,,Van Eeden tot heden: literaire dwarsverbanden tussen Midden-Europa en de Lage Landen,VABB-3,,,305 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351852,,"The syntax of topic, focus, and contrast: an interface-based approach",VABB-3,,,307 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:351854,,"Susa and Elam: archaeological, philological, historical and geographical perspectives: proceedings of the international congress held at Ghent University, December 14-17, 2009",VABB-3,,,"XIV, 554 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:351855,,"Rural societies and environments at risk: ecology, property rights and social organization in fragile areas (Middle ages: twentieth century)",VABB-3,,,329 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351857,,"Sign language research, uses and practices",VABB-3,,,307 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351858,,Public interests and values in multi-level food risk governance: European responses to avian influenza,VABB-1,161,177,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351859,,Bank depositor behavior in Russia in the aftermath of financial crisis,VABB-1,267,284,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351860,,What is bottom-up and what is top-down in predictive coding?,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351861,,Towards fair health policies for migrants and ethnic minorities: the case-study of ETHEALTH in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351862,,Inequality adjusted income growth,VABB-1,747,765,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351863,,Dative alternation in Indian English: a corpus-based study,VABB-1,169,184,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351864,,Using citizens for community journalism,VABB-1,588,603,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351865,,"Perceived neighborhood environmental attributes associated with adults' leisure-time physical activity: findings from Belgium, Australia and the USA",VABB-1,59,68,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351867,,How strongly do word reading times and lexical decision times correlate? Combining data from eye movement corpora and megastudies,VABB-1,563,580,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351868,,"LEXTALE_FR A FAST, FREE, AND EFFICIENT TEST TO MEASURE LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY IN FRENCH",VABB-1,23,37,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351872,,Hysterical and obsessive-compulsive symptom patterns: are they associated with anaclitic and introjective interpersonal profiles?,VABB-1,NP1,NP7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351875,,"Alcohol use among young adolescents in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Austria: The effects of type of education",VABB-1,363,385,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351876,,European Penology?,VABB-3,,,370 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351877,,What is good architecture?,VABB-3,,,128 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351878,,La corrélation: aspects syntaxiques et sémantiques,VABB-3,,,384 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:351882,,Explanatory strategies beyond the individualism/holism debate,VABB-4,153,175,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:351884,,Seksuele gezondheid in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,41,118,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351887,,"Coercion, incarceration and chemical castration, an argument from autonomy",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351892,,Entrepreneurship and growth,VABB-1,3,22,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351895,,Kuhn and the question of pursuit worthiness,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351898,,"Biodiversity and climate change: linkages at international, national and local levels",VABB-3,,,462 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351902,,"The dynamics of Sunni-Shia relationships: doctrine, transnationalism, intellectuals and the media",VABB-3,,,355 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351905,,Selective interference of finger movements on basic addition and subtraction problem solving,VABB-1,197,205,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351906,,Moving beyond job search quantity: towards a conceptualization and self-regulatory framework of job search quality,VABB-1,3,40,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351907,,EU-Russia trade relations: it takes WTO to Tango?,VABB-1,7,32,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351908,,Niet iedere kennisgeving is dezelfde: noot onder Cass. 17 juni 2011,VABB-1,315,321,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:351910,,Midwifery: trends in the medicalisation of childbirth in Flanders and the Netherlands,VABB-1,e1,e8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351911,,'Een machtige veropenbaring der jeugdige Gentsche kunst :' publieke kunst in het kader van de Gentse Wereldtentoonstelling,VABB-1,205,229,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:351914,,Quo Vadis Municipio? Een empirisch onderzoek naar de beleidsvoorkeuren en -patronen van gemeenteraadsleden in België,VABB-1,15,30,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351915,,De regulering van boomkorvisserij in de Belgische mariene beschermde gebieden: verstrikt in een web van bevoegdheidsvraagstukken?,VABB-1,174,194,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351916,,Exploring the association between insecure attachment styles and adolescent autonomy in family decision making: a differentiated approach,VABB-1,1837,1846,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351917,,Meaning in life in emerging adulthood: a person-oriented approach,VABB-1,57,68,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:351918,,Pre-abortion counselling from women's point of view,VABB-1,309,318,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351919,,"EPICOR (long-tErm follow-up of antithrombotic management Patterns In acute CORonary syndrome patients) study: rationale, design, and baseline characteristics",VABB-1,8,14,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351920,,The generation of abductive explanations from inconsistent theories,VABB-1,400,416,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:351923,,De kers op de taart? De herziening van artikel 144 van de Grondwet en de Raad van State,VABB-1,7,27,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:351925,,De seksuele start,VABB-4,119,153,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351926,,Achtergrond van de studie,VABB-4,1,36,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351930,,Medieval Europe,VABB-4,221,239,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351934,,The Roma people: problem or mirror for Western European societies? An exploration of educational possibilities,VABB-4,59,70,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351935,,An inconsistency-adaptive deontic logic for normative conflicts,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351936,,A logic for prioritized normative reasoning,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351938,,Objectively measured walkability and active transport and weight-related outcomes in adults: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351939,,The upside of losing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351941,,Appunti in margine a Il Castello di Udine: tra presunta prosa d'arte e la narratività della forma raccolta,VABB-1,133,151,,ita,2013,1 c:vabb:351942,,"Food safety issues in fresh produce: bacterial pathogens, viruses and pesticide residues indicated as major concerns by stakeholders in the fresh produce chain",VABB-1,190,197,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351946,,Carthage studies: vestiges d'un habitat de l’époque punique moyenne à Bir Massouda (Carthage): Bilan des fouilles dans le sondage 7 et analyse de la céramique,VABB-3,,,202 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:351950,,Silencing cinema: film censorship around the world,VABB-3,,,332 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351952,,Armoede in België: jaarboek 2013,VABB-3,,,467 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351954,,"Fusies van gemeenten, spielerei of noodzaak? Een korte blik over de grenzen",VABB-1,31,44,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351955,,Extending the prevalent consumer loyalty modelling: the role of habit strength,VABB-1,303,323,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351957,,The linguistic sign at the lexicon-syntax interface: assumptions and implications of the generative lexicon theory,VABB-1,233,287,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351958,,Protecting research and technology from espionage,VABB-1,3432,3440,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351959,,In search of the pitching momentum that enables some lizards to sustain bipedal running at constant speeds,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351962,,Duurzame of groene overheidsopdrachten: het Hof van Justitie tikt Nederland op de vingers maar geeft ook positieve signalen,VABB-1,402,418,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:351963,,What makes crisis response strategies work? The impact of crisis involvement and message framing,VABB-1,182,189,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351968,,"Divorce, conflict and mental health: how the quality of intimate relationships is linked to post-divorce well-being",VABB-1,220,233,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351969,,Cartilage status in relation to return to sports after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction,VABB-1,550,559,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351971,,Comparing TV ads and advergames targeting children: the impact of persuasion knowledge on behavioral responses,VABB-1,264,273,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351972,,Observing physical education teachers' need-supportive interactions in classroom settings,VABB-1,3,17,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351974,,General introduction: Utopian ideals in Edwardian political future fiction,VABB-4,7,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351975,,Belgium,VABB-4,49,55,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351978,,"Erasing Q, W and X, erasing cultural differences",VABB-4,445,469,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:351981,,Topografia e processi evolutivi delle città romane della valle del Potenza (Picenum),VABB-4,331,344,,ita,2012,2 c:vabb:351982,,Astrology and politics in the renaissance,VABB-4,192,232,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351986,,The relation of student and class-level characteristics to primary school students’ autonomous reading motivation: a multilevel approach,VABB-1,351,370,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351987,,"Validation of the Diet Quality Index for Adolescents by comparison with biomarkers, nutrient and food intakes: the HELENA study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351988,,Beyond the unknown: understanding prehistoric patterns in the urbanised landscape of Flanders,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351989,,Social science theories on adolescent risk-taking: the relevance of behavioral inhibition and activation,VABB-1,27,53,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351990,,Causaliteit en de methodestrijd: naar een geïntegreerd gebruik van kwalitatief en kwantitatief onderzoek in een praktisch georiënteerde criminologie,VABB-1,115,133,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:351991,,Ex-couples' unwanted pursuit behavior: an actor–partner interdependence model approach,VABB-1,221,231,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:351993,,The importance of social exchange to nurses and nurse assistants: impact on retention factors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:351994,,Good practice in archaeological diagnostics: non-invasive survey of complex archaeological sites,VABB-3,,,347 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:351995,,Pauvreté en Belgique: annuaire 2013,VABB-3,,,473 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:351996,,Maeterlinck en de natuur: Maeterlinck façe à la nature,VABB-3,,,116 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:352008,,The body perfect ideal and eating regulation goals: investigating the role of adolescents' identity styles,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352009,,Whole-language and item-specific control in bilingual language production,VABB-1,1781,1792,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352012,,Op zoek naar delictconcentraties in tijd en ruimte,VABB-1,220,225,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352015,,Kilowhat?: a multidisciplinary approach on the development of a home energy management system,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352016,,"ESR1 polymorphisms, daily hassles, anger expression, and depressive symptoms in adolescent boys and girls",VABB-1,447,453,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352017,,Cognitive behavior therapy in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: the role of illness acceptance and neuroticism,VABB-1,367,372,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352019,,Consumer arbitration and European private law: a seminal consumer arbitration model for Europe,VABB-1,247,288,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352020,,Pride and popcorn: consuming the idea of community at film screenings in the Turkish diaspora,VABB-1,115,132,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352021,,Family (and) culture: the effect of cultural capital within the family on cultural participation of adolescents,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352023,,Social motives for drinking in students should not be neglected in efforts to decrease problematic drinking,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352029,,De stichting van het Groot symfonie-orkest van het NIR als symbool voor de 'hoge culturele opdracht' van de publieke omroep,VABB-4,37,65,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352030,,How the west was won by fiction: the appearance of fictional narrative and Leisurely reading in Western literature (11th and 12th century),VABB-4,189,200,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:352034,,An interdisciplinary non-invasive approach to landscape archaeology of the Great War,VABB-1,39,44,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352035,,Are all units created equal? The effect of default units on product evaluations,VABB-1,1275,1289,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352037,,The impact of drug treatment courts on recovery: a systematic review,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352039,,Do restrictive and bingeing/purging subtypes of anorexia nervosa differ on central coherence and set shifting?,VABB-1,308,314,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352040,,Een kwestie van vertrouwen: werking en versterking van collectieve weerbaarheid in achterstandsbuurten,VABB-1,108,114,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352041,,La fonction des industries en silex et les modalités d'occupation des territoires au Mésolithique: le cas des zones sableuses du nord-ouest de la Belgique et des Pays-Bas (8700-5400 cal. BC.),VABB-1,,,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:352042,,No prior entry for threat-related faces: evidence from temporal order judgments,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352043,,Do firms use the trade credit channel to manage growth?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352044,,"Negation and tense, aspect, and mood marking",VABB-4,196,199,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352045,,Associations of physical activity and sedentary time with weight and weight status among 10-to 12-year-old boys and girls in Europe: a cluster analysis within the ENERGY project,VABB-1,367,375,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352048,,Imitation and speech: commonalities within Broca's area,VABB-1,1419,1427,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352049,,Reduced thickness of anterior cingulate cortex in obsessive-compulsive disorder,VABB-1,2178,2185,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352054,,Relation between salivary cortisol as stress biomarker and dietary pattern in children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352055,,Association between self-reported sleep duration and dietary quality in European adolescents,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352060,,"Kapitaalverhoging, misbruik van minderheid en herstel in natura bij de onrechtmatige uitoefening van stemrechten: noot onder Brussel 6 december 2011 en Kh. Brussel 12 augustus 2008",VABB-1,165,169,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352062,,De zomer beschrijf je het best op een winterdag: reflecties over de receptie van Ibsen in het Franse theater,VABB-1,59,74,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352065,,Montesquieu in Brussel: over het eerste ad hoc-bezoek van het Europese antifoltercomité aan België,VABB-1,11,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352066,,Medicalizing versus psychologizing mental illness: what are the implications for help seeking and stigma?: a general population study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352067,,Naleving van de wet en medewerking van burgers met politie: (alleen) een kwestie van procedurele rechtvaardigheid?,VABB-1,182,203,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352073,,Jews or Germans?: nationality legislation and the restoration of liberal democracy in Europe after the holocaust,VABB-1,391,422,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352076,,"'He was himself very inventive of landscapes', Hieronymus Cock and Landscape",VABB-4,52,57,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352079,,"Cardiorespiratory fitness in males, and upper limbs muscular strength in females, are positively related with 25-hydroxyvitamin D plasma concentrations in European adolescents: the HELENA study",VABB-1,809,821,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352080,,"Prijsregulering in de Belgische gas-, electriciteits- en warmtesector",VABB-1,247,298,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352084,,Conceptual framework for analysing farm-specific economic effects of helminth infections in ruminants and control strategies,VABB-1,228,235,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352085,,From language-specific to shared syntactic representations: the influence of second language proficiency on syntactic sharing in bilinguals,VABB-1,287,306,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352086,,Cross-sectional relationship between chronic stress and mineral concentrations in hair of elementary school girls,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352087,,Measurement of cortisol and cortisone in children's hair using ultra performance liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352088,,Picture novelty attenuates semantic interference and modulates concomitant neural activity in the anterior cingulate cortex and the locus coeruleus,VABB-1,179,187,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352090,,How characteristics of wetlands resource users and associated institutions influence the sustainable management of wetlands in Tanzania,VABB-1,8,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352091,,De overbodige punitieve reactie tot uitbreiding van de wet op de private milities,VABB-1,20,28,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352092,,"'Internationale stijl' in Mechelen: ontdekking, conservatie en onderzoek van de muurschilderingen van rond 1400 in de toren van de Sint-Janskerk",VABB-1,129,207,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352093,,Vocational education approach: new TEL settings—new prospects for teachers' instructional activities?,VABB-1,271,291,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352094,,Chronique de Jurisprudence de l'Union: les relations extérieures (1er janvier 2009 — 31 décembre 2012),VABB-1,821,879,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352096,,"The ideologies of lived space in literature, ancient and modern",VABB-3,,,256 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352097,,"Getting by or getting rich? The formal, informal and criminal economy in a globalized world",VABB-3,,,408 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352102,,Suppletion according to tense and aspect,VABB-4,212,215,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352103,,Marcadores del discurso derivados de los verbos de percepción: un análisis comparativo entre el español y el italiano,VABB-1,,,,spa,2014,1 c:vabb:352104,,De 'Betere Belg'-wet,VABB-1,6,18,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352107,,"Consumer attitudes, knowledge, and consumption of organic yogurt",VABB-1,2118,2129,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352108,,"Identity and conflict: cultural heritage, reconstruction and national identity in Kosovo",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352109,,The future of Belgian federalism as seen through the eyes of the social partners: a continuing obstacle to social policy decentralization?,VABB-1,293,309,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352110,,"Food security in rural areas of Limpopo province, South Africa",VABB-1,269,282,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352111,,Spatio-temporal modeling of soil characteristics for soilscape reconstruction,VABB-1,166,179,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352112,,"European consumer perceptions and barriers for fresh, frozen, preserved and ready-meal fish products",VABB-1,508,525,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352114,,Leaving the third dimension: no measurable evidence for cognitive aftereffects of stereoscopic 3D movies,VABB-1,159,166,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352116,,Paul Voituron (1824-1891) en zijn denktank: levensschets en progressief gedachtegoed van een Gentse liberaal,VABB-1,175,203,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:352118,,Annotatie bij arrest van het hof van beroep te Gent van 22 november 2012,VABB-1,463,468,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352119,,"Kiesrechtgeschillen: het contentieux betreffende de verkiezingen van de provincie-, gemeente- en districtsraden van 14 oktober 2012 en de daaropvolgende verkiezingen van de ocmw-raden",VABB-1,172,200,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352121,,Undergraduate teaching of occupational medicine in European schools of medicine,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352123,,The neural representation of intrusive thoughts,VABB-1,688,693,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352128,,War-related trauma exposure and multiple risk behaviors among school-going adolescents in northern Uganda: the mediating role of depression symptoms,VABB-1,715,721,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352129,,A survey on the use of GIS and data standards in archaeology,VABB-1,491,507,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352130,,Verloren gegaan maar toch nooit verloren geweest: de dubbele status van de Magnus-Rademaker Collectie,VABB-1,102,107,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352131,,De historische wortels van de rode en groene volgorde in het Nederlands,VABB-1,73,101,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:352135,,Het kind- en jongereneffectrapport (JoKER) in de weegschaal,VABB-1,6,22,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352136,,Antibiotics for clinically diagnosed acute rhinosinusitis in adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:352142,,"Wat is het taalprofiel van kinderen met specifieke en niet-specifieke taalontwikkelingsstoornissen, gemeten met de CELF-4-NL?",VABB-1,43,60,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352143,,Present reference of stative verbs and past perfective reference of dynamic verbs,VABB-4,200,203,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352144,,Nominal plural marker and third-person-plural pronoun,VABB-4,96,99,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352145,,Expression of nominal plural meaning,VABB-4,88,91,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352146,,Pronoun conjunction,VABB-4,76,79,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352147,,Navigating the Urban 'in-between space': local livelihood and identity strategies in exploiting the Goma/Gisenyi border,VABB-4,119,142,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352148,,Special dependent person forms for subject and object,VABB-4,64,67,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352149,,Order of demonstrative and noun,VABB-4,18,21,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352151,,Die Kinder der Canettis: Rhetorik der Kinderdarstellung in 'Die Stimmen von Marrakesch',VABB-4,85,96,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:352153,,La position des pronoms personnels enclitiques chez Pétrone,VABB-1,447,467,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:352155,,The crisis of US monetary hegemony and global economic adjustment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352156,,From coming out to visibility management: a new perspective on coping with minority stressors in LGB youth in Flanders,VABB-1,685,710,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:352157,,Why are teacher recommendations at the transition from primary to secondary education socially biased? A mixed-methods research,VABB-1,20,38,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352159,,Learning opportunities in 3 on 3 versus 5 on 5 basketball game play: an application of nonlinear pedagogy,VABB-1,420,437,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:352160,,A hybrid genetic algorithm for the single machine maximum lateness problem with release times and family setups,VABB-1,2346,2358,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:352161,,"Exploring double side-selling in cooperatives, case study of four coffee cooperatives in Rwanda",VABB-1,72,83,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352162,,Wie akzeptiert ist 'Social Marketing' für eine ausgewogenere Ernährung?: ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer Expertenbefragung,VABB-1,188,193,,ger,2013,1 c:vabb:352163,,De rechter kan een overeenkomst niet ambtshalve vernietigen,VABB-1,236,240,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352164,,Meal and beta-alanine co-ingestion enhances muscle carnosine loading,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352168,,Biomechanics of spontaneous overground walk-to-run transition,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352170,,"Agrarian change, labour organization and and welfare entitlements in the North-Sea area, c. 1650-1800",VABB-4,204,277,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352173,,The scope of rights and the scope of obligations: positive obligations,VABB-4,162,182,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352176,,Gamete generation from stem cells to avoid gamete donation and customized hESCs from blastomeres as the cellular insurance for the newborn: will it ever be ethically acceptable?,VABB-4,93,101,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352177,,Order of relative clause and noun,VABB-4,26,29,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352179,,"John of Antioch, inflated and deflated. or: how (not) to collect fragments of early Byzantine historians",VABB-1,437,450,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352180,,La filosofia del rifiuto ne 'La solitudine del satiro' di Ennio Flaiano,VABB-1,145,164,,ita,2013,1 c:vabb:352182,,The role of the media in the science-policy nexus: some critical reflections based on an analysis of the Belgian drug policy debate (1996-2003),VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352184,,"Catholic responses to evolution, 1859-2009: local factors and mid-scale patterns",VABB-1,353,368,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352186,,Structure and agency: understanding water policy changes in West Africa,VABB-1,479,495,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352187,,'Als Ich Kan': Flanders and the work of William Morris,VABB-1,60,67,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:352190,,Contrastive linguistics and translation studies,VABB-4,36,41,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352195,,Tense-aspect systems,VABB-4,192,195,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352196,,"Internal order of tense, aspect, and mood markers",VABB-4,172,175,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352197,,Independent pronominal possessors,VABB-4,150,153,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352198,,Ordinal numerals,VABB-4,134,137,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352199,,Self-assurance and self-denial: repositioning the individual in contemporary Chinese society,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352200,,Validity and reliability of three commonly used quality of life measures in a large European population of coronary heart disease patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352201,,Estimating the causal effect of water scarcity on the groundwater use efficiency of rice farming in South India,VABB-1,55,64,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352206,,Twentieth century land resilience in Montenegro and consequent hydrological response,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352207,,Ecological succession and land use changes in a lake retreat area (Main Ethiopian Rift Valley),VABB-1,53,60,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352209,,Multiattribute preference models with reference points,VABB-1,470,481,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352210,,Transitivity of Spanish perception verbs: a gradual category?,VABB-1,35,56,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352211,,Late Mesolithic armature variability in the southern North Sea basin: implications for forager-Linearbandkeramik contact models of the transition to agriculture in Belgium and the southern Netherlands,VABB-1,3,20,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352212,,"Under the spell of 'Spellbound', De filmische voorstelbaarheid van het tijdloze onbewuste",VABB-1,391,405,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:352214,,"'’t sprookje is uit, the thrill is gone: ' Hugo Claus als herschrijver van populaire narratieve sjablonen in Het jaar van de kreeft (1972)",VABB-1,x,x,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:352215,,Sustainable rangeland management: pastoralists' attitudes toward integrated programs in Iran,VABB-1,26,33,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352217,,Knowledge and willingness to teach cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a survey amongst 4273 teachers,VABB-1,496,500,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352218,,Experimental assessment of exposure to gaseous pollutants from mattresses and pillows while asleep,VABB-1,203,210,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352223,,Aesthetic autonomy and identifying non-western art,VABB-4,89,112,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352225,,State making and the suspension of law in India's Northeast: the place of exception in the Assam-Nagaland border dispute,VABB-4,167,189,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352226,,Moroccon post-islamism: emerging trend or Chimera?,VABB-4,134,156,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352227,,Social norms in EU bilateral trade agreements: a comparative overview,VABB-5,35,48,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352230,,Mise en image du spectacle et spectacularisation de l'image à l'âge baroque,VABB-1,1,14,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:352232,,An evaluation of the added value of co-design in the development of an educational game for road safety,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352233,,An artificial immune system algorithm for the resource availability cost problem,VABB-1,122,144,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352234,,Measuring the efficiency of project control using fictitious and empirical project data,VABB-1,252,263,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:352235,,Routine dipstick urinalysis in daily practice of Belgian occupational physicians,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352236,,Towards an ontology and modeling approach for service science,VABB-5,285,291,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352237,,Knowledge deficits and information seeking behaviour in leg ulcer patients: an exploratory qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352238,,Reversing urban bias in African rice markets: evidence from Senegal,VABB-1,63,74,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352239,,Co-occurrence of demonstrative and definite article,VABB-4,118,121,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352241,,Universiteit en human capital: oude en nieuwe regionale ongelijkheden in België,VABB-1,37,48,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352242,,'D'une 'chimère' à l'autre (1706-1867): renaissance du premier conte de fées littéraire au XIXe siècle',VABB-1,97,115,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:352243,,Transformational leadership and safety performance among nurses: the mediating role of knowledge related job characteristics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352244,,Musical agency reduces perceived exertion during strenuous physical performence.,VABB-1,17784,17789,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352245,,Measuring the complexity of upper primary school children's self-regulated learning: a multi-component approach,VABB-1,407,425,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352246,,Traditioneel pestgedrag versus cyberpesten: een verkennende analyse van zelfgerapporteerd dader- en slachtofferschap,VABB-1,448,472,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352248,,The European Union as a conveniently-conflicted Counter-hegemon through trade,VABB-1,560,577,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352249,,"'It's the services, stupid': identifying killer applications for next-generation networks",VABB-1,121,131,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352250,,Family- and school-based predictors of energy balance-related behaviours in children: a 6-year longitudinal study,VABB-1,202,211,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352251,,Thriving in complexity? The OECD system's role in energy and taxation,VABB-1,83,92,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352252,,The Parallel Episodic Processing (PEP) model: dissociating contingency and conflict adaptation in the item-specific proportion congruent paradigm,VABB-1,119,126,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352253,,From scandal to monastic penance: a reconciliatory manuscript from the early twelfth-century abbey of St. Laurent in Liège,VABB-1,523,553,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352254,,School segregation and math achievement: a mixed-method study on the role of self-fulfilling prophecies,VABB-1,1,50,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352257,,Cognitive aspects of structured process modeling,VABB-5,168,173,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352259,,Actigraph GT3X: validation and determination of physical activity intensity cut points,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352260,,Psychosocial determinants and perceived environmental barriers as mediators of the effectiveness of a web-based tailored intervention promoting physical activity in adolescents: the HELENA Activ-O-Meter,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352261,,"Over het bouwverbod en de schadevergoedingsregeling in het kader van het Duinendecreet, en het beginsel van de gelijkheid voor de openbare lasten",VABB-1,249,254,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:352262,,I suffer more from your pain when you act like me: being imitated enhances affective responses to seeing someone else in pain,VABB-1,519,532,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352263,,Acceleration of gelation and promotion of mineralization of chitosan hydrogels by alkaline phosphatese,VABB-1,122,132,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352264,,Cognate effects and executive control in a patient with differential bilingual aphasia,VABB-1,221,230,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352267,,Coming from named places,VABB-4,318,321,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352268,,Controlling urban public space in Roman Asia Minor,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:352269,,Belgium,VABB-4,49,83,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352278,,What makes up good consultations? A qualitative study of GPs' discourses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352279,,"Personal choice: a blessing or a burden, or both? A cross-cultural investigation on need for closure effects in two western and two East-Asian societies",VABB-1,216,221,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352280,,"Parental and children's report of emotional problems: agreement, explanatory factors and event-emotion correlation",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352281,,Perverse effects of other-referenced performance goals in an information exchange context,VABB-1,401,414,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:352283,,"Réforme douanière néolibérale, fragilité étatique et pluralisme normatif: le cas du guichet unique à Kasumbalesa",VABB-1,93,112,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:352285,,Behavioral inhibition in children with learning disabilities,VABB-1,1998,2007,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352286,,Observed need-supportive and need-thwarting teaching behavior in physical education: do teachers' motivational orientations matter?,VABB-1,650,661,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352288,,Living apart together: EU comprehensive security from a trade perspective,VABB-1,63,82,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352289,,Rumination is characterized by valence-specific impairments in internal shifting of attention,VABB-1,563,570,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352290,,Exploring the role of neural mirroring in children with autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352291,,Het contacteren van professionele hulpverleners omwille van sociale of emotionele problemen bij net-gehuwde en net-samenwonende koppels: de rol van partner- en relatiekenmerken,VABB-1,1,26,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352292,,Karman and compassion: animals in the Jain Universal history,VABB-1,141,157,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352295,,Assessing the vulnerability of targets for burglary: creating a multi-level observational instrument,VABB-4,171,206,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352296,,Sustainable urban development policy in the region of Flanders,VABB-4,391,404,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352298,,A web application to support the quantification and valuation of ecosystem services,VABB-1,65,74,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352299,,Hippocampal networks habituate as novelty accumulates,VABB-1,229,235,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352300,,An evaluation of public spending: the effectiveness of a government-supported networking program in Flanders,VABB-1,24,38,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352301,,Opposite effects of working memory on subjective visibility and priming,VABB-1,1959,1965,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352305,,Associative stigma among mental health professionals and its relationship with professionals' clients and clients' well-being,VABB-1,17,32,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:352306,,Fata morgana's van de auteursintentie: intentieprocessen als valkuil voor biografisch en teksteditorisch onderzoek,VABB-1,29,43,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352309,,No deficiency in left-to-right processing of words in dyslexia but evidence for enhanced visual crowding,VABB-1,1803,1817,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352310,,Cognitive mapping: a method to elucidate and present farmers' risk perception,VABB-1,42,52,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352312,,"Muziek, criminaliteit en cultuur",VABB-1,3,13,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352313,,Prostitutie en informele economie: 'met haken en ogen': de paradoxale lokale aanpak van sekswerk,VABB-1,6,19,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352314,,"Noot bij 18 juni 2013, zaak C-681/11, Schenker",VABB-1,569,573,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352319,,The architecture of international monetary and financial governance,VABB-4,486,498,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352326,,Music-making ghosts: eighteenth-century Rome as operatic memory machine,VABB-4,59,77,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352327,,The use of social media in food risk and benefit communication,VABB-1,84,91,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352329,,De opkomst van werkwoordelijke omschrijving met HEBBEN en ZIJN in het Oudgrieks,VABB-1,211,221,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352331,,"Langdurige ijzertijdbewoning te Lier Duwijck II (prov. Antwerpen, België): een voorlopige stand van zaken van de opgravingsresultaten",VABB-1,147,156,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352332,,The impact of the financial crisis on insider trading profitability in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352333,,The portrayal of healthy women requesting oocyte cryopreservation,VABB-1,141,146,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352344,,A post scriptum: the Arab spring and the sectarian issue,VABB-4,243,251,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352347,,Functional and effective connectivity in EEG alpha and beta bands during intermittent flash stimulation in migraine with and without aura,VABB-1,938,947,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352348,,Water use and management in the classical and early hellenistic silver industry of Thorikos and the Laurion,VABB-1,109,126,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352351,,Changing things up in recruitment: effects of a 'strange' recruitment medium on applicant pool quantity and quality,VABB-1,410,416,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352352,,Operational performance and critical success factors of lean manufacturing in European food processing SMEs,VABB-1,156,164,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352353,,Flemish consumer attitudes towards more sustainable food choices,VABB-1,7,16,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352355,,Does Acetaminophen activate endogenous pain inhibition in chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis?: a double-blind randomized controlled cross-over trial,VABB-1,E61,E70,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352357,,La procédure de liquidation-partage (loi du 13 août 2011): vente - purge - partage,VABB-1,9,87,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:352358,,Joyce the Filmmaker,VABB-1,201,205,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352359,,Wang Anshi's 'Treatise on Great Men',VABB-1,197,204,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352361,,"Performance assessment of residential mechanical exhaust ventilation systems dimensioned in accordance with Belgian, British, Dutch, French and ASHRAE standards",VABB-1,177,186,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352365,,Onderzoek naar de geringe toepassing van herstelgericht groepsoverleg in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,30,45,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352366,,New trends and methodology in intertextuality: on Joyce and Flaubert,VABB-1,385,392,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352371,,'Ik heb sinds jaren geen buiten meer gezien': de beleving en verbeelding van stads- en plattelandsnatuur in de vroege romans van Lode Baekelmans,VABB-4,181,203,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352374,,Mediation technologies for music and movement research,VABB-4,51,64,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352378,,Was Uncle Tom right that quadratic problems can't be solved with the rule of false position?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352379,,Een tweede Raad van State voor sommige rechtsonderhorigen? Enkele beschouwingen over de geplande bevoegdheidsuitbreiding van de algemene vergadering van de afdeling Bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State,VABB-1,14,24,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:352380,,Opgraven in een archeologisch depot: oude vondsten uit de late bronstijd/vroege ijzertijd in de archeologische collectie van de Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis te Brussel,VABB-1,77,83,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352381,,"De abele spelen, de 'profane' Miracles de Notre Dame par personnages en de veertiende-eeuwse Franstalige epiek",VABB-1,1,25,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352382,,"Government efficiency, institutions, and the effects of fiscal consolidation on public debt",VABB-1,40,59,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352383,,Die Trasjanka und die Regiolektalisierung des Russischen in Weißrußland,VABB-1,169,192,,ger,2013,1 c:vabb:352384,,"'Magis rythmus quam metron': the structure of Seneca's anapaests, and the oral/aural nature of Latin poetry",VABB-1,148,217,,ger,2013,1 c:vabb:352388,,"A cripple Bula Matari: a historical account of labour, migration and borders in the Rwandese-Congolese borderland",VABB-4,117,150,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352389,,Punishment and the question of Europe,VABB-4,27,52,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352391,,The use of Akkadian in Iran,VABB-4,263,282,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352394,,Lingala,VABB-4,25,33,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:352398,,Reactive standard deontic logic,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:352399,,Three formats of prioritized adaptive logics: a comparative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352401,,Research on mediated suffering within social sciences: expert views on identifying a disciplinary home and research agenda,VABB-1,106,121,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352402,,Getting inside the black box of technology integration in education: teachers’ stimulated recall of classroom observations,VABB-1,434,449,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352406,,Vrijheid van meningsuiting en banalisering en instrumentalisering van de Holocaust,VABB-1,564,580,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352407,,Does the climate need consensus? The politics of climate change revisited,VABB-1,151,165,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352410,,"Do candidate reactions relate to job performance or affect criterion-related validity? A multistudy investigation of relations among reactions, selection test scores, and job performance",VABB-1,701,719,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352415,,Finding our way in the social world exploring the dimensions underlying social classification,VABB-1,329,348,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352416,,Should minors be considered as potential living liver donors?,VABB-1,649,655,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352425,,Levels of analysis in social psychology,VABB-4,24,40,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:352426,,Geweld tegen veiligheidspersoneel in de uitoefening van hun beroep: een exploratieve kijk,VABB-4,117,139,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:352428,,Aged parents' experiences during a critical illness trajectory and after the death of an adult child: a review of the literature,VABB-1,583,595,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352429,,Learned cardiac control with heart rate biofeedback transfers to emotional reactions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352434,,Top-down modulation of brain activity underlying intentional action and its relationship with awareness of intention: an ERP/Laplacian analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352436,,Absolute and relative family affluence and psychosomatic symptoms in adolescents,VABB-1,25,31,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352442,,The right to freedom of expression in the workplace under Article 10 ECHR,VABB-4,237,286,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352447,,"Direct medical costs of COPD diagnosis and treatment, Eastern vs. Western European country: examples of Serbia and Belgium",VABB-1,161,168,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352450,,Pelvic girdle pain during or after pregnancy: a review of recent evidence and a clinical care path proposal,VABB-1,33,43,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352451,,Validity of self-reported utilization of physician services: a population study,VABB-1,91,97,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352452,,Changes in weight and body composition during the first semester at university: a prospective explanatory study,VABB-1,111,116,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352453,,Reciprocity and depressive symptoms in Belgian workers: a cross-sectional multilevel analysis,VABB-1,824,831,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352454,,Feature-specific attention allocation overrules the orienting response to emotional stimuli,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352455,,Sharing good NEWS across the world: developing comparable scores across 12 countries for the neighborhood environment walkability scale (NEWS),VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352456,,The neural correlates of subjective pleasantness,VABB-1,289,294,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:352457,,Comparing apples and oranges? Evidence for pace of action as a confound in research on digital games and aggression,VABB-1,112,125,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:352461,,Comparative aspects of regulation of shareholders' agreements: Belgium and the UK,VABB-1,166,183,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352462,,Comparative aspects of regulation of shareholders' agreements: the Republic of Lithuania,VABB-1,201,2019,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352463,,"Barriers to, and facilitators of, parenting programmes for childhood behaviour problems: a qualitative synthesis of studies of parents' and professionals' perceptions",VABB-1,653,670,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352464,,"English individualism and continental altruism? Servants, remittances and family welfare in eighteenth-century rural Europe",VABB-1,190,209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352465,,Neural and psychophysiological markers of delay aversion in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,566,572,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352471,,Error monitoring under negative affect: a window into maladaptive self-regulation processes,VABB-4,109,123,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:352476,,De Arbeidsovereenkomstenwet: de prequels,VABB-4,101,120,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352477,,Neural mirroring during the observation of live and video actions in infants,VABB-1,1765,1770,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352478,,Het Wetboek IPR inzake familierecht getoetst aan de praktijk: de toenemende mondialisering van familierelaties vraagt om juridische en institutionele aandacht,VABB-1,1562,1581,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352480,,Half an hour of silence,VABB-1,14,17,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352481,,Educational heterogamy and the division of paid labour in the family: a comparison of present-day Belgium and Sweden,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352482,,Is er plaats voor 'radicalisme' in onze democratische maatschappij?,VABB-1,5,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352485,,Macro-level gender equality and depression in men and women in Europe,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352486,,Activating the audience in times of compassion fatigue,VABB-1,386,389,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352488,,"The EU as an actor in development: just another donor, European norm maker, or eclipsed by superpower temptations?",VABB-4,17,36,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352489,,Customer attitudes and behaviors towards service firms,VABB-4,280,302,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352491,,Film policy and the emergence of the cross-cultural: exploring crossover cinema in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-4,94,104,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352492,,Empiricism without Metaphysics: Regius' Cartesian natural philosophy,VABB-4,151,183,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352493,,Das Theatrum Precarium als Vorahmung,VABB-4,229,245,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:352497,,The relationship between changes in steps/day and health outcomes after a pedometer-based physical activity intervention with telephone support in type 2 diabetes patients,VABB-1,539,545,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352498,,Differences in affect expressivity between subtypes of non-suicidal self-injury,VABB-1,269,276,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352499,,Verbonden of geketend? Een rondetafelgesprek over ketenregie,VABB-1,293,301,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352500,,Using groups to change the department head role: an organization development case,VABB-1,127,143,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352501,,Youth unemployment in Belgium: diagnosis and key remedies,VABB-1,202,209,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352502,,Ahura Mazda and Shapur II? A note on Taq-i Bustan I: the investiture of Ardashir II (379-383),VABB-1,133,151,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:352504,,Preferences for team learning and lecture-based learning among first-year undergraduate accounting students,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352505,,Physiology and pathophysiology of carnosine,VABB-1,1803,1845,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:352506,,"Malnutrition and associated factors in nursing home residents: a cross-sectional, multi-centre study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352510,,An overview of 20 years of Chinese logistics research using a content-based analysis,VABB-1,30,34,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352511,,Effectiveness oase management for homeless persons: a systematic review,VABB-1,13,26,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352512,,De weg naar herstel: (ex-)alcoholverslaafden aan het woord,VABB-1,51,66,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352513,,On the grammaticalization of ('t) schijnt 'it seems' as an evidential particle in colloquial Belgian Dutch,VABB-1,481,520,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352514,,Genetic analysis of reaction time variability: room for improvement?,VABB-1,1323,1333,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352515,,Psychoanalytisch materialisme: een politiek filosofische benadering,VABB-1,399,420,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352519,,Assessment centers and the measurement of personality,VABB-4,477,497,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352522,,"Waar rook is, is vuur? Straatverkoop van niet-legale sigaretten",VABB-1,71,92,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352527,,Deficient reinforcement learning in medial frontal cortex as a model of dopamine-related motivational deficits in ADHD,VABB-1,199,209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352528,,Video games and citizenship,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352529,,Psychiatric characteristics in transsexual individuals: multicentre study in four European countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352530,,Een gevalstudie over de psychosociale gezondheid van buurtbewoners getroffen door grondwaterverontreiniging: de rol van communicatie tussen buren,VABB-1,36,63,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352531,,One hippopotamus and eight blind analysts: a multivocal analysis of the 2012 political crisis in the divided republic of Mali,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352532,,Separation anxiety in families with emerging adults,VABB-1,495,505,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352533,,Why people use their cars while the built environment imposes cycling,VABB-1,53,62,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352534,,Domain-general and domain-specific aspects of temporal discounting in children with ADHD and autism spectrum disorders (ASD): a proof of concept study,VABB-1,1870,1880,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352536,,2D and 3D ground-penetrating radar surveys with a modular system: data processing strategies and results from archaeological field tests,VABB-1,239,252,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352538,,Martin Walser: the (un)certainty of reading,VABB-4,237,245,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352539,,"14, Rue de La Rochefoucauld: the partial eclipse of Gustave Moreau",VABB-4,86,105,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352541,,En el cruce entre novela y ensayo: la visión subjetiva de la historia del siglo XX de Angelina Muñiz-Huberman,VABB-4,83,98,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:352542,,De overgang van basis- naar secundair onderwijs: een bron van bijkomende onderwijsongelijkheden?,VABB-4,309,324,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352543,,The syntactization of discourse,VABB-4,370,390,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352544,,Archäologische Stadtforschung: II: die griechische und punische Welt,VABB-4,164,173,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:352549,,Implementation of shared decision making in physical therapy: observed level of involvement and patient preference,VABB-1,1321,1330,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352550,,Practicing a matching movement with a mirror in individuals with spastic hemiplegia,VABB-1,2507,2513,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352552,,The impact of neighborhood deprivation on patients' unscheduled out-of-hours healthcare seeking behavior: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352553,,'Mijn naam was Sabina Spielrein': Freuds Russische dochter en de echo's van haar fascinerende oeuvre,VABB-1,261,281,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352555,,Anatomical differences in the human inferior colliculus relate to the perceived valence of musical consonance and dissonance,VABB-1,3099,3105,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352557,,Exploration of the mechanisms underlying the ISPC effect: evidence from behavioral and neuroimaging data,VABB-1,1040,1049,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352559,,Treatment potential for dyslipidaemia management in patients with coronary heart disease across Europe: findings from the EUROASPIRE III survey,VABB-1,300,307,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352561,,Innovations in traditional foods: impact on perceived traditional character and consumer acceptance,VABB-1,1828,1835,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352562,,Public history in a digital context: back to the future or back to basics?,VABB-1,118,144,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352563,,Street children in Kinshasa: striking a balance between perpetrator and victim through agency,VABB-1,82,96,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352564,,Behavioral mediators of the association between neighborhood environment and weight status in Nigerian adults,VABB-1,23,31,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352565,,Illegale of informele economie: of hoe twee gelijkaardige concepten verschillen van elkaar,VABB-1,17,32,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352567,,Bureaucratic rhetoric of climate change in Nigeria: international aspiration versus local realities,VABB-4,3,31,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352576,,Oorlog en vrede op de Balkan,VABB-4,148,162,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352579,,"Amoxicillin for acute lower-respiratory-tract infection in primary care when pneumonia is not suspected: a 12-country, randomised, placebo-controlled trial",VABB-1,123,129,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352580,,Airway obstruction and bronchodilator responsiveness in adults with acute cough,VABB-1,523,529,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:352583,,"Climate-induced vegetation dynamics and the Bantu expansion: evidence from Bantu names for pioneer trees (Elaeis guineensis, Canarium schweinfurthii, and Musanga cecropioides)",VABB-1,336,349,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:352585,,Active retreating: person-centered practices to repair disaffiliation in therapy,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352586,,"Zonen Van: Tu es le fils de quelqu'un: over theater maken en theater ervaren, over kunst en het onderzoek in de kunsten",VABB-1,113,124,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352591,,'Er wusste nicht warum': Ungesichertes Wissen und negative Affekte oder: Kleists Konzept der Anerkennung,VABB-4,257,270,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:352592,,L'ancien français (archaïque) et le fonctionnement de la communication verticale latine en Gaule (VIIe-VIIIe siècles),VABB-4,149,162,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:352593,,"From Cuckoo's nest to 'sedem tyranni': the princely citadels in the cities of the Low Countries, or the city's spatial integrity hijacked (15th-early 16th centuries)",VABB-4,77,96,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352596,,Biofortified rice to fight folate deficiency,VABB-4,321,334,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352599,,"Heet, heter, te heet",VABB-1,980,986,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352600,,Tracing the Impact of Market Refrom on Productivity Growth of Rice at the Farm-Level in Bangladesh,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352603,,Rest-related dynamics of risk and protective factors for depression: a behavioral study,VABB-1,443,451,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352604,,Affective compatibility between stimuli and response goals: a primer for a new implicit measure of attitudes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352606,,Constraints faced by urban poor in managing diabetes care: patients' perspectives from South India,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352607,,Coverage-dependent effect of insecticide-treated curtains for dengue control in Thailand,VABB-1,93,98,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352608,,"Natural history of Mycoplasma genitalium infection in a cohort of female sex workers in Kampala, Uganda",VABB-1,422,427,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352609,,"Notes on William Blake's Paper Makers, c. 1789-1795",VABB-1,169,179,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352610,,Webuye health and demographic surveillance systems baseline survey of soil-transmitted helmints and intestinal protozoa among children up to five years,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352614,,Activating selectively and reliably nociceptive afferentswith concentric electrode stimulation: Yes we can! Provided that low stimulus intensities are used!,VABB-1,424,424,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352615,,Water in Azraq: a fluid link between state and society,VABB-1,317,338,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352618,,Work in progress: the social dimension of EU-Africa relations,VABB-4,283,306,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352621,,The 'Diet Quality Index' and its applications,VABB-4,301,314,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352625,,A case of SALW-control and diversion in the real world,VABB-1,18,24,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352627,,"Lost in registration? Missing occupations of single women in the Bruges countryside, c.1814",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352629,,Attentional bias for emotional information in older adults: the role of emotion and future time perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352631,,Recognition and difference: a collective biography,VABB-1,680,691,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352633,,Attention modulation by proportion congruency: the asymmetrical list shifting effect,VABB-1,1552,1562,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352635,,Les 'plaintes' des villes flamandes à la fin du treizième siècle et les discours et pratiques politiques de la commune,VABB-1,,,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:352636,,Killing discarded embryos and the nothing-is-lost principle,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352637,,Michiel Coxcie and the reception of classical antiquity in the Low Countries,VABB-4,64,97,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352638,,"CESL tools: issues settled, matters addressed, rules, principles, objectives and all its provisions",VABB-4,17,41,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352643,,The power of music and movement to reinforce well-being,VABB-4,85,96,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352645,,Informal economy in Belgium's hotel and catering sector: survival strategy and crime risk,VABB-4,223,252,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352647,,Punishment at home: offenders' experiences with electronic monitoring,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352649,,'Bound to a corpse' in early modern drama: a supplement,VABB-1,67,70,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352650,,Are digital media institutions shaping youth's intimate stories? Strategies and tactics in the social networking site Netlog,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:352652,,Historical Germanisms in British newspapers: a discourse-analytic approach and four corpus-assisted case studies,VABB-1,139,171,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352653,,Flexible mediation analysis in the presence of nonlinear relations: beyond the mediation formula,VABB-1,871,894,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352655,,Language vs. grammatical tradition in Ancient India: how real was Pāṇinian Sanskrit? Evidence from the history of late Sanskrit passives and pseudo-passives,VABB-1,59,91,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352656,,Organic agriculture and undernourishment in developing countries: main potentials and challenges,VABB-1,917,928,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352657,,The rationality of scientific reasoning in the context of pursuit: drawing appropriate distinctions,VABB-1,51,82,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352658,,Teenage queerness: negotiating heteronormativity in the representation of gay teenagers in Glee,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352659,,Between studio and snapshot: belle epoque picture postcards of urban statues,VABB-1,445,458,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352660,,Mental health in juvenile judges' decision-making: review of literature,VABB-1,65,72,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352661,,Expressing induced emotions through free dance movement,VABB-1,175,190,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352662,,A process of formalisation: seasonal labour in fruit growing in Belgium,VABB-1,35,60,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352663,,Waalse Dar-Decreet (grotendeels) vernietigd,VABB-1,205,218,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352664,,The possibility of using tasting as a presentation method for sensory stimuli in conjoint analysis,VABB-1,108,115,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352665,,Hartal as a complex political performance: general strikes and the organisation of (local) power in Bangladesh,VABB-1,61,83,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352666,,Debiasing semantic analysis: the English preposition to,VABB-1,122,135,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352667,,Validity of the ActivPAL™ and the ActiGraph monitors in preschoolers,VABB-1,2002,2011,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352668,,De wijziging van de artikelen 1326 en 1621 Gerechtelijk Wetboek door de wet van 13 augustus 2011,VABB-1,328,342,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352671,,Quantifying the influence of rebuffering interruptions on the user's quality of experience during mobile video watching,VABB-1,47,61,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352672,,An inventory of European data sources for the long-term safety evaluation of methylphenidate,VABB-1,605,618,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352673,,Ethical aspects of social freezing,VABB-1,521,523,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352675,,Verschuivende tolerantiedrempels: de morele codes van het leven in bezet België (1914-1918),VABB-1,317,339,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:352676,,Deconstructing Legal Religion in Strasbourg,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352677,,Physiologic effects of dry needling,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352678,,The Lithuanian presidency of the council of the European Union: advancing energy policy and Eastern partnership goals: conditions for exerting influence,VABB-1,11,37,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352679,,Catastrophic thinking about pain: a critical appraisal highlighting the importance of the social context and balance,VABB-1,298,308,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352680,,Hippocampal subfields predict positive symptoms in schizophrenia: first evidence from brain morphometry,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:352681,,The impact of education and globalization on sexual and reproductive health: retrospective evidence from eastern and southern Africa,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352682,,"The pigeonhole principle, two centuries before Dirichlet",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352683,,Gendered television use of diaspora youth in Flanders (Northern Belgium): an audience research,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352685,,Henri Bosmans S.J. (1852–1928): grondlegger van de geschiedenis van de wiskunde in België,VABB-1,224,227,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352686,,Linking living lab characteristics and their outcomes: towards a conceptual framework,VABB-1,6,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352687,,Methadone treatment for opiate-dependent persons,VABB-4,4017,4022,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:352688,,Philosophic prophecy,VABB-4,209,235,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352694,,Can the doctrine of double effect justify continuous deep sedation at the end of life?,VABB-4,177,201,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352697,,Are advanced producer services connectors for regional economies?: an exploration of the geographies of advanced producer service procurement in Belgium,VABB-1,12,21,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352698,,"Measurement and interpretation of connectivity of Chinese cities in world city network, 2010",VABB-1,261,273,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352700,,Gender equality policies in Rwanda: public relations or real transformations?,VABB-1,1111,1134,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352701,,"Rhetoric, citizenship, and cultural literacy",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352702,,Rhetorical analysis of literary culture in social reading platforms,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352703,,Children's sleep and the autonomic function: low sleep quality has an impact on heart rate variability,VABB-1,1939,1946,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352705,,Vaccine effects and impact of vaccination programmes in post-licensure studies,VABB-1,5634,5642,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352706,,Integrating social media in education,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352707,,The intertwining of religion and nationhood in interwar Yugoslavia: the school celebrations of St Sava's day,VABB-1,235,261,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352708,,A uniform methodology to establish test parameters for watertightness testing part II: pareto front analysis on co-occurring rain and wind,VABB-1,157,167,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352709,,Fabian Barba's 'A Mary Wigman Dance Evening' (2009): kijkregimes van de moderniteit revisited,VABB-1,18,30,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352710,,Overeducation at the start of the career: stepping stone or trap?,VABB-1,123,140,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352711,,Ontology-driven business rule specification,VABB-1,79,104,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352713,,Adaptation to walking with an exoskeleton that assists ankle extension,VABB-1,495,499,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352716,,"Understanding today's Kurdish movement: leftist heritage, martyrdom, democracy and gender",VABB-1,2,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352718,,Vital materialism and the problem of ethics in the Radical Enlightenment,VABB-1,31,70,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352719,,The social interaction potential of metropolitan regions: a time-geographic measurement approach using joint accessibility,VABB-1,483,504,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352720,,The fund industry confronted with the regulatory challenges,VABB-1,79,87,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352721,,Vernieuwing in de opsporing: een terreinverkenning,VABB-1,7,20,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352727,,The impact of organizational support and leader–member exchange on the work-related behaviour of nursing professionals: the moderating effect of professional and organizational identification,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:352728,,Obama Made in Kenya: appropriating the American dream in Kogelo,VABB-1,69,90,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352733,,Cartilage adaptation after anterior cruciate ligament injury and reconstruction: implications for clinical management and future research?: a systematic review of longitudinal MRI studies,VABB-1,1009,1024,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352734,,De ziel en het doel van de Belgische strafrechtsbedeling: reflecties naar aanleiding van Salduz en de verruimde minnelijke schikking,VABB-1,251,261,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352735,,Power to the will: how exerting physical effort boosts the sense of agency,VABB-1,574,578,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352736,,Mali: this is only the beginning,VABB-1,59,69,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352739,,From 'the second Katyn' to 'a day without Smolensk': Facebook responses to the Smolensk tragedy and its aftermath,VABB-4,228,238,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352744,,Op zoek naar de leek in de werkrechtersraden,VABB-4,95,120,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352745,,Adding translation to insult,VABB-4,140,148,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352746,,To be killed over and over again: a case study on juridification,VABB-4,335,341,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352748,,Implicit gambling attitudes in problem gamblers: positive but not negative implicit associations,VABB-1,94,97,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352750,,Adjusting medical school admission: assessing interpersonal skills using situational judgement tests,VABB-1,182,189,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352751,,Legitieme modekritiek: legitieme mode? Moderecensies in kwaliteitskranten,VABB-1,125,142,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352752,,'Eerst ben ik gestopt met drugsgebruik :' desistance versus proces van herstel bij drugsgebruikende delinquenten,VABB-1,19,30,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352753,,Opgepast met minutenkredieten bij oprichting en kapitaalverhoging: noot onder Cass. 2 oktober 2012 en Antwerpen 5 januari 2012,VABB-1,780,785,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352755,,Graphic grotesque? Comics adaptations of Bohumil Hrabal and Bruno Schulz,VABB-1,175,202,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352756,,The depiction of the worst thing: on the meaning and use of images of the terrible,VABB-1,5,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352760,,De (ruime) interpretatie van het concept 'voorwetenschap' door het Europese Hof van Justitie in het Geltl-arrest,VABB-1,179,188,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352764,,Quality of life in persons with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems: an explorative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352765,,"Een eenzame kuil met aardewerk uit de late bronstijd-vroege ijzertijd te Aalter/Drogenbroodstraat (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,71,76,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352766,,"Overzicht rechtspraak: binnenvaart, duwvaart en sleepvaart",VABB-1,2107,2150,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352770,,Bilingualism and the increased attentional blink effect: evidence that the difference between bilinguals and monolinguals generalizes to different levels of second language proficiency,VABB-1,728,737,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352771,,Aspect change in verb chains,VABB-4,208,211,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352774,,Theta burst stimulation applied over primary motor and somatosensory cortices produces analgesia unrelated to the changes in nociceptive event-related potentials,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352776,,Negatief declaratoire vordering nu ook mogelijk voor de gerechten van de plaats van de onrechtmatige daad: noot onder Hof van Justitie 25 oktober 2012,VABB-1,7,10,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352777,,L'écriture et 'la forêt',VABB-1,337,353,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:352778,,De macht van het getal: een statistische kritiek van de bevolkingsstatistieken in België (1801-1976),VABB-1,74,113,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:352779,,A comment on Farwell (2012): brain fingerprinting: a comprehensive tutorial review of detection of concealed information with event-related brain potentials,VABB-1,155,158,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352781,,Het Frans als doorgeefluik van een Vlaams verleden: Hendrik Conscience in handen van Georges Eekhoud,VABB-1,241,256,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352782,,Milk fat globule membrane glycoproteins prevent adhesion of the colonic microbiota and result in increased bacterial butyrate production,VABB-1,99,109,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352784,,Spousal influence on mammography screening: a life course perspective,VABB-1,63,70,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352785,,De angel in het gewone: ontdekkingstochten door het dagelijks leven in bezet België (1914-1919),VABB-1,9,17,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352786,,Being healthy or looking good? The effectiveness of health versus appearance focused arguments in two-sided messages,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352787,,"Pronouns (Demonstrative, Interrogative, Indefinite, Relative)",VABB-4,158,161,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:352788,,Biogerontology: a promising route to cost containment in healthcare?,VABB-4,251,266,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352790,,Luristan during the Iron Age,VABB-4,377,391,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352791,,Movement and mobility: an introduction,VABB-4,11,28,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352793,,"Art. 20bis, 20ter en 20quater van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994",VABB-4,1,22,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352794,,Art. 3.17 en 3.18 BVIE,VABB-4,1,35,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352800,,The socialization potential of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum,VABB-1,95,110,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352801,,Narrative across versions: narratology meets genetic criticism,VABB-1,281,326,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352802,,Wat brengt een Brede School teweeg?,VABB-1,77,84,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352805,,"'Hey, this is not like me!' Convergent validity and personal validation of computerized personality reports",VABB-1,287,294,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352806,,"Away with linguists! Normativity, inequality and metascientific reflexivity in sociolinguistic fieldwork",VABB-1,725,749,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352807,,Recovering directed networks in neuroimaging datasets using partially conditioned Granger causality,VABB-1,294,301,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352808,,Studenten aan het woord: wie is er geinteresseerd in een wetenschappelijke loopbaan?,VABB-1,234,242,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352811,,Emotional exhaustion and motivation in physical education teachers: a variable-centered and person-centered approach,VABB-1,305,320,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352812,,"European consumer image of farmed fish, wild fish, seabass and seabream",VABB-1,1017,1033,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352813,,Consumer attitudes to different pig production systems: a study from mainland China,VABB-1,443,455,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352815,,Interactive nationhood: the relation between Croatian and Yugsolav national identity in the interwar period,VABB-1,781,798,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352816,,Remembering Auðr/Unnr djúp(a)uðga Ketilsdóttir: construction of cultural memory and female religious identity,VABB-1,61,78,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352817,,European Court of Justice opens the door further to torpedo proceedings: note under European Court of Justice 25 October 2012,VABB-1,25,28,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352818,,Legt het Hof van Cassatie de milieus- takingsvordering namens de gemeente aan banden?,VABB-1,248,251,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352822,,Why Jecker's capabilities approach to age-based rationing is incapable of containing healthcare costs,VABB-1,22,23,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352823,,De bescherming van de consument van financiële diensten,VABB-1,165,179,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352824,,"Effects of requested, forced and denied shift schedule change on work ability and health of nurses in Europe: results from the European NEXT-Study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352828,,Eurosonggevangenissen: een reisverhaal uit Azerbeidzjan,VABB-1,17,26,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352829,,What can we learn from monkeys about orthographic processing in humans? A reply to Ziegler et al,VABB-1,1868,1869,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352830,,"The social and economic mission of social enterprises: dimensions, measurement, validation, and relation",VABB-1,1051,1082,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:352831,,Een geïntegreerd drugsbeleid in de gevangenis: zorgen voor morgen,VABB-1,15,20,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352841,,Cross-cultural data collection with the GRID instrument,VABB-4,98,105,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352846,,Multilateralism at the heart of the European security strategy,VABB-4,59,71,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352847,,The fantastic queer: reading gay representations in Torchwood and True Blood as articulations of queer resistance,VABB-1,102,116,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352848,,A favorable built environment is associated with better physical fitness in European adolescents,VABB-1,844,849,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352849,,Contextualizing the Arab revolts: the politics behind three decades of neoliberalism in the Arab World,VABB-1,213,234,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352850,,Jumbo-sized artifacts of operatic practice: the opportunities and challenges of historical stage sets,VABB-1,115,125,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352851,,La relevancia local de procesos de justicia transicional voces de sobrevivientes indígenas sobre justicia y reconciliación en Guatemala posconflicto,VABB-1,85,112,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:352855,,"Reconceptualizing materialism as identity goal pursuits: functions, processes, and consequences",VABB-1,1179,1185,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352863,,"Two forgotten amphorae from the Hamburg excavations at Carthage (Cyprus, and the Iberian Peninsula) and their contexts",VABB-1,91,128,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352865,,A boom of the experiment: lyricisation in the sixties,VABB-1,605,627,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352866,,"A human relationship with stone and mortar (Stadshal, Ghent)",VABB-1,118,123,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352867,,The service role of outside boards in high tech start-ups: a resource dependency perspective,VABB-1,69,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352870,,Ouderdom en ouder worden in (her-)opvoeringen van 'Le Sacre du Printemps',VABB-1,198,220,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352871,,'Marktplaats 76' door Jan Lauwers en Needcompany: een caleidoscoop aan zijdelingse beelden van traumatisch geweld,VABB-1,287,290,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352872,,A defence of the focus hypothesis concerning Late Medieval Greek object clitic pronouns: a case study of light verbs in the chronicle of Morea,VABB-1,185,209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352873,,Effectiveness and feasibility of lowering playground density during recess to promote physical activity and decrease sedentary time at primary school,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352874,,Vulnerable groups: the promise of an emerging concept in European Human Rights Convention law,VABB-1,1056,1085,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352876,,In the name of atheism: a critical response to Philipp Blom's book 'A wicked company',VABB-1,127,135,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352882,,Foreign reporting and sourcing practices in the network sphere: a quantitative content analysis of the Arab Spring in Flemish news media,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:352883,,Cultural dimensions of group litigation: the Belgian case,VABB-1,433,480,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352884,,"Access to irrigation water and distribution of water rights in the Abanico Punata, Bolivia",VABB-1,1008,1021,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352885,,Emotional intelligence predicts success in medical school,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352887,,CSDP: the strategic perspective,VABB-4,63,85,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352893,,The duty of cooperation of the respondent state during the proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-4,37,68,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352894,,L'attribut du sujet: à la recherche de l'unité dans la diversité,VABB-4,251,262,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:352895,,How advertising beauty influences children's self-perception and behavior,VABB-4,327,347,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352897,,Syriac Iliupersides: the fall of Troy in Syriac historiography,VABB-1,285,317,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352898,,Het Belgische beheer van noodsituaties aan de orde gesteld,VABB-1,2,5,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352899,,Control of automated behavior: insights from the discrete sequence production task,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352901,,Nosce te ipsum: Socrates revisited? Controlling momentary ruminative self-referent thoughts by neuromodulation of emotional working memory,VABB-1,2581,2589,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352902,,High-sensitivity C-reactive Protein is a Predictive Factor of Adiposity in Children: Results of the Identification and prevention of Dietary- and lifestyle-induced health Effects in Children and InfantS (IDEFICS) Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352903,,"Debate. Beyond Belgium: encounters, exchanges and entanglements, 1900-1925",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352904,,"Order of subject, object, and verb",VABB-4,2,5,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352905,,Predicative adjectives,VABB-4,294,297,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352906,,Learning democracy in social work,VABB-4,43,54,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352908,,"Socio-economic, behavioural, (neuro)psychological and clinical determinants of HRQoL in people living with HIV: a pilot study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352916,,Neighborhood differences in social capital in Ghent (Belgium): a multilevel approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352917,,Situational causes of offending: a fixed-effects analysis of space-time budget data,VABB-1,895,926,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352918,,'Cijfers liegen niet': gebruiken raadsleden financiële informatie tijdens de budgetbespreking in de gemeenteraad?,VABB-1,13,30,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352919,,"Peace without money, war without Americans: challenges for European strategy",VABB-1,1125,1142,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352920,,The new arbitration law: Belgium adopted the uncitral model law,VABB-1,147,183,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352921,,De verloren zege van ee lingua franca: het Frans aan de vooravond van de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,184,200,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352922,,"Exchanging architecture and urban planning practices during the Cold War: between political ideology, architectural ambition, and economic opportunity",VABB-1,1134,1142,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352923,,Evaluating serratus anterior muscle function in neck pain using muscle functional magnetic resonance imaging,VABB-1,629,635,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:352924,,Phonological recoding in error detection: a cross-sectional study in beginning readers of Dutch,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352925,,Constraints on the causative derivation in early Vedic: Evidence for a diachronic typology of transitivity,VABB-1,79,101,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352927,,An android tablet tool for enterprise architecture modeling in small and medium-sized enterprises,VABB-5,145,160,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352930,,Marking of patient noun phrases,VABB-4,226,229,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352933,,Order of adposition and noun phrase,VABB-4,14,17,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352944,,La Pauvreté en Belgique: tableaux et graphiques,VABB-4,381,435,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:352946,,The 'mirror of the soul': the expression component,VABB-4,156,169,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352947,,General theories of explanation: buyer beware,VABB-1,379,396,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352948,,Lacanian psychoanalysis and management research: on the possibilities and limits of convergence,VABB-1,1664,1677,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352950,,PP for 'product placement' or 'puzzled public'? The effectiveness of symbols as warnings of product placement and the moderating role of brand recall,VABB-1,419,442,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352952,,Ethiek en kritiek in de vertaling van het nazidiscours: over de plaats en de grenzen van vertaling,VABB-1,27,33,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352956,,Testing the triple-match principle among technology employees,VABB-1,658,669,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352958,,Nieuwe Arbitragewet: België is voortaan een 'Unicitral Modelwet'-land,VABB-1,726,736,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352959,,Crude oil–corn–ethanol – nexus: a contextual approach,VABB-1,504,513,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352960,,The television struggle: an assessment of over-the-top television evolutions in a cable dominant market,VABB-1,43,61,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352961,,Cortical thickness of superior frontal cortex predicts impulsiveness and perceptual reasoning in adolescence,VABB-1,624,630,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352964,,Der deutsche 'Drang nach Osten': Plädoyer für eine linguistisch fundierte historische Stereotypenforschung,VABB-1,273,289,,ger,2013,1 c:vabb:352966,,"Caught between aspiration and anxiety, praise and exhortation: an Arabic literary offering to the Ottoman Sultan Selīm I",VABB-1,181,239,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352967,,Situation assessment as an ignored factor in the behavioral consistency paradigm underlying the validity of personnel selection procedures,VABB-1,326,341,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352968,,"Smoking patterns, depression, and sociodemographic variables among Flemish women durinbg pregnancy and the postpartum period",VABB-1,394,404,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352970,,Nostalgie bij de breuk met het verleden: Bilderdijk en Feith over geuzen en patriotten,VABB-1,125,140,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:352971,,'Unpopular Past': the Argentine Madres de Plaza de Mayo and their rebellion against history,VABB-4,331,351,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352972,,Fundamentals of embodied music cognition: a basis for studying the power of music,VABB-4,17,34,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352975,,Language testing and access,VABB-4,11,44,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352976,,Later medieval and early modern urban elites: social categories and social dynamics,VABB-4,3,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:352979,,Spinal cord stimulation for predominant low back pain in failed back surgery syndrome: study protocol for an international multicenter randomized controlled trial (PROMISE study),VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352980,,Evidence-based health care policy in reimbursement decisions: lessons from a series of six equivocal case-studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352982,,Vaccination against herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in France: a cost-effectiveness analysis,VABB-1,393,406,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352983,,"The relationship between economic status, knowledge on dengue, risk perceptions and practices",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:352984,,"Terechtzitting en mondeling debat voor de afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State: verba volent, scripta manent?",VABB-1,974,1000,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:352985,,Multiple components of developmental dyscalculia,VABB-1,43,47,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352989,,L'individuo e la folla: d'Annunzio e la retorica bellica del 'Notturno',VABB-4,22,30,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:352990,,Hubert Van Herreweghen,VABB-4,1,17,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352992,,L'intégration linguistique en Europe: quelques observations critiques,VABB-4,153,171,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:352993,,De toepasselijkheid van algemene bestuursrechtelijke regimes op de gemeentelijk verzelfstandigde agentschappen en de intergemeentelijke samenwerkingsverbanden,VABB-4,383,417,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:352997,,'Albanskata vryzka' na Grigor Pyrlichev (Grigor Pyrlichev's 'Albanian connection'),VABB-1,25,35,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:352998,,Intergenerational transmission in a bidirectional context,VABB-1,7,23,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353000,,Het profiel van onderwijsonderzoekers en hun opvattingen over samenwerking met de onderwijspraktijk,VABB-1,364,376,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:353001,,Lifespan extension and the doctrine of double effect,VABB-1,207,226,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353002,,Desarraigo y nostalgia: el motivo de la vuelta a casa en tres novelas chilenas recientes,VABB-1,139,157,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:353004,,Reflections on Sino-Belgian judicial assistance in civil and commercial matters,VABB-1,50,56,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353006,,The predictive validity of selection for entry into postgraduate training in general practice: evidence from three longitudinal studies,VABB-1,E734,E741,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353007,,Predictors of validity and reliability of a physical activity record in adolescents,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353009,,Nieuwe Belgische mededingingsautoriteit,VABB-1,929,938,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353011,,Crossing Kings and Monks: the internal consistency of the Dipavamsa reconsidered,VABB-1,471,486,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353012,,Standaardmotivering? Motiveringen van jeugdrechters betreffende maatregelen bij minderjarigen met een psychiatrische stoornis,VABB-1,368,393,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353017,,Locational transport models: production and attraction,VABB-4,365,380,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353025,,Use and effects of cardiac rehabilitation in patients with coronary heart disease: results from the EUROASPIRE III survey,VABB-1,817,826,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353026,,An economic approach to household collection of gum arabic from the wild,VABB-1,255,269,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353029,,The dance without the dancer: writing dance in digital scores,VABB-1,120,128,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353031,,"One experiment, different uses: floating magnetic bodies in Peregrinus, Norman and Gilbert",VABB-1,81,103,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353032,,Digitizing the monolingual Lusoga dictionary: challenges and prospects,VABB-1,297,322,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353033,,Sequential motor skill in preadolescent children: the development of automaticity,VABB-1,607,623,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353034,,Studying physical activity using social media: an analysis of the added value of RunKeeper tweets,VABB-1,16,28,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353035,,Adaptation of the GRID instrument in Setswana,VABB-4,455,461,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353036,,"Promises delivered, future opportunities, and challenges for the GRID paradigm",VABB-4,542,559,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353042,,Women and their bodies in the popular reading of 1910,VABB-1,62,80,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353044,,City and reciprocity: the role of cultural beliefs in the Roman economy,VABB-1,597,627,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353047,,Drie generaties documentaire literatuur: theorie en voorgeschiedenis van de experimentele documentaire,VABB-1,135,153,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353048,,Increasing anonymity in peer assessment by using classroom response technology within face-to-face higher education,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:353049,,Improving customer acquisition models by incorporating spatial autocorrelation at different levels of granularity,VABB-1,73,90,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353050,,Is justification dialectical?,VABB-1,182,201,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353051,,"The PhD track: who succeeds, who drops out?",VABB-1,199,209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353052,,"The Flemish movement and Flemish nationalism: instruments, historiography and debates",VABB-1,50,80,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353053,,Spatial variation in the potential for social interaction: a case study in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,318,331,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353054,,Neighborhood perceptions moderate the association between the family environment and children's objectively assessed physical activity,VABB-1,203,209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353055,,Franjes en flarden: Hugo Claus' reprise van Genesis (1969) in Heer Everzwijn (1970) en verzamelbundels,VABB-1,43,56,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353058,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie): november 2012 – februari 2013,VABB-1,242,254,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353059,,Diaspora girls doing identities' Creating ideal television programmes and narratives of the self,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353061,,Assessing aberrant personality in managerial coaching: measurement issues and prevalence rates across employment sectors,VABB-1,555,564,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353062,,Continuous deep sedation until death in nursing home residents with dementia: a case series,VABB-1,1768,1776,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353063,,Community experiences and perceptions of reproductive health vouchers in Kenya,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353068,,Charles-Xavier Sainctelette en de geboorte van de moderne arbeidsovereenkomst in België,VABB-4,43,69,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353069,,Van vette vis tot dieetpil: vijftien jaar elektronisch toezicht in België,VABB-4,11,41,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353075,,Breaking boundaries: letter transpositions and morphological processing,VABB-1,988,1003,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353078,,Naar nieuwe samenwerkingsvormen tussen onderwijsonderzoek en onderwijspraktijk,VABB-1,364,376,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:353079,,Environmental history in Belgian historiography,VABB-1,173,186,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353080,,Panoptic city: topography and photography of the scrutinizing gaze,VABB-4,89,100,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353081,,How gendered was thirteenth century clairvoyance? The case of Simon of Aulne,VABB-4,95,126,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353084,,General introduction: a paradigm for a multidisciplinary investigation of the meaning of emotion terms,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353085,,Technical and clinical breast cancer screening performance indicators for computed radiography versus direct digital radiography,VABB-1,2891,2898,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353088,,The rhetorical turn in contemporary art and ethnography,VABB-1,627,640,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353089,,The emergence of a parallel system of social security coordination,VABB-1,1221,1266,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353090,,Too strict or too loose? Perfectionism and impulsivity: the relation with eating disorder symptoms using a person-centered approach,VABB-1,17,23,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353091,,Distinguishing causative and permissive readings of the Swedish verb låta,VABB-1,64,89,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353092,,"Horace, Carmen 4.2.53–60: another look at the Vitulus",VABB-1,346,352,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:353093,,Egyptian activism against female genital cutting as catachrestic claiming,VABB-1,222,239,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353094,,Transparency in treaty based investor-state arbitration: the draft UNCITRAL rules on transparency,VABB-1,73,98,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353105,,Barriers and facilitators for general practitioners to engage in advance care planning: a systematic review,VABB-1,215,226,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353107,,Parent-worker relationships in child & family social work: a Belgian case study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353108,,Challenging small-scale farming: a non-parametric analysis of the (inverse) relationship between farm productivity and farm size in Burundi,VABB-1,319,342,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353109,,"God bless our children?: the role of generation, discrimination and religious context for migrants' religion in Europe",VABB-1,23,27,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353111,,Incentive processing in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH): a reward-based antisaccade study,VABB-1,716,721,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353112,,Grey matter volume in adolescent anxiety: an impact of the Brain-derived neurotropic factor Val66Met polymorphism?,VABB-1,184,195,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353113,,Art. 2 van de wet van 30 juni 1994 betreffende de bescherming van computerprogramma's,VABB-4,1,9,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353116,,European corporate governance codes and their effectiveness,VABB-4,67,142,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353126,,Person monitoring with Bluetooth tracking,VABB-4,277,294,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353129,,Boundary work,VABB-4,61,78,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353130,,Epistemology and style: the balancing of art and religion in the je ne sais quoi,VABB-4,91,112,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:353133,,High loading of polygenic risk for ADHD in children with comorbid aggression,VABB-1,909,916,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353134,,"De geest is uit de fles: wijzigingen titels V, VI en VII basiswet gevangeniswezen en rechtspositie van gedetineerden",VABB-1,513,522,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353135,,5-HT2A Receptors in the feline brain: 123I-5-I-R91150 kinetics and the influence of ketamine measured with micro-SPECT,VABB-1,1428,1433,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353136,,Conflicts and instability in Roman Africa and Gaius' realpolitik,VABB-1,725,741,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353137,,De armband van Metternich: het vrouwelijke seksuele lichaam als object en instrument,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353138,,Will mandated network steering do the trick? A balanced assessment of the Belgian network 'Crossroads Bank for Enterprises',VABB-1,47,64,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353139,,"Improved radiocarbon dating for contaminated archaeological bone collagen, silk, wool and hair samples via cross-flow nanofiltrated amino acids",VABB-1,2039,2050,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353141,,Do students with dyslexia have a different personality profile as measured with the Big Five?,VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:353144,,Openness as predictor of political orientation and activism across Europe,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353146,,"Curriculum tracking and teacher evaluations of individual students: selection, adjustment or labeling?",VABB-1,329,352,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353147,,Kroniek boekhoudrecht (mei 2012-april 2013),VABB-1,339,388,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353148,,Classification system of the sagittal standing alignment in young adolescent girls,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353150,,Towards more energy efficient domestic appliances? Measuring the perception of households on smart appliances,VABB-1,689,700,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353151,,Simulation based decision support for strategic communication and marketing management concerning the consumer introduction of smart energy meters,VABB-1,75,104,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353152,,"Impact of addiction severity and psychiatric comorbidity on quality of life of alcohol-, drug- and dual-dependent persons in residential treatment",VABB-1,173,183,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353154,,Are investments in groundwater irrigation profitable?: a case of rice farms from South India,VABB-1,52,66,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353155,,Tapping into the field of foreign language learning games,VABB-1,44,60,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353156,,Is the impact of labor taxes on unemployment asymmetric,VABB-1,143,154,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353157,,Neural oscillations in the EEG under varying cognitive load: a comparative study between slow waves and faster oscillations,VABB-1,247,262,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353158,,Juan Ruiz de Alarcón y Alfonso Reyes entre dos orillas,VABB-1,1,20,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:353159,,Bank competition and stability: cross-country heterogeneity,VABB-1,218,244,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353160,,Beïnvloedende factoren van ouderbetrokkenheid: een empirische studie in traditionele en methodescholen,VABB-1,207,224,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:353161,,Commenting on pictures: teens negotiating gender and sexualities on social networking sites,VABB-1,565,586,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353164,,"The why, the what, and the how of the GRID instrument",VABB-4,83,97,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353166,,The meaning of pride across cultures,VABB-4,377,387,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353167,,A discussion about the different modal split methodologies used in CIVITAS ELAN,VABB-4,307,325,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353168,,"The dimensional, basic, and componential emotion approaches to meaning in psychological emotion research",VABB-4,31,45,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353170,,"Evaluatie van het onderwijspersoneel: beleid en praktijk in het Vlaamse secundair onderwijs, centra voor leerlingenbegeleiding en voor volwassenenonderwijs",VABB-2,,,420 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353172,,Les structures corrélatives en plus ... plus: le point de vue des marqueurs de liaison,VABB-4,235,250,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:353173,,From meaning to experience: the dimensional structure of emotional experiences,VABB-4,243,260,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353174,,Types of anger in Spanish and Russian,VABB-4,339,352,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353179,,Emotion is for doing: the action tendency component,VABB-4,170,185,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353180,,Catilina: Lucius Sergius Catilina,VABB-4,247,258,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:353183,,"Nutritional status, self-identification as a traditional food consumer and motives for food choice in six European countries",VABB-1,1297,1312,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353184,,A succession of wishes the triptych of the baptism of Christ by Gerard David,VABB-1,13,50,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353190,,Development and evaluation of a new occupational medicine teaching module to advance self-efficacy and knowledge among medical students,VABB-1,1276,1280,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353191,,Lifelong learning and the counter/professionalisation of child care: A case study of local hybridizations of global European discourses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353192,,Enhanced decision support in credit scoring using Bayesian binary quantile regression,VABB-1,1374,1383,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353193,,"Land reform, dispossession and new elites: a case study on coconut plantations in Davao Oriental, Philippines",VABB-1,232,245,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353195,,"Does science presuppose naturalism (or, indeed, anything at all)?",VABB-1,921,949,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353196,,The hypothesis that saves the day: ad hoc reasoning in pseudoscience,VABB-1,245,258,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353197,,Phantasms of War and Empire in Pat Barker's The Ghost Road,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353199,,Exploring the co-evolution of the geographies of air transport aviation and corporate networks,VABB-1,26,36,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353200,,"How to cope with mobility expectations in academia: individual travel strategies of tenured academics at Ghent University, Flanders",VABB-1,12,20,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353201,,History of interaction and task distribution modulate action simulation,VABB-1,1240,1247,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353205,,Intentional inhibition in human action: the power of 'no',VABB-1,1107,1118,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:353206,,'quidem' as a marker of emphatic polarity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353207,,Old Norse as an NP language: with observations on the common norse and Northwest Germanic runic inscriptions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353208,,Aging and attentional bias for death related and general threat-related information: less avoidance in older as compared with middle-aged adults,VABB-1,41,48,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353209,,Procreative altruism: beyond individualism in reproductive selection,VABB-1,400,419,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353211,,As multiform as Dionysus: new perspectives on Nonnus' Dionysiaka,VABB-1,267,278,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353216,,Consider somaliland: state-building with traditional leaders and institutions,VABB-2,,,"XXII, 290 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353217,,Alignment and ergativity in New Indo-Aryan languages,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353219,,Educational research: the attraction of psychology,VABB-2,,,"VIII, 184 p.",eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353225,,The existential philosophy of Etty Hillesum: an analysis of her diaries and letters,VABB-2,,,"XXIX, 691 p.",dut,2014,2 c:vabb:353230,,Postcolonial witnessing: trauma out of bounds,VABB-2,,,170 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353232,,TExSIS: bilingual terminology extraction from parallel corpora using chunk-based alignment,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353233,,"Assessing the constraints to adopt water and soil conservation techniques in Tillaberi, Niger",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:353235,,"Echtscheiding, conflict en mentale gezondheid: hoe conflict met de ex- en nieuwe partner gerelateerd is aan welzijn na scheiding",VABB-1,1,19,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:353236,,Methods for studying naturally occurring human pain and their analogues,VABB-1,190,199,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353237,,"Kinderen van God? De rol van generatie, discriminatie en religieuze context voor de religie van migranten in Europa",VABB-1,5,35,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353239,,Promoting dental hygiene to children: comparing traditional and interactive media following threat appeals,VABB-1,561,576,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353240,,What if we took autonomous recovery seriously? A democratic critique of contemporary western ethical foreign policy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353242,,Neural underpinnings of impaired predictive motor timing in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder,VABB-1,1478,1487,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353243,,"Norms of valence, arousal, and dominance for 13,915 English lemmas",VABB-1,1191,1207,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353244,,Symmetry detection in typically and atypically speech lateralized individuals: a visual half-field study,VABB-1,2611,2619,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353245,,Using motivation theory to develop a transformative consumer research agenda for reducing materialism in society,VABB-1,18,31,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353248,,Assessing spatio-temporal rainfall variability in a tropical mountain area (Ethiopia) using NOAA's rainfall estimates,VABB-1,8319,8335,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353249,,Online ADR in Europa en België: a new frontier,VABB-1,26,45,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353250,,Het attest van geen huwelijksbeletsel: van administratieve praktijk naar wettelijke verankering,VABB-1,301,309,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353252,,'Do (not) go to vote!' Media provocation explained,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353253,,Introducing a telemonitoring platform for diabetic patients in primary care: will it increase the socio-digital divide?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353254,,Exploring the potential of multi-receiver EMI survey for geoarchaeological prospection: a 90 ha dataset,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353255,,Vrijwilligheid in de hulpverlening: een case study in de thuislozenzorg,VABB-1,144,147,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353256,,Predicting educational success and attrition in problem-based learning: do first impressions count?,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353258,,Keeping pain out of your mind: the role of attentional set in pain,VABB-1,402,411,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353259,,The predictive value of attentional bias towards pain-reltaed information in chronic pain patients: a diary study,VABB-1,468,475,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353260,,Arguments for an increasing differentiation towards fibrocartilaginous components in midportion Achilles tendinopathy,VABB-1,1459,1467,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353262,,Objectivity in law and legal reasoning,VABB-2,,,278 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353264,,'The main business of natural philosophy :' Isaac Newton's natural-philosophical methodology,VABB-2,,,352 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353279,,The power of music: researching musical experiences: a viewpoint from IPEM,VABB-2,,,136 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353280,,Cultural studies and critical literacies,VABB-1,443,456,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353281,,'What is the meaning of a safety pin?': critical literacies and the ethnographic turn in contemporary art,VABB-1,507,520,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353284,,Early and late systolic wall stress differentially relate to myocardial contraction and relaxation in middle-aged adults: the Asklepios study,VABB-1,296,303,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353286,,Geistliche Lieder zwischen Sakralität und Vernakularität: Norm und Variation in der Prosta Mova,VABB-1,184,208,,ger,2013,1 c:vabb:353287,,(Van) filosofie naar de natuur: Goethe's overgave,VABB-1,241,248,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:353288,,"Between integration, autonomization and radicalization: Hamit Bozarslan on the Kurdish Movement and the Turkish Left",VABB-1,2,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353289,,The 3-D reconstruction of medieval wetland reclamation through electromagnetic induction survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353291,,Four applications of embodied cognition,VABB-1,786,793,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:353293,,Sedentary behaviour and clustered metabolic risk in adolescents: the HELENA study,VABB-1,1017,1024,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353294,,"Association of socioeconomic status, truncal fat and sICAM-1 with carotid intima-media thickness in adolescents: the HELENA study",VABB-1,460,465,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353295,,Independent and combined effects of physical activity and sedentary behavior on blood pressure in adolescents: gender differences in two cross-sectional studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353297,,Punishment and reward sensitivity: are naturally occurring clusters in these traits related to eating and weight problems in adolescents?,VABB-1,184,194,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353300,,"Depression, anxiety, and risk factor control in patients after hospitalization for coronary heart disease: the EUROASPIRE III Study.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353303,,'La severità e l’ira terribile di un io non più nostro...' Guerra e narrazione autodiegetica nel primo Gadda,VABB-1,83,92,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:353304,,Auditory perception of note transitions in simulated complex bowing patterns,VABB-1,4311,4320,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353308,,"Hij komt, hij komt! Kritische bedenkingen bij DSM-5",VABB-1,823,830,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353310,,Handboek management accounting: kostprijsberekening voor managementbeslissingen,VABB-2,,,432 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353318,,What makes an ICT policy plan so effective?,VABB-1,22,29,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353325,,Regionalism and modernity: architecture in Western Europe 1914-1940,VABB-2,,,240 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353327,,Troisième livre des procurateurs de la nation germanique de l'ancienne Université d'Orléans 1567-1587: texte des rapports des procurateurs,VABB-2,,,808 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:353329,,Azithromycin for prevention of exacerbations in severe asthma (AZISAST): a multicentre randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial,VABB-1,322,329,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353333,,Technology classification with latent semantic indexing,VABB-1,1786,1795,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353336,,Hertselrecht en bemiddeling: wapens in de strijd tegen 'punitivisme'?,VABB-1,56,65,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353337,,Subgroup conflicts? Try the psychodramatic 'double triad method',VABB-1,253,281,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:353338,,The impact of the bass drum on human dance movement,VABB-1,349,359,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353339,,Speciesism as a moral heuristic,VABB-1,489,501,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353344,,"On the right to know and the use of double standards: response to open peer commentaries on ""The right to know your genetic origins: from open identity gamete donation to routine paternity testing",VABB-1,W6,W8,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353346,,Dynamics and ethics of comprehensive preimplantation genetic testing: a review of the challenges,VABB-1,366,375,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353349,,"See what I see, do as I do: promoting joint attention and imitation in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353350,,Feature-specific attention allocation modulates the generalization of recently acquired likes and dislikes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353351,,"Demone d’amore: l'aggettivo δολοπλόκος tra Afrodite e il Maligno (Gr. Naz. carm. II,1,50 v. 1)",VABB-1,,,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:353354,,"'That I live, that's because of her': intersectionality as a Framework for unaccompanied refugee mothers",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353355,,De aanhoudende invloed van Europa op de Belgische Saduzwet,VABB-1,91,106,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353357,,The content of educational technology curricula: a cross-curricular state of the art,VABB-1,131,151,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353358,,Schrijven als gebeurtenis: de omwerking van het dagboek in Ivo Michiels' Journal brut,VABB-1,87,98,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353359,,The consumption of flavored milk among a children population: the influence of beliefs and the association of brands with emotions,VABB-1,279,286,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353360,,Sustainable forest management in Iran: a factor analysis,VABB-1,543,551,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353361,,The impact of effort-reward imbalance and learning motivation on teachers' sickness absence,VABB-1,14,21,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353362,,Instruction-based response activation depends on task preparation,VABB-1,481,487,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353364,,Micro-Sociology on the rise: the changing sociological field in the 1960s and the case of conversation analysis,VABB-1,198,216,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353365,,A multidisciplinary approach to reconstructing Late Glacial and Early Holocene landscapes,VABB-1,1260,1267,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353368,,"Reform, conflict, and the shaping of corporate identities: collected studies on Benedictine monasticism in medieval Flanders, c. 1050 – c. 1150",VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353372,,De (performantie-)audit in de publieke sector en de non-profitsector,VABB-2,,,340 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353376,,Novel all-natural microcapsules from gelatin and shellac for biorelated applications,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353377,,The architectural theatricalization in William Beckford’s 'Vathek,VABB-1,163,168,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353378,,War: 'A railway running across a picturesque mountain scene': images of nature in the literature of the great war,VABB-1,141,153,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353381,,Syntactic priming in bilingual patients with parallel and differential aphasia,VABB-1,867,887,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353382,,Kernel factory: an ensemble of kernel machines,VABB-1,2904,2913,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353383,,The nineteenth century conflict between mechanism and irreversibility,VABB-1,191,205,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353384,,Agenda setting of the EU mission in Kosovo: a constructivist read,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353386,,Terugvordering 'optieprijs/waarborg' betaald aan onbevoegde makelaar: noot onder Rb. Gent 29 maart 2011,VABB-1,502,507,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353388,,Over het planmatig vernietigen van plannen,VABB-1,289,292,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:353391,,Information systems and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): state of art of IS research in SMEs,VABB-3,,,500 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:353392,,John Buchan and the idea of modernity,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353395,,"Food supply, demand and trade: aspects of the economic relationship between town and countryside (Middle Ages: 19th century)",VABB-3,,,215 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353396,,Unpacking the influence of the council presidency on European Union external policies: the Polish council presidency and the eastern partnership,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353399,,The hot-hand fallacy in cognitive control: repetition expectancy modulates the congruency sequence effect,VABB-1,798,805,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353400,,Facing the Legacy of the 1990s: Saša Ilić's Berlinsko okno,VABB-1,13,27,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353401,,Getwitter en getwetter over de straf; rechten van gedetineerden: terug naar af,VABB-1,284,292,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353402,,Acceptance of game-based learning by secondary school teachers,VABB-1,21,35,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353403,,Fragmentation in global energy governance: explaining the creation of IRENA,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353404,,A comparative analysis on the micro-level genealogies of conflict in the Philippines' Mindanao Island and Indonesia's Ambon Island,VABB-1,155,172,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353405,,Interlingual lexical competition in a sentence context: evidence from the visual world paradigm,VABB-1,963,972,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353407,,Uit elkaar gaan: kenmerken van het echtscheidingsproces en het welbevinden van ex-partners na de scheiding,VABB-1,1,22,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:353408,,Validation of standard times and influencing factors during the development of the workload indicator for nursing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353409,,Samenwerken voor en met ICT: ICT-samenwerking tussen gemeenten en OCMW's multidimensionaal bekeken,VABB-1,41,55,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353410,,Incidental chest radiographic findings in adult patients with acute cough,VABB-1,510,515,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:353411,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie): maart 2013 - april 2013,VABB-1,391,402,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353412,,"No more credit to Europe?: cross-border bank lending, financial integration, and the rebirth of the national scale as a credit scorecard",VABB-1,2399,2419,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353413,,Grade retention and its association with school misconduct in adolescence: a multilevel approach,VABB-1,417,434,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353427,,Does high-quality corporate communication reduce insider trading profitability?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353428,,Evaluation of a mixed participatory method to improve mutual understanding between consumers and chain actors,VABB-1,121,140,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353430,,"De Europese rechter wijst strikte toepassing van de Aarhus-Verordening voor milieuorganisaties van de hand: één stap vooruit, twee stappen achteruit?",VABB-1,19,42,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353433,,De onmogelijkheid tot buitengerechtelijke ontbinding van een huurovereenkomst m.b.t. een onroerend goed,VABB-1,217,221,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353434,,Does career timing of challenging job assignments influence the relationship with in-role job performance?,VABB-1,61,67,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353435,,Landscapes or seascapes? The history of coastal environment in the North Sea area reconsidered,VABB-3,,,450 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353436,,Seksuele gezondheid in Vlaanderen,VABB-3,,,"XXI, 273 p.",dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353450,,Gottfried Benn: Gehirne,VABB-4,385,389,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:353453,,Tone,VABB-4,480,483,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353454,,Gender recognition depends on type of movement and motor skill: analyzing and perceiving biological motion in musical and nonmusical tasks,VABB-1,79,87,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353455,,"Applying a multidimensional, register-sensitive approach to visualize normalization in translated and non-translated Dutch",VABB-1,43,60,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353456,,Verleden en macht in Vondels Gijsbreght van Aemstel: een politieke theorie in een literaire vorm,VABB-1,123,144,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353457,,Affective modulation of cognitive control is determined by performance-contingency and mediated by ventromedial prefrontal and cingulate cortex,VABB-1,16961,16970,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353460,,Straffen in tijden van recht en kloosterorde,VABB-1,439,447,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353461,,Marksizem in vzpon konfucijanizma v sodobni Kitajski,VABB-1,131,151,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353462,,Moving over in(to) English and French: a translation-based study of 'overness',VABB-1,193,211,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353463,,Recruiting a nonlocal language for performing local identity: indexical appropriations of Lingala in the Congolese border town Goma,VABB-1,527,556,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353464,,"Noot bij Nr. 28 Vzr. Rb. Amsterdam 4 december 2012, A/B (belaging via internet)",VABB-1,282,285,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353468,,Relevance verbs in English and French: synonymy and its structural properties,VABB-1,793,823,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353471,,Unexpected and just missed: the separate influence of the appraisals of expectancy and proximity on negative emotions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353474,,Evidence for an illusion of causality when using the implicit association test to measure learning,VABB-1,303,311,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353478,,Role of information on consumers' willingness-to-pay for genetically-modified rice with health benefits: an application to China,VABB-1,391,408,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353479,,De Eerste Wereldoorlog onder de teelaarde,VABB-1,50,61,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353481,,"Exercise intolerance in heart failure: update on exercise parameters for diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic interventions",VABB-1,495,504,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353482,,Het no-showbeding in algemene vliegvoorwaarden: over de tegenstelbaarheid van algemene voorwaarden en de algemene verplichting tot informatie van de consument,VABB-1,55,67,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353484,,Human rights and civil liberties in the 21st century,VABB-3,,,262 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353487,,Michiel Coxcie and the giants of his age: 1499-1592,VABB-3,,,208 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353489,,Recto ordine procedit magister: liber amicorum E.C. Coppens,VABB-3,,,364 p.,lat,2013,2 c:vabb:353493,,Methodologies of legal research: which kind of method for what kind of discipline?,VABB-3,,,294 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353494,,Perfect,VABB-4,46,49,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:353496,,"Moving imagination, explorations of gesture and inner movement in the arts",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353497,,British literature and print culture,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353498,,Art after iconoclasm: painting in the Netherlands between 1566 and 1585,VABB-3,,,130 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353501,,The Routledge handbook of European security,VABB-3,,,358 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353502,,Perspectives on mobility,VABB-3,,,233 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353505,,A review of current evidence for the causal impact of attentional bias on fear and anxiety,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353506,,Formal business networking and SME growth,VABB-1,169,181,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353507,,Leer ficción de mujeres: las novelas de Liala entre la singularidad y la normalización,VABB-1,1,9,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:353509,,Examining antecedents and outcomes of part-time working nurses' motives to search and not to search for a full-time position,VABB-1,1608,1623,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353510,,Open innovation: a typology of user involvement in the context of the Web 2.0-paradigm,VABB-1,17,36,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353512,,Prevalence of cardiovascular disease and cancer during cross-sex hormone therapy in a large cohort of trans persons: a case-control study,VABB-1,471,478,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353518,,Mapping the voxel-wise effective connectome in resting state fMRI,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353519,,Effects of positive mood on attention broadening for self-related information,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353520,,Revisiting the ethnographic turn in contemporary art,VABB-1,459,473,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353521,,Evaluation and recommendation of pulse and tempo annotation in ethnic music,VABB-1,131,149,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353522,,"Tarsos, a modular platform for precise pitch analysis of Western",VABB-1,113,129,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353523,,Predicting the sensitivity of the reaction time-based concealed information test,VABB-1,328,335,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353524,,Gait kinematics of subjects with ankle instability using a multisegmented foot model,VABB-1,2129,2136,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353525,,(Un)covering Poland between PR and presidency: a quantitative content analysis of print news coverage of the Polish EU presidency in Flanders,VABB-1,109,120,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353526,,Voorbij de horizon: de symbolische parallellen tussen rap en crack,VABB-1,109,117,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353527,,Le chômage des jeunes en Belgiques: diagnostic et rémèdes clés,VABB-1,1,14,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:353529,,A comparative study of performance in simple and choice reaction time tasks between obese and healthy-weight children,VABB-1,2635,2641,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353530,,De invloed van draagmoederschap op adoptie,VABB-1,142,147,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353531,,Bayesian lasso binary quantile regression,VABB-1,2861,2873,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353534,,The EU and emerging powers in the 21st century: how Europe can shape a new global order,VABB-3,,,203 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353535,,International encyclopaedia of intellectual property: vol. 9,VABB-3,,,1204 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353537,,"Global cities, volume III: infrastructures for cities in globalization",VABB-3,,,490 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353541,,Speaking to the eye: sight and insight through text and image (1150-1650),VABB-3,,,311 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353547,,Bibliography of pragmatics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353549,,Optimal attentional focus during exposure therapy in specific phobia: a meta-analysis,VABB-1,1172,1183,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353550,,"Television habits in relation to overweight, diet and taste preferences in European children: the IDEFICS study",VABB-1,705,715,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:353551,,Relativism and universalism in interrogation fairness: a comparative analysis between Europe and China,VABB-1,183,213,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353553,,'Ik heb een punt willen zetten': de componeerpoëtica van Paul Snoek: compositieprincipes voor 'zelfbloemlezingen',VABB-1,57,73,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353554,,"Convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity of the pictorial attitude implicit association test and the picture story exercise as measures of the implicit power motive",VABB-1,30,38,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353555,,"The development and psychometric evaluation of a set of instruments to assess knowledge, self- management, and self-efficacy of diabetes patients",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353556,,Slavia Latina: eine Einführung in die Geschichte der slavischen Sprachen und Kulturen Ostmitteleuropas. München-Berlin 2012,VABB-1,363,367,,ger,2012,1 c:vabb:353557,,Hantise et remémoration: la marque corporelle dans Démon de Thierry Hesse,VABB-1,337,349,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:353558,,Translating taboo language in Joyce's Ulysses: a special edition in Spanish for Franco and Perón,VABB-1,137,154,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353559,,The influence of the noradrenergic system on optimal control of neural plasticity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353560,,Emerging multinationals from mid-range economies: the influence of institutions and factor markets,VABB-1,1295,1321,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353561,,Drivers of holding period firm-level returns in private equity-backed buyouts,VABB-1,2378,2391,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353562,,Agency of dwang? De zoektocht naar een passend beleid ten aanzien van sekswerk,VABB-1,2,5,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353565,,"Borderlands, identity and urban development: the case of Goma (Democratic Republic of the Congo)",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353567,,Een man van één stuk? Iconografie van en polemiek rond het Gentse monument voor François Laurent (1900-1908),VABB-1,284,296,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353568,,In memoriam Jacques Debergh (1945-2010),VABB-1,1,26,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:353569,,"Infants at risk for autism: a European perspective on current status, challenges and opportunities",VABB-1,341,348,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353571,,"Schizophrenia, myth and museum: architecture at documenta 8 (1987)",VABB-1,26,37,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353572,,The components of student–university identification and their impacts on the behavioural intentions of prospective students,VABB-1,586,598,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353573,,Towards a strategy-oriented value modeling language: identifying strategic elements of the VDML meta-model,VABB-1,454,462,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353574,,Intake and serum profile of fatty acids are weakly correlated with global dietary quality in European adolescents,VABB-1,411,419,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353577,,Sich Wohn- und Erzählraum schaffen: zur Bewältigung von Alterität in Melinda Nadj Abonjis Roman Tauben fliegen auf,VABB-4,113,126,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:353581,,Heart rate variability in patients with fibromyalgia and patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: a systematic review,VABB-1,279,287,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353584,,Test-retest reliability of the Örebro musculoskeletal pain screening questionnaire and the situational pain scale in patients with chronic low back pain,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353586,,One size fits all? The role of size in coalition formation and portfolio allocation after the local elections of 2006 in the Flemish region in Belgium,VABB-1,901,931,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353587,,Theory and method in higher education research,VABB-3,,,279 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353588,,"Tales of transit: narrative migrant spaces in Atlantic perspective, 1850-1950",VABB-3,,,242 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353590,,"Bastard or playmate? Adapting theatre, mutating media and the contemporary performing arts",VABB-3,,,264 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353591,,Carthage studies,VABB-3,,,128 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:353597,,Differential subject marking in Nepali: the agent marker le in imperfective constructions,VABB-1,585,610,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353599,,Neurobehavioural functioning in school-aged children with a corrected septal heart defect,VABB-1,23,30,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353600,,Policy and legal frameworks governing trees: incentives or disincentives for smallholder tree planting decisions in Cameroon?,VABB-1,489,505,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353601,,Transfer of eight phthalates through the milk chain: a case study,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353602,,"On reading Newton as an epicurean: Kant, spinozism and the changes to the principia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353603,,'Scholars should be considered the last of the four classes': the case of scholar-official Zheng Banqiao,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353604,,Health related quality of life in coronary patients and its association with their cardiovascular risk profile: results from the EUROASPIRE III survey,VABB-1,898,903,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353607,,Philosophy of pseudoscience: reconsidering the demarcation problem,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353608,,Naakt als glas: de tijd en mens-poëzie van Albert Bontridder,VABB-3,,,208 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353612,,Stories and minds: cognitive approaches to literary narrative,VABB-3,,,236 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353615,,Influencing factors of sedentary behavior in European preschool settings: an exploration through focus groups with teachers,VABB-1,654,661,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353618,,Nieuwe financieringstechnieken in de bancaire sector: covered bonds en de mobilisering van schuldvorderingen,VABB-1,147,172,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353621,,Mass of individual muscles in the lower extremities of women with the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: comment on the article by Rombaut et al: reply,VABB-1,1017,1018,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353623,,Uncovering French and Belgian face covering bans,VABB-1,69,99,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353624,,Literacy narratives as ethnography,VABB-1,641,654,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353625,,Central pulse pressure and its hemodynamic determinants in middle-aged adults with impaired fasting glucose and diabetes,VABB-1,2359,2365,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353626,,Theoretical aspects of shareholders' agreements,VABB-1,73,92,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353627,,'Can waiting awaken the resting brain?' A comparison of waiting- and cognitive task-induced attenuation of very low frequency neural oscillations,VABB-1,34,43,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353628,,Eenen geringen penning? Het spaargedrag van plattelandsdienstboden in Vlaanderen tijdens de achttiende eeuw,VABB-1,58,74,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353629,,International labour organizations in a global economy,VABB-1,301,307,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353633,,When does action comprehension need motor involvement? Evidence from upper limb aplasia,VABB-1,253,283,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353635,,Gender and Christianity in modern Europe: beyond the feminization thesis,VABB-3,,,240 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353636,,"Reproductive donation: policy, practice, and bioethics",VABB-3,,,"IX, 320 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353642,,Aspect markers and inchoative meaning,VABB-4,204,207,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353643,,Seeking for honour(s)?: the exploitation of philotimia and citizen benefactors in classical Athens,VABB-1,69,88,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353644,,Anal and oral word use in relation to dependency and self-criticism,VABB-1,NP16,NP20,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353645,,"'Observe all!': on the staging of fundamental fantasy, jouissance and gaze in Stanley Kubrick’s a clockwork orange",VABB-1,225,247,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353646,,"Transitivity, ecology and the emergence of verbal periphrasis in Ancient Greek",VABB-1,286,313,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353647,,Power shared and justice shelved: the democratic republic of Congo,VABB-1,289,306,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353649,,The role of hip abductor and external rotator muscle strength in the development of exertional medial tibial pain: a prospective study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353650,,Cross-country differences in the effects of oil shocks,VABB-1,1532,1547,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:353651,,The association between leisure time physical activity and coronary heart disease among men with different physical work demands: a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353652,,Unanswered questions in including HDL-cholesterol in the cardiovascular risk estimation: is time still on our side?,VABB-1,296,298,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353653,,Ellipse et fragment: morceaux choisis,VABB-3,,,237 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:353655,,The history of negation in the languages of Europe and the Mediterranean: volume I: case studies,VABB-3,,,553 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353657,,Components of emotional meaning: a sourcebook,VABB-3,,,650 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353660,,'De Leeuw van Vlaanderen wil ik zo gauw mogelijk vergeten': over de productie en receptie van de film en televisieserie De Leeuw van Vlaanderen (1984),VABB-1,178,209,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:353661,,Digging deeper: the politics of 'conflict minerals' in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo,VABB-1,449,451,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353662,,Temporal learning and list-level proportion congruency: conflict adaptation or learning when to respond?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353663,,The influence of relationship quality on the innovation capacity in traditional food chains,VABB-1,52,65,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353664,,Challenges and opportunities for dietary campaigns: managerial perceptions of success factors,VABB-1,241,254,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353665,,A century of Bruno studies in Japan,VABB-1,507,518,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:353666,,Maranos and Universities in the Renaissance Netherlands,VABB-1,20,49,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353667,,Polemics in print in the Low Countries: 'Venegien': transcription with introduction and English translation,VABB-1,140,172,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353668,,General and maladaptive traits in a Five-Factor Framework for DSM-5 in a university student sample,VABB-1,295,307,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353673,,"De rechterlijke toetsing van het belang van het kind bij het onderzoek naar het vaderschap: noot onder GwH 7 maart 2013, nr. 30/2013",VABB-1,155,164,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353674,,"4Ahora que lo sabes, ¿cómo te sientes?4 El experimento de Stanley Milgram y la psicologización",VABB-1,48,75,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353675,,"Employment by age, education, and economic growth: effects of fiscal policy composition in general equilibrium",VABB-1,49,103,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353677,,The polylogue project: part 2: errors: lots in translation,VABB-1,165,204,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353678,,"Multilingualism, multimodality and identity construction on French-based amazigh (Berber) websites",VABB-1,135,151,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353679,,Unraveling the need for innovation support services in new technology-based firms: the impact of commercialization strategy,VABB-1,85,96,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353683,,De ruimte van Roggeman,VABB-3,,,204 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353684,,"Civic learning, democratic citizenship and the public sphere",VABB-3,,,214 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353687,,Order of degree word and adjective,VABB-4,30,33,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353688,,Negative morpheme types,VABB-4,398,401,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353689,,Determinants and dynamics of migration to OECD countries in a three-dimensional panel framework,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353690,,Procedural justice in human rights adjudication: the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-1,176,200,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353693,,A late locus of the distractor frequency effect in picture–word interference: evidence from event-related potentials,VABB-1,232,237,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353694,,De leveringsplicht van de verkoper bij een met nietigheid bedreigde verkoopovereenkomst van onroerend goed: noot onder Brussel (1e kamer) 11 januari 2011,VABB-1,101,106,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353695,,"Empire and periphery? The Qing empire's relations with Japan and the Ryūkyūs (1644–c. 1800), a comparison",VABB-1,139,196,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353703,,"Continuous sedation at the end of life: ethical, clinical and legal perspectives",VABB-2,,,305 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353704,,De machines van Justitie: vijftien jaar elektronisch toezicht in België,VABB-3,,,181 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353706,,The diachronic typology of non-canonical subjects,VABB-3,,,"XXV, 364 p.",eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353709,,"Nietigheid huurcontract bij inbreuk op kwaliteitsnormen: mogelijk, wenselijk en wat zijn de gevolgen?",VABB-1,251,256,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353712,,Determinants of risk factor control in subjects with coronary heart disease: a report from the EuroAspire III investigators,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353713,,Speech dominance is a better predictor of functional brain asymmetry than handedness: a combined fMRI word generation and behavioral dichotic listening study,VABB-1,91,97,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353714,,The association between self-reported lifestyle changes and health-related quality of life in coronary patients: the EUROASPIRE III survey,VABB-1,796,805,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353715,,Assessing hospital physicians' acceptance of clinical information systems: a review of the relevant literature,VABB-1,15,31,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353717,,The essential role of Malta in drafting the new regional agreement on migrants at sea in the Mediterranean basin,VABB-1,89,114,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353718,,"The primacy of, and complexity of, accounting for government",VABB-1,349,478,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353719,,"Trends in educational differences in adolescent daily smoking across Europe, 2002-10.",VABB-1,846,852,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353720,,De toegang tot de afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State in het licht van het Verdrag van Aarhus,VABB-1,634,645,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:353723,,Monitoring individual and joint action outcomes in duet music performance,VABB-1,1049,1061,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353724,,"James Wallis’s Editions of James Thomson’s ""The Seasons"" (1805)",VABB-1,115,137,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353725,,Associations of job strain and lifestyle risk factors with risk of coronary artery disease: a meta-analysis of individual participant data,VABB-1,763,769,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353726,,'Nederland en Vlaanderen: (a)symmetrisch pluricentrisme in taal en cultuur,VABB-1,45,59,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353733,,Experiencer constructions with 'fear',VABB-4,268,271,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353734,,Experiencer constructions with 'like',VABB-4,264,267,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353735,,Expletive subject in 'seem' constructions,VABB-4,248,251,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353736,,Expression of pronominal subjects,VABB-4,244,247,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353737,,The prohibitive,VABB-4,220,223,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353739,,"Oil, energy poverty and resource dependence in West Africa",VABB-1,33,53,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353744,,The impact of a teacher-led structured physical activity session on preschoolers' sedentary and physical activity levels,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353745,,Associations between home- and family-related factors and fruit juice and soft drink intake among 10- to 12-year old children: the ENERGY project,VABB-1,59,65,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353746,,Quadriceps muscle fatigue in trained and untrained boys,VABB-1,14,20,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353747,,The visual control of bicycle steering: the effects of speed and path width,VABB-1,222,227,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353748,,Order of adjective and noun,VABB-4,10,13,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353749,,Order of possessor and possessum,VABB-4,6,9,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:353750,,Restitution under the CESL Proposal: to be revised...,VABB-4,281,298,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353756,,The right to form and join trade unions protected by article 11 ECHR,VABB-4,287,308,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353758,,Het gebruik van psychofarmaca tijdens de zwangerschap,VABB-1,229,236,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:353760,,What is learning? On the nature and merits of a functional definition of learning,VABB-1,631,642,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353764,,Effect of ischemic compression on trigger points in the neck and shoulder muscles in office workers: a cohort study,VABB-1,482,489,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353765,,Festive gatherings and culture work in Flemish-Ethiopian adoptive families,VABB-1,548,564,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353766,,"Acceptance, well-being, and goals in adolescents with chronic illness: a daily process analysis",VABB-1,1337,1351,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353768,,Reflections on market access for personalized medicine: recommendations for Europe,VABB-1,S32,S38,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353769,,Psychologization and sexuality: the politics of the obscene,VABB-1,49,62,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353770,,Preoperative chemosensitivity testing as Predictor of Treatment benefit in Adjuvant stage III colon cancer (PePiTA): protocol of a prospective BGDO (Belgian Group for Digestive Oncology) multicentric study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353771,,Electronic health records: new opportunities for clinical research,VABB-1,547,560,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353772,,Exploring the profession of mobility manager in Belgium and their impact on commuting,VABB-1,46,55,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353774,,On psychological growth and vulnerability: basic psychological need satisfaction and need frustration as an unifying principle,VABB-1,263,280,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353775,,"Violent youth group involvement, self-reported offending and victimisation: an empirical assessment of an integrated informal control/lifestyle model",VABB-1,369,386,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353776,,Practitioner review: evidence-based practice guidelines on alcohol and drug misuse among adolescents: a systematic review,VABB-1,3,21,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353777,,Is Europe skipping a step? Exploring the harmonization of ADR agreements,VABB-1,506,520,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353778,,Comparative adjective marking,VABB-4,158,161,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353780,,Instrument relative clauses,VABB-4,374,377,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353781,,Subject relative clauses,VABB-4,366,369,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353782,,Damages and interest under the CESL Proposal: not too different from Belgian law,VABB-4,255,280,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353783,,Position of definite article in the noun phrase,VABB-4,34,37,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353784,,Focusing of the noun phrase,VABB-4,414,417,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353786,,'Green' and 'blue',VABB-4,464,467,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353787,,Reciprocal constructions,VABB-4,354,357,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353789,,Money isn't all that matters: the use of financial compensation and apologies to preserve relationships in the aftermath of distributive harm,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353790,,"Spatio-temporal variability in remotely sensed land surface temperature, and its relationship with physiographic variables in the Russian Altay Mountains",VABB-1,4,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353794,,Neurophysiological investigation of phonological input: aging effects and development of normative data,VABB-1,253,263,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353795,,Democratising party leadership selection in Belgium: motivations and decision-makers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353796,,On the role of dissipating inhibition in task switching,VABB-1,61,62,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353798,,The syntax of adverbial clauses,VABB-4,135,165,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353799,,Cross-cultural issues in personality assessment,VABB-4,333,355,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353800,,Conflict minerals in Eastern democratic Republic of Congo: planned interventions and unexpected outcomes,VABB-4,132,148,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353805,,The development of negation in Low German and Dutch,VABB-4,190,238,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353806,,Confederalism and autonomy in Turkey: the Kurdistan Workers' Party and the reinvention of democracy,VABB-4,186,204,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353807,,Vicarious pain while observing another in pain: an experimental approach,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353808,,Classification system of the normal variation in sagittal standing plane alignment: a study among young adolescent boys,VABB-1,E1003,E1012,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353810,,Efficiency of short individualised CPR self-learning sessions with automated assessment and feedback,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353813,,"'Obtulisti libellum de vita domni Remacli': the evolution of patron Saint Libelli as propagandist instruments in the monastery of Stavelot-Malmedy, 938-1247",VABB-1,3,30,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:353815,,No big deal? Live nation's impact on the Belgian live music market,VABB-1,87,103,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353816,,'It helps me to transform in my life from the past to the new': the meaning of resources for former child soldiers,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353819,,"Crime, violence, justice and social order: monitoring contemporary security issues",VABB-3,,,298 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353820,,African Arabic: approaches to dialectology,VABB-3,,,301 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353821,,"Freud als filosoof: over seksualiteit, psychopathologie en cultuur",VABB-3,,,262 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353826,,Object relative clauses,VABB-4,370,373,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353827,,The right of withdrawal and unfair contract terms under the proposal for a common European sales law,VABB-4,115,154,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353828,,Syllable codas,VABB-4,475,478-479,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:353829,,The associative plural,VABB-4,92,95,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353830,,Occurrence of nominal plural markers,VABB-4,84,87,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353831,,Interrogative pronouns,VABB-4,72,75,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353834,,"Economy, Hellenistic and Roman period",VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353836,,The challenge of studying and measuring music performance,VABB-4,35,49,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353839,,The role of domestic and cross-border venture capital investors in the growth of portfolio companies,VABB-1,553,573,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353840,,Comitologie onder het Verdrag van Lissabon,VABB-1,63,75,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353841,,Buitengewone omstandigheden in artikel 3 van de woninghuurwet,VABB-1,41,49,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353844,,Overgangsrechtelijk probleem in de Europese Alimentatieverordening: de ene 'procedure' is de andere niet,VABB-1,38,43,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353845,,"Landscape as a medium for integration in design practice: the case of Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353848,,Explaining growth in the private security industry: the multifacet model,VABB-4,383,401,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353849,,A desperate flight into the world: refugees from Nazi Germany in the 1930s,VABB-4,1201,1208,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353854,,Lost in nationality: private international law and cultural diversity,VABB-4,521,572,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353858,,Perception of pure tones and iterated rippled noise for normal hearing and cochlear implant users,VABB-1,45,53,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353862,,"When the king becomes your personal enemy: W. T. Stead, King Leopold II , and the Congo free state",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353865,,The temporal paradox of regions in the EU seeking independence: contraction and fragmentation versus widening and deepening?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353866,,The greatest of equalizers: a critical review of international organisations views on early childhood care and education,VABB-1,451,667,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353867,,'Give' serial verb constructions,VABB-4,342,345,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353871,,Negation and indefinite pronouns,VABB-4,406,409,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353872,,'Hear' and 'smell',VABB-4,460,463,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353873,,Para-linguistic usages of clicks,VABB-4,432,435,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353875,,"'Recycling the exile: 'Thomaso', 'The Rover' and the critics'",VABB-4,133,150,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:353876,,Directional serial verb constructions with 'come' and 'go',VABB-4,334,337,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353880,,Translators and legal comparatists as objective mediators between cultures?,VABB-4,213,227,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353882,,"Images of the countryside: landscape, village and community in the discourse of Belgian farmers",VABB-4,186,197,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353887,,Epistemic justification and operational symbolism,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353888,,Doing minority justice through procedural fairness: face veil bans in Europe,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353889,,Divorce and the multidimensionality of men and women's mental health: the role of social-relational and socio-economic conditions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353890,,Thumbs up for Sebastos: gladiators and their arenas in imperial Asia Minor,VABB-1,14,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353891,,Social media and Flemish sports reporters: a multimethod analysis of Twitter use as journalistic tool,VABB-1,107,119,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353893,,Multiple synergistic effects of emotion and memory on proactive processes leading to scene recognition,VABB-1,81,95,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353894,,How brooding minds inhibit negative material: an event-related fMRI study,VABB-1,352,359,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353901,,Art. 22bis van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994,VABB-4,1,13,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353903,,"Natuur op schrift, symbool in woord/Ecrire la nature, dire le symbole",VABB-4,3,17,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353910,,The EU apportionment formula: insights from a business case,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353911,,European parliament online: identifying the European parliament's 2009 online communication strategy,VABB-1,55,68,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353912,,'What's the harm in being unethical? These strangers are rich anayway!': exploring underlying factors of double standards,VABB-1,225,240,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353913,,Using mentally incompetent adults as living organ donors: widely diverging regulations in Europe,VABB-1,441,466,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353914,,Verb doubling and focus,VABB-4,418,421,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353915,,'Want' complement subjects,VABB-4,386,389,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353917,,(E)motion in the XVIIth century: a closer look at the changing semantics of the French verbs émouvoir and mouvoir,VABB-4,407,422,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353922,,Michiels als kunstcriticus: poëticale verschuivingen in de opstellen van het Handelsblad (1948-1957),VABB-4,159,171,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353924,,De vechtscheiding van de Gentse poorters Gerard vander Loe en Lijsbette sHeroghen (1439-1469),VABB-4,331,349,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:353925,,Religion in Belgian criminal law,VABB-4,21,26,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353926,,Middles and reflexives,VABB-4,261,280,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353927,,Quantile regression for database marketing: methods and applications,VABB-4,97,116,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353928,,Muziek onder druk: Vlaamse eisen in het programmabeleid van de radio in het interbellum,VABB-4,143,162,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353929,,Platform leadership in broadcasting markets,VABB-4,477,491,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353935,,Colloidal approach to prepare color blends from colorants with different solubility profiles,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353936,,Identifying soil patterns at different spatial scales with a multi-receiver EMI sensor,VABB-1,382,390,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353938,,The Iron age 'Zagros graveyard' near Sanandaj (Iranian Kurdistan): preliminary report on the first season,VABB-1,41,99,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:353939,,Quality of life in youngsters with cerebral palsy after single-event multilevel surgery,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353940,,Optimization of design flow rates and component sizing for residential ventilation,VABB-1,81,89,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353941,,The syntax of registers: diary subject omission and the privilege of the root,VABB-1,88,110,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353942,,De grensoverschrijdende omzetting van vennootschappen binnen de Europese Unie na de arresten Cartesio en Vale,VABB-1,231,255,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353943,,"Hunting, gathering, fishing and herding: animal exploitation in Sandy Flanders (NW Belgium) during the second half of the 5th millennium BC",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353944,,Cognitive styles and processes in paediatric pain,VABB-4,95,101,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353954,,A taxonomy of errors for information systems,VABB-1,249,273,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:353956,,Monocles on modernity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353958,,The anticipation of enjoyment by the body in the case of trauma: a case of repetition compulsion,VABB-1,87,94,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:353959,,Het Brugse Sint-Janshospitaal en zijn grote hoevepachters in de 15e en 16e eeuw: wederkerigheid en continuïteit in functie van voedselzekerheid,VABB-1,1121,1154,,dut,2012,1 c:vabb:353960,,Cistercians in dialogue: bringing the world into the monastery,VABB-4,233,244,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353962,,Factorial validity and measurement invariance of the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia scale in clinical and non-clinical samples,VABB-4,89,109,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:353963,,Van het Filharmonisch Orkest van de BRT naar Brussels Philharmonic: het omroeporkest hervindt zichzelf,VABB-4,231,259,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353964,,"Enterprise architecture for small and medium-sized enterprises: a starting point for bringing EA to SMEs, based on adoption models",VABB-4,67,96,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353967,,Programming women's prayer? Textual and pictorial components in middle Dutch psalters,VABB-4,153,172,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353968,,Furor melancholicus: furor Satiricus: Dialogizität bei Thomas Brussig als Darstellungsmittel konkurrierender Erlebnis- und Erinnerungsperspektiven der DDR,VABB-4,303,318,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:353969,,Film censorship in a liberal free market democracy: strategies of film control and audience's experiences of censorship in Belgium,VABB-4,275,293,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353970,,Designing time-driven activity-based costing systems: a review and future research directions,VABB-4,126,144,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353973,,Comparative standard marking,VABB-4,162,165,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353974,,"Climate change, human rights and the Darfur crisis",VABB-4,122,143,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353977,,De lokale besturen,VABB-4,191,230,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353980,,"The conducting master: an interactive, real-time gesture monitoring system based on spatiotemporal motion templates",VABB-1,471,487,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353981,,Effects of dispositional need for closure and training on medical decision making,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353985,,A uniform methodology to establish test parameters for watertightness testing: Part I: a critical review,VABB-1,145,156,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353987,,Performing the Dutch Rederijker Lyric: Eduard de Dene and his testament rhetoricael (1562),VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353988,,La retórica bajo el barniz de la lógica,VABB-1,,,,spa,2014,1 c:vabb:353989,,Fathers' 'not just right experiences' predict obsessive-compulsive symptoms in their sons: a family study on non-clinical Italian sample,VABB-1,263,272,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:353992,,The life and times of Michiel Coxcie: 1499-1592,VABB-4,22,49,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:353993,,Some reflexions on the methodologies of legal history,VABB-4,89,92,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:353998,,Van neurasthenicus in het café-concert tot gymnast in het variététheater: verstrooiing en aandacht in de Gentse attractiecultuur (ca. 1880-1900),VABB-4,71,91,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:353999,,'Ave (aunque muda yo)': the image of the nightingale in Góngora's love sonnets,VABB-1,63,74,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354001,,On the causal role of appraisal in emotion,VABB-1,132,140,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354002,,Developmental changes in mu suppression to observed and executed actions in autism spectrum disorders,VABB-1,300,304,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354005,,Talcott Parsons and the enigma of secularization,VABB-1,69,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354006,,Nodding syndrome or disease? On the conceptualization of an illness-in-the-making,VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:354009,,Peter Verhelst (aanvulling 2001-2012),VABB-4,15,22,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354011,,De aanpak van verkeersleefbaarheid in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,273,312,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354013,,L'Art public: beelden van stad en natuur rond het fin de siècle,VABB-4,141,155,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:354014,,"Nine protestants are to be esteemed worth ten catholics': representing religion, labour and economic performance in pre-industrial Europe c. 1650-c. 1800",VABB-4,431,450,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354018,,Introduction: perhaps the medium-specificity of the contemporary performing arts is mutation?,VABB-4,9,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354022,,The photographic paper that made Leo Baekeland's reputation: entrepreneurial incentives for not patenting,VABB-4,62,83,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354025,,"Were it physically safe, reproductive human cloning would be acceptable",VABB-4,79,88,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354028,,Market potential of folate biofortified rice in China,VABB-4,357,370,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354030,,Samenwerking tussen gemeente en OCMW: interview met twee bevoorrechte getuigen,VABB-1,56,61,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354031,,"United we stand, divided we fall: radicalisering en de buigzaamheid van de representatieve democratie",VABB-1,76,91,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354032,,"Addition of a novel, protective family history category allows better profiling of cardiovascular risk and atherosclerotic burden in the general population: the Asklepios study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354034,,Web mining based extraction of problem solution ideas,VABB-1,3961,3969,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354036,,God and Caesar in the democratic republic of Congo: negotiating church-state relations through the management of school fees in Kinshasa's Catholic schools,VABB-1,115,130,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354037,,Strategies for dealing with the diversity-validity dilemma: where are we and where should we go?,VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354039,,Developing network management theory through management channels and roles,VABB-4,118,134,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354046,,Disability studies and social geography make a good marriage: research on life trajectories of people with intellectual disabilities and additional mental health problems,VABB-4,97,131,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354050,,"De bankgarantie op eerste verzoek: eerst betalen, dan reclameren en recupereren: noot onder Cass. 28 juni 2012",VABB-1,189,193,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354051,,Verzelfstandiging in de nationale en Europese rechtsordes nieuwe uitdaging van een meergelaagde administratie,VABB-1,114,129,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354052,,Implementing a strengths perspective in child welfare and protection: a challenge not to be taken lightly,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354059,,Undank: Thomas Bernhards 'Holzfällen' (1984),VABB-4,95,99,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:354060,,Modern Greek,VABB-4,289,295,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354061,,Ancient Greek,VABB-4,279,288,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354062,,Informele en illegale economie: een inleiding,VABB-1,7,15,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354065,,New arguments for adaptive logics as unifying frame for the defeasible handling of inconsistency,VABB-4,101,122,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354068,,Participaties,VABB-4,179,196,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354070,,"Evaluating contemporary sunnite-shiite relations: changing identities, politcal porjects, interations and theological discussions",VABB-4,1,10,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:354071,,Case variation and case alternation in Indo-European and beyond: a diachronic typological perspective,VABB-4,53,85,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354072,,Conclusion: analysing contemporary sunnite-shiite relationships,VABB-4,215,242,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:354074,,Identifying adequate models in physico-mathematics: Descartes' analysis of the rainbow,VABB-4,431,448,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354075,,"A lasting transit in Antwerp: eastern European Jewish migrants on their way to the New World, 1900-1925",VABB-4,59,79,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354076,,EU trade policy as the continuation of internal market policies by other means,VABB-5,93,103,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354079,,Flights to safety,VABB-1,1,51,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354080,,Consumers' attitudes and behaviour towards safe food in China: a review,VABB-1,93,104,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354081,,"The American convention and the protocol of San Salvador: two intertwined treaties: non-enforceability of economic, social and cultural rights in the inter-American system",VABB-1,159,186,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354082,,The roots and routes to compliance and citizens' cooperation with the Belgian police,VABB-1,39,62,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354083,,Invariant conditions in value system simulation models,VABB-1,275,287,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354084,,The (neuro)cognitive mechanisms behind attention bias modification in anxiety: proposals based on theoretical accounts of attentional bias,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354085,,Differentiële bewaring van prehistorische grafheuvels in de Lage Landen: processen van degradatie benaderd vanuit een bodemkundig en historisch geografisch perspectief,VABB-1,39,42,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354086,,"Eenmaal dyscalculie, altijd dyscalculie? Nut en effectiviteit van behandelingen voor rekenstoornissen",VABB-1,69,84,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:354087,,Gecomputergestuurde ondersteuning van het lezen: een goed idee?,VABB-1,47,56,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:354088,,The EU as an emerging coordinator in development cooperation: perspectives from sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,99,107,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354094,,The 'absolute' prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment in article 3 ECHR: truly a question of scope only?,VABB-4,273,293,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354095,,A quiet revolution: vulnerability in the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-4,147,170,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354097,,Elektronisch afval op de grens tussen legaal en illegaal,VABB-1,131,146,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354099,,The architecture of it clefts,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354100,,Perception and communication of flood risks: a systematic review of empirical research,VABB-1,24,49,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354101,,"Coping with unemployment: personality, role demands, and time structure",VABB-1,85,95,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354105,,"Feminisme, religie en seculariteit: een ambivalente relatie in de context van de Nederlandstalige vrouwenbeweging in België",VABB-1,15,22,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354112,,Hypervigilance and attention to pain,VABB-4,1532,1535,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:354114,,Honteux d'avoir tant balancé': les doutes du héros,VABB-4,219,225,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:354118,,The meaning structure of emotion terms: integration across components,VABB-4,210,230,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354120,,Ethnic discrimination in the Flemish labour market for school leavers: Jonas in preference to Okan?,VABB-4,221,229,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354122,,Towards a structurally integrative approach to the study of the EU’s external power: Introducing the concept of 'transnational power over',VABB-4,127,145,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354125,,Introduction: cognitive narrative studies: themes and variations,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354129,,Deficit in complex sequence processing after a virtual lesion of left BA45,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354130,,Disclosure and (re)performance of gender-based evidence in an interpreter-mediated asylum interview,VABB-1,661,686,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354131,,Educational heterogamy: does it lead to cultural differences in child-rearing?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354132,,Evaluative stimulus (in)congruency impacts performance in an unrelated task: Evidence for a resource-based account of evaluative priming,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354133,,Rekenen binnen de logopedie: de inzet van de logopedist bij de leerstoornis dyscalculie,VABB-1,6,11,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354134,,Attention modulates sensory suppression during back movements,VABB-1,420,429,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354135,,Perceived neighborhood environment and physical activity in 11 countries: do associations differ by country?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354136,,Associations of neighborhood characteristics with active park use: an observational study in two cities in the USA and Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354137,,"Full metal jacket: how Kubrick staged fundamental fantasy, jouissance and gaze",VABB-1,121,142,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354142,,A Mesolithic bone tool from the Moervaart palaeolake (NW Belgium),VABB-1,11,14,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354145,,Awaiting eternal life: painted burial cists in the Southern Netherlands,VABB-1,13,32,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354146,,Le dictionnaire de chimie en lingála pour les élèves de Kinshasa,VABB-1,548,564,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:354147,,Does a cycle training course improve cycling skills in children?,VABB-1,38,45,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354150,,Two adaptive logics of norm-propositions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354151,,Non-monotonic reasoning with normative conflicts in multi-agent deontic logic,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354152,,Ethical issues of infertility treatment in developing countries,VABB-1,17,23,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354155,,Blinking predicts enhanced cognitive control,VABB-1,346,354,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354156,,Seksuele attitudes van jongeren als voorspeller voor de consumptie van seksueel getinte inhouden online,VABB-1,60,74,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354157,,"De weigering tot homologatie van een collectief reorganisatieplan binnen de WCO: schending van de openbare orde wegens ongelijke behandeling van schuldeisers, Annotatie onder Koophandel te Brugge (29 juni 2012) en het Hof van Beroep te Gent (30 juli 2012)",VABB-1,138,145,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354161,,Driving the emotion process: the appraisal component,VABB-4,186,209,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354165,,Post-interventionist or newly responsible? Europe as a security provider,VABB-4,73,79,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354166,,Belgium,VABB-4,31,41,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354171,,"The travels of fiction: literature, distance and the representation of the past",VABB-4,45,64,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354172,,Applications in music education,VABB-4,77,84,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354174,,Subjonctif versus indicatif dans l'interlangue française d'apprenants avancés,VABB-4,185,208,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:354179,,'10000 Steps Flanders': evaluation of the state-wide dissemination of a physical activity intervention in Flanders,VABB-1,546,551,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354180,,Hospital-acquired infections in Belgian acute-care hospitals: financial burden of disease and potential cost savings,VABB-1,199,205,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354181,,"Pork in good company?: exploratory analysis of side dishes, beverages, foodscapes and individual characteristics",VABB-1,694,698,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354185,,Reversed item bias: an integrative model,VABB-1,320,334,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354186,,Intergenerational influence and quality of life: a study within families with a child with a disability,VABB-1,25,47,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354192,,One step beyond: different step-to-step transitions exist during continuous contact brachiation in siamangs,VABB-1,411,421,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354193,,Coxcie's copies of old masters: an addition and an analysis,VABB-1,5,24,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:354194,,"Differences in biological maturation, anthropometry and physical performance between playing positions in youth team handball",VABB-1,1344,1352,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354195,,Nieuwe Brussel Ibis-verordening,VABB-1,678,685,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354196,,Collectieve afwikkeling van consumenten-massaschade: pleidooi voor een geïntegreerde aanpak,VABB-1,201,212,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354197,,Seasonal variation in physical activity and sedentary time in different European regions: the HELENA study,VABB-1,1831,1840,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354198,,Physical activity and clustered cardiovascular disease risk factors in young children: a cross-sectional study (the IDEFICS study),VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354200,,Entangled feminisms: rethinking the history of the Belgian movement for women's rights through transnational intersections,VABB-1,132,142,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354202,,Script and symbolic writing in mathematics and natural philosophy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354203,,Preliminary structural and chemical study of two quartzite varieties from the same geological formation: a first step in the sourcing of quartzites utilized during the Mesolithic in northwest Europe,VABB-1,27,34,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354204,,Erroneous and correct actions have a different affective valence: evidence from ERPs,VABB-1,960,973,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354205,,Spatial attention interacts with serial-order retrieval from verbal working memory,VABB-1,1854,1859,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354206,,Independent poultry processing in Georgia: survey of producers' perspective,VABB-1,70,77,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354207,,Channelling figurativity through narrative: the paranarrative in fiction and non-fiction,VABB-1,249,262,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354210,,Tussen gestrafte en bestraffer: de ervaringen van huisgenoten van personen met elektronisch toezicht,VABB-4,43,74,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354216,,Tax justice through country-by-country reporting: an analysis of the idea's political journey,VABB-4,262,282,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354220,,Chronicle: XML-representation of symbolic music and other complex time strictires,VABB-4,99,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354221,,Environmental victimization and conflict resolution: a case study of e-waste,VABB-4,34,54,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354223,,Turkey: a candidate state destined to join the Union,VABB-4,315,340,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354224,,"Living on the edge: comparative historical research on German, Dutch and Belgian border towns at war (1914-1919)",VABB-4,141,148,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354232,,Looking beyond the tip of the iceberg: diplomatic praxis and legal culture in the history of public international law,VABB-4,31,42,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354233,,La représentation du droit dans la communauté des diplomates européens des 'Trente Heureuses' (1713-1740),VABB-1,595,620,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:354235,,A cross-national investigation of the satisfaction and loyalty linkage for mobile telecommunications services across eight countries,VABB-1,74,82,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354239,,Dietary intake and food sources of total and individual polyunsaturated fatty acids in the Belgian population over 15 years old,VABB-1,729,738,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354241,,"Hof van Justitie trekt kaart van slachtoffer bij schending persoonlijkheidsrechten in cyperspace: noot onder Hof van Justitie 25 oktober 2011, eDate & Martinez",VABB-1,402,410,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354248,,"A reflection on cultural interaction through European-Chinese relations in seventeenth-century Hirado: gift-giving in a context of Blurred borders between social relations, trade and smuggling",VABB-1,95,120,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354249,,"Tomas Segovia, el Sextante y la buena fe",VABB-1,223,238,,spa,2013,1 c:vabb:354253,,Liever belachelijk dan arm: de perverse passie voor de moeder van een gokverslaafde travestiet,VABB-1,180,191,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354254,,The volatility of a half-cooked bouillabaisse: rebel–military integration and conflict dynamics in the eastern DRC,VABB-1,563,582,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354256,,Reaction time measures in deception research: comparing the effects of irrelevant and relevant stimulus-response compatibility,VABB-1,224,231,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354257,,Implicit associations between pain and self-schema in chronic pain patients,VABB-1,2700,2706,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354258,,Foreword: from the guest editors,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354267,,Functions of reduplication,VABB-4,100,103,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354278,,Public enforcement and A(O)DR as mechanisms for resolving mass problems: a Belgian perspective,VABB-4,270,292,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354279,,Jonas plutôt que Okan ? Discrimination ethnique à l’égard des jeunes diplômés en Flandre,VABB-1,1,10,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:354280,,Pure ethnic gaps in educational attainment and school to work transitions: when do they arise?,VABB-1,276,294,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354281,,Interpassivity and the political invention of the brain: Connolly's neuropolitics versus libet's veto-right,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354282,,Learning words in a new language: orthography doesn't always help,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354283,,"Consumers' interest in locally raised, small-scale poultry in Georgia",VABB-1,94,102,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354284,,Attritie bij senior leerkrachten: oorzaken en motieven van hun (vroegtijdige) uittrede,VABB-1,7,26,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354285,,Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in China: a call for special attention to both the 'due service requirement' and the 'principle of reciprocity',VABB-1,143,174,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354289,,Regional embeddedness segments across fifteen countries,VABB-1,322,335,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354290,,Viriliter resistere: de constructie van een mannelijkheidsmodel bij dertiende-eeuwse cisterciënzers,VABB-1,7,35,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:354291,,Creative rings for smart cities,VABB-5,282,291,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354292,,Bezint eer ge begint: enkele bedenkingen bij de herziening van artikel 144 G.W,VABB-1,263,271,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:354293,,Differences in working conditions and employment arrangements among migrant and non-migrant workers in Europe,VABB-1,563,577,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:354294,,"Effects of land use, slope gradient, and soil and water conservation structures on runoff and soil loss in semi-arid Northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,236,259,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354296,,"Les actes urbains, témoins d'une conscience identitaire et instruments de décision politique et de contrôle social en Flandre, à Gand en particulier, aux XIVe et XVe siècles",VABB-1,13,30,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:354297,,Sociale mobiliteit binnen de ambachten van de metselaars en timmerlieden in het 15de eeuwse Gent,VABB-1,3,60,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:354298,,Ondernemer tussen volk en staat: Tony Herbert: enkele historiografische ankerpunten vanuit biografisch perspectief,VABB-1,242,253,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354301,,Interception of seaborne migrants: the applicability of the non-refoulement principle,VABB-1,425,456,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:354302,,Factors influencing mode of transport in older adolescents: a qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354303,,Joint kinematics and kinetics of overground accelerated running versus running on an accelerated treadmill,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354304,,Evaluation of the neighborhood environment walkability scale in Nigeria,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354305,,"Literature, digital humanities and the age of the encyclopedia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354310,,"Fit in het hoofd? De geestelijke gezondheid van de Vlaming onderzocht: prevalentie, risicogroepen, vooruitblik en 4best practices",VABB-4,137,176,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354311,,Dual in independent personal pronouns,VABB-4,54,57,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354318,,The mediating power of images and texts: the dynamics of sight and insight in medieval and early modern literature and art,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354319,,Musique et incarnation: le couplage de l'action et de la perception,VABB-4,109,120,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:354320,,Roman Urban Survey: the mapping and monitoring of complex settlement sites with active aerial photography,VABB-4,69,85,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354322,,Undistorting the past: new techniques for orthorectification of archaeological aerial frame imagery,VABB-4,31,67,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354324,,The role of agglomeration economies for SME transnationalization: bypassing the global urban service nexus?,VABB-4,231,251,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354325,,Venture capital,VABB-4,241,262,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354329,,Vibration perception threshold in relation to postural control and fall risk assessment in elderly,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354330,,"Attention, interpretation, and memory biases in subclinical depression: a path analysis approach to test the combined cognitive bias hypothesis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354332,,Longitudinal dynamics of depressogenic personality and attachment dimensions in adolescence: an examination of associations with changes in depressive symptoms,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354333,,Illustrated pocket diaries and the commodification of culture,VABB-1,53,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354335,,Literary modernism and melody: an avant-propos,VABB-1,31,35,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354336,,Adjectival periphrasis in Ancient Greek: the categorial status of the participle,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354337,,Predictors and correlates of taste preferences in European children: the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,128,136,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354338,,ESHRE Task Force on Ethics and Law 20: sex selection for non-medical reasons,VABB-1,1448,1454,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354343,,Re-inventing environmental governance towards effective emission control in South Africa and Nigeria,VABB-1,194,216,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354344,,Profielen van seksuele gezondheid: naar een meer omvattende benadering van seksuele gezondheid op basis van latente klasseanalyse,VABB-4,241,254,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354346,,Reproductief welzijn,VABB-4,155,191,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354348,,Auteursrecht en de vrijheid van expressie en informatie: artikel 10 EVRM als 'externe' beperking op het auteursrecht,VABB-1,190,200,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354350,,Recrutement and conflict in sixth-century Antioch: a micro-study of Select Letters VI.1.5 of Severus of Antioch,VABB-1,560,575,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354351,,Family history of cardiovascular disease and offspring echocardiographic left ventricular structure and function: the Asklepios study,VABB-1,1290,1297,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354353,,Strong and weak regress arguments,VABB-1,439,461,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354354,,"De taalontwikkeling van kinderen geboren na kunstmatige bevruchting met geassisteerde eicelactivatie, een pilootstudie",VABB-1,63,66,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354356,,Electrical brain imaging reveals the expression and timing of altered error monitoring functions in major depression,VABB-1,939,950,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354361,,Aan gene zijde van Freud? De grenzen en de mogelijkheden van een psychoanalytische pathoanalyse,VABB-4,241,257,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354363,,Matter on the move: introduction to the aesthetics of matter,VABB-4,3,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354364,,Predicative noun phrases,VABB-4,290,293,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354365,,Nominal and verbal conjunction,VABB-4,284,287,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354366,,Instrumental expressions,VABB-4,272,275,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354367,,State-making and emerging complexes of power and accumulation in the Southern Sudan-Kenyan border area: the rise of a thriving cross-border business network,VABB-4,173,192,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354368,,The network dimension: Chinese cities in transnational networks,VABB-4,33,46,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354369,,Private law codifications in Belgium,VABB-4,67,81,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354373,,Reinventing negation patterns in Moroccan Arabic,VABB-4,51,93,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354377,,Gender differences in cognitive schema vulnerability and depressive symptoms in adolescence,VABB-1,164,182,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:354378,,Iron and vitamin status biomarkers and its association with physical fitness in adolescents: the HELENA study,VABB-1,566,573,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:354380,,La frecuencia textual en la evolución histórica de los clíticos pronominales en español,VABB-1,29,46,,spa,2013,1 c:vabb:354381,,Une chancellerie complexe: la production d'actes dans l'entourage comtal pendant l'union personnelle des comtés de Flandre et de Hainaut (1191-1244),VABB-1,23,56,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:354382,,The slippery slope of interpellation: framing hero and victim in Edith Wharton's Ethan frome,VABB-1,417,435,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354384,,"Crime, criminal justice and criminology in Belgium",VABB-1,237,254,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354385,,Moral emotions and offending: do feelings of anticipated shame and guilt mediate the effect of socialization on offending?,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354389,,Art. 3 van de auteurswet van 30 juni 1994,VABB-4,43,92,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:354392,,"The melitian schism: development, sources, and interpretation",VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354393,,Materialität und Figürlichkeit in Kleists 'Das Erdbeben in Chili': eine rhetorisch-narratologische Analyse,VABB-4,61,80,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:354394,,Cinema culture in Flanders and Brussels in the Twentieth century: from picture palace to the multiplex,VABB-4,214,217,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354395,,Disinterested pleasure and the 'universal voice' of beauty,VABB-4,311,324,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354397,,Perspectives on literary reading and book culture,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354399,,Response styles and the rural-urban divide,VABB-1,97,115,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354401,,The 'oil weapon' reversed? Sanctions against Iran and U.S.-EU structural power,VABB-1,145,163,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354402,,The white management of 'volunteering': ethnographic evidence from an Israeli NGO,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354403,,Hunter-gatherer responses to the changing environment of the Moervaart palaeolake (NW Belgium) during the Late Glacial and Early Holocene,VABB-1,162,177,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354404,,The mismeasure of machine: synthetic biology and the trouble with engineering metaphors,VABB-1,660,668.,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354407,,Experiencer constructions with 'headache',VABB-4,260,263,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354408,,Order of recipient and theme in ditransitive constructions,VABB-4,240,243,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354410,,Uses of the habitual marker,VABB-4,188,191,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354411,,Tightness of the link between the progressive marker and the verb,VABB-4,180,183,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354412,,Marking of possessor noun phrases,VABB-4,146,149,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354413,,Distance contrasts in demonstratives,VABB-4,126,129,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354414,,Definite articles,VABB-4,106,109,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354416,,The political economy of retransmission payments and cable rights fees: implications for private television companies,VABB-4,182,196,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354419,,The risk management duties of the board of directors,VABB-4,129,152,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354422,,Maritime migration,VABB-4,2099,2108,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354423,,"From dollars to deeds: exploring the sources of active interventionism, 1934-1945",VABB-4,9,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354426,,Modern Greek,VABB-4,258,266,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354427,,Magnetic resonance imaging of the sternal extremity of the clavicle in forensic age estimation: towards more sound age estimates,VABB-1,677,689,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354428,,A typology for the relationship between local governments and NPO's in welfare state regimes: the Belgian case revisited,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354430,,Verb processing by bilinguals in sentence contexts: the effect of cognate status and verb tense,VABB-1,237,259,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354431,,Respectability on display: Alba and fasti of the *Augustales in the context of collegial and magisterial hierarchy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354432,,Expanding and reconceptualizing aberrant personality at work: validity of Five-Factor Model aberrant personality tendencies to predict career outcomes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354433,,Dance is the new metal: adolescent music preferences and substance use across Europe,VABB-1,130,142,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:354434,,"'Edel, arm en rijk, maakt de dood gelijk?' Sociale ongelijkheid (post mortem) in plattelandsgemeenschappen ten noorden van Brugge (1500-1579)",VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:354435,,Questioning conflict adaptation: proportion congruent and Gratton effects reconsidered,VABB-1,615,630,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354436,,Extending the standard format of adaptive logics to the prioritized case,VABB-1,601,641,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:354440,,Space and myth: the ideology of Utopian and heterotopian representations in the contemporary novel,VABB-4,35,54,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354442,,Interpreting the play and rethinking the script: how adolescent victims cope with their victimization experience of violence or property crime,VABB-4,203,232,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354443,,"Organizational governance features, innovation and performance in nonprofit organisations: existing evidence and future research directions",VABB-4,33,55,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354444,,Distance matters: a look at crime trip distances in Flanders,VABB-4,229,253,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354445,,Incipient Jespersen's cycle: the (non-)grammaticalization of new negative markers,VABB-4,141,162,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354446,,Modernist energeia: Henri Bergson and the romantic idea of language,VABB-4,213,227,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354456,,"Zwitserse Bondsstaat tegen Europese Commissie, Zaak C-547/10",VABB-1,333,336,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354458,,'Une fleur que ses yeux éteints ne peuvent plus contempler': women's sculpture for the dead,VABB-4,169,190,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:354459,,"Nature, play and the middle Dutch knowledge community of Brussels in the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries",VABB-4,99,122,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354461,,Primitivismus und Literaturtheorie,VABB-4,125,137,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:354462,,"The cloaked lady of Floreffe: allegorizing monastic history in the fifteenth-century chronique de Floreffe (Brussels, Royal Library, 18064-69)",VABB-4,173,210,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354464,,Person syncretism in independent personal pronouns,VABB-4,60,63,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354465,,Marking of pronominal possessors,VABB-4,142,145,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354466,,"Position of tense, aspect, and mood markers in relation to the verb",VABB-4,168,171,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354467,,Ancient Greek,VABB-4,250,256,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354469,,Michiel Coxcie: first painter of the counter reformation,VABB-4,116,137,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:354472,,Tools to support the design of a macrostructure,VABB-4,1384,1395,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354475,,Gender-Theorien der Angst,VABB-4,116,129,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:354479,,Using accelerometers in youth physical activity studies: a review of methods,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354480,,"Praxis and language are linked: evidence from co-lateralization in individuals, with atypical language dominance",VABB-1,172,183,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354481,,Genderverschillen in professioneel zorggebruik in 25 Europese landen: een onderzoek naar de impact van medicaliseringsattitudes en genderstratificatie,VABB-1,33,62,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354482,,The effect of alcohol and placebo on post-error adjustments,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354485,,The Kurdistan workers party and a new left in Turkey: analysis of the revolutionary movement in Turkey through the PKK's memorial text on Haki Karer,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354488,,'Pan-Islamism' as a form of 'alter-globalism'?: Hizb Ut-Tahrir and the Islamic Khilafah State,VABB-4,376,401,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354490,,Political recruitment and career development of local councillors in Europe,VABB-4,27,51,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354491,,From inclusion to transformation: rewriting Konstantin Markin v. Russia,VABB-4,148,170,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354492,,School segregation and self-fulfilling prophecies as determinants of academic achievement in Flanders,VABB-4,49,74,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354497,,Inferential explanations in biology,VABB-1,356,364,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354498,,In search of the mechanisms conducive to class differentials in educational choice: a mixed method research,VABB-1,549,572,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354499,,"In gezegende toestand? De perceptie van risico's bij zwangerschap en bevalling bij de Gentse adel, 18de-19de eeuw",VABB-1,119,143,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354500,,Les Archives: gestionnaires du patrimoine culturel ou d’informations historiques pertinentes?,VABB-1,209,220,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:354501,,From conflict management to reward-based decision making: actors and critics in primate medial frontal cortex,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354505,,Multimycotoxin analysis in urines to assess infant exposure: a case study in Cameroon,VABB-1,50,59,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354509,,"Veni, vidi, narravi: experience, transcription and narration of Gadda's great war",VABB-4,109,117,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354510,,"Security and development in EU external relations: converging, but in which direction?",VABB-4,126,141,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354516,,Talking shop or relevant actor: the ACP-EU joint parliamentary assembly,VABB-4,189,210,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354527,,Land use and cover dynamics in Africa since the nineteenth century: warped terrestrial photographs of North Ethiopia,VABB-1,717,737,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354528,,International sport federations in the world city network,VABB-1,142,159,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354529,,Health promotion in mental health care: perceptions from patients and mental health nurses,VABB-1,1569,1578,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354530,,Reflections of Dutch patients on IVF treatment in Belgium: a qualitative analysis of internet forums,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354532,,Consumers' health-related motive orientations and reactions to claims about dietary calcium,VABB-1,82,96,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354533,,"Deposit insurance, banking crises, and market discipline: evidence from a natural experiment on deposit flows and rates",VABB-1,179,200,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354534,,Maybe too little but not too late: four challenges for employment discrimination research in I–O,VABB-1,75,80,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354536,,"De gekwalificeerde benadeling aanvaard, maar wat met de grondslag?",VABB-1,131,140,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354538,,"Intensive mothering of adoptive children in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-4,136,150,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354539,,Pauli's idea of the neutrino: how models in physics allow to revive old ideas for new purposes,VABB-4,449,461,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:354541,,Negation,VABB-4,354,364,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:354542,,Working memory and (second) language processing,VABB-4,74,94,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354544,,"Armoede in België: tabellen en grafieken, ondertiteld",VABB-4,379,433,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354545,,The informal economy in Europe,VABB-4,204,221,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354546,,Fine and gross motor skills differ between healthy-weight and obese children,VABB-1,4043,4051,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354547,,Mowgli's tranen: een morfologie van de subjectwording,VABB-1,347,352,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354548,,On the definition of signal-to-noise ratio and contrast-to-noise ratio for fMRI data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354549,,LeTs preprocess: the multilingual LT3 linguistic preprocessing toolkit,VABB-1,103,120,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354550,,Shareholders' agreement as a tool to mitigate corporate conflicts of interests,VABB-1,109,131,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354551,,The UK and European defence: leading or leaving?,VABB-1,1297,1313,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:354552,,"Migration, poor relief and local autonomy: settlement policies in England and the Southern Low Countries in the eighteenth century",VABB-1,91,126,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354553,,Improving attention control in dysphoria through cognitive training: transfer effects on working memory capacity and filtering efficiency,VABB-1,297,307,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354555,,Towards a gender neutral interpretation of professionalism in early childhood education and care (ECEC),VABB-1,119,143,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354556,,The pleasure of being (there?): an explorative study into the effects of presence and identification on the enjoyment of an interactive theatrical performance using omni-directional video,VABB-1,449,459,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:354557,,Linking numbers to space: from the mental number line towards a hybrid account,VABB-4,89,105,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354560,,Newton's philosophy of time,VABB-4,87,101,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354563,,The legal and ethical regulation of transnational donation,VABB-4,130,149,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354564,,Inclusive universality and the child-caretaker dynamic,VABB-4,199,224,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354570,,"De ervaring, beleving en coping van mid-adolescente slachtoffers van vermogens- en geweldsdelicten",VABB-2,,,505 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:354575,,"Project management with dynamic scheduling: Baseline scheduling, risk analysis and project control",VABB-2,,,330 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354577,,Biasing free choices: the role of the rostral cingulate zone in intentional control,VABB-1,207,213,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354579,,The status of functional explanation in psychology: reduction and mechanistic explanation,VABB-1,145,163,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354586,,Physical environmental attributes and active transportation in Belgium: what about adults and adolescents living in the same neighborhoods?,VABB-1,330,338,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354587,,From human niche construction to imperial power: long-term trends in ancient Iranian water systems,VABB-1,155,176,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354588,,De nieuwe lokale bestuurlijke politie: meer recht(vaardigheid)?,VABB-1,434,464,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354591,,"Noot bij 12 december 2012, zaak T-332/09, Electrabel/Commissie",VABB-1,292,295,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354592,,Le péritexte traduit ou l’éloge du dévoiement: a propos des traductions anglaises du 'Discours sur les Sciences et les Arts' de Jean-Jacques Rousseau,VABB-1,,,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:354593,,Stimulant treatment for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and risk of developing substance use disorder,VABB-1,112,119,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354594,,The polylogue project: part 1: shortmind,VABB-1,133,164,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354598,,Micro-Raman spectroscopy and chemometrical analysis for the distinction of copper phthalocyanine polymorphs in paint layers,VABB-1,636,640,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354599,,"Noot onder Hof van Justitie 6 september 2012, Mühlleitner",VABB-1,20,27,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:354604,,Comparison between the first and second versions of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire: psychosocial risk factors for a high need for recovery after work,VABB-1,17,24,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354606,,"Food supply, demand and trade: aspects of the economic relationship between town and countryside (Middle Ages: 19th century)",VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354609,,"The first Youth Olympic Games: innovations, challenges and ethical issues",VABB-4,40,54,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354611,,Identifiers and identification methods in legal documents from Old Babylonian Sippar (±1800-1500 BCE),VABB-4,33,54,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354612,,Predicative noun phrases and predicative locative phrases,VABB-4,302,305,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354614,,Evolved to be irrational?: evolutionary and cognitive foundations of pseudosciences,VABB-4,361,379,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354616,,Woordenboek van de Vlaamse Dialecten: deel I Landbouwwoordenacht: gewassen algemeen: teelt en oogst,VABB-2,,,276 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354622,,Practical Raman spectroscopy: an introduction,VABB-2,,,161 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354623,,"Brood willen we hebben! Honger, sociale politiek en protest tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog",VABB-2,,,316 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354625,,Looking for a fit for purpose: business process maturity models from a user's perspective,VABB-5,182,189,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354630,,Oneindige regressieargumenten,VABB-1,1,14,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354631,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens,VABB-1,42,52,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354634,,McSweeney's and the challenges of the marketplace for independent publishing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354636,,"Nursing home residents dying with dementia in Flanders, Belgium: a nationwide postmortem study on clinical characteristics and quality of dying",VABB-1,485,492,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354637,,The role of network administrative organizations in the development of social capital in inter-organizational food networks,VABB-1,228,242,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354638,,Television in the bedroom and increased body weight: potential explanations for their relationship among European schoolchildren,VABB-1,130,141,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354639,,God en toeval bij Galbert van Brugge,VABB-1,411,424,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354640,,Strain gauge measurements of the precast concrete lining of a shield-driven tunnel,VABB-1,88,95,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354642,,De overenkomst van hulpverlening,VABB-1,2321,2334,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354645,,The epistemic integrity of scientific research,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354646,,Positioning community art practices in urban cracks,VABB-1,277,291,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354647,,Gunningsfraude en strafrechtelijke bescherming van vrijheid van opbod,VABB-1,190,201,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:354648,,"Cannabis cultivation and detection: a comparative study of Belgium, Finland and Denmark",VABB-1,203,215,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354649,,Consider the source: persuasion of implicit evaluations is moderated by source credibility,VABB-1,193,205,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354651,,The current state of post-medieval archaeology in Flanders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354656,,Newton's principia,VABB-4,109,165,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354657,,Detecting inherent bias in lexical decision experiments with the LD1NN algorithm,VABB-4,231,248,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354661,,Motion-to and motion-from,VABB-4,322,325,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354663,,Spatial (mis)match and its travel consequences,VABB-4,63,78,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354664,,Living lines: can we discriminate between traces of movement by animate and non-animate agents?,VABB-4,181,196,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354666,,Sustainable chemical warehousing,VABB-4,199,214,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354668,,Catch me if you can: ambiguities and complexities of street children [bashege] of Kinshasa,VABB-4,369,388,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354674,,The effect of busyness on survey participation: being too busy or feeling too busy to cooperate?,VABB-1,357,371,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354677,,"Abunch, a tool to teach live electronics in pre-college music education",VABB-1,181,193,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354679,,Translator respect for source text information structure: a parallel investigation of causal connectors,VABB-1,47,73,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354680,,"Associations of Dietary Calcium, Vitamin D, Milk Intakes, and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D With Bone Mass in Spanish Adolescents: The HELENA Study",VABB-1,110,117,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354681,,Bemiddeling en conflicthantering in Vlaamse echtscheidingsovereenkomsten: een empirisch-juridische analyse,VABB-1,13,21,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:354682,,"'This game is rigged': Dickens, the wire, and money",VABB-1,288,298,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354683,,Does parental psychological control relate to internalizing and externalizing problems in early childhood? An examination using the Berkeley puppet interview,VABB-1,309,318,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354684,,Modern times: literary change,VABB-3,,,175 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354686,,"Information structure, discourse structure and grammatical structure",VABB-3,,,159 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354690,,Bestuur en burger,VABB-4,299,331,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354692,,Position of interrogative phrases in content questions,VABB-4,44,47,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354693,,De wording van een feminist: een analyse van het narratief van een moslim activiste in Antwerpen,VABB-1,19,31,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:354694,,Spanish studies: language and linguistics,VABB-1,117,134,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354695,,Impact of being primed with social deception upon observer responses to others' pain,VABB-1,221,226,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354696,,The association between venture capitalists' selection and value adding behavior: evidence from early stage high tech venture capitalists,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354697,,The ICE-theory of technical functions,VABB-1,23,44,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354698,,Emotional job resources and emotional support seeking as moderators of the relation between emotional job demands and emotional exhaustion: a two-wave panel study,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354701,,Social impacts of hosting major sport events: the impact of the 2007 arrival of a stage of the Tour de France on the city of Ghent,VABB-4,274,294,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354706,,Cross-national education policy change in quality assurance: convergence or divergence?,VABB-4,269,293,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354711,,The struggle for citizenship of the Shiites in Saudi Arabia,VABB-4,119,140,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354713,,The global meaning structure of the emotion domain: investigating the complementarity of multiple perspectives on meaning,VABB-4,106,125,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354715,,Embodied emotions: the Bodily reaction component,VABB-4,149,155,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354717,,The new novelty dimension: method artifact or basic dimension in the cognitive structure of the emotion domain?,VABB-4,233,242,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354718,,Assessing interindividual differences in emotion knowledge: exploring a GRID-based approach,VABB-4,299,307,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354720,,The organisation for economic co-operation and development: unimportant or under-researched,VABB-1,134,137,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354722,,Conflicts between absolute rights: a reply to Steven Greer,VABB-1,469,498,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354723,,Visuele gender stereotypering in reclame: een experimenteel onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van impliciete stereotypering in printadvertenties,VABB-1,135,161,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:354724,,"De melancholie in de 'Pittura Metafisica' van Giorgio de Chirico, Het oeuvre van een beeldend kunstenaar als referent voor een psychoanalytisch debat",VABB-1,143,159,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354726,,Gait analysis with cognitive-motor dual tasks to distinguish fallers from nonfallers among rehabilitating stroke patients,VABB-1,680,686,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354727,,Detentiebeleving door oudere gevangenen in België: een exploratief onderzoek,VABB-1,267,283,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354729,,"Stadsvlucht, congestie en de groei van de agglomeratie: een denkoefening",VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354730,,"Order of frequency adverb, verb, and object",VABB-4,40,43,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354731,,Order of cardinal numeral and noun,VABB-4,22,25,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354733,,Newton and Newtonianism in eighteenth-century British thought,VABB-4,41,64,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354736,,Breaking boundaries: collapsing the dark side of researching criminology,VABB-4,161,180,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354737,,Commentary on the texts,VABB-4,267,286,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354738,,'Intermediality' as an aesthetic program: Gustav Mahlers 'Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen' as a post-romantic response to Wilhelm Müllers 'Winterreise' and 'Die schöne Müllerin',VABB-4,183,204,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:354741,,No evidence for inhibitory deficits or altered reward processing in ADHD: data from a new integrated incentive delay go/no-go task,VABB-1,353,367,-,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:354742,,Adjectival periphrasis in Ancient Greek: a cognitive analysis,VABB-1,15,34,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354743,,Roman marble from Lusitania: petrographical and geochemical characterisation,VABB-1,2227,2236,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354744,,Prevalence of symptoms in older cancer patients receiving palliative care: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354745,,Does neighbourhood social capital aid in levelling the social gradient in the health and well-being of children and adolescents? A literature review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354746,,Ethnic federalism and internal minorities: the legal protection of internal minorities in Ethiopia,VABB-1,32,49,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354748,,Dissecting the dynamics of the US trade balance in an estimated equilibrium model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354749,,Reassessing the relationships between private equity investors and their portfolio companies,VABB-1,479,492,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354751,,Belgium: from categorical nullities to a judicially created balancing test,VABB-4,161,182,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354752,,"Politics, mnemonics, and the verse form: on the function of the poems in the excellente cronike van Vlaenderen",VABB-4,249,254,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354753,,Rewriting Kolanis v. United Kingdom: the right to community living,VABB-4,382,397,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354755,,Vladimir Nabokov on Don Quixote: 'a veritable encyclopedia of cruelty',VABB-4,44,59,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:354761,,Sickness absence and sickness presence,VABB-4,367,390,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354762,,Ironie,VABB-4,502,505,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:354764,,How to sell a boring action hero? An analysis of the success of the Bourne films within the context of Corporate Hollywood,VABB-4,117,129,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354767,,From socio-economic protest to national revolt: the labor origins of the Tunisian revolution,VABB-4,127,146,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354770,,"Peaks of internationalism in social engineering: a transnational history of international social reform associations and Belgian agency, 1860–1925",VABB-1,1297,1320,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:354771,,Developing context-sensitive livability indicators for transportation planning: a measurement framework,VABB-1,51,64,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354773,,Investigating the influence of the institutional organisation of agri-environmental schemes on scheme adoption,VABB-1,20,30,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354775,,Self-other agreement as an alternative perspective of school leadership analysis: an exploratory study,VABB-1,296,315,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354776,,Visible minorities in local political parties: a case study of two Belgian cities (Antwerp and Ghent),VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354777,,A quantitative assessment of educational integration of students with down syndrome in the Netherlands,VABB-1,625,636,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354779,,Agricultural outsourcing: a two-headed coin?,VABB-1,20,27,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354780,,L'impropre et l'obscène dans 'Alector' de Barthélemy Aneau,VABB-4,141,153,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:354787,,"'Dat weet je nooit, bij Bulgaren': over het gebruik van Bulgaren in de Nederlandse literatuur",VABB-4,221,240,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354788,,Gender equality in European union development policy,VABB-4,291,303,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354791,,Social capital and post-conflict reconstruction in Burundi: the limits of community-based reconstruction,VABB-1,147,174,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354792,,"The sublime in art: Kant, the mannerist and the matterist sublime",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:354793,,Effect of beta-alanine and carnosine supplementation on muscle contractility in mice,VABB-1,43,51,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354795,,"The association between childhood stress and body composition, and the role of stress-related lifestyle factors: cross-sectional findings from the baseline ChiBS survey",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354796,,Sports injuries in physical education teacher education students,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354797,,Resistance in couples counselling: sequences of talk that disrupt progressivity and promote disaffiliation,VABB-1,18,37,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354799,,"L.B. tegen België, 2 oktober 2012",VABB-1,70,80,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354802,,Psychodrama: from a dialogical self theory to a self in dialogical action,VABB-4,133,150,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354804,,Between unruliness and sociality: discourses on diasporic cinema audiences for Turkish and Indian films,VABB-4,64,79,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354806,,Differentiated integration trajectories of Nomadic peoples in Roman Africa (1st-3rd cent. AD),VABB-4,197,216,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354807,,Olympiodorus of Thebes and Eastern triumphalism,VABB-4,130,152,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354814,,Bestuur en maatschappelijk middenveld,VABB-4,349,370,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354815,,Existential verb and transitive possession verb,VABB-4,310,313,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354816,,Politieaangifte onder de loep: een beschrijvende analyse van het aangiftegedrag van 19.008 slachtoffers met focus op leeftijd en herhaald slachtofferschap,VABB-4,9,26,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:354817,,A brief history of landscape research,VABB-4,12,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354818,,"The European court of human rights, media freedom and democracy",VABB-4,107,124,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354821,,"Managing inequality: the political ecology of a small-scale fishery, Mweru-Luapula, Zambia",VABB-1,14,36,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354822,,Rechtsplegingsvergoeding en voogd ad hoc,VABB-1,109,113,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354825,,Longitudinal follow-up of the mental health of unaccompanied refugee minors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354826,,On the outskirts of modernity: Tristan Tzara and Dada in Romania,VABB-1,215,231,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354827,,'Culturomics' and the representation of the language of the Third Reich in digitized German books,VABB-1,87,99,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354828,,A functional-cognitive framework for attitude research,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354829,,Reconstructing passive and voice in Proto-Indo-European,VABB-1,98,121,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354832,,Reporter in de 'contact zone': Johan de Boose in Polen en Kroatië,VABB-4,281,299,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354841,,Do psychosocial factors moderate the association between neighborhood walkability and adolescents' physical activity?,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354842,,The conceptual elusiveness of engineering functions: a philosophical analysis,VABB-1,159,185,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354846,,Increased news access for international NGOs? How Médecins Sans Frontières' press releases built the agenda of Flemish newspapers (1995-2010),VABB-1,430,445,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354848,,Posterior muscle chain activity during various extension exercises: an observational study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354849,,Het recht op en de bekrachtiging van de relatieve nietigheid van de woningbouwovereenkomst wegens schending van artikel 7 van de Wet-Breyne,VABB-1,258,268,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354855,,Consolation Row: Ooghentroost and the Comfort of Satire,VABB-4,49,64,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354857,,Hoe serieus nemen ze mij? Politiecontacten in het licht van mensenrechten/kinderrechten,VABB-1,151,179,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354860,,Recognition and dissent: Schelling's conception of recognition and its contribution to contemporary political philosophy,VABB-4,143,164,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354861,,Accessibility to public service delivery: a combination of different indicators,VABB-4,118,134,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354863,,The concept of simultaneous feedback,VABB-4,548,556,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354866,,The life of Constantine: the image of an image,VABB-4,133,149,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354870,,An Atharvanic hymn to night: text-critical and linguistic remarks on the interpretation of Saunakiya 19.50 = Paippalada 14.9,VABB-1,53,85,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354871,,Gender differences in sagittal standing alignment before pubertal peak growth: the importance of subclassification and implications for spinopelvic loading,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354872,,"Two-sided messages for health risk prevention: the role of argument type, refutation and issue ambivalence",VABB-1,719,730,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354873,,Shakespeare's freedom: Greenblatt over het genie Shakespeare,VABB-1,204,215,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354875,,"Going, going, gone? Proactive control prevents the congruency sequence effect from rapid decay",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354876,,"Towards a participatory, co-operative and sustainable information society? A critical analysis of Swedish ICT policy discourses",VABB-1,3,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354877,,"Being in or getting at the real: Kochan on Rouse, Heidegger and minimal realism",VABB-1,453,462,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354878,,Dissociative symptoms and sleep parameters: an all-night polysomnography study in patients with insomnia,VABB-1,658,664,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:354879,,Open innovation processes in living lab innovation systems: insights from the LeYLab,VABB-1,28,36,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354882,,The effectiveness of green advertisements: combining ad-based and consumer-based research,VABB-4,213,222,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354884,,Member state differences in prison disciplinary regimes and implications for European Union cooperation,VABB-4,255,273,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354887,,A funny thing happened on my way to the market: reading Petronius to write economic history,VABB-4,125,139,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354889,,La structure comparative à comparant réduit: séquence elliptique ou fragmentaire ? Le cas de autant que,VABB-4,17,38,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:354890,,Morality and involvement in social virtual worlds: the intensity of moral emotions in response to virtual life versus real life cheating,VABB-1,451,469,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354891,,"Cancer patients' and professional caregivers' needs, preferences and factors associated with receiving and providing fertility-related information: a mixed-methods systematic review",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354893,,Gezocht: politicus (m/v) met managementtalent! Beïnvloeden persoonlijke kenmerken van fractieleiders in Vlaamse gemeenteraden hun vertrouwdheid met New Public Management concepten?,VABB-1,79,97,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:354894,,De Gentse coöperatie Vooruit op de Wereldtentoonstelling van 1913,VABB-1,58,74,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354895,,EU-Switzerland: quo vadis?,VABB-1,727,755,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354896,,Gebruik van testinstrumenten in psychiatrische deskundigenverslagen bij internering; een exploratief dossieronderzoek in het gerechtelijk arrondissement Gent,VABB-1,337,347,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354897,,The impact of peripheral neuropathy and cognitive decrements on gait in older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus,VABB-1,1074,1079,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354899,,How technical and functional service quality drive consumer happiness Moderating influences of channel usage,VABB-1,30,48,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354902,,Max Frisch: literary transformations of identity,VABB-4,79,90,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354904,,Flemish youngsters and right-wing extremist groups: status quaestionis,VABB-4,15,51,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354906,,Pluralists about pluralism? Different versions of explanatory pluralism in psychiatry,VABB-4,105,119,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:354911,,Color and containment: domestic spaces and restrained palettes in Hitchcock's first color films,VABB-4,179,188,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354913,,China: medieval era migrations,VABB-4,995,1004,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354915,,Qualitative nursing research in the Netherlands and Flanders,VABB-4,560,576,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354916,,Repetion and the genesis of meaning: an introductory note,VABB-4,7,19,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354917,,Childhood antecedents of personality disorders,VABB-4,166,185,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354918,,"Clio defeating Neptune: a pyrrhic victory? Men and their influence on the evolution of coastal landscapes in the North Sea area, especially during the Middle Ages and the Old Régime",VABB-4,397,428,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354919,,Art. 2.21 en 2.22 BVIE,VABB-4,1,31,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354920,,"'To bring good agreement and concord to Christendom': the Conference of Marck (1555) and English neutrality, 1553-1557",VABB-1,681,698,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354923,,Accessibility to primary health care in Belgium: an evaluation of policies awarding financial assistance in shortage areas,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354924,,Mustafa Tunç en Fecire Tunç tegen Turkije,VABB-1,2554,2566,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354925,,The impact of hub hierarchy and market competition on airfare pricing in US hub-to-hub markets,VABB-1,65,70,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354926,,Het nieuwe CEPANI Mediatiereglement,VABB-1,11,28,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:354935,,"Plot, morality and folk psychology research",VABB-4,175,197,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354939,,Going to named places,VABB-4,314,317,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354941,,Furniture firm Van Den Berghe-Pauvers: fully-fledged partner in the postwar promotion of modern design in Belgium,VABB-1,149,173,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354942,,Celebrity capital: redefining celebrity using field theory,VABB-1,543,560,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354944,,"Travel and subjective well-being: a focus on findings, methods and future research needs",VABB-1,421,442,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354947,,Political representation in local governance: a survey analysis of councillor attitudes and behaviour in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354948,,Magnetic resonance imaging in paediatric psychoneuroendocrinology: a new frontier for understanding the impact of hormones on emotion and cognition,VABB-1,762,770,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354949,,"Economy of Ragusa, 1300-1800: the tiger of medieval mediterranean",VABB-1,201,231,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354953,,Krachtgericht werken in de integrale jeugdhulp: een paradox?,VABB-1,1,18,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354956,,Researching the power of music,VABB-4,9,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354957,,Social interaction in music,VABB-4,65,76,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354965,,Haec monstra edidit: translating Lucan in the early seventeenth century,VABB-4,405,424,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354976,,When motivation backfires: optimal levels of motivation as a function of cognitive capacity in information relevance perception and social judgment,VABB-1,261,273,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354977,,Credence quality coordination and consumers' willingness-to-pay for certified halal labelled meat,VABB-1,790,797,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354978,,Heterogeneous preferences for water rights reforms among smallholder irrigators in South Africa,VABB-1,131,149,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354979,,The Lampedusa Disaster: how to prevent further loss of life at Sea?,VABB-1,589,598,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354980,,"Tussen droom en daad: het literaire stadsbeeld van Aalst, Dendermonde, Oudenaarde en Veurne, 1830-1914",VABB-4,245,266,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354986,,Balancing ethical criteria for the recruitment of gamete donors,VABB-4,150,167,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:354987,,Cities without slums in Morocco? New modalities of urban government and the bidonville as a neoliberal assemblage,VABB-4,41,59,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354989,,Predicative locative phrases,VABB-4,298,301,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:354990,,Unravelling gender composition effects on rule-breaking at school: a focus on study attitudes,VABB-1,466,485,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354991,,Understanding the relationship between type 2 diabetes mellitus and falls in older adults: a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:354993,,Empirische studie over het Belgische IPR en familiezaken,VABB-1,1,51,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:354998,,Changing the ideological roots of prejudice: longitudinal effects of ethnic intergroup contact on social dominance orientation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:354999,,Notes on the quantifiaction of post-medieval pottery in the Low Countries: pottery quantification in the Low Countries,VABB-1,106,118,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355004,,"The piacular, or on seeing oneself as a moral cause in Adam Smith",VABB-4,159,177,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355006,,"The interface between the area of freedom, security and justice and the common foreign and security policy of the European Union: legal constraints to political objectives",VABB-4,119,135,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355007,,An evaluation of the potential of Web 2.0 APIs for Social Research,VABB-4,212,224,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355012,,Il caso editoriale Pitigrilli e il romanzo L’esperimento di Pott (1929) tra figuratività ed intermedialità,VABB-1,,,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:355015,,Kopstukken van de kasselrij: de hoogbaljuws van het Land van Waas in de zestiende en zeventiende eeuw,VABB-1,194,219,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355018,,Editing the African city: reading colonial planning in African cities from a comparative perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355019,,"Does loyalty span domains? Examining the relationship between consumer loyalty, other loyalties, and happiness",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:355020,,Grote gangsters of klein gespuis? De lichaamslengte in de Gentse gevangenis in de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,145,173,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:355021,,Parental distress and catastrophic thoughts about child pain: implications for parental protective behavior in the context of child leukemia related medical procedures,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:355023,,Flood risk management in Flanders: past developments and future challenges,VABB-1,3585,3606,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355024,,Intake and dietary sources of haem and non-haem iron among European adolescents and their association with iron status and different lifestyle and socio-economic factors,VABB-1,765,772,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355025,,Punishment sensitivity predicts the impact of punishment on cognitive control,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355026,,The EU and the security-development Nexus: bridging the legal divide,VABB-1,83,102,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355027,,Ontwikkeling en validatie van een kennistest over psychofarmaca voor verpleegkundigen op de afdeling acute geriatrie,VABB-1,4,11,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355035,,"Assessing the potential impacts of climate change on traditional landscapes and their heritage values on the local level: case studies in the Dender basin in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,179,191,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355036,,De problematiek van de stadsregio's in Vlaanderen: de nood aan een Vlaamse agenda,VABB-1,54,67,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:355037,,De Representatie van het Verleden: de Franse Revolutie in de briefroman Desmond van Charlotte Smith,VABB-1,39,53,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:355038,,"Lichamen op het kruispunt tussen klasse en gender: sociale klasse, gender en lichaamsoriëntaties in Vlaanderen",VABB-1,270,306,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355039,,From DNA- to NA-centrism and the conditions for gene-centrism revisited,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:355040,,Noot onder Căşuneanu t. Roemenië (EHRM 16 april 2013),VABB-1,1549,1559,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355041,,The cumulative effect of satisfaction with discrete transactions on share of wallet,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:355042,,A longitudinal examination of the three-component model of customer commitment and loyalty: the importance of identifying customer segments and using panel survey data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:355044,,Valid cues for auditory or somatosensory targets affect their perception: a signal detection approach,VABB-1,223,232,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355045,,Observation of parental functioning at mealtime using a sibling design,VABB-1,132,138,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355046,,Flavors of appraisal theories of emotion,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:355047,,Ruimtelijke segregatie van 'oude' en 'nieuwe' migrantengroepen in Gent,VABB-1,7,35,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355049,,Belgian political marketing in context: researching the volatile electorate,VABB-4,202,223,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355050,,Governance throughout the flows: case study research on the illegal tropical timber trade,VABB-4,167,199,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355051,,Advice-giving,VABB-4,89,116,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355055,,Argo was here: the ideology of geographical space in the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius,VABB-4,159,175,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355056,,Word order restrictions in adnominal constructions: the case of the German pre- versus postnominal genitive,VABB-4,255,297,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355059,,Differences between Flemish and Chinese primary students' mastery of basic arithmetic operations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:355062,,Case Volksbank România: limits of the full harmonization approach of the consumer credit directive,VABB-1,87,100,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355063,,Oneerlijke bedingen: beoordelingscriteria en de gevolgen van de nietigheid vastgesteld in een procedure tussen een onderneming en de nationale beschermingsautoriteit: noot onder HJEU (1ste k.) 26 april 2012),VABB-1,41,48,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355064,,Upper limb activity in children with unilateralspastic cerebral palsy: the role of vision in movement strategies,VABB-1,38,42,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355065,,Aansprakelijkheid voor niet-toegestane betalingstransacties: over grove nalatigheid en kennisgeving: noot onder Tribunal de commerce de Mons 3 novembre 2011,VABB-1,606,610,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355068,,Regime complexes and interplay management,VABB-1,562,589,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355069,,Vlaamse decreetgever hertekent het fiscaal kader voor de overdracht van familiebedrijven – eerste verkenning van de nieuwe regeling en evaluatie vanuit de beleidsdoelstellingen,VABB-1,65,93,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:355070,,'Oe moe 'k da zeggen?' Het talige repertoire van kinderen in de jeugdbeweging,VABB-1,163,176,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355071,,Recruiting through employee referrals: an examination of employees' motives,VABB-1,451,464,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355072,,"What practices do parents perceive as effective or ineffective in promoting a healthy diet, physical activity, and less sitting in children: parent focus groups",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355073,,'The last years of a Victorian monumen: the Athenaeum after Maccoll',VABB-1,195,212,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355074,,Past is present: settler colonialism in Palestine,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:355077,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Europees hof voor de Rechten van de Mens (1 mei 2013 tot 31 juli 2013),VABB-1,389,394,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355078,,War-related experiences of former child soldiers in northern Uganda: a comparison study with non-recruited youth.,VABB-1,281,291,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355083,,"De Gentse Heins(ius)? Waarheid en fictie over Heyns, een (a)typische griffier van de Raad van Vlaanderen",VABB-1,69,99,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355084,,"Understanding the Links among neuromedin U Gene, beta2-adrenoceptor Gene and Bone Health: An Observational Study in European Children",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355085,,De winstgevendheid van de collectieve schuldenregeling voor de schuldbemiddelaar: een studie met Time-Driven Activity-based Costing (deel 2: simulatie),VABB-1,138,150,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355087,,Gunningsfraude en de strafrechtelijke bescherming van de vrijheid van opbod,VABB-1,283,293,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355089,,The intergenerational transmission of need for closure underlies the transmission of authoritarianism and anti-immigrant prejudice,VABB-1,779,784,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355090,,"Les quatre libertés cardinales: de iconologie van de vrijheid van pers, onderwijs, vereniging en geloof in België, als uitdrukking van een populariserende grondwetscultus vanaf 1848",VABB-1,154,180,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355091,,Copyright vs. freedom of expression: the case Ashby Donald and others v. France,VABB-1,53,58,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355100,,The GRID meets the wheel: assessing emotional feeling via self-report,VABB-4,281,298,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355101,,What the GRID can reveal about culture-specific emotion concepts: a case study of Russian 'toska',VABB-4,353,365,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355102,,Cultural differences in the meaning of guilt and shame,VABB-4,388,396,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355103,,CoreGRID and MiniGRID: development and validation of two short versions of the GRID instrument,VABB-4,523,541,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355109,,Een onderhandse akte als voorwaarde voor de verkoop van onroerend goed? Over het toenemende belang van essentiële en substantiële voorwaarden tijdens de onderhandelingsfase van het contract: noot onder Brussel 23 juni 2011 en Brussel 18 november 2011,VABB-1,187,192,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355111,,Transportation policy as spatial planning tool; reducing urban sprawl by increasing travel costs and clustering infrastructure and public transportation,VABB-1,117,125,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355112,,Bilateral non-arteric ischemic optic neuropathy in a transsexual woman using excessive estrogen dosage,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:355113,,The role of mitochondrial dysfunctions due to oxidative and nitrosative stress in the chronic pain or chronic fatigue syndromes and fibromyalgia patients: peripheral and central mechanisms as therapeutic targets?,VABB-1,1081,1089,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355114,,"Improving food security in the rural areas of KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa: too little, too slow",VABB-1,468,490,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355115,,Orde in veiligheid: een dynamisch perspectief door Marc Schuilenburg,VABB-1,53,56,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355116,,Cost-effectiveness of a helpline for suicide prevention,VABB-1,273,281,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355118,,Diagnostiek bij jongvolwassenen met dyslexie: een wetenschappelijk onderbouwd protocol,VABB-1,90,100,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355119,,How to activate teachers through teacher evaluation?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:355120,,After the crisis and beyond the new constitutionalism? The case of the free movement of capital,VABB-1,803,818,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355121,,De nieuwe procedure inzake voorlopige maatregelen: nihil novi sub sole?,VABB-1,167,181,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355123,,Speech monitoring and phonologically-mediated eye gaze in language perception and production: a comparison using printed word eye-tracking,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355124,,Dissemination and implementation of the ARIA guidelines for allergic rhinitis in general practice,VABB-1,106,113,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:355127,,Substance use disorders in adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a 4-year follow-up study,VABB-1,1503,1511,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355128,,No 'Significant Flaws' in the regulatory framework: E.S. v. Sweden and the lowering of standards in the positive obligations case-law of the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-1,145,164,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355129,,Dealing with zero word frequencies: a review of the existing rules of thumb and a suggestion for an evidence-based choice,VABB-1,422,430,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355133,,Bibliography of pragmatics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355134,,"The aesthetic of matter: modernism, the avant-garde and material exchange",VABB-3,,,435 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355135,,Politenesse distinctions in second-person pronouns,VABB-4,68,71,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355136,,Passive constructions,VABB-4,358,361,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355137,,Transitive motion verbs: 'pull',VABB-4,330,333,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355138,,Complementizer with verbs of knowing,VABB-4,382,385,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355141,,Managing open innovation: connecting the firm to external knowledge,VABB-2,,,"XXI, 327 p.",eng,2012,2 c:vabb:355142,,Scientific explanation,VABB-2,,,93 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355144,,Infinitivo y sujeto en portugués y español: un estudio empírico de los infinitivos adverbiales con sujeto explícito,VABB-2,,,353 p.,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:355145,,The political economy of television sports rights,VABB-2,,,268 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355146,,Information systems for small and medium-sized enterprises,VABB-2,,,459 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355147,,Gottfried Benn »... bis zur Verwandlung des physischen Menschen« Ein Laboratorium der modernen Lyrik 1935 bis 1956 Edition und textgenetische Studien,VABB-2,,,1042 p.,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:355149,,The influence of a smoking ban on the profitability of Belgian restaurants,VABB-1,33,36,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355151,,"Scheiden in meervoud: over partners, kinderen en grootouders",VABB-2,,,336 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355152,,De schaduw van Kaïn: Freuds klinische antropologie van de agressiviteit,VABB-2,,,244 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355157,,Determinants of rural people to join cooperatives in Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,1094,1107,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355158,,Planlast in het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,20,27,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355159,,Embryo deaths in reproduction and embryo research: a reply to Murphy's double effect argument,VABB-1,533,536,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355160,,Medical homes versus individual practice in primary care impact on health care expenditures,VABB-1,682,688,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355161,,La villa miseria como laberinto mágico: el caso 'La villa' de César Aira,VABB-1,75,89,,spa,2012,1 c:vabb:355165,,Palladius and the Johannite schism,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355166,,The effectiveness of three types of alternating pressure air mattresses in the prevention of pressure ulcers in Belgian hospitals,VABB-1,439,452,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355167,,Kartelboete niet aftrekbaar als beroepskost,VABB-1,680,687,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355168,,Archeologische (lithische) indicatoren met geringe afmetingen en hun rol bij het opsporen van afgedekte prehistorische vindplaatsen: experimentele en archeologische observaties,VABB-1,193,215,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355169,,Rethinking the distribution of English finite clausal complements: evidence from complementiser-how clauses,VABB-1,119,130,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355171,,"The three pillars of volition: phenomenal states, ideomotor processing, and the skeletal muscle system",VABB-4,284,303,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355173,,Polar questions,VABB-4,410,413,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355174,,Position of standard negation,VABB-4,402,405,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355175,,Vocative markers,VABB-4,428,431,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355179,,Peter Terrin,VABB-4,1,11,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:355185,,Deutsche Literaturgeschichte: von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart,VABB-2,,,"XI, 781 p.",ger,2013,2 c:vabb:355189,,Comment on a écrit l’histoire antique à l'École française de Rome (1873-1940),VABB-2,,,489 p.,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:355190,,Mooi is nuttig: de kunstpraktijk als ervarings- en reflectiemodel,VABB-2,,,134 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355192,,Psychologization and the subject of late modernity,VABB-2,,,208 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355194,,Pietà: fenomenologie van een creatieproces,VABB-2,,,109 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:355196,,The acquisition of the German case system by foreign language learners,VABB-2,,,302 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355197,,The politics and institutions of global energy governance,VABB-2,,,208 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355204,,"Relative age, biological maturation and anaerobic characteristics in elite youth soccer players",VABB-1,897,903,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355205,,Direct and indirect associations between the family physical activity environment and sports participation among 10-12 year-old European children: testing the EnRG framework in the ENERGY project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355206,,The Portuguese inflected infinitive: an empirical approach,VABB-1,161,186,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355207,,Article 10 and the chilling effect principle,VABB-1,304,313,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355208,,Δηλώσω σοι γὰρ τὰς πράξεις (DA 1.13G): a note on the order of clitic pronouns and particles in the Grottaferrata Digenis Akritis,VABB-1,733,742,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355209,,El cómo y el porqué de las interjecciones derivadas de los verbos de movimiento,VABB-1,,,,spa,2013,1 c:vabb:355216,,Comitatives and instrumentals,VABB-4,276,279,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355217,,Raining constructions,VABB-4,256,259,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355218,,Tightness of the link between the past marker and the verb,VABB-4,176,179,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355219,,Tense and aspect from Hellenistic to early Byzantine Greek,VABB-4,379,382,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355220,,"Sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek en beleid: een analyse van de interactie, kennisgebruik en doorwerking in België en Vlaanderen",VABB-2,,,226 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355224,,Historical and conceptual issues in psychology,VABB-2,,,544 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:355227,,Psychose anders bekeken: over het werk van Jacques Lacan,VABB-2,,,224 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355231,,"Monastic reform as process: realities and representations in Medieval Flanders, 900–1100",VABB-2,,,"XI, 233 p.",eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355233,,The battle for the migrants: the introduction of steamships on the North-Atlantic and its impact on the European exodus,VABB-2,,,409 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355237,,"Livelihoods, power, and food insecurity: adaptation of social capital portfolios in protracted crises—case study Burundi",VABB-1,267,292,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:355239,,Trade-offs between assessor team size and assessor expertise in affecting rating accuracy in assessment centers,VABB-1,13,20,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355240,,Het Stockholm-zwartboek justitie en politie: een trieste inventaris van Belgische en Europese onverantwoordelijkheid en visieloosheid,VABB-1,349,367,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355242,,Infinite regress arguments,VABB-1,95,109,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355245,,Monetary power and EMU: macroeconomic autonomy and adjustment in the eurozone,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355246,,Model-supported business-to-business prospect prediction based on an iterative customer acquisition framework,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355251,,Introduction: feminist future fiction,VABB-4,9,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355253,,Queer gazing and the popular: a study on the representational strategies of queer representations in popular television fiction,VABB-4,225,239,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355254,,The influence of high-level beliefs on self-regulatory engagement: evidence from thermal pain stimulation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355268,,Retaining through training even for older workers,VABB-1,29,48,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355269,,Rethinking rights and interests of local communities in REDD+ designs: lessons learnt from current forest tenure systems in Cameroon,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355322,,Exocyst complexes multiple functions in plant cells secretory pathways,VABB-1,726,733,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355397,,Conjugate modelling of convective drying phenomena in porous building materials,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:355428,,Birth weight for gestational age among Flemish twin population,VABB-1,42,49,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:355444,,Echium oil and linseed oil as alternatives for fish oil in the maternal diet: blood fatty acid profiles and oxidative status of sows and piglets,VABB-1,3253,3264,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355486,,A manic episode after bilateral subthalamic stimulation in a patient with advanced Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,367,369,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355490,,The influence of reflection on portfolio learning in undergraduate dental education,VABB-1,e93,e99,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355491,,Musculoskeletal ultrasound for sports injuries,VABB-1,651,663,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:355492,,Musculoskeletal ultrasound for interventional physiatry,VABB-1,675,687,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:355536,,Predictors of quit success in Belgian participants of a varenicline observational smoking cessation trial,VABB-1,37,42,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355558,,Remedies for a high incidence of broken eggs in furnished cages: effectiveness of increasing nest attractiveness and lowering perch height,VABB-1,19,25,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355559,,Musculoskeletal ultrasound for peripheral nerve lesions,VABB-1,665,674,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:355583,,Corporate governance and the cost of debt: European evidence,VABB-1,20,28,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355584,,Can research realise a bit of Utopia? .,VABB-1,318,330,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355607,,Development of a nanofiltration method for bone collagen 14C AMS dating,VABB-1,233,239,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355611,,Investigating the influence of QoS on personal evaluation behaviour in a mobile context,VABB-1,335,358,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:355625,,Lol V. Stein,VABB-1,78,86,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:355636,,Emotional resonance deficits in autistic children,VABB-1,616,628,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355678,,"Six formats in simulated and standardized patients use, based on experiences of 13 undergraduate medical curricula in Belgium and the Netherlands",VABB-1,710,716,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:355694,,Spaces of Wonder: Animation and Museology,VABB-4,292,316,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:355696,,Integrating multi-receiver electromagnetic induction measurements into the interpretation of the soil landscape around the school of gladiators at Carnuntum,VABB-1,716,727,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355698,,Kosteneffectiviteit van chronische zuurstoftherapie bij COPD-patiënten met ernstige hypoxemie,VABB-1,639,647,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:355724,,De collectieve schuldenregeling: enkele nieuwigheden toegelicht,VABB-1,42,58,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355725,,Intellectual capital disclosure commitment: myth or reality?,VABB-1,39,56,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:355729,,Translation and validation of the Dutch New Knee Society Scoring System©,VABB-1,3565,3571,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355731,,"Cerebral lateralization of praxis in right- and left-handedness: same pattern, different strength",VABB-1,763,777,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:355762,,Limiting the caesarean section rate in low risk pregnancies is key to lowering the trend of increased abdominal deliveries: an observational study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:355767,,Assessment of atomic charge models for gas-phase computations on polypeptides,VABB-1,661,676,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:355768,,Investigating the halochromic properties of azo dyes in an aqueous environment by using a combined experimental and theoretical approach,VABB-1,8120,8129,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:355769,,Framework for user acceptance: clustering for fine-grained results,VABB-1,233,239,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:355772,,Acute kidney injury: an increasing global concern,VABB-1,170,179,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355784,,"Un estudio exploratorio de las convenciones discursivas en el Parlamento Europeo: los agradecimientos en español, francés y neerlandés",VABB-1,171,185,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:355801,,Samenwerking tussen de Vlaamse centrumsteden en hun OCMW's op het vlak van financieel management,VABB-1,20,28,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:355803,,Processes of militarization in policing,VABB-4,263,272,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:355807,,Infection prevention and control strategies in the era of limited resources and quality improvement: a perspective paper,VABB-1,154,157,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355842,,Nonprofit advocacy under a third-party government regime: cooperation or conflict?,VABB-1,222,241,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:355864,,"Het debat geopend. Inleiding tot de discussie over bijzondere inlichtingenmethoden,",VABB-1,3,7,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:355872,,De nietigheid van overeenkomsten wegens strijdigheid met de openbare orde of de goede zeden: algemene beginselen en een grondslagenonderzoek,VABB-1,1355,1420,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:355881,,De bewijsrechtelijke betekenis van de uitvoering van de overeenkomst in burgerlijke zaken,VABB-1,946,953,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:355899,,The Old English double object alternation : a discourse-based account,VABB-1,337,368,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:355957,,Spier- en gewrichtsproblemen bij het hypermobiele type van het Ehlers-Danlos Syndroom.,VABB-1,146,151,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:355964,,"Language testing, migration and citizenship. Cross-national perspectives on integration regimes",VABB-3,,,268 p.,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:355974,,Overzicht rechtspraak 2008. Algemeen belastingrecht - Inkomstenbelasting,VABB-1,3,115,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:356170,,The Competences of the Parent Company and the Network Embeddedness of the Subsidiary,VABB-5,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:356217,,"Les constructions existentielles en français, en espagnol et en italien",VABB-5,369,377,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:356232,,Visualising rough time intervals in a two-dimensional space,VABB-5,1480,1485,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:356234,,Poétique et rhétorique dans la poésie de Grégoire de Nazianze,VABB-5,47,66,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:356257,,The ideal vegetable attributes based on consumer preferences: a conjoint analysis approach,VABB-5,185,192,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:356354,,Blootstellingsevaluatie aan Chlamydophila psittaci in pluimveeslachterijen,VABB-5,203,210,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:356395,,Continuity and change in grammar: introduction,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:356397,,Pre-service teachers beliefs about evaluation,VABB-5,1294,1304,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:356403,,Transport amphorae from punic Carthage: an overview,VABB-5,85,116,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:356406,,Annotating the Dutch parallel corpus,VABB-5,63,72,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:356436,,"From EMPD to CFD: overview of different approaches for heat, air and moisture modeling in IEA Annex 41",VABB-5,96,110,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:356501,,Phrasis poikilê: imitatio and variatio in the poetry book of Christophoros Mitylenaios,VABB-5,103,118,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:356514,,Do follow-on vc funds outperform first time funds? A learning perspective,VABB-5,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:356523,,Bérénice de Racine: entre 'agon' tragique et bataille polémique,VABB-5,243,258,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:356532,,The music paint machine: a multimodal interactive platform to stimulate musical creativity in instrumental practice,VABB-5,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:356533,,Sur l'assignation du datif dans quatre langues romanes,VABB-5,77,96,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:356539,,The mind's eye on personal profiles: how to inform initial trustworthiness assessments in virtual project teams,VABB-5,297,304,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:356590,,"Farmers' preferences for irrigation water demand management tools: a Bayesian analysis of choice behaviour of farmers in Krishna river basin, India",VABB-5,27,38,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:356638,,Do curriculum materials and teachers matter in elementary mathematics?,VABB-5,118,118,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:356677,,Aspects de typologie syntaxique dans quelques langues romanes: les séquences des pronoms clitiques,VABB-5,97,118,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:356710,,"Droits humains, étrangers et multiculturalisme: pour une approche maximaliste et inclusive des droits fondamentaux",VABB-5,237,249,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:357010,,La función sintáctica del participante percibido: un análisis contrastivo español-portugués,VABB-5,301,310,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:357395,,Practical challenges for methods transforming i* goal models into business process models,VABB-5,15,23,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:357914,,"A syntactic typology of topic, focus and contrast",VABB-5,15,51,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:357965,,"'450 jaar bisdom, 450 jaar zorg voor kerkarchieven': de gedeelde zorg voor de Oost-Vlaamse kerkarchieven door het Rijksarchief Oost-Vlaanderen en het bisdom Gent",VABB-1,61,86,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:357979,,Valency-changing categories in Indo-Aryan and Indo-European: a diachronic typological portrait of Vedic Sanskrit,VABB-5,75,92,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358008,,Commentaar bij artikel 72-73 Wet tot bescherming van de economische mededinging,VABB-4,1,12,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:358046,,Tangled memories: Sarajevo's Vraca Memorial Park and the reconstruction of the past in Bosnia and Herzegovina.,VABB-5,565,574,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358094,,The eagle and the circle of gold starts: does the Bologna process affect US higer education?,VABB-1,3,23,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358096,,Enkele aspecten van tenuitvoerlegging van een herstelmaatregel,VABB-1,84,92,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:358114,,Reply to Skoyles: Direct acoustic-to-articulatory links have functional significance and historical precedent,VABB-1,E74,E74,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:358139,,Body image and sexuality in adolescents after hypospadias surgery,VABB-1,54,59,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:358225,,Mathematical and philosophical Newton,VABB-1,267,276,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:358226,,Does court-supervised reorganization work? Evidence from post-confirmation firm failure,VABB-1,149,168,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:358247,,Innovation capacity of food chains: a novel approach,VABB-1,99,125,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:358257,,Rehabilitation,VABB-4,147,154,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358260,,Understanding the suicidal brain: a review of neuropsychological studies of suicidal ideation and behaviour,VABB-4,151,167,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:358271,,Case note: Golemanova v Bulgaria,VABB-1,832,840,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:358272,,Het Internationaal Gerechtshof en de vereiste van grensoverschrijdende milieueffectbeoordeling,VABB-1,104,112,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:358305,,Is Montaigne a utopian?,VABB-4,67,76,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:358326,,The role of religious leaders in curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria,VABB-1,208,236,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358331,,"Spirituality in the writings of Etty Hillesum: proceedings of the Etty Hillesum conference at Ghent University, November 2008",VABB-3,,,"XXVI, 490 p.",dut,2010,2 c:vabb:358349,,Original assignment of private property,VABB-4,107,125,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358359,,Reading between text and image: the case of website,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:358366,,De Gentse edelsmeden en hun ambachtsleven tijdens de 15de en 16de eeuw,VABB-1,217,306,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:358368,,Back to the basics in banking? A micro-analysis of banking system stability,VABB-1,387,417,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:358371,,Common biology of craving across legal and illegal drugs: a quantitative meta-analysis of cue-reactivity brain response,VABB-1,1318,1326,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:358372,,"Psychological characteristics, stressful life events and deliberate self-harm: findings from the Child& Adolescent Self-harm in Europe (CASE) study",VABB-1,499,508,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:358394,,The urban novel,VABB-4,899,903,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358395,,Methoden hermeneutischer und neohermeneutischer Ansätze,VABB-4,29,50,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358401,,Une 'petite apocalypse' féerique: la transposition de l’horreur dans 'Féerie pour une autre fois' de Louis-Ferdinand Céline,VABB-4,137,151,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:358404,,De inbezitstelling van de algemene legataris (artikel 1008 BW),VABB-1,117,121,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:358412,,"'Het Hof van Justitie legt een bom onder het Vlaamse m.e.r.-Besluit van 10 december 2004: kunnen er nog kwantitatieve uitsluitingsdrempels worden gehanteerd bij de invulling van de screeningsverplichting? Noot onder HvJ, 15 oktober 2009, zaak nr. C-255/08, Commissie t. Nederland",VABB-1,143,158,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:358422,,Strategies: what's in a name?,VABB-4,287,306,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358427,,"“La révolte paysanne de Cassel, 1427-1431”",VABB-4,79,92,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:358441,,'He took him as his son': adoption in old Babylonian sippar,VABB-1,9,40,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358450,,Welcome speech by the rector of Ghent University,VABB-4,15,19,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358452,,The institutional reforms to the European Financial Supervisory System,VABB-1,240,265,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358453,,Verleiding voor dovemansoren: over de Beiroetepisode in Nonnos' Dionysiaka,VABB-1,177,191,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:358454,,"Interaction between product market and labour market power: evidence from France, Belgium and Chile",VABB-1,573,577,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:358459,,Do general practitioners and psychiatrists agree about defining cure from depression?: the DEsCRIBE™ survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:358464,,"Goffman and globalisation: Frame, footing and scale in migration-connected multilingualism.",VABB-4,19,41,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358481,,Jurisdiction problems regarding Internet torts: critical remarks,VABB-1,447,454,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358482,,Cyberconsommation et droit international privé,VABB-1,5,37,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:358484,,Environmental rights: a case study of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,VABB-1,255,268,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358485,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie): mei-juli 2010,VABB-1,512,533,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:358487,,Schuldsanering voor particulieren in België: beschouwingen bij tien jaar 'collectieve schuldenregeling',VABB-1,502,515,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:358499,,De cassatierechtspraak na het Straatburgse arrest Hamer: oude wijn in nieuwe zakken?,VABB-1,33,39,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:358501,,The impact of living arrangements and deinstitutionalisation in the health status of persons with intellectual disability in Europe,VABB-1,858,872,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:358502,,De kwalificatie van een verbintenis als resultaats- of middelenverbintenis,VABB-1,222,231,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:358508,,Cognitive styles and person-environment fit: investigating the consequences of cognitive (mis)fit,VABB-1,167,198,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:358510,,Het debat geopend: inleiding tot de discussie over bijzondere inlichtingenmethoden,VABB-1,1,124,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:358518,,Prioritized dynamic retraction function on non-monotonic information updates,VABB-4,443,463,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358520,,Evolution of case systems,VABB-4,439,457,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358530,,Working memory and executive control: a festschrift for Andre Vandierendonck,VABB-1,147,152,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:358531,,De zekerheidsrechtelijke beperkingen van de verkoop uit de hand van een onroerend goed dat tot een failliete boedel behoort: noot onder Cassatie 4 maart 2010,VABB-1,963,970,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:358533,,Le rôle du kairos dans les 'petits traités' de Pascal Quignard,VABB-1,19,30,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:358535,,L'approche belge de la responsabilité environnementale dans le milieu marin,VABB-1,,,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:358536,,Enkele kritische bedenkingen bij de toepassing van de plan-MER-Richtlijn op BPAs in het arrest Van Linden van 6 oktober 2006,VABB-1,386,394,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:358540,,Het Hof van Cassatie slaat spijkers met koppen,VABB-1,107,115,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:358575,,Coming to terms with governance in higher education,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358578,,L'école de la chance,VABB-1,1,27,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:358579,,Le règlement n° 1/2003 et l'autorité belge de concurrence: un regard rétrospectif sur 5 ans de pratique,VABB-1,637,655,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:358582,,Over belang en voorlopige maatregelen: de puntjes op de 'i',VABB-1,1167,1172,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:358583,,"Global and regional financial regulation, from the viewpoint of a European securities regulator",VABB-1,201,208,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358595,,The protocol on strategic environmental assessment: a matter of good governance,VABB-1,232,247,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:358597,,Goodbye Reykjavik: international banking centres and the global financial crisis,VABB-1,173,182,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:358601,,"Judgments of self-perceived academic competence and their differential impact on students' achievement motivation, learning approach, and academic performance",VABB-1,519,536,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:358602,,"The impact of goal orientation, self-reflection and personal characteristics on the acquisition of oral presentation skills",VABB-1,293,306,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:358613,,Rhetoricians as a bridge between learned and vernacular culture,VABB-4,197,203,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:358614,,Migration from and into Belgium and Luxemburg (17th-20th century),VABB-4,44,51,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:358621,,Boylan's Fugue in 'Sirens',VABB-1,1,32,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:358622,,Greening the constitution: 'duurzame ontwikkeling' als beleidsdoelstelling verankerd in de Grondwet,VABB-1,387,398,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:358624,,"Eis in Gentse schepenbank tot schadevergoeding vanwege gedupeerde echtgenoot na nietigverklaring van huwelijk: chirurgijn Jakon van Zoetendale vs. Katelijne Gossaerts uit Geraardsbergen, 1444-1446",VABB-1,147,173,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:358637,,'You consciousness': towards political theory: Etty Hillesum's experience and symbolization of the divine presence,VABB-4,103,125,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358638,,Experimental research methods in physical education and sports,VABB-4,149,162,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:358649,,'Who takes a second chance?' Profile of participants in alternative systems for obtaining a secondary diploma,VABB-1,781,794,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:358660,,International handbook of higher education,VABB-3,,,"XXVI, 696 p.",eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358661,,International perspectives on the governance of higher education: alternative frameworks for coordination,VABB-3,,,304 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358662,,Interpreting the Trauermarsch in 'Hades',VABB-1,139,150,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:358665,,Apprendre la langue du pays d'accueil,VABB-1,8,20,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:358674,,Wazigheid der jaren: de hoorplicht bij bestuurlijke sancties opgelegd na een aanslepend voortraject,VABB-1,519,531,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:358675,,Trapezius muscle timing during selected shoulder rehabilitation exercises,VABB-1,743,752,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:358680,,"'Newtonian' elements in locke, hume, and reid, or: how far can one stretch a label?",VABB-1,62,105,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358687,,Sentimentalität und Grausamkeit: Ambivalente Gefühle in der skandinavischen und deutschen Literatur der Moderne,VABB-3,,,250 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:358691,,Carparekening versus rubriekrekening: noot onder Cassatie 27 januari 2011,VABB-1,311,323,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:358692,,The determinants of stock and bond return comovements,VABB-1,2374,2428,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:358694,,Droit international privé: questions de conflits de juridiction (in 'Chronique de jurisprudence en droit des technologies de l'information (2002-2008)'),VABB-1,9,175,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:358696,,Kastelen en walsites in het Brugse Vrije tijdens de late middeleeuwen (ca. 1350-1500),VABB-1,87,138,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:358700,,Mission statements in Wales: the impact of markets and policy on congruence between institutions,VABB-1,23,35,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358715,,Case in decline,VABB-4,470,478,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358720,,"God, the soul and the creatrix: Haribhadra Sūri On Nyāya And Sāṃkhya",VABB-1,1,49,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358730,,"Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras VI: proceedings of the 14th and 15th International Colloquium Organized at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in May 2005 and May 2006",VABB-3,,,"XIV, 394 p.",eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358737,,Human rights promotion in post conflict Sierra Leone: coming to grips with plurality in customary justice,VABB-1,73,103,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358738,,Nieuwe literaire stilistiek en de lectuur van Ivo Michiels' experimentele proza,VABB-1,27,41,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:358746,,Goal priming and the emotional experience of students with and without attention problems: an application of the emotional Stroop task,VABB-1,177,189,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:358751,,An evolutionary and cognitive neuroscience perspective on moral modularity,VABB-4,255,270,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358766,,"Why computers can not anticipate the sufficient, but the necessary condition of what will be",VABB-1,52,64,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358770,,Ettore Cicotti’s profilo di Augusto and the Giuramento of 1931,VABB-1,283,298,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358773,,Het uittreksel uit het strafregister: een legaal stigma,VABB-1,33,48,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:358788,,Everything but arms: much more than appears at first sight,VABB-1,767,787,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:358791,,Fluoride intake through consumption of tap water and bottled water in Belgium,VABB-1,1676,1690,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:358792,,Why bother teaching philosophy to managers?,VABB-1,67,73,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358793,,"Predynastic settlement and cemeteries at Nag el-Qarmila, Kubbaniya",VABB-1,187,206,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358800,,"The chronotopic imagination in literature and film: Bakhtin, Bergson and Deleuze on forms of time",VABB-4,35,55,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358832,,Archaeological investigation in the Aswan-Kom Ombo region (2007-2008),VABB-1,9,55,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358833,,The inferential and representational techniques in Galileo's models for uniformly accelerated motion,VABB-1,257,280,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:358840,,"Clausen, zinsbouw en versificatie in de abele spelen: theatrale en stilistische aspecten van het 'rijmoverschrijdende verzenpaar'",VABB-1,15,38,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:358841,,'Le povre peuple estoit moult opprimé: elite discourses on 'the people' in the Burgundian Netherlands (fourteenth to fifteenth centuries),VABB-1,171,192,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:358867,,Ne zelfzekere leraar of gewoon nen enthousiaste mens? Een matched-guise onderzoek naar de attitude tegenover tussentaal bij West-Vlamingen,VABB-1,83,113,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:358881,,De definitieve teksteditie: definitief achterhaald?,VABB-1,283,299,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:358882,,Vermenigvuldig u niet lichtzinnig: het 'geval Daisne' en het Nieuw Vlaams Tijdschrift,VABB-1,20,33,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:358883,,Een gids in het land van de myhten: Imme Dros hervertelt de klassieken,VABB-1,38,57,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:358885,,Le butin de guerre et la tunique de Nessus: traduire le rapport au français chez Malika Mokeddem et Assia Djebar,VABB-1,31,46,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:358887,,'Koloniseren is een smaak die je moet leren': Hugo Claus en 'Het leven en de werken van Leopold II' (1970),VABB-1,151,166,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:358894,,"The grain issue of 1565-1566: policymaking, public opinion, and common good in the Habsburg Netherlands",VABB-4,171,204,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358922,,"Private equity syndication: agency costs, reputation and collaboration",VABB-1,616,644,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:358924,,Dilemmas when working with substance abusers with multiple and complex problems: the case manager's perspective,VABB-1,270,280,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:358942,,Perceived economic threat and anti-immigration attitudes: effects of immigrant group size and economic conditions revisited,VABB-4,283,312,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:358943,,An adaptive logic for rational closure,VABB-4,47,67,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:358959,,Evaluation of the capability of Landsat MSS data for mapping landforms in arid regions: a case study in the centre of Iran,VABB-1,67,80,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:358968,,"Displaced persons, a forgotten group of forced migrants",VABB-4,314,319,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:358976,,Kroniek boekhoudrecht (mei 2008 - april 2009),VABB-1,416,428,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:358978,,Op zoek naar Pape Jan of naar avontuur?: een discoursanalyse van boek III van Tvoyage van Mher Joos van Ghistele (1482-1483),VABB-1,27,60,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:358979,,The presence of self-employed people in Belgian politics,VABB-1,82,102,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359013,,Oleum de saxo durissimo: Bernard of Clairvaux's poetics of silence,VABB-4,319,335,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:359032,,Les bottines de la mothe Le Vayer,VABB-4,501,514,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:359043,,Der moralische Instinct: Über den natürlichen Ursprung unserer Moral,VABB-2,,,303 p.,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:359044,,De opmerkelijke concentratie van Duitsers in de bontsector tijdens het 'fin de siècle' in België,VABB-1,101,133,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:359046,,Impact of the transition from a conventional to an integrated contextual medical curriculum on students' learning patterns: a longitudinal study,VABB-1,433,441,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359052,,Supports for children with disabilities in regular education classrooms: an account of different persepctives in Flanders.,VABB-1,543,561,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359063,,The Copenhagen accord and the clean development mechanism: an assessment of the legality of CDM-projects and demand for CERs after 2012 in the light of the Copenhagen Accord,VABB-1,467,484,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359071,,Internationale bevoegdheid in sportzaken,VABB-1,169,185,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359073,,Learning outcomes and learner perceptions in relation to computer-based feedback,VABB-1,45,61,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359081,,Diversity in European higher education: historical trends and current policies,VABB-4,17,37,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359088,,The exercise of giving way to ‘giving in’- some aspects of the Member States EURATOM obligations revisited,VABB-1,481,493,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359092,,"Trading luxury glass, picturing collections and consuming objects of knowledge in early seventeenth-century Antwerp",VABB-1,53,78,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359095,,An experimental investigation of transitivity in set ranking,VABB-1,213,232,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359097,,The Depressive Experiences Questionnaires as a measure of psychoanalytic constructs reported to be measured,VABB-1,714,720,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359103,,Internationalizing the French auditing Profession,VABB-1,29,59,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359104,,Legal aspects of end-of-life decisions policies in health care institutions,VABB-1,725,738,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359105,,Het emancipatieproces van de Vlaamse dovengemeenschap: identiteitsdynamieken vanuit een transnationaal perspectief en een vraag naar de erkenning van dove kennis- en leervormen,VABB-1,99,120,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:359113,,Inleiding tot het themanummer samenwerking voor een grotere bestuurskracht,VABB-1,293,302,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359116,,Definitiedebat corruptie,VABB-1,17,23,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359120,,Aspects of Historical Poetics and Pragmatics of Slavic Charms,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359147,,Slechts een regelmatige kennisgeving van de directoriale beslissing doet de beroepstermijn lopen: noot onder Cass. 14 december 2008,VABB-1,178,181,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359152,,Far väl! Hyllning till Ivo Holmqvist,VABB-1,193,204,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359162,,De balie in België in de negentiende eeuw: introductie en evolutie van het napoleontisch model,VABB-1,87,102,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:359200,,"Preliminary archaeozoological report on sectors B6 and B6d in the sanctuary area (Pessinus, Ballıhisar, Turkey)",VABB-1,157,162,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359205,,"Problem behavior, parental stress and enuresis",VABB-1,2015,2020,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359208,,De Trauma-Symptoom Checklist for Children (TSCC): psychometrische kwaliteiten van de Nederlandse vertaling,VABB-1,185,204,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359211,,De Dodenherdenking aan het Homomonument in Amsterdam: herdenking van de slachtoffers van het naziregime en politiek gebruik van de herinnering,VABB-1,114,126,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:359214,,One-sensed facultied life (ekindriya jiva) in the Pali Vinaya: a camouflaged debate between Early Buddhists and Jains,VABB-1,85,104,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:359215,,Handhaven? Geen sinecure!,VABB-1,410,416,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:359220,,Emerging standards for enhanced publications and repository technology: survey on technology,VABB-2,,,209 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359234,,"Count your sheep!: doings and dealings of Kûyâ, trader in small stock during the Early Sukkalmaḫat",VABB-1,5,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359240,,Le relatif où et ses principaux concurrents: variation morpho-syntaxique et neutralisation entre synchronie et diachronie,VABB-1,123,146,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:359242,,A dramaturgy of the body,VABB-1,121,125,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359244,,De vanzelfsprekendheden voorbij: editiewetenschap en haar publiek: een kritische bevraging,VABB-1,263,282,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359246,,Comment narratif,VABB-1,89,106,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:359250,,Van vazen tot naakten: glazen kunstobjecten als resultaat van de samenwerking tussen industrieel Georges Despret en kunstenaar Yvonne Serruys (ca. 1905-1910),VABB-1,89,120,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:359256,,"Luc Somerhausen, 'agent-prospecteur' in dienst van Moskou",VABB-1,41,53,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359281,,Structuring asynchronous discussion groups: comparing scripting by assigning roles with regulation by cross-age peer tutors,VABB-1,349,360,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:359282,,David Storey's optimism and chance perspective: a case of the Emperor's new clothes?,VABB-1,714,729,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:359299,,Primary health care in Africa: now more than ever!,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359302,,Regeling van de territoriale bevoegdheid van de AOIF: back to basics: noot onder Antwerpen 28 oktober 2008 en Gent 18 november 2008,VABB-1,983,987,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359305,,Bibliography of pragmatics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:359312,,"Climate policy is dead, long live climate politics!",VABB-1,207,214,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359326,,Inspanningstolerantie en lichaamsvet bij Vlaamse brandweermannen: eerste resultaten,VABB-1,662,668,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:359327,,Enlightenment authorship? The case of the society for the encouragement of learning,VABB-1,65,87,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:359330,,Law via the internet: free access to law and judicial decisions; solutions and challenges from a Belgian viewpoint,VABB-1,269,281,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359332,,Sampling and ethical issues in a multicenter study on health of people with intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,1091,1100,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:359333,,Planning not to do something: does intending not to do something activate associated sensory consequences?,VABB-1,454,459,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:359335,,Conceptual analysis of causation and theoretical utility in everyday contexts,VABB-1,177,190,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359343,,Chronic hepatitis and other liver disease,VABB-4,1249,1263,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359359,,De agenda van de archivarissen: een terugblik,VABB-1,17,33,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:359370,,Autonomy and control of state agencies: comparing states and agencies,VABB-2,,,288 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359390,,The international aspects of Justi's work,VABB-4,99,110,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359399,,Team Work or Territorial War?,VABB-1,11,31,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359400,,“Historisch adelsonderzoek over de late middeleeuwen en de vroegmoderne periode in België en Nederland: een momentopname”,VABB-1,481,489,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359412,,Overzicht rechtspraak 2009: algemeen belastingrecht: inkomstenbelasting,VABB-1,5,115,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:359418,,French planning in a former Belgian Colony: a critical analysis of the French urban planning missions in post-independence Kinshasa,VABB-1,56,76,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359419,,Comparing Private and Public Sector Employees' Psychological Contracts,VABB-1,275,302,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359434,,"On the suitability of state-of-the-art music information retrieval methods for analyzing, categorizing and accessing non-Western and ethnic music collections",VABB-1,1032,1048,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:359438,,Vlaamse milieuhandhaving nieuwe stijl,VABB-1,326,374,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359440,,"Kartels, kogels en corruptiebeteugeling: een verhaal van het Zuiden",VABB-1,29,34,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359479,,Commentaar bij artikel 49 van de Belgische wet tot bescherming van de economische mededinging: het Belgisch clementieprogramma,VABB-4,7,68,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359484,,Human Rights: Minimum and Maximum Perspectives,VABB-1,349,372,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359522,,How Probabilistic Causation Can Account for the Use of Mechanistic Evidence,VABB-1,277-,295,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359526,,The impact of cremated bone dating on the archaeological chronology of the Low Countries,VABB-1,579,600,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359527,,14C-dating of cremated bones: the issue of sample contamination,VABB-1,553,568,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359530,,"Bits, bytes en brieven: over het digitale brievencorpus rond Van Nu en Straks",VABB-1,5,16,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359531,,'In het hoofd der critikasters van Het Overzicht is het niet pluis': een voetnoot in de eigentijdse receptie van 't Fonteintje,VABB-1,91,99,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359535,,The social dimension of globalization and EU development policy: promoting core labour standards and corporate social responsibility,VABB-4,133,151,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359541,,"""Glaubet und wartet!"". Die Narrativität des Heilsdenkens und das Körperprogramm der literarischen Moderne, am Beispiel von A. Schwarzenbachs ""Das glückliche Tal""",VABB-1,603,622,,ger,2009,1 c:vabb:359551,,Crowding affects letters and symbols differently,VABB-1,673,688,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359555,,Archaeological excavations in Pessinus (Turkey): the 2008 campaign,VABB-1,141,156,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359566,,The Mahasamghikas and the Origin of Mahayana Buddhism: Evidence Provided in the Abhidharmamahavibhasasastra,VABB-1,25,61,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359574,,Estimate of intake of benzoic acid in the Belgian adult population,VABB-1,958,968,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359597,,Manuscript layout and reecriture: a reconstruction of the manuscript tradition of the Vita Secunda Gisleni,VABB-1,215,237,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:359599,,"Regie zonder macht, besturen zonder kracht?: samenwerking tussen lokale besturen en de private sector",VABB-1,351,373,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359621,,Elections and electoral systems,VABB-4,277,287,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359622,,Title systems and recordation of interests,VABB-4,191,203,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359624,,"'An insane desire to see the author': Herman Melville, Henry James, and the ambiguities of gendered authorship",VABB-4,159,174,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359644,,"Bricks, mortar and capacity building: a socio-cultural history of SNV Netherlands development organisation",VABB-2,,,"X, 327 p.",eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359654,,Quelques timbres amphoriques de Lyon découverts en Gaule belgique et en Germanie inférieure,VABB-1,384,409,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:359657,,Van Beasts (1999) tot Maria-Magdalena (2009): de rituele queeste van Wayn Traub,VABB-1,3,36,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359663,,A short biography of Etty Hillesum (1914-1943),VABB-4,21,28,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:359669,,Modern Greek,VABB-4,312,323,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359677,,De (verrijkte) kruispuntbank van ondernemingen: welke factoren beïnvloeden de adoptie door Vlaamse gemeenten?,VABB-1,25,36,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:359679,,"Organizational change questionnaire - climate of change, processes and readiness: Development of a new instrument",VABB-1,559,599,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359684,,De erkenning van buitenlandse huwelijksakten: óók een zaak voor de Raad voor Vreemdelingenbetwistingen,VABB-1,205,209,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359685,,The green grass on the other side: looking at cross-border reproductive care,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359698,,Academic self-efficacy and academic self-concept: reconsidering structural relationships,VABB-1,499,505,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359699,,Art world on stage: Analyzing the social logic of literary realities and aesthetic dispositions in the contemporary Flemish theatre World,VABB-1,90,108,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359700,,The impact of an innovative instructional intervention on the acquisition of oral presentation skills in higher education,VABB-1,112,120,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359704,,Pascal Quignard et le bruissement du détail,VABB-1,2155069-1,2155069-12,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:359724,,Europese verordeningen als wetgevingsvraagstuk: het voorbeeld van de milieuverordeningen,VABB-1,278,306,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359725,,De Verenigde Naties als ideeënfabriek,VABB-1,271,284,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359731,,Overzicht rechtspraak 2008: algemeen belastingrecht: inkomstenbelastingen,VABB-1,3,115,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359740,,Identifying Competencies of Volunteer Board Members of Community Sports Clubs,VABB-1,213,235,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:359742,,The social impact of the Tour de France: comparisons of residents' pre- end post-event perceptions,VABB-1,91,113,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:359743,,"From insufficiency to anticipation, an introduction to 'Lichaamskaart'",VABB-1,145,155,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359745,,Adoptie,VABB-1,1596,1643,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:359753,,Genes involved in cerebrospinal fluid production as candidate genes for late onset Alzheimer's disease: a hypothesis,VABB-1,195,200,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:359754,,The P15-a multinational assessment battery for collecting data on health indicators relevant to adults with intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,981,991,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:359755,,Challenging culturally dominant conceptions in human rights law: the cases of property and family,VABB-1,241,259,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359766,,Opsporing van sociaalrechtelijke misdrijven,VABB-1,678,711,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359783,,Psychometric quality of the Dutch version of the Children's eating attitude test in a community sample and a sample of overweight youngsters,VABB-1,311,330,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359787,,Conflicts of interests: definition and possible solutions,VABB-1,93,110,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359798,,"Female domestic servants as desirable refugees: gender, labour needs and immigration policy in Belgium, the Netherlands and Great Britain",VABB-1,213,230,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:359799,,Evidence-based werken binnen de klinische psychologie: op zoek naar wetenschappelijke informatie,VABB-1,149,167,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359800,,De rol van executieve functies bij dyslexie en dyscalculie,VABB-1,18,28,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359802,,"Bereiken, ondersteunen en begeleiden van familieleden van allochtone drugsgebruikers",VABB-1,72,83,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:359813,,Varieties of Democracy in Science Policy,VABB-4,181,194,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359823,,"Speech is silver, silence is golden? Speech and Silence in the Buddhist samgha",VABB-1,63,92,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359824,,The influence of contracts on smallholder pepper (Piper nigrum L.) producers in Costa Rica under different market conditions,VABB-1,371,382,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359826,,'Uw lijden is mijn' pijne': Huygens in dialoog met Seneca,VABB-1,251,271,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359834,,Probleemkinderen in probleembuurten? De stad als alledaags socialisatiekader,VABB-1,21,34,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359835,,Bibliography of pragmatics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359843,,"How isometric are the medial patellofemoral, superficial medial collateral, and lateral collateral ligaments of the knee?",VABB-1,2028,2036,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359844,,Romanian approach to media portrayals of disability,VABB-1,525,538,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:359852,,Farmacologische behandeling van ischias,VABB-1,34,37,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359862,,Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for mitochondrial DNA disorders: ethical guidance for clinical practice,VABB-1,1550,1559,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:359869,,Fostering deaf people's empowerment: the Cameroonian deaf community and epistemological equity,VABB-1,1419,1436,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:359872,,De 'affaire' van de vrijheid. Jean-Luc Nancy over het vrijheidsbegrip bij Kant en Heidegger,VABB-1,723,750,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:359883,,"Introduction: scale, migration and communicative practice",VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359884,,Ibsen als Theaterpraktiker,VABB-4,106,127,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:359889,,"'En toch, van evenwicht mijn hart is bloedend': zwarte muze van Paul Snoek",VABB-4,1,9,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359892,,Natuurzorgplicht: is er leven na het arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof van 27 mei 2008?,VABB-1,738,758,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359893,,Het soortenbesluit van 15 mei 2009: waait er een nieuwe wind door het natuurbehoudsrecht?,VABB-1,556,610,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:359898,,Moeilijke onderwerpen in het wiskundecurriculum: een bevraging van leraren in het Vlaamse basisonderwijs,VABB-1,45,53,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:359900,,Analyzing firm performance heterogeneity: the relative effect of business domain,VABB-1,996,1009,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:359901,,Abstract argumentation and explanation applied to scientific debates,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:359908,,Tevredenheid en kwaliteit: de wet van Magritte,VABB-1,339,350,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359917,,Nederlands Nederlands is 'een' variëteit van het Nederlands,VABB-1,3,7,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:359933,,The Impact of EU Conflict Management in Colombia,VABB-4,225,248,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:359936,,'Should conditionals be emergent ...': asyndetic conditionals in English and German as a Challenge to Grammaticalization Research,VABB-4,93,136,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359940,,Unplug and play: manufacturing collapse in Gaza,VABB-1,22,37,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:359942,,Literaturwissenschaft und Eigensinn,VABB-1,251,261,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:359951,,"Minne, astrologie en kluizenaars: aspecten van een ideologisch spanningsveld in de 'allegorische gedichten'",VABB-4,149,168,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:359982,,Ancient Greek,VABB-4,301,310,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:359988,,Hoe de koop van een woning te reguleren; zeker weten?!,VABB-1,181,275,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:360011,,Concepts of causation in historiography,VABB-1,116,128,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:360012,,"Causation, unification and the adequacy of explanations of facts",VABB-1,301,320,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:360030,,CSDP and the 'Ghent Framework': the indirect approach to permanent structured cooperation?,VABB-1,149,167,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:360036,,Are intracranial pressure fluctuations important in glaucoma?,VABB-1,598,600,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:360050,,"Transdisciplinary landscape planning: does the public have aspirations?: experiences from a case study in Ghent (Flanders, Belgium)",VABB-1,373,386,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:360051,,"Communication with parents in child welfare: skills, language and interaction",VABB-1,461,470,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:360060,,Noot bij arrest nr. 116/2008 van het Grondwettelijk Hof van 31 juli 2008: hoe ver kan de decreetgever gaan bij de (machtiging tot) oprichting van v.z.w.’s die afwijken van het federale verenigingsrecht?,VABB-1,59,63,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360064,,The problematics of the EU's ethical (self)image in Africa: the EU as an 'Ethical intervener' and the 2007 joint Africa-EU strategy,VABB-1,209,228,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:360065,,Strijd om God: om het behoud van de menselijke waardigheid ('Battle for God: on preserving human dignity'),VABB-1,373,390,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360067,,The relative importance of symmetric and asymmetric shocks: the case of United Kingdom and Euro area,VABB-1,104,118,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:360070,,Het omslaan van de gedingkosten en de nieuwe rechtsplegingsvergoeding: as you like it?,VABB-1,306,311,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360071,,Heeft het klimaat nood aan consensus? Pleidooi voor een politiek van het denkbare,VABB-1,453,466,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:360073,,Het Benelux-Gerechtshof snelt de gewestelijke stedenbouwkundige inspecteur te hulp,VABB-1,476,479,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:360075,,De milieustakingswet: overzicht van rechtspraak (1993-2008),VABB-1,2,45,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360076,,Over het moeilijke huwelijk tussen ruimtelijke ordening en onroerend erfgoed,VABB-1,633,637,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:360077,,Over de ontvangst van milieuverenigingen in de Raad van State (overzicht van rechtspraak 1948 – 2010),VABB-1,426,467,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:360092,,Serum estradiol is associated with volumetric BMD and modulates the impact of physical activity on bone size at the age of peak bone mass: a study in healthy male siblings,VABB-1,1075,1085,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:360095,,'Mosaiksteine der historischen Wahrheit': Thomas Brussigs 'Helden wie wir': een moderne encyclopedische schelmenroman,VABB-1,57,71,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:360098,,"Games and self-imagining, a comparative media perspective",VABB-1,57,68,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:360100,,Through the looking glass of memory: reading Avienus,VABB-1,113,130,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:360105,,Etagegebouwen: opstal versus gedwongen mede-eigendom: noot onder Cass. 3 april 2009,VABB-1,506,509,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:360113,,"Psychodrama bij kleuters tussen drie en zes jaar: het poppenhuis, een actiegericht speltherapeutisch protocol",VABB-1,118,127,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:360116,,Structural and functional neuroimaging studies of the suicidal brain,VABB-1,796,808,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:360117,,Choroidal proteins involved in cerebrospinal fluid production may be potential drug targets for Alzheimer's disease therapy,VABB-1,11,17,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:360119,,La Divina Commedia door de ogen van Romeo Castellucci en de Societas Raffaello Sanzio: Middeleeuwse poëtica's,VABB-1,189,207,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:360139,,Inleiding: corruptie,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360141,,Onderzoek naar meer levenskwaliteit tijdens scheiding: het IPOS-project,VABB-1,67,73,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360142,,Profane illumination through essayistic writing and thinking: Benjamin and Bakhtin on the value of everyday experience,VABB-1,183,196,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:360148,,Gender specific trends in alcohol use: cross-cultural comparisons from 1998 to 2006 in 24 countries and regions,VABB-1,199,208,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:360150,,Invulling dan wel bijsturing van de motiveringsverplichting teneinde de gerechtelijke achterstand te verhelpen,VABB-1,73,125,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360153,,Een correlatief onderzoek naar de kennis van spelling bij laatstejaarsleerlingen ASO en VWO,VABB-1,63,68,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:360155,,De bewijsrechtelijke betekenis van de uitvoering van de overeenkomst in burgerlijke zaken,VABB-1,946,953,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:360165,,De vertaling van ironie in een literair corpus: voorstel van een onderzoeksinstrument,VABB-1,57,74,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360174,,Splashes of fun and beauty: Mack Sennett's bathing beauties,VABB-4,207,225,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:360178,,Maternale Moderne: Männliche Gebärphantasien zwischen Kultur und Wissenschaft (1890-1933),VABB-2,,,473 p.,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:360189,,"Marcel Lods: action, architecture, histoire",VABB-2,,,490 p.,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:360196,,Het comorbide landschap van ontwikkelingsstoornissen: een diagnostische gevalsstudie,VABB-1,66,69,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:360208,,Hume’s attack on Newton’s philosophy,VABB-1,167,203,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:360221,,Impotentie: een ongeldigmakend huwelijksbeletsel van de middeleeuwen tot heden,VABB-4,207,221,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:360243,,Une idéologie urbaine 'bricolée' en Flandre médiévale: les sept portes de Bruges dans le manuscrit Gruuthuse (début du 15e siècle),VABB-1,1039,1084,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:360250,,Harmonised procedures for producing new data on the nutritional composition of ethnic foods,VABB-1,816,824,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:360256,,Situational crime prevention and supply chain security: an 'ex ante' consideration of preventive measures,VABB-1,483,500,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:360265,,Architecture δια et variabilité en langue,VABB-3,,,168 p.,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360267,,Evaluation of translation technology,VABB-3,,,262 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:360281,,Pseudo-Hadewijch's mengeldichten: choosing a gender for an Italian translation,VABB-1,73,85,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360284,,Met Europese hulp van vrouw naar gender?,VABB-1,17,29,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360285,,Het faillissement van de onbeperkt aansprakelijke vennoten van een VOF en de bevoegdheid van de curator,VABB-1,459,480,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360286,,Pleasure and peril: dynamic forces of power and desire in Siri Hustvedt's The Blindfold,VABB-1,421,442,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:360288,,"Do physical barriers affect urban crime trips? The effect of a highway, a railroad, a park or a canal on the flow of crime in The Hague",VABB-1,38,49,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:360291,,Schrijfmotorische stoornissen bij kinderen met autisme zonder intellectuele beperkingen,VABB-1,16,26,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360295,,De nieuwe Belgische clementiemededeling,VABB-1,948,970,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360298,,La 'fede di Roma' nella modernità totalitaria fascista: il mito della romanità e l'Istituto di Studi Romani tra Carlo Galassi Paluzzi e Giuseppe Bottai,VABB-1,359,381,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:360300,,Property law and economics,VABB-3,,,336 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:360310,,"Europe, strategy and armed forces: the making of a distinctive power",VABB-2,,,138 p.,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:360317,,Droit international privé: compétence internationale et droit applicable,VABB-1,43,58,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:360320,,Helping learners engage with L2 words: the form-meaning fit,VABB-1,95,114,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:360325,,A dynamic perspective in Freeman's stakeholder model,VABB-1,39,49,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:360330,,Psychometric properties of the Belgian coach version of the coach-athlete relationship questionnaire (CART-Q),VABB-1,779,786,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:360332,,What entrepreneurial competencies should be emphasized in entrepreneurship and innovation education at the undergraduate level?,VABB-4,194,208,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:360338,,Children in 20th century Europe affected by war: historical experiences in giving them refuge,VABB-4,283,306,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:360340,,"'Du parloir hollandais à la scène pragoise, en passant par la Bartholomew Fair: le merveilleux destin de 'la plus mauvaise marchandise' du siècle de Louis XIV'",VABB-1,9,17,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:360341,,What is currently known about older mentally Ill offenders in Forensic contexts: results from a literature review,VABB-1,127,135,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:360347,,Kan men met behulp van artikel 15 Monumentendecreet de vernieling van een beschermd monument alsnog beletten?,VABB-1,257,262,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:360350,,Over garagisten en gestolen voertuigen,VABB-1,430,433,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360366,,Impact of psychosocial work environment factors measured by the COPSOQ on the need for recovery after work in ageing workers: preliminary results,VABB-4,239,245,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:360369,,Etty Hillesum and her God,VABB-4,75,102,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:360377,,Antibiotica Strategieën in de Preventie van Nosocomiale Pneumonie bij Mechanisch Geventileerde Patiënten,VABB-1,979,983,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:360517,,Coreference resolution on blogs and commented news,VABB-5,43,53,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:360634,,Dutch named entity recognition using ensemble classifiers,VABB-5,29,41,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:360650,,Activation detection in event-related FMRI through clustering of wavelet distributions,VABB-5,4393,4396,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:360658,,"ABOP, automatic optimization of patient information leaflets",VABB-5,74,81,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:360667,,From civic choice to civic voice: the way to dissidence of the Russian poet Alexander Galich,VABB-5,651,669,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:361344,,The impact of pivot translation on the quality of subtitling,VABB-1,119,134,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:361445,,Strategies for the implementation of evidence-based guidelines for the prevention of healthcare-associated infection.,VABB-4,244,256,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:361463,,"Open, gedicht of toe? Over Aardewerk (1984) van Hubert Van Herreweghen.",VABB-4,169,178,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:361557,,"1869: Carl Schurz is sworn in as the first German-born Senator of the United States, representing Missouri.",VABB-4,344,348,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:361558,,What About Interdisciplinarity Within Philosophy?,VABB-4,10,25,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:361559,,"Introduction: Contemporary Analytic Metaphysics, Its Crisis and Challenge",VABB-4,4,10,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:361563,,Corruption as a judgment label,VABB-4,221,238,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:361564,,Strategies for implementation of evidence-based guidelines for prevention of healthcare-associated infection,VABB-4,244,256,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:361670,,Kratzer Potential for Vibrational Levels in Molecular Hydrogen,VABB-1,801,810,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:361707,,Electron magnetic resonance and density functional theory study of room temperature X-irradiated β-D-fructose single crystals,VABB-1,12417,12426,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:361739,,"Combined gene and protein expression of hormone-sensitive lipase and adipose triglyceride lipase, mitochondrial content, and adipocyte size in subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue of morbidly obese men",VABB-1,407,416,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:361770,,The economic impact of invasive aspergillosis in intensive care unit patients,VABB-1,E536,E537,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:361819,,Web-based resources for critical care education: the EVIDENCE Crash Course: a web-based interactive e-course on infection prevention for critical care clinicians,VABB-1,2202,2203,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:361821,,Management of hypertension at the community level in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): towards a rational use of available resources,VABB-1,47,56,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:361824,,Performance optimization of object comparison,VABB-1,1057,1076,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:361893,,Belgian Society of Cardiology Position Paper on Heart Centres in Belgium,VABB-1,537,539,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:361913,,Screening of isolated lactic acid bacteria as potential beneficial strains for fermented liquid pig feed production,VABB-1,122,138,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:361922,,Clustering web people search results using fuzzy ants,VABB-1,3192,3209,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:361954,,Burrowing and subsurface locomotion in anguilliform fish: behavioral specializations and mechanical constraints,VABB-1,1379,1385,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:361958,,Long-term sustainability of metal immobilization by soil amendments: cyclonic ashes versus lime addition,VABB-1,1428,1434,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:361995,,Survey among Belgian pig producers about the introduction of group housing systems for gestating sows,VABB-1,845,855,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:362076,,Horizontal and vertical attentional orienting in Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,1181,1188,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362085,,Individual differences in degree of handedness and somesthetic asymmetry predict individual differences in left-right confusion,VABB-1,212,216,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362114,,Hippocampal activation during face-name associative memory encoding: blocked versus permuted design,VABB-1,25,36,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362115,,Microbial fuel cells operated with iron-chelated air cathodes,VABB-1,5754,5760,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362142,,The European parliament and the European atomic energy community: a legitimacy crisis?,VABB-1,415,424,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362145,,The effect of CABG on neurocognitive functioning,VABB-1,557,564,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362179,,Strategic use of debt in Flemish municipalities,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362185,,Variation in brain lateralization during various language tasks: a functional transcranial Doppler study,VABB-1,190,196,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362190,,Mobile Block Hessian Approach with Adjoined Blocks: An Efficient Approach for the Calculation of Frequencies in Macromolecules,VABB-1,1203,1215,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362207,,Conceptual and physical object qualities contribute differently to motor affordances,VABB-1,481,489,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362214,,"Long-term Assessment of the Physical, Mental, and Sexual Health among Transsexual Women",VABB-1,752,760,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362219,,Acquired stuttering with differential manifestation in different languages: A case study,VABB-1,187,195,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362230,,A population genomics study of the Arabidopsis core cell cycle genes shows the signature of natural selection,VABB-1,2987,2998,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362257,,Impact of a prevention strategy targeting hand hygiene and catheter care on the incidence of catheter-related bloodstream infections,VABB-1,2998,2999,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362269,,An evaluation of family-centered care services and organization of visiting policies in Belgian intensive care units: a multicenter survey,VABB-1,137,146,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362304,,"Oral care, ventilator-associated pneumonia, and counting cultures",VABB-1,507,508,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362305,,Reduction of ventilator-associated pneumonia: enhancing knowledge is important,VABB-1,1818,1819,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362312,,"Qualitative analysis of Substance P, NK1-receptor and nerve ingrowth in Substance P-treated ruptured rat Achilles tendon",VABB-1,387,395,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362322,,Comparison of sets and multisets,VABB-1,153,172,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362357,,Enterobacteriaceae bacteremia after liver transplantation,VABB-1,354,355,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362370,,Revalidatie na een voorstekruisbandletsel: met of zonder kniebrace?,VABB-1,65,70,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:362372,,"Interactions between genes involved in growth and muscularity in pigs: IGF-2, myostatin, ryanodine receptor 1, and melanocortin-4 receptor",VABB-1,227,235,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362406,,"Replacement of administration sets used to administer blood, blood products, or lipid emulsions in the prevention of central line-associated bloodstream infections",VABB-1,494,494,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362427,,Semantic Integration of Cervical Cancer Data Repositories to Facilitate Multicenter Association Studies: The ASSIST Approach,VABB-1,31,34,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:362440,,Tryptic peptide analysis of protein binders in works of art by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry,VABB-1,156,162,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362455,,Antimicrobial prophylaxis in liver transplant patients: a multicenter survey endorsed by the European Liver and Intestine Transplant Association,VABB-1,182,190,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362466,,Personale Suffixoide im Deutschen und Niederländischen. Methode und Ergebnisse einer vergleichenden Korpusstudie,VABB-1,59,73,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:362467,,Gian Mario Filelfo’s 'lost' writing against Poggio Bracciolini,VABB-1,401,406,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:362471,,Impact of weights on conjunctive and disjunctive aggregation of extended possibilistic truth values,VABB-1,2141,2158,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362479,,Nurses' knowledge of evidence-based guidelines for the prevention of surgical site infection,VABB-1,16,24,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362494,,Influence of Tropical Climate Conditions on the Quality of Antihypertensive Drugs from Rwandan Pharmacies,VABB-1,776,781,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362495,,Morbidity and mortality of bloodstream infections in patients with severe burn injury,VABB-1,e81,e87,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362503,,"Karyotyping, is it worthwile in transsexualism?",VABB-1,475,478,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:362515,,Tool responsive regions in the posterior parietal cortex: Effect of differences in motor goal and target object during imagined transitive movements,VABB-1,1832,1843,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362534,,Middelengebruik bij artsen,VABB-1,875,879,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:362597,,"Epidemiology and outcome of nosocomial bloodstream infection in elderly critically ill patients: a comparison between middle-aged, old, and very old patients",VABB-1,1634,1641,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362603,,On the identity of the radiation-induced stable alanine radical,VABB-1,8733,8736,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362635,,Beamforming in the presence of mutual coupling based on constrained particle swarm optimization,VABB-1,1655,1666,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362636,,The influence of high-normal testosterone levels on risk-taking in healthy males in a 1-week letrozole administration study,VABB-1,1416,1421,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362638,,Rituele betekenisgeving bij de contrareformatorische kerkbouw: de eerstesteenlegging van de Sint-Pietersabdijkerk in Gent (1629),VABB-1,121,133,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:362647,,Epidemiology of infection in critically ill patients with acute renal failure,VABB-1,2203,2209,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362668,,Classification-based scientific term detection in patient information,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362686,,How Independent Are Belgian Regulators?,VABB-1,355,384,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:362731,,Understanding the aetiology of corruption: the first step to a tailor-made anti-corruption for Belgian customs office,VABB-4,67,88,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:362733,,Towards a multivariate model of grammar: the case of word order variation in Dutch clause final verb clusters,VABB-4,225,255,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:362751,,Supporting spatial decision making by means of suitability maps,VABB-4,9,27,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:362755,,Mirror-Induced Visual Illusion of Hand Movements: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study,VABB-1,675,681,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362799,,Multifocal intraparietal activation during discrimination of action intention in observed tool grasping,VABB-1,1158,1167,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362810,,Assessment of periodic and cluster-in-vacuo models for first principles calculation of EPR parameters of paramagnetic defects in crystals: Rh2+ defects in NaCl as case study,VABB-1,1721,1733,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:362819,,Contemporary mortality differences between primary percutaneous coronary intervention and thrombolysis in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction,VABB-1,544,549,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:362822,,"Survey of egg producers on the introduction of alternative housing systems for laying hens in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,941,950,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:362826,,Seksualiteit bij een oncologische diagnose,VABB-1,249,254,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:362842,,Pre-existing cognitive impairment in candidates for cardiac surgery: an overview,VABB-1,1820,1825,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362846,,Comparative study of various normal mode analysis techniques based on partial Hessians,VABB-1,994,1007,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362852,,Kinematics of swimming in two burrowing anguilliform fishes,VABB-1,78,84,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:362887,,Herpes simplex virus type 1 penetrates the basement membrane in human nasal respiratory mucosa,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:362891,,Thrombocytopenia and outcome in critically ill patients with bloodstream infection,VABB-1,21,26,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362894,,Evaluation of medication adherence methods in the treatment of malaria in Rwandan infants,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:362900,,Extensions of fuzzy measures and Sugeno integral for possibilistic truth values,VABB-1,97,117,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362903,,A possibilistic view on set and multiset comparison,VABB-1,341,366,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:362915,,Preventie van nosocomiale pneumonie: antibioticastrategieën bij mechanisch geventileerde patiënten,VABB-1,979,983,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:362956,,Isolement et apocalypse: Philostorge et les eunomiens sous Théodose II,VABB-4,315,336,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:362963,,Prospective evaluation of clinical voiding reeducation or voiding school for lower urinary tract conditions in children,VABB-1,648,654,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363015,,La rencontre anthropologique et ses ombres,VABB-1,23,39,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:363021,,The Paternal metaphor revisited in post-Freudian French religious psychoanalytic anthropology,VABB-4,243,273,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363042,,Attachment anxiety and avoidance in middle childhood and early adolescence: The development of a child version of the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale-Revised,VABB-1,1048,1072,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363044,,Applying mixed methods research at the synthesis level: An overview,VABB-1,12,24,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:363051,,"Intra-arrest transnasal evaporative cooling: a randomized, prehospital, multicenter study (PRINCE: Pre-ROSC IntraNasal Cooling Effectiveness)",VABB-1,729,736,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363059,,Substance use and withdrawal in critically ill older patients,VABB-4,453,472,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363074,,"The Harris - or Axis ring in odontoid fractures, old fashioned but not obsolete",VABB-1,214,216,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363079,,Ethylene glycol poisoning presenting with a falsely elevated lactate level,VABB-1,236,238,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363083,,Substance abuse & withdrawal,VABB-4,453,472,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363087,,Short-term return visits of general internal medicine patients to the emergency department: extent and risk factors,VABB-1,423,428,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363102,,Variability in the use of CE-marked assays for in vitro diagnostics of CFTR gene mutations in European genetic testing laboratories,VABB-1,537,540,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363103,,A standardized framework for the validation and verification of clinical molecular genetic tests,VABB-1,1276,1288,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363104,,Best practice guidelines for molecular genetic diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and CFTR-related disorders - updated European recommendations,VABB-1,51,65,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363113,,Benchmarks for Cystic Fibrosis carrier screening: A European consensus document,VABB-1,165,178,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363115,,Accreditation of the PGD laboratory,VABB-1,1051,1065,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363122,,'Amoris et doloris monumentum'. Portraits and how they were perceived in the baroque age,VABB-4,249,277,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363123,,"""Qui a touché mon manteau?” La guérison d’une femme atteinte de flux de sang (Marc 5 :24b-34) à la croisée du texte, de l’image et du tabou dans la culture visuelle du haut Moyen-Age",VABB-1,1,30,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:363129,,"""Rendre le papier jauni pa la pousière sa couleur primitive"". Benadering van restauratie van grafiek in de 18de en de 19de eeuw",VABB-5,121,127,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:363203,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,12,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363230,,Pokerfaced. Flemish and Dutch Baroque Faces Unveiled,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363235,,Die Planeten und ihre Kinder. Eine Brüsseler Tapisserienserie des 16. Jahrhunderts aus der Sammlung Herzog Albrechts V. im München,VABB-3,,,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:363242,,Evaluation of the Rice pelvimeter for measuring pelvic area in double muscled Belgian Blue cows,VABB-1,259,266,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363252,,Assessment of differences in some indicators of pain in double muscled Belgian Blue cows following naturally calving vs caesarean section,VABB-1,160,167,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363263,,Het lot van de (werkende) vennoten bij het faillissement van een V.O.F. of Comm.V,VABB-1,1429,1433,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:363265,,Social Innovation and Community Development: Concepts and Theories 2. Historical Roots of Social Change: Philosophies and Movements,VABB-4,4,16,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363266,,ALMOLIN: How to Analyse Social Innovation at the Local Level,VABB-4,49,67,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363267,,The End of Social Innovation in Urban Development Strategies? Neighbourhood Development Corporations in Antwerp,VABB-4,168,184,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363268,,Creatively designing urban futures: A transversal analysis of socially innovative initiatives,VABB-4,198,218,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363295,,"Antipsychotic drug treatment in first-episode psychosis: should patients be switched to a different antipsychotic drug after 2, 4 or 6 weeks of nonresponse?",VABB-1,176,180,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363303,,Cholinesteraseremmers voor de ziekte van Alzheimer:cardiale bijwerkingen en implicaties voor de praktijk,VABB-1,858,865,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:363304,,Metabolic parameters in the short- and long-term treatment of schizophrenia with sertindole or risperidone,VABB-1,231,239,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363305,,Evaluation of the association between insight and symptoms in a large sample of patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,507,512,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363306,,"Cognitive effects of antipsychotic drugs in first-episode schizophrenia and schizopreniform disorder: a randomized, open-label clincial trial (EUFEST)",VABB-1,675,682,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363313,,De therapeutische waarde van bewegen voor mensen met schizofrenie,VABB-1,565,574,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:363314,,MTHFR and risk of metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,193,198,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363317,,Cardiovasculaire ziekte en diabetes bij mensen met een ernstige psychiatrische stoornis,VABB-1,269,281,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:363318,,Metabole en endocriene bijwerkingen van atypische antipsychotica bij kinderen en jongeren. Richtlijnen voor de klinische praktijk,VABB-1,702,712,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:363319,,A head-to-head comparison of sertindole and risperidone on metabolic parameters,VABB-1,276,277,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363320,,Effects of cannabis use on age at onset in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder,VABB-1,270,276,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363323,,Do antipsychotic medications reduce or increase mortality in schizophrenia? A critical appraisal of the FIN-11 study,VABB-1,68,74,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363325,,Antipsychotic Use and Risk for Hyperglycemia in Elderly Patients With DM,VABB-1,2165,2165,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363326,,Mortality in patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,1591,1591,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363328,,[Teratogenic effects of lamotrigine in women with bipolar disorder],VABB-1,741,750,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363334,,What We Have Learned About Electroconvulsive Therapy and Its Relevance for the Practising Psychiatrist,VABB-1,5,12,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363335,,Uneventful electroconvulsive therapy in a patient with dopa-responsive dystonia (Segawa syndrome),VABB-1,284,286,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363336,,"Cross-National Comparisons of Sex Differences in Opportunities to Use Alcohol or Drugs, and the Transitions to Use",VABB-1,1169,1178,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363337,,Mental Health Care and Out-of-Pocket Expenditures in Europe: Results from the ESEMeD Project,VABB-1,95,105,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363338,,Association of Childhood Adversities and Early-Onset Mental Disorders With Adult-Onset Chronic Physical Conditions,VABB-1,838,844,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363339,,Measuring catatonia: a systematic review of rating scales,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363349,,High and low suicidality in Europe: a fine-grained comparison of France and Spain within the ESEMeD surveys,VABB-1,247,56,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363350,,Parental psychopathology and the risk of suicidal behavior in their offspring: results from the World Mental Health surveys,VABB-1,1221,33,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363351,,Evaluating the drug use “gateway” theory using cross-national data: Consistency and associations of the order of initiation of drug use among participants in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,84,97,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363353,,Dropping out of mental health treatment among patients with depression and anxiety by type of provider: results of the European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363354,,De benadering van vroege psychose vergt intensieve samenwerking: implementatie binnen VRINT,VABB-1,935,944,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:363355,,Randomized comparison of ultra-brief bifrontal and unilateral electroconvulsive therapy for major depression: cognitive side-effects,VABB-1,60,67,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363357,,Early cannabis use and estimated risk of later onset of depression spells. Epidemiological evidence from the population-based WHO World Mental Health Survey Initiative,VABB-1,149,159,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363358,,Chronic physical conditions and their association with first onset of suicidal behavior in the World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,712,719,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363383,,The management of schizophrenia: focus on extended-release quetiapine fumarate,VABB-1,549,564,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:363385,,Metabolic and cardiovascular adverse effects associated with antipsychotic drugs,VABB-1,114,126,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:363389,,Correlates of cognitive impairment in first episode schizophrenia: The EUFEST study,VABB-1,104,114,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363390,,Effectiveness of antipsychotics in first-episode schziophrenia and schizophreniform disorder on response and remission: an open randomized clincial trial (EUFEST),VABB-1,97,103,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363393,,"De neurowetenschappen, een zegen voor de psychotherapie? De visie van een psychiater-psychotherapeut",VABB-1,18,24,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:363395,,Geestesziek en gevaarlijk: gedwongen opname of internering? Het Belgische wettelijk kader,VABB-1,217,225,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:363408,,"""Caseness"" for Depression and Anxiety in a Depressed Outpatient Population: Symptomatic Outcome as a Function of Baseline Diagnostic Categories",VABB-1,307,315,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363411,,Quality of life measurement in antidepressant trials. Is there an added value?,VABB-1,212,219,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363412,,Patient-Assessed Versus Physician-Assessed Disease Severity and Outcome in Patients With Nonspecific Pain Associated With Major Depressive Disorder,VABB-1,8,15,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363413,,ADHD and Hyperkinetic Disorder,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363417,,Association of headache with childhood adversity and mental disorder: cross-national study,VABB-1,111,116,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363418,,Quality of life outcomes among patients with depression after 6 months of starting treatment: results from FINDER,VABB-1,296,302,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363419,,"Frontotemporale degeneratie, een huis met vele kamers",VABB-1,381,388,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:363422,,Implications of modifying the duration requirement of generalized anxiety disorder in developed and developing countries,VABB-1,1163,1176,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363423,,Suicide ideation across reproductive life cycle of women. Results from a European epidemiological study,VABB-1,144,147,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363424,,DSM-IV personality disorders in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,46,53,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363425,,Has the Prevalence of Congenital Abnormalities after Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Increased? The Leuven Data 1994-2000 and a Review of the Literature,VABB-1,11,22,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363426,,"Abuse history, depression, and somatization are associated with gastric sensitivity and gastric emptying in functional dyspepsia",VABB-1,648,655,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363432,,Do we have an alternative for the Rome III gastroduodenal symptom-based subgroups in functional gastroduodenal disorders? A cluster analysis approach,VABB-1,730,738,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363433,,[Are patients in randomised controlled trials of psychotherapy representative for clinical practice?],VABB-1,183,187,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363434,,Towards a neurocircuitry in anorexia nervosa: Evidence from functional neuroimaging studies,VABB-1,1133,1145,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363437,,Factors associated with co-morbid irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue-like symptoms in functional dyspepsia,VABB-1,524,E202,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363440,,No association between the 2D;4D fetal testosterone marker and multidimensional attentional abilities in children with ADHD,VABB-1,e202,e208,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363451,,Perceiving emotions from bodily expressions and multisensory integration of emotion cues in schizophrenia,VABB-1,537,547,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363453,,"Cortico-subcortical visual, somatosensory, and motor activations for perceiving dynamic whole-body emotional expressions with and without striate cortex (V1)",VABB-1,16188,93,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363457,,Clock genes and body composition in patients with schizophrenia under treatment with antipsychotic drugs,VABB-1,187,193,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363458,,Somatische en mentale comorbiditeit van chronische hoofdpijn in de Belgische algemene bevolking,VABB-1,398,406,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:363459,,Mentale en somatische comorbiditeit van hypertensie in de Belgische bevolking,VABB-1,334,342,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:363470,,"SCAMP5, NBEA and AMISYN: three candidate genes for autism involved in secretion of large dense-core vesicles",VABB-1,1368,1378,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363472,,Successful anterior capsulotomy in comorbid anorexia nervosa and obsessive-compulsive disorder: case report,VABB-1,E745,51;,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363484,,Cross-National Associations Between Gender and Mental Disorders in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,785,795,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363485,,Fysiotherapie bij mensen met schizofrenie. Een literatuuronderzoek,VABB-1,92,99,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:363486,,Considering a frame of reference for physical activity research related to the cardiometabolic risk profile in schizophrenia,VABB-1,271,279,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363489,,Is it always the same? Variability of depressive symptoms across six European countries,VABB-1,137,144,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363491,,"Gender and the relationship between marital status and first onset of mood, anxiety and substance use disorders",VABB-1,1495,1505,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363492,,Dual diagnosis in Belgian psychiatric services: prevalence and available treatment options,VABB-1,43,50,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363493,,Age differences in the prevalence and co-morbidity of DSM-IV major depressive episodes: results from the WHO World Mental Health Survey Initiative,VABB-1,351,64,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363494,,The prevention of deep venous thrombosis in physically restrained patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,1109,1115,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363496,,Subtyping social anxiety disorder in developed and developing countries,VABB-1,390,403,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363498,,Abnormal regional brain activity during rest and (anticipated) gastric distension in functional dyspepsia and the role of anxiety: a H(2)(15)O-PET study,VABB-1,913,924,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363502,,"Obsessieve compulsieve stoornis en metacognitief vertrouwen in aandacht, perceptie en geheugen",VABB-1,35,48,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:363504,,Cognitive deficits in non affective functional psychoses: A study in the democratic Republic of Congo,VABB-1,86,92,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363506,,Endogenic and iatrogenic diabetes mellitus in drug-naive schizophrenia: The Role of Olanzapine and its Place in the Psychopharmacological Treatment Algorithm,VABB-1,2368,2369,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363515,,Predictors of patients satisfaction after ultrabrief bifrontal and unilateral electroconvulsive therapies for major depression,VABB-1,55,59,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363516,,High prevalence of body dysmorphic disorder symptoms in patients seeking rhinoplasty,VABB-1,509,519,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363517,,Screening tools for body dysmorphic disorder in a cosmetic surgery setting,VABB-1,2535,2541,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363518,,Development of pharyngo-esophageal physiology during swallowing in the preterm infant,VABB-1,E401,E408,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363520,,Attitudes of flemish physiotherapy students towards mental health and psychiatry,VABB-1,44,51,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363526,,Pain and depression in older people: Comorbidity and patterns of help seeking,VABB-1,193,196,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363527,,Perceived stigma among individuals with common mental disorders,VABB-1,180,186,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363528,,Childhood psychosocial stressors and adult onset arthritis: broad spectrum risk factors and allostatic load,VABB-1,76,83,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363529,,The individual and societal effects of non-psychotic serious mental disorders on earnings in Belgium,VABB-1,207,213,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363530,,Mental disorders and termination of education in high-income and low- and middle-income countries: epidemiological study,VABB-1,411,7,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363531,,The epidemiology of eating disorders in six European countries: Results of the ESEMeD-WMH project,VABB-1,1125,1132,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363535,,Clinical and resource-use outcomes of risperidone long-acting injection in recent and long-term diagnosed schizophrenia patients: results from a multinational electronic registry,VABB-1,2197,2206,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363538,,Different regional brain activity during physiological gastric distension compared to balloon distention : a H(2)(15)O-PET study,VABB-1,533,E203,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363543,,Experiencing the shadow of the future,VABB-1,100,103,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363546,,Whole-Body Biodistribution and Radiation Dosimetry of F-18-GE067: A Radioligand for In Vivo Brain Amyloid Imaging,VABB-1,818,822,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363549,,Practitioner review: quality of life in child mental health - conceptual challenges and practical choices,VABB-1,544,561,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363557,,Prevalence and correlates of seclusion and restraint use in children and adolescents: a systematic review,VABB-1,221,230,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363560,,Creativiteit en psychiatrische stoornissen: recente neurowetenschappelijke inzichten,VABB-1,905,915,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:363569,,An experiment in remediation of cognitive functions in schizophrenia: evaluation of the Cogpack program in a Flemish sample,VABB-1,21,27,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363574,,Klinisch assessment van sterk verhoogd risico op psychose: overzicht en kritische reflectie,VABB-1,153,162,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:363585,,DISC1 duplication in two brothers with autism and mild mental retardation,VABB-1,389,394,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363586,,Metabolic syndrome in people with schizophrenia: a review,VABB-1,15,22,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363587,,Fenomenologie en wetenschap; over de grondslagen van de psychiatrie in Heideggers Zollikoner Seminare,VABB-1,433,442,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:363588,,Smoking estimates from around the world:Data from the first 17 participating countries in the World Mental Health Survey Consortium,VABB-1,65,74,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363595,,The METEOR study of diabetes and other metabolic disorders in patients with schizophrenia treated with antipsychotic drugs. I. Methodology,VABB-1,195,210,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363596,,Cannabis geïnduceerde manie? Gevalsbespreking en literatuurstudie,VABB-1,859,863,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:363599,,Treatment of suicidal people around the world,VABB-1,64,70,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363601,,Enfermedad cardiovascular y diabetes en personas con enfermedad mental grave,VABB-1,49,59,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363602,,Cross-national epidemiology of DSM-IV major depressive episode,VABB-1,90,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363606,,Switching antidepressant class does not improve response or remission in treatment-resistant depression,VABB-1,512,6,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363614,,"Cardiovascular disease and diabetes in people with severe mental illness position statement from the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), supported by the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC)",VABB-1,412,424,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363616,,Management of physical health in patients with schizophrenia: practical recommendations,VABB-1,S41,S45,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363623,,MTHFR genotype and differntial evolution of metabolic parameters after initiation of a second generation antipsychotic: an observational study,VABB-1,270,276,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363624,,"Age of onset of psychosis: cannabis, BDNF Val66Met and sex-specific models of gene-environment interaction",VABB-1,363,369,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:363626,,Cardiometabolic effects of physical activity interventions for people with schizophrenia,VABB-1,388,398,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363627,,Second-generation antipsychotics and constipation: A review of the literature,VABB-1,34,44,,fre,2011,1 c:vabb:363628,,Are weight gain and metabolic abnormalities dose related?,VABB-1,1041,1050,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363633,,Physical health management in psychiatric settings,VABB-1,S22,S28,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363634,,The relation between neurocognitive dysfunction and impaired insight in patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,239,243,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363637,,"Defining""good"" and ""poor"" outcomes in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder: a multidimensional data-driven approach",VABB-1,161,167,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363640,,Eine konsensus-erklarung der European Psychiatric Association (EPA) zu kardiovaskularen erkrankungen und diabetes bei patienten mit einer schweren psychischen erkrankung,VABB-1,3,13,,ger,2010,1 c:vabb:363647,,Sexual Dysfunction in Women with Type 1 diabetes,VABB-1,780,785,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363648,,The METEOR study: frequency of metabolic disorders in patients with schizophrenia. Focus on first and second generation and level of risk of antipsychotic drugs,VABB-1,291,302,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363651,,"Knowledge about HIV in people with schizophrenia, a general population comparison",VABB-1,80,86,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:363654,,Sexual and psychological functioning in women after pelvic surgery for gynaecological cancer,VABB-1,652,656,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363663,,[Eating disorders on the internet. A review of the quality of Dutch websites],VABB-1,695,703,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:363667,,Suicide attempts in a prospective cohort of patients with schizophrenia treated with sertindole or risperidone,VABB-1,829,838,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363685,,"Psychosocial factors, psychiatric illness and functional gastrointestinal disorders: a historical perspective",VABB-1,201,10,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363687,,Regional brain activity in functional dyspepsia: a H(2)(15)O-PET study on the role of gastric sensitivity and abuse history,VABB-1,36,47,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363689,,Obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions in the general population: results from an epidemiological study in six European countries,VABB-1,291,299,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363690,,Presence and predictors of pain in depression: results from the FINDER study,VABB-1,53,60,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363694,,The role of criterion A2 in the DSM-IV diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder,VABB-1,465,73,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363696,,Relationship of Type 1 Cannabinoid Receptor Availability in the Human Brain to Novelty-Seeking Temperament,VABB-1,196,204,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363697,,Substance use disorders in Belgium: the need to study rarely investigated high impact disorders (Editorial),VABB-1,142,145,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363703,,[Personality traits of patients who have recovered completely from depression],VABB-1,9,16,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363704,,[Psychiatric disorders in velo-cardio-facial syndrome],VABB-1,51,56,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363705,,[Comorbid anxiety disorders and alcohol-related disorders in a population of bipolar I disorder: investigation in a Flemish population],VABB-1,69,78,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363707,,Gesture Discrimination in Primary Progressive Aphasia: The Intersection between Gesture and Language Processing Pathways,VABB-1,6334,6341,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363709,,"[Stress and depression: clinical, neurobiological and genetical perspectives]",VABB-1,551,557,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363710,,Genetic factors influence the clustering of depression among individuals with lower socioeconomic status,VABB-1,e5069,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363713,,Glucocorticoid receptor polymorphisms in major depression,VABB-1,216,228,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363715,,Cross-National Analysis of the Associations between Traumatic Events and Suicidal Behavior: Findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363720,,Measuring use of services for mental health problems in epidemiological surveys,VABB-1,182,191,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363721,,Childhood adversities as risk factors for onset and persistence of suicidal behaviour,VABB-1,20,27,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363722,,An 8.9 year old girl with autism and Gorlin syndrome,VABB-1,268,270,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363727,,Premarital mental disorders and physical violence in marriage: cross-national study of married couples,VABB-1,330,337,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363728,,Agomelatine: A narrative review,VABB-1,703,709,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363730,,La rispéridone injectable à action prolongée dans le traitement de la schizophrenie: résultats d’une etude observationelle de 24 mois avec e-star (electronic schizophrenia treatment adherence registry) en belgique : etude observationelle,VABB-1,34,46,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:363731,,"Meta-analysis of MTHFR gene variants in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and unipolar depressive disorder: evidence for a common genetic vulnerability?",VABB-1,1530,1543,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363742,,Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive-compulsive disorder: significance of frequency and pulse width,VABB-4,2897,2924,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363743,,[Corticosteroid-induced paranoid psychosis: case report and review of the literature],VABB-1,37,47,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:363748,,The kynurenine pathway in major depression: haplotype analysis of three related functional candidate genes,VABB-1,355,360,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363750,,Evidence for the involvement of the glucocorticoid receptor gene in bipolar disorder in an isolated northern Swedish population,VABB-1,614,623,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363753,,Associations of serious mental illness with earnings: results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,114,121,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363754,,Including information about co-morbidity in estimates of disease-burden: results from the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,873,886,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363755,,Days out of role due to common physical and mental conditions: results from the WHO World Mental Health surveys,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363756,,Twelve-month prevalence of and risk factors for suicide attempts in the world health organization world mental health surveys,VABB-1,1617,1628,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363757,,Prevalence and correlates of respiratory and non-respiratory panic attacks in the general population,VABB-1,330,338,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363759,,"Enfermedades físicas en pacientes con trastornos mentales graves. 1. Prevalencia, repercusión de los medicamentos y discrepancias en la asistencia sanitaria",VABB-1,52,77,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:363761,,"Malattie cardiovascolari e diabete in soggetti con malattia mentale grave: Position Paper della European Psychiatric Association (EPA), in collaborazione con la European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) e la European Society of Cardiology (ESC)",VABB-1,62,77,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:363768,,Cross-National Analysis of the Associations among Mental Disorders and Suicidal Behavior: Findings from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363782,,Chronic fatigue syndrome: a hormonal origin? A rare case of dysmenorrhea membranacea,VABB-1,717,720,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363787,,Chronisch pijn en vermoeidheid: een psychoneuroimmunologisch perspectief,VABB-1,603,610,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:363791,,"Physical illness in patients with severe mental disorders. II. Barriers to care, monitoring and treatment guidelines, and recommendations at the system and individual levels",VABB-1,138,151,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363792,,"Physical illness in patients with severe mental disorders. I. Prevalence, impact of medications and disparities in health care",VABB-1,52,77,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363793,,"Long-term symptomatic remission of schizophrenia with once daily extended release quetiapine fumarate: post-hoc analysis of data from a randomized withdrawal, placebo-controlled study",VABB-1,183,187,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363795,,Omega-3 en -6-vetzuren bij de behandeling van kinderen en jongeren met ADHD,VABB-1,89,97,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:363797,,De irrationele dimensie van de psychoanalyse,VABB-1,239,248,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:363798,,Bion's critical approach to psychoanalysis,VABB-4,349,366,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363810,,Aripiprazol in de behandeling van het syndroom van Gilles de la Tourette bij kinderen en adolescenten: een overzicht,VABB-1,1184,1191,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:363813,,Catatonia rating scales: which scale to use?,VABB-1,287,298,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:363822,,Genome-wide association study identifies five new schizophrenia loci,VABB-1,969,976,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363823,,Dual association of a TRKA polymorphism with schizophrenia,VABB-1,125,131,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363824,,[Reaction on 'Antipsychotics and metabolic abnormalities in children and adolescents; a review of the literature and some recommendations'],VABB-1,605,608,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:363829,,"Advantages and disadvantages of combination treatment with antipsychotics ECNP Consensus Meeting, March 2008, Nice",VABB-1,520,532,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363833,,Drug hypoglycaemia Reactive hypoglycaemia in severe mental illness,VABB-1,b2536,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363841,,Familial sinistrality and handedness in patients with first episode schizophrenia: The EUFEST study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363846,,Phase 1 Study of the Pittsburgh Compound B Derivative 18F-Flutemetamol in Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Probable Alzheimer Disease,VABB-1,1251,1259,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363861,,Doeltreffendheid van antidepressiva in vraag gesteld: (on)terecht?,VABB-1,768,775,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:363870,,Deep brain stimulation of the ventral internal capsule/ventral striatum for obsessive-compulsive disorder: worldwide experience,VABB-1,64,79,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363882,,Identification of novel dyslexia candidate genes through the analysis of a chromosomal deletion,VABB-1,140,147,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363884,,[Imaging of language and communication in dementia],VABB-1,625,633,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:363885,,Organizing and delivering treatment,VABB-4,91,106,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363903,,Cortical deactivations during gastric fundus distension in health: visceral pain-specific response or attenuation of 'default mode' brain function? A (H2O)-O-15-PET study,VABB-1,259,271,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363908,,Dual diagnosis among schizophrenic patients in Belgian psychiatric services: prevalence and available treatment options,VABB-1,43,50,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363913,,"Comparing mental health of francophone populations in Canada, france, and belgium: 12-month prevalence rates of common mental disorders (part 1)",VABB-1,289,94,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363914,,"Comparing mental health of francophones in Canada, france, and belgium: 12-month and lifetime rates of mental health service use (part 2)",VABB-1,295,304,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363915,,Functional disability as an explanation of the associations between chronic physical conditions and 12-month major depressive episode,VABB-1,38,44,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363916,,Diagnostische en therapeutische aanpak van milde cognitieve stoornissen (mild cognitive impairment) bij ouderen,VABB-1,36,43,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:363922,,"Metabolic and endocrine adverse effects of second-generation antipsychotics in children and adolescents: A systematic review of randomized, placebo controlled trials and guidelines for clinical practice | [Efectos adversos metabólicos y endocrinos de los antipsicóticos de segunda generación en niños y adolescentes: una revisión sistemática de ensayos aleatorizados, controlados con placebo y guías de práctica clínica]",VABB-1,89,104,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:363923,,"Satisfaction with medication is correlated with outcome but not persistence in patients treated with placebo, escitalopram, or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors: a post hoc analysis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:363925,,"A multinational study of mental disorders, marriage, and divorce",VABB-1,474,86,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363934,,Common Variants at VRK2 and TCF4 Conferring Risk of Schizophrenia,VABB-1,4076,4081,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363938,,Human plasma glycome in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorders,VABB-1,M110.004200,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363948,,From protected object to lawful subject. Practical applications of the Belgian model of child protection,VABB-1,293,304,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363951,,Relationship between P-glycoprotein and second-generation antipsychotics,VABB-1,1193,1211,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:363954,,Medication information for Flemish inpatients with major depression: evaluation and construct validity of the Consumer Information Rating Form,VABB-1,645,655,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363961,,Childhood adversities and adult psychopathology in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,378,385,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363962,,Health status of the advanced elderly in six European countries: results from a representative survey using EQ-5D and SF-12,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363963,,Development of lifetime comorbidity in the world health organization world mental health surveys,VABB-1,90,100,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363964,,Risk factors for impaired health-related quality of life in functional dyspepsia,VABB-1,261,74,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363966,,On the value of 'late Bion' to analytic theory and practice,VABB-1,1089,1098,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363991,,DBS for obsessive compulsive disorder,VABB-4,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:363992,,Ultra-brief pulse ECT in bipolar and unipolar depressive disorder: differences in speed of response,VABB-1,418,424,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:363993,,Prevalence and severity of antipsychotic related constipation in patients with schizophrenia: a retrospective descriptive study,VABB-1,17,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:363995,,No association between MTHFR C677T or A1298C and age at onset of schizophrenia,VABB-1,1362,1363,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:363996,,Practice and services for psychoscial rehabilitation of people with schizophrenia in Belgium,VABB-1,255,265,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:363998,,Psychometric properties of the B-WISE in large clinical and non-clinical samples,VABB-1,57,70,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:364001,,Door aripiprazol geïnduceerd parkinsonisme bij een 64- jarige patiënt met en bipolaire stoornis,VABB-1,299,303,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:364016,,Abnormal transbilayer distribution of phospholipids in red blood cell membranes in schizophrenia,VABB-1,91,96,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364017,,Randomized comparison of ultra-brief bifrontal and unilateral electroconvulsive therapy for major depression: clinical efficacy,VABB-1,106,112,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364024,,State anxiety and subjective well-being responses to acute bouts of aerobic exercise in patients with depressive and anxiety disorders,VABB-1,756,759,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364037,,Treatment retention with risperidone long-acting injection: 24-month results from the Electronic Schizophrenia Treatment Adherence Registry in six countries,VABB-1,501,509,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364041,,"Metabolic and endocrine adverse effects of second-generation antipsychotics in children and adolescents A systematic review of randomized, placebo controlled trials and guidelines for clinical practice",VABB-1,144,158,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:364044,,Standing up for the body. Recent progress in uncovering the networks involved in the perception of bodies and bodily expressions,VABB-1,513,527,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364045,,Instrumental Music Influences Recognition of Emotional Body Language,VABB-1,216,220,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364046,,Audiovisual emotion recognition in schizophrenia: Reduced integration of facial and vocal affect,VABB-1,286,293,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364050,,Safety of sertindole versus risperidone in schizophrenia: principal results of the sertindole cohort prospective study (SCoP),VABB-1,345,355,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364051,,Het effect van vroege psychische stoornissen op het opleidingsniveau in België,VABB-1,133,142,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:364052,,Religious advisors' role in mental health care in the European Study on the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders survey,VABB-1,989,998,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364054,,Right Hemisphere Recruitment During Language Processing in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration and Alzheimer's Disease,VABB-1,637,647,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:364060,,Citizens’ forum of Brussels: Social Inequalities,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364061,,Impacts of soil tilth on the effectiveness of biological geotextiles in reducing runoff and interrill erosion,VABB-1,356,363,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364065,,"Combined landslide inventory and susceptibility assessment based on different mapping units: an example from the Flemish Ardennes, Belgium",VABB-1,507,521,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364071,,The effect of vegetation changes on precipitation and Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Sahel,VABB-1,521,534,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364079,,Short term changes in dynamics of C and N in soil when crops are cultivated on permanent raised beds,VABB-1,281,293,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364122,,Mapping accessibility in Belgium: a tool for land-use and transport planning?,VABB-1,39,53,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364125,,Stevoort - Kanenveld: voorlopig rapport over een gestratificeerde Holocene site,VABB-1,131,137,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:364128,,Revisiting a type locality for Late Glacial aeolian sand deposition in NW Europe: Optical dating of the dune complex at Opgrimbie (NE Belgium),VABB-1,27,35,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364149,,The impact of land use and climate change on late Holocene and future suspended sediment yield of the Meuse catchment,VABB-1,389,400,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364151,,Concentrated flow erosion rates reduced through biological geotextiles,VABB-1,493,502,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364158,,De Brusselse economie,VABB-1,1,14,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:364163,,Qualitative and quantitative applications of LiDAR imagery in fluvial geomorphology,VABB-1,217,231,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364168,,The interest of the neighbourhood: Where municipal councillors live within the Brussels Capital Region,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364169,,Het belang van de buurt: De woonplaats van de gemeenteraadsleden in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest,VABB-1,1,25,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:364171,,"Beyond the Anglo-Saxon Experience: City-suburban Political polarization in Brussels, Belgium",VABB-1,319,339,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364173,,"Milestones, scenic views and tourist traps along my academic path",VABB-4,209,223,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:364176,,Tourism Potential of Agricultural Heritage Systems: An Explorative Study in Longxian Village (Southern China),VABB-1,112,128,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:364179,,The territoriality paradigm in cultural tourism,VABB-1,27,33,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364187,,Spatial structures of soil organic carbon in tropical forests-A case study of Southeastern Tanzania,VABB-1,19,27,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364199,,Flow-retarding effects of vegetation and geotextiles on soil detachment during concentrated flow,VABB-1,2427,2437,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364200,,"Influence of soil properties on landslide occurrences in Bududa district, Eastern Uganda",VABB-1,611,620,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364203,,"Impact, absorption and evaporation of raindrops at building facades",VABB-1,113,124,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364207,,The effect of mechanical stimulation on root and shoot development of young containerized Quercus robur and Robinia pseudoacacia trees,VABB-1,1213,1228,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364209,,Methodological framework to select plant species for controlling rill and gully erosion: application to a Mediterranean ecosystem,VABB-1,1374,1392,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364231,,Estimating scaled cloud optical thickness from SEVIRI by implementing a semi-analytical cloud retrieval algorithm,VABB-5,782702,782714,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364233,,Evaluation of the PESERA model in two contrasting environments,VABB-1,629,640,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:364234,,Vegetation and topographic controls on sediment deposition and storage on gully beds in a degraded mountain area,VABB-1,755,767,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364239,,Comparison of two landslide susceptibility assessments in the Champagne–Ardenne region (France),VABB-1,141,155,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364240,,Soil erosion resistance effects on rill and gully initiation points and dimensionsgully initiation points and dimensions,VABB-1,217,228,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364246,,Sediment yield in Europe: regional differences in scale dependence,VABB-5,44,52,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364251,,The potential of 3D gully monitoring with GIS using high-resolution aerial photography and a digital photogrammetry system,VABB-1,48,60,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364255,,Detecting and modelling spatial patterns of urban sprawl in highly fragmented areas: A case study in the Flanders–Brussels region,VABB-1,10,19,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364272,,Is there a world beyond the Web of Science? Publication practices outside the heartland of academic geography,VABB-1,417,424,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364273,,Fear of crime as a political weapon: explaining the rise of extreme right politics in the Flemish countryside,VABB-1,247,262,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364282,,"Dust dynamics in off-road vehicle trails: Measurements on 16 arid soil types, Nevada, USA",VABB-1,3458,3469,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364284,,"Dust emission by off-road driving: Experiments on 17 arid soil types, Nevada, USA",VABB-1,118,138,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364294,,Temporal changes on the effect of rock fragments in interrill soil loss: a simulation experiment and a simple descriptive model,VABB-5,397,406,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364297,,The implications of data selection for regional erosion and sediment yield modelling,VABB-1,1994,2007,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364298,,Estimating parameters of the channel width–fl ow discharge relation using rill and gully channel junction data,VABB-1,2023,2030,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364299,,Mapping rainfall erosivity at a regional scale: a comparison of interpolation methods in the Ebro Basin (NE Spain),VABB-1,1907,1920,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364300,,Topographic thresholds for plant colonization on semi-arid eroded slopes,VABB-1,1758,1771,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364303,,Constructing 3-D wind fields for Nellis Dunes in Nevada,VABB-5,379,385,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364304,,Assessing the reduction of the hydrological connectivity of gully systems through vegetation restoration: field experiments and numerical modelling,VABB-1,1823,1836,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364312,,"Humus Form Development during Forest Restoration in Exclosures of the Tigray Highlands, Northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,280,289,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364321,,"Distribution, origin and cycling of carbon in the Tana River (Kenya): a dry season basin-scale survey from headwaters to the delta",VABB-1,2475,2493,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364326,,Evidence for repeated re-activation of old landslides under forest,VABB-1,352,365,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364327,,"Changing sediment dynamics due to natural reforestation in the Dragonja catchment, SW Slovenia",VABB-1,60,71,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364335,,"Detecting the impact of the “Grain for Green” program on the mean annual vegetation cover in the Shaanxi province, China using SPOT-VGT NDVI data",VABB-1,954,960,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364337,,Late Weichselian and Holocene earthquake events along the Geleen fault in NE Belgium: OSL age constraints,VABB-1,56,74,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364353,,The impact of weather and atmospheric circulation on O3 and PM10 levels at a rural mid-latitude site,VABB-1,2695,2714,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364354,,Decadal-scale analysis of ground movements in old landslides in western Belgium,VABB-1,23,45,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364356,,An analysis of present and future ECHAM5 pressure fields using a classification of circulation patterns,VABB-1,1796,1810,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364368,,SUSTAPARK: An agent-based model for simulating parking search,VABB-5,1,11,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364369,,A temporarily changing Holocene sediment budget for a loess-covered catchment (central Belgium),VABB-1,24,34,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364512,,[Electroconvulsive therapy for patients with intracranial aneurysms: a case study and literature review],VABB-1,43,51,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364526,,Een finaalpaleolithisch en mesolithisch sitecomplex te Lommel. Opgravingscampagne 2010,VABB-1,29,34,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:364530,,"Een nieuwe site uit de bandkeramiek te Riemst - Toekomststraat (Prov. Limburg, B)",VABB-1,77,80,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:364532,,Establishing a chronology for landscape evolution around a final Palaeolithic site at Arendonk-Korhaan (NE Belgium): First results from Optically Stimulated Luminescence dating,VABB-1,43,51,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364539,,The 2006 and 2007 surveys and archaeometrical research at Sagalassos,VABB-5,173,196,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364541,,Report on the 2006 and 2007 excavation and restoration activities at Tepe Düzen and Sagalassos,VABB-5,427,456,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364542,,Deel III. Imperator Caesar Nerva Traianus Hadrianus Augustus: de reizende keizer die Sagalassos tot de facto hoofdstad van Pisidië verhief voor het eerst een gevoel van etnische identiteit verschafte,VABB-4,319,377,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:364543,,Deel II. Imperator Caesar Divi filius Augusti: hoe een harmonieuze interactie een charismatische 'keizer' en een visionaire lokale elite Sagalassos tot een ongekende bloei bracht,VABB-4,65,317,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:364544,,Deel I. De knoop die zelfs Alexander de Grote niet kon doorhakken: de oorsprong van Sagalassos,VABB-4,1,63,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:364555,,Providing Markets with Small Change in the Early Roman Empire: Italy and Gaul,VABB-1,125,142,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364563,,Ceramics (as containers),VABB-4,582,606,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:364564,,The Early Bronze Age (Crete),VABB-4,66,82,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:364565,,Neolithic Antecedents. The origins of the Aegean Bronze Age,VABB-4,31,49,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:364584,,El papel de los abogados en la intencion. La influencia de la resolucion alternative de conflictos sobre la educación y el pensamiento juridicos,VABB-1,103,119,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:364586,,"Europese rechtspraak ""Rechten van de mens"" in kort bestek",VABB-1,339/1068,340/1070,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:364682,,Geen voorrecht voor degene die kosten heeft gemaakt tot behoud van een handelszaak,VABB-1,415,419,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:364684,,Het recht van uitweg. Over een gedogende buurman en zelf veroorzaakte ingeslotenheid,VABB-1,447,451,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:364688,,Het nutsvereiste bij erfdienstbaarheden,VABB-1,1048,1051,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:364771,,Motor vehicles from China: dispute settlement case,VABB-1,201,238,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:364772,,The course of subjective well-being over the life cycle,VABB-1,261,267,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364775,,How distorted have agricultural incentives become in Europe’s transition economies?,VABB-1,79,109,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364776,,Factor content of bilateral trade: the role of firm heterogeneity and transaction costs,VABB-1,305,317,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364789,,Reducing Corruption in Public Education Programs in Africa: Instruments and Capture in Madagascar,VABB-1,383,397,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364798,,Comparing league formats with respect to match (un)importance: a case study in Belgian soccer,VABB-5,475,480,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364802,,Coordination of converging material flows under the condition of uncertainty in supply chains,VABB-4,525,542,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:364806,,R&D project planning with multiple trials in uncertain environments,VABB-5,325,329,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364807,,Managing Critical Resources through an Improved Surgery Scheduling Process,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:364813,,Operating room planning and scheduling: A classification scheme,VABB-1,71,83,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:364828,,Generalized Regular Variation of Arbitrary Order,VABB-5,111,137,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:364830,,The difference between the product and the convolution product of distribution functions in R^d,VABB-1,19,36,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:364831,,"Domains of attraction of the real random variable (X, X²) and applications",VABB-1,41,53,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364833,,A framework for a highly constrained sports scheduling problem,VABB-5,14,28,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364835,,The focus of attention problem,VABB-5,312,317,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364836,,On the number of renewals in random time,VABB-1,2281,2288,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364841,,"Integration of sustainable development in higher education's curricula of applied economics: Large-scale assessments, integration strategies and barriers",VABB-1,621,640,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:364848,,Indian versus European religious traditions and transformational socio-economic leadership,VABB-1,44,52,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:364861,,Critical Success Factors for ERP implementations in Belgian SMEs,VABB-1,378,406,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:364862,,Pupils' Perspectives on the Future of Gaming in the Classroom,VABB-5,1153,1162,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:364867,,Design and implementation of a web-based system for formative peer review in statistics education,VABB-5,3692,3702,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364869,,Consumers' search for information on the internet: how and why China differs from Western Europe,VABB-1,309,331,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364875,,Text mining scientific papers: a survey on FCA-based information retrieval research,VABB-5,82,96,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:364881,,Do video games have a future in the classroom? The perceptions of (Apprentice) Teachers,VABB-5,5631,5639,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364883,,Detecting domestic violence,VABB-5,11,18,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364884,,A case of using formal concept analysis in combination with emergent self organizing maps for detecting domestic violence,VABB-5,246,260,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364894,,"Data mining: new trends, applications and challenges",VABB-1,46,61,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364896,,A Comparison of Teachers' and Pupils' Perceptions on Game-Based Learning,VABB-5,1181,1190,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:364897,,Content-based VLE designs improve learning efficiency in constructivist statistics education,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:364907,,Analyzing domestic violence with topographic maps: a comparative study,VABB-5,246,254,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364909,,Modeling educational technology acceptance and satisfaction,VABB-5,5882,5889,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364911,,Reviewing peer reviews: A rule-based approach,VABB-5,408,418,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:364912,,The Effectiveness of Slow and Fast paced TV Commercials: some Experimental Empirical Results,VABB-1,65,72,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:364913,,"Invloed van doeloriëntatie, zelfreflectie en persoonskenmerken op het aanleren van presentatievaardigheden",VABB-4,27,49,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:364916,,'The Relative Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement for Print Advertisement,VABB-1,76,90,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:364922,,Belief inhibition during thinking: Not always winning but at least taking part,VABB-1,45,61,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364925,,Can ‘Hit’ Music really influence the Likeability and Perceived Originality of a TV Commercial?,VABB-4,189,204,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:364935,,"Virtual organizations as temporary organizational networks: boundary blurring, dilemmas, career characteristics and leadership",VABB-1,55,81,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:364950,,Process Consultation Revisited: Taking a 'relational practice' perspective,VABB-1,39,58,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365004,,Organizational correlates of workplace bullying in small- and medium-sized enterprises,VABB-1,610,625,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:365053,,"Associaçao entre maturaçao equelética, estatuto socio-economico e indice de massa corporal em crianças e adolescentes madeirenses",VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365054,,"Prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade em criançias e adolescentes da Regiao Autonoma da Madeira, Portugal",VABB-1,245,251,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365058,,"Physical growth, maturation and performance",VABB-4,73,100,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365074,,Parent-of-origin specific linkage and association of the IGF2 gene region with birth weight and adult metabolic risk factors,VABB-1,962,970,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365077,,Timing of adolescent somatic maturity and midlife muscle function: a 34-yr follow-up,VABB-1,1729,34,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365078,,Physical Activity Assessed by Accelerometry in Rural African School-age Children and Adolescents,VABB-1,384,399,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365122,,Identity formation in Italian emerging adults: A cluster-analytic approach and associations with psychosocial functioning,VABB-1,558,572,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:365132,,Proper synaptic vesicle formation and neuronal network activity critically rely on syndapin I,VABB-1,4955,4969,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:365135,,Nieuwbouw via vruchtgebruikconstructies,VABB-1,315,318,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:365136,,De vruchtgebruiker bouwt,VABB-1,304,310,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:365142,,Predicting applicants’ job pursuit behavior from their selection expectations: the mediating role of the theory of planned behavior,VABB-1,761,783,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365145,,De combinatie van werk en studie. Vermoeiend?,VABB-1,261,275,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:365146,,Validatie van een Nederlandstalige vragenlijst over verwachtingen van sollicitanten [Validation of a Dutch questionnaire on applicant expectations],VABB-1,50,75,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:365152,,The role of work-home interference and workplace learning in the energy-depletion process,VABB-1,151,168,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:365160,,Studentenmedezeggenschap: eigenbelang en het actief kiesrecht,VABB-1,109,116,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:365164,,Pharmacological enhancers of psychotherapeutical processes: The placebo problem,VABB-1,602,602,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365165,,Blocking of conditioned inhibition in human causal learning: No learning about the absence of outcomes,VABB-1,381,385,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365172,,Feeling we are biased: Autonomic arousal and reasoning conflict,VABB-1,208,216,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365173,,Generalization gradients in human predictive learning: Effects of discrimination training and within-subjects testing,VABB-1,210,220,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:365175,,Self-esteem,VABB-4,495,499,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365186,,Ziekte van Kienböck: 100 jaar later,VABB-1,527,532,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:365202,,Outcome of four-corner arthrodesis for advanced carpal collapse: circular plate versus traditional techniques,VABB-1,323,327,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365203,,"The impact of hallux valgus on foot kinematics: a cross-sectional, comparative study",VABB-1,102,106,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:365204,,Reliability and reproducibility of Kienbock's disease staging,VABB-1,555,557,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365217,,Subungual glomus tumours: a technical tip towards diagnosis on plain radiographs,VABB-1,396,397,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365218,,Surgical outcome of Dupuytren's disease - no higher self-reported recurrence after segmental fasciectomy,VABB-1,185,188,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365224,,Radiocarpal arthrodesis,VABB-1,45,48,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365225,,Superimposed vibration confers no additional benefit compared with resistance training alone,VABB-1,827,33,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365226,,Dupuytren’s disease: a predominant reason for elective finger amputation in adults,VABB-1,494,497,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365230,,Successful preliminary walking experiments on a trans-tibial amputee fitted with a powered prosthesis,VABB-1,368,377,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365236,,Neutral lumbar spine sitting posture in pain-free subjects,VABB-1,557,61,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365238,,Sitting postures and trunk muscle activity in adolescents with and without nonspecific chronic low back pain: an analysis based on subclassification,VABB-1,1387,1395,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365239,,Outcome of index finger pollicisation,VABB-1,13,17,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:365240,,In vivo laboratory validation of the physiometer: a measurement system for long-term recording of posture and movements in the workplace,VABB-1,672,684,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365247,,The Outerbridge-Kashiwaghi procedure in elbow arthroscopy,VABB-1,468,471,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365258,,Negative ulnar variance has prognostic value in progression of Kienböck's disease,VABB-1,38,41,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:365261,,Bilateral pisiform fractures,VABB-1,242,3,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365270,,Prospective control abilities during visuo-manual tracking in children with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome compared to age- and IQ-matched controls,VABB-1,634,641,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365281,,"Genomic rearrangements of the GREM1-FMN1 locus cause oligosyndactyly, radio-ulnar synostosis, hearing loss, renal defects syndrome and Cenani-Lenz-like non-syndromic oligosyndactyly",VABB-1,569,574,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365283,,"Simulatie en aggravatie - ""Malingering and exaggeration""",VABB-1,168,172,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:365287,,Effect of severity of Dupuytren contracture on disability,VABB-1,41,42,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365291,,Discriminating Healthy Control and Two Clinical Subgroups of Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain Patients Using Trunk Muscle Activation and Lumbosacral Kinematics of Postures and Movements,VABB-1,1610,1618,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365300,,A high prevalence of Dupuytren's disease in Flanders,VABB-1,316,320,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365309,,Reliability of accessory motion testing at the carpal joints,VABB-1,292,298,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365310,,"Prevalence of work related upper limb disorders in hairdressers: a cross sectional study on the influence of working conditions and psychological, ergonomic and physical factors",VABB-1,325,330,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365337,,"Diagnosis, management, and complications of glomus tumours of the digits in neurofibromatosis type 1",VABB-1,525,532,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365358,,Bipolar latissimus dorsi flap transfer for reconstruction of the deltoid,VABB-1,32,36,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365359,,Treatment options in Kienböck's disease,VABB-1,715,726,,ger,2009,1 c:vabb:365366,,Hoe een polsarthrodese vermijden,VABB-1,33,70,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365369,,Physical Activity Levels After Characterized Chondrocyte Implantation Versus Microfracture in the Knee and the Relationship to Objective Functional Outcome With 2-year Follow-up,VABB-1,42S,49S,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365371,,The effect of triclosan-coated sutures in wound healing. A double blind randomised prospective pilot study,VABB-1,771,773,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365372,,Minimizing limb amputations in meningococcal sepsis by early microsurgical arteriolysis,VABB-1,1625,1630,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365375,,Treatment of non-union of forearm bones with a free vascularised corticoperiosteal flap from the medial femoral condyle,VABB-1,611,615,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365376,,Inter- and intra-observer reliability of masking in plantar pressure measurement analysis,VABB-1,379,382,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365379,,Quantification of skin marker movement at the malleoli and talar head,VABB-1,497,504,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365380,,Evaluation of corrective osteotomy of the malunited distal radius on midcarpal and radiocarpal malalignement,VABB-1,57,61,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365382,,Methodological quality of a systematic review on physical therapy for temporomandibular disorders: influence of hand search and quality scales,VABB-1,295,303,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365383,,Evaluatie van hand en pols: het stoornis/beperking-concept,VABB-1,984,988,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365384,,"Glomus tumors in neurofibromatosis type 1: genetic, functional, and clinical evidence of a novel association",VABB-1,7393,7401,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365389,,Integration of subclassification strategies in randomised controlled clinical trials evaluating manual therapy treatment and exercise therapy for non-specific chronic low back pain: a systematic review,VABB-1,1054,1062,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365402,,Is there still a place for arthrodesis in the surgical treatment of basal joint osteoarthritis of the thumb?,VABB-1,719,724,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365406,,The effect of inspiratory muscles fatigue on postural control in persons with and without recurrent low back pain,VABB-1,1088,1094,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365408,,Outcome of latissimus dorsi transfer for irreparable rotator cuff tears,VABB-1,449,455,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365409,,Reporting whole-body vibration intervention studies: Recommendations of the International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions,VABB-1,193,198,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365410,,Iatrogenic osteochondral kissing lesion after transmalleolar drilling of the talar dome,VABB-1,54,57,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365411,,"Corrective osteotomy of the distal radius: dorsal or volar approach, closing or opening wedge",VABB-1,604,607,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365419,,"Autologous chondrocyte implantation versus microfracture for knee cartilage injury: a prospective randomized trial, with 2-year follow-up",VABB-1,486,495,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365422,,beta-Catenin Overexpression in Dupuytren's Disease Is Unrelated to Disease Recurrence,VABB-1,838,845,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365432,,Oculo-Auriculo-Vertebral spectrum,VABB-4,587,596,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:365437,,Effects of whole body vibration training on cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength in older individuals (a 1-year randomised controlled trial),VABB-1,448,54,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365439,,Diagnostic Accuracy of Temporomandibular Disorder Pain Tests: A Multicenter Study,VABB-1,108,114,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365442,,Outcome of index finger pollicisation for the congenital absent or severely hypoplastic thumb,VABB-1,175,180,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365447,,Proprioceptieve posturale controle bij personen met aspecifieke lagerugpijn,VABB-1,235,240,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:365449,,Immunohistochemical evidence for Zic1 coexpression with beta-catenin in the myofibroblast of Dupuytren disease,VABB-1,36,40,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365451,,"Human, or less than human?",VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365452,,Mixed models for the analysis of optimization algorithms,VABB-4,225,264,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365467,,"Two people playing together some thoughts on play, playing, and playfulness in psychoanalytic work",VABB-1,131,149,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365475,,Discrimination of locomotion direction in impoverished displays of walkers by macaque monkeys,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365484,,The neural time course of art perception: An ERP study on the processing of style versus content in art,VABB-1,2071,2081,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:365485,,The effortless nature of conflict detection during thinking,VABB-1,105,128,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365487,,PARAFAC on ERP data from a visual detection task during simultaneous fMRI acquisition,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:365490,,Can similarity-based models of induction handle negative evidence?,VABB-5,2033,2038,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:365527,,Academic Freedom as a Fundamental Right,VABB-5,117,141,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:365540,,Privacy Rights as Human Rights: no limits?,VABB-4,315,332,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365563,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de adviespraktijk van de afdeling wetgeving van de Raad van State (2007-08),VABB-1,100,133,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365570,,The underestimated possibility of ex-post adjustments : some lessons from the initial greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme,VABB-4,178,208,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365591,,Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation Volume VI,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365592,,Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation Volume VII,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365596,,Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation Volume VIII,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:365621,,Kroniek rechtspraak EHRM juli - december 2006,VABB-1,85,94,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365622,,Is the Rule of Law a Limit on Popular Sovereignty?,VABB-4,273,297,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365625,,De terugkeer van de gemengde intercommunale? Recent decreetgevend werk over intergemeentelijke samenwerking en de participatie van privaatrechtelijke rechtspersonen in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,25,30,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:365629,,Rechterlijke dialoog over de zorgverzekering: het Luxemburgse arrest van 1 april 2008,VABB-1,185,193,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365641,,Rechterlijke samenwerking in een pluralistische Europese rechtsorde. De ‘witwasdialoog’ als casus,VABB-1,146,157,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365673,,Kroniek rechtspraak EHRM januari - juni 2006,VABB-1,84,95,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365708,,Confederale elementen in de Belgische federatie,VABB-1,67,84,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365712,,Het Grondwettelijk Hof en het ambtshalve opwerpen van middelen – een vlucht regenwulpen?,VABB-1,286,290,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:365714,,Justitie in de zesde staatshervorming – of: over regularisatie als bevoegdheidsverdelend beginsel,VABB-1,516,522,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:365720,,Machtiging tot onteigening – of onteigening van de macht?,VABB-1,102,107,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:365723,,Traditional beers in a global market economy,VABB-4,239,255,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365765,,"Rooien is niet hetzelfde als ontbossen, of toch?",VABB-1,1379,1382,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:365779,,"Het decreet van 27 maart 2009 tot aanpassing en aanvulling van het ruimtelijke plannings-, vergunningen- en handhavingsbeleid",VABB-1,2,29,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365781,,Evaluatie van de evolutie van de bestuursrechtspraak,VABB-1,259,277,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365829,,Binnenland ontmoet buitenland. De nasleep van onderzoekscommissies naar ontspoorde vredesmissies,VABB-1,56,64,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:365858,,Diversiteit in waarden en religiositeit in een hogeschool,VABB-1,96,117,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:365859,,Armoede bij zelfstandigen. Een kwantitatief en kwalitatief beeld,VABB-4,157,172,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:365862,,Een sociaalconstructionistische verkenning van duurzaamheid en diversiteit,VABB-4,149,167,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365874,,Kwaliteitscultuur in het hoger onderwijs: de bijdrage van organisatiecultuur aan de ontwikkeling van kwaliteitszorg,VABB-1,51,57,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:365890,,Diversiteit en studiesucces in een Brusselse instelling voor hoger onderwijs. Mogelijkheden en resultaten van beleidsondersteunend onderzoek op basis van administratieve gegevens,VABB-1,5,19,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:365916,,Diurnal cortisol profiles and evening cortisol in post-pubertal adolescents scoring high on the Children's Depression Inventory,VABB-1,791,794,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365917,,A review of scales to measure the mother-foetus relationship,VABB-1,114,126,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365919,,"Factorial temperament structure in stuttering, voice-disordered, and typically developing children",VABB-1,1610,1622,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:365920,,Temperament dimensions in stuttering and typically developing children,VABB-1,355,372,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:365921,,Bijzondere Overeenkomsten - Commentaar met overzicht van rechtspraak en rechtsleer,VABB-2,,,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:365928,,B2B Information Duties in the Feasibility Study: Analysis of Article 23,VABB-1,787,797,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:365929,,"De precontractuele aansprakelijkheid en de samenloopproblematiek” (noot onder Antwerpen, 26 februari 2007)",VABB-1,582,585,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:365953,,"Genera non pereunt, of toch wel?",VABB-1,437,448,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365958,,Rechtsmisbruik,VABB-4,1,22,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:365961,,De mondelinge ingebrekestelling” (noot onder Cass. 20 november 2008),VABB-1,459,462,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:365968,,Case Note Case C-484/08 Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Madrid,VABB-1,449,459,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:365969,,The Consumer law Compendium. A new Era for European Consumer Law? General Introduction,VABB-1,377,381,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365970,,"Annotation Joined Cases C-94/04, Federico Cipolla v. Rosario Fazari & C-202/04, Stefano Macrino and Claudia Caopdarte v. Roberto Meloni",VABB-1,941,957,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365971,,"Class Actions in Europe? To Opt-In or to Opt-Out, that is the Question",VABB-1,483,505,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:365972,,"Derden en contractbreuk, samenloop en vordering tot staking",VABB-1,932,937,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365977,,Harmonisatieniveau,VABB-1,7,24,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:365982,,De wet van 6 april 2010 betreffende marktpraktijken en consumentenbescherming,VABB-1,386,419,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:365986,,Btw-compensatiefondsen. Fata morgana of oase in het staatssteunlandschap?,VABB-1,33,48,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365987,,"De wet handelspraktijken en diensten in verband met financiële instrumenten en effecten - Hoe ver reikt de uitsluiting van artikel 1, tweede lid WHPC?",VABB-1,51,76,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:365988,,Schadevergoedingsacties na kartelinbreuken,VABB-1,198,213,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:365990,,Limits of defferentiation in European Economic Law: Ne bis in idem and minimum versus maximum harmonisation,VABB-1,141,148,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:365993,,Setting the Scene,VABB-4,1,69,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:365994,,The European Court of Justice as a motor of private law,VABB-4,101,115,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:365995,,"Case note Cases C-243/08, Pannon GSM Zrt. v. Erszsébet Sustikné Györfi and Case C-40/08, Asturcom Telecommunicaciones SL v. Maria Cristina Rodriguez Nogueira: ""Community consumer protection against unfair contract terms, the distant and passive consumer and the procedural autonomy of the Member States""",VABB-1,879,898,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:366011,,The definitions of Dividends and Interest in the OECD Model: Something Lost in Translation?,VABB-1,5,45,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:366019,,Het territorialiteitsbeginsel in het executierecht,VABB-1,218,227,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:366035,,Over de invoering en het belang van het grondwettelijke legaliteitsbeginsel in fiscale aangelegenheden,VABB-1,339,344,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:366084,,Die Harmonisierung der persönlichen Sicherheiten in Europa,VABB-4,7,29,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:366092,,A New Gradient Approximation Method For Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation On Congested Networks,VABB-1,19,25,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366094,,Identifying Candidates for Design-by-Analogy,VABB-1,446,459,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366097,,Environmental Performance of Sheet Metal Working Processes,VABB-5,21,26,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366100,,Budget Constraint in Reforestation Meant for Minimizing Sediment Load at a Watershed Outlet,VABB-5,2174,2179,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366101,,Compactness in Spatial Decision Support: A Literature Review,VABB-5,414,429,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366102,,Continuous Traffic Flow Modeling of Driver Support Systems in Multiclass Traffic With Intervehicle Communication and Drivers in the Loop,VABB-1,649,657,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366103,,A mixed integer programming approach to the aircraft weight and balance problem,VABB-5,1051,1059,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366104,,The city trip planner: an expert system for tourists,VABB-1,6540,6545,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366105,,Macroscopic effects of reaction time on traffic flow characteristics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366109,,A test object with parallel grooves for calibration and accuracy assessment of industrial CT metrology,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366110,,Iterated local search for the team orienteering problem with time windows,VABB-1,3281,3290,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366112,,CIBOCOF: A framework for industrial maintenance concept development,VABB-1,633,640,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366114,,Safety and Maintenance,VABB-4,613,648,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:366115,,A path relinking approach for the team orienteering problem,VABB-1,1853,1859,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366117,,Energy related environmental impact reduction opportunities in machine design: case study of a laser cutting machine,VABB-1,80,98,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:366121,,"Forming Forces in Single Point Incremental Forming: Prediction by Finite Element Simulations, Validation and Sensitivity",VABB-1,573,590,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366122,,Strain evolution in the single point incremental forming process: digital image correlation measurement and finite element prediction,VABB-1,55,71,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366123,,Integer Programming (IP) formulation for minimizing sediment delivery in a watershed by reforestation of optimal sites,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366124,,A predictive model for tolerance verification of bent sheet metal parts,VABB-5,516,523,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366128,,Assessment of Variable Speed Limits from the Drivers' Perspective,VABB-5,499,506,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:366134,,Twist Revisited: Twist Phenomena in Single Point Incremental Forming,VABB-1,307,310,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366135,,Intelligent products: Agere versus Essere,VABB-1,217,228,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:366139,,The eco-efficiency of reuse centres critically explored - The washing machine case,VABB-1,265,285,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:366140,,Environmental Assessment of Printed Circuit Boards from Biobased Materials,VABB-5,605,610,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366142,,A generic class of first order node models for dynamic macroscopic simulation of traffic flows,VABB-1,289,309,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366143,,Predicting the unexpected,VABB-1,623,637,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366144,,PROSA and Delegate MAS for Open-Air Engineering Processes,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366146,,Optimal inter-area coordination of train rescheduling decisions,VABB-5,58,81,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366147,,Systematic innovation through patent based product aspect analysis,VABB-1,203,206,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366149,,Calculation of Realistic Railway Station Capacity by Platforming Feasibility Checks,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366156,,Intelligent Routing System for a Personalised Electronic Tourist,VABB-5,185,197,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:366158,,Investigation of Deformation Phenomena in SPIF Using an In- Process DIC Technique,VABB-5,401,409,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366176,,A guided Local Search Metaheuristic for the Team Orienteering Problem,VABB-1,118,127,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366180,,Near-Duplicate Detection Based on Text Coherence Quantification,VABB-5,238,246,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366181,,Calculation of welfare effects of road pricing on al large scale road network,VABB-1,102,121,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366188,,Optimal prognostic maintenance planning for multi-component systems,VABB-5,910,917,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366199,,Bio-Inspired Coordination and Control in Self-Organizing Logistic Execution Systems,VABB-5,713,718,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366201,,Development of Maintenance Function Performance Measurement Framework and Indicators,VABB-1,295,302,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366202,,Design of a Product-Service Systems business model: strategic analysis and option generation,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366204,,Hybrid Approach for the Public Transportation Time Dependent Orienteering Problem with Time Windows,VABB-4,151,158,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:366222,,Pairwise-adaptive dissimilarity measure for document clustering,VABB-1,2341,2358,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366229,,Compactness and Flow Minimization Requirements in Reforestation Initiatives: A Heuristic Solution Method,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:366233,,A Multiple Criteria Heuristic Solution Method for Locating Near to Optimal Contiguous and Compact Sites in Raster Maps,VABB-4,35,56,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366246,,Empirical analysis of maintenance performance measurement in Belgian industries,VABB-1,5905,5924,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366248,,Finding Sites Meeting Compactness and on- and off-Site Suitability Criteria in Raster Maps,VABB-5,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366251,,Planning in Tourism and Public Transportation - attraction selection by means of a personalised electronic tourist guide and train transfer scheduling,VABB-1,293,296,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366253,,Environmental Analysis of the Air Bending Process,VABB-5,1650,1655,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366258,,Force prediction for single point incremental forming deduced from experimental and FEM observations,VABB-1,969,982,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366262,,Environmental impact analysis of composite use in car manufacturing,VABB-1,9,12,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366266,,Transitions Towards Sustainable Dynamic Traffic Management: A Living Systems Approach,VABB-4,247,266,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366268,,A hierarchical approach for dynamic origin-destination matrix estimation on large-scale congested networks,VABB-5,1543,1548,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366277,,Cutting Path Optimization using Tabu Search,VABB-5,739,748,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366282,,Probabilistic models for queues at fixed control signals,VABB-1,120,135,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366284,,Dynamic Traffic Assignment: Recent Advances and New Theories towards Real Time Applications and Realistic Travel Behaviour (Editorial),VABB-4,17,42,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:366292,,Unit Process Impact Assessment for Discrete Part Manufacturing: A State of the Art,VABB-1,129,135,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:366297,,Lightweight materials for the automotive: environmental impact analysis of the use of composites,VABB-1,541,546,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366308,,Stochastic Dynamic Network Loading for Travel Time Variability due to Incidents,VABB-4,179,198,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:366311,,Obtainable Accuracies and Compensation Strategies for Robot Supported SPIF,VABB-5,679,687,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366315,,New Developments in Transport Planning: Advances in Dynamic Traffic Assignment,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:366319,,Maintenance Optimization Models and Criteria,VABB-5,5,13,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:366326,,Optimal multi-class rescheduling of railway traffic,VABB-1,14,24,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366328,,Trip planning functionalities: state of the art and future,VABB-1,305,315,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366329,,A mobile tourist decision support system for small footprint devices,VABB-4,1248,1255,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:366330,,PROSA and Delegate MAS in Robotics,VABB-5,195,204,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:366331,,Monitoring of CO2 Laser Cutting of Thick Steel Plates by Means of a NIR Camera Based System,VABB-5,207,216,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366332,,The development and application of an integrated production planning methodology for sheet metal working SMEs,VABB-1,649,663,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366333,,Personalized Tourist Route Generation,VABB-4,486,497,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:366334,,Tourist Trip Planning Functionalities: State-of-the-Art and Future,VABB-4,474,485,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:366336,,Quantifying and formalizing product aspects through patent mining,VABB-5,323,336,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366337,,Applying TRIZ for systematic manufacturing process innovation: the single point incremental forming case,VABB-5,528,537,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366338,,Searching for similar products through patent analysis,VABB-5,431,441,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366339,,On the complementarity of TRIZ and axiomatic design: from decoupling objective to contradiction identification,VABB-5,633,639,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366340,,Unit Process Impact Assessment for Discrete Part Manufacturing: A State of the Art,VABB-5,81,95,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:366341,,Effectiveness of the PAnDA ideation tool,VABB-5,63,76,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366342,,Refined Metrics for Measuring Novelty in Ideation,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:366343,,Tool directionality in contour-based incremental sheet forming: an experimental study on product properties and formability,VABB-5,897,904,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366344,,Identifying Document Metadata based on multilayer clustering,VABB-5,1527,1538,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366345,,Upgrading geographic information systems to spatial decision support systems,VABB-1,36,41,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366346,,A Detailed Analysis of Two Metaheuristics for the Team Orienteering Problem,VABB-4,110,114,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:366353,,Topic identification based on document coherence and spectral analyses,VABB-1,3783,3797,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366357,,Monitoring and adaptive control of CO2 laser flame cutting,VABB-5,483,492,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:366358,,Metaheuristics for tourist trip planning,VABB-4,15,31,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:366359,,A Variable Neighbourhood Descent Metaheuristic for Planning Crane Operations in a Train Terminal,VABB-4,83,98,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:366360,,Reorganising a service department: Central Patient Transportation,VABB-1,478,483,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366361,,Infield logistics planning for crop-harvesting operations,VABB-1,183,197,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366362,,Relating Properties and Functions from Patents to TRIZ Trends,VABB-1,126,130,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:366374,,Compactness and Flow Minimization Requirements in Reforestation Initiatives: An Integer Programming (IP) Formulation,VABB-5,132,147,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366375,,A hybrid tabu search algorithm for automatically assigning patients to beds,VABB-1,61,70,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366377,,The orienteering problem: a survey,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366386,,A Holonic Chain Conveyor Control System: an Application,VABB-5,234,243,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366387,,Deriving all Passenger Flows in a Railway Network from Ticket Sales Data,VABB-5,1,20,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366388,,Defining Robustness of a Railway Timetable,VABB-5,1,20,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366389,,Maintenance optimization models and criteria,VABB-1,189,200,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:366390,,A scalable approach for the integration of large knowledge repositories in the Biologically-Inspired Design process,VABB-5,210,219,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366391,,Marginal Incident Computation - An Efficient Algorithm to Determine Congestion Spillback due to Incidents,VABB-1,22,29,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366394,,The effects of resupply flexibility on the design of service parts supply systems,VABB-1,72,85,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366404,,Patterns of Delegate MAS,VABB-5,1,9,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366409,,Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines as a Tool to Improve the Accuracy of Parts Produced by FSPIF,VABB-5,841,846,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366414,,Accuracy Improvement in Single Point Incremental Forming Through Systematic Study of Feature Interactions,VABB-5,881,888,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366418,,Integrating the spare parts supply chain: an inter-disciplinary account,VABB-1,226,245,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:366425,,The planning of Cycle Trips in the Province of East Flanders,VABB-1,209,213,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366436,,Goed bestuur of doorgedreven veiligheidsfetisjisme? Patrick Dewael introduceert een opleiding 'pré-politie en veiligheid',VABB-1,54,64,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:366459,,De kosten voor de koper bij uitvoerend onroerend beslag,VABB-1,399,404,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:366469,,Rechterlijk overgangsrecht,VABB-1,1754,1760,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:366470,,De nieuwe Belgische Wet Continuïteit Ondernemingen,VABB-1,91,96,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:366484,,Kroniek Belgisch insolventierecht,VABB-1,143,151,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:366519,,Switzerland,VABB-4,1,68,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:366529,,Persistent Nonviolent Conflict with No Resolution: the Flemish and Walloons in Belgium,VABB-1,151,186,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:366580,,Le joueur pathologique perd-il toujours? Les conséquences civiles de l’interdiction d’accès d’un joueur en Belgique,VABB-1,437,451,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:366581,,Kansspelen op het internet: Heeft Bwin vs. Santa Casa de kaarten geschud?,VABB-1,60,70,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:366614,,Opheffing van het machtigingsvereiste tot burgerlijke partijstelling in het kader van de voogdij,VABB-1,134,138,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:366645,,"De termijn voor de voorziening in cassatie inzake echtscheiding, noot bij Cass. 23 oktober 2009, T.Fam. 2009",VABB-1,203,207,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:366647,,"Het overgangsrecht inzake de rechterlijke herzieningsbevoegdheid van een uitkering na echtscheiding door onderlinge toestemming getoetst aan het gelijkheidsbeginsel, noot bij GwH 17 september 2009",VABB-1,183,188,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:366649,,"Het overgangsrecht van de echtscheidingswet van 27 april 2007 na twee nieuwe arresten van het Grondwettelijk Hof: vervolg maar (nog) geen einde, noot bij Grondwettelijk Hof 18 juni 2009 en 16 juli 2009",VABB-1,132,141,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:366651,,"De vernietiging van artikel 42, § 5 wet van 27 april 2007 door het Grondwettelijk Hof, noot bij Grondwettelijk Hof 3 december 2008",VABB-1,14,20,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:366656,,De wijziging van het overgangsrecht aangaande de erkenning door een gehuwde man. Commentaar op de wet van 30 december 2009,VABB-1,46,50,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:366658,,De echtscheidingswet gerepareerd en gewijzigd. Commentaar bij de wet van 02 juni 2010,VABB-1,149,160,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:366660,,Vorderingen van staat voor een alleenstaand raadsheer. Commentaar bij de wet van 22 april 2010,VABB-1,139,143,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:366662,,Drie jaar toepassing van artikel 387ter BW (Wet van 18 juli 2006),VABB-1,114,132,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:366665,,De wet van 17 november 2009 tot wijziging van de kostenverdeling bij een procedure tot echtscheiding op grond van onherstelbare ontwrichting,VABB-1,2,8,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:366684,,Begroting van de onderhoudsuitkering: Hof van Cassatie strandt terug op de vroegere levensstandaard,VABB-1,74,78,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:366689,,Noot onder GwH 27 juli 2011,VABB-1,595,603,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:366713,,Injuries and musculoskeletal complaints in referees and assistant referees selected for the 2006 FIFA World Cup - Retrospective and prospective survey,VABB-1,490,497,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366730,,Activity profile of top-class association football referees in relation to fitness-test performance and match standard,VABB-1,9,17,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366733,,The effect of levetiracetam on tremor severity and functionality in patients with multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,371,378,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366734,,Physical demands of top-class soccer assistant refereeing during high-standard matches,VABB-1,331,336,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366736,,Relationships among field-test measures and physical match performance in elite-standard soccer referees,VABB-1,1177,1184,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366737,,Activity profile and physical demands of football referees and assistant referees in international games,VABB-1,1167,1176,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366741,,Motor learning in Parkinson's disease: limitations and potential for rehabilitation,VABB-1,s53,s58,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:366743,,Limitations on coupling of bimanual movements caused by arm dominance: when the muscle homology principle fails,VABB-1,2027,38,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366754,,In vivo evaluation of a vibration analysis technique for the per-operative monitoring of the fixation of hip prostheses,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:366760,,Upper limb movement interruptions are correlated to freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,1422,1430,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366766,,Facilitation of motor imagery through movement-related cueing,VABB-1,50,8,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366772,,Atlas-based non-rigid image registration to automatically define line-of-action muscle models : a validation study,VABB-1,565,572,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366776,,Subject-specific hip geometry and hip joint center location affects calculated contact forces at the hip during gait,VABB-1,1246,1251,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366786,,Capacity to Increase Walking Speed is Limited by impaired hip and ankle power generation in lower functioning persons post-stroke,VABB-1,129,137,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366788,,Visual cues influence motor coordination: behavioral results and potential neural mechanisms mediating perception-action coupling and response selection,VABB-1,179,88,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366789,,Coordination of complex bimanual multijoint movements under increasing cycling frequencies: the prevalence of mirror-image and translational symmetry,VABB-1,183,195,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366790,,How are observed actions mapped to the observer's motor system? Influence of posture and perspective,VABB-1,415,422,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366791,,Age-related differences in inhibitory processes during interlimb coordination,VABB-1,38,47,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366793,,Long-Term TENS Treatment Improves Tactile Sensitivity in MS Patients,VABB-1,420,427,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366797,,"Proprioceptive sensibility in the elderly: Degeneration, functional consequences and plastic-adaptive processes",VABB-1,271,278,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366800,,Primary motor cortex and movement prevention: Where Stop meets Go,VABB-1,662,673,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366802,,Obstacle avoidance in persons with rheumatoid arthritis walking on a treadmill,VABB-1,779,785,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366804,,Fast responses to stepping on an unexpected surface height depend on intact large-diameter nerve fibers: a study on Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A disease,VABB-1,1684,98,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366805,,Aberrant pelvis and hip kinematics impair hip loading before and after total hip replacement,VABB-1,296,302,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366806,,Dual task effects for asymmetric stepping on a split-belt treadmill,VABB-1,340,4,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366808,,Repetitive stimulation of premotor cortex affects primary motor cortex excitability and movement preparation,VABB-1,152,162,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366809,,A new method to normalize plantar pressure measurements for foot size and foot progression angle,VABB-1,87,90,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366810,,Evidence for bilaterally delayed and decreased obstacle avoidance responses while walking with a lower limb prosthesis,VABB-1,1009,15,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366811,,NSAIDs and the risk of accidental falls in the elderly: a systematic review,VABB-1,489,98,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366816,,Observing shadow motions: Resonant activity within the observer's motor system?,VABB-1,240,244,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366817,,Interaction of sound and sight during action perception: Evidence for shared modality-dependent action representations,VABB-1,2593,2599,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366822,,A physiology based inverse dynamic analysis of human gait: potential and perspectives,VABB-1,563,574,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366827,,Preserved effectiveness of a falls prevention exercise program after implementation in daily clinical practice,VABB-1,2162,2164,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366829,,Proprioceptive target matching asymmetries in left-handed individuals,VABB-1,403,408,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366833,,Multisensory integration in dynamical behaviors: maximum likelihood estimation across bimanual skill learning,VABB-1,8419,8428,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366834,,Fast responses to target changes are not impaired in children with spastic hemiplegia,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366835,,Exercise interventions to reduce fall-related fractures and their risk factors in individuals with low bone density: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,2111,2125,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366836,,Motor Imagery Development in Primary School Children,VABB-1,103,121,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366844,,Is the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2nd edition a reliable instrument to measure motor performance in 3 year old children?,VABB-1,1370,7,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:366848,,Neural correlates of motor dysfunction in children with traumatic brain injury: exploration of compensatory recruitment patterns,VABB-1,684,694,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366849,,Neuromuscular electrical stimulation as a possible mean to prevent muscle tissue wasting in artificially ventilated and sedated patients at the intensive care unit: a pilot study,VABB-1,315,321,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366852,,Botulinum Toxin-A in Children With Congenital Spastic Hemiplegia Does Not Improve Upper Extremity Motor-Related Function Over Rehabilitation Alone: A Randomized Controlled Trial,VABB-1,218,225,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366853,,Hitting a support surface at unexpected height during walking induces loading transients,VABB-1,255,260,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366856,,Static and Dynamic Visuomotor Task Performance in Children With Acquired Brain Injury: Predictive Control Deficits Under Increased Temporal Pressure,VABB-1,363,373,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366857,,Increasing convergence between imagined and executed movement across development: evidence for the emergence of movement representations,VABB-1,474,483,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366864,,"Ipsilateral coordination at preferred rate: Effects of age, body side and task complexity",VABB-1,1854,1862,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366865,,Are cutaneous reflexes from the foot preserved in passive walking in a DGO?,VABB-5,3418,21,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366868,,Is the human primary motor cortex activated by muscular or direction-dependent features of observed movements?,VABB-1,1148,1155,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366869,,The Synergistic Organization of Muscle Recruitment Constrains Visuomotor Adaptation,VABB-1,2263,2269,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366884,,Deficits in executed and imagined aiming performance in brain-injured children,VABB-1,154,161,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366891,,Conceptual Binding: Integrated Visual Cues Reduce Processing Costs in Bimanual Movements,VABB-1,302,311,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366893,,The motor profile of primary school-age children with a 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2 DS) and an age- and IQ-matched control group,VABB-1,532,542,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:366900,,An Easy Prediction of Urinary Incontinence Duration After Retropubic Radical Prostatectomy Based on Urine Loss the First Day After Catheter Withdrawal,VABB-1,2641,2646,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366902,,Rating scales for dystonia in cerebral palsy: reliability and validity,VABB-1,570,575,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366908,,"Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and after-care for lower limb spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: international consensus statement",VABB-1,9,37,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366910,,Upper limb motor and sensory impairments in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Can they be measured reliably ?,VABB-1,409,416,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366923,,Does auditory rhythmical cueing improve gait in people with Parkinson's disease and cognitive impairment? A Feasibility study,VABB-1,839,45,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366924,,"Effect of lyophilized lactobacilli and 0.03 mg estriol (Gynoflor®) on vaginitis and vaginosis with disrupted vaginal microflora: a multicenter, randomized, single-blind, active-controlled pilot study",VABB-1,264,72,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366934,,Retraining of moderately-impaired stroke survivors in driving-related visual attention skills,VABB-1,328,336,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366935,,A new device to measure upper limb circumferences: validity and reliability,VABB-1,401,407,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366941,,Imitatie een complex menselijk gedrag: Imitatie bij kinderen met een typische ontwikkeling en met een autismespectrumstoornis,VABB-1,102,113,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:366942,,Influence of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises on Full Spectrum Therapy for Nocturnal Enuresis,VABB-1,2067,2071,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366949,,The updated European Consensus 2009 on the use of Botulinum toxin for children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,45,66,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366954,,"Evidence for motor learning in Parkinson's disease: acquisition, automaticity and retention of cued gait performance after training with external rythmical cues",VABB-1,103,111,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366956,,Effect of simulator training on fitness-to-drive after stroke: a 5-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,843,850,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366959,,Does cueing training improve physical activity in patients with Parkinson's disease?,VABB-1,469,477,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366988,,Review of quantitative measurements of upper limb movements,VABB-1,395,404,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:366989,,Relation between neuroradiological findings and upper limb function in hemiplegic cerebral palsy,VABB-1,169,177,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:366998,,Physiological responses in handcycling. Preliminary study,VABB-1,311,318,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367000,,The Short-Term Effects of Different Cueing Modalities on Turn Speed in People With Parkinson's Disease,VABB-1,831,6,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367001,,Reliability of the new freezing of gait questionnaire: Agreement between patients with Parkinson's disease and their carers,VABB-1,459,463,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367002,,Is impact of fatigue an independent factor associated with physical activity in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease?,VABB-1,1512,1518,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367003,,The ability of elite table tennis players with intellectual disabilities to adapt their service/return,VABB-1,242,257,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367006,,"The use of botulinum toxin A in children with cerebral palsy, with a focus on the lower limb",VABB-1,183,195,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:367009,,Action observation improves freezing of gait in patients with Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,746,752,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367010,,Range of motion and repeatability of knee kinematics for eleven clinically relevant motor tasks,VABB-1,597,602,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367011,,A systematic review of arm activity measures for children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy,VABB-1,887,900,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367012,,Long-term use of botulinum toxin type A in children with cerebral palsy: treatment consistency,VABB-1,421,429,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367015,,Comprehensive assessment of gesture production: a new test of upper limb apraxia (TULIA),VABB-1,59,66,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367018,,Clinimetric analyses of the Modified Parkinson Activity Scale,VABB-1,263,269,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367020,,A dynamic systems approach to the effects of aging on bimanual coordination,VABB-1,335,344,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367021,,"«Omnes currunt, sed unus accipit bravium» La mission du football catholique en Belgique depuis 1907",VABB-1,111,122,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:367024,,Effect of isokinetic cycling versus weight training on maximal power output and endurance performance in cycling,VABB-1,699,708,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367039,,beta-Alanine Improves Sprint Performance in Endurance Cycling,VABB-1,898,903,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367069,,Effect of deviating clothing schemes on the accuracy of body composition measurements by air-displacement plethysmography,VABB-1,123,129,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:367087,,Androgen signaling in myocytes contributes to the maintenance of muscle mass and fiber type regulation but not to muscle strength or fatigue,VABB-1,3558,3566,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367094,,Deletion of frizzled-related protein reduces voluntary running exercise performance in mice,VABB-1,390,396,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367096,,Heritability of Childhood Weight Gain from Birth and Risk Markers for Adult Metabolic Disease in Prepubertal Twins,VABB-1,3708,3713,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367099,,Shortening amplitude affects the incomplete force recovery after active shortening in mouse soleus muscle,VABB-1,2636,2641,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367110,,Effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with restrictive lung disease,VABB-1,273,279,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367112,,Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Cardiovascular Disease,VABB-1,675,683,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367116,,Serum collagen derived peptides are unaffected by physical training in older sedentary subjects,VABB-1,424,428,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367117,,"Effects of aerobic training intensity on resting, exercise and postexercise blood pressure, heart rate and heart rate variability",VABB-1,175,182,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367123,,Tilt training and pacing: a report on 9 patients with neurally mediated syncope,VABB-1,3,7,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367129,,"Skeletal muscle weakness, exercise tolerance and Physical activity in adults with Cystic Fibrosis",VABB-1,99,106,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367130,,Ontogenesis of laterality in 3- to 10-yr.-old children: increased unimanual independence grounded on improved bimanual motor function,VABB-1,3,29,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367134,,Clinical Assessment of Peripheral Muscle Function in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,VABB-1,39,46,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367138,,"Variant on 9p21 strongly associates with coronary heart disease, but lacks association with common stroke",VABB-1,1287,1293,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367139,,Pulmonary Rehabilitation WHAT WE KNOW AND WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW,VABB-1,141,151,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367140,,Pulmonary rehabilitation following exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,CD005305,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367149,,Regional right ventricular deformation in patients with open and closed atrial septal defect,VABB-1,206,213,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:367167,,Early exercise in critically ill patients enhances short-term functional recovery*,VABB-1,2499,2505,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367168,,Impaired chronotropic response to exercise in children with repaired cyanotic congenital heart disease,VABB-1,723,727,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367176,,Influence of exercise at lower and higher intensity on blood pressure and cardiovascular risk factors at older age,VABB-1,753,762,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367180,,BPCO et métabolisme osseux: une mise à jour clinique,VABB-1,1231,1242,,fre,2010,1 c:vabb:367182,,Physical activity and low back pain: a U- shaped relation?,VABB-1,21,25,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367187,,"Cardiovascular risk profile: Cross-sectional analysis of motivational determinants, physical fitness and physical activity",VABB-1,592,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367188,,The oxygen uptake efficiency slope: what do we know?,VABB-1,357,373,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367197,,De 6-minuten wandeltest en de shuttle wandeltest,VABB-1,18,21,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367200,,Guia para pratica clinica: fisioterapie em pacientes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica (DP,VABB-1,183,204,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367202,,Standards for the use of cardiopulmonary exercise testing for the functional evaluation of cardiac patients: a report from the Exercise Physiology Section of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation,VABB-1,249,267,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367207,,Physical fitness matters more than physical activity in controlling cardiovascular disease risk factors,VABB-1,677,683,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367210,,Treadmill testing of children who have spina bifida and are ambulatory: does peak oxygen uptake reflect maximum oxygen uptake?,VABB-1,679,687,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367214,,"Measuring psychosocial variables in patients with (sub) acute low back pain complaints, at risk for chronicity: a validation study of the Acute Low Back Pain Screening Questionnaire-Dutch Language Version",VABB-1,447,452,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367219,,Assessment of physical activity - a review of methodologies with reference to epidemiological research: a report of the exercise physiology section of the European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation,VABB-1,127,139,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367250,,A clinical practice guideline for physiotherapists treating patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease based on a systematic review of available evidence,VABB-1,445,62,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367251,,Quantifying physical activity in COPD: different measures for different purposes,VABB-1,458;,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367252,,Physical activity in daily life 1 year after lung transplantation,VABB-1,572,578,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367253,,Validation of two activity monitors in patients with COPD,VABB-1,641,2,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367254,,Recommendations for interpretation of 12-lead electrocardiogram in the athlete,VABB-1,243,259,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367262,,The First Physical Therapy Summit on Global Health: implications and recommendations for the 21st century,VABB-1,531,547,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:367269,,Physical activity and 5-year cognitive decline in the Doetinchem cohort study,VABB-1,473,479,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:367275,,Action Plan to enhance self-management and early detection of exacerbations in COPD patients; a multicenter RCT,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:367286,,Reproducibility of energy cost of locomotion in ambulatory children with spina bifida,VABB-1,159,163,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367290,,Gene expression profiling in vastus lateralis muscle during an acute exacerbation of COPD,VABB-1,491,500,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367291,,Exercise training and pulmonary rehabilitation: new insights and remaining challenges,VABB-1,24,29,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:367293,,Resistance training prevents deterioration in quadriceps muscle function during acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,1072,1077,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367296,,"Physical inactivity in patients with COPD, a controlled multi-center pilot-study",VABB-1,1005,11,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367297,,Tiotropium as a first maintenance drug in COPD: secondary analysis of the UPLIFT trial,VABB-1,65,73,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367330,,Body awareness in children with mental retardation,VABB-1,1343,1353,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367336,,Influence of swimming speed on inter-arm coordination in competitive unilateral arm amputee front crawl swimmers,VABB-1,921,931,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367339,,Motivation to physical activity in non-psychotic psychiatric inpatients,VABB-1,53,62,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:367357,,Heteroaromatic Cation-Based Chromophores: Synthesis and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Alkynylazinium Salts,VABB-1,6323,6330,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367362,,Validity and reliability of the developmental test of Visual-motor integration and its supplemental tests of Visual perception and Motor coordination in pre-school children in Luxembourg,VABB-1,8,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:367375,,Towards evidence-based classification – the impact of impaired trunk strength on wheelchair propulsion,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:367376,,Kinesiologic and metabolic responses of persons with cerebral palsy to sustained exercise on a petra race runner,VABB-1,7,17,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:367377,,Therapeutic aquatic exercise in the treatment of low back pain: a systematic review,VABB-1,3,14,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367382,,A systematic review of wheelchair skills tests for manual wheelchair users with a spinal cord injury: towards a standardized outcome measure,VABB-1,867,86,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367383,,"Boosting in athletes with high-level spinal cord injury: knowledge, incidence and attitudes of athletes in paralympic sport",VABB-1,2172,90,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367395,,The analysis of individual skills of ice sledge hockey players at the Torino 2006 Paralympic Tournament,VABB-1,39,48,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:367414,,How to Deal with Mass Victimisation and Gross Human Rights Violations. A Restorative Justice Approach,VABB-4,217,241,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:367424,,How to Repair the Harm After Violent Conflict in Bosnia? Results of a Population-Based Survey,VABB-1,27,44,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367425,,Who Cares About Judicial Change? On the Role of Citizen-Oriented Research for Judicial Reform in Europe and Japan,VABB-1,105,126,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:367427,,The International Criminal Court and its Trust Fund are Coming of Age: Towards a Process Approach for the Reparation of Victims,VABB-1,149,182,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:367429,,'Veiligheid als beroep'. Reflecties over de noodzakelijkheid van een professionele bachelor in de maatschappelijke veiligheid,VABB-1,67,71,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367430,,'Angst voor criminaliteit' onderzocht. De brede schemerzone tussen alledaagse realiteit en irrationeel fantoom,VABB-1,35,40,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367432,,Strafbare deelneming door onthouding: één of twee modaliteiten?,VABB-1,281,309,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367479,,"Serious, Minor, and Non-Delinquents in Early Adolescence: The Impact of Cumulative Risk and Promotive Factors: The TRAILS Study",VABB-1,339,351,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367484,,Wanneer 'alles' niet alles is en de verzekerde uit de boot valt: beschouwingen over de alle risico’s polis in de transportverzekering,VABB-1,991,1002,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367488,,Let’s Not Talk about Terezin – Restitution of Nazi-Era Looted Art and the Tenuousness of Public International Law,VABB-1,117,186,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:367489,,Has the Time (of Laches) Come? Recent Nazi-Era Art Litigation in the New York Forum,VABB-1,621,691,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367491,,The limits of the Law of obligations,VABB-4,45,56,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:367507,,Nederlandse onderkapitalisatieregels verenigbaar met artikel 14 EVRM en artikel 26 IVBPR,VABB-1,814,818,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:367508,,Duits Bundesfinanzhof geeft invulling aan rechtspraak Hof van Justitie inzake verliezen van buitenlandse vaste inrichting,VABB-1,51,56,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:367510,,Belastingneutrale moeder/dochterfusie op grond van rechtstreekse werking van art. 5 van de Fusierichtlij,VABB-1,565,569,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367515,,Noot onder Hof van Cassatie 26 februari 2009: De omvang van het dagelijks bestuur van de NV bij vertegenwoordiging in rechte,VABB-1,446,451,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367536,,"Het bijkantoor van een buitenlandse vennootschap, de statutaire doeloverschrijding en de derde-medeplichtigheid aan andermans contractbreuk",VABB-1,754,767,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367537,,De 'financiarisation' van het Belgische vennootschapsrecht: een analyse aan de hand van recente wetgevende evoluties,VABB-1,359,380,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367538,,De regelgeving omtrent de inkoop van eigen aandelen versoepeld,VABB-1,246,249,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367539,,De invoering van het verplichte auditcomité in het Belgische recht,VABB-1,51,56,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367549,,Failure to perceive increased risk of fracture in women 55 years and older: the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW),VABB-1,27,35,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367551,,Strontium ranelate and risk of vertebral fractures in frail osteoporotic women,VABB-1,332,8,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367553,,Loading and skeletal development and maintenance,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:367554,,"The cost effectiveness of zoledronic acid 5 mg for the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis in women with prior fractures: evidence from Finland, Norway and the Netherlands",VABB-1,53,64,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:367555,,"Vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and the metabolic syndrome in middle-aged and older European men",VABB-1,947,954,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367557,,"Mediterranean spotted fever, a diagnostic challenge in travellers",VABB-1,513,516,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367564,,Androgen receptor disruption increases the osteogenic response to mechanical loading in male mice,VABB-1,124,131,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367565,,Seeking health information online: does Wikipedia matter?,VABB-1,471,9,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367569,,Impact of treatment efficacy and dosing frequency on cost-effectiveness of bisphosphonate treatment for osteoporosis: a perspective,VABB-1,2335,2341,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367570,,Elderly subjects do not show impaired pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide serotype-specific antibody responses as assessed by a multiplexed bead assay,VABB-1,501,502,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367572,,Pneumococcal colonization in older persons in a nonoutbreak setting,VABB-1,396,398,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367573,,Balloon kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty in the management of vertebral compression fractures,VABB-1,2915,2934,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367575,,Liver disease in the elderly,VABB-1,226,232,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:367576,,A Method to Objectively Assess Swallow Function in Adults With Suspected Aspiration,VABB-1,1454,1463,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367577,,Biomechanical evaluation of bone-cement augmented Proximal Femoral Nail Antirotation blades in a polyurethane foam model with low density,VABB-1,71,76,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367580,,Reproducibility and Agreement of Pharyngeal Automated Impedance Manometry With Videofluoroscopy,VABB-1,862,867,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367582,,Influence of age and sex steroids on bone density and geometry in middle-aged and elderly European men,VABB-1,1513,1523,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367585,,Genetic variation in the TNFRSF11A gene encoding RANK is associated with susceptibility to Paget's disease of bone,VABB-1,2316,2329,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367587,,Subtrochanteric fractures in bisphosphonate-naive patients: results from the HORIZON-recurrent fracture trial,VABB-1,427,33,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367588,,Obesity is not protective against fracture in postmenopausal women: GLOW,VABB-1,1043,50,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367591,,Current developments and treatments in osteoporosis,VABB-1,16,18,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367592,,Official Positions for FRAX (R) Clinical Regarding Falls and Frailty: Can Falls and Frailty be Used in FRAX (R)?,VABB-1,194,204,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367593,,Coordinator-based systems for secondary prevention in fragility fracture patients,VABB-1,2051,2065,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367594,,Predicting Fractures in an International Cohort Using Risk Factor Algorithms Without BMD,VABB-1,2770,2777,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367595,,Randomized Trial of Alendronate Plus Vitamin D(3) Versus Standard Care in Osteoporotic Postmenopausal Women with Vitamin D Insufficiency,VABB-1,485,494,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367596,,VERTEBRAL FRACTURE TREATMENT Clinicians need to treat underlying osteoporosis,VABB-1,,,,dut,2011,1 c:vabb:367597,,Adverse Reactions and Drug-Drug Interactions in the Management of Women with Postmenopausal Osteoporosis,VABB-1,91,104,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367598,,Effects of Denosumab on Fracture and Bone Mineral Density by Level of Kidney Function,VABB-1,1829,1835,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367599,,Increased estrogen rather than decreased androgen action is associated with longer androgen receptor CAG repeats,VABB-1,277,284,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367600,,Regional differences in treatment for osteoporosis. The Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW),VABB-1,493,498,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367602,,"Endogenous hormones, androgen receptor CAG repeat length and fluid cognition in middle-aged and older men: results from the European Male Ageing Study (EMAS)",VABB-1,1155,1164,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367603,,"Skeletal Sexual Dimorphism: Relative Contribution of Sex Steroids, Growth Hormone - Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I (GH-IGF-I) and Mechanical Loading",VABB-1,127,134,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367605,,Osteoporosis in men,VABB-1,321,335,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367606,,Testosterone and the male skeleton: a dual mode of action,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:367611,,Age-Related Changes in General and Sexual Health in Middle-Aged and Older Men: Results from the European Male Ageing Study (EMAS),VABB-1,1362,1380,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367614,,The association between different cognitive domains and age in a multi-centre study of middle-aged and older European men,VABB-1,1257,1266,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367620,,Investigating the determinants of international differences in the prevalence of chronic widespread pain: evidence from the European Male Ageing Study (EMAS),VABB-1,690,695,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367621,,Trommelstokvingers en hypertrofische osteoartropathie: twee uitersten van hetzelfde spectrum,VABB-1,228,235,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:367623,,"1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) influences cellular homocysteine levels in murine pre-osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells by direct regulation of cystathionine beta-synthase",VABB-1,2991,3000,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367624,,Musculoskeletal pain is associated with very low levels of vitamin D in men: results from the European Male Ageing Study,VABB-1,1448,1452,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367625,,Identification of Late-Onset Hypogonadism in Middle-Aged and Elderly Men,VABB-1,123,135,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367626,,No evidence for a role of the catechol-O-methyltransferase pain sensitivity haplotypes in chronic widespread pain,VABB-1,2009,2012,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367627,,Genetic variation in the RANKL/RANK/OPG signaling pathway is associated with bone turnover and bone mineral density in men,VABB-1,1830,1838,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367629,,"Characteristics of Secondary, Primary, and Compensated Hypogonadism in Aging Men: Evidence from the European Male Ageing Study",VABB-1,1810,1818,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367631,,Effect of Polymorphisms in Selected Genes Involved in Pituitary-Testicular Function on Reproductive Hormones and Phenotype in Aging Men,VABB-1,1898,1908,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367632,,Gonadal sex steroid status and bone health in middle-aged and elderly European men,VABB-1,1331,1339,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367633,,Influence of Lifestyle Factors on Quantitative Heel Ultrasound Measurements in Middle-Aged and Elderly Men,VABB-1,211,219,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367636,,Swallowing disorders and medication in the elderly,VABB-4,275,281,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:367644,,"COPD, bone metabolism, and osteoporosis",VABB-1,648,657,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367646,,Dysphagia in Head and Neck Cancer patients treated with Chemoradiotherapy,VABB-1,139,152,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367648,,"Slikken en stem na extended hemilaryngectomy with tracheal autotransplantation (EHLTA), een nieuwe larynxsparende techniek voor glottistumoren",VABB-1,22,29,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367652,,Relatieve bijnierschorsinsufficiëntie bij leverlijden: het “hepatoadrenaal syndroom”?,VABB-1,226,230,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367653,,Behandeling van gevorderde osteoporose met teriparatide [recombinant humaan parathormoonfragment PTH(1-34)],VABB-1,155,160,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:367655,,"The majority of the genetic risk for Paget's disease of bone is explained by genetic variants close to the CSF1, OPTN, TM7SF4, and TNFRSF11A genes",VABB-1,615,626,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367667,,"Polymorphisms in Genes Involved in the NF-kappa B Signalling Pathway Are Associated with Bone Mineral Density, Geometry and Turnover in Men",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367669,,Septische artritis van lumbale facetgewrichten: ziektegeschiedenis en literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,653,657,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:367670,,Sexual Dimorphism in Cortical Bone Size and Strength But Not Density is Determined by Independent and Time-Specific Actions of Sex Steroids and IGF-I: Evidence from Pubertal Mouse Models,VABB-1,617,626,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367672,,Frailty in Relation to Variations in Hormone Levels of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis in Older Men: Results From the European Male Aging Study,VABB-1,814,821,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367673,,Elevated levels of gonadotrophins but not sex steroids are associated with musculoskeletal pain in middle-aged and older European men,VABB-1,1495,1501,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367674,,Association of HTR2A Polymorphisms With Chronic Widespread Pain and the Extent of Musculoskeletal Pain,VABB-1,810,818,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367675,,Fast and accurate specimen-specific simulation of trabecular bone elastic modulus using novel beam-shell finite element models,VABB-1,1566,1572,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367676,,The ESR1 (6q25) Locus Is Associated with Calcaneal Ultrasound Parameters and Radial Volumetric Bone Mineral Density in European Men,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367677,,A validation of the first genome-wide association study of calcaneus ultrasound parameters in the European Male Ageing Study,VABB-1,19,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367678,,The Effect of Musculoskeletal Pain on Sexual Function in Middle-aged and Elderly European Men: Results from the European Male Ageing Study,VABB-1,370,377,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367679,,Vaccination of older persons: a broader perspective,VABB-1,372,373,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367684,,"A randomized, double-blind trial to evaluate immunogenicity and safety of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine given concomitantly with trivalent influenza vaccine in adults aged ≥65 years",VABB-1,5195,202,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367687,,"Indications for a genetic association of a VCP polymorphism with the pathogenesis of sporadic Paget's disease of bone, but not for TNFSF11 (RANKL) and IL-6 polymorphisms",VABB-1,287,292,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367688,,Influence of Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein (IGFBP)-1 and IGFBP-3 on Bone Health: Results from the European Male Ageing Study,VABB-1,503,510,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367689,,Sex steroids and the male skeleton: a tale of two hormones,VABB-1,89,95,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367690,,Genetic Variation in Sex Hormone Genes Influences Heel Ultrasound Parameters in Middle Aged and Elderly Men: Results From the European Male Ageing Study (EMAS),VABB-1,314,323,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367691,,Perturbed Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) and IGF Binding Protein-3 Are Not Associated with Chronic Widespread Pain in Men: Results from the European Male Ageing Study,VABB-1,2523,2530,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367693,,Effects of intravenous zoledronic acid plus subcutaneous teriparatide [rhPTH(1-34)] in postmenopausal osteoporosis,VABB-1,503,11,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367694,,Early changes in biochemical markers of bone turnover and their relationship with bone mineral density changes after 24 months of treatment with teriparatide,VABB-1,1935,1946,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367695,,"Once-yearly zoledronic acid and days of disability, bed rest and back pain: Randomised controlled HORIZON pivotal fracture trial",VABB-1,984,992,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367696,,Zoledronic acid results in better health-related quality of life following hip fracture: the HORIZON-Recurrent Fracture Trial,VABB-1,2539,2549,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367698,,Five years treatment with strontium ranelate reduces vertebral and nonvertebral fractures and increases the number and quality of remaining life-years in women over 80 years of age,VABB-1,1038,1042,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367703,,The relationship between the OSTEODENT index and hip fracture risk assessment using FRAX,VABB-1,243,9,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367704,,"Safety and efficacy of the Cathepsin K inhibitor, ONO-5334, in postmenopausal osteoporosis - the OCEAN study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367706,,Balloon kyphoplasty for the treatment of acute vertebral compression fractures: 2-year results from a randomized trial,VABB-1,1627,1637,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367707,,Vitamin d deficiency and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease a vicious circle,VABB-1,379,99,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367708,,Antifracture efficacy and reduction of mortality in relation to timing of the first dose of zoledronic acid after hip fracture,VABB-1,1308,1313,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367709,,Treatment with Denosumab Reduces the Incidence of New Vertebral and Hip Fractures in Postmenopausal Women at High Risk,VABB-1,1727,1736,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367712,,Effects of yearly zoledronic acid 5 mg on bone turnover markers and relation of PINP with fracture reduction in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis,VABB-1,1544,1551,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367714,,"The genetic association of variants in CD6, TNFRSF1A and IRF8 to multiple sclerosis: a multicenter case-control study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367717,,Health-related quality of life and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis: Results from the HORIZON-PFT,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367719,,Effect of Once-Yearly Zoledronic Acid Five Milligrams on Fracture Risk and Change in Femoral Neck Bone Mineral Density,VABB-1,3215,3225,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367721,,Vitamin D and Calcium Insufficiency-Related Chronic Diseases: an Emerging World-Wide Public Health Problem,VABB-1,2585,2607,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367722,,Validation of the IOF quality of life questionnaire for patients with wrist fracture,VABB-1,61,70,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367723,,KIR2DL4 (CD158d) polymorphisms and susceptibility to multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,113,115,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367724,,Replication of KIF21B as a susceptibility locus for multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,775,6,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367725,,Vertebral anti-fracture efficacy of strontium ranelate according to pre-treatment bone turnover,VABB-1,233,41,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367726,,Tau levels do not influence human ALS or motor neuron degeneration in the SOD1G93A mouse,VABB-1,1687,1693,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367727,,Impaired quality of life and sexual function in overweight and obese men: The European Male Ageing Study,VABB-1,1003,1011,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367728,,Lasofoxifene in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis,VABB-1,686,96,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367732,,Association of cognitive performance with the metabolic syndrome and with glycaemia in middle-aged and older European men: the European Male Ageing Study,VABB-1,668,76,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367733,,Physical activity in the androgen receptor knockout mouse: Evidence for reversal of androgen deficiency on cancellous bone,VABB-1,139,144,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367736,,Lower vitamin D levels are associated with depression among community-dwelling European men,VABB-1,1320,1328,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367742,,Chronic widespread pain is associated with slower cognitive processing speed in middle-aged and older European men,VABB-1,30,36,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367746,,Sex steroids during bone growth: a comparative study between mouse models for hypogonadal and senile osteoporosis,VABB-1,1749,1757,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367749,,Diagnostiek en therapie van niet-oncologische anemie bij ouderen,VABB-1,611,617,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:367750,,Differential regulation of bone and body composition in male mice with combined inactivation of androgen and estrogen receptor-{alpha},VABB-1,232,240,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367751,,"The European Male Ageing Study (EMAS): design, methods and recruitment",VABB-1,11,24,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367753,,Association between 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels and cognitive performance in middle-aged and older European men,VABB-1,722,729,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367755,,The Relationships between Sex Hormones and Sexual Function in Middle-Aged and Older European Men,VABB-1,E1577,E1587,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367756,,Influence of Polymorphisms in the RANKL/RANK/OPG Signaling Pathway on Volumetric Bone Mineral Density and Bone Geometry at the Forearm in Men,VABB-1,446,455,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367761,,Potential mediators of the mortality reduction with zoledronic acid after hip fracture,VABB-1,91,97,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367762,,Transmission Ratio Distortion of DLG5 R30Q: Evidence for Prenatal Selection?,VABB-1,910,911,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367765,,"Establishing a reference interval for bone turnover markers in 637 healthy, young, premenopausal women from the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, and the United States",VABB-1,389,397,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367766,,A fast convolution-based methodology to simulate 2-D/3-D cardiac ultrasound images,VABB-1,404,409,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367767,,TNFRSF1A coding variants in multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,110,112,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367768,,"Sequential treatment of severe postmenopausal osteoporosis after teriparatide: final results of the randomized, controlled European Study of Forsteo (EUROFORS)",VABB-1,726,736,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367769,,"Once-weekly risedronate in men with osteoporosis: results of a 2-year, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter study",VABB-1,719,725,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367770,,Evidence-based guidelines for the use of biochemical markers of bone turnover in the selection and monitoring of bisphosphonate treatment in osteoporosis: a consensus document of the Belgian Bone Club,VABB-1,19,26,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367771,,Efficacy and safety of balloon kyphoplasty compared with non-surgical care for vertebral compression fracture (FREE): a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,1016,24,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367772,,The Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW): rationale and study design,VABB-1,1107,1116,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367775,,IOF position statement: vitamin D recommendations for older adults,VABB-1,1151,4,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367776,,Effect of once-yearly zoledronic acid on the spine and hip as measured by quantitative computed tomography: results of the HORIZON Pivotal Fracture Trial,VABB-1,1277,85,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367778,,Assessment of the relationship between age and the effect of risedronate treatment in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis: a pooled analysis of four studies,VABB-1,658,63,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367779,,Wikipedia: a key tool for global public health promotion,VABB-1,e14,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367780,,Bisphosphonates and fractures of the subtrochanteric or diaphyseal femur,VABB-1,1761,71,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367781,,Addressing the age-related needs of osteoporotic patients with strontium ranelate,VABB-1,415,423,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367782,,Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation Among Aging Runners,VABB-1,719,719,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367783,,Evidence-based guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis: a consensus document by the Belgian Bone Club,VABB-1,1657,80,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367786,,Impact of prevalent fractures on quality of life: baseline results from the global longitudinal study of osteoporosis in women,VABB-1,806,813,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367795,,A peculiar sociology of punishment,VABB-1,805,823,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367797,,De terbeschikkingstelling van de strafuitvoeringsrechtbank: van beschermingsmaatregel naar bijkomende straf,VABB-1,63,67,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367812,,Relational Drawings in Couple Therapy,VABB-1,117,133,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367816,,Kroniek van Rechtspraak: Europees ondernemingsrecht (augustus 2005 - december 2007),VABB-1,86,180,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367835,,Uitvoering in natura niet-concurrentiebeding,VABB-1,706,710,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:367842,,Transnational information and consultation: the Recast European Works Council Directive,VABB-4,577,608,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:367843,,Subordinate employees or self-employed workers?,VABB-4,339,360,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:367867,,"Internationaalrechtelijke aspecten van het veiligheids- en defensiebeleid van de EU, met bijzondere aandacht voor het recht der gewapende conflicten en mensenrechten",VABB-1,329,365,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:367870,,International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law in Peace Operations as Parts of a Variable Ius Post Bellum,VABB-1,26,37,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:367871,,Point of No Return: Joint Criminal Enterprise in Brđanin,VABB-1,137,164,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:367880,,The EU and China: emerging global powers capable of countering US hegemony and shaping a multipolar world order?,VABB-5,297,310,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:367881,,The European Court of Human Rights’ Al-Jedda and Al-Skeini Judgments: an Introduction and Some Reflections,VABB-1,315,320,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:367895,,Antwerp commercial legislation in Amsterdam in the 17th century. Legal transplant or jumping board?,VABB-1,459,479,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367936,,"Meer voetbalmarketing, minder voetbaloorlog?",VABB-1,164,168,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:367955,,An asteroseismic study of the beta Cephei CoRoT main target HD 180642: results from the ground-based campaign,VABB-5,394,396,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:367956,,Personalised healthcare and individual health data - a legal problem analysis,VABB-1,32,43,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:367959,,The Freddi Staurs of Social Networking - A Legal Approach,VABB-5,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:367971,,4.2.3 Biometrics,VABB-4,138,148,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:367972,,Anders betalen voor Mobiliteit : Is de privacy gewaarborgd ?,VABB-1,228,236,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:367975,,Legal and security issues in informatics,VABB-1,15,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:367976,,International Encyclopaedia of Media Law - United Kingdom,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:367980,,Role of Turkish Islamic Organizations in Belgium: The Strategies of Diyanet and Milli Görüs,VABB-1,139,161,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:367982,,European Citizenship: A Tool for Integration,VABB-4,79,101,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:367998,,"Migration and Integration of Third-Country Nationals in Europe: The Need for the Development of an Efficient, Effective and Legitimate System of Governance",VABB-4,191,216,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368002,,Mariage et divorce dans le nouveau Code marocain de la famille: quelles implications pour les Marocains en Europe?,VABB-4,197,238,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:368007,,"Comentario a la estrategia de la Comisión Europea para 2011-2014 en materia de propiedad intelectual, 'un mercado común para los derechos de propiedad intelectual'",VABB-1,127,139,,spa,2011,2 c:vabb:368025,,The investigation of antitrust infringements in Belgium –towards an unfettered discretionary power?,VABB-1,498,503,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:368026,,Complexity of cardiovascular regulation in small animals,VABB-1,1239,1250,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368028,,Improved kernel estimation of copulas: weak convergence and goodness-of-fit testing,VABB-1,3023,3058,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368029,,A combinatorial identity for a problem in asymptotic statistics,VABB-1,64,68,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368033,,A fully robust PARAFAC method for analyzing fluorescence data,VABB-1,124,131,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368034,,Robust statistics for outlier detection,VABB-1,73,79,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:368035,,The influence function of the Stahel-Donoho covariance estimator of smallest outlyingness,VABB-1,275,282,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368036,,Robust classification for skewed data,VABB-1,239,254,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368037,,Robust PCA for skewed data and its outlier map,VABB-1,2264,2274,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368039,,Asymptotics of the sample coefficient of variation and the sample dispersion,VABB-1,358,368,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368040,,Detecting influential observations in kernel PCA,VABB-1,3007,3019,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368043,,Minimum Covariance Determinant,VABB-1,36,43,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:368044,,Breakdown value,VABB-1,296,302,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368045,,Robustness of reweighted least squares kernel based regression,VABB-1,447,463,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368047,,Detecting outlying samples in a parallel factor analysis model,VABB-1,155,165,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:368052,,Dos vitaminas para estimular la mente y la lengua : NetVocList® & StimuLing®,VABB-4,313,343,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368155,,In het gelijke onze verschillen... Het Belgische collectieve systeem van arbeidsverhoudingen gespiegeld aan Nederland,VABB-1,67,96,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:368200,,‘O Israel I Will Testify Against You’: Intensification and Narrativity in the Lament-Lawsuit of the “Unsilent” God in Psalm 50,VABB-4,537,549,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:368215,,De moderne joodse visie op Paulus van Tarsus,VABB-1,73,87,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:368216,,Anglikaner und Katholiken – Aktuelle Entwicklungen,VABB-1,185,205,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:368217,,The Vocabulary of Luke. An Alphabetical Presentation and a Survey of Characteristic and Noteworthy Words and Word Groups in Luke’s Gospel,VABB-2,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368218,,"To Worship the Johannine ""Son of Man"". John 9:38 as Refocusing on the Father",VABB-1,534,554,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368226,,Texts That Create a Future: The Function of Ancient Texts for Theology Today,VABB-4,1,29,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:368233,,"A Son in Heaven, but No Father on Earth: A Note in the Margin of a 'Tale of Two Kings'",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:368263,,Deleuze and Liberation Theology: A Fruitful conversation?,VABB-1,96,110,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:368286,,"Beyond Objects, Beyond Subjects: Giorgio Agamben on Animality, Particularity and the End of Onto-theology",VABB-1,86,102,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:368287,,La Sacramentalidad de la Iglesia en el Concilio Vaticano II. Aproximación histórico-teológica,VABB-1,365,395,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:368289,,"""The hint half-guessed, the gift half-understood"": Incarnation at the Intersection of Divine Communication and Human Poesis",VABB-5,253,260,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:368297,,Spatial Data Infrastructures in Iberia-America,VABB-1,37,42,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368299,,Numéro spécial du GEAP sur la motivation de service public et la performance,VABB-1,5,10,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:368310,,The institutional analysis of central-local relations applied to the case of the Netherlands and Germany,VABB-5,77,88,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:368337,,Do Transnational Party Federations Matter? (… And Why Should We Care?),VABB-1,395,411,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:368344,,At Europe’s Service. The Origins and Evolution of the European People’s Party,VABB-2,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:368383,,Public service bargains in Dutch top civil service,VABB-1,209,232,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:368385,,Bouwstenen voor schaalsensitief bestuur,VABB-1,56,61,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:368386,,Inleiding bij het themanummer ‘Voorbij de fantasie van de ideale schaal’,VABB-1,2,5,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:368390,,Gerard Veldkamp,VABB-1,281,288,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:368391,,Les piliers qui soutiennent notre sécurité sociale,VABB-1,543,546,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:368430,,Does Belgium (Still) Exist? Differences in Political Culture between Flemings and Walloons,VABB-4,50,70,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368446,,L'Europe sociale en Belgique : emploi et inclusion sociale au prisme de L'européanisation,VABB-1,745,774,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:368482,,The meaning and scope of secularization,VABB-4,599,615,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368506,,Ten years of expropriations and evictions in the Brussels North Quarter (1965-1975): what are the legacies today?,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368507,,Dix ans d’expropriations et d’expulsions au Quartier Nord à Bruxelles (1965-1975) : Quels héritages,VABB-1,1,16,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:368538,,De hedendaagse erfenis van tien jaar onteigeningen en uitzettingen in de Brusselse Noordwijk (1965-1975),VABB-1,1,16,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:368540,,Can Buy Me Love: How Mating Cues Influence Single Men's Interest in High-Status Consumer Goods,VABB-5,580,581,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:368576,,"Review of Armoede en Depressie: een (niet) evident verband? / Levecque, K. (2008)",VABB-1,336,339,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:368587,,Editorial: Health Risk Communication,VABB-1,3,6,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:368599,,The Turkish-Armenian rapprochement,VABB-1,157,172,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:368604,,"The external relations of Tatarstan : in pursuit of sovereignty, or playing the sub-nationalist card",VABB-4,99,124,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:368618,,Why Observe Elections? Reassessing the Importance of Credible Elections to Post-Conflict Peacebuilding,VABB-1,85,117,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368650,,Health economic assessment: a methodological primer,VABB-1,2950,2966,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368651,,The Portuguese generic medicines market: a policy analysis,VABB-1,74,80,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368654,,Developing the Japanese generic medicines market: what can we learn from Europe?,VABB-1,129,135,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368656,,Transparent and reproducible reports of economic evaluations of clinical pharmacy services: A goal for the future?,VABB-1,443,444,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368663,,Ostomy appliance prices in Europe,VABB-1,17,24,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368664,,Health economics of market access for biopharmaceuticals and biosimilars,VABB-1,211,218,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368665,,Which barriers prevent the efficient use of resources in medical device sectors?,VABB-1,209,217,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368666,,Pharmacotherapy of allergic rhinitis: a pharmaco-economic approach,VABB-1,85,95,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368667,,International comparison of orthotic brace prices,VABB-1,149,155,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368668,,Pharmacoeconomics of immunoglobulins in primary immunodeficiency,VABB-1,375,386,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368669,,Evidence for moxifloxacin in community-acquired pneumonia: the impact of pharmaco-economic considerations on guidelines,VABB-1,2447,57,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368671,,Analysis of drug authentication at the point of dispensing in Belgian and Greek community pharmacies,VABB-1,1701,1706,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368672,,Pathway for inpatients with depressive episode in Flemish psychiatric hospitals: a qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368676,,Herbals and botanicals in the grey area between medicines and nutrition: scientific and regulatory challenges,VABB-5,S16,S16,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368684,,Patient experiences of over-the-counter medicine purchases in Flemish community pharmacies,VABB-1,450,457,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368726,,Health technology assessment and health economics,VABB-4,69,86,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368739,,Treating allergic rhinitis: continuous versus on-demand regime? Executive summary of the Supportive initiates for the global management of Allergy (SIGMA): report from the Belgian Working Group,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368758,,A Brief Economic History of Beer,VABB-4,3,28,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:368759,,The 'mixed economy' and the concentration of the coal companies in the ECSC between 1952 and 1967,VABB-5,1,21,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368761,,Investment and usage of new technologies: evidence from a shared ATM network,VABB-1,1046,1079,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368762,,Belgian Beers: Where History Meets Globalization,VABB-4,79,104,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:368763,,The Flemish creative sector,VABB-4,117,152,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:368777,,De werking van de Belgische informatiemarkt: het standpunt van de Belgische investeerder,VABB-1,3,14,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:368798,,Supply-demand gap between small exporting creative firms and professional service providers,VABB-5,1,21,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:368808,,Intra-Industry Conformity in Dividend Policy,VABB-1,492,516,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:368812,,Robust explicit estimators of Weibull parameters,VABB-1,187,209,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368813,,Corporate investments and financing constraints : analyzing firm-varying investment-cash flow sensitivities,VABB-1,461,488,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368815,,"Financing of business start-ups: A topic of great relevance for firm performance, growth and survival",VABB-4,19,35,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368821,,"Distance, organizational structure and lending decisions",VABB-4,57,74,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368823,,"Lending technology, bank organization and competition",VABB-1,24,30,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368824,,Competition between financial markets in Europe: What to expect from MiFID?,VABB-1,93,103,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368830,,Why do Western European firms issue convertibles instead of debt or equity?,VABB-1,563,583,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368833,,"Diagnostic certainty, co-morbidity and medication in a primary care population with presumed airway obstruction: the DIDASCO2 study",VABB-1,34,40,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368846,,Het transmurale zorgtraject diabetes mellitus type 2,VABB-1,1094,1101,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:368853,,De evolutie van de verkoop van hormonale substitutietherapie en de invloed op borstkanker tussen 1992 en 2008,VABB-1,25,30,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:368865,,Kansen en problemen bij door huisartsen geïnitieerde geneesmiddelentrials in België,VABB-1,385,391,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:368877,,Melanoma incidence trends in Limburg after screening and prevention campaigns,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:368879,,Elective high-frequency oscillatory ventilation in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome: an individual patient data meta-analysis,VABB-1,33,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368892,,The role of readers in writing development: Writing students bringing their texts to the test,VABB-4,436,452,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368904,,Sphygmomanometric and ambulatory blood pressures as forerunners of carotid and femoral intima-media thickness,VABB-1,813,821,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368905,,Arterial properties in relation to genetic variations in alpha-adducin and the renin-angiotensin system in a White population,VABB-1,55,64,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368906,,Arterial properties in relation to genetic variations in the adducin subunits in a White population,VABB-1,21,26,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368911,,Long-term azithromycin therapy for bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome: divide and conquer?,VABB-1,1358,1368,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368912,,Pathologies respiratoires aiguës et subaiguës d'origine toxique,VABB-1,867,885,,fre,2009,1 c:vabb:368913,,Expert elicitation on ultrafine particles: likelihood of health effects and causal pathways,VABB-1,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368915,,Bronchoalveolar lavage neutrophilia in acute lung allograft rejection and lymphocytic bronchiolitis,VABB-1,1259,1269,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368962,,Non-invasive diagnosis of endometriosis based on a combined analysis of six plasma biomarkers,VABB-1,654,664,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368964,,Philosophy,VABB-4,532,563,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:368967,,Hersendood. Mackies leibniziaanse herinterpretatie van Lockes theorie van persoonsidentiteit,VABB-1,665,693,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368972,,Conference Report: Thomas d'Aquin et ses sources arabes: Aquinas and 'the Arabs',VABB-1,297,305,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:368976,,The Aristoteles Latinus Project. A Survey,VABB-1,105,122,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:368977,,Neuroimaging of autism,VABB-1,3,14,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368978,,Pathogenesis of vestibular schwannoma in ring chromosome 22,VABB-1,97,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368981,,The pregnancy and long-term neurodevelopmental outcome of monochorionic diamniotic twin gestations: a multicenter prospective cohort study from the first trimester onward,VABB-1,494.e1,8,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368982,,Very low birth weight and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,605,618,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:368984,,Overweight and obesity in Norwegian children: prevalence and socio-demographic risk factors,VABB-1,900,5,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368986,,Genotoxicity surveillance programme in workers dismantling World War I chemical ammunition,VABB-1,483,95,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368990,,"Duplication of the VHL and IRAK2 genes in a patient with mental retardation/multiple congenital anomalies, epilepsy and ectomorphic habitus",VABB-1,35,40,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:368992,,The Inseparable Bond between Covenant and Predestination: Cocceius and Barth,VABB-4,259,279,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:368997,,Framing the Identity of Catholic Schools: Empirical Methology for Quantitative Research on the Catholic Identity of an Education Institute,VABB-1,193,210,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369002,,Gregory of Nyssa’s Sermon on the Ascension (CPG 3178),VABB-1,250,279,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369004,,"Mt. 1,21 as Argument in Favour of Baptismus Paruulorum. A Comparison between Augustine’s Writings against Julian of Aeclanum and his Sermones ad Populum",VABB-1,1,21,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:369009,,The Risk of Absolutizing the View of One Particular In-Group: A Church Historian's Response to Maarten Wisse,VABB-4,375,383,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369010,,"Anti-Jewish Polemic, Christology, and the Reception of Chalcedon. Diadochus of Photice on the Ascension of the Lord",VABB-1,324,339,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:369016,,Augustine’s Anti-Pelagian Interpretation of Two Martyr Sermons. Sermones 299 and 335B on the Unnaturalness of Human Death,VABB-4,87,102,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369021,,"Iisus, nu Isus. Notă istorică cu privire la ortografierea românească ortodoxă a teonimului hristic",VABB-1,292,298,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:369023,,"""Pues Dios es un mar que fluye, y re-fluye"". La Trinidad en la obra de Jan van Ruusbroec: una clave para la vida mística",VABB-1,115,141,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:369024,,John Driedo’s De ecclesiasticis scripturis et dogmatibus (1533). A Controversy on the Sources of the Truth,VABB-4,85,118,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369027,,Prayer in Augustine’s Anti-Pelagian Sermones ad Populum. Luke 18:9-14 as Case Study,VABB-1,157,182,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369029,,"Fides as donum Dei in Augustine’s Sermones ad Populum. Sermo 168 and Gal. 5, 6 as Case Studies",VABB-1,127,150,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369033,,"Sacré, salut et liturgie. À la rencontre de la théologie et de l'anthropologie",VABB-1,19,37,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:369036,,The Between and the Liturgy. On Rendering W. Desmond's Philosophy Fruitful for Theology,VABB-4,83,93,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369037,,"Le ""tout "" dans les ""parties "" : Pensées ""non pensées"" de Johann Adam Möhler sur la sacramentalité",VABB-1,105,117,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:369047,,Interreligious Dialogue and the Value of Openness: Taking the Vulnerability of Religious Attachments into Account,VABB-1,730,740,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:369052,,Het veelvormige meervoud van ambten en diensten in de Kerk. Enkele reflecties over eigenheid en samenspel van gemeenschappelijk en dienstpriesterschap,VABB-1,427,438,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:369053,,Facing Up to Our Own Egypt,VABB-4,243,261,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369054,,Le conseiller spirituel et le partage d'informations en soins de santé mentale. Un plaidoyer pour un secret professionnel partagé,VABB-1,85,97,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:369055,,Children’s Studies and Theology. An Hermeneutics of Complexity,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369059,,The redemptive power of humour in religion,VABB-4,11,21,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369062,,Liturgy as Theological Norm. Getting Acquainted with Liturgical Theology,VABB-1,155,176,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:369071,,The Role of Friendship Between Conciliation and Reconciliation: Dialoguing with Zeki Saritoprak,VABB-4,91,103,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369074,,Efficacy and efficiency of a lean cataract pathway: a comparative study,VABB-1,e13,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:369075,,Patients' experiences and preferences with co-managed care in a cataract pathway,VABB-1,1363,8,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:369088,,On the experimental verification of an electrodialysis simulation model for optimal stack configuration design through solver software,VABB-1,1030,1038,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369089,,Leuven IHE XDS information sharing initiative in the Belgian eHealth context,VABB-5,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369094,,On-site electronic behavioural/observational assessment tool for discomfort and pain,VABB-1,34,42,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:369112,,Externe verantwoording van ziekenhuizen: analyse en synthese van de federale en Vlaamse wetgeving,VABB-1,198,214,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:369183,,The association of illness perceptions with physical and mental health in systemic sclerosis: an exploratory study,VABB-1,18,28,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369192,,What every nurse should know about depression,VABB-1,6,11,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369193,,Non-adherence to immunosuppressive drugs in transplantation: what can clinicians do?,VABB-1,59,63,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369195,,Prevalence and correlates of alternative and complementary medicine in aadult renal transplant patients,VABB-1,56,62,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369202,,"Digital workflow, PACS, and telemammography",VABB-4,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369208,,"Het is niet wat het is, het is wat je ermee doet. Mogelijkheden en grenzen van neurosetenschappen voor het menselijk gedrag",VABB-1,381,393,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:369230,,The Shape of True Freedom. The Challenge of Catholic Social Thought to the Capability Approach in the Understanding of Human Development,VABB-5,225,230,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369231,,‘You are good when you are one with yourself.’ Conscience in current military ethics and the role of the prophetic pastor,VABB-4,153,164,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369232,,Security versus Liberty? Ethical Lessons from the American Post-9/11 Counter-terrorist Security Politics,VABB-4,401,418,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369240,,Van competenties naar authenticiteit. De rol van de christelijke levensbeschouwing in vorming en onderwijs,VABB-1,134,137,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:369242,,Normativity of the Future. God as Ultimate Destiny of the Marital Relationship,VABB-1,197,207,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369251,,Managers’ awareness of fashionable management concepts: An empirical study,VABB-1,206,216,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:369253,,Delineating the scientific footprint in technology: Identifying science within non-patent references,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:369254,,To acquire or to start up,VABB-4,169,189,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369260,,Formal R&d Management and Research Collaboration and R&D outsourcing in SMEs,VABB-5,820,826,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:369268,,Differentiating between SMEs and Large enterprises in external knowledge linkages,VABB-5,795,804,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:369274,,A structural analysis of collaboration between European research institutes,VABB-5,747,758,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369275,,Hybrid clustering analysis for mapping large scientific domains,VABB-5,178,188,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369276,,The role of the h-index and the characteristic scores and scales in testing the tail properties of scientometric distributions,VABB-5,120,130,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369281,,Small-business Owner-managers’ Perceptions of CSR and business-related Ethical Concepts: A European cross-cultural comparative Analysis,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369300,,Sources of spillovers for imitation and innovation,VABB-1,115,120,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:369301,,Achieving a balance between exploration and exploitation in service firms: A longitudinal study,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369304,,The emergence of entrepreneurship as a research field,VABB-5,552,557,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:369305,,Where demographics meets scientometrics: Towards a dynamic career analysis,VABB-5,914,923,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:369307,,Using `core documents' for detecting new emerging topics,VABB-5,224,235,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:369315,,Marginal correlation from an extended random-effects model for repeated and overdispersed counts,VABB-1,215,232,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:369316,,High prevalence of endometriosis in infertile women with normal ovulation and normospermic partners,VABB-1,68,74,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369317,,Reproducibility and repeatability of maternal venous Doppler flow measurements in renal interlobar and hepatic veins,VABB-1,120,121,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:369318,,GEnomic biomarkers for depression: feature-specific and joint biomarkers,VABB-1,419,434,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:369322,,The regression analysis of correlated interval-censored data: illustration using accelerated failure time models with flexible distributional assumptions,VABB-1,299,319,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369323,,Robustifying Generalized Linear Mixed Models Using a New Class of Mixtures of Multivariate Polya Trees,VABB-1,838,860,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369324,,Caries experience in primary molars and its impact on the variability in permanent tooth emergence sequences,VABB-1,865,871,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369325,,What statistical method should be used to evaluate risk factors associated with dmfs index? Evidence from the National Pathfinder Survey of 4-year-old Italian children,VABB-1,539,546,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369326,,The design and analysis of split-mouth studies: what statisticians and clinicians should know,VABB-1,3470,3482,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369332,,Longitudinal Data Analysis. Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods,VABB-2,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369342,,Reproducibility of color Doppler imaging,VABB-1,1531,1538,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369343,,On the estimation of the misclassification table for finite count data with an application in caries research,VABB-1,99,118,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369345,,Color Doppler imaging and ocular pulse amplitude in glaucomatous and healthy eyes,VABB-1,580,587,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369346,,Statistical and Methodological Aspects of Oral Health Research,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369347,,Estimating age of majority on third molars developmental stages in young adults from Thailand using a modified scoring technique,VABB-1,428,432,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369350,,The contribution of the social rank and attachment theory to depression in a non clinical sample of adolescents,VABB-1,832,842,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:369351,,Is There a Decline in the Vascular Event Rate after Transient Ischemic Attack or Stroke in Antiplatelet Trials?,VABB-1,439,447,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369353,,Likelihood ratios as a function of antibody concentration for anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies and rheumatoid factor,VABB-1,287,289,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369361,,Proteolytic roles of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-13 during progression of chronic periodontitis: initial evidence for MMP-13/MMP-9 activation cascade,VABB-1,1011,1017,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369365,,Evaluation of chromogenic media for detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus,VABB-1,1040,1046,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:369368,,Double generalized linear model for tissue culture proportion data: A Bayesian perspective,VABB-1,1717,1731,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:369370,,Correction for model selection bias using a modified model averaging approach for supervised learning methods applied to EEG experiments,VABB-1,786,786,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369371,,Reliability of single administered tests: a unified approach,VABB-1,1061,1068,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369395,,Measuring appropriate use of antibiotics in pyelonephritis in Belgian hospitals,VABB-1,143,151,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369402,,armoede bij Belgische ouderen tijdens de overgang van werk naar pensionering,VABB-1,3,32,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:369410,,le bonus de pension: un cadeau empoisonné,VABB-1,1,9,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:369412,,Werkt een actief verzuimbeleid?,VABB-1,36,45,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:369413,,De invloed van spijbelen op vroegtijdig schoolverlaten,VABB-1,152,157,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:369414,,"The regulator’s fault? On the effects of regulatory changes on profits, productivity and prices in the Dutch drinking water sector",VABB-1,219,242,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369416,,Psychosocial Implications of Homophobic Bullying in Schools: A Review and Directions for Legal Research and the Legal Process,VABB-1,143,175,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369417,,Shared Values of Singapore: Sexual Minority Rights as Singaporean Value,VABB-1,279,305,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369418,,Keeping up with (which) Joneses: A Critique of Constitutional Comparativism in Hong Kong and its Implications for Rights Development,VABB-1,307,328,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369419,,The Legal Status of Taiwan and the Legality of the Use of Force in a Cross-Taiwan Strait Conflict,VABB-1,455,492,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369420,,The Role of International Human Rights Law in Eradicating Global Poverty : from Criticism to Institutional Reform,VABB-1,4,19,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369422,,"Case C-308/06, International Association of Independent Tanker Owners and Others: The Requirement of Direct Effect in the Judicial Review of EU Law against International Law",VABB-1,143,164,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369423,,Theology without God. Carl Schmitt’s profane concept of the political,VABB-1,408,431,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369437,,"Protection of Sexual Minorities since Stonewall: Their Lives, Struggles, Sufferings, Love, and Hope",VABB-1,129,141,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369450,,Het politiewerk : een lastige evenwichtsoefening soms bemoeilijkt door de rechtspraak,VABB-1,167,182,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:369451,,La possibilité d'agrandissement d'échelle volontaire des zones de police: la réforme des polices est encore optimalisée,VABB-1,107,112,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:369452,,De mogelijkheid tot vrijwillige schaalvergroting van de politiezones: de politiehervorming wordt verder geoptimaliseerd,VABB-1,101,106,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:369454,,Mensenrechten tijdens het politioneel voorarrest : een bloemlezing van enkele recente Straatsburgse arresten,VABB-1,105,129,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:369455,,"""Voor wie haar soms geweld aandoen” : over de taal van het proces-verbaal",VABB-1,17,22,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:369456,,De audiovisuele registratie van het verhoor van meerderjarigen tijdens het onderzoek in strafzaken : van een wettelijke mogelijkheid naar een wettelijke verplichting ? Een aanzet tot discussie,VABB-1,5,16,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:369523,,Een constructief antwoord op (jeugd)delinquentie: recidive verminderen?,VABB-1,8,18,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:369524,,Restorative policing: in pursuit of principles,VABB-1,39,64,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369536,,Conceptualizing victim's restoration in restorative justice,VABB-1,237,265,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369552,,Identifying the Needs of Stalking Victims and the Responsiveness of the Criminal Justice System: A qualitative study in Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-1,19,37,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369558,,Herstelrecht in België: een stand van zaken’,VABB-1,54,62,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:369574,,Beelden van vertrouwen in politie en justitie,VABB-1,7,20,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:369603,,Residual household waste: from pay-per-bag to pay-per-kg. An evaluation study for Flanders,VABB-1,330,339,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:369618,,Investigating the factors facilitating (a.o. safety and security) collaboration in the chemicals sector,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369623,,Chemical plant safety investments decision-support methodology based on an innovative cost-benefits approach,VABB-1,411,419,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369627,,Multi-plant safety and security management in the chemical and process industries,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369640,,Een ex-ante evaluatie van de Vlaamse jobkorting,VABB-1,575,600,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:369654,,Microsimulation of indirect taxes,VABB-1,41,56,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369655,,Granting the teachers the ‘Benefit of the Doubt’ in Performance Evaluations,VABB-1,590,614,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369688,,De kosten van de echtscheiding op grond van onherstelbare ontwrichting van het huwelijk: wie betaalt de rekening?,VABB-1,28,31,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:369714,,Hoe fataal is de tienjarige aansprakelijkheidstermijn?,VABB-1,34,37,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:369715,,Het deskundigenonderzoek in bouwzaken,VABB-1,100,123,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:369752,,Maritieme Ruimtelijke Planning,VABB-1,20,39,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:369760,,Transdisciplinary Knowledge Production in Architecture and Urbanism: towards Hybrid Modes of Inquiry,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369761,,Transdisciplinary Knowledge Production in Architecture and Urbanism: towards hybrid modes of enquiry,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369778,,Research by Design is up and running,VABB-1,111,119,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369781,,A Virtual Environment Model for Brussels Capital Region’s Future Urban Development Projects: Preliminary Ideations in Future Cities,VABB-5,539,547,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:369782,,"Models for Creating the Prospective City, Opportunities and Challenges of 4D GIS and Virtual Environments in Future Cities",VABB-5,787,795,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:369829,,Architects and Visually Impaired People,VABB-5,,,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369837,,A Matrix as an Analogous Space. Designing a mental tool as a generator of new insight,VABB-4,60,71,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369838,,Generating tacit knowledge through motion: A vision on the matter of space,VABB-1,255,270,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369841,,Freiburg of L.A.?,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369842,,PO is bij de buren is vooral anders,VABB-1,37,41,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:369855,,Privacy and Depth Configurations,VABB-1,166,185,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369857,,At the fall of Utopia,VABB-1,74,82,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369858,,Social rental agencies: still a splendid idea?,VABB-1,217,232,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369860,,Not for the vulnerable? Flanders’ housing policy squeezed between selectivity and legitimacy,VABB-1,129,143,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369865,,El espacio arquitectónico de Dom Hans van der Laan Como interpretación contemporánea de connaissance poetique en la arquitectura sacra,VABB-5,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:369874,,Hegel’s account of the present: An open-ended history,VABB-4,51,67,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369875,,The emergence of ideality: Hegel’s conception of the animal in the Jena Philosophy of Nature,VABB-4,435,456,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369878,,"The Common Root of Commitment, Resistance, and Power",VABB-1,197,208,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369884,,From Political Theory to Political Theology: Religious Challenges and the Prospects of Democracy,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369885,,Discoursing the Post-secular: Essays on Habermas’ Post-Secular Turn,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369889,,Philosophy and the Future,VABB-1,9,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369909,,The New Political Theology as Political Theory: Johann Baptist Metz on Public Suffering,VABB-4,162,173,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369912,,"Habermas, Levinas and the Problem of the Sacred: Postsecular Strategies in Resonating Divergence",VABB-4,93,109,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:369919,,"Vaccination Policy and Ethical Challenges Posed by Herd Immunity, Suboptimal Uptake and Subgroup Targeting",VABB-1,280,291,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:369921,,Permanent Revolution and Perpetual Peace: Revisiting Kantian Cosmopolitanism,VABB-1,421,436,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:369937,,Voorrang voor landgenoten? Een deliberatieve visie op mondiale rechtvaardigheid,VABB-1,99,117,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:369948,,Democracy as a non-hegemonic struggle. Disambiguating Chantal Mouffe's agonistic model of politics,VABB-1,377,391,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369953,,PICTURE TO LEARN JR.: VISUAL PRECONCEPTIONS IN BIOCHEMICAL PROCESSES OF CHILDREN BETWEEN 9 – 12 YEARS OLD,VABB-5,2328,2337,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:369965,,Een geünificeerde theorie van bepaalde en onbepaalde beschrijvingen,VABB-1,82,98,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:369966,,Are orbitals observable?,VABB-1,24,35,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:369976,,Dio oggi: note a margine del recente convegno di Roma (8-10 dicembre 2009),VABB-1,146,162,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:369977,,Relativismo e democrazia. Che cosa si intende con l'espressione 'dittatura del relativismo',VABB-1,131,149,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:369978,,Translation and Textual Criticism in the Middle Ages: Peter of Abano’s 'Expositio Problematum' (1310),VABB-1,187,213,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:369987,,Weerstaan aan de verleiding van het beeld: de verbeelding als pharmakon,VABB-1,43,56,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:369995,,Why Henry’s Critique of Heidegger Remains Problematic: Appearing and Speaking in Heidegger and Henry,VABB-1,193,212,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:369999,,"Intuition and Freedom: Bergson, Husserl and the Movement of Philosophy",VABB-4,101,117,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370018,,Students’ overuse of linearity: does the same phenomenon occur in physics problem solving?,VABB-5,350,350,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:370061,,Belastingheffing over een minimummaatstaf van heffing bij de oprichting van gebouwen,VABB-1,200,207,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:370085,,Case-hardening inspection of steel using photothermal phase maxima,VABB-1,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:370128,,Omwegen naar de literatuur,VABB-1,47,56,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:370130,,Ad hoc Konstruktionen in der Interaktion: eine korpusbasierte Studie dialogischer Resonanzerzeugung,VABB-4,255,274,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:370140,,Processing deliberate ambiguity in newspaper headlines: Double grounding,VABB-1,212,236,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:370147,,Learning collocations through attention-drawing techniques : a qualitative and quantitative analysis,VABB-4,194,207,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370173,,"'Allemaal voor mij, dat zie ik wel': over 'Een lege plek om te blijven' (1975) van Rutger Kopland",VABB-4,69,78,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:370181,,Navigating the tides of change: Revisiting the notion of reflexivity in the context of social learning for transboundary collective experimentation,VABB-1,219,234,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:370198,,Schools as Architecture for Newcomers and Strangers: The Perfect School as Public School?,VABB-1,533,555,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:370214,,Manuels scolaires coloniaux africains. 26 textes traduits en français,VABB-1,5,618,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:370220,,Doing disability history and the notion of limit-experience,VABB-1,321,336,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:370239,,Knowledge on accelerated motion as measured by implicit and explicit tasks in 5- to 16-year-olds,VABB-1,25,46,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:370272,,Why we should talk about commodifying fan work,VABB-1,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:370275,,Mainstream and the death of university culture: Or how the rush for innovation threatens creativity,VABB-5,36,43,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370318,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370333,,Linguistic Variation Yearbook 8,VABB-3,i,viii,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370349,,Reactie op Broekhuis,VABB-1,221,224,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:370353,,Simple and complex wh-phrases in a split CP,VABB-5,155,168,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370365,,Linguistic Variation Yearbook 10,VABB-3,,,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:370368,,Extrapositie als coördinatie: Reactie op De Vries,VABB-1,296,300,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:370372,,The syntax of ellipsis: evidence from Dutch dialects,VABB-2,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370377,,The interpretation of the possessives ons/onze in 'fixed' phrases in internal business communication in Dutch,VABB-4,303,317,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370394,,Linguistic Variation Yearbook 9,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370395,,Alternatives to Cartography: an introduction,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370397,,Invisible Last Resort. A note on clefts as the underlying source for sluicing,VABB-1,1714,1726,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:370404,,Alternatives to Cartography,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370407,,Framing from grammar to application,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370411,,Causal framing for medical instrumentality: Applied ontology and frame-based construction grammar,VABB-1,163,191,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370421,,Instrumentality in cognitive concept modeling,VABB-4,231,252,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370423,,Complex wh-phrases don’t move. On the interaction between the split CP-hypothesis and the syntax of wh-movement,VABB-4,236,260,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370430,,L’espace linguistique et la vie du langage : Jules Gilliéron et l’ouverture géo-biologique de la géographie linguistique,VABB-1,109,131,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:370431,,Profil biobibliografic Sever Pop (27 iulie 1901–17 februarie 1961),VABB-1,13,48,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:370433,,La (relative) standardisation de l’ancien occitan appréhendée à travers les premières descriptions grammaticales,VABB-4,133,149,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:370434,,Indices,VABB-4,299,313,,lat,2011,2 c:vabb:370435,,Grammar: Between Bildung and Erinnerungskultur,VABB-4,3,25,,ger,2011,2 c:vabb:370436,,Preface,VABB-4,7,11,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:370437,,Contours linguistiques et culturels de la Romania et de la Romanistique : L’approche d’August Fuchs (1849),VABB-4,803,812,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:370438,,19th century Linguistics: Practice and theory,VABB-4,805,820,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:370440,,Le métalangage de la linguistique : réflexions à propos de la terminologie et de la terminographie linguistiques,VABB-1,9,29,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:370442,,Grammatical Doxography in Antiquity. The (hi)stories of the parts-of-speech system,VABB-4,69,91,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:370443,,New Papyri and the History of Ancient Grammar: The ἐπίρρημα Chapter in P. Berol. 9917,VABB-4,313,330,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:370452,,Il vettore spazio-temporale nel reportage marketing : una prospettiva cognitivo-discorsiva italo-belga,VABB-1,115,128,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:370459,,La futurità delle nanotecnologie : per una visione dinamica della definizione terminologica,VABB-1,1,38,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:370461,,Framing from grammar to application: introduction,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370470,,Maximi Confessoris Vitae et passiones graecae; The Development of a Hagiographic Dossier,VABB-1,408,460,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:370472,,"À propos des travaux linguistiques sur corpus en grec ancien, en latin et en néolatin",VABB-5,9,18,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:370476,,Orientation et Théologie. La Demeure d'Ihy versus la Demeure de la Purification dans le temple de Dendera,VABB-5,211,220,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:370481,,Les tombes non-royales de la Vallée des Rois,VABB-1,315,338,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:370482,,"Nekhbet, l’œil droit du dieu solaire",VABB-1,159,177,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:370483,,"Le vautour, le cobra et l’œil. Jeu de mots et jeu de signes autour d’une déesse",VABB-4,477,484,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:370487,,The Quarry of the Aten,VABB-1,222,226,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370494,,"TU 38, its scribe and his family",VABB-1,169,178,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370501,,A church dedicated to the Virgin Mary in the Temple of Isis in Aswan?,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370531,,De verspreiding van de -e(n)-uitgang in attributieve positie,VABB-1,111,142,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:370545,,A regional analysis of contraction rate in written Standard American English,VABB-1,514,546,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:370546,,Terminology in everyday life,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370548,,"'Und er gehorcht, indem er überschreitet.'",VABB-1,47,68,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:370550,,Sir Walter's Palimpsests: Material Imprints and the Trace of the Past,VABB-1,707,726,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:370553,,Versies en bewerkingen van Constant De Dekens Twee jaren in Congoland,VABB-1,33,40,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:370555,,'As black as huitlacoche': la comida mexicana en 'Caramelo' de Sandra Cisneros,VABB-1,161,179,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370561,,Schwangerschaften: Poe's Verlorener Brief und dessen Spuren,VABB-4,249,268,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:370573,,"La Révolution française, les langues et la traduction en France",VABB-4,1903,1906,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:370576,,Notas sobre Calderón en Flandes,VABB-1,1,23,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:370585,,Los artículos de crítica artística de Galdós en 'La Prensa',VABB-5,29,35,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:370604,,Een les in bescheidenheid : Robert Walsers 'Beiseit',VABB-1,52,56,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:370607,,Handbook of translation studies. 1,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370616,,The metalanguage of translation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370624,,"Talent voor talen, talent voor tolken?",VABB-4,591,606,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:370651,,In praise of effective export terminology,VABB-4,149,162,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370653,,How language and (non-)translation impact on media newsrooms : The case of newspapers in Belgium,VABB-1,83,92,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:370656,,Des termes en français pour vendre des produits espagnols et vice-versa,VABB-1,169,181,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:370673,,"You want to be careful: Advice as the only emerging modal use of want to/wanna, or shifting frames?",VABB-1,36,53,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370676,,Source-nation- or source-language-based censorship? The (non-)translation of serial stories in Flemish newspapers (1844-1899),VABB-4,55,76,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370678,,Journalism and translation,VABB-4,180,184,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370691,,The power of the pen: translation and censorship in nineteenth-century Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370700,,Online handbook of translation studies,VABB-3,,,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370703,,Il tempo ostinatamente impercettibile: alla ricerca del tempo paradisiaco: un confronto tra la narrativa di Paola Capriolo e Roberto Pazzi,VABB-1,349,359,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:370704,,The double extension of translation in the journalistic field,VABB-1,175,188,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:370705,,La cultura del post-apocalipsis en 'Los rituales del caos' de Carlos Monsiváis,VABB-4,383,398,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:370707,,Aussaat/Dissemination: Deutschsprachige Kulturen in fremden Nährböden: Vorwort,VABB-1,3,6,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:370712,,El árbol de Monterroso : reflexiones sobre el difícil balanceo entre imaginación y realidad,VABB-4,409,417,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:370713,,Vincent Lombume: een stem in mijn schoot: inleiding en vertaling,VABB-1,63,72,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:370715,,Hibridez y metamorfosis en Juan Villoro : el universo mágico-mitológico del ajolote,VABB-1,43,56,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:370720,,Sign language interpreting and translating,VABB-4,324,328,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370721,,The clausal complementation of good in extraposition constructions: The emergence of partially filled constructions,VABB-4,95,120,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370745,,Wegwijs in de aandachtstekortstoornis met hyperactiviteit (ADHD),VABB-1,28,39,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:370751,,Intervening on persistent PTSD: Rumination Focused Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy (RFCBT) in a Population of young survivors of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda,VABB-1,107,113,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370754,,Rondom de baby II. Overzicht van instrumenten voor diagnostiek bij jonge kinderen,VABB-1,243,265,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:370755,,Déficits motivationnels dans le TDAH: entre perspective novatrice et relecture de concepts fondamentaux,VABB-1,321,327,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:370767,,Religious delusion in psychosis and hysteria,VABB-4,85,109,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370769,,Prenumerical predictors of numerical facility and artithmetical reasoning growth,VABB-1,37,51,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370770,,"Type-D personality, psychosomatic symptoms and voice handicap in female voice patients: A perspective on vocal communication",VABB-1,179,183,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370772,,Integration of autologous dendritic cell-based immunotherapy in the primary treatment for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme: a pilot study,VABB-1,261,272,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:370785,,Parental stress and psychopathology in children with (non-)monosymptomatic enuresis,VABB-1,2015,2020,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370793,,Oppositionele kinderen in analytische therapie: van steun naar conflictwerk,VABB-1,34,50,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:370795,,In memoriam T. Gailly,VABB-1,58,62,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:370806,,"Psychological, social and school implications of asthma: A comparison of Belgian French-speaking children having asthma with healthy children",VABB-1,25,29,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:370821,,Time lag in translation and interpreting: a methodological exploration,VABB-4,121,146,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:370828,,The predictive validity of admission tests for interpreting courses in Europe : a case study,VABB-4,225,245,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370842,,Compositional variation in Roman colourless glass objects from the Bocholtz burial (The Netherlands),VABB-1,413,439,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:370843,,Low recruitment across life stages partly accounts for the slow colonization of forest herbs,VABB-1,109,117,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:370860,,Der Begriff koloneia in den ägyptischen Papyri,VABB-1,111,120,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:370861,,Die Beziehung zwischen römischem Bürgerrecht und alexandrinischem Stadtrecht bis zur Constitutto Antoniniana,VABB-4,217,276,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:370862,,Divine Mission and Human Destiny: Maurice Druon’s Alexander Romance Fifty Years Later,VABB-1,261,281,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370864,,The Pre-Greek Linguistic Substratum. A Critical Assessment of Recent Theories,VABB-1,257,284,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:370867,,"Geletterd verzet: diplomatiek, politiek en herinneringscultuur van opstandelingen in de laatmiddeleeuwse en vroegmoderne stad (casus: Brugge en Gent)",VABB-1,5,55,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:370868,,Le commun se esmeut: een onderzoek naar het politieke optreden van het 'gemeen' in het kader van de Gentse opstand (1379-1385),VABB-1,177,204,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:370885,,Wereldwijze Leuvenaars: een boekinventaris uit 1653 van de familie Van den Tympel,VABB-1,47,67,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:370887,,Noble women managing family lives: the private letters of the Goubau sisters in 18th century Antwerp,VABB-1,435,454,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:370899,,"""Utinam magnam eorum copiam haberemus"". Franciscus Sonnius en de oprichting van de nieuwe bisdommen in 1559",VABB-1,194,207,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:370904,,Frontières et totalité dans l'oeuvre de Claudio Magris,VABB-4,367,377,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:370908,,"The odd couple: Schlegel, Schleiermacher en de oerscène van de vroegromantische hermeneutiek",VABB-4,93,108,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:370910,,Le présent du journal de guerre face à l'histoire. A propos de 'Kobilek' d’Ardengo Soffici,VABB-4,351,365,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:370914,,Fatti e idee tra cronaca e storia: su due diari di guerra sofficiani,VABB-4,139,149,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:370917,,"La penisola iberica e l'Italia: rapporti storico-culturali, linguistici e letterari",VABB-3,,,,ita,2010,2 c:vabb:370923,,"Surfacing Materiality. Wordsworth, Kant and de Man's Epistemological Critique of Reading",VABB-1,65,82,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:370929,,In dem Ozean der Männlichkeit. Die Defiguration geschlechtlicher Identität in Ina Seidels 'Das Labyrinth' (1922),VABB-1,35,56,,ger,2009,2 c:vabb:370930,,Dorsten naar Malaparte's bloed,VABB-1,70,75,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:370935,,Luciano Curreri. 'Le farfalle di Madrid'. Una guerra periferica centrata dalla letteratura,VABB-1,134,138,,ita,2009,2 c:vabb:370940,,"Tempo e memoria in ""Notte a Samarcanda"" di Giuliana Morandini",VABB-1,403,412,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:370942,,Nederlands en Afrikaans: de eenvoud van vertalen,VABB-4,379,392,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:370947,,"Exploring the food chain. Food production and food consumption in Western Europe, 1850-1990",VABB-3,,,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:370962,,"The era of the housewife? The construction of 'work' and the 'active' population in the Belgian population census (1947, 1961 & 1970)",VABB-1,51,83,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:370963,,"Ik heb geen man! Celibaat en echtscheiding tijdens het interbellum, vertogen en praktijken",VABB-4,385,414,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:370978,,Les livres,VABB-3,,,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:370988,,Den overigens zoo door my geliefden,VABB-1,137,156,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:371002,,"Och, als men lezen kon!",VABB-1,519,523,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:371005,,Multatuli en Voltaire,VABB-4,433,484,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:371013,,De adderkluwen van de katholieke kritiek. Een Franse roman in Vlaamse handen (1932-1934),VABB-4,131,145,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:371018,,Jan Walravens en het experiment,VABB-3,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:371019,,Breuken en bruggen. Moderne Nederlandse literatuur/ Hedendaagse perspectieven,VABB-3,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:371020,,Paul de Wispelaere. De moderne roman,VABB-3,,,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:371024,,Vies en Vlaams: de literaire contestatie uit de jaren zestig,VABB-1,117,128,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:371040,,De Nieuwe Wereld volgens de Winkler Prins,VABB-4,607,627,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:371043,,Literatuur is per definitie zonder leeftijd,VABB-1,84,95,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:371049,,The impact of in-group/out-group stereotypes: the image of foreign cultures in Flemish youth literature in the nineteenth century,VABB-1,29,44,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:371050,,Memoria histórica y 'Hombre sin nombre' de Suso de Toro,VABB-5,292,301,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:371051,,Wordt het jeugdboek doodgechat? Recente trends in de kinder- en jeugdliteratuur,VABB-4,393,411,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:371054,,De lach van de vertaler. De vertaling van humor in Le petit Nicolas,VABB-1,111,134,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:371081,,"Intertextuality and Historiography: The New World Popularized, or the encyclopaedic language of historical discourse",VABB-4,121,143,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:371082,,Nie ma spiace królowny bez kolców. Thumaczenie basni. Propozycja modelu analizy porównaweszej. No sleeping beauty without thorns: translating fairy tales. A model for comparative analysis,VABB-1,11,35,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:371097,,Francesco Sofia Alessio (1873-1943): some overlooked poems,VABB-1,375,400,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:371100,,Lipsius en Livius. Klassieke filologie in de zestiende eeuw,VABB-1,149,162,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:371102,,Le privilège: un droit de l'auteur ou de l'éditeur? A propos de Juste Lipse et la publication de son oeuvre,VABB-4,101,121,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:371110,,Augustine's sermon 169: correction of two misinterpretations and proposition of a new date,VABB-4,69,95,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:371111,,"Augustine and Phil. 3, 3-16: one bible fragment, several exegetical approaches",VABB-1,227,263,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:371115,,"Sidronius Hosschius S.J., Elegiarum libri sex (1667)",VABB-4,177,181,,lat,2009,2 c:vabb:371116,,Indices,VABB-4,379,403,,lat,2009,2 c:vabb:371117,,Two notes on Pascoli,VABB-1,415,421,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:371120,,From Francophile to Francophobe: The Changing Attitude of Medieval Dutch Authors towards French Literature,VABB-4,127,143,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:371125,,Een verhaal in losgeraakte delen. De volgorde van «Jonathas ende Rosafiere» in het handschrift-Borgloon en de Amsterdamse gedrukte fragmenten,VABB-1,291,317,,dut,2009,1 c:vabb:371133,,Enkele topics van estate planning door de fiscale bril van de Rulingdienst,VABB-1,125,155,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:371135,,Belgium,VABB-1,395,400,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:371138,,Plant-Microbe Partnerschips,VABB-4,2545,2574,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:371159,,MDDAUI 2010 Workshop Report,VABB-5,53,56,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:371166,,Data Management for Multimodal Rehabilitation Games,VABB-5,137,141,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:371170,,Immersive Collaboration Environment,VABB-5,187,188,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:371171,,Guiding visual attention in grayscale images for auditory substitution systems,VABB-5,139,142,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:371172,,A patch-based approach to restore videos using additional stills,VABB-5,143,146,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:371177,,Designing a retail store environment for the mature market: A European perspective,VABB-1,21,36,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:371182,,"Optimizing User Quality of Experience through Overlay Routing, Bandwidth Management and Dynamic Trans-Coding",VABB-1,65,85,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:371208,,Arm training in Multiple Sclerosis using Phantom: clinical relevance of robotic outcome measures,VABB-5,576,581,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:371213,,User-Centered Adaptation of User Interfaces for Heterogeneous Environments,VABB-4,43,66,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:371216,,"Doortochten en verkeersveiligheid, een goed huwelijk?",VABB-5,107,110,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:371217,,De informatiewaarde van de controleverklaring voor falingspredictie.,VABB-1,3,21,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:371220,,Ouderen in het verkeer: een klasse apart,VABB-5,87,91,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:371223,,Sulfur transformation during pyrolysis of Liuzhi coal in fixed bed reactor by AP-TPR-MS,VABB-1,150,155,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:371225,,Induction of oxidative stress related responses in Arabidopsis thaliana following uranium exposure,VABB-1,191,196,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:371226,,Heavy metal stress in plants,VABB-4,161,178,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:371227,,"""De hervorming van de juryrechtspraak van het hof van assisen en artikel 150 Gw.: een zinvolle stap voorwaarts of een slag in het water?""",VABB-1,393,418,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:371235,,De reguleringskosten van vergunningstelsels,VABB-1,197,206,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:371238,,"Uitsluitingsgronden zijn limitatief, uitsluitingsmaatregelen niet",VABB-1,757,763,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:371248,,Philip's Escorial and its collection of Scientific Instruments,VABB-4,101,127,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:371411,,Economic recession and first births in Europe: recession-induced postponement and recuperation of fertility in 14 European countries between 1970 and 2005,VABB-1,43,55,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371416,,Affective decision-making is predictive of three-month relapse in polysubstance-dependent alcoholics,VABB-1,21,28,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371420,,Making human rights intelligible : towards a sociology of human rights,VABB-3,,,272 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371421,,Making human rights intelligible : an introduction to sociology of human rights,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371422,,Differentiation and inclusion : a neglected sociological approach to fundamental rights,VABB-4,61,80,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371427,,Eine unbeachtete Quelle des 16. Jahrhunderts : Martin Schrots und Adam Bergs Wappenbuch (1580) als kaiserliche Kreuzzugspropaganda gegen die Türken,VABB-1,339,368,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:371431,,Celebrity suicide and the search for the moral high ground : comparing frames in media and audience discussions of the death of a Flemish celebrity,VABB-1,69,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371432,,Improving data literacy in schools : lessons from the school feedback project,VABB-4,113,134,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371434,,Selective impairment of adjective order constraints as overeager abstraction : an elaboration on Kemmerer et al. (2009),VABB-1,46,72,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371435,,Broadband 3-D sonar system using a sparse array for indoor navigation,VABB-1,161,171,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371436,,Instructional development for university teachers : causes of impact and practical implications,VABB-4,234,256,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371439,,The relationship between impulsivity and craving in alcohol dependent patients,VABB-1,273,283,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371440,,Age of onset and neuropsychological functioning in alcohol dependent inpatients,VABB-1,407,416,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371449,,Revocability and reversibility in societal decision-making,VABB-1,20,27,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371456,,Trait and state aspects of internal and external performance monitoring in schizophrenia,VABB-1,42,51,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371457,,Minimum income protection for Europe's elderly : what and how much has been guaranteed during the 2000s?,VABB-4,108,136,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371458,,The EU and minimum income protection : clarifying the policy conundrum,VABB-4,271,317,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371459,,The multimodal experience of art,VABB-1,353,363,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:371462,,Printing in the shadow of a metropolis,VABB-4,147,170,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371466,,"Inherited wealth, justice and equality",VABB-3,,,237 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371467,,The debates about inherited wealth and its taxation : an introductory essay,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371468,,Can starling eggs be useful as a biomonitoring tool to study organohalogenated contaminants on a worldwide scale?,VABB-1,141,149,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371469,,Management's earnings justification and earnings management under different institutional regimes,VABB-1,93,115,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371472,,"Dynamics of retail-bank branching in Antwerp (Belgium), 1991-2006 : evidence from micro-geographic data",VABB-1,291,304,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371473,,The age-dependent influence of self-reported health and job characteristics on retirement,VABB-1,13,22,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371474,,L'automne des idées : symbolisme et décadence à la fin du 19ème siècle en France et en Belgique,VABB-3,,,370 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:371475,,Methodological challenges in combining quantitative and qualitative foresight methods for sustainable energy futures : the SEPIA project,VABB-4,253,274,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371476,,Radicalizing enactivism : basic minds without content,VABB-2,,,240 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371477,,Mainstreaming children's rights in migration litigation : Muskhadzhiyeva and others v. Belgium,VABB-4,68,92,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371478,,COREA : coreference resolution for extracting answers for Dutch,VABB-4,97,108,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371493,,Struggle for life : social assistance benefits,VABB-4,28,53,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371494,,A new dawn for minimum income protection?,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371495,,Mind the gap : net incomes of minimum wage workers in the EU and the US,VABB-4,54,80,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371496,,"Child poverty as a government priority : child benefit packages for working families, 1992-2009",VABB-4,81,107,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371497,,Minimum income protection in flux,VABB-3,,,360 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371498,,"The geography of cruises : itineraries, not destinations",VABB-1,31,42,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371500,,Predicting adolescents' disclosure of personal information in exchange for commercial incentives : an application of an extended theory of planned behavior,VABB-1,81,87,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371501,,De werking van verzachtende omstandigheden in strafzaken doorgelicht,VABB-1,1,32,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371508,,"Advanced rule-based learning : active learning, rule extraction, and incorporating domain knowledge",VABB-4,144,166,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371509,,Intra-European student mobility and European identity : a successful marriage?,VABB-1,209,222,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371511,,Examining the cross-cultural sensitivity of the revised two-factor study process questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) and validation of a Dutch version,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371512,,Understanding informal feedback seeking in the workplace : the impact of the position in the organizational hierarchy,VABB-1,72,85,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371513,,Die Idee des Albums : zu einer Poetik der Potentialität,VABB-4,35,40,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:371518,,"The African Union, constitutionalism and power-sharing",VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371519,,Rwanda's involvement in Eastern DRC : a criminal real options approach,VABB-1,39,62,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371521,,"Law, power-sharing and human rights : introduction to a special issue",VABB-1,179,182,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371522,,When interests meet norms : the relevance of human rights for peace and power-sharing,VABB-1,183,203,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371536,,BatSLAM : simultaneous localization and mapping using biomimetic sonar,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371539,,Research on problem-based learning : future challenges,VABB-1,214,218,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371540,,Development and integration of speech technology into courseware for language learning : the DISCO project,VABB-4,323,338,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:371543,,Winged words and wounded voices : Geoffrey Hartman on midrash and testimony,VABB-1,133,140,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371544,,Inluencing variables and moderators of transfer of learning to the workplace within the area of staff development in higher education : research review,VABB-1,48,74,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371545,,Infrequent word classes in the speech of two-to seven-year-old children with cochlear implants and their normally hearing peers : a longitudinal study of adjective use,VABB-1,356,361,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371548,,"Objective formalization, perceived formailization and perceived red tape : sorting out concepts",VABB-1,1195,1214,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:371552,,Italian seaports competition policies : facts and figures,VABB-1,198,209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371553,,The design and pilot evaluation of an interactive learning environment for introductory programming influenced by cognitive load theory and constructivism,VABB-1,368,384,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371555,,"Bankruptcy, insolvency and debt collection among merchants in Antwerp (c. 1490-c. 1540)",VABB-4,185,199,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371559,,Collisions of convergence : Flemish news workers and managements perceptions of the impact of PSB newsroom integration on journalistic practices and identities,VABB-1,54,75,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371560,,Instructional development in higher education : impact on teachers teaching behavior as perceived by students,VABB-1,1103,1126,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371561,,De opleidingen onderwijskunde aan vijf Nederlandse universiteiten anno 2012 : klaar voor de toekomst?,VABB-1,57,68,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:371565,,Executive compensation and distributive justice,VABB-4,761,774,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371567,,Clinical and genetic aspects of **PCDH19**-related epilepsy syndromes and the possible role of **PCDH19** mutations in males with autism spectrum disorders,VABB-1,23,34,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371568,,Transfer of training : adding insight through social network analysis,VABB-1,37,47,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371570,,"Online skills, media use and inequalities in participation",VABB-4,253,272,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371571,,Geïntegreerde zorg op school : een inspiratieboek voor de praktijk,VABB-2,,,112 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371572,,The effect of eco-schools on childrens environmental values and behaviour,VABB-1,96,103,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371578,,"De ""passerelle"" naar dringende voorlopige maatregelen bij een wettelijke samenwoning die hangende de procedure wordt ontbonden (noot onder Vred. Beveren 30 augustus 2012, Vred. Lokeren 7 april 2011 en Rb. Dendermonde 30 juni 2011)",VABB-1,15,20,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371580,,Der Belgische Verfassungsgerichtshof und der Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union,VABB-4,483,509,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:371581,,Introduction : an emerging field,VABB-4,3,31,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371582,,Extraterritorial human rights obligations and the North-South divide,VABB-4,332,363,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371584,,"De impact van opvoedingsstress, depressieve gevoelens en huwelijkstevredenheid op de opvoeding van gehuwde moeders en vaders",VABB-1,1,15,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371585,,Putting brands into play : how game difficulty and player experiences influence the effectiveness of in-game advertising,VABB-1,17,44,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371588,,COBIT 5 and enterprise governance of information technology : building blocks and research opportunities,VABB-1,307,324,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371589,,Reconstructing the pupils attitude towards technology-survey,VABB-1,8,19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371596,,Co-creating value from IT in a contracted public sector service environment : perspectives on COBIT and Val IT,VABB-1,283,306,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371597,,"Images, self-images, and idealized identities in the digital networked world : reconfigurations of family photography in a web-based mode",VABB-4,133,147,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371599,,Efficiency wages and inequality,VABB-4,201,223,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371603,,Estimating the spot rate curve using the Nelson-Siegel model : a ridge regression approach,VABB-1,482,496,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371607,,Rechterlijke argumentatie en transparantie : een rechtsvergelijkende exercitie,VABB-4,167,206,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371612,,Belgisch belastingrecht in hoofdlijnen,VABB-2,,,1280 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371615,,Gender differences in overconfidence and risk taking : do self-selection and socialization matter?,VABB-1,442,444,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371619,,"Het Europees aanhoudingsbevel, de verjaring van de straf en extraterritoriale bevoegdheidsgronden : schijnbare loopholes? (noot onder Cass. 3 april 2012)",VABB-1,66,70,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371624,,Bipolar federalism and the social welfare state : a case for shared competences,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371626,,Het subsidiariteitsbeginsel naar Belgisch grondwettelijk recht,VABB-1,150,161,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371627,,Moet bestuursrechtspraak probleemoplossend zijn?,VABB-1,27,30,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371628,,"Integrated social and emotional guidance : what do secondary education teachers think? Research into teachers task perception and guidance provision, and the affect of a supportive network at school",VABB-1,1567,1586,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371630,,Maakt een litigieuze schuld bij splitsing een zekere en opeisbare schuldvordering uit in de zin van art. 686 W.Venn?,VABB-1,1062,1069,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371632,,"Chateaubriand y Pitou, proveedores 'reales' de El siglo de las luces de Alejo Carpentier",VABB-1,211,227,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:371635,,"Disputed access to the gold sites in Luhwindja, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo",VABB-1,85,108,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371637,,Leading bureaucracies to the tipping point : an alternative model of multiple stable equilibrium levels of corruption,VABB-1,541,546,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371638,,The functional relation between the impact factor and the uncitedness factor revisited,VABB-1,183,189,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371639,,"Ratios of h-cores, h-tails and uncited sources in sets of scientific papers and technical patents",VABB-1,190,197,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371640,,Scientometrics reveals funding priorities in medical research policy,VABB-1,240,247,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371641,,Drivers of freelance career success,VABB-1,24,46,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371644,,"De zesde staatshervorming : BHV, de randgemeenten, Brussel en de democratie - Deel 1",VABB-1,1002,1030,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371645,,"De zesde staatshervorming : BHV, de randgemeenten, Brussel en de democratie - Deel 2",VABB-1,1042,1061,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371649,,When do people cooperate? The neuroeconomics of prosocial decision making,VABB-1,95,117,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371661,,International encyclopaedia of intellectual property : vol. 8,VABB-3,,,1386 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371663,,"Fantômes, monstres, et la face de la terre : panique et magie dans 'Un beau ténébreux' et 'Le rivage des Syrtes'",VABB-1,129,139,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:371664,,De aansprakelijkheid van de gerechtsdeurwaarder bij impliciet spoedeisende opdrachten,VABB-1,855,858,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371666,,De houding van vier hoogste rechtscolleges ten aanzien van het EVRM en het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens : Strasbourg has spoken...,VABB-1,69,94,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371669,,The socio-emotional guidance questionnaire (SEG-Q) : construct validity and invariance across teacher groups,VABB-1,538,553,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371670,,Guess who Tiger is having sex with now? Celebrity sex and the framing of the moral high ground,VABB-1,46,57,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371671,,Moet er nog verzelfstandiging zijn? Impulsen tot bestuurlijke verzelfstandiging in het internationale recht van de mensenrechten en hun inbedding in het Belgisch bestuurlijk organisatierecht,VABB-1,130,149,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371675,,Relapse in pathological gamblers : a pilot study on the predictive value of different impulsivity measures,VABB-1,23,30,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371679,,Wallace Stevens's modernist melodies,VABB-1,53,71,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371681,,Three-stage industrial strip-plot experiments,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371682,,Stakeholder management and path dependence in large-scale transport infrastructure development : the port of Antwerp case (1960-2010),VABB-1,14,25,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371684,,Mastication dyspraxia : a neurodevelopmental disorder reflecting disruption of the cerebellocerebral network involved in planned actions,VABB-1,277,289,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371687,,Living organ donation and minors : a major dilemma,VABB-1,41,62,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371688,,Constitutional and judicial language protection in multilingual states : a brief overview of South Africa and Belgium,VABB-1,2011,2232,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371692,,De kwalificatie van vergoedingen ontvangen naar aanleiding van de overdracht of licentie van intellectuele eigendomsrechten door een natuurlijke persoon : een stand van zaken,VABB-1,153,165,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371694,,Accent attribution in speakers with foreign accent syndrome,VABB-1,156,168,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371695,,Religions in movement : the local and the global in contemporary faith traditions,VABB-3,,,320 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371696,,Equal inheritance and equal shares : a reconsideration of some nineteenth-century reform proposals,VABB-4,54,69,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371697,,A dual Atkinson measure of socioeconomic inequality of health,VABB-1,466,479,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371698,,Diasporas and audience studies : a fruitful match? Reflections from a media ethnographic study on Turkish and Moroccan film audiences,VABB-1,103,111,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371701,,Wie heeft profijt van het overheidsbeleid? Kinderopvang in Zweden en België (Vlaanderen),VABB-1,5,32,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371705,,The Impact Message Inventory-Circumplex (IMI-C) : a replication study of its circumplex structure in a Dutch sample,VABB-1,417,422,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371706,,Typen von Sozialpolitiken und deren Geschichte,VABB-4,118,123,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:371707,,The social stratification of social risks : the relevance of class for social investment strategies,VABB-1,52,67,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371708,,Editors column : connecting Stevens to Connecticut,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371709,,Práctica virtual : el uso de auto-grabaciones en audio y video en la enseñanza-aprendizaje semipresencial de ELE,VABB-1,1,1,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:371712,,Reageren ouders van normaalhorende kinderen anders dan ouders van dove kinderen met cochleair implantaat?,VABB-1,27,36,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371717,,Deliberate practice in medicine : the motivation to engage in work-related learning and its contribution to expertise,VABB-1,135,158,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371719,,"Hervorming van het erfrecht : een eerste commentaar bij de wet van 10 december 2012 inzake de onwaardigheid, de plaatsvervulling, de huwelijksvoordelen en de giften",VABB-1,1162,1179,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371724,,Bauer contra Strauss : de jonghegeliaanse strijd om de historische waarde van het evangelie,VABB-1,416,446,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:371726,,"Putting the 'fun' in fundraising : the serious request and music for life radio telethons, media, and citizenship",VABB-4,109,126,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371727,,A general construction method for five-level second-order rotatable designs,VABB-1,1961,1969,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371728,,"Management principles of sustainable industrial chemistry : theories, concepts and industrial examples for achieving sustainable chemical products and processes from a non-technological viewpoint",VABB-3,,,274 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371735,,No quarterly can be too personal : how sequence provided a pragmatic alternative to the Politique des auteurs,VABB-1,340,357,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371736,,Is multiculturalism bad for social cohesion and redistribution?,VABB-1,101,109,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371737,,Participeren jongeren anders? Een contextspecifiek antwoord op basis van het Belgische Oosterweelreferendum,VABB-1,61,84,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371738,,"Village health workers in Bihar, India : an untapped resource in the struggle against kala-azar",VABB-1,188,193,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371739,,Policy making,VABB-4,679,702,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371746,,Gevolgen van de nietigverklaring van een woninghuurovereenkomst wegens niet-naleving van de gewestelijke woonkwaliteitsnormen (noot onder Hof van Cassatie 10 mei 2012),VABB-1,986,990,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371747,,Colonial exploitation and economic development : the Belgian Congo and the Netherlands Indies compared,VABB-3,,,296 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371748,,The industrialization of the Belgian Congo,VABB-4,229,250,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371749,,Socially responsible legal aid in Belgian society : time for a thorough rethink?,VABB-1,67,86,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371750,,Sisters of early modern confraternities in a small town in the Southern Netherlands (Aalst),VABB-1,247,270,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371751,,Schipperen naast God? Identiteitsgebonden organisaties en het recht op bescherming van de private levenssfeer en de vrijheid van godsdienst van huen personeel in recente jurisprudentie van het EHRM,VABB-1,166,191,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371752,,De evaluaties geëvalueerd : welke toekomst voor het Kinderrechtencommissariaat en het Vlaamse maatschappelijke middenveld kinderrechten?,VABB-1,23,36,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371753,,Het kind- en jongereneffectrapport (JoKER) in de weegschaal,VABB-1,6,22,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371754,,NGO impact on law-making : the case of a complaints procedure under the ICESCR and the CRC,VABB-1,1,45,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371755,,Globalization and common responsibilities of states,VABB-3,,,536 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371757,,"Noot onder HvJ C-370/12, Pringle",VABB-1,127,131,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371759,,Silencing cinema : film censorship around the world,VABB-3,,,321 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371761,,New public spheres : recontextualizing the intellectual,VABB-3,,,230 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371762,,New dynamics in female migration and integration,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371768,,The effect of oxytocin on cooperation in a prisoner's dilemma depends on the social context and a person's social value orientation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371769,,Die Verbreitung des Heidelberger Katechismus in gedruckter Form,VABB-4,53,62,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:371770,,The distribution of the Heidelberg catechism in print,VABB-4,51,59,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371773,,"Interview met Rebecca Brown, a writer's writer: een kritische schrijversblik op gender, seksualiteit en de LGBT-gemeenschap",VABB-1,54,60,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371775,,"Rebecca Brown, intimate : a literary response to stereotypes about gender and lesbian sexuality",VABB-4,135,152,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371780,,Du Black Atlantic à La Cohée du Lamentin d'Edourd Glissant : migration d'un concept et retour sur la pensée glissantienne (intertextes impensés et incréés),VABB-4,469,500,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:371781,,Marrane & marronne : la coécriture réversible d'André et de Simone Schwarz-Bart,VABB-2,,,482 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:371785,,Early Modern Europe : 1500-1800,VABB-4,240,257,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371786,,Renovation of dwellings in Flanders within the energy renovation program 2020,VABB-5,16,25,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371789,,"Modality, aspect and the progressive : the semantics of the present progressive in French in comparison with English",VABB-1,113,132,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371790,,"Spaces of neoliberal experimentation : soft spaces, postpolitics, and neoliberal governmentality",VABB-1,217,234,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371792,,At home in seventeenth-century Brussels : patterns of art and luxury consumption,VABB-4,11,20,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371793,,The test of time : art encyclopedias and formation of canon of 17th-century painters in the Low Countries,VABB-1,81,105,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371794,,Brussels : a case of spatially disarticulated socio-economic development,VABB-4,85,105,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371796,,Three shortcomings of the social investment perspectives,VABB-1,553,564,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371797,,Putting the child-centred investment strategy to the test : evidence for the EU27,VABB-1,4,27,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371806,,Prestatiesturing van universiteiten : de bijdrage van HR,VABB-1,24,29,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371809,,Het 'creative city'-debat : nieuw paradigma of oude politiek? Een kritische introductie voor historici,VABB-1,102,121,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371815,,Scalar additive operators in Transeurasian langauges : a comparison with Europe,VABB-4,113,145,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371823,,Optimum blocking for general resolution-3 designs,VABB-1,166,187,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371824,,Shipping line dominance and freight rate practices on trade routes : the case of the Far East-South Africa trade,VABB-1,155,173,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371825,,The SAGE handbook of transport studies,VABB-3,,,2013 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371832,,Prevalence and clinical characteristics of remission during treatment in generalized anxiety,VABB-1,90,97,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371836,,Agentification processes and agency governance : organisational innovation at a global scale,VABB-4,83,103,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371838,,"Het cultuurbeleid van de publieke omroep : van project van de moderniteit naar postmoderne, gesegmenteerde beleving",VABB-4,17,32,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371842,,Statistical analysis of distance-based path relinking for the capacitated vehicle routing problem,VABB-1,3197,3205,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:371843,,Welke organisatievormen voor de samenwerking tussen gemeente en OCMW op het vlak van ondersteunende diensten?,VABB-1,5,19,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371844,,Governance by numbers : risico's verbonden aan de internationale benchmarking en ranking van pensioensystemen,VABB-1,133,155,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371852,,Bedrijvige boeren? Peasants en de land- en kredietmarkt in de vijftiende en zestiende-eeuwse Kempen,VABB-1,40,70,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371854,,A comparative study of hazardous material transportation security issues in Flanders and in Apulia,VABB-1,142,156,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371855,,Incubation programs from public research organizations as catalysts for open business ecosystems,VABB-1,29,34,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371856,,More shades of grey in my answers : an interview study revisiting attitude erosion during clerkships,VABB-1,476,484,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371857,,Optimisation of gravity-fed water distribution network design : a critical review,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371858,,The impact of lead time reliability in freight transport : a logistics assessment of transport economics findings,VABB-1,190,200,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371859,,A multi-objective robust optimization model for logistics planning in the earthquake response phase,VABB-1,217,249,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371860,,A matheuristic for aggregate production-distribution planning with shared resources,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371872,,"Differential use of learning strategies in first-year higher education : the impact of personality, academic motivation, and teaching strategies",VABB-1,238,251,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371873,,"Un long compagnonnage : Glissant & Schwarz-Bart face à la ""diaspora""",VABB-4,73,94,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:371878,,"Uggly Betty, funny Sara : telenovela adaptation and generic expectations",VABB-4,99,113,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371879,,The persistence of national TV : language and cultural proximity in Flemish fiction,VABB-4,51,64,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371880,,'Parquecito' de la escritora dominicana Aurora Arias,VABB-4,77,94,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:371881,,"(Contractuele) schuldvergelijking na cessie en de goede trouw van de gecedeerde schuldenaar (art. 1691, tweede lid B.W.), (noot onder Cass. 5 oktober 2012)",VABB-1,1337,1341,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371884,,De integratie van Engels in Vlaamse jongerentaal kwantitatief en kwalitatief bekeken: das wel nice! :p,VABB-1,2,34,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371885,,Nieuwe regels voor orgaantransplantatie : een kritische analyse,VABB-1,269,304,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371886,,De aansprakelijkheid van een (oog)arts voor de fout van een anesthesist-hulppersoon,VABB-1,321,329,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371887,,Naar een grondige hervorming van de inkomstenbelastingen?,VABB-1,5,17,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371889,,Non-representational cognitive science and realism,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371898,,The impact of the EU generalized system of preferences on exports and GSP utilization by Asian and Latin American countries,VABB-1,80,97,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371900,,Metaheuristics for the multimodal optimization of hazmat transports,VABB-4,163,181,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:371901,,Sustainable chemical logistics,VABB-4,161,180,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371905,,Feiten en fictie : taalvariatie in Vlaamse televisiereeksen vroeger en nu,VABB-1,35,64,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:371906,,Public diplomacy,VABB-4,436,452,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371907,,A network-consistent time-dependent travel time layer for routing optimization problems,VABB-1,395,413,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371909,,Sketch this : extended mind and consciousness extension,VABB-1,41,50,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371911,,"Towards a solution for performance related confounds : frontal, striatal and parietal activation during a continuous spatiotemporal working memory manipulation task",VABB-1,85,90,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371912,,A rationale for the relation between the citer h-index and the classical h-index of a researcher,VABB-1,873,876,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371913,,Individual firm and market dynamics of CSR activities,VABB-1,169,182,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371914,,Fight or freeze? : individual differences in investors' motivational systems and trading in experimental asset markets,VABB-1,195,209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371915,,"Institutional plasticity and path dependence in seaports : interactions between institutions, port governance reforms and port authority routines",VABB-1,26,35,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371916,,HIV-1 subtype distribution and its demographic determinants in newly diagnosed patients in Europe suggest highly compartmentalized epidemics,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371917,,Factors affecting auditory performance of postlinguistically deaf adults using cochlear implants : an update with 2251 patients,VABB-1,36,47,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371919,,Geographical agglomeration of Indian and Chinese multinationals in Europe : a comparative analysis,VABB-1,385,408,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:371923,,"Political spaces, dimensionality decline and party competition",VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371925,,Dynamics and interactions of blog-based science communication : a case study of blogging activities in China related to 2011 Japanese seismic and nuclear power crisis,VABB-1,33,51,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371927,,Using game theory to improve safety within chemical industrial parks,VABB-2,,,121 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371929,,"Facilitating learning in the 21st century : leading through technology, diversity and authenticity",VABB-3,,,163 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371931,,Estimating the economics Nobel Prize laureates' achievement from their fame,VABB-1,884,888,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371932,,Ecological and spatial factors drive intra- and interspecific variation in exposure of subarctic predatory bird nestlings to persistent organic pollutants,VABB-1,25,33,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371935,,Peripatetic considerations on research challenges in CALL,VABB-4,272,279,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371937,,Translation and conversion as interconnected 'modes' : a multidisciplinary approach to the study of ethnicity and nationalism in Iberian cultures,VABB-4,109,125,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371939,,The last judgement in medieval preaching,VABB-3,,,185 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371940,,The last judgement in Middle Dutch sermons on the sunday gospel,VABB-4,43,65,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371942,,"Forever ""alone, inside, together""? Isolation á deux in the work of Rebecca Brown",VABB-1,49,63,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:371947,,How Europe shapes the nature of the Belgian Federation : differentiated EU impact triggers both co-operation and decentralization,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371949,,Team learning beliefs and behaviours in response teams,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371951,,Bodies with(out) memories : strategies of re-enactment in contemporary dance,VABB-4,135,152,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371952,,Negotiating the return of the diamond sector and its Jews : the Belgian government during the Second World War and the immediate post-war period,VABB-4,213,240,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371954,,Learning interpretations using sequence classification,VABB-5,220,223,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371955,,Exploring media use among migrant families in Europe : theoretical foundations and reflections,VABB-1,13,31,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371966,,"Serait-ce un conditionnel de conjecture? Datation, évolution et mise en relation des deux conditionnels à valeur évidentielle",VABB-1,183,200,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:371968,,Political extremism,VABB-3,,,4 v.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371970,,Populism in Europe and the Americas : threat or corrective for democracy?,VABB-3,,,257 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:371971,,Can outsiders help? Hungary's illiberal turn,VABB-1,147,155,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:371972,,The comparative study of party-based Euroscepticism : the Sussex versus the North Carolina School,VABB-1,193,202,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:371973,,Drie decennia populistisch radical-rechtse politiek in West-Europa : so what?,VABB-1,221,238,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:371974,,Populism and (liberal) democracy : a framework for analysis,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:371975,,Populism : corrective and threat to democracy,VABB-4,205,222,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:371980,,Editorial introduction,VABB-4,3,8,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:371981,,Do cultural dimensions predict prevalence of fatal work injuries in Europe?,VABB-1,76,80,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:371982,,Conclusions and recommendations,VABB-4,273,276,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:371983,,"Between dream and reality... on anti-poverty policy, minimum income protection and the European social model",VABB-4,173,204,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:371984,,Reporting about Catalonia in Belgian newspapers,VABB-1,121,128,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371990,,Engineering risk management,VABB-2,,,284 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371993,,"Financial reporting, disclosure and corporate governance",VABB-4,290,307,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:371998,,Het gewijzigd juridisch kader voor financiële zekerheden (met inbegrip van netting),VABB-1,1522,1534,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372005,,Asking for help : a relational perspective on help seeking in the workplace.,VABB-1,259,279,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372006,,"The impact of personality, goal orientation and self-efficacy on participation of high school teachers in learning activities in the workplace",VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372009,,"Onwaardigheid, plaatsvervulling en huwelijksvoordelen",VABB-1,14,53,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372010,,Het gewijzigde artikel 124 WLVO : de erfrechtelijke gevolgen van begunstiging bij levensverzekering hertekend,VABB-1,54,81,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372011,,The négraille's testament : translating 'Black-Label',VABB-4,124,140,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372012,,Les défis de l'intervention : programme d'aide internationale et dynamiques de gouvernance locale dans le Kinshasa périurbain,VABB-1,113,133,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372014,,Watching TV fiction in the age of digitization : a study into the viewing practices of engaged TV fiction viewers,VABB-1,177,192,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372017,,Structural antecedents of institutional entrepreneurship in industrial networks : a critical realist explanation,VABB-1,405,420,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372020,,Headquarters-subsidiary interdependencies and the design of performance evaluation and reward systems in multinational enterprises,VABB-1,391,424,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372022,,Het woonadres van de zaakvoerder als criterium om het inwonerschap van de éénpersoons-BVBA vast te stellen?,VABB-1,275,282,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372023,,Family meal traditions : comparing reported childhood food habits to current food habits among university students.,VABB-1,64,70,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372031,,"Evaluatie van het onderwijspersoneel : beleid en praktijk in het Vlaamse secundair onderwijs, centra voor leerlingenbegeleiding en voor volwassenenonderwijs",VABB-2,,,419 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372032,,Performing Butler? Rebecca Brown's literary supplements to Judith Butler's theory of gender performativity,VABB-1,292,307,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372036,,The ecology of EU competition law : a quantitative analysis of rule dynamics and rule stocks,VABB-1,143,159,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372038,,Managerial bonus systems in a differentiated duopoly : a comment,VABB-1,61,70,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372039,,Cross-border merger & acquisition activity and revealed comparative advantage in manufacturing industries,VABB-1,28,57,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372054,,Wat zeggen de vroegste edities over de auteur van Die evangelische peerle?,VABB-1,26,54,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:372056,,Teacher educators' conceptions of learning to teach and related teaching strategies,VABB-4,75,90,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372058,,"Een antipolitieke ""homo politicus"" : de naoorlogse correspondentie van Militärverwaltungschef Eggert Reeder",VABB-1,46,77,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:372060,,Claus et la narratologie exogénétique : la cognition externe (extended mind) et les notes de lecture autour du Chagrin des Belges,VABB-1,93,109,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:372061,,"Modernism, mind, and manuscripts",VABB-4,225,238,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372062,,Notebooks and other manuscripts,VABB-4,417,427,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372065,,Identification of rare copy number variants in high burden schizophrenia families,VABB-1,273,282,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372066,,Theoretical justification of the central area indices and the central interval indices,VABB-1,25,34,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372067,,Measuring co-authors' contribution to an article's visibility,VABB-1,55,67,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372068,,Non-english journals and papers in physics and chemistry : bias in citations?,VABB-1,333,350,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372071,,Bi-objective optimization of the intermodal terminal location problem as a policy-support tool,VABB-1,128,135,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372073,,Le Codex Stabulensis et la recréation du passé à Stavelot-Malmedy à la fin du Xe s. : une étude de la valorisation de sources diplomatiques dans l'hagiographie abbatiale,VABB-1,863,896,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:372076,,**Funktionswandel** in het groepsrecht : de (on)mogelijkheid tot vereenzelviging van groepsvennootschappen,VABB-4,1,22,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372077,,Caveat creditor : wolfijzers en schietgeweren in de Wet Continuïteit Ondernemingen,VABB-1,1331,1337,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372078,,De vennootschapsgroep in de greep van het recht,VABB-3,,,173 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372079,,Do you like what you recognize? The effects of brand placement prominence and movie plot connection on brand attitude as mediated by recognition,VABB-1,35,53,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:372081,,Constitutionele geletterdheid voor de democratische rechtsstaat,VABB-1,1110,1118,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372082,,Ronald Dworkin (1931-2013) en de democratische rechtsstaat,VABB-1,550,553,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372085,,Retirement timing in Europe : the influence of work and life factors,VABB-1,145,151,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372088,,Price competition between subsidized organizations,VABB-1,117,145,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372089,,Default options and social welfare : opt in versus opt out,VABB-1,468,489,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372100,,De aanpassingen van minimuminkomens aan de welvaart? Vaart iedereen even wel,VABB-4,161,179,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372101,,Les adaptations du revenu minimal au bien-être? Pour tous?,VABB-4,165,184,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372102,,Les budgets de reference en tant que mesure de l'efficacité de la protection sociale : également testés sur la population,VABB-4,271,291,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372103,,Ook getest op mensen : referentiebudgetten als maatstaf voor de doeltreffendheid van de sociale bescherming,VABB-4,267,287,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372104,,De doeltreffendheid van de minimuminkomensbescherming in België : wat leren de referentiebudgetten?,VABB-4,89,106,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372106,,"Gender quotas, gender mainstreaming and gender relations in politics",VABB-1,46,62,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372107,,Still TV? On the resilience of an old medium,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372109,,From a bird's eye view? A comparative analysis of governance and network integration among human service organizations,VABB-1,416,431,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372110,,"Molecular and serological markers of **Leishmania donovani** infection in healthy individuals from endemic areas of Bihar, India",VABB-1,548,554,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372111,,"How preferences, information and institutions interactively drive agenda-setting : questions in the Belgian parliament, 1993-2000",VABB-1,390,418,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372112,,Aid tying and donor fragmentation,VABB-1,63,76,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372114,,EEG in silent small vessel disease : sLORETA mapping reveals cortical sources of vascular cognitive impairment no dementia in the default mode network,VABB-1,178,187,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372115,,The construction sector in twenty european countries during the recession 2008-2009-country ranking by MULTIMOORA,VABB-1,58,78,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372117,,A quantitative study of the rhyme words in the middle Dutch Arthurian epic,VABB-1,1,33,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372118,,The three dimensions of informetrics : a conceptual view,VABB-1,295,308,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372119,,A layered framework to study collaboration as a form of knowledge sharing and diffusion,VABB-1,651,664,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372120,,Disabilities in Roman antiquity : disparate bodies a capite ad calcem,VABB-3,,,318 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372122,,Speech impairment in Roman antiquity,VABB-4,145,180,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372123,,"Drunkeness, alcoholism and ancient history",VABB-4,73,76,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372125,,Hyperstandardisation in Flanders : extreme enregisterment and its aftermath,VABB-1,331,359,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372134,,Nieuwe wijzigingen bij vereffening van vennootschappen : de wet van 19 maart 2012,VABB-1,1482,1493,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372135,,Fables brisées et jeux de trictrac dans « Printemps » et « Le temps ne passe pas »,VABB-1,17,24,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372136,,The culture of access in early modern courts : conference report,VABB-5,93,97,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372138,,Naar een maatschappelijk verantwoorde rechtshulpverlening : juridische bijstand in België aan een grondige herziening toe?,VABB-1,162,181,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372140,,De vele gezichten van experimentwetgeving,VABB-1,2,15,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372141,,"Breaking up, breaking hearts? Characteristics of the divorce process and well-being after divorce",VABB-1,177,196,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372142,,Living apart together (LAT) and law : exploring legal expectations among LAT individuals in Belgium,VABB-1,357,376,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372144,,Taking stock of monitoring and evaluation systems in the health sector : findings from Rwanda and Uganda,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:372145,,Are extreme returns priced in the stock market? European evidence,VABB-1,3401,3411,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372146,,"To enforce or not to enforce? Judicialization, venue shopping, and global regulatory harmonization",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372147,,On media and science in late modern societies,VABB-4,154,181,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372149,,Op weg naar een imperium? Hoe de eurocrisis de Europese Unie verandert,VABB-1,81,99,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372171,,"The urban photography summer school at Goldsmiths, University of London : a discussion and photo essay on urban rhythm",VABB-1,176,190,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372176,,Integration of HIV care into primary care in South Africa : effect on survival of patients needing antiretroviral treatment,VABB-1,94,100,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372180,,"A history of tobacco production and marketing in Malawi, 1890-2005",VABB-1,691,712,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372182,,"A comparative value chain analysis of smallholder burley tobacco production in Malawi, 2003/4 and 2009/10",VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372184,,Over het toepassingsgebied van het herkomstlandbeginsel in het spanningsveld tussen het vrij verkeer en het IPR,VABB-1,410,419,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372185,,Keizerlijk Vlaanderen : streekliteratuur in Rijks-Vlaanderen en de casus van de Karelepiek,VABB-1,91,111,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372187,,Local knowledge brokerage for data-driven policy and practice in education,VABB-1,185,199,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372189,,Biomarkers of human exposure to personal care products : results from the Flemish Environment and Health Study (FLEHS 20072011),VABB-1,102,110,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372190,,Controlling false discovery rates in factorial experiments with between-subjects and within-subjects tests,VABB-1,204,208,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372191,,Nuns' literacies in medieval Europe : the Hull dialogue,VABB-3,,,370 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372193,,Nuns' literacy in sixteenth-century convent sermons from the cistercian abbey of Ter Kameren,VABB-4,293,312,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372198,,Fiscale aspecten van gemeentelijke verzelfstandiging,VABB-4,289,349,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372201,,Paroles de salauds : Max Aue et cie,VABB-3,,,157 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372202,,Brèves remarques sur le droit à l'indifférence,VABB-4,49,58,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372204,,Marqueurs temporales et modaux en usage,VABB-3,,,435 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372205,,The right to development in international human rights law : a call for its dissolution,VABB-1,187,209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372207,,Het optreden van inwoners namens de gemeente (noot onder Vz. Rb. Kortrijk 3 juni 2010),VABB-1,87,92,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372208,,"Bilaterale socialezekerheidsovereenkomsten zijn geen tewerkstellingsovereen­komsten (noot onder RvS 5 november 2012, nr. 221.259)",VABB-1,169,173,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372209,,Het Antwerps retributiereglement voor nieuwkomers van vreemde origine : een juridische analyse vanuit het migratierecht,VABB-1,118,141,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372210,,Introduction : Ambassadors of the book : the conference theme and its background,VABB-4,11,14,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372212,,Bibliophiles as intermediaries : the case of the Antwerp book collector Jean Baptiste Lauwers (1755-1829),VABB-1,193,200,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372216,,Church-state regimes and their impact on the institutionalization of islamic organizations in Western Europe : a comparative analysis,VABB-1,61,76,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372220,,"Semantic maps, for synchronic and diachronic typology",VABB-4,153,176,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372223,,Ex libris W. Dijkstra : de Boonverzameling van de Burgemeester,VABB-1,85,94,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372224,,Inleiding,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372225,,De organisatievormen,VABB-4,5,20,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372226,,Goederenrecht,VABB-4,259,287,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372231,,"""If I have nothing to eat, I get angry and push the pills bottle away from me"" : a qualitative study of patient determinants of adherence to antiretroviral therapy in the Democratic Republic of Congo",VABB-1,1271,1277,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372232,,Integrating HIV care into primary care services : quantifying progress of an intervention in South Africa,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372234,,Composing fifth species counterpoint music with a variable neighborhood search algorithm,VABB-1,6427,6437,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372236,,Keystroke logging in writing research : using inputlog to analyze and visualize writing processess,VABB-1,358,392,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372239,,A label for peer-reviewed books,VABB-1,428,430,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372240,,Positioning the normalized systems theory in a design theory framework,VABB-5,43,63,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372241,,Understanding entropy generation during the execution of business process instantiations : an illustration from cost accounting,VABB-5,103,117,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372243,,Nursing home residents' media use from a life course perspective,VABB-1,35,50,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372245,,Back to basics : politiek filosofische overwegingen over democratie en radicalisme,VABB-1,17,25,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372250,,Bio-objects and the media : the role of communication in bio-objectification processes,VABB-1,301,305,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372251,,Visual sociology reframed,VABB-4,191,223,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372252,,Hospitalization costs of TAVI in one Belgian university hospital,VABB-1,263,270,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372253,,Wind farm struggles in Flanders fields : a sociological perspective,VABB-1,321,328,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372255,,Founding angels as an emerging subtype of the angel investment model in high-tech business,VABB-1,261,282,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372260,,Veel volk verwacht : populaire muziekcultuur in Vlaams-Brabant sinds 1800,VABB-2,,,365 p.,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372262,,Commonly used e-commerce supply chains for fast moving consumer goods : comparison and suggestions for improvement,VABB-1,243,256,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372263,,Studeren met een leefloon : regelgeving en praktijk,VABB-1,298,315,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372264,,Public apology between ritual and regret : symbolic excuses on false pretences or true reconciliation out of sincere regret,VABB-2,,,267 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372265,,When sorry seems to be the hardest word : an apology with a legal disclaimer,VABB-4,9,25,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372268,,Play buddies or space invaders? Players' attitudes towards in-game advertising,VABB-1,204,218,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372269,,"Singlemedium- versus multimediacampagnes : invloed op impliciet versus expliciet geheugen, merkattitude en aankoopintentie",VABB-1,104,121,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:372270,,Nieuwe sleutel verdeling van middelen Bijzondere Onderzoeksfonds,VABB-1,56,61,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372271,,Modeling change in learning strategies throughout higher education : a multi-indicator latent growth perspective,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372272,,Gravital : natural language processing for computer graphics,VABB-4,81,97,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372273,,Explanation in computational stylometry,VABB-4,451,462,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372277,,Implicit schemata and categories in memory-based language processing,VABB-1,309,328,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372278,,"Meritocracy, deficit thinking and the invisibility of the system",VABB-1,796,819,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:372281,,Le droit constitutionnel en contexte,VABB-1,149,156,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372282,,"Het vetrouwensbeginsel versus het legaliteitsbeginsel : het kalf is verdronken, maar wanneer dempt men de put? (noot onder Cass. 15 februari 2013)",VABB-1,50,55,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372283,,"Before the law stands a doorkeeper : to this doorkeeper comes a man... : Kafka, Narrative and the law",VABB-1,175,194,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372286,,Developing country vulnerability in light of the global financial crisis : shock therapy?,VABB-1,61,83,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372287,,An archaeology of mediterranean diplomacy : the evidence of paradiplomacy,VABB-1,147,158,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372288,,Belgian nuclear power life extension and fuss about nuclear rents,VABB-1,91,97,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372289,,Three-level equivalent-estimation split-plot designs based on subset and supplementary difference set designs,VABB-1,1153,1165,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372290,,Measuring integrated socioemotional guidance at school : factor structure and reliability of the socioemotional guidance questionnaire (SEG-Q),VABB-1,159,177,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372291,,Singularist semirealism,VABB-1,371,394,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:372293,,A cross-cultural study of environmental values and their effect on the environmental behavior of children,VABB-1,551,583,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372294,,When to make proprietary software open source,VABB-1,1182,1194,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372295,,'Don't waste a crisis' : opening up the city yet again for neoliberal experimentation,VABB-1,1075,1082,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372298,,From the street to the screen : characteristics of protest events as determinants of television news coverage,VABB-1,83,105,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372299,,Self-directed career attitude and retirement intentions,VABB-1,155,172,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372300,,The h-bubble,VABB-1,294,300,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372301,,A mathematical characterization of the Hirsch-index by means of minimal increments,VABB-1,388,393,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372302,,The student as a commentator : students' comments in student evaluations of teaching,VABB-5,1122,1133,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:372303,,A sonar system using a sparse broadband 3D array for robotic applications,VABB-5,3225,3230,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:372309,,At a snail's pace : on the limited Europeanization of domestic consultation practices,VABB-1,763,781,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372311,,Slow steaming in container liner shipping : is there any impact on fuel surcharge practices?,VABB-1,73,86,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372312,,Advancing shipping and seaports in a changing global economic landscape,VABB-1,367,372,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372313,,Vertrouwde paden en nieuwe wegen : stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften,VABB-1,71,92,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372315,,Introduction : the handbook of transport studies,VABB-4,3,13,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372316,,Maritime transport and seaports,VABB-4,83,101,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372317,,Transport markets,VABB-4,211,225,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372318,,Transport policy instruments,VABB-4,281,292,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372331,,"Niet schuldig, wel verantwoordelijk : de toerekenbaarheid van inbreuken op het mededingingsrecht binnen groepen",VABB-4,23,75,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372336,,Attracted to education : images of education when entering the teaching profession,VABB-1,37,51,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372337,,The noseleaf of **Rhinolophus formosae** focuses the Frequency Modulated (FM) component of the calls,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372338,,"Frankenstein romancier : Littell, Haenel, Binet",VABB-1,27,37,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372339,,Lire contre,VABB-4,7,15,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372340,,Quand le nazi parle contre lui-même,VABB-4,81,92,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372341,,Le narrateur SS a-t-il lu Sade?,VABB-4,103,113,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372343,,"Thomas Hobbes over de stilte van de wet : vertrouwen en de ethiek van ""Tax Compliance""",VABB-1,549,555,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372344,,Het miraculeuze lichaam : lichaamsvertogen in zeventiende-eeuwse genezingsmirakelen uit de Zuidelijke Nederlanden,VABB-1,249,294,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372347,,Public diplomacy in flux : introducing the domestic dimension,VABB-1,359,367,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372348,,Opening the windows on diplomacy : a comparison of the domestic dimension of public diplomacy in Canada and Australia,VABB-1,395,420,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372349,,The impact of intermestic non-state actors on the conceptual framework of public diplomacy,VABB-1,441,458,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372354,,How universal are the nature and process of strategy?,VABB-1,120,230,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372355,,Introduction to the Special issue in honor of Arndt Sorge,VABB-1,120,123,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372356,,"Rappelez-leur, pour mieux les persuader : French political legitimation and historical discourse in Belgium (1792-1799)",VABB-4,221,244,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372357,,The precautionary principle in conflicts-law perspectives,VABB-4,3,40,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372358,,Metaphors in modern and contemporary philosophy,VABB-3,,,300 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372359,,Metaphors in philosophy and the philosophy of metaphor,VABB-4,37,52,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372360,,Philosophy in its metaphorical guises : an introduction,VABB-4,7,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372364,,A review of guidelines for collaboration in substance misuse management,VABB-1,445,447,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372374,,Luchtvaartlogistiek : grote bewegingen in markt en onderzoek,VABB-1,1,12,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372375,,"De strategie van luchtvrachtmaatschappijen : indicatoren, clusteranalyse en typologieën",VABB-1,29,44,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372376,,Freight transport modelling,VABB-3,,,497 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372377,,Recent developments in freight transport modelling,VABB-4,3,13,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372378,,The relationship between economic activity and freight transport,VABB-4,17,43,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372382,,Sound and soul : an introduction to seventeenth-century musical and literary life in Brussels,VABB-4,257,276,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372383,,De opkomst van de nieuwe vrijwilliger : een longitudinale analyse bij Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen,VABB-1,149,170,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372385,,Gescheiden en dan? Herpartneren in Vlaanderen anno 2010,VABB-1,1,66,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372386,,Eenzaamheid over de generaties heen? Eenzaamheid van kinderen na de scheiding van hun ouders,VABB-1,1,21,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372387,,Partnereffecten op de arbeidsmarktparticipatie van gescheiden vrouwen,VABB-1,1,22,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372388,,De opvoeding door gescheiden ouders en het welbevinden van het kind : wat is van tel?,VABB-1,1,29,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372395,,L'évolution des usages du conditionnel en français,VABB-1,29,36,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:372397,,Accountability van de federale en Vlaamse Energieregulator of toezicht op de toezichthouders na het derde energiepakket,VABB-1,77,99,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372398,,"The Low Countries, 1000-1750",VABB-4,199,223,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372399,,Modal auxiliaries and tense : the case of Dutch,VABB-4,73,97,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372400,,Filosofische kruimels & Johannes Climacus of De omnibus dubitandum est,VABB-3,,,240 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372401,,Communication skills for foreign and mobile medical professionals,VABB-2,,,145 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372402,,"Kafka, modernism, and literary theory",VABB-4,75,86,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372403,,Hot or not : the effects of exogenous testosterone on female attractiveness to male conspecifics in the budgerigar,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372405,,Understanding Uganda's 2011 elections,VABB-1,471,568,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372406,,The European Union's emerging international identity : views from the global arena,VABB-3,,,260 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372409,,Name me your friends and I will tell you who you are : the Union and the member states in the global arena,VABB-4,239,256,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372411,,The emerging international identity of the European Union : some preliminary observations,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372416,,"Noot bij : HvJEU 26 februari 2013, zaak C-399/11, Stefano Melloni v. Ministerio Fiscal",VABB-1,293,304,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372417,,"Noot bij : HvJEU 26 februari 2013, zaak C-617/10, Akerberg Fransson",VABB-1,305,317,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372418,,"The strategic value of pronominal choice : exclusive and inclusive ""we"" in political panel debates",VABB-1,361,383,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372421,,How linguistically divided media represent linguistically divisive issues : Belgian political TV-debates on Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde in regional and federal studies,VABB-1,311,330,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372422,,De luchthavenkeuze voor vrachtvervoer met vrachtvliegtuigen : lessen uit interviews met luchtvaartmaatschappijen,VABB-1,13,28,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372423,,"De relatie tussen persoonlijkheid, motivatie en het informeel werkplekleren van Vlaamse leerkrachten secundair onderwijs",VABB-1,49,64,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:372426,,"Toelaatbaarheid van presentaties bij overheidsopdrachten (RvS 9 februari 2012, nr. 217.840)",VABB-1,120,127,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372429,,De bescherming van culturele goederen tijdens en na gewapende conflicten,VABB-2,,,160 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372430,,"Genderquota als een kieshervorming : terug naar de context, actoren en belangen",VABB-1,287,301,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372432,,"Neural representations not needed : no more pleas, please",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372433,,Transatlantic perspectives on administrative law,VABB-1,161,166,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372434,,"Smart transport networks : market structure, sustainability and decision making",VABB-3,,,276 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372437,,Waardenplanning mortis causa,VABB-1,3,9,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372446,,Individual and institutional push and pull factors as predictors of retirement timing in Europe : a multilevel analysis,VABB-1,299,307,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372447,,Lost in mainstreaming? Ethnic minority audiences for public and private television broadcasting,VABB-4,82,100,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372448,,The mirror effect : Spanish and Belgian press coverage of political conflicts in Flanders and Catalonia,VABB-1,1622,1640,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372449,,"Free to fall : why all organizations will always (have to) fail, ultimately",VABB-2,,,192 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372450,,Joining the pack or going solo? A dynamic theory of new firm positioning,VABB-1,511,527,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372451,,"Policy agendas, and births and deaths of political parties",VABB-1,381,407,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372452,,Organizational change,VABB-4,556,588,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372454,,"The emblazoned kingdom ablaze : heraldic iconoclasm and armorial recovery during the French Wars of Religion, 1588-95",VABB-1,323,350,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372456,,Der profane Raum des Tagebuchs : kulturelles Gedächtnis in Victor Klem­perers autobiographischen Notizen,VABB-1,29,42,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:372462,,Sociale media en oude routines : user-generated content in het Vlaamse televisienieuws over de Arabische Lente,VABB-1,268,282,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:372464,,European host countries : Belgium,VABB-4,29,44,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372465,,Overzicht van rechtspraak : giften (1999-2011),VABB-1,175,946,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372468,,"The impact of different distributions of power on access rights to the common wastelands : the Campine, Brecklands and Geest compared",VABB-1,517,542,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372469,,Stylometry and the complex authorship in Hildegard of Bingen's œuvre,VABB-5,255,258,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372471,,"Collaborative authorship : Conrad, Ford and Rolling Delta",VABB-4,368,371,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372473,,"Metaphor, image and hypothesis",VABB-4,19,33,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372474,,Schopenhauer's antinomy of cognition and his conception of a metaphysical language,VABB-4,167,185,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372475,,Do Vietnamese state-owned firms face finance constraints?,VABB-5,123,141,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372479,,"Political ideology, quality at entry and the success of economic reform programs",VABB-1,447,476,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372482,,Explaining with mechanisms and its impact on organisational diagnosis,VABB-5,58,72,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372483,,Identifying combinatorial effects in requirements engineering,VABB-5,88,102,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372484,,Founding angels as an emerging subtype of the angel investment model in high-tech areas,VABB-1,37,45,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372487,,"Human impersonal pronouns in English, Dutch and German",VABB-1,27,64,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372488,,Kijken naar naakte lichamen op scène,VABB-1,95,112,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372490,,De verzekeringsrechtelijke bescherming van art. 57 WLVO bij overdracht van een onroerend goed : aandachtspunten en valkuilen (noot onder Cass. 1 februari 2013),VABB-1,117,120,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372491,,"Real inequality in the early modern Low Countries : the city of 's-Hertogenbosch, 1500-1660",VABB-1,733,756,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372494,,New product introduction and capacity investment by incumbents : effects of size on strategy,VABB-1,133,142,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372497,,After the Nicaraguan non-payment crisis : alternatives to microfinance narcissism,VABB-1,861,885,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372498,,Is the neighbour's grass greener? Comparing family support in Lithuania and four other new member states,VABB-1,315,331,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372499,,Perceptual experience and seeing that p,VABB-1,1735,1751,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372501,,"Traffic externalities in cities : the economics of speed bumps, low emission zones and city bypasses",VABB-1,53,70,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372502,,An impulse control approach to dike height optimization,VABB-1,458,477,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372503,,A new graphical tool for copula selection,VABB-1,471,493,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372504,,Long term implications of drug policy shifts : anticipating and non-anticipating consumers,VABB-1,105,115,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372505,,Multi-objective economic evaluation of the European Union member states as opposed to credit rating agencies opinions?,VABB-1,102,124,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372507,,A research platform using active local cooling directed at minimizing the blood flow in human fingers,VABB-5,81,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372509,,"Group size, h-index, and efficiency in publishing in top journals explain expert panel assessments of research group quality and productivity",VABB-1,224,236,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372510,,Het nieuwe BOF-besluit en de implicaties ervan voor de universitaire onderzoeksfinanciering en -beleidsvoering,VABB-1,55,67,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372511,,"Het recht van de patiënt op informatie over de financiële gevolgen van een medische tussenkomst, (noot onder Cass. 19 december 2011)",VABB-1,386,391,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372512,,Liabilities of a physician confronted with child abuse,VABB-1,271,288,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372515,,"Linguistics, the first fifty years ... and a little more",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372516,,Représentations récentes de la shoah dans les cultures francophones,VABB-1,1,7,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372517,,André Schwarz-Bart à Auschwitz et Jérusalem : l'étoile du matin,VABB-1,16,28,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372530,,Samuel Beckett's library,VABB-2,,,311 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372534,,Multiple equilibria and indifference-threshold points in a rational addiction model,VABB-1,507,522,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372535,,Equity in GP and specialist contacts by older persons in Belgium,VABB-1,593,602,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372536,,Success semantics : the sequel,VABB-1,151,165,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372538,,"What does the Chinese market need? An empirical study of the determinants of Chinese imports, 1996-2008",VABB-1,402,420,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372539,,The gift of Rubens : rethinking the concept of gift-giving in Early Modern diplomacy,VABB-1,421,441,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372540,,Foreshadowing tourism : looking for modern and obsolete features - or some missing link - in early modern travel behavior (1675-1750),VABB-1,262,283,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372541,,Flood security in the Medieval and Early Modern North Sea area : a question of entitlement?,VABB-1,209,232,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372542,,The impact of buyer-supplier relationships on supplier innovativeness : an empirical study in cross-border supply networks,VABB-1,580,594,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372543,,From philosophy of science to philosophy of literature (and back) via philosophy of mind : Philip Kitcher's philosophical pendulum,VABB-1,257,264,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372546,,Contrastive multivariate analyses of the Middle Low German Flos unde Blankeflos tradition,VABB-1,171,205,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:372547,,Peripheral challenge by small and medium sized ports (SMPs) in multi-port gateway regions : the case study of northeast of China,VABB-1,55,66,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372548,,Function attributions depend on the explanatory context : a reply to neander and rosenberg's reply to nanay,VABB-1,623,627,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:372551,,An ISA88 phase in IEC 61131-3 code based on the concepts of a normalized flow element,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:372552,,"Easing sanctions on Iran might someday be necessary, but it won't be easy",VABB-1,46,55,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372553,,Application of a multi-plant QRA : a case study investigating the risk impact of the construction of a new plant on an existing chemical plant's risk levels,VABB-1,895,903,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372563,,Life cycle assessment in the construction sector : a review,VABB-1,379,388,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372564,,A novel credit rating migration modeling approach using macroeconomic indicators,VABB-1,654,672,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372565,,Global standards in action : insights from anti-money laundering regulation,VABB-4,344,361,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372569,,International organizations as meta-organizations : the case of the European Union,VABB-1,40,53,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372572,,Reconfiguring visual studies and visual competencies : observations and propositions,VABB-4,223,237,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372573,,De una escena 'primitiva' a otra : la escritura y la cuestión de la singularidad en Maurice Blanchot,VABB-1,75,101,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:372574,,Trace and resemblance in the face of the other : on the problem of metaphor in Levinas' philosophy,VABB-4,243,258,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372575,,Economic growth and income mobility in the sixteenth-century Low Countries,VABB-1,1,41,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372584,,An account of English tense and aspect in cognitive grammar,VABB-4,210,235,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372589,,Towards an engineering-based research approach for enterprise architecture : lessons learned from normalized systems theory,VABB-5,58,72,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372598,,Voedselhulp als bron van integratie en activering,VABB-4,289,304,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372605,,Het gedwongen huwelijk van de werknemers (of de RSZ) met de WCO : een eerste overzicht van rechtspraak (2009-2011),VABB-1,105,112,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372606,,Van artikel 61 WCO naar CAO nr. 102 : anders en beter?,VABB-1,90,102,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372615,,Donor human rights interventions in the Bas-Congo (DRC),VABB-4,213,234,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372616,,La sociabilité des coeurs : pour une anthropologie du roman sentimental,VABB-2,,,279 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372619,,Setting an agenda for future research into cyber bullying using social network analysis,VABB-4,303,324,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372620,,Vechten voor vrede,VABB-3,,,200 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372621,,Inleiding,VABB-4,7,18,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372622,,HIV-1 subtype is an independent predictor of reverse transcriptase mutation K65R in HIV-1 patients treated with combination antiretroviral therapy including tenofovir,VABB-1,1053,1056,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372623,,Decreasing population selection rates of resistance mutation K65R over time in HIV-1 patients receiving combination therapy including tenofovir,VABB-1,419,423,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:372626,,"The determinants of fuel use in the trucking industry-volume, fleet characteristics and the rebound effect",VABB-1,284,295,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:372627,,"The use of bicycle messengers in the logistics chain, concepts further revised",VABB-5,409,423,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:372628,,Van MAD naar beter : voorbij de nucleaire vrede,VABB-4,163,176,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372629,,Conclusie,VABB-4,191,196,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372632,,"Effect of modafinil on cognitive functions in alcohol dependent patients : a randomized, placebo-controlled trial",VABB-1,998,1006,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372633,,Risky decision-making but not delay discounting improves during inpatient treatment of polysubstance dependent alcoholics,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372634,,Getting our hands dirty (again) : interactive documentaries and the meaning of images in the digital age,VABB-1,259,277,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372636,,Policing opportunities and threats in Europe,VABB-1,811,829,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372637,,The role of macro context for the link between technological and organizational change,VABB-1,793,810,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372638,,De opvoeding door gescheiden ouders en het welbevinden van het kind : wat is van tel?,VABB-4,243,264,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372639,,Ouderlijke opvoedingsstijlen na echtscheiding,VABB-4,309,330,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372640,,Uit elkaar gaan : kenmerken van het echtscheidingsproces en het welzijn van ex-partners na de scheiding,VABB-4,113,134,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372642,,The inflation-hedging ability of real estate evidence in Thailand : 1987-2011,VABB-5,40,49,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372643,,Gold as a hedge against inflation : the Vietnamese case,VABB-5,502,511,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372646,,"Noot onder Hof Van Justitie C-370/12, Pringle",VABB-1,154,157,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372652,,The temporal limitation of judicial decisions : the need for flexibility versus the quest for uniformity,VABB-1,1687,1730,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372656,,De bezitsbescherming van het recht van uitweg en doorgang : doorgehakte knopen terug vastgeknoopt (noot onder GwH 13 oktober 2011),VABB-1,16,23,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372658,,"Restrictions by object and the appreciability test : the Expedia case, a surprising judgment or a simple clarification",VABB-1,457,466,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372660,,Corrección y cognitivismo,VABB-1,201,216,,spa,2012,2 c:vabb:372661,,The interplay between design and copyright protection for industrial products,VABB-1,471,485,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372665,,"Art. 5, 6, 7 en 8 van de wet van 30 juni 1994 betreffende de bescherming van computerprogramma's",VABB-4,1,19,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372670,,Towards the European public prosecutors office (EPPO) : institutional and practical challenges,VABB-1,327,330,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372671,,"Annotatie bij EHJ, 29 januari 2013, Zaak C-396/11 Radu",VABB-1,287,292,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372672,,"Annotatie bij EHJ, 26 februari 2013, Zaak C-399/11 Melloni",VABB-1,390,394,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372673,,"Annotatie bij EHJ, 26 februari 2013, Zaak C-617/10 Fransson",VABB-1,395,399,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372674,,"Sleutelen aan identiteit, verbondenheid en inbedding : een organisatiekundig perspectief op geïntegreerde veiligheidsnetwerken in Belgische Euregio's",VABB-1,245,266,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372675,,Conversaties tussen Belgische en Europese rechtscolleges : van isolement naar communicatie,VABB-1,501,514,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372676,,"Octrooien en embryonale stamcellen (noot onder HvJ C-34/10, Oliver Brüstle/Greenpeace eV)",VABB-1,517,520,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372679,,Burundi,VABB-4,291,300,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372681,,Microfinance et nouvelles gauches en Amérique Latine : un agenda pour la recherche-action,VABB-1,9,20,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372682,,L'issue paradoxale du mouvement social contre la microfinance 'néolibérale' au Nicaragua : une analyse politique,VABB-1,51,68,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372683,,The media as political agenda-setters : journalists perceptions of media power in eight West European countries,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372684,,Studying the tango : an analysis of parliamentary questions and press coverage in the Netherlands,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372685,,Why political parties adapt to the media : exploring the fourth dimension of mediatization,VABB-1,341,358,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372692,,Mapping the West Germanic any's,VABB-4,21,45,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372693,,"Towards a distributional typology of human impersonal pronouns, based on data from European languages",VABB-4,119,158,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372694,,Kinesitherapeuten en acupunctuur : een invasieve relatie,VABB-1,5,18,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372696,,Het al dan niet vermijdbaar karakter van nosocomiale infecties en de impact daarvan op de verbintenissen van de zorgverlener,VABB-1,362,380,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372697,,A new style of end-of-life cases : a patient's right to demand treatment or a physician's right to refuse treatment? The futility debate revisited,VABB-1,167,183,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372700,,Fortresses of books : a bibliometric foray into ranking scholarly publishers,VABB-5,477,487,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372707,,Rita Indiana Hernández,VABB-4,156,159,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372708,,Exil und Exemplarität : Jüdische Wurzellosigkeit als Denkfigur,VABB-4,239,255,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:372711,,Het effect van leerstijlen op het schrijfproces in een online schrijfcentrum,VABB-1,339,350,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372715,,"Time to BRIC it? Internationalization of European family firms in Europe, North America, and the BRIC countries",VABB-1,1466,1471,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372717,,Temporary employment and poverty in the enlarged European Union : an empirical and comparative analysis,VABB-4,190,208,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372718,,L'impact des allocations familiales sur le risque de pauvreté des mères célibataires : la Belgique dans une perspective comparative,VABB-1,337,364,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:372719,,De impact van kinderbijslagen op het armoederisico van alleenstaande moeders : België in vergelijkend perspectief,VABB-1,335,362,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372720,,On the validity of student evaluation of teaching : the state of the art,VABB-1,598,642,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372734,,"Hume, Rousseau en de kwetsbaarheid van vriendschap",VABB-1,431,454,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:372735,,Time limited interests : Belgium report,VABB-4,72,76,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372737,,Juan Gabriel Vásquez,VABB-4,274,279,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:372740,,Wie viel Modalverb braucht der Mensch?,VABB-1,65,91,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:372741,,Chateaubriand et les choses,VABB-3,,,180 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372742,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372743,,"Mes deux rosses, faisant les fringantes...",VABB-4,105,118,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372744,,Handboek uitleveringsrecht,VABB-2,,,413 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372745,,Politieke misdrijven in het internationaal strafrecht (noot onder Cass. 12 februari 2013),VABB-1,320,324,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372747,,Analysis of factors underlying foreign entry strategies of terminal operators in container ports,VABB-1,72,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372750,,A multi-metric approach for research evaluation,VABB-1,3288,3290,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372751,,Year-based h-type indicators,VABB-1,785,797,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372752,,Bupropion for the treatment of seasonal affective disorder,VABB-1,1229,1240,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372753,,District magnitude and home styles of representation in European democracies,VABB-1,986,1006,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372757,,Meeting abstracts : a waste of space?,VABB-1,150,151,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372758,,Payments for ecosystem services and the fatal attraction of win-win solutions,VABB-1,274,279,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372761,,"Sensitization to the mammalian oligosaccharide galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal) : experience in a flemish case series",VABB-1,206,209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372762,,Physical interaction in a dematerialized world,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372763,,"Two time series, their meaning and some applications",VABB-1,603,610,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372764,,Mathematical properties of Q-measures,VABB-1,737,745,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372766,,"Capitalism, institutions and hydraulic conflict in the North Sea (XIIIth-XVIIIth century)",VABB-5,149,171,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:372771,,"Rechterlijke controle op decretale validaties van infrastructuurprojecten (noot onder GwH 22 november 2012, 144/2012)",VABB-1,1,17,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372772,,Onverenigbaarheden tussen het mandaat van lid van een deelstatelijk parlement en een lokaal mandaat,VABB-1,96,105,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372776,,Un Orient proche : les volontés du ciel dans Les Mille et une Nuits,VABB-1,137,152,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372781,,Les adjectifs psychologiques et le marquage évidentiel de l'inférence,VABB-4,43,54,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372785,,'Chevauchés des dieux' : Mambos et Hassides dans l'œuvre schwarz-bartienne,VABB-1,83,99,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:372786,,"""Haar art was befolk, haar gap was groovy"" : die resepsie van Ronelda Kamfer se Noudat slapende honde in Suid-Afrika en die Lae Lande",VABB-4,247,282,,afr,2012,2 c:vabb:372787,,"Morgenster, André Schwarz-Barts laatste roman en pleidooi voor een joods-Antilliaanse dialoog",VABB-1,96,106,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372788,,Pour une littérature-monde : appellation d'origine contrôlée pour une littérature défrancisée au 19e siècle ?,VABB-4,111,129,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372791,,Fire dynamics simulation of multiple ethanol poolfires,VABB-1,3,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372794,,Behoefte aan een (meer) duurzaam HRM,VABB-1,58,85,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372796,,De stem van de journalist : hoe krantenjournalisten nieuwsberichten subjectiveren,VABB-4,37,48,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372798,,Impact of childhood trauma subtypes on psychological symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome,VABB-1,10,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372800,,"The social distribution of land and flood risk along the North Sea Coast : Flanders, Holland and Romney Marsh compared (c. 1200-1750)",VABB-4,141,173,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372801,,The North Sea coastal plains over the last two millennia : landscapes or seascapes? A new collection of essays,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372802,,Landscapes or seascapes? The history of the coastal environment in the North Sea area reconsidered,VABB-3,,,428 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372803,,"The origins of the Western Scheldt : enviornmental transformation, storm surges and human agency in the Flemish coastal plain (1250-1600)",VABB-4,287,312,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372804,,Zelfdoding en strafrecht : het taboe doorbroken,VABB-1,282,303,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372805,,Verloren tijd wordt nooit teruggevonden : een analyse van het healingarrest,VABB-1,391,405,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372807,,The use of illegally obtained evidence in Belgium : a status questionis,VABB-1,63,66,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372810,,Becoming partners in urban development : a case-study research on the strategic roles of Flemish and Dutch public libraries in the future development of cities,VABB-1,650,663,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372813,,"Trugreisen : mögliche Welten und narrative Unzuverlässigkeit in Hans-Ulrich Treichels Der Papst, den ich gekannt habe (2007)",VABB-1,129,138,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:372814,,De l'arbre et de sa forêt : enjeux locaux d'un instrument de gestion dans deux branches de la sécurité sociale belge,VABB-1,135,147,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372818,,"Energy retrofitting in architectural heritage, possible risks due to the missing of a specific legislative and methodological protocol",VABB-5,127,137,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372819,,Effort for money? Farmers' rationale for participation in agri-environment measures with different implementation complexity,VABB-1,110,120,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372820,,A historical perspective on state engagement in informal trade on the Uganda-Congo border,VABB-4,171,195,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372821,,"FuX, an android app that generates counterpoint",VABB-5,48,55,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372822,,Assessing EU simulations : evidence from the Trans-Atlantic EuroSim,VABB-4,157,186,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372825,,Waarheen met de levensbeschouwelijke vakken in Vlaanderen?,VABB-1,103,118,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372827,,'But every man cannot be a surgeon' : Elizabeth Gaskell's many-sided medical practitioners,VABB-1,473,505,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372828,,Boek V van het Belgische Wetboek van economisch recht : de mededinging en de prijsevoluties,VABB-1,430,437,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372829,,"""Ne quid nimis"" : Kierkegaard en de deugd van de matigheid",VABB-1,455,485,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372830,,Boek IV van het Belgische wetboek van economisch recht : bescherming van de mededinging,VABB-1,414,429,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372831,,Goede trouw als (te?) ultieme grens bij een collectieve hospitalisatieverzekering voor bankrekeninghouders (noot onder Brussel 13 mei 2011),VABB-1,860,864,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372832,,"De aansprakelijkheid van de esthetisch chirurg : over inspanningsverbintenissen, informed consent, bewijslast en vereisten voor een deskundigenonderzoek (noot onder Gent 9 februari 2012)",VABB-1,29,36,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372834,,"Communication, media and genetically modified food : a politicized reading",VABB-1,183,199,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372835,,"They don't need me in heaven... there are no cinemas there, you know : cinema culture in Antwerp, Belgium and the empire of Georges Heylen, 1945-75",VABB-4,223,244,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372836,,The internet and sexual identity formation : comparing LGB internet uses before and after coming out,VABB-1,347,365,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372837,,Parliament without government : the Belgian parliament during the long government formation processes of 2007-2011,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372840,,Tracing the origins of the semantic web,VABB-1,2173,2181,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372842,,Kinderbijslagen en armoede : kan de zesde staatshervorming het immobilisme doorbreken?,VABB-1,641,669,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372843,,Allocations familiales et pauvreté : la sixième reforme de l'état peut-elle rompré l'immobilisme?,VABB-1,647,676,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:372846,,On equivalence of fractional factorial designs based on singular value decomposition,VABB-1,1950,1953,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372847,,The construction of the first validated (evidence based) guideline for dual diagnosis of ADHD and SUD; data from focus groups,VABB-1,557,567,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372851,,"Against the clock : time awareness in early modern Antwerp, 1585-1789",VABB-1,213,244,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372852,,Live subtitling with speech recognition : causes and consequences of text reduction,VABB-1,15,46,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372853,,Are Chinese nanoscience citation curves converging towards their American counterparts?,VABB-1,49,56,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372854,,A theoretical framework of organizational change,VABB-1,772,792,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372856,,Procedural rationality : giving teeth to the proportionality analysis,VABB-1,230,262,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372858,,Vlot schrijven : een multidimensioneel perspectief op writing fluency,VABB-1,160,182,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372860,,Unveiling the mystery of combined heat & power (cogeneration),VABB-1,575,582,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372861,,Women among themselves : a discourse analysis of relationship advice in two popular Flemish women's magazines,VABB-4,213,231,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372864,,What's the issue? Remarques partisanes sur les études littéraires dans leur rapport aux études culturelles,VABB-1,271,280,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:372870,,De peripetieën van de tussenkomende partij in de WCO,VABB-1,165,175,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372871,,Rechtspreken en lekenparticipatie : noodzaak of traditie?,VABB-3,,,238 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372872,,Praktijkgerichtheid in de rechtbank van koophandel (19de-20ste eeuw) : een uitgeholde traditie opnieuw ingevuld,VABB-4,143,178,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372874,,Epiloog : de lekenrechter tussen voorgeschiedenis en maatschappelijke nood,VABB-4,225,235,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372876,,Speaking to the eye : sight and insight through text and image (1150-1650),VABB-3,,,320 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372877,,The mediating power of images and texts : the dynamics of sight and insight in medieval and early modern literature and art,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372878,,The appearance of queen reason : construction and pragmatics of the imagery in Vision 9 of Hadewijch,VABB-4,65,94,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372879,,Prelude : Hadewijch and the beguine movement,VABB-4,32,41,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372886,,Economische schade,VABB-1,66,91,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372890,,Normativity and reason-dependence : a comment on the nature of reasons,VABB-1,449,474,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372892,,Raising a disabled child,VABB-4,125,144,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372893,,"Kants Enlightenment ideal and the concerns of the public, i. e. the world at large",VABB-4,877,890,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372895,,De kennismachines van Cornelis Kiliaan : een typografische analyse van drie Nederlandse woordenboeken uit de 16de eeuw,VABB-4,93,121,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372896,,Le berger et ses fantômes : fables en filigrane chez Henri Bosco,VABB-1,251,260,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372898,,"The dark galleries : a museum guide to painted portraits in film noir, gothic melodramas and ghost stories of the 1940s and 1950s",VABB-3,,,120 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372900,,Kafka und das Andere,VABB-4,31,44,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:372901,,Man kann verjuden : Paradoxes of Exemplarity,VABB-4,198,210,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:372902,,"De partnerbescherming na de verschoonbaarverklaring van de gefailleerde handelaar : verleden, heden en toekomst",VABB-1,494,507,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372907,,Entre deux mondes : le déplacement des enfants métis du Ruanda-Urundi colonial vers la Belgique,VABB-1,97,122,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:372910,,Composition n° 1 (Chateaubriand),VABB-1,237,249,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372911,,Fiscaal recht,VABB-4,307,329,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372912,,Toepassingsgebied ratione personae van de Wet Motivering Bestuurshandelingen,VABB-4,17,54,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372913,,"Ette, Ottmar; Müller, Gesine (eds.): Worldwide : archipels de la mondialisation, archipiélagos de la globalización",VABB-1,230,241,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:372925,,Exploring team mental model dynamics during strategic change implementation in professional service organizations : a sensemaking perspective,VABB-1,728,744,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372926,,How salonfähig are online political forums? The curious case of,VABB-4,89,109,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372927,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372930,,"Living with one man, dreaming of the other : the textual representation of men in two popular Flemish women's magazines",VABB-5,35,46,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372932,,The Council Presidency and the European Council towards collective leadership in the EU,VABB-4,111,127,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372939,,Food aid and household food security in a conflict situation : empirical evidence from Northern Uganda,VABB-1,14,22,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372940,,Climate-change adaptation in Ethiopia : to what extent does social protection influence livelihood diversification?,VABB-1,35,56,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372941,,"Social protection and climate change : emerging issues for research, policy and practice",VABB-1,2,18,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372942,,The EU in EU trade policy : from regime shaper to status quo power,VABB-4,20,37,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372945,,Informeel klantcontact : de verschillen tussen topvrouwen en -mannen binnen de consultancy- en accountancysector,VABB-1,132,140,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372946,,Strategic innovation in established companies : an empirical study of appropriate ambidexterity strategies,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372952,,Quality versus quantity : the effects of argumentation in bad news letters,VABB-1,301,331,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372955,,Effects of directness in e-mails and voice mails,VABB-1,362,382,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372957,,Apology between ritual and regret : symbolic excuses on false pretenses or true reconciliation out of sincere regret,VABB-2,,,264 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372958,,Apologies in written messages : what are the effects?,VABB-4,248,264,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372964,,Individual differences in a time discounting task : a fMRI study,VABB-1,65,79,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:372965,,No place to hide : when shame causes proselfs to cooperate,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:372970,,Improving enterprise governance of IT in a major airline : a teaching case,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372976,,How critical is timely product development for the survival of early-stage academic spin-offs?,VABB-5,1,13,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:372977,,Advances in port studies : the contribution of 40 years maritime policy & management,VABB-1,636,653,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372982,,Les grands poissons mangent les petits : multiples aspects d'un conflit autour d'une concession minière au Sud-Kivu,VABB-1,121,141,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:372984,,Should I stay or should I go? An analysis of the determinants of Intra-European student mobility,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372989,,Kind van de rekening : onderzoek naar de doeltreffendheid van de tegemoetkomingen voor kinderen ten laste,VABB-1,593,639,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:372990,,Le dindon de la farce : enquête sur l'efficacité des prestations financières pour les enfants à charge,VABB-1,599,645,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:372994,,De eenzijdige wijziging van de arbeidsvoorwaarden van het contractueel overheidspersoneel : paradoxale rigiditeit,VABB-1,63,80,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:372995,,Using the theory of planned behaviour to understand cyberbullying : the importance of beliefs for developing interventions,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:372996,,Sprache und Gesetz im Messianismus Walter Benjamins und Giorgio Agambens,VABB-4,137,155,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:372998,,"Lost and found : de memoires van Blanche Arral, operazangeres en wereldreizigster (1864-1945)",VABB-1,9,14,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373008,,"Imams in Flanders, Belgium : toward the first Flemish imams",VABB-4,169,185,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373009,,"Het in het verkeer brengen en traceren van (gebrekkige) producten, (noot onder Bergen 7 februari 2013)",VABB-1,85,104,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373010,,QA4MRE 2011-2013 : overview of question answering for machine reading evaluation,VABB-4,303,320,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373012,,Beyond sentence-level semantic role labeling : linking argument structures in discourse,VABB-1,695,721,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:373017,,Formele motivering van bestuurshandelingen,VABB-3,,,569 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373018,,"De Wet Motivering Bestuurshandelingen : een korte, maar revolutionaire wet",VABB-4,3,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373019,,Toepassingsgebied ratione materiae van de Wet Motivering Bestuurshandelingen,VABB-4,55,76,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373020,,Uitzonderingen op de formele motiveringsplicht,VABB-4,77,100,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373021,,Wisselwerking tussen de algemene Wet Motivering Bestuurshandelingen en specifieke regelgeving,VABB-4,101,108,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373022,,Aard van de formele motiveringsplicht,VABB-4,109,128,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373023,,Sancties bij schending van de Wet Motivering Bestuurshandelingen,VABB-4,183,216,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373024,,Statutair overheidspersoneel,VABB-4,479,519,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373025,,Statutair overheidspersoneel,VABB-4,521,536,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373026,,"Zaak C-202/11, Las",VABB-1,504,509,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373027,,Dit is het nieuws van zeven uur met Mohammed : talige variatie in een multi-etnische jongerengroep in Antwerpen,VABB-1,149,163,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373031,,Multiple paths to effective national evaluation societies : evidence from 37 low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,519,544,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373032,,To keep her near : total identification and melancholic incorporation in the oeuvre of Rebecca Brown,VABB-4,89,102,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373033,,Building national M&E systems in the context of changing aid modalities : the underexplored potential of national evaluation societies,VABB-1,47,57,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373034,,Looking back to the ERA conference One year of application of then new package for services of general economic interest,VABB-1,773,777,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373036,,The sound of silence : het zwijgrecht en het nemo tenetur-beginsel in strafzaken : een historisch en rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek,VABB-4,37,72,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373037,,Zwijgrecht versus spreekplicht,VABB-3,,,257 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373038,,The sound of silence : silent ideologies in public services,VABB-4,28,39,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373040,,Stille ideologie in beleid en bestuur,VABB-1,3,12,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373042,,Economic regulation of airports : the case of Brussels Airport Company,VABB-1,27,34,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373043,,A binary tree as a basic model for studying hierarchies using Q-measures,VABB-1,521,528,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373047,,De precontractuele spreekplicht van de verzekeringnemer en de verzekeraar,VABB-4,163,199,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373055,,Decoding encoded (im)politeness : cause on my teasing you can depend,VABB-4,263,288,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373057,,Het handschrift-Van Hulthem in vergelijkend perspectief : over het nummeren van de teksten en het tellen van de verzen,VABB-1,1,28,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373063,,Does the parenting of divorced mothers and fathers affect children's well-being in the same way?,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373064,,Mi smelten mine sinne in minnen oerewoede : reflecties over genre en subjectiviteit in de Liederen van Hadewijch,VABB-1,427,457,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:373066,,Praying in the vernacular : Middle Dutch imitative forms of the divine office from the 1370s to 1520s,VABB-4,133,146,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373067,,Arnhem and the Tauler revival : new evidence concerning a second manuscript from the St. Agnes convent in Arnhem containing Johannes Tauler's Von eym waren Euangelischen leben,VABB-1,55,73,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373071,,Public diplomacys domestic dimension in the European Union,VABB-4,57,84,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373077,,"A European Social Union : why we need it, what it means",VABB-1,221,247,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373081,,(On)controleerbare migratie : beleidsnarratieven en de zoektocht naar de grenzen van de welvaartsstaat,VABB-4,235,251,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373082,,"Impressiemanagement in de persberichtgeving van ondernemingen met betrekking tot hun jaarresultaten : vergelijking van Belgische, Nederlandse en Britse beursgenoteerde ondernemingen",VABB-1,2,28,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373090,,Do as the Romans do in Rome? A pragmatic corporate governance perspective beyond ethical relativism in Asian emerging markets,VABB-4,91,107,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373091,,Managerial wisdom in corporate governance,VABB-4,198,212,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373092,,"Do good, effectively : the (ir)relevance of CSR in organizations",VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373094,,Armoede en sociale uitsluiting : jaarboek 2013,VABB-2,,,448 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373095,,Solidariteit en herverdeling in duet of duel,VABB-4,33,44,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373096,,Over inkomen en rondkomen,VABB-4,47,62,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373097,,Armoede vanuit een dynamisch perspectief,VABB-4,67,84,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373098,,Is er ruimte voor kansengroepen op de arbeidsmarkt?,VABB-4,105,122,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373099,,De impact van de kinderbijslag voor gezinnen in armoede,VABB-4,275,291,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373100,,Armoede en sociale uitsluiting ontcijferd,VABB-4,357,412,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373101,,Should we care about part-time work from a poverty perspective? An analysis of the EU15 countries,VABB-4,169,189,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373102,,Why direct income redistribution matters if we are really concerned with reducing poverty,VABB-1,350,356,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373103,,"Managing multi-mobility and multi-layered identity in China : how ethnic Chinese-Venezuelan returnees cope with Chinese language, culture and identity",VABB-1,511,524,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373104,,The future of religious education on the Flemish school curriculum : a plea for integrative religious education for all,VABB-1,482,498,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373105,,Predicting adolescents' willingness to disclose personal information to a commercial website : testing the applicability of a trust-based model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373107,,Jespersen cycles in Bantu : double and triple negation,VABB-1,205,274,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:373108,,'De drommen der menigte-in-de-vlakte' : Maurice Gilliams en de modernisering van Vlaanderen,VABB-1,459,492,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:373109,,Zwijgrecht en spreekplicht in het vennootschaps- en financieel recht,VABB-4,201,229,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373111,,De KMO in het handelsrecht en het economisch recht,VABB-4,1,53,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373115,,"Rechtspleging door het Europees Hof van Justitie : activistisch, kwaliteitsvol, methodisch zuiver, problematisch?",VABB-1,462,472,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373117,,Judging Europe's judges : the legitimacy of the case law of the European Court of Justice,VABB-3,,,262 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373118,,Introduction : Judging Europe's judges,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373119,,Artistieke ontmoetingsplaatsen in de poëzie van Theodoor Van Ryswyck (1811-1849),VABB-4,93,113,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373120,,Handvest voor Vlaanderen,VABB-1,360,371,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373122,,Stretching the boundaries of narrativity on stage : a narratological analysis of Paula Vogel's 'The Baltimore waltz and hot 'N' throbbing',VABB-1,69,86,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373124,,Regelgeving op maat van KMO's,VABB-3,,,240 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373125,,Dient het vennootschapsrecht de kleine en middelgrote onderneming?,VABB-4,55,117,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373134,,'En' : from a preposition to its associated constructions,VABB-1,21,+,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373136,,Philosophy versus literature? Against the discontinuity thesis,VABB-1,349,360,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373138,,De hervorming van het gerechtelijk arrondissement Brussel,VABB-1,1662,1704,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373140,,Zwijgrecht versus spreekplicht in burgerlijke zaken en in tuchtzaken,VABB-4,1,35,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373145,,Bibliography of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373146,,Handbook of pragmatics [17th installment],VABB-3,,,304 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373147,,Handbook of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373148,,Translation revision : does the revision procedure matter?,VABB-4,87,102,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373150,,Describing facial expressions : much more than meets the eye,VABB-1,187,199,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373151,,Maatschappelijk aanzien van onderwijsvormen : feit of mythe?,VABB-1,42,52,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373155,,Art. 95 WMPC,VABB-4,1,29,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373156,,Art. 96 WMPC,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373157,,Art. 96 WMPC,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373158,,Art. 97/1 WMPC,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373159,,Art. 98 WMPC,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373161,,Mallarmé's crisisgedachte en Ensors tendens tot derealisatie : een verkennend interdisciplinair contact,VABB-1,135,160,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373163,,La libre circulation des personnes à l'intérieur de l'UE et les allocations sociales minimales des Etats membres : en quête d'équilibre,VABB-1,95,119,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:373164,,Vrij verkeer van personen in de EU en de sociale minimumuitkeringen van de lidstaten : op zoek naar een evenwicht,VABB-1,93,119,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373166,,Het IPR als instrument ter versterking van de positie van de gedetacheerde werknemer in het web van het vrije verkeer,VABB-1,699,751,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373171,,Al ongehoorde nieuwigheden : beleving van de Antwerpse stedelijke ruimte in revolutietijd,VABB-4,221,244,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373179,,Misleiding en de consument,VABB-1,97,125,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373180,,Investigating a process approach on business cases : an exploratory case study at Barco,VABB-1,37,53,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373182,,Consumer responses to brands placed in Youtube movies : the effect of prominence and celebrity endorser expertise,VABB-1,287,303,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373184,,Children's responses to traditional versus hybrid advertising : the moderating role of persuasion knowledge,VABB-4,379,390,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373186,,The sweet liberty of the trenches : Capitaine Conan by Roger Vercel and Bertrand Tavernier,VABB-1,302,312,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373193,,International law and the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict : actual problems and challenges,VABB-1,175,190,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373194,,"The famous and new Italian taste : the dissemination of Italian sacred music in the Southern Netherlands, 1675-1755",VABB-1,433,451,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373196,,"Music and the city : musical cultures and urban societies in the Southern Netherlands and beyond, c. 1650-1800",VABB-3,,,186 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373197,,"Music and the city : musical cultures and urban societies in the Southern Netherlands and beyond, c. 1650-1800",VABB-4,7,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373198,,"Music and funeral practices in Antwerp, c. 1650-1750",VABB-4,81,101,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373199,,Fiscaliteit voor KMO's : een lappendeken,VABB-4,119,149,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373201,,Modal uses of the English present progressive,VABB-4,201,220,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373203,,Onrechtmatige daad : milieuaansprakelijkheid,VABB-4,2,121,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373204,,The sacred in the city,VABB-3,,,265 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373209,,Sodome et Gomorrhe et l'emploi du conditionnel,VABB-4,131,159,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:373210,,"Conjonctures congolaises 2012 : politique, secteur minier et gestion des ressources naturelles en RD Congo",VABB-3,,,326 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:373211,,La renaissance spectaculaire du secteur minier en RDC,VABB-4,11,46,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:373212,,Conjonctures congolaises : chroniques et analyses de la RD Congo en 2011,VABB-3,,,264 p.,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:373213,,De regionale overheid : de Vlaamse overheid,VABB-4,161,190,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373217,,A higher form of hermeneutics? The digital humanities in political historiography,VABB-1,164,170,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373220,,Judging and explaining the quality of school self-evaluations : indicators and findings on meta-evaluation from a flemish perspective,VABB-4,275,291,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373229,,Definitieve arbeidsongeschiktheid bekeken vanuit het anti-discriminatierecht : wordt het recht op redelijke aanpassingen voor werknemers met een beperking niet al te zeer beperkt? (noot onder Arbh. Antwerpen 12 mei 2009),VABB-1,1,7,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373232,,Well-being at work in Belgium : a matter of cooperation,VABB-4,67,98,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373236,,"Bijzonder deel, Hfdst. VII : Socialezekerheidsrecht",VABB-4,371,394,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373237,,"De KMO-dimensie van mededingingsregels : uitsluiting, vrijstelling, maatwerk",VABB-4,151,212,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373238,,De substantiële vertegenwoordiging van moslimvrouwen : vertegenwoordigende claims en responsiviteit in het Vlaamse hoofddoekendebat,VABB-1,429,457,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373239,,"Quotas, quotas everywhere : from party regulations to gender quotas for corporate managements boards : another case of contagion",VABB-1,453,466,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373240,,Determinants of self-reported bystander behavior in cyberbullying incidents amongst adolescents,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373247,,Southwestern dialects today,VABB-4,194,211,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373248,,"Habermas, transnational health care and crossculturalism",VABB-4,194,207,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373249,,Towards a model of sustainable health destination management based on health regions,VABB-4,240,255,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373252,,Regression-based decompositions of rank-dependent indicators of socioeconomic inequality of health,VABB-4,227,259,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373253,,Kroniek van het gedrukte boek in België tot 2000,VABB-1,232,275,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373254,,"Genocide, risk and resilience : an interdisciplinary approach",VABB-3,,,258 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373256,,Hidden death : Rwandan postgenocide gacaca justice and its dangerous blind spots,VABB-4,212,230,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373257,,Het verdriet is gans het volk : over Hugo Claus en de Vlaamse beweging,VABB-1,351,373,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373258,,The developmental state at work : agricultural monitors becoming political entrepreneurs,VABB-4,215,248,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373261,,Gezinstransities in de levensloop van mannen en vrouwen,VABB-4,37,72,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373262,,Arbeidstrajecten van vrouwen in de periode rond hun (echt)scheiding,VABB-4,137,156,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373263,,"Scheiden in meervoud : over partners, kinderen en grootouders",VABB-4,11,28,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373264,,Gescheiden en dan? Herpartneren in Vlaanderen anno 2010,VABB-4,29,90,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373265,,Eenzaamheid over generaties heen? Eenzaamheid bij kinderen na de scheiding van hun ouders,VABB-4,143,160,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373266,,Scheiden in meervoud : uitdagingen voor de toekomst,VABB-4,311,332,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373267,,De inkomenspositie en het armoederisico van alleenstaande ouders,VABB-4,93,136,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373268,,Handboek kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethoden,VABB-2,,,563 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373269,,Naar de bron : informatie zoeken en gebruiken in de sociale en humane wetenschappen,VABB-2,,,240 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373270,,"Scheiden in meervoud : over partners, kinderen en grootouders",VABB-2,,,332 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373271,,Political governance in post-genocide Rwanda,VABB-2,,,320 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373272,,Debt stabilization games in the presence of risk premia,VABB-1,2525,2546,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373273,,Privatisering van de exploitatiewinst bij uitbesteding : een noodzakelijk kwaad?,VABB-1,232,251,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373274,,"De bindende kracht van de afspraak tot publiek-publieke samenwerking (noot onder RvS 18 oktober 2012, nr.221.077, Kerkfabriek Sint-Quintinus Guigoven t/Vlaams Gewest",VABB-1,702,706,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373275,,"Integrating human health into wetland management for the Inner Niger Delta, Mali",VABB-1,34,43,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:373278,,Belgium,VABB-4,127,130,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373279,,The influence of ad-evoked feelings on brand evaluations : empirical generalizations from consumer responses to more then 1000 TV commercials,VABB-1,383,394,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373280,,"How does perceived effectiveness affect adults' ethical acceptance of anti-obesity threat appeals to children? When the going gets tough, the audience gets going",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373282,,Marketing communications,VABB-2,,,1000 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373283,,Health versus appearance focus in one- versus two- sided messages discouraging sun tanning,VABB-4,203,212,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373284,,The experience of rupture and the history of memory,VABB-4,315,329,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373285,,Developing different types of anticipated experience positioning for electric cars,VABB-4,233,244,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373286,,An examination of the current usage of probability markers in print advertising : a content analysis,VABB-4,299,312,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373297,,"Over de interactie tussen het IPR en de bepalingen van het vrij verkeer, toegespitst op internationale arbeidsovereenkomsten",VABB-1,643,652,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373302,,A contrastive analysis of the present progressive in French and English,VABB-1,846,879,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373303,,Il parle tout simplement le français : een merkwaardig pleidooi van Guido Gezelle voor het Frans,VABB-1,231,240,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373305,,Leiden meer beheersautonomie en resultaatsturing tot een meer innovatieve cultuur bij publieke organisaties?,VABB-1,535,538,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373306,,"Gravity's rainbow, domination, and freedom",VABB-2,,,258 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373307,,Wie is de ander? De representatie van Japan in het Nederlandse televisieprogramma **Wie is de mol**?,VABB-1,212,230,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373309,,Is the European Court on Human Rights on a slippery slope?,VABB-4,27,36,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373310,,Les rapports entre la Constitution belge et les traités,VABB-1,84,90,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:373311,,De verhouding tussen de Belgische Grondwet en de verdragen,VABB-1,76,83,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373312,,General budget support : has it benefited the health sector?,VABB-1,1440,1451,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373313,,How to invest in belgian shares by MULTIMOORA optimization,VABB-1,940,956,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373314,,The vertical glass ceiling : explaining female politicians' underrepresentation in television news,VABB-1,389,410,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373316,,Multidimensional scaling between acoustic and electric stimuli in cochlear implant users with contralateral hearing,VABB-1,29,36,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373318,,"Quantitative psychomotor dysfunction in schizophrenia : a loss of drive, impaired movement execution or both?",VABB-1,221,227,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373319,,"Towards ""unity in diversity"" in European development aid through donor harmonization and decentralized cooperation? A case study of flanders and belgium",VABB-1,325,342,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373321,,Predictive modeling with big data : is bigger really better?,VABB-1,215,226,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373328,,Van academie tot universiteit : 350 jaar architectuur in Antwerpen,VABB-3,,,255 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373331,,"Beslissingen aangaande de strafuitvoering, een zaak van publieke instanties (noot onder Cass. 28 augustus 2012)",VABB-1,309,318,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373332,,Inleiding,VABB-4,11,15,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373333,,Factors influencing infant and adolescent vaccine uptake in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-4,43,58,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373334,,The analysis of linear economic systems : father Maurice Proton's pioneering works,VABB-3,,,268 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373335,,De regionalisering van de federale huurwetgeving in de zesde staatshervorming : een stand van zaken,VABB-1,584,597,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373338,,Testing the statistical significance of microsimulation results : a plea,VABB-1,50,77,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373340,,Tussen huursubsidie en woonbonus : een verdelingsanalyse voor Vlaanderen,VABB-4,293,307,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373347,,A global social contract to reduce maternal mortality : the human rights arguments and the case of Uganda,VABB-1,129,138,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373351,,Il manifesto degli intellettuali fascisti e l'espansione culturale all'estero,VABB-1,79,95,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:373353,,Gender equality in European Union development policy : incorporating women's voices or confirming hierarchies?,VABB-1,31,45,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373354,,The politics of female households : ladies-in-waiting across early modern Europe,VABB-3,,,421 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373355,,The importance of lab safety courses and lab safety practices in higher education,VABB-1,507,512,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373356,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373357,,Women and the politics of access at the court of Brussels : the infanta Isabella's Camareras mayores (1598-1633),VABB-4,123,145,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:373359,,Acute nicotine improves social decision-making in non-smoking but not in smoking schizophrenia patients,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373360,,De nicotinereceptor als doelwit voor verbetering van de cognitieve symptomen bij schizofrenie,VABB-1,415,425,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373362,,De relatie tussen opvattingen over gender en homoseksualiteit : een casestudy van De Groene Amsterdammer sinds 1911,VABB-1,318,343,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373364,,La responsabilité de l'expert en droit belge : une évidence pas si évidente en pratique ?,VABB-1,1043,1050,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:373367,,Het concept menselijke waardigheid als motor voor de verdere ontwikkeling van recht en rechtspraktijk,VABB-1,534,538,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373369,,Newtopia : de mensenrechten als een te voltooien symfonie,VABB-1,539,543,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373370,,De relativiteitseis bekeken vanuit een aantal spanningsvelden,VABB-1,261,265,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373373,,Should interculturalism replace multiculturalism? A plea for complementariness,VABB-1,605,630,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373375,,Krachtlijnen van een product recall,VABB-1,55,76,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373383,,Experiences from training and supervision in real (video-recorded) suspect interviews in Belgium : pitfalls and opportunities,VABB-1,36,45,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373386,,"Extraterritorial human rights obligations : taking stock, looking forward",VABB-1,804,835,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373387,,Eugen Varga and the calamity of stalinist economics,VABB-1,107,119,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373390,,"In search of Mormon identity : Mormon culture, gospel culture, and an American worldwide church",VABB-1,1,53,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373391,,"De territoriale bevoegdheid met betrekking tot het toezicht en de herroeping van de bestraffingsmodaliteiten van de opschorting en het uitstel, (noot onder Antwerpen 18 september 2013)",VABB-1,476,480,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373393,,"Het geheim van het beraad, het beroepsgeheim van de magistraat en de deling van informatie die onder het beroepsgeheim valt",VABB-1,1257,1263,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373394,,Zwijgrecht en spreekplicht in het licht van het beroepsgeheim en de discretieplicht,VABB-4,73,115,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373395,,Staatsaansprakelijkheid voor fouten van handelsrechters,VABB-1,1099,1120,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373396,,"Het al of niet verbindend karakter van een intentieverklaring (noot onder Hof van Beroep Antwerpen, 17 oktober 2011)",VABB-1,655,662,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373398,,Woord vooraf,VABB-4,5,8,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373402,,Dwaalwegen : recente hypotheses over Hadewijchs biografie,VABB-1,153,194,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373403,,René Felix Lissens als literatuurhistoricus,VABB-1,267,276,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373406,,"Wettigheidscontrole op de aanhouding van een illegale vreemdeling met het oog op verwijdering van het grondgebied, noot onder Cass. 21 december 2011",VABB-1,1139,1142,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373407,,Aanpassing schorsing van de verjaring,VABB-1,1396,1399,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373408,,Nieuwe wetten ter bestrijding van huiselijk geweld : het huisverbod en het spreekrecht voor hulpverleners,VABB-1,1402,1413,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373412,,"Vereiste van objectieve onpartijdigheid van de rechter na beoordeling van een verzoek tot voorlopige invrijheidstelling, noot onder Cass. 12 maart 2013",VABB-1,305,308,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373415,,De taak van de politie bij betekening van verstekvonnissen na het arrest Faniel,VABB-1,46,50,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373422,,De Duivelsdraad aan de Belgisch-Nederlandse grens tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,32,49,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373426,,De Belgisch-Nederlandse grens onder spanning,VABB-1,293,316,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:373428,,Corporate human rights violations and private international law : the hinge function and conductivity of PIL in implementing human rights in civil proceedings in Europa : a facilitating role for PIL or PIL as a complicating factor?,VABB-1,178,207,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:373429,,"De interpretatie van artikel 6 EVO-verdrag : het Hof van Justitie spreekt zich, andermaal, uit",VABB-1,423,426,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373444,,"The struggle against HIV/AIDS : rights, economics, and global responsibility",VABB-4,255,273,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373451,,Klinkt de spraak van een kind met een cochleair implantaat zoals de spraak van een normaal horend kind?,VABB-1,15,24,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373452,,"Gender equality, attitudes to gender equality, and conflict",VABB-4,273,295,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373454,,"Another genealogy : art philosophy, politics and personalism : the case of Edgar De Bruyne",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:373460,,Making a new world : architecture & communities in interwar Europe,VABB-3,,,252 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:373464,,Community as a prism : re-aligning the architectural theory and practice of the interwar period,VABB-4,9,23,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:373465,,Exegesis,VABB-4,24,29,,lat,2012,2 c:vabb:373467,,A Law of inertia : the tower as site and symbol in interwar Flanders,VABB-4,198,211,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:373468,,Tracking traces : reality and illusion at work in the hotel lobby,VABB-4,103,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:373471,,Commentaar bij artikel 1400 BW,VABB-4,1,12,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373473,,Polyglots in Roman Antiquity : writing socio-cultural history based on anecdotes,VABB-1,7,26,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373476,,Een vrije beroeper (architect) is wel een ondernemer maar nog geen handelaar : voor hoelang nog ?,VABB-1,266,272,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373477,,Precontractuele aansprakelijkheid in grensoverschrijdende context : op de wip tussen de Rome I en Rome II-Verordening (noot over IPR),VABB-1,186,190,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373481,,Religie en evolutie : Robert Bellah en Marcel Gauchet over de ontwikkeling van de eerste religie tot en met de periode van de axiale religie,VABB-1,773,792,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:373482,,Commentaar bij art. 1 wet 13 juni 1986,VABB-4,1,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373483,,Commentaar bij art. 1bis wet 13 juni 1986,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373488,,Commentaar bij art. 3bis wet 13 juni 1986,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373489,,Commentaar bij art. 3ter wet 13 juni 1986,VABB-4,1,5,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373493,,Commentaar bij art. 4 wet 13 juni 1986,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373495,,Commentaar bij art. 5 wet 13 juni 1986,VABB-4,1,5,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373496,,Commentaar bij art. 6 wet 13 juni 1986,VABB-4,1,6,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373497,,Commentaar bij art. 7 wet 13 juni 1986,VABB-4,1,5,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373500,,Commentaar bij art. 9 wet 13 juni 1986,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373502,,Commentaar bij art. 10 wet 13 juni 1986,VABB-4,1,11,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373504,,Commentaar bij art. 11 wet 13 juni 1986,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373506,,Commentaar bij art. 13bis wet 13 juni 1986,VABB-4,1,5,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373514,,Evolution of light-like Wilson loops with a self-intersection in loop space,VABB-1,563,567,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373515,,Evaluation of adding item-response theory analysis for evaluation of the European Board of Ophthalmology Diploma examination,VABB-1,573,577,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373516,,"Perceptions of health, health care and community-oriented health interventions in poor urban communities of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373519,,"Federalism, the EU and international law : on the possible (and necessary) role of subsidiarity in legitimate multilevel trade governance",VABB-4,65,82,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:373520,,De evolutie van het Europese internationaal privaatrecht op vlak van consumentenovereenkomsten,VABB-1,237,250,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373529,,"Cuerpos heridos en Rita Indiana Hernández, Rey Emmanuel Andújar y Junot Díaz",VABB-1,395,414,,spa,2013,1 c:vabb:373530,,"Komparative Modalkonstruktionen im Deutschen und Englischen, oder deontische Modalität revisited",VABB-4,279,302,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:373531,,Medics on the Move South Africa : access to medical words,VABB-1,339,352,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373532,,A critical approach to the development of blended medical communication training materials,VABB-1,333,351,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373533,,Reading ability and academic acculturation : the case of South African students entering higher education,VABB-1,353,369,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373534,,Academic acculturation : the case of writing,VABB-1,25,72,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:373537,,Radical right parties : their voters and their electoral competitors,VABB-4,52,74,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373538,,The ebbs and flows of Canada's public diplomacy with a domestic foundation,VABB-1,147,169,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373542,,Competence and governance in strategic collaboration : the differential effect of network structure on the creation of core and noncore technology,VABB-1,784,802,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:373543,,Book history in Belgium : who harbours the harbourless?,VABB-1,95,106,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373546,,Introducing a general burqa ban in the Netherlands,VABB-4,101,126,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373548,,"Noot onder EHRM 16 oktober 2012, nr. 2158/12",VABB-1,695,699,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373551,,De Rus uit Parijs : Dostojevski en de grenzen van de Nederlandse en Vlaamse litertu(u)r(en),VABB-1,201,216,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373552,,Nietes-welles : waarom vertaalwetenschap wel cruciaal is voor de receptiewetenschap,VABB-1,66,72,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373554,,Reference value sensitivity of measures of unfair health inequality,VABB-4,157,192,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373555,,Identifying multiple dimensions of a business case : a systematic literature review,VABB-1,302,314,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373560,,"De DES-slachtoffers en het Belgische aansprakelijkheidsrecht : een confrontatie met verjaring, het foutbegrip, onzekere toekomstige schade en alternatieve causaliteit",VABB-1,140,167,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373564,,De gevolgen van een ingetrokken faillissement,VABB-1,784,788,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373566,,De vennootschapsgroep (en) (in) het insolventierecht,VABB-1,812,822,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373567,,Over verbonden schuldeisers en de gerechtelijke reorganisatie,VABB-1,800,804,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373573,,Towards a responsible agenda for academic literacy development : considerations that will benefit students and society,VABB-1,43,69,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373574,,"Had better, 'd better and better: diachronic and transatlantic variation",VABB-4,119,153,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373575,,"English modality : core, periphery and evidentiality",VABB-3,,,449 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373576,,Semantic classification of Dutch noun-noun compounds : a distributional semantics approach,VABB-1,2,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373578,,Sprach- und Kulturmittlung im Gesundheitsbereich : die Situation in den Niederlanden und Flandern,VABB-1,420,440,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:373580,,Broederschappen in de Nederlanden : een opstap naar verder onderzoek,VABB-1,249,260,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373584,,Het liederenhandschrift Berlijn 190 : Hs. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz Ms. Germ. Oct 190,VABB-3,,,725 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373585,,Ein Prediger in zweifacher Ausführung : die Kollationen des Claus von Euskirchen,VABB-4,421,432,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:373587,,Gielis vander Hecken and his perplexing guide through the labyrinths of christian moral doctrine : an introduction,VABB-1,244,289,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373589,,The normativity of what we care about : a love-based reason theory,VABB-2,,,207 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373590,,The importance of commitment : how Harry Frankfurt's concept of care contributes to rational choice theory,VABB-4,51,72,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373591,,Waar zijn we mee bezig? De toekomst van de humane wetenschappen,VABB-1,194,223,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373593,,Sociale vrijheid : normatief en/of metafysisch?,VABB-1,241,245,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373605,,Vertrouwen en wantrouwen in de Belgische justitie en de rol van krantenberichtgeving,VABB-1,42,60,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373606,,Overheidsopdrachten,VABB-4,395,427,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373613,,Between perception and action,VABB-2,,,209 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373614,,Pointing and representing : three options,VABB-1,99,123,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373615,,Artifact categorization and the modal theory of artifact function,VABB-1,515,526,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373617,,Experiential approaches to creativity,VABB-4,490,495,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373620,,De Salduz-advocaat : zitten en zwijgen?,VABB-1,740,745,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373622,,Emotional and ethical challenges for field research in Africa : the story behind the findings,VABB-3,,,184 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373623,,Position and image of the human sciences course of study within the Flemish secondary education system : effects of an educational reform,VABB-1,110,130,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373624,,Teaching aids for the interactive whiteboard : the trainee teacher as a materials designer,VABB-1,146,165,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373625,,Introduction : why stories behind the findings?,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373627,,Formalizing the informal Rwanda : from artisanal to modern brick and tile ovens,VABB-4,235,253,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373635,,Kan iedere overeenkomst gesloten in strijd met de wetgeving overheidsopdrachten dan toch nietig worden verklaard?,VABB-1,565,570,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373637,,"Prijsregulering in de Belgische gas-, elektriciteits- en warmtesector",VABB-1,261,277,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373640,,Effects of work environment on transfer of training : empirical evidence from Master of Business Administration programs in Vietnam,VABB-1,1,91,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373641,,De luchtvrachtoperaties van integrators : kostenanalyse binnen een specifieke marktniche,VABB-1,74,91,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373643,,"Ik ben je beste vriend, maar ook je ergste vijand : over de lastige vriendschap tussen Louis Paul Boon en Hugo Claus",VABB-1,54,75,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373644,,Ondineke forever,VABB-1,5,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373651,,"Religieuze verbondenheid in een havenwijk : een sociaalgeografisch profiel van de broederschap De Veertiendaagse Berechtiging in de Sint-Paulusparochie in Antwerpen, 1815-1856",VABB-1,319,348,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373653,,Overzicht van cassatierechtspraak in strafuitvoeringszaken (1 januari 2011 31 december 2012),VABB-1,1442,1458,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373654,,"Encore un arrêt de la Cour de cassation sur l'arbitrabilité des litiges relatifs à la résiliation, sous l'empire de la loi du 27 juillet 1961, des concessions de vente exclusive (noot onder Cass. 14 januari 2010)",VABB-1,255,276,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:373657,,The European Commission proposal for a directive on antitrust damages : a first assessment,VABB-1,623,634,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373660,,Geletterdheid in diagrammen in de bètavakken,VABB-1,63,81,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373663,,R&D competition versus R&D cooperation in oligopolistic markets with evolving structure,VABB-1,527,537,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373664,,Labor and love : wives' employment and divorce risk in its socio-political context,VABB-1,482,509,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373665,,The adult as foe or friend? Childism in Guus Kuijer's criticism and fiction,VABB-1,205,217,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:373667,,Emergency psychiatric care for children and adolescents : a literature review,VABB-1,1041,1050,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373668,,Het vernieuwde decreet integraal waterbeleid : sneller en beter?,VABB-1,576,602,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373676,,De meederjarige beschermde personen (deel 2),VABB-1,602,623,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373677,,De meederjarige beschermde personen (deel 1),VABB-1,563,576,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373678,,Er is leven na de dood : persoonlijkheidsrechten na overlijden,VABB-1,1489,1553,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373679,,Meerderjarigenbescherming in de lage landen,VABB-1,336,344,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373684,,Mujeres migrantes andinas en Bruselas : género y colonialidad del poder,VABB-1,31,50,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:373686,,"Ulysses, Ulysses, Ulixes : 'Wat de hel?'",VABB-1,48,51,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:373688,,Het recht van terugkoop en wederovername in het Decreet Ruimtelijke Economie,VABB-1,1602,1613,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373689,,Overzicht van rechtspraak Zakelijke zekerheden (2004-2010),VABB-1,1223,1399,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373690,,"De onderhandse verkoop bij het uitvoerend beslag op onroerende goederen, (noot onder Cass. 6 mei 2011)",VABB-1,1257,1260,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373691,,Bedrog met (internet)gidsen en reclameronselarij (noot onder Voorz. Kh. Hasselt 14 september 2012),VABB-1,1072,1075,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373696,,Crafting the political image: a Belgian case in perception politics,VABB-4,169,187,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373703,,Zaïde ou le désir selon l'autre,VABB-1,521,539,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:373704,,De beïnvloedbare strafrechter : een empirisch onderzoek naar het ankereffect van de strafeis van het openbaar ministerie,VABB-1,1202,1210,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373707,,Reparaties aan het grond- en pandenbeleid : het wijzigingsdecreet van 23 december 2011,VABB-1,842,849,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373710,,De mogelijkheid tot terugvordering van herhuisvestingskosten bij vaststelling van krotverhuur : eindelijk wat meer duidelijkheid? (noot onder Cass. 23 oktober 2012),VABB-1,462,465,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373711,,De (voorlopig?) laatste fase in de optimalisering van de Vlaamse woningkwaliteitsbewaking : het Integratiedecreet van 29 maart 2013,VABB-1,483,494,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373717,,The semantics of determiners,VABB-3,,,320 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373718,,"Buitengewoon ulyssisch : James Joyce, Ulixes",VABB-1,13,16,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:373719,,Solidariteit en herverdeling in structurele armoedebestrijding,VABB-4,175,188,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373728,,De invloed van de toegang tot justitie op de instroom van rechtszaken : een empirische analyse,VABB-1,1163,1174,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373731,,Pseudo-traduction et image d'auteur : le cas Andreï Makine,VABB-1,447,462,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373758,,"Zuiver interne situaties, omgekeerde discriminaties en het fiscaal recht",VABB-1,193,212,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373759,,Onroerende verhuur : meer of minder Europa,VABB-1,130,135,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:373765,,Multiple selves in sustainable consumption : an introduction,VABB-4,3,10,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373766,,I just recycled : can I use the car now? When people continue or discontinue behaving sustainability after an initial sustainable act,VABB-4,71,80,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373768,,Entrepreneurial risk taking of private family firms : the influence of a nonfamily CEO and the moderating effect of CEO tenure,VABB-1,161,179,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373773,,"Fritz Hippler : Filmfunktionär, Regisseur",VABB-4,1,10,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:373775,,"Wounded bodies in the narrative of Rita Indiana Hernandez, King Emmanuel Andujar and Junot Ddiaz",VABB-1,395,414,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373777,,"'The misery of the poor girls ... ' : exploring a case of collective bewitchment in Lier, 1602-03",VABB-1,81,108,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373786,,Winkelhouden in een hoofdstad : de vestigingsplaatsen van Brusselse winkeliers aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,19,37,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373787,,In fide constans? Politiek en herinnering in het Mechelse stadsbestuur,VABB-1,223,246,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373792,,"Een ontdekking die verdween en weer verscheen. Antwerpen, Ruusbroecgenootschap, Hs. Neerl. 37 (olim Exeter, Devon Record Office, Temporary Deposit 330",VABB-1,253,263,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373804,,Het echtscheidingsrisico in België,VABB-1,24,29,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373810,,Dynamic green portfolio analysis for inland ports : an empirical analysis on Western Europe,VABB-1,171,185,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373823,,Multi-objective decison making with a large number of objectives : an application for Europe 2000,VABB-1,67,97,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373835,,Max Elskamp,VABB-4,186,189,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:373839,,Maeterlinck en de ring van Polykrates : een onbegrijpelijk verhaal,VABB-4,31,44,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373843,,De nieuwe Belgische nationaliteitswet en de Nederbelgen,VABB-1,301,304,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373844,,De wijzigende circulaire inzake antimisbruik in de registratie- en successierechten,VABB-1,33,48,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373845,,Naar een nieuwe interpretatie van art. 16 W.Reg.?,VABB-1,10,20,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373846,,"ik opa-testament of verwerping door de ouder?,",VABB-1,406,412,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373847,,Het toepassingsgebied van de nieuwe Vlaamse regeling inzake schenking of vererving van familiale ondernemingen en aandelen in familiale vennootschappen - stand van zaken per 1 april,VABB-1,693,735,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373860,,The changing world of higher education : where do language centres fit in?,VABB-1,355,371,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373861,,Remembering personal heroism in times of democratization : some thoughts about the functionality of Belgian and Swedish diplomatic memoirs,VABB-1,95,103,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:373864,,Child poverty and childrens rights : an uneasy fit?,VABB-1,609,636,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373867,,Thinking ahead of disasters : the role of risk regulation in the European Union,VABB-1,24,55,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373868,,Against the failures of risk regulation : liability and safety in air traffic management (ATM),VABB-1,172,189,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373869,,Governing air traffic management in the single European sky : the search for possible solutions to safety issues,VABB-1,209,228,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373871,,"Liderazgo intercultural : un análisis comparativo de este tema en estudios empíricos , manuales académicos y libros de ele para fines económicos y comerciales",VABB-1,147,163,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:373872,,On German-Jewish thinkers not knowing Hebrew,VABB-1,140,146,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373873,,Aansprakelijkheid bij ziekenvervoer (noot onder Rb. Dendermonde 11 januari 2013),VABB-1,239,247,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:373876,,Media reporting and changes in public opinion after Fukushima nuclear accident : Belgium as case study,VABB-1,291,307,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:373879,,UNESCO and the protection of cultural property during armed conflict,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373885,,"Contemporary conflict, natioalism and the destruction of cultural property during armed conflict",VABB-1,49,65,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:373886,,Consumer choices for nano-food and nano-packaging in France and Germany,VABB-1,73,94,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373890,,Beyond the text : producing cross- and transmedia fiction in Flanders,VABB-1,25,40,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:373896,,To test or not to test : comparing the development of ex ante public service media assessments in Flanders and Norway,VABB-1,31,49,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:373900,,Is active state support for religions and worldviews compatible with the liberal idea of state neutrality? A critical analysis of the Belgian case,VABB-1,478,497,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373907,,A contingency perspective on team learning and innovation in nursing,VABB-1,363,373,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:373909,,When do new issues appear? Punctuations in the Belgian executive agenda,VABB-1,128,150,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:373916,,Signalling minimizing handover parameter optimization algorithm for LTE networks,VABB-1,295,306,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:373958,,Les ressuscitées de l'amour,VABB-1,73,87,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:373959,,De nietigheid van overeenkomsten wegens strijdigheid met de openbare orde of de goede zeden : algemene beginselen en een grondslagenonderzoek,VABB-1,1355,1412,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:373960,,"Mensen doen dingen, steden niet : interview met historicus Jan De Vries",VABB-1,204,213,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:373961,,French opera in print and on stage in seventeenth-century Antwerp,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:373981,,Betoverend Lier : de beleving van het bovennatuurlijke op het einde van de zestiende en het begin van de zeventiende eeuw,VABB-1,320,344,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:373984,,Ethisch investeren in België : een vergelijkende studie van de criteria en de in-house screening,VABB-1,81,134,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:373985,,A neo-Kantian foundation of corporate social responsibility,VABB-1,117,136,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:373986,,Banking crisis : towards a responsible organisation,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:373999,,Understanding the CSR landscape in Belgium,VABB-4,125,147,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374007,,Steden en water in het verleden : tussen symbiose en antagonisme,VABB-1,1,9,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374024,,Herman Deleeck,VABB-1,165,170,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:374025,,The possible success of soft law : Incoterms 2010,VABB-1,506,510,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:374034,,The European directive on electronic signatures,VABB-4,435,495,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:374036,,Privacy and social networks,VABB-1,535,546,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:374037,,Privacy en sociale netwerken,VABB-1,115,128,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374044,,Do sport clubs maximize wins or profits? And does it make any difference?,VABB-4,373,404,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:374048,,China's politics and bilateral trade linkages,VABB-1,25,47,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:374050,,Bedrijfseconomische prestaties in de gesubsidieerde podiumkunsten,VABB-1,390,393,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:374052,,The role of Constitutional Courts in new democracies : the Mexican case,VABB-1,55,84,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:374053,,How international organizations rule the world : the case of the financial action task force on money laundering,VABB-1,50,67,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:374054,,Hebben burgers te veel rechten? Het rapport Berx,VABB-1,577,587,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374056,,Zo comt men ter stadt van Alkayeren : een analyse van de representaties van Cairo in laat vijftiende-eeuwse reisverhalen uit de Nederlanden,VABB-1,1,18,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374057,,Gehouden ende gheacht voor een coopwijf in Antwerpen rond 1600 : een vloek of zegen voor Antwerpse handelsvrouwen en hun handelspartners?,VABB-1,16,21,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:374058,,De stad in al haar facetten : stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2009),VABB-1,113,133,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:374059,,S'ouvrir aux public étrangers : la diplomatie publique Québécoise,VABB-1,137,152,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:374062,,The public diplomacy of federated entities : examining the Québec model,VABB-1,125,150,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:374066,,Temps opératif et temps de traitement : de la pensée aux procès neuronaux ?,VABB-1,e1,e18,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:374069,,Engels als lingua franca? Enkele beschouwingen bij de verengelsing van het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,57,63,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:374070,,Enregistrement et transmission de donations au moyen âge central,VABB-1,165,213,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:374071,,À la recherche d'une méthode : le rapport entre la valorisation des archives et la perception de l'écrit diplomatique dans la composition du cartulaire-chronique bertinien de Folcuin (961-962),VABB-1,7,45,,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:374077,,Informatie en raadpleging op ondernemingsniveau na de omzetting van de Kaderrichtlijn : een (nog groter) juridisch labyrint!,VABB-1,19,55,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374101,,Vita prima Sancti Bernardi Claraevallis Abbatis : liber primus . Libri II-V . Fragmenta Gaufridi,VABB-3,,,342 p.,lat,2011,2 c:vabb:374103,,Jan van Ruusbroec : de mystieke vereniging met God,VABB-2,,,228 p.,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374104,,Jan van Ruusbroec : mystical union with God,VABB-2,,,186 p.,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374127,,Perso ed arso : appuni sulla nordicità pirandelliana anteriore alla stagione teatrale,VABB-1,71,76,,ita,2011,2 c:vabb:374138,,The transforming power of words : approaching Porete's Le miroir des simples ames anienties as a mystagogic text,VABB-4,329,351,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:374147,,Neue Erkenntnisse und Hypothesen über die Germanenstellen bei Caesar und Tacitus,VABB-1,325,362,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:374156,,Verdragsgerechtigdheid van transparante hybride entiteiten,VABB-1,727,743,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374170,,Importance of risk communication during and after a nuclear accident,VABB-1,388,392,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:374171,,Risk communication in nuclear emergency management,VABB-1,217,233,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:374200,,Twee brieven van Jan Hammenecker aan Gerard Walschap,VABB-1,34,44,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374209,,De nieuwe drietalige Opera Omnia van Ruusbroec : een belangrijke bijdrage tot het wetenschappelijke onderzoek van de Spaanse mystiek in de Gouden Eeuw,VABB-4,497,509,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374213,,A penalty-bases edge assembly memetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows,VABB-1,724,737,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374222,,Evaluatie en ontslag van onderwijspersoneel : een casus op de valreep,VABB-1,263,267,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:374248,,"Prométhée, oedipe, Thésée : la quête gidienne de la liberté inscrite dans le mythe",VABB-4,325,334,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:374249,,Carlo Goldoni of Ventië's fluwelen Verlichting,VABB-1,30,38,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374276,,In memoriam Christine D'haen,VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374277,,Treurzang op de Parijs aartsbisschop Affre : een schoolwerk van Guido Gezelle uit 1848,VABB-1,50,55,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374278,,Bibliografie 2006-2010 (met aanvullingen voor 2004-2005),VABB-1,77,92,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374279,,Kroniek 2006-2010,VABB-1,93,96,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374297,,What does the Web of Science five-year synchronous impact factor have to offer?,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374328,,Inleiding,VABB-1,291,296,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374332,,"Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Goede Wil te Duffel, een verhaal als (g)een ander? De impact van het Concilie van Trente op de Zuidelijke Nederlanden in de zeventiende eeuw",VABB-1,345,365,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374334,,A weighted prediction-based selection criterion for response surface designs,VABB-1,719,729,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374338,,L'action en grossesse préjudiciable (wrongful pregnancy) (noot onder Luik 22 januari 2009 en Antwerpen 23 april 2009),VABB-1,217,226,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374371,,"Erfrecht en echtelijke moeilijkheden : iets over artikel 1287, derde lid Ger. W. na de vele recente wetswijzigingen",VABB-1,167,180,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374372,,"De discussie rond artikel 1287, derde lid Ger. W. beslecht!",VABB-1,364,367,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374384,,"Over het eigendomsrecht van medische dossiers, of toch niet?, noot onder Cass. 16 september 2008",VABB-1,230,235,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374398,,"Tussen heks, dief en moordenaar : magie aan de basis in 's-Hertogenbosch, 1589-1598",VABB-1,297,319,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374400,,De houdbaarheid van compenserende uitkeringen in geval van verlies van kostwinner door overlijden (overlevingspensioen) en na echtscheiding (recht op alimentatie) in het adult worker model : incorporatie van nieuwe sociale risicos,VABB-1,683,725,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374401,,Le maintien des prestations compensatoires en cas de perte du soutien de famille par décès (pension de survie) et après divorce (pension alimentaire) dans « ladult worker model » : lintégration des nouveaux risques sociaux,VABB-1,675,715,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:374418,,Self-optimisation of admission control and handover parameters in LTE,VABB-5,?,,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374424,,Minimal important differences for interpreting health-related quality of life scores from the EORTC QLQ-C30 in lung cancer patients participating in randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,1753,1760,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374425,,Examining the relationships among health-related quality-of-life indicators in cancer patients participating in clinical trials : a pooled study of baseline EORTC QLQ-30 data,VABB-1,587,599,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374427,,Cellular HIV-1 DNA levels in drug sensitive strains are equivalent to those in drug resistant strains in newly-diagnosed patients in Europe,VABB-1,"e10976,1","e10976,11",,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374428,,Effect of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease inhibitor therapy and subtype on development of resistance in subtypes B and G,VABB-1,373,379,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374440,,Het Hof van Cassatie en het arrest C-367/05 van het Hof van Justitie: dekt het Belgische begrip eenheid van opzet het begrip dezelfde feiten onder het ne bis in idem-beginsel van artikel 54 SUO,VABB-1,112,120,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374451,,"Why, after all, should we assist burdened societies? Some reflections on John Rawls's **The law of peoples**",VABB-1,577,606,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374454,,The central role of group-based hatred as an emotional antecedent of political intolerance : evidence from Israel,VABB-1,93,123,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374455,,Excluded again : village politics at the aid interface,VABB-1,1453,1471,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374456,,Sources of real exchange rate fluctuations : empirical evidence from nine African countries,VABB-1,66,84,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374465,,Small nations in the global economy : an overview,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374468,,Composing Effective Teams through Team Dating,VABB-1,873,894,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:374469,,Why are policy agendas punctuated? Friction and cascading in parliament and mass media in Belgium,VABB-1,1147,1170,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374470,,Orientations in Central Africa : image of Arabs in equatorial Africa explorateurs by European and Leopold II circa 1880-1900,VABB-1,370,383,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374471,,Transitional justice for Burundi: a long and winding road,VABB-5,393,422,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374473,,Upon revisiting - the veil,VABB-4,12,18,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374475,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,17,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374476,,Introduction: Meaning and use in grammar,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374507,,Thom Mertens et al. (ed.): De Middelnederlandse preek,VABB-1,81,85,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374520,,Wanneer mag een verslag bij beslag inzake namaak gebruikt worden ? noot onder Cass. 1 oktober 2009,VABB-1,399,405,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374521,,Koop versus consumentenkoop: de korte termijn is niet steeds kort !,VABB-1,208,211,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374522,,Over de draagwijdte van het beslag inzake namaak op intellectuele rechten,VABB-1,85,92,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374530,,The Seventeenth century crisis of mysticism in the Society of Jesus: the analysis of Jean-Joseph Surin (1600-1665),VABB-1,268,288,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:374533,,De letter levend maken : opstellen aangeboden aan Guido de Baere bij zijn zeventigste verjaardag,VABB-3,,,689 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374568,,Foreword,VABB-4,12,16,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:374576,,Belgium,VABB-4,624,691,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:374578,,Wühlen in Archiven,VABB-1,54,59,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:374580,,To see or not to see : the polysemy of the word עין in the Isaac Narratives (Gen 17-35),VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374592,,Impact vitality: an indicator based on citing publications in search of excellent scientists,VABB-1,233,241,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374640,,"Role of epigenetics in liver-specific gene transcription, hepatocyte differentiation, and stem cell reprogrammation",VABB-1,187,211,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374641,,In vitro differentiation of embryonic and adult stem cells into hepatocytes: state of the art,VABB-1,577,605,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374646,,Epigenetic regulation of gap junctional intercellular communication: More than a way to keep cells quiet?,VABB-1,53,61,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374647,,Connexin 43 hemichannels contribute to the propagation of apoptotic cell death in a rat C6 glioma cell model.,VABB-1,151,163,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374649,,Seasonal effects on the nasolabial skin condition.,VABB-1,8,14,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374653,,Characterization and hepatic differentiation of skin-derived precursors from adult foreskin by sequential exposure to hepatogenic cytokines and growth factors reflecting liver development,VABB-1,1522,1527,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374656,,"Preservation of hepatocellular functionality in cultures of primary rat hepatocytes upon exposure to 4-Me2N-BAVAH, a hydroxamate-based HDAC-inhibitor",VABB-1,100,109,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374657,,Biochemical characterization of an in vitro model of hepatocellular apoptotic cell death,VABB-1,209,218,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374662,,Ca(2+) regulation of connexin 43 hemichannels in C6 glioma and glial cells,VABB-1,176,187,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374663,,Critical analysis of the SCCNFP/SCCP safety assessment of cosmetic ingredients (2000-2006),VABB-1,898,905,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374664,,"Assessment of stability, toxicity and immunogenicity of new polymeric nanoreactors for use in enzyme replacement therapy of MNGIE",VABB-1,246,254,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374666,,Gap junctional intercellular communication as a target for liver toxicity and carcinogenicity,VABB-1,201,222,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374670,,DNA methyltransferase 3a expression decreases during apoptosis in primary cultures of hepatocytes,VABB-1,445,451,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374673,,Screening of amide analogues of Trichostatin A in cultures of primary rat hepatocytes: search for potent and safe HDAC inhibitors,VABB-1,338,346,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374674,,Chronic administration of valproic acid inhibits activation of mouse hepatic stellate cells in vitro and in vivo,VABB-1,603,614,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374676,,Human health safety evaluation of cosmetics in the EU: A legally imposed challenge to science,VABB-1,260,274,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374677,,Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by toxic metals,VABB-1,1862,1867,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374679,,Connexin channels provide a target to manipulate brain endothelial calcium dynamics and blood brain barrier permeability,VABB-1,1942,1957,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374680,,Pannexin channels in ATP release and beyond: an unexpected rendez-vous at the endoplasmic reticulum,VABB-1,305,316,,ger,2011,1 c:vabb:374681,,Connexins: sensors and regulators of cell cycling,VABB-1,13,25,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374683,,Co-culture of primary rat hepatocytes with rat liver epithelial cells enhances interleukin-6-induced acute-phase protein response,VABB-1,451,457,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374684,,Effect of Trichostatin A on miRNA expression in cultures of primary rat hepatocytes,VABB-1,1173,1182,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374686,,Evaluation of the multipotent character of human foreskin-derived precursors,VABB-1,1191,1202,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374688,,Modulation of connexin signalling by bacterial pathogens and their toxins.,VABB-1,3047,3064,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374690,,Critical selection of reliable reference genes for gene expression study in the HepaRG cell line,VABB-1,1255,1261,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374691,,Characterization of spontaneous cell death in monolayer cultures of primary hepatocytes,VABB-1,1589,1596,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374693,,Evaluation of the multipotent character of human adipose derived stem cells isolated by Ficoll gradient centrifugation and red blood cell lysis treatment,VABB-1,1224,1230,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374695,,Alternative (non-animal) methods for cosmetics testing: current status and future prospects-2010,VABB-1,367,485,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374696,,Polymeric nanoreactors for enzyme replacement therapy by MNGIE.,VABB-1,e19,e20,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374697,,Simple and quick method for whole liver decellularization: a novel in vitro three-dimentional bioengineering tool?,VABB-1,607,612,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374699,,Report from the EPAA workshop: In vitro ADME in safety testing used by EPAA industry sectors.,VABB-1,598,604,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374700,,A review of the implementation of the Embryonic Stem Cell Test (EST) The report and recommendations of an ECVAM/ReProTect Workshop.,VABB-1,313,328,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374720,,Forward Chaining in HALO - An Implementation Strategy for History-based Logic Pointcuts,VABB-1,31,47,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374724,,Cognac: a framework for documenting and verifying the design of Cobol systems,VABB-5,199,208,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374725,,Virtual Machine Support for Many-Core Architectures: Decoupling Abstract from Concrete Concurrency Models,VABB-5,63,77,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:374726,,Resilient Actors: A Runtime Partitioning Model for Pervasive Computing Services,VABB-5,31,40,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374727,,A Leasing Model to Deal with Partial Failures in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,VABB-5,231,251,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374729,,Context-oriented Software Transactional Memory in Common Lisp,VABB-5,59,68,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374730,,Enforcing structural regularities in software using IntensiVE,VABB-1,232,246,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374732,,A Hybrid Visual Dataflow Language for Coordination in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,VABB-5,76,91,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374733,,Predicated Generic Functions: Enabling Context-Dependent Method Dispatch,VABB-5,66,91,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374734,,An Extensible Interpreter Framework for Software Transactional Memory,VABB-1,221,245,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:374736,,Embedding Hygiene-Compatible Macros in an Unhygienic Macro System,VABB-1,271,295,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:374737,,Verifying the design of an outsourced COBOL system with IntensiVE,VABB-5,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374739,,Context-Aware Tuples for the Ambient,VABB-5,745,763,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:374740,,Bringing Scheme Programming to the iPhone - Experience,VABB-1,331,356,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:374741,,Context-oriented Software Transactional Memory in Common Lisp,VABB-1,59,68,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374742,,Diagnosing and Correcting Design Inconsistencies in Source Code with Logical Abduction,VABB-1,1113,1129,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:374743,,Enabling Cross-Technology Mobile Applications with Network-Aware References,VABB-5,142,156,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:374778,,"Ibirta et le ""Nahr el-Bared."" Notes de toponymie historique akkariote, I",VABB-1,221,232,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:374780,,Héracléopolis et l’interaction culturelle entre l’Égypte et la côte phénicienne pendant la Troisième Période Intermédiaire,VABB-4,333,350,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:374791,,El enfoque de descripciones complementarias: en búsqueda de un desarrollo expresivo de la realidad física,VABB-1,126,138,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:374792,,The Psychology of Creative Writing,VABB-2,,,406 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374795,,Faith in intuition is associated with decreased latent inhibition in a sample of high achieving adolescents,VABB-1,28,34,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374796,,Putting the parts together: integrative look at the psychology of creative writing,VABB-4,351,370,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374797,,The tears of a clown: Understanding comedy writers,VABB-4,80,98,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374798,,"Creative giftedness: beginnings, developments, and future promises",VABB-4,585,598,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374801,,The Resurrection of an Image: Motion and Sculpturing,VABB-1,0149,162,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374805,,Applying complexity theory to a dynamical process model of the development of pathological belief systems,VABB-1,75,96,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374808,,Incorporating characteristics of human creativity into an evolutionary art algorithm,VABB-1,97,110,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374812,,Cosmopraxis and Contextualising Among the Contemporary Aymara,VABB-4,87,102,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374819,,Automatic regularization by quantization in reducible representation of CCR: Point-form quantum optics with classical sources,VABB-1,2511,2549,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:374820,,The Evolution and Development of the Universe,VABB-5,95,99,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374837,,L'influence du droit européen de la concurrence sur l'organisation des systèmes de soins de santé nationaux. Le rôle des services (sociaux) d'intérêt économique général dans la recherche d'un équilibre entre accessibilité finacière et compétitivité,VABB-1,339,406,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:374868,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen,VABB-1,150,156,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374874,,"Special Non-Contributory Benefits in Regulation 1408/71, Regulation 883/2004 and the Case Law of the ECJ",VABB-1,217,234,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374875,,Regulation 883/2004 and Invalidity and Old-Age Pensions,VABB-1,143,162,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:374880,,"Noot onder HvJ 25 juli 2008, C-127/08, Metock e.a. v. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform",VABB-1,594,597,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374887,,Actualia inzake de bijzondere opsporingsmethoden: een rechtspraakoverzicht,VABB-1,34,38,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374888,,Het Comité P en het verlag van mensenrechtencommissaris Hammarberg over de (Belgische) politie,VABB-1,69,72,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374890,,Voor wie haar soms geweld aandoen: over de taal van het proces-verbaal,VABB-1,17,22,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374902,,Cassatie aanvaardt lokvoertuigen: nu op weg naar lokmensen?,VABB-1,141,145,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374903,,De (tweede) (kleine) reparatiewet van 16 januari 2009 in kort bestek,VABB-1,85,88,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:374929,,"De wijziging van arbeidsovereenkomsten volgens Frans, Belgisch en Nederlands recht",VABB-1,205,263,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:374949,,Recente rechtspraak in kort beste,VABB-1,39,75,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:374973,,"De civiele rechtsvordering tot betaling van douanerechten in geval van een verjaarde strafvordering (noot onder Antwerpen, 4 februari 2010)",VABB-1,628,631,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:374974,,De derogatie van douanerechtelijke beslagvoorschriften aan het strafrechtelijk kort geding (noot onder K.I. Antwerpen 12 oktober 2009),VABB-1,549,552,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:375029,,Uitdaging van de vergrijzing : naar een modern arbeidsmarktbeleid door de invoering van een tijdspaarverzekering in België,VABB-1,741,751,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:375048,,Back to the future: 10 jaar Wetboek van Vennootschappen,VABB-1,81,84,,dut,2011,2 c:vabb:375059,,Ethnomathematics. A Challenge,VABB-5,76,87,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375061,,The origin of the social approach in language and cognitive research exemplified by studies into the origin of language,VABB-4,25,46,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375071,,Le Traité de Lisbonne et la Cour de Justice de l'Union européenne,VABB-1,297,303,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:375074,,Deux voeux formulés à l’attention de la Cour internationale de Justice. Commentaire de l’ordonnance du 28 mai 2009 dans l’affaire relative à des questions concernant l’obligation de poursuivre ou d’extrader (Belgique c. Sénégal),VABB-1,434,447,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:375077,,CITES as an Alternative for Effective Fisheries Management in the Asia-Pacific Region,VABB-1,70,103,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:375091,,The Scheldt Estuary as a Framework for Early Medieval Settlement Development,VABB-4,168,176,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375103,,De stroom en de zee. De iconografie van Scaldis en Neptunus in de Antwerpse kunst,VABB-1,504,519,,dut,2010,1 c:vabb:375137,,Exchange between south-east Cyprus and the surrounding Regions in the East Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age,VABB-5,401,416,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:375140,,'State of the Art' for 'Digital Born Archives',VABB-1,38,41,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:375141,,"Los van God, gezin en natie. Problematisering en criminalisering van ongeoorloofde seks van jonge vrouwen in de vroege 20ste eeuw",VABB-4,355,384,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:375142,,Jongeren en criminaliteit: Een lange geschiedenis van de Middeleeuwen tot heden,VABB-1,308,317,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:375143,,De verhouding politie-bevolking in historisch perspectief: wederzijdse afhankelijkheid en stilzwijgende contracten,VABB-1,81,93,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:375145,,Meisjes in de netten van justitie: Contexten en parcours van illegaliteit en vervolging van jonge vrouwen in Antwerpen,VABB-1,6,12,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:375155,,Bipolar versus monopolar technique for palliative transurethral prostate resection.,VABB-1,780,786,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375160,,Euthanasia and palliative care in Belgium: Legitimate concerns and unsubstantiated grievances,VABB-1,789,799,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375207,,Adapting the Presentation Layer in Rich Internet Applications,VABB-5,292,299,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375208,,Tolerance design of an opto-mechanical transmitter assembly for automotive applications,VABB-1,1178,1180,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375209,,Design of a compact projection display for the visualization of 3-D images using polarization sensitive eyeglasses,VABB-1,603,609,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375210,,SCOUT: A Framework for Personalized Context-Aware Mobile Applications,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375211,,"A Framework for Decentralized, Context-Aware Mobile Applications Using Semantic Web technology",VABB-5,88,97,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375213,,Aspect-Oriented Adaptation Specification in Web Information Systems: a Semantics-based Approach,VABB-1,39,71,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375214,,Personalizing the Interface in Rich Internet Applications,VABB-5,365,378,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375215,,Engineering Web Applications,VABB-2,,,349 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375218,,On the point for which the sum of the distances to n given points is minimum,VABB-1,7,41,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375220,,The Spectral Evolution of Young Starbursts: the Effects of Massive Binaries,VABB-5,,,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375221,,"Livestock, land and political power: the 1993 Killings in Burundi",VABB-1,357,376,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375228,,"The multi-actor, multi-criteria analysis methodology (MAMCA) for the evaluation of transport projects: theory and practice",VABB-1,183,202,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375234,,Further Development of Intermodal Transport in Belgium: The Port of Zeebrugge,VABB-5,309,316,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375245,,Socioeconomic Inequalities in Lung Cancer Mortality in 16 European Populations,VABB-1,322,330,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375246,,A massive role-playing experiment with CSCW tools : towards a better understanding of mediated communication and collaboration in virtual multidisciplinary teams,VABB-5,4464,4475,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375248,,Information needs of parents of children admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit: a review of the literature (1990-2008).,VABB-1,159,173,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375259,,The ECREA Summer School Survey. Results and Reflections,VABB-4,19,28,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375262,,Van Langenhove Luk (ed.) (2010). People and Societies.,VABB-2,,,316 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375265,,"Deacon Bob, Maria Cristina Macovei, Luk Van Langenhove and Nicola Yeates (eds) (2010). World-Regional Social Policy and Global Governance, London: Routledge.",VABB-2,,,288 p.,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375306,,End‐of‐life care for patients with Alzheimer’s Disease,VABB-4,113,124,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375309,,Discussing prognosis with terminally ill cancer patients and relatives: A survey of physicians' intentions in seven countries.,VABB-1,430,436,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375326,,GPs' views on transfer of information about terminally ill patients to the out-of-hours co-operative,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375330,,Two Decades of research on Euthanasia from the Netherlands. What Have We learnt and What Question remain?,VABB-1,271,283,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375337,,EHRA Expert Consensus Statement on the management of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices in patients nearing end of life or requesting withdrawal of therapy,VABB-1,1480,1489,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375340,,Content and spiritual items of quality-of-life instruments appropriate for use in palliative care: a review.,VABB-1,290,300,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375369,,"New penology, rechten van gedetineerden en overleg in de Canadese penitentiaire praxis",VABB-1,23,28,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:375370,,Juridische bijstand en ondersteuning in bemiddeling,VABB-1,23,37,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:375371,,"“Is there anybody out there?” (Pink Floyd, The Wall)",VABB-1,45,52,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:375375,,Participatory social work and report writing,VABB-1,322,330,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375380,,'Ge moet daar in gezeten hebben om dat te begrijpen.' Onderzoek naar de ervaringen van leden van de assisenjury in België,VABB-1,290,309,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:375382,,Opportunities for restorative justice in the contemporary penal climate,VABB-1,189,204,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375383,,Halen we met het ‘evidence based model’ het paard van troje binnen?,VABB-1,69,84,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:375385,,Het curieuze succes van Justice Reinvestment,VABB-1,80,83,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:375390,,Naar een therapeutische taal van samenwerking.,VABB-1,362,365,,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:375391,,Politieleiderschap,VABB-3,,,272 p.,dut,2010,2 c:vabb:375417,,The Europeanization of national foreign policy: Continuity and Change in European Crisis Management.,VABB-2,,,240 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375418,,For and Against Compulsory Voting in Britain and Belgium.,VABB-1,1,33,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375421,,L'art pour l'art? Gender mainstreaming in België.,VABB-1,5,18,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:375476,,Superresolution enhancement for temporal hyperspectral-oriented data sets,VABB-5,1003,1006,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375478,,Two-way coupling of an ENSO model to the global climate model CLIMBER-3a,VABB-1,94,101,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375479,,Natura 2000 habitat identification and conservation status assessment with superresolution enhanced (CHRIS/Proba) imagery,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375480,,Developing urban metrics to describe the morphology of urban areas at block level,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375484,,A ‘parc en réseau’ in the Lille Metropolitan area: design as mediator between city and countryside.,VABB-4,188,199,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375491,,"Brussels, a sustainable city",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375494,,Een visie! En wat nu?,VABB-4,76,85,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:375517,,EMG activation of abdominal muscles in the crunch exercise performed with different external loads,VABB-1,57,62,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375519,,Golf injuries: a systematic review,VABB-1,353,366,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375521,,Towards the validation of an extended headache questionnaire: prognostic value of specific clinical history questions,VABB-5,52,52,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375525,,Anemia in the elderly,VABB-1,292,302,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375531,,Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome: infection or hypersensitivity reaction?,VABB-1,228,233,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375536,,Tegen heug en meug: hoe interoperabiliteit afdwingen?,VABB-1,22,39,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:375541,,"European and United States counter-terrorism policies, the rule of law and human rights",VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:375556,,"De invloed van taalstatus en taaltypologie op T2-vaardigheid, attitudes en motivatie. Eerste resultaten van een exploratieve studie.",VABB-1,21,30,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:375560,,« Rétif de la Bretonne et la tradition des ‘types urbains’ »,VABB-5,75,86,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:375561,,SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING AND THE EXTERNAL CONTEXT : A Comparative Study of Four Authentic Educational Contexts,VABB-1,9,20,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375562,,"Historia y fantasía: el esperpento en ""Libro de navíos y borrascas"" de Daniel Moyano",VABB-4,361,370,,spa,2009,2 c:vabb:375565,,Phrase-noticing or phrase-learning: A question of semantics?,VABB-4,31,42,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375569,,Diarios y vida cotidiana. Los diarios de Victor Klemperer de 1933-1945 como historiografía periférica del nacionalsocialismo,VABB-1,261,272,,spa,2010,2 c:vabb:375575,,Hans Magnus Enzensberger. Scharmützel und Scholien. Über Literatur / Hans Magnus Enzensberger und Uwe Johnson. ‚fuer Zwecke der brutalen Verständigung‘. Der Briefwechsel,VABB-4,158,164,,ger,2010,2 c:vabb:375578,,Les marqueurs cadratifs et argumentatifs dans les récits d’apprenants néerlandophones du français L2. Premiers résultats d’une étude sur corpus,VABB-1,126,143,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:375580,,Le sens grammatical. Référentiel à l'usage des enseignants. Avec Marie Detaille et la collaboration de Lionel Meinertzhagen,VABB-2,,,449 p.,fre,2011,2 c:vabb:375583,,Approches de la scalarité,VABB-2,,,298 p.,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:375595,,"""Je pense dis"" : pour une syntaxe des (pré-)dicteurs",VABB-1,31,47,,fre,2009,2 c:vabb:375597,,Les limites de la rection verbale,VABB-1,7,10,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:375599,,L'incidence autour et alentour du verbe,VABB-1,45,64,,fre,2010,2 c:vabb:375678,,Upgrading mainland Europe’s oldest iron suspension footbridge,VABB-1,36,41,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375682,,Use of Hypar Shell Structures with Textile Reinforced Cement Matrix Composites in Lightweight Constructions,VABB-1,1341,1347,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375685,,Structural analysis of two metal de Dion roof trusses in Brussels model schools,VABB-5,121,130,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375687,,Iron and steel varieties in building industry between 1860 and 1914 – A complex and confusing situation resolved,VABB-1,2775,2787,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375688,,Structural analysis of small span textile reinforced concrete shells with double curvature,VABB-1,1790,1796,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375689,,Study of strength durability models for grc: theoretical overview,VABB-1,2020,2030,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375692,,"Understanding the structural concept of the design of the Winter Garden at the Royal Glasshouses of Laeken (Brussel, Belgium) by three-dimensional structural analysis",VABB-5,131,140,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375695,,Development of low-cost functional geopolymeric materials,VABB-5,159,167,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375698,,Deployable Tensairity Structures,VABB-1,121,128,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375701,,Experimental study on axial crushing of pultruded composite tubes,VABB-1,224,234,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375702,,Validation of digital image correlation technique for impact loading applications,VABB-5,373,379,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375703,,Study of blast load on recyclable empty metal cans,VABB-5,709,715,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375704,,Comparative study of the quasi-static energy absorption of small-scale composite tubes with different geometrical shapes for use in sacrificial cladding structures,VABB-1,381,396,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375705,,The Ardant truss: a forgotten rival of the well-known Polonceau truss,VABB-1,83,89,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375706,,Victor Horta's Iron Architecture: a Structural Analysis,VABB-5,373,378,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375707,,Development of impregnation technique for glass fibre mats to process textile reinforced cementitious composites,VABB-1,195,199,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375709,,Structural stay-in-place formwork of textile reinforced cement for concrete beams,VABB-5,185,192,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375712,,Assessment of pressure waves generated by explosive loading,VABB-1,75,93,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375713,,"Parametric study of crushing parameters and failure patterns of pultruded composite tubes using cohesive elements and seam, Part I: Central delamination and triggering modelling",VABB-1,729,741,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375714,,Parametric study of crushing parameters and failure patterns of pultruded composite tubes using cohesive elements and seam: Part II - Multiple delaminations and initial geometric imperfections,VABB-1,803,814,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375715,,Comparison of the crushing performance of hollow and foam-filled small-scale composite tubes with different geometrical shapes for use in sacrificial cladding structures,VABB-1,434,445,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375719,,The Peeters house in Deurne by Gaston Eysselinck: a Flemisch ‘Machine à Habiter’,VABB-5,593,601,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375724,,Scissor-Hinged Retractable Membrane Structures,VABB-1,374,396,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375738,,The risky prospects of entrepreneurial initiatives: Bias duality and bias reversal in established firms,VABB-4,304,325,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375740,,"The regional dimension of multinationals and the end of ""varieties of capitalism""",VABB-4,23,44,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375741,,Multinational enterprises and public policy,VABB-4,228,255,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375746,,"Objectively measured physical activity, physical activity related personality and body mass index in 6- to 10-year-old children: A cross-sectional study.",VABB-1,25,33,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375776,,Crew performance monitoring: putting some feeling into it,VABB-1,325,329,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375802,,Desegregation in schools – how can it be achieved?,VABB-1,83,93,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375803,,Zorgen om het onderwijs: tussen uitval en integratie,VABB-1,99,109,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:375812,,Sensible Sentences: Measuring psychosocial maturation in adolescents with and without learning disorders and/or ADHD.,VABB-5,235,242,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375827,,"A ""hypersensitive"" hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system could be indicative for a negative clinical high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation outcome in melancholic depressed patients",VABB-1,54,57,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375829,,"A ""hypersensitive"" hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system could be indicative for a negative clinical high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation outcome in melancholic depressed patients.",VABB-1,54,57,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375845,,Is upper limb freezing related to freezing of gait in patients with Parkinson's disease?,VABB-5,253,254,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375846,,Myalgic encephalomy: International Consensus Criteria,VABB-1,327,338,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:375848,,Detection of herpesviruses and parvovirus B19 in gastric and intestinal mucosa of chronic fatigue syndrome patients.,VABB-1,209,213,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375849,,Severe versus Moderate criteria for the new pediatric case definition for ME/CFS.,VABB-1,609,620,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375871,,Increased D-lactic Acid Intestinal Bacteria in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,VABB-1,621,628,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375872,,The latent human herpesvirus-6A genome specifically integrates in telomeres of human chromosomes in vivo and in vitro,VABB-5,5563,5568,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375884,,Sleep in Children: The Evolving Challenge of Catching Enough and Quality Zzz’s,VABB-4,215,238,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375894,,Inefficient Or Insufficient Encoding As the Primary Deficit In Neurodevelopmental Performance Among Children with OSA.,VABB-1,601,614,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375895,,Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Verbal Skills in School-Aged Community Children,VABB-1,588,600,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375898,,Unbiased Categorical Classification of Pediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing,VABB-1,1341,1347,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375899,,Restless Legs Syndrome is Frequent in Narcolepsy with Cataplexy Patients.,VABB-1,689,694,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375901,,Adenotonsillectomy Outcomes in Treatment of OSA in Children: A Multicenter Retrospective Study.,VABB-1,676,683,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375902,,Hypertension-cognition link: where is sleep?,VABB-1,e1425,e1429,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375903,,"Comparing real-life and laboratory induced stress reactivity on cardio-respiratory parameters: differentiation of a tonic and a phasic component. Physiology & Behaviour, 101, 218-223.",VABB-1,218,223,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375905,,Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia on the ESA short-arm human centrifuge: a comparison of hypergravity vs microgravity influences on cardiorespiratory interactions,VABB-1,86,91,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375906,,On the persistence of dualisms in our so-called unified neurosciences: the case of the autonomic nervous system,VABB-1,101,110,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375908,,Three-Dimensional Ballistocardiography in Microgravity: a Review of Past Research,VABB-5,4267,4270,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:375909,,"Comparison between EEMD, Wavelet and FIR Denoising: Influence on Event Detection in Impedance Cardiography",VABB-5,806,809,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:375910,,Three dimensional ballistocardiography: methodology and results from microgravity and dry immersion,VABB-5,4271,4274,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:375973,,"Structured electronic physiotherapy records, Int. J. Med. Inform.(accepted for publication on Feb 23, 2009)",VABB-1,473,481,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375974,,Medskills: A European standard for medical skills.,VABB-1,390,395,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375981,,Pleurodesis by talc poudrage under simple medical thoracoscopy: an international opinion,VABB-1,273,274,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:375986,,Thoracoscopic Findings and Pharmacokinetics of Inhaled Fluorescein in a Pig Model,VABB-1,228,235,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:375991,,The utility of thoacoscopy in the diagnosis and management of pleural disease.,VABB-1,751,759,,eng,2010,2 c:vabb:375992,,Validity of an Information and Communication Technology System for Data Capture in Epidemiological Studies.,VABB-1,287,293,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:375994,,Inferior and Lateral Electrocardiographic Repolarization Abnormalities in Brugada Syndrome,VABB-1,154,161,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:375995,,Quality of Life and Patient Satisfaction After Video-Assisted Thoracic Sympathicolysis for Essential Hyperhidrosis: A Follow-Up of 138 Patients,VABB-1,905,909,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:375996,,Endoscopic Management of Idiopathic Tracheal Stenosis,VABB-1,297,302,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:375997,,Short-term safety of thoracoscopic talc pleurodesis for recurrent primary spontaneous pneumothorax: a prospective European multicentre study,VABB-1,770,773,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:376000,,"Citation measures at the micro level: Influence of publication age, field, and uncitedness",VABB-1,1459,1465,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376001,,New approaches to medieval urban literacy,VABB-3,,,74 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376003,,"Artistic Expositions within Academia: Challenges, Functionalities, Implications and Threats",VABB-4,118,135,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376005,,Synergetic effect of DNA demethylation and histone deacetylase inhibition in primary rat hepatocytes,VABB-1,1715,1724,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376006,,Non-channel functions of connexins in cell growth and cell death,VABB-1,2002,2008,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376007,,Primary hepatocyte cultures as in vitro tools for toxicity testing: quo vadis?,VABB-1,541,544,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376008,,Opportunities for an alternative integrating testing strategy for carcinogen hazard assessment?,VABB-1,91,106,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376009,,Screening of repeated dose toxicity data present in SCC(NF)P/SCCS safety evaluations of cosmetic ingredients,VABB-1,405,412,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376011,,Selective inhibition of Cx43 hemichannels by Gap19 and its impact on myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury,VABB-1,309,321,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376013,,Connexin43 signalling contributes to spontaneous apoptosis in cultures of primary hepatocytes,VABB-1,175,186,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376014,,Successful isolation of liver progenitor cells by aldehyde dehydrogenase activity from naïve mice.,VABB-1,540,552,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376015,,Comparison of genotoxicant-modified transcriptomic responses in conventional and epigenetically-stabilized primary rat hepatocytes with in vivo rat liver data,VABB-1,1703,1715,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376018,,Paracrine signaling through plasma membrane hemichannels,VABB-1,35,50,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376019,,"La radio émouvante, divertissante, intéressante. Visieontwikkeling van het Belgische N.I.R. omtrent publieke dienstverlening via het programma- en publieksbeleid in het pretelevisionele tijdperk (1930-1953).",VABB-1,41,61,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:376020,,"Drug-induced liver injury: mechanisms, types and biomarkers",VABB-1,3011,3021,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376021,,Modifications in connexin expression in liver development and cancer,VABB-1,55,62,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376022,,Proteomic and metabolomic responses to connexin43 silencing in primary hepatocyte cultures,VABB-1,883,894,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376023,,Comparison of hepatocarcinogen-induced gene expression profiles in conventional primary rat hepatocytes with in vivo rat liver.,VABB-1,1399,1411,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376025,,Mesoderm-derived stem cells: the link between the transcriptome and their differentiation potential,VABB-1,3309,3323,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376026,,A liver-derived rat epithelial cell line from biliary origin acquires hepatic functions upon sequential exposure to hepatogenic growth factors and cytokines.,VABB-1,4523,4533,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376027,,Primary hepatocyte cultures for pharmaco-toxicological studies: at the busy crossroad of various anti-dedifferentiation strategies,VABB-1,577,610,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376028,,Purinergic signaling in sterile liver injury,VABB-1,353,361,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376029,,Primary hepatocyte cultures as prominent in vitro tools to study hepatic drug transporters.,VABB-1,196,217,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376030,,Toxicological and Metabolic Considerations for histone deacetylase inhibitors,VABB-1,441,457,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376031,,Regulation of connexin- and pannexin-based channels by post-translational modifications,VABB-1,373,398,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376032,,Democratisering van de luxe? Radio en zijn publiek voor de komst van de Belgische televisie (1930 - 1953),VABB-4,91,106,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376035,,Transcriptomic responses generated by hepatocarcinogens in a battery of liver-based in vitro models,VABB-1,1393,1402,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376036,,Het orkest. Van radio-orkest tot Brussels Philharmonic in Flagey.,VABB-2,,,275 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376038,,"Van Radio-orkest tot Brussels Philharmonic, inleiding.",VABB-4,9,14,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376041,,Development of an adverse outcome pathway from drug-mediated bile salt export pump inhibition to cholestatic liver injury,VABB-1,97,106,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376043,,Development and validation of a fast chromatographic method for screening andquantification of legal and illegal skin whitening agents,VABB-1,82,88,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376044,,"Recent advances in 2D and 3D in vitro systems using primary hepatocytes, alternative hepatocyte sources and non-parenchymal liver cells and their use in investigating mechanisms of hepatotoxicity, cell signaling and ADME.",VABB-1,1315,1530,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376047,,Ring: A unifying meta-model and infrastructure for Smalltalk source code analysis tools,VABB-1,44,60,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376050,,Constructing Customized Interpreters from Reusable Evaluators using Game,VABB-5,97,113,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376051,,Identifying A Unifying Mechanism for the Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on Multi-Language Virtual Machines,VABB-5,171,186,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376052,,CrimeSPOT: a Language and Runtime for Developing Active Wireless Sensor Network Applications,VABB-1,1951,1970,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376053,,Modeling and Analyzing Self-Adaptive Systems with Context Petri Net,VABB-5,191,198,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376054,,"The mediating role of autonomous motivation in the relationship between need satisfaction, work engagement and intention to quit: A study on Romanian NGO volunteers",VABB-1,1869,1880,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376055,,Autonomous motivation stimulates volunteers' work effort: A self-determination theory approach to volunteerism,VABB-1,32,47,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376056,,From “getting” to “giving”: Exploring age-related differences in perceptions of and reactions to psychological contract balance,VABB-1,293,305,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376057,,Revisiting the relationship between personality and psychological contracts: A moderated mediation model explaining volunteer performance,VABB-1,158,186,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376058,,Does Technology Entrepreneurship Education Pay Off? The Impact on Entrepreneurial Attitudes.,VABB-5,242,263,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376059,,"Genderquota in de wetenschap, het bedrijfsleven en de rechterlijke macht",VABB-1,359,374,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376060,,The EU and gender norms: myths and realities (submitted) Chapter 3,VABB-4,67,92,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:376061,,Enjoyment as a mediator in the relationship between task characteristics and work effort: An experience sampling study,VABB-1,693,705,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376063,,Infinity and the Sublime,VABB-1,1,27,-,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376065,,Sleepiness phenomics: modeling individual differences in subjective sleepiness profiles during extended wakefulness,VABB-1,150,161,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376067,,"Europe, China and Expectations for Human Rights",VABB-4,98,112,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376070,,"ADHD Children’s Emotion Regulation in FACE© – Perspective (Facilitating Adjustment of Cognition and Emotion): Theory, Research and Practice",VABB-4,243,283,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376071,,The role of perceived organizational justice in shaping talent management outcomes: A research agenda.,VABB-1,341,353,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376074,,Introduction: The future of Internet governance,VABB-1,3,7,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376077,,The European Union's performance in the International Telecommunication Union,VABB-4,85,100,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376078,,The performance of the EU in international institutions,VABB-3,,,167 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376081,,Van digitale naar maatschappelijke participatie: Opportuniteiten en uitdagingen,VABB-4,227,272,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376082,,Regional Issues and Ocean Law: The African Region,VABB-4,411,436,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376084,,Strategic and Innovation Networks in the Flanders Biotechnology Industry,VABB-4,85,100,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376086,,Tec kinase stimulates cell survival in transfected Hek293T cells and is regulated by the anti-apoptotic growth factor IGF-I in human neutrophils,VABB-1,666,673,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376087,,Assisted reproduction using donor spermatozoa in women aged 40 and above: the high road or the low road?*,VABB-1,577,585,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376088,,Assisted reproduction counseling in women aged 40 and above: a cohort study,VABB-1,1431,1438,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376090,,Prevalence of Bordetella holmesii and Bordetella bronchiseptica in respiratory tract samples from Belgian patients with pertussis-like symptoms by sensitive culture method and mass spectrometry.,VABB-1,341,348,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376091,,"Self-organization in Communicating Groups: the emergence of coordination, shared references and collective intelligence",VABB-4,117,150,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376095,,Concepts and their dynamics: A quantum-theoretic modeling of human thought,VABB-1,737,772,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376096,,Quantum entanglement in concept combinations,VABB-1,3587,3603,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376097,,Artificial Cosmogenesis: A New Kind of Cosmology,VABB-4,157,182,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376099,,The Beginning and The End: Cosmological Speculation and the Meaning of Life,VABB-2,,,360 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:376100,,Ethical Conversations Enacted: interweaving fragments of ethical publicity and ethical resistance in response to the quest for cadaver organs.,VABB-1,304,317,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376103,,"""Cooking"" Life: An Anthropologist Blends in with Everyday Sustenance and Relationality in Sri Lanka",VABB-1,66,80,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376104,,Igniting food assemblages in Sri Lanka: Ritual cooking to regenerate the world and interrelations,VABB-1,33,60,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376105,,The evidence that evidence-based medicine omits,VABB-1,745,747,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376107,,From Human Computation to the Global Brain,VABB-4,897,909,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376109,,Identifying quantum structures in the Ellsberg paradox,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376110,,"Systems, environments, and soliton rate equations: A non-Kolmogorovian framework for population dynamics",VABB-1,80,92,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376111,,Entanglement zoo I: Foundational and structural aspects,VABB-4,84,96,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:376112,,Entanglement zoo II: Examples in physics and cognition,VABB-4,97,109,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:376113,,Meaning-focused and quantum-inspired information retrieval,VABB-4,71,83,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:376114,,The quantum harmonic oscillator in the ESR model,VABB-1,792,804,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376115,,The Political Economy of Desire in Ritual and Activism in Sri Lanka,VABB-1,159,173,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376116,,A new conceptual scheme for the interpretation of improper mixtures in quantum mechanics,VABB-1,101,118,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376118,,A Framework for Scalable Cognition,VABB-5,559,568,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376119,,"Book Symposium on Homo sapiens Technologicus: Philosophie de la Technologie Contemporaine, Philosophie de la Sagesse Contemporaine",VABB-1,581,608,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376123,,Does the climate need consensus? The politics of climate change revisited. Symploke 20 (1-2): 151-165,VABB-1,151,165,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376129,,Finite local models for the GHZ argument,VABB-1,622,644,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376134,,Variation in the morphology Bacillus mycoides due to applied force and substrate structure,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376136,,Multiple successful tests of the strategic differentiation-integration effort (SD-IE) hypothesis,VABB-1,361,383,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376137,,Were the Victorians cleverer than us? A decline in general intelligence estimated from a meta-analysis of the slowing of simple reaction time,VABB-1,843,850,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376138,,Four successful tests of the cognitive differentiation-integration effort hypothesis,VABB-1,832,842,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376139,,Strategic differentiation and integration among the 50 states of the USA,VABB-1,1000,1002,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376140,,Establishing an association between the Flynn effect and ability differentiation,VABB-1,387,390,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376141,,In the Netherlands the anti-Flynn effect is a Jensen effect,VABB-1,871,876,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376142,,Omzendbrief over minnelijke schikking ontgoochelt.,VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376144,,"Nep mag (?): waar men gaat langs onze wegen, komt men een valse flitspaal tegen",VABB-1,39,43,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376145,,Cassatie andermaal over de gemeentebelasting op (gsm-)masten en pylonen,VABB-1,266,270,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376148,,Het is lastig te pleiten zonder toga. Over het onhoudbare artikel 2bis V.T. Sv.,VABB-1,89,97,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376150,,Kroniek van de rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof in strafzaken in 2012,VABB-1,205,237,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376151,,Bilaterale socialezekerheidsovereenkomsten zijn geen tewerkstellingsovereenkomsten,VABB-1,170,173,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376153,,Werkloze als vennootschapsbestuurder. Volstrekt onmogelijk?,VABB-1,430,437,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376155,,De waarheidsexceptie bij aanranding van de eer en de goede naam en de rechten van de mens,VABB-1,2,11,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:376156,,La remise des lieux dans leur état initial et le dépassement du délai raisonnable,VABB-1,908,921,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:376157,,Een wettelijke straf zonder wettelijke basis. De veroordeling tot de betaling van de tegenwaarde van de verbeurd verklaarde goederen bij niet-overlegginng ervan in douane en accijnzen,VABB-1,48,53,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376158,,recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,70,106,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:376162,,De vreemdelingenretributie - onwettig of toch niet,VABB-1,3,20,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376164,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,16,36,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376165,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,57,75,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376166,,Fiscale vrijstelling bpost niet langer noodzakelijk?,VABB-1,49,57,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376168,,"De Salduzwet struikelend over de tweede horde: het Valentijnsarrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof (GwH 14 februari 29013, nr. 7/2013)",VABB-1,18,33,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376169,,"Een blijvende klassieker: de huiszoeking bij heterdaad, noot onder Cass. 30 maart 2011",VABB-1,51,55,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376176,,recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,64,78,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376177,,"Gemeentebelastingen in België en Nederland, een rechtsvergelijkende studie",VABB-1,22,57,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376180,,Rechtsingang in socialezekerheidszaken,VABB-1,233,247,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376182,,De lokalisatie van het misdrijf van misbruik van vertrouwen,VABB-1,1247,1253,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:376187,,Van een subjectieve controle op de verschoning wegens uitlokking door zware gewelddaden naar een gemengd objectief-subjectieve controle,VABB-1,321,326,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:376192,,Ontslag lector van een 'vrije' hogeschool als tuchtmaatregel,VABB-1,280,288,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376194,,"De rol van de arbeidsovereenkomst toen, nu en dan. Rechtshistorische inzichten als aanzet voor een hertekening van het arbeidsrecht",VABB-4,7,41,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376195,,Gerechtelijke indeplaatsstelling of voorlopig bewind: welk statuut geniet voorrang bij gehuwden?,VABB-1,158,169,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376196,,Het Antwerps retributiereglement voor nieuwkomers van vreemde origine : een juridische analyse vanuit het migratierecht,VABB-1,118,141,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376199,,"Noot onder HvJ, zaak C-202/11, Las",VABB-1,504,509,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376200,,Overzicht rechtspraak Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,68,72,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:376212,,Experimentele wetgeving,VABB-1,1282,1298,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376218,,Het echtscheidingsrisico in België,VABB-1,24,29,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376219,,"“Réflexions sur la notion d'affaires courantes” (obs. sous C.E. 31 août 2011, n° 214.911, a.s.b.l. Syndicat des avocats pour la démocratie),",VABB-1,293,299,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:376220,,De toekomst van het arbeidsovereenkomstenrecht,VABB-4,141,161,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376221,,Het bewijs in arbeidszaken,VABB-1,231,339,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376229,,De illegale oorsprong van het vermogensvoordeel dat men witwast. Hoe onbepaald mag de omvang ervan zijn?,VABB-1,245,249,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376237,,De dading in douanegeschillen (noot onder Cass. 22 september 2011),VABB-1,427,430,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376252,,"Unaware of any civil: breathtaking, simply breathtaking",VABB-4,75,113,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:376259,,Integrity and transparency in the EU wholesale electricity market - New rules for a better functioning market? (co-author C. Musialski) (REMIT),VABB-1,1,54,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376263,,"From Jackson-Vanik to Magnitsky: Continuing a Tradition of Ineffective Human Rights Bolt-ons to Trade Bills, 7(2) Human Rights & International Legal Discourse 237-261 (2013).",VABB-1,237,261,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376265,,Pre-contractual information in the proposal for a Common European Sales Law,VABB-4,43,73,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376274,,Noisy vs. Merely Equivocal Logics,VABB-4,57,79,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376275,,The Agile Musical Mind - The Musician's act of creation,VABB-4,335,354,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376276,,"Sound and Score. Essays on Sound, Score and Notation",VABB-3,,,230 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376277,,Interlude I: Exploring Musical Integrity and Experimentation,VABB-4,61,66,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376278,,How anthropology can contribute to mathematics education,VABB-1,20,39,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376279,,The Spaces of Mathematics: Dynamic Encounters Between Local and Universal.,VABB-4,135,152,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376281,,"Athletic Enhancement, Human Nature and Ethics – Threats and Opportunities of Doping Technologies",VABB-3,,,428 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376282,,Human nature as a promising concept to make sense of the spirit of sport,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376286,,A Model for Tentative Defeasible Inference,VABB-5,155,165,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376294,,"“Jackson, Andrew”, C. PORSET & C. REVAUGER (dir.), Le monde maçonnique au XVIIIe siècle, Paris, Champion, 2013, p. 1499-1503.",VABB-4,1499,1503,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:376296,,"“Madison, James ”, C. PORSET & C. REVAUGER (dir.), Le monde maçonnique au XVIIIe siècle, Paris, Champion, 2013, p. 1860-1864.",VABB-4,1860,1864,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:376298,,"“Morse, Jedidiah”, C. PORSET & C. REVAUGER (dir.), Le monde maçonnique au XVIIIe siècle, Paris, Champion, 2013, p. 2037-2044.",VABB-4,2037,2044,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:376302,,"“Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf, von » , C. PORSET & C. REVAUGER (dir.), Le monde maçonnique au XVIIIe siècle, Paris, Champion, 2013, p. 2591-2594.",VABB-4,2591,2594,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:376303,,Anonymity and Live-Donor Transplantation: An ELPAT View,VABB-1,536,541,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376309,,"Continuous deep sedation at the end of life: Ethical, clinical and legal perspectives.",VABB-3,,,305 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376310,,Euclid's diagrammatic logic and cognitive science,VABB-5,14,26,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376312,,"Family Planning Knowledge, Attitude and Planning among Married Couples in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376316,,"J. TYSSENS, ""¿Una farsa sacrílega? La francmasonería belga y la disputada conmemoración del Rey Leopoldo de Sajonia-Coburgo-Gotha"", Revista de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería Latinoamericana y Caribeña, V, May-November 2013, 1, pp. 41-59.",VABB-1,41,59,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:376317,,The Status of Hypothesis and Theory,VABB-4,169,191,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376318,,‘s Gravesande and the Relation between Physics and Theology,VABB-1,107,117,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376322,,"Humans, heroes and artists, (re)creating the unexpected situation",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376323,,(Non)-Discursive Space of the Body: In-between Discipline and Play,VABB-5,5,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376325,,"Redactioneel. Religie, levensbeschouwing en criminaliteit",VABB-1,121,138,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376326,,Protecting Dignitary Interests of Biobank Research Paricipants : Lessons from the Havasupai Tribe vs. Arizona Board of Regents,VABB-1,54,84,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376331,,Une nouvelle interprétation des regulae philosophandi d’Isaac Newton,VABB-1,1193,1207,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:376332,,"Whitehead, Russell, and Moore: Three Analytic Philosophers",VABB-1,214,234,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376333,,Significs and mathematics: creative and other subjects,VABB-1,307,323,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:376334,,"""'Father Upchurch': A Founding Myth and a Founder's Cult in American Fraternalism"", Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism, III, 2012, 1, pp. 33-59.",VABB-1,33,59,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376337,,"Putting Sustainability into Sustainable Human Development (Reprinted from Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 14 (1). pp. 58-76)",VABB-4,57,75,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376340,,Mathematical and statistical literacy. An analysis based on PISA results,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376341,,Mathematical Arguments and Distributed Knowledge,VABB-4,339,360,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376342,,"Argumentation and Pseudo-Science: The Case for an Ethics of Argumentation(eds.), . Chicago: , 2013, pp. 287-304",VABB-4,287,304,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376345,,Interlude II: The Score on Shifting Grounds,VABB-4,122,128,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376346,,Interlude III: The Score beyond Music,VABB-4,178,182,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376348,,"Home Is Where the Brain Wires: Technology, Fixity and Adaptation",VABB-1,293,311,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376349,,Who's in the Place of Power? A de Certeauan Account of User Practice on the Web,VABB-1,29,45,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376350,,Opening the Media-Ecological Black Box of Latour,VABB-1,259,266,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376357,,State aid policy in the EU Member States. It’s a different game they play.,VABB-1,330,340,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376359,,"The Question of Land Grab in Africa and the Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Traditional Lands, Territories and Resources",VABB-1,493,534,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376362,,The impact of the European ban on seal products on Inuit people a European concern,VABB-4,389,415,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376363,,We Will Remain Idle No More’: The Shortcomings of Canada's Duty to Consult Indigenous Peoples,VABB-1,251,285,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376364,,Het nieuwe reglement voor de procesvoering van het Hof van Justitie. Een overzicht van de belangrijkste wijzigingen,VABB-1,159,173,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376366,,Knowledge Brokerage for Sustainable Consumption – Enhancing the Connectivity Between Research and Policy-Making.,VABB-4,359,376,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:376367,,Global Warming and Its Impact on Arctic Navigation: The Northern Sea Route Shipping Season 2012,VABB-4,172,179,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376368,,Maritime Delimitation in the Baltic Sea: What Has Already Been Accomplished?,VABB-1,437,442,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376370,,"""Global Environmental Institutions"",",VABB-4,282,293,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376371,,"EU Actorness in International Institutions: Why the EU is Recognized as an Actor in Some International Institutions, but Not in Others.",VABB-1,849,865,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376372,,Managing Institutional Complexity and Fragmentation: The Nagoya Protocol and the Global Governance of Genetic Resources,VABB-1,100,118,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376374,,The Shape of Things to Come: The Russian Federation and the Northern Sea Route in 2011,VABB-1,255,269,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376376,,Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources from a Human Rights Perspective: Natural Resources Exploitation and Indigenous Peoples' Rights in the Arctic,VABB-1,347,376,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376378,,The Court of Justice of the European Union on Other Regional Courts,VABB-4,151,168,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376381,,Een mededingingsrechtelijke checklist van onderaanneming,VABB-1,119,129,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:376382,,Wegwijs in het vernieuwde Belgische mededingingsrecht,VABB-1,57,66,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376384,,Privacy by Design through social requirements analysis of social network sites from a user perspective (Chapter 11),VABB-4,241,265,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376385,,Managing high Performance Sport,VABB-2,,,322 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376387,,Preface: Managing high performance sport,VABB-4,13,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376388,,Are performances at young age a good predictor of later success? Case study 8.2,VABB-4,150,154,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376389,,Are national coordinated systems for the combination of career and education effective? A case study on the elite sport schools in secondary education in Flanders. Case study 6.2.,VABB-4,102,106,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376390,,Talent identification and development in athletics: a comparison of Flemish and Dutch policy initiatives. Case study 4.1,VABB-4,55,59,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376391,,Measuring performance and success in elite sports,VABB-4,30,46,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376392,,Managing high performance sport at the national policy level,VABB-4,45,65,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376394,,Quality and performance management of national sport organizations: measuring and steering the performance of the distribution network,VABB-4,87,114,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376397,,Kan de auditverwachtingskloof gedicht worden?,VABB-1,14,31,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376398,,Managing athletes' post-athletic careers,VABB-4,221,236,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376399,,A developmental and holistic perspective on athletic career development,VABB-4,159,182,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376400,,Youth sport ethics. Teaching prosocial behavior,VABB-4,55,73,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376402,,Towards understanding the potential of sports-based practices for socially vulnerable youth,VABB-1,139,156,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376404,,Youth sport,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376406,,Tired of being sedentary: Physical activity as a treatment goal in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome,VABB-4,440,448,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376407,,Pain physiology education improves health status and endogenous pain inhibition in fibromyalgia: A double-blind randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,873,882,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376409,,Fear of movement and avoidance behavior towards physical activity in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia: State of the art and implications for clinical practice,VABB-1,1121,1129,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376410,,Sports-Based Interventions for Socially Vulnerable Youth: Towards Well-Defined Interventions with Easy-to-follow Outcomes?,VABB-4,317,332,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376412,,Individual Auditor Characteristics and Audit Quality Differentiation: Evidence from Audit Fees,VABB-1,257,271,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376413,,Evaluatie van de topsportscholen in Vlaanderen. De perceptie van de topsporters.,VABB-1,7,12,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:376416,,Industry effects on voluntary disclosure by small private companies,VABB-1,29,41,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376419,,Scrutinizing the sport pyramid metaphor: an examination of the relationship between elite success and mass participation in Flanders,VABB-1,319,341,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376421,,A resource-based perspective on countries’ competitive advantage in elite athletics,VABB-1,459,489,-,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376422,,Guidelines to classify subject groups in sport science research - A systematic review.,VABB-1,111,122,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376423,,Influence of electrically assisted cycling on physiological parameters in untrained subjects.,VABB-1,290,294,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376429,,Elite sport culture and policy interrelationships: The case of Sprint Canoe in Australia,VABB-1,598,617,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376431,,Methods for comparing nations in elite sport policies on a mixed quantitative and qualitative basis,VABB-4,197,212,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376432,,Measuring and Forecasting Elite Sporting Success,VABB-4,212,225,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376435,,Lymphedema of the operated and radiated breast in breast cancer patients following breast conserving surgery and radiotherapy.,VABB-1,154,164,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376438,,Athletes’ careers in Belgium. A holistic perspective to understand and alleviate challenges occurring throughout the athletic and post- athletic career.,VABB-4,31,42,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376439,,Socially vulnerable young people in Flemish sports clubs: Investigating youth experiences,VABB-1,179,198,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376441,,Comparative study between mobile infrared optoelectronic volumetry with a Perometer and two commonly used methods for the evaluation of arm volume in patients with breast cancer related lymphedema of the arm.,VABB-1,132,143,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376443,,Lead isotopic analysis within a multiproxy approach to trace pottery sources. The example of White Slip II sherds from Late Bronze Age sites in Cyprus and Syria,VABB-1,220,234,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376447,,Aesthetic Maintenance of Civic Space. The ‘Classical’ City from the 4th to the 7th c. AD,VABB-2,,,1028 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376448,,'Permanent Performance',VABB-1,14,21,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376450,,Chapter 5.4. Black-Appearing Roman Glass,VABB-4,369,385,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376451,,Joint Factor Analysis of the PID-5 and the DAPP-BQ. Journal of Personality Disorders,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:376459,,Age-neutrality of the trait facets proposed for personality disorders in DSM-5: A DIFAS analysis of the PID-5.,VABB-1,487,494,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376460,,BSI SYNOPSIS. EDUCATION IN BRUSSELS: COMPLEX CRISIS MANAGEMENT,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376461,,SYNTHESENOTA BSI. HET ONDERWIJS IN BRUSSEL: EEN COMPLEX CRISISBEHEER,VABB-1,1,28,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376463,,Potential and use of archaeological and historical data for a reconstruction of the sea level curve of the last 3000 years in the coastal zone of the southern North Sea. Results of a case study,VABB-5,61,84,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376465,,Hierarchical structure of maladaptive personality traits in older adults: Joint factor analysis of the PID-5 and the DAPP-BQ,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:376466,,Using lead isotopes to determine Cypriote pottery provenance - Signature of Cypriote clay sources and comparison with Late Bronze Age Cypriote pottery,VABB-1,517,530,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376467,,Interregional Contacts in the Biqa'a Valley From a Beetle’s Point of View: Egyptian and Egyptianising Scarabs at Bronze Age Kāmid al-Lōz (Kumidi),VABB-1,195,219,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376468,,Sleutelwoorden voor heemkunde: een eigenzinnige keuze,VABB-1,80,98,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376469,,Inleiding,VABB-4,7,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376470,,Tussen beleving en verbeelding. De stad in de negentiende-eeuwse literatuur,VABB-3,,,320 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376471,,Een blik op eigen tuin. Stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2011),VABB-1,78,95,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376473,,"Colour and Chemistry of the glass finds in the Roman villa of Treignes, Belgium",VABB-5,55,64,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376474,,A soil micromorphological study on the origins of the early medieval trading centre of Antwerp (Belgium),VABB-1,167,183,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376475,,Introduction,VABB-5,,,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376477,,The Medieval Embankment of Flanders in Context,VABB-4,199,239,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376478,,The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Rome,VABB-3,,,644 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376479,,The food supply of the Capital,VABB-4,262,277,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376480,,"Food preservation in Flemish women's magazines, 1945-1960",VABB-4,199,212,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376482,,"Circuits de migration vers un port en formation: Anvers, 1760-1860",VABB-1,124,165,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:376483,,Population and Migration: European and Chinese Experiences Compared,VABB-4,403,420,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376484,,"Migration, Settlement and Belonging in Europe, 1500–1930s: Comparative Perspectives",VABB-3,,,326 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376487,,Gestion de vengeances et conflits privés de l’élite de Gand à la fin du Moyen Âge,VABB-1,803,825,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:376492,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,28,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376493,,Settlement Law and Rural-Urban Relief Transfers in Nineteenth-Century Belgium: A Case Study on Migrants’ Access to Relief in Antwerp,VABB-4,228,249,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376496,,Ten Years of Food & History: la sfida è partita,VABB-1,27,41,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376499,,Understanding Trust within Online Discussion Boards: Trust Formation in the Absence of Reputation Systems.,VABB-5,83,99,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376500,,Meat fermentation at the crossroads of innovation and tradition: a historical outlook,VABB-1,130,137,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376501,,De toekomst van het onderwijs over het verleden. Een Europees vergelijkend onderzoek naar lerarenopleidingen geschiedenis,VABB-1,22,30,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376504,,"Food Recommendations in Domestic Education, Belgium 1890 - 1940",VABB-1,645,663,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376506,,Van alle markten thuis? Ondernemers en ambachtsmeesters in de Brusselse bouwsector tijdens de tweede helft van de achttiende eeuw.,VABB-1,3,27,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376507,,Meertaligheid als cement van de stedelijke samenleving. Een analyse van de Brusselse taalsituatie op basis van taalbarometer 3,VABB-2,,,148 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376508,,Multilingual Higher Education in European Regions,VABB-1,5,23,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376509,,More Than Just getting By: Italian Food Businesses in Brussels at the Turn of the Twentieth Century,VABB-1,108,131,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376510,,Belgian Congo.,VABB-4,220,223,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376512,,"Feeding growing cities in the 19th and 20th centuries: problems, innovations, and reputations",VABB-4,69,81,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376517,,"Constructing Labour Regionalism in Europe and the Americas, 1920s-1970s",VABB-1,39,70,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376518,,The League of Nations and the Moral Recruitment of Women,VABB-1,97,128,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376519,,La Société des Nations face à la traite des femmes et au travail sexuel à l'échelle mondiale,VABB-1,105,125,,fre,2012,2 c:vabb:376521,,Qu’est-ce qu’un liber traditionum? A propos d’un genre mal défini,VABB-4,37,52,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:376522,,"Ready Meals and Cultural Values in the Netherlands, 1950-1970",VABB-1,123,153,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376525,,The History of the Police Profession,VABB-4,2296,2309,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376527,,"Health burden of road traffic accidents, an analysis of clinical data on disability and mortality exposure rates in Flanders and Brussels",VABB-1,659,666,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376537,,High-resolution modeling and forecasting of sealed surface cover distribution in Flanders,VABB-5,178,181,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376539,,Towards participatory integrated valuation and modelling of ecosystem services under land-use change,VABB-1,278,303,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:376540,,Ethnic differences in drug utilization pattern during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study.,VABB-1,900,907,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376541,,Preclinical evaluation of invariant natural killer T cells in the 5T33 multiple myeloma model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376542,,Improving integration for integrated coastal zone management: An eight country study,VABB-1,194,201,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376543,,Application of GIS and modelling in health risk assessment for urban road mobility,VABB-1,5138,5149,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376548,,Urban forest governance - Towards a framework for comparing approaches,VABB-1,464,473,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376549,,"Synergistic induction of apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells by bortezomib and hypoxia-activated prodrug TH-302, in vivo and in vitro.",VABB-1,1763,1773,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376550,,"Het Belgisch model van integrale levenseindezorg : palliatieve zorg en wettelijke euthanasie als aanvullende, niet-tegenstrijdige ontwikkelingen. I. Historische, epidemiologische en regulatorische gegevens.",VABB-1,539,548,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:376552,,Orthogonal Chromatographic Descriptors for Modelling Caco-2 Drug Permeability.,VABB-1,175,183,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376553,,Stakeholder perceptions and involvement in the implementation of EMS in ports in Vietnam and Cambodia,VABB-1,173,193,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376555,,A Road Network for Freight Transport in Flanders: Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Assessment of Alternative Ring Ways,VABB-1,4222,4246,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376559,,A depth-averaged two-dimensional sediment transport model for environmental studies in the Scheldt Estuary and tidal river network,VABB-1,27,39,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376564,,Location Analysis Model for Belgian Intermodal Terminals: importance of the value of time in the intermodal transport chain,VABB-1,113,120,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376566,,The ordered anti-median problem with distances derived from a strictly convex norm,VABB-1,642,649,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376568,,Decision support in intermodal transport: A new research agenda,VABB-1,105,112,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376570,,Quality indicators for palliative care: update of a systematic review,VABB-1,556,572,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376572,,Towards a standardized method for developing quality indicators for palliative care: protocol of the Quality indicators for palliative care study (Q-PAC),VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376573,,Fuzzy answer set programming: An introduction,VABB-4,209,222,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376575,,Consumer attitudes towards battery electric vehicles: a large scale survey,VABB-1,28,41,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376577,,"The Influence of Allocation on the Carbon Footprint of Electricity Production from Waste Gas, a Case Study for Blast Furnace Gas",VABB-1,1217,1232,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376579,,Location of weighted anti-ordered median straight lines with euclidean distances,VABB-1,122,133,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:376580,,Cardiac reactivity and preserved performance under stress: two sides of the same coin?,VABB-1,30,37,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376581,,Excitatory versus inhibitory impairments in insomnia patients: an ERP study,VABB-1,62,69,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:376582,,Private household demand for vehicles on alternative fuels and drive trains: A Review.,VABB-1,149,164,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376583,,On the augmented reproducibility in measurements on 3D orthodontic digital dental models and the definition of feature points,VABB-1,28,33,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376584,,The roster quality staffing problem – A methodology for improving the roster quality by modifying the personnel structure.,VABB-1,551,562,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376589,,Recruitment and selection using social network sites,VABB-4,550,559,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376592,,Magnetic resonance imaging findings in cardiac lipoma,VABB-1,300,301,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376596,,Single-Facility Huff Location Problems on Networks. A DC Approach.,VABB-1,175,195,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:376609,,Hoe parlementsleden denken over de legitimiteit van quota: een Europese vergelijking,VABB-1,321,338,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376611,,Environmental and Financial Evaluation of Passenger Vehicle Technologies in Belgium,VABB-1,5020,5033,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376616,,MuseUs: Case Study of a Pervasive Cultural Heritage Serious Game,VABB-1,8:1,8:19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376618,,"Determination of PCDD/Fs, PBDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in human milk from mothers residing in the rural areas in Flanders, using the CALUX bioassay and GC-HRMS",VABB-1,99,105,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376619,,Multi-actor and multi-criteria analysis in evaluating mega-projects,VABB-4,242,266,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376620,,Stakeholder bias in multi-actor multi-criteria transportation evaluation: issues and solutions,VABB-4,248,268,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376621,,On the Symbiosis between Enterprise Modeling and Ontology Engineering,VABB-5,487,494,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376623,,Deep Proton Writing for the rapid prototyping of polymer micro-components for optical interconnects and optofluidics,VABB-1,243,247,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376624,,"Demonstration of a multichannel, multiresolution imaging system",VABB-1,6081,6089,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376625,,Credit Rating Migration Modeling for Stress Testing Using Macroeconomic Indices,VABB-1,654,672,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376627,,A GIS-based analysis of the potential for freight villages in Turkey,VABB-1,157,174,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376628,,Reproducibility of laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS)measurements in mussel shells and comparison with micro-drill sampling and solution ICP–MS,VABB-1,6,14,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376629,,"Application of DET (diffusive equilibrium in thin films)and DGT (diffusive gradients in thin films) techniques in the study of the mobility of sediment-bound metals in the outer section of Songkhla Lake, Southern Thailand.",VABB-1,4207,4220,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376630,,Trace element content in tea brewed in traditional metallic and stainless steel teapots,VABB-1,8957,8966,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376633,,The typical company car user does not exist: the case of the Flemish company car driver,VABB-1,91,98,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376634,,"Beyond the Usual Suspects: Non-left, Male and Non-feminist MPs and the Substantive Representation of Women",VABB-1,45,64,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:376637,,Socioeconomic determinants of success at the Summer Paralympics,VABB-1,133,147,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376638,,Graduated response in France: the clash of copyright and the Internet,VABB-1,107,127,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376639,,The potential impact of a social redistribution of specific risk factors on socioeconomic inequalities in mortality: illustration of a method based on population attributable fractions.,VABB-1,56,62,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376641,,The EU and multilateral `security governance,VABB-2,,,208 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376642,,OMUS: An Optimized Multimedia Service for the Home Environment,VABB-1,281,311,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:376643,,Prolegomena tot een nieuwe conceptie van vertaalbaarheid,VABB-1,659,730,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:376645,,Mainstreaming EU cultural policies internally and externally: Caught between subsidiarity and global subsidiarity?,VABB-4,65,86,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376646,,Regional media and federal politics. Representation of 'Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde' in Dutch-speaking and French-speaking Political TV Debates.,VABB-1,247,268,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376647,,"Different trends in euthanasia acceptance across Europe. A study of 13 Western and 10 central and eastern European countries, 1981-2008.",VABB-1,378,380,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376649,,The iCocoon Virtual Meeting Room: a Virtual Environment as a Support Tool for Multipoint Teleconference Systems,VABB-5,158,171,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376650,,Design of a large-scale subjective test in the cinema,VABB-5,1340,1345,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376651,,A Holistic Impact-Assessment Framework for Green ICT,VABB-1,50,56,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376652,,Media coverage of medical decision making at the end-of-life: a Belgian case study (accepted),VABB-1,125,135,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376653,,Autonomy and Dignity: a discussion on contingency and dominance,VABB-1,174,191,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376654,,Crowdsourcing the movies. A business analysis of crowdfinanced moviemaking in small geographical markets,VABB-1,2,25,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376655,,"Private Television in Western Europe. Content, Markets, Policies",VABB-3,,,296 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376656,,Private Television in Europe – A New Beginning or the Beginning of the End?,VABB-4,11,19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376657,,Opening up Europe to Private Television – Harmonization and Liberalization to the Benefit of All?,VABB-4,20,36,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376658,,Fighting a (Lost) Battle? An Analysis of 20 Years of Private Television Complaints Against the Funding of Public Service Broadcasting,VABB-4,214,228,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376659,,Het Groot Symfonie-Orkest van het NIR binnen de publieke omroep als instrument van volksverheffing en internationaal statussymbool,VABB-4,67,88,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376660,,Filharmonisch Orkest van de BRT. Kroniek van een aangekondigde verzelfstandiging: zegen of vloek?,VABB-4,203,228,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376661,,"Het Groot Symfonie-Orkest als kruispunt van het Frans, Russisch en Germaans modernisme",VABB-4,109,141,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376663,,'Ivo Michiels filmschrijver',VABB-4,113,129,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376666,,“Going digital”. A Historical Perspective on Early International Cooperation in Informatics,VABB-4,107,121,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376669,,"It's literature I want, Ivo, literature! Literature as Screenplay as Literature.",VABB-1,125,139,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376670,,Kiss and make up? Issues and trends in the EU's copyright enforcement policy,VABB-5,1,17,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376672,,Snoeijmes der Vlaemsche Tale. Een anonieme tekst over taalkunde uit de achttiende eeuw.,VABB-2,,,232 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376674,,Developing assistive technology with multidisciplinary teams: a front-end procedure to stimulate collaboration and manage expectations.,VABB-5,959,965,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376675,,Identifying barriers in telesurgery by studying current team practices in robot-assisted surgery,VABB-5,224,231,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376681,,Agency problems between managers and employees in nonprofit organizations: a discrete choice experiment.,VABB-1,63,85,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376682,,Elective reconstruction of the ascending aorta for aneurysmal disease restores normal life expectancy. An analysis of risk factors for early and late mortality.,VABB-1,349,353,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376687,,Articulating the visitor in public knowledge institutions,VABB-1,136,153,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376688,,Theorizing participatory intensities: A conversation about participation and politics,VABB-1,265,286,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376689,,Waves of media democratization. A brief history of contemporary participatory practices in the media sphere,VABB-1,287,294,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376692,,"Household-based socioeconomic position and diabetes-related mortality among married and cohabiting persons: findings from a census-based cohort study (Flanders, 2001-2010)",VABB-1,765,771,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376693,,Case Study Validation of a Business Model Framework for Smart City Services: FixMyStreet and London Bike App,VABB-1,22,38,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376694,,Validating a Business Model Framework for Smart City Services: The Case of FixMyStreet,VABB-5,1355,1360,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376695,,"""Platform Business Models for Smart Cities: From Control and Value to Governance and Public Value""",VABB-1,72,79,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376696,,Measuring Public Value with the Public Value Test: Best or Worst Practice?,VABB-4,157,174,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376697,,Best friennemies forever? Public and private media partnerships.,VABB-4,199,213,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376698,,"Competition law, sports and public service broadcasting: The legal complexity and political sensitivity of measuring market distortion and public value",VABB-1,213,228,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376699,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,13,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376704,,"Aligning technology, business and regulatory scenarios for cognitive radio",VABB-1,546,559,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376705,,Towards Optimal User Involvement in Innovation Processes: a Panel-centered Living Lab-approach,VABB-5,2046,2054,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376708,,Evolution of educational inequalities in mortality among young adults in an urban setting,VABB-1,825,835,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376710,,Une tradition néerlandaise ? Du bon usage aux Pays-Bas (1686-1830),VABB-4,233,243,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:376717,,The EBU’s Eurovision System Governing the Joint Buying of Sports Broadcasting Rights: Unfinished Competition Business,VABB-1,7,28,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376719,,Participatory Design for Persons with Cognitive or Sensory Impairments.,VABB-5,49,52,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376720,,The ‘Relay Ideation’ Technique: Moving from Problem Understanding to Problem Solving in the Design Process,VABB-5,651,658,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376723,,"The Elite Factor in Sub-Saharan Africa’s Development: The Urgency in Bridging Disparity Journal of Developing Societies December 2013 29: 435-455,",VABB-1,435,455,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376726,,Academia’s values of critique and social relevance,VABB-1,291,295,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376727,,The social relevance of participatory theory,VABB-1,301,315,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376732,,Situating Liquid Media Use: Challenges for Media Ethnography,VABB-1,49,70,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376733,,Belgium: Big Changes in a Small News Economy,VABB-4,149,162,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376734,,The Un/Acceptability of Virtual Moral Practices: An Empirical and Ethical Inquiry,VABB-1,63,76,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376737,,At Home in Brussels: Professional mobility as a service.,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376738,,Differentiated strategies for digital innovation on television: Traditional channels vs. new entrants,VABB-1,23,44,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376740,,Chaînes publiques de télévision en France et innovation numérique,VABB-1,161,184,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:376742,,Défendre la diversité culturelle : soubassements économiques et arbitrages politiques,VABB-4,125,140,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:376749,,Comparison of knowledge and attitudes about vaccination between Belgian and immigrant adolescents.,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376750,,The GayMen Sex StudieS: Design of an online registration of sexual behaviour of men having sex with men and preliminary results (GAMESSS-study),VABB-1,239,243,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376751,,Trends in end-of-life decision-making in patients with and without cancer.,VABB-1,1450,1457,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376753,,The Preferred Place of Last Days: Results of a Representative Population-based Public Survey,VABB-1,502,508,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376754,,"The Public’s Viewpoint on the Right to Hastened Death in Alberta, Canada: Findings from a Population Survey Study.",VABB-1,200,208,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376756,,Cargegivers' understanding of dementia predicts patients' comfort at death: a prospective observational study.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376757,,Palliative care case management in primary care settings:A nationwide survey.,VABB-1,1504,1512,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376758,,"Learning from the public: citizens describe the need to improve end-of-life care access, provision and recognition across Europe",VABB-1,521,527,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:376759,,How do GPs identify a need for palliative care in their patients ? An interview study.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376760,,"If you had less than a year to live, would you want to know ? A seven-country European population survey of public preferences for disclosure of poor prognosis.",VABB-1,2298,2305,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376762,,Burden to others' as a public concern in advanced cancer. A comparative survey in seven European countries.,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376763,,Awareness of General Practitioners concerning cancer patients' preferences for place of death: Evidence from four European countries.,VABB-1,1967,1974,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376765,,A Population-Based Study on Advance Directive Completion and Completion Intention among Citizens of the Western Canadian Province of Alberta.,VABB-1,5,12,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376766,,End-of-Life Decisions: A Cross-National Study of Treatment Preference Discussions and Surrogate Decision-Maker Appointments,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376767,,Descriptions of euthanasia as social representations. The views of Finnish physicians and religious professionals compared.,VABB-1,354,368,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:376768,,The Gay Men Sex Studies: prevalence of sexual dysfunctions in Belgian HIV+ gay men,VABB-1,89,96,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376769,,The End-of-Life Phase of High-Grade Glioma Patients : Dying With Dignity?,VABB-1,198,203,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:376770,,Spiritual End-of-Life Care in Dutch Nursing Homes : An Ethnographic Study,VABB-1,679,684,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376771,,"Priorities for treatment, care and information if faced with serious illness : a comparative population-based survey in seven European countries.",VABB-1,101,110,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376774,,Patient health information materials in waiting rooms of family physicians: do patients care?,VABB-1,489,497,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376775,,The GAy MEn Sex StudieS: erectile dysfunction among Belgian gay men,VABB-1,527,534,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376777,,"Effectiveness of the ACA (Availability, Current issues and Anticipation) training programme on GP-patient communication in palliative care: a controlled trial.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376778,,Diagnosis and recognition of nearby death in patients of general practitioners. A national survey.,VABB-1,,,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376783,,Ontwikkeling en toetsing van een set kwaliteitsindicatoren voor de palliatieve zorg.,VABB-1,3,10,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376784,,Personal Dignity in the Terminally Ill from the Perspective of Caregivers: A Survey among Trained Volunteers and Physicians,VABB-1,1108,1114,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376785,,Continuous deep sedation until death in nursing home residents with dementia: a case series,VABB-1,1768,1776,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376786,,Referral to palliative care in COPD and other chronic diseases: a population-based study,VABB-1,1731,1739,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376788,,Attitudes of nursing staff towards involvement in medical end-of-life decisions: A national survey study,VABB-1,4,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376789,,Lack of confidence in administering emergency care among Dutch-speaking family physicians in Belgium.,VABB-1,589,596,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376790,,Palliative Care Service Use in Four European Countries: A Cross-National Retrospective Study via Representative Networks of General Practitioners,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376791,,Is educational attainment related to end-of-life decision-making? A large post-mortem survey in Belgium.,VABB-1,1055,1055,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376793,,Training needs of nurses and social workers in the end-of-life care for people with intellectual disabilities: A national survey,VABB-1,494,500,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376795,,The GAy MEn Sex StudieS: Anodyspareunia Among Belgian Gay Men,VABB-1,87,94,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376797,,The perception of patients' rights among Belgian population,VABB-1,109,117,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376798,,Availability of informal caregivers in surviving stroke patients in Belgium.,VABB-1,683,688,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376799,,Relevance of Hypersexual Disorder to Family Medicine and Primary Care as a Complex Multidimensional Chronic Disease Construct.,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376800,,"Influence of methylphenidate treatment assumptions on cognitive function in healthy young adults in a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.",VABB-1,65,74,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376802,,"From ""does it work?"" to ""what is 'it'?"": implications for voodoo, psychotherapy, pop-psychology, regular, and alternative medicine.",VABB-1,274,288,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376804,,Uncontrolled hypertension among black Africans in the city of Brussels: a case-control study.,VABB-1,886,894,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376805,,Effectiveness of a quality improvement intervention targeting cardiovascular risk factors: are patients responsive to information and encouragement by mail or post?,VABB-1,13,20,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376808,,The placebo effect: how the subconscious fits in.,VABB-1,43,58,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:376809,,Nationwide continuous monitoring of end-of-life care via representative networks of general practitioners in Europe,VABB-1,73,73,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376812,,Content and timing of antenatal care: predisposing enabling and pregnancy related determinants of care trajectories,VABB-1,67,73,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376813,,The effect of ‘State aid’ on market shares: an empirical investigation in an EU Member State,VABB-1,89,100,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376815,,Unusual Actions do not always trigger the Mentalizing Network,VABB-1,144,149,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376817,,"Social stratification, social closure and social class as determinants of mental health disparities",VABB-4,205,228,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376819,,Involvement of the mentalizing network in social and non-social high construal,VABB-1,817,824,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:376823,,"EPICOR (long-term follow-up of antithrombotic management patterns in acute CORonary syndrome patients) study : rationale, design, and baseline characteristics",VABB-1,8,14,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376824,,Practising a Rhizomatic Perspective in Narrative Research,VABB-4,108,125,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376826,,"Illusory correlation, group size and memory.",VABB-1,1159,1167,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376827,,De hervorming van de senaat,VABB-1,52,67,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376829,,Traits are represented in the medial Prefrontal Cortex: An fMRI adaptation study,VABB-1,1185,1192,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:376830,,Palliative sedation: Why we should be more concerned about the risks that patients experience an uncomfortable death,VABB-1,1505,1508,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376831,,De opkomst van de Nieuwe Vrijwilliger. Een longitudinale studie bij Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen,VABB-1,149,170,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376832,,Dissociation of a Trait and a Valence representation in the mPFC,VABB-1,1506,1514,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:376833,,Implicit and explicit social mentalizing: Dual processes driven by a shared neural network,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376834,,Do nonprofit organisations manage earnings ? An empirical study,VABB-1,953,968,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376838,,De kosten van een staatshoofd in West Europa,VABB-1,143,154,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376840,,De provincies: een budgettaire analyse,VABB-1,204,2014,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:376842,,Does state aid create jobs? The short and mid-term employment effects of subsidies.,VABB-1,651,658,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376843,,Measuring Employment Precariousness in the European Working Conditions Survey: The Social Distribution in Europe,VABB-1,143,161,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376845,,Attitudes toward supplementary criteria in the reimbursement process in Poland.,VABB-1,443,449,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376851,,The cost of alcohol in the workplace in Belgium,VABB-1,118,123,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376860,,Cost-utility of pregabalin as add-on to usual care versus usual care alone in the management of peripheral neuropathic pain in Belgium.,VABB-1,596,605,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376862,,Cost-effectiveness of dabigatran etexilate in the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with atrial fibrillation in Belgium,VABB-1,407,414,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376866,,The economic impact of enoxaparin versus unfractionated heparin for prevention of venous thromboembolism in acute ischemic stroke patients,VABB-1,99,107,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376867,,The effect of subsidies on consumer's surplus,VABB-1,127,138,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376869,,Observing the observers.Participant observation in police settings,VABB-4,105,124,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376870,,Truth in (the implementation of) sentencing: Belgium and elsewhere,VABB-4,263,282,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376871,,European sentencing practices,VABB-4,385,408,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376873,,European Data Protection: Coming of Age,VABB-3,,,440 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376874,,Autonomy in ICT for Older Persons at the Crossroads Between Legal and Care Practices,VABB-4,161,175,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376877,,Ethnography and Emotions. The Myth of the Cold and Objective Scientist.,VABB-4,141,160,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376878,,Paradigms. Waving the Flag or Flagging the Wave?,VABB-4,23,37,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376879,,Gender and Prison Ethnography. Some Fieldwork Implications.,VABB-4,59,71,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376880,,The Pains of Doing Criminological Research,VABB-3,,,216 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376881,,Criminological research on non-national prisoners without a legal residence permit. The quest for the holy grail of data.,VABB-4,73,87,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376882,,The proposed Regulation and the construction of a principles-driven system for individual data protection,VABB-1,133,144,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376890,,The Pains and Gains of a Social Constructionist Perspective on Policy-supporting Research,VABB-4,39,57,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376891,,An Integrative Approach for Visual Arts Mediation in Museums,VABB-5,743,749,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376892,,Het cumulatief punitief karakter van het migratierecht,VABB-1,29,36,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376893,,Prisons and punishment in Europe,VABB-4,422,452,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376894,,Preface,VABB-4,5,9,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376895,,Distinctive Features of European Penology and Penal Policy-Making,VABB-4,3,24,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376896,,European Penology?,VABB-3,,,350 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376897,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376898,,The Routledge Handbook of European Criminology,VABB-3,,,535 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376900,,Facing Resistance to Research Results,VABB-4,181,193,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376901,,Introduction. Giving voice to the researcher,VABB-4,13,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376903,,"Punitiviteit in de samenleving: uitdijing, verfijning en verdieping van het net",VABB-1,37,45,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376904,,Enhancing student wellbeing in secondary education by combining self-regulated learning and arts education,VABB-5,1982,1987,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376906,,"La croix et les juges de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme : les enseignements des affaires Lautsi, Eweida et Chaplin",VABB-1,66,96,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:376913,,Redefining professionalism by seeking legitimacy in probation? A comparison between Belgium and England and Wales,VABB-4,109,121,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376914,,Detentiebeleving door oudere gevangenen in België. Een exploratief onderzoek,VABB-1,267,283,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376917,,The Data Protection and Medical Device Frameworks — Obstacles to the Deployment of mHealth across Europe?,VABB-1,185,204,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376920,,De toekomst van het jeugdbeschermingssysteem (bis). Naar een jeugdsanctierecht in lijn met internationale normen.,VABB-1,214,221,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376922,,Practices and Modes of Transatlantic Data Processing: From Sorting Countries to Sorting Individuals,VABB-4,514,535,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376923,,Biometrics and the Challenge to Human Rights in Europe. Need for Regulation and Regulatory Distinctions,VABB-4,369,414,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376925,,Criminological-psychological Case-work. Consequences of Visiting the Pits of Hell,VABB-4,89,104,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376926,,Compliance dynamics: a multidisciplinary review and exploration of compliance processes in the Belgian context,VABB-4,208,226,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376928,,Electronic monitoring in Belgium : a penological analysis of current and future orientations,VABB-1,56,70,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376929,,"Socioeconomic inequalities in all-cause mortality in the Czech Republic, Russia, Poland and Lithuania in the 2000s: findings from the HAPIEE study",VABB-1,297,303,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376933,,De recente aanbeveling van de Raad van Europa inzake buitenlandse gedetineerden onder de loep genomen,VABB-1,21,25,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376935,,Offender Supervision in Europe,VABB-3,,,177 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376936,,Introduction: Studying Mass Supervision,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376937,,Conclusion: Studying Mass Supervision Comparatively,VABB-4,155,169,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376943,,eHealth to mHealth. A Journey Precariously Dependent upon Apps?,VABB-1,48,66,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376952,,A Human Rights Perspective on Privacy and Data Protection Impact Assessments,VABB-4,33,76,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376953,,Privacy Impact Assessment,VABB-2,,,523 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376954,,Introduction to Privacy Impact Assessment,VABB-4,3,32,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376955,,Finding and Recommendations,VABB-4,445,481,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:376959,,"Bespreking van Thomas Mertens, Mens & mensenrechten. Basisboek rechtsfilosofie (Amsterdam: Boom, 2012, 480 p.)",VABB-1,156,159,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376960,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Maart tot april 2013,VABB-1,201,206,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376963,,"Genetic Data and the Data Protection Regulation: Anonymity, multiple subjects, sensitivity and a prohibitionary logic regarding genetic data?",VABB-1,317,329,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:376966,,Principles of national constitutionalism limiting individual claims in human rights law. Constitutionalism and the balance between national and international legal reform,VABB-1,4,27,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376967,,Proposing a Right to Identity within the International Framework of Human Rights: Issues and Prospects,VABB-4,231,254,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376975,,"Artikel 22 Grondwet en het onderscheid tussen privacyrecht en gegevensbeschermingsrecht
Een formele wet is niet altijd nodig wanneer de overheid persoonsgegevens verwerkt, maar toch vaak",VABB-1,358,373,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376979,,The war on antisocial behaviour.,VABB-1,225,228,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376982,,"Gemeentelijke administratieve sancties, jongeren en publieke ruimte: het pedagogische argument",VABB-1,372,378,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376987,,Giving Voice to ‘Youth of Today’: Young People’s Views and Perspectives on Youth Crime and its Prevention in Belgium,VABB-1,424,438,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376988,,Prevention of Juvenile Crime and Deviance: Adolescents’ and Experts’ Views in an International Perspective,VABB-1,531,550,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376989,,"Onderzoek naar lekenparticipatie mag starten bij Aristoteles. Over democratie, waarheidsvinding, deskundigheid en phronèsis",VABB-4,77,94,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:376992,,Security and Surveillance in Times of Globalization: An Appraisal of Milton Santos’ Theory,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376993,,A Short Comment on Surveillance and Security in the E-Planned City,VABB-1,75,78,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376997,,The Limitations of Deterrence: China's Response to Military Balancing in the Western Pacific,VABB-4,23,36,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:376999,,Allen daarheen! Koks en kelners op de Wereldtentoonstelling van 1913 in Gent,VABB-1,29,51,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377004,,De ideale levensloop van Vlaamse jongeren,VABB-1,39,50,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377011,,The Belgian federation. A labyrinth state,VABB-4,211,222,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377012,,The Belgian federation at a crossroad,VABB-1,261,270,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377013,,"Party Strategies, Voter Demands and Territorial Reform in Belgium",VABB-1,354,374,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377015,,The Rights of Nature in Ecuador: the making of an idea,VABB-1,846,861,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377017,,Representativity in Times of Diversity: The Political Representation of Women.,VABB-1,179,186,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377018,,Visible Ethnic Minorities in Local Political Parties: A Case Study of two Belgian Cities (Antwerp and Ghent),VABB-1,160,171,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377019,,"Genderquota als een kieshervorming: terug naar de context, actoren en belangen",VABB-1,287,301,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377021,,Representative claims and beyond: A study of the inclusion of Muslim women's judgment in the Flemish headscarf debate,VABB-1,433,450,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377023,,The Eurasian Sea,VABB-1,155,176,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377026,,"Migrant integration policies in the Belgian Regions. Explaining divergence after devolution, Regional and Federal Studies",VABB-1,547,569,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377027,,Divergences et convergences des politiques d'intégration dans la Belgique multinationale. Le cas des parcours d'intégration pour immigrés,VABB-1,77,93,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377028,,The Oxford Handbook on Gender and Politics.,VABB-3,,,832 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377037,,"Representation as claims-making: Quid responsiveness? Representation, 46 (4): 411-23.",VABB-1,411,423,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377040,,Belgian Affairs and Constituent Preferences for Good Constituency Members,VABB-1,167,191,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377041,,Electoral Competition and the Constituent-Representative Relationship,VABB-1,337,355,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377042,,Constituency Service in Multi-Level Democracies,VABB-1,129,150,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377043,,Party Loyalty and Electoral Dealignment,VABB-1,970,981,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:377047,,Electorale competitie en het contact met de bevolking,VABB-1,269,288,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:377051,,De substantiële vertegenwoordiging van moslimvrouwen. Vertegenwoordigende claims en responsiviteit in het Vlaams hoofddoekendebat,VABB-1,429,458,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377055,,The history of labour and labour relations in hotels and restaurants in Western Europe and the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries: an introduction,VABB-1,195,217,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377056,,"Cooks and Waiters on the Move: the World and International Exhibition in Ghent, 1913, as a Destination for Hospitality Workers",VABB-1,283,312,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377057,,Comme les sauturelles sur un champ de maïs mûr: the Belgian unions and alien labour in hotels and restaurants in the 1930s,VABB-1,351,373,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377060,,Social participation among older adults living in medium-sized cities in Belgium: the role of neighbourhood perceptions,VABB-1,655,668,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:377062,,A Theoretical Perspective on the Conceptualisation and Usefullness of Frailty and Vulnerability Measurements in Community Dwelling Older Persons,VABB-1,13,31,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377072,,Early School Leaving & Youth Unemployment,VABB-3,,,288 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377074,,Dealing with early school leaving and youth unemployment: Some preliminary conclusions,VABB-4,256,264,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377075,,Spinal cord stimulation modulates cerebral neurobiology: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study.,VABB-1,1039,1047,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377079,,"Ongelijkheden in het ervaren van conflict in een adolescente siblingdyade: de effecten van geboortevolgorde, geboorteafstand en gendersamenstelling",VABB-1,125,148,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377081,,Van zelfcontrole naar zelfexpressie: een analyse van de transformatie van de geest van het kapitalisme.,VABB-1,50,73,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377083,,Keeping on track and growing apart: An empirical analysis of the role of education and media in attitude formation,VABB-1,524,544,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377087,,Ideal ages for family formation among immigrants in Europe,VABB-1,257,269,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377088,,Intergenerational Discrepancies in Fertility Preferences among Immigrant and Dutch Families,VABB-1,209,225,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377090,,Perceptual Quality of the Design of the Neighbourhood: The Relation with Feelings of Unsafety in Later Life.,VABB-1,917,937,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377091,,Item non-response when measuring elder abuse: influence of methodological choices.,VABB-1,1021,1026,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377097,,Individualisme ontleed. Een theoretische en empirische analyse van individualisme-discoursen,VABB-1,307,339,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377098,,Validation of the Comprehensive Frailty Assessment Instrument against the Tilburg Frailty Indicator,VABB-1,248,254,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377099,,"The comprehensive frailty assessment instrument: Development, validity and reliability",VABB-1,274,281,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377100,,Developing Age-Friendly Cities: Case Studies from Brussels and Manchester and Implications for Policy and Practice,VABB-1,52,72,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377101,,"Dis-moi quel est l'emploi du temps du Belge, je te dirai quelle vie il mène",VABB-5,11,19,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377108,,Lifelong learning in old age: results for the Belgian ageing studies.,VABB-5,513,517,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377117,,In de beslagprocedure is geen ruimte voor termijnverlenging wegens gerechtelijke vakantie,VABB-1,47,50,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377118,,Beslag op overheidsgoederen is niet zonder risico's,VABB-1,30,37,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377122,,L'oralité et les écritures dans le procès civil,VABB-1,513,520,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377123,,De motiveringsplicht van de onderzoeksgerechten in het kader van de regling van de rechtspleging: Hof van Cassatie wordt strenger,VABB-1,305,309,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377134,,Overzicht van rechtspraak - zakelijke zekerheden (2004-2010),VABB-1,1223,1399,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377136,,Het recht van terugkoop en wederovername in het Decreet Ruimtelijke Economie,VABB-1,1602,1613,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377140,,"The astronomical rhythm of Late-Devonian climate change (Kowala section, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)",VABB-1,25,37,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377141,,"Mid- to late Holocene Indian Ocean Monsoon variability recorded in four speleothems from Socotra Island, Yemen",VABB-1,129,142,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377142,,A sagging-spreading continuum of large volcano structure,VABB-1,339,342,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377143,,Numerical experiments on the dynamics of channelised lava flows at Mount Cameroon volcano with the FLOWGO thermo-rheological model,VABB-1,35,53,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377147,,Participatory Knowledge Production 2.0?: Critical Views and Experiences,VABB-1,153,159,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377148,,Eemian interglacial reconstructed from a Greenland folded ice core,VABB-1,489,494,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377149,,Effect of higher-order stress gradients on the centennial mass evolution of the Greenland ice sheet,VABB-1,183,199,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377150,,The influence of North Atlantic atmospheric and oceanic forcing effects on 1900-2010 Greenland summer climate and ice melt/ runoff,VABB-1,862,880,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377152,,Combined spatial point pattern analysis and remote sensing for assessing landmine affected areas,VABB-5,5368,5371,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:377153,,Local linear spectral unmixing via cluster analysis and non-negative matrix factorization for hyperspectral (CHRIS/Proba) imagery,VABB-5,7267,7270,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:377157,,Mapping impervious surface change from remote sensing for hydrological modelling,VABB-1,84,95,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377162,,Mapping the uncertainty of changes in vegetation cover in and around the Brussels Capital Region,VABB-5,123,126,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377166,,"Geotechnical and Mineralogical Characterisation of Soils from Landslide Scars and Inferred Sliding Mechanism: Case of Limbe, SW Cameroon",VABB-4,43,49,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377167,,"Magma emplacement into the Lemptégy scoria cone (Chaîne Des Puys, France) explored with structural, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, and Paleomagnetic data",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377169,,Public Spaces in the Occupied Palestinian Territories,VABB-1,743,758,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377170,,European Capital of Culture – Emancipatory Practices and Euregional Strategies: the Case of Maastricht VIA2018,VABB-4,73,83,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377171,,Turning to Ontology in STS? Turning to STS through ‘Ontology’,VABB-1,341,362,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377172,,Pre-Teide Volcanic Activity on the Northeast Volcanic Rift Zone,VABB-4,75,92,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377174,,Magnetic susceptibility as a high-resolution correlation tool and as a climatic proxy in Paleozoic rocks – Merits and pitfalls: Examples from the Devonian in Belgium,VABB-1,173,189,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377175,,Contrasting relationships between pyloric caecum and gonad growth in the starfish Asterias rubens: combined field and experimental approaches,VABB-1,1073,1086,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377176,,Hyperspectral Imagery Super-Resolution by Spatial-Spectral Joint Nonlocal Similarity,VABB-1,2671,2679,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377182,,A system-based paradigm of drought analysis for operational management,VABB-1,5281,5297,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377184,,"Crustal versus source processes recorded in dykes from the Northeast volcanic rift zone of Tenerife, Canary Islands",VABB-1,324,344,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:377186,,Incorporating land-use mapping uncertainty in remote sensing based calibration of land-use change models,VABB-5,7,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377187,,"Calibration of a higher-order 3-D ice flow model of the Morteratsch glacier complex, Engadin, Switzerland",VABB-1,343,351,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377188,,Twentieth-century global-mean sea-level rise: is the whole greater than the sum of the parts?,VABB-1,4476,4499,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377189,,Grounding-line migration in plan-view marine ice-sheet models: results of the ice2sea MISMIP3d intercomparison,VABB-1,410,422,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377190,,Surface Mass Balance Model Intercomparison for the Greenland Ice Sheet,VABB-1,599,614,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377191,,Sensitivity of Greenland ice sheet projections to model formulations,VABB-1,733,749,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377192,,Enhanced basal lubrication and the contribution of the Greenland ice sheet to future sea level rise,VABB-1,14156,14161,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377196,,What core competencies are related to teachers' innovative teaching?,VABB-1,9,27,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377201,,"Association between cognitive performance, physical fitness and physical activity level in women with chronic fatigue syndrome",VABB-1,795,810,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377202,,Alterität. Festschrift für Heidy Margrit Müller,VABB-3,,,210 p.,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:377203,,„wer ist denn schon zu hause bei sich“. Der Alteritätsbegriff zur Einführung,VABB-4,13,18,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:377205,,A Model for Measuring Open Access Adoption and Usage Behavior of Health Sciences Faculty Members,VABB-5,1298,1301,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377208,,Cross Cultural Pragmatics Requests’ Use of Strategy and Level of Directness in Palestinian Arabic and British English.,VABB-1,1109,1144,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377209,,Die soziolinguistische Kompetenz bei DaF-Lernenden und die Rolle der Modalpartikeln.,VABB-1,142,156,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:377211,,Hybridität und Identitätsproblematik in Feridun Zaimoglus Roman Leyla,VABB-4,127,137,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:377212,,How policies influence multilingual education and the impact of multilingual education on practices,VABB-4,353,372,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377214,,"Michele Leoni ""foscoliano""",VABB-4,123,138,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:377217,,Assigning volunteer tasks: the relation between task preferences and functional motives of youth volunteers,VABB-1,1030,1040,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377219,,Local government efficiency in German Municipalities,VABB-1,283,293,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377220,,Borders as boundaries to fiscal policy interactions ? An empirical analysis of politicians' opinions on rivals in the competition for firms,VABB-1,583,606,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377221,,The application of agency theory to nonprofit governance: a theoretical and empirical investigation,VABB-1,18,26,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377222,,Love Is Blind: Indiscriminate Female Mating Responses to Male Courtship Pheromones in Newts (Salamandridae),VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377223,,Frog nuptial pads secrete mating season-specific proteins related to salamander pheromones,VABB-1,4139,4143,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377224,,When do plastic bills lower the bill for the central bank? A model and estimates for the U.S.,VABB-1,45,60,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377225,,Drivers of internationalisation in network industries: the case of electronic purse developers,VABB-1,189,211,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377226,,Risk Sharing in the Reinsurance Market,VABB-2,,,1500 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377227,,Multivariate Option Pricing using Copulae,VABB-1,509,526,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377230,,A note on Stein's lemma for multivariate elliptical distributions,VABB-1,2016,2022,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377231,,Optimal portfolios under worst-case scenarios,VABB-1,657,671,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377232,,Using model-independent lower bounds to improve pricing of Asian style options in Levy markets,VABB-1,237,276,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377233,,Prices and Asymptotics for Discrete Variance Swaps,VABB-1,140,173,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377234,,Optimal insurance under rank dependent utility,VABB-1,154,186,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:377235,,An optimal insurance design problem under Knightian uncertainty,VABB-1,99,124,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377237,,Bounds on capital requirements for bivariate risk with given marginals and partial information on the dependence,VABB-1,37,53,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377239,,Impact of counterparty risk on the reinsurance market,VABB-1,87,111,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:377240,,The sNIHSS-4 predicts outcome in right and left anterior circulation strokes,VABB-1,729,731,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377242,,Accuracy and concordance of anthropometry for measuring regional fat distribution in adults aged 20-55 years.,VABB-1,63,70,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377243,,The advanced activities of daily living: a tool allowing the evaluation of subtle functional decline in mild cognitive impairment.,VABB-1,64,71,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377245,,Unassisted assessment of stroke severity using telemedicine,VABB-1,1249,1455,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377246,,Class II HDAC Inhibition Hampers Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation by Induction of MicroRNA-29.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377248,,Neuroprotective efficacy of subcutaneous insulin-like growth factor-I administration in normotensive and hypertensive rats with an ischemic stroke,VABB-1,253,262,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377251,,Prehospital Unassisted Assessment of Stroke Severity Using Telemedicine: A Feasibility Study.,VABB-1,2907,2909,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377253,,Recovery of Muscular Performance After Surgical Stress in Elderly Patients.,VABB-1,3215,3221,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377255,,Assessment of regional adipose tissue depots: A DXA and CT comparison in cadavers of elderly persons.,VABB-1,985,991,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377256,,Quality of Life in Sarcopenia and Frailty.,VABB-1,101,120,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377257,,Shortcomings in the application of multicolor flow cytometry in lymphocyte subsets enumeration,VABB-1,75,89,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377259,,Reliability of standard circumferences in domain related constitutional applications.,VABB-1,637,642,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377260,,Ultrasound of the sural nerve: Normal anatomy on cadaveric dissection and case series.,VABB-1,1953,1958,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377261,,Cerebral white matter blood flow and energy metabolism in multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,1282,1289,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377262,,Immune Players in the CNS: The Astrocyte,VABB-1,824,839,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377263,,Cerebral hypoperfusion in multiple sclerosis is reversible and mediated by endothelin-1,VABB-1,5654,5658,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377264,,Self-reported health promotion and disability progression in multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,120,126,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377265,,Headache associated with cough: a review,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377268,,Use of anthropometry for the prediction of regional body tissue distribution in adults: benefits and limitations in clinical practice,VABB-1,373,393,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377273,,The process of decline in advanced activities of daily living: a qualitative explorative study in mild cognitive impairment,VABB-1,974,986,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:377276,,Reduction of seizure frequency after epilepsy surgery in a patient with STXBP1 encephalopathy and clinical description of six novel mutation carriers,VABB-1,e74,e80,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377277,,"Mutation spectrum in RAB3GAP1, RAB3GAP2 and RAB18 and Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in Warburg Micro syndrome and Martsolf syndrome",VABB-1,686,696,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377280,,Elaborating the phenotypic spectrum associated with mutations in ARFGEF2 : Case study and literature review,VABB-1,666,670,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377282,,Minimal functional B-cell mass in intraportal implants that reduces glycemic variability in type 1 diabetic recipients,VABB-1,3483,3488,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377284,,Early treatment of a child with NAGS deficiency using N-carbamyl glutamate results in a normal neurological outcome,VABB-1,1635,1638,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377285,,PRRT2 mutations: exploring the phenotypical boundaries,VABB-1,462,465,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377288,,First line management of prolonged convulsive seizures in children and adults: good practice points,VABB-1,375,380,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377294,,Reconciling privacy and security,VABB-1,119,132,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377295,,Copyright enforcement in the digital age: a post-ACTA view on the balancing of fundamental rights,VABB-1,92,104,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377296,,Psychometric properties of an informant personality questionnaire (the HAP) in a sample of older adults in the Netherlands and Belgium.,VABB-1,623,629,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377298,,Enhancing optical gradient forces with metamaterials,VABB-1,057401,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377299,,Improving Co-operation Between Data Protection Authorities: First Lessons from Competition Law,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377303,,Formal virtualization requirements for the ARM architecture,VABB-1,144,154,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377305,,Althusser and Law,VABB-3,,,176 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377306,,Global Burn-out,VABB-3,,,145 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377307,,L'Inséparé. Essai sur un monde sans Autre,VABB-3,,,322 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377309,,Introduction,VABB-4,11,23,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377329,,The changing nature of the presumption of innocence in today’s surveillance societies: rewrite human rights or regulate the use of surveillance technologies?,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377330,,Security and the future of personal data protection in the European Union,VABB-1,331,342,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377333,,Personality and psychopathology: Mapping the MMPI–2–RF on Cloninger’s psychobiological model of personality,VABB-1,576,584,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377336,,"De uitzondering voor ""tijdelijke technische reproductiehandelingen"" na Infopaq I en II en Premier League",VABB-1,76,85,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377347,,Personality and psychopathology: Higher order relations between the Five Factor Model of personality and the MMPI-2 Restructured Form,VABB-1,572,579,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377348,,Politics of Disappearance: Scanners and (Unobserved) Bodies as Mediators of Security Practices,VABB-1,188,209,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377349,,Kan de Wet Verwerking Persoonsgegevens Antigoon buitenspel zetten?,VABB-1,1221,1226,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377355,,Le contexte du droit ce sont ses sources formelles et les faits et moyens qui exigent son intervention,VABB-1,108,116,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377359,,Women’s rights: from bad to worse? Assessing the evolution of incompatible reservations to the CEDAW Convention,VABB-1,51,65,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377360,,Personality traits and personality disorders in late middle and old age: do they remain stable? A literature review,VABB-1,253,271,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:377361,,Personality disorders in older adults: expert opinion as a first step toward evaluating the criterion validity of an informant questionnaire (HAP),VABB-1,173,174,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377362,,The legal construction of privacy and data protection,VABB-1,522,530,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377363,,Opening up personal data protection: A conceptual controversy,VABB-1,531,539,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377364,,European Data Protection and the Haunting Presence of Privacy,VABB-1,17,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377365,,Een rechtshistorische kijk op schaalgrootte in het Belgische en Franse handels- en economisch recht (vroege negentiende eeuw tot ca. 1960),VABB-4,213,234,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377377,,"Het onvoltooide verhoor voltooid verleden tijd? Het arrest Titarenko besproken, genuanceerd en getoetst aan de Salduzrechtspraak",VABB-1,99,106,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377387,,Kenniswerkers voor morgen,VABB-1,49,55,,dut,2012,2 c:vabb:377388,,Collective rights management and multi-territorial licensing: the Commission's proposal for a Directive,VABB-1,278,287,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377392,,Patent Eligibility – the ‘Sick-Man’ of Patent Law,VABB-4,139,163,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377398,,"Piret, J.V.A.G. (2012). Limitations of Supranational Jurisdiction, Judicial Restraint and the Nature of Treaty Law.",VABB-4,59,89,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:377403,,Het gebruik van location tracking-technologieën door politiediensten: nood aan verdere regulering?,VABB-1,47,60,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377404,,"European ‘smart’ surveillance: What’s at stake for data protection, privacy and non-discrimination?",VABB-1,297,311,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377407,,The Relationship Between International Treaties and Domestic Law: A View from Albanian Constitutional Law and Practice.,VABB-1,92,118,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:377412,,The Post-Independence Civil Service in Kosovo: A Message of Politicization.,VABB-1,665,691,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:377413,,Constitutional Law in Kosovo,VABB-2,,,336 p.,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:377414,,The Consociational System of Democracy in Kosovo: Questioning Ethnic Minorities' Special Status in Kosovo's Constitutional Regime.,VABB-1,601,613,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377429,,Ethical dilemma scenarios and emerging technologies,VABB-1,325,336,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377430,,The meaning and Mining of Legal Texts,VABB-4,145,160,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:377432,,Ethical Implications of ICT Implants,VABB-4,135,158,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:377434,,Human Law and Computer Law. Comparative Perspectives,VABB-3,,,200 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377435,,Prefatory Remarks on Human Law and Computer Law,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377436,,Prefatory Remarks on Part I: Law and Code,VABB-4,13,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377437,,From Galatea 2.2 to Watson - And Back?,VABB-4,23,45,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377438,,Privacy and Due Process after the Computational Turn. The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology,VABB-3,,,256 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377439,,"Introduction. Privacy, due process and the computational turn at a glance: pointers for a hurried reader",VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377440,,Profile transparency by design? Re-enabling double contingency,VABB-4,221,246,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377443,,Balance or Tradeoff. Online Security Technologies and Fundamental Rights,VABB-1,357,379,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377444,,Extraterriotrial Jurisdiction to Enforce in Cyberspace?,VABB-1,196,224,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377445,,Data Protection by Design and Technology Neutral Law,VABB-1,509,521,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377447,,A Bump in the Road. Ruling out Law from Technology,VABB-4,89,121,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377448,,"Privacy, due process and the computational turn. A parable and a first analysis",VABB-4,9,38,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377451,,Der Tod und das Mädchen I-V; Körper und Frau; Ulrike Maria Stuart; Über Tiere [u.a.],VABB-4,174,185,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:377455,,The neurolinguistic approach to awake surgery reviewed.,VABB-1,127,145,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377460,,De la réciprocité d'influence entre Jean Cocteau et Tennessee Williams,VABB-1,238,270,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377461,,Processual Passing: Ron Vawter Performs _Philoktetes_,VABB-1,119,132,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377462,,The cerebellum: its role in language and related cognitive and affective functions,VABB-1,334,342,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377463,,Lingua Tertii Imperii (Victor Klemperer),VABB-4,566,671,,ger,2012,2 c:vabb:377465,,A prospective study on the prevalence of and risk factors of poststroke depression,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377469,,La inacusatividad en los verbos meteorológicos en español: un análisis comparativo de llover y amanecer,VABB-1,117,132,,spa,2013,1 c:vabb:377473,,Phantom Pains. The Dramatization of Collaboration with Nazism,VABB-4,59,71,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377474,,Ellipse et fragment. Morceaux choisis,VABB-3,,,245 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377475,,Introduction,VABB-4,9,15,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377477,,Dutch. Biography of a Language.,VABB-2,,,312 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377478,,POSTERIOR FOSSA SYNDROME AFTER CEREBELLAR STROKE,VABB-1,686,691,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377479,,"Jean Cocteau à travers le ""Journal intime"" de Roger Lannes (1939-1949)",VABB-4,81,209,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377480,,Les Amis de Jean Cocteau,VABB-3,,,317 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377483,,Psychosocial problems associated with depression 18 months poststroke,VABB-1,144,152,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377484,,Fonctionnement textuel et valeur prototypique : l’interprétation des participes présents adjoints dans le discours écrit littéraire et journalistique,VABB-4,47,64,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377486,,Stades de progression de la finitude verbale en FL2,VABB-1,44,64,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:377487,,"Harry Mulisch en het narcistische schrijven. Metafictie bekeken vanuit postmoderisme, modernisme en gnosis",VABB-1,163,187,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:377488,,The Critical Power of Salimata's Disenchantment: A Gendered Rereading of Ahmadou Kourouma's Les Soleils des Indépendances,VABB-1,91,104,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377489,,John Jesurun's Digitalist _Firefall_: Staging the Analogical Relation as Cognitive Performance,VABB-1,48,53,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377495,,Double Exposures: On the Reciprocity of Influence Between Tennessee Williams and Jean Cocteau,VABB-1,505,527,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377497,,The Chat Box Revelation: On the chat language of Flemish adolescents and young adults,VABB-5,682,685,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377500,,Obstruent voicing before sonorants. The case of West-Flemish.,VABB-1,563,588,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377501,,Phonological representations in children’s native and non-native lexicon,VABB-1,3,21,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:377502,,"Du, Ich, Man. Narratologische Überlegungen zu Verena Stefans Roman Fremdschläfer",VABB-4,139,152,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:377503,,An eye for words: Gauging the role of attention in L2 vocabulary acquisition by means of eye-tracking,VABB-1,483,517,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377507,,Le sens grammatical : Élaboration d'un référentiel à l'usage des enseignants,VABB-1,85,100,,fre,2012,1 c:vabb:377514,,"""Comme"" et ""aussi que"" dans les comparatives: des marqueurs de subordination ?",VABB-1,33,50,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377515,,Concept(ion) versus Ekphrasis. Durs Grünbein's Approach to the Pictorial Arts,VABB-4,119,144,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377517,,Über Alterität und Intertextualität in Richard Beer-Hofmanns Der Graf von Charolais,VABB-4,169,181,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:377523,,"Bierstuben, Cottages and Art Deco. Regionalism, Nationalism and Internationalism at the Belgian World fairs",VABB-1,1373,1388,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:377524,,"Streetscape of new districts permeated by the fresh scent of cement’: Brussels, The avant-garde, and internationalism",VABB-4,336,360,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377525,,Taalkunde met een ranzig randje : wetenschap en ideologie in het Noord-Nederlandse debat over de oorsprong en de status van de indianen (1641-1644),VABB-4,125,152,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377526,,Les expressions spatiales contenant le mot ‘travers’: analyse sémantique de l’usage aux XVIe siècle,VABB-1,1,9,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377530,,L’interchangeabilité du participe présent adjoint et du gérondif: contraintes et limites en contexte converbal,VABB-5,217,228,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377532,,"A Standard Neurolinguistic Approach to Awake Brain Surgery in the pre-, intra- and postoperative phase",VABB-5,92,97,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377533,,Atypical Language Dominance in a right-handed patient: an Anatomoclinical Study with Direct Electrical Stimulation (DES) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) (poster),VABB-5,92,97,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377535,,The Use of Discourse Markers in Spanish Language Learners’ Written Compositions,VABB-5,550,556,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377536,,A Corpus-based Study on Referential Chains in Spanish Newspapers,VABB-5,170,177,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377539,,‘Generatie Schierbeek. Lyricisering in de jaren vijftig’,VABB-1,587,604,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:377540,,"""Afrikaans Amerikaans drama en slavernij""",VABB-1,270,280,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377541,,"""Ondanks alles: Lange dagreis naar de nacht in Vlaanderen en Nederland.""",VABB-1,163,197,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377542,,Object naming may overestimate patients' language performance after neuro-oncological surgery: A case study,VABB-5,59,63,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377545,,Prevalence and associated behavioral symptoms of depression in mild cognitive impairment and dementia due to Alzheimer's disease,VABB-1,947,958,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377568,,Boer Battus versus Wim uit Parijs. De Multatuli-polemiek van Hugo Brandt Corstius en Willem Frederik Hermans,VABB-1,133,161,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:377569,,‘Een échte ironicus'. De rol van Thomas Mann in de ironieopvatting van Harry Mulisch,VABB-1,201,216,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377571,,Reboot your culture. The theatricalization of the unbearable,VABB-1,19,33,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377581,,Et Skriftsprog gjør sig ikke selv. Metacommentaar op het taalplanningsproces in Vlaanderen en Noorwegen in de 19e eeuw ‘van binnenuit’: Den Ny-Norske Sprog- og Nationalitetsbevægelse (1877) van Arne Garborg als casestudy .,VABB-1,823,876,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:377582,,Dutch,VABB-1,833,856,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:377584,,Literatur als Subversion. Ein kulturwissenschaftliches Modell zur Analyse gewagter Literatur und ihrer Aporien,VABB-4,540,561,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:377585,,"Multiculturalism and Multilingualism in Contemporary Prose in Flanders: The Writings by Chika Unigwe, Koen Peeters and Benno Barnard",VABB-4,283,313,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377587,,« Ontmaskering van de urbane genotscultuur en utopie van het natuurlijke leven: Bruxelles rigole... (1883) van Henri Nizet »,VABB-4,205,218,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377592,,Predicting Listed Companies’ Failure in Jordan Using Altman Models: A Case Study.,VABB-1,113,126,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377594,,Een onderzoek naar de wijzigende regelgeving over de waardering en rapportering van verzekeringscontracten volgens internationale normen en de impact op Belgische verzekeringsondernemingen.,VABB-1,2,19,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377599,,Development of riveting technology through an analysis of Belgian patents (1830-1940),VABB-5,1071,1079,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:377600,,Structural analysis of historical reinforced concrete structure: case study of the Dotremont house (1932),VABB-5,226,234,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:377601,,Characterization of alkali activated kaolinitic clay,VABB-1,120,125,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377605,,Stay-in-Place Formwork of TRC Designed as Shear Reinforcement for Concrete Beams,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377608,,Tensile behaviour of different high performance fibre reinforced cements,VABB-5,145,154,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:377610,,Response of pultruded composite tubes subjected to dynamic and impulsive axial loading,VABB-1,537,547,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377620,,Cimorné cement render with opalescent glass granules: a decorative façade finish developed by innovative craftsmanship in the interwar period,VABB-1,86,102,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377624,,Het middeleeuwse poortgebouw van de Huysmanshoeve te Eeklo: een bescheiden bouwwerk met een fascinerende geschiedenis,VABB-1,38,51,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377629,,The development of architectural concrete in Belgium during the 1960s and 1970s,VABB-5,430,438,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377630,,Institutionele geschiedenis en wettelijk kader van het architectuuronderwijs aan de Antwerpse academie,VABB-4,16,31,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377631,,Architectuurcultuur en architectuuronderwijs aan de Antwerpse Academie onder Frans en Nederlands bewind (1794-1830),VABB-4,54,69,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377633,,The effect of priming on the effectiveness of threat appeals,VABB-1,47,66,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377635,,"International Theory as the General Theory of International Strategic Management: Past, Present and Future",VABB-4,325,353,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377636,,The transaction cost economics (TCE) Theory of trading favors,VABB-1,409,431,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377637,,The Drivers of Multinational Enterprise Subsidiary Entrepreneurship in China: A New Resource-Based View Perspective,VABB-1,236,258,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377640,,"Procedural Justice, Not Absorptive Capacity, Matters in Multinational Enterprise ICT Transfers",VABB-1,535,554,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377641,,International Business Strategy,VABB-2,,,506 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377642,,The influence of Advertising on Compulsive Buying – The role of Persuasion Knowledge,VABB-1,65,73,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:377644,,"Towards sustainable business models: Necessity, opportunity or challenge?",VABB-5,221,225,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377645,,Business modeling for sustainability: Identifying five modeling principles and demonstrating their role and function in an explorative case study,VABB-5,340,346,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377650,,International strategies of port authorities: the case of the Port of Rotterdam Authority,VABB-1,148,157,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377651,,Strategy making by hybrid organizations: The case of the port authority,VABB-1,103,113,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377652,,A motivation-based typology of social virtual world users,VABB-1,330,338,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377653,,Internalization Theory as the General Theory of International Strategic Management: Jean-Francois Hennart`s Contributions,VABB-4,35,52,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377654,,"Internalization theory as the general theory of international strategic management: Past, present and future",VABB-4,325,353,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377655,,New insights on the role of cultural distance in international strategy,VABB-4,291,309,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:377659,,Body Mass Index as a Parameter in a Motor Adaptation Process,VABB-5,289,293,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377662,,Influence of growth rate on nitrogen balance in adolescent sprint athletes.,VABB-1,409,417,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377665,,Centor criteria in children in a paediatric emergency department: for what it is worth.,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377670,,Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O128ab:H2 Bacteremia in a 27-year old male with hemolytic-uremic syndrome.,VABB-1,1633,1635,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377673,,Eradication of chronic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in cystic fibrosis patients. AN observational prospective cohort study of 11 patients.,VABB-1,662,666,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377675,,"Staphylococcus jettensis sp nov, a coagulase-negative staphylococcal species isolated from human clinical specimens.",VABB-1,3250,3256,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377677,,Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O26:H11/H- : a new virulent clone emerges in Europe,VABB-1,1373,1381,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377679,,Brain mapping after prolonged cycling and during recovery in the heat.,VABB-1,1324,1331,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377682,,Reply to 'Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus',VABB-1,183,183,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377684,,Teaching basic life support: a prospective randomised study on low-cost training strategies in secondary schools,VABB-1,284,290,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:377686,,"Short- and long-term effects of conscious, minimally conscious and unconscious brand logos",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377688,,Influence of the timing of ultrasound application on the penetration of corticosteroids.,VABB-1,279,282,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377689,,The effect of Exercise on Visceral Adipose Tissue in Overweight Adults : A systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377700,,Does robot-assisted gait rehabilitation improve balance in stroke patients? A Systematic review.,VABB-1,87,100,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:377701,,Walking slower than normal: the influence on trunk and pelvis kinematics in young and older healthy persons.,VABB-1,800,806,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377705,,Trunk muscle activity in persons with multiple sclerosis: influence of body weight support.,VABB-1,323,335,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377706,,Trunk kinematics in person with multiple sclerosis: influence of body weight support.,VABB-1,731,740,-,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377708,,"Somatotype, training and performance in Ironman athletes",VABB-1,301,308,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:377709,,Dietary pattern analysis : a comparison between matched vegetarian and omnivorous subjects.,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377710,,Are there improvements in balance after robot-assisted gait rehabilitation in stroke patients? A systematic review.,VABB-1,87,100,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:377712,,Simulating Surgical Luminaires by Ray Files,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377713,,Using an Xbox Kinect camera to determine the surgical luminaire position in an operating room,VABB-5,413,422,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377714,,A self-healing polymer network coating based on reversible covalent bonding,VABB-1,413,420,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377715,,Students' and teachers' thinking styles and preferred teacher interpersonal behaviour,VABB-1,399,407,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377716,,Group rings of finite strongly monomial groups: central units and primitive idempotents,VABB-1,99,116,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377720,,The influence of test anxiety on academic performance of agriculture students,VABB-1,652,661,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377721,,Experiences of neighbourhood exclusion and inclusion among older people living in deprived inner-city areas in Belgium and England,VABB-1,89,109,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377724,,Fabrication and separation performance evaluation of a metal-organic framework based microseparator device,VABB-1,65,72,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377726,,Regulatory mechanisms after short-term and long-term perturbed lysine biosynthesis in the aspartate pathway: the need for isogenes in Arabidopsis thaliana,VABB-1,449,460,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377730,,A Note on Supersymmetric Chiral Bosons,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377732,,De waarde van filosofie voor museumeducatie in kunstmusea,VABB-1,81,93,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377735,,Participation in prison programmes: Encouraging and discouraging factors.,VABB-4,275,298,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377736,,Effects of Agricultural Students' Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Test Anxiety on their Achievement Motivation and Academic Performance,VABB-1,85,98,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377739,,Shear stress sensing with Bragg grating-based sensors in microstructured optical fibers,VABB-1,20404,20416,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377740,,Corrosion Study on Al-rich Metal-Coated Steel by Odd >Random Phase Multisine Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy,VABB-1,165,175,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377741,,A three-channel miniaturized optical system for multi-resolution imaging,VABB-5,88410,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377745,,On Non-Abelian T-Duality and new N=1 backgrounds,VABB-1,342,346,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377746,,Non-Abelian T-duality and the AdS/CFT correspondence:new N=1 backgrounds,VABB-1,1,64,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377747,,G-structures and Flavouring non-Abelian T-duality,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377752,,Odd random phase multisine electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to quantify a non-stationary behaviour: Theory and validation by calculating an instantaneous impedance value.,VABB-1,375,382,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:377755,,Mild iodine deficiency in pregnancy in Europe and its consequences for cognitive and psychomotor development of children: a review.,VABB-1,174,183,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377757,,"Externalizing problems in young foster children: Prevalence rates, predictors and service use.",VABB-1,716,724,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377758,,De vragenlijst beoordeling pleegzorgsituaties (VBPS): een instrument ter ondersteuning van het matchingsproces in pleegzorg. Een pilootonderzoek.,VABB-1,17,32,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377759,,Children placed in long-term family foster care: a longitudinal study into the development of problem behavior and associated factors.,VABB-1,587,593,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377761,,Can the Social Robot Probo help Children with Autism to Identify Situation-based Emotions? A Series of Single Case Experiments,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377762,,Evaluatie-onderzoek in jeugdhulpverlening: een kwestie van samenwerken.,VABB-1,195,209,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377763,,Smart control of spinal alignment through active adjustment of mechanical bed properties during sleep,VABB-1,369,380,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377765,,An Evaluation of Cardiorespiratory and Movement Features With Respect to Sleep-Stage Classification,VABB-1,661,669,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:377766,,Parenting stress and parenting behavior among foster mothers of foster children with externalizing problems.,VABB-1,1742,1750,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377767,,Social Robots vs. Computer Display: Does the Way Social Stories are Delivered Make a Difference for Their Effectiveness on ASD Children?,VABB-1,381,401,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377779,,Orthographic Learning and the Role of Text-to-Speech Software in Dutch Disabled Readers,VABB-1,39,50,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:377782,,Kortdurende thuisbegeleiding binnen de Bijzondere Jeugdbijstand. Een verduidelijking van de interventiemiddelen en methodische aanpak.,VABB-1,412,428,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377783,,De controlegroep onder controle? Beïnvloedt toewijzing aan een controleconditie de routinezorg aan cliënten?,VABB-1,431,444,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377784,,Long-term follow-up on the effect of combined therapy of bile acids and statins in the treatment of cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis: a case report,VABB-1,9,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377785,,"Diagnostiek, meten en therapie: drie handen op één buik?!",VABB-1,264,277,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377794,,"Response to ""A controversial consensus""; By the International Consensus Panel",VABB-1,213,217,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:377795,,A Conceptual Practice Occupational Therapy Model to Facilitate a Return to Work in BC patients,VABB-1,516,526,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377796,,On Becoming (Un)committed: A Taxonomy and Test of Newcomer On-boarding Scenarios,VABB-1,1640,1661,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377800,,Comparing conscious and unconscious conflict adaptation,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377801,,Begeleiding van chronische zieken: meerwaarde of niet?,VABB-1,139,142,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377803,,Validation of centrifugation as a countermeasure for otolith deconditioning during spaceflight: Preliminary data of the ESA SPIN study,VABB-1,23,31,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377807,,3D-Ballistocardiography in Microgravity: Comparison with Ground Based Recordings,VABB-5,7012,7016,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377808,,Cardiovascular Changes in Parabolic Flights Assessed by Ballistocardiography,VABB-5,3801,3804,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377809,,Timing and Source of the Maximum of the Transthoracic Impedance Cardiogram (dZ/dt) in Relation to the H-I-J Complex of the Longitudinal Ballistocardiogram under Gravity and Microgravity Conditions,VABB-5,7294,7297,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377810,,The relationship between arousal and the remembered duration of positive events,VABB-1,493,496,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377811,,Maturation of work attitudes: Correlated change with Big Five personality traits and reciprocal effects over 15 years,VABB-1,507,529,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:377813,,Korte termijn geheugen en werkgeheugen: zinnig of dubbelzinnig?,VABB-1,70,78,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377814,,Do they adapt or react? A comparison of the adaptation model and the stress reaction model among South African unemployed,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377816,,Exploring nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses in Tara Oceans microbial metagenomes.,VABB-1,1678,1695,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377817,,Influence of botulinum toxin therapy on postural control and lowel limb intersegmental coordination in children with spastic cerebral palsy,VABB-1,93,105,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:377823,,A Tale of Market Efficiency,VABB-1,139,156,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377824,,The Smallest Stocks are Not Just Smaller: Global Evidence,VABB-1,51,70,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:377830,,Asset allocation with risk factors,VABB-1,60,65,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377835,,Local Volatility Pricing Models for Long-Dated FX Derivatives,VABB-1,380,402,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:377838,,"Het eeuwigdurend karakter van het eigendomsrecht. Oude materie, nieuwe perspectieven",VABB-1,4,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:377840,,"L'automne des idées, Symbolisme et décadence à la fin du XIXe siècle en France et en Belgique",VABB-3,,,376 p.,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:377843,,"‘Realityshow’-productie(s) en professionele ethiek: discussiepunten, dimensies, en discours van programmamakers en deelnemers",VABB-1,74,91,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:377846,,Leptin-mediated reactive oxygen species production does not significantly affect primary mouse hepatocyte functions in vitro.,VABB-1,1370,1380,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:377847,,Efficacy predictors of lung volume reduction with Zephyr valves in a European cohort,VABB-1,1334,1342,,eng,2012,1 c:vabb:377849,,Gene expression profiling of early hepatic stellate cell activation reveals a role for igfbp3 in cell migration.,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:378474,,Some Byzantine / Greek Influences on the Early Work of the Anatomist Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564),VABB-5,903,908,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378475,,Heterogeneous VRP review and conceptual framework,VABB-5,1052,1059,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378476,,Robust Global Tracking Using a Seamless Structured Pattern of Dots,VABB-5,210,231,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378478,,Generating Artificial Event Logs with Sufficient Discriminatory Power to Compare Process Discovery Techniques,VABB-5,174,178,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378479,,Interactive Augmented Omnidirectional Video with Realistic Lighting,VABB-5,247,263,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378484,,Making claims on value: The rhetoric construction of aesthetic innovation by ethnic minority creatives,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378487,,‘Fertility Awareness-Based Methods’ and subfertility: a systematic review,VABB-1,113,123,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378489,,Is driving 1 km to workworse for the environment than driving 1 km for shopping,VABB-4,79,83,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378490,,Pulmonary Rehabilitation,VABB-1,55,63,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378497,,Overlopende rekeningen in de Belgische jaarrekening: een verbazende diversiteit,VABB-1,2,27,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378500,,Ventilatory function during exercise in multiple sclerosis and impact of training intervention: cross-sectional and randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,557,568,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378501,,Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Legislation,VABB-1,77,82,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378502,,A shift from teacher centered to learner centered approach,VABB-1,31,37,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378503,,Re-Designing Multigenerational Dwelling,VABB-5,43,54,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378505,,PhysiCube: providing tangible interaction in a pervasive upper-limb rehabilitation system,VABB-5,85,92,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378506,,A Micro Simulated and Demand Driven Supply Chain Model To Calculate Regional Production and Consumption Matrices,VABB-1,16,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378509,,The Convivial Housing Modus for “Singletown”,VABB-5,158,165,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378510,,"Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Legislation (Feb. - June, 2014)",VABB-1,303,310,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378511,,COnCEPT - Developing Intelligent Information Systems to Support Colloborative Working Across Design Teams,VABB-5,170,175,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378513,,The effectiveness of body awareness interventions in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,35,56,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378515,,Preventie en beheersing van ongevallen met gevaarlijke stoffen: de Seveso III-richtlijn toegelicht,VABB-1,25,38,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378517,,De adviezen van de Expertencommissie Onroerend Erfgoed,VABB-1,303,308,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378518,,Juridische status van een ethische code: waar plaats je zo een code in de hiërarchie van de continentale normen?,VABB-1,15,24,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378520,,Estimation after a group sequential trial,VABB-1,187,205,-,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:378524,,The sooner the better?: Klachtenbehandeling in Vlaamse lokale besturen anno 2012,VABB-1,240,259,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378526,,Activity-based Travel Demand Forecasting using Micro-simulation: Stochastic Error Investigation of FEATHERS Framework,VABB-4,167,181,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378527,,Data Science and Simulation in Transportation Research,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378530,,De federale regelgevingsimpactanalyse: een stand van zaken na zes maanden.,VABB-1,185,201,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378531,,Conservation of monasteries by adaptive reuse: diversified program as a source of inspiration in past and future?,VABB-5,705,714,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378532,,The Russian Federation and the International Climate Change Regime,VABB-1,167,174,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378533,,Designerly Ways of Not Knowing: What Designers Can Learn about Space from People Who are Blind,VABB-1,317,332,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378536,,Alternatieve geschillenoplossing in de nieuwe familierechtbank: een stap voorwaarts of een gemiste kans?,VABB-1,38,58,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378538,,Exploring Social Augmentation Concepts for Public Speaking using Peripheral Feedback and Real-Time Behavior Analysis,VABB-5,261,262,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378539,,Informing Online and Mobile Map Design with the Collective Wisdom of Cartographers,VABB-5,754,774,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378540,,Effectiviteit van toelatingsproeven,VABB-1,79,85,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378541,,Design for subjective well-being in interior architecture,VABB-5,206,218,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378543,,Handhaving van de gevolgen van een vernietigde bestuurshandeling door de Raad van State,VABB-4,95,124,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378545,,Short paper: exploiting WPA2-enterprise vendor implementation weaknesses through challenge response oracles,VABB-5,189,194,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378546,,Publiekrechtelijke afwijkingen van het vennootschapsrecht voor autonome overheidsbedrijven: evolutie 1991-2014 aan de hand van de casus van bpost,VABB-1,232,246,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378547,,"Rechtspraak in kort bestek: juli 2013 tot en met december 2013 (GwH, EHRM, HvJ)",VABB-1,122,131,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378548,,Statistical validation of surrogate markers in clinical trials,VABB-4,227,241,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378550,,Suit Up!: Enabling Eyes-Free Interactions on Jacket Buttons,VABB-5,1549,1554,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378551,,Parametric and semi-nonparametric model strategies for the estimation of distributions of chemical contaminant data,VABB-1,423,444,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:378552,,A Domain-Specific Textual Language for Rapid Prototyping of Multimodal Interactive Systems,VABB-5,97,106,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378554,,Naar een vernieuwde relatie tussen de fiscus en de belastingplichtige,VABB-1,533,549,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378557,,Kickables: Tangibles for Feet,VABB-5,3143,3152,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378559,,Impacts of Electric Mobility on the Electric Grid,VABB-4,319,339,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378560,,Open Innovation,VABB-4,1,7,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378561,,Getting help from infomediaries-what can innovators do to increase value in external knowledge searches,VABB-4,242,255,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378563,,Surfing the New Wave of Open Innovation Research,VABB-4,281,294,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378564,,"Rechtspraak in kort bestek: januari 2014 tot en met juni 2014 (GwH, EHRM, HvJ)",VABB-1,277,286,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378566,,"Board structures and board behaviour: a cross-country comparison of privately held SMEs in Belgium, the Netherlands and Norway",VABB-1,197,219,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378570,,Servic-escape! A cross-sectorial study on environmental shopping irritations,VABB-5,34,39,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378571,,Critical perspectives on diversity: State of the art and promising avenues for future research,VABB-1,189,203,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378572,,New European Union Framework for 2030 Climate and Energy Policy,VABB-1,71,77,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378574,,Electric Vehicles in the Smart Grid,VABB-4,340,363,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378575,,A permutation solution to test for treatment effects in alternation design single-case experiments,VABB-1,1094,1111,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378577,,Exploring Open Innovation at the Level of R&D Projects,VABB-4,115,131,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378579,,The office smartwatch: development and design of a smartwatch app to digitally augment interactions in an office environment,VABB-5,41,44,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378580,,Het weigeren van een audit: welke bedrijven zondigen?,VABB-1,3,21,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378582,,Analysis of the operations of an intermodal barge terminal,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378584,,"Overdracht van jaarlijkse vakantie bij ambtenaren: alle ambtenaren zijn gelijk, zelfs de EU-ambtenaren zijn niet langer (on)gelijker dan de ambtenaren van de lidstaten",VABB-1,81,98,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378585,,Studying retail design through a cross-cultural perspective,VABB-5,308,316,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378586,,Game of Tones: Learning to Play Songs on a Piano Using Projected Instructions and Games,VABB-5,411,414,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378588,,Naar robuuste en gebruikersonafhankelijke energiezuinige woningen,VABB-1,6,9,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378590,,The interaction of Image and Text in Modern Comics,VABB-4,240,257,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378592,,Is long-term exercise intervention effective to improve cardiac autonomic control during exercise in subjects with multiple sclerosis? A randomized controlled trial.,VABB-1,223,231,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:378593,,Narrative Thinking in Architectural Education,VABB-5,305,311,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378594,,Fuzzy data envelopment analysis in composite indicator contrucstion,VABB-4,88,100,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378595,,Real-time Local Stereo Matching using Edge Sensitive Adaptive Windows,VABB-5,117,126,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378597,,"Quality of service in mobile ad hoc networks, carrying multimedia traffic",VABB-1,41,68,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378598,,Traffic Safety Implications of Travel Demand Management Policies: The Cases of Teleworking and Fuel Cost Increase,VABB-4,115,140,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378599,,Het stuitend effect van de boekhoudkundige verwerking van fiscale schulden op de verjaring,VABB-1,736,739,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378603,,The Annotation of Global Positioning System (GPS) Data with Activity Purposes Using Multiple Machine Learning Algorithms,VABB-4,119,133,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378604,,De invloed van de toegang tot justitie op de instroom van rechtszaken: een empirische analyse,VABB-1,1163,1174,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378605,,Open Innovation through R&D partnerships: Implementation challenges and routes to success,VABB-4,41,59,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378610,,"Komt de ""juridische"" schenking uit het erfrecht nog wel overeen met wat maatschappelijk als schenking wordt ervaren?",VABB-1,334,343,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378611,,A Classification of Open Innovation and Open Business Models,VABB-4,50,68,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378612,,De onvolmaakte devolutieve werking van een administratief beroep inzake vergunningsbeslissingen: ad impossibile nemo tenetur,VABB-1,86,89,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378613,,Supporting the Early Stages of the Product Design Process: Using an Integrated Collaborative Environment,VABB-5,166,171,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378615,,Social risk screening using a socio-political ambiguity approach: The case of organic agriculture in Iran,VABB-1,747,770,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:378616,,Actualia wetgeving en beleid. Overzicht 1 oktober tot en met 31 december 2013,VABB-1,76,82,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378625,,"""Nothing will come of nothing, speak again.""",VABB-1,88,99,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378628,,Europese luchtkwaliteitsnormen inzake fijn stof en hun impact op het Vlaamse omgevingsrecht,VABB-1,251,264,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378631,,Augmented video viewing: transforming video consumption into an active experience,VABB-5,164,167,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378634,,An official European Respiratory Society statement on physical activity in COPD,VABB-1,1521,1537,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:378635,,Extending the Role of the Architect in Flanders’ Residential Environment,VABB-5,443,452,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378640,,Graphical Toolkits for Rapid Prototyping of Multimodal Systems: A Survey,VABB-1,470,488,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:378643,,Grensoverschrijdend onderling overleg in fiscalibus in het licht van de algemene beginselen van behoorlijk bestuur,VABB-1,314,332,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378645,,DEA scores bootstrapping application for traffic fatality risk assessment in Brazil,VABB-5,107,112,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378646,,Fiscale bemiddeling in België: een curiosum?,VABB-1,21,46,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378647,,ACTUALIA WETGEVING EN BELEID. Recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van milieu- en energierecht in België (1 oktober 2013 tot en met 31 december 2013),VABB-1,76,82,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378648,,Overcoming interaction barriers in large public displays using personal devices,VABB-5,375,380,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378651,,Farm-level evidence on risk balancing behavior in the EU-15,VABB-1,17,37,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378654,,De zesde staatshervorming en de kwaliteit van de wet (deel 2),VABB-1,126,135,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378656,,The application of two sustainability assessment tools on a passive office in Flanders: a user-approach,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378663,,"Plane Sweeping in Eye-gaze Corrected, Tele-immersive 3D Video Conferencing",VABB-4,135,161,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378665,,Equality and Prohibition of Discrimination in Employment,VABB-4,419,463,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378666,,TweetPos: A Tool to Study the Geographic Evolution of Twitter Topics,VABB-5,257,266,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378667,,Product Integral Binding Coefficients for High-order Wavelets,VABB-5,17,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378673,,National Courts in the New European Fundamental Rights Architecture,VABB-4,159,174,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378674,,"«Si judicas, (semper) cognosce»? Over de (afstand inzake de) toepassing van art. 779 Ger.W. in geval van heropening van het debat",VABB-1,458,462,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378675,,Lijvig arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof versterkt onafhankelijkheid van CREG slechts matig,VABB-1,3,24,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378676,,Smoothed Surface Transitions for Human Motion Synthesis,VABB-5,73,79,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378677,,Research on restrained study areas for effective activity-based travel demand forecasting,VABB-5,774,779,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378678,,Event log knowledge as a complementary simulation model construction input,VABB-5,456,462,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378679,,Rehabilitation Therapists as Software Creators?: Introducing End-User Development in a Healthcare Setting,VABB-1,36,50,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378681,,CHI 2039: Speculative Research Visions,VABB-5,761,770,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378686,,Exploration and Analysis of DNA Microarray and Other High-Dimensional Data (2nd edition).,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378689,,Assessing The Overall Driving Performance Of Older-Drivers,VABB-5,2357,2368,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378692,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 13 december 2013 tot en met 21 maart 2014,VABB-1,163,167,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378693,,Is Walking Capacity in Subjects with Multiple Sclerosis Primarily Related to Muscle Oxidative Capacity or Maximal Muscle Strength? A Pilot Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378695,,New Frontiers in Open Innovation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378696,,Attention as an Input Modality for Post-WIMP Interfaces Using the viGaze Eye Tracking Framework,VABB-1,2913,2929,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378697,,"Past, Present, and Fiture of Statistical Science",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378698,,"Zaak C-176/12, Association de médiation sociale (AMS)/Union locale des syndicats CGT, Hichem Laboubi, Union départementale CGT des Bouches-du-Rhône, Confédération générale du travail (CGT)",VABB-1,359,364,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:378700,,Morbide obesitas bij kinderen en adolescenten,VABB-1,1401,1410,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378702,,From today’s augmented houses to tomorrow’s smart homes: new directions from home automation research,VABB-5,105,115,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378705,,Touch the 3rd Dimension! Understanding Stereoscopic 3D Touchscreen Interaction,VABB-1,47,67,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378706,,A study of the determinants of work-to-family conflict among hospital nurses in Belgium,VABB-1,898,909,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:378709,,Registration of aggresive incidents in an adolescent forensic psychiatric unit and implications for further practice,VABB-1,823,833,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378711,,De afschaffing van de Nederlandse keuzeregeling: een goede zaak voor de Belg die in Nederland werkt,VABB-1,376,398,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378712,,"Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Legislation (Dec., 2013-Feb., 2014)",VABB-1,185,193,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378715,,Maternal venous Doppler characteristics are abnormal in preeclampsia but not in gestational hypertension.,VABB-1,421,426,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:378716,,"Zijn werken uitgevoerd door één van de echtgenoten te beschouwen als ""bijdrage in de lasten van het huwelijk""?",VABB-1,202,208,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378717,,THE BELGIAN RESIDENTIAL CARE LANDSCAPE: A STUDY OF ARCHITECTURAL CARE CONCEPTS THROUGH THE LENS OF SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING,VABB-5,475,481,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378718,,Tile Tracker: A Practical and Inexpensive Positioning System for Mobile AR Applications,VABB-5,434,441,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378722,,Issues in Feathers Application in the Seoul Metropolitan Area,VABB-4,71,85,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378723,,Prediction of gene expression in human using rat in vivo gene expression in Japanese Toxicogenomics Project,VABB-1,8,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378724,,Metabolite profiling and peptidoglycan analysis of transient cell wall-deficient bacteria in a new Escherichia coli model system.,VABB-1,1586,1599,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:378726,,Investigating the Effects of using Biofeedback as Visual Stress Indicator during Video-mediated Collaboration,VABB-5,71,80,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378727,,Human Wharton's jelly-derived stem cells display immunomodulatory properties and transiently improve rat experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.,VABB-1,2077,2098,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:378728,,Sustainability and Difference in Suburban Cape Town,VABB-5,190,194,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378730,,De uitzettingsvergoeding na opzegging van de handelshuur: behoud na verkoop van de handelszaak?,VABB-1,298,301,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378731,,Your Mobile Phone is a Traitor! -- Raising Awareness on Ubiquitous Privacy Issues with SASQUATCH,VABB-1,38,53,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378733,,Implementing an electronic medication overview in Belgium.,VABB-1,915,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378736,,The Creative Design of Physical Rehabilitation Games,VABB-5,353,359,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378737,,"Inclusive Housing (Lab) for All: a home for research, demonstration and information on Universal Design (UD)",VABB-5,185,194,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378739,,Integrating GIS and Feathers: A Conceptual Design,VABB-5,405,412,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378740,,Analysing and optimising a dual resource constraint production system using simulation,VABB-5,54,59,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378743,,"Menselijke kracht in het recht : Een ontwikkelingsgerichte visie op het recht en de rechtspraktijk, met speciale aandacht voor persoonlijke groei, samenwerking en creativiteit",VABB-2,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378746,,A cross-country analysis of the impact of regulatory quality on commercial case disposition time,VABB-1,455,474,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:378752,,Experiences from a Nationwide Safety Culture Measurement using the HSPSC within Belgium,VABB-4,299,318,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378753,,"Researching subjective wellbeing in an (interior)architectural context: Apparent, less apparent and illusionary differences between two fields of expertise",VABB-5,219,225,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378754,,Towards Detection of Side Activities and Emotions of Anonymous TV Viewers through Body Postures,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378757,,"Neuromuscular electrical stimulation prevents muscle wasting in critically ill, comatose patients.",VABB-1,357,365,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:378765,,Reliability and Validity of the Dutch Physical Activity Questionnaires for Children (PAQ-C) and adolescents (PAQ-A).,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378766,,Energiearmoede in België: voorstel voor een barometer en principes voor preventieve maatregelen,VABB-4,267,285,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378767,,Elektronische facturatie in België: een kans of bedreiging volgens de cijferberoepen,VABB-1,2,26,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378768,,Paddle: Highly Deformable Mobile Devices with Physical Controls,VABB-5,2569,2578,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378769,,"De planologische neutraliteit van de onteigeningsvergoeding: het Grondwettelijk Hof legitimeert, het Hof van Cassatie veralgemeent",VABB-1,49,55,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378770,,The use of process mining in a business process simulation context: overview and challenges,VABB-5,381,388,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378772,,De invloed van het aanbieden van non-auditdiensten op de auditkwaliteit: een analyse op firmaniveau en partnerniveau,VABB-1,16,37,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378775,,A Large-Scale Quantitative Survey of the German Geocaching Community in 2007,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378777,,Heiligt het doel de middelen? Over het normdoel als toetssteen voor procesrechtelijke nietigheidssancties,VABB-1,664,668,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378778,,Social sustainability in historic city centres: the Grand Place in Brussels,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:378781,,Comparison of Additive and Multiplicative Bayesian Models for Longitudinal Count Data With Overdispersion Parameters: A Simulation Study,VABB-1,454,473,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:378787,,Het nieuwe Onroerenderfgoeddecreet: een algemene bespreking,VABB-1,646,669,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378788,,Actualia wetgeving en beleid. Overzicht 1 januari tot en met 31 maart 2014,VABB-1,156,162,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378789,,Augmenting the servicescape with ubiquitous interactive surfaces: Fibreshelf technology,VABB-5,11,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378792,,Techno-economic Assessment Methodology for Ultrasonic Production of Biofuels,VABB-4,317,345,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378796,,Confiance et comportement électoral lors des élections locales,VABB-4,185,208,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:378797,,Comparing the Legitimacy of Constitutional Court Decision-Making: Deliberation as Method,VABB-4,269,282,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378799,,Agent-based modeling for carpooling,VABB-4,232,258,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378800,,Characterization of Newly Isolated Lytic Bacteriophages Active against Acinetobacter baumannii.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378804,,Analyzing the practical use of load planning models in intermodal rail transport,VABB-5,99,105,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378806,,How does under-reporting of negative and inconclusive results affect the false-positive rate in meta-analysis? A simulation study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378808,,Is there a correlation between maternal venous hemodynamic dysfunction and proteinuria of preeclampsia?,VABB-1,246,250,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378809,,Belgische berekeningswijze van verhoging van belastingvrije som strijdig met vrijheid van vestiging,VABB-1,220,225,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378812,,Glutathione and mitochondria determine acute defense responses and adaptive processes in cadmium-induced oxidative stress and toxicity of the kidney,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378814,,Semi-autonoom Nederlands leren (voor beginners en gevorderden),VABB-4,27,43,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378815,,A Taxonomy of Mixing and Outcome Distributions Based on Conjugacy and Bridging,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378817,,Self-calibration of Large Scale Camera Networks,VABB-5,107,116,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378818,,Assessing road safety performance by data envelopment analysis - the case of Brazil,VABB-5,2344,2356,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378822,,Variable selection using P-splines,VABB-1,1,20,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:378823,,Unexpected Journeys with the HOBBIT - The Design and Evaluation of an Asocial Hiking App,VABB-5,637,646,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378827,,A Taxonomy for and Analysis of the MMOG Landscape,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378828,,Investigating the Effects of Activity Space on the Measurement of Segregation using FEATHERS Simulation Data,VABB-5,93,96,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378830,,Exploiting Material Properties to Select a Suitable Wavelet Basis for Efficient Rendering,VABB-5,218,224,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378832,,A permutational-splitting sample procdure to quantify expert opinion on biomolecular compounds using high-dimensional data,VABB-1,2319,2335,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378833,,Extensions of permutation solutions to test for treatment effects in replicated single-case alternation experiments with multivariate response,VABB-1,1036,1051,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378834,,Kan het Grondwettelijk Hof wetten toetsen aan Europese richtlijnen?,VABB-1,98,104,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378835,,The effect of organizational characteristics on the appointment of nonfamily managers in private family firms: the moderating role of socioemotional wealth,VABB-1,104,122,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:378836,,De reguleringsimpactanalyse en de bescherming van grondrechten: een verantwoordelijkheid van wetgever en rechter. Een toepassing op het huisonderwijs.,VABB-1,202,224,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378837,,Make-and-tell in Haspenwood: on generativity in sustainable design.,VABB-5,37,40,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378838,,Enkele recente ontwikkelingen inzake parkeerheffingen toegelicht,VABB-1,112,126,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378841,,Converting happiness theory into (interior) architectural design missions. Designing for subjective well-being in residential care centers.,VABB-5,53,67,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378842,,De aansprakelijkheid van het directiecomité voor de fiscale schulden in een vennootschap,VABB-1,4,22,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378843,,Towards a General Framework for Business Tests,VABB-5,478,483,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378845,,Biomassa uit hout en/of houtafval is niet vergelijkbaar met andere vormen van biomassa,VABB-1,311,318,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378846,,Metaprop: a Stata command to perform meta-analysis of binomial data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378847,,Generalized varying coefficient models: a smooth variable selection technique,VABB-1,147,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378848,,Optimal policies for demand forecasting and inventory management of goods with intermittent demand,VABB-1,111,123,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378850,,Overschrijvingen. Rechtsgevolgen volgens het gemeenrecht en de Wet Betalingsdiensten,VABB-1,194,205,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378851,,Identifying local determinants of destination choices of international immigrants to the Madrid metropolitan area,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378852,,"Alpha-Adrenoceptor Modulation in Central Nervous System Trauma: Pain, Spasms, and Paralysis - An Unlucky Triad.",VABB-1,653,677,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:378856,,Impact of a 5-day expedition to Machu Picchu on persons with Multiple Sclerosis,VABB-1,,,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:378858,,Creating service value: a cross-retail format study of Holbrook’s typology,VABB-5,14,19,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378859,,Listen to your Heart: Novel Ways of using Respiration and Heartbeat as Inconspicuous Input Modalities,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378864,,Multi-Viewer Gesture-Based Interaction for Omni-Directional Video,VABB-5,4077,4086,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378868,,Het boomerangeffect van artikel 1070 Ger.W.,VABB-1,211,215,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378869,,The Design of Slow-Motion Feedback,VABB-5,267,270,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378872,,De recente financiële crisis en de dividendpolitiek van Belgische beursgenoteerde bedrijven,VABB-1,2,11,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378874,,Missing data,VABB-4,1283,1336,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378875,,Semi-autonoom Nederlands leren (voor beginners en gevorderden),VABB-1,12,23,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378876,,Missing Data,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378877,,Dark Patterns in Proxemic Interactions: A Critical Perspective,VABB-5,523,532,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378878,,Artificial insemination with donor sperm (AID): heterogeneity in sperm banking facilities in a single country (Belgium),VABB-1,57,67,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378881,,Evaluation of spatio- temporal microsimulation systems,VABB-4,141,166,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378882,,Market deployment of biomethane in IEA member countries - focus on stakeholder questionnaire,VABB-5,1688,1691,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378886,,Moeizame symbiose tussen vangnetbepaling voor kwalificerende buitenlandse belastingplichtigen en recente Europese rechtspraak,VABB-1,1580,1589,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:378888,,Synthetic Population Techniques in Activity-Based Research,VABB-4,48,70,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:378889,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 4 mei 2013 tot en met 5 augustus 2013,VABB-1,222,225,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:378891,,Missing data,VABB-4,403,424,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:378898,,Vraag en Aanbod. Laat de misdrijfomschrijving van publieke omkoping nog plaats voor straffeloze poging?,VABB-1,398,402,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:378906,,Bringing 3D Vision to the Web: Acquiring Motion Parallax using Commodity Cameras and WebGL,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:378918,,"Noot bij RvS 29 maart 2013, nr. 223.083, ""Vals spel was niet mogelijk, want de Raad van State faalde niet. Natura 2000: compenserende maatregelen zijn geen milderende maatregelen""",VABB-1,203,210,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:378924,,The analysis of (negatively) correlated non-Gaussian dyadic outcomes: non-multilevel-based alternatives,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:378925,,Validation of 3D power Doppler and VOCAL software in the sonographic assessment of hepatic venous flow.,VABB-1,7,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:378927,,Over de procedure tot wederoverdracht bij niet-realisatie van het onteigeningsdoel (bis),VABB-1,24,27,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:378937,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 6 augustus 2013 tot en met 13 december 2013,VABB-1,290,294,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:378945,,De onteigende vervuiler betaalt niet?,VABB-1,133,137,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:378947,,Statistical evaluation of surrogate endpoints in clinical studies,VABB-4,497,536,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:378951,,"De aanrekening van de toeslag op de belastingvrije som voor een kind ten laste: fiscale discriminatie op grond van gekozen samenlevingsvorm? noot onder arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof van 9 juli 2013, nr. 100/2013",VABB-1,962,967,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:378954,,Disclosure of Non-Financial Information: Relevant to Financial Analysts?,VABB-1,375,405,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:378955,,"Исследовательский Проект Университа Хасселт (Бельгия) ""Роль Лесов в Международном Праве Изменения Климата""",VABB-1,13,16,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:378958,,Surrogate endpoints: application in pediatric clinical trials,VABB-4,530,538,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:378962,,Belgium,VABB-1,455,460,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:378963,,Waving at the Heart: Implementation of a Kinect-based real-time interactive control system for viewing cineangiogram loops during cardiac catheterization procedures,VABB-5,229,232,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:378967,,The poplar endophyte Pseudomonas putida W619 as a key to a successful phytoremediation of volatile organic contaminants.,VABB-4,429,444,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:378968,,Architecture for Change? Obduracy of dwelling typologies and corresponding design positions,VABB-4,423,430,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:378971,,Green Offerings and Buyer-Supplier Collaboration in Value Chains,VABB-4,223,256,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:378973,,Vlaamse Omzendbrief Onteigeningen 2011. Een kritische analyse,VABB-1,2,16,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:378975,,From Teacher Thinking to Teachers and Teaching: The Evolution of a Research Community,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:378984,,Explaining data-driven document classifications,VABB-1,73,99,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378985,,Co-agglomeration of knowledge-intensive business services and multinational enterprises,VABB-1,443,475,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378986,,The political science of European trade policy : a literature review with a research outlook,VABB-1,101,119,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378994,,Using the dynamic model of educational effectiveness to design strategies and actions to face bullying,VABB-1,83,104,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:378997,,Innovation-oriented culture in the public sector : do managerial autonomy and result control lead to innovation?,VABB-1,45,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379000,,Polish immigration in Belgium since 2004 : new dynamics of migration and integration?,VABB-1,303,323,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379001,,The structure of color experience and the existence of surface colors,VABB-1,384,400,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379011,,Entre poloniser et polliniser L'œuvre schwarz-bartienne comme Fremdkörper dans le canon antillais,VABB-4,199,215,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379018,,Determinants of physicians' prescribing behaviour of methylphenidate for cognitive enhancement,VABB-1,286,295,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379039,,A cognitive grammar account of the semantics of the English present progressive,VABB-1,49,90,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379040,,Reporting and representation : intra-EU diplomacy and Dutch bilateral embassies,VABB-1,115,137,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379060,,Culture for development and the UNESCO policy on the protection of cultural property during armed conflict,VABB-1,245,260,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379061,,Health effects in the Flemish population in relation to low levels of mercury exposure : from organ to transcriptome level,VABB-1,239,247,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379063,,Negotiating multilingualism in Flemish higher education,VABB-4,320,357,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379064,,Open educational resources for CALL teacher education : the iTILT interactive whiteboard project,VABB-1,122,148,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379065,,Learning patterns in higher education : dimensions and research perspectives,VABB-3,,,320 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379066,,Students' learning patterns in higher education and beyond : moving forward,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379067,,(Dis)similarities in research on learning approaches and learning patterns,VABB-4,11,32,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379068,,"Student teachers' learning patterns in school-based teacher education programmes : the influence of person, context and time",VABB-4,102,122,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379069,,Understanding differences in student learning and academic achievement in first year higher education : an integrated research perspective,VABB-4,214,231,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379070,,"Students' learning patterns in higher education : dimensions, measurement and change",VABB-4,295,310,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379078,,"Of local and global fame : a comparative analysis of news items and audience reactions on celebrity news websites People, Heat, and HLN",VABB-1,218,236,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379079,,Conducting qualitative research : dancing a tango between insider- and outsiderness,VABB-4,112,137,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379081,,Under pressure to sext? Applying the theory of planned behaviour to adolescent sexting,VABB-1,85,97,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379085,,Land contestation at the micro scale : struggles for space in the African marshes,VABB-1,243,252,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379086,,Demonstration of software concepts to multiple stakeholders using modular abstract prototyping,VABB-1,137,158,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:379090,,The effects of judicial decisions in time,VABB-2,,,285 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379091,,The effect of judicial decisions in time : comparative notes,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379092,,The European Court of Human Right's approach to retrospective judicial reversals,VABB-4,269,284,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379093,,The interplay of temporal effects of judicial decisions within the Belgian legal order,VABB-4,35,54,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379094,,International collaboration in scientific publishing : the case of West Africa (2001-2010),VABB-1,761,783,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:379096,,"Multilevel regulation in telecommunications : adaptive regulatory arrangements in Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands and Switzerland",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379103,,Financing the clean development mechanism through debt-for-efficiency Swaps? Case study evidence from a Uruguayan wind farm project,VABB-1,142,159,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379104,,Cyberbullying on social network sites : an experimental study into bystanders' behavioral intentions to help the victim or reinforce the bully,VABB-1,259,271,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379108,,Establishing cooperation in a mixed motive social dilemma : an fMRI study investigating the role of social value orientation and dispositional trust,VABB-1,10,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379109,,Oxytocin does not make a face appear more trustworthy but improves the accuracy of trustworthiness judgments,VABB-1,60,68,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379114,,Social network analysis for customer churn prediction,VABB-1,431,446,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379115,,Among the most beautiful synagogues of Western Europe : a virtual reconstruction of the Rotterdam synagogue of the Boompjes (1725-1940),VABB-1,23,31,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379116,,"U.S. trade sanctions (World Trade Organization, Panel Report)",VABB-4,13,30,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379118,,Legacy and current-use brominated flame retardants in the Barn Owl,VABB-1,454,462,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379119,,Reconciling work and poverty reduction : how successful are European welfare states?,VABB-3,,,464 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379120,,"Mapping at-risk-of-poverty rates, household employment, and social spending",VABB-4,1,59,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379121,,An assessment of the regulation of air cargo security in Europe : a Belgian case study,VABB-1,131,139,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379123,,Do attributes of management's explanations of financial performance matter for analysts? An international perspective,VABB-4,311,338,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379124,,Development of a CSR model for practice : connecting five inherent areas of sustainable business,VABB-1,104,114,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379125,,Decentralization in public sector organizations : do organizational autonomy and result control lead to decentralization toward lower hierarchical levels?,VABB-1,496,520,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379126,,Introduction,VABB-4,11,22,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379127,,"The evolution of poverty in the European Union : concepts, measurement and data",VABB-4,60,93,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379128,,"Individual employment, household employment and risk of poverty in the EU : a decomposition analysis",VABB-4,94,130,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379129,,In-work poverty,VABB-4,134,156,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379130,,"Social redistribution, poverty and the adequacy of social protection in the EU",VABB-4,157,184,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379131,,The redistributive capacity of services in the EU,VABB-4,185,211,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379132,,Who benefits from investment policies? The case of family activation in European Countries,VABB-4,212,237,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379133,,Beyond social investment : which concepts and values for social policy-making in Europe?,VABB-4,286,318,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379134,,"Epilogue : what we know, don't know and need to know",VABB-4,319,324,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379135,,"Appendix : the evolution of public social spending, 1985-2009",VABB-4,325,381,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379137,,"Labour rights in a transnational perspective (Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights)",VABB-4,135,154,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379139,,"""When a joke's a joke and when it's too much"" : mateship as a key to interpreting jocular FTAs in Australian English",VABB-1,121,139,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379140,,The design of coastal shipping services subject to carbon emission reduction targets and state subsidy levels,VABB-1,192,211,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379142,,"Data use by flemish school principals : impact of attitude, self-efficacy and external expectations",VABB-1,48,62,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379143,,Human rights and development in the new millennium : towards a theory of change,VABB-3,,,308 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379144,,Introduction - What are we trying to change? Theories of change in development and human rights,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379145,,Overcoming the protection promotion dichotomy : human rights based approaches to development and organisational change within the UN at country level,VABB-4,109,130,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379146,,Some cross-cutting issues and their policy implications,VABB-4,272,299,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379147,,Litigating transnational human rights obligations : alternative judgments,VABB-3,,,366 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379148,,Introduction : transnational human rights obligations,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379149,,Development assistance to primary education for children with disabilities,VABB-4,172,185,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379150,,EU Competition law in 3D,VABB-4,365,379,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379151,,The role of the media,VABB-4,99,118,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379152,,Barycenter representation of book publishing internationalization in the social sciences and humanities,VABB-1,234,240,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379154,,"Players' expertise and competition with others shape the satisfaction of competence needs, gaming gratifications, and contingent in a gaming context",VABB-1,26,32,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379161,,How human capital interacts with the early development of academic spin-offs,VABB-1,599,621,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:379162,,The nature of the relationship of psychomotor slowing with negative symptomatology in schizophrenia,VABB-1,36,46,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379163,,Strategic coupling as capacity : how seaports connect to global flows of containerized transport,VABB-1,44,62,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379174,,"Theory by design : architectural research made explicit in the design studio : proceedings of the conference at Artesis University College Antwerp, 29-31 october 2012",VABB-3,,,496 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379176,,Vanuit het binnenhuis de wereld veroveren : een geschiedenis van de opleiding interieurarchitectuur (1941-),VABB-4,146,165,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:379177,,Why theory by design is an issue,VABB-5,9,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379178,,"Cross-sectoral comparison of concessions in transport : urban, road and port pre-fuzzy assessment",VABB-1,22,39,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379179,,"Quotas for advisory committees, business and politics : just more of the same?",VABB-1,106,118,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379181,,Insights into the reception and acceptance of risk messages : nuclear emergency communication,VABB-1,1207,1232,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379184,,High throughput identification and quantification of 16 antipsychotics and 8 major metabolites in serum using ultra-high performance liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry,VABB-1,51,58,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379185,,The nicotinergic receptor as a target for cognitive enhancement in schizophrenia : barking up the wrong tree?,VABB-1,543,550,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379186,,"Past, present and future of quantitative risk assessment (QRA) and the incentive it obtained from land-use planning (LUP)",VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379188,,On the relevance of the modularity concept for understanding outsourcing risk factors,VABB-5,4416,4425,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379189,,Preventive care use among the Belgian elderly population : does socio-economic status matter?,VABB-1,355,372,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379191,,The storied lives of non-human narrators,VABB-1,68,93,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379192,,"De verdeling van de gerechtskosten bij echtscheiding en de omstandigheden van de zaak zoals bedoeld in artikel 1258, tweede lid Ger.W.",VABB-1,23,26,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379193,,Bare-part color in female budgerigars changes from brown to structural blue following testosterone treatment but is not strongly masculinized,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379194,,Gesetzlose Erbschaft : Hannah Arendt und Giorgio Agamben,VABB-4,183,195,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379203,,Modern manuscripts : the extended mind and creative undoing from Darwin to Beckett and beyond,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379205,,Assessment of the actual sustainability of nuclear fission power,VABB-1,16,28,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379206,,Shared responsibility for the right to health,VABB-4,79,98,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379207,,Commensuration and policy comparison : how the use of standardized indicators affects the rankings of pension systems,VABB-1,19,38,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379209,,Using entropy's justificatory knowledge for a business process design theory,VABB-5,3717,3726,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379210,,On the need for evolvability assessment in value management,VABB-5,4406,4415,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379211,,Building evolvable software using normalized systems theory : a case study,VABB-5,4760,4769,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379212,,Deriving guidelines for cross-vendor reuse of IEC 61131-3 modules based on normalized systems theorems,VABB-1,598,603,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379215,,Poverty and substance use in South African tuberculosis patients,VABB-1,501,509,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379216,,Recall and recognition of in-game advertising : the role of game control,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379221,,The reconstruction of a social network abroad : an analysis of the interaction patterns of Erasmus students,VABB-1,423,444,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:379223,,Hair ethyl glucuronide levels as a marker for alcohol use and abuse : a review of the current state of the art,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379224,,Treatment for outpatients with comorbid schizophrenia and substance use disorders : a review,VABB-1,105,114,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379225,,How to improve patient retention in an antiretroviral treatment program in Ethiopia : a mixed-methods study,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379226,,The expanding core and varying degrees of insiderness : institutionalized interest group involvement through advisory councils,VABB-1,569,588,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:379227,,The visible hand of the state : on the organizational development of interest groups,VABB-1,406,421,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379230,,Actieve rechtsvorming door het Grondwettelijk Hof : waar ligt de grens?,VABB-1,22,32,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379233,,Algemene beginselen van behoorlijk bestuur en behoorlijk burgerschap bij het formele onderzoek van de voorstellen bij overheidsopdrachten,VABB-1,4,21,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379235,,"Localizing design, designing location : creative cities in the Low Countries",VABB-1,274,292,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:379236,,A conceptual framework and classification of capability areas for business process maturity,VABB-1,188,224,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379239,,Stephen Gardbaum: The new commonwealth model of constitutionalism,VABB-1,175,179,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379240,,Rome III and parties' choice,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379241,,Biofuels and the right to food (World Trade Organization Panel Report),VABB-4,31,48,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379242,,World Trade Organization,VABB-4,109,120,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379244,,Handboek HRM,VABB-2,,,416 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379246,,Nietzsches (on)gelijk : wat met theïstische morele intuïties na de dood van God,VABB-4,143,159,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379248,,Financial disclosures by SMEs listed on a semi-regulated market : evidence from the Euronext free market,VABB-1,361,385,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379249,,Mind the gap : balancing alliance network and technology portfolios during periods of technological uncertainty,VABB-1,351,362,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379250,,The youngest children in Latin epigraphy,VABB-1,131,144,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379253,,Social security coverage of non-active persons moving to another member state,VABB-4,227,262,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379258,,Erasmus student mobility as a gateway to the international labour market?,VABB-4,295,314,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379259,,"The Verdussens and the international trade in catholic books (Antwerp, seventeenth century)",VABB-4,1,50,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379260,,Learning to write in an online writing center : the effect of learning styles on the writing process,VABB-1,60,71,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379261,,Writing in the workplace : constructing documents using multiple digital sources,VABB-1,285,337,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379262,,Gender sensitivity of Sub-Saharan Africa National Adaptation Programmes of Action : findings from a desk review of 31 countries,VABB-1,266,276,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379263,,Why theory by design is a valid option,VABB-5,16,25,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379264,,"Epiloog : 4 modellen, 3 facetten, 2 polen, 1 eenheid : aftellen naar nieuw architectuuronderwijs",VABB-4,208,227,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:379265,,"Brominated and phosphorus flame retardants in White-tailed Eagle **Haliaeetus albicilla** nestlings : bioaccumulation and associations with dietary proxies ($delta^{13}C$, $delta^{15}N$ and $delta^{34}S$)",VABB-1,48,57,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379268,,Selecting a translation revision procedure : do common sense and statistics agree?,VABB-1,304,320,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379270,,The relevance of a culture of migration in understanding migration aspirations in contemporary Turkey,VABB-1,496,518,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379271,,Ceci n'est pas une... American nuclear weapon in Belgium,VABB-1,58,72,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:379272,,Is er een woonpact in de maak? Beschouwingen bij het advies van de Vlaamse woonraad,VABB-1,58,65,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:379273,,"How to turn a planning conflict into a planning success? Conditions for constructive conflict management in the case of Ruggeveld-Boterlaar-Silsburg in Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-1,96,111,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379279,,"Onvoorspelbaar recht? Over creatieve, artificiële en correcte interpretaties van de wet m.b.t. het Europees aanhoudingsbevel en de beoordeling van de geestestoestand",VABB-1,56,66,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379282,,"Predicting and recommending collaborations : an author-, institution-, and country-level analysis",VABB-1,295,309,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379289,,"On negation, indefinites and negative indefinites in Yiddish",VABB-4,185,230,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379293,,Het volle leven vanuit alwetend perspectief,VABB-1,85,96,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:379297,,"12 years a slave : film foudroyant sur la ""Peculiar Institution"" de Steve McQueen",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379298,,From flux to frame : designing infrastructure and shaping urbanization in belgium,VABB-2,,,450 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379299,,Behavioural response of European starlings exposed to video playback of conspecific flocks : effect of social context and predator threat,VABB-1,269,277,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379300,,Clutch-size variation in Western Palearctic secondary hole nesting passerine birds in relation to nest box design,VABB-1,353,362,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379302,,Co-authorship of journal articles and book chapters in the social sciences and humanities (2000-2010),VABB-1,882,897,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379303,,Health care professionals' perceptions towards lifelong learning in palliative care for general practitioners : a focus group study,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379308,,Changing inequalities and societal impacts in rich countries : thirty countries' experiences,VABB-3,,,743 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379309,,Changing inequalities in rich countries : analytical and comparative perspectives,VABB-3,,,411 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379312,,Hoe ontspannen is de horizontale metropool?,VABB-1,77,82,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:379313,,The commemoration of the great war : global phenomenon or local agenda?,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379314,,"World of Warcraft, the aftermath : how game elements transfer into perceptions, associations and (day)dreams in the everyday life of massively multiplayer online role-playing game players",VABB-1,1137,1153,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:379316,,Media reputation of a firm and extent of trade credit supply,VABB-1,28,45,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379317,,Reorganisatie in grensoverschrijdend verband na Bank Handlowy: quo vadis?,VABB-1,57,63,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379318,,How do companies use discretionary performance explanations in their annual report?,VABB-1,2,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379319,,Management's casual reasoning on performance and earnings management,VABB-1,770,783,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379321,,Improving the performance of random coefficients demand models : the role of optimal instruments,VABB-1,83,98,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379330,,Is universal health coverage the practical expression of the right to health care?,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379331,,De rol van het slachtoffer in het straf(proces)recht : op zoek naar een optimaal evenwicht tussen publieke interventie en private betrokkenheid,VABB-1,763,780,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379332,,Nail polish : we've chosen the nicest shades for you! Editorial voice and 'we' in a Flemish women's magazine,VABB-4,247,264,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379335,,Feasibility of upgrading the energy performance of recent massive brick houses,VABB-1,44,54,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379338,,"What, if anything, do standards do in education? Topological registrations of standardizing work in teacher education",VABB-1,73,88,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379339,,An ideal-observer model of human sound localization,VABB-1,169,181,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379340,,It's not all about the money : explaining varying policy portfolios of regional representations in Brussels,VABB-1,79,98,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379341,,Digital publishing and China's core scientific journals : a position paper,VABB-1,11,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379342,,HydroGen : an artificial water distribution network generator,VABB-1,333,350,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379343,,Describing the development of molecular research in the context of nervous system diseases using year-based h-cores,VABB-1,107,114,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379344,,Work in process : a genesis for The pale king,VABB-1,70,84,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379345,,Water safety and spatial development : an institutional comparison between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands,VABB-1,416,426,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379346,,Food insecurity is associated with increased risk of non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected adults in the Democratic Republic of Congo : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379362,,Zero verb marking in Sranan,VABB-1,1,48,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379363,,"Household credit, social relations, and devotion in the early modern economy : a case study of religious confraternities and credit relations in the Southern Netherlands",VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379364,,"Of discourses, stakeholders and advocacy coalitions in media policy : tracing negotiations towards the new management contract of Flemish public broadcaster VRT",VABB-1,83,99,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379365,,The digital argument in public service media debates : an analysis of conflicting values in Flemish management contract negotiations for VRT,VABB-4,143,161,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379366,,Comparing public value as a media policy term across Europe,VABB-4,55,74,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379367,,Analyzing European media policies : stakeholders and advocacy coalitions,VABB-4,19,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379368,,The great wake-up call? Social citizenship and minimum income provisions in Europe in times of crisis,VABB-1,247,267,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379369,,Belgium : when growing background inequalities meet resilient institutions,VABB-4,126,151,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379370,,"Conclusions : learning from diversity about increasing inequality, its impacts and responses?",VABB-4,718,734,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379371,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379373,,The policy response : boosting employment and social investment,VABB-4,265,293,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379374,,"Conclusions : inequality, impacts, and policies",VABB-4,328,349,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379375,,"Strategy, market orientation and performance : the political context",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379378,,Earnings management in business groups : tax incentives or expropriation concealment?,VABB-1,27,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379379,,The greening of ports : a comparison of port management tools used by leading ports in Asia and Europe,VABB-1,169,189,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379390,,Een toekomst voor ons verleden : vijfentwintig jaar opleiding conservatie-restauratie,VABB-4,202,207,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:379395,,Governing ethnicity after genocide : ethnic amnesia in Rwanda versus ethnic power-sharing in Burundi,VABB-1,263,277,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379398,,Feasibility of applying review criteria for depression and osteoporosis national guidance in primary care,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379408,,Computer-supported collation of modern manuscripts : CollateX and the Beckett Digital Manuscript Project,VABB-1,452,470,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:379414,,Accountability van sectorregulatoren : een juridisch perspectief,VABB-1,13,21,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379415,,"De toepasselijkheid van het verlaagd tarief voor de onroerende voorheffing op een sociaal verhuurkantoor als EVA van het OCMW (noot onder GwH 31 juli 2013, nr. 111/2013)",VABB-1,56,62,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379418,,Turkish Rambo going transnational : the polarized reception of mainstream political cinema among the Turkish diaspora in Belgium,VABB-1,12,28,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379419,,A strategic appraisal of the attractiveness of seaport-based transport corridors : the Southern African case,VABB-1,53,68,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379422,,Joint decrees between the regions and the communities,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379423,,Fast flexible space-filling designs for nonrectangular regions,VABB-1,829,837,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379424,,"Indonesia's debt-for-development swap experience : past, present and future",VABB-1,75,100,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379426,,A translog cost function of the integrated air freight business : the case of FedEx and UPS,VABB-1,81,97,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379428,,Deciding and time : refusing devilish offers,VABB-1,45,57,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379429,,De dialogis familiaribus Antonii Van Torre (1615-1679),VABB-1,2,23,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379432,,Het begrip angst,VABB-3,,,237 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379433,,Nawoord bij 'Stadia op de levensweg',VABB-4,521,558,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379434,,"Noot onder EHRM 17 December 2013, nr. 14150/08 (Vartic t. Roemenië)",VABB-1,171,176,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379435,,Ethnography of communication and history : a case study of diplomatic intertextuality and ideology,VABB-1,142,159,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:379436,,Youth in the Roman Empire : the young and the restless years?,VABB-2,,,277 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379437,,Continuïteit voor de Wet Continuïteit Ondernemingen,VABB-1,1202,1230,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379440,,Between interviewer and suspect : the role of the working alliance in investigative interviewing,VABB-4,63,90,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379442,,Le conditionnel de reprise : son apparition en français et son traitement dans les grammaires du 16e au 20e siècle,VABB-4,243,260,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:379447,,The notion of the painter-architect in Italy and the Southern Low Countries,VABB-3,,,311 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379449,,Rubens : architectural space and light,VABB-4,201,222,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379451,,"Exporting urban models from the Low Countries to Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein, and Northern Germany",VABB-4,379,391,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379454,,Extended peer evaluation of an analytical deliberative decision support procedure in environmental health practice,VABB-1,25,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379455,,Europeesrechtelijke aspecten inzake BTW,VABB-4,27,83,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379456,,De belastingplichtige,VABB-4,208,221,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379457,,De _belastingplichtige,VABB-4,117,221,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379465,,"Responsibility, mobility, and power : translocal carework negotiations of Nicaraguan families",VABB-1,415,441,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379466,,Het Sint-Hubertuscollege in Neerpelt : het eerste Vlaams college? Een micro-onderzoek over de vernederlandsing van het middelbaar onderwijs,VABB-1,7,33,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379467,,Mediawijs online : jongeren en sociale media,VABB-2,,,240 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379476,,"Family financial stress, parenting and problem behaviour in adolescents : an actor-partner interdependence approach",VABB-1,574,597,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379477,,"Financiële stress van ouders en het probleemgedrag van adolescenten : de mediërende bijdrage van depressieve symptonen, ouderlijke conflicten en opvoedingsgedragingen",VABB-1,33,57,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379478,,Stress and mental health in families with different income levels : a strategy to collect multi-actor data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379484,,Cochlear implant programming : a global survey on the state of the art,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379485,,"Process fragmentation, distribution and execution using an event-based interaction scheme",VABB-1,170,192,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379486,,Forecasting loss given default models : impact of account characteristics and the macroeconomic state,VABB-1,376,392,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379487,,A refinement of Egghe's increment studies,VABB-1,212,216,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379488,,"Efficiency, unused capacity and transmission power as indicators of the Triple Helix of university-industry-government relationships",VABB-1,284,294,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379489,,"Digital library technology in J-ISIS : concept, implementation and comparison with GSDL",VABB-1,76,89,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379490,,Tourism and the 2010 World Cup : lessons for developing countries,VABB-1,290,320,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379491,,"The rise and fall of architecture materialised : the Netherlands Architecture Institute in Rotterdam, 1988-1992",VABB-1,131,155,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379492,,"#universitycrisis: the impact of social media type, source, and information on student responses toward a university crisis",VABB-1,647,661,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379493,,"Textual scars : Beckett, genetic criticism and textual scholarship",VABB-4,306,319,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379494,,Miguel de Cervantes y Flandes,VABB-1,301,322,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:379495,,Developing different types of anticipated experience positioning for electric cars,VABB-1,216,235,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379496,,In the footsteps of Bob and Angelina : celebrities diverse societal engagement and its ability to attract media coverage,VABB-1,23,42,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379497,,"A false sense of security offered by zero-price liability rules? Research exceptions in the United States, Europe, and Japan in an open innovation context",VABB-4,379,418,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379499,,Revisiting Japanese exceptionalism within the context of patent systems : a comparative analysis of the Japanese and European Patent System,VABB-4,229,246,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379500,,The BRCA patent controversies : an international review of patent disputes,VABB-4,151,174,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379501,,Happy pills in nursing homes in Belgium : a cohort study to determine prescribing patterns and relation to fall risk,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379510,,"De (on)zin van de regelgeving overheidsopdrachten defensie en veiligheid (noot HvJ EU 7 juni 2012, C-615/10)",VABB-1,108,111,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379511,,Internationalization of peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed book publications in the social sciences and humanities,VABB-1,1431,1444,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379512,,"Toxoplasmosis among pregnant women : high seroprevalence and risk factors in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo",VABB-1,69,74,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379514,,Introduction : painter-architect or painter & architect?,VABB-4,9,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379520,,"Social media references in newspapers, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as sources in newspaper journalism",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379521,,Political representation of minorities as collateral damage or gain : the Batwa in Burundi and Rwanda,VABB-1,3,25,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379522,,Rated A for advertising : a critical reflection on in-gama advertising,VABB-4,305,339,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379525,,Families as catalysts for peer adherence support in enhancing hope for people living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379526,,Netwerktafels : illustratie van de methodiek aan de hand van een casus,VABB-1,2,15,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379530,,Top management team members' decision influence and cooperative behaviour : an empirical study in the Information Technology industry,VABB-1,285,304,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379535,,Cross-sectional predictability of stock returns : evidence from the 19th century Brussels Stock Exchange (1873-1914),VABB-1,22,43,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379540,,Migration and discrimination : non-discrimination as guardian against arbitrariness or driver of integration?,VABB-4,216,238,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379543,,The ties that teach : examining the quality of faculty's professional networks in higher education,VABB-5,1,154,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379546,,Domino effects related to home-made explosives,VABB-5,349,354,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379547,,An overview of cost-benefit models/tools for investigating occupational accidents,VABB-5,43,48,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379548,,Safety and security decisions in times of economic crisis : establishing a competitive advantage,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379551,,"Reliable, challenging or misleading? A qualitative account of the most recent national surveys and country statistics in the DRC",VABB-1,97,119,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379558,,Tegenspraak in de bestraffing,VABB-1,91,117,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379561,,"Hybrid governance : legitimacy, and (il)legality in the informal cross-border trade in Panyimur, Northwest Uganda",VABB-1,71,91,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379562,,Rebecca Brown's evolution towards minimalism : a Beckettian poetics,VABB-1,70,75,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379564,,"Grondwettelijk Hof draagt opnieuw bij tot rechtsvorming inzake bestuurlijke verzelfstandiging in arrest FOSO : still too little, but never too late",VABB-1,82,93,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379565,,Verzekeringsfraude: burgerrechtelijke neutralisatie en strafrechtelijke beteugeling,VABB-1,1282,1302,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379566,,The product liability directive : more than two decades of defective products in Europe,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379567,,Ethique et droit commercial : la crise devant la réflexion historique,VABB-1,270,273,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:379568,,Inleiding - Introduction,VABB-4,8,15,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379569,,"Balancing interests in stepfamilies : droit de dévolution and bijleving (Southern Low Countries, 16th-18th centuries)",VABB-4,49,61,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379570,,"Epiloog : het nieuw samengesteld gezin, van een oude naar een nieuwe realiteit / Conclusion : the blended family, an old and new reality",VABB-4,179,186,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379571,,Het nieuw samengesteld gezin : recht en geschiedenis / Blended families : law and history,VABB-3,,,188 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379573,,Sexual and reproductive health of migrants : does the EU care?,VABB-1,215,225,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379574,,The emergence of a global right to health norm : the unresolved case of universal access to quality emergency obstetric care,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379577,,"Art. 1.14, 4.5 en 4.6 BVIE",VABB-4,1,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379578,,"Art. 80, 84, 86, 87 en 95 van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen",VABB-4,1,20,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379579,,Kroniek intellectuele rechten (2011-2012),VABB-1,883,901,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379581,,Through the inverting glass : first-person observations on spatial vision and imagery,VABB-1,373,393,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379582,,De interne verdeling van financiële sancties op grond van artikel 260 VWEU,VABB-1,59,78,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379584,,La directive 2011/83 relative aux droits des consommateurs : les modifications de la réglementation concernant les ventes aux consommateurs et les autres droits des consommateurs,VABB-1,475,498,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:379586,,Notions of (inter)subjectivity,VABB-4,53,76,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379587,,De eenzijdige wijziging van de arbeidsvoorwaarden van het (contractueel) overheidspersoneel,VABB-2,,,327 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379588,,Struggling with multiculturalism? Cultural diversity in Flemish public broadcasting policies and programmes,VABB-4,105,123,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379590,,The relativity of decreasing inequality between countries,VABB-1,276,292,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379595,,Mutations to the polder model : critical reflections on 'exceptionalism' and continuity in the Low Countries,VABB-1,112,124,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379602,,Des chiens (Proust),VABB-1,109,120,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:379603,,Understanding work-related learning : the role of job characteristics and the use of different sources of regulation,VABB-4,97,108,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379608,,Enactive vision,VABB-4,90,98,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379609,,Fiscale aspecten van de zesde staatshervorming : nieuwe perspectieven voor de gewesten eens de gordiaanse bevoegdheidsknoop is ontward,VABB-1,5,44,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379611,,Ethical wills : a continental law perspective,VABB-1,323,344,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379613,,De gevolgen van ongrondwettigheid van fiscale wetgeving : fiscus pleit zelf voor een aanvullingsbevoegdheid van de rechter (noot onder Cass. 23 november 2012),VABB-1,590,594,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:379614,,"Rechtmatig vertrouwen in actieve vergissingen van de administratie : begaat het Hof van Cassatie een actieve vergissing, met miskenning van de Europese btw- en douanerechtspraak?",VABB-1,278,297,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379617,,What makes nuclear energy (not) acceptable?,VABB-1,491,498,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379619,,"Postponement and recuperation of Belgian fertility : exploring the effect of regional, cultural and economic contexts",VABB-4,109,138,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379620,,Scheduling and continuity techniques in a changing television landscape : a case study in Flanders,VABB-1,39,60,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379621,,"Making hard choices : balancing indigenous communities livelihood and Cross River gorilla conservation in the Lebialem-Mone Forest landscape, Cameroon",VABB-1,841,857,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:379626,,"Canon sociaal werk, virtuele geschiedenis van een beroep",VABB-1,4,19,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:379630,,Gender mainstreaming in the context of changing aid modalities : insights from two Paris Declaration champions,VABB-1,317,331,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379640,,Over hotels en soortgelijke inrichtingen (noot onder Cass. 22 juni 2012),VABB-1,770,776,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:379641,,Bringing rights more home : can a home-grown UK bill of rights lessen the influence of the European Court of Human Rights?,VABB-1,408,436,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379642,,De subsidieovereenkomst in een stroomversnelling : mogelijkheden en beperkingen,VABB-1,202,217,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379644,,Dwaling en bedrog bij overdracht van aandelen : de gevolgen van de dubbele hoedanigheid van bestuurder en aandeelhouder,VABB-1,1430,1433,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379645,,Het gewicht van de auteur : stylometrische auteursherkenning in Middelnederlandse literatuur,VABB-2,,,324 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:379646,,Collaborative authorship in the twelfth century : a stylometric study of Hildegard of Bingen and Guibert of Gembloux,VABB-1,199,224,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:379647,,"Collaborative authorship : Conrad, Ford and Rolling Delta",VABB-1,422,431,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379648,,Het werk van een klerk : een stylometrische verkenning van het auteurschap achter 'Der ystorien bloeme',VABB-1,246,273,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:379652,,Apresentação,VABB-1,1,10,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:379653,,The fictionality debate and the complex texts of Richard Powers and William T. Vollmann,VABB-1,177,192,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379654,,The coatlicue complex in David Foster Wallaces 'Infinite Jest',VABB-1,67,71,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379656,,The value of customer co-created knowledge during the innovation process,VABB-1,599,615,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379657,,What's on a peasant's mind? Experiencing RPF state reach and overreach in post-genocide Rwanda (2000-10),VABB-1,214,230,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379658,,Investigating team learning in a military context,VABB-1,75,100,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379660,,The older player of digital games : a classification based on perceived need satisfaction,VABB-1,67,87,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379661,,Evaluating and understanding text-based stock price prediction models,VABB-1,426,441,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379662,,How a new issue becomes an owned issue : media coverage and the financial crisis in Belgium (2008-2009),VABB-1,86,97,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379664,,Getting the work done : a comparative study on motivation needs and processes for seafarers and dock workers,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379665,,Democratic debate and mediated discourses on climate change : from consensus to de/politicization,VABB-1,216,232,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379666,,Reinventar la Marca España en tiempos de crisis : un análisis comunicativo de la campaña española de nation branding,VABB-1,1,14,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:379667,,Retirement timing of dual-earner couples in 11 European contries? A comparison of cox and shared frailty models,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379669,,"Noot onder HvJ, Zaak C-533/11, Commissie t. België",VABB-1,254,258,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379671,,Hoe wezenlijk is grondwettelijke autonomie voor federale deelstaten?,VABB-1,117,135,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379672,,Conservación y pueblos indígenas : un análisis socio-jurídico,VABB-2,,,164 p.,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:379676,,Engineering business processes : comparing prescriptive guidelines from EO and NSBP,VABB-5,84,105,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379677,,Evaluating accounting information systems that support multiple GAAP reporting using normalized systems theory,VABB-5,76,90,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379678,,Het belang van een multidisciplinaire veranderingsroute : de hervormingen van justitie bekeken vanuit organisatiemanagement,VABB-1,24,36,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379681,,Cost modelling and simulation of last-mile characteristics in an innovative B2C supply chain environment with implications on urban areas and cities,VABB-5,398,411,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379682,,De hervorming van de S-BVBA : een gemiste kans,VABB-1,1476,1479,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379684,,A visualization approach for reducing the perceived complexity of COBIT 5,VABB-1,403,407,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379686,,Let's talk! On the practice and method of interviewing policy experts,VABB-1,174,187,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379687,,Policy-centred sampling in interest group research : lessons from the INTEREURO project,VABB-1,160,173,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379688,,The INTEREURO project : logic and structure,VABB-1,126,140,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379694,,Ruusbroec in Latin : impulses and impediments,VABB-4,237,285,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379695,,De algemene fiscale antimisbruikbepalingen : een commentaar in het licht van de rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-1,4,34,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379696,,Kinderrechten in migratie : ideaal of ondergrens?,VABB-1,107,117,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379697,,De taaltest Engels voor docenten,VABB-1,111,115,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379698,,Free movement or benefit tourism : the unreasonable burden of Brey,VABB-1,147,179,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379700,,How did we think?,VABB-4,149,167,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379703,,Clustering teachers' motivations for teaching,VABB-1,644,656,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379704,,Urban culture as passive revolution : a gramscian sketch of the uneven and combined transitional development of rural and urban modern culture in Europe and Egypt,VABB-4,191,212,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379706,,Towards a propensity framework for product-service transitions,VABB-5,325,338,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379707,,Modelling and forecasting in dry bulk shipping,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379709,,Following migrant trajectories : the im/mobility of Sub-Saharan Africans en route to the European Union,VABB-1,262,270,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379710,,"Arbeidstijd bij de Vlaamse lokale besturen : stand van zaken, knelpunten en beleidsvoorstellen",VABB-2,,,376 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379713,,A glass quite empty : civil society influence in the global trade regime,VABB-1,222,228,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379714,,"Personal characteristics and contextual factors that determine ""helping"", ""joining in"", and ""doing nothing"" when witnessing cyberbullying",VABB-1,383,396,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379715,,How liberal is (the liberal critique of) a liberal eugenics?,VABB-1,223,238,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379717,,Bewijsproblemen bij de begroting van economische schade (noot onder Antwerpen 5 september 2012),VABB-1,267,271,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379718,,The influence of change-oriented leadership on team learning in nursing teams,VABB-1,311,321,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379719,,Assessing the validity and reliability of a quick scan for students evaluation of teaching : results from confirmatory factor analysis and G Theory,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379724,,Measuring the luxurious in advertisements : on the popularisation of the luxury perfume market,VABB-1,193,217,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379727,,"Eenzaamheid na scheiding : verdomd alleen, gelukkig met twee of...?",VABB-1,1,29,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379728,,De beroepstrajecten van eenoudergezinnen in België,VABB-4,91,131,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379732,,A cost perspective on the location of value-added logistics services in supply chains,VABB-1,24,48,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379734,,Representation-hunger reconsidered,VABB-1,3639,3648,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379736,,Antidepressants and the risk of hyponatraemia : a class-by-class review of the literature,VABB-1,536,547,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379744,,Exactement + numéral cardinal et le conditionnel épistémique,VABB-1,80,93,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:379745,,"Comment opposer les deux conditionnels épistémiques au conditionnel d'éventualité au moyen des notions de réalité, factualité, modalité et prise en charge ?",VABB-1,129,151,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:379746,,Een gemiste kans : de foutloze aansprakelijkheid voor préposés in de negentiende eeuw (Frankrijk en België),VABB-4,111,132,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379747,,Het inwinnen door de gerechtsdeskundige van inlichtingen bij derden,VABB-1,265,269,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379752,,Understanding the influence of independent civil society monitoring and evaluation at the district level : a case study of Ghana,VABB-1,507,524,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379756,,De concurrentiedialoog : een inleidende situering,VABB-4,1,14,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379757,,De concurrentiedialoog,VABB-3,,,159 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379759,,Het herschikkingsvoorstel van de Europese Commissie inzake onrechtmatig uitgevoerde cultuurgoederen : implicaties voor Nederland en de EU,VABB-1,491,497,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379760,,A fast solution method for the time-dependent orienteering problem,VABB-1,419,432,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379761,,A dynamic analysis of Schelling's binary corruption model : a competitive equilibrium approach,VABB-1,608,625,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379762,,Canonisation in contemporary theatre criticism : a frequency analysis of 'Flemish Wave' directors in the pages of Etcetera,VABB-1,252,261,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379763,,Legal aspects of text mining,VABB-1,153,170,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379764,,Model-based investigations of different vector-related intervention strategies to eliminate visceral leishmaniasis on the Indian subcontinent,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379766,,"Trace metal concentrations measured in blood and urine of adolescents in Flanders, Belgium : reference population and case studies Genk-Zuid and Menen",VABB-1,515,527,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:379767,,China's direct investment in the European Union : a new regulatory challenge?,VABB-1,159,177,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379768,,Pursuing natural piety : understanding ontological emergence and distinguishing it from physicalism,VABB-1,97,119,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379769,,Uncovering the layers of Rebecca Brown's The aqua series,VABB-1,15,19,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379770,,Creativity and psychopathology : a systematic review,VABB-1,141,147,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379771,,"Involvement, tolerance for ambiguity, and type of service moderate the effectiveness of probability marker usage in service advertising",VABB-1,196,209,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379772,,A note on the interpolated or real-valued h-index with a generalization for fractional counting,VABB-1,2,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379773,,Characteristics of appraisal systems that promote job satisfaction of teachers,VABB-1,94,114,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379780,,The age cube of work,VABB-4,11,36,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379783,,Ideologisch pluralisme in Vlaamse nieuwsmedia : de Belgische regeringsformatie 2010-2011,VABB-1,145,164,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:379784,,How schools can help their students to strengthen their online reputations,VABB-1,180,185,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379786,,Social media conceptualization and taxonomy : a Lasswellian framework,VABB-1,107,126,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379788,,"It's not HBO, it's TV : the view of critics and producers on Flemish quality TV",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379793,,A peer adherence support intervention to improve the antiretroviral treatment outcomes of HIV patients in South Africa : the moderating role of family dynamics,VABB-1,145,153,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379794,,"Scaling up antiretroviral treatment and improving patient retention in care : lessons from Ethiopia, 2005-2013",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379796,,Optimal design of blocked and split-plot experiments for fixed effects and variance component estimation,VABB-1,132,144,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379797,,Unexplored aspects of bureaucratic autonomy : a state of the field and ways forward,VABB-1,239,256,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379798,,Exploring effects of coordination on the autonomy of regulators : energy regulators in Belgium,VABB-1,298,317,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379801,,Op weg naar het centrum van de wereld : een analyse van pelgrimsverhalen naar Jeruzalem en de perceptie op stedelijkheid (1480-1585),VABB-1,119,139,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:379803,,Antwerp goes shopping! Continuity and change in retail space and shopping interactions from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century,VABB-4,78,103,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379804,,"Leefmilieu, klimaat en energie",VABB-4,573,584,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379805,,"De zesde staatshervorming: instellingen, bevoegdheden en middelen",VABB-3,,,1031 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379806,,Het gerechtelijk arrondissement Brussel,VABB-4,203,214,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379807,,"Justitie : strafrechtelijk beleid, jeugdsanctierecht en justitiehuizen",VABB-4,295,314,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379809,,"Sexual dimorphism in oxytocin responses to health perception and disgust, with implications for theories on pathogen detection",VABB-1,521,526,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379810,,Come hell or high water : feminism and the legacy of armed conflict in Central America,VABB-2,,,302 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379811,,The imam in Flanders : a research note,VABB-1,471,487,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:379817,,The rival wears Prada : luxury consumption as a female competition strategy,VABB-1,570,587,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379820,,"Liability for defective immovable property : the Hammock Case in a Belgian law perspective (noot onder Hoge Raad der Nederlanden, 8 oktober 2010)",VABB-1,92,100,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379821,,"Staat de rechtsgeldigheid van de opeenvolgende wederzijdse verkoop- en aankoopbelofte op de helling ? (noot onder Hof van Beroep Antwerpen, 14 oktober 2013)",VABB-1,100,105,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379822,,"De invloed van een dading op een vordering tot schadevergoeding wegens derde-medeplichtigheid aan andermans contractbreuk (noot onder Hof van Beroep Antwerpen, 25 februari 2013)",VABB-1,1182,1185,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:379823,,L'entrepreneur ambitieux: état des lieux et perspectives,VABB-1,43,70,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:379824,,A strategic perspective on IT outsourcing,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379831,,"Monitoring chlorinated persistent organic pollutants in adolescents in Flanders (Belgium) : concentrations, trends and dose-effect relationships (FLEHS II)",VABB-1,20,28,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379835,,Naar een vernieuwde relatie tussen de fiscus en de belastingplichtige,VABB-1,533,549,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379836,,De wijziging van artikel 23 van de Grondwet en defederalisering van de gezinsbijslagen,VABB-4,419,460,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379840,,Op zoek naar de heilige graal : een analyse van de discussie in de pers omtrent cultuurprogramma's op de Vlaamse publieke televisie,VABB-1,190,207,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:379849,,"General information obligations in Belgian (and French) Law of Obligations versus Article 2 of Book VI on ""Market practices and consumer protection"" in the Belgian Economic law Code",VABB-1,399,413,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379862,,Een te restrictieve omschrijving voor het voorwerp van een opstalrecht? (noot onder Cass. 13 september 2013),VABB-1,1460,1463,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379872,,Les opéras étaient en vogue : opera in Antwerp between 1711 and 1762.,VABB-4,19,37,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:379873,,Mass theatre in interwar Europe,VABB-3,,,207 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379874,,The pilgrimages of the Yser,VABB-4,176,197,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379876,,Vendre et usucaper ne vaut : kan de verkoper het verkochte goed door verkrijgende verjaring terugnemen? Tegelijkertijd een verkenning van het houderschap als een rechtspositie behept met een ab initio teruggaveplicht,VABB-1,45,68,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379877,,Democratic accountability in public-private partnerships : the curious case of Flemish school infrastructure,VABB-1,340,358,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379878,,Ukraine shows uselessnes of NATO nukes in Europe,VABB-1,1,3,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379879,,The Netherlands,VABB-4,519,558,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379880,,"Measuring and rewarding flexibility in collaborative distribution, including two-partner coalitions",VABB-1,157,165,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379889,,V-optimal mixture designs for the **q**th degree model,VABB-1,173,178,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379890,,Learning to look beyond the frame : reflections on the changing meaning of images in the age of digital media practices,VABB-1,166,179,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379891,,"Picturing life-worlds in the city : notes for a slow, aimless and playful visual ethnography",VABB-1,69,86,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379896,,"Conjonctures congolaises 2013 : percée sécuritaire, flottements politiques et essor économique",VABB-3,,,267 p.,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:379898,,China in transition : institutional change at work in inland waterway transport on the Yangtze river,VABB-1,17,28,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379905,,CFC legislation : the Belgian approach,VABB-1,75,94,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379912,,Response to Keith Lehrer: Thomas Reid on Common sense and morals,VABB-1,131,143,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379913,,"Acting from a good conscience : Reid, love, and moral worth",VABB-1,333,348,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379914,,Het gebruik van domeinnamen en metatags als reclame : de Belgische rechtspraktijk getoetst na BEST v. Visys,VABB-1,493,497,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379919,,Vertrouwen en belastingen : een onmogelijk huwelijk?,VABB-1,526,532,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379920,,Réécrire l'histoire : la chronique malinoise entre individu et collectif,VABB-4,59,74,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:379921,,A memetic algorithm for the orienteering problem with hotel selection,VABB-1,29,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379922,,Citation analysis and the development of science : a case study using articles by some Nobel prize winners,VABB-1,281,289,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379923,,"Increase in numbers and proportions of review articles in tropical medicine, infectious diseases, and oncology",VABB-1,201,205,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379925,,Informetric explanation of some Leiden ranking graphs,VABB-1,737,741,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379926,,An iterated local search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls,VABB-1,454,464,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379927,,The assessment of creativity in creativity/psychopathology research : a systematic review,VABB-1,359,377,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379928,,(Non-)complexity through the eyes of MiFID,VABB-1,477,488,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379929,,Measuring and analysing terminal capacity in East Africa : the case of the seaport of Dar es Salaam,VABB-1,141,164,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379930,,Technological innovation and the diversification of audiovisual storytelling circuits in Kenya,VABB-1,206,219,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379932,,"'Le pays où on ne sait pas lire' : literacy, numeracy and human capital in the commercial hub of the Austrian Netherlands (1715-75)",VABB-1,223,243,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:379933,,Ties that count : explaining interest group access to policymakers,VABB-1,93,121,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379934,,"Informal workplace learning in Austrian banks : the influence of learning approach, leadership style, and organizational learning culture on managers' learning outcomes",VABB-1,29,57,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379935,,Sympathy and affectuum imitatio : Spinoza and Hume as social and political psychologists,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379936,,"Student teachers' team teaching : models, effects, and conditions for implementation",VABB-1,92,110,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379942,,Constitutionalizing multilevel governance,VABB-1,225,228,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379943,,Multi-level governance through a constitutional prism,VABB-1,229,242,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379944,,Europe clauses and constitutional strategies in the face of multi-level governance,VABB-1,300,319,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379945,,Nobody's nation : the case of Junot Díaz,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379949,,How to steal the king's body? Corporeal identification of princely pretenders in the Renaissance,VABB-1,731,746,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379952,,Mulieres religiosae : shaping female spiritual authority in the medieval and early modern periods,VABB-3,,,280 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379953,,The complete Ruusbroec : English translation with the original Middle Dutch tekst (volume 2),VABB-3,,,765 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379954,,The complete Ruusbroec : English translation with the original Middle Dutch text (volume 1),VABB-3,,,749 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379961,,Understanding the association between IT governance maturity and IT governance disclosure,VABB-1,16,33,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379962,,Understanding outsourcing risk factors based on modularity : the BSKYB case,VABB-1,55,67,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379963,,Opening up the post-political condition : multiculturalism and the matrix of depoliticisation,VABB-4,86,108,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379966,,Mediatization and political agenda setting : changing issue priorities?,VABB-4,200,222,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379967,,"Media, political agendas and public policy",VABB-4,231,248,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379968,,Do the media set the agenda of Parliament or is it the other way around? Agenda interactions between MPs and mass media,VABB-4,188,200,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379969,,Who is afraid of preelection polls? How perceptions of polls influence support for polling regulations among elites,VABB-1,517,530,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379970,,When politics becomes news : an analysis of parliamentary questions and press coverage in three West European countries,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379971,,On the effects of the design of international institutions : judicialization and cooperation in the WTO,VABB-1,3,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379972,,Juridische kwetsbaarheid en onderhandelingen in de Wereldhandelsorganisatie WTO,VABB-1,1,15,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379973,,Websites as visual and multimodal cultural expressions,VABB-4,345,356,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379974,,Triple Helix of university-industry-government relationships in West Africa,VABB-1,214,222,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:379977,,The integration of visual expression in music education for children,VABB-1,297,317,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379978,,Exploring and explaining the effects of being inspected,VABB-1,456,472,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379979,,Shaping female spiritual authority : an introduction,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379980,,De burgerrechtelijke gevolgen van de uitspraken van administratieve rechtscolleges : wanneer het doel niet alle middelen heiligt,VABB-4,215,239,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:379981,,Desde la Frontera : la crisis europea vista por re-emigrantes latinoamericanos en Bruselas,VABB-1,233,249,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:379982,,Infants between biological and social birth in Antiquity : a phenomenon of the longue durée,VABB-1,364,383,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379983,,"The relationship between workplace climate, motivation and learning approaches for knowledge workers",VABB-1,191,214,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:379984,,The influence of job characteristics and self-directed learning orientation on workplace learning,VABB-1,188,203,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379986,,Wonen in eigen streek verenigbaar met de Europese vrij verkeer-bepalingen?,VABB-1,7,10,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:379989,,"Schools and cyberbullying : problem perception, current actions and future needs",VABB-1,29,48,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:379994,,The parenting styles of divorced fathers and their predictors,VABB-1,557,579,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:379995,,Do divorced fathers matter? The impact of parenting styles of divorced fathers on the well-being of the child,VABB-1,363,390,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380008,,Regional social powers and free movement of persons within the European Union,VABB-1,275,297,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:380009,,Investigating the problem-solving strategies of revisers through triangulation : an exploratory study,VABB-1,88,108,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380015,,Les aspects inexplorés de l'autonomie bureaucratique : état des lieux perspectives,VABB-1,243,261,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:380016,,Analyse des effets de la coordination sur l'autonomie des régulateurs : les régulateurs de l'énergie en Belgique,VABB-1,305,324,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:380018,,"Aim, central claims and structure of the book",VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380019,,"Assessing the regulatory arrangements : concepts, theory and methods",VABB-4,12,44,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380020,,Autonomy and decision-making power of independent regulatory agencies in multi-level arrangements,VABB-4,162,202,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380021,,Evolutionary multi-level regulatory arrangements : the impacts of the resolution of incoherencies,VABB-4,203,234,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380022,,An experiential account of creativity,VABB-4,17,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380023,,Every act an animal act : Naturalizing action theory,VABB-4,226,241,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380026,,"Going beyond physical urban physical urban planning interventions : fostering social innovation through urban renewal in Brugse Poort, Ghent",VABB-4,230,241,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:380038,,Alternatives to the resident embassy : intra-EU diplomatic networks in the twenty-first century,VABB-1,356,377,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380039,,"Adieu Benelux, Välkommen Norden? Nederland en regionale alliantie in de Europese Unie",VABB-1,1,5,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:380041,,How do exit rates from social assistance benefit in Belgium vary with individual and local agency characteristics?,VABB-1,151,187,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380054,,Workplace learning within teacher education : the role of job characteristics and goal orientation,VABB-1,515,532,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380055,,"De beperking van het keuzerecht van kandidaat-sociale huurders : beperking van het grondrecht op wonen of net toepassing van het grondrecht op wonen? (noot onder RvS nr. 222.544, 18 februari 2013)",VABB-1,1537,1541,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380058,,"A same other, another same : Walter Benjamin and Maurice Blanchot on translation",VABB-1,229,245,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380059,,Child language data exchange system,VABB-4,74,78,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380061,,Het VN-Verdrag inzake de Rechten van Personen met een Handicap : bron van inspiratie voor het Unierecht en het Belgisch sociaal recht?,VABB-1,53,89,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380062,,De invloed van een oneerlijke handelspraktijk op de consumentenbescherming van de Richtlijn oneerlijke handelspraktijken,VABB-1,21,31,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380063,,"The stuff of fiction : digital editing, multiple drafts and the extended mind",VABB-1,23,37,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:380064,,De fiscale aspecten van de zesde staatshervorming : nieuwe perspectieven voor de gewesten eens de gordiaanse bevoegdheidsknoop is ontward,VABB-1,3,71,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380065,,De fiscale aspecten van de zesde staatshervorming : nieuwe perspectieven voor de gewesten zodra de gordiaanse bevoegdheidsknoop ontward is,VABB-4,779,857,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380066,,De opzegging van overeenkomsten,VABB-2,,,1060 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380067,,"Artisans, products and gifts : rethinking the history of material culture in early modern Europe",VABB-1,39,74,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380072,,Trade networks and the practical norms of taxation at a border crossing between South Sudan and Northern Uganda,VABB-1,382,399,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380075,,World cities reframed : a visual take on globalization,VABB-1,389,402,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380077,,Sexting : between thrill and fear : how schools can respond,VABB-1,204,212,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380078,,Live subtitling with speech recognition : how to pinpoint the challenges?,VABB-4,121,147,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380079,,A pragmatics of the cultural other,VABB-4,369,377,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380081,,"Noot onder HvJ 16 april 2013, C-202/11, Las",VABB-1,596,599,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:380083,,Milieuaansprakelijkheid,VABB-4,1,69,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380084,,Het kaduke masker van de Senaat : tussen deelstaatfederalisme en multinationaal confederalisme,VABB-4,53,90,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380085,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de rechtspraak van het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens (2012-2013),VABB-1,104,111,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380087,,A preliminary study of the relationship between the h-index and excess citations = Étude préliminaire de la relation entre lindice de Hirsch (indice-h) et les citations excédentaires,VABB-1,127,144,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380091,,Children composing and their visual-spatial approach to the keyboard,VABB-1,381,396,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380092,,Vocational education students generic working life competencies : developing a self-assessment instrument,VABB-1,365,392,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380093,,De hervormingen van justitie en de toekomst van het arbeidsauditoraat : de kwetsbaarheid van een organisatiekundig ecosysteem,VABB-1,76,81,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380094,,Green city logistics : systems of innovation to assess the potential of e-vehicles,VABB-1,43,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380095,,Theatres in Amsterdam and Antwerp between 1637 and 1775 : the evolving designs of theatres in the early modern Low Countries,VABB-1,5,32,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380096,,Where the conflict really lies : Plantinga's Reidian discourse,VABB-1,21,36,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380098,,Co-producing sustainability indicators for the port of Antwerp : how sustainability reporting creates new discursive spaces for concern and mobilisation,VABB-1,107,123,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380099,,Resilience of chemical industrial areas through attenuation-based security,VABB-1,94,101,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380101,,Patients' nursing records revealing opportunities for interprofessional workplace learning in primary care : a chart review study,VABB-1,89,92,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380102,,Intra-European student mobility in international higher education circuits : Europe on the move,VABB-2,,,224 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380103,,'I beg your pardon?' Nurses experiences in facilitating doctors learning process : an interview study,VABB-1,389,394,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380108,,Looking inside the box : evidence from the containerization of commodities and the cold chain,VABB-1,207,227,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380110,,Consuming maps and producing space : explaining regional variations in the reception and agency of mapmaking in the Low Countries during the medieval and early modern periods,VABB-1,209,240,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380129,,Gender responsive budgeting and the aid effectiveness agenda : experiences from Mozambique,VABB-1,61,79,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380130,,"Crime, in/security and mob justice : the micropolitics of sovereignty in Cameroon",VABB-1,408,428,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380131,,We feel stupid and we shouldn't : towards developing a communication support system for Cuban-trained medical students,VABB-1,71,92,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380132,,Onderwijsrechten in het VN-Verdrag inzake de rechten van personen met een handicap,VABB-1,184,197,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380133,,Domestic European Union coordination and interest group mobilization in three member states : looking beyond the formal mechanisms,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380134,,Democratic legitimacy in multilevel political systems : the role of politicization at the polity-wide level in the EU and Belgium,VABB-1,246,265,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380135,,Environmental sustainability in seaports : a framework for successful innovation,VABB-1,480,500,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380139,,Unspeakable resistance : Walter Benjamin on Attic tragedies,VABB-1,62,79,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380140,,Systeemtheoretische perspectieven op sociale versnelling,VABB-1,30,42,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380143,,Automatic compound processing : compound splitting and semantic analysis for Afrikaans and Dutch,VABB-5,20,30,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380145,,"CLiPS stylometry investigation (CSI) corpus : a Dutch corpus for the detection of age, gender, personality, sentiment and deception in text",VABB-5,3081,3085,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380146,,"The strategic impact of META-NET on the regional, national and international level",VABB-5,1517,1524,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:380147,,Using Wiktionary to build an Italian part-of-speech tagger,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380150,,Lazy and eager relational learning using Graph-Kernels,VABB-5,163,176,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380151,,Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Approaches to Compound Analysis held at the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2014),VABB-3,,,91 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380153,,Trust and discourse : organizational perspectives,VABB-3,,,224 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380154,,Trust and discursive interaction in organizational settings,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380155,,Remembering modernity : print culture heritage and the building of the Belgian nation,VABB-1,71,101,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380156,,De doorwerking en effecten van besparingsmaatregelen in de Vlaamse administratie : enkele eerste beschrijvende en vergelijkende inzichten,VABB-1,31,49,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380160,,Echo-acoustic flow dynamically modifies the cortical map of target range in bats,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380161,,"Trace metals in blood and urine of newborn/mother pairs, adolescents and adults of the Flemish population (2007-2011)",VABB-1,878,890,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380162,,In foreign news we trust : balance and accuracy in newspaper coverage of Belgium,VABB-4,95,112,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380163,,Kafka's other job,VABB-4,121,143,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380164,,"Secularism, religion, and politics : India and Europe",VABB-3,,,220 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380165,,Port infrastructure finance,VABB-3,,,248 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380166,,Port infrastructure : what are we talking about?,VABB-4,5,32,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380167,,Predicting the future : how to estimate future demand for port throughput and infrastructure use,VABB-4,33,54,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380168,,Future port infrastructure finance : lessons and recommendations,VABB-4,229,237,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380169,,Sustainability assessment and indicators : tools in a decision-making strategy for sustainable development,VABB-1,5512,5534,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380170,,Religious and citizenship education in Belgium/Flanders : suggestions for the future,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380172,,Do management control systems in SMEs reflect CEO demographics?,VABB-1,470,488,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380173,,Including women's voices? Gender mainstreaming in EU and SADC development strategies for Southern Africa,VABB-1,559,573,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380174,,Financial fair play in European football,VABB-1,343,390,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380175,,Horizontal logistics collaboration : decreasing costs through flexibility and an adequate cost allocation strategy,VABB-1,339,355,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380176,,Copula-based measurement of dependence between dimensions of well-being,VABB-1,681,701,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380177,,Designing a new supply chain for competition against an existing supply chain,VABB-1,124,140,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380178,,Van industrieel design tot productontwikkeling,VABB-4,168,173,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380180,,Take up position : defining industrial design in postwar Belgium (1954-1970),VABB-5,575,579,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380181,,"Trust us : bootcamp pilates does not sound half as hard as it is, but it works : the credibility of women's magazines",VABB-4,161,180,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380182,,Endocrine actions of pesticides measured in the Flemish environment and health studies (FLEHS I and II),VABB-1,14589,14599,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380183,,Could it be that stock-stake holders rule transition arenas?,VABB-4,119,131,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380188,,Optimal sample preparation to characterize corrosion in historical photographs with analytical TEM,VABB-1,1585,1590,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380189,,"""I can make nothing of it"" : Beckett's collaboration with Merlin on the English Molloy",VABB-1,107,120,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380190,,Het gevaar van meetinvariantie bij het vergelijken van groepen op basis van somscores : vermijdingsgedrag als case study,VABB-1,42,59,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380194,,A new genre for a new audience : introduction,VABB-4,9,41,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380195,,National feasts in the long nineteenth century,VABB-4,83,91,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380196,,noot onder HvJ C-557/10 e.a.,VABB-1,356,359,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:380197,,"The Obidil and the Man of glass : denarration, genesis and cognition in Beckett's Molloy, Malone dies and The unnamable",VABB-1,25,40,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380198,,The making of Samuel Beckett's L'innommable / The unnamable,VABB-2,,,272 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380199,,"Revisiting Molloy, Malone meurt / Malone Dies and L'Innommable / The Unnamable",VABB-3,,,314 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380200,,The WTO and Doha negotiation in crisis?,VABB-1,161,185,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380201,,'Lost in complexity?' The panel's report,VABB-1,97,101,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380202,,"Middelspraecke : een unieke mystieke dialoog in een Mechels handschrift (Antwerpen, Ruusbroecgenootschap, Hs. Neerl. 36)",VABB-1,68,134,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380206,,Evaluatie van het evaluatiesysteem voor leerkrachten in het basisonderwijs en het deeltijds kunstonderwijs,VABB-2,,,308 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380207,,De (on)toelaatbaarheid van de retroactieve toepassing van de strengere strafwet inzake de uitvoering van de straf (noot onder EHRM 21 oktober 2013),VABB-1,194,206,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380209,,"De economische bevoegdheden : vestiging, prijsbeleid, handelshuur, toerisme en het Participatiefonds",VABB-4,525,571,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380210,,Against melancholy : on the demonic in Gershom Scholem,VABB-4,311,325,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380215,,"«Aprende el difícil» : Junot Díaz, Josefina Báez y las literaturas nacionales",VABB-1,345,357,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:380216,,"Collingwood's ""Reformed metaphysics"" and the radical conversion hypothesis",VABB-1,577,600,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380217,,The Kantian heritage of R.G. Collingwood and P.F. Strawson : two varieties of descriptive metaphysics,VABB-1,271,292,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380222,,Catholics and sexual change in Flanders,VABB-4,81,98,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380223,,"Artikel 195, overgangsbepaling : een tijdelijke versoepeling van de procedure voor de herziening van de Grondwet",VABB-4,1,15,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380224,,"De gewestelijke volksraadpleging en het Grondwettelijk Hof, de constitutieve autonomie van de Gemeenschappen en Gewesten en de (niet)-samenvallende Europese, federale en deelstatelijke verkiezingen",VABB-4,243,293,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380225,,Brussel in de zesde staatshervorming,VABB-4,965,1024,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380226,,"Institutionele vernieuwingen : verkiezingen, versterking van het Parlement, politieke deontologie, partijfinanciering en grondwettelijk hof en de dotaties aan de leden van de koninklijke familie",VABB-4,91,149,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380227,,"De splitsing van de kieskring BHV en de bijzondere regelingen voor de randgemeenten : de bevoegdheid van de algemene vergadering van de Raad van State, de benoeming van de burgemeesters en de stand still",VABB-4,151,201,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380228,,Landbouw en dierenwelzijn : een bijna homogene bevoegdheid van de gewesten,VABB-4,493,524,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380229,,Bruxelles dans la sixième réforme de l'Etat,VABB-1,159,192,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:380230,,Introduction : theorizing the multi-layered nature of human rights law,VABB-1,289,292,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380231,,Board capital and the downward spiral : antecedents of bankruptcy in a sample of unlisted firms,VABB-1,387,407,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380233,,"Ontwikkelingen in het Europees, Belgisch en Vlaams arbeidsmigratierecht",VABB-3,,,260 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380234,,Naar een gelaagd arbeidsmigratierecht,VABB-4,5,12,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380235,,Ontwikkelingen in het Europees arbeidsmigratierecht,VABB-4,31,70,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380239,,"De migrerende werknemer, het discriminatierecht en de arbeidsrechter",VABB-4,107,166,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380240,,Extensive enactivism : why keep it all in?,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380242,,"Private enforcement, procedural autonomy and Article 19(1) TEU : two's company, three's a crowd",VABB-1,1,43,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380243,,Individuele levensverzekeringen en aanvullende pensioenen in het nieuwe huwelijksvermogensrecht,VABB-1,273,291,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380247,,Understanding differences in teaching approaches in higher education : an evidence-based perspective,VABB-1,21,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380251,,Het Demokratisch Aktiekomitee (1967-1968) : een vroegtijdige poging om radicaal-links in Vlaanderen te verenigen,VABB-1,24,41,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380252,,"Introduction to Religion, democracy, and secularism in contexts : dilemmas and arguments",VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380254,,Poverty lines as context deflators : a method to account for regional diversity with application to the Democratic Republic of Congo,VABB-1,329,352,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380256,,Road pricing and port hinterland competitiveness : an application to the Hamburg - Le Havre range,VABB-1,170,179,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:380257,,The role of the charismatic economist E. F. Schumacher in economic and civil life : CSR and beyond,VABB-4,151,170,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:380261,,Team learning in education and professional organisations,VABB-4,987,1020,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380262,,Does career type matter? Outcomes in traditional and transitional career patterns,VABB-1,238,249,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380264,,Hair ethyl glucuronide as a biomarker of alcohol consumption in alcohol-dependent patients : role of gender differences,VABB-1,163,166,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380265,,Natural properties and bottomless determination,VABB-1,215,226,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380266,,Focal sclerosis of semicircular canals with severe DFNA9 hearing impairment caused by a P51S COCH-mutation : is there a link?,VABB-1,1077,1086,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380267,,"Redefining empowerment interventions of migrants experiencing poverty : the case of Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-1,105,122,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380268,,"Political mobilization, veto players, and WTO litigation : explaining European Union responses in trade disputes",VABB-1,1181,1198,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380269,,Development of a methodology of evaluation of financial stability of commercial banks,VABB-1,349,367,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380270,,The effects of nicotine on cognition are dependent on baseline performance,VABB-1,1015,1023,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380271,,"Dispossession, displacement and resistance : artisanal miners in a gold concession in South-Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo",VABB-1,90,99,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380272,,Making the visible a little hard to see : D.J. Waldie's aesthetic challenge to American urban studies in Holy Land : a suburban memoir,VABB-1,78,97,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380273,,Predictive value of allergy tests for neuromuscular blocking agents : tackling an unmet need,VABB-1,1069,1075,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380274,,Public-private partnerships in Flemish schools : a complex governance structure in a complex context,VABB-1,363,370,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380275,,Pseudo-outbreak of pre-extensively drug-resistant (Pre-XDR) tuberculosis in Kinshasa : collateral damage caused by false detection of fluoroquinolone resistance by genoType MTBDRsl,VABB-1,2876,2880,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380276,,The missing link in the diffusion of protest : asking others,VABB-1,1670,1709,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380277,,Disabling constitutionalism : can the politics of the Belgian Constitution be explained?,VABB-1,279,302,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380278,,Port geography at the crossroads with human geography : between flows and spaces,VABB-1,84,96,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380279,,Progressive multi-objective optimization,VABB-1,917,936,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380280,,Assessment of expertise overlap between an expert panel and research groups,VABB-5,295,301,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380281,,Ideology and narrative fiction,VABB-4,253,269,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380282,,Electrochemical photodegradation study of semiconductor pigments : influence of environmental parameters,VABB-1,9742,9748,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380285,,Boer en burger ecologisch verenigd? Een micro-perspectief op het gebruik van stedelijk afval als meststof in de vroegmoderne Vlaamse landbouw,VABB-1,9,40,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380286,,"Security sector reform, gender and local narratives in Burundi",VABB-1,331,354,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380290,,Dance hit song prediction,VABB-1,291,302,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380291,,An expert view on business case usage : a Delphi study,VABB-5,136,145,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380294,,The inheritors of loss : seized libraries and bibliophily in late 18th-century Antwerp,VABB-1,53,70,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380295,,Vowel pronunciation in open syllables in spontaneously spoken standard Dutch : exploring a phonological constraint in a listening task,VABB-1,1167,1194,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380296,,Stories and minds : cognitive approaches to literary narrative,VABB-3,,,223 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:380298,,"La vocation mémorielle des actes : l'utilisation des archives dans l'historiographie bénédictine dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux, Xe-XIIe siècles",VABB-2,,,517 p.,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:380300,,Academic teacher training and the IWB : coaching pre-service teachers in Belgium,VABB-4,212,239,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380302,,Dynamics of team reflexivity after feedback,VABB-1,64,91,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380303,,Evolving team cognition : the impact of early development of team situation models on team effectiveness,VABB-1,596,610,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380307,,The symbolic representation of gender : a discursive approach,VABB-2,,,224 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380308,,A meta-analysis of serious digital games for healthy lifestyle promotion,VABB-1,95,107,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380309,,"The strong, the weak, and the unbalanced : the link between tie strength and cyberaggression on a social network site",VABB-1,315,342,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380310,,Personalized multi-day trips to touristic regions : a hybrid GA-VND approach,VABB-4,194,205,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380311,,A game-theoretical model to allocate security resources in a multi-modal transportation system facing adaptive adversaries,VABB-4,211,215,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380317,,Cracks in a policy paradigm poverty reduction and social security : the case of Belgium,VABB-1,270,290,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380318,,Does media cross-ownership translate into cross-promotion? Analysing Flemish newspapers' coverage of affiliated and competing television stations,VABB-1,868,886,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380319,,Future language teachers as experts in the subject : developing cultural content knowledge in teacher education,VABB-1,976,984,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380321,,Morphing Senses,VABB-4,393,409,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380327,,The impact of assessment tasks on subsequent examination performance,VABB-1,213,225,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:380328,,Preventing man-made disaster in the European Union : the shamrock transportation security assessment scheme,VABB-1,66,72,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380330,,"The role of personality in politics : Ashton, Barroso and Van Rompuy, Trinity at EU?",VABB-1,264,277,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:380331,,Ideological stances in Western Europe : contemporary populism in the Low Countries in the light of the European context,VABB-1,230,250,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:380332,,Does Antwerp belong to everyone? Unveiling the conditional limits to inclusive urban citizenship,VABB-1,18,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380337,,Bioinspired mechanisms and sensorimotor schemes for flying : a preliminary study for a robotic bat,VABB-5,37,47,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380341,,Antimisbruikbepalingen bij detachering en het Europees Unierecht,VABB-1,293,306,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380343,,Unamar C-184/12,VABB-1,410,416,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380344,,"Health risks, experts and decision-making within the SPS Agreement and the Codex Alimentarius",VABB-4,194,215,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380346,,"Bending the Code civil : married women, their capacity to engage in contracts and the partnership between spouses (Belgium, 1804-c. 1865)",VABB-4,131,153,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380347,,"Judgment, damnation, and salvation in 'Wech van salicheit, tafel van den kersten ghelove', and in Ruusbroec's works : apocalyptic eschatological concepts in Middle Dutch texts and their Latin sources",VABB-1,1,22,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380348,,Pruning cooccurrence networks,VABB-5,226,234,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380350,,"""Ne quid nimis"" : Kierkegaard and the virtue of temperance",VABB-1,3,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380351,,Les jésuites et le mouvement flamand : histoire d'un engagement tardif mais virulent,VABB-2,,,207 p.,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:380354,,The effect of team feedback and guided reflexivity on team performance change,VABB-1,86,96,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380356,,Grasping learning during internships : the case of engineering education,VABB-4,177,188,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380359,,Het migrantenmiddenveld in Antwerpen : de historische contouren geschetst (1964-2013),VABB-4,121,141,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380360,,Nationalisme in de integratiesector : een proces van verstatelijking en centralisering,VABB-4,187,206,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380361,,Is de stad van iedereen? Stedelijk burgerschap en voorwaardelijke inclusie in Antwerpen,VABB-4,207,228,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380363,,Intérpretes sociales en México : construcción de una etnografía doblemente reflexiva con enfoque decolonial,VABB-1,1,23,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:380365,,Biologically inspired SLAM using Wi-Fi,VABB-5,1804,1811,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380366,,De toekomst van de pensioenen in de overheidssector,VABB-2,,,360 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380368,,Investeren en herverdelen : verschuivingen in het activerings- en bijstandsbeleid in België en Vlaanderen,VABB-4,207,250,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380369,,Over gevestigden en buitenstaanders : armoede diversiteit en stedelijkheid,VABB-3,,,320 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380370,,"Rural development and the entwining of dependencies : transition as evolving governance in Khorezm, Uzbekistan",VABB-1,75,85,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380371,,"25 jaar onderzoek naar armoede, diversiteit en stedelijkheid : inleiding",VABB-4,15,24,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380373,,Onderwijs zonder overheid? De reële kosten van opvoeding en onderwijs in de Romeinse wereld,VABB-4,25,38,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380374,,In the face of reform : what future for ASM in the eastern DRC?,VABB-1,58,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380375,,Loving the lovable,VABB-4,108,124,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380377,,Onderwijs en minderjarige vreemdelingen zonder wettig verblijf,VABB-1,118,125,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380378,,Probing the usefulness of technology-rich bottom-up models in energy and climate policies : lessons learned from the Forum project,VABB-1,123,133,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380380,,Organizing mindfully for relevant process research on strategic change,VABB-1,610,618,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380388,,De moeilijke verhouding tussen de meewerkverplichting en het zwijgrecht in fiscale (straf)zaken,VABB-4,231,256,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380389,,"Dealing with complexity through actor-focused palnning, monitoring and evaluation (PME)",VABB-1,447,466,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380390,,Reid's moral psychology : animal motives as guides to virtue,VABB-1,122,141,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380391,,De toelatingsproef in het hoger kunstonderwijs : wie neemt deel en wie stroomt door?,VABB-1,380,393,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380392,,Beoordeling en feedback bij leraren in Vlaamse secundaire scholen : een internationaal vergelijkend perspectief,VABB-1,353,366,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380393,,Strategic decisions in setting up child rights impact assessments,VABB-1,125,151,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380395,,Samenwerking omwille van de samenwerking : het samenwerkingsakkoord betreffende de gewestgrensoverschrijdende intercommunales,VABB-1,160,166,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380399,,De stem van suburbia,VABB-1,65,72,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380401,,"Together, but different : two co-occurring new degrees at the school of architecture in Antwerp",VABB-5,115,120,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380403,,Een eenduidig pad van modernisering van het handelsverkeer : van het liberale Brugge naar het gereguleerde Antwerpen?,VABB-4,39,54,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380404,,Exploring the biomedical paradigm in the work of Jan Fabre,VABB-1,45,53,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380412,,Contractuele en buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheid voor schade veroorzaakt door een gebrekkige zaak : nood aan een veiligheidsverplichting van arts en ziekenhuis (noot onder Rb. Antwerpen 3 april 2006 en Antwerpen 19 maart 2012),VABB-1,34,37,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380415,,"Imagining Europe from the outside : the role of perceptions of human rights in Europe in migration aspirations in Turkey, Morocco, Senegal and Ukraine",VABB-4,220,247,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380416,,You can't escape from it : its in your blood : naturalizing ethnicity and strategies to ensure family and in-group cohesion,VABB-1,373,393,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380417,,"Micro Raman investigation on corrosion of Pb-based alloy replicas of letters from the museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp",VABB-1,1093,1102,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380421,,"Using ecological footprint analysis in higher education : campus operations, policy development and educational purposes",VABB-1,402,406,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380422,,"Why do cooperatives emerge in a world dominated by corporations? The diffusion of cooperatives in the US bio-ethanol industry, 1978-2013",VABB-1,990,1012,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380423,,Barriers to implementation of treatment guidelines for ADHD in adults with substance use disorder,VABB-1,130,138,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380424,,"Car user taxes, quality characteristics, and fuel efficiency",VABB-1,345,366,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380425,,A new governance perspective on port-hinterland relationships : the Port Hinterland Impact (PHI) matrix,VABB-1,229,249,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380426,,"First-order, second-order or third-rate? A comparison of turnout in European, local and national elections in the Netherlands",VABB-1,159,170,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380427,,A uniform graphical representation of intensity coding in current-generation cochlear implant systems,VABB-1,533,543,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380428,,Remission of treatment-resistant depression with electroconvulsive therapy and ketamine,VABB-1,E31,E32,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380429,,"Comments on ""Impact coverage of the success-index"" by Leo Egghe",VABB-1,491,492,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380430,,A study on directional returns to scale,VABB-1,628,641,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380435,,Het Schildenhof : een door de natuur ingenomen kasteeldomein,VABB-1,34,39,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380436,,De discussie rond de architect als kunstenaar (1919-1936),VABB-4,88,99,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380437,,Examining mediating pathways between financial stress of mothers and fathers and problem behaviour in adolescents,VABB-1,66,78,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380438,,"Financial stress, parent functioning and adolescent problem behavior : an actor-partner interdependence approach to family stress processes in low-, middle-, and high-income families",VABB-1,1752,1769,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380439,,A family system approach to investigate family-based pathways between financial stress and adolescent problem behavior,VABB-1,765,780,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380443,,Transitional spaces : reconciling conflicts in dense housing projects,VABB-5,73,90,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380444,,Kennis over en gebruik van professionele echtscheidingsbemiddeling in het licht van de wet van 18 juli 2006,VABB-1,1,30,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380445,,Middle ear capillary haemangioma causing vestibulocochlear symptoms : a case report,VABB-1,237,243,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380447,,Kinderen en jongeren kritisch leren omgaan met reclame : het aanbod en de kwaliteit van reclameopvoedingspakketten,VABB-1,123,149,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380452,,Enkele knelpunten bij een dading op de grens van het privaat- en publiekrecht,VABB-1,218,231,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380454,,Over het belang van abdijbibliotheken,VABB-4,1,17,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380455,,De Indicatieve Tabel 2012 : van (te) normerend naar betwist?,VABB-1,243,253,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380456,,Enhancing the natal condition : Hannah Arendt and the question of biotechnology,VABB-1,171,189,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380457,,"Weg schmelzen meine Sinne/ in rasendem Verlangen nach Minne : Hadewijch, Lieder (13. Jh.)",VABB-4,45,71,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:380462,,Carriers of growth? International trade and economic development in the Austrian Netherlands,VABB-2,,,318 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380463,,Armoedebestrijding en sociale zekerheid : barsten in een beleidsparadigma,VABB-1,347,377,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380464,,Lutte contre la pauvreté et sécurité sociale : fissures dans un paradigme politique,VABB-1,341,371,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:380465,,De splitsing van delen van de sociale zekerheid : een historische wending in de logica van de staatshervorming,VABB-4,461,469,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380466,,"Subjectivity in modality, and beyond",VABB-4,13,30,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380467,,Meaning change in the Dutch core modals : (inter)subjectification in a grammatical paradigm,VABB-1,85,116,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380468,,Me dunkt! Een diachrone blik op dunken,VABB-4,379,392,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380469,,"The international textile trade in the Austrian Netherlands, 1750-1791",VABB-4,67,84,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380470,,De Oostenrijkse Nederlanden in de tweede helft van de achttiende eeuw : infant industry protectionisme vóór de Industriële Revolutie?,VABB-4,97,112,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380471,,Het (theoretisch) recht op inclusief onderwijs,VABB-1,429,432,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380472,,Samen sterk? Aspirant leraren als partners in de klas,VABB-4,192,195,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:380475,,Liberalisme en overheidssteun voor scholen met een levensbeschouwelijk karakter: hoe en waarom?,VABB-1,21,38,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380476,,Snow White and her dedicated Dutch mothers : translating in the footsteps of the Brothers Grimm,VABB-1,88,103,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380478,,'A translation far worse' : canonization and adaptation in the early Dutch and English translations of the Brothers Grimms Kinder- und Hausmärchen,VABB-4,89,108,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380480,,Land grabbing by mining companies : local contentions and state reconfiguration in South-Kivu (DRC),VABB-4,58,81,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380481,,Grimms' tales around the globe : the dynamics of their international reception,VABB-3,,,320 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380482,,Een land van waan en wijs : geschiedenis van de Nederlandse jeugdliteratuur,VABB-3,,,512 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380483,,Burgerschapseducatie voor nieuwkomers : een politiek filosofische analyse,VABB-1,31,52,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380484,,Deconfessionalisering van levensbeschouwelijke vakken : de ervaring van Québec met ECR (Éthique et Culture Religieuse),VABB-1,323,332,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380485,,Inter-regional networks in Brussels : analyzing the information exchanges among regional offices,VABB-1,547,571,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380496,,Pitfalls and obstacles of media policy making in an age of digital convergence : the flemish signal integrity case,VABB-1,444,462,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380497,,Nuclear weapons and the humanitarian approach,VABB-1,233,250,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380498,,Brief report : the association between adolescents' characteristics and engagement in sexting,VABB-1,1387,1391,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380499,,Competition over soil and subsoil : land grabbing by local elites in South Kivu (DRC),VABB-4,82,102,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380500,,Overheid en economie : geschiedenissen van een spanningsveld,VABB-3,,,300 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380501,,De Schelde geblokkeerd in 1839 : hoe Antwerpen opnieuw een provinciestad werd,VABB-4,63,88,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380502,,Overheid en economie : verstrengelde geschiedenissen,VABB-4,7,19,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380503,,Informatienetwerken in onzekere tijden. Het nut van het lokale correspondentienetwerk van het huis Rothschild bij de eerste Belgische staatsleningen (1810-1840),VABB-4,113,132,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380510,,Stevens and Auden : disparities and affinities,VABB-1,127,141,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:380511,,Stevens everyday trips in ideas of order,VABB-1,7,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380512,,Of modest men and cinnamon-scented women : extracts from Wallace Stevens genealogical letters,VABB-1,61,94,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380515,,"Junot Díaz, ¿escritor latinoamericano?",VABB-1,114,128,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380520,,"Ship retrofit solutions : economic, energy and environmental impacts",VABB-4,57,66,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380522,,"Noot onder EHRM (Grote Kamer) 12 juni 2014, nr. 56030/07 (Fernandez Martinez t. Spanje)",VABB-1,219,596,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380523,,"De keuzeplicht voor levensbeschouwelijk onderricht in officiële scholen. Enkele kanttekeningen in afwachting van het oordeel van het Grondwettelijk Hof (noot onder Raad van State 6 maart 2014, arrest nr. 226.627)",VABB-1,417,422,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380524,,De benadering van de aberratio ictus: een misslag? (noot onder Cass.22 april 2014),VABB-1,314,318,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380525,,The duty to perform a patient recall,VABB-1,91,112,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380538,,Taalgebruik in notariële akten,VABB-1,404,429,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380546,,De gevolgen van woningkwaliteitsgebreken op de huurovereenkomst: een poging tot synthese en verduidelijking,VABB-1,203,212,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380550,,De zesde staatshervorming en de defederalisering van de gezinsbijslagen,VABB-1,175,190,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380551,,Douanerechtelijk transigeren: naar de kwalificatie van vaststellingsovereenkomst en een billijke toepassing van dwaling,VABB-1,706,714,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380552,,"Geneeskunde, gevoel en twijfel : over De jonge dokter",VABB-1,155,171,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380553,,Over zo'n en zo meer,VABB-4,215,228,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380557,,Migratie onderzoek uit de marge?,VABB-4,43,54,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380559,,The dynamics of the global competitiveness of Chinese industries,VABB-1,492,511,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:380560,,Transmission power in some particular cases of bi- or tri-dimensional complex systems,VABB-1,37,45,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380562,,"Word is bond? Een verkennend onderzoek naar de relatie tussen poëzieactivisme, slam poetry educatie met jongeren en sociale (on)rechtvaardigheid",VABB-4,143,160,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380564,,Spatio-temporal settings,VABB-4,61,80,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380565,,"Electronic outlining as a writing strategy : effects on students' writing products, mental effort and writing process",VABB-1,352,366,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380566,,Merger incentives and the failing firm defense,VABB-1,436,466,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380567,,Understanding the effects of time on collaborative learning processes in problem based learning : a mixed methods study,VABB-1,541,563,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380568,,Small firm subsistence and market dimensionality,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380569,,Rotterdam and Amsterdam as trading places? In search of the economic-geographical nexus between global commodity chains and world cities,VABB-1,483,491,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380571,,The inscrutability of colour similarity,VABB-1,289,311,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380572,,The option to abandon : stimulating innovative groundwater remediation technologies characterized by technological uncertainty,VABB-1,63,74,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380573,,Informal home care for elderly in Belgium : a study on the features and challenges of informal care at local level,VABB-1,848,853,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380574,,A good normalized impact and concentration measure,VABB-1,2152,2154,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380575,,Verification of change in a fragmented event-based process coordination environment,VABB-1,501,514,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380576,,Strijd om het klimaat : de beeldvorming over klimaatverandering tijdens de klimaattop te Cancun in Vlaamse kwaliteitskranten,VABB-1,244,264,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:380577,,Vlaamse krantenverslaggeving over cyberpesten,VABB-1,286,304,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:380579,,"Living apart together and money : new partnerships, traditional gender roles",VABB-1,949,966,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380580,,"Societies, sexes and atmospheres",VABB-1,83,92,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380581,,Questioning the regulatory approach to large-scale agricultural land transfers in Ethiopia : a legal pluralistic perspective,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380582,,Audit quality variation between local audit offices in Belgium : evidence from going-concern opinions,VABB-1,12,21,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380583,,De accuraatheid van de continuïteitsverklaring in Belgische auditrapporten,VABB-1,18,27,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380584,,Het verband tussen niet-auditdiensten en auditkwaliteit : empirische studie voor de Belgische auditmarkt,VABB-2,,,122 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380585,,Integration of the cost allocation in the optimization of collaborative bundling,VABB-1,125,143,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380586,,Port business : market challenges and management actions,VABB-3,,,228 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380587,,Trends in the maritime logistics chain : vertical port co-operation : strategies and relationships,VABB-4,121,140,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380588,,Developing and financing port investments in turbulent times,VABB-4,177,194,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380589,,Implementing strategies towards port development options and market requirements,VABB-4,197,203,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380590,,Development of adjective frequencies across semantic classes : a growth curve analysis of child speech and parental input,VABB-1,185,226,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380592,,Informatiegebruik in verantwoordingsgerichte en schoolontwikkelingsgerichte onderwijssystemen : een Nederlands-Vlaams perspectief,VABB-1,84,106,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380593,,Het belang van het kind en de eigenheid van het asielrecht (noot onder RvS 29 mei 2013),VABB-1,323,327,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380595,,Failures and successes of human rights-based approaches to development : towards a change perspective,VABB-1,291,311,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380596,,Belgium : the Convention of the Rights of the Child in Belgian case law,VABB-4,105,122,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380597,,"On the border between science, performance and the digital : the embodied orrery",VABB-1,255,260,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380598,,"Het soortelijk gewicht van de dingen : over Landschap met springwegen, van Pieter De Buysser",VABB-1,152,158,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380600,,"Feedback, development, and social networks",VABB-4,503,520,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380602,,De intellectuele eigendomsrechten verankerd in het Wetboek Economisch Recht : een eerste analyse,VABB-1,452,528,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380604,,Art. 55 t/m 61 van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen,VABB-4,1,13,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380605,,Art. 70 t/m 78 van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen,VABB-4,1,32,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380606,,"Art. 82, 83, 85 en 88 van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen",VABB-4,1,14,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380607,,"Art. 90, 91 en 93 t/m 95 van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen",VABB-4,1,19,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380609,,"De auteursrechtelijke beschermingsvoorwaarden voor modellen en het auteurschap inzake modellen vervaardigd in opdracht die niet aan de modelrechtelijke beschermingsvoorwaarden voldoen (noot onder Hoge Raad, 25 oktober 2013)",VABB-1,235,240,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380612,,The Jespersen cycles seen from Austronesian,VABB-4,47,83,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380613,,On the relation between double clausal negation and negative concord,VABB-4,13,46,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380615,,Perspectives on the police profession : an international investigation,VABB-1,728,745,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380616,,Het land dat nooit was : een tegenfeitelijke geschiedenis van België,VABB-3,,,352 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380617,,Inleiding : Een geschiedenis van België wie es eigentlich nicht gewesen',VABB-4,7,28,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380618,,De Arbeidersrevolte van 1893 : hoe het socialisme het communautaire probleem oploste,VABB-4,195,234,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380619,,Besluit : Het nut van tegenfeitelijke geschiedschrijving,VABB-4,359,370,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380621,,De wederopstanding van de paritas-regel,VABB-1,226,230,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380623,,"Do case-based learning environments matter? Research into their effects on students approaches to learning, motivation and achievement",VABB-4,273,294,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380624,,"What, how and from whom do health care professionals learn during collaboration in palliative home care : a cross-sectional study in primary palliative care",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380625,,Preparing for major terrorist attacks against chemical clusters : intelligently planning protection measures w.r.t. domino effects,VABB-1,583,589,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380626,,Major accident management in the process industry : an expert tool called CESMA for intelligent allocation of prevention investments,VABB-1,779,788,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380628,,Limited dependent variable models and probabilistic prediction in informetrics,VABB-4,193,214,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380629,,Measuring scholarly impact : methods and practice,VABB-3,,,346 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380630,,Developmental trajectories of (cyber)bullying perpetration and social intelligence during early adolescence,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380659,,The nuclear security discourse : proliferation vs disarmament concerns,VABB-1,321,334,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380660,,Dossier stadsbeeld : inleiding,VABB-4,83,88,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380661,,Antwerpen en zijn citadel in the picture : de onbekende prentenreeks van Johannes Portantius,VABB-4,89,114,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380668,,Extending the concept of the resource curse : natural resources and public spending on health,VABB-1,136,149,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380669,,The common interest in international litigation,VABB-4,75,92,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380675,,Subnational multilevel constitutionalism,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380676,,"Het ""moment Anspach"" : hoe België een voorbeeld werd in stedenbouw en ruimtelijke ordening",VABB-4,90,125,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380677,,Desiring what the law desires : a semiotic view on the normalization of homosexual sexuality,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380678,,Homonormative dynamics and the subversion of culture,VABB-1,3,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380680,,A practice theory of legal pluralism : Hart's (inadvertent) defence of the indistinctiveness of law,VABB-1,27,47,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380684,,Moet een arts ook inzage nemen van het verpleegkundig dossier? (noot onder Rb. Gent 13 december 2011),VABB-1,21,25,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380692,,The legal permissibility of continuous deep sedation at the end of life: a comparison of laws and a proposal,VABB-4,132,148,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:380693,,Standard of review for necessity and proportionality analysis in EU ad WTO law : why differences in standard of review are legitimate,VABB-4,209,231,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380695,,"International trade, fairness and labour migration",VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380696,,From meatless Mondays to meatless Sundays : motivations for meat reduction among vegetarians and semi-vegetarians who mildly or significantly reduce their meat intake,VABB-1,639,657,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380697,,What scope for subnational autonomy : the issue of the legal enforcement of the principle of subsidiarity,VABB-1,45,73,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380699,,"""Het apenspel, De Franse paradox in de Vlaams-Belgische literatuur uit de vroege negentiende eeuw",VABB-1,226,249,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380700,,"Hendrik Conscience als operalibrettist : van 'De pelgrim in de woestyn (1840)' tot 'De dichter en zijn droombeeld (1872)', Acta Consciencecolloquium (Antwerpen, 03/12/2012",VABB-1,193,212,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380704,,Over vrienden en advocaten : de gevolgen van de weigering van juridische tweedelijnsbijstand voor de oplossing van het geschil,VABB-1,443,457,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380705,,De regionalisering van de woninghuur : naar een Vlaams huurrecht?,VABB-4,471,492,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380706,,Legal aid and access to justice : how to look at and evaluate legal aid systems?,VABB-4,3,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380707,,Stepping stones towards a sound legal aid system in the future : concluding remarks,VABB-4,331,342,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380709,,Legal aid in the Low Countries,VABB-3,,,374 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380713,,"The Gospel of good cheer : innocence, spiritual healing and patriotism in Mary Pickford's Pollyanna",VABB-4,191,210,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380722,,Afscheiding van delen van EU-lidstaten : een beschouwing vanuit internationaal- en Europeesrechtelijk perspectief,VABB-1,722,725,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380723,,"Noot bij: HvJEU 3 oktober 2013, zaak C-583/11 P. Inuit Tapiriit Katanami e.a. t. Parlement en Raad",VABB-1,199,202,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380725,,Flann O'Brien's Ulysses : marginalia and the modernist mind,VABB-4,107,119,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380728,,Introduction to Selling textiles in the eighteenth century: perspectives on consumer and retail change,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380729,,According to the latest and most elegant fashion : retailing textiles and changes in supply and demand in seventeenth- and eighteenth-centuury Antwerp,VABB-4,138,159,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380730,,Selling textiles in the long eighteenth century : comparative perspectives from Western Europe,VABB-3,,,238 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380731,,Profiling first-year students in STEM programs based on autonomous motivation and academic self-concept and relationship with academic achievement,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380732,,Choices and opportunities amid economic warfare : strategic decisions of the business elite in the young harbour town of Antwerp during the Napoleonic Era,VABB-4,223,240,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380742,,"Citizen science in hydrology and water resources: opportunities for knowledge generation, ecosystem service management, and sustainable development",VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380743,,The effects of microcredit on women's control over household spending in developing countries : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,1,205,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380752,,Children. Roman World,VABB-4,40,44,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380754,,Link prediction,VABB-4,35,56,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380757,,Innovation and creativity in late medieval and early modern European cities,VABB-3,,,438 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380758,,Innovation and creativity in late medieval and early modern European cities : an introduction,VABB-4,1,33,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380759,,"Beyond exclusivism : entrance fees for guilds in the early modern Low Countries, c. 1450-1800",VABB-4,189,224,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380760,,Van Gravier tot Zambrano : non-discriminatie op grond van nationaliteit voor Unie-studenten en leerlingen,VABB-1,37,51,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380761,,Rechten in het onderwijs volgens VN-verdrag inzake de rechten van personen met een handicap,VABB-1,184,196,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380762,,Legal aid and housing issues,VABB-4,141,159,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380764,,How engaging start-ups in research activities can lead to more effective technology and knowledge transfer from public research organisations,VABB-5,1,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380765,,Burundi,VABB-4,281,291,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:380767,,The EU as a coercive diplomatic actor? The EU-3 Initiative towards Iran,VABB-4,103,119,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380768,,The associations between adolescents consumption of pornography and music videos and their sexting behavior,VABB-1,772,778,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380769,,Media freedoms and covert diplomacy : Turkey challenges Europe over Kurdish broadcasts,VABB-1,319,331,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380772,,The paradox of the Antwerp rose : symbol of decline or token of craftsmanship?,VABB-4,269,293,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380776,,Modelling mechanisms with causal cycles,VABB-1,1651,1681,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380777,,Recommending research collaborations using link prediction and random forest classifiers,VABB-1,1461,1473,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380782,,The adoption of liquefied natural gas as a ship fuel : a systematic review of perspectives and challenges,VABB-1,749,774,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380804,,Reconceptualizing human rights duty-bearers,VABB-4,1031,1046,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380805,,"Sociodemographic characteristics of trans persons in Belgium : a secondary data analysis of medical, state, and social data",VABB-1,1289,1299,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380807,,Electrophysiological (EEG) evidence for reduced performance monitoring in euthymic bipolar disorder,VABB-1,820,829,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380808,,Neuropsychiatric features in Behçet's disease : a case report,VABB-1,13,14,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380809,,Retrospective evaluation of therapeutic drug monitoring of clozapine and norclozapine in Belgium using a multidrug UHPLC-MS/MS method,VABB-1,336,339,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380811,,Functionele MRI bij schizofrenie : belang van aangepaste taak in de scanner,VABB-1,385,393,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380812,,"Guideline for screening, diagnosis and treatment of ADHD in adults with substance use disorders",VABB-1,629,647,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380813,,The use of dried blood spots for quantification of 15 antipsychotics and 7 metabolites with ultra-high performance liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry,VABB-1,502,511,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380815,,How to measure leader's impact on organizational performance : implications from the comparative case study,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380816,,Mind-sets of boundaryless careers in the public sector : the vanguard of a more mobile workforce?,VABB-1,490,519,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380817,,(De)politicization dynamics in publicprivate partnerships (PPPs) : lessons from a comparison between UK and Flemish PPP policy,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380818,,Literatuur als vlag : Hendrik Conscience en de choreografie van de massa,VABB-1,121,138,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380833,,Critical remarks on the pro-religion apriority of the RELIGARE project,VABB-4,227,236,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380834,,Punitive damages in het buitencontractueel aansprakelijkheidsrecht,VABB-1,426,448,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380836,,The planet - or just America? On Helen Vendlers claims about Stevens Americanness,VABB-1,233,249,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380841,,Een economische analyse van de tolheffing in Diegem (1632 - 1720),VABB-4,75,96,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380843,,Investigating Chinese outward foreign direct investments : how can firm-level data help?,VABB-1,44,63,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380847,,Sustainable HRM : bridging theory and practice through the 'Respect Openness Continuity (ROC)'-model,VABB-1,263,284,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380848,,Gedisciplineerde vrijheid : een geschiedenis van het handels- en economisch recht,VABB-2,,,183 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380849,,The modal split of cities : a workplace-based mixed modelling perspective,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380850,,Workplace travel plans : can they be evaluated effectively by experts?,VABB-1,757,774,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380852,,Toward a balanced framework to evaluate and improve the internal functioning of nonprofit economic development business incubators : a study in Belgium,VABB-1,478,508,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380853,,"De ontwikkeling van het Antwerpse privaatrecht in de aanloop naar de costuymen van 1548 : uitgave van het Gulden Boeck (ca. 1510-ca. 1537), (projecten van) ordonnanties (1496-ca.1546), een rechtsboek (ca. 1541-ca. 1545) en proeven van hoofdstukken van de costuymen van 1548",VABB-1,65,324,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380854,,The impact of social setting on the recall and recognition of in-game advertising,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380857,,"Intangibles : theory, categories, and the Kozminski matrix",VABB-1,101,111,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:380861,,"Kijk, ik spreek illegaals! Taal en taalnamen in de hedendaagse stad",VABB-1,201,219,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380862,,"Juristen en wiskunde : het blijft een moeilijk huwelijk, zeker bij echtscheiding (noot onder Antwerpen 30 april 2014)",VABB-1,233,236,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380873,,De minderheidsvordering: een kritische analyse,VABB-1,4,20,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380877,,"Movement towards a Flemish Constitution : the Charter for Flanders, another failed attempt?",VABB-1,141-E,163-E,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380879,,Articulating metalinguistic and political awareness in Flemish discourses on integration and allochthony,VABB-1,283,306,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380883,,Recycling the wreckage of history: on the rise of an ‚Antiquarian consumer culture’ in the Southern Netherlands,VABB-4,37,48,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380884,,Van postgraduaat naar master in Monumenten- en Landschapszorg aan de Universiteit te Antwerpen,VABB-4,184,201,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380893,,Du côté de chez Schwarz-Bart,VABB-4,103,118,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:380896,,CEO letter rhetorics and financial analysts' earnings forecasts,VABB-1,18,44,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380897,,Les ressources naturelles en Amazonie péruvienne : entre la conservation et l'exploitation,VABB-4,175,192,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:380901,,"Radical enactivism, Wittgenstein and the cognitive gap",VABB-1,350,359,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380902,,The Tragic Sense of Levinas' Ethics,VABB-1,345,369,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380904,,Regulatory congruence effects in two-sided advertising The mediating role of processing fluency and processing depth,VABB-1,1451,1465,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380905,,Two Faces of Media Attention: Media Storm Versus Non-Storm Coverage,VABB-1,509,531,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380906,,Do the Media Influence Foreign Aid Because or in Spite of the Bureaucracy? A Case Study of Belgian Aid Determinants,VABB-1,584,603,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380908,,The Redistributive Effect and Progressivity of Taxes Revisited: An International Comparison across the European Union,VABB-1,405,429,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380910,,A Systematic Literature Review on Business Cases: Structuring the Study Field and Defining Future Research Dimensions,VABB-5,93,103,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:380911,,The mediating effect of instruction on pair composition in L2 revision and writing,VABB-1,905,927,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380912,,Crisis and resilience in a finance-led city: Effects of the global financial crisis in Leeds,VABB-1,3164,3179,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380914,,Absolute dating of aeolian sediments in relationship to the development of the city of ghent: first results,VABB-1,25,35,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:380915,,The risk for behavioural deficits is determined by the maternal immune response to prenatal immune challenge in a neurodevelopmental model,VABB-1,138,146,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380916,,Comparing street demonstrations,VABB-1,493,503,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380917,,Degrees of frame alignment: Comparing organisers' and participants' frames in 29 demonstrations in three countries,VABB-1,504,524,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380918,,"Global constitutionalism, responsibility to protect, and extra-territorial obligations to realize the right to health: time to overcome the double standard (once again)",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380919,,Collaboration in Scientific and Technology Research in Benin: 2005-2009,VABB-1,188,204,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380920,,Activity-Based Costing as a Design Science Artifact,VABB-5,3667,3676,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380922,,"< Introduction to the Minitrack ""IT Governance and its Mechanisms"" HICSS 2014",VABB-5,4335,4335,,mul,2014,1 c:vabb:380925,,On the imperative solicitude for evolvability evaluation in value management,VABB-1,70,87,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380927,,Nederland gidsland? Wat heeft het kabinet-Rutte-Asscher in petto voor het openbaar bestuur?,VABB-1,4,14,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380928,,Samenwerking tussen de Vlaamse gemeenten en OCMW's op het vlak van personeelsmanagement,VABB-1,29,40,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:380931,,Cyberpesten : hoeveel komt het voor en wat kunnen scholen ertegen doen?,VABB-1,6,13,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380934,,"Ernest Renan et ""l'Evangile éternel"" de Marc-Aurèle",VABB-1,137,150,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:380936,,Resisting ownership : the paralysis of EU peacebuilding in the Congo,VABB-1,24,44,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380938,,A review on ergonomics of headgear : thermal effects,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380940,,Armoede en sociale uitsluiting : jaarboek 2014,VABB-3,,,448 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380941,,Inkomensarmoede in België : blik op het heden en gevolgen voor de toekomst,VABB-4,27,44,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380942,,Inleiding : armoedebestrijding als duurzame ontwikkeling,VABB-4,17,24,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380943,,De meting van duurzame ontwikkeling : focus op armoede,VABB-4,194,212,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380944,,Armoede en sociale uitsluiting ontcijferd,VABB-4,357,415,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380945,,Media didactica : een referentiekader voor mediawijsheid voor de lerarenopleiding,VABB-1,93,106,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380946,,The impact of child benefits on single mother poverty : exploring the role of targeting in 15 European countries,VABB-1,210,222,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380951,,De ramp : hoe de grote Watersnood van 1953 half Vlaanderen blank zette,VABB-4,335,358,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380952,,Schuldenoverlast in Vlaanderen : dimensies van de schuldenproblematiek nader bekeken,VABB-4,144,164,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380953,,"Krediet, schuld en betalingsproblemen",VABB-4,295,316,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380954,,We gebruiken onze rechterhand om mensen in de linkerhand te plaatsen : het reguleren van publieke ruimte met bestraffend sociaal beleid in Antwerpen,VABB-1,36,60,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380955,,"Silver-stained roundels and unipartite panels before the French Revolution : Flanders, vol. 3: the Provinces of Flemish Brabant and Limburg",VABB-2,,,548 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380957,,"Regulation, taxation and violence: the state, quasi-state governance and cross-border dynamics in the Great Lakes Region",VABB-1,530,544,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380958,,Narrativa contemporánea y canon : una contribución al debate,VABB-4,11,29,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:380959,,Las antologías como instrumentos de canonización : una introducción,VABB-4,201,205,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:380960,,El canon y las antologías del cuento dominicano de la última década (2000-2010),VABB-4,249,263,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:380961,,"Forging or reflecting multiple identities? Analyzing processes of identification in a sample of fifteenth-century letters of remission from Bruges and Mechelen""",VABB-1,23,39,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380962,,The kitchen between representation and everyday experience : the case of sixteenth-century Antwerp,VABB-4,162,184,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380963,,The economic theory of professional team sports : an analytical treatment,VABB-2,,,208 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380964,,Besparingsboekhouden : de waarde van macro-economische indicatoren in het besparingsdebat,VABB-1,5,13,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380965,,'By working she means tweeting' : online celebrity gossip media and audience readings of celebrity Twitter behaviour,VABB-1,514,517,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380966,,Causaliteit in het Belgisch strafrecht : over de kruisbestuiving tussen het buitencontractueel aansprakelijkheidsrecht en het strafrecht,VABB-1,433,473,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380967,,De interne markt en de arbeidsrechtelijke normconcurrentie,VABB-1,550,564,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380968,,Peer-group mentoring as a tool for teacher development,VABB-1,358,377,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:380969,,Individuele verschillen in werkplekleren bij leraren in opleiding : een kwestie van motivatie?,VABB-1,181,194,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380971,,International and European impulse with regard to the creation of autonomous public bodies : an emerging trend,VABB-1,58,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380972,,Une odeur fine et suave d'héliotrope (Chateaubriand),VABB-4,55,68,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:380975,,Why didn't Charasoff and Remak use Perron-Frobenius mathematics?,VABB-1,991,1014,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:380978,,"Media didactica : a media literacy reference framework for learners, teachers and teacher educators",VABB-1,41,49,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380979,,Prevalentie van sexting bij Vlaamse jongeren : een verkennende studie,VABB-1,114,126,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380982,,"""Eine gewichtige Pranke"" : Walter Benjamin und Giorgio Agamben zu Erzählung und Gesetz bei Kafka.",VABB-4,217,232,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:380985,,Kroniek Overheidsopdrachten,VABB-1,454,459,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:380988,,Financing PPP in the Port sector : current state and future challenges,VABB-4,165,173,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380990,,Information flow within the West African innovation systems,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380991,,Analysis of different cost allocation methods in a collaborative transport setting,VABB-1,132,150,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380992,,"A severe case of disliking Bimbo Heidi, Scumbag Jesse and Bastard Tiger : analysing celebrities online anti-fans",VABB-4,63,75,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:380994,,Artikel 8 EVRM en het verzetsrecht van de nabestaanden bij orgaanwegneming post mortem,VABB-1,122,125,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381004,,Life cycle assessment of an apartment building : comparison of an attributional and consequential approach,VABB-5,132,140,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381009,,Contractual flexibility in transport infrastructure PPP,VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381024,,De ontwikkeling van het 'Beoordelingsinstrument Klassieke Dans',VABB-1,43,67,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381026,,The Early Modern Antwerp coopers' guild : from a contract-enforcing organization to an empty box?,VABB-4,245,267,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381027,,FDI from emerging markets and the productivity gap : an analysis on affiliates of BRICS EMNEs in Europe,VABB-1,665,676,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:381029,,Individual differences in behavioral flexibility in a probabilistic reversal learning task : an fMRI study,VABB-1,203,218,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381030,,Les marqueurs évidentiels ou médiatifs en français : une approche bibliographique,VABB-1,79,97,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:381033,,Towards a system requirements specification template that minimizes combinatorial effects,VABB-5,124,129,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381034,,Easily evolving software using normalized systems theory : a case study,VABB-5,322,327,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381038,,The challenge of using standard contracts in public-private partnerships,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381039,,"Labour time, guild time? Working hours in the cloth industry of medieval Flanders and Artois(thirteenth and fourteen centuries)",VABB-1,27,53,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381040,,The availability of six tracer medicines in private medicine outlets in Uganda,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381041,,Outomatiese genreklassifikasie vir Afrikaans,VABB-1,1,12,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381042,,Evaluating content-independent features for personality recognition,VABB-5,7,10,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381043,,The economics of port authority reform : a framework for ex-post evaluation,VABB-1,297,325,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381044,,From carpet sellers to cargo stars : analyzing strategies of air cargo carriers,VABB-1,96,119,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381046,,Pluralisme en Vlaamse nieuwsmedia : de (hete) aardappel van de toekomst,VABB-1,401,418 Tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:381047,,Produits de terroir? La littérature régionale dans la Flandre impériale et le cas de la chanson de geste moyen-néerlandaise,VABB-1,37,55,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:381053,,"""Recht op bijstand van een advocaat voor de onderzoeksrechter tijdens een verhoor voorafgaand aan het bevel tot aanhouding"", noot onder Cass. 18 juni 2013",VABB-1,862,865,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381054,,"""Technische raadslieden van het parket en onpartijdige deskundigen"", noot onder Cass. 19 december 2012",VABB-1,936,940,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381055,,"""Recht op bijstand van een advocaat tijdens een navolgend verhoor van een aangehouden verdachte"", noot onder Cass. 9 april 2013",VABB-1,1306,1309,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381056,,"""Criteria en subcriteria voor de beoordeling van onregelmatigheden inzake de bewijsverkrijging"", noot onder Cass. 28 mei 2013",VABB-1,1620,1624,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381057,,Meemoederschap zonder adoptie : de wet van 5 mei 2014 tot vaststelling van de afstamming van meemoederszijde,VABB-1,480,486,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381058,,Nursing home residents and celebrities : a tale of morality,VABB-1,323,349,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381060,,"Istanbul during the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) : cholera, medicine and the press",VABB-1,141,164,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381061,,Scientists' referencing (mis)behavior revealed by the dissemination network of referencing errors,VABB-1,1973,1986,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381062,,Comments on the paper of J. M. Campanario: The effect of citations on the significance of decimal places in the computation of journal impact factors,VABB-1,2071,2075,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381063,,Size effect model for the edge strength of glass with cut and ground edge finishing,VABB-1,96,105,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381064,,Who bullies whom online : a social network analysis of cyberbullying in a school context,VABB-1,415,433,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381065,,Facing interfaces A clustering approach to grammaticalization and related changes,VABB-1,385,424,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381066,,Shipowners' structure and fleet distribution in the liquefied natural gas shipping,VABB-1,488,512,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381067,,The dethroning of ideocracy : Robert Musil as a philosopher,VABB-1,3,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381072,,Teleosemantics without Etiology,VABB-1,798,810,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381073,,Networks and political engagement of migrant organisations in five European cities,VABB-1,858,875,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381074,,Reconsidering inequalities in preventive health care: an application of cultural health capital theory and the life-course perspective to the take-up of mammography screening,VABB-1,1259,1275,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381075,,Location of a Seaport by MOORA Optimization,VABB-5,275,280,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381076,,"Expert reviewers beware! the effects of review set balance, review source and review content on consumer responses to online reviews",VABB-1,162,178,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381077,,"Quality of Life and Mental Resilience in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: An Explorative, Qualitative Study",VABB-5,94,97,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381088,,Bibliography of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381089,,Handbook of pragmatics,VABB-3,,,261 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381090,,Handbook of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381093,,Modelling the future : occupational and marital choices of an Early Modern Antwerp family facing crisis,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381094,,Zich feitelijk verenigen zonder zorgen : behoefte aan informatie over belang van verzekering (noot onder Gent 20 juni 2013),VABB-1,66,70,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381095,,One-shotters en repeat-players : de rechtssociologische 'theorie' van Marc Galanter revisited,VABB-1,392,405,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381096,,A shallow reading of the Limburg sermons,VABB-1,145,162,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381098,,A game with words : rhetorical citizenship and game theory,VABB-4,323,340,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381099,,The Arabic spring in the eyes of Chinese political leaders : a critical discourse analysis of Chinese political rhetoric,VABB-1,82,100,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381105,,Audience reception of cross- and transmedia TV drama in the age of convergence,VABB-1,2220,2239,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381106,,Economics and interdisciplinary exchange,VABB-3,,,214 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381107,,"""Vous estez les premiers vassaux que j'aye et que j'aime le plus."" Burgundians in the Brusssels courts of the widowed Isabella and of the Cardinal-Infant don Ferdinand (1621-1641)",VABB-4,223,254,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:381108,,"Polder mania or marsh fever? Risk and risk management in early modern drainage projects: the case of the Kallo polder, Flanders, 1649-1662",VABB-1,231,255,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381110,,"""Vous nêtes pas un collègue flamand?"" Identiteitsvorming tijdens de Belgische Kamerdebatten over talen in bestuurszaken in 1932",VABB-1,10,43,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:381111,,How product representation shapes virtual experiences and re-patronage intentions : the role of mental imagery processing and experiential value,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381116,,De dynamiek van het jonge Nederlands : sporen van tussentaalhomogenisering in Vlaamse tienerchattaal?,VABB-1,199,218,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:381118,,De reguleringsimpactanalyse en de bescherming van grondrechten: een verantwoordelijkheid van wetgever en rechter : een toepassing op het huisonderwijs,VABB-1,202,224,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381120,,The collection and distribution of media rights in a win-maximization league,VABB-4,73,79,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381121,,The unintended consequence of an export ban : evidence from Benins shrimp sector,VABB-1,138,150,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:381125,,What determines the suspension of budget support?,VABB-1,62,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:381126,,Mapping the Belgian NGDO landscape in relation to development cooperation : dealing with fragmentation and emerging complexities,VABB-4,16,43,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381127,,Cities of commerce : an introduction to the articles,VABB-1,55,59,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381129,,"Shaking hands with Antwerps rich past : a guided tour through six centuries of printing, publishing, collecting and commemorating",VABB-1,7,10,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381130,,"Beyond description : bibliographic tools as big data for the study of Belgian handpress books : with an example on the use of typographical ornaments, 1501-1540",VABB-1,101,122,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381133,,An economic and institutional analysis of the multi-port gateway regions in the Black Sea basin,VABB-1,3,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381134,,The importance of jobbing printing : a framework agreement between the Ghent Jesuits and the printer Baudewijn Manilius for the production of theatre programmes (1664),VABB-1,89,112,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381136,,Incentives in cruise terminal concession contracts,VABB-1,36,42,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381137,,Redelijke aanpassingen en religieuze diversiteit : een schoolvoorbeeld?,VABB-1,197,216,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381138,,Cruises and cruise ports : structures and strategies,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381142,,The educational gradient of childlessness and cohort parity progression in 14 low fertility countries,VABB-1,1365,1416,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381151,,Allen tegen één in het privacyrecht: over de rechtsvordering tot collectief herstel en wijdverspreide schendingen van persoonsgegevens op het internet,VABB-1,315,324,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381153,,Printing vernacular translations in sixteenth century Antwerp,VABB-1,108,137,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381156,,"Tolerantie, humanisme, reformatie en actief pluralisme",VABB-4,189,203,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381157,,"Cosmopolitanism, mobility and transformation : internal migrant women in Beijing's Silk Street Market",VABB-1,124,138,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381159,,Reynaert de vos in een Vlaams-nationalistisch jasje : bewerkingen van Van den vos Reynaerde met een ideologische inslag,VABB-1,177,196,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:381162,,Psychometrische kwaliteiten van de Hospital Ethical Climate Survey : een cross-sectionele studie bij Belgische psychiatrische verpleegkundigen,VABB-1,778,787,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381169,,Dialektperzeption und Schule - Vreden (D) versus Winterswijk (NL) : Die Einstellung von Dialektsprechern zur Mundart im Unterricht,VABB-1,123,154,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:381170,,Stable schizophrenia patients learn equally well as age-matched controls and better than elderly controls in two sensorimotor rotary pursuit tasks,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381171,,"Una breve nota sobre la música popular en ""Cien botellas en una pared"", by Ena Lucía Portela",VABB-1,7,15,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:381175,,Stigma and performance : Victor Klemperer's language-critical reflections on anti-semitic hate speech,VABB-4,89,103,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381176,,Dislocation linguistique et culturelle dans Yoko Tawada et Akira Mizubayashi,VABB-1,125,140,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381177,,"Autotradução ou literatura vernácula? Um estudo comparativo da obra de Yone Noguchi, Akira Mizubayashi e Yoko Tawada",VABB-1,73,88,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381179,,Do (fe)male auditors impair audit quality? Evidence from going-concern opinions,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381180,,Local financial development and the trade credit policy of Italian SMEs,VABB-1,905,924,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:381181,,Cross-jurisdictional income shifting and tax enforcement : evidence from public versus private multinationals,VABB-1,710,746,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:381182,,The impact of community support initiatives on the stigma experienced by people living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa,VABB-1,214,226,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:381183,,The ordinal dominance theory as applied to the most attractive retail cities of the Benelux area,VABB-1,899,915,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381184,,From international health to global health : how to foster a better dialogue between empirical and normative disciplines,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381185,,Social reform in times of transition reflections on Martin Conway's The Sorrows of Belgium,VABB-1,40,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381186,,Optimal supersaturated designs,VABB-1,1592,1600,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381188,,"Carotenoids, birdsong and oxidative status : administration of dietary lutein is associated with an increase in song rate and circulating antioxidants (albumin and cholesterol) and a decrease in oxidative damage",VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381189,,Could international compulsory licensing reconcile tiered pricing of pharmaceuticals with the right to health?,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381190,,Determinants of bisphenol A and phthalate metabolites in urine of Flemish adolescents,VABB-1,110,117,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381192,,Explaining self-perceived accountability of regulatory agencies in comparative perspective : do formal independence and de facto managerial autonomy matter?,VABB-4,51,77,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381199,,El canon en la narrativa contemporánea del Caribe y del Cono Sur,VABB-3,,,349 p.,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:381201,,Belgisch rapport soft law en privaatrecht,VABB-1,807,833,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381202,,Landbouwmachines en (samenloop van) aansprakelijkheid,VABB-1,470,475,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381203,,De toegang tot niet-medische dossiers in het ziekenhuis,VABB-1,328,331,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381206,,The use of citizen journalism for hyperlocal news production,VABB-1,151,164,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381207,,De moeilijke positie van het Hof van Jusitie inzake directe belastingen,VABB-1,39,65,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381208,,Tewerkstelling van personen met een handicap : het recht op redelijke aanpassingen onder de loep genomen,VABB-1,327,331,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381209,,Commentaar bij artikel I.8.13° WER,VABB-4,1,36,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381210,,Evaluating the effectiveness of a professional development programme on pupil well-being in primary schools,VABB-1,81,100,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381211,,Vlaamse jongeren en STEM : een kwestie van keuzes maken,VABB-1,217,230,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381214,,Allez Changez! / En nog een keer! : de genese van Suzanne Dantine en Wespennest,VABB-1,107,134,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381215,,Aux origines des emplois modaux de l'imparfait : le cas de l'emploi hypothétique et de l'emploi contrefactuel,VABB-1,33,47,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:381219,,Compensation for the loss of small chances in (Belgian and French) tort law,VABB-1,1065,1068,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381222,,The cruelty of kin : rejection and abjection in Rebecca Brown's representations of parent-child relationships,VABB-1,115,137,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381224,,Een andere Hadewijch of een nieuwe dwaalweg?,VABB-1,163,175,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381227,,Het beroepsgeheim binnen de verloskunde,VABB-4,165,199,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381229,,Zelfstandig gebruikte modalen : een functioneel perspectief,VABB-1,351,373,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381230,,Eenzame modalen : een discussie,VABB-1,401,418,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381231,,"Nu thenke, wannan thaz geschehan si : een diachrone analyse van denken",VABB-1,311,348,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381232,,Analyses of the modal meanings,VABB-4,1,43,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381233,,Empirical problems with anti-representationalism,VABB-4,39,50,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381234,,Philosophy of perception as a guide to aesthetics,VABB-4,101,120,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381235,,Simulation versus theory-theory : a plea for an epistemological turn,VABB-4,219,312,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381236,,Robert Musil,VABB-4,447,450,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:381237,,"Modernity as ""urbanity"" in early public service broadcasting : the case of Flanders",VABB-4,36,54,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381244,,"Meer duidelijkheid over de beoordeling van het eigen karakter van modellen en het vermoeden van geldigheid van niet-ingeschreven Gemeenschapsmodellen (noot onder H.v.J., 19 juni 2014 (zaak C-345/13 (Karen Millen)",VABB-1,580,586,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381254,,Online perspective-taking as an intervention tool against cyberbullying,VABB-1,113,117,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381267,,Trompe l'oeil and the dorsal/ventral account of picture perception,VABB-1,181,197,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:381268,,Mapping film exhibition in Flanders (1920-1990): a diachronic analysis of cinema culture combined with demographic and geographic data,VABB-4,80,105,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381270,,"Antwerp, the cinema city of Rex-tycoon Georges Heylen",VABB-4,210,213,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381272,,¿Qué hubiera sido de mi vida sin el cine? La experiencia cinematográfica en la Ciudad de México,VABB-1,213,228,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:381273,,'Butterfly'-rechtspraak : kleine principes met grote gevolgen (noot sub GwH nr. 114/2013),VABB-1,65,70,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381276,,Introduction,VABB-4,11,30,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381277,,Boecsken der verclaringhe,VABB-4,581,594,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381278,,Een spieghel der eeuwigher salicheit,VABB-4,493,548,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381279,,Vanden kerstenen ghelove,VABB-4,203,213,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381282,,John of Ruusbroec's life and works,VABB-4,47,80,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381283,,Mysticism in the Low Countries before Ruusbroec,VABB-4,5,40,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381284,,A companion to John of Ruusbroec,VABB-3,,,448 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381286,,Embraced in the fathomless love : bodily aspects of mystical enjoyment in the work of John of Ruusbroec,VABB-1,10,19,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381290,,The edition of the Deux Aes Bible,VABB-4,41,72,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381291,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381292,,Religious minorities and cultural diversity in the Dutch Republic : studies presented to Piet Visser on the occasion of his 65th birthday,VABB-3,,,286 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381293,,"Brief I-VII, overgeleverd in Sirius Latijnse vertaling",VABB-4,215,463,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381294,,Van den geesteliken tabernakel,VABB-4,215,463,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381295,,Analysing users trajectories in human rights : a conceptual exploration and research agenda,VABB-1,121,141,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381297,,Studying human rights law from the perspective(s) of its users,VABB-1,111,120,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381307,,Commentaar bij artikel I.8.14° WER,VABB-4,1,18,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381308,,Commentaar bij artikel VI.17 WER,VABB-4,1,35,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381314,,"Stoute woorden : naar aanleiding van Martine Veldhuizen, De ongetemde tong : opvattingen over zondige, onvertogen en misdadige woorden in het Middelnederlands, 1300-1550",VABB-1,129,134,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381315,,Law as a complex adaptive system : the importance of convergence in a multi-layered legal order,VABB-1,611,629,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381320,,Commentaar bij artikel VI.17 § 1(1)-(3) WER,VABB-4,1,21,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381321,,Organizational form emergence : a meta-analysis of the ecological theory of legitimation,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381325,,De verantwoordelijkheid van zoekmachines bij de publicatie van persoonsgegevens op websites : het Google Spain SL arrest,VABB-1,240,247,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381329,,"What the CJEU has actually decided in Google Spain SL, Google Inc. v. Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, Mario Costeja González, No. C-131/12, An analysis of how this decision fits in with previous CJEU case law and how much is left for national courts to elaborate",VABB-1,101,107,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381339,,"Quand Hitler prend la parole : à propos de Timur Vermes, Er ist wieder da",VABB-1,106,112,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381341,,"De bevoegdheidsverdeling inzake omroep, telecommunicatie en filmkeuring : kinderen niet toegelaten",VABB-4,345,366,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381342,,De bevoegdheidsverdeling inzake onteigening en authenticatie,VABB-4,741,754,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381343,,"Wat we zelf doen, hoeven we niet alleen te doen : beschouwingen over het Overlegcomité, de federale loyauteit, de nieuwe samenwerkingsverplichtingen en de gezamenlijke decreten, ordonnanties en besluiten",VABB-4,925,961,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381344,,"De hoofdstedelijke gemeenschap van Brussel : geen schoolvoorbeeld van samenwerking, (noot onder GwH, nr. 73/2014, 8 mei 2014)",VABB-1,263,270,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381345,,"Ruime samenwerkingsverplichting voor het regelen en reguleren van gemeenschappelijke elektronische communicatienetwerken en diensten, (noot onder Cass., 3e Kamer, 4 maart 2013)",VABB-1,500,506,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381349,,"Glazen plafond van de actieve welvaartsstaat : twee decennia ongelijkheid, armoede en beleid in België",VABB-1,147,187,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381351,,Omleidingskanaal Zandvliet-Oelegem : een ex-post-analyse,VABB-5,65,80,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381356,,"Student teachers entering an alternative teacher education programme : a study into their motivation, teaching beliefs and self-efficacy",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381357,,"Media literacy in the digital age : how to benefit from media use while protecting against harm : an overview of competencies needed by learners, teachers and teacher educators using ""media didactica""",VABB-1,64,79,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381358,,Replacing the family? Beguinages in early modern western European cities: an analysis of the family networks of beguines living in Mechelen (1532-1591),VABB-1,325,347,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381359,,Longitudinal Evaluation of the Psychomotor Syndrome in Schizophrenia,VABB-1,359,368,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381360,,Researching collective action through networks: taking stock and looking forward,VABB-1,363,368,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381361,,The impact of political opportunities on interorganizational networks: a comparison of migrants' organizational fields,VABB-1,369,386,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381362,,"The design, purpose, and effects of voting advice applications",VABB-1,240,243,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381363,,A perfect match? The impact of statement selection on voting advice applications' ability to match voters and parties,VABB-1,252,262,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381364,,Study of a unique 16th century Antwerp majolica floor in the Rameyenhof castle's chapel by means of X-ray fluorescence and portable Raman analytical instrumentation,VABB-1,28,35,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381365,,The convent of Jericho in Brussels and its literary network,VABB-1,381,412,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381368,,Which politicians pass the news gates and why? Explaining inconsistencies in research on news coverage of individual politicians,VABB-1,2438,2461,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381369,,The impact of armed conflict on economic performance : evidence from Rwanda,VABB-1,555,592,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:381371,,General introduction,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381372,,A longitudinal content analysis of gender role portrayal in Belgian television advertising,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381373,,Children's responses to traditional versus hybrid advertising : the moderating role of persuasion knowledge,VABB-1,235,255,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381374,,Attention and memory effects of advertising in an international context,VABB-4,315,337,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381375,,Self-brand congruity and brand communication,VABB-4,137,153,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381378,,De bevoegdheidsverdeling inzake de tewerkstelling van buitenlandse arbeidskrachten na de Zesde Staatshervorming,VABB-4,1,30,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381384,,Nog altijd zijn er obstakels : het effect van financiële tegemoetkomingen op de onderwijsdeelname in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,32,39,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381389,,Les invités des Wolmar,VABB-4,121,133,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:381391,,De beoordeling van het rechterlijk overgangsrecht : wanneer de wetgever zelf richtlijnen geeft,VABB-1,763,778,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381394,,"Canoniseringsprocessen in de hedendaagse theaterkritiek : een frequentie-analyse van de ""Vlaamse Golf"" in het podiumtijdschrift Etcetera",VABB-1,233,245,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:381396,,TS tools : het Digitaal Archief van Belgische Neo-Avant-garde-Periodieken (DABNAP),VABB-1,163,167,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:381400,,Growth persistence and profile robustness of high-growth firms,VABB-1,299,330,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381407,,Natural ventilation as passive cooling strategy aimed at summer overheating reduction in heritage buildings : the case study of Vleeshuis Museum in Antwerp (Belgium),VABB-5,277,293,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381408,,"Affluence and inequality in the Low Countries : the city of 's-Hertogenbosch in the long sixteenth century, 1500-1650",VABB-2,,,356 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381412,,Positive and negative antecedents of purchasing eco-friendly products : a comparison between green and non-green consumers,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381414,,"UV-Vis reflectance spectrometry study of the dyed silks in a relic shrine found in Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-1,99,104,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381416,,The role of emotions for the usage intention of the electric car : a longitudinal perspective in the Belgian context,VABB-1,7,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381432,,A message in silence : conflicting chronicle reports on a Mechelen craft guild uprising in 1467,VABB-4,109,124,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381433,,Roadmap and toolbox for the ideation stage of the development process of product service systems,VABB-5,54,59,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381434,,The making of Samuel Beckett's L'innommable / The unnamable,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381436,,Ranking of the Lithuanian Banks during the recession of 2008-2009 by the MULTIMOORA Method,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381437,,Was the construction sector in 20 European countries anti-cyclical during the recession years 2008-2009 as measured by multicriteria analysis (MULTIMOORA)?,VABB-5,949,956,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381442,,Is een hoogbejaarde dementerende een gevaarlijke geesteszieke in de zin van de Wet Bescherming Persoon Geesteszieke?,VABB-1,55,58,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381444,,Tussen kunst en commercie : verfilmde kinder- en jeugdliteratuur,VABB-4,450,465,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381448,,Putting an end to victims without borders : child pornography (Committee on the Rights of the Child),VABB-4,63,78,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381452,,De vreemdeling en het recht op sociale bijstand,VABB-1,31,74,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:381454,,Reflections on present and future : towards an ontological approach to LMOOCs,VABB-4,162,173,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381459,,"The role and shape of speech technologies in well-designed language learning environments : Proceedings of SLaTE 2013 - Interspeech 2013 Satellite workshop on Speech and Language Technology in Education, Grenoble, France - August 30-31 & September 1st, 2013",VABB-5,16,19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381461,,"Want aan eenieder die heeft, zal gegeven worden : het Belgische systeem van dienstencheques",VABB-1,189,211,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381462,,Car on donnera à celui qui a (et il sera dans l'abondance) : le système belge des titres-services,VABB-1,189,211,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:381463,,The welfare state and anti-poverty policy,VABB-4,2063,2139,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381465,,Foreign accent syndrome : a typological overview,VABB-1,77,81,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381475,,The method and culture of comparative law : essays in honour of Mark Van Hoecke,VABB-3,,,328 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381476,,The constitutionalization of European budgetary constraints : efficiency and legitimacy in a comparative perspective,VABB-3,,,428 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381478,,Drie dimensies van de rechtsstaat,VABB-1,1364,1373,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381479,,Controlled comparison and language of description,VABB-4,87,97,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381480,,Prolegomena to the method and culture of comparative law,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381481,,Introduction: The constitutionalization of European budgetary constraints : effectiveness and legitimacy in a comparative perspective,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381483,,Transparantie 2.0. De Hoge Raad na 175 jaar een openbaar discussieforum?,VABB-1,2501,2505,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:381486,,How text reflects context : representation of African film audiences in Aristotle's Plot,VABB-1,181,202,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381487,,Rouch's reflexive turn : indigenous film as the outcome of reflexivity in ethnographic film,VABB-1,109,131,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381491,,"Dikè, Hydra, Zeno in het insolventierecht",VABB-1,583,617,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:381494,,"Dike, Hydra, Zeno in het insolventierecht",VABB-1,491,512,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:381500,,Private law codifications in Belgium,VABB-4,67,81,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381507,,Interactions between fiscal and monetary authorities in a three-country new-Keynesian model of a monetary union,VABB-4,239,288,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381509,,Pigment identification of an illuminated mediaeval manuscript De Civitate Dei by means of a portable Raman equipment,VABB-1,1266,1271,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381512,,"Secularisatie, een gelaagd begrip : over het bochtige parcours van sociologische en filosofische secularisatietheorieën",VABB-1,233,255,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381514,,Procedural Safeguards for Juvenile Suspects in Interrogations: A Look at the Commission Proposal in Light of an EU Comparative Study,VABB-1,480,506,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381515,,Gender mainstreaming on the ground? The case of EU development aid towards Rwanda,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381521,,Vergelijking van de overdracht van schuldvordering met de betaling met indeplaatsstelling,VABB-1,602,617,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381522,,Sms kan begin van bewijs door geschrift uitmaken,VABB-1,262,266,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381523,,De ontsnappingsclausule van artikel 6 lid 2 EVO : hoe bijzonder is de zaak Schlecker?,VABB-1,3,8,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381525,,Methodische Annäherungen an die politische Theologie als Interpretationsansatz für nationalsozialistische Propagandadichtung,VABB-1,24,37,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:381526,,We zijn niet gediend met een fermette-definitie van stedelijkheid : interview met stadsonderzoeker Eric Corijn,VABB-1,207,221,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:381535,,Tragický smysl Levinasovy etiky,VABB-1,55,69,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381544,,Een nieuw wetgevend kader voor de kwaliteitsrekening,VABB-1,522,533,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381546,,De hervorming van de Opstalwet: een uitbreiding van de stapelingsmogelijkheden,VABB-1,1003,1015,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381547,,The New Belgian Act on security rights in movable property,VABB-1,231,255,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381553,,R&D investments as prebargaining strategies,VABB-1,1,36,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381556,,The econometrics of sport,VABB-3,,,227 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381574,,Inleiding bij Hendrik de veroveraar. De wereld van Conscience / Conscience in de wereld (1812-2012,VABB-1,95,106,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:381576,,Was het zoals het was? Ambivalenties in een realistische en autobiografische roman van Cyriel Buysse,VABB-1,37,51,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381580,,Agency : a design and build graduation studio architecture,VABB-4,466,476,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381582,,Atmosphere as a design focus,VABB-5,177,182,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381584,,Abus fiscal,VABB-1,369,385,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:381586,,The Avian head induces cues for sound localization in elevation,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381588,,A general theory of minimal increments for Hirsch-type indices and applications to the mathematical characterization of Kosmulski-indices,VABB-1,41,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381589,,"Agenda setting, policies, and political systems : a comparative approach",VABB-3,,,272 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381590,,Political agenda setting : an approach to studying political systems,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381591,,"Strong devolution but no increasing issue divergence : evolving issue priorities of the Belgian political parties, 19872010",VABB-4,145,163,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381592,,Conclusion : what it takes to turn agenda setting from an approach into a theory,VABB-4,220,230,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381593,,Aanbodbeleid voor watergebonden terreinen : een empirische studie voor Vlaanderen,VABB-5,118,131,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381594,,"Het kraken van panden bekeken vanuit de grondrechten, het strafrecht en het burgerlijk recht (inclusief het procesrecht)",VABB-1,1363,1378,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381595,,Migrating imaginaries of a better life... until paradise finds you,VABB-4,119,138,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381597,,Indonesia’s world heritage,VABB-4,3841,3846,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381598,,To be or not to be a tourist: The role of concept-metaphors in tourism studies,VABB-1,259,265,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381599,,Tourism imaginaries: Anthropological approaches,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381601,,Modern Islamic Thinking and Activism: Dynamics in the West and in the Middle East,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381603,,Regimes of mobility,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381604,,Translocality and Hybridization in Current Modern Islamic Activism,VABB-4,197,209,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381606,,European Churches' attitudes to Turkey's Membership in EU: The Case of Christian Minorities in Turkey,VABB-1,65,85,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381607,,Introduction: Toward an anthropology of tourism imaginaries,VABB-4,1,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381608,,Local realities and global possibilities: deconstructing the imaginations of aspiring migrants in Senegal,VABB-1,320,335,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381609,,The Mobility of Religion: Settling Jainism and Hinduism in the Belgian Public Sphere,VABB-4,77,92,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381610,,Queer Muslim Migrants in Belgium: A Research Note on Same-Sex Sexualities and Lived Religion,VABB-1,618,631,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381612,,Ethnic-Religious Intersections and New Multiculturalism,VABB-4,231,241,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381613,,"Islam and Feminism: a vexed relationship? Thinking through the ""Muslim Question"" and its epistemological conundrums",VABB-1,51,59,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381616,,New Multicultural Identities in Europe. Religion and Ethnicity in Secular Societies,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381621,,The Manifestation of Identities in a Plural Post-Secular Europe,VABB-4,9,31,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381622,,Contemporary Islamic Activism and Muslims,VABB-4,9,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381623,,Asserting State Sovereignty. The Face veil ban in Belgium,VABB-4,251,262,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381625,,Multi-height observations of magnetoacoustic cut-off frequency in a sunspot atmosphere,VABB-1,A19,A25,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381626,,Administrative (De)Centralization and the Governing of Borderlands: Towards Transmodern Governance in Belgium and DR Congo,VABB-4,305,312,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381627,,1972-2012: Forty years of World Heritage Convention: Time to take tourism seriously?,VABB-4,27,45,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381629,,"Fethullah Gülen, Tariq Ramadan and Yusuf al-Qaradawi: The pluralisation of Islamic Knowledge",VABB-4,33,50,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381632,,"Religion, migration et esthétique des médias. Notes concernant la circulation et la réception des films provenant du Nigéria à Kinshasa",VABB-1,30,38,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:381633,,Queer complicity in the Belgian Congo: autobiography and racial fetishism in Jef Geeraerts' (post)colonial novels,VABB-1,63,84,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381637,,"Vicious vets and lazy locals: Experimentation, politics and CBPP in north-west Namibia, 1925 – 1980",VABB-1,79,100,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381638,,'This pasture is ours since ancient times’: An ethnographic analysis of the reduction in conicts along the post-1991 Afar-Tigray regional boundary,VABB-1,25,44,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381640,,Race and desire in the porno-tropics: ethnographic perspectives from the postcolony,VABB-1,213,229,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381641,,Interview: Rosalind Hackett reflects on religious media in Africa,VABB-1,67,72,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381642,,Posthuman Affect,VABB-1,121,134,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381643,,The Novel and the Timing of the Nation (Reprint),VABB-4,145,161,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381645,,Flights of Memory: Teju Cole’s Open City and the Limits of Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism,VABB-1,40,57,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381647,,From Material Meaningless to Poetics of Potentiality. The Religious Dimension of Lettrist Visual Poetry,VABB-4,370,379,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381648,,In the Fishtank: The Biopolitical Imagination in David Foster Wallace’s This Is Water and The Pale King,VABB-1,63,75,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381650,,The Biopolitics of Trauma,VABB-4,141,155,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381653,,Automatic number priming effects in adults with and without mathematical learning disabilities,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381654,,(In)variability of Attachment in Middle Childhood: Secure Base Script Evidence in Diary Data,VABB-1,225,242,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381656,,Manual Signing in Adults With Intellectual Disability: Influence of Sign Characteristics on Functional Sign Vocabulary,VABB-1,990,1010,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381658,,Arithmetic strategy development and its domain-specific and domain-general cognitive correlates: A longitudinal study in children with persistent mathematical learning difficulties,VABB-1,3001,3013,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381660,,Comparing parent-child and teacher-child relationships in early adolescence: Measurement invariance of perceived attachment-related dimensions,VABB-1,521,532,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381661,,DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder: In search of essential behaviours for diagnosis,VABB-1,701,715,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381663,,Diffusion tensor imaging and resting-state functional MRI-scanning in 5- and 6-year-old children: Training protocol and motion assessment,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381665,,Left fronto-parietal white matter correlates with individual differences in children’s ability to solve additions and multiplications: a tractography study,VABB-1,117,127,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381666,,Measuring the approximate number system in children: Exploring the relations among different tasks,VABB-1,50,58,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381668,,Children’s mapping between non-symbolic and symbolic numerical magnitudes and its association with timed and untimed tests of mathematics achievement,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381670,,The association between children’s numerical magnitude processing and mental multi-digit subtraction,VABB-1,75,83,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381671,,"Perceptions of Self, Significant Others, and Teacher-Child Relationships in Indiscriminately Friendly Children",VABB-1,2802,2811,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381674,,Associations Between Direct and Indirect Perceptions of Parental Differential Treatment and Child Socio-Emotional Adaptation,VABB-1,1838,1855,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:381676,,Revealing interdyad differences in naturally occurring staff reactions to challenging behaviour of clients with severe or profound intellectual disabilities by means of Clusterwise Hierarchical Classes Analysis (HICLAS),VABB-1,1045,1059,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381679,,Systematic review of restraint interventions for challenging behaviour among persons with intellectual disabilities: Focus on effectiveness in single-case experiments,VABB-1,493,510,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381680,,Hoe beleven langdurig of chronisch zieke kinderen hun terugkeer op school na een periode van Tijdelijk Onderwijs Aan Huis?,VABB-1,89,97,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381681,,Attachment and Children's Biased Attentional Processing: Evidence for the Exclusion of Attachment-Related Information,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381683,,Social peer interactions in persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: a literature review,VABB-1,153,165,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381684,,"Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescence: A longitudinal study of the relationship between NSSI, psychological distress and perceived parenting",VABB-1,817,826,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381685,,Leerproblemen en leerstoornissen,VABB-4,349,371,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381688,,"The relationship of phonological ability, speech perception, and auditory perception in adults with dyslexia",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381689,,Religion and Spirituality in Online Suicide Bereavement,VABB-1,349,356,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381690,,Precise minds in uncertain worlds: Predictive coding in autism,VABB-1,649,675,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381691,,Autism as a disconnection syndrome: A qualitative and quantitative review of diffusion tensor imaging studies,VABB-1,387,412,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381692,,The relation between parenting stress and adolescents' somatisation trajectories: A growth mixture analysis,VABB-1,477,483,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381694,,Comparing decision making in average and overweight children and adolescents,VABB-1,547,551,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381696,,Suicide Bereavement and Postvention in Major Suicidology Journals,VABB-1,338,48,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381698,,Reduced grouping interference in children with ASD: Evidence from a multiple object tracking task,VABB-1,1779,1787,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381699,,Somatisation and functional impairment in adolescents: longitudinal link with mothers’ reactions,VABB-1,131,155,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381700,,No differences in emotion recognition in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evidence from hybrid faces,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381701,,Efficacy of behavioral interventions for reducing problem behavior in persons with autism: An updated quantitative synthesis of single-subject research,VABB-1,2463,2476,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381702,,Advancements in the field of personality development,VABB-1,763,769,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381704,,Subtraction by addition in children with mathematical learning disabilities,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381707,,Hemispheric Asymmetry in Auditory Processing of Speech Envelope Modulations in Prereading Children,VABB-1,1523,1529,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381708,,Attachment-related expectations and mother-referent memory bias in middle childhood,VABB-1,296,302,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381709,,The association between parenting behaviour and somatisation in adolescents explained by physiological responses in adolescents,VABB-1,261,266,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381710,,Verstoord gehechtheidsgedrag bij Vlaamse lagereschoolkinderen met ernstige emotionele of gedragsproblemen: Evidentie voor de betrouwbaarheid en validiteit van een screeningsinstrument,VABB-1,25,36,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381711,,"Parenting, Socioeconomic Status and Psychosocial Functioning in Peruvian Children",VABB-1,995,1005,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381712,,Association of CDH11 with non-syndromic ASD,VABB-1,391,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381715,,Maternal parenting behavior and child behavior problems in families of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,501,512,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381716,,Family factors,VABB-4,172,190,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381719,,Evaluation of Language and Communication Skills in Adult Key Word Signing Users with Intellectual Disability: Advantages of a Narrative Task,VABB-1,2585,2601,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381721,,Disturbed interplay between mid- and high-level vision in ASD? Evidence from a contour identification task with everyday objects,VABB-1,801,815,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381722,,"Leven en dood, kunst en suïcide: Jan Cox en Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz",VABB-1,91,98,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381723,,Numerical magnitude processing deficits in children with mathematical difficulties are independent of intelligence,VABB-1,2603,2613,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381724,,Development of reading and phonological skills of children at family risk for dyslexia: A longitudinal analysis from kindergarten to sixth grade,VABB-1,305,329,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381725,,Altered functional connectivity of the language network in ASD: Role of classical language areas and cerebellum,VABB-1,374,382,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381726,,The arithmetic problem size effect in children: an event-related potential study,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381727,,Is non-suicidal self-injury associated with parenting and family factors?,VABB-1,387,405,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381728,,Behavior problems among school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder: Associations with children’s communication difficulties and parenting behaviors,VABB-1,716,725,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381729,,The use of key word signing in residential and day care programs for adults with an intellectual disability,VABB-1,235,312,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381730,,Using addition to solve subtraction problems in the number domain up to 20 and 100,VABB-1,8,27,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381733,,Advances in the Use of Neuroscience Methods in Research on Learning and Instruction,VABB-1,7,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381734,,Catch the wave! Time-window sequential analysis of alertness stimulation in individuals with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities,VABB-1,95,105,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381735,,The distinction of 'psychosomatogenic family types' based on parents' self reported questionnaire information: a cluster analysis,VABB-1,207,218,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381736,,Transactional links between teacher-child relationship quality and perceived versus sociometric popularity: A three-wave longitudinal study,VABB-1,1647,1662,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381737,,"Relationship among Parenting Behavior, SES, Academic Achievement and Psychosocial Functioning in Peruvian Children",VABB-1,639,650,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381738,,Format-dependent representations of symbolic and non-symbolic numbers in the human cortex as revealed by multi-voxel pattern analyses,VABB-1,311,322,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381740,,Estimation of the predictive power of the model in mixed-effects meta-regression: A simulation study,VABB-1,30,48,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381741,,Negative emotion differentiation: Its personality and well-being correlates and a comparison of different assessment methods.,VABB-1,1196,1213,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381742,,Academic and socio-cultural adjustment among Asian international students in the Flemish community of Belgium: A photo voice project,VABB-1,66,81,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381743,,"The equiprobability bias in the Monty Hall dilemma: A comparison of primary school, secondary school, and university students",VABB-5,2859,2864,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381745,,Evidence-based practice guidelines on alcohol and drug misuse,VABB-1,3,25,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381746,,Towards a Pan-cultural Personality Structure: Input from 11 Psycholexical Studies,VABB-1,497,510,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381747,,A generalized longitudinal mixture IRT model for measuring differential growth in learning environments,VABB-1,823,840,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381748,,Heuristic reasoning in interpreting box plots: the influence of orientation,VABB-1,127,136,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381749,,"Randomization tests for single-case experiments: State of the art, state of the science, and state of the application",VABB-1,51,64,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381750,,Personality profiles in eating disorders: Further evidence of the clinical utility of examining subtypes based on temperament,VABB-1,157,165,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381751,,Interpreting histograms. As easy as it seems?,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381752,,Should schools be optimistic? An investigation of the association between academic optimism of schools and student achievement in primary education,VABB-1,3,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381753,,Employees' willingness to participate in work-related learning: A multilevel analysis of employees' learning intentions,VABB-1,309,327,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381754,,Bias Corrections for Standardized Effect Size Estimates Used with Single-Subject Experimental Designs,VABB-1,358,374,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381755,,Direct likelihood analysis and multiple imputation for missing item scores in multilevel cross-classification educational data,VABB-1,61,80,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381756,,Teacher effects on student achievement in first grade: Which aspects matter most?,VABB-1,126,152,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381757,,Randomization and data-analysis items in quality standards for single-case experimental studies,VABB-1,146,156,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:381759,,"Review projects should reveal the reviewers' rationale to opt for particular quality assessment criteria.""",VABB-1,370,370,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381760,,Experts' misinterpretation of box plots - a dual processing approach,VABB-1,395,405,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381761,,Measuring religious attitudes in secularized Western European context: A psychometric analysis of the post-critical belief scale,VABB-1,263,281,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381763,,What's hampering measurement invariance: Detecting non-invariant items using clusterwise simultaneous component analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381764,,DeCon: A tool to detect emotional concordance in multivariate time series data of emotional responding,VABB-1,29,42,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381765,,Using a bottom-up approach of teaching box plots to overcome the heuristic misinterpretation of box plots,VABB-5,233,240,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381766,,COREQ (Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Studies),VABB-4,1,320,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381767,,Permutation tests in the educational and behavioral sciences: A systematic review,VABB-1,43,59,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381768,,Fast and efficient food quality control using electronic noses: adulteration detection achieved by Unfolded Cluster Analysis coupled with Time-Windows selection,VABB-1,2042,2050,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381769,,The influence of the design matrix on treatment effect estimates in the quantitative analyses of single-subject experimental design research,VABB-1,665,704,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381770,,Performing DISCO-SCA to search for distinctive and common information in linked data,VABB-1,576,587,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381771,,Experiences from Employees with Team Learning: A Systematic Review of Qualitative Evidence,VABB-1,116,132,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:381772,,The integration of work and learning: Tackling the complexity by means of structural equation modelling,VABB-4,255,291,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381773,,Temperament subtypes in treatment seeking obese individuals: A latent profile analysis,VABB-1,260,266,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381774,,Let’s play it safe: Ethical considerations from participants in a photovoice research project,VABB-1,255,274,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381777,,"Does it matter who your schoolmates are? An investigation of the association between school composition, school processes and mathematics achievement",VABB-1,441,466,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381778,,Hierarchical Linear Models for research on professional learning: Relevance and implications,VABB-4,337,368,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381779,,Estimating causal effects from multiple-baseline studies: Implications for design and analysis,VABB-1,493,510,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381780,,Switching principal component analysis for modeling means and covariance changes over time,VABB-1,113,132,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381781,,"A country level longitudinal study on the effect of student age, class size and socio-economic status - based on PIRLS 2001, 2006 & 2011",VABB-4,223,242,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381782,,Is valuing positive emotion associated with life satisfaction?,VABB-1,639,645,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381783,,Children’s social self-concept and internalizing problems: The influence of peers and teachers,VABB-1,1248,1256,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381784,,Combining P-values in replicated single-case experiments with multivariate outcome,VABB-1,607,633,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381785,,From a single-level analysis to a multilevel analysis of single-case experimental designs,VABB-1,191,211,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381787,,"Recommendations for reporting results of diagnostic genetic testing (biochemical, cytogenetic and molecular genetic)",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381788,,"Higher Quality of Molecular Testing, an Unfulfilled Priority: Results from External Quality Assessment for KRAS Mutation Testing in Colorectal Cancer",VABB-1,371,377,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381789,,The Relevance of External Quality Assessment for Molecular Testing for ALK Positive Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Results from Two Pilot Rounds Show Room for Optimization,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381790,,Practice-Oriented Quality Specifications for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring,VABB-1,559,560,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381791,,Guidance for laboratories performing molecular pathology for cancer patients,VABB-1,923,931,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381792,,"Botta Adorno, Empress Maria Theresa and Brussels tapestry production in the mid eighteenth century. Part I",VABB-1,216,233,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381794,,"The tree as narrative, formal and allegorical index in Noli me tangere",VABB-4,159,186,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381797,,Lavit et venit videns: the healing of the blind man at the Pool of Siloam,VABB-4,23,34,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381798,,Lieven Gevaert series (Jan Dibbets: the photographic work),VABB-3,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381799,,"Portret van een zeventiende-eeuwse schildersvrouw. Anna Schut, huisvrouw en weduwe van Peter Snayers",VABB-1,178,197,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:381803,,Onroerend erfgoed op paneel. Een 15de-eeuwse voorstelling van een gotische kerk,VABB-1,42,61,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381804,,"Nymph motif, phantom, affect: a contribution to the study of Aby Warburg (1866-1929)",VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381805,,"Embracing Brussels. Art and Culture in the Court City, 1600-1800",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381806,,Echoes of liminal spaces. revisiting the late mediaeval 'enclosed gardens' of the Low Countries (a hermeneutical contribution to Chthonic artistic expression),VABB-1,9,45,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381809,,Script as Image,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381811,,Riegl liest Löwy - Riegl gelesen mit Löwy. Der Entwurf einer positivistischen Kunstgeschichtsschreibung in Riegels Aufsatz 'Naturwerk und Kunstwerk' und Löwys 'Die Naturwiedergabe in der älteren griechischen Kunst',VABB-1,177,201,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:381812,,"The woman with the blood flow (Mark 5:24-34). narrative, iconic, and anthropological spaces",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381813,,Allan Sekula's Ship of Fools/The Dockers' Museum,VABB-1,142,145,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:381816,,"Artistic ‘non-compliance’ with the protocol rules of photojournalism: a comparative case study of Luc Delahaye, Gilles Saussier, and Bruno Serralongue[",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381817,,Le vent: pathosformel et iconologie d’une quintessence,VABB-1,150,178,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:381818,,"Lieven Gevaert series (Ariella Azoulay, Aïm Deüelle Lüski and horizontal photography)",VABB-3,,,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:381823,,The dancing daughter and the head of John the Baptist (Mark 6:14-29) revisited: an interdisciplinary approach,VABB-1,5,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381829,,Naar een meer natuurlijke rechter de rechtbank van koophandel en het vennootschaps- en verenigingscontentieux,VABB-1,630,634,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381833,,Solidarność dłużników w świetle europeizacji prawa obligacyjnego,VABB-1,562,606,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381837,,"noot bij Brussel, 16 januari 2014",VABB-1,288,291,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381839,,Slingerende toerekening: zakelijke rechten in een maatschap,VABB-1,233,259,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381848,,Holenderskie prawo prywatne międzynarodowe. Wprowadzenie oraz tłumaczenie przepisów,VABB-1,225,268,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381851,,Gedifferentieerde behandeling van schuldeisers in het reorganisatieplan: een privaatrechtelijke toets aan het verbod op rechtsmisbruik,VABB-1,696,702,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381856,,The interrelation of transparency and availability of collateral – German and Belgian law of non-possessory security interests,VABB-1,393,438,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381859,,Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. Figures and Organisations,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381860,,Deelgenoot tontineovereenkomst kan eenzijdig de verdeling vorderen na einde onderliggende relatie (noot onder Cass. 6 maart 2014),VABB-1,106,112,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381867,,België kiest voor een centraal pandregister,VABB-1,21,25,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381869,,The New Belgian Act on Security Interests in Movable Property,VABB-1,171,180,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381872,,"Early Modern Netherlandish Artists on Proportion in Architecture, or ‘de questien der Simmetrien met redene der Geometrien’",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381874,,The modernisation of the Italian Planning system,VABB-4,127,148,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381879,,Bramante in the North: Imag(in)ing antiquity in the Low Lountries (1500-1539),VABB-4,97,112,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381880,,De onderbezette villa: last of lust? De woonervaringen en toekomstplannen van ‘empty nesters’ in Vlaanderen nader bekeken,VABB-1,61,84,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381881,,The Silk Roads Cultural Heritage Resource Information System: for World Heritage monitoring and preservation,VABB-1,375,392,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381882,,Introduction: The craft of 'doing research' in spatial and regional planning,VABB-4,24,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381883,,Le devenir des églises: patrimonialisation ou disparition,VABB-3,,,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:381884,,China Papers: The architecture archives of the building company Crédit Foncier d'Extrême-Orient (1907-59),VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381885,,The Most Modern Material of Them All..,VABB-4,95,99,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:381886,,"A pragmatic approach to church construction in Northern China at the time of Christian inculturation: The handbook “Le missionnaire constructeur”, 1926",VABB-1,89,107,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381888,,Interior architecture in Flanders: gendered perceptions and professional realities,VABB-1,13,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381889,,De neogotische gymnastiekzaal van de voormalige Rijksnormaalschool te Brugge in cultuurhistorische context,VABB-1,18,37,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381891,,Jules Wabbes and the modern design of American Embassies,VABB-1,315,339,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:381892,,"Dom Adelbert Gresnigt, agent van de roomse inculturatiepolitiek in China (1927–1932)",VABB-1,89,107,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381893,,Impossible totality and domesticity: designed interiors as monsters,VABB-1,20,35,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381894,,"Sustainable Development, Architecture and Modernism: Aspects of an Ongoing Controversy",VABB-1,350,366,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381895,,Papiers de Chine : les archives d’architecture du Crédit Foncier d’Extrême-Orient (1907-1959),VABB-1,,,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:381901,,The Routledge handbook of planning research methods,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381904,,The Welfare State in Flanders. De-Pillarization and the Nebulous CIty,VABB-4,51,68,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381906,,Romanian Spatial Planning System: Post-Communist Dynamics of Change and Europeanization Processes,VABB-1,2248,2267,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381907,,Rediscovering qualitative research,VABB-4,135,139,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381908,,Urbicide in Palestine: Spaces of Oppression and Resilience,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381911,,"Indigenizing Catholic Architecture in China: From Western-Gothic to Sino-Christian Design, 1900-1940",VABB-4,125,144,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381915,,The Quest for a New Cistercian Architectural Identity in the Nineteenth Century,VABB-4,349,366,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381920,,"Ciudades, barrios y gobernanza multi-escalar en la Europa urbana",VABB-1,5,24,,spa,2014,1 c:vabb:381922,,Jules Wabbes (1919-1974) Creating Total Works of Art in Interiors,VABB-1,25,40,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:381928,,How to Introduce Experiential User Data: The Use of Information in Architects' Design Process,VABB-5,1626,1637,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381929,,About the nature of design in universal design,VABB-1,1360,1368,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381932,,From Designing for the Patient to Designing for a Person,VABB-4,189,200,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381933,,MyPosition: Sparking Civic Discourse by a Public Interactive Poll Visualization,VABB-5,1323,1332,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381934,,Street Infographics: Raising Awareness of Local Issues through a Situated Urban Visualization,VABB-5,133,138,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381936,,Designerly ways of not knowing: What designers can learn about space from people who are blind,VABB-1,285,301,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381937,,Reality check: Notions of accessibility in today’s architectural design practice,VABB-5,1482,1491,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381938,,StreetTalk: Participative Design of Situated Public Displays for Urban Neighbourhood Interaction,VABB-5,747,756,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381939,,Representations of sensory experiences in the early phases of architectural design: there is more than meets the eye,VABB-1,239,259,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381940,,Being Transported into the Unknown: How Patients Experience the Route to the Operation Room,VABB-4,131,141,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381942,,In the Laboratory and in the Field: hybrid housing design for the African city in late colonial and decolonizing Ghana (1945-57),VABB-1,329,356,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381944,,Green - blue water in the city: quantification of impact of source control versus end-of-pipe solutions on sewer and river floods,VABB-1,1825,1837,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381945,,"Inclusive Designing: Joining Usability, Accessibility, and Inclusion",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381946,,dendsort : modular leaf ordering methods for dendogram representations in R,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381947,,Reconsidering Village in the Expanding City - Taihu,VABB-4,120,161,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381948,,The fragmentation bias in valuing and qualifying open space,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381950,,The role of images in social media analytics: A multimodal digital humanities approach,VABB-4,565,588,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381951,,From ‘Live’ Projects to ‘Lived’ Environments: ‘Practised’ Architecture and Design Scales in the Contested Territories of the Global South,VABB-5,130,134,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381952,,LocaLudo: card-based workshop for interactive architecture,VABB-5,1975,1980,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:381954,,Reveal-It!: The Impact of a Social Visualization Projection on Public Awareness and Discourse,VABB-5,3461,3470,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381956,,How do people with autism (like to) live?,VABB-4,175,185,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381958,,Mary’s Little Worlds. Changing Person-Space Relationships when Living with Dementia,VABB-1,1023,1032,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381959,,Designing in the absence of sight: Design cognition re-articulated,VABB-1,113,132,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381961,,Re-cartographies of Landscape: New Narratives in Architectural Atlases,VABB-1,166,178,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381963,,Touching transport - a case study on visualizing metropolitan public transit on interactive tabletops,VABB-5,281,288,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381964,,Sagalassos'ta 2012 senesinde gerçeklestirilen yüzey arastirmalari,VABB-5,7,19,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381966,,Modelling scale-dependent runoff generation in a small semi-arid watershed accounting for rainfall intensity and water depth,VABB-1,65,78,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381971,,High variability of climate and surface mass balance induced by Antarctic ice rises,VABB-1,1101,1110,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381973,,Effects of slope angle and aspect on plant cover and species richness in a humid Mediterranean badland,VABB-1,1705,1716,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381974,,"The implementation of biofiltration systems, rainwater tanks and urban irrigation in a single-layer urban canopy model",VABB-1,148,170,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381975,,Turning off the red lights: Entrepreneurial urban strategies in 'De Wallen' Amsterdam,VABB-1,37,44,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381976,,How to measure ecosystem stability? An evaluation of the reliability of stability metrics based on remote sensing time series across the major global ecosystems,VABB-1,2149,21161,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381977,,Changing human–landscape interactions after development of tourism in the northern Vietnamese Highlands,VABB-1,42,51,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381978,,"The Relationship between Urban Sprawl and Farmland Displacement in the Pearl River Delta, China",VABB-1,34,51,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381981,,Effects of sulfate and carbonate minerals on particle-size distributions in arid soils,VABB-1,881,893,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381982,,The use of visible and near-infrared reflectance measurements for identifying the source of suspended sediment in rivers and comparison with geochemical fingerprinting,VABB-1,1869,1885,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381983,,"Social sustainability, a competitive concept for social innovation?",VABB-4,142,154,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381984,,The skin microbiome of caspase-14-deficient mice shows mild dysbiosis,VABB-1,561,567,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381985,,Controls on dissolved organic carbon export through surface runoff from loamy agricultural soils,VABB-1,387,396,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381986,,End-User Development in Tourism Promotion for Small Towns,VABB-1,229,234,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:381989,,A height dependent evaluation of wind and temperature over Europe in the CMIP5 Earth System Models,VABB-1,41,56,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381990,,Environmental conditions and human drivers for changes to north Ethiopian mountain landscapes over 145 years,VABB-1,164,179,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381991,,"Neoliberalism and Housing Provision in Accra, Ghana: The Illogic of an Over-Liberalised Housing Market",VABB-4,95,109,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381992,,"Contribution of land use to rodent flea load distribution in the plague endemic area of Lushoto District, Tanzania",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381994,,A Quality Assessment of Tourist Information: the Case of Nautical Tourism at Shiretoko Peninsula,VABB-1,24,34,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:381995,,Influence of the circumglobal wave-train on European summer precipitation,VABB-1,503,515,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381996,,"Reconstruction and semi-quantification of human impact in the Dijle catchment, central Belgium: a palynological and statistical approach",VABB-1,96,110,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:381998,,Moderate seismic activity affects contemporary sediment yields,VABB-1,145,172,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382000,,Comparison of one-moment and two-moment bulk microphysics for high-resolution climate simulations of intense precipitation,VABB-1,145,161,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382001,,Sediment Yield in Africa,VABB-1,350,368,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382004,,"Analyzing runoff processes through conceptual hydrological modeling in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia",VABB-1,5149,5167,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382005,,Performance of atmospheric and topographic correction methods on Landsat imagery in mountain areas,VABB-1,4952,4972,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382007,,Spatial analysis of tourism income distribution in the accommodation sector in western Uganda,VABB-1,8,26,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382008,,Understanding the performance of the FLake model over two African Great Lakes,VABB-1,317,337,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382013,,Spazi di contesa. Città e movimenti sociali,VABB-1,136,141,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:382014,,"LakeMIP Kivu: evaluating the representation of a large, deep tropical lake by a set of one-dimensional lake models",VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382016,,"Kroniek van het De Coninckplein, of het failliet van het Vlaamse Stadsontwikkelingsbeleid",VABB-1,1,10,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382017,,"Determinants of trip choice, satisfaction and loyalty in an eco-tourism destination: a modelling study on the Shiretoko Peninsula, Japan",VABB-1,195,205,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382020,,How Finance Penetrates its Other: A Cautionary Tale on the Financialization of a Dutch University,VABB-1,1072,1092,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382021,,Pan-Tropical Analysis of Climate Effects on Seasonal Tree Growth,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382023,,Impact of the spatial and thematic resolution of Holocene anthropogenic land cover scenarios on modeled soil erosion and sediment delivery rates,VABB-1,67,77,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382024,,A review of topographic threshold conditions for gully head development in different environments,VABB-1,73,85,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382029,,Exploring the market potential for geo-ICT companies in relation to INSPIRE,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382030,,Social innovation in an unsustainable world,VABB-4,53,66,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382031,,Exploring the Complex Geographies of Italian Queer Activism,VABB-1,27,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382032,,The role of atmospheric rivers in anomalous snow accumulation in East Antarctica,VABB-1,6199,6206,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382033,,"Onderbewoning in Vlaanderen:wat, waar en wie?",VABB-1,15,59,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382034,,Analysing beyond the environmental bubble dichotomy: how the 2010 World Cup case helped to bridge the host–guest gap,VABB-1,161,183,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382036,,Ecological mitigation of hillslope instability: ten key issues facing researchers and practitioners,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382037,,Characterization and quantification of Holocene colluvial and alluvial sediments in the Valdaine Region (southern France),VABB-1,1320,1335,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382038,,Capitulo 1. Aspectos teoricos del turismo asociado con la sexualidad y el homoerotismo,VABB-4,19,47,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:382042,,Conclusions,VABB-4,389,393,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:382043,,Identifying the Transport Pathways of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Contrasting Catchments,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382045,,"Wordt het europeanisering, detachering, mobilisering of doe-het-zelven?",VABB-1,276,295,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:382046,,"Do maps make geography? Part 1: Redlining, planned shrinkage, and the places of decline",VABB-1,525,556,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382049,,"Technical Note: Large overestimation of pCO2 calculated from pH and alkalinity in acidic, organic-rich freshwaters",VABB-1,67,78,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382052,,Assessment of the integration of geographic information in e-government policy in Europe,VABB-5,1,5,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382053,,Historical landscape photographs for calibration of landsat land use/cover in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands,VABB-1,319,335,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382054,,The effect of climate change and emission scenarios on ozone concentrations over Belgium: a high-resolution model study for policy support,VABB-1,5893,5904,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382055,,Perceiving the ordinary: a study of everyday landscapes in Belgium,VABB-1,591,603,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382056,,SDI development to lower the impedance of the data exchange network,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382057,,Capitulo 4: Metodologia para el abordaje del trabajo sexual masculino en localidades turisticas de Mexico,VABB-4,107,132,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382058,,Housing and the Right to the City: Introduction to the Special Issue,VABB-1,207,213,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382061,,Spatial planning in Flanders: serving a by-passed capitalism?,VABB-4,169,188,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382062,,Impact of earth-quake-triggered landslides on catchment sediment yield,VABB-5,291,296,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382063,,Mitigating and adapting to climate change: Multi-functional and multi-scale assessment of green urban infrastructure,VABB-1,107,115,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382064,,"Environmental stratification to model climate change impacts on biodiversity and rubber production in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China",VABB-1,264,273,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382065,,"Seismic controls on contemporary sediment export in the Siret river catchment, Romania",VABB-1,247,262,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382067,,Meten is (meer) weten: een synthetische armoedeindicator voor het meten van meerdimensionale armoede op het Belgische platteland,VABB-4,261,280,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382068,,"Do maps make geography? Part 2: Post-Katrina New Orleans, post-foreclosure Cleveland and neoliberal urbanism",VABB-1,557,582,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382069,,How does the space-borne radar blind-zone affect derived surface snowfall statistics in polar regions?,VABB-1,13604,13620,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382070,,Albedo over rough snow and ice surfaces,VABB-1,1069,1086,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382071,,The regional climate impact of a realistic future deforestation scenario in the Congo Basin,VABB-1,2714,2734,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382072,,Geography textbooks and the reproduction of a racist and ethnocentric world view among young people in Flanders,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382074,,Round The Houses: Homeownership and Failures of Asset-Based Welfare in the UK,VABB-1,386,405,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382076,,Effects of the floodplain on river discharge into Lake Tana (Ethiopia),VABB-1,699,710,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382077,,The housing question under capitalist political economies,VABB-1,422,428,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382080,,"Non-uniform and diachronous Holocene floodplain evolution: a case study from the Dijle catchment, Belgium",VABB-1,351,360,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382081,,Exploring social mixité in the urban context through a simplified diversity index,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382085,,Realizing Data Sharing: The Role of Spatial Data Infrastructures,VABB-4,155,169,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382086,,An improved algorithm for polar cloud-base detection by ceilometer over the ice sheets,VABB-1,1153,1167,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382089,,Picturing Sagalassos. The Archive as a Bridge between Past and Present,VABB-1,30,39,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382090,,Revisiting history,VABB-1,45,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382092,,Discrete design optimization accounting for practical constraints,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382095,,Search for the environmental indicators relevant for the building sector,VABB-5,112,122,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382097,,An approach for handling environmental and economic conflicts in the context of sustainable building,VABB-5,79,90,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382098,,Land use impact assessment in the construction sector: an analysis of LCIA models and case study application,VABB-1,1799,1809,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382099,,Topology optimization of fail-safe structures using a simplified local damage model,VABB-1,657,666,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382103,,Model for the environmental impact assessment of neighbourhoods,VABB-5,103,114,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382104,,The fictitious force method for efficient calculation of vibration from a tunnel embedded in a multi-layered half-space,VABB-1,6996,7018,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382105,,An optimality criteria based method for discrete design optimization taking into account buildability constraints,VABB-1,755,774,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382106,,Kleine cartographie van cultuur in de spiegel,VABB-1,94,116,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:382108,,The distribution of adverbials in declarative sentences in French,VABB-4,173,216,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382112,,History of Neo-Latin Studies,VABB-4,905,920,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382114,,"Pioneers of Neo-Latin Studies: Henry De Vocht, Jozef IJsewijn, Paul Oskar Kristeller",VABB-4,1132,1135,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382118,,Prettig leedvermaak. Onderzoek naar gelaagde betekenissen in het CORINTH-corpus,VABB-4,667,681,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382119,,Protostoria italiana e marxismo nell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra,VABB-5,497,501,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:382120,,L'étude des techniques de taille des pierres: un outil potentiel pour l'identification de transferts techniques et de contacts entre artisans dans l'Europe médiévale?,VABB-4,69,80,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:382122,,Sagalassos'ta arkeolojik miras yönetimi çalismalari,VABB-5,157,164,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382123,,From Hellenistic to Roman Imperial in Pisidian Tableware. The Genesis of Sagalassos Red Slip Ware,VABB-5,81,93,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382125,,Paying the Roman soldiers in the East (1st – 2nd century AD),VABB-4,139,159,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382126,,"Archeologisch onderzoek aan de noordzijde van het Romeinse castellum van Oudenburg: nieuwe inzichten in de lay-out, het verdedigingssysteem en de bewoningsgeschiedenis van het fort - Archaeological research at the north side of the Roman castellum of Oudenburg: new insights in the layout, the defensive system and the occupation history of the fort’",VABB-1,163,269,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382127,,Archaeometrical Research at Sagalassos in 2012,VABB-5,128,140,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382128,,"Breaking the ""great curse of archaeology"". Editorial preface",VABB-1,7,10,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382129,,"Late antique private luxury. The mosaic floors of the 'Urban Mansion' of Sagalassos (Aglasun, Burdur - Turkey)",VABB-1,373,407,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382130,,It’s complicated … Past cultural identity and plain broken pottery,VABB-5,11,17,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382131,,Production and Prosperity in the Theodosian Age,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382132,,Five centuries of glory. The Colonnaded Street of Sagalassos in the first and the sixth century AD,VABB-1,219,266,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382133,,"Scambio di oggetti, scambio di idee? Contatti internazionali tra pre- e protostorici nella seconda metà dell’800 in Europa. Il caso Belgio – Italia",VABB-5,177,182,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:382134,,Prosperity after disaster? The effects of the Gothic invasion in Athens and Corinth,VABB-4,69,89,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382135,,"The geochemistry and distribution of Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic wares of the territory of ancient Sagalassos (SW Turkey): A reconnaissance study",VABB-4,151,163,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382136,,Shifting societal complexity in Byzantine Asia Minor and Dark Age pottery,VABB-5,623,642,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382137,,Daily life in ancient Sagalassos,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382138,,Aerial archaeology - a partner in archaeological heritage management: an example from Belgium,VABB-4,117,132,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382141,,Sagalassos in the Theodosian period,VABB-4,91,126,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382145,,Steenhouwtechnieken in de Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk in Breda:detailanalyse van de bouw van het koor,VABB-1,166,182,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382147,,Het oudheidkundig bodemonderzoek aan de Sacramentstraat te Tongeren. Eindverslag 1993,VABB-1,7,162,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382148,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382149,,Sagalassos'ta 2012 yili kazi ve restorasyon çalismalari,VABB-5,242,260,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382151,,"Una ‘prima’ sintesi dimenticata? Lo studioso russo Basilio Modestov ed i suoi libri sulla pre- e protostoria italiana (in russo 1902-1904, traduzione francese 1907)",VABB-5,803,809,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:382152,,Una digressione di un archeologo classico? Gösta Säflund e la sua monografia sulle terramare (1939),VABB-5,915,921,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382153,,Apparition des inhumations individuelles en pithos à l'âge du Bronze en Crète: reflet d'une mutation sociale?,VABB-5,271,284,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:382154,,Echium oil is not protective against weight loss in head and neck cancer patients undergoing curative radio(chemo)therapy: a randomised-controlled trial,VABB-1,382,395,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382155,,CA 15.3 measurements for separating FDG PET/CT positive from negative findings in breast carcinoma recurrence. Factors influencing the area under the ROC curve,VABB-1,131,138,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382156,,Validation of the Freund Clock Drawing Test as a screening tool to detect cognitive dysfunction in elderly cancer patients undergoing comprehensive geriatric assessment,VABB-1,1172,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382157,,SILS Sigmoidectomy Versus Multiport Laparoscopic Sigmoidectomy for Diverticulitis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382158,,Top-down clustering for protein subfamily identification,VABB-1,185,202,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382159,,Epidemiology of infective endocarditis in a large Belgian non-referral hospital,VABB-1,183,90,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382160,,Does the type of creatinine assay affect creatinine clearance determination?,VABB-1,392,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382161,,Clinical and Biological Determinants of Sclerostin Plasma Concentration in Hemodialysis Patients,VABB-1,127,34,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382162,,Dephosphorylated-uncarboxylated Matrix Gla protein concentration is predictive of vitamin K status and is correlated with vascular calcification in a cohort of hemodialysis patients,VABB-1,145,152,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382163,,Serial comprehensive geriatric assessment in elderly head and neck cancer patients undergoing curative radiotherapy identifies evolution of multidimensional health problems and is indicative of quality of life,VABB-1,401,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382164,,"Omega-3 fatty acids: physiology, biological sources and potential applications in supportive cancer care",VABB-1,223,244,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382165,,A more accurate replacement for the revised Schwartz equation: quadratic or Flanders metadata? Flaws in the authors reply,VABB-1,215,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382166,,Evaluating the possible role of (68)Ga-citrate PET/CT in the characterization of indeterminate lung lesions,VABB-1,523,30,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382167,,Measuring glomerular filtration rate using 51Cr-EDTA: body surface area normalization before or after Bröchner-Mortensen correction?,VABB-1,1150,5,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382168,,"A new equation to estimate the glomerular filtration rate in children, adolescents and young adults",VABB-1,1082,1091,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382174,,The Rationality and Justification of Legislation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382178,,Kroniek intellectuele rechten (2011-2012),VABB-1,883,901,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382194,,Pre-emption of National Prohibitions of Sale Below Cost: Some Reflections on EU Law between the Past and the Future,VABB-4,45,64,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382196,,Introduction: the long legislative history of the CRD,VABB-1,337,353,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382197,,Verbod van gezamenlijk aanbod van financiële diensten verenigbaar met Europees recht,VABB-1,1252,1255,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382203,,Voedselvergiftiging als geval van overmacht bij vertrek op huwelijksreis: de vlieger gaat niet op,VABB-1,209,225,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382204,,Preface,VABB-4,5,10,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382205,,Vertegenwoordigingsmacht van (leden van) organen van vennootschappen met rechtspersoonlijkheid na publicatie van hun onregelmatige benoeming (noot onder Brussel 16 september 2013),VABB-1,298,307,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382209,,Les licences multiterritoriales entre le juge et le législateur. Des affaires « CISAC » à la directive 2014/26,VABB-1,94,161,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:382216,,Een te restrictieve omschrijving voor het voorwerp van een opstalrecht?,VABB-1,1460,1464,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382225,,"If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them The French Constitutional Council's First Reference to the Court of Justice (Jeremy F. v. Premier ministre, 4 April 2013)",VABB-1,154,161,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382235,,Enkele kanttekeningen bij de schade in geval van schending van een voorkeurrecht” (noot onder Gent 7 november 2012),VABB-1,337,341,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382236,,The Rational Legislator Revisited. Bounded Rationality and Legislation,VABB-4,1,31,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382237,,Informatie- en onderzoeksplichten bij de verkoop van serviceflats “ (noot onder Kh. Dendermonde 11 april 2013),VABB-1,443,450,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382238,,Reverse discrimination - A Belgian perspective,VABB-4,265,284,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:382239,,Foreword: Understanding Constitutional Reasoning,VABB-1,983,1016,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382241,,The Software Directive 2009/24/EC: A Commentary,VABB-4,89,148,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382249,,De toepassing van het kartelverbod op handelsagentuurovereenkomsten: van principiële uitsluiting naar individuele beoordeling,VABB-1,293,301,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382251,,Country report Belgium,VABB-1,262,266,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382252,,Harmonisation of rules on business-to-business marketing practices: a critical analysis of the MCAD Report,VABB-4,139,161,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382257,,Oorzaak en subsidiariteit: over de concrete invulling van de juridische toepassingsvoorwaarden van de vordering uit ongerechtvaardigde verrijking,VABB-1,388,395,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382259,,De arresten van 26 september 2013 van het Grondwettelijk Hof: “omgekeerde discriminatie” inzake gezinshereniging is geen schending van het grondwettelijk gelijkheidsbeginsel,VABB-1,93,106,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382269,,Electoral registration and the control of votes: the case of Chile,VABB-1,159,166,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382270,,When are private standards more stringent than public standards?,VABB-1,154,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382271,,The rise and fall of the world's largest wine exporter (and its Institutional legacy),VABB-1,3,33,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382272,,"Trapped in agriculture? Credit constraints, investments in education and agricultural employment",VABB-1,490,508,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382273,,Winners and losers among a refugee-hosting population,VABB-1,769,809,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382274,,Does food security matter for transition in arab countries,VABB-1,106,115,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382275,,Do consumers pay more for what they value more? The case of local milk-based dairy products in Senegal.,VABB-1,158,177,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382276,,Biodiesel value chain and access to energy in Ethiopia: policies and business prospects,VABB-1,975,985,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382277,,Structural transformation of cereal markets in Ethiopia,VABB-1,611,629,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382278,,Mineral resources and conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a case of ecological fallacy,VABB-1,721,749,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382284,,Staying home or moving away? Restructuring efforts within multinational enterprises,VABB-1,765,782,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382287,,Extreme Weather and civil war: does drought fuel conflict in Somalia through livestock price shocks?,VABB-1,1157,1182,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382288,,Political reforms and public policy: evidence from agricultural and food policies,VABB-1,21,47,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382290,,Can openness for ICT and scientific research predict ICT skills and ICT use of bachelor students?,VABB-1,397,413,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382291,,Reverse logistics supply chain network design: models and issues,VABB-1,86,103,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382292,,"Trading off inventory, capacity and customer service in semi-process industries: A case study at SEPPIC",VABB-1,90,111,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382293,,Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Management Problems: A Literature Review,VABB-1,78,102,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382294,,Coordinating lead times and safety stocks under autocorrelated demand,VABB-1,52,63,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382295,,Minimizing the total weighted late work in scheduling of identical parallel processors with communication delays,VABB-1,3975,3986,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382296,,Cost management in the supply chain: an integrated approach,VABB-1,11,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382298,,Advantages and disadvantages of product platforms: insights from literature,VABB-1,186,210,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382299,,Lot sizing and lead time decisions in production/inventory systems,VABB-1,351,360,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382300,,"Characterizing order processes of continuous review (s,S) and (r,nQ) policies",VABB-1,534,547,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382302,,The Red-Blue Transportation Problem,VABB-1,814,823,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382303,,The Finite Sample Breakdown Point of PCS,VABB-1,214,220,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382304,,Order selection in finite mixtures of linear regressions,VABB-1,871,911,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382305,,Multivariate functional halfspace depth,VABB-1,411,423,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382306,,Robust maximum weighted independent-set problems on interval graphs,VABB-1,227,235,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382308,,Complexity results and exact algorithms for robust knapsack problems,VABB-1,533,552,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382309,,Hyperbolic wavelet thresholding methods and the curse of dimensionality through the maxiset approach,VABB-1,239,255,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382311,,School bus Routing - A Column Generation Approach,VABB-1,453,478,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382312,,Process family planning: an optimization-based approach,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382313,,Focused model selection in quantile regression,VABB-1,601,624,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382314,,Multi-dimensional vector assignment problems,VABB-1,111,125,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382315,,Fast generation of individualized designs for the mixed logit choice model,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382316,,Solids: a combinatorial auction for real estate,VABB-1,351,363,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382317,,Scheduling modular projects on a bottleneck resource,VABB-1,67,85,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382318,,Optimal solutions for a dock assignment problem with trailer transportation,VABB-1,3,25,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382319,,Exact and heuristic methods for placing ships in locks,VABB-1,387,398,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382320,,Goodness of fit measures for revealed preference tests: complexity results and algorithms,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382321,,Mathematical programming models for scheduling locks in sequence,VABB-5,92,106,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382323,,"Data Accuracy’s Impact on Segmentation Performance: Benchmarking RFM Analysis, Logistic Regression, and Decision Trees",VABB-1,2751,2758,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382324,,The generalized lock scheduling problem: An exact approach,VABB-1,16,34,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382326,,Profit optimizing customer churn prediction with Bayesian network classifiers,VABB-1,3,24,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382327,,A Constructivist Approach in an e-Learning Environment for Statistics,VABB-1,385,401,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382328,,A look into business process modeling guidelines through the lens of the technology acceptance model,VABB-5,73,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382329,,Declarative process discovery with evolutionary computing,VABB-5,2412,2419,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382330,,Acquiring logistics process intelligence: methodology and an application for a Chinese bulk port,VABB-1,195,209,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382333,,Using and extending formal concept analysis to visualise variability during requirements engineering,VABB-1,842,858,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382334,,Process mining analysis of conceptual modeling behavior of novices,VABB-1,486,503,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382335,,Controlled automated discovery of collections of business process models,VABB-1,85,101,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382338,,Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 Activation by Dietary Capsaicin Promotes Urinary Sodium Excretion by Inhibiting Epithelial Sodium Channel α Subunit-Mediated Sodium Reabsorption,VABB-1,397,404,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382339,,Transforming through process,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382340,,Determining process model precision and generalization with weighted artificial negative events,VABB-1,1877,1889,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382341,,A dynamic understanding of customer behavior processes based on clustering and sequence mining,VABB-1,4648,4657,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382342,,Reviewing technical approaches for sharing and preservation of experimental data,VABB-5,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382345,,A new knowledge-based constrained clustering approach: theory and application in direct marketing,VABB-1,316,327,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382347,,Development and application of consumer credit scoring models using profit-based classification measures,VABB-1,505,513,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382348,,Monitoring care processes in the gynecologic oncology department,VABB-1,88,96,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382349,,Lightweight semantic prototyper for conceptual modeling,VABB-5,298,302,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382352,,A process mining based investigation of adverse events in care processes,VABB-1,16,25,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382353,,A comprehensive benchmarking framework (CoBeFra) for conformance analysis between procedural process models and event logs in ProM,VABB-5,254,261,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382354,,Predicting online channel acceptance using social network data,VABB-1,104,114,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382356,,Performance evaluation of RSVP using OPNET modeler,VABB-1,85,97,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382357,,Engineering process improvement in heterogeneous multi-disciplinary environments with defect causal analysis,VABB-5,73,85,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382358,,Do we need to teach testing skills in courses on requirements engineering and modelling?,VABB-5,40,44,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382359,,Enterprise information system engineering: the MERODE approach,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382360,,Clinical pathway analytics,VABB-1,12,26,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382364,,Public administration meets information system research: analysing failure of intergovermental information systems via IS success models,VABB-4,72,83,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382366,,Assessing the effectiveness of feedback enabled simulation in teaching conceptual modeling,VABB-1,367,382,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382368,,What a feeling! Touching sexually laden stimuli makes women seek rewards,VABB-1,387,393,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382369,,Hard economic times: A dream for discounters,VABB-1,641,656,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382372,,Taking private labels upmarket: Empirical generalizations on category drivers of premium private label introductions,VABB-1,125,140,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382374,,International Innovation Labs: An innovation meeting ground between SMEs and business schools,VABB-5,184,190,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382375,,Spam and Marketing Communications,VABB-5,265,272,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382376,,Beyond individual responsibility for lifestyle: granting a fresh and fair start to the regretful,VABB-1,67,77,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382377,,The relationship between motivation to work and workers’ pay flexibility: the moderation of age,VABB-1,183,203,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382378,,Gender differences in entrepreneurial intentions: A TPB multi-group analysis at factor and indicator level,VABB-1,784,794,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382383,,Start-up absorptive capacity: Does the owner’s human and social capital matter?,VABB-1,777,801,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382385,,Re-considering language within a cosmopolitan understanding: Towards a multilingual franca approach in international business studies,VABB-1,623,639,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382387,,The relationship between qualitative job insecurity and OCB: Differences across age groups,VABB-1,383,405,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382391,,Information asymmetry in high potential programs a potential risk for psychological contract breach,VABB-1,136,162,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382396,,Arena: A critical conceptual framework of top management selection,VABB-1,33,68,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382397,,"Self-perceived employability, organization-rated potential, and the psychological contract",VABB-1,565,581,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382400,,What is the meaning of ‘talent’ in the world of work?,VABB-1,290,300,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382402,,HR directors’ understanding of ‘talent’: A cross-cultural study,VABB-4,15,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382405,,The impact of age on the reservation wage: The role of employment efficacy and work intention: A study in the Belgian context,VABB-1,83,112,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382407,,SMEs’ radical product innovation: The role of internally and externally oriented knowledge capabilities,VABB-1,141,163,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382408,,Innate or acquired? Theoretical considerations and their implications for talent management,VABB-1,305,321,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382409,,The psychology of talent management: A review and research agenda,VABB-1,286,289,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382410,,Co-ownership of intellectual property: Exploring the value-appropriation and value-creation implicationsof co-patenting with different partners,VABB-1,841,852,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382412,,Alternative diversity management: Organizational practices fostering ethnic equality at work,VABB-1,317,331,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382417,,Talent management and organizational justice: Employee reactions to high potential identification,VABB-1,159,175,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382420,,"A multidisciplinary review into the definition, operationalization, and measurement of talent",VABB-1,180,191,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382421,,New EU governance modes in professional sport: enhancing throughput legitimacy,VABB-1,302,321,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382433,,Happy but unhealthy: The relationship between social ties and health in an emerging network,VABB-1,612,621,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382434,,The impact of athlete leaders on team members’ team outcome confidence: A test of mediation by team identification and collective efficacy,VABB-1,347,360,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382435,,Comparisons in ambulatory physical activity in children from the United Kingdom and Belgium,VABB-1,290,292,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382436,,Association between birth weight and neuromotor performance: A twin study,VABB-1,E140,E147,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382440,,Fatigue Thresholds Assessments in 50m All Out Swimming,VABB-1,959,965,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382441,,Learning Basic Life Support (BLS) with tablet PC's in reciprocal learning at school: are videos superior to pictures? A randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,809,813,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382442,,Validation of the SenseWear Pro3 Armband Using an Incremental Exercise Test,VABB-1,2806,14,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382444,,The myth of the team captain as principal leader: Extending the athlete leadership classification within sport teams,VABB-1,1389,1397,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382445,,Collective efficacy or team outcome confidence? Development and validation of the Observational Collective Efficacy Scale for Sports (OCESS),VABB-1,121,137,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382446,,Genetic influences of sports participation in Portuguese families,VABB-1,510,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382447,,"Youth sports clubs’ potential as health promoting setting. Profiles, motives and barriers",VABB-1,531,543,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382448,,Changes in physical activity and sedentary behavior during the transition from elementary to secondary school,VABB-1,1607,1613,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382449,,Intrinsic goals for leisure-time physical activity predict children's daily step counts through autonomous motivation,VABB-1,247,254,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382451,,Effect of Therapeutic Aquatic Exercise on Symptoms and Function Associated With Lower Limb Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis,VABB-1,1383,95,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382454,,The long-term effectiveness of need-supportive physical activity counseling compared with a standard referral in sedentary older adults,VABB-1,186,198,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382455,,Electromyography in the four competitive swimming strokes: A systematic review,VABB-1,273,291,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382456,,Genetische variatie in menselijke spierkracht: mogelijkheden voor therapeutische interventies?,VABB-1,38,43,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:382460,,Effects of need-supportive physical activity counseling on well-being: A two-year follow-up among sedentary older adults,VABB-1,1492,1502,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382462,,Cross-sectional study on the relationship between the Mediterranean Diet Score and blood lipids,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382463,,Determinants of physical activity in young adults with tetralogy of Fallot,VABB-1,20,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382464,,Genetics of Regular Exercise and Sedentary Behaviors,VABB-1,262,271,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382466,,Leadership as social identity management: Introducing the Identity Leadership Inventory (ILI) to assess and validate a four-dimensional model,VABB-1,1001,1024,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382475,,Hoe een ploeg van kampioenen een kampioenenploeg wordt: Leidersfiguren van doorslaggevend belang voor een optimaal teamfunctioneren,VABB-1,31,36,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382476,,Acute environmental hypoxia induces LC3 lipidation in a genotype-dependent manner,VABB-1,1022,1034,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382477,,Longitudinal impact of aging on muscle quality in middle-aged men,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382481,,Een veilige haven aan zee: Ingrediënten van respijtzorg voor ernstig en chronisch zieke kinderen in Villa Rozerood,VABB-1,81,88,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382482,,De rol van leerkracht-kind interacties in de ontwikkeling van probleemgedrag tijdens de transitie naar de lagere school,VABB-1,318,331,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:382483,,"A Longitudinal Cross-Lagged Study of the Role of Parental Self-criticism, Dependency, Depression, and Parenting Stress in the Development of Child Negative Affectivity",VABB-1,491,511,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382484,,Meaning in life: An important factor for the psychological well-being of chronically ill patients?,VABB-1,334,341,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382485,,Psychopathic-like traits among detained female adolescents: Reliability and validity of the Antisocial Process Screening Device and the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory,VABB-1,195,209,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382486,,Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (functions) in eating disorders: Associations with reactive and regulative temperament,VABB-1,65,69,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382488,,Examining teacher-child relationship quality across two countries,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382489,,Personality and illness adaptation in adults with Type 1 diabetes: The intervening role of illness coping and perceptions,VABB-1,41,55,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382490,,Discrepancies in Perceptions of Close Relationships of Young Adolescents: A Risk for Psychopathology?,VABB-1,910,921,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382491,,Endorsing achievement goals exacerbates the big-fish-Little-pond effect on academic self-concept,VABB-1,252,270,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382492,,Temperament synergies in risk for depressive symptoms: Prospective replication of a three-way interaction,VABB-1,134,147,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382493,,Teacher-child relationships and behavioral adjustment: Transactional links for preschool boys at risk,VABB-1,495,510,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382494,,Self-determination and stage of readiness to change physical activity behaviour in schizophrenia. Mental Health and Physical Activity,VABB-1,171,176,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382495,,Dispositional achievement motives matter for autonomous versus controlled motivation and behavioral or affective educational outcomes,VABB-1,205,211,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382496,,Changing interactions between teachers and socially inhibited kindergarten children: An interpersonal approach,VABB-1,173,184,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382497,,Examining correlates of game-to-game variation in volleyball players' goal pursuit and underlying autonomous and controlling reasons,VABB-1,131,145,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382499,,De invloed van affectieve leraar-leerlingrelaties op het schools leren van leerlingen: Verschillen tussen basis- en voortgezet onderwijs,VABB-1,97,112,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:382500,,Language Development in the Early School Years: The Importance of Close Relationships with Teachers,VABB-1,185,196,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382501,,The oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) in relation to state levels of loneliness in adolescence: Evidence for micro-level gene-environment interactions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382502,,Personal growth initiative and identity formation in adolescence through young adulthood: Mediating processes on the pathway to well-being,VABB-1,973,981,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382503,,"Loneliness, affect, and adolescents’ appraisals of company: An Experience Sampling Method study",VABB-1,350,363,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382504,,Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents: Prevalence and associations with identity formation above and beyond depression,VABB-1,101,104,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382505,,Motivational predictors of successful transition from grades 11 to 12 in South Africa,VABB-1,693,709,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382506,,Parental goal promotion and college students' self-esteem level and contingency: The mediating role of need satisfaction,VABB-1,140,145,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382507,,The effect of peer group performance on the self-concept of reading in a foreign language,VABB-1,158,175,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382508,,Ontwikkeling en psychopathologie,VABB-4,3,56,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382509,,Personality and self-esteem in emerging adults with Type 1 diabetes,VABB-1,139,145,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382510,,Identiteitsvorming in adolescenten en opkomende volwassenen met een chronische ziekte,VABB-1,69,80,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382511,,What have we learned since Schwartz (2001)? A reappraisal of the field of identity development,VABB-4,539,561,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382512,,Teacher-reported effects of the Playing-2-gether intervention on child externalizing problem behaviour,VABB-1,466,483,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382513,,School-based social capital: The missing link between schools’ socioeconomic composition and collective teacher efficacy,VABB-1,33,44,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382514,,Brooding and reflecting in an interpersonal context,VABB-1,100,105,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382515,,Moving the achievement goal approach one step forward: Toward a systematic examination of the autonomous and controlled reasons underlying achievement goals,VABB-1,153,174,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382516,,"Sense of community, identity statuses, and loneliness in adolescence: A cross-national study on Italian and Belgian youth",VABB-1,414,432,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382517,,From family to school: Teacher-child relationships as a fruitful area for attachment research,VABB-5,63,66,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382518,,Effortful control and executive attention in typical and atypical development: An event-related potential study,VABB-1,160,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382519,,The Dutch Version of the Emotion Reactivity Scale. Validation and relation with various behaviors in a sample of high school students,VABB-1,73,79,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382521,,"Experiencing loneliness in adolescence: A matter of individual characteristics, negative peer experiences, or both?",VABB-1,100,118,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382523,,The cross-temporal associations between rumination subtypes and substance use (problems) in adolescence: Exploring the moderating role of gender,VABB-1,143,154,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382524,,Probleemgedrag en leraarstress: Het belang van een relationele benadering,VABB-1,366,382,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:382525,,A multidimensional screening tool for preschoolers with externalizing behavior: Factor structure and factorial invariance,VABB-1,699,709,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382526,,Meaning in life in emerging adulthood: A person-oriented approach,VABB-1,57,68,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382527,,Leerkrachtkindinteractie: het verband met externaliserend en internaliserend gedrag,VABB-1,239,254,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382528,,A closer look at the developmental interplay between parenting and perceived health in adolescents with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,1202,1214,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382529,,"Do diligent students perform better? Complex relations between student and course characteristics, study time, and academic performance in higher education",VABB-1,621,643,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382533,,La validité du transfert des biens meubles corporels et son opposabilité aux tiers,VABB-1,2,12,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:382535,,Transfer of generic goods in so-called consensual transfer systems,VABB-1,34,51,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382541,,Zekerheidsrechten. Stand van zaken,VABB-1,578,596,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382547,,De tariefvrijheid van de private verzekeraar. Wat blijft er nog van over binnen de aanvullende ziekteverzekering? (noot onder Hof van Justitie C-577/11),VABB-1,336,342,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382550,,À la Recherche du Temps Perdu: Compensation for Commercial Agents,VABB-1,17,30,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:382552,,Accessoriteit in het vermogensrecht,VABB-1,1043,1052,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:382553,,Het eigendomsvoorbehoud in de Belgische Pandwet en het Nederlandse BW. Een rechtsvergelijkende studie naar de positie van de leverancier met een eigendomsvoorbehoud onder het huidige en komende Belgische recht en het Nederlandse recht,VABB-1,253,265,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382556,,Bayesian decoding using unsorted spikes in the rat hippocampus,VABB-1,217,27,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382557,,Timing the impact of literacy on visual processing,VABB-1,E5233,E5242,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382558,,The effect of sleep in perceptual learning with complex objects,VABB-1,180,185,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382559,,A conceptual framework of computations in mid-level vision,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382560,,A framework for streamlining research workflow in neuroscience and psychology,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382561,,Neurons in macaque inferior temporal cortex show no surprise response to deviants in visual oddball sequences,VABB-1,12801,12815,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382563,,The distributed representation of random and meaningful object pairs in human occipitotemporal cortex: The weighted average as a general rule,VABB-1,37,47,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382564,,Visual space and object space in the cerebral cortex of retinal disease patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382565,,Improvement of biochemical and behavioral defects in the Niemann-Pick type A mouse by intraventricular infusion of MARCKS,VABB-1,319,326,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382566,,Cognition and hippocampal synaptic plasticity in mice with a homozygous tau deletion,VABB-1,2474,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382567,,"A cytokine network involving brain-borne IL-1β, IL-1ra, IL-18, IL-6, and TNFα operates during long-term potentiation and learning",VABB-1,15,23,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382568,,MMP-2 mediates Purkinje cell morphogenesis and spine development in the mouse cerebellum,VABB-1,1601,1617,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382569,,Improved long-term memory via enhancing cGMP-PKG signaling requires cAMP-PKA signaling,VABB-1,2497,505,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382570,,Visual categorization of natural movies by rats,VABB-1,10645,10658,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382572,,The role of temporal context in norm-based encoding of faces,VABB-1,121,127,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382573,,Inhaled NO prevents hyperoxia-induced white matter damage in neonatal rats,VABB-1,114,123,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382574,,Functional specialization in rat occipital and temporal visual cortex,VABB-1,1963,1983,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382575,,Constitutive hippocampal cholesterol loss underlies poor cognition in old rodents,VABB-1,902,17,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382578,,Conflicts and conflict management styles as precursors of workplace bullying: a two-wave longitudinal study,VABB-1,511,524,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382579,,"De oogst van het programma: Kennis, instrumenten en interventies",VABB-1,401,406,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382583,,Religousness in times of job insecurity: Job demand or resource?,VABB-1,755,778,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382586,,Perceived employability and performance: Moderation by felt job insecurity,VABB-1,536,552,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382589,,Threat of losing valued job features: The role of perceived control in mediating the effect of qualitative job insecurity on job strain and psychological withdrawal,VABB-1,143,164,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382590,,Felt Job Insecurity and Union Membership: The Case of Temporary Workers,VABB-1,577,591,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382594,,"""East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet"" Work engagement and workaholism across Eastern and Western cultures",VABB-5,6,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382596,,The Role of Employees 'OCB and Leaders' Hindrance Stress in the Emergence of Self-Serving Leadership,VABB-1,647,659,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382597,,"Burnout, boredom and engagement at the workplace",VABB-4,293,320,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382598,,Het motivationele proces van het Job Demands-Resources model bij vrijwillig en onvrijwillig ontslagen werknemers tijdens de opzegtermijn,VABB-1,213,231,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:382599,,A multiple-group analysis of associations between emotional exhaustion and supervisor-rated individual performance: temporary versus permanent call-center workers,VABB-1,623,633,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382600,,A critical review of the Job Demands-Resources Model: Implications for improving work and health,VABB-4,43,68,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382603,,What is engagement?,VABB-4,15,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382611,,"Learning Climate Scale: Construction, reliability and initial validity evidence",VABB-1,258,265,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382612,,Exemplification and Perceived Job Insecurity: Associations With Self-Rated Performance and Emotional Exhaustion,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382613,,An Explanatory Model of Job Insecurity and Innovative Work Behaviour: Insights from Social Exchange and Threat Rigidity Theory,VABB-4,18,34,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382616,,The mediating role of psychological needs in the relation between qualitative job insecurity and counterproductive work behavior,VABB-1,526,547,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382617,,"On the relation of job insecurity, job autonomy, innovative work behaviour and the mediating effect of work engagement",VABB-1,318,330,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382618,,Perception of Organization’s Value Support and Perceived Employability: Insights from Self-Determination Theory,VABB-1,1904,1918,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382620,,Defining perceived employability: A psychological approach,VABB-1,592,605,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382621,,Study of the deformation-driving nu d(5/2) orbital in Ni-67(28)39 using one-neutron transfer reactions,VABB-1,533,538,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382623,,Followers’ reactions to self-serving leaders: the influence of the organization’s budget policy,VABB-1,202,222,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382624,,De sociale identiteit van werklozen: gevolgen voor het welzijn,VABB-1,175,194,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382625,,On the reciprocal relationship between job insecurity and employee well-being: Mediation by perceived control?,VABB-1,671,693,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382626,,"Using self-definition to predict the influence of procedural justice on organizational, interpersonal, and job/task oriented citizenship behaviors",VABB-1,731,763,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382628,,Kinderpornorechercheurs en hun mentale weerbaarheid,VABB-1,87,114,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382631,,Well-being in times of task restructuring: The buffering potential of workplace-learning,VABB-1,217,235,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382634,,Team spirit makes the difference: The interactive effects of team work engagement and organizational constraints during a military operation on psychological outcomes afterwards,VABB-1,386,396,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382638,,Development of perceived job insecurity across two years among Finnish university staff. Associations with employee outcomes,VABB-1,243,258,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382639,,The Job Insecurity Scale: A psychometric evaluation across five European countries,VABB-1,364,380,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382640,,Changing Emotions,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382641,,"A Mindfulness-Based Intervention for economically disadvantaged people: Effects on symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, and on cognitive reactivity and overgeneralization",VABB-1,1042,1052,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382642,,Aversive learning and generalization predict subclinical levels of anxiety: A six-month longitudinal study,VABB-1,747,753,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382644,,Blocking in human causal learning is affected by outcome assumptions manipulated through causal structure,VABB-1,185,199,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382645,,Noradrenergic blockade of memory reconsolidation: A failure to reduce conditioned fear responding,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382646,,Een exploratief onderzoek naar impact en implementeerbaarheid van mindfulnessoefeningen op een afdeling kinderoncologie,VABB-1,258,272,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382647,,A comparison of MEmory Specificity Training (MEST) to education and support (ES) in the treatment of recurrent depression: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382648,,Generalization gradients in cued and contextual pain-related fear: An experimental study in healthy participants,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382649,,Stress enhances reconsolidation of declarative memory,VABB-1,102,113,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382650,,"Avoided by association: Acquisition, extinction, and renewal of avoidance tendencies towards conditioned fear stimuli",VABB-1,336,343,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382651,,Mental imagery during daily life: Psychometric evaluation of the Spontaneous Use of Imagery Scale (SUIS),VABB-1,19,32,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382652,,‘Food for memory’: Food-related memory bias and the role of thought suppression in high and low restrained eaters,VABB-1,105,114,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382653,,Generalization of Human Fear Acquisition and Extinction within a Novel Arbitrary Stimulus Category,VABB-1,e96569,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382654,,The Relationship between Borderline Symptoms and Vantage Perspective during Autobiographical Memory Retrieval in a Community Sample,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382655,,Overgeneral autobiographical memory predicts changes in depression in a community sample,VABB-1,1303,1312,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382656,,Inhalation/Exhalation Ratio Modulates the Effect of Slow Breathing on Heart Rate Variability and Relaxation,VABB-1,171,180,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382657,,Differential correlates of autobiographical memory specificity to affective and selfdiscrepant cues,VABB-1,655,668,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:382658,,Reduced autobiographical memory specificity relates to weak resistance to proactive interference,VABB-1,234,241,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382659,,Operant conditioning of autobiographical memory retrieval,VABB-1,171,183,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382660,,Exposuretherapie maximaliseren: een benadering volgens het inhibitorisch-leermodel,VABB-1,296,339,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382661,,Meet the Fribbles: Novel stimuli for use within behavioural research,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382662,,Selectivity in associative learning: A cognitive stage framework for blocking and cue competition phenomena,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382663,,A review on human reinstatement studies: An overview and methodological challenges,VABB-1,424,440,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382664,,The need for a behavioural science focus in research on mental health and mental disorders,VABB-1,28,40,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382665,,Autobiographical memory specificity in dissociative identity disorder,VABB-1,419,428,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382667,,Parameter optimization for automated behavior assessment: plug-and-play or trial-and-error?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382668,,On the relationship between the indirectly measured attitude towards beer and beer consumption: The role of attitude accessibility,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382669,,Fear conditioning of SCR but not the startle reflex requires conscious discrimination of threat and safety,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382670,,Spatial integration of boundaries in a 3D virtual environment,VABB-1,316,323,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382671,,There is no sweet escape from social pain: Glucose does not attenuate the effects of ostracism,VABB-1,8,14,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382672,,Rethinking Food Anticipatory Activity in the Activity-Based Anorexia Rat Model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382674,,Advancing psychotherapy and evidence-based psychological interventions,VABB-1,58,91,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382675,,"Effectiveness of the electronic cigarette: An eight-week Flemish study with six-month follow-up on smoking reduction, craving and experienced benefits and complaints",VABB-1,11220,11248,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382676,,Cortisol response mediates the effect of post-reactivation stress exposure on contextualization of emotional memories,VABB-1,72,84,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382677,,Maximizing exposure therapy: An inhibitory learning approach,VABB-1,10,23,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382678,,Turning the pink cloud grey: Dampening of positive affect predicts postpartum depressive symptoms,VABB-1,64,69,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382679,,A focused attention intervention for preventing the recovery of initial learning,VABB-1,652,659,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382680,,De meerwaarde van gezondheidspromotie en preventie binnen de GGZ,VABB-1,120,129,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382681,,"Prediction error demarcates the transition from retrieval, to reconsolidation, to new learning",VABB-1,580,584,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382682,,Psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale of Hewitt in a Dutch-speaking sample: Associations with the Big Five personality traits,VABB-1,182,190,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382683,,Post-extinction conditional stimulus valence predicts reinstatement fear: Relevance for long-term outcomes of Exposure therapy,VABB-1,654,667,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382684,,"The Attitudes to Chocolate Questionnaire: Psychometric properties and relationship with consumption, dieting, disinhibition and thought suppression",VABB-1,137,143,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382686,,De bescherming van meerderjarige wilsonbekwamen in het internationaal privaatrecht,VABB-1,62,73,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382689,,Recognition and enforcement of foreign judicial decisions: Belgium’s codification explored,VABB-1,573,580,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382693,,A Research Agenda for Shale Gas: Challenges to a Coherent Regulation in the European Union,VABB-1,167,171,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382694,,"Noot onder H.J.E.U. (9de k.), 5 dec. 2013, C-508/12",VABB-1,50,56,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382695,,European minimum principles for shale gas: preliminary insights with reference to the precautionary principle,VABB-1,16,27,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382696,,"Shale Gas in the European Union: You, me, together? Reflections from a Subsidiarity Perspective",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382697,,Biomassa ­uit ­hout ­en/of ­houtafval­ is ­niet ­vergelijkbaar met andere vormen van biomassa,VABB-1,309,318,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382703,,In Search of the Legal Basis for Environmental and Energy Regulation at the EU Level: The Case of Unconventional Gas Extraction,VABB-1,125,133,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382704,,Mental health: More than neurobiology,VABB-1,458,458,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382705,,On the relation between Volkov-Akulov and special conformal supersymmetry: a D3-brane perspective,VABB-1,015,041,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382706,,Both predictability and familiarity facilitate contour integration,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382707,,Linear mixed modelling for data from a double mixed factorial design with covariates: A case-study on semantic categorization response times.,VABB-1,289,302,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382708,,Type I error inflation in DIF identification with Mantel-Haenszel: An explanation and a solution,VABB-1,713,728,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382709,,deltaPlotR: An R package for differential item functioning analysis with Angoff's delta plot,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382710,,On the Role of Specific Emotions in Autonomous and Controlled Motivated Behaviour,VABB-1,437,448,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382711,,Intensity and duration of negative emotions: comparing the role of appraisals and regulation strategies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382712,,Additive multilevel item structure models with random residuals: Item modeling for explanation and item generation,VABB-1,84,104,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382713,,Revealing human inductive biases for category learning by simulating cultural transmission,VABB-1,785,793,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382714,,Influence of prior information on pain involves biased perceptual decision-making,VABB-1,R679,R681,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382715,,A comparison of five recursive partitioning methods to find person subgroups involved in meaningful treatment-subgroup interactions,VABB-1,403,425,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382716,,Outcome probability modulates anticipatory behavior to signals that are equally reliable,VABB-1,207,216,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382717,,On the asymptotic standard error of a class of robust estimators of ability in dichotomous item response models,VABB-1,430,450,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382718,,Combinations of techniques that effectively change health behavior: Evidence from meta-CART analysis,VABB-1,1530,1540,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382719,,"To share, or not to share? Examining the emotional consequences of social sharing in the case of anger and sadness",VABB-1,1062,1071,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382720,,Critical slowing down as early warning for the onset and termination of depression,VABB-1,87,92,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382721,,Reply to Bos and De Jonge: Between-subject data do provide first empirical support for critical slowing down in depression,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382722,,A Bayesian hierarchical mixture approach to individual differences: Case studies in selective attention and representation in category learning,VABB-1,132,150,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382723,,The Ising Decision Maker: A binary stochastic network for choice response time,VABB-1,422,462,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382724,,Peripheral contour grouping and saccade targeting: The role of mirror symmetry,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382725,,"Student, school, and country differences in sustained test-taking effort in the 2009 PISA reading assessment",VABB-1,502,523,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382726,,Can race really be erased? A pre-registered replication study,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382727,,Qualitative interaction trees: a tool to identify qualitative treatment-subgroup interactions,VABB-1,219,237,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382728,,Recursive partitioning for missing data imputation in the presence of interaction effects,VABB-1,92,104,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382729,,Exploring the Association between Maternal Mood and Self-Reports of Sleep during the Perinatal Period,VABB-1,465,477,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382730,,Measuring the crowd within again: A pre-registered replication study,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382731,,The role of personality in the initiation of communication situations,VABB-1,30,37,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382732,,Metric invariance of the French version of the contingencies of self-worth scale,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382733,,"‘Some’ Effects of Age, Task, Task Content and Working Memory on Scalar Implicature Processing",VABB-1,374,388,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382734,,But: do age and working memory influence conventional implicature processing?,VABB-1,695,708,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382736,,The power of emotion versus the power of suggestion: Memory for emotional events in the misinformation paradigm,VABB-1,310,320,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382737,,Response-related potentials during semantic priming: the effect of a speeded button response task on ERPs,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382738,,Deriving semantic structure from category fluency: Clustering techniques and their pitfalls,VABB-1,130,147,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382739,,Problems of reliability and validity with similarity derived from category fluency,VABB-1,1125,1130,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382740,,The approximate number system is not predictive for symbolic number processing in kindergartners,VABB-1,271,280,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382742,,The effects of aging on haptic 2D shape recognition,VABB-1,1057,1069,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382743,,Efficiency of Conscious Access Improves with Coupling of Slow and Fast Neural Oscillations,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382744,,Letters in the forest: global precedence effect disappears for letters but not for non-letters under reading-like conditions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382745,,Native-likeness in second language lexical categorization reflects individual language history and linguistic community norms,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382746,,Experts in offside decision making learn to compensate for their illusory perceptions,VABB-1,576,584,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382747,,Simplicity in Vision: A multidisciplinary account of perceptual organization,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382748,,Human locomotion in languages: Constraints on moving and meaning,VABB-1,107,123,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382749,,Reading as functional coordination: not recycling but a novel synthesis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382750,,Telescopic horizon scanning,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382751,,Better explanations of lexical and semantic cognition using networks derived from continued rather than single word associations,VABB-1,480,498,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382752,,Impaired texture segregation but spared contour integration following damage to right posterior parietal cortex,VABB-1,41,57,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382753,,Ecological Relevance Determines Task Priority in Older Adults' Multitasking,VABB-1,377,385,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382754,,"The interplay of attention and consciousness in visual search, attentional blink and working memory consolidation",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382755,,Temporal dynamics of different cases of bi-stable figure-ground perception,VABB-1,7,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382756,,"How color, regularity, and good Gestalt determine backward masking",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382757,,Bilangual semantic memory: A new hypothesis,VABB-4,133,146,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382758,,Moving stimuli are less effectively masked using traditional Continuous Flash Suppression (CFS) compared to a Moving Mondrian Mask (MMM): A test case for feature-selective suppression and retinotopic adaptation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382759,,"Is it really search or just matching?: The influence of Goodness, number of stimuli and presentation sequence in same-different tasks",VABB-1,42,63,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382760,,Concurrent validity of approximate number sense tasks in adults and children,VABB-1,120,128,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382761,,Networks of diffusively time-delay coupled systems: Conditions for synchronization and its relation to the network topology,VABB-1,22,39,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382763,,Noun and knowledge retrieval for biological and non-biological entities following right occipitotemporal lesions,VABB-1,163,74,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382764,,Local shape of pictorial relief,VABB-1,188,204,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382765,,Spatiotemporal proximity rather than temporal frequency determines the Wagon Wheel illusion,VABB-1,295,315,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382766,,Spatially constrained adaptive rewiring in cortical networks creates spatially modular small world architectures,VABB-1,479,497,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382767,,Frequent Words Do Not Break Continuous Flash Suppression Differently from Infrequent or Nonexistent Words: Implications for Semantic Processing of Words in the Absence of Awareness,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382768,,Distributed and integrated processing of color and form in the visual cortex,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382769,,Leisure Sports and Postural Control: Can a Black Belt Protect Your Balance From Aging?,VABB-1,95,102,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382770,,The use of 2D and 3D information in a perceptual-cognitive judgement task,VABB-1,1688,1697,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382771,,Impaired holistic and analytic face processing in congenital prosopagnosia: Evidence from the eye-contingent mask/window paradigm,VABB-1,503,521,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382772,,Depth perception of illusory surfaces,VABB-1,53,64,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382773,,"Norms of age of acquisition and concreteness for 30,000 Dutch words",VABB-1,80,84,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382785,,Godslastering: van de (nimmer vallende) regen in de (doorwekende) drup?,VABB-1,185,188,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382789,,"Cascade-aansprakelijkheid, onjuiste berichtgeving en de Antiracismewet",VABB-1,210,220,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382790,,Freedom of Religion and Belief in the European Workplace: Which Way Forward and What Role for the EU?,VABB-1,240,255,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382798,,"Religare, Believers and Non-Believers: But Where is the Citizen?",VABB-4,237,244,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382804,,Larvatus prodeo? Why Concealing the Face can be Incompatible with a European Conception of Human Rights,VABB-1,47,71,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382805,,Education in Responsibility in Order to Secure Human Rights in Times of Crisis,VABB-1,98,107,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382806,,'Symbolenstrijd'. De Raad van State en religieuze kentekens in het (Gemeenschaps)onderwijs,VABB-1,4,14,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382808,,Belgium,VABB-4,95,143,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382809,,"‘Islamophobia’ and the law: Belgian hate speech legislation, symbolic speech and the wilful destruction of the Koran",VABB-1,54,65,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382810,,"Internet: spreken is zilver, schrijven is goud? (Druk)persmisdrijf (art. 150 GW), de audiovisuele media en de zaak Belkacem",VABB-1,143,149,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382813,,Dossier slimme energie: regelgeving vandaag en morgen.(Link),VABB-1,1,20,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:382814,,"Jurisdictioneel pluralisme, administratieve rechtscolleges,",VABB-4,1,16,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382815,,De procesrechtelijke complicaties van incasso-overeenkomsten,VABB-1,17,20,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382831,,Constitutional Law - Belgium,VABB-4,1,314,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382835,,"Kennen is goed, gebruiken beter: taalgebruik en taalkennis in tuchtprocedures",VABB-1,285,289,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382838,,Kroniek onderwijsrecht,VABB-1,515,525,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382840,,De constitutionele dogmatiek voorbij,VABB-1,2,45,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382842,,Democratic legitimacy in the Bund or 'federation of states': the cases of Belgium and the European Union,VABB-1,568,587,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382850,,De Brabantse Burke? Traditie en innovatie in de pamfletten van Henri Joseph van der Hoop,VABB-1,220,242,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:382858,,De overgangsbepaling van artikel 195 van de Grondwet: een noodzakelijke voorwaarde voor de uitvoering van de zesde staatshervorming,VABB-1,379,388,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:382864,,Het Grondwettelijk Hof en het internationaal en Europees recht,VABB-1,619,652,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382867,,Tweemaal het huis uit: schroeft recente Luxemburgse rechtspraak inzake in-house de nieuwe richtlijnen preventief terug?,VABB-1,425,430,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382868,,De Brusselse instellingen in het eerste luik van de zesde staatshervorming,VABB-1,452,462,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:382869,,"Letter to the editor: leptospirosis versus hantavirus infections in the Netherlands and in Belgium, 2000 to 2014",VABB-1,19,20,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382875,,Finance through food and commodity value chains in a globalized economy,VABB-4,45,66,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382876,,"Benefits of clearing existing forests to restore nature? Evidence from a discrete choice experiment in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,65,75,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382877,,Effects of Tillage and Crop Residue Management on Maize Yields and Net Returns in the Central Mexican Highlands Under Drought Conditions,VABB-1,476,486,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382878,,Smallholder cooperatives and agricultural performance in Rwanda: do organizational differences matter?,VABB-1,39,52,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382879,,Food labeling and eco-friendly consumption: Experimental evidence from a Belgian supermarket,VABB-1,180,190,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382880,,Global greenhouse gas implications of land conversion to biofuel crop cultivation in arid and semi-arid lands - lessons learned from Jatropha,VABB-1,135,145,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382882,,Opportunities and Constraints of Promoting New Tree Crops-Lessons Learned from Jatropha,VABB-1,3213,3231,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382884,,Curbing global meat consumption: Emerging evidence of a second nutrition transition,VABB-1,95,106,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382885,,The adoption of farm level soil conservation practices in developed countries: a meta-analytic review,VABB-1,78,102,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382886,,The protein kinase Sch9 is a key regulator of sphingolipid metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,VABB-1,196,211,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382887,,The effect of perturbing body segment parameters in calculated joint moments and muscle forces during gait,VABB-1,596,601,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382888,,Altering length and velocity feedback during a neuro-musculoskeletal simulation of normal gait contributes to hemiparetic gait characteristics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382889,,Individual selection of gait retraining strategies is essential to optimally reduce medial knee load during gait,VABB-1,828,34,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382890,,Characterisation of walking loads by 3D inertial motion tracking,VABB-1,5212,5226,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382891,,Arm swing in human walking : What is their drive ?,VABB-1,321,326,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382892,,Role of subject-specific loading on the prediction of bone density distribution in the proximal femur,VABB-1,244,252,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382893,,How gravity and muscle action control mediolateral center of mass excursion during slow walking: A simulation study,VABB-1,91,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382894,,Hip contact force in presence of aberrant bone geometry during normal and pathological gait,VABB-1,1406,15,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382895,,An EMG assessment of Front Row Rugby Union Scrummaging,VABB-1,225,237,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:382896,,The effect of muscle weakness on the capability gap during gross motor function: a simulation study supporting design criteria for exoskeletons of the lower limb,VABB-1,111,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382897,,Line length as a robust method to detect high-activity events : Automated burst detection in premature EEG recordings,VABB-1,1985,1994,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382898,,A new method for estimating subject-specific muscle-tendon parameters of the knee joint actuators: a simulation study,VABB-1,969,987,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382899,,Development and evaluation of a leaflet containing shoe advice: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,267,272,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382900,,The effect of external ankle support on knee and ankle joint movement and loading in netball players,VABB-1,511,5,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382902,,Treatment of forefoot problems in older people: a randomized clinical trial comparing podiatric treatment with standardized shoe advice,VABB-1,432,40,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382903,,Task constraints and minimization of muscle effort result in a small number of muscle synergies during gait,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382904,,Forefoot deformation during stance: Does the forefoot collapse during loading?,VABB-1,40,47,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382905,,The effect of external ankle support on the kinematics and kinetics of the lower limb during a side step cutting task in netballers,VABB-1,42,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382906,,Quelques décisions jurisprudentielles relatives à l'exercice de la fonction de police,VABB-1,31,57,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:382910,,Geharmoniseerde Europese normen: de New Approach van de Europese Unie en de zoektocht naar legitimiteit,VABB-1,333,352,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382915,,Religious Institutes and Catholic Culture in 19th- and 20th-Century Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382917,,"Competition Law and Industrial Policy: Conflict, Adaptation, and Complementarity",VABB-4,162,190,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382920,,The European Community and the Paradoxes of American Economic Diplomacy: the Case of the IT and Telecommunications Sectors,VABB-4,105,132,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:382926,,Glorieux. Een sociaal bewogen priester in een bewogen tijd (1825-1852),VABB-1,65,89,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382928,,Creating and Disseminating a Catholic Subculture through Children's Literature. The Forgotten Role of the Publishing Houses of Religious Institutes,VABB-4,85,96,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382929,,Belgian Jesuits and their Labourer Retreats (c. 1890-1914),VABB-4,190,210,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382931,,"The European Union, the Eastern Neighbourhood and Russia: Competing Regionalisms",VABB-4,263,277,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382933,,"Bijzondere Wetgever verduidelijkt de regeling van artikel 26, § 4 van de bijzondere wet op het Grondwettelijk Hof inzake samenloop van grondrechten",VABB-1,1523,1531,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:382934,,Emotional Fit with Culture: A Predictor of Inidividual Differences in Relational Well-being,VABB-1,241,245,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382935,,"Do ""they"" threaten ""us"" or do ""we"" discriminate ""them""? Majority perceptions of intergroup relations and everyday contacts with immigrant minorities",VABB-1,617,628,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382937,,"Fitting in or sticking together: The prevalence and adaptivity of conformity, relatedness, and autonomy in Japan and Turkey",VABB-1,1374,1389,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382938,,Acculturation is a two-way street: Majority-minority perspectives of outgroup acculturation preferences and the mediating role of multiculturalism and threat,VABB-1,304,320,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382939,,Why did Johann Weyer write De praestigiis daemonum? How anti-Catholicism inspired the landmark plea for the witches,VABB-1,3,29,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382940,,Positivity bias,VABB-4,4938,4941,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382941,,A Gricean approach to the use of consensus and distinctiveness in causal attributions of verbally described interpersonal events,VABB-1,141,153,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382942,,Emotions in context: A sociodynamic model of emotions,VABB-1,298,302,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382943,,What's really in a name-letter effect? Name-letter preferences as indirect measures of self-esteem,VABB-1,228,262,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382944,,The Cultural Regulation of Emotions,VABB-4,284,304,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382946,,Emotion perception: Putting the face in context,VABB-4,539,556,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:382947,,On incompetency and care for the self as conditions for educational laboratories,VABB-4,97,100,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382949,,The Global Trigger Tool shows that one out of seven patients suffer harm in Palestinian hospitals: challenges for launching a strategic safety plan,VABB-1,640,647,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382951,,The relationship between ethnic threat and economic insecurity in times of economic crisis: analysis of European Social Survey data,VABB-1,135,161,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382953,,Work-based learning: Development and validation of a scale measuring the learning potential of the workplace (LPW),VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382954,,Do they adapt or react? A comparison of the adaption model and stress reaction model among South African unemployed,VABB-1,717,736,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382955,,Smells like cooperation? Unpleasant body odor and people’s perceptions and helping behavior,VABB-1,87,93,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382957,,Training and Commitment of Outsourced IT Workers: Psychological Contract Fulfillment as a Mediator,VABB-1,321,340,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382958,,Optimism and mobility modifying permanent and temporary workers’ perceived employability,VABB-1,435,453,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382959,,Occupational well-being as a mediator between job insecurity and turnover intention: Findings at the individual and work department levels,VABB-1,381,393,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382960,,Computers work for women: Gender differences in online divorce mediation,VABB-1,230,237,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382962,,"Associations between temporary employment, exhaustion and supervisor-rated performance: Mediation by job demands",VABB-1,623,633,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382963,,Transformational Leadership and Stakeholder Management in Library Change,VABB-1,55,83,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382964,,"Temporary Employment: Associations with Quality of Work, Health and Wellbeing",VABB-4,6611,6615,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382965,,Managing change in higher education institutions in Tanzania: a historical perspective,VABB-1,127,144,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382966,,Involvement of healthcare professionals in an adverse event: the role of management in supporting their work force,VABB-1,313,320,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382967,,Trajectories of Perceived Employability and Their Associations With Well-Being at Work A Three-Wave Study,VABB-1,46,57,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382968,,Personality and the perception of situation structure in a military environment: seeking sensation versus structure as a soldier,VABB-1,1040,1049,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382971,,Respiratory perception measured by cortical neural activations in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder,VABB-1,36,40,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382972,,"Effect of seated trunk posture on eye blink startle and subjective experience: Comparing flexion, neutral upright posture, and extension of spine",VABB-1,e88482,e88482,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382973,,Can words heal? Using affect labeling to reduce the effects of unpleasant cues on symptom reporting,VABB-1,807,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382974,,Attentional modulation of reflex cough,VABB-1,135,141,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382975,,Family Caregivers of Patients with a High-Grade Glioma,VABB-1,406,413,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382976,,Positive Affect Protects Against Deficient Safety Learning During Extinction of Fear of Movement-Related Pain in Healthy Individuals Scoring Relatively High on Trait Anxiety,VABB-1,632,644,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382977,,An experimental examination of catastrophizing-related interpretation bias for ambiguous facial expressions of pain using an incidental learning task,VABB-1,1002,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382978,,Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia and sleep hygiene in fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,683,697,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:382979,,Detection of delirium in palliative care unit patients: A prospective descriptive study of the Delirium Observation Screening Scale administered by bedside nurses,VABB-1,79,86,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382980,,"Symptom perception, awareness and interpretation",VABB-4,866,872,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382981,,The emotion regulatory function of parent attention to child pain and associated implications for parental pain control behaviour,VABB-1,1453,1463,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382983,,"Factor structure, reliability, and known groups validity of the german version of the childhood trauma questionnaire (short-form) in swiss patients and nonpatients",VABB-1,418,30,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382984,,Catastrophizing mediates the relationship between fear of pain and preference for elective caesarean section,VABB-1,582,589,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382985,,Contingency learning deficits and generalization in chronic unilateral hand pain patients,VABB-1,1046,1056,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382986,,Separation of respiratory influences from the tachogram : a methodological evaluation,VABB-1,e101713,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382988,,Characterizing the microstructural basis of “unidentified bright objects” in neurofibromatosis type 1: A combined in vivo multicomponent T2 relaxation and multi-shell diffusion MRI analysis,VABB-1,649,58,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382989,,Cost-effectiveness of specialized treatment based on cognitive behavioral therapy versus usual care for tinnitus,VABB-1,787,795,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382990,,Attention effects on vicarious modulation of nociception and pain,VABB-1,2033,2039,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382992,,Rumination and interoceptive accuracy predict the occurrence of the thermal grill illusion of pain,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:382993,,Threatening Social Context Facilitates Pain-related Fear Learning,VABB-1,214,225,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:382994,,Enhanced cardiac perception predicts impaired performance in the Iowa Gambling Task in patients with panic disorder,VABB-1,238,246,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382995,,Effect evaluation of an oral health promotion intervention in preschool children,VABB-1,893,897,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382996,,Investigating the effect of respiratory bodily threat on the processing of emotional pictures,VABB-1,41,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382997,,Response inhibition predicts painful task duration and performance in healthy individuals performing a cold pressor task in a motivational context,VABB-1,92,100,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:382998,,Resting heart rate variability predicts safety learning and fear extinction in an interoceptive fear conditioning paradigm,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383000,,Fordyce's behavioral methods for chronic pain and illness : republished with invited commentaries,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383002,,Categorical interoception: Perceptual organization of sensations from inside,VABB-1,1059,1066,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383003,,Negative emotional stimulation decreases respiratory sensory gating in healthy humans,VABB-1,50,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383004,,Maternal long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid status during early pregnancy and children's risk of problem behaviour at age 5-6 years,VABB-1,762,768,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383005,,"More optimism, less pain! The influence of generalized and pain-specific expectations on experienced cold-pressor pain",VABB-1,47,58,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383006,,"Geriatric Dyspnea: Feeling better, doing worse",VABB-1,94,99,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383007,,"Anxiety, depression and panic",VABB-4,129,144,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383008,,Learning to breathe: Feedforward regulation of the inspiratory motor drive,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383010,,Interrupted by pain: An anatomy of pain-contingent activity interruptions,VABB-1,1192,1195,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383011,,An experimental approach to examining psychological contributions to multisite musculoskeletal pain,VABB-1,1156,1165,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383012,,When pain meets… Pain-related choice behavior and pain perception in different goal conflict situations,VABB-1,1156,1165,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383013,,Competing goals attenuate avoidance behavior in the context of pain,VABB-1,1120,1129,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383016,,A content analysis of activity pacing in chronic pain: What are we measuring and why?,VABB-1,639,645,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383020,,Ambtshalve matiging van overdreven schadebedingen blijft uitgesloten,VABB-1,625,628,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383022,,De dynamiek van het schadevereiste (1804-heden),VABB-4,133,174,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383026,,De bevoegdheid van de nationale rechter om een prijsvermindering ambtshalve toe te wijzen (noot onder HvJ 3 oktober 2013),VABB-1,156,159,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383030,,Correctiefiguren op de onbillijke gevolgen van de bevrijdende verjaring,VABB-1,146,166,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383031,,A Belgian Perspective on the Judgments of the French Cour de Cassation of 17 May 2013,VABB-1,261,282,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383038,,De verhouding tussen openbare orde en dwingend recht sensu stricto in het Belgische verbintenissenrecht,VABB-1,2705,2805,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:383041,,Price reduction under the CISG: a 21st century perspective,VABB-1,324,379,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383043,,Over de verkoop van een onroerend goed via e-mail of sms: bewijs en precontractuele aansprakelijkheid,VABB-1,327,344,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383045,,Noot onder Antwerpen 30 september 2013: Uitstel is geen afstel: enac als tijdelijk verweermiddel en de noodzaak tot ingebrekestelling,VABB-1,135,142,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383046,,Unfair Terms in Contracts Between Businesses. A Comparative Overview in Light of the Common European Sales Law,VABB-4,83,135,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383047,,Schade wegens gebrek aan voorbereiding bij schending van het informed consent-vereiste (noot onder 23 januari 2014),VABB-1,242,248,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383050,,"De ""réfaction"" in de handelskoop",VABB-1,127,151,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:383052,,Enkele vragen naar aanleiding van een casus over derde-medeplichtigheid aan contractbreuk in de kansspelsector,VABB-1,170,176,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383053,,Het verbod op rechtsmisbruik in contracten,VABB-3,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383054,,Le principe général du droit fraus omnia corrumpit: une analyse de sa portée et de sa fonction en droit privé belge,VABB-1,98,115,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:383055,,The Position of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in European Contract Law: an Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383060,,The evolving treatment of services of general economic interest under EU law,VABB-4,47,76,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383066,,Over het verkoopmonopolie en de verkoop op afstand van elektronische sigaretten,VABB-1,86,98,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383071,,The Case of the Electronic Cigarette in the EU,VABB-1,161,175,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383076,,Besparingsmaatregelen bij de aflevering van terugbetaalbare geneesmiddelen in de publieksapotheek op basis van de uitwisselbaarheid van geneesmiddelen,VABB-1,218,235,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383077,,State Aid and Public Procurement in the European Union,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383081,,How General Should General Principles Be? Ne Bis in Idem in EU Competition Law,VABB-4,401,442,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383103,,An iterated local search algorithm for the single-vehicle cyclic inventory routing problem,VABB-1,802,813,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383104,,Diseño e Implementación de un Sistema de Soporte de Decisiones para el Centro de Documentación Regional “Juan Bautista Vázquez”,VABB-1,245,256,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:383105,,A review of online dynamic models and algorithms for railway traffic control,VABB-5,129,134,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383107,,Improving the robustness in railway station areas,VABB-1,276,286,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383108,,An extension of the arc orienteering problem and its application to cycle trip planning,VABB-1,64,78,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383109,,"Equilibrium in capacitated network models with queueing delays, queue-storage and blocking back",VABB-5,860,879,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383112,,A Procedure for Semi-automatic Segmentation in OBIA Based on the Maximization of a Comparison Index,VABB-5,360,375,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383114,,Comparative impact assessment for flax fibre versus conventional glass fibre reinforced composites: Are bio-based reinforcement materials the way to go?,VABB-1,45,48,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383115,,Economic and environmental aware maintenance optimization,VABB-5,343,348,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383116,,An Iterative Learning Approach for Signal Control in Urban Traffic Networks,VABB-5,468,473,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383117,,An iterative optimization framework for delay management and train scheduling,VABB-1,490,515,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383118,,A Parsimonious method for off-line freeway travel time estimation from sectional speed detectors,VABB-1,67,80,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383120,,The cost of environmental constraints in traffic networks: assessing the loss of optimality,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383122,,A Review of Online Dynamic Models and Algorithms for Railway Traffic Control,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383123,,The Train Platforming Problem: the Infrastructure Management Company Perspective,VABB-1,55,72,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383124,,Energy-based optimization of the material stock allowance for turning-grinding process sequence,VABB-1,503,513,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383125,,Stability analysis of railway dispatching solutions under a stochastic and dynamic environment,VABB-1,137,149,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383126,,Energy efficient trajectories for an industrial ABB robot,VABB-5,105,110,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:383127,,Comparison of multicriteria decision making methods for selection of afforestation sites,VABB-1,143,157,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383128,,Second Generation of Pressure Sensitive Fasteners for Active Disassembly,VABB-5,228,233,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383129,,Laser cutting with direct diode laser,VABB-5,551,558,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383130,,An Implicit Solution Scheme for the Link Transmission Model,VABB-5,572,577,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:383131,,Environmental Impact Modeling of Selective Laser Sintering Processes,VABB-1,459,470,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383133,,Spark plasma sintering as a solid-state recycling technique: The case of aluminium alloy scrap consolidation,VABB-1,5664,5687,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383136,,Discrete event simulation case study: Diagnostic path for stroke patients in a stroke unit,VABB-1,45,57,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383138,,Proof of concept of an elastomer based fastener enabling rapid disassembly,VABB-5,234,238,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383139,,Assessing partial observability in network sensor location problems,VABB-1,65,89,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383141,,Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation on Large-Scale Congested Networks Using A Hierarchical Decomposition Scheme,VABB-1,51,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383143,,Synergizing industrialized and developing countries to improve resource recovery for e-waste,VABB-5,283,288,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383144,,A Comprehensive Analysis of Electric Energy Consumption of Single Point Incremental Forming Processes,VABB-1,173,186,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383145,,Improving the efficiency of repeated dynamic network loading through marginal simulation,VABB-1,90,109,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383146,,Theoretical and experimental aspects of laser cutting with a direct diode laser,VABB-1,31,38,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383147,,Comparison of Three Ideal Point-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Methods for Afforestation Planning,VABB-1,3222,3240,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383148,,Analysis of the mucosal immune responses induced by single and trickle infections with the bovine abomasal nematode Ostertagia ostertagi,VABB-1,150,156,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383149,,Trading Off Accuracy and Computational Efficiency of an Afforestation Site Location Method for Minimizing Sediment Yield in a River Catchment,VABB-5,94,100,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383150,,Mention and focus organism detection and their applications for scalable systematic bio-ideation tools,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383151,,Methods to optimise the design and management of biomass-for-bioenergy supply chains: A review,VABB-1,657,670,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383152,,Using Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing to support Library Management Decisions: A Case Study for Lending and Returning Processes,VABB-1,76,98,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383153,,Closed loop recycling of plastics containing Flame Retardants,VABB-1,35,43,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383155,,Disassembly,VABB-4,395,399,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:383156,,Energy and Resource Efficiency of Laser Cutting Processes,VABB-5,854,864,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383159,,Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing Systems for Cataloguing Processes: A Case Study,VABB-1,160,186,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383160,,Dispatching and coordination in multi-area railway traffic management,VABB-1,146,160,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383161,,Evaluating disturbance robostness of railway schedules,VABB-1,106,120,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383163,,A scalable approach for ideation in biologically inspired design,VABB-1,19,31,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:383164,,Laat leraren schitteren. Inspiratiegids voor leraren en lerarenopleidingen van morgen,VABB-2,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383169,,Belgium: A Broken Marriage?,VABB-4,121,151,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383174,,Naar een andere kwalificatie van de overeenkomsten voorafgaand aan een EOT: de vaststellingsovereenkomst,VABB-1,71,83,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383180,,A Consumer Law for Professionals: Radical Innovation or Consolidation of Existing Practices?,VABB-4,41,72,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383188,,Modern usufruct - Empowering the usufructuary,VABB-1,117,129,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383195,,Een verblijfsregeling binnen de grenzen van de tegenstrijdige vorderingen van partijen,VABB-1,51,55,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383196,,Naar een vrijheid van keuze van de familienaam?,VABB-1,30,33,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383198,,"De onderhoudsuitkering na echtscheiding op grond van onherstelbare ontwrichting: de onvoorwaardelijke “ja” voor de levensstandaard wordt vervangen door een “ja, maar”",VABB-1,107,110,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383199,,Bezint eer ge aan een EOT begint,VABB-1,198,203,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383202,,"De wet van 2 juni 2013 tot bestrijding van de schijnhuwelijken, de schijn-wettelijke samenwoningen en de gedwongen huwelijken en wettelijke samenwoningen. Deel I. Civielrechtelijke aspecten",VABB-1,2,14,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383204,,Het overgangsrecht van de Wet van 30 juli 2013,VABB-1,148,155,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383205,,"Geen onderzoek naar vaderschap maar adoptie, een keuze ingegeven door het internationaal privaatrecht",VABB-1,107,111,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383208,,Het hoorrecht van minderjarigen sinds de wet op de familie- en jeugdrechtbank,VABB-1,176,195,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383213,,Aanwinsten en huwelijksvoordelen in een evenwichtig huwelijksvermogensrecht,VABB-1,292,330,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383216,,De buitengerechtelijke vermogensbescherming van kwetsbare meerderjarigen in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief,VABB-1,75,101,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383219,,Vermogensbescherming van kwetsbare meerderjarigen via lastgeving,VABB-5,291,303,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383238,,"Gait parameters affecting the perception threshold of locomotor symmetry: comment on Lauzière, et al. (2014)",VABB-1,474,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383239,,Gone for 60 seconds: Reactivation length determines motor memory degradation during reconsolidation,VABB-1,138,145,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383240,,Assessing age-related gray matter decline with voxel-based morphometry depends significantly on segmentation and normalization procedures,VABB-1,124,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383241,,Arm sway holds sway: Locomotor-like modulation of leg reflexes when arms swing in alternation,VABB-1,34,46,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383242,,Steps forward in understanding backward gait; from basic circuits to rehabilitation,VABB-1,23,29,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383243,,Non-invasive brain stimulation can elucidate and interact with the mechanisms underlying motor learning and retention: implications for rehabilitation,VABB-1,897,899,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383244,,Training-induced improvements in postural control are accompanied by alterations in cerebellar white matter in brain injured patients,VABB-1,240,251,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383247,,Optimization of the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Protocol by Defining a Reliable Estimate for Corticospinal Excitability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383248,,Applying the cost of generating force hypothesis to uphill running,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383249,,Cortical control of normal gait and precision stepping: An fNIRS study,VABB-1,415,422,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383250,,The impact of Wii Fit intervention on dynamic balance control in children with probable Developmental Coordination Disorder and balance problems,VABB-1,404,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383251,,Altered structural networks and executive deficits in traumatic brain injury patients,VABB-1,193,209,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383253,,Locomotor training with body weight support in SCI: EMG improvement is more optimally expressed at a low testing speed,VABB-1,887,93,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383256,,Underconnectivity of the superior temporal sulcus predicts emotion recognition deficits in autism,VABB-1,1589,1600,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383258,,Microstructural integrity of the superior cerebellar peduncle is associated with an impaired proprioceptive weighting capacity in individuals with non-specific low back pain,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383260,,Changes in Corticomotor Excitability and Intracortical Inhibition of the Primary Motor Cortex Forearm Area Induced by Anodal tDCS,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383261,,Interactions between brain structure and behavior: the corpus callosum and bimanual coordination,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383263,,Complexity of central processing in simple and choice multilimb reaction-time tasks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383265,,Fast online corrections of tripping responses,VABB-1,3579,3590,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383267,,Coordinating arms and legs on a hybrid rehabilitation tricycle: the metabolic benefit of asymmetrical compared to symmetrical arm movements,VABB-1,743,750,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383269,,Superimposed electrical stimulation improves mobility of pre-stiff thumbs after ulnar collateral ligament injury of the metacarpophalangeal joint: a randomized study,VABB-1,373,380,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383271,,Both age and physical activity level impact on eye-hand coordination,VABB-1,80,96,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383272,,The Neural Correlates of Upper Limb Motor Blocks in Parkinson's Disease and Their Relation to Freezing of Gait,VABB-1,3154,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383273,,Task switching in traumatic brain injury relates to cortico-subcortical integrity,VABB-1,2459,2469,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383274,,A new method to assess temporal features of gait initiation with a single force plate,VABB-1,631,633,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383275,,Stride length asymmetry in split-belt locomotion,VABB-1,652,4,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383279,,Functional brain activation associated with inhibitory control deficits in older adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383280,,White matter microstructural organization and gait stability in older adults,VABB-1,104,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383281,,Driving performance in persons with mild to moderate Multiple Sclerosis,VABB-1,1387,1393,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383286,,Subcortical volume analysis in traumatic brain injury: The importance of the fronto-striato-thalamic circuit in task switching,VABB-1,67,81,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383287,,Preserved Foot Motor Cortex in Patients With Complete Spinal Cord Injury: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Study,VABB-1,179,187,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383289,,Understanding bimanual coordination across small time scales from an electrophysiological perspective,VABB-1,614,635,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383290,,Contextual Interference in Complex Bimanual Skill Learning Leads to Better Skill Persistence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383292,,The effects of dual tasking on handwriting in patients with Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,193,202,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383293,,Correlation between dichromatic colour vision and jumping performance in horses,VABB-1,166,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383294,,Aging effects on the resting state motor network and interlimb coordination,VABB-1,3945,61,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383296,,Interlimb coordination during forward walking is largely preserved in backward walking in children with Cerebral Palsy,VABB-1,552,561,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383298,,Physical fitness in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Measurement matters,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383299,,"How Do Somatosensory Deficits in the Arm and Hand Relate to Upper Limb Impairment, Activity, and Participation Problems After Stroke? A Systematic Review",VABB-1,1220,1231,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383300,,Identification of the neural component of torque during manually-applied spasticity assessments in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,346,51,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383301,,A Wearable System for Gait Training in Subjects with Parkinson’s Disease,VABB-1,6229,6246,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383302,,Characteristics of neuromuscular control of the scapula after stroke: a first exploration,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383303,,On-road driving impairments in Huntington disease,VABB-1,956,962,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383304,,Prevention of falls in Parkinson's disease: a review of fall risk factors and the role of physical interventions,VABB-1,203,221,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383305,,First comment on 2013-OG12312R1: ’Twelve-year follow-up of conservative management of postnatal urinary and faecal incontinence and prolapsed outcomes: randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1741,1742,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383307,,Is a coded physical activity diary valid for assessing physical activity level and energy expenditure in stroke patients?,VABB-1,e98735,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383308,,Muscle activation patterns when passively stretching spastic lower limb muscles of children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383309,,Consensus-based clinical practice recommendations for the examination and management of falls in patients with Parkinson’s disease,VABB-1,360,369,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383310,,Virtual reality training for upper extremity in subacute stroke (VIRTUES): study protocol for a randomized controlled multicenter trial,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383311,,"Reliability of a novel, semi-quantitative scale for classification of structural brain magnetic resonance imaging in children with cerebral palsy",VABB-1,839,45,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383312,,Effects of deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus on freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: a prospective controlled study,VABB-1,871,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383313,,Instrumented assessment of the effect of Botulinum Toxin-A in the medial hamstrings in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,17,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383315,,Postoperative evolution of thickness and echogenecity of cutis and subcutis of patients with and without breast cancer-related lymphedema,VABB-1,23,31,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383316,,Freezing beyond gait in Parkinson’s disease: a review of current neurobehavioral evidence,VABB-1,213,227,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383317,,Transcranial direct current stimulation for motor recovery of upper limb function after stroke,VABB-1,245,259,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383318,,"Belgian recommendations on ANA, anti-dsDNA and anti-ENA antibody testing",VABB-1,83,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383319,,Can we unmask features of spasticity during gait in children with cerebral palsy by increasing their walking velocity?,VABB-1,953,957,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383320,,The autism brain imaging data exchange: towards large-scale evaluation of the intrinsic brain architecture in autism,VABB-1,659,667,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383321,,A clinical decision framework for the identification of main problems and treatment goals for ambulant children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy,VABB-1,1160,76,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383322,,Altered trunk movements during gait in children with spastic diplegia: compensatory or underlying trunk control deficit?,VABB-1,2044,2052,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383323,,Reproducibility of lymphoscintigraphic evaluation of the upper limb,VABB-1,175,84,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383324,,Manually controlled instrumented spasticity assessments: a systematic review of psychometric properties,VABB-1,932,950,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383326,,The relation between spasticity and muscle behavior during the swing phase of gait in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,3354,3364,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383327,,Progression and predictors of physical activity levels after radical prostatectomy,VABB-1,185,192,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383328,,V-TIME: a treadmill training program augmented by virtual reality to decrease fall risk in older adults: study design of a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383329,,Protocol for a randomized comparison of integrated versus consecutive dual task practice in Parkinson's disease: the DUALITY trial,VABB-1,61,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383330,,Physical activity monitoring in stroke: SenseWear Pro2 activity accelerometer versus Yamax Digi-Walker SW-200 pedometer,VABB-1,1695,703,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383332,,Predictors of driving in individuals with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis,VABB-1,344,350,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383333,,"A randomized, single-blind cross-over design evaluating the effectiveness of an individually defined, targeted physical therapy approach in treatment of children with cerebral palsy",VABB-1,1039,1052,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383334,,Botulinum toxin A treatment of the lower extremities in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,383,387,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383336,,"Making Sport History: Disciplines, Identities and the Historiography of Sport",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383337,,Biochemical artifacts in experiments involving repeated biopsies in the same muscle,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383338,,Regulation of ubiquitin-proteasome and autophagy pathways after acute LPS and epoxomicin administration in mice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383339,,"Cyclist drag in team pursuit: influence of cyclist sequence, stature and arm spacing",VABB-1,011005,011005,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383340,,Tumor vessel normalization by chloroquine independent of autophagy,VABB-1,190,206,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:383341,,Incomplete and transitory decrease of glycolysis: A new paradigm for anti-angiogenic therapy?,VABB-1,16,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383342,,Activation of ER stress by hydrogen peroxide in C2C12 myotubes,VABB-1,459,463,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383343,,Partial and Transient Reduction of Glycolysis by PFKFB3 Blockade Reduces Pathological Angiogenesis,VABB-1,37,48,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383344,,A unified model of non-profit sport organizations performance. Perspectives from the literature,VABB-1,121,150,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383346,,Enjoying mathematics or feeling competent in mathematics? Reciprocal effects on mathematics achievement and perceived math effort expenditure,VABB-1,152,174,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383347,,Writing histories of Congolese colonial and post-colonial education. A historiographical view from Belgium,VABB-4,41,60,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383348,,Towards a history of e-ducation? Exploring the possibilities of digital humanities for the history of education,VABB-1,861,870,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383349,,Who am I and where do I belong? The perception and evaluation of teacher leaders concerning teacher leadership practices and micropolitics in schools,VABB-1,203,230,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383350,,The neural mechanism underlying ordinal numerosity processing,VABB-1,1013,1020,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383352,,Inequality in language achievement growth? An investigation into the impact of pupil socio-ethnic background and school socio-ethnic composition,VABB-1,820,846,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383354,,La Grande Guerre et les idées de réformes scolaires en Belgique: Le rôle catalytique des initiatives pour les mutilés et réfugiés de guerre,VABB-4,329,345,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:383355,,Captioned video for L2 listening and vocabulary learning: A meta-analysis,VABB-1,720,739,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383358,,Educational research: Material culture and its representation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383359,,"On the tangible material culture of child-rearing, education, and educational research",VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383363,,Is the cure worse than the disease? A longitudinal study on the effect of grade retention in secondary education on achievement and academic self-concept,VABB-1,496,514,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383364,,Support device usage,VABB-4,519,526,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383366,,Adults' Arithmetic Builds on Fast and Automatic Processing of Arabic Digits: Evidence from an Audiovisual Matching Paradigm,VABB-1,e87739,e87739,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383367,,Instructie in rationale getallen: moeilijkheden en uitdagingen,VABB-1,86,94,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383368,,Word problems in mathematics education,VABB-4,641,645,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383369,,"Au travers les yeux d'un élève ... Un conflit idéologique vu ""du dessous"" pendant la Deuxiième Guerre mondiale en Flandre. Le cas du Collège Saint-Joseph à Turnhout",VABB-4,455,469,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:383371,,"A cross-country comparison of the effect of family social capital on reading literacy, based on PISA 2009",VABB-4,129,143,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383373,,A meta-analysis on major risk factors of multiple primary cutaneous melanomas,VABB-1,84,92,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383375,,Valorising the cultural heritage of the school desk through historical research,VABB-4,13,30,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383376,,"Advanced technologies for personalised learning, instruction and performance",VABB-4,425,437,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383377,,The PROactive innovative conceptual framework on physical activity,VABB-1,1223,1233,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383378,,Acute outcomes and 1-year mortality of intensive care unit-acquired weakness. A cohort study and propensity-matched analysis,VABB-1,410,20,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383379,,Towards tailoring of self-management for patients with chronic heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a protocol for an individual patient data meta-analysis,VABB-1,e005220,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383380,,An Official American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline: The Diagnosis of Intensive Care Unit-acquired Weakness in Adults,VABB-1,1437,1446,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383381,,Evidence for the role of isometric exercise training in reducing blood pressure: potential mechanisms and future directions,VABB-1,345,56,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383382,,Risk Factors and Comorbidities in the Pre-Clinical Stages of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,VABB-1,30,38,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383383,,Effects and barriers to deployment of telehealth wellness programs for chronic patients across 3 European countries,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383384,,"Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Timing, Location, and Duration",VABB-1,303,311,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383385,,Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation improves endothelial function assessed by flow-mediated dilatation but not by pulse amplitude tonometry,VABB-1,39,48,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383386,,Aerobic Interval Training vs. Moderate Continuous Training in Coronary Artery Disease Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,VABB-1,687,700,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383387,,Pathogenesis of hyperinflation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,187,201,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383388,,Exercise for blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383389,,Impaired Postural Control Reduces Sit-to-Stand-to-Sit Performance in Individuals with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,VABB-1,e88247,.,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383390,,Modelling the dynamics of expiratory airflow to describe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,997,1006,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383391,,Preoperative inspiratory muscle training to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing esophageal resection (PREPARE study): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383392,,Standardizing the analysis of physical activity in patients with COPD following a pulmonary rehabilitation program,VABB-1,318,27,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383393,,The first reference equations for the 6-minute walk distance over a 10 m course,VABB-1,867,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383395,,Feasibility of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in critically ill patients,VABB-1,1082,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383396,,British Thoracic Society guideline on pulmonary rehabilitation in adults: does objectivity have a sliding scale?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383397,,Maximal oxygen uptake and venilatory anaerobic threshold with pediatrics aged group in non-operated ventricular septal defect and surgically repaired tetralogy of Fallot,VABB-1,16,22,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383398,,Tiotropium in patients with moderate COPD naive to maintenance therapy: a randomised placebo-controlled trial,VABB-1,14003,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383399,,Exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease receiving physical therapy: a cohort-nested randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,71,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383400,,The effects of elastic tubing-based resistance training compared with conventional resistance training in patients with moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomized clinical trial,VABB-1,1096,106,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383401,,Physical activity: From epidemiological evidence to individualized patient management,VABB-1,350,357,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383402,,Efficacy of a physical exercise training programme COPD in primary care: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,788,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383403,,Determinants and outcomes of physical activity in patients with COPD: a systematic review,VABB-1,731,739,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383404,,Test–retest reliability of muscle vibration effects on postural sway,VABB-1,166,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383405,,Molecular imaging with macrophage VSIG4-targeting Nbs for diagnosis and prognosis in mouse models of rheumatoid arthritis,VABB-1,824,829,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383406,,Pulmonary Rehabilitation,VABB-1,241,249,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383408,,Differences in respiratory muscle activity during cycling and walking do not influence dyspnea perception in obese patients with COPD,VABB-1,1292,1301,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383409,,"Physical activity and physical fitness in lymphoma patients before, during, and after chemotherapy: a prospective longitudinal study",VABB-1,411,24,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383410,,Physical activity and risk of lymphoma: a meta-analysis,VABB-1,1173,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383412,,Differences in content and organizational aspects of pulmonary rehabilitation programs,VABB-1,1326,1337,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383413,,"Lung hyperinflation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: mechanisms, clinical implications and treatment",VABB-1,731,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383415,,Functional and haemodynamic assessment of mild-to-moderate pulmonary valve stenosis at rest and during exercise,VABB-1,1354,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383417,,Neurobiological effects of physical exercise in schizophrenia: a systematic review,VABB-1,1749,1754,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383419,,Comparing technical proficiency of elite table tennis players with intellectual disability: simulation testing versus game play.,VABB-1,608,621,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383422,,Clinical correlates of global functioning in obese treatment seeking persons with binge eating disorder,VABB-1,256,260,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383423,,Physiotherapists can help implement physical activity programmes in clinical practice,VABB-1,164,164,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383424,,Reliability and clinical correlates of the Astrand-Rhyming sub-maximal exercise test in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder,VABB-1,778,783,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383427,,Reliability of the detailed assessment of speed of handwriting on Flemish children,VABB-1,318,324,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383430,,"Health related quality of life, physical fitness and physical activity participation in treatment-seeking obese persons with and without binge eating disorder",VABB-1,97,102,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383433,,Tactical proficiency among table tennis players with and without intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,403,409,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383438,,Metabolic syndrome and metabolic abnormalities in patients with major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis of prevalences and moderating variables,VABB-1,2017,2028,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383439,,"The assessment, benefits and delivery of physical activity in people with schizophrenia: A survey of members of the International Organisation of Physical Therapists in Mental Health (IOPTMH)",VABB-1,248,256,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383441,,"Changes in physical activity, physical fitness, self-perception and quality of life following a 6-month physical activity counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy program in outpatients with binge eating disorder",VABB-1,361,366,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383442,,Associations between perceived neighbourhood environmental attributes and self-reported sitting time in patients with schizophrenia:A pilot study,VABB-1,33,38,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383443,,Physical Activity Correlates in Persons with Binge Eating Disorder: a Systematic Review,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383446,,Associations between expiratory spirometry parameters and limitations in daily life activities in patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,172,176,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383452,,There is a need for physiotherapists in the multidisciplinary treatment of schizophrenia,VABB-1,239,242,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383456,,Self-esteem and physical self-concept in adolescents on an emergency psychiatric unit,VABB-1,37,51,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383458,,Physiotherapy for patients with anorexia nervosa,VABB-1,224,238,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383459,,Psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Body Attitude Test,VABB-1,39,46,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383460,,Metabolic syndrome and lung function in schizophrenia: A pilot study,VABB-1,58,62,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383461,,Understanding the role of physiotherapists in schizophrenia: An International perspective from members of the International Organisation of Physical Therapists in Mental Health (IOPTMH),VABB-1,125,129,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383471,,From Antwerp to Munster (1609/1648),VABB-4,233,255,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383472,,Freight integration: what is the way forward?,VABB-1,31,42,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383473,,Vervoerder (meestal(?)) onbeperkt aansprakelijk bij teleroute-fraude (noot onder Hof ‘s Hertogenbosch 15 april 2014),VABB-1,123,128,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383474,,Brinky: stuiting onder CMR: nationaal recht of toch uniform? (noot onder HR 20 december 2013),VABB-1,129,132,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383475,,Interpretatie van een koopovereenkomst,VABB-1,42,53,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383478,,Recht op cliënteel als grondslag voor een post-contractuele niet-concurrentieverbintenis van vennootschapsbestuurders (noot onder Gent 18 juni 2012),VABB-1,102,106,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383482,,Het gebruik van fictieve facturen en wisselbrieven in het kader van een factoringovereenkomst,VABB-1,330,335,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383483,,Interpretatie dadingsovereenkomst,VABB-1,770,787,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383488,,Contractuele bepalingen niet doorslaggevend bij vaststelling btw-misbruik,VABB-1,205,209,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383489,,Belgische rulings in het licht van de staatssteunregels,VABB-1,5,14,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383490,,Standpunt. Naar een autonome fiscale KMO-definitie ? De kleine vennootschap als KMO in fiscalibus : stand van zaken en toekomstperspectieven,VABB-1,758,772,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383493,,Rechtsbescherming van de belastingplichtige in het veranderende (internationale) fiscale landschap volgens de Franse Conseil Constitutionnel,VABB-1,807,813,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383494,,Een ‘multilateraal instrument’ (BEPS actiepunt 15). Denkpistes en verhouding tot de Belgische interne rechtsorde,VABB-1,28,35,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383495,,Belgisch regime van de aftrek voor octrooi-inkomsten. Vergelijking met andere Europese ‘IP box’-regimes en toetsing aan Europese regels inzake schadelijke belastingconcurrentie en staatssteun,VABB-1,4,39,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383497,,Anti-Abuse under the Financial Transaction Tax Proposal,VABB-1,126,137,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383501,,Over de - miskende? - doorwerking van internationaalrechtelijk verbindende onderlinge akkoorden ('mutual agreements') in de Belgische rechtsorde,VABB-1,4,32,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383504,,Dividend Withholding Tax Claims in the European Union,VABB-1,18,27,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383505,,Balanced Allocation and Coherence: Some Thoughts in Light of Argenta and K,VABB-1,64,75,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383507,,Kroniek Internationaal Belastingrecht 2013,VABB-1,260,285,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383513,,"Schenking in de stief- en zorgrelatie en tussen ""ex-en"", vrijstelling van successierecht bij wettelijke terugkeer en verkrijgingen om niet door goede doelen : een beperkt vertimmerd Vlaams registratie- en successierecht",VABB-1,266,295,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383516,,Indiaas hof weigert toepassing van nationale ‘piercing the corporate veil’ doctrine in verdragssituatie,VABB-1,125,133,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383519,,"Over de verzekerbaarheid van de zware fout… de grenzen van artikel 8, lid 2 WLVO: noot onder Antwerpen, 18 September 2013",VABB-1,53,57,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383521,,The delicate relationship between law and finance: the classification of credit default swaps,VABB-1,227,242,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383522,,Belgien,VABB-4,61,97,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:383523,,"Hof van Justitie Zaak C-409/11, Gábor Csonka, Tibor Isztli, Dávid Juhász, János Kiss, Csaba Szontágh / Magyar Állam",VABB-1,302,307,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383525,,Medeverzekering en de stuiting van verjaring door dagvaarding (noot onder Brussel 16 november 2012),VABB-1,990,995,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383527,,Toepassing van artikel 29bis WAM-wet op verkeersongevallen met spoorvoertuigen: Grondwettelijk Hof schept (enige) klaarheid (noot onder GwH 31 juli 2013),VABB-1,1499,1503,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383531,,De meldingsplicht wegens witwassen ten aanzien van de ontvangstlidstaat in het licht van de vrijheid van dienstverrichting: een Spaanse armada tussen droom en daad?,VABB-1,1362,1377,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383532,,De overdracht van niet volgestorte aandelen in de BVBA: a foregone conclusion?,VABB-1,827,845,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383534,,De passieve rechtspersoonlijkheid na afsluiting van de vereffening,VABB-1,173,176,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383537,,"De vennootschapsrechtelijke echtscheiding is mogelijk, maar tegen welke prijs ? Over waarderingsmethodes en verwijlinteresten. Noot onder 5 november 2012",VABB-1,312,318,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383538,,"Enkele opmerkingen over de aansprake­lijkheid van bestuurders of zaakvoerders van vennootschappen-rechtspersonen voor fouten begaan ná hun ontslag, maar vóór de publicatie daarvan. Noot onder Gent 5 november 2012 en Brussel 11 september 2012",VABB-1,185,192,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383539,,Minderheidsdécote bij de vordering tot uittreding. Noot onder Gent 23 september 2013,VABB-1,398,403,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383541,,"Aandeelhouders, schade en het vemoeden van causaliteit in het kader van de alarmbelprocedure",VABB-1,294,298,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383543,,The Dividing Line Between Shareholder Democracy and Board Autonomy: Inherent Conflicts of Interest as Normative Criterion,VABB-1,258,296,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383545,,Twee decennia Wet op het Politieambt beschouwd vanuit het perspectief van de internationale politiesamenwerking,VABB-1,115,126,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383547,,Langzaam maar onzeker: het wettelijk kader voor een geleidelijke terugkeer naar de maatschappij,VABB-4,31,74,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383548,,"De wet van 2 juni 2013 tot bestrijding van de schijnhuwelijken, de schijn-wettelijke samenwoningen en de gedwongen huwelijken en wettelijke samenwoningen. Deel II. Strafrechtelijke aspecten",VABB-1,15,22,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383549,,Europees openbaar ministerie,VABB-1,530,535,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383550,,Het juridische statuut van de richtlijnen van het strafrechtelijk beleid,VABB-1,165,176,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383552,,Straf(proces)recht - Kritisch overzicht van enkele recente wetswijzigingen: Het strafrechtelijk uitvoeringsonderzoek,VABB-5,393,414,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383557,,Schriftelijke taalbescherming bij de stukken uit het strafproces,VABB-1,1,63,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383562,,Naar een evaluatie van de selectie van magistraten,VABB-1,563,572,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383563,,Tussen hamer en aambeeld: (inter)nationale prioriteitenstelling bij de strafrechtelijke rechtshulp en de wederzijdse erkenning,VABB-1,53,60,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383566,,Bronnenbescherming in het (Belgisch) criminologisch onderzoek: you have the right to remain silent?,VABB-1,302,312,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383569,,Het recht van de minderjarige verdachte op bijstand van een advocaat bij het verhoor: enkele bijzonderheden,VABB-1,386,392,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:383583,,Une législation forte pour des personnes faibles?,VABB-1,161,169,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:383584,,Historical vanishing of the Blazhko effect of RR Lyr from the GEOS and Kepler surveys,VABB-1,1435,1443,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383586,,"‘Om af te sluiten, druk op Start’: zesde rechter in Belgische Yahoozaak schaart zich achter eerste",VABB-1,129,140,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383595,,EU external action,VABB-4,704,750,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383597,,Toegankelijkheid van informatie en rechterlijke bevoegdheid,VABB-1,110,114,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:383603,,"The Free Movement of Goods in EEA Law: The Philip Morris Norway, Commission v Italy and Mickelsson and Roos Cases",VABB-4,371,385,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383605,,"Zaak C-350/12 P, Raad van de Europese Unie/Sophie in ’t Veld",VABB-1,591,595,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383608,,EMU and the European Union's Constitutional Framework,VABB-1,753,769,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383609,,Grundrechte-Charta im System eines pluralistischen Grundrechtsschutzes. Europäischer Grundrechtsschutz nach Massgabe des Subsidiaritätsgrundsatzes?,VABB-5,772,785,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:383611,,To Say What the Law of the EU is: Methods of Interpretation and the European Court of Justice,VABB-1,3,61,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383612,,"""Tout contrat est union"" -- Loyale samenwerking = goede trouw",VABB-1,261,274,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383614,,Wartości UE a pluralizm konstytucyjny/EU values and constitional pluralism,VABB-1,4,16,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383616,,The Role of Private International Law in Corporate Social Responsibility,VABB-1,125,133,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383620,,"Noot - Zaak C-93/12, ET Agrokonsulting-04-Velko Stoyanov",VABB-1,144,149,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383622,,The Case Law of the ECJ and the Internet (2004-2014),VABB-1,9,26,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383627,,EU Procedural Law,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383629,,The Place of the Charter in the EU Constitutional Edifice,VABB-4,1559,1593,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383634,,"Research Handbook on Environment, Health and the WTO",VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383635,,Direct Applicability and Direct Effect of International Law in the EU Legal Order,VABB-4,45,64,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383637,,70. Deutscher Juristentag in Hannover. Europas Wirtschaftsverfassung und die Finanzkrise: Eine neue konstitutionelle Gewichtung?,VABB-1,1417,1422,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:383639,,Foreword,VABB-4,5,8,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383640,,EU-sancties tussen rechtsbescherming en effectiviteit: een typologie van beperkende maatregelen in het extern optreden van de Unie,VABB-1,320,334,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383641,,The Principle of Equal Treatment and the European Court of Justice,VABB-1,8,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383644,,'Wonen in eigen streek' verenigbaar met de Europese vrij verkeer-bepalingen?,VABB-1,139,142,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:383646,,Die Entwicklung der Brüssel I-Verordnung im Dialog des Europäischen Gerichtshofs mit dem Gesetzgeber,VABB-1,252,293,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:383647,,"Gevoegde zaken C-584/10 P, C-593/10 P en C-595/10 P, Commissie/Kadi en Verenigd Koninkrijk/Kadi",VABB-1,406,410,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383648,,A nanotechnology legal framework,VABB-4,265,311,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383650,,Climate change and renewable energy as a super trump for EU trade law. All Essent clear,VABB-1,60,66,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383651,,The Best Interests of the Child Always Come First: The Brussels II Bis Regulation and the European Court of Justice,VABB-1,1302,1328,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383652,,Hof van Justitie – 18 juli 2013,VABB-1,1515,1518,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:383654,,"Het principe van wederzijds vertrouwen in de ruimte van vrijheid, veiligheid en recht",VABB-1,232,244,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383660,,Opzeggingsvergoeding bij palliatief verlof (noot onder GwH 5 december 2013),VABB-1,78,82,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383661,,beta-delayed fission of Tl-180,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383662,,When Is an Employee a Fiduciary?,VABB-1,39,70,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383663,,Dismissal due to business reasons in Belgium,VABB-1,2,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383664,,Fixed Term Employment Contracts in Belgium,VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383665,,Employment relationships at national level: Belgium,VABB-1,39,55,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383667,,Modification of working conditions in Belgium,VABB-1,3,11,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383669,,Employment privacy,VABB-4,465,488,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383673,,Employment relationship in football: a comparative analysis,VABB-1,455,462,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383674,,Ontwikkelingen van het sociaal Europa: de socio-economische monitoring van de EU juridisch afgetoetst aan het grondrecht op sociale zekerheid (Europees Sociaal Handvest),VABB-1,89,141,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383680,,Delinquentie bij Brusselse scholieren van Belgische en niet-Belgische afkomst,VABB-1,27,49,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383686,,Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid resistance in fecal Enterobacteriaceae from patients with cystic fibrosis and healthy siblings,VABB-1,780,3,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383692,,"Jongeren, gender en geweld",VABB-4,279,300,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383693,,Samen streven naar meer veiligheid voor kinderen in situaties van kindermishandeling. De rol van kwaliteitsvolle samenwerking in het casusgebonden overleg van het ‘Protocol van Moed’,VABB-1,164,188,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383700,,Fighting social exclusion under EU Horizon 2020. Enhancing the legal enforceability of social inclusion recommendations?,VABB-1,51,72,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383702,,Dysbiosis of bifidobacteria and Clostridium cluster XIVa in the cystic fibrosis fecal microbiota,VABB-1,206,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383703,,Maatschappelijke dienstverlening aan niet-begeleide minderjarige vreemdelingen,VABB-1,385,390,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383711,,De huiszoeking en inbeslagname bij advocaten. Voldoet België aan het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens?,VABB-1,346,359,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383713,,De rechtspositie van private zorgvoorzieningen in de residentiële ouderenzorg,VABB-2,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383716,,De naam. Analyse van rechtspraak van het EHRM en het Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-2,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383717,,Observance of international humanitarian law by forces under the command of the European Union,VABB-1,637,643,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383718,,Upholding the Rule of Law in Informal International Lawmaking Processes,VABB-1,75,95,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383719,,China in the Security Council : What Are the Implications for the International Rule of Law?,VABB-1,343,363,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383720,,The European Union at the UN Human Rights Council: Multilateral Human Rights Protection Coming of Age?,VABB-1,135,172,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383721,,Digest of State Practice 1 January - 30 June 2014,VABB-1,323,373,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383722,,Interactions between the ECJ and the EU Legislature in the Application of International Law,VABB-4,249,279,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383724,,EU-Korea Relations in a Changing World: Project Main Results and Recommendations,VABB-1,231,250,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383725,,The Application of Human Rights Law in Peace Operations - Comments on the Presentation and Paper by Kjetil Mujezinović Larsen,VABB-5,336,344,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383726,,The Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations,VABB-4,510,543,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383727,,"The United Nations, the European Union and Multilateral Action against Terrorism",VABB-4,359,396,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383728,,Some Critical Issues in EU-India Free Trade Agreement Negotiations,VABB-1,848,869,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383729,,Introduction: The International Rule of Law: European and Asian Perspectives,VABB-1,299,306,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383730,,International Law and the Application of the Third Pillar Approach,VABB-4,4,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383731,,"Reasonableness as a Standard of Judicial Review: Comparative, European and International Perspectives",VABB-1,33,74,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383734,,Observance of International Humanitarian Law by Forces under the Command of the European Union,VABB-5,373,404,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383736,,"Comparing the “Four Pillars” of Global Economic Governance: A Critical Analysis of the Institutional Design of the FSB, IMF, World Bank and WTO",VABB-1,75,95,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383739,,The Anglo-Spanish Peace Treaty of 1604. A Rehearsal for Belgian Diplomats?,VABB-4,69,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383741,,Historia iuris in nummis. Een gedenk- en propagandapenning naar aanleiding van de Vrede van Fontainebleau (1785),VABB-4,76,86,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383742,,Law and Religion in Early-Modern Europe: Some Tentative Conclusions,VABB-4,266,275,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383745,,Il Digesto all'epoca dei Commentatori,VABB-4,299,309,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383747,,Alberico Gentili's Oxford Lectures on Contracts,VABB-4,785,802,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383749,,De vrede van Utrecht (1474),VABB-1,3,23,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383750,,Revisie en rechtsdwaling,VABB-1,1034,1042,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383751,,Early-Modern Consilia and Decisiones in the Low Countries. The Lost Legacy of the mos italicus,VABB-4,125,137,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383753,,La moral ilumina al derecho común: teología y contrato (siglos XVI y XVII),VABB-1,513,533,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:383756,,Six Centuries of Criminal Law: History of Criminal Law in the Southern Netherlands and Belgium (1400-2000),VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383759,,Ungedruckte Quellen zur Geschichte der Rechtswissenschaft des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts: Vorlesungsnachschriften im Bestand des Zentrums für rechtsgeschichtliche Forschung an der Universität Zürich,VABB-1,473,480,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:383760,,Estratti di diritto giustinianeo nel Σύνταγμα κατὰ στοιχεῖον di Matteo Blastares,VABB-1,145,157,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:383762,,Alberico Gentili and the Hanse: The Early Reception of De iure belli (1598),VABB-4,181,209,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383763,,Legal Transplant of Greek Caesaropapism in Early Modern Times,VABB-4,213,230,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383766,,In memoriam Philippe Godding (1926-2013): Toute chose bonne en son temps,VABB-1,341,350,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:383767,,The Royal Commission for Old Laws and Ordinances of Belgium at the Service of Legal Historians,VABB-1,457,464,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383768,,Van buon governo naar public governance. Juristen en openbaar bestuur in de Westerse rechtstraditie,VABB-1,776,785,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383771,,The historical roots of Belgian commercial law,VABB-1,365,386,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383772,,"The Twelve Years Truce (1609). Peace, Truce, War and Law in the Low Countries at the Turn of the 17th Century",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383773,,The Catholic Spirit of Capitalism? Contrasting Views on Profit-Making Through Capital Investment in the Age of Reformations,VABB-4,22,44,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383775,,Desertie naar de vijand in het Belgische frontleger tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog - deel 1,VABB-1,39,67,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:383776,,L’utilizzo del titolo imperiale nei documenti dei sovrani slavi (XIII-XIV secolo),VABB-1,1,12,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:383779,,Desertie naar de vijand in het Belgische frontleger tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog - deel 2,VABB-1,140,175,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:383780,,L'accueil de l'Université de Louvain à Cambridge au début de la Première Guerre Mondiale,VABB-1,491,501,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:383783,,Introduction historique au droit. France – Allemagne – Angleterre,VABB-2,,,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:383784,,Britain’s recognition of the Spanish American republics: the gap between theory and practice in international law (1810-1900),VABB-1,284,322,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383786,,"""Ius commune"", Comparative Law and Public Governance",VABB-4,147,160,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383788,,"Law and religion, The legal teachings of the protestant and catholic reformations",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383797,,Preventing child maltreatment and transgressive behaviour in Flemish sport,VABB-4,31,39,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383801,,Interchanging Scandinavian models? ‘Science-Based’ interaction between military and civil institutes for physical education in Belgium (1921-1947),VABB-1,109,130,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383802,,"London is Just Around the Corner: Belgium, Britain and Sport",VABB-4,44,64,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:383805,,Who’s joining the club? Participation of socially vulnerable children and adolescents in club-organised sports,VABB-1,941,958,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:383806,,"A match between university professors and school inspectors? Innovation and stagnation in the curriculum of physical education in Belgium, 1908-1972",VABB-1,338,355,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383807,,Towards level playing fields? A time trend analysis of young people’s participation in club-organised sports,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383809,,"Statistics, Gymnastics, and the Origins of Sport Science in Belgium (and Europe)",VABB-1,652,660,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383810,,Voor de pret of de prestatie? Typologieën van evenementenloopsters,VABB-1,19,34,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383816,,"Borderless Sport? Imagining and Organising Bicycle Racing in Belgium, 1869-1914: Between Transnational Dynamics and National Aspirations",VABB-1,379,404,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383818,,"Expansionism, Physical Education and Olympism: Common Interests of King Leopold II of Belgium, Cyrille Van Overbergh and Pierre de Coubertin (1894-1914)",VABB-1,1158,1177,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383821,,"Waarom alles beter was in de tijd van Briek. Wielrennen, herinneringscultuur en erfgoedbeleving.",VABB-1,34,46,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383823,,Hurdles for sport consumption? Determining factors of household sports expenditure,VABB-1,444,454,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383828,,A meta-analysis of prevalence estimates and moderators of low bone mass in people with schizophrenia,VABB-1,470,486,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383830,,A clinical review of the treatment of catatonia,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383831,,The prevalence and moderators of clinical pain in people with schizophrenia: A systematic review and large scale meta-analysis,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383832,,"Monitoring and management of cardiometabolic risk factors in schizophrenia- A global perspective: rationale, aims and methods",VABB-1,24,32,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383833,,Recovery of peripheral muscle function from fatiguing exercise and daily physical activity level in patients with multiple sclerosis: A case-control study,VABB-1,97,105,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383835,,Malfunctioning of the autonomic nervous system in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome: a systematic literature review,VABB-1,516,526,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383836,,Pathological breathing patterns after pneumococcal rhombencephalitis,VABB-1,84,88,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383840,,Dataportabiliteit en digitale (mensen-)handel. Een nieuwe kijk op gegevensbescherming,VABB-1,290,300,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383841,,International Encyclopaedia of Media Law - United Arab Emirates,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383842,,Bullying and sexting in social networks: Protecting minors from criminal acts or empowering minors to cope with risky behaviour?,VABB-1,251,270,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383845,,Accountable Surveillance Practices: Is the EU Moving in the Right Direction?,VABB-5,70,85,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383847,,Policy recommendations for addressing privacy challenges associated with cell-based research and interventions,VABB-1,7,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383849,,Towards a Multidisciplinary Framework to Include Privacy in the Design of Video Surveillance Systems,VABB-5,101,116,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383856,,How can Software Interoperability be achieved under European Competition Law and Related Regimes?,VABB-1,6,19,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383857,,"Children and Peer-to-Peer Risks in Social Networks: Regulating, Empowering or a Little Bit of Both?",VABB-4,191,208,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383863,,Het misbruikverbod op het internet: onlineplatforms als poortwachters van persoonsgegevens,VABB-1,89,94,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383866,,Exploring New Ways to Ensure Interoperability Under the Digital Agenda,VABB-1,7,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383870,,"Close, Closer, Closest: Participatory Observation in my own Culture",VABB-4,103,116,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383872,,Governing Genomic Data: Plea for an ‘Open Commons',VABB-4,137,153,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383873,,Marginalized multilevel hurdle and zero-inflated models for overdispersed and correlated count data with excess zeros,VABB-1,4402,19,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383874,,Cross nearest-spike interval based method to measure synchrony dynamics,VABB-1,27,48,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383875,,“To MCRE or not to MCRE”,VABB-5,183,193,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383877,,Facial expressions as gestural triggers in interactional humor,VABB-1,11,31,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383878,,Van (neutraal) tussenwerpsel naar (positief) evaluatief adjectief: ça va en oké in het Nederlands,VABB-1,5,28,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:383881,,Tool use in computer-based learning environments: Adopting and extending the technology acceptance model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383882,,The relationship between learning Chinese and visual-spatial working memory,VABB-5,688,701,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383883,,Clustering for Semantic Purposes: Exploration of Semantic Similarity in a Technical Corpus,VABB-1,279,303,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383884,,Conjuguer des approches quantitatives et linguistiques pour l’analyse d’un corpus footballistique,VABB-5,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383885,,Electronic pedagogical dictionaries,VABB-4,1035,1046,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383886,,Une grammaticalisation ratée ? Une étude diachronique de 'stand' en anglais,VABB-1,,,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:383888,,Un fait injustifiable: How else to approach memory and intentionality in Sartre?,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383890,,En torno a los pronombres como peor enemigo en la clase de ELE,VABB-1,1,4,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:383891,,The dynamics of terms and meaning in the domain of machining terminology in French and English,VABB-4,259,280,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383893,,Hoe gaat het sociale huisvestingsbeleid om met de nieuwe maatschappelijke uitdagingen?,VABB-4,321,351,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383894,,Farmers’ ooperatives in Europe: Social and historical determinants of cooperative membership in agriculture,VABB-1,509,530,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383906,,"Agriculture, Food and Water",VABB-4,152,169,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383911,,Sustainable development: the institutionalization of a contested policy concept,VABB-4,300,327,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383912,,Cap or tax? Exploring the Potential for a Carbon Tax or Emissions Trading in China,VABB-4,107,127,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383913,,Duurzame ontwikkeling: een omstreden begrip in beleid en praktijk,VABB-4,167,179,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383915,,Public-private Partnerships in CDM Implementation in Vietnam,VABB-4,205,225,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:383924,,The economic benefits of adult learning to low-qualified young adults: do participation and qualification decrease the risk of unemployment?,VABB-1,101,120,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383927,,The effects of classroom socioeconomic composition on students' civic knowledge in Chile,VABB-1,415,440,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:383928,,Pratique de l'inclusion active: évaluation de l'application de la recommandation CE de 2008 en Belgique,VABB-1,135,163,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:383930,,Sociale investeringen: een nieuw model voor de Europese welvaartsstaten?,VABB-4,167,189,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383932,,The hard-to-reach among the poor in Europe. Lessons from Eurostat’s EU-SILC survey in Belgium,VABB-4,541,554,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383935,,Connecting Home and School: on the Second generation Muslim Children's agency in Belgian Schools,VABB-4,54,72,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383936,,Investeren in kinderen: de vicieuze cirkel van achterstand doorbreken. Uitvoering van de EU-aanbeveling inzake strijd tegen kinderarmoede in België,VABB-1,379,406,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:383938,,Social investment: the new paradigm of EU social policy?,VABB-1,189,230,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:383940,,"Rich schools, poor schools",VABB-1,91,109,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:383943,,Actieve inclusie in de praktijk: evaluatie van de toepassing van de EC-aanbeveling van 2008 in België,VABB-1,137,168,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:383947,,Schools and Cultural Organisations Natural Partners in Art and Cultural Education (ACE)?,VABB-5,1032,1039,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383949,,The Evaluation of Public Policies on Arts Education: Not just 'this-leads-to-that',VABB-4,29,36,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383950,,"Is social, cultural and recreational participation a luxury for people living in poverty? An analysis of policy intentions and measures",VABB-1,53,71,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383951,,Investir dans l'enfance pour briser le cercle vicieux de l'inégalité. Mise en oeuvre de la recommandation de l'UE relative à la lutte contre la pauvreté en Belgique,VABB-1,373,401,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:383964,,Quality of work in the cleaning industry: a complex picture based on sectoral regulation and customer-driven conditions,VABB-4,290,311,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383967,,Effectiviteit van interventies ter bestrijding van werkgebonden musculoskeletale aandoeningen,VABB-1,26,35,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383969,,Innovatief Werkgedrag als concept: definiëring en oriëntering,VABB-1,139,156,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:383973,,"Labour flexibility and innovation, complementary or concurrent strategies? A review of the literature",VABB-1,653,666,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383974,,Positioning Research and Design in Academia and Practice. a Contribution to a Continuing Debate,VABB-1,17,29,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383975,,Performing their Version of the House. Views on an Architectural Response to Autism,VABB-4,57,69,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383976,,Attitudes and stigma in relation to help-seeking intentions for psychological problems in low and high suicide rate regions,VABB-1,231,239,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:383978,,Informed palliative care in nursing homes through the interRAI palliative care instrument: a study protocol based on the medical research council framework,VABB-1,132,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383982,,"Methodiekontwikkeling, evaluatieonderzoek en de body of knowledge van het sociaal werk",VABB-1,33,52,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383983,,Study protocol for 'we DECide': implementation of advance care planning for nursing home residents with dementia,VABB-1,1156,1168,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:383984,,"Clinical presentation, pathological features and natural course of metastatic uveal melanoma, an orphan and commonly fatal disease",VABB-1,185,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383985,,"Effectiveness of community facilitator training in improving knowledge, attitudes, and confidence in relation to depression and suicidal behavior: Results of the OSPI-Europe intervention in four European countries",VABB-1,142,150,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383986,,The activity profile of home nurses: a systematic review,VABB-1,257,265,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383989,,The state of the art in European research on reducing social exclusion and stigma related to mental health: A systematic mapping of the literature,VABB-1,381,389,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383990,,Het perspectief van kinderen en jongeren van wie een ouder een ernstige chronische ziekte of handicap heeft: jonge mantelzorgers?,VABB-1,134,149,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:383991,,"The development of BelRAI, a web application for sharing assessment data on frail older people in home care, nursing homes and hospitals",VABB-4,202,226,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:383992,,Stigma in patients with schizophrenia receiving community mental health care: a review of qualitative studies,VABB-1,79,87,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383993,,A Comparative Analysis of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments for Nursing Home Residents Receiving Palliative Care: a Systematic Review,VABB-1,467,476,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:383998,,Patient Characteristics Associated With Prognostic Awareness: A Study of a Canadian Palliative Care Population Using the InterRAI Palliative Care Instrument,VABB-1,716,725,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:384004,,eIDAS as guideline for the development of a pan European eID framework in FutureID,VABB-5,23,38,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384009,,Recente ontwikkelingen in het privacyrecht: 2010-2013,VABB-5,151,182,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384014,,"The EU, children under 13 years and parental consent: a human rights analysis of a new, age-based bright-line for the protection of children on the Internet",VABB-1,20,33,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384018,,On Lawful Disclosure of Personal User Data: What Should App Developers Do?,VABB-5,25,34,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384019,,La réglementation de la neutralité du réseau en Belgique - réflexions et recommendations,VABB-1,5,27,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384022,,EU Data Protection Law and Targeted Advertising: Consent and the Cookie Monster - Tracking the crumbs of online user behaviour,VABB-1,194,212,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384023,,Optimizing transparency for users in social networking sites,VABB-1,8,23,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384030,,Noot onder HJEU (Grote Kamer) 13 mei 2014,VABB-1,398,411,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384033,,Legal evidence in a digital context: will signatures disappear?,VABB-4,432,457,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384036,,Zoekmachines in Europa – gevangen tussen twee vuren?,VABB-1,304,314,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384037,,BRCA1 gene promoter methylation status in high-grade serous ovarian cancer patients - A study of the tumour Bank ovarian cancer (TOC) and ovarian cancer diagnosis consortium (OVCAD),VABB-1,2090,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384040,,Towards a better protection of social media users: a legal perspective on the terms of use of social networking sites,VABB-1,254,294,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384044,,Bescherming van gebruikers van sociale media. Juridisch perspectief op algemene voorwaarden van socialenetwerksites,VABB-1,866,880,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384047,,Timing the Right to Be Forgotten: A Study into “Time” as a Factor in Deciding About Retention or Erasure of Data,VABB-4,171,201,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384048,,De impact van het Internet op de sector van het auteursrecht (of is het omgekeerd?) – een analyse aan de hand van de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,454,467,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384051,,Social Networking Sites’ Terms of Use Addressing Imbalances in the User-Provider Relationship through Ex Ante and Ex Post Mechanisms,VABB-1,139,151,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384053,,The Law as a 'Catalyst and Facilitator' for Trust in E-Health: Challenges and Opportunities,VABB-1,147,167,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384055,,Exploring Challenging Group Dynamics in Participatory Design with Children,VABB-5,269,272,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384066,,Effecten en Therapeutische Waarde van Muziektherapie in de Kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie,VABB-1,142,152,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384071,,Challenges in doing participatory design with people with dementia,VABB-5,33,36,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384072,,Verbalising the Intangible: An Exploration towards a Performance of Alfred Schnittke’s Second Piano Sonata,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384077,,Een wereld van verschil. Beeldverhalen in Nederland en Vlaanderen,VABB-4,425,443,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384079,,"Do Nationalist Parties Shape or Follow Sub-National Identities? A Panel Analysis on the Rise of the Nationalist Party in the Flemish Region of Belgium, 2006-2011",VABB-1,56,79,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384080,,Feest in Brussel na de inname van de stad Buda in 1686. De analyse van een politiek prentenverhaal van Romeyn de Hooghe,VABB-1,111,141,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384081,,The computational complexity of rationalizing Pareto optimal choice behavior,VABB-1,529,549,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384082,,"Consume now or later? Time inconsistency, collective choice and revealed preference",VABB-1,4147,4183,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384083,,Revealed preference analysis for convex rationalizations on nonlinear budget sets,VABB-1,224,236,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384084,,I’ll never forget my first cigarette: a revealed preference analysis of the ‘habits as durables’ model,VABB-1,717,738,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384085,,Network formation with heterogeneous agents and absolute friction,VABB-1,23,45,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384091,,Ensayo y sociedad: Diálogos de un género en movimiento,VABB-3,,,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:384093,,Multilingualism and Diglossia in Migration Literature : The Case of Flemish Songs in Northern France,VABB-4,17,38,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384095,,Remembrance and Literacy. Memorial Practices of the Secular Clergy in Fifteenth-century Bruges,VABB-4,313,323,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384097,,Effects of captioning on video comprehension and incidental vocabulary learning,VABB-1,118,141,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384099,,De papen van Brugge. De seculiere clerus in een middeleeuwse wereldstad (1411-1477),VABB-2,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384100,,L'importation du modèle historico-comparatif dans le monde francophone. Le cas d'Auguste Brachet et de Cyprien Ayer,VABB-4,43,76,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:384102,,Assumed translation,VABB-4,7,11,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384103,,Is less more? Effectiveness and perceived usefulness of keyword and full captioned video for L2 listening comprehension,VABB-1,21,43,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384104,,Transnational Memories in Antonio Muñoz Molina’s Sepharad,VABB-1,613,622,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384105,,From input to output: The potential of parallel corpora for CALL,VABB-1,165,189,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384106,,"El ensayo, un género en movimiento: nota introductoria",VABB-4,5,22,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:384107,,Leven en werk van Romboud de Doppere,VABB-1,219,244,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:384108,,"Federico García Lorca y Luis de Góngora. Parodia, magisterio y reminiscencia",VABB-1,3,31,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:384109,,"An Identified Donor: Victor de Zwavenaerde, canon of Saint-Donatian’s (ca. 1413-1481)",VABB-1,81,85,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384110,,La respuesta barroca de Tomás Segovia al existencialismo: El ‘segundo sexo’ en Zamora bajo los astros (1959),VABB-4,321,333,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:384112,,Aggiornamento? Catholicism from Gregory XVI to Benedict XVI,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384113,,Crisis in de tropen. Landbouwpolitiek en agrarische wetenschap in Belgisch Congo (c. 1900-1940),VABB-4,133,152,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384114,,"Oorlog als motor van vernieuwing. Het bodemvruchtbaarheidsonderzoek en de bemestingsadvisering in België, jaren 1930-1945",VABB-1,69,95,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384117,,Uit de sofa met Spinoza,VABB-1,421,446,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:384118,,"De informatieverplichting bij verkoop op afstand: een hyperlink die naar een gewone website leidt, volstaat niet",VABB-1,127,131,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:384119,,Decoupling Economic Rights from Voting Rights: A Threat to the Traditional Corporate Governance Paradigm,VABB-1,59,81,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384122,,Commissie voor Onrechtmatige Bedingen: Advies inzake bedingen met betrekking tot de commerciële garantie bij de verkoop van consumptiegoederen,VABB-1,93,100,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:384123,,De syndicus en de tegenvordering: wat mag en wat kan?,VABB-1,32,38,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:384127,,Le jugement de l’opinion publique et la répression des provocations collectives non suivies d’effet en Belgique (1831-1914),VABB-1,219,246,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:384128,,"Effects of Eurobonds: A Stochastic Sovereign Debt Sustainability Analysis for Portugal, Ireland and Greece",VABB-1,156,173,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384129,,Import churning and export performance of multi-product firms,VABB-1,1483,1506,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384130,,Do wages reflect labor productivity? The case of Belgian regions,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384133,,Self-study onderzoek door lerarenopleiders onder de loep. Een internationale literatuurstudie,VABB-1,131,146,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384135,,Narrative-biographical pedagogies in teacher education,VABB-4,273,291,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384137,,Teacher educators' professionalism in practice: Positioning theory and personal interpretative framework,VABB-1,117,127,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384139,,"Leerlingpercepties en wiskundeprestaties: Een grootschalig onderzoek in het Vlaamse basisonderwijs naar het wiskundig zelfconcept, de inzet voor wiskunde en het schoolwelbevinden van leerlingen in relatie tot hun wiskundig functioneren",VABB-1,113,130,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:384147,,Direct measures of digital information processing and communication skills in primary education: Using Item Response Theory for the development and validation of an ICT competence scale,VABB-1,168,181,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384149,,"Parents are not born, they are made. A critical discourse analysis of an educational magazine in Flanders (Belgium)",VABB-1,785,803,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384150,,Teacher behaviour and student outcomes: results of a European study,VABB-1,73,93,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384152,,Stability over time of different methods of estimating school performance,VABB-1,64,82,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384153,,Educational effectiveness research (EER): a state-of-the-art review,VABB-1,197,230,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384154,,Using student ratings to measure quality of teaching in six European countries,VABB-1,125,143,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384156,,Student perceptions of assessment and student self-efficacy in competencebased education,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384157,,Applied PhD research in a work-based environment: an activity theory-based analysis,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384159,,'Time is not enough'. Workload in higher education: A student perspective,VABB-1,684,698,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384160,,Enhancing students’ approaches to learning: The added value of gradually implementing case-based learning,VABB-1,315,336,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384161,,Development and validation of a questionnaire on informal workplace learning outcomes: A study among socio-educational care workers,VABB-1,2391,2410,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384162,,Modelling for understanding AND for prediction/classification - the power of neural networks in research,VABB-1,67,81,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384164,,Disentangling the role of the supervisor in transfer of training,VABB-1,77,93,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384170,,Une réévaluation du droit cosmopolitique kantien,VABB-1,79,93,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384171,,'Soft Diplomacy' and People-to-People Dialogue between the EU and the PRC,VABB-1,35,55,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384173,,Qualitative Comparative Analysis at 25: State of Play and Agenda,VABB-1,167,171,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384174,,Varieties of Legitimacy: A Configurational Institutional Design Analysis of Eco-labels,VABB-1,268,287,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384175,,"Business and human rights governance and democratic legitimacy: the UN ""Protect, Respect and Remedy"" Framework",VABB-1,288,301,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384177,,'Democracy and Global Governance: The Case for a Bottom-up and Context-sensitive Approach',VABB-1,302,318,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384178,,Beyond Electoral Democracy? A Critical Assessment of Constructivist Representation in the Global Scene,VABB-1,515,527,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384179,,Contesting Representation: Jacques Rancière on Democracy and Representative Government,VABB-1,3,17,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384180,,'Liberalism against Democracy: A Comparative Analysis of the Concepts of Totalitarian Democracy and Positive Liberty in Jacob Talmon and Isaiah Berlin',VABB-1,449,466,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384182,,Strengthening Private Certification Systems through Public Regulation: The Case of Sustainable Public Procurement,VABB-1,2,22,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384183,,Chronicle of a Death Foretold? The Cultural Exception for Audio-Visual Services in EU Trade Negotiations,VABB-1,367,388,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384185,,From Niche to Mainstream Method? A comprehensive mapping of QCA applications in journal articles from 1984 to 2011,VABB-1,175,184,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384186,,South Korea from recipient to DAC donor. Assessing Korea's Development Cooperation Policy,VABB-1,107,142,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384187,,The relevance of ITU regulations for clarifying the space debris concept and strengthening guidelines on the removal of satellites at the end of their functional life,VABB-1,203,236,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384189,,"Meeting Report of the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) Symposium ‘Viruses of Microbes II’, Brussels, July 2012",VABB-1,799,805,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384191,,Loss of cAMP/CRP regulation confers extreme high hydrostatic pressure resistance in Escherichia coli O157:H7,VABB-1,65,71,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384192,,Modelling of vitamin C degradation during thermal and high pressure treatments of red fruit,VABB-1,1015,1023,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384193,,Fermentation affects the composition and foaming properties of the aqueous phase of dough from soft wheat flour,VABB-1,221,228,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384194,,Impact of Wheat Bran Derived Arabinoxylanoligosaccharides and Associated Ferulic Acid on Dough and Bread Properties,VABB-1,7190,7199,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384196,,"Thermal and high-pressure stability of pectinmethylesterase, polygalacturonase, β-galactosidase and α-arabinofuranosidase in a tomato matrix: Towards the creation of specific endogenous enzyme populations through processing",VABB-1,3368,3380,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384197,,Impact of processing conditions on the extractability and molecular weight distribution of proteins in parboiled brown rice,VABB-1,8,14,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384198,,An overview of the domestication and impact of the Salmonella mobilome,VABB-1,63,75,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384199,,The effects of process-induced pectin changes on the viscosity of carrot and tomato sera,VABB-1,2870,2883,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384200,,Extraction and characterization of pectic polysaccharides from easy- and hard-to-cook common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris),VABB-1,314,322,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384201,,Impact of Acid and Alkaline Pretreatments on the Molecular Network of Wheat Gluten and on the Mechanical Properties of Compression-Molded Glassy Wheat Gluten Bioplastics,VABB-1,9393,9400,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384202,,Ingredient functionality in batter type cake making,VABB-1,6,15,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:384203,,Thermal inactivation parameters of spores from different phylogenetic groups of Bacillus cereus,VABB-1,183,188,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384204,,Effect of calcium ions and pH on the structure and rheology of carrot-derived suspensions,VABB-1,382,391,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384205,,From fingerprinting to kinetics in evaluating food quality changes,VABB-1,125,131,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384206,,In vivo disassembly and reassembly of protein aggregates in Escherichia coli,VABB-1,2325,2332,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384207,,Emulsifying and emulsion stabilizing properties of gluten hydrolysates,VABB-1,2623,2630,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384208,,Contents of dietary fibre components and their relation to associated bioactive components in whole grain wheat samples from the HEALTHGRAIN diversity screen,VABB-1,1243,1248,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384209,,Biorefining of wheat straw using an acetic and formic acid based organosolv fractionation process,VABB-1,275,282,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384210,,Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. and T. turgidum L. ssp. durum) kernel hardness: II. Implication for and role of puroindolines in end-product quality,VABB-1,427,438,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384211,,The role of variable DNA tandem repeats in bacterial adaptation,VABB-1,119,141,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384212,,Lysogenic Conversion and Phage Resistance Development in Phage Exposed Escherichia coli Biofilms,VABB-1,150,161,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384213,,Art-175 is a highly efficient antibacterial against multidrug-resistant strains and persisters of Pseudomonas aeruginosa,VABB-1,3774,3784,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384214,,Beta-carotene isomerisation in mango puree as influenced by thermal processing and high pressure homogenisation,VABB-1,155,163,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:384215,,Fructan metabolism in developing wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) kernels,VABB-1,2047,2057,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384216,,Relation between particle properties and rheological characteristics of carrot-derived suspensions,VABB-1,1127,1143,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384217,,Impact of puroindolines on semi-sweet biscuit quality: a fractionation-reconstitution approach,VABB-1,564,571,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384218,,A H-1 NMR study of the specificity of alpha-L-arabinofuranosidases on natural and unnatural substrates,VABB-1,3106,3114,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384219,,Expression of a novel P22 ORFan gene reveals the phage carrier state in Salmonella,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384220,,SCCQL: A constraint-based clustering system,VABB-5,681,684,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384221,,An explorative study on the cell wall polysaccharides in the pulp and peel of dragon fruits (Hylocereus spp.),VABB-1,341,351,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384222,,"Effect of molding conditions and moisture content on the mechanical properties of compression molded glassy, wheat gluten bioplastics",VABB-1,480,487,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384223,,The effect of pectin concentration and degree of methyl-esterification on the in vitro bioaccessibility of carotenoid-enriched emulsions,VABB-1,71,78,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384224,,Harvesting yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) at different physiological phases significantly affects its functionality in bread dough fermentation,VABB-1,108,115,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384225,,Pyranose oxidase from Trametes multicolor impacts dough and bread microstructure,VABB-1,414,417,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384226,,Moisture distribution during conventional or electrical resistance oven baking of bread dough and subsequent storage,VABB-1,6445,6453,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384227,,Analysis of Storage and Structural Carbohydrates in Developing Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Grains Using Quantitative Analysis and Microscopy,VABB-1,9251,9259,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384228,,Influence of harvest maturity and logistics on pineapple (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr.) fruit volatiles assessed by headspace solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC/MS),VABB-1,382,391,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384229,,"The effects of fresh eggs, egg white and egg yolk, separately and in combination with salt, on mixogram properties",VABB-1,269,272,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384230,,Rheology of concentrated tomato-derived suspensions: Effects of particle characteristics,VABB-1,248,264,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384231,,Conversion of (ligno)cellulose feeds to isosorbide with heteropoly acids and ru on carbon,VABB-1,199,208,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384232,,Kinetic study of Bacillus cereus spore inactivation by high pressure high temperature treatment,VABB-1,12,17,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384234,,The bread dough stability improving effect of pyranose oxidase from Trametes multicolor and glucose oxidase from Aspergillus niger: unraveling the molecular mechanism,VABB-1,7848,7854,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384235,,Structural features and feruloylation modulate the fermentability and evolution of antioxidant properties of arabinoxylanoligosaccharides during in vitro fermentation by human gut derived microbiota,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384236,,Phage–host interactions during pseudolysogeny: Lessons from the Pid/dgo interaction,VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:384237,,Conserved class of queen pheromones stops social insect workers from reproducing,VABB-1,287,290,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384238,,Mapping of Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolites in fermenting wheat straight-dough reveals succinic acid as pH-determining factor,VABB-1,301,308,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384239,,Impact of different large scale pasteurisation technologies and refrigerated storage on the headspace fingerprint of tomato juice,VABB-1,431,444,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384240,,Comparative genome sequencing to assess the genetic diversity and virulence attributes of 15 Vibrio anguillarum isolates,VABB-1,795,807,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:384241,,"Variability in Arabinoxylan, Xylanase Activity, and Xylanase Inhibitor Levels in Hard Spring Wheat",VABB-1,240,248,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384242,,"Impact of pyranose oxidase from Trametes multicolor, glucose oxidase from Aspergillus niger and hydrogen peroxide on protein agglomeration in wheat flour gluten-starch separation",VABB-1,235,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384243,,Impact of Amylases on Biopolymer Dynamics during Storage of Straight-Dough Wheat Bread,VABB-1,6525,6532,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384244,,"Insights into the function of YciM, a heat-shock membrane protein required to maintain envelope integrity in Escherichia coli",VABB-1,300,309,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384245,,High dose of prebiotics reduces fecal water cytotoxicity in healthy subjects,VABB-1,2206,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384246,,A lipase based approach for studying the role of wheat lipids in bread making,VABB-1,190,196,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384247,,Maximizing the Concentrations of Wheat Grain Fructans in Bread by Exploring Strategies To Prevent Their Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)‑Mediated Degradation,VABB-1,1397,1404,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384248,,Impact of Starch Gelatinization and Kernel Fissuring on the Milling Breakage Susceptibility of Parboiled Brown Rice,VABB-1,490,496,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384249,,Experimental and numerical analysis of an apparatus to apply controlled shear/elongation in fluid flows,VABB-1,88,94,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384250,,β-Xylosidases and α-l-arabinofuranosidases: Accessory enzymes for arabinoxylan degradation,VABB-1,316,332,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384251,,Influence of pilot scale in pack pasteurization and sterilization treatments on nutritional and textural characteristics of carrot pieces,VABB-1,526,533,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384252,,The impact of baking time and bread storage temperature on bread crumb properties,VABB-1,3301,8,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384253,,Determination of the xylan backbone distribution of arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides,VABB-1,84,91,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384254,,Fungal biofilm reactor improves the productivity of hydrophobin HFBII,VABB-1,171,178,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:384255,,Chemical changes of thermally sterilized broccoli puree during shelf-life: Investigation of the volatile fraction by fingerprinting-kinetics,VABB-1,264,271,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:384256,,Processing tomato pulp in the presence of lipids: the impact on lycopene bioaccessibility,VABB-1,32,38,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384257,,Prebiotic effects of arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides (AXOS) on juvenile Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) with emphasis on the modulation of the gut microbiota using 454 pyrosequening,VABB-1,357,371,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384258,,Native and enzymatically modified wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) endogenous lipids in bread making: a focus on gas cell stabilization mechanisms,VABB-1,613,621,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:384259,,Milling breakage susceptibility and mechanical properties of parboiled brown rice kernels,VABB-1,369,375,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384260,,Thermodynamic View of Primary Gushing,VABB-1,149,152,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384261,,Does virulence assessment of Vibrio anguillarum using sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae correspond with genotypic and phenotypic characterization?,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384262,,The impact of extraction with a chelating agent under acidic conditions on the cell wall polymers of mango peel,VABB-1,199,207,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384263,,Detailed Analysis of the Microbial Population in Malaysian Spontaneous Cocoa Pulp Fermentations Reveals a Core and Variable Microbiota,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384264,,Identification of Intact High Molecular Weight Glutenin Subunits from the Wheat Proteome Using Combined Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384265,,Enzyme characterisation and gene expression profiling of Atlantic salmon chicken- and goose-type lysozymes,VABB-1,11,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384266,,Exposure to high hydrostatic pressure rapidly selects for increased RpoS activity and general stress-resistance in Escherichia coli O157:H7,VABB-1,28,33,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384267,,Succinic acid in levels produced by yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) during fermentation strongly impacts wheat bread dough properties,VABB-1,421,428,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384268,,Hydration properties and texture fingerprints of easy- and hard-to-cook bean varieties,VABB-1,39,47,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384269,,Modeling lycopene degradation and isomerization in the presence of lipids,VABB-1,909,918,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384271,,"A PKS/NRPS/FAS hybrid gene cluster from Serratia plymuthica RVH1 encoding the biosynthesis of three broad spectrum, Zeamine-related antibiotics",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384272,,Cellular localization and dynamics of the Mrr type IV restriction endonuclease of Escherichia coli,VABB-1,3908,3918,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384273,,Thermal and high-pressure stability of pectin-converting enzymes in broccoli and carrot purée: Towards the creation of specific endogenous enzyme populations through processing,VABB-1,1713,1724,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384274,,Headspace components that discriminate between thermal and high pressure high temperature treated green vegetables: identification and linkage to possible process induced chemical changes,VABB-1,1603,1613,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384275,,"Effects of dietary arabinoxylan-oligosaccharides (AXOS) and endogenous probiotics on the growth performance, non-specific immunity and gut microbiota of juvenile Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)",VABB-1,766,775,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384276,,"A review on the relationships between processing, food structure, and rheological properties of plant-tissue-based food suspensions",VABB-1,241,260,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384277,,"Engineered endolysin-based ""artilysins"" to combat multidrug-resistant gram-negative pathogens",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384278,,The role of gluten proteins in production and quality of a yeast leavened sugar and fat rich wheat based food model system,VABB-1,991,997,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384279,,Pectin modifications and the role of pectin-degrading enzymes during postharvest softening of Jonagold apples,VABB-1,283,291,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:384280,,Impact of heat treatment on wheat flour Solvent Retention Capacity (SRC) profiles,VABB-1,608,610,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384281,,Flour from wheat cultivars of varying hardness produces semi-sweet biscuits with varying structural and textural properties,VABB-1,452,457,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384282,,Reduction of furan formation by high-pressure high-temperature treatment of individual vegetable purées,VABB-1,2679,2693,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384284,,Functional elucidation of antibacterial phage ORFans targeting Pseudomonas aeruginosa,VABB-1,1822,35,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384285,,Acetoin Synthesis Acquisition Favors Escherichia coli Growth at Low pH,VABB-1,6054,6061,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384286,,Crosslinks in wheat gluten films with hexagonal close-packed protein structures,VABB-1,229,235,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384287,,Effects of a Wheat Bran Extract Containing Arabinoxylan Oligosaccharides on Gastrointestinal Parameters in Healthy Preadolescent Children,VABB-1,647,653,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384288,,Different levels of catabolite repression optimize growth in stable and variable environments,VABB-1,e1001764,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384289,,LC-MS analysis of branched fructans produced in vitro with carbon 13 labeled substrates,VABB-1,2191,2200,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384290,,A novel method for hydrophobin extraction using CO2 foam fractionation system,VABB-1,372,377,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384291,,Ethanol at levels produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae during wheat dough fermentation has a strong impact on dough proprties,VABB-1,9326,9335,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384292,,Structural basis of bacterial defense against g-type lysozyme-based innate immunity,VABB-1,1113,1122,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384293,,Comparing thermal and high pressure processing of carrots at different processing intensities by headspace fingerprinting,VABB-1,31,42,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384294,,Isomerisation of carrot beta-carotene in presence of oil during thermal and combined thermal/high pressure processing,VABB-1,1515,1520,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384295,,Novel targeted approach to better understand how natural structural barriers govern carotenoid in vitro bioaccessibility in vegetable-based systems,VABB-1,2036,2043,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384296,,Evaluation of N-nitrosopiperidine formation from biogenic amines during the production of dry fermented sausages,VABB-1,1269,1280,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384299,,P22 mediated recombination of frt-sites,VABB-1,340,342,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384300,,Low resolution H NMR assignment of proton populations in pound cake and its polymeric ingredients,VABB-1,120,128,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384301,,Systematic identification of hypothetical bacteriophage proteins targeting key protein complexes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa,VABB-1,4446,56,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384302,,Cellular filamentation after sublethal high-pressure shock in Escherichia coli K12 is Mrr dependent,VABB-1,522,524,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384304,,The structure and thermal stability of amylose−lipid complexes: A case study on amylose−glycerol monostearate,VABB-1,3221,3233,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384305,,Role of mechanical forces in the stomach phase on the in vitro bioaccessibility of B-carotene,VABB-1,271,280,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384306,,Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. and T. turgidum L. ssp. durum) kernel hardness: I. Current view on the role of puroindolines and polar lipids,VABB-1,413,426,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384307,,"Biopolymer interactions, water dynamics, and bread crumb firming",VABB-1,4646,4654,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384309,,Effect of wheat grain steaming and washing on lipase activity in whole grain flour,VABB-1,321,326,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384310,,Structural and thermal transitions during the conversion from native to granular cold-water swelling maize starch,VABB-1,196,205,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384311,,Dynamics of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Transcriptome during Bread Dough Fermentation,VABB-1,7325,7333,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384312,,Improved identification of wheat gluten proteins through alkylation of cysteine residues and peptide-based mass spectrometry,VABB-1,2279,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384314,,A new high-throughput LC-MS method for the analysis of complex fructan mixtures,VABB-1,4785,4788,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384315,,Ferulic acid content and appearance determine the antioxidant capacity of arabinoxylanoligosaccharides,VABB-1,10173,10182,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384316,,A substrate for the detection of broad specificity alpha-L-arabinofuranosidases with indirect release of a chromogenic group,VABB-1,3063,3066,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384317,,Biophysical characterisation of hydrophobin enriched foamate,VABB-1,129,134,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384318,,Single run HPLC separation coupled to evaporative light scattering detection unravels wheat flour endogenous lipid redistribution during bread dough making,VABB-1,426,433,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384319,,A Curative Method for Primary Gushing of Beer and Carbonated Beverages: Characterization and Application of Antifoam Based on Hop Oils,VABB-1,12,21,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384320,,Thermal and high pressure high temperature processes result in distinctly different pectin non-enzymatic conversions,VABB-1,251,263,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384321,,Isolation and structural characterisation of papaya peel pectin,VABB-1,215,221,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384322,,Impact of mixing time and sodium stearoyl lactylate on gluten polymerization during baking of wheat flour dough,VABB-1,4179,4185,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384323,,Relative importance of moisture migration and amylopectin retrogradation for pound cake crumb firming,VABB-1,3960,3966,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384324,,Combined impact of Bacillus stearothermophilus maltogenic alpha-amylase and surfactants on starch pasting and gelation properties,VABB-1,1113,1120,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384325,,Importance of Thiol-Functionalized Molecules for the Structure and Properties of Compression-Molded Glassy Wheat Gluten Bioplastics,VABB-1,10516,10524,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384326,,Naschokken van de zaak-Dutroux: zoeklicht op de strafuitvoering,VABB-4,13,30,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384327,,Morele dilemma’s bij criminologisch onderzoek,VABB-1,313,335,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384328,,Exit gevangenis? De werking van de strafuitvoeringsrechtbanken en de wet op de externe rechtspositie van veroordeelden tot een vrijheidsstraf,VABB-3,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384330,,Opgelet: werken! De Wet op het politieambt als eeuwige werf,VABB-1,127,142,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384332,,The role of autonomous mobility in public space on fear of crime among adolescents,VABB-1,1105,1122,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384333,,De machines van Justitie: vijftien jaar elektronisch toezicht in België,VABB-3,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:384334,,De sociologie van ontkenning,VABB-4,156,174,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384335,,Rule bending by morally disengaged detectives: an ethnographic study,VABB-1,62,74,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384337,,Criminografische ontwikkelingen III: van (victim)survey tot penitentiaire statistiek,VABB-3,,,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384338,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,517,522,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384339,,De Wet op het politieambt: een overzicht in vogelvlucht van haar doelstellingen en van de evolutie van haar inhoud,VABB-1,15,30,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384340,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,335,342,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384341,,Repairing the harm of victims after violent conflict: Empirical findings from Serbia,VABB-1,85,99,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384342,,Restorative Justice and Sexual Offences,VABB-1,93,106,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384343,,Does one play with the athletes' health in the name of ethics?,VABB-1,182,193,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384344,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,429,432,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384345,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,421,428,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384346,,De basiswet van 12 januari 2005 betreffende het gevangeniswezen en de rechtspositie van de gedetineerden: een status quaestionis,VABB-1,2,46,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384348,,Genderidentiteit en gevoelens van onveiligheid. Hoe culturele verwachtingspatronen het onveiligheidsgevoel bij Vlaamse adolescenten beïnvloeden,VABB-4,301,318,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384350,,"Usual suspects, ideal victims and vice versa: The relationship between youth offending and victimization and the mediating influence of risky lifestyles",VABB-1,361,378,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384352,,Exploring the indirect effect of preference discrepancy on intimate partner violence,VABB-1,829,837,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384353,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,245,250,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384356,,Stanley Cohen (1942-2013): een beknopte bio- en bibliografie,VABB-1,468,473,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384357,,Folteren in de Belgische amigo's: de onmogelijke gebeurtenis? Een mensenrechtelijke benadering,VABB-4,167,184,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384359,,"All laws are equal, but...' Het waarom van een driedubbel themanummer van Vigiles over 20 jaar Wet op het politieambt",VABB-1,7,10,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384360,,"The Changing Role of Law in Japan: Emperical Studies in Culture, Society and Policy Making",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384361,,De Wet op het politieambt: een literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,146,166,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384364,,"The Sport Doping Market: Understanding Supply and Demand, and the Challenges of Their Control",VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384366,,Bij een jubileum. Essays naar aanleiding van 20 jaar Wet op het politieambt,VABB-1,1,166,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384370,,Surveying organizational culture to explore grid-group cultural theory: instrument design and preliminary empirical results,VABB-1,224,246,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384371,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,343,347,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384372,,Naar een betere toegankelijkheid van herstelbemiddeling voor verdachten/daders en slachtoffers van misdrijven - omzendbrief COL 5/2014 van het College van procureurs-generaal bij de hoven van beroep,VABB-1,555,558,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384374,,La mediación víctima-ofensor como alternativa al sistema penal: la perspectiva de las víctimas,VABB-1,13,30,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:384375,,The Harm of Cocaine Trafficking. Applying a New Framework for Assessment,VABB-1,407,436,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384379,,"Recht op kwaliteit, maar geen recht op toegang. Herstelrecht in de EU-regelgeving omtrent slachtoffers van misdrijven",VABB-1,20,33,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:384381,,"Justice for Victims. Perspectives on rights, transition and reconciliation",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384382,,Het wetsontwerp tot invoering van de probatie als autonome straf,VABB-1,162,165,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384384,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,512,516,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384385,,European Penology?,VABB-3,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:384386,,Diversiteit in de opsporing en vervolging van economische uitbuiting. De interpretatieruimte onderzocht in twee kwalitatieve onderzoeksprojecten,VABB-1,8,26,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384387,,"'All laws are equal, but...' Le pourquoi d'un triple numéro thématique de Vigiles sur les 20 ans de la Loi sur la fonction de police",VABB-1,11,14,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384388,,Restorative Justice in the 2012 EU Directive: a right to quality service but no right to equal access for victims of crime,VABB-1,414,424,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384390,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,159,164,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384391,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,237,244,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384392,,How to Tackle (Organized) Crime in Europe? The EU Policy Cycle on Serious and Organized Crime and the New Emphasis on Harm,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384393,,Intracolleague Aggression in a Group of Dutch Prison Workers: Negative Affectivity and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,VABB-1,544,556,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384394,,Des pratiques communautaires au marché du dopage,VABB-1,3,27,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:384396,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,76,81,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384398,,Theoretical Foundations and Workable Assumptions for Cognitive Behavioral Music Therapy in Forensic Psychiatry,VABB-1,192,200,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384401,,The Symbiotic Evolution of Anti-Doping and Supply Chains of Doping Substances: How Criminal Networks May Benefit From Anti-Doping Policy,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384402,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,153,158,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384403,,Editoriaal. Kinderen en jongeren nemen de publieke ruimte in… En dan ?,VABB-1,315,318,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384408,,Geboeid door de enkelband. Fatik sprak met professor Mike Nellis,VABB-1,23,30,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384409,,Explaining Majority and Minority Trust in the Police,VABB-1,1042,1067,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384411,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,82,89,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384416,,Methodological issues in the design of online surveys for measuring unethical work behavior: Recommendations on the basis of a split-ballot experiment,VABB-1,275,289,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384419,,Whistleblowing and power,VABB-4,154,173,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384420,,À l'occasion d'un jubilé. Essais après 20 ans de Loi sur la fonction de police,VABB-1,1,166,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384422,,"Organized Crime, Types of",VABB-4,3376,3387,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384423,,"The Changing Role of Law in Japan: Emperical Studies in Culture, Society and Policy Making: an introduction",VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384426,,'Ceci n'est pas une fouille à corps': The denial of strip searches in Belgian prisons,VABB-4,75,94,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384429,,Police-public interactions: a grid-group cultural theory perspective,VABB-1,144,158,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384430,,Towards a custom-made whistleblowing policy. Using grid-group cultural theory to match policy measures to different styles of peer reporting,VABB-1,239,249,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384432,,Creation and the Evil of Being,VABB-4,171,206,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384433,,"What do you see? The Phenomenological Model of Image Analysis: Fiedler, Husserl, Imdahl",VABB-1,93,110,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384439,,Wat mag ik hopen?,VABB-1,79,100,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384440,,Recht und Sittengesetz beim späten Fichte,VABB-4,231,245,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:384441,,Coach Horn: Kierkegaard's Ambivalent Valedictory to a Disappearing Instrument,VABB-4,113,120,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384444,,Hyperbolic Thought. On Creation and Nothing,VABB-4,115,131,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384445,,‘Nulla in Mundo Pax Sincera …’ Secularisation and Violence in Vattimo and Girard,VABB-1,410,431,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384446,,Een onbeduidende plaats. Over contingentie en noodzaak,VABB-1,261,275,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:384449,,The Ability to not-shine: The Word 'Unscheinbar' in the Writings of Walter Benjamin,VABB-1,101,123,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384456,,Logica est Scientia generalis: Leibniz et l'unité de la logique,VABB-1,271,294,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:384457,,Oorlog en Terpentijn (Stefan Hertmans),VABB-1,795,809,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:384461,,Bent and Directed Towards Him”: A Stylistic Analysis of Kircher’s Sunflower Clock,VABB-4,47,75,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384463,,"Postclassical Liberalism and Emergent Secularism: An Overview, Interpretation, and Criticism of Akeel Bilgrami’s Theory",VABB-1,69,87,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384466,,The Metaphysics of Modernity,VABB-4,543,563,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384473,,Struggle or Recognition? Critical Reflections on Honneth’s Reading of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,VABB-1,534,558,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384475,,Being in America: On Metaphysics and the Metaphysical Society of America,VABB-4,19,27,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384476,,Philosophy and Genealogy. Ways of writing history of philosophy,VABB-4,50,70,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384481,,"Kant’s Multi-Layered Conception of Things-in-Themselves, Transcendental Objects, and Monads",VABB-1,221,260,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384482,,Mechanical Philosophy in an Enchanted World: Cartesian Empiricism in Balthasar Bekker’s Radical Reformation,VABB-4,275,306,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384483,,Leibniz’s Anti-scepticism,VABB-4,45,61,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:384487,,"""Amica veritas, sed magis amicus Christus"". De nihilistische hermeneutiek van Gianni Vattimo",VABB-1,527,554,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384490,,The Turn from Ontology to Ethics: Three Kantian Responses to Three Levinasian Critiques,VABB-1,696,715,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384491,,Sam IJsseling. Nederlander verfranst Vlaamse filosofie,VABB-1,192,208,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384493,,"Die Transzendenz des Glücks. Zu Thomas von Aquin, Über das Glück - De beatitudine",VABB-4,207,221,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:384494,,"Secularism, Religion, and Politics: India and Europe",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384495,,"Religion, Pluralism, Politics: Case for an Inter-Contextual Study on Europe and India",VABB-4,85,103,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384499,,Should we punish a remorseful offender? Punishment within a theory of symbolic restoration,VABB-1,113,119,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384500,,Metaphysics and the Catholic View,VABB-1,265,283,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384505,,Beyond green and mainstream. On the normative foundations of environmental policy,VABB-1,165,168,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384506,,"Decolonizing Canadian Citizenship: Shared Belonging, Not Shared Identity",VABB-1,192,208,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384509,,Relationality as a ‘Foundation’ for Human Rights: Exploring the Paradox with Hannah Arendt and Emmanuel Levinas,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384510,,Testing for Linguistic Injustice: Territoriality and Pluralism,VABB-1,1034,1052,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384513,,"Levinas over schepping, passiviteit en radicale verantwoordelijkheid",VABB-1,174,188,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384524,,Defending democracy. The concentric containment of political extremism,VABB-4,299,317,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384528,,The sexual ethics of HPV vaccination for boys,VABB-1,27,42,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384529,,Media en mentaliteit,VABB-2,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384530,,"Surveyable Representations, the 'Lecture on Ethics', and Moral Philosophy",VABB-1,41,69,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384531,,"Moral modesty, moral judgment and moral advice. A Wittgensteinian approach",VABB-1,20,37,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384532,,"Smuggled into Existence: Nonconsequentialism, Procreation, and Wrongful Disability",VABB-1,589,604,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384533,,Is a Binational Democracy Viable? The Case of Belgium,VABB-4,61,70,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384534,,Salvation and creation: on the role of forgiveness in the completion of Paul Ricoeur’s philosophy,VABB-1,169,182,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384537,,Teorías intitulacionistas de la justicia. De Nozick a Roemer y más allá,VABB-1,249,265,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384538,,A Management Control Perspective of Sustainability Reporting in Higher Education: In Search of a Holistic View,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384539,,New challenges in immigration theory: an overview,VABB-1,493,502,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384541,,Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind? An anthropological-ethical framework for understanding and dealing with sexuality in dementia care,VABB-1,377,387,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384547,,An Ethics of Relationality: Destabilising the Exclusionary Frame of Us versus Them,VABB-4,85,97,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384548,,Wat kan een wijsgerige ethiek met theologale deugden?,VABB-1,101,120,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384550,,Nietzsches „Redlichkeit“. Das siebte Hauptstück: „unsere Tugenden“,VABB-4,147,165,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:384552,,"Power, Peace and the Political: Arendt’s Alternative to Perpetual Peace",VABB-1,57,68,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384553,,Samenleven gebeurt in het publiek. Analyse van een fundament van de samenleving,VABB-1,17,24,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384554,,"Power, Justice, and National Culture in an Expanding European Union: An Unjust Dilemma for Potential Member States",VABB-1,353,364,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384557,,Spinoza's True Religion: The Modern Origins of a Contemporary Floating Signifier,VABB-1,41,59,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384558,,Tussen secularisme en theologie: Repliek,VABB-1,155,165,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384561,,Sprachengerechtigkeit für Europa und die Welt,VABB-2,,,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:384562,,Building Collective Identities: How New Social Movements Try to Overcome Post-politics,VABB-1,136,148,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384564,,"Schopenhauer, zelfmoord en pessimisme",VABB-1,307,330,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:384567,,Social Justice Beyond the Nation-State: Liberal Nationalism in Multinational Contexts,VABB-1,82,109,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384568,,Contingency and reason. Some Habermasian reflections on a-legality,VABB-1,981,992,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384569,,Worse than Death: The Non-Preservationist Foundations of Hobbes's Moral Philosophy,VABB-1,148,170,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384570,,Justice and responsibility in health care: an introduction,VABB-4,1,25,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384574,,Individual Environmental Duties: Questions from an Institution-Oriented Perspective,VABB-1,20,23,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384575,,Kicking against the pricks: vaccine skeptics have a different social orientation,VABB-1,310,314,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384579,,Mounier and Landsberg on the Person as Citizen. The Political Theory of the Early Esprit Movement,VABB-1,487,510,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384584,,Authentic Development and Responsibility in Economics,VABB-4,53,75,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384585,,Penser la justice distributive globale,VABB-4,187,215,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:384586,,Symposium: Hoe nu verder? Over de politieke theorie in Nederland en Vlaanderen,VABB-1,529,541,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384587,,The relevance of the philosophical 'mind-body problem' for the status of psychosomatic medicine: a conceptual analysis of the biopsychosocial model,VABB-1,201,213,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384588,,Interventionism and Supervenience: A New Problem and Provisional Solution,VABB-1,185,202,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384589,,Je bent ziek als de dokter het zegt. Over ziek zijn als institutioneel feit,VABB-1,67,71,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384590,,R.S. Peters' Comprehensive Theory of Moral Education,VABB-1,11,27,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384593,,Logische geometrie en pragmatiek,VABB-4,553,564,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:384595,,Two for the Knowledge Goal of Inquiry,VABB-1,227,232,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384596,,Logical and Geometrical Complementarities between Aristotelian Diagrams,VABB-4,246,260,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384597,,Epistemology extended,VABB-1,230,252,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384598,,Subjective probabilities need not be sharp,VABB-1,1273,1286,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384599,,No Justification for Lottery Losers,VABB-1,205,217,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384601,,Mathematical Symbols as Epistemic Actions,VABB-1,3,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384603,,Ockham on the (In)fallibility of Intuitive Cognition,VABB-1,193,209,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384605,,The Power and Limits of Philosophy of Education,VABB-1,54,64,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384609,,How To Motivate Anti-Luck Virtue Epistemology,VABB-1,211,225,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384611,,Agreeing to Disagree in Probabilistic Dynamic Epistemic Logic,VABB-1,409,438,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384612,,Developing the Incentivized Action View of Institutional Reality,VABB-1,1813,1830,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384613,,Unreflective Epistemology,VABB-1,411,422,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384614,,The Truth about Accuracy,VABB-4,213,229,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384616,,Logic and Probabilistic Update,VABB-4,381,404,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384617,,"Peters, R. S.",VABB-4,602,606,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384618,,The Relationship between Aristotelian and Hasse Diagrams,VABB-4,213,227,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384619,,Extended Cognition and Robust Virtue Epistemology: Response to Vaesen,VABB-1,729,732,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384620,,Knowledge and Approximate Knowledge,VABB-1,1129,1150,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384621,,"'Buiten de taal treden', wat zou dat kunnen betekenen?",VABB-4,539,552,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384622,,Phenomenalist dogmatist experientialism and the distinctiveness problem,VABB-1,1549,1566,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384623,,The imago Dei: Evolutionary and Theological Perspectives,VABB-1,95,100,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:384624,,Searlean Reflections on Sacred Mountains,VABB-4,33,51,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384625,,"Knowledge, Understanding, and Virtue",VABB-4,347,360,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384626,,"Transmission Failure, AGM-style",VABB-1,383,398,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384627,,Homofobie en vooroordeel: een wetenschapsfilosofische evaluatie van recent sociaalpsychologisch onderzoek naar homonegativiteit,VABB-1,105,113,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384629,,Uitgeleide: Van behandelen naar handelen in de jeugdzorg,VABB-1,79,86,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:384640,,"Education in Turmoil ... Developments in Belgian Catholic education in the face of National Socialism, 1940s",VABB-1,26,42,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384642,,"Translating at the Court. Bartholomew of Messina and Cultural Life at the Court of Manfred, King of Sicily",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384643,,"Fate, Providence and Moral Responsibility in Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Thought. Studies in Honour of Carlos Steel",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384644,,Reading Aristotle at the University of Louvain in the Fifteenth Century: A First Survey of Petrus de Rivo's Commentaries on Aristotle (I),VABB-1,133,176,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384647,,Gregory of Rimini on the Intension and Remission of Corporeal Forms,VABB-1,273,330,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384648,,Maarten van Dorp (1485-1525) and the teaching of logic at the University of Leuven,VABB-1,225,246,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384649,,La doctrine aristotélicienne de la providence divine selon Thomas d’Aquin,VABB-4,495,515,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384653,,Providence in Averroes,VABB-4,455,472,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384654,,Large-scale evaluation of common variation in regulatory T cell-related genes and ovarian cancer outcome,VABB-1,332,340,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384656,,The Forms of Likeness and Unlikeness in Proclus,VABB-1,1,37,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384658,,Dante al concilio di Costanza,VABB-1,11,28,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:384659,,Plutarch and the Stoics,VABB-4,88,103,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384660,,Political Philosophy,VABB-4,631,648,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384661,,"Vernacular, Politics and Medieval Thought: A few notes on a recent volume",VABB-1,456,467,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384662,,Il Convivio: Dantes radikaler Neuanfang im Exil,VABB-1,282,287,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:384663,,Elements and elemental properties in Timaeus Locrus,VABB-1,154,206,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384664,,Ascent of the Soul and Grades of Freedom. Neoplatonic Theurgy between Ritual and Philosophy,VABB-4,253,266,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384667,,Een lingua franca als voorwaarde voor mondiale rechtvaardigheid? Over Philippe Van Parijs en taalkundige rechtvaardigheid,VABB-1,555,577,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:384668,,Éléments avicenniens dans le livre al-Maqṣad d’al-Ghazālī,VABB-1,91,103,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384670,,A Mereological Construal of the Primary Notions Being and Thing in Avicenna and Aquinas,VABB-1,335,360,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384671,,True Colours: the Medieval Latin Translations of De Coloribus,VABB-4,165,201,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384673,,"The Late-Medieval Reception of Durand's Sentences Commentary, with Two Case Studies: Peter Auriol (†1322) and Nicholas of Dinkelsbühl (†1433)",VABB-4,295,341,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384674,,The Middle Platonic Doctrine of Conditional Fate,VABB-4,137,167,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384676,,"Entre philosophie et philologie: Le ""Vigilia in Somnium Scipionis"" (1520) de Juan Luis Vivès",VABB-4,77,87,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384677,,"Bartholomew of Messina, Translator at the Court of Manfred, King of Sicily",VABB-4,11,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384678,,Mental Words and Mental Language In the Later Middle Ages,VABB-4,379,399,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384679,,"Syrianus, Proclus, and Damascius",VABB-4,626,642,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384683,,Politieke theorie en de Europese Unie: Het braakliggend terrein van het normatief programma,VABB-1,481,510,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384684,,What about Providence in the Best of All Possible Worlds? Avicenna and Leibniz,VABB-4,441,454,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384685,,La Providence selon le “Livre de la réprimande adressée de l’âme” attribué à Hermès Trismégiste. Un document néoplatonicien arabe oublié,VABB-4,421,439,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384687,,Henry of Ghent on Fatalism and Naturalism,VABB-4,591,603,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384689,,Maximus Confessor and Eriugena on the concept of Place,VABB-4,291,318,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384693,,Human nature and moral responsibility in the work of Juan Luis Vives,VABB-4,639,652,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384694,,"Fate, Providence and Moral Responsibility. An Introduction",VABB-4,9,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384695,,"The Space of Time. A sensualist interpretation of time in Augustine, Confessions X to XII",VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384696,,Aristotle and the Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience,VABB-1,213,230,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384697,,"William of Moerbeke, translator of Proclus",VABB-4,247,263,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384698,,A survey of Thomas's Explicit Quotations of Avicenna in the Summa contra Gentiles,VABB-1,289,308,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:384699,,"Un manuscrit d'Aristoteles Latinus à la National Diet Library, Tokyo, Japon",VABB-1,3,18,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:384700,,"Perception and the Vis Cogitativa: A Thomistic Analysis of Aspectual, Actional, and Affectional Percepts",VABB-1,397,437,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384701,,The Fate of Providence and Plato’s World Soul in Aristotle,VABB-4,59,73,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384702,,Facilius sit Nili Caput Invenire: Towards an Attribution and Reconstruction of the Aristotelian Treatise De inundatione Nili,VABB-4,303,329,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:384704,,Smart policies or sheer luck ? Labour market resilience in the low countries,VABB-1,492,513,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384715,,"Varieties of market competition in public employment services: A comparison of the emergence and evolution of the new system in Australia, the Netherlands and Belgium",VABB-1,149,168,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384720,,"The First World War, Philosophy, and Europe",VABB-1,715,737,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384722,,Taking a Transcendental Stance: Anti-Representationalism and Direct Realism in Kant and Husserl,VABB-4,79,92,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384724,,Sabina Spielrein: Kinderpsychiater avant la lettre,VABB-1,106,113,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384725,,Grenzprobleme der Phänomenologie. Analysen des Unbewusstseins und der Instinkte. Metaphysik. Späte Ethik (Texte aus dem Nachlass 1908 – 1937),VABB-2,,,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:384726,,'Ginds is het donker': beschouwingen bij een fenomenologisch-filosofisch project. In gesprek met Rudolf Boehm.,VABB-1,1,20,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384728,,Pierre Klossowski reads Sade theologically. Modernity and salvation,VABB-1,174,182,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384729,,The Secret according to Heidegger and 'The Purloined Letter' by Poe,VABB-1,353,371,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384730,,Penser ce que nous ne pouvons pas nous représenter,VABB-1,19,33,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384737,,Towards a Phenomenological Analysis of Virtual Fictions,VABB-1,91,112,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384738,,Konstitution des Sozialen oder soziale Konstitution? Gemeinschaftshabitualität als Voraussetzung und Grenze sozialer Erfahrung,VABB-1,301,317,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:384739,,L'impardonnable chez Jankélévitch,VABB-1,421,433,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384741,,"Freud with Szondi and Schotte: On Melancholia, Epilepsy, and the Death Instinct",VABB-1,269,280,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384744,,The Limits of Conceptual Thinking,VABB-1,219,241,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384745,,Imagination. Phenomenological Approaches,VABB-4,430,434,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384746,,Die Eigenheit der ‘Bildnerei der Geisteskranken’,VABB-4,11,31,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:384747,,No Ethics without Resistance. How Lacan Understands Moral Sensibility,VABB-1,309,324,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384749,,Ikonen sind Reliquien,VABB-4,51,68,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:384750,,Intieme rebellie. Pascal over de onmacht van de mens,VABB-1,503,525,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:384753,,The Inhuman Core of Human Dignity: Levinas and Beyond,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384757,,Drives as Original Facticity,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384758,,Enduring Nature,VABB-4,109,124,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384759,,Was ist deutsche Philosophie?,VABB-4,13,27,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:384760,,Een kleine genealogie van de doodsdrift: Autopsie van een voetnoot in 'Aan gene zijde van het lustprincipe',VABB-1,23,36,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384761,,Freud's doodsdrift: Metapsychologie en kliniek,VABB-1,97,108,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384762,,Not just Free but Flesh. Simone de Beauvoir’s Existentialist Approach to Sade’s Life and Work,VABB-1,162,174,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384763,,Hylomorphism and the Metabolic Closure Conception of Life,VABB-1,499,525,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384764,,"Anarchy of Sense. Husserl in Deleuze, Deleuze in Husserl",VABB-1,49,69,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384766,,Compassionate Love: Bearing Transcendence,VABB-1,55,72,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384767,,Paradoxes in the Care of Older People in the Community: Walking a Tightrope,VABB-1,39,56,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384769,,L' action proactive comme moyen de lutte contre la sous-protection sociale. Une exploration des concepts et du contexte politique actuel,VABB-1,1,43,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384771,,Co-Operative Innovations in China and the West,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384772,,Praktijken van de OCMW's inzake de maatschappelijke integratie inzake cliënten van buitenlandse herkomst of nationaliteit,VABB-4,209,225,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384774,,Proactief handelen als middel in de strijd tegen sociale onderbescherming. Een verkenning van de concepten en de huidige beleidscontext,VABB-1,1,44,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384775,,"“This Truth That I Say to You, Well, You See It in Myself”: On research as education | As philosophy | As a way of life",VABB-4,83,95,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384776,,An atlas of academic practice in digital times,VABB-1,116,143,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384777,,Laughter as Immanent Life-affirmation Reconsidering the Educational value of Laughter through a Bakthinian lense,VABB-1,148,161,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384778,,On the composition of academic work in digital times,VABB-1,89,106,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384780,,Governing through feedback: From national orientation towards global positioning,VABB-4,155,171,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384782,,Returning to the question of emancipation. The emancipatory potential of Vocational Education and Training (VET),VABB-1,275,289,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384784,,A human being is a human being is a human being. The issue of migration in Europe and the responses of adult education,VABB-1,145,148,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384785,,'Se nos hace creer que se trata de nuestra libertad' : notas sobre la ironía del dispositivo de aprendizaje,VABB-1,93,102,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:384786,,Onderwijs voor kinderen op de vlucht: Een analyse van de huidige beleidsvoering vanuit een psychosociaal perspectief,VABB-1,140,151,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384789,,"Figures of disengagement: Charles Taylor, scientific parenting, and the paradox of late modernity",VABB-1,607,625,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384790,,De architectuur van de leeromgeving/ een 'school' zonder 'ziel'? /The architecture of the learning environment/a 'school' without a 'soul' ?,VABB-1,6,13,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384791,,Study and non-study related technologies use of Flemish students in higher education,VABB-4,84,104,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384795,,Education as a response to sustainability issues,VABB-1,221,236,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384796,,The mediating role of stigmatization in the mental health of adolescent victims of sexual violence in Eastern Congo,VABB-1,1139,1146,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384797,,Understanding education and educational research,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384800,,Revisiting the democratic paradox of environmental and sustainability education: sustainability issues as matters of concern,VABB-1,806,826,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:384801,,"Afterword: The pedagogue and/or the philosopher, An excercise in thinking together: a dialogue with Jan Masschelein",VABB-4,90,113,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384805,,Education in/for non-violence: Messages for believers and non-believers. A response to Hanan Alexander and Yusef Waghid,VABB-1,79,83,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384806,,"The family as ""gathering"": How the life of an object ""makes"" a family",VABB-1,722,740,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384807,,A kind of spiral thinking: Philosophy of education through the eyes of a fellow traveller,VABB-4,213,226,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384808,,The design(s) of educational research: Description and interpretation,VABB-4,67,76,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384811,,The pursuit of truth(s) in educational research,VABB-4,51,60,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384812,,Publish yet perish. On the pitfalls of philosophy in an age of impact factors,VABB-1,647,666,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384813,,The Tractarian template in the representation of educational research: Can we ever depart from the picture of logical empiricism ?,VABB-4,97,144,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384816,,Epilogue,VABB-4,919,923,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384817,,How do Flemish children solve ‘Greek’ word problems? On children’s quantitative analogical reasoning in mathematically neutral word problems,VABB-1,57,74,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384820,,Probabilistic thinking: Analyses from a psychological perspective,VABB-4,123,126,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384822,,An innovative perspective on learning and teaching in higher education in the 21st century,VABB-1,8,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384823,,“That sounds Greek to me!” Primary children's additive and proportional responses to unreadable word problems,VABB-5,361,368,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384825,,Interactive whiteboards in mathematics teaching: a literature review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384827,,Mathematical problem solving,VABB-4,113,124,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384829,,Improving students’ representational flexibility in linear-function problems: an intervention,VABB-1,763,786,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:384830,,The impact of illustrations and warnings on solving mathematical word problems realistically,VABB-1,103,120,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384831,,How multiple external representations can help or constrain learning in science,VABB-1,411,423,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384832,,Towards the solution of abysmal performance in mathematics in junior high schools: Comparing the pedagogical potential of two designed interventions,VABB-1,763,784,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384833,,The development of critical thinking in professional and academic bachelor programmes,VABB-1,42,51,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384834,,Making sense of word problems: the effect of rewording and dyadic interaction,VABB-5,201,208,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384836,,Do students confuse dimensionality and “directionality”?,VABB-1,166,176,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384837,,Development of children’s solutions of non-standard arithmetic word problem solving,VABB-1,93,123,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384839,,"Betrokken, voorbeeldig, proactief: ICT-integratie in de lerarenopleiding",VABB-1,19,23,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384840,,En wat als … kritisch reflecteren niet vanzelfsprekend is?,VABB-1,45,56,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384842,,Do first graders make efficient use of external number representations? The case of the twenty-frame,VABB-1,353,373,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384844,,Bridging learning theories and technology-enhanced environments: A critical appraisal of its history,VABB-4,3,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384845,,Students’ overreliance on linearity in economic thinking: An exploratory study at the tertiary level,VABB-1,111,121,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384846,,Further evidence for a spatial-numerical association in children before formal schooling,VABB-1,323,329,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384847,,Mathematics education,VABB-4,553,563,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384848,,Handbook of research on educational communications and technology,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384849,,Tool use of experienced learners in computer-based learning environments: Can tools be beneficial?,VABB-1,26,42,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384850,,Investigating the distinctive role of the Interactive Whiteboards for mathematics teaching,VABB-5,306,316,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384851,,Integrated care pathways for airway diseases (AIRWAYS-ICPs),VABB-1,304,23,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384852,,Word problems as exercises in realistic mathematical modeling in the elementary school [Plenary lecture],VABB-5,1,23,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384853,,Processing of situational information in story problem texts. An analysis from on-line measures,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384855,,Multiple Interruptions. Creative Encounters as Public Pedagogy?,VABB-1,313,327,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384856,,Adult and Community Education in Complex Societies. Reconsidering Critical Perspectives,VABB-1,821,831,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384857,,Van heemkunde tot creativiteit: het traject van Felix Heidendal voor en na de Tweede Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,6,29,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:384858,,"Intercultural therapy and the limitations of a cultural competency framework: About cultural differences, universalities and the unresolvable tensions between them",VABB-1,3,20,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384860,,The Greek Rendering of Hebrew Hapax Legomena in LXX Proverbs and Job: A Clue to the Question of a Single Translator?,VABB-4,133,150,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384861,,ἀντιτάσσομαι in LXX Hos 1.6. Its Label of 'Lexical Error' Reconsidered,VABB-1,145,156,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384862,,Notes on Readings of Three 4Q200 (4QTobit e) Fragments,VABB-1,447,451,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384863,,Puns Within the Context of Name Explanations in MT and LXX Exodus,VABB-4,215,233,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384864,,"Lovely Wordplay in Canticles 8,6a",VABB-1,261,264,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384867,,Identifying personality subtypes based on the Five Factor Model dimensions in male prisoners: Implications for psychopathy and criminal offending,VABB-1,41,58,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384868,,"Editorial, Special Issue in honour of Professor Susan Nolen-Hoeksema",VABB-1,224,228,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384871,,Sense of Coherence and Pain Experience in Older Age,VABB-1,123,133,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384873,,Over hete hangijzers... of de perceptie van enkele thema's uit de kerkelijke leer over het gezin bij pastoraal geëngageerden in Vlaanderen. Resultaten van een empirisch onderzoek,VABB-1,209,228,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384874,,Unholy Questions About Five Central Tenets of Psychoanalysis That Need To Be Empirically Verified,VABB-1,5,23,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:384879,,Assessing mentalising in attachment contexts,VABB-4,210,226,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384880,,Social cognition and levels of personality organization in patients with somatoform disorders: A case control study,VABB-1,217,223,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384881,,Effectiveness of psychotherapy for severe somatoform disorder: meta-analysis,VABB-1,12,19,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384883,,Age neutrality of the Young Schema Questionnaire in patients with a substance use disorder,VABB-1,1317,1326,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384884,,Het woud der verwachtingen,VABB-1,49,53,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384885,,The role of Dependency and Self-Criticism in the relationship between anger and depression,VABB-1,921,925,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384889,,Behavioral Interventions in Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Across Multiple Outcome Domains,VABB-1,835,847,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384893,,Fetal outcome after prenatal exposure to chemotherapy and mechanisms of teratogenicity compared to alcohol and smoking,VABB-1,1653,65,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384894,,When or why does perfectionism translate into eating disorder pathology? A longitudinal examination of the moderating and mediating role of body dissatisfaction,VABB-1,412,418,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384895,,Why are we interested in attachments?,VABB-4,31,48,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384896,,Characteristics of suicide hotspots on the Belgian railway network,VABB-1,274,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384897,,"Is compulsive buying related to materialism, depression or temperament? Findings from a sample of treatment seeking patients with compulsive buying",VABB-1,103,107,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384898,,Langetermijneffecten bij kinderen behandeld voor een hersentumor: literatuuroverzicht en retrospectieve studie,VABB-1,45,57,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384899,,The Course of Postpartum Depression: A Review of Longitudinal Studies,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384900,,Vulnerability for Functional Somatic Disorders: A contemporary psychodynamic approach,VABB-1,250,262,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384901,,Depression in Chronic Physical Illness,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384902,,"Emotional availability (EA): Theoretical background, empirical research using the EA scales, and clinical implications",VABB-1,114,167,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384903,,"Introduction: ""After You"" and the Asymmetric Reciprocity of Pastoral Counselling",VABB-4,9,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384904,,Parental reflective functioning is associated with tolerance of infant distress but not general distress: Evidence for a specific relationship using a simulated baby paradigm,VABB-1,635,641,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:384905,,Day hospital Mentalization-based treatment versus intensive outpatient Mentalization-based treatment for patients with severe borderline personality disorder: protocol of a multicentre randomized clinical trial,VABB-1,301,301,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384906,,Frozen shoulder and the Big Five personality traits,VABB-1,221,6,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:384907,,Self-Critical Perfectionism Predicts Outcome in Multidisciplinary Treatment for Chronic Pain,VABB-1,309,314,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384908,,Day Hospital Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT-DH) versus treatment as usual in the treatment of severe borderline personality disorder: Protocol of a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,149,149,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384909,,"Parental Personality, Stress Generation, and Infant Temperament in Emergent Parent-Child Relationships: Evidence for a Moderated Mediation Model",VABB-1,270,291,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384911,,A pilot study of the efficacy of a computerized Executive Functioning remediation training with game elements for children with ADHD in an outpatient setting: Outcome on parent and teacher-rated executive functioning and ADHD behavior,VABB-1,699,712,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384912,,The emerging evidence for long-term psychodynamic therapy,VABB-1,361,384,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384914,,Wachsende Entfremdung? Zur Perzeption des Familienlebens und der kirchlichen Lehre bei pastoralen MitarbeiterInnen und Ehrenambtlichen in der Katholischen Kirche in Flandern,VABB-1,124,137,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:384915,,Mentalising in attachment contexts,VABB-4,107,126,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384916,,Feasibility of Mentalization-based Treatment for adolescents with borderline symptoms: A pilot study,VABB-1,159,166,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384918,,Clinical psychology,VABB-4,392,399,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:384920,,Publishing metadata of geospatial indicators as Linked Open Data: a policy-oriented approach,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384921,,Eerstelijnwerkers en het versmoorde ruimtelijke debat. Casus De Coninckplein Antwerpen,VABB-1,61,81,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384922,,Syn- to late-orogenic quartz veins marking a retrograde deformation path in a slate belt: Examples from the High-Ardenne slate belt (Belgium),VABB-1,43,58,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384924,,Student satisfaction and performance in relation to software-independent tutorials of GI S&T,VABB-1,251,268,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384925,,Alkali metal and rare earth element evolution of rock-forming minerals from the Gatumba area pegmatites (Rwanda): Quantitative assessment of crystal-melt fractionation in the regional zonation of pegmatite groups,VABB-1,349,374,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384926,,"Regional significance of non-cylindrical folding in the northwestern part of the High- Ardenne slate belt (Redu-Daverdisse, Belgium)",VABB-1,252,267,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384927,,The Mousny massive quartz occurrence – the vestige of a late-orogenic dilational jog in the High-Ardenne slate belt (Belgium),VABB-1,293,310,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384930,,"Analysis of Constructivist, Network-Based Discourses: Concepts, Prospects, and Illustrations",VABB-4,19,42,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384931,,Advancing Research on Loyalty Programs: A Future Research Agenda,VABB-1,127,139,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:384932,,Public opinion on doping in cycling: differences among population groups,VABB-4,247,268,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384933,,Sociaal-economisch dharma: geschiedenis van het economisch denken in India en China,VABB-2,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384937,,"Technology Familiarity, Recombinant Novelty and Breakthrough Invention",VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384938,,Kautilya versus Thiruvalluvar. Inspiration from Indian Ancient Classics for Ethics in Governance and Management,VABB-5,1,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384940,,Wages in the Indian Bureaucracy. Can Kautilya’s Arthasashtra Provide an Answer?,VABB-1,16,39,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384941,,Multi-product exporters and the margins of trade,VABB-1,142,157,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384942,,Entry and access to competencies abroad: Emerging market firms versus advanced market firms,VABB-1,137,152,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384943,,"Impact of Outward Foreign Direct Investment Promotion Policy: Evidence from Newly Industrialized, Emerging, and Developing Asian Economies",VABB-4,281,302,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384945,,Una hoja de ruta para integrar las TIC en el desarrollo de la expresión escrita: recursos y resultados,VABB-1,101,115,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:384950,,Vrač iz Rossii v Bel’gijskom Kongo: Jakov Švec,VABB-1,107,118,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384953,,Vrač iz Rossii v Bel’gijskom Kongo: Pjotr Dylëv,VABB-1,76,87,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384954,,Vrač iz Rossii v Bel’gijskom Kongo: Nikolaj Denisov,VABB-1,101,111,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384958,,Zijn pachtbrieven formulieren? Het formulaire karakter van pachtcontracten uit het Leuvense schepenarchief,VABB-4,479,498,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384960,,TermWise: A CAT-tool with Context-Sensitive Terminological Support,VABB-5,4018,4022,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384962,,Translation technologies: Challenging new tasks and competences for translators,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384963,,Translating legal and administrative language: How to deal with legal terms and their flexible meaning potential,VABB-1,96,146,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384965,,Evaluation de la traduction : la méthode PIE (Preselected Items Evaluation),VABB-1,232,250,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384966,,Automatic Term Extraction,VABB-4,199,219,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384967,,Language planning and domain dynamics: Challenges in term creation,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384968,,Intensional definitions,VABB-4,60,81,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384970,,"Analyse de ""Vers l'intégration des TIC dans l'enseignement des langues""",VABB-1,1,13,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384971,,The effects of repetition and time of post-test administration on EFL learners’ form recall of single words and collocations,VABB-1,75,94,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384972,,TIC et enseignement: la situation en Belgique néerlandophone,VABB-1,2,7,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:384975,,"Linguistic analysis of face-to-face interviews with patients with an explicit request for euthanasia, their closest relatives, and their attending physicians: The use of modal verbs in Dutch",VABB-1,324,331,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384978,,Keys for reader response to written healthcare communication: A contrastive study of English and translated German patient information leaflets (PILs),VABB-1,11,45,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384980,,Vertrouwen in de oncoloog? Analyse van consultaties in een palliatief zorgtraject,VABB-4,653,665,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:384981,,We is more than you plus I: The interpretation of we-forms in internal business communications,VABB-1,227,249,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384983,,Towards a dialogic construction grammar: A corpus-based approach to ad hoc routines and resonance activation,VABB-1,457,495,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384986,,Orality and authenticity in an interpreter-mediated defendant’s examination: A case study from the Belgian Assize Court,VABB-1,49,80,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384989,,"Learning styles, motivation and cognitive flexibility in interpreter training: Self-selection and aptitude",VABB-4,33,54,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:384990,,Der Sprachmittler in der Altenbetreuung in der Flämischen Provinz Limburg. Ein Beispiel (nicht) Gelungener Integration?,VABB-1,213,228,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:384992,,Evidence-based prehospital management of severe traumatic brain injury: a comparative analysis of current clinical practice guidelines,VABB-1,265,273,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384994,,"Knowing what to expect, forecasting monthly emergency department visits: A time-series analysis",VABB-1,112,115,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384995,,"Preparedness of Belgian civil hospitals for chemical, biological, radiation, and nuclear incidents: are we there yet?",VABB-1,296,300,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384996,,The European Society for Emergency Medicine is 20 years old,VABB-1,323,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:384999,,An adapted approach to identify evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for prehospital management of traumatic brain injury,VABB-1,265,273,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385000,,Pharmacokinetic changes after placement of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt,VABB-1,377,378,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385001,,Antidotes for cyanide poisoning : author's reply,VABB-1,66,67,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385002,,"Belgian senior medical students and disaster medicine, a real disaster?",VABB-1,77,78,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385003,,The Swine Flu Emergency Department: The Relationship Between Media Attention for the Swine Flu and Registrations in an Emergency Medicine Unit,VABB-1,141,145,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385004,,Knowledge Structuring in Translation Studies,VABB-1,22,26,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385005,,"Translation as an Instrument of Empire: The Southern Netherlands as a Translation Center of the Spanish Empire, 1500-1700",VABB-1,113,127,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385008,,Nationale beeldvorming. Een conformistisch trekje bij Cyriel Buysse,VABB-1,151,162,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385009,,How Eurocentric is Europe?,VABB-4,43,59,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385011,,Translation Studies looking back and looking forward. A discipline’s meta-reflection,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385014,,Let's talk politics: Introduction,VABB-4,3,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385015,,"Il Sessantotto sullo schermo: memoria, generazione e identità",VABB-1,1,10,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:385016,,Stefano Benni e la voracità musicale: dalle composizioni jazz all’Italian pop,VABB-1,71,79,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385017,,Television narratives of the Italian migrant worker: Disaster stories of sacrifice and redemption,VABB-1,183,199,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385018,,La trasmissione della memoria del G8 2001: due percorsi grafici dell'irruzione nella Diaz-Pertini-Pascoli,VABB-1,207,219,,lat,2014,2 c:vabb:385019,,Author and translator,VABB-4,12,19,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385021,,Op het snijvlak van medioneerlandistiek en vertaalwetenschap: een voorstel voor een nieuwe benadering van de Brabantse vertaling van de Roman de la Rose,VABB-1,140,154,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:385022,,Spreken over vertaling. Michel Foucaults L'ordre du discours in het Nederlands,VABB-1,41,45,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:385024,,Hybrid voices in the borderlands: Translation and reconstruction of Mexican images in Rudolfo Anaya,VABB-1,61,69,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385027,,Poes en nog eens poes?,VABB-1,35,40,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385028,,Using The Concept of Genre To Frame Translational Practices,VABB-1,26,30,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:385030,,Een hoge vlucht - Spaans satirisch proza in de Republiek,VABB-1,53,63,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385032,,Let's talk politics: New essays on deliberative rhetoric,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385034,,The Known Unknowns of Translation Studies,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385036,,Inleiding bij 'Hervertaling als ruimte van de vertaling' / Hervertaling als ruimte van de vertaling (Vertaling van Antoine Berman La retraduction comme espace de la traduction),VABB-1,25,29,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385038,,Dimensions in major depressive disorder and their relevance for treatment outcome,VABB-1,35,41,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385040,,Dr Spaans and Colleagues Reply,VABB-1,777,778,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385041,,Reflections of Older Adults on the Process Preceding Their Suicide Attempt: A Qualitative Approach,VABB-1,612,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385042,,The role of common mental and physical disorders in days out of role in the Iraqi general population: results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,23,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385043,,Effects of immediate and delayed loading on peri-implant trabecular structures: a cone-beam CT evaluation,VABB-1,873,883,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385046,,A complex Xp11.22 deletion in a patient with syndromic autism: Exploration of FAM120C as a positional candidate gene for autism,VABB-1,3035,41,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385048,,Neural correlates of body and face perception following bilateral destruction of the primary visual cortices,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385049,,Affective Scenes Influence Fear Perception of Individual Body Expressions,VABB-1,492,502,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385050,,Longitudinal Assessment of Chemotherapy-induced Alterations in Brain Activation during Multitasking and Its Relation with Cognitive Complaints,VABB-1,2031,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385051,,Stigma rond schizofrenie en autisme in de Vlaamse dagbladen,VABB-1,365,374,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385052,,The one and the many: effects of the cell adhesion molecule pathway on neuropsychological function in psychosis,VABB-1,2177,2187,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385053,,"Identifying gene-environment interactions in schizophrenia: contemporary challenges for integrated, large-scale investigations",VABB-1,729,736,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385058,,Frequency of use of QT-interval prolonging drugs in psychiatry in Belgium,VABB-1,757,65,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385059,,Disruptive CHD8 Mutations Define a Subtype of Autism Early in Development,VABB-1,263,76,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385060,,Barriers to mental health treatment: results from the WHO World Mental Health surveys,VABB-1,1303,1317,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385063,,EPA Guidance on tobacco dependence and strategies for smoking cessation in people with mental illness,VABB-1,65,82,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385064,,Changes in cerebral CB1 receptor availability after acute and chronic alcohol abuse and monitored abstinence,VABB-1,2822,2831,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385067,,A comparative analysis of role attainment and impairment in binge-eating disorder and bulimia nervosa: results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385068,,Mood and anxiety disorders across the adult lifespan: a European perspective,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385069,,No association between genetic or epigenetic variation in insulin growth factors and antipsychotic-induced metabolic disturbances in a cross-sectional sample,VABB-1,951,962,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385070,,The paediatric psychiatric emergency population in a university teaching hospital in Belgium (2003-2008),VABB-1,384,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385072,,Association between mental disorders and subsequent adult onset asthma,VABB-1,179,88,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385073,,Managing the Adverse Effects of Antidepressants,VABB-1,21,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385075,,A systematic review of physical therapy interventions for patients with anorexia and bulemia nervosa,VABB-1,628,634,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385076,,Diabetes risk potentially underestimated in youth and children receiving antipsychotics,VABB-1,209,210,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385080,,Irreversibele monoamine-oxidase inhibitoren bij depressieve stoornissen: (anti)maoïsme in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,651,659,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385081,,Common variant at 16p11.2 conferring risk of psychosis,VABB-1,108,114,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385084,,ECT: Its Brain Enabling Effects. A review of electroconvulsive therapy-induced structural brain plasticity,VABB-1,143,151,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385085,,Rare mutations in SQSTM1 modify susceptibility to frontotemporal lobar degeneration,VABB-1,397,410,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385086,,Comorbidity of common mental disorders with cancer and their treatment gap: findings from the World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385087,,Face identity matching is influenced by emotions conveyed by face and body,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385088,,The effects of novel and newly approved antipsychotics on serum prolactin levels: a comprehensive review,VABB-1,421,453,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385090,,Managing antidepressant side effects: practical tips and guidance,VABB-1,21,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385091,,Somatic problems and dual diagnosis patients,VABB-4,349,362,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385096,,Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and diabetes mellitus: a role for impulse control disorders and depression,VABB-1,699,709,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:385097,,Elektroconvulsietherapie in de behandeling van maligne antipsychoticasyndroom,VABB-1,612,615,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385098,,Epigenetic effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy,VABB-1,152,159,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385101,,Associations between mental disorders and subsequent onset of hypertension,VABB-1,142,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385103,,Does the child behavior checklist predict levels of preoperative anxiety at anesthetic induction and postoperative emergence delirium? A prospective cohort study,VABB-1,145,156,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:385104,,Presurgical CBCT assessment of maxillary neurovascularization in relation to maxillary sinus augmentation procedures and posterior implant placement,VABB-1,915,924,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385105,,Eyeing visual pathways in dyslexia - Response,VABB-1,524,524,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385106,,[Confusional arousal: a rare cause of self-injurious behaviour],VABB-1,118,122,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385108,,Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and subsequent self-reported diagnosis of cancer,VABB-1,207,12,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:385109,,Emotions by Ear and by Eye,VABB-4,253,268,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385110,,Is ECT safe in the presence of an intracranial metallic object? Case report and review of the literature,VABB-1,231,238,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385111,,Transformations et transmissions du fonctionnement psychique : approche intégrative et implications cliniques,VABB-1,389,404,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:385112,,Reproducibility and robustness of graph measures of the associative-semantic network,VABB-1,e115215,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385114,,Factors Influencing Depression Endpoints Research (FINDER) Results from the Belgian subgroup analysis,VABB-1,19,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385115,,The link between corporate environmental performance and corporate value: A literature review,VABB-1,343,374,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385116,,Why do firms save cash from cash flows? Evidence from firm-level estimation of cash-cash flow sensitivities,VABB-1,1125,1156,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385117,,Why do private non-profit organizations provide information on the internet?,VABB-1,69,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385118,,Financing Choices of Insurance Companies: A Summary of the Literature,VABB-1,286,307,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385119,,Cash holdings and business group membership,VABB-1,316,323,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385122,,Transfer Pricing: insights from the empirical accounting literature,VABB-4,14,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385123,,Subjective Performance Measurement: A Literature Review,VABB-1,308,342,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385125,,La pseudo-traduction chez Nancy Huston : vers une poétique de l’absence,VABB-1,463,477,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385126,,Over de negentiende-eeuwse Belgische en Franse vertalingen van Consciences verhalend proza,VABB-1,249,272,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:385128,,Vers une historiographie des politiques des traductions en Belgique durant la période française,VABB-1,3,31,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:385129,,"Weak associations between structural changes on MRI and symptoms, function and muscle strength in relation to knee osteoarthritis",VABB-1,2013,2025,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385131,,Gait assessment during the initial fitting of customized selective laser sintering ankle foot orthoses in subjects with drop foot,VABB-1,132,138,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385132,,Prospective randomized comparative study on V-Y and pants-over-vest capsulorraphy in chevron and scarf osteotomy,VABB-1,280,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385133,,Vibration training for upper body: transmission of platform vibrations through cables,VABB-1,1065,1071,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385136,,Elevated c-reactive protein is associated with lower increase in knee muscle strength in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a two-year follow up study in the Amsterdam Osteoarthritis (AMS-OA) cohort,VABB-1,R123,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385140,,Management of ear keloids using custom-molded pressure clips: a preliminary study,VABB-1,259,266,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385143,,Non-invasive quantification of subtalar joint kinematics: a pilot investigation,VABB-1,103,109,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385145,,Implementation of a quality improvement initiative in Belgian diabetic foot clinics: feasibility and initial results,VABB-1,435,443,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385147,,How reliable are lower limb kinematics and kinetics during a drop vertical jump?,VABB-1,678,685,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385148,,Response inhibition during avoidance of virtual obstacles while walking,VABB-1,641,4,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385149,,Age effects on mediolateral balance control,VABB-1,e110757,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385151,,Effects of intensive whole body vibration training on muscle strength and balance in adults with chronic stroke: A randomized controlled pilot study,VABB-1,439,446,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385152,,The effect of a backrest and seatpan inclination on sitting discomfort and trunk muscle activation in subjects with extension-related low back pain,VABB-1,733,743,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385153,,Development of quality indicators for an integrated approach of knee osteoarthritis,VABB-1,1155,62,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385154,,"Perceptions of sitting posture among members of the community, both with and without non-specific chronic low back pain",VABB-1,551,556,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385159,,New Light on Conrad Rein’s Missa super Kyrie paschale,VABB-1,146,164,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385163,,Journal of the Alamire Foundation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385164,,Anonymity and Ascription in the Alamire Manuscripts,VABB-1,247,281,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385166,,"""Evolutie maar geen revolutie"". Kanttekeningen bij de discussietekst ""Inhoudelijke vernieuwing deeltijds kunstonderwijs - 2de nota""",VABB-1,363,368,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385167,,Journal of the Alamire Foundation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385168,,Mozart als Gegenstand postmoderner Kritik. Das Wiederholungskonzept in Bernhard Langs I hate Mozart (2006),VABB-1,5,25,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:385170,,Music Theory - and Analysis,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385176,,Surprise Without a Cause? ‘False Recapitulations’ in the Classical Repertoire and the Modern Paradigm of Sonata Form,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385177,,"Partimento, Waer bestu bleven? Partimento in the European Classroom: Pedagogical Considerations and Perspectives",VABB-1,146,169,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385178,,Journal of the Alamire Foundation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385180,,Journal of the Alamire Foundation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385182,,Territorios desterritorializados: imaginarios de la Ciudad de México en Jordi Soler,VABB-1,,,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:385187,,"Romancier, symphoniste, sculpteur : les noms d’humains créateurs d’objets idéaux",VABB-5,3075,3089,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:385188,,Podcasting in a virtual English for academic purposes course: learner motivation,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385192,,Literatuursignalementen 2013-2014,VABB-1,429,451,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385194,,De seculiere en historische collectie van de Parkbibliotheek,VABB-4,74,83,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385197,,De moord op Willem I en de Broederoorlog: hoe Nederland zich in 1830 van België afscheurde,VABB-4,29,61,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385198,,"Geleerdheid, identiteit en (een beetje) genootschappelijkheid. De Société d’Emulation, 1839-1914",VABB-1,269,293,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385199,,"Singing, drinking, snitching. Victor Capart: a socialist in the French-Belgian border region at the turn of the century",VABB-1,62,82,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385204,,"From the French Antilles to the Caribbean: ""Translation"" within the Francophone Realm",VABB-4,19,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385205,,Translation policy in the media: a study of television programs in the province of Kurdistan,VABB-1,71,98,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385206,,Simultaneous interpreting and working memory executive control,VABB-1,139,168,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385213,,What about translation? Beyond Persianization as the language policy in Iran,VABB-1,263,287,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385214,,Introduction Multilingualism at the cinema and on stage: A translation perspective,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385216,,"Transferring the city – Transgressing borders.Translation, bilingual writing and selftranslation in Antwerp (1850-1930)",VABB-1,133,151,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385217,,Establishing joint orientation towards commercial objects in a self-service store: How practices of categorisation matter,VABB-4,271,294,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385218,,Inleiding,VABB-4,5,8,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385219,,Negotiating meaning and co-constructing institutionalisable answers: Leadership through gate-keeping in performance appraisal interviews,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385220,,The discursive management of identity in interviews with female former colonials of the Belgian Congo: Scrutinizing the role of the interviewer,VABB-1,131,155,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385221,,Reorganizing Mobile Formations: When “Guided” Participants Initiate Reorientations in Guided Tours,VABB-1,157,175,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385222,,Een verkenning van de pragmatische functies van directe rede in narratieven,VABB-4,683,695,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385223,,Pour une étude synchronique des noms propres. Les noms de lieux et les descriptions spatiales dans les échanges oraux,VABB-5,345,359,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:385224,,Zur französischen Übersetzung der deutschen Modalpartikel doch: eine satztypübergreifende Analyse,VABB-1,85,110,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:385225,,A Discourse Analytical Perspective on the Professionalization of the Performance Appraisal Interview,VABB-1,159,182,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385226,,"Oui, il y a des particules de démodulation en français",VABB-1,1,36,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:385227,,Positioning oneself in relation to larger collectivities in expatriates' workplace narratives,VABB-1,386,407,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385228,,Patroon en argument. Een dubbelfeestbundel bij het emeritaat van William Van Belle en Joop van der Horst,VABB-3,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385229,,On the use of ‘we’ in Flemish World War II interviews,VABB-4,309,330,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385230,,A satellite cell-specific knockout of the androgen receptor reveals myostatin as a direct androgen target in skeletal muscle,VABB-1,2979,2994,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385231,,‘Fracture incidence after 3 years of aromatase inhibitor therapy’,VABB-1,1665,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385233,,Farmacologische behandeling in het woonzorgcentrum: rationeel gebruik van zes medicatiegroepen,VABB-1,11,17,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385235,,Sex steroid actions in male bone,VABB-1,906,60,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385237,,Remission over 3 years in patients with Paget disease of bone treated with a single intravenous infusion of 5 mg zoledronic acid,VABB-1,311,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385238,,Bariatric surgery: give more weight to bone loss,VABB-1,g6189,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385239,,Treatment of osteoporotic vertebral fractures,VABB-1,641,2,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385240,,Vitamin D supplements with or without calcium to prevent fractures,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385241,,Androgens and estrogens in skeletal sexual dimorphism,VABB-1,213,222,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385242,,"Prevalence of frailty and its ability to predict in hospital delirium, falls, and 6-month mortality in hospitalized older patients",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385243,,Automatische Impedantie Manometrie (AIM): objectieve diagnostiek van oro-faryngale dysfagie,VABB-1,290,299,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385244,,International Society of Geriatric Oncology Consensus on Geriatric Assessment in Older Patients With Cancer,VABB-1,2595,+,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385245,,"Association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D and parathyroid hormone with mortality among middle-aged and older European men",VABB-1,528,535,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385246,,Multicenter implementation of geriatric assessment in Belgian patients with cancer: A survey on treating physicians' general experiences and expectations,VABB-1,431,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385247,,"Higher 25(OH)D2 Is Associated With Lower 25(OH)D3 and 1,25(OH)2D3",VABB-1,2736,2744,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385248,,"Epidemiology and outcome of invasive pneumococcal disease among adults in Belgium, 2009-2011",VABB-1,14,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385249,,Periodontitis: bad medicine?,VABB-1,g3219,g3219,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385250,,Low Prolactin Is Associated with Sexual Dysfunction and Psychological or Metabolic Disturbances in Middle-Aged and Elderly Men: The European Male Aging Study (EMAS),VABB-1,240,253,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385251,,CHOLINESTERASE INHIBITORS FOR ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND THE HEART: AN UPDATE,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385252,,Genetic determinants of heel bone properties: genome-wide association meta-analysis and replication in the GEFOS/GENOMOS consortium,VABB-1,3054,3068,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385254,,Iron deficiency anemia and anemia of chronic disease in geriatric hospitalized patients: How frequent are comorbidities as an additional explanation for the anemia ?,VABB-1,931,935,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:385255,,Development and validation of the RASP list (Rationalization of Home Medication by an Adjusted STOPP list in Older Patients): A novel tool in the management of geriatric polypharmacy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385256,,Presbyfagie: de invloed van het primair verouderingsproces op de slikfunctie,VABB-1,261,272,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385257,,Translating Resurrection: The Debate between William Tyndale and George Joye in Its Historical and Theological Context,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385258,,Les rapports avec l'Ecriture dans les textes araméens trouvés à Qumrân,VABB-4,19,40,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:385261,,The Elijah-Elisha Narrative in the Composition of Luke,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385262,,Christ and the Empire - An Appetizer,VABB-4,9,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385263,,"A Pillar of Cloud to Guide. Text-Critical, Redactional, and Linguistic Perspectives on the Old Testament in Honour of Marc Vervenne",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385264,,By Way of Epilogue: Looking Back at the Healing of Naaman and the Healing of the Centurion's Slave - in Response to John Shelton,VABB-4,153,160,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385266,,Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the Scriptures,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385267,,Unity after Fragmentation,VABB-1,495,500,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385268,,A Partial Reedition of 4Q26a (4QLeviticus/e): A New Fragment and a Reinterpretation,VABB-1,234,239,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385269,,Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the Scriptures,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385270,,Faithful Creativity Torn Between Freedom and Literalness in the Septuagint’s Translations,VABB-1,53,69,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385271,,"""Ihr habt weder seine Stimme gehört noch seine Gestalt gesehen"" (Joh 5,37). Anti-Judaismus und johanneische Christologie",VABB-4,165,188,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:385273,,Galatians 3:10-14 in the Light of Qumran,VABB-4,51,67,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385274,,"Identification of the So-Called Genesis Apocryphon from Masada (Mas 1m, MasapocrGen or MasAdmonFlood)",VABB-1,439,446,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385275,,Q 13:34-35. Evaluations,VABB-4,163,167,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385276,,Studies in the Gospel of John and its Christology: Festschrift Gilbert Van Belle,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385277,,Christ and the Emperor. The Gospel Evidence,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385278,,A New Look at מבט,VABB-4,569,579,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385279,,Historical Origins of the Early Christian Concept of the Holy Spirit: Perspectives from the Dead Sea Scrolls,VABB-4,167,240,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385280,,A Jewish King in Egypt? A Note on the So-Called History of Joseph,VABB-4,449,461,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385283,,"""For He Gives the Spirit Without Measure"" (John 3:34). The Fourth Gospel in the Midst of Trinitarian Hermeneutics",VABB-4,201,228,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385285,,The Qumran Jubilees Manuscripts as Evidence for the Literary Growth of the Book,VABB-1,579,594,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385286,,Marc Vervenne: A Scientific Bibliography,VABB-4,19,27,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385287,,"A Good Way to End a Gospel? A Note in the Margin of John 21,25",VABB-4,567,593,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385289,,Singing of Love in Many Ways. A Sketch of Canticles’ Text Material Demonstrating Biblical Textual Pluriformity,VABB-1,63,77,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385290,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385291,,Reactions to Empire: Sacred Texts in their Socio-Political Contexts,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385293,,"The Devil in Person, the Devil in Disguise: Looking for King Sennacherib in Early Christian Literature",VABB-4,389,431,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385294,,PAM 43.668 Frag. 4 Identified as a 4Q397 (4QMMTd) Fragment,VABB-1,455,459,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:385296,,Finding the “True Place” of God: Comments on the Temple Scene in the Gospel of John,VABB-4,71,88,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385298,,A Preparatory Study of Nomenclature and Text Designation in the Dead Sea Scrolls,VABB-1,305,325,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385300,,"""Palpable Darkness”. The Meaning of Exod 10,21-29 in the Literary Context of the Plague Narrative and the Cultural-Historical Background of the Ancient Near East",VABB-4,155,175,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385301,,Love as That Which Binds Everything Together? The Unity of 2 Corinthians Revisited in Light of agap-Terminology,VABB-4,11,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385302,,The God of Knowledge: Qumran Reflections on Divine Prescience Based on 1 Sam 2:3,VABB-1,361,374,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385303,,Introduction,VABB-4,15,26,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385305,,Selecting and Analyzing Metaphors in the Hebrew Bible: Cognitive Linguistics and the Literary,VABB-4,39,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385308,,Body and Bible: Biblical Revelation as Symbolic Event,VABB-4,315,342,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385309,,Provoked to Speech. Biblical Hermeneutics as Conversation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385310,,Wisdom of Life as Way of Life. The Wisdom of Jesus Sirach as a Case in Point,VABB-1,444,471,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385311,,P. Oxy. 840 and the Rites of Christian Initiation: Dating a Piece of Alleged Anti-Sacramentalistic Polemic,VABB-1,117,124,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385313,,Nat Turner's Rebellion as a Process of Conversion: Towards a Deeper Understanding of the Christian Conversion Process,VABB-1,230,250,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385314,,"Index Religiosus. International Bibliography of Theology, Church History and Religious Studies",VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385316,,The Idea of Ecclesiae renovatio in the Second Vatican Council: A Reflection on Lumen Gentium and Unitatis Redintegratio,VABB-4,247,263,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385323,,Biblical referential sources as employed by the translator when creating a translation parallel text of the Qur’an,VABB-1,11,60,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385327,,Exploring New Questions for Theological Anthropology,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385330,,Het engelmotief in romans van Iris Murdoch en Karl Ove Knausgard,VABB-1,147,163,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385331,,Orthodoxy in the Postmodern Context,VABB-1,82,91,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385334,,Lyotard and Theology: Beyond the Christian Master Narrative of Love,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385335,,"Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus, sed extra mundum nulla damnatio: Reappropriating Christ’s Descent into Hell for Theology of Religions",VABB-1,107,132,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385339,,Creating Co-Creators? The Human Factor in Education,VABB-1,157,170,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385340,,Edward Schillebeeckx in de hedendaagse theologie,VABB-1,398,409,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385341,,A Community of Love? On the Invisibility of Love and the Church,VABB-5,73,82,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385343,,"Gilbert Van Belle: A Life in, with and for His Discipline and Faculty",VABB-4,17,25,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385346,,"Nostis qui in schola Christi eruditi estis, Iacob ipsum esse Israel. Sermo 122, In Iohannis euangelium tractatus 7 and the Donatist and Pelagian Controversies",VABB-1,186,209,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:385348,,Theology after the Hermeneutical Turn: Francis Schüssler Fiorenza and the Contemporary Prospects of Transcendental Theology,VABB-1,485,514,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385350,,De harmonieuze samenwerking van concilievaders en waarnemers bij de redactie van het decreet over de eenheid 50 jaar geleden,VABB-1,401,427,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:385352,,La ortodoxia en el contexto posmoderno. La interrupción de la pretensión de verdad del cristianismo,VABB-1,83,96,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:385354,,Dusty shells surrounding the carbon variables S Scuti and RT Capricorni,VABB-1,69,82,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385355,,"Theology on the Margins and at the Crossroads: Theology, Church, University and Society",VABB-1,361,378,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385356,,The Sacramental Nature and Mission of the Church in Lumen Gentium,VABB-1,348,361,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385360,,Wo stehen wir heute? Eine theologische Analyse der gegenwärtigen religiös pluralen Lage,VABB-4,35,49,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:385364,,Orthodoxie in de Postmoderne. Die Infragestellung des christlichen Wahrheitsanspruchs,VABB-1,169,179,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:385365,,The Turn to God as a Sign of the Times: New Directions in Research on Edward Schillebeeckx,VABB-1,377,388,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385366,,"Views of Doctrine: Historical Consciousness, Asymptotic Notional Clarity, and the Challenge of Hermeneutics as Ontology",VABB-1,327,363,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385368,,Is There Such a Thing as A Neo-Augustinian Response to Religious Diversity? A Comparison of John Milbank and Joseph Ratzinger,VABB-1,224,252,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385369,,Was liegt heute prospektiv für Theologie und Kirche in ökumenischer Hinsicht an?,VABB-4,238,254,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:385370,,The Possible Advantage of Doctrinal Growth: Revisiting Newman's Understanding of Development,VABB-1,32,44,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385372,,The Daily Eucharist at the Council as Stimulus and Test Case for Liturgical Reform,VABB-1,28,51,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385373,,Judaism/Christianity,VABB-4,149,152,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385374,,"Theological Truth, Difference and Plurality: Towards a Contextual European Theology of Interruption",VABB-4,63,83,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385378,,Questioning the Human: Toward a Theological Anthropology for the Twenty-First Century,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385380,,Theology in the Academy. Interdisciplinarity and the Challenges of Religious Studies,VABB-1,247,256,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385382,,‘Dat jullie dan als God zullen zijn’: Erfzonde en ideologiekritiek,VABB-1,350,363,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385383,,"Yves Congar, ""Extra Ecclesiam"" and the Identity of the Church",VABB-1,179,194,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:385385,,Why organisations (do not) evaluate? Explaining evaluation activity through the lens of configurational comparative methods,VABB-1,348,367,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385386,,De impact van de fiscale crisis op de federale overheid,VABB-1,51,68,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385389,,Policy Response to Global Warming: Science or Regulation?,VABB-1,32,39,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385390,,The logics of performance management,VABB-1,346,363,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385394,,"Conclusion: understanding the reasons for the differences in importance, quantity and quality of SCS training",VABB-4,337,347,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385396,,Beleidsevaluaties tussen methode en praktijk: Naar een meer realistische evaluatiebenadering,VABB-1,260,267,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385399,,Introduction: Understanding the role and context of senior civil servant training,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385400,,"Using financial management techniques within public sector organizations, does result control matter? A heterogeneous choice approach",VABB-1,202,222,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385402,,Development of Local Spatial Data Infrastructure in Croatia,VABB-1,221,234,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385406,,Vertrouwen tussen partners in de strafrechtsketen. Naar een 'New Public Governance',VABB-1,58,69,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385407,,Explaining organisational variety in evaluation quality assurance. Which conditions matter?,VABB-1,363,375,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385408,,Winst of verlies: invloed eurosceptici in Brussel blijft miniem,VABB-1,24,28,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385410,,Coordinating Integrated Youth Care across Sectors,VABB-4,129,140,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385411,,The development of European political foundations and their role in strengthening Europarties,VABB-1,86,104,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385412,,Belgium,VABB-4,137,152,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385413,,Efficiëntiewinsten in de lokale besturen,VABB-1,15,29,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385414,,Tussen politieke partijen en think tanks: Een verkennende analyse van de Vlaamse partijstudiediensten,VABB-1,293,316,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385415,,"Verkiezingen, partijen en overheidsfinanciering: de financiële gevolgen van de verkiezingen van 25 mei 2014",VABB-1,428,437,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385419,,Beleidsadvisering bij de Vlaamse Overheid,VABB-1,63,84,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385421,,Beleidsevaluaties tussen methode en praktijk: naar een meer realistische evaluatiebenadering,VABB-1,260,267,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385422,,Nieuwe regels voor de toegang tot de bevolkingsregisters,VABB-1,268,281,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385423,,The impact of Buildings and Apartments Registration un Economic Development of Kosovo,VABB-5,1,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385424,,Building Trust: Communication and subordinate trust in public organization,VABB-1,158,179,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385427,,Studying interorganizational trust in public administration: a conceptual and analytical framework for 'administrational trust',VABB-1,577,604,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385429,,Consensus politics as administrative practice: the Europeanization of external advice seeking?,VABB-4,114,133,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385433,,A stakeholder-based assessment framework applied to evaluate development scenarios for the spatial data infrastructure for Flanders,VABB-1,45,56,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385435,,Eurosceptici: onmacht door verdeeldheid?,VABB-1,394,401,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385436,,Leadership and Culture. Comparative models of top civil servant training,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385442,,A cross-cutting Program for Coherence: Flanders in Action,VABB-4,117,128,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385444,,Benchmarking local public libraries using non-parametric frontier methods: A case study of Flanders,VABB-1,211,224,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385445,,Hervormingskoorts: de bestuurlijke organisatie van de Vlaamse administratie,VABB-1,31,44,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385447,,Explaining Public Service Motivation The Role of Leadership and Basic Needs Satisfaction,VABB-1,153,173,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385449,,Future fertility in low fertility countries,VABB-4,39,146,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385464,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385465,,What are the driving forces behind trends in inequality among pensioners? Validating MIDAS Belgium using a stylized model,VABB-4,287,304,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385466,,Combining EUROMOD and LIAM Tools for the development of dynamic cross-sectional microssimulation models: a sneak preview,VABB-4,203,216,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385470,,Introduction : making health care innovation work: standardization and localization in global health,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385471,,Dynamic Models,VABB-4,305,343,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385472,,Interviewer Effects on Latent Constructs in Survey Research,VABB-1,433,458,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385476,,De strijd tegen dakloosheid in Europa en Vlaanderen,VABB-4,143,159,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385481,,"Rivalry, solidarity, and longevity among siblings: A life course approach to the impact of sibship composition and birth order on later life mortality risk, Antwerp (1846–1920)",VABB-1,1167,1198,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385482,,"Task-based voice: teamworking, autonomy and performance",VABB-4,298,309,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385484,,Vulnerable care. The Debate on Euthanasia for Decisionally-competent Minors in Flanders and the Netherlands,VABB-1,479,512,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385487,,New Pathways in Microsimulation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385488,,"Popular Deservingness of the Unemployed in the Context of Welfare State Policies, Economic Conditions and Cultural Climate",VABB-4,244,268,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385489,,"Access to Marriage and Reproduction among Migrants in Antwerp and Stockholm. A Longitudinal Approach to Processes of Social Inclusion and Exclusion, 1846-1926",VABB-1,29,52,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385491,,From fraternité to mixité. Notes on how Gender Matters to the Secular,VABB-4,257,279,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385497,,Perceived magnitude of unemployment: A dark horse in the literature on public attitudes towards governmental responsibilities to the unemployed,VABB-1,27,49,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385498,,Gelukkig in het elektronisch panopticon?,VABB-1,174,187,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:385499,,"De muntslag van de stad Roermond, 1486-1489",VABB-1,52,57,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385500,,When “sperm” becomes “donor”: Transitions in parents’ views of the sperm donor,VABB-1,269,277,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385501,,"Nationalism and the Cohesive Society. A MultiLevel Analysis of the Interplay between Diversity, National Identity, and Social Capital across 27 European Societies",VABB-1,153,181,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385504,,The Link between Inequality and Population Health in Low and Middle Income Countries: Policy Myth or Social Reality?,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385505,,"Do attitudes towards the integration of immigrants change over time? A comparative study of natives, second-generation immigrants and foreign-born residents in Luxembourg",VABB-1,135,157,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385506,,De signaalfunctie en structureel sociaal werk,VABB-1,26,43,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385507,,Evaluating the impact of response enhancement methods on the risk of nonresponse bias and survey costs,VABB-1,67,80,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385509,,The mid-twentieth century Baby Boom and the changing educational gradient in Belgian cohort fertility,VABB-1,925,962,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385510,,Does Compliance to Patient Safety Tasks Improve and Sustain when Radiotherapy Treatment Processes are Standardized?,VABB-1,459,465,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385511,,"Schooling, Violent Conflict and Gender in Burundi",VABB-1,384,411,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385512,,Employment practices in multinationals in Belgium,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385514,,The preferred role and perceived performance of the welfare state: European welfare attitudes from a multi-dimensional perspective,VABB-1,200,210,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385515,,Advertising Real Beer: Authenticity Claims beyond Truth and Falsity.,VABB-1,585,601,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385519,,Streitkultur and the governance of genetic testing and insurance in Germany,VABB-1,42,59,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:385526,,Multinational corporations as political players,VABB-1,171,182,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385530,,Measuring Post-Divorce Living Arrangements: Theoretical and Empirical Validation of the Residential Calendar,VABB-1,125,145,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385531,,What determines inclusion in the early phase of the type 2 diabetes care trajectory in Belgium?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385536,,Making Global Health Care Innovation Work. Standardization and Localization,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385546,,Quantitative methods with survey data in comparative research,VABB-4,264,300,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385547,,"Early life conditions, partnership histories, and mortality risk for Swedish men and women born 1915-1929",VABB-1,60,67,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385552,,Towards a comprehensive research design for studying integrated care,VABB-1,105,115,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385553,,Measurement Equivalence in Cross-National Research,VABB-1,55,75,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385554,,Evaluating Mode Effects in Mixed-Mode Survey Data Using Covariate Adjustment Models,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385555,,A procedure to Assess Interviewer Effects on Nonresponse Bias,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385556,,Frequenter contact met ouders bij volwassen mannen en vrouwen na echtscheiding,VABB-1,1,23,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385557,,"Understanding varieties of flexibility and security in multinationals: Product markets, institutions variation and local bargaining",VABB-1,5,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:385558,,Estimating the contribution of mothers of foreign origin to total fertility: The recent recovery of period fertility in the Belgian region of Flanders,VABB-1,361,376,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385562,,"Trust in American Government: Longitudinal Measurement Equivalence in the ANES, 1964–2008",VABB-1,741,758,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385563,,"Handling management ideas: Gatekeeping, editors and professional magazines",VABB-1,470,484,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385565,,Family Resources as Mediators in the Relation between Divorce and Children's School Engagement,VABB-1,564,579,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385566,,‘Of course he’s our child’: transitions in social parenthood in donor sperm recipient families,VABB-1,106,115,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385567,,"The effects of family type, family relationships and parental role models on delinquency and alcohol use among Flemish adolescents",VABB-1,128,143,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385568,,Sociologie en levensbeschouwing: De onttovering van de wereld en de blinde vlek van de sociologie,VABB-1,107,114,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385571,,Joint Physical Custody and Adolescents' Subjective Well-being: A Personality × Environment Interaction,VABB-1,346,356,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385572,,Meetequivalentie in internationaal vergelijkend onderzoek,VABB-1,261,281,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385576,,The Importance of Organizational Level Decision Latitude for Well-being and Organizational Commitment,VABB-1,307,327,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385577,,Measuring gender equality in family decision making in Latin America: a key towards understanding changing family configurations,VABB-1,47,73,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385578,,Il lavoro precario e le strutture sindacali. Le strategie adottate dai sindacati italiani e spagnoli,VABB-1,161,198,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:385582,,"The World Population Explosion: Causes, Backgrounds and Projections for the Future",VABB-1,281,291,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385583,,Exposure to HIV/AIDS-related media content and HIV testing intention: applying the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction,VABB-1,144,164,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:385584,,"Sexting, mobile porn use and peer group dynamics: Boys' and girls' self-perceived popularity, need for popularity, and perceived peer pressure",VABB-1,6,33,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385585,,The three-step process of self-objectification: Potential implications for adolescents’ body consciousness during sexual activity,VABB-1,77,80,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385586,,Composition and role of convergent technological repertoires in audiovisual media consumption,VABB-1,844,858,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385588,,"Predicting adolescents’ smoking status: The role of music television viewing, gender, and school year",VABB-1,69,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385590,,Putting young children in front of the television: Antecedents and outcomes of parents’ use of television as a babysitter,VABB-1,57,74,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385591,,The role of television in adolescents' sexual attitudes: Exploring the explanatory value of the three-step self-objectification process,VABB-1,19,35,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385592,,Student acceptance of tablet devices in secondary education: A three-wave longitudinal cross-lagged case study,VABB-1,278,286,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385593,,Television and risk behavior: Contemporary perspectives,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385594,,Prevalence and predictors of text-based and visually explicit cybersex among adolescents,VABB-1,43,65,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385595,,The relative persuasiveness of gain- vs. loss-framed HIV testing message: Evidence from a field experiment in Northwest Ethiopia,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385597,,"Compulsive Use of Social Networking Sites in Belgium: Prevalence, Profile, and the Role of Attitude Toward Work and School",VABB-1,166,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385598,,"Internet Skills, Sources of Support, and Benefiting From Internet Use",VABB-1,278,290,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385599,,Sexually oriented television viewing and adolescents’ attitude toward uncommitted sexual exploration: The moderating role of sensation seeking and gender,VABB-1,183,200,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385600,,The role of communication inequality in mediating the impacts of socioecological and socioeconomic disparities on HIV/AIDS knowledge and risk perception,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385602,,The role of socio-spatial context in the habit-goal interface of audiovisual media consumption,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385603,,Effect of Media Use on HIV-related Stigma in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cross-Sectional Study,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385604,,"Neuroticism, extraversion, perceived social support and escape television viewing as determinants of psychological distress in crime victims",VABB-1,249,267,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385605,,Media use and the process-based model for police cooperation: an integrative approach toward explaining adolescents’ intentions to cooperate with the police,VABB-1,344,365,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385607,,Mobile Learning in Secondary Education: Teachers' and Students' Perceptions And Acceptance Of Tablet Computers,VABB-1,26,40,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385608,,"Party Members as an Electoral Linking Mechanism. An Election Forecasting Model for Political Parties in Belgium, 1981-2010",VABB-1,368,380,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385610,,The influence of the Big 5 personality traits on young people’s political consumer behavior,VABB-1,342,352,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385611,,How to reach Members of Parliament? Citizens and Members of Parliament on the Effectiveness of Political Participation Repertoires,VABB-1,536,560,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385612,,It takes time. The long-term effects of gender quota,VABB-1,143,159,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385613,,The Intergenerational Transmission of Environmental Concern: The Influence of Parents and Communication Patterns within the Family,VABB-1,77,90,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385614,,Préferences locales et préférences nationales. Une analyse de l'écart potentiel entre le vote aux communales et le vote aux élections fédérales,VABB-4,51,67,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:385616,,Nihil novi sub sole? De historische wortels van het naoorlogse Vlaams-nationalisme en hun invloed op de hedendaagse politiek,VABB-1,95,110,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385621,,Labour Market Participation and Immigrants’ Acculturation,VABB-4,12,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385623,,Defining political participation: How to pinpoint an elusive target?,VABB-1,338,341,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385625,,Les élections communales du 14 octobre 2012. Tendances générales,VABB-4,7,26,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:385626,,Supporting Democracy: Political Participation and Political Attitudes. Exploring Causality Using Panel Data,VABB-1,153,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385627,,François Hollande: 'un président normal',VABB-1,1,4,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:385628,,Les femmes et le vote. Les électrices votent-elles systématiquement pour des femmes?,VABB-4,107,124,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:385629,,The parent-child similarity in cross-group friendship and anti-immigrant prejudice: A study among 15-year adolescents and both their parents in Belgium,VABB-1,46,55,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385630,,Loyauté partisane et volatilité lors des élections locales,VABB-4,27,49,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:385631,,Partisan Dealignment in Germany: A Rejoinder to Russell Dalton,VABB-1,145,155,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385633,,European identity and support for European integration: A matter of perceived economic benefits?,VABB-1,317,336,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385634,,The Intergenerational Transmission of European Identity: The Role of Gender and Discussion within Families,VABB-1,1103,1119,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385635,,Political Sophistication and Vote Intention Switching. The Timing of Electoral Volatility in the 2009 German Election Campaign,VABB-1,174,195,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385636,,"Macroeconomics, Economic Crisis and Electoral Outcomes: A National European Pool",VABB-1,372,394,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385637,,L’électeur local. Le comportement électoral au scrutin communal de 2012,VABB-3,,,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:385638,,The link between social attitudes and voting propensities: Attitude-vote consistency among adolescents in Belgium,VABB-1,81,93,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385639,,"The Future of Political Socialization Research: Promising or Discouraging? Politics, Culture and Socialization",VABB-1,133,145,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385640,,Onderzoek uitgelicht: De ideologische afstand tussen partijen. Een vergelijkende studie naar de overbrugde afstand bij partijwissels,VABB-1,408,411,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385643,,"Political Participation in European Countries. The effect of authoritarian rule, corruption, lack of good governance and economic downturn",VABB-1,209,232,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385644,,The domestication of digital games in the lives of older adults,VABB-1,1170,1186,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:385645,,Parental mediation of internet use and cultural values across Europe: Investigating the predictive power of the Hofstedian paradigm,VABB-1,389,414,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385647,,Een toekomst voor radioreclame. De visie van stakeholders in de Vlaamse radiosector,VABB-4,113,132,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385650,,The role of a favorable pre-crisis reputation in protecting organizations during crises,VABB-1,64,71,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:385651,,Van traditionele radioreclame naar crosschannel reclame: Wat is de meerwaarde?,VABB-4,133,147,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385653,,European Cinema after the Wall. Screening East-West Mobility,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385654,,Culture and Protest in Media Frames,VABB-4,75,90,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385655,,Community media : van een structureel naar een functioneel onderzoeksperspectief. Case: VRT-Radio,VABB-4,151,169,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385656,,Cross-continental Views on Journalistic Skills,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385657,,Impact of training on pharmacists’ counseling of patients starting antidepressant therapy,VABB-1,110,115,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385658,,It takes two to tango: The relationship between the press and celebrities in Belgium,VABB-1,423,437,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385659,,In Front of And Behind The Second Screen: Viewer and Producer Perspectives on a Companion App,VABB-5,95,102,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385662,,Text and Images,VABB-4,183,190,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385663,,Welke eurocrisis? Een vergelijkende analyse van de nieuwsverslaggeving in de Lage Landen,VABB-1,429,453,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385666,,Motivation Profiles of Online Poker Players and the Role of Interface Preferences: A Laddering Study among Amateur and (Semi-) Professionals,VABB-1,154,164,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385667,,Statistical errors and omissions in a trial of cognitive behavior techniques for psychosis: Commentary on Turkington et al,VABB-1,566,566,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385668,,Journalistic tools of the trade in Flanders: is there a fit between journalim education and professional practice?,VABB-4,6,23,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385670,,"Radio 2.0. Naar een interactieve, sociale en gepersonaliseerde radio-ervaring",VABB-4,207,226,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385671,,"""TV no longer commands our full attention"": Effects of second-screen viewing and task relevance on cognitive load and learning from news",VABB-1,100,109,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385673,,"Scientists in Belgian comics: Typology, chronology and origins",VABB-1,154,169,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385674,,Aspecten van journalistieke cultuur in Vlaanderen : audiovisuele journalisten vergeleken met journalisten van radio en van de schrijvende pers,VABB-4,97,111,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385675,,Cultural diversity policies in Europe: Between integration and security,VABB-1,231,245,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385676,,From the wizard to the doubter: Prototypes of scientists and engineers in fiction and non-fiction media aimed at Dutch children and teenagers,VABB-1,648,661,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385677,,Participatory Design for Serious Game Design: Truth and Lies,VABB-5,457,460,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385678,,Is een goede stem voldoende? Een competentieonderzoek bij Vlaamse radiojournalisten,VABB-4,77,96,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385681,,Applying the CHECk tool to Participatory Design Sessions with Children,VABB-5,253,256,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385682,,The euro crisis in metaphors and frames: Focus on the press in the Low Countries,VABB-1,608,617,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385683,,Including children with disabilities in the design process,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385685,,Participatory Design with People living with Cognitive or Sensory Impairments,VABB-5,49,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385686,,Designing Voice Interaction for People with Physical and Speech Impairments,VABB-5,217,226,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385687,,Life is music ... an adaptation : de beleving van radio in het leven van Vlamingen in een tijdperk van media-innovatie,VABB-4,39,56,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385688,,Evaluating the User experience of Tangible Interface Prototypes,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385694,,Video games as a hybrid cultural form,VABB-5,21,32,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385695,,Streekgebonden informatie in een geglobaliseerde samenleving. Hoe regionaal is regionaal radionieuws?,VABB-4,171,187,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385698,,Ways to avoid problematic situations and negative experiences: children's preventive measures online,VABB-1,261,282,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385700,,Keeping control: The importance of powerful nonverbal communication by organizational spokespersons in times of crisis,VABB-1,1160,1180,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385701,,"Breakthrough or One-Hit Wonder? Three Attempts to Replicate Single- Exposure Musical Conditioning Effects on Choice Behavior (Gorn, 1982)",VABB-1,179,186,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385705,,"Spot aan, knop uit? Vlamingen en attitudes ten aanzien van radioreclame",VABB-4,57,73,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385706,,From the East to the West and Back: Screening Mobility in Post-1989 European Cinema,VABB-4,7,23,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385707,,The Work and Its Surround,VABB-4,191,202,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385708,,"U luistert naar Radio : gebruik, functies en productie",VABB-3,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385711,,"Views on Children's Media Use in Indonesia: Parents, Children, and Teachers",VABB-1,322,339,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385712,,ALADIN: demo of a multimodal adaptive voice interface,VABB-5,1035,1038,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385714,,Radionieuws op maat van de luisteraar,VABB-4,189,205,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385718,,The BRICS and other Emerging Power Alliances and Multilateral Organizations in the Asia-Pacific and the Global South: Challenges for the European Union and its Views on Multilateralism,VABB-1,582,599,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385719,,Overcoming Statistics Anxiety: Towards the Incorporation of Quantitative Methods in Non-Methodological Courses,VABB-1,251,265,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385722,,The Romani perspective: experiences and acts of citizenship across Europe,VABB-4,477,486,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385723,,Too Afraid to Learn: Attitudes towards Statistics as a Barrier to Learning Statistics and to Acquiring Quantitative Skills,VABB-1,191,200,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385724,,De Euraziatische Economische Unie (EAEU) als nieuwe uitdager van de EU?,VABB-1,48,51,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385725,,The EU's Search for Effective Participation at the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council,VABB-4,15,32,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385726,,Cultural Capital and Attitudes toward Homosexuals: Exploring the Relation between Lifestyles and Homonegativity,VABB-1,962,979,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385727,,The EU and Effective Multilateralism: Internal and External Reform Practices,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385728,,The Eastern Partnership: civil society in between the European and domestic level: the case of Georgia,VABB-1,54,70,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385729,,Conclusion: the Compatibility of internal and External Reform,VABB-4,186,194,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385730,,Introduction: a Framework for Analysing Effective Multilateralism,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385731,,Lessons for the Practice and Analysis of EU Diplomacy from an 'Outside-in' Perspective,VABB-4,227,241,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385732,,The European Union and the Roma: An Analysis of Recent Institutional and Policy Developments,VABB-4,199,216,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385733,,Een kansloze minderheid in de marge? De sociaaleconomische en politieke positie van de Roma in Europa,VABB-1,57,71,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385734,,From indications to indicators: Measuring regional leadership in the UN context,VABB-1,S151,S171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385735,,The Foreign Policy of the European Union,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385739,,Economic evaluations of homeopathy: a review,VABB-1,157,174,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385740,,"The significant effect of endometriosis on physical, mental and social well-being: results from an international cross-sectional survey",VABB-1,2677,2685,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385745,,Drug substitution associated with a hospital stay in Belgium: a retrospective analysis of a claims database,VABB-1,105,111,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385747,,Hub and spoke collusion: some nagging questions asked by economists,VABB-1,164,168,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385750,,"Importers, exporters and exchange rate disconnect",VABB-1,1942,1978,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385752,,Platform pricing in matching markets,VABB-1,437,457,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385754,,"Integration, institutions and export specialization",VABB-4,163,178,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385756,,The audit committee: Management watchdog or personal friend of the CEO,VABB-1,113,145,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385763,,Time driven activity based costing for public services: A field study in Belgian swimming pools,VABB-1,289,296,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385764,,PCAOB inspecties van auditkantoren buiten de Verenigde Staten: Stand van zaken,VABB-1,31,34,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385768,,The Routledge companion to auditing,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385771,,An empirical analysis of legal insider trading in the Netherlands,VABB-1,71,103,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385772,,Earnings management in mergers and acquisitions: A review of the literature,VABB-1,230,259,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385773,,"The handbook of hybrid securities: Convertible bonds, CoCo bonds and bail-in",VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385774,,How do international operations affect the capital structure of multinationals: a review of the literature,VABB-1,100,114,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385775,,Financing decisions in newly privatized Chinese firms: Does a stock market quotation really provide discipline?,VABB-1,27,46,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385777,,The Handbook of Hybrid Securities,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385778,,Gender heterogeneity in the sell-side analyst recommendation issuing process,VABB-1,104,111,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385779,,Reserve-dependent benefits and costs in life and health insurance contracts,VABB-1,132,137,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385780,,A framework for robust measurement of implied correlation,VABB-1,39,52,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385781,,Mixed models,VABB-4,266,312,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385782,,Non-linear mixed models,VABB-4,566,601,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385783,,A multivariate depdence measure for aggregating risks,VABB-1,78,87,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385786,,Individual loss reserving using paid-incurred data,VABB-1,121,131,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385787,,Restraint use in home care: a qualitative study from a nursing perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385788,,Interleukin-6 predicts short-term global functional decline in the oldest old: results from the BELFRAIL study,VABB-1,9723,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385790,,"Antiviral activity, pharmacokinetics, and safety of the HIV-1 protease inhibitor TMC310911, coadministered with ritonavir in treatment-naive HIV-1-infected patients",VABB-1,283,289,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385791,,"The Intego database: background, methods and basic results of a Flemish general practice-based continuous morbidity registration project",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385792,,Moet de nieuwe niet-invasieve prenatale test voor het syndroom van Down worden terugbetaald?,VABB-1,776,779,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385794,,"The predictive value of the NICE ""red traffic lights"" in acutely ill children",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385795,,A Journey through mental health in primary Care in European Countries,VABB-5,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385797,,Social and behavioral risk factors for HIV infection among the wives of labor migrants in Nepal,VABB-1,793,799,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385798,,Multimorbidity patterns: a systematic review,VABB-1,254,266,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385799,,Sepsis and meningitis in hospitalized children: performance of clinical signs and their prediction rules in a case-control study,VABB-1,373,80,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385803,,Analytical accuracy and userfriendliness of the Afinion point-of-care CRP test,VABB-1,83,86,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385804,,"Optimizing antibiotic prescribing for acutely ill children in primary care (ERNIE2 study protocol, part B): a cluster randomized, factorial controlled trial evaluating the effect of a point-of-care C-reactive protein test and a brief intervention combined with written safety net advice",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385805,,Hysteroscopy for treating subfertility associated with suspected major uterine cavity abnormalities,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385806,,Detection of sleep apnea by case-finding and home monitoring with Somnolter®: a pilot study,VABB-1,616,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385809,,The glomerular filtration rate estimated by new and old equations as a predictor of important outcomes in elderly patients,VABB-1,27,34,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385810,,The Association of Common Variants in PCSK1 With Obesity: A HuGE Review and Meta-Analysis,VABB-1,1051,1065,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385811,,Significance of serum immune markers in identification of global functional impairment in the oldest old: cross-sectional results from the BELFRAIL study,VABB-1,457,467,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385812,,Focus groups to explore healthcare professionals' experiences of care coordination: towards a theoretical framework for the study of care coordination,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385816,,Verwijzing naar een diëtist bij patiënten met chronische nierinsufficiëntie: Waar gaat het mis?,VABB-1,5,9,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385817,,De Vlaamse huisarts anno 2013: op kruissnelheid naar verandering,VABB-1,657,665,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385818,,The relationship between physical performance and cardiac function in an elderly Russian cohort,VABB-1,554,61,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385820,,"Nurse-led telecoaching of people with type 2 diabetes in primary care: rationale, design and baseline data of a randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385821,,noodzakelijke dosisaanpassingen voor vaak gebruikte medicatie bij patiënten met een gedaalde nierfunctie: een poging om door de bomen het bos te zien,VABB-1,1279,1294,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385822,,Social capital and reported discrimination among people with depression in 15 European countries,VABB-1,1589,1598,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385823,,Anti-adhesion therapy following operative hysteroscopy for treating female subfertility (Protocol),VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385824,,The diagnostic accuracy of the MyDiagnostick to detect atrial fibrillation in primary care,VABB-1,113,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385825,,"Diagnosing serious infections in acutely ill children in ambulatory care (ERNIE 2 study protocol, part A): diagnostic accuracy of a clinical decision tree and added value of a point-of-care C-reactive protein test and oxygen saturation",VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385827,,Continuing care for patients with alcohol use disorders: A systematic review,VABB-1,9,21,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385828,,The risk of uterine rupture after myomectomy: a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis,VABB-1,197,206,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385830,,Twintig jaar accreditering van huisartsen in België: waar situeren we ons ten opzichte van andere Europese landen?,VABB-1,66,74,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385832,,Association between recent herpes zoster but not herpes simplex infection and subsequent risk of malignancy in women: a retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,1008,1017,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385833,,Quality assessment in surgery: where do we stand now and where should we be heading?,VABB-1,89,95,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385834,,Prediction of mortality and functional decline by changes in eGFR in the very elderly: the Leiden 85-plus study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385840,,No relation between CMV infection and mortality in the oldest old: results from the Belfrail study,VABB-1,130,135,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:385842,,COPD awareness survey: do Belgian pulmonary physicians comply with the GOLD guidelines 2010?,VABB-1,325,340,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385843,,"Muscle Strength and Physical Performance as Predictors of Mortality, Hospitalization, and Disability in the Oldest Old",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385844,,The objective structured clinical examination revisited for postgraduate trainees in general practice,VABB-1,45,50,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385849,,Accreditering vanuit het electronisch medisch dossier: naar een nieuw model?,VABB-1,75,81,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385850,,Anti-adhesion barrier gels following operative hysteroscopy for treating female infertility: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,113,127,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385852,,Prognostic value of circulating cytokines on overall survival and disease-free survival in cancer patients,VABB-1,297,306,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385854,,Points to consider for prioritizing clinical genetic testing services: a European consensus process oriented at accountability for reasonableness,VABB-1,729,735,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:385856,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2014/8, I v. Health Service Executive, 5 June 2014 (C-255/13)",VABB-1,418,422,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385857,,Written institutional ethics policies on euthanasia: an empirical-based organizational-ethical framework,VABB-1,215,228,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385858,,Benefit sharing: an exploration on the contextual discourse of a changing concept,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385859,,"ECJ 2012/11, Brain Products GmbH v. BioSemi VOF, et al, 22 November 2012 (C-219/11)",VABB-1,93,96,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:385860,,A review of the key issues associated with the commercialization of biobanks,VABB-1,94,110,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385863,,Food and fluid intake and palliative sedation in palliative care units: A longitudinal prospective study,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385864,,The challenge of implementing genetic tests with clinical utility while avoiding unsound applications,VABB-1,7,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385866,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2013/13, Skatteverket v. PFC Clinic AB, 21 March 2013 (C-91/12)",VABB-1,329,332,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385869,,Newspaper coverage of biobanks,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385871,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2014/6 Octapharma France SAS v. Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament et des Produits de Santé (ANSM), Ministère des Affaires Sociales et de la Santé, 13 March 2014 (C-512/12)",VABB-1,317,321,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:385872,,Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385873,,Scientific Misconduct: Also an Issue in Nursing Science?,VABB-1,271,280,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385874,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2014/1, IVD GmbH & Co. KG v. Arztekammer Westfalen-Lippe, 12 September 2013 (Case C-526/11)",VABB-1,108,118,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:385875,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2014/7, Nutricia NV v. Staatssecretaris van Financiën, 30 April 2014 (case C-267/13)",VABB-1,415,418,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385876,,The transposition of the directive on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare in national law by the member states: still a lot of effort to be made and questions to be answered,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385878,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2014/3 Alessandra Venturini v. ASL Varese and others (C-159/12), Maria Rosa Gramegna v. ASL Lodi and others (C-160/12) and Anna Muzzio v. ASL Pavia and others (C-161/12) of 5 December 2013",VABB-1,214,218,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385879,,Heterogeneity in European Research Integrity Guidance: Relying on Values or Norms?,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385880,,"Current issues in medically assisted reproduction and genetics in Europe: research, clinical practice, ethics, legal issues and policy†",VABB-1,1603,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385881,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2014/4 Susanne Sokoll-Seebacher v. Agnes Hemetsberger, successor to Susanna Zehetner, 13 February 2004 (C367/12)",VABB-1,218,224,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385882,,Is There a Right Time to Know? The Right Not to Know and Genetic Testing in Children,VABB-1,19,27,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385884,,"From Brute Luck to Option Luck? On Genetics, Justice & Moral Responsibility in Reproduction",VABB-5,55,83,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385888,,"ECJ 2013/XX, Fédération des maisons de repos privées de Belgique (Femarbel) ASBL v. Commission communautaire commune de Bruxelles-Capitale, 11 July 2013 (C-57/12)",VABB-1,499,504,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385893,,Access to Biobanks: Harmonization Across Biobank Initiatives,VABB-1,415,422,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385896,,"ECJ/ 2013/ 12 - European Commission v. Kingdom of Spain, 17 January 2013 (C-360/11)",VABB-1,221,225,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385898,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2014/2, BKK Mobil Oil Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts v. Zentrale zur Bekämpfung unlauteren Wettbewerbs eV, 3 October 2013 (Case C-59/12)",VABB-1,114,118,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:385900,,Attitudes of research participants and the general public towards genomic data sharing: a systematic literature review,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385904,,BELGIUM,VABB-4,5,214,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385905,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2014/5 Klinikum Dortmund gGmbH and Finanzamt Dortmund-West, 13 March 2014 (C-366/12)",VABB-1,313,317,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:385907,,De meerderjarige beschermde personen bekeken vanuit gezondheidsrechtelijke invalshoek,VABB-1,1083,1094,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385908,,Attitudes of health care professionals toward carrier screening for cystic fibrosis. A review of the literature,VABB-1,13,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385913,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2013/14, Eleftherios Themistoklis Nasiopoulos v. Ipourgos Igias kai Pronoias, 27 June 2013 (Case C-575/11)",VABB-1,439,443,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385915,,Nanoparticle release from dental composites,VABB-1,365,374,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385916,,"Philosophy of history, from social criticism to philosophy of science and back again",VABB-1,164,172,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:385917,,Soortgelijke stoornissen. Over nut en validiteit van classificatie in de psychiatrie,VABB-1,217,246,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:385918,,"The ""I cannot, but it can"" of aesthetic perception",VABB-4,295,310,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385920,,"The health and economic burden of haemophilia in Belgium: a rare, expensive and challenging disease",VABB-1,39,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385921,,"Metal exposure in schoolchildren and working children. A urinary biomonitoring study from Lahore, Pakistan",VABB-1,669,77,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385922,,Acrylonitrile exposure assessment in the emergency responders of a major train accident in Belgium: A human biomonitoring study,VABB-1,352,359,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385923,,"Pathways of human exposure to cobalt in Katanga, a mining area of the D.R. Congo",VABB-1,313,321,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385924,,"Impact of stepwise introduction of smoke-free legislation on population rates of acute myocardial infarction deaths in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,1430,5,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385925,,What is the value of occupational therapy in return to work for breast cancer patients? A qualitative inquiry aomong experts,VABB-1,267,280,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:385926,,EAACI position paper: irritant-induced asthma,VABB-1,1141,53,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385927,,Vit K1monitoring in pregnancies after bariatric surgery: a prospective cohort,VABB-1,885,90,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385929,,Global Methylation and Hydroxymethylation in DNA from Blood and Saliva in Healthy Volunteers,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:385930,,Effect of smoke-free legislation on perinatal and child health: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,1549,60,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385931,,Interrelationships Between Anthropometric Variables and Overweight in Childhood and Adolescence,VABB-1,502,510,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385932,,Influence of combined dust reducing carpet and compact air filtration unit on the indoor quality of a classroom,VABB-1,316,325,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:385933,,Toxicity of Nanoparticles Embedded in Paints Compared with Pristine Nanoparticles in Mice,VABB-1,132,40,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385934,,Workplace support after breast cancer treatment: recognition,VABB-1,1770,1776,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:385935,,"Exhaled nitric oxide and nasal tryptase are associated with wheeze, rhinitis and nasal allergy in primary school children",VABB-1,481,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385936,,Mortality in non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis: A prospective cohort analysis,VABB-1,287,296,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:385937,,Variation of DNA methylation in candidate age-related targets on the mitochondrial-telomere axis in cord blood and placenta,VABB-1,665,72,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385938,,Acrylonitrile exposure in the general population following a major train accident in Belgium: A human biomonitoring study,VABB-1,344,351,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385939,,Airway oxidative stress and inflammation markers in exhaled breath from children are linked with exposure to black carbon,VABB-1,440,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385940,,Degree of conversion and monomer elution of CQ/amine and TPO adhesives,VABB-1,695,701,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385941,,Genetic Variation in Caveolin-1 Affects Survival After Lung Transplantation,VABB-1,354,359,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385942,,Evaluation of a chromogenic biplate medium (ChromID MRSA/ChromID S. aureus) for the simultaneous detection of methicillin-resistant and methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus in preoperative screening samples from the anterior nares,VABB-1,678,680,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385943,,Determinants of maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2max)) in fire fighter testing,VABB-1,1063,1066,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385944,,Secreted frizzled related proteins inhibit fibrosis in vitro but appear redundant in vivo,VABB-1,14,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385946,,Gender and telomere length: Systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,15,27,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385947,,Impact of traffic related air pollution indicators on non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis mortality: a cohort analysis,VABB-1,108,,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:385949,,Micronutrient levels and supplement intake in pregnancy after bariatric surgery: a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,e114192,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385950,,Epidemiological and performance indicators for occupational health services: a feasibility study in Belgium,VABB-1,410,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385951,,Carbon nanotube exposure assessment for a study on early biological effects; the CANTES study 0195,VABB-1,25,25,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385952,,Rotavirus vaccination coverage and adherence to recommended age among infants in Flanders (Belgium) in 2012,VABB-1,16,24,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385953,,Impact of lung surfactant on wettability and cytotoxicity of nanoparticles,VABB-1,20573,20581,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385955,,A cross-sectional study of markers of early immunological and cardiovascular health effects among a population exposed to carbon nanotubes: the CANTES study 0282,VABB-1,35,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385956,,Occupational upper airway disease: how work affects the nose,VABB-1,282,91,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385957,,Reference Curve for the First-Year Growth Response to Growth Hormone Treatment in Prepubertal Children with Idiopathic Growth Hormone Deficiency: Validation of the KIGS First-Year Growth Response Curve Using the Belgian Register for the Study of Growth and Puberty Problems,VABB-1,343,349,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385958,,Fundus photography as a convenient tool to study microvascular responses to cardiovascular disease risk factors in epidemiological studies,VABB-1,e51904,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385959,,EnsembleSVM : A library for ensemble learning using support vector machines,VABB-1,141,145,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385960,,Smoking resumption after lung transplantation: standardised screening and importance for long-term outcome,VABB-1,300,303,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385961,,"Timeliness of infant vaccination and factors related with delay in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,284,289,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385962,,Validation of a food-frequency questionnaire assessment of methyl group donors using estimate diet recordsand plasma biomarkers: the method of triads,VABB-1,768,773,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385964,,Allergie et cacao: tests immunologiques et échantillonnage atmosphérique dans une usine de transformation de fèves de cacao en Côte d'Ivoire,VABB-1,53,58,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:385966,,Pulmonary and hemostatic toxicity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and zinc oxide nanoparticles after pulmonary exposure in Bmal1 knockout mice,VABB-1,61,76,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385967,,Biomarker discovery in asthma and COPD: Application of proteomics techniques in human and mice – mini review,VABB-1,101,112,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385968,,What factors determine Belgian general practitioners' approaches to detecting and managing substance abuse? A qualitative study based on the I-Change Model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385969,,Serum levels of club cell secretory protein (Clara) and short- and long-term exposure to particulate air pollution in adolescents,VABB-1,66,70,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385970,,Structural and functional underconnectivity as a negative predictor for language in autism,VABB-1,3602,3615,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385971,,Pastoral Power in Nurturing the Spiritual Life of the Child,VABB-1,179,186,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385974,,"Biserica Catolică şi lectura Bibliei în limbile populare, înainte şi după Trent",VABB-5,199,228,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385975,,"Wielerapostolaat, een evidentie in de katholieke Lage Landen? Een blik op de houding van de kerk en gezaghebbende geestelijken tegenover de professionele wielersport (1900-1971)",VABB-1,91,119,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385977,,The Liturgy Debate at Vatican II: An Exercise in Collective Responsibility,VABB-1,52,67,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385978,,"""Accompanied by a Believing Wife"": Raymond F. Collins on Ministry and Celibacy in Early Christianity",VABB-1,76,85,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385979,,Deiformity as the Ultimate Human Freedom: Gerlach Peters’ Soliloquium ignitum cum Deo,VABB-1,205,235,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385980,,Homilia in Pentecosten (CPG 6665): A Sermon of Basil of Seleucia,VABB-1,119,161,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385983,,Libertus Fromondus as ‘Royal’ Professor of Sacred Scriptures in Louvain: His Commentary on the Apocalypse and his Portrayal of Islam,VABB-1,5,31,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:385984,,"Giovanni XXIII, il Concilio e la reazione di G.B. Montini",VABB-4,161,185,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:385985,,Gregory of Nyssa’s Contra Eunomium III: an English Translation with Commentary and Supporting Studies,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385988,,Inleiding,VABB-4,5,9,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:385989,,Original Sin,VABB-4,1472,1478,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:385990,,"Typology - Back with a Vengeance! Text, Images, and Marginal Glosses in Vorsterman’s 1534 Dutch Bible",VABB-4,89,136,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385991,,"Valentinian I, christianissimus imperator? Notes on a Passage of the Passio Pollionis (BHL 6869)",VABB-1,82,97,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:385993,,Agustín sobre el matrimonio. Una comparación del De bono coniugali y De nuptiis et concupiscentia,VABB-1,369,389,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:385996,,Petrus Sutor and Erasmus on Bible Reading in the Vernacular (1525),VABB-4,233,252,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385997,,Was There an Africitas Theologica? Preliminary Inquiry into the Regional Specificity of the North African and Augustinian Theology of Original Sin and Grace (ca. 200–450 CE),VABB-1,317,332,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:385998,,Preacher of Grace. A Critical Reappraisal of Augustine’s Doctrine of Grace in his Sermones ad populum on Liturgical Feasts and During the Donatist Controversy,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386000,,Die Reform der Liturgie,VABB-4,80,105,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:386001,,L'art pour la théologie. Gustave Thils' toepassing van de 'theologie van het tijdelijke' op kunst,VABB-1,7,22,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386002,,Actualiteit van de leer van Adriaan van Utrecht over de (on)feilbaarheid van de paus,VABB-1,446,457,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:386007,,"From a Martyrological ‘tabernacula pastorum’ Towards a Geographical ‘in meridie’. Augustine’s Representation and Refutation of the Donatist Exegesis of Sg. 1,6-7",VABB-1,5,34,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386008,,August Vanistendael: een vergeten Belgische lekenauditor op het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie,VABB-1,57,80,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:386010,,Asceticism and syneisaktism in Asterius’ Liber ad Renatum monachum,VABB-1,504,525,,ger,2013,1 c:vabb:386011,,Giacinto Sigismondo Cardinal Gerdil (1718-1802). Enlightenment as Cultural and Religious Achievement,VABB-4,89,105,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386016,,Martinus Steyaert and His 235 Rules for Reading Scripture in Seventeenth-Century Louvain,VABB-1,780,808,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386019,,"Heeft Robert Langdon een boodschap voor gelovige christenen? Enkele bedenkingen over relithrillers, christelijke iconografie en Bijbelse archeologie",VABB-1,428,441,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386022,,Ruusbroec as a Theologian: The Holy Spirit,VABB-4,179,203,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386024,,"""We Were Perplexed by What he Wrote"": The Carthusians and a Crucial Moment in the Development of Mystical Literature in the Low Countries",VABB-4,217,232,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386026,,Acta ecclesiae mechliniensis,VABB-1,238,252,,lat,2014,2 c:vabb:386027,,"Quadraginta margaritae. Veertig jaar Maurits Sabbebibliotheek, Faculteit Theologie en Religiewetenschappen, KU Leuven",VABB-3,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386030,,"Il Cardinale Giuseppe Garampi (1725-1792): Uomo della Chiesa Romana, viaggiatore ed intellettuale",VABB-2,,,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:386032,,John Chrysostom’s First Homily on Pentecost (CPG 4343): Liturgy and Theology,VABB-5,285,295,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386033,,Augustine’s Attitude Towards the 'Religious Other',VABB-1,133,146,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386034,,"Paul, Augustine, and Marital Sex in Guilielmus Estius’ Scriptural Commentaries",VABB-4,235,258,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386039,,In Dialogue with Augustine’s Soliloquia. Interpreting and Recovering an Epistemology of Illumination,VABB-1,432,465,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386040,,"The Catholic Church and Vernacular Bible Reading, Before and After Trent",VABB-1,5,37,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386041,,From Eckhart to Ruusbroec: A Critical Inheritance of Mystical Themes in the Fourteenth Century,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386043,,"De ""Zwarte Week"" (Settimana nera) van de derde conciliezittijd (14-21 november 1964)",VABB-1,403,434,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386047,,"Time, Eternity, and the Generation of the Son: Contra Eunomium III 7",VABB-4,383,400,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386049,,La doctrine de la grâce de saint Augustin. Aspects pastoraux et spéculatifs,VABB-1,47,70,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:386050,,Enfoque de la imago Dei centrado en la mente. Una construcción dinámica en De Trinitate 14,VABB-1,219,254,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386051,,Mattheus Jacobszoon’s New Testament and the Addition of Registers and the Epistle to the Laodiceans to Dutch Mennonite Bibles,VABB-4,73,88,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386053,,'Embraced in the Fathomless Love': Bodily Aspects of Mystical Enjoyment in the Work of John of Ruusbroec,VABB-1,10,19,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386054,,Wereld en geschiedenis als sacrament. Schillebeeckx aan de vooravond van het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie,VABB-1,319,333,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386056,,Fides in Augustine’s Sermones ad Populum. A Unique Representation and Thematisation of Gratia,VABB-1,105,131,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386059,,The Meaning of Informed Consent in Pastoral Counseling,VABB-4,171,192,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386060,,Thomas. Godsdienstonderwijs op het Internet,VABB-1,87,94,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386061,,Les thèses des philosophes rejetées par Ghazālī telles que les présente Yaḥyā ibn ‘Adī (+ 974),VABB-1,75,89,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386063,,The Impact of Stressful Life Events on Highly Religious Chinese Christians Living in Belgium,VABB-1,495,516,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:386064,,A Sexual Life for Persons with a Psychiatric Problem? The Parallel Discourses of Ethics and Psychiatry on Sexuality,VABB-4,83,98,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386065,,Chaplains as specialists in spiritual care for patients in Europe,VABB-1,552,557,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386067,,The Complex Flavour of Children’s Spirituality in Flanders. Fostering an Open Catholic Spirituality,VABB-4,45,57,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386068,,Als kanker je doodsbang maakt. Pastorale zorg voor mensen met doodsgerelateerde angst door kanker,VABB-1,169,188,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386070,,"Power Balances and Bridges between Church Discourses, Academic Theological Views and Daily Experiences and Reflections on Family Life",VABB-1,226,235,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386073,,Praxis liturgischer Spiritualität. Methode und Theorie im Bereich der Klosterliturgie,VABB-1,447,480,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:386074,,Nurturing Families: Challenges for Family Ministry,VABB-4,94,104,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386076,,Liturgie vieren te samen met mensen met een verstandelijke beperking. Een reflectie vanuit Sacrosanctum concilium,VABB-1,137,150,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386079,,Asymmetry and Power in Pastoral Counselling. The Need for Ethical Attitudes,VABB-4,201,215,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386082,,Burn-out vermijden. Naar een onderbouwde zorg voor pastores in de gezondheids-en welzijnszorg,VABB-1,103,119,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386083,,Practitioners of liturgical spirituality: Empirical inside perspectives in abbey churches,VABB-1,203,221,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386084,,Criteria for Authenticity of Prophecy in ‘Abd al-Masīḥ al-Kindī’s Risāla,VABB-4,3,25,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386085,,Religious Education at Schools in Belgium,VABB-4,43,63,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386086,,Contemplative hospitality: Empirical explorations of spiritual experiences among abbey visitors,VABB-1,271,289,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386087,,The Arab Revolutions and Islamic Civil Society,VABB-4,101,125,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386088,,Die Kirche in Belgien auf dem Weg zur Synode über die Familie,VABB-1,36,42,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:386089,,Être et devenir chrétien dans les cultures postmodernes,VABB-1,13,50,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:386090,,'Ons hart in harmonie met onze woorden'. Over spirituele dimensies van liturgische muziek,VABB-1,336,347,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386092,,Theologie van de communicatie,VABB-1,39,52,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386094,,Religious Coping to Stressful Life Events in Highly Practicing Chinese Protestant Couples Living in Belgium. Preliminary Findings of an Exploratory Study,VABB-1,186,196,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386100,,"Power, Church, and Pastoral Care: Beyond the Taboo",VABB-4,9,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386102,,Euthanasia and Mental Suffering. An Ethical Advice for Catholic Mental Health Services,VABB-1,72,81,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386104,,Our Lady of Scherpenheuvel in image and imagination. Four centuries of iconography,VABB-1,93,130,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386108,,Common Religious Culture and Religion Tourism,VABB-1,39,50,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386109,,Power and Compassion in Pastoral Work: From the Perspective of Michel Foucault,VABB-4,17,27,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386111,,Zinvol en vol zin liturgie vieren. Bezield door mensen met een verstandelijke beperking,VABB-1,151,167,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386112,,Vivre ensemble dans un contexte de soins. Un cadre de valeurs fondamentales,VABB-4,140,148,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:386113,,Anders en toch gewoon. Uitdagingen voor pastorale zorg op een pediatrische ziekenhuisafdeling,VABB-1,123,135,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386114,,Quality of Life without Spirituality? A Theological Reflection on the Quality of Life of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities,VABB-1,303,317,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386116,,Affirming Childhood Spirituality of Hospitalized Immigrant Children,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386117,,A Web of Power. Toward a Greater Awareness of the Complexity of Power,VABB-4,3,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386121,,"'Nemo credit nisi volens'. An Essay on Baader, Saint Augustine, and the Role of the Will in the Act of Faith",VABB-1,19,41,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386122,,Soft Shepherd or Almighty Pastor? Power and Pastoral Care,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386123,,Translation of The Eulogy of John of Ruusbroec by Jan van Leeuwen,VABB-4,389,392,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386124,,Translation of The Epilogue by the ‘Descendant’ (Nacomelinc),VABB-4,383,387,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386125,,Translation of Two Poems Attributed to Ruusbroec,VABB-4,375,378,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386126,,Translation of The Prologue by Brother Gerard of Saintes,VABB-4,378,383,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386127,,Translation of Pseudo-Hadewijch,VABB-4,339,375,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:386128,,Impact of end-stage kidney disease on academic achievement and employment in young adults: a mixed methods study,VABB-1,505,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386130,,Nurses' practice patterns in relation to adherence-enhancing interventions in stem cell transplant care: a survey from the Nurses Group of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation,VABB-1,607,15,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386132,,"Burden of itch in hereditary epidermolysis bullosa, a cross-sectional study",VABB-1,73,78,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386133,,Nurse staffing and education and hospital mortality in nine European countries: a retrospective observational study,VABB-1,1824,1830,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386135,,A Systematic Literature Search on Psychological First Aid: Lack of Evidence to Develop Guidelines,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386137,,Reliability of pH measurement and the auscultatory method to confirm the position of a nasogastric tube,VABB-1,1427,1433,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386141,,"Substance Use, Dental Hygiene, and Physical Activity in Adult Patients with Single Ventricle Physiology",VABB-1,75,82,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386142,,Caring nurses hit by a quality storm,VABB-1,22,25,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386143,,Differences in Medication Adherence between Living and Deceased Donor Kidney Transplant Patients,VABB-1,7,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386145,,Staffing and education of nurses and hospital mortality in Europe-Authors' reply,VABB-1,851,2,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386147,,Oxygen removal during pathogen inactivation with riboflavin and UV light preserves protein function in plasma for transfusion,VABB-1,307,315,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386148,,Factors influencing the prescription of intensive combination treatment strategies for early rheumatoid arthritis,VABB-1,265,272,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386149,,A multivariate multilevel Gaussian model with a mixed effects structure in the mean and covariance part,VABB-1,1877,1899,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386151,,Concurrent Incidence of Adverse Events in Hospitals and Nursing Homes,VABB-1,187,198,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386152,,Screening for HLA antibodies in plateletpheresis donors with a history of transfusion or pregnancy,VABB-1,3036,3042,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386153,,Everyday life consequences of substance use in adult patients with a substance use disorder (SUD) and co-occurring attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD): a patient's perspective,VABB-1,264,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386156,,Phase-Based Treatment of a Complex Severely Mentally Ill Case Involving Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Psychosis Related to Dandy Walker Syndrome,VABB-1,588,606,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386157,,Improvement of care for ICU patients with delirium by early screening and treatment: study protocol of iDECePTIvE study,VABB-1,143,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386158,,Development and validation of a polycystic liver disease-complaint-specific-assessment (POLCA),VABB-1,1143,50,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:386159,,Quality indicators for all dimensions of infertility care quality: consensus between professionals and patients,VABB-1,1584,1597,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386164,,Profiles of Older Patients in the Emergency Department: Findings from the interRAI Multinational Emergency Department Study,VABB-1,467,474,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386165,,Falling and fall risk factors in adults with haemophilia: an exploratory study,VABB-1,836,845,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386166,,Beïnvloedende factoren bij voorschrijven van intensieve combinatie behandelingsstrategieën voor beginnende reumatoïde artritis,VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386167,,Predonation psychosocial evaluation of living kidney and liver donor candidates: a systematic literature review,VABB-1,2,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386169,,Internal consistency and construct validity assessment of a revised Facts on Aging Quiz for Flemish nursing students: an explorative study,VABB-1,128,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386170,,Education for nurses working in cardiovascular care: A European survey,VABB-1,532,540,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386171,,Multilevel factor analytic models for assessing the relationship between nurse-reported adverse events and patient safety,VABB-1,237,257,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386173,,The effect of pre-donation hypotension on whole blood donor adverse reactions: a systematic review,VABB-1,429,436,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386176,,The Care Process Self-Evaluation Tool: a valid and reliable instrument for measuring care process organization of health care teams,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386177,,Research in cardiovascular care: A position statement of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professionals of the European Society of Cardiology,VABB-1,9,21,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386179,,Differences in health behaviour between recipients of allogeneic haematopoietic SCT and the general population: a matched control study,VABB-1,1223,30,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386181,,Nurses' shift length and overtime working in 12 European countries: the association with perceived quality of care and patient safety,VABB-1,975,981,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386182,,Challenges associated with the secondary use of nursing data,VABB-1,290,297,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386183,,"Daytime sleepiness in renal transplant recipients is associated with immunosuppressive non-adherence: a cross-sectional, multi-center study",VABB-1,58,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386184,,Psychosocial functioning and quality of life in adults with congenital heart disease and heart failure,VABB-1,35,42,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386185,,Paired analysis of plasma proteins and coagulant capacity after treatment with three methods of pathogen reduction,VABB-1,1321,1331,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386187,,Staffing levels and the use of physical restraints in nursing homes: a multicenter study,VABB-1,48,54,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386189,,"Development, content validity and inter-rater reliability testing of the Chronic Illness Management Implementation – Building Research Initiative Group: Chronic Illness Management and Adherence in Transplantation: An instrument to assess the level of chronic illness management implemented in solid organ transplant programmes",VABB-1,59,71,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386191,,Emotional symptoms and quality of life in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension,VABB-1,800,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386192,,"Prevalence, patterns and predictors of nursing care left undone in European hospitals: results from the multicountry cross-sectional RN4CAST study",VABB-1,126,135,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386193,,Nurses' perception of feedback on quality measurements: Development and validation of a measure,VABB-1,391,398,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386194,,European cardiac nurses’ current practice and knowledge on anticoagulation therapy,VABB-1,261,269,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386195,,Effectiveness of structured patient education on the knowledge level of adolescents and adults with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,63,70,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386197,,The patient-centeredness of endometriosis care and targets for improvement: a systematic review,VABB-1,69,80,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386199,,"Parental support, internalizing symptoms, perceived health status, and quality of life in adolescents with congenital heart disease: influences and reciprocal effects",VABB-1,145,155,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386200,,Medication non-adherence as a critical factor in the management of presumed resistant hypertension: a narrative review,VABB-1,1102,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386202,,An unsuspected cause of diarrhoea and gastrointestinal bleeding during corticosteroid therapy,VABB-1,259,261,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386204,,"Methodological considerations when translating ""burnout""",VABB-1,59,68,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386205,,Wives and Husbands,VABB-4,573,589,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386206,,"Spirituality as Source of Inspired, Authentic and Innovative Leadership",VABB-4,81,97,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386207,,Love and Justice's Dialectical Relationship: Ricoeur's Contribution on the Relationship Between Love and Justice in Care Ethics,VABB-1,499,508,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386212,,Het huwelijk als mensenwerk. Schillebeeckx' receptie van het personalisme en zijn commentaar op Humanae Vitae,VABB-1,364,383,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386213,,Characterization of the dynamic friction of woven fabrics: Experimental methods and benchmark results,VABB-1,289,298,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386214,,Lay Perspectives on Marriage and the Family,VABB-1,169,174,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386215,,Legere-Ligare: An Interpretive Key to the Environmentalist Experience of Nature,VABB-1,55,75,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386220,,Affected by Nature. A Hermeneutical Transformation of Environmental Ethics,VABB-1,572,592,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386221,,Families and the Church. From Objects of Pastoral Care to Sources of Spiritual Renewal,VABB-4,153,164,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386224,,Morality and Nature: Evolutionary Challenges to Christian Ethics,VABB-1,171,189,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386225,,The Origin of Humanae Vitae and the Impasse in Fundamental Theological Ethics,VABB-1,364,389,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386226,,Regulating Fertility and Clarifying Moral Language,VABB-1,1033,1043,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386227,,Unpacking the Matthew effect in citations,VABB-1,329,339,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386228,,Endogenous market structures and innovation by leaders: an empirical test,VABB-1,117,139,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386229,,The application of citation-based performance classes to the disciplinary and multidisciplinary assessment in national comparison and Institutional Research Assessment,VABB-1,939,952,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386230,,How to improve the prediction based on citation impact percentiles for years shortly after the publication date?,VABB-1,175,180,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386231,,Sources of inspiration? Making sense of scientific references in patents,VABB-1,1617,1629,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386232,,"International commitment, post-entry growth and survival of international new ventures",VABB-1,101,120,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386233,,Cross-national preferences and similarities in downloads and citations of scientific articles: A pilot study,VABB-5,207,215,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386234,,"IP Models to Orchestrate Innovation Ecosystems: IMEC, a public research institute in nano-electronics",VABB-1,51,64,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386235,,Darapladib for Preventing Ischemic Events in Stable Coronary Heart Disease,VABB-1,1702,1711,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386236,,Should firms outsource their basic research? The impact of firm size on in-house versus outsourced R&D productivity,VABB-1,303,317,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386237,,Academic research strengths and multinational firms’ foreign R&D location decisions: Evidence from R&D investments in European regions,VABB-1,920,942,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386238,,Publishing trends in economics across colleges and universities 1991-2007,VABB-1,560,582,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386239,,(International) R&D collaboration and SMEs: The effectiveness of targeted public R&D support schemes,VABB-1,1055,1066,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386240,,Differences in the rates of return to R&D for European and US young leading R&D firms,VABB-1,1413,1421,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386241,,KU Leuven: complementing inception dynamics with incubation practices,VABB-4,262,280,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386242,,Creativity and regional innovation: Evidence from EU regions,VABB-1,1508,1522,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386243,,Science or graduates: How do firms benefit from the proximity of universities?,VABB-1,1398,1412,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386245,,Improved author profiling through the use of citation classes,VABB-5,616,622,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386246,,Small firm innovation performance and employee involvement,VABB-1,21,38,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386248,,Discouraging honorific authorship,VABB-1,1417,1419,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386250,,Origin and emergence of entrepreneurship as a research field,VABB-1,473,485,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386252,,On co-authorship at the individual level,VABB-1,229,238,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386254,,"University spinoffs and the “Performance premium""",VABB-1,309,332,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386256,,Market failures and the additionality effects of public support to private R&D: Theory and empirical implications,VABB-1,634,642,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386257,,"Research grants, sources of ideas and the effects on academic research",VABB-1,109,133,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386259,,Selection bias in innovation studies: A simple test,VABB-1,287,299,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386260,,When research meets development: Antecedents and implications of research speed,VABB-1,1181,1198,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386261,,Patent indicators for macroeconomic growth — the value of patents,VABB-1,546,558,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386263,,Innovation subsidies: Does the funding source matter for innovation intensity and performance? Empirical evidence from Germany,VABB-1,380,409,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386264,,PHASE II STUDY OF WEEKLY PACLITAXEL AND CARBOPLATIN IN GYNAECOLOGICAL CANCER. A STUDY OF THE BELGIAN GYNAECOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY GROUP (BGOG-OV5),VABB-5,1177,1178,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386265,,Multinational R&D in China: Differentiation and integration of global R&D networks,VABB-1,96,124,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386269,,Managing open innovation projects with science-based and market-based partners,VABB-1,828,840,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386270,,"A new semi-parametric mixture model for interval censored data, with applications in the field of antimicrobial resistance",VABB-1,30,42,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386273,,Solving noisy ICA using multivariate wavelet denoising with an application to noisy latent variables regression,VABB-1,2297,2310,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386274,,Missing Data: Turning Guidance Into Action,VABB-1,369,382,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386275,,"Reply: Legislation of embryo transfer affected the denominator, not the numerator!",VABB-1,382,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386276,,Endoscopic Versus Radiology-Based Location of Rectal Cancer,VABB-1,364,369,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386277,,Investigating the influence of maternal cortisol and emotional state during pregnancy on the DNA methylation status of the glucocorticoid receptor gene (NR3C1) promoter region in cord blood,VABB-1,880,891,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386278,,A multiple imputation based approach to sensitivity analyses and effectiveness assessments in longitudinal clinical trials,VABB-1,211,228,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386279,,"GEE for longitudinal ordinal data: comparing R-replr, R-ordgee, SAS-GENMOD, SPSS-GENLIN",VABB-1,70,83,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386280,,HPV-related oropharyngeal cancers in Flanders (Belgium): a multicenter study,VABB-1,7,14,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386281,,A multilevel model for spatially correlated binary data in the presence of misclassification: an application in oral health research,VABB-1,5241,5259,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386282,,"The Surface Nitrogen Abundance of a Massive Star in Relation to its Oscillations, Rotation, and Magnetic Field",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386283,,A Systematic Review and Meta- Analyses Show that Carbapenem Use and Medical Devices Are the Leading Risk Factors for CarbapenemResistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa,VABB-1,2626,2637,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386285,,ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Randomized to a Pharmaco-Invasive Strategy or Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Strategic Reperfusion Early After Myocardial Infarction (STREAM) 1-Year Mortality Follow-Up,VABB-1,1139,1145,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386286,,"A prospective assessment of musculoskeletal toxicity and loss of grip strength in breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant aromatase inhibitors and tamoxifen, and relation with BMI",VABB-1,109,116,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386287,,Empirical Bayes estimates for correlated hierarchical data with overdispersion,VABB-1,316,326,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386288,,Effect of different dietary total Lys:energy ratios and dietary energy concentrations in phase feeding from weaning to slaughter on performance and carcass measures of crossbred pigs selected for leanness,VABB-1,332,342,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386289,,PROCARE. Outcome following laparoscopic and open total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer,VABB-1,1368,1375,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386290,,The impact of missing data on clinical trials: a re-analysis of a placebo controllied trial of hypericum perforatum (St John's Wort) and sertraline in major depressive disorder,VABB-1,1987,1999,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386292,,"Modeling multivariate, overdispersed binomial data with additive and multiplicative random effects",VABB-1,99,133,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386294,,Characterization of the peripheral blood transcriptome in a repeated measures design using a panel of healthy individuals,VABB-1,31,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386295,,Adaptive change-point mixed models applied to data on outpatient tetracycline use in Europe,VABB-1,253,274,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386297,,Nucleoside-catabolizing enzymes in mycoplasma-infected tumor cell cultures compromise the cytostatic activity of the anticancer drug gemcitabine,VABB-1,13054,65,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386299,,The effect of using CBCT in the diagnosis of canine impaction and its impact on the orthodontic treatment outcome,VABB-1,34,40,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386300,,A randomized phase I Bayesian dose escalation design for the combination of anti-cancer drugs,VABB-1,196,207,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386301,,Incorporating Grouping Information in Bayesian Variable Selection with Applications in Genomics,VABB-1,221,257,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386302,,Joint modeling of two longitudinal outcomes and competing risk data,VABB-1,3167,3178,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386303,,Recent developments in the prevention and treatment of missing data,VABB-1,68,80,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386304,,Is Tightly Controlled Disease Activity Possible with Online Patient-reported Outcomes?,VABB-1,640,647,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386305,,Maternal venous hemodynamics in gestational hypertension and preeclampsia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386306,,The global burden of listeriosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,1073,82,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386308,,Assessment of type I error rate associated with dose-group switching in a longitudinal Alzheimer trial,VABB-1,660,684,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386309,,"Single-center analysis of biopsy-confirmed posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder: incidence, clinico-pathological characteristics and prognostic factors",VABB-1,2433,2440,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386310,,The rs1800716 variant in CYP2D6 is associated with an increased double endometrial thickness in postmenopausal women on tamoxifen,VABB-1,90,5,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386311,,"A combined gamma frailty and normal random-effects model for repeated, overdispersed time-to-event data",VABB-1,434,452,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:386312,,A goodness-of-fit test for the random-effects distribution in mixed models,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386313,,Effect of hospital volume on quality of care and outcome after rectal cancer surgery,VABB-1,1475,1482,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386316,,Maternal cardiovascular profiling in the first trimester of pregnancies complicated with gestation-induced hypertension or fetal growth retardation: a pilot study,VABB-1,1646,51,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386317,,Mixed Outcomes,VABB-4,1618,1621,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386319,,Measuring trends of outpatient antibiotic use in Europe: jointly modelling longitudinal data in defined daily doses and packages,VABB-1,1981,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386320,,Model uncertainty and multimodel inference in reliability estimation within a longitudinal framework,VABB-1,338,352,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386321,,Multi-model inference using mixed effects from a linear regression based genetic algorithm,VABB-1,88,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386325,,The impact of legally restricted embryo transfer and reimbursement policy on cumulative delivery rate after treatment with assisted reproduction technology,VABB-1,267,75,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386328,,Reply: The danger of ignoring pregnancy and delivery rates in ART,VABB-1,1830,1831,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386329,,Robust and Censored Modeling and Prediction of Progression in Glaucomatous Visual Fields,VABB-1,6694,6700,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386330,,Automated detection and quantification of clusters of malapposed and uncovered intracoronary stent struts assessed with optical coherence tomography,VABB-1,839,848,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386331,,Optimal Dental Age Estimation Practice in United Arab Emirates' Children,VABB-1,383,5,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386332,,Individualized dosimetry-based activity reduction of Y-90-DOTATOC prevents severe and rapid kidney function deterioration from peptide receptor radionuclide therapy,VABB-1,1141,1157,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386333,,"Transversus abdominis plane block versus perioperative intravenous lidocaine versus patient-controlled intravenous morphine for postoperative pain control after laparoscopic colorectal surgery: study protocol for a prospective, randomized, double-blind controlled clinical trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386334,,Normative and self-perceived orthodontic treatment need in 11- to 16-year-old children,VABB-1,179,85,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386335,,An efficient algorithm for structured sparse quantile regression,VABB-1,1321,1343,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386336,,Altered galectin-1 serum levels in patients diagnosed with high-grade glioma,VABB-1,9,17,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386337,,Pancreaticogastrostomy after pancreaticoduodenectomy?,VABB-1,340,341,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386338,,Estimation of the wild-type minimum inhibitory concentration value distribution,VABB-1,289,303,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386339,,Modeling Actor and Partner Effects in Dyadic Data When Outcomes Are Categorical,VABB-1,220,236,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386340,,Evaluation of overall treatment effect in MMRM,VABB-1,1281,1293,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:386342,,Joint hierarchical generalized linear models with multivariate Gaussian random effects,VABB-1,239,250,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386344,,Fast linear mixed model computations for genome-wide association studies with longitudinal data,VABB-1,165,180,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386345,,"Intracameral bevacizumab as an adjunct to trabeculectomy: a 1-year prospective, randomised study",VABB-1,73,78,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386346,,Sick leave due to back pain in a cohort of young workers,VABB-1,887,899,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386347,,The analysis of multivariate longitudinal data: A review,VABB-1,42,59,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386349,,beadarrayFilter: An R Package to Filter Beads,VABB-1,171,180,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:386350,,"A characterization of missingness at random in a generalized shared-parameter joint modeling framework for longitudinal and time-to-event data, and sensitivity analysis",VABB-1,1001,15,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386351,,Clinical outcome after radical excision of moderate-severe endometriosis with or without bowel resection and reanastomosis: a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,522,31,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386352,,Relief of obstructed defecation syndrome after stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR): a meta-analysis,VABB-1,189,97,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386353,,Prospective Comparison of Hydrogel-coated Microcoils Versus Fibered Platinum Microcoils in the Prophylactic Embolization of the Gastroduodenal Artery before Yttrium-90 Radioembolization,VABB-1,797,803,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386354,,The prognostic role of preoperative and (early) postoperatively change in CA15.3 serum levels in a single hospital cohort of primary operable breast cancers,VABB-1,254,62,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386355,,Detection of antinuclear antibodies: added value of solid phase assay?,VABB-1,e10,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386356,,The association between sow and piglet behavior,VABB-1,107,113,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386357,,"Past, Present, and Future of Statistical Science",VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386359,,Risk adjusted benchmarking of abdominoperineal excision for rectal adenocarcinoma in the context of the Belgian PROCARE improvement project,VABB-1,1005,1011,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386360,,The Interval-Censored Biplot,VABB-1,123,134,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386361,,Long-term functional outcome after ileal pouch anal anastomosis in 191 patients with ulcerative colitis,VABB-1,1261,1266,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386362,,Applicability of Willems model for dental age estimations in Brazilian children,VABB-1,401.e1,401.e4,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386363,,Unobserved confounder effects in models for clustered dental failure time data,VABB-1,549,566,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386364,,External validation of the endometriosis fertility index (EFI) staging system for predicting non-ART pregnancy after endometriosis surgery,VABB-1,1280,1288,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386366,,Bayesian meta-analysis of diagnostic tests allowing for imperfect reference standards,VABB-1,5398,5413,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386367,,The impact of liver transplantation after surgical treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386368,,Pancreaticojejunostomy versus pancreaticogastrostomy reconstruction after pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic or periampullary tumours: a multicentre randomised trial,VABB-1,655,662,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386372,,Dental age estimation in Malay children based on all permanent teeth types,VABB-1,329,33,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386373,,Effects of time-invariant covariates on the estimation of longitudinal trends for transition mixed models,VABB-1,4743,55,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386374,,Optimizing Structure-Function Relationship by Maximizing Correspondence Between Glaucomatous Visual Fields and Mathematical Retinal Nerve Fiber Models,VABB-1,2350,2357,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386377,,Pre-Surgical Treatment Planning of Maxillary Canine Impactions using Panoramic versus CBCT imaging,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386378,,Modeling height for children born small for gestational age treated with growth hormone,VABB-1,333,345,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386381,,Prognostic implications of lobular breast cancer histology: New insights from a single hospital cross-sectional study and SEER data,VABB-1,371,377,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386382,,Epithelial-mesenchymal transition during invasion of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma is paralleled by AKT activation,VABB-1,1014,1021,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386384,,Stochastic EM algorithm for doubly interval-censored data,VABB-1,766,778,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386385,,Local Relapse After Breast-Conserving Therapy for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ: A European Single-Center Experience and External Validation of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center DCIS Nomogram,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386386,,Pre-operative Irradiation for Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma : Results of a Pilot Study,VABB-1,315,321,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386387,,Oral health research: A source for innovative new statistical developments,VABB-1,459,470,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386389,,GWAS on your notebook: fast semi-parallel linear and logistic regression for genome-wide association studies,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386390,,Nonlinear Fractional Polynomials for Estimating Long-Term Persistence of Induced Anti-HPV Antibodies: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach,VABB-1,199,212,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386392,,Model-based estimates of long-term persistence of induced HPV antibodies: a flexible subject-specific approach,VABB-1,1228,48,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386393,,Predicting hemoglobin levels in whole blood donors using transition models and mixed effects models,VABB-1,?,?,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386395,,Longitudinal profiles of bounded outcome scores as predictors for disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis patients: a joint modeling approach,VABB-1,1627,1644,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386397,,Conscience gecanoniseerd,VABB-1,413,424,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:386401,,Hier seldi groete bliscap horen. Veertiende-eeuwse papieren fragmenten van Jonathas ende Rosafiere in het Stadsarchief Mechelen,VABB-1,307,346,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:386402,,"De schandaleuze spelen van 1559 en de leden van De Corenbloem. Het socioprofessionele, literaire en religieuze profiel van de Brusselse rederijkerskamer",VABB-1,847,875,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:386407,,"The Holocaust's Muses: On Voices, Appropriation and Misappropriation in David Grossman and W.G. Sebald",VABB-4,126,141,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386410,,De Germaanse leeuw,VABB-1,233,247,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:386412,,The Glory of Motion: Re-Reading Movement in Adam Smith and Thomas De Quincey,VABB-1,267,274,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386413,,From Alexis to Scott and De Quincey: Walladmor and the Irony of Pseudotranslation,VABB-1,107,123,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386414,,Esilio e trauma nell'opera di Anna Maria Mori,VABB-5,280,284,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:386415,,"The Palimpsest as a Double Structure of Memory: The Rhetoric of Time, Memory and Origins in Thomas De Quincey and Thomas Carlyle",VABB-1,108,133,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386416,,Dall'esperienza del trauma alla metanarrazione: l'identità transculturale nei romanzi autobiografici di Aldo Zargani,VABB-1,179,190,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:386417,,"""Where should I begin?"": The Ethics of History and Translation in David Albahari’s Bait.",VABB-1,567,579,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386420,,The Transnational Rebirth of a Dutch Classic: J.M. Coetzee’s Translation of Marcellus Emants’ Een nagelaten bekentenis,VABB-1,44,54,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386423,,De nalatenschap van een literaire duizendpoot. Over de heimatschrijver Omer Wattez (1857-1935),VABB-1,329,350,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:386432,,How real is the threat of imprisonment for environmental crime?,VABB-1,183,198,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386435,,Background values of cobalt in Flemish and European soils,VABB-1,107,114,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386437,,Act-based versus harm-based sanctions for environmental offenders,VABB-1,439,454,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386438,,From geochemical background determination to pollution assessment of heavy metals in sediments and soils,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386440,,"Implementation of Sustainability in Higher Education. From declarations to praxis, or viceversa?",VABB-5,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386442,,Strategic analysis of stakeholder preferences regarding the design of ITS-based road safety measures,VABB-1,190,199,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386443,,Valuing Smart Meters,VABB-1,280,294,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386444,,LCA based evaluation of site remediation Opportunities and limitations,VABB-1,18,21,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386446,,Develop your business for growth with positive obsession,VABB-1,26,37,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386450,,Punishing Environmental Crimes: An Empirical Study from Lower Courts to the Court of Appeal,VABB-1,472,496,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386452,,Environmental impacts of soil remediation activities: quantitative and qualitative tools applied on three case studies,VABB-1,145,154,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386453,,Cost-efficiency in packaging waste management:The case of Belgium,VABB-1,106,115,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386454,,"pH dependent leaching behavior of Zn, Cd and Pb from slags: kinetics and mineralogical control",VABB-1,355,368,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386460,,Waste Derived Sorbents and Their Potential Roles in Heavy Metal Remediation Applications,VABB-5,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386462,,"Combining life cycle analysis, human health and financial risk assessment for the evaluation of contaminated site remediation",VABB-1,1101,1121,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386465,,Release of vanadium from oxidized sediments: insights from different extraction and leaching procedures,VABB-1,2272,2282,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386466,,"Including indigenous peoples in climate change mitigation: addressing issues of scale, knowledge and power",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386470,,Economic Viability of Packaging Waste Recycling Systems: A Comparison between Belgium and Portugal,VABB-1,22,33,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386471,,Evolution of element release during oxidation and its relevance towards the management of contaminated sediments,VABB-1,41,47,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386473,,Effects of deregulation and vertical unbundling on the performance of China's electricity generation sector,VABB-1,41,76,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386474,,Assessing warm ischemic injury of pig livers at hypothermic machine perfusion,VABB-1,379,389,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386476,,Discomfort in mass transit and its implication for scheduling and pricing,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:386479,,"Public expenditures, educational outcomes and grade inflation: theory and evidence from a policy intervention in the Netherlands",VABB-1,152,166,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386480,,Does ICT matter for effectiveness and efficiency in mathematics education?,VABB-1,173,184,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386481,,Entry and markup dynamics in an estimated business cycle model,VABB-1,14,35,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:386482,,Fiscal policy and lending relationships,VABB-1,696,712,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386483,,Verti-zontal differentiation in export markets,VABB-1,50,66,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:386484,,Distributional and regional economic impact of energy taxes in Belgium,VABB-1,190,203,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386485,,Road pricing and public transport pricing reform in Paris: complements or substitutes,VABB-1,175,187,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386487,,Do the selected trans European transport investments pass the cost benefit test?,VABB-1,107,132,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386489,,The European road pricing game: how to enforce optimal pricing in high-transit countries under asymmetric information,VABB-1,399,418,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386490,,"Kinky choices, dictators and split might: a non-cooperative model for household consumption and labor supply",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386491,,Fair and efficient taxation under partial control,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386496,,The impact of an increase in the legal retirement age on the effective retirement age,VABB-1,115,145,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386500,,Welfare effects of a shift of joint to individual taxation in the German personal income tax,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386501,,Reconciling work and poverty reduction. How successful are European welfare states?,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386507,,Partial compensation/responsibility,VABB-1,305,317,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:386510,,Political economy of EU agricultural and food policies and global food security,VABB-4,122,152,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386511,,Interdependent product cycles for globally sourced intermediates,VABB-1,143,156,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386512,,Isomers in Pd-128 and Pd-126: Evidence for a Robust Shell Closure at the Neutron Magic Number 82 in Exotic Palladium Isotopes,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386513,,Pooled analysis of two large randomised phase III inhaled mannitol studies in cystic fibrosis,VABB-1,367,376,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386514,,Challenges of working with the Chinese NBS firm-level data,VABB-1,339,352,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386516,,Market definition of broadband internet in Slovakia: are fixed and mobile in the relevant market?,VABB-1,39,56,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386518,,"Incumbency advantages, distribution networks and exclusivity - Evidence from the European car markets",VABB-1,75,79,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386520,,Against conflation,VABB-1,331,342,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:386521,,Long split focalization in Hungarian and the typology of A′-dependencies,VABB-1,117,136,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386522,,'(The) most' in Flemish Dutch: Definiteness and Specificity,VABB-5,214,232,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386523,,On a low and a high diminutive,VABB-4,149,163,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386524,,On vocabulary insertion,VABB-1,173,210,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386525,,Logico-cognitive structure in the lexicon,VABB-1,607,643,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386527,,'We went to the restroom or something'. General extenders and stuff in the speech of Dutch learners of English,VABB-1,213,237,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386528,,‘So what’s a year in a lifetime so.’ Non-prefatory use of so in native and learner English,VABB-1,23,47,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386532,,Boekenbeesten en digikids,VABB-1,60,80,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386533,,The architect as mediator between the built heritage and the social construct,VABB-5,249,260,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386536,,Geoweb 2.0 for Participatory Urban Design: Affordances and Critical Success Factors,VABB-1,283,305,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386537,,Te gek voor de straat?,VABB-4,209,224,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386539,,Ideograms as a Tool for Constructive Sensemaking in Architecture Education,VABB-1,34,43,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386542,,Design process and space suitability - A search for a redefined framework and tools for the new mobile architect,VABB-5,639,646,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386543,,Archaeologist Of Meanings,VABB-5,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386551,,De zwakte van weinig verandering. Een onbevooroordeelde blik op het hoofdstuk 'ruimteljke ordening' in het Vlaamse regeerakkoord 2014-2019,VABB-1,1,13,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386555,,The PhD Programme at Aarhus School of Architecture Enters its Fourth Stage,VABB-4,127,138,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386556,,Creative adjacencies - A changing response,VABB-5,14,17,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386559,,"Adapting to and Adapted by ADAPT-R - Architecture, Design and Art Practice training - Research",VABB-1,41,46,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386564,,Discriminatie van financieel kwetsbare gezinnen op de private huurmarkt in België,VABB-4,110,126,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386565,,Tra il visionario e l'arcaico: la 'Città Cosmica' di Iannis Xenakis,VABB-4,109,118,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386566,,Van stedelijke migrantenwijken naar diverse suburbs? Een verkenning van sociaalruimtelijke patronen van migranten in en rond Antwerpen,VABB-4,161,185,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386574,,Hidden geometrical treasures in museums: the roundest polyhedra,VABB-1,76,80,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386575,,'t Plein is van iedereen? Het discours van de lokale overheid en Vlaamse kranten als wegbereiders voor gentrificatie en repressieve maatregelen op het De Coninckplein in Antwerpen,VABB-1,11,35,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386580,,Design challenges in hybrid contexts,VABB-5,184,199,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386581,,"Welfare through migrant work: what if the Romanian ""safety valve' closes?",VABB-1,175,194,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386597,,The Future Commons 2070: The ethical problem of the territorialization of the North Sea,VABB-5,328,336,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386600,,"Creative Adjacencies - New Challenges for Architecture, Design and Urbanism (proceedings of the conference)",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386602,,INEVITABLE RECONSTRUCTIONS,VABB-5,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386604,,Production Scheduling at Falcon Die Casting: A Comprehensive Example on the Application of Linear Programming and Its Extensions,VABB-1,150,153,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386605,,Dose optimization in high-dose-rate brachytherapy: A literature review of quantitative models from 1990 to 2010,VABB-1,80,90,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386606,,A Platform for Collaborative Outbound Logistics,VABB-4,243,266,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386607,,Unifying and Extending User Story Models,VABB-5,211,225,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386610,,On the class gamma and related classes of functions,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386611,,A new Markov-binomial distribution,VABB-1,2674,2688,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386614,,The economics of happiness: The conservative current in green economic thought,VABB-1,569,575,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386616,,Local robust and asymptotically unbiased estimation of conditional Pareto-type tails,VABB-1,330,355,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386617,,Constant curvature twisted surfaces in 3-dimensional Euclidean and Minkowski 3-space,VABB-5,117,130,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386622,,Renewal Processes,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386624,,"Performance Assessment of Local Mobility Policy-Making Administrations Using the Principles of Total Quality Management in Flanders, Belgium: Expounding the Decision-Making Processes",VABB-1,318,346,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386625,,Nonparametric cost and revenue functions under constant economies of scale: An enumeration approach for the single output or input case,VABB-1,619,625,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386626,,Bivariate Geometric Distributions,VABB-1,1201,1210,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386630,,Detecting influential data points for the Hill estimator in Pareto-type distributions,VABB-1,13,28,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386631,,Backtesting superfund portfolio strategies based on frontier-based mutual fund ratings,VABB-4,135,170,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386632,,Solution methods for solving nonconvex free disposal hull models: A review and some critical comments,VABB-1,1450010_1,1450010_13,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386634,,The impact of the emotional and functional component of the customer experience on the company-customer relationship in hedonic and utilitarian service contexts,VABB-1,260,275,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386655,,Creating rich language environments for more than one language: A work in progress in Flemish childcare,VABB-1,53,78,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386659,,Speaking Turkish in Belgian Primary Schools: Teacher Beliefs versus Effective Consequences,VABB-1,7,28,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:386663,,"Encontrarse unos a otros en la escena europea. Tensiones, enfrentamientos y resonancias en ""Bosquejo de Europa"" de Salvador de Madariaga",VABB-4,155,166,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:386665,,Scholieren met bijbaantjes: een bedreiging of een troef? De mening van de leraar,VABB-1,42,59,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386668,,"Comets, Earthquakes and Gunpowder. School philosophy in Libertus Fromondus’ Meteorologicorum libri sex (1627)",VABB-1,53,68,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386669,,Sorting mutual funds with respect to process-oriented social responsibility: A FLOWSORT application,VABB-1,551,562,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386672,,A meta-analysis of relationships linking service failure attributions to customer outcomes,VABB-1,381,398,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386673,,"Customer intentions to invoke service guarantees: Do excellence in service recovery, type of guarantee, and cultural orientation matter?",VABB-1,45,62,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386675,,"Hospital-physician relations: the relative importance of economic, relational and professional attributes to organizational attractiveness",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386676,,Tax recovery assistance in the EU : Analysis of Directive 2010/24/EU - Scope and types of assistance,VABB-1,135,148,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386680,,De arbeidsparticipatie van Vlaamse scholieren,VABB-1,281,301,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386683,,Het managen van rechtvaardigheidsverwachtingen van sollicitanten: Een middel om de 'war for talent' te winnen,VABB-1,428,444,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:386685,,Overzicht rechtspraak 2011 Algemeen belastingrecht Inkomstenbelastingen,VABB-1,19,41,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:386688,,Recovery assistance in the EU: Evaluation of Directive 2010/24/EU : Time for an update ?,VABB-1,284,292,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386691,,Overzicht rechtspraak 2012-2013 deel personenbelasting,VABB-1,34,63,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386694,,Versnippering of diversiteit? De Belgische wetenschapsgeschiedenis na de Tweede Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,149,158,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:386695,,Management of Financial Slack: Effects on Creativity and Buffering of the Firm’s Research Activities during Economic Recession,VABB-5,982,989,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386697,,Socially responsible investment and financial institution’s response to secondary stakeholder requests,VABB-1,321,336,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386699,,Determinants of CEO compensation in private family firms,VABB-5,1,27,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386701,,Tax recovery assistance in the EU : Execution of requests for recovery and/or precautionary measures in other EU member states,VABB-1,207,219,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386702,,Perceived importance of native language use in high- and low-involvement service encounters,VABB-1,1659,1671,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386706,,The impact of emotional appeal and the media context on the effectiveness of commercials for not-for-profit and for-profit brands,VABB-1,198,214,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386707,,Which place for the history of sport?,VABB-4,224,228,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386709,,A survey of 5 years of ESEA conferences,VABB-4,317,329,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386714,,Work Values and Work Engagement Within Teams: The Mediating Role of Need Satisfaction,VABB-1,267,281,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386716,,Van de kleine naar de grote wereld: gezinsboeken en schoolverhalen,VABB-4,311,343,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386718,,Verhalen vertellen in woord en beeld: prentenboeken en geïllustreerde jeugdboeken,VABB-4,344,373,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386722,,The Bridge: The rhetorical construction of Barack Obama’s biography by David Remnick,VABB-4,171,184,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386724,,"Get Out of my Sandbox: Web Publication, Authority and Originality",VABB-4,128,142,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386727,,Inleiding: geschiedenis van de jeugdliteratuur in vogelvlucht,VABB-4,11,55,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386728,,Waar is God gebleven? Filosofische en religieuze kinderliteratuur,VABB-4,56,88,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386729,,Social media guidelines for journalists: An investigation into the sense and nonsense among Flemish journalists,VABB-1,726,741,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386730,,An Electronic Corpus of Fifteenth-Century Castilian Cancionero Manuscripts,VABB-1,11,23,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386732,,"""A Stowaway of Emigration"": Polarization in Hafid Bouazza's Work",VABB-4,273,290,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386740,,Travels with Mietsie: Geert Mak's troublesome quest for John Steinbeck's Travels with Charley in search of America,VABB-1,250,262,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386743,,Religion and Law in Italy,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386744,,Local and regional founder effects in lake zooplankton persist after thousands of years despite high dispersal potential,VABB-1,1014,1027,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386748,,Written emotional disclosure for women with ovarian cancer and their partners: randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,2262,2269,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386749,,Cross-country Differences in Graduate Overeducation,VABB-1,642,653,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386750,,"Immune system function, stress, exercise and nutrition profile can affect pregnancy outcome: Lessons from a Mediterranean cohort",VABB-1,411,418,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386752,,Speak my language if you want my money service language's influence on consumer tipping behavior,VABB-1,1276,1292,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386754,,The relationship between vagal nerve activity and clinical outcomes in prostate and non-small cell lung cancer patients,VABB-1,2435,2441,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386755,,Vagal nerve activity as a moderator of brain-immune relationships,VABB-1,28,36,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386756,,"Relationship between cortisol, life events and metabolic syndrome in men",VABB-1,16,23,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386757,,"Norms of vagal nerve activity, indexed by Heart Rate Variability, in cancer patients",VABB-1,737,741,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386758,,Autonomic Response to Pain in Patients with Chronic Whiplash Associated Disorders,VABB-1,E277,E285,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386760,,Exporting the Rule of Law in East Asia: Japan’s Experiences from the 1990s to Present,VABB-1,364,381,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386762,,Japanese Studies in Belgium in the 21st Century: Framing the Impact of Popular Culture,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386763,,Reforms of the judiciary in Japan at the start of the twenty-first century: initial assessment of an ongoing process,VABB-4,66,78,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386766,,From Dysfunction to Restoration: The Allegorical Potential of Immigrant Labor,VABB-4,71,93,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386769,,Z tkaniny do tekstu. Autoreferencyjność w twórczości Brunona Schulza i Erwina Mortiera,VABB-1,469,484,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386771,,"Changing Sides. East/West Travesties in Lionel Baier's ""Comme des voleurs (à l'est)""",VABB-4,37,50,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386773,,"Ferdinand Verbiest’s 1668 observation of an unidentified celestial phenomenon in Peking, its lost description and some parallel observations, especially in Korea",VABB-1,33,51,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386776,,Mojia ‘shilun’ shifou daibiao Mo Di de sixiang?—Zaoqi zishu zhong de ‘shilun’ biaoyu,VABB-1,5,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386778,,Mohism,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386782,,Do the Ten Mohist Theses Represent Mozi’s Thought? Reading the Masters with a Focus on Mottos,VABB-1,337,370,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386789,,Pheasant cap master,VABB-4,281,305,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386794,,(Semi-)autonomous subordination in Dutch: Structures and semantic-pragmatic values,VABB-1,226,250,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386795,,"Complement Raising, Extraction and Adposition Stranding in Dutch",VABB-5,156,175,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386796,,Example-Based Treebank Querying with GrETEL – now also for Spoken Dutch,VABB-5,423,428,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386798,,Phrase Structure Grammars,VABB-4,1,37,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386799,,"Telwoorden en kwantoren: syntaxis versus semantiek. Bespreking van hoofdstuk 6 “Numerals and quantifiers” in Syntax of Dutch: Nouns and Noun Phrases Volume 2 (Broekhuis & den Dikken, 2012)",VABB-1,77,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386800,,Het verrassende resultaat van een copulativiteitspeiling,VABB-4,47,62,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386801,,Looking for Cluster Creepers in Dutch Treebanks. Dat we ons daar nog kunnen mee bezig houden,VABB-1,149,170,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386802,,Adpositional constructions of location and motion in Dutch,VABB-4,127,171,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386803,,Experiences with the ISOcat Data Category Registry,VABB-5,4565,4568,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386805,,Man en men: een wereld van verschil,VABB-4,241,253,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386806,,Tracing down schadenfreude in spontaneous interaction. Evidence from corpus linguistics,VABB-4,275,291,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386808,,Segueing from a Data Category Registry to a Data Concept Registry,VABB-5,177,187,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386809,,Improving the Precision of Synset Links Between Cornetto and Princeton WordNet,VABB-5,120,126,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386811,,German two-way prepositions and related phenomena,VABB-4,95,125,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386812,,Rise of the Auxiliaries: a case for auxiliary raising vs. affix lowering,VABB-1,295,362,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386813,,Community Efforts around the ISOcat Data Category Registry,VABB-4,349,373,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386814,,The IPP effect in Afrikaans: a corpus analysis,VABB-5,213,225,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386815,,"The adjective in Germanic and Romance: development, differences and similarities",VABB-4,1,32,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386816,,The resilient nature of adjectival inflection in Dutch,VABB-4,113,145,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386817,,Adjectives in Germanic and Romance,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386818,,Normalisation des contours intonatifs et étude de la variation régionale en français,VABB-1,273,284,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:386819,,Nuclear and non-nuclear cases: a continuum,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386821,,"Au nom du nom: langage, grammaire et réalité au XVIe siècle",VABB-1,27,66,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:386822,,"One continent, one language? Europe's tongue in Philippus Cluverius' Germania antiqua (1616) and beyond",VABB-1,889,907,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:386824,,Le discours grammaticographique dans les Leys d'Amors. L'ancrage sémiotique de la grammaire au Moyen Âge,VABB-1,62,75,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:386826,,"Thematic markers in informal written French: pour ce qui est de, en matière de and au niveau (de)",VABB-1,423,444,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:386827,,Heber or Habraham? Ambrosiaster and Augustine on language history,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386828,,Ancient theories of noun (ónoma),VABB-4,524,527,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386829,,"Sprachen, die Geschichte schreiben. Zu Leibniz’ sprachhistorischem Forschungsprogramm und dessen Nachwirkung",VABB-4,177,206,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:386830,,Regards sur l’histoire de l’enseignement du français aux Pays-Bas (XVIe-XVIIe siècles),VABB-1,49,79,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:386832,,"La linguistique romane, de Friedrich Diez à l’aube du XXe siècle",VABB-4,43,64,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:386833,,Morphologie du langage et typologie linguistique. La connexion ‘Schleicher – Saint-Pétersbourg',VABB-5,87,102,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386834,,Les études linguistiques romanes des origines jusqu’au début du XIXe siècle: les “prémices” de la romanistique,VABB-4,13,42,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:386835,,Une figure de grammairien: Léon Clédat (1851-1930),VABB-1,121,140,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:386836,,"The Actio oratoris seu de gestu et voce libri duo (Paris, 1675) of the Jesuit Joannes Lucas",VABB-4,77,101,,lat,2013,2 c:vabb:386837,,Le verbe dans le Traicté de la grammaire Francoise (1557) de Robert Estienne: approche classificatoire et terminologique,VABB-1,147,169,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:386838,,Indices,VABB-4,323,335,,lat,2013,2 c:vabb:386840,,Ainsi en tête de phrase + inversion: une analyse de corpus,VABB-5,2413,2427,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:386844,,Ancient theories of word classes (mérê tou lógou),VABB-4,516,521,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386845,,"A historiografia da linguística: objeto, objetivos, organização",VABB-1,39,59,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:386849,,Présentation [de la section ‘Histoire de la linguistique et de la philologie romanes’],VABB-4,481,487,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:386850,,Sens et essence de la reconstruction,VABB-4,47,59,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:386851,,"Joannes Lucas SJ, De monumentis publicis Latine inscribendis oratio (Paris, 1677). Introduction, analysis of assumptions about language, and annotated edition",VABB-1,523,581,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386852,,"Taaltheorie ter verdediging van het Latijn. Joannes Lucas S.J., De monumentis publicis Latine inscribendis oratio (1677)",VABB-5,195,209,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:386853,,"Word Formation (Derivation, Compounding)",VABB-4,521,529,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386856,,De uoce et uerbo. Augustine’s exegesis of John 1:1-3 and 23 in sermons 288 and 293A auct. (Dolbeau 3),VABB-1,95,118,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386858,,Indexing Locality: Contemporary Urban Vernaculars in Belgium and Norway,VABB-4,249,270,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386859,,Grammaticalisatie en taalvergelijking: Nederlands het is zo dat vs Frans c’est ainsi que,VABB-4,163,179,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386862,,Non-nuclear cases,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386864,,A first stumbling step toward Ancient Greek dialectology in Western Europe. An edition and brief discussion of Johann Reuchlin’s De quattuor Graecae linguae differentiis libellus (1477/1478),VABB-1,501,526,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386866,,Ancient theories of verb (rhêma),VABB-4,459,462,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386867,,Principes et pratique(s) du DÉRom,VABB-4,39,46,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386869,,The Romance partitive,VABB-4,477,518,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386870,,From Alauda to Zythus. The emergence and uses of Old-Gaulish word lists in early modern publications,VABB-1,223,281,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386871,,"Linguistics through its proper mirror-glass: Saussure, signs, segments",VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386873,,Epicurus (341-270 BCE),VABB-4,1108,1116,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386875,,"The Metochion, Holy Sepulchre 363 Manuscript and an Unpublished Byzantine Opuscule on Predetermination",VABB-4,395,417,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386877,,"Met Callicles tegen Callicles. Filosofie, gemeenschapsleven en Plato’s Gorgias in Damascius’ Leven van Isidorus",VABB-1,5,27,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386878,,Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam. Joseph Rhakendytès' Synopsis of Byzantine Learning,VABB-4,259,276,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:386880,,"Le texte de la Septante, l’édition de Göttingen et La Bible d’Alexandrie",VABB-1,93,110,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:386882,,Hermias of Alexandria on Socrates' Divine Sign,VABB-4,309,324,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386885,,Gregory of Nyssa’s Contra Eunomium and Onomatodoxy in Russian Theology,VABB-5,660,674,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386886,,Voice or Vision? Socrates' Divine Sign and Homeric Epiphany in Late Platonism and Beyond,VABB-1,359,385,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386887,,John Chrysostom on Pagan Euergetism: A Reading of the First Part of De inani gloria et de educandis liberis,VABB-1,147,169,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386888,,The Monk and the Stagirite. An Analysis of the 'De Virtute et Ascesi' of Nicephorus Blemmydes,VABB-4,313,328,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:386889,,"Philanthropy, Dignity, and Euergetism",VABB-4,516,528,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386890,,The Synopsis of Joseph Rhakendytès: like a Two-Headed Hermes?,VABB-1,107,111,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386891,,Socratic Love in Neoplatonism,VABB-4,21,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386892,,Malachias the Monk on the Numerical Proverbs: Sources and Exegetical Tradition,VABB-4,539,552,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386893,,O. Gardiner 103: One of a Pair of Legal Statements?,VABB-4,305,311,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386894,,A client's client: The process of Islamization in early and classical Islam,VABB-1,143,158,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386895,,Genome dynamics of the human embryonic kidney 293 lineage in response to cell biology manipulations,VABB-1,4767,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386897,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2014-4,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386901,,The Year 16 Graffito of Akhenaten in Dayr Abu Hinnis. A Contribution to the Study of the Later Years of Nefertiti,VABB-1,67,108,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386903,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2014-2,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386905,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2013-4,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386906,,The Glyptic of Tell Beydar: An Impression of the Sealing Evidence for an Early Dynastic Official Household,VABB-5,401,420,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386908,,Historical and Archaeological Aspects of Egyptian Funerary Culture,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386909,,De Koning der Mensen versus de Koning der Dieren,VABB-4,27,32,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386910,,Cognitive assessment of very low birth weight infants using the Dutch version of the PARCA-R parent questionnaire,VABB-1,897,900,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386911,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2014-3,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386913,,"Patterns of Monastic Habitation on the East bank of the Nile in Middle Egypt: Dayr al-Dik, Dayr Abū Ḥinnis, and al-Shaykh Sa'id. With an appendix on inscriptions by A. Delattre",VABB-1,235,278,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386915,,The Prayers of Abū Muslim and al-Maʾmūn. An Exercise in Dating Ḥadīth,VABB-1,66,83,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386916,,"The Seleucid bullae from Uruk in the Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels",VABB-1,113,142,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386917,,Monastic settlements in Dayr Abu Hinnis (Middle Egypt): The spatial perspective,VABB-4,157,175,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386919,,"The mysteries of Egyptian Nile perch (Lates niloticus). The case of Tell Tweini (Syria, Middle Bronze Age-Iron Age)",VABB-5,209,226,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386920,,Mihna,VABB-4,1,10,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386923,,A combined ″omics″ approach identifies NMI as a novel cytokine-induced regulator of IRE1α and JNK in pancreatic beta cells,VABB-1,20677,20693,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386924,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2013-3,VABB-3,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386925,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2014-1,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386926,,Les constituants introduits par des marqueurs de thématisation en français face aux compléments spatio-temporels antéposés : une analyse prosodique,VABB-1,13,40,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:386927,,Raters' social considerations in the essay writing process. The case of Chinese assessors of high-stake exam essays written in English,VABB-1,101,108,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386928,,Weblogs in foreign language education: real and promised benefits,VABB-5,1,12,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386932,,Variability in verb complementation in Late Modern English: finite vs. non-finite patterns,VABB-4,182,204,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386933,,Referential meaning in basic and non-basic color terms,VABB-4,323,338,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386934,,A radically data-driven Construction Grammar: Experiments with Dutch causative constructions,VABB-4,17,46,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386935,,Culturally conditioned language change? A multi-variate analysis of genitive constructions in in ARCHER,VABB-4,133,152,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386936,,Zellig Harris en het contemporaine corpuslinguïstische distributionalisme,VABB-4,513,522,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:386937,,Nederlandse predeterminatoren als levend fossiel,VABB-1,87,103,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386938,,Introduction: The text-feature-aggregation pipeline in variation studies,VABB-4,1,25,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386939,,Logistic regression: A confirmatory technique for comparisons in corpus linguistics,VABB-4,487,533,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386941,,Degeneracy: the maintenance of constructional networks,VABB-4,141,179,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386944,,A multivariate analysis of the partitive genitive in Dutch. Bringing quantitative data into a theoretical discussion,VABB-1,1,33,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386946,,Quirky quadratures: on rhythm and weight as constraints on genitive variation in an unconventional dataset,VABB-1,263,303,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386947,,Lexicon. Semantics. Cognition. Corpus. An interview with professor Dirk Geeraerts,VABB-1,86,92,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386948,,Taalkeuze in personeelsadvertenties: een verkennend onderzoek door drie science floor managers,VABB-4,771,784,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386949,,Semantic weighting mechanisms in scalable lexical sociolectometry,VABB-4,205,230,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386950,,Variation in English genitives across modality and genres,VABB-1,471,496,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386951,,"Forests, trees, corpora, and dialect grammars",VABB-4,89,112,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386952,,Site-restricted web searches for data collection in regional dialectology,VABB-1,412,440,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:386953,,"Core vocabulary, borrowability, and entrenchment: a usage-based onomasiological approach",VABB-1,74,105,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386954,,Spurious effects in variational corpus linguistics. Identification and implications of confounding,VABB-1,478,504,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386955,,Hulpwerkwoordselectie in drieledige perfecta met een modaal. Een alternatieve historische verklaring,VABB-4,349,364,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386957,,Volgtijdelijkheid: een genuanceerd verhaal voor student en onderwijsinstelling,VABB-1,44,49,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386958,,"Aggregating Dialectology, Typology, and Register Analysis: Linguistic Variation in Text and Speech",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386959,,Dutch causative constructions with doen and laten: Quantification of meaning and meaning of quantification,VABB-4,205,221,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386960,,Measuring analyticity and syntheticity in creoles,VABB-1,49,86,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386961,,Cognitive linguistics and linguistic variation,VABB-4,202,217,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386962,,Intersubjectivity and intersubjectification,VABB-4,129,153,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386963,,Intersubjectivity and Intersubjectification in Grammar and Discourse,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386964,,Deliteralization and the birth of emotion,VABB-4,50,67,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386968,,Modellierung und Ontologien im Wissensmanagement,VABB-1,149,165,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:386970,,Semantic Web und Linked Open Data,VABB-4,219,228,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386972,,Independent complement constructions in Swedish and Danish: Insubordination or dependency shift?,VABB-1,89,102,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386973,,Introduction: Grammaticalization and (inter)subjectification,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386975,,A speech function analysis of tag questions in British English spontaneous dialogue,VABB-1,64,85,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386976,,Conceptually driven analogy in the grammaticalization of Spanish binominal quantifiers,VABB-1,637,684,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386977,,"A diachronic corpus-based multivariate analysis of ""I think that"" vs. ""I think zero""",VABB-4,279,303,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386979,,A and O as each other's mirror image? Problems with markedness reversal,VABB-1,3,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:386981,,Por qué los detectives espían y los depredadores acechan,VABB-1,89,106,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:386982,,Constrained confusion: The gerund/participle distinction in Late Modern English,VABB-4,224,238,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386983,,Anclaje experiencial y epistémico de los demostrativos no situacionales en español,VABB-1,87,170,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:386984,,Polariteitsomkering bij insubordinatie,VABB-4,639,651,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386985,,The Directionality of (Inter)subjectification in the English Noun Phrase,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386986,,The role of mood marking in complex sentences: A case study of Australian languages,VABB-1,195,236,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386988,,"How nouns turn into adjectives. The emergence of new adjectives in French, English and Dutch through debonding processes",VABB-1,251,277,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386989,,De integratie van Engelse leenwerkwoorden in het Nederlands,VABB-4,75,87,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386990,,Does innovation need reanalysis?,VABB-4,23,48,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:386991,,Constructionele semantiek en pragmatiek in de analyse van gekloofde zinnen,VABB-4,593,607,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:386992,,Passive voice and causal roles in Spanish,VABB-4,217,317,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386993,,"Constructions and Environments: Copular, Passive, and Related Constructions in Old and Middle English",VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386995,,Lanzamiento asociativo vs. balístico: echar vs. tirar,VABB-1,107,126,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:386997,,The speech functions of tag questions and their properties. A comparison of their distribution in COLT and LLC,VABB-4,321,350,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:386999,,What grammar reveals about sex and death: interdisciplinary applications of corpus-based linguistics,VABB-1,371,387,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:387001,,Over de subjectieve lezing van dreigen in het 16de- en 17de-eeuwse Nederlands. Historische pragmatiek vs contact-geïnduceerde taalverandering,VABB-4,329,347,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387002,,Corpus interrogation and grammatical patterns,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387003,,"Así modificador nominal: aspectos gramaticales, semánticos y discursivos",VABB-1,173,213,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:387004,,"Had better, 'd better and better",VABB-4,119,154,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387006,,"Nibble, nibble like a mouse. Who is nibbling at the source text's house",VABB-4,39,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387008,,De leeuw met kleine klauwtjes,VABB-1,425,453,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387009,,Hacia una traducción adecuada de la focalización,VABB-1,44,70,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:387010,,Inleiding,VABB-1,95,106,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387011,,How immortal is Disney's Little Mermaid?,VABB-4,127,142,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387012,,De potloodlijnen van het zijn,VABB-1,80,99,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387013,,Hendrik de Veroveraar. De wereld van Conscience / Conscience in de wereld (1812-2012),VABB-1,213,231,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387014,,Voor mij een vader. Maurice Gilliams verdedigt J.L. De Belder,VABB-1,70,91,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387017,,"""Oh how hard it is to play the translator's game""",VABB-1,346,365,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387018,,Van zedenspreuken tot levensvragen. Kinderpoëzie,VABB-4,211,247,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387019,,A paternal environmental legacy: Evidence for epigenetic inheritance through the male germ line,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387020,,Acts of the Tenth International Congress of Demotic Studies,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387021,,Trismegistos. An interdisciplinary Platform for Ancient World Texts and Related Information,VABB-4,40,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387022,,"Paying prostimon for new vineyard land (T. BM EA 56920). A bilingual set of wooden tablets from the archive of Horos, son of Nechouthes",VABB-1,105,115,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:387023,,Nikagoras von Zeleia,VABB-1,78,93,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:387025,,Seals and Stamps as identifiers in Daily Life in Greco-Roman Egypt,VABB-4,141,151,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387026,,The Shrines of Hathor and Amenhotep in Western Thebes in the Ptolemaic Period,VABB-1,105,125,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387028,,Artabas of grain or artabas of grains?,VABB-1,101,108,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387029,,"Deeds of last will : Demotic, Greek and Latin",VABB-4,202,213,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387030,,Prostima-fines and crop-control under Ptolemy VIII. BGU VI 1420 reconsidered in the light of the new Schubart-column to P. Haun. inv. 407,VABB-1,188,198,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387031,,Ethnic Diversity in a wealthy household,VABB-4,101,110,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387032,,The Development of the Greek Dynastic Cult under Ptolemy V,VABB-1,371,381,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387034,,A petition to the epimeletes Dorotheos in Trinity College Dublin,VABB-1,91,104,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387036,,Biographie und Autobiographie,VABB-4,678,733,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387037,,Greek Athletics in Egypt: Status Symbol and Lifestyle,VABB-4,349,363,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387038,,Pythagoras in the Historical Tradition: From Herodotus to Diodorus Siculus,VABB-4,296,314,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387039,,Demotic Studies in Leuven,VABB-5,7,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387040,,Ptolemaic Greek loans,VABB-4,234,242,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387041,,"Alessandro Magno, Eracle e Cos meropide (Strabo 15, 1, 3; 33. Plin., NH 6, 59)",VABB-1,93,103,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387042,,The Ptolemaic army in Upper Egypt (2nd-1st centuries BC),VABB-4,105,135,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387043,,"Mummy labels from Graeco-Roman Egypt in National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh",VABB-1,356,375,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387044,,"Historiographie, Biographie und Enkomion. Theorie der Biographie und Historiographie bei Diodor und Polybios",VABB-1,135,162,,ger,2014,1 c:vabb:387049,,"Filthy and indecent words. Insults, defamation, and urban politics in the southern Low Countries, 1300-1550",VABB-4,247,267,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387054,,Hugo van Fosses als kanunnik in Fosses-la-Ville en Cambrai (1087/95-1121/23),VABB-1,5,269,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387055,,"L'anniversaire Gantois de Marie, duchesse de Bourgogne (27 mars 1483). Autour de la participation des sujets urbains à un service commémoratif pour une princesse décédée",VABB-1,341,365,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387056,,Honderd jaar '14-'18 in de stad. Interview met Sophie De Schaepdrijver en Jo Tollebeek,VABB-1,97,107,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387057,,Stadswording in de Lage Landen van de tiende tot de vijftiende eeuw. Een overzicht aan de hand van vijfhonderd jaar ruimtelijke inrichting’,VABB-1,113,131,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387062,,The Digital Thematic Deconstruction of Historic Town Views and Maps,VABB-4,9,31,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387065,,Review of periodical articles (2013),VABB-1,333,355,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387069,,Excommunication under discussion in the early twelfth century diocese of Liège: A comparative inquiry into the opinions of Lambert of St.-Hubert and Sigebert of Gembloux,VABB-1,37,64,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387071,,Political Poems and Subversive Songs. The Circulation of ‘Public Poetry’ in the Late Medieval Low Countries,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387074,,Introduction: medieval voices and popular politics,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387076,,Compass toponymy and space orientation in the Southern Low Countries before 1800,VABB-5,1648,1658,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387079,,Grenzeloze macht? De territoriale politiek van de bisschoppen van Luik en Metz in de regio Zoutleeuw (8ste-13de eeuw),VABB-1,5,36,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387081,,"De strijd om het regentschap over Filips de Schone. Opstand, facties en geweld in Brugge, Gent en Ieper (1482-1488)",VABB-2,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387083,,Le livre de Jan De Rouc. Mémoire collective et révoltes urbaines aux Pays-Bas méridionaux (XVe-XVIe siècles),VABB-5,7,26,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:387087,,Blik op de stad. Stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften,VABB-1,83,96,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387092,,The voices of the people in late medieval Europe. Communication and popular politics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387094,,Setting Scientific Standards. Publishing in Medical Societies in Nineteenth-Century Belgium,VABB-1,626,653,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387095,,Een gedwongen plooi: geschiedenis schrijven in het Verenigd Koninkrijk van Willem I,VABB-1,203,223,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387099,,A domestic culture: the mise-en-scène of modern historiography,VABB-4,129,143,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387103,,"Revoluties in de klas. Secundair geschiedenisonderwijs in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, 1750-1850",VABB-2,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387106,,An obligation of conscience: gossip as social control in an eighteenth-century Flemish town,VABB-1,653,670,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387110,,"Een stedelijke wetenschap. Medische genootschappen en de organisatie van de Belgische geneeskunde, 1800-1850",VABB-1,95,111,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387113,,Political Values in a European Museum,VABB-1,124,136,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387117,,Wetenschapsbeoefening en belangenbehartiging. Naar een nieuwe geschiedschrijving van negentiende-eeuwse medische genootschappen in de Lage Landen,VABB-1,36,49,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387121,,"""Peut-être pas bien vu à Rome”. Mgr. Jacques Laminne and the Theory of Evolution",VABB-4,85,101,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:387122,,De beproevingen van Marie Blomme. Waarheidsproductie in een achttiende-eeuwse Vlaamse stad,VABB-1,87,106,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387124,,"Something Old, Something Borrowed, Something New. The Brussels Shopping Townscape, 1830-1914",VABB-4,157,183,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387127,,"Ambivalences of Liberal Health Policy: Lebensreform and Self-Help Medicine in Belgium, 1890-1914",VABB-4,101,117,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387129,,"De glans van het verleden, het recht op het heden: over het eerste eeuwfeest van Conscience",VABB-1,130,151,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387132,,Stedelijke overheidsregulering van een vitale sector. De bierfiscaliteit te Lier (1400-1800),VABB-4,55,74,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387136,,'Handelende van tghemeen wantrouwich ghevoelen’. De Gorkumse rederijkers en het publieke debat rond het Twaalfjarig Bestand (1609),VABB-1,64,74,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387139,,De vrede verzilverd? Het Eeuwig Edict en de Intrede van Don Juan in Leuven (februari-april 1577),VABB-1,61,77,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387140,,Die belgische Monarchie und Albert I: Ritterkönig und Friedensfürst?,VABB-4,409,437,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387141,,De genese van de groei. The Growth of the Antwerp Market van Herman Van der Wee een halve eeuw (1963-2013),VABB-1,699,717,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:387142,,"L'identité au pluriel. Jeux et enjeux des appartenances autour des anciens Pays-Bas, XIVe-XVIIIe siècles. Identity and Identities. Belonging at Stake in the Low Countries 14th-18th Centuries",VABB-3,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387146,,Grensstudies in de Zwinstreek. De studie en ontsluiting van een historisch grensland,VABB-1,60,74,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387150,,"Rusland, de Krim en het hernieuwde belang van territoriale claims",VABB-1,37,41,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387154,,L’aristocratie transrégionale et les frontières: les processus d’identification politique dans les maison de Luxembourg-Saint-Pol et de Croÿ (1470-1530),VABB-4,209,228,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387155,,"Geprivilegieerde arbeid. Netwerken en beroepsmobiliteit van munters in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, 13de-16de eeuw",VABB-1,133,168,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387157,,Over het belang van abdijbibliotheken,VABB-4,17,27,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387162,,"The Southern Netherlands, New Spain, and the Atlantic Networks of the Spanish Monarchy (1500-1700)",VABB-1,63,117,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:387167,,The 'Spanish Faction' at the court of the Archdukes Albert and Isabella,VABB-4,167,221,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387170,,Introduction,VABB-1,11,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387176,,L’identité au pluriel. Les jeux des appartenances aux anciens Pays-Bas (XIVe-XVIIIe siècles),VABB-4,317,326,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387179,,Identités et histoire des anciens Pays-Bas. Enjeux thématiques et renouvellement historiographique,VABB-4,9,20,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387180,,How Dutch Brazil Affects Your Emotions. The Antwerp Jesuit Cornelius Hazart on Early Colonial Brazil,VABB-4,146,167,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387185,,"The Treaty of London, the Twelve Years Truce and Religious Toleration in Spain and the Netherlands (1598-1621)",VABB-4,277,297,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387194,,Broederschappen in de Nederlanden. Opstap naar verder onderzoek,VABB-1,249,260,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387198,,"Le corps du prince dans les anciens Pays-Bas, de l'état bourguignon à la Révolte (XIVe-XVIe siècles)",VABB-1,253,295,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387201,,"The Act of Cession, the 1598 and 1600 States General in Brussels and the Peace Negotiations during the Dutch Revolt",VABB-4,48,68,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387202,,Rereading the mother in Edna O’Brien’s Saints and Sinners,VABB-1,115,130,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387205,,Einleitung,VABB-4,1,19,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387207,,La ricerca in vetrina: riflessioni su un’esposizione,VABB-1,89,96,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:387208,,StaatsSachen/Matters of State. Fiktionen der Gemeinschaft im langen 19. Jahrhundert,VABB-3,,,-,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387210,,"""Di professione novellaro"". Pirandello, short stories and literary identity",VABB-1,53,67,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:387211,,Kreuzzugsepen,VABB-4,305,327,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387212,,Die Physiognomik des Dämonischen: Wilhelm Fraengers Bildlektüren,VABB-4,373,394,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387213,,Ende gaet inder sartroeysen ordine. De kartuizers en de Catharina van Siena-cultus in de Lage Landen,VABB-4,211,230,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387214,,Rewriting the Irish Short Story: Emma Donoghue’s The Woman Who Gave Birth To Rabbits,VABB-1,213,228,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387215,,Geschichtsepik – Antikenromane. Einleitung,VABB-4,23,33,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387216,,Het on(ver)draaglijke. Een visueel essay,VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387217,,La collaborazione artistica nella letteratura italiana del Novecento,VABB-3,,,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:387218,,Lothringerepen,VABB-4,329,349,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387220,,Compositional Methods in the Lives,VABB-4,321,332,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387222,,"The Unbearable. (Con-)figurations of the Intolerable, part 2",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:387223,,“I Know He Knows I Know He Knows I Am”: Suspension of Disbelief in A. L. Kennedy,VABB-1,355,374,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387224,,Die mittelniederländischen Trojaromane,VABB-4,151,174,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387226,,Va bene! La famiglia nelle novelle di Luigi Pirandello,VABB-4,63,75,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:387228,,"Beyond all Bearing. (Con)Figurations of the Intolerable, part 1",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:387229,,"Testi da leggere, testi da guardare: i discorsi della letteratura attraverso le immagini negli anni Trenta",VABB-1,147,159,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:387230,,Karlsepen: Karel ende Elegast,VABB-4,221,233,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387235,,Arazzi ad Anversa. Ecfrasi dopo Tasso,VABB-1,31,42,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:387236,,Une rumeur sous-terraine. Entretien avec Olivier Smolders,VABB-1,,,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:387239,,How to Treat a Bee-Sting? On the Higher Cause in Plutarch’s Causes of Natural Phenomena: the Case of Q.N. 35-36,VABB-1,131,157,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:387240,,Geschichtsepik - Heldenepen/Chansons de geste. Einleitung,VABB-4,177,188,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387241,,Plutarch and the Wonder of Nature. Preliminaries to Plutarch’s Science of Physical Problems,VABB-1,310,341,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387244,,"Torag, Dolgan, Ning, Gyoya, Orga: Diaspora Under the Sign of Salmon in David Grossman’s See Under: Love",VABB-4,162,177,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387246,,Landbouw en milieu in de Lage Landen. Inleiding bij een themanummer,VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387247,,"‘Christian Homes Religion, Family and Domesticity in the 19th and 20th Centuries",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387248,,Between Diplomacy and Solidarity: Western European Support Networks for Sandinista Nicaragua,VABB-1,617,634,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387250,,Die langen schatten des zweiten Weltkrieges in Belgien,VABB-4,51,66,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387251,,"Races to Modernity: Metropolitan Aspirations in Eastern Europe, 1890–1940. An Introduction",VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387252,,"Polish intelligence in Brussels: the agent, his object, and the subjective historian",VABB-4,175,189,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387253,,"Races to Modernity. Metropolitan Aspirations in Eastern Europe, 1890–1940",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387256,,The Difficult Quest for Chilean Allies. International Labor Solidarity Campaigns for Chile in the 1970s and 1980s,VABB-4,97,129,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387257,,"European Solidarity with Chile, 1970s-1980s",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387259,,Die Zentralität der Apokalypse nach 1945. Städtebauliche Kontinuitätslinien und die internationale Rezeption des Wiederaufbaus von Warschau,VABB-4,179,201,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387264,,"Building Europe on Expertise. Innovators, Organizors, Networkers",VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387268,,Warszawa Funkcjonalna: Radical Urbanism and the International Discourse on Planning in the Interwar Period,VABB-4,205,231,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387270,,A Global Perspective on the European Mobilization for Chile (1970s-1980s),VABB-4,7,48,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387271,,Rząd belgijski na londyńskim wygnaniu,VABB-4,399,413,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387278,,Politics,VABB-4,107,118,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387281,,"'""Une page est une image."" Tekst als beeld in 'Arts et Métiers Graphiques'.'",VABB-1,5,21,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387283,,Capturing the Last Moments,VABB-1,122,140,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:387285,,Enjeux discursifs de la généricité des textes. Entretien avec Jean-Michel Adam. Propos recueillis par David Martens & Guillaume Willem,VABB-1,195,223,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387286,,"Dominique Goblet, écrire au féminin",VABB-1,164,177,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387287,,"Beyond the Stimulus Shield: War Neurosis, Shock and Montage in Alfred Döblin’s Berlin Alexanderplatz",VABB-1,97,112,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:387288,,L'invention de l'entretien d'écrivain : écrire le dialogue radiophonique,VABB-1,,,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387293,,Paul van Ostaijen's A User's Guide to Lyric,VABB-1,90,102,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387294,,Entretien à trois chaises avec Benoît Peeters,VABB-4,250,284,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387296,,Le médium n'est pas soluble dans les médias de mass,VABB-1,40,45,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387298,,"Stéphane Bouquet, Les amours suivants ou la création d'une épithète poétique",VABB-1,249,261,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387301,,The Literary Interview,VABB-1,1,50,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387302,,"Trials and Tribulations, Results and Implications. Digitizing for EuropeanaPhotography",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387303,,Peindre et photographier à quatre mains: une lecture croisée de René Magritte et Paul Nougé,VABB-1,111,118,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387305,,"The ""Dichtung und Rundfunk"" Conference: Medial Configurations of Speech Networks",VABB-1,66,89,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387306,,Unheard Conjectures. Fokkema and Ibsch's Paradoxical Theory of Modernist Authors,VABB-1,277,291,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:387308,,LACE - a MOOC on Literature and Change in Europe: MOOCs at the MA level in a cross-over with Campus Teaching,VABB-5,3217,3226,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387312,,Hybrid EUROPEANA. Notes on (theater) photo archives,VABB-1,14,29,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387314,,En garde. Poëtica's voor een nieuwe roman,VABB-1,73,95,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:387315,,Playing with Autism and Outsider Art,VABB-1,259,268,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387317,,"Livio Belloï, Film Ist. La pensée visuelle selon Gustav Deutsch",VABB-1,245,253,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387318,,Cultural Studies as Performative Research in a Digital Age,VABB-1,309,320,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387319,,Eloge de la canonisation,VABB-1,1,12,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387324,,Du manuscrit à l'imprimé. La pseudotraduction comme rite d'institution auctorial,VABB-1,431,446,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:387326,,The Graphic Novel. An Introduction,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387327,,"Where to Do Things with Words. Circulating Books, Decorating Rooms and Locating Modern Reading",VABB-1,457,472,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:387329,,A study in cinematic subjectivity: Metaphors of perception in film,VABB-1,149,173,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387331,,All our yesterdays: Europeana and the phenomenology of photographic experience through the framing of digitization,VABB-1,57,71,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387332,,"L’intervieweur face au discours littéraire : stratégies de positionnement chez Madeleine Chapsal, Jacques Chancel et Bernard Pivot",VABB-1,,,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387333,,The Genealogy-Complex. History Beyond the Avant-Garde Myth of Originality,VABB-1,13,28,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387334,,On the Embodiment of Binary Oppositions in Cinema: The Containment Schema in John Ford's Westerns,VABB-1,30,43,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387336,,The Literary Interview,VABB-1,51,116,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387337,,"Tussen leven, literatuur en tijdgeest: de schrijversbiografie",VABB-1,237,246,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387338,,Scenarios for the Use of OpenCourseWare in the Context of Student Mobility,VABB-1,135,144,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387340,,Les Livres,VABB-3,,,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:387343,,Scénographies de la pseudotraduction. Enjeux littéraires d'un dispositif marginal,VABB-1,347,358,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:387346,,Backward/Forward: Thalia Field's Metanarratives,VABB-1,599,615,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387349,,Scénographies de la pseudotraduction II. Usages et enjeux d'un infra-genre dans la littérature française,VABB-1,479,495,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:387354,,Pour en finir avec la poésie dite minimaliste,VABB-2,,,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387355,,Le roman-photo: images d’une histoire,VABB-1,178,202,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387356,,Genre in verandering. Vernieuwingen in de naoorlogse Nederlandstalige roman,VABB-1,51,83,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:387357,,"Nuevos realismos, Chejfec y el retorno de lo real",VABB-4,207,222,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:387358,,"Une attraction superficielle? Espace et érotisme dans Boca de lobo, de Sergio Chejfec",VABB-1,57,66,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387360,,"Identidad y movilidad en el cine documental latinoamericano contemporáneo. Sobre Familia Tipo (Cecilia Priego, 2009) e Hija (María Paz González, 2011)",VABB-1,72,86,,spa,2014,1 c:vabb:387361,,Space and Everyday Life. Transformations and Tensions in Contemporary Fiction,VABB-1,23,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387362,,Espacio y cotidianidad. Transformaciones y tensiones en la narrativa contemporánea,VABB-1,7,19,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:387363,,American Literature: A History,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387364,,"Major Histories, Minor Literatures, and World Authors",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:387365,,La chambre secrète du roman,VABB-4,15,28,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387370,,Caribbeing,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387371,,"Lenglet-Dufresnoy, écrits inédits sur le roman",VABB-3,,,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387372,,Two Forms of Multidirectional Memory: Um passaporte húngaro (S. Kogut) and El abrazo partido (D. Burman),VABB-1,575,584,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387373,,Livre de la destinée et livre de la renommée: autour de Perceval,VABB-4,325,348,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387376,,The disappeared as Transnational Figure or How to Deal with the Vain Yesterday,VABB-1,603,612,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387378,,Cultural Memory and the Postcolonial,VABB-4,257,268,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387379,,"""Erase una vez la Revolución..."" Sobre la imagen de la Revolución mexicana en ""Giú la testa"" de Sergio Leone",VABB-4,193,203,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:387382,,El canon en los tiempos de la sobremodernidad: el caso de Sergio Chejfec,VABB-4,63,76,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:387383,,Los discursos del exilio: el dialogismo en los ensayos de Roberto Bolaño,VABB-4,103,113,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:387385,,Reverse migration in Brazilian transnational cinema: Um passaporte húngaro and Armenian rhapsody,VABB-4,131,149,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387386,,"Illustrated Religious Texts in the North of Europe, 1500-1800",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387387,,Pronunciation of Latin,VABB-4,161,170,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387390,,Antwerp printing,VABB-4,1158,1161,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387392,,"The Stoic Seneca on virtus, gaudium and voluptas",VABB-1,45,78,,lat,2014,2 c:vabb:387393,,Inscriptions,VABB-4,994,1007,,lat,2014,2 c:vabb:387394,,Neo-Latin 'Essays': an Absent Genre that is Omnipresent,VABB-4,351,361,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387395,,The Author as Translator,VABB-1,237,269,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387397,,Coins and medals,VABB-4,940,945,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387399,,Il ‘De venatione’ senofonteo tradotto da Ognibene Bonisoli,VABB-1,113,151,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387400,,Colligite fragmenta: a neglected Tumulus for Juan Luis Vives (1492-1540),VABB-4,95,121,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387401,,Letter collections,VABB-4,1028,1034,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387402,,Letter writing,VABB-4,335,349,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387403,,Comment lire Sénèque? Les commentaires des Questions Naturelles de Libertus Fromondus,VABB-4,105,119,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387404,,Annotating Tacitus: the case of Justus Lipsius,VABB-4,279,326,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387407,,Josse Bade's 'Familiaris Commentarius' on Valerius Maximus (1510). A School Commentary?,VABB-4,153,166,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387408,,An heir to Joseph Addison: Théodule Paillard-Fernel,VABB-1,1,59,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387409,,Two models of Humanist letter-writing: Desiderius Erasmus and Justus Lipsius’,VABB-4,297,323,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387414,,Neo-Latin prose: the twilight years (1700-present),VABB-4,879,903,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387415,,Neo-Latin literature - Italy: Facism (1922-1943),VABB-4,1091,1096,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387416,,Libertus Fromondus’ Commentary on Seneca’s Naturales Quaestiones,VABB-1,35,51,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387418,,Electrostatic plasma instabilities driven by neutral gas flows in the solar chromosphere,VABB-1,3568,3576,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387420,,Instrumentum bibliographicum neolatinum,VABB-1,449,532,,lat,2014,2 c:vabb:387423,,"Horace, Carm. 2, 12, 13: Domina ... Licymnia",VABB-1,494,498,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:387426,,Gezinsverplichtingen in de vroege arbeidsloopbaan. Werk- en gezinstrajecten van jongvolwassenen in Vlaanderen.,VABB-1,33,59,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387427,,"Does a mobile depot make urban deliveries faster, more sustainable and more economically viable: results of a pilot test in Brussels",VABB-5,361,373,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387429,,Options for a Compliance Mechanism in a 2015 Climate Agreement.,VABB-1,30,49,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387431,,The Italian Court of Cassation delivers its ruling in the Abu Omar case. The decision.,VABB-1,180,184,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387432,,Group therapy with young children living in foster care,VABB-5,47,49,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:387433,,"Keep the children walking: active school travel in Tirana, Albania",VABB-1,55,65,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387434,,Party Cues in Elections under Multi-Level Governance: Theory and Evidence from US States,VABB-1,1029,1058,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387435,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens,VABB-1,77,81,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387436,,District magnitude ande the personal vote.,VABB-1,102,114,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387438,,Interpreting the Modal Kochen-Specker Theorem: Possibility and Many Worlds in Quantum Mechanics,VABB-1,11,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387440,,Stakeholder dynamics and responsibilities in Public–Private Partnerships: A mixed experience,VABB-1,1210,1222,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387441,,The Frenzy of Fields. An interview with Neil Fligstein on field theory and social skill,VABB-1,107,129,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387443,,Movement and Moment: In-between Discreteness and Continuity,VABB-1,149,167,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387445,,Monte-Carlo parameter uncertainty analysis under dynamical and operational measurement conditions,VABB-5,276,281,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387447,,Physical Properties as Modal Operators in the Topos Approach to Quantum Mechanics,VABB-1,1357,1368,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387450,,Erreurs fréquentes dans l’analyse classique de la composition corporelle,VABB-1,119,124,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387451,,A novel t-test for low-SNR fMRI brain mapping,VABB-5,550,554,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387452,,Actualiteit in het kort - Bankrecht en financieel recht,VABB-1,107,110,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387453,,Actualiteit in het kort - Bankrecht en financieel recht,VABB-1,931,937,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387455,,'Rescaling of Interest Groups in Modern Italy',VABB-1,249,269,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387456,,The emergence of the identity card in Belgium and its colonies,VABB-4,170,185,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387457,,Key competencies and characteristics for innovative teaching among secondary school teachers: a mixed-methods research,VABB-1,299,311,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387458,,Agitation-associated behavioral symptoms in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's dementia,VABB-1,247,257,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:387459,,Motivation for foster care.,VABB-1,143,149,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387460,,Are Female Legislators Different? Exploring Sex Differences in German MPs' Outside Interests,VABB-1,841,865,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387461,,The effect of attentional load on implicit sequence learning in children and young adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387465,,Precarious employment: understanding an emerging social determinant of health,VABB-1,229,253,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387466,,De auteur als Lazarus,VABB-4,5,18,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387467,,Enkele markante bevindingen over 'policing' in zeven Europese metropolen,VABB-1,80,85,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387468,,Gender in European politics (Chapter 43),VABB-4,844,857,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387470,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van december 2013,VABB-1,1392,1398,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387475,,ERP correlates of script content and chronology,VABB-1,113,122,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387476,,Validation assessment of risk tools to predict outcome after thrombolytic therapy for acute ischemic stroke,VABB-1,189,193,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387477,,Second-Order Science: A Vast and Largely Unexplored Science Frontier,VABB-1,7,15,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387478,,Quantifying uncertainty in remote sensing-based urban land-use mapping,VABB-1,154,166,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387479,,Microdata on the Belgian population for 1961-2001. Documenting and reconstructing the 1961 census sample,VABB-1,45,55,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387480,,Study protocol for 'we DECide': implementation of advance care planning for nursing home residents with dementia.,VABB-1,1156,1168,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387481,,End of life care in high-grade glioma patients in three European countries: a comparative study,VABB-1,303,310,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387482,,"Justifying continuous sedation until death: A focus group study in nursing homes in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,105,111,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:387483,,"'Jacques Brel, artiste intermédial : le cas de ""L’Éclusier""'",VABB-1,829,845,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:387485,,Transition through dialogue: a stakeholder based decision process for cities: The case of city distribution,VABB-1,82,91,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:387486,,De Japanse Toren in het Koninklijk Domein van Laken: verloren glans van de interieurdecoratie,VABB-5,166,177,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387490,,"Of availability, targeting and accessibility: online copyright infringements and jurisdiction in the EU",VABB-1,750,764,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387491,,"Ypres, la Flandre rétrocédée et la politique de transit au XVIIIe siècle",VABB-4,187,231,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387492,,Desistance of het stopzetten van een criminele carrière. Een alternatieve manier van kijken naar herval in delictgedrag,VABB-1,42,54,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387493,,How Uninformed is the Average Data Subject? A Quest for Benchmarks in EU Personal Data Protection,VABB-1,92,104,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387494,,Dislocation linguistique et culturelle dans Yoko Tawada et Akira Mizubayashi,VABB-1,125,140,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387496,,Het politieverhoor van minderjarige verdachten: op maat van het kind?,VABB-1,162,208,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387497,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van juli 2013,VABB-1,751,758,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387499,,De aansprakelijkheid van de staat voor vuurwapengebruik door politieambtenaren buiten dienstverband: de (té hoge) eisen gesteld door het EHRM,VABB-1,117,123,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387500,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek’,VABB-1,72,98,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387501,,"Filling some black holes: Modeling the connection between urbanization, infrastructure, and global service intensity in 112 metropolitan regions across the settled world",VABB-1,82,90,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387504,,Women in Law and Law-Making in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Europe,VABB-3,,,274 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387507,,Some explanations for the slow acquisition of L2 collocations,VABB-1,41,62,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387508,,Les subordonnées relatives à l'oral en français langue maternelle et en français langue étrangère: résultats d'une étude exploratoire sur corpus,VABB-1,97,136,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:387511,,"L'attribut de l'objet, une complémentation nucléaire ?",VABB-1,27,48,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387512,,No Solid Empirical Evidence for the SOLID (Serial Order Learning Impairment) Hypothesis of Dyslexia.,VABB-1,650,669,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:387513,,Structural and intermediary determinants of social inequalities in the mental well-being of European workers: A relational approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387515,,ZWERM: a Modular Component Network Approach for an Urban Participation Game,VABB-5,3259,3268,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387517,,"De wet op het politieambt en de grondrechtelijke legaliteitseis. Is er sprake van veroudering, onvolledigheid of onnauwkeurigheid?",VABB-1,58,74,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387519,,A Standard Neurolinguistic Approach to Awake Brain Surgery,VABB-5,4,7,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:387523,,De kosten van het Europees Parlement en zijn leden,VABB-1,79,86,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387524,,Citizens and Further Democratisation after the Lisbon Treaty,VABB-1,123,138,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387527,,"'Verklaren'. Een interview met John Levi Martin over verklaringen, causaliteit en 'sociale esthetica'",VABB-1,212,236,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387529,,What field school teachers say about the teaching of mathematics: a study in the Northeast of Brazil,VABB-1,4,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387530,,"Convenient Prices, Cash Payments and Price Rigidity",VABB-1,329,337,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387531,,Het prozagedicht in Vlaanderen en Nederland als model. Over genres en generaties,VABB-1,251,275,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387534,,"Early career occupational mobility of Turkish and Moroccan second-generation migrants in Flanders, Belgium. (first online)",VABB-1,101,117,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387537,,Beginning teachers' experience of the workplace learning environment in alternative teacher certification programs: A mixed methods approach,VABB-1,79,88,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387538,,The Effect of Union Status at First Childbirth on Union Stability: Evidence from Eastern and Western Germany,VABB-1,129,160,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387540,,Fiscale onrechtvaardigheid als politiek argument in het belastingbeleid van de Vlaamse gemeenten,VABB-1,149,170,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387541,,Audience Transformations: Shifting Audience Positions in Late Modernity,VABB-3,,,280 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387543,,Towards an integration of the Ecological Space Paradigm and the Capabilities Approach,VABB-1,479,496,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387545,,"Associations between different types of physical activity and teachers' perceived mental, physical, and work-related health",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387546,,"Geopolitical Change, Grand Strategy and European Security.",VABB-2,,,296 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387547,,Effect of advanced glycation end product intake on inflammation and aging: a systematic review.,VABB-1,638,650,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387548,,Looking for form-meaning motivation in new L2 words: A think-aloud study among proficient learners of English.,VABB-1,249,280,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387549,,Screening tools for multidimensional health problems warranting a geriatric assessment in older cancer patients: an update on SIOG recommendations,VABB-1,288,300,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:387551,,Fictional institutions and institutional frictions: creative approaches to open GLAMs,VABB-1,203,211,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387555,,Responsibility without Coherence? The Responsibility to Rebuild and Protect in the DR Congo.,VABB-4,208,227,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387557,,Local and international perspectives on the historical sociolinguistics of Dutch.,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387558,,Bruegel and Burke were here! Examining the criteria implicit in the UNESCO paradigm of safeguarding ICH: the first decade,VABB-1,100,118,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387561,,Information preferences of the general population when faced with life-limiting illness,VABB-1,532,538,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387562,,Labelling of end-of-life decisions by physicians.,VABB-1,505,507,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387564,,"The hourly life cycle carbon footprint of electricity generation in Belgium, bringing a temporal resolution in life cycle assessment",VABB-1,469,476,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387565,,Global Governance of Genetic Resources: Background and Analytical Framework.,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387566,,La légitimité en microfinance: tentative d'application de la théorie du champ au cas latino-américain,VABB-1,21,36,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:387567,,Reloading Data Protection. Multidisciplinary Insights and Contemporary Challenges,VABB-3,,,369 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387568,,Onhoudbaar verleden. Geschiedenis als politiek instrument tijdens de Franse periode in België,VABB-2,,,422 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387570,,Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Economic Freedoms: Evidence From Central and Eastern European Countries,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:387573,,Prehospital stroke care: limitations of current interventions and focus on new developments.,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387575,,Nationwide survey to evaluate the decision-making process in euthanasia requests: do specifically trained 2nd physicians improve quality of consultation?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387576,,L'acquisition de l'accord sujet-verbe en FL2,VABB-5,1537,1550,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:387577,,Local Labour Markets and the Interregional Mobility of Italian University Students,VABB-1,443,468,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:387580,,Living alone during cancer treatment: An exploration of patients experiences,VABB-1,1057,1067,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387584,,The road accident analyzer: a tool to identify dangerous road segments,VABB-1,130,151,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387585,,Public acceptance of euthanasia in Europe: a survey study in 47 countries,VABB-1,143,156,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387586,,Marxists and accountants: bien étonnés de se trouver ensemble,VABB-1,271,275,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387589,,2013 in the -State aid- picture,VABB-1,214,217,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387590,,The Impact of the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice on the Philosophy of Mathematics,VABB-4,215,226,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387591,,"To Volunteer or Not: The Influence of Individual Characteristics, Resources, and Social Factors on the Likelihood of Volunteering by Older Adults",VABB-1,1107,1128,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387592,,Use of Anthropometry for the Prediction of Regional Body Tissue Distribution in Adults: Benefits and Limitations in Clinical Practice,VABB-1,373,393,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387595,,"Land under pressure: The value of Irish land in a period of rapid population growth, 1745-1844",VABB-1,40,62,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:387596,,Graven die greppel? Een reflectie over de discussie rond een oriëntatieproef hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,336,342,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387599,,Current debates on end-of-life sedation: an international expert elicitation study.,VABB-1,2141,2149,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387601,,Advance care planning and physician orders in nursing home residents with dementia: a nationwide retrospective study among professional caregivers and relatives.,VABB-1,245,256,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387608,,The United Nations Principles and Guidelines on Access to Legal Aid in Criminal Justice Systems: A Step Toward Global Assurance of Legal Aid?,VABB-1,184,219,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387610,,Participations: Dialogues on the Participatory Promise of Contemporary Culture and Politics,VABB-1,1129,1151,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387611,,Interpreting the European Convention on Human Rights in Light of Emerging Human Rights Issues: An Older Person's Perspective,VABB-1,235,257,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387612,,Jelinek on the Dutch-speaking stage. From marginal attention to dramaturgical success,VABB-1,43,58,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387615,,Routinely-collected general practice data from the Electronic Patient Record and general practitioner active electronic questioning method: a comparative study,VABB-1,510,514,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:387616,,Spatial and temporal fluctuations in individual accessibility: a comparative analysis among subgroups of the population (first online),VABB-1,119,131,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387617,,Making hinterland transport more sustainable a multi actor multi criteria analysis,VABB-1,80,89,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387618,,Beating the Odds: Confrontational Deliberative Democracy,VABB-4,206,218,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387619,,The Council of Europe Data Protection Convention reform: Analysis of the new text and critical comment on its global ambition,VABB-1,633,642,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387620,,Europe after the U.S. Pivot,VABB-1,413,428,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387621,,Fluoxetine in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (FLUOX-PMS): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387622,,Factors controlling the last interglacial climate as simulated by LOVECLIM1.3,VABB-1,1541,1565,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387623,,A Range-Based Vehicle Life Cycle Assessment Incorporating Variability in the Environmental Assessment of Different Vehicle Technologies and Fuels,VABB-1,1467,1482,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387624,,Post-Snowden reactions in India and Belgium: A snapshot,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387627,,Athletes’ career development and transitions.,VABB-4,605,620,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387628,,Public-Private Partnerships for the Provision of Port Infrastructure: An Explorative Multi-Actor Perspective on Critical Success Factors,VABB-1,273,298,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387629,,On the Performance and Leadership of the European Union in Global Environmental Governance: The Case of the Nagoya Protocol.,VABB-1,39,57,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387632,,Measuring employment arrangements in the European labour force: a typological approach,VABB-1,771,791,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387635,,"""Reanimating the Ghosts in the Machine (Again): Chris Kondek's _Hier Ist der Apparat_.""",VABB-4,169,186,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387639,,Mainstreaming Culture in EU External Relations through Protocols on Cultural Cooperation: Fostering or Faltering Cultural Diversity?,VABB-4,509,525,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387643,,Trends in young-adult mortality between the 1990s and the 2000s in urban and non-urban areas in Belgium: the role of a changing educational composition in overall mortality decline,VABB-1,61,69,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387645,,Chapter 23 Eccentric positionality as a precondition for the criminal liability of artificial life forms,VABB-4,407,424,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387647,,Les structures européennes de contrôle des administrations pénitentiaires : le rôle et l’impact du Conseil de l’Europe et du Comité de Prévention de la Torture,VABB-1,405,423,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:387648,,A statistical testing framework for evaluating the quality of measurement processes,VABB-1,652,659,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387649,,Managing privacy boundaries together: Exploring individual and group privacy management strategies in Facebook.,VABB-1,444,454,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387650,,Explaining Cooperation over Casework between Members of National and Regional Parliaments.,VABB-1,665,689,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:387651,,De meerderjarige beschermde persoon als erfgerechtigde: notariële aandachtspunten bij de uitoefening van het keuzerecht,VABB-1,182,202,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387652,,Leben im Anthropark. Das Spiel mit den Daseinsformen in Ulrike Draesners Lyrik.,VABB-4,155,167,,ger,2013,2 c:vabb:387653,,From qualitative data to GP training on CRC screening.,VABB-1,439,443,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:387654,,The Fragmentation Bias in Valuing and Qualifying Open Space,VABB-1,436,455,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387657,,Type 1 diabetes-associated cognitive decline: a meta-analysis and update of the current literature.,VABB-1,499,513,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387659,,Descriptions by General Practitioners and Nurses of their collaboration in continuous sedation until death at home. In-Depth qualitative interviews in three European countries.,VABB-1,98,109,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387660,,What justifies a hospital admission at the end of life? A focus group study on perspectives of family physicians and nurses,VABB-1,941,948,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387661,,Modernisation of State Aid Rules in the European Union - Application of Economic Concepts and Principles,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387663,,Die Wissenschaftslehre als Kunstwerk. Bloß ein Gleichnis? Versuch einer ästhetischen Betrachtung der Wissenschaftslehre,VABB-1,21,42,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:387668,,Realist Thought and Humanitarian Intervention,VABB-1,766,782,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:387669,,Gender and Ethnicity. Intersectionality and the Politics of Group Representation in the Low Countries.,VABB-1,487,499,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387672,,Depression in mild cognitive impairment is associated with progression to Alzheimer's dementia: a longitudinal study,VABB-1,1239,1250,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387675,,Freight transport in Brussels and its impact on road traffic,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387679,,The design and physical modelling of deployable structures based on curved-line folding,VABB-5,145,155,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387684,,Physician's expectations regarding prescribing clinical decision support systems in a Belgian hospital,VABB-1,157,164,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387687,,The effect of a discrimination task on recall of L2 collocations and compounds,VABB-1,357,369,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:387688,,"UNESCO, makelaars en kritische succes(f)actoren in de borging van immaterieel cultureel erfgoed",VABB-1,257,263,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387689,,"Endogenous and exogenous growth of the monogenetic Lemptégy volcano, Chaîne des Puys, France",VABB-1,998,1019,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387692,,Forewarned is forearmed? A survey-experiment concerning the impact of pre-notification letters on response in a postal survey,VABB-1,84,93,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387693,,The family physician's perceived role in preventing and guiding hospital admissions at the end of life - a focus group study,VABB-1,441,446,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387703,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van september 2012,VABB-1,915,918,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387705,,Location analysis for the modal shift of palletized building materials,VABB-1,44,53,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387708,,“De planologische bestemmingsvoorschriften : overzicht van rechtspraak met commentaar. Deel II : De afbakeningslijn en woongebied”,VABB-1,23,39,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387709,,Brazilian Universities Under Surveillance: Information Control During the Military Dictatorship (1964–1985),VABB-4,118,131,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387710,,Participatie aan hulp- en dienstverlening in de gevangenis van Antwerpen: Van onderzoek tot actie,VABB-1,159,162,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387712,,"Socialeverzekeringsbijdragen voor zelfstandigen hervormd. ""Never let a good crisis to waste"".",VABB-1,3,52,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387714,,How are patient populations characterized in studies investigating depression in advanced cancer ? Results from asystematic literature review,VABB-1,678,698,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387715,,Playing a Long Game in Their Free Trade Regime between China and the EU: A Reflection on the Evolution of the MFN Clause,VABB-4,349,374,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387719,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van april 2013.,VABB-1,276,279,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387720,,Relevant information and relevant questions,VABB-1,71,83,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387722,,Representing the People in Parliaments,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387723,,Newton on Action at a Distance,VABB-1,675,702,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387724,,Factors Related to Establishing a Comfort Care Goal in Nursing Home Patients with Dementia: A Cohort Study Among Family and Professional Caregivers,VABB-1,1317,1327,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387725,,The competitiveness of Brussels in European research,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387726,,Relationship between neighborhood walkability and older adults' physical activity : results from the Belgian Environmental Physical Activity Study in Seniors (BEPAS Seniors).,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387727,,The 'TTIP-ing Point': How the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Could Impact European Defence,VABB-1,15,26,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:387729,,Location-arc routing problem: Heuristic approaches and test instances,VABB-1,309,317,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387730,,Agressie op het spoor,VABB-1,56,65,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387731,,The nationalization of electoral change in a geographical perspective.,VABB-1,73,87,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387732,,Non-organic language disorders in awake brain surgery,VABB-5,61,64,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387733,,Indigenous Peoples as Users of Human Rights: Pushing the Boundaries of Indigeneity and Influencing International Law,VABB-1,258,292,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387735,,Liberal Cosmopolitan Norms and the Border: Local Actors' Critique of the Governance of Global Processes,VABB-1,341,361,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:387736,,"'Op het kruispunt van media wacht de sluiswachter, de intermediale veerman van Jacques Brel'",VABB-1,233,255,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387737,,Derdenwerking van het consultatie- en bijstandsrecht: niet weggelegd voor minderjarigen?,VABB-1,395,399,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387740,,Professionalism versus commercialism. The inherent conflict in audit firms?,VABB-1,16,32,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387742,,A call to arms. An essay on the role of the intellectual and the need for producing new imaginaries,VABB-1,77,92,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387743,,Jusqu’ici tout va bien: jongeren en de productie van parochiale plaatsen in La Haine.,VABB-1,37,49,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387744,,"Radio Spectrum Policy in the European Union: Concepts, Trends, Issues",VABB-4,360,381,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387745,,Legislators' local roots: Disentangling the effect of district magnitude,VABB-1,904,917,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387746,,Factorial validity of the PACL in a Dutch-speaking sample,VABB-1,245,251,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387749,,Nurses' involvement in physician-assisted dying under the euthanasia law in Belgium.,VABB-1,1696,1697,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387752,,Rosa versus rossa: The acquisition of Italian geminates by native speakers of Dutch,VABB-1,3,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387753,,‘Fuck the clowns from Grease!!’ Fantasies of participation and agency in the YouTube comments on a Cypriot Problem documentary,VABB-1,1001,1016,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387754,,"Agreement, Loyalty, and Discipline: A Sequential Approach to Party Unity",VABB-4,110,136,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387758,,Cognitive and psychomotor development of 5- to 6-year-old singletons born after PGD: a prospective case-controlled matched study,VABB-1,1968,1977,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387759,,"Feasibility of AmbulanCe-Based Telemedicine (FACT) Study: Safety, Feasibility and Reliability of Third Generation Ambulance Telemedicine",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387760,,"Benchmarking Internet of Things Deployment: Frameworks, Best Practices and Experiences",VABB-4,473,511,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387763,,Sleep-related Periodic Breathing Does Not Acclimatize to Chronic Hypobaric Hypoxia: A 1-Year Study at High Altitude in Antarctica.,VABB-1,114,116,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387767,,The Cypriot web radio MYCYRadio as a participatory mélange. Overcoming dichotomies in the era of web 2.0,VABB-1,91,108,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387768,,β₂-adrenergic receptors protect axons during energetic stress but do not influence basal glio-axonal lactate shuttling in mouse white matter,VABB-1,367,374,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387770,,Older adults' reporting of specific sedentary behaviors: validity and reliability.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387771,,Politieke belangenbehartiging in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden.,VABB-3,,,162 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387772,,De hervorming van de Raad van State 2014: een eerste analyse van de voornaamste nieuwigheden,VABB-1,1403,1423,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387773,,Critical environmental factors of transportation cycling in children: a qualitative study using bike-along interviews,VABB-1,106696,106696,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387776,,Internalization Theory and the Governance of the Global Factory,VABB-4,27,48,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387777,,Fall predictors in older cancer patients: a multicenter prospective study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387778,,"Intuition, Hexis, and Resistance in Musical Experimentation",VABB-4,365,372,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387780,,Bringing the North Pole to the South China Sea: Dots and Lines on Maps and Their Explanation,VABB-4,161,173,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387781,,Mother-child relations in adulthood: immigrant and nonimmigrant families in the Netherlands,VABB-1,569,586,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387782,,Difficulty and Complexity of Language Features and Second Language Instruction,VABB-4,2205,2213,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387785,,Cosmological Immortality: How to Eliminate Aging on a Universal Scale,VABB-1,3,8,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387787,,Systematic screening for distress in oncology practice using the Distress Barometer: The impact on referrals to psychosocial care.,VABB-1,804,811,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387788,,Age of second language acquisition affects nonverbal conflict processing in children: an fMRI study,VABB-1,626,642,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387790,,브뢰겔(Bruegel)과 버크(Burke)가 주는 교훈. 유네스코 무형유산 보호 패러다임에 내재된 암묵적 기준: 협약 이행 10년을 돌아보며 (in Korean: this was not an option in the original dropbox menu),VABB-1,85,101,,chi,2014,2 c:vabb:387791,,The inconsistency of mathematics and the mathematics of inconsistency,VABB-1,3063,3078,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387792,,Das deutsche Kasussystem im Fremdsprachenerwerb: Ein Forschungsüberblick.,VABB-1,1,25,,ger,2014,1 c:vabb:387794,,The Emergence of Primary Anoetic Consciousness in Episodic memory,VABB-1,210,210,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387795,,Differences in cognitive abilities among primates are concentrated on G: Phenotypic and phylogenetic comparisons with two meta-analytical databases,VABB-1,311,322,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387796,,"Mag het iets meer zijn? Kleine kruidenierswinkels worden big business, Delhaize Frères & Cie 'Le Lion' (1867-1940)",VABB-2,,,370 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387798,,Choosing a qualitative data analysis tool: a comparison of NVivo and Leximancer,VABB-1,218,234,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387800,,Attention modulates neuronal correlates of interhemispheric integration and global motion perception,VABB-1,30,30,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387802,,(Re-)searching artists in artistic research – creating fertile ground for experimentation,VABB-4,27,44,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387804,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van februari 2014.,VABB-1,74,79,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387805,,Antimisbruikbepalingen bij detachering en het Europees Unierecht,VABB-1,293,306,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387806,,It’s the science policy stupid! Over wetenschapsfraude als bliksemafleider,VABB-1,267,287,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387807,,The Impact of Pleasure-Evoking Colors on the Effectiveness of Threat (Fear) Appeals,VABB-1,1051,1063,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387808,,The importance of insolation changes for paleo ice sheet modeling,VABB-1,1419,1428,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387811,,Formal R&D management and strategic decision making in small firms in knowledge-intensive business services’,VABB-1,37,51,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:387813,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van november 2012.,VABB-1,1194,1198,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387814,,Relevance of chronic Lyme disease to family medicine and primary care as complex multidimensional chronic disease construct.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387816,,The role of excess mass in the adaptation of children's gait,VABB-1,12,19,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387819,,Lifelong learning in old age: results from the Belgian Ageing Studies.,VABB-5,513,517,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387820,,The Radical Enlightenment: The Big Picture and its Details,VABB-1,5,11,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387821,,Nieuwe correctionele hoofdstraffen: de straf onder elektronisch toezicht en de autonome probatiestraf,VABB-1,211,225,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387822,,EQ-5D Versus SF-12 in Coronary Patients : Are They Interchangeable?,VABB-1,84,89,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387823,,Broca meets Wernicke in one single case,VABB-1,67,71,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:387824,,Constraint induced aphasia therapy in chronic fluent aphasia,VABB-1,281,294,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:387825,,Hyperglycemic clamp and oral glucose tolerance test for 3-year prediction of clinical onset in persistently autoantibody-positive offspring and siblings of type 1 diabetic patients.,VABB-1,551,560,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:387826,,Traditional and cyberbullying victimization as correlates of psychosocial distress and barriers to a healthy lifestyle among severely obese adolescents--a matched case-control study on prevalence and results from a cross-sectional study.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387827,,Planning for Urban Historical-Cultural Heritage: A Geo-Imaging Multicriteria Approach,VABB-1,521,533,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387828,,The Beginning and the End: The Meaning of Life in a Cosmological Perspective,VABB-2,,,379 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387832,,_Bye Bye Belgium_: Remediating Flemish Nationalism in Prime Time,VABB-1,543,555,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387833,,Gary Becker and the Economics of Trafficking in Human Beings,VABB-1,116,120,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387834,,Order short-term memory is not impaired in dyslexia and does not affect orthographic learning,VABB-1,732,732,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387835,,User Empowerment and Audience Commodification in a Commercial Television Context,VABB-1,70,85,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387836,,A World of Views (Extended Abstract) Fragility and Antifragility in Sociotechnological Evolution,VABB-5,757,762,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387837,,Measurement and characterization of glucose in NaCl aqueous solutions by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy,VABB-1,9,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387839,,"Looks good, you're hired ? Evidence from extra-parliamentary activities of german parliamentarians",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:387840,,Functionele mapping binnen wakkere neurochirurgie: een review met enkele aanwijzingen voor de praktijk. Tijdschrift voor Neurologie en Neurochirurgie.,VABB-1,187,195,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387842,,Competition in the Political Arena and Local Government Performance,VABB-1,2264,2276,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387844,,Directional flank spreading at Mount Cameroon volcano: Evidence from analogue modeling,VABB-1,7542,7563,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387845,,Predicting Sickness Impact Profile at six months after stroke: results from the Collaborative Evaluation of Rehabilitation in Stroke across Europe (CERISE) study,VABB-1,942,950,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:387847,,Burnout among senior teachers: Investigating the role of workload and interpersonal relationships at work,VABB-1,99,109,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387848,,City Distribution in Brussels,VABB-4,163,189,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387849,,Subcortical vascular cognitive impairment no dementia: EEG global power independently predicts vascular impairment and brain symmetry index reflects severity of cognitive decline,VABB-1,422,428,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387850,,Human speckle perception threshold for still images from a laser projection system,VABB-1,23965,23979,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387852,,Impression management and self-publication,VABB-4,469,476,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387854,,Experimental investigations on hot-driven structural rivets in historical French and Belgian wrought-iron structures (1880s–1890s),VABB-1,258,269,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387856,,Quantum structure in competing lizard communities,VABB-1,38,51,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387857,,Vitamin D status and ill health: a systematic review.,VABB-1,76,89,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387859,,Life long learning: The prison library as a bridge to participation,VABB-5,1496,1500,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387861,,Profiel van de Belgische gebruiker van online boodschappendiensten: een analyse voor Collect & Go,VABB-1,2,16,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387862,,Een goed leven voor plegers?,VABB-1,204,208,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387863,,The rule-dependence model explains the commonalities between the Flynn effect and IQ gains via retesting,VABB-1,41,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387864,,Symptoms and medication management in the end of life phase of high-grade glioma patients,VABB-1,589,595,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387866,,Cape Malay Dutch: The missing link between Cape Dutch Pidgin and Afrikaans?,VABB-1,1305,1328,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:387867,,BSI SYNOPSIS. HIGHER EDUCATION AND BRUSSELS,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387868,,"Introduction. Entrepreneurs, military supply, and state formation in the late medieval and early modern periods: new directions",VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387869,,Reality Television’s Construction of Ordinary People: Class-Based and Nonelitist Articulations of Ordinary People and Their Discursive Affordances,VABB-4,345,366,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387871,,Intravenous thrombolysis with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in a stroke patient treated with apixaban,VABB-1,E31,E31,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387872,,Evaluation of the number of PPG harmonics to assess Smartphone effectiveness,VABB-5,433,438,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387873,,Strategic and Cognitive Differentiation-Integration Effort in a study of 76 countries,VABB-1,3,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387874,,European State Aid Control and Public Service Broadcasting: Competition Policy Clashing or Matching with Public Interest Objectives?,VABB-4,426,441,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387875,,‘Back to Basics’ and ‘Out of Area’ Towards a Multi-Purpose NATO.,VABB-1,14,19,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387876,,De dialogis familiaribus Antonii Van Torre (1615-1679),VABB-1,2,23,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:387877,,Quelques considérations sur l'entraide judiciaire en matière pénale et le droit pénal international,VABB-1,1061,1071,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387878,,Electoral Rules and Legislators' Personal Vote-seeking.,VABB-4,87,109,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387879,,Correspondances avec Jean Cocteau,VABB-3,,,238 p.,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387880,,End-of-life communication: a retrospective survey of representative GP networks in four countries.,VABB-1,604,619,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387881,,Het voorkomen van diabetes mellitus en metabole bijwerkingen bij minderjarigen behandeld met risperidon : een follow-up tot 3 jaar,VABB-1,1040,1046,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387883,,Behavioral syndromes in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease,VABB-1,319,329,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387886,,"""Félix Bovie (1812-1880): poète et chansonnier dans la franc-maçonnerie bruxelloise"", Revista de Estudios Históricos de la Masonería Latinoamericana y Caribeña, V, December 2013-April 2014, 2, pp. 42-64. (Literatura, Escritores y Masonería)",VABB-1,42,64,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387887,,"De seriemoordenaar als moreel verantwoordelijke actor. Christelijke, Sadeaanse en Nietzscheaanse perspectieven op het kwaad.",VABB-1,53,67,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387889,,Military support and transnational terrorism,VABB-1,626,643,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387891,,Factors Associated with Initiation of Advance Care Planning in Dementia: a Systematic Review.,VABB-1,743,757,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387898,,The Cross-Fertilization of Human Rights Norms and Indigenous Peoples in Africa: From Endorois and Beyond,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387899,,Een literatuurgeschiedenis zonder geschiedenis,VABB-1,196,2000,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387900,,Measuring the Impact of Extreme Observations on CAPM Alphas: Some Methodological Issues,VABB-1,1,10,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387902,,"De Minimis meets ""Market Access"": Transformations in the Substance -and the Syntax of EU Free Movement Law?",VABB-1,523,558,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387907,,Implementing patient-reported outcome measures in palliative care clinical practice: a systematic review of facilitators and barriers,VABB-1,158,175,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387908,,Validation of the Flemish version of the Quality of Life in Short Stature Youth (QoLISSY) questionnaire.,VABB-1,177,182,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387909,,"UNESCO, Brokers and Critical Success (F)Actors in Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage",VABB-1,249,256,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387911,,Fractional frequency domain identification of NaCl–glucose solutions at physiological levels,VABB-1,213,221,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387912,,'Chained into that machine': John Jesurun's Mediaturgical Adaptations,VABB-1,31,50,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387913,,The (open-air- theatre of Herman Van Overbeke (1895-1957): between scenic innovation and medieval traditionalism,VABB-4,126,139,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387918,,Characteristics of Belgian “life-ending acts without explicit patient request”: a large-scale death certificate survey revisited,VABB-1,262,267,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387919,,Neurodata and Neuroprivacy: Data Protection Outdated?,VABB-1,55,72,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387920,,To Sleep or Not to Sleep: A Repeated Daily Challenge for African American Children,VABB-1,23,31,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387921,,"Police, aidez le citoyen (à vous aider)",VABB-1,9,17,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:387924,,"Report on the workshop “Organising, Managing and Regulating Martial Arts” during the 21st EASM conference",VABB-1,480,483,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387927,,The social construction of death: Interdisciplinary perspectives,VABB-3,,,272 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387928,,Sustainable Logistics,VABB-3,,,310 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387929,,Factorial validity and measurement invariance across intelligence levels and gender of the Overexcitabilities Questionnaire-II (OEQ-II),VABB-1,55,68,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387930,,L'auteur Lazare,VABB-4,19,32,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:387933,,Forgoing artificial nutrition or hydration at the end of life: a large cross-sectional survey in Belgium,VABB-1,501,504,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387936,,Rechten in het onderwijs volgens het VN-verdrag inzake de rechten van personen met een handicap,VABB-1,184,196,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:387937,,Glucose Characterization Based on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy,VABB-5,833,837,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387938,,Socioeconomic inequalities in injury mortality in small areas of 15 European cities,VABB-1,165,172,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:387940,,Charles Potvin (1818-1902) en de progressistische politieke cultuur,VABB-1,387,425,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:387943,,Pulmonary disease in cystic fibrosis: assessment with chest CT at chest radiography dose levels.,VABB-1,597,605,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387947,,Dynamics and Terminology,VABB-3,,,307 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387951,,An Explorative Mapping of the Belgian Social Media Marketing Value Network and Its Usage of Personal Identifiable Information,VABB-4,203,213,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387952,,Donor-Site Morbidity following Harvest of the Transverse Myocutaneous Gracilis Flap for Breast Reconstruction.,VABB-1,682,691,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387954,,"Atypical Language Dominance in a Right-Handed Patient: An anatomoclinical study with Direct Electrical Stimulation (DES), functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) (poster)",VABB-5,34,38,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387955,,A Method for Detecting Behavior-Based User Profiles in Collaborative Ontology Engineering,VABB-5,657,673,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387957,,An ontology co-design method for the co-creation of a continuous care ontology,VABB-1,27,64,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387958,,"Neural correlates of attributing causes to the self, another person and the situation.",VABB-1,114,121,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387960,,On the embedding problem for discrete-time Markov chains.,VABB-1,918,930,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:387961,,Effective Governance in nonprofit organizations: a literature based multiple stakeholder approach,VABB-1,223,243,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387962,,From a self-made to an already-made man: A historical content analysis of professional advice literature,VABB-1,311,324,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387965,,"New surveillance, new penology and new resistance: towards the criminalisation of resistance?",VABB-4,101,114,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387966,,Examining school culture in Flemish and Chinese primary schools,VABB-1,557,575,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387969,,The Palgrave Handbook of European Media Policy,VABB-3,,,552 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387970,,"""Sullo stile dell'onorevole Sciascia""",VABB-1,115,126,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:387971,,Modeling Concept Combinations in a Quantum-theoretic Framework,VABB-5,393,400,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387972,,The QWERTY Effect: How typing shapes word meanings and baby names,VABB-5,296,301,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387974,,Microfinance and the decline of poverty: evidence from the nineteenth-century Netherlands,VABB-1,79,110,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387975,,Beneficiary Participation as an Instrument of Downward Accountability: a Multiple Case Study.,VABB-1,938,949,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387976,,Ensayo hispánico y sociedad: Diálogos de un género en movimiento,VABB-3,,,240 p.,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:387977,,Engaging GPs in insulin therapy initiation: a qualitative study evaluating a support program in the Belgian context,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387979,,Impacts Assessments as Negotiated Knowledge,VABB-4,125,145,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387980,,"Radical Enlightenment, Enlightened Subversion, and Spinoza",VABB-1,49,102,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387981,,Een onvervulde socialistische droom,VABB-4,153,179,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387982,,Ik ga morgen niet naar school. Een onderzoek naar problematisch spijbelen in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,270,284,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387983,,'Die aan 't verleden raakt kan altijd tooveren'. Twee standbeelden voor Hendrik van Veldeke: lokaal initiatief en Limburgse identiteit',VABB-1,81,103,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387987,,The financial viability of the fitness industry in Belgium,VABB-1,365,385,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:387988,,No region without individual catalysts? Exploring region formation processes in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,318,330,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387989,,The City as Living Laboratory: A Playground for the Innovative Development of Smart City Applications,VABB-5,447,456,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387991,,Introduction: Histories of State Surveillance in Europe and Beyond,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387992,,"On Walls, Squares, Bridges and Sqridges A framework to think about North-South dialogues in communication and media studies",VABB-1,12,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387993,,Reasons for hospitalisation at the end of life: differences between cancer and non-cancer patients.,VABB-1,645,652,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:387994,,"Pragmatic sustainability assessment of 30-km/h policy measures: the Brussels"" pentagon case",VABB-1,18,54,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387995,,Dualism is Dead. Long Live Plurality (Instead of Duality),VABB-4,27,30,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:387996,,Grensoverschrijdende samenwerking tussen financiële inlichtingeneenheden en privé-sector,VABB-1,306,310,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:387999,,Burden for family carers at the end of life; a mixed-method study of the perspectives of family carers and GP's,VABB-1,16,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388000,,Support needs of foster parents in short-term foster care.,VABB-1,97,113,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388001,,The Rights of Nature: Theory and Practice,VABB-4,150,161,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388002,,Career assistance programs,VABB-4,105,135,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388004,,Actors of genocide and processes of deviantization: a Weberian ideal typical formulatio.,VABB-1,59,74,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:388005,,Overzicht van rechtspraak. Vervoersrecht – 1976-2012. De overeenkomst van wegvervoer,VABB-1,1813,1996,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388006,,Le Saint-Siège et la fin du Congo belge (1958-1960),VABB-1,196,233,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:388007,,"""Tennessee Williams and Ivo van Hove at Home Abroad.""",VABB-4,301,319,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388008,,"Zedenmannen, zoetwatermatrozen en zware jongens. Een empirisch onderzoek naar hiërarchische (gender)verhoudingen in een Belgische mannengevangenis.",VABB-1,48,66,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388010,,The impact of technology intermediaries on firmcognitive capacity additionality,VABB-1,376,387,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388011,,Personality assessment among older adults: The value of personality questionnaires unraveled.,VABB-1,936,940,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388012,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van juni 2013,VABB-1,554,559,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:388014,,The impact of work and family responsibilities on healthy sleep habits,VABB-1,235,257,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388015,,Denken over later? Attitudes van ouderen ten opzichte van verschillende woonvormen in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,14,38,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388018,,Using manipulated photographs to identify features of streetscapes that may encourage older adults to walk for transport.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388019,,Why do young adults choose different transport modes? A focus group study,VABB-1,151,159,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388020,,Het eenheidsstatuut arbeiders en bedienden,VABB-1,1154,1159,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388021,,"Wie keert terug naar huis? Literatuuronderzoek naar pleegkind-, ouder-, pleegouder- en pleegzorgkenmerken geassocieerd met een terugplaatsing.",VABB-1,113,129,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388023,,Histories of State Surveillance in Europe and Beyond,VABB-3,,,272 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388026,,Does copying idioms promote their recall?,VABB-1,289,301,-,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388027,,Polyglots in Roman Antiquity : writing socio-cultural history based on anecdotes,VABB-1,7,26,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388028,,La Cour constitutionnelle valide la Loi interdisant le port de vêtements dissimulant le visage dans les lieux accessibles au public,VABB-1,124,134,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:388029,,Introducing Dramaturgies in the New Millenium,VABB-4,7,13,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388030,,Drawing Belgium: Using Mental Maps to Measure Territorial Conflict,VABB-1,30,51,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388031,,Delivering the faecal occult blood test: More instructions than shared decisions. A qualitative study among French GPs.,VABB-1,150,157,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:388033,,Linear separation and approximation by minimizing the sum of concave functions of distances,VABB-1,77,85,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388034,,The EU data protection reform and the (forgotten) use of criminal sanctions,VABB-1,262,268,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388035,,Strategic differentiation-integration effort amongst the 47 prefectures of Japan,VABB-1,64,68,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388036,,Urban Laboratories: Experiments in Reworking Cities,VABB-1,379,392,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388039,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388041,,"Ethics, killing and dying. The discursive struggle between ethics of war and peace models in the Cypriot independence war of 1955-1959",VABB-4,161,184,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388042,,Measuring the colour of rendering mortars,VABB-5,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388044,,Social differences in avoidable mortality between small areas of 15 European cities: An ecological study,VABB-1,8,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388045,,"Seksisme bij jongeren in Vlaanderen. Verschillen in seksistische attitudes naargelang geslacht, leeftijd en onderwijsvorm",VABB-4,237,260,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388053,,Actual and preferred place of death of home-dwelling patients in four European countries :making sense of quality indicators.,VABB-1,,,,spa,2014,1 c:vabb:388055,,Transitional Justice and Cultural Memory: The Prison Diaries of Ernest Claes and their Literary Adaptation (1944-1951),VABB-1,9,22,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:388057,,Poststroke depression and its multifactorial nature: results from a prospective longitudinal study,VABB-1,159,166,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388058,,The Effect of Electoral Institutions on Legislative Behavior,VABB-4,231,249,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388060,,Language and Territoriality: The Pacification of the Belgian Language Conflict,VABB-1,41,58,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388061,,"Populism, persistent republicanism and declinism. An empirical analysis of populism as a thin ideology",VABB-1,111,133,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388064,,Develop your business for growth with positive obsession,VABB-1,26,37,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388066,,A virtual learning environment for the continuation of education and its relationship with the mental well-being of chronically ill adolescents,VABB-1,1429,1442,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388068,,A multi-actor multi-criteria analysis of the performance of global cities,VABB-1,24,36,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388074,,Referent Accessibility of Appositive Constructions in Spanish Press,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388078,,"Politie, help de burger (u te helpen)",VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:388079,,Legislators' Constituency Orientation,VABB-4,166,187,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388080,,Civiele lijst en dotaties,VABB-1,378,388,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388082,,Multimathemacy,VABB-4,1735,1743,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:388083,,Determinants of eating behaviour in university students : a qualitative study using focus group discussions.,VABB-1,53,53,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388085,,Validation of the Consensus-Definition for Cancer Cachexia and evaluation of a classification model-a study based on data from an international multicentre project (EPCRC-CSA),VABB-1,1635,1642,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388086,,Do audit firms incentivise auditors to make profit or to deliver high-quality audits? Empirical evidence on the agency perspective of audit partner compensation schemes,VABB-1,22,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388087,,Sport specific policies and factors that influence international success: The case of tennis,VABB-1,343,358,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388088,,Functional recovery in subcortical crossed and standard aphasia,VABB-1,103,118,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388089,,"Sustainability, risk management and governance: towards an integrative approach",VABB-1,670,684,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388093,,Why do general practitioners prescribe antidepressants to their patients? A pilot study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388094,,The Public(s) Onlife,VABB-4,145,160,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388095,,The Politico-Military Dynamics of European Crisis Response Operations,VABB-2,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:388098,,"Euthanasia (requests) after the implementation of the euthanasia law in 2002 in Belgium. Results of empirical studies in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-4,47,60,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388099,,L'acquisition de l'accord sujet-verbe en FLE: l'impact de la classe verbale,VABB-1,57,75,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:388102,,"Barriers to advance care planning in cancer, heart failure and dementia patients: A focus group study on general practitioners' views and experiences.",VABB-1,84905,84905,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388104,,From agency to institutions and back: comparing legislators’ acting on behalf of women in parliamentary democracies.,VABB-4,66,87,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388111,,De novo MECP2 duplications in two females with intellectual disability and unfavorable complete skewed X-inactivation.,VABB-1,1359,1367,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388112,,Olympification versus aesthetization: The appeal of mathematics outside the classroom,VABB-4,163,178,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388113,,Overzicht van rechtspraak. Vervoersrecht – 1976-2012. Multimodaal vervoer,VABB-1,2335,2422,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388115,,Contrastando el empleo del anglicismo marketing y el correspondiente término mercadotecnia,VABB-1,165,176,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:388116,,"'Zeer ironisch, maar intussen'. Mulisch' zelfironie tussen eironeia en alazoneia",VABB-4,115,128,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388119,,Developing appropriate and effective care for people with chronic disease.,VABB-4,191,204,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388120,,The Empty Promise of Comprehensive Planning in EU Crisis Management,VABB-1,125,146,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:388122,,Introduction.,VABB-1,1231,1236,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:388126,,Trends in inequalities in premature mortality: A study of 3.2 million deaths in 13 European countries,VABB-1,207,217,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388128,,A Bushel of Salt.,VABB-4,9,26,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388130,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van oktober 2012.,VABB-1,996,999,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:388131,,Up- and downgrading the euclidean 1-median problem and knapsack Voronoi diagrams,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388133,,Does allocation to a control condition in a Randomized Controlled Trial affect the routine care foster parents receive?,VABB-1,48,53,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388134,,"Ethics, Law and Privacy: Disentangling Law from Ethics in Privacy Discourse",VABB-5,50,55,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388137,,The psychological contract of older employees,VABB-4,107,128,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388139,,Modestly radical or radically modest. Festschrift for Jean Paul van Bendegem on the occasion of his 60th birthday,VABB-3,,,209 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388140,,Is conflict adaptation triggered by feature repetitions? An unexpectedfinding,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388141,,"Kroniek intellectuele rechten (2011-2012) in samenwerking met Marie-Christine Janssens, Paul Maeyaert en Hendrik Vanhees in: RW, 2014, 883-901.",VABB-1,883,901,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388144,,Conclusions: An Assessment of Global Governance of Genetic Resources after the Nagoya Protocol.,VABB-4,231,250,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388145,,An Internalization Theory Perspective on the Bottom of the Pyramid,VABB-4,69,90,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388146,,Robust locally weighted regression for superresolution enhancement of multi-angle remote sensing imagery,VABB-1,1357,1371,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388148,,Digital inclusion and user (dis)empowerment: a critical perspective,VABB-1,35,47,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388149,,Brain activation related to the perception of minimal agency cues: The Role of the Mirror System.,VABB-1,364,369,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388150,,"Lake-level rise in the late Pleistocene and active subaquatic volcanism since the Holocene in Lake Kivu, East African Rift",VABB-1,274,285,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388153,,NETmundial: only a landmark event if 'Digital Cold War' rhetoric abandoned,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388156,,Performance of two geriatric screening tools in older patients with cancer.,VABB-1,19,26,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388158,,Mindfulness based intervention in Parkinson's disease leads to structural changes on MRI: a randomized controlled longitudinal trial,VABB-1,2419,2425,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:388159,,Nutrigerontology: why we need a new scientific discipline to develop diets and guidelines to reduce the risk of aging-related diseases,VABB-1,17,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388161,,Kairos in the Flow of Musical Intuition,VABB-4,323,332,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388163,,Communicating Trustworthiness: Experts and Role Models in Women’s Magazines,VABB-5,726,737,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388164,,"Continuous sedation until death with or without the intention to hasten death: A nationwide study in nursing homes in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,570,575,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388167,,Do you hear the same? Cardiorespiratory responses between mothers and infants during tonal and atonal music.,VABB-1,10692,10692,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388169,,Mobile Wallets' Strategies towards Business Partners,VABB-5,115,123,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388172,,Deliberative Stress in Linguistically Divided Belgium,VABB-4,35,52,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388174,,Evaluating a CLIL student: where to find the CLIL advantage,VABB-4,55,74,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388176,,De terugkeer naar de Grieken en de vraag naar het Zijn,VABB-4,155,173,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388177,,Chapter 11. Radbruch on the Origins of the Criminal Law: Punitive Interventions before Sovereignty,VABB-4,219,238,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388180,,De Commissie Holsters dan toch buitenspel?,VABB-4,155,176,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388181,,is deze reactie volledig fysisch-causaal gedetermineerd?,VABB-1,439,442,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388183,,"The acute hospital setting as a place of death and final care: a qualitative study on perspectives of family physicians, nurses and family carers",VABB-1,77,83,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388184,,Objectifying Facial Expressivity Assessment of Parkinson Patients: Preliminary Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388185,,Costs associated with readmissions in Belgian acute-care hospitals,VABB-1,263,267,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:388186,,Representing the People. A Survey among Members of Statewide and Sub-state Parliaments,VABB-3,,,288 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388188,,"International Law, Domestic Lenses",VABB-1,357,380,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388189,,Blending mass self-communication with advertising in Facebook and LinkedIn: Challenges for social media and user empowerment,VABB-1,229,245,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:388190,,Metcalfe's law: not so wrong after all,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388192,,The mediating role of affect in the relationship between need satisfaction and autonomous motivation,VABB-1,62,79,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388194,,Retrospective and Prospective Data Collection Compared in the Dutch End of Life in Dementia (DEOLD) Study.,VABB-1,88,94,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388195,,Seven trade-offs in measuring nonprofit performance and effectiveness,VABB-1,1648,1670,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388196,,Tiny Moments of Experimentation: Kairos in the Liminal Space,VABB-4,61,68,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388197,,The use of the harmonic median for fMRI signal intensity characterization,VABB-5,319,323,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388198,,Conceptualizing and measuring short-term changes in L2 writing complexity.,VABB-1,42,65,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388200,,Participatory evaluation of regional light rail scenarios: A Flemish case on sustainable mobility and land-use,VABB-1,101,120,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388201,,GPS Surveillance and Human Rights Review: the European Court of Human Rights and the US Supreme Court in Comparative Perspective,VABB-4,134,151,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388202,,Performatief sterven: Ron Vawter speelt _Philoktetes_,VABB-1,184,198,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388203,,De bevordering van de toegang tot de Raad van State,VABB-4,17,49,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388204,,Euthanasia for minors in Belgium,VABB-1,1258,1259,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388205,,Psychogene niet-epileptische aanvallen met trauma als oorzakelijke factor- Trauma Focused Cognitieve Gedragstherapie als belangrijk deel van de behandeling,VABB-1,173,189,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388206,,A Guaranteed Blind and Automatic Probability Density Estimation of Raw Measurements,VABB-1,2120,2128,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388208,,The Curvilinear Relationship Between State Neuroticism and Momentary Task Performance.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388212,,Studiekeuze in het hoger onderwijs. Vrouwelijkheid en mannelijkheid,VABB-4,177,196,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388216,,Post-1945 global food developments,VABB-4,340,363,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388221,,The role of teachers' self-regulatory capacities in the implementation of self-regulated learning practices,VABB-5,1963,1970,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388222,,Les machines à fabriquer les rivets en construction métallique : une analyse des brevets belges (1830−1940),VABB-1,1,10,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:388223,,Het meten van discourscoalities met discoursnetwerkanalyse. Naar een formele analyse van het politieke vertoog.,VABB-1,337,364,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388224,,Is alliteration mnemonic without awareness-raising?,VABB-1,291,303,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388225,,Of High Hopes and High Deficit: An Overview of Europe’s HDTV Policy and Reflections Towards the Future of High Definition Television,VABB-4,345,359,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388227,,De planologische bestemmingsvoorschriften : overzicht van rechtspraak met commentaar. Deel III : Andere woongebieden,VABB-1,39,57,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388228,,A method for the identification and modelling of realistic domestic occupancy sequences for building energy demand simulations and peer comparison,VABB-1,67,78,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388231,,Does consolidation of visuospatial sequence knowledge depend on eye movements?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388234,,Tussen adoptiekoe en zemelteef: iets over de houdbaarheidsdatum van ‘verse woorden’ in Vlaamse en Nederlandse kranten,VABB-4,733,744,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388238,,Dynamics and terminology: An interdisciplinary perspective on monolingual- and multilingual culture-bound communication,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388239,,"The association between objective walkability, neighborhood socio-economic status, and physical activity in Belgian children.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388240,,"Warm, cold, competent or incompetent? An empirical assessment of public perceptions of the higher and less educated",VABB-1,1058,1077,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388242,,Privacy Impact Assessments as a Means to Achieve the Objectives of Procedural Justice,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388244,,Quotas and Intersectionality: Ethnicity and Gender in Candidate Selection.,VABB-1,41,54,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388246,,Cooking up a culinary identity for Belgium. Gastrolinguistics in two Belgian cookbooks (19th century),VABB-1,218,231,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:388248,,Genderverschillen in testprestaties: een literatuuroverzicht en toepassing op het toelatingsexamen (tand)arts.,VABB-4,197,220,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388250,,Preparing NATO for the Next Defence-Planning Cycle.,VABB-1,30,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388251,,Is physician awareness of impending death related to better communication and medical care?,VABB-1,1238,1243,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388253,,The Emergence of Personal Data Protection as a Fundamental Right of the EU,VABB-2,,,274 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388255,,Knowledge about human papillomavirus and the human papillomavirus vaccine in Belgian students,VABB-1,410,417,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388259,,Multilingual processing in the brain,VABB-1,182,201,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388260,,Mechanistic Explanation and Explanatory Proofs in Mathematics,VABB-1,231,248,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388261,,Assessing the environmental impact of inland waterway transport using a life-cycle assessment approach: The case of Flanders,VABB-1,29,40,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388264,,"Early identification of palliative care needs by family physicians: a qualitative study of barriers and facilitators from the perspective of family physicians, community nurses and patients",VABB-1,480,490,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388266,,Environmental invitingness for transport-related cycling in middle-aged adults : A proof of concept study using photographs.,VABB-1,432,446,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388267,,Inleiding,VABB-4,21,36,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388270,,How to measure the international development of palliative care? A critique and discussion of current approaches,VABB-1,154,165,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388271,,Relating specific emotions to intrinsic motivation: On the moderating role of positive and negative emotion differentiation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388273,,Actualiteit in het kort - Bankrecht en financieel recht,VABB-1,931,934,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388274,,"Detailed multidisciplinary monitoring reveals pre- and co-eruptive signals at Nyamulagira volcano (North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo)",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388275,,Lightweight transformable structures: materialising the synergy between architectural and structural engineering,VABB-5,1,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388277,,Acculturation preferences of the Turkish second generation in 11 European cities,VABB-1,2125,2142,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388278,,Ideas and practices of prostitution around the world,VABB-4,132,154,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388279,,Social Cognition and the Cerebellum: A Meta-analysis of over 350 fMRI studies.,VABB-1,554,572,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388281,,Les co-prédicats adjectivants,VABB-2,,,249 p.,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:388282,,SD-IE and other differentiation effects in Italy and Spain,VABB-1,189,194,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388283,,Atypical Language Dominance in a Right-Handed Patient: An anatomoclinical study with Direct Electrical Stimulation (DES) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) (poster),VABB-5,34,38,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:388285,,Het effect van immigratie achtergrond op de onderwijsverwachtingen van leerlingen in Vlaanderen: de rol van religieuze affiliatie en praktijken,VABB-1,16,28,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388286,,Physicians’ experiences and perspectives regarding the use of continuous sedation until death for cancer patients in the context of psychological and existential suffering at the end of life.,VABB-1,539,546,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388287,,The Belgian Colonial Empire (1885/1908-1960),VABB-4,971,997,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388288,,Het statuut van causaliteit binnen de huidige natuurkunde,VABB-1,37,41,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388289,,Supporting Process Model Development with Enterprise-Specific Ontologies,VABB-5,236,258,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388290,,Scenario’s voor woonlocatiebeleid in Vlaanderen: criteria en doorrekening,VABB-1,8,31,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388291,,Analyzing differences in the magnitude of socioeconomic inequalities in self-perceived health by countries of different political tradition in Europe,VABB-1,321,341,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:388292,,"Attitudes of Belgian Students of Medicine, Philosophy, and Law Towards Euthanasia and the Conditions for Its Acceptance.[Epub ahead of print]",VABB-1,139,150,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388296,,The deduction of time and space in J.G. Fichte’s Theory of the Co-Constitution of Subject and Object,VABB-1,69,78,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388299,,Mens en media. Van Marshall McLuhan tot een hedendaagse filosofie van media en technologie,VABB-2,,,168 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388300,,"Quality indicators for palliative care services: Mixed-method study testing for face validity, feasibility, discriminative power and usefulness",VABB-1,71,82,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388301,,Providing Trustworthy Advice Online: An Exploratory Study on the Potential of Discursive Psychology in Trust Research,VABB-5,141,156,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388302,,Ex post evaluation of state aid,VABB-4,33,46,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388304,,Audience/society transformations,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388305,,Flemish foster mothers' perceptions of support needs regarding problem behaviors of their foster child and their own parental approach.,VABB-1,71,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388308,,The complexity of nurses' attitudes and practice of sedation at the end of life : a systematic literature review.,VABB-1,915,925,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388309,,"Premature mortality in Belgium in 1993-2009: leading causes, regional disparities and 15 years change",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388311,,"Grenzen, wegenbouw en mercantilisme in de Oostenrijkse Nederlanden. Een geopolitieke analyse van de casus Menen",VABB-1,18,33,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388312,,Hervorming Raad van State (deel 1),VABB-1,427,447,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388315,,Assessing the potential impact of increased participation in higher education on mortality: Evidence from 21 European populations,VABB-1,142,149,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388316,,Criminal Law and Technology in a Data-Driven Society,VABB-4,174,197,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388322,,"The relationship between Microcephalin, ASPM and intelligence: A reconsideration",VABB-1,51,63,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388324,,"Multinational enterprises, markets and institutional diversity",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388325,,Correspondance entre Jean Cocteau et Maurice Sachs,VABB-4,49,170,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:388327,,'Regions with Regionalism? The Rescaling of Interest Groups in Six European States',VABB-1,840,857,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388329,,Falls among older general practice patients: a 2-year nationwide surveillance study,VABB-1,281,289,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388331,,"Recursion, iteration, difference",VABB-4,76,83,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388333,,Constructing New Expertise: Private and Public Initiatives for Safe Food (Brussels in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century),VABB-1,546,563,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388334,,Wernicke meets Broca in a single case.,VABB-1,17,30,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388336,,On the art of research in the arts. Tracing praxis and reflection,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388337,,To Stop or Not to Stop: An Empirical Assessment of the Determinants of Early Retirement Among Active and Retired Senior Teachers,VABB-1,753,777,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388342,,"City profile: Ghent, Belgium",VABB-1,32,43,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388343,,"Introduction: European Media Policy as a Complex Maze of Actors, Regulatory Instruments and Interests",VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388344,,Fénelon’s operatic novel: audiovisual topoi in Télémaque and their representation in opera,VABB-4,365,375,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388345,,Are additional intermodal terminals still desirable? An analysis for Belgium,VABB-1,178,196,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388346,,'Natural born criminals': nature's zugzwang? Het theoretisch paradigma van de biosociale criminologie onder de microscoop,VABB-1,88,105,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388347,,Complementing the surveillance law principles of the Court of Strasbourg with its environmental law principles. An integrated technology approach to a human rights framework for surveillance,VABB-1,55,75,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388348,,A Quantum probability explanation in Fock space for borderline contradictions,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388353,,"Factors, processes and outcomes of early immersion education in the Francophone Community in Belgium",VABB-1,178,196,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388354,,"Variations in the relation between education and cause-specific mortality in 19 European populations: A test of the ""fundamental causes"" theory of social inequalities in health",VABB-1,51,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388355,,From ‘‘getting’’ to ‘‘giving’’: Exploring age-related differences in perceptions of and reactions to psychological contract balance,VABB-4,15,57,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388356,,Corporate strategic responses to foreign entry: insights from prospect theory,VABB-1,294,323,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388358,,On the nature and scope of reported child maltreatment in high-income countries: opportunities for improving the evidence base.,VABB-1,207,215,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:388359,,Sleep behavior of underrepresented youth,VABB-1,111,120,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388360,,Local labour market conditions and the spatial mobility of science and technology university students: evidence from Italy,VABB-1,119,137,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388361,,Human-robot interaction: kinematics and muscle activity inside a powered compliant knee exoskeleton.,VABB-1,1128,1137,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388362,,An examination of trust assurances adopted by top internet retailers: unveiling some critical determinants,VABB-1,459,496,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388363,,Feeling the conflict: The crucial role of conflict-experience in adaptation.,VABB-1,675,683,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388364,,"European Solidarity with Chile, 1970s-1980s",VABB-3,,,358 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388365,,Probabilistic parameterisation of the surface mass-balance feedback in regional climate model simulations of the Greenland ice sheet,VABB-1,181,194,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388368,,Presence and trends of linear sprawl: explaining ribbon development in the north of Belgium,VABB-1,48,59,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388371,,"Development Brokerage, Anthropology and Public Action. Local Empowerment, International Cooperation and Aid: Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage",VABB-1,299,318,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388372,,Introduction: Private television in Europe: Connecting to the future.,VABB-1,31,37,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388375,,Relations with the Rest of the World: From Chaos to Consolidation?,VABB-1,170,185,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388380,,Does teacher-centered teaching contribute to students' performance in primary school? A video analysis in Mainland China,VABB-1,21,34,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388382,,"Un verre méditerranéen pour la production de bracelets laténiens en Europe septentrionale. Résultats d’analyses SEM-EDX et LA-ICP-MS de bracelets en verre La Tène tardive de Odijk, Tiel et Geldermalseren-Hondsgemet",VABB-1,13,19,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:388385,,Building bridges across political divides: experiments on deliberative democracy in deeply divided Belgium,VABB-1,427,450,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388386,,Seizures in patients with high-grade glioma: a serious challenge in the end of life phase.,VABB-1,77,80,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388387,,Impaired facial emotion recognition in patients with ventromedial prefrontal hypoperfusion,VABB-1,605,612,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388388,,Yasmin. Learning about unacceptable sexual behavior in a sport setting,VABB-4,101,116,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388389,,Does intergroup deliberation lead to intergroup appreciation? Evidence from two deliberative experiments in Belgium,VABB-1,101,115,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388390,,Fuzzy tales for hard blueprints: the selective coproduction of the Spatial Policy Plan for Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,1376,1393,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388391,,The Articulation of Audience in Chinese Communication Research,VABB-4,151,169,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388392,,Is there a dysgenic secular trend towards slowing simple reaction time? Responding to a quartet of critical commentaries,VABB-1,131,147,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388393,,Actualiteit in het kort - Bankrecht en financieel recht,VABB-1,713,719,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388394,,Cultuur en creativiteit in beeld: opzet van een meetinstrument voor metropool Brussel,VABB-1,1,13,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388395,,Relative contribution of cognitive and physical disability components to quality of life in MS,VABB-1,116,121,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388396,,The Variable Scope of the Exclusive Economic Rights in Copyright,VABB-2,,,566 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388398,,Belgium,VABB-4,61,81,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388399,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van maart 2013,VABB-1,195,199,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:388403,,Whewell’s Philosophy of Science,VABB-4,77,88,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388404,,International Variation in Place of Death of Older People Who Died From Dementia in 14 European and non-European Countries,VABB-1,165,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388407,,"'The blood of martyrs is the seed of progress'.The role of martyrdom in socialist death culture in Belgium and the Netherlands, 1880-1940.",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388409,,“Experimenteren wordt sowieso gedaan”: Jongeren uit de bijzondere jeugdbijstand over preventie en hulp bij alcohol- en druggebruik.,VABB-1,22,40,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388413,,Causality: Philosophical Theory Meets Scientific Practice,VABB-2,,,328 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388416,,Prostitution in world cities (1600 to the present),VABB-4,25,51,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388417,,Identification and treatment of older persons with sarcopenia.,VABB-1,199,204,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388418,,"La construction corrélative et les marqueurs en ""qu-""",VABB-1,91,106,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:388421,,Effects of Small Particle Numbers on Long-Term Behaviour in Discrete Biochemical Systems,VABB-1,475,481,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388422,,Measuring Older Adults’ Abuse: Evaluation of Formative Indicators to Promote Brevity,VABB-1,531,542,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388423,,Are there differences in the prevalence of palliative care-related problems in people living with advanced cancer and eight non-cancer conditions? A systematic review,VABB-1,660,677,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388424,,A model of Greenland ice sheet deglaciation constrained by observations of relative sea level and ice extent,VABB-1,54,84,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388425,,Reducing the Environmental Bootprint?,VABB-1,263,278,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388428,,Evaluating social media privacy settings for personal and advertising purposes,VABB-1,18,32,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388429,,A typology of media innovations: insights from an exploratory study,VABB-1,28,51,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388432,,Cunning as a Fox. Dutch competition authority clears long-term acquisition of Dutch football broadcasting rights,VABB-1,223,226,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:388433,,Access to justice. Legal aid to the poor at civil law courts in the eighteenth-century Low Countries,VABB-1,638,714,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388434,,Transformable active bending: a kinematical concept,VABB-5,171,182,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388436,,“What motivates you doesn't motivate me”: Individual differences in the need satisfaction – motivation relationship of Romanian volunteers,VABB-1,326,343,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388439,,Self respect—A ‘‘Rawlsian Primary Good’’ unprotected by the European Convention on Human Rights and its lack of a coherent approach to stigmatisation?,VABB-1,19,53,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388442,,Foreign Accent Syndrome: A Typological Overview,VABB-5,71,74,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388443,,Contemporary employment arrangements and mental well-being in men and women across Europe: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388444,,Teachers' stages of concern for media literacy education and the integration of MLE in Chinese primary schools,VABB-1,459,471,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388446,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van oktober 2013.,VABB-1,1077,1080,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388447,,More ambitious educational choices in urban areas: A matter of local labor market characteristics?,VABB-1,940,963,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:388449,,Attitudes and practices of physicians regarding physician-assisted dying in minors.,VABB-1,948,953,,eng,2011,1 c:vabb:388450,,The influence of an immigrant background on the educational expectations of pupils in Flanders: the role of religious affliation and practices.,VABB-1,16,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388451,,Designing for participatory governance: assessing capabilities and toolkits in public service delivery,VABB-1,74,88,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388452,,"Sleep characteristics, exercise capacity and physical activity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.",VABB-1,2044,2050,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388455,,International Business and Sustainable Development,VABB-3,,,450 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388458,,Information channels and biomarkers of disease,VABB-1,175,190,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:388459,,Dying in hospital with dementia and pneumonia: a nationwide study using death certificate data,VABB-1,31,37,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388464,,Un regard sur le debat sur la criminologie en France,VABB-1,291,297,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:388465,,Evolutionary Psychology,VABB-4,2058,2062,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388466,,Bouleversement climatique : penser ce qui vient avec Bruno Latour,VABB-1,45,50,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:388469,,"Aussitôt la détermination effectuée, et toute prédication dehors, on dit le syntagme clôturé: Etude de structures entre détermination et prédication.",VABB-4,209,221,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:388471,,"Bespreking van Work, love and play when no one has the time, van B. Schulte.",VABB-1,331,335,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388472,,Complicity Across the Atlantic: A Literary Liaison Between Two Androgynous Artists,VABB-1,59,84,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388476,,New Analysis of Multinational Enterprises and Their Linkages with Markets and Institutional Diversity,VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388477,,The Sources of Mill’s Views of Ratiocination and Induction,VABB-4,63,82,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388478,,The European Stability Mechanism through the legal meanderings of the Union's constitutionalism: comment on Pringle,VABB-1,848,865,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:388479,,A Divided Nation? The 2014 Belgian Federal Elections.,VABB-1,228,237,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388481,,Assessing the performance of two unsupervised dimensionality reduction techniques on hyperspectral APEX data for high resolution urban land-cover mapping,VABB-1,166,179,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388484,,Biographie einer Biographielosen,VABB-1,505,516,,ger,2014,1 c:vabb:388485,,On a Common Road Towards Sustainability? EU and U.S. Approaches to Regulating Biofuels,VABB-1,104,159,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388490,,Why Community media in the Czech Republic? A Roadmap to Develop Czech Community Media,VABB-5,288,293,-,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388492,,Students’ Preferred Characteristics of LearningEnvironments in Vocational Secondary Education,VABB-1,108,124,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388493,,Logistic ordinal regression for the calibration of oscillometric blood pressure monitors,VABB-1,89,96,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388494,,“Subjective Quality Assessment of Longer Duration Video Sequences Delivered over HTTP Adaptive Streaming to Tablet Devices”,VABB-1,707,714,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388495,,"The interplay of language norms and usage patterns. Comparing the history of Dutch, English, French and German",VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388497,,De gevangenisbewaarder. Het professioneel leven in beeld,VABB-2,,,302 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388500,,Physician-reported practices on continuous deep sedation until death : A descriptiveand comparative study.,VABB-1,491,500,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388501,,"The EU and gender norms, Myths and realities (Chapter 3)",VABB-4,67,93,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388503,,Detentie en gevolgen van detentie. Onderzoek in Nederland en België,VABB-1,3,30,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388504,,Trade Integration and Business Tax Dufferentials: Theory and Evidence from OECD Countries,VABB-1,298,323,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388505,,Special Liability Regimes and Human Rights under Belgian Law and the European Convention on Human Rights,VABB-1,310,328,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388507,,The Impact of the Nagoya Protocol on the Evolving Institutional Complex of ABS Governance.,VABB-4,178,195,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388509,,Toekomstige leraren voorbereiden op onderwijs in een grootstad,VABB-1,15,26,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388510,,The Web of Artistic Practice: A Background for Experimentation,VABB-4,69,82,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388511,,Stakeholder participation and knowledge sharing in Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Vietnam,VABB-5,1792,1796,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388512,,Convergence of the discrete variance swap in time-homogeneous diffusion models,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388519,,Europe and the Rest of the World,VABB-1,168,182,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:388521,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van maart 2014,VABB-1,274,278,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388523,,EU Peacekeeping in Africa: Towards an Indirect Approach.,VABB-4,54,72,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388524,,Actualiteit in het kort - Bankrecht en financieel recht,VABB-1,304,310,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388525,,De aard van de verbodsbepaling uit artikel 23 van de wet op het notarisambt van 25 ventôse jaar XI en diens verhouding met het beroepsgeheim van de notaris.,VABB-1,2,19,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388527,,Optimal claims with fixed payoff structure,VABB-1,175,188,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388528,,"Smarten Up! Open Data, Toolkits and Participatory Governance in the Social City.",VABB-1,35,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388529,,Towards innovation foresight: two empirical case studies on future TV experiences for/by users,VABB-1,39,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388530,,The European Union,VABB-4,199,219,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:388531,,"Bridging the Gap between Continuous Sedation until Death and Physician-Assisted Death: A Focus Group Study in Nursing Homes in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,407,416,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388532,,'I just don't agree?': A voice-oriented analysis of an IFPS case of alleged child maltreatment,VABB-1,173,192,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388534,,Cybernetic Principles of Aging and Rejuvenation: the buffering-challenging strategy for life extension,VABB-1,60,75,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388535,,An international review of the frequency of single-bicycle crashes (SBCs) and their relation to bicycle modal share,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388537,,Women and the Courts in Belgium: an Historical Perspective,VABB-4,152,173,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388540,,"The AFL-CIO and ORIT in Latin America's Andean Region, from the 1950s to the 1960s",VABB-4,137,163,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388543,,Route choice and residential environment: introducing liveability requirements in navigation systems in Flanders,VABB-1,19,27,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388545,,Atypical Cerebral Language Dominance in a right-handed patient: an anatomoclinical study,VABB-1,12,21,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388547,,The end of life phase of high-grade glioma patients: what do we really know? A systematic review.,VABB-1,847,857,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388553,,Wanneer een droom werkelijkheid wordt,VABB-1,109,113,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388554,,Personality disorders in older adults: Emerging research issues.,VABB-1,538,538,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388555,,Adult visitors in museum learning environments,VABB-5,152,162,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388562,,Lifelong learning programs in prison: influence of social networks on participation,VABB-5,518,523,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388563,,Jobhoppen: Een empirisch onderzoek naar de karakteristieken van jobhoppers in België,VABB-1,45,58,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388565,,European Liaisons? A study on European bi-national marriages in Belgium,VABB-1,110,125,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388566,,“‘The New Sorrows of Young W.’ Comments on the Film Adaptation of Ulrich Plenzdorf's GDR Novel”,VABB-1,21,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388567,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van juni 2014,VABB-1,631,639,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388568,,Onderzoeksrechter of rechter van het onderzoek: elementen in het debat,VABB-1,923,933,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388573,,The European Parliament and International Trade Agreements: Practice after the Lisbon Treaty,VABB-4,171,189,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388574,,The nature of the university,VABB-1,947,961,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388575,,Effect of uncertainty in surface mass balance–elevation feedback on projections of the future sea level contribution of the Greenland ice sheet,VABB-1,195,208,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388578,,"Vrije wil, agency, en verantwoordelijkheid: een sociaal-cognitief leerperspectief",VABB-1,134,150,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388581,,The effect of changing micro-scale physical environmental factors on an environment's invitingness for transportation cycling in adults : an exploratory study using manipulated photographs.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388582,,"""Personal Data.""",VABB-4,359,362,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388584,,"Girls on the left, boys on the right? Genderverschillen in feministische attitudes bij 18-tot 30-jarige Vlaamse kiezers",VABB-4,261,278,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388586,,Can we make global banks safer?,VABB-1,283,294,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388592,,Freemasonry and Nationalism,VABB-4,461,472,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388593,,"Casemanagement in de eerstelijns palliatieve zorg: patiëntkenmerken, redenen voor verwijzing en organisatorische setting.",VABB-1,10,17,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388595,,An Introduction to Women in Law and Law Making in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Europe,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388596,,The Presence of Hart Crane in Samuel R. Delany's _Atlantis: Model 1924_,VABB-1,27,45,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388598,,Walking with robot assistance: the influence of body weight support on the trunk and pelvis kinematics,VABB-1,252,257,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388600,,River tourism development: The case of the port of Brussels,VABB-1,71,79,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388605,,Pediatric priority in kidney allocation: Challenging its acceptability,VABB-1,533,540,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388608,,Intermodal break-even distances: a fetish of 300 kilometres?,VABB-4,217,243,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388610,,The Representation of Old and New Groups.,VABB-4,39,65,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388611,,Non-compliance als deel van het re-integratieproces? Enkele reflecties over het herroepen van de voorwaardelijke invrijheidstelling,VABB-1,385,391,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388612,,Mediaturgy's Troubled Tension with Adaptation: Convergence or Divergence?,VABB-1,265,274,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388614,,Factors associated with the goal of treatment in the last week of life in old compared to very old patients: a population-based death certificate survey.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388616,,Le Code de Droit Economique - Survol du contenu et des principales nouveauté,VABB-1,327,370,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:388618,,Criteria for HNF1B analysis in patients with congenital abnormalities of kidney and urinary tract,VABB-1,835,842,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388620,,Extending the field of view: a human-centred design perspective on 360° TV,VABB-1,800,814,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388624,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388625,,Comparative Regionalization: EU Model and East Asia’s Practice for Regional Integration,VABB-1,245,253,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:388627,,Prevalence of persistent lipid abnormalities in statin-treated patients: Belgian results of the Dyslipidaemia International Study (DYSIS).,VABB-1,180,187,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388628,,Exit gevangenis? De werking van de strafuitvoeringsrechtbanken en de wet op de externe rechtspositie van veroordeelden tot een vrijehidsstraf,VABB-3,,,178 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388631,,Who’s my audience again? Understanding audience management strategies for designing privacy management technologies,VABB-1,607,616,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388633,,"Talent, effort or social background? An empirical assessment of popular explanations for educational outcome (first online)",VABB-1,94,114,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388634,,Rights and Duties of Buyer and Seller. Transfer of Risk,VABB-4,155,184,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:388636,,(De)Centralization and Voter Turnout: Theory and Evidence from German Municipalities,VABB-1,469,483,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388638,,Hospitalizations of nursing home residents with dementia in the last month of life : Results from a nationwide survey.,VABB-1,1110,1117,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388643,,Cosmopolitanism.,VABB-4,33,54,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388645,,On the role of specific emotions in autonomous and controlled motivated behavior,VABB-1,437,448,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388646,,"Antecedents effects of being a manager in the nonprofit, public or private sector: a critical evaluation of LeRoux and Feeney",VABB-1,183,189,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388647,,'The Multi-level Dynamics of State Decentralisation in Italy',VABB-1,510,530,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388648,,Taalgevoeligheid in Brussel en de Vlaamse Rand: een attitudeonderzoek,VABB-1,289,307,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388650,,Actualiteit in het kort - Bankrecht en financieel recht,VABB-1,675,678,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:388652,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van december 2012.,VABB-1,1431,1437,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:388655,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek’,VABB-1,24,51,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388656,,Cases and Materials on the Law of the Sea,VABB-2,,,1008 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388658,,Intraday liquidity dynamics and news releases around price jumps: evidence from the DJIA stock,VABB-1,121,149,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388659,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van mei 2013.,VABB-1,355,358,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:388662,,"End-of-life care in general practice: A cross-sectional, retrospective survey of 'cancer', 'organ failure' and 'old-age/dementia' patients.",VABB-1,965,975,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388668,,De interne markt en arbeidsrechtelijke normconcurrentie,VABB-1,550,564,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388669,,"Internalization theory, entrepreneurship and international new ventures",VABB-1,246,269,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388670,,The effects of pediatric obesity on dynamic joint malalignment during gait.,VABB-1,835,838,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388671,,Adult Learners’ Informal Learning Experiences in Formal Education Setting,VABB-1,181,192,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388673,,The design of a foldable triangulated scissor grid for single-curvature surfaces,VABB-5,195,206,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388675,,Asbestos in Belgium: an underestimated health risk. The evolution of mesothelioma mortality rates (1969-2009),VABB-1,134,140,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388676,,Vitamin D status and ill health - Author's reply.,VABB-1,275,276,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388677,,Analysis of 3D motion patterns with self-organising maps (SOM) and statistical parametric mapping (SPM) : a methodological proposal.,VABB-1,162,163,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388678,,Institutional Constraints of Representation,VABB-4,227,238,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388679,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van januari 2013.,VABB-1,1556,1559,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:388681,,"Finding the Value in Public Value Partnerships. Lessons from Partnerships Strategies and Practices in the United Kingdom, Netherlands and Flanders.",VABB-4,263,280,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388682,,The European Court of Human Rights on the UN Individual Counter-Terrorist Sanctions Regime: Safeguarding Convention Rights and Harmonising Conflicting Norms in Nada v. Switzerland,VABB-1,39,60,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388683,,De auteur,VABB-3,,,181 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388687,,Norms and usage in 19th-century Southern Dutch,VABB-4,73,100,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388688,,Lost in transition? Conducting a hybrid ethnography 'in' and 'out' Second Life,VABB-4,13,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388692,,"Body mass index, physical activity, and smoking in relation to military readiness.",VABB-1,901,905,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388693,,Mean–variance optimal portfolios in the presence of a benchmark with applications to fraud detection,VABB-1,469,480,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388694,,Traffic-restriction in Ramallah (Palestine): participatory sustainability assessment of pedestrian scenarios using a simplified transport model,VABB-1,453,464,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388696,,Task complexity and transformational leadership: the mediating role of leaders' state core self-evaluations,VABB-1,436,447,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388699,,Private veiligheid in België: een parlementair en regeringsinitiatief ter voorbereiding van een nieuw wettelijk kader,VABB-4,394,415,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388702,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van mei 2014,VABB-1,551,559,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388703,,Shopping centre siting and modal choice in Belgium: A destination based analysis,VABB-1,2275,2291,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388704,,"Van demografische uitdaging naar doemscenario? Speculaties over wijzigende woonvoorkeuren, de onmogelijkheid van betaalbaar stedelijk wonen op maat van gezinnen en samenwonen-uit-noodzaak",VABB-1,1,13,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388705,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van augustus 2012.,VABB-1,789,799,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:388708,,Farmacologische behandeling in het woonzorgcentrum: rationeel gebruik van zes medicatiegroepen.,VABB-1,11,17,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388709,,In gesprek met Beer-Hofmann. Auteursbeelden in literaire interviews,VABB-4,129,142,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388710,,Does oocyte banking for anticipated gamete exhaustion influence future relational and reproductive choices? A follow-up of bankers and non-bankers,VABB-1,338,344,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388712,,Consensus Paper: Language and the Cerebellum: an Ongoing Enigma,VABB-1,386,410,,chi,2014,1 c:vabb:388713,,An asymmetric group relation? An investigation into public perceptions of education-based groups and the support for populism,VABB-1,123,143,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388714,,Het nieuw samengesteld gezin in het Belgisch familiaal vermogensrecht van 1804 tot nu: de wetgever heen en weer geslingerd tussen partner en kroost.,VABB-4,95,126,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388715,,"Relationships of Individual, Social, and Physical Environmental Factors With Older Adults’ Television Viewing Time.",VABB-1,508,517,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388717,,De omgekeerde wereld: de gemeente als belastingsubject,VABB-1,3,11,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388720,,Controlling for increased guessing enhances the independence of the Flynn effect from g: The return of the Brand effect,VABB-1,27,34,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388721,,Dansen = kansen voor maatschappelijk kwetsbare meisjes,VABB-4,99,115,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388722,,Diversity in defining end of life care: an obstacle or the way forward?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:388725,,The effect and process evaluations of hte national quality improvement programme for palliative care : the study protocol.,VABB-1,5,5,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388726,,General practitioners' perspectives on the avoidability of hospitalizations at the end of life : A mixed-method study.,VABB-1,949,958,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388728,,Electoral engineering in a stalled federation. A state-wide electoral district for the Belgian Parliament,VABB-4,112,132,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:388729,,De planologische bestemmingsvoorschriften : overzicht van rechtspraak met commentaar. Deel I : inleiding en plansystematiek,VABB-1,5,19,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388731,,Government intervention in marriages of convenience between TV broadcasters and distributors,VABB-1,93,110,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388733,,Evidence for central sensitization in patients with osteoarthritis pain: a systematic literature review,VABB-1,1367,1375,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388735,,Shall we dance? Music as a port of entrance to maternal-infant intersubjectivity in a context of postnatal depression.,VABB-1,220,232,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388736,,False belief and counterfactual reasoning in a social context,VABB-1,315,325,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388737,,Exploring the Social-technological Gap in Telesurgery: Collaboration within Distributed OR Teams,VABB-5,1537,1548,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388739,,"Comparison of Nutritional Duality of the Vegan, Vegetarian, Semi-Vegetarian, Pesco-Vegetarian and Omnivorous Diet.",VABB-1,1318,1332,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388740,,Naturalism and Reality in 'Treme',VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388741,,The impact of EU competition policy on the sale of sports media rights: trends and developments at the national level,VABB-4,442,460,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388742,,'Illegalen' in de gevangenis. Een eerste analyse van de gevangenispopulatie in België op basis van de verblijfstatus,VABB-4,175,199,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388743,,"“I would never post that”: Children, moral sensitivity and online disclosure",VABB-1,347,367,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388745,,Greening the Economy through Design Incentives – Defining the Scope of Extended Producer Responsibility,VABB-1,1,53,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388747,,Detentiebeleving van strafrechtelijk gedetineerden zonder verblijfsrecht,VABB-1,31,47,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388748,,The Regime of Islands and Rocks,VABB-4,99,124,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388749,,"Norms and usage in language history, 1600-1900. A historical-sociolinguistic and comparative perspective",VABB-3,,,334 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388750,,Integration of inland waterway transport in the intermodal supply chain: a taxonomy of research challenges,VABB-1,126,136,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388751,,Fiscale vrijstelling ‘openbare diensten’ bekeken vanuit de problematiek van multidoelstellingen,VABB-1,19,23,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388753,,TOSCA – first international registry to address knowledge gaps in the natural history and management of tuberous sclerosis complex,VABB-1,182,182,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388755,,Lectori Benevolo. Ten geleide bij 'Een mogelijkheid',VABB-4,3,9,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388757,,Municipality and Neighborhood Influences on Volunteering in Later Life,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388759,,Deployable scissor arch for transitional shelters,VABB-1,123,131,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388760,,Land-use simulation as a supporting tool for flood risk assessment and coastal safety planning: The case of the Belgian coast,VABB-1,102,113,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388763,,Raad van State: procesrechtelijke vernieuwingen - deel 2,VABB-1,482,496,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388764,,De effecten op traumatische stressproblemen van een pleegouderinterventie voor kinderen met externaliserende gedragsproblemen.,VABB-1,189,204,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388767,,Behavioral symptoms in mild cognitive impairment as compared to Alzheimer’s disease and healthy elderly,VABB-1,265,275,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:388771,,The physically active lifestyle of Flemish secondary school teachers: A mixed-methods approach towards developing a physical activity intervention,VABB-1,326,339,-,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388772,,Nieuwe ontwikkeling voor de oude minnelijke schikking,VABB-1,399,406,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388774,,How do typically developing children and children with autism perceive different social robots?,VABB-1,268,277,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388776,,Inquisitorial and Adversarial Expert Examinations in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-1,149,166,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388777,,Het meten van beleidscontroverse en polarisatie met discoursnetwerkanalyse: de case van het abortusdebat in de Belgische Kamer (1972-1990).,VABB-1,159,184,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388781,,Challenge Propagation: Towards a theory of distributed intelligence and the global brain,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388782,,Presidential and legislative elections: how the type of election impacts the degree of nationalization.,VABB-1,356,372,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388784,,Worrying and rumination are both associated with reduced cognitive control.,VABB-1,651,660,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388785,,Measuring health-related quality of life in high-grade glioma patients at the end of life using a proxy-reported retrospective questionnaire,VABB-1,283,290,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388786,,"The general factor of personality and general intelligence: Testing hypotheses from Differential-K, Life History Theory, and Strategic Differentiation-Integration Effort",VABB-1,13,17,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388787,,“het is uijt groote nood dat ik myn kind hier brengen...”,VABB-1,269,287,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388788,,Perception of built environmental factors and physical activity among adolescents in Nigeria.,VABB-1,56,56,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388789,,belastingen met een hoofdzakelijk niet fiscaal doel onwettig,VABB-1,264,269,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388790,,The use of antidepressants in patients with advanced cancer—results from an international multicentre study,VABB-1,1096,1102,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388792,,What is it worth? An empirical investigation into attitudes towards education amongst youngsters following secondary education in Flanders (first online),VABB-1,586,606,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388793,,Complexity and the Philosophy of Becoming,VABB-1,1,40,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388794,,"Another Look at Mathematical Style, as Inspired by Le Lionnais and the OuLiPo",VABB-4,233,245,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388795,,Participes adjoints en position polaire et progression discursive,VABB-4,227,250,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:388798,,EU actorness and effectiveness under political pressure at the Copenhagen climate change negotiations,VABB-1,308,324,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:388799,,"Thin genu of the corpus callosum points to mutation in FOXG1 in a child with acquiredmicrocephaly, trigonocephaly, and intellectual developmental disorder: A case report and review of literature",VABB-1,420,426,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388803,,Constituting Women's Interests through Representative Claims.,VABB-1,149,174,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388804,,The influence of strength training on muscle activation in elderly persons: a systematic review and meta-analysis.,VABB-1,58,68,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388808,,"The practice of continuous sedation until death in nursing homes in Flanders, Belgium: A nationwide study",VABB-1,1869,1876,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388809,,Van bejegening tot vertrek. Een onderzoek naar de werking van vreemdelingenbewaring (boekbespreking),VABB-1,368,374,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388810,,Meer van hetzelfde: is dat wel een goed idee?,VABB-1,213,218,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388813,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van september 2013,VABB-1,955,959,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388814,,Traumatische gebeurtenissen en traumatische stresssymptomen bij pleegkinderen: een verkennende studie in Vlaanderen.,VABB-1,135,149,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388816,,De bevoegdheidsverdeling in België inzake het spoorvervoer en de (beperkte) impact van de Zesde Staatshervorming,VABB-1,418,427,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388818,,Burden on family carers and care-related financial strain at the end of life: a cross-national population-based study,VABB-1,819,826,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388819,,Criminografische ontwikkelingen III: van (victim)survey tot penitentaire statistiek,VABB-3,,,204 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388822,,Multi-instance classification through spherical separation and VNS,VABB-1,326,333,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388823,,How do general end-of-life treatment goals and values relate to specific treatment preferences? A population-based study,VABB-1,1206,1212,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388824,,"Het 'reality theater' van Rimini Protokoll: anti-illusie en illusie, 'straatscène' en 'mythe van de straat' in ""100% Brussels"".",VABB-1,97,113,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388825,,De onderbezette villa: last of lust? De woonervaringen en toekomstplannen van ‘empty nesters’ in Vlaanderen nader bekeken,VABB-1,61,84,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388827,,"EU South African Trade, Development and Cooperation Agreement: Bane or boon for socio-economic rights under the South African Constitution?",VABB-1,793,810,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388829,,Determinants of Private Equity Investments in the Biotechnology Industry,VABB-1,28,40,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388831,,De horizontale werking van mensenrechten en het verticaal aansprakelijkheidsrecht,VABB-1,353,368,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388834,,A Scarab of Amenhotep III in Qatna’s Lower City Palace,VABB-4,19,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388835,,Gender(en). Over de culturele constructie en deconstructie van gender bij Vlaamse jongeren,VABB-3,,,352 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388836,,How to govern physician-hospital exchanges : contractual and relational issues in Belgian hospitals.,VABB-1,145,152,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388838,,Promoting sustainable communities through intergenerational practice,VABB-5,1785,1791,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388839,,Organisational change in local sport clubs: the case of Flemish gymnastics clubs,VABB-1,158,181,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:388844,,Understanding the relationships between the physical environment and physical activity in older adults: A systematic review of qualitative studies.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388846,,A XANES study of chromophores: the case of black glass,VABB-1,2662,2671,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388847,,The democratic (media) revolution: A parallel history of political and media participation,VABB-4,123,141,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388848,,Sustainability SI: Bundling of outbound freight flows: analyzing the potential of internal horizontal collaboration to improve sustainability,VABB-1,277,302,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388849,,De toepassing van artikel 59 van de Wet op de Externe Rechtspositie door de strafuitvoeringsrechtbank: van uitzonderingsmaatregel naar deblokkeringsstrategie?,VABB-1,6,15,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388850,,Not for People Like Us? A Six-Year Panel Study of the Mutual Relationship Between Feelings of Relative Deprivation and Occupational Status Among Young Adults in Flanders,VABB-1,617,635,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388851,,Self-reported health status in coronary heart disease patients : A comparison with the general population.,VABB-1,117,125,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388852,,Adaptive Noise Tracking for Cognitive Radios under more realistic operation conditions,VABB-5,1339,1344,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388853,,Les ressources numériques pour l'égyptologie,VABB-1,297,306,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:388854,,Polymicrogyria with dysmorphic basal ganglia? Think tubulin!,VABB-1,178,183,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388855,,How tracking structures attitudes towards ethnic out-groups and interethnic interactions in the classroom: an ethnographic study in Belgium.,VABB-1,165,184,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388856,,"MEDIATING FACTORS IN MARTIAL ARTS AND COMBAT SPORTS: AN ANALYSIS OF THE TYPE OF MARTIAL ART, CHARACTERISTICS AND SOCIAL BACKGROUND OF YOUNG PARTICIPANTS",VABB-1,41,61,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388858,,Doorverwijzing naar palliatieve zorg voor COPD en andere levensbedreigende aandoeningen:een nationale studie.,VABB-1,25,39,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:388859,,La réforme des chemins de fer belges du 1er janvier 2014: aperçu de l’architecture juridique,VABB-1,293,306,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:388861,,"Verslag World Congress on Probation - 9 en 10 oktober 2013, Londen",VABB-1,156,159,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388862,,De impact van telewerken op mobiliteit en milieu: een case study voor het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest,VABB-4,55,79,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388863,,De strafuitvoeringsrechtbank en het moeilijke evenwicht tussen het streven naar re-integratie en het inschatten van het risico op recidive,VABB-4,133,154,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388864,,De absurde wereld van Maurice D'Haeses 'De Vervreemding': een schematheoretische analyse,VABB-1,183,203,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:388867,,The Non-Reflexive Logical Foundation of Quantum Mechanics,VABB-1,1369,1380,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388868,,"Location Data, Purpose Binding and Contextual Integrity: What's the Message?",VABB-4,31,63,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388870,,Mobiliteit en Logistiek in Brussel,VABB-3,,,217 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388873,,Afasieonderzoek van vroeger tot nu,VABB-1,17,26,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388874,,In het culturele spoor van ...? Genderspecifieke intergenerationele overdracht van sociale en culturele pariticpatie,VABB-4,37,58,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388879,,Short trips and central places: the home-school distances in the Flemish primary education system (Belgium),VABB-1,311,322,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388880,,"""A Lodge Of Sorrow for King Leopold I of Belgium (1866): Masonic Patriotism and Spirituality on Trial"", Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism, III, 2012, 2, pp. 248-264.",VABB-1,248,264,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388883,,Evaluation of design parameters for deployable planar scissor arches,VABB-5,183,194,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388885,,Effects of ideological and relational psychological contract breach and fulfillment on volunteers’ work effort,VABB-1,217,230,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388889,,De strafuitvoeringsrechtbank aan het werk,VABB-2,,,305 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388890,,From Wunderkammer to Szeemann and back. The artistic research exhibition as performative and didactic experience,VABB-4,206,219,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388891,,Transparency in Global Environmental Governance: Critical Perspectives.,VABB-4,157,180,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388896,,A systematic review investigating the relationship between efficacy and stimulation parameters when using transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation after knee arthroplasty,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388897,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van april 2014,VABB-1,354,360,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388898,,Staging the Ethical Dilemma of Liveness: John Jesurun's Divergent Play with Convergence,VABB-4,210,224,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388899,,Non-REM sleep EEG power distribution in fatigue and sleepiness.,VABB-1,286,291,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388900,,The influence of gender equality policies on gender inequalities in health in Europe,VABB-1,25,33,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388905,,Astrocyte loss and astrogliosis in neuroinflammatory disorders,VABB-1,39,41,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388906,,Het verband van tussen niet-auditdiensten en auditkwaliteit,VABB-2,,,122 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388907,,"The Role of the European Union in the Nagoya Protocol Negotiations: Self-interested Bridge Building, Global Governance of Genetic Resources",VABB-4,79,95,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388908,,Prevalentie van eetproblemen bij jonge kinderen : systematisch literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,112,1137,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388909,,"Sleep misperception, EEG characteristics and Autonomic Nervous System activity in primary insomnia: a retrospective study on polysomnographic data",VABB-1,163,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388910,,Diversified Climate Action: The Top-Down Failure and the Rise of Emissions Trading,VABB-5,63,78,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388913,,A policy-based weighted averaging model to predict green vehicle market shares.,VABB-1,503,525,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388915,,Studeren met anderen op de campus tijdens studie- en examenperiodes: verkenning van 'massa-studie' in het hoger onderwijs.,VABB-1,186,207,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:388916,,Relationship between vitamin D and inflammatory markers in older individuals.,VABB-1,9694,9694,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388919,,Cognitive abilities amongst the Sámi population,VABB-1,35,39,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388924,,"Spousal discordance on fertility preference and its effect on contraceptive practice among married couples in Jimma zone, Ethiopia",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388925,,Global Governance of Genetic Resources,VABB-2,,,268 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388927,,Enhancing engagement through a community school approach as the key to increase academic achievement,VABB-5,2078,2084,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388928,,De eerste socioloog. Constantin-François Volney (1757-1820) en de determinanten van het menselijk handelen.,VABB-1,282,302,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388930,,Effects of schema group therapy in older outpatients: a proof of concept study.,VABB-1,1709,1717,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388931,,"Craters of elevation revisited: forced-folds, bulging and uplift of volcanoes",VABB-1,875,875,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388932,,Choosing care homes as the least preferred place to die: a cross-national survey of public preferences in seven European countries,VABB-1,48,48,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388933,,Health status and mortality rates of adolescents and young adults in the Brussels-Capital Region: differences according to region of origin and migration history,VABB-1,122,143,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388934,,"Banditry in occupied and liberated Belgium, 1914–21. Social practices and state reactions.",VABB-1,83,105,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388935,,Habitus and the Resistance of Culture,VABB-4,333,348,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388936,,Genderverschillen in cultuurparticipatie bij jongeren,VABB-4,59,80,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388938,,"Classifying bodies, classified bodies, class bodies",VABB-4,227,254,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388939,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van januari 2014,VABB-1,1594,1599,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388940,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van augustus 2013.,VABB-1,872,880,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388941,,"Divided on Immigration, 'Two Models for Integration. The Multi-Level Governance of Immigration and Integration in Belgium, in HEPBURN.",VABB-4,65,85,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388943,,When do people with dementia die peacefully? An analysis of data collected prospectively in long-term care settings.,VABB-1,210,219,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388944,,"Cultural Brokerage, Addressing Boundaries and the New Paradigm of Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. Folklore Studies, Transdisciplinary Perspectives and UNESCO.",VABB-1,265,291,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388947,,Making the case for enhanced enforcement cooperation between data protection authorities: insights from competition law,VABB-1,120,138,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388948,,Strength training reduces circulating interleukin-6 but not brain-derived neurotrophic factor in community-dwelling elderly individuals,VABB-1,9704,9704,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388949,,Feminist activist women are masculinized in terms of digit-ratio and dominance: A possible explanation for the feminist paradox,VABB-1,1011,1011,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388951,,Making sense of continous sedation in end-of-life care for cancer patients : an interview study with bereaved relatives in three European countries.,VABB-1,3243,3252,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388952,,Distinct Neural Correlates of Social Categories and Personality Traits.,VABB-1,336,346,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:388954,,"Cognitieve literatuurstudie, de textuur van fictioneel bewustzijn en Jan Lauwereyns’ Monkey business",VABB-1,193,213,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:388955,,Causal models and evidential pluralism in econometrics,VABB-1,54,76,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388956,,Op zoek naar delictconcentraties in tijd en ruimte.,VABB-1,220,225,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:388957,,Utilitarian cycling in Belgium: a cross-sectional study in a sample of regular cyclists. A one year prospective collection of cycle usage data.,VABB-1,884,894,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388958,,Relationships between the perceived neighborhood social environment and walking for transportation among older adults,VABB-1,23,30,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388961,,The Responsibility to Protect and the Third Pillar,VABB-3,,,256 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388962,,"Repetition, Resonance, and Discernment",VABB-4,349,364,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388967,,"Effectiveness of the 'availability, current issues and anticipation' (ACA) training programme for general practice trainees on communication with palliative care patients: A controlled trial.",VABB-1,83,90,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388969,,"W. J. ‘s Gravesande’s Appropriation of Newton’s Natural Philosophy, Part I: Epistemological and Theological issues",VABB-1,31,55,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388971,,Assessing the social relevance of school transport in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,162,179,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388974,,Fichte: On the social engagement of intellectuals.,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388976,,"Bevoegdheden, middelen en instellingen inzake ""mobiliteit en verkeersveiligheid""",VABB-4,693,740,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388977,,OMUS: an optimized multimedia service for the home environment,VABB-1,281,311,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388978,,Non-pharmacological management of problematic sleeping in children with developmental disabilities.,VABB-1,120,136,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388981,,Evidence of prescription of antidepressants for non-psychiatric conditions in primary care: an analysis of guidelines and systematic reviews.,VABB-1,55,55,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:388982,,Rethinking representation: The challenge of non-humans.,VABB-1,40,53,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388984,,Unconscious conflicts in unconscious contexts: The role of awareness and timing in flexible conflict adaptation,VABB-1,1701,1718,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388986,,Do (fe)male auditors impair audit quality? Evidence from Going-Concern Opinions),VABB-1,7,34,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388987,,The effect of cognitive aging on implicit sequence learning and dual tasking,VABB-1,154,154,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388989,,The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in the Central and Eastern European Countries: The Importance of Institutions,VABB-1,287,298,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:388990,,Wetgeving op verzoek in achttiende-eeuws Antwerpen. Initiatieven van ambachten en corporaties tot regulering door middel van petities,VABB-4,109,137,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388991,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens. Mei - Juni 2014,VABB-1,260,270,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:388992,,Coupling Lead Isotope Analysis and Petrography to characterize Fabrics of Storage and Trade Containers from Hala Sultan Tekke (Cyprus),VABB-1,261,278,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388995,,Transmuting Performance: Esotericism and Metatheatre in Tennessee Williams's _The Two-Character Play_,VABB-1,392,412,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:388997,,The European Economic Area and State aid,VABB-4,417,440,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388998,,Turkey's potential on becoming a cruise hub for the East Mediterranean Region: The case of Istanbul,VABB-1,6,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:388999,,Themanummer: China and de EU partners of rivalen?,VABB-1,5,94,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389001,,Communitarian mathematics education: Walking into boundaries,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389002,,Physical environmental factors that invite older adults to walk for transportation.,VABB-1,94,103,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389003,,Calculating the Social Rhythm Metric (SRM) and Examining Its Use in Interpersonal Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT) in a Healthy Population Study,VABB-1,265,277,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389005,,"(Explaining)'. John Levi Martin talks explanations, causality and social aesthetics",VABB-1,102,126,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389011,,A formal framework for the study of the notion of undefined particle number in quantum mechanics,VABB-1,505,523,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389013,,A stakeholder based multicriteria evaluation framework for city distribution,VABB-1,75,84,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389014,,Hangjongeren aan het woord. De betekenis van rondhangen voor jongeren en de rol van participatief onderzoek voor het beleid.,VABB-1,333,351,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389015,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van februari 2013.,VABB-1,74,78,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:389017,,Can recovery of peripheral muscle function predict cognitive task performance in chronic fatigue syndrome with and without fibromyalgia?,VABB-1,511,522,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389018,,Modelling the evolution of Vadret da Morteratsch (Switzerland) since the Little Ice Age and into the future,VABB-1,1155,1168,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389021,,"Improving CSDP Planning and Capability Development: Could there be a ‘Frontex Formula’,",VABB-1,47,62,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389022,,Beyond linguistic and party homogeneity: Determinants of Belgian MPs’ preferences on federalism and state reform,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389023,,Universalism and anti-Muslim sentiment,VABB-1,75,85,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389024,,Applying modern pain neuroscience in clinical practice: Criteria for the classificationof central sensitization pain,VABB-1,447,457,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389025,,Cost-effectiveness of a pharmacist-led information technology intervention for reducing rates of clinically important errors in medicines management in general practices (PINCER),VABB-1,573,590,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389026,,"W. J. ‘s Gravesande’s Appropriation of Newton’s Natural Philosophy, Part II: Methodological Issues",VABB-1,97,120,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389028,,A discourse-theoretical approach to death and dying,VABB-4,13,33,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389030,,2014 Global Summit on the Physical Activity of Children : Abstracts,VABB-1,199,207,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389033,,"Art 464,1° WIB92 en de gemeentelijke belastingbevoegdheid: stand van zaken",VABB-1,66,75,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389034,,The Innovation Binder Approach: A Guide Towards a Social-Technical Balanced Pervasive Health System.,VABB-4,69,99,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389037,,"Effectiveness of the palliative care 'Availability, Current Issues and Anticipation' (ACA) communication training programme for general practitioners on patient outcomes : A controlled trial.",VABB-1,1036,1045,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389038,,Psychology after discourse analysis,VABB-2,,,138 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389042,,The anti money laundering complex and the compliance industry,VABB-2,,,208 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389047,,De namen van het genot: Lacan over jouissance en psychose,VABB-2,,,248 p.,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:389052,,"Service systems: concepts, modeling, and programming",VABB-2,,,112 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389056,,"Writing and reading Byzantine secular poetry, 1025-1081",VABB-2,,,376 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389057,,The right not to be displaced in international law,VABB-2,,,"XXXIV, 320 p.",eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389060,,"Commerce and the countryside: the rural population's involvement in the commodity market in Flanders, 1750-1910",VABB-2,,,359 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389068,,Lückenbildung und Wortstellung bei Koordination von Verbzweitsätzen im Deutschen und im Niederländischen: eine kontrastive und korpusbasierte Analyse,VABB-2,,,154 p.,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:389074,,World history: an introduction,VABB-2,,,"VIII, 182 p.",eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389075,,"Integrated project management and control: first comes the theory, then the practice",VABB-2,,,141 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389088,,"GPR survey to explore social stratification in a pre-Islamic burial area at Mleiha, Sharjah (United Arab Emirates)",VABB-5,2,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389094,,The creation of business architecture heat maps to support strategy-aligned organizational decisions,VABB-5,388,392,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389096,,"Ethno-Baroque: materiality,aesthetics, and conflict in modern-day macedonia",VABB-2,,,165 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389098,,Il concetto di Dio in Etty Hillesum,VABB-2,,,64 p.,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:389101,,Crafting characters: heroes and heroines in the ancient Greek novel,VABB-2,,,432 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389103,,The history of Low German negation,VABB-2,,,214 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389107,,"The dark galleries: a museum guide to painted portraits in film noir, Gothic melodramas, and ghost stories of the 1940s and 1950s",VABB-2,,,176 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389108,,Power and imbalances in the global monetary system: a comparative capitalism perspective,VABB-2,,,"X, 237 p.",eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389113,,Business process maturity: a comparative study on a sample of business process maturity models,VABB-2,,,87 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389114,,Oxford bilingual school dictionary: IsiXhosa and English,VABB-2,,,"lXX, 562 p.",eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389121,,Psychology after the unconscious,VABB-2,,,140 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389122,,Psychology after the crisis,VABB-2,,,138 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389123,,Psychology after psychoanalysis,VABB-2,,,136 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389124,,Psychology after deconstruction: erasure and social reconstruction,VABB-2,,,136 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389125,,Leśniewski's systems of logic and foundations of mathematics,VABB-2,,,229 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389134,,"La 'descrizione dei tempi' all'alba dell'espansione islamica: un'indagine sulla storiografia greca, siriaca e araba fra VII e VIII secolo",VABB-2,,,"X, 196 p.",ita,2014,2 c:vabb:389136,,"Margaret Cavendish: gender, science and politics",VABB-2,,,264 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389139,,Verloskunde in beweging II: de do's en don'ts in het voorkomen van aansprakelijkheid,VABB-3,,,232 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389140,,'Repressie zonder maat of einde?' De juridische reïntegratie van collaborateurs in de Belgische Staat na de Tweede Wereldoorlog,VABB-2,,,568 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389141,,Politics and public infrastructure investments in local governments: empirical evidence from Flemish municipalities (1996-2009),VABB-1,182,202,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389142,,Distributional effects of oportunidades on early child development,VABB-1,42,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389143,,Experts as facilitators for the implementation of social media in the library?: a social network approach,VABB-1,529,545,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389144,,Het leven met een sofist: een inleiding in de kritische wijsbegeerte,VABB-2,,,283 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389151,,Venture capital investors and portfolio firms,VABB-2,,,209 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389155,,Maeterlinck en de natuur,VABB-2,,,116 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:389163,,"Neurowetenschappen in taal en spraak, boek 2: van neuron tot afasie",VABB-2,,,177 p.,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:389168,,Grensoverschrijdende mobiliteit van vennootschappen: de effecten van regelgevende competitie op vennootschapsrechtelijk vlak,VABB-2,,,542 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389172,,TaTa Dada: the real life and celestial adventures of Tristan Tzara,VABB-2,,,368 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389177,,Evaluatie van het evaluatiesysteem voor leerkrachten in het basisonderwijs en het deeltijds kunstonderwijs,VABB-2,,,310 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389208,,Web 2.0 presentation tools as an alternative to real-life performance,VABB-5,221,224,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389214,,Penitentiair tuchtrecht,VABB-2,,,112 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389216,,"Welzijn in Vlaanderen: beleid, bestuurlijke organisatie en uitdagingen",VABB-2,,,256 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389217,,Draagmoederschap,VABB-2,,,v+156 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389220,,Diagnosis and the DSM: a critical review,VABB-2,,,128 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389222,,EL DERECHO A LA CONSULTA PREVIA DE LOS PUEBLOS INDÍGENAS EN EL DERECHO INTERNACIONAL,VABB-2,,,x p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389227,,Educational research: the importance and effects of Institutional spaces,VABB-2,,,"VIII, 221 p.",eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389229,,Institutions Always 'Mattered',VABB-2,,,272 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389232,,Psychology after Lacan,VABB-2,,,136 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389236,,Henry Green at the limits of modernism,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389238,,Handboek HRM,VABB-2,,,412 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389261,,Pikselizirana revolucija,VABB-5,506,523,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389263,,L'emploi de la photographie aérienne pour la recherche à Mariana,VABB-5,123,126,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:389283,,Alleen met kunst: drie gevalstudies over het sinthoom,VABB-2,,,168 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389289,,Offender reintegration and rehabilitation as a component of international criminal justice? Execution of sentences at the level of international tribunals and courts: moving beyond the mere protection of procedural rights and minimal fundamental interests?,VABB-2,,,134 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389294,,"'Close your eyes': Phantasma, Kraft und Dunkelheit in der skandinavischen Literatur",VABB-2,,,386 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389297,,Educational research: material culture and the representation of educational research,VABB-2,,,"XI, 219 p.",eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389299,,De advocatenbarometer 2012/2013: een beschrijvende analyse van het profiel van de Vlaamse advocaat,VABB-2,,,174 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389303,,Onderhoudsuitkering tussen ex-echtgenoten: na echtscheiding op grond van onherstelbare ontwrichting van het huwelijk,VABB-2,,,535 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389310,,An enterprise-ontology based conceptual-modeling grammar for representing value chain and supply chain scripts,VABB-5,103,111,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389326,,Business process modelling in ERP implementation literature review,VABB-5,298,308,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:389328,,Bridging archaeology and GIS: influencing factors for a 4D archaeological GIS,VABB-5,186,195,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389332,,LT3: sentiment classification in user-generated content using a rich feature set,VABB-5,406,410,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389348,,Highly detailed 3D modelling of Mayan cultural heritage using an UAV,VABB-5,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389353,,A literature study on the state-of-the-art of contingency research in business process management,VABB-5,3,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389355,,An artificial immune system based approach for solving the nurse re-rostering system,VABB-5,97,108,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389360,,Scheduling a professional sports league using the PEAST algorithm,VABB-5,1176,1182,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389369,,Living lab as an assessment tool for mass customization,VABB-5,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389407,,From strategy to operations and vice-versa: a bridge that needs an Island,VABB-5,190,197,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389416,,Public and consumer policies for higher welfare food products: challenges and opportunities,VABB-1,153,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389422,,Improving arithmetic skills through gameplay: assessment of the effectiveness of an educational game in terms of cognitive and affective learning outcomes,VABB-1,19,31,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389423,,A conceptual framework for healthy eating behavior in Ecuadorian adolescents: a qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389424,,Modelling overall particle motion in fluidised beds for top-spray coating processes,VABB-1,490,505,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389425,,Effect of resveratrol on cultured skin fibroblasts from patients with oxidative phosphorylation defects,VABB-1,312,316,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389426,,The role of ICT in early childhood education: An explorative study on ICT use and influencing factors,VABB-1,183,199,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389427,,Using the crowd for readability prediction,VABB-1,293,325,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389428,,Growth/no growth models for heat-treated psychrotrophic Bacillus cereus spores under cold storage,VABB-1,7,15,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389429,,Kant on the idea of a sensus communis,VABB-1,7,21,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389430,,Children's sleep quality: relation with sleep duration and adiposity,VABB-1,488,490,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:389431,,Analyzing equivalalences in discourse: are discourse theory and membership categorization analysis comptatible,VABB-1,421,445,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389433,,"Monoacylglycerols in dairy recombined cream, II: the effect on partial coalescence and whipping properties",VABB-1,936,945,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389434,,Processing of waxy starch/xanthan gum mixtures within the gelatinization temperature range,VABB-1,560,567,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389435,,Diversity of Bacillus cereus group strains is reflected in their broad range of pathogenicity and diverse ecological lifestyles,VABB-1,433,450,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389443,,Le filage du fil de l'histoire: fantaisie et création de fiction narrative dans l'oeuvre de Patrick Corillon,VABB-5,43,58,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:389446,,3D vs. 4D ontologies in enterprise modeling,VABB-5,13,22,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:389454,,Making SimModel information available as RDF graphs,VABB-5,439,445,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389456,,A conceptual framework for capability sourcing modeling,VABB-5,341,346,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389457,,ERP implementation methodologies and frameworks: a literature review,VABB-5,309,316,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:389458,,Feasibility study of the use of bathymetric surface modelling techniques for intertidal zones of beaches,VABB-5,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389462,,Psychophysical and electrophysiological evidence for nociceptive dysfunction in complex regional pain syndrome,VABB-1,2521,2528,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389471,,Towards shared datasets for normalization research,VABB-5,1218,1223,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389474,,Modelling the Roman textile industry in the northern provinces: conceptions and comparisons,VABB-5,55,70,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389498,,Introducing service-oriented organizational structure for capability sourcing,VABB-5,82,91,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389502,,"Accurate and cost-efficient 3D modelling using motorized hexacopter, helium balloons and photo modelling: a case study",VABB-5,410,417,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389503,,Teaching and learning in English in higher education: a literature review,VABB-5,1430,1441,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389506,,Organic acid based sanitizers and free chlorine to improve the microbial quality and shelf-life of sugar snaps,VABB-1,161,169,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389507,,Substance use and misuse in persons with intellectual disabilities (ID): results of a survey in ID and addictions services in Flanders,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389508,,Expanding the 'dark side of planning': Governmentality and biopolitics in urban garden planning,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389509,,"Adaptive logic and defeasible reasoning: applications in argumentation, normative reasoning and default reasoning",VABB-2,,,438 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389527,,Evaluation of automatic hypernym extraction from technical corpora in English and Dutch,VABB-5,490,497,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389529,,Divergent narratives on democracy in the Portuguese social conflict: a dialect materialist approach,VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389533,,Learning math as you play: comparing arithmetic performance enhancement induced by game play and paper exercises,VABB-5,434,441,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389539,,Does running in synchrony with sound improve endurance performance and save energy?,VABB-5,158,162,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389544,,Meeting point of strategy and operations: tactical management sense and response framework enhancement,VABB-5,333,340,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389545,,Quantitative modelling of urban changes using multi-temporal Digital Elevation Models,VABB-5,6,10,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389546,,Farmers' participation in informal groundwater market in hard rock areas of peninsular India,VABB-5,45,54,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389559,,"Los locativos espacio-temporales en las construcciones existenciales: un estudio comparativo entre el español, el francés y el italiano",VABB-5,255,264,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:389560,,Corporate images' impact on consumers' product choices: the case of multinational foreign subsidiaries,VABB-1,2224,2230,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389569,,Application of biobased materials for packing short and medium shelf life food products,VABB-5,103,107,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389576,,On the origin of errors: a fine-grained analysis of MT and PE errors and their relationship,VABB-5,62,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389579,,Zalogi i zalogovye kategorii v indoarijskom i praindoevropejskom: k diahroničesko-tipologičeskomu portretu glagol'noj sistemy vedijskogo sanskrita,VABB-5,242,267,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389586,,Introduction,VABB-5,XV,XXIII,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389587,,Imago relationis: Bonhoeffer's ethics and the decision of faith,VABB-5,1,17,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389591,,Does predefined ERP methodology work for public companies in transitioning country?,VABB-5,102,113,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389593,,Das Reich von Ugarit vor und nach dem Seevölkersturm: neue Forschungen im antiken Gibala,VABB-5,149,170,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:389594,,La Domus Tiberiana sul Palatino: indagini recenti lungo la Via Nova,VABB-5,251,258,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389603,,Obligatory control and event structure in Kavalan,VABB-5,280,298,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389605,,The impact of pressure equalization on watertightness of rainscreen systems,VABB-5,783,790,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389606,,Clustering spatio-temporal trajectories based on kernel density estimation,VABB-5,298,311,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389608,,The understandable language in Belgian civil proceedings: the wrong way,VABB-5,24,45,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389614,,Deep habits in consumption: a spatial panel analysis using scanner data,VABB-1,959,976,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389615,,Risk of childhood undernutrition related to small-for-gestational age and preterm birth in low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,1340,1355,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389616,,'Zahllose Bastardisierungen': Gottfried Benns 'Lebensweg eines Intellektualisten' (1934) und die Rassentheorie des Botanikers Friedrich Merkenschlager,VABB-1,449,484,,ger,2014,1 c:vabb:389618,,Identification of modified lysozyme peptides upon photo-oxidation by LC-TOF-MS,VABB-1,12727,12726,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389619,,A longitudinal and multi-method examination of interest-occupation congruence within and across time,VABB-1,59,73,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389620,,A knight in white satin armour? New institutionalism and mayoral leadership in the era of governance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:389621,,Rhetoric and narratives as equipment for living: spinning in Borgen,VABB-1,710,722,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389622,,Optimisation of enzymatic synthesis of cocoa butter equivalent from high oleic sunflower oil,VABB-1,1325,1331,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389623,,Why do Swedes cooperate with the police? A SEM analysis of Tyler's procedural justice model,VABB-1,15,33,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389624,,Examining the relationship between language divergence and word-of-mouth intentions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389625,,Antimicrobial resistance in the food chain: a review,VABB-1,2643,2669,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389626,,The role of perceived helpfulness in predicting subjective unmet need and the frequency of health care use,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389628,,The significance of the Buddhist ten-membered formula of dependent origination,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389629,,Propositional logic extended with a pedagogically useful relevant implication,VABB-1,245,276,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389631,,Impacts of palaeoclimate change 60 000-8000 years ago on humans and their environments in Europe: integrating palaeoenvironmental and archaeological data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389632,,Determinants of intraregional migration in Sub-Saharan Africa 1980-2000,VABB-1,426,443,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:389633,,List-level transfer effects in temporal learning: further complications for the list-level proportion congruent effect,VABB-1,373,385,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389634,,Rethinking the precept of not taking money in contemporary Taiwanese and Mainland Chinese Buddhist nunneries,VABB-1,9,56,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389635,,"Quantitative study of cross-contamination with Escherichia coli, E. coli O157, MS2 phage and murine norovirus in a simulated fresh-cut lettuce wash process",VABB-1,218,227,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389636,,Context-specific control and context selection in conflict tasks,VABB-1,63,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389637,,Interacting psychosocial and environmental correlates of leisure-time physical activity: a three-country study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389638,,"Continuous sedation until death: the everyday moral reasoning of physicians, nurses and family caregivers in the UK, The Netherlands and Belgium",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389639,,How music alters a kiss: superior temporal gyrus controls fusiform-amygdalar connectivity,VABB-1,1770,1778,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389640,,Is motor knowledge part and parcel of the concepts of manipulable artifacts? Clues from a case of upper limb aplasia,VABB-1,132,140,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389641,,Recovery of upper limb muscle function in chronic fatigue syndrome with and without fibromyalgia,VABB-1,153,159,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389642,,Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in European children: the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389643,,Time and temporality in the mass effect series: a narratological approach,VABB-1,58,79,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389647,,Antecedents of personality disorder in childhood and adolescence: toward an integrative developmental model,VABB-1,449,476,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389648,,Soortenbeschermingsrecht: toepassing bij ruimtelijke projecten,VABB-1,50,71,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389649,,"Dissociating contributions of ACC and vmPFC in reward prediction, outcome and choice",VABB-1,112,123,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389650,,A capacity building approach to increase sports participation in disadvantaged urban communities: a multilevel analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389652,,The long-term effects of bilingualism on childrenof immigration: student bilingualism and future earnings,VABB-1,449,464,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389653,,The empowerment of agencies under the Meroni doctrine and article 114 TFEU: comment on United Kingdom v Parliament and council (short-selling) and the proposed single resolution mechanism,VABB-1,380,403,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389654,,Some considerations on the apodotic uses of atque and et (2nd c. BC–2nd c. AD),VABB-1,63,91,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389656,,Reliability and validity of a global question on self-reported chronic morbidity,VABB-1,371,380,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389657,,Fibromyalgia patients and controls are equally accurate in detecting tactile stimuli while observing another in pain: an experimental study,VABB-1,2548,2559,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389658,,Politique des villes et lutte contre la pauvreté: entre ségrégation et politique intégrée,VABB-1,283,296,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:389659,,The threefold object of scientific knowledge. Pseudo-Scotus and the questions on the Meteorologica in fourteenth-century Paris,VABB-1,465,502,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389660,,"The 'Nation of Poetry': language, festival and subversion in Macedonia",VABB-1,137,152,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389661,,"Contested nation-building within the international 'Order of Things': performance, festivals and legitimization in South-Eastern Europe",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389662,,Role of processing on bioaccessibility of minerals: influence of location of minerals and anti-nutritional factors in the plant,VABB-1,32,41,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389663,,Taxi blues: the anxiety of Soviet masculinity,VABB-1,263,280,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389665,,In het spoor van privaatrecht: wanneer springt het bestuursrecht op de bemiddelingstrein?,VABB-1,295,313,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389668,,Opschorting van een besluit van de algemene vergadering en contractuele compensatie: overdadig eigenbelang duurt nooit lang: noot onder KG Kh. Luik 26 november 2013,VABB-1,327,338,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389669,,Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory effects by plant phenolic compounds: a study of structure activity relationships,VABB-1,11832,11839,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389670,,Evaluation of commercially available ELISA assays as a tool for monitoring and managing pemphigus patients: a prospective study,VABB-1,33,39,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389671,,Evaluating suitability of the least risk path algorithm to support cognitive wayfinding in indoor spaces: an empirical study,VABB-1,128,140,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389672,,The amazing race to India: prominence in reality television affects destination image and travel intentions,VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389673,,Food-related hazards in China: consumers' perceptions of risk and trust in information sources,VABB-1,291,298,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389675,,Do tasks matter in task switching? Dissociating domain-general from context-specific brain activity,VABB-1,332,341,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389676,,The balanced scorecard as an enabling technology: the role of participation,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389677,,Contrasting the syntax and semantics of negative causation: the apparent similarity of Spanish and Portuguese,VABB-1,278,306,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389678,,"Behaviour of Belgian consumers, related to the consumption, storage and preparation of cooked chilled foods",VABB-1,681,690,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389679,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Europees hof voor de Rechten van de Mens: 1 mei 2014 tot 31 juli 2014,VABB-1,423,427,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389680,,"Attention please: evaluative priming effects in a valent/non-valent categorization task (Reply to Werner and Rothermund, 2013)",VABB-1,560,569,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389681,,Markies van Prié en het Brusselse oproer in 1717-1719: over de repressie en de slagkracht van het centrale gouvernement in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden,VABB-1,367,389,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:389682,,From 'and' to 'either/or': nationhood in Montenegro during the Yugoslav twentieth century,VABB-1,25,48,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389683,,Online music consumption in today's technological context: putting the influence of ethics in perspective,VABB-1,537,550,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389684,,The effect of chronic low back pain on tactile suppression during back movements,VABB-1,87,100,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389685,,"The subtalar joint axis palpation technique, part 2: reliability and validity using cadaver feet",VABB-1,365,374,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389689,,Incurably religious? Consensus gentium and the cultural universality of religion,VABB-1,5,32,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389690,,Task preparation processes related to reward prediction precede those related to task-difficulty expectation,VABB-1,639,647,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389691,,Colloidal complexation of a macromolecule with a small molecular weight natural polyphenol: implications in modulating polymer functionalities,VABB-1,1428,1436,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389692,,"Testi da leggere, testi da guardare: i discorsi della letteratura attraverso le immagini negli anni '30",VABB-1,147,159,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:389694,,Analysis to support allergen risk management: which way to go?,VABB-1,5624,5633,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389697,,"Do societal wealth, family affluence and gender account for trends in adolescent cannabis use?: a 30 country cross-national study",VABB-1,273,283,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389698,,Microscopic gut inflammation in axial spondyloarthritis: a multiparametric predictive model,VABB-1,414,417,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389699,,Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum in inflammatory bowel disease,VABB-1,1745,1752,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389700,,Hart Crane in de poëzie van Hugo Claus,VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389701,,"Food insecurity, food based coping strategies and suboptimal dietary practices of adolescents in Jimma Zone Southwest Ethiopia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389702,,Diet and physical activity for the prevention of noncommunicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic policy review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389703,,The European commission's neoliberal trade discourse since the crisis: legitimizing continuity through subtle discursive change,VABB-1,149,167,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389704,,Inleiding: het ruimtelike is sociaal en het omgekeerde geldt eveneens,VABB-1,255,260,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389706,,'A 20% income increase for everyone?': the effect of relative increases in income on perceived income inequality,VABB-1,37,47,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389707,,Anthocyanin determination in blueberry extracts from various cultivars and their antiproliferative and apoptotic properties in B16-F10 metastatic murine melanoma cells,VABB-1,436,444,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389708,,The mental health of unaccompanied refugee minors on arrival in the host country,VABB-1,33,37,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389709,,"The influence of sprint interval training on body composition, physical and metabolic fitness in adolescents and young adults with intellectual disability: a randomised controlled trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389711,,The dynamics of proactive and reactive cognitive control processes in the human brain,VABB-1,1021,1038,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389713,,Health care professionals' reactions to patient pain: impact of knowledge about medical evidence and psychosocial influences,VABB-1,262,270,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389714,,The role of executive functioning in children's attentional pain control: an experimental analysis,VABB-1,413,421,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389715,,Distribution and isolation of milk fat globule membrane proteins during dairy processing as revealed by proteomic analysis,VABB-1,110,120,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389716,,Opportunities for domesticating the African baobab (Adansonia digitata L.): multi-trait fruit selection,VABB-1,493,505,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:389717,,Hydroxymethylfurfural: a possible emergent cause of honey bee mortality?,VABB-1,11865,11870,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389718,,Time is of the essence: the importance of anticipation in the treatment of schizophrenia,VABB-1,101,117,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389720,,Determinants of child malnutrition in rural and urban Ecuadorian highlands,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389722,,Stanislaw Lesniewski: rethinking the philosophy of mathematics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389723,,Validating function-based design methods: an explanationist perspective,VABB-1,511,531,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:389724,,"Thinking big: politics, progress, and security in the management of Asian and European energy megaprojects",VABB-1,16,27,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389725,,Age differences in mammography screening reconsidered: life course trajectories in 13 European countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389726,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens: 1 november 2013 tot 31 januari 2014,VABB-1,235,243,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389728,,"Youth involvement in politically motivated violence: why do social integration, perceived legitimacy, and perceived discrimination matter?",VABB-1,135,153,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389729,,"The girdle and the cleft: the parable of Jeremiah 13,1-11",VABB-1,116,132,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389732,,Daily sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and insulin resistance in European adolescents: the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) Study.,VABB-1,479,486,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389733,,"The effect of a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention on objectively measured physical activity in Belgian preschool boys and girls of high and low SES: the ToyBox-study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389734,,Does observed controlling teaching behavior relate to students' motivation in physical education?,VABB-1,541,554,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389735,,Universities and public contestation during social and political crises: Belgrade University in the 1990s,VABB-1,616,619,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389736,,Induction from a single instance: incomplete frames,VABB-1,641,653,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389737,,The European Court of Human Rights and intragroup religious diversity: a critical review,VABB-1,663,687,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389740,,Evaluation of an attachment assay on lettuce leaves with temperature- and starvation-stressed Escherichia coli O157:H7 MB3885,VABB-1,549,557,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389741,,Informal conflict management in exclusivist political orders: some observations on Central Mindanao,VABB-1,61,74,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389743,,Normenhiërarchie en afwijkingen van (aansprakelijkheids)wetgeving in reglementaire verhoudingen: noot onder Cass. 8 maart 2012,VABB-1,1660,1665,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389745,,Politie als actor binnen een weerbare democratie: hoe omgaan met antidemocraten?,VABB-1,49,64,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389746,,Influence of cocoa butter diacylglycerols on migration induced fat bloom in filled chocolates,VABB-1,1388,1399,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389747,,Het probleem van laaggeschooldheid in België: een historisch-geografische analyse,VABB-1,104,121,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389748,,"Monoacylglycerols in dairy recombined cream, I: the effect on milk fat crystallization",VABB-1,892,898,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389749,,Clavijero entre México y Europa: la construccion del sujeto discursivo en la Historia Antigua de México,VABB-1,104,114,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:389750,,Composition and emulsifying properties of a milk fat globule membrane enriched material,VABB-1,99,106,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389751,,"Screening of moulds and mycotoxins in tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, soft red fruits and derived tomato products",VABB-1,165,170,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389752,,Are right-wing adherents mentally troubled? Recent insights on the relationship of right-wing attitudes with threat and psychological Ill-being,VABB-1,35,40,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389753,,Blending face-to-face higher education with web-based lectures: comparing different didactical intended purposes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389754,,MetaKosovo: local and international narratives,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:389756,,Analysis of interaction of phenolic compounds with the cholecystokinin signaling pathway to explain effects on reducing food intake,VABB-1,225,231,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389757,,The implementation of life space crisis intervention in residential care and special education for children and adolescents with EBD: an effect study,VABB-1,267,284,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389758,,Attentional breadth and proximity seeking in romantic attachment relationships,VABB-1,74,92,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389760,,Monitoring batch lipase catalyzed interesterification of palm oil and fractions by differential scanning calorimetry,VABB-1,2219,2229,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389761,,The late medieval Greek Vernacular πολιτικὸς στίχος poetry: a modern linguistic analysis into intonation units,VABB-1,84,116,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:389762,,The contribution of non-timber forest products towards sustainable rural development: the case of Candelilla wax from the Chihuahuan Desert in Mexico,VABB-1,141,153,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389763,,Resistant masculinities in alternative R&B? Understanding Frank Ocean and The Weeknd's representations of gender,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389764,,Comprehending emotional eating in obese youngsters: the role of parental rejection and emotion regulation,VABB-1,525,530,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389766,,Eliminating the Simon effect by instruction,VABB-1,1470,1480,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389767,,Mapping nociceptive stimuli in a peripersonal frame of reference: evidence from a temporal order judgment task,VABB-1,219,228,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389768,,Age-neutrality of the trait facets proposed for personality disorders in DSM-5: a DIFAS analysis of the PID-5,VABB-1,487,494,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389770,,A Lacanian view on Balint group meetings: a qualitative analysis of two case presentations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389771,,"Armed groups and the exercise of public authority: the cases of the Mayi- Mayi and Raya Mutomboki in Kalehe, South Kivu",VABB-1,202,220,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389773,,"Cognitieve gedragstherapie bij kinderen en jongeren met een angststoornis: waarom werkt het? Cognitie, ervaren controle en coping als mediatoren",VABB-1,287,305,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389774,,"Shifting conditions, frameworks and approaches: the work of KPDV in postcolonial Africa",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389775,,The researcher and the beast uncovering processes of othering and becoming animal in research Ventures in the field of critical disability studies,VABB-1,296,316,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389776,,Challenging the feminisation of the workforce: rethinking the mind–body dualism in early childhood education and care,VABB-1,232,245,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389777,,Perceptions are Relative: An Examination of the Relationship between Relative Satisfaction Metrics and Share of Wallet,VABB-1,2,43,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389778,,The new European Union economic governance: what about accountability?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:389779,,Determinants of language use and attitudes among Turkish speakers in Flanders: a focus on generational difference,VABB-1,59,80,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389780,,James Morison: Book illustration and the poems of Robert Burns (1812),VABB-1,25,48,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389781,,Would strictly enforced forestry regulations affect farmers' stated intentions to plant indigenous fruits trees?: insights from Cameroon,VABB-1,95,106,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389784,,The persistence of informality: perspectives on the future of artisanal mining in Liberia,VABB-1,10,20,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389785,,"Materialism: the good, the bad, and the ugly",VABB-1,1858,1881,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389791,,Association between aflatoxin M1 exposure through breast milk and growth impairment in infants from Northern Tanzania,VABB-1,277,284,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389792,,Attentional modulation by reward and punishment cues in relation to depressive symptoms,VABB-1,351,359,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389793,,Muscle functional MRI analysis of trunk muscle recruitment during extension exercises in asymptomatic individuals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389796,,Beware of Belgium: een linguïstisch-etnografisch onderzoek naar de invloed van meertaligheid op de weergave van politieke complexiteit in de buitenlandberichtgeving over België,VABB-1,113,149,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389797,,Seeking information about food-related risks: the contribution of social media,VABB-1,10,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389800,,How E-waste challenges environmental governance,VABB-1,82,96,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389803,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie): januari-februari 2014,VABB-1,249,260,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389804,,Impact of the preoperative risk and the type of surgery on exercise capacity and training after valvular surgery,VABB-1,1383,1389,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389805,,Adaptive Strategies and Finite-Conditional Premise Sets,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:389807,,Impact of a common corporate tax base on the effective tax burden in Belgium,VABB-1,530,543,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389808,,An integrative theory-driven positive emotion regulation intervention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389809,,Behandeling en stigmamanagement bij opzettelijke zelfverwonding: het smalle pad tussen te veel en te weinig interveniëren,VABB-1,273,286,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389810,,Repetitive sessions of formative self-testing to refresh CPR skills: a randomised non-inferiority trial,VABB-1,1282,1286,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389811,,Key characteristics for tool choice in indicator-based sustainability assessment at farm level,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389813,,Is there a neuroanatomical basis of the vulnerability to suicidal behavior?: a coordinate-based meta-analysis of structural and functional MRI studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389814,,Monitoring psychrotrophic lactic acid bacteria contamination in a ready-to-eat vegetable salad production environment,VABB-1,7,16,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389815,,Methodology for the ovalization monitoring of newly built circular train tunnels based on laser scanning: Liefkenshoek Rail Link (Belgium),VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389816,,'I never thought I would have to do this': narrative study with siblings-in-law who live together with a family member with a disability,VABB-1,315,322,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389819,,"De verplichting in hoofde van de nationale rechter om schedebedingen in kredietovereenkomsten ambtshalve te toetsen mag de rechten van verdediging van de kredietgever niet miskennen: noot onder Hof van Justitie van de EU (1e k.), 21 februari 2013",VABB-1,33,36,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389820,,End-of-Life communication: a retrospective survey of representative general practitioner networks in four countries,VABB-1,604,619,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389821,,How the EU defends its non-trade objectives before the WTO: an analysis of SPS/TBT disputes,VABB-1,269,289,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389824,,De bestuurlijke lus van de Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen opgedoekt,VABB-1,440,447,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389825,,"Psychologie als moreel bedrijf, psychotherapie als disciplinering?",VABB-1,233,240,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:389826,,Validity of instruction leaflets for parents to measure their child's weight and height at home: results obtained from a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389827,,SURF - SUrvey of Risk Factor management: first report of an international audit,VABB-1,813,822,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389828,,"Gender, TIMI risk score and in-hospital mortality in STEMI patients undergoing primary PCI: results from the Belgian STEMI registry",VABB-1,95,101,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389829,,"Tracing the other in the theatre of the precarious (Lola Arias, Elfriede Jelinek, Meg Stuart, Wajdi Mouawad, Christoph Marthaler)",VABB-1,285,300,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389830,,A multidisciplinary network for the care of abnormal fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome in the provinces of East and West Flanders in Belgium,VABB-1,327,334,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389831,,SMEs' preference for innovation networks: a choice experimental approach,VABB-1,415,435,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389833,,'Identity as a framework for alternative regionalism? An examination of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the pan-Islamic idea',VABB-1,17,36,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389834,,Do policy measures impact the position and performance of farmers' cooperatives in the EU?,VABB-1,531,553,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389835,,Cost-effectiveness analysis of pharmaceutical treatment options in the first-line management of major depressive disorder in Belgium,VABB-1,479,493,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389836,,"Establishing a method to estimate the cost-effectiveness of a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood: the ToyBox-study",VABB-1,81,89,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389838,,Double-clicking the temple bell: devotional aspects of Jainism online,VABB-1,126,143,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389839,,The territorial scope of the American Convention on Human Rights,VABB-1,205,224,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389841,,"Multiple testing in fMRI: an empirical case study on the balance between sensitivity, specificity, and stability",VABB-1,649,661,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389842,,"Evaluating and improving the visualisation of CHOOSE, an Enterprise Architecture approach for SMEs",VABB-1,87,102,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389844,,Fair play? Not so much: corruption in the Italian football,VABB-1,176,195,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:389845,,Challenges in performance of food safety management systems: a case of fish processing companies in Tanzania,VABB-1,621,630,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389846,,Behind the scenes of place branding: unraveling the selective nature of regional branding,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389848,,Centre for legal ressources on behalf of Valentin Campeanu t. Roemenië,VABB-1,558,561,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389849,,Leveringsplicht vs. stedenbouwkundige inbreuken: juridische conformiteit als te leveren hoedanigheid: noot onder Antwerpen 29 oktober 2012,VABB-1,218,221,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389850,,Library towers and the vertical dimension of knowledge,VABB-1,530,540,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389852,,Robert of Courtenay (1221-1227): an idiot on the throne of Constantinople?,VABB-1,996,1034,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389853,,Voltage-based droop control of renewables to avoid on-off oscillations caused by overvoltages,VABB-1,845,854,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389854,,"The short story cycle in Western literature: modernity, continuity and generic implications",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389855,,Grensoverschrijdend gedrag in de zorgrelatie: het perspectief van algemeen ziekenhuisverpleegkundigen,VABB-1,4,11,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:389857,,Increased sedentary behaviour is associated with unhealthy dietary patterns in European adolescents participating in the HELENA study,VABB-1,300,308,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389858,,Do CS-US pairings actually matter? A within-subject comparison of instructed fear conditioning with and without actual CS-US pairings,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389859,,Perception of polyphony with cochlear implants for 2 and 3 simultaneous pitches,VABB-1,431,436,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389860,,Effect of initial headspace oxygen level on growth and volatile metabolite production by the specific spoilage microorganisms of fresh-cut pineapple,VABB-1,224,231,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389861,,Civil society organizations at the gates? A gatekeeping study of news making efforts by NGOs and government institutions,VABB-1,160,180,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389863,,A framework for inter-level explanations: outlines for a new explanatory pluralism,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389864,,Subtlex-UK: a new and improved word frequency database for British English,VABB-1,1176,1190,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389866,,Recente ontwikkelingen in de inbreukprocedure,VABB-1,383,390,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389867,,Sexual and gender-based violence in the European asylum and reception sector: a perpetuum mobile?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389870,,Does alignment elicit competency-based HRM? A systematic review,VABB-1,5,26,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389873,,Returnees' perspectives on their re-migration processes,VABB-1,144,158,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389874,,The non-GM crop regime in the EU: how do industries deal with this wicked problem?,VABB-1,103,112,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389876,,A comparative study of lipid and hypochlorous acid induced oxidation of soybean proteins,VABB-1,451,458,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389877,,An enhanced examination of Holland's consistency and differentiation hypotheses,VABB-1,237,247,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389879,,TR-DB: an open-access database of compounds affecting the ethylene-induced triple response in Arabidopsis,VABB-1,128,137,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389880,,"Measurement invariance of the illness invalidation inventory (3*I) across languages, rheumatic diseases, and gender",VABB-1,551,556,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389881,,Evaluation of viral concentration methods from irrigation and processing water,VABB-1,294,303,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389882,,Selection criteria for water disinfection techniques in agricultural practices,VABB-1,1529,1551,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389883,,A critical review of methods for detecting human noroviruses and predicting their infectivity,VABB-1,295,309,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389884,,Inactivation of food-borne viruses using natural biochemical substances,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389885,,Development of a time-to-detect growth model for heat-treated Bacillus cereus spores,VABB-1,231,240,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389886,,How landscape ecology can promote the development of sustainable landscapes in Europe: the role of the European Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE-Europe) in the twenty-first century,VABB-1,1641,1647,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389887,,A classification of landscape services to support local landscape planning,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389888,,Liability for Football Injuries and Enforcement in the EU: will US punitive damages be shown the red card in Europe?,VABB-1,50,81,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389889,,Multi-scale analysis of linear data in a two-dimensional space,VABB-1,248,265,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389890,,Posterior cingulate cortex-related co-activation patterns: a resting state fMRI study in propofol-induced loss of consciousness,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389891,,Guar and xanthan gum differentially affect shear induced breakdown of native waxy maize starch,VABB-1,546,556,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389892,,Development of an offline bidimensional high-performance liquid chromatography method for analysis of stereospecific triacylglycerols in cocoa butter equivalents,VABB-1,7896,7903,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389893,,Post-hoc power estimation for topological inference in fMRI,VABB-1,45,64,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389894,,We make the road by walking: challenging conceptualisations of leisure time for children in poverty,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389895,,Molecular identification of the microbiota of peeled and unpeeled brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) during storage on ice and at 7.5°C,VABB-1,123,134,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389896,,Analysis of the cost-effectiveness for ecosystem service provision and rural income generation: a comparison of three different programs in Southern Ecuador,VABB-1,471,498,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389897,,Revisiting the Palaeolithic site of Kulbulak (Uzbekistan): first results from luminescence dating,VABB-1,180,189,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389898,,"Writing the history of the victors?: discourse, social change and (radical) democracy",VABB-1,626,651,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389901,,The acquisition of the English dative alternation by Russian foreign language learners,VABB-1,187,212,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389903,,The misery of aesthetic solidarity,VABB-1,79,95,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389904,,Assessment of the microbial safety and quality of cooked chilled foods and their production process,VABB-1,193,200,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389905,,"Let's work together! Economic cooperation, social capital, and chances of social mobility in classical Athens",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389906,,"The effect of NaCl reduction and replacement on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in broth, cooked ham and white sauce",VABB-1,59,70,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389907,,Scope for introducing payments for ecosystem services as a strategy to reduce deforestation in the Kilombero wetlands catchment area,VABB-1,81,89,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389908,,Automatic motor activation by mere instruction,VABB-1,1300,1309,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389909,,Prevention of overweight in children younger than 2 years old: a pilot cluster-randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389911,,Nachträglichkeit: a Freudian perspective on delayed traumatic reactions,VABB-1,668,687,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389912,,Emily faithfull en de vrouwelijke handzetters van de Victoria Press,VABB-1,10,15,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389914,,Gums tuning the rheological properties of modified maize starch pastes: differences between guar and xanthan,VABB-1,85,94,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389916,,Conceptual framework for ex-ante evaluation at the micro/macro level of GM crops with health benefits,VABB-1,116,134,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389917,,"Eigendomscriminaliteit als internationale aangelegenheid? Lokale aanpak waar het kan, internationale waar het nodig is",VABB-1,69,76,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389918,,Herverdeling als logisch gevolg van het libertaire vrijheidsargument,VABB-1,1,20,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:389920,,Potential of milk fat globule membrane enriched materials to improve the whipping properties of recombined cream,VABB-1,16,23,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389921,,Job-related stress and sickness absence among Belgian nurses: a prospective study,VABB-1,292,301,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389923,,"Health, food, and science: an ethical assessment of research agendas",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389924,,Staging the Holocaust in the land of brotherhood and unity: holocaust drama in socialist Yugoslavia in the 1950s and 1960s,VABB-1,228,254,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389927,,"Mapping the evolution of hierarchical and regional tendencies in the world city network, 2000-2010",VABB-1,51,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389928,,The ethical and clinical importance of measuring consciousness in continuously sedated patients,VABB-1,207,218,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389929,,Is frequency an explanatory causal concept in linguistics?,VABB-1,105,112,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389930,,Mobile Raman spectroscopy in astrobiology research,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389931,,The missing link between 'necessity' and 'approximation of criminal sanctions' in the EU,VABB-1,147,168,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389932,,The Qihoo/Tencent dispute in the instant messaging market: the first Milestone in the Chinese competition law enforcement?,VABB-1,369,390,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389934,,Effects of motor congruence on visual working memory,VABB-1,2063,2070,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389935,,"A framework to facilitate self-directed learning, assessment and supervision in midwifery practice: a qualitative study of supervisors' perceptions",VABB-1,441,446,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389937,,An integrated Raman and petrographic characterization of Italian mediaeval artifacts in pietra ollare (soapstone),VABB-1,114,122,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389938,,Organic agriculture in Iran: farmers' barriers to and factors influencing adoption,VABB-1,126,134,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389941,,Development of a sensitive and accurate stable isotope dilution assay for the simultaneous determination of free 4-hydroxy-2-(E)-nonenal and 4-hydroxy-2-(E)-hexenal in various food matrices by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry,VABB-1,836,843,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389942,,"A novel insight on the high oxidative stability of roasted mustard seed oil in relation to phospholipid, Maillard type reaction products, tocopherol and canolol contents",VABB-1,587,594,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389943,,"The international heritage doctrine and the management of heritage in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: the case of the Commission to Preserve National Monuments",VABB-1,54,71,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389944,,Understanding and attitude regarding the shelf life labels and dates on pre-packed food products by Belgian consumers,VABB-1,85,92,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:389945,,Het corporatieve element in de Middelnederlandse letterkunde en de zogenaamde laatmiddeleeuwse burgermoraal,VABB-1,123,154,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:389946,,Does parental autonomy support relate to adolescent autonomy? An in-depth examination of a seemingly simple question,VABB-1,299,330,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389947,,Fifty shades of personality: integrating FFM dark and bright sides of personality at work,VABB-1,121,126,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389948,,Reclaiming 'geballte linke Energie': war in Alexander Kluge's Docu-fiction Heidegger auf der Krim,VABB-1,69,82,,ger,2014,1 c:vabb:389950,,Feasibility and effectiveness of drop-off spots to promote walking to school,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389952,,"Transitional justice and historiography: challenges, dilemmas and possibilities",VABB-1,7,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389954,,Politieke verontschuldigingen in België: enkele bedenkingen over een morele en politieke economie,VABB-1,79,90,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:389955,,"Mechanisms of stress, energy homeostasis and insulin resistance in European adolescents: the HELENA study",VABB-1,1082,1089,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389958,,Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS),VABB-1,2150,2206,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389959,,Artsen in de 'Groote Oorlog': een genderanalyse van de representatie van 'de arts' en het gewonde soldatenlichaam,VABB-1,9,15,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389960,,"Repatriation, doxa, and contested heritages: the return of the Altai princess in an international perspective",VABB-1,73,98,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389962,,The impact of communicating conflicting risk and benefit messages: an experimental study on red meat information,VABB-1,107,114,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389963,,Comparison of two case-based learning conditions with real patients in teaching occupational medicine,VABB-1,340,346,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389964,,"Financial depletion, faction struggle and competing networks: the background to count Harrach's reforms of the Southern Netherlands' central government (1733-1735)",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389965,,Effective arterial elastance is insensitive to pulsatile arterial load,VABB-1,1022,1031,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389967,,Reflections on mirror therapy: a systematic review of the effect of mirror visual feedback on the brain,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389968,,Generic anthropometric and performance characteristics among elite adolescent boys in nine different sports,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389970,,Environmental management effects in certified Serbian food companies,VABB-1,196,199,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389971,,Deficient motor timing in children with neurofibromatosis type 1,VABB-1,3131,3138,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389972,,The iconographic brain: a critical philosophical inquiry into (the resistance of) the image,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389974,,Policing European metropolises,VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389975,,De geestelijke gezondheid van leerlingen op school: een noodzaak binnen de lerarenopleiding?,VABB-1,42,53,-,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:389977,,Psychosocial functioning of drug treatment court clients: a study of the prosecutor's files in Ghent,VABB-1,127,140,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389979,,An enterprise ontology based conceptual modeling grammar,VABB-1,18,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389980,,Interpreting metadata and ontologies of virtual heritage artefacts,VABB-1,531,555,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389981,,"Concepts and strategies on how to train and motivate teachers to implement a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood: the ToyBox-study",VABB-1,40,47,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389982,,Potential of Active Demand Reduction with Residential Wet Appliances: A Case Study for Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:389985,,Eenheid in verdeeldheid: spanningsvelden in België tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,10,35,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:389986,,"Visibility and coping with minority stress: a gender-specific analysis among lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals in Flanders",VABB-1,1601,1614,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:389987,,Family communication about donor conception: a qualitative study with lesbian parents.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:389989,,Digest of state practice: 1 July - 31 December 2013,VABB-1,149,189,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:389990,,De sociaal-politieke verhoudingen binnen het Brugse stadsbestuur tijdens het midden van de veertiende eeuw (1328-1361),VABB-1,323,376,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:389991,,An overview of recent research results and future research avenues using simulation studies in project management,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389995,,Pots from troublesome times: ceramics used in Middelburg-in-Flanders (Belgium) during the Eighty Years' war,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:389996,,Einleitung: Perspektiven der kontrastiven Linguistik,VABB-1,5,14,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:389997,,Characteristics of high-level youth soccer players: variation by playing position,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390000,,Teacher education graduates' choice (not) to enter the teaching profession: does teacher education matter?,VABB-1,279,294,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390001,,Integration at the round table: marine spatial planning in multi-stakeholder settings,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390002,,Task-related electroencephalographic deviances in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,433,444,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390003,,Do mobility and life setting affect falling and fear of falling in elderly people?,VABB-1,223,229,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390004,,Buitengerechtelijke regeling consumentengeschillen,VABB-1,674,685,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390005,,What if pupils can assess their peers anonymously? A quasi-experimental study.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390006,,Noot onder RvS 18 maart 2014,VABB-1,171,175,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390009,,Verslag van de jaarvergadering van de Vereniging voor de Vergelijkende Studie van het Recht van Belgie en Nederland: afdeling publiekrecht,VABB-1,1551,1554,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390010,,E-democracy: exploring the current stage of e-government,VABB-1,489,506,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390011,,Exploring factors related to primary school pupils' ICT self-efficacy: a multilevel approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390013,,The design and implementation of learning paths in a learning management system,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:390016,,The effects of intergroup climate on immigrants' acculturation preferences,VABB-1,252,257,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390017,,Articular dysfunction patterns in patients with mechanical neck pain: a clinical algorithm to guide specific mobilization and manipulation techniques,VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390018,,European consumer preferences for beef with nutrition and health claims: a multi-country investigation using discrete choice experiments,VABB-1,167,176,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390020,,Effectiveness of pharmaceutical care for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( PHARMACOP): a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,756,766,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390023,,Effect of atmospheres combining high oxygen and carbon dioxide levels on microbial spoilage and sensory quality of fresh-cut pineapple,VABB-1,73,84,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390024,,Félicie de Fauveau. L’amazone de la sculpture (1801-1886),VABB-1,,,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:390025,,"The end of the party: the bright young people in vile bodies, afternoon men, and party going",VABB-1,90,111,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390026,,Immigration and recommended care after a suicide attempt in Europe: equity or bias?,VABB-1,63,65,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390027,,Tipicità delle costruzioni presentative per l'italiano neostandard,VABB-1,30,50,,ita,2015,1 c:vabb:390028,,"William Shenstone's poetry, the leasowes, and the intermediality of reading and architectural design",VABB-1,53,77,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390030,,"Risk perception, attitudes towards risk and risk management: evidence and implications",VABB-1,389,405,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390031,,Evidence based EU criminal policy making: in search of valid data,VABB-1,23,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390032,,A discrete stochastic model for oil migration in chocolate-coated confectionery,VABB-1,602,610,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390033,,Affective and cognitive reactions towards emerging food safety risks in Europe,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390035,,No longer diseases of the wealthy: prevalence and health-seeking for self-reported chronic conditions among urban poor in Southern India,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390037,,Development and assessment of ecological models in the context of the European water framework directive: key issues for trainers in data-driven modeling approaches,VABB-1,111,116,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390038,,Dialect contact and the speed of Jespersen's cycle in Middle Low German,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390039,,Estimation of controlled direct effects in the presence of exposure-induced confounding and latent variables,VABB-1,396,407,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390040,,Evaluation of the microbiological safety and quality of Vietnamese Pangasius hypophthalmus during processing by a microbial assessment scheme in combination with a self-assessment questionnaire,VABB-1,1117,1128,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390041,,Unmasking the obligatory components of nociceptive event-related brain potentials,VABB-1,2312,2324,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390044,,Impact van de Gentse drugbehandelingskamer op drugsgerelateerde levensdomeinen,VABB-1,25,41,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390045,,Seksueel burgerschap: responsabilisering tussen disciplinering en diversiteit,VABB-1,69,83,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:390046,,European air passenger rights: the concept of 'flight',VABB-1,233,249,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390048,,"Hof van Justitie rekt parodiebegrip op, maar hete aardappel komt terug op het bord van de nationale rechter",VABB-1,296,299,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390050,,Gaze and responsibility in Akira Kurosawa's Rashomon,VABB-1,215,225,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390052,,Optimal irrigation water allocation using a genetic algorithm under various weather conditions,VABB-1,3068,3084,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390054,,Emotion and language: valence and arousal affect word recognition,VABB-1,1065,1081,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390057,,Probabilistic priority assessment of nurse calls,VABB-1,485,502,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390059,,Contact (houden) met kwetsbare jongeren in een follow-up onderzoek: facebook en sms onder de loep genomen,VABB-1,473,479,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390062,,Priming determinist beliefs diminishes implicit (but not explicit) components of self-agency,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390065,,Middle and inner ear malformations in two siblings exposed to valproic acid during pregnancy: a case report,VABB-1,2007,2010,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390067,,Wage Subsidies and Hiring Chances for the Disabled: Some Causal Evidence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:390068,,Geographies of migration and relatedness: transmigrancy in open transnational adoptive parenting,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390074,,Attitudes toward education: Kenneth Burke and new rhetoric,VABB-1,339,347,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390075,,From landscape of war to archaeological report: ten years of professional world War I archaeology in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,702,719,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390078,,Scheduling a triple round robin tournament with minitournaments for the Finnish national youth ice hockey league,VABB-1,1770,1779,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390079,,"Mental health of victims of sexual violence in eastern Congo: associations with daily stressors, stigma, and labeling",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390081,,Building for 'l'Authenticité': Eugène Palumbo and the Architecture of Mobutu's Congo,VABB-1,178,189,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:390082,,Global experts 'off radar',VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390083,,The efficacy of case management with persons who have substance abuse problems: a three level meta-analysis of outcomes,VABB-1,605,618,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390084,,Co-creation in Living Labs: Exploring the Role of User Characteristics on Innovation Contribution,VABB-1,199,219,-,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:390086,,"The role of mobile instrumentation in novel applications of Raman spectroscopy: archaeometry, geosciences, and forensics",VABB-1,2628,2649,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390089,,Web-based collaborative inquiry to bridge gaps in secondary science education,VABB-1,316,347,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390091,,Parenting as a performance: parents as consumers and (de)constructors of mythic parenting and childhood ideals,VABB-1,488,501,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390092,,Reconstructing a prehistoric topography using legacy point data in a depositional environment,VABB-1,632,645,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390093,,Systematic reflection: implications for learning from failures and successes,VABB-1,67,72,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390094,,A quantitative microbiological exposure assessment model for Bacillus cereus in REPFEDs,VABB-1,433,449,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390095,,'Reformatorische lichamelijkheid' en de geconditioneerde emoties van twee religieuze vrouwen omstreeks het jaar 1000,VABB-1,466,479,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:390096,,"Validity of parentally reported versus measured weight, length and waist in 7- to 9-year-old children for use in follow-up studies",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390097,,'Most rare workmen': optical practitioners in early seventeenth-century Delft,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390098,,When Triangles Become Human: Action Co-representation for Objects,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390100,,'I can see some sadness in your eyes': when experiential therapists notice a client's affectual display,VABB-1,89,108,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390101,,Stimulating graphical summarization in late elementary education: The relationship between two instructional mind map approaches and student characteristics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:390104,,Public authority liability and chilling effects,VABB-1,120,133,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390105,,Belgian cost-effectiveness analysis of hydroxocobalamin (Cyanokit) in known or suspected cyanide poisoning,VABB-1,161,167,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390106,,'Hope has returned': the glorious reception of OMA/Rem Koolhaas in the Dutch-speaking world,VABB-1,356,371,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:390107,,Cognitive biases and design effects in experimental auctions: an application to GM rice with health benefits,VABB-1,413,432,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390108,,Professional development for ECEC practitioners with resposibilities for children at risk: which competences and in-service training are needed?,VABB-1,412,424,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390109,,Information dynamics of brain–heart physiological networks during sleep,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390110,,The floating voter in a multiparty systems democracy: does the number of electoral parties actually matter?,VABB-1,177,201,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390111,,The tribunal of modern life: the case of UZ Brussels in the light of Odo Marquard's discussion on autonomy and theodicy,VABB-1,471,477,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390112,,Deconstructing and defining EULEX,VABB-1,66,80,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390113,,De interbestuurlijke samenwerking inzake gemeentelijke administratieve sancties,VABB-1,2,15,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390115,,The joint hierarchical structure of adolescent personality pathology: converging evidence from two approaches to measurement,VABB-1,199,205,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:390117,,A rhetoric of turns: signs and symbols in education,VABB-1,604,620,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390118,,Cruzando fronteras nacionales: hacia una cartografía del ensayismo de Tomás Segovia,VABB-1,27,42,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:390119,,Hybrid systems of conflict management and community- level efforts to improve local security in Mindanao,VABB-1,1,41,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390121,,Performance of safety management systems in Spanish food service establishments in view of their context characteristics,VABB-1,331,340,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390122,,Human exposure to mycotoxins and their masked forms through cereal-based foods in Belgium,VABB-1,281,292,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390123,,Microbiological contamination linked to implementation of good agricultural practices in the production of organic lettuce in Southern Brazil,VABB-1,152,164,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390126,,"Survival of enteric pathogens during butterhead lettuce growth: crop stage, leaf age, and irrigation",VABB-1,485,491,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390127,,An Icelandic Christmas hymn: Hljómi raustinn barna best,VABB-1,193,250,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390128,,Determinants of innovative behaviour in nonprofit organisations: an empirical research,VABB-1,173,198,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390130,,"Moderate prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli isolates from lettuce, irrigation water, and soil",VABB-1,6677,6683,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390132,,Een multidisciplinair zorgnet voor abnormale vermoeidheid en het chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom in Oost- en West-Vlaanderen,VABB-1,732,740,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390133,,"Rhetoric as equipment for living: Kenneth Burke, culture and education",VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390134,,"Mycotoxin co-occurrence in rice, oat flakes and wheat noodles used as staple foods in Ecuador",VABB-1,2165,2176,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390135,,Screening for the presence of patulin in molded fresh produce and evaluation of its stability in the production of tomato products,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390136,,Marking importance in lectures: interactive and textual orientation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390137,,Being progressive is just a phase: celebrating the uniqueness of progressive aspect under a phase-based analysis,VABB-1,523,573,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390139,,Rotatory and collic vestibular evoked myogenic potential testing in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390141,,Abnormal proactive and reactive cognitive control during conflict processing in major depression,VABB-1,68,80,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390142,,Prevalence and characteristics of tinnitus after leisure noise exposure in young adults,VABB-1,26,33,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390143,,Critical success factors for physical activity promotion through community partnerships,VABB-1,51,60,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390144,,"Laurence Binyon and the modernists: Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, and Marinetti",VABB-1,907,909,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390145,,Distinct temporal processing of task-irrelevant emotional facial expressions,VABB-1,12,16,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390146,,Effects of a cycle training course on children's cycling skills and levels of cycling to school,VABB-1,49,60,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390148,,Reward expectation and prediction error in human medial frontal cortex: an EEG study,VABB-1,376,382,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390149,,Effect of high oxygen and high carbon dioxide atmosphere packaging on the microbial spoilage and shelf-life of fresh-cut honeydew melon,VABB-1,378,390,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390150,,So last season: the production of the fashion present in the politics of time,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390151,,Teachers' organizational commitment: examining the mediating effects of distributed leadership,VABB-1,205,231,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390152,,Daily variations in weather and the relationship with physical activity and sedentary time in European 10- to 12-year-olds: the ENERGY-project,VABB-1,419,425,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390154,,Number line estimation from kindergarten to grade 2: a longitudinal study,VABB-1,19,28,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390155,,Enumeration of small and large numerosities in adolescents with mathematical learning disorders,VABB-1,27,35,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390156,,Choice of forum in cooperation against EU financial crime,VABB-1,71,82,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390157,,Ontwikkelingen op vlak van EU procedureel strafrecht: het nieuwe ECPI-manifest,VABB-1,57,62,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390158,,Wat als een modaal alleen komt? Modale complementsellipsis in het Nederlands vanuit de generatieve hoek,VABB-1,375,400,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390161,,The hierarchical structure and construct validity of the PID-5 trait measure in adolescence,VABB-1,158,169,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390162,,"Exploring causality in trade and air passenger travel relationships: the case of Asia-Pacific, 1980–2010",VABB-1,142,150,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390163,,Das Martyrium als imitatio Christi: die literarische Gestaltung der spätantiken Märtyrerakten und -passionen nach der Passion Christi,VABB-1,167,203,,ger,2014,1 c:vabb:390165,,The inaccuracy of national character stereotypes,VABB-1,831,842,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390166,,"Efficacy of a modern neuroscience approach versus usual care evidence-based physiotherapy on pain, disability and brain characteristics in chronic spinal pain patients: protocol of a randomized clinical trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390169,,Sexual experience and HIV-related knowledge among Belgian university students: a questionnaire study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390170,,Integrating geomatics in archaeological research at the site of Thorikos (Greece),VABB-1,112,125,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390172,,"Martyrdom, literary experiment and church politics in Jerome's epistula prima, to innocentius, on the septies percussa",VABB-1,384,408,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390173,,Queering the family? A multi-layered analysis of relations of inequality in transnational adoption,VABB-1,683,696,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390174,,Musical feedback during exercise machine workout enhances mood,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390177,,Op weg naar regionale expansie: het ontstaan van een regionaal-economische politiek in België (ca. 1930-1959),VABB-1,82,117,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390181,,Sensitivity to differences in the motor origin of drawings: from human to robot,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390182,,Terrestrial laser scanning as a key element in the integrated monitoring of tidal influences on a twin-tube concrete tunnel,VABB-1,402,416,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390183,,Intelligent food packaging: the next generation,VABB-1,47,62,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390184,,"Effect of seed roasting on canolol, tocopherol, and phospholipid contents, Maillard type reactions, and oxidative stability of mustard and rapeseed oils",VABB-1,5412,5419,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390185,,Investigation of the formation of (E)-2-butenal in oils and foods during frying,VABB-1,43,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390186,,"Co-exposures of aflatoxins with deoxynivalenol and fumonisins from maize based complementary foods in Rombo, Northern Tanzania",VABB-1,76,81,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390190,,"Revealing the image, revealing truth: Daniel Hernández-Salazar's visual memory of the genocide in Guatemala",VABB-1,10,17,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390191,,"Theory and analysis of total, direct, and indirect causal effects",VABB-1,425,442,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390192,,Modeling developmental changes in the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 in elite pubertal soccer players,VABB-1,1006,1012,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390193,,Using remote sensing to define environmental characteristics related to physical activity and dietary behaviours: A systematic review (the SPOTLIGHT project),VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390195,,"Galen, divination, and the status of medicine",VABB-1,337,352,,lat,2014,1 c:vabb:390197,,Airtightness assessment of single family houses in Belgium,VABB-1,379,390,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390198,,Neformalna ekonomija in krizni časi: ekonomski izzivi in družbeni odzivi na prostitucijo,VABB-1,83,95,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390199,,Als hamers op de Vlaamse nagel! De eerste Vlaamse juridische tijdschriften (1889-1935),VABB-1,101,120,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390200,,Exploring the adequacy and validity of 'sport': Reflections on a contested and open concept,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:390202,,Question tags and sentential negativity,VABB-1,173,193,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390203,,The role of teacher behavior in adolescents’ intrinsic reading motivation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390204,,Van gemeenschapsgoed naar privaat bezit? Bosbeheer in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw: Casus De Arenbergs,VABB-1,43,55,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390205,,Dark chocolate's compositional effects revealed by oscillatory rheology,VABB-1,931,942,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390206,,The neural basis of unwanted thoughts during resting state.,VABB-1,1320,1324,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390207,,Is it socially efficient to impose job search requirements on unemployed benefit claimants with hyperbolic preferences?,VABB-1,80,95,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390208,,Pauvreté et exclusion sociale en chiffres,VABB-1,358,390,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:390209,,Perceptie van tussentaal in het gesproken Nederlands in Vlaanderen: een experimentele benadering van saillantie,VABB-1,185,219,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390211,,Heartfelt imitation: high interoceptive awareness is linked to greater automatic imitation,VABB-1,21,28,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390213,,"Of arms, funding and 'non-lethal assistance': issues surrounding third-State intervention in the Syrian Civil War",VABB-1,13,53,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390214,,"εἰπέ μοι as a Parenthetical: a structural and functional analysis, from Homer to Menander",VABB-1,157,191,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390216,,Industrial manufacture of sugar-free chocolates: applicability of alternative sweeteners and carbohydrate polymers as raw materials in product development,VABB-1,84,96,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390218,,"Using the intervention mapping protocol to reduce European preschoolers' sedentary behavior, an application to the ToyBox-study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390219,,Rehabilitation exercises for athletes with biceps disorders and SLAP lesions: a continuum of exercises with increasing loads on the biceps,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390220,,Central sensitization in fibromyalgia?: a systematic review on structural and functional brain MRI,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390221,,"Expressive body movement responses to music are coherent, consistent, and low dimensional",VABB-1,2288,2301,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390222,,Misread and misrepresented?,VABB-1,164,164,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390224,,Articulations of queer resistance on the small screen,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390225,,Towards understanding the child’s experience in the process of parentification: Young adults’ reflections on growing up with a depressed parent,VABB-1,522,536,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390226,,Chronological framework for the early Talayotic period in Menorca: the settlement of Cornia Nou,VABB-1,411,424,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390228,,Challenging the traditional chronological framework of funerary rituals in the Meuse-Demer-Scheldt region: 14C results from the site of Lummen-Meldert (Belgium),VABB-1,462,468,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390230,,The ruling of the court of justice in sweetman: how to avoid a death by a thousand cuts?,VABB-1,2,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390231,,The externalizing spectrum in youth: incorporating personality pathology,VABB-1,659,668,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390232,,Religion and culture in the discourse of the European Court of Human Rights: the risks of stereotyping and naturalising,VABB-1,195,221,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390235,,"Cooperation, interaction and competition: the economy of pastoral nomadism in imperial Africa",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390236,,Motor competence assessment in children: convergent and discriminant validity between the BOT-2 Short Form and KTK testing batteries,VABB-1,1375,1383,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390237,,Social and physical environmental correlates of adults' weekend sitting time and moderating effects of retirement status and physical health,VABB-1,9790,9810,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390238,,Reliability of anthropometric measurements in European preschool children: the ToyBox-study,VABB-1,67,73,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390239,,"Tools, harmonization and standardization procedures of the impact and outcome evaluation indices obtained during a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood: the ToyBox-study",VABB-1,53,60,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390240,,Parents and friends both matter: simultaneous and interactive influences of parents and friends on European schoolchildren's energy balance-related behaviours: the ENERGY cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390241,,Parental perceived neighborhood attributes: associations with active transport and physical activity among 10-12 year old children and the mediating role of independent mobility,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390242,,Evaluation of a real world intervention using professional football players to promote a healthy diet and physical activity in children and adolescents from a lower socio-economic background: a controlled pretest-posttest design,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390245,,Nu ook in Panopticon: neurowetenschappen,VABB-1,83,87,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390246,,Analyzing average and conditional effects with multigroup multilevel structural equation models,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390247,,The congruency sequence effect 3.0: a critical test of conflict adaptation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390249,,Many paths to walk: the political and economic integration of nomadic communities in Roman North Africa (I-III cent. A.D.),VABB-1,98,104,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390250,,Assessing the functional polycentricity of the mega-city-region of central Belgium based on advanced producer service transaction links,VABB-1,1939,1953,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390252,,"Heiner Müller, een posthumanistische lezing",VABB-1,83,96,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390253,,Forced marriage: an analysis of legislation and political measures in Europe,VABB-1,171,189,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390256,,Structuur in de chaos: informatiebeheer bij lokale besturen via I-scan 2.0,VABB-1,7,18,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390259,,Acquired stuttering: a note on terminology,VABB-1,41,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390260,,The effectiveness of facial exercises for facial rejuvenation: a systematic review,VABB-1,22,27,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390262,,"Geef ons meer, maar niet om het even wat",VABB-1,92,95,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390265,,Towards a standardised approach for evaluating guidelines and guidance documents on palliative sedation: study protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390267,,The implications of low quality bicycle paths on gaze behavior of cyclists: a field test,VABB-1,81,87,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390268,,Mode of delivery of probiotics: consumers' preference and its determinants,VABB-1,6,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390269,,Antioxidant activity of Maillard type reaction products between phosphatidylethanolamine and glucose,VABB-1,8,15,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390273,,Mortality risk in preterm and small-for-gestational-age infants in low-income and middle-income countries: a pooled country analysis,VABB-1,417,425,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390275,,Kantelende centrumsteden: de interactie tussen ICT en organisatie in Vlaamse stadsbesturen doorgrond,VABB-1,19,31,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390276,,Physical fitness reference standards in European children: the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,S57,S66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390277,,De oude dame krijgt een facelift: uitbreiding van het toepassingsgebied van de opstalwet en de relevantie van de wijziging voor de notariële praktijk,VABB-1,222,231,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390279,,Gender differences in the management and outcome of atrial fibrillation complicating acute heart failure,VABB-1,431,437,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390280,,"Het demand-induced strain compensation model nader onderzocht: de rol van match, zelfregulerend gedrag en persoonskenmerken",VABB-1,309,330,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390281,,HypoTerm detection of hypernym relations between domain-specific terms in Dutch and English,VABB-1,250,278,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390282,,Social–ethnic school composition and disengagement: an inquiry into the perceived control explanation,VABB-1,659,675,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390283,,Self-directedness: an indicator for clinical response to HF-rTMS treatment in refractory melancholic depression,VABB-1,269,274,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390284,,Career lesbians: getting hired for not having kids?,VABB-1,543,561,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:390286,,Dictionary users in the digital revolution,VABB-1,341,359,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390287,,Dietary intake practices associated with cardiovascular risk in urban and rural Ecuadorian adolescents: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390288,,Physiological and anthropometric progression in an international oarsman: a 15-year case study,VABB-1,723,726,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390289,,Are you willing to be made nothing? Is commonwealth reform possible?,VABB-1,1143,1160,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390291,,Treatment of central sensitization in patients with 'unexplained' chronic pain: an update,VABB-1,1671,1683,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390292,,A decade of nutrition research in Africa: assessment of the evidence base and academic collaboration,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390293,,Noors voor Noren: een reisverslag uit een (niet zo) uitzonderlijk gevangenisland,VABB-1,5,18,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390294,,Mechanistic explanation and explanatory proofs in mathematics(aEuro),VABB-1,231,248,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390295,,"'Reality, and matter of fact': text and context in Aphra Behn's the fair jilt",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390296,,"Delay discounting, treatment motivation and treatment retention among substance-dependent individuals attending an in inpatient detoxification program",VABB-1,,,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390297,,How equal is the relationship between individual social capital and psychological distress? A gendered analysis using cross-sectional data from Ghent (Belgium),VABB-1,960,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390298,,Relacion entre el acuerdo sobre el tribunal de la patente unificada Europea y el nuevo reglamento de Bruselas I sobre competencia y reconocimiento,VABB-1,101,125,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:390299,,Een wereldprimeur: de uitbreiding van de Euthanasiewet naar niet-ontvoogde minderjarigen,VABB-1,163,172,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390300,,Belgium's new specialized judiciary,VABB-1,129,145,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390302,,The influence of teachers’ expectations on principals’ implementation of a new teacher evaluation policy in Flemish secondary education,VABB-1,129,151,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390303,,'The aim of all genuine art is always engaged': interview with Joshua Oppenheimer,VABB-1,66,73,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390304,,Self-operated endovaginal telemonitoring versus traditional monitoring of ovarian stimulation in assisted reproduction: an RCT,VABB-1,1941,1948,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390306,,Exploring historical conflicts between midwives and nurses: a perspective from Chile,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390307,,Analysis of the integration of the Physician Rostering Problem and the Surgery Scheduling Problem,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390309,,Wederopbouwarchitectuur in de fusiegemeente Zemst,VABB-1,6,29,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390311,,A practice-based analysis of combinations of diseases in patients aged 65 or older in primary care,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390312,,"Êtes-vous Justice, Minerve ou Thémis? Een tijdschriftlogo als numen mixtum en symptoom van de versmelting van kunst & recht in het Belgische fin de siècle",VABB-1,244,258,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390313,,The inoculating effect of message sidedness on adolescents' binge drinking intentions: the moderating role of issue involvement,VABB-1,254,268,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390316,,Project baseline scheduling: an overview of past experiences,VABB-1,18,27,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:390317,,Risk factor awareness in a coronary population and the association with health-related quality of life outcomes,VABB-1,475,483,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390318,,"What determines the specificity of conflict adaptation? A review, critical analysis, and proposed synthesis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390319,,"De rechterlijke dienst na verkoop: uitlegging, verbetering en aanvulling van rechterlijke uitspraken: commentaar bij de wet van 24 oktober 2013",VABB-1,123,139,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390320,,Basic mathematics test predicts statistics achievement and overall first year academic success,VABB-1,95,118,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390321,,Social-communicative abilities and language in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders: associations differ depending on language age,VABB-1,518,528,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390322,,Developing the intervention material to increase physical activity levels of European preschool children: the ToyBox-study,VABB-1,27,39,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390323,,Cardiorespiratory fitness in a representative sample of Belgian firefighters,VABB-1,589,594,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390324,,The effects of subthalamic nucleus stimulation on semantic and syntactic performance in spontaneous language production in people with Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,31,41,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390325,,"The combined relationship of occupational and leisure-time physical activity with all-cause mortality among men, accounting for physical fitness",VABB-1,559,566,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390326,,"Global variation in cleft palate repairs: an analysis of 352,191 primary cleft repairs in low- to higher-middle-income countries",VABB-1,553,556,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390327,,Lynchets in eastern Belgium: a geomorphic feature resulting from non-mechanised crop farming,VABB-1,164,175,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390328,,A sealed flint knapping site from the Younger Dryas in the Scheldt valley (Belgium): bridging the gap in human occupation at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in W Europe,VABB-1,420,439,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390331,,Les noms de matériaux au crible de l'opposition massif-comptable: une étude de corpus,VABB-1,55,,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:390332,,Toland and Adam Smith's posthumous work,VABB-1,115,125,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390333,,Growing up with a mother with depression: an interpretative phenomenological analysis,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390334,,Enkele internationaalprivaatrechtelijke bedenkingen bij de aansprakelijkheid van classificatiemaatschappijen,VABB-1,66,74,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390335,,Determination of contamination pathways of phthalates in food products sold on the Belgian market,VABB-1,345,352,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390336,,Interdisciplinaire behandeling van dysfagie bij de ziekte van Parkinson,VABB-1,38,48,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390337,,The heterogeneous world of congruency sequence effects: an update,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390339,,The national portfolio of learning for postgraduate family medicine training in South Africa: experiences of registrars and supervisors in clinical practice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390341,,Insider trading in België,VABB-1,18,33,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:390342,,VET workers' problem-solving skills in technology-rich environments: European approach,VABB-1,57,80,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390343,,Consumers' valuation of sustainability labels on meat,VABB-1,137,150,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390344,,Neuerungen im belgischen Arbeitsrecht in den Jahren 2010 bis 2013,VABB-1,405,412,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:390346,,Model based estimates of long-term persistence of inactivated hepatitis A vaccine-induced antibodies in adults,VABB-1,1507,1513,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390347,,"Metabolic mediators of the effects of body-mass index, overweight, and obesity on coronary heart disease and stroke: a pooled analysis of 97 prospective cohorts with 1.8 million participants",VABB-1,970,983,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390348,,"""Economic Imperialism and Financial Citizenship: Reconsidering British Subjectivity in Martin Chuzzlewit and Lawrie Todd""",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390349,,Development of an oral mucosa model to study host-microbiome interactions during wound healing,VABB-1,6831,6846,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390350,,"Meat and morals: relationship between meat consumption, consumer attitudes towards human and animal welfare and moral behavior",VABB-1,68,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390351,,Social threat appeals in commercial advertising: The moderating impact of perceived level of self-efficacy and self-esteem on advertising effectiveness,VABB-1,171,183,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390352,,Modelling and solving the multiperiod inventory routing problem with stochastic stationary demand rates,VABB-1,4351,4363,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390353,,Strategies for promoting autonomous reading motivation: a multiple case study research in primary education,VABB-1,83,102,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390354,,Organizational career growth and subsequent voice behavior: the role of affective commitment and gender,VABB-1,431,441,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390355,,A critical assessment of groundwater governance in Tunisia,VABB-1,358,373,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390356,,"Fumonisin B1 contamination in breast milk and its exposure in infants under 6 months of age in Rombo, Northern Tanzania",VABB-1,112,116,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390358,,Umlaut in the Bantu B80 languages of the Kwilu (DRC),VABB-1,209,230,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390359,,Work and masculinity in Katanga's artisanal mines,VABB-1,3,26,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390360,,Altered immune response to exercise in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: a systematic literature review,VABB-1,94,116,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390361,,"The polysemic use of body-part terms in Dutch, German and English: a quantitative contrastive analysis",VABB-1,151,184,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390362,,Family medicine training in Sub-Saharan Africa: South-South cooperation in the Primafamed project as strategy for development,VABB-1,427,436,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390363,,The meaning of 'force' and the boundaries of the jus ad bellum: are 'minimal' uses of force excluded from UN charter article 2(4)?,VABB-1,159,210,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390365,,Een seksuologisch zorgtraject,VABB-1,957,964,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390367,,Nailfold capillaroscopy for prediction of novel future severe organ involvement in systemic sclerosis,VABB-1,2023,2028,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390368,,"Bepalende factoren bij de overgang van basis- naar secundair onderwijs: de rol van kenmerken van leerlingen, leerkrachtadviezen en schoolkenmerken",VABB-1,329,342,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:390370,,Preschool predictors of mathematics in first grade children with autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,2714,2727,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390371,,Neuromanie en investeringen in de kindertijd,VABB-1,120,133,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390372,,Effect of community interventions on social-communicative abilities of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:390373,,Can executive functions help to understand children with mathematical learning disorders and to improve instruction?,VABB-1,27,39,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:390374,,The impact of idle time in the classroom: differential effects on children with ADHD,VABB-1,71,81,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:390375,,The Northwest Belgian bronze age barrow in context: a review of the 14C chronology from the late neolithic to bronze age,VABB-1,479,488,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390376,,Faith and politics: (new) confucianism as civil religion,VABB-1,39,64,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390377,,"Homonegativity among first and second generation migrants in Europe: the interplay of time trends, origin, destination and religion",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390378,,Efficiënt court decisions and limiting insures' right of recourse: the case of custodian liability in the Netherlands and Belgium,VABB-1,527,543,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390379,,Narration and translation,VABB-1,203,212,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390380,,Changing the SFC profile of lauric fat blends based on melting group triacylglycerol formulation,VABB-1,1607,1619,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390382,,Recognizing induced emotions of happiness and sadness from dance movement,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390383,,Measurement equivalence of the CESD-8 depression scale among ageing populations in 11 European countries,VABB-1,38,47,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390384,,Time-varying effects of oil supply shocks on the US economy,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390387,,Opvulling van lacunes in de wetgeving: evolutie van het Grondwettelijk Hof in België van negatieve tot positieve wetgever,VABB-1,350,362,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390389,,Determinants of adherence in a cohort of Belgian HIV patients: a pilot study,VABB-1,111,115,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390391,,100 jaar leerplicht in België: en nu de kleuters?,VABB-1,191,208,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390392,,25 jaar kinderrechten: een terugblik en vooruitblik,VABB-1,169,176,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390394,,Landscapes at the tipping point: the landscape of the in-between city,VABB-1,100,117,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390395,,Making public landscapes: making landscape public,VABB-1,2,11,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390397,,Pink! Why not? On the unusual colour of Evora Cathedral,VABB-1,121,127,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390399,,Are Health Behavior Change Interventions That Use Online Social Networks Effective? A Systematic Review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390405,,Hebben we de plicht om ons lichaamsmateriaal ter beschikking stellen voor biome-disch onderzoek?,VABB-1,1,30,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:390409,,Dietary lipid intake only partially influences variance in serum phospholipid fatty acid composition in adolescents: impact of other dietary factors,VABB-1,881,893,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390410,,Kinshasa: tales of the tangible city,VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:390414,,A posteriori dietary patterns: how many patterns to retain?,VABB-1,1274,1282,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390415,,Het lot van de fiscale verliezen bij filialisering: een internrechtelijke analyse,VABB-1,6,13,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390416,,Parental education and frequency of food consumption in European children: the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,487,498,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390417,,Is dairy consumption associated with low cardiovascular disease risk in European adolescents? Results from the HELENA Study,VABB-1,401,410,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390418,,"Associations between energy intake, daily food intake and energy density of foods and BMI z-score in 2-9-year-old European children",VABB-1,673,681,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390420,,Once upon a tell in the east: tell Tweini through the ages,VABB-1,347,371,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:390426,,Blended learning in project management: an overview of the operations research & scheduling group,VABB-1,108,121,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390427,,Decomposition-based heuristics for the integrated physician rostering and surgery scheduling problem,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390429,,Review of guidelines on primary prevention of cardiovascular disease with aspirin: how much evidence is needed to turn a tanker?,VABB-1,354,365,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390430,,Why sexual ethics and politics? Why now? An introduction to the journal,VABB-1,5,18,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:390434,,The role of guilt in the perception of divorce settlements depends on the divorce procedure,VABB-1,37,56,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390436,,Semi-parametric proportional hazards models with crossed random effects for psychometric response times,VABB-1,304,327,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390437,,Spelling in adolescents with dyslexia: errors and modes of assessment,VABB-1,295,306,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390439,,"A systematic review and meta-analysis of incontinence-associated dermatitis, incontinence, and moisture as risk factors for pressure ulcer development",VABB-1,204,218,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390440,,'Sibling collaboration and literary after-life: the case of the Brontës',VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390441,,Het professioneel zorg- en psychofarmacagebruik van gescheiden vrouwen en mannen: wat is de rol van informele steun?,VABB-1,1,33,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390443,,Toxin producing Bacillus cereus persist in ready-to-reheat spaghetti Bolognese mainly in vegetative state,VABB-1,236,243,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390444,,Association between attachment and mental health symptoms among school-going adolescents in Northern Uganda: the moderating role of war-related trauma,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390445,,The relevance of scapular dysfunction in neck pain: a brief commentary,VABB-1,435,439,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390447,,Sexual violence and sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco: a community-based participatory assessment using respondent driven sampling,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390449,,"Drapery in Exile: Edward III, Colchester and the Flemings 1351-1367",VABB-1,733,753,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390450,,Media and disasters: demarcating an emerging and interdisciplinary area of research,VABB-1,993,1003,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390451,,'Analogies curieuses' et 'ressemblances frappantes' Des antiquisants face à l’impérialisme français en Méditerranée,VABB-1,1,14,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:390452,,Drying behaviour of calcium silicate,VABB-1,507,517,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390453,,The rationales behind the European external action service: the principal-agent model and power delegation,VABB-1,166,183,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390454,,Champignons consommés par les Pygmées du Gabon: analyse linguistique des myconymes baka et kóya,VABB-1,109,135,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:390455,,Optimisation of processing conditions and rheological properties using Stephan mixer as conche in small-scale chocolate processing,VABB-1,740,746,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390458,,Modelling the environmental transfer of phthalates and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans into agricultural products: the EN-forc model,VABB-1,282,293,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390460,,"An unclouded view: compulsory ontology, clinical episteme, and gendering dissidence of suicide",VABB-1,29,38,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:390463,,Secular Feminisms and Attitudes Towards Religion in the Context of a West-European Society,VABB-1,35,45,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390465,,The inverse primary care law in sub-Saharan Africa: a qualitative study of the views of migrant health workers,VABB-1,e321,e328,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390466,,Psychoanalytische Einzelfallstudien von Kindern und Jugendlichen: Charakterisierung mit dem 'Inventory of Basic Information in Single Cases',VABB-1,308,321,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390467,,A hybrid electromagnetism-like mechanism/tabu search procedure for the single machine scheduling problem with a maximum lateness objective,VABB-1,44,55,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390468,,Classification of airborne laser scanning point clouds based on binomial logistic regression analysis,VABB-1,3219,3236,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390469,,Voice in female-to-male transsexual persons after long-term androgen therapy,VABB-1,1409,1414,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390470,,The impact of verbal working memory on number–space associations,VABB-1,976,986,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390471,,Responses to co-workers receiving recognition at work,VABB-1,492,510,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390472,,Anxiety in youth in Flemish care: a multi-informant study,VABB-1,56,74,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390474,,Biomechanical determinants of bite force dimorphism in Cyclommatus metallifer stag beetles,VABB-1,1065,1071,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390475,,Prompting professional prerogatives: new insights to reopen an old debate about nursing,VABB-1,506,513,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390476,,Singularity and medicine: is there a place for heteronomy in medical ethics?,VABB-1,965,969,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390478,,"Nanatsu-no-kata, Endō-no-kata, and Jōge-no-kata: a pedagogical and qualitative biomechanical evaluation of Hirano Tokio’s kuzushi [unbalancing] concept as part of skill acquisition for throwing techniques in Kōdōkan jūdō",VABB-1,69,96,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390484,,High internal phase emulsion gels (HIPE-gels) prepared using food-grade components,VABB-1,18136,18140,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390486,,"Cities of commerce, cities of constraints: international trade, government institutions and the law of commerce in Later Medieval Bruges and the Burgundian State",VABB-1,89,102,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390487,,The role of students' home language in science achievement: A multilevel approach,VABB-1,2772,2794,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390488,,When leaders choose to be fair: Follower belongingness needs and leader empathy influences leaders' adherence to procedural fairness rules,VABB-1,605,613,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390489,,Stedelijk beleid en armoedebestrijding: tussen segregatie en geïntegreerd beleid,VABB-1,281,294,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390490,,The relationships between internal and external threats and right-wing attitudes: a three-wave longitudinal study,VABB-1,726,738,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390493,,Consumption of raw or heated milk from different species: an evaluation of the nutritional and potential health benefits,VABB-1,188,201,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390494,,"Relationships between sensory evaluations of beef tenderness, shear force measurements and consumer characteristics",VABB-1,310,315,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390495,,"Do stock markets discipline US bank holding companies: just monitoring, or also influencing?",VABB-1,124,145,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390496,,Modes of foreign bank entry and effects on lending rates: theory and evidence,VABB-1,160,177,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390497,,The international missions in Kosovo: what is in a name?,VABB-1,411,428,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390498,,Comparing survey and sampling methods for reaching sexual minority individuals in Flanders,VABB-1,251,275,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390500,,The institutional logics of love: measuring intimate life,VABB-1,333,370,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390504,,Disentangling attention from action in the emotional spatial cueing task,VABB-1,1223,1241,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390505,,"Agreement between parent and child report on parental practices regarding dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviours: the ENERGY cross-sectional survey",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390508,,Reliability and validity of the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 in young soccer players,VABB-1,903,910,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390509,,Herstelbemiddeling als sociaal werk-praktijk: bemiddelaars in Vlaanderen aan het woord,VABB-1,47,58,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390510,,"Process evaluation design and tools used in a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood: the ToyBox-study",VABB-1,74,80,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390511,,Γνώριζε in the Greek war of Troy: a peremptory command or just a filled pause?,VABB-1,329,355,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390513,,Effects of positive mood on attentional breadth for emotional stimuli,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390514,,Finite-element modelling reveals force modulation of jaw adductors in stag beetles,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390517,,Anchoring bullying and victimization in children within a five-factor model-based person-centred framework,VABB-1,280,289,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390519,,Landscape characterization integrating expert and local spatial knowledge of land and forest resources,VABB-1,660,682,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390520,,Special issue: business diplomacy,VABB-1,303,419,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390521,,To be or want to be: disentangling the role of actual versus ideal self in implicit self-esteem,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390524,,Smart money for social ventures: an analysis of the value-adding activities of philanthropic venture capitalists,VABB-1,349,378,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390526,,"More money, more trust? Target and observer differences in the effectiveness of financial overcompensation to restore trust",VABB-1,389,394,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390527,,Attention on the source of influence reverses the impact of cross-contextual imitation,VABB-1,904,907,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390528,,Beleggersbescherming in Mifid II en Mifir: een overzicht en toetsing van enkele recente nationale beleggersbeschermende maatregelen,VABB-1,179,201,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390529,,"Playing with trauma: interreactivity, empathy, and complicity in the walking dead video game",VABB-1,269,290,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390531,,Badiou's theory of the event and the politics of trauma recovery,VABB-1,830,851,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:390533,,Does the application of kinesiotape change scapular kinematics in healthy female handball players?,VABB-1,950,955,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390534,,Are all beliefs equal? Implicit belief attributions recruiting core brain regions of theory of mind,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390535,,The treatment perspectives of mentally ill offenders in medium and high secure forensic settings in Flanders.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390537,,Graven die greppel? Een reflectie over de discussie rond een oriëntatieproef hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,336,342,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390540,,Parental (in)equality and the genetic link in lesbian families,VABB-1,457,468,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390541,,Overdracht van een (betwiste) schuldvordering tijdens de termijn voor het aanwenden van een rechtsmiddel: noot onder Cass. 7 september 2012,VABB-1,535,542,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390542,,Learning by bumping: pathways of Dutch SMEs to foreign direct investment in Asia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390543,,Zonnige dromen bezielen de nieuwe jeugd: een prosopografie van de studentenpopulatie van de Vlaamse Hogeschool (1916-1918),VABB-1,199,229,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390545,,Development and test of an integrative model of job search behaviour,VABB-1,544,559,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390546,,Een verhouding van spanning en integratie: literaire meertaligheid in vertaling,VABB-1,50,63,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390547,,MuTE: A MATLAB toolbox to compare established and novel estimators of the multivariate transfer entropy,VABB-1,e109462(1),e109462(13),,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390549,,Effectiveness of a preventive cardiology programme for high CVD risk persistent smokers: the EUROACTION PLUS varenicline trial,VABB-1,1411,1420,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390550,,Clinical impact of direct HDLc and LDLc method bias in hypertriglyceridemia: a simulation study of the EAS-EFLM Collaborative Project Group,VABB-1,83,90,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390554,,Dying in hospital: a study of incidence and factors related to hospital death using death certificate data,VABB-1,751,756,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390555,,"Assessment of mycotoxin exposure in the Belgian population using biomarkers: aim, design and methods of the BIOMYCO study",VABB-1,924,931,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390558,,Familiegeheim revisited,VABB-1,289,326,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390559,,Association between Mycoplasma genitalium infection and HIV acquisition among female sex workers in Uganda: evidence from a nested case-control study,VABB-1,545,549,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390561,,When Spirit in Utter Dismemberment Finds Itself: Reflections on New Confucian Philosophy and the Problem of Historical Discontinuity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390563,,PhD: promoveren doctoreren,VABB-1,62,67,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390565,,Kroniek intellectuele rechten,VABB-1,883,901,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390566,,A contribution to anonymous history,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:390569,,Brand trait transference: when celebrity endorsers acquire brand personality traits,VABB-1,1537,1543,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390570,,Cash demand forecasting in ATMs by clustering and neural networks,VABB-1,383,392,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390572,,Work participation in patients with systemic sclerosis: a systematic review,VABB-1,S206,S213,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390576,,Plannification successoral: 4Papy m'assure4,VABB-1,603,606,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:390577,,Het compromis 2.0: de meerwaarde van het uitruilprincipe voor de Nederlandse en Belgische politiek,VABB-1,367,383,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390580,,Front-office/back-office configurations and operational performance in complex health services,VABB-1,347,356,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390581,,Cost-effectiveness of health promotion targeting physical activity and healthy eating in mental health care,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390582,,Asteiotes and the ideal of the urbane intellectual in eleventh-century Byzantium,VABB-1,129,142,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:390583,,"Effectiveness of a nutrition education package in improving feeding practices, dietary adequacy and growth of infants and young children in rural Tanzania: rationale, design and methods of a cluster randomised trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390584,,Mechanisms of informal governance: evidence from the IEA,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390585,,Homonegativity in the technical and vocational track: a survey of secondary school students in Flanders,VABB-1,364,378,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390588,,Kardinaal Dubois door Hyacinthe Rigaud (1723). Een insider's view op een bibliotheek van de macht in de Grand Siècle,VABB-1,45,54,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390589,,Controlling the self: the role of the dorsal frontomedian cortex in intentional inhibition,VABB-1,247,254,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390590,,Attention allocation and task representation during joint action planning,VABB-1,2275,2286,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390591,,The effectiveness of unconventional monetary policy at the zero lower bound: a cross-country analysis,VABB-1,615,642,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390594,,Toward practical implementation of conservation agriculture: a case study in the May Zeg-zeg catchment (Ethiopia),VABB-1,913,935,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390596,,Waarom het afbouwen van onderwijsvormen een goed idee is,VABB-1,15,18,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390597,,Do students' topic interest and tutors' instructional style matter in problem-based learning?,VABB-1,919,933,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390598,,Lag-specific transfer entropy as a tool to assess cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory information transfer,VABB-1,2556,2568,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390599,,Conscience's De Leeuw van Vlaanderen (The Lion of Flanders) and its adaptation to film by Claus,VABB-1,1,9,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390601,,Defending through disaffiliation: the vicissitudes of alignment and footing in Belgian criminal hearings,VABB-1,68,82,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390602,,Impact of flow on recognition of and attitudes toward in-game brand pacements: brand congruence and placement prominence as moderators,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390603,,When Consistency Matters: The Effect of Valence Consistency on Review Helpfulness,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390605,,Under which conditions do early adolescents need maternal support?,VABB-1,162,169,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390609,,"Designing and implementing teachers' training sessions in a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood: the ToyBox-study",VABB-1,48,52,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390610,,Temporal dynamics of attentional bias,VABB-1,772,788,-,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:390611,,"Being ""in Control"" May Make You Lose Control: The Role of Self-Regulation in Unethical Leadership Behavior.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390612,,"Feel good, do-good!? On consistency and compensation in moral self-regulation",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390613,,"Middle-Holocene alluvial forests and associated fluvial environments: a multi-proxy reconstruction from the lower Scheldt, N Belgium",VABB-1,1550,1564,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390614,,Varieties of wonder: John Wilkins' mathematical magic and the perpetuity of invention,VABB-1,463,489,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390615,,On angry approach and fearful avoidance: the goal-dependent nature of emotional approach and avoidance tendencies,VABB-1,118,124,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390618,,"The subtalar joint axis palpation technique, part 1: validating a clinical mechanical model",VABB-1,238,246,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390619,,Back and forward to the future: an explorative study of public responses to urban groundwater contamination,VABB-1,720,732,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390620,,From ends to causes (and back again) by metaphor: the paradox of natural selection,VABB-1,793,808,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390621,,Idle employment and Dickens's uncommercial Ruse: the narratorial entity in 'The uncommercial traveller',VABB-1,50,65,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390622,,Perceptions of corruption in Flanders: surveying citizens and police: a study on the influence of occupational differential association on perceptions of corruption,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390623,,"Nitrite curing of chicken, pork, and beef inhibits oxidation but does not affect N‑nitroso compound (NOC)-specific DNA adduct formation during in vitro digestion",VABB-1,1980,1988,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390624,,Overkwalificatie en sociale stress: een kwantitatief onderzoek naar de invloed van scholing en overkwalificatie op depressie,VABB-1,5,26,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390625,,Een historische benadering voor toekomstige hervormingen: de mogelijkheid tot een meer neutrale behandeling van inkomsten uit een zelfstandige activiteit en van eigen vermogen ten opzichte van vreemd vermogen,VABB-1,225,242,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390627,,'Volslagen onbekend': over de onderlinge complementariteit van Den Doolaard- en Macedoniëbeelden,VABB-1,27,50,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390628,,"Beyond the dichotomy: a tool for distinguishing between experimental, innovative and established treatment",VABB-1,413,417,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390629,,Changing encounters with the Other: A focus group study on the process of change in a Therapeutic Community,VABB-1,406,419,-,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:390630,,Treatment and control: a qualitative study of older mentally ill offenders' perceptions on their detention and care trajectory,VABB-1,964,985,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390631,,Capturing peripersonal spatial neglect: an electronic method to quantify visuospatial processes,VABB-1,27,44,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390632,,Contralateral risk factors associated with exertional medial tibial pain,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390633,,Are there gender differences in service use for mental disorders across countries in the European Union? Results from the EU-World Mental Health survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390634,,Aragonese Tiles in a Flemish Castle: A Chivalric Gift-Exchange Network in Fifteenth-Century Europe,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390636,,A tale of transaction costs and forest law compliance: trade permits for Non Timber Forests Products in Cameroon,VABB-1,132,142,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390637,,"Een bronzen pijlpunt te Stalhille (Jabbeke, prov. West-Vlaanderen, België): Bronstijd of middeleeuwen?",VABB-1,73,77,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390638,,"14C-dateringen op crematies uit het urnengrafveld van Donk (Herk-de-Stad, prov. Limburg, België)",VABB-1,79,87,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390639,,Association between variables used in the field substitution and post-stratification adjustment in the Belgian health interview survey and non-response,VABB-1,197,206,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390641,,A propositional perspective on context effects in human associative learning,VABB-1,20,25,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390644,,De redelijke opzeggingstermijn bij het beëindigen van de verkoopconcessie van onbepaalde duur: een objectieve concessieformule,VABB-1,2487,2562,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390646,,Het probleem van meetinvariantie bij het vergelijken van subgroepen op basis van somscores: vermijdingsgedrag als casestudy,VABB-1,1,56,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390647,,"Money, money, money: over remuneratie van bestuurders en topmanagers",VABB-1,16,23,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:390648,,"Religie, secularisme en vrouwelijke- kleedgedrag Van de islamitische sluier en joodse pruiken tot het topless 'Femen' feminisme",VABB-1,511,528,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390649,,Aan gene zijde van de black box van de therapeutische gemeenschap: een kwalitatief psychoanalytisch onderzoek,VABB-1,425,435,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390650,,Computer-based cognitive training for ADHD: a review of current evidence,VABB-1,807,824,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390651,,Nationale identificatie in België tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog: status quaestionis en nieuwe onderzoeksrichtingen,VABB-1,333,348,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390653,,What's on your mind? Recent advances in memory detection using the concealed information test,VABB-1,162,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390654,,On remembering Cardano Anew,VABB-1,53,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390658,,Operational rules for the implementation of INN prescribing,VABB-1,47,56,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390660,,Preferential semantics using non-smooth preference relations,VABB-1,903,942,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390663,,The effect of IPSAS on reforming governmental financial reporting: an international comparison,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390664,,"Spiritualism and rationalism in Dutch Collegiant thought: new evidence from William Ames's Mysteries of the Kingdom of God (1661), with a translation",VABB-1,105,175,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390666,,Representing time intervals in a two-dimensional space: an empirical study,VABB-1,466,480,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390667,,Assessing gonadal hormone contributions to affective psychopathologies across humans and animal models,VABB-1,114,128,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390668,,Beyond environmental scarcity: human and social capital as driving forces of bootstrapping activities,VABB-1,310,326,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390669,,Why do right-wing adherents engage in more animal exploitation and meat consumption?,VABB-1,12,17,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390670,,The dative alternation in L2 German? Conceptualization transfer from L1 Dutch,VABB-1,9,40,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390671,,"The diachronic development of zero complementation: a multifactorial analysis of zero/that alternation with think, suppose and believe",VABB-1,31,72,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:390672,,"When is speding time with peers related to delinquency? The importance of where, what, and with whom",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390673,,From intentions to neurons: social and neural consequences of disbelieving in Free Will,VABB-1,5,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390674,,"Androgenic and estrogenic regulation of Atrogin-1, MuRF1 and myostatin expression in different muscle types of male mice",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390675,,The influence of dairy consumption and physical activity on ultrasound bone measurements in Flemish children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390677,,Counterfactual Reasoning in Smithian Sympathy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390678,,Special insurance systems for motor vehicle liability,VABB-1,569,584,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390679,,"Psychrotrophic members of Leuconostoc gasicomitatum, Leuconostoc gelidum and Lactococcus piscium dominate at the end of shelf-life in packaged and chilled-stored food products in Belgium",VABB-1,61,67,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390680,,The predictability of aggregate consumption growth in OECD countries: a panel data analysis,VABB-1,431,453,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390682,,The image of psychology programs: the value of the instrumental-symbolic framework,VABB-1,457,475,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390685,,De progressieve constructies bezig zijn en besig wees: een contrastief corpusonderzoek Nederlands - Afrikaans,VABB-1,56,74,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390686,,Academisation of nursing: an ethnography of social transformations in Chile,VABB-1,603,611,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390687,,Bank/sovereign risk spillovers in the European debt crisis,VABB-1,4793,4809,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390690,,Educating Teens about the Risks on Social Network Sites. An intervention study in Secondary Education,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390691,,"The mechanisms influencing active arts participation: an analysis of the visual arts, music, and the performing arts",VABB-1,435,471,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390693,,Present and future of folate biofortification of crop plants,VABB-1,895,906,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390694,,Effects of being imitated on motor responses evoked by pain observation: exerting control determines action tendencies when perceiving pain in others,VABB-1,6952,6957,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390696,,Het Belgisch cannabisbeleid maakt zijn doelstellingen niet waar,VABB-1,151,155,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390699,,Locomotieftekst: schalen en bestellen,VABB-1,6,11,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:390701,,Arbiters with guns: the ambiguity of military involvement in civilian disputes in the DR Congo,VABB-1,803,820,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390702,,Dialectcompetentie en functionaliteit van het dialect in Vlaanderen anno 2013,VABB-1,117,139,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390705,,Spatial inequalities in infant survival at an early stage of the longevity revolution: a pan-European view across 5000+ regions and localities in 1910,VABB-1,1849,1864,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390706,,Cutting performance wearing different studded soccer shoes on dry and wet artificial turf,VABB-1,81,87,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390708,,"Traces of castes and other social strata in the Maldives: a case study of social stratification in a diachronic perspective (Ethnographic, historic, and linguistic evidence)",VABB-1,199,213,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390709,,Improving the quality of the Heuristics Miner in ProM 6.2,VABB-1,7678,7690,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390710,,Migration and interaction in a contact zone: mtDNA variation among Bantu-speakers in Southern Africa,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390711,,"Broiler production in Flanders, Belgium: current situation and producers' opinions about animal welfare",VABB-1,343,354,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390712,,Echo's uit Luxemburg: food for thought voor het Vlaamse omgevingsrecht?,VABB-1,3,27,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390715,,Age-related differences in ethnic prejudice: evidence of the mediating effect of right-wing attitudes,VABB-1,252,257,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390716,,Volunteer work in youth organizations: predicting distinct aspects of volunteering behavior from self- and other-oriented motives,VABB-1,456,466,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390717,,The right to water in the case law of the inter-American court of human rights,VABB-1,39,68,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390718,,Physical fitness among urban and rural Ecuadorian adolescents and its association with blood lipids: a cross sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390719,,On the interpersonal dynamics of sexuality,VABB-1,209,232,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390720,,Vertical integration again: another reply to Morris Silver,VABB-1,343,346,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390721,,Religious activism in a secular world: the rise and fall of the teaching congregations of the Catholic Church,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390722,,Mental suffering and the DSM-5: a critical review,VABB-1,975,980,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390724,,Whose education matters more? Mothers' and fathers' education and the cultural participation of adolescents,VABB-1,291,309,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390726,,The emotional experiences of early first intercourse: a multi-method study,VABB-1,533,560,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390728,,Multicultural attitudes mediate the relation between personality and perceived ethnic outgroup distance in the Netherlands,VABB-1,24,35,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390729,,Limited effectiveness of HIV prevention for young people in sub-Saharan Africa: studying the role of intervention and evaluation,VABB-1,196,208,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:390730,,Neural correlates of intentional and stimulus-driven inhibition: a comparison,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390731,,Influence of microbial conversion and change in pH on iron-gallic acid complexation during lactobacillus fermentation,VABB-1,335,340,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390734,,Interrater and intrarater reliability of the pectoralis minor muscle length measurement in subjects with and without shoulder impingement symptoms,VABB-1,294,298,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390735,,Comparing apparent magnetic susceptibility measurements of a multi-receiver EMI sensor with topsoil and profile magnetic susceptibility data over weak magnetic anomalies,VABB-1,103,112,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390739,,Rol van de spoedgevallendienst bij patiënten met anorexia nervosa,VABB-1,627,637,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390745,,"Within-person profiles of teachers' motivation to teach: associations with need satisfaction at work, need-supportive teaching, and burnout",VABB-1,407,417,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390747,,Emotion regulation meets emotional attention: the influence of emotion suppression on emotional attention depends on the nature of the distracters,VABB-1,840,845,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390748,,Moralising female identity in Cameroon in 1990's: female prostitution and the song 'you gu cry',VABB-1,103,115,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390749,,Gebruik van een 'foot digitizer' om de voetstructuur van patiënten met reumatoïde artritis te beoordelen,VABB-1,7,12,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390750,,'[D]ie koue bewe': stilstand en beweging in de orfische ruimte van Breyten Breytenbachs gedicht 'autobiotrophy',VABB-1,61,70,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390752,,The role of unification in micro-explanations of physical laws,VABB-1,41,56,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390754,,Turnout rates in closed party leadership primaries: flash and fade out?,VABB-1,218,239,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390755,,Shape and form of resolution by Paul Ernst: the search for a moral ideal form,VABB-1,120,138,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390756,,"Social-communicative abilities as treatment goals for preschool children with autism spectrum disorder: the importance of imitation, joint attention, and play",VABB-1,712,716,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390757,,Development and validation of the youth obsessive–compulsive symptoms scale (YOCSS),VABB-1,647,656,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390758,,Callous-unemotional traits in youth from a DSM-5 perspective,VABB-1,334,357,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390761,,A combined spectroscopic study on Chinese porcelain containing ruan-cai colours,VABB-1,387,394,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390762,,Hylomorphism versus theory of elements in Late Aristotelianism: Péter Pázmány and the sixteenth century exegesis of Meteorologica IV,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390764,,Validity of the Omron pedometer and the actigraph step count function in preschoolers,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:390766,,Plural quantifiers: a modal interpretation,VABB-1,1605,1626,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390769,,"Pig, cattle and poultry farmers with a known interest in research have comparable perspectives on disease prevention and on-farm biosecurity",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390770,,Ultra(high)-pressure liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-time-of-flight-ion mobility-high definition mass spectrometry for the rapid identification and structural characterization of flavonoid glycosides from cauliflower waste,VABB-1,39,48,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390771,,Does the amygdala response correlate with the personality trait 'harm avoidance' while evaluating emotional stimuli explicitly?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390772,,Financial experts in a spider web: a social network analysis of the archives of Caecilius Iucundus and the Sulpicii,VABB-1,471,510,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:390773,,Sticky fingers: the investment structure of the Spanish oil business,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:390774,,Enhancement of affective processing induced by bifrontal transcranial direct current stimulation in patients with major depression,VABB-1,138,142,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390775,,"Cognitive control therapy and transcranial direct current stimulation for depression: a randomized, double-blinded, controlled trial",VABB-1,43,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390778,,"'Zoo jubileert Macaer, naer zevenhonderd jaer' Het zevenhonderdjarig jubileum van Sint-Macharius te Gent",VABB-1,131,164,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:390779,,Assessing the spatiotemporal dynamics of the vegetation cover as an indicator of desertification in Egypt using multi-temporal MODIS satellite images,VABB-1,4461,4475,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390782,,"Three Gestures: Jurjevic, Burdjelez, Tolj",VABB-1,60,75,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390783,,'Nature' and 'nation' in the Republic of Moldova: rebirth and rebuilding through the international festival of music 'Mărţişor',VABB-1,13,35,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:390785,,A stochastic frontier approach to study the relationship between gastrointestinal nematode infections and technical efficiency of dairy farms,VABB-1,3498,3508,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390786,,Conscious and unconscious context-specific cognitive control,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390787,,Eerste toepassingen van de subsidiariteitstoets,VABB-1,276,282,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390788,,Introduction: le social et le spatial: deux aspects intimement liès,VABB-1,253,260,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:390789,,Het Onroerenderfgoeddecreet: de bescherming van onroerend erfgoed in het Vlaams Gewest herschikt,VABB-1,41,66,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390790,,Affective team climate: a multi-level analysis of psychosocial working conditions and psychological distress in team workers,VABB-1,153,166,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390791,,Evaluating the efficiency of typographic design: gender and expertise variation,VABB-1,75,86,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390794,,"Crisis at the capitole: a cultural economics analysis of a major first-run cinema in Ghent, 1953-1971",VABB-1,75,124,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390795,,"Mediation in Belgian administrative practice, with special focus on municipal administrative sanctions and urban planning",VABB-1,163,182,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390796,,Besluit: vier fundamentele keuzes om de komende vijf jaar armoede doelmatig aan te pakken,VABB-1,387,394,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390797,,Sixty-four or four-and-sixty? The influence of language and working memory on children's number transcoding,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390798,,Legal framework relating to alternative dispute resolution in Belgian public law,VABB-1,143,161,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390799,,State-related electroencephalographic deviances in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,3217,3225,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390800,,An axiomatic approach to bibliometric rankings and indices,VABB-1,449,477,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390801,,Microbiological quality and safety assessment of the Rwandan milk and dairy chain,VABB-1,299,307,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390802,,Microbiological quality and safety assessment of lettuce production in Brazil,VABB-1,67,76,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390805,,Vijftig jaar privaatrecht in het TPR: er is in die tijd veel veranderd,VABB-1,13,68,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390809,,Empirical evidence for musical syntax processing? Computer simulations reveal the contribution of auditory short-term memory,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390810,,A CBT-based psychoeducational intervention for suicide survivors,VABB-1,193,201,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390811,,Trade union organizing free from employers' interference: evidence from Vietnam,VABB-1,589,609,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390813,,To be involved or not to be involved: a survey of public preferences for self-involvement in decision-making involving mental capacity (competency) within Europe,VABB-1,418,427,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390814,,Selective interference of grasp and space representations with number magnitude and serial order processing,VABB-1,1370,1376,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390815,,TDS exposure project: relevance of the total diet study approach for different groups of substances,VABB-1,21,34,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390816,,Evaluatie van een versnelde registratie door het College voor Oncologie van gestationele trofoblastziekten in België,VABB-1,895,901,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390818,,Factors associated with fulfilling the preference for dying at home among cancer patients: the role of general practitioners,VABB-1,141,150,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390819,,Traits are represented in the medial prefrontal cortex: an fMRI adaptation study,VABB-1,1185,1192,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390820,,The end of market power Europe? The EU's failure to include aviation fully into its emissions trading scheme,VABB-1,37,49,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390821,,Anticipation and identity formation towards a rewriting of the fundamental fantasy in a case of toxicomania,VABB-1,129,138,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390822,,Samen sterk! Een pleidooi voor de inzet van teacher design teams met het oog op ICT-integratie in de lerarenopleiding,VABB-1,67,71,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390823,,"Zakgeld, echtscheiding en macht van het kind: een ruiltheoretische invalshoek",VABB-1,6,32,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390824,,"Shell and glass beads from the tombs of Kindoki, Mbanza Nsundi, Lower Congo",VABB-1,23,34,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390826,,"Effect of muscle, ageing time and modified atmosphere packaging conditions on the colour, oxidative and microbiological stability of packed beef",VABB-1,1090,1098,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390828,,La Corte di giustizia precisa che un prolungamento dello stato di trattenimento dei migranti in attesa di rimpatrio non può essere giustificato dalla semplice mancanza di documenti di identità,VABB-1,913,918,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:390829,,Inside the syntactic box: the neural correlates of the functional and positional level in covert sentence production,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390831,,Disentangling posterror and postconflict reduction of interference,VABB-1,1530,1536,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390832,,Misconceptions about psychological science: a review,VABB-1,20,31,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:390833,,A RE-AIM evaluation of evidence-based multilevel interventions to improve obesity-related behaviours in adults: a systematic review (the SPOTLIGHT project),VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390835,,Experiences of Family Relationships Among Donor-Conceived Families: A Meta-Ethnography,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390836,,Beyond economic partnership agreements: the European Union and the trade–development nexus,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390837,,The relation between psychosocial risk factors and cause-specific long-term sickness absence,VABB-1,428,433,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390838,,De queeste naar de heilige graal van duurzame gebiedsontwikkeling: (not) taking no for an answer?,VABB-1,5,21,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390841,,Energy governance and poverty,VABB-1,217,225,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390842,,Validity of 24-h recalls in (pre-)school aged children: comparison of proxy-reported energy intakes with measured energy expenditure,VABB-1,79,84,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390843,,Expression of the sFLT1 gene in cord blood cells is associated to maternal arsenic exposure and decreased birth weight,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390844,,Een breuklijn op de terugweg? Sociaaleconomische kwesties in de partijprogramma's van liberalen en socialisten tussen 1961 en 2010,VABB-1,118,156,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390845,,"Association between insulin resistance, lean mass and muscle torque/force in proximal versus distal body parts in healthy young men",VABB-1,41,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390846,,Strategies to manage hepatitis C virus (HCV) disease burden,VABB-1,60,89,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390847,,Cost-effective geocoding with exterior orientation for airborne and terrestrial archaeological photography: possibilities and limitations,VABB-1,97,121,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390848,,The impact of early bilingualism on controlling a language learned late: an ERP study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390850,,"Zaak C-292/11 P, Commissie: Portugal",VABB-1,258,262,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390851,,Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair: is there an optimal mesh fixation technique?: a systematic review,VABB-1,55,63,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390852,,Institutional dimensions of the developing REDD+ process in Cameroon,VABB-1,769,787,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390853,,Adequate screening of youngsters for depressive characteristics,VABB-1,51,74,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390854,,Sustainable development through a rights-based approach to conserve protected areas in China,VABB-1,143,163,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390855,,Student and novice teachers' stories about collaborative learning implementation,VABB-1,688,703,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390856,,International and European law on protected areas and climate change: need for adaptation or implementation?,VABB-1,720,731,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390858,,Integrating archaeology and landscape analysis for the cultural heritage management of a World War One militarised landscape: the German field defences in Antwerp,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390859,,Semantic compared cross impact analysis,VABB-1,3477,3483,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390860,,"Relationship among hygiene indicators and enteric pathogens in irrigation water, soil and lettuce and the impact of climatic conditions on contamination in the lettuce primary production",VABB-1,21,31,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390861,,Action-based effects on music perception,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390862,,De relatie tussen armoede en gezondheid: een exploratie over de gewesten in België,VABB-1,49,70,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390863,,Armoede onder zelfstandigen: een schets,VABB-1,71,90,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390864,,Public or private interests? The investment behaviour of public officials in Antwerp during the early modern period,VABB-1,301,326,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390865,,"Coleridge, material culture, and Malta",VABB-1,5,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390866,,Maltese ceramics and imperial foodways: an exploration of nineteenth-century red wares,VABB-1,678,701,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390868,,"Capital interests: a historical analysis of the transformation of small-scale gold mining in Compostela Valley province, Southern Philippines",VABB-1,86,95,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390870,,Left and right amygdala: mediofrontal cortical functional connectivity is differentially modulated by harm avoidance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390871,,Self-esteem and illness self-concept in emerging adults with Type 1 diabetes: Long-term associations with illness functioning.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:390872,,Severity of pediatric pain in relation to school-related functioning and teacher support: an epidemiological study among school-aged children and adolescents,VABB-1,1118,1127,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390873,,Social media as a useful tool in food risk and benefit communication?: a strategic orientation approach,VABB-1,84,93,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390875,,Your Place or Mine? Institutional Capture and the Creation of Overlapping International Institutions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390876,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Europees hof voor de Rechten van de Mens: 1 augustus 2013 tot 31 oktober 2013,VABB-1,132,140,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390877,,Contrasterende (standaard)taalideologieën bij Vlaamse leerkrachten: een Gentse casestudy,VABB-1,219,248,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390878,,Development of the Text-Learning Strategies Inventory: Assessing and Profiling Learning From Texts in Fifth and Sixth Grade,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390879,,Using on-line and off-line measures to explore fifth and sixth graders' text-learning strategies and schematizing skills,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390882,,Assessing the environmental characteristics of cycling routes to school: a study on the reliability and validity of a Google Street View-based audit,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390884,,I paradigmi normativi della politica europea sull'immigrazione economica,VABB-1,51,71,,ita,2013,2 c:vabb:390885,,Mycological quality and mycotoxin contamination of Sri Lankan peppers (Piper nigrum L.) and subsequent exposure assessment,VABB-1,219,230,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390886,,Beschouwingen van Richard Minne over het werk van Cyriel Buysse,VABB-1,11,23,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390887,,The influence of parenting style on health related behavior of children: findings from the ChiBS study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390888,,"Self-reported sleep duration, white blood cell counts and cytokine profiles in European adolescents: the HELENA study",VABB-1,1251,1258,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390890,,Naar een grondige herdenking van het Belgisch vennootschapsrecht: het Belgisch Centrum voor Vennootschapsrecht vraagt uw mening!,VABB-1,819,826,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390891,,What determines health-related quality of life among people living with HIV: an updated review of the literature,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390892,,Laughter in Moscow conceptualism: locating Prigov's irony within the conceptualist milieu,VABB-1,339,359,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390893,,"Hermeneutics, life and dialogue: a sketch of a Buberian dialogue with the past",VABB-1,407,425,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390894,,Pitch and pitch variation in lesbian women,VABB-1,656.e13,656.e16,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390895,,A systemic functional 'Three–dimensional' approach to aspect in Thucydides' histories III,VABB-1,2,41,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390896,,"Encouraging spontaneous synchronisation with D-Jogger, an adaptive music player that aligns movement and music",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390901,,"The impact of pedal rate on muscle oxygenation, muscle activation and whole-body VO2 during ramp exercise in healthy subjects",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390902,,"Resources, conflict and governance: a critical review",VABB-1,340,350,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390903,,"Autonomic symptom burden in the hypermobility type of Ehlers–Danlos syndrome: a comparative study with two other EDS types, fibromyalgia, and healthy controls",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390904,,"Statistics and state-istics: exclusion categories in the population census (Belgium, 1846-1930)",VABB-1,530,546,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390905,,"Edible oleogels based on water soluble food polymers: preparation, characterization and potential application",VABB-1,2833,2841,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390906,,Scheduling of unrelated parallel machines with limited server availability on multiple production locations: a case study in knitted fabrics,VABB-1,2630,2653,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390907,,Examining the discretion of the EEAS: what power to act in the EU-Moldova association agreement?,VABB-1,373,392,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390908,,Effects of physician-owned specialized facilities in health care: a systematic review,VABB-1,316,340,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390909,,Response inhibition and its relation to multidimensional impulsivity,VABB-1,241,248,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390910,,Between institutional inclusion and invisibility? The case of Flemish homelessness care,VABB-1,537,550,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390911,,Landscape economic valuation by integrating landscape ecology into landscape economics,VABB-1,26,36,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390912,,Emotion regulation in children with emotional problems,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390913,,Conceptualizing person- and people centeredness in primary health care: a literature review,VABB-1,13,22,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:390915,,"Vital instability: life and free will in physics and physiology, 1860-1880",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390918,,The development of personality extremity from childhood to adolescence: relations to internalizing and externalizing problems,VABB-1,1038,1048,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390920,,The narratology of sin: Nikolai Leskov’s 'Chertogon',VABB-1,188,205,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:390921,,"Higher proportion of G2P[4] rotaviruses in vaccinated hospitalized cases compared with unvaccinated hospitalized cases, despite high vaccine effectiveness against heterotypic G2P[4] rotaviruses",VABB-1,O702,O710,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390922,,The Syrian civil war and the Achilles' heel of the law of non-international armed conflict,VABB-1,247,280,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390923,,Sub-emetic toxicity of Bacillus cereus toxin cereulide on cultured human enterocyte-like Caco-2 cells,VABB-1,2270,2290,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390924,,How algebra spoiled recreational problems: a case study in the cross-cultural dissemination of mathematics,VABB-1,400,437,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390925,,Globalization and responsibility for human rights,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390927,,Vertrouwen winnen of gezag afdwingen?,VABB-1,121,140,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390928,,African stakeholders' views of research options to improve nutritional status in sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:390933,,Effectiveness of EU democracy promotion in the neighbourhood through the lens of foreign policy analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390934,,Grenzen voor de EU-wetgever bij het machtigen van Europese agentschappen,VABB-1,123,141,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390935,,An EU perspective on the liability of classification societies: selected current issues and private international law aspects,VABB-1,103,120,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390937,,Symbiosis of executive and selective attention in working memory,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390938,,Re-artification in a World of De-artification: Materiality and Intellectualization in Fashion Media Discourse (1949–2010),VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390939,,Is there a role for direct instruction in problem-based learning? Comparing student-constructed versus integrated model answers,VABB-1,22,31,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390940,,'You didn’t build that': a relevance-theoretic approach to President Obama's campaign flub,VABB-1,819,838,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390941,,Handedness consistency influences bimanual coordination: a behavioural and electrophysiological investigation,VABB-1,81,87,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390942,,Functional anatomy and kinematics of the oral jaw system during terrestrial feeding in Periophthalmus barbarus,VABB-1,1145,1160,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390943,,Een publieke ceremonie in een turbulent tijdvak: de inauguratie van Maria Theresia als gravin van Vlaanderen (1744),VABB-1,101,130,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:390944,,"Positioning the educational researcher through reflections on an autoethnographical account: On the edge of scientific research, political action and personal engagement",VABB-1,220,233,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390945,,"The value of non-sport-specific characteristics for talent orientation in young male judo, karate and taekwondo athletes",VABB-1,147,152,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:390946,,Performance of two real-time RT-PCR assays for the quantification of GI and GII noroviruses and hepatitis A virus in environmental water samples,VABB-1,1016,1023,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390947,,Plant sterols and plant stanols in the management of dyslipidaemia and prevention of cardiovascular disease,VABB-1,346,360,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390948,,2013 ESH/ESC Practice guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension,VABB-1,3,16,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390949,,Changes in children's food group intake from age 3 to 7 years: comparison of a FFQ with an online food record,VABB-1,269,276,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390950,,Fostering a need-supportive teaching style: intervention effects on physical education teachers' beliefs and teaching behaviors,VABB-1,595,609,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390951,,The expansive right to an effective remedy: the practice and impact of the case law of the human rights committee and the inter-American court,VABB-1,259,286,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390953,,The inauguration of the inter-American defenders' era: reflections after the furlan case,VABB-1,245,268,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390955,,Neurofeedback for ADHD A review of current evidence,VABB-1,789,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390956,,"Delineating personality traits in childhood and adolescence: associations across measures, temperament, and behavioral problems",VABB-1,738,751,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390957,,An integrative examination of general personality dysfunction in a large community sample,VABB-1,276,289,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390958,,Teaching integrated project management and control: enhancing student learning and engagement,VABB-1,99,107,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390960,,Local and globalist perspectives on 'Natural Resources',VABB-1,17,33,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390962,,Wanneer is een consumentenzaak 'internationaal' in de zin van Brussel I Verordening? De woonplaatsvereiste nader toegelicht,VABB-1,41,48,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390963,,'Een visie voor de politie in 2025': stuurgroep opteert voor netwerkende politie,VABB-1,185,188,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390965,,Rwandan young people's perceptions on sexuality and relationships: results from a qualitative study using the 'mailbox technique',VABB-1,51,60,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390966,,De belevingen en noden van adolescenten en jongvolwassenen (AYA's) met kanker,VABB-1,58,68,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390969,,Fan fiction studies,VABB-1,173,178,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390970,,Mechanisms underpinning inattention and hyperactivity: neurocognitive support for ADHD dimensionality,VABB-1,3189,3201,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390971,,Clustering of unhealthy food around German schools and its influence on dietary behavior in school children: a pilot study,VABB-1,65,10,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390972,,Country-specific dietary patterns and associations with socioeconomic status in European children: the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,811,821,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390973,,Associations between macronutrient intake and serum lipid profile depend on body fat in European adolescents: the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) study,VABB-1,2049,2059,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390974,,An evidence-based approach to organization evaluation and change in human service organizations evaluation and program planning,VABB-1,110,118,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390976,,Care provided and care setting transitions in the last three months of life of cancer patients: a nationwide monitoring study in four European countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390981,,The biosynthetic gene cluster for sophorolipids: a biotechnological interesting biosurfactant produced by Starmerella bombicola,VABB-1,501,509,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390982,,Cognitive and neural foundations of discrete sequence skill: a TMS study,VABB-1,229,238,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390983,,A general role for medial prefrontal cortex in event prediction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390984,,An Italian relic of WW II at the bir Messaouda site,VABB-1,157,162,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390986,,"Verslag van de discussie over het beginsel van de gelijkheid van burgers voor openbare lasten, een beginsel op de snijlijn van publiek- en privaatrecht",VABB-1,708,713,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390988,,Het aandeelhoudersregister in het Belgische recht: toepassingsproblemen en voorstellen tot hervorming,VABB-1,688,729,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390989,,"Cue usage in volleyball: a time course comparison of elite, intermediate and novice female players",VABB-1,295,302,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390990,,Hoe een motiverend prestatiesysteem de werktevredenheid van managers kan sturen,VABB-1,49,57,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:390991,,Is relational aggression part of the externalizing spectrum? A bifactor model of youth antisocial behavior,VABB-1,149,159,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:390993,,"If you won't pay them, buy them: Merger mania in distribution and content markets",VABB-1,261,265,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390994,,Detection of Noroviruses in shellfish and semiprocessed fishery products from a Belgian seafood company,VABB-1,1342,1347,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390995,,Enteric pathogen survival varies substantially in irrigation water from Belgian lettuce producers,VABB-1,10105,10124,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390996,,A plea for more interactions between psycholinguistics and natural language processing research,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:390997,,Supervisor ratings of students' academic potential as predictors of citizenship and counterproductive behavior,VABB-1,62,69,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390998,,"Education, mental health, and education–labor market misfit",VABB-1,442,459,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:390999,,"Ethics, aesthetics, and the anticipation of the unanticipatable",VABB-1,91,100,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391000,,"Assessing the what is beautiful is good stereotype and the influence of moderately attractive and less attractive advertising models on self-perception, ad attitudes, and purchase intentions of 8–13-year-old children",VABB-1,205,233,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391002,,"The use of mental health care, psychotropic drugs and social services by divorced people: does informal support matter?",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391004,,Changes in physical fitness and sports participation among children with different levels of motor competence: a two-year longitudinal study,VABB-1,11,21,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391006,,Researchers and teachers learning together and from each other using video-based multimodal analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391007,,The influence of agglomerations of Belgian companies in the retail sector,VABB-1,18,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391008,,Filling in the blanks: an estimation of illicit cannabis growers' profits in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391009,,This is the soundtrack of our identity: national mythscapes in music and the construction of collective identity through music in early Flemish radio (1929–1939),VABB-1,51,91,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391010,,Reward prospect rapidly speeds up response inhibition via reactive control,VABB-1,593,609,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391011,,A review and systematization of the trolley problem,VABB-1,x,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391013,,Vaginal dilation treatment in women with vaginal hypoplasia: a prospective one-year follow-up study,VABB-1,228.e1,228.e12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391014,,"Crisis, herstel en continuïteit: de vastgoedmarkt van het Gentse platteland doorheen oorlogstijd, in de tweede helft van de achttiende eeuw",VABB-1,165,197,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:391015,,The protohistoric 'Quicklime burials' from the Balearic Islands: cremation or inhumation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391016,,Prime implicates and relevant belief revision,VABB-1,109,119,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391019,,A working memory account of the interaction between numbers and spatial attention,VABB-1,1500,1513,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391020,,Developing a sustainable nutrition research agenda in Sub-Saharan Africa: findings from the SUNRAY project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391022,,De verbeelding van het feminisme: interview met Sarah Bracke,VABB-1,65,80,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391023,,Forearm muscle oxygenation responses during and following arterial occlusion in patients with mitochondrial myopathy,VABB-1,70,75,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391024,,Historical reflections on progress and tradition,VABB-1,170,178,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391025,,Dichtbundels en boekomslagen van Marcel van Maele,VABB-1,52,67,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391026,,Educational expansion and gender inequality in Belgium in the twentieth century,VABB-1,195,218,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391027,,"Non-destructive in situ study of 'Mad Meg' by Pieter Bruegel the Elder using mobile X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectrometers",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391028,,Mindful Emotion Regulation: Exploring the Neurocognitive Mechanisms behind Mindfulness,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391029,,Electrophysiological registration of phonological perception in the subthalamic nucleus of patients with Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,19,26,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391030,,How do speakers coordinate? Evidence for prediction in a joint word-replacement task.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391032,,"Experimental assessment of the inhalation zone of standing, sitting and sleeping persons",VABB-1,258,266,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391034,,"Over de enscenering van basisfantasma, genot en blik in het filmische oeuvre van Stanley Kubrick: een Lacaniaans perspectief",VABB-1,407,416,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391036,,Integron characterization and typing of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolates in Belgium,VABB-1,712,719,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391038,,The peritextual framework of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's first discourse in eighteenth-century English translations (1751-1779),VABB-1,69,75,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391039,,Reading (on) the Tram Benito Perez Galdós' 'La novela en el tranvía',VABB-1,193,214,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391040,,Carbon footprint of pigmeat in Flanders,VABB-1,54,70,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391041,,The association of breakfast skipping and television viewing at breakfast with weight status among parents of 10-12-year-olds in eight European countries; the ENERGY (EuropeaN Energy balance Research to prevent excessive weight Gain among Youth) cross-sectional study,VABB-1,906,914,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391042,,Formative evaluation of the dietary assessment component of Children's and Adolescents' Nutrition Assessment and Advice on the Web (CANAA-W),VABB-1,54,65,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391043,,Orientalism and the puzzle of the Aryan invasion theory,VABB-1,51,76,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391046,,De l'outre-mer au transnational: glissements de perspectives dans l’historiographie de l’architecture coloniale et postcoloniale,VABB-1,45,56,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:391047,,Unlocking the archive of a transnational expert: traces of Henri-Jean Calsat’s activities as a WHO-consultant,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:391050,,"Angiogenic, neurotrophic, and inflammatory system SNPs moderate the association between birth weight and ADHD symptom severity",VABB-1,691,704,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391051,,CNV amplitude as a neural correlate for stuttering frequency: a case report of acquired stuttering,VABB-1,349,359,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391052,,De samenwerking inzake het verzekeringstoezicht tussen de FSMA en de CDZ,VABB-1,345,351,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391054,,Impact of REV-ERB alpha gene polymorphisms on obesity phenotypes in adult and adolescent samples,VABB-1,666,672,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391056,,The role of dietary fat on the association between dietary amino acids and serum lipid profile in European adolescents participating in the HELENA Study,VABB-1,464,473,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391062,,Samen sterk: Belgische consumenten class action is een feit,VABB-1,5,22,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391063,,Targeting emotional impact in storytelling: working with client affect in emotion-focused psychotherapy,VABB-1,753,775,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391064,,"Grondwettelijk Hof nr. 74/2814, 8 mei 2014",VABB-1,428,439,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391067,,Overzicht rechtspraak 2012-2013,VABB-1,14,120,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391069,,De controversiële erfenis van Benjamin Libet: vrije wilsceptici en hun critici over het belang van Libet-type experimenten in het debat over vrije wil en verantwoordelijkheid,VABB-1,106,119,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391073,,When does assonance make L2 lexical phrases memorable?,VABB-1,93,107,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391074,,Development of a CCK1R-membrane nanoparticle as a fish-out tool for bioactive peptides,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391077,,Access to justice in environmental matters on the EU level after the judgements of the general court of 14 June 2012: between hope and denial?,VABB-1,7,42,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391090,,Adherence to the obesity-related lifestyle intervention targets in the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,S144,S151,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391092,,Van de lerarenopleiding tot de onderwijspraktijk: een follow-up studie naar strategieën om leraren voor te bereiden op educatief ICT-gebruik,VABB-1,7,18,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391093,,Fostering self-endorsed motivation to change in patients with an eating disorder: the role of perceived autonomy support and psychological need satisfaction,VABB-1,585,600,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391094,,Kennisuitwisseling voor innovatieontwikkeling in open-innovatienetwerken,VABB-1,378,400,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:391095,,Bridging the gap: technology trends and use of technology in schools,VABB-1,56,69,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391096,,Gender specific effects of financial and housework contributions on depression: a multi-actor study among three household types in Belgium,VABB-1,78,90,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391097,,What money can't buy: the psychology of financial overcompensation,VABB-1,83,95,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391098,,Diversity and out-group attitudes in the Netherlands: the role of authoritarianism and social threat in the neighbourhood,VABB-1,1414,1430,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391100,,Governmental financial reporting of heritage assets from a user needs perspective,VABB-1,150,174,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391101,,"Kleine vzw's, slordige jaarrekeningen",VABB-1,4,15,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391104,,"La revue des marraines (1916-1917), een tijdschrift voor oorlogsmeters en hun petekinderen",VABB-1,119,138,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391105,,On the optimal number of scale points in graded paired comparisons,VABB-1,2869,2882,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391107,,Chaperone nanobodies protect gelsolin against MT1-MMP degradation and alleviate amyloid burden in the gelsolin amyloidosis mouse model,VABB-1,1768,1778,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391108,,Towards the integration and development of a cross-European research network and infrastructure: the DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity (DEDIPAC) Knowledge Hub,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391109,,De vervaagde grens tussen burgerlijke en administratieve rechter,VABB-1,275,294,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391110,,Reliability of primary caregivers reports on lifestyle behaviours of European pre-school children: the ToyBox-study,VABB-1,61,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391111,,The poetry as reliable evidence of linguistic phenomena,VABB-1,811,842,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391112,,The Particle γάρ: from ancient Greek sentence connector to blatant line filler? A case-study on the late medieval Greek chronicle of Morea,VABB-1,136,147,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391113,,Neighborhood environments and objectively measured physical activity in 11 countries,VABB-1,2253,2264,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391115,,Chronische pijn: van een biomedisch naar een biopsychosociaal perspectief,VABB-1,676,684,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391117,,Témoignage direct et témoignage des traces,VABB-1,147,155,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:391120,,'Now we feel like we did everything we could': a qualitative study into the experiences of Dutch patients who travelled to Belgium for infertility treatment,VABB-1,185,193,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391121,,The effect of colony formation on the heat inactivation dynamics of Escherichia coli K12 and Salmonella typhimurium,VABB-1,1746,1752,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391122,,"The combined effect of pasteurization intensity, water activity, pH and incubation temperature on the survival and outgrowth of spores of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus pumilus in artificial media and food products",VABB-1,10,18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391124,,De negen strafrechtelijke principes van Cesare Beccaria,VABB-1,474,480,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391127,,Prevalence and evolution of intimate partner violence before and during pregnancy: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391128,,Risk profiling of wash waters in vegetable processing industry towards possible allergen carry-over,VABB-1,190,196,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391129,,The performance of commercial knowledge in 18th-Century Dutch and German urban drama,VABB-1,39,58,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391130,,Response: Stanford University's patent on embryo selection should be excluded under European patent law,VABB-1,262,262,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391131,,Is there a moral obligation to conceive children under the best possible conditions? A preliminary framework for identifying the preconception responsibilities of ‘potential parents’,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391133,,May the blessed Man win: a critique of the categorical preference for natural talent over doping as proper origins of athletic ability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391134,,"Currer Bell, Charlotte Brontë and the construction of authorial identity",VABB-1,292,306,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391135,,"The pessinuntine sanctuary of the mother of the Gods in light of the excavated Roman temple: fact, fiction and feasibility",VABB-1,30,72,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391136,,Poems that flow: the river motif in the Spanish Petrarchan tradition,VABB-1,241,257,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391137,,Dysautonomia and its underlying mechanisms in the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391138,,"La fécondité légitime dans des agro-systèmes sociaux différents en Flandre, 1830-1930",VABB-1,1,18,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:391139,,The need for harmonization in detection of human noroviruses in food,VABB-1,998,1005,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391140,,"Characterisation of Gouda cheeses based on sensory, analytical and high-field H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy determinations: effect of adjunct cultures and brine composition on sodium-reduced Gouda cheese",VABB-1,142,152,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391141,,The polite phrases in the letters of Apollonios dioiketes,VABB-1,219,222,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391142,,The influence of university departments on the evolution of entrepreneurial competencies in spin-off ventures,VABB-1,92,106,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391145,,Exploring subgroup effects by socioeconomic position of three effective school-based dietary interventions: the European TEENAGE project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391146,,Reward- and attention-related biasing of sensory selection in visual cortex,VABB-1,1049,1065,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391147,,The interdiscursive construction of irresponsibility as a defence strategy in the Belgian Assize Court,VABB-1,25,36,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391148,,"Spoilage potential of psychrotrophic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) species: Leuconostoc gelidum subsp. gasicomitatum and Lactococcus piscium, on sweet bell pepper (SBP) simulation medium under different gas compositions",VABB-1,120,129,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391149,,The readiness is all? Closure remarks on the psychotic anticipatory experience of time and space,VABB-1,29,44,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391150,,"Intimate partner violence in Belgium: prevalence, individual health outcomes, and relational correlates",VABB-1,79,96,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391151,,"De lier als wapen: dichten, doden en (ver)zwijgen in Bellamy's Vaderlandsche Gezangen (1782-1783)",VABB-1,3,26,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:391153,,"Gandhi, conversion, and the equality of religions: more experiments with truth",VABB-1,53,82,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391154,,Challenging the other: exploring the role of opponent gender in digital game competition for female players,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391155,,Discourses versus life courses: servants' extramarital sexual activities in Flanders during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:391157,,Belgian general practitioners' perspectives on the use of palliative sedation in end-of-life home care: a qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391158,,What do people appreciate in physicians' communication?: an international study with focus groups using videotaped medical consultations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391160,,The impact of palatal repair before and after 6 months of age on speech characteristics,VABB-1,787,798,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391162,,Muscle carnosine loading by beta-alanine supplementation is more pronounced in trained vs. untrained muscles,VABB-1,204,209,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391163,,"Janowiec e. a. tegen Rusland, 21 oktober 2013",VABB-1,49,54,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391165,,"Social disorganization, social capital, collective efficacy and the spatial distribution of crime and offenders",VABB-1,942,963,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391166,,Chronic pain in patients with the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: evidence for generalized hyperalgesia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391167,,'Erring from good Housewifery'? The author as witness in Margaret Cavendish and Mary Trye,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391168,,'Why should I leave?' Belgian emerging adults' departure from home,VABB-1,89,119,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391169,,E-POS II. Transnationale relaties in de poëzie van Peter Holvoet-Hanssen en Charl-Pierre Naudé,VABB-1,42,69,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391170,,A novel device for standardizing marker placement at the calcaneus,VABB-1,43,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391173,,De draagwijdte van het recht op privacy en het fiscaal visitatierecht: het belang van het arrest Bernh Larsen genuanceerd,VABB-1,47,75,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391174,,Humphry Repton's 'The bee' and Boydell's Shakespeare gallery,VABB-1,76,83,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391176,,Laughing gas abuse is no joke: an overview of the implications for psychiatric practice,VABB-1,859,862,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391177,,Nog eens over de stakingsposten,VABB-1,30,34,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391179,,"Pattern mining in tourist attraction visits through association rule learning on Bluetooth tracking data: a case study of Ghent, Belgium",VABB-1,67,81,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391180,,Sexual desire in trans persons: associations with sex reassignment treatment,VABB-1,107,118,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391181,,Mythologie als levensles: Imme Dros en de klassieken,VABB-1,133,146,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:391182,,BDNF blood levels after electroconvulsive therapy in patients with mood disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,411,418,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391183,,Buddhist nuns through the eyes of leading early tang masters,VABB-1,31,51,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:391184,,Is Having a Taste of Luxury a Good Idea? How Use vs. Ownership of Luxury Products Affects Satisfaction with Life,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391186,,The extraordinary politics of the Tunisian revolution: the process of constitution making,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391188,,Finding the answer in space: the mental whiteboard hypothesis on serial order in working memory,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391189,,Human resources for health in Botswana: the results of in-country database and reports analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391193,,Implementatie van een protocol voor voedingszorg aan patiënten met een neurologische aandoening: de mate van protocolopvolging door zorgverleners en beïnvloedende factoren,VABB-1,4,14,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391194,,Goodwill compensation after termination of a Franchise contract: comparative perspectives on cour de cassation 23 October 2012 (No. 11-21.978),VABB-1,955,959,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391195,,"Obesogenic environments: a systematic review of the association between the physical environment and adult weight status, the SPOTLIGHT project",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391199,,Technological innovation drivers in rural small food industries in Iran,VABB-1,68,83,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:391200,,"International variation in neighborhood walkability, transit, and recreation environments using geographic information systems: the IPEN adult study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391201,,Take the money or run? Investors' ethical reputation and entrepreneurs' willingness to partner,VABB-1,723,740,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391202,,From sedentary time to sedentary patterns: accelerometer data reduction decisions in youth,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391203,,De rechtsvordering tot collectief herstel: een Belgische class action voor consumenten,VABB-1,643,661,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391204,,Knowledge and attitude of the flemish primary care physician toward organ donation and transplantation,VABB-1,3127,3133,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391205,,Moderators of the effectiveness of a web-based tailored intervention promoting physical activity in adolescents: the HELENA Activ-O-Meter,VABB-1,256,266,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391206,,The prevention of injuries in contact flag football,VABB-1,26,32,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391208,,Dynamics of microbiological quality and safety of Vietnamese Pangasianodon hypophthalmus during processing,VABB-1,709,727,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391209,,A foam-templated approach for fabricating organogels using a water-soluble polymer,VABB-1,22900,22903,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391210,,Characterisation of a portable Raman spectrometer for in situ analysis of art objects,VABB-1,294,301,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391211,,Integrating EMI and GPR data to enhance the three-dimensional reconstruction of a circular ditch system,VABB-1,42,50,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391212,,Specificity of basic information processing and inhibitory control in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,617,631,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391213,,'Peer review is melting our glaciers': the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) went astray,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391214,,Catchment rehabilitation and hydro-geomorphic characteristics of mountain streams in the western Rift Valley escarpment of Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:391215,,Consumers' Willingness to communicate in a second language: communicating in service settings,VABB-1,950,966,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391216,,Rural single female migrants in early nineteenth century Bruges: an exception to the rules?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:391217,,Short-term memory for order but not for item information is impaired in developmental dyslexia,VABB-1,121,136,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391218,,Working memory improvement with non-invasive brain stimulation of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391220,,Institutionalised ICT use in primary education: a multilevel analysis,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391221,,"Late pre-Islamic burials at Mleiha, Emirate of Sharjah (UAE)",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391222,,Choosing coalition partners in Belgian local government,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391223,,Microbial ecology of Vietnamese Tra fish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) fillets during processing,VABB-1,144,152,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391224,,The continuous spatio-temporal model (CSTM) as an exhaustive framework for multi-scale spatio-temporal analysis,VABB-1,1047,1060,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391225,,Scaffolding reflective learning in clinical practice: a comparison of two types of reflective activities,VABB-1,602,607,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391226,,A comparison of composition and emulsifying properties of MFGM materials prepared from different dairy sources by microfiltration,VABB-1,441,451,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391227,,Het Wetboek Economisch Recht en de onderhandse verkoopakte van onroerend goed,VABB-1,620,626,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391228,,Long-term stability of waxy maize starch/xanthan gum mixtures prepared at a temperature within the gelatinization range,VABB-1,229,238,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391231,,Time-geographic derivation of feasible co-presence opportunities from network-constrained episodic movement data,VABB-1,687,703,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391233,,The process of rescaling interests in the Belgian context: the impact of regional governmental strength,VABB-1,287,302,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391234,,Fukuzawa Yukichi and Miyazaki Tôten: a double portrait in Black and White of an odd couple in the age of globalizing capitalism,VABB-1,47,84,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391235,,Microbial toxins and low level of foodborne exposure,VABB-1,149,157,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391238,,Deneurologizing education? From psychologisation to neurologisation and back,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391239,,Gavrilo Princip voor criminologen,VABB-1,491,501,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391241,,Why there is an inverse primary-care law in Africa,VABB-1,e332,e333,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391242,,Truck redesign case: simulating the target costing process in a new product design environment,VABB-1,61,85,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391245,,Landscapes larger than life: notes on two films about territorial transformations in Europe,VABB-1,26,39,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391253,,"- La Problemática del Agua en España, Aspectos Jurídicos Sobresalientes de su Realidad Actual",VABB-1,229,260,,spa,2013,2 c:vabb:391255,,Landscape on television,VABB-1,12,25,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391257,,"Proactief natuurbeleid na Briels: quo vadis artikel 6, lid 3 habitatrichtlijn?",VABB-1,403,423,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391258,,Een subjectief plechtige verkoop is nietig als de stedenbouwkundige informatie ontbreekt,VABB-1,497,503,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391259,,How do innovation partners differ with respect to innovation type and stage in the innovation journey of farmers?,VABB-1,191,203,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391260,,Evidence-based policy en doorwerking van sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek: are we there yet?,VABB-1,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391261,,Why are some Flemish municipal party group leaders more familiar with NPM principles than others? Assessing the influence of individual factors,VABB-1,79,103,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391263,,Raw or heated cow milk consumption: review of risks and benefits,VABB-1,251,262,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391264,,Knowledge discovery in choreographic data using Relative Motion matrices and Dynamic Time Warping,VABB-1,111,124,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391266,,The impact of persuasive messages on IAT performance is moderated by source attractiveness and likeability,VABB-1,437,448,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391267,,Brain systems underlying the affective and social monitoring of actions: an integrative review,VABB-1,71,84,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391269,,Action-based digital tools: mathematics learning in 6-year-old children,VABB-1,61,82,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391271,,Kleists Textrhetorik. Direktheit und Aufschub in 'Das Erdbeben in Chili' und 'Der Zweikampf'.,VABB-1,,,,ger,2015,1 c:vabb:391273,,Regulatory options for genetically modified crops in India,VABB-1,135,146,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391274,,Altered processing of sensory stimuli in patients with migraine,VABB-1,144,155,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391275,,On Defining Moral Enhancement: A Clarificatory Taxonomy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391277,,Futuro e História: análise da temporalidade atual,VABB-1,51,69,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:391278,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie): mei-augustus 2013,VABB-1,39,50,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391280,,Current evidence on physical therapy in patients with adhesive capsulitis: what are we missing?,VABB-1,593,600,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391282,,The distribution of preverbal /en/ in (West) Flemish: syntactic and interpretive properties,VABB-1,69,86,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391283,,In pursuit of play: toward a social cognitive understanding of determinants of digital play,VABB-1,205,223,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391285,,'Tableau poétique': a recently discovered manuscript by the Flemish painter-poet Lucas D’Heere (1534–84),VABB-1,20,38,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391286,,The decline of labile syntax in Old Indo-Aryan: a diachronic typological perspective,VABB-1,1139,1165,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391287,,"Islamic social activism, globalization and social change: a case study of Hajji lgar Ibragimoglu and the Cüma Ehli in Baku, Azerbaijan",VABB-1,134,151,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391288,,Double jeopardy upon resume screening: When Achmed is less employable than Aisha,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391289,,A propositional model of implicit evaluation,VABB-1,342,353,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391290,,Changing your mind before it is too late: the electrophysiological correlates of online error correction during response selection,VABB-1,746,760,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391291,,La relation entre la pauvreté et la santé: une recherche explaratoire menée dans les différentes Régions belges,VABB-1,49,72,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:391292,,La pauvreté chez les indépendants: aperçu,VABB-1,73,92,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:391293,,"The importance of economic, social and cultural capital in understanding health inequalities: using a Bourdieu-based approach in research on physical and mental health perceptions",VABB-1,1095,1110,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391294,,Duizend-en-één-nacht aan de Noordzee: oriëntalistische interieurs aan de Belgische kust (1850-1940),VABB-1,61,81,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:391295,,"14C dating and material analysis of the lime burial of Cova de Na Dent (Mallorca, Spain)",VABB-1,387,398,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391296,,Anticipatory processes in brain state switching: evidence from a novel cued-switching task implicating default mode and salience networks,VABB-1,359,365,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391297,,Shoulder muscle activation levels during four closed kinetic chain exercises with and without Redcord slings,VABB-1,1626,1635,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391298,,Interim measures for voluntary Greenhouse gas emissions trading,VABB-1,117,123,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:391299,,Interventie in de Centraal Afrikaanse Republiek: het eerste succesverhaal voor R2P?,VABB-1,28,32,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391301,,EU-terminology: languages united in diversity? A case-study of Dutch EU texts on education,VABB-1,7,21,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391302,,Effect of new sanitizing formulations on quality of fresh-cut iceberg lettuce,VABB-1,102,108,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391303,,Social media in literacy education: Exploring social reading with pre-service teachers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:391304,,Scapulothoracic muscle activity and recruitment timing in patients with shoulder impingement symptoms and glenohumeral instability: a systematic review,VABB-1,277,284,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391305,,Natural selection does care about truth,VABB-1,65,77,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391306,,A panel analysis of the fisher effect with an unobserved I(1) world real interest rate,VABB-1,198,210,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391308,,'Becoming' in Jane Eyre: Charlotte Brontë through the eyes of Gilles Deleuze,VABB-1,307,318,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391310,,Reframing European Security: Russia's Proposal for a New European Security Architecture,VABB-1,25,45,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391311,,"Self-assessment of genital anatomy and sexual function within a Belgian, Dutch-speaking female population: a validation study",VABB-1,3006,3018,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391312,,Doubling of muscle carnosine concentration does not improve laboratory 1-hr cycling time trial performance,VABB-1,315,324,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391314,,Properties of sugar-snap cookies as influenced by lauric-based shortenings,VABB-1,234,240,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391315,,Modelling of beef sensory quality for a better prediction of palatability,VABB-1,316,322,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391317,,Een sms kan het bewijs leveren van de verkoop van een woning: noot onder Gent 26 september 2013,VABB-1,120,125,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391319,,Determinants of Global Color-Based Selection in Human Visual Cortex,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391320,,The EU and donor coordination on the ground: perspectives from Tanzania and Zambia,VABB-1,676,691,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391321,,Common Correlated Effects Estimation of Dynamic Panels with Cross-Sectional Dependence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:391322,,Houses and/or jobs: ownership and the labour market in Belgian districts,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391326,,Self-critical perfectionism and binge eating symptoms: a longitudinal test of the intervening role of psychological need frustration,VABB-1,363,373,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391330,,"Over insolvabiliteitsbeoordeling en keuzevrijheid aangaande de schuldsaldoverzekering: noot onder Rb. Turnhout (3de k.), 18 februari 2013",VABB-1,115,120,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391333,,De beoordeling van hybride financieringsinstrumenten in buitenlandse rechtspraak,VABB-1,981,992,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391334,,Evaluation of the presence and zoonotic transmission of Chlamydia suis in a pig slaughterhouse,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391335,,Variability of operator performance in remote-sensing image interpretation: the importance of human and external factors,VABB-1,754,778,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391337,,Parent preferences regarding stimulant therapies for ADHD: a comparison across six European countries,VABB-1,1189,1200,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391338,,Studying agaciro: moving beyond Wilsonian interventionist knowledge production on Rwanda,VABB-1,291,302,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391341,,The effect of lateral wedge insoles in patients with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis: balancing biomechanics with pain neuroscience,VABB-1,1529,1538,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391342,,Common determinants of breech presentation at birth in singletons: a population-based study,VABB-1,106,109,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391343,,Van liefde als echtelijke plicht tot echtscheiding en emancipatie... Een sociologische geschiedenis van het huwelijk,VABB-1,308,318,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391344,,In the name of human rights: the problematics of EU ethical foreign policy in Africa and elsewhere,VABB-1,96,101,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391346,,Attempted suicide in patients with eating disorders,VABB-1,378,387,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391347,,"Wordplay, mindplay: fan fiction and postclassical narratology",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391348,,The corporate response to shareholder activism,VABB-1,229,242,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391349,,Positive obligations in the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights,VABB-1,94,115,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391350,,Nutritional and pubertal status influences accuracy of self-reported weight and height in adolescents: the HELENA Study,VABB-1,189,200,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391351,,Clustering of multiple lifestyle behaviors and health-related fitness in European adolescents,VABB-1,549,557,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391352,,"Association of physical activity, waist circumference and body mass index with subjective health among Belgian adults",VABB-1,205,209,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391353,,High fat diets are associated with higher abdominal adiposity regardless of physical activity in adolescents; the HELENA study,VABB-1,859,866,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391354,,Socioeconomic factors are associated with folate and vitamin B12 intakes and related biomarkers concentrations in European adolescents: the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence study,VABB-1,199,209,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391355,,"The current G20 taxation agenda: compliance, accountability and legitimacy",VABB-1,32,41,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:391356,,"Konstruktionsmorphologie sprachübergreifend: Perspektiven eines Vergleichs von 'Affixoiden' im Deutschen, Niederländischen und Schwedischen",VABB-1,15,29,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:391357,,Barcelona en haar politie,VABB-1,48,59,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391358,,The acute effects of accelerated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on suicide risk in unipolar depression: preliminary results,VABB-1,48,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391359,,Policing Barcelona,VABB-1,452,470,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391360,,Neo-platonism in Ibn Khaldūn's poetics,VABB-1,196,215,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391361,,"Reflecting on a Brazilian approach to restorative juvenile justice: from Belgium, with fascination and respect",VABB-1,367,370,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391362,,Digital lieux de mémoire: connecting history and remembrance through the internet,VABB-1,,,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:391364,,The contribution of religion to restorative justice behind bars,VABB-1,263,303,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:391367,,Does copying idioms promote their recall?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:391375,,Context factors affecting design and operation of food safety management systems in the fresh produce chain,VABB-1,108,127,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391376,,Assessment of food safety management systems in the global fresh produce chain,VABB-1,230,242,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391378,,De Sino-Europese relaties inzake schone energie: partners of rivalen?,VABB-1,7,29,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391379,,Revolution and counter-revolution in Egypt,VABB-1,11,40,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391380,,The blurred vision of Lady Justice for minors with mental disorders: records of the juvenile court in Belgium,VABB-1,198,209,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391381,,"Food insecurity and linear growth of adolescents in Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391382,,The Norton dome and the nineteenth century foundations of determinism,VABB-1,167,185,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391383,,Attitudes to work and workers in classical Greece and Greece and Rome,VABB-1,67,88,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391384,,Vocations as a source of identity: reciprocal relations between Big Five personality traits and RIASEC characteristics,VABB-1,262,281,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391386,,Effects of age and gender in normal-speaking children on the nasality severity index: an objective multiparametric approach to hypernasality,VABB-1,185,192,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391388,,Implementing evidence-supported methods in residential care and special education: a process-model,VABB-1,155,162,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391389,,The eyes of the beholder: aesthetic preferences and the remaking of cultural capital,VABB-1,111,132,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391392,,Eye-tracking analysis in landscape perception research: influence of photograph properties and landscape characteristics,VABB-1,417,432,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391393,,Mitigation and compensation under EU nature conservation law in the Flemish region: beyond the deadlock for development projects?,VABB-1,194,215,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391395,,The consequences of additional cognitive load on performing musicians,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391397,,"Changes in presciption patterns of acid-suppressant medications by Belgian pediatricians: analysis of the national database, [1997-2009]",VABB-1,222,227,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391399,,Meerwaarden na herverkaveling van gebouwde en ongebouwde percelen,VABB-1,246,252,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391401,,Clinical efficacy of attentional bias modification procedures: an updated meta-analysis,VABB-1,1133,1157,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391402,,Adaptive cognitive emotion regulation moderates the relationship between dysfunctional attitudes and depressive symptoms during a stressful life period: a prospective study,VABB-1,291,296,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391403,,When does relational information influence evaluative conditioning?,VABB-1,2105,2122,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391404,,Living Labs as open innovation systems for knowledge exchange: solutions for sustainable innovation development,VABB-1,207,239,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:391407,,Risk factors for childhood overweight: a 30-month longitudinal study of 3- to 6-year-old children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391408,,Nocturnal polyuria in a nursing home and effect on quality of life,VABB-1,1812,1813,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391409,,From informing to interacting? Exploring the European commission's communication strategy 'to be all ears',VABB-1,90,104,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391410,,"Red painted pottery from the Kemmelberg (prov. West-Flanders, Belgium)",VABB-1,123,132,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391411,,Is the effect of perceived deterrence on juvenile offending contingent on the level of self-control? Results from Three Countries,VABB-1,128,150,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391413,,Testing the triple- match principle in the technology sector: a two- wave longitudinal panel study,VABB-1,300,325,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391415,,HIV disclosure in the workplace,VABB-1,191,193,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391416,,Hypervigilance for innocuous tactile stimuli in patients with fibromyalgia: an experimental approach,VABB-1,706,714,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391417,,Social dominance orientation connects prejudicial human–human and human–animal relations,VABB-1,105,108,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391418,,Aspecten van filosofische verklaring,VABB-1,101,122,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391419,,Kuifje in het Rijksmuseum,VABB-1,136,145,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:391422,,Function ascription and explanation: elaborating an explanatory utility desideratum for ascriptions of technical functions,VABB-1,1367,1389,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391423,,Kinematics and dynamics of burst transitions,VABB-1,267,276,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391424,,The capabilities approach and environmental sustainability: The case for functioning constraints,VABB-1,367,389,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391425,,To invest in Harvest: field leases in old Babylonian Susa,VABB-1,155,169,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:391426,,Modern uses and functions of Turkish folk music in Turkey,VABB-1,74,85,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391427,,The relationship of multimorbidity with disability and frailty in the oldest patients: A cross-sectional analysis of three measures of multimorbidity in the BELFRAIL cohort.,VABB-1,39,44,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391428,,Dealing with the consequences of war: resources of formerly recruited and non-recruited youth in Northern Uganda,VABB-1,134,140,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391429,,Measured sedentary time and physical activity during the school day of European 10-to 12-year-old children: The ENERGY project,VABB-1,201,206,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391430,,Evidence of MAOA genotype involvement in spatial ability in males,VABB-1,106,110,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391431,,Use of biobased materials for modified atmosphere packaging of short and medium shelf-life food products,VABB-1,319,329,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391432,,Globalizing local struggles: localizing global struggles: peasant movements from local to global platforms and back,VABB-1,114,129,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391433,,Better sexy than flexy? A lab experiment assessing the impact of perceived attractiveness and personality traits on hiring decisions,VABB-1,597,601,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391435,,"Relationships of organizational social capital with the presence of 'gossip and slander,' 'quarrels and conflicts,' sick leave, and poor work ability in nursing homes",VABB-1,929,936,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391437,,Psychiatrische aandoeningen bij mucoviscidose: een overzicht,VABB-1,1030,1039,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391438,,"Institutional frameworks, venture capital and the financing of European new technology-based firms",VABB-1,199,215,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391439,,The interplay between the anticipation and subsequent online processing of emotional stimuli as measured by pupillary dilatation: the role of cognitive reappraisal,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391440,,Burying and remembering the dead,VABB-1,457,471,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391442,,De fundamenten van Beter Bestuurlijk Beleid en Copernicus: het gebruik van 'evidence' geduid en verklaard,VABB-1,85,95,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391443,,Cost-effectiveness of rivaroxaban versus warfarin for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation in the Belgian healthcare setting,VABB-1,909,918,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391444,,Early vascular ageing in translation: from laboratory investigations to clinical applications in cardiovascular prevention,VABB-1,1517,1526,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391445,,"Making the African City: Dakar, Dar es Salaam, Kinshasa, 1920-1980",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:391446,,Contribution of a muscle fatigue protocol to a dynamic stability screening test for exertional medial tibial pain,VABB-1,1219,1225,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391447,,Talking points,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391448,,"Production viability and farmers' willingness to adopt Jatropha curcas L. as a biofuel source in traditional agroecosystems in Totonacapan, Mexico",VABB-1,42,49,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391449,,Cost-benefit analysis of using biochar to improve cereals agriculture,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391450,,"The discovery of the school of gladiators at Carnuntum, Austria",VABB-1,173,190,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391452,,The right to freedom of expression and information under the European Human Rights system: towards a more transparent democratic society,VABB-5,7,21,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391453,,"Zaak C-77/11, Raad t. Parlement",VABB-1,87,91,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391454,,Information Transfer and Criticality in the Ising Model on the Human Connectome,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391458,,De juridisering van het beroep van vroedvrouw: in stroomversnelling vanaf de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,39,63,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391460,,Two reflections on the appreciation of work in medieval Christianity on the occasion of the publication of Catharina Lis and Hugo Soly,VABB-1,89,104,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391461,,Between 'true believers' and operational experts: UNESCO architects and school building in post-colonial Africa,VABB-1,19,42,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391462,,Posture class prediction of pre-peak height velocity subjects according to gross body segment orientations using linear discriminant analysis,VABB-1,530,535,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391464,,Moedige krijgers of het zwaard van God? Een conceptuele herevaluatie van Paul Wittek's gaza-thesis over de Osmaanse staatsvorming,VABB-1,247,269,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:391465,,Neutralisation and semantic markedness: an inquiry into types of lexical opposition in German,VABB-1,343,382,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391466,,"Understanding relations between science, politics, and the public: the case of a GM field trial controversy in Belgium",VABB-1,21,39,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391467,,Longitudinal associations between adolescent perceived degree and style of parental prohibition and internalization and defiance,VABB-1,229,236,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391468,,Virtual dramaturgy: finding liberty in the virtual machine,VABB-1,54,62,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391469,,Understanding monthly variability in human activity spaces: a twelve-month study using mobile phone call detail records,VABB-1,122,135,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391470,,Depression in Europe: does migrant integration have mental health pay-offs? A cross-national comparison of 20 European countries,VABB-1,49,65,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391471,,Belgian multinationals and public–private partnerships in economic diplomacy,VABB-1,24,50,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391472,,Childhood abuse is related to working memory impairment for positive emotion in female university students,VABB-1,38,48,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391473,,"Monte Carlo simulation based prediction of blended oil composition containing mustard, rapeseed and soybean oil",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391474,,The librarian 2.0: identifying a typology of librarians' social media literacy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391475,,EU risk regulators and EU procedural law,VABB-1,324,337,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391476,,"Sexual quality of life after hormonal and surgical treatment, including phalloplasty, in men with micropenis: a review",VABB-1,2890,2903,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391477,,Recente arresten van het EHRM in verband met artikel 10 EVRM (vrijheid van meningsuiting en informatie): september-december 2013,VABB-1,119,133,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391478,,Electrical neuroimaging reveals content-specific effects of threat in primary visual cortex and fronto-parietal attentional networks,VABB-1,11,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391479,,Uitsluiting en ontslag omwille van politieke overtuiging,VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391481,,Dietary supplements for aquatic sports,VABB-1,437,449,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391482,,Mathematics instruction: do classrooms matter?,VABB-1,17,26,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:391483,,"Validation of a coupled heat, vapour and liquid moisture transport model for porous materials implemented in CFD",VABB-1,340,353,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391485,,Rekruteringsongelijkheden in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,34,43,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391486,,Preservice elementary school teachers' knowledge of fractions: a mirror of students' knowledge?,VABB-1,138,161,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391487,,Valuation of angel-backed companies: the role of investor human capital,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:391488,,Functional brain connectivity from EEG in epilepsy: seizure prediction and epileptogenic focus localization.,VABB-1,19,35,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391489,,Factors underlying farmers' decisions to participate in networks,VABB-1,198,213,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391490,,Characteristics of participants in an HIV prevention intervention for youth in Rwanda: results from a longitudinal study,VABB-1,71,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391491,,The influence of Oxytocin on automatic motor simulation,VABB-1,220,226,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391492,,Transcranial magnetic stimulation dissociates prefrontal and parietal contributions to task preparation,VABB-1,12481,12489,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391493,,Grammaticalization of reciprocal pronouns in Indo-Aryan: evidence from Sanskrit and Indo-European for a diachronic typology of reciprocal constructions,VABB-1,117,156,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391494,,Lying relies on the truth,VABB-1,324,334,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391495,,Supporting decision-making in the building life-cycle using linked building data,VABB-1,549,579,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391496,,Enhancing performance during inclined loaded walking with a powered ankle-foot exoskeleton,VABB-1,2341,2351,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391498,,Conversations about the elections on Twitter: towards a structural understanding of Twitter's relation with the political and the media field,VABB-1,720,734,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391502,,Chasing helminths and their economic impact on farmed ruminants,VABB-1,361,367,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391503,,"'It is poor Buonaiuti's turn to burn': the condemnation of the Rivista di scienza delle religioni according to the correspondence of E. Buonaiuti, F. Cumont and A. Loisy",VABB-1,154,186,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391504,,Reliability in psychiatric diagnosis with the DSM: old wine in new barrels,VABB-1,313,314,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391505,,Zein as a source of functional colloidal nano- and microstructures,VABB-1,450,458,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391506,,Ghost-busting Fashion: Symbolic Boundaries and the Politics of Time in Fashion Journalism,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391507,,Abnormal aortic arch morphology in Turner syndrome patients is a risk factor for hypertension,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391508,,"Human rights protection in ecological conservation in China: progress, problems and prospects",VABB-1,110,116,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391510,,"Youth, friendship, and gaming: a network perspective",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391511,,Divining the level of corruption: A Bayesian state-space approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391512,,Growing medicine: Small-scale cannabis cultivation for medical purposes in six different countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391513,,An exploratory factor analysis of the cognitive functioning of first-year bachelor students with dyslexia,VABB-1,91,119,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391514,,Career development for early career academics: benefits of networking and the role of professional societies,VABB-1,132,134,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391515,,Gaze and body orientation as an apparatus for patient inclusion into/exclusion from a patient-centred framework of communication,VABB-1,399,417,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391520,,It's better than stealing: informal street selling in Brussels,VABB-1,670,693,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391521,,Het Genootschap voor Geschiedenis binnen de maatschappelijke context na 1945 en de rol van historische verenigingen in de eenentwintigste eeuw,VABB-1,295,314,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391522,,De tiende Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM),VABB-1,52,55,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391523,,Hervorming van het secundair onderwijs in kinderrechtenperspectief?,VABB-1,308,312,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391524,,Teacher educators' professional development: towards a typology of teacher educators' researcherly disposition,VABB-1,297,315,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391525,,Het 'Spel van Olivier van Leefdale': toneel en Brabantse geschiedenis in de vijftiende eeuw,VABB-1,23,55,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391526,,"Le syntagme verbal en FLE: complexité, variation, systématicité",VABB-1,23,56,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:391527,,Why innovation is not always good: innovation discourses and political accountability,VABB-1,147,155,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391528,,Under which conditions do technology intermediaries enhance firms' innovation speed? The case of Belgium's collective research centres,VABB-1,1391,1403,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391530,,Damage to white matter pathways in subacute and chronic spatial neglect: a group study and 2 single-case studies with complete Virtual 'In vivo' tractography dissection,VABB-1,691,706,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391531,,Acute en chronische pijn bij kinderen: welke rol hebben de ouders?,VABB-1,1240,1248,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391532,,Between the public and the State: the shipping lobby's use of the public opinion against US immigration restrictions 1882-1917,VABB-1,344,374,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:391533,,SMBOs: buying time or improving,VABB-1,88,102,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391535,,Organizational hybridity in a post corporatist welfare mix: the case of the third sector in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391536,,Networking or not working? A comparison of Arab Spring coverage in Belgian newspapers and TV news,VABB-1,552,562,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391537,,Consumer preferences for micronutrient strategies in China: a comparison between folic acid supplementation and folate biofortification,VABB-1,1410,1420,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391538,,Orthogonal to backward mean transformation for dynamic panel data models,VABB-1,179,221,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391539,,Non-suicidal self-injury in Latin America,VABB-1,153,157,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391540,,Natural born criminals: nature's zugzwang? Het theoretisch paradigma van de biosociale criminologie onder de microscoop,VABB-1,88,105,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391541,,Commercieel draagmoederschap is geen mensonterende behandeling van het kind baby D. door de initiële wensouders,VABB-1,92,104,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391542,,Land and disputes and settlement mechanisms in Nepal's Terai,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391543,,To envision a new particle or change an existing law? Hypothesis formation and anomaly resolution for the curious spectrum of beta decay,VABB-1,27,45,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391544,,Dorsal prefrontal cortical serotonin 2A receptor binding indices are differentially related to individual scores on harm avoidance,VABB-1,162,168,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391546,,Van railway spine tot PTSD,VABB-1,179,200,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391547,,Humanitarian aid as an integral part of the European Union's external action: the challenge of reconciling coherence and independence,VABB-1,158,165,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391549,,European collective redress: status quaestionis,VABB-1,164,198,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391550,,Effects of different steps in gender reassignment therapy on psychopathology: a prospective study of persons with a gender identity disorder,VABB-1,119,126,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391551,,The importance of the default mode network in creativity: a structural MRI study,VABB-1,152,163,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391552,,"Professional care seeking for mental health problems among women and men in Europe: the role of socioeconomic, family-related and mental health status factors in explaining gender differences",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391554,,Worshipping Bhaṭṭārakas,VABB-1,27,30,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391556,,Samuel Ramos y el género ensayístico: el perfil del hombre y la cultura en México (1934) como ensayo camuflado,VABB-1,16,31,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:391557,,Self-generated thoughts and depression: from daydreaming to depressive symptoms,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391558,,Resting electroencephalogram in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: developmental course and diagnostic value,VABB-1,391,397,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391559,,Translating space in narrative fiction: Patrick Chamoiseau's Martinique seen from a Dutch and English perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391560,,Genetic variations in the androgen receptor are associated with steroid concentrations and anthropometrics but not with muscle mass in healthy young men,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391561,,Short trains of intra-epidermal electrical stimulation to elicit reliable behavioral and electrophysiological responses to the selective activation of nociceptors in humans,VABB-1,69,73,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391563,,Modeling the daily electricity price volatility with realized measures,VABB-1,492,502,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391567,,Shifting attention between the space of the body and external space: electrophysiological correlates of visual-nociceptive crossmodal spatial attention,VABB-1,464,477,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391568,,De 'zesde staatshervorming' en de milieubescherming,VABB-1,279,293,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391570,,Nederlandstalig eerbetoon aan Albert Camus,VABB-1,33,48,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391572,,Antisemitisme onder Nederlandse socialisten in het fin de siècle,VABB-1,4,27,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:391574,,Context-specific temporal learning with non-conflict stimuli: proof-of-principle for a learning account of context-specific proportion congruent effects,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391575,,The effect of morphine on regional cerebral blood flow measured by 99mTc-ECD SPECT in dogs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391576,,"Lunch at school, at home or elsewhere: where do adolescents usually get it and what do they eat?: results of the HELENA study",VABB-1,332,339,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391577,,Co-occurrence of multiple mycotoxins in dry chilli (Capsicum annum L.) samples from the markets of Sri Lanka and Belgium,VABB-1,26,34,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391578,,"Richard Minne, 'Inleiding', Cyriel Buysse (1959)",VABB-1,25,30,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391579,,Informatie-uitwisseling vanuit interbestuurlijk perspectief: een analyse vanop de werkvloer,VABB-1,33,50,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391580,,No breakfast at home: association with cardiovascular disease risk factors in childhood,VABB-1,829,834,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391581,,Reference values for leptin and adiponectin in children below the age of 10 based on the IDEFICS cohort,VABB-1,S32,S38,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391582,,Blood lipids among young children in Europe: results from the European IDEFICS study,VABB-1,S67,S75,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391583,,A longitudinal study of gross motor coordination and weight status in children,VABB-1,1505,1511,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391584,,IPSASB's conceptual framework: coherence with accounting systems in European public administrations,VABB-1,456,465,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391585,,Hemodialysis catheter design and catheter performance: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,902,908,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391586,,"Onroerend erfgoed: een nieuw decreet, een nieuwe wind?",VABB-1,520,544,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391587,,Support vector machine regression for project control forecasting,VABB-1,92,106,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391588,,The role of family-related factors in the effects of the UP4FUN school-based family-focused intervention targeting screen time in 10-to 12-year-old children: the ENERGY project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391589,,Bouwen in Vlaanderen: Europese dimensie,VABB-1,818,825,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391590,,Early childhood electronic media use as a predictor of poorer well-being: a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,485,492,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391591,,Changes in physical activity during the transition from primary to secondary school in Belgian children: what is the role of the school environment?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391593,,"W. J. 's Gravesande’s appropriation of Newton’s natural philosophy, part I: epistemological and theological issues",VABB-1,31,55,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391594,,Internal and external spatial attention examined with lateralized EEG power spectra,VABB-1,179,192,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391595,,"Contribution to the use of marble in Central-Lusitania in Roman times: the stone architectural decoration of Ammaia (São Salvador da Aramenha, Portugal)",VABB-1,175,194,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391596,,"'Pour les écoles: tant mieux qu'elles sont là' Patrimoine scolaire, pratiques mémorielles et politiques de sauvegarde en République démocratique du Congo",VABB-1,47,70,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:391599,,A school-based intervention improves physical fitness in Ecuadorian adolescents: a cluster-randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391600,,Concreteness ratings for 40 thousand generally known English word lemmas,VABB-1,904,911,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391601,,The truth comes naturally! Does it?,VABB-1,417,423,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391603,,The new EU economic governance: vertical and horizontal power shifts,VABB-1,77,100,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391604,,Het nieuwe Nederlandse B.V.-recht: overzicht en Belgische aandachtspunten,VABB-1,445,473,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391605,,Screening for autism spectrum disorders: state of the art in Europe,VABB-1,1005,1021,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391607,,Physicochemical quality and chemical safety of chlorine as a reconditioning agent and wash water disinfectant for fresh-cut lettuce washing,VABB-1,2850,2861,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391608,,Influence of xanthan transition on the rheological properties of waxy starches,VABB-1,568,577,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391609,,Cardiorespiratory and muscular responses to simulated upwind sailing exercise in optimist sailors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391610,,Linking research and practice through teacher communities: a place where formal and practical knowledge meet?,VABB-1,183,203,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391611,,Fine-grained Dutch named entity recognition,VABB-1,307,343,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391612,,The unbearable lightness of 'Gender and diversity',VABB-1,41,50,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391613,,The semantics of untrustworthiness,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:391615,,An analytical Raman spectroscopic study of an important english oil painting of the 18th Century,VABB-1,598,602,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391616,,"New source, new debate: reevaluation of the Mamluk-Timurid struggle for religious supremacy in the Hijaz (Paris, BnF ms. ar. 4440)",VABB-1,247,271,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391617,,"A reconstruction of middle Holocene alluvial hardwood forests (Lower Scheldt River, N-Belgium) and their exploitation during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition period (Swifterbant Culture, c. 4500–4000 BC)",VABB-1,9,21,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391620,,"Rodent abundance, stone bund density and its effects on crop damage in the Tigray highlands, Ethiopia",VABB-1,61,67,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391621,,Study of the attentive behavior of novice and expert map users using eye tracking,VABB-1,37,54,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391622,,Hearing protection in industry: companies' policy and workers' perception,VABB-1,512,517,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391624,,The effect of future time perspective manipulation on affect and attentional bias,VABB-1,302,312,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391625,,How can the operating environment for nutrition research be improved in Sub-Saharan Africa?: the views of African researchers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391627,,"Long-term survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica on butterhead lettuce seeds, and their subsequent survival and growth on the seedlings",VABB-1,214,219,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391628,,Chlamydial infections in Chinese livestock,VABB-1,817,831,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391629,,A review of Bayesian belief networks in ecosystem service modelling,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391630,,Psychrotrophic lactic acid bacteria associated with production batch recalls and sporadic cases of early spoilage in Belgium between 2010 and 2014,VABB-1,157,163,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391632,,Geomorphological map of the Durmitor Mountains and surrounding plateau Jezerska Površ (Montenegro),VABB-1,600,611,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:391633,,Thanatological Pluralism and the Epistemic Openness of ‘Death’,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391635,,Gödelizing the Yablo sequence,VABB-1,679,695,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391636,,Governing the post mortem procurement of human body material for research,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391637,,Mandatory consultation for palliative sedation?: reflections on Koper et al.,VABB-1,9,10,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391639,,Towards a coherent theory of animal equality,VABB-1,31,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391640,,Post-error slowing in sequential action: an aging study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391641,,Viral genes everywhere: public health implications of PCR-based testing of foods,VABB-1,69,73,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391645,,Instrumental assessment of velopharyngeal function and resonance: A review,VABB-1,170,183,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391646,,Differences between endogenous and exogenous emotion inhibition in the human brain,VABB-1,1129,1138,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391648,,Putting domestic gardens on the agenda using empirical spatial data: the case of Flanders,VABB-1,132,143,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391649,,Utilization of reward-prospect enhances preparatory attention and reduces stimulus conflict,VABB-1,561,577,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391654,,"Can Kant's idea of sensus communis (§40, critique of judgment) be relevantly used in the anticipatory dynamics of living systems?",VABB-1,59,68,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391655,,"Subcortical, modality-specific pathways contribute to multisensory processing in humans",VABB-1,2169,2177,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391656,,An allegory of artistic choice in times of trouble. Pieter Bruegel's Tower of Babel,VABB-1,151,177,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391657,,On the limitations of using situational judgment tests to measure interpersonal skills: the moderating influence of employee anger,VABB-1,847,885,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391658,,Influence of molecular exchange on the enclosed water volume fraction of W/O/W double emulsions as determined by low-resolution NMR diffusometry and T₂-relaxometry,VABB-1,129,138,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391665,,Gegen den Strich: das Subversive in der deutschsprachigen Literatur nach 1945,VABB-3,,,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:391666,,Food safety management systems performance in African food processing companies: a review of deficiencies and possible improvement strategies,VABB-1,2154,2169,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391667,,"Reconsidering the role of Thorikos within the Laurion silver mining area (Attica, Greece) through hydrological analyses",VABB-1,272,284,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391668,,Directed information transfer in scalp electroencephalographic recordings: insights on disorders of consciousness,VABB-1,33,39,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391669,,Training working memory to reduce rumination,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391670,,CLA-rich soy oil margarine production and characterization,VABB-1,309,316,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391671,,"Émotions, subjectivité et morphosyntaxe: l'impact de la clôture actancielle sur les verbes pronominaux à attribut de l'objet",VABB-1,47,65,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:391672,,La flexibilité de l'opposition massif/comptable en français et en néerlandais: une étude contrastive,VABB-1,139,170,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:391673,,The beta-alanine dose for maintaining moderately elevated muscle carnosine levels,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391674,,A general and maladaptive personality perspective on youth obsessive–compulsive symptoms,VABB-1,495,502,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391676,,Correlation between individual differences in striatal dopamine and in visual consciousness,VABB-1,R265,R266,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391677,,Impulsivity as a vulnerability factor for poor addiction treatment outcomes: a review of neurocognitive findings among individuals with substance use disorders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391678,,Biomechanical and physiological demands of kitesurfing and epidemiology of injury among kitesurfers,VABB-1,55,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391679,,The role of proximal dynamic joint stability in the development of exertional medial tibial pain: a prospective study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391680,,Voluntarism in early psychology: the case of Hermann von Helmholtz,VABB-1,105,128,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:391681,,"In search of the Laodike temple at Laodikeia in Media / Nahavand, Iran",VABB-1,301,330,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391682,,Impact of slope aspect on hydrological rainfall and on the magnitude of rill erosion in Belgium and northern France,VABB-1,129,139,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391683,,Alignment processes in public organizations: an interpretive approach,VABB-1,195,206,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391685,,"Incidence, diversity and characteristics of spores of psychrotolerant spore formers in various REPFEDS produced in Belgium",VABB-1,288,295,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391686,,Public stigma and self-stigma: differential association with attitudes toward formal and informal help seeking,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391689,,Het archief van de Belgische Filmkeuringscommissie,VABB-1,83,97,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391690,,Speech characteristics one year after first Belgian facial transplantation,VABB-1,2021,2027,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391691,,Mapping the Chemical Variability of Vegetable Lecithins,VABB-1,1093,1101,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391692,,Europese bekeerlingen tot de Islam: risico op radicalisering?,VABB-1,69,75,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:391693,,The P3 event-related potential is a biomarker for the efficacy of vagus nerve stimulation in patients with epilepsy,VABB-1,612,622,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391694,,Rediscovering Juliaan Lampens,VABB-1,74,79,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:391695,,West Flemish verb-based discourse markers and the articulation of the Speech Act layer,VABB-1,116,139,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391696,,FDI spillovers and time since foreign entry,VABB-1,108,126,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391697,,"Predicting teachers' generative and receptive use of an educational portal by intention, attitude and self-reported use",VABB-1,315,322,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391698,,One left dorsolateral prefrontal cortical HF-rTMS attenuates HPA-system sensitivity to critical feedback in healthy females,VABB-1,112,121,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391701,,"Exploring the relations between regret, self-agency, and the tendency to repair using experimental methods and structural equation modeling",VABB-1,841,857,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391703,,"'There are no men here, so why should I be a woman?' Franse en Angelsaksische verpleegsters in hun omgang met gewonde soldaten en lichamelijkheid tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog",VABB-1,27,45,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391704,,Jean Vigo's Zéro de conduite and the spaces of revolt,VABB-1,,,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:391705,,The influence of working memory on visual search for emotional facial expressions,VABB-1,1874,1890,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391706,,An update on surgical and non-surgical treatments for vaginal hypoplasia,VABB-1,775,801,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391707,,Development and validation of an instrument for measuring individual motives for playing digital games,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:391709,,Strategic flexibility in computational estimation for Chinese- and Canadian-educated adults,VABB-1,1481,1497,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391710,,Development and validation of a gas chromatography-flame ionisation detector method for determination of epoxy fatty acids in food matrices,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391711,,A proposed framework for backtesting loss given default models,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391712,,From academia to industry: are doctorate holders ready?,VABB-1,538,561,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391713,,The aspirations of Afghan unaccompanied refugee minors before departure and at arrival in the host country,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391714,,Putting our heads together: towards a syntax of particles,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391715,,Armoede en sociale uitsluiting in cijfers,VABB-1,387,394,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391717,,Measurement invariance of the Wong and law emotional intelligence scale scores: does the measurement structure hold across Far Eastern and European countries?,VABB-1,223,237,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391718,,Chronology of wetland hydrological dynamics and the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition along the Lower Scheldt: a Bayesian approach,VABB-1,883,898,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391719,,Niederländische Übersetzungen deutscher NN- und VN-Komposita: Konvergenzen und Divergenzen in einem literarischen Parallelkorpus,VABB-1,65,78,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:391720,,"Regulation of incivilities in the UK, Italy and Belgium: courts as potential safeguards against legislative vagueness and excessive use of penalising powers?",VABB-1,340,365,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391721,,The voice of troubled youth: children's and adolescents' ideas on helpful elements of care,VABB-1,1297,1304,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391722,,The diagrammatic dimension of William Gilbert's De magnete,VABB-1,18,25,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391723,,Public spending for illegal drug and alcohol treatment in hospitals: an EU cross-country comparison,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391728,,The construction of the European institute of innovation and technology: policy ideas and European realities,VABB-1,357,374,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391732,,Sychronizing a late glacial abrupt cooling event with paleoenvironmental and population changes: case study of the Moervaart paleolake area (NW Belgium),VABB-1,899,912,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391733,,Effects of mindfulness and distraction on pain depend on individual differences in pain catastrophizing: an experimental study,VABB-1,1307,1315,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391734,,Differences in perceived competence and physical activity levels during single-gender modified basketball game play in middle school physical education,VABB-1,20,35,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391736,,Gesture as a communicative tool in vocal pedagogy,VABB-1,233,250,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391737,,"Measurement invariance, response styles and rural-urban measurement comparability",VABB-1,1011,1027,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391739,,Historical epidemiology of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in selected countries,VABB-1,5,33,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391740,,French adverbial clauses: rescue by ellipsis and the truncation vs. intervention debate,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391741,,Factors affecting strategic change in higher education,VABB-1,193,207,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391742,,How does the European system of human rights protect detainees in bad health condition,VABB-1,157,171,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:391743,,The influence of COMT Val158Met genotype on the character dimension cooperativeness in healthy females,VABB-1,515,520,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391745,,Accelerated HF-rTMS in treatment-resistant unipolar depression: insights from subgenual anterior cingulate functional connectivity,VABB-1,286,297,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391746,,The trend over time of the gender wage gap in Italy,VABB-1,1081,1110,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391748,,Why 'gender' disappeared from the gender gap: (re-)introducing gender identity theory to educational gender gap research,VABB-1,357,381,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391749,,Perfect match or missing link? An analysis of the representativeness of trade union representatives in Belgium,VABB-1,424,442,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391753,,Diachronic semantics of the modal verb -sóból- in Luganda: a corpus-driven approach,VABB-1,60,93,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391754,,On the origin of the royal Kongo title ngangula,VABB-1,53,83,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391755,,"Optimisation of inulin and polydextrose mixtures as sucrose replacers during sugar-free chocolate manufacture: rheological, microstructure and physical quality characteristics",VABB-1,35,42,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391756,,De onderwijstrajecten van niet-begeleide buitenlandse minderjarigen: implicaties voor beleid en praktijk,VABB-1,147,161,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391758,,Enhanced response to music in pregnancy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391759,,International police reform and project management: empirical observations on EULEX Kosovo,VABB-1,299,319,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391760,,Can legal pluralism advance human rights? How development actors can contribute,VABB-1,783,797,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391762,,Oral strength in subjects with a unilateral cleft lip and palate,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391764,,The contribution of dynamic capabilities to new venture survival in nascent markets: the boundary role of stability,VABB-1,406,427,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:391765,,Adaptive logics: a parametric approach,VABB-1,905,932,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391766,,An experimental investigation of metaheuristics for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem on new dataset instances,VABB-1,62,72,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391767,,The adventures of the French architect Michel Ecochard in post-independence Dakar: a transnational development expert drifting between commitment and expediency,VABB-1,849,871,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391768,,"Circles, cycles and ancestral connotations: the long-term history and perception of late prehistoric barrows and urnfields in Flanders (Belgium)",VABB-1,299,326,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391770,,Quantifying the interoperability of open government datasets,VABB-1,50,56,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391771,,Integrating oddity traits in a dimensional model for personality pathology precursors,VABB-1,598,612,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391772,,Recht op onderwijs voor minderjarige vluchtelingen: wat als de toekomst niet in België ligt?,VABB-1,237,254,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391773,,Gender stereotypes of personality: universal and accurate?,VABB-1,675,694,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391775,,Sanctions under the EU generalised system of preferences and foreign policy: coherence by accident?,VABB-1,63,76,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391779,,How big is the positive effect of assonance on the near-term recall of L2 collocations?,VABB-1,19,45,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391783,,The relationship between parental catastrophizing about child pain and distress in response to medical procedures in the context of childhood cancer treatment: a longitudinal analysis,VABB-1,677,686,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391784,,Do families in poverty need child and family social work?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391786,,Dynamics of attentional bias to threat in anxious adults: bias towards and/or away?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391787,,The inverse relation between psychopathy and faking good: not response bias but true variance in psychopathic personality,VABB-1,705,713,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391788,,Untangling the Non-Recyclable Citizen: a critical reconceptualization of responsibility in recovery,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391790,,Breastfeeding or bottled milk? Poverty and feeding choices in the native and immigrant population in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391792,,Security and skills: the two key issues in health worker migration,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391793,,Understanding the continuation of firm activities when entrepreneurs exit their firms: using theory of planned behavior,VABB-1,400,415,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391794,,Behind the scenes: how visual memory load biases selective attention during processing of visual streams,VABB-1,1133,1146,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391795,,How safe do teenagers behave on Facebook? An observational study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391796,,The pelvifemoral rhythm in cam-type femoroacetabular impingement,VABB-1,63,67,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391797,,The 'sense boost' to dative priming: evidence for sense-specific verb-structure links,VABB-1,113,126,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391799,,Some preliminary notes on an empirical test of Freud’s theory on depression,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391801,,"Liability of classification societies: cases, challenges and future perspectives",VABB-1,181,232,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391802,,A semi-probabilistic modelling approach for the estimation of dietary exposure to phthalates in the Belgian adult population,VABB-1,117,127,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391803,,Enzyme-assisted extraction enhancing the phenolic release from cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) outer leaves,VABB-1,7468,7476,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391805,,Wilsautonomie en dwingend recht in het Europees contractenrecht: hoe dwingend is dwingend recht wanneer partijen kiezen?,VABB-1,199,209,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391806,,Back to basics: penitentiair bewakingsassistenten over de implementatie van de Basiswet interne rechtspositie gedetineerden,VABB-1,15,24,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391807,,The actor-partner interdependence model for categorical dyadic data: a user-friendly guide to GEE,VABB-1,225,241,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391808,,Using semantic web technologies to access soft AEC data,VABB-1,370,380,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391809,,Inference and metarepresentation: Ancient Greek ἦ που as a constraint on higher-level explicatures,VABB-1,109,128,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391810,,Setting tolerance limits for statistical project control using earned value management,VABB-1,107,122,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391811,,Noot bij het arrest Giersch e.a./Groothertogdom Luxemburg (C-20/12),VABB-1,573,576,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:391812,,Relationship between running speed and initial foot contact patterns,VABB-1,1595,1603,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391813,,Flood analysis of the Limpopo River basin through past evolution reconstruction and a geomorphological approach,VABB-1,2027,2039,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391815,,Neurocognitive functioning after carotid revascularization: a systematic review,VABB-1,132,148,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391816,,Polysaccharide-based oleogels prepared with an emulsion-templated approach,VABB-1,3435,3439,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391817,,Impact of the digitalisation of mammography on performance parameters and breast dose in the Flemish Breast Cancer Screening Programme,VABB-1,1808,1819,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391818,,Private equity firm experience and buyout vendor source: what is their impact on efficiency?,VABB-1,601,611,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391819,,Deconstructing the subject condition in terms of cumulative constraint violation,VABB-1,73,150,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391820,,General practitioners’ experiences and perceptions of benzodiazepine prescribing: systematic review and meta-synthesis.,VABB-1,191,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391821,,Brussels hof van beroep met parodie naar HJEU: noot onder Brussel 8 april 2013 en Gent 13 mei 2013,VABB-1,356,359,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:391822,,Technology transfer offices as boundary spanners in the prespin-off process: the case of a hybrid model,VABB-1,289,307,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391824,,Influence of the Lithuanian presidency of the EU council on EU relations with countries of the Eastern partnership,VABB-1,37,66,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391826,,"Neutrality, party politics and community mediation in the Central and West Terai, Nepal",VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391827,,The continuity between DSM-5 obsessive-compulsive personality disorder traits and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in adolescence: an item response theory study,VABB-1,1271,1277,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391828,,"ESC Guidelines on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases developed in collaboration with the EASD: summary",VABB-1,133,173,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391830,,Linguistic diversity and education Dynamic interactions between language education policies and teachers' beliefs: a qualitative study in secondary schools in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,9,27,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391831,,Tussen feit en fictie: interview met Sophie De Schaepdrijver,VABB-1,35,41,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391833,,Niveaux d'atteinte des valeurs thérapeutiques pour des facteurs majeurs modifiables du risque cardiovasculaire en Belgique,VABB-1,200,209,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:391834,,Kroniek boekhoudrecht (mei 2013 - april 2014),VABB-1,687,721,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391836,,First total reflection X-ray fluorescence round-robin test of water samples: preliminary results,VABB-1,6,14,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391840,,Research review: the role of diet in the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder - an appraisal of the evidence on efficacy and recommendations on the design of future studies,VABB-1,416,427,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391842,,Causal role of spatial attention in arithmetic problem solving: evidence from left unilateral neglect,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391843,,Evidence for graded central processing resources in a sequential movement task,VABB-1,70,83,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391845,,Distinct regions of anterior cingulate cortex signal prediction and outcome,VABB-1,80,89,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391846,,Effect of hydrolysed sunflower lecithin on the heat-induced coagulation of recombined concentrated milk emulsions,VABB-1,187,194,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391849,,Waarom de vrije wiloplossing van Stef Decoene geen redding brengt,VABB-1,344,348,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391850,,Hoe immoreel wordt een samenleving zonder vrije wil of schuld?,VABB-1,522,526,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:391856,,Belasting van verduisterde sommen als beroepsinkomen: de ene diefstal is de andere niet,VABB-1,717,725,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391857,,Relative validity of the Children's Eating Habits Questionnaire-food frequency section among young European children: the IDEFICS Study,VABB-1,266,276,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391858,,Mapping low intake of micronutrients across Europe,VABB-1,755,773,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391859,,Nutrient intake of European adolescents: results of the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) Study,VABB-1,486,497,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391860,,Dietary patterns and longitudinal change in body mass in European children: a follow-up study on the IDEFICS multicenter cohort,VABB-1,1042,1049,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391861,,Influence of parental socio-economic status on diet quality of European adolescents: results from the HELENA study,VABB-1,1303,1312,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391862,,European children's sugar intake on weekdays versus weekends: the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,822,828,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391863,,Unsilencing victims: the role of cross-cultural psychosocial interventions in reparation processes for victims of human rights violations the inter-American system experience,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:391875,,In memoriam Naïdé Ferchiou (1945 – 2013),VABB-1,7,20,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:391876,,Een analyse van de invloed van de theosofie op het essayistisch werk en symbolistisch theater van Maurice Maeterlinck,VABB-1,122,147,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391877,,Rectal toxicity after intensity modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer: which rectal dose volume constraints should we use?,VABB-1,398,403,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391878,,Human rights integration: theorizing the multi-layerd nature of human rights law 2,VABB-1,447,495,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391882,,Taking a shine to it: how the preference for glossy stems from an innate need for water,VABB-1,195,206,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391883,,Les pluriels 'lexicaux': typologie quantifiée des déficits de dénombrabilité,VABB-1,117,132,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:391884,,An extended Huff-model for robustly benchmarking and predicting retail network performance,VABB-1,80,89,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391885,,Semantic weak signal tracing,VABB-1,5009,5016,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391886,,Employee contributions to brand equity,VABB-1,95,112,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391887,,Rewriting chronicles in an urban environment: the middle Dutch 'Excellent chronicle of Flanders' tradition,VABB-1,85,116,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391889,,Self-medication in persistent rhinitis: overuse of decongestants in half of the patients,VABB-1,313,319,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391890,,Passive smoking and smoking cessation among patients with coronary heart disease across Europe: results from the EUROASPIRE III survey,VABB-1,590,598,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391891,,Seasonality of cardiovascular risk factors: an analysis including over 230 000 participants in 15 countries,VABB-1,1517,1523,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391892,,Cardiovascular risk factors: Belgian target achievement,VABB-1,473,481,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391894,,COMT Val(158)Met genotypes differentially influence subgenual cingulate functional connectivity in healthy females,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391895,,Gazing at the landscape from within: the atlas as a genre,VABB-1,52,63,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391897,,Gamete derivation from stem cells: revisiting the concept of genetic parenthood,VABB-1,744,747,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391898,,Variable satellite placement in spoken Dutch: a corpus study of the role of the proximity principle,VABB-1,548,569,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391899,,Un regard belge sur le débat sur la criminologie en France,VABB-1,291,297,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:391900,,Reward determines the context-sensitivity of cognitive control,VABB-1,1769,1778,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391901,,The space-time budget method in criminological research,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391902,,De wereld achter de woorden: Van Oostrom gelezen door een sociaal-historicus,VABB-1,139,142,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:391904,,"Dietary contribution of wild edible plants to women's diets in the buffer zone around the Lama forest, Benin: an underutilized potential",VABB-1,833,849,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391905,,Why do farmers join Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes?: an assessment of PES water scheme participation in Brazil,VABB-1,166,176,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391908,,De architect als ambtenaar: Philippe Van Boxmeer (1863-1955) aan het hoofd van de Mechelse bouwadministratie (1893-1913),VABB-1,145,162,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391909,,"De waardeketen van werkrelaties, prestaties en welzijn op het werk: een concreet fasemodel",VABB-1,1,20,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391913,,De auteursrechtelijke beschermingsvoorwaarden voor modellen en het auteurschap inzake modellen vervaardigd in opdracht die niet aan de modelrechtelijke beschermingsvoorwaarden voldoen,VABB-1,235,240,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391914,,Observing another in pain facilitates vicarious experiences and modulates somatosensory experiences,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391916,,Social capital and adolescent smoking in schools and communities: a cross-classified multilevel analysis,VABB-1,81,87,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391917,,Synergy and redundancy in the Granger causal analysis of dynamical networks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391921,,Dealing with risk in child and family social work: from an anxious to a reflexive professional?,VABB-1,758,770,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391923,,Washing and dyeing Buddhist monastic robes,VABB-1,467,488,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391924,,Punitieve handhaving in de bestuursrechtspraak: recente rechtspraak van het Milieuhandhavingscollege,VABB-1,116,140,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:391925,,Controlling the emotional heart: heart rate biofeedback improves cardiac control during emotional reactions,VABB-1,225,231,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391927,,Does low serum carnosinase activity favour high-intensity exercise capacity?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391928,,De verjaringsstuitende buitengerechtelijke ingebrekestelling,VABB-1,803,814,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391929,,Experimentation in technological wisdom: can the political be kept off the practice ground?,VABB-1,581,608,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391931,,My Servant Nebuchadnezzar,VABB-1,109,134,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:391932,,Rehabilitation of scapular dyskinesis: from the office worker to the elite overhead athlete,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391933,,The creative brain: corepresenting schema violations enhances TPJ activity and boosts cognitive flexibility,VABB-1,144,150,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391935,,"Formation, representation, and activation of contextualized attitudes",VABB-1,188,203,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391936,,"La Mettrie en anglais, une traduction travestie",VABB-1,283,302,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:391937,,Semi-direct lysis of swabs and evaluation of their efficiencies to recover human noroviruses GI and GII from surfaces,VABB-1,132,139,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391938,,A resilience framework for promoting stable remission from depression,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:391939,,Facial exercises for facial rejuvenation: a control group study,VABB-1,117,122,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391942,,New rules for SME lending in Belgium,VABB-1,365,369,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391943,,The gender wage gap by education in Italy,VABB-1,117,147,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391946,,Factors associated with vitamin D deficiency in European adolescents: the HELENA study,VABB-1,161,171,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391949,,Dissociating strategy-dependent and independent components in task preparation,VABB-1,331,340,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391950,,The present and future disease burden of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection with today's treatment paradigm,VABB-1,34,59,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391952,,"BDNF plasma levels after antidepressant treatment with sertraline and transcranial direct current stimulation: results from a factorial, randomized, sham-controlled trial",VABB-1,1144,1151,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391953,,Keeping it in the family: the self-rated health of lone mothers in different European welfare regimes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391954,,A post-reformational contradiction? The survival of the chapter of St. Pharahild in Ghent at the turn of the 16th century,VABB-1,1,28,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391955,,Cyborgs from fiction to reality: marginalized other or privileged first?,VABB-1,49,53,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:391956,,Merging event logs for process mining: a rule based merging method and rule suggestion algorithm,VABB-1,7291,7306,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391957,,Combined alkaline hydrolysis and ultrasound-assisted extraction for the release of nonextractable phenolics from cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) waste,VABB-1,3371,3376,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391958,,Quality of resuscitation by first responders using the 'public access resuscitator': a randomized manikin study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391959,,La construction à datif épistémique: une structure modale ou évidentielle,VABB-1,99,112,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:391961,,Keer op keer vermorzeld! Een industrieel arbeidsongeval uit 1894 rechtshistorisch doorgelicht,VABB-1,65,75,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391964,,Mandatory neurotechnological treatment: ethical issues,VABB-1,59,72,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391965,,Comparison of emulsifying properties of milk fat globule membrane materials isolated from different dairy by-products,VABB-1,4799,4810,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391966,,Influence of a commercial monoacylglycerol on the crystallization mechanism of palm oil as compared to its pure constituents,VABB-1,694,700,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391967,,"Edible applications of shellac oleogels: spreads, chocolate paste and cakes",VABB-1,645,652,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391968,,The power of presence: the role of mindfulness at work for daily levels and change trajectories of psychological detachment and sleep quality,VABB-1,1113,1128,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391970,,Language development of children born following intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) combined with assisted oocyte activation (AOA),VABB-1,702,709,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391972,,De rol van welbevinden bij de impact van seksuele identificatie op falen in het secundair onderwijs in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,68,76,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391973,,Les archives d’Ypres et le projet 1713-2013,VABB-1,237,248,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:391977,,Face veil bans in the European Court of Human Rights: the importance of empirical findings,VABB-1,517,551,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391980,,Analyzing the nursing organizational structure and process from a scheduling perspective,VABB-1,177,196,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:391981,,The psychometric qualities of a short version of the experiences in close relationships scale: revised child version,VABB-1,118,123,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391982,,Performance based on sEMG activity is related to psychosocial components: differences between back and abdominal endurance tests,VABB-1,636,644,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391987,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens: 1 februari 2014 tot 30 april 2014,VABB-1,348,356,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391988,,De ondraaglijke lichtheid van milieueffectrapportage: einmal ist keinmal?,VABB-1,20,41,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391989,,Ongoing activities and Natura 2000: biodiversity protection vs legitimate expectations?,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391990,,Competition and religion in antiquity,VABB-3,,,307 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391991,,The views of key leaders in South Africa on implementation of family medicine: critical role inthe district health system,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:391994,,Protestantisme: aspecten van de Reformatie tussen Humanisme en Verlichting,VABB-3,,,206 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:391998,,Interpreting China as a regional and global power: nationalism and historical consciousness in world politics,VABB-3,,,"x, 349 p.",eng,2014,2 c:vabb:391999,,"Logic, reasoning and rationality",VABB-3,,,283 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392002,,Flaws and contradictions in the mutual trust and recognition discourse: casting a shadow on the legitimacy of EU criminal policy making & judicial cooperation in criminal matters?,VABB-4,153,175,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392003,,Word of mouth as a recruitment source: an integrative model,VABB-4,251,268,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392004,,Learning about pain through observation: the role of pain-related fear,VABB-1,257,265,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392005,,Testicular tissue cryopreservation: combining access with safeguards,VABB-1,46,48,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392006,,Variation in Campylobacter distribution on different sites of broiler carcasses,VABB-1,279,282,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392008,,Influence of monopalmitin on the isothermal crystallization mechanism of palm oil,VABB-1,344,353,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392009,,When and Why attribute sorting affects attribute weights in decision-making,VABB-1,1530,1536,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392010,,Application of lean practices in small and medium sized food enterprises,VABB-1,125,141,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392011,,El filosofo mexicano Samuel Ramos: entre el positivismo europeo y la busca de autenticidad,VABB-1,25,34,,spa,2014,1 c:vabb:392012,,Preparation and rheological characterization of shellac oleogels and oleogel-based emulsions,VABB-1,114,121,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392013,,Shellac as a natural material to structure a liquid oil-based thermo reversible soft matter system,VABB-1,5324,5327,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392014,,Managing engagement behaviors in a network of customers and stakeholders: evidence from the nursing home sector,VABB-1,68,84,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392015,,Discriminant validity where there should be none: positioning same-scale items in separated blocks of a questionnaire,VABB-1,450,463,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392016,,Assessing EU council presidencies: conditions for success and influence,VABB-1,233,247,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392017,,Overlapping neural systems represent cognitive effort and reward anticipation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392018,,Epistemics and frontotemporal dementia,VABB-1,69,95,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392019,,The first time ever I saw your feet: inversion effect in newborns' sensitivity to biological motion,VABB-1,986,993,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392021,,"Monitoring land use/land cover change using multi-temporal Landsat satellite images in an arid environment: a case study of El-Arish, Egypt",VABB-1,1671,1681,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392023,,"Singularnost in realno, ki ga ne moremo zapisati: Frege pri poznem Lacanu",VABB-1,131,147,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:392025,,"Zijn Katholieken betere dienst- boden? Dienstpersoneel in Katholieke en interculturele huis- houdens in Firenze, 1841",VABB-1,1,12,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392026,,Centrale sensitisatie en veranderde centrale pijnverwerking bij patiënten met lagerugpijn,VABB-1,29,35,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392027,,Littekens in het non-representatieve geheugen: een analyse van een traumaverwerking in Rainer Werner Fassbinders Warnung vor einer heiligen Nutte,VABB-1,22,46,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392030,,A review of fMRI simulation studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392031,,Discounting of reward sequences: a test of competing formal models of hyperbolic discounting,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392032,,Triacylglycerol crystal growth: templating effects of partial glycerols studied with synchrotron radiation microbeam X-ray diffraction,VABB-1,5219,5226,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392033,,Networking and innovation within the ornamental plant sector,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392034,,Cost effectiveness of apixaban versus aspirin for stroke prevention in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation in Belgium,VABB-1,709,721,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392035,,C-reactive protein levels in patients at cardiovascular risk: EURIKA study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392036,,Policing in Europese metropolen,VABB-1,2,6,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392037,,Activation of the ergoreceptors in cardiac patients with and without heart failure,VABB-1,747,754,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392038,,"On cross-sectional associations of leukocyte telomere length with cardiac systolic, diastolic and vascular function: the Asklepios study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392039,,Enriching the hierarchical model of achievement motivation: examining autonomous and controlling reasons underlying achievement goals,VABB-1,650,666,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392041,,Bijzondere methoden van suïcide: casuïstiek en literatuur,VABB-1,123,132,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392043,,Gender differences in psychiatric disorders and clusters ofself-esteem among detained adolescents,VABB-1,991,997,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392044,,The European commission's implementation of budget support and the Governance Incentive Tranche in Ethiopia: democracy promoter or developmental donor?,VABB-1,411,427,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392045,,Michiel Coxcie and the story of Samson tapestry series,VABB-1,371,386,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:392047,,Segregating cognitive functions within hippocampal formation: a quantitative meta-analysis on spatial navigation and episodic memory,VABB-1,1129,1142,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392050,,Praise youth and it will prosper: PMI Belgium's recognition of young PM potential,VABB-1,112,117,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392053,,Best practices for deploying digital games for personal empowerment and social inclusion,VABB-5,53,61,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392058,,Use-and QoE-related aspects of personal cloud applications: an exploratory survey,VABB-5,36,37,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392092,,Identifying Disputed Topics in the News,VABB-5,37,48,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392095,,How to design users' friendly multilingual maps?: Cyrillic and Latin labels,VABB-5,211,219,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392102,,Hemispheric lateralization of topological organization in structural brain networks,VABB-1,4944,4957,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392105,,Emprunt et bricolage: les traces mémorielles de la Shoah dans Drancy Avenir et Jan Karski,VABB-1,143,157,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:392106,,Van integrale jeugdhulp 1.0 naar 2.0: een kritische reflectie,VABB-1,73,79,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392107,,Cycling around a curve: the effect of cycling speed on steering and gaze behavior,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392109,,"Peacemaking and state-society interactions in conflict-torn Mindanao, Philippines",VABB-1,1,35,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392110,,Lexicographie et enseignement de langues liées à l'immigration: note sur le contexte sociolinguistique de l'élaboration du dictionnaire finnois–lingala–français,VABB-1,476,499,,fre,2013,1 c:vabb:392111,,"Mechanistic and non-mechanistic varieties of dynamical models in cognitive science: explanatory power, understanding, and the 'mere description' worry",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392113,,Risk factors affecting the profitability of the Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck 1819) farming in Greece,VABB-1,695,708,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392115,,Zin en noodzaak van lokaal historische genootschappen: Laudatio 175 jaar Genootschap voor Geschiedenis te Brugge,VABB-1,257,267,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392116,,Icarusarbeid: een lectuur van Peter Verhelsts dichtbundel 'Verhemelte' (1996),VABB-1,43,57,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392117,,"Explaining violent extremism for subgroups by gender and immigrant background, using SAT as a framework",VABB-1,27,47,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392118,,Upward mobility and questions of belonging in migrant families,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392122,,Running economy in elite soccer and basketball players: differences among positions on the field,VABB-1,775,787,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392123,,New research programmes in physical education and sport pedagogy,VABB-1,899,911,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392124,,Serial position markers in space: visuospatial priming of serial order working memory retrieval,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392126,,"Seksualisering, cultuur en agency",VABB-1,87,121,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:392127,,"Exploring associations between parental and peer variables, personal variables and physical activity among adolescents: a mediation analysis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392128,,"Designing and implementing a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to prevent obesity in early childhood: the ToyBox-study",VABB-1,5,13,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392129,,Differences in beliefs and home environments regarding energy balance behaviors according to parental education and ethnicity among schoolchildren in Europe: the ENERGY cross sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392135,,"The blurred lines of legality: customs and contraband in the Congolese M'Bomu region, 1889-1908",VABB-1,112,141,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392136,,Memorial site: Diksmuide,VABB-1,178,183,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392137,,Herinnering in naoorlogs Peru en Guatemala: inzichten uit het veld,VABB-1,5,21,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:392138,,The grammatical structure of Sowetan tsotsitaal,VABB-1,161,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392141,,Successieplanning: 'Opa zorgt voor mij',VABB-1,603,606,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:392142,,Educational innovations and pedagogical beliefs: the case of a professional development program for Indonesian teachers,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392143,,A dynamic Thurstonian item response theory of motive expression in the picture story exercise: solving the internal consistency paradox of the PSE,VABB-1,481,500,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392144,,Application of long-range and binding reverse transcription-quantitative PCR to indicate the viral integrities of noroviruses,VABB-1,6473,6479,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392145,,Microbiological sampling plan based on risk classification to verify supplier selection and production of served meals in food service operation,VABB-1,60,75,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392146,,Congruency sequence effects without feature integration or contingency learning confounds,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392147,,Lextale-Esp: a test to rapidly and efficiently assess the Spanish vocabulary size,VABB-1,49,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392149,,Transcending the gender dichotomy in educational gender gap research: the association between gender identity and academic self-efficacy,VABB-1,369,378,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392150,,"Young people at play: behaviors, motives and social structure",VABB-1,263,271,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392152,,Criminologie en opsporing,VABB-1,5,9,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392155,,'Experimenteren wordt sowieso gedaan' ; Jongeren uit de residentiële bijzondere jeugdbijstand over preventie en hulp bij alcohol-en druggebruik,VABB-1,22,40,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392156,,Are context-specific measures of parental-reported physical activity and sedentary behaviour associated with accelerometer data in 2–9-year-old European children?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392157,,With a little help from my friends: an analysis of the role of social support in digital inequalities,VABB-1,1508,1527,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:392158,,Het kwaad: enkele inleidende gedachten,VABB-1,5,19,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392159,,A corpus-based analysis of the Swedish passive alternation,VABB-1,199,223,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392163,,Doctrina juridica: que metodos() para que tipo de disciplina,VABB-1,129,148,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:392164,,A Belgian perspective on Cour de Cassation 23 October 2012,VABB-1,961,970,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392165,,"Het initiatiefrecht van de inwoners van de ondergeschikte besturen kan weer in alle zaken, maar de uitoefening ervan is in Vlaanderen moeilijker geworden",VABB-1,170,180,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:392166,,Primary school pupils' ICT competences: Extensive model and scale development,VABB-1,326,344,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392167,,"La Grande Guerre des historiens belges, 1914-2014",VABB-1,170,196,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:392168,,"Archaeological charcoals as archives for firewood preferences and vegetation composition during the late Holocene in the southern Mayumbe, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)",VABB-1,591,606,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392170,,Is ethnic discrimination due to distaste or statistics?,VABB-1,270,273,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392171,,Health system challenges in organizing quality diabetes care for urban poor in South India,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392172,,"The impacts of information about the risks and benefits of pork consumption on Chinese consumers' perceptions towards, and intention to eat, pork",VABB-1,766,772,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392174,,Whole-body vibration in breast cancer survivors: a pilot study exploring its effects on muscle activity and subjectively perceived exertion,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392176,,Extracurricular school-based sports as a motivating vehicle for sports participation in youth: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392179,,"Communication between general practitioners and radiologists: opinions, experience, promises, pitfalls",VABB-1,325,330,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392180,,The transition to adulthood around the Mediterrean: contributions of the special issue,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392184,,De Belgische 'Cannabis Social Clubs': Middenweg tussen zwarte markt en commerciële beschikbaarheid?,VABB-1,520,537,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392185,,Tempo and walking speed with music in the urban,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392186,,The Death and the Resurrection of (Psy)critique: The Case of Neuroeducation,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:392187,,Factors affecting physical activity in Ecuadorian adolescents: a focus group study,VABB-1,340,348,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392188,,Creating value in ecosystems: crossing the chasm between knowledge and business ecosystems,VABB-1,1164,1176,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392189,,The move to business schools: how Is I/O psychology holding up in Europe?,VABB-1,365,370,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392191,,Effects of positive mood on probabilistic learning: behavioral and electrophysiological correlates,VABB-1,223,232,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392192,,Point-Process Deconvolution of fMRI BOLD Signal Reveals Effective Connectivity Alterations in Chronic Pain Patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392193,,Controle op Nederlandse wijze in Vlaamse gemeenten: pure science fiction of realistisch toekomstscenario?,VABB-1,47,62,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392195,,België en de Basken: de zaak Jauregui Espina als bewijs van het falende wederzijds vertrouwen: de Europese samenwerking in strafzaken onder druk?,VABB-1,406,426,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392196,,Quo vadis with vulnerable defendants in the EU?,VABB-1,179,194,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392197,,La acomodación lingüística en contextos profesionales turísticos: un enfoque didáctico basado en los testimonios de turistas,VABB-1,181,202,,spa,2014,1 c:vabb:392198,,Between convict and ward: the experiences of people living with offenders subject to electronic monitoring,VABB-1,389,415,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392200,,Asymmetry in prevalence of femoral but not carotid atherosclerosis,VABB-1,1429,1434,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392202,,Het nieuwe Belgische consulair wetboek doorgelicht,VABB-1,403,416,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392204,,Rechtsgeschiedenis verbeeld,VABB-3,,,179 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392205,,A focused issue on building new competences in dynamic environments,VABB-3,,,377 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392209,,Het nieuwe zekerheidsrecht,VABB-3,,,177 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392210,,"Guerre, frontière, barrière et paix en Flandre",VABB-3,,,253 p.,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:392211,,Décadence: 'Decline and fall' or 'Other antiquity'?,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392215,,"A constellation of courts: the courts and households of Habsburg Europe, 1555-1665",VABB-3,,,393 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392216,,"Reframing prostitution: from discourse to description, from moralisation to normalisation?",VABB-3,,,326 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392217,,"Language variation and change: tense, aspect and modality in Ancient Greek",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:392218,,The European Union in the World: essays in Honour of Marc Maresceau,VABB-3,,,637 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392222,,Criminografische ontwikkelingen III: van (victim)-survey tot penitentiaire statistiek,VABB-3,,,199 p.,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:392223,,Let's talk politics: new essays on deliberative rhetoric,VABB-3,,,207 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392226,,"De aanpak van sociale fraude, arbeidsuitbuiting en mensenhandel: uitdagingen en oplossingen op nationaal en EU-niveau",VABB-3,,,198 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392235,,"Manufacturing civil society: principles, practices and effects",VABB-3,,,240 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392237,,Armoede in België: jaarboek 2014,VABB-3,,,435 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392238,,Vestibular involvement in adults with HIV/AIDS,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392240,,Equivocation and doublespeak in far-right wing discourse: an analysis of Nick Griffin's performance on BBC's Question Time,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392241,,The Westermarck effect revisited: a psychophysiological study of sibling incest aversion in young female adults,VABB-1,34,42,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392242,,Informatieverwerving vanuit het perspectief van de gametendonor: mogen sperma- en eiceldonoren informatie ontvangen over hun donorkinderen?,VABB-1,3,10,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392243,,Norovirus transfer between foods and food contact materials,VABB-1,1202,1209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392244,,JMS at 50: trends over time,VABB-1,19,37,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392245,,Remarks on the variation in the initial health wish in Hierokles' letters,VABB-1,223,226,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392246,,Associations of dietary glycemic index and glycemic load with glucose intolerance in Iranian adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392247,,Maturation of work attitudes: correlated change with Big Five personality traits and reciprocal effects over 15 years,VABB-1,507,529,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392248,,Exploring the focus of prenatal information offered to pregnant mothers regarding newborn care in rural Uganda,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392249,,Development and validation of a QuEChERS based liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of multiple mycotoxins in spices,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392250,,Response to A response to L. Anquinet et al.'s article on terminal sedation,VABB-1,369,369,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392251,,Towards an integration of the ecological space paradigm and the capabilities approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392252,,History of religions in the making: Franz Cumont (1868-1947) and the oriental religions,VABB-4,219,232,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:392253,,Shared standards of justice: towards normative indicators of judicial legitimacy at EU level,VABB-4,45,65,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392255,,"The power of space in late Medieval and early modern Europe: the cities of Italy, Northern France and the Low Countries",VABB-3,,,215 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392260,,The future of trauma theory: Contemporary Literary and Cultural Criticism,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392265,,Search and rescue at sea,VABB-4,381,427,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392266,,"Intersecting interregionalism: regions, global governance and the EU",VABB-3,,,196 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392269,,Ivo Michiels: het literatuurkritische werk van Ivo Michiels in Het Handelsblad: volume 2,VABB-3,,,635 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392271,,"Trust and school life: the role of trust for learning, teaching, leading, and bridging",VABB-3,,,300 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392273,,The realisation of human rights: when theory meets practice,VABB-3,,,554 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392274,,Legislative approximation and application of EU law in the eastern neighbourhood of the European Union: towards a common regulatory space?,VABB-3,,,268 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392277,,The method and culture of comparative law,VABB-3,,,318 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392278,,A history of popular education: educating the people of the world,VABB-3,,,"XIV, 246 p.",eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392281,,Does scapular positioning predict shoulder pain in recreational overhead athletes?,VABB-1,75,82,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392282,,"Spatio-temporal sedimentation patterns in beaver ponds along the Chevral river, Ardennes, Belgium",VABB-1,1602,1615,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392283,,The role of the striatum in effort-based decision-making in the absence of reward,VABB-1,2148,2154,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392284,,Quantitative cross impact analysis with latent semantic indexing,VABB-1,406,411,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392285,,'So muß es gewesen sein': die dialogische Vermischung von Fakt und Fiktion in Thomas Brussigs Helden wie wir (1995) und Am kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee (1999) und deren Verfilmungen,VABB-1,69,87,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:392286,,Epistemic and technological determinism in development aid,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392287,,"Christina Rossetti and the economics of publication: Macmillan's Magazine, 'A Birthday' and beyond",VABB-1,711,726,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392294,,Effective technology transfer in biotechnology: Best practice case studies in Europe,VABB-3,,,292 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:392295,,"The trade-development Nexus in the European Union: differentiation, coherence and norms",VABB-3,,,142 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392300,,Portraits of the city: representing urban space in later medieval and early Modern Europe,VABB-3,,,199 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392305,,Teach me how to Facebook! A design based research about risk prevention on social network sites,VABB-5,166,173,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392315,,Cloud-based design analysis and optimization framework,VABB-5,185,194,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392331,,Scheduling the finnish major ice hockey league using the PEAST algorithm,VABB-5,155,168,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392336,,"Developing an integrated prospection approach for the archaeological evaluation of alluvium covered late Pleistocene-early Holocene landscapes: first results from Doelpolder Noord (Beveren, Belgium)",VABB-5,117,120,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392348,,Reliability and validity of a domain-specific last 7-d sedentary time questionnaire,VABB-1,1248,1260,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392349,,"Regulating street prostitution as a public nuisance in the 'culture of consumption': a comparative analysis between Birmingham, Brussels and Milan",VABB-4,145,171,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392350,,"Legitimacy and trust in criminal law, policy and justice: norms, procedures, outcomes",VABB-3,,,204 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392351,,Detentie tijdens vredesmissies belang problemen en uitdagingen voor de toekomst,VABB-4,304,329,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392352,,Transition secured? De beleving van jongeren die de bijzondere jeugdzorg verlaten,VABB-4,278,303,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392355,,Wat is psy-kritiek?,VABB-1,69,93,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:392357,,Automated generation of radical species in crystalline carbohydrate using ab initio MD simulations,VABB-1,17196,17205,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392372,,Het gezag van de politie,VABB-3,,,184 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392373,,Compensatory Measures in European Nature conservation law,VABB-1,161,171,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392374,,Perspectives of family members on planning end-of-life care for terminally ill and frail older people,VABB-1,876,886,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392380,,Drinking motives and links to alcohol use in 13 European countries,VABB-1,428,37,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392382,,Adolescent alcohol use: a reflection of national drinking patterns and policy?,VABB-1,1857,68,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392383,,"Contribution of the posterior parietal cortex in reaching, grasping, and using objects and tools",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392384,,"Car availability explained by the structural relationships between lifestyles, residential location, and underlying residential and travel attitudes",VABB-1,88,99,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392386,,Evaluating GM biofortified rice in areas with a high prevalence of folate deficiency,VABB-1,257,279,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392387,,Overzicht van Belgische rechtspraak Arbitrage (2006-2014)(1),VABB-1,859,901,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392390,,Pottery of the Islamic period from the Bir Messaouda,VABB-1,141,155,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392393,,Manual liquid culture on simple Middlebrook 7H9 or MGIT for the diagnosis of smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis,VABB-1,1500,1503,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392398,,"'Don't' versus 'Won't': principles, mechanisms, and intention in action inhibition",VABB-1,255,262,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392402,,The mind's eye on personal profiles: a cognitive perspective on profile elements that inform initial trustworthiness assessments and social awareness in virtual project teams,VABB-1,159,179,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392404,,Applying google maps and google street view in environmental criminological research,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392405,,Conversational topics in transsexual persons,VABB-1,428,436,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392406,,Het toekomstperspectief van jeugdzorgverlaters in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,262,277,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392407,,Prescriptions and perceptions of teaching excellence: a study of the national 'Wettbewerb Exzellente Lehre' in Germany,VABB-1,235,254,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392409,,'Celeberrimus Atheismi patronus praecedentis saeculi': Petrus van Musschenbroek's anti-Spinozism unveiled,VABB-1,173,197,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392410,,Association between vestibular function and motor performance in hearing-impaired children,VABB-1,e343,e347,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392411,,"Common neural substrates for ordinal representation in short-term memory, numerical and alphabetical cognition",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392412,,Revanche of conflict? Pleidooi voor een agnostische literatuurstudie,VABB-1,511,538,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:392413,,Steentijdvondsten aan de Ringlaan te Brecht,VABB-1,97,103,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392414,,Van kinderwetgeving naar kinderrechten: over de verbinding tussen recht en opvoeding,VABB-1,177,190,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392416,,Should pluriform human rights become one ? Exploring the benefits of human rights integration,VABB-1,447,470,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392417,,"Energy balance related behaviour: personal, home- and friend-related factors among schoolchildren in Europe studied in the ENERGY-project",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392419,,The genius and the hive: travelling concepts of authorship in literature and culture,VABB-1,33,45,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392420,,Exploring the growth potential of (peri-) urban short food chain initiatives: a case study of Ghent,VABB-1,79,90,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392421,,De nieuwe bepalingen uit Boek IV van het wetboek Economisch Recht: een eerste commentaar,VABB-1,3,62,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392423,,Stakeholder attitudes towards cumulative and aggregate exposure assessment of pesticides,VABB-1,70,79,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392425,,Improved release and metabolism of flavonoids by steered fermentation processes: a review,VABB-1,19369,19388,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392427,,Are the spatial features of bodily threat limited to the exact location where pain is expected?,VABB-1,113,119,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392428,,School staff autonomy and educational performance: within school type evidence,VABB-1,127,155,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392431,,Public health risk associated with the co-occurrence of mycotoxins in spices consumed in Sri Lanka,VABB-1,240,248,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392433,,Reflection on the development process of a sustainability assessment tool: learning from a Flemish case,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392436,,"Two- and three-dimensional quantitative structure–permeability relationship of flavonoids in Caco-2 cells using stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR), partial least squares regression (PLSR), and pharmacophore (GALAHAD)-based comparative molecular similarity index analysis (COMSIA)",VABB-1,1696,1706,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392437,,The impact of the type of corporate spin-off on growth,VABB-1,943,959,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392439,,Job strain and health-related lifestyle: findings from an individual-participant meta-analysis of 118 000 working adults,VABB-1,2090,2097,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392440,,"'Now I want to do something interesting, something fun': a mixed-methods study into the determinants of horizontal gender segregation at a Belgian university",VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392441,,"Exposure assessment of malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxy-2-(E)-nonenal and 4-hydroxy-2-(E)-hexenal through specific foods available in Belgium",VABB-1,51,58,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392442,,The inflected/non-inflected infinitive alternation in Portuguese adverbial clauses: a corpus analysis,VABB-1,153,174,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392443,,Interactive technologies in the instrumental music classroom: a longitudinal study with the music paint machine,VABB-1,40,59,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392444,,Aproximaciones a la 'fidelidad' de Tomas Segovia,VABB-1,283,298,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:392445,,Continuity and change in the treatment of frightening subject matter: contemporary retellings of classical mythology for children in the Low Countries,VABB-1,18,36,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392446,,Narrar la frágil armadura del presente: la paradójica cotidianidad en las novelas de Alejandro Zambra y Diego Zúñiga,VABB-1,53,67,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:392447,,Social mobility and cultural dissonance,VABB-1,82,97,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392448,,Does homeownership lead to longer unemployment spells? The role of mortgage payments,VABB-1,263,286,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392449,,"Applying the Intervention Mapping protocol to develop a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention to increase European preschool children's physical activity levels: the ToyBox-study",VABB-1,14,26,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392451,,"The impact of cultural intelligence on communication effectiveness, job satisfaction and anxiety for Chinese host country managers working for foreign multinationals",VABB-1,2068,2087,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392455,,The 'green cheese' and 'red herring' problems reconsidered. Epistemological versus methodological tasks for Philosophers of Science,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392456,,Słupecki's generalized mereology and its flaws,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392457,,Impact of early synchronous lip and palatal repair on speech,VABB-1,303,311,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392460,,The chapter 'Sheng Zhi' of the Xiaojing and the Jiajing emperor's ritual reform,VABB-1,187,214,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392461,,Relative age effects in Australian Football League national draftees,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392462,,John Duns scotus and the ontology of mixture,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392463,,More physically active and leaner adolescents have higher energy intake,VABB-1,159,166,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392467,,"Which materialism? Questioning the matrix of psychology, neurology, psychoanalysis and ideology critique",VABB-1,176,192,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392468,,Effects of local fiscal policy on firm profitability,VABB-1,1289,1306,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392469,,The making of torture in Pat Barker's regeneration,VABB-1,406,421,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392470,,The UK National Health Service’s 'innovation agenda': lessons on commercialization and trust,VABB-1,221,237,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392471,,14C dates as demographic proxies in Neolithisation models of northwestern Europe: a critical assessment using Belgium and northeast France as a case-study,VABB-1,558,566,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392474,,A retinotopic attentional trace after saccadic eye movements: evidence from event-related potentials,VABB-1,1563,1577,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392475,,Foot orientation affects muscle activation levels of ankle stabilizers in a single-legged balance board protocol,VABB-1,419,431,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392476,,An Exploratory Study of Factors Associated with Sexual Inhibition and Excitation: Findings from a Representative Survey in Flanders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392480,,The influence of working memory on the anger superiority effect,VABB-1,1449,1464,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392481,,Feeling happy enhances early spatial encoding of peripheral information automatically: electrophysiological time-course and neural sources.,VABB-1,951,969,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392482,,Reguliering von Sportrechten im Fernsehen: eine vergleichende Untersuchung in acht Ländern,VABB-1,100,110,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:392484,,"Sexual health is dead in my body: participatory assessment of sexual health determinants in refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392485,,Inclusive mathematics education: the value of a computerized look-ahead approach in kindergarten: a randomized controlled study,VABB-1,103,119,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392487,,"Editorialising practices, competitive marketablility and James Thomson's 'The seasons'",VABB-1,257,276,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392488,,Why sub-Saharan African health workers migrate to European countries that do not actively recruit: a qualitative study post-migration,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392489,,Beyond the 'black box' of the therapeutic community for substance abusers: a participant observation study on the treatment process,VABB-1,251,262,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392490,,Ginds is het donker: beschouwingen bij een fenomenologisch-filosofisch project,VABB-1,1,20,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392491,,Affordances of web 2.0 technologies for collaborative advanced writing in a foreign language,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392494,,The structure of the Montgomery-Asberg depression rating scale over the course of treatment for depression,VABB-1,175,184,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392495,,The attractiveness of family medicine among Polish medical students,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392497,,On introducing an image-based 3D reconstruction method in archaeological excavation practice,VABB-1,251,262,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392498,,Tomás Segovia ante el exilio,VABB-1,111,115,,spa,2014,1 c:vabb:392499,,Quality management effects in certified Serbian companies producing food of animal origin,VABB-1,383,396,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392500,,"Enhancing young children's arithmetic skills through non-intensive, computerised kindergarten interventions: a randomised controlled study",VABB-1,56,65,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392501,,"Volatile compounds associated with Psychrobacter spp. and Pseudoalteromonas spp., the dominant microbiota of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) during aerobic storage",VABB-1,487,493,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392502,,Improved gas chromatography-flame ionization detector analytical method for the analysis of epoxy fatty acids,VABB-1,217,225,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392504,,Jaaroverzicht CBN-Adviezen 2013: De Commissie 2.0,VABB-1,2,17,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392505,,The use of evidence-based outcomes in systems and organizations providing services and supports to persons with intellectual disability,VABB-1,80,87,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392508,,On the origins and foundations of Laplacian determinism,VABB-1,24,31,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392509,,The lowlands newsroom model: fieldwork notes on the position of the newspaper sub-editor,VABB-1,879,897,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392510,,Prenatal lipid-based nutrient supplements increase cord leptin concentration in pregnant women from rural Burkina Faso,VABB-1,571,575,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392511,,"Smallholders, spinners, weavers and the 'scarcity of markets' in the Flemish countryside, c. 1780-1850: motivations behind the multiplication of periodic markets",VABB-1,39,60,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392513,,The ethics of authorship: some tensions in the 11th century,VABB-4,41,60,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392516,,Theory and method in higher education research II,VABB-3,,,267 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392517,,Exit gevangenis? De werking van de strafuitvoeringsrechtbanken en de wet op de externe rechtspositie van veroordeelden tot een vrijheidsstraf,VABB-3,,,178 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392519,,Gender(en): over de constructie en deconstructie van gender bij Vlaamse jongeren,VABB-3,,,352 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392524,,Het land dat nooit was: een tegenfeitelijke geschiedenis van België,VABB-3,,,383 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392527,,Democratische politie,VABB-3,,,194 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392528,,"Dramaturgies in the new millennium : relationality, performativity and potentiality",VABB-3,,,216 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392530,,Characterization in the ancient novel,VABB-4,231,243,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392533,,The Law of the Sea and Human Rights in the Hirsi Jamaa and Others v. Italy Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-4,179,202,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392537,,Eyewitness accounts in the book of Samuel?: a reappraisal,VABB-4,77,97,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392539,,New philology and ancient editors: some dynamics of textual criticism,VABB-4,251,263,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392542,,Carthage studies,VABB-3,,,168 p.,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:392551,,Newton and empiricism,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392553,,The voices of the people in Late Medieval Europe: communication and popular politics,VABB-3,,,267 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392555,,The experiences of face veil wearers in Europe and the law,VABB-3,,,321 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392561,,Libanius: a critical introduction,VABB-3,,,387 p.,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:392564,,"Bibliography of Pragmatics: 11th Release, updated and expanded",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392566,,Trust and discourse: organizational perspectives,VABB-3,,,"XIV, 240 p.",eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392568,,"Update in de criminologie VII: actuele ontwikkelingen inzake EU-justitiebeleid, misdaad en straf, cannabisbeleid, jongeren en jeugdzorg, internationale vrede, veiligheid en gerechtigheid, gewelddadig extremisme & private veiligheid en zelfregulering",VABB-3,,,440 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392571,,Happy together? A gender-comparative study into social practices in digital games,VABB-4,58,69,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392572,,Let poor countries into rich research,VABB-1,198,198,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392574,,Development of a quantitative GC-FID method for the determination of stearoyl-lactylates (E481/482) in foods,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392577,,"Gum arabic collection in northern Kenya: unexploited resources, underdeveloped markets",VABB-1,69,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392579,,Knowledge and management of endotracheal tube cuffs: a survey among 591 intensive care nurses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:392581,,Re-integratie van problematische druggebruikers tijdens en na detentie: aanbevelingen voor beleidsmakers,VABB-1,19,22,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392583,,"Gertrude Stein in Europe: Reconfigurations Across Media, Disciplines and Traditions",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:392584,,"Literature and society in the fourth century A.D.: performing Paideia, constructing the present, presenting the self",VABB-3,,,247 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392585,,Political future fiction: speculative and counter-factual politics in Edwardian fiction,VABB-3,,,1008 p.,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392586,,"Never-ending stories: adaptation, canonisation and ideology in children's literature",VABB-3,,,254 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392588,,The palgrave handbook of race and ethnic inequalities in education,VABB-3,,,648 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392591,,Shaping rights in the ECHR: the role of the European Court of Human Rights in determining the scope of human rights,VABB-3,,,"X, 367 p.",eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392593,,"Managing diversity in education: languages, policies, pedagogies",VABB-3,,,300 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392595,,"Christendom en filosofie: opstellen over wijsbegeerte, wereldbeeld en wetenschappen van het antieke christendom over Nietzsche tot fundamentalisme vandaag",VABB-3,,,258 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392597,,Vangnet of springplank? Het buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheidsrecht in een moderne samenleving (1804-heden),VABB-3,,,201 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392598,,Politie en haar maatschappelijke partners,VABB-3,,,194 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392601,,"The tongue, the mouth and safeguard of freedom: towards a governmental reading of Vondel’s Palamedes (1625)",VABB-4,277,296,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392602,,Towards an EU strategy to combat trafficking and labour exploitation in the supply chain: connecting corporate criminal liability and state-imposed self-regulation through due diligence?,VABB-4,171,193,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392603,,Distant(ly) reading Alexander Kluge's distant writing,VABB-4,29,41,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392604,,The RTI clinical iceberg,VABB-1,462,462,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392605,,Capability sourcing modeling,VABB-1,77,87,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392608,,Vijftig jaar grensoverschrijdende rechtswetenschap: het Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht (1964-2014),VABB-1,1,44,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392610,,Co-opetition of TV broadcasters in online video markets: a winning strategy?,VABB-1,61,74,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392611,,Lacans conceptualisering van de jouissance in de psychosen: een systematische studie van zijn oeuvre,VABB-1,417,424,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392612,,The determinants of full-service carriers airfares in European hub-to-hub markets,VABB-1,449,467,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392613,,The assessment of eating behaviour in children who are obese: a psychological approach: a position paper from the European childhood obesity group,VABB-1,153,164,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392614,,Positive association of video game playing with left frontal cortical thickness in adolescents,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392616,,"The Adieu and Willecomme for Jan van Hembyze, or: the Battle between Script and Print in Calvinist Ghent",VABB-1,206,229,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:392617,,"Quantifying independent risk factors for failing to rescreen in a breast cancer screening program in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,280,286,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392618,,Metacognition for spelling in higher etudents with dyslexia: is there evidence for the dual burden hypothesis?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392620,,"Reference values for leptin, cortisol, insulin and glucose, among European adolescents and their association with adiposity: the HELENA study",VABB-1,1181,1190,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392622,,Nutrition and lifestyle in european adolescents: the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study,VABB-1,615S,623S,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392623,,Repetition of attempted suicide among immigrants in Europe,VABB-1,539,547,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392624,,Spectrum of topics for world congresses and other activities of the International Society for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM): a first proposal,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392625,,Meer duidelijkheid over de beoordeling van het eigen karakter van modellen en het vermoeden van geldigheid van niet-ingeschreven Gemeenschapsmodellen,VABB-1,581,586,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392627,,Doeltreffendheid van elektroconvulsietherapie bij het syndroom van Cotard in combinatie met katatonie: een gevalsbeschrijving,VABB-1,1422,1428,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392629,,Accessibility of early childhood education and care: a state of affairs,VABB-1,327,335,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392630,,Een wet om aan te houden: het beslissingsproces van onderzoeksrechters in het kader van de voorlopige hechtenis,VABB-1,502,519,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392631,,Evaluation of three swabbing devices for detection of Listeria monocytogenes on different types of food contact surfaces,VABB-1,804,814,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392633,,The subject in an uproar: a Lacanian perspective on panic disorder,VABB-1,237,266,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392634,,Determinants of information behaviour and information literacy related to healthy eating among Internet users in five European countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392636,,Evaluation of a new chromogenic medium for direct enumeration of Campylobacter in poultry meat samples,VABB-1,2111,2114,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392637,,On the other hand: including left-handers in cognitive neuroscience and neurogenetics,VABB-1,193,201,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392639,,Biceps femoris and semitendinosus-teammates or competitors? New insights into hamstring injury mechanisms in male football players: a muscle functional MRI study,VABB-1,1599,1606,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392642,,New risk markers for cardiovascular prevention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392644,,A review of the methodological challenges in assessing the cost effectiveness of pharmacist interventions,VABB-1,1185,1199,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392645,,The BRIC phantom: a comparative analysis of the BRICs as a category of rising powers,VABB-1,S47,S66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392646,,"Different effects of adding white noise on cognitive performance of sub-, normal and super-attentive school children",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392647,,An educationally inspired illustration of two-dimensional Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment (QMRA) and sensitivity analysis,VABB-1,31,43,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392648,,Disclosure and the double bind processes of students with disabilities in institutions for higher education: disability studies going from studying processes of 'disablism' to the study of wider processes of 'ableism',VABB-1,21,32,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392649,,"Het portretrecht van de Rode Duivels, de Belgische Voetbalbond en het recht op informatievrijheid",VABB-1,265,271,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392650,,Political connections and depositor discipline,VABB-1,804,819,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392652,,Amnesty for the city: the Hoogpoort design for the Carrefour de l'Europe in Brussels (1983),VABB-1,435,453,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392653,,Measuring shoulder external and internal rotation strength and range of motion: comprehensive intra-rater and inter-rater reliability study of several testing protocols,VABB-1,1454,1461,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392656,,The coupling of action and perception in musical meaning formation,VABB-1,67,84,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392657,,"Experimental versus naturalistic psychotherapy research: consequences for researchers, clinicians, policy makers, and patients",VABB-1,59,78,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392659,,Molecular methods in food safety microbiology: interpretation and implications of nucleic acid detection,VABB-1,551,577,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392660,,Comparing employment interviews in Latin America with other countries,VABB-1,943,951,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392663,,Beyond sperm cells: a qualitative study on constructed meanings of the sperm donor in lesbian families,VABB-1,1248,1254,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392666,,Do welfare regimes influence the association between disability and self-perceived health?: a multilevel analysis of 57 countries,VABB-1,10,17,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392667,,The dock-in model of music culture and cross-cultural perception,VABB-1,511,516,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:392668,,"'Anyway, the point I'm making is': lexicogrammatical relevance marking in lectures",VABB-4,265,291,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392670,,Children's health opportunities and project evaluation: Mexico's oportunidades program,VABB-1,282,310,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:392671,,The carbon footprint of pigmeat in Flanders,VABB-4,167,190,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392672,,Effective 'minilateralism': the European Union's pragmatic embracement of the G20,VABB-4,170,185,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392674,,Psychologization,VABB-4,1547,1551,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392675,,Volunteering in a hybrid institutional and organizational environment: an emerging research agenda,VABB-4,99,110,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392676,,Packaging of fish and fishery product,VABB-4,237,261,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392677,,Community adaptation,VABB-4,1041,1044,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392678,,"Bilingualism, diglossia and literacy in first-century Jewish Palestine",VABB-4,238,241,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392679,,"Art. 82, 83, 85 en 88 van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen",VABB-4,93,99,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392680,,Art. 55 t/m 61 van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen,VABB-4,45,57,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392684,,L'ornement et la beauté chez Piranèse et ses interlocuteurs,VABB-4,59,69,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:392689,,Een geschiedenis van België wie es eigentlich nicht gewesen,VABB-4,7,26,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392690,,Endowment effect,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392695,,Tahrir: a project(ion) of revolutionary change,VABB-4,282,307,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392696,,Regional exchanges in Southeastern Arabia during the Late Pre-Islamic period: Phytolith analysis of ceramic thin sections from ed-Dur (UAE),VABB-4,26,46,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392701,,Propos liminaires,VABB-4,9,16,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:392713,,Fans who cut their soaps queer: a queer theoretical study into online fandom of gay television representation,VABB-4,181,192,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392714,,Legal culture and legal transplants,VABB-4,273,291,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392719,,Lacanian psychoanalysis,VABB-4,1041,1046,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392724,,Ivo Michiels,VABB-4,1,22,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392725,,Intergrating the exposition in music-composition research,VABB-4,153,164,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392726,,Cycles of experimentation and the creative process of music composition,VABB-4,231,239,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392727,,The state owes us a future: the framing of 'exclusion' by the protest movements of the unemployed in Morocco,VABB-4,175,192,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392731,,Distance selling and doorstep contracts,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392735,,Ambigue contouren van duurzame stadsprojecten: voer voor verbreding van het debat en meer 'radicaliteit',VABB-4,317,335,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392738,,Empowered cities? An analysis of the structure and generated value of the smart city Ghent,VABB-4,157,182,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392746,,The roots of the Tunisian revolution: elements of a political sociology,VABB-4,77,88,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392750,,Trade and war in the North Sea: Antwerp's struggle concerning trade tariffs during and after the Dutch revolt,VABB-4,95,108,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392752,,"Hubert Parez, kunstvriend of ijdeltuit? Bedenkingen bij twee juristenportretten in het Gentse Museum voor Schone Kunsten",VABB-4,87,96,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392755,,Narratorial strategies in drama and theatre: a contribution to transmedial narratology,VABB-4,81,96,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392756,,Beyond eurocentrism: trauma theory in the global age,VABB-4,45,61,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392757,,Erzählformen,VABB-4,731,741,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:392759,,Against the matrix left peripheral analysis of English it-clefts,VABB-4,91,107,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392764,,Cross-border reproductive care around the world: recent controversies,VABB-4,98,112,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392765,,School belonging and school misconduct: the differing role of teacher and peer attachment,VABB-4,193,199,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392767,,"Apostrophe in Homer, Apollonius and Callimachus",VABB-4,151,173,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392769,,The Belgian 'Burqa Ban' confronted with insider realities,VABB-4,77,124,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392776,,"History and historical consciousness in contemporary China: political confucianism, spiritual confucianism, and the politics of spirit",VABB-4,44,63,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392777,,"Art. 1.14, 4.5 en 4.6 BVIE",VABB-4,43,92,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392778,,"Art. 90, 91 en 93 t/m 95 van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen",VABB-4,113,119,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392785,,De slagschaduw van de honger: hoe de Eerste Wereldoorlog de Belgische democratie baarde en bijna weer vernietigde,VABB-4,235,266,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392786,,Construction grammar and Greek,VABB-4,375,379,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392790,,"Images, maps, texts: reading the meaning of the later medieval and early modern city",VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392794,,Uitwinning van pandrechten,VABB-4,93,109,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392795,,Should I recycle or not? Effects of attitude strength and social pressure,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392800,,Wetenschap en religie bij de protestantse copernicaan Georg Joachim Rheticus,VABB-4,59,76,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392806,,Timing in methods for studying psychosocial factors at work,VABB-4,89,116,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392807,,Empathic practices in client-centred psychotherapies: displaying understanding and affiliation with clients,VABB-4,33,57,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392811,,Environmental success factors of Imperial College's TTO,VABB-4,55,70,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392812,,A functional approach to the study of human emotion: the centrality of relational/propositional processes,VABB-4,202,209,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392816,,"Commentaar atikelen I 8,15-16, I8 17-20, I 8, 30-36 WER: definities",VABB-4,45,49,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392817,,"Violence against Christians and violence by Christians in the first three centuries: direct violence, cultural violence and the debate about Christian exclusiveness",VABB-4,31,55,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392818,,Differenz und Einheit: zum Religionsverständnis Talcott Parsons',VABB-4,111,124,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:392822,,The sublime ruin of the city,VABB-4,116,121,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392823,,Rethinking the Greek legacy: Dorians in modern Greek fiction,VABB-4,266,281,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392834,,Client criminalisation for guilty knowledge of (trafficking for) sexual exploitation,VABB-4,271,296,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392835,,Strategic management in the welfare state: practice and consequences: the case of Flanders,VABB-4,229,241,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392837,,The social role and place of literature in the fourth century A.D.,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392843,,Institutional interactions,VABB-4,101,104,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392844,,Phantasmagorien des Untergangs bei Richard Wagner und Lars von Trier,VABB-4,275,295,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392845,,Assessment,VABB-4,132,136,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392846,,The consistency of peano arithmetic: a defeasible perspective,VABB-4,11,59,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392847,,Children's rights and the capability approach: discussing children's agency against the horizon of the institutionalised youth land,VABB-4,175,194,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392848,,Op zoek naar financieel-economische criminaliteit,VABB-4,89,112,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392855,,Protestantisme en Jodendom: de ontwikkeling van een vervangings- naar een Israël-theologie in de calvinistische traditie,VABB-4,149,187,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392857,,A story of attitudes and aptitudes? Investigating individual difference variables within the context of interpreting,VABB-4,55,70,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392867,,Daders van drugsdelicten: recidive tijdens en na hun probatiemaatregel,VABB-4,139,174,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392869,,Het nut van tegenfeitelijke geschiedschrijving,VABB-4,359-,370,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392871,,"Reconstructing constructional semantics: the dative subject construction in Old Norse-Icelandic, Latin, Ancient Greek, Old Russian and Old Lithuanian",VABB-4,49,85,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392873,,Relational dramaturgies as a search for the other generation beyond European borders: Veronika Blumstein and Wunderbaum,VABB-4,79,96,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392875,,Fabricius' edition of the Virtutes apostolorum and MS Vienna ÖNB 455,VABB-5,113,116,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392877,,The imperial bioincubator,VABB-4,123,136,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392878,,Diversifying narratives: perceptions of a weak Japan facing a rising China,VABB-4,120,141,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392883,,"Art. 80, 84, 86, 87 en 95 van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen",VABB-4,93,96,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392884,,'Economic conquistadors conquer new worlds': metaphor scenarios in English-language newspaper headlines on Spanish foreign direct investment,VABB-4,167,183,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392885,,The charter of fundamental rights and EU citizenship: the link with EU law re-examined,VABB-4,323,341,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392886,,"Not the last pagan: Libanius, paideia, and religion",VABB-4,293,314,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392887,,Left dislocation phenomena in old Spanish: an examination of their structural properties,VABB-4,23,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392889,,Theory-driven interventions,VABB-4,6629,6632,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392892,,Never-ending stories: how canonical works live on in children's literature,VABB-4,5,19,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392895,,La narrativa latinoamericana vista desde fuera: un análisis de antologías extranjeras de la última década,VABB-4,207,225,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:392900,,'Eerst ben ik gestopt met drugsgebruik': desistance versus proces van herstel bij drugsgebruikende delinquenten,VABB-4,15,24,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392901,,Prostitution and its relations with informal economies,VABB-4,71,99,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392902,,The phenomenon of reverse discrimination: an anomaly in the European constitutional order?,VABB-4,162,176,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392906,,Canaux sous le brouillard et fumées d'usines: la beauté des paysages du Nord,VABB-4,91,99,,fre,2013,2 c:vabb:392910,,De afkortingencultus,VABB-4,747,758,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392915,,A law and economics analysis of federalism applied to the Belgian judiciary,VABB-4,115,148,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392917,,Achtergrond en krachtlijnen van de hervorming,VABB-4,1,25,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392919,,Alterglobalization and the limits of prefigurative politics,VABB-4,311,316,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392922,,Les formes verbales non finies en FRL2: une analyse de textes rédigés par des apprenants néerlandophones,VABB-4,249,279,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:392923,,The reception of Libanius: from Pagan friend of Julian to (almost) Christian Saint and back,VABB-4,160,183,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392924,,Libanius' life and life,VABB-4,7,38,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392928,,Apabhramsha as a literary medium in fifteenth-century north india,VABB-4,339,364,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392929,,De Vlaamse regionale economie op nieuwe sporen: instituties en beleid na de staatshervorming van 1980,VABB-4,181,200,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392933,,The moving subject: transcendence and reification in the philosophy of Tang Junyi,VABB-4,225,236,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392935,,Video Games as Equipment for Living,VABB-4,88,99,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392936,,The complexity of administrative appeals in Belgium: not seeing the woods for the trees,VABB-4,179,207,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392937,,European mesolithic: geography and culture,VABB-4,2623,2645,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392938,,Membership: the evolution of EU membership in major international organisations,VABB-4,35,55,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392940,,Susa in the Late 3rd Millennium: From a Mesopotamian Colony to an Independent State (MC 2110-1980),VABB-4,281,288,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392941,,Comparing diachronies of negation,VABB-4,1,50,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392942,,"Diagnosis, overview",VABB-4,412,416,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392946,,Trapping the future: Abelard's multi-layered image-building,VABB-4,187,212,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392947,,The impact of European Human Rights on child birth,VABB-4,213,222,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392951,,Protection by the law: the positive obligation to develop a legal framework to adequately protect ECHR rights,VABB-4,69,129,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392952,,The EU's governance of external energy relations: the challenges of a 'rule-based market approach',VABB-4,215,237,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392954,,The potentiality of epistemological equity: encountering Cameroonian deaf citizenship in an exploration of the community's quest for development,VABB-4,51,68,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392956,,'Christa Wolfs Bücher fleddern': die Subversion des Humors und der Intertextualität in Thomas Brussigs Helden wie wir,VABB-4,306,319,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:392960,,Belangenbehartiging via afvaardigingen: de Staten van Brabant en Vlaanderen in het eerste kwart van de achttiende eeuw,VABB-4,65,108,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392961,,Systemic: functional approaches to discourse,VABB-4,125,163,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392963,,In foreign news we trust: balance and accuracy in newspaper coverage of Belgium,VABB-4,95,112,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392964,,Holocaust literature: comparative perspectives,VABB-4,199,218,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392966,,Making history: the destruction and (re)construction of old Belgian towns during and after the First World War,VABB-4,182,197,-,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:392969,,When things get serious: reflections on the legitimacy of local administrative sanctions in Belgium,VABB-4,35,49,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392970,,Production modes: writing as materializing and stimulating thoughts,VABB-4,181,208,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392972,,Die Verlegung des Hauptsitzes der Shangqing-Schule in die Tiantai-Berge,VABB-4,61,73,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392974,,Concluding remarks,VABB-4,261,264,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392976,,Minderjarigen met een psychiatrische stoornis voor de jeugdrechtbank,VABB-4,221,250,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392978,,Co-production and the third sector: the state of the art in research,VABB-4,231,249,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392980,,"Het vrije verkeer van goederen, commentaar bij art. 28 en 29 VWEU",VABB-4,1,114,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392982,,The international responsibility of the state for the conduct of indigenous legal systems: the case of ecuador,VABB-4,475,496,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392984,,Manufacturing civil society: an introduction,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:392989,,Transnational authorship and multilingual literature in Flanders,VABB-4,283,316,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:392992,,Het interdisciplinair therapieplan PSP,VABB-4,241,246,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392994,,De relatie tussen economische achtergesteldheid en onveiligheidsbeleving: een Gentse buurtanalyse,VABB-4,51,75,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392995,,Spreken en slikken met de diagnose van progressieve supranucleaire palsy,VABB-4,221,226,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:392997,,Specifieke logopedische aandachtspunten in de diagnostiek en behandeling van multisysteematrofie,VABB-4,261,270,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393004,,Kinderarmoede: waarom het een populair thema is en waarom dat zowel een bedenkelijk als een goed idee is,VABB-4,62,71,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393007,,Improving justice in the 'Burqa' Ban Debates: group vulnerability and procedural justice,VABB-4,265,274,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393016,,All under heaven and the Chinese nation-state,VABB-4,64,79,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393018,,Self-regulation and public-private cooperation in the prostitution sector,VABB-4,253,270,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393021,,A war of words: sermons and social status in Constantinople under the Theodosian dynasty,VABB-4,201,217,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393024,,Adaptive logics as a necessary tool for relative rationality: including a section on logical pluralism,VABB-4,1,25,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393025,,All Wool and a Yard Wide. Wool Production and Trade in Old Babylonian Sippar,VABB-4,193,224,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393028,,Marching with the times. The different revolutions of Mayakovsky and Nono,VABB-4,65,96,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:393030,,De toegankelijkeheid van het vrijetijdsaanbod voor jongeren uit seksuele minderheden: focus op geaardheid en gender,VABB-4,117,132,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393035,,The concept of disease and our responsibility for children,VABB-4,35,55,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393038,,De la perception à la cognition: ou comment donner du sens à la grammaire,VABB-4,267,277,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:393040,,Introduction: Creationism in Europe or European creationism?,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393041,,'Publieke criminologie' onder de loep: de rol van wetenschappelijk onderzoek in de ontwikkeling van het Belgisch drugsbeleid (1996-2003),VABB-4,90,107,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393042,,Setting the scene: legislative approximation and application of EU law in the eastern neighbourhood of the European Union,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393054,,Locality and the distribution of main clause phenomena,VABB-4,186,222,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393061,,"Les fêtes religieuses et le travail dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles",VABB-4,43,62,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:393066,,"Spinoza and the philosophy of science: mathematics, motion, and Being",VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393073,,Corporate involvement in international crimes: an analysis of the hypothetical extension of the international criminal court's mandate to include legal persons,VABB-4,281,294,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393074,,The public life of artworks: likeness as a figure of speech in Bernini's biographies and Emanuele Tesauro's Cannocchiale Aristotelico,VABB-4,293,307,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393079,,Do 'Legal systems' exist? The concept of law and comparative law,VABB-4,43,57,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393082,,Conclusion: a comparative view,VABB-4,317,338,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393083,,"The Netherlands is doing well: allochtonous writing talent is blossoming there: 'Defining Flemish literature, desiring allochtonous writings'",VABB-4,123,148,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393086,,Behavioral therapy,VABB-4,105,108,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393088,,The framing of prostitution as victimhood and violence for criminalisation purposes,VABB-4,199,221,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393090,,The EU's humanitarian aid policy after Lisbon: implications of a new treaty basis,VABB-4,21,46,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393099,,Cap and trade versus carbon tax to mitigate climate change: a one-size-fits-all solution in China?,VABB-4,211,227,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393106,,Unmarried adolescents and filial assistance in eighteenth-century Flanders,VABB-4,63,87,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:393111,,The Low Countries,VABB-4,65,84,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393113,,"On the tangible material culture of child-rearing, education, and educational research",VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393114,,Developmental manifestations of borderline personality pathology from an age-specific dimensional trait framework,VABB-4,81,94,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393116,,Outreach: een tweesnijdend zwaard?,VABB-1,63,69,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393118,,By any other name: discrimination in resume screening,VABB-4,501,522,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:393120,,From happy to critical diversity: intersectionality as a paradigm for gender and diversity research,VABB-1,33,39,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393121,,Narrative media construction of fallen heroes: the cases of,VABB-4,87,106,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393122,,Guild politics and political guilds in fourteenth-century Flanders,VABB-4,15,48,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393124,,"Norms, harms and disorder at the border: legitimacy of criminal law intervention through the lens of criminalisation theory",VABB-4,13,34,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393126,,"'Like bait on a hook': ethics, etics and emics of gift-exchange in the Roman world",VABB-4,135,154,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393128,,Der gebärende Mann: Reproduktionsphantasien in der Europäischen Avantgarde (1880-1933),VABB-4,59,77,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:393131,,Holocaust memory and the critique of violence in Caryl Churchill's Seven Jewish children: a play for Gaza,VABB-4,179,192,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393133,,"Between adjective and noun: category / function, mismatch, constructional overrides and coercion",VABB-4,203,225,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393134,,Negative heads and the neg criterion,VABB-4,263,276,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393135,,Defining punic carthage,VABB-4,113,147,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393137,,Self-discrepancy and MMORPGs: testing the moderating effects of avatar identification and pathological gaming in world of Warcraft,VABB-4,234,242,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393139,,The Costa Concordia incident and liability for passenger damage: an international and European law approach,VABB-4,341,364,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393140,,England,VABB-4,259,307,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393141,,Procedural protection: an examination of procedural safeguards,VABB-4,137,161,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393147,,Fast forward: economic & legal realism,VABB-4,879,900,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393148,,"Using 'quality of life' to legitimate criminal law intervention: Gauging gravity, defining disorder",VABB-4,225,245,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393156,,Kritische kanttekeningen bij de Antwerpse 'war on drugs' en de aanpak van detailhandel,VABB-4,133,155,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393157,,Newton and Newtonianism,VABB-4,61,89,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393158,,Differential online exposure to radical content and political violence: testin the relative strength of social,VABB-4,330,363,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393161,,'De Rus wordt zo gemakkelijk een atheïst': Friedrich Nietzsches impact op de Russische religieuze renaissance (1890-1917),VABB-4,113,141,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393165,,Laboratories of social thought: the transnational advocacy network of the Institut International pour la Diffusion des Expériences Sociales and its Documents du Progrès,VABB-4,123,142,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393167,,The temporal dimension in a 4D archaeological data model: applicability of the geoinformation standard,VABB-4,33,55,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393168,,Europeanisation and higher education: comfortable bedfellows?,VABB-4,118,136,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393169,,Monitoring and control of the production system,VABB-4,417,436,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393170,,Language diversity in education: evolving from multilingual education to functional multilingual learning,VABB-4,204,222,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393171,,"Private veiligheid in België, een parlementair en regeringsinitiatief ter voorbereiding van een nieuw wettelijk kader",VABB-4,394,415,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393174,,Risky lifestyles and low self-control,VABB-4,5569,5574,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393176,,Travel as a basis for atheism: free-thinking as deterritorialization in the early radical enlightenment,VABB-4,141,167,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393177,,De antieken en het vroege Christendom: een heidense visie uit India,VABB-4,51,82,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393181,,Researching race and ethnic inequalities in education: key findings and future directions,VABB-4,608,632,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393182,,Introduction to the handbook: comparative sociological perspectives on racial and ethnic inequality in education,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393189,,Towards a political economy of egg cell donations: 'doing it the Israeli way',VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393196,,Disciplined freaks and redskins: Ghent performances of the American mass spectacles Barnum and Bailey (1901) and Buffalo Bill (1906),VABB-4,93,103,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393198,,Interim measures before the inter-American and African Human Rights Commissions: strengths and weaknesses,VABB-4,157,177,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393199,,Outreach bij personen met een verstandelijke beperking: bemoeizorg of het betere detectivewerk?,VABB-1,27,45,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393210,,"Sophie: a preschooler who is 'busy', but not very active",VABB-4,22,34,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393212,,Blended families in Flemish feudal law: (not so) different from our own?,VABB-4,17,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393214,,Common concern of humankind and its implications in international environmental law,VABB-4,337,351,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393215,,Nano- and microencapsulation of vitamins,VABB-4,223,248,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393222,,The intentional use of polysemy: a case study of דבר סתר (Judg 3:19),VABB-4,115,136,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393225,,"'Van scholen zonder God verlos ons, Heer': hoe de liberalen de Schoolstrijd wonnen dankzij een schandaal van kindermisbruik in de kerk",VABB-4,126,167,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393226,,Right-wing extremism and the use of violence: what is the role of perceived injustice and moral support?,VABB-4,364,392,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393227,,"Diverging perspectives, converging thoughts? Common themes and prospects in legitimacy research",VABB-4,179,189,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393231,,Over kattenkwaad en jeugdcriminaliteit van twaalfminners in grootstedelijke context: rapportering van de eerste beschrijvende en verkennende resultaten,VABB-4,11,50,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393234,,Dos cánones personales: la tradición literaria chilena en No Leer de Alejandro Zambra y Cien libros chilenos de Álvaro Bisama,VABB-4,289,302,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:393235,,'Un escritor lee de contrabando': conversación con Antonio José Ponte y Alejandro Zambra,VABB-4,279,290,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:393236,,(Multiplayer) gaming around the globe? A comparison of gamer surveys in Four Countries,VABB-4,23,46,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393238,,Aischrology,VABB-4,76,86,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:393239,,Introduction: trust as a matter of equity and excellence in education,VABB-4,1,36,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393243,,Interviewing 'elites' in examining the science-policy nexus: some methodological reflections,VABB-4,123,139,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393246,,"The distributive agency of dramaturgical labour and the ethics of instability: becoming the outside body, implicated in the life of others",VABB-4,97,110,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393247,,The quest for the right argument,VABB-4,145,158,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393250,,"New constitutionalism, international taxation and crisis",VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393251,,Sensibility as vital force or as property of matter in mid-eighteenth-century debates,VABB-4,147,170,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393254,,Oriental religions and the conversion of the Roman empire: the views of Ernest Renan and of Franz Cumont on the transition from traditional paganism to Christianity,VABB-4,285,307,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393255,,The local relevance of global suffering: articulations of identities and cosmopolitanism in television news discourses on distant suffering,VABB-4,121,140,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393256,,Legitimacy and trust-related issues of judiciary: new challenges for Europe,VABB-4,89,110,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393257,,The legal framework of EU-Russia relations: quo vadis?,VABB-4,443,460,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393258,,The ethics of patenting in genetics: a second enclosure of the commons?,VABB-4,129,144,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393261,,Novel issues pertaining to EU member states membership of other international organisations: the OIV case,VABB-4,225,243,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393266,,Semantic memory and bilingualism: a review of the literature and a new hypothesis,VABB-4,133,146,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393272,,'The brain is a book which reads itself': cultured brains and reductive materialism from Diderot to J.J.C. Smart,VABB-4,73,89,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393273,,The derivation of classical Latin aux-final clauses: implications for the internal structure of the verb phrase,VABB-4,141,159,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393275,,Belgium (Flanders),VABB-4,106,137,,lat,2014,2 c:vabb:393276,,De algemene regeling van het pand in de nieuwe pandwet,VABB-4,27,77,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393278,,Agent versus appraiser moral relativism: an exploratory study,VABB-4,209,230,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393279,,The internationalization of European higher education institutions,VABB-4,138,166,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393281,,"Beyond procedural justice: some neglected aspects of legitimacy of criminal law, policy and justice",VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393284,,The 'Smuggling of contraband Chinese and European Chinese': comparing transpacific with transatlantic illegal migration to the US 1875–1917,VABB-4,291,320,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393287,,Commentaar artikel 1728bis BW,VABB-4,1,26,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393288,,Commentaar artikel 1733-1734 BW,VABB-4,1,24,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393290,,Being part of the history of art. Defining non-Western art,VABB-4,67,80,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393292,,The end of competition? Religious disputations in Late Antiquity,VABB-4,149,172,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393296,,Party leadership selection in Belgium,VABB-4,30,46,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393297,,'Moral ornamentation' of English church architecture in the seventeenth century,VABB-4,70,78,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393298,,Commentaar artikel 1735 BW,VABB-4,1,10,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393301,,Language testing for immigration to Europe,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393302,,"The Artist, the City and the Urban Theatre: Pieter Bruegel's 'Battle between Shrovetide and Lent' (1559) Reconsidered",VABB-4,83,96,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393307,,"Economic factors of prostitution: money, nature, crisis",VABB-4,101,119,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393308,,"The national mobilization of German immigrants and their descendants in Belgium, 1870-1920",VABB-4,123,146,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393309,,"How the right to protection of private and family life, home and correspondence became the nursery in which new rights are born: article 8 ECHR",VABB-4,315,329,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393312,,The Potential for Inter-Institutional Conflicts Before the Court of Justice: Impact of the Lisbon Treaty,VABB-4,115,136,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393313,,Introduction: Some thoughts on ancient Jewish texts and the 'literary',VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393314,,Music perception and embodied music cognition,VABB-4,81,89,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393320,,"Disability, fear of movement",VABB-4,1015,1021,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393322,,Literature and the long search for modernity: the counter-histories of antoine compagnon and William Marx,VABB-4,176,198,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393323,,Diplomata Belgica: analysing medieval charter texts (dictamen) through a quantitative approach: the case of Flanders and Hainaut (1191-1244).,VABB-4,169,186,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393324,,"Mishmash, conceptual blending and adaptation in contemporary children's literature written in Dutch and English",VABB-4,193,214,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393326,,Cross-media use: unfolding complexities in contemporary audiencehood,VABB-4,15,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393327,,The EU–Ukraine deep and comprehensive free trade area: a coherent mechanism for legislative approximation?,VABB-4,63,88,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393328,,De speelruimte van de EU om zich te bemoeien met de nationaal voorziene strafmaten,VABB-4,66,89,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393329,,"Equal treatment & corporate criminal liability: need for EU intervention in public procurement, corporate criminal liability",VABB-4,297,309,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393334,,The protection of human dignity in research involving human body material,VABB-4,265,287,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393339,,Psychiatrische zorg vanuit outreachend perspectief,VABB-1,47,62,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393341,,Elargissements et politiques de proximité de l'UE: libres propos sur l'intégration différenciée,VABB-4,495,504,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:393342,,Epigenesis as Spinozism in Diderot's biological project,VABB-4,181,201,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393343,,On the role of Newtonian analogies in eighteenth-century life science: vitalism and provisionally inexplicable explicative devices,VABB-4,223,261,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393344,,"'Omega': eschatologie, fundamentalisme en de VS-politiek",VABB-4,233,258,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393356,,Protection of People in Custody Under the International Human Rights System,VABB-4,237,251,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:393357,,Preventing human rights violations: recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of interim measures before the inter-American and African Human Rights commissions,VABB-4,221,242,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393361,,The multiple layers of arts education in school,VABB-4,79,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393363,,Interactivity,VABB-4,302,305,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393365,,Popular Voices within Princely Legislation: Assessing the Discourse of Flemish Petitions and Burgundian Narrationes,VABB-4,149,166,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393366,,THE SCIENCE OF MAN AND THE INVENTION OF USABLE TRADITIONS,VABB-4,306,336,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393369,,Business process maturity models: what's in a name?,VABB-4,619,641,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393377,,Whose claim is legitimate anyway? Negotiating power in inter-agency collaboration,VABB-4,111,129,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393383,,Hulpverleningstrajecten van minderjarigen in een jeugdrechtbankcontext,VABB-4,251,277,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393388,,Practical ethics,VABB-4,135,148,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393389,,Public research organizations as a base for high-tech entrepreneurship in Europe: the case of IMEC and INRIA,VABB-4,330,354,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393390,,Experimental law and economics,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393394,,Courts and households of the Habsburg dynasty: history and historiography,VABB-4,7,19,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393398,,The in-between of visual dramaturgy,VABB-4,147,161,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393399,,Laclau/Hegemony,VABB-4,162,165,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393411,,Data-driven induction in scientific discovery: a critical assessment based on Kepler's discoveries,VABB-4,59,76,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393412,,"De onwaarschijnlijkheid, overbodigheid ern schadelijkheid van het theïsme",VABB-4,161,194,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393413,,Cognitive predictors of mathematical abilities and disabilities: in R..,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393416,,La antología como dispositivo generacional: reflexiones acerca de la proliferación de antologías de narrativa argentina reciente (2002-2013),VABB-4,225,248,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:393419,,How 'Sovereign' were the Southern Netherlands under the Archdukes?,VABB-4,196,209,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393420,,'A boost to our economies that doesn't cost a cent: EU trade policy discourse since the crisis,VABB-4,95,110,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393421,,"Prostitution undressed: from discourse to description, from moralisation to normalisation?",VABB-4,315,324,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393422,,Faces and spaces of prostitution,VABB-4,14,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393424,,Art. 70 t/m 78 van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen,VABB-4,59,64,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393426,,Autismespectrumstoornis,VABB-4,373,391,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393436,,Een moeilijke bevalling: de ontwikkeling van de aansprakelijkheid van de vroedvrouw in België (19e-20e eeuw),VABB-4,93,110,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393440,,The emergence of non-canonical degree modifiers in substandard varieties of Dutch as constructionalization,VABB-4,207,250,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393443,,De Calvinistische republiek in Gent (1577-1584): een stedelijke samenleving onder hoogspanning,VABB-4,37,57,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393447,,Genderverschillen in psychopathologie bij adolescenten in gemeenschapsinstellingen,VABB-4,319,340,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393451,,Commentaar artikelen VI 37-VI 44 WER: algemene bepalingen in overeenkomsten tussen ondernemingen en consumenten,VABB-4,51,64,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393458,,Zo schoon ende bequaem tot versamelinghe der cooplieden': Lodovico Guicciardini's Descrittione di tutti i Paesi Bassi als bron voor de economische geschiedenis van Antwerpen,VABB-4,59,79,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393460,,Genderverschillen in de schoolbeleving van jongeren uit het secundair onderwijs in Antwerpen en Gent,VABB-4,135,155,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393465,,Andronicus et son influence sur la présentation de l'histoire postdiluvienne et pré-Abrahamique de la Chronique anonyme jusqu'à l'année 1234,VABB-4,55,82,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:393470,,Flemish city monitor,VABB-4,2288,2293,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393471,,Individuele Variabelen en Vreemdetaalleren,VABB-4,139,174,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:393475,,Schopenhauer on empirical and aesthetic perception and cognition,VABB-4,187,210,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393480,,Een moeizame start van de secundaire schoolloopbaan: de rol van genderidentiteit en schoolverbondenheid,VABB-4,157,173,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393482,,Schadevergoeding wegens een onwettige bestuurshandeling voor de hoven en rechtbanken of voor de Raad van State: een moeilijke keuze?,VABB-4,185,226,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393484,,Challenges of digital innovations: a set-top box based approach,VABB-4,234,247,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393492,,Teacher trust in students and the organizational school context: the role of student culture and teachability perceptions,VABB-4,171,188,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393494,,Dancing and thinking politics with Deleuze and Rancière: performing hesitant gestures of the unknown in Katarzyna Kozyra’s 'Rite of spring',VABB-4,173,191,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:393496,,Religion and competition in antiquity: an introduction,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393498,,Pricing decisions and insider trading in fixed-odds horse betting markets,VABB-4,316,338,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393499,,"The transformation of local public spheres: German, Belgian and Dutch border towns during the first world war compared",VABB-4,349,369,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393500,,Effect of tape on dynamic postural stability in subjects with chronic ankle instability,VABB-1,321,326,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:393503,,"Rechabites, Nabataeans and Patriarchs: the pseudo-historical setting of the patriarchal narratives in genesis",VABB-4,205,214,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393505,,De mythe van wederzijds vertrouwen en wederzijdse erkenning in de EU,VABB-4,17,44,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393506,,A state of research on strategic management in the public sector: an analysis of the empirical evidence,VABB-4,151,172,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393507,,Prednacionalni identichnosti na Balkanite (Pre-national identities in the Balkans),VABB-4,21,75,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393508,,An intermedia understanding of the networked media ecology,VABB-4,81,96,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393509,,A life cycle assessment application: the carbon footprint of beef in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-4,31,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393512,,Home improvement and studio stupor: on Gregor Schneider’s (Dead) House ur,VABB-4,209,225,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393520,,Het interdisciplinair therapieplan PD,VABB-4,199,208,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393521,,Parkinson(zorg)kosten,VABB-4,57,66,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393525,,"Blitzen ohne Blitz: Überlegungen zur Kategorie des 'Handelns' zwischen Figürlichkeitstheorie, Rhetorik und Erzähltextwissenschaft",VABB-4,129,146,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:393526,,Managing cost and earned value,VABB-4,247,261,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393528,,Cannabisbevoorrading bij jongeren: een sociale netwerkanalyse van 'social supply',VABB-4,108,132,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393529,,De 'taboes' binnen criminologie: het academisch discours m.b.t. etniciteit/migratie en criminaliteit,VABB-4,192,220,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393530,,Mensenhandel en prostitutie: bestraffing of zelfregulering ter voorkoming van bewust gebruik van gedwongen prostitutie en gedwongen arbeid?,VABB-4,416,440,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393534,,Lord Monboddo's Ourang-Outang and the origin and progress of language,VABB-4,31,44,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393535,,Pain within a social context: Towards an understanding of bidirectional influences.,VABB-4,387,397,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393543,,Verpleegkundige aspecten van progressieve supranucleaire palsy,VABB-4,209,2010,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393545,,Where do-gooders meet bottom-liners: disputes and resolutions surrounding socially responsible investment,VABB-4,119,147,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393553,,Der Erste Weltkrieg in Grenzstädten der Rhein-Maas-Region: eine Projektskizze,VABB-4,151,157,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:393555,,The rebirth of distance in the context of urban sustainability,VABB-4,199,213,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393560,,"Als de tak te zwaar wordt, breekt hij af! Het buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheidrecht inzake arbeidsongevallen in België (1870-1903)",VABB-4,47,66,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393562,,Press releases,VABB-4,583,599,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393564,,Explaining capacities: assessing the explanatory power of models in the cognitive sciences,VABB-4,45,57,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393567,,"Het beleid inzake duurzame ontwikkeling in België, met een focus op armoede en sociale uitsluiting",VABB-4,180,193,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393568,,A look inside Imperial College's TTO,VABB-4,5,19,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:393570,,The socioeconomic outsider: labor and the poor,VABB-4,99,113,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393573,,A constructional corpus-based approach of 'weak' verbs in French,VABB-4,113,138,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393576,,The producer and Belgian cinema(s): the case of Jean (and Jan) Van Raemdonck,VABB-4,249,264,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393577,,"Het spanningsveld tussen het recht op informatie van de patiënt, het recht op verdediging van de zorgverlener, de leiding van het verweer door de verzekeraar en de optimale communicatie na een ongeval in de gezondheidszorg",VABB-4,201,232,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393579,,"Speculation: the devil burning down the house? On derivatives, gambling and public policy",VABB-4,89,137,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393587,,"'Er sieht, blind oder nicht, nach einem heiligen Wort, Gott grad ins Angesicht': Constantijn Huygens, Ooghen-troost (1647)",VABB-4,73,97,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393590,,commentaar art VI 45-VI63 WER: overeenkomsten op afstand,VABB-4,141,144,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393591,,"De vroedvrouw en de gynaecoloog voor de rechter in België, Nederland en Frankrijk",VABB-4,53,106,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393593,,The EU's role and performance within the G20 in the area of finance and development,VABB-4,120,137,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393596,,Ontwikkelt sociale ongelijkheid in preventief gezondheidsgedrag zich al in de kindertijd? Mammografiescreening als casestudy,VABB-4,127,143,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393599,,The Belgian 'burqa ban': legal aspects of local and general prohibitions on covering and concealing one’s face in Belgium,VABB-4,143,170,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393600,,Interdisciplinaire behandeling van dysfagie bij de ziekte van Parkinson,VABB-4,163,182,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393611,,How does stigma influence mental health nursing identities? An ethnographic study of the meaning of stigma for nursing role identities in two Belgian psychiatric hospitals,VABB-1,307,316,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393616,,Reformatie: inleiding,VABB-4,1,14,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393618,,"Document, documentaire et documentation dans l'hybridation des genres littèraires autour de 1930",VABB-4,7,19,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:393623,,The autonomy of organized civil society in strategic policy decision making: a resource dependence perspective,VABB-4,159,181,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393625,,"Representation of old and new groups, old and new cleavages",VABB-4,39,65,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393629,,Spatial representation of number,VABB-4,43,54,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393630,,Injunctie en dwangsom voor de Raad van State,VABB-4,125,184,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393635,,Karman and compassion: animals in the Jain Universal history,VABB-4,129,146,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393638,,Zorgvuldigheid als kern van een EU-beleid ter voorkoming en bestrijding van arbeidsuitbuiting en mensenhandel in de bedrijfsketen?,VABB-4,177,198,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393639,,Spraak- en taalproblemen bij de ziekte van Parkinson-meer dan een 'klassieke afasie en dysartrie',VABB-4,137,149,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393643,,Effect of a home-based balance training protocol on dynamic postural control in subjects with chronic ankle instability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:393648,,Parkinson Revalidatie - Een interdisciplinair plan,VABB-2,,,291 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393658,,Improved hearing conservation in industry: more efficient implementation of distortion product otoacoustic emissions for accurate hearing status monitoring,VABB-5,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:393661,,The power of online proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) measurement of odorous emissions from a pig house,VABB-5,241,246,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393680,,Chemical dechlorination for the treatment of PCBs present in transformer oil (Sovtol-10): parameter study,VABB-1,206,211,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393682,,Monitoring micropollutants in marine waters: can quality standards be met?,VABB-1,243,250,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393683,,Parental satisfaction in Ugandan children with cleft lip and palate following synchronous lip and palatal repair,VABB-1,321,329,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393684,,Structural analysis of the Rhizoctonia solani agglutinin reveals a domain-swapping dimeric assembly,VABB-1,1750,1763,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393685,,Comparison of bacterial cells and amine-functionalized abiotic surfaces as support for Pd nanoparticle synthesis,VABB-1,898,904,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393686,,Intramodality and intermodality agreement in radiography and computed tomography of equine distal limb fractures,VABB-1,92,96,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393687,,Innate immune response and programmed cell death following carrier-mediated delivery of unmodified mRNA to respiratory cells,VABB-1,157,166,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393688,,Dimethyl sulfide biofiltration using immobilized Hyphomicrobium VS and Thiobacillus thioparus TK-m in sugarcane bagasse,VABB-1,257,262,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393689,,Ethylbenzene removal under mesophilic conditions in a biofilter with Macadamia ternifolia nutshells as a carrier material,VABB-1,81,87,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393690,,In vivo disassembly of IV administered siRNA matrix nanoparticles at the renal filtration barrier,VABB-1,2350,2358,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393691,,Analysis of a versatile batch-service queueing model with correlation in the arrival process,VABB-1,300,316,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393692,,Assisted oocyte activation overcomes fertilization failure in globozoospermic patients regardless of the DPY19L2 status,VABB-1,1054,1061,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393697,,Laboratory intercomparison of the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay,VABB-1,120,128,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393698,,Trace metals accumulation in Bacopa monnieri and their bioaccessibility,VABB-1,1081,1083,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393712,,Follicle measurements using sonography-based automated volume count accurately predict the yield of mature oocytes in in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles,VABB-1,107,112,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393714,,"A membrane bioreactor for the simultaneous treatment of acetone, toluene, limonene and hexane at trace level concentrations",VABB-1,2199,2212,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393715,,A new natural resource balance indicator for terrestrial biomass production systems,VABB-1,140,146,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393729,,Two-year results of an open pilot study of a 2-treatment course with rituximab in patients with early systemic sclerosis with diffuse skin involvement,VABB-1,52,57,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393730,,Quantifying abrasion and micro-pits in polymer wear using image processing techniques,VABB-1,123,137,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393731,,SCX charge state selective separation of tryptic peptides combined with 2D-RP-HPLC allows for detailed proteome mapping,VABB-1,164,171,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393732,,Complexity of fuzzy answer set programming under Łukasiewicz semantics,VABB-1,1971,2003,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393734,,Feasibility study of the synthesis of YBiO₃ thin films by aqueous chemical solution deposition as an alternative for CeO₂ buffer layers in coated conductors,VABB-1,3613,3619,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393735,,Emerging contaminants in Belgian marine waters: single toxicant and mixture risks of pharmaceuticals,VABB-1,41,50,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393737,,Second family with the Boston-type craniosynostosis syndrome: novel mutation and expansion of the clinical spectrum,VABB-1,2352,2357,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393738,,"Sealed ultra low-k organosilica films with improved electrical, mechanical and chemical properties",VABB-1,3961,3966,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393739,,Current methods for inducing pluripotency in somatic cells,VABB-1,2765,2771,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393740,,Comparison of established and emerging biodosimetry assays,VABB-1,111,119,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393741,,Copper deficiency in patients with cystinosis with cysteamine toxity,VABB-1,754,760,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393742,,Effect of polymer inclusion in preparation of thick LZO buffer layers for YBCO coated conductors,VABB-1,261,266,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393743,,Effect of hardness in shackle chain wear under harsh environmentally conditions,VABB-1,131,137,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393744,,β-Glucan microparticles are good candidates for mucosal antigen delivery in oral vaccination,VABB-1,671,678,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393745,,Metabolic fate of ochratoxin A as a coffee contaminant in a dynamic simulator of the human colon,VABB-1,3291,3300,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393746,,A predictive model for dysphagia following IMRT for head and neck cancer: introduction of the EMLasso technique,VABB-1,295,299,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393747,,An examination of surface EMG for the assessment of muscle tension dysphonia,VABB-1,177,186,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393748,,Relative biological effectiveness of mammography X-rays at the level of DNA and chromosomes in lymphocytes,VABB-1,532,538,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393749,,The histological appearance of the proximal aspect of the dorsal condylar sagittal ridge of the third metacarpal and metatarsal bone in young Warmblood horses: normal appearance and correlation with detected radiographic variations,VABB-1,232,238,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393750,,"Periodic mesoporous organosilicas: from simple to complex bridges: a comprehensive overview of functions, morphologies and applications",VABB-1,3913,3955,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393751,,Lipoplexes carrying mRNA encoding Gag protein modulate dendritic cells to stimulate HIV-specific immune responses,VABB-1,77,87,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393753,,Diagnostic and prognostic value of calcium oscillatory pattern analysis for patients with ICSI fertilization failure,VABB-1,87,98,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393754,,Closing the nutrient cycle by using bio-digestion waste derivatives as synthetic fertilizer substitutes: a field experiment,VABB-1,175,189,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393755,,A full scale test rig for assessment of abrasive wear of shackle chains,VABB-1,1017,1025,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393756,,"L-Plastin nanobodies perturb matrix degradation, podosome formation, stability and lifetime in THP-1 macrophages",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393757,,The histological evaluation of osseointegration of surface enhanced microimplants immediately loaded in conjunction with sinuslifting in humans,VABB-1,36,44,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393758,,"Toxicokinetic study and absolute oral bioavailability of deoxynivalenol, T-2 toxin and zearalenone in broiler chickens",VABB-1,350,355,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393759,,"Acute radiation-induced nocturia in prostate cancer patients is associated with pretreatment symptoms, radical prostatectomy, and genetic markers in the TGFβ1 gene",VABB-1,393,399,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393760,,New insights into the assembly of bacterial secretins: structural studies of the periplasmic domain of XcpQ from Pseudomonas aeruginosa,VABB-1,1214,1225,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393761,,Toxic effects of dietary exposure to T-2 toxin on intestinal and hepatic biotransformation enzymes and drug transporter systems in broiler chickens,VABB-1,150,155,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393762,,Quantification of silanol sites for the most common mesoporous ordered silicas and organosilicas: total versus accessible silanols,VABB-1,642,650,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393763,,Thoracic aortic-aneurysm and dissection in association with significant mitral valve disease caused by mutations in TGFB2,VABB-1,584,587,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393766,,The mycotoxin T-2 inhibits hepatic cytochrome P4503A activity in pigs,VABB-1,54,56,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393767,,Plant proteins under oxidative attack,VABB-1,932,940,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393768,,Assessment of marine debris on the Belgian continental shelf,VABB-1,161,169,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393769,,Noncoding DNA in lipofection of HeLa cells: a few insights,VABB-1,1070,1079,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393770,,Discrete-time queues with variable service capacity: a basic model and its analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:393771,,Solution-based synthesis of BaZrO3 nanoparticles: conventional versus microwave synthesis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393772,,Effect of global FCFS and relative load distribution in two-class queues with dedicated servers,VABB-1,375,391,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393774,,Influence of wire-EDM on high temperature sliding wear behavior of WC10Co(Cr/V) cemented carbide,VABB-1,198,209,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393775,,Measuring complexity in mixed-model assembly workstations,VABB-1,4630,4643,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393776,,Chronic exposure to the mycotoxin T-2 promotes oral absorption of chlortetracycline in pigs,VABB-1,621,624,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393777,,Exploring the vibrational fingerprint of the electronic excitation energy via molecular dynamics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393780,,Stem bij patiënten met neurofibromatose type 1,VABB-1,38,48,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:393781,,Combination of therapeutic hypothermia and other neuroprotective strategies after an ischemic cerebral insult,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393782,,Impact of class clustering in a multiclass FCFS queue with order-dependent service times,VABB-1,90,98,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393784,,First-trimester Down syndrome screening after assisted conception,VABB-1,E18,E18,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393785,,Use of pluripotent stem cells for reproductive medicine: are we there yet?,VABB-1,42,51,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393786,,Friction and wear response of pulsed electric current sintered TiB2–B4C ceramic composite,VABB-1,104,110,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393787,,Turning a frown upside down: exploiting nanoparticle toxicity for anticancer therapy,VABB-1,121,125,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393788,,Influence of tip defect and indenter shape on the mechanical properties determination by indentation of a TiB2–60%B4C ceramic composite,VABB-1,102,110,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393789,,Efficient performance analysis of newly proposed sleep-mode mechanisms for IEEE 802.16m in case of correlated downlink traffic,VABB-1,831,842,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393790,,Biocompatibility properties of surface-modified poly(dimethylsiloxane) for urinary applications,VABB-1,651,660,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393792,,Masticatory myorhythmia following pontine hemorrhage,VABB-1,327,329,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393793,,"Feasibility of grass co-digestion in an agricultural digester, influence on process parameters and residue composition",VABB-1,187,194,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393794,,Preconceptional low-dose aspirin for the prevention of hypertensive pregnancy complications and preterm delivery after IVF: a meta-analysis with individual patient data,VABB-1,1480,1488,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393795,,Exergetic sustainability assessment of batch versus continuous wet granulation based pharmaceutical tablet manufacturing: a cohesive analysis at three different levels,VABB-1,3039,3048,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393796,,Sex Differences in Neurophysiological Activation Patterns During Phonological Input Processing: An Influencing Factor for Normative Data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:393797,,The Online Protein Processing Resource (TOPPR): a database and analysis platform for protein processing events,VABB-1,D333,D337,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393798,,A semi-preemptive priority scheduling: performance analysis,VABB-1,324,332,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393799,,Gut metabotypes govern health effects of dietary polyphenols,VABB-1,220,225,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393800,,Extending Hirshfeld-I to bulk and periodic materials,VABB-1,405,417,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393801,,Video driven fire spread forecasting (f) using multi-modal LWIR and visual flame and smoke data,VABB-1,62,69,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393802,,Novel MYH11 and ACTA2 mutations reveal a role for enhanced TGFβ signaling in FTAAD,VABB-1,314,321,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393803,,Optimization of X-shaped louvered fin and tube heat exchangers while maintaining the physical meaning of the performance evaluation criterion,VABB-1,136,145,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393804,,The effectiveness of manual circumlaryngeal therapy in future elite vocal performers: a pilot study,VABB-1,1937,1941,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393805,,Efficient and environmentally friendly ink-jet printing of ceramic thin films,VABB-1,466,474,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393806,,Early biomarkers related to secondary primary cancer risk in radiotherapy treated prostate cancer patients: IMRT versus IMAT,VABB-1,377,381,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393807,,Helical mutations in type I collagen that affect the processing of the amino-propeptide result in an Osteogenesis Imperfecta/Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome overlap syndrome,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393808,,The burst factor and its impact on buffer performance,VABB-1,681,684,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393809,,Network virtualization as an integrated solution for emergency communication,VABB-1,1859,1876,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393810,,Postanesthetic neuropathy/myopathy in the nondependent forelimb in 4 horses,VABB-1,996,999,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393811,,Intracellular delivery of nanomaterials: how to catch endosomal escape in the act,VABB-1,344,364,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393812,,Influence of activin A supplementation during human embryonic stem cell derivation on germ cell differentiation potential,VABB-1,3141,3155,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393813,,Fluoroquinolone antibiotics: an emerging class of environmental micropollutants,VABB-1,250,269,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393814,,Fines extracted from porphyry and dolomitic limestone aggregates production: MgO as fluxing agent for a sustainable Portland clinker production,VABB-1,511,522,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393815,,Multivariate analysis identifies the estradiol level at ovulation triggering as an independent predictor of the first trimester pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A level in IVF/ICSI pregnancies,VABB-1,2636,2642,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393816,,A virtually floating dual-mass accelerometer,VABB-1,140,148,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393818,,"A retrospective study of the pregnancy, delivery and neonatal outcome in overweight versus normal weight women with polycystic ovary syndrome",VABB-1,2333,2338,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393819,,Novel pathogenic COL11A1/COL11A2 variants in Stickler syndrome detected by targeted NGS and exome sequencing,VABB-1,230,235,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393821,,An exploratory case-control study on the impact of IL-1 gene polymorphisms on early implant failure,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:393822,,Ink-jet printing of SrTiO3 buffer layers from aqueous solutions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393823,,Reference values for echocardiographic assessment of the diameter of the aortic root and ascending aorta spanning all age categories,VABB-1,914,920,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393824,,Aqueous ZrO 2 and YSZ colloidal systems through microwave assisted hydrothermal synthesis,VABB-1,4082,4095,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393825,,Gene set enrichment analysis highlights different gene expression profiles in whole blood samples X-irradiated with low and high doses,VABB-1,628,638,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393827,,Manual versus automated γ-H2AX foci analysis across five European laboratories: can this assay be used for rapid biodosimetry in a large scale radiation accident?,VABB-1,170,173,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393828,,Efficiency of exome sequencing for the molecular diagnosis of Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:393830,,Heterogeneous photocatalysis of moxifloxacin: identification of degradation products and determination of residual antibacterial activity,VABB-1,333,341,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393831,,Resource use analysis of Pangasius aquaculture in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam using Exergetic Life Cycle Assessment,VABB-1,225,233,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393832,,Heuristic performance model of optical buffers for variable length packets,VABB-1,65,73,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393833,,Assessing nanoparticle toxicity in cell-based assays: influence of cell culture parameters and optimized models for bridging the in vitro-in vivo gap,VABB-1,8339,8359,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393834,,Defective initiation of glycosaminoglycan synthesis due to B3GALT6 mutations causes a pleiotropic Ehlers-Danlos-syndrome-like connective tissue disorder,VABB-1,935,945,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393835,,Measuring the intravitreal mobility of nanomedicines with single-particle tracking microscopy,VABB-1,1955,1968,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393836,,Comparison of speaking fundamental frequency between premenopausal women and postmenopausal women with and without hormone therapy,VABB-1,78,83,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393837,,Low temperature deposition of TiO2 layers from nanoparticle containing suspensions synthesized by microwave hydrothermal treatment,VABB-1,100,111,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393838,,Risks associated with bacterial vaginosis in infertility patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,1809,1815,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393839,,Determination of the sorption and desorption kinetics of perfume raw materials in the liquid phase with vesicular dispersion: application of SIFT-MS,VABB-1,281,288,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393840,,Fuzzy autoepistemic logic and its relation to fuzzy answer set programming,VABB-1,51,80,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393841,,A multi-modal video analysis approach for car park fire detection,VABB-1,44,57,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393842,,Performance analysis of a compound heat exchanger by screening its design parameters,VABB-1,490,501,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393843,,"Fast, microwave-assisted synthesis of monodisperse HfO₂ nanoparticles",VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393844,,Vertical canopy gradient in photosynthesis and monoterpenoid emissions: an insight into the chemistry and physiology behind,VABB-1,85,95,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393845,,Health external costs associated to the integration of solid oxide fuel cell in a sugar–ethanol factory,VABB-1,1283,1292,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393846,,Evaluation of the olivocochlear efferent reflex strength in the susceptibility to temporary hearing deterioration after music exposure in young adults,VABB-1,108,115,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393847,,Carbohydrate-binding agents act as potent trypanocidals that elicit modifications in VSG glycosylation and reduced virulence in Trypanosoma brucei,VABB-1,665,679,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393848,,Reference loci for RT-qPCR analysis of differentiating human embryonic stem cells,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393849,,Vitrification of human blastocysts previously cryopreserved by slow controlled-rate freezing at the cleavage stage,VABB-1,447,451,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393850,,Progress towards butyrate-producing pharmabiotics: Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum capsule and efficacy in TNBS models in comparison with therapeutics,VABB-1,367,367,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393851,,Calculating disability-adjusted life years to quantify burden of disease,VABB-1,565,569,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393853,,Eight years experience from a skeletal dysplasia referral center in a tertiary hospital in Southern India: a model for the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases in a developing country,VABB-1,2317,2323,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393854,,Magnetic layer-by-layer coated particles for efficient MRI of dendritic cells and mesenchymal stem cells,VABB-1,1363,1376,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393855,,Lisping and male homosexuality,VABB-1,1159,1163,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393856,,"An archaeological mystery revealed by radiocarbon dating of cross-flow nanofiltrated amino acids derived from bone collagen, silk, and hair: case study of the bishops Baldwin I and Radbot II from Noyon-Tournai",VABB-1,603,617,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393857,,"Analysing the effectiveness of vendor-managed inventory in a single-warehouse, multiple-retailer system",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:393858,,Feasibility study on the use of cellular concrete as alternative raw material for Portland clinker production,VABB-1,725,733,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393859,,Understanding ultrasound induced sonoporation: definitions and underlying mechanisms,VABB-1,49,64,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393860,,Treatment of human embryos with the TGFβ inhibitor SB431542 increases epiblast proliferation and permits successful human embryonic stem cell derivation,VABB-1,41,48,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393861,,Electrospun polystyrene fibers for HIV entrapment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393862,,Comparison of in vivo optical systems for bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging,VABB-1,909,920,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393864,,Castratie bij het paard: technieken en complicaties,VABB-1,193,201,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:393865,,"Spraakverstaanbaarheid, stem, resonantie, articulatie en oromyofunctioneel gedrag één jaar na faciale transplantatie",VABB-1,38,48,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:393866,,The influence of connection geometry on the fatigue life of national pipe thread threaded pipe couplings,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393867,,Toxic effects of Hoechst staining and UV irradiation on preimplantation development of parthenogenetically activated mouse oocytes,VABB-1,32,40,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393868,,The effect of nanoparticle degradation on poly(methacrylic acid)-coated quantum dot toxicity: the importance of particle functionality assessment in toxicology,VABB-1,732,741,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393869,,Effect of covalent fluorescence labeling of plasmid DNA on its intracellular processing and transfection with lipid-based carriers,VABB-1,1359,1368,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393870,,Suspect screening and target quantification of multi-class pharmaceuticals in surface water based on large-volume injection liquid chromatography and time-of-flight mass spectrometry,VABB-1,2533,2547,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393871,,Perturbation of specific pro-mineralizing signalling pathways in human and murine pseudoxanthoma elasticum,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393872,,Type I procollagen C-propeptide defects: study of genotype-phenotype correlation and predictive role of crystal structure,VABB-1,1330,1341,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393873,,Automated testing combined with automated retraining to improve CPR skill level in emergency nurses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:393875,,Exposure to volatile organic compounds: comparison among different transportation modes,VABB-1,53,62,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393876,,In vivo interaction between the tobacco lectin and the core histone proteins,VABB-1,1149,1156,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393877,,Treatment of pre-existing cardiomyopathy during pregnancy,VABB-1,193,196,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393878,,Quantifying burden of disease to support public health policy in Belgium: opportunities and constraints,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393879,,Imaging findings in a distinct lethal inherited arteriopathy syndrome associated with a novel mutation in the FBLN4 gene,VABB-1,1742,1748,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393880,,Interactions of foodborne pathogens with free-living protozoa: potential consequences for food safety,VABB-1,924,944,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393881,,The potential of antigen and TriMix sonoporation using mRNA-loaded microbubbles for ultrasound-triggered cancer immunotherapy,VABB-1,28,36,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393882,,A multifactorial analysis to identify predictors of implant failure and peri-implant bone loss,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:393883,,Characterization of cardiovascular involvement in pseudoxanthoma elasticum families,VABB-1,2646,2652,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393884,,Uncovering the genetic basis for early isogamete differentiation: a case study of Ectocarpus siliculosus,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393885,,Hevea brasiliensis and Urtica dioica impact the in vitro mycorrhization of neighbouring Medicago truncatula seedlings,VABB-1,123,132,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393886,,Delaying the oocyte maturation trigger by one day leads to a higher metaphase II oocyte yield in IVF/ICSI: a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393887,,Durability and efficiency of ink-jet printed TiO2 coatings: influence of processing temperature,VABB-1,160,167,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393888,,Antipsychotica voor gedragsproblemen bij dementie: evidentie versus praktijk,VABB-1,855,860,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:393889,,A let-7 microRNA polymorphism in the KRAS 3'-UTR is prognostic in oropharyngeal cancer,VABB-1,591,598,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393890,,Experimental study of buoyancy-driven flow in open-cell aluminium foam heat sinks,VABB-1,30,40,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393891,,Performance enhancement of a louvered fin heat exchanger by using delta winglet vortex generators,VABB-1,475,487,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393892,,Influence of the louver and delta winglet geometry on the thermal hydraulic performance of a compound heat exchanger,VABB-1,58,72,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393894,,Intensity modulated radiotherapy induces pro-inflammatory and pro-survival responses in prostate cancer patients,VABB-1,1073,1083,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393895,,Sphingosine-1-phosphate prevents chemotherapy-induced human primordial follicle death,VABB-1,107,113,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393896,,Design and evaluation of theranostic perfluorocarbon particles for simultaneous antigen-loading and 19F-MRI tracking of dendritic cells,VABB-1,141,149,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393897,,Multiprogram throughput metrics: a systematic approach,VABB-1,283,308,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393898,,Iterative SAGE-based channel estimation in a block fading amplify-and-forward relaying network,VABB-1,1742,1753,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393899,,Assessment of nuclear transfer techniques to prevent the transmission of heritable mitochondrial disorders without compromising embryonic development competence in mice,VABB-1,27,33,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393900,,Absence of cardiovascular manifestations in a haploinsufficient TGFBR1 mouse model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393901,,Biosafety capacity building: experiences and challenges from a distance learning approach,VABB-1,64,68,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393902,,New insights into the molecular diagnosis and management of heritable thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections,VABB-1,693,700,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393903,,A topographic anatomical study of the equine epiploic foramen and comparison with laparoscopic visualisation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:393904,,The performance of gradient alloy quantum dots in cell labeling,VABB-1,7249,7258,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393905,,Environmental resource footprinting of drug manufacturing: effects of scale-up and tablet dosage,VABB-1,82,88,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393906,,Transcriptional profiling of the lectin ArathEULS3 from Arabidopsis thaliana towards abiotic stresses,VABB-1,1763,1773,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393907,,"Occipital horn syndrome and classical Menkes Syndrome caused by deep intronic mutations, leading to the activation of ATP7A pseudo-exon",VABB-1,517,521,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393908,,The hydration of cement regenerated from Completely Recyclable Concrete,VABB-1,33,41,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393909,,Field evaluation of willow under short rotation coppice for phytomanagement of metal-polluted agricultural soils,VABB-1,677,689,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393910,,Neonatal progeroid variant of Marfan syndrome with congenital lipodystrophy results from mutations at the 3' end of FBN1 gene,VABB-1,230,234,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:393912,,Sperm involved in recurrent partial hydatidiform moles cannot induce the normal pattern of calcium oscillations,VABB-1,581,588,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393913,,Sphere-forming capacity as an enrichment strategy for epithelial-like stem cells from equine skin,VABB-1,1291,1303,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393914,,Expressed repeat elements improve RT-qPCR normalization across a wide range of zebrafish gene expression studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393915,,Collaborative bike sensing for automatic geographic enrichment,VABB-1,101,111,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393916,,Queueing models for the analysis of communication systems,VABB-1,421,448,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393917,,Pilot validation study on a quasi-static weight-bearing knee rig,VABB-1,229,233,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393918,,Choose your models wisely: how different murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cell protocols influence the success of nanoparticulate vaccines in vitro,VABB-1,138,146,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393919,,On the use of digital image correlation for slip measurement during coupon scale fretting fatigue experiments,VABB-1,3058,3066,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393920,,Distal limb desensitisation following analgesia of the digital flexor tendon sheath in horses using four different techniques,VABB-1,488,493,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393921,,"The critical apical diameter to obtain regeneration of the pulp tissue after tooth transplantation, replantation, or regenerative endodontic treatment",VABB-1,759,763,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393922,,A probiotic fermented milk drink containing Lactobacillus casei strain SHirota improves stool consistency of subjects with hard stools,VABB-1,23,30,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393923,,Cell cycle-dependent O-GlcNAc modification of tobacco histones and their interaction with the tobacco lectin,VABB-1,151,158,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393925,,Coupling of drug containing liposomes to microbubbles improves ultrasound triggered drug delivery in mice,VABB-1,885,893,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393926,,On-chip light sheet illumination enables diagnostic size and concentration measurements of membrane vesicles in biofluids,VABB-1,1741,1747,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393928,,Equine myeloperoxidase: a novel biomarker in synovial fluid for the diagnosis of infection,VABB-1,278,283,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393929,,New techniques for the detection of microplastics in sediments and field collected organisms,VABB-1,227,233,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393930,,Deficiency for the ER-stress transducer OASIS causes severe recessive osteogenesis imperfecta in humans,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393931,,Compound heterozygous mutations of the TNXB gene cause primary myopathy,VABB-1,664,669,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393932,,First report of the genetic background of Marfan syndrome in Polish patients,VABB-1,646,648,,dut,2013,1 c:vabb:393933,,The nasal vestibulum is the optimal sampling site for MRSA screening in hospitalised horses,VABB-1,415,419,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393935,,Influence of the heating ramp on the superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3O7-δ films using chemical solution deposition in a direct sintering method,VABB-1,498,501,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393936,,Methicillin resistant staphylococci and broad-spectrum β-lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae in horses,VABB-1,66,67,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393937,,Stratifying fascin and cortactin function in invadopodium formation using inhibitory nanobodies and targeted subcellular delocalization,VABB-1,1805,1818,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393938,,Probing the size limit for nanomedicine penetration into Burkholderia multivorans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms,VABB-1,21,28,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393939,,Is a semi-automated approach indicated in the application of the automated micronucleus assay for triage purposes?,VABB-1,87,94,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393940,,Surface morphology of polyimide thin film dip-coated on polyester filament for dielectric layer in fibrous organic field effect transistor,VABB-1,152,160,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393941,,Lipid and polymer nanoparticles for drug delivery to bacterial biofilms,VABB-1,607,623,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393942,,Rendering plant emissions of volatile organic compounds during sterilization and cooking processes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393943,,Merging the best of both worlds: hybrid lipid-enveloped matrix nanocomposites in drug delivery,VABB-1,444,472,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393944,,The impact of the NT-policy on the behaviour of a discrete-time queue with general service times,VABB-1,131,149,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393945,,"Prevalence, associated factors and management implications of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: a two-year, two-center experience",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393946,,"The effect of different pen cleaning techniques and housing systems on indoor concentrations of particulate matter, ammonia and greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O)",VABB-1,123,132,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393947,,"Analogs of sulfakinin-related peptides demonstrate reduction in food intake in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, while putative antagonists increase consumption",VABB-1,107,112,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393950,,A personalized view on cancer immunotherapy,VABB-1,113,125,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393951,,Exergy-based accounting for land as a natural resource in life cycle assessment,VABB-1,939,947,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393952,,"Accurate mass determination, quantification and determination of detection limits in liquid chromatography–high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry: challenges and practical solutions",VABB-1,74,82,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393953,,De relatie tussen de Body Mass Index en de spreektoonhoogte bij pre- en postmenopauzale vrouwen,VABB-1,21,29,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:393954,,Particle deposition effects on heat transfer from a metal foam-wrapped tube bundle,VABB-1,74,87,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393955,,Publishing in physical and rehabilitation medicine: an update on the European point of view,VABB-1,711,714,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393956,,Derivation of human embryonic stem cells using a post-inner cell mass intermediate,VABB-1,254,264,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393957,,MRSA carriage in the equine community: an investigation of horse-caretaker couples,VABB-1,313,318,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393958,,Single-particle tracking for studying nanomaterial dynamics: applications and fundamentals in drug delivery,VABB-1,913,927,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393959,,A field-specific web tool for the prediction of Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol content in Belgium,VABB-1,140,148,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393960,,Solved?: the reductive radiation chemistry of alanine,VABB-1,2475,2482,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393961,,Electroporation-induced siRNA precipitation obscures the efficiency of siRNA loading into extracellular vesicles,VABB-1,229,238,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393962,,Biofilm models for the food industry: hot spots for plasmid transfer?,VABB-1,332,338,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393963,,A nanobody targeting the F-actin capping protein CapG restrains breast cancer metastasis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393964,,"Inter- and intra-laboratory comparison of a multibiodosimetric approach to triage in a simulated, large scale radiation emergency",VABB-1,193,202,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393966,,Comparing quantifiable methods to measure complexity in assembly,VABB-1,112,130,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:393967,,Promoter analysis for three types of EUL-related rice lectins in transgenic Arabidopsis,VABB-1,1315,1324,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393968,,Inhibition of infection and transmission of HIV-1 and lack of significant impact on the vaginal commensal lactobacilli by carbohydrate-binding agents,VABB-1,2026,2037,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393969,,HIV-1 envelope trimer has similar binding characteristics for carbohydrate-binding agents as monomeric gp120,VABB-1,860,866,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393970,,Tetravalent doping of CeO2: the impact of valence electron character on group IV dopant influence,VABB-1,258,266,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393971,,Pharmacologic activation of wild-type p53 by nutlin therapy in childhood cancer,VABB-1,157,165,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393972,,Synthesis and antiplasmodial evaluation of aziridine-(iso)quinoline hybrids and their ring-opening products,VABB-1,724,730,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393973,,A systematic analysis of the suitability of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for mitochondrial diseases in a heteroplasmic mitochondrial mouse model,VABB-1,852,859,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393974,,Oocyte cryopreservation and in vitro culture affect calcium signalling during human fertilization,VABB-1,29,40,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393976,,Quantification of octanol–water partition coefficients of several aldehydes in a bubble column using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry,VABB-1,22,28,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393977,,The regeneration of cement out of Completely Recyclable Concrete: clinker production evaluation,VABB-1,1001,1009,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393978,,Aliovalent doping of CeO2: DFT study of oxidation state and vacancy effects,VABB-1,13723,13737,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393979,,Integrated models for the prediction of late genitourinary complaints after high-dose intensity modulated radiotherapy for prostate cancer: making informed decisions,VABB-1,95,99,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393980,,Cytotoxicity of cadmium-free quantum dots and their use in cell bioimaging,VABB-1,1050,1059,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393981,,Analysis of steady-state and transient delay in discrete-time single-arrival and batch-arrival systems,VABB-1,62,71,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393982,,Minimally invasive surgical pastern arthrodesis: an ex vivo study comparing three different drilling techniques for cartilage destruction,VABB-1,1003,1008,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393983,,Validating numerically predicted make-up of threaded connections using digital image correlation and infrared monitoring,VABB-1,492,500,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393984,,C & N isotope analysis of diclofenac to distinguish oxidative and reductive transformation and to track commercial products,VABB-1,2312,2320,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393986,,Multibiodose radiation emergency triage categorization software,VABB-1,83,89,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393987,,Environmental evaluation of eicosapentaenoic acid production by Phaeodactylum tricornutum,VABB-1,991,1002,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393988,,Co-occurrence of free-living protozoa and foodborne pathogens on dishcloths: implications for food safety,VABB-1,89,96,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393989,,High entomotoxicity and mechanism of the fungal GalNAc/Gal-specific Rhizoctonia solani lectin in pest insects,VABB-1,295,305,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393990,,Pore narrowing of mesoporous silica materials,VABB-1,570,579,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393991,,Factors modifying the risk for developing acute skin toxicity after whole-breast intensity modulated radiotherapy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393992,,Towards a predictive cache replacement strategy for multimedia content,VABB-1,219,227,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393993,,Thermal hydraulic performance of 10 PPI aluminium foam as alternative for louvered fins in an HVAC heat exchanger,VABB-1,371,382,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393994,,Influence of geometrical parameters of open-cell aluminum foam on thermohydraulic performance,VABB-1,1202,1215,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393995,,Fluorescent non-porous silica nanoparticles for long-term cell monitoring: cytotoxicity and particle functionality,VABB-1,9183,9193,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393996,,Multi-modal time-of-flight based fire detection,VABB-1,313,338,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:393997,,Elevated soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (sTREM)-1 levels in maternal serum during term and preterm labor,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:393999,,Disfluency: it is not always stuttering,VABB-1,298,299,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394000,,"Synthesis and early ADME evaluation of a novel scaffold, tetrahydro-6H-pyrido[3,2-b]azepin-6-one",VABB-1,1443,1447,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394001,,Comparison of pre- and post-implantation development following the application of three artificial activating stimuli in a mouse model with round-headed sperm cells deficient for oocyte activation,VABB-1,1190,1198,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394002,,Indoor concentration measurements of particulate matter at a pig fattening facility: comparison and equivalence tests with different sampling instruments and measuring techniques,VABB-1,453,462,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394003,,Prediction of fretting fatigue crack initiation and propagation lifetime for cylindrical contact configuration,VABB-1,73,91,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394004,,Finite element simulation of phase difference effects on fretting fatigue crack nucleation behaviour,VABB-1,470,479,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394006,,Polysaccharide-based nucleic acid nanoformulations,VABB-1,1123,1147,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394007,,Compound heterozygous mutations of the TNXB gene cause primary myopathy: response,VABB-1,89,89,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394008,,Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the Nictaba promoter activity during development in Nicotiana tabacum,VABB-1,162,168,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394009,,Determination of a reference system for the three-dimensional study of the glenohumeral relationship,VABB-1,1061,1071,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394011,,DALY calculation in practice: a stepwise approach,VABB-1,571,574,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394012,,Colloidal stability of nano-sized particles in the peritoneal fluid: towards optimizing drug delivery systems for intraperitoneal therapy,VABB-1,2965,2975,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394013,,Structural basis of the proinflammatory signaling complex mediated by TSLP,VABB-1,375,U115,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394014,,Light-addressable capsules as caged compound matrix for controlled triggering of cytosolic reactions,VABB-1,695,699,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394015,,Low doses of ionizing radiation induce immune-stimulatory responses in isolated human primary monocytes,VABB-1,1407,1414,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394016,,Three-dimensional rotational X-ray acquisition technique is reducing patients' cancer risk in coronary angiography,VABB-1,E419,E427,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394017,,The influence of natural pulmonary surfactant on the efficacy of siRNA-loaded dextran nanogels,VABB-1,1625,1638,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394019,,Ceo(2) Based Catalysts for the Treatment of Propylene in Motorcycle's Exhaust Gases,VABB-1,7379,7397,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394021,,Lysosomal capturing of cytoplasmic injected nanoparticles by autophagy: an additional barrier to non viral gene delivery,VABB-1,29,36,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394022,,Cell division responsive peptides for optimized plasmid DNA delivery: the mitotic window of opportunity?,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394023,,The influence of deposition methods of support layer on cordierite substrate on the characteristics of a MnO2-NiO-Co3O4/Ce0.2Zr0.8O2/cordierite three way catalyst,VABB-1,6237,6253,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394024,,Implementation strategies for quality improvement interventions to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394025,,Sustainable production of biologically active molecules of marine based origin,VABB-1,839,850,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394026,,"Deletions in 14q24.1q24.3 are associated with congenital heart defects, brachydactyly, and mild intellectual disability",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394027,,Unraveling the effects of siRNA carrier systems on cell physiology: a multiparametric approach demonstrated on dextran nanogels,VABB-1,61,76,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394028,,Is the whole more than the sum of its parts?: evolutionary trade-offs between burst and sustained locomotion in lacertid lizards,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394029,,Effect of shaft roughness and pressure on friction of polymer bearings in water,VABB-1,371,381,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394033,,Experimental determination of horizontal motion of human center of gravity during squatting,VABB-1,66,76,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394035,,Life Cycle Assessment of Completely Recyclable Concrete,VABB-1,6010,6027,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394036,,Inflammatory response in maternal serum during preterm labour,VABB-1,19,30,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394037,,"Ovarian response to recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone: a randomized, antimullerian hormone-stratified, dose-response trial in women undergoing in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection",VABB-1,1633,U456,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394038,,Reperfusion therapy and mortality in octogenarian STEMI patients: results from the Belgian STEMI registry,VABB-1,837,845,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394044,,Low tendon stiffness and abnormal ultrastructure distinguish classic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome from benign joint hypermobility syndrome in patients,VABB-1,4668,4676,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394045,,Applicability of a static model in a dynamic context in group-screening decision making,VABB-1,313,322,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394046,,Identification of histone H3 clipping activity in human embryonic stem cells,VABB-1,123,134,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394047,,Comparison of gold nanoparticle mediated photoporation: vapor nanobubbles outperform direct heating for delivering macromolecules in live cells,VABB-1,6288,6296,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394048,,"Replacing serum in culture medium with albumin and insulin, transferrin and selenium is the key to successful bovine embryo development in individual culture",VABB-1,717,724,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394049,,Assisted oocyte activation following ICSI fertilization failure,VABB-1,560,571,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394050,,"Unravelling the surface chemistry of metal oxide nanocrystals, the role of acids and bases",VABB-1,9650,9657,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394051,,Loeys-Dietz syndrome is a specific phenotype and not a concomitant of any mutation in a gene involved in TGF-β signaling,VABB-1,641,642,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394052,,Targeted liposome-loaded microbubbles for cell-specific ultrasound-triggered drug delivery,VABB-1,4027,4035,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394053,,Block-processing soft-input soft-output demodulator for coded PSK using DCT-based phase noise estimation,VABB-1,2939,2950,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394054,,Activated MnO2-Co3O4-CeO2 catalysts for the treatment of CO at room temperature,VABB-1,34,41,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394055,,Prevention of central line-associated bloodstream infections through quality improvement interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,96,105,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394056,,Flexible manufacturing of functional ceramic coatings by inkjet printing,VABB-1,489,497,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394057,,"Web-based scoring of the dicentric assay, a collaborative biodosimetric scoring strategy for population triage in large scale radiation accidents",VABB-1,241,254,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394058,,Validation of semi-automatic scoring of dicentric chromosomes after simulation of three different irradiation scenarios,VABB-1,764,771,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394060,,"DTREEv2, a computer-based support system for the risk assessment of genetically modified plants",VABB-1,166,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394061,,FRAP in pharmaceutical research: practical guidelines and applications in drug delivery,VABB-1,255,270,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394063,,"Spray-dried polyelectrolyte microparticles in oral antigen delivery: stability, biocompatibility and cellular uptake",VABB-1,2301,2309,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394064,,A continuous-time queueing model with class clustering and global FCFS service discipline,VABB-1,193,206,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394065,,Twenty patients including 7 probands with autosomal dominant cutis laxa confirm clinical and molecular homogeneity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394066,,On fin efficiency in interrupted fin and tube heat exchangers,VABB-1,557,566,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394067,,Thermodynamic analysis of energy storage with a liquid air Rankine cycle,VABB-1,130,140,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394068,,Accurate prediction of ¹H chemical shifts in interstrand cross-linked DNA,VABB-1,3925,3938,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394069,,Comprehensive clinical and molecular analysis of 12 families with type 1 recessive cutis laxa,VABB-1,111,121,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394070,,A multi-class discrete-time queueing system under the FCFS service discipline,VABB-1,59,73,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394073,,Use of passive hearing protectors and adaptive noise reduction for field recording of otoacoustic emissions in industrial noise,VABB-5,,,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:394077,,Enhanced phytoextraction of cadmium and zinc using rapeseed,VABB-5,,,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394084,,Influence of aqueous precursor chemistry on the growth process of epitaxial SrTiO3 buffer layers,VABB-1,4913,4921,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394085,,Analytical characterisation of NOTA-modified somatropins,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394086,,Adding serum estradiol measurements to ultrasound monitoring does not change the yield of mature oocytes in IVF/ICSI,VABB-1,649,652,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394088,,Detailed method description for noninvasive monitoring of differentiation status of human embryonic stem cells,VABB-1,60,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394089,,Genetic variations in toll-like receptor pathway and lung function decline in Cystic Fibrosis patients,VABB-1,1649,1655,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394090,,Transport of nanoparticles in cystic fibrosis sputum and bacterial biofilms by single-particle tracking microscopy,VABB-1,935,949,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394091,,"Nanobody-induced perturbation of LFA-1/L-plastin phosphorylation impairs MTOC docking, immune synapse formation and T cell activation",VABB-1,909,922,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394092,,Tail probabilities of the delay in a batch-service queueing model with batch-size dependent service times and a timer mechanism,VABB-1,1497,1505,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394093,,Correlation of dual colour single particle trajectories for improved detection and analysis of interactions in living cells,VABB-1,16485,16514,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394094,,Preparation and characterization of Yb2O3-Al2O3 glasses by the Pechini sol gel method combined with flame synthesis,VABB-1,6179,6184,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394095,,"Mutation-free baby born from a mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like syndrome carrier after blastocyst trophectoderm preimplantation genetic diagnosis",VABB-1,12,17,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394097,,Human IL-34 and CSF-1 establish structurally similar extracellular assemblies with their common hematopoietic receptor,VABB-1,528,539,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394098,,"Volatile organic compounds in an urban environment: a comparison among Belgium, Vietnam and Ethiopia",VABB-1,298,314,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394099,,"The combination of inhibitors of FGF/MEK/Erk and GSK3β signaling increases the number of OCT3/4-and NANOG-positive cells in the human inner cell mass, but does not improve stem cell derivation",VABB-1,296,306,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394100,,Forest floor leachate fluxes under six different tree species on a metal contaminated site,VABB-1,99,107,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394101,,Variance in total levels of phospholipase C zeta (PLC-ζ) in human sperm may limit the applicability of quantitative immunofluorescent analysis as a diagnostic indicator of oocyte activation capability,VABB-1,107,U469,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394103,,Discrete-time queueing systems with Markovian preemptive vacations,VABB-1,782,792,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394104,,Type I IFN counteracts the induction of antigen-specific immune responses by lipid-based delivery of mRNA vaccines,VABB-1,251,259,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394105,,Reply to 'comment on ''extending Hirshfeld-I to bulk and periodic materials''',VABB-1,422,427,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394107,,Metabolism of hop-derived bitter acids,VABB-1,7916,7924,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394108,,Individual commitment to a group effect: strengths and weaknesses of bovine embryo group culture,VABB-1,519,529,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394109,,Cochlear implants in children deafened by congenital cytomegalovirus and matched Connexin 26 peers,VABB-1,410,415,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394111,,Extremely high mutation load of the mitochondrial 8993T>G mutation in a newborn: implications for prognosis and family planning decisions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394112,,Molecular docking simulations provide insights in the substrate binding sites and possible substrates of the ABCC6 transporter,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394113,,Prevalence of Fabry disease in a predominantly hypertensive population with left ventricular hypertrophy,VABB-1,2555,2560,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394114,,Speech characteristics in a Ugandan child with a rare paramedian craniofacial cleft: a case report,VABB-1,446,452,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394115,,Influence of data clustering on in-order multi-core processing systems,VABB-1,28,29,,eng,2013,1 c:vabb:394127,,Bioaccessibility and transformations of selenium in the human intestine: selenium-enriched crops versus food supplements,VABB-4,44,47,,eng,2013,2 c:vabb:394163,,Liber Amicorum Anne Mie Draye,VABB-3,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:394164,,Occular blood flow in Glaucoma — the Leuven Eye Study,VABB-1,592,598,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:394165,,Sustainable architecture: In search for a Multitude of Empathic Solutions,VABB-4,63,68,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394167,,Game Mechanics for Civic Participation in Digitized Cities,VABB-5,142,167,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394170,,De verblijfsregeling anno 2015,VABB-1,491,503,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394172,,"New narratives for existing houses in Flanders, Belgium: exploring the discourse on retrofitting dwellings",VABB-1,18,29,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394173,,Chapter 29: Rhizoremediation,VABB-4,277,286,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394174,,The pregnant workers directive: must do better: lessons to be learned from Strasbourg?,VABB-1,309,320,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394175,,The Impact of the CJEU’s Decision on Flemish Law,VABB-1,1086,1091,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394177,,Fast and highly efficient pseudo-likelihood methodology for large and complex ordinal data,VABB-1,2758,2779,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:394178,,Comparing INLA and OpenBUGS for hierarchical Poisson modeling in disease mapping.,VABB-1,45,54,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394179,,Estimating dynamic transmission model parameters for seasonal influenza by fitting to age and season-specific influenza-like illness incidence,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394180,,Towards a Novel Classifier for the Representation of Bounded Rationality in Models of Travel Demand,VABB-4,137,162,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394183,,De actieve emeritus: arbeidsmogelijkheden na de (vervroegde) uitstap uit de academische wereld anno 2015,VABB-4,401,414,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394185,,Het M-decreet: de M van meer inclusie?,VABB-1,100,113,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394186,,Exposure to particulate matter in traffic when cycling,VABB-4,33,51,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394189,,Phenotyping human blood plasma by 1H-NMR: a robust protocol based on metabolite spiking and its evaluation in breast cancer,VABB-1,225,236,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394191,,Over hoe een procespartij plots derde wordt: de impact van kwalitatieve rechten op de procesverhouding,VABB-1,209,212,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394192,,The Remediation of Contaminated Sites and the Problem of Assessing the Liability of the Innocent Landowner: A Comparative Law Perspective,VABB-1,1071,1119,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394194,,Workshops as a useful tool to better understand care professionals’ Views of a Lean change program,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394195,,Improving posture and sitting behavior through tactile and visual feedback in a sedentary environment,VABB-5,4570,4573,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394196,,Adherence to behavioural interventions in multiple sclerosis: follow-up meeting report (AD@MS-2),VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394197,,Multi-Camera Epipolar Plane Image Feature Detection for Robust View Synthesis,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394199,,Preparing the building industry for the new Euratom BSS,VABB-5,253,262,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394202,,De toegang van de minvermogende student tot het hoger onderwijs. Een voorbeeld van het relatieve karakter van de democratisering,VABB-1,222,247,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394204,,Conditional sure independence screening,VABB-1,1,50,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394205,,Making Smart Homes personal: Fabrication and Customisation of Home Interfaces,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394206,,Grensarbeiders en het recht op werkloosheidsuitkeringen: de zaak Mertens,VABB-1,237,242,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394210,,Impact van (echt)scheiding met kinderen op de Belgische inkomstenbelastingen: intern en over de grens,VABB-1,526,563,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394212,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof (2013-2014),VABB-1,76,108,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394213,,Heeft het beginsel van de federale loyauteit een eigen betekenis in de toetsingspraktijk van het Grondwettelijk Hof?,VABB-4,311,321,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394216,,Recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van milieu- en energierecht,VABB-1,336,354,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394218,,Relationship between spatio-temporal electricity costvariability and e-mobility,VABB-5,772,779,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394220,,International Forest Law: To be ... or already there?,VABB-1,70,73,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394223,,Copula based flexible modeling of associations between clustered event times,VABB-1,363,381,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:394224,,"Kan een verbod op religieuze tekens, van toepassing op leerkrachten en leerlingen, in het onderwijs worden verantwoord op basis van de “Neutraliteit”?",VABB-1,108,113,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394225,,De internationale fiscale gegevensuitwisseling in België - Een hedendaagse schets en een bezorgde blik in de toekomst,VABB-1,146,162,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394227,,Ontology based knowledge recognition in service-oriented virtual research environments; case: application in e-learning,VABB-5,148,155,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394228,,Autorijden door adolescenten en jonge volwassenen met een autismespectrumstoornis: een literatuuronderzoek,VABB-1,160,170,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394229,,Gene Networks Involved in Hormonal Control of Root Development in Arabidopsis thaliana: A Framework for Studying Its Disturbance by Metal Stress,VABB-1,19195,19224,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394230,,(Grenzen aan) het recht van verdediging: toegepast op een eis tot nietigverklaring van een arbitrale sententie,VABB-1,22,26,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394231,,The Changing Roles. Retail in the Experience Economy.,VABB-4,25,31,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394234,,Litigation decision,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394237,,A V-model for More: An inclusive design model supporting interaction between designer and user,VABB-5,259,268,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394238,,What to Diffuse in a Gender-Specific Store? The Effect of Male and Female Scents on Customer Value and Behavior,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394240,,Genetically modified crops and small-scale farmers: main opportunities and challenges,VABB-1,434,446,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:394243,,Differences between human auditory event-related potentials (AERP) measured at 2 and 4 months after birth,VABB-1,75,83,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394244,,Validation of a single-stage fixed-rate step test for the prediction of maximal oxygen uptake in healthy adults,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394246,,Designing for Sustainability: A Framework for Sustainable Architecture built on the Perspective of Universal Design,VABB-4,231,237,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394249,,Health impact model for modal shift from car use to cycling or walking in Flanders: application to two bicycle highways,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394250,,Bootstrapping in Survival Analysis,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394252,,Gezocht: vrijwilliger met een hart voor erfgoed. Over de toepassing van het arbeidsrecht op vrijwilligers,VABB-4,437,453,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394254,,"De wet van 4 april 2014 betreffende de verzekeringen (in werking getreden op 1 november 2014) en het huwelijksvermogensrecht. Over de stilzwijgende afschaffing van wetsbepalingen, ongrondwettelijkverklaringen en opheffingen",VABB-4,475,486,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394258,,Perceived health status associated with transport choice for short distance trips,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394259,,Marketing innovation in rural small food industries in Iran,VABB-1,533,551,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394262,,"""De vergunningsproblematiek binnen het hippisch recht""",VABB-4,79,105,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394267,,Bemiddeling en op bemiddeling gebaseerde aanpak van conflicten bij scheiding: het belang van het kind voorop,VABB-1,470,490,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394269,,A framework for electric vehicle charging strategy optimization tested for travel demand generated by an activity-based model,VABB-5,306,311,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394271,,Urodynamic changes in mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis correlate with neurological impairment,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394273,,The Limits of Architectural Abstraction in Network Function Virtualization,VABB-5,633,639,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394274,,De minnelijke schikking in het onroerend erfgoeddecreet,VABB-4,21,32,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394275,,Discovery of the Potential Role of Sensors in a Personal Emergency Response System: What Can We Learn from a Single Workshop?,VABB-5,325,328,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394277,,Selectie- en oriënteringsproeven doorstaan de toetsing niet. Op zoek naar een andere aanpak.,VABB-1,18,25,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394278,,Managing Muslim Employees and Islamic Practices at work: Exploring Elements Shaping Policies on Religious Practices in Belgian Organizations,VABB-4,303,322,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394280,,Life is Short and Trials are Long. Empirische studie naar de doorlooptijden van bouwgeschillen,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394281,,Recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van milie- en energierecht,VABB-1,166,179,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394285,,Openbaarheid binnen de zorg voor het onroerend erfgoed. Een vergelijking tussen het Archeologiedecreet en het Onroerend Erfgoeddecreet,VABB-4,3,20,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394288,,The dynamic signalization of calamity routes – a driving simulator study,VABB-5,2666,2673,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394289,,Practice and knowledge of Flemish architects on sustainable material use,VABB-5,1299,1308,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394290,,Quantifying intraclass correlations for nonnegative traits,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394291,,Kritische bedenkingen bij de Schumacker-doctrine en de nader gepreciseerde tijdsevenredige invulling daarvan,VABB-1,996,1004,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394294,,A Qualitative Analysis of Imitation Performances Of Preschoolers with Down Syndrome,VABB-1,266,275,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394295,,Een lans voor de huisvrouw in de 21ste eeuw,VABB-1,41,44,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394296,,Het kadastraal inkomen na veertig jaar revisited,VABB-1,3,24,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394297,,Combining Direct and Indirect Touch Input for Interactive Desktop Workspaces using Gaze Input.,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394305,,Use of DEA and PROMETHEE II to Assess the Performance of Older Drivers,VABB-5,798,808,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394307,,Development of Activity-Related Muscle Fatigue during Robot-Mediated Upper Limb Rehabilitation Training in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Trial,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394308,,Maternal immune activation evoked by polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid does not evoke microglial cell activation in the embryo.,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394313,,Overzicht van enkele recente wijzigingen in het straf- en strafprocesrecht,VABB-1,61,80,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394314,,Helaba: A System to Highlight Design Rationale in Collaborative Design Processes,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394317,,A user study for comparing the programming efficiency of modifying executable multimodal interaction descriptions. A domain-specific language versus equivalent event-callback code,VABB-5,31,38,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394318,,Supporting social and adaptive interaction in collaborative rehabilitation training,VABB-5,38,46,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394319,,Testing for Constancy in Varying Coefficient Models,VABB-1,890,911,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:394323,,De veranderlijke gevolgen van de verkoop van een kunstwerk naargelang de aard van de werkzaamheden van de kunstenaar,VABB-4,415,435,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394324,,Dynamic assessment of inhaled air pollution using GPS and accelerometer data,VABB-1,114,123,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:394325,,Capturing Process Behavior with Log-Based Process Metrics,VABB-5,141,144,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394329,,StripeMaps: Improving Map-based Pedestrian Navigation for Smartwatches.,VABB-5,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394334,,Agricultural Land Conversion Drivers in Northeast Iran: Application of Structural Equation Model,VABB-1,591,609,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394336,,Exploring the driving behavior of youth with an autism spectrum disorder: a driver instructor questionnaire,VABB-5,98,104,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394337,,Juridische grenzen aan milieufiscale maatregelen voor een duurzaam materialenbeheer,VABB-1,814,827,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394338,,Estimation of a copula when a covariate affects only marginal distributions,VABB-1,1109,1126,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394340,,Using Near-Field Light Sources to Separate Illumination from BRDF,VABB-5,16.1,16.13,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394341,,De moeizame start van de bestuurlijke lus en de administratieve lus: wie durft er nog lussen?,VABB-4,189,208,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394342,,Obesitas en handicap: een zwaar probleem voor het Hof van Justitie van de EU?,VABB-1,60,82,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394344,,Rapporteur summary of opening session and topical session 1,VABB-5,213,217,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394347,,Ge-kunst-el bij veiling. Niet-authenticiteit van een kunstwerk in het consumentenrecht,VABB-1,71,99,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394348,,Generating correlated and/or overdispersed count data; A SAS implementation,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:394349,,Operational Effects of Service Level Variations for the Dial-a-Ride Problem,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:394351,,You Can’t Smoke Here: Towards Support for Space Usage Rules in Location-aware Technologies.,VABB-5,971,974,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394353,,Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Legislation (Jan.),VABB-1,50,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394354,,Remote Rendering Solutions Using Web Technologies,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394356,,Designing Multigenerational Dwelling: A Workshop with Four Flemish Architecture Firms,VABB-1,20,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394357,,Actualia familierecht 2014-2015,VABB-3,,,,lat,2015,2 c:vabb:394358,,De impact van de rechtsmachtsverdeling tussen de Raad van State en de (geonwe) rechtscolleges bij geschillen in personele aangelegenheden in de publieke sector,VABB-1,181,211,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394362,,PaperPulse: An Integrated Approach for Embedding Electronics in Paper Designs,VABB-5,2457,2466,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394363,,Training working memory of older drivers: the effect on working memory and simulated driving performance,VABB-5,154,160,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394366,,Second-order generalized estimating equations for correlated count data,VABB-1,749,770,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394367,,De relatieve werking van het hoger beroep in een onsplitsbaar geschil,VABB-1,1343,1347,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394368,,De effecten van intra-Europese migratie op de Belgische arbeidsmarkt: de migratie van hoogopgeleiden binnen de EU.,VABB-4,131,147,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394371,,Billroth's early observations (1895) on pacing frequencies may have included cases of dysrhythmia,VABB-5,586,589,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394372,,Physician specialists’ perceptions of the medical malpractice system in Belgium,VABB-1,481,491,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394374,,Using process mining to model interarrival times: investigating the sensitivity of the ARPRA framework,VABB-5,868,879,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394375,,A Conceptual Framework on the Impact of Regulatory Quality on Litigation,VABB-1,25,45,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394376,,Empirical Study: Comparing Hasselt with C# to Describe Multimodal Dialogs,VABB-5,25,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394377,,Anti-SPAG16 antibodies in primary progressive multiple sclerosis are associated with an elevated progression index,VABB-1,722,728,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394378,,The Evolution of the Exchange of Information in Direct Tax Matters: The Taxpayer’s Rights under Pressure,VABB-1,210,219,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394380,,Family Characteristics as Determinant of Succession Planning,VABB-5,234,241,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394381,,Derdenverzet na machtiging tot beslag inzake namaak toegestaan op eenzijdig verzoekschrift : wat met de intussen aangetroff en sporen van namaak?,VABB-1,826,829,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394382,,Recommendations for Translation Environments to Improve Translators' workflows,VABB-5,106,119,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394385,,Shape testing in varying coefficient models,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:394386,,De rechtspositie van de meemoeder in het licht van de wetten van 5 mei 2014 en 18 december 2014,VABB-4,151,174,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394387,,Enabling Event-data Analysis in R: Demonstration,VABB-5,189,198,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394388,,B Cells Are Multifunctional Players in Multiple Sclerosis Pathogenesis: insights from Therapeutic interventions,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394389,,Bayesian multi-scale modeling for aggregated disease mapping data,VABB-1,2726,2742,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:394390,,Waartoe nodigt de vrijheid van meningsuiting ons uit?,VABB-1,152,156,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394392,,Large sample properties of nonparametric copula estimators under bivariate censoring,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394397,,Invloed van het Unierecht op persoonlijke belastingvoordelen van de grensoverschrijdende economisch actieve EU-persoon: quo vadimus?,VABB-1,284,305,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394398,,Farmers’ perceived cost of land use restrictions: A simulated purchasing decision using discrete choice experiments.,VABB-1,115,124,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394399,,Personen- en samenlevingsrecht. Kroniek 2013-2014,VABB-1,2,8,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394402,,ICoSOLE: Immersive Coverage of Spatially Outspread Live Events,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394403,,Physical Therapy as Treatment for Childhood Obesity in Primary Health Care: Clinical Recommendation From AXXON (Belgian Physical Therapy Association),VABB-1,1,50,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394404,,Collecting narratives and writing stories of diversity: Reflecting on power and identity in our professional practice,VABB-4,337,354,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394407,,Safety effects of protected left-turn phasing at signalized intersections: an empirical analysis,VABB-1,94,102,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394411,,De rol van de rechter in de precontractuele fase,VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394416,,Impact of in or out of office hours at admission time on outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients.,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:394417,,Subcutaneous Transplantation of Neural Precursor Cells in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Reduces Chemotactic Signals in the Central Nervous System,VABB-1,1450,1462,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394418,,Time is Money. The Cost of Waiting for The Government,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394422,,Informatieverplichtingen bij verkoop van onroerend goed,VABB-4,455,474,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394423,,On the Use of Personalization to Enhance Compliance in Experience Sampling,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394424,,Smart Rehabilitation Garment for Posture Monitoring,VABB-5,5736,5739,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394425,,ALTERNATIVE OXIDASE1a modulates the oxidative challenge during moderate Cd exposure in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves,VABB-1,2967,2977,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394426,,Mixed model approaches for joint modeling of different types of responses,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394427,,Alternatieve aanpak van conflicten met de overheid,VABB-1,3,7,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394428,,A goodness-of-fit test for the random-effects distribution in mixed models,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:394431,,Unbalanced cluster sizes and rates of convergence in mixed-effects models for clustered data,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394435,,Unfolding participation. What do we mean by participation – conceptually and in practice.,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394438,,Touch the 3rd Dimension! Understanding Stereoscopic 3D Touchscreen Interaction,VABB-5,47,67,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394439,,De mogelijkheden tot beperking van professionele aansprakelijkheid,VABB-4,123,138,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394440,,Batch processing: definition and event log identification,VABB-5,137,140,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394441,,Injection attacks on 802.11n MAC frame aggregation,VABB-5,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394448,,Studying the User Experience with a Multimodal Pedestrian Navigation Assistant,VABB-5,438,445,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394450,,A clustering algorithm for multivariate longitudinal data,VABB-1,1,38,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394451,,Hof van Justitie erkent meestbegunstigingsverplichting in het EU-recht: de zaak Sopora,VABB-1,177,183,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394455,,Ted Van Lieshout. Zie mij graag,VABB-1,197,214,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394456,,Growing Impetus for Harmonization of Personal and Family Allowances: Current State of Affairs of the Schumacker-Doctrine after Imfeld and Garcet,VABB-1,185,201,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394457,,Study and Analysis of Collaborative Design Practices,VABB-5,176,183,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394460,,The Implementation of Parental Leave Directive 2010/18 in 33 European Countries,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394461,,Een rechtsvergelijking tussen de Nederlandse fiscale strafbeschikking en de Belgische minnelijke schikking,VABB-1,207,227,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394462,,Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Legislation (Apr),VABB-1,200,207,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394464,,Het herstelrecht als inspiratiebron voor het bestuursrecht,VABB-1,463,466,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394465,,De omgevingsvergunning: een nieuwe wind?,VABB-4,139,154,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394466,,Pickup and delivery selection with compulsory requests,VABB-5,28,33,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394467,,Stochastic efficiency: five case studies,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394470,,De diagnostiek van motoriek,VABB-4,63,84,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394473,,Transaction Costs,VABB-4,1,3200,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394475,,An Empirical Analysis of Case Disposition Time in Belgium,VABB-1,293,316,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394476,,Interactive view point transition on synchronised video streams,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394477,,De impact van de rechtsmachtsverdeling tussen de Raad van State en de gewone (arbeids)rechter bij geschillen in personele aangelegenheden in de publieke sector,VABB-4,159,182,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394479,,De budgettaire impact van de gerechtelijke hervorming,VABB-1,109,146,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394481,,Actualia wetgeving en beleid,VABB-1,167,183,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394484,,Altered signaling for mitochondrial and myofibrillar biogenesis in skeletal muscles of multiple sclerosis patients,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394488,,Invloed van het Belgische vergoedingssysteem voor medische ongevallen op het gedrag van artsen,VABB-1,331,346,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394490,,Cross-cultural research in cross-border regions : verbal and non-verbal professional communication Method and Survey Design,VABB-1,119,128,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394492,,Impact of Income on Small Area Low Birth Weight Incidence Using Multiscale Models,VABB-1,667,680,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394494,,A Conflict in Europe: Succession of Copyright,VABB-4,375,388,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:394495,,Cycling behaviour and collision risk of utilitarian cyclists in Belgium,VABB-4,53,69,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394497,,Farm household risk balancing: implications for policy from an EU perspective,VABB-1,450,468,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394498,,Is (buiten)gewone kost dagelijkse kost?,VABB-1,504,525,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394502,,Implementation of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in daily practice: the need for comprehensive education for professionals and patients,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394503,,Walking capacity and ability are more impaired in progressive compared to relapsing type of MS,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394505,,"Warmetenetten: juridische (on)zekerheid? Analyse van zaken-, energie- en contractenrechtelijke aspecten bij de aanleg en exploitatie van een warmtenet",VABB-1,99,117,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394507,,Farm household risk balancing: empirical evidence from Switzerland,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394509,,The relations between specific measures of simulated driving ability and functional ability: new insights for assessment and training programs of older drivers,VABB-1,65,78,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394511,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 1 januari 2015 tot en met 25 mei 2015,VABB-1,181,184,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394513,,Stukken en conclusies: volmaakte Siamese tweeling?,VABB-1,1306,1310,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394516,,Computing Corpus Callosum as Biomarker for Degenerative Disorders,VABB-5,138,149,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394517,,Verbeterwerken aan een leegstaande woning in Vlaanderen of Brussel: een wereld van verschil voor de proportionele vermindering of kwijtschelding van de onroerende voorheffing,VABB-4,487,505,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394518,,Agent-based Negotiation Model for Long-term Carpooling: A Flexible Mechanism for Trip Departure Times,VABB-5,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394522,,Ecosystem services: the real value of nature,VABB-4,471,482,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394526,,Web-Mediated Augmentation and Interactivity Enhancement of Omni-Directional Video in Both 2D and 3D,VABB-5,21,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394527,,Aansprakelijkheid van een contractant jegens derden,VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394529,,Foreign trust(-like) structures catch Belgium’s attention,VABB-1,232,239,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394530,,An Analytical Expression for the D.I.P. – P.I.P. Flexion Interdependence in Human Fingers,VABB-1,129,135,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:394533,,Mirrorcle: Enhanced Visual Feedback to support Motor Learning in Low Back Pain,VABB-5,26,29,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394534,,Prevalence of Walking-Related Motor Fatigue in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis: Decline in Walking Distance Induced by the 6-Minute Walk Test,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394537,,Towards a holistic approach for risk assessment when reusing slag with enhanced norm content in building materials,VABB-5,309,314,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394538,,De huurwaarde van buitenlandse tweede verblijven op de helling,VABB-1,202,209,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394539,,Documenting (re)design of self-management tools for type 1 diabetes. Towards a continuity of knowledge sharing?,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394540,,De groei van het aantal administratieve rechtscolleges: een analyse in het licht van ons grondwettelijk model,VABB-4,239,252,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394542,,Cross-Surface: Challenges and Opportunities for ‘bring your own device’ in the wild,VABB-5,485,489,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394543,,PaperPulse: An Integrated Approach to Fabricating Interactive Paper,VABB-5,267,270,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394544,,Uncertainties Revisited: Actor-Network Theory as a Lens for Exploring the Relationship between Uncertainties and the Quality of Participation,VABB-1,49,63,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394546,,Proxemic Flow: Dynamic Peripheral Floor Visualizations for Revealing and Mediating Large Surface Interactions,VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394548,,De samenleving verandert men niet bij decreet: Politiek-ambtelijke modernisering in de Vlaamse gemeenten,VABB-4,273,292,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394549,,"Effect of comprehensive cardiac telerehabilitation on one-year cardiovascular rehospitalization rate, medical costs and quality of life: A cost-effectiveness analysis",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394552,,Beslechting van consumentengeschillen in het Belgisch Wetboek van economisch recht.,VABB-1,628,634,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394553,,Crop residue management and oxalate-extractable iron and aluminium explain long-term soil organic carbon sequestration and dynamics,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394554,,Wat rechtscolleges na de invoering van de foutloze echtscheiding kunnen doen om tegemoet te komen aan de belangen/behoeften van de scheidende partners,VABB-1,156,161,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394556,,Kan bemiddeling bijdragen aan de verdieping van de democratie?,VABB-1,32,43,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394557,,Recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van milieu- en energierecht,VABB-1,262,269,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394558,,Status quo Schumacker-doctrine en voorgesteld systeem van fractionele belastingheffing gewikt en gewogen,VABB-1,1292,1302,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394559,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek: Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen (1 januari 2015 – 30 juni 2015),VABB-1,225,241,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394560,,De toetsing aan grondrechten door het Grondwettelijk Hof. Overzicht van rechtspraak 2013,VABB-1,67,112,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394561,,Economic and environmental multi-objective optimization to evaluate the impact of Belgian policy on solar power and electric vehicles,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394562,,Cross-cultural research in a cross-border region: verbal and non verbal professional communication. The case of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine,VABB-1,129,142,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394563,,A Bayesian approach to analyse overdispersed longitudinal count data,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394564,,Créativité et recherche: des antagonistes indissociables de l’apprentissage combiné (de langues) en semi-autonomie,VABB-4,15,27,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:394567,,"Surrogacy, Pregnancy and Maternity Rights: A Missed Opportunity for a More Coherent Regime of Parental Rights in the EU",VABB-1,52,69,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394569,,The SYNERGY II Everolimus elutiNg stent In patients Older than 75 years undergoing coronary Revascularisation associated with a short dual antiplatelet therapy (SENIOR) trial: rationale and design of a large-scale randomised multicentre study.,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:394570,,De omgevingsvergunning: een eerste analyse,VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394572,,Augmenting Social Interactions: Realtime Behavioural Feedback using Social Signal Processing Techniques,VABB-5,565,574,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394573,,Heterogeneous impact of soil contamination on farmland prices in the Belgian Campine region: Evidence from unconditional quantile regressions,VABB-1,135,168,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:394574,,Sensitivity Analysis: Introduction and Overview,VABB-4,319,324,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394576,,Special Topics: Introduction and Overview,VABB-4,493,498,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394577,,Assessment and Comparison of Functionalities of Telemedical Applications,VABB-1,25,34,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394582,,Likelihood and Bayesian Methods: Introduction and Overview,VABB-4,49,52,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394584,,Over de verkoop van een onroerend goed via e-mail of sms: bewijs en precontractuele aansprakelijkheid,VABB-1,327,344,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394590,,"De wet van 2 juni 2013 tot bestrijding van de schijnhuwelijken, de schijn-wettelijke samenwoningen en de gedwongen huwelijken en wettelijke samenwoningen. Deel II. Strafrechtelijke aspecten.",VABB-1,15,22,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394596,,Une législation forte pour des personnes faibles?,VABB-1,161,169,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:394597,,"'Om af te sluiten, druk op Start': zesde rechter in Belgische Yahoozaak schaart zich achter eerste",VABB-1,129,140,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394599,,The Position of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in European Contract Law,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394601,,Model Diagnostics,VABB-4,547,564,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394602,,Europees openbaar ministerie,VABB-1,530,535,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394604,,Een beroep doen op de kracht van mensen : Over het aanspreken van menselijke mogelijkheden in een juridische context,VABB-1,283,296,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394609,,De nieuwe wettelijke regeling voor de burgerlijke professionele aansprakelijkheid van de notaris.,VABB-1,242,249,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394612,,Pseudo-likelihood Methods for Incomplete Data,VABB-4,213,232,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394613,,Introduction and Preliminaries,VABB-4,3,22,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394615,,Perspective and Historical Overview,VABB-4,53,90,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394616,,Sensitivity Analysis: A likelihood-based perspective,VABB-4,325,378,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394621,,Nature Advocacy and the Indigenous Symbol.,VABB-1,105,122,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394622,,Exile and diaspora in film,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394623,,Physician-related barriers to communication and patient and family-centred decision making towards the end of life in intensive care: a systematic review.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394624,,"Internal capabilities, network resources and appropriation mechanisms as determinants of R&D outsourcing",VABB-1,711,725,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394625,,"Equitable and Sustainable Development of Foreign Land Acquisitions: Lessons, Policies and Implications",VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394627,,Financial development dynamic thresholds of financial globalization: evidence from Africa,VABB-1,166,195,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394628,,Les processus de civilisation et l'action sociale: Subjectivité et gouvernementalité chez Michel Foucault et Norbert Elias,VABB-1,47,59,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:394630,,A qualitative study of probability density visualization techniques in measurements,VABB-1,94,111,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394634,,Using Game Principles in UX Research: A Board Game for Eliciting Future User Needs,VABB-5,1225,1228,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394635,,What Are Physicians' Reasons for Not Referring People with Life-Limiting Illnesses to Specialist Palliative Care Services?: A Nationwide Survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394636,,Jongeren en Politie,VABB-2,,,198 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394638,,Motor impairment among different psychiatric disorders: Can patterns be identified?,VABB-1,317,326,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394639,,Transportation habits: Evidence form time-use data. Transportation Research,VABB-1,25,37,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394640,,Foster parents coping style and attitudes toward parenting.,VABB-1,70,76,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394641,,Criteria and standards of generic competences at bachelor degree level: a review study,VABB-1,18,32,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394643,,Multidisciplinary residential treatment can improve perceptual-motor function in obese children,VABB-1,263,270,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394644,,Liberalization and financial sector competition: a critical contribution to the empirics with an African assessment,VABB-1,425,451,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394652,,Conclusions: Lessons Learned,VABB-4,244,265,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394653,,Governing the governors? The impact of New Public Management on Belgian Prison Governors' Leadership,VABB-1,52,57,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394660,,Convenient meat and meat products. Societal and technological issues,VABB-1,40,46,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394661,,A population-level study of place of death and associated factors in Sweden,VABB-1,744,751,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394664,,"The Innovation of the Italian Planning System: Actors, Path Dependencies, Cultural Contradictions and a Missing Epilogue",VABB-1,400,417,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394665,,Modelclausules m.b.t. de Wet Breyne,VABB-4,491,533,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394668,,The relationship between employment quality and work-related well-being in the European Labor Force,VABB-1,66,76,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394671,,Terug tot de werkelijkheid?: Hedendaagse documentaire trends in de Nederlandse literatuur belicht vanuit de twintigste-eeuwse literatuurgeschiedenis,VABB-1,1,24,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394674,,Harmonizing Exclusion under the Refugee Convention by Reference to the Evidentiary Standards of International Criminal Law,VABB-1,1039,1056,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394675,,"European Integration, Consensus Politics and Family Migration Policy in Belgium and the Netherlands.",VABB-4,193,213,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394677,,The United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG),VABB-4,443,453,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394679,,Do infants perceive the social robot Keepon as a communicative partner?,VABB-1,157,167,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394681,,Theatrical heritage: challenges and opportunities,VABB-3,,,272 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394682,,Measuring Bilateral spillover and Testing Contagion on sovereign Bond Markets in Europe,VABB-1,151,165,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394683,,On comparing zero-alpha tests across multifactor asset pricing models,VABB-1,235,240,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394684,,"Over de nieuwe termijnen in de cassatieprocedure: wat meer haast en wat meer spoed, en toch goed?",VABB-1,330,333,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394685,,Spectrum as a platform: a critical assessment of the value promise of spectrum sharing solutions,VABB-4,453,477,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394686,,Electric vehicle attitudes and purchase intention: A Flemish case study,VABB-1,83,100,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394687,,"Diaspora organizations, imagined communities and the versatility of diaspora: the case of Former Yugoslav organizations in the Netherlands",VABB-1,70,85,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394688,,On the substitution of institutions and finance in investment,VABB-1,1557,1574,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394691,,Compliance of patients wearing an orthotic device for the lower extremities or orthopaedic shoes: a systematic literature research,VABB-1,759,770,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394692,,Where Is the Human? Beyond the Enhancement Debate (Review Essay),VABB-1,149,162,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394693,,Migratiecontrole als politietaak: Biedt het wettelijke kader effectieve waarborgen om etnisch profileren te voorkomen?,VABB-1,502,518,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394694,,Het loopbaandebat: een eindeloze discussie zonder (goed) einde?,VABB-1,367,373,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394697,,Do opposing secular trends on backwards and forwards digit span evidence the co-occurrence model?,VABB-1,125,130,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394698,,The contribution of former work-related activity levels to predict physical activity and sedentary time during early retirement: moderating role of educational level and physical functioning.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394699,,Can changes in Psychosocial Factors and Residency Explain the Decrease in Physical Activity During the Transition from High School to College or University?,VABB-1,178,186,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394700,,"Estimating the strength of genetic selection against g in a sample of 3520 Americans, sourced from MIDUS II",VABB-1,266,270,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394704,,De Wet op Externe Rechtspositie als werkinstrument bij het repatriëren van vreemdelingen zonder recht op verblijf?,VABB-1,4,15,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394705,,Crack sealing and damage recovery monitoring of a concrete healing system using embedded piezoelectric transducers,VABB-1,462,474,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394706,,Computational evidence that self-regulation of creativity is good for society,VABB-5,2240,2245,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394707,,Predictors of late initiation for prenatal care in a metropolitan region in Belgium. A cohort study,VABB-1,648,654,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394708,,European Union Trade Policy after the Lisbon Treaty: The Community Method at Work,VABB-4,138,158,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394709,,"Crossroads in New Media, Identity and Law: The Shape of Diversity to Come",VABB-3,,,264 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394710,,Langs digitale weg dan maar? Patronen van internetgebruik en politieke participatie bij Vlaamse jongeren,VABB-1,333,353,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394711,,Open access behaviours and perceptions of health sciences faculty and roles of information professionals,VABB-1,37,49,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394713,,"Voluntary work and the relationship with unemployment, health, and well-being. A two-year follow-up study contrasting a materialistic and psychosocial pathway perspective",VABB-1,190,204,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394715,,"Social Media, Delinguistification and Colonization of Lifeworld: Changing Faces of Facebook",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394716,,Experiment en positionering in het lab van de sixties,VABB-4,3,15,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394717,,"Unitary Transformations in the Quantum Model for Conceptual Conjunctions and its Application to Data Representation,",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394718,,Between compliance and resistance: exploring discourses on family planning in Community Health Committees in Mozambique,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394719,,Gedigitaliseerde Veiligheid vanuit het surveillanceperspectief,VABB-1,6,15,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394720,,General linear models under Rician noise for fMRI datam,VABB-5,1012,1016,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394722,,United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan (UNMOT),VABB-4,492,499,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394725,,Deux ou trois choses que l'élève devrait savoir sur le verbe,VABB-4,161,174,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:394727,,An examination of the stakeholders and elite player development pathways in tennis,VABB-1,454,477,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394728,,Panoptisme in de Veiligheidsketen: een moeilijk evenwicht tussen technologie en mensenrechten?,VABB-1,2,5,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394730,,An Audience Perspective on the 2nd Screen Phenomenon,VABB-1,6,22,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394731,,‘Miserabele personen’ en hun toegang tot het stadsbestuur.: Pro-deo petities in achttiende-eeuws Antwerpen,VABB-1,1,27,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394732,,Breek de stilte: over de aansprakelijkheid van niet zo stille vennoten en de (on)betwistbaarheid van het bestaan van een vennootschapsschuld,VABB-1,361,370,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394733,,"Real estate and mortgage finance in England and the Low Countries, 1300–1800",VABB-1,9,38,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394734,,"Changes in weight, physical activity, sedentary behaviour and dietary intake during the transition to higher education : a prospective study.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394735,,Thomas Storer’s Heart Sequence: A Formal Approach to String Figure-Making,VABB-1,119,159,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394736,,Indicatiestelling voor pleegzorg: exploratief onderzoek naar plaatsingsafwegingen in Vlaanderen en in Nederland.,VABB-1,19,32,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394738,,1834 – 1869 – 1891: The Untimely Deaths of Three Heirs to the Belgian Throne,VABB-4,179,196,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394741,,Discriminating lava flows of different age within Nyamuragira's volcanic field using spectral mixture analysis,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394742,,Inclusive human development in pre-crisis times of globalization-driven debts,VABB-1,428,442,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394743,,"The energy question in the Belgian daily press during 2010: the role of region, newspaper type and newspaper section",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394745,,The Securitization of Latin American Cities,VABB-1,149,153,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394746,,By their words ye shall know them: Evidence of genetic selection against general intelligence and concurrent environmental enrichment in vocabulary usage since the mid 19th century,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394747,,Multidimensional theoretic consensus reachability: the impact of distance selection and issue saliences,VABB-1,1,44,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394748,,Life Paths of Migrants: A Sequence Analysis of Polish Migrants’ Family Life Trajectories,VABB-1,155,179,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394749,,"Implementatie van meertalig onderwijs in Europa: Een parcours met hindernissen. Beknopt overzicht, vooruitzichten en evaluatie",VABB-4,85,114,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394750,,"Chips in black boxes? Convenience life span, parafood, brandwidth, families, and co-creation",VABB-1,34,39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394751,,The dynamic microstructure of organizational commitment,VABB-1,773,796,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394754,,"Shadows of power: Agusta, a Belgian affair",VABB-4,336,345,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394755,,"Les sciences et leurs problèmes: la fraude scientifique, un moyen de diversion?",VABB-1,21,49,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:394756,,"Convenience and the hierarchy of meal preparation. Cooking and domestic education in the Netherlands, 1910–1930",VABB-1,7,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394757,,(Groot)ouders over de echtscheiding van hun zoon of dochter,VABB-1,1,19,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394758,,Dying in place in old age: public health challenges.,VABB-4,716,725,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394759,,Long-Term Effects of Population Growth on Aggregate Investment Dynamics: Selected Country Evidence for Africa,VABB-1,225,250,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394760,,Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations,VABB-2,,,906 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394761,,Affective exhibition during interpretation of statistical data,VABB-5,746,753,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394762,,Environmental performance of advanced hybrid energy storage systems for electric vehicle applications,VABB-1,925,930,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394763,,‘A nation of vicars and merchants’: religiosity and Dutch MEPs,VABB-4,107,121,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394764,,Place of death of people living with Parkinson's disease: a population-level study in 11 countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394765,,Age-related differences in muscle recruitment and reaction-time performance,VABB-1,125,130,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394766,,Three Southern shibboleths: Spelling features as conflicting identity markers in the Low Countries,VABB-1,260,274,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394768,,Quantifying thermoset polymers healing efficiency: a systematic review of mechanical testing,VABB-1,154,174,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394769,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394770,,"""Im Westen nichts Neues""? Over diglossie, diaglossie en tussentaal in West-Vlaanderen",VABB-1,43,66,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394771,,Nurturing Ob-Scene Politics: Surveillance Practices Between In/Visibilities and Disappearances,VABB-1,512,527,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394772,,The Volatile Value of Suffering: Jan Ritsema's _Philoktetes Variations_,VABB-4,223,244,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394773,,Young People in Out-of-School Arts Education: The Influence of the Proximity of the Provision on Their Participation Decision,VABB-1,63,77,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394775,,Damage detection monitoring applications in self-healing concrete structures using embedded piezoelectric transducers and recovery,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394777,,Effects of early childhood trauma on hypothalamic—pituitary—adrenal (HPA) axis function in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.,VABB-1,14,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394779,,A new approach to assessing model risk in high dimensions,VABB-1,166,178,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394780,,The response of the southern Greenland ice sheet to the Holocene thermal maximum,VABB-1,291,294,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394781,,Impression Management in Social Media,VABB-4,469,476,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394783,,Insubordinons-nous !: Lecture critique de la subordination,VABB-1,11,25,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:394784,,Mediarepertoire en nieuwsconsumptie,VABB-4,141,163,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394785,,Antwerp 1490-1590: Insurance and Speculation,VABB-4,78,105,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394786,,Mortality in adult immigrants in the 2000s in Belgium: a test of the “Healthy migrant” and the “Migration-as-rapid-health-transition” hypotheses,VABB-1,1832,1845,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394787,,Codesign with people living with cognitive or sensory impairments: a case for method stories and uniqueness,VABB-1,70,82,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394788,,Advance Care Planning in Nursing Home Patients With Dementia: A Qualitative Interview Study Among Family and Professional Caregivers,VABB-1,979,989,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394790,,De invloed van mensenrechten op het aansprakelijkheidsrecht,VABB-4,45,80,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394792,,Correlates of University Students' Softand Energy Drink Consumption According to Gender and Residency.,VABB-1,6550,6566,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394795,,The Multinational Head Office as a Joint Value Orchestrator: Managing the Global Factory,VABB-4,315,340,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394797,,The Effects of a Cluster on a Spin-Off — The Foundation of Ablynx,VABB-4,213,226,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394798,,La traduction des références culturelles dans 'Allerzielen' de Cees Nooteboom: Une comparaison des traductions allemande et américaine,VABB-1,111,127,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:394799,,On voluntarism and the role of governments in CSR: Toward a contingency approach,VABB-1,378,397,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394801,,"Contested sites, land claims and economic development in Poum, New Caledonia",VABB-1,302,316,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394802,,Hyperspectral remote sensing estimation models for pasture quality,VABB-1,2851,2855,,chi,2015,1 c:vabb:394803,,"If meaningfulness is not always fulfilling, why then does it matter?",VABB-1,484,505,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394804,,"De conventionele uitkering na echtscheiding: durus consensus, sed consensus?",VABB-1,250,262,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394805,,Back to the Future: revisting the contact hypothesis at Turkish and mixed non-profit organizations in Amsterdam,VABB-1,158,175,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394806,,Social classification occurs at the subgroup level: Evidence based on a multidimensional scaling study,VABB-1,13,23,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394807,,Prevalentie van middelengebruik bij jongeren in de residentiële voorzieningen voor bijzondere jeugdzorg in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,2,16,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394809,,"La série “Cultura dell’Anima”, Soffici et Foscolo",VABB-1,167,178,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:394810,,Competitive Dynamics in the ICT Sector: Strategic Decisions in Platform Ecosystems,VABB-1,51,71,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394811,,A design to improve the comparability of area maps: the example of the premature mortality in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394812,,Normative Hybridity in Antwerp Marine Insurance (c. 1650-c. 1700),VABB-4,145,168,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394818,,REER imbalances and macroeconomic adjustments in the proposed West African Monetary Union,VABB-1,276,289,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394820,,Schmahmann's syndrome identification of the third cornerstone of clinical ataxiology.,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394821,,A Single-Amino-Acid Substitution in Obg Activates a New Programmed Cell Death Pathway in Escherichia coli,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394822,,"We zijn de klimaatcrisis misschien aan het oplossen, maar beseffen het nog niet.",VABB-1,43,56,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394823,,"Does organizational ownership matter ? Objectives of employees in public, nonprofit, and for-profit nursing homes",VABB-1,2500,2513,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394825,,Optimal portfolio under state-dependent constraints,VABB-1,1157,1173,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394826,,The Study of China in Poland after World War II: Toward the ‘New Sinology’?,VABB-1,59,90,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394827,,Endogenous pain inhibition is unrelated to autonomic responses in acute whiplash-associated disorders,VABB-1,431,440,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394828,,Strategic Implementation Framework for Smart City in Developing Countries - The Case of Egypt.,VABB-4,171,187,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394829,,"POLITICS OF ETHNOMATHEMATICS: AN EPISTEMOLOGICAL, POLITICAL, AND EDUCATIONAL PERSPECTIVE",VABB-5,492,504,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394830,,"On Taxation, Political Accountability and Foreign Aid: Empirics to a Celebrated Literature.",VABB-1,180,198,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394831,,Control & Value Trade-Offs in Handling User-Data: The Example of Location-Based-Services,VABB-4,96,111,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394832,,Impact assessment of land use planning driving forces on environment,VABB-1,126,135,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394833,,Informal support needs of cancer patients who are living alone: A qualitative insight,VABB-1,1066,1072,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394836,,"Interrelationships between pain processing, cortisol and cognitive performance in chronic whiplash-associated disorders",VABB-1,545,553,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394837,,Inleiding,VABB-1,2,5,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394839,,Two-stage multi-criteria analysis and the future of intelligent transport systems-based safety innovation projects,VABB-1,842,850,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394840,,Clause linking in L2 English: The interaction between syntax and semantics,VABB-1,41,68,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394841,,Capital Structure of Social Purpose Companies – A Panel Data Analysis,VABB-1,234,254,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394842,,‘Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek’,VABB-1,20,39,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394843,,Competenties kwaliteitsvol beoordelen: brengt een comparatieve aanpak soelaas?,VABB-1,55,67,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394844,,Theater. Een visuele geschiedenis,VABB-2,,,344 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394846,,Food Studies and the heritage turn: a conceptual repertoire,VABB-1,67,96,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394847,,Individual differences in subjective circadian flexibility,VABB-1,1246,1253,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394850,,UNESCO and INFOethics. Seeking global ethical values in the Information Society. Special Issue on ‘Ethics in the Information Society’,VABB-1,381,390,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394851,,"The development and validation of testing materials for literacy, numeracy and digital skills in a Dutch context.",VABB-1,655,671,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394853,,"Convenience, food and family lives: A socio-typological study of household food expenditures in 21st-century Belgium",VABB-1,54,61,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394854,,A Multidimensional Impact Model for the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life,VABB-4,55,75,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394855,,Noch journalist noch literator: De positionering van documentaire-auteurs Cees Nooteboom en Julien Weverbergh via de pers,VABB-4,235,251,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394857,,"Software piracy, inequality and the poor: evidence from Africa",VABB-1,526,553,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394858,,Over weerspannigheid en boeien. noot onder Corr. Gent 11 december 2012,VABB-1,92,101,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394860,,The influence of a mild thermal challenge and severe hypoxia on exercise performance and serum BDNF,VABB-1,2135,2148,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394861,,Reviewing the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for the evaluation of transport projects: Time for a multi-actor approach,VABB-1,177,186,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394862,,"A Good Turn Deserves Another: Political Stability, Corruption and Corruption-Control",VABB-1,2037,2048,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394863,,Playful Sounds From The Classroom: What Can Designers of Digital Music Games Learn From Formal Educators?,VABB-5,1467,1472,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394864,,De quoi le 'Groupe prédicatif second à noyau 0' est-il le nom ?,VABB-1,313,334,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:394866,,Groteske Texttheatralität. Zur Jelinek-Rezeption im niederländischen Theater,VABB-4,450,465,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:394867,,Jongeren en publieke ruimte: tussen vrijheid en controle. Reflecties bij een complex vraagstuk,VABB-1,33,48,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394868,,Effecten van de kiesdrempel op het Belgische partijlandschap,VABB-1,391,394,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394869,,Evidence of increased axillary blood flow velocity without increased handgrip strength and endurance in persons with a fibromuscular axillary arch,VABB-1,486,492,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394872,,The impact of mobile phone penetration on African inequality,VABB-1,706,716,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394873,,Planning in actie: de rol van cijfers in het Uplace-debat,VABB-1,47,67,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394874,,UNCLOS and the Arctic?,VABB-1,157,181,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394875,,"Waiters, waitresses, and their tips in Western Europe before World War I",VABB-1,349,378,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394876,,Cerebellum and apraxia,VABB-1,39,42,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394879,,Enduring health effects of asbestos use in Belgian industries: a record-linked cohort study of cause-specific mortality (2001–2009),VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394881,,Port Industry Performance Management: a meso-level gap in literature and practice?,VABB-1,251,275,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394883,,A cross-cultural comparison of tonal synchrony and pitch imitation in the vocal dialogs of Belgian Flemish-speaking and Mexican Spanish-speaking mother-infant dyads,VABB-1,41,53,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394884,,Justitiële trajecten in de volwassenheid van delinquente meisjes verschenen voor de jeugdrechtbank.,VABB-1,473,479,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394886,,Temporary agency workers as outsiders: an application of the established-outsider theory on the social relations between temporary agency and permanent workers,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394890,,eAMI: A Qualitative Quantification of Periodic Breathing Based on Amplitude of Oscillations,VABB-1,381,389,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394891,,Scientific Misconduct: Three Forms that Directly Harm Others as the Modus Operandi of Mill's Tyranny of the Prevailing Opinion,VABB-1,41,54,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394892,,Mindfulness Training among Individuals with Parkinson's Disease: Neurobehavioral Effects,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394893,,The Extended Bloch Representation of Quantum Mechanics and the Hidden-Measurement Solution to the Measurement Problem,VABB-1,975,1025,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394895,,Literature and Media Innovation: A Brief Research Update on a Genre/Medium Project,VABB-1,485,492,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394896,,Delinquente trajecten van jongeren die berecht werden als volwassenen,VABB-1,1,18,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394898,,The Indirectness of Political Representation: A Blessing or a Concern? A Study of the Conceptions of Members of the Flemish Regional Parliament,VABB-1,616,637,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394899,,The effects of non-suicidal self-injury on parenting behaviors: A longitudinal analyses of the perspective of the parent.,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394900,,Policy statement on multidisciplinary cancer care,VABB-1,475,480,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394902,,Scientific Expertise in Child Protection Policies and Juvenile Justice Practices in Twentieth-Century Belgium,VABB-4,161,172,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394904,,Awareness of dementia by family carers of nursing home residents dying with dementia: A post-death study,VABB-1,38,47,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394906,,De objectieve kenbaarheid als criterium voor de grondwettelijke toets van verjaringsregels bevestigd (noot onder GwH 6 november 2014),VABB-1,448,459,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394907,,Ownership and exploitation of land and natural resources in the Roman world,VABB-3,,,407 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394908,,Repeating the Mistakes of the Past will do Little Good for Air Passengers in the EU: The Comeback of the EU PNR Directive and a Lawyer’s Duty to Regulate Profiling,VABB-1,160,165,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394909,,"Balancing attainability, desirability and promotion steadiness in manpower planning systems",VABB-1,2004,2014,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394910,,Tracking and Predictors of Screen Time From Early Adolescence to Early Adulthood: A 10-Year Follow-up Study,VABB-1,440,448,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394911,,Psychosis associated behavioral and psychological signs and symptoms in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's dementia,VABB-1,818,828,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394912,,Public service media and European market integration policies,VABB-4,53,72,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394913,,Hate Speech in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights - Good Intentions make Bad Law,VABB-4,135,162,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394915,,Electrifying light commercial vehicles for city logistics? A total cost of ownership analysis,VABB-1,551,569,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394916,,Integrating ICT in Kenyan secondary schools: an exploratory case study of a professional development programme,VABB-1,565,584,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394918,,β₂-adrenergic agonists modulate TNF-α induced astrocytic inflammatory gene expression and brain inflammatory cell populations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394920,,Local Memories in a Nationalizing and Globalizing World (1750-present),VABB-2,,,296 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394922,,An editorial history of Newton’s regulae philosophandi,VABB-1,143,164,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394923,,Quo vadis? Tien jaar basiswet gevangeniswezen en rechtspositie van gedetineerden,VABB-3,,,203 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394924,,Probolino: A Portable low-cost social device for home-based autism therapy,VABB-4,93,102,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394925,,Die goeie goddelijke markies. Gils en de receptie van De Sade in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,205,235,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394926,,White-Matter Development is Different in Bilingual and Monolingual Children: A Longitudinal DTI Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394927,,High resolution modelling and forecasting of soil sealing density at the regional scale,VABB-1,133,142,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394928,,Iron speciation in soda-lime-silica glass: a comparison of Xanes and UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy,VABB-1,1552,1561,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394929,,Voor eeuwig en altijd? Houdingen omtrent huwen en scheiden bij Vlaamse jongeren met gehuwde en gescheiden ouders,VABB-1,1,24,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394930,,A new fundamental evidence of non-classical structure in the combination of natural concepts.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394932,,"BDNF, IGF-I, Glucose and Insulin during Continuous and Interval Exercise in Type 1 Diabetes",VABB-1,955,959,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394933,,"Impact of environmental factors on the spectral characteristics of lava surfaces: field spectrometry of basaltic lava flows on Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain",VABB-1,16986,17012,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394934,,Johann Christian Edelmann's radicalism: a synthesis of enlightenment and spirituality,VABB-1,137,178,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394935,,‘A nation of vicars and merchants’: religiosity and Dutch MEPs,VABB-1,166,179,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394936,,The Art of Compromise. Legislative Deliberations on Marine Insurance Institutions in Antwerp (c. 1550-c. 1570),VABB-1,25,49,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394937,,On the Added Value of Bootstrap Analysis for K-Means Clustering,VABB-1,268,284,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394938,,Theoretical and Methodological Developments in Processability Theory,VABB-3,,,271 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394941,,Crossing Gendered Borders,VABB-1,201,209,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394943,,Development of the care programme for the last days of life for older patients in acute geriatric hospital wards: a phase 0-1 study according to the Medical Research Council Framework,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394944,,Linking Subnational Climate Change Policies: A Commentary on the California-Acre Process,VABB-1,425,437,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394946,,Plan in opmaak: de selectieve coproductie voor het Ruimtelijk Beleidsplan Vlaanderen,VABB-1,39,67,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394947,,Patriarch und Prophet: Erwählung und Prüfung als religiöse Erfahrungen in Beer-Hofmanns 'Jaákobs Traum' und Zweigs 'Jeremias',VABB-4,33,50,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:394948,,Adapting chronic care models for diabetes care delivery in low- and middle-income countries: A review,VABB-1,566,575,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394950,,Espaço e Vigilância: Reflexões a partir da Geografia Nova - III Simpósio Internacional LAVITS,VABB-5,328,341,,por,2015,2 c:vabb:394951,,The Societal Impact of Counterterrorist Legislation,VABB-4,93,113,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394953,,European Judicial Systems as a Challenge for Democracy,VABB-2,,,244 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394955,,Enseñanza y adquisición del español como lengua extranjera y como instrumento de comunicación profesional intercultural,VABB-1,133,142,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:394958,,"“Brainstem Cognitive Affective Syndrome"" following disruption of the cerebrocerebellar network",VABB-1,221,225,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394961,,Social Media and the Responsibility to Protect,VABB-4,190,207,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:394963,,Tien jaar Basiswet – ‘Back to Basics’,VABB-4,179,203,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394964,,Socioeconomic differences in the use of ill-defined causes of death in 16 European countries,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394965,,What is Quantum? Unifying Its Micro-Physical and Structural Appearance,VABB-4,12,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394967,,De lange schaduw van de Blijde Inkomst. Revolutionair discours over de oude grondwetten in België,VABB-4,35,58,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394968,,A travel time-based variable grid approach for an activity-based cellular automata model,VABB-1,1757,1781,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394970,,"Is It Gender, Ideology or Resources? Individual-Level Determinants of Preferential Voting for Male or Female Candidates",VABB-1,265,283,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394972,,‘Belgian Waffles’ Made in the USA. : World’s Fairs and the Exploitation of National Adjectives for Food,VABB-4,149,163,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394975,,Het leven na de strafuitvoeringsrechtbank. Het reclasseringsplan van Piet Piron.,VABB-1,29,34,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:394976,,Texture comparison between room temperature rolled and cryogenically rolled pure copper,VABB-1,224,235,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394978,,State Aid to Social Enterprises: the Polish Case,VABB-1,479,491,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394980,,"Enkele beschouwingen inzake de schadeloosstelling van benadeelden die schade bij weerkaatsing lijden in geval van een eigen fout van de rechtstreekse benadeelde: noot onder GwH 17 juli 2014, nr. 111/2014",VABB-1,1256,1260,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394982,,The Revolution Will Be Performed. Cameras and Mass Protests in the Perspective of Contemporary Art,VABB-1,7,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394983,,‘One cannot legislate kindness’: Ambiguities in European legal instruments on non-custodial sanctions,VABB-1,3,26,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394984,,"'If you want me to stay, pay': a model of asymmetric federalism in centralised countries",VABB-1,305,320,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394987,,Banknote printing in a less-cash society: innovate or not?,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394989,,Decarbonization in the EU: Setting the Scene,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394990,,Petrus van Musschenbroek and Newton’s “vera stabilisque Philosophandi methodus”,VABB-1,279,304,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:394991,,Report of the JARE-54 and BELARE 2012-2013 joint expedition to collect meteorites on the Nansen Ice field Antarctica,VABB-1,38,72,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:394992,,Uitlokking versus uitgestelde vatting van daders en uitgestelde inbeslagneming: noot onder Cass. 4 maart 2014,VABB-1,36,39,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394993,,Tweehonderd jaar justitie / Deux siècles de justice: Encyclopedie van de Belgische justitiegeschiedenis / Encyclopédie de l’histoire de la justice en Belgique,VABB-3,,,605 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:394994,,Graph theoretical analysis indicates cognitive impairment in MS stems from neural disconnection,VABB-1,403,410,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:394998,,Schillers transzendentalphilosophischer Naturbegriff,VABB-4,235,250,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:394999,,"The social composition of plaintiffs and defendants in the Peacemaker court, Leiden, 1750-1754",VABB-1,208,229,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395001,,The International Criminal Court and the Third Pillar,VABB-4,21,38,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395002,,Jean Cocteau et le théâtre,VABB-3,,,295 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395004,,"In France, are secular IQ losses biologically caused? A comment on Dutton and Lynn (2015).",VABB-1,81,85,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395006,,Combining Federalism with Consociationalism: Is Belgian Consociational Federalism Digging its Own Grave?,VABB-1,277,295,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395007,,China's Coming War with Asia,VABB-2,,,176 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395008,,EU Politics on Labour Migration: Inclusion versus Admission,VABB-1,536,553,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395009,,Pleegzorg en empowerment: (on)verzoenbaar?,VABB-1,488,503,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395010,,"Mediagebruik, e-cultuur en mediawijsheid",VABB-4,115,140,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395013,,Finitism in geometry,VABB-1,1,40,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395014,,Exercise in knee osteoarthritis - preliminary findings: Exercise-induced pain and health status differs between drop-outs and retainers,VABB-1,29,37,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395015,,Dependence Uncertainty Bounds for the Expectile of a Portfolio,VABB-1,599,623,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395017,,Software piracy and scientific publication: knowledge economy evidence from Africa,VABB-1,572,583,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395018,,Klassieke en hedendaagse beroepen en functies in de strafuitvoering,VABB-4,431,451,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395019,,Institutional benchmarking of foreign aid effectiveness in Africa,VABB-1,543,565,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395022,,The European Union's Relationship with NATO and the OSCE,VABB-4,736,749,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395023,,"Cinemas of conflict: a framework of cinematic engagement with violent conflict, illustrated with Kurdish cinema",VABB-1,796,817,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395025,,Psychosocial moderators of associations between life events and changes in physical activity after leaving high school.,VABB-1,30,33,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395026,,Reciprocity in Rapid Ethnography: Giving Back by Making the Small Things Count,VABB-5,292,299,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395027,,The design of tensile surface structures: From a hand calculation in 1958 to a contemporary numerical simulation,VABB-1,251,258,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395029,,Quality of Blended Learning: A Survey among Chinese University Students,VABB-5,7851,7859,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395030,,Limits and Borders of Childhood and Family in the Roman Empire,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395031,,Introduction: The United Nations and Peacekeeping,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395032,,Determinants of medication use in multi-ethnic population of pregnant women: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,108,120,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395033,,The EU and Multilateral Security Governance (Paperback Direct Scheme),VABB-2,,,208 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395035,,E-invoicing as the principal Driver of Change in B2X letter market definitions,VABB-4,277,290,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395036,,Financial Sector Competition and Knowledge Economy: Evidence from SSA and MENA Countries,VABB-1,717,748,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395039,,A Taste of Progress: Food at International and World Exhibitions in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,VABB-3,,,328 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395040,,Diary writing as a technology of the self: On the cultural performativity of graphic self-reflexion in Victor Klemperers Third Reich diaries,VABB-1,44,59,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395041,,ComplémentationS,VABB-2,,,329 p.,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:395042,,The potential of peer assisted learning as a tool for facilitating social and academic integration,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395044,,L’acquisition de la morphologie TAM en FL2 et l’importance de l’aspect,VABB-4,47,74,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395045,,"Policy Change in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: how EU institutions matter",VABB-2,,,248 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395046,,"Dimensions of pure chronic fatigue: psychophysical, cognitive and biological correlates in the chronic fatigue syndrome.",VABB-1,1841,1851,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395047,,Creating a framework for a large-scale implementation of Content and Language Integrated Learning,VABB-1,29,41,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395049,,(S)electing Judges for Strasbourg. A (Dis)appointing Process?,VABB-4,95,119,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395050,,Inleiding bij Le sang de nos pères (1962) van Freddy De Vree,VABB-4,151,154,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395051,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van augustus 2014.,VABB-1,874,879,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395052,,"Living Arrangements, the Crisis and Mother’s Participation in the Labour Market",VABB-4,155,180,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395053,,Co-Creating Games with Children: A Case Study,VABB-1,22,43,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395054,,"The analytical framework: EU institutions, policy change and the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice",VABB-4,11,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395056,,Obesity and the potential reduction of social inequalities in mortality: evidence from 21 European populations,VABB-1,849,856,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395057,,À peine avaient-ils introduit une inversion dans leur énoncé que la subordination s'installa: Subordination inverse et inversion subordonnante ?,VABB-1,31,54,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:395058,,Children and Their Occupations in Late Ancient Rome (300-700 CE),VABB-4,79,109,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395060,,Impact of draining hilly lands on runoff and on-site erosion: a case study from humid Ethiopia,VABB-1,513,525,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:395061,,Convenience on the menu? A typological conceptualization of family food expenditures and food-related time pattern,VABB-1,205,218,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395062,,Stakeholder management practices found in landlord seaport authorities in Flanders: an inside-out perspective,VABB-1,597,620,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395063,,Een Historische Werf: De premoderne bouwsector als verwaarloosd onderzoeksdomein.,VABB-1,71,83,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:395064,,Developing and testing a surveillance impact assessment methodology,VABB-1,40,53,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395065,,How fragile is our intellect? Estimating losses in general intelligence due to both selection and mutation accumulation,VABB-1,80,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395066,,"The more g loaded, the more heritable, variable and evolvable: homology with humans in chimpanzee cognitive abilities",VABB-1,159,163,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395067,,"Mapping the cause-specific premature mortality reveals large between-districts disparity in Belgium, 2003–2009",VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395068,,Competition law scrutiny of horizontal co-operation between broadcasters: Is there a mismatch between theory and commercial reality?,VABB-1,269,285,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395071,,Correcting Inflation with financial dynamic fundamentals: which adjustments matter in Africa?,VABB-1,64,73,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395072,,Quantum Structure in Cognition and the Foundations of Human Reasoning,VABB-1,4557,4569,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395074,,Le problème du pont. Missing links bij de tenuitvoerlegging van de intern en externe rechtspositie van veroordeelden tot een vrijheidsstraf,VABB-4,55,78,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395075,,Centering housing in political economy,VABB-1,373,394,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395076,,Timing and duration of inflation targeting regimes,VABB-1,18,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395077,,End-of-life decisions for older patients who are approaching death,VABB-4,134,143,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395078,,Creating temporary doubly curved tensile membrane structures without cutting patterns using high strain fabrics,VABB-5,457,468,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395079,,Drones. Current challenges and standardisation solutions in the field of privacy and data protection,VABB-5,65,71,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395080,,Discipline jegens vrijheid of vrijheid dankzij discipline?,VABB-1,59,64,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395081,,A public health approach to improving palliative care for older people,VABB-4,275,291,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395082,,The three faces of bounded reliability: Alfred Chandler and the Micro-Foundations of Management Theory,VABB-1,97,122,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395083,,L'appareil policier en Belgique (1830-2010),VABB-4,385,419,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395084,,Conjunction and Negation of Natural Concepts: A Quantum-theoretic Modeling,VABB-1,83,102,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395085,,"Longitudinal study on the association between three dietary indices, anthropometric parameters and blood lipids",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395086,,"Children and Family in Late Antiquity. Life, Death and Interaction",VABB-3,,,375 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395087,,"""Our Man in Brussels"". The UK and the EEAS: Ambivalence and Influence",VABB-4,75,88,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395088,,Nollywood online: between the individual consumption and communal reception of Nigerian films among the African diaspora,VABB-1,301,314,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395093,,Accpetance or refusal of convenience food in present-day prison,VABB-1,47,53,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395094,,De l’ethnomusicologie à l’ethnomathématique. Entretien avec Marc Chemillier,VABB-1,1,19,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395095,,Improving end-of-life care in acute geriatric hospital wards using the Care Programme for the Last Days of Life: study protocol for a phase 3 cluster randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395096,,Handelsvennootschappen in Antwerpen (1830-1850): tussen flexibiliteit en continuïteit,VABB-1,176,193,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395103,,On the Reality Effect of Superfluous Biographical Details and Objects: Revisiting the Artist’s Museum with Roland Barthes,VABB-4,215,224,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395104,,Limitations on the sports betting offer to combat match fixing: experiences from Europe,VABB-1,989,993,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395110,,Assessing cycling-friendly environments for children: are micro-environmental factors equally important across different street settings?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395111,,Physical light as a metaphor for inner light,VABB-1,43,61,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395112,,Experimental and numerical buckling analysis of a thin TRC dome,VABB-1,89,97,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395113,,Multi-criteria decision analysis: Methods to define and evaluate socially responsible investments,VABB-1,44,65,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395114,,"Ontwikkeling van een interventie voor pleegouders, een continu keuzeproces",VABB-1,425,440,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395115,,"Royal Losses, Symbolic Politics and Media Events in Interwar Europe: Responses to the Accidental Deaths of King Albert I and Queen Astrid of Belgium (1934–1935)",VABB-1,155,174,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395117,,"How could hospitalisations at the end of life have been avoided?: A qualitative retrospective study of the perspectives of general practitioners, nurses and family carers",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395118,,Making internalization theory good for practice: The essence of Alan Rugman's contributions to international business,VABB-1,612,622,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395119,,"'Provincializing' Post-Wall Europe: Transcultural Critique of Eurocentric Historicism in ""Pentecost"", ""Europe"" and ""The Break of Day""",VABB-1,28,46,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395122,,Is it worth reorganising cancer services on the basis of multidisciplinary teams (MDTs)?: A systematic review of the objectives and organisation of MDTs and their impact on patient outcomes.,VABB-1,464,474,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395123,,Penser le statut juridique des animaux avec Jean-Pierre Marguénaud et René Demogue : plaidoyer pour la technique juridique de la personnalité,VABB-1,67,72,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395124,,How to implement quality indicators successfully in palliative care services: perceptions of team members about facilitators of and barriers to implementation,VABB-1,3503,3511,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395125,,De relatie tussen kunsteducatie en studieresultaten in relatie tot de SES-achtergrond van leerlingen en de SES-compositie van scholen,VABB-1,214,233,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:395128,,Pre-existing insulin autoantibodies predict efficacy of otelixizumab in preserving residual beta cell function in recent-onset type 1 diabetes,VABB-1,644,651,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395129,,Le développement de la complexité morphologique en français langue étrangère: La dimension de la diversité,VABB-4,7,24,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395130,,De nieuwe financiering van de begroting van de Europese Unie,VABB-1,458,467,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395131,,Choice in politics: Equivalency framing in economic policy decisions and the influence of expertise,VABB-1,360,374,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395132,,Does the Balassa-Samuelson Hypothesis Still Work? Evidence from OECD Countries.,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395133,,Supplying the cities,VABB-4,183,192,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395134,,United Nations Observer Group in Central America (ONUCA),VABB-4,306,313,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395135,,Apraxic agraphia following bithalamic damage,VABB-1,35,43,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395137,,Should I stay or should I go? Ongelijke uitval bij bibliotheekgangers,VABB-4,71,89,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395138,,Neurotrophins and cognitive functions in T1D compared with healthy controls: effects of a high-intensity exercise,VABB-1,20,27,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395140,,"On the climate–geometry imbalance, response time and volume–area scaling of an alpine glacier: insights from a 3-D flow model applied to Vadret da Morteratsch, Switzerland",VABB-1,51,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395143,,The implementation of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in EU external relations,VABB-4,210,224,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395144,,The Life and Deaths of a Dispute. An Inquiry into Matters of Law,VABB-4,160,196,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395145,,"This Country, Where Many Things Are Strange and Hard to Understand: Booker T. Washington in Sicily",VABB-1,173,190,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395146,,Rural crisis and rural exodus?: Local migration dynamics during the crisis of the 1840s in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,32,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395147,,Explaining Economic Frictions Between China and the European Union,VABB-4,131,150,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395148,,"Nos ancêtres, les P(articipes) P(assés): Déférence et lustration de la langue française",VABB-4,59,82,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395150,,Het decreet betreffende de handhaving van de omgevingsvergunning: een eerste verkennende analyse,VABB-1,21,59,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395152,,"Europe, the rise of Asia and the future of the transatlantic relationship",VABB-1,969,989,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395154,,Modern Times in het Belgisch vennootschapsrecht?: Tendensen van modernisering en vereenvoudiging van het Belgische (besloten) vennootschapsrecht,VABB-1,2,24,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395155,,Images Performing History. Photography and Representations of the Past in European Art after 1989,VABB-2,,,300 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395156,,Impact of satisfaction with psychological rewards and pay on Chinese nurses' work attitudes,VABB-1,29,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395158,,Het onontkoombare reproductierecht,VABB-1,119,138,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395159,,The historical sociolinguistics of spelling,VABB-1,201,326,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395160,,Het staat niet op hun voorhoofd: ook organen moeten hun hoedanigheid kenbaar maken aan de medecontractant of verbinden in regel slechts zichzelf: noot onder Cass. 13 december 2012 en Cass. 27 mei 2013,VABB-1,159,165,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395163,,Digital Broadcasting: An Introduction to New Media,VABB-2,,,176 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395164,,Does wearing an orthotic device of the lower limb influence the quality of life of patients? A systematic review,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395165,,"Changes in weight, body composition and physical fitness after 1.5 years at university.",VABB-1,1318,1322,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395166,,Obg and Membrane Depolarization Are Part of a Microbial Bet-Hedging Strategy that Leads to Antibiotic Tolerance,VABB-1,9,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395167,,"Salduz actualia: europees en internrechtelijk perspectief: Wettelijke verankering van het Valentijnsarrest, definitie van het verhoor, bescherming va nkwestbare verdachten, sanctionering van het gebrek aan bijstand van een advocaat, afwijking van rechten bij uitzonderlijke omstandigheden en rol van de advocaat bij het verhoor",VABB-1,47,60,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395168,,The Quantum Nature of Identity in Human Thought: Bose-Einstein Statistics for Conceptual Indistinguishability,VABB-1,4430,4443,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395169,,The 'Duty' to Co-operate for States Bordering Enclosed or Semi-enclosed Seas,VABB-4,66,81,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395170,,"De onverzoenbaarheid van drie auteursimages: Over Sander Bax, De Mulisch Mythe",VABB-1,269,272,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395173,,Variation intrasystémique et transcatégorialité : l’emploi plurifonctionnel du marqueur comparative comme,VABB-4,99,121,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395174,,"Foul wind, spirits and witchcraft: illness conceptions and health-seeking behaviour for malaria in the Gambia.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395175,,Das Leben vom Tode her: Zur Kulturgeschichte einer Grenzziehung,VABB-2,,,207 p.,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:395176,,Innovation in the film sector: what lessons from the past tell us about Hollywood’s digital future – and what that means for Europe,VABB-4,105,127,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395179,,Neighborhood walkability and health outcomes among older adults. The mediating role of physical activity.,VABB-1,16,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395180,,De burgemeester als regisseur van het lokale veiligheidsbeleid?: Criminologisch onderzoek naar de betekenisgeving van het thema veiligheid door Vlaamse burgemeesters,VABB-2,,,286 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395182,,Food at the 1910 Brussels Exhibition: Spaces of Consumption and the Articulation of National Identity,VABB-4,165,182,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395183,,A Study of the First Year of the End-of-Life Clinic for Physician-Assisted Dying in the Netherlands,VABB-1,1633,1640,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395184,,Development and usability of a computer-tailored pedometer-based psysical activity advice for breast cancer survivors,VABB-1,673,682,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395185,,Multiple Surveillance on the Digitized Campus,VABB-1,27,51,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395187,,"Sociale heterogeniteit, culturele diversiteit en burgerschap? De relatie tussen segregatie in het verenigingsleven, diverse vrijetijdsbesteding en burgerschap",VABB-4,475,503,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395188,,In-depth numerical analysis of the TDCB specimen for characterization of self-healing polymers,VABB-1,145,154,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395189,,Educational inequalities in diabetes mortality across Europe in the 2000s: the interaction with gender,VABB-1,401,410,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395190,,“Vliegtuigen zijn vogels”. Willekeur in de metaforen van twee generaties Vlaamse experimentelen,VABB-1,177,214,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395191,,"The questionable economics of development assistance in Africa: hot-fresh evidence, 1996-2010",VABB-1,433,454,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395193,,E-cultuur: het internet als instrument voor virtuele participatie,VABB-4,155,179,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395194,,Rationalizing Investors' choices,VABB-1,10,23,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395196,,Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of ICT Integration in Teacher Education in Turkey,VABB-1,97,110,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395197,,Translating cultural references in Cees Nooteboom's Allerzielen: a comparison of the German and American translation,VABB-1,362,376,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395198,,De (nog) niet verwezenlijke hervorming van het huwelijksvermogensrecht,VABB-1,178,181,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:395199,,Maatschappelijke situatie psychiatrie in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,933,936,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395200,,"Romance–Germanic encounters along the language border: Past, present and future",VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395201,,Cost saving potential in cardiovascular hospital costs due to reduction in air pollution,VABB-1,413,419,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395203,,Exploring board interlocking behavior between nonprofit organizations,VABB-1,73,88,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395204,,Estimating Body Composition in Adolescent Sprint Athletes : Comparison of Different Methods in a 3 Years Longitudinal Design,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395205,,National post-2020 greenhouse gas targets and diversity-aware leadership,VABB-1,1098,1106,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395208,,Crise idéologique et esthétique littéraire: Réflexions sociologiques sur le champ littéraire en zone d'occupation soviétique et en RDA (1945-1955),VABB-1,1,12,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395209,,Teachers' exit decisions: An investigation into the reasons why newly qualified teachers fail to enter the teaching profession or why those who do enter do not continue teaching,VABB-1,37,45,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395210,,Enterprise-Specific Ontology-Driven Process Modelling,VABB-5,472,488,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395211,,Are children with ASD more prone to test the intentions of the Robonova robot compared to a human?,VABB-1,629,639,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395213,,Comparison of two approaches of INR-follow-up and determinants of INR-stability,VABB-1,167,174,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395214,,"Volunteers’ Reactions to Psychological Contract Fulfillment in Terms of Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect Behavior",VABB-1,604,628,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395220,,Lof van de bewening: Pathos in Luceberts eerste elehymne,VABB-4,11,25,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395223,,Participatory Inegrated Coastal Zone Management in Vietnam: Theory versus practice: Case Study: Thua Thien Hue,VABB-1,42,53,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395224,,Privacy and Social Media,VABB-4,981,987,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395225,,Beliefs and opinions regarding telemedicine: A survey of the broad public and professional caregivers,VABB-5,353,354,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395228,,Physiotherapists' Perceived Motivators and Barriers for Organizing Physical Activity for Older Long-Term Care Facility Residents,VABB-1,371,379,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395229,,Knowledge economy and financial sector competition in African countries,VABB-1,333,346,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395230,,The Constitution of Belgium: A Contextual Analysis,VABB-2,,,312 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395231,,Towards a meta-analysis and toolkit for port related socio-economic impacts: a review of socio-economic impact studies conducted for seaports,VABB-1,459,480,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395232,,"“Flemish Friends, Let us Separate!”: The Discursive Struggle for Flemish Nationalist Civil Society in the Media",VABB-1,37,54,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395234,,Sportparticipatie in Vlaanderen: sociale uitsluiting van kansengroepen,VABB-4,333,360,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395235,,Shifts in subsets of CD8+ T-cells as evidence of immunosenescence in patients with cancers affecting the lungs: an observational case-control study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395236,,"Bullying and Victimization, Depressive Mood, and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Adolescents: The Moderating Role of Parental Support",VABB-1,3363,3371,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395237,,Migration and immigrants in Europe: A historical and demographic perspective,VABB-4,31,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395239,,"Les espions civils au service de l’ennemi, au prisme de la justice militaire belge. L’Autre versant de la guerre de l’ombre (1914-1920)",VABB-1,10,49,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:395240,,"""Recalibrating O'Neill's Modern Tragedy: Staging _Long Day's Journey into Night_ in the Low Countries.""",VABB-1,29,47,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395245,,Clinical and scientific aspects related to biosimilars in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD): position document of the Belgian IBD Research & Development Group (BIRD),VABB-1,26,29,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395246,,Betaling van Belgische pensioenen in het buitenland onafwendbaar,VABB-1,457,465,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395247,,Imaginaries of Ownership; the logic of participation in the moral economy of 3D software design,VABB-1,400,408,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395251,,“It all has to do with men.” How abusive romantic relationships impact on female pathways to prison,VABB-4,32,47,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395253,,Comparative Regionalist Studies,VABB-4,173,188,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395254,,"Convenience foods: shopping, cooking and eating",VABB-1,1,61,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395255,,Competing perspectives? WTO and UNESCO on cultural diversity in global trade,VABB-4,43,58,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395256,,Motor abilities of adolescents with a disruptive behavior disorder: The role of comorbidity with ADHD,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395257,,"Early career occupational mobility of Turkish and Moroccan second-generation migrants in Flanders, Belgium.",VABB-1,101,117,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395258,,"Much Obliged: Volunteering, Normative Activities, and Willingness to Serve on Juries",VABB-1,433,460,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395259,,Fighting software piracy in Africa: how do legal origins and IPRs protection channels matter?,VABB-1,682,703,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395260,,Gust Gils in zijn experiment,VABB-3,,,278 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395263,,Aging-associated subpopulations of human CD8+ T-lymphocytes identified by their CD28 and CD57 phenotypes,VABB-1,494,502,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395264,,Honderd jaar koopkracht in België (1914-2014),VABB-1,5,21,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395265,,"Convenience foods. What, why and when",VABB-1,2,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395266,,The New Internalization Theory and Multinational Enterprises from Emerging Economies: A Business History Perspective,VABB-1,415,445,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395267,,"Spatio-temporal dynamics of eruptions in a youthful extensional setting: Insights from Nyamulagira Volcano (D.R. Congo), in the western branch of the East African Rift",VABB-1,305,328,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395268,,Robot-assisted walking with the Lokomat: the influence of different levels of guidance force on thorax and pelvis kinematics,VABB-1,254,259,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395270,,Atypical cerebral and cerebellar language organisation: a case study,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395271,,Post-Cold War Peacekeeping 1988 - 1998,VABB-4,261,268,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395273,,Foreign hospitality workers at the 1910 Brussels World and International Exhibition,VABB-4,257,274,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395277,,'Juridische correctheid' is nodig,VABB-1,425,432,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395279,,Hedging in the Middle East and China-U.S. Competition,VABB-1,575,596,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395281,,Sécurité sociale et sixième réforme de l’Etat : une perspective de droit européen,VABB-1,411,444,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395282,,Discretionaire bevoegdheid Raad van State om omvang schadevergoeding te bepalen: Toetsing aan het gelijkheidsbeginsel,VABB-1,618,625,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395284,,Language ideological debates over orthography in European linguistic history,VABB-1,201,207,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395286,,Der Herrschaft alles Zeitlichen entgleitend: Herinnerings(inter)teksten in Richard Beer-Hofmanns 'Paula. Ein Fragment',VABB-1,153,167,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395288,,Short-term fun or long-term gain: a mixed methods empirical investigation into perceptions of truancy among non-truants in Flanders,VABB-1,326,340,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395289,,The effect of post-Exercise cryotherapy on recovery characteristics : A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395290,,Ambient Computing Law,VABB-4,20,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395291,,Burden Sharing and Optimal State Aid Schemes,VABB-1,133,145,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395292,,Academische cultuur en wetenschappelijk wangedrag - en wat de relatie daartussen is,VABB-1,3,21,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395293,,Privacy in location-based social networks: privacy scripts & user practices,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395295,,Globalization and health worker crisis; what do wealth-effects tell us?.,VABB-1,1243,1264,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395298,,IMPLEMENTATION OF BENDING-ACTIVE ELEMENTS IN KINEMATIC FORM-ACTIVE STRUCTURES: DESIGN OF A REPRESENTATIVE CASE STUDY,VABB-5,368,379,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395300,,The standardisation of minority languages – introductory remarks,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395302,,Acquisition of formulaic sequences in intensive and regular EFL programmes,VABB-1,89,106,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395303,,Contribution of chronic diseases to the mild and severe disability burden in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395305,,"Effects of surveillance on the rule of law, due process and the presumption of innocence",VABB-4,283,291,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395310,,Influence of respiratory physiotherapy on gastro-oesophageal reflux in infants: A systematic review,VABB-1,936,944,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395311,,Enkele bedenkingen bij de Vlaamse en de Waalse planbatenheffing,VABB-1,3,24,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395312,,Picturing probation: exploring the utility of visual methods in comparative research,VABB-1,179,200,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395316,,Het gelijkheidsbeginsel als bevoegdheidsverdelend criterium: Over de toepasbaarheid van het gelijkheidsbeginsel wanneer wetgevers van een verschillend niveau een soortgelijke situatie op een verschillende manier reguleren,VABB-1,449,462,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395317,,Quantile of a Mixture with Application to Model Risk Assessment,VABB-1,172,181,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395318,,Does money matter in Africa? New empirics on Long- and Short-run Effects of Monetary Policy on Output and Prices,VABB-1,142,180,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395319,,Mobile Wallets' Business Models: Refining Strategic Partnerships,VABB-1,88,98,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395320,,Ice-dynamic projections of the Greenland ice sheet in response to atmospheric and oceanic warming,VABB-1,1039,1062,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395322,,Motivators and barriers for physical activity in older adults with osteoporosis,VABB-1,105,114,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395323,,Does parental accompaniment when walking or cycling moderate the association between physical neighbourhood environment and active transport among 10-12 year olds?,VABB-1,149,153,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:395324,,Lipsiomnema anniversarium: La Laudatio funebris Iusti Lipsi d' Erycius Puteanus (1574-1646): une pièce de rhétorique épidictique?,VABB-1,441,452,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:395326,,Controlestandaarden en controleverklaring,VABB-1,29,34,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:395327,,De toepassing van het Belgische immigratiebeleid in de negentiende eeuw. Omzendbrieven als schakels tussen het centrale en lokale beleidsniveau (1830-1914),VABB-1,12,45,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:395328,,La arquitectónica de la deducción de las categorías en el sistema fichteano de 1794/95,VABB-1,689,709,,spa,2015,1 c:vabb:395329,,Raising Trust in Security Products and Systems through Standardisation and Certification: The CRISP Approach,VABB-5,57,63,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395332,,Prognostic factors for recovery after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: A prognostic study,VABB-1,1249,1256,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395333,,Smart Grid Security,VABB-2,,,130 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395335,,Should there be an app for that? Inhibiting and contributing factors to the development of a mobile smart city strategy for Brussels,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395337,,Dual Disorders in Adolescent Populations,VABB-4,335,347,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395338,,Demandes d’euthanasie en prison. Souffrance psychique entre dignité humaine et peine de mort?,VABB-1,102,122,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395339,,The efficiency of self-healing concrete using alternative manufacturing procedures and more realistic crack patterns,VABB-1,142,152,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395340,,Exposure measurement in bicycle safety analysis: A review of the literature,VABB-1,9,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395341,,Finance and growth: new evidence from meta-analysis,VABB-1,615,639,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395345,,"Sinkholes, pit craters, and small calderas: Analog models of depletion-induced collapse analyzed by computed X-ray microtomography",VABB-1,281,296,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395346,,Attentional Distraction during Exercise in Overweight and Normal-Weight Boys.,VABB-1,3077,3090,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395347,,Evidence-informed programmes to reduce violence: preventing elder abuse,VABB-4,207,212,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395348,,Et si la syntaxe éclairait le sémantico-pragmatique: Le cas de la négation,VABB-4,213,225,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:395349,,"Except for C-C chemokine receptor 7 expression, monocyte-derived dendritic cells from patients with multiple sclerosis are functionally comparable to those of healthy controls",VABB-1,1024,1030,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395351,,Interpersonal trust and welfare state support,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395353,,Institutional Interactions,VABB-4,101,104,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395355,,Niet - invasieve prenatale tests: onderzoek naar de houding van aanstaande en jonge moeders in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,70,76,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395356,,Health-related factors associated with the participation in cervical cancer screening,VABB-1,11,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395357,,"Quantum and Concept Combination, Entangled Measurements, and Prototype Theory",VABB-1,129,137,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395358,,Using Life Cycle Assessment to Inform Decision-Making for Sustainable Buildings,VABB-1,536,559,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395359,,Qualitative indicators for smart city business models: The case of mobile services and applications,VABB-1,218,240,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395360,,"Psychosocial development of full term singletons, born after preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) at preschool age and family functioning: a prospective case-controlled study and multi-informant approach",VABB-1,1122,1136,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395361,,Two at the time: The parallel learning of French and English as foreign languages,VABB-1,9,41,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395362,,Comfort goal of care and end-of-life outcomes in dementia: A prospective study,VABB-1,538,546,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395363,,Transitional challenges and elite athletes' mental health,VABB-4,99,116,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395365,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van juli 2014,VABB-1,715,720,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395366,,Using ICT-tool as a solution for the educational and social needs of long-term sick adolescents,VABB-1,231,245,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395367,,The Female Audit Fee Premium,VABB-1,171,195,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395368,,"Impacts of electricity mix, charging profile, and driving behavior on the emissions performance of battery electric vehicles: A Belgian case study",VABB-1,496,505,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395369,,Foster care assessment: A study of the placement decision process in Flanders,VABB-1,119,127,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395371,,"Climate change and individual responsibility: Agency, moral disengagement and the motivational gap",VABB-2,,,152 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395372,,The impact of parental detention on the psychological wellbeing of Palestinian children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395373,,Palliative care for older people: a public health perspective,VABB-3,,,320 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395374,,A NIKKEI TRANSLATION OF TANIZAKI’S MAKIOKA SISTERS,VABB-1,127,148,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395375,,Historical sociolinguistics: The field and its future,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395376,,On the longer term effects of State aid on market shares,VABB-1,271,279,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395379,,Family physicians' role in palliative care throughout the care continuum: stakeholder perspectives,VABB-1,694,700,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395380,,High performance sport in Brazil. Structure and policies comparison with the international context,VABB-1,83,111,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395382,,It's for your own good: researching youth justice practices,VABB-3,,,395 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395383,,Privacy as a line of flight in societies of mass surveillance,VABB-1,39,46,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395384,,Successful elite sport policies: an international comparison in 15 nations,VABB-2,,,380 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395386,,An ultrasensitive nano UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS method for the quantification of three neuromedin-like peptides in microdialysates,VABB-1,605,619,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395387,,Do teachers have worse mental health? Review of the existing comparative research and results from the Belgian Health Interview Survey,VABB-1,88,100,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395388,,The contribution of national disparities to international differences in mortality between the United States and 7 European countries,VABB-1,112,119,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395389,,Neo-Marxian social class inequalities in the mental well-being of employed men and women: the role of European welfare regimes,VABB-1,188,200,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395390,,Towards a resource and waste efficient built environment: Opportunities for dynamic renovation of buildings in Brussels,VABB-5,450,457,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395392,,The electronic portfolio as a tool to develop and assess pre-service student teaching competences: Challenges for quality,VABB-1,40,54,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395393,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,42,68,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395395,,Staying put! A housing pathways analysis of residential stability in Belgium,VABB-1,1116,1134,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395396,,The timing of family commitments in the early work career: work-family trajectories of young adults in Flanders,VABB-1,657,690,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395399,,Stadsgeschiedenis in buitenlandse tijdschriften (2013),VABB-1,182,209,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395400,,The European Commission and the European Defence Agency: A Case of Rivalry?,VABB-1,542,557,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395401,,"Étude des nouveaux concepts, des sigles et des emprunts dans la terminologie de la circulation routière et de leur ancrage dans la réglementation routière belge",VABB-1,173,192,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:395402,,From centralized to distributed public service media: An analysis of market and public value driven arguments,VABB-1,103,123,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395404,,Peacekeeping in the Twentieth Century 1999 - 2013,VABB-4,607,616,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395405,,Jet Lag ou médiation en mouvement? Scénographier la présence permanente,VABB-1,173,181,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395406,,"Reassessment of the antioxidative mixture for the challenging electrochemical determination of dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin in microdialysis samples",VABB-1,63,71,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395407,,Dedication: The Essential Alan Rugman,VABB-4,23,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395408,,Speckle disturbance limit in laser-based cinema projection systems,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395409,,Vroeg ontstane eetstoornissen: literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,805,814,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395411,,The craft of doing qualitative research in prison,VABB-1,66,78,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395413,,Understanding public acceptance of elite sport policy in Japan: A structural equation modelling approach,VABB-1,478,504,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395414,,Rechtsbescherming in een hertekend handhavend kader na het decreet betreffende de handhaving van de omgevingsvergunning,VABB-1,1123,1138,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395415,,"City Portrait, Civic Body and Commercial Printing in Sixteenth-Century Ghent",VABB-1,803,839,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395416,,Fine-grained analysis of explicit and implicit sentiment in financial news articles,VABB-1,4999,5010,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395417,,"Law, Finance and Investment; does legal origin matter in Africa?",VABB-1,145,175,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395419,,Bringing comfort and convenience to the colonial table: Delhaize Frères & Cie's colonial department in the 1920s and 1930s,VABB-1,13,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395421,,Probabilistic spatial power indexes: the impact of issue saliences and distance selection,VABB-1,675,697,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395422,,Nutrigerontology: why we need a new scientific discipline to develop diets and guidelines to reduce the risk of aging-related diseases,VABB-1,14,24,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395423,,Technological Struggles in Community Media,VABB-4,483,493,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395424,,Developmental Stages in Receptive Grammar Acquisition: A Processability Theory Account,VABB-1,523,550,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395426,,The European Union,VABB-4,224,236,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395428,,De dramaturgie van de wet: Juridische structuren en performatieve strategieën in hedendaags theater,VABB-1,4,22,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395430,,"De omrekening van de Europeesrechtelijke 'daadwerkelijke rechtsbescherming' in het Belgisch vreemdelingenrecht (noot onder GwH 16 januari 2014, nr. 1/2014)",VABB-1,202,209,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:395432,,"Methodologically sound: Evaluating the psychometric approach to the assessment of human life history [Reply to Copping, Campbell, and Muncer, 2014]",VABB-1,299,338,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395433,,Subjective well-being as a mediator for curiosity and depression,VABB-1,200,204,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395434,,On intergenerational differences in highbrow cultural participation. Is the Internet at home an explanatory factor in understanding lower highbrow participation among younger cohorts?,VABB-1,595,607,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395435,,"De Nederlandstalige vernieuwde en verkorte versie van de MMPI-2, de Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form: een geheel nieuwe test of niet ?",VABB-1,44,61,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395437,,Sport en fysieke activiteit,VABB-4,197,250,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395438,,Variations dans l'expression du mouvement en français L2 et impact de la L1,VABB-4,403,426,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395439,,"The Multiple, Wide-Ranging and Complex Facets of Food at Large Exhibitions",VABB-4,311,315,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395440,,Draagvlakversterking voor ontwikkelingssamenwerking: web 2.0 en sociale media als heilige graal?,VABB-1,234,256,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:395441,,Low- and High-Resistance Exercise: Long-Term Adherence and Motivation among Older Adults,VABB-1,551,560,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395443,,Post-Somalia syndrome: does it exist?,VABB-1,515,522,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395444,,Finance and democracy in Africa,VABB-1,92,118,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395445,,Structural Determinants of Economic Performance in the Roman world and early-modern Europe. A Comparative Approach,VABB-4,17,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395446,,The cognitive-behavioral system of leadership: Cognitive antecedents of active and passive leadership behaviors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395447,,Acting Independently While Living Alone: The Strategies and Struggles of Cancer Patients,VABB-1,1033,1043,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395448,,Analysts’ forecast error: A robust prediction model and its short term trading profitability,VABB-1,683,715,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395449,,The use of cycling workstations in public places - an observational study,VABB-1,1439,1443,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395452,,Meten van gebruikersoordeel in de jeugd-ggz; kwalitatieve methoden en tevredenheidsvragenlijsten.,VABB-1,424,432,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395453,,Determinants of Health Professionals’ migration in Africa: a WHO based assessment,VABB-1,666,686,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395455,,Glazed wrought-iron arcades: building technologies and spatial effects,VABB-1,45,65,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395457,,Transitions between health care settings in the final three months of life in four EU countries,VABB-1,569,575,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395458,,Using continuous sedation until death for cancer patients: a qualitative interview study of physicians' and nurses' practice in three European countries,VABB-1,48,59,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395459,,The 'New' Arctic Passages and the 'Old' Law of the Sea,VABB-4,194,216,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395460,,"Take a look at this, kids! Visual literacy skills in the school curriculum",VABB-1,105,130,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395461,,‘Daarna eentje drinken?’ Profiel en activiteiten van bezoekers aan cultuur- en gemeenschapscentra,VABB-4,91,106,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395464,,The Right to Protection of Personal Data. Incapable of Autonomous Standing in the Basic EU Constituting Documents?,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395467,,De structurele onbestuurbaarheid van het gemeentebestuur,VABB-1,1523,1537,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395469,,De opmars van (informatie)technologie in de Belgische strafuitvoering. Waar zijn de limieten?,VABB-1,86,94,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395470,,Une première crise majeure. L’impact de la Grande Guerre sur la justice belge,VABB-4,517,537,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395472,,The role of technology in the fight against human trafficking: reflections on privacy and data protection concerns,VABB-1,205,217,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395476,,Physical and Psychological Distress Are Related to Dying Peacefully in Residents With Dementia in Long-Term Care Facilities,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395477,,The (mis)fortunes of exceeding a small local air market: Comparing Amsterdam and Brussels,VABB-1,604,621,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395478,,"Psychophysiological response to cognitive workload during symmetrical, asymmetrical and dual-task walking",VABB-1,248,263,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395486,,Mixing Detention Cultures: The Belgian-Dutch Case,VABB-4,479,498,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395487,,Perceptual Imagination as Anticipation in Helmholtz: Critical and Metacritical Dimensions in Helmholtz’s Account of Human Vision,VABB-1,35,47,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395488,,The Paper Partnership: Security in the Sino-European Relations,VABB-4,217,229,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395489,,A study of tension fabric membrane structures under in-plane loading: nonlinear finite element analysis and validation,VABB-1,10,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395490,,"Park proximity, quality and recreational physical activity among mid-older aged adults: moderating effects of individual factors and area of residence",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395491,,De Raad voor Verkiezingsbetwistingen nieuwe stijl en de lokale besturen,VABB-1,3,17,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395493,,LIMOSA-verplichting gewijzigd onder Europese druk,VABB-4,209,244,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395494,,Body weight support during robot-assisted walking: influence on the trunk and pelvis kinematics,VABB-1,81,91,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395495,,"Meertaligheid, ‘multiculturaliteit’ en Engels als lingua franca in het hoger onderwijs",VABB-4,115,138,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395498,,"Localizing Fundamental Rights in the European Union: What is the Role of Local and Regional Authorities, and How to Strengthen It?",VABB-1,246,271,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395500,,De dichter als rebel? De zelfpositionering van Marcel Van Maele,VABB-4,185,206,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395501,,Zijn er dan geen zekerheden meer? Over de toets van de verscheidenheid van buitencontractueel aansprakelijkheidsrechtelijke (verjarings-)regels en van de verjaring bij sluipende schade en bij verborgen gebreken aan de rechten van de mens,VABB-1,708,715,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395503,,The curvilinear relationship between work pressure and momentary task performance: the role of state and trait core self-evaluations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395505,,Addressing the rights of Indigenous Peoples in the development of Ethiopia: A difficult compromise or a compelling necessity?,VABB-4,139,166,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395506,,Extraterritoriality and regulation of international data transfers in EU data protection law,VABB-1,235,245,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395507,,Psychotherapeutic treatment levels of personality disorders in older adults,VABB-1,325,341,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395508,,"Urban health penalties. Estimates of life expectancies in Belgian cities, 1846-1910",VABB-1,74,109,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395509,,Partial fiscal decentralization and sub-national government fiscal discipline: empirical evidence from OECD countries,VABB-1,307,320,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395510,,How reward satisfaction affects employees’ turnover intentions and performance: an individual differences approach,VABB-1,200,216,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395511,,BMI is an important driver of β-cell loss in type 1 diabetes upon diagnosis in 10 to 18-year-old children,VABB-1,107,113,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395513,,The ideology of convenience: canned foods in women's magazines,VABB-1,21,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395514,,De paradox van het watervalsysteem: wanneer het groeperen van studenten in homogene groepen tot meer heterogeniteit leidt in het beroepsonderwijs,VABB-1,82,101,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395516,,"Do case-based learning environments matter? Research into their effects on students’ approaches to learning, motivation and achievement.",VABB-4,273,294,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395517,,European Value Added Tax in the Digital Era,VABB-2,,,446 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395518,,Acupuncture on GB34 activates the precentral gyrus and prefrontal cortex in Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,336,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395519,,Development of a self-administrated quality of life questionnaire for sarcopenia in elderly subjects: the SarQoL,VABB-1,960,966,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395520,,Intracranial artery dissection,VABB-1,820,826,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395521,,Affective commitment of employees designated as talent: Signalling perceived organisational support,VABB-1,9,27,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395522,,"Do interaction, co-creation and participation find their way from PSM literature to PSM policy? A comparative case study analysis of Flanders, the Netherlands, France and the UK",VABB-1,46,62,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395523,,Towards a better estimation of prevalence of female genital mutilation in the European Union: interpreting existing evidence in all EU Member States,VABB-1,99,121,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395524,,"Effects of a Vitamin D and Leucine-Enriched Whey Protein Nutritional Supplement on Measures of Sarcopenia in Older Adults, the PROVIDE Study: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial",VABB-1,740,747,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395525,,Effects of drainage ditches and stone bunds on topographical thresholds for gully head development in North Ethiopia,VABB-1,193,203,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395526,,Case management in primary palliative care is associated more strongly with organisational than with patient characteristics: results from a cross-sectional prospective study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395529,,New financial development indicators: with a critical contribution to inequality empirics,VABB-1,33,50,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395532,,Information-energy metasystem model,VABB-1,1298,1309,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395533,,"Incompatibility of QED/QCD and repulsive gravity, and implications for some recent approaches to dark energy",VABB-1,777,780,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395534,,"Simulating the Antarctic ice sheet in the Late-Pliocene warm period: PLISMIP-ANT, an ice-sheet model intercomparison project",VABB-1,881,903,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395535,,The relationship between parental expressed emotions and NSSI: The mediating roles of self-criticism and depression.,VABB-1,491,498,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395541,,Framework For Quality Assurance And Improvement In Adult Education For Online And Blended Learning: A Qualitative Study – Preliminary Results,VABB-5,6401,6411,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395542,,Staging Verdi in the provinces: the Aida scenery of Albert Dubosq,VABB-4,263,286,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395544,,"Fraud Analytics Using Descriptive, Predictive, and Social Network Techniques: A Guide to Data Science for Fraud Detection",VABB-2,,,400 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395545,,"""The world as a list of items"": Database dramaturgy in low-tech theatre by Tim Etchells and De Tijd, using textual data by Etchells, Handke and Shakespeare",VABB-1,59,84,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395546,,De ‘mededeling aan het publiek’ in de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie,VABB-1,309,329,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395547,,Overzicht van de ministers van Justitie,VABB-4,130,143,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395548,,De hervorming van het overlevingspensioen in het kader van de bescherming van de langstlevende echtgenoot: van overlevingspensioen naar overgangsuitkering,VABB-1,34,40,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395549,,Pilot evaluation of an optimized context-specific drug-drug interaction alerting system: A controlled pre-post study,VABB-1,617,629,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395550,,Implied returns and the choice of mean-variance efficient portfolio proxy,VABB-1,68,81,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395551,,The End of Tolerance. Islam and the Transformations of Identity and Secularism in the Netherlands,VABB-4,360,367,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395553,,Leergemeenschappen maken de horizontale connectie: cultuureducatie in de lerarenopleiding,VABB-1,72,94,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395557,,Protecting human rights in horizontal relationships by tort law or elaborating tort law from a human rights perspective,VABB-1,149,162,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395559,,"Dynamics of Land Cover/Land Use Changes in the Mekong Delta, 1973-2011: A Remote Sensing Analysis of the Tran Van Thoi District, Ca Mau Province, Vietnam",VABB-1,2899,2925,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395560,,The development of lexical complexity in second language acquisition: A cross-linguistic study of L2 French and English,VABB-1,69,94,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395561,,Internet browsing dan toch zonder toestemming van de auteur: Noot onder het Meltwater arrest,VABB-1,170,173,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395563,,Metaleptic & pseudo-diegetic narration in Dennis Potter's Karaoke / Cold Lazarus,VABB-1,85,101,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395565,,Strategic Hedging and China's Economic Policy in the Middle East,VABB-1,102,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395566,,En nog maar eens het inschrijvingsrecht!,VABB-1,4,17,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395570,,Twee nieuwerwetse sancties in het Strafwetboek: de invoering van de probatie en het elektronisch toezicht als autonome straffen.,VABB-1,1082,1101,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395571,,De grenzen van barmhartigheid. Nuances in de negatieve attitudes ten aanzien van homoseksualiteit bij christelijke en moslimjongeren,VABB-4,161,177,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395572,,The association between family functioning and NSSI in adolescence: The mediating role of depressive symptoms.,VABB-1,330,337,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395574,,"Geographies of whiteness and wealth: White, middle class discourses on segregation and social mix in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,478,495,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395575,,Global Governance of Genetic Re-sources: Access and Benefit Sharing after the Nagoya Protocol.,VABB-2,,,268 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395576,,Magic. Une métaphysique du lien,VABB-2,,,120 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395577,,"Are Proposed African Monetary Unions Optimal Currency Areas? Real, Monetary and Fiscal Policy Convergence Analysis",VABB-1,9,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395578,,Freedom and Dignity in The Social Contract (1762),VABB-4,59,81,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395579,,"Place Attachment Among Older Adults Living in Four Communities in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,800,822,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395580,,"Meer camera's, meer veiligheid? Een analyse over de doeltreffendheid van videosurveillance",VABB-1,43,52,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395581,,Conflicts between healthcare professionals and families of a multi-ethnic patient population during critical care: an ethnographic study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395584,,From public service media organisations to de-centralised public service for the media sector: A comparative analysis of opportunities and disadvantages,VABB-1,145,163,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395585,,Breuken en integralen,VABB-4,7,18,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395591,,Investigating implicit and explicit processing using L2 learners' eye-movement data,VABB-4,325,348,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395593,,‘Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek’,VABB-1,59,74,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395595,,A comparative study of the general factor of personality in Jewish and non-Jewish populations,VABB-1,63,67,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395596,,‘Productive sites’ in the polders? ‘Griffin brooches’ and other early medieval metal artefacts from the Belgian coastal plain,VABB-1,21,43,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395597,,Licht zonder zicht: Burenovereenkomsten rond lichtinval en privacy in vroegmodern Brugge,VABB-1,6,21,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395599,,"CSR implementation in Belgium: institutional context, the role of CSR managers and stakeholder involvement",VABB-4,57,80,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395601,,Le poète et la princesse. Correspondance croisée entre Jean Cocteau et Natalie Paley,VABB-4,7,80,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395602,,Le rôle de la complexité lexicale et syntaxique dans l'acquisition de la morphologie verbale: l'accord en nombre sujet-verbe en français langue seconde,VABB-1,77,96,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:395603,,Family business internationalization in the new millennium: Achievements and avenues for future research?,VABB-1,229,332,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395604,,De hervorming van het administratief kort geding,VABB-4,227,272,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:395605,,Exploring the Gender Dimension in the Juvenile Justice Court. An Analysis of Court Hearings,VABB-4,99,119,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395607,,African financial development dynamics: Big time convergence,VABB-1,160,194,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395608,,Elements of Innovation and Tradition in Meat Fermentation: Conflicts and Synergies,VABB-1,2,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395610,,Palliative care case managers in primary care: a descriptive study of referrals in relation to treatment aims,VABB-1,324,331,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395611,,'Fading foundations' in de wiskunde,VABB-1,155,159,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395612,,The United Nations' Inter-Organisational Relations in Peacekeping,VABB-4,60,77,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395613,,Geïntegreerde tekst van het voorontwerp van wet tot hervorming van diverse bepalingen inzake het huwelijksvermogensrecht,VABB-1,205,272,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:395618,,Introduction: Three Organizational Challenges for Multinational Enterprises,VABB-4,3,21,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395619,,The Hyksos and the Middle Bronze Age IIB-IIC/III in Jordan: What Imported Egyptian Seals Tell Us,VABB-1,107,122,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395620,,Development thresholds of foreign aid effectiveness in Africa,VABB-1,1131,1155,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395621,,Barriers to participation in vocational education among prisoners,VABB-1,8,22,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395624,,Subcortical language and non-language mapping in awake brain surgery,VABB-1,577,588,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395625,,A case study on acupuncture in the treatment of schizophrenia,VABB-1,286,289,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395626,,Linkages between investment flows and financial development: causality evidence from selected African countries,VABB-1,269,299,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395627,,Fighting African corruption when existing corruption-control levels matter in a dynamic cultural setting.,VABB-1,906,922,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395628,,Trajecten van uit handen gegeven jongeren in de volwassenheid,VABB-1,248,265,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395629,,Dé spijbelaar bestaat niet. Een empirisch onderzoek naar types van occasionele spijbelaars in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,143,169,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395633,,Understanding US Retrenchment in Europe,VABB-1,157,172,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395634,,Optimal membership size and the governance of grassroots associations,VABB-1,141,147,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395636,,Smart Technologies and the End(s) of Law: Novel Entanglements of Law and Technology,VABB-2,,,280 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395637,,Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik in den Beneluxländern,VABB-1,87,99,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:395638,,"Assessing NATO’s Eastern European ""Flank""",VABB-1,67,79,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395639,,A valuation of the environmental performance of vehicles: an analysis and comparison of two methodologies,VABB-1,335,346,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395640,,The Effectiveness Dimension of the EU’s Performance in International Institutions: Toward a More Comprehensive Assessment Framework,VABB-1,1319,1335,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395642,,Non-Parametric Frequency Response Function Tissue Modeling in Bipolar Electrosurgery,VABB-5,6022,6025,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395643,,Synonymy and Intra-Theoretical Pluralism,VABB-1,77,91,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395644,,"Britain, the European Union and the Future of Europe: A Geostrategic Perspective",VABB-1,16,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395645,,Modal choice in freight transport: combining multi-criteria decision analysis and geographic information systems,VABB-1,355,371,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395646,,How worthwhile is teleworking from a sustainable mobility perspective? The case of Brussels Capital region.,VABB-1,244,267,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395649,,Key Issues of Lithium-Ion Batteries – From Resource Depletion to Environmental Performance Indicators,VABB-1,354,362,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395651,,Educational Inequalities in the Transition to Adulthood in Belgium: The Impact of Intergenerational Mobility on Young-Adult Mortality in 2001-2009,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395655,,The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Interpretive Method of External Referencing: Regional Consensus v. Universality,VABB-4,3,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395656,,"Crisi economica ed evoluzione del “regionalismo dei ricchi""",VABB-1,191,220,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:395657,,"Contribution of chronic diseases to the disability burden in a population 15 years and older, Belgium, 1997–2008",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395658,,Principes de syntaxe génétique: L'exemple de l'adjectif
 intraprédicatif,VABB-4,93,114,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:395659,,Modal shift of palletized goods: a feasibility and location analysis for Europe,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395661,,"Agriculture, division of labour, and the paths to economic growth",VABB-4,18,39,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395662,,Dose-and Gender-Specific Effects of Resistance Training on Circulating Levels of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in Community-Dwelling Older Adults,VABB-1,144,149,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395663,,An Introduction to European Intergovernmental Organizations,VABB-2,,,288 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395665,,Diversity and nationalism in the Basque Country and Flanders: Understanding immigrants as fellow minorities.,VABB-1,241,257,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395668,,The influence of joint load on bone marrow lesions in the knee: a systematic review with meta-analysis,VABB-1,3093,3107,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395670,,Bacons wetenschapsethiek: Onze hoop op een humanere academie,VABB-1,49,70,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:395671,,Corporate social responsibility in contested industries: A case on nuclear waste storage,VABB-5,1,36,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395674,,Conclusion: Risk Policing and the Art of Adaptation,VABB-4,97,104,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395676,,The EPPO draft regulation passes the first subsidiarity test: an analysis and interpretation of the Commission’s hasty approach to National Parliaments’ subsidiarity arguments,VABB-1,1247,1270,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395677,,Balancing desirability and promotion steadiness in partially stochastic manpower planning systems,VABB-1,1805,1818,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:395679,,Social Robots as Mediators for Social Story Intervention: Can the Robot Probo Encourage Children with ASD to Ask Questions During Playtime?,VABB-4,96,115,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395681,,Democratic Deliberation in Deeply Divided Societies: From Conflict to Common Ground,VABB-3,,,225 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395682,,The person within: Memory codes for agents and traits using fMRI repetition suppression.,VABB-1,159,171,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395684,,La réforme du droit patrimonial de la famille tel qu'elle a été envisagée,VABB-1,182,204,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:395688,,Belgium: From Collective Privileges to Individual Rights,VABB-4,69,84,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395690,,Explaining Entrepreneurial Status and Success from Personality: An Individual-Level Application of the Entrepreneurial Orientation Framework,VABB-1,32,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395692,,Raad van State hervindt grondrechtenlijn in arresten GO! hoofddoekenverbod. Naar een kader voor een school per school beleid,VABB-1,63,73,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395694,,"Pre-, intra- en postoperative beeldvormingstechnieken in wakkere neurochirurgie met enkele aanwijzingen voor de praktijk",VABB-1,187,195,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395695,,The (im)possibility of theatrical representation.: Dramatizing the Rwandan genocide,VABB-1,75,87,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395696,,How ‘alternative’ alternative urban policies really are? Looking at participatory budgeting through the lenses of the right to the city,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395697,,Does the Belgian diabetes type 2 care trajectory improve quality of care for diabetes patients?,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395698,,Harmful Practices and Minority Women in Europe: From Headscarf Bans to Forced Marriages and Honour Related Violence,VABB-4,51,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395700,,Routines versus onvoorspelbaarheid: de complexiteit van gevangeniswerk,VABB-1,16,23,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395701,,Classification of quality of life subscales within the ICF framework in burn research: Identifying overlaps and gaps,VABB-1,1353,1359,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395702,,"Wat er blijft, wat verblijft, wat overblijft in vertaling.: De 'spookethiek' van Antoine Berman",VABB-4,47,56,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395704,,"Radbruch’s Rechtsstaat and Schmitt’s Legal Order: Legalism, Legality, and the Institution of Law",VABB-1,42,63,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395705,,"Pour une réanalyse catégorielle et fonctionnelle de la construction ""X de même que Y""",VABB-1,169,187,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:395706,,Zeilen met tegenwind: Fatik sprak met Freddy Pieters over de strafuitvoeringsrechtbank en zijn ervaringen binnen de Belgische strafuitvoering,VABB-1,31,35,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395711,,Beyond the cultural mediation hypothesis: A response to Dutton (2013),VABB-1,186,191,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395712,,"The Transformation of Rural Elites in Late Medieval Flanders. Oligarchy, State Formation and Social Change in the Liberty of Bruges (ca. 1350 – ca. 1525)",VABB-1,39,69,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395713,,The Smart Revisionist,VABB-1,95,116,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395714,,Many-Measurements or Many-Worlds? A Dialogue,VABB-1,399,427,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395715,,Beyond l’auberge Espagnole: The effect of individual mobility on the formation of intra-European couples,VABB-1,181,206,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395716,,Retailing In Social Virtual Worlds: Developing A Typology Of Virtual Store Atmospherics,VABB-1,218,241,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395717,,Set Matrix Theory as a physically motivated generalization of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory,VABB-1,59,82,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395718,,Performance Assessment of Ancient Wind Catchers - an Experimental and Analytical Study,VABB-5,2578,2583,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395720,,Circulating dendritic cells of multiple sclerosis patients are proinflammatory and their frequency is correlated with MS-associated genetic risk factors,VABB-1,548,557,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395722,,Promethee - GDSS revisited: applications so far and new developments,VABB-1,129,151,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395725,,Factors influencing hospital admission and associated hospital costs of traffic victims admitted to an emergency department,VABB-1,406,413,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395726,,Ethnographic research on ad hoc interpreting in a linguistically diverse emergency department: The challenges of data collection.,VABB-1,30,49,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395728,,Human-Robot Interaction: Does Robotic Guidance Force Affect Gait-Related Brain Dynamics during Robot-Assisted Treadmill Walking?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395729,,Lap shear tests on repaired wrought-iron riveted connections,VABB-1,170,181,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395730,,Coordinating standardization in Dynamic Spectrum Access,VABB-5,559,564,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395731,,Taylor-Fourier series analysis for fractional order systems,VABB-5,943,947,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395732,,Misbruik- en fraudebestrijding in het sociaal recht: Recente ontwikkelingen,VABB-3,,,269 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395734,,Het kwaad,VABB-1,1,109,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395735,,"Modelling banknote printing costs: of cohorts, generations, and note-years",VABB-1,238,249,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395740,,The incremental effect of education on corruption: evidence of synergy from lifelong learning,VABB-1,2288,2308,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395741,,Chemotherapy-induced Changes and Immunosenescence of CD8+ T-Cells in Patients with Breast Cancer,VABB-1,1481,1489,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395742,,Adults in formal blended learning environments: who perceives the most benefits?,VABB-5,50,60,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395743,,Comparison of end-of-life care for older people living at home and in residential homes: a mortality follow-back study among GPs in the Netherlands,VABB-1,724,730,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395746,,Diagnostic work-up for language testing in patients undergoing awake craniotomy for brain lesions in language areas. Letter to the editor regarding Bilotta et al. 2014.,VABB-1,606,607,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395750,,Educational tracking and sense of futility: a matter of stigma consciousness?,VABB-1,747,765,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395751,,Interrater and intrarater reliability of the Semmes Weinstein aesthesiometer to assess touch pressure threshold in burn scars,VABB-1,1261,1267,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395753,,Inleiding bij de cadavres exquis,VABB-4,163,168,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395754,,Single-subject classification of schizophrenia patients based on a combination of oddball and mismatch evoked potential paradigms,VABB-1,262,267,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395756,,"Mobile City Applications for Brussels Citizens: Smart City Trends, Challenges and a Reality Check",VABB-1,282,299,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395758,,Knowledge and Belief: Some Clarifications,VABB-1,484,509,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395759,,European Union accession to the European Convention on Human Rights. Regulating the multi-layered European human rights space and pushing for more international liability for the Union,VABB-1,3,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395763,,LL-ADR: Action Design Research in Living Labs,VABB-5,4029,4038,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395764,,Multi-actor multi-criteria analysis for sustainable city distribution: a new assessment framework,VABB-1,334,354,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395765,,Mapping the shadow economy: spatial variations in the use of high denomination bank notes in Brussels,VABB-1,5,21,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395766,,Verschillende wegen naar ‘Leren en Werken’: een exploratief kwalitatief Onderzoek,VABB-1,20,37,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395768,,Inequalities in alcohol-related mortality in 17 European countries: A retrospective analysis of mortality registers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395769,,The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor,VABB-3,,,209 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395772,,Introduction: The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395773,,Het belang als ontvankelijkheidsvoorwaarde van het middel in het kader van het beroep tot nietigverklaring bij de Raad van State,VABB-1,131,151,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395774,,Frenchification in discourse and practice: Loan morphology in Dutch private letters of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries,VABB-4,143,170,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395775,,How Multilingual Primary Neologisms and Multilingual Secondary Neologisms Shape European Culture,VABB-5,133,146,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395777,,The Film Industry,VABB-4,118,132,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395778,,Sensitivity to parental play beliefs and mediation in young children's hybrid play activities,VABB-5,170,177,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395779,,Progress in International Business Review,VABB-2,,,465 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395780,,Hallucinaties en dwangmatig gedrag bij een kleuter met autismespectrumstoornis: een diagnostisch vraagstuk,VABB-1,608,612,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395782,,A tentative role for FOXP2 in the evolution of dual processing modes and generative abilities,VABB-5,499,504,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395784,,Film als participant in een maatschappelijk en ideologisch discours: De regionale identiteit van de Britse working-class in Trainspotting (1996),VABB-1,137,158,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:395785,,Using vignette methodology to research the process of breach comparatively,VABB-1,241,259,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395786,,Educational assortative mating after divorce: Persistence or divergence from first marriages?,VABB-1,183,202,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395787,,Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Concentration at Birth in Belgian Neonates and Cognitive Development at Preschool Age,VABB-1,9018,9032,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395788,,‘Stapels koopwaar als een bestendige aanlokking voor dieven’. Een casestudy van de economische visie op criminaliteit en criminaliteitscontrole in de haven van Antwerpen (1880-1940),VABB-1,411,425,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395789,,Managing Terminological and Translational Diversity in Parallel Corpora: A Case Study in Institutional Translation,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395790,,"Associations between cycling skill, general motor competence and body mass index in 9-year-old children",VABB-1,160,171,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395791,,Lingua Tertii Imperii und Autobiographie: Victor Klemperers Tagebücher der NS-Zeit als Epitext,VABB-1,107,122,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:395792,,Women Screenwriters in Belgium,VABB-4,238,248,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395793,,"Environmental Performance of Electricity Storage Systems for Grid Applications, a Life Cycle Approach",VABB-1,326,335,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395794,,Decarbonization in the European Union: Internal Policies and External Strategies,VABB-3,,,271 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395795,,De atleet in minister Koen Geens. Penologische reflecties bij zijn justitieplan,VABB-1,361,374,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395797,,Measuring while moving (humanitarian supply chain performance measurement – status of research and current practice),VABB-1,146,161,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395798,,Testing equality of modified Sharpe ratios,VABB-1,97,104,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395799,,Gouden kansen?: Vastgoedstrategieën van bouwondernemers in de stadsuitleg van Amsterdam in de Gouden Eeuw,VABB-1,229,257,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395800,,"Rechtsgeschiedenis op nieuwe wegen. Legal history, moving in new directions.",VABB-3,,,433 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395802,,Prioritization in modal shift: determining a region’s most suitable freight flows,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395805,,Late antique glass distribution and consumption in Cyprus: a chemical study,VABB-1,213,222,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395806,,A new case of psychogenic Foreign Accent Syndrome,VABB-5,74,78,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395808,,Homonationalism and western progressive narrative: locating ‘conservative heartlands’ with Zenne Dancer (2012) and its western reviews,VABB-1,551,566,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395810,,Human Metasystem Transition Theory,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395811,,Data protection: the EU institutions’ battle over data processing vs individual rights,VABB-4,178,196,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395812,,The association between g and K in a sample of 4246 Swedish twins: A behavior genetic analysis,VABB-1,270,274,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395813,,The Impact of Liberalization Policies on Inequality in African Countries.,VABB-1,68,100,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395814,,"Human Evolution, Life History Theory, and the End of Biological Reproduction",VABB-1,17,24,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395815,,Cold War Peacekeeping 1964 - 1987,VABB-4,189,196,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395816,,Thyroid cancer incidence around the Belgian nuclear sites: Surrogate exposure modelling,VABB-1,48,54,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395817,,Google Spain in the EU and international context,VABB-1,158,164,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395818,,Bounded Reality: A New Behavioral Foundation for MNE Governance,VABB-4,53,95,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395821,,Angelina Muñiz: construcción de un 'yo' fragmentado,VABB-1,21,33,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:395823,,Women's perspectives on marriage and rights in Morocco: risk factors for forced and early marriage in the Marrakech region,VABB-1,135,149,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395824,,Absent husbands and whispering voices: a critical analysis of the representation of men in two popular Flemish women's magazines,VABB-1,3,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395828,,Data protection: a risk regulation? Between the risk management of everything and the precautionary alternative,VABB-1,3,19,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395829,,Motor abilities of children and adolescents with a psychiatric condition: A systematic literature review,VABB-1,315,329,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395832,,Cognitive and affective disturbances following focal brainstem lesions: a review and report of three cases,VABB-1,317,340,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395833,,Temporal patterns of physical activity and sedentary behavior in 10-14 year-old children on weekdays,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395834,,Inleiding,VABB-4,1,11,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395836,,A SWOT analysis of the integration of e-learning at a university in Uganda and a university in Tanzania,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395837,,The development of modern approaches to aphasia: a concise overview,VABB-1,189,194,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395839,,Sociale zekerheid en zesde staatshervorming: een Europeesrechtelijk perspectief,VABB-1,421,454,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395840,,Vulnérabilités et risques dans un contexte de dépendance institutionnelle,VABB-4,19,43,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395842,,"A comparative view: understanding and explaining policy change in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice",VABB-4,219,240,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395843,,Differences in ball speed and three-dimensional kinematics between male and female handball players during a standing throw with run-up.,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395845,,Non-organic language deficits following awake brain surgery: a case report,VABB-1,11,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395846,,Mediating Factors in Martial Arts Practice: A Specific Case Of Young Girls,VABB-4,172,186,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395847,,Tastes of homes: exploring food and place in twentieth-century Europe.,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395848,,Meios alternativos para a efetivação do direito internacional: os mecanismos de compliance em tratados multilaterais ambientais,VABB-1,37,61,,por,2015,2 c:vabb:395849,,Some Stein-types Inequalities for Multivariate Elliptical Distributions and Applications,VABB-1,54,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395850,,The Impact of Formal Institutions on Knowledge Economy,VABB-1,1034,1062,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395851,,Incorporating spatial non-stationarity to improve dasymetric mapping of population,VABB-1,220,230,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395852,,Integrating the micro and meso-level approaches to athlete development and success,VABB-4,143,162,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395853,,On the impact of video stalling and video quality in the case of camera switching during adaptive streaming of sports content,VABB-5,122,127,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395854,,Altitude and seasonality impact on sleep in Antarctica,VABB-1,392,396,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395855,,"Different VAT rates for digital and paperback publications in the EU, a breach of ‘fiscal neutrality’? A tentative answer and broader reflection on the coherence of the EU rules prohibiting indirect tax discrimination.",VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395856,,Causal attribution in individuals with subclinical and clinical autism spectrum disorder: An fMRI study,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395857,,Using social network analysis for analysing online threaded discussions,VABB-1,128,146,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395858,,Langages : Les liaisons de prédications: Lorsque la marque s'estompe.,VABB-2,,,146 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395859,,Normal Anatomy and Compression Areas of the Nerves of the Foot: MR and Ultrasound with Anatomic Correlation,VABB-1,1469,1482,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395860,,Socioeconomic inequalities in cause-specific mortality in 15 European cities,VABB-1,432,441,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395861,,Cognitive control in bilingual children: disentangling effects of second language proficiency and onset age of acquisition,VABB-1,65,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395862,,Understanding pre-contractual transaction costs for Public–Private Partnership infrastructure projects,VABB-1,932,946,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395863,,International study of the place of death of people with cancer: a population-level comparison of 14 countries across 4 continents using death certificate data,VABB-1,1397,1404,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395864,,Effectiveness of thoracoscopic talc pleurodesis in the management of complicated spontaneous pneumothorax,VABB-1,48,51,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395865,,Influence of propagation distance on cracking and debonding acoustic emissions in externally reinforced concrete beams,VABB-1,1167,1175,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395866,,Bij het aanbreken van een nieuw gerechtelijk tijdperk / A l’aube d’une nouvelle ère judiciaire,VABB-4,14,22,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395867,,Economic Aspects of CR Policy and Regulation,VABB-4,177,250,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395868,,"Conference review: Le stagioni di Jommelli. Convegno internazionale nel terzo centenario della nascita di Niccolò Jommelli. Aversa and Naples, 5-7 December 2014",VABB-1,285,287,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395869,,Appearing in court and the hearing of minors: practices of judges of the juvenile courts in Belgium,VABB-4,75,97,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395871,,"Past, Present and Future of a Language Border: Germanic-Romance Encounters in the Low Countries",VABB-3,,,306 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395872,,Educational inequalities in young-adult mortality between the 1990s and the 2000s: regional differences in Belgium,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395873,,Two Novel Memory Polynomial Models for Modeling of RF Power Amplifiers,VABB-1,19,29,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395874,,Apraxic agraphia following thalamic damage: Three new cases,VABB-1,153,165,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395876,,Motor Competence and its Effect on Positive Developmental Trajectories of Health,VABB-1,1273,1284,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395877,,Influence of Methylphenidate on the Frequency of Stuttering: A Randomized Controlled Trial,VABB-1,1096,1104,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395878,,Determinants of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in university students: a qualitative study using focus group discussions.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395880,,Effect of a multidisciplinary program for the prevention of low back pain in hospital employees: A randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,539,549,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395881,,Marvel at Nothing: Reconsidering Kierkegaard's Category of Recollection through Social Networking Services,VABB-1,191,217,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395882,,Language conflict in Brussels: political mindset versus linguistic practice,VABB-1,53,76,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395884,,Different Regional Approaches to Cultural Diversity. Interpreting the Belgian Cultural Diversity Paradox,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395885,,The impact of descriptive representation on substantive representation of women at European and national parliamentary levels. Case Study: Romania,VABB-5,85,92,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395886,,Privacy and Empowerment in Connective Media,VABB-4,3,14,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395887,,The Dutch Linguistic Intraoperative Protocol: A valid Linguistic Approach to Awake Brain Surgery,VABB-1,35,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395888,,Het lab van de sixties,VABB-2,,,292 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395889,,Unequal partnerships and open doors: Probing China’s economic ambitions in Asia,VABB-1,2112,2129,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395890,,In Vivo Intracanal Temperature Evolution during Endodontic Treatment after the Injection of Room Temperature or Preheated Sodium Hypochlorite,VABB-1,1112,1115,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395891,,Electoral Systems and Legislators' Constituency Effort The Mediating Effect of Electoral Vulnerability.,VABB-1,464,496,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395892,,Reach and Relevance of Prison Research,VABB-1,4,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395893,,Het selecteren van de uitverkorenen. Een onderzoek naar en discussie over het toelatingsexamen (tand)arts in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,85,92,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395898,,Hermann von Helmholtz’s Empirico-Transcendentalism Reconsidered: Construction and Constitution in Helmholtz’s Psychology of the Object,VABB-1,709,744,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395900,,Reforming European Data Protection,VABB-3,,,406 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395901,,"Overheidsbegrotingen: Federale staat, Gemeenschappen en Gewesten",VABB-3,,,588 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395902,,Hoe onderzoekers werkelijk denken over valorisatie: De opmerkelijke resultaten van een enquête onder 727 respondenten,VABB-1,93,97,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395903,,Alternative Mainstream Media in the Czech Republic: Beyond the Dichotomy of Alternative and Mainstream Media,VABB-1,365,382,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395906,,The Key Influencers of Mainland Degree Students Satisfaction in Taiwan: Two Years after the First Enrollment,VABB-1,163,200,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395908,,Analysis of effects resulting from improved vehicle fuel efficiency and fuel price changes applied to the Berlin city network,VABB-4,229,249,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395909,,Age Neutrality of Categorically and Dimensionally Measured DSM-5 Section II Personality Disorder Symptoms,VABB-1,321,329,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395911,,Verdiepingen en verschuivingen in het hulp- en dienstverleningslandschap aan gedetineerden.: Reflecties bij het nieuwe strategisch plan.,VABB-1,519,534,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395914,,Het gezicht achter twee generaties gevangenisdirecteurs Fatik sprak met Guido Verschueren en Pieter Van Caeneghem,VABB-1,36,40,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395915,,Strategic differentiation and integration of genomic-level heritabilities facilitate individual differences in preparedness and plasticity of human life history,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395916,,PreSSUB II: The Prehospital Stroke Study at the Universitair ziekenhuis Brussel II,VABB-1,57,63,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395917,,The City as Living Laboratory: Empowering Citizens with the Citadel Toolkit,VABB-1,6,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395918,,Analysis of Clinical Data From Cognitive Diagnosis Modeling Framework,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395919,,Researching Transitions of Youngsters Formerly Involved in the Youth Protection System.,VABB-4,373,389,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395921,,The role of EU competition law in tackling abuse of regulatory power by sports associations,VABB-1,147,203,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395922,,Factorial validity of the Personality Adjective Checklist in a Dutch-speaking sample,VABB-1,245,251,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395923,,"Lordship, urbanisation and social change in late medieval Flanders",VABB-1,31,75,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395924,,Globalization (fighting) corruption and development. How these phenomena are linearly and nonlinearly related in wealth effects?,VABB-1,346,369,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395925,,Music Genres as Historical Artifacts: The Case of Classical Music,VABB-1,53,62,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395926,,"Raising the threshold, increasing coordination? Mechanical and psychological effects of the electoral threshold in fragmented Belgium",VABB-1,1087,1107,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395928,,Motivational Profiles of Adult Learners in Online and Blended Learning,VABB-5,754,761,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395930,,De eeuw van de migratie: Demografische ontwikkelingen in België en Europa,VABB-4,11,29,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395931,,A public health perspective on palliative care for older people: an introduction,VABB-4,3,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395932,,Systemic risk and the sovereign-bank default nexus: a network vector autoregression approach,VABB-1,27,72,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395933,,Global Brain and the Future of Human Society,VABB-1,143,150,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395934,,Writing back or writing off? Europe as 'tribe' and 'traumascape' in works by Caryl Phillips and Christos Tsiolkas,VABB-1,208,219,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395937,,State aid to public service media: European Commission decisional practice before and after the 2009 Broadcasting Communication,VABB-1,68,87,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395938,,Co-creating crazy patchworks: Becoming rhizomatic in systemic therapy,VABB-1,533,544,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395939,,"Environment, Political Representation, and the Challenge of Rights: Speaking for Nature",VABB-2,,,216 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395940,,"""Bring Joy to Your Home with the Real Frigidaire"": Advertising the Refrigerator to Belgian Female Consumers, 1955-1965",VABB-1,57,79,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395941,,The Impact of Accelerated Right Prefrontal High-Frequency Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) on Cue-Reactivity: An fMRI Study on Craving in Recently Detoxified Alcohol-Dependent Patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395942,,Iedereen verdacht? De effectiviteit en impact van het gebruik van preëmptieve surveillance voor publieke veiligheid,VABB-1,35,42,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395944,,Teacher and Institutional Characteristics Affecting Teaching Practices in OBL: A Self-Determination Approach,VABB-5,790,793,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395947,,Participative ICT4D and Living Lab Research: The case study of a mobile social media application in a rural Tanzanian university setting,VABB-1,842,852,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395950,,Accountability and short-termism: some notes on loyalty shares,VABB-1,19,28,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395951,,Schulden van een echtgenoot uit een strafrechtelijke veroordeling of uit onrechtmatige daad: huwelijksvermogens- en executierechtelijke aspecten,VABB-1,98,110,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395952,,The DetS and DetMM estimators for multivariate location and scatter,VABB-1,64,75,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395954,,Do you get the message? Defining the interpreter’s role in medical interpreting in Belgium,VABB-1,161,184,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395955,,"Media and violent conflict: Halil Dağ, Kurdish insurgency, and the hybridity of vernacular cinema of conflict",VABB-1,76,92,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:395956,,Islam in Belgium. Mapping an emerging interdisciplinary field of study,VABB-4,222,261,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395957,,Discriminative power of the advanced activities of daily living (a-ADL) tool in the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment in an older population,VABB-1,1419,1427,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395958,,Education and working life: VET adults' problem-solving skills in technology-rich environments,VABB-1,38,47,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395962,,"Falling in love with(in) Europe: European bi-national love relationships, European identification and transnational solidarity",VABB-1,469,489,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395963,,Pour une linguistique applicable: Vers une refonte du penser et du dire grammatical à l'école,VABB-4,69,86,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:395965,,Relationship between glycaemic variability and hyperglycaemic clamp-derived functional variables in (impending) type 1 diabetes,VABB-1,2753,2764,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395966,,Participation throughout the decades: how the zeitgeist influencesboth theory and practise: A case study,VABB-5,1713,1717,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395967,,Zigzaggen tussen zorg en zeden: Op zoek naar cultuurgevoelige zorg voor Marokkaanse ouderen,VABB-4,51,64,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395969,,"A twenty-first-century plea for vintage, heritage-friendly theater",VABB-4,11,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395971,,The ‘Knowledge Economy-finance’ nexus in SSA and MENA countries,VABB-1,200,213,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395972,,European State aid control and public service broadcasting: when the goals of competition policy clash or match (?) with public interest objectives,VABB-4,426,441,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:395974,,End-of-life decisions in individuals dying with dementia in Belgium.,VABB-1,290,296,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395975,,"In contact and/or in conflict? Ethno-cultural markers, language and schooling in Post-War Brussels",VABB-4,255,274,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395977,,Seasonal Surface Drainage of Sloping Farmland: A Review of Its Hydrogeomorphic Impacts,VABB-1,35,44,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395979,,PrisonCloud. Een ICT platform voor de Belgische gevangenissen,VABB-1,122,126,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395980,,Health parameters monitoring by smartphone for quality of life improvement,VABB-1,82,94,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395981,,European Foreign Policy on the Environment and Climate Change,VABB-4,884,897,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395982,,S'approprier le français. Pour une langue conviviale,VABB-2,,,200 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:395983,,Nog altijd een vrouwenrecht? Belgische voor-en tegenstanders vana bortus 25 jaar na de wet.,VABB-1,5,25,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395984,,Media- en nieuwsrepertoire in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,183,207,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395986,,Processability Theory: Assessment of the Current State and Future Perspectives,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395987,,"Geological constraints on the dynamic emplacement of cone-sheets – The Ardnamurchan cone-sheet swarm, NW Scotland",VABB-1,133,141,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395988,,Voorbij sociale cohesie: solidariteit in superdiversiteit,VABB-1,10,17,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:395989,,The EU’s Growing Engagement in the Sahel: From Development Aid to Military Coordination,VABB-4,45,65,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:395991,,Defining “co-primary spectrum sharing” — A new business opportunity for MNOs?,VABB-5,395,400,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:395993,,The relationship between organizational characteristics and membership of a biotechnology industry board-of-directors-network,VABB-1,312,323,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395995,,"Punishment, legitimate policies and values: Penal moderation, dignity and human rights",VABB-1,397,423,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395997,,The Role of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Binge-Eating/Purging Behaviours in Family Functioning in Eating Disorders,VABB-1,413,416,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:395998,,"Conventional, Hybrid, or Electric Vehicles: Which Technology for an Urban Distribution Centre?",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396000,,"The impossible possibility of environmental ethics, Emmanuel Levinas and the discrete Other",VABB-1,24,41,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396001,,Does legal physician-assisted dying impede development of palliative care? The Belgian and Benelux experience,VABB-1,657,660,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396003,,"La mecànica cuántica y la conceptualidad: Sobre materia, historias, semántica y espacio-tiempo.",VABB-1,75,100,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:396005,,Mediation in Motion: Performing Permanent Presence,VABB-1,140,149,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396006,,"Who could benefit from a bus rapid transit system in cities from developing countries? A case study from Kampala, Uganda",VABB-1,13,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396007,,International Adaptations of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory: Construct Validity and Clinical Applications,VABB-1,572,590,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396008,,Religion and Negative Attitudes towards Homosexuals: An Analysis of Urban Young People and Their Attitudes towards Homosexuality,VABB-1,254,276,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396010,,"Law, finance, economic growth and welfare: why does legal origin matter? Institutions and Economies",VABB-1,30,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396011,,Whose clock makes yours tick? How maternal cardiorespiratory physiology influences newborns' heart rate variability,VABB-1,132,141,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396013,,Public Health Triangulation to inform decision-making in Belgium,VABB-1,855,859,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396015,,"De Brusselse ordonnantie van 3 april 2014 betreffende de vestiging, de invordering en de geschillen inzake gemeentebelastingen: zoals in Vlaanderen maar toch niet helemaal,",VABB-1,3,58,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396017,,How would monetary policy matter in the proposed African monetary unions? Evidence from output and prices,VABB-1,34,63,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396018,,Diagnostiek van socio-economische factoren in typische en atypische ontwikkeling,VABB-4,123,143,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396019,,"Couple based family planning education: changes in male involvement and contraceptive use among married couples in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396020,,Sheaves on involutive quantales: Grothendieck quantales,VABB-1,117,148,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:396021,,Het outsourcen van politietaken naar de private veiligheid in een stroomversnelling,VABB-4,33,45,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396022,,Maintaining physical activity post-event? Case of the Tour of Flanders Cyclo in Belgium,VABB-1,25,47,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396023,,The proceduralisation of data protection remedies under EU data protection law: towards a more effective and data subject-oriented remedial system?,VABB-1,123,149,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396026,,Public support for European fiscal integration in times of crisis,VABB-1,650,670,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396027,,Social cognition and the cerebellum: A meta-analytic connectivity analysis.,VABB-1,5137,5154,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396028,,"Organized Crime, Institutions and Political Quality: Empirical Evidence from Italian Municipalities",VABB-1,233,255,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396030,,"Convenience foods, as portrayed by a consumer organisation. Test-Aankoop/Test-Achats (1960–1995)",VABB-1,26,33,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396031,,The MMPI-2 in chronic psychiatric illness,VABB-1,513,519,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:396034,,Building a Research Partnership in a Prison Context: From Collaboration to Co-Construction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396035,,Fighting Software Piracy: Which IPRs Laws Matter in Africa?,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396036,,String figures as mathematics?: An Anthropological Approach to String Figure-making in Oral Tradition Societies,VABB-2,,,392 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396039,,Restoration of the 1824 Wissekerke Iron Suspension Footbridge: Construction Details Revealed,VABB-1,745,759,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396043,,Zizek and Law,VABB-3,,,254 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396044,,"De bestuurlijke lus...een dode mus (noot onder GwH 8 mei 2014, nr. 74/2014)",VABB-1,784,789,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396045,,Bijzondere aansprakelijkheidsregimes en het gelijkheidsbeginsel,VABB-1,1,70,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396046,,"Thinking Arab women's spatiality: the case of 'mutanazahat' in Nablus, Palestine",VABB-1,1214,1229,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:396047,,Verhalen sprokkelen langs de frontlijn. Een kritische blik op Ten Oorlog,VABB-1,107,119,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396048,,"In vivo determination of the diclofenac skin reservoir: comparison between passive, occlusive, and iontophoretic application",VABB-1,835,840,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396051,,De voorlopige invrijheidstelling om medische redenen in het licht van de zaak Bamouhammad: Noot onder Rb. Luik 16 januari 2015,VABB-1,97,101,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396053,,Trafficking in Human Beings as an Enterprise: Highlighting Key Questions About Data Shortage on the Business Side,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396054,,Fighting African Capital Flight: Empirics on Benchmarking Policy Harmonization,VABB-1,93,122,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396055,,Transnational Brokering: The Case for Symbolism and Surrealism in Flanders,VABB-1,1343,1358,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396057,,Evolutions in time-use and division of labour of men and women,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396059,,European Defence-Industrial Cooperation: From Keynes to Clausewitz,VABB-1,159,167,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396060,,UN Peacekeeping Operations: Early Experiences 1948 - 1963,VABB-4,113,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396062,,REDD+ as a Tool of Global Forest Governance,VABB-1,60,73,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396063,,Asylum – limited policy change due to new norms of institutional behaviour,VABB-4,35,52,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396064,,Multiple myeloma induces Mcl-1 expression and survival of myeloid-derived suppressor cells,VABB-1,10532,10547,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396065,,De (on)evenwichtige verdeling van arbeids- en gezinstaken tussen mannen en vrouwen. Evolutie en een stand van zaken,VABB-4,45,63,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396066,,On Trojan Horses and Revolving Doors: Assessing the Independence of National Officials in the European Commission,VABB-1,249,270,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396068,,Verenigde Steden verschillen in participatie aan het verenigingsleven naar verstedelijking bij Vlaamse Jongeren,VABB-4,233,253,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396071,,What's the cost of the most important monarchies and republics in Europe?,VABB-1,30,61,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396072,,The delta - Mind the gap,VABB-1,17,53,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396073,,Google Spain: Addressing Critiques and Misunderstandings One Year Later,VABB-1,624,638,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396074,,Jeunesse et justice (II): Enfants délinquants et ‘irréguliers’ sous le regard de la justice. Pratiques judiciaires et institutionnelles (1912-1965),VABB-4,277,300,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:396078,,De financiele waarborgregeling in de Wet Breyne,VABB-4,243,281,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396082,,“It’s My Secret”: Fear of Disclosure among Sub-Saharan African Migrant Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Belgium,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396084,,Higher order comoments of multifactor models and asset allocation,VABB-1,225,233,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396086,,Multilingual students' self-reported use of their language repertoires when writing in English,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396088,,Aktualny i projektowany zakres terytorialny unijnych przepisów o ochronie danych,VABB-1,4,9,,pol,2015,2 c:vabb:396090,,Reageren op problematisch wetenschappelijk gedrag voorbij de moralisering: een ander wetenschapsbeleid is mogelijk!,VABB-1,70,91,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396091,,"Het is niet de economie die het politie- en veiligheidsbeleid bepaalt, maar de belastingbetalende burger",VABB-1,50,57,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396092,,"Participatie, jongeren en de publieke omroep. Een comparatieve analyse van de multi-platform projecten Carte Blanche en BNN University",VABB-1,133,150,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:396093,,The mechanics of magic (or vice versa): Sigrid T’Hooft and the Historically Informed Performance of opera,VABB-4,105,114,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396095,,De invloed van de verkrijgende verjaring op de ontvankelijkheid van de afpalingsvordering,VABB-1,418,421,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396096,,Do NPM-type reforms lead to a cultural revolution within public sector organizations?,VABB-1,356,379,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396101,,Indoor temperature as an important parameter explaining the difference between actual and theoretical energy consumption for space heating,VABB-5,14,22,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396103,,"Long run stock returns : evidence from Belgium, 1838-2010",VABB-1,77,95,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396111,,Automatic monitoring of cyberbullying on social networking sites : from technical feasibility to desirability,VABB-1,89,97,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396116,,European integration and consensus politics in the Low Countries,VABB-3,,,304 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396123,,The governance of public-private partnerships in sports infrastructure : interfering complexities in Belgium,VABB-1,201,211,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396126,,"Participatory visual research revisited : a critical-constructive assessment of epistemological, methodological and social activist tenets",VABB-1,95,117,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396128,,Does media reputation affect properties of accounts payable?,VABB-1,19,29,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396139,,Long-term repository governance : a socio-technical challenge,VABB-1,378,391,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396155,,Adult non-response bias from a child perspective : using child reports to estimate father's non-response,VABB-1,31,41,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396156,,Introduction : European integration and consensus,VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396157,,"Plus ça change, plus c'est pareil :",VABB-4,134,154,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:396163,,Day-to-day EU coordination in the Benelux : from domestic consensus politics to consensual EU coordination,VABB-4,173,192,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396165,,"Europeanization, constitutional review and consensus politics in the Low Countries",VABB-4,92,113,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396166,,Evolution in living standards in eight Congolese cities between 1975 and 2005,VABB-1,15,38,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396167,,The association between students' characteristics and their reading and following safety instructions,VABB-1,56,60,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396170,,Understanding the (in)stability of semiconductor pigments by a thermodynamic approach,VABB-1,409,415,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396173,,Audio-description reloaded : an analysis of visual scenes in 2012 and Hero,VABB-1,63,81,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396174,,Integration or transformation? Looking in the future of information and communication technology in education in Vietnam,VABB-1,47,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396175,,"""Our"" food versus ""my"" food : investigating the relation between childhood shared food practices and adult prosocial behavior in Belgium",VABB-1,54,60,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396178,,Belgium : building a digital cluster of innovation in the heart of Europe,VABB-4,120,140,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396181,,Clinimetric properties of illness perception questionnaire revised (IPQ-R) and brief illness perception questionnaire (Brief IPQ) in patients with musculoskeletal disorders : a systematic review,VABB-1,10,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396183,,"The association between adolescent sexting, psychosocial difficulties, and risk behavior : integrative review",VABB-1,54,69,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396184,,Correlates of cyberbullying and how school nurses can respond,VABB-1,162,170,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396186,,Dynamics of change recipient sensemaking in realizing strategic flexibility : a competence-based perspective,VABB-4,145,191,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396187,,Of fairies and skeletons : a dialectical encounter between the féerie and the phantasmagorie in Benjamin's Passagen-Werk,VABB-1,97,109,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396188,,"Energy renovation of a school building, a legacy of the cultural heritage of the City of Tournai : Ecole du Vieux Chemin d'Ere",VABB-5,21,32,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:396192,,"Quod non est in actis non est in Mundo : legal words, unspeakability and the same-sex marriage issue",VABB-1,65,81,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396195,,Dark Triad personality traits and adolescent cyber-aggression,VABB-1,41,46,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396196,,"Sartre, Kafka and the universality of the literary work",VABB-1,69,85,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396199,,Predicting students' intention to use stimulants for academic performance enhancement,VABB-1,275,282,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396200,,Who you are / where you live : do neighbourhood characteristics explain coproduction?,VABB-1,88,109,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:396201,,Verantwoording,VABB-4,12,16,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396202,,Een moderne restauratie : de (weder)samenstelling van de Parkbibliotheek sinds 1836,VABB-4,54,63,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396204,,Coaching,VABB-4,397,411,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396208,,Planning and law in evolving governance,VABB-4,37,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396209,,The evolution of welfare state governance,VABB-4,57,71,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396211,,Comprehensible software fault and effort prediction : a data mining approach,VABB-1,80,90,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396212,,Transnational advocacy over time : business and NGO mobilization at UN climate summits,VABB-1,83,+,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396213,,To share or not to share? Adolescents self-disclosure about peer relationships on Facebook : an application of the Prototype Willingness Model,VABB-1,230,239,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396214,,Evaluation of an anthropometric shape model of the human scalp,VABB-1,70,85,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396215,,"Universalism under siege? Exploring the association between targeting, child benefits and child poverty across 26 countries",VABB-1,60,75,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396216,,The participatory turn in radioactive waste management : deliberation and the socialtechnical divide,VABB-1,347,363,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396217,,If you asked me ...' : exploring autoethnography as a means to critically assess and advance audience research,VABB-4,29,43,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396219,,Enhancing divergent thinking in in visual arts education : effects of explicit instruction in metacognition,VABB-1,47,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396220,,Renegotiating PPP contracts : reinforcing the P' in partnership,VABB-1,204,225,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396223,,How do governments support the development of Public Private Partnerships? Measuring and comparing governmental PPP support across 20 European countries,VABB-1,118,139,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396224,,No place like home? Explaining venue selection of regional offices in Brussels,VABB-1,589,608,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396227,,"The passive revolution of spiritual politics : Gramsci and Foucault on modernity, transition and religion",VABB-4,111,130,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396229,,An LRA for everyone : how different actors frame the Lord's Resistance Army,VABB-1,92,114,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396230,,"Inequality, income, and well-being",VABB-4,67,140,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396231,,"Het vereiste van tijdig bestaan van de te verrekenen vorderingen voor de schuldvergelijking na samenloop in fiscale zaken (art. 334 Programmawet 2004) herbezocht, noot onder Cass. 31 maart 2014",VABB-1,704,708,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396233,,The independence of the judiciary in Belgium,VABB-4,137,143,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396234,,Impacto de la formación del profesorado universitario : aspectos metodológicos y propuesta para futuras investigaciones,VABB-1,13,36,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:396235,,De herziening van de Europese insolventieverordening,VABB-4,327,374,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396236,,Location of logistics companies : a stated preference study to disentangle the impact of accessibility,VABB-1,110,121,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396240,,Chronology of Beckett's writings,VABB-4,27,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396243,,Cyberbullying-entrenched or cyberbully-free classrooms? A class network and class composition approach,VABB-1,260,277,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396244,,Annotatie HvJ C-363/12 en C-167/12,VABB-1,47,51,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396245,,The role of port authorities in the development of LNG bunkering facilities in North European ports,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396246,,Container port competition in Europe,VABB-4,75,95,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396247,,Werken in en managen van een vriendschapscultuur : contradictio in terminis?,VABB-1,1,21,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396248,,On the way to a minimum baseline in IT governance : using expert views for selective implementation of COBIT 5,VABB-5,4554,4563,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396249,,Narrative accounting disclosures,VABB-4,311,317,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396250,,Audience retrospection as a source of historiography : oral history interviews on early television experiences,VABB-1,64,78,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396253,,"Population change in Europe, the Middle-East and North-Africa : beyond the demographic divide",VABB-3,,,320 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396254,,Employees' use of social media technologies : a methodological and thematic review,VABB-1,454,464,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396255,,Boomerangs over Lac Léman : transnational lobbying and foreign venue shopping in WTO dispute settlement,VABB-1,507,530,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396257,,Directorate-General for Trade of the European Commission,VABB-4,277,290,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396259,,"Risk conflicts, critical discourse analysis and media discourses on GM crops and food",VABB-1,278,297,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396260,,To tune or not to tune : rule evaluation for metaheuristic-based sequential covering algorithms,VABB-1,237,272,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396261,,Active learning-based pedagogical rule extraction,VABB-1,2664,2677,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396262,,Governing through normality : law and the force of sameness,VABB-1,303,323,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396265,,Naar de vrijheidsstraf als ultimum remedium : een weg bezaaid met wolfijzers en schietgeweren,VABB-1,1,14,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396266,,Informatiegebruik door schoolleiders en leerkrachten,VABB-2,,,238 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396269,,"'Mei nu, mei nu, tai gui le!' : to use or not to use Chinese language in Beijing's Silk Market",VABB-1,267,284,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396270,,A multivariable model for estimation of vapor cloud explosion occurrence possibility based on a fuzzy logic approach for flammable materials,VABB-1,140,150,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396271,,Optimization procedure to select an inherently safer design scheme,VABB-1,89,98,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396273,,Assessment of acceptability and usability of new delivery prototype device for intradermal vaccination in healthy subjects,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:396276,,"Leçon 5 : Les relations collectives de travail : théoriquement unilatérales, pratiquement inapplicables?",VABB-4,273,327,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:396277,,"Leçon 2 : Uniformité, équité et gestion des ressources humaines",VABB-4,31,116,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:396278,,Beyond the post-political Zeitgeist,VABB-4,429,443,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396279,,Changing patterns of media use across cultures : a challenge for longitudinal research,VABB-1,435,457,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396280,,Economic conditions and variation in first birth hazards in 22 European countries between 1970 and 2005,VABB-4,45,80,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396281,,Is a rise in employment always positive from a social perspective? A household dimension of the precarious labour market integration of immigrants in Belgium,VABB-4,261,298,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396282,,Do I know you? How brand familiarity and perceived fit affect consumers' attitudes towards brands placed in movies,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396288,,Effort discounting and its association with negative symptoms in schizophrenia,VABB-1,172,185,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396293,,How organizational reputation and trust may affect the autonomy of independent regulators : the case of the Flemish energy regulator,VABB-4,118,138,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396294,,Metaheuristics-the metaphor exposed,VABB-1,3,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396295,,Does the class cleavage still matter? The social composition of participants in demonstrations addressing redistributive and cultural issues in three countries,VABB-1,21,38,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396296,,Modelling of the difference between the actual versus theoretical energy consumption for space heating and sanitary hot water,VABB-5,29,43,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396297,,Leçon 3 : Les circuits d'incapacité dans le secteur public : labyrinthes sans issue?,VABB-4,117,183,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:396298,,"Land and labour : rails, workers and commuting in South-West Flanders, Belgium, 1830-1930",VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396299,,Carefully radical or radically careful? Ecology as design motif,VABB-4,29,47,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396300,,Paradise regained? Crossing borders between planning concepts in the Netherlands and Belgium (1830-2012),VABB-4,1,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:396302,,Instrumenteel meten van psycho-motorische symptomen bij schizofrenie : klaar voor de praktijk?,VABB-1,148,153,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396303,,Karakteristieken van katatonie bij schizofrenie en stemmingsstoornissen,VABB-1,94,98,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396304,,Het personen- en familierecht. Identiteit en verwantschap vanuit juridisch perspectief,VABB-2,,,581 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396305,,De aanpassing van het Vlaamse Taaldecreet na het arrest van het Hof van Justitie in de zaak-Las : een juridisch kaartenhuis,VABB-1,883,903,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396307,,Branding the image of a fox : the psychological profile of EU president Herman Van Rompuy,VABB-1,1,44,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396308,,Public sector antiretroviral treatment programme in South Africa : health care workers' attention to mental health problems,VABB-1,458,465,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396309,,Performance management in the public sector,VABB-2,,,230 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396311,,Students attitudes towards technology,VABB-1,43,65,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396312,,Gender mainstreaming in sector budget support : the case of the European Commission's sector support to Rwanda's agriculture sector,VABB-1,155,169,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396313,,"Reliable, challenging or misleading? A qualitative account of the most recent national surveys and country statistics in the DRC",VABB-4,97,119,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396314,,Associative stigma in family members of psychotic patients in Flanders : an exploratory study,VABB-1,118,125,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396316,,Versatile green : an alternative perspective on green space in late nineteenth-century Antwerp,VABB-1,89,112,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396317,,Praktijkboek innoverend hoger onderwijs,VABB-3,,,220 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396318,,Competentiegericht toetsen,VABB-4,61,92,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396319,,Competentiegericht onderwijzen en toetsen in de praktijk : van congruentietabel tot peer assessment van opdrachten,VABB-4,93,106,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396320,,Externe benchmarking van masterproeven in de praktijk,VABB-4,195,204,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396323,,Handboek Europees burgerlijk procesrecht,VABB-3,,,374 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396324,,Brussel IIbis-Verordening - Ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid,VABB-4,79,94,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396325,,Parallelle procedures,VABB-4,209,224,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396327,,MISTRAL : a game-theoretical model to allocate security measures in a multi-modal chemical transportation network with adaptive adversaries,VABB-1,105,114,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396328,,Supply chains and the internationalization of small firms,VABB-1,845,865,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396329,,Le droit social de la fonction publique,VABB-3,,,341 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:396330,,"De dwangsom: nog steeds een potentieel belangrijk instrument om een moedwillige overheid bij te sturen (noot onder GwH 27 maart 2014, nr. 56/2014)",VABB-1,24,28,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396331,,"Leçon 1 : Travailler dans la fonction publique : hier, aujourd'hui et demain",VABB-4,1,29,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:396332,,Leçon 4 : Les pensions des fonctionnaires : luxe impayable ou avantage nécessaire?,VABB-4,185,271,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:396333,,Competing modals : beyond (inter)subjectification,VABB-1,34,68,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396334,,"On Clive Bell's ""Art & War""",VABB-1,530,532,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396335,,Sonar system combining an emitter array with a sparse receiver array for air-coupled applications,VABB-1,3446,3452,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396339,,Including high-cardinality attributes in predictive models a case study in churn prediction in the energy sector,VABB-1,72,81,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396355,,Het bewijs in het burgerlijk proces / La preuve dans le proces civil,VABB-3,,,228 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396356,,Vertrouwelijkheid en bewijs,VABB-4,143,176,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396357,,"Ontwikkelingen inzake vrij verkeer, asiel, voogdij en nationaliteit",VABB-3,,,253 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396358,,Woord vooraf,VABB-4,5,9,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396359,,Edited books in the social sciences and humanities : characteristics and collaboration analysis,VABB-1,219,237,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396364,,Health region development from the perspective of system theory : an empirical cross-regional case study,VABB-1,321,330,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396366,,Kostenterugwinning van waterdiensten in woelig water : bedenkingen bij het arrest C-525/12 van het Hof van Justitie bezien in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief,VABB-1,4,21,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396370,,Kostenterugwinning van waterdiensten in woelig water : bedenkingen bij het arrest C-525/12 van het Hof van Justitie beschouwd in Nederlands en Vlaams perspectief,VABB-1,137,148,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396377,,What do you do when you cant accommodate? Managing and evaluating problematic interactions in a multilingual medical environment,VABB-1,84,88,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396378,,Does history matter? Charles Taylor on the transcendental validity of social imaginaries,VABB-1,69,85,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396381,,From 'compelling and mystical' to makes you want to commit suicide : quantifying the spectrum of online reader responses,VABB-1,178,195,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396382,,A critical assessment of the non-disclosure agreement in the framework of the technology transfer process : a longitudinal study,VABB-1,39,51,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396383,,Assessment and rating tools : a guarantee for sustainable successes?,VABB-4,169,176,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396384,,Security risk assessment and protection in the chemical and process industry,VABB-1,72,83,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396386,,Developing a value management capability : a literature study and exploratory case study,VABB-1,82,104,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396391,,"""Eene onloochenbare verwantschap"" : muziek en literatuur in Vlaamse liedbundels uit de negentiende eeuw",VABB-1,10,17,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396392,,Is er nog ruimte voor vrijwillige terugtred bij het leerstuk van de strafbare poging?,VABB-1,141,148,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396394,,Opzettelijke schadegevallen in het verzekeringsrecht: het Hof van Cassatie verbiedt clausules die de dekking uitsluiten van begunstigden die vreemd zijn aan de opzettelijke veroorzaking van het schadegeval,VABB-1,94,105,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396397,,Investigating the relation between team learning and the team situation model,VABB-1,50,82,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396398,,"De subsidiariteitstoets door de parlementen in België : politieke dialoog, lethargie, en een gemiste kans",VABB-1,17,31,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396399,,Theater : een westerse geschiedenis,VABB-2,,,343 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396401,,Towards cross-country comparable reference budgets in Europe : first results of a concerted effort,VABB-1,3,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396402,,Fabricating social Europe : from neo-corporatism to governance by numbers,VABB-4,101,119,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396403,,Estimating the long rate and its volatility,VABB-1,100,102,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396404,,Comparison of public-private partnerships in airports and seaports in low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,329,351,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396406,,The alignment of parties and interest groups in EU legislative politics : a tale of two different worlds?,VABB-1,534,551,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396407,,Ambulance routing for disaster response with patient groups,VABB-1,120,133,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396408,,Identität durch Spaltung : Marcel Gauchet über die unsichtbare Andersartigkeit in demokratischen Gesellschaften,VABB-4,147,165,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:396409,,Demokratie als Gesellschaftsform : Pierre Rosanvallon und die vielfältige Stimmen des Volkes,VABB-4,167,185,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:396410,,Het Hof van Cassatie ziet er geen graten dat de Raad van State zijn rechtsmacht (ogenschijnlijk?) verder uitbreidt,VABB-1,1670,1675,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396411,,Effects of online abstraction on adjective order preferences,VABB-1,816,831,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396412,,Intertidal landscape response time to dike breaching and stepwise re-embankment : a combined historical and geomorphological study,VABB-1,64,78,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396413,,De Doelse Dijksequentie : dijken op zoek naar erfgoedwaarde,VABB-1,1,11,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396414,,Vijf eeuwen landbouw en landschap in de polders rond Doel,VABB-1,1,11,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396416,,Noun plural production in preschoolers with early cochlear implantation : an experimental study of Dutch and German,VABB-1,561,569,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396417,,Interaction patterns of mothers of children with different degrees of hearing : normally hearing children and congenitally hearing-impaired children with a cochlear implant,VABB-1,520,526,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396418,,The aerodynamic cost of head morphology in bats : maybe not as bad as it seems,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396420,,Parasocial relationships with audiences favorite celebrities : the role of audience and celebrity characteristics in a representative Flemish sample,VABB-1,43,65,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396424,,Het primacy-effect in proportionele systemen gewikt en gewogen : de casus van de Antwerpse districtsverkiezingen 2012,VABB-1,11,31,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396426,,The extent of memory : from extended to extensive mind,VABB-5,391,408,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396427,,Psychotic reactivity to daily life stress and the dopamine system : a study combining experience sampling and [¹⁸F]fallypride positron emission tomography.,VABB-1,27,37,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396433,,Kunst og Kino : the Art of early Danish drama,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396434,,Libera circolazione o turismo sociale : l'eccessivo onere nel caso Brey,VABB-1,203,237,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:396436,,Middelspraecke tussen de godtsoeckende siele ende dan rustwysenden leeraer : mystiek in navolging van Benedictus van Canfield,VABB-1,195,216,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396438,,"Recent quantitative changes in the use of modals and quasi-modals in the Hong Kong, British and American printed press : exploring the potential of Factiva@ for the diachronic investigation of World Englishes",VABB-4,437,464,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396439,,The container transport system : selection criteria and business attractiveness for North-European ports,VABB-1,221,245,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396440,,The persuasiveness of child-targeted endorsement strategies : a systematic review,VABB-4,1,42,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396447,,Teachability of collocations : the role of word frequency counts,VABB-1,301,316,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:396448,,Revenue sharing and absolute league quality; talent investment and talent allocation,VABB-1,51,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396450,,On a diet: explaining differences in overhead among public agencies in the era of austerity,VABB-1,234,260,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396451,,A simple approach to describe a company's innovative activities and their technological breadth,VABB-1,1401,1411,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396452,,Introducing sub-impact factor (SIF-) sequences and an aggregated SIF-indicator for journal ranking,VABB-1,1577,1593,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396453,,Elke student is een ongeslepen diamant : hoe de Universiteit Antwerpen toekomstige managers extra ondersteunt,VABB-1,60,63,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396455,,"Advanced research, lagging policy : nuclear waste governance in Belgium",VABB-4,141,155,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396456,,Bitcoin : there are two sides to every coin,VABB-1,139,159,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396458,,Belgisch belastingrecht in hoofdlijnen. Deel I: Inkomstenbelastingen,VABB-2,,,790 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396460,,Quality of demographic data in GGS Wave 1,VABB-1,723,774,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396461,,Introduction,VABB-4,14,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396462,,On the road to HIV/AIDS competence in the household : building a health-enabling environment for people living with HIV/AIDS,VABB-1,3264,3292,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396463,,The impact of non-financial and financial encouragements on participation in non school-based human papillomavirus vaccination : a retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,305,315,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:396464,,Public preferences for prioritizing preventive and curative health care interventions : a discrete choice experiment,VABB-1,224,233,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396465,,Drivers of institutional innovation in networks : unleashing the innovation potential of domesticated markets,VABB-1,414,435,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396467,,De financieringswet na de zesde staatshervorming: een overzicht van de financieringstechnieken,VABB-4,871,913,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396468,,"Bevoegdheidswijzigingen in het openbaar ambt : administratief en geldelijk statuut, uitzendarbeid en loopbaanonderbreking",VABB-4,755,778,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396469,,Rekenhof : de herziening van artikel 180 van de Grondwet,VABB-4,913,924,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396470,,De bevoegdheidsverdeling in het arbeidsmarktbeleid,VABB-4,585,676,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396471,,Verruiming van de gewestelijke autonomie inzake de ondergeschikte besturen: provincies en bovengemeentelijke besturen,VABB-4,273,294,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396473,,Class actions,VABB-3,,,155 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396474,,Referentiebudgetten voor maatschappelijke participatie in de OCMW praktijk : naar een meer uniforme en rechtvaardige uitvoering van het recht op maatschappelijke dienstverlening,VABB-4,153,162,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396475,,International encyclopaedia of intellectual property : vol. 10,VABB-3,,,1149 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396477,,Free movement of EU citizens : including for the poor?,VABB-1,10,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396479,,De familie- en jeugdrechtbank,VABB-4,1,45,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396482,,The New Cambridge Companion to Samuel Beckett,VABB-3,,,228 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396483,,A Beckett Continuum,VABB-4,17,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396484,,Stadsgroen onder spanning : debatten over ruimtegebruik in negentiende-eeuws Antwerpen,VABB-1,45,68,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:396488,,Postulêre werkwoorde as progressiewe merkers in Afrikaans en Nederlands,VABB-1,3,28,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396490,,The document as event : assessing the value of digital collections for theatrical heritage,VABB-4,195,205,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396491,,A ghostly visit to London (enter Stevens in a 500-year-old Bavarian tree),VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396492,,Beslissing ten gronde,VABB-4,105,128,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396493,,Local memories in a nationalizing and globalizing world,VABB-3,,,296 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396494,,Greetings from Borgerokko : an Antwerp neighbourhood as a national icon of globalisation and anti-globalism,VABB-4,244,257,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396495,,"Introduction. Local, national, transnational memories : a triangular relationship",VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396496,,Workplace interventions to reduce HIV and TB stigma among health care workers : where do we go from here?,VABB-1,995,1007,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396499,,A literature review on IT value management : assisting organisations to realise benefits from IT-enabled investments,VABB-4,26,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396503,,Empowering the underdog : soft power in the development of collective institutional entrepreneurship in business markets,VABB-1,174,186,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396505,,Know-who? Linking facultys networks to stages of instructional development,VABB-1,807,826,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396506,,Uncovering changes in university teachers' professional networks during an instructional development program,VABB-1,11,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396507,,Acteurs en acteertheorie in de achttiende eeuw,VABB-4,185,195,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396509,,De negentiende eeuw : (De verbeelding van) het theater aan de macht,VABB-4,199,245,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396510,,Modernismen en avant-gardes van het fin de siècle tot het interbellum,VABB-4,248,277,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396522,,Off-label prescription of medication,VABB-1,165,186,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396524,,Adapting flood management to climate change : comparing policy frames and governance practices in the Low Countries,VABB-1,55,70,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396526,,Mort au féminin,VABB-4,860,863,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:396527,,WTO judicial politics and EU trade policy : business associations as vessels of special interest?,VABB-1,196,215,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:396528,,Geopolitieke gevaren en kansen anno 2015,VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396531,,De veranderende rol van de overheid in multi-actor governance voor duurzaam materialenbeheer,VABB-1,27,33,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396532,,Deep cooperation by Belgian defence : absorbing the impact of declining defence budgets on national capabilities,VABB-1,46,62,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396534,,Loyal to your city? A data mining analysis of a public service loyalty program,VABB-1,74,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396535,,"Enterprise governance of information technology : achieving alignment and value, featuring COBIT 5",VABB-2,,,167 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396536,,Onderwijsevaluatie door studenten,VABB-4,143,160,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396538,,Critical glissantism : Édouard Glissants views on language(s),VABB-4,126,150,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:396539,,Advances in detection of antipsychotics in biological matrices,VABB-1,11,22,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:396546,,De bescherming van de huisvesting in de gehuurde gezinswoning tijdens en na de tweerelatie,VABB-4,90,105,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396551,,Who's afraid of Conscience? Naar een andere kijk op het oeuvre waarmee een volk leerde lezen,VABB-1,44,84,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396552,,De care shift : ouderenzorg en/in intergenerationele solidariteit,VABB-1,27,33,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396553,,Een caleidoscoop van sociaalwerkonderzoek : een sociaalwetenschappelijke benadering,VABB-3,,,250 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396554,,Integratie van kinderen met een handicap in het onderwijs : neveneffecten van beleid in Vlaanderen en Noorwegen,VABB-4,65,79,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396555,,De Master Sociaal Werk aan de Universiteit Antwerpen : een eigenzinnige tiener in een deskundig huis,VABB-4,11,20,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396556,,"The energy question in the Belgian daily press during 2010 : the role of region, newspaper type and newspaper section",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396558,,"Een Nieuw Leven voor Abeltje, Minoes en Pluk : over drie filmbewerkingen van Annie M.G. Schmidt",VABB-1,10,22,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396562,,Secularization : history of the concept,VABB-4,388,394,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396563,,Walking a tight rope : evaluating the child and youth impact report in Flanders,VABB-1,78,108,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396565,,Geen beroep doen op het recht is geen optie : over de afdwingbaarheid van sociale grondrechten en het sociaal werk,VABB-4,81,98,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396567,,Handboek algemeen huurrecht,VABB-3,,,874 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396568,,Definiëring,VABB-4,1,15,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396570,,Partijen bij de huurovereenkomst,VABB-4,19,40,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396571,,Huur en goederenrecht,VABB-4,41,55,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396572,,Het grondrecht op behoorlijke huisvesting,VABB-4,57,89,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396573,,Voorrecht van de verhuurder en huurwaarborg,VABB-4,492,512,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396574,,Feeding the ties to home : diaspora policies for the next generation,VABB-1,397,408,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396576,,Between text and social practice : balancing linguistics and ethnography in journalism studies,VABB-4,71,89,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396577,,Print media discourse,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396578,,Of icons and iconography : seeing Jimmie Blanton,VABB-1,119,156,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396580,,Altmetrics for the humanities : comparing Goodreads reader ratings with citations to history books,VABB-1,320,336,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396581,,Toegang tot de sociale voorzieningen en vrij verkeer,VABB-4,29,79,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396582,,Onderwijsprofessionalisering als voedingsbodem voor innoverend hoger onderwijs,VABB-4,19,26,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396583,,Onderwijsevaluatie door zelfreflectie,VABB-4,111,124,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396584,,Onderwijsevaluatie door peerobservatie,VABB-4,125,142,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396585,,Onderwijsevaluatie in de praktijk,VABB-4,161,175,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396586,,Analyse van het toetsbeleid in de praktijk,VABB-4,183,194,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396587,,Taalcompetenties opleidingsbreed beoordelen in de praktijk,VABB-4,205,213,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396589,,Interest organizations across economic sectors : explaining interest group density in the European Union,VABB-1,462,480,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396590,,Linking discourse and practice : the human rights-based approach to development in the Village Assaini program in the Kongo Central,VABB-1,787,813,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:396591,,Transitional justice and women's mobilization in Central America,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396592,,Reinjecting 'the local' into human rights-based approaches to development programming,VABB-1,334,345,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:396593,,Indigenous feminist activism in Guatemala : defending women's human rights in the vernacular,VABB-1,1,39,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396595,,Computervisualisaties van de theaterarchitectuur in de Lage Landen (1600-1800),VABB-4,145,155,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396598,,A two-phase model for dry port location with an application to the port of Dalian in China,VABB-1,442,464,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396599,,The quest for aid complementarity : co-operation between Nordic+donors and NGOs,VABB-1,325,354,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396603,,Real options,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396604,,"Over de toepassing van de Antigooncriteria op het zogenaamd ""wettelijk bewijs"" : een kroniek van een aangekondigde dood?",VABB-1,44,49,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396605,,De inzage in het strafdossier en het statuut van de benadeelde persoon,VABB-1,96,112,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396607,,"""Artikel nul?"" Een algemene bepaling over rechtsstaat, democratie en mensenrechten in de Grondwet?",VABB-1,207,214,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396608,,The young and the restless : the Common European Sales Law (CESL) and (the rest of) national law,VABB-1,217,230,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396611,,Cyberbullying research in Belgium : an overview of generated insights and a critical assessment of the mediation of technology in a web 2.0 world,VABB-4,169,191,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396612,,Whether or not to engage in sexting : explaining adolescent sexting behaviour by applying the prototype willingness model,VABB-1,796,808,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396613,,Preken en publiceren : de franciscaanse observantie en religieuze literatuur in de Lage Landen circa 1490-1500: ter inleiding,VABB-1,225,229,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396615,,Staggered-level designs for response surface modeling,VABB-1,156,175,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396617,,Immunization reduces vocal communication but does not increase oxidative stress in a songbird species,VABB-1,829,839,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396618,,Multi-objective thermo-economic optimization strategy for ORCs applied to subcritical and transcritical cycles for waste heat recovery,VABB-1,2714,2741,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396619,,Overheidssteun voor religie : antiperfectionisme of perfectionisme?,VABB-1,62,82,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396622,,Toward a behavioural theory of cooperation between managers and employee representatives in works councils,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:396627,,Kinderarmoede hoger op de politieke agenda plaatsen : enkele cijfers om beter te begrijpen wat er op het spel staat,VABB-4,113,140,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396631,,"Vlot - veilig - betaalbaar - leefbaar : over transitie, transport en de rol van de overheid",VABB-1,35,44,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396636,,Bitcoin : there are two sides to every coin,VABB-1,193,208,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396637,,De toekomst van het petitierecht en de Europese Ombudsman na het Europees burgerinitiatief,VABB-1,243,263,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396640,,The grounding functions of German reportives and quotative,VABB-1,16,39,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396644,,From prosecuted minority to dominance : the changing face of the Calvinist Church in the cities of Flanders and Brabant (1577-1585),VABB-4,227,244,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396645,,The case of Elisabeth De Saedeleer (1902-1972) : the influence of Welsh hospitality in the Great War on Belgian Modernist interior design,VABB-1,93,98,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396646,,Male domestic workers and gendered boundaries among Latin American migrants in Brussels,VABB-1,69,86,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396647,,Enlightened presuppositions of (spiritually motivated) cross-ritual participation,VABB-4,43,52,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396648,,Maternal employment : the impact of triple rationing in childcare,VABB-1,685,707,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396649,,Allegory and mystagogy in 'The mirouer' of Marguerite Porete«,VABB-1,3,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396651,,Disclosure as a tool in stakeholder relations management : a longitudinal study on the port of Rotterdam,VABB-1,228,250,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396653,,"HIV en disclosure : context, keuzes en noden in de begeleiding door eerstelijnshulpverleners.",VABB-4,129,140,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396656,,Radicalisering bestrijden op een liberaal democratische wijze : een moeilijke evenwichtsoefening,VABB-1,35,48,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396657,,The development of students' motivation in the transition from secondary to higher education : a longitudinal study,VABB-1,114,123,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396661,,"""These immeasurable mysteries"" : rites of passage in Stevens and Cummings",VABB-1,40,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396664,,"Informatie- en onderzoeksplichten bij de verkoop van serviceflats, (noot onder Kh. Dendermonde 11 april 2013)",VABB-1,443,450,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396665,,"Enkele kanttekeningen bij de schade in geval van schending van een voorkeurrecht, (noot onder Gent 7 november 2012)",VABB-1,337,341,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396668,,Routledge international handbook of children's rights studies,VABB-3,,,436 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396669,,Children's rights from a legal perspective : children's rights law,VABB-4,27,42,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396670,,Conclusions : towards a field of critical children's rights studies,VABB-4,412,429,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396671,,De uitbreiding van de reïntegranda tot het recht van overgang en uitweg,VABB-1,3,10,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396672,,The interest rate restrictions in the financial crisis : can we draw lessons from private law?,VABB-4,159,189,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396674,,The **k**-dissimilar vehicle routing problem,VABB-1,129,140,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396675,,An optimization algorithm for the workforce management in a retail chain,VABB-1,65,77,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396676,,Metaheuristics for the risk-constrained cash-in-transit vehicle routing problem,VABB-1,457,470,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396681,,Reforms to lessen the influence of the European Court of Human Rights : a successful strategy?,VABB-1,257,283,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396682,,The Sting is in the Tail : CJEU Opinion 2/13 objects to draft agreement on accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights,VABB-1,185,198,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396683,,"Spelling, psychology",VABB-4,264,273,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396686,,De waarschuwingsverplichting van de uitbater van een zwembadcomplex (noot onder Gent 19 september 2013),VABB-1,215,220,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396687,,"Pragmatics, linguistic",VABB-4,795,802,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396688,,Human Rights in the Criminal Code? A critique of the curious implementation of the EU and Council of Europe instruments on combating and preventing terrorism in Belgian criminal legislation,VABB-1,33,57,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396689,,Het spook van ETA waart verder (noot onder Cass. 13 november 2013 and KI Gent 31 oktober 2013),VABB-1,224,232,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396691,,"Transport, logistics and the supply chain : how changes reshape the research agenda",VABB-1,11,15,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396694,,Between palliative care and euthanasia,VABB-1,177,178,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396695,,"Understanding the direct and indirect relations between motivation to participate, goal orientation and the use of self-regulation strategies during a formal training",VABB-1,89,106,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396697,,Krachtlijnen van de Europese Verordening Klinische Proeven,VABB-1,256,278,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396698,,Piramideverkoop na 4Finance,VABB-1,1323,1335,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396699,,Taalkennisvereiste bij gezinshereniging : een eerste schot voor de boeg,VABB-1,206,210,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396701,,Brussel I(bis)-Verordening inzake niet uitsluitende bevoegdheidsgronden en zwakke partijen - Stand van zaken sinds 2002 tot nu,VABB-4,23,58,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396702,,"'Eating the bread out of their mouth' : Antwerp's export trade and generalized institutions, 1544-5",VABB-1,1339,1364,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396707,,Leven aan de dop : de impact van werkloosheid op het inkomen in België in vergelijkend perspectief,VABB-4,191,214,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396709,,La traduzione e la nuova letteratura : il modernismo novecentista (tra nazionalismo e interculturalità),VABB-1,79,96,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:396713,,Discrete choice modelling of natal dispersal : choosing where to breed from a finite set of available areas,VABB-1,997,1006,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396714,,Home care service planning : the case of Landelijke Thuiszorg,VABB-1,292,301,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:396715,,How traceability is restructuring Malawi's tobacco industry,VABB-1,159,174,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396716,,"""Not wishing to be the white rhino in the crowd"" : disability-disclosure at university",VABB-1,158,180,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396717,,"Secularization, legal pluralism, and the question of relationship-recognition regimes",VABB-1,151,165,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396718,,Was Henri de Man an early post-Keynesian neo-Marxist?,VABB-1,90,105,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396719,,Skiba points in free end-time problems,VABB-1,404,419,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396721,,'Can I afford to help?' How affordances of communication modalities guide bystanders' helping intentions towards harassment on social network sites,VABB-1,425,435,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396722,,"Uncited papers, uncited authors and uncited topics : a case study in library and information science",VABB-1,50,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396723,,A general conceptual framework for characterizing the ego in a network,VABB-1,145,149,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396725,,"Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten in de publieke sector : een tweeluik : deel 2 : Over dromen, daden, wetten en praktische bezwaren",VABB-1,338,370,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396726,,La modification unilatérale des conditions de travail du personnel contractuel : l'impossible alchimie,VABB-1,73,99,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:396727,,"""'Look more closely, said mum: mothers in Anthony Brownes Picture Books",VABB-1,145,159,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396729,,"Have no fear : how individuals differing in uncertainty avoidance, anxiety, and chance belief process health risk messages",VABB-1,114,125,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396731,,Second childhoods and intergenerational dialogues : how children's literature studies and age studies can supplement each other,VABB-1,126,140,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396737,,Commentaar : Merkgebruik anders dan ter onderscheiding van waren of diensten : een stand van zaken,VABB-1,82,91,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396738,,There are differences : variants and errors in the texts of Beckett¹s radio plays,VABB-1,57,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396739,,"Ontstaan van het schadegeval in de zin van artikel 87, §1 WLVO (art. 151, §1 W. Verz.) en tegenstelbaarheid anterioriteitsclausule in het licht van artikel 78, §2 WLVO (art. 142, §2 W. Verz.), (noot onder Cass. 27 juni 2013)",VABB-1,83,86,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396740,,"Saint-Simon, Comte en de waan van het positivisme",VABB-1,60,78,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396743,,Het geval Freyer : sociologie als crisiswetenschap,VABB-1,236,245,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396745,,Identifying panic disorder subtypes using factor mixture modeling,VABB-1,509,517,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396746,,"Child poverty risks in Belgium, Wallonia and Flanders : accounting for a worrying performance",VABB-1,51,98,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396747,,A fast metaheuristic for the travelling salesperson problem with hotel selection,VABB-1,15,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396749,,Oral history in Belgium and the (de)construction of collective memory,VABB-1,503,511,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:396750,,Local memory : social remembrance of the Second World War in Flanders,VABB-1,545,574,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:396753,,Exploring the appeal of digital games to male prisoners,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396754,,Do first rate scientists work at first rate organizations?,VABB-1,47,60,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396755,,On the interactional dimension of evidentials : the case of the Spanish evidential discourse markers,VABB-1,141,161,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396756,,"Mister Sandman, bring me good marks! On the relationship between sleep quality and academic achievement",VABB-1,91,98,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:396757,,Early Modern consumption history current challenges and future perspectives,VABB-1,57,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396758,,A sense of self-suspicion : global legal pluralism and the claim to legal authority,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396759,,Trust and social capital in the design and evolution of institutions for collective action,VABB-1,151,176,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396760,,Comparative literature in the Low Countries,VABB-1,409,418,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:396762,,Targeting urbanites : Nairobi-bred audio-visual narratives in Sheng,VABB-1,37,49,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396764,,Towards a more sustainable building stock : optimizing a Flemish dwelling using a life cycle approach,VABB-1,424,448,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396771,,Recidive bij straftoemeting en strafuitvoering : een wet van communicerende vaten?,VABB-1,189,195,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396774,,Structural change and wage inequality in the manufacturing sector: long run evidence from East Asia,VABB-1,212,231,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396777,,"Aanvechtbaarheid van bindende adviezen in de stedenbouwkundige vergunningsprocedure, noot onder RvS 15 januari 2014",VABB-1,189,193,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396778,,"Het college van burgemeester en schepenen als belanghebbende in de procedure bij de Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen, noot onder GwH nr. 32/2014, 27 februari 2014",VABB-1,184,187,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396781,,History education and ethnic cultural diversity,VABB-1,18,63,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396782,,From people just like us to the fundamentally other in an era of antiracism : the instrumental use of religion to exclude the other while avoiding stigma,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:396784,,Methodological challenges in research on student learning,VABB-3,,,184 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396785,,Longitudinal data collection : mission impossible?,VABB-4,161,172,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396786,,Merchants and trading in the sixteenth century : the Golden Age of Antwerp,VABB-3,,,336 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396787,,"One foot in the palace : the Habsburg Court of Brussels and the politics of access in the reign of Albert and Isabella, 1598-1621",VABB-2,,,366 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396789,,Evident but elusive : practical norms in the Congolese gold sector,VABB-4,228,244,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396792,,Internal representation and factional faultlines as antecedents for board performnace in social enterprises,VABB-1,385,400,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396794,,"Bespreking van het arrest van het Hof van Justitie van 17 oktober 2013, zaak C-184/12, Unamar",VABB-1,1475,1478,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396795,,Removing sanctions against Iran-creatively,VABB-1,1,2,-,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396798,,Het optreden in rechte van inwoners namens de gemeente/provincie : Grondwettelijk Hof schrapt inperking toepassingsgebied door Vlaamse decreetgever (noot onder GwH 23 januari 2014,VABB-1,287,296,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396800,,Enkel de aanvrager kan de weigering tot openbaarmaking aanvechten (noot onder RvS 5 februari 2014),VABB-1,275,278,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396806,,The professionalization of paid domestic work and its limits : experiences of Latin American migrants in Brussels,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396809,,Au nom de Dieu et du profit : le profit équitable selon Jan van Boendale,VABB-1,611,+,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:396810,,Het arrest Dano : het einde van het 'uitkeringstoerisme'?,VABB-1,260,265,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396811,,"Sending peacekeepers abroad, sharing power at home : Burundi in Somalia",VABB-1,307,325,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396814,,"Zorg voor de anderstalige nieuwkomers in het regulier secundair onderwijs : de leerling, zijn leerkracht en de vervolgschoolcoach aan het woord",VABB-1,29,36,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396815,,Europe's electricity regime : restoration or thorough transition,VABB-1,57,68,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396816,,Sustainability assessment of nuclear power : discourse analysis of IAEA and IPCC frameworks,VABB-1,170,180,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396818,,Preparing palliative home care nurses to act as facilitators for physicians learning : evaluation of a training programme,VABB-1,458,463,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396820,,­Reflections upon the meaning of contemporary digital image-making practices in India,VABB-4,241,258,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396821,,"Liquid visions : digital images between anthropology, consumer technologies and contemporary art",VABB-1,33,48,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396824,,Unnormalized and normalized forms of gefura measures in directed and undirected networks,VABB-1,311,320,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396826,,Human Rights reports from illiberal states,VABB-1,166,176,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396827,,Natural resource exploitation and children's rights,VABB-4,387,411,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396828,,Participatory school experiences as facilitators for adolescents' ecological behavior,VABB-1,55,65,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396829,,"Beyond the ""Retail Revolution"" : trends and patterns in 17th- and 18th-century Antwerp retailing?",VABB-4,219,229,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396833,,Ervaringsdeskundigen betekenisvol betrekken bij de opleiding sociaal werk,VABB-4,163,179,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396834,,De sociaalwerkonderzoeker als generalist : een kritische reflectie,VABB-4,209,218,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396838,,"Arbeidsongeschiktheidscircuits in de publieke sector, met de focus op de ambtenaren",VABB-1,101,179,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396839,,"Arbeidsongeschiktheidscircuits in de publieke sector, met de focus op de ambtenaren",VABB-4,87,158,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396840,,De rechtspositie van het overheidspersoneel in beweging,VABB-3,,,344 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396841,,La _modification unilatérale des conditions de travail du personnel contractuel : l'impossible alchimie,VABB-4,65,86,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:396842,,"Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten in de publieke sector : een tweeluik : deel 2 : over dromen, daden, wetten en praktische bezwaren",VABB-4,294,323,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396844,,Pensioneringstiming in Europa : factoren die de arbeidsmarktuittrede van oudere werknemers beïnvloeden,VABB-1,1,10,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396852,,Intelligent systems in managerial decision-making,VABB-4,377,403,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396857,,Visualizing the theatrical past : the virtual reconstruction of theatrical heritage,VABB-4,135,148,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396858,,Opera op schaal : de virtuele reconstructie van vroegtwintigste-eeuwse decormaquettes van de Vlaamse Opera (1907-1938),VABB-1,20,27,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396859,,The effects of active learning environments : how simulations trigger affective learning,VABB-1,254,265,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396860,,The ability to deviate from the principle of retroactivity : a well-established practice before the Constitutional Court and the Council of State in Belgium,VABB-4,81,113,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396861,,Transplanting diseases from organ donors in Western Europe : fault liability or strict liability?,VABB-1,207,238,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396862,,Birds receiving extra carotenoids keep singing during the sickness phase induced by inflammation,VABB-1,1029,1037,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396864,,Influence of mate preference and laying order on maternal allocation in a monogamous parrot species with extreme hatching asynchrony,VABB-1,49,59,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396868,,El universo de las antologías de poesía brasileña en traducción al castellano,VABB-1,1,11,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:396869,,Using carbon dioxide emissions as a criterion to award road construction projects : a pilot case in Flanders,VABB-1,96,102,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396870,,Online product experiences : the effect of simulating stroking gestures on product understanding and the critical role of user control,VABB-1,272,284,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396871,,Into the groove : exploring lesbian and gay musical preferences and 'LGB music' in Flanders,VABB-1,207,223,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396874,,The 2013 reforms of the Flemish renewable electricity support : missed opportunities,VABB-1,905,917,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396877,,Who's in and who's out? Explaining access to policymakers in Belgium,VABB-1,214,236,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:396878,,Dyadic analysis of repartnering after divorce : do children matter?,VABB-1,143,164,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396887,,De internationalisering van het bama-onderwijs,VABB-1,95,110,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396888,,Ancora su Ungaretti francese : le autotraduzioni de La Terra Promessa,VABB-1,11,30,,ita,2015,1 c:vabb:396889,,Exploration behavior and parental effort in wild great tits : partners matter,VABB-1,1085,1095,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396890,,The heart pleads one cry,VABB-1,197,200,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396891,,"Niet-neutrale burgers zijn gebaat met neutrale overheid : Habermas is Vanheeswijcks medestander, niet zijn antagonist",VABB-1,311,316,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396894,,Tradition and the hidden : Hannah Arendt's secularization of Jewish mysticism,VABB-4,65,76,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396897,,Hulpverlening aan personen van buitenlandse herkomst in de periferie : netwerken en drempels tot samenwerking,VABB-4,35,49,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396907,,Dedicated vs product flexible production technology : strategic capacity investment choice,VABB-1,141,152,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396908,,The perceptions and perspectives of patients and health care providers on chronic diseases management in rural South Africa : a qualitative study,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396909,,Cochlear implantation improves localization ability in patients with unilateral deafness,VABB-1,E93,E98,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396910,,Comparison of x-ray absorption and emission techniques for the investigation of paintings,VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396911,,Trust and willingness to pay for nanotechnology food,VABB-1,75,83,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396912,,"Preventing ""benefit tourism"" in the EU : a narrow or broad interpretation of the possibilities offered by the ECJ in DANO?",VABB-1,363,390,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396913,,Editing Beckett's Twin Texts,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396915,,Inducing political action by workers,VABB-1,1117,1144,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396916,,Het effect van schoolcultuur op het verloop van zelfevaluaties: een padmodel vanuit lerarenperspectief,VABB-1,82,96,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:396917,,Twee vormen van conservatisme over vloeibare waarden en hun paradoxale gevolgen,VABB-1,133,147,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:396922,,Land and rent,VABB-4,255,264,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396923,,Ricardian dynamics,VABB-4,444,449,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396927,,Does naturalism commit a category mistake?,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396928,,Beginselen van behoorlijk bestuur in personeelsmateries : zowel voor ambtenaren als voor overheidscontractanten,VABB-1,3,72,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396930,,"De kinderen van Roegier Gheeraerts : goederen en familierelaties binnen een Brugs brouwersgezin, anno 1585",VABB-1,38,49,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396931,,Political conditionality and foreign aid,VABB-1,2,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396932,,"Vijf preken uit de kerstkring van 1574 van Henricus Cool, vicaris van het kartuizerinnenklooster Sint-Anna-ter-Woestijne bij Brugge (Brussel, Koninklijke Bibliiotheek, II 2098)",VABB-1,43,79,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396937,,The muses of the black audio film collective and smoking dogs films,VABB-1,52,57,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396938,,Memory and creative forgetfulness in The nine muses,VABB-1,147,153,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396939,,Close-up : John Akomfrah and the Black Audio Film Collective,VABB-1,52,162,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396943,,Een sentiment : de basis voor ontwikkeling van het esthetisch oordeelsvermogen,VABB-1,319,328,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396944,,Nood aan een nieuwe democratiseringsgolf : de transitie naar superdiversiteit als uitdaging voor hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,67,77,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396945,,"How to reform western care payment systems according to physicians, policy makers, healthcare executives and researchers : a discrete choice experiment",VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396947,,EUCIT : for how much longer will political objections outweigh the advantages?,VABB-1,128,131,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396951,,Burundi : institutionalizing ethnicity to bridge the ethnic divide,VABB-4,27,50,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396952,,The pleasure of looking behind curtains : naked bodies from Titian to Fabre and Leroy,VABB-4,111,127,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396953,,De ambiguïteit van postseculiere en postmetafysische verhalen. Over de plaats van religie en levensbeschouwing in een seculiere samenleving,VABB-1,271,296,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396954,,Repliek,VABB-1,337,348,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396956,,"Instrumentaliseren van kindergeld in de strijd tegen spijbelen getoetst aan de kinderrechten, noot onder Europees Comité voor Sociale Rechten 19 maart 2013, Comité européen d'action spécialisée pour l'Enfant et la Famille dans leur milieu de vie (EUROCEF) t. Frankrijk, nr. 82/2012",VABB-1,154,159,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396959,,Tarakhel c. Suisse : La Cour de Strasbourg rend encore plus difficile une politique commune européenne en matière d'asile,VABB-1,3,6,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:396960,,Mensenrechten t.o.v. de doodstraf en t.o.v. niet-samendrukbare levenslange gevangenisstraffen,VABB-1,59,65,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396961,,"Schuift het Hof van Cassatie een moeizaam bereikt compromis inzake samenloop van grondrechten terzijde? (noot onder Cass. 3e K., 15 december 2014)",VABB-1,1624,1628,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396968,,Can we rank scholarly book publishers? A bibliometric experiment with the field of history,VABB-1,1333,1347,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396969,,Secondary school educators' perceptions and practices in handling cyberbullying among adolescents : a cluster analysis,VABB-1,192,201,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396970,,The economics of competitive sports,VABB-3,,,222 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396974,,Muses in design : a comparison of inspiration techniques in product form giving education,VABB-5,294,300,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:396975,,Beginselen van behoorlijke wetgeving in de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie 2012-2013,VABB-1,112,123,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396977,,Generating fingerings for polyphonic piano music with a tabu search algorithm,VABB-5,149,160,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396979,,Studium koroze slitin PbSnSb v půdním prostředí,VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396980,,The influence of internalizing the external cost on the competiveness of sea ports in the same container loop,VABB-4,131,138,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396983,,"Ick byn verdoelt op deser jacht : gedachten over het publiek van Berlijn, SBB-PK, mgo 185 en de rol van de wereld",VABB-1,91,107,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396990,,Finding similar mobile consumers with a privacy-friendly geosocial design,VABB-1,243,265,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396991,,The efficacy of terminology-extraction systems for the translation of documentaries,VABB-1,359,374,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:396993,,Reconciling discourses on women's rights : learning from Guatemalan indigenous women's groups,VABB-1,223,245,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:396994,,De verzekering BA uitbating en BA na levering van de onderneming : nood aan maatwerk,VABB-4,605,654,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396995,,De Verzekeringswet 2014,VABB-3,,,178 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396996,,Het segmentatiebeleid van de verzekeraars : krachtlijnen en wijzigingen ten gevolge van de Verzekeringswet van 4 april 2014,VABB-4,27,50,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396997,,Van 'Mensen zonder gladde ringen' tot 'Ik ben anders' : representaties van homoseksualiteit in Vlaamse en Nederlandse populaire liedteksten,VABB-1,18,31,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:396998,,"Cui bono? Over het mattheuseffect, kinderarmoede en de (on)gewenste uitkomsten van het gezinsbeleid in de sociale investeringsstaat",VABB-1,122,140,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:396999,,Sustainable HRM for sustainable careers : introducing the Respect Openness Continuity (ROC) model,VABB-4,319,334,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397000,,Léon Stynen : interieurontwerpen tijdens de jaren 30 in Antwerpen,VABB-1,4,19,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397002,,"Mechanics meets economics, once again : the ""rational economics"" project of the Guillaume brothers",VABB-1,125,156,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397004,,Expertise overlap between an expert panel and research groups in global journal maps,VABB-5,1035,1041,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397005,,"Verval van dekking indien vensterraam ""op kiep"" staat? (noot onder Luik 30 juni 2014)",VABB-1,162,170,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397007,,Introduction : issue ownership,VABB-1,755,760,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397008,,The conceptualisation and measurement of issue ownership,VABB-1,778,796,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397009,,Associative issue ownership as a determinant of voters' campaign attention,VABB-1,888,908,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397010,,Practices in prescribing protein substitutes for PKU in Europe : no uniformity of approach,VABB-1,17,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397011,,How strict is galactose restriction in adults with galactosaemia? International practice,VABB-1,23,26,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397012,,Study protocol : SWING - social capital and well-being in neighborhoods in Ghent,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397013,,Development and validation of a socioculturally competent trust in physician scale for a developing country setting,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397014,,Disciplined by the discipline : a social-epistemic fingerprint of the history of science,VABB-1,195,214,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397016,,"Three profiles of ""Interior Architects"" in Postwar Flanders : the historic distinction between practitioners with a degree, domestic advisors, and interior decorators",VABB-1,37,57,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397017,,Aesthetic attention,VABB-1,96,118,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397021,,Risk-based design of process plants with regard to domino effects and land use planning,VABB-1,289,297,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397023,,Judgmental evaluation of the CEFR by stakeholders in language testing,VABB-1,66,77,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397025,,Roze werknemers in beweging. Het actief burgerschap van LHBT-werknemersnetwerken,VABB-1,217,235,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397026,,Tapping into the educational potential of Facebook : encouraging out-of-class peer collaboration in foreign language learning,VABB-1,176,190,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397029,,"Civil war, social capital and resilience in Uganda",VABB-1,661,686,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397030,,Au moment j'écris ceci. Le présent des premières Confessions et la construction d'une nouvelle curiosité de soi,VABB-4,405,420,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:397033,,In de ban van continuïteit,VABB-1,487,525,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397036,,Predictors of job seekers' self-disclosure on social media,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397037,,City logistics by water : good practices and scope for expansion,VABB-4,413,437,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397039,,Reactivation of the small inland waterway network,VABB-4,439,461,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397040,,Ideology in discourse,VABB-4,769,779,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397046,,Differential effects of a long teacher training internship on students' learning-to-teach patterns,VABB-1,484,495,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397047,,De ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse vermogensongelijkheid,VABB-1,121,124,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397050,,"Filialen van autonome gemeentebedrijven als bestuursinstanties in de zin van het Vlaamse Openbaarheidsdecreet: wie blokkeert, controleert?",VABB-1,83,92,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397053,,An urbanized countryside? A regional perspective on rural textile production in the Flemish West-Quarter (1400-1600),VABB-4,35,60,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397054,,The family or the farm : a Sophies choice? The late medieval crisis in Flanders,VABB-4,195,224,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397055,,A conceptual framework on the impact of regulatory quality on litigation,VABB-1,23,43,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397060,,"Morphological structure, lexical representation and lexical access",VABB-3,,,256 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:397061,,"""En dan is er nog zoveel dat ge aan niemand kunt vertellen""",VABB-1,134,141,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397062,,Onderwijs en de preventie van radicalisering : conceptuele voorstellen,VABB-1,25,35,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397063,,Motives of masters for the teaching profession : development of the MMTP questionnaire,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397064,,Nuns' literacies in medieval Europe : the Kansas-City dialogue,VABB-3,,,415 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397065,,From Reading to Writing: The Multiple Levels of Literacy of the Sister Scribes in the Brussels Convent of Jericho,VABB-4,47,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397066,,Introduction,VABB-4,27,45,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397067,,Otherness and Desire in Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutics of the Self,VABB-1,67,88,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:397069,,HIV susceptibility among migrant miners in Chokwe : a case study,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397073,,Navigating towards sustainability : essential aspects of assessment and indicators,VABB-4,88,108,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397074,,Challenging territoriality in human rights law : building blocks for a plural and diverse duty-bearer regime,VABB-3,,,209 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397075,,Introduction : an emerging multi-duty-bearer human rights regime?,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397076,,Obligations and responsibility in a plural and diverse duty-bearer human rights regime,VABB-4,115,135,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397079,,A longitudinal study on boys and girls career aspirations and interest in technology,VABB-1,366,386,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397081,,An interactional account of discourse-connective que-constructions in Spanish,VABB-1,505,529,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397082,,Pronunciation proficiency and musical aptitude in Spanish as a foreign language : results of an experimental research project,VABB-1,90,100,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397084,,"If money does not buy much happiness, what does? A multilevel analysis on the impact of absolute and relative income, social values and modernization on subjective well-being in Europe",VABB-4,375,401,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:397085,,De Belgische sperperioderegeling herbezocht,VABB-1,47,70,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397086,,The aesthetic experience of the literary artwork : a matter of form and content?,VABB-1,23,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397087,,Syntagmatic and paradigmatic development of cochlear implanted children in comparison with normally hearing peers up to age seven,VABB-1,1533,1540,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397088,,"Single life and the city, 1200-1900",VABB-3,,,280 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397089,,Single life in fifteenth-century Bruges : living arrangements and material culture at the fringes of urban society,VABB-4,179,202,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397090,,Introduction . Single and the city : men and women alone in North-Western European towns since the late Middle Ages,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397091,,"Too much zeal on seals : animal welfare, public morals and consumer ethics at the bar of the WTO",VABB-1,109,137,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:397092,,"Trade, animal welfare and indigenous communities : a symposium on the WTO EC-Seal Products Case",VABB-1,282,286,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397093,,The evaluation of scholarly books as a research output : current developments in Europe,VABB-5,469,476,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397094,,No sin él : análisis crítico del discurso de las campañas de prevención del VIH dirigidas a hombres que tienen sexo con hombres en España (2006-2011),VABB-1,137,181,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:397095,,What's special about book editors? A bibliometric comparison of book editors and other Flemish researchers in the social sciences and humanities,VABB-5,778,783,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397096,,The borders of subculture : resistance and the mainstream,VABB-3,,,204 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397098,,Fed up with men : music as symbolic resistance in the Flemish lesbian and womens movement,VABB-4,70,86,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397100,,The most-cited articles of the 21st century,VABB-5,150,159,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397101,,Grading countries/territories using DEA frontiers,VABB-5,436,447,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397103,,"""Die Orte, die wir sahen, sehen uns an"" : Wien in der österreichisch-jüdischen Gegenwartsliteratur",VABB-4,109,121,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:397104,,Working alone? Single women in the urban economy of late medieval Flanders (thirteenth-early fifteenth centuries),VABB-4,27,49,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397105,,Formal and informal trade in the late middle ages : the Islamic World and Northwest Europe compared,VABB-4,15,37,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397106,,Town and countryside in medieval Europe : beyond the divide,VABB-4,313,323,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397107,,Hygrothermal performance evaluation of traditional brick masonry in historic buildings,VABB-1,393,411,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397109,,Second order elections in de media? Berichtgeving over de lokale verkiezingen van 2012 in België,VABB-1,55,70,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:397110,,Crashing the gates : selection criteria for television news reporting of traffic crashes,VABB-1,142,152,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397112,,Over onthaalonderwijs ten tijde van intra-Europese migratie : wat het onthaal van romakinderen in het Vlaamse onderwijs ons kan leren,VABB-4,1,22,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397113,,Accounting for complexity : structural equation modelling (SEM) in HRD research,VABB-4,273,290,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397115,,Masters and apprenctices,VABB-4,474,482,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:397117,,Medieval merchants,VABB-4,1039,1056,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397119,,"Economic, political and socio-cultural welfare in media merger control : an analysis of the Belgian and Dutch competition authorities reviews of media mergers",VABB-1,2,15,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397122,,Praktijken van grenzenwerk in het beleidsveld Milieu en Gezondheid,VABB-1,45,59,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397124,,Probleemstelling en situering,VABB-4,9,28,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397127,,The sustainable development clauses in free trade agreements of the EU with Asian countries : perspectives for ASEAN?,VABB-1,427,449,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:397128,,Combining the export promotion of products and services : the case of South Africa,VABB-1,93,118,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:397129,,De regionalisering van het beleid inzake buitenlandse handel in België : de episode Vlaanderen,VABB-4,201,220,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:397133,,Reporting demonstrations : on episodic and thematic coverage of protest events in Belgian television news,VABB-1,475,496,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397134,,Patterns in advocacy group portrayal : comparing attributes of protest and non-protest news items across advocacy groups,VABB-1,898,914,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397136,,Aandacht trekken of advies verstrekken? De aanwezigheid van middenveldorganisaties in adviesraad- en beeldbuispolitiek,VABB-1,159,183,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397137,,Lawmaking and news making : different worlds after all? A study on news coverage of legislative processes in the Netherlands,VABB-1,534,552,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397138,,Audiences out of the box : diasporic sexual minorities viewing representations of sexual diversity,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:397139,,Playing with fire : a counter-factual history of fallen angel,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397144,,Procesveiligheidsindicatoren : een overzicht van de literatuur,VABB-1,82,98,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397147,,Analyzing writing process data : a linguistic perspective,VABB-4,277,302,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397148,,Is the expertise of evaluation panels congruent with the research interests of the research groups : a quantitative approach based on barycenters,VABB-1,704,721,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397152,,Introductie : personalisering van de politiek : een multidimensioneel begrip,VABB-1,5,10,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397153,,"Intra-Europese migratie en mobiliteit : andere tijden, nieuwe wegen?",VABB-3,,,202 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397154,,World relations and development issues : framing celebrity philanthropy documentaries,VABB-4,105,124,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397155,,Media rhetoric plays the market : the logic and power of metaphors behind the financial crisis since 2006,VABB-1,205,222,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397157,,The European internal market and the competition between workers,VABB-1,128,151,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397158,,De plaats van werkelijke leiding van financieringsvennootschappen naar Zwitsers fiscaal recht,VABB-1,163,174,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397159,,Sensorimotor theory and enactivism,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:397160,,"African artisanal mining from the inside out : access, norms and power in Congo's gold sector",VABB-2,,,240 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397161,,Burundi's electoral crisis : back to power-sharing politics as usual?,VABB-1,624,636,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397163,,Fenomenologie en de transformatie van de moderne roman,VABB-1,97,112,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397164,,Levinas' defence of intellectualism : an undecidable ambiguity?,VABB-4,3,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397165,,Debating Levinas' legacy,VABB-3,,,316 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397167,,Christophe Colomb ou le Conquistador innocent,VABB-4,207,223,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:397168,,Subjectivity : between discourse and conceptualization,VABB-1,106,110,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397170,,A novel financial instrument to incentivize investments in information security controls and mitigate residual risk,VABB-5,166,175,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397171,,Improving the energy performance of residential buildings : a literature review,VABB-1,960,975,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397176,,The oil endgame : strategies of oil exporters in a carbon-constrained world,VABB-1,456,462,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397177,,"Composition and corrosion forms on archaeological and non-archaeological historic printing letters from the Moravian Museum, Memorial of Kralice Bible, the Czech Republic and the Museum Plantin-Moretus Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-5,59,65,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397178,,"Het verblijfsrecht en de tewerkstelling in het kader van artikel 60, §7 OCMW-Wet, belicht vanuit het Unierecht",VABB-1,158,168,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397179,,The common interest in international law : implications for human rights,VABB-4,158,187,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397180,,The right to development in Africa,VABB-4,23,50,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397181,,The common interest in international law,VABB-3,,,234 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397182,,The roles of subsidiary boards in multinational enterprises,VABB-1,169,181,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397183,,The value of government ownership during the global financial crisis,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:397190,,"Kan een overheidsopdracht die niet meer onverbindend kan worden verklaard, wel nog nietig worden verklaard?",VABB-1,331,334,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397192,,EU-agentschappen en belanghebbenden : een onderzoek naar de vraagzijde van overleg,VABB-1,264,278,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397194,,Struggling with the environment : land use and productivity,VABB-3,,,499 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397195,,Land use and agricultural productivity in the North Sea area : introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397196,,Contextualizing 1500 years of agricultural productivity and land use in the North Sea area. Regionally divergent paths towards the world top,VABB-4,455,499,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397197,,"The Low Countries, 1000-1750",VABB-4,221,258,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397200,,Life is short and trials are long : empirische studie naar de doorlooptijden van bouwgeschillen,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397201,,Thomas Reid today,VABB-1,95,114,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397203,,Law and politics,VABB-5,35,44,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397206,,Coordinating for integrated youth care : the need for smart metagovernance,VABB-1,981,1001,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397208,,Etude diachronique du conditionnel passé ou l'origine de la contrefactualité,VABB-1,189,211,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:397209,,Egghe's g-index is not a proper concentration measure,VABB-1,1518,1519,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397210,,The effects of public service motivation on collaborative behavior : evidence from three experimental games,VABB-1,171,189,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397211,,"Elites, culture, and power : the moral politics of ""Development"" in Cameroon",VABB-1,533,568,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397212,,Multi-exchange neighborhoods for the capacitated ring tree problem,VABB-5,85,94,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397213,,Optimal firm growth under the threat of entry,VABB-1,281,292,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397214,,"Root modal uses of should, ought to and be supposed to in present-day English : from patterns and profiles to proficiency guidelines",VABB-1,562,595,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397215,,What's in a name? Epistemic perspectives and payments for ecosystem services policies in Nicaragua,VABB-1,55,66,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397216,,An extended decomposed theory of planned behaviour to predict the usage intention of the electric car : a multi-group comparison,VABB-1,6212,6245,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397217,,"""We(b) care"" : how review set balance moderates the appropriate response strategy to negative online reviews",VABB-1,486,515,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397218,,A self-identity based model of electric car adoption intention : a cross-cultural comparative study,VABB-1,149,160,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397219,,The regenerative ruination of Romeo Castellucci,VABB-1,18,28,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:397220,,Photographic phenomenology as cognitive phenomenology,VABB-1,71,89,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397221,,Heritage libraries and historical research,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397222,,"Rousseau and Arendt in the iPad class, the old roots of present day discussions on technology in schools",VABB-1,202,209,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397223,,I-optimal design of mixture experiments in the presence of ingredient availability constraints,VABB-1,220,234,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397224,,Perceptual content and the content of mental imagery,VABB-1,1723,1736,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397225,,Songbirds never forget : long-lasting behavioural change triggered by a single playback event,VABB-1,1277,1290,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397226,,Non-CEO executive mobility : the impact of poor firm performance and TMT attention,VABB-1,257,267,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397227,,Frequency-place map for electrical stimulation in cochlear implants : change over time,VABB-1,8,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397229,,Balanced or biased? Interest groups and legislative lobbying in the European news media,VABB-1,453,474,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397230,,Rwanda : progress or powder keg?,VABB-1,19,33,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397232,,Cooperation in the shadow of WTO law : why litigate when you can negotiate,VABB-1,S33,S58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397233,,"A small parade towards the Great War. The cultural militarization of Remembrance Day in Belgium, 1870-1914",VABB-1,269,291,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397234,,Lyrical lessons. personification as mystagogical agent in the songs of hadewijch,VABB-1,113,128,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397236,,The Representationalism versus Relationalism debate : explanatory contextualism about perception,VABB-1,321,336,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397237,,Hiring discrimination against pro-union applicants : the role of union density and firm size,VABB-1,263,280,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397238,,Capital stock management during a recession that freezes credit markets,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397240,,"Abnormal emotion processing, but intact fairness and intentionality considerations during social decision-making in schizophrenia",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397241,,With the past in front of the character : evidence for spatial-temporal metaphors in cinema,VABB-1,218,239,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397242,,The history of vision,VABB-1,259,271,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397243,,How much our taste different from the ancient Greeks Neoclassical translations and productions of Sophocles' Antigone during the nineteenth century,VABB-1,111,122,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397245,,Risk sharing and internal migration,VABB-1,63,86,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:397246,,The German-Jewish experience revisited,VABB-3,,,280 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397247,,Postscript,VABB-4,273,276,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397248,,Postsecundair onderwijs voor studenten met een handicap : feit of fictie?,VABB-1,12,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397249,,Wild children and wicked journalists : the remediation of constructions of childhood in the popular press in childrens literature,VABB-4,176,186,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397250,,Managerial delegation and welfare effects of cost reductions,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397252,,"From a 'knowledgeable' salesman towards a 'recognizable' product? Questioning branding strategies before industrialisation (Antwerp, seventeenth to nineteenth centuries)",VABB-4,75,102,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397254,,"Ambitious entrepreneurship : a review of growth aspirations, intentions, and expectations",VABB-4,127,160,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397257,,"Van risicomaatschappij tot reflexiviteit, van individualisering tot kosmopolitisering : een terugblik op het oeuvre van Ulrich Beck (1944-2015)",VABB-1,156,171,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397260,,Indefinite pronouns in Uralic languages,VABB-4,519,546,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397261,,Grammaticalization,VABB-4,634,650,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397263,,"De uitvoering, wijziging en beëindiging van samenwerkingsakkoorden als bindende, intrafederale verdragen",VABB-1,198,221,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397266,,Quality television in the making : the cases of Flanders and Israel,VABB-1,64,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397269,,A decision model to allocate protective safety barriers and mitigate domino effects,VABB-1,44,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397272,,Vulnerability of industrial facilities to attacks with improvised explosive devices aimed at triggering domino scenarios,VABB-1,53,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397273,,Using graph theory to analyze the vulnerability of process plants in the context of cascading effects,VABB-1,63,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397274,,Thresholds for domino effects and safety distances in the process industry : a review of approaches and regulations,VABB-1,74,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397276,,Suffering and Humour in Søren Kierkegaard and Emmanuel Levinas,VABB-4,307,316,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397277,,Kierkegaard literature from 2005 to 2013 : a descriptive bibliography - Part 1,VABB-1,373,408,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397278,,Secessionist and autonomy movements in Flanders : the disintegration of Belgium as the chronicle of a death foretold?,VABB-4,215,246,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397281,,Mormons in Europe,VABB-4,543,558,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397282,,Unieburgers en hun (derdelands) familieleden : de effectiviteit van hun burgerschapsrecht van vrij verkeer onder de loep genomen,VABB-4,53,69,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397283,,The political independence of national regulatory authorities : EU impulse versus national restraint,VABB-1,193,206,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397284,,Hervorming of euthanasie van de metafysica : R.G. Collingwood versus Wilhelm Dilthey over de historische rol van de metafysica,VABB-1,273,307,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397285,,"Risk in the safety sciences : its economic foundations, its hyperbolic geometry, and its engineering methods",VABB-4,833,837,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397286,,"Tussen traditie en vernieuwing : sprookjes, mythen en andere volksverhalen",VABB-4,89,120,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:397287,,Geschiedenis van de jeugdliteratuur in vogelvlucht,VABB-4,11,55,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:397289,,In splendid isolation' : a comparative perspective on the historiographies of the material renaissance' and the consumer revolution,VABB-1,105,124,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397290,,"Actualia verbeurdverklaring (2010-2015) : alles stroomt, niets is blijvend",VABB-1,391,433,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397291,,Multi-objective microzone-based vehicle routing for courier companies : from tactical to operational planning,VABB-1,222,231,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397292,,Handboek Wet Breyne,VABB-3,,,556 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397293,,Generating structured music for bagana using quality metrics based on Markov models,VABB-1,7424,7435,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397295,,Toepassingsgebied Wet Breyne,VABB-4,11,96,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397296,,Inleiding,VABB-4,3,10,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397299,,Can't see the forest for the trees? The effect of media multitasking on cognitive processing style,VABB-1,425,450,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397300,,A meta-analytical investigation of the role of valence in online reviews,VABB-1,17,27,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397301,,Does poor fit always lead to negative evaluations? Extension advertising and perceived brand quality,VABB-1,465,485,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:397303,,Self-brand personality differences and attitudes towards electric cars,VABB-1,12322,12339,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397304,,Is this for me? How consumers respond to personalized advertising on social network sites,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397310,,Arriving to a set table : the integration of hot drinks in the urban consumer culture of the eighteenth-century southern Low Countries,VABB-4,309,327,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397315,,The impact of outward FDI on the performance of Chinese firms,VABB-1,42,57,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397316,,Chinese migration and economic relations with Europe,VABB-3,,,226 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397317,,Introduction : Chinese migration and economic relations with Europe,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397318,,Voorwoord,VABB-1,190,193,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397325,,Ontwikkelingen in het huisvestingsbeleid,VABB-4,25,54,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397330,,"Visuele poëtica : onderzoek van theater, film en verwante kunsten",VABB-1,30,34,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397337,,Het recht in actie : kinderrechten rechtsantropologisch bekeken,VABB-1,211,215,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397338,,Op het snijpunt van kinderrechten en rechtspluralisme : een onderzoeksagenda,VABB-1,265,276,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397341,,De aanwijzing van een begunstigde van een levensverzekering en de familiaal vermogensrechtelijke gevolgen van een aanwijzing,VABB-4,147,163,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397342,,Proeven van de lerarenopleiding : een instapmodule als smaakmaker voor zij-instromers,VABB-1,67,77,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397343,,De multiculturele herverdelingsstaat : over gelijkheid en solidariteit in de multiculturele samenleving,VABB-1,269,294,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397345,,"Africa : out of debt, into fiscal space? Dynamic fiscal impact of the debt relief initiatives on African Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs)",VABB-1,29,52,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397348,,REC : just radical enough,VABB-1,61,71,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397349,,Autonomy and regulation : explaining dynamics in the Flemish social housing sector,VABB-1,1068,1083,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397352,,"Design, demonstration, and evaluation of an information security contract and trading mechanism to hedge information security risks",VABB-5,283,292,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397355,,Entrada do Brasil na República mundial das letras : mediações transatlânticas e diplomacia cultural de Dom Pedro II na elaboração de uma identidade letrada nacional,VABB-1,1,14,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:397359,,The Middle East and North Africa : cursed by natural resources?,VABB-4,71,93,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397363,,Internationale ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid,VABB-4,1,44,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397364,,A la marge de l'internationalisation de l'enseignement supérieur... Mais au cœur d'un marché universitaire national : L'université de Kinshasa (République Démocratique du Congo),VABB-1,91,109,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:397367,,"De sanctie voor schending van de redelijke termijn bij het opleggen van bestuurlijke boetes in het milieurecht : geen zwart-witverhaal, maar wel een verhaal van 50 tinten grijs... (noot onder Milieuhandhavingscollege, 13 juni 2014, MHHC-14/38-K2)",VABB-1,154,165,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397369,,Explaining effects and side effects of school inspections : a path analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397372,,From a sensorimotor account of perception to an interactive approach to psychopathology,VABB-4,347,369,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397373,,Reframing visual social science : towards a more visual sociology and anthropology,VABB-2,,,337 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397374,,"Relationships between female quality, egg mass and eggshell blue-green colouration in southern rockhopper penguins : a test of the sexual signalling hypothesis",VABB-1,1805,1811,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397377,,Optimal design of blocked experiments in the presence of supplementary information about the blocks,VABB-1,301,317,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397378,,Blocking orthogonal designs with mixed integer linear programming,VABB-1,428,439,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397380,,A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of park-and-ride facilities,VABB-1,597,612,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397383,,Hispanics and effective health care communication in the United States of America : a corpus-based analysis,VABB-1,280,314,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397386,,Binnenklasdifferentiatie in het curriculum van de lerarenopleiding : hardnekkige misvattingen wegwerken,VABB-1,17,27,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397388,,An improved two-stage variance balance approach for constructing partial profile designs for discrete choice experiments,VABB-1,626,648,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397395,,Understanding the dimensions of IT governance culture,VABB-1,56,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397396,,Exploring the business case process for IT enabled investments,VABB-1,14,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397397,,Preimplantation : genetic screening for the single embryo : aims and responsibilities,VABB-4,367,375,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397400,,"""Everywhere but not specifically somewhere"": a qualitative study on why the right to health is not explicit in the post-2015 negotiations",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397401,,Students' Learning Activities While Studying Biological Process Diagrams,VABB-1,1915,1937,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397403,,Top management team advice-seeking and environmental competitiveness impacts on technological innovation,VABB-1,77,92,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397404,,Correspondence preserving elastic surface registration with shape model prior,VABB-5,2143,2148,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:397406,,Legal aspects of text mining,VABB-5,2182,2186,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:397408,,Sustainability reporting in higher education : a comprehensive review of the recent literature and paths for further research,VABB-1,127,143,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397409,,Fostering the incorporation of sustainable development in higher education. Lessons learned from a change management perspective,VABB-1,189,204,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397410,,Male-like testosterone levels inhibit oviposition in a female parrot : a breeding experiment in budgerigars,VABB-1,586,595,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397411,,Usage-related variation in the referential range of blue in marketing context,VABB-1,20,43,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397412,,The domestic and global origins of transnational advocacy : explaining lobbying presence during WTO ministerial conferences,VABB-1,1591,1621,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397413,,"Media, pluralism and democracy : what's in a name?",VABB-1,1042,1059,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397414,,Banal nationalism and queers online : enforcing and resisting cultural meanings of .tr,VABB-1,1530,1546,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397415,,Classification and generation of composer-specific music using global feature models and variable neighborhood search,VABB-1,71,91,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397416,,Unraveling psychomotor slowing in bipolar disorder,VABB-1,234,240,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397417,,Het ondernemingsbegrip in de Richtlijn Oneerlijke handelspraktijken : van eenheid naar functionele dispariteit,VABB-1,64,69,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397418,,The constitution of Belgium : a contextual analysis,VABB-2,,,280 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397419,,Het niet-concurrentiebeding : het mag ietsje meer zijn (noot onder Cass. 23 januari 2015),VABB-1,18,23,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397420,,Antwerp,VABB-4,1,14,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397429,,Book editors in the social sciences and humanities : an analysis of publication and collaboration patterns of established researchers in Flanders,VABB-1,261,273,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397432,,Surrogates-based prototyping,VABB-5,1589,1602,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:397433,,Reclamewijsheid 2.0 : hoe kinderen en jongeren omgaan met sociale media marketing,VABB-4,63,89,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397437,,Intra-Europese migratie : uitdagingen en mogelijkheden,VABB-4,199,202,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397440,,"O tempora, O mores : a discourse of neglect and destruction",VABB-4,165,175,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397445,,"Slavoj Zizek en het liberaal multiculturalisme : over de effecten van verdringing, erosie en misdiagnose",VABB-1,225,241,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397450,,"Concepts of value in European material culture, 1500-1900",VABB-3,,,304 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397451,,Locating and dislocating value : a pragmatic approach to early modern and 19th-century economic practices,VABB-4,1,29,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397456,,"Joyce threw away lots of material, including manuscripts and notebooks : interview with Professor Geert Lernout",VABB-1,6,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397457,,Briefing : the struggle over truth - Rwanda and the BBC,VABB-1,637,648,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397462,,Abnormale schade in de Wet Medische Ongevallen : een eerste commentaar bij een advies van het Fonds voor Medische Ongevallen,VABB-1,66,73,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397464,,Towards a population ecology approach to trans-national advocacy? An emerging research field,VABB-4,61,78,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397473,,Bibliography of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397474,,Handbook of pragmatics,VABB-3,,,228 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397475,,Handbook of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397478,,"Climate, communication and participation impacting commitment to change",VABB-1,1094,1106,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397479,,Maritieme containerwereldsteden : evolutie van het globale management netwerk (2006-2012),VABB-1,43,61,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397480,,Ketendenken in zeehavens,VABB-1,4,14,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397481,,De toegevoegde waarde van zeehavens : Antwerpen en Rotterdam : centra van hoogwaardige logistieke toegevoegdewaardecreatie?,VABB-1,83,97,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397482,,Incumbents and new entrants in European rail freight,VABB-4,138,170,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397483,,Hervorming van de rustpensioenen van het onderwijspersoneel : quo vadis?,VABB-1,11,32,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397484,,De ziekte(pensioen)regeling van de ambtenaren in het onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap : van '(re)visited' tot '(re)calculated',VABB-1,33,52,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397486,,Uitdagingen voor de ambtenarenpensioenen : enkele 'facts and figures',VABB-1,53,63,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397487,,De pensioenhervorming als maatschappelijk debat,VABB-1,2,10,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397493,,The influence of shared participant governance on the integration of service networks : a comparative social network analysis,VABB-1,1,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397498,,Which distributional cues help the most? Unsupervised context selection for lexical category acquisition,VABB-5,33,39,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397499,,"Piramideverkoop, 4finance en de toekomst van multi-level marketing",VABB-1,272,287,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397500,,Civil war and political participation : evidence from Uganda,VABB-1,113,141,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397501,,Fluency in writing : a multidimensional perspective on writing fluency applied to L1 and L2,VABB-1,79,95,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397502,,"Inherited wealth, justice and equality",VABB-3,,,242 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397505,,Actuele ontwikkelingen in het aansprakelijkheids- en verzekeringsrecht ICAV I,VABB-3,,,294 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397506,,Actuele ontwikkelingen in het buitencontractueel aansprakelijkheidsrecht,VABB-4,1,24,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397507,,Text as authority : Marguerite Porete's Mirouer des simples âmes,VABB-4,79,93,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:397509,,Sensorimotor model of obstacle avoidance in echolocating bats,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397512,,Institutional religious accommodation in the US and Europe,VABB-1,240,251,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397513,,Religious education in habermasian post-secular societies,VABB-4,91,108,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397515,,Social work research as a practice of transparency,VABB-1,1021,1034,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:397517,,Overzicht van rechtspraak : Europees mededingingsrecht (1 januari 1982 - 31 december 2013),VABB-1,1307,1575,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:397518,,"HvJ 4 december 2014, FNV Kunsten Informatie, C-413/13, n.n.g., noot",VABB-1,424,428,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397520,,"""Que Van Beers fasse des tableaux et non des procès"" : l'affaire Van Beers-Solvay et l'émancipation de la critique d'art belge au tournant du XIXe siècle",VABB-1,61,74,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:397523,,Burundi,VABB-4,266,276,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:397524,,First step toward a comprehensive model of integrated socio-emotional guidance : investigating the effect of teachers' task perception and a supportive network at school,VABB-1,95,111,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397526,,Controle op buitenlandse detacheringen : recente Europese en Belgische initiatieven,VABB-4,171,208,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397528,,Port pricing,VABB-4,329,342,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397529,,Participant evaluation of an education module on interprofessional collaboration for students in healthcare studies,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397530,,The construction of economic expertise,VABB-1,110,117,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:397532,,"The reorganisation of rural space in Rwanda : habitat concentration, land consolidation, and collective marshland cultivation",VABB-4,163,185,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:397533,,Do gender targets and gender working groups contribute to more gender-sensitive budget support? Evidence from 14 Sub-Saharan African countries,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:397538,,Judicial activism in Strasbourg,VABB-4,31,56,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397540,,"A business trust for partnerships? Early conceptions of company-related assets in Legal literature, and Antwerp forensic and commercial practice (later sixteenth-early seventeenth century)",VABB-4,9,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397541,,De rechterlijke toetsing aan subsidiariteit,VABB-1,323,331,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397542,,Fysiek interpersoonlijk geweld. Een onderzoek naar de accuraatheid en de coherentie van de strafrechtelijke kwalificaties en instrumenten aangewend als reactie op fysiek interpersoonlijk geweld,VABB-1,283,297,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397543,,De fiscale gevolgen van de gerechtelijke reorganisatie,VABB-1,337,351,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397552,,Over het recht van de schuldeiser om nakoming door een derde te weigeren : de schuldeiser is niet de hoeder van zijn betaler,VABB-1,1660,1663,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397555,,International encyclopaedia of intellectual property : vol. 11,VABB-3,,,1063 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397561,,Overzicht van de Gemeenschaps- en Benelux rechtspraak inzake Gemeenschaps- en Beneluxmodellen (2013-2014),VABB-1,1,97,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397562,,Kroniek intellectuele rechten (2013-2014),VABB-1,162,182,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397564,,Art. XVII.14 WER t/m XVII. 20 WER,VABB-4,1,44,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397565,,Art. 2.1 BVIE,VABB-4,1,82,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397566,,Art. XI.334 WER,VABB-4,1,30,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397567,,Art. XI.335 WER,VABB-4,1,23,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397569,,Article 260 TFEU sanctions in Multi-Tiered Member States,VABB-1,133,162,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397571,,"Potentiële gebreken in serieproducten : hoe ver reiken het gebrekkigheidsvereiste en het schadevereiste uit de Richtlijn Productaansprakelijkheid?, (noot onder HvJ 5 maart 2015)",VABB-1,49,59,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397572,,De vertrouwelijkheid en het gebruik van ombudsgegevens uit ziekenhuizen,VABB-1,6,29,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397573,,"Benjamin and Agamben on Kafka, judaism and the law",VABB-4,201,214,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397574,,Beroepsprofiel van de leraar als black box : over de werking van onderwijsstandaarden,VABB-2,,,220 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397576,,The fall of the sparrow : on axial religion and secularization as the goal of history,VABB-4,27,42,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397578,,Assessing indicators of currency crisis in Ethiopia : signals approach,VABB-1,315,330,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397579,,"Public debt, economic growth, and public sector management in developing countries : is there a link?",VABB-1,329,346,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397581,,"Home, sweet home?! Publiek en privaat onder de loep in negentiende-eeuws Antwerpen (1880)",VABB-1,129,150,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:397582,,Overzicht van rechtspraak : de bevoegdheid (2001-2013),VABB-1,1849,2200,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:397583,,Miracles and the body social : infirmi in the Middle Dutch miracle collection of Our Lady of Amersfoort,VABB-4,241,253,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397584,,The New Belgian Insurance Act of 4 April 2014 : a Strong Focus on the Protection of the Insured,VABB-1,91,95,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397585,,"Grammaticalization by changing co-text frequencies, or why [BE Ving] became the progressive",VABB-1,31,54,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:397586,,Roguery and citizenship,VABB-4,15,37,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:397589,,A variable neighborhood search algorithm to generate piano fingerings for polyphonic sheet music,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:397590,,Recreating multimodal cohesion in audio description : a case study of audio subtitling in Dutch multilingual films,VABB-1,50,78,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397591,,Life cycle assessment of bituminous pavements produced at various temperatures in the Belgium context,VABB-1,306,317,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397593,,La formación de intérpretes de lenguguas indígenas para la justicia en México : sociología de las ausencias y agencia decolonial,VABB-1,235,254,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:397594,,"The impact of writing training on transediting in translation, analyzed from a product and process perspective",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397596,,"Actor-relational planning in deprived areas : challenges and opportunities in Luchtbal Antwerpen, Belgium",VABB-1,410,423,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397603,,The impact of multiple-site acquisitions on corporate growth patterns of international terminal operators,VABB-1,621,648,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397607,,"Port development in Sub-Saharan Africa : competitive forces, port reform and investment challenges",VABB-4,53,78,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397609,,"Containerisation, box logistics and global supply chains : the integration of ports and liner shipping networks",VABB-4,5,28,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397610,,Concession agreements and market entry in the container terminal industry,VABB-4,195,220,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397620,,La Grande Guerra e l'italianità : il discorso nazionale di Giuseppe Ungaretti,VABB-1,1,18,,ita,2015,1 c:vabb:397621,,Panarchy within a port setting,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397622,,Which cues cause consumers to perceive brands as more global? A conjoint analysis,VABB-1,606,626,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397623,,Online communication predicts Belgian adolescents initiation of romantic and sexual activity,VABB-1,509,516,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:397624,,Product innovation incentives by an incumbent firm : a dynamic analysis,VABB-1,411,438,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397625,,How male young adults construe their playing style in violent video games,VABB-1,1624,1642,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397626,,"Airs de flûte, sons de cloche (Henri Bosco)",VABB-1,98,108,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:397627,,Environmental and economic assessment of 'open waste dump' mining in Sri Lanka,VABB-1,67,79,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397628,,Towards a bio-based economy in ports : the case of the flemish-dutch delta,VABB-1,229,247,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397630,,Polycatégorialité et évolution diachronique : les emplois préfixoïdes de après (-) et arrière (-),VABB-1,137,153,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:397631,,Sharing the silver screen : the social experience of cinemagoing in the Indian diaspora,VABB-1,88,106,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397632,,De export van socialezekerheidsuitkeringen naar Turkije bij dubbele Turks-Nederlandse nationaliteit,VABB-1,479,483,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397633,,"Pèlerinages rhapsodiques (Jacques Lacarrière, Jean-Claude Bourlès)",VABB-1,239,248,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:397634,,Het verhaal van herhuisvestingskosten op grond van artikel 1382 BW,VABB-1,523,531,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397635,,"De gevolgen van het aankopen van naburige percelen op een recht van overgang : een bespreking in het licht van de artikelen 710bis BW, 702 BW en 1184, lid 2 BW",VABB-1,281,288,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397636,,Overheidsaansprakelijkheid wegens schending van het Europese gemeenschapsrecht,VABB-4,397,422,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397637,,The legality of a combination of disciplinary and criminal penalties applied to civil servants in the European legal sphere : an impermissible case of double jeopardy of a legitimate conjunctuon for tackling reprehensible behaviour of public officials?,VABB-1,474,487,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397639,,De invloed van adviesraden op het lokale ruimtelijke beleid : een analyse van verantwoordingsrelaties,VABB-1,9,30,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397641,,"The interaction between agencies, networks and the European Commission in emerging regulatory constellations : a comparative analysis of the European telecom sector and the European patent system",VABB-4,125,162,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397642,,"Patent reforms at both sides of the Atlantic : an analysis of the patent package and the America invents act through the lens of ""Dynamic Patent Governance""",VABB-4,15,35,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397645,,Synthetic biology and intellectual property rights : six recommendations,VABB-1,236,241,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397646,,De aansprakelijkheid van de advocaat : enkele verweermiddelen toegelicht,VABB-1,287,298,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397647,,De transformatie van het vroegmoderne Antwerpse stadsbeeld in reisverhalen en stadsbeschrijvingen,VABB-1,117,138,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:397650,,Television series inside the EFL classroom : bridging the gap between teaching and learning informal language through subtitles,VABB-1,107,117,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397652,,Impact coverage of the success-index,VABB-1,384,389,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:397653,,Mind the gap : ambiguity in the story of Cain and Abel,VABB-1,29,42,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:397654,,Setting and reaching targets with computer-assisted cochlear implant fitting,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:397656,,The effect of local election campaigns on political knowledge. The case of the Antwerp local elections,VABB-1,71,+,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:397657,,Towards a power-sensitive and socially-informed analysis of payments for ecosystem services (PES) : addressing the gaps in the current debate,VABB-1,117,125,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397659,,Guest editorial : an introduction to the special issue on green microfinance,VABB-1,211,214,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397660,,Microfinance plus for ecosystem services: a territorial perspective on Proyecto CAMBio in Nicaragua,VABB-1,292,306,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397662,,Crossfire : are we using payments for ecosystem services to transfer our responsibility for over-consuming natural resources onto poor farmers in the global South?,VABB-1,215,221,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397666,,"""The Lesser Evil"" of Jewish collaboration? The absence of a Jewish Honor Court in Postwar Belgium",VABB-4,197,224,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397667,,Impact of stuttering severity on adolescents' domain-specific and general self-esteem through cognitive and emotional mediating processes,VABB-1,43,57,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397668,,A new kid in town? Active inclusion elements in European minimum income schemes,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:397669,,Management's performance justification and failure to meet earnings thresholds,VABB-1,841,868,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397671,,"Asynchronous, electromagnetic sensor fusion in RatSLAM",VABB-5,1465,1468,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397672,,Journalistiek in de eerste persoon,VABB-4,98,102,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397673,,Defining hybridity and hybrid contingencies in public organizations : an alternative conceptual model,VABB-4,113,154,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397675,,Qualities of single electrode stimulation as a function of rate and place of stimulation with a cochlear implant,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397676,,Light pollution disrupts sleep in free-living animals,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397677,,"Dwingt het Grondwettelijk Hof het Hof van Cassatie tot een verfijning van zijn Anca-rechtspraak, (noot onder GwH 30 juni 2014, nr. 99/2014)",VABB-1,1578,1582,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397681,,Tot bevordering van de Nederlandstalige filmcultuur : de invoering van een Vlaams filmproductiebeleid,VABB-1,260,281,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397682,,Surveying modality and mood : an introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:397686,,Aansprakelijkheid van de verkoper/promotor/aannemer,VABB-4,375,379,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397691,,"Regulation of seal animal welfare risk, public morals and inuit culture under WTO law : between techne, oikos and praxis",VABB-1,382,387,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397693,,"Competition, not regulation - or regulated competition? No regulatory purpose test under the less favourable treatment standard of GATT article III:4 following EC-Seal Products",VABB-1,405,417,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397699,,The odyssey of flemish public libraries facing opportunities and threats when becoming strategic partners in urban development,VABB-1,609,622,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397705,,At home abroad? International House New York and the Cité Universitaire in Paris : cosmopolitan versus diasporic interna,VABB-4,279,295,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397707,,The case for a European social union : from muddling through to a sense of common purpose,VABB-4,489,520,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397710,,Inscrire la pauvreté infantile au rang de priorité politique : quelques chiffres afin de mieux comprendre les enjeux,VABB-4,113,142,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:397727,,A l'ombre de l'Ambrosienne : les débuts de la Bibliothèque publique d'Anvers en 1608 et 1609,VABB-4,2,23,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:397733,,Euthanasia for psychiatric patients : ethical and legal concerns about the Belgian practice,VABB-1,1,3,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397738,,The language of audio description in Dutch : results of a corpus study,VABB-4,167,189,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397740,,The symbolic power of legal kinship terminology : an analysis of 'Co-motherhood' and 'Duo-motherhood' in Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397741,,Private ordering in family law : a global perspective,VABB-4,1,59,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397742,,Contractualisation of family law : global perspectives,VABB-3,,,372 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397744,,The effectiveness of education for sustainable development,VABB-1,15693,15717,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397757,,Deep and surface learning in problem-based learning : a review of the literature,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:397758,,Recente ontwikkelingen in het omgevingsrecht : analyse en bedenkingen vanuit de principes van good governance als metawaarden van het bestuursrecht,VABB-4,155,176,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397760,,Een gebrekkige traphal met een gebrekkig gemotiveerd causaal verband,VABB-1,132,137,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397761,,Design for assistive technology applications : usefulness of re-use?,VABB-5,77,86,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397762,,Human-computer interface using a head mounted camera and IR markers,VABB-5,593,596,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397764,,Community interpreting : mapping the present for the future,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397766,,Advanced cardboard modeling : exploring the aesthetics of the third way,VABB-5,349,352,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:397768,,Product iterations in venture capital funded technology-based start-ups : pivoting as critical success factor?,VABB-1,53,62,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397789,,University support for academic spin-offs : (how) does it make a difference?,VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397802,,"Bringing the dead home : repatriation,illegal repatriation and expatriation of Britih bodies during and after the First World War",VABB-4,66,79,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:397803,,Oorlogstoerisme met en zonder puin,VABB-4,109,113,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:397806,,"Face à leurs ouailles, aux infidèles, aux hérétiques : les attitudes du clergé catholique de Flandre occidentale",VABB-4,89,100,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:397811,,Revisiting reception research : case study on diasporic LGBTQs,VABB-1,78,97,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397813,,Analysing European gender equality policies abroad : a reflection on methodology,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397814,,"Older and wiser? Facebook use, privacy concern, and privacy protection in the life stages of emerging, young, and middle adulthood",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397815,,"Happiness, equivalent incomes and respect for individual preferences",VABB-1,1082,1106,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397816,,What do normative indices of multidimensional inequality really measure?,VABB-1,94,104,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397819,,The effect of classroom activities on students' interest and career aspirations towards technology,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397821,,"Een cliënteelvergoeding naar gemeen recht? Het geval van de zgn. 'uitbatingsvergoeding', (noot onder Gent 7 januari 2015)itbatingsvergoeding, (noot onder Gent 7 januari 2015)",VABB-1,545,549,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397823,,Localization performance quantification by conditional entropy,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397825,,"Children, burial and death : new perspectives for the history of childhood in Antiquity",VABB-1,259,269,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397833,,Creating by annotating : the director's notebooks of Jan Fabre and Jan Lauwers,VABB-1,43,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397835,,Wetboek Economisch Recht en de bescherming van de consument,VABB-3,,,336 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397836,,Inleiding,VABB-4,5,8,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397837,,"Onderneming, vrij beroep en consument",VABB-4,1,55,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397838,,"De oprichting van verzelfstandigde besturen vanuit Europees rechtsvergelijkend perspectief: internationale impuls, nationale beheersingsdrang en de verzoening van deze trends",VABB-1,523,535,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397839,,Indigenous interests and the chapeau of article XX : equality of what?,VABB-1,1,4,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:397841,,Children composing and the tonal idiom,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397842,,Combination treatment for visceral leishmaniasis patients coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus in India,VABB-1,1255,1262,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397843,,Economic and environmental performances of small-scale rural PV solar projects under the clean development mechanism : the case of Cambodia,VABB-1,9892,9914,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397844,,Internalizing sustainable practices: a configurational approach on sustainable forest management of the Dutch wood trade and timber industry,VABB-1,760,774,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397845,,Metric-wiseness,VABB-1,2389,2389,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397846,,Overeducation in the early career of secondary education graduates : an analysis using sequence techniques,VABB-1,336,356,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397847,,Architectural education and quality assurance in the european higher education area : design research as a plea for academic freedom,VABB-1,63,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397849,,Location and distribution management of relief centers : a genetic algorithm approach,VABB-1,769,803,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397855,,Cognitive and psychomotor effects of three months of escitalopram treatment in elderly patients with major depressive disorder,VABB-1,47,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397856,,Dysfunctional amygdala activation and connectivity with the prefrontal cortex in current cocaine users,VABB-1,4222,4230,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397860,,Biobanking,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397861,,Overmacht in het burgerlijk proces,VABB-4,61,94,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397864,,Het Hooglied in het Middelnederlands (ca. 1300-ca. 1500),VABB-4,99,110,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397865,,A web of texts : sixteenth century mystical culture and the Arnhem Sint-Agnes Convent,VABB-4,168,177,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397866,,Overmacht,VABB-3,,,169 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397867,,Overmacht in het strafrecht : artikel 71 Sw. ontleed,VABB-4,121,148,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397870,,Security sector reform and liberal state building,VABB-4,181,193,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397871,,Tweaking financial instruments : bills obligatory in sixteenth-century Antwerp,VABB-1,337,361,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397876,,Bridging the protest macro-micro gap : investigating the link between motivations and political context,VABB-4,111,132,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397879,,Multidimensionele armoede : maken kinderen een verschil?,VABB-4,142,165,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397880,,Inkomensbescherming voor alleenstaande ouders in Vlaanderen : twee denksporen voor een effectiever beleid.,VABB-1,564,568,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397882,,Horizontal and vertical equity objectives of child benefit systems : an empirical assessment for European countries,VABB-1,1299,1318,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:397884,,Overmacht in het strafprocesrecht,VABB-4,149,169,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397885,,Overmacht in het buitencontractueel aansprakelijkheidsrecht,VABB-4,35,39,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397886,,Migration and destitution : the ambiguous EU objectives,VABB-4,413,445,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397887,,Le mage et ses fantômes : de Khalil Gebran à Georges Schehadé,VABB-1,363,372,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:397889,,"Branding the revival of knowledge : Leuven University Press and the renaissance of typography, 1759",VABB-1,273,291,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397890,,Political engagement of the young in Europe : youth in the crucible,VABB-3,,,230 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397891,,Introduction : bridging the transatlantic schism,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397892,,Explaining vote choices of the young : contextually embedded issues and stakes,VABB-4,29,49,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397895,,The question of literary quality : a rhetorical and game-theoretical approach,VABB-1,3,22,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397896,,Overmacht in het arbeidsrecht,VABB-4,95,119,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397898,,De preek van Jan Lyoen tegen de achtergrond van de Middelnederlandse preekliteratuur,VABB-4,177,188,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397899,,Het Nederlandse arbeidsrecht op de schop : het belang ervan voor België via het internationaal privaatrecht en de hoofdlijnen van het nieuwe Nederlandse recht uitgelegd,VABB-1,769,817,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397900,,Learning beyond graduation : exploring newly qualified specialists' entrance into daily practice from a learning perspective,VABB-1,439,453,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:397901,,De gratie van de acteur : charisma tussen mystiek en techniek,VABB-1,5,12,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397902,,Moving (in) the museum : re-enactment as Research into the Musealization of Dance,VABB-1,55,71,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397903,,Assessmentopties in het hoger onderwijs : wanneer kiezen niet gelijk staat aan verliezen,VABB-1,6,10,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397904,,Exploring conjoint analysis as a methodology to study implicit preferences within the context of educational and training sciences,VABB-4,55,76,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397906,,Automatic detection and prevention of cyberbullying,VABB-5,13,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397908,,Detection and fine-grained classification of cyberbullying events,VABB-5,672,680,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397909,,Op weg met zij-instromers in Vlaanderen : de percepties van lerarenopleiders in kaart gebracht,VABB-1,54,70,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397911,,Economical optimization of microgrids : a non-causal model,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397915,,Real governance and practical norms in Sub-Saharan Africa : the game of the rules,VABB-3,,,268 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397916,,Introduction : the game of the rules,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397917,,Hybrid orders and practical norms : a Weberian view,VABB-4,95,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397920,,Fysiek interpersoonlijk geweld tegen minderjarigen : accuraat en coherent bestraft?,VABB-1,331,346,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397921,,Turning to grand theory : cultural political economy and the regulation of immigration,VABB-4,57,71,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397922,,Public service media accountability in recent decades : a progressive shift from state to market,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397923,,De grenzen van een gescheiden gezin definiëren : kinderen aan het woord,VABB-4,54,73,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397925,,Angst als regulatieve emotie in de multiculturele samenleving?,VABB-1,512,521,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397926,,"Um orientalista alemão no Brasil imperial : Christian Friedrich Seybold, o tutor de D. Pedro II",VABB-1,303,327,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397927,,Leadership development practices and organizational performance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397932,,State Support for religion in Belgium : a critical evaluation,VABB-1,59,80,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:397933,,.The lexicalization-grammaticalization-pragmaticalization interface : The case of Mainland Scandinavian jeg tror,VABB-4,67,92,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397935,,"Het Gruuthusehandschrift : literatuur, muziek, devotie rond 1400",VABB-3,,,320 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397936,,Poëticale verstrengelingen : de Gruuthuselyriek in Vlaams en internationaal perspectief,VABB-4,91,110,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397937,,Antologías del cuento dominicano de la última década (2000-2010) y canon,VABB-1,17,27,,spa,2015,1 c:vabb:397938,,Aan welke doelstellingen moeten Vlaamse schooldoorlichtingen voldoen? Exploratieve studie met de Delphi Methode,VABB-1,39,63,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397939,,Insights gained by schools and emotional consequences of school inspections : a review of evidence,VABB-1,477,501,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397940,,Effects and side effects of Flemish school inspection,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397941,,Enquiry into the side effects of school inspection in a low-stakes inspection context,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:397946,,"""How gender-sensitive are National Adaptation Programmes of Action?"" Selected findings from a desk review of thirty-one sub-Saharan African countries",VABB-4,132,139,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397951,,De Grote Depressie en de Grote Recessie : de geschiedenis herhaalt zich niet,VABB-4,221,246,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:397957,,Strained actorness : the new European Council in theory and practice,VABB-4,91,112,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397959,,Not quite the bed that procrustes built : dissecting the system for selecting judges at the Court of Justice of the European Union,VABB-4,24,50,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397962,,"Annotatie: HvJEU 19 november 2014, Zaak C-404/13, The Queen, on the application of: ClientEarth v The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs",VABB-1,4,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397963,,"Annotatie: HvJ EU 6 oktober 2015, Zaak C-69/14, Dragoș Constantin Târșia. v Statul român. Serviciul Public Comunitar Regim Permise de Conducere și Inmatriculare a Autovehiculelor",VABB-1,972,981,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397968,,Land rush : simulating negotiations over land rights,VABB-1,742,762,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397969,,Productveiligheid en productaansprakelijkheid : krachtlijnen en toekomstperspectieven,VABB-4,193,234,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397970,,Armoede en sociale uitsluiting : jaarboek 2015,VABB-3,,,416 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397971,,Inleiding : de welvaartsstaat op kindermaat,VABB-4,19,28,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397972,,"Halfweg Europa 2020 : een blik op onderwijs, tewerkstelling, armoede en sociale uitsluiting",VABB-4,31,56,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397973,,De arbeidsmarktpositie van jongeren in kaart gebracht,VABB-4,307,328,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397974,,Armoede en sociale uitsluiting ontcijferd,VABB-4,331,390,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397975,,Nil novi sub sole? Actieve inclusie in Europese bijstabdsstelsels,VABB-4,57,75,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:397976,,De (on)betaalbaarheid van wonen voor private huurders in Europees vergelijkend perspectief,VABB-4,92,109,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397977,,Kinderarmoede heeft vele gezichten : een balans van kinderarmoede in België en Vlaanderen,VABB-4,114,141,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397978,,Het is geen kwestie van slechte wil : een vergelijking tussen laag- en midden- tot hooginkomensgezinnen inzake omgaan met financiële en relationele stress,VABB-4,182,197,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397979,,Financieel risicogedrag bij adolescenten,VABB-4,289,306,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397991,,Handboek welzijn op het werk : juridische aspecten,VABB-2,,,459 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397998,,Samenwerkingsakkoorden in het Belgische staatsrecht,VABB-1,603,619,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:397999,,Sustainability indicators of irans developmental plans : application of the sustainability compass theory,VABB-1,14647,14660,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398000,,Environmental and economic performance of plasma gasification in Enhanced Landfill Mining,VABB-1,458,467,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398002,,Institutional predictors of the adoption of employee social media policies,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398003,,The IASB : from high quality accounting information towards information to foster trust and stability in global markets,VABB-1,243,246,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398005,,"Volghet Hem gheestelic na ende pijnt uu te vasten van allen sonden : la figure du Christ comme modèle dans Vanden twaelf dogheden, traité des douze vertus",VABB-5,77,84,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398007,,"Vakdidactische leergemeenschappen, een antwoord op professionaliseringsbehoeften bij leraren voortgezet onderwijs?",VABB-1,63,82,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398008,,Professionele leergemeenschappen in onderwijs en lerarenopleiding,VABB-1,23,39,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398011,,The integration of English in Flemish versus African online peer group language : a comparative approach,VABB-1,344,363,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398013,,"De vernietiging van de Belgische Dataretentiewet met terugwerkende kracht : de bescherming van het privéleven primeert (noot onder GwH 11 juni 2015, nr. 84/2015)",VABB-1,492,496,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398016,,Predictive validity of the learning conception questionnaire in primary education,VABB-1,61,69,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398017,,Waarheid en zelfspot : het conjecturele denken van Jos Decorte,VABB-1,495,514,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:398018,,Does 'I Know' tolerate metaphysical emphasis? R. G. Collingwoods affirmative answer to Wittgensteins rhetorical question,VABB-1,317,346,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398021,,Data integration of structured and unstructured sources for assigning clinical codes to patient stays,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398023,,Mixed-media modeling may help optimize campaign recognition and brand interest,VABB-1,443,457,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398028,,A review of literature on childrens rights and legal pluralism,VABB-1,226,245,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398029,,Children and young people in legally plural worlds,VABB-1,170,174,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398031,,"Het complexe systeem van verstek, ontvankelijk of niet-ontvankelijk verzet, ongedaan verzet en hoger beroep : voorstellen tot vereenvoudiging",VABB-1,963,972,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398033,,"De draagwijdte van de legaliteitscontrole van onderzoeksgerechten in vreemdelingenzaken, noot onder Cass. 12 maart 2014",VABB-1,1225,1231,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398037,,"Toevoeging van stukken aan het strafdossier na het hoger beroep in het kader van de voorlopige hechtenis, noot onder Cass. 27 november 2013",VABB-1,1380,1384,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:398038,,Vijftig jaar jeugdbescherming: strafrechtelijke perspectieven,VABB-1,235,285,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398045,,Verwijzing van een minderjarige naar het vonnisgerecht na gerechtelijk onderzoek,VABB-1,356,359,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398046,,Het nieuwe statuut van gerechtsdeskundigen in strafzaken,VABB-1,173,180,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398048,,"Contextualising diversity in TV drama : policies, practices and discourses",VABB-1,169,180,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398055,,'Een middag met Gezelle' : over een vergeten toespraak van Maurice Gilliams,VABB-1,6,22,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398056,,Should I stay or should I go? A qualitative analysis of legitimacy in a shared participant governed network,VABB-1,1,39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398058,,Diversiteit als gevolg van innovatie en traditie : de case van huwelijksintegratie in Turkse en sikhgemeenschappen in België,VABB-4,213,232,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398059,,Reforming intra-EU investment protection : amid a running battle of interests,VABB-1,732,750,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398062,,Marines fantômes : aventures et mythologies de la mer chez Henri Bosco,VABB-1,538,545,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:398063,,Towards a model of prediction-based syntactic category acquisition : first steps with word embeddings,VABB-5,28,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398064,,De verslagen van het comité voor ziekenhuishygiëne als een toegankelijk bewijs van een onzorgvuldig hygiënebeleid,VABB-1,145,155,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398065,,"Noot onder S.J. t. Belgie (27 februari 2014; GK, 19 maart 2015) en de schorsingsprocedure in vreemdelingenzaken",VABB-1,309,313,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398067,,The European Union confronted with an asylum crisis in the Mediterranean : reflections on refugees and human rights issues,VABB-1,581,605,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398068,,Mystical anthropology in a sixteenth-century textual witness of the catholic Reformation,VABB-4,197,208,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398069,,Mystieke antropologie in het zestiende-eeuwse traktaat Vanden tempel onser sielen,VABB-1,181,195,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:398070,,Godsdienst-en onderwijsvrijheid in België anno 2015,VABB-1,483,502,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398075,,Missing in action? Religion in the Great War. A historiographical survey of Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-1,239,253,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398076,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,25,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398077,,Home is where the heart is : the Sacred Heart devotion in catholic families,VABB-4,158,177,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398078,,"Op eigen houtje : de omgang met verschijningsbomen, boomrelieken en andere wondere bomen",VABB-1,6,17,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:398079,,Het eerste Hemels palm-hof,VABB-1,225,229,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398080,,GIStorical Antwerp : historisch GIS als laboratorium voor de stadsgeschiedenis,VABB-1,49,62,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398085,,De Vlaamse registratie- en erfbelasting : overzicht van de ontwikkelingen sinds 1 januari 2015,VABB-1,4,51,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398087,,Literatuur met een leeftijd : de verrassende omgang met sprookjes en ouderdom in Driedelig paard,VABB-1,97,113,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398090,,The single entity status of a sports league,VABB-1,811,818,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398091,,"Interest groups at transnational negotiation conferences : goals, strategies, interactions, and influence",VABB-1,599,620,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398092,,Attending meetings : the use of mixed strategies,VABB-1,576,598,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398093,,Capacity choice in (strategic) real options models : a survey,VABB-1,424,439,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398094,,"Editorial delay and its relation to subsequent citations: the journals Nature, Science and Cell",VABB-1,1867,1873,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398095,,A cumulative prospect view on portfolios that hold structured products,VABB-1,297,310,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398096,,Constructing general orthogonal fractional factorial split-plot designs,VABB-1,488,502,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398097,,EEG correlates of impaired self-other integration during joint-task performance in schizophrenia,VABB-1,1365,1372,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398098,,Gaining a voice : storytelling and undocumented youth activism in Chicago,VABB-1,345,360,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398100,,The influence of governmental policy on public service interpreting in the Netherlands,VABB-1,166,184,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398101,,De invloed van persoonlijkheid en motivatie op de ontwikkeling van leerstrategieën,VABB-1,308,323,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:398103,,"""There's definitely gonna be some serious carnage in this house"" or how to be genuinely impolite in Big Brother UK",VABB-1,317,348,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398109,,Asymmetry of information within family networks,VABB-1,1,56,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398111,,"De Beukelaer's Biscuits zijn de beste. Vraagt ze bij uwen kruidenier! Het Nederlandsch Lyrisch Tooneel, de uitgave van operadrukwerk en het engagement van koekjesproducent Edward De Beukelaer (1898-1904)",VABB-1,175,208,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398112,,Digital information literacy : a case study in Oslo Public Library,VABB-4,121,131,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398113,,"""Wat het gedicht betreft, dit te beoordeelen is onze taak niet."" De literaire receptie van het oratorium De oorlog (1873, Peter Benoit & Jan Van Beers) in Vlaamse tijdschriften uit de negentiende eeuw.",VABB-1,38,68,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398117,,Physiological performing exercises by Jan Fabre : an additional training method for contemporary performers,VABB-1,273,290,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398119,,Introduction,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398120,,The ambiguity of justice : Paul Ricoeur on universalism and evil,VABB-1,32,49,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398121,,Introduction,VABB-1,7,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398123,,Van pose tot empathie : de ethiek van de beleefdheid,VABB-1,8,18,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398124,,"Twee Middelnederlandse biechtformules in handschrift Gent, Universiteitsbibliotheek, 1371",VABB-1,130,157,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398126,,"De Vlaams-nationalist als discursieve constructie : bedenkingen bij 'N-VA : analyse van een politieke ideologie' (I. Maly, 2012)",VABB-1,156,194,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398129,,De algemene informatieverplichting t.a.v. consumenten in het Wetboek Economisch Recht (art. VI.2 WER),VABB-4,57,95,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398132,,"Het octrooi als grondwettelijk beschermde eigendom (noot onder Brussel, 5 maart 2015)",VABB-1,213,217,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398133,,The risk conflicts perspective : mediating environmental change we can believe in,VABB-1,44,53,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398134,,"Give me back my black dolls : Damas' Africa and its museification, from poetry to moving pictures",VABB-1,112,123,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398135,,Employees' intellectual property rights : Belgium,VABB-4,59,76,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398138,,"'Nationale onverschilligheid', de Habsburgmonarchie en België : een review van recente literatuur",VABB-1,197,216,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398139,,"Het belang van zorgvuldig, duidelijk en nauwkeurig geformuleerde clausules in verzekeringsovereenkomsten bij de toepassing van art. 95 Wet Landverzekeringsovereenkomst en art. 61 Verzekeringswet 2014, (noot onder Cass. 6 mei 2011)",VABB-1,282,286,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:398140,,"Het belang van de patiënt als doorslaggevend criterium om zich als arts te kunnen beroepen op het zwijgrecht bij het gerechtelijk verzoek tot overlegging van stukken, (noot onder Antwerpen 22 oktober 2014)",VABB-1,291,295,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:398150,,Boerende stedelingen of verstedelijkte boeren : een verkennend onderzoek naar urban farming in vroegmodern Antwerpen,VABB-1,533,553,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:398153,,Analyzing the evolvability of modular structures : a longitudinal normalized systems case study,VABB-5,319,325,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398155,,"Waarom deden sommige handelssteden het zo goed? Een overzicht van het historisch onderzoek naar handel en instituties in Nederlandse en Europese steden, 1300-1800",VABB-1,74,95,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398159,,Intellectuele rechten in het Wetboek economisch recht,VABB-1,643,656,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398160,,"Wie moet het volgrecht aan de auteur betalen, en wie moet deze vergoeding dragen? (noot onder HvJ, 26 februari 2015, zaak C-41/14)",VABB-1,270,274,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398162,,"Three sources, three receivers, six degrees of freedom : an ultrasonic sensor for pose estimation & motion capture",VABB-5,1973,1976,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398163,,An optical head-pose tracking sensor for pointing devices using IR-LED based markers and a low-cost camera,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398164,,Spatial sampling strategy for a 3D sonar sensor supporting BatSLAM,VABB-5,723,728,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398165,,JAMF-based representation for computational lung sound analysis,VABB-5,142,145,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398172,,Stubborn modernity : IJ-plein Amsterdam,VABB-1,109,115,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398173,,Design for values in architecture,VABB-4,589,611,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398174,,Supervision on public service performance by private providers,VABB-1,243,253,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398175,,Research in architecture : hard science or tacit knowledge?,VABB-4,71,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398179,,Orthodoxy through diamond networks : the revival of Jewish life in Antwerp in the post-war period,VABB-4,192,215,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398180,,Weltende,VABB-4,351,356,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:398184,,The legacy and current relevance of Cappelletti and the Florence Project on access to justice,VABB-1,6,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398186,,De meldprocedure van de federale overheid : veiligheid en bescherming in de praktijk van het melden,VABB-1,59,68,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398187,,Access to justice : a dynamic concept,VABB-1,169,172,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398189,,"Strategic choices at entry and relative survival advantage of cooperatives versus corporations in the US bio-ethanol industry, 1978-2015",VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398190,,Commercial practices,VABB-3,,,371 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398191,,The commercial practices act : definitions,VABB-4,3,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398192,,Comparative advertising,VABB-4,177,196,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398194,,Strong evaluation and weak ontology : the predicament of Charles Taylor,VABB-1,440,459,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398201,,"Attributing extraterritorial state obligations under the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights",VABB-1,6,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398202,,"Learning 'to be' Kinyarwanda in Postgenocide Rwanda : immersion, iteration and reflexivity in times of transition",VABB-1,277,292,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398208,,The translation of documentaries : can terminology-extraction systems reduce the translator's workload? An experiment involving professional translators.,VABB-1,25,49,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398211,,"Contraception : a questionnaire on knowledge and attitude of adolescents, distributed on Facebook.",VABB-1,407,412,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:398216,,"Experts, experimenten en veepestbestrijding in de Oostenrijkse Nederlanden, 1769 - 1785",VABB-1,23,43,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:398217,,Exploring different concepts of judicial coherence in the patent context,VABB-1,377,408,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398218,,Aansprakelijkheid van de vastgoedmakelaar,VABB-4,380,383,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398219,,Aansprakelijkheid van de architect,VABB-4,384,387,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398221,,International double (non-)taxation : comparative guidelines from European legal principles,VABB-1,240,257,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398222,,Het ne bis in idem beginsel in het Belgisch belastingrecht : rechtsspreuk of algemeen rechtsbeginsel?,VABB-1,1162,1179,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398223,,Grondrechten en belastingen,VABB-1,371,376,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:398227,,"""Ook wordt ik de poëzie niet ontrouw"" : het theaterwerk van Gust Gils",VABB-4,147,163,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398228,,Digitale technologie in het Vlaamse theater : een peiling,VABB-1,179,204,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398229,,Techniek en ornament 1914 - 2014 : over Incunabula van Alexandra Verschueren,VABB-1,15,20,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398231,,Teaching and Book VI of the Code of Economic Law,VABB-4,357,371,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398232,,Unfair competition,VABB-4,197,204,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398233,,Les budgets de référence comme critère comparatif pour lévaluation de lefficacité de la protection des revenus minimums : comment les revenus et les dépenses nécessaires ont-ils évolué durant la période 2008-2013 ?,VABB-1,485,506,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:398234,,Referentiebudgetten als benchmark voor het beoordelen van de doeltreffendheid van de minimuminkomensbescherming : hoe evolueerden inkomens en noodzakelijke uitgaven in de periode 2008-2013?,VABB-1,497,515,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398235,,Organ data from the developing Göttingen minipig : first steps towards a juvenile PBPK model,VABB-1,179,190,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:398237,,Primo Levi di fronte all'imperfezione galieiana,VABB-1,129,142,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:398238,,Inclusiviteit als deliberatieve bouwsteen van legitimiteit : een empirische analyse van het Belgisch Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-1,194,215,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398239,,Esercizio del cristiano divoto di S. Anna : een zeldzaam Italiaans devotieboek uit 1750 voor slechtzienden,VABB-1,83,88,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398240,,Mending the broken word : typographic discontinuity on title-pages of Early Modern books printed in the Southern Netherlands (1501-1700),VABB-1,45,59,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398245,,Learning on the shop floor in the Spanish Netherlands,VABB-4,51,72,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398251,,HRM en vakbonden : wij tegen zij of duurzame partners? Inspiratie uit de sector van de chemie en life sciences,VABB-1,1,12,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398252,,Interpreting performance in offender supervision : the use of observation as a data collection method,VABB-1,218,240,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398254,,Psychometric evaluation of the overexcitability questionnaire-two applying bayesian structural equation modeling (BSEM) and multiple-group BSEM-based alignment with approximate measurement invariance,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398255,,Institutional development paths in seaports : the Southern African case,VABB-1,506,535,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398256,,"Micro-level adaptation, macro-level selection, and the dynamics of market partitioning",VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398257,,Prediction of late/early arrivals in container terminals : a qualitative approach,VABB-1,536,550,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398258,,An extension of the multimoora method for solving complex decision-making problems based on the use of interval-valued triangular fuzzy numbers,VABB-1,355,377,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398259,,Design for assistive technology applications : usefulness of re-use?,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398261,,The future role of the unified patent court in safeguarding coherence in the european patent system,VABB-1,1529,1577,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398262,,Interpolated sub-impact factor (SIF) sequences for journal rankings,VABB-1,907,914,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398263,,The reproducibility of the Angelus Novus in the moment of danger,VABB-1,398,405,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398264,,The allocation of oecd direct investment between ceecs : a discrete choice approach,VABB-1,S26,S39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398265,,A review of commitment and implementation of sustainable development in higher education : results from a worldwide survey,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398266,,Development of a hands-on toolkit to support integration of ecodesign in engineering programmes,VABB-1,772,783,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398267,,Triangulating poetics : late Wallace Stevens and a New York school,VABB-1,992,1010,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398268,,"""Just howls from time to time"" : dating pochade radiophonique",VABB-5,143,158,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398269,,Het politieke agendasettingeffect van mediastormen : een analyse op het niveau van het nieuwsverhaal,VABB-1,318,341,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:398270,,Jongeren en reclame in sociaalnetwerkgames : de invloed van ouders en school op reclamewijsheid en gedragsintenties,VABB-1,392,415,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:398272,,'Just howls from time to time': dating Pochade radiophonique,VABB-1,147,162,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398275,,"Verdisconteren, verdisconteren : wie zijn best doet, zal het leren! (noot onder Antwerpen 29 oktober 2014)",VABB-1,348,354,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398276,,De gemeentelijke mogelijkheden bij de bewaking van de woningkwaliteit,VABB-1,250,257,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:398280,,"Enkele aspecten van de inschrijving in de bevolkingsregister, (noot onder RvS 5 maart 2013)",VABB-1,344,348,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398281,,De gemeentelijke autonomie inzake huisvesting : vlot verteerbaar of een baksteen op de gemeentelijke maag? (noot onder GwH 12 februari 2015),VABB-1,190,195,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398286,,Architectuuronderwijs aan de universiteit : een Vlaamse case als pleidooi voor academische vrijheid,VABB-1,42,58,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398292,,The agony of political constitutionalism within the European legal space,VABB-4,65,88,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398293,,The Making of Samuel Beckett's Krapps Last Tape / La Dernière Bande,VABB-2,,,272 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398297,,'plus loin ne se peut' : Beckett et la genèse de Nohow On,VABB-1,11,26,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:398299,,Introduction,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398300,,The origin of spaces : the creative space of Darwins 'Pencil Sketch',VABB-1,26,31,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398305,,Waarom dromedarissen maar één 'm' hebben,VABB-1,265,271,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398307,,A needs analysis for communication by pharmacists in a multilingual setting : first steps towards syllabus and materials design,VABB-1,189,212,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398310,,Recommendations for integrating social media into the foreign language classroom : from curriculum to syllabus design,VABB-1,212,221,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398312,,Embattled territory : the circulation of knowledge in the Spanish Netherlands,VABB-3,,,456 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398313,,Cities as centres of innovation in the Spanish Netherlands,VABB-4,25,50,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398314,,"Working bodies, matter and the performance of knowledge : the mechanical and liberal arts in the civic community",VABB-4,255,278,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398319,,"Gender-sensitive migration research : theory, concepts and methods",VABB-4,9,25,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398320,,The migration trajectories of Russian and Ukrainian women in Belgium,VABB-4,68,101,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398321,,Explaining female migration and integration patterns : a transversal analysis,VABB-4,207,234,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398322,,Conclusion,VABB-4,235,244,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398323,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398327,,Étudier les systèmes fédéraux à travers le prisme du genre : un état des lieux,VABB-1,1,7,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:398329,,"Een analyse van de verbintenissen en aansprakelijkheid van de arts bij een bloedafname, (noot onder Gent 19 september 2013",VABB-1,240,246,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398330,,"On comparative concepts and descriptive categories, such as they are",VABB-1,136,173,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398331,,Les indéfinis négatifs dans les langues créoles,VABB-1,27,43,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:398332,,Education in Flanders : balancing social and economic rationales while tackling early school leaving,VABB-1,13,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398333,,Early school leaving and beyond,VABB-1,7,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398335,,Renewable resources in a long-term perspective : the corn-tuna model,VABB-1,97,130,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398336,,Prélèvements fiscaux et prestations sociales en Belgique : l'impact de vingt années de réformes,VABB-1,84,127,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:398339,,Harmonization through the draft Hague principles on choice of law in international contracts,VABB-1,975,1003,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398342,,Integrating societal concerns into research and development (R&D) on geological disposal at the national level,VABB-1,1563,1571,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398343,,"""Energies of History"" in Modernism : the case of Casa Malaparte",VABB-1,122,137,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398344,,Time in the hotel : gazing with lobby lizards,VABB-1,138,156,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398345,,Orbital wall infarction in child with sickle cell disease,VABB-1,451,452,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398346,,A touching experience : designing for touch sensations in online retail environments,VABB-1,17,31,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398347,,"Learning History by composing synthesis texts : effects of an instructional programme on learning, reading and writing processes, and text quality",VABB-1,275,302,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398348,,Introduction to the special issue on Writing-to-learn studies,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398349,,How branded entertainment shapes consumers' brand attitudes : evidence from an advertiser funded program,VABB-4,189,200,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398351,,The short- and long-term impact of brand placement in an advertiser-funded TV program on viewers' attitudes toward the sponsor brand and its main competitor,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398352,,The influence of gender on the effectiveness of probability markers in advertising,VABB-1,682,705,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398354,,De prima facie geldigheid van octrooien in de recente cassatierechtspraak,VABB-1,626,631,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398358,,Redenen voor liefde : waarom we niet anders kunnen dan beminnen wat beminnelijk is = Reasons for love : why we cannot help loving the lovable,VABB-1,27,47,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398359,,Betwixt and Between : de plaats van de toeschouwer in immersieve performance,VABB-1,33,56,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398360,,Convenience foods,VABB-4,286,291,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398361,,Fresh food,VABB-4,682,686,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398362,,Take-out foods,VABB-4,1347,1351,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398364,,Conduct of business rules in the Belgian insurance industry : the presumption of causation for civil liability,VABB-1,109,126,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398365,,Synthetic scan and simultaneous index aimed at the indoor environmental quality evaluation and certification for people and artworks in heritage buildings,VABB-5,1365,1370,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398366,,"Golden touchstones : the culture of Brussels auctions of paintings, 1830-1900",VABB-4,103,129,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398367,,Unity in diversity : rural poor relief in the sixteenth-century Southern Low Countries,VABB-1,59,88,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398371,,"Why journalists covered Syria the way they did : on the role of economic, social and cultural capital",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:398373,,The soundscapes of Antwerp : a study on the acoustic genius loci,VABB-5,25,30,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398375,,Sub-national human rights institutions and transgovernmental networks,VABB-1,110,131,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398376,,Saeteomin asylum seekers : the law and policy response,VABB-1,327,347,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398380,,Continental European perspective view,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:398381,,"Vérité et fiction, image et imaginaire dans le roman contemporain sur la Première Guerre mondiale",VABB-1,175,182,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:398382,,"Over fictie en waarheid, beeld en verbeelding in de hedendaagse roman over de Eerste Wereldoorlog",VABB-1,175,180,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398384,,On second-order morality,VABB-1,276,297,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398385,,Reasons and intentions in law and practical agency,VABB-3,,,342 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398386,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398387,,The relation between legal and moral obligation : an alternative kantian reading,VABB-4,228,246,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398388,,Sustainable employability and aging,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398389,,Sustainable careers : introductory chapter,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398390,,Handbook of research on sustainable careers,VABB-3,,,488 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398397,,"Extremism, political",VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398402,,Theorizing the queer modernist short story : from failures of sociality to negative affects,VABB-1,121,136,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398403,,"American poetry in the 1910s and 1920s : Stevens, Moore, Williams, and others",VABB-4,324,340,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398406,,International human rights norms in Ccoalmining induced displacement : an analysis of involuntary resettlement : case studies from Jharkand,VABB-1,31,48,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398408,,"Universele chatspeakkenmerken in Vlaamse tienerchattaal : de invloed van gender, leeftijd en medium",VABB-1,1,41,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398409,,Case Van Hove : exclusion of terms relating to the main subject matter of the contract in article 4 paragraph 2 of the Unfair Terms Directive : interpretation and possibilities of assessment,VABB-1,247,257,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398410,,The bike request scheduling problem,VABB-5,294,301,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398414,,Chapter 6: Belgium,VABB-4,63,89,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398418,,Human life history dimensions in reproductive strategies are intuitive across cultures,VABB-1,109,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398423,,Sensorimotor knowledge and the radical alternative,VABB-4,105,116,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398432,,"De ""materiële vergissing"" als grondslag voor de ambtshalve ontheffing : tijd voor een ingrijpend wetgevend initiatief",VABB-1,446,456,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398434,,Metacognitive awareness in foreign language learning through Facebook : a case study on peer collaboration,VABB-1,174,192,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398435,,Translation and genetic criticism : genetic and editorial approaches to the 'untranslatable' in Joyce and Beckett,VABB-1,40,53,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398436,,Self-assembly of gas-phase synthesized magnesium nanoparticles on room temperature substrates,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398438,,A Dutch treat : state funding for the maintenance and restoration of built religious heritage in the Netherlands,VABB-4,167,196,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398440,,Experimental philosophy and naturalism,VABB-4,222,239,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398441,,Perceptual content,VABB-4,153,167,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398442,,Abnormale prijzen bij overheidsopdrachten,VABB-1,230,239,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398454,,Het gemeentelijk plaatsverbod : een eerste verkenning en toetsing aan het fundamentele recht op persoonlijke bewegingsvrijheid,VABB-1,432,448,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398455,,"Het evenredigheidsbeginsel bij administratieve sancties en politiemaatregelen : de ene evenredigheid is de andere niet? (noot onder RvS 8 mei 2014, nr. 227.331, bvba Wedwinkel; RvS 15 mei 2014, nr. 227.421, bvba Buka 2000 en RvS 29 juli 2014, nr. 228.130, bvba HS-Trading)",VABB-1,286,290,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398456,,De betekenis van producent Jean Van Raemdonck voor de Vlaamse film,VABB-1,51,67,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398458,,"Re-forming a meritorious elite : judicial independence, selection of judges and the High Council of Justice",VABB-4,65,91,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398459,,Witteveen en Havel over legaliteit en rechtsstatelijkheid,VABB-1,152,158,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398460,,Converging evidence of social avoidant behavior in schizophrenia from two approach-avoidance tasks,VABB-1,135,141,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398462,,"From non school-based, co-payment to school-based, free Human Papillomavirus vaccination in Flanders (Belgium) : a retrospective cohort study describing vaccination coverage, age-specific coverage and socio-economic inequalities",VABB-1,5188,5195,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398463,,Strategic capacity investment under uncertainty,VABB-1,376,408,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398464,,Is there less discrimination in occupations where recruitment is difficult?,VABB-1,467,500,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398465,,'Steal me if you can!' The impact of campaign messages on associative issue ownership,VABB-1,198,208,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398466,,From a word to a world : the current situation in the interdisciplinary field of synthetic biology,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398468,,Are capillary DBS applicable for therapeutic drug monitoring of common antipsychotics? A proof of concept,VABB-1,2119,2130,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398474,,"Rechtersrecht zoals het hoort : duidelijkheid over de ommekeer in de rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof aangaande de rechtsplegingsvergoeding (Noot onder GwH 21 mei 2015, nr. 68/2015)",VABB-1,395,402,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398476,,De stad in de schijnwerpers : stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2013),VABB-1,96,110,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398477,,Il y aurait exactement quatre linguistes qui ... : sur la valeur et la combinaison rare mais non exclue du conditionnel épistémique avec exactement + numéral cardinal,VABB-1,1,14,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:398490,,Negatives between Chamic and Bahnaric,VABB-1,24,38,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398491,,De privaatrechtelijke afdwingbaarheid van Corporate Governance Codes,VABB-1,4,30,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398497,,Tenant vs. owner : deriving access to justice from the right to housing,VABB-1,99,112,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398499,,De complexiteit van inspannings- en resultaatsverbintenisssen in de context van fundamentele rechten,VABB-1,247,260,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:398500,,Military interventions in non-European states (European Court of Human Rights),VABB-4,325,338,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398502,,Schmerzensgeld und actio iniuriarum aestimatoria - der Fall Van Kreuningen/Bessem,VABB-1,226,247,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:398503,,"Compensation of non-pecuniary loss in The Netherlands : past, present, predictions",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398504,,"Humanismo jurídico entre España y Holanda : Meerman, Mayans y Finestres",VABB-1,1091,1102,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:398507,,Het beroepsgeheim van de notaris vanuit strafrechtelijk oogpunt,VABB-1,52,65,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398509,,Legal boundaries of European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) in the financial markets : tensions in the development of true regulatory agencies,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398510,,When Science meets responsibility : the Major Risk Commission and the L'Aquila earthquake,VABB-1,146,158,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398513,,Belgisch belastingrecht in hoofdlijnen. Deel III: Belasting over de toegevoegde waarde,VABB-2,,,188 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398514,,Belgisch belastingrecht in hoofdlijnen. Deel IV: Registratierechten en Successierechten-erfbelasting Vl,VABB-2,,,159 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398521,,Advies 2/13 van het Hof van Justitie : flinke stap terug voor toetreding Europese Unie tot Europees Verdrag tot bescherming van de rechten van de mens,VABB-1,55,61,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398526,,De witwasrichtlijn als onderwerp van discussie tussen de hoogste rechtscolleges in de Europese juridische ruimte,VABB-1,12,23,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:398527,,Discriminatie op basis van geaardheid in de voetbalwereld,VABB-1,35,39,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:398530,,"Hof van Justitie sluit medische verblijfsvergunning uit van asielrecht maar verplicht tot bed, bad en brood tijdens beroepsprocedure, noot onder Hof van Justitie,18 december 2014, zaak c-542/13, Mbodj en zaak c-562/13, Abdida",VABB-1,428,432,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398531,,"Het verhaalsrecht van de ABR-verzekeraar tegen de eigen verzekerde, de aansprakelijke architect",VABB-1,102,106,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398537,,"De moeilijke balans tussen het clementieprogramma en schadevergoedingsvorderingen : where do we come from, where do we go",VABB-1,117,134,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:398540,,Balancing free trade principles with other constitutional provisions in the context of Preferential Trade Agreements,VABB-1,79,107,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398541,,International regionalism and national constitutions : a jurimetric assessment,VABB-1,23,64,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398542,,Regional and inter-regional economic rules and the enforcement of the right to health : the case of Colombia,VABB-1,296,312,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398544,,The wisdom of mercy as the foundation of business and peace : the alternative to fear,VABB-4,63,74,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398549,,Memory and reward : Dutch collections of sermons and their functions in the Memoria Tradition in the female convent of Jericho in Brussels (c. 1450-1650),VABB-1,187,214,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398551,,Perceptual knowledge of nonactual possibilities.,VABB-1,363,375,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398554,,De Recette Générale en de restauratie van het Brabantse katholieke landschap onder de Aartshertogen Albrecht en Isabella,VABB-1,73,88,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398558,,Geomatics bachelor and masters program in Belgium,VABB-5,613,620,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398560,,Use of reading comprehension strategies when reading academic texts in L1 or L2.,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398563,,The use of terrestrial laser scanning for measurements in shallow-water: correction of the 3D coordinates of the point cloud,VABB-5,1203,1209,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398566,,Der Produktion und Verbreitung römischer Baukeramik auf der Spur: Organisation einer neuen Großindustrie entlang der Rheingrenze,VABB-5,85,90,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:398570,,Subadditivity of episodic memory states: a complementarity approach,VABB-5,67,77,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398577,,Comparison of terrestrial laser scanning and photo modelling for the documentation of cultural heritage,VABB-5,1227,1234,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398583,,Zoning and intermittency simplifications in quasi-steady state models,VABB-5,2995,3000,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398594,,Participation is blind: involving low vision lead users in product development,VABB-5,48,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398596,,"Evaluating spatial and social inequality by using GIS to analyze the catchment area and capacity of preschools in Ghent, Belgium",VABB-5,4266,4272,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398602,,'The art of being muddled' and mental health practices in contemporary China: a philosophical-anthropological analysis of mental health education,VABB-5,126,132,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398608,,Economic perspectives of molecular farming in greenhouse horticulture,VABB-5,545,556,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398612,,Thermal optimization of window frames,VABB-5,2500,2505,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398613,,Pediatric reference values for tibial trabecular bone mineral density and bone geometry parameters using peripheral quantitative computed tomography,VABB-1,527,533,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398615,,The carry-over effect in elite tennis and football,VABB-5,69,74,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398627,,A GIS-based flood risk tool for Jamaica: the first step towards a multi-hazard risk assessment in the Carribean,VABB-5,643,650,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398632,,Conservation climate analysis of a church containing valuable artworks,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398633,,Determination of thermal performance of IGU's with infrared thermography,VABB-5,1744,1749,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398634,,Context matters: the importance of market characteristics in the volatility of feedstock costs for biogas plants,VABB-5,23,28,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398643,,What about university leadership in a developing country context? Unraveling the nature of transformational leadership and participative decision making,VABB-5,2663,2672,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398644,,Explaining the uneven distribution of conflict mineral policy implementation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: the role of the Katanga policy network (2009-2011),VABB-1,151,160,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398645,,A good or a bad transition from school to work: who is responsible?,VABB-1,1207,1226,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398646,,Intraparadigmatic cyclic and roll-up derivations in the Old Norse reinforced demonstrative,VABB-1,777,817,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398647,,"'The brain-sucker: or, the distress of authorship': a late eighteenth-century satire of Grub Street",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398648,,"The use of geographical applications for micro-planning school locations: the @SCHOOL app for preschools in Ghent, Belgium",VABB-5,4255,4260,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398650,,Tactical management in focus: adaptability and information systems,VABB-5,19,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398662,,Playing the trump of duality in DISCUSS: upgrading POCER with questionnaire results,VABB-5,525,534,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398665,,The 'Seal of the mouth' in the anti-Manichaean polemic of ephrem the Syrian,VABB-5,324,337,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398676,,Supporting and assisting the execution of flexible healthcare processes,VABB-5,334,337,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398680,,Simplicity is not simple: how business architecture in one of Belgium's biggest companies can be simple and easy to use,VABB-5,341,355,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398681,,LT3: a multi-modular approach to automatic taxonomy construction,VABB-5,944,948,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398683,,Recognising suicidal messages in Dutch social media,VABB-5,830,835,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398684,,Field comparison of pulse-based and phase-based laser scanners for civil engineering applications,VABB-5,169,176,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398685,,BilliARt: AR Carom Billiards: exploration of an AR framework,VABB-5,636,641,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398687,,The spell definition in ISO-15927 and its impact on the rain deposition on the building façade,VABB-5,2548,2553,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398688,,Impact of different blends of learning on students performance in higher education,VABB-5,744,753,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398691,,An adapted version of forum non conveniens: a potentially beneficial import for the Western Balkans,VABB-5,507,518,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398692,,Information dynamics in cardiorespiratory analyses: application to controlled breathing,VABB-5,6353,6356,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398701,,Operational performance of passive multi-family buildings: commissioning with regard to ventilation and indoor climate,VABB-5,2983,2988,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398708,,Characterisation of the thermal performance of a test house based on dynamic measurements,VABB-5,3294,3299,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398715,,Towards cost-efficient prospection and 3D visualization of underwater structures using compact ROVs,VABB-5,1211,1218,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398717,,Mobile mapping and the use of backscatter data for the modelling of intertidal zones of beaches,VABB-5,223,230,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398728,,Energy and comfort performance assessment of monitored low energy buildings connected to low-temperature district heating,VABB-5,3465,3470,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398732,,Using text summarizing to support planning of research and development,VABB-5,23,29,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398737,,Auto-correlation and entrainment in the synchronous reproduction of musical pulse: developments in childhood,VABB-5,117,118,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398752,,Towards model-based strategic sourcing,VABB-5,29,51,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398758,,Long term durability of vacuum insulation panels: determination of the Sd-value of MF-2 foils,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398770,,The demand for hydrographic surveyors in the Benelux,VABB-5,1053,1060,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398776,,"Visualizing longitudinal data: rooted cosmopolitans in the low countries, 1850-1914",VABB-5,116,121,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398782,,Assessment of the accuracy and precision of a near-real-time processing method of laser scan data applied on concrete structures,VABB-5,35,42,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398792,,Some methodological considerations and suggestions for good practice in diagnostics and visualizations of complex archaeological sites: the experience of the radio-past project,VABB-5,156,165,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398795,,Design optimization of a GEOTABS office building,VABB-5,2989,2994,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398799,,A decision supporting tool for the creation of 2D simulated flood maps in a GIS,VABB-5,635,642,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398803,,Generating business process recommendations with a population-based meta-heuristic,VABB-5,516,528,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398804,,Learning from teachers' cognition: some myths and realities about teachers’ attitudes towards spelling,VABB-5,7395,7402,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398811,,Watertightness assessment of blown-in retrofit cavity wall insulation,VABB-5,883,888,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398813,,The experience cognitive intrusion of pain: scale development and validation,VABB-1,1978,1990,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398816,,"Explicating ways of consensus-making in science and society: distinguishing the academic, the interface and the meta-consensus",VABB-5,71,92,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398822,,Life cycle sustainability assessment: a tool for exercising due diligence in life cycle management,VABB-4,51,64,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398827,,De vrijetijdsbesteding van jongeren met en zonder migratieachtergrond en de rol van de woonomgeving,VABB-4,268,286,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398828,,Transboundary marine spatial planning across the French-Belgian maritime borders: past and future cooperation,VABB-4,154,173,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398829,,De ondersteuning van personen met een verstandelijke beperking die een misdrijf hebben gepleegd: theoretische inzichten en praktijkgerichte toepassing,VABB-4,331,363,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398830,,De rehabilitatie van daders: naar een integratie van het Risk-Need-Responsivity-Model en het Good Lives Model?,VABB-4,213,238,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398831,,"Bernini and the measure of greatness: the bust of Louis XIV and its pedestal as seen by La Chambre, Lemée, and Bouhours",VABB-4,13,31,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398834,,'The clitoris is in the head!' Female circumcision and the making of a harmful cultural practice in Egypt,VABB-4,121,137,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398836,,Education for sustainable development in Flanders: the UN Decade and beyond,VABB-4,279,291,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398838,,The G7/8 and G20: parallel paths to pragmatic partnership,VABB-4,35,44,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398839,,Good neighbourliness as a condition for accession to the European Union: finding the balance between law and politics,VABB-4,217,234,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398844,,The human rights commission of Ethiopia and issues of forced evictions: a case-oriented study of its practice,VABB-4,329,359,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398846,,Rising powers and IMF governance reform,VABB-4,153,174,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398847,,Kinshasa's syndrome-planning in historical perspective: from Belgian colonial capital to self-constructed megalopolis,VABB-4,201,224,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398851,,"Studying word order changes in Latin, some methodological remarks",VABB-4,233,250,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398852,,Trends in testing: highlights of a global survey,VABB-4,136,153,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398859,,Introduction: the nexus between human rights and development from international and Ethiopian perspectives,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398860,,It's not your score that matters: the importance of relative metrics,VABB-4,166,181,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398863,,Introduction: land and natural resources in the Roman world in historiographical and theoretical perspective,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398865,,A universal understanding of democracy,VABB-4,9,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398866,,Rechten en verbintenissen van de huurder,VABB-4,513,629,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398867,,Religion and human rights: deconstructing and navigating tensions,VABB-4,145,159,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398868,,De effecten van tweetaligheid op cognitie,VABB-4,201,224,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398870,,One who was networking: introduction to Gertrude Stein in Europe,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398871,,Corpora e testi di italiano contemporaneo,VABB-4,509,534,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:398872,,The quest for effective remedies in the home states of transnational corporations: legal realism versus legal reality,VABB-4,225,244,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398875,,Global governance = global compliance? The uneven playing field in anti money laundering,VABB-4,1157,1191,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398876,,Enhancing declarative process models with DMN decision logic,VABB-5,151,165,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398878,,Progress testing of information literacy versus information literacy self-efficay in medical students,VABB-5,361,369,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398879,,Hybrid books for interactive digital storytelling: connecting story entities and emotions to smart environments,VABB-5,105,116,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398883,,"Measurement equivalence of the Toronto structured interview for alexithymia across language, gender, and clinical status",VABB-1,760,764,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398884,,Does psychological need satisfaction matter when environmental or financial safety are at risk?,VABB-1,745,766,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398885,,"A non-genetic, epigenetic-like mechanism of telomere length inheritance?",VABB-1,10,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398887,,Putting judging situations into situational judgment tests: evidence from intercultural multimedia SJTs,VABB-1,464,480,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398888,,"Soccer player characteristics in English lower-league development programmes: the relationships between relative age, maturation, anthropometry and physical fitness",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398889,,"Acceptability, feasibility and effectiveness of an eHealth behaviour intervention using self-regulation: 'My plan'",VABB-1,1617,1624,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398890,,"Fat, sugar and water intakes among families from the IDEFICS intervention and control groups: first observations from I.Family",VABB-1,127,137,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398891,,The central role of altruism in the recruitment of gamete donors,VABB-1,78,88,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398892,,"'Exhibiting Cinema in Contemporary Art', Erika Balsom (2013)",VABB-1,292,299,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398893,,Assessing psychopathic traits and criminal behavior in a young adult female community sample using the zelf-report psychopathy scale,VABB-1,928,935,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398894,,Evaluation of the UP4FUN intervention: a cluster randomized trial to reduce and break up sitting time in European 10-12-year-old children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398895,,Dietary energy density in young children across Europe,VABB-1,S124,S134,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398896,,From passé simple to futur imparfait? A response to Verdebout,VABB-1,3,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398898,,On the aspect of deverbal nominals: a corpus study of perception nominalizations in Spanish,VABB-1,41,68,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398900,,Legal constraints and opportunities for biochar: a case analysis of EU law,VABB-1,14,24,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398901,,Triggers and patterns of integration initiatives in successfulbuyer–supplier relationships,VABB-1,15,33,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398902,,The influence of psychological resilience on the relation between automatic stimulus evaluation and attentional breadth for surprised faces,VABB-1,146,157,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398904,,New human-specific brain landmark: the depth asymmetry of superior temporal sulcus,VABB-1,1208,1213,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398907,,"Triggers of the subprime mortgage crisis, still not defeated by the world",VABB-5,179,190,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398908,,The expression of simultaneity and anteriority in the Historia of Victor Vitensis,VABB-5,183,192,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398910,,Recipients' views on payment of sperm donors,VABB-1,225,231,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398911,,"A cross-national examination of motivation to volunteer: religious context, national value patterns, and nonprofit regimes",VABB-4,97,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398915,,Cross-channel mediations: Henry-D. Davray and British popular fiction in the Mercure de France,VABB-4,183,202,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398917,,The European Union forum of judges for the environment,VABB-4,276,288,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398919,,International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS),VABB-4,23,62,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398920,,"Capital, state and conflict: the various drivers of diverse gentrification processes in Beirut, Lebanon",VABB-4,285,309,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398921,,"The IEA, the new energy order and the future of global energy governance",VABB-4,79,95,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398927,,Śūrpaṇakhā in the Jain Rāmāyaṇas,VABB-4,18,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398929,,"Puschmann, P., Van den Driessche, N., Grönberg, P., Van de Putte, B., Matthijs, K. (2015). From outsiders to Insiders? Partner choice and marriage among internal migrants in Antwerp, Rotterdam & Stockholm, 1850-1930",VABB-1,319,358,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:398930,,"'Frei lebt, wer sterben kann': die Ästhetisierung 'großer Gefühle' in Karen Blixens Die afrikanische Farm, ihren Briefen aus Afrika und der Verfilmung Out of Africa",VABB-1,79,92,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:398931,,Firms' financing constraints: do perceptions match the actual situation?,VABB-1,87,117,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398932,,The architecture of miracle-working statues in the Southern Netherlands,VABB-1,211,256,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398933,,Challenges and prospects for consumer acceptance of cultured meat,VABB-1,285,294,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398934,,"Φεῦγε τάχιστα: struttura e motivi dei Carmi κατὰ τοῦ πονηροῦ di Gregorio di Nazianzo (II,1,54-60)",VABB-1,509,520,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398935,,Een 'kleine' geschiedenis van de 'grote' vakgroep Orthopedagogiek aan de Universiteit Gent,VABB-1,230,244,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398936,,"ESHRE task force on ethics and law 23: medically assisted reproduction in singles, lesbian and gay couples, and transsexual people",VABB-1,1859,1865,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398937,,Gender balance in ECEC: why is there s little progres?,VABB-1,302,314,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398938,,Decolonizing trauma studies round-table discussion,VABB-1,905,923,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398939,,Antimisbruik in registratie- en erfbelasting: nieuwe omzendbrief,VABB-1,426,431,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398940,,Structural equation modeling versus marginal structural modeling for assessing mediation in the presence of posttreatment confounding,VABB-1,204,220,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398941,,Screening for intellectual disability in persons with a substance abuse problem: Exploring the validity of the Hayes ability screening index in a Dutch-speaking sample,VABB-1,498,504,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398942,,"Feminist practice and solidarity in secular societies: case studies on feminists crossing religious-secular divides in politics and practice in Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-1,493,508,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398943,,Combined effects of interaction between physical activity and nutrition on bone health in children and adolescents: a systematic review,VABB-1,127,139,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398944,,Using think-aloud protocol analysis to gain in-depth insights into upper primary school children's self-regulated learning,VABB-1,11,30,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398945,,Effectiveness of chewing technique on the phonation of female speech-language pathology students: a pilot study,VABB-1,574,578,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:398946,,The Structured Process Modeling Theory (SPMT): a cognitive view on why and how modelers benefit from structuring the process of process modeling,VABB-1,1401,1425,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398947,,School motivation in secondary schools: a survey of LGB and heterosexual students in Flanders,VABB-1,412,437,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398949,,Ketamine: een snelwerkende behandelingsstrategie bij depressie?,VABB-1,1095,1103,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398951,,La famille multiculturelle en conflit: regards croisés sur l’hébergement des enfants,VABB-1,247,264,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:398952,,La transformación de la matriz energética de Guatemala vs. los derechos humanos de los pueblos indígenas mayas,VABB-1,178,182,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:398955,,Sterven als symbolische performance van leiderschap: een kijk op de doodsbeschrijvingen van enkele elfde-eeuwse Lotharingische kloosterhervormers,VABB-1,231,263,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:398956,,Happy and less inhibited? Effects of positive mood on inhibitory control during an antisaccade task revealed using topographic evoked potential mapping,VABB-1,190,200,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398957,,"'Against the World': Michael Field, female marriage and the aura of amateurism'",VABB-1,157,172,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398961,,The mediating role of experiences of need satisfaction in associations between parental psychological control and internalizing problems: a study among Italian college students,VABB-1,1106,1116,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398962,,'En' en is níet wat we dachten: a Flemish discourse particle,VABB-5,85,102,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398963,,What makes long crime trips worth undertaking? Balancing costs and benefits in burglars’ journey to crime,VABB-1,399,420,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398965,,Phrasal vs. morphological compounds: insights from modern Greek and Turkish,VABB-1,323,357,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398966,,"Feature- versus rule-based generalization in rats, pigeons and humans",VABB-1,1267,1284,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398967,,"In search of sealed palaeolithic and mesolithic sites using core sampling: the impact of grid size, meshes and auger diameter on discovery probability",VABB-1,445,458,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398968,,Middle to late holocene paleoclimatic change and the early Bantu expansion in the rain forests of Western Central Africa,VABB-1,354,384,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398970,,Does footwear matter when performing spatiotemporal gait analysis among older women?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398971,,Raising trophy kids: the role of mothers' contingent self-esteem in maternal promotion of extrinsic goals,VABB-1,40,49,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398972,,Effects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: a pooled analysis of 96 population-based studies with 331288 participants,VABB-1,624,637,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398975,,"The power of celebrities: past experiences, current status, and a friendly encounter as key components to transform young individuals in it gets better",VABB-1,568,582,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398976,,The relative age effect in Spanish female soccer players: influence of the competitive level and a playing position,VABB-1,129,137,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398977,,Does company-sponsored egg freezing promote or confine women's reproductive autonomy?,VABB-1,1205,1209,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398978,,The beliefs that underlie autonomy-supportive and controlling teaching: a multinational investigation,VABB-1,93,110,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:398979,,Intimate partner violence victimization among non-heterosexuals: prevalence and associations with mental and sexual well-being,VABB-1,171,188,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398980,,"Revealing relevant proximities: knowledge networks in the maritime economy in a spatial, functional and relational perspective",VABB-1,275,291,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:398981,,'Should I prioritize medical problem solving or attentive listening?': the dilemmas and challenges that medical students experience when learning to conduct consultations,VABB-1,77,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398982,,STEP: op naar een grondige hervorming van het vennootschapsrecht?,VABB-1,336,339,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398983,,The first 'General Chapter' of Benedictine Abbots (1131) reconsidered,VABB-1,715,734,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398985,,International study of perceived neighbourhood environmental attributes and body mass index: IPEN Adult study in 12 countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398986,,Comparison of criminal and administrative penalties for environmental offenses,VABB-1,11,35,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398987,,Beyond information seeking: consumers' online deliberation about the risks and benefits of red meat,VABB-1,191,201,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398988,,'They have our culture': negotiating migration in Belgian–Ethiopian transnational adoption,VABB-1,71,90,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:398989,,Comparing country cases: output-oriented EU democracy promotion?,VABB-4,236,254,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398992,,Gully development in the Tigray highlands,VABB-4,191,200,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:398994,,De interneringswet van 2014,VABB-4,53,80,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:398997,,Classifying migrants in the field of health: sociolinguistic scale and neoliberal statecraft,VABB-4,16,33,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399000,,TTIP: the truth about the transatlantic trade and investment partnership,VABB-2,,,160 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399003,,"Manuscript communication: visual and textual mechanics of communication in hagiographic texts from the Southern Low Countries, 900-1200",VABB-2,,,490 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399006,,"Climate change and individual responsibility: agency, moral disengagement and the motivational gap",VABB-2,,,150 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399007,,Historical dictionary of Bulgaria,VABB-2,,,711 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399009,,A landscape perspective on urbanism,VABB-2,,,208 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399011,,"Europe, India, and the limits of secularism",VABB-2,,,282 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399012,,The third way: a plea for a balanced cannabis policy,VABB-2,,,238 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399013,,Lexique comparé des langues bantu du Kwilu (République démocratique du Congo),VABB-2,,,197 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399028,,Balance of power and norm hierarchy: Franco-British diplomacy after the peace of Utrecht,VABB-2,,,636 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399030,,La curiosité de Montaigne,VABB-2,,,193 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399031,,"Having words with Europe: a reading of 'to Gerhardt, there, among Europe's things of which he has written us in his 'brief an Creeley und Olson' and 'The Death of Europe'",VABB-4,221,231,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399035,,The cultural identity of the Belgian nobility around 2000: linguistic capital and migration as aspects of reconversion,VABB-4,261,280,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399038,,Psychopathy and free will from a philosophical and cognitive neuroscience perspective,VABB-4,103,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399043,,De toekomst van Europese Nationale Politiebestellen?,VABB-4,45,83,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399045,,The multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem,VABB-4,491,511,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399046,,Use of existing health information systems,VABB-4,59,80,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399047,,Adhuc Tacfarinas: the causes of the Tiberian war in North Africa (AD ca. 15-24) and the impact of the conflict on Roman imperial policy,VABB-1,336,356,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399049,,"Youth and intimate media cultures: gender, sexuality, relationships, and desire as storytelling practices in social networking sites",VABB-1,319,340,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399050,,Evaluatie van de engagementsverklaring: bevraging van relevante stakeholders,VABB-1,15,27,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399054,,The antipassive in Bantu,VABB-1,731,772,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399055,,Differences in energy balance-related behaviours in European preschool children: the ToyBox-study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399056,,Ethnic profiling in België: een verkennende wandeling op braakliggend terrein,VABB-1,59,75,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399057,,How the nature of networks determines the outcome of publicly funded university research projects,VABB-1,158,170,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399058,,Gehoord worden is nog geen inspraak: perspectieven van minderjarigen en ouders op de beslissingen genomen door de jeugdrechter,VABB-1,3,19,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399059,,De April-Meistakingen van 1943: belang en betekenis heroverwogen,VABB-1,69,92,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:399060,,Translating Ovide decroly's ideas to Brazilian teachers,VABB-1,744,767,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399061,,Neurobehavioral performance in adolescents is inversely associated with traffic exposure,VABB-1,136,143,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399063,,Forearm deoxyhemoglobin and deoxymyoglobin (deoxy[Hb + Mb]) measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) using a handgrip test in mitochondrial myopathy,VABB-1,342,347,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399064,,Bezint eer ge benoemt: unanieme benoeming bestuurders toch aangetast door wilsgebrek,VABB-1,181,194,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399065,,Interest rate convergence in the EMS prior to European Monetary Union,VABB-1,990,1004,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399066,,Unraveling the motivational effects and challenges of web-based collaborative inquiry learning across different groups of learners,VABB-1,405,430,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399067,,Cognitive training for attention-deficit/hyperactiviiy disorder: meta-analysis of clinical and neuropsychological outcomes from randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,164,174,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399068,,Atypical neural responses to vocal anger in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,477,487,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399070,,Homophily in adolescence: is similarity in status characteristics associated with similarity in anti-school behaviour?,VABB-1,76,96,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399071,,'We are children of the sea': swimming as performative tradition in modernizing Japan,VABB-4,19,43,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399072,,Species protection in the European Union,VABB-4,121,146,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399073,,Sediment yield variability at various spatial scales and its hydrological and geomorphological impacts on dam-catchments in the Ethiopian highlands,VABB-4,227,238,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399078,,'Inden beghenne was dwoert': inleiding,VABB-4,32,45,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399079,,"Freedom of expression, media and journalism under the European human rights system: characteristics, developments, and challenges",VABB-4,59,104,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399080,,Democracy promotion in restrictive environments: Ethiopia and Eritrea,VABB-4,193,207,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399081,,Performe Emotionalität!« Emotion und/als (geschlechtsspezifische) Arbeit in Inscourcing des Zuhause. Menschen in Scheiss-Hotels (2001) und SEX nach Mae West (2002) von René Pollesch,VABB-4,27,41,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:399082,,Politie en de strijd tegen onveiligheid: collectief weerbare buurten als bondgenoot?,VABB-4,47,68,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:399083,,Relational frame theory: the basic account,VABB-4,129,178,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399085,,Objectivering van spraakproductie bij parkinsonpatiënten met het oog op logopedische onderzoeken en therapie,VABB-4,150,162,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399090,,"Interprofessional education and collaborative practice in health and social care: the need for transdisciplinary mindsets, instruments and mechanisms",VABB-4,69,88,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399091,,Racisme en etnisch profileren door politie: in België?,VABB-4,35,58,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399092,,"Seals, tablets and bricks: fine-tuning of early dynastic chronology in Syria",VABB-4,33,49,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399097,,De metamorfose van het Wetboek van de Belgische Nationaliteit na de 'Betere Belg'-wet,VABB-4,217,252,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399098,,Communities of practice and emotional aspects of loyalty in reformist circles of the tenth and eleventh centuries,VABB-4,279,303,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399099,,Executive directors' remuneration in comparative corporate perspective,VABB-4,205,246,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399102,,Reassembling the political: placing contentious politics in Jordan,VABB-4,437,467,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399107,,Als een goede huisvader? Beleggen in stedelijke schuld te Antwerpen (16de -18de eeuw),VABB-4,87,109,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399110,,"The return of vitalism: Canguilhem, Bergson and the project of biophilosophy",VABB-4,63,75,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399113,,Commentaar bij de artikelen VI.29-VI.30 WER,VABB-4,1,16,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399114,,Commentaar bij de artikelen VI.25-VI.28 WER,VABB-4,1,14,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399122,,Syntax and syntactic reconstruction,VABB-4,343,373,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399124,,Analysing how constraints impact architectural decision-making,VABB-1,83,111,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399125,,On the automaticity of the evaluative priming effect in the valent/non-valent categorization task,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399128,,A comparison of the performance of various project control methods using earned value management systems,VABB-1,3159,3175,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399129,,Boundary tastes at work: the gendered effect of authority positions in the workplace on taste in clothing and food,VABB-1,78,96,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399131,,Heritability of pain catastrophizing and associations with experimental pain outcomes: a twin study,VABB-1,514,520,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399132,,Pain-avoidance versus reward-seeking: an experimental investigation,VABB-1,1449,1457,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399133,,Asynchronous grammaticalization: V1-conditionals in present-day English and German,VABB-1,34,64,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399134,,Coherence in the EU's external human rights policy: the case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo,VABB-1,381,399,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399135,,The effect of ankle muscle strength and flexibility on dolphin kick performance in competitive swimmers,VABB-1,167,176,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399136,,Explaining the pattern of CSDP-operations: towards a theoretical synthesis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399137,,Remembering the Ghent Orphan houses: a never-ending contested space,VABB-1,94,105,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399138,,Foucault at the bedside: a critical analysis of empowering a health lifestyle,VABB-1,427,432,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399140,,Good practice characteristics of diet and physical activity interventions and policies: an umbrella review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399142,,Associations and synergistic effects for psychological distress and chronic back pain on the utilization of different levels of ambulatory health care: a cross-sectional study from Austria,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399143,,De grenzen van het PISA-onderzoek: the do's and don'ts van schooleffectiviteitsonderzoek,VABB-1,96,100,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:399144,,Research on Balint groups: a literature review,VABB-1,685,694,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399147,,Towards a worldwide restatement of the general principles of maritime law,VABB-1,170,182,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399148,,Tablets in de les geschiedenis: mogelijkheden van een nieuw leermiddel voor de historische vorming,VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:399150,,A visual analysis of the process of process modeling,VABB-1,147,190,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399151,,Zone-it before IT zones you: a location-based digital notice board to build community while preserving privacy,VABB-1,16,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399152,,Meedogenloos scherpzinnig: de Thibaults van Roger Martin du Gard in een Nederlandse vertaling,VABB-1,50,55,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399155,,Playing Dead: Trauma in Limbo,VABB-1,817,835,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399156,,Towards a Neerlandophone Postcolonial Studies,VABB-1,61,72,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399157,,Losing the boundary: cognition biases action well after action selection,VABB-1,737,743,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399158,,Defining the happiness gap,VABB-1,1216,1216,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399161,,Exposure assessment within a Total Diet Study: a comparison of the use of the pan-European classification system FoodEx-1 with national food classification systems,VABB-1,221,229,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399162,,De Romeinse fibulae uit Oudenburg,VABB-1,77,92,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399164,,The impact of participation in strategic planning on managers' creation of budgetary slack: the mediating role of autonomous motivation and affective organisational commitment,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399167,,Children's attentional processing of mother and proximity seeking,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399168,,Contingent attentional capture triggers the congruency sequence effect,VABB-1,61,68,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399170,,"Graduate student selection: graduate record examination, socioeconomic status, and undergraduate grade point average as predictors of study success in a western European University",VABB-1,71,79,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399172,,Teachers' professional development for ICT integration: towards a reciprocal relationship between research and practice,VABB-1,655,673,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399173,,Conversation of mankind of vergelijkende cultuurwetenschap: Balagangadhara's Reconceptualizing India Studies,VABB-1,119,130,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:399174,,"Conflict mediation and traditional authority in the province of Lanao del Sur, Mindanao",VABB-1,1,41,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399175,,On theoretical and practical doxastic attitudes,VABB-1,425,443,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399177,,On presence,VABB-1,204,264,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399178,,"Prevention of spina bifida: folic acid intake during pregnancy in Gulu district, northern Uganda",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399179,,"Naar een dekolonisatie van de blik: over de brief aan Brett Baily en Geert Bourgeois, De Waaheidscommissie (2013) en geëngageerde kunst in tijden van migratie en terrorisme: Jasper Delbecke in gesprek met Chokri Ben Chikha",VABB-1,182,193,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399181,,'La Collection Parisienne in-18': late eighteenth-century small-format editions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's works,VABB-1,39,50,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399185,,Beyond 'Trimming the fat': the sub-editing stage of newswriting,VABB-1,368,395,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399186,,Muscle histidine-containing dipeptides are elevated by glucose intolerance in both rodents and men,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399188,,Copernicanism as a religious challenge after 1616: self-discipline and the imagination in Libertus Fromondus's anti-Copernican writings (1631-1634),VABB-1,67,88,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399189,,Do sedentary behaviors mediate associations between socio-demographic characteristics and BMI in women living in socio-economically disadvantaged neighborhoods?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399191,,Praktijktesten bij banken: is de bankwaarborg wel gewaarborgd?,VABB-1,31,45,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399192,,"Composition and state of alteration of 18th-century glass finds found at the Cistercian nunnery of Clairefontaine, Belgium",VABB-1,121,133,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399193,,Breyten Breytenbach in een zijspiegel: het vizier van H.C. ten Berge: transnationale laterale beweging en particuliere 'hetero-images' van een literaire actor,VABB-1,33,50,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399194,,"Armed mobilisation and the nexus of territory, identity, and authority: the contested territorial aspirations of the Banyamulenge in eastern DR Congo",VABB-1,191,212,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399195,,Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten in de publieke sector? Een tweeluik,VABB-1,317,371,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399196,,Skin temperature during cold pressor test in fibromyalgia: an evaluation of the autonomic nervous system?,VABB-1,19,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399199,,Simulating farm level response to crop diversification policy,VABB-1,36,42,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399201,,Analgesic effects of manual therapy in patients with musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review,VABB-1,250,256,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399202,,Safety of birth: a comparative analysis of the legal guarantees in maternity care (Belgium – France - The Netherlands),VABB-1,113,140,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399203,,"Listen to the map user: cognition, memory, and expertise",VABB-1,3,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399204,,Perspectives locales et globales pour la gestion des terres des régions montagneuses du Nord de l'Éthiopie,VABB-1,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399205,,Pauvreté et politique: opinions ; participation et identification,VABB-1,247,260,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399206,,La superdiversité parmi les populations immigrées d'Europe centrale et orientale: la polique des groupes cibles multiculturelle et classique est-elle dépassée?,VABB-1,343,358,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399207,,"Armoede en politiek: opvattingen, participatie en identificatie",VABB-1,239,260,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399208,,Europa 2020: de sociale doelstellingen vijf jaar later,VABB-1,1,17,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399209,,TDS exposure project: application of the analytic hierarchy process for the prioritization of substances to be analyzed in a total diet study,VABB-1,46,53,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399211,,Freud leest von Krafft-Ebing: Een kleine genealogie van het sadisme,VABB-1,13,34,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399212,,Diversity in school performance feedback systems,VABB-1,612,638,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399214,,"De late bronstijd in Emblem-Oostmalsesteenweg (Ranst, prov. Antwerpen, België): een gebouwplattegrond en vijf urnengraven",VABB-1,85,93,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399215,,Consumer collective redress in Belgium: class actions to the rescue?,VABB-1,121,143,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399217,,Some remarks on the language of the Itinerarium Antonini Placentini,VABB-1,41,63,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:399218,,Spraakkarakteristieken na primaire palatoplastiek bij patiënten met geïsoleerde schisis: een verkenning in Oeganda,VABB-1,25,36,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399219,,"Autonomy and autonomy disturbances in self-development and psychopathology: research on motivation, attachment, and clinical process",VABB-4,795,849,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399221,,De vrijetijdsagenda van 2014: het combineren van activiteiten uit diverse domeinen,VABB-4,453,473,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399222,,International regulation and cross-country comparison,VABB-4,39,59,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399227,,Oefentherapie,VABB-4,111,116,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399228,,Interesten,VABB-4,1782,1805,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:399230,,'Congo as it is?' Curatorial reflections on using spatial urban history in the memory of Congo: the colonial era exhibition,VABB-4,157,180,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399235,,Panorama de los corpus y textos del portugués europeo contemporáneo,VABB-4,58,80,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:399236,,Protecting labour rights in a globalizing world: an introduction,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399237,,Juvenile criminal justice before the inter-American court of Human Rights: aims and limitations of the imprisonment of children,VABB-4,547,572,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399239,,Brain SPECT in the impulsive-agressive dog,VABB-4,621,639,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399246,,De collaborerende Coburger: hoe Leopold III een Belgische Nieuwe Orde in een nazistisch Europa tot stand bracht,VABB-4,269,304,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:399247,,The international energy agency,VABB-4,489,503,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399248,,Sportdeelname in Vlaanderen: trends en profielen,VABB-4,209,250,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399249,,Sportevenementen als katalysator voor sportparticipatie?,VABB-4,319,332,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399253,,La production de céramique du haut Moyen Age en Flandre (Belgique): Bilan et perspectives,VABB-4,361,371,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399255,,Empowering science teachers using technology-enhanced scaffolding to improve inquiry learning,VABB-4,17,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399256,,Heroic images on runestones in the context of commemoration and communication,VABB-4,375,396,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399257,,Self-regulation through rumination: mechanisms and consequences,VABB-4,371,384,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399259,,Van deurwachter tot gerechtsdeurwaarder: een beknopt overzicht,VABB-4,379,384,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399262,,The nexus between democracy and the principle of separation of powers: a study on state practice,VABB-5,121,135,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399263,,The illustrated archetype of the historia Normannorum: Did Dudo of St. Quentin write a 'chronicon pictum'?,VABB-4,225,255,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399264,,Policy considerations and third-party liability of certifiers,VABB-5,341,370,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399265,,Van nationale tot cultureel-economische eenheid? De visie op de Belgisch-Nederlandse relaties in Belgische juridische tijdschriften in de 19de en 20ste eeuw,VABB-4,173,194,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399267,,Toelichting bij de twee lezingen over klankpoëzie en verbosonische experimenten,VABB-4,19,46,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399268,,"'Het slopen van alle soorten van meubelen: antieke, groteske en moderne' Groteske en parodistische herschrijvingen van Gust Gils en Hugo Claus",VABB-4,77,91,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399269,,The EU's relations with multilateral institutions,VABB-4,721,735,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399270,,Harmful cultural practices and minority women in Europe: from headscarf bans to forced marriages and honour related violence,VABB-4,51,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399272,,A political ecology perspective of land degradation in the North Ethiopian Highlands,VABB-1,521,530,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399273,,"Ethnic diversity in Belgium: old and new migration, old and new developments",VABB-1,73,81,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399274,,Clustering of lifestyle behaviours and relation to body composition in European children. The IDEFICS study,VABB-1,811,816,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399275,,Steadfast and shrewd heroines: the defence of chastity in the Latin post-Nicene passions and the Greek novels,VABB-1,91,128,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399277,,Acceptance: what's in a name? A content analysis of acceptance instruments in individuals with chronic pain,VABB-1,306,317,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399278,,"Prevalence of gender nonconformity in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,1281,1287,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399280,,Forensisch pilootprojecten 'medium security',VABB-1,227,247,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399281,,"Intangible inventions: the Kalbeliya gypsy dance form, from its creation to UNESCO recognition",VABB-1,71,93,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399283,,Visual guidance during bicycle steering through narrow lanes: a study in children,VABB-1,8,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399284,,Successful behavior change in obesity interventions in adults: a systematic review of self-regulation mediators,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399285,,Measuring Eccentric Strength of the Shoulder External Rotators Using a Handheld Dynamometer: Reliability and Validity,VABB-1,719,725,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399286,,Eye movement patterns in natural reading: a comparison of monolingual and bilingual reading of a novel,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399287,,Effects of acceleration on gait measures in three horse gaits,VABB-1,1453,1460,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399288,,Off the record: een vroeg vrouwelijk naakt van Franse makelij op een Nederlandse tentoonstelling: Marie-Louise Lefèvre-Deumiers Diana in Den Haag in 1866,VABB-1,209,229,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399289,,Mechanoreceptor distribution in stag beetle jaws corresponds to the material stress in fights,VABB-1,201,208,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399292,,Validation of the FEEL-KJ: an instrument to measure emotion regulation strategies in children and adolescents,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399295,,"Hearing in young adults, part I: the effects of attitudes and beliefs toward noise, hearing loss and hearing protector devices",VABB-1,237,244,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399296,,Lecture tools at the Leuven Faculty of Arts from its origin (1425) until the end of the seventeenth century,VABB-1,25,43,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399297,,Een nieuwe taal met 'cioccolata calda',VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399299,,Influence of motor imagery training on gait rehabilitation in sub-acute stroke: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,204,209,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399301,,"Analogies, metaphors, and wondering about the future: lay sense-making around synthetic meat",VABB-1,547,562,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399305,,The modernist short story in Italy: the case of the 'Edizioni di Solaria',VABB-1,243,257,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399306,,Emotional suppression and well-being in immigrants and majority group members in the Netherlands,VABB-1,503,507,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399307,,Mutual perception of communication between general practitioners and hospital-based specialists,VABB-1,350,356,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399308,,Children's attentional exploration of threatening information as related to trust in maternal support,VABB-1,1341,1350,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399310,,Indirect acquisition of pain-related fear: an experimental study of observational learning using coloured cold metal bars,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399311,,A longitudinal study investigating the stability of anthropometry and soccer-specific endurance in pubertal high-level youth soccer players,VABB-1,418,426,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399312,,Public participation and access to justice in large scale infrastructure projects: how deep is the gap between law and reality?,VABB-1,136,143,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399313,,Bestaat het Afrikaanse denken? Bestaat Afrika? Schets voor een publieke discussie,VABB-1,7,21,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399315,,Is having sex with other men a risk factor for transfusion-transmissible infections in male blood donors in Western countries?: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399316,,Playing after Auschwitz: the case of Primo Levi and Johan Huizinga's Homo Ludens,VABB-1,46,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399319,,Professional self-efficacy scale for information and computer technology teachers: validity and reliability study,VABB-1,22,32,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399322,,Pushing the boundaries: responses to ethnic conformity pressure in two Turkish communities in Belgium,VABB-1,277,300,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399326,,Divided we stand: the European Parliament's position on social trade in the post-Lisbon era,VABB-4,63,82,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399328,,Introduction: who needs critique?,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399329,,Withstanding tensions: scientific disagreement and epistemic tolerance,VABB-4,113,146,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399333,,Manuscript and memory in religious communities in the Medieval Low Countries: an introduction,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399338,,Underexplored issues in entrepreneurial finance,VABB-4,219,223,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399339,,A prophet contest: Jeremiah 28 reconsidered,VABB-4,247,259,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399342,,The legal basis of international agreements of the European Union in the post-Lisbon era,VABB-4,65,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399343,,Brokken maken in de bouw: wie betaalt de rekening?,VABB-4,539,604,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399348,,Intimiteiten en inclusie in digitale en interactieve media: uitdadingen voor een gemediatiseerde maatschappij,VABB-4,79,93,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399349,,Prediction of antisocial behavior,VABB-4,1689,1701,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399355,,Het stakingswapen als politiek breekijzer in de Belgische rechtstraditie,VABB-4,65,84,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399359,,Medical negligence and international human rights adjudication: procedural obligation in medical negligence cases under the American Convention on Human Rights and the European convention on Human Rights,VABB-4,173,190,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399366,,Ethnonyms in the pre-national era: what's in a name?,VABB-4,15,28,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399368,,Normative and regulatory issues in cross-border reproductive health care,VABB-4,105,125,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399369,,Disceet effectiveness: the EU and the ICC,VABB-4,84,100,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:399371,,Dataverzameling,VABB-4,261,301,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399372,,"Carbon footprint: calculations and sensitivity analysis for cow milk produced in Flanders, a Belgian region",VABB-4,281,302,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399373,,Humor,VABB-4,143,147,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:399374,,"Theophilos, 'the more likely candidate'? Towards a reappraisal of the question of Theophanes' Oriental source(s)",VABB-4,383,400,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399375,,Electing women as party leaders: does the selectorate matter?,VABB-4,73,89,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399377,,Verantwoording en politie: een verkenning,VABB-4,7,16,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399378,,Psychopathologie in ontwikkelingsperspectief: handvatten voor het diagnostisch handelen,VABB-4,11,22,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399379,,Evoluties in cultuurdeelname: trends over generaties en opleidingen heen,VABB-4,37,70,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399380,,Het sociale profiel van de respondent,VABB-4,19,54,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399381,,Cultuurparticipatie,VABB-4,55,102,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399386,,Muziekkritiek als emotie: Richard Wagners 'Pariser Bericht' en de retoriek van de polemiek,VABB-4,103,116,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399389,,Sportdeelname in Vlaanderen: de organisatorische context van sportbeoefening,VABB-4,251,282,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399391,,Myths set in motion: the moral economy of Mai-Mai governance,VABB-4,158,179,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399392,,Collaborative progress in citation networks,VABB-4,40,54,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399397,,"The sanctuary site at Pessinus: the Genesis, development and taphonomy of a Roman temple in Central Asia minor in light of its Phrygian-Hellenistic predecessors and Byzantine afterlife",VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399398,,The sublime in Schopenhauer's philosophy,VABB-2,,,208 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399399,,Governance of the illegal trade in E-Waste and tropical timber: case studies on transnational environmental crime,VABB-2,,,212 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399400,,Ouderlijke opvattingen over de vrijetijdsbesteding van hun kind(eren),VABB-4,407,423,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399401,,"World of sciencecraft: new horizons in sociology, philosophy, and science studies",VABB-2,,,250 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399404,,Le droit social de la fonction publique,VABB-2,,,362 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399405,,State-building in Kosovo: a plural policing perspective,VABB-2,,,424 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399406,,The cost of prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: A systematic review,VABB-1,1754,1774,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399407,,Static load bearing exercises of individuals with transfemoral amputation fitted with an osseointegrated implant: reliability of kinetic data,VABB-1,423,430,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399408,,Een terugblik op het armoedebeleid van de voorbije regeringen,VABB-1,165,190,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399409,,An entertaining martyr: characterization in the Latin passio Agnetis (BHL 156),VABB-1,89,114,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399410,,Neurobehavioral function and low-level metal exposure in adolescents,VABB-1,139,146,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399411,,Multi-segmented foot landing kinematics in subjects with chronic ankle instability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399412,,"The effect of relaxation therapy on autonomic functioning, symptoms and daily functioning, in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia: a systematic review",VABB-1,221,233,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399413,,"Knowledge, assessment, and management of adults with joint hypermobility syndrome/Ehlers-Danlos syndrome hypermobility type among flemish physiotherapists.",VABB-1,76,83,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399414,,Greek secular historians in late Antiquity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399415,,Transitiepraktijk van de Vlaamse overheid: meer dan een schijnbeweging?,VABB-1,11,19,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399416,,The use of English as ad hoc institutional standard in the Belgian asylum interview,VABB-1,737,758,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:399417,,The cost of pressure ulcer prevention and treatment in hospitals and nursing homes in Flanders: a cost-of-illness study,VABB-1,1166,1179,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399418,,The relationship between adolescents' pain catastrophizing and attention bias to pain faces is moderated by attention control,VABB-1,1334,1341,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399419,,Inclusion ideals and inclusion problems: Parsons and Luhmann on religion and secularization,VABB-1,173,185,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399420,,Vicarious experiences and detection accuracy while observing pain and touch: the effect of perspective taking,VABB-1,1781,1793,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399421,,Wavelet modeling and prediction of the stability of states: the Roman Empire and the European Union,VABB-1,265,275,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399422,,Using image-based modelling (SfM-MVS) to produce a 1935 ortho-mosaic of the Ethiopian highlands,VABB-1,421,430,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399423,,The influence of land use and mobility policy on travel behavior: a comparative case study of Flanders and the Netherlands,VABB-1,171,190,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399424,,EURObservational research programme: EUROASPIRE: the Euroaspire survey of cardiovascular prevention and diabetes in 24 countries in Europe,VABB-1,950,951,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399425,,A color-based method for the interpretation of plantar pressure measurements in clinical gait analysis,VABB-1,852,856,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399426,,"Federalism, local government and minority protection in Ethiopia: opportunities and challenges",VABB-1,150,177,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399427,,Retour sur la politique menée en matière de pauvreté par les gouvernements précédents,VABB-1,171,196,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399428,,Lutte contre la pauvreté dans les nouveaux accords de gouvernement et les notes de politique,VABB-1,145,169,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399431,,Mindful attention and awareness mediate the association between age and negative affect,VABB-1,179,188,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399432,,Construction and evaluation framework for a real-life project database,VABB-1,697,710,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399435,,"Ritueel gedeponeerde bijlen in een Romeinse potstal aan de Ringlaan in Brecht (prov. Antwerpen, België)",VABB-1,63,68,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399436,,Bootstrap-based bias correction and inference for dynamic panels with fixed effects,VABB-1,986,1018,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399438,,"14C dating of the lime burial of Cova de Na Dent (Mallorca, Spain): optimization of the sample preparation and limitations of the method",VABB-1,161,171,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399439,,Do all frogs swim alike?: the effect of ecological specialization on swimming kinematics in frogs,VABB-1,3637,3644,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399440,,Reporting accuracy of population dietary sodium intake using duplicate 24 h dietary recalls and a salt questionnaire,VABB-1,488,497,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399441,,Associations between dietary inflammatory index and inflammatory markers in the Asklepios Study,VABB-1,665,671,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399442,,Integrating learning assessment and supervision in a competency framework for clinical workplace education,VABB-1,341,346,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399443,,Minimum criminal penalties in the European Union: in search of a credible justification,VABB-1,722,737,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399445,,ESHRE task force on ethics and law 21: genetic screening of gamete donors: ethical issues,VABB-1,1353,1359,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399446,,"Do Gur-e Dopa: the Sasanian twin pillar ossuaries at Shoush Village, Kohgiloyeh va Boyer Ahmad (Iran)",VABB-1,357,365,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399447,,Cognitive performance is related to central sensitization and health-related quality of life in patients with chronic whiplash-associated disorders and fibromyalgia,VABB-1,E389,E401,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399448,,"Bridging operational, strategic and project management information systems for tactical management information provision",VABB-1,146,158,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399451,,Decreasing initial telomere length in humans intergenerationally understates age-associated telomere shortening,VABB-1,669,677,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399452,,Nieuw wettelijk kader voor kredieten aan KMO's (WKF),VABB-1,303,338,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399453,,The European Union's 'Comprehensive Approach' in Chad: securitisation and/or compartmentalisation?,VABB-1,243,259,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399454,,The occurrence of depersonalization symptoms after accelerated HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC in a patient with treatment-resistant depression: a case report,VABB-1,681,682,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399455,,Analysis of scapular muscle EMG activity in patients with idiopathic neck pain: a systematic review,VABB-1,371,386,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399456,,Flirtation with the other. An Examination of the Processes of othering of the Early Buddhist Ascetic Community in the Pali Vinaya,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:399457,,De Habitatrichtlijn als Doos van Pandora: het A2-arrest van het Europese Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,2,15,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399458,,"The land that disappeared: forceful occupation, disputes and the negotiation of Landlord power in a Bangladeshi Bastee",VABB-1,486,507,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399459,,Eindelijk een echte nieuwe en goede wet op de internering? Deel 1: De gerechtelijke fase,VABB-1,1043,1064,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399461,,"'Aber Dort Leben, Wo Andere Sind Wie Ich, Das Möchte Ich Gern.' Russian-German Migration, Exclusion and Identities in Eleonora Hummel's Novels",VABB-1,154,170,,ger,2015,1 c:vabb:399462,,De bewijslast inzake de verstrekte toestemming tot een betalingstransactie op grond van de kredietkaartgegevens en de gevolgen van de afwezigheid van tijdig protest: noot onder Cour d'appel de Bruxelles 19 avril 2013,VABB-1,186,189,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399464,,Tekst en opvoering van de abele spelen: het kopieerwerk in het handschrift-Van Hulthem en de geïntendeerde voorstellingen,VABB-1,453,475,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:399465,,Adaptive effort investment in cognitive and physical tasks: a neurocomputational model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399466,,'Nado minimum!' Mediating respectability at informal markets on the Russian-Chinese border,VABB-1,5,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399470,,Growth intentions among research scientists: a cognitive style perspective,VABB-1,64,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399471,,The regulation of positive and negative social feedback: a psychophysiological study,VABB-1,553,563,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399472,,La identidad cuestionada: memorias del exilio en el teatro argentino de la (pos)dictadura,VABB-1,87,102,,spa,2015,1 c:vabb:399474,,Opening the black box of metagovernance: the roles of central government in local multilevel networks—the case of the local job centers in Flanders,VABB-1,227,242,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399476,,Risks associated with communication delays in infants from underserved South African communities,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399477,,De parodie-exceptie volgens het Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,61,64,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399478,,Persvrijheid na Charlie Hebdo,VABB-1,5,8,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399479,,De Raad voor Verkiezingsbetwistingen nieuwe stijl en de lokale besturen,VABB-1,3,17,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399480,,Het onroerenderfgoeddecreet,VABB-1,156,183,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399482,,Did social mobility increase during the industrialization process? A micro-level study of a transforming community in southern Sweden 1828-1968,VABB-1,25,39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399483,,Arterial stiffness and influences of the metabolic syndrome: a cross-countries study,VABB-1,654,660,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399484,,Forklift free factory: a simulation model to evaluate different transportation systems in the automotive industry,VABB-1,238,259,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399486,,Spontaneous entrainment of running cadence to music tempo,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399487,,Does landscape related expertise influence the visual perception of landscape photographs?: implications for participatory landscape planning and management,VABB-1,68,77,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399488,,Machines that go 'ping': medical technology and health expenditures in OECD countries,VABB-1,1027,1041,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399489,,Do psychosocial factors moderate the association between objective neighborhood walkability and older adults' physical activity?,VABB-1,118,125,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399490,,Fiscal policy and TFP in the OECD: measuring direct and indirect effects,VABB-1,605,640,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399491,,Kōdōkan Jūdō’s three orphaned forms of counter techniques: part 3: the Katame-waza ura-no-kata: 'Forms of reversing controlling techniques',VABB-1,155,174,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399492,,Kōdōkan Jūdō’s three orphaned forms of counter techniques: part 2: the Nage-waza ura-no-kata: 'forms of reversing throwing techniques',VABB-1,125,154,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399493,,An archaeological landscape in the Dzhazator valley (Altai Mountains): surface monuments and petroglyphs from the Chalcolithic to the Ethnographic period,VABB-1,106,119,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399494,,Field experimental evidence on gender discrimination in hiring: biased as Heckman and Siegelman predicted?,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399495,,"Reliability and validity of three questionnaires measuring context-specific sedentary behaviour and associated correlates in adolescents, adults and older adults",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399496,,The role of intuitions in the philosophy of art,VABB-1,806,827,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399499,,Les structures de la recherche en histoire médiévale en Belgique,VABB-1,3,13,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:399500,,The effect of monetary rewards on autonomous motivation in an enabling performance measurement context,VABB-1,341,356,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399501,,Bargaining a net gain compensation agreement between a marine renewable energy developer and a marine protected area manager,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399502,,La nature à l'échelle du texte: quelques considérations sur le lieu,VABB-1,65,79,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399504,,Regional amplitude of the low-frequency fluctuations at rest predicts word-reading skill,VABB-1,318,328,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399505,,Identificación de las concepciones de aprendizaje en estudiantes de postgrado de ciencias de la salud y ciencias sociales,VABB-1,26,31,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:399507,,Outlier Robust Bayesian Multinomial Choice Modeling,VABB-1,1445,1466,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:399508,,Escaping the great divergence? A discussion about and in response to Peer Vries’ ’ escaping poverty: the origins of modern economic growth: an introduction,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399514,,Naschrift bij het themanummer Overheid in Transitie,VABB-1,61,66,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399515,,"Stature and jumping height are required in female volleyball, but motor coordination is a key factor for future elite success",VABB-1,1480,1485,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399516,,"Spatial variation in preservation of late prehistoric barrows in the Low Countries explained by differences in soil formation, degradation processes and land use history",VABB-1,177,196,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399517,,"The difference in learning culture and learning performance between a traditional clinical placement, a dedicated education unit and work-based learning",VABB-1,e70,e77,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399518,,Put your plan into action: the influence of action plans on agency and responsibility,VABB-1,850,866,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399519,,Domesticating distant suffering: how can news media discursively invite the audience to care?,VABB-1,682,694,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399520,,Impulsive choice predicts short-term relapse in substance-dependent individuals attending an inpatient detoxification program,VABB-1,2083,2093,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:399521,,"Keep an eye on your friends, even when you don’t know them”: Drug use and harm reduction in the Goa trance scene in Belgium",VABB-1,239,247,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399523,,SPOCs & surveys: a novel way to conduct comparative research into criminal justice systems,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399525,,Strafrechtsbedeling en wetsovertreders met een psychiatrische stoornis,VABB-4,31,51,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399526,,Safeguarding newsroom autonomy: tensions between the ideal and the actual,VABB-4,99,117,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399528,,The use of public policy in the enforcement of American punitive damages in the European Union: status quaestionis,VABB-5,197,222,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399531,,"Between folklore, geography, and ethno-nationalism",VABB-4,273,292,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399533,,Caïn contre Oedipe: l'agressivité humaine et ses enjeux,VABB-4,81,96,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399534,,"Children's rights from a gender studies perspective: gender, intersectionality and ethics of care",VABB-4,147,163,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399536,,"Two, many, and differently many",VABB-4,213,242,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399537,,"Construire la mémoire d'outre-tombe: les comtes de Flandre, leurs successeurs bourguignons et leurs proches sous les dalles funéraires",VABB-4,61,87,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399539,,Oorzaak of aanleiding? Geen causaal verband zonder causale bijdrage,VABB-4,139,208,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399542,,Commentaar art. IV.16-IV.40: handels- en economisch recht. Commentaar met overzicht van rechtspraak en rechtsleer,VABB-4,1,27,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:399546,,The development of conditional /should/ in English,VABB-4,293,322,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399548,,Learning to think and write together: collaborative synthesis writing supported by a script and a video-based model,VABB-4,67,93,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399549,,'Going back to our values': restoring symbolic hegemony through promoting 'Volunteering',VABB-4,305,327,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399555,,From Vanden twaelf dogheden to Tractat vonn Tůgentten: the rewriting of a medieval spiritual text in the Counter-Reformation,VABB-4,305,316,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399556,,Seed and venture capital,VABB-4,175,179,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399557,,Global cities and air transport,VABB-4,103,123,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399558,,An assessment of the causal relationship between air passenger traffic and trade in Asia-Pacific,VABB-4,235,254,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399559,,The global city,VABB-4,106,123,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399561,,World's fairs in perspectives: the aggregation of modern times and spaces at the beginning of the twentieth century (Ghent 1913),VABB-4,11,33,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399562,,Introduction: building bridges between the EU's immediate and broader neighbourhood,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399566,,Evolutieleer en criminologie: vriend of vijand?,VABB-4,175,192,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:399568,,Today's madness does not make sense,VABB-4,68,82,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399571,,Conclusions: overview of presented arguments,VABB-4,339,349,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399573,,Refugees as tools of irredentist policies in interwar Bulgaria,VABB-4,47,62,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399574,,Commentaar bij de artikelen VI.22-VI.24 WER,VABB-4,1,20,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399575,,Comparing rebel rule through revolution and naturalization: ideologies of governance in Naxalite and Naga India,VABB-4,138,157,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399577,,How kinesthetic motor imagery works: a predictive-processing theory of visualization in sports and motor expertise,VABB-1,53,63,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399578,,How watching Pinocchio movies changes our subjective experience of extrapersonal space,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399579,,Strengthening the protection of human rights of persons living in poverty under the ECHR,VABB-1,293,325,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399580,,Revisiting GMOs: are there differences in European consumers' acceptance and valuation for cisgenically vs transgenically bred rice?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399584,,Subthalamic nucleus stimulation and spontaneous language production in Parkinson's disease: a double laterality problem,VABB-1,76,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399585,,Mechanisms of repetitive thinking: introduction to the special series,VABB-1,568,573,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399586,,What Possible Connection Can There Be Between a Woman and a Frog?,VABB-1,21,32,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399588,,"Keep the fire burning: reciprocal gains of basic need satisfaction, intrinsic motivation and innovative work behaviour",VABB-1,491,504,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399590,,IPAQ interview version: convergent validity with accelerometers and comparison of physical activity and sedentary time levels with the self-administered version,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399591,,The effect of age on listening effort,VABB-1,1592,1600,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399592,,Kostenterugwinning van waterdiensten in woelig water: bedenkingen bij het arrest C-525/12 van het Hof van Justitie bezien in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief,VABB-1,4,21,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399596,,The potential market for GM rice with health benefits in a Chinese high-risk region,VABB-1,231,243,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399597,,Combining tDCS and working memory training to down regulate state rumination: a single-session double blind sham-controlled trial,VABB-1,754,765,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399598,,Diagnosis before treatment: identifying dairy farmers' determinants for the adoption of sustainable practices in gastrointestinal nematode control,VABB-1,308,317,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399599,,Olivocochlear efferent reflex strength in vestibular schwannoma patients,VABB-1,191,198,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399600,,The soterios project revisited: status quaestionis and the future edition,VABB-1,63,78,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399601,,Broadcast yourself: an exploratory study of sharing physical activity on social networking sites,VABB-1,120,129,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399609,,What makes weird beliefs thrive? The epidemiology of pseudoscience,VABB-1,1177,1198,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399610,,"Le volet social de la stratégie Europe 2020: à mi-parcours, le retour en arrière?",VABB-1,273,276,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399611,,Motives for consumer choice of traditional food and European food in mainland China,VABB-1,143,151,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399612,,Long-term antibody persistence in children after vaccination with the pediatric formulation of an aluminum-free virosomal hepatitis A vaccine,VABB-1,e85,e91,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399613,,Inventory of personal factors influencing conditioned pain modulation in healthy people: a systematic literature review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:399614,,Incidental threat during visuospatial working memory in adolescent anxiety: an emotional memory-guided saccade task,VABB-1,289,295,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399615,,The gray matter volume of the amygdala is correlated with the perception of melodic intervals: a voxel-based morphometry study,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399616,,Balancing 'hands-on' with 'hands-off' physical therapy interventions for the treatment of central sensitization pain in osteoarthritis,VABB-1,349,352,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399617,,"Soil, land use and landform relationship in the Precambrian lowlands of northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,84,91,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399618,,The psychotropic education and knowledge test for nurses in nursing homes: striving for PEAK performance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:399619,,Interventions for preventing and treating incontinence-associated dermatitis in adults (protocol),VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399620,,Assessing effortful control in typical and atypical development: are questionnaires and neuropsychological measures interchangeable? A latent-variable analysis,VABB-1,587,599,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399621,,Peer effects on obesity in a sample of European children,VABB-1,139,152,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399622,,Fatal attraction: the intuitive appeal of GMO opposition,VABB-1,414,418,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399624,,"De bevoegdheidsverdeling inzake zee- en binnenvaart, waterwegen en havens na de Zesde Staatshervorming",VABB-1,428,435,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:399626,,The impact of cognitive load on operatic singers' timing performance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399629,,"Bewoningssporen uit de vroege ijzertijd aan de Kapittelstraat te Ninove, Appelterre-Eichem (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,145,151,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399631,,Reference-dependency of happiness ratings,VABB-1,1437,1454,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399637,,Alignment strategies for the entrainment of music and movement rhythms,VABB-1,86,93,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399638,,Does a voucher program improve reproductive health service delivery and access in Kenya?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399639,,Review of clinical approaches and diagnostic quantities used in pedobarographic measurements,VABB-1,191,204,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399640,,Conceptualizing the effectiveness of sustainability assessment in development cooperation,VABB-1,5735,5751,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399641,,Joining forces: top management team and board chair characteristics as antecedents of board service involvement,VABB-1,420,435,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399642,,The modulatory impact of reward and attention on global feature selection in human visual cortex,VABB-1,229,248,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399644,,Trunk extension exercises: how is trunk extensor muscle recruitment related to the exercise dosage?,VABB-1,681,688,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399645,,La educación como sistema: una entrevista con Raf Vanderstraeten,VABB-1,104,115,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399646,,Effectiveness of the IDEFICS intervention on objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time in European children,VABB-1,57,67,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399647,,Dietary fiber intake and its association with indicators of adiposity and serum biomarkers in European adolescents: the HELENA study,VABB-1,771,782,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399649,,The role of health-related claims and health-related symbols in consumer behaviour: design and conceptual framework of the CLYMBOL project and initial results,VABB-1,66,72,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399650,,The impact of professional and organizational identification on the relationship between hospital-physician exchange and customer-oriented behaviour of physicians,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399651,,Of mice and men: financial and occupational differentiation among *Augustales,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399652,,Unavoidable aesthetic judgments in copyright law: a community of practice standard,VABB-1,343,381,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399653,,Is the cognitive triad a clear marker of depressive symptoms in youngsters?,VABB-1,1261,1268,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399654,,Central sensitization pain should be included in (central) neuropathic pain: response,VABB-1,E783,E784,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399655,,"Clinical inertia in general practice, a matter of debate: a qualitative study with 114 general practitioners in Belgium",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399664,,Odio e inimicizia in Etty Hillesum,VABB-2,,,126 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399665,,"Dudo of Saint-Quentin's historia Normannorum: tradition, innovation and memory",VABB-2,,,325 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399679,,"Oxford Bilingual School Dictionary: isiZulu and English / Isichazamazwi Sesikole Esinezilimi Ezimbili: IsiZulu NesiNgisi, Esishicilelwe abakwa-Oxford. Second Edition",VABB-2,,,lxxxiii + 582 pp. p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399681,,Imagining religious leadership in the Middle Ages: Richard of Saint-Vanne and the politics of reform,VABB-2,,,244 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399682,,Tweehonderd jaar justitie: historische encyclopedie van de Belgische justitie,VABB-2,,,608 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399683,,"Women, work and the Victorian periodical: living by the press",VABB-2,,,189 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399685,,Borrowing verbs from Oghuz Turkic: two linguistic areas,VABB-4,109,136,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399689,,Reconciliation dscourse,VABB-4,1,6,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399690,,Seksueel misbruik van kinderen,VABB-4,239,261,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399694,,Gezondheidsrechtelijke reacties op psychische problemen: dwangopneming en bescherming van onbekwamen,VABB-4,101,123,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399695,,Landscape as image,VABB-4,127,143,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399696,,The interest to sue before the Belgian Council of State and the right of access to a court,VABB-5,175,196,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399697,,Het academische en arbeidsmarkgerichte toekomstperspectief van jongeren met een Turkse en Marokkaanse migratieachtergrond in Gent en Antwerpen,VABB-4,118,138,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399698,,Marine spatial planning: global and regional conventions and organizations,VABB-4,85,100,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399699,,Family sociodemographic characteristics as correlates of children's breakfast habits and weight status in eight European countries: the ENERGY (EuropeaN Energy balance Research to prevent excessive weight Gain among Youth) project,VABB-1,774,783,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399701,,Degree of bone marrow oedema in sacroiliac joints of patients with axial spondyloarthritis is linked to gut inflammation and male sex: results from the GIANT cohort,VABB-1,1186,1189,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399702,,How useful are corpus-based methods for extrapolating psycholinguistic variables?,VABB-1,1623,1642,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399704,,Mathematical abilities in elementary school children with autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,606,623,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399705,,Are emotions reliable guides for policy making? An evolutionary perspective,VABB-1,39,56,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399707,,Systematic review: family resilience after pediatric cancer diagnosis,VABB-1,856,868,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399708,,Internet-delivered cognitive control training as a preventive intervention for remitted depressed patients: protocol for a randomized controlled trial.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399709,,"'The time of the leaflet': pamphlets and political communication in the UPA (Northern Angola, around 1961)",VABB-1,221,244,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399711,,Does Baker-Miller pink reduce aggression in prison detention cells? A critical empirical examination,VABB-1,482,489,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399712,,Methodology of comparative legal research,VABB-1,1,35,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399713,,"Midden- en Oost-Europese superdiversiteit: het klassieke, multiculturele doelgroepenbeleid achterhaald?",VABB-1,355,370,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399715,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens: 1 augustus 2014 tot 31 oktober 2014,VABB-1,39,43,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399716,,Quaternary glacial and periglacial processes in the Ethiopian Highlands in relation to the current afro-alpine vegetation,VABB-1,37,57,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399718,,Enhancing the credibility of reporting on corporate social responsibility in Europe,VABB-1,190,126,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399719,,Communication training: skills and beyond,VABB-1,1287,1291,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399720,,Human resources for primary health care in sub-Saharan Africa: progress or stagnation?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399721,,Between a contaminated past and a compromised future: the case of the Ghent Orphanages (1945–1984),VABB-1,631,643,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399723,,"The influence of dairy consumption, sedentary behaviour and physical activity on bone mass in Flemish children: a cross-sectional study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399724,,Gender and ecological restoration: time to connect the dots,VABB-1,729,736,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399725,,Wisdom as a meditation on life: spinoza on bacon and civil history,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:399726,,Within-subject mediation analysis in AB/BA crossover designs,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399727,,Transitions in European land-management regimes between 1800 and 2010,VABB-1,53,64,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399728,,Neural networks with non-uniform embedding and explicit validation phase to assess Granger causality,VABB-1,159,171,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399730,,"Core characteristics, treatment process and retention in therapeutic communities for addictions: a summary of four studies",VABB-1,89,102,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399731,,Factors involved in the identification of stuttering severity in a foreign language,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399734,,Functional outcome and quality of life after rehabilitation for voluntary posterior shoulder dislocation: a prospective blinded cohort study,VABB-1,263,272,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399735,,"Les agences de l’union européenne: Origines, état des lieux et défis",VABB-1,293,318,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:399736,,Emancipatie op het kruispunt van Seksuele en Etnisch-culturele diversiteit: in gesprek met Merhaba en Respect2Love,VABB-1,197,216,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399737,,Heavy social drinkers score higher on implicit wanting and liking for alcohol than alcohol-dependent patients and light social drinkers,VABB-1,185,191,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399738,,"'Indien ik mijn leven opnieuw kon beginnen...', Ontdubbeling van de moeder in het oeuvre van Philip Huyghe",VABB-1,211,234,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399739,,A discrete spatial choice model of burglary target selection at the house-level,VABB-1,24,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399740,,Spontaneous activity in the waiting brain: a marker of impulsive choice in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder?,VABB-1,114,122,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399741,,Firm size and spillover effects from foreign direct investment: the case of Romania,VABB-1,595,611,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399742,,Kroniek van het handelshuurrecht (2006-2014),VABB-1,83,103,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399743,,A double meaning re-negotiation: Italian films in Flanders as cultural objects,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399744,,Learning algorithm selection for comprehensible regression analysis using datasetoids,VABB-1,1019,1034,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399745,,Aphasia therapy early after stroke: behavioural and neurophysiological changes in the acute and post-acute phases,VABB-1,845,871,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399746,,Irrelevant location information influences accuracy in bowling,VABB-1,25,33,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399748,,Two mothers and a donor: exploration of children's family concepts in lesbian households,VABB-1,83,90,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399750,,The UP4FUN intervention effect on breaking up sedentary time in 10- to 12-year-old Belgian children: the ENERGY-project,VABB-1,234,242,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399751,,"Wetland landscape dynamics, Swifterbant land use systems, and the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the southern North Sea basin",VABB-1,119,133,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399753,,Congruency effects on the basis of instructed response-effect contingencies,VABB-1,43,50,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399755,,Quality of life and body mass index in overweight adult women with polycystic ovary syndrome during a lifestyle modification program,VABB-1,587,599,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399757,,"Implicit measures of ""wanting"" and ""liking"" in humans",VABB-1,350,364,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399758,,"Boek VII van het Wetboek Economisch Recht: codificatie, doch tevens innovatie",VABB-1,47,81,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399759,,Traveling through languages: reports on language experiences in tourists' travel blogs,VABB-1,347,372,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399760,,"A self-regulation perspective on avoidance and persistence behaviour in chronic pain: new theories, new challenges?",VABB-1,115,122,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399761,,Wortstellungsvariation und Konstruktionsverschmelzung,VABB-1,145,158,,ger,2015,1 c:vabb:399765,,"The rising burden of chronic conditions among urban poor: a three-year follow-up survey in Bengaluru, India",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399768,,Long working hours and alcohol use: systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies and unpublished individual participant data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399769,,Oblique case-marking in Indo-Aryan experiencer constructions: historical roots and synchronic variation,VABB-1,23,39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399770,,Rechtstreeks getuigen en getuigen aan de hand van sporen,VABB-1,131,142,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399771,,Structural and functional brain abnormalities in chronic low back pain: a systematic review,VABB-1,229,237,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399772,,Auditory and motor contributions to the timing of melodies under cognitive load,VABB-1,1336,1352,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399773,,Het vernieuwde decreet integraal waterbeleid: sneller en beter,VABB-1,576,602,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:399775,,Readiness for smoking cessation in coronary heart disease patients across Europe: results from the EuroAspire III survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399776,,A validity assessment of the Progress out of Poverty Index (PPI)™,VABB-1,10,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399777,,De evolutie van de rechtsbronnen,VABB-4,51,69,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399780,,De Belgische advocatuur,VABB-4,330,362,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399783,,Favouring leaders over Laggards: Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan,VABB-4,177,192,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399784,,The European remuneration framework: recent policy changes and their implications on executive remuneration contracts,VABB-4,13,48,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399786,,Historisch onderzoek over Antwerpen aan de geschiedenisafdelingen van de Vlaamse universiteiten,VABB-1,161,166,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399794,,Het herroepingsrecht in het Belgische consumentenrecht anno 2015,VABB-4,97,144,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399797,,Tucht voor gedetineerden,VABB-4,155,177,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399798,,Conceptualizing and assessing interpersonal adaptability: towards a functional framework,VABB-4,52,72,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399799,,From 'Re-education' as an educational paradox to education as a shared cimmitment?,VABB-4,337,352,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399800,,Strafrechtelijke aspecten,VABB-4,767,809,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399802,,Sleep deprivation selectively disrupts top-down adaptation to cognitive conflict in the Stroop test,VABB-1,666,672,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399803,,Differential subject marking in Nepali imperfective constructions: a probabilistic grammar approach,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399804,,Comparing indoor and outdoor network models for automatically calculating turns,VABB-1,148,165,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399805,,The international renewable energy agency: a success story in institutional innovation?,VABB-1,159,177,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399806,,Indicators of sailing performance in youth dinghy sailing,VABB-1,213,219,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399808,,Dissolving the 'problem of the absent artifact': design representations as means for counterfactual understanding and knowledge generalisation,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399809,,"Raman spectroscopic study of ""The Malatesta"": a renaissance painting?",VABB-1,45,49,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399811,,A multifactorial injury prevention intervention reduces injury incidence in Physical Education Teacher Education students,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:399814,,Pyla Kokkinokremos: preliminary report on the 2014 excavations,VABB-1,1,37,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399815,,Equating accelerometer estimates among youth: the Rosetta Stone 2,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:399816,,The influence of cognitive control training on stress reactivity and rumination in response to a lab stressor and naturalistic stress,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399817,,Wie niet mooi is moet betrouwbaar zijn,VABB-1,182,185,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399818,,"Community knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and practices towards children with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus in Uganda",VABB-1,182,201,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399819,,Charl-Pierre Naudé en Gert Vlok Nel in Nederland en Vlaanderen: Laterale transnationale bewegingen van Afrikaanstalige schrijvers naar Nederlands en Engels,VABB-1,111,122,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:399820,,Role of angiogenic factors/cell adhesion markers in serum of cirrhotic patients with hepatopulmonary syndrome,VABB-1,1499,1507,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399821,,EUFOR RCA and CSDP crisis management operations: back on track?,VABB-1,267,285,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399825,,Nasalance and nasality in children with cochlear implants and children with hearing aids,VABB-1,541,545,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399827,,"Batman Returns, again and again: an explorative inquiry into the recent ‘Batman’ film franchise, artistic imitation and fan appreciation",VABB-1,37,50,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399828,,Household food security through cooperative societies in northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,60,72,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399829,,"Reconciling ontic and epistemic constraints on mechanistic explanation, epistemically",VABB-1,5,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399830,,Trends in the co-occurrence of tobacco and cannabis use in 15-year-olds from 2002 to 2010 in 28 countries of Europe and North America,VABB-1,73,75,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399831,,Occurrence and duration of various operational definitions of sedentary bouts and cross-sectional associations with cardiometabolic health indicators: the ENERGY-project,VABB-1,101,106,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399832,,A geochemical study on the bitumen from Dosariyah (Saudi-Arabia): trackin Neolithic-period bitumen in the Persian Gulf,VABB-1,248,256,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399835,,Technology transfer as a driver for location of R&D active firms on science parks,VABB-1,80,101,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399838,,Do attitudes toward school influence the underachievement of Turkish and Moroccan minority students in Flanders? The attitude-achievement paradox revisited,VABB-1,332,354,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399839,,Examining the relation between mood and rumination in remitted depressed individuals: a dynamic systems analysis,VABB-1,619,627,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399841,,Adaptation policy: film policy and adaptations in Flanders (1964-2002),VABB-1,64,76,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399842,,"Capturing and explaining preference heterogeneity for wetland management options in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania",VABB-1,100,112,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399843,,Examining the role of psychological need satisfaction in sleep: a self-determination theory perspective,VABB-1,199,204,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399844,,Organizing 'Play Streets' during school vacations can increase physical activity and decrease sedentary time in children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399846,,Thermal performance of a nearly zero energy passive house integratedwith the air–air heat exchanger and the earth–water heat exchanger,VABB-1,53,63,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399850,,"Het verbod tot vaststelling van de bloedschennige afstamming doorbroken: noot bij GwH 9 augustus 2012, nr. 103/2012",VABB-1,69,78,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399851,,"Undermining the State? Informal mining and trajectories of State formation in Eastern Mindanao, Philippines",VABB-1,177,199,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399852,,Integrating order acceptance decisions with flexible due dates in a production planning model with load-dependent lead times,VABB-1,3810,3822,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399855,,"Endogenous pain modulation in response to exercise in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and comorbid fibromyalgia and healthy controls: a double blinded randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,98,106,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399856,,Assessment of activity limitations and participation restrictions with persons with chronic fatigue syndrome: a systematic review,VABB-1,1706,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399857,,Combining EMI and GPR for non-invasive soil sensing at the Stonehenge World Heritage Site: the reconstruction of a WW1 practice trench,VABB-1,166,178,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399858,,Hybrid tabu search and a truncated branch-and-bound for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem,VABB-1,107,117,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399859,,Factors influencing the process of medication (non-)adherence and (non-)persistence in breast cancer patients with adjuvant antihormonal therapy: a qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:399861,,Taak van de feitenrechter bij discriminaties in de wet of door lacunes van de wet,VABB-1,143,192,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:399862,,The detection of eating disorder symptoms in adolescence: a comparison between the children's eating disorder examination and the children's eating disorder examination questionnaire,VABB-1,190,201,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399863,,"Illustrated Glasgow editions of Robert Burns's poems, 1800–1802",VABB-1,133,144,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399864,,A wiki task for first-year university students: the effect of scripting students' collaboration,VABB-1,37,44,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399865,,Facial transplantation: history and update,VABB-1,99,103,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399866,,Villa Voortman: carte blanche or not ?,VABB-1,62,73,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399867,,Introduction: a critical approach to children's rights,VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399870,,"Madness, subjectivity, and the mirror stage: Lacan and Merleau-Ponty",VABB-4,159,172,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399876,,"Valency classes in Icelandic: oblique subjects, oblique ambitransitives and the actional passive",VABB-4,367,416,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399878,,Interpretation of research on technology integration in teacher education: preparation and current practices,VABB-4,1239,1263,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399879,,Interrogating the concept of 'harmful cultural practices',VABB-4,11,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399880,,The political career of county councillors in Europe: examining the internal logic of professionalization and comparative country patterns,VABB-4,223,246,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399882,,Quality of experience versus user experience,VABB-4,35,54,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399883,,"The future of the Baroque, c. 1980",VABB-4,231,237,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399884,,Calculating least risk paths in 3D indoor space,VABB-4,13,31,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399886,,Democratizing party leadership selection in Belgium and Israel,VABB-4,85,103,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399890,,Van gokken en gamen tot facebook en food: alles een verslaving?,VABB-1,199,206,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399891,,Effects of organizationally endorsed coaching on performance and validity of situational judgment tests,VABB-1,174,181,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399893,,The introduction and consolidation of the rule of law in Ukraine: domestic hindrances at the level of the demand for law,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399894,,The critical aesthetics of performing objects: Kris Verdonck,VABB-1,39,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399897,,Biodiversity loss and climate change: gender issues in international law and policy,VABB-1,23,38,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399900,,How well does Europe sleep? A cross-national study of sleep problems in European older adults,VABB-1,643,650,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399902,,Teaching fractions in elementary school: an observational study,VABB-1,49,75,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399903,,Life is… great! Emotional attention during instructed and uninstructed ambiguity resolution in relation to depressive symptoms,VABB-1,67,72,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399905,,Zoeken in het woud van data,VABB-1,70,73,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399906,,African female physicians and nurses in the global care chain: qualitative explorations from five destination countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399907,,ESHRE task force on ethics and law 22: preimplantation genetic diagnosis,VABB-1,1610,1617,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399908,,From affective experience to motivated action: tracking reward-seeking and punishment-avoidant behaviour in real-life,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399910,,Using pretest data to screen low-reactivity individuals in the autonomic-based concealed information test,VABB-1,436,439,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399911,,In het Goudland van Claus en Conscience: Claus' adaptatie van Consciences roman,VABB-1,1,10,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399914,,A metasynthesis of published case studies through Lacan's L-schema: transference in perversion,VABB-1,773,795,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:399915,,"De avonturen van een kostschoolmeisje: Dorothea van Male, Schola Nostra (1971) en Hugo Claus' herschrijfpraktijk",VABB-1,171,198,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399916,,Implicit beliefs about ideal body image predict body image dissatisfaction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399917,,"The disconcerting popularity of popular in/justice in the Fizi/Uvira region, eastern democratic republic of the Congo",VABB-1,335,359,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399919,,Social capital in the classroom: a study of in-class social capital and school adjustment,VABB-1,669,688,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399920,,Increased motor preparation activity during fluent single word production in DS: a correlate for stuttering frequency and severity,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399921,,Towards a conceptual framework for assessing the effectiveness of digital game-based learning,VABB-1,29,37,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399922,,Een nieuwe kijk op de Vlaamse Hogeschool: de Duitse bezettingspolitiek en de universiteiten van Gent en Warschau tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog in een transnationaal perspectief,VABB-1,142,167,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399923,,The effect of parental loss on cognitive and affective interference in adolescent boys from a post-conflict region,VABB-1,11,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399924,,Functional connectivity density and balance in young patients with traumatic axonal injury,VABB-1,423,432,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399925,,"Seasonal patterns in food markets in north-west Europe in the second quarter of the nineteenth century: the evidence of periodic markets in France, England, and Belgium, 1820 to 1850",VABB-1,60,80,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399926,,The Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 is reliable in young high-level soccer players,VABB-1,65,70,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399927,,The physically active lifestyle of Flemish secondary school teachers: A mixed-methods approach towards developing a physical activity intervention,VABB-1,326,339,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399929,,A new scheduling technique for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows,VABB-1,2771,2786,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399932,,"Screening for dysglycaemia in patients with coronary artery disease as reflected by fasting glucose, oral glucose tolerance test, and HbA1c: a report from EUROASPIRE IV, a survey from the European Society of Cardiology",VABB-1,1171,U98,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399933,,Hofrituelen en koloniale recuperatie van de Oostendse Compagnie in 18e eeuws Bengalen en China,VABB-1,119,138,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399934,,The economic logic of persistent informality: artisanal and small-scale mining in the southern Philippines,VABB-1,1023,1046,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399935,,Nondestructive investigation on the 17-18th centuries Sicilian jewelry collection at the Messina regional museum using mobile Raman equipment,VABB-1,989,995,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399936,,Eindelijk een echte nieuwe en goede wet op de internering? Deel 2: de uitvoeringsfase,VABB-1,42,62,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399938,,Mathematical proofs in practice: revisiting the reliability of published mathematical proofs,VABB-1,345,360,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399940,,De impact van de Gentse Drugsbehandelingskamer op recidive,VABB-1,206,226,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399942,,Prevalence of vocal tract discomfort in the Flemish population without self-perceived voice disorders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:399945,,Begrotingsbeleid voor werkgelegenheid en groei zonder ongelijkheid,VABB-1,528,531,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399946,,Is attentional prioritization on a location where pain is expected modality-specific or multisensory?,VABB-1,246,255,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399950,,Orthopedagogiek en verslavingsonderzoek aan de Ugent: een zoektocht naar methoden en interventies om herstel en kwaliteit van leven te bevorderen,VABB-1,258,269,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399952,,Kinderen van Vlaamse collaborateurs: de erfenis van het digitaal ontsloten,VABB-1,575,593,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:399953,,Financial reporting quality and the cost of debt of SMEs,VABB-1,149,164,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399954,,Beyond victimization: contentious food politics in Belgium during World War I,VABB-1,83,107,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399955,,On the edge of acceptability: arguments for the syntactic dependence of the Flemish external possessor on the possessee DP,VABB-1,51,93,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:399956,,Hybridization in a corporatist third sector regime: paradoxes of 'responsibilized autonomy',VABB-1,115,134,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399957,,Het journalistieke brongebruik in tijden van churnalism en Twitter: een surveyonderzoek bij Vlaamse beroepsjournalisten (2008-2013),VABB-1,64,83,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:399958,,When deception becomes easy: the effects of task switching and goal neglect on the truth proportion effect,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399959,,"Sexual onset and contraceptive use among adolescents from poor neighbourhoods in Managua, Nicaragua",VABB-1,88,100,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399960,,"The relationships between ambiguity tolerance, learning strategies, and learning Chinese as a second language",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399961,,Rechtshersteldecreet beoogt (opnieuw) integratiespoor-RUP's te redden,VABB-1,1203,1223,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399962,,Portrayal of the human resource crisis and accountability in healthcare: a qualitative analysis of Ugandan newspapers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399964,,Gender and socioeconomic related differences in performance based ICT competences,VABB-1,8,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399965,,Study of the stability of earned value management forecasting,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399966,,Articular dysfunction patterns in patients with mechanical low back pain: a clinical algorithm to guide specific mobilization and manipulation techniques,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399968,,"Parental modeling, education and children's sports and TV time: the ENERGY-project",VABB-1,96,101,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399969,,"The effects of a hearing education program on recreational noise exposure, attitudes and beliefs toward noise, hearing loss, and hearing protector devices in young adults",VABB-1,253,262,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399970,,"Association between innovative entrepreneurial orientation, absorptive capacity, and farm business performance",VABB-1,91,106,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399971,,The impact of reserve duties on the robustness of a personnel shift roster: an empirical investigation,VABB-1,153,169,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399974,,Intellectual property infringements & 3D printing: decentralized piracy,VABB-1,1483,1504,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:399976,,"Teatro, política y sociedad: la representación de la violencia en el fenómeno Teatro Abierto (1981)",VABB-1,9,24,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:399977,,What are the most important tasks of tutors during the tutorials in hybrid problem-based learning curricula?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399978,,Rechtspraakoverzicht over het Wetboek van de Belgische Nationaliteit gewijzigd door de wet van 4 december 2012,VABB-1,6,13,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399980,,The cognitive mechanisms underlying deception: an event-related potential study,VABB-1,395,405,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399985,,Relationship between reflection ability and clinical performance: a cross-sectional and retrospective-longitudinal correlational cohort study in midwifery,VABB-1,90,94,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399986,,Syndromes of collateral-reported psychopathology for ages 18-59 in 18 societies,VABB-1,18,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399989,,Enhancing both motor and cognitive functioning in Parkinson's disease: aerobic exercise as a rehabilitative intervention,VABB-1,68,77,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399990,,Geen vergoeding voor wrongful life,VABB-1,1617,1622,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399991,,Mesolithic hearth-pits: fact or fantasy? A reassessment based on the evidence from the sites of Doel and Verrebroek (Belgium),VABB-1,158,171,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399992,,"Illustration of compositional variations over time of Chinese porcelain glazes combining micro-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, multivariate data analysis and Seger formulas",VABB-1,106,111,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399993,,How 'situational' is judgment in situational judgment tests?,VABB-1,399,416,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:399994,,Stabilisering van tussentaal? Het taalrepertorium in de Westhoek als casus,VABB-1,43,95,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399995,,User engagement in living lab field trials,VABB-1,26,39,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399996,,Hoe toegankelijk is de huurmarkt? Een onderzoek naar het verband tussen segregatie en etnische discriminatie op de residentiële huurmarkt in België,VABB-1,54,72,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:399997,,Digest of State Practice 1 July - 31 December 2014,VABB-1,119,162,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:399998,,Validating a decision tree for serious infection: diagnostic accuracy in acutely ill children in ambulatory care,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400000,,Guidelines and ethical considerations for assessment center operations,VABB-1,1244,1273,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400001,,Socio-demographic and fertility related characteristics and motivations of oocyte donors in eleven European countries,VABB-1,1076,1089,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400002,,International harmonization and mitochondrial replacement,VABB-1,269,269,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400004,,Het Belgisch penitentiair drugsbeleid: sleutelfiguren uit de top van de administratie kijken vooruit,VABB-1,16,20,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400006,,"Equality of opportunities, divergent conceptualisations and their implications for early childhood care and education policies",VABB-1,456,472,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400007,,Van goudwaarde in verkiezingstijden? Electorale presidentialisering van het burgemeesterschap in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,33,55,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400008,,Verbal and non-verbal cognitive control in bilinguals and interpreters,VABB-1,1579,1586,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400010,,Gender differences in mental disorders and suicidality in Europe: results from a large cross-sectional population-based study,VABB-1,245,254,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400011,,"Obsessive-compulsive symptoms in children and adolescents: symptomatology, impairment and quality of life",VABB-1,1389,1398,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400013,,"The good, the bad and the implicit: a comprehensive approach to annotating explicit and implicit sentiment",VABB-1,685,720,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400014,,"De-institutionalization of high culture? Realized curricula in secondary education in Flanders, 1930-2000",VABB-1,515,533,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400015,,Belgische consumenten-class action,VABB-1,16,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400016,,Gender en etnische diversiteit op school: een kwantitatief onderzoek naar genderverschillen in de relatie tussen etnische diversiteit en interetnische vriendschap,VABB-1,97,113,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:400017,,How satisfying is the scale for travel satisfaction?,VABB-1,121,130,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400019,,The SPOTLIGHT virtual audit tool: a valid and reliable tool to assess obesogenic characteristics of the built environment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400020,,Consensus for physiotherapy for shoulder pain,VABB-1,715,720,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400021,,Transnational land deals: towards an inclusive land governance framework,VABB-1,781,789,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400022,,Data-analytical stability of cluster-wise and peak-wise inference in fMRI data analysis,VABB-1,37,47,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400023,,Periodic limb movements during sleep are associated with a lower quality of life in children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis,VABB-1,897,902,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400024,,Organizational capacity and organizational ambition in nonprofit and voluntary sports clubs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400025,,"The past is evil/evil is past: on retrospective politics, 'philosophy of history, and temporal manichaeism",VABB-1,333,352,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400026,,Multimorbidity measures were poor predictors of adverse events in patients aged ≥80 years: a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,220,227,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400027,,"Rule of law and institutional legitimacy: challenges of transition, challenges of Europe",VABB-1,369,391,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400028,,Toward a culturally sensitive conceptualization of resilience: participatory research with war-affected communities in northern Uganda,VABB-1,396,416,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400029,,Een exploratieve studie naar de criminele carrières van druggebruikende delinquenten op basis van Belgische (parket)data,VABB-1,69,76,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400032,,Sociaal Europa 2020: halfweg: de weg terug?,VABB-1,263,266,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400033,,'Soldiers for a joint cause': a relational perspective on local and international educational leagues and associations in the 1860s,VABB-1,4,24,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400034,,Complex facial reconstruction by vascularized composite allotransplantation: the first Belgian case,VABB-1,362,371,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400035,,De gemoderniseerde EU-staatssteunregels: naar meer responsabilisering van de lidstaten,VABB-1,763,775,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400036,,Deaf and disabled? (Un)employment of the deaf in Belgium: a comparison of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century cohorts,VABB-1,460,474,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400037,,A validated set of tool pictures with matched objects and non-objects for laterality research,VABB-1,22,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400038,,The language of sedation in end-of-life care: the ethical reasoning of care providers in three countries,VABB-1,339,354,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400039,,Hyperconnectivity in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: a network analysis,VABB-1,98,104,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400040,,Modified atmosphere packaging and irradiation to preserve contemporary food-based art: an experimental study,VABB-1,391,397,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400041,,About stagnation and the emperor’s new clothes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400042,,"The emergence of sex differences in personality traits in early adolescence: a cross-sectional, cross-cultural study",VABB-1,171,185,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400044,,"Linguistic innovation, political centralization and economic integration in the Kongo kingdom: Reconstructing the spread of prefix reduction",VABB-1,139,185,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400045,,Lessons from conducting trans-national Internet-mediated participatory research with hidden populations of cannabis cultivators,VABB-1,238,249,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400046,,Assessing the harms of cannabis cultivation in Belgium,VABB-1,277,289,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400047,,European adolescent ready-to-eat-cereal (RTEC) consumers have a healthier dietary intake and body composition compared with non-RTEC consumers,VABB-1,653,664,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400048,,Examining the impact of cochlear implantation on the early gross motor development of children with a hearing loss,VABB-1,e113,e121,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400049,,Communication difficulties and the experience of loneliness in patients with cancer dealing with fertility issues: a qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400050,,World cities under conditions of financialized globalization: towards an augmented world city hypothesis,VABB-1,752,775,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400053,,The international legacy of Kenneth Burke,VABB-1,1,3,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400054,,Which future for competition in the global trade system: competition chapters in FTAs,VABB-1,407,436,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400055,,A commuter-based two-step floating catchment area method for measuring spatial accessibility of daycare centers,VABB-1,65,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400056,,Kōdōkan Jūdō’s three orphaned forms of counter techniques: part 1: the Gonosen-no-kata: 'Forms of post-attack initiative counter throws',VABB-1,93,123,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400057,,"A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis of the Hungarian, Polish and Lithuanian presidencies and European Union Eastern partnership policies",VABB-1,556,580,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400058,,When idols look into the future: fair treatment modulates the affective forecasting error in talent show candidates,VABB-1,19,36,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400059,,"Seymour et al. Palliative sedation: improvement of guidelines necessary, but not sufficient: a reply",VABB-1,481,481,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400060,,An analysis of managerialism and performance in English and Welsh male prisons,VABB-1,224,235,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400061,,Constructing the 'child at risk' in social work reports: a way of seeing is a way of not seeing,VABB-1,198,208,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400065,,Parental expectations of maternal and child health services,VABB-1,197,206,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400066,,Does students' machismo fit in school? Clarifying the implications of traditional gender role ideology for school belonging,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400068,,Acromiohumeral distance and 3-dimensional scapular position change after overhead muscle fatigue,VABB-1,281,288,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400069,,Development and experimental evaluation of a focused business model representation,VABB-1,61,71,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400070,,Appellate caseload and the switch to comparative negligence,VABB-1,147,156,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400071,,De visie van Turkse en Marokkaanse moeders op de vrijetijdsbesteding van hun kinderen,VABB-1,24,41,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400072,,Transcranial electric stimulation and neurocognitive training in clinically depressed patients: a pilot study of the effects on rumination,VABB-1,93,99,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400073,,Pleidooi voor een wetgevende hervorming van het Belgische afstammingsrecht,VABB-1,53,59,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400074,,Hoe onmenselijk is het vrijewilscepticisme? Een repliek op Bart Nelissen,VABB-1,298,303,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400077,,"Weaving intersectionality into disability studies research: inclusion, reflexivity and anti-essentialism",VABB-1,75,94,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400078,,Henry James studies: an interview with Gert Buelens,VABB-1,109,118,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:400079,,Factors affecting university image formation among prospective higher education students: the case of international branch campuses,VABB-1,1256,1272,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400080,,Loonmatiging geen stimulans voor O&O-bedrijfsinvesteringen,VABB-1,582,585,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400081,,On the relation between models and hypotheses and the role of heuristic hypotheses in the construction of scientific models,VABB-1,41,69,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:400083,,"Household and state-istics: cornerstones of society in population censuses (Belgium, 1846-1947)",VABB-1,201,2015,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400084,,The multicultural family in conflict: legal and socio-anthropological perspectives on child residency,VABB-1,190,207,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400086,,'Bad boys don’t cry': a thematic analysis of interpersonal dynamics in interview narratives of young offenders with psychopathic traits,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400087,,"Efficacy of mid-upper arm circumference in identification, follow-up and discharge of malnourished children during nutrition rehabilitation",VABB-1,268,277,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400088,,The development of the therapeutic community for addictions in Denmark: a short report based on an interview with Hanne Holm Hage-Ali,VABB-1,103,110,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400089,,The role of orientation experiments in discovering mechanisms,VABB-1,46,55,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400090,,Sequential movement skill in Parkinson's disease: a state-of-the-art,VABB-1,102,112,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400091,,Woorden die snijden,VABB-1,98,106,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400092,,Factors influencing adherence in cancer patients taking oral tyrosine kinase inhibitors: a qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:400093,,"The association between family affluence and smoking among 15-year-old adolescents in 33 European countries, Israel and Canada: the role of national wealth",VABB-1,162,173,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400094,,Participatory medicine: a home score for streptococcal pharyngitis,VABB-1,289,289,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:400095,,Personalized estimates of benefit from preventive care guidelines,VABB-1,140,140,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400096,,Tussen partij en parlement: het profiel van de fractievoorzitter in België,VABB-1,185,215,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400098,,Can evolution get us off the hook? Evaluating the ecological defence of human rationality,VABB-1,524,535,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400099,,"Europe 2020: les objectifs sociaux, cinq ans plus tard",VABB-1,1,18,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:400101,,"The institutional balance, an Ill-fated principle of EU law?",VABB-1,371,392,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400102,,Pour une réanalyse catégorielle et fonctionnelle de la construction X de même que Y,VABB-1,171,189,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:400104,,From slurs to silence? Sodomy and mendicants in the writings of Catholic laymen in early modern Ghent,VABB-1,629,649,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400107,,In reply to 'Hemodialysis catheters: which design is more cost-effective?' and 'Use of an uncensored primary outcome in a catheter design trial?',VABB-1,171,171,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400108,,Transition thinking incorporated: towards a new discussion framework on sustainable urban projects,VABB-1,3269,3289,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400109,,Clarifying the divide between delegated and implementing acts?,VABB-1,175,190,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400110,,"The Belgian, French and Dutch midwife on trial: a critical case study",VABB-1,547,553,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400113,,Application of third molar development and eruption models in estimating dental age in Malay sub-adults,VABB-1,40,44,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400114,,Changes in the perceived neighborhood environment in relation to changes in physical activity: a longitudinal study from childhood into adolescence,VABB-1,132,141,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400116,,Treatment satisfaction and quality of support in outpatient substitution treatment: opiate users' experiences and perspectives,VABB-1,272,280,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400117,,Agricultural land conversion in Northwest Iran,VABB-1,281,290,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400119,,Parish studies and the debates on religious life in the low countries (Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period),VABB-1,64,77,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400121,,Armoedebeleid in de nieuwe regeerakkoorden en beleidsbrieven,VABB-1,143,164,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400122,,How to be a gamer! Exploring personal and social indicators of gamer identity,VABB-1,346,361,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400123,,Dietary animal and plant protein intakes and their associations with obesity and cardio-metabolic indicators in European adolescents: the HELENA cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400124,,Structuring the peer assessment process: a multilevel approach for the impact on product improvement and peer feedback quality,VABB-1,435,449,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400125,,Emotion-recognition abilities and behavior problem dimensions in preschoolers: evidence for a specific role for childhood hyperactivity,VABB-1,25,40,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400127,,The impact of accelerated HF-rTMS on the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex in refractory unipolar major depression: insights from 18FDG PET brain imaging,VABB-1,808,815,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400128,,Forensische pilootprojecten 'medium security': incidenten tijdens behandeling van geïnterneerden ressorterend onder CBM Gent,VABB-1,26,45,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400130,,"Effectiveness of a web-based, computer-tailored, pedometer-based physical activity intervention for adults: a cluster randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,21,35,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400131,,Does pharmacologic treatment in patients with established coronary artery disease and diabetes fulfil guideline recommended targets? A report from the EuroAspire III cross-sectional Study Group,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400132,,An ER-directed gelsolin nanobody targets the first step in amyloid formation in a gelsolin amyloidosis mouse model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400133,,Habitat restoration on private lands in the United States and the EU: moving from contestation to collaboration?,VABB-1,33,60,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400134,,Strafrecht en de informatiemaatschappij,VABB-1,139,149,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400136,,"Jongeren, de politie en het sociaal werk: bevindingen vanuit het 'hulp-en-recht debat'",VABB-1,49,67,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400137,,"Artikel 5, 3. Brussel I-Verordening laat niet toe verweerder te dagen op de plaats van de schadeverwekkende handeling van de mededader: De terugvordering door een overheidslichaam van een te veel betaald bedrag na een administratieve procedure valt onder de Brussel I-Verordening (noten onder Hof van Justitie 16 mei 2013 en 11 april 2013)",VABB-1,53,56,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400138,,Comparison of self-rated health and activity limitation as predictors of short term mortality in the older population,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400139,,Practical guidelines for studying young children with autism spectrum disorder in psychophysiological experiments,VABB-1,373,386,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400140,,What can atypical language hemispheric specialization tell us about cognitive functions?,VABB-1,220,226,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400142,,Ghent's Red-Light district in comparative perspective,VABB-1,248,260,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400145,,"Language visibility, functionality and meaning across various TimeSpace scales in Brussels' multilingual landscapes",VABB-1,163,181,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400146,,The not-in-my-property syndrome: rental housing market discrimination in two Belgian cities,VABB-1,158,175,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400147,,'Why should I care?' Challenging free will attenuates neural reaction to errors,VABB-1,262,268,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400149,,Ervaringsdeskundigen of rechtsgeleerden? Het competentieprofiel van de griffiers van de Raad van Vlaanderen (1386-1795),VABB-1,48,78,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400150,,The challenges of Belgian prostitution markets as legal informal economies: an empirical look behind the scenes at the oldest profession in the world,VABB-1,485,507,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400151,,Improving direct mail targeting through customer response modeling,VABB-1,8403,8412,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400152,,General image of and beliefs about European food in two mainland Chinese cities Shanghai and Xi'an,VABB-1,1581,1595,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400154,,Longitudinal follow-up study of adolescents who report a suicide attempt: aspects of suicidal behavior that increase risk of a future attempt,VABB-1,19,26,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400155,,Relationship of the perceived social and physical environment with mental health-related quality of life in middle-aged and older adults: mediating effects of physical activity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400156,,Antibiotics for acute sore throat,VABB-1,919,920,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400157,,Five cards,VABB-1,220,220,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400158,,Sore throat in primary care: there are still problems in identifying who will develop complications of sore throat in primary care,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400159,,"L'idéophone en ebwela, langue bantoue du nord-ouest de la RD Congo",VABB-1,1,24,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:400160,,Domain-general involvement of the posterior frontolateral cortex in time-based resource-sharing in working memory: an fMRI study,VABB-1,104,116,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400161,,A performance assessment ontology for the environmental and energy management of buildings,VABB-1,249,259,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400162,,A short dermoscopy training increases diagnostic performance in both inexperienced and experienced dermatologists,VABB-1,52,55,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400163,,What you see is what you get: motor resonance in peripheral vision,VABB-1,3013,3022,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400164,,Nieuw Belgisch kader inzake ADR en consumentengeschillen,VABB-1,33,44,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400168,,L'historique linguistique arbitrale en confrontation avec la détermination de la langue de le procédure,VABB-1,201,208,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:400170,,Managing the complexity of doing it all: an exploratory study on students' experiences when trained stepwise in conducting consultations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400171,,A cross-cultural approach to Brokeback Mountain (1997 & 2005),VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400172,,"European unions and the repoliticization of transnational capital: labor's stance regarding the Financial Transaction Tax (FTT), the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA)",VABB-1,327,344,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400173,,Selective reorienting response of the left hemisphere to invalid visual targets in the right side of space: relevance for the spatial neglect syndrome,VABB-1,31,35,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400174,,RT-based memory detection: Item saliency effects in the single-probe and the multiple-probe protocol,VABB-1,59,65,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400175,,Gully cut- and- fill cycles as related to agromanagement: a historical curve number simulation in the Tigray Highlands,VABB-1,796,808,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400178,,Evaluation of deterministic state-of-the-art forecasting approaches for project duration based on earned value management,VABB-1,1588,1596,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400179,,Activity limitations predict health care expenditures in the general population in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400180,,The modernist short story: a bibliography,VABB-1,169,187,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400181,,"Concluding comments: when international, European and domestic influences collide",VABB-1,96,106,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400182,,'The sculptor's dream: tableaux vivants and living statues in the films of Méliès and Saturn,VABB-1,41,65,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400183,,Spelling out the obvious: Latin quidem and the expression of presuppositional polarity,VABB-1,109,141,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400184,,'Evidence-based' drugsbeleid en het belang van de media,VABB-1,30,40,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400185,,How are we doing after 30 years? A meta-analytic review of the antecedents and outcomes of feedback-seeking behavior,VABB-1,318,348,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400186,,The physical placement of classroom technology and its influences on educational practices,VABB-1,537,556,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400188,,Highly prevalent but not always persistent: undergraduate and graduate student's misconceptions about psychology.,VABB-1,34,42,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400191,,Towards an embodied poetics of failure: some sideway glances on violence and trauma in needcompany's 'Marketplace 76',VABB-1,56,71,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400192,,The influence of organizational culture and climate on entrepreneurial intentions among research scientists,VABB-1,138,160,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400193,,Cardiorespiratory fitness and ideal cardiovascular health in European adolescents,VABB-1,766,773,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400194,,A comparison of heuristic and model-based clustering methods for dietary pattern analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:400195,,"Influence of sex, age, pubertal maturation and body mass index on circulating white blood cell counts in healthy European adolescents: the HELENA study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400197,,Noemen voor 'noemen' en 'heten' (Frans nommer/se nommer). Een polycausaal verhaal over opkomst en verspreiding van een 'niet-algemeen Belgisch-Nederlands' woordgebruik,VABB-1,73,125,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:400198,,The Nasality Severity Index 2.0: revision of an objective multiparametric approach to hypernasality,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:400199,,Perceived capabilities as an aggregated indicator for well-being,VABB-1,615,629,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400200,,Lagged and instantaneous dynamical influences related to brain structural connectivity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400201,,Cruzando fronteras: espacio e identidad en el ensayo de Angelina Muñiz,VABB-1,87,99,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:400202,,The influence of parental drinking on offspring's drinking motives and drinking: a mediation analysis on 9 year follow-up data,VABB-1,63,70,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400203,,"Decentralization, institutional ambiguity, and mineral resource conflict in Mindanao, Philippines",VABB-1,449,460,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400204,,Neurostimulation as an intervention for treatment resistant depression: from research on mechanisms towards targeted neurocognitive strategies,VABB-1,61,69,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400205,,"Charles de Gaulle, anti-hegemonic discourse and international law",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400207,,Political poems and subversive songs: the circulation of 'public poetry' in the Later Medieval Low Countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400209,,Variation in EU external policies as a virtue: EU rule of law promotion in the neighbourhood,VABB-1,509,523,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400211,,How tracking structures attitudes towards ethnic out-groups and interethnic interactions in the classroom: an ethnographic study in Belgium,VABB-1,165,184,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400212,,Fashioning freedom for Shakespeare: Stephen Greenblatt and the existentialist power of literature,VABB-1,944,967,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400213,,Combined spinal epidural analgesia for labor using sufentanil epidurally versus intrathecally: a retrospective study on the influence on fetal heart trace,VABB-1,481,484,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400214,,Family discourses on RAF terrorism: Elfriede Jelinek’s Ulrike Maria Stuart and Bernhard Schlink's Das Wochenende,VABB-1,335,350,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400215,,"Heating the house: an archaeological and archaeometrical investigation into the tile-stoves of late-medieval Flanders, Belgium (14–17th centuries)",VABB-1,291,312,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400216,,A Bayesian approach for incorporating expert opinions into decision support systems: a case study of online consumer-satisfaction detection,VABB-1,24,32,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400217,,"Insects in animal feed: acceptance and its determinants among farmers, agriculture sector stakeholders and citizens",VABB-1,72,87,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400218,,Understanding dynamics of strategic decision-making in venture creation: a process study of effectuation and causation,VABB-1,351,379,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400219,,Linking memory and language: evidence for a serial-order learning impairment in dyslexia,VABB-1,106,122,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400220,,What is important in being cured from: does discordance between physicians and patients matter? (2),VABB-1,372,377,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400221,,What is important in being cured from depression?: discordance between physicians and patients (1),VABB-1,390,396,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400222,,Communication in healthcare: a narrative review of the literature and practical recommendations,VABB-1,1257,1267,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400223,,Out of control!? How loss of self-control influences prosocial behavior: the role of power and moral values,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400226,,"When did Robert of Torigni first receive Henry of Huntingdon’s Historia Anglorum, and why does it matter?",VABB-4,143,168,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400227,,The predictive chameleon: evidence for anticipated social action,VABB-1,265,268,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400230,,Blessed art thou among women: male nursing students and gender inequalities in Chile,VABB-1,1480,1484,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400231,,House of lean for food processing SMEs,VABB-1,272,281,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400232,,Applicant-employee fit in personality: testing predictions from similarity-attraction theory and trait activation theory,VABB-1,210,223,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400233,,Assessment of the cross-national validity of an End-anchored 9-point hedonic product liking scale,VABB-1,1267,1286,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400235,,Belgian federalism after the sixth state reform,VABB-1,29,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400237,,Virtual communities and feelings of influence: four case studies,VABB-1,19,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400239,,"Anthropometric characteristics, physical fitness and motor coordination of 9 to 11 year old children participating in a wide range of sports",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400240,,"Screening, beeldvorming en behandeling van personen met complexe ondersteuningsbehoeften die een misdrijf hebben gepleegd",VABB-1,284,297,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400241,,La ville romaine de Mariana (Corse) et son urbanisme,VABB-1,1,47,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:400242,,Cardiorespiratory information dynamics during mental arithmetic and sustained attention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400245,,Are girls more resilient to gender-conformity pressure? The association between gender-conformity pressure and academic self-efficacy,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400247,,Rechtspraak sociale verkiezingen 2012,VABB-1,205,211,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400249,,Nurses’ perceptions of transgressive behaviour in care relationships: a qualitative study,VABB-1,2786,2798,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400250,,Student participation: to the benefit of both the student and the faculty,VABB-1,79,82,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400251,,"The fake, the flimsy, and the fallacious: demarcating arguments in real life",VABB-1,431,456,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400252,,Measuring punishment and reward sensitivity in children and adolescents with a parent-report version of the Bis/Bas-scales,VABB-1,272,277,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400253,,De sociale inclusie van personen met een verstandelijke beperking en geestelijke gezondheidsproblemen: druk of drive,VABB-1,270,283,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400254,,When it takes thousands to tango: over de buitengerechtelijke collectieve afwikkeling van massaschade in Nederland en België,VABB-1,6,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400258,,"Employment status and mental health care use in times of economic contraction: a repeated cross-sectional study in Europe, using a three-level model",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400259,,Internal exposure to organochlorine pollutants and cadmium and self-reported health status: a prospective study,VABB-1,232,245,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400260,,Een nieuwe stap in de richting van schadevergoeding voor de Fortis-beleggers?,VABB-1,75,78,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400262,,Intrapartum care and substandard care: juridical recommendations to reduce the risk of liability,VABB-1,87,95,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400263,,Exploring evolutions in reciprocal peer tutoring groups' socially shared metacognitive regulation and identifying its metacognitive correlates,VABB-1,63,78,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400267,,Emotionally biased cognitive processes: the weakest link predicts prospective changes in depressive symptoms,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400268,,How authentic should a learning context be? Using real and simulated profiles in a classroom intervention to improve safety on social network sites,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400269,,"L'ordre public, la révision au fond et la légalisation: bref commentaire de la circulaire du 14 janvier 2015 relative à la légalisation",VABB-1,142,147,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:400273,,Predicting the outcomes of single- and multistage selections when applicant pools are small and heterogeneous,VABB-1,412,432,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400275,,The late positive potential: a neural marker of the regulation of emotion-based approach-avoidance actions?,VABB-1,115,123,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400277,,Stakeholder perspectives on citation and peer-based rankings of higher education journals,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400278,,Neural conflict-control mechanisms improve memory for target stimuli,VABB-1,833,843,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400279,,Digging into the Ubaid-Period bitumen from Dosariyah,VABB-1,405,416,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400280,,"Onderzoek door muziekdocenten, is dat wel wetenschap?",VABB-1,8,19,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400282,,Type and typography as paratexts of 'Hamlet' in Boydell's Shakespeare edition (1802),VABB-1,87,93,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400283,,De sociale verkiezingen 2016: u bent toch ook van de partij?,VABB-1,65,77,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400284,,Bootstrapping fMRI data: dealing with misspecification,VABB-1,337,352,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400285,,Vraag het aan SIMON!,VABB-1,56,60,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400286,,The Frankfurt experience: an office city,VABB-1,114,119,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400287,,"Impact of vagal nerve stimulation on objective vocal quality, a pilot study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400289,,"Latent classes of nonresponders, rapid responders, and gradual responders in depressed outpatients receiving antidepressant medication and psychotherapy",VABB-1,213,220,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400290,,The right to strike in Vietnam's private sector,VABB-1,115,135,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400291,,"Unwanted pursuit behavior after breakup: occurrence, risk factors, and gender differences",VABB-1,753,767,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400293,,"Thomson, Macpherson, Ramsay, and the making and marketing of illustrated Scottish literary editions in the 1790s",VABB-1,5,61,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400294,,The multidimensional work motivation scale: validation evidence in seven languages and nine countries,VABB-1,178,196,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400297,,Cross-cultural comparison of motor competence in children from Australia and Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400298,,Een gedragen erfgoedtraject: stapsgewijs naar een WO I-erfgoedwandeling in het Mastenbos (Kapellen),VABB-1,10,13,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400299,,Motor simulation beyond the Dyad: automatic imitation of multiple actors,VABB-1,1488,1501,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400300,,Digest of State Practice - 1 January - 30 June 2015,VABB-1,257,298,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400301,,Detained girls' treatment engagement over time: the role of psychopathology and quality of life,VABB-1,47,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400302,,Toepassingsgebied van het wetgevende kader voor de fondsensector in België na de AIFMD,VABB-1,666,682,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400305,,"Hamlet: Foucault, Waanzin en Ophelia",VABB-1,155,176,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400306,,Electroencephalographic activity before and after cognitive effort in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,88,93,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400307,,"'Would you eat cultured meat?': consumers' reactions and attitude formation in Belgium, Portugal and the United Kingdom",VABB-1,49,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400308,,"Evaluating in situ water and soil conservation practices with a fully coupled, surface/subsurface process-based hydrological model in Tigray, Ethiopia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:400310,,"'Inter ruinas publicas scriptum': Ernest Nys, a legal historian in defence of Belgian tax payers during the Great War",VABB-1,131,151,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400311,,"No pain, no gain: the affective valence of congruency conditions changes following a successful response",VABB-1,251,261,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400313,,Zero-order production planning models with stochastic demand and workload-dependent lead times,VABB-1,1661,1679,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400314,,"African-European contacts in the Kongo Kingdom (sixteenth-eighteenth centuries): new archaeological insights from Ngongo Mbata (Lower Congo, DRC)",VABB-1,464,501,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400315,,The Shandong Peninsula in Northeast Asian maritime history during the Yuan-Ming transition,VABB-1,63,83,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400316,,Internal spermatic vein insufficiency in varicoceles: a different entity in adults and adolescents?,VABB-1,667,675,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400317,,Het arrest Burgo Group: een verdere verduidelijking van de Europese Insolventieverordening,VABB-1,114,122,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400323,,The inapplicability of (selected) paraconsistent logics,VABB-1,368,383,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:400325,,Meaning as a nonlinear effect: the birth of cool,VABB-1,7,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400326,,A chacun son tour: analyse comparative des styles conversationnels des néerlandophones et des francophones de Belgique dans des débats télévisés,VABB-1,373,1022,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:400327,,Raman spectroscopy for the investigation of carbon-based black pigments,VABB-1,1003,1015,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400329,,On the dark side of the 'secular': is the religious-secular distinction a binary?,VABB-1,33,52,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400330,,"Guy Cassiers: deconstructie van het verleden, een nieuwe kijk op de geschiedenis",VABB-1,59,63,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400331,,The development of subordinate clauses in German and Swedish as L2s: a theoretical and methodological comparison,VABB-1,517,547,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400332,,Explaining the present GM business strategy on the EU food market: the gatekeepers' perspective,VABB-1,65,78,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400333,,Visual feedback of own tics increases tic frequency in patients with Tourette’s syndrome,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400334,,The European legislative framework for audit committees,VABB-1,26,33,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400335,,Social anxiety and narrowed attentional breadth toward faces,VABB-1,682,686,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400336,,Early numerical competencies in 5- and 6-year-old children with autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,1012,1034,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400337,,Dienstverlening voor iedereen: communicatie met anderstalige moeders in de zorgsector,VABB-1,42,45,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400338,,From uniform expected utility to uniform rank-dependent utility: an experimental study,VABB-1,76,86,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400339,,Towards democratic models of science: exploring the case of scientific pluralism,VABB-1,149,172,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400341,,Neurophysiological sensitivity for impaired phonological processing in the acute stage of aphasia,VABB-1,84,96,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400342,,Mens Sana in corpore Sano? Interiority and peripheral insanity in Patrick McGrath's 'Ground zero',VABB-1,173,190,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400343,,Más allá del paradigma de la memoria: la autoficción en la reciente producción posdictatorial argentina: El caso de 76 (Félix Bruzzone),VABB-1,75,89,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:400344,,"Schrijven na Auschwitz, na apartheid, na de digital turn: hedendaagse 'geëngageerde' poëzie als 'consequentie van een tijd' in Nederlands en Afrikaans",VABB-1,94,112,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:400345,,De droefheid in zijn ogen: ontmoetingen met een jeugdige delinquent met psychopathische trekken,VABB-1,137,162,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400346,,Increased susceptibility to proactive interference in adults with dyslexia?,VABB-1,268,277,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400347,,Trust in school: a pathway to inhibit teacher burnout?,VABB-1,93,115,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400348,,Event-related potentials reveal preserved attention allocation but impaired emotion regulation in patients with epilepsy and comorbid negative affect,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400349,,Uphill walking with a simple exoskeleton: plantarflexion assistance leads to proximal adaptations,VABB-1,246,251,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400350,,"The ransoming of prisoners taken from the armada, 1589–1590",VABB-1,59,64,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400351,,"Glacial and periglacial geomorphology and its paleoclimatological significance in three North Ethiopian Mountains, including a detailed geomorphological map",VABB-1,156,167,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400352,,International study of objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time with body mass index and obesity: IPEN adult study,VABB-1,199,207,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400353,,Overcoming barriers to effective early parenting interventions for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): parent and practitioner views,VABB-1,93,102,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400354,,Cost of flight and the evolution of stag beetle weaponry,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400356,,Potential of cone penetrating testing for mapping deeply buried palaeolandscapes in the context of archaeological surveys in polder areas,VABB-1,174,187,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400357,,Relationships between global and domain-specific self-evaluations and types of offending in community boys and girls,VABB-1,986,1004,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400360,,Varieties of interpretation in educational research: how we frame the project,VABB-4,3,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400361,,Making sense of layers of interpretation in quantitative research,VABB-4,1381,1408,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400368,,"Lobbying through literature: Libanius, for the teachers (Oration 31)",VABB-4,68,82,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:400369,,Generalized discrete time-cost tradeoff problems,VABB-4,639,658,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400370,,Ergens te velde...,VABB-4,13,35,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400371,,"German economic rule in occupied Belgium, 1940-44",VABB-4,112,129,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400373,,Vermaatschappelijking van de zorg: zijn we ongerust genoeg,VABB-1,67,70,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400375,,Terugspreken tegen de angst,VABB-1,77,84,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400380,,Instruments of administrative identity and princely power: repetitive protocol and dispositive Text Formulas in the charters of the count(esse)s of Flanders and Hainaut (1191-1244),VABB-4,17,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400381,,Special criminal law and inspectorates,VABB-4,151,164,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400387,,What is critique in the Era of the neurosciences,VABB-4,22,40,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400388,,Hoe ouders de kijk op etnische diversiteit beïnvloeden: een analyse naar de invloed van ouders en omgeving op etnische vooroordelen bij jongeren,VABB-4,139,160,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400392,,'If the youth care worker had called at least it would show she cared': youngsters on the importance of care,VABB-4,353,371,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400393,,"Social security and the end of the second World War in France, the Netherlands and Belgium",VABB-4,247,276,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400396,,Commentaar bij art. 1479 BW: wettelijke samenwoning,VABB-4,361,401,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400397,,De aansprakelijkheid van de fiscaal aviseur voor de ontwijkingsintentie van zijn cliënt,VABB-4,333,352,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400402,,"Charles de Méan, trait d'union entre Rome et le Code civil?",VABB-4,303,329,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:400404,,The treatment of irregular migrants in the Inter-American Human Rights and European union case law: two parallel lines may even meet,VABB-4,1,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400405,,Freedom of expression and the right to information: implications for copyright,VABB-4,331,353,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400407,,Response biases in crosscultural measurement,VABB-4,150,180,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400409,,The significance of digital screen culture for education,VABB-4,51,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400415,,Returning to the Tunisian revolution: some reflections on political change during the Arab spring,VABB-4,51,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400418,,Remuneration of top executives and service contracts,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400419,,Home work: post-Fukushima constructions of Furusato by Japanese nationals in Belgium,VABB-4,123,145,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400420,,Rules and practices of executive service contracts in Belgium,VABB-4,121,152,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400423,,On Joseph Cropsey's 'What is welfare economics?',VABB-1,847,850,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400424,,"Manipulating item proportion and deception reveals crucial dissociation between behavioral, autonomic and neural indices of concealed information",VABB-1,427,439,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400425,,Getting the most out of family data with the R package fSRM,VABB-1,263,275,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400426,,'Tot bevordering van de Nederlandstalige filmcultuur': de invoering van een Vlaams filmproductiebeleid (1945-1965),VABB-1,258,279,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400427,,The development of emotion recognition from facial expressions and non-linguistic vocalizations during childhood,VABB-1,218,236,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400429,,Wantoestanden in de voetballerij: veel meer dan alleen supportersgeweld,VABB-1,4,14,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400430,,From a somatotopic to a spatiotopic frame of reference for the localization of nociceptive stimuli,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400431,,Securing the institutional balance in the procedure for concluding international agreements: European Parliament v. Council (Pirate Transfer Agreement with Mauritius),VABB-1,1379,1398,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400433,,Understanding medication adherence among patients of Turkish descent with type 2 diabetes: a qualitative study,VABB-1,87,105,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400434,,"Particle-usage in documentary papyri (I – IV AD): an integrated, sociolinguistically-informed approach",VABB-1,721,753,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400436,,Tracking and sense of futility: the impact of between-school tracking versus within-school tracking in secondary education in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,782,800,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400437,,Noot onder Bohlen t. Duitsland (EHRM 19 februari 2015),VABB-1,322,326,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400438,,Electrophysiological evidence for the involvement of proactive and reactive control in a rewarded stop-signal task,VABB-1,115,125,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400439,,"Rationele keuze, nieuwsgierigheid en ambitie: hoe hoogleraren onderzoek vinden",VABB-1,322,325,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400441,,Celluloid Bohemia? Ken Russell's biopics of visual artists,VABB-1,479,495,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400442,,De aansprakelijkheid van online nieuwsplatforms na Delfi,VABB-1,194,204,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400443,,Mondiale standaarden of race-to-the-bottom? Een analyse van regelgevende samenwerking in de onderhandelingen over een Trans-Atlantisch Vrijhandels- en Investeringsakkoord (TTIP),VABB-1,295,318,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400444,,Sociaaldemocratie moet zich uit Europese dwangbuis wringen,VABB-1,353,368,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400445,,Obesity-related behaviours and BMI in five urban regions across Europe: sampling design and results from the SPOTLIGHT cross-sectional survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400446,,Financial restructuring and recovery in private equity buyouts: the UK evidence,VABB-1,109,129,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:400447,,Neuropsychological functioning related to specific characteristics of nocturnal enuresis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400448,,What is in the feedback?: effect of induced happiness vs. sadness on probabilistic learning with vs. without exploration,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400449,,An evaluation of section control based on floating car data,VABB-1,617,627,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400453,,The origin of spin-offs: a typology of corporate and academic spin-offs,VABB-1,245,259,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400454,,Patients' perceptions of transgressive behaviour in care relationships with nurses: a qualitative study,VABB-1,2822,2833,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400455,,Fine grained osseointegrative coating improves biocompatibility of PEEK in heterotopic sheep model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400457,,The Luhmannian approach to exclusion/inclusion and its relevance to social work,VABB-1,45,64,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400458,,Does consumer preference exceed initially indicated wishes?: the case of dessert topping,VABB-1,5,14,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:400459,,Educational expansion and the education gradient in health: a hierarchical age-period-cohort analysis,VABB-1,79,88,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400461,,From crisis to development: the policy and practice of agricultural service provision in northern Uganda,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:400462,,Human health benefits and burdens of a pharmaceutical treatment: discussion of a conceptual integrated approach,VABB-1,19,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:400464,,On the new discontents of civilisation,VABB-1,70,89,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400465,,Evidence for autonomic function and its influencing factors in subjects with COPD: a systematic review,VABB-1,1841,1851,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400467,,From the Cape to the Congo and back: Afrikaners and Flemings in the struggle for Dutch in Africa (1874–1960),VABB-1,325,343,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400468,,"Ideologische inertie op links, flexibiliteit op rechts? Een onderzoek naar de mate van programmatische flexibiliteit bij liberalen en socialisten in België",VABB-1,457,479,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400469,,Import- en deprivatiefactoren bij mannen en vrouwen in detentiecontext: Venus versus Mars?,VABB-1,5,12,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400470,,'The truth commission' according to Chokri Ben Chikha: performing differential futures from a traumatic colonial past,VABB-1,108,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400472,,Wat is de invloed van zwangerschap en de postpartumperiode op de behandeling van majeure depressie?,VABB-1,1559,1570,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400474,,Suïcidaliteit in detentie: over kwetsbare personen in een stressvolle context,VABB-1,13,20,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400477,,Overmacht in een ander daglicht,VABB-1,498,507,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400478,,Prehistoric language contact in the Kavango-Zambezi transfrontier area: Khoisan influence on southwestern Bantu languages,VABB-1,193,232,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400481,,Functional connectivity of EEG signals under laser stimulation in migraine,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400482,,Market-driven production with transaction costs outlook: gum arabic collection systems in Senegal,VABB-1,111,130,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400483,,Hurdles that impede economic evaluations of welfare interventions,VABB-1,635,642,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400485,,Gonadotropin therapy versus laparoscopic ovarian drilling in clomiphene citrate-resistant polycystic ovary syndrome patients: a retrospective cost-effectiveness analysis,VABB-1,164,169,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:400488,,Not on the edge: the syntax and pragmatics of clause-initial negation in Swedish,VABB-1,97,128,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400489,,The floor is nearer than the sky: how looking up or down affects construal level,VABB-1,1358,1371,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400490,,C-reactive protein reference percentiles among pre-adolescent children in Europe based on the IDEFICS study population,VABB-1,S26,S31,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400492,,Niet-BTW-plichtige rechtzoekenden en de BTW-plicht op advocatenhonoraria: de rechtsplegingsvergoeding als pleister op de wonde?,VABB-1,396,400,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400493,,The effect of a single HF-rTMS session over the left DLPFC on the physiological stress response as measured by heart rate variability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:400494,,Psychoanalytical playing: psychoanalysis of the process of artistic creation in the work of Patrick Corillon,VABB-1,245,269,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400495,,Cognitive bias modification for depression,VABB-1,119,123,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400496,,Effects of tail suspension on serum testosterone and molecular targets regulating muscle mass,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400498,,The contribution of the Court of Justice to the codication of the founding values of the European Union,VABB-1,613,643,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400499,,Conservation strategy for food-based perishable art: preservation versus reconstruction illustrated by 'Piece in Ghent' (Jason Rhoades,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400500,,Does performance management affect nurses' well-being?,VABB-1,98,105,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400502,,Perceived maternal autonomy-support and early adolescent emotion regulation: a longitudinal study,VABB-1,561,578,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400503,,Do perceived autonomy-supportive and controlling teaching relate to physical education students' motivational experiences through unique pathways? Distinguishing between the bright and dark side of motivation,VABB-1,26,36,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400504,,Mechanism design with two alternatives in quasi-linear environments,VABB-1,433,455,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400505,,Competition for talent: country and organizational-level effects in the internationalization of European higher education institutions,VABB-1,789,802,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400508,,Strafregisterinformatie als onderdeel van een EU-recidivebeleid: nog steeds weinig reden tot juichen,VABB-1,190,205,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400509,,"Profound childhood hearing loss in a South Africa cohort: risk profile, diagnosis and age of intervention",VABB-1,8,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400510,,De impact van ouderschapsstijlen op de ontwikkeling van sociale mediageletterdheid bij adolescenten,VABB-1,84,100,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:400511,,Aid darling and the European Union’s aid allocation policy: the case of Vietnam,VABB-1,301,324,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400513,,High Y-chromosomal diversity and low relatedness between paternal lineages on a communal scale in the Western European Low Countries during the surname establishment,VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400515,,89: 'Diderot and materialist theories of the self',VABB-1,75,94,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400516,,Economics of security in het bedrijfsleven,VABB-1,58,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400517,,The organism: reality or fiction?,VABB-1,96,101,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:400518,,Medical management of patients with peripheral arterial disease,VABB-1,75,93,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400519,,Analytical characterization of a new mobile X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction instrument combined with a pigment identification case study,VABB-1,14,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400521,,Influence of shoulder pain on muscle function: implications for the assessment and therapy of shoulder disorders,VABB-1,225,234,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400522,,The law of unmanned merchant shipping: an exploration,VABB-1,403,423,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:400523,,"'They are like crocodiles under water': rumour in a slum upgrading project in Nairobi, Kenya",VABB-1,289,306,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400524,,Combining user logging with eye tracking for interactive and dynamic applications,VABB-1,977,993,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400525,,A new approach to classical relevance,VABB-1,919,954,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400526,,Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater: applying the principle of ‘universalism without uniformity' to autonomy-supportive and controlling parenting,VABB-1,44,49,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400527,,Open your eyes for prediction errors,VABB-1,374,380,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400528,,In double trouble for eating pathology? An experimental study on the combined role of perfectionism and body dissatisfaction,VABB-1,77,83,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400531,,The African union system of refugee protection: a champion not a recipient?,VABB-1,318,344,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:400534,,Sexual and relational satisfaction in couples where the woman has polycystic ovary syndrome: a dyadic analysis,VABB-1,625,631,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400535,,Encounter groups: do they foster psychology students' psychological development and therapeutic attitudes?,VABB-1,83,99,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400537,,The polysemy of the Spanish verb sentir: a behavioral profile analysis,VABB-1,381,421,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400540,,Accommodating user preferences in ad hoc shared ride trip planning using GIS,VABB-1,816,831,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400543,,'Turning down the heat': is poor performance of children with ADHD on tasks tapping 'hot' emotional regulation caused by deficits in 'cool' executive functions?,VABB-1,199,207,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400544,,Een beeld zegt meer dan duizend woorden: het gebruik van beeldmateriaal in strafrechtelijke procedures inzake arbeidsongevallen op het einde van de negentiende eeuw in België,VABB-1,136,145,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:400545,,Cow or goat? Population pressure and livestock keeping in Burundi,VABB-1,23,42,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400547,,Dreaming about the lesser evil: revolutionary desire and the limits of democratic transition in Egypt,VABB-1,68,75,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400548,,Examining variation in the expression of tense/aspect to classify the Kikongo Language Cluster,VABB-1,163,211,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:400550,,Breastfeeding shows a protective trend toward adolescents with higher abdominal adiposity,VABB-1,289,301,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400552,,An introduction to the business ontology,VABB-1,20,41,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400553,,Associations of early life and sociodemographic factors with menarcheal age in European adolescents,VABB-1,271,278,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400554,,Inflammation profile in overweight/obese adolescents in Europe: an analysis in relation to iron status,VABB-1,247,255,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400556,,Effect of sodium restriction on blood pressure of unstable or uncontrolled hypertensive patients in primary care,VABB-1,180,185,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400557,,Autism spectrum traits in normal individuals: a preliminary VBM analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400558,,"Parents' evaluation of the IDEFICS intervention: an analysis focussing on socio-economic factors, child's weight status and intervention exposure",VABB-1,103,118,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400559,,Behavioural effects of a community-oriented setting-based intervention for prevention of childhood obesity in eight European countries: main results from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,30,40,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400560,,Liver enzymes and clustering cardiometabolic risk factors in European adolescents: the HELENA study,VABB-1,361,370,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400562,,Why do the lonely stay lonely? Chronically lonely adolescents' attributions and emotions in situations of social inclusion and exclusion,VABB-1,932,948,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400563,,Relations between parental and child separation anxiety: the role of dependency-oriented psychological control,VABB-1,3192,3199,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400567,,Genderbreuklijnen in transitie? Een studie naar de gender-gerelateerde gevolgen van de veranderende werkomstandigheden in de journalistiek,VABB-1,342,361,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:400568,,"Zou een heel klein beetje oorlog, soms niet beter kunnen zijn: over Memento Park van Thomas Bellinck/Steigeisen & KVS, WO I-herdenkingen en eventization",VABB-1,57,82,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400569,,Het Sociaal Pact van 20 april 1944: kanttekeningen bij een politieke tekst,VABB-1,26,49,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400570,,"Interrelation of sport participation, physical activity, social capital and mental health in disadvantaged communities: a sem-analysis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400571,,Secure base representations in middle childhood across two Western cultures: associations with parental attachment representations and maternal reports of behavior problems,VABB-1,1013,1025,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400573,,"Het verknopen van verleden, heden en toekomst: reflecties vanuit een stedelijke sociaal-artistieke praktijk",VABB-1,457,470,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:400574,,An evaluator-blinded randomized controlled trial evaluating therapy effects and prognostic factors for a general and an individually defined physical therapy program in ambulant children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy,VABB-1,677,691,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400575,,Reassessing the effect of the complexity principle on PP Placement in Dutch,VABB-1,339,367,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400576,,Food safety climate in food processing organizations: development and validation of a self-assessment tool,VABB-1,242,251,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400577,,Self-report of empathy: a shortened French adaptation of the interpersonal reactivity index (IRI) using two large Belgian samples,VABB-1,735,753,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400580,,Performances of peace: Utrecht 1713,VABB-3,,,288 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400584,,International handbook of interpretation in educational research,VABB-3,,,1662 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400585,,Proto-Indo-European syntax and its development,VABB-3,,,"v,158 p.",eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400588,,"Manuel des anthologies, corpus et textes romans",VABB-3,,,"XVIII, 701 p.",fre,2015,2 c:vabb:400590,,Global governance of labour rights,VABB-3,,,331 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400598,,"Bishop Lambert of Arras (1093/94-1115), Boulogne-Sur-Mer, Bibliothèque Municipale, 84 and the historical, liturgical and documentary legacies of the former bishopric of Cambrai/Arras",VABB-1,167,185,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400599,,"Diplôme princier, matrice de faux, acte modèle: le règlement d’avouerie du comte Baudouin V pour Saint-Bertin (1042) et ses réappropriations sous l'abbatiat réformateur de Lambert (1095-1123)",VABB-1,1,59,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:400600,,Coping with antigay violence: in-depth interviews with Flemish LGB adults,VABB-1,912,923,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400602,,"Enhancing innovation capacity through vertical, horizontal, and third-party networks for traditional foods",VABB-1,294,313,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400603,,"Institutional and policy analysis of wastewater (re)use for agriculture: case study Hyderabad, India",VABB-1,322,331,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400604,,Semantic and (morpho)syntactic constraints on anticausativization: evidence from Latin and Old Norse-Icelandic,VABB-1,677,729,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400605,,Voluntariness as legitimation for social work interventions: a case study in Flemish homelessness care,VABB-1,539,550,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400607,,Mineralogical transformations in sandstone: a fingerprint for prehistorical heating of Palaeolithic hearth stones,VABB-1,651,657,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400608,,"Female genital mutilation: knowledge, attitude and practices of Flemish midwives",VABB-1,e29,e35,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400609,,"A retrospective study on anthropometrical, physical fitness, and motor coordination characteristics that influence dropout, contract status, and first-team playing time in high-level soccer players aged eight to eighteen years",VABB-1,1692,1704,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400611,,What comes out of incentivized collaboration: a qualitative analysis of eight Flemish school networks,VABB-1,738,754,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400612,,"Disability Studies en onderzoek, onderwijs en dienstverlening binnen de vakgroep Orthopedagogiek van de Universiteit Gent",VABB-1,245,257,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400614,,"Antipassive/associative polysemy in Cilubà (Bantu, L31a): a plurality of relations analysis",VABB-1,354,385,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400620,,Introduction to the special issue on cognitive bias modification: taking a step back to move forward?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400621,,"Cognitive abilities, digital games and arithmetic performance enhancement: a study comparing the effects of a math game and paper exercises",VABB-1,123,133,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400622,,Sensitivity to reward is associated with snack and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in adolescents,VABB-1,1623,1632,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:400623,,Social scaling of extrapersonal space: target objects are judged as closer when the reference frame is a human agent with available movement potentialities,VABB-1,50,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400624,,Vlaamse stedenbouw handhaving Eerste beschouwingen bij het decreet van 25april 2014 betreffende de handhaving van de omgevingsvergunning,VABB-1,130,143,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400625,,Neurodevelopmental outcome after surgery for acyanotic congenital heart disease,VABB-1,58,68,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400626,,Stakeholder reactions toward iodine biofortified foods: an application of protection motivation theory,VABB-1,295,302,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400631,,Normative data and dialectical effects on nasalance in Flemish adults,VABB-1,42,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400632,,Examining trafficking statistics regarding Brazilian victims in Spain and Portugal,VABB-1,159,190,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400633,,Dealing with public solicitation of organs from living donors,VABB-1,2210,2214,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400636,,Word knowledge in the crowd: measuring vocabulary size and word prevalence in a massive online experiment,VABB-1,1665,1692,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400637,,A cautionary note on the power of the test for the indirect effect in mediation analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400638,,Mendel at the sesquicentennial of 'Versuche uber Pflanzen-Hybriden' (1865): the root of the biggest legend in the history of science,VABB-1,106,115,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400639,,Chinese consumers' understanding and use of a food nutrition label and their determinants,VABB-1,103,111,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400640,,Provider Accountability as a Driving force Towards Physician-Hospital Integration. A Systematic Review.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400641,,A perspective on the economic valorization of gene manipulated biotechnology: past and future,VABB-1,56,60,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400642,,Sexuality and gender from decolonial perspective,VABB-1,5,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400645,,Coping with the barbarian syndrome: the challenges of researching civilian-military interaction 'from below' in the eastern DR Congo,VABB-4,243,257,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400647,,Two ways of dealing with polycontexturality in priority-setting in Swedish health-care politics,VABB-4,63,81,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:400651,,'Why did she not live with her husband and how was she able to support herself?' Grass widow prostitutes in eighteenth-century Bruges,VABB-4,158,176,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400652,,Hysteria between big brother and patriarchy,VABB-4,147,167,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400657,,Introducing a state-of-the-art phylogenetic classification of the Kikongo Language Cluster,VABB-1,87,162,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400664,,Unshakeable foundations,VABB-1,10,39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400666,,On the design of custom packs: grouping of medical disposable items for surgeries,VABB-1,7343,7359,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400667,,Influence of learning in resource-constrained project scheduling,VABB-1,569,579,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400668,,Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation over left dorsolateral pFC on the attentional blink depend on individual baseline performance,VABB-1,2382,2393,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400670,,The Portuguese version of personal outcomes scale: a psychometric validity and reliability study,VABB-1,129,142,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400672,,Stag beetle battle behavior and its associated anatomical adaptations,VABB-1,227,244,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400675,,A multisensory perspective of working memory,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400677,,Medusa’s echo. Medusamotieven in Statius’ Thebaïs,VABB-1,71,84,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:400678,,Über die Haltbarkeit der in der Situational Action Theory beschrieben Interaktionseffekte in verschiedenen Bevölerungsgruppen,VABB-1,280,296,,ger,2015,1 c:vabb:400679,,"Associations between parental rules, style of communication and children's screen time",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400680,,Intellectuele rechten in het Wetboek economisch recht,VABB-1,643,656,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400681,,Assessing the principles of spatial competition between stores within a retail network,VABB-1,125,135,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400682,,CRM in social media: predicting increases in Facebook usage frequency,VABB-1,248,260,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:400687,,Policy within and through law: proceedings of the 2014 ACCA-conference,VABB-3,,,370 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400689,,"Interrogating harmful cultural practices: gender, culture and Coercion",VABB-3,,,228 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400697,,The substance of EU democracy promotion: concepts and cases,VABB-3,,,336 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400700,,"La dia-variation en français actuel: études sur corpus, approches croisées et ouvrages de référence",VABB-3,,,464 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:400704,,De toekomstpolitie: triggers voor een voldragen debat,VABB-3,,,400 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400708,,Uitdagingen voor de lokale besturen 2015-2019.,VABB-3,,,162 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400709,,Nationalisms and politics in Turkey (paperback),VABB-3,,,236 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400710,,Mensenrechten en piraterijvervolging: een moeilijke relatie,VABB-1,174,188,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400711,,Mark Casson: the entrepreneur at 30continued relevance?,VABB-1,185,194,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400713,,De decoratie van de gewone zittingszaal van het Hof van Cassatie als exemplum iustitiae,VABB-1,101,109,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400714,,Does the association between different dimension of social capital and adolescent smoking vary by socioeconomic status?: a pooled cross-national analysis,VABB-1,901,910,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400715,,Parenthetical 'I say (you)' in Late Medieval Greek vernacular: a message structuring discourse marker rather than a message conveying verb,VABB-1,187,217,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400716,,Vanzelfsprekendheid en onmogelijk: de paradox van het jeugdonderzoek,VABB-1,370,383,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400717,,Adoption of small-scale irrigation and its livelihood impacts in Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,655,668,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400718,,Contrastive causation in genetics and in physics,VABB-1,93,113,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400719,,New IPSAS 33-38,VABB-1,53,60,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400721,,Fearful fantasy: figurations of the Oedipus myth in scorsese’s Shutter Island (2010),VABB-4,143,162,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400723,,"World War One, modernism and minor utopias",VABB-4,33,47,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400728,,Bloody analogical reasoning,VABB-4,217,232,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:400731,,Theorising identities in early childhood,VABB-4,103,117,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400734,,The role of logic in philosophy of science,VABB-4,59,69,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:400735,,The new 'old' face of Skopje: photo-essay on the rise and demise of a Balkan city,VABB-4,143,159,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400737,,The therapeutic relationship in action: how therapists and clients co-manage relational disaffiliation,VABB-4,41,59,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400738,,Grote gevoelens in de literatuur: inleiding,VABB-4,5,10,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400740,,"Wie is aansprakelijk voor schade veroorzaakt door onveilige producten?: de toepassing van de artikelen 1382, 1384 lid 1, en 1645 BW herbekeken in het licht van het – door het Hof van Justitie sterk beperkte – aanvullend karakter voorzien in artikel 13 Wet Productaansprakelijkheid",VABB-4,143,224,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400741,,The judgments of Belgian juvenile judges concerning juvenile offenders with mental disorders,VABB-4,211,230,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400742,,Improving trainee interpreters' visual literacy and raising awareness of its impact on interpreting performance,VABB-4,260,273,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:400744,,Process and text studies of a translation problem,VABB-4,127,143,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400750,,Het sociaal en het economisch recht: twee grote werven voor de justitiegeschiedenis,VABB-4,500,516,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400755,,The urban information duty and the sale of immovable goods,VABB-5,339,346,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400757,,On the reality effect of superfluous biographical details and objects: revisiting the artist's museum with Roland Barthes,VABB-4,215,224,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400758,,Heuristic methods for the resource availability cost problem,VABB-4,339,359,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400760,,The syntax of it-clefts and the left periphery of the clause,VABB-4,73,90,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400761,,Las dislocaciones a la izquierda en el español del siglo XIII: la accesibilidad referencial,VABB-4,235,278,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400762,,The protection of collectively agreed labour conditions under the transfer of undertaking directive,VABB-5,283,296,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400763,,Dose-finding study of rivaroxaban in hemodialysis patients,VABB-1,91,98,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400764,,The importance of job resources and self-efficacy for beginning teachers' professional learning in differentiated instruction,VABB-1,30,41,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400765,,"Goffredo Parise, 'figlio del peccato' senza Chiesa",VABB-1,87,98,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:400766,,Lower limb landing biomechanics in subjects with chronic ankle instability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400767,,An empirical comparison of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy processes: Distinctive process factors between successful and unsuccessful therapeutic outcome groups,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400768,,'Setting the international scene': EU external competence and procedures post-Lisbon revisited in the light of ECJ Opinion 1/13,VABB-1,1277,1308,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400769,,"Submission, defiance, and the rules of politics on the Mamluk sultanate's anatolian frontier",VABB-1,377,388,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400770,,Digital environments and the fading of the production-consumption dichotomy: prosumption as a comprehensive approach,VABB-1,77,94,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400771,,A fish that uses its hydrodynamic tongue to feed on land,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400772,,The interaction between lived experiences of older patients and their family caregivers confronted with a cancer diagnosis and treatment: a qualitative study,VABB-1,197,206,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400773,,"De ambtenaar van de burgerlijke stand, de formele motiveringsplicht en het begrip 'administratieve overheid': back to basics",VABB-1,162,170,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400774,,Deutschsprachige elektronische Ablehnungsschreiben als Antwort auf Reklamationen,VABB-1,27,49,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:400776,,Arab-Islamic reception of Hellenistic science,VABB-1,29,42,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400777,,Status and market potential of transgenic biofortified crops,VABB-1,25,29,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400778,,China's state-permeated market economy and its constraints to the internationalization of the renminbi,VABB-1,684,703,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400779,,Meaning in life and depressive symptoms: a person-oriented approach in residential and community-dwelling elderly,VABB-1,1063,1070,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400780,,Post-mortem evaluation of drowning with whole body CT,VABB-1,35,41,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400782,,Cumulative overall resource efficiency assessment (COREA) for comparing bio-based products with their fossil-derived counterparts,VABB-1,113,127,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400783,,Examining commuting patterns using Floating Car Data and circular statistics: exploring the use of new methods and visualizations to study travel times,VABB-1,41,51,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400785,,"Hearing in young adults, part II: the effects of recreational noise exposure",VABB-1,245,252,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400786,,School-based intervention on healthy behaviour among Ecuadorian adolescents: effect of a cluster-randomized controlled trial on screen-time,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400787,,Vallen ernstige economische gevolgen onder de internationale economische openbare orde?,VABB-1,110,115,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400789,,Die Differenzierung der Religion,VABB-1,34,52,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:400790,,The association between the parental perception of the physical neighborhood environment and children's location-specific physical activity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400792,,Chlamydia psittaci infections in Chinese poultry: a literature review,VABB-1,473,482,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400793,,Women's empowerment: examining leadership communication of women entrepreneurs in indonesia and the USA,VABB-1,153,170,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400795,,Multivariate pluvial flood damage models,VABB-1,91,100,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400796,,"Optimal normalization tests for muscle activation of the levator scapulae, pectoralis minor and rhomboid major: an electromyography study using maximum voluntary isometric contractions",VABB-1,1820,1827,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400797,,Against the root analysis of subject contact relatives in English,VABB-1,61,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400798,,Rating the EU regulatory framework on the liability of credit rating agencies: triple a or junk?,VABB-1,117,128,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400799,,Diagnostic value of the Dutch version of the MCclean Screening instrument for BPD (MSI-BPD),VABB-1,71,78,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400800,,When regulating emotions at work pays off: a diary and an intervention study on emotion regulation and customer tips in service jobs,VABB-1,263,277,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400801,,Can faces prime a language?,VABB-1,1343,1352,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400802,,Digital image processing of the Ghent altarpiece: supporting the painting's study and conservation treatment,VABB-1,112,122,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400803,,"Defending biosocial criminology: on the discursive style of our critics, the separation of ideology and science, and a biologically informed defense of fundamental values",VABB-1,83,95,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400805,,EU bilateral trade agreements and the surprising rise of labour provisions,VABB-1,263,283,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400813,,"Armoede in België, jaarboek 2015",VABB-3,,,404 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400814,,Rising powers and multilateral institutions,VABB-3,,,328 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400818,,Handbook of higher education policy and governance,VABB-3,,,604 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400819,,"The law's many bodies: studies in legal hybridity and jurisdictional complexity, c1600-1900",VABB-3,,,269 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400823,,Articulation and oromyofunctional behavior in children seeking orthodontic treatment,VABB-1,483,492,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400824,,Parental influences on preschoolers' TV viewing time: mediation analyses on Australian and Belgian data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400825,,Making place for the modern road: the road exhibitions in Brussels (1910) and Liège (1930),VABB-1,51,68,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400826,,Cross-lagged associations between children's stress and adiposity: the Children's Body Composition and Stress study,VABB-1,50,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400827,,Norms or interests? Explaining instrumental variation in EU democracy promotion in Africa,VABB-1,237,254,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400829,,Determinanten van de bijdrage van de Vlaamse gemeenten aan de politiezones,VABB-1,31,38,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400830,,Promotion of an autonomy-supportive parental style in a multi-family group for eating-disordered adolescents,VABB-1,24,40,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400831,,Exploring an archaeology of the Dutch war of independence in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,623,646,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400832,,The translation of preschoolers' physical activity guidelines into a daily step count target,VABB-1,1051,1057,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400833,,Vaccine-derived immunity in children with cancer-analysis of anti-tetanus and anti-diphtheria antibodies changes after completion of antineoplastic therapy,VABB-1,2108,2113,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400836,,Perceiving objects by their function: an EEG study on feature saliency and prehensile affordances,VABB-1,138,147,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400837,,De invloed van sociodemiografische kenmerken op drop-out van jongeren uit georganiseerde sportactiviteiten,VABB-1,354,369,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400840,,Communicatief lijden en de ethiek van het beeld: een essay,VABB-1,23,46,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:400841,,Geen kinderspel: opvoeding door aan drugs verslaafde ouders na residentiële ouder-kind behandeling,VABB-1,162,175,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400842,,Why musical memory can be preserved in advanced Alzheimer's disease,VABB-1,2438,2450,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400843,,Psychologisering en moderniteit,VABB-1,47,60,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:400844,,A multivariate approach for top-down project control using earned value management,VABB-1,65,76,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400845,,Operating theatre modelling: integrating social measures,VABB-1,121,128,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400846,,De opkomst van de private veiligheidssector in België?,VABB-1,480,488,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400847,,Paying attention to working memory: Similarities in the spatial distribution of attention in mental and physical space,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:400849,,Individual and family environmental correlates of television and computer time in 10-to 12-year-old European children: the ENERGY-project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400851,,Gender differences in liking and wanting sex: examining the role of motivational context and implicit versus explicit processing,VABB-1,1663,1674,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400853,,Requiems in post-apartheid-mineur,VABB-1,95,127,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400857,,Chusei Neederando: toshi no 'sekai' ka: Yooroppa no kontekusuto ni okeru toshi-shi,VABB-1,17,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400858,,"The place of history in teacher training and in education: a plea for an educational future with a history, and future teachers with historical consciousness",VABB-1,57,69,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400859,,Building capacity for rigorous controlled trials in autism: the importance of measuring treatment adherence,VABB-1,169,177,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400860,,Algemeen hoofddoekenverbod in GO!-onderwijs in strijd met godsdienstvrijheid,VABB-1,626,634,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400861,,When is helping your partner with chronic pain a burden? The relation between helping motivation and personal and relational functioning,VABB-1,1732,1744,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400862,,Is the sky really the limit? Exploring the attitude- achievement paradox in the Belgian context,VABB-1,225,238,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400863,,Generalization versus contextualization in automatic evaluation revisited: a meta-analysis of successful and failed replications,VABB-1,50,64,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400864,,Visible women: female sodomy in the Late Medieval and early modern Southern Netherlands (1400-1550),VABB-1,3,24,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400865,,Determinants of testosterone levels in human male obesity,VABB-1,202,211,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400866,,Dysfunctional modulation of default mode network activity in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,208,214,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400867,,Implicit attitudes towards smoking predict long-term relapse in abstinent smokers,VABB-1,2551,2561,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400868,,The 'Palestinian Dream' in the Kurdish context,VABB-1,47,63,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400869,,Student perspectives on quality in higher education,VABB-1,157,180,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400871,,An examination of the controlling dynamics involved in parental child-invested contingent self-esteem,VABB-1,55,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400872,,Consumer-driven product development and improvement combined with sensory analysis: a case-study for European filled chocolates,VABB-1,20,29,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400873,,Effects of acute transcranial direct current stimulation in hot and cold working memory tasks in healthy and depressed subjects,VABB-1,126,131,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400874,,The relational responding task: toward a new implicit measure of beliefs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400875,,Impact of anodal and cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during attention bias modification: an eye-tracking study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400876,,Design and use of web lectures to enhance GIS teaching and learning strategies: the students' opinions,VABB-1,271,282,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400881,,Frequency effects in monolingual and bilingual natural reading,VABB-1,1216,1234,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400882,,Acceptability and feasibility of potential intervention strategies for influencing sedentary time at work: focus group interviews in executives and employees,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400883,,De illusie van werkelijkheid: Ville Nouvelle Melun-Sénart (1987),VABB-1,88,92,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400884,,Flexibility is everything: prey capture throughout the seasonal habitat switches in the smooth newt Lissotriton vulgaris,VABB-1,127,142,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400885,,The global activity limitation indicator and self-rated health: two complementary predictors of mortality,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400886,,De wereld van verschil tussen Sinterklaas en Chanoeka: wij/zij-tegenstellingen in Het Achterhuis en The Ghost Writer,VABB-1,69,85,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400887,,Identifying prognostic factors predicting outcome in patients with chronic neck pain after multimodal treatment: a retrospective study,VABB-1,592,597,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400888,,"Sporen uit de bronstijd te Stekene-Burchtakker (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,29,40,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400889,,Pitfalls in QCA's consistency measure,VABB-1,65,80,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400890,,The impact of the global crisis of 2008-09 on the relationship between stock markets and oil prices in the BRIC countries,VABB-1,7,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400891,,Zijn Vlamingen dan ook niet goed geïntegreerd? Een kruispuntanalyse van integratievertogen in Vlaanderen vanuit het standpunt van moeders zonder papieren,VABB-1,131,147,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:400894,,Een nieuw België op een kruispunt in de strijd tegen armoede,VABB-1,359,366,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400895,,Constrained statistical inference: sample-size tables for ANOVA and regression,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400896,,Socially shared metacognitive regulation during reciprocal peer tutoring: identifying its relationship with students' content processing and transactive discussions,VABB-1,323,344,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400897,,Promoting university students' metacognitive regulation through peer learning: the potential of reciprocal peer tutoring,VABB-1,469,486,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400898,,Restoring cropland productivity and profitability in northern Ethiopian drylands after nine years of resource-conserving agriculture,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:400899,,Linear and non-linear brain-heart and brain-brain interactions during sleep,VABB-1,683,698,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400900,,Effects of acute hypoglycemia on working memory and language processing in adults with and without type 1 diabetes,VABB-1,1108,1115,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400901,,Exploring identity dynamics in mental help-seeking trajectories: an ethnographic study among inpatient service users of two Belgian psychiatric hospitals,VABB-1,114,119,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400903,,Memory detection 2.0: the first web-based memory detection test,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400904,,Temperamental differences between adolescents and young adults with or without an eating disorder,VABB-1,229,238,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400905,,"Social and environmental reporting in Belgium: 'Pour vivre heureux, vivions cachés'",VABB-1,33,43,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:400906,,Dispositional greed,VABB-1,225,230,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400907,,Lesbian couples' views about and experiences of not being able to choose their sperm donor,VABB-1,592,606,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400909,,Multilayered ethics in research involving unaccompanied refugee minors,VABB-1,468,485,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400910,,The role of embodiment in the perception of music,VABB-1,236,246,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400911,,Impact van communicatie tussen zorgverstrekkers op de kwaliteit van patiëntenzorg,VABB-1,372,380,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400912,,Grenzen aan de intrekkingsbevoegdheid van de Commissie: zaak C-409/13,VABB-1,432,438,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400914,,Developing a framework for statistical process control approaches in project management,VABB-1,1289,1300,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400915,,Establishing a food list for a Total Diet Study: how does food consumption of specific subpopulations need to be considered?,VABB-1,9,24,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400916,,Understanding the relationship between walking aids and falls in older adults: a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400917,,Mother and daughter became father and son: a case report,VABB-1,855,856,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400918,,Synchronizing multimodal recordings using audio-to-audio alignment: an application of acoustic fingerprinting to facilitate music interaction research,VABB-1,223,229,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400919,,Tolerance of glue embolization under local anesthesia in varicoceles: a comparative study of two different cyanoacrylates,VABB-1,559,553,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400920,,Managing hybridity in a changing welfare mix: everyday practices in an entrepreneurial nonprofit in Belgium,VABB-1,1666,1689,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400921,,Negotiation of terms of address in a Chilean television talk show,VABB-1,731,752,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400922,,Seksualiteit bij patiënten met een cerebrovasculair accident,VABB-1,741,748,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:400923,,Food for survival: diagnosing crop patterns to secure lower threshold food security levels in farm households of Burundi,VABB-1,196,210,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400925,,Identifying public transport gaps using time-dependent accessibility levels,VABB-1,176,187,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400926,,HIV counselling and testing in secondary schools: what students want,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400930,,Angst en object vanuit Lacan,VABB-1,118,128,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400931,,Reconsidering benedictine manuscript production in the thirteenth century: the case of Stavelot-Malmedy,VABB-1,781,809,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:400932,,De taalpolitiek van Willem I en Leopold I: een review van recent historisch onderzoek,VABB-1,198,217,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400933,,"A qualitative approach to the identification, visualisation and interpretation of repetitive motion patterns in groups of moving point objects",VABB-1,415,423,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400936,,Re-education in times of transitional justice: the case of the Dutch and Belgian collaborators after the Second World War,VABB-1,771,790,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400937,,Comparing bias correction methods in downscaling meteorological variables for a hydrologic impact study in an arid area in China,VABB-1,2547,2559,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400939,,"Soliloquium, Soliloque en Alleen-spreken: de handschriftelijke verspreiding van Hugo van St.-Victors 'Soliloquium de arrha animae' in de laatmiddeleeuwse Lage Landen",VABB-1,8,28,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400940,,Nonlinear vegetation cover changes in the North Ethiopian Highlands: evidence from the Lake Ashenge closed basin,VABB-1,996,1006,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400941,,De wettelijke samenwoning: een verhouding van staat?,VABB-1,135,143,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400944,,"Local tax rates, politics and omitted variable bias",VABB-1,933,951,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400945,,Georganiseerde criminaliteit in tijden van besparingen: naar een betere prioriteitenstelling?,VABB-1,78,84,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400946,,Reform starts bottom-up: can civil society get the commonwealth back on track?,VABB-1,325,327,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400947,,Performative perspectives on short story collections,VABB-1,145,154,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:400949,,Sediment flux dynamics as fingerprints of catchment rehabilitation: the case of western Rift Valley escarpment of northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,220,235,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400950,,"Self-reflective devices in prima di Sparire: metafiction, autofiction and autobiography in the Pivotal book of Covacich's Ciclo delle stelle",VABB-1,426,439,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:400951,,Comment planifier in extremis sa succession?,VABB-1,118,124,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:400952,,Waarom Vlaamse gemeenten (voorlopig weinig of niet) vrijwillig online rapporteren over hun performantie: een verkennend onderzoek,VABB-1,63,81,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400954,,A spatial pattern analysis of the halophytic species distribution in an arid coastal environment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400955,,Parent training for preschool ADHD: a randomized controlled trial of specialized and generic programs,VABB-1,618,631,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400957,,Is the EU ETS a just climate policy?,VABB-1,702,724,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400960,,Student (dis)engagement and need-supportive teaching behavior: a multi-informant and multilevel approach,VABB-1,353,366,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400963,,Educational differences in the validity of self-reported physical activity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400978,,Op zoek naar morele illusies,VABB-1,45,67,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:400979,,Hierarchical error representation: a computational model of anterior cingulate and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,VABB-1,2354,2410,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400980,,Oriented adjuncts across Germanic languages: evidence from English and Swedish,VABB-1,160,190,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400982,,Mondelinge geschiedenis en geheugenstudie: slotbedenkingen,VABB-1,689,698,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:400985,,Do semantic sentence constraint and L2 proficiency influence language selectivity of lexical access in native language listening?,VABB-1,1524,1538,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400990,,Corporate governance and IPO underpricing in a cross-national sample: a multilevel knowledge-based view,VABB-1,1174,1185,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:400995,,Evaluation of portable Raman instruments with 532 and 785-nm excitation for identification of zeolites and beryllium containing silicates,VABB-1,927,932,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401002,,Implementation conditions for diet and physical activity interventions and policies: an umbrella review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401003,,'It is not the fading candle that one expects': general practitioner's perspectives on life-preserving versus 'letting go' decision-making in end-of-life home care,VABB-1,233,242,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401004,,Moving bodies in the streets of the heart of Tunis: performing spaces of appearance in a revolutionary context,VABB-1,83,95,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401008,,Condities voor de succesvolle implementatie van leergemeenschappen: de casus van Teacher educator Design Teams voor ICT-integratie,VABB-1,5,16,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401009,,"Mediterranean diet, overweight and body composition in children from eight European countries: cross-sectional and prospective results from the IDEFICS study",VABB-1,205,213,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401010,,Promoting health equity in European children: design and methodology of the prospective EPHE (Epode for the Promotion of Health Equity) evaluation study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401011,,"Association of breakfast consumption with objectively measured and self-reported physical activity, sedentary time and physical fitness in European adolescents: the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study",VABB-1,2226,2236,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401012,,"Incidence of high blood pressure in children: effects of physical activity and sedentary behaviors: the IDEFICS study High blood pressure, lifestyle and children",VABB-1,165,170,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401013,,The combined effect of physical activity and sedentary behaviors on a clustered cardio-metabolic risk score: the Helena study,VABB-1,186,195,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401014,,"Unpacking constructs: a network approach for studying war exposure, daily stressors and post-traumatic stress disorder",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401016,,"Scottish Canon Formation through Annotation, or, from Ramsay to Burns: Making Sense of the Paratextual Apparatuses of the Morisons' Patriotic Editions of Literary Classics",VABB-4,189,206,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:401018,,The Greek of the fathers,VABB-4,456,470,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401019,,Reformulaciones literarias del imaginario posdictatorial argentino: el caso de 'Soy un bravo piloto de la nueva China' de Ernesto Semán,VABB-4,95,119,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:401021,,De vergoedbare schade bij schade ingevolge onveilige en gebrekkige producten,VABB-4,225,267,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401022,,"Literatuur als leermiddel, de auteur als (feministische) didacticus? Lidy van Marissing, positionering en gender",VABB-4,119,148,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401023,,Self-help and pop psychology,VABB-4,250,258,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401025,,"Introduction: The 'Neighbours of the EU's neighbours', the 'EU's broader neighbourhood' and the 'Arc of crisis and strategic challenges' from the Sahel to Central Asia",VABB-4,1,25,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401031,,The knights who say NIE: can neo-institutional economics live up to its expectation in ancient history research?,VABB-4,33,57,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401032,,Unreliability in non-fiction: the case of the unreliable addressee,VABB-4,156,170,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401033,,Omwille van Joop: een onderzoek naar de geschiedenis van een voorzetseluitdrukking,VABB-4,407,432,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:401034,,From a bird's eye view: figurines in Iran,VABB-4,189,206,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401035,,"InFo-TED: bringing policy, research, and practice together around teacher educator development",VABB-4,341,364,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401037,,Omgaan met agressief en suïcidaal gedrag,VABB-4,175,212,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401038,,Neurobiologie van agressief gedrag,VABB-4,153,174,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401039,,Het beroepsgeheim van hulpverleners in de forensische geestelijke gezondheidszorg,VABB-4,125,152,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401040,,Waarom een handboek forensische gedragwetenschappen?,VABB-4,25,29,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401041,,Les villes de Flandre et leurs campagnes: état de la question et pistes de recherches,VABB-4,513,535,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401042,,The convergence of direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies and biobanking activities: the example of 23andme,VABB-4,59,74,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401043,,International Arbitration in Belgium,VABB-4,214,245,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401044,,Moet de overheid in een schadevergoeding voorzien voor de beperkingen die voortvloeien uit een beschermingsbesluit ?,VABB-4,67,78,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401049,,Shape grammars for architectural design: the need for reframing,VABB-4,507,526,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401050,,The European Parliament as an international actor in trade: from power to impact,VABB-4,52,69,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401054,,An uncelebrated patron of Brussels artists: St Gorik's confraternity of our lady of the Seven Sorrows (1499-1516),VABB-4,109,132,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401055,,A satellite-based disturbance index algorithm for monitoring mitigation strategies effects on desertification change in an arid environment,VABB-1,263,276,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401056,,Approaching new migration through Elias' 'established' and 'outsiders' lens,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401057,,The antidepressant mechanism of action of vagus nerve stimulation: evidence from preclinical studies,VABB-1,26,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401058,,"In general practice, doctors record higher blood pressures in the presence of students",VABB-1,277,277,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401060,,"Morphological changes of Gumara River channel over 50 years, upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia",VABB-1,152,164,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401061,,The influence of push-off timing in a robotic ankle-foot prosthesis on the energetics and mechanics of walking,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401062,,"Age-related, sport-specific adaptions of the shoulder girdle in elite adolescent tennis players",VABB-1,647,653,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401063,,Acromiohumeral Distance During Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation of the Lower Trapezius and Serratus Anterior Muscles in Healthy Participants,VABB-1,713,718,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401064,,An evidence-based review of current perceptions with regard to the subacromial space in shoulder impingement syndromes: Is it important and what influences it?,VABB-1,641,648,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401065,,Droughts related to quasi-global oscillations: a diagnostic teleconnection analysis in North Ethiopia,VABB-1,1534,1542,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401067,,Metaphor in psychosis: on the possible convergence of Lacanian theory and neuro-scientific research,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401068,,Fotoiskusstvo Arkadia Dragomoschenko i poetika okhmelenia,VABB-1,302,323,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401070,,Balancing demand-pull and supply-push measures to support renewable electricity in Europe,VABB-1,267,277,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401071,,Carbon dioxide concentrations and humidity levels measured in Belgian standard and low energy dwellings with common ventilation strategies,VABB-1,165,180,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401072,,The lived experiences of migrants in detention,VABB-1,568,579,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401073,,Crystallization: a hidden dimension of CTA fees,VABB-1,51,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401074,,A multivariate analysis of the Old English ACC+DAT double object alternation,VABB-1,225,254,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401075,,Barriers and opportunities for alternative measures of economic welfare,VABB-1,162,172,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401076,,Stimulant treatment for ADHD Reply,VABB-1,490,491,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401077,,Evidence for the use of ischemic compression and dry needling in the management of trigger points of the upper trapezius in patients with neck pain: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401078,,"Disc herniations in astronauts: what causes them, and what does it tell us about herniation on earth?",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:401079,,Gepaste sanctie voor mensenrechtenschendingen of troostprijs voor piraten?,VABB-1,87,92,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401081,,Subtlex-pl: subtitle-based word frequency estimates for Polish,VABB-1,471,483,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401082,,"The contribution of pupil, classroom and school level characteristics to primary school pupils' ICT competences: a performance-based approach",VABB-1,55,69,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401083,,Assessment of physical activity in older Belgian adults: validity and reliability of an adapted interview version of the long International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-L),VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401084,,Virtual farmland: grasping the occupation of agricultural land by non-agricultural land uses,VABB-1,547,556,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401086,,La Clôture de Jean Rolin: le territoire circumparisien: entre ironie et mélancolie,VABB-1,83,95,,fre,2014,1 c:vabb:401087,,"Neolithic pottery finds at the wetland site of Bazel-Kruibeke (Flanders, Belgium): evidence of long-distance forager-farmer contact during the late 6th and 5th millennium cal BC in the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt area",VABB-1,21,39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401088,,The Esperanto movement in the Dutch East Indies and Indonesia,VABB-1,441,469,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401089,,The EU's comprehensive approach to security balance or Fata Morgana?,VABB-1,71,92,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:401091,,"Global journalism between dream and reality: a comparative study of The Times, Le Monde and De Standaard",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:401092,,"Nietzsche, selfhood, and the limitations of the transcendental reading",VABB-1,315,339,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401093,,Decision support for prioritising of land to be preserved for agriculture: can participatory tool development help?,VABB-1,208,220,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401095,,Artikel 290 en 291 VWEU: zaak C-427/12,VABB-1,100,105,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401096,,Drinking motives mediate cultural differences but not gender differences in adolescent alcohol use,VABB-1,323,329,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401097,,Influence of balance surface on ankle stabilizing muscle activity in subjects with chronic ankle instability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401098,,Dietary protein and amino acids intake and its relationship with blood pressure in adolescents: the HELENA study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401099,,Mental health nurses' attitudes and perceived self-efficacy toward inpatient aggression: a cross-sectional study of associations with nurse-related characteristics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:401100,,"Symptom assessment in hospitalized older palliative patients with cancer: agreement among patients, nurses, and proxies",VABB-1,E73,E90,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401101,,Mechanistic explanation in engineering science,VABB-1,349,375,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401102,,Systematische reviews van kwalitatief onderzoek binnen de criminologie,VABB-1,302,311,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401103,,Een nieuwe blik op aardewerkproductie in het noorden van het Romeinse Rijk: pottenbakkersovens in Gallia Belgica en Germania Inferior,VABB-1,7,24,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401104,,What do general practitioners think about an online self-regulation programme for health promotion?: focus group interviews,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401105,,The patentability in Europe of plants produced by conventional plant breeding processes,VABB-1,193,196,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401106,,Governing animal–human relations in farming practices: a study of group housing of sows in the EU,VABB-1,417,437,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401107,,Contraceptive use in Flanders (Belgium): a comparison between a general population sample and a Turkish ethnic minority sample,VABB-1,283,295,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401108,,Labour market discrimination against former juvenile delinquents: evidence from a field experiment,VABB-1,1061,1072,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401109,,BDNF blood levels after non-invasive brain stimulation interventions in major depressive disorder: a systemic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,114,122,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401110,,Cross-border reproductive care for law evasion: a qualitative study into the experiences and moral perspectives of French women who go to Belgium for treatment with donor sperm,VABB-1,391,397,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401113,,Kroniek Boekhoudrecht (mei 2014 april 2015),VABB-1,626,659,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401116,,Epidemiology of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients: the multinational AKI-EPI study,VABB-1,1411,1423,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401123,,Commercial contacts in the Sahel region during the Punic period: the case of Uzita,VABB-1,13,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401124,,Envisioning divine didactics: didactic strategies in the visionary trilogy of Hildegard of Bingen,VABB-1,235,263,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401125,,"Theory-driven, web-based, computer-tailored advice to reduce and interrupt sitting at work: development, feasibility and acceptability testing among employees",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401126,,What determines the impact of context on sequential action?,VABB-1,298,314,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401128,,"Comparison of two food record-based dietary assessment methods for a pan-European food consumption survey among infants, toddlers, and children using data quality indicators",VABB-1,437,445,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401129,,The practice of fasting after midday in contemporary Chinese nunneries,VABB-1,57,89,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401131,,Reproducing or contesting the global? Belgian organized consumerism and its international entanglements (1957–1995),VABB-1,413,448,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401132,,The social dimension of the EU-China relationship: a normative and pragmatic European approach?,VABB-1,337,355,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401133,,Na-isoleren van bestaande spouwmuren: bevindingen uit meetcampagnes,VABB-1,2,6,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401135,,"Impact of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and muscle strength on bone stiffness in 2-10-year-old children-cross-sectional results from the IDEFICS study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401136,,Intake of phytosterols from natural sources and risk of cardiovascular disease in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition-the Netherlands (EPIC-NL) population,VABB-1,1067,1075,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401137,,Interviewbias bij sollicitanten met een stigma: een duaalproces-benadering,VABB-1,315,336,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:401138,,Revisiting the Wittgensteinian legacy: perspectives on representational and non-representational language-games for educational history and theory,VABB-1,674,690,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401139,,"Women's position and attitudes towards female genital mutilation in Egypt: a secondary analysis of the Egypt demographic and health surveys, 1995-2014",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401140,,Electromagnetische overgevoeligheid,VABB-1,1623,1628,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401141,,"Social inequality in morbidity, framed within the current economic crisis in Spain",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401142,,Upholding the 'Community method': limits to the commission's power to withdraw legislative proposals-council v commission (C-409/13),VABB-1,895,909,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401143,,"Ethnic differences in activity spaces as a characteristic of segregation: a study based on mobile phone usage in Tallinn, Estonia",VABB-1,2680,2698,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401147,,"Intimate partner violence and psychosocial health, a cross-sectional study in a pregnant population",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401148,,Flamandski misioneri za bylgarite katolici prez 20-te i 30-te godini na XX vek (Flemish missionaries on the Bulgarian Catholics in the 1920s and 1930s),VABB-1,261,273,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401149,,Noot onder Bouyid t. België (EHRM 28 september 2015),VABB-1,687,692,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401152,,A transcranial magnetic stimulation study on response activation and selection in spatial conflict,VABB-1,487,491,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401154,,Prevalence and correlates of use of complementary and alternative medicine in children with autism spectrum disorder in Europe,VABB-1,1277,1285,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401155,,"Enterprising scientists: the shaping role of norms, experience and scientific productivity",VABB-1,211,221,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401156,,Spoedeisendheid in milieuzaken bij de Raad van State: op verkenning...,VABB-1,606,615,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401157,,Impact of health labels on flavor perception and emotional profiling: a consumer study on cheese,VABB-1,10251,10268,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401159,,Het dichterschap in scène gezet: een inleiding,VABB-1,211,214,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401160,,Measuring institutional trust: evidence from Guyana,VABB-1,85,115,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401161,,"Onderwijs, ideologie en psychiatrisering",VABB-1,114,118,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401162,,De Vlaamse patriotten en de natievorming: hoe de Vlaamse natie ophield 'klein' te zijn,VABB-1,217,248,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401163,,Prosecution of alleged pirates in the 1982 law of the sea convention: is outsourcing the solution?,VABB-1,111,128,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401164,,"Impact of a community based health-promotion programme in 2- to 9-year-old children in Europe on markers of the metabolic syndrome, the IDEFICS study",VABB-1,41,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401166,,Advocaten in de media: het EHRM op de bres voor het recht op expressievrijheid van advocaten,VABB-1,195,201,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401168,,"The dividing line between delegated and implementing acts, part two: the Court of Justice settles the issue in Commission v. Parliament and Council (Visa reciprocity)",VABB-1,1617,1634,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401169,,"Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in Havana, Cuba, 2009",VABB-1,1534,1542,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401170,,Sociopolitical determinants of international health policy,VABB-1,363,377,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401172,,Intervening in the local health system to improve diabetes care: lessons from a health service expirement in a poor urban neighborhood in India,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401173,,'Digital Studies': het wijsgerig kader (vertaling van tekst B. Stiegler),VABB-1,319,334,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401174,,"The translation of documentaries: can domain-specific, bilingual glossaries reduce the translators' workload? An experiment involving professional translators",VABB-1,25,49,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401175,,The relation of ambulatory heart rate with all-cause mortality among middle-aged men: a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401176,,Patients with coronary artery disease and diabetes need improved management: a report from the EUROASPIRE IV survey: a registry from the EuroObservational Research Programme of the European Society of Cardiology,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401179,,The US dollar exchange rate and the demand for oil,VABB-1,263,285,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401180,,Reforming land-tenure systems in South Africa: routes to socio-economic and agricultural sustainability,VABB-1,647,674,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401181,,Land rights as an engine of growth?: an analysis of Cambodian land grabs in the context of development theory,VABB-1,564,572,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401182,,Happiness in action: the impact of positive affect on the time of the conscious intention to act,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401184,,Are there differences in central coherence and set shifting across the subtypes of anorexia nervosa?: a systematic review,VABB-1,774,780,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401186,,Long-term multifunctional outcome and risks of face vascularized composite allotransplantation,VABB-1,2038,2046,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401188,,The making of Parsons’s The American University,VABB-1,307,325,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401189,,Pupil dilation reveals top–down attentional load during spatial monitoring,VABB-1,39,45,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401190,,"Unveiling residual, spontaneous recovery from subtle hemispatial neglect three years after stroke",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401192,,"Documents de gestion inédits provenant de l’abbaye de Stavelot-Malmedy et concernant les domaines de Lantremange, Jenneret et Louveigné (Xe-XIIe siècle)",VABB-1,5,48,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:401193,,"The late Medieval Greek poetry: language, metre and discourse (University of Ghent, 2015)",VABB-1,280,286,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401194,,Event-centrality and the pragmatics-semantics interface in Kikongo: From predication focus to progressive aspect and vice versa,VABB-1,113,163,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401195,,"How does ethnic and non-ethnic victimization by peers and by teachers relate to the school belongingness of ethnic minority students in Flanders, Belgium? An explorative study",VABB-1,685,701,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401196,,Negative V3-declaratives in Finland Swedish,VABB-1,157,174,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401199,,Biophysical controlling factors in upper catchments and braided rivers in drylands: the case of a marginal graben of the Ethiopian Rift Valley,VABB-1,748,758,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401200,,Toward a visual approach in the exploration of shape grammars,VABB-1,503,521,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401203,,Incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD): an update,VABB-1,32,36,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401204,,De federale GAS-wet en het recht op spelen: een onderzoek naar de overeenstemming van het begrip van de openbare overlast met de internationale mensenrechten,VABB-1,368,383,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401205,,The wage and employment consequences of ownership change,VABB-1,161,171,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401207,,How can universities facilitate academic spin-offs? An entrepreneurial competency perspective,VABB-1,782,799,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401208,,Quality of doctor-patient communication through the eyes of the patient: variation according to the patient's educational level,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401209,,"Heat, air and moisture transport modelling in ventilated cavity walls",VABB-1,317,349,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401210,,Global patterns of domestic cannabis cultivation: sample characteristics and patterns of growing across eleven countries,VABB-1,226,237,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401211,,Is beak morphology in Darwin's finches tuned to loading demands?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401213,,Spanish studies: language and linguistics,VABB-1,171,185,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401214,,Further evidence on foreign exchange jumps and news announcements,VABB-1,774,787,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401215,,Othello as Morisco,VABB-1,68,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401216,,"Breaking the silence: family ties and social networks of the deaf: a case study of East-Flanders, Belgium, 1750-1950",VABB-1,446,468,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401217,,Impact of the temporal stability of preexistent attentional bias for threat on its alteration through attention bias modification,VABB-1,69,75,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401218,,Impact of selection strategies on representation of underserved populations and intention to practise: international findings,VABB-1,60,72,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401221,,A comparative study of health promotion networks: configurations of determinants for network effectiveness,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:401222,,The impact of spatial sampling and migration on the interpretation of complex archaeological ground-penetrating radar data,VABB-1,91,103,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401223,,"The caring organization: singularity, incompleteness and responsibility or why 5+1 is not always 6",VABB-1,64,73,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401224,,Associations between cognitive performance and pain in chronic fatigue syndrome: comorbidity with fibromyalgia does matter,VABB-1,E841,E852,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401225,,Belgium: private law remedies for breach of the prohibition of unfair commercial practices,VABB-1,188,193,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401226,,Improving folate (vitamin B-9) stability in biofortified rice through metabolic engineering,VABB-1,1076,1078,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401227,,Sound-induced stabilization of breathing and moving,VABB-1,94,100,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401229,,Sociologen socialiseren: representatie van de sociologie en de socioloog in Vlaamse inleidende handboeken,VABB-1,221,238,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401233,,Tightrope walkers suffering in silence: a qualitative study into the experiences of older parents who have an adult child with cancer,VABB-1,1445,1453,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401235,,De wet van 2 juni 2013: het juridisch arsenaal in de strijd tegen schijn- en gedwongen relaties andermaal uitgebreid,VABB-1,46,66,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401240,,Public and private enforcement in the field of unfair contract terms,VABB-1,589,619,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401242,,Identity centrality and psychosocial functioning: a person-centered approach,VABB-1,327,339,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401243,,UNCLOS rules the waves,VABB-1,7,14,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:401245,,Entrepreneurial innovation: the importance of context,VABB-1,1097,1108,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401246,,Defenders of the image: painted collectors' cabinets and the display of display in counter-reformation Antwerp,VABB-1,54,83,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401247,,Minor complementation patterns in Post-classical Greek (I – VI AD): a socio-historical analysis of a corpus of documentary papyri,VABB-1,104,147,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401248,,Background and foreground interaction: influence of complementary colors on the search task,VABB-1,437,445,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401251,,Evaluation of railway traffic control efficiency and its determinants,VABB-1,396,418,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401252,,Talking numbers? Analyzing the presence of financial information in councilor's speech during the budget debate in Flemish municipal councils,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:401253,,Atmospheric nitrogen deposition and the habitats directive: tinkering with the law in the face of the precautionary principle?,VABB-1,25,57,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401254,,Aerobic and resistance training do not influence plasma carnosinase content or activity in type 2 diabetes,VABB-1,E663,E669,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401255,,"Plasma carnosine, but not muscle carnosine, attenuates high-fat diet-induced metabolic stress",VABB-1,868,876,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401258,,The cross-cultural transportability of situational judgment tests: how does a US-based integrity situational judgment test fare in Spain?,VABB-1,361,372,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401260,,Does the FTO gene interact with the socioeconomic status on the obesity development among young European children?: results from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401261,,Welk instrumentarium hebben leerkrachten voorhanden om gedrags- en emotionele problemen bij leerlingen in kaart te brengen?,VABB-1,95,113,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401263,,Involving civil society in social clauses and the decent work agenda,VABB-1,221,235,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401265,,Single-trial multisensory memories affect later auditory and visual object discrimination,VABB-1,148,160,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401267,,Reproducibility of telomere length assessment: an international collaborative study,VABB-1,1673,1683,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401271,,The interplay of elicitation and evaluation of trait-expressive behavior: evidence in assessment center exercises,VABB-1,1169,1188,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401272,,Understanding the building blocks of selection procedures: effects of response fidelity on performance and validity,VABB-1,1604,1627,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401273,,Incremental validity of leaderless group discussion ratings over and above general mental ability and personality in predicting promotion,VABB-1,373,381,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401274,,Laozi Benyi: a political philosophy for the last phase of time,VABB-1,83,103,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401276,,Towards a deeper understanding of cartographic text visualization: assessment of user preferences and colour influence,VABB-1,325,335,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401277,,Reward salience and risk aversion underlie differential ACC activity in substance dependence,VABB-1,59,71,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401278,,Insights from an international stakeholder consultation to identify informational needs related to seafood safety,VABB-1,20,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401279,,Crossing the North Sea seems to make DCD disappear: Cross-validation of Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 norms,VABB-1,177,188,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401280,,Memory training in depression,VABB-1,48,52,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401282,,Exploring the benefits of integrating business model research within living lab projects,VABB-1,19,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401285,,Noot onder Brussel 4 februari 2014,VABB-1,74,81,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401288,,The n-3 long-chain PUFAs modulate the impact of the GCKR Pro446Leu polymorphism on triglycerides in adolescents,VABB-1,1774,1780,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401290,,Defining success in education: exploring the frames of reference used by different voluntary migrant groups in Belgium,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401292,,Novelties for a nobleman: stylistic aspects of religious patronage in Zoutleeuw’s St Leonard’s church (1548-1558),VABB-1,35,46,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401293,,Quelques notes sur les formes dites 'itératives’ indo-européennes: le type patayati et les presents redoublés en védique,VABB-1,83,100,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401294,,Implementation of the IDEFICS intervention across European countries: perceptions of parents and relationship with BMI,VABB-1,78,88,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401295,,Adherence to combined lifestyle factors and their contribution to obesity in the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,138,150,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401296,,Differential outcome of the IDEFICS intervention in overweight versus non-overweight children: did we achieve 'primary' or 'secondary' prevention?,VABB-1,119,126,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401297,,Bi-semiorders with frontiers on finite sets,VABB-1,6,15,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401298,,"Denken in woorden, denken in tonen: de samenwerking tussen Luigi Nono en Massimo Cacciari aan 'Prometeo' (1984/85)",VABB-1,128,178,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401299,,The motivated gatekeeper of our minds: new directions in need for closure theory and research,VABB-1,221,283,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401300,,The effect of intensive speech rate and intonation therapy on intelligibility in Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,91,105,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401301,,Greater Pearl River Delta: historical evolution towards a global city-region,VABB-1,103,123,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401306,,Blood pressure reference values for European non-overweight school children: the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,S48,S56,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401307,,Secondary use of empirical research data in medical ethics papers on gamete donation: forms of use and pitfalls,VABB-1,64,77,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401310,,DNA-databank veroordeelden: ethische kwesties en juridische keuzes,VABB-1,5,11,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401313,,Scripting the role of assessor and assessee in peer assessment in a wild environment: impact on peer feedback quality and product improvement,VABB-1,370,386,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401314,,"The relationship between immigrant school composition, classmate support and involvement in physical fighting and bullying among adolescent immigrants and non-immigrants in 11 countries",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401316,,Cost-effectiveness of prucalopride in the treatment of chronic constipation in the Netherlands,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401317,,Impact of the medical home model on the quality of primary care: the Belgian experience,VABB-1,396,400,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401319,,EuroEco (European Health Economic Trial on Home Monitoring in ICD Patients): a provider perspective in five European countries on costs and net financial impact of follow-up with or without remote monitoring,VABB-1,158,169,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401322,,Cross-continental comparison of the association between the physical environment and active transportation in children: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401324,,"Predominant Mycobacterium tuberculosis families and high rates of recent transmission among new cases are not associated with primary multidrug resistance in Lima, Peru",VABB-1,1854,1863,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401325,,ECONOHEALTH: placing helminth infections of livestock in an economic and social context,VABB-1,62,67,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401327,,Kemalisme en feminisme: een ambigue relatie: feministische perspectieven op de kemalistische hervormingen in de vroege Turkse Republiek,VABB-1,5,29,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401329,,Executieve functies bij kinderen met dyslexie,VABB-1,3,11,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401330,,The structured clinical interview for DSM-IV childhood diagnoses (Kid-SCID): first psychometric evaluation in a Dutch sample of clinically referred youths,VABB-1,367,375,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401331,,North Ethiopian Afro-Alpine tree line dynamics and forest-cover change since the early 20th century,VABB-1,654,664,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401332,,'Onze strijd is niet ten einde!' Het Gentse Onafhankelijkheidsfront tijdens en na de Tweede Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,120,153,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:401333,,Het succes van waarheidscommissies: een focus op (communicatie met) de slachtoffers en hun familieleden,VABB-1,33,48,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:401339,,Generational experience and national substance: children and migration in the Mediterranean,VABB-1,736,740,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401340,,'en nieuwen mensch' als homo fascistus? Fascisering van mannelijkheidsidealen op de Vlaams-nationalistische IJzerbedevaarten tijdens de late jaren '30 en WOII,VABB-1,22,27,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401342,,Sleep fragmentation and periodic limb movements in children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis and polyuria,VABB-1,1157,1162,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401343,,De Poortersloge van Brugge: een sociale en culturele geschiedenis van een uniek laatmiddeleeuws gebouw,VABB-1,225,284,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401344,,Percentile reference values for anthropometric body composition indices in European children from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,S15,S25,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401347,,Diderot et l’approche déterministe de l’esprit: un autre déterminisme,VABB-1,132,146,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:401348,,Social information processing in infants at risk for ASD at 5 months of age: the influence of a familiar face and direct gaze on attention allocation,VABB-1,95,105,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401349,,Prevalence of intimate partner violence victimization and victims' relational and sexual well-being,VABB-1,685,698,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401350,,Horror in mainstream- en cult cinema: is het genre extremer geworden?,VABB-1,38,49,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401351,,Regulatory energy calculations versus real energy use in high-performance houses,VABB-1,675,690,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401352,,Een Brabantse huisklok op een tekening van 1594: Maarten De Vos als schilder van uurwerken,VABB-1,183,192,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401356,,The effects of constraints and mastery on mental and physical health: conceptual and methodological considerations,VABB-1,432,448,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401357,,A theory of states and traits-revised,VABB-1,71,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401359,,Movement pattern analysis based on sequence signatures,VABB-1,1605,1626,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401360,,How do general practitioners use 'safety netting' in acutely ill children?,VABB-1,3,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401366,,Van fotografie tot wafelijzer: Yvonne Serruys als auteur voor Arts et métiers graphiques,VABB-4,61,71,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401367,,"'I think Catholics didn't go to the cinema': Catholic film exhibition strategies and cinema-going experiences in Belgium, 1930s-1960s",VABB-4,255,271,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401368,,The emergence of China as a maritime power,VABB-4,437,525,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401370,,Adding value and HRM practice: evidence-based HR,VABB-4,15,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401373,,'Le problème de l'astrologie' dans le contexte idéologique de l’affaire Cumont: les relations entre religion et sciences dans l’Antiquité et dans les universités d’État belges,VABB-4,43,57,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401375,,Visual cues for language selection in bilinguals,VABB-4,129,145,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401378,,OMA 1978-1989,VABB-3,,,144 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401379,,"The Inter-American Court of Human Rights: theory and practice, present and future",VABB-3,,,811 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401380,,"Structure and performance in the Roman economy: models, methods and case studies",VABB-3,,,236 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401381,,Manuscript and memory in religious communities in the medieval Low Countries,VABB-3,,,"VI, 250 p.",eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401383,,Grote gevoelens in de literatuur,VABB-3,,,159 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401388,,Malcontenten van de moderniteit: het politiek misdrijf en de bescherming van de politieke structuren in België (1831-2015),VABB-3,,,245 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401390,,Diachronic construction grammar,VABB-3,,,264 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401391,,Routledge international handbook of children's rights studies,VABB-3,,,448 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401392,,Meertaligheid onder de loep,VABB-3,,,250 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401393,,The baroque in architectural culture 1880-1980,VABB-3,,,279 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401394,,Pauvreté en Belgique: annuaire 2015,VABB-3,,,421 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401395,,Gust Gils in zijn experiment,VABB-3,,,278 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401398,,"Ontwikkeling en opvoeding in culturele context: betekeniswereld, migratie en maatschappelijke positie",VABB-4,145,168,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401399,,Responding to political crises in the South Pacific: the Solomon Islands and Fiji,VABB-4,208,222,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401400,,Teacher beliefs and uses of technology to support 21st century teaching and learning,VABB-4,403,419,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401404,,Institutional research in Europe: a view from the European association for institutional research,VABB-4,58,70,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401406,,Al-Nasir Muhammad and the formation of the Qalawunid State,VABB-4,101,127,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401411,,"Kazantzakis, un intellectuel à l’épreuve de la réalité",VABB-1,259,271,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401413,,Un caso discusso di grecismo: alcune considerazioni sulla cosiddetta para-ipotassi latina,VABB-4,233,246,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:401416,,Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten in de publieke sector,VABB-4,277,323,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401419,,Life's dual nature: a way out of the impasse of the gene-centred 'versus' complex systems controversy on life,VABB-4,35,52,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401420,,Be careful how you use the left periphery,VABB-4,135,161,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401423,,When the mayor calls the designer,VABB-4,147,165,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401424,,Is legitimacy police property?,VABB-4,93,110,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401425,,Revolting beasts: animal satire and animal trials in the Dutch revolt,VABB-4,23,42,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401427,,Bantu expansion shows that habitat alters the route and pace of human dispersals,VABB-1,13296,13301,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401429,,On the use of the unusual green pigment Brochantite (Cu-4(SO4)(OH)(6)) in the 16th-century Portuguese-Flemish paintings attributed to the master Frei Carlos workshop,VABB-1,518,525,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401430,,Socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent health 2002–2010: a time-series analysis of 34 countries participating in the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study,VABB-1,2088,2095,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401431,,De ideologische positie van Algemeen Nederlands in Vlaanderen: de standaardiseringsideologie onder druk?,VABB-1,97,134,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401432,,"Less is more or not? On the interplay between bundles of slack resources, firm performance and firm survival",VABB-1,1070,1096,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401433,,Measuring institutional diversity across higher education systems,VABB-1,369,379,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401434,,"'Envoyez-nous votre taurobole et que Bellone nous protège': Franz Cumont, Paul Lejay and the Revue d'histoire et de littérature religieuses (1896-1907)",VABB-1,1,19,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401435,,Democratic contributions to UN peacekeeping operations: a two-step fuzzy set analysis of UNIFIL II,VABB-1,4,51,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401437,,Diversification of external accountants serving small and medium-sized enterprises: evidence from Belgium,VABB-1,155,174,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401438,,Learning to read in regular and special schools: a follow up study of students with Down Syndrome,VABB-1,7,39,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401439,,Recent case law of the European Court of Human rights on international parental child abduction. The application of Articles 6 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights,VABB-1,148,161,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401441,,Longitudinal development of explosive leg power from childhood to adulthood in soccer players,VABB-1,672,679,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401442,,"La diplomatique des comptes: méthode, limites et possibilités: l'exemple de Mons, XIVe-XVe siècles",VABB-1,237,270,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401443,,Developing an audiovisual cultural heritage platform for educational purposes: a case study of teacher-involvement using a Living Lab approach,VABB-1,87,102,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401444,,The artful mind: a critical review of the evolutionary psychological study of art,VABB-1,225,248,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401446,,Burgemeesters en activisme tijdens en na Wereldoorlog I (1914-1921),VABB-1,220,257,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401449,,Aurelius Augustinus and Seng Zhao on 'Time': an interpretation of the confessions and the Zhao lun,VABB-1,157,177,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401450,,Early lexico-semantic modulation of motor related areas during action and non-action verb processing,VABB-1,65,82,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401451,,Different effects of executive and visuospatial working memory on visual consciousness,VABB-1,2523,2528,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401452,,The sense of small number discrimination: the predictive value in infancy and toddlerhood for numerical competencies in kindergarten,VABB-1,150,157,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401453,,A new series: research pioneers,VABB-1,183,184,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401455,,"L'examen de l'admissibilité des demandes d’avis, aux confins de l’effectivité du contrôle préventif et de l’équilibre institutionnel",VABB-1,19,28,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401456,,"Why so difficult? Exploring negative relationships between educational leaders: the role of trust, climate, and efficacy",VABB-1,1,38,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401457,,Varianten van cosmopolitanisme: een realistische cosmopolitanistische utopie,VABB-1,69,114,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401458,,The trouble with tariffs: customs policies and the shaky balance between colonial and private interests in the Congo (1885-1914),VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401459,,Ontology-driven conceptual modeling: a systematic literature mapping and review,VABB-1,197,227,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401460,,Equal access to community interpreting in Flanders: a matter of self-reflective decision making?,VABB-1,149,165,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401462,,Logica van de creatie van theorieën,VABB-1,242,257,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401463,,Identification of redundant and synergetic circuits in triplets of electrophysiological data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401464,,Politeness in pronouns: third person reference in Byzantine documentary papyri,VABB-1,256,267,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:401465,,A systematic review of determinants of sedentary behaviour in youth: a DEDIPAC-study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401466,,Political engagement of the young in Europe: youth in the crucible,VABB-3,,,210 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401467,,Executive directors' remuneration in comparative corporate perspective,VABB-3,,,373 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401471,,"Training COPC and leadership development at Ghent University, Belgium",VABB-4,110,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401472,,"Diachronic construction grammar: epistemological context, basic assumptions and historical implications",VABB-4,1,50,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401473,,EU legislative competence and policy choices: the case of investor protection in the MiFID-framework,VABB-5,223,236,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401476,,"The Ghent universal and international exhibition of 1913: reconciling historicism, modernity and exoticism",VABB-4,183,201,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401479,,Collaboration between professionals as a necessary condition for palliative care,VABB-4,226,235,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401483,,Introduction to 'harmful cultural practices',VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401484,,Studying discriminatory practices in youth justice decision-making,VABB-4,175,193,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401485,,"Private epistemic virtue, public vices: moral responsibility in the policy sciences",VABB-4,275,295,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401486,,The Pueblo House and the Mobile Home: J.B. Jackson's vernacular landscape and the sustainable redevelopment of Suburbia,VABB-4,279,285,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401487,,Land degradation in the Ethiopian highlands,VABB-4,369,385,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401488,,"The amba landscape of the Ethiopian highlands, shaped by rockfall",VABB-4,179,189,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401490,,Chronic hepatitis and other liver disease,VABB-4,1175,1191,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401491,,On the importance of non-technical process capabilities to support digital innovations,VABB-4,259,274,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401493,,De Wachtendonckse Psalmen (ca. 900),VABB-4,46,57,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:401495,,How E-waste challenges environmental governance,VABB-4,27,44,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401498,,'As Flaubert intended it to be discussed': Vladimir Nabokov and Jean Rousset on Madame Bovary,VABB-4,75,98,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:401499,,Huur en de antidiscriminatiewetgeving,VABB-4,121,144,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401502,,Toneelhervormingen in de Duitstalige gebieden,VABB-4,179,184,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401503,,Risks and challenges for patients crossing borders for infertility treatment,VABB-4,115,132,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401505,,"De ondersteuning van personen met een dubbele diagnose (psychose en drugproblemen) in Villa Voortman, een ontmoetingsplaats in de stad",VABB-4,303,329,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401510,,The relationship between university culture and climate and research scientists' spin-off intentions,VABB-4,3,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401511,,Protecting underwater cultural heritage in the Belgian part of the North Sea: a recent (r)evolution?,VABB-5,87,106,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401515,,Analysing the use of the trafficking victim archetype by Brazil and the Iberian countries,VABB-4,173,198,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401521,,Diurnal patterns and correlates of older adults' sedentary behavior,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401527,,Prevalence and correlates of young people's sexual aggression perpetration and victimisation in 10 European countries: a multi-level analysis,VABB-1,682,699,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401530,,Digital games research: a survey study on an emerging field and its prevalent debates,VABB-1,975,996,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401533,,Ownership and exploitation of land and natural resources in the Roman world,VABB-3,,,432 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401534,,"Moralizing cinema: film, Catholicism, and power",VABB-3,,,296 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401536,,"Tribute, trade, and smuggling: commercial, scientific and human interaction in the middle period and early modern world",VABB-3,,,364 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401539,,Sociale media anno 2015: actuele juridische aspecten,VABB-3,,,337 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401541,,"Bibliography of Pragmatics Online: 12th Release, updated and expanded",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401542,,The European Union's broader neighbourhood: challenges and opportunities for cooperation beyond the European neighbourhood policy,VABB-3,,,347 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401548,,"Aansprakelijkheid, veiligheid en kwaliteit",VABB-3,,,877 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401550,,Themanummer outsourcing policing,VABB-3,,,222 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401551,,Theory and method in higher education research,VABB-3,,,331 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401552,,Participatie in Vlaanderen 2: eerste analyses van de participatiesurvey 2014,VABB-3,,,512 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401557,,Handboek forensische gedragswetenschappen,VABB-3,,,438 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401558,,Deontic logic and normative systems,VABB-3,,,273 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401561,,Handboek algemeen huurrecht,VABB-3,,,874 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401562,,Historiographie tardo-antique et transmission des savoirs,VABB-3,,,380 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401563,,Tolstoy and Zen: a kōan moment,VABB-1,49,63,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401565,,Ferrous metallurgy from the Bir Massouda metallurgical precinct at Phoenician and Punic Carthage and the beginning of the North African Iron Age,VABB-1,1,38,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:401566,,Overzicht van rechtspraak: afstamming (2012-2015),VABB-1,171,197,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401567,,A ritual reading of the Coroebus episode in Statius' Thebaid,VABB-1,125,148,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401568,,Long-Term Prognostic Risk in Lower Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease as a Function of the Number of Peripheral Arterial Lesions,VABB-1,e001823,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401569,,De 'Europese markt voor vennootschapsrecht': een (her)evaluatie van het vennootschapsrechtelijk harmonisatieprogramma,VABB-1,549,596,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401571,,EU management of global emergencies: legal framework for combatting threats and crises,VABB-3,,,422 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401572,,De toekomst van de politie,VABB-3,,,172 p.,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:401579,,Estimating the decomposition of predictive information in multivariate systems,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401580,,"Made in heaven, burned in hell: the trial of the Sodomite sculptor Hiëronymus Duquesnoy (1602-1654)",VABB-4,101,138,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401581,,Het leven zoals het is... schaalvergroting in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,15,35,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401586,,"La justice avant la Belgique: tentatives autrichiennes, influences françaises et expériences néerlandaises (1780-1830)",VABB-4,26,50,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401587,,A l’aube d’une nouvelle ère judiciaire,VABB-4,14,22,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401588,,Juridische tijdschriften in België: instrumenten van de praktijk en taalconflicten,VABB-4,96,109,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401589,,Thinking Nancy's 'political philosophy',VABB-4,116,136,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401590,,Factors influencing quality of experience,VABB-4,55,72,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401595,,De krachtlijnen van de Wet Patiëntenrechten,VABB-4,81,99,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401597,,"Cultural geographies, socio-economic complexes and territories along the Channel/Manche: Southern North Sea littoral (Belgium, England, France)",VABB-4,225,233,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401600,,Situational judgment tests,VABB-4,13,19,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401604,,Administratiefrechtelijke aspecten in het Vlaamse Gewest,VABB-4,145,212,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401605,,Looking back on the inclusive education career of three young adults with intellectual disabilities in the Flemish speaking part of Belgium: becoming and belonging,VABB-4,97,115,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401606,,Sociale media en internationaal privaatrecht,VABB-4,305,320,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401609,,European Council,VABB-4,345,358,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401611,,Pierre Charpentrat and Baroque functionalism,VABB-4,161,172,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401616,,Harmful cultural practices: towards a research frame,VABB-4,31,48,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401617,,Strolling through landscapes: a labo S chronicle,VABB-4,23,68,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401618,,Pick-n-Mix: a typology of writers' groups in use,VABB-4,30,48,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:401619,,Defining a problem: modern architecture and the Baroque,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401622,,Socializing the eastern neighborhood? The European parliament and the EuroNest parliamentary assembly,VABB-4,220,233,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401625,,The role of the European Parliament in EU development policy,VABB-4,35,51,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401627,,Psaltervertalingen van de moderne devotie (ca. 1380-ca. 1520),VABB-4,151,164,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401628,,De West-Vlaamse vertaling van het psalter en haar Brabantse bewerkingen (ca. 1300-ca. 1400),VABB-4,113,124,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401629,,Introduction: historiography as a cultural practice,VABB-4,11,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401630,,"Duur, opzegging en verlenging van de huurovereenkomst",VABB-4,645,683,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401631,,Luther (1483-1546) en zijn betekenis voor de totstandkoming van de Duitse standaardtaal,VABB-4,15,36,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:401632,,Natura 2000 and fisheries: a question of competence or willingness?,VABB-4,375,398,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401634,,Oefenprogramma's voor patiënten met de ziekte van Parkinson: met vallen en opstaan,VABB-4,157,166,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:401636,,Neither integrated nor comprehensive in substance: Armenia and Georgia,VABB-4,134,148,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401637,,Assessing the physical environment related to cycling and walking,VABB-4,227,246,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401638,,The image of the city quantified: the serial analysis of pictorial representations of urbanity in early Netherlandish art (1420-1520),VABB-4,67,81,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401639,,Influence of social class division on the Sasanian burial ritual,VABB-4,149,153,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401642,,"Higher education experts and commissioned research: between stability, fragility and ambiguity?",VABB-4,144,163,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401644,,Angesichts des Todes: 'Performing Remains': das Tragische und die Textgenese im Gegenwartstheater,VABB-4,353,370,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:401646,,Biodiversity outside protected areas: an outlaw waiting to be saved ?,VABB-4,452,468,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401648,,Poverty and human rights: a European perspective,VABB-4,303,328,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401650,,"Tres medici, duo athei? The physician as atheist and the medicalization of the soul",VABB-4,343,366,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401654,,Colossi and Lotus Feet: Paṇḍitas and Bhaṭṭārakas in the north Indian Digambara legacy,VABB-4,303,335,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401655,,Site selection and designation under the habitats and birds directives: a Sisyphean task?,VABB-4,31,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401659,,Analytical framework and findings,VABB-4,3,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401661,,On the road to substantive equality: due process and non-discrimination at San José,VABB-4,482,502,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401668,,Het psalter in de Vorstermanbijbel (vanaf 1528): een Middelnederlandse vertaling (ca. 1485),VABB-4,191,202,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401672,,Frozen symbols of relatedness: Belgian infertility patients and their decisions about unused cryopreserved embryos,VABB-4,178,191,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401675,,The reform ambitions of the Ghent orphan houses after the Second World War (1945-1984),VABB-4,303,318,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401680,,Theoretical and methodological developments in processability theory,VABB-3,,,278 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401681,,'A patchwork of accommodation': European legal hybridity and jurisdictional complexity: an introduction,VABB-4,9,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401682,,Longitudinal association between child stress and lifestyle,VABB-1,40,50,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401683,,Learning through instructions vs. learning through practice: flanker congruency effects from instructed and applied S-R mappings,VABB-1,899,912,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401685,,Corpus-based research into the presumed effects of short EVS,VABB-1,26,45,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401686,,Induction and disappearance of γH2AX foci and formation of micronuclei after exposure of human lymphocytes to 60Co γ-rays and p(66)+Be(40) neutrons,VABB-1,149,158,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401687,,Dutch ('t) schijnt and German scheint(')s: on the grammaticalization of evidential particles,VABB-1,86,117,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:401689,,"Sustainability labels on coffee: consumer preferences, willingness-to-pay and visual attention to attributes",VABB-1,215,225,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401690,,Fragments of a consolatory discourse: literature and the fiction of comfort,VABB-1,123,147,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401691,,De autoriteit van een kok: hoe van Jan van Leeuwen († 1378) een auctor werd gemaakt,VABB-1,375,406,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:401693,,The Greek documentary papyri as a linguistically heterogeneous corpus: the case of the katochoi of the Sarapeion-archive,VABB-1,461,484,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401694,,The influence of subthalamic nucleus stimulation on pragmatic language production in Parkinson’s disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:401696,,"Contribution of meteorological input in calibrating a distributed hydrologic model in a watershed in the Tianshan Mountains, China",VABB-1,2413,2424,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401699,,Empirical evaluation of earned value management forecasting accuracy for time and cost,VABB-1,05015010-1,05015010-13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401700,,Asymmetric relationships in networked agricultural innovation processes,VABB-1,1810,1825,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401701,,Simul stabunt… Note per una teoria politestuale della raccolta di narrativa breve,VABB-1,85,104,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:401702,,What is the public appetite for healthy eating policies?: evidence from a cross-European survey,VABB-1,267,292,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401703,,"Assessing and explaining technical, allocative and economic efficiency of groundwater-irrigatged farms in Karnataka, India",VABB-1,187,203,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401704,,Compensation for pirates: justice or topsy-turvy world?,VABB-1,182,189,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401705,,The disease burden of hepatitis C in Belgium: an update of a realistic disease control strategy,VABB-1,228,232,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401706,,Towards a symbiotic brain-computer interface: exploring the application-decoder interaction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401707,,The institutional nature of Parishes and the restoration of the church after iconoclasm: the Case of St. James and St. Pharahild in Ghent (1566-1614),VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401708,,Universities aim for a sustainable future,VABB-1,531,531,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401709,,Repeating Rosas danst Rosas: on the transmission of dance knowledge,VABB-1,98,107,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401710,,The habitual entrepreneur phenomenon,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401711,,"Understanding occupational sitting: prevalence, correlates and moderating effects in Australian employees",VABB-1,288,294,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401712,,Manual mapping of drumlins in synthetic landscapes to assess operator effectiveness,VABB-1,719,729,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401714,,Nursing staff and their team: impact on intention to leave,VABB-1,489,496,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401716,,"Cities as networks within networks of cities: the evolution of the city/firm-duality in the world city network, 2000-2010",VABB-1,465,482,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401717,,City-dyad analyses of China's integration into the world city network,VABB-1,868,882,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401718,,"Silage corn production in conventional and conservation tillage systems, part I: sustainability analysis using combination of GIS/AHP and multi-fuzzy modeling",VABB-1,102,114,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401720,,Trends in pre-school enrolment in Turkey: unequal access and differential consequences,VABB-1,537,554,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401722,,Characteristics and effectiveness of fall prevention programs in nursing homes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,211,221,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401723,,Diaspora engagement of African migrant health workers: examples from five destination countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401724,,Reform or business as usual? EU security provision in complex contexts: Mali,VABB-1,260,279,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401725,,Objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time in youth: the international children's accelerometry database (ICAD),VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401727,,Systematic literature review of determinants of sedentary behaviour in older adults: a DEDIPAC study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401728,,Cross-sectional associations between sitting time and several aspects of mental health in Belgian adults,VABB-1,1112,1118,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401731,,A European perspective on testicular tissue cryopreservation for fertility preservation in prepubertal and adolescent boys,VABB-1,2463,2475,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401742,,An in-depth look at dispositional reasoning and interviewer accuracy,VABB-1,199,221,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401743,,"Tea, fierce-fire oil and maps: Northeastern China during the Tang-Song transition",VABB-1,x,x,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401755,,Talent in female gymnastics: a survival analysis based upon performance characteristics,VABB-1,935,940,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401756,,"The Effect of an online Video Intervention 'Movie Models' on specific Parenting Practices and Parental Self-efficacy related to Children's healthy Diet, Physical Activity and Screen-time: a Randomized Controlled Trial.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:401758,,Directive and incentive functions of affective action consequences: an ideomotor approach,VABB-1,630,649,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:401759,,"Lie, truth, lie: the role of task switching in a deception context",VABB-1,478,488,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401760,,"Are world cities also world immigrant cities?: an international, cross-city analysis of global centrality and immigration",VABB-1,173,197,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401761,,Informal social support in contexts of diversity: shaping the relationship between the public and the private sphere,VABB-1,532,540,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401762,,Boekhoudkundige en technische aandachtspunten ESR 2010,VABB-1,5,18,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401763,,Profiling a MALL app for English oral practice: a case study,VABB-1,1339,1361,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401764,,Eliminating mirror responses by instructions,VABB-1,128,136,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401765,,La sentencia Sousa Rodríguez: una cancelación retrasada o un retraso cancelado?,VABB-1,119,133,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:401767,,Video résumés portrayed: findings and challenges,VABB-4,44,60,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401769,,Positive politeness in the European Mediterranean: sociolinguistic notions,VABB-4,194,206,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401770,,"Elfriede Jelineks mehrfache Intermedialität oder: Desiderata der Jelinek-Forschung, etwa auf den Spuren von Plüschbären",VABB-4,242,255,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:401774,,Brussel IIbis-verordening: huwelijkszaken,VABB-4,59,78,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401775,,"De rechtsvordering tot collectief herstel: toepassingsgebied, hoedanigheid en ontvankelijkheidsvoorwaarden",VABB-4,23,45,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401778,,Outlook,VABB-4,499,504,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401781,,State ideology and language in Tanzania,VABB-2,,,184 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401792,,Annotated legal documents on Islam in Europe: Belgium,VABB-2,,,179 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401797,,Models or muddles? What are theories good for in ancient economy history?,VABB-4,9,14,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401798,,A suburban revision of nostalgia: the case of ways of going home by Alejandro Zambra,VABB-4,184,197,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401800,,Technical knowledge and instrumental activism,VABB-4,177,193,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401802,,The Inter-American court of Human Rights and its role in preventing violations of human rights through provisional measures,VABB-4,353,373,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401803,,From the nebular city to the horizontal Metropolis: notes on the continued urbanisation of the Flemish territory,VABB-4,71,90,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401804,,The development a serious game on cyberbullying: a concept test,VABB-4,106,124,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401805,,"Comparing associated harm with traditional bullying and cyberbullying: a narrative overview of mental, physical and behavioural negative outcomes",VABB-4,54,81,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401806,,Restoring nature in the EU: the only way is up?,VABB-4,265,284,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401807,,Biodiversity and agriculture: greening the CAP beyond the status quo?,VABB-4,437,451,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401808,,Introduction: the habitats directive after 20 years: European wildlife’s best hope?,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401811,,Hooked on a feeling: affective anti-smoking messages are more effective than cognitive messages at changing implicit evaluations of smoking,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401812,,How important are student-selected versus instructor-selected literature resources for students' learning and motivation in problem-based learning?,VABB-1,39,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401813,,The transatlantic trade and investment partnership and the role of computable general equilibrium modelling: an exercise in 'Managing fictional expectations',VABB-1,653,678,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401814,,The social gradient in preventive health care use: what can we learn from socially mobile individuals?,VABB-1,823,838,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401815,,"The elusive archaeology of Kongo urbanism: the case of Kindoki, Mbanza Nsundi (Lower Congo, DRC)",VABB-1,369,412,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:401816,,Interictal cardiorespiratory variability in temporal lobe and absence epilepsy in childhood,VABB-1,845,856,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401817,,"Cannabis social clubs in Belgium: organizational strenghts and weaknesses, and threats to the model",VABB-1,122,130,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401818,,Expressing the source of dispossession acts in French and Spanish: a contrastive study of voler and robar,VABB-1,102,124,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401819,,Analysis of the quality of experience of a commercial voice-over-IP service,VABB-1,5873,5895,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401820,,The familial basis of facial emotion recognition deficits in adolescents with conduct disorder and their unaffected relatives,VABB-1,1965,1975,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401821,,Assessing the cross-sectional and inter-temporal validity of the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) in Burundi,VABB-1,2775,2785,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401822,,Long-term quality of life in critically ill patients with acute kidney injury treated with renal replacement therapy: a matched cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401823,,Prevalence and management of antibiotic associated diarrhea in general hospitals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401824,,"Patient characteristics associated with tuberculosis treatment default: a cohort study in a high-incidence area of Lima, Peru",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401825,,"No effect of insecticide treated curtain deployment on Aedes infestation in a cluster randomized trial in a setting of low dengue transmission in Guantanamo, Cuba",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401826,,"Time to initiation of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis treatment and its relation with outcome in a high incidence district in Lima, Peru",VABB-1,322,325,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401827,,Effect of economic recession on psychosocial working conditions by worker's nationality,VABB-1,328,332,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401830,,Concurreren voor de waarheid: neoliberalisme en wetenschapsfraude,VABB-1,22,37,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401831,,Effects of multimodal load on spatial monitoring as revealed by ERPs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401832,,Patiëntveiligheid in de ziekenhuissector: wat kunnen we leren van de luchtvaartsector?,VABB-1,1379,1390,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401833,,Challenges in sustainability and integrated reporting,VABB-1,373,381,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401834,,"Het 'Vlaams', een taal of een misverstand?",VABB-1,64,87,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401835,,"Was Canguilhem a biochauvinist? Goldstein, Canguilhem and the project of 'biophilosophy",VABB-4,197,212,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401837,,The position generator approach to social capital research: measurements and results,VABB-4,166,186,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401838,,Het affectieve en interpersoonlijke functioneren bij de psychopathische persoonlijkheidsstoornis,VABB-4,263,277,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401842,,Plastics,VABB-4,867,870,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401846,,ICT: a magic wand for social change in rural India,VABB-4,501,525,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401847,,"Gender equality, women's rights, and environmental sustainability: the case of climate change",VABB-4,360,382,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401848,,"Patterns of regularisation in British, American and Indian English: a closer look at irregular verbs with t/ed variation",VABB-4,335,372,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401851,,The substance of EU democracy promotion: introduction and conceptual framework,VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401852,,Textual criticism and text editing,VABB-4,321,465,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401853,,Why we do what we (think we) do: creating a Campus coalition from the perspective of disability studies in education,VABB-4,141,157,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401855,,Interpretation in the process of designing effective learning materials: a design-based research example,VABB-4,1219,1237,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401858,,The sonnet,VABB-4,1585,1591,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401861,,Dokumentarliteratur zwischen Affekt und Effekt,VABB-4,43,64,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:401864,,"Cultural participation, trends in",VABB-4,447,452,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401867,,Health care decisions by Sukuma ‘peasant intellectuals’: a case of radical empiricism?,VABB-4,123,132,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401868,,Situational judgment testing: a review and some new developments,VABB-4,172,189,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401869,,"The formation of usage intention of electric cars: a comparative study of Denmark, Belgium, and Italy",VABB-4,126,145,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401870,,How advertising beauty influences children's self-perception and behavior,VABB-4,1483,1498,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401872,,Minorities before the European Court of Human Rights: democratic pluralism unfolded,VABB-4,25,50,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401876,,"‘The mobile phone, 'Modernity', and change in Khartoum, Sudan’, in Mirjam de Bruin, Francis Nyamnjoh, and Inge Brinkman (eds.), Mobile Phones: The New Talking Drums of Everyday Africa (African Studies Centre, 2009), pp. 69–91",VABB-4,94,114,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401878,,Disgorgement of profits in Belgian private law,VABB-4,89,120,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401882,,Met ouders op stap: een blik op de cultuurparticipatie van ouders met hun kinderen,VABB-4,429,452,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401883,,SPECT and PET in eating disorders,VABB-4,555,581,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401885,,De private internationale organisatie inzake arbeidsongevallen en sociale verzekeringen (1889-1914),VABB-4,231,260,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401886,,Vrijstelling van interesten,VABB-4,1814,1821,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:401890,,Is relatedness enough? On the importance of need support in different types of social experiences,VABB-4,77,96,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:401891,,Policing minors: balancing welfare and justice,VABB-4,15,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401896,,Public sector accounting and auditing in Belgium,VABB-4,27,41,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401898,,Motieven van de Vlaming om al dan niet fysiek actief te zijn,VABB-4,297,318,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401901,,A corpus-based multivariate analysis of linguistic norm-adherence in audiovisual and written translation,VABB-1,209,231,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401902,,"Human rights in the age of economic globalization: the case of the Mogalakwena mine, South Africa",VABB-1,34,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401904,,Access to justice in environmental cases after the rulings of the court of justice of 13 January 2015: Kafka revisited?,VABB-1,46,67,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401905,,Role of maturity timing in selection procedures and in the specialisation of playing positions in youth basketball,VABB-1,337,345,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401906,,Measuring dwell time percentage from head-mounted eye-tracking data: comparison of a frame-by-frame and a fixation-by-fixation analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401907,,Language legislation in the Belgian Colonial Charter of 1908: a textual-historical analysis,VABB-1,49,65,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401908,,Detailed recording of gully morphology in 3D through image-based modelling,VABB-1,92,101,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401909,,An empirical study of electronic reverse auction project outcomes,VABB-1,81,94,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401910,,In the eye of the beholder: a qualitative study of mutual obligations and areas of ambiguity in the Hospital-physician relationship,VABB-1,126,134,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401911,,Parallel corpora make sense: bypassing the knowledge acquisition bottleneck for word sense disambiguation,VABB-1,333,367,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401912,,An Old Babylonian seal from Sippar with trading owners,VABB-1,255,265,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401913,,"Girls' quality of life prior to detention in relation to psychiatric disorders, trauma exposure and socioeconomic status",VABB-1,1419,1429,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401914,,Detection of tactile change detection on a bodily location where pain is expected,VABB-1,219,231,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401915,,Prevalence and Impact of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) among an ethnic minority population,VABB-1,3389,3418,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401917,,Examining the longitudinal association between oppositional defiance and autonomy in adolescence,VABB-1,67,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401918,,"Basic psychological need satisfaction, need frustration, and need strength across four cultures",VABB-1,216,236,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401919,,Rebels with a cause? Adolescent defiance from the perspective of reactance theory and self-determination theory,VABB-1,903,918,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401920,,Signs of 'emerging' cultural capital: analysing symbolic struggles using class specific analysis,VABB-1,556,573,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401921,,Tree line dynamics in the tropical African highlands: identifying drivers and dynamics,VABB-1,9,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401922,,The trait-relatedness of the impostor phenomenon and its relevance in the work context,VABB-1,565,581,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401923,,El yo fabulado: nuevas aproximaciones críticas a la autoficción,VABB-1,205,209,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:401924,,"Marine environmental contamination: public awareness, concern and perceived effectiveness in five European countries",VABB-1,4,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401925,,Impulsivity in cocaine-dependent individuals with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,131,143,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401928,,"Higher education experiences of students with autism spectrum disorder: challenges, benefits and support needs",VABB-1,1673,1688,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401930,,Capacity building through cross-sector partnerships: a multiple case study of a sport program in disadvantaged communities in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401932,,The effect of specialty coffee certification on household livelihood strategies and specialisation,VABB-1,13,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401933,,Experimental syntax and the variation of island effects in English and Italian,VABB-1,307,344,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:401934,,"The mental health consequences of the economic crisis in Europe among the employed, the unemployed, and the non-employed",VABB-1,263,288,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401936,,Boileau verraden: kan burleske epiek grote nationale gevoelens opwekken? Over V.A.C. Le Plats ‘Vlaamse’ (en een Oekraïense) Aeneistravestie,VABB-1,65,78,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401937,,Process evaluation of the IDEFICS school intervention: putting the evaluation of the effect on children's objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time in context,VABB-1,89,102,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401940,,Focusing on presentation instead of representation: perspectives on representational and non-representational language-games for educational history and theory,VABB-1,691,701,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401941,,Universiteiten en smart cities: de ongelijke spreiding van universitair geschoolden in België,VABB-1,137,147,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401943,,Early life course risk factors for childhood obesity: the IDEFICS case-control study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401945,,Influence of breastfeeding on blood-cell transcript-based biomarkers of health in children,VABB-1,463,470,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401946,,Effect of the IDEFICS multilevel obesity prevention on children's sleep duration,VABB-1,68,77,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401947,,From junior to senior Pinocchio: a cross-sectional lifespan investigation of deception,VABB-1,58,68,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401948,,Suppressing the truth as a mechanism of deception: Delta plots reveal the role of response inhibition in lying,VABB-1,148,159,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401950,,New perspectives on Pieter Bruegel the Elder's journey to Italy (c. 1552-1554/1555),VABB-1,39,54,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401951,,Romeinse publieke badgebouwen in het Iberisch Schiereiland en de uitwerking van de casus Ammaia (Portugal),VABB-1,121,140,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401952,,Hoger beroep in het kader van de voorlopige hechtenis: overzicht van de stand van wetgeving en rechtspraak,VABB-1,473,485,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401953,,Research-informed strategies to address educational challenges in a digitally networked world,VABB-1,619,623,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401954,,QTC(3D): Extending the qualitative trajectory calculus to three dimensions,VABB-1,20,30,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401956,,Grandir sur un pied d'inégalité: étude du développement physique et langagier des jeunes enfants,VABB-1,19,46,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:401957,,Are Islamic banks subject to depositor discipline?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401960,,De burgerrechtelijke hold-up van de vergunningverlenende overheid,VABB-1,578,584,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401962,,What social media data mean for audience studies: a multidimensional investigation of Twitter use during a current affairs TV programme,VABB-1,221,234,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401963,,Insecure attachment and eating pathology in early adolescence: role of emotion regulation,VABB-1,54,78,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401965,,Epistemic justification in the context of pursuit: a coherentist approach,VABB-1,3111,3141,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:401966,,Roken en rookstop bij psychiatrische patiënten,VABB-1,861,873,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:401971,,Assessing maladaptive traits in youth: an English-language version of the dimensional personality symptom itempool,VABB-1,239,250,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401972,,Muscle carnosine is associated with cardiometabolic risk factors in humans,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401973,,Biodiversity banking: voorbij de tegenstelling natuur versus economie?,VABB-1,197,215,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401974,,CSR and related terms in SME owner-managers' mental models in six European countries: national context matters,VABB-1,433,456,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401975,,Multilevel development models of explosive leg power in high-level soccer players,VABB-1,1408,1415,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401977,,Contraversive neglect? A modulation of visuospatial neglect in association with contraversive pushing,VABB-1,988,997,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401978,,Functional connectivity associated with hand shape generation: imitating novel hand postures and pantomiming tool grips challenge different nodes of a shared neural network,VABB-1,3426,3440,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401982,,"Facial transplantation in a blind patient: psychologic, marital, and family outcomes at 15 months follow-up",VABB-1,362,370,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401985,,Conflict in protected areas: who says co-management does not work?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401986,,Generalizing attentional control across dimensions and tasks: evidence from transfer of proportion-congruent effects,VABB-1,779,801,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401987,,Integration in Flanders (Belgium): citizenship as achievement: How intertwined are 'citizenship' and 'integration' in Flemish language policies?,VABB-1,335,358,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401988,,"Silencing linguistic diversity: the extent, the determinants and consequences of the monolingual beliefs of Flemish teachers",VABB-1,542,556,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:401991,,Moral enhancement: do means matter morally?,VABB-1,139,151,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:401994,,Integriteit van de Belgische politie door de bril van transparency international en het nationaal integriteitssysteem bekeken,VABB-4,117,136,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:401996,,Governance perspective: democratic governance promotion through functional cooperation,VABB-4,58,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401997,,Relational frame theory: implications for the study of human language and cognition,VABB-4,179,226,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401998,,Facilitators of environmental crime: corporations and governments in the port of Antwerp,VABB-4,246,259,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:401999,,The journalist as a Jack of all trades: safeguarding the gates in a digitized news ecology,VABB-4,104,119,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402000,,Betekening: betekeningsverordening nr. 1393/2007,VABB-4,225,252,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402001,,Panorama de los corpus y textos del español peninsular contemporáneo.,VABB-4,147,170,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:402002,,Progressieve supranucleaire paralyse: kinesitherapie/ergotherapie: leren dansen op een slappe koord,VABB-4,227,240,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402006,,"Fluid writing: Stein, James and Bergson",VABB-4,107,127,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402007,,The future is bright: on the behavioural consequences of rule-following,VABB-4,113,120,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402008,,Engaging with Central Asia: China compared to the European Union,VABB-4,210,235,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402010,,Bourdieu's space revisited: the social structuring of lifestyles in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-4,207,227,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402013,,The acquisition of the ergative case in Hindi as a foreign language,VABB-4,71,108,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402014,,Processability theory: assessment of the current state and future perspectives,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402018,,Organized crime: a contested concept,VABB-4,13,31,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402020,,Knowledge hubs: infrastructure and the knowledge economy in city-regions,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402021,,Knowledge flows and physical connectivity in the global economy: an exploration of the related geographies of producer services and air passenger markets,VABB-4,11,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402022,,Conclusion: lessons and policy proposals,VABB-4,315,326,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402023,,Mediation in Belgium: a long and winding road,VABB-4,89,112,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402025,,Euthanasia for mental suffering,VABB-4,79,96,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402027,,Competition policy: the poor relation in the European Union free trade agreements,VABB-4,381,397,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402030,,Sectorgerelateerde veiligheidsregelingen: een bos doorheen de bomen?,VABB-4,82,141,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402032,,Neoliberal institutionalism,VABB-4,134,141,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402033,,Routes uit armoede: wat ouders met jonge kinderen als ondersteunend ervaren,VABB-4,198,213,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402034,,Across borders: architecture and knowledge in the seventeenth-century southern low countries,VABB-4,299,332,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402035,,Sport als consumptiegoed: uitgaven en verplaatsing(sbereidheid) inzake sportbeoefening,VABB-4,361,384,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402037,,Law is politics and often also policy,VABB-4,45,61,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402042,,Waar is het water (nog steeds) te diep? De evolutie van drempels voor theaterbezoek,VABB-4,107,132,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402043,,"China's gate to the South: Iranian and Arab merchant networks in Guangzhou during the Tang-Song transition (c.750–1050), PART II: 900–c.1050",VABB-4,1,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402045,,Exploring dance movement data using sequence alignment methods,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402047,,The Late-Holocene geomorphic history of the Ethiopian Highlands: supportive evidence from May Tsimble,VABB-1,290,303,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402048,,Creating cycling-friendly environments for children: which micro-scale factors are most important?: an experimental study using manipulated photographs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402049,,The confucianization of law and the lenient punishments in China,VABB-1,32,47,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402050,,Les Gesta des évêques de Cambrai ou la consolidation littéraire d'un discours épiscopal,VABB-1,245,261,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:402051,,Long working hours and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of published and unpublished data for 603 838 individuals,VABB-1,1739,1746,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402052,,Adverse lifestyle trends counter improvements in cardiovascular risk factor management in coronary patients,VABB-1,1634,1636,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402054,,Lean Six Sigma implementation in a food processing SME: a case study,VABB-1,1151,1159,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402058,,Does the effect of micro-environmental factors on a street's appeal for adults' bicycle transport vary across different macro-environments?: an experimental study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402059,,"From autochthony to violence? Discursive and coercive social practices of the Mai Mai in Fizi, eastern DR Congo",VABB-1,157,180,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402060,,Het ene kind met dyslexie is het andere niet: implicaties uit begrijpend leesonderzoek en spellingonderzoek voor diagnostiek en therapie,VABB-1,58,66,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402061,,Het modern taalkundig concept van de Intonatie Eenheid in de Laat-Middeleeuws Griekse πολιτικὸς στίχος poëzie,VABB-1,85,97,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402065,,Reference values of bone stiffness index and C-terminal telopeptide in healthy European children,VABB-1,S76,S85,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402066,,Human biomonitoring of multiple mycotoxins in the Belgian population: results of the BIOMYCO study,VABB-1,82,89,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402067,,Europe et pauvreté: on est ... bien loin du compte!,VABB-1,279,298,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:402068,,Outstanding questions concerning the regulation of enhancement devices,VABB-1,316,321,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402069,,Het afstammingsrecht opnieuw onder vuur door het Grondwettelijk Hof: gevolgen voor minnelijk verdeelde nalatenschappen,VABB-1,182,195,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402070,,Social pressure and unfulfilled dreams among Chinese and Belgian parents: two roads to controlling parenting via child-invested contingent self-esteem,VABB-1,1150,1168,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402071,,"Scenes from a changing colonial 'Far West': picturing the early urban landscape and colonial society of cosmopolitan Lubumbashi, 1910-1931",VABB-1,11,54,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402072,,It's not just my fault: neural correlates of feedback processing in solo and joint action,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402073,,Innovations in practice: adapting a specialized ADHD parenting programme for use with 'hard to reach' and 'difficult to treat' preschool children,VABB-1,175,178,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402075,,"Cutting the Gordian knot of visualizing dense spatial networks: the case of the world city network, 2013",VABB-1,1332,1340,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402076,,"Libertus, collegiatus, pistor en coniunx: de meervoudige identiteit van Romeinse vrijgelatenen",VABB-1,113,130,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:402077,,Identifying sustainability issues for soymeal and beef production chains,VABB-1,949,965,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402078,,Gedragsproblemen en sterktes bij kinderen met Downsyndroom,VABB-1,101,118,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402080,,Les bons juges: Ensor en de rechterlijke macht,VABB-1,259,271,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:402084,,Observing accidental and intentional unusual actions is associated with,VABB-1,195,202,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402085,,Can authoritarianism lead to greater liking of out-groups? The intriguing case of Singapore,VABB-1,1972,1974,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402086,,One sail fits all? A psychographic segmentation of digital pirates,VABB-1,x,x,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:402087,,What's your motivation to be pregnant? Relations between motives for parenthood and women's prenatal functioning,VABB-1,755,765,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402088,,Rethinking responsibility in offenders with acquired paedophilia: punishment or treatment?,VABB-1,51,60,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402089,,Diffusion Kurtosis imaging: a possible MRI biomarker for AD diagnosis?,VABB-1,937,948,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402091,,Oorzakelijkheid in verzekeringen,VABB-1,1607,1743,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:402092,,Sleep time and cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents: the HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) study,VABB-1,104,110,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402093,,"Physical activity, sedentary time, and liver enzymes in adolescents: the HELENA study",VABB-1,798,802,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402095,,Metabolic syndrome in young children: definitions and results of the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,S4,S14,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402096,,"Percentiles of fasting serum insulin, glucose, HbA1c and HOMA-IR in pre-pubertal normal weight European children from the IDEFICS cohort",VABB-1,S39,S47,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402097,,Managing forensic DNA records in a divided world: the Belgian case,VABB-1,269,287,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402098,,Continuity and discontinuity of the constitutional monarchy from a transnational perspective: the Netherlands-Belgium (1815-1830),VABB-1,121,131,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402099,,Differential effects of reading trainings on reading processes: a comparison in Grade 2,VABB-1,489,512,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402102,,Politiek draagvlak voor het strategisch meerjarenplan uit BBC bij Vlaamse lokale besturen,VABB-1,41,62,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402103,,Samenwerking in Vlaanderen: van binnen naar buiten,VABB-1,5,17,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402104,,In het spoor van Pippi Langkous: een verkenning van de receptiegeschiedenis van Astrid Lindgrens Pippi-trilogie in het Nederlandse taalgebied,VABB-1,10,28,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402105,,In vivo quantification of the [11C]DASB binding in the normal canine brain using positron emission tomography,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402107,,The vulnerability to suicidal behavior is associated with reduced connectivity strength,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402108,,Lauacrum: just another word for baths? How the terminilogy of baths may have reflected changes in bathing habits,VABB-1,139,177,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402112,,Soil erosion and conservation in Ethiopia: a review,VABB-1,750,774,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402114,,"Which role do midwives and gynecologists have in smoking cessation in pregnant women?: a study in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,66,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402117,,Desaturase activity is associated with weight status and metabolic risk markers in young children,VABB-1,3760,3769,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402118,,Crossing thresholds with a child with a disability,VABB-1,83,98,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402122,,Regional geographies of intercity corporate networks: the use of exponential random graph models to assess regional network-formation,VABB-1,109,127,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402124,,Explaining hybrid 'personalities' in smallholder sugar cane sourcing,VABB-1,2547,2563,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402125,,The differential impact of observational learning and practice-based learning on the development of oral presentation skills in higher education,VABB-1,256,271,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402127,,Prenatal exposure to environmental contaminants and body composition at age 7-9 years,VABB-1,24,32,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402128,,Teaching and learning with mobile technology: a qualitative explorative study about the introduction of tablet devices in secondary education,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402129,,"Post-Islamism, ideological evolution and 'la tunisianité' of the Tunisian Islamist party al-Nahda",VABB-1,27,42,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402130,,An integrated method for the emotional conceptualization and sensory characterization of food products: the EmoSensory® wheel,VABB-1,96,107,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402131,,Worlds of MoCap: writing dance on a three-dimensional canvas,VABB-1,35,42,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402133,,Determinants of peak discharge in steep mountain catchments: case of the Rift Valley escarpment of Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,1725,1739,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402134,,Noot-De gender-eigen Russische familienaam tot in cassatie: in naam van de openbare orde?,VABB-1,229,234,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402135,,'Advanced practice nursing': verpleegkundig specialisten in Vlaamse universitaire ziekenhuizen,VABB-1,1533,1542,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402136,,Mapping producer services networks in mainland Chinese cities,VABB-1,3018,3034,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402137,,Hassan v. United Kingdom: the interaction of Human Rights Law and International Humanitarian Law with regard to the deprivation of liberty in armed conflicts,VABB-1,90,96,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402138,,De procedurele hardnekkigheid van ouders in een procedure tegen zorgverleners: de aanhouder wint… of toch niet?,VABB-1,118,131,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402139,,Vocational students' intention to drop out in Flanders: the role of teacher beliefs,VABB-1,178,194,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402140,,Consumers' health risk-benefit perception of seafood and attitude toward the marine environment: insights from five European countries,VABB-1,11,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402141,,Avoidance and persistence capacity or motivation?,VABB-1,843,844,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402142,,Het vrije verkeer van personen in de EU: migratie of mobiliteit? Een macro-economisch perspectief,VABB-4,109,130,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402144,,European cities in advanced producer services and real estate capital flows: a dynamic perspective,VABB-4,115,137,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402146,,Writing backwards? Autorpoetik bei Poe und Godwin,VABB-4,379,404,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:402148,,Central and eastern European EU member states' involvement in the EU's democracy promotion in Central Asia,VABB-4,102,126,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402149,,'Ik ga akkoord': maar waarmee? Sociale netwerksites en hun algemene voorwaarden,VABB-4,125,154,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402153,,Connective markers in interpreting and translation: where do they come from,VABB-4,195,222,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402154,,Intonational phonology of the regional varieties of Italian,VABB-4,140,197,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402155,,Psychodiagnostiek anders bekeken: kritieken op de DSM: een pleidooi voor functiegerichte diagnostiek,VABB-2,,,240 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402159,,Kosovo onder internationaal toezicht: een eindig verhaal?,VABB-2,,,113 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402163,,"Stoppen met druggebruik en criminaliteit: een verhaal van vallen en opstaan, van rugzakjes en vangnetten",VABB-2,,,221 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402167,,Quatrième Livre des procurateurs de la nation germanique de l'ancienne Université d'Orléans 1587-1602. Texte des rapports des procurateurs,VABB-2,,,659 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:402176,,La Grande Guerre revisitée: 14-18 dans le roman français contemporain,VABB-2,,,401 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:402179,,Effect of pain induction or pain reduction on conditioned pain modulation in adults: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402181,,Anorexia Nervosa: een integratief behandelmodel,VABB-1,87,100,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402182,,Donor interests or developmental performance? Explaining sanctions in EU democracy promotion in sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,74,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402183,,External sources for innovation in food SMEs,VABB-1,412,430,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402184,,"Longitudinal progress of overall intelligibility, voice, resonance, articulation and oromyofunctional behavior during the first 21 months after Belgian facial transplantation",VABB-1,42,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402185,,Attention bias modification via single-session dot-probe training: failures to replicate,VABB-1,5,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402186,,"In Vino Veritas? Alcohol, response inhibition and lying",VABB-1,74,81,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402187,,Impacts of conservation agriculture-based farming systems on optimizing seasonal rainfall partitioning and productivity on vertisols in the Ethiopian drylands,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402188,,Built to fight: variable loading conditions and stress distribution in stag beetle jaws,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402189,,Materialism and well-being in the UK and Chile: basic need satisfaction and basic need frustration as underlying psychological processes,VABB-1,569,585,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402190,,"Interactions among emotional attention, encoding, and retrieval of ambiguous information: an eye-tracking study",VABB-1,539,543,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402191,,Kwaliteit van leven: een gedeeld kader in het werken met mensen in maatschappelijk kwetsbare leefsituaties?,VABB-1,529,547,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402192,,Antihistamines for the common cold,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402196,,Spatial and temporal fluctuations in individual accessibility: a comparative analysis among subgroups of the population,VABB-1,119,131,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402197,,Divergent views on the charter norms on the use of force: a transatlantic divide?,VABB-5,67,70,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402198,,TAS1R3 and UCN2 transcript levels in blood cells are associated with sugary and fatty food consumption in children,VABB-1,3556,3564,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402199,,Inequities in energy-balance related behaviours and family environmental determinants in European children: baseline results of the prospective EPHE evaluation study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402200,,"Steentijdvondsten uit het zuiden van Oost-Vlaanderen: het neolithicum te Leeuwergem-Spelaan (gem. Zottegem) en Ruien-Rosalinde (gem. Kluisbergen, BE)",VABB-1,5,23,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402201,,Hunting with trapezes at Bazel-Sluis: the results of a functional analysis,VABB-1,239,251,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402202,,The implications of Eurasian integration for the EU's relations with the countries in the post-Soviet space,VABB-1,5,33,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402203,,"Corpus-based translation studies: across genres, methods and disciplines",VABB-1,157,162,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402204,,Psychological consequences of early global deprivation an overview of findings from the English & Romanian adoptees study,VABB-1,138,151,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402205,,Prospective comparison of cognitive effects of carotid endarterectomy versus carotid stenting with flow reversal or distal filters,VABB-1,834,841,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402207,,Musician earplugs: appreciation and protection,VABB-1,198,208,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402208,,Integrated risk index for seafood contaminants (IRISC): pilot study in five European countries,VABB-1,109,115,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402209,,"Moderating effects of age, gender and education on the associations of perceived neighborhood environment attributes with accelerometer-based physical activity: the IPEN adult study",VABB-1,65,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402210,,Serdar Mohammed v. Ministry of Defence: welke rechtsgrond voor vrijheidsberoving in niet-internationale gewapende conflicten,VABB-1,283,289,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402211,,Ingrepen van de vertaler: een typologie van weglatingen en toevoegingen in poëtische vertaling Russisch-Nederlands,VABB-1,213,236,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:402214,,"How to return to subjectivity? Natorp, Husserl, and Lacan on the limits of reflection",VABB-1,753,774,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402215,,Interference in joint picture naming,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402216,,De onvervreemdbaarheid van een parkeerplaats in een appartements- gebouw (analyse n.a.v. Rb. Gent (14 e k.) 4 juni 2013),VABB-1,868,886,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402217,,Testing the relationship between nationalism and racism: Greek-Cypriot students' national/ethnic identities and attitudes to ethnic out-groups,VABB-1,1736,1757,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402219,,Factors influencing the occupational trajectory of patients with systemic sclerosis: a qualitative study,VABB-1,S26,S30,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402221,,"How much variance in offending, self-control and morality can be explained by neighbourhoods and schools? An exploratory cross-classified multi-level analysis",VABB-1,523,537,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402222,,A closer look at the psychological diversity within Holland interest types: construct validation of the career insight questionnaire,VABB-1,234,257,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402223,,Wees vooral consistent: hoe breng je academische prestaties effectief in kaart?,VABB-1,45,49,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402224,,Idea mining for web-based weak signal detection,VABB-1,25,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402226,,"Enwebbed complexities: the posthumanities, digital media, and new feminist materialism: an interview with N. Katherine Hayles",VABB-1,21,29,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402227,,Struggling with the environment: land use and productivity,VABB-3,,,450 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402228,,Aspectual choice with verba dicendi in Herodotus’ histories,VABB-1,221,245,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402229,,Delenda est haec Carthago: the Ostend company as a problem of European great power politics (1722-1727),VABB-1,397,437,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402230,,Macroeconomic regimes,VABB-1,51,71,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402231,,"Water balance of a lake with floodplain buffering: Lake Tana, Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia",VABB-1,174,186,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402232,,Cross-species comparison in the evolutionary study of art: a cognitive approach to the ape art debate,VABB-1,263,272,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402233,,News coverage of the first Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union (2011): findings from an international comparative study,VABB-1,187,204,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402235,,The impact of attachment and depression symptoms on multiple risk behaviors in post-war adolescents in northern Uganda,VABB-1,62,67,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402236,,Teleomechanism redux? Functional physiology and hybrid models of Life in early modern natural philosophy,VABB-1,290,307,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402237,,Het belang van het kind en gezinshereniging onder art. 8 EVRM na het arrest-Jeunesse,VABB-1,258,269,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402238,,De korte weg van F. Hoe film een participatief onderszoeksmedium wordt,VABB-1,40,63,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402240,,"Land management in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands: local and global perspectives: past, present and future",VABB-1,759,764,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402243,,'The AYA director': a synthesizing concept to understand psychosocial experiences of adolescents and young adults with cancer,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:402244,,Preconception-related needs of reproductive-aged women,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:402245,,Do birds singing the same song flock together? A mixed-method study on language as a tool for changing social homophily in primary schools in highly diverse contexts in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,168,182,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402246,,The effect of L1 regional variation on the perception and production of standard L1 and L2 vowels,VABB-1,521,553,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402247,,"Scuole e Biblioteche in Italia tra Medioevo e Umanesimo: Rec. a ""Luciano Gargan, Libri e maestri tra medioevo e umanesimo, premessa di V. Fera, Centro interdipartimentale di Studi Umanistici, Messina, 2011 (Biblioteca umanistica, 17)",VABB-1,321,326,,ita,2014,2 c:vabb:402248,,How to organize continuous workplace learning in clinical practice?,VABB-1,102,102,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402249,,Enduring class struggle in Tunisia: the fight for identity beyond political Islam,VABB-1,74,87,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402250,,Rechtsplegingsvergoeding en de publiekrechtelijke rechtspersoon die optreedt in het algemeen belang: terug naar af?,VABB-1,259,263,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402253,,La réforme de la fonction publique en Afrique subsaharienne: cas de la République Démocratique du Congo,VABB-1,27,46,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:402254,,Development and validation of adolescent self-report: ADA,VABB-1,85,104,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402256,,It wasn't me! Motor activation from irrelevant spatial information in the absence of a response,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402257,,Insufficient access to harm reduction measures in prisons in 5 countries (PRIDE Europe): a shared European public health concern,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402258,,Coping behaviours and post-traumatic stress in war-affected eastern Congolese adolescents,VABB-1,83,88,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402259,,Wanneer een toekomstige echtgenoot zich plots bedenkt: impact van de vrijwillige afstand van de huwelijksaangifte op het onderzoek naar schijnhuwelijk,VABB-1,438,444,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402261,,Winning in straight sets helps in Grand Slam tennis,VABB-1,1007,1021,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402262,,Probabilistic Markov model estimating cost effectiveness of methylphenidate osmotic-release oral system versus immediate-release methylphenidate in children and adolescents: which information is needed?,VABB-1,489,509,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402263,,Shakespeare and media ecology: beyond historicism and presentism,VABB-1,515,538,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402266,,"Triangular politics: Stein, Bernard Faÿ, and Elisabeth de Gramont",VABB-4,85,103,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402268,,Het 'civiel beleid': een stiefkind van de ministers van justitie,VABB-4,165,190,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402270,,Functional brain imaging of suicidal behavior,VABB-4,173,183,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402272,,Sociolinguistics,VABB-4,131,144,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402276,,De invloed van het Europees recht op de Belgische taalwetgeving in gerechtszaken,VABB-4,425,461,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402277,,Algemene boekhoudregeling publieke en social profitsector in België,VABB-4,1,17,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402283,,Schoolmoeheid door economische deprivatie?,VABB-4,214,230,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402285,,Theatres of war and diplomacy on the early-eighteenth-century Amsterdam stage,VABB-4,181,196,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402287,,D'autant (plus) (que): de la corrélation comparative subjective à la cause emphatique intersubjective,VABB-4,123,144,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:402288,,"The often announced decline of the modern citizen: an empirical, comparative analysis of European young people's political and civic engagement",VABB-4,133,160,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402290,,Ecological restoration as the 21st century environmental paradigm,VABB-4,63,86,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402291,,Essor d'une conscience littéraire de l'environnement,VABB-1,1,5,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:402295,,Een mooi duet in de tandartsstoel: effectieve communicatie in de tandheelkunde,VABB-4,41,56,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402298,,Fysieke activiteit - zitten: fysieke actieve en sedentaire tijdsbesteding bij de Vlaamse bevolking,VABB-4,283,295,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402299,,Europa en armoede: ver weg van de doelstelling,VABB-4,267,284,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402305,,De impact van de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie op de regelen inzake onrechtmatige bedingen,VABB-4,145,192,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402312,,"Gender and media: representing, producing, consuming",VABB-2,,,208 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402313,,"Justice, home affairs and security: European and international institutional and policy development",VABB-2,,,269 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402315,,"A dialectical pedagogy of revolt: Gramsci, Vygotsky, and the Egyptian revolution",VABB-2,,,422 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402317,,"Catholics, cinema and power: An introduction",VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402318,,De steile opmars van drones en de uitdagingen voor de politie,VABB-4,69,82,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:402319,,Re-conceptualizing the Right to seek and obtain Asylum in International Law: the Role of Regional Human Rights Systems,VABB-1,303,332,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402320,,Model uncertainty and systematic risk in US banking,VABB-1,49,66,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402322,,When context matters more than language: verb or noun in French and Turkish caregiver speech,VABB-1,537,550,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402323,,Trying to fix a painful problem: the impact of pain control attempts on the attentional prioritization of a threatened body location,VABB-1,135,143,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402324,,Lower eccentric hamstring strength and single leg hop for distance predict hamstring injury in PETE students,VABB-1,436,442,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402325,,The responsibility to protect doctrine: coherent after all,VABB-1,128,137,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402326,,"The discursive construction of gay teenagers in times of mediatization: youth's reflections on intimate storytelling, queer shame and realness in popular social media places",VABB-1,777,793,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402327,,Eerlijkheid van selectie op basis van papieren en video cv’s,VABB-1,265,281,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:402328,,Brain circuit for cognitive control is shared by task and language switching,VABB-1,1752,1765,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402329,,Het Onroerenderfgoeddecreet (II),VABB-1,379,395,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402330,,The effects of rumination induction on attentional breadth for self-related information,VABB-1,607,618,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402331,,De rule of law in Kosovo: een stand van zaken,VABB-1,50,53,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402332,,Bilingualism delays clinical manifestation of Alzheimer's disease,VABB-1,568,574,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402333,,Male feminism: men's participation in women's emancipation movements and debates: case studies from Belgium and France (1967-1984),VABB-1,77,100,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402334,,"β-Alanine does not act through branched-chain amino acid catabolism in carp, a species with low muscular carnosine storage",VABB-1,281,287,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402335,,Tracking slow modulations in synaptic gain using dynamic causal modelling: validation in epilepsy,VABB-1,117,126,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402336,,"Min(d)ing the land: the relationship between artisanal and small-scale mining and surface land arrangements in the southern Philippines, eastern DRC and Liberia",VABB-1,50,60,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402337,,"Beta-alanine supplementation, muscle carnosine and exercise performance",VABB-1,63,70,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402339,,Brand typicality and distant novel extension acceptance: how risk-reduction counters low category fit,VABB-1,157,165,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402340,,On the relations between ELECTRE TRI-B and ELECTRE TRI-C and on a new variant of ELECTRE TRI-B,VABB-1,201,211,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402342,,Social media adoption in business-to-business: IT and industrial companies compared,VABB-1,283,305,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:402343,,Heuristic reevaluation of the bacterial hypothesis of peptic ulcer disease in the 1950s,VABB-1,429,454,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402345,,Terminal care in older patients in hospital: development of a quality indicator set and its first application in a retrospective comparison of patients treated in acute geriatric unit and a palliative care unit of a Belgian university hospital,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402346,,Did the economic impact of a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) affect the voting behaviour of the members of the European Parliament?,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402348,,Short film experience: introduction,VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402360,,Qu’est-ce qui détermine l'efficacité d’une psychothérapie: brève mise à jour scientifique,VABB-1,237,242,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:402361,,Inequalities in social capital and their longitudinal effects on the labour market entry,VABB-1,174,184,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402362,,The revolt of small towns: the meaning of Morocco's history and geography of social protests,VABB-1,124,140,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402363,,Attitudes towards online feedback on writing: why students mistrust the learning potential of models,VABB-1,340,357,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402364,,Profiling consumers who are ready to adopt insects as a meat substitute in a Western society,VABB-1,147,155,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402366,,The co-creation experience from the customer perspective: its measurement and determinants,VABB-1,321,342,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402367,,Branding of Flemish higher education institutions: a strategic balance perspective,VABB-1,1178,1191,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402368,,"Monumentale maagd, man of moeder? Vrouwelijkheid als onderdeel van gerechtigheidsiconografie in fin de siècle beeldhouwkunst",VABB-1,3,9,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402369,,Combined influence of healthy diet and active lifestyle on cardiovascular disease risk factors in adolescents,VABB-1,553,562,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402370,,Prevalence of overweight and obesity in European children below the age of 10,VABB-1,S99,S107,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402372,,"Muscular fitness, fatness and inflammatory biomarkers in adolescents",VABB-1,391,400,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402373,,Cross-continental comparison of national food consumption survey methods: a narrative review,VABB-1,3587,3620,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402374,,Characterisation of patient encounters in community pharmacies (with special focus on self-medication),VABB-1,228,231,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402376,,The association of cognitive ability with right-wing ideological attitudes and prejudice: a meta-analytic review,VABB-1,599,621,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402377,,Autonomy-supportive parenting and autonomy-supportive sibling interactions: the role of mothers' and siblings' psychological need satisfaction,VABB-1,1590,1604,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402378,,Experimenteren met het Nieuwe Werken,VABB-1,18,21,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402381,,Effects of a community-oriented obesity prevention programme on indicators of body fatness in preschool and primary school children: main results from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,16,29,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402385,,Walking direction triggers visuo-spatial orienting in 6-month-old infants and adults: an eye tracking study,VABB-1,112,120,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402386,,"25 Years Again and Again. On Repetition, Time and Articulated Knowledge at The Bridge of Winds' group.",VABB-1,230,244,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402387,,Recent trends in euthanasia and other end-of-life practices in Belgium,VABB-1,1179,1181,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402388,,"Zorg dragen voor de jeugd: Bernard Stiegler, Impulsion 75 en Rotterdam Vakmanstad",VABB-1,417,423,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402389,,"Prevalence and management of familial hypercholesterolaemia in coronary patients: an analysis of EUROASPIRE IV, a study of the European Society of Cardiology",VABB-1,169,175,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402390,,"Van verleden naar toekomst: democratie, diversiteit en cultureel erfgoed-in-wording",VABB-1,439,456,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:402394,,The argumentation in workplace accident trials: the case of the civil court of Mons (1870-1904),VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402395,,On the most innovative outer access structure of any Bantu dictionary: the lexique kikongo – français by Charles Polis (1938),VABB-1,56,135,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402396,,Costly sexual dimorphism in Cyclommatus metallifer stag beetles,VABB-1,35,43,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402397,,Effect of pedaling cadence on muscle oxygenation during high-intensity cycling until exhaustion: a comparison between untrained subjects and triathletes,VABB-1,2681,2689,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402398,,Staatssteun en de rechtspositie van de steunontvangende onderneming,VABB-1,148,159,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402399,,"Whose problem is it anyway? Realising the right to education for Roma children in Ghent, Belgium",VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402400,,Self-censorship an self-fashioning,VABB-1,209,229,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402401,,De eigenheid van de Vlaamse erfbelasting,VABB-1,747,781,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402402,,Home nurses turnover intentions: the impact of informal supervisory feedback and self-efficacy,VABB-1,2867,2878,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402403,,Evaluating multiple classifiers for stock price direction prediction,VABB-1,7046,7056,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402405,,The impact of a randomised trial on TC environments,VABB-1,137,144,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402406,,Benefits of listening to a recording of euphoric joint music making in polydrug abusers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402407,,Classification of articles and journals on project control and earned value management,VABB-1,1610,1634,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402409,,Climate change impact on the hydrology of a typical watershed in the Tianshan Mountains,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402411,,Developing supplier integration capabilities for sustainablecompetitive advantage: a dynamic capabilities approach,VABB-1,446,461,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402412,,Reconciling the law of salvage and finds with the protection of underwater cultural heritage: a stumbling block for common law states?,VABB-1,418,442,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402413,,The adaptive eater: perceived healthiness moderates the effect of the color red on consumption,VABB-1,172,178,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402415,,"Waterloo as a small 'Realm of memory': British writers, tourism, and the periodical press MARYSA DEMOOR",VABB-1,453,468,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402423,,Adherence to a Mediterranean-like dietary pattern in children from eight European countries: the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,S108,S114,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402424,,The IDEFICS intervention trial to prevent childhood obesity: design and study methods,VABB-1,4,15,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402425,,"Large proportions of overweight and obese children, as well as their parents, underestimate children's weight status across Europe: the ENERGY (EuropeaN Energy balance Research to prevent excessive weight Gain among Youth) project",VABB-1,2183,2190,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402426,,De nieuwe financiering van de begroting van de Europese Unie,VABB-1,458,467,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402429,,I longa in iato nel Corpus Vindolandense,VABB-1,189,206,,lat,2015,2 c:vabb:402430,,MER-screening bij RUP's: puberale groeipijnen of lastige wetten?,VABB-1,215,236,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402431,,Het diagnostisch classificatiesysteem voor baby's en peuters: hulpmiddel in de zorg voor jonge kinderen met psychische problemen.,VABB-1,1629,1635,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402432,,Secondary voice restoration after laryngotracheal separation (LTS) for dysphagia with intractable aspiration,VABB-1,695,701,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402441,,A self-regulation eHealth intervention to increase healthy Behavior through general practice: protocol and systematic development,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402442,,"A web-based, social networking physical activity intervention for insufficiently active adults delivered via Facebook app: randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402448,,Evolutie van anti-migrantenattitudes in Europa (2002-2012): welke invloed had de financieel-economische crisis?,VABB-1,194,220,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402450,,Do specific parenting practices and related parental self-efficacy associate with physical activity and screen time among primary schoolchildren?: a cross-sectional study in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402452,,Een kind van ons beiden: eiceltransfer tussen lesbische partners,VABB-1,1409,1414,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402454,,Open-identity sperm donation: how does offering donor-identifying information relate to donor-conceived offspring’s wishes and needs?,VABB-1,503,509,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402455,,Reproducibility of telomere length assessment: authors' response to Damjan Krstajic and Ljubomir Buturovic,VABB-1,1739,1741,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402457,,"Waarom wetenschappelijk onderzoek financieren? Een essay over de waarde van wetenschap, met gevalstudies in sociologie en criminologie",VABB-1,1,17,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402459,,Dietary carbohydrate and nocturnal sleep duration in relation to children's BMI: findings from the IDEFICS study in eight European countries,VABB-1,10223,10236,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402460,,Structuring peer assessment: comparing the impact of the degree of structure on peer feedback content,VABB-1,315,325,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:402461,,'Is de wereld nu opeens krankzinnig geworden?' Cyriel Buysse als getuige van de Grote Oorlog,VABB-1,137,146,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:402464,,In defense of eating vegan,VABB-1,705,717,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402465,,The first Siberian legal forum 'Specialization of courts and judges',VABB-1,142,148,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402466,,Case Note M.D. v. Ireland,VABB-1,336,341,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402468,,Orthodox theological currents in modern Greece after 1974: ongoing tensions between reform and conservatism,VABB-1,241,268,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402469,,Stroke and systemic embolism prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation in Belgium: comparative cost effectiveness of new oral anticoagulants and warfarin,VABB-1,109,119,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402470,,Theoretical pluralism in psychoanalytic case studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402471,,The regulation of television sports broadcasting: a comparative analysis,VABB-1,720,736,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402473,,"Transgressing law and morality: temporality, nationalism and borders in the Southern Balkans",VABB-1,409,429,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402474,,"Association between bone stiffness and nutritional biomarkers combined with weight-bearing exercise, physical activity, and sedentary time in preadolescent children: a case-control study",VABB-1,142,149,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402476,,Health behaviours as a mechanism in the prospective relation between workplace reciprocity and absenteeism: a bridge too far?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402478,,Unsigned value prediction-error modulates the motor system in absence of choice,VABB-1,73,79,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402479,,CREW's '°REX' (2007) and Nicole Beutler's 'Antigone' (2012): Composite Bodies of Resistance,VABB-1,18,23,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402480,,Developmental screening in South Africa: comparing the national developmental checklist to a standardized tool,VABB-1,188,196,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402481,,Mobilité transfrontalière des sociétés et concurrence réglementaire au niveau du droit des sociétés: Prix Pierre Coppens 2014,VABB-1,193,244,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:402483,,Prospective associations between socio-economic status and dietary patterns in European children: the Identification and Prevention of Dietary- and Lifestyle-induced Health Effects in Children and Infants (IDEFICS) study,VABB-1,517,525,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402487,,Argumentation ethics and the question of self-ownership,VABB-1,89,102,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402488,,The core argument for veganism,VABB-1,271,290,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402489,,The predation and procreation problems: persistent intuitions gone wild,VABB-1,85,91,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402490,,"Lack of evidence for central sensitization in idiopathic, non-traumatic neck pain: a systematic review",VABB-1,223,235,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402492,,Vermischte Nachrichten,VABB-3,,,250 p.,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:402494,,"Hub cities in the knowledge economy: seaports, airports, brainports",VABB-3,,,"XV, 268 p.",eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402495,,'The neighbours of the European Union's neighbours' diplomatic and geopolitical dimensions beyond the European neighbourhood policy,VABB-3,,,315 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402497,,International encyclopaedia of intellectual property: vol. 11,VABB-3,,,1063 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402503,,Single life and the city 1200-1900,VABB-3,,,260 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402508,,Sympathy: a history,VABB-3,,,452 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402509,,Het lab van de sixties: positionering en literair experiment in de jaren zestig,VABB-3,,,287 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402510,,Human Rights and development: legal perspectives from and for Ethiopia,VABB-3,,,404 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402514,,Neuroscience and critique: exploring the limits of the neurological turn,VABB-3,,,236 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402515,,Participatie in Vlaanderen 1 Basisgegevens en kerncijfers van de Participatiesurvery 2014,VABB-3,,,304 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402519,,Verantwoording en politie,VABB-3,,,204 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402520,,The habitats directive in its EU environmental law context: European nature's best hope?,VABB-3,,,510 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402523,,International encyclopaedia of intellectual property: vol. 10,VABB-3,,,1149 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402526,,How to get published in the best entrepreneurship journals a guide to steer your academic career,VABB-3,,,265 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402528,,Von der Schlagwortforschung zur soziokognitiv orientierten Konstruktionsgrammatik: das Beispiel 'Drang nach Osten',VABB-4,155,177,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:402529,,Basic number representation and beyond: neuroimaging and computational modeling,VABB-4,567,583,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402531,,Ethics of medical tourism,VABB-4,341,349,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402535,,Beyond Kurdistan? The Mesopotamia social forum and the appropriation and re-imagination of Mesopotamia by the Kurdish movement,VABB-4,136,154,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402536,,"Medieval urban form in the Low Countries: state of research, comparative perspective and symbolic meaning",VABB-4,375,398,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402538,,Reference values of whole-blood fatty acids by age and sex from European children aged 3-8 years,VABB-1,S86,S98,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402542,,How do national cultures influence lay people's preferences toward doctors' style of communication?: a comparison of 35 focus groups from an European cross national research,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402548,,Human rights and legal pluralism in legal development aid: insights from sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,66,89,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402549,,Ex ante versus ex post governance: a behavioral perspective,VABB-1,227,259,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402550,,Expected net benefit of clinical pharmacy in intensive care medicine: a randomized interventional comparative trial with matched before-and-after groups,VABB-1,1172,1179,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402552,,The dark side of the loon: explaining the temptations of obscurantism,VABB-1,126,142,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402553,,Say on pay around the world,VABB-1,653,731,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402554,,Protecting the fair trial rights of mentally disordered defendants in criminal proceedings: exploring the need for further EU action,VABB-1,67,75,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402555,,Beyond the power law: uncovering stylized facts in interbank networks,VABB-1,443,457,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402556,,"Film policy, national identity and period adaptations in Flanders during the 1970s and 1980s",VABB-1,125,144,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402557,,"Margaret Cavendish, the Antwerp Carmel and The Convent of Pleasure",VABB-1,134,145,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402560,,The vidin miscellany: translated hagiography in Slavonic,VABB-4,448,452,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402561,,The cartography of yes and no in West Flemish,VABB-4,175,210,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402562,,Differential roles of childhood adversities and stressful war experiences in the development of mental health symptoms in post-war adolescents in northern Uganda,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402563,,Factors predicting the development of pressure ulcers in an at-risk population who receive standardized preventive care: secondary analyses of a multicentre randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,391,403,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402564,,Is evaluative conditioning really resistant to extinction?: evidence for changes in evaluative judgments without changes in evaluative representations,VABB-1,816,830,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402566,,A marriage of equals?: characterization in the passio Chrysanthi et Dariae,VABB-1,301,326,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402567,,"When and how does Europe matter? Higher education policy change in Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia",VABB-1,403,423,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402571,,"The Lilliputian Ode, 1726-1826",VABB-1,94,104,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:402573,,Dépasser l'éloignement: les correspondances d'Eugène de Savoie et le gouvernement à distance des Pays-Bas autrichiens (1716-1725),VABB-1,529,550,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:402574,,"Gerardi Cameracensis Acta Synodi Atrebatensis, Vita Autberti, Vita tertia Gaugerici, varia scripta ex officina Gerardi exstantia",VABB-2,,,262 p.,lat,2015,2 c:vabb:402575,,Historians as expert judicial witnesses in Tobacco litigation: a controversial legal practice,VABB-2,,,453 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402581,,Vastgoedcontracten en ruimtelijke ordening,VABB-2,,,720 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402582,,Understanding education and educational research,VABB-2,,,227 p.,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402586,,Non-profitsector accounting,VABB-2,,,483 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402588,,"Peace without money, war without Americans: can European strategy cope?",VABB-2,,,142 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402590,,Form und Formauflösung der Tragödie: die Poetik des Tragischen und der Tragödie als religiöses Erneuerungsmuster in den Schriften Paul Ernsts (1866-1933),VABB-2,,,345 p.,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:402596,,Scenario's voor een nieuwe Belgische strafprocedure: een praktijkgericht knelpuntenonderzoek,VABB-2,,,583 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402598,,Dandyism in the age of revolution: the art of the cut,VABB-2,,,288 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402599,,The ethics of embryonic stem cell research,VABB-2,,,176 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402600,,Scénarios pour une nouvelle procédure pénale belge: une étude pratique des problèmes rencontrés,VABB-2,,,487 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:402602,,EU coordination in international institutions: policy and process in Gx forums,VABB-2,,,226 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402605,,Materialism: a historico-philosophical introduction,VABB-2,,,148 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402607,,Tireur olympique/embusqué: récit sportif et fiction de la guerre dans Robert Mitchum ne revient pas de Jean Hatzfeld,VABB-1,59,70,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:402610,,Word writing versus meaning inferencing in contextualized L2 vocabulary learning : assessing the effect of different vocabulary learning strategies,VABB-1,293,318,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:402611,,Who’s who in late medieval Brussels,VABB-5,68,73,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402612,,Een noordelijke vroegrenaissance? De allegorische gedichten en de historische artistieke context,VABB-4,189,206,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402622,,Influence of physical parameterization changes in the ALARO high resolution NWP model for Belgium on the CTM CHIMERE,VABB-5,369,373,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402634,,A discrete-time queue with customers with geometric deadlines,VABB-1,52,70,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402651,,Carboxylic-acid-passivated metal oxide nanocrystals: ligand exchange characteristics of a new binding motif,VABB-1,6488,6491,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402652,,CheMPS2: a free open-source spin-adapted implementation of the density matrix renormalization group for ab initio quantum chemistry,VABB-1,1501,1514,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402654,,Trends in liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry for multi-residue analysis of organic micropollutants in aquatic environments,VABB-1,192,208,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402656,,Minimizing technical variation during sample preparation prior to label-free quantitative mass spectrometry,VABB-1,14,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402657,,Green and blue emitting 3D structured Tb:Ce-2(WO4)(3) and Tb:Ce10W22O81 micromaterials,VABB-1,10237,10244,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402658,,A sensor sensitivity and correlation analysis through polynomial chaos in the EEG problem,VABB-1,163,174,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402659,,Customized media based on miniaturized screening improve growth rate and cell yield of methane-oxidizing bacteria of the genus Methylomonas,VABB-1,353,366,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402660,,Critical analysis of the accuracy of models predicting or extracting liquid structure information,VABB-1,2451,2470,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402661,,Analysis of the transcriptome of Hirschmanniella oryzae to explore potential survival strategies and host-nematode interactions,VABB-1,352,363,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:402662,,Fine-scale mapping of vector habitats using very high resolution satellite imagery: a liver fluke case-study,VABB-1,S671,S683,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402663,,Heterogeneous photocatalysis of moxifloxacin in water: chemical transformation and ecotoxicity,VABB-1,S75,S80,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402664,,A decision model for kitting and line stocking with variable operator walking distances,VABB-1,47,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402665,,Development of heart failure and the role of the autonomic nervous system of the heart,VABB-4,61,75,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402666,,Magnetig resonance imaging of the dorsal proximal synovial plica of the equine metacarpo-/metatarsophalangeal joint,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:402667,,Next generation sequencing to determine the cystic fibrosis mutation spectrum in Palestinian population,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402668,,Developing a new and versatile ordered mesoporous organosilica as a pH and temperature stable chromatographic packing material,VABB-1,5546,5552,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402669,,A volume averaging and overlapping domain decomposition technique to model mass transfer in textiles,VABB-1,456,464,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402671,,Quantitation and localization of pospiviroids in aphids,VABB-1,51,54,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402672,,Distribution and evolution of the lectin family in soybean (Glycine max),VABB-1,2868,2891,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402673,,Exposure of Trypanosoma brucei to an N-acetylglucosamine-binding lectin induces VSG switching and glycosylation defects resulting in reduced infectivity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402674,,Prevalence and associated risk factors of Toxocara vitulorum infections in buffalo and cattle calves in three provinces of Central Cambodia,VABB-1,197,200,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402675,,The use of cyanoacrylate sealant as simple mesh fixation in laparoscopic ventral hernia repair: a large animal evaluation,VABB-1,661,670,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402676,,The cytotoxicity of elderberry ribosome-inactivating proteins is not solely determined by their protein translation inhibition activity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402677,,Persistent aggregates in apheresis platelet concentrates,VABB-1,368,377,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402679,,Variational optimization of the 2DM: approaching three-index accuracy using extended cluster constraints,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402680,,unifiedWMWqPCR: the unified Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test for analyzing RT-qPCR data in R,VABB-1,2494,2495,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402681,,Evaluation of a numerical model for tapered threaded connections subjected to combined loading using enhanced experimental measurement techniques,VABB-1,561,570,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402682,,Improving performance and energy consumption of shared wavelength converters in OPS/OBS,VABB-1,38,51,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402683,,Exogenous supplementation of Activin A enhances germ cell differentiation of human embryonic stem cells,VABB-1,410,423,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402684,,"Prevalence, determinants, and prognostic significance of pulmonary hypertension in elderly patients admitted with acute decompensated heart failure: a report from the BIO-HF Registry",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402685,,From theory choice to theory search: the essential tension between exploration and exploitation in science,VABB-4,105,114,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402687,,Mathematical inference on helminth egg counts in stool and its applications in mass drug administration programmes to control soil-transmitted helminthiasis in public health,VABB-1,193,247,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402689,,Robust regression methods for real-time polymerase chain reaction,VABB-1,34,36,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402690,,Fast and tunable synthesis of ZrO2 nanocrystals: mechanistic insights into precursor dependence,VABB-1,3469,3476,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402691,,ddpcRquant: threshold determination for single channel droplet digital PCR experiments,VABB-1,5827,5834,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402692,,Comparison of individual and pooled faecal samples in sheep for the assessment of gastrointestinal strongyle infection intensity and anthelmintic drug efficacy using McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC,VABB-1,216,223,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402693,,Phosphorus use efficiency in bio-based fertilizers: A bio-availability and fractionation study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:402694,,Comparative analysis of carbohydrate binding properties of Sambucus nigra lectins and ribosome-inactivating proteins,VABB-1,345,354,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402695,,Effect of limestone fillers on microstructure and permeability due to carbonation of cement pastes under controlled CO2 pressure conditions,VABB-1,376,390,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402696,,Sensitivity analysis and variance reduction in a stochastic NDT problem,VABB-1,1874,1882,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402697,,A statistically motivated choice of process parameters for the improvement of canthaxanthin production by Dietzia maris NIT-D (accession number: HM151403),VABB-1,595,603,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402698,,Laparoscopic non-microsurgical tubal reanastomosis: a retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,193,200,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402699,,Wind resource mapping using landscape roughness and spatial interpolation methods,VABB-1,8682,8703,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402700,,Prevalence of congenital heart disease among Palestinian children born in the Gaza Strip,VABB-1,905,909,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402703,,Genetics of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: more than collagen disorders,VABB-1,379,392,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402704,,Identification of a memory kernel in a semilinear integrodifferential parabolic problem with applications in heat conduction with memory,VABB-1,196,207,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402705,,The cellular interactions of PEGylated gold nanoparticles: effect of PEGylation on cellular uptake and cytotoxicity,VABB-1,794,800,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402706,,Computationally efficient evaluation of appointment schedules in health care,VABB-1,1142,1154,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402707,,Organ doses and radiation risk of computed tomographic coronary angiography in a clinical patient population: how do low-dose acquisition modes compare?,VABB-1,591,597,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402709,,Transcriptional behavior of EUL-related rice lectins toward important abiotic and biotic stresses,VABB-1,986,992,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402710,,Follicles of various maturation stages react differently to enzymatic isolation: a comparison of different isolation protocols,VABB-1,181,190,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402712,,Dietary arsenic consumption and urine arsenic in an endemic population: response to improvement of drinking water quality in a 2-year consecutive study,VABB-1,609,619,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402713,,Shallow whole genome sequencing is well suited for the detection of chromosomal aberrations in human blastocysts,VABB-1,1276,1285,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402714,,Whole genome amplification with SurePlex results in better copy number alteration detection using sequencing data compared to the MALBAC method,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402715,,The effect of intracellular degradation on cytotoxicity and cell labeling efficacy of inorganic ligand-stabilized colloidal CdSe/CdS quantum dots,VABB-1,631,643,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402716,,Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of effluents from constructed wetlands on water quality of receiving watercourses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402717,,Passive sampling reversed: coupling passive field sampling with passive lab dosing to assess the ecotoxicity of mixtures present in the marine environment,VABB-1,9,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402718,,"A multi-center, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial protocol to assess Traumeel injection vs dexamethasone injection in rotator cuff syndrome: the TRAumeel in ROtator cuff syndrome (TRARO) study protocol",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402719,,Multi-residue analysis of pharmaceuticals in wastewater by liquid chromatography-magnetic sector mass spectrometry: method quality assessment and application in a Belgian case study,VABB-1,S2,S8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402720,,Nanoparticle design to induce tumor immunity and challenge the suppressive tumor microenvironment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402721,,Effect of grinding intensity and pelleting of the diet on indoor particulate matter concentrations and growth performance of weanling pigs,VABB-1,627,636,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402722,,Improving the energy efficiency of scheduling algorithms for OPS/OBS buffers,VABB-1,183,197,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402723,,Inhibition of transforming growth factor β signaling promotes epiblast formation in mouse embryos,VABB-1,497,506,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402725,,Endogenous biotin-binding proteins: an overlooked factor causing false positives in streptavidin-based protein detection,VABB-1,164,168,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402726,,"The tobacco lectin, prototype of the family of Nictaba-related proteins",VABB-1,5,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402727,,Structural basis for carbohydrate binding properties of a plant chitinase-like agglutinin with conserved catalytic machinery,VABB-1,115,121,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402728,,Regenerative skin wound healing in mammals: state-of-the-art on growth factor and stem cell based treatments,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402729,,Participation in cardiac rehabilitation after hospitalisation for heart failure: a report from the BIO-HF registry,VABB-1,141,147,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402730,,Genetic heterogeneity and clinical variability in musculocontractural Ehlers–Danlos syndrome caused by impaired dermatan sulfate biosynthesis,VABB-1,535,547,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402731,,Class clustering destroys delay differentiation in priority queues,VABB-1,149,158,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402732,,Plant F-box proteins: judges between life and death,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402733,,The present status of landfill leachate treatment and its development trend from a technological point of view,VABB-1,93,122,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402734,,Sorption behaviour of targeted volatile organic compounds on airborne particulate matter using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry,VABB-1,84,94,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402735,,"Quantification of PAHs and oxy-PAHs on airborne particulate matter in Chiang Mai, Thailand, using gas chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry",VABB-1,262,272,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402736,,Attitudes of cystic fibrosis patients and their parents towards direct-to-consumer genetic testing for carrier status,VABB-1,99,107,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402737,,Occurrence and potential health risk of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in different water catchments in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402739,,On cost function transformations for the reduction of uncertain model parameters' impact towards the optimal solutions,VABB-1,392,399,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402740,,Exploiting intrinsic nanoparticle toxicity: the pros and cons of nanoparticle-induced autophagy in biomedical research,VABB-1,7581,7609,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402741,,Role of shaping in the preparation of heterogeneous catalysts: tableting and slip-casting of oxidation catalysts,VABB-1,81,91,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402742,,PLCζ disruption with complete fertilization failure in normozoospermia,VABB-1,879,886,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402743,,First confirmed case of bovine besnoitiosis in an imported bull in Belgium,VABB-1,205,211,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:402744,,Comparison of the abiotic preferences of macroinvertebrates in tropical river basins,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402745,,Ultrasound and microbubble mediated drug delivery: acoustic pressure as determinant for uptake via membrane pores or endocytosis,VABB-1,20,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402746,,Non-invasive indicators associated with the milk yield response after anthelmintic treatment at calving in dairy cows,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402747,,Gene panel sequencing in heritable thoracic aortic disorders and related entities: results of comprehensive testing in a cohort of 264 patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402748,,Characterization of a type D1A EUL-related lectin from rice expressed in Pichia pastoris,VABB-1,413,424,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:402749,,Modelling the fate of micropollutants in the marine environment using passive sampling,VABB-1,103,109,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402750,,Experimental study of small diameter fibres as wick material for capillary-driven heat pipes,VABB-1,258,267,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402751,,Theranostic mRNA-loaded microbubbles in the lymphatics of dogs: implications for drug delivery,VABB-1,97,109,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402752,,Boviene sarcosporidiosis of eosinofiele myositis?,VABB-1,263,267,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402753,,Effect of sampling and diagnostic effort on the assessment of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis and drug efficacy: a meta-analysis of six drug efficacy trials and one epidemiological survey,VABB-1,1826,1840,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402754,,"Practices to optimise gastrointestinal nematode control on sheep, goat and cattle farms in Europe using targeted (selective) treatments",VABB-1,250,255,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402755,,World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP): guideline for the evaluation of drug efficacy against non-coccidial gastrointestinal protozoa in livestock and companion animals,VABB-1,81,86,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402756,,Bio-inspired pulmonary surfactant-modified nanogels: a promising siRNA delivery system,VABB-1,177,186,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402757,,Riboflavin and amotosalen photochemical treatments of platelet concentrates reduce thrombus formation kinetics in vitro,VABB-1,328,339,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402758,,Intrinsic cardiomyopathy in Marfan syndrome: results from in- and ex-vivo studies of the Fbn1C1039G/+ model and longitudinal findings in humans,VABB-1,256,263,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:402759,,Characterization of volatiles in strawberry varieties 'Elsanta' and 'Sonata' and their effect on bumblebee flower visiting,VABB-1,281,287,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402760,,Generalized smooth tests of goodness of fit utilising L-moments,VABB-1,481,499,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402763,,The Arabidopsis lectin EULS3 is involved in stomatal closure,VABB-1,312,322,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402764,,Reconstruction of a convolution kernel in a semilinear parabolic problem based on a global measurement,VABB-1,43,57,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402765,,Bio-inspired materials in drug delivery: exploring the role of pulmonary surfactant in siRNA inhalation therapy,VABB-1,642,650,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402766,,The burden of parasitic zoonoses in Nepal: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402767,,Characteristic times for multiscale diffusion of active ingredients in coated textiles,VABB-1,426,432,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402769,,Arsenic thiolation and the role of sulfate-reducing bacteria from the human intestinal tract,VABB-1,817,822,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402770,,The effect of trochlear dysplasia on patellofemoral biomechanics: a cadaveric study with simulated trochlear deformities,VABB-1,1354,1361,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402771,,Evaluation of sampling strategies for estimating ammonia emission factors for pig fattening facilities,VABB-1,79,90,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402772,,"Methyloparacoccus murrellii gen. nov., sp. nov., a methanotroph isolated from pond water",VABB-1,2100,2107,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402773,,Niche differentiation in nitrogen metabolism among methanotrophs within an operational taxonomic unit,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402774,,Spatial distribution of Glossina sp. and Trypanosoma sp. in south-western Ethiopia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402775,,Taenia solium human cysticercosis: a systematic review of sero-epidemiological data from endemic zones around the world,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402776,,Occurrence and molecular characterization of Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. in sheep and goats reared under dairy husbandry systems in Greece,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402777,,+ Wnt signaling during tooth replacement in zebrafish (Danio rerio): pitfalls and perspectives,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402778,,Giardia duodenalis stimulates partial maturation of bovine dendritic cells associated with altered cytokine secretion and induction of T-cell proliferation,VABB-1,157,169,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402779,,Review/N-glycans: the making of a varied toolbox,VABB-1,67,83,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402780,,Protein-carbohydrate interactions as part of plant defense and animal immunity,VABB-1,9029,9053,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402781,,"NICTABA and UDA, two GlcNAc-binding lectins with unique antiviral activity profiles",VABB-1,1674,1685,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402782,,Gold/titania composites: an X-ray absorption spectroscopy study on the influence of the reduction method,VABB-1,45,50,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402783,,Performance analysis of buffers with train arrivals and correlated output interruptions,VABB-1,829,848,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402784,,Penetration through the peritrophic matrix is a key to lectin toxicity against Tribolium castaneum,VABB-1,94,101,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402785,,The serum estradiol concentration is the main determinant of the estradiol concentration in normal breast tissue,VABB-1,42,45,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402786,,Older Dutch people's self-reported advance euthanasia directive completion before and after the enactment of the euthanasia law: a time trend study (1998-2011),VABB-1,2217,2219,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402787,,Variational optimization of the second-order density matrix corresponding to a seniority-zero configuration interaction wave function,VABB-1,4064,4076,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402788,,Polynomial scaling approximations and dynamic correlation corrections to doubly occupied configuration interaction wave functions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402789,,Functional morphology and kinematics of terrestrial feeding in the largescale foureyes (Anableps anableps),VABB-1,2951,2960,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402790,,Inoculum selection influences the biochemical methane potential of agro-industrial substrates,VABB-1,776,786,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402791,,Marfan syndrome and related heritable thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections,VABB-1,4061,4075,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402792,,Assessment of zoonotic transmission of Giardia and Cryptosporidium between cattle and humans in rural villages in Bangladesh,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402793,,Monitoring the efficacy of drugs for neglected tropical diseases controlled by preventive chemotherapy,VABB-1,229,236,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402794,,Methodological bias can lead the Cochrane collaboration to irrelevance in public health decision-making,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402795,,Widespread anthelmintic resistance in European farmed ruminants: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402796,,Fiber typing of the erector spinae and multifidus muscles in healthy controls and back pain patients: a systematic literature review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402797,,Chemical stability of YBiO₃ buffer layers for implementation in YBa₂Cu₃O₇-δ coated conductors,VABB-1,224,231,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402799,,Sexual quality of life after total phalloplasty in men with penile deficiency: an exploratory study,VABB-1,137,143,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402801,,RNF216 mutations as a novel cause of autosomal recessive Huntington-like disorder,VABB-1,1760,1766,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402802,,Novel natural and biomimetic ligands to enhance selectivity of membrane processes for solute-solute separations: beyond nature's logistic legacy,VABB-1,354,371,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402803,,"Orysata, a jacalin-related lectin from rice, could protect plants against biting-chewing and piercing-sucking insects",VABB-1,21,28,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402804,,Age-associated differential microRNA levels in human follicular fluid reveal pathways potentially determining fertility and success of in vitro fertilization,VABB-1,90,98,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402805,,Association of type and location of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations with risk of breast and ovarian cancer,VABB-1,1347,1361,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402806,,"Dopant and excitation wavelength dependent color-tunable white light-emitting Ln3+: Y2WO6 materials (Ln3+ = Sm, Eu, Tb, Dy)",VABB-1,15022,15030,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402807,,Epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-x nanocomposite thin films from colloidal solutions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402809,,Buoyancy driven convection in open-cell metal foam using the volume averaging theory,VABB-1,225,233,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402810,,Resource use assessment of an agricultural system from a life cycle perspective: a dairy farm as case study,VABB-1,77,89,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402811,,Influence of smart real-time electronic alerting on glucose control in critically ill patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402813,,Evaluatie van twee intensieve behandelingsschema's tegen Psoroptes ovis-schurft bij Belgisch witblauwe runderen op negen Vlaamse rundveebedrijven,VABB-1,311,317,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:402814,,"Comparison of Kato-Katz thick-smear and McMaster egg counting method for the assessment of drug efficacy against soil-transmitted helminthiasis in school children in Jimma Town, Ethiopia",VABB-1,669,671,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402815,,"Assessment of efficacy and quality of two albendazole brands commonly used against soil-transmitted helminth infections in school children in Jimma Town, Ethiopia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402816,,Mapping and modelling helminth infections in ruminants in Europe: experience from GLOWORM,VABB-1,257,259,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402817,,A novel murine model for evaluating bovine papillomavirus prophylactics/therapeutics for equine sarcoid-like tumours,VABB-1,2764,2768,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402818,,Fines extracted from recycled concrete as alternative raw material for Portland cement clinker production,VABB-1,70,80,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402819,,Follicular and endocrine dose responses according to anti-Müllerian hormone levels in IVF patients treated with a novel human recombinant FSH (FE 999049),VABB-1,902,912,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402820,,Assessment of anthelmintic efficacy of mebendazole in school children in six countries where soil-transmitted helminths are endemic,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402821,,Heterogeneous photocatalysis of moxifloxacin in hospital effluent: effect of selected matrix constituents,VABB-1,9,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402823,,Alternative routes to induce naive pluripotency in human embryonic stem cells,VABB-1,2686,2698,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402824,,Formulation and statistical evaluation of a ready-to-drink whey based orange beverage and its storage stability,VABB-1,253,264,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402826,,Evaluation of the performance of field olfactometers by selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry,VABB-1,84,94,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402828,,Hybrid pulmonary surfactant-coated nanogels mediate efficient in vivo delivery of siRNA to murine alveolar macrophages,VABB-1,53,63,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402829,,Multilayered magnetic gelatin membrane scaffolds,VABB-1,23098,23109,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402831,,A regression framework for rank tests based on the probabilistic index model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402832,,The application of high surface area cordierite synthesized from kaolin as a substrate for auto exhaust catalysts,VABB-1,536,546,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:402833,,Quality of medicines commonly used in the treatment of soil transmitted helminths and Giardia in Ethiopia: a nationwide survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402834,,The parasitic phase of Ostertagia ostertagi: quantification of the main life history traits through systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,1091,1104,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402835,,A comparative study on the conductive properties of coated and printed silver layers on a paper substrate,VABB-1,497,510,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402836,,"Novel insights into the pathogenic importance, diagnosis and treatment of the rumen fluke (Calicophoron daubneyi) in cattle",VABB-1,134,139,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402837,,The post-inner cell mass intermediate: implications for stem cell biology and assisted reproductive technology,VABB-1,616,626,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402838,,Vaccination of calves against Cooperia oncophora with a double-domain activation-associated secreted protein reduces parasite egg output and pasture contamination,VABB-1,209,213,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402839,,Chemical solution deposition of functional ceramic coatings using ink-jet printing,VABB-1,231,238,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:402840,,Semen characteristics of transwomen referred for sperm banking before sex transition: a case series,VABB-1,832,838,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402841,,Airborne volatile organic compounds in urban and industrial locations in four developing countries,VABB-1,330,338,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402842,,N-1-methylpseudouridine-incorporated mRNA outperforms pseudouridine-incorporated mRNA by providing enhanced protein expression and reduced immunogenicity in mammalian cell lines and mice,VABB-1,337,344,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402843,,Biomimetic magnetic silk scaffolds,VABB-1,6282,6292,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402845,,Quality of life in patients with PD and their caregiving spouses: a view from both sides,VABB-1,24,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402846,,Comparison of autologous versus allogeneic epithelial-like stem cell treatment in an in vivo equine skin wound model,VABB-1,1434,1446,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402847,,Environmental rather than spatial factors structure bacterioplankton communities in shallow lakes along a > 6000km latitudinal gradient in South America,VABB-1,2336,2351,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402848,,Distribution and potential indicators of hospitalized cases of neurocysticercosis and epilepsy in Ecuador from 1996 to 2008,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402849,,Comparison of individual and pooled urine samples for estimating the presence and intensity of Schistosoma haematobium infections at the population level,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402850,,Feasibility study of the use of concrete sludge as alternative raw material for Portland clinker production,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402851,,Genetic defects in TAPT1 disrupt ciliogenesis and cause a complex lethal osteochondrodysplasia,VABB-1,521,534,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402852,,Element concentrations in urban grass cuttings from roadside verges in the face of energy recovery,VABB-1,7808,7820,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402853,,Clinical characteristics and short-term outcome of patients admitted with heart failure in Belgium: results from the BIO-HF registry,VABB-1,375,385,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402854,,"Dietary mycotoxins, co-exposure, and carcinogenesis in humans: short review",VABB-1,32,41,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402855,,"Design and rationale of a prospective, collaborative meta-analysis of all randomized controlled trials of angiotensin receptor antagonists in Marfan syndrome, based on individual patient data: a report from the Marfan Treatment Trialists' Collaboration",VABB-1,605,612,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:402858,,"The more, the merrier: heterotroph richness stimulates methanotrophic activity",VABB-1,1945,1948,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402859,,Prospective evaluation of the long-term effects of clinical voiding reeducation or voiding school for lower urinary tract conditions in children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:402860,,Transmission of Entamoeba nuttalli and Trichuris trichiura from nonhuman primates to humans,VABB-1,1871,1872,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402861,,Soil-transmitted helminthiasis: the relationship between prevalence and classes of intensity of infection,VABB-1,262,267,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402862,,"Prevalence and intensity of soil-transmitted helminth infections among pre-school age children in 12 kindergartens in Jimma Town, southwest Ethiopia",VABB-1,225,227,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402863,,Cellular heterogeneity in the level of mtDNA heteroplasmy in mouse embryonic stem cells,VABB-1,1304,1309,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402864,,"Human exposure to endocrine, disrupting chemicals and fertility: a case-control study in male subfertility patients",VABB-1,154,160,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402865,,When random-order-of-service outperforms first-come first-served,VABB-1,504,506,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402866,,Application of small molecules favoring naive pluripotency during human embryonic stem cell derivation,VABB-1,170,180,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402867,,Environmental assessment of digestate treatment technologies using LCA methodology,VABB-1,442,459,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:402868,,Comparative study of innovative postoperative wound dressings after total knee arthroplasty,VABB-1,454,461,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402871,,Assessing nutrient use efficiency and environmental pressure of macronutrients in biobased mineral fertilizers: a review of recent advances and best practices at field scale,VABB-1,137,180,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402872,,Advances in the diagnosis of Ascaris suum infections in pigs and their possible applications in humans,VABB-1,1904,1911,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402873,,Information preferences of the general population when faced with life-limiting illness,VABB-1,532,538,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402874,,Effect of native gastric mucus on in vivo hybridization therapies directed at Helicobacter pylori,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402875,,Toxic proteins in plants,VABB-1,51,64,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402876,,The prevalence in the general population of advance directives on euthanasia and discussion of end-of-life wishes: a nationwide survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402877,,Antimüllerian hormone levels decrease in female-to-male transsexuals using testosterone as cross-sex therapy,VABB-1,1340,1345,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402880,,Catalytic CO oxidation over well-defined cobalt oxide nanoparticles: size-reactivity correlation,VABB-1,5714,5718,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402881,,"Influence of Y3+, Gd3+, and Lu3+ co-doping on the phase and luminescence properties of monoclinic Eu:LaVO4 particles",VABB-1,18418,18426,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402884,,Longitudinal study on the temporal and micro-spatial distribution of Galba truncatula in four farms in Belgium as a base for small-scale risk mapping of Fasciola hepatica,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402885,,Comparison of a new laser beam wound camera and a digital photoplanimetry-based method for wound measurement in horses,VABB-1,309,314,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402886,,Fretting fatigue failure mechanism of automotive shock absorber valve,VABB-1,58,65,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402887,,Cysteine proteinases from papaya (Carica papaya) in the treatment of experimental Trichuris suis infection in pigs: two randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402888,,Comparative genome analysis of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Clavibacter strains reveals adaptations to their lifestyle,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402889,,Ultraviolet C light pathogen inactivation treatment of platelet concentrates preserves integrin activation but affects thrombus formation kinetics on collagen in vitro,VABB-1,2404,2414,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402892,,First order partial differential equation with time delay and retardation of a state variable,VABB-1,322,330,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402893,,"Decreased strongyle egg re-appearance period after treatment with ivermectin and moxidectin in horses in Belgium, Italy and The Netherlands",VABB-1,291,296,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402894,,Measuring larval nematode contamination on cattle pastures: comparing two herbage sampling methods,VABB-1,159,166,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402895,,Disregarded effect of biological fluids in siRNA delivery: human ascites fluid severely restricts cellular uptake of nanoparticles,VABB-1,24322,24329,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402896,,"Analysis of a discrete-time queue with general independent arrivals, general service demands and fixed service capacity",VABB-1,285,315,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402897,,"Identification of Ancylostoma ceylanicum in children from a tribal community in Tamil Nadu, India using a semi-nested PCR-RFLP tool",VABB-1,283,285,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402899,,Evaluation of cellular and humoral systemic immune response against Giardia duodenalis infection in cattle,VABB-1,145,155,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:402900,,Coating nanocarriers with hyaluronic acid facilitates intravitreal drug delivery for retinal gene therapy,VABB-1,83,92,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402902,,The impact of oral intake of dydrogesterone on fetal heart development during early pregnancy,VABB-1,1483,1488,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402904,,"Prevalence of Schistosoma haematobium infection among school-age children in Afar Area, Northeastern Ethiopia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402905,,Modelling the spatial distribution of Fasciola hepatica in dairy cattle in Europe,VABB-1,261,270,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402906,,"Maternal Deworming Research Study (MADRES) protocol: a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial to determine the effectiveness of deworming in the immediate postpartum period",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402907,,SN même vs SN lui-même: quand même doit-il s’appuyer sur un pronom ?,VABB-1,115,133,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:402908,,Error analysis in the reconstruction of a convolution kernel in a semilinear parabolic problem with integral overdetermination,VABB-1,382,391,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402909,,An update on the ecological distribution of the Ixodidae ticks in Zimbabwe,VABB-1,269,280,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402917,,What is anthropology's object of study? A counterreponse to Samuli Schielke and Lara Deeb,VABB-1,97,100,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402920,,Heritage and tourism,VABB-4,240,258,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402921,,Recalling the Islam of the parents. Liberal and secular Muslims redefining the contours of religious authenticity,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:402925,,"Rediscovering the ""Everyday"" Muslim. Notes on an Anthropological divide",VABB-1,59,88,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402931,,Living across borders: The everyday experiences of Moroccan and Brazilian transmigrants in Belgium,VABB-1,23,40,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402932,,"Re-claiming (Dis)ability through performance: The Significance of Self- representation in Kinshasa, D.R. Congo",VABB-1,75,96,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402934,,Multiculturalisme. Voorbij het dader- en slachtofferschap,VABB-1,69,76,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402937,,Proefwonen voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking en/of psychiatrische problemen,VABB-1,43,62,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402939,,Superdiversity discourse,VABB-4,1,7,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402943,,Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling in Southeast Europe and Russia. Learning Criminal Entrepreneurship and Traditional Culture,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402946,,Everyday Life Practices of Muslims in Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402952,,The local-to-global dynamics of World Heritage interpretation,VABB-4,121,130,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402954,,The Heart of Man. Pentecostal Emotive Style in and beyond Kinshasa's Media World,VABB-4,116,136,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402955,,Just picking up stones: Gender and technology in a small-scale gold mining site,VABB-4,173,182,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402956,,Spectral Kinshasa: Building the City through an Architecture of Words,VABB-4,394,403,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402957,,"Funerary Comedies in Contemporary Kinshasa Social Difference, Urban Communities and the Emergence of a Cultural Form",VABB-1,457,477,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402958,,'The natives are clever enough’: Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia and the politics of ambivalence in north-west Namibia,VABB-1,166,183,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402961,,Kinshasa and its (Im)material Infrastructure,VABB-4,188,191,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402963,,Remediations of Congolese urban dance music in Kinshasa,VABB-1,25,36,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402965,,Twenty-five years on: Retrospect and prospect,VABB-1,7,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402966,,"Dreams, Magic, and Mirrors: More Histories of Extraversion and Speculation in Central Africa",VABB-4,40,51,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402967,,“Poverty” and the Politics of Syncopation. Urban Examples from Kinshasa (DR Congo),VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402968,,"Sexualities, Africa",VABB-4,1115,1354,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402969,,"“Divining” the city: rhythm, amalgamation and knotting as forms of “urbanity”",VABB-1,47,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402970,,Ethnographic notes on ‘camp’: centrifugality and liminality on the rainforest frontier,VABB-4,155,170,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402971,,The Liveliness of Pentecostal-Charismatic Popular Culture in Africa,VABB-4,345,378,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402972,,Friendship and spiritual parenthood among the Moose and Fulbe in Burkina Faso,VABB-4,74,96,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402973,,Ambivalence and the work of the negative among the Yaka,VABB-4,105,127,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402976,,"Postkoloniale Erinnerungskulturen in Europa. Eine fragmentierte, geteilte und national gebundene Erinnerungslandschaft: Zur Einführung",VABB-4,215,218,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:402977,,The representation of Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba and his speech on 30 June 1960 (Congolese Independence Day) - Food for Controversy,VABB-4,147,157,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402979,,Historical narratives and national identities. A Qualitative Study of Young Adults in Flanders,VABB-1,40,72,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:402980,,Le Congo dans la mémoire collective flamande/belge et postcoloniale belge/congolaise,VABB-4,233,244,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:402982,,"Les cultures de mémoire postcoloniales en Europe. Un paysage fragmenté, divisé et attaché à la nation : Introduction",VABB-4,217,220,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:402983,,Pourquoi la « colonisation » en tant que concept porte à confusion. Recherche d’alternatives en historiographie,VABB-4,221,232,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:402984,,Congo in Flemish/Belgian and Postcolonial Belgian/Congolese Collective Memory,VABB-4,215,226,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402985,,From triumphalism to amnesia. Belgian-Congolese (post)colonial history in Belgian secondary history education curricula and textbooks (1945-1989),VABB-1,79,100,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:402986,,Making the constructed nature of history visible. Flemish secondary history education through the lens of written exams,VABB-4,231,253,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402987,,"Why 'colonialism' as a concept causes confusion, and exploration of alternatives within historiography",VABB-4,205,214,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402988,,"Die Reden von Baudouin I. und Patrice Lumumba am 30. Juni 1960, dem kongolesischen Unabhängigkeitstag – zur Diskussion",VABB-4,159,170,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:402989,,"The present in Flemish secondary history education, through the lens of written history exams",VABB-1,433,452,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402990,,Der Kongo in flämisch/belgischer und postkolonialer belgisch/kongolesischer kollektiver Erinnerung,VABB-4,231,244,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:402991,,La représentation du Premier Ministre congolais Patrice Lumumba et son discours du 30 juin 1960 (jour de l’indépendance congolaise) : Source de controverses,VABB-4,161,172,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:402993,,Increasing criticism and perspectivism: Belgian-Congolese (post)colonial history in Belgian secondary history education curricula and textbooks (1990-present),VABB-1,183,204,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402994,,Warum „Kolonialismus“ als Begriff Verwirrung stiftet. Alternativen in der Historiografie,VABB-4,219,230,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:402995,,"On World Literary Reading: Literature, the Market, and the Antinomies of Mobility",VABB-4,79,92,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402996,,They Cleave ..,VABB-1,228,232,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402997,,Introduction: World Literature in the Making,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:402998,,Reading Alongside the Market: Affect and Mobility in Contemporary American Migrant Fiction,VABB-1,273,293,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403000,,"Insitutions of World Literature: Writing, Translation, Markets",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403001,,"Contemporary Literature and the End of the Novel: Creature, Affect, Form",VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403002,,"Don DeLillo’s Point Omega, The Anthropocene, and the Scales of Literature",VABB-1,68,81,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403003,,Longitudinal changes in mathematical abilities and white matter following paediatric mild traumatic brain injury,VABB-1,1701,1710,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403004,,Conceptondersteunende communicatie voor slechtziende en blinde personen met een autismespectrumstoornis en een verstandelijke beperking op basis van de ComVoor-V: een interventiestudie,VABB-1,134,143,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403005,,"Parents’ and Adolescents’ Perspectives on Parenting: Evaluating Conceptual Structure, Measurement Invariance, and Criterion Validity",VABB-1,473,489,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403006,,The interference effect in arithmetic fact solving: an fMRI study,VABB-1,92,101,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403007,,The potential relevance of cognitive neuroscience for the development and use of technology-enhanced learning,VABB-1,131,151,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403008,,Hersenconnectiviteit in relatie tot lezen en leesproblemen: een diffusie MRI studie bij kleuters en volwassenen,VABB-1,15,29,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403009,,The association between numerical magnitude processing and mental versus algorithmic multi-digit subtraction in children,VABB-1,42,50,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403011,,Insecure attachment is associated with math anxiety in middle childhood,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403012,,Fear Acquisition through Mother’s Verbal Threat Information: The Interplay between Children’s Trait Anxiety and the Quality of Mother-Child Relationships,VABB-1,288,294,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403013,,Predicting the natural suicide rate in Belgium,VABB-1,15,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403014,,De bijzondere jeugdbijstand: een hulpverleningsveld in (constante) transitie,VABB-4,177,218,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403015,,"Theta, beta and gamma rate modulations in the developing auditory system",VABB-1,153,162,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403016,,Serial-order learning impairment and hypersensitivity-to-interference in dyscalculia,VABB-1,38,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403017,,Prevention of alcohol and drug misuse in adolescents: An overview of systematic reviews,VABB-1,183,198,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403022,,Onderzoek naar de cognitieve en academische vaardigheden van studenten met een autismespectrumstoornis in het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,127,141,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403023,,A DTI tractography study in pre-readers at risk for dyslexia,VABB-1,8,15,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403024,,Temporal analysis of attentional processes in spontaneous interactions between people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and their support workers,VABB-1,721,733,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403025,,Het flexibel gebruik van de indirecte optelstrategie bestudeerd via de analyse van reactietijden,VABB-1,24,38,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403026,,Speech audiometry in Estonia: Estonian words in noise (EWIN) test,VABB-1,573,578,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403027,,Teaching Adults with Intellectual Disability Manual Signs through their Support Staff: A Key Word Signing Program,VABB-1,545,560,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403029,,Social participation of students with special educational needs in different educational systems,VABB-1,43,54,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403030,,Adolescent Loneliness and the Interaction Between the Serotonin Transporter Gene (5-HTTLPR) and Parental Support: A Replication Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403031,,Systematic review of restraint interventions for challenging behaviour among persons with intellectual disabilities: Focus on experiences,VABB-1,61,80,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403032,,Episodic elaboration: Investigating the structure of retrieved past events and imagined future events,VABB-1,112,124,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403033,,"The underlying symptom structure of autism spectrum disorders: A factor analytic approach using the Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview",VABB-1,40,51,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403034,,Opvoedingsondersteuning vanuit Kind en Gezin,VABB-4,47,88,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403035,,White matter morphometric changes uniquely predict children's reading acquisition,VABB-1,1870,1883,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403036,,Morphological awareness and its role in compensation in adults with dyslexia,VABB-1,254,272,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403037,,The nature of peer-directed behaviours in children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and its relationship with social scaffolding behaviours of the direct support worker,VABB-1,98,108,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403038,,Mothers' Parenting Behaviors in Families of School-Aged Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Observational and Questionnaire Study,VABB-1,3580,3593,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403039,,The developmental psychopathology of anxiety,VABB-4,543,560,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403044,,The neural representation of Arabic digits in visual cortex,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403045,,Does numerical processing uniquely predict first graders’ future development of single-digit arithmetic?,VABB-1,153,160,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403046,,Arithmetical difficulties in children with mild traumatic brain injury at the subacute stage of recovery,VABB-1,1042,1048,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403048,,Online memorialization and grief after suicide: An analysis of suicide memorials on the Internet,VABB-1,19,47,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403051,,Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder symptoms in children with neurofibromatosis type 1,VABB-1,72,80,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403052,,"Diagnostiek bij kinderen, jongeren & gezinnen. Deel 2: Ontwikkeling in context",VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403053,,Attachment in Middle Childhood: Progress and Prospects,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403054,,De relatie tussen aandachtrichtend gedrag van begeleiders en responsen en initiatieven van personen met (zeer) ernstige verstandelijke en meervoudige beperkingen,VABB-1,222,233,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403055,,ADHD: van DSM-IV-TR naar DSM-5,VABB-1,53,56,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403056,,DIESEL-X: A game-based tool for early risk detection of dyslexia in preschoolers,VABB-4,93,114,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403057,,Developmental Trajectories of Children’s Behavioral Engagement in Late Elementary School: Both Teachers and Peers Matter,VABB-1,1292,1306,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403060,,Suicidepreventie van globaal tot lokaal: wat zegt het WHO-wereldrapport over suicidepreventie?,VABB-1,4,8,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403061,,Externalizing Problem Behavior in Adolescence: Dopaminergic Genes in Interaction with Peer Acceptance and Rejection,VABB-1,1441,1456,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403065,,Mathematical difficulties and white matter abnormalities in subacute pediatric mild traumatic brain injury,VABB-1,1567,1578,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403067,,Gezins- en opvoedingsfactoren bij typische en atypische ontwikkeling,VABB-4,75,101,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403068,,Quality of reciprocated friendships of students with special educational needs in mainstream seventh grade,VABB-1,54,72,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403069,,Executive functioning in autism spectrum disorders: Influence of task and sample characteristics and relation to symptom severity,VABB-1,1399,1417,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403071,,Bevorderen van sociaal scaffolding gedrag van begeleiders en peergericht gedrag van personen met (zeer) ernstige verstandelijke en meervoudige beperkingen: een interventiestudie,VABB-1,208,221,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403072,,Lack of Trust in Maternal Support is Associated with Negative Interpretations of Ambiguous Maternal Behavior,VABB-1,146,151,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403073,,Public disgrace and financial gain: Punishment of suicide in Mechelen (Belgium) 1366-1795,VABB-1,56,60,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403075,,Disentangling the relation between left temporoparietal white matter and reading: A Spherical Deconvolution tractography study,VABB-1,3273,3287,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403076,,Measuring quantitative autism traits in families: Informant effect or intergenerational transmission?,VABB-1,385,395,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403077,,Reduced recognition of dynamic facial emotional expressions and emotion-specific response bias in children with ASD,VABB-1,1774,1784,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403078,,"Design of the game-based learning environment ""Dudemans & Sidegirl: Operation Clean World,"" a numerical magnitude processing training",VABB-4,9,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403083,,De invloed van fonologische vaardigheden op de vroege leesontwikkeling: een literatuuroverzicht van longitudinale studies,VABB-1,113,128,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403084,,Visual number beats abstract numerosity: Format-dependent representations of Arabic digits and dot patterns in the human parietal cortex,VABB-1,1376,87,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403085,,De invloed van fonologische vaardigheden op de vroege leesontwikkeling: een longitudinale studie bij Vlaamse kinderen met een familierisico op dyslexie,VABB-1,134,147,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403086,,Applications of neuroscience to mathematics education,VABB-4,612,634,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403088,,De ontwikkeling van de ComVoor-V: de ComVoor met aanpassingen voor personen met een visuele beperking,VABB-1,124,133,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403089,,"Predictors of article impact in Suicidology: The bereavement literature, A research note",VABB-1,18,24,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403090,,Zorg en ondersteuning op maat voor kinderen en jongeren met een handicap,VABB-4,219,259,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403091,,Executive functions,VABB-4,313,316,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403093,,Parenting Behavior in Mothers of Preschool Children with ASD: Development of a Self-Report Questionnaire,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403094,,Ultra-Rapid Categorization of Meaningful Real-Life Scenes in Adults With and Without ASD,VABB-1,450,466,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403097,,Psychological aspects in evaluation and management of nocturnal enuresis (NE),VABB-4,245,252,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403098,,ADAPTI: Vragenlijst naar adaptieve vaardigheden voor jongvolwassenen met aan autismespectrumstoornis (16-25 jaar),VABB-2,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403099,,Profiles of children’s arithmetic fact development: A model-based clustering approach,VABB-1,29,46,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403100,,Biologische aspecten van typische en atypische ontwikkeling,VABB-4,23,50,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403101,,The effect of a numerical domino game on numerical magnitude processing in children with mild intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,29,39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403102,,Comparing the percentage of non-overlapping data approach and the hierarchical linear modeling approach for synthesizing single-case studies in autism research,VABB-1,112,125,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403104,,Bindung und kognitive sowie motorische Entwicklung in den ersten fünf Jahren nach der Adoption: Ein review über international adoptierte Kinder aus China,VABB-1,774,792,,ger,2015,1 c:vabb:403105,,Signposting for diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder using the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO),VABB-1,45,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403106,,"Diagnostiek bij kinderen, jongeren en gezinnen. Deel 3: Ontwikkelingsdomeinen in het vizier",VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403107,,"Diagnostiek van aandacht, executieve functies en geheugen",VABB-4,37,62,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403108,,PCovR: An R package for principal covariates regression,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403110,,Exploring the Potential for a Consolidated Standard for Reporting Guidelines for Qualitative Research: an Argument Delphi Approach,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403111,,"Development, inter-rater reliability and feasibility of a checklist to assess implementation (Ch-IMP) in systematic reviews: the case of provider-based prevention and treatment programs targeting children and youth",VABB-1,73,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403112,,Component- and factor-based models for data fusion in the behavioral sciences,VABB-1,1621,1634,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403113,,Estimating intervention effects across different types of single-subject experimental designs: Empirical illustration,VABB-1,50,63,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403114,,The consequences of modeling autocorrelation when synthesizing single-case studies using a three-level model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403115,,Modeling growth in electronic learning environments using a longitudinal random item response model,VABB-1,175,202,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403116,,Helping students understand posterior probabilities: Research with a digital learning environment on the Monty Hall dilemma,VABB-5,2057,2062,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403117,,Case studies,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403118,,Combining multiple external representations and refutational text: An intervention on learning to interpret box plots,VABB-1,909,926,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403119,,Inhibitory control in a notorious brain teaser: The Monty Hall dilemma,VABB-1,837,848,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403120,,Older Adults' Affective Experiences Across 100 Days Are Less Variable and Less Complex Than Younger Adults',VABB-1,194,208,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403121,,The role of valence focus and appraisal overlap in emotion differentiation,VABB-1,373,382,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403122,,Modeling affect dynamics: State-of-the-art and future challenges,VABB-1,316,322,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403123,,Scaling in ANOVA-simultaneous component analysis,VABB-1,1265,1276,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403124,,Interventions to increase the use of electronic health information by health care practitioners to improve clinical practice and patient outcomes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403125,,Variability in anger intensity profiles: Structure and predictive basis,VABB-1,168,177,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403126,,The Use of Arts-based Methods in Community-based Research with Vulnerable Populations: Protocol for a Scoping Review,VABB-1,33,39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403127,,A randomized Monty Hall experiment: The positive effect of conditional frequency feedback,VABB-1,176,192,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403128,,Het belang van externe kwaliteitscontroles voor verbetering van de kankerbiomerkerdiagnostiek in medische laboratoria,VABB-1,455,459,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403129,,External Quality Assessment Unravels Interlaboratory Differences in Quality of RAS Testing for Anti-EGFR Therapy in Colorectal Cancer,VABB-1,257,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403130,,"Introduction: Facts and feelings: retracing emotions of artists, 1600-1800",VABB-4,3,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403131,,"Facts & Feelings:retracing emotions of artists, 1600-1800",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403135,,The seventeenth-century young gentry at hot cockles: Investigating a Southern Netherlandish novelty as a prelude to the rococo 'fêtes galantes',VABB-1,128,149,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403136,,"Quality, risk and uncertainty and the market for Brussels tapestry, 1450–1750",VABB-4,19,36,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403138,,Pentecost and the senses in the Codex Egberti and the Benedictional of Robert of Jumièges,VABB-1,82,97,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403140,,The annunciation and the senses: late medieval devotion and the pictorial Ggze,VABB-4,121,145,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403141,,Allan Sekula. Ship of Fools / The Dockers' Museum,VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403142,,Introduction,VABB-4,23,28,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403143,,Les manufactures royales et la loi du marché. La tapisserie à Paris et à Beauvais,VABB-1,29,38,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:403144,,Acquisitions: History and Print Room,VABB-1,162,189,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403150,,"Textile, Tactility, and the Senses: the 13th-century Embroidered Antependium of Wernigerode revisited",VABB-4,89,119,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403151,,"Searching for Emotions. Brussels Painter Maximiliaan de Hase (1713-1780), Brussels Tapestry Producer Daniel Leyniers (1705-1770) and the Early Loss of Children",VABB-4,61,74,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403152,,"'He'd better keep his trap shut good and tight..."": Thomas Fendrich and the workshop of architect Georg Robin (c. 1522-1592) in Mainz",VABB-4,27,31,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403155,,Minor Aesthetics. The Photographic Work of Marcel Mariën,VABB-2,,,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:403156,,Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) and his landscapes: ideas on nature and art,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403157,,"Envy and pride: Maria Faydherbe (Mechelen, 1587-after 1633), a woman sculptor in a man’s world",VABB-5,77,99,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403158,,"Botta Adorno, Empress Maria Theresa and Brussels tapestry production in the mid eighteenth century. Part II",VABB-1,50,69,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403162,,"A self-portrait by Francesco Mezzara (1774-1845), the Italian painter who changed New York State Constitutional Law with a pair of ass'ears",VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403163,,Aesthetic Dignity: Confronting the Fraught Legacy of Els Opsomer's Senegalese Videos,VABB-1,59,72,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403166,,Vox clamantis in deserto: the Johannesschüssel: senses and silence,VABB-1,143,156,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:403167,,Paul Joostens (1889-1960) - A Gothic Dadaist's search for spirituality,VABB-1,100,116,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403168,,"Corporate splendour: a typological, iconographic and social approach to civic group portraits in Brabant 1585-1800",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403169,,(Don’t) judge a head by its cover. The Materiality of the Johannesschüssel as Reliquary,VABB-4,104,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403170,,Allan Sekula's Labor of Giants,VABB-4,73,94,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403172,,A Chopped-Off Head on a Golden Plate: Jan Mostaert’s Head of Saint John the Baptist on a Plate Surrounded by Angels,VABB-4,55,86,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403174,,Denijs van Alsloot (vers 1568?-1625/26): peintre paysagiste au service de la cour des archiducs Albert et Isabelle,VABB-3,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:403179,,"De rechtsverhouding tussen openbare diensten en gebruikers: van reglementaire of contractuele aard? (noot bij Rb. Limburg, 19 december 2014)",VABB-1,186,204,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403182,,Slingerende toerekening: zakelijke rechten in een maatschap,VABB-5,233,259,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:403184,,Security in movables revisited: Belgium’s rethinking of the article 9 UCC system,VABB-1,959,1025,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403185,,Zoekingen ten aanzien van minderjarigen: mogelijk met toestemming? De toestemming van minderjarigen tot een huiszoeking en fouillering 'de lege lata' en 'de lege ferenda',VABB-1,1,53,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403186,,Le bel excès: een voorstel voor hervorming van het recht voor VZW's en stichtingen met minder regels en een strengere handhaving,VABB-1,275,283,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403189,,"De notaris en de verkoop van een onroerend goed waarop mogelijk een pachtovereenkomst rust. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t",VABB-1,126,139,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403193,,Pour vous enlever le jury. De uitschakeling van de jurywaarborg en van het Grondwettelijk Hof bij kiesmisdrijven,VABB-4,207,247,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403204,,Emotional disorders in adult mice heterozygous for the transcription factor Phox2b,VABB-1,120,126,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403207,,Uitvoering in natura of bij equivalent? Een rechtsvergelijkende en rechtseconomische studie,VABB-1,338,341,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:403208,,"Vrije beroepers en het toepassingsgebied van de WCO: geen schending van het grondwettelijk gelijkheidsbeginsel? (noot bij GwH 12 maart 2015, nr. 31/2015)",VABB-1,424,429,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403209,,Hoe vrijwillig zijn vrijwillige onverdeeldheden? (noot onder Cass. 20 september 2013),VABB-1,618,624,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:403211,,"Fifty ways to leave your lover: over verdeling, ontbinding, overdracht en uittreding",VABB-1,152,160,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403212,,Laudatio Marcel Storme. Dankbaarheid van een afscheidnemend directeur als hoeksteen voor een succesvolle toekomst,VABB-1,573,578,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:403216,,Artikel 17-20 Faillissementswet,VABB-4,157,200,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403218,,Het toegevoegd intern gemeenschappelijk vermogen,VABB-1,70,89,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403219,,De parabel van het afgesneden worstje (of: het winstoogmerk),VABB-1,482,489,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403223,,"Selectie van huurders op basis van inkomen: normaal, noodzakelijk en legitiem",VABB-1,291,295,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403232,,"Named, numbered or anonymous: how the Human-Animal Relation affects the naming of individual animals",VABB-1,309,318,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403234,,De erfrechtelijke nalatenschap 2.0: digitaal en sociaal,VABB-4,321,337,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403235,,"Le nouveau statut des huissiers de justice - Actes de la journée d'étude du 25 novembre 2014 organisée par ""SAM-TES"": voorwoord",VABB-1,7,10,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403237,,Multiculturalism in private law in Europe,VABB-1,221,238,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403243,,Digitale nalatenschap. Terreinverkenning en wegmarkering,VABB-1,218,229,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403246,,"Bankruptcy, Arbitration Agreements and the Access to Justice",VABB-1,93,99,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403252,,De kwaliteitsrekening in België,VABB-1,272,276,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403254,,De nieuwe wettelijke waarderingsmethode voor de gerechtelijke omzetting van vruchtgebruik in een som geld,VABB-1,1483,1495,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403255,,Mobiliarsicherheiten in Belgien,VABB-1,273,287,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:403257,,"Une utopie missionnaire? Construire des églises, des séminaires et des écoles catholiques dans la Chine en pleine tourmente (1941)",VABB-4,45,79,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:403259,,Achieving Dialogue through Transnational World Heritage Nomination: The Case of the Silk Roads,VABB-4,507,521,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403263,,"L'ordre autour du cloître. L'architecture des abbayes et des couvents, entre tradition, réformes et réaffectations",VABB-4,13,109,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:403264,,De Aérogare 58. Theatraliteit en spektakel,VABB-1,42,53,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:403268,,De geseculariseerde kloosters in Brussel en Antwerpen: factoren van stedelijke transformatie aan het begin van de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,112,125,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403269,,Engineers and the Circulation of Knowledge in the Spanish Netherlands,VABB-4,73,106,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403271,,Budd-Chiari syndrome,VABB-1,489,500,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:403273,,"Ingénieur (1540), citadelle (1543), bastion (1546): apparition et assimilation progressive de termes italiens dans le langage de l’architecture militaire aux Pays-Bas des Habsbourg",VABB-4,105,140,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:403274,,(Un)covering the Face of Dhaka. Gender Politics and Public Space in the Post-Colonial City,VABB-1,69,98,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403277,,De ruimtelijke metamorphose van steden na de secularisatie van de kloosters in België van 1773 tot 1860,VABB-1,149,165,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:403279,,FlowSampler: Visual Analysis of Urban Flows in Geolocated Social Media Data,VABB-5,5,17,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403280,,"Gothique ou chinoise, missionnaire ou inculturée ? Les paradoxes de l’architecture catholique française en Chine au XXe siècle",VABB-1,11,21,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:403282,,"Bowel preparation for colonoscopy : Efficacy, tolerability and safety",VABB-1,249,255,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403283,,Heritagization of an Abbey Ruin. The Use of Villers Abbey after the Monks Left,VABB-4,301,325,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403289,,Focal MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity at the blood-brain barrier promotes chemokine-induced leukocyte migration,VABB-1,1040,54,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403292,,Des couvents en héritage / Religious Houses: A Legacy,VABB-3,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:403293,,Phenomenology for Introductory Architectural Analysis Courses: The Pentagon Methodological Approach,VABB-1,58,69,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403296,,"Towards a sustainable transformation of the detached houses in peri-urban Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403298,,Drawing and Conceiving Space. How To Express Spatial Experience Through Drawing?,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403299,,Mobilizing disability experience to inform architectural practice. Lessons learned from a field study,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403301,,Mapping wasteful urbanization. Re-engineering the resource dependency in Central Limburg,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403303,,Designerly Mapping Practices at the Crossroads of Cartography and Urbanism: a Processual Account of Three Re-cartographies of Southwest Flanders,VABB-1,1283,1297,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403305,,Autism-friendly architecture from the outside in and the inside out: An explorative study based on autobiographies of autistic people,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403306,,Visualising Things. Perspectives on How to Make Things Public through Visualisation,VABB-1,179,192,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403307,,Capturing Experience: An Autistic's Approach to Designing Space,VABB-1,327,343,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403309,,"Interacciones de agua y ciudad / Una investigación de Urbanismo del Paisaje aplicado al caso del río Andalién, Concepción",VABB-1,52,72,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:403314,,Re-articulating prevailing notions of design. About designing in the absence of sight and other alternative design realities,VABB-4,101,113,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403316,,How to design child-friendly hospital architecture? Young patients speaking,VABB-5,1,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403317,,Proceedings of the 7th Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403321,,Learning to Shape Places of Care by Empathising with Patients and Caregivers,VABB-5,8,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403324,,Design Implications of Casual Health Visualization on Tangible Displays,VABB-5,1839,1844,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403325,,Water urbanism in Bogotá. Exploring the potentials of an interplay between settlement patterns and water management,VABB-1,177,187,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403326,,"Public Visualization Displays of Citizen Data: Design, Impact and Implications",VABB-1,4,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403327,,Controlling In-The-Wild Evaluation Studies for Public Displays,VABB-5,81,84,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403328,,Designing child-sized hospital architecture: Beyond preferences for colours and themes,VABB-5,505,514,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403330,,Turning disability experience into expertise in assessing building accessibility: A contribution to articulating disability epistemology,VABB-1,144,156,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403331,,"""You'd want an energy from a building"": User experience of healing environment in a Maggie's Cancer Caring Centre",VABB-5,1,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403332,,"From ‘live projects’ to ‘lived-in’ environments: learning from six decades of re-design in Tema Manhean, Ghana",VABB-1,106,118,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403334,,Representation and Recycle. Disclosing the geography of waste in the European context,VABB-5,209,226,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403335,,"Theatre City. On Design in the Interplay of Social and Material Space (Teatro Oficina, Bixiga, São Paulo)",VABB-1,45,59,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403336,,The Reappearance of Water,VABB-4,46,59,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403337,,Investigating the Role of Situated Public Displays and Hyperlocal Content on Place-Making,VABB-1,60,72,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403339,,Mobilizing disability experience to inform architectural education. Lessons learned from a field experiment,VABB-5,51,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403340,,Landslide resilience in Equatorial Africa: Moving beyond problem identification!,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403343,,"Soil Loss due to Crop Harvesting in Usambara Mountains, Tanzania: The Case of Carrot, Onion and Potato",VABB-1,18,28,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403344,,"The Great Moderation, the Great Excess and the global housing crisis",VABB-1,43,60,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403347,,Squatting to end domicide? Resisting bulldozer urbanism in contemporary Shanghai,VABB-1,139,150,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:403348,,"Local food systems and equity in the community of La Piedra, Villa Clara, Cuba. Hypotheses, research questions and research proposal",VABB-5,678,686,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403349,,"Semi-automatic delineation of badlands using contrast in vegetation activity: A case study in the lower Chambal valley, India",VABB-1,919,936,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403351,,The Limits of the Green Economy. From re-inventing capitalism to re-politicising the present,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403352,,Financial geography: introduction to the virtual issue,VABB-1,300,305,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403353,,Modelling strategies for performing convection-permitting climate simulations,VABB-1,x,x,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403354,,Quantification of human-environment interactions in the past,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403355,,Temperature dependence of frequency dispersion in III-V metal-oxide-semiconductor C-V and the capture/emission process of border traps,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403356,,The impact of the African Great Lakes on the regional climate,VABB-1,4061,4085,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403357,,Landslide risk assessment in a densely populated hilly area,VABB-1,787,798,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403359,,The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe,VABB-1,438,447,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403362,,A review of the mechanical effects of plant roots on concentrated flow erosion,VABB-1,666,678,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403363,,A model quantifying global vegetation resistance and resilience to short-term climate anomalies and their relationship with vegetation cover,VABB-1,539,548,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403364,,Over de grens. Sociaal-ruimtelijke relaties tussen Brussel en Vlaams-Brabant,VABB-1,1,18,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403365,,Assessment of natural climate variability using a weather generator,VABB-1,495,508,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403366,,"The Influence of Selected Soil Conservation Practices on Soil Properties and Crop Yieldsin the Usambara Mountains, Tanzania",VABB-1,558,570,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403367,,Adapting SWAT hillslope erosion model to predict sediment concentrations and yields in large Basins,VABB-1,855,875,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403368,,"Transient river response, captured by channel steepness and its concavity",VABB-1,234,243,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403372,,"Sediment yield of the lower Tana River, Kenya, is insensitive to dam construction: sediment mobilization processes in a semi-arid tropical river system",VABB-1,1827,1838,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403373,,Keeping the edge: A numerical method that avoids knickpoint smearing when solving the stream power law,VABB-1,1189,1205,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403375,,"Soil Fertility and Crop Yield Variability under Major Soil and Water Conservation Technologies in the Usambara Mountains, Tanzania",VABB-1,32,46,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403376,,The effect of atmospheric and topographic correction on pixel-based image composites: Improved forest cover detection in mountain environments,VABB-1,320,328,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403382,,Analysing spatial data performance in inter-organisational processes,VABB-1,403,420,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403383,,A time series processing tool to extract climate-driven interannual vegetation dynamics using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD),VABB-1,375,389,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403384,,Quantifying the anthropogenic forcing on soil erosion during the Iron Age and Roman Period in southeastern France,VABB-1,59,69,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403385,,Soil erosion hazard and mitigation in the Euro-Mediterranean region: do we need more research?,VABB-1,293,299,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403386,,Searching for 'the political' in environmental politics,VABB-1,531,548,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403387,,Quantifying the impact of impervious surface location on flood peak discharge in urban areas,VABB-1,1457,1471,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403391,,"Heritage conservation, urban development and tourism in China since 1949: a regime approach",VABB-5,33,46,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403392,,Impact of papyrus wetland encroachment on spatial and temporal variabilities of stream flowand sediment export fromwet tropical catchments,VABB-1,756,766,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403394,,Quantifying human impacts on catchment sediment yield: A continental approach,VABB-1,22,36,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403395,,"El pasado polémico de los anos ochenta como atractivo turistico en Medellin, Colombia",VABB-1,101,114,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:403396,,Climate change and post-politics: Repoliticising the present by imagining the future?,VABB-1,148,156,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403400,,(De)politicising the local: The case of the Transition Towns movement in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,172,183,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403401,,Theorising Chinese urbanisation: A multi-layered perspective,VABB-1,2564,2580,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403402,,The sexual politics of the neoliberalism/austerity continuum,VABB-1,965,974,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403403,,Diversiteit en Samenleven als maatschappelijk project: Chiro Brussel en City Pirates,VABB-4,254,266,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403407,,Cities and the financial crisis,VABB-4,579,584,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403408,,Seasonal surface urban energy balance and wintertime stability simulated using three land-surface models in the high-latitude city Helsinki,VABB-1,401,417,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403410,,"Comment on “The demographic response to Holocene climate change in the Sahara”, by Katie Manning and Adrian Timpson (2014)",VABB-1,172,175,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403411,,Unraveling the genetic landscape of autosomal recessive Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathies using a homozygosity mapping approach,VABB-1,33,42,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403413,,"Surface and airborne arsenic concentrations in a recreational site near Las Vegas, Nevada, USA",VABB-1,1,1,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403414,,Detecting Flood Variations in Shanghai over 1949-2009 with Mann-Kendall Tests and a Newspaper-Based Database,VABB-1,1808,1824,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403415,,A portrait of Myriam Jansen-Verbeke,VABB-1,634,642,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:403416,,Ex ante appraisal of agricultural research and extension: a choice experiment on climbing beans in Burundi,VABB-1,61,67,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403417,,What was the transport mode of large boulders in the Campine Plateau and the lower Meuse valley during the mid-Pleistocene?,VABB-1,568,578,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403419,,Spatial analysis of land cover changes in Eastern Tigray (Ethiopia) from 1965 to 2007: are there signs of a forest transition,VABB-1,680,686,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403421,,Modelling the effect of support practices (P-factor) on the reduction of soil erosion by water at European scale,VABB-1,23,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403422,,The Great Moderation,VABB-1,45,50,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403423,,Student studying Student Sexuality: methodological and ethical implications,VABB-1,276,285,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403424,,"‘Putting flesh to the bone. Looking for solidarity in diversity, here and now’",VABB-1,764,782,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:403426,,The impact of impervious water-storage parametrization on urban climate modelling,VABB-1,24,50,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403427,,"A review on regional convection-permitting climate modeling: Demonstrations, prospects, and challenges",VABB-1,323,361,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403429,,A dual effect of urban expansion on flood risk in the Pearl River Delta (China) revealed by land-use scenarios and direct runoff simulation,VABB-1,111,128,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403431,,Evolution of the effectiveness of stone bunds and trenches in reducing runoff and soil loss in the semi-arid Ethiopian highlands,VABB-1,477,493,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403432,,Housing and the Right to the City,VABB-1,207,324,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403436,,An integrative geotourism approach: bridging conflicts in tourism landscape research,VABB-1,544,560,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403443,,New insights in the capability of climate models to simulate the impact of LUC based on temperature decomposition of paired site observations,VABB-1,5417,5436,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403445,,Cloud and precipitation properties from ground-based remote-sensing instruments in East Antarctica,VABB-1,285,304,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403446,,Modelling soil erosion at European scale: towards harmonization and reproducibility,VABB-1,225,245,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403447,,Globally significant greenhouse gas emissions from African inland waters,VABB-1,637,642,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403451,,“Just Writing Your Name? An Analysis of the spatial behaviour of graffiti writers in Amsterdam”,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403453,,From natural to human-dominated floodplain geoecology – a Holocene perspective for the Dijle catchment,VABB-1,46,58,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403454,,"The Rwenzori Mountains, a landslide-prone region?",VABB-1,519,536,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:403456,,Dissolved phosphorus transport from soil to surface water in catchments with different land use,VABB-1,228,240,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403458,,Linking fine root and understory vegetation to channel erosion in forested hillslopes of southwestern China,VABB-1,323,334,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403462,,Robust topology optimization of structures with imperfect geometry based on geometric nonlinear analysis,VABB-1,452,467,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403463,,Link between BIM and Energy Simulation,VABB-5,341,352,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403464,,Visualisation tool to estimate the effect of design parameters on the heating energy demand in the early design phases,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403465,,A review on requirements and existing qualitative tools for designing sustainable large-scale healthcare facilities: a case studiy in the context of Flanders,VABB-5,511,516,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403466,,Environmental product declarations entering the building sector: critical reflections based on 5 to 10 years experience in different European countries,VABB-1,1199,1212,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403467,,A design tool to optimize solar gains and energy use in neighbourhoods,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403468,,Comparing the European Commission product environmental footprint method with other environmental accounting methods,VABB-1,389,404,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403470,,Comparative analysis of Building Sustainability Assessment Methods for Neighbourhoods,VABB-4,183,188,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403471,,"Understand, Express, Measure, Design and Urbanism: An Introduction to Integrated Design Perspectives",VABB-4,69,81,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403472,,"Global size optimization of statically determinate trusses considering displacement, member, and joint constraints",VABB-1,040151201,0401512013,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403473,,Architecture and Sustainability: Critical Perspectives for Integrated Design - Introduction,VABB-4,13,28,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403474,,A probabilistic framework for robust topology optimization of structures sensitive to geometric imperfections,VABB-5,160,174,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403475,,Architecture and Sustainability: Critical Perspectives for Integrated Design,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403476,,Energy savings from housing: Ineffective renovation subsidies vs efficient demolition and reconstruction incentives,VABB-1,697,704,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403477,,Methodological issues in evaluating integral sustainable renovations,VABB-5,197,202,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403480,,Multiplex analysis of pro-inflammatory cytokines in serum of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae-infected pigs,VABB-1,45,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403486,,Hephaistos in Pisidia,VABB-1,325,342,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403488,,Buying and selling in late Roman Pisidia: A hypothetical framework of coin use in Sagalassos and its countryside,VABB-1,73,104,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403491,,The metal production at Düzen Tepe (SW Turkey): An archaeological and archaeometric study,VABB-5,109,113,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403493,,The 2013 Archaeological and Geophysical Surveys in the Territory of Sagalassos,VABB-5,131,150,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403494,,Communal dining in the Eastern Suburbium of ancient Sagalassos. The evidence of animal remains and material culture,VABB-1,173,197,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403499,,"Multi-emission luminescence dating of heated chert from the Middle Stone Age sequence at Sodmein Cave (Red Sea Mountains, Egypt)",VABB-1,94,103,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403502,,L'étude des techniques de taille des pierres comme outil dans la recherche sur les débuts de l'abbaye cistercienne d'Orval,VABB-4,103,114,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:403505,,Introductie,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403506,,"Bouwde Reinier II van Schoonvorst in Zichem een ongewone woontoren, een militaire versterking of een uniek prestigesymbool?",VABB-1,16,29,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403507,,The economy of the Roman world as a complex adaptive system. Testing the case in second to fifth century CE Sagalassos,VABB-4,97,140,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403508,,Archaeometrical research at Sagalassos in 2013,VABB-5,147,156,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403509,,The role of cryptotephra in refining the chronology of Late Pleistocene human evolution and cultural change in North Africa,VABB-1,151,169,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403510,,"The 2012 to 2014 excavation campaigns at Site LE, Sagalassos. The structural remains and general phasing",VABB-1,203,240,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403512,,"L'hôtel de ville médiéval, rêve inachevé des bourgeois de Mons",VABB-4,229,256,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:403514,,The 2013 Excavations and restoration activities at Sagalassos,VABB-5,35,60,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403516,,The scale of Sagalassos red slip ware production.Reconstructions of local need and production output of Roman Imperial tableware,VABB-1,133,157,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403518,,G-8 indicates overall and quality-adjusted survival in older head and neck cancer patients treated with curative radiochemotherapy,VABB-1,875,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403519,,Learning HMMs for nucleotide sequences from amino acid alignments,VABB-1,1836,1838,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403520,,A randomised controlled trial of intravenous dexamethasone combined with interscalene brachial plexus blockade for shoulder surgery,VABB-1,1180,5,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403521,,Renal function in children and adolescents with Duchenne muscular dystrophy,VABB-1,381,387,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403522,,Response to the letter concerning measuring glomerular filtration rate using chromium-51 EDTA: body surface area normalization before or after Bröchner-Mortensen correction?,VABB-1,297,300,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403523,,"Abnormal glomerular filtration rate in children, adolescents and young adults starts below 75 mL/min/1.73 m(2.)",VABB-1,821,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403524,,Response to the letter from Kallner: Comments on 'Does the type of creatinine assay affect creatinine clearance determination?',VABB-1,287,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403525,,Impact of stopping vitamin K antagonist therapy on concentrations of dephospho-uncarboxylated Matrix Gla protein,VABB-1,e191,3,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403526,,Complex aggregates over clusters of elements,VABB-1,181,193,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403527,,Critical review of method comparison studies for the evaluation of estimating glomerular filtration rate equations,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403528,,Can the height-independent Pottel eGFR equation be used as a screening tool for chronic kidney disease in children?,VABB-1,1225,35,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403530,,Trypanosoma-Cruzi Cross-Reactive Antibodies Longitudinal Follow-Up: A Prospective Observational Study in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation,VABB-1,e0137240,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403531,,High-content analysis of α-synuclein aggregation and cell death in a cellular model of Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,117,127,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403535,,Rechtsgeldigheid statutair verbod tot verkoop garage aan niet-mede-eigenaar (noot onder Rb. Gent 4 juni 2013),VABB-1,71,77,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403537,,Informatieverplichtingen bij verkoop van onroerend erfgoed,VABB-4,455,474,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403539,,Belgian report on Condominium Law,VABB-4,"88,133,183,241,328,376,404,499,534","89,135,186,249,329,377,405;447,500,536",,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403542,,Aansprakelijkheid van een contractant jegens derden,VABB-2,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403546,,Vulkaanuitbarsting geen overmacht om hulp- en bijstandsverplichting na te komen: reisorganisator betaalt,VABB-1,130,149,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403547,,Akkoord tot collectief herstel,VABB-4,67,104,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403549,,De hervorming van de Opstalwet: naar een uitbreiding van de stapelingsmogelijkheden,VABB-1,1003,1013,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403552,,Consumentenbescherming in België anno 2015,VABB-1,141,151,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403559,,De Onderhoudsverordening,VABB-4,95,115,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403560,,Het John Hancock-arrest: Amerikaanse rechtbank past substance over form doctrine toe op LILO- en SILO-transacties,VABB-1,73,80,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403567,,Bewijs en sociale media in burgerlijke geschillen,VABB-4,235,266,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403568,,Law and the Evolutionary Turn: The Relevance of Evolutionary Psychology for Legal Positivism,VABB-1,364,386,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403569,,Een empirisch onderzoek naar mediation bij overdracht en opvolging binnen familiebedrijven (in België),VABB-1,71,87,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403570,,"Vestiging, bewijs, erkenning en tegenwerpelijkheid van een erfdienstbaarheid: niet zomaar 'één pot nat' (noot onder Cass. 12 december 2013)",VABB-1,145,148,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403573,,Geldigheidsvoorwaarden,VABB-4,321,390,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403575,,De nieuwe bepalingen uit boek IV van het Wetboek van economisch recht: een eerste commentaar,VABB-1,3,63,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:403578,,Unfair B2C commercial practices,VABB-4,47,84,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403582,,De regionale fiscale gunstregimes inzake de schenking en de vererving van (familiale) ondernemingen (eenmanszaken) en vennootschappen,VABB-1,340,425,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403583,,Holdings en holdingstructuren onder de Belgische regionale gunstregimes en het Nederlandse gunstregime voor de schenking en vererving van (familiale) vennootschappen,VABB-1,226,246,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403587,,"Enkel de CVBA heeft nood aan een volwaardige, bij wet ingestelde algemene vergadering",VABB-1,79,82,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403588,,Beschouwingen aangaande het nieuwe naamrecht,VABB-1,66,71,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403594,,Commentaar bij de wet van 12 mei 2014 tot wijziging van de DAVO-wet met het oog op een effectieve invordering van onderhoudsschulden,VABB-1,202,208,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403600,,Technocracy and Distrust: Revisiting the Rationale for Constitutional Review,VABB-1,30,60,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403601,,De aansprakelijkheid van bookingsites voor onrechtmatige reviews,VABB-1,1157,1206,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:403602,,"Interpretation Methods in the US Supreme Court: Study of Obamacare, Abortion Cases and Alien Torts Statute Cases",VABB-1,142,160,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403603,,De activiteitsvoorwaarde onder de Vlaamse gunstregimes voor de schenking en vererving van familiale ondernemingen en vennootschappen,VABB-1,6,24,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403606,,Belgische class action. Tien pijnpunten,VABB-1,522,535,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403607,,Amendement: De tussentijdse staat van activa en passiva: referentiedatum en sanctie,VABB-1,601,605,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403608,,Commercial and Economic Law in Belgium,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403612,,Market Practices in the Travel Sector,VABB-4,339,357,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403613,,Vulkaanuitbarsting geen overmacht om hulp- en bijstandsverplichting na te komen: reisorganisator betaalt,VABB-1,335,344,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403616,,China’s Approaches to International Law since the Opium War,VABB-1,859,892,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403618,,Het nieuwe naamrecht. Vrijheid van naamkeuze maar vaders wil blijft wet,VABB-4,47,82,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403622,,De aansprakelijkheid voor onrechtmatige reviews over hotels op Facebook en op booking- en reviewsites,VABB-4,155,184,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403623,,De erkenning en tenuitvoerlegging van authentieke akten en gerechtelijke schikkingen krachtens de Onderhoudsverordening,VABB-4,185,194,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403624,,Artikel 2277 BW: een stand van zaken na GwH 6 maart 2014,VABB-1,151,158,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403625,,Standaardisatie van vonnissen en arresten: opportuniteiten en valkuilen bij de digitalisering van justitie,VABB-1,49,57,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:403628,,Dual income tax: model voor de volgende tax shift?,VABB-1,4,13,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403633,,Over ‘strict liability’ en ‘due diligence’ bij misleidende en agressieve handelspraktijken,VABB-1,379,390,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403634,,A fast greedy heuristic for scheduling modular projects,VABB-1,47,72,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403635,,"Quality standards, value chains and international development",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403637,,Food price shocks and the political economy of global agricultural and development policy,VABB-1,387,415,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403638,,Human capital and industrialization: evidence from the age of enlightenment,VABB-1,1825,1883,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403639,,Food quality in domestic markets of developing economies: a comparative study of two countries,VABB-1,617,628,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403641,,The Role of Food Standards in Trade and Development,VABB-4,133,149,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403642,,You get what you want: a note on the economics of bad news,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403643,,"Cultural Differences, behavior and assimilation: player nationality and penalties in football",VABB-1,508,530,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403644,,Peer effects and the rise of beer in Russia,VABB-1,83,96,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403645,,The economics of planting rights in wine production,VABB-1,419,440,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403647,,Food price volatility and EU policies,VABB-4,457,478,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403650,,The economics of biofuel policies: impacts on price volatility in grain and oilseed markets,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403651,,The impact of the 2013 CAP reform on land capitalization (forthcoming),VABB-1,643,673,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403652,,"Small farmers, value chains, and structural change: panel evidence from Bulgaria",VABB-1,2435,2464,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403655,,Socioeconomic issues and biofuel energy,VABB-4,102,124,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403657,,Growth-friendly dictatorship,VABB-1,98,111,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403659,,"Trust me, I'm a doctor: a PhD survival guide",VABB-1,360,375,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403660,,Downsizing and firm performance: evidence from German firm data,VABB-1,1443,1472,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403663,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403664,,"Population change in Europe, the Middle-East and North Africa. Beyond the demographic divide",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403665,,Enduring Gender Bias in Reporting on Political Elite Positions: Media Coverage of Female MPs in Belgian News Broadcasts (2003–2011),VABB-1,395,414,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403666,,The Occupational Roles of Women and Ethnic Minorities on Primetime Television in Belgium. An Analysis of Occupational Status Measurements,VABB-1,498,521,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403667,,Network and contract optimization for maintenance services and remanufacturing,VABB-1,232,244,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403668,,Evaluation of product-platform decisions based on total supply chain costs,VABB-1,5545,5563,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403669,,Effective expediting to improve project due date and cost performance through buffer management,VABB-1,1460,1471,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403672,,A model enhancement heuristic for building robust aircraft maintenance personnel rosters with stochastic constraints,VABB-1,661,673,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403673,,A Time-Indexed Generalized Vehicle Routing Model and Stabilized Column Generation for Military Aircraft Mission Planning,VABB-5,299,314,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403674,,Ranking indices for mitigating project risks,VABB-4,1135,1156,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403675,,Global dual sourcing and order smoothing: the impact of capacity and leadtimes,VABB-1,2080,2099,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403676,,Simulation optimization in inventory replenishment: a classification,VABB-1,1217,1235,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403679,,"The vaccine supply chain multathlon: the reconciliation of technology, economy and access to medicines",VABB-4,205,227,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403681,,Differential evolution to solve the lot size problem in stochastic supply chain management systems,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403682,,Scheduling policies for the stochastic resource leveling problem,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403683,,Determining the timing of project control points using a facility location model and simulation,VABB-1,69,80,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403684,,A decision support system for capacity planning in emergency departments,VABB-1,299,312,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403685,,A stochastic programming approach for floods emergency logistics,VABB-1,18,31,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403686,,Integrating heterogeneous engineering knowledge and tools for efficient industrial simulation model support,VABB-1,575,590,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403687,,Workforce planning incorporating skills: state of the art,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403688,,A combination of flow shop scheduling and the shortest path problem,VABB-1,36,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403690,,Sparse canonical correlation analysis from a predictive point of view,VABB-1,834,851,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403691,,"Orthogonalized regressors and spurious precision, with an application to currency exposures",VABB-1,245,263,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403692,,Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science,VABB-1,943,943,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403693,,A note on testing axioms of revealed preference,VABB-1,1063,1070,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403694,,Billboard and cinema advertising: missed opportunity or spoiled arms?,VABB-1,425,433,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403695,,Computerized adaptive testing for the random weights linear logistic test model,VABB-1,415,431,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403698,,Resource loading with time windows,VABB-1,404,416,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403699,,Fitting mixtures of Erlangs to censored and truncated data using the EM algorithm,VABB-1,729,758,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403700,,Project planning with alternative technologies in uncertain environments,VABB-1,465,476,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403701,,A focused information criterion for graphical models in fMRI connectivity with high-dimensional data,VABB-1,2179,2214,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403702,,An Akaike information criterion for multiple event mixture cure models,VABB-1,449,457,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403703,,Mining telecommunication networks to enhance customer lifetime predictions,VABB-5,15,26,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403704,,The influence function of penalized regression estimators,VABB-1,741,765,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403705,,Model selection and model averaging,VABB-4,647,652,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403706,,"In patients older than 55 years with AML in first CR, should we search for a matched unrelated donor when an old sibling donor is available?",VABB-1,1411,1415,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403708,,Complexity results for the weak axiom of revealed preference for collective consumption models,VABB-1,82,91,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403709,,Designing choice experiments by optimizing the complexity level to individual abilities,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403710,,Practical solutions for a dock assignment problem with trailer transportation,VABB-1,787,799,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403711,,Combining Local and Social Network Classifiers to Improve Churn Prediction,VABB-5,651,659,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403712,,A focused information criterion for graphical models,VABB-1,1071,1092,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403713,,Robust optimization for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with duration uncertainty,VABB-4,875,908,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403714,,Transitive preferences in multi-member households,VABB-1,243,254,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403716,,Simple rules strategy to transform government: an ADR approach,VABB-1,516,525,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403717,,Removing the blinkers: What a process view learns about G2G information systems in Flanders (part 2),VABB-4,386,397,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403718,,APATE: A novel approach for automated credit card transaction fraud detection using network-based extensions,VABB-1,38,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403719,,Perturbing event logs to identify cost reduction opportunities: A genetic algorithm-based approach,VABB-5,2428,2435,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403720,,Context-adaptive petri nets: supporting adaptation for the execution context,VABB-1,9307,9317,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403724,,Declarative business process modeling: principles and modeling languages,VABB-1,161,185,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403726,,Domain knowledge based segmentation of online banking customers,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403727,,"Generating user interface from conceptual, presentation and user models with JMermaid in a learning approach",VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403728,,Event-based real-time decomposed conformance analysis,VABB-5,345,363,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403729,,Exploring business process paradigms and design-time to run-time transitions,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403730,,Analytics in a Big Data World,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403731,,Ten principles of good business process management,VABB-1,530,548,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403732,,Assessing the value of process improvement by means of service imperfections and value-leaks: the case of a large scale municipality contact center,VABB-1,196,209,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403734,,A systematic literature review of studies on business process modeling quality,VABB-1,187,205,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403736,,Beginning Java programming: the object-oriented approach,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403737,,CHOOSE: Towards a metamodel for enterprise architecture in small and medium-sized enterprises,VABB-1,781,818,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:403738,,Extending CPN tools with ontologies to support the management of context-adaptive business processes,VABB-5,198,209,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403739,,A Models Comparison to Estimate Commuting Trips Based on Mobile Phone Data,VABB-4,35,44,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403740,,Effects of simulation on novices' understanding of the concept of inheritance in conceptual modeling,VABB-5,327,336,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403741,,Testing a selection of BPMN tools for their support of modelling guidelines,VABB-5,111,125,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403742,,SECPI: searching for explanations for clustered process instances,VABB-5,408,415,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403744,,An analysis of failure in a government-to-government e-government context via the Updated Delone and McLean model,VABB-4,167,190,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403746,,"Fraud Analytics using Descriptive, Predictive & Social Network Techniques",VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403747,,KBC mobile banking,VABB-1,35,44,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403748,,The impact of the multi-channel retail mix on online store choice: Does online experience matter?,VABB-1,272,288,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403749,,Gains and losses of exclusivity in grocery retailing,VABB-1,239,252,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403752,,When sharing consumption emotions with strangers is more satisfying than sharing them with friends,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403753,,The value of time,VABB-1,178,195,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403754,,Towards a behavioral vaccine: Exposure to accessible temptation when self-regulation is endorsed enhances future resistance to similar temptations in children,VABB-1,63,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403755,,Functional Dissociation of Group III Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Revealed by Direct Comparison between the Behavioral Profiles of Knockout Mouse Lines,VABB-1,pyv053,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403756,,"The evolutionary significance of the arts: Exploring the byproduct hypothesis in the context of ritual, precursors, and cultural evolution",VABB-1,73,85,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403757,,Trusting others: The polarization effect of need for closure,VABB-1,719,735,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403758,,Time-based versus monetary decision making under risk: An experimental investigation,VABB-1,52,72,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403763,,Towards an understanding of talent management as a phenomenon-driven field using bibliometric and content analysis,VABB-1,264,279,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403764,,Translation in cross-cultural management: A matter of voice,VABB-4,131,141,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403766,,"Authentic leadership, authentic followership, basic need satisfaction, and work role performance: A cross-level study",VABB-1,1677,1697,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403767,,De impact van HR-differentiatie op werknemers,VABB-1,1,19,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403770,,Why are unemployed aged fifty and over less likely to find a job? A decomposition analysis,VABB-1,55,65,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403775,,The role of entrepreneurship in the context of career trajectories: Moving back into wage employment or into unemployment?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403776,,Understanding careers,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403777,,Psychological mobility during unemployment: An outplacement study,VABB-4,175,189,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403778,,Strong HRM-processes and line managers' effective HRM-implementation: a balanced view,VABB-1,600,616,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403780,,Career authenticity: On being true to the self at work (accepted),VABB-4,25,41,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403783,,Perceived Employability and Psychological Functioning Framed by Gain and Loss Cycles,VABB-1,179,198,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403786,,"Integrating different notions of employability in a dynamic chain: The relationship between job transitions, movement capital and perceived employability",VABB-1,56,64,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403788,,Positioning the plural ethos of cosmopolitanism in global organizations,VABB-4,103,118,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403789,,"When and why are internal job transitions successful? Transition challenges, hindrances and resources influencing motivation and retention through basic need satisfaction",VABB-1,744,775,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403792,,"The ageing shift worker: A prospective cohort study on need for recovery, disability and retirement intentions",VABB-1,356,367,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403795,,Does early-career underemployment impact future career success? A path dependency perspective,VABB-1,101,110,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403796,,The power of diversity discourses at work: On the interlocking nature of diversities and occupations,VABB-1,1463,1483,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403797,,"Start-ups’ internationalization: The impact of business owners’ management experience, start-up experience and professional network on export intensity",VABB-1,171,187,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403798,,Beliefs Of Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors about Competitive Employment for People with Severe Mental Illness in Belgium,VABB-1,176,188,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403800,,Studying retirement from a career perspective: Are people who take charge of their career less inclined to retire? (accepted),VABB-4,335,349,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403802,,The European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee in the Professional Football Sector,VABB-1,98,115,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403804,,A rationalist perspective on the autonomy of international sport governing bodies: towards a pragmatic autonomy in the steering of sports,VABB-1,473,488,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403806,,"The European sectoral social dialogue committee in professional football: power relations, legitimacy and control",VABB-1,98,115,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403807,,Improved estimates of Belgian private health expenditure can give important lessons to other OECD countries,VABB-1,341,355,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403808,,Death in the Congo. Murdering Patrice Lumumba,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403810,,Good Governance in International Sport Organisations: an Analysis of the 35 Olympic Sport Governing Bodies,VABB-1,281,306,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403812,,Believing in ‘us’: Exploring leaders’ capacity to enhance team confidence and performance by building a sense of shared social identity,VABB-1,89,100,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403816,,A multiple linear regression analysis of factors affecting the simulated Basic Life Support (BLS) performance with Automated External Defibrillator (AED) in Flemish lifeguards,VABB-1,70,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403819,,Effect of swim speed on leg-to-arm coordination in unilateral arm amputee front crawl swimmers,VABB-1,1523,31,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403823,,Counting Steps in Institutionalized Older Adults During Daily Life Activities: the Validation of Two Motion Sensors,VABB-1,383,90,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403824,,Intensity- and Domain-specific Levels of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in 10-14 Year-old Children,VABB-1,1543,1550,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403825,,Gross motor coordination and weight status of Portuguese children aged 6-14 years,VABB-1,681,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403826,,Muscle mass and muscle function over the adult life span: a cross-sectional study in Flemish adults,VABB-1,161,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403828,,Control of propulsion and body lift during the first two stances of sprint running: a simulation study,VABB-1,2016,2024,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403829,,Changes in children's autonomous motivation toward physical education during transition from elementary to secondary school: A self-determination perspective,VABB-1,442,460,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403830,,The art of athlete leadership: Identifying high-quality leadership at the individual and team level through Social Network Analysis,VABB-1,274,290,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403832,,Energy-expenditure during Xbox Kinect-play in early adolescents: The relationship with player mode and game-enjoyment,VABB-1,444,451,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403833,,Sport clubs in Belgium,VABB-4,47,67,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403835,,"Effects of a 6-month local vibration training on bone density, muscle strength, muscle mass and physical performance in postmenopausal women",VABB-1,2613,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403838,,Spectrum analysis of wireless electromyography in water and on dry land: a single case example,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403839,,What brings youngsters into the stadium? Sociopsychological predictors of soccer attendance among Belgian and Portuguese young fans,VABB-1,21,40,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403840,,"History-dependent force, angular velocity and muscular endurance in ACTN3 genotypes",VABB-1,1637,43,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403841,,Intra-individual variability of surface electromyography in front crawl swimming,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403842,,"Is team confidence the key to success? The reciprocal relation between collective efficacy, team outcome confidence, and team performance during soccer games",VABB-1,219,231,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403845,,High Twin Resemblance for Sensitivity to Hypoxia,VABB-1,74,81,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403848,,"Skeletal maturation, fundamental motor skills and motor coordination in children 7-10 years",VABB-1,924,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403849,,Who takes the lead? Social network analysis as pioneering tool to investigate shared leadership within sports teams,VABB-1,28,38,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403850,,Differences in Physical Activity among Youth with and without Intellectual Disability,VABB-1,411,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403851,,Reciprocal peer learning with task cards: Analysis of behaviour and verbal interactions in structured and unstructured dyads,VABB-1,174,185,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403852,,Reliability of Repeated Measurements on Post-Burn Scars with Corneometer CM 825,VABB-1,302,312,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403853,,Perceived sources of team confidence in soccer and basketball,VABB-1,1470,1484,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403855,,Physical activity and physical condition of Icelandic primary and secondary school children with intellectual disability,VABB-1,243,248,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403856,,Energy Expenditure in Institutionalized Older Adults: Validation of Sensewear Mini,VABB-1,1265,1271,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403857,,Autonomous Motivation Mediates the Relation between Goals for Physical Activity and Physical Activity Behavior in Adolescents,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:403858,,A genetic predisposition score associates with reduced aerobic capacity in response to acute normobaric hypoxia in lowlanders,VABB-1,34,42,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403859,,Validation of the SenseWear Armband in different ambient temperatures,VABB-1,1007,18,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:403861,,The impact of different degrees of feedback on physical activity levels: A 4-week intervention study,VABB-1,6561,6581,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403862,,Perceived coach behavior in training and competition predicts collective efficacy in female elite handball players,VABB-1,321,336,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403864,,Is knee extension strength a better predictor of functional performance than handgrip strength among older adults in three different settings?,VABB-1,252,258,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403868,,Which school- and home-based factors in elementary school predict physical activity and sedentary behavior in secondary school? A prospective cohort study,VABB-1,409,417,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403869,,Moderating effects of brooding and co-rumination on the relationship between stress and depressive symptoms in early adolescence: A multi-wave study,VABB-1,607,618,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403870,,Centra voor Leerlingenbegeleiding: op de brug tussen onderwijs en welzijn,VABB-4,89,116,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403871,,"Assessment of Patterns of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease – International Study (APPROACH-IS): Rationale, design, and methods",VABB-1,334,342,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403872,,Non-suicidal self-injury in high school students: Associations with identity processes and statuses,VABB-1,76,81,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403873,,Loneliness and the social monitoring system: Emotion recognition and eye gaze in a real-life conversation,VABB-1,135,153,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403874,,Non-suicidal self-injury in female adolescents and psychiatric patients: A replication and extension of the role of identity formation,VABB-1,91,96,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403876,,Middle Childhood Teacher-Child Relationships: Insights From an Attachment Perspective and Remaining Challenges,VABB-1,77,91,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403877,,African American children at-risk of increasingly conflicted teacher-student relationships in elementary school,VABB-1,306,314,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403878,,"Illness self-concept in Type 1 diabetes: A cross-sectional view on clinical, demographic, and psychosocial correlates",VABB-1,77,86,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403879,,Parenting styles and psychological needs influences on adolescent life goals and aspirations in a South African setting,VABB-1,305,312,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403880,,"An investigation of the linkage between relationship status (single vs. partnered), identity dimensions and self-construals in a sample of Polish young adults",VABB-1,616,623,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403882,,"The gender gap in student engagement: The role of teachers' autonomy support, structure, and involvement",VABB-1,489,518,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403883,,Posttraumatic Growth during Incarceration: A Case Study from an Experiential-Existential Perspective,VABB-1,144,167,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:403884,,Het Leerkracht Relatie Interview als hulpmiddel voor handelingsgerichte diagnostiek:,VABB-1,17,27,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403886,,Sense of coherence in young people with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,267,276,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403887,,De diagnostiek van identiteit en zelfwaardering,VABB-4,129,152,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403888,,Cognitive-motivational antecedents of career decision-making processes in Portuguese high school students: A longitudinal study,VABB-1,145,153,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403889,,A Reliability Generalization Study for a Multidimensional Loneliness Scale: The Loneliness and Aloneness Scale for Children and Adolescents,VABB-1,294,301,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403890,,"The genetics of loneliness: Linking evolutionary theory to genome-wide genetics, epigenetics, and social science",VABB-1,213,226,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403891,,Structural characteristics and external correlates of the Working Alliance Inventory-Short Form,VABB-1,545,551,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403892,,Loneliness and Facebook motives in adolescence: A longitudinal inquiry into directionality of effect,VABB-1,691,699,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403893,,Loneliness Across the Life Span,VABB-1,250,264,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403894,,Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Eating Disorder Patients: Associations With Identity Formation Above And Beyond Anxiety and Depression,VABB-1,119,125,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403895,,Non-suicidal self-injury and identity distress in Flemish adolescents: Exploring gender differences and mediational pathways,VABB-1,215,220,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403896,,Adolescent Emotionality and Effortful Control: Core Latent Constructs and Links to Psychopathology and Functioning,VABB-1,1132,1149,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403897,,Meaning in life in chronic pain patients over time: associations with pain experience and psychological well-being,VABB-1,384,396,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403898,,Loneliness acrtoss phylogeny and call for comparative studies and animal models,VABB-1,202,212,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403899,,An internationally comparative study of immigration and adolescent emotional and behavioral problems: Effects of generation and gender,VABB-1,587,594,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403900,,De school als interpersoonlijke context voor typische en atypische ontwikkeling: de rol van leerkrachten en leeftijdsgenoten,VABB-4,103,121,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403901,,Loneliness and attitudes toward aloneness in adolescence: A person-centered approach,VABB-1,547,567,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403902,,Ontwikkeling en onderwijs: de bijdrage van bio-ecologische ontwikkelingsmodellen aan onderwijsonderzoek,VABB-1,209,225,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403903,,Loneliness in the daily lives of adolescents: An experience sampling study examining the effects of social contexts,VABB-1,905,930,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403904,,Improving teacher-child relationship quality and teacher-rated behavioral adjustment amongst externalizing preschoolers: Effects of a two-component intervention,VABB-1,243,257,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403905,,Creating an optimized diagnostic test for students bridging to Engineering Technology,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403906,,Identity in young adulthood: Links with mental health and risky behavior,VABB-1,39,52,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403907,,Loneliness and hypervigilance to social cues in females: An eye-tracking study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403908,,Adjusting to congenital heart disease in adolescence: The role of patients’ personality and self,VABB-4,53,67,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403909,,Effectiveness of structured education on knowledge and health behaviors in patients with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,1370,1376,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403910,,The formation of academic self-concept in elementary education: A unifying model for external and internal comparisons,VABB-1,124,132,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403912,,Response styles to positive affect and depression: Concurrent and prospective associations in a community sample,VABB-1,480,491,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403913,,Affinity for aloneness in adolescence and preference for solitude in childhood: Linking two research traditions,VABB-4,150,166,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403915,,Identity configurations across love and work in emerging adults in romantic relationships,VABB-1,192,203,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403916,,Psychosocial functioning and glycemic control in emerging adults with type 1 diabetes: A 5-year follow-up study,VABB-1,1058,1065,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403917,,Intergenerational associations linking identity styles and processes in adolescents and their parents,VABB-1,67,83,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403918,,Loneliness and attitudes toward being alone in Belgian and Chinese adolescents: Examining measurement invariance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403920,,Depressieve symptomen in de adolescentie: De rol van responsstijlen op positief en negatief affect,VABB-1,67,74,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403922,,Loneliness: CIinical import and putative interventions,VABB-1,238,249,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403924,,Identity processes and personality traits and types: Directionality of effects and developmental trajectories,VABB-1,2144,2153,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403925,,Major life events as predictors of loneliness in adolescence,VABB-1,631,637,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403926,,Sense of coherence does not moderate the relationship between the perceived impact of stress on health and self-rated health in adults with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:403927,,Assessment of repetitive thinking in children: The Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire - Child Version (PTQ-C),VABB-1,164,170,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403928,,Identity processes in Filipino late adolescents and young adults: Parental influences and mental health outcomes,VABB-1,599,604,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403929,,Identity processes and statuses in post-Soviet Georgia: Exploration processes operate differently,VABB-1,197,209,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:403930,,A phenomenographic analysis of the implementation of competence-based education in higher education,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403932,,Ruminative exploration and reconsideration of commitment as risk factors for suboptimal identity development in adolescence and emerging adulthood,VABB-1,169,178,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:403933,,Children’s Appraisal of their Relationship with the Teacher: Preliminary Evidence for Construct Validity,VABB-1,243,260,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403934,,Quality of life in adults with congenital heart disease,VABB-4,99,117,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403935,,Attitudes Towards Aloneness During Adolescence: A Person-Centered Approach,VABB-1,239,248,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403937,,Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of a Multidimensional Loneliness Scale: Comparisons Across Gender and Age,VABB-1,1829,1837,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403938,,"Child engagement in the transition to school: Contributions of self-regulation, teacher–child relationships and classroom climate",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403939,,Zelfverwondend gedrag bij patiënten met een eetstoornis: De rol van identiteitsdimensies,VABB-1,148,159,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403941,,Patient-Reported Health in Young People With Congenital Heart Disease Transitioning to Adulthood,VABB-1,658,665,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403942,,Le droit de superficie après la loi du 25 avril 2014 (Seconde partie),VABB-1,245,258,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:403943,,Onbeheerd is onbemind. De Belgische Staat en art. 539 en 713 BW als vechten tegen windmolens? (noot onder Gent 22 november 2012),VABB-1,1106,1110,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403944,,Eventueel vruchtgebruik,VABB-1,449,463,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403945,,Eigendomsvoorbehoud en onroerende incorporatie volgens de nieuwe Pandwet: welk nieuws onder de zon?,VABB-1,83,124,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403949,,Noot onder Antwerpen 2 april 2014,VABB-1,510,517,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403951,,De gevolgen van onrechtmatig bouwen op of over andermans grond,VABB-1,169,177,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:403953,,Le droit de superficie après la loi du 25 avril 2014 (Première partie),VABB-1,229,238,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:403955,,Genetic deletion of PDE10A selectively impairs incentive salience attribution and decreases medium spiny neuron excitability,VABB-1,48,54,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403956,,Influence of lexical status and orthographic similarity on the multi-voxel response of the visual word form area,VABB-1,321,328,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403959,,VTA neurons coordinate with the hippocampal reactivation of spatial experience,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403960,,Deficiency of the miR-29a/b-1 cluster leads to ataxic features and cerebellar alterations in mice,VABB-1,275,88,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403961,,Visual processing in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: Evidence from embedded figures and configural superiority tests,VABB-1,1281,1290,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403962,,Rescue of impaired late-phase long-term depression in a tau transgenic mouse model,VABB-1,730,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403963,,Virtual water maze learning in human increases functional connectivity between posterior hippocampus and dorsal caudate,VABB-1,1265,77,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403965,,Brain-decoding fMRI reveals how wholes relate to the sum of parts,VABB-1,5,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403966,,How learning might strengthen existing visual object representations in human object-selective cortex,VABB-1,74,85,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403968,,Object memory enhancement by combining sub-efficacious doses of specific phosphodiesterase inhibitors,VABB-1,361,366,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403969,,Dual alleviation of acute and neuropathic pain by fused opioid agonist - neurokinin 1 antagonist peptidomimetics,VABB-1,1209,1214,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403970,,Loss of GPR3 reduces the amyloid plaque burden and improves memory in Alzheimer's disease mouse models,VABB-1,309ra164,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403972,,Distinct and simultaneously active plasticity mechanisms in mouse hippocampus during phases of Morris water maze training,VABB-1,1273,1290,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403973,,Probabilistic approaches to uncover rat hippocampal population codes,VABB-4,186,206,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:403974,,Role of α4- and α6-containing nicotinic receptors in the acquisition and maintenance of nicotine self-administration,VABB-1,500,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403975,,Dysregulated ADAM10-Mediated Processing of APP during a Critical Time Window Leads to Synaptic Deficits in Fragile X Syndrome,VABB-1,382,98,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403976,,Calcium and bone homeostasis in heterozygous carriers of CYP24A1 mutations: A cross-sectional study,VABB-1,89,96,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403978,,Anti-inflammatory Therapy With Simvastatin Improves Neuroinflammation and CNS Function in a Mouse Model of Metachromatic Leukodystrophy,VABB-1,1160,1168,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403979,,Longitudinal follow-up and characterization of a robust rat model for Parkinson's disease based on overexpression of alpha-synuclein with adeno-associated viral vectors,VABB-1,1543,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403980,,Telencephalic neurocircuitry and synaptic plasticity in rodent spatial learning and memory,VABB-1,294,308,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403981,,Amyloid-beta pathology is attenuated by tauroursodeoxycholic acid treatment in APP/PS1 mice after disease onset,VABB-1,228,240,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403982,,Encoding of configural regularity in the human visual system,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:403983,,Cue-invariant shape recognition in rats as tested with second-order contours,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403984,,TRPM4-dependent post-synaptic depolarization is essential for the induction of NMDA receptor-dependent LTP in CA1 hippocampal neurons,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403985,,Neural discriminability in rat lateral extrastriate cortex and deep but not superficial primary visual cortex correlates with shape discriminability,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403986,,Generalization of respiratory symptom triggers,VABB-1,689,698,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403988,,Heart rate pattern and resting heart rate variability mediate individual differences in contextual anxiety and conditioned responses,VABB-1,567,576,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403990,,Speaking up when feeling job insecure: The moderating role of punishment and reward sensitity,VABB-1,1107,1128,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403993,,Job crafting in changing organizations: Antecedents and Implications for Exhaustion and Performance,VABB-1,470,480,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403995,,The effect of job insecurity on employee health complaints: A within-person analysis of the explanatory role of threats to the manifest and latent benefits of work,VABB-1,65,76,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403996,,Enhanced electrical activation in In-implanted Ge by C co-doping,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403997,,Negociar en un contexto de crisis económica [Negotiating during the economic crisis],VABB-1,3,13,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:403998,,Cross-national and longitudinal investigation of a short measure of workaholism,VABB-1,113,123,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:403999,,Can Soldiers Combine Swords and Ploughshares?: The Construction of the Warrior-Peacekeeper Role Identity Survey (WPRIS),VABB-1,519,540,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404002,,Promoting social dialogue in European organizations. Human Resources management and constructive conflict behavior,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404003,,Engaging leadership in the Job-Demands-Resources Model,VABB-1,446,463,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404004,,Qualitative and quantitative job insecurity: relations with nine types of performance,VABB-1,152,164,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404005,,Pscyhometric properties of the Polish version of the job-related affective well-being scale,VABB-1,993,1004,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404007,,"Job design, work engagement and innovative work behavior:: A multi-level study on Karasek’s learning hypothesis",VABB-1,123,137,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404008,,Individual well-being and performance at work: A conceptual and theoretical overview,VABB-4,24,43,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404009,,Perceived employability in times of job insecurity: A theoretical perspective,VABB-4,161,174,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404010,,The Role of Career Factors in Qualitative and Quantitative Job Insecurity: A Study in Different Organizational Contexts,VABB-1,23,45,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404012,,Late Career Decision-Making: A Qualitative Panel Study,VABB-1,284,295,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404013,,Job Insecurity and Psychological Well-being: Review of the Literature and Exploration of Some Unresolved Issues,VABB-4,103,124,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404015,,Adaptation of the Brazilian version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale,VABB-1,207,2017,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404016,,The east side story,VABB-1,145,151,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404017,,"Sustainable employability; its definition, conceptualization, and assessment: A perspective based on the capability approach",VABB-1,71,79,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404019,,"Evaluation of the Financial Threat Scale (FTS) in Four European, Non-Student Samples",VABB-1,72,80,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404020,,Van burnout naar bevlogenheid Werk en welbevinden in Nederland [From burnout to Work Engagement: Work and well-being in the Netherlands],VABB-1,15,31,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404021,,The beauty versus the beast: On the motives of engaged and workaholic employees,VABB-4,121,138,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404023,,Job insecurity and emotional exhaustion: Testing psychological contract breach versus distributive injustice as indicators of lack of reciprocity,VABB-1,246,263,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404024,,An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind: Conflict Escalation into Workplace Bullying and the Role of Distributive Conflict Behavior,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404027,,The Mediating Role of LMX Between Abusive Supervision and Work Behaviors: A Replication and Extension,VABB-1,61,75,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404028,,"Job Insecurity, Health and Well-Being",VABB-4,109,128,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404029,,"Qualitative job insecurity, job satisfacton, and organizational commitment: the mediating role of control perceptions",VABB-1,217,231,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404031,,Do nuclei go pear-shaped? Coulomb excitation of Rn-220 and Ra-224 at REX-ISOLDE (CERN),VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404033,,Frequent Change and Turnover Intention: The Moderating Role of Ethical Leadership,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404034,,The prospective effects of work–family conflict and enrichment on job exhaustion and turnover intentions: comparing long-term temporary vs. permanent workers across three waves,VABB-1,75,94,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404035,,Job insecurity: cross-cultural comparison between Germany and China,VABB-1,36,54,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404037,,Fear generalization in humans: Systematic review and implications for anxiety disorder research,VABB-1,561,582,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404038,,Deficits in disengaging attention from threat predict improved response to CBT for anxiety,VABB-1,892,899,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404039,,Acquisition and extinction of operant pain-related avoidance behavior using a 3 degrees-of-freedom robotic arm,VABB-1,1094,1104,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404040,,Avoidance learning: A review of theoretical models and recent developments,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404041,,Can electrical stimulation of the human bed nucleus of the stria terminalis reduce contextual anxiety? An unanswered question,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404042,,Initial and non-initial name-letter preferences as obtained through repeated letter rating tasks continue to reflect (different aspects of) self-esteem,VABB-1,905,914,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404043,,School-based prevention and reduction of depression in adolescents: A cluster-randomized controlled trial of a mindfulness group program,VABB-1,477,486,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404044,,Conditioned fear acquisition and generalization in generalized anxiety disorder,VABB-1,627,639,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404045,,Words putting pain in motion: The generalization of pain-related fear within an artificial stimulus category,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404046,,Development of a Protocol for Studying Premature Onset of Fear as a Feature of Pathological Fear: The Effects of Conditional Stimulus Duration and Counting Behavior,VABB-1,206,229,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404047,,De derde generatie CGT: Een vloek of een zegen?,VABB-1,61,69,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404048,,Beyond extinction: habituation eliminates conditioned skin conductance across contexts,VABB-1,529,534,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404049,,Perceptual discrimination in fear generalization: Mechanistic and clinical implications,VABB-1,201,207,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404050,,Self-regulatory depletion in dogs: Insulin release is not necessary for the replenishment of persistence,VABB-1,22,26,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404051,,Fear generalization in humans: impact of feature learning on conditioning and extinction,VABB-1,143,148,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404052,,Het trainen van geheugenspecificiteit bij depressieve patiënten,VABB-1,190,205,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404053,,Influence of interoceptive fear learning on visceral perception,VABB-1,248,258,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:404056,,Reduced autobiographical memory specificity is associated with impaired discrimination learning in anxiety disorder patients,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404058,,The impact of lifetime suicidality on academic performance in college freshmen,VABB-1,254,60,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404059,,“Why is everyone always angry with me?!”: When thinking ‘why’ leads to generalization,VABB-1,34,41,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404060,,An integrative review of attention biases and their contribution to treatment for anxiety disorders,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404061,,"Home nurses and patient depression. Attitudes, competences and the effects of a minimal intervention",VABB-1,126,135,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404062,,Emotional attentional control predicts changes in diurnal cortisol secretion,VABB-1,291,295,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:404063,,A Bayesian hierarchical diffusion model decomposition of performance in approach-avoidance tasks,VABB-1,1424,1444,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404064,,A new approach for modeling generalization gradients: A case for hierarchical models,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404065,,The effect of glucose on hippocampal-dependent contextual fear conditioning,VABB-1,847,854,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404066,,From bad to worse: Symbolic equivalence and opposition in fear generalization,VABB-1,1137,1145,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404067,,Is self-positive information more appealing than money? Individual differences in positivity bias according to depressive symptoms,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404068,,The key role of extinction learning in anxiety disorders: behavioral strategies to enhance exposure-based treatments,VABB-1,39,47,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404069,,Maternal postnatal depression predicts increased offspring biological stress reactivity in adulthood,VABB-1,251,260,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404070,,Abstract ‘why’ thoughts about success lead to greater positive generalization in sport participants,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404074,,Effects of approach-avoidance training on the extinction and return of fear responses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404075,,Overgeneral Memory in Borderline Personality Disorder,VABB-4,221,241,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404076,,Using an Interactive Self-Assessment Tool to Strengthen Your Employee Assistance Service,VABB-1,46,65,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404077,,Avoidance behavior in chronic pain research: a cold case revisited,VABB-1,31,37,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404078,,Perceptual and conceptual similarities facilitate the generalisation of instructed fear,VABB-1,149,155,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404079,,Generalization of fear to respiratory sensations,VABB-1,611,626,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404080,,Factor structure of the Ruminative Response Scale: A community-sample study,VABB-1,247,253,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404083,,Compound extinction: Using the Rescorla-Wagner model to maximize exposure therapy effects for anxiety disorders,VABB-1,335,348,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404085,,Was it so bad? The role of retrospective memory in symptom reporting,VABB-1,1166,1174,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404086,,Autobiographical memory specificity and non-suicidal self-injury in borderline personality disorder,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404089,,The differential influence of life stress on individual symptoms of depression,VABB-1,465,471,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404090,,On the unidentifiability of the fixed-effects 3PL model,VABB-1,450,467,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404091,,Revealing the dynamic network structure of the Beck Depression Inventory-II,VABB-1,747,757,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404092,,Delivering a victim impact statement: Emotionally effective or counterproductive?,VABB-1,17,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404093,,Which emotions last longest and why: The role of event importance and rumination,VABB-1,119,127,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404094,,Affective dynamics in psychopathology,VABB-1,355,361,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404095,,"Problematic assumptions have slowed down depression research: why symptoms, not syndromes are the way forward",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404096,,Sad and alone: Social expectancies for experiencing negative emotions are linked to feelings of loneliness,VABB-1,496,503,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404097,,Fitting diffusion item response theory models for responses and response times using the R package diffIRT,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404098,,Unraveling affective dysregulation in borderline personality disorder: A theoretical model and empirical evidence,VABB-1,186,198,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404099,,The relation between short-term emotion dynamics and psychological well-being: A meta-analysis,VABB-1,901,930,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404100,,Are we wasting a good crisis? The availability of psychological research data after the storm,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404102,,Differences in the between-person and within-person structures of affect are a matter of degree,VABB-1,55,71,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404103,,A note on weighted likelihood and Jeffreys modal estimation of proficiency levels in polytomous item response models,VABB-1,200,204,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404104,,Fingerprint resampling: A generic method for efficient resampling,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404105,,Emotional inertia contributes to depressive symptoms beyond perseverative thinking,VABB-1,527,538,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404106,,How are personality trait and profile agreement related?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404107,,Determinants of emotion duration and underlying psychological and neural mechanisms,VABB-1,330,335,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404108,,Updating in working memory predicts greater emotion reactivity to and facilitated recovery from negative emotion-eliciting stimuli,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404109,,Depression sum-scores don't add up: Why analyzing specific depression symptoms is essential,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404110,,Not just a sum? Identifying different types of interplay between constituents in combined interventions,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404111,,Ambulatory assessment in research on aging: Contemporary and future applications,VABB-1,372,380,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404112,,Emotional clarity as a function of neuroticism and Major Depressive Disorder,VABB-1,615,624,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404113,,Perinatal distress: An appraisal perspective,VABB-1,190,204,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404114,,Factor analysis,VABB-4,481,487,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404115,,Passive Facebook usage undermines affective well-being: Experimental and longitudinal evidence,VABB-1,480,488,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404116,,A note on the equivalence between observed and expected information functions with polytomous IRT models,VABB-1,96,105,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404117,,Social cognition and aging,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404118,,Depression is not a consistent syndrome: An investigation of unique symptom patterns in the STAR*D study,VABB-1,96,102,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404119,,Detection of differential item functioning using the lasso approach,VABB-1,111,135,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404120,,Social functioning trajectories of young first-episode psychosis patients with and without cannabis misuse: A 30-month follow-up study,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404121,,"Emotional inertia and external events: The roles of exposure, reactivity, and recovery",VABB-1,625,636,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404122,,Bayesian estimation in hierarchical models,VABB-4,279,299,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404123,,Affective updating ability and stressful events interact to prospectively predict increases in depressive symptoms over time,VABB-1,73,82,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404124,,A generalized linear factor model approach to the hierarchical framework for responses and response times,VABB-1,197,219,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404125,,From loss to loneliness: The relationship between bereavement and depressive symptoms,VABB-1,256,265,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404127,,Distinguishing between level and impact of rumination as predictors of depressive symptoms: An experience sampling study,VABB-1,736,746,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404128,,Emotion regulation and the temporal dynamics of emotions: Effects of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression on emotional inertia,VABB-1,831,851,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404129,,Stereotype threat and aging in the workplace,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404130,,Towards a hierarchical strategy to explore multi-scale IP/MS data for protein complexes,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404131,,Emotion-network density in major depressive disorder,VABB-1,292,300,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404132,,A bivariate generalized linear item response theory modeling framework to the analysis of responses and response times,VABB-1,56,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404133,,It's about time: A special section on affect dynamics,VABB-1,297,300,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404134,,Job attitudes are differentially associated with bridge employment and phased retirement among older Australian employees,VABB-1,190,201,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404135,,"China's Climate Strategy and Evolving Energy Mix: Policies, Strategies and Challenges",VABB-1,256,269,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404136,,Research Handbook On Climate Change Mitigation Law,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404137,,"European Commission v United Kingdom, Case C-530/11, ECLI:EU:C:2014:67",VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404139,,Pressing Forward—Developments in the Transition Towards Sustainable Materials Management in EU Environmental Law,VABB-4,511,532,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404140,,The Recast of the Brussels I Regulation and Arbitration: Mission accomplished?,VABB-1,89,108,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404142,,Symmetry perception,VABB-4,108,128,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404144,,The curious influence of timing on the magical experience evoked by conjuring tricks involving false transfer: decay of amodal object permanence?,VABB-1,513,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404146,,The effect of perceptual grouping on haptic numerosity perception,VABB-1,353,367,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404147,,Suppressive and enhancing effects in early visual cortex during illusory shape perception: A comment on Kok and de Lange (2014),VABB-1,41,44,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404148,,Fixation duration surpasses pupil size as a measure of memory load in free viewing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404149,,The influence of age and gender on ultra-rapid categorization,VABB-1,894,916,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404150,,Global processing takes time: A meta-analysis on local-global visual processing in ASD,VABB-1,549,573,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404151,,"Crowding, grouping, and object recognition: a matter of appearance",VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404152,,Some differences in some: Examining variability in the interpretation of scalars using latent class analysis,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404154,,Relief articulation techniques,VABB-1,151,171,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404155,,Definitely maybe: Can unconscious processes perform the same functions as conscious processes?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404156,,Left perirhinal cortex codes for similarity in meaning between written words: Comparison with auditory word input,VABB-1,4,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404157,,Predicting lexical norms using a word association corpus,VABB-5,2463,2468,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404158,,3D shape perception in posterior cortical atrophy: A visual neuroscience perspective,VABB-1,12673,12692,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404159,,Perceiving the direction of articulatory motion in point-light actions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404160,,Hue contrast and the sense of space,VABB-1,67,85,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404161,,Visual arts training is linked to flexible attention to local and global levels of visual stimuli,VABB-1,185,197,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404162,,The multilingual CID-5: a new tool to study the perception of communicative Interactions in different languages,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404163,,Ontology of the mirror world,VABB-1,119,140,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404164,,Suppressed visual looming stimuli are not integrated with auditory looming signals: evidence from continuous flash suppression,VABB-1,48,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404165,,Rapid gist perception of meaningful real-lif scenses: Exploring individual and gender differences in multiple categorization tasks,VABB-1,19,37,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404166,,Risky-Play at School. Facilitating Risk Perception and Competence in Young Children,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:404167,,Using the speeded word fragment completion task to examine semantic priming,VABB-1,580,606,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404168,,Using sound-taste correspondences to enhance the subjective value of tasting experiences,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404169,,Partial modal completion under occlusion: What do modal and amodal percepts represent?,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404170,,Transparallel mind: Classical computing with quantum power,VABB-1,341,363,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404171,,Simplicity in perceptual organization,VABB-4,1027,1045,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404172,,Cain’s House Revisited and Revived: Extending Theory and Methodology for Quantifying Drawing Accuracy,VABB-1,152,167,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404173,,Poggendorff rides again!,VABB-1,15,18,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:404175,,"The nature of the visual field, a phenomenological analysis",VABB-1,71,79,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404176,,Does Music Influence the Multisensory Tasting Experience?,VABB-1,404,412,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404177,,The effect of different methods to construct non-symbolic stimuli in numerosity estimation and comparison,VABB-1,310,325,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404178,,The put-and-fetch ambiguity: How magicians exploit the principle of exclusive allocation of movements to intentions,VABB-1,86,90,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404179,,How do people learn from negative evidence? Non-monotonic generalizations and sampling assumptions in inductive reasoning,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404180,,The influence of working memory load on semantic priming,VABB-1,911,920,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404182,,Impaired identification of impoverished animate but not inanimate objects in adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,52,60,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404183,,The effect of face inversion for neurons inside and outside fMRI-defined face-selective cortical regions,VABB-1,1644,1655,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404184,,Perceiving where another person is looking: The integration of head and body information in estimating another person’s gaze,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404185,,Drawing on the right side of the brain: a voxel-based morphometry analysis of observational drawing,VABB-1,167,173,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404186,,Inferring choice criteria with mixture IRT models: A demonstration using ad hoc and goal-derived categories,VABB-1,97,114,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404187,,Word associations,VABB-4,465,480,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404188,,Single-trial ERP component analysis using a spatio-temporal LCMV,VABB-1,55,66,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:404190,,Foveal target repetitions reduce crowding,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404191,,Steps along a continuum of word knowledge: Later lexical development through the lens of receptive judgments,VABB-1,234,262,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404192,,Considering Too Few Alternatives: The Mental Model Theory of Extensional Reasoning,VABB-1,728,751,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404193,,Serial correlations in Continuous Flash Suppression,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404194,,The role of corpus-size and syntax in deriving lexico-semantic representations for a wide range of concepts,VABB-1,1643,1664,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404195,,Crowding is reduced by onset transients in the target object - but not in the flankers,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404197,,Violations of the local independence assumption in categorization,VABB-5,1670,1675,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404199,,Challenge to promote change: both young and older adults benefit from contextual interference,VABB-1,157,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404200,,Holistic processing of human body postures: Evidence from the composite effect,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404202,,Assessing multisensory tasting experiences by means of customized soundscapes,VABB-5,739,744,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404204,,Development of cross-language lexical influence,VABB-1,529,547,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404205,,Maar hoe zit dat eigenlijk?,VABB-4,565,578,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404206,,Evidence for widespread thematic structure in the mental lexicon,VABB-5,518,523,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404207,,Neural correlate of the Thatcher Face Illusion in a monkey face-selective patch,VABB-1,9872,9878,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404208,,Examining assortativity in the mental lexicon: Evidence from word association data,VABB-1,1717,1724,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404211,,Seksismeverbod in de strafwet: baat niet schaadt wel (deel 1),VABB-1,770,793,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404213,,The Right to Inclusive Education: Analysis of Article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,VABB-1,263,287,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404215,,De Raad van State over het 'hoofddoekenverbod' in het Gemeenschapsonderwijs: een kentering inzake kentekens,VABB-1,84,93,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404217,,Noot,VABB-1,509,512,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404223,,The Constitution of Belgium. A contextual Analysis,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404224,,Wilsonvrije rechters: sluitsteen van preventiestaat of ontkleding van recht(ers)staat?,VABB-1,258,265,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404225,,Het juridisch bekampen van Mein Kampf. Een zelfbestendigende symbolenstrijd,VABB-1,242,249,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404228,,Het Grondwettelijk Hof en de rechterlijke pensioenwrevel. ‘Verambtenariseert’ onze rechtspraak?,VABB-1,914,929,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404230,,Symptomatic symbolism: banning the face veil 'as a symbol',VABB-4,184,193,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404232,,"Gelijk wat, gelijk wie? Gelijkheid, diversiteit en het recht",VABB-4,36,53,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404233,,Judicial Policy vs. Freedom of (Judicial) Conscience: Friends or Foes?,VABB-4,137,158,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404235,,La responsabilité de l’État pour une faute commise par une juridiction suprême : une politique des petits pas,VABB-1,458,467,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:404241,,Surfen op de golven van morele paniek. De impact van de bestrijding van het Vlaams Blok op het politiek misdrijf en het drukpersmisdrijf (1980 – 2015),VABB-4,179,205,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404245,,Commentary on the Paris Principles on National Human Rights Institutions,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404246,,Article 33 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Implementation in European States,VABB-4,9,42,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404247,,Seksismeverbod in de strafwet: baat niet schaadt wel (deel 2),VABB-1,834,843,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404250,,State Aid for the Production of Electricity from Renewable Energy Resources,VABB-1,17,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404251,,EU Water Quantity Management in International River Basin Districts: Crystal Clear?,VABB-1,134,143,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404265,,"Re-forming a Meritorious Elite. Judicial Independence, Selection of Judges and the High Council of Justice in Belgium",VABB-4,65,91,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404271,,Relief in Small and Simple Matters in Belgium,VABB-1,147,158,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404272,,"Buitengerechtelijke en gerechtelijke afwikkeling van geschillen inzake producten, diensten en bouwwerken",VABB-4,715,766,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404274,,User pays? Burgerlijke geschillenbeslechting in tijden van budgettaire ademnood,VABB-1,1259,1306,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404275,,Het Europees burgerlijk procesrecht en de inpassing ervan in de Belgische rechtsorde,VABB-4,149,185,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404292,,Kroniek onderwijsrecht,VABB-1,384,397,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404297,,Belgium,VABB-4,243,252,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404299,,Sovereignty and Direct Democracy: Lessons from Constant and the Belgian Constitution,VABB-1,293,320,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404305,,Het Grondwettelijk Hof als rechter van Europees Unierecht,VABB-4,253,283,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404306,,Bescherming van persoonsgegevens: is er ruimte voor een horizontale toepassing van het legaliteitsbeginsel in artikel 22 Gw.?,VABB-1,243,252,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404308,,De nieuwe gemeenschapsbevoegdheden inzake gezondheidszorg en hulp aan personen met een handicap,VABB-1,269,311,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404316,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de adviespraktijk van de afdeling Wetgeving van de Raad van State (2013-2014),VABB-1,109,147,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404317,,De federale voorafgaande regelgevingsimpactanalyse (RIA) - Een wassen neus of een stapje vooruit?,VABB-1,168,184,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404321,,Constitutionalising Secession,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404324,,Kroniek rechtspraak EHRM 2012,VABB-1,580,591,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404327,,Changing Patterns of Global Agri-Food Trade and the Economic Efficiency of Virtual Water Flows,VABB-1,5542,5563,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404328,,Comparison Between Two Rural-Suburban Landscapes from Bruxelles and Milan,VABB-4,385,410,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404329,,The impact of private food standards on trade and development: Evidence from Peru,VABB-4,183,204,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404330,,The Impact of Private Food Standards on Developing Countries’ Export Performance: An Analysis of Asparagus Firms in Peru,VABB-1,208,221,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404331,,The economics and greenhouse gas balance of land conversion to Jatropha: the case of Tanzania,VABB-1,302,315,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404332,,Non-Tariff Measures and Standards in Trade and Global Value Chains,VABB-1,425,450,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404333,,Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Fair Trade Chocolate,VABB-4,180,191,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404337,,Who benefits from energy policy incentives? The case of jatropha adoption by smallholders in Mexico,VABB-1,37,47,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404338,,"Rural Households' Demand for Frankincense Forest Conservation in Tigray, Ethiopia: A Contingent Valuation Analysis",VABB-1,642,653,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404341,,"Farmland abandonment in Europe: Identification of drivers and indicators, and development of a composite indicator of risk",VABB-1,20,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404342,,Testing the Influence of Substitute Sites in Nature Valuation by Using Spatial Discounting Factors,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:404344,,Can Agricultural Cooperatives Reduce Poverty? Heterogeneous Impact of Cooperative Membership on Farmers' Welfare in Rwanda,VABB-1,86,106,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404345,,Pig manure treatment with housefly (Musca domestica) rearing – an environmental life cycle assessment,VABB-1,195,214,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404347,,Female Employment Reduces Fertility in Rural Senegal,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404348,,Insertion of a pressure sensing arrayminimally affects hindfoot bone kinematics,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404349,,Diagnostic criteria for DCD: Past and future,VABB-1,293,306,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404350,,Muscle optimization techniques impact the magnitude of calculated hip joint contact forces,VABB-1,430,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404351,,Gait alterations to effectively reduce hip contact forces,VABB-1,1094,102,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404352,,Evaluation of stair motion contributes to new insights into hip osteoarthritis-related motion pathomechanics,VABB-1,187,196,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404353,,Extrinsic Muscle Forces Affect Ankle Loading Before and After Total Ankle Arthroplasty,VABB-1,3028,37,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404354,,In-shoe multi-segment foot kinematics of children during the propulsive phase of walking and running,VABB-1,200,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404355,,Proactive and reactive neuromuscular control in subjects with chronic ankle instability: Evidence from a pilot study on landing,VABB-1,106,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404356,,Rehabilitation of gait and balance after CNS damage,VABB-4,211,223,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404357,,Wireless Tri-Axial Trunk Accelerometry Detects Deviations in Dynamic Center of Mass Motion Due to Running-Induced Fatigue,VABB-1,e0141957,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404358,,Muscle contributions to centre of mass acceleration during turning gait in typically developing children: A simulation study,VABB-1,4238,4245,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404359,,Sensitivity of predicted muscle forces during gait to anatomical variability in musculotendon geometry,VABB-1,2116,2123,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404360,,Detection of epileptic seizures from single lead ECG by means of phase rectified signal averaging,VABB-5,3789,3792,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404361,,Inertial control as novel technique for in vitro gait simulations,VABB-1,392,5,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404362,,Loading of hip measured by hip contact forces at different speeds of walking and running,VABB-1,1431,1440,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404364,,Biomechanical gait features associated with hip osteoarthritis: towards a better definition of clinical hallmarks,VABB-1,1498,1507,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404365,,Hidden Codes of Love: The Materiality of the Category Romance Novel,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404366,,De Belgische dataretentiewetgeving na het vernietigingsarrest van 11 juni 2015: another one bites the dust?,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404367,,Invloed van het Belgische vergoedingssysteem voor medische ongevallen op het gedrag van artsen,VABB-1,331,346,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404370,,Het beginsel van de gelijkheid van burgers voor openbare lasten: een beginsel op de snijlijn van publiek- en privaatrecht,VABB-1,689,721,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404371,,De inperking van het recht van de inwoners om te procederen in naam van de gemeente of provincie: een genuanceerd arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-1,198,206,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404373,,"De beslissing van de gemeenteraad over de aard van de wegen: aard, draagwijdte en gevolgen",VABB-4,225,238,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404376,,"""L'invasion noire"" (1900-1905) La politique belge face à l'immigration des congrégations religieuses françaises",VABB-1,154,187,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:404379,,Letter: using pictures to improve communication between doctor and patient in functional gastrointestinal disorders - authors' reply,VABB-1,1365,1365,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404383,,"Разные партнеры, различные энергоидентичности: дискурс–анализ в рамках конструктивизма как путь к объяснению поляризации энергоотношений между РФ и ЕС [Different Partners, divergent energy identities: explaining the polarization of energy relations between Russia and the EU by means of a discourse analysis within a constructivist approach]",VABB-4,1,24,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:404384,,Analysing Foreign Policy in a context of Global Governance,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404385,,"The EU, structural diplomacy and the challenge of learning",VABB-4,199,214,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404386,,"The EU, China and the Paris Climate Summit",VABB-1,8,14,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404388,,Culture and Emotion,VABB-4,542,549,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:404389,,Feel like you belong: On the bidirectional link between emotional fit and group identification in task groups,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404390,,When values (don't) converge: Cultural diversity and value convergence in work groups,VABB-1,521,528,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404391,,Effects of ingroup norms on domain-specific acculturation preferences: Experimental evidence from two cultural contexts,VABB-1,113,130,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404392,,Quitting smoking: The importance of non-smoker identity in predicting smoking behavior and responses to a smoking ban,VABB-1,1387,1409,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404393,,Feeling right is feeling good: Psychological well-being and emotional fit with culture in autonomy- versus relatedness-promoting situations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404394,,Becoming a group: value convergence and emergent work group identities,VABB-1,235,248,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404395,,Dynamic interplay between norms and experiences of anger and gratitude in groups,VABB-1,300,323,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404396,,Managing diversity: How leaders' multiculturalism and colorblindness affect work group functioning,VABB-1,629,644,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404399,,Extending the queen bee effect: How Hindustani workers cope with disadvantage by distancing the self from the group,VABB-1,476,496,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404400,,Less is More? Think again! A cognitive fluency-based more-less asymmetry in comparative communication,VABB-1,753,766,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404401,,Psychological integration and adaptation of the second generation European Turks: A comparative review from the perspective of bi-dimensional acculturation,VABB-1,16,31,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404402,,Cultural differences in emotions,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404404,,"Determination of the B(E3, 0(+) -> 3(-))-excitation strength in octupole-correlated nuclei near A approximate to 224 by the means of Coulomb excitation at REX-ISOLDE",VABB-5,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404405,,Do women accommodate more than men? Gender differences in perceived social support and negotiation behavior by Spanish and Dutch worker representatives,VABB-1,538,553,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404406,,Angry at your boss: Who cares? Anger recognition and mediation effectiveness,VABB-1,256,266,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404408,,Mediating hierarchical labour conflicts: Dynamics and interventions,VABB-4,480,492,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404410,,An exploratory study of group development and team learning,VABB-1,5,30,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404411,,Using technology for interaction and involvement in large enrollment courses: Perceived effects and attitudes,VABB-5,3344,3348,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404414,,Unraveling the relationship between trait negative affectivity and habitual symptom reporting,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404417,,Motor intention as a trigger for fear of movement-related pain: An experimental cross-US reinstatement study,VABB-1,206,228,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404418,,Generalization of pain-related fear using a left-right hand judgment conditioning task,VABB-1,699,716,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404419,,Touch Teach Learn. Unlocking the potential of touch enabled mobile devices for higher education,VABB-5,5298,5304,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404421,,The impact of harmfulness information on citric acid induced cough and urge-to-cough,VABB-1,9,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404422,,Amygdala response to anticipation of dyspnea is modulated by 5-HTTLPR genotype,VABB-1,973,976,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404423,,Startle responding in the context of visceral pain,VABB-1,128,134,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404424,,Learning to predict and control harmful events: chronic pain and conditioning,VABB-1,S86,93,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404425,,Respiratory sensory gating measured by respiratory-related evoked potentials in generalized anxiety disorder,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404426,,Pain Catastrophizing and Fear of Pain predict the Experience of Pain in Body Parts not targeted by a Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness procedure,VABB-1,1065,1076,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404427,,Predicting oral health-related behaviour in the parents of preschool children: An application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour,VABB-1,221,230,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404430,,Belgian siblings of children with a chronic illness: Is their quality of life different from their peers?,VABB-1,154,166,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404431,,Maternal mindfulness during pregnancy and infant socio-emotional development and temperament: The mediating role of maternal anxiety,VABB-1,103,108,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404432,,Beyond nociception: the imprecision hypothesis of chronic pain,VABB-1,35,38,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404433,,Interoception and symptom reporting: disentangling accuracy and bias,VABB-1,732,732,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404435,,"Emotion, sighing and respiratory variability",VABB-1,657,666,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404438,,Interoceptive fear learning to mild breathlessness as a laboratory model for unexpected panic attacks,VABB-1,1150,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404439,,Can experimentally induced positive affect attenuate generalization of fear of movement-related pain?,VABB-1,258,269,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404440,,The Effect of Development in Respiratory Sensory Gating Measured by Electrocortical Activations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404443,,Bogus visual feedback alters movement-evoked pain onset in people with neck pain,VABB-1,385,392,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404444,,"Obesity and pregnancy, an epidemiological and intervention study from a psychosocial perspective",VABB-1,81,95,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404446,,Prenataal verworven kwetsbaarheid,VABB-4,99,122,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404448,,Multimodal processing of emotional information in 9-month-old infants I: Emotional faces and voices,VABB-1,99,106,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404449,,Healing words: Using affect labeling to reduce the effects of unpleasant cues on symptom reporting in IBS patients,VABB-1,512,522,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404450,,Comparing counterconditioning and extinction as methods to reduce fear of movement-related pain,VABB-1,1353,1365,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404452,,Effects of Symptom Perception Interventions on Trigger Identification and Quality of Life in Children with Asthma,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404453,,"Optimism, motivational coping and well-being: Evidence supporting the importance of flexible goal adjustment",VABB-1,1525,1537,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404455,,Headache during cryoballoon ablation for atrial fibrillation,VABB-1,898,901,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404456,,Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,VABB-4,223,236,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404457,,Retention of perceptual generalization of fear generalization,VABB-1,520,528,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404458,,Multimodal processing of emotional information in 9-month-old infants II: Prenatal exposure to maternal anxiety,VABB-1,107,117,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404459,,The influence of relaxation training on respiratory variability and self-reported relaxation,VABB-1,185,205,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404460,,Evaluating the implementation fidelity of a multi-component intervention for oral health promotion in preschool children,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404463,,Expand Your Horizon: A programme that improves body image and reduces self-objectification by training women to focus on body functionality,VABB-1,81,89,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404464,,When touch predicts pain: predictive tactile cues modulate perceived intensity of painful stimulation independent of expectancy,VABB-1,11,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404465,,Psychotherapie effectief voor de behandeling van depressie in de eerste lijn?,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404466,,Draagbare technologie in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg,VABB-1,9,14,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404467,,Differences in pain-related fear acquisition and generalization: An experimental study comparing fibromyalgia patients and healthy controls,VABB-1,108,122,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404468,,"The effect of threat information on acquisition, extinction and reinstatement of experimentally conditioned fear of movement-related pain",VABB-1,2302,2315,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404469,,Mood influences on information processing styles in high and low symptom reporters,VABB-1,300,311,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404470,,Interoception and the uneasiness of the mind: Affect as perceptual style,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404471,,The reduction of fear of movement-related pain: does motivational context matter?,VABB-1,933,945,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404472,,Brain mechanisms of short-term habituation and sensitization toward dyspnea,VABB-1,748,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404473,,Maternal mindfulness and anxiety during pregnancy affect infants' neural responses to sounds,VABB-1,453,460,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404474,,Is exposure in vivo cost-effective for chronic low back pain? A trial-based economic evaluation,VABB-1,549,549,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404475,,A classification of chronic pain for ICD-11,VABB-1,1003,1007,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404476,,Perinatal developmental origins of self-regulation,VABB-4,349,370,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404477,,Atypical central auditory speech-sound discrimination in children who stutter as indexed by the mismatch negativity,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404478,,Anxious women do not show the expected decrease in cardiovascular stress responsiveness as pregnancy advances,VABB-1,83,89,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404479,,Attention allocation to ambiguous health/somatic threat cues,VABB-1,1002,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404482,,"Early life influences on cognition, behavior, and emotion in humans: From birth to age 20",VABB-4,315,331,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404483,,Can pain or hyperalgesia be a classically conditioned response in humans? A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,1094,1111,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:404484,,Associative fear learning and perceptual discrimination: a perceptual pathway in the development of chronic pain,VABB-1,118,125,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404485,,Sub-optimal presentation of painful facial expressions enhances readiness for action and pain perception following electrocutaneous stimulation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404486,,De nieuwe wettelijke regeling voor de burgerlijke professionele aansprakelijkheid van de notaris,VABB-1,242,249,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404487,,Hervorming van het Franse verbintenissenrecht uit de startblokken,VABB-1,619,622,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404491,,De totstandkoming van overeenkomsten en de aanvaarding van substantiële elementen,VABB-1,403,409,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404496,,Artikel 1984 BW,VABB-4,53,102,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404497,,De relevantie van het Tiercé-arrest voor de rechtspraak: een slag in het water,VABB-1,260,268,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:404498,,"De hervorming van het Franse verbintenissenrecht: Le jour de gloire, est-il arrivé?",VABB-1,1562,1572,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404501,,Over de algemene rechtsbeginselen Fraus omnia corrumpit en het verbod op rechtsmisbruik: een zoektocht naar hun onderlinge afbakening in het privaatrecht,VABB-1,2,22,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404502,,Aanvangspunt van de verjaringstermijn voor persoonlijke rechtsvorderingen op de helling? (noot onder GwH 6 november 2014),VABB-1,300,305,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404504,,Artikelen 1987-1989 BW,VABB-4,159,188,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404508,,Artikelen 50 en 51 Weens Koopverdrag,VABB-4,11,52,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404510,,"L'influence de la faute intentionnelle du préposé sur le partage de responsabilités entre le commettant et la victime négligente: application par répercussion du principe fraus omnia corrumpit?, note sous Cass. 30 septembre 2015",VABB-1,844,847,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:404511,,Prijsvermindering: remedie tot bijsturing van contracten,VABB-2,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404513,,De inhoud van het transparantiegebod en de mogelijkheid tot aanvulling van intransparante kernbedingen in richtlijn nr. 93/13 (noot onder HvJ 30 april 2014),VABB-1,693,700,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404514,,UK Supreme Court decision on Lehman Brothers' client money: Equity or lottery?,VABB-1,217,250,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404515,,Prijsverminderingsbedingen,VABB-1,635,653,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404517,,De prijsvermindering als proportionele remedie in het Weens Koopverdrag: enkele knelpunten (noot onder Antwerpen 1 oktober 2012),VABB-1,91,100,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404518,,The position of SMEs in European contract law. Do we need a special SME protection against unfair terms?,VABB-5,83,135,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404519,,Artikel 1990 BW,VABB-4,189,202,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404520,,L'action paulienne en matière de faillite: réparation d'un dommage collectif et monopole du curateur,VABB-1,605,609,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:404522,,De bewijslast in het licht van de dynamiek van de burgerlijke procedure,VABB-4,31,68,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404523,,Enkele verduidelijkingen omtrent het vertrekpunt van de vijfjarige verjaringstermijn voor buitencontractuele rechtsvorderingen uit artikel 2262 bis BW (noot onder Cass. 5 september 2014),VABB-1,380,388,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404525,,"Je t'aime ..., moi non plus - Over de loyale medewerking aan de bewijsvoering in het buitencontractueel aansprakelijkheidsrecht",VABB-4,81,122,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404530,,Artikel 1986 BW,VABB-4,135,158,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404531,,Een veralgemeend bewijsbeslag in de burgerlijke procedure,VABB-1,717,726,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404532,,Het relativiteitsvereiste in het aansprakelijkheidsrecht: één zwaluw maakt de lente nog niet,VABB-1,729,736,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404533,,Artikel 1985 BW,VABB-4,103,134,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404534,,Schorsing en beëindiging van de huurovereenkomst naar gemeen recht,VABB-4,685,790,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404536,,Waarom verzoenen wanneer er niet te verzoenen valt? De verplichte verzoeningspoging in het hypothecair krediet,VABB-1,135,142,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404537,,"Noot bij Hof van Justitie C-58/12 P, Groupe Gascogne, arrest van 26 november 2013",VABB-1,307,313,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404538,,Consumentenbescherming bij de uitvoering en herziening van kredietovereenkomsten,VABB-2,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404540,,Ge-kunst-el bij veiling. Niet-authenticiteit van een kunstwerk in het consumentenrecht,VABB-1,71,99,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404541,,Verantwoorde kredietverlening aan KMO's. 'Informatie' en 'Redelijkheid': kernbegrippen ter bescherming van de financiële KMO,VABB-1,6,27,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404543,,Consumentenbescherming bij de uitvoering en herziening van kredietovereenkomsten,VABB-1,1243,1254,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404545,,National en European champions: moet een hierop gericht industriebeleid onder de Europese concentratiecontroleregels als illusoir worden beschouwd?,VABB-1,128,140,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404546,,"""Credit checks must not only be done, they must be seen to be done"" (noot onder HvJ C-449/13, Consumer Finance)",VABB-1,58,64,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404547,,Tax rulings in Nederland: much ado about nothing of verboden staatssteun? Het onderzoek naar Starbucks juridisch geduid,VABB-1,72,80,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404550,,De bescherming van de consument in hypothecair krediet in Europees perspectief,VABB-4,257,295,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404551,,"The Consumer's Right of Information. A 'Reality Check', on the Boundaries of a Duty to Inform and a Proposed Regulatory Reform",VABB-4,73,100,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404553,,Much ado about nothing? Een nieuwe etappe in de justitiële saga rond de sperperiodes,VABB-1,395,400,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404554,,Prijsvergelijkingenin de detailhandel: ze moeten niet altijd up-to-date zijn,VABB-1,388,393,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404561,,De gemeenrechtelijke contractsoverdracht als zelfstandige rechtsfiguur,VABB-1,483,502,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404565,,Economic and Environmental Evaluation of Fasteners for Active Disassembly: A Case Study for Payment Terminals,VABB-5,704,709,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404566,,High-Speed Single Point Incremental Forming of an Automotive Aluminium Alloy,VABB-5,433,439,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404568,,The use of Spark Plasma Sintering to fabricate a two-phase material from blended aluminium alloy scrap and gas atomized powder,VABB-5,455,460,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404570,,Forecasting waste compositions: A case study on plastic waste of electronic display housings,VABB-1,28,39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404572,,A Minimum Cost Network Flow Model for the Maximum Covering and Patrol Routing Problem,VABB-1,27,36,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404573,,Sheet Metal Laser Cutting Tool Path Generation: Dealing with Overlooked Problem Aspects,VABB-1,517,524,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404574,,Elastomer-based fastener development to facilitate rapid disassembly for consumer products,VABB-1,177,186,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404575,,Negative Bulge Formation in High Speed Incremental Forming,VABB-5,173,178,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404576,,Influence of laser assisted single point incremental forming on the accuracy of shallow sloped parts,VABB-5,864,867,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404577,,Motivatie en validatie van een nieuwe definitie van robuustheid voor treinsystemen,VABB-1,49,66,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404578,,Development of a risk assessment selection methodology for asset maintenance decision making: An analytic network process (ANP) approach,VABB-1,663,676,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404579,,Optimizing the calculation grid for atmospheric dispersion modelling,VABB-1,103,112,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404580,,A Critical Evaluation and Framework of Business Process Improvement Methods,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:404581,,Literature review of data mining applications in academic libraries,VABB-1,499,510,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404582,,A holistic approach to supporting academic libraries in resource allocation processes,VABB-1,295,318,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404583,,An operation-mode based simulation approach to enhance the energy conservation of machine tools,VABB-1,348,359,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404584,,An improvement heuristic framework for the laser cutting tool path problem,VABB-1,1761,1776,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404585,,Environmental comparison of metal coating processes,VABB-5,420,425,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404587,,Solid state recycling of aluminium sheet scrap by means of spark plasma sintering,VABB-1,493,498,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404588,,An extended coordinate descent method for distributed anticipatory network traffic control,VABB-1,107,131,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404589,,Development of a maintenance performance measurement framework – using the analytic network process (ANP) for maintenance performance indicator selection,VABB-1,33,46,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404590,,A generic mathematical model to optimise strategic and tactical decisions in biomass-based supply chains (OPTIMASS),VABB-1,247,264,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404591,,A preliminary analysis over the factors related with the possession of an electric bike,VABB-5,393,402,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404592,,Late Consequences of Acute Coronary Syndromes: Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) Follow-Up,VABB-1,766,775,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404593,,Asset maintenance maturity model: structured guide to maintenance process maturity,VABB-1,119,135,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404594,,Environmental assessment of solid state recycling routes for aluminium alloys: Can solid state processes significantly reduce the environmental impact of aluminium recycling?,VABB-1,37,40,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404595,,Formability enhancement in incremental forming for an automotive aluminium alloy using laser assisted incremental forming,VABB-1,195,202,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404596,,Systematic Online Lead User Identification - Case Study For Electrical Installations,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404599,,Les contrats commerciaux OHADA dans une perspective congolaise: vers un droit général commun des obligations contractuelles,VABB-1,49,88,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:404600,,Scheiding van goederen: een goed of slecht huwelijksvermogensstelsel,VABB-1,45,52,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404605,,"Bijzonder regime van koop en aanneming (art. 3-6, 9 en 11 Wet Breyne)",VABB-4,163,224,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404607,,Artikel 1-3 Weens Koopverdrag,VABB-4,11,42,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404610,,De dwangsom als ultiem middel om het contact tussen ouder en kind te waarborgen,VABB-1,19,22,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404611,,De voorlopige tenuitvoerlegging in vonnissen in materies van familierecht na de wet van 19 oktober 2015 (Wet Potpourri I),VABB-1,244,250,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404613,,De geldingsduur van de voorlopige maatregelen tussen de echtgenoten aangaande de goederen en de schulden na de wet op de familie- en jeugdrechtbank (noot onder Gent 21 mei 2015),VABB-1,163,166,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404615,,De rolrechten voor de familierechtbank. Commentaar bij de wet van 28 april 2015,VABB-1,146,151,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404620,,Commentaar bij het overgangsrecht van de wet van 17 maart 2013,VABB-4,1,25,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404622,,"Artikel 374, § 2, vierde lid BW en het belang van de ouders - Van theorie naar praktijk",VABB-1,72,81,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404623,,Erfrechtelijke aanspraken van het post mortem verwekte kind. Een kritische analyse van de voorwaarden van artikel 725 BW in het licht van de medisch begeleide voortplanting,VABB-1,206,214,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404626,,De Europese Erfrechtverordening: krachtlijnen en knelpunten,VABB-1,563,578,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404628,,Het onderscheid tussen de onmiddellijke en de latere vrijstelling van inbreng,VABB-1,370,374,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404629,,Financiële gevolgen van arbeidsinspanningen door een echtgenoot aan een eigen goed van een van de echtgenoten,VABB-1,263,287,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404636,,Artikel 1401.5 BW bevat een eigendomsregeling van de lidmaatschapsrechten die vatbaar zijn voor gedwongen overname of overdracht,VABB-1,234,239,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404638,,De materieelrechtelijke implicaties van de Erfrechtverordening,VABB-5,288,307,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404639,,Een flexibilisering van het erfrecht? Een toetsing van enkele figuren uit het wetsvoorstel erfrecht aan de Franse “donation-partage” en de anticipatieve afstand van de vordering tot inkorting,VABB-1,353,381,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404650,,De toenemende invloed van de vennootschap op het familieleven,VABB-1,82,85,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404655,,De aanvaarding en tenuitvoerlegging van authentieke akten en gerechtelijke schikkingen krachtens de Erfrechtverordening,VABB-4,195,206,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404656,,Bemiddelen voor het geschil: Family Governance,VABB-1,969,983,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404658,,De Erfrechtverordening,VABB-4,117,136,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404663,,Gender Inequalities and Family Solidarity in Times of Crisis,VABB-4,57,88,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404667,,De procedurele aspecten van de Europese erfrechtverklaring,VABB-4,275,292,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404668,,De materieelrechtelijke implicaties van de Europese Erfrechtverordening,VABB-1,288,307,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404671,,Motor Learning: An Analysis of 100 Trials of a Ski Slalom Game in Children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder,VABB-1,e0140470,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404672,,Associations between Muscle Strength Asymmetry and Impairments in Gait and Posture in Young Brain-Injured Patients,VABB-1,1324,1332,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404673,,Dissociable contribution of the parietal and frontal cortex to coding movement direction and amplitude,VABB-1,241,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404674,,What startles tell us about control of posture and gait,VABB-1,131,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404675,,Talent in sports. Some reflections about the search for future champions,VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404676,,Age-related deficit in a bimanual joint position matching task is amplitude dependent,VABB-1,162,162,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404677,,The effect of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation on multi-limb coordination performance,VABB-1,11,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404678,,The effects of 8 weeks of motor skill training on cardiorespiratory fitness and endurance performance in children with developmental coordination disorder,VABB-1,1269,78,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404679,,"Health Promotion in a Low-income Primary School: Children with and Without DCD Benefit, but Differently",VABB-1,147,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404680,,Regional volumes in brain stem and cerebellum are associated with postural impairments in young brain-injured patients,VABB-1,4897,909,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404681,,Investigating Associative Learning Effects in Patients with Prodromal Alzheimer's Disease Using the Temporal Context Model,VABB-1,699,708,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404682,,Sensorimotor Memory Biases Weight Perception During Object Lifting,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404684,,Factors underlying age-related changes in discrete aiming,VABB-1,1733,1744,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404686,,Using Actual and Imagined Walking Related Desynchronization Features in a BCI,VABB-1,877,86,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404687,,Adaptation and aftereffects of split-belt walking in cerebellar lesion patients,VABB-1,1693,704,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404688,,Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on the Recognition of Bodily Emotions from Point-Light Displays,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404689,,Is Treating Motor Problems in DCD Just a Matter of Practice and More Practice?,VABB-1,150,156,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404690,,Muscle activation patterns are bilaterally linked during split-belt treadmill walking in humans,VABB-1,1541,52,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404692,,Formation of model-free motor memories during motor adaptation depends on perturbation schedule,VABB-1,2733,41,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404693,,Age-related changes in postural sway in preschoolers,VABB-1,116,122,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404695,,Motor facilitation during action observation: The role of M1 and PMv in grasp predictions,VABB-1,180,192,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404696,,Short-term motor learning of dynamic balance control in children with probable Developmental Coordination Disorder,VABB-1,213,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404697,,Quick foot placement adjustments during gait: direction matters,VABB-1,3349,57,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404699,,Response inhibition and avoidance of virtual obstacles during gait in healthy young and older adults,VABB-1,27,40,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404700,,Recovery response latencies to tripping perturbations during gait decrease with practice,VABB-5,6748,6751,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404701,,Foot lengthening and shortening during gait: a parameter to investigate foot function?,VABB-1,773,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404702,,Cutaneous reflex modulation and self-induced reflex attenuation in cerebellar patients,VABB-1,915,924,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404703,,Additional weight load increases freezing of gait episodes in Parkinson's disease; an experimental study,VABB-1,999,1008,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404704,,Functional Organization of the Action Observation Network in Autism: A Graph Theory Approach,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404705,,Gait asymmetry during early split-belt walking is related to perception of belt speed difference,VABB-1,1705,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404707,,Reduced neural differentiation between feedback conditions after bimanual coordination training with and without augmented visual feedback,VABB-1,1958,1969,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404709,,"How experts make decisions in dynamic, time-constrained sporting environments",VABB-4,64,73,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404711,,Decoding Sensorimotor Rhythms during Robotic-Assisted Treadmill Walking for Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Applications,VABB-1,e0137910,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404712,,High-intensity interval training evokes larger serum BDNF levels compared with intense continuous exercise,VABB-1,1363,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404714,,Exploring influence of subliminal interoception on whole-brain functional network connectivity dynamics,VABB-5,670,674,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404715,,The influence of task paradigm on motor imagery ability in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder,VABB-1,81,90,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404716,,Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder are deficient in a visuo-manual tracking task requiring predictive control,VABB-1,13,26,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404717,,Clinical and Research Criteria for Developmental Coordination Disorder-Should They Be One and the Same?,VABB-1,127,130,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404720,,Resting-state functional connectivity of the sensorimotor network in individuals with non-specific low back pain and the association with the sit-to-stand-to-sit task,VABB-1,303,311,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404722,,Subcortical volumetric changes across the adult lifespan: subregional thalamic atrophy accounts for age-related sensorimotor performance declines,VABB-1,128,138,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404723,,Microstructural changes in white matter associated with freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease,VABB-1,567,576,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404725,,The Impact of Age and Physical Activity Level on Manual Aiming Performance,VABB-1,169,179,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404726,,Abnormal hippocampal morphology in dissociative identity disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder correlates with childhood trauma and dissociative symptoms,VABB-1,1692,704,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404727,,The effects of clothes on independent walking in toddlers,VABB-1,659,661,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404728,,Toward new sensitive measures to evaluate gait stability in focal cerebellar lesion patients,VABB-1,592,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404729,,"Attentional costs of visually guided walking: effects of age, executive function and stepping-task demands",VABB-1,182,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404730,,Effects of aging and dual tasking on step adjustments to perturbations in visually cued walking,VABB-1,3467,3474,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404731,,Interactions between dorsal and ventral streams for controlling skilled grasp,VABB-1,186,191,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404732,,A double-blinded randomised controlled trial exploring the effect of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation and uni-lateral robot therapy for the impaired upper limb in sub-acute and chronic stroke,VABB-1,181,191,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404733,,Respiratory morbidity in children with profound intellectual and multiple disability,VABB-1,1033,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404734,,Validity of semi-quantitative scale for brain MRI in unilateral cerebral palsy due to periventricular white matter lesions: Relationship with hand sensorimotor function and structural connectivity,VABB-1,104,109,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404735,,Unraveling patient-preferred health and treatment outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis: A longitudinal qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404736,,Effectiveness of Postoperative Physical Therapy for Upper Limb Impairments Following Breast Cancer Treatment: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,1140,1153,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404737,,The contribution of proprioceptive information to postural control in elderly and patients with Parkinson’s disease with a history of falls,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404738,,Can the effect of Botulinum toxin A treatment be highlighted by studying walking at higher velocity?,VABB-5,S1,S141,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404739,,2014 consensus statement on improving pelvic floor muscle training adherence: International Continence Society 2011 State-of-the-Science Seminar,VABB-1,600,5,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404743,,A study of whether video scoring is a reliable option for blinded scoring of the Gross Motor Function Measure-88,VABB-1,809,815,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404744,,Dual tasking in Parkinson's disease: should we train hazardous behavior?,VABB-1,1031,1039,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404745,,The Authors Respond,VABB-1,760,1,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404747,,Identification and quantification of muscle activation patterns in lower limb muscles of children with spastic cerebral palsy,VABB-5,S1,S141,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404748,,Long-term prediction of functional outcome after stroke using single items of the Barthel Index at discharge from rehabilitation centre,VABB-1,353,358,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404749,,Impact of a 5-day expedition to machu picchu on persons with multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404750,,Spasticity and Its Contribution to Hypertonia in Cerebral Palsy,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404751,,The efficacy of physiotherapy for prevention and treatment of prenatal symptoms: a systematic review,VABB-1,1575,1586,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404752,,Association between site of lesion and driving performance after ischemic stroke,VABB-1,246,252,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404753,,Kinesitherapie en ergotherapie bij multisysteematrofie,VABB-4,271,278,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404754,,Functional and Motor Outcome 5 Years After Stroke Is Equivalent to Outcome at 2 Months Follow-Up of the Collaborative Evaluation of Rehabilitation in Stroke Across Europe,VABB-1,1613,1619,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404755,,Integrated instrumented weakness assessment to characterise lower limb strength in children with CP,VABB-5,S1,S141,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404756,,Age-related changes in intrinsic function of the superior temporal sulcus in autism spectrum disorders,VABB-1,1413,1423,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404761,,Role of motor end plate-targeted Botulinum toxin type A injections in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,167,171,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404762,,Interventions for preventing falls in Parkinson’s disease [protocol],VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404763,,Motor endplate-targeted botulinum toxin injections of the gracilis muscle in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,476,483,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404765,,Transcranial direct current stimulation in Parkinson's disease: Neurophysiological mechanisms and behavioral effects,VABB-1,105,117,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404766,,Is an instrumented spasticity assessment an improvement over clinical spasticity scales in assessing and predicting the response to integrated Botulinum Toxin-A treatment in children with Cerebral Palsy?,VABB-1,515,523,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404767,,Comparing torque-related parameters in typically developing children and in children with spastic cerebral palsy before and after treatment with Botulinum Toxin A,VABB-5,S1,S141,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404768,,Distal motor deficit contributions to postural instability and gait disorder in Parkinson’s disease,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404769,,A narrative review of turning deficits in people with Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,1382,1389,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404770,,"Pelvic-Floor-Muscle Training Adherence: Tools, Measurements and Strategies-2011 ICS State-of-the-Science Seminar Research Paper II of IV",VABB-1,615,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404771,,"A multi-centre, randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of PDSAFE to prevent falls among people with Parkinson's: study protocol",VABB-1,81,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404774,,The Intra- and Inter-Rater Reliability of an Instrumented Spasticity Assessment in Children with Cerebral Palsy,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404775,,Advanced EMG analysis during gait: the probability of onset deviation index,VABB-5,S1,S141,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404776,,Motor Switching and Motor Adaptation Deficits Contribute to Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease,VABB-1,132,42,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404777,,Feasibility and effects of home-based smartphone-delivered automated feedback training for gait in people with Parkinson's disease: A pilot randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,28,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404780,,Kinesitherapie en ergotherapie bij de ziekte van Parkinson,VABB-4,183,197,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404781,,Adopting and maintaining physical activity behaviours in people with severe mental illness: The importance of autonomous motivation,VABB-1,216,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404782,,Multiple sessions of transcranial direct current stimulation and upper extremity rehabilitation in stroke: A review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,946,955,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404783,,"Mitochondria in peroxisome-deficient hepatocytes exhibit impaired respiration, depleted DNA, and PGC-1α independent proliferation",VABB-1,285,98,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404784,,Blunted hypertrophic response in old mouse muscle is associated with a lower satellite cell density and is not alleviated by resveratrol,VABB-1,23,31,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404786,,Acute systemic insulin intolerance by environmental hypoxia does not alter the response of the Akt/GSK-3 pathway to environmental hypoxia in human skeletal muscle,VABB-1,1219,1231,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404787,,Pomegranate and green tea extracts protect against ER stress induced by a high-fat diet in skeletal muscle of mice,VABB-1,377,389,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404788,,Metabolic control of the cell cycle,VABB-1,3379,3388,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404789,,Fatty acid carbon is essential for dNTP synthesis in endothelial cells,VABB-1,192,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404790,,Students' non-realistic mathematical modeling as a drawback of teachers' beliefs about and approaches to word problem solving,VABB-4,137,156,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404791,,The influence of classroom disciplinary climate of schools on reading achievement: a cross-country comparative study,VABB-1,586,611,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404792,,Estimation of a nonlinear intervention phase trajectory for multiple-baseline design data,VABB-1,514,546,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404793,,Integration in the curriculum as a factor in math-game effectiveness,VABB-4,133,153,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404798,,Competitie als game-element integreren in de BSO-klaspraktijk,VABB-1,179,201,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404799,,Pedagogical content knowledge van leerkrachten wiskunde en gedragswetenschappen: een verkenning van overeenkomsten en verschillen,VABB-1,114,130,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:404800,,Introduction,VABB-4,867,871,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404801,,Individual differences in word problem solving,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404802,,Number representations and their relation with mathematical ability,VABB-4,331,344,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404803,,When a game supports prevocational math education but integrated reflection does not,VABB-1,462,480,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404804,,"""I choose so I am"". A logistic analysis of major selection in university and successful completion of the first year",VABB-1,1919,1946,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404807,,“Zeldenrust”: A mathematical game-based learning environment for prevocational students,VABB-4,63,81,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404808,,The role of curiosity-triggering events in game-based learning for mathematics,VABB-4,191,207,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404809,,Performance in educational math games: Is it a question of math knowledge?,VABB-4,117,131,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404810,,How competition and heterogeneous collaboration interact in prevocational game-based mathematics education,VABB-1,42,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404811,,"Die Forschungsgemeinschaft ""Philosophy and History of the Discipline of Education"" Ein Rückblick. Einleitende Beiträge",VABB-1,623,642,,ger,2015,1 c:vabb:404812,,Systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence studies in transsexualism,VABB-1,807,815,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404813,,Development and validation of the Game Perceptions Scale (GPS),VABB-1,43,74,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404815,,School processes mediate school compositional effects: Model specification and estimation,VABB-1,423,447,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404816,,Factors affecting Mathematics achievement of first-year secondary school students in Central Uganda,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404821,,"Demythologising the educational past: an attempt to assess the ""power of education"" in the Congo (DRC) with a nod to the history of interwar pedagogy in Catholic Flanders",VABB-1,11,29,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404823,,Developing pedagogical content knowledge: Lessons learned from intervention studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404824,,Description of the educational math game ‘Monkey Tales: The museum of Anything’,VABB-4,27,43,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404826,,Teachers’ content and pedagogical content knowledge on rational numbers: A comparison of prospective elementary and lower secondary school teachers,VABB-1,82,92,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404828,,From pen-and-paper content to educational math game content for children: a transfer with added difficulty,VABB-1,85,92,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404829,,Mathematics Education,VABB-4,816,821,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404830,,Physiological responses during downhill walking: A new exercise modality for subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?,VABB-1,155,64,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404831,,Assessing peak aerobic capacity in Dutch law enforcement officers,VABB-1,519,531,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404834,,Predictive value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in patients with congenital heart disease and exercise cyanosisAdcta,VABB-1,116,117,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404835,,"Physiotherapy in the intensive care unit: an evidence-based, expert driven, practical statement and rehabilitation recommendations",VABB-1,1051,1063,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404836,,Exercise training to improve exercise capacity and quality of life in people with non-malignant dust-related respiratory diseases,VABB-1,1,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404837,,Physical Activity Counselling during Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients with COPD: A Randomised Controlled Trial,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404838,,Rehabilitation in patients before and after lung transplantation,VABB-1,353,362,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404839,,Data based Modelling of Expired Airflow Clarifies Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,VABB-5,5,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404840,,A review of telerehabilitation for cardiac patients,VABB-1,45,53,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404843,,Using dynamics of forced expiration to identify COPD where conventional criteria for the FEV₁ /FVC ratio do not match,VABB-1,925,31,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404844,,Authors' response: what determines which 6MWT is conventional?,VABB-1,86,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404845,,Assessment of quadriceps muscle mass with ultrasound in critically ill patients: intra- and inter-observer agreement and sensitivity,VABB-1,562,563,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404846,,"Peak oxygen uptake, ventilatory efficiency and QRS-duration predict event free survival in patients late after surgical repair of tetralogy of Fallot",VABB-1,158,64,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404847,,"Test-retest reliability, feasibility and clinical correlates of the Eurofit test battery in people with bipolar disorder",VABB-1,620,625,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404848,,Postural sway and integration of proprioceptive signals in subjects with LBP,VABB-1,109,120,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404849,,Effects of aerobic interval training and continuous training on cellular markers of endothelial integrity in coronary artery disease: a SAINTEX-CAD substudy,VABB-1,H1876,H1882,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404850,,Efficacy of a Novel Method for Inspiratory Muscle Training in People With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,VABB-1,1264,1273,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404851,,The oxygen uptake efficiency slope in 1411 Caucasian healthy men and women aged 20-60 years: reference values,VABB-1,356,63,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404852,,Exercise training improves physical fitness in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials,VABB-1,40,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404854,,Interventions to increase physical activity for people with congenital heart disease (Protocol),VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404855,,Damage-associated molecular pattern and innate cytokine release in the airways of competitive swimmers,VABB-1,187,194,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404856,,Type 2 diabetes in patients with major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis of prevalence estimates and predictors,VABB-1,763,773,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404858,,Airways resistance and specific conductance for the diagnosis of obstructive airways diseases,VABB-1,88,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404860,,Inspiratory muscle training affects proprioceptive use and low back pain,VABB-1,12,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404861,,Exercise-induced right ventricular dysfunction is associated with ventricular arrhythmias in endurance athletes,VABB-1,1998,2010,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404866,,The effects of a physical activity counseling program after an exacerbation in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: a randomized controlled pilot study,VABB-1,136,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404867,,Prevalence and Predictors of Type 2 Diabetes in People with Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,VABB-1,1490,1499,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404869,,Self-reported physical activity behavior of a multi-ethnic adult population within the urban and rural setting in Suriname,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404870,,The PROactive instruments to measure physical activity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,988,1000,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404871,,Validity of the 6min walk test in outpatients with bipolar disorder,VABB-1,664,667,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:404872,,ACE polymorphisms and the acute response of blood pressure to a walk in medicated hypertensive patients,VABB-1,720,729,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404873,,Additional tricuspid annuloplasty in mitral valve surgery results in better clinical outcome,VABB-1,720,6,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:404874,,Aerobic interval training and continuous training equally improve aerobic exercise capacity in patients with coronary artery disease: The SAINTEX-CAD study,VABB-1,203,210,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404875,,Principles of rehabilitation and reactivation,VABB-1,2,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404876,,Assessment of Limb Muscle Strength in Critically Ill Patients: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,701,711,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404877,,The functional exercise capacity in patients with bipolar disorder versus healthy controls: a pilot study,VABB-1,194,199,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404878,,The 6-min walk test in patients with COPD: walk this way!,VABB-1,86,,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:404879,,Predictive value for weakness and 1-year mortality of screening electrophysiology tests in the ICU,VABB-1,2138,2148,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404880,,Clinical significance of dynamic pulmonary vascular resistance in two populations at risk of pulmonary arterial hypertension,VABB-1,564,70,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404882,,Barriers to and facilitators of physical activity among persons with schizophrenia: a survey of physical therapists,VABB-1,693,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404883,,Aerobic capacity is associated with global functioning in people with schizophrenia,VABB-1,214,218,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404884,,Health related quality of life and aerobic fitness in people with schizophrenia,VABB-1,394,402,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404885,,Investigating the benefits of sport participation for individuals with schizophrenia: a systematic review,VABB-1,2,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404886,,The value of social support to encourage people with schizophrenia to engage in physical activity: an international insight from specialist mental health physiotherapists,VABB-1,256,60,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404887,,What are the factors associated with physical activity (PA) participation in community dwelling adults with dementia? A systematic review of PA correlates,VABB-1,195,203,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404890,,Negative symptoms are associated with lower autonomous motivation towards physical activity in people with schizophrenia,VABB-1,128,132,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404891,,Schrijfsnelheid bij jongeren met en zonder dyslexie in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,34,40,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404892,,Exercise therapy improves both mental and physical health in patients with major depression,VABB-1,1490,1495,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404895,,Performance variability in basketball players with intellectual impairment: Ankara World Championships 2013 analysis,VABB-1,77,83,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404897,,Cross-Linguistic Validity of the French and Dutch Versions of the Very Short Form of the Physical Self-Inventory among Adolescents,VABB-1,35,39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404898,,Object control skills influence the physical activity of children with intellectual disability in a developing country: The Philippiners,VABB-1,265,274,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404900,,Promotion of cardiorespiratory fitness in schizophrenia: a clinical overview and meta-analysis,VABB-1,131,141,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404902,,"La WCPT, son assembleée générale, ses sous-groupes, ses resaux",VABB-1,68,79,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:404903,,Could autonomous motivation hold the key to successfully implementing lifestyle changes in affective disorders? A multicentre cross sectional study,VABB-1,100,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404904,,Associations between metabolic and aerobic fitness parameters in patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,23,27,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404906,,What are the factors that influence physical activity participation in individuals with depression? A review of physical activity correlates from 57 studies,VABB-1,210,224,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404912,,Health-related physical fitness in patients with bipolar disorder versus healthy controls: an exploratory study,VABB-1,22,27,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404914,,A Systematic Review of Physical Activity Correlates in Alcohol Use Disorders,VABB-1,196,201,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404915,,The transcending benefits of physical activity for individuals with schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-ethnography,VABB-1,11,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:404916,,The functional exercise capacity and its correlates in obese treatment-seeking people with binge eating disorder: an exploratory study,VABB-1,777,782,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:404917,,De verbeurdverklaring in de digitale wereld,VABB-1,54,88,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404918,,Handbook of Organized Crime,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404920,,De interpretatieregel in het voordeel van de consument,VABB-1,989,1054,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404924,,Bomen na Kerst en vijgen na Pasen: verlies of vertraging?,VABB-1,69,77,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404927,,Onbemande luchtvaartuigen. Vogelvrij of (nu al) gekooid?,VABB-1,338,347,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404928,,"Common Core, PECL and DCFR: could they change shipping and transport law?",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404931,,Standard terms and CISG: CISG-Advisory Council opinion n° 13,VABB-1,6,22,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404933,,Smokkel & diefstal: de fiscus en het vervoercontract,VABB-1,230,273,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404934,,Article 5 Unfair Terms Directive 93/13/EEC: Transparency and Interpretation in Consumer Contracts,VABB-4,47,72,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404935,,Het lot van postcontractuele verbintenissen na ontbinding wegens wanprestatie,VABB-1,125,212,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404936,,The passenger: more than just a traveller,VABB-1,181,185,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404937,,EEX(bis) and CMR: the return of parallel proceedings?,VABB-1,145,170,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404938,,Het gebruik van de komma in juridische teksten,VABB-1,235,244,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404940,,Harmonisation Instruments: the Way Forward for Forwarding Law?,VABB-4,111,128,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404941,,Forum clauses in carriage contracts after the Brussels I (bis) Regulation: procedural (un)certainty?,VABB-1,23,38,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404943,,Human Rights and Individual Responsibility: Identifying the Individual 'Margin of Appreciation',VABB-4,103,124,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404944,,Rechterlijke toewijzing van aandelen bij schending van een statutair voorkooprecht (noot onder Luik 7 juni 2012),VABB-1,436,443,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404945,,Could (contractual incorporation of) DCFR be an answer to the lack of harmonization in the field of forwarding law?,VABB-1,82,89,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404946,,"De proportionaliteit van fiscale sancties: theoretisch kader, grondslagen en verhouding tot mensenrechten",VABB-1,968,981,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404948,,Kapitaalvermindering: fiscus is niet de bewaker van terugbetalings- en oproepingsformaliteiten (noot onder Rb. Namen 6 februari 2014),VABB-1,267,272,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404950,,De juridische gevolgen van werken met boekhoudkundige retroactiviteit in het kader van (partiële) splitsingen (noot onder Cass. 12 juni 2014 en Gent 7 maart 2011),VABB-1,147,156,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404953,,The State Aid Review Against Agressive Tax Planning,VABB-1,290,293,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404954,,Kroniek Internationaal Belastingrecht 2014,VABB-1,423,439,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404955,,Des avantages locatifs: nécessitent-ils vraiment des avantages?,VABB-1,44,50,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:404957,,Belgium,VABB-4,213,256,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404960,,Dubbelbelastingverdragen en fairness tax - fairly incompatible?,VABB-1,4,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404961,,"Het Hof van Justitie acht heffing op de omzetting van effecten aan toonder strijdig met Europees recht (noot onder HvJ 9 oktober 2014, nr. C-299/13)",VABB-1,30,33,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404963,,Cross-Border Compensation of “Final Losses” for Tax Purposes – The Drama Continues …,VABB-1,417,431,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404964,,LOB clauses and EU-Law Compatibility – A Debate Revived by BEPS?,VABB-1,132,143,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404965,,Article 17 OECD- and UN-MC: Entertainers and Sportspersons,VABB-4,1287,1411,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404967,,Grondwettelijk Hof breekt met rechtspraak over rechtsplegingsvergoeding ten laste van de Staat in burgerlijke procedures (noot onder Gw.H. 21 mei 2015),VABB-1,453,457,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404968,,The General Anti-Abuse Rule of the Parent-Subsidiary Directive,VABB-1,223,234,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404971,,Het lokalisatiecriterium ontcijferd in het licht van de bevoegdheden van de gewesten in het fiscaal recht,VABB-1,14,39,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404972,,BEPS Action 6: Tax Treaty Abuse,VABB-1,122,146,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404976,,Article 16 OECD- and UN-MC: Director´s Fees/Directors´ Fees and Remuneration of Top-Managerial Officials,VABB-4,1223,1286,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404978,,"Tax Rulings, APAs and State Aid: Legal Issues",VABB-1,119,125,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404979,,Auteursrechten in de inkomstenbelastingen,VABB-1,17,56,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404981,,"""Overgang heffingsbevoegdheid als gevolg van inbrengverrichting: Hof zegent spreiding van meerwaardebelasting over 5 jaarlijkse betalingstermijnen”, noot bij HvJ C-164/12, DMC Beteiligungsgesellschaft",VABB-1,621,626,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:404982,,Compatibility of IP Box Regimes with EU State Aid Rules and Code of Conduct,VABB-1,258,283,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:404984,,Internationale fiscale gegevensuitwisseling op basis van Art. 26 DBV's en de vraag naar rechtsbescherming,VABB-1,5,32,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404993,,"Risico en schadegeval in de posterioriteitsregeling van de aansprakelijkheidsverzekering, noot onder Cass. 16 januari 2015",VABB-1,985,988,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:404994,,"CDS, Swap or Insurance? What's in a Name!",VABB-4,139,158,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:404995,,Onrechtmatige bedingen en transparantievoorschriften in Deel 3 van de Verzekeringswet,VABB-4,1,25,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405000,,Onderling overleg in de transparantiewetgeving: wie moet wat melden?,VABB-1,14,25,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405002,,Verhuring van cliënteel,VABB-1,580,583,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405006,,Kan een vrije beroeper of diens burgerlijke vennootschap failliet verklaard worden? Het belang van het onderscheid tussen de aanvullende of bijkomstige feitelijke handelsactiviteiten,VABB-1,157,161,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405009,,Cumulatie van administratieve en strafrechtelijke sancties in de bestrijding van marktmanipulatie : nieuwe rechtspraak van het EHRM,VABB-1,351,357,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405017,,Aansprakelijkheid van oude en nieuwe vennoten voor schulden van de failliete V.O.F,VABB-1,22,25,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405018,,De overdrager van niet-volgestorte aandelen in een BVBA wordt niet automatisch bevrijd van zijn volstortingsplicht bij afwezigheid van het aandelenregister. Noot onder Brussel 13 januari 2014,VABB-1,606,609,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405019,,De CSD-verordening: op weg naar een efficiënter post-transactioneel landschap?,VABB-1,87,113,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405020,,"Wacht eens even: over de opschorting van de volstortingsplicht op basis van de enac, schuldvergelijking na samenloop en gerechtelijke schuldvergelijking",VABB-1,585,592,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405021,,De nietigverklaring van het besluit van de algemene vergadering tot herroeping van de niet-statutaire zaakvoerder,VABB-1,168,176,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405022,,"De liquidatiereserve : aard, besluitvorming, vennootschapsbelang en aandeelhoudersgelijkheid",VABB-1,703,712,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405023,,De belangenconflictenprocedure en de notie 'gebruikelijke verrichtingen',VABB-1,539,543,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405026,,Nietigheid van bestuursbesluiten bij belangenconflicten : het gewone gemaskeerd. Noot onder Kh. Dendermonde 27 september 2012 en Vz. Kh. Gent 20 oktober 2014,VABB-1,476,481,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405027,,Deposit Guarantee Schemes in Europe : Is the Banking Union in need of a third pillar ?,VABB-1,372,424,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405031,,"European banking, securities, and insurance law : Cutting through sectoral lines ?",VABB-1,1579,1616,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405032,,"Een nieuwe Interneringswet, een nieuwe wind door het interneringslandschap?",VABB-1,289,296,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405033,,Salduz en derdenwerking,VABB-1,82,94,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405036,,Responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas: El caso belga,VABB-1,63,99,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:405037,,Het uitlezen van een gsm of ander privaat IT- systeem: This is not America (noot onder Cass. 11 februari 2015),VABB-1,622,626,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405039,,De informatieplicht m.b.t. een ten laste gelegd gebruik van duidelijk omschreven valse stukken en de rol van het onderzoeksgerecht bij een onduidelijke tenlastelegging,VABB-1,302,309,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405042,,Wanneer de balans overslaat - Het strafrechtelijk uitvoeringsonderzoek,VABB-1,229,236,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405046,,The role of formal principles in legal reasoning,VABB-4,237,259,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405048,,Naar specifieke procedurele rechten voor kwetsbare verdachten en beklaagden: een nieuwe stap in de europeanisering van de Belgische strafprocedure,VABB-1,459,472,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405055,,Het ernstige risico op flagrante rechtsweigering als beletsel voor de uitlevering (noot onder Cass. 17 februari 2015),VABB-1,505,509,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405059,,Criminal Law,VABB-4,121,156,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405064,,Rechtsbijstand voorafgaand aan en tijdens het verhoor van kwetsbare verdachten: een complexe opdracht voor de advocaat,VABB-1,1403,1413,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405065,,De bestuurlijke aanpak van criminele motorbendes: is het Duitse 'Vereinsverbot' ook relevant voor België?,VABB-1,7,28,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405066,,Enkele heikele punten met betrekking tot informaticavalsheid en informaticabedrog,VABB-1,91,95,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405068,,De vrijwillig terugtredende deelnemer,VABB-1,115,122,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405070,,Is een effectieve straf altijd zwaarder dan een straf met uitstel? De invloed van bestraffingsmodaliteiten op de relatieve zwaarte van straffen,VABB-1,251,261,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405080,,Overzicht van enkele recente wijzigingen in het straf- en strafprocesrecht,VABB-1,61,80,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405081,,Statusupdate: Belgische opsporing voelt zich #verward bij het speuren in private sociale media,VABB-4,267,304,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405082,,Salduz-actualia: Europees en internrechtelijk perspectief,VABB-1,47,60,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405083,,A psychoanalytically informed hospitalization-based treatment of personality disorders,VABB-1,817,843,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405084,,Some thoughts on the State of the European Union as a right-based legal order,VABB-1,5,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405090,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 maart 2014 tot 31 mei 2014),VABB-1,345,348,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405093,,EU citizenship and the European Court of Justice's 'stone-by-stone' approach,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405094,,Le droit de l'Union européenne et le juge belge - Het recht van de Europese Unie en de Belgische rechter,VABB-3,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:405095,,"Noot- Zaak C-466/12, Svensson, en zaak C-360/13, Meltwater",VABB-1,478,496,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405099,,(Un)Balanced Budget Rules in Europe and America,VABB-4,151,180,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405100,,"Svensson and ors and France (intervening) v Retriever Sverige AB, Final judgment, 466/12, (2014) ECR I-0000",VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405101,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 december 2014 tot 28 februari 2015),VABB-1,111,114,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405102,,Just sue the bastards? An assessment of the alternative to negative harmonization of regulatory priorities',VABB-4,329,346,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405103,,The Concept of 'Abuse of Law' in the Case Law of the European Court of Justice on Direct Taxation,VABB-1,329,351,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405104,,"‘Единство в многообразието’: balancing unity and diversity in EU competences through subsidiarity, proportionality and flexibility",VABB-1,8,36,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405107,,National Identity in EU Law,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405116,,"Het juridische toepassingsgebied van het beleid van de Unie inzake ontwikkelingssamenwerking: Hof van Justitie, C-377/12",VABB-1,366,372,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405117,,De Europese rechtsorde: de beginselen van voorrang en rechtstreekse werking,VABB-4,61,84,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405120,,Exclusieve bevoegdheidsgronden en forumbedingen in Brussel I bis,VABB-4,3,21,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405121,,The Court of Justice as the guarantor of the rule of law within the European Union,VABB-4,242,264,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405122,,EU Loyalty as Good Faith,VABB-1,829,874,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405123,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 september 2014 tot 30 november 2014),VABB-1,35,38,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405126,,Waste management and climate change in the EU,VABB-4,361,372,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405127,,"Hauptzollamt Mainz v CA Kupferberg & Cie KG aA, Judgment, reference for a preliminary ruling, Case 104/81, [1982] ECR 3641, ILEC 003 (CJEU 1982), [1983] 1 CMLR 1, (1993) 93 ILR 76, 26th October 1982, European Court of Justice (Grand Chamber)",VABB-4,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405129,,"Hof van Justitie verwerpt gebruik hybride besluiten in procedure gemengde verdragen. Arrest 28 april 2015, zaak C-28/12, Commissie/Raad van de Europese Unie",VABB-1,660,664,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405130,,Global business and human rights governance: the case of corporate social responsibility,VABB-4,117,155,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405132,,EU values and societal change. The role of the Court of Justice of the European Union,VABB-4,17,33,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405133,,Hof van Justitie 24 juni 2014,VABB-1,474,477,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405135,,The ERTA Doctrine in the Post-Lisbon Era: Note under Judgment in Commission v Council (C-114/12) and Opinion 1/13,VABB-1,383,410,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405138,,Toepassing van de regels inzake keuze van rechtsbasis op het GBVB en democratische controle door het Europees Parlement: C-658/11,VABB-1,372,377,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405139,,Introduction - Inleiding,VABB-4,13,21,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405140,,"Janko Rottmann v Freistaat Bayern, Final judgment, Case C-135/08, [2010] ECR I-01449",VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405141,,EU Law and the EEAS: Of Complex Competences and Constitutional Consequences,VABB-4,175,191,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405142,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (11 september 2013 tot 31 november 2013),VABB-1,129,132,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405144,,The contribution of international and supranational courts to the rule of law: A framework for analysis,VABB-4,19,81,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405149,,EU Waste Law,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405152,,"The Competence of the Community to conclude international agreements concerning services and the protection of intellectual property, Commission of the European Communities, Opinion of the Court of Justice, Opinion 1/94, [1994] ECR I-5267",VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405153,,Externe bevoegdheid EU inzake naburige rechten van omroeporganisaties,VABB-1,148,152,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405157,,"""Forum Europa""",VABB-4,Q23,Q36,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:405159,,Internet en rechterlijke bevoegdheid onder het Brussel I- regime,VABB-1,53,60,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405160,,The Contribution of International and Supranational Courts to the Rule of Law,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405162,,L’EEX nouveau (ofte: Brussel I bis ) est arrivé. De hervorming van de moeder van het Europees Internationaal Privaatrecht,VABB-1,1443,1460,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405164,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 december 2013 tot 28 februari 2014),VABB-1,231,234,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405166,,De bevoegdheid van EU-lidstaten voor de aanname van regels van nationaal procesrecht: grenzen in de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie,VABB-4,23,59,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405169,,"Noot onder Hof van Justitie, 26 november 2013, gevoegde zaken C-40/12 P, C-50/12 P en C-58/12 P, Gascogne Sack Deutschland, Kendrion en Groupe Gascogne",VABB-1,635,639,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405170,,"Recente ontwikkelingen op het vlak van gezinshereniging van belgen en Unieburgers: a Long and Winding Road?,",VABB-4,3,28,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405172,,Kooperation und Spannung im Verhältnis von EuGH und nationalen Verfassungsgerichten,VABB-1,3,27,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:405173,,The EU perspective on the post-2015 development framework and the legal scope of EU development cooperation,VABB-1,79,91,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405175,,"The Law of EU External Relations: Cases, Materials, and Commentary on the EU as an International Legal Actor",VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405177,,"The Principle of Mutual Recognition in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice",VABB-1,525,551,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405178,,The Comparative Law Method and the Court of Justice of the European Union: Interlocking Legal Orders Revisited,VABB-4,141,176,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405179,,The Principle of Transparency and its Limits in the context of Competition Investigations,VABB-1,123,126,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405181,,EU Values and Constitutional Pluralism: The EU System of Fundamental Rights Protection,VABB-1,135,160,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405182,,Ontwikkelingen in het vrije verkeer van goederen,VABB-1,497,501,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405188,,Ook veelvuldige en langdurige zwangerschappen beschermd tegen discriminatie (noot onder Arbrb. Bergen en Charleroi (afd. La Louvière) 22 mei 2015),VABB-1,689,704,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405191,,"Proctected worker - works council - equal treatment - merit based salary increases - entitlements, Note under Supreme Court, 15 Ocotber 2012, n° S11.0052.N",VABB-4,375,381,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405193,,Wet eenheidsstatuut overleeft eerste veldslag (noot onder GwH 25 juni 2015),VABB-1,745,754,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405198,,Health and safety in the workplace in Belgium,VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405200,,Succession and Transfer of Businesses in Belgium,VABB-1,3,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405203,,The governance architecture of the right to strike in Europe,VABB-4,297,317,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405208,,"EU economic governance and labour rights: diversity and coherence in the EU, the Council of Europe and ILO instruments",VABB-4,118,149,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405212,,The implementation of the FIFA Regulations in Belgium,VABB-1,125,140,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405215,,Roken in gevangenis: het recht op gezondheid haalt het niet van het privacyrecht,VABB-1,440,448,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405218,,A Meta-Methodological Study of Dutch and Belgian PhDs in Social Security Law: Devising a Typology of Research Objectives as a Supporting Tool,VABB-1,361,384,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405221,,Divers jong... Enkele reflecties over 'diversiteit' in de leefwereld en het leven van jongeren in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,19,35,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405222,,Social Security Law Instruments of the Next Generation: European Social Security Law as a Source of Inspiration?,VABB-4,534,560,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405224,,A Typology of Research Objectives in Legal Scholarship,VABB-1,5,21,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405229,,Fighting social exclusion under the Europe 2020 strategy: Which legal nature for social inclusion recommendations,VABB-1,11,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405232,,Agency en structure in de ervaringen van jongeren: een andere kijk op de verklaring van jeugddelinquentie,VABB-1,310,332,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405233,,The Participation Disc. A Concept Analysis of (a) Child (’s Right to) Participation,VABB-1,154,188,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405235,,Judicial Activism at the European Court of Justice: A Natural Feature in a Dialogical Context,VABB-1,122,141,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405238,,Het jeugdbeschermingsrecht en de zesde staatshervorming,VABB-1,463,468,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405239,,"Burkholderia stagnalis sp nov and Burkholderia territorii sp nov., two novel Burkholderia cepacia complex species from environmental and human sources",VABB-1,2265,2271,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405240,,Whole-Genome Sequencing Confirms that Burkholderia pseudomallei Multilocus Sequence Types Common to Both Cambodia and Australia Are Due to Homoplasy,VABB-1,323,326,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405242,,Het standstill-beginsel inzake leefmilieu in de rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-1,3,16,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405243,,Divers jong. Over diversiteit bij en tussen jongeren in Vlaanderen,VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405246,,The constraints of fundamental social rights on EU economic monitoring,VABB-4,261,282,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405252,,Accommodating Social Security and Freedom of Religion,VABB-1,316,337,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405254,,"De territoriale bevoegdheid van de jeugdrechtbank: aanknopingspunt, onttrekking en doorverwijzing",VABB-1,164,172,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405255,,"Searching and Seizing Evidence at Lawyers’ and Doctors’ Premises: Belgium, France and the Netherlands Put to the European Court of Human Rights Test",VABB-1,359,382,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405261,,Типология целей исследования в правовой науке,VABB-1,9,24,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:405265,,"Unus inter plures? The EEAS, the Vienna Convention and International Diplomatic Practice",VABB-4,159,174,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405267,,The European Union: A Shadowy Global Actor? The UN System as an Example,VABB-4,163,184,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405268,,Reconciling Rules of Origin and Global Value Chains: The Case for Reform,VABB-1,287,305,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405269,,Global Governance Through Trade: An Introduction,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405271,,Democratic legitimacy and global governance: a research agenda,VABB-4,251,276,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405272,,Seeking Refuge in EU Delegations Abroad: A Legal Imbroglio Explored,VABB-1,723,744,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405273,,Towards an EU Industrial Policy for the Space Sector – Lessons from Galileo,VABB-4,224,238,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405274,,"The EU in the World of International Organizations: Diplomatic Aspirations, Legal Hurdles and Political Realities’",VABB-4,94,112,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405275,,Governing Through Trade in Compliance with WTO Law – A Case Study of the European Union Timber Regulation,VABB-4,272,302,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405276,,The Status of the European Union at the United Nations General Assembly,VABB-4,211,223,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405277,,Constructing the International Criminal Court's Rule of Law Identity,VABB-4,127,175,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405278,,Quis Custodiet Consilium Securitatis? Reflections on the Lawmaking Powers of the Security Council,VABB-4,71,96,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405279,,"The European Union, China and the Developing World",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405280,,The European Union: A Federation in All but Name,VABB-4,191,235,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405281,,Modification of the Conditions of Competition for Goods and Services: The Side-track that Never Was,VABB-1,59,79,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405286,,Introduction. Global Governance and Democracy: invitation to an interdisciplinary dialogue,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405287,,Revisiting the Lisbon Treaty's Constitutional Design of EU External Relations,VABB-4,215,239,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405290,,Caring for Citizens Abroad: the European Union and Consular Tasks,VABB-1,563,580,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405293,,Global Governance and Democracy: A Multidisciplinary Analysis,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405295,,Conclusion: Possibilities and Limitations of Governing Through Trade,VABB-4,347,363,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405296,,"China, the European Union and the Developing World: Analyzing and Comparing a Triangular Relationship Region by Region",VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405298,,Zeventig jaar Verenigde Naties: welke bijdrage aan de internationale rechtsorde?,VABB-1,1643,1658,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405299,,Improving the EU’s Status in the UN and the UN System: an Objective Without a Strategy?,VABB-4,45,74,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405300,,Conclusion: Which Way to Enforcement?,VABB-4,306,314,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405306,,Protecting Labour Rights in a Multi-Polar Supply Chain and Mobile Global Economy: An Introduction,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405307,,Non-Traditional Norms in International Law: Approaches in Legal Scholarship,VABB-1,3,21,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405308,,Competition and Cooperation in the Market of Voluntary Standards Sustainability Standards,VABB-4,215,241,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405310,,The EU and China in the WTO: What Contribution to the International Rule of Law? – Reflections in Light of the Raw Materials and Rare Earths Disputes,VABB-4,79,97,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405311,,The EU and the Euro Area in International Economic Governance: The Case of the IMF,VABB-4,306,327,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405312,,Global Governance and Democracy: A Multidisciplinary Analysis,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405313,,The EU Timber Regulation and its WTO Consistency,VABB-1,433,455,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405314,,Strategic Autonomy in EU Space Policy: a Conceptual and Practical Exploration,VABB-4,49,61,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405315,,Multinational Corporations in International Law,VABB-4,225,251,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405316,,Managing the Unmanageable: The European Union and Terrorism,VABB-4,95,116,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405319,,Global Governance through Trade EU Policies and Approaches,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405320,,Conclusion: Enforcement Gaps and Fragmentation in Global Labour Governance,VABB-4,189,194,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405321,,The Notion of Consent in Part One of the Draft Articles on State Responsibility,VABB-1,55,73,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405322,,When Structures Become Shackles: Stagnation And Dynamics In International Lawmaking,VABB-1,733,763,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405323,,Global Governance of Labour Rights. Assessing the Effectiveness of Transnational Public and Private Policy Initiatives,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405325,,De strijd om de juridische kwalificatie van de advocaat-cliëntverhouding: rechtshistorische kanttekeningen,VABB-1,1207,1257,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405326,,"L'argumentation dans les recours en révision au Grand Conseil de Malines: une distinction estompée entre ""fait"" et ""droit""?",VABB-1,1,11,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:405327,,Too much history: from war as sanction to the sanctioning of war,VABB-4,35,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405332,,La titolatura della dinastia Nemanja nei documenti del XIII e XIV secolo,VABB-4,127,138,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405337,,Annotazioni sull’epitome greca dell’Editto di Rotari,VABB-1,1,13,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405339,,Treason and crimes against the emperor and the state in the Byzantine juridical compilations,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405340,,Tagungsbericht zum 40. Deutschen Rechtshistorikertag in Tübingen,VABB-1,778,787,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:405343,,Fides als normatives Konzept in Kanonessammlungen,VABB-1,251,265,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:405346,,"De writ of debt, een Engelsrechtelijke condictio?",VABB-4,253,301,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405347,,De waan voorbij? Islamic finance tussen norm en werkelijkheid,VABB-1,160,172,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405348,,Het Hof van Savoye in Mechelen,VABB-1,744,755,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405350,,"Le Décret de Gratien, Un florilège de textes juridiques des années 1130",VABB-4,245,262,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:405351,,De notarissen,VABB-4,370,378,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405354,,"The Foreign Enlistment Act, International Law, and British Politics, 1819-2014",VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405357,,The 'Sphere of Influence' in International Law (1870-1920),VABB-4,395,413,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405358,,Law and the Bible in Spanish Neo-Scholasticism,VABB-4,325,331,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405359,,A consultation by Andrea Alciato on the laws of war,VABB-1,100,140,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405362,,Sport and body enhancement: ethics and possibilities,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405364,,"Playing on the Field of Social and Technical Innovation: The Impact of the Sale of Lawn Tennis Sets in the Netherlands, 1874-1887",VABB-1,1181,1204,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405366,,Who is doing a run with the running boom? The growth and governance of one of Europe’s most popular sport activities,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405378,,Running across Europe. The rise and size of one of the largest sport markets,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405379,,"Struggling with science and status: physiotherapy - including radiology and cancer treatment - and physical education at the State University in Ghent, Belgium, 1906-1936",VABB-1,815,831,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405381,,"Sport, Work and the Professional Cyclist in Belgium, 1907–40",VABB-1,154,176,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405387,,Belgium (Flanders). Trends and governance in running,VABB-4,28,58,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405396,,Sports participation styles revisited. A time-trend study in Belgium from the 1970s to the 2000s,VABB-1,45,63,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405397,,Assessing the sociology of sport: On utopianism and pragmatism,VABB-1,623,627,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405399,,"Wicket Game: The (Re-) Introduction of Cricket in the Netherlands, 1724-1883",VABB-1,185,199,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405400,,The economic theory of professional team sports : an analytical treatment,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405401,,Fact or fiction? An empirical analysis of cooperation between mass sport providers at the local level,VABB-1,7,34,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405402,,The Economics of Competitive Sports,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405405,,Running across Europe. The way forward,VABB-4,241,264,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405406,,"The Introduction and Meaning of the Word Sport in the Netherlands, 1647-1910",VABB-1,1416,1436,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405409,,The Collection and Distribution of Media rights,VABB-4,73,79,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405410,,Schizophrenia and the risk of fractures: A systematic review and comparative meta-analysis,VABB-1,126,133,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405411,,Non-invasive ventilation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: key technical and practical applications,VABB-4,339,344,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405412,,Expression of soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 in childhood CF and Non-CF bronchiectasis,VABB-1,333,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405413,,Identifying the facilitators and processes which influence recovery in individuals with schizophrenia: a systematic review and thematic synthesis,VABB-1,103,110,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405414,,"Selection, use and psychometric properties of physical activity measures to assess individuals with severe mental illness: a narrative synthesis",VABB-1,135,151,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405415,,Exercise improves cardiorespiratory fitness in people with depression: A meta-analysis of randomized control trials,VABB-1,249,253,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405416,,"Hot Topics in Noninvasive Ventilation: Report of a Working Group at the International Symposium on Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Leuven, Belgium",VABB-1,1337,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405417,,Decreased pain sensitivity among people with schizophrenia: a meta-analysis of experimental pain induction studies,VABB-1,2121,2131,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405418,,No evidence of a control group response in exercise randomised controlled trials in people with schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,840,843,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405419,,Noninvasive Ventilation Improves Sleep in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Prospective Polysomnographic Study,VABB-1,559,566,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405420,,"Weight gain and obesity in schizophrenia: epidemiology, pathobiology, and management",VABB-1,97,108,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405421,,Why moving more should be promoted for severe mental illness,VABB-1,295,295,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405422,,The prevalence of pain in people with bipolar disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,75,88,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405423,,How can we promote smoking cessation in people with schizophrenia in practice? A clinical overview,VABB-1,122,130,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405424,,Can two-dimensional video analysis during single-leg drop vertical jumps help identify non-contact knee injury risk? A one-year prospective study,VABB-1,781,787,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405425,,"Among Inpatients, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Severity Is Negatively Associated With Time Spent Walking",VABB-1,15,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405426,,Physical activity in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,130,136,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405427,,"Risk of metabolic syndrome and its components in people with schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Spanish version",VABB-1,339,347,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405428,,Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale and Motor Function Measure-20 in non ambulant SMA patients,VABB-1,347,52,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405429,,The prevalence and risk of metabolic syndrome and its components among people with posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,926,933,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405430,,Dropout from exercise randomized controlled trials among people with depression: A meta-analysis and meta regression,VABB-1,457,466,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405431,,Structural Health Monitoring challenges on the 10-MW offshore wind turbine model,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405434,,Activity Pacing Self-Management in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial,VABB-1,6905290020p1,6905290020p11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405436,,Physical therapy and management of temporomandibular disorders,VABB-1,9,25,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405437,,The prevalence and predictors of type two diabetes mellitus in people with schizophrenia: a systematic review and comparative meta-analysis,VABB-1,144,157,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405438,,Behandeling van respiratoir falen bij patiënten met amyotrofe laterale sclerose,VABB-1,1348,1355,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405441,,Do people with mental illness receive adequate smoking cessation advice? A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,14,23,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405443,,Young individuals with a more ankle-steered proprioceptive control strategy may develop mild non-specific low back pain,VABB-1,329,338,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405444,,A systematic review of the benefits of physical therapy within a multidisciplinary care approach for people with schizophrenia: An update,VABB-1,828,839,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405445,,Aerobic exercise capacity: an important correlate of psychosocial function in first episode psychosis,VABB-1,234,234,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405447,,Old measures and new scores in spinal muscular atrophy patients,VABB-1,435,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405449,,A zero-inflated overdispersed hierarchical poisson model,VABB-1,434,456,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405450,,"A Replication of Failure, Not a Failure to Replicate",VABB-1,313,321,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405455,,The reference to L1 and L2 in SFL: proposals based on the Aprescrilov learner corpus,VABB-5,274,278,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405458,,Making way for the intercultural in engineering education: new spaces for embracing the tensions,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405459,,Clustering first-order co-occurrences as a way to explore semantic heterogeneity,VABB-1,123,146,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405463,,CEFR B1レベル:分析から授業実践へ-学習者を社会的存在と捉えて-,VABB-5,239,244,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405464,,CEFR B1レベル評価基準の提言ー学習者の言語活動データからの考察ー,VABB-5,193,198,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:405465,,Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy in Dilute Polymer Solutions: Effects of Molar Mass Dispersity and the Type of Fluorescent Labeling,VABB-1,171,176,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405469,,Trends op de Vlaamse woingmarkt. Heeft Vlaanderen de vastgoedcrisis doorstaan?,VABB-1,6,26,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405470,,Discrimination and selection in the Belgian private rental market,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405471,,Differential Treatment of Rental Home Seekers According to their Sociodemographic and Economic Status by Real Estate Agencies in Belgium,VABB-1,39,62,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405475,,"Grote Woononderzoek: profiel van de deelmarkten, woonuitgaven en betaalbaarheid",VABB-1,27,48,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405476,,Homeownership taxation in Flanders: moving towards ‘optimal tax’?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405479,,More than work integration strategy for the delimitation of a population of social economy actors for a monitor of the social economy in Flanders,VABB-1,267,290,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405483,,Naar een 'andere overheid' in het Vlaamse woonbeleid?,VABB-1,19,29,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405486,,Migratie- en integratietrajecten van Zuid-Europese migranten in Vlaanderen : een kritische reflectie over intra-EU-mobiliteit en inburgering van EU-burgers versus niet-EU-burgers in beleidsperspectief,VABB-4,175,197,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405487,,Institutionalized Governance Processes: Comparing Environmental Problem Solving in China and the United States,VABB-1,163,173,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405491,,Female Migration into Belgium,VABB-4,26,47,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405492,,Explaining 'low carbon' development in Asia: The case of China,VABB-4,405,427,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405494,,Regulatory Taxes as an Instrument to Foster Sustainability Transitions: An Exploratory Analysis,VABB-4,232,251,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405497,,Brazil’s South-South Cooperation in food security Capacity building approaches of the Centre of Excellence against hunger,VABB-1,1153,1164,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405499,,New empirical evidence on the effect of educational tracking on social inequalities in reading achievement,VABB-1,206,221,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405500,,How Social and Human Capital Predict Participation in Lifelong Learning. A Longitudinal Data Analysis,VABB-1,50,66,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405501,,Op zoek naar verbindingen tussen school en thuis,VABB-1,5,24,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405504,,"Verbinding, zolang het kan. De houding van moslimleerlingen ten opzichte van levensbeschouwelijke diversiteit",VABB-4,197,211,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405509,,Educational Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Turkey,VABB-1,226,237,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405510,,Social Inequalities in Early School Leaving: The Role of Educational Institutions and the Socioeconomic Context,VABB-1,295,310,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405511,,Integrated STEM in secondary education: A case study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405512,,Integrated STEM in Secondary Education: a Case Study,VABB-5,1021,1028,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405514,,De evolutie van schoolse segregatie in het Nederlandstalige onderwijs in België,VABB-1,185,211,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405532,,Using business functions to identify new and growing jobs,VABB-4,35,48,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405538,,Autonomy in unlikely places: preconditions in low skilled jobs,VABB-4,231,249,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405539,,Hard Work in New Jobs. The Quality of Work and Life in European Growth Sectors,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405546,,Tackling Glaucoma from within the Brain: An Unfortunate Interplay of BDNF and TrkB,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405547,,Platelet-derived VWF is not essential for normal thrombosis and hemostasis but fosters ischemic stroke injury in mice,VABB-1,1715,1722,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405548,,Neurogenesis as a new target for the development of antidepressant drugs,VABB-1,3763,3775,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405549,,Serotype-dependent transduction efficiencies of recombinant adenoassociated viral vectors in monkey neocortex,VABB-1,031209,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405551,,FK506 reduces neuroinflammation and dopaminergic neurodegeneration in an alpha-synuclein-based rat model for Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,1559,1568,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405552,,Depletion of RIPK3 or MLKL blocks TNF-driven necroptosis and switches towards a delayed RIPK1 kinase-dependent apoptosis,VABB-1,e1004,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405553,,Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 interacts with p21-activated kinase 6 to control neurite complexity in mammalian brain,VABB-1,1242,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405554,,Long-term overexpression of human wild-type and T240R mutant parkin in rat substantia nigra induces progressive dopaminergic neurodegeneration,VABB-1,159,174,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405555,,Nigral proteasome inhibition in mice leads to motor and non-motor deficits and increased expression of Ser129 phosphorylated α-synuclein,VABB-1,68,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405556,,"Evaluation of the expression pattern of rAAV2/1, 2/5, 2/7, 2/8, and 2/9 serotypes with different promoters in the mouse visual cortex",VABB-1,2019,2042,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405557,,Bioluminescence imaging of stroke-induced endogenous neural stem cell response,VABB-1,144,155,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405558,,"In silico, in vitro and cellular analysis with a kinome-wide inhibitor panel correlates cellular LRRK2 dephosphorylation to inhibitor activity on LRRK2",VABB-1,51,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405559,,Noninvasive bioluminescence imaging of α-synuclein oligomerization in mouse brain using split firefly luciferase reporters,VABB-1,16518,16532,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405560,,IL-10 regulates adult neurogenesis by modulating ERK and STAT3 activity,VABB-1,57,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405561,,Oncostatin M protects against demyelination by inducing a protective microglial phenotype,VABB-1,1729,1737,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405563,,Immunological ignorance allows long-term gene expression following perinatal rAAV-mediated gene transfer to murine airways,VABB-1,517,528,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405564,,Unbiased screen for interactors of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 supports a common pathway for sporadic and familial Parkinson disease,VABB-1,2626,2631,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405565,,In vitro phosphorylation does not influence the aggregation kinetics of WT α-synuclein in contrast to its phosphorylation mutants,VABB-1,1040,1067,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405566,,Neuronal hyperactivity accelerates depletion of neural stem cells and impairs hippocampal neurogenesis,VABB-1,488,503,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405567,,A direct interaction between leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 and specific β-tubulin isoforms regulates tubulin acetylation,VABB-1,895,908,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405568,,Alpha-synuclein-induced neurodegeneration is exacerbated in PINK1 knockout mice,VABB-1,2625,36,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405569,,Differential protein-protein interactions of LRRK1 and LRRK2 indicate roles in distinct cellular signaling pathways,VABB-1,239,250,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405570,,Non-invasive imaging reveals stable transgene expression in mouse airways after delivery of a non-integrating rAAV vector,VABB-1,60,71,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405571,,A lipid switch unlocks Parkinson's disease-associated ATP13A2,VABB-1,9040,9045,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405572,,Chemical genetic approach identifies microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 1 as a leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 substrate,VABB-1,2980,2992,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405573,,Binocular pattern depriviation interferes with the expression of proteins involved in primary visual cortex maturation in the cat,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405574,,α-Synuclein strains cause distinct synucleinopathies after local and systemic administration,VABB-1,340,344,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405575,,Indolinone based LRRK2 kinase inhibitors with a key hydrogen bond,VABB-1,4630,4637,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405576,,Long-term fate mapping using conditional lentiviral vectors reveals a Continuous Contribution of radial Glia-likecells to adult Hippocampal neurogenesis in mice,VABB-1,e0143772,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405577,,Nigral overexpression of alpha-synuclein in the absence of parkin enhances alpha-synuclein phosphorylation but does not modulate dopaminergic neurodegeneration,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405580,,Leukemia inhibitory factor tips the immune balance towards regulatory T cells in multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,180,188,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405581,,A family CEO running the family business: Which competencies really matter?,VABB-1,55,79,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405585,,Shifting care from hospital to home: a qualitative study,VABB-1,24,31,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405588,,Missing Oral Health-Related Data in the interRAI-HC - Associations with Selected Variables of General Health and the Effect of Multiple Imputation on the Relationship between Oral and General Health,VABB-1,e0146065,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405590,,Agitation in dementia and the role of spatial and sensory interventions: experiences of professional and family caregivers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405592,,Exploring the activity profile of health care assistants and nurses in home nursing,VABB-1,608,614,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405596,,Psychosociale noden en ondersteuning van mannen met prostaatkanker en hun partner,VABB-1,1019,1024,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405597,,"Perspectives of hospitalized patients with mental disorders and their clinicians on vocational goals, barriers, and steps to overcome barriers",VABB-1,196,201,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405598,,The 24-hour recall instrument to measure the activity profile of home nurses: Development and psychometric testing,VABB-1,79,86,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405600,,"A comprehensive grid to evaluate case management's expected effectiveness for community-dwelling frail older people: results from a multiple, embedded case study",VABB-1,67,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405601,,Incomplete Assessments: Towards a Better Understanding of Causes and Solutions. The Case of the interRAI Home Care Instrument in Belgium,VABB-1,e0123760,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405603,,"The impact of complaints procedures on the welfare, health and clinical practice of 7.926 doctors in the United Kingdom : a cross-sectional survey",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405606,,Evaluations of Home Care Interventions for Frail Older Persons Using the interRAI Home Care Instrument: A Systematic Review of the Literature,VABB-1,173.e1,173.e10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405608,,Intersectoraal zorggebruik monitoren: cliëntenregistratie als informatiebron,VABB-1,106,121,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405613,,Gene Patents and Human Rights,VABB-4,871,914,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405615,,Het beslechten van geschillen in een digitale samenleving. Over rechters en algoritmes,VABB-1,20,27,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405616,,Public Broadcaster fined for violations of product placement rules,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405617,,Belgium's New Privacy Bill May Be Adopted Soon - Opinion on the Use of Cloud Services in Hospitals,VABB-1,125,129,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405618,,Privacy by Design – The Case of Automated Border Control,VABB-5,139,152,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405620,,Media Pluralism and Diversity,VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405621,,Actualiteiten - Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,535,539,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405628,,Privacy under Construction: A Developmental Perspective on Privacy Perception,VABB-1,615,637,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405629,,"Children as social network actors: A European legal perspective on challenges concerning membership, rights, conduct and liability",VABB-1,351,364,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405635,,"Privacy concerns, dead or misunderstood? The perceptions of privacy amongst the young and old",VABB-1,299,311,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405636,,Actualiteiten - Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,436,440,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405637,,Roeien met het sui generis databankenrecht dat we hebben,VABB-1,4,17,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405639,,"Interoperability Standards, Patents and Competition Policy",VABB-4,367,393,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405640,,Internet and jurisdiction after Google Spain: the extraterritorial reach of the ‘right to be delisted’,VABB-1,105,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405645,,Mandating portability and interoperability in online social networks: Regulatory and competition law issues in the European Union,VABB-1,502,514,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405650,,Decisions regarding infringements of sponsoring provisions,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405651,,Interoperability for Data Portability between Social Networking Sites (SNS): The Interplay between EC Software Copyright and Competition Law,VABB-1,46,67,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405656,,Sociale media en mededinging: is het Europese concurrentietoezicht opgewassen tegen Facebook en consorten?,VABB-4,185,233,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405660,,Five broadcasters warned for non-compliance with rules on commercial communication on sugary confectionery,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405661,,Actualiteiten - Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,212,230,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405662,,Assessing data access issues in online platforms,VABB-1,375,387,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405664,,Richting eerlijke bedingen en meer privacy voor Facebook gebruikers?,VABB-1,35,45,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405668,,"Digital libraries, the Nordic system of extended collective licenses and cross-border use",VABB-1,314,325,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405674,,Challenges for the Use of Information Technology and Standards in International Disaster Management,VABB-5,129,136,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405679,,Between Bitcoins and mobile payments: will the European Commission’s new proposal provide more legal certainty?,VABB-1,295,310,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405680,,Stretching EU competition law tools for search engines and social networks,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405681,,Belgian Constitutional Court Nullifies Belgian Data Retention Law,VABB-1,208,212,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405684,,Schadevergoedingen wegens het niet respecteren van privé- en familieleven door de pers,VABB-1,152,163,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405685,,Protection of children,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405686,,Kroniek intellectuele rechten (2013-2014),VABB-1,162,182,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405688,,Balancing of Interests and Cross-border Use. Room for Nordic Co-operation?,VABB-1,652,665,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405691,,Market Definition and Market Power in Data: The Case of Online Platforms,VABB-1,473,506,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405692,,Indicators for Media Pluralism,VABB-4,121,140,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405693,,Body-worn cameras for police accountability: Opportunities and risks,VABB-1,749,762,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405697,,Fair Use – A Workable Concept in European Patent Law?,VABB-4,121,135,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405699,,Het doel(-gebondenheidsbeginsel) voorbij. Het trieste lot van de vereiste van verenigbaar gebruik bij het bewijs van het ontslag om dringende reden,VABB-1,477,482,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405700,,Playing hide-and-seek? A legal perspective on the complex distinction between commercial and editorial content in hybrid advertising formats,VABB-1,19,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405701,,Intellectuele Rechten in het Wetboek Economisch Recht,VABB-1,643,656,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405703,,Inventing Inclusive Patents. From Old to New Open Innovation,VABB-1,206,277,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405706,,Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Case Study Analysis Reveals the True Added Value of Early-Phase Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs),VABB-1,153,165,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405709,,Actualiteiten - Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,103,107,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405721,,To speak is saying what could not be said: a philosophical conversation with children on ADHD,VABB-4,209,226,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405727,,Cinema Education as an Exercise in 'Thinking Through Not-Thinking',VABB-1,792,804,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405732,,"Gatekeeping at two main Belgian comics publishers, Dupuis and Lombard, at a time of transition (in the 1980s)",VABB-1,109,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405737,,Cylindrical anamorphosis: thaumaturgical origins and contemporary workings,VABB-1,211,225,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405744,,Challenging group dynamics in participatory design with children: lessons from social interdependence theory,VABB-5,219,228,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405748,,Guarded by the Camera: An interview with Antonio Campos about Afterschool,VABB-4,19,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405757,,Exploring Deep Content in Physical Rehabilitation Games,VABB-5,433,438,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405760,,De muziekdocent in onmiddellijke muzikale interacties,VABB-1,19,39,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405766,,Participatory design and participatory making in a FabLab: challenges for users and designers,VABB-5,1,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405767,,DIS_ORDER,VABB-4,35,48,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405771,,As if it was the first time,VABB-1,139,160,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405772,,Mechanical Carillons as a Source for Historical Performance: An Artistic Reconstruction of Seventeenth-Century Carillon Music Using Historical Re-pinning Books,VABB-1,103,121,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405775,,Objects are actors too: the ‘hack-a-thing’ workshop series as a case for revising new user-object relationships,VABB-5,107,113,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405776,,Designing the healthcare and housing concept of tomorrow: a reflection on Participatory Design methods for complex healthcare situations,VABB-5,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405780,,"Afterschool: Images, Education and Research",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405783,,Images after school,VABB-4,9,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405784,,Muziektherapie bij depressie,VABB-1,823,829,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405788,,The Borders of Subculture: Resistance and the Mainstream,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405789,,Mädchen mit totem Vogel - Eine interkulturelle Bildbetrachtung,VABB-2,,,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405792,,Is utility transferable? A revealed preference analysis,VABB-1,51,65,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405793,,Revealed preference tests for weak separability: an integer programming approach,VABB-1,129,141,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405794,,Multi-output efficiency with good and bad outputs,VABB-1,872,881,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:405795,,A simple identification strategy for Gary Becker’s time allocation model,VABB-1,187,190,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405797,,Sharp for SARP: nonparametric bounds on counterfactual demands,VABB-1,43,60,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405798,,Sharing rule identification for general collective consumption models,VABB-1,2001,2041,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405799,,Attention allocation to multiple goals: the case of for-profit social enterprises,VABB-1,1006,1016,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405801,,The aristocrat as average man: the uses of ‘aristocracy’ in Ortega’s The Revolt of the Masses,VABB-1,119,128,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405803,,Towards a multipolar model of cultural mediators within multicultural spaces. Cultural mediators in Belgium (1830-1945),VABB-1,1255,1275,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405804,,Quels défis pour l'histoire de la traduction et de la traductologie?,VABB-1,281,298,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:405806,,The figure of the translator revisited:a theoretical overview and a case study,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405809,,Naamgevingsrechten en hun toepassing bij sponsoring,VABB-1,474,489,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405810,,Segmentation of Trabecular Jaw Bone on Cone Beam CT Datasets,VABB-1,1082,1091,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405811,,Safety and efficacy of natalizumab in Belgian multiple sclerosis patients: subgroup analysis of the natalizumab observational program,VABB-1,167,78,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405813,,Burden of risk variants correlates with phenotype of multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,1670,1680,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405814,,Diagnostic value of cerebrospinal fluid Aβ ratios in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease,VABB-1,75,86,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405815,,No evidence for shared genetic basis of common variants in multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,VABB-1,1916,1922,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405817,,Analysis of the KIFAP3 gene in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a multicenter survival study,VABB-1,2420.e13,4,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405819,,Genetic variants are major determinants of CSF antibody levels in multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,632,643,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405820,,"Meta-analysis in more than 17,900 cases of ischemic stroke reveals a novel association at 12q24.12",VABB-1,678,85,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405821,,CCR2 defines in vivo development and homing of IL-23-driven GM-CSF-producing Th17 cells,VABB-1,8644,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405822,,Class II HLA interactions modulate genetic risk for multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,1107,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405823,,"Glycine receptor antibodies in PERM and related syndromes: characteristics, clinical features and outcomes",VABB-1,2178,92,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405824,,The deubiquitinase USP15 antagonizes Parkin-mediated mitochondrial ubiquitination and mitophagy,VABB-1,5227,42,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405825,,Functional brain changes underlying irritability in premanifest Huntington’s disease,VABB-1,2681,90,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405826,,Parkinson’s disease in GTP cyclohydrolase 1 mutation carriers,VABB-1,e350,e350,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405827,,Association between the perfusion/diffusion and diffusion/FLAIR mismatch: data from the AXIS2 trial,VABB-1,1681,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405828,,Voxel-based comparison of state-of-the-art reconstruction algorithms for (18)F-FDG PET brain imaging using simulated and clinical data,VABB-1,875,884,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405830,,A prospective fMRI-based technique for localising the epileptogenic zone in presurgical evaluation of epilepsy,VABB-1,329,339,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405831,,"The relationship between amyloid deposition, neurodegeneration, and cognitive decline in dementia",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405833,,Impaired recognition of body expressions in the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia,VABB-1,496,504,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405834,,"A 22-single nucleotide polymorphism Alzheimer's disease risk score correlates with family history, onset age, and cerebrospinal fluid A beta(42)",VABB-1,1452,1460,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405836,,Covert Shifts of Spatial Attention in the Macaque Monkey,VABB-1,7695,714,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405838,,Reduced secreted clusterin as a mechanism for Alzheimer-associated CLU mutations,VABB-1,30,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405839,,Uncertainty in anticipation of uncomfortable rectal distension is modulated by the autonomic nervous system - A fMRI study in healthy volunteers,VABB-1,10,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405842,,Value of 18Fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron-Emission Tomography in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Prospective Study,VABB-1,553,61,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405843,,Mutations in ABCA7 in a Belgian cohort of Alzheimer's disease patients: a targeted resequencing study,VABB-1,814,822,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405844,,Loss of TBK1 is a frequent cause of frontotemporal dementia in a Belgian cohort,VABB-1,2116,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405846,,Acute ataxic neuropathy associated with hepatitis E virus infection,VABB-1,464,5,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405847,,Rare Variants in PLD3 Do Not Affect Risk for Early-Onset Alzheimer Disease in a European Consortium Cohort,VABB-1,1226,1235,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405848,,Phase 3 Trial of Flutemetamol Labeled With Radioactive Fluorine 18 Imaging and Neuritic Plaque Density,VABB-1,287,294,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405849,,Fine-grained stimulus representations in body selective areas of human occipito-temporal cortex,VABB-1,484,497,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405850,,Restoration of Progranulin Expression Rescues Cortical Neuron Generation in an Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Model of Frontotemporal Dementia,VABB-1,16,24,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405851,,Parametric imaging and quantitative analysis of the PET amyloid ligand [F-18]flutemetamol,VABB-1,184,192,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405852,,A reliable and time-saving semiautomatic spike-template-based analysis of interictal EEG-fMRI,VABB-1,2048,58,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405853,,"Adjunctive brivaracetam for uncontrolled focal and generalized epilepsies: Results of a phase III, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, flexible-dose trial",VABB-1,38,46,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405854,,Infliximab-associated autoimmune limbic encephalitis: a case report,VABB-1,161,163,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405855,,Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Quantification of GABAA Receptors in the Brain of Fragile X Patients,VABB-1,e0131486,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405856,,Block term decomposition for modelling epileptic seizures,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405857,,"Homozygous missense mutation in STYXL1 associated with moderate intellectual disability, epilepsy and behavioural complexities",VABB-1,205,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405858,,Sequencing an Ashkenazi reference panel supports population-targeted personal genomics and illuminates Jewish and European origins,VABB-1,4835,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405859,,Efficient recombinase mediated cassette exchange in hPSC to study the hepatocyte lineage reveals AAVS1 locus-mediated transgene inhibition,VABB-1,918,931,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405861,,Multicentre quality control evaluation of different biomarker candidates for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,VABB-1,344,50,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405862,,Translating biological findings into new treatment strategies for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),VABB-1,138,151,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405863,,Pathogenic Ischemic Stroke Phenotypes in the NINDS-Stroke Genetics Network,VABB-1,3589,96,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405864,,"A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to test efficacy and safety of magnetic resonance imaging-based thrombolysis in wake-up stroke (WAKE-UP)",VABB-1,829,36,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405865,,A genome-wide association meta-analysis identifies a novel locus at 17q11.2 associated with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,VABB-1,2220,31,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405867,,A phase II-III trial of olesoxime in subjects with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,VABB-1,529,36,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405868,,Limb-shaking TIA during balloon test occlusion of the internal carotid artery,VABB-1,449,51,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405869,,Developments in treatments for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis via intracerebroventricular or intrathecal delivery,VABB-1,955,63,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405871,,C9orf72 and UNC13A are shared risk loci for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia: A genome-wide meta-analysis,VABB-1,120,33,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405872,,Genetic heterogeneity after first-line chemotherapy in high-grade serous ovarian cancer,VABB-1,51,64,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405873,,Variable Glutamine-Rich Repeats Modulate Transcription Factor Activity,VABB-1,615,27,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405874,,Modifiers of C9orf72 dipeptide repeat toxicity connect nucleocytoplasmic transport defects to FTD/ALS,VABB-1,1226,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405875,,Stroke in first-degree relatives of patients with cervical artery dissection,VABB-1,1102,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405876,,NKCC1 downregulation induces hyperpolarizing shift of GABA responsiveness at near term fetal stages in rat cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons,VABB-1,41,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405880,,Cryptogenic stroke and underlying atrial fibrillation,VABB-1,2478,86,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405881,,A novel MMP12 locus is associated with large artery atherosclerotic stroke using a genome-wide age-at-onset informed approach,VABB-1,e1004469,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405882,,Synthesis of benzothiophene-based hydroxamic acids as potent and selective HDAC6 inhibitors,VABB-1,9868,71,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405883,,C-kit is important for SOD1(G93A) mouse survival independent of mast cells,VABB-1,415,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405884,,Agreement between TOAST and CCS ischemic stroke classification: The NINDS SiGN Study,VABB-1,1653,60,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405885,,Cochlear supporting cell transdifferentiation and integration into hair cell layers by inhibition of ephrin-B2 signalling,VABB-1,7017,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405886,,Possible Familial Presentation in Two Siblings with Carotid Fibromuscular Dysplasia,VABB-1,83,86,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405887,,The phenotypic variability of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,VABB-1,661,670,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405888,,Clinical import of Horner syndrome in internal carotid and vertebral artery dissection,VABB-1,1653,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405889,,The neonatal sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase gives a clue to development and pathology in human muscles,VABB-1,195,203,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405890,,Dabigatran-associated spontaneous acute cervical epidural hematoma,VABB-1,257,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405891,,Transcriptional upregulation of myelin components in spontaneous myelin basic protein-deficient mice,VABB-1,125,32,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405892,,Predictors of delayed stroke in patients with cervical artery dissection,VABB-1,360,3,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405894,,"Early stages of building a rare disease registry, methods and 2010 data from the Belgian Neuromuscular Disease Registry (BNMDR)",VABB-1,97,104,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405895,,Familial occurrence and heritable connective tissue disorders in cervical artery dissection,VABB-1,2023,31,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405896,,Prevention of intestinal obstruction reveals progressive neurodegeneration in mutant TDP-43 (A315T) mice,VABB-1,24,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405898,,Estimating lock congestion,VABB-1,133,151,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405900,,Leren en helpen leren in professionele leergemeenschappen: Een LOEP-casus,VABB-1,49,60,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405901,,The state of the art in self-study of teacher education practices: A systematic literature review,VABB-1,508,528,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405902,,The micropolitics of distributed leadership: Four case studies of school federations,VABB-1,1,18,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:405903,,Opleidersprofessionaliteit: de relatie tussen de positionering van lerarenopleiders en hun opleidingspraktijk,VABB-1,65,76,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405904,,“This has more to do with who I am than with my skills” - Student teacher subjectification in Finnish teacher education,VABB-1,22,29,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405905,,Artefacten als onderwijsvernieuwers. De casus van de BaSO-fiche in de zorgcontinuïteit tussen basis- en secundair onderwijs,VABB-1,64,84,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405907,,Early number and arithmetic performance of Ecuadorian 4-5-year-olds,VABB-1,565,586,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405911,,Experiential education in kindergarten. Associations with school adjustement and the moderating role of initial achievement,VABB-1,173,197,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405915,,Examinee non-effort on contextualized and non-contextualized mathematics items in large-scale assessments,VABB-1,68,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405920,,"Cross-national teacher effectiveness research: Challenges, but also opportunities to reveal differential effects?",VABB-4,203,258,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405922,,Inhibiting natural knowledge in fourth graders: towards a comprehensive test instrument,VABB-1,849,857,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405923,,Team creativity versus team learning: transcending conceptual boundaries to inspire future framework building,VABB-1,67,90,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405925,,Informal learning of primary school teachers: Considering the role of teaching experience and school culture,VABB-1,151,161,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405926,,"Directive versus facilitative peer tutoring? A view on students’ appraisal, reported learning gains and experiences within two differently-tutored learning environments",VABB-1,437,459,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405927,,The contribution of assessment experiences to student teachers’ self-efficacy in competence-based education,VABB-1,45,55,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405928,,Entrepreneurial competences: Assessment and predictive value for entrepreneurship,VABB-1,13,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405929,,Measuring team learning behaviours through observing verbal team interaction,VABB-1,476,500,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405930,,Teacher collaboration: A systematic review,VABB-1,17,40,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405932,,Turning points during the life of student project teams: A qualitative study,VABB-1,63,89,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405935,,"Predicting academic performance: The role of cognition, motivation and learning approaches. A neural network analysis",VABB-4,55,76,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405937,,Food Price Rises and Political Instability: Problematizing a complex relationship,VABB-1,650,671,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405938,,Welcome to the club? Een comparatieve studie naar het verband tussen integratiebeleid en welvaartschauvinisme,VABB-1,117,142,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405940,,A Giant Step Backwards? Opinion 2/13 on the EU's Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights,VABB-1,783,797,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405941,,The EU's Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights: An International Law Perspective,VABB-1,59,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405942,,Ecological tax reform initiatives in Africa,VABB-1,58,76,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405943,,Reconceptualizing the Challenges for Theories of Democracy,VABB-4,226,248,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405944,,The Court of Justice of the European Union: International or Domestic Court?,VABB-1,696,718,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405945,,Virtue or Vice? The Coherence of the EU’s External Policies,VABB-1,473,489,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405947,,"Report of the 56th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space Beijing, China, 2013",VABB-5,547,564,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405949,,"Legitimacy, Institutional Design and Dispute Settlement. The Case of Eco-certification systems",VABB-1,401,416,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:405951,,The Pacific Islands and Trade in Services: One Step Back to Take Two Steps Forward,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405952,,The Use of International Treaty Law by the Court of Justice of the European Union,VABB-1,121,144,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405953,,"Anklagemyndigheden v Poulsen and Diva Navigation Corporation, Final judgment, Case C-286/90, [1992] ECR I-6019",VABB-4,1,11,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405954,,The protection of international labour rights: a longitudinal analysis of the protection of the rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining over 30 years in 73 countries,VABB-4,13,41,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405955,,"Air Transport Association of America and ors v Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Judgment, Case C-366/10, [2012] OJ C49/7",VABB-4,1,35,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405956,,Empowering Unheard Voices through 'Theater of the Oppressed': Reflections on the Legislative Theater Project for Women in Afghanistan--Notes from the Field,VABB-1,299,326,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405959,,Between human standards and institutional efficiency: The regulation and deregulation of strip-searches in Belgium,VABB-1,40,46,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405960,,The development of moral reasoning skills in police recruits,VABB-1,102,116,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:405961,,Voetbalscheidsrechters als slachtoffer van agressie,VABB-1,22,29,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405962,,Art for social change: exploring restorative justice through the new media documentary Inside the distance,VABB-1,85,94,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405963,,Het probleem van meetinvariantie bij het vergelijken van subgroepen op basis van somscores: vermijdingsgedrag als case study,VABB-1,42,59,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405964,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405965,,'Never waste a good crisis': het Justitieplan over de (uitvoering van de) straf,VABB-1,21,26,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405966,,Refugee Protests and Political Agency: Framing Dissensus through Precarity,VABB-4,256,272,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405967,,Restorative justice approaches in intercultural conflict settings: Findings of a survey and implications for practice,VABB-1,87,102,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405968,,Harmonizing or Restoring Justice: A study of victims' experiences meeting with their young offenders in China,VABB-1,75,92,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405969,,Law enforcement and policy alienation: coping by labour inspectors and federal police officers,VABB-4,99,114,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405970,,Interviewing suspects in Belgium,VABB-4,85,100,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405972,,Starting from the End: A Plea for Focusing on the Consequences of Crime’,VABB-1,87,100,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405976,,Bemiddeling in strafzaken in België. Een blik op een gediversifieerde praktijk,VABB-1,13,28,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:405977,,"‘All that glitters is not Golder’: enkele bedenkingen bij rechtsontwikkelingen voor gedetineerden, naar aanleiding van een decennium basiswet gevangeniswezen",VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405978,,Anders omgaan met interculturele conflicten,VABB-1,12,27,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405980,,The Socialization of Young Cyclists and the Culture of Doping,VABB-1,865,882,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:405983,,"Mafia, Camorra and 'Ndrangheta",VABB-4,668,684,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405984,,General introduction,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405985,,Con-texting restorative justice and abolitionism: exploring the potential and limits of restorative justice as an alternative discourse to criminal justice,VABB-1,142,164,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405986,,The Italian Mafia,VABB-4,121,141,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405987,,Researching and improving the effectiveness of ethics training,VABB-4,197,212,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405989,,Talking 'bout my generation... De invloed van intergenerationele interacties op de gewenste aanpak van (hang)jongeren in de publieke ruimte,VABB-4,385,410,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:405990,,Social desirability in intimate partner violence and relationship satisfaction reports: An exploratory analysis,VABB-1,1401,1420,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:405991,,General introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:405993,,Restorative justice and victims of crime,VABB-4,48,75,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405995,,Victims and Restorative Justice,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:405999,,De ontwikkeling van ‘een visie voor de politie in 2025’: Het gebruik van strategische scenario’s als techniek voor visieontwikkeling,VABB-1,11,24,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406000,,De ontwikkeling van ‘een visie voor de politie in 2025’: Het gebruik van strategische scenario’s als techniek voor visieontwikkeling (reproductie),VABB-4,233,250,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406001,,Victims and conferencing,VABB-4,153,171,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406003,,Minderjarige slachtoffers in herstelbemiddeling: positie en ervaringen,VABB-1,41,55,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406004,,Quo vadis? Tien jaar basiswet gevangeniswezen en rechtspositie van gedetineerden,VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406005,,Local governance of safety and the normalization of behavior,VABB-1,305,317,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406006,,Delinquentie van generatie tot generatie. Over het verband tussen etniciteit en criminaliteit en 'falende integratie' als verklaring,VABB-4,193,212,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406007,,Overzicht 2005-2015: een decennium basiswet gevangeniswezen en rechtspositie van gedetineerden,VABB-4,13,30,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406008,,SCAN as an investigative tool,VABB-1,279,293,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:406009,,Verschillende wegen naar ‘Leren en Werken’: een exploratief kwalitatief Onderzoek,VABB-1,20,37,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406011,,European criminal justice policies on victims and restorative justice,VABB-4,239,272,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406012,,Methodology of a comparative European research,VABB-4,79,82,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406013,,Het casusgebonden overleg in het ‘Protocol van Moed’ in Antwerpen: preventie met respect voor het beroepsgeheim?,VABB-1,232,239,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406014,,Diversiteit in gezinsstructuur en de link met delinquent gedrag: anders voor jongens dan voor meisjes ?,VABB-4,94,117,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406016,,Schone schijn. Toezicht op detentie in wet en praktijk,VABB-4,31,53,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406018,,Victims’ victimization experiences and their need for justice,VABB-4,15,47,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406019,,Interne meldprocedures: een kwestie van maatwerk?,VABB-1,40,49,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406020,,Victims and Victimhood: Individuals of Inaction or Active Agents of Change? Reflections on Fieldwork in Afghanistan,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406021,,De aanpak van bedelende kinderen,VABB-1,147,163,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406025,,Investigating the quality of project-based science and technology learning environments in elementary school: a critical review of instruments,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406028,,De onbeheersbaarheid van het leven. Een repliek op Guido Vanheeswijck,VABB-1,149,155,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:406029,,The Vicissitudes of Metaphysics in Kant and Early Post-Kantian Philosophy,VABB-1,267,286,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406030,,Politieke correctheid,VABB-1,322,332,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406031,,"Humanization, Eschatology, Theodicy: Metz, Schmitt, and the 'Hidden Nexus'",VABB-1,116,129,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406032,,God Returns as Nihilist Caritas; Secularization According to Gianni Vattimo,VABB-1,363,379,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406035,,De 'terugkeer van de religie' in de nieuwe relatie tussen filosofie en theologie. Epistemo-theologische secularisatie bij Gianni Vattimo,VABB-1,133,165,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406040,,Can Aristotle's prime mover be a physical cause?,VABB-1,767,782,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406046,,The Marriage of Aesthetics and Ethics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406047,,Report on a European Project. The laboratory for the twenty-first century (LABO21),VABB-1,74,77,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406048,,Evil in History: Karl Löwith and Jacob Taubes on Modern Eschatology,VABB-1,191,213,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406051,,Jonny Greenwood vs. Johannes Brahms: Alliances and Displacement in There Will Be Blood,VABB-4,234,250,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406053,,The Future of the Christian Past: Marcel Gauchet and Charles Taylor on the Essence of Religion and its Evolution,VABB-1,958,974,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406055,,"Wahrheit in den Religionen. Systematische Überlegungen im Anschluss an Schleiermacher, Hegel und Schelling",VABB-4,501,520,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:406057,,"Heidegger's thinking on the ""Same"" of science and technology",VABB-1,19,43,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406059,,"The Concept of ’Function’ in Cassirer’s Historical, Systematic, and Ethical Writings",VABB-4,289,311,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406060,,Walter Benjamin and 'the highly productive use of the human being's self-alienation',VABB-4,99,110,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406062,,On Evil and Political Theology,VABB-1,93,100,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406064,,Kant‘s Transcendental Reflection: An Indispensable Element of the Philosophy of Culture,VABB-4,169,184,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406067,,Secularisation and Violence: Opening the World,VABB-1,313,330,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:406070,,In godsnaam. Een filosofisch parcours,VABB-1,211,224,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406072,,The Gnostic 'Sur' in Surrealism: On Transcendence and Modern Art,VABB-4,276,295,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406075,,En waarom niet ineens desecularisatie?,VABB-1,317,321,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:406077,,Verhalen halen. Een zoveelste aanzet tot een hermeneutiek van de christelijke identiteit,VABB-1,59,77,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406078,,Introduction to The Marriage of Aesthetics and Ethics,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406079,,Professor or Professionals?,VABB-1,40,45,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406083,,Personality,VABB-4,75,82,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406085,,De nutteloosheid van de comparatieve filosofie,VABB-1,34,38,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406086,,'Philosophia Amica Theologiae'. Gianni Vattimo's 'Weak Faith' and Theological Difference,VABB-1,377,402,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406090,,"Une dissection du chien de Bayle: la dernière lettre de Leibniz à Bayle, ou l’origine de l’exposé monadologique",VABB-4,165,195,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:406092,,In Search of a Second Ethics: From Kant to Kierkegaard,VABB-4,110,150,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406093,,"Leap into the Surface: Photography, Repetition, and Recollection",VABB-4,220,233,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406094,,Filosofie als de grenspolitie van het publieke spreken,VABB-1,297,301,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:406095,,Schopenhauer on Religious Pessimism,VABB-1,53,71,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406097,,Intimacy and sexuality in institutionalized dementia care: clinical-ethical considerations [Epub ahead of print],VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406100,,"Communication, Translation and the Global Community of Persons",VABB-1,46,56,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406101,,Kant on Religious Moral Education,VABB-1,373,394,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406102,,Fighting with Tools: Prefiguration and Radical Politics in the Twenty-First Century,VABB-1,177,194,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406103,,The Ground Floor of the World: On the Socioeconomic Consequences of Linguistic Globalization,VABB-4,231,251,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406105,,New Challenges in Immigration Theory,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406106,,An Ethical Assessment of Human Enhancements Based on Michael J. Sandel's Ethics of Giftedness,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406108,,New Challenges in Immigration Theory: An Overview,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406109,,Why justice and injustice have no place outside the Hobbesian State,VABB-1,19,36,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406110,,Schopenhauer and the Paradox of Genius,VABB-1,149,168,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406112,,"Three ways to advance democratic practices: Regionalism, Nationalism, and Federalism",VABB-4,73,95,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406114,,"Nabokov, Sartre en de triomf van de domheid",VABB-1,31,57,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:406115,,Connecting sustainability initiatives with efficiency measures: an opportunity for business schools,VABB-1,161,173,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406120,,The 'Co-Originality' of Constituent Power and Representation,VABB-1,514,522,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406121,,Deliberation can be rough. Explaining the democratic importance of free speech,VABB-4,269,289,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406122,,Nietzsche’s Goal of Friendship,VABB-1,279,291,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406124,,Quality of pathology reporting is crucial for cancer care and registration: a baseline assessment for breast cancers diagnosed in Belgium in 2008,VABB-1,143,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406125,,Neoliberalism and the Symbolic Institution of Society. Pitting Foucault against Lefort on the State and the ‘Political’,VABB-1,945,962,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406126,,"Arendt, Levinas and a Politics of Relationality",VABB-2,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406127,,The British Academy Brian Barry Prize Essay: Mandatory Citizenship for Immigrants,VABB-1,235,251,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406128,,A Short Note on Language and Identity,VABB-4,97,106,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406130,,Intergenerational Justice and Coercion as a Ground of Justice,VABB-1,307,320,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406132,,Federalism as Efficient Justice,VABB-4,215,240,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406133,,Recognition and Redistribution in Multinational Federations: Reconcilable Goals or Unresolvable Tension?,VABB-4,13,31,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406136,,Theorising Federal Togetherness in Multinational States,VABB-1,323,340,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406137,,De inclusie van de vreemde ander,VABB-1,323,328,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:406139,,"Hobbes on Justice, Property Rights and Self-Ownership",VABB-1,471,498,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406141,,Recognition and Redistribution in Multinational Federations,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406146,,"Wittgenstein, Meta-Ethics and the Subject Matter of Moral Philosophy",VABB-1,69,98,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406148,,Fiscal Federalism and Solidarity: In Search of an Ideal Formula,VABB-4,183,191,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406149,,De staat van de politieke filosofie,VABB-1,415,462,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406150,,On The Meaning of Renewing the Relationship between the Dutch and Haudenosaunee Peoples: The Two Row Wampum Treaty After 400 Years,VABB-1,243,248,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406153,,Do Moral Questions Ask for Answers?,VABB-1,43,61,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406155,,The Impotence of the New: Political Change in an Age of Invisible Ideology,VABB-1,635,665,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406156,,On Wittgenstein's Comparison of Philosophical Methods to Therapies,VABB-1,566,583,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406158,,Religious freedom and the threat of jurisdictional pluralism,VABB-1,165,168,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406159,,"Speaking for Oneself. Wittgenstein, Nabokov and Sartre on How (Not) to Be a Philistine",VABB-1,555,580,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406160,,The Kantian sublime. A feeling of superiority?,VABB-4,151,168,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406162,,Menselijke kennis en rechtvaardiging. Eindige of oneindige ketens?,VABB-1,193,197,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406163,,Out of the Ge-stell? The Role of the East in Heidegger’s das andere Denken,VABB-1,527,562,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406164,,Measurement and Meaningfulness,VABB-1,32,37,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406165,,Mendeleev and the Rare-Earth Crisis,VABB-4,155,182,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406166,,Skepticism about autonomy and responsibility as educational aims—What next?,VABB-4,251,268,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406167,,Heidegger on Zhuangzi and Uselessness: Illustrating preconditions of comparative philosophy,VABB-1,387,406,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406168,,De godsdienstoorlogen als ontstaansmythe van de moderne staat: de interventie van William Cavanaugh,VABB-1,197,208,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406170,,Robustness and Reality,VABB-1,3961,3977,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406174,,Béziau’s Contributions to the Logical Geometry of Modalities and Quantifiers,VABB-4,475,493,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406175,,Grounding Perceptual Dogmatism: What are Perceptual Seemings?,VABB-1,196,215,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406176,,Luck as Risk and the Lack of Control Account of Luck,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406177,,Putting Phenomenology in its Place: Some Limits of a Phenomenology of Medicine,VABB-1,391,410,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406178,,Comments on Roversi 'Acting within and outside an institution',VABB-1,213,221,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406179,,Interactively Illustrating the Context-Sensitivity of Aristotelian Diagrams,VABB-4,331,345,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406180,,Luck as Risk and the Lack of Control Account of Luck,VABB-4,3,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406181,,Understanding Phenomena,VABB-1,3799,3816,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406182,,Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Chemistry,VABB-1,11,57,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406183,,Towards a Critique of Normalization: Canguilhem and Boorse,VABB-4,141,158,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:406184,,Zekerheid in de waarschijnlijkheidsleer,VABB-1,167,172,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406189,,Epistemic Probabilistic Logic,VABB-4,147,202,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406190,,Heidegger and the reversed order of science and technology,VABB-4,183,205,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406193,,The Semantic Concept of Truth in Pre-Han Chinese Philosophy,VABB-1,55,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406194,,Are paraphilias mental disorders? The case of the DSM,VABB-4,159,178,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406195,,Closure of A Priori Knowability Under A Priori Knowable Material Implication,VABB-1,359,380,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406196,,The non-evidential nature of perceptual experience,VABB-1,663,681,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406197,,Levels of organization: a deflationary account,VABB-1,39,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406198,,Vers une approche plus fluide de la culture et de l’histoire des sourds : Quelques réflexions sur le rôle des organisations sportives pour les sourds dans la naissance d’une culture des sourds en Belgique,VABB-1,265,277,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:406199,,La ceguera delave: Expandiendo el papel de discapacidad en estudios de patrimonio,VABB-1,37,54,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:406200,,Commemorating the disabled soldier,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406201,,"Een geschiedenis van het persoonlijk assistentiebudget in Vlaanderen, 1987-2001",VABB-1,46,62,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:406205,,The possibility of an unbiased history of Steiner/Waldorf education,VABB-1,639,649,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406210,,"Stilte, gender en macht",VABB-1,99,102,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406212,,"Happiness disabled: Sensory disabilities, happiness and the rise of educational expertise in the 19th century",VABB-1,479,493,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406213,,"Act, Species, and Appearance: Peter Auriol on Intellectual Cognition and Consciousness",VABB-4,141,165,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406214,,Interpreting Aristotle's Modal Syllogistic,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406215,,On Good Authority: Introduction,VABB-4,11,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406216,,Interiority and Human Experience: Dominicus de Flandria on the Interior Senses,VABB-1,219,237,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406218,,Reading Aristotle at the University of Louvain in the Fifteenth Century: A First Survey of Petrus de Rivo's Commentaries on Aristotle (II),VABB-1,281,383,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406219,,Reception and the Textuality of History: Ramus and Kepler on Proclus' History and Philosophy of Geometry,VABB-4,281,294,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406220,,"""Alle cose stesse"": Léon Noël (1878-1953) e il tomismo creativo della Scuola di Lovanio",VABB-4,263,282,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:406222,,A much misread proposition from Proclus’ Elements of Theology (prop.28),VABB-1,433,438,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406223,,Types of Bilingual Presentation in the English-Latin Terence,VABB-4,73,82,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406224,,R. Marti and His References to al-Ghazālī,VABB-4,326,344,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406225,,Platonic Reminiscence or Aristotelian Remembering? Pietro Catena’s Philosophy of Mathematics,VABB-1,21,36,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406226,,Categorical µὴ κατὰ χρόνον propositions in Alexander of Aphrodisias’ modal syllogistic,VABB-1,466,482,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406229,,Philosophy and theology (forthcoming),VABB-4,137,158,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406230,,Syrianus and the Phaedo,VABB-4,173,211,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406232,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406233,,Alexander of Aphrodisias and the heterodox dictum de omni et de nullo,VABB-1,114,128,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:406235,,A neglected source of Boethius's De syllogismo categorico,VABB-1,304,307,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406236,,"On Good Authority. Tradition, Compilation and the Construction of Authority in Literature from Antiquity to the Renaissance (LECTIO Studies in the Transmission of Texts and Ideas, 3)",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406237,,Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos in the Translation of William of Moerbeke. Claudii Ptolemaei Liber Iudicialium,VABB-2,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406240,,Aristotle's Assertoric Syllogistic and Modern Relevance Logic,VABB-1,1413,1444,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406241,,The invocation of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel attributed to Metrophanes metropolitan of Smyrna (BHG 1292),VABB-1,653,671,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406242,,Peter of Auvergne on the Celestial Movers. Edition and Discussion of his Questions 8-11 on ‘Metaphysica’ XII,VABB-4,157,205,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406243,,Een apologeet van de woede? Aristoteles over een gevoel,VABB-1,701,717,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:406244,,Simon and Maritain on the Vocation of Species in Medio,VABB-4,54,82,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406246,,Benedetto Croce's Critique of Aristotle's Syllogistic,VABB-1,95,107,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406247,,"‘Nombreux sont les porteurs de thyrse, mais rares les Bacchants’. Olympiodore et Damascius sur le Phédon",VABB-4,270,292,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:406249,,Ancient Readings of Plato's Phaedo,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406250,,Evrart de Conty et l'expositeur des Problemata: à la recherche des sources latines,VABB-4,99,126,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:406251,,Aristoteles Latinus: philologia ancilla philosophiae?,VABB-1,533,556,,lat,2015,1 c:vabb:406252,,Maurice De Wulf en de 'Belgische filosofie',VABB-1,557,586,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:406253,,Carl Schmitt on Hostis and Inimicus: A Veneer for Bloody-Mindedness,VABB-1,431,440,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406255,,Aquinas on the Infused Virtues and Human Happiness: A Preliminary Study,VABB-4,91,105,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406258,,Een nieuwe retoriek voor een nieuwe politiek. Politieke welsprekendheid in het late humanisme,VABB-1,204,224,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406260,,The Drawing Board of Imagination: Federico Commandino and John Philoponus,VABB-1,499,515,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406261,,Plutarch on the geometry of the elements,VABB-4,29,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406269,,"Varieties of Market Competition in Public Employment Services - A comparison of the Emergence and Evolution of the New System in Australia, the Netherlands and Belgium",VABB-4,33,54,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406271,,'Exzerpte' zu Jean Herings Staatsexamensarbeit (Ms. Signatur A III 1/9–16),VABB-1,27,34,,ger,2015,1 c:vabb:406272,,"La anarquía del sentido: Husserl en Deleuze, Deleuze en Husserl",VABB-1,52,78,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406273,,"Feeling and Value, Willing and Action. Essays in the Context of a Phenomenological Psychology",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406280,,"Een kleine metafysica van geweld. Arendt, Benjamin en Sorel in discussie?",VABB-1,785,813,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:406281,,Multicultural differences in the public sphere,VABB-1,285,299,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406283,,Touching God in his Image,VABB-1,192,202,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406284,,Phenomenology in a New Key: Between Analysis and History. Essays in Honor of Richard Cobb-Stevens,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406285,,'Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins': Husserls Beitrag zu einer phänomenologischen Psychologie,VABB-4,3,11,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:406289,,Malraux’s Quest: Fraternity and Evil in 'The Walnut Trees of Altenburg',VABB-1,382,399,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406291,,Leven schaadt de gezondheid,VABB-1,357,366,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406292,,Herinneringen afmaken. Een hommage aan Patrick Modiano,VABB-1,811,821,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:406293,,'Im Schlagschatten des Todes'. Ernst Jüngers literarische Bewältigung der Todesnähe in den Stahlgewittern und Der Kampf als inneres Erlebnis,VABB-1,42,56,,ger,2015,1 c:vabb:406294,,Concepts without pedigree: The noema and neutrality modification,VABB-4,225,256,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406295,,Normality and Normativity in Experience,VABB-4,128,140,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406296,,Filosofie en het natuurlijke leven bij Van Breda en De Waelhens,VABB-1,463,493,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:406297,,"Spectres of the Sacred: Jan Patočka, Or: The Hidden Source of Jacques Derrida's ""Phenomenology of Religion""",VABB-1,287,299,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406298,,Reise um die Welt: Cassirer's cosmological phenomenology,VABB-4,82,108,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:406300,,Husserls Phänomenologie des Habitus und der Konstitution des bleibenden Charakters,VABB-4,105,118,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:406301,,Transcendental Phenomenology?,VABB-4,115,133,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406304,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406305,,Husserl's Hermeneutical Phenomenology of the Life-World as Culture Reconsidered,VABB-4,133,154,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406308,,La réduction phénoménologique (da capo),VABB-1,33,44,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:406309,,De Terreur van het schrijven,VABB-1,75,95,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406310,,New Approaches to Neo-Kantianism,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406311,,The Gift of Eternity,VABB-4,161,180,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406315,,Van Sade tot sadisme: De vele levens van de goddelijke markies de Sade,VABB-1,5,11,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406316,,The enjoyment of pure reasoning: Gilles Deleuze on Marquis de Sade,VABB-1,191,206,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406317,,"Medicine and Society, New Perspectives in Continental Philosophy",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406318,,The Deformalization of Time,VABB-4,69,80,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406321,,Gilles Deleuze on Sacher-Masoch and Sade. A Bergsonian Criticism of Freudian Psychoanalysis,VABB-1,153,184,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406322,,"Memory in Continental Philosophy: Metaphor, Concept, Thinking",VABB-4,228,274,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406323,,Public Egos: constructing a Sartrean theory of (inter)personal relations,VABB-1,273,296,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406324,,Transcendental Philosophy and the Problem of Necessity in a Contingent World,VABB-1,47,80,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406328,,Sense and Life: Merleau-Ponty's Philosophy of Nature and Evolutionary Biology,VABB-1,137,163,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406329,,The Inhuman Core of Human Dignity. Levinas and Beyond,VABB-4,28,45,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406332,,Heimkehr. « Description de l'aberration d'une espèce »,VABB-1,175,188,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:406333,,Husserls Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung. Vom Tasten und Hauterleben,VABB-1,19,36,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:406335,,Brothers in Arms: Fraternity-Terror in Sartre’s Social Ontology,VABB-4,313,326,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406336,,"El despertar al lenguaje de Husserl: La fenomenología, una «filosofía menor»",VABB-1,37,48,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:406338,,Élan Vital Revisited: Bergson and the Thermodynamic Paradigm,VABB-1,54,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406339,,"The Subject of Enhancement: Augmented Capacities, Extended Cognition, and Delicate Ecologies of the Mind",VABB-1,5,19,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406341,,"Roland Barthes, lecteur de Sade. Érotisme, société et modernité",VABB-1,223,237,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:406345,,"The Risk of Freedom: Ethics, Phenomenology and Politics in Jan Patočka",VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406346,,Feelings as the Motor of Perception”? The Essential Role of Interest for Intentionality,VABB-1,45,64,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406347,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406348,,Working towards integrated community care for older people: Empowering organisational features from a professional perspective,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406351,,Explaining Female Migration and Integration Patterns: A Transversal analysis,VABB-4,207,234,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406352,,Diversiteit als gevolg van innovatoe en tyraditie. De case van huwelijksmigratie in Turkse en sikhgemeenschappen in België,VABB-4,213,232,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406353,,New Dynamics in Female Migration and Integration,VABB-3,,,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:406356,,Conclusion,VABB-4,235,243,,lat,2015,2 c:vabb:406358,,International handbook of interpretation in educational research,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406359,,Afterword,VABB-4,1499,1512,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406361,,Schools in the making. Mapping digital spaces of evidence,VABB-1,617,639,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406363,,Introduction,VABB-4,1213,1218,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406368,,On (philosophical) suffering and not knowing one's way about (yet) in educational philosophy. Reply to Christiane Thompson,VABB-1,17,22,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406373,,Interculturalisering in de jeugdhulpverlening,VABB-4,261,291,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406374,,Experimentum Scholae: Die Welt noch einmal ... aber (noch) unbestimmt,VABB-4,273,280,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:406381,,"'If we can't do it, our children will do it one day': A qualitative study of West-African immigrant parents' losses and educational aspirations for their children",VABB-1,275,305,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406382,,Education in times of fast learning: the future of the school,VABB-1,84,95,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406383,,Governing education without reform: The power of the example,VABB-1,712,731,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406387,,Education policy from the perspective of governmentality,VABB-4,1165,1188,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406388,,General introduction,VABB-4,17,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406389,,Solidariteit onder aan de woningmarkt. Professionals tussen inpassing en transformatie,VABB-1,18,44,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406390,,What is yet to come? Three propositions on the future of educational research as a common good,VABB-1,44,48,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406391,,Scholen in de meertalige stad. Niet elke taal is gelijk,VABB-4,67,74,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406394,,Etnische ongelijkheid in het onderwijs,VABB-4,231,249,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406395,,"Infants, childhood and language in Agamben and Cavell: education as transformation",VABB-1,292,304,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406396,,"Burgerschap als praktijk. Solidariteit op een globale, superdiverse werkvloer",VABB-1,45,68,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406397,,Cartographies on Research on Adult Education and Learning,VABB-1,97,102,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406399,,Building sustainable urban communities,VABB-4,145,165,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406401,,The five million hectare reforestation programme in Vietnam - Lessons and policy implications,VABB-1,40,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406402,,Impact of Globalisation on Higher Education Curriculum Restructuring in India. Comparing the trends in Kerala and Tamil Nadu,VABB-1,553,572,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406403,,De zin in een parade: Omgaan met diversiteit in de ateliers van Zinneke Parade,VABB-1,357,370,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:406405,,"Enhancing the development of Chinese fifth-graders’ problem-posing and problem-solving abilities, beliefs, and attitudes: A design experiment",VABB-4,309,329,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406407,,In search for the natural number bias in secondary school students’ interpretation of the effect of arithmetical operations,VABB-1,30,38,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406410,,Describing and studying domain-specific serious games,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406411,,Does a structured methodology support pre-service teachers more to reflect critically than an unstructured?,VABB-1,609,622,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406412,,Effects of numerical surface form in arithmetic word problems,VABB-1,265,281,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406413,,Instructional psychology,VABB-4,201,204,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406414,,Effectiveness of critical thinking instruction in higher education: A systematic review of intervention studies,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406415,,Cognitive dissonance as an instructional tool for understanding chemical representations,VABB-1,684,695,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406416,,Inappropriately applying natural number properties in rational number tasks: Characterizing the development of the natural number bias through primary and secondary education,VABB-1,39,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406421,,The relationship between children’s familiarity with numbers and their performance in bounded and unbounded number line estimations,VABB-1,136,154,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406424,,Describing and studying domain-specific serious games: introduction,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406425,,"Students’ understanding of proportional, inverse proportional, and affine functions: two studies on the role of external representations",VABB-1,47,69,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406426,,"Do students attend to representational illustrations of non-standard mathematical word problems, and, if so, how helpful are they?",VABB-1,147,171,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406427,,The linear imperative: Why students overuse linearity,VABB-4,93,105,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406428,,The intuitiveness of the law of large numbers,VABB-1,783,792,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406429,,Children’s use of number line estimation strategies,VABB-1,117,134,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406430,,The multiple effects of combined tools in computer-based learning environments,VABB-1,82,95,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406432,,The Belgian journal Mathematica & Paedagogia (1953-1974): A forum for the national and international scene in mathematics education,VABB-5,723,734,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406433,,Mathematics-related beliefs of Ecuadorian students of grades 8–10,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406436,,Time for action! ICT integration in formal education: Key findings from a region-wide follow-up monitor,VABB-1,40,50,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406437,,Evaluation of universities in Western Europe: From quality assessment to accreditation,VABB-1,36,57,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406438,,"Inhibitory control in mathematical thinking, learning and problem solving: a survey",VABB-1,713,721,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406439,,The inappropriate application of natural number properties in rational number tasks: Characterizing the development through primary and secondary education,VABB-5,273,282,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406440,,Bridging the gap: Fraction understanding is central to mathematics achievement in students from three different continents,VABB-1,5,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406441,,Systematic design of a learning environment for domain-specific and domain-general critical thinking skills,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406443,,4C/ID in Medical Education: How to design an educational program based on whole-task learning: AMEE Guide No 93,VABB-1,4,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406445,,Modern mathematics at the 1959 OEEC Seminar at Royaumont,VABB-5,151,168,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406446,,Unravelling the gap between natural and rational numbers,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406448,,Improving the representational strategies of children in a music-listening and playing task: An intervention-based study,VABB-1,77,92,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406449,,Who can escape the natural number bias in rational number tasks? A study involving students and experts,VABB-1,x,xx,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406450,,Mathematics word problems illustrated: An analysis of Flemish mathematics textbooks,VABB-1,17,42,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406451,,The Role of Surprising Events in a Math-Game on Proportional Reasoning,VABB-5,613,620,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406452,,"Identificatie van strategiegebruik bij rekenen via niet-verbale methoden: mogelijkheden, beperkingen en inhoudelijke bevindingen. Een inleiding",VABB-1,2,8,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406455,,"Creativity as a history of the present in Belgian education: from ""new and appropriate"" to ""entrepreneurship"" (1950-2013)",VABB-1,74,97,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406459,,Philosophy at Work in the Study of Parenting and Parenting Support in Flanders,VABB-4,1189,1209,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406466,,Education for sustainable development in Flanders: the UN Decade and beyond,VABB-4,279,291,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406469,,"World Congress for Existential Therapy ‘Freedom, Responsibility and the Meaning of Being’",VABB-1,248,253,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406470,,Dynamische Interpersoonlijke Therapie,VABB-1,264,273,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406471,,The self in depression,VABB-4,71,81,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406474,,The relationship between non-suicidal self-injury and the UPPS-P impulsivity facets in eating disorders and healthy controls,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406475,,"A hierarchical multiple-level approach to the assessment of interpersonal relatedness and self-definition: Implications for research, clinical practice, and DSM planning",VABB-1,5,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406476,,Reactive and regulative temperament in patients with compulsive buying and non-clinical controls measured by self-report and performance-based tasks,VABB-1,1505,1512,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406477,,De gezondheidszorgpsycholoog in Vlaanderen: nog veraf of al dichterbij?De gezondheidszorgpsycholoog in Vlaanderen: nog veraf of al dichterbij?,VABB-1,175,184,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406478,,Qu’est-ce Qui Détermine l’Efficacité d’une Psychothérapie? Brève Mise à Jour Scientifique,VABB-1,237,242,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:406479,,The association between family functioning and NSSI in adolescence: the mediating role of depressive symptoms,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406480,,"Development and User Satisfaction of ‘‘Plan-It Commander,’’ a Serious Game for Children with ADHD",VABB-1,502,512,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406484,,Moderation and mediation of treatment outcomes for children with ADHD,VABB-4,123,145,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406485,,"Post-processing, is it a burden or a blessing? Part 1: Evaluation of clinical image quality Radiography",VABB-1,e1,e4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406489,,Posttraumatic growth in sex offenders: A pilot study with mixed-method design,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:406490,,"Suïcidale patiënten op de psychiatrische spoedgevallendienst: Epidemiologische, psychiatrische en psychosociale perspectieven",VABB-1,199,213,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406491,,Temporal associations between disordered eating and nonsuicidal self-injury: Examining symptom overlap over one year,VABB-1,125,138,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406492,,Investigating the Association between Parental Reflective Functioning and Distress Tolerance in Motherhood,VABB-1,54,63,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406493,,Self-Critical Perfectionism Predicts Lower Cortisol Response to Experimental Stress in Patients With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,VABB-1,298,307,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406495,,Epistemic Petrification and the Restoration of Epistemic Trust: A New Conceptualization of Borderline Personality Disorder and Its Psychosocial Treatment,VABB-1,575,609,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406496,,"Non-suicidal self-injury among Dutch and Belgian adolescents: Personality, stress and coping",VABB-1,743,749,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406497,,Intergenerational Transmission of Attachment in Abused and Neglected Mothers: The Role of Trauma-Specific Reflective Functioning,VABB-1,200,212,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406500,,Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Eating Disorders: Dimensions of Self-Harm,VABB-4,3,18,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:406501,,ESCAP expert article: Borderline personality disorder in adolescence: An expert research review with implications for clinical practice,VABB-1,1307,1320,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406502,,Contextual representations of negative images modulate intrusion frequency in an intrusion provocation paradigm,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406504,,Intelligence is in the Eye of the Beholder: Investigating Repeated IQ Measurements in Forensic Psychiatry,VABB-1,182,192,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406505,,Prevalence and diagnostic validity of motivational impairments and deficits in visuospatial short-term memory and working memory in ADHD subtypes,VABB-1,575,590,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406508,,Hospitalization-based psychodynamic treatment for patients with personality disorders: Five-year follow-up,VABB-1,381,402,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406512,,"Non-suicidal self-injury in trans people: Associations with psychological symptoms, victimization, interpersonal functioning and perceived social support",VABB-1,168,179,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406513,,"Post-processing, is it a burden or a blessing? Part 2: CNR Saturation as a new hypothesis",VABB-1,e5,e8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406514,,Is Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Related to Impulsivity in Anorexia Nervosa?: Results from Self-Report and Performance-based Tasks,VABB-1,28,33,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406515,,"Clinical, psychopathological and personality characteristics associated with ADHD among individuals seeking treatment for gambling disorder",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406516,,Cliëntgerichte psychotherapie: update van een veelzijdige experiëntiële benadering,VABB-1,98,113,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406518,,Wanneer vriendschap maar niet lukt...Over intermenselijke erkenning in de context van transgenerationeel trauma,VABB-1,181,196,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406520,,Persistente somatische klachten: Nieuwe inzichten vanuit dialoog met de neurowetenschappen,VABB-1,266,276,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:406523,,Huisarts versus psychiater bij depressieve klachten,VABB-1,126,129,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406524,,Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Eating Disorders,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406525,,Ontdekken ‘how the mind works’. De reis van een patiënt binnen mentalization-based treatment [Discovering ‘how the mind works’. The journey of a patient in mentalization-based treatment],VABB-1,253,270,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406526,,Psychodynamic treatment for borderline personality disorder and mood disorders: A mentalizing perspective,VABB-4,223,251,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406527,,Translation: Mentalizing as treatment target in Borderline Personality Disorder,VABB-1,380,392,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406528,,Improving Executive Functioning in Children with ADHD: Training Multiple Executive Functions within the Context of a Computer Game. A randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406529,,Temperament and risk for exercise dependence: Results of a pilot study in female patients with eating disorders compared to elite athletes,VABB-1,264,269,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406530,,Psychometrische kwaliteiten van de Hospital Ethical Climate Survey: Een cross-sectionele studie bij Belgische psychiatrische verpleegkundigen. [Psychometric properties of the Hospital Ethical Climate Survey: A cross-sectional study in Belgian psychiatric nurses],VABB-1,778,787,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406532,,Alexithymie bij fibromyalgie: meetinstrumenten. Argumenten voor een multimodale benadering? [Alexithymia in fibromyalgia: Measurement instruments. Arguments for a multimodal approach?],VABB-1,343,351,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406534,,The Role of Forgiveness in Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia,VABB-4,123,137,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406536,,Clinicians' Attitudes Towards Outcome and Process Monitoring: A Validation of the Outcome Measurement Questionnaire,VABB-1,634,641,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406537,,Psychodynamic therapy meets evidence-based medicine: A systematic review using update criteria,VABB-1,648,660,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406538,,ADHD Subtype Differences in Reinforcement Sensitivity and Visuospatial Working Memory,VABB-1,859,874,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406539,,Two Novel CBTs for Adolescents with ADHD: The Value of Planning Skills,VABB-1,1075,1090,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406540,,The Role of Perfectionism in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,VABB-4,101,118,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406542,,The prenatal parental reflective functioning questionnaire: Exploring factor structure and construct validity of a new measure in the Finn Brain Birth Cohort pilot study,VABB-1,399,414,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406544,,The neurobiology of mentalizing,VABB-1,366,379,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406545,,"La psychologie clinique et l’exercice de la psychothérapie et du counseling en Belgique : vers une articulation pratique-recherche permettant des soins de santé mentale accessibles, éthiques et efficaces",VABB-1,255,261,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:406546,,Wat cliënten ons vertellen over psychotherapie: Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar veranderingen en veranderingsmechanismen,VABB-1,23,44,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406547,,A Nationally Representative Study of Emotional Competence and Health,VABB-1,653,667,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406548,,Validation of the German version of the Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief (BSHS-B),VABB-1,1333,1339,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406549,,Insecure attachment strategies are associated with cognitive alexithymia in patients with severe somatoform disorders,VABB-1,264,278,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406551,,Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen in de DSM-5,VABB-1,278,288,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406553,,Temperament and personality in bariatric surgery. Resisting temptations?,VABB-1,435,441,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406554,,The self in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,VABB-4,190,200,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406558,,Different answers to different questions. Exploring clinical decision making by general practitioners and psychiatrists about depressed patients,VABB-1,425,430,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406560,,The self beyond somatic symptoms: A narrative approach to self-experience in adolescent Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,VABB-1,278,286,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406562,,Psychotherapy and psychotherapy research: Quo vadis?,VABB-1,338,345,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406563,,Release of Potentially Toxic Elements From Industrial Sludge: Implications for Land Disposal,VABB-1,1327,1337,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406564,,"Insights into solid phase characteristics and release of heavy metals and arsenic from industrial sludge via combined chemical, mineralogical, and microanalysis",VABB-1,2205,2218,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406565,,Solid-phase characterization of blasted copper slag in relation to the potential release of toxic elements,VABB-5,155,159,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406567,,Potential of inorganic polymers (geopolymers) made of halloysite and volcanic glass for the immobilisation of tailings from gold extraction in Ecuador,VABB-1,95,106,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406569,,Multi-level statistical soil profiles for assessing regional soil organic carbon stocks,VABB-1,12,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406570,,Assisting Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Policy Planning with the Sim4Tree Decision Support System,VABB-1,859,878,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406572,,Peculiarities of Sponsorship in Professional Road Cycling,VABB-4,83,98,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406573,,Buying groceries in brick and click stores: category allocation decisions and the moderating effect of online buying experience,VABB-1,63,78,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406574,,The future of professional road cycling,VABB-4,313,341,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406575,,Growth in virologically suppressed HIV positive children on antiretroviral therapy: individual and population-level references,VABB-1,e254,e259,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406576,,Paradoxes in Professional Road Cycling: a Plea for a New Cycling Industry,VABB-4,121,128,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406577,,Reproducible Computing,VABB-4,6583,6591,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406581,,"sports, Economics of",VABB-4,318,323,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406582,,Measuring the Value Created by Design: A Qualitative Study Generating a Comprehensive Overview,VABB-1,129,160,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406583,,Do technology leaders deter inward R&D investments? Evidence from regional R&D location decisions in Europe,VABB-1,1805,1821,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406586,,Sports economics,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406588,,Relational Capital and Individual Exploration: Unravelling the influence of goal alignment and knowledge acquisition,VABB-1,809,829,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406589,,N.L. Obolenskii: Tolstoy’s Son-in-Law in Belgian Exile,VABB-1,55,63,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406595,,Lectal constraining of lexical collocations. How a word's company is influenced by the usage settings,VABB-1,1,46,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406596,,Monitoring Polysemy: Word Space Models as a Tool for Large-Scale Lexical Semantic Analysis,VABB-1,153,172,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406597,,Wat dragen we vandaag: een hemd met blazer of een shirt met jasje?,VABB-1,307,342,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406598,,Change of Paradigms – New Paradoxes: Recontextualizing Language and Linguistics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406599,,Handbook of Terminology,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406600,,The time factor as an associative concept relation in modelling post-liver transplant management complications,VABB-5,107,114,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406601,,Terminology and Standardization: ISO/TC 37,VABB-1,4,39,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406604,,Het zoeken naar passende aanspreekvormen,VABB-1,46,49,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406607,,Learning academic formulaic sequences,VABB-1,28,39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406608,,Enhancing vocabulary learning through captioned video: An eye-tracking study,VABB-1,308,328,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406609,,How advanced students approach intentional vocabulary study,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406610,,Associative relations and instrumentality in causality,VABB-4,99,125,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406612,,Semi-automatic Hand Detection: A case study on real life mobile eye-tracker data,VABB-5,121,129,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406614,,Negations and negativity as linguistic devices in policy discourse of Intercultural Cities,VABB-1,332,348,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406617,,Multimodalität in der Konstruktionsgrammatik: Eine kritische Betrachtung illustriert anhand einer Gestikanalyse der Partikel 'einfach' (accepted),VABB-4,291,308,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:406618,,"Automatic analysis of in-the-wild mobile eye-tracking experiments using object, face and person detection",VABB-5,625,633,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406620,,InSight interaction: A multimodal and multifocal dialogue corpus,VABB-1,195,214,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406622,,"""Vous voulez m'embrasser?"": Impolitesse et ""face-work"" en interprétation judiciaire",VABB-1,33,56,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:406624,,The cooperation between the Waterway Police and legal interpreters in the legal district of Antwerp: a qualitative study on best practices,VABB-1,195,216,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406625,,Development of reliable evaluation tools in legal interpreting: a test case,VABB-1,103,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406628,,Co-Minor-IN/QUEST: Improving interpreter-mediated Pre-Trial Interviews with Minors,VABB-1,57,76,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406630,,Contextualized Ethics in Interpreter-Mediated Police Questioning and Awareness Raising through Joint Training,VABB-1,40,74,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406631,,Implementig Findings from Interpreter Education Research: The Asylum Crisis in Europe and the Case of Belgium,VABB-1,64,67,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406632,,Pathos dans le prétoire. Une analyse rhétorique d'un monologue interprété,VABB-1,56,70,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:406633,,Tap Interpreting: from practice to norm. A Belgian case study,VABB-1,11,49,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406634,,Court interpreting and classical rhetoric: Ethos in interpreter-mediated monological discourse,VABB-1,64,90,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406635,,De Bijbel in de Lage Landen. Elf eeuwen van vertalen. Deel IV: Negentiende en twintigste eeuw tot 1945. Tijdskader (accepted),VABB-4,492,516,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406636,,De Bijbel in de Lage Landen. Elf eeuwen van vertalen,VABB-3,,,980 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406637,,"Le mot ‘saranne’ dans la Relation abrégée du voyage de La Pérouse, pendant les années 1785, 1786, 1787 et 1788",VABB-1,109,121,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:406638,,Il cinema di Marco Tullio Giordana: interventi critici,VABB-3,,,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:406639,,Aanvlijend vertalen. Theodor W. Adorno's Negative Dialektik in Nederlandse vertaling,VABB-1,33,42,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406640,,Algemene inleiding,VABB-4,21,30,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406641,,"Exiled Childhood. Framing Traumas in Cristina Comencini’s ""Don’t Tell""",VABB-1,937,950,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406642,,De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (2004),VABB-4,792,836,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406643,,Marco Tullio Giordana e l'impegno: l'espressione narrativa come atto di 'parrhesia',VABB-4,279,296,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:406644,,De protestantse bijbelvertalingen in de negentiende eeuw (accepted),VABB-4,577,633,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406645,,"De romance filosófico a filme romântico: a adaptação de ""Nachtzug nach Lissabon"" de Pascal Mercier",VABB-5,159,167,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406646,,Measuring relationships in Translation Studies. On affiliations and keyword frequencies in the 'Translation Studies Bibliography',VABB-1,305,319,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406648,,Bibliometric studies,VABB-4,168,177,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406649,,Spaanse franciscanen in de Nederlanden,VABB-1,311,352,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406650,,De katholieke bijbelvertalingen in de negentiende en het begin van de twintigste eeuw (accepted),VABB-4,517,576,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406651,,"Die Rose, de Brabantse vertaling van de Roman de la Rose",VABB-1,139,165,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406652,,Augusto Monterroso: From Culture Clash to Real Encounter,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406654,,"Marco Tullio Giordana: uno sguardo tra passato e presente, su vicende politiche, personali e collettive",VABB-4,9,26,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:406655,,'Para Augusto con un abrazo de Miguel'. El maravilloso mundo de las dedicatorias en la biblioteca de Monterroso,VABB-4,113,138,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:406656,,"Beasts, Goblins, and Other Chameleontic Creatures: Anna Maria Ortese's ""Real Children of the Universe"" (accepted)",VABB-4,295,322,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406657,,Shifting Metadiscourse: Looking for Diachrony in the Abstract Genre,VABB-4,271,286,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406662,,Narrazioni televisive dei lavoratori italiani nel mondo,VABB-4,95,106,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:406663,,Een ethiek van de vertaling,VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406664,,Ethiek van de vertaling/De verre herberg,VABB-4,7,18,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406666,,The number of patients simultaneously present at the emergency department as an indicator of unsafe waiting times: A receiver operated curve-based evaluation,VABB-1,185,189,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406667,,Short-term unscheduled return visits of adult patients to the emergency department,VABB-1,131,139,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406668,,Emergency Department Crowding in Relation to In-Hospital Adverse Medical Events: A Large Prospective Observational Cohort Study,VABB-1,949,961,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406670,,Admission hyperglycaemia is associated with higher mortality in patients with a hip fracture,VABB-1,99,102,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406671,,Evaluating implementation of the emergency severity index in a Belgian hospital,VABB-1,592,597,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406672,,Characteristics of older adults admitted to the emergency department (ED) and their risk factors for ED readmission based on comprehensive geriatric assessment: a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406673,,"Dutch senior medical students and disaster medicine, a national survey",VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406674,,Belgian modified classification of Maastricht for donors after circulatory death,VABB-1,3138,3142,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406675,,Gedwongen psychiatrische opname: geassocieerde factoren,VABB-1,662,671,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406678,,The emergency medical system,VABB-4,47,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406679,,A general practice perspective on early rheumatoid arthritis management: A qualitative study from Flanders,VABB-1,231,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406680,,Work environment issues and intention-to-leave in Portuguese nurses: A cross-sectional study,VABB-1,1584,92,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406681,,Recruitment and retention of health professionals acrossEurope: A literature review and multiple case study research,VABB-1,1517,1528,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406682,,Varicella-zoster virus vaccination under the exogenous boosting hypothesis: Two ethical perspectives,VABB-1,7175,7178,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406683,,Medication review by a clinical pharmacist at the transfer point from ICU to ward: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,578,583,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406687,,The use of continuous treatment versus placebo or intermittent treatment strategies in stabilized patients with schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials with first and second-generation antipsychotics,VABB-1,637,658,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406688,,Examination of the population attributable risk of different risk factor domains for suicidal thoughts and behaviors,VABB-1,66,72,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406689,,Organizing and delivering treatment,VABB-4,75,88,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406690,,Pediatric-Onset and Adult-Onset Separation Anxiety Disorder Across Countries in the World Mental Health Survey,VABB-1,647,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406693,,Relapse and long-term cognitive performance after brief pulse or ultrabrief pulse right unilateral electroconvulsive therapy: a multicenter naturalistic follow up,VABB-1,137,144,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406694,,3-dimensional Analysis of Regenerative Endodontic Treatment Outcome,VABB-1,317,324,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406695,,Common neural correlates of emotion perception in humans,VABB-1,4184,4201,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406696,,Bewegingsstoornissen door antidepressiva en stemmingsstabilisatoren: een literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,132,137,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406697,,Evidence that the presence of psychosis in non-psychotic disorder is environment-dependent and mediated by severity of non-psychotic psychopathology,VABB-1,2389,2401,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406699,,Treatment and outcomes for patients with depression who are partial responders to SSRI treatment: post-hoc analysis findings from the FINDER European observational study,VABB-1,149,56,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406700,,Genetic pleiotropy between multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia but not bipolar disorder: differential involvement of immune-related gene loci,VABB-1,207,214,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406702,,Psychotic Experiences in the General Population: A Cross-National Analysis Based on 31 261 Respondents From 18 Countries,VABB-1,697,705,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406703,,Default mode network connectivity as a function of familial and environmental risk for psychotic disorder,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406704,,Reply,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:406705,,Emerging drugs and indications for cardio-metabolic disorders in people with severe mental illness,VABB-1,3317,3324,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406708,,Improving practice in electroconvulsive therapy: a nationwide survey in Belgium,VABB-1,29,32,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406709,,Pathological crying associated with fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome,VABB-1,E21,2,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406710,,"The Facial Expressive Action Stimulus Test. A test battery for the assessment of face memory, face and object perception, configuration processing and facial expression recognition",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406711,,Etiopathogenetische modellen en mechanismen van katatonie,VABB-1,99,103,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406712,,Suicidal thoughts and reasons for living in hospitalized patients with severe depression: post-hoc analyses of a double-blind randomized trial of duloxetine,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406714,,Attitudes of psychiatric nurses about the request for euthanasia on the basis of unbearable mental suffering (UMS),VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406715,,Alcohol abuse in developed and developing countries in the World Mental Health Surveys: Socially defined consequences or psychiatric disorder?,VABB-1,145,55,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406717,,Prosopagnosia,VABB-4,250,255,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406718,,"DSM-5 and ICD-11 definitions of posttraumatic stress disorder: investigating ""narrow"" and ""broad"" approaches",VABB-1,494,505,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406719,,"Second-generation and newly approved antipsychotics, serum prolactin levels and sexual dysfunctions: a critical literature review",VABB-1,605,624,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406720,,Proportion of patients without mental disorders being treated in mental health services worldwide,VABB-1,101,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406721,,Efficacy of tranylcypromine in bipolar depression: A systematic review. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology,VABB-1,700,705,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406722,,"Effects of antipsychotics, antidepressants and mood stabilizers on risk for physical diseases in people with schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder",VABB-1,119,136,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406723,,Epigenetic Genes and Emotional Reactivity to Daily Life Events: A Multi-Step Gene-Environment Interaction Study,VABB-1,e100935,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406724,,The epidemiology of ADHD in first-year university students,VABB-1,635,644,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406725,,Cumulative traumas and risk thresholds: 12-month PTSD in the World Mental Health (WMH) surveys,VABB-1,130,42,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406727,,ADHD and Hyperkinetic Disorder,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406729,,"Gebruik van elektroconvulsietherapie bij medicatieresistentie, ernstige depressie",VABB-1,339,342,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406730,,"Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and subsequent non-fatal, self-reported stroke",VABB-1,130,136,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:406733,,"Suicidality and its relationship with depression, alcohol disorders and childhood experiences of violence: results from the ESEMeD study",VABB-1,168,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406734,,Efficacy and safety of aripiprazole once-monthly in obese and nonobese patients with schizophrenia: a post hoc analysis,VABB-1,1299,1306,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406741,,The associations between pre-existing mental disorders and subsequent onset of chronic headaches: A worldwide epidemiological perspective,VABB-1,42,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406742,,Maintenance ECT in severe bipolar disorder: A retrospective chart review,VABB-1,23,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406743,,Relationship of suicide rates to economic variables in Europe: 2000-2011,VABB-1,486,96,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406745,,Mechanismen van katatonie,VABB-1,99,103,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406746,,Associations between DSM-IV mental disorders and subsequent COPD diagnosis,VABB-1,333,9,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:406748,,Personality traits predict brain activation and connectivity when witnessing a violent conflict,VABB-1,13779,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406749,,Response to 'More Data on Speed of Remission with ECT in the Elderly Depressed',VABB-1,167,168,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406751,,DNA methylation analysis of Homeobox genes implicates HOXB7 hypomethylation as risk factor for neural tube defects,VABB-1,92,101,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406752,,DNA Methylation in Imprinted Genes IGF2 and GNASXL is Associated with Prenatal Maternal Stress,VABB-1,573,82,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406753,,Body Recognition in a Patient with Bilateral Primary Visual Cortex Lesions,VABB-1,e31,3,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406754,,How well can post-traumatic stress disorder be predicted from pre-trauma risk factors? An exploratory study in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,265,74,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406757,,"Psychopathological mechanisms linking childhood traumatic experiences to risk of psychotic symptoms: analysis of a large, representative population-based sample",VABB-1,S123,30,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406758,,Are gender and life attitudes associated with the wish to die in older psychiatric and somatic inpatients? An explorative study,VABB-1,1693,702,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406760,,Do advanced statistical techniques really help in the diagnosis of the Metabolic Syndrome in patients treated with second-generation anti-psychotics?,VABB-1,1292,1299,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406762,,Voorspellen psychomotorische symptomen de behandelrespons bij depressieve stoornissen?,VABB-1,83,88,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406763,,Speed of remission in elderly patients with depression: electroconvulsive therapy versus medication,VABB-1,67,71,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406764,,Visual imagery influences brain responses to visual stimulation in bilateral cortical blindness,VABB-1,15,26,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406767,,Subthreshold posttraumatic stress disorder in the world health organization world mental health surveys,VABB-1,375,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406768,,The Epidemiology of Major Depressive Episode in the Iraqi General Population,VABB-1,e0131937,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406770,,A systematic review on the innervation of peri-implant tissues with special emphasis on the influence of implant placement and loading protocols,VABB-1,737,746,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406771,,Two Phase III randomised double-blind studies of fixed-dose TC-5214 (dexmecamylamine) adjunct to ongoing antidepressant therapy in patients with major depressive disorder and an inadequate response to prior antidepressant therapy,VABB-1,483,501,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406773,,Pooled analysis of adjunct extended-release quetiapine fumarate in patients with major depressive disorder according to ongoing SSRI or SNRI treatment,VABB-1,16,25,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406774,,Gray matter volume increase following electroconvulsive therapy in late life depression. A longitudinal MRI study,VABB-1,105,114,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:406775,,Older age is associated with rapid remission of depression after electroconvulsive therapy: a Latent Class Growth Analysis,VABB-1,274,282,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406776,,Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and DNA Hypomethylation of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene Promoter 1F Region: Associations With Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Hypofunction and Childhood Trauma,VABB-1,853,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406777,,3 generation pedigree with paternal transmission of the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: intrafamilial phenotypic variability,VABB-1,244,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406778,,Absence of N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptor IgG autoantibodies in schizophrenia: the importance of cross-validation,VABB-1,731,733,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406779,,Artefact expression associated with several cone-beam computed tomographic machines when imaging root filled teeth,VABB-1,994,1000,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406780,,Een geïntegreerd psychoanalytisch model in het licht van enkele neurowetenschappelijke bevindingen,VABB-1,3,11,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406783,,Anxious and non-anxious major depressive disorder in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,210,26,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406785,,Small animal PET imaging of the type 1 cannabinoid receptor in a rodent model for anorexia nervosa,VABB-1,308,321,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406786,,Decompression and paraspinous tension band: a novel treatment method for patients with lumbar spinal stenosis and degenerative spondylolisthesis,VABB-1,S23,32,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406788,,The biomechanical behaviour of the bridging vein–superior sagittal sinus complex with implications for the mechanopathology of acute subdural haematoma,VABB-1,155,165,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406790,,Different patterns of local field potentials from limbic DBS targets in patients with major depressive and obsessive compulsive disorder,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406791,,Vagus nerve stimulation in children with drug-resistant epilepsy: age at implantation and shorter duration of epilepsy as predictors of better efficacy?,VABB-1,308,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406792,,Structural and mechanical characterisation of bridging veins: A review,VABB-1,222,240,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406793,,Re-irradiation or re-operation followed by dendritic cell,VABB-1,325,332,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406794,,"Development and validation of a fully GMP-compliant production process of autologous, tumor-lysate pulsed dendritic cells",VABB-1,946,964,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406795,,Wallerian Degeneration of the Superior Cerebellar Peduncle,VABB-1,1206,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406796,,Pituitary tumors contain a side population with tumor stem cell-associated characteristics,VABB-1,481,504,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406797,,Results of endoscopic third ventriculostomy in elderly patients ≥65 years of age,VABB-1,48,54,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406798,,Newcastle disease virotherapy induces long-term survival and tumor-specific immune memory in orthotopic glioma through the induction of immunogenic cell death,VABB-1,E313,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406799,,Minute-by-minute monitoring of autoregulation. Response,VABB-1,1290,1290,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406801,,Atlantoaxial instability in monozygotic twin sisters: degenerative or congenital disease? - Report of 2 cases,VABB-1,459,463,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406803,,Differences in metabolic network modulation between capsulotomy and Deep-Brain stimulation for refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder,VABB-1,951,959,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406804,,The relation between mechanical impact parameters and most frequent bicycle related head injuries,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406805,,Immune Suppression during Oncolotyic Virotherapy for High-Grade Glioma; Yes of No?,VABB-1,203,217,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406806,,Grasping execution and grasping observation activity of single neurons in the macaque anterior intraparietal area,VABB-1,2342,55,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406807,,Visualizing the pressure and time burden of intracranial hypertension in adult and paediatric traumatic brain injury,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406809,,Care and prudence as main directive in clinical research on neurosurgical intervention for schizophrenia,VABB-1,414,414,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406811,,Pressure autoregulation monitoring and cerebral perfusion pressure target recommendation in severe traumatic brain injury patients based on minute-by-minute monitoring data,VABB-1,1451,1457,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406812,,Prenatal Diagnosis and Patient Preferences in Patients with Neural Tube Defects around the Advent of Fetal Surgery in Belgium and Holland,VABB-1,226,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406813,,An investigation into the use and limitations of different spatial integration schemes and finite element software in head impact analyses,VABB-1,405,415,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406816,,Desmoid tumors in neurosurgery: A review of the literature,VABB-1,78,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406817,,Shape representations in the primate dorsal visual stream,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406820,,Meox2/Tcf15 Heterodimers Program the Heart Capillary Endothelium for Cardiac Fatty Acid Uptake,VABB-1,815,858,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406823,,"Primary brain tumours, meningiomas and brain metastases in pregnancy: Report on 27 cases and review of literature",VABB-1,1462,1472,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406825,,Outcome of 12 antenatally diagnosed fetal arachnoid cysts: Case series and review of the literature,VABB-1,114,121,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406826,,"Consensus on guidelines for stereotactic neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders,",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406828,,Affiliates’ Bank Debt Policy: Does Parent Firm Nationality Matter?,VABB-1,747,776,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406829,,The Impact of Environmental Strengths and Concerns on the Accounting Performance of Firms in the Energy Sector,VABB-4,83,108,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406830,,"Blau syndrome: cross-sectional data from a multicentre study of clinical, radiological and functional outcomes",VABB-1,1008,1016,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406831,,Rho kinase inhibitor AMA0526 improves surgical outcome in a rabbit model of glaucoma filtration surgery,VABB-1,283,297,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406832,,Trabeculectomy With or Without Anterior Chamber Maintainer and Adjustable Sutures,VABB-1,95,100,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406833,,Ophthalmological Findings in 6p Deletion Syndrome,VABB-1,165,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406834,,"ASSOCIATION BETWEEN ANATOMICAL RESOLUTION AND FUNCTIONAL OUTCOMES IN THE MIVI-TRUST STUDIES USING OCRIPLASMIN TO TREAT SYMPTOMATIC VITREOMACULAR ADHESION/VITREOMACULAR TRACTION, INCLUDING WHEN ASSOCIATED WITH MACULAR HOLE",VABB-1,1151,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406835,,Modulation of wound healing in glaucoma surgery,VABB-1,319,340,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406836,,"AMA0076, a novel, locally acting rho kinase inhibitor, potently lowers intraocular pressure in New Zealand white rabbits with minimal hyperemia",VABB-1,1006,1016,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406837,,Choroidal Thickness of the Papillomacular Region in Young Healthy Individuals,VABB-1,97,101,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406839,,Improved efficacy of ocriplasmin for vitreomacular traction release and transient changes in optic disk morphology,VABB-1,1135,1143,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406840,,Non-organic visual loss in children: prospective and retrospective analysis of associated psychosocial problems and stress factors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406841,,"Conradi-Hünermann-Happle Syndrome: A Novel Heterozygous Missense Mutation, c.204G>T (p.W68C)",VABB-1,493,496,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406842,,Oximetry in glaucoma: correlation of metabolic change with structural and functional damage,VABB-1,105,110,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406843,,Inhibition of Rho-Associated Kinase Prevents Pathological Wound Healing and Neovascularization After Corneal Trauma,VABB-1,1120,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406844,,Bevacizumab revisited: its use in different mouse models of ocular pathologies,VABB-1,611,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406845,,Visual field loss in optic disc drusen patients correlates with central retinal artery blood velocity patterns,VABB-1,e286,91,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406846,,The many facets of dacryoadenitis,VABB-1,399,407,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406847,,The survival of an angled extended Jones' tube,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406848,,The Influence of Prior Hyperthyroidism on Euthyroid Graves' Ophthalmopathy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406850,,Early Evolution of the Vitreomacular Interface and Clinical Efficacy After Ocriplasmin Injection for Symptomatic Vitreomacular Adhesion,VABB-1,209,216,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406851,,"The Effect of AMA0428, a Novel and Potent ROCK Inhibitor, in a Model of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration",VABB-1,1335,1348,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406852,,Quasi-3D finite-element method for cylindrically symmetric models with small eccentricities,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406853,,Review on Dynamic Contour Tonometry and Ocular Pulse Amplitude,VABB-1,91,98,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406854,,Comparative study of the ophthalmological examinations in neurofibromatosis type 1. Proposal for a new screening algorithm,VABB-1,415,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406855,,Improvement in Glaucoma Patient Quality of Life by Therapy Switch to Preservative-Free Timolol/Dorzolamide Fixed Combination,VABB-1,166,171,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406856,,Rates of visual field loss before and after trabeculectomy,VABB-1,116,120,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406857,,Correlation Between Peripapillary Choroidal Thickness and Retinal Vessel Oxygen Saturation in Young Healthy Individuals and Glaucoma Patients,VABB-1,3758,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406858,,Relative Efficacy and Safety of Preservative-free Latanoprost (T2345) for the Treatment of Open-Angle Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension: An Adjusted Indirect Comparison Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials,VABB-1,E69,E75,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406860,,"No evidence of locus heterogeneity in familial microcephaly with or without chorioretinopathy, lymphedema, or mental retardation syndrome",VABB-1,52,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406861,,COHORT SAFETY AND EFFICACY STUDY OF SILURON2000 EMULSIFICATION-RESISTANT SILICONE OIL AND F4H5 IN THE TREATMENT OF FULL-THICKNESS MACULAR HOLE,VABB-1,2558,2566,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406862,,Efficacy of Intravitreal Ocriplasmin for Treatment of Vitreomacular Adhesion,VABB-1,117,122,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406864,,Bilateral congenital cataract with suspected lens-induced granulomatous uveitis,VABB-1,492,494,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406866,,Spectral sensitivity measurements reveal partial success in restoring missing rod function with gene therapy,VABB-1,20,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406868,,Higher optic nerve sheath diameters are associated with lower ocular blood flow velocities in glaucoma patients,VABB-1,477,83,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406871,,Complementary effects of bevacizumab and MMC in the improvement of surgical outcome after glaucoma filtration surgery,VABB-1,667,678,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406872,,Nature of the visual loss in observers with Leber's congenital amaurosis caused by mutations in RPE65,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406873,,A new and standardized method to sample and analyse vitreous samples by the Cellient automated cell block system,VABB-1,e388,92,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406875,,The Role of LOX and LOXL2 in the Pathogenesis of an Experimental Model of Choroidal Neovascularization,VABB-1,5280,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406876,,Comment on Oct-based interpretation of the vitreomacular interface and indications for pharmacologic vitreolysis,VABB-1,28,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406877,,A safety evaluation of the intravitreal use of a beta-2 agonist in rabbit eyes,VABB-1,e249,50,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406878,,Long-Term Effect of Gene Therapy on Leber's Congenital Amaurosis,VABB-1,1887,97,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406879,,Ocular pulse amplitude and Doppler waveform analysis in glaucoma patients,VABB-1,e280,5,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406880,,Subretinal tissue plasminogen activator injection to treat submacular haemorrhage during age-related macular degeneration,VABB-1,E497,E498,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406882,,Retinal oxygen metabolism in healthy subjects and glaucoma patients,VABB-1,329,333,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406883,,MMPs in the neuroretina and optic nerve: modulators of glaucoma pathogenesis and repair?,VABB-1,1953,1964,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406884,,Towards axonal regeneration and neuroprotection in glaucoma: Rho kinase inhibitors as promising therapeutics,VABB-1,105,119,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406885,,Ocular perfusion pressure in glaucoma,VABB-1,e252,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406887,,The importance of local eosinophilia in the surgical outcome of chronic rhinosinusitis: a 3-year prospective observational study,VABB-1,260,4,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406888,,Surgery for velopharyngeal insufficiency: The outcomes of the University Hospitals Leuven,VABB-1,2213,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406893,,MCIDAS mutations result in a mucociliary clearance disorder with reduced generation of multiple motile cilia,VABB-1,4418,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406894,,Pressure-Flow Characteristics of Normal and Disordered Esophageal Motor Patterns,VABB-1,690,6.e1,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406895,,Inter-rater reliability and validity of automated impedance manometry analysis and fluoroscopy in dysphagic patients after head and neck cancer radiotherapy,VABB-1,1183,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406896,,Facial characteristics and olfactory dysfunction: two endophenotypes related to nonsyndromic cleft lip and/or palate,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406897,,"Speech perception with F0mod, a cochlear implant pitch coding strategy",VABB-1,424,432,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406900,,Measuring Pragmatic Skills: Early Detection of Infants at Risk for Communication Problems,VABB-1,646,658,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406901,,Automated impedance manometry analysis as a method to assess esophageal function,VABB-1,636,45,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406902,,Amplitude Modulation Detection and Speech Recognition in Late-implanted Prelingually and Postlingually Deafened CI Users,VABB-1,557,566,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406903,,Reduced-bandwith multi-channel Wiener filter based binaural noise reduction and localization cue preservation in binaural hearings aids,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406904,,Loudness of time-varying stimuli with electric stimulation,VABB-1,3513,3519,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406905,,High-resolution manometry combined with impedance measurements discriminates the cause of dysphagia in children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406907,,Development of a Dutch matrix sentence test to assess speech intelligibility in noise,VABB-1,760,763,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406908,,Development and validation of the Leuven Intelligibility Sentence Test with male speaker (LIST-m),VABB-1,55,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406909,,Sound coding in cochlear implants: from electric pulses to hearing,VABB-1,67,80,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406910,,A Model of the Medial Superior Olive Explains Spatiotemporal Features of Local Field Potentials,VABB-1,11705,11722,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406911,,Dysphagia in Children with Esophageal Atresia: Current Diagnostic Options,VABB-1,326,32,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406913,,Secondary cleft rhinoplasty: impact on self-esteem and quality of life,VABB-1,1285,1292,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406914,,Music mixing preferences in cochlear implant recipients : a pilot study,VABB-1,294,301,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406917,,Mammary analogue secretory carcinoma of the sinus ethmoidalis,VABB-1,749,51,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406918,,"The Chicago Classification of esophageal motility disorders, v3.0",VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406919,,Exploring the sensitivity of speech-in-noise tests for noise-induced hearing loss,VABB-1,199,205,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406920,,Congenital sternoclavicular dermoid sinus,VABB-1,65,67,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:406921,,Feeding difficulties in children with food protein induced gastrointestinal allergies,VABB-1,1764,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406922,,Review: Facial endophenotypes in non-syndromic orofacial clefting,VABB-1,173,182,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406923,,"What can we expect of normally-developing children implanted at a young age with respect to their auditory, linguistic and cognitive skills?",VABB-1,171,179,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406924,,Effect of Channel Envelope Synchrony on Interaural Time Difference Sensitivity in Bilateral Cochlear Implant Listeners,VABB-1,199,206,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406925,,Upper gastrointestinal motility: prenatal development and problems in infancy,VABB-1,545,55,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406927,,Primary ciliary dyskinesia and humoral immunodeficiency - Is there a missing link?,VABB-1,931,4,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406928,,Assessing temporal modulation sensitivity using electrically evoked auditory steady state responses,VABB-1,37,45,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406929,,Applying the Chicago Classification criteria of esophageal motility to a pediatric cohort: effects of patient age and size,VABB-1,1333,41,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406930,,Incidence of multiglandular disease in sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406931,,Pierre Robin sequence: Management of respiratory and feeding complications during the first year of life in a tertiary referral centre,VABB-1,1206,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406932,,European position paper on the anatomical terminology of the internal nose and paranasal sinuses,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406933,,"MEIS2 involvement in cardiac development, cleft palate, and intellectual disability",VABB-1,1142,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406934,,A stereo music pre-processing scheme for cochlear implant users,VABB-1,2434,2442,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406936,,A comparative study on speech in noise understanding with a direct acoustic cochlear implant in subjects with severe-to-profound mixed hearing loss,VABB-1,164,74,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406937,,Comparison of Psychophysical and Physical Measurements of Real Ear to Coupler Differences,VABB-1,543,549,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406939,,Loudness adaptation with modulated stimuli,VABB-1,1073,1082,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406940,,Impedance as an adjunct to manometric testing to investigate symptoms of dysphagia: What it has failed to do and what it may tell us in the future,VABB-1,355,66,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406941,,Objective assessment of swallow function in children with suspected aspiration using pharyngeal automated impedance manometry,VABB-1,789,94,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406942,,On speech problems with fixed restorations on implants in the edentulous maxilla: introduction of a novel management concept,VABB-1,e745,e750,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406944,,Diagnostic accuracy of nitric oxide measurements to detect primary ciliary dyskinesia,VABB-1,477,85,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406946,,Nationwide survey on immunotherapy practice by ENT specialists,VABB-1,72,7,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406947,,Genotypic and phenotypic variation in six patients with solitary median maxillary central incisor syndrome,VABB-1,2451,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406948,,The complexity of globus: a multidisciplinary perspective,VABB-1,220,33,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406949,,Otosclerosis: Shift in bone conduction after stapedotomy,VABB-1,183,189,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406950,,Modulation enhancement in the electrical signal improves perception of interaural time differences with bimodal stimulation,VABB-1,633,647,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406953,,Ideal Time-Frequency Masking Algorithms Lead to Different Speech Intelligibility and Quality in Normal-Hearing and Cochlear Implant Listeners,VABB-1,331,341,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406954,,Transient and steady state auditory responses with direct acoustic cochlear stimulation,VABB-1,320,329,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406956,,Swallowing dysfunction in healthy older people using pharyngeal pressure-flow analysis,VABB-1,59,68,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406957,,Pressure flow analysis in the assessment of preswallow pharyngeal bolus presence in Dysphagia,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406958,,Lower extremity muscle activation onset times during the transition from double-leg stance to single-leg stance in anterior cruciate ligament injured subjects,VABB-1,234,245,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406959,,. Individualised cognitive functional therapy compared with a combined exercise and pain education class for patients with non-specific chronic low back pain: study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406961,,Muscle-activation onset times with shoes and foot orthoses in participants with chronic ankle instability,VABB-1,688,696,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406963,,"Dynamic Neuromuscular Control of the Lower Limbs in Response to Unexpected Single-Planar versus Multi-Planar Support Perturbations in Young, Active Adults",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406964,,Pressure reducing capacity of felt: A feasibility study using a new portable system with thin sensors,VABB-1,e11,4,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406965,,Postural stability during the transition from double-leg stance to single-leg stance in anterior cruciate ligament injured subjects,VABB-1,283,289,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406966,,Increased knee muscle strength is associated with decreased activity limitations in established knee osteoarthritis: Two-year follow-up study in the Amsterdam Osteoarthritis cohort,VABB-1,647,654,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406967,,How reliable are knee kinematics and kinetics during side-cutting manoeuvres?,VABB-1,905,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406969,,Does Using a Chair Backrest or Reducing Seated Hip Flexion Influence Trunk Muscle Activity and Discomfort? A Systematic Review,VABB-1,1115,1148,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406970,,Can two-dimensional measured peak sagittal plane excursions during drop vertical jumps help identify three-dimensional measured joint moments?,VABB-1,73,79,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406971,,Bone turnover markers predict hip bone loss in elderly European men: results of the European Male Ageing Study (EMAS),VABB-1,617,27,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406972,,A simplified three-dimensional volume measurement technique in keloid scars: Validity and reliability,VABB-1,1574,1580,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406973,,Swiss ball enhances lumbar multifidus activity in chronic low back pain: A letter to the editor,VABB-1,202,203,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406974,,Endocrine determinants of incident sarcopenia in middle-aged and elderly European men,VABB-1,242,252,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406975,,Postural stability deficits during the transition from double-leg stance to single-leg stance in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed subjects,VABB-1,46,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406976,,Dynamic in-vivo subtalar joint kinematics measured using a skin marker based protocol: a face validity study,VABB-1,357,364,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406977,,Influence of shoes and foot orthoses on lower extremity muscle activation onset times in healthy subjects during the transition from double-leg stance to single-leg stance,VABB-1,16,24,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406978,,Reproducibility of a knee and hip proprioception test in healthy older adults,VABB-1,171,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406981,,Physiotherapists may stigmatise or feel unprepared to treat people with low back pain and psychosocial factors that influence recovery: a systematic review,VABB-1,68,76,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406982,,Letters,VABB-1,E1495,E1497,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:406983,,Cognitive Functional Therapy for Disabling Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain: Multiple Case-Cohort Study,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406984,,Dynamic 3D scanning as a markerless method to calculate multi-segment foot kinematics during stance phase: methodology and first application,VABB-1,2531,2539,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406985,,The reliability and validity of the measurement of lateral trunk motion in two-dimensional video analysis during unipodal functional screening tests in elite female athletes,VABB-1,117,123,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:406986,,Muscle-bone interactions: from experimental models to the clinic? A critical update,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406987,,Centre of pressure or centre of mass feedback in mediolateral balance assessment,VABB-1,539,43,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406988,,Effects of hip abductor muscle fatigue on gait control and hip position sense in healthy older adults,VABB-1,545,549,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406989,,Mediolateral balance and gait stability in older adults,VABB-1,79,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:406993,,Music as Environment: An Ecological and Biosemiotic Approach,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:406994,,Gigue Machine and other gigs: Birtwistle in Europe and beyond,VABB-4,264,292,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406995,,"New Music in Britain"" - with or without Britten? The historical positioning of Benjamin Britten",VABB-1,209,221,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:406998,,"""Alles was dir heilsam ist"". Schoenberg and Bach's Counterpoint",VABB-5,198,213,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:406999,,Instrumentation and Register as Form-Articulating Features in Elliott Carter's Concerto for Orchestra,VABB-1,102,110,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407002,,"Voices, Violence and Meaning: Transformation of speech samples in works by David Byrne, Brian Eno and Steve Reich",VABB-1,210,222,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407009,,Re-writing history. Bernhard Lang’s Monadologie Series (2007-present),VABB-1,36,47,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407010,,Deixis in musical narrative: musical sense-making between discrete particulars and synoptic overview,VABB-1,79,90,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407013,,Journal of the Alamire Foundation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407014,,Journal of the Alamire Foundation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407018,,"Save us from plague, sudden death, and every tribulation. The Antiphon Hec est preclarum vas in the Birgittine Context",VABB-1,101,114,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407020,,Escribir desde el umbral: exilio y literatura en El Canto del peregrino de Angelina Muñiz-Huberman,VABB-1,73,85,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:407024,,How do gerunds conceptualize events? A diachronic study,VABB-1,583,612,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407025,,The development of free adjuncts in English and Dutch,VABB-4,15,50,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407026,,What it means to verbalize: The changing discourse functions of the English gerund,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407028,,Over desemantisering en interne conflicten: de interactie tussen definiete determinanten en speech act gerelateerde referentiële adjectieven in de Nederlandse en Franse nominale groep,VABB-1,37,67,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407030,,Dialogue-based CALL: an overview of existing research,VABB-5,57,64,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407031,,Literatuursignalementen 2013-2014,VABB-1,401,424,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407033,,Strijden op diverse fronten ter redding van het zielenheil. De stichtingen van priester en meester Pieter van Beselare te Ieper uit het begin van de 15de eeuw,VABB-1,1,285,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407036,,Tragisch koningschap,VABB-1,52,65,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:407040,,Utopian Voyages: Robert and Sonia Delaunay’s Mural Schemes for the 1937 Exposition Internationale in Paris,VABB-4,303,319,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:407041,,Introduction: Notes to the Translation Project Yeats Reborn,VABB-4,9,25,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407043,,Yeats Reborn,VABB-3,,,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:407044,,"Review of Pieter Vermeulen. Contemporary Literature and the End of the Novel. Creature, Affect, Form",VABB-1,293,297,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407047,,"Cataluña ante España: Joan Estelrich, E. Giménez Caballero y la politización del escritor",VABB-4,127,144,,spa,2014,2 c:vabb:407049,,Cultural mediators and the circulation of cultural identities in interwar bilingual Belgium. The case of Gaston Pulings (1885-1941),VABB-1,405,436,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407051,,Simultaneous interpreting and working memory capacity,VABB-4,101,126,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407052,,August Willemsen and the Translation of the Brazilian Literature to the Netherlands,VABB-1,123,151,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407055,,The influence of context on the translation of modal particles,VABB-4,2,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407057,,"Time and Emergence in Grammar. Dislocation, Topicalization and Hanging Topic in French Talk-in-Intraction",VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407058,,Zu den französischen Entsprechungen der deutschen Modalpartikeln ja und doch in literarischen Texten,VABB-1,401,423,,ger,2014,1 c:vabb:407059,,"[The development and validation of a standardised transfer sheet for care transitions between residential and acute care settings in Leuven, Belgium]",VABB-1,306,319,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407061,,Should we search for Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in the elderly,VABB-1,609,610,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407062,,Implementation of geriatric assessment-based recommendations in older patients with cancer: A multicentre prospective study,VABB-1,401,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407063,,Attitudes and perceptions of adults of 60 years and older towards in-home monitoring of the activities of daily living with contactless sensors: an explorative study,VABB-1,134,148,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407064,,"Persistence, adherence, and medication-taking behavior in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis receiving denosumab in routine practice in Germany, Austria, Greece, and Belgium: 12-month results from a European non-interventional study",VABB-1,2479,89,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407067,,"Bone demineralisation in a large cohort of Wilson disease patients,",VABB-1,949,956,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407068,,Androgens inhibit the osteogenic response to mechanical loading in adult male mice,VABB-1,1343,53,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407069,,Enobosarm (GTx-024) modulates adult skeletal muscle mass independently of the androgen receptor in the satellite cell lineage,VABB-1,4522,33,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407072,,The androgen receptor has no direct antiresorptive actions in mouse osteoclasts,VABB-1,198,206,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407073,,Pneumococcal lower respiratory tract infections in adults: an observational case-control study in primary care in Belgium,VABB-1,66,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407074,,Low heel ultrasound parameters predict mortality in men: results from the European Male Ageing Study (EMAS),VABB-1,801,807,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407075,,Is there a Future for ONS in Acute Geriatric Wards?,VABB-1,708,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407076,,Associations between Sex Steroids and the Development of Metabolic Syndrome: a Longitudinal Study in European Men,VABB-1,1396,1404,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407077,,Is preoperative state anxiety a risk factor for postoperative delirium among elderly hip fracture patients?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:407079,,Eriugena’s Greek Variant Readings of the Fourth Gospel,VABB-1,69,85,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407080,,More red Ink on the Qumran manuscript 11Q22,VABB-1,29,33,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407083,,"The Background and Contextual Meaning of Ἀπολύτρωσις in Rom 3,24",VABB-4,471,485,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407085,,The Word Δίαιτα in the LXX,VABB-1,48,58,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:407087,,‘Krachtige woorden van hemelse genade’…? Zoeken naar zin in de Judasbrief,VABB-1,243,258,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407090,,Le contre-discours coranique et la construction d’une figure de l’opposant,VABB-4,133,143,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:407093,,"A Face Reflecting Glory 2 Cor 3,18 in its Literary Context (2 Cor 3,1-4,15)",VABB-1,85,112,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407094,,Two Perspectives on Two Apocrypha,VABB-1,25,41,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407095,,Hospitality: A Two-Edged Sword,VABB-4,189,201,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407096,,E. Epistolary Treatise Concerned with Religious Law,VABB-4,344,361,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407097,,Hermas’ Authority in Irenaeus’ Works: A Reassessment,VABB-1,5,31,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407098,,The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Apocrypha,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407099,,Anchoring Revelations in the Authority of Sinai: A Comparison of the Rewritings of ‘Scripture’ in Jubilees and in the ‘P’-stratum of Exodus,VABB-1,471,492,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407100,,La connaissance du lecteur: La narratologie et la linguistique cognitive,VABB-4,117,136,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:407101,,4Q409 (4QLiturgical Work A [4QLiturgy]),VABB-4,542,545,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407102,,Israel's Fate in the Apostolic Fathers. The Case of 1 Clement and the Epistle of Barnabas,VABB-4,237,262,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407104,,Ancient Christian Apocrypha,VABB-1,141,147,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407105,,‘Another Gospel’: Exploring Early Christian Diversity with Paul and the Didache,VABB-4,455,476,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407107,,The Lord's Prayer (Didache 8) at the Faultline of Judaism and Christianity,VABB-4,165,187,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407113,,Understanding What One Reades III. Essays on the Gospels and Paul (2011-2014),VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407114,,Kroniekrecensie: De ‘Bijbel in Gewone Taal’ en andere recente vertalingen van de Bijbel in het Nederlands,VABB-1,437,449,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407117,,The Appearance of Hermas’s Text in Codex Sinaiticus,VABB-4,149,159,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407125,,Hebrew of the Late Second Temple Period: Proceedings of a Sixth International Symposium on the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407126,,Matthew and the Didache: Some Comments on the Comments,VABB-4,409,425,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407127,,Strangers on the Walls: A Note on Paul's Escape from Damascus,VABB-4,657,674,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407128,,The Song of Songs in the Teachings of Jesus and the Development of the Exposition on the Song,VABB-1,429,447,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407129,,Los manuscritos de Qumrán: problemas de taxonomía,VABB-1,455,481,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:407131,,Envisioning the ‘Editions’ of Exodus: Reconstructing the Growth of a Literary Chain of Tradition,VABB-4,363,378,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407132,,Early Christian Communities Between Ideal and Reality,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407133,,The Translation of Πίστις and Its Cognates in the Pauline Epistles,VABB-1,176,189,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407134,,Stones of Contention?! A Critical Evaluation of the Erotic Interpretation of Qoh 3:5a,VABB-1,554,560,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407135,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,13,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407138,,On 'Rotten Stones' and a Couple of Other Marginalia in the Shepherd of Hermas,VABB-4,578,593,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407141,,4Q184 (4QWiles of the Wicked Woman),VABB-4,252,255,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407142,,The Less-Expected Books in Codex Sinaiticus and Alexandrinus,VABB-4,37,47,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407144,,From Glorious Past to Miserable Present: First Clement on the Organisation of the Corinthian Community,VABB-4,51,60,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407145,,Textual Revisions of the Shepherd of Hermas in Codex Sinaiticus,VABB-1,443,470,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407146,,James Baldwin’s Decolonial Love as Religious Orientation,VABB-1,251,278,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407148,,Kinderen Gods. Kinderrechten en kindbeelden in de islam,VABB-1,314,330,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407151,,Onderwijs en de preventie van radicalisering. Conceptuele voorstellen,VABB-1,25,35,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407154,,Neural tuning matches frequency-dependent time differences between the ears,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407155,,Estimation of neural phase locking from stimulus-evoked potentials,VABB-1,767,87,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407156,,Assessment of the Limits of Neural Phase-Locking Using Mass Potentials,VABB-1,2255,2268,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407157,,In vivo coincidence detection in mammalian sound localization generates phase delays,VABB-1,444,452,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407159,,Clinical value of echocardiographic Doppler-derived right ventricular dp/dt in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension,VABB-1,1411,1419,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407160,,Language Model Applications to Spelling with Brain-Computer Interfaces,VABB-1,5967,5993,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407161,,The Retinotopic Organization of Macaque Occipitotemporal Cortex Anterior to V4 and Caudoventral to the Middle Temporal (MT) Cluster,VABB-1,10168,10191,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407163,,Tolerance of macaque middle superior temporal sulcus body patch neurons to shape-preserving stimulus transformations,VABB-1,1001,1016,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407165,,The relation between functional magnetic resonance imaging activations and single-cell selectivity in the macaque intraparietal sulcus,VABB-1,86,100,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407166,,Increased Visual Stimulation Systematically Decreases Activity in Lateral Intermediate Cortex,VABB-1,4009,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407167,,Retinotopy versus Face Selectivity in Macaque Visual Cortex,VABB-1,2691,2700,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407169,,Perceptual learning of simple stimuli modifies stimulus representations in posterior inferior temporal cortex,VABB-1,2187,2200,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407170,,Heterogeneous single unit selectivity in an fMRI-defined body-selective patch,VABB-1,95,111,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407171,,Role of the Primate Ventral Tegmental Area in Reinforcement and Motivation,VABB-1,1347,1353,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407173,,Effective Connectivity of Depth-Structure–Selective Patches in the Lateral Bank of the Macaque Intraparietal Sulcus,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407175,,The transition in the ventral stream from feature to real-world entity representations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407176,,"Functional architecture for disparity in macaque inferior temporal cortex and its relationship to the architecture for faces, color, scenes, and visual field",VABB-1,6952,68,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407178,,Effector specificity in macaque frontal and parietal cortex,VABB-1,3446,3459,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407180,,Approaches for drug delivery with intracortical probes,VABB-1,291,303,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407181,,Monkey Cortex through fMRI Glasses,VABB-1,533,550,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407182,,Choice-related activity in the anterior intraparietal area during three-dimensional-structure categorization,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407183,,Probabilistic and single-subject retinotopic maps reveal the topographic organization of face patches in the macaque cortex,VABB-1,10156,10167,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407184,,Interoperable atlases of the human brain,VABB-1,525,532,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407185,,Sources of adaptation of inferior temporal cortical responses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407186,,Mirrors of the Human: Angels in Iris Murdoch and Karl Ove Knausgård,VABB-1,450,464,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407187,,The Many Facets of Worldwide Ecumenism: Bridge-Building between the Vatican and the World Council of Churches,VABB-1,269,288,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407189,,Contemplatio in Deum - or the Pleasure of Knowing God via His Attributes,VABB-4,135,152,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407191,,Pilgern - eine (nicht nur) katholische Tradition,VABB-1,66,78,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:407193,,"Tierras Santas Y Naciones Sagradas: Identidad cristiana, identidad nacional y las reivindicaciones de l'exclusividad territorial",VABB-1,129,139,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:407194,,"Dumitru Stăniloae on the Filioque: The Trinitarian Relationship between the Son and the Spirit, and Its Relevance for the Ecclesiological Synthesis between Christology and Pneumatology",VABB-1,553,576,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407197,,Holy Lands and Sacred Nations,VABB-1,115,123,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407198,,The Other and the Interruption of Love,VABB-4,275,283,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407201,,Christian Calling and Volunteering,VABB-4,23,40,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407202,,Einheit und Vielfalt innerhalb des Christentums aus theologischer Perspektive,VABB-1,479,494,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:407204,,Van 'nog' naar 'nu' katholieke school zijn. Overwegingen bij Christelijke identiteit: een utopie? van Broeder Stockman,VABB-1,329,339,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407205,,The Doctrine of 'Divine Indwelling' in Elizabeth of the Trinity and Caryll Houselander,VABB-1,465,480,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407207,,"Religion and Volunteering: Complex, contested and ambiguous relationships",VABB-3,,,352 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407208,,Introduction: Liturgy Expressing Mystery,VABB-1,107,110,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407210,,Introduction: Lessons and Prospects,VABB-4,7,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407211,,Theologisch-christologische grondslagen voor de 'heiligheid' van de Kerk. Over de troostvolle paradox van 'onheilige heiligheid',VABB-1,450,464,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407212,,The Sacrament of the World. Thinking God’s Presence Beyond Public Theology,VABB-1,119,136,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407213,,"Liturgy, Theology, and the Crisis of History: Clearing Space for Liturgical Theology",VABB-4,9,21,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407214,,The Catholic Conference for Ecumenical Questions’ Immediate Preparation of the Renewal of Catholic Ecclesiology at Vatican II,VABB-4,141,157,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407215,,Orthodox Ecclesiology in Sophianic Key: An Analysis of Sergei Bulgakov’s Ecclesiological Vision,VABB-1,69,117,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407218,,The New Evangelization and Other Religions: Proclamation and Dialogue,VABB-4,197,208,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407220,,Editorial Article: The Second vatican Council 50th anniversary: visions and re-visions,VABB-1,338,347,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407221,,The Contested Legacy of Vatican II: Lessons and Prospects,VABB-3,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:407222,,Giorgio Agamben’s Analysis of the Mechanism of Exclusion or the Logic of Sovereign Power,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407223,,"Terre sante e nazioni sacre: Identità cristiana, identità nazionale et pretese di esclusività territoriale",VABB-1,140,149,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:407224,,"Heilige Länder und Nationen: Christliche Identität, nationale Identität und Ansprüche territorialer Ausschliesslichkeit",VABB-1,89,96,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:407226,,Norming the Jesus-relation in Julian of Norwich,VABB-1,34,51,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407230,,"L’évolution théologique et œcuménique de la ""Conférence Catholique pour les questions œcuméniques"" (1952-1963)",VABB-4,7,39,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407234,,Radical Orthodoxy,VABB-1,102,110,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407235,,"Language, Structure, and Sacrament: Reconsidering the Eucharistic Theology of Edward Schillebeeckx",VABB-4,98,119,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407236,,Cross-Religious Reading of the Bible in India. An exposé of George M. Soares-Prabhu’s unfinished project,VABB-4,249,274,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407237,,Scholen van dialoog in liefde: Kruisbestuiving tussen Gravissimum educationis en Perfectae caritatis anno 2015,VABB-1,358,379,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407244,,Cartographies of Experience: Rethinking the Method of Liberation Theology From the Option for the Poor,VABB-1,237,261,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407245,,Church. The Human Story of God: Introduction to the New Edition,VABB-4,17,20,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407247,,Kroniekrecensie: Kerk als oefenruimte voor het christen zijn. Een recente publicatie van Sake Stoppels over gemeente en parochie als gemeenschap van leerlingen,VABB-1,227,233,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407248,,Mary - 'Mother of the Church': challenging conciliar ecclesiology,VABB-1,186,198,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407249,,De 'logica van de menswording' als onderstroom van een praktische ecclesiologie en een integraal christelijk humanisme. Een theologische lezing van de postsynodale exhortatie Evangelii Gaudium,VABB-1,259,284,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407252,,The Missing Link between 'The Nature and Mission of the Church' (2005) and 'The Church: Towards a Common Vision' (2013): An Assessment of the Impact of ‘A Catholic Contribution toward Revising The Nature and Mission of the Church’ (2008),VABB-1,250,269,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407254,,Die Neuerfindung der Menschheit an den Grenzen der Sprache. Zu den theopolitischen Konsequenzen der Lyrik Adrienne Richs,VABB-4,237,263,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:407255,,To Be as Hermeneutical as Possible: Suggestions to Biblical Scholars,VABB-4,51,68,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407256,,Review of Machine Learning and Signal Processing Techniques for Automated Electrode Selection in High-density Micro-electrode Arrays,VABB-1,323,333,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407257,,The Effect of FEF Microstimulation on the Responses of Neurons in the Lateral Intraparietal Area,VABB-1,1672,84,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407258,,Coding of shape features in the macaque anterior intraparietal area,VABB-1,4006,4021,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407259,,Temporal properties of responses to sound in the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus,VABB-1,817,835,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407261,,The Interaural Time Difference Pathway: a Comparison of Spectral Bandwidth and Correlation Sensitivity at Three Anatomical Levels,VABB-1,203,218,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407262,,"L'excommunication collective du diocèse de Laon par l'évêque Hincmar (869): une ""nouvelle"" sanction en vue de la défense de l'autorité épiscopale aux temps carolingiens",VABB-4,59,86,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:407265,,The Prohibition of Church Services in Cambrai (1095-1107). The Local Interdict as Church Weapon in the Investiture Controversy,VABB-1,243,264,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407266,,Dictionnaire d'Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques / Louvain Dictionary of Church History - Fascicule 186,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407267,,The Resurgence of Integrism. The Action of the Holy Office against René Draguet,VABB-1,295,309,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407268,,On the bright and dark side of public service motivation: the relationship between PSM and employee wellbeing,VABB-1,349,356,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407270,,First things first: focusing on the obvious for better management and leadership development,VABB-1,53,70,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407271,,The seven secular sins of academic public administration,VABB-4,31,52,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407272,,"We need to compare, but how? Measurement equivalence in comparative public administration",VABB-1,36,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407273,,Inspection services and inter-rater reliability,VABB-1,132,142,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407275,,Organisational analytical capacity: Policy evaluation in Belgium,VABB-1,183,196,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407276,,"Greek Ministerial Advisers: Policy Managers, Not Experts?",VABB-1,15,27,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407277,,The STIG - A new SDI assessment method,VABB-1,55,83,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407278,,Decentralized management: agencies and ‘arm’s-length’ bodies,VABB-4,249,264,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407279,,Civil Service Systems in Western Europe,VABB-4,38,56,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407280,,Vers un monde nouveau : Des vérités qui dérangent pour l’administration,VABB-1,5,20,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:407281,,Towards a new world: some inconvenient truths for Anglosphere public administration,VABB-1,3,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407283,,Gemeentelijke Administratieve Sancties. Een antwoord op overlast,VABB-2,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407284,,Symposium: Doctoraatsopleidingen in Nederland en Vlaanderen,VABB-1,369,384,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407285,,The Nexus between Gender and Perceived Career Opportunities: Evidence from the U.S. Federal Government,VABB-1,375,400,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407286,,"The New Public Management is not that bad after all: Evidence from Estonia, Hungary and Romania",VABB-1,57,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407288,,Special issue of International Journal of Human Resource Management: Strategic human resource management and public sector performance,VABB-1,421,424,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407290,,Introduction to the New JCPA Comparative Syllabi Section,VABB-1,75,76,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407291,,The European Parliament and European Foreign Policy,VABB-4,291,305,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407292,,The Growing Role of Evaluation in Parliaments: Holding Governments Accountable,VABB-1,37,57,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407294,,The Impact of the Financial and Economic Crisis on Turnover Intention in the U.S. Federal Government,VABB-1,565,585,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407295,,Is the Field of PA Education Prepared for the Future of the Public Sector in Europe?,VABB-1,171,174,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407299,,Geospatial Information Broker. A new role of National Mapping Agencies,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407300,,Governance: a typology and some challenges,VABB-4,35,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407301,,Fiscal Consolidation in Federal Belgium,VABB-1,457,478,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407303,,Performance management in the public sector,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407304,,Comparative Public Policy in Europe,VABB-1,77,82,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407306,,Payment systems and incentives in primary care: Implications of recent reforms in Estonia and Romania,VABB-1,204,218,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407307,,Omzetting van Europese richtlijnen: een balans van de omzettings- en nalevingsachterstand in Vlaanderen (2009-2013),VABB-1,405,431,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407308,,Strategic choices regarding talent management in the flemish public sector,VABB-1,49,72,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407310,,Market-Type Mechanisms and Public Service Equity: A Review of Experiences in European Public Services,VABB-1,543,559,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407311,,New Public Management In Higher Education,VABB-4,57,75,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407312,,"Public Service Motivation Research: Achievements, Challenges, and Future Directions",VABB-1,692,699,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407314,,Overheid in transitie(s)? Beleidsrollen en -instrumenten in een transitiecontext,VABB-1,5,9,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407316,,Buying local votes: the effect of individual campaign spending under a semi-open PR system in the Belgian local elections,VABB-1,137,155,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407317,,What does it mean and imply to be public service motivated?,VABB-1,689,707,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407318,,The Netherlands,VABB-4,199,215,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407319,,The effect of municipality size and local office on the electoral success of Belgian/Flemish election candidates: a multilevel analysis,VABB-1,607,628,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407321,,NPM can work: An optimistic review of the impact of New Public Management reforms in Central and Eastern Europe,VABB-1,1305,1332,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407322,,"Measurement, incorporation and use of performance information in the budget",VABB-1,331,355,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407323,,L’assainissement des finances publiques en Belgique fédérale,VABB-1,477,499,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:407325,,Wickedness will not wait: climate change and public management research,VABB-1,181,186,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407327,,Defining the impact of public administration programmes for public sector organizations,VABB-1,193,207,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407328,,Explaining Variance in Policy Evaluation Regularity. The case of the Flemish Public Sector,VABB-1,1475,1495,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407329,,"Review: Public service motivation-practical problems, scientific evidence and the role of a research community",VABB-1,321,327,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407330,,"Gereedschap is belangrijk, maar wat doe je ermee?; Technologie, functie-ontwerp en het niveau van toekomstige banen",VABB-1,142,146,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407331,,Identifying City Differences in Perceived Group Discrimination among Second-generation Turks and Moroccans in Belgium,VABB-1,1088,1110,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407333,,"'Christian-Muslim' Couples in the Veneto, Northeastern Italy: Dealing with Religious Pluralism in Everyday Family Life",VABB-1,43,60,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407334,,Europeans’ feelings of deprivation amidst the financial crisis. The effects of welfare state effort and informal social relations,VABB-1,191,206,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407338,,The simulation properties of microsimulation models with static and dynamic ageing – a brief guide into choosing one type of model over the other,VABB-1,97,109,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407339,,Reshaping workplaces: workplace innovation as designed by scientists and practitioners,VABB-1,17,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407340,,The right to underwrite gender. The Goods & Services Directive and the politics of insurance pricing,VABB-1,413,431,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407343,,Regression analysis: Assumptions and diagnostics,VABB-4,83,110,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407344,,"Methodological challenges of including children in family research: Measurement equivalence, selection bias and social desirability",VABB-1,975,997,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407347,,A Gros Tournois Struck for Walram of Valkenburg as Lord of Born,VABB-1,217,220,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407349,,An Agent-Based Model of Status Construction in Task Focused Groups,VABB-1,4,4,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407353,,Brussels as a landscape of fear,VABB-4,315,329,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407354,,Identifying Pertinent Variables for Nonresponse Follow-Up Surveys. Lessons Learned from 4 Cases in Switzerland,VABB-1,141,158,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407357,,Temporary agency work and trade unions in comparative perspective. A mixed blessing?,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407358,,Management perceptions of social dialogue at the company level in Belgium,VABB-4,19,38,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407361,,Workshops as a useful tool to better understand care professionals’ views of a lean change program,VABB-1,64,74,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407362,,Costs and benefits of reaching parents for survey participation through school communication systems: testing the potential of a straightforward convenience sample,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407363,,The weakest link in welfare state legitimacy: European perceptions of moral and administrative failure in the targeting of social benefits,VABB-1,489,508,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407367,,Euthanasia and the Belgian Catholic World,VABB-4,13,53,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407368,,National legal and policy responses to genetic discrimination in Europe: The difficulties of regulation,VABB-4,192,210,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407373,,When Do People Want to Retire? The Preferred Retirement Age Gap Between Eastern and Western Europe Explained,VABB-1,7,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407374,,Parent-Child Similarity in Common and Specific Components of Prejudice: The Role of Ideological Attitudes and Political Discussion,VABB-1,585,598,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407376,,The Comparability of Measurements of Attitudes Toward Immigration in the European Social Survey: Exact Versus Approximate Measurement Equivalence,VABB-1,244,266,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407377,,"Mixed Parents, Mixed Results: Testing the Effects of Cross-nativity Partnership on Children's Educational Attainment",VABB-1,145,167,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407378,,Does demographic revolution lead to democratic revolution? The case of North Africa and the Middle East,VABB-4,203,223,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407381,,Twintig jaar co-ouderschap in Vlaanderen: een stand van zaken,VABB-1,384,392,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407382,,Effect of stigma reduction intervention strategies on HIV test uptake in low- and middle-income countries: a realist review protocol,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407383,,Vulnerability of Wives of Nepalese Labor Migrants to HIV Infection: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407384,,"Lifecourses, pensions and poverty among elderly women in Belgium: interactions between family history, work history and pension regulations",VABB-1,1171,1199,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407387,,Post-divorce family trajectories of men and women in Flanders,VABB-1,859,872,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407389,,‘The End of Tolerance.’ Islam and the Transformations of Identity and Secularism in the Netherlands,VABB-4,360,367,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407393,,‘State of Disgrace: Popular Political Discontents about the Dutch State in the 2000s’,VABB-1,476,493,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407394,,Reflections on different governance styles in regulating science: a contribution to ‘Responsible Research and Innovation’,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407395,,The application of new institutionalism and the resource dependence theory for studying changes in universities within Europe,VABB-1,7,30,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407396,,ANT en de performatieve productie van sociale Kennis. Sociologische beschrijving als interventie,VABB-1,120,140,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407398,,Repartnering and childbearing after divorce: differences according to parental status and custodial arrangements,VABB-1,761,784,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407403,,Feelings of dual-insecurity among European workers: A multi-level analysis,VABB-1,23,37,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407405,,The demographic transition in the Arab world: The dual role of marriage in family dynamics and population growth,VABB-4,119,165,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407406,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407407,,Traditional and modern cohabitation in Latin America: A comparative typology,VABB-1,873,914,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407411,,Advancing a sociotechnical systems approach to workplace safety – developing the conceptual framework,VABB-1,548,564,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407414,,The social life of divorced parents. Do custody arrangements make a difference in divorced parents’ social participation and contacts?,VABB-1,487,500,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407416,,Comparative Synthesis,VABB-4,199,221,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407418,,"De muntvondst De Mortel (Gemert) 2015, verborgen begin twaalfde eeuw. Een vroeg bewijs van gemengde circulatie",VABB-1,97,102,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407419,,Care trajectories are associated with quality improvement in the treatment of patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes: A registry based cohort study,VABB-1,354,361,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407420,,An OMC for All Policies: Is Belgium (still) the Best Pupil in the Class?,VABB-4,87,113,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407426,,"Uit mijn huis, uit mijn hart? Verblijfsregeling, contact en relatiekwaliteit tussen kinderen, ouders en stiefouders na scheiding",VABB-4,74,93,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407430,,Human Values and Welfare State Support in Europe: An East–West Divide?,VABB-1,418,432,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407435,,Spirituality,VABB-4,394,399,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407437,,Assortative Mating and the Reversal of Gender Inequality in Education in Europe: An Agent-Based Model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407438,,Support for Government Intervention in Child Care across European Countries,VABB-4,104,133,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407440,,Shaping the future and living in the present: Living a ‘good’ life with a familial heart disease,VABB-1,70,83,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407443,,Trade unions and labour market dualisation: A comparison of policies and attitudes towards agency and migrant workers in Germany and Belgium,VABB-1,808,825,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407444,,Contextual responses to interreligious encounters online,VABB-1,89,104,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407447,,"The Intimate. Polity and the Catholic Church. Laws about Life, Death and the Family in So-called Catholic Countries",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407448,,Intrapreneurship stimuleren?,VABB-1,51,58,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407449,,"Individual values, cultural embeddedness, and anti-immigration sentiments: Explaining differences in the effect of values on attitudes toward immigration across Europe",VABB-1,263,285,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407450,,Parents´expectations and experiences of resemblance through donor conception,VABB-1,398,416,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407453,,Revisiting urban graveyard theory: migrant flows in Hellenistic and Roman Athens,VABB-4,236,265,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:407454,,Advancing understanding on industrial relations in multinational companies: Key research challenges and the INTREPID contribution,VABB-1,146,165,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407455,,"Variation within the host country: How do complementary sub-national levels affect subsidiary discretion on vocational training policies within multinationals?""",VABB-1,250,270,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407456,,Third European Company Survey – Workplace innovation in European companies,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407458,,"Involved fathers, liberated mothers? Joint physical custody and the subjective well-being of divorced parents",VABB-1,257,277,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407460,,Reciprocal relationships between music television exposure and adolescents’ sexual behaviors: The role of perceived peer norms,VABB-1,183,197,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407462,,The impact of daily stress on adolescents' depressed mood: The role of social support seeking through Facebook,VABB-1,315,325,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407467,,Sleep Quality is Negatively Related to Video Gaming Volume in Adults,VABB-1,189,196,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407468,,The Impact of Men's Magazines on Adolescent Boys' Objectification and Courtship Beliefs,VABB-1,49,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407471,,"Media use, cancer knowledge and lifestyle choices: A cross-sectional analysis",VABB-1,885,890,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407473,,Hematite iron oxide nanorod patterning inside COK-12 mesochannels as an efficient visible light photocatalyst,VABB-1,19884,19891,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407474,,Sexualizing reality television: Associations with trait and state self-objectification,VABB-1,62,66,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407476,,The role of mass media in adolescents' sexual behaviors: Exploring the explanatory value of the three-step self-objectification process,VABB-1,729,742,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407477,,The Use of Media as a Sleep Aid in Adults,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407478,,"Fear of Cancer is Associated with Cancer Information Seeking, Scanning and Avoiding: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Cancer Diagnosed and Non-Diagnosed Individuals",VABB-1,107,119,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407483,,Computer Games and Education: A multi-dimensional relationship,VABB-4,261,272,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407485,,"Early adolescent boys’ exposure to Internet pornography: Relationships to pubertal timing, sensation seeking, and academic performance",VABB-1,1045,1068,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407486,,"Toward an integrated and differential approach to the relationships between loneliness, different types of Facebook use and adolescents’ depressed mood",VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407487,,Socioeconomic and socioecological determinants of AIDS stigma and the mediating role of AIDS knowledge and media use,VABB-1,316,324,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407488,,Aligning HIV/AIDS communication with the oral tradition of Africans: A theory-based content analysis of songs' potential in prevention efforts,VABB-1,441,450,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407490,,Violent Video Games and Delinquent Behavior in Adolescents: a Risk Factor Perspective,VABB-1,267,279,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407491,,Exploring landscapes of news consumption cross-nationally: The use of Q-methodology to fuse quantitative and qualitative approaches for increased explanatory power in comparative research,VABB-4,123,142,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407492,,Predictors of cancer fear: The association between mass media and fear of cancer among cancer diagnosed and nondiagnosed individuals,VABB-1,68,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407494,,The Urgent Matter of Online Pro-Eating Disorder Content and Children: Clinical Practice,VABB-1,429,433,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407498,,Engaging adolescents in politics: the longitudinal effect of political socialization agents,VABB-1,151,169,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407502,,The Rise of Engaged Citizenship. The Evolution of Citizenship Norms among Adolescents in 21 Countries between 1999 and 2009,VABB-1,29,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407504,,De Politieke Vertegenwoordiging van Vrouwen in de Belgische Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers: een Historische Analyse (1971-2014),VABB-1,17,22,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407505,,How Does the Majority Public React to Multiculturalist Policies? A Comparative Analysis of European Countries,VABB-1,747,768,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407506,,"Internet, Television and Social Capital: The effect of screen time on social capital",VABB-1,1175,1199,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407507,,Bridging the Ideological Space. A Cross-National Analysis of the Distance of Party Switching,VABB-1,580,599,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407511,,Economic Crisis and Levels of Political Participation in Europe (2002-2010): The Role of Resources and Grievances,VABB-1,465,490,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407512,,Explaining the Ethnic Minority Disadvantage in Life Satisfaction: A Multilevel Analysis of European Countries,VABB-4,87,108,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407513,,Comparative Election Forecasting: Further Insights from Synthetic Models,VABB-1,275,283,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407514,,Une république des Camarades? Selectie van ministers in het tussenoorlogse België,VABB-1,475,502,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:407515,,The Intergenerational Transmission of Voting Intentions in a Multiparty Setting: An Analysis of Voting Intentions and Political Discussion Among 15-year Old Adolescents and their Parents in Belgium,VABB-1,125,147,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407517,,The Development of Stable Party Preferences: Explaining Individual-Level Stability Among Adolescents in Belgium,VABB-1,315,335,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407519,,De vertegenwoordigers van de natie in partijdienst. De verhouding tussen de Belgische politieke partijen en hun parlementsleden (1918-1970),VABB-2,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407522,,"Party Membership and Closeness and the Development of Trust in Political Institutions An Analysis of the European Social Survey, 2002-2010",VABB-1,944,956,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407523,,Does more knowledge about the European Union lead to a stronger European identity? A comparative analysis among adolescents in 21 European member states,VABB-1,127,146,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407525,,The impact of education on the development of political trust. Results from a five year panel study among late adolescents and young adults in Belgium,VABB-1,123,141,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407527,,Forecasting Elections in Europe: Synthetic Models,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407533,,De omstreden benoeming van baron Eugène Beyens tot minister van Buitenlandse Zaken. Koning Albert en de crisis van de Belgische oorlogsregering in 1915,VABB-1,435,474,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:407534,,Citizenship and Participation,VABB-4,58,77,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407535,,The effect of political trust and trust in European citizens on European identity,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:407540,,"Staying with the Party, Switching or Exiting? A Comparative Analysis of Determinants of Party Switching and Abstaining",VABB-1,387,405,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407543,,How Second Order are Local Elections? Voting Motives and Party Preferences in Belgian Municipal Elections,VABB-1,898,916,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407544,,Intergenerational transmission of political participation intention,VABB-1,279,296,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407548,,Children's online coping strategies: Rethinking coping typologies in a risk-specific approach,VABB-1,225,236,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407550,,The Impact Of Image-Size Manipulation And Sugar Content On Children's Cereal Consumption,VABB-1,152,157,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407551,,"Triggering the News Story: Reconstructing reporters' newsgathering practices in the light of newspaper type, newsroom centralization, reporters' autonomy, and specialization",VABB-1,904,922,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407552,,TUIkit: Evaluating Physical and Functional Experiences of Tangible User Interface Prototypes,VABB-5,1267,1276,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407554,,Rome wasn’t reached in a day: how to motivate patients to keep walking?,VABB-5,399,403,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407556,,The Persuasiveness of Child-Targeted Endorsement Strategies: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,311,338,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407557,,‘Snapshots’: Local Cinema Cultures in the Great War,VABB-1,631,655,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407559,,"Oh, What A Night! Effortless Sleep Monitoring At Home",VABB-5,417,424,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407560,,Multimodal Analysis in Participatory Design with Children: A Primary School Case Study,VABB-5,2825,2828,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407561,,Crisis of the News. The framing of the Euro Crisis and the 'Greek Problem',VABB-4,118,132,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407562,,Correcting Errors in Turkington et al. (2014) Taking Criticism Seriously,VABB-1,302,303,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407563,,How to take advantage of tablet computers: Effects of news structure on recall and comprehension,VABB-1,425,446,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407565,,Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407568,,Lincoln: a man for too many seasons?,VABB-1,506,511,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407569,,De impact van emotionele communicatie op de gepercipieerde oprechtheid en de reputatie van organisaties in crisis,VABB-1,220,233,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:407570,,Child - centered Design in Bullying Prevention: Play as Universal Antidote,VABB-5,2445,2448,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407572,,"Out in the cold, the loneliness of working with doctors and patients",VABB-5,195,199,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407573,,Content coding of pharmacist-patient interactions in medication counseling in mental health,VABB-1,110,115,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407574,,Contextual aspects of typical viewing situations: a new perspective for recommending television and video content,VABB-1,761,779,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407577,,Renewing the public service media remit,VABB-4,182,199,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407578,,Beyond Belief: Playing With Pagan Spirituality in World of Warcraft’,VABB-1,190,206,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407580,,The Fun and the Serious in an Educational Game: The Monkey Tales Case,VABB-5,2829,2832,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407581,,Sleep Monitoring Tools at Home and in the Hospital: Bridging Quantified Self and Clinical Sleep Research,VABB-5,153,160,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407582,,A Value Sensitive Design Approach to Parental Software for Young Children,VABB-5,363,366,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407583,,Facebook als corporate communicatie tool voor bedrijven? Een inhoudsanalyse van de communicatiestrategieën van gereputeerde Belgische bedrijven op de sociale netwerksite,VABB-1,39,63,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:407584,,Playful Experiences and Game Concepts for Multi-Screen Environments,VABB-5,571,574,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407585,,Managing Social Media Use: Whither Social Media Guidelines in News Organisations?,VABB-1,201,216,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407586,,Potential and Pitfalls of Ethnic Marketing in Financial Services in Belgium: An Interdisciplinary Research Agenda,VABB-4,127,151,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407588,,Designing TV Recommender Interfaces for Specific Viewing Experiences,VABB-5,185,190,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407591,,Walka o euro: metafory i ramy metaforyczne w informacjach prasowych na temat kryzysu w strefie euro,VABB-1,213,233,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407592,,Van Bijbel tot Hollywood: de culturele betekenis van de apocalyps in het Westen,VABB-1,73,77,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:407594,,"People, Context, and Devices: Defining the New Landscape of TV Experiences",VABB-5,209,213,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407595,,"Nationalism, Cultural Indoctrination, and Economic Prosperity in the Digital Age",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407596,,Demografische diversiteit in het Vlaamse perslandschap,VABB-1,169,185,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:407598,,The OCareCloudS project: toward organizing care through trusted cloud services,VABB-1,159,176,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:407599,,Actor network theory’ als ironische sociologie,VABB-1,202,208,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407600,,The Battle for the Euro: Metaphors and Frames in Euro Crisis News,VABB-4,125,148,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407602,,"History Meets The Future At Euroitv2013, Como, Italy, 24–26 June",VABB-1,179,183,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407604,,Contesting Epistemic Authority: Conspiracy Theories on the Boundaries of Science,VABB-1,466,480,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407605,,Social Interaction Design for Online Video and Television,VABB-4,1,37,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407606,,"Broadcast, Video-on-Demand, and Other Ways to Watch Television Content: a Household Perspective",VABB-5,73,82,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407607,,“Create Your Personal Saga”: The Spiritualization of Online Computer Games in Advertising,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407608,,Learning Lessons for Second Screen from Board Games,VABB-5,143,148,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407610,,Spiritual Play: Encountering the Sacred in World of Warcraft,VABB-4,75,92,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407611,,Investigation of Saliva as an Alternative to Plasma Monitoring of Voriconazole,VABB-1,1151,60,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407612,,"Ataluren for the treatment of nonsense-mutation cystic fibrosis: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial",VABB-1,539,547,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407613,,Neurodevelopment and Behavior after Transcatheter versus Surgical Closure of Secundum Type Atrial Septal Defect,VABB-1,31,38,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407614,,Next generation sequencing on patients with LGMD and nonspecific myopathies: Findings associated with ANO5 mutations,VABB-1,533,41,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407615,,Association of Adipose Tissue Inflammation With Histological Severity of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease,VABB-1,635,648.e14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407616,,New developments in inhaler devices within pharmaceutical companies: A systematic review of the impact on clinical outcomes and patient preferences,VABB-1,1430,1438,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407617,,Activity of the alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency registry in Belgium,VABB-1,10,4,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407618,,EU Chemicals Regulation: Extending Its Experimentalist REACH,VABB-4,107,136,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407619,,Curb your enthusiasm: why an EU perspective on UN Security Council reform does not imply an EU seat,VABB-1,59,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407620,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407621,,Rising Powers in Global Climate Governance: Negotiating Inside and Outside the UNFCCC,VABB-4,238,257,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407622,,"Bureaucratic politics, new institutionalism and principal-agent models",VABB-4,152,165,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407623,,The Sage Handbook on European Foreign Policy,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407625,,Theorizing the EU and international sport: the principal-agent model and beyond,VABB-1,6,22,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407626,,"The Diplomatic System of the European Union: Evolution, Change and Challenges",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407627,,The EU's Structural Diplomacy towards Kosovo,VABB-4,215,231,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407629,,Explaining External Perceptions: The EU and China in African Public Opinion,VABB-1,803,821,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407630,,Non-ethnic mobilization in deeply divided societies: the case of the Sarajevo protests,VABB-1,388,408,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407631,,Mad about Methods? Teaching Research Methods in Political Science,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407632,,Introduction: EU Actors,VABB-4,217,225,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407633,,The European Parliament in EU External Climate Governance,VABB-4,92,108,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407634,,Does Affirmative Action Work? Lessons From Around the World,VABB-1,49,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407635,,Climate Finance in the European Union: Domestic and International Challenges,VABB-4,509,534,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407636,,Waarom sport een prominente plaats verdient binnen de Commissie-Juncker: opportuniteiten en beperkingen voor EU-invloed op FIFA,VABB-1,219,234,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407637,,"Time, ""Temporament"", and Sustainable Peace: The Essential Role of Time in Conflict and Peace",VABB-1,19,41,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407639,,Political Parties and Interest Groups,VABB-4,442,457,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407640,,Losing control: a principal-agent analysis of Russia in the United Nations Security Council's decision-making towards the Libya crisis,VABB-1,369,387,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407641,,Climate governance in federal Belgium: modest subnational policies in a complex multi-level setting,VABB-1,285,301,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407642,,Hazardous Waste,VABB-4,380,387,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407643,,Introduction: State Actors,VABB-4,323,330,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407645,,Competing structural powers and challenges for the EU's structural foreign policy,VABB-1,43,50,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407646,,Het Russische duurzame-energiebeleid. Groene reus op lemen voeten?,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407647,,The European Union as a normative power in international sport,VABB-4,94,101,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407648,,The Multilateral System,VABB-4,1029,1042,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407650,,The EU controls FIFA and UEFA: a Principal-Agent perspective,VABB-1,1448,1466,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407652,,"China, the United States and the European Union: Multiple Bilateralism and Prospects for a New Climate Change Diplomacy",VABB-1,203,218,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407654,,Football is war: the EU’s limits and opportunities to control FIFA,VABB-1,139,148,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407655,,Sexual functioning in women after mastectomy versus breast conserving therapy for early-stage breast cancer: A prospective controlled study,VABB-1,629,36,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407656,,Communication Between Spouses as a Resilience Factor in Families in Which a Parent Has Depression: A Condensed Report,VABB-1,304,312,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407657,,"Condom-associated erection problems: behavioural responses and attributions in young, heterosexual men",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407658,,Waaraan moet een cognitief-gedrgastherapeutisch programma voor seksueel gewelddadige terbeschikkinggestelden voldoen?,VABB-1,85,95,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407659,,Long-term sexual functioning in women after surgical treatment of cervical cancer stages IA to IB: a prospective controlled study,VABB-1,1527,1534,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407660,,"Asexuality: few facts, many questions",VABB-1,175,192,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407661,,Stories about asexuality: A qualitative study on asexual women,VABB-1,262,281,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407662,,Outcome predictors of internet-based brief sex therapy for sexual dysfunction in heterosexual men,VABB-1,531,543,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407665,,"General Erectile Functioning among Young, Heterosexual Men Who Do and Do Not Report Condom-Associated Erection Problems (CAEP)",VABB-1,1897,904,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407666,,The Challenge of Creating Dialogical Space for Both Partners in Couple Therapy,VABB-1,105,121,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407669,,Asexuality: A Multidimensional Approach,VABB-1,669,678,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407670,,"Dyadic Sexual Communication in Pre-Menopausal Women with Self-Reported Dyspareunia and Their Partners: Associations with Sexual Function, Sexual Distress and Dyadic Adjustment",VABB-1,516,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407673,,"Sexual Communication, Dyadic Adjustment, and Psychosexual Well-Being in Premenopausal Women with Self-Reported Dyspareunia and Their Partners: A Controlled Study",VABB-1,1786,97,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407674,,"Age-Related Prevalence Rates of Sexual Difficulties, Sexual Dysfunctions, and Sexual Distress in Heterosexual Women: Results from an Online Survey in Flanders",VABB-1,424,435,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407675,,Sexual Functioning in Women after Surgical Treatment for Endometrial Cancer: A Prospective Controlled Study,VABB-1,198,209,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407676,,Does increased use of generic medicines by elders in Belgium help to contain escalating health care budgets?,VABB-1,266,280,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407680,,Spitsregio,VABB-2,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407682,,Explaining job polarization: Routine-biased technological change and offshoring,VABB-1,2509,2526,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407684,,The impact of training on productivity and wages: firm level evidence,VABB-1,485,497,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407692,,Waarschuwingsprocedure (artikel 138 van het Wetboek van vennootschappen) - Procedure d’alerte (article 138 du Code des sociétés),VABB-4,45,58,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407694,,Huidig Belgisch vennootschapsrechtelijk kader - Cadre belge actuel du droit des sociétés,VABB-4,29,43,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407695,,Het spanningsveld tussen het Wetboek van vennootschappen en de ISA's,VABB-1,22,41,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407699,,Aansprakelijkheid van de raad van bestuur in het kader van risicobeheer - Responsabilité du conseil d'administration dans le cadre de la gestion des risques,VABB-4,131,148,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407700,,Analysts' forecast error: a robust prediction model and its short-term trading profitability,VABB-1,683,715,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407701,,Think twice before going for incentives: Social norms and the principal's decision on compensation contracts,VABB-1,985,1015,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407703,,Analysts' earnings forecasts: Coexistence and dynamics of overconfidence and strategic incentives,VABB-1,307,322,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407709,,The impact of dark trading and visible fragmentation on market quality,VABB-1,1587,1622,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407710,,Antecedents of time to completion in mergers and acquisitions,VABB-1,299,304,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407712,,Large shareholders and value creation through corporate acquisitions in Europe. The identity of the controlling shareholders matters,VABB-1,116,131,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407714,,On an optimization problem related to static super-replicating strategies,VABB-1,213,230,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407716,,Reserving by conditioning on markers of individual claims: A case-study using historical simulation,VABB-1,273,288,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407717,,Short Stature in KBG Syndrome: First Responses to Growth Hormone Treatment,VABB-1,361,4,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407718,,The impact of multiple structural changes on mortality predictions,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407719,,Option prices and model-free measurement of implied herd behavior in stock markets,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407720,,Optimising translational oncology in clinical practice: Strategies to accelerate progress in drug development,VABB-1,129,135,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407722,,General practitioners' judgement of chronic heart failure in the oldest old: Insights from the BELFRAIL study,VABB-1,120,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407724,,Hepatitis C virus infection epidemiology among people who inject drugs in Europe: a systematic review of data for scaling up treatment and prevention,VABB-1,e103345,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407725,,Reducing dementia risk by targeting modifiable risk factors in mid-life: study protocol for the Innovative Midlife Intervention for Dementia Deterrence (In-MINDD) randomised controlled feasibility trial,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407727,,Hysteroscopy for treating subfertility associated with suspected major uterine cavity abnormalities,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407728,,"Depression, Vascular Factors, and Risk of Dementia in Primary Care: A Retrospective Cohort Study",VABB-1,692,698,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:407729,,CD4:8 Ratio >5 Is Associated With a Dominant Naive T-Cell Phenotype and Impaired Physical Functioning in CMV-Seropositive Very Elderly People: Results From the BELFRAIL Study,VABB-1,143,54,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407733,,A cohort study on the evolution of psychosocial problems in older patients with breast or colorectal cancer: comparison with younger cancer patients and older primary care patients without cancer,VABB-1,79,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407734,,Dealing with chemotherapy-related symptoms at home: a qualitative study in adult patients with cancer,VABB-1,79,92,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407739,,"Design, synthesis, optimization and antiviral activity of a class of hybrid dengue virus E protein inhibitors",VABB-1,1747,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407740,,Molecular responses in the telomere-mitochondrial axis of ageing in the elderly: a candidate gene approach,VABB-1,51,57,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407743,,Voortgezet medisch onderwijs voor huisartsen: een programmaconcept,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407744,,Depression Awareness and Self-Management Through the Internet: Protocol for an Internationally Standardized Approach,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407745,,Similar Multimorbidity Patterns in Primary Care Patients from Two European Regions: Results of a Factor Analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407746,,The correlation between blood pressure and kidney function decline in older people: a registry-based cohort study,VABB-1,e007571,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407748,,Serious infections at a paediatric A&E,VABB-1,362,368,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407749,,The quality of hereditary haemochromatosis guidelines: a comparative analysis,VABB-1,205,214,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407750,,Herpes zoster is associated with herpes simplex and other infections in under 60 year-olds,VABB-1,171,177,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407751,,The 2014 Updated GOLD Strategy: A Comparison of the Various Scenarios,VABB-1,212,220,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407752,,"The relation between depression, coping and health locus of control: differences between older and younger patients, with and without cancer",VABB-1,950,957,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407753,,Predictors of poor-quality spirometry in two cohorts of older adults in Russia and Belgium: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407755,,Finding potentially new multimorbidity patterns of psychiatric and somatic diseases: exploring the use of literature-based discovery in primary care research,VABB-1,139,145,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407756,,Interleukin-6 as a first-rated serum inflammatory marker to predict mortality and hospitalization in the oldest old: A regression and CART approach in the BELFRAIL study,VABB-1,53,61,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407757,,Low socioeconomic status and perceptions of social inadequacy and shame: findings from the Dutch SMILE study,VABB-1,311,313,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407760,,Do practice characteristics explain differences in morbidity estimates between electronic health record based general practice registration networks?,VABB-1,176,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407761,,Loneliness in patients with cancer: the first year after cancer diagnosis,VABB-1,1521,1528,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407762,,The Ariadne principles: how to handle multimorbidity in primary care consultations,VABB-1,223,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407763,,Disease or no disease? Disagreement on diagnoses between self-reports and medical records of adult patients,VABB-1,45,51,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407764,,New advances in CMV and immunosenescence,VABB-1,54,62,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407766,,Presenting prevalence and management of psychosocial problems in primary care in Flanders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407768,,The Value of Fatigue Severity to Rule Out Depression in Older Adult Patients With Cancer,VABB-1,E302,E309,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407770,,Influence of metformin intake on the risk of bladder cancer in type 2 diabetes patients,VABB-1,1464,72,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407772,,The importance of effect sizes,VABB-1,61,64,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407773,,The RESPECT study: RESearch on the PrEvalence and the diagnosis of COPD and its Tobacco-related etiology: a study protocol,VABB-1,831,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407774,,Research priorities in spiritual care: an international survey of palliative care researchers and clinicians,VABB-1,518,531,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407775,,Risk of bladder cancer in patients with diabetes: a retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,e007470,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407776,,Risk factors for loneliness in patients with cancer: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,466,477,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407778,,Transferring High Quality Care of the Elderly into the Clinical Workplace: Barriers and Facilitating Factors,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407780,,Short-term prognostic value of forced expiratory volume in 1 second divided by height cubed in a prospective cohort of people 80 years and older,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407783,,"Help-seeking, stigma and attitudes of people with and without a suicidal past. A comparison between a low and a high suicide rate country",VABB-1,5,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407784,,Genome-wide association study yields variants at 20p12.2 that associate with urinary bladder cancer,VABB-1,5545,57,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407786,,"Do psychosocial profiles predict self-rated health, morbidity and mortality in late middle-aged and older people?",VABB-1,357,368,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407787,,THE AUTHORS REPLY,VABB-1,733,4,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407789,,Multimorbidity's research challenges and priorities from a clinical perspective: The case of 'Mr Curran',VABB-1,139,147,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407792,,Current guidelines poorly address multimorbidity: pilot of the interaction matrix method,VABB-1,1242,1250,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407793,,The Ars Moriendi Model for Spiritual Assessment: 
A Mixed-Methods Evaluation,VABB-1,294,301,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407795,,Trajectories of multimorbidity: exploring patterns of multimorbidity in patients with more than ten chronic health problems in life course,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407797,,Four screening instruments for frailty in older patients with and without cancer: a diagnostic study,VABB-1,26,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407798,,Systematic review of the prognostic value of circulating cytokines on overall survival and disease-free survival in cancer patients,VABB-1,254,266,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407799,,What Are Reasons for the Large Gender Differences in the Lethality of Suicidal Acts? An Epidemiological Analysis in Four European Countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407800,,Prevalence and outcomes of multimorbidity in South Asia: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407802,,Airflow limitation by the Global Lungs Initiative equations in a cohort of very old adults,VABB-1,123,132,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407803,,Belgian consensus on adhesion prevention in hysteroscopy,VABB-1,179,187,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407804,,Geriatric screening tools are of limited value to predict decline in functional status and quality of life: results of a cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407807,,Locally-advanced stage III non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC),VABB-1,1573,1588,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407811,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2015/4, Boston Scientific Medizintechnik GmbH v. AOK Sachsen-Anhalt--ie Gesundheitskasse (C-5o0/i1) Betriebskrankenkasse RWE (C-5o0/13), 5 March 2015 (Joined cases C-5o0/13 and C-5o0/13)",VABB-1,301,307,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407812,,Controlled Access under Review: Improving the Governance of Genomic Data Access,VABB-1,e1002339,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407814,,"Psychosocial impact of pediatric living-donor kidney and liver transplantation on recipients, donors, and the family: a systematic review",VABB-1,270,280,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407816,,End of Life,VABB-4,112,135,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407817,,Effectiveness of ethics education as perceived by nursing students: development and testing of a novel assesment instrument,VABB-1,287,306,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407819,,Ethics of children’s participation in a Saudi biobank: an exploratory survey,VABB-1,806,813,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:407821,,Whole-genome sequencing in newborn screening? A statement on the continued importance of targeted approaches in newborn screening programmes,VABB-1,1593,1600,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407822,,Moral distress experienced by nurses: a quantitative literature review,VABB-1,15,31,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407823,,Older residents' perspectives on aged sexuality in institutionalized elderly care: A systematic literature review,VABB-1,1891,1905,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407824,,Carrier testing in children and adolescents,VABB-1,659,667,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407826,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2015/2, International Stem Cell Corporation v. Comptroller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, 18 December 2014 (C-364/13)",VABB-1,199,203,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407828,,Current developments in the regulation of direct-to-consumer genetic testing in Europe,VABB-1,97,123,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407829,,Focus group discussions on secondary variants and next-generation sequencing technologies,VABB-1,249,57,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407830,,Challenges of web-based personal genomic data sharing,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407831,,Moral distress: a review of the argument-based nursing ethics literature,VABB-1,131,152,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407833,,Genetic tests via the internet: limitations and risks,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407834,,De Belgische euthanasiewet anno 2015: nog steeds geen rustig bezit,VABB-1,246,250,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407836,,Ethical signposts for clinical geneticists in secondary variant and incidental finding disclosure discussions,VABB-1,361,370,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407837,,MEDISCH HANDELEN BIJ DIABETESPATIENTEN: WIE MAG WAT?,VABB-1,965,972,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407839,,Good continuum of HIV care in Belgium despite weaknesses in retention and linkage to care among migrants,VABB-1,496,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407840,,MEDICAL LAW IN BELGIUM,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407841,,Preconception care for consanguineous couples in the Netherlands,VABB-4,202,228,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407842,,Promotion and Sale of Self-Tests on the Internet,VABB-4,286,300,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407844,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2014/11, Elena Petru v. Casa Judeţeană de Asigurări de Sănătate Sibiu and the Casa Naţională de Asigurări de Sănătate, 9 October 2014 (C-268/13)",VABB-1,100,104,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407845,,"Bioethics past, present and future: a personal and narrative perspective from the European continent",VABB-4,17,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407847,,Contribution of ethics education to the ethical competence of nursing students: a review about educators’ and students’ perceptions,VABB-1,861,878,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407848,,Contextual influences on nurses' decision making in cases of physical restraints,VABB-1,642,651,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407852,,Crowdsourced direct-to-consumer genomic analysis of a family quartet,VABB-1,910,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407853,,Regionale toetsingscommissies euthanasie: Code of Practice,VABB-1,529,534,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407854,,Ethical issues surrounding the provider initiated opt-out prenatal HIV screening practice in sub-saharan Africa: a literature review,VABB-1,73,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407856,,From the principles of genomic data sharing to the practices of data access committees,VABB-1,1,3,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407860,,Non-invasive prenatal testing for aneuploidy and beyond: challenges of responsible innovation in prenatal screening,VABB-1,1438,50,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407861,,Current ethical issues related to the implementation of whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing,VABB-4,481,498,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407862,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2015/05, Geoffrey Léger v. Ministre des Affaires sociales, de la Santé et des Droits des femmes, Établissement français du sang, 29 April 2015 (c-528/13)",VABB-1,396,403,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:407863,,The Relation Between the Condemnations of 1277 and Peter of Auvergne's Questions on De caelo,VABB-1,223,238,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407865,,Descartes en Pascal over de passies en de (on)mogelijkheid van een moraal,VABB-1,221,249,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:407867,,De wereld is alles wat het geval kan zijn. Agambens metafysiche en politieke interpretatie van potentialiteit bij Aristoteles,VABB-1,113,132,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407868,,A coculture model of the lung–blood barrier: the role of activated phagocytic cells,VABB-1,234,41,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407869,,Reference Ranges for Head Circumference in Ethiopian Children 0-2 Years of Age,VABB-1,1566,U127,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407871,,Ear and vestibular symptoms in train operators after sudden air pressure changes in trains,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407872,,Blood pressure changes in association with black carbon exposure in a panel of healthy adults are independent of retinal microcirculation,VABB-1,81,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407874,,A Robust Ensemble Approach to Learn From Positive and Unlabeled Data Using SVM Base Models,VABB-1,73,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407875,,Did large-scale vaccination drive changes in the circulating rotavirus population in Belgium?,VABB-1,18585,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407876,,"Lung distribution, quantification, co-localization and speciation of silver nanoparticles after lung exposure in mice",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407877,,Tracing delays in infection control measures in a nosocomial norovirus outbreak,VABB-1,286,287,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407878,,Data warehouse for detection of occupational diseases in OHS data,VABB-1,651,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407880,,Anaphylaxis after vaccination of children: review of literature and recommendations for vaccination in child and school health services in Belgium,VABB-1,3147,3154,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407881,,Effects of varying antigens and adjuvant systems on the immunogenicity and safety of investigational tetravalent human oncogenic papillomavirus vaccines: results from two randomized trials,VABB-1,3694,3705,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407882,,Carbon loading in airway macrophages as a biomarker for individual exposure to particulate matter air pollution - A critical review,VABB-1,32,41,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407883,,Humidifier Disinfectant-associated Interstitial Lung Disease and the Ardystil Syndrome,VABB-1,116,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407886,,Sodium Iodide Symporter PET and BLI Noninvasively Reveal Mesoangioblast Survival in Dystrophic Mice,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407887,,Domestic use of bleach and infections in children: a multicentre cross-sectional study,VABB-1,602,4,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407889,,Proteomic Alterations in B Lymphocytes of Sensitized Mice in a Model of Chemical-Induced Asthma,VABB-1,e0138791,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407891,,Performance of different culture methods and of a commercial molecular assay for the detection of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in nursing homes and rehabilitation centers,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407892,,Enhanced endogenous bone morphogenetic protein signaling protects against bleomycin induced pulmonary fibrosis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407893,,"Telomere length, cardiovascular risk and arteriosclerosis in human kidneys: an observational cohort study",VABB-1,766,775,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407895,,"Assessing vaccination coverage in infants, survey studies versus the Flemish immunisation register: achieving the best of both worlds",VABB-1,345,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407897,,"Trends in incidence of occupational asthma, contact dermatitis, noise-induced hearing loss, carpal tunnel syndrome and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders in European countries from 2000 to 2012",VABB-1,294,303,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407898,,Evaluation of the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) for diabetes screening in occupational health care,VABB-1,587,591,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407899,,How to isolate a patient with Cladophialophora bantiana infection? An opinion,VABB-1,89,90,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407900,,Reproducibility and validity of an FFQ to assess usual intake of methyl-group donors,VABB-1,2530,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407901,,Monomer elution in relation to degree of conversion for different types of composite,VABB-1,1448,55,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407902,,Should children with overweight or obesity be excluded from height references?,VABB-1,1044,1048,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407903,,Variability and predictors of urinary phthalate metabolites in Spanish pregnant women,VABB-1,220,31,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407904,,"Toxicity of nanoparticles embedded in paints compared to pristine nanoparticles, in vitro study",VABB-1,333,339,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407905,,Left ventricular diastolic function associated with common genetic variation in ATP12A in a general population,VABB-1,121,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:407906,,Assessment of Changes in Global DNA Methylation Levels by Pyrosequencing® of Repetitive Elements,VABB-1,201,207,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407907,,Toluene diisocyanate and methylene diphenyl diisocyanate: asthmatic response and cross-reactivity in a mouse model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407908,,A chest physician's guide to mechanisms of sinonasal disease,VABB-1,353,358,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407909,,"Early life house dust mite allergens, childhood mite sensitization and respiratory outcomes",VABB-1,820,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407910,,The Approach Taken to Substance Abuse by Occupational Physicians: A Qualitative Study on Influencing Factors,VABB-1,1228,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407911,,Online reporting and assessing new occupational health risks in SIGNAAL,VABB-1,638,41,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407912,,Long-Term Exposure to Particulate Matter Air Pollution Is a Risk Factor for Stroke Meta-Analytical Evidence,VABB-1,3058,3066,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407913,,"LOW-BACK PAIN DISORDERS AS OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND 22 EUROPEAN COUNTRIES: COMPARISON OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS, RELATED DIAGNOSES AND EVALUATION CRITERIA",VABB-1,244,51,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407914,,Fetal growth and maternal exposure to particulate air pollution - More marked effects at lower exposure and modification by gestational duration,VABB-1,611,618,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407915,,Influenza and pertussis vaccination coverage in pregnant women,VABB-1,2125,31,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407916,,Occupational Exposure to Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes During Commercial Production Synthesis and Handling,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407917,,An outbreak of swimming-pool related respiratory symptoms: An elusive source of trichloramine in a municipal indoor swimming pool,VABB-1,386,91,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407922,,Sevoflurane Exposure Prevents Diaphragmatic Oxidative Stress During Mechanical Ventilation but Reduces Force and Affects Protein Metabolism Even During Spontaneous Breathing in a Rat Model,VABB-1,73,80,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407923,,Use of GIS in visualization of work-related health problems,VABB-1,682,692,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407924,,Methylisothiazolinone: Dermal and respiratory immune responses in mice,VABB-1,179,188,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407925,,"Scientific Basis for Regulatory Decision-Making of Nanomaterials Report on the Workshop, 20-21 January 2014, Center of Applied Ecotoxicology, Dubendorf",VABB-1,52,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407926,,Early exposure to bio-contaminants and asthma up to 10 years of age: results of the HITEA study,VABB-1,328,337,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407928,,Sexual Abuse of Children as a Form of Power Abuse and Abuse of the Body,VABB-1,189,200,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407929,,Theology as Ethics: Emmanuel Levinas as Jewish Post-Holocaust Thinker,VABB-4,322,339,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407931,,"Searching for Parish Engagement Scale (SPES). Een aanzet tot een empirische, contextuele en theologische lezing van de hedendaagse kerk",VABB-1,243,282,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:407933,,Pasquier Quesnel et la traduction de la Bible en langue vernaculaire en Hollande. La situation avant et après le choc de l’Vnigenitus,VABB-1,49,66,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:407935,,'The Compositors’ Neglect' or the True Story Behind the Prohibition of Vorsterman’s Dutch Bibles,VABB-1,239,256,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407937,,Introduction,VABB-4,11,31,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407940,,Costerus en Van den Leemputte: twee katholieke bijbelvertalingen uit de eerste helft van de zeventiende eeuw,VABB-4,395,405,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407943,,Why Donatists and Pelagians really deny that Christ has come in the flesh: an argumentative reading of Augustine’s sermo 183,VABB-1,115,140,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407944,,De bijbelvertaling van David Martin. Een geannoteerde versie,VABB-4,474,479,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407945,,Mgr J. Willebrands et la Conférence Catholique pour les Questions œcuméniques. Ses archives à Chevetogne,VABB-2,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:407946,,The Uniquely African Controversy: Interdisciplinary Studies on Donatist Christianity,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407947,,A Brave New World: Albert Dondeyne's Christian Humanism in the University and Society,VABB-1,309,330,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407954,,A House with Many Mansions: The Anthropological Turn in Louvain Theology (1942-1962),VABB-1,293,314,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407956,,Naar een ‘confessionalisering’ van bijbelvertalingen in de zestiende eeuw. Inleiding,VABB-4,204,219,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407957,,Peccatum and Gratia in Augustine’s Anti-Donatist Sermones ad Populum. Attested Presence and Specific Treatment of Two Key Concepts of Augustine’s Anti-Pelagian Doctrine,VABB-4,311,347,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407960,,Augustine’s relevance for contemporary religious education. A deconstructive and constructive reading of Augustine,VABB-1,61,79,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407962,,"The Council Archives of Belgian Bishops and Theologians present at Vatican II. Problems, Perspectives and Limitations illustrated on the Basis of the Suenens Papers",VABB-4,195,213,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407963,,Vatican II: Some Retrospective Observations,VABB-4,195,225,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:407964,,De doopsgezinde Biestkensbijbel (1560) en de gereformeerde Deux Aesbijbel (1562): bijbelvertalingen voor de protestanten,VABB-4,304,341,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407965,,La notion d'apostolicité selon Vatican II,VABB-1,169,183,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:407966,,Τὸ ὅλον θεολογεῖν καὶ τὸ ὅλον ἀνθρωπολογεῖν. Der Sprachgebrauch der Schrift als Wurzel apollinarischer Christologie,VABB-4,115,128,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:407967,,Structure and Argument in Augustine's Nativity Sermon 188,VABB-1,467,495,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407968,,The Catholic Church and the Vernacular Bible in the Low Countries: A Paradigm Shift in the 1550s?,VABB-4,234,281,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407969,,Cyprian in Augustine: from Criticized Predecessor to Uncontested Authority,VABB-4,33,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407971,,Augustine on the Heart as the Centre of Human Happiness,VABB-1,45,77,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407972,,Hippo's got talent : Augustine's Psalmus contra partem Donati as a pop(ular) song,VABB-4,251,268,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407973,,Kerk en religie in de Late Middeleeuwen (1200-1548),VABB-4,403,428,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407974,,De Vorstermanbijbel van 1528 en later: naar een katholieke bijbel,VABB-4,237,265,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407975,,"Vatican II, Non-Christian Religions and the Challenges for (New) Evangelization Programmes",VABB-4,15,29,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407976,,The Role of Giuseppe Garampi in the Hontheim Case,VABB-1,281,293,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407978,,"Gustave Thils' ""Théologie des réalités terrestres"" in Dialogue with Marrou, Maritain and de Montcheuil. Louvain Theology at the Crossroads of Christianity and Culture",VABB-1,65,83,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407982,,"Christ is born. Augustine's Nativity Sermons 189 and 194, with a Learning Trajectory in Five Phases",VABB-1,25,57,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407983,,‘Kristenen eisen amnestie!’ De amnestiegedachte bij Herman-Emiel Mertens,VABB-1,47,74,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407984,,"Garampi (Giuseppe), Italian bishop, cardinal, and papal nuncio (1725-1792)",VABB-4,3,13,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407987,,Preface,VABB-4,7,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407988,,"Review : Mark VESSEY and Shelley REID (eds.), A companion to Augustine (Blackwell companions to the Ancient World), Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, 2012",VABB-1,296,301,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407989,,De Leuvense Bijbel (1548) en de katholieke bijbelvertalingen van de tweede helft van de zestiende eeuw,VABB-4,266,303,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407990,,Augustine's View on Love as Grace in the Controversy with Julian of Aeclanum,VABB-1,75,91,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:407991,,A French Mystic's Perspective on the Crisis of Mysticism: Jean-Joseph Surin (1600-1665),VABB-4,149,167,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407992,,Het Nieuwe Testament van Francisco de Enzinas: een Spaanse vertaling in Antwerpen gedrukt,VABB-4,351,358,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:407993,,The Reception of Trent’s Regula Quarta (1564) and Vernacular Bible Reading in the Low Countries,VABB-1,33,60,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407994,,De voorbeeldigheid van het martelaarschap: Laatantieke cultivering van een christelijke ‘identity marker’,VABB-1,111,122,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:407995,,On Christian Asceticism: Spiritual Exercises in Saint Augustine's Confessions,VABB-1,21,43,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:407996,,"Nouvelles conceptions sur l'histoire des inquisitions d'Espagne, du Portugal et surtout de l'Inquisition romaine (Saint-Office)",VABB-1,250,273,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:407997,,The Attitude of the Holy See toward Sport during the Interwar Period (1919-1939),VABB-1,794,808,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:407998,,"Predicación de Agustín sobre la gracia, en Pentecostés",VABB-1,113,125,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:407999,,Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples en de eerste volledige gedrukte Franse bijbelvertaling (1530),VABB-4,343,350,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408000,,‘Jansenisme’ en bijbelvertalingen in de volkstaal. Drie vertaalinitiatieven,VABB-4,451,473,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408003,,"From Pride to Humility, from Impasse to Resolution, from Day to Day: Structure and Argument in Augustine's Nativity Sermons 195 and 196 with a Division into Five Parts",VABB-1,69,98,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408004,,Catholic Biblical Studies after Trent: Franciscus Toletus,VABB-1,61,85,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408005,,The Sleeping Musician: Aristotle’s Vegetative Soul and Ralph Cudworth’s Plastic Nature,VABB-4,713,750,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408006,,The Condemnation of Jansenist Vernacular Bibles in the Low Countries. The Case of Aegidius de Witte (1648-1721),VABB-1,271,280,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:408007,,De bijbelvertaling van Wilhelm Smits en Petrus van Hove: een onafgewerkt project,VABB-4,480,489,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408008,,Omwille van u werd de Schepper geschapen. De opbouw en de gedachtegang van Augustinus' kerstpreek 192: lijnen en cirkels,VABB-1,165,190,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:408011,,Epilogue: Inter-riting as a Peculiar Form of Love,VABB-4,218,223,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408012,,Aren't They Too Young? The Challenge of Hermeneutical and Interreligious Learning in Catholic Religious Education. A Flemish Perspective,VABB-4,155,165,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408013,,Education of Chaplains in Psycho-Oncology,VABB-4,700,704,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408014,,Introduction: Reasoning from Liturgy,VABB-1,3,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408017,,Eucharistie en verlossing: een bevrijdende ontdekking,VABB-1,259,269,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408018,,Approaching the Threshold of Mystery: Liturgical Worlds and Theological Spaces,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408019,,Spiritualiteit van de liturgie: ontmoeting en omvorming,VABB-1,59,70,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408022,,"""Tremendum et fascinosum"": Erfahrungen junger Eltern als Herausforderung für die Theologie",VABB-1,201,213,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408023,,From Escape to Responsibility: Jacob's Wrestling,VABB-4,123,134,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408027,,«Tremendum et fascinosum». Experiencias de los padres y madres jóvenes como un desafío para la teología,VABB-1,275,290,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:408028,,Liturgische Keimzellen. Monastische Erfahrungen des Stundengebets für heutige Pastoral,VABB-1,149,167,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:408029,,Liturgy: From Desacralization to Sanctification in Secular Environments,VABB-1,117,131,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408030,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408031,,"""Das große Sakrament der Vereinigung"": Franz Anton Staudenmaier's Eucharistic Theology",VABB-4,89,97,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:408034,,Reform Hermeneutics of the Liturgy of the Hours in the Syro-Malabar Church,VABB-1,158,175,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408036,,Conditional shared confidentiality in mental health care,VABB-1,261,266,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408038,,De ene eucharistie van de wereldkerk. Een reflectie over haar liturgische vorm vanuit het Missale Romanum,VABB-1,332,343,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:408040,,“Tremendum et fascinosum”: le esperienze dei giovani genitori come sfida per la teologia,VABB-1,105,122,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408041,,Pastorale begeleiding van mensen die om euthanasie vragen. Een kwalitatief-empirisch onderzoek bij Vlaamse ziekenhuispastores,VABB-1,93,108,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408046,,Theology and Young Parents,VABB-1,80,93,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408047,,"Relaties, seksualiteit en gezin. Een zaak van publiek én theologisch belang",VABB-1,6,17,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408048,,Kontemplation als Zeugnis des Leidens. Inter-spiritueller Dialog mit dem engagierten Buddhismus,VABB-1,35,44,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:408050,,A Comparative Study of the Theology of the Liturgical Year in the Roman and the Syro-Malabar Rite,VABB-1,102,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408051,,Kloostertijd. Over het monastieke leven van de flexibele mens,VABB-1,18,36,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408052,,Participation in monastic liturgy as experience of the mystery. Empirical liturgical explorations in a monastic context,VABB-4,103,126,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408053,,Ricoeur’s Biblical Hermeneutics,VABB-4,27,50,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408054,,Meandering in Mystery: Why Theology Today Would Benefit from Rediscovering the Work of Dom Odo Casel,VABB-4,11,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408055,,"Ritual Participation and Interreligious Dialogue: Boundaries, Transgressions and Innovations",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408056,,"Mediating Mysteries, Understanding Liturgies. On Bridging the Gap between Liturgy and Systematic Theology",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408057,,Een Vader die geborgenheid schenkt én ons uitdaagt. Enige reflecties bij Gods vaderschap in Bijbels-christelijk perspectief,VABB-1,34,44,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408061,,Wieviel Säkularisierung verträgt die Liturgie? Kulturphilosophische und liturgietheologische Erwägungen,VABB-4,84,123,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:408062,,Een school voor de dienst aan de Heer. Perspectieven voor liturgische en monastieke spiritualiteit,VABB-1,219,230,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408064,,Monastisches Engagement in Kunst und Kloster. Lebensentwürfe im hermeneutischen Lehrgespräch mit dem Liedermacher Konstantin Wecker,VABB-1,313,338,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:408067,,Mystagogie: leren aan de liturgie,VABB-1,197,210,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:408072,,Ritual as an Involuntary Impediment to Interreligious Encounter? A Phenomenological Exploration in Conversation with C. Verhoeven,VABB-1,543,554,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408074,,"De eucharistie: vereniging en tegenwoordigheid, offer en gemeenschap",VABB-1,82,95,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408076,,Liturgical Theology,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408077,,"""Annus est Christus ipse."" Naar de kern van het liturgisch jaar",VABB-1,125,139,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408078,,Toekomst abdijgemeenschappen onder druk? Rol en kwaliteit van het monastieke gemeenschapsleven uitgedaagd door maatschappelijke transitiebeweging,VABB-1,25,43,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408080,,The Pious Jackal and the Pseudo-Woman: Doctrines of Deification in Medieval France,VABB-4,121,148,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408081,,Identifying and describing patients' learning experiences towards self-management of bipolar disorders: a phenomenological study,VABB-1,801,810,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408083,,Systematic Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Improvement of Medication Adherence,VABB-1,699,708,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408084,,Breastfeeding Initiation and Continuation by Employment Status among Korean Women,VABB-1,306,313,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408085,,Xenon for the prevention of postoperative delirium in cardiac surgery: study protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial,VABB-1,449,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408086,,Adult cardiothoracic transplant nursing: An ISHLT consensus document on the current adult nursing practice in heart and lung transplantation,VABB-1,139,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408087,,Realising skilled companionship in nursing: a utopian idea or difficult challenge,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408089,,Physical self-concept and its link to cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance among adolescents with mild congenital heart disease,VABB-1,206,213,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408090,,Flushing and Locking of Venous Catheters: Available Evidence and Evidence Deficit,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408091,,Building research initiative group: chronic illness management and adherence in transplantation (BRIGHT) study: study protocol,VABB-1,642,654,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408092,,Beneficial Effect of Belatacept on Health-Related Quality of Life and Perceived Side Effects: Results From the BENEFIT and BENEFIT-EXT Trials.,VABB-1,960,968,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408093,,Multilevel Correlates of Non-Adherence in Kidney Transplant Patients Benefitting from Full Cost Coverage for Immunosuppressives: A Cross-Sectional Study,VABB-1,e0138869,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408094,,Pediatric Deceased Donation-A Report of the Transplantation Society Meeting in Geneva,VABB-1,1403,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408096,,Health-related fitness profiles in adolescents with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,449,455,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408098,,"Cost-consequence analysis of ""washing without water"" for nursing home residents: A cluster randomized trial",VABB-1,112,120,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408099,,"Lanreotide Reduces Liver Volume, but Might not Improve Muscle Wasting or Weight Loss, in Patients with Symptomatic Polycystic Liver Disease",VABB-1,2353,2359.e1,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408100,,"A retrospective, longitudinal study of factors associated with new antipsychotic medication use among recently admitted long-term residents",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408101,,Research funders' roles and perceived responsibilities in relation to the implementation of clinical research results: a multiple case study of Swedish research funders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408102,,Multinational development and validation of an early prediction model for delirium in ICU patients,VABB-1,1048,1056,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408106,,Linguistic and content validation of a German-language PRO-CTCAE-based patient-reported outcomes instrument to evaluate the late effect symptom experience after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation,VABB-1,66,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408107,,The optimal combination therapy for the treatment of early rheumatoid arthritis,VABB-1,1615,25,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408109,,Uncertainties in insurances for adults with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,93,95,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408110,,Toward a Conceptualization of the Content of Psychosocial Screening in Living Organ Donors: An Ethical Legal Psychological Aspects of Transplantation Consensus,VABB-1,2413,2421,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408111,,Adherence of patients to long-term medication: a cross-sectional study of antihypertensive regimens in Austria,VABB-1,379,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408112,,Insufficient living – Experiences of recovery after infective endocarditis,VABB-1,E11,E19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408113,,Cost effectiveness of interpersonal community psychiatric treatment for people with long-term severe non-psychotic mental disorders: protocol of a multi-centre randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408114,,Holographic quenches and fermionic spectral functions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408116,,Early physical training and psycho-educational intervention for patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. The SheppHeart randomized 2 × 2 factorial clinical pilot trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408117,,"The effect of bright light therapy on sleep and circadian rhythms in renal transplant recipients: a pilot randomized, multicentre wait-list controlled trial",VABB-1,59,70,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408118,,A tailored e-learning program to improve handover in the chain of emergency care: a pre-test post-test study,VABB-1,33,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408119,,"Weight gain, overweight and obesity in solid organ transplantation--a study protocol for a systematic literature review",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408120,,Lack of evidence and standardization in care pathway documents for patients with ST-elevated myocardial infarction,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408122,,Forty years of quality-of-life research in congenital heart disease: Temporal trends in conceptual and methodological rigor,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408124,,Personal Recovery in Individuals Diagnosed with Substance use Disorder (SUD) and Co-Occurring Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD),VABB-1,242,248,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408125,,Clinical effects and implications of cardiac rehabilitation for ICD patients: a mixed methods approach embedding data from the COPE-ICD randomised clinical trial with qualitative data,VABB-1,420,427,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408126,,"Feedback provision, nurses' well-being and quality improvement: towards a conceptual framework",VABB-1,682,91,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408129,,Patient experiences with intensive combination-treatment strategies with glucocorticoids for early rheumatoid arthritis,VABB-1,384,390,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408130,,Are illness perception and coping style associated with the delay between symptom onset and the first general practitioner consultation in early rheumatoid arthritis management? An exploratory study within the CareRA trial,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408131,,Nurses' worry or concern and early recognition of deteriorating patients on general wards in acute care hospitals: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408132,,A maximum difference scaling survey of barriers to intensive combination-treatment strategies with glucocorticoids in early rheumatoid arthritis,VABB-1,861,869,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408134,,What do we know about rheumatoid arthritis patients' support needs for self-management? A scoping review,VABB-1,1617,1624,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408135,,Emotions and health: Findings from a randomized clinical trial on psycho-educational nursing to patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator,VABB-1,197,204,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408136,,Between invisible defects and visible impact: The living experiences of adolescents and young adults with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,599,608,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408137,,Annual cross-sectional evaluation of nurse-sensitive problems: How to keep a finger on the pulse?,VABB-1,E10,E16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408138,,Patient Safety Policy in Long-Term Care: A Research Protocol to Assess Executive WalkRounds to Improve Management of Early Warning Signs for Patient Safety,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408139,,"Predictors of self-reported adherence to antihypertensive medicines: a multinational, cross-sectional survey",VABB-1,206,16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408141,,The role of nurses/social workers in using a multidimensional guideline for diagnosis of anxiety and challenging behaviour in people with intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,1955,1965,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408142,,"The Patient's Perspective on ""Providing Structure"" in Psychiatric Inpatient Care: An Interview Study",VABB-1,136,147,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408143,,"Organization of hospital nursing, provision of nursing care, and patient assessments of care in Europe",VABB-1,643,664,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408144,,Goal setting and lifestyle changes in a nurse-led counselling programme for leg ulcer patients: an explorative analysis of nursing records,VABB-1,3576,3583,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408145,,Coping styles in substance use disorder (SUD) patients with and without co-occurring attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder (ASD),VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408146,,Blasfemie: een vergeefbare zonde in een seculiere rechtsstaat? Rusland als testcase,VABB-1,147,168,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408147,,Being One at Home. Interchurch Families as Domestic Church,VABB-4,93,108,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408151,,Being One at Home. Interchurch Families as Domestic Churches,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408152,,Personalism and the Natural Roots of Morality,VABB-4,42,59,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408154,,Gaudium et spes: Impulsen van de Geest voor een tijdperk van Globalisering,VABB-1,363,378,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408155,,Conjugal and Ecclesial Communion in the Domestic Church,VABB-4,123,140,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408156,,From Rome to Jerusalem. Interchurch Families and the Domestic Church Project,VABB-4,5,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408157,,Reading and Interpreting Scripture: A Way os Thinking,VABB-4,85,108,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408158,,The 'Impossible' Mission: The Annunciation Narrative (Lk 1:26-38) Gives Rise to Thought on the Paradoxical Relationship between Vocation and Freedom,VABB-4,155,181,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408159,,Gaudium et spes: From a Personalist to a Trinitarian Anthropology and its Implications for Reflecting on the Global Economy,VABB-1,227,244,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408160,,Dialogue of Transcendence: A Levinasian Perspective on the Anthropological-Ethical Conditions for Interreligious Dialogue,VABB-1,2,28,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408163,,De moraliteit van de dingen. Autonomie versus gedragsbeïnvloeding,VABB-1,285,304,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408164,,Twisting Ways: Emmanuel Levinas on How not to Talk about God,VABB-4,97,126,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408167,,The Conceptual link between Personal Integrity and Positive Fundamental Option: A Christian Interpretation of Personal integrity Conceptualization,VABB-1,108,126,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408170,,Interchurch Families: A Test Case for the 'Domestic Church',VABB-4,141,154,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408173,,"""Where Is Abel Your Brother?"" Levinas' Response to a Psychological Reading of the Story of Cain and Abel",VABB-1,452,475,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408174,,Redactioneel. Blasfemie en martelaarschap,VABB-1,107,110,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408181,,Technology and Iconography: Minding the logoi,VABB-4,99,114,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408185,,Characteristics of pricing errors in stocks implied by autocovariance and drag,VABB-1,999,1004,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408186,,Problems in launching the mobile internet: Evidence from a pricing experiment,VABB-1,483,506,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408187,,The diffusion of the internet and the increased propensity of teams to transcend institutional and national borders,VABB-1,115,142,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408188,,Policy-induced environmental technology and inventive efforts: Is there a crowding out?,VABB-1,375,401,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408190,,How to turn on the innovation growth machine in Europe,VABB-1,4,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408191,,Does involvement in patenting jeopardize one’s academic footprint? An analysis of patent-paper pairs in biotechnology,VABB-1,1702,1713,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408192,,Open innovation: Are inbound and outbound knowledge flows really complementary?,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408194,,Delay and secrecy: Does industry sponsorship jeopardize disclosure of academic research,VABB-1,251,279,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408195,,"Interdisciplinarity and impact: Distinct effects of variety, balance, and disparity",VABB-5,460,468,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408196,,Book Bibliometrics ¬ A new perspective and challenge in indicator building based on the Book Citation Index,VABB-5,1161,1169,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408197,,"Who makes, Who breaks: Which Scientists Stay in Academe?",VABB-1,229,232,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408200,,Quantity or quality? Knowledge alliances and their effects on patenting,VABB-1,981,1011,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408201,,"Scientific teams: Self-assembly, fluidness, and interdependence",VABB-1,197,207,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408202,,Scientific yield from collaboration with industry: The relevance ofresearchers’ strategic approaches,VABB-1,990,998,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408203,,R&D collaboration with uncertain intellectual property rights,VABB-1,183,204,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408204,,A model for publication and citation statistics of individual authors,VABB-5,942,952,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408205,,Creativity in scientific teams: Unpacking novelty and impact,VABB-1,684,697,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408206,,Exploring the scope of open innovation: A bibliometric review of a decade of research,VABB-1,951,983,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408207,,Bibliometrics-aided retrieval – where information retrieval meets scientometrics,VABB-1,2215,2222,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408212,,The effects of autocatalytic trade cycles on economic growth,VABB-1,486,508,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408213,,Automated characterisation of ultrasound images of ovarian tumours: the diagnostic accuracy of a support vector machine and image processing with a local binary pattern operator,VABB-1,7,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408214,,Characteristics of international collaboration in sport sciences publications and its influence on citation impact,VABB-1,40,63,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408216,,Using bibliometrics-aided retrieval to delineate the field of cardiovascular research,VABB-5,1018,1023,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408217,,Employment growth heterogeneity under varying intellectual property rightsregimes in European transition economies: young vs. mature innovators,VABB-1,1069,1084,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408218,,The Dynamic evolution of core documents: an experimental study based on h-related literature (2005–2013),VABB-1,369,381,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408219,,The budgetary procedure in the European Union and the implications of the Treaty of Lisbon,VABB-1,67,89,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408220,,Going radical: Producing and transferring disruptive innovation,VABB-1,663,669,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408223,,Collusion through joint R&D: An empirical assessment,VABB-1,349,370,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408224,,The tale of a Trojan horse or the quest for market access? China and the World Trade Organization,VABB-1,193,209,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408225,,Use of CrossRef and OAI-PMH to enrich bibliographical databases,VABB-5,1196,1197,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408227,,Basic Science as a Prescription for Breakthrough Inventions in the Pharmaceutical Industry,VABB-1,670,695,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408228,,Access to research inputs: open science versus the entrepreneurial university,VABB-1,1050,1063,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408229,,"Using noun phrases extraction for the improvement of hybrid clustering with text- and citation-based components. The example of ""Information system research""",VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408230,,R&D policies for young SMEs: input and output effects,VABB-1,465,485,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408231,,An experimental study on the dynamic evolution of core documents,VABB-5,897,898,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408232,,Technological performance and alliances over the industry life cycle: Evidence from the ASIC industry,VABB-1,556,573,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408233,,Bibliographic coupling and hierarchical clustering for the validation and improvement of subject-classification schemes,VABB-1,1453,1467,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408234,,Coping with copying,VABB-1,1,3,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408235,,The returns to foreign R&D,VABB-1,491,504,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408236,,Using hybrid methods and `core documents' for the representation of clusters and topics. The astronomy dataset,VABB-5,1085,1090,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408237,,Direct and mediated ties to universities: ‘scientific’ absorptive capacity and innovation performance of pharmaceutical firms,VABB-1,32,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408238,,How do firms develop capabilities for scientific disclosure?,VABB-1,1283,1295,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408239,,The role of oversight committees in closed rule legislation,VABB-1,521,547,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408240,,The effects of international mobility on European researchers: comparing intra-EU and US mobility,VABB-1,360,377,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408241,,Inter-temporal patterns of R&D collaboration and innovative performance,VABB-1,123,137,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408242,,Changing publication and citation patterns in political science in Germany,VABB-1,1833,1848,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408243,,Characteristics of international collaboration in sport sciences publications and its influence on citation impact,VABB-1,843,862,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408244,,Legislative Activity and Gridlock in the European Union,VABB-1,477,499,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408245,,"Interdisciplinarity and impact: Distinct effects of variety, balance, and disparity",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408246,,Multi-view clustering with exemplars for scientific mapping,VABB-1,1527,1552,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408248,,The Challenges to Embody a New Data Source: The Book Citation Index,VABB-1,24,29,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408249,,Does integration of services differ from integration of goods?,VABB-1,3,4,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408250,,Bone healing with bortezomib-based regimens in multiple myeloma: a retrospective imaging study,VABB-1,387,394,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408251,,Impact of selection bias on the evaluation of clusters of chemical compounds in the drug discovery process,VABB-1,12,27,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408252,,Missing data methodology: Introduction and preliminaries,VABB-4,3,22,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408253,,Simulation-based study comparing multiple imputation methods for non-monotone missing ordinal data in longitudinal settings,VABB-1,570,601,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408255,,"Percutaneous rheolytic thrombectomy of thrombosed autogenous dialysis fistulas: technical results, clinical outcome, and factors influencing patency",VABB-1,80,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408256,,Endothelium-enriched microRNAs as diagnostic biomarkers for cardiac allograft vasculopathy,VABB-1,1376,1384,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408258,,Standardized laparoscopic NOSE-colectomy is feasible with low morbidity,VABB-1,1167,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408261,,"Trypanosome infection in dromedary camels in Eastern Ethiopia: Prevalence, relative performance of diagnostic tools and host related risk factors",VABB-1,175,81,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408262,,Phase II study of weekly paclitaxel/carboplatin in combination with prophylactic G-CSF in the treatment of gynecologic cancers: A study in 108 patients by the Belgian Gynaecological Oncology Group,VABB-1,278,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408263,,Global Visit Effects in Point-Wise Longitudinal Modeling of Glaucomatous Visual Fields,VABB-1,4283,4289,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408264,,Comparison of risks of cardiovascular events in the elderly using standard survival analysis and multiple-events and recurrent-events methods,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408265,,Sensitivity Analysis,VABB-4,1,600,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408266,,Randomized clinical trial of laparoscopic colectomy with or without natural-orifice specimen extraction,VABB-1,630,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408268,,Marginal correlation from logit- and probit-data-normal models for hierarchical binary data,VABB-1,4164,4178,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408270,,Scoring the quality of total mesorectal excision for the prediction of cancer specific outcome,VABB-1,O115,O122,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408272,,Likelihood and Bayesian methods: Introduction and overview,VABB-4,49,52,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408274,,Biological ageing and frailty markers in breast cancer patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408275,,Frozen-thawed embryo transfer in a natural or mildly hormonally stimulated cycle in women with regular ovulatory cycles: a RCT,VABB-1,2552,2562,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408276,,Lung lesions increase the risk of reduced meat quality of slaughter pigs,VABB-1,106,108,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408277,,Criminal Victimisation in People with Severe Mental Illness: A Multi-Site Prevalence and Incidence Survey in the Netherlands,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408278,,Sensitivity Analysis: Introduction and overview,VABB-4,319,324,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408280,,Prognostic features of breast cancer differ between women in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Belgium,VABB-1,642,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408281,,The use of Oxaliplatin or Mitomycin C in HIPEC treatment for peritoneal carcinomatosis from colorectal cancer: A comparative study,VABB-1,527,532,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408282,,Prevalence and determinants of declining versus stable hemoglobin levels in whole blood donors,VABB-1,1955,1963,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408283,,Quantitative contribution of prognosticators to oncologic outcome after rectal cancer resection,VABB-1,566,574,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408284,,A Model for Overdispersed Hierarchical Ordinal Data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408285,,Special Topics,VABB-4,1,600,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408286,,Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) hospitalisations and deaths: is there a quality improvement role for inter-hospital comparisons?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408288,,The shortwave infrared bands response to stomatal conductance in ‘Conference’ pear trees (Pyrus communis L.),VABB-1,1003,1019,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408289,,Impact of self-esteem and personality traits on the association between orthodontic treatment need and oral health-related quality of life in adults seeking orthodontic treatment,VABB-1,643,50,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408291,,A survey on the application of recurrent neural networks to statistical language modeling,VABB-1,61,98,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408292,,Authors' response,VABB-1,205,205,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408293,,Identification of dynamic forces using group-sparsity in frequency domain,VABB-1,756,768,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:408294,,Reliability measures in item response theory: Manifest versus latent correlation functions,VABB-1,43,64,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408295,,Likelihood and Bayesian Methods,VABB-4,1,600,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408296,,Healing course of acute vessel wall injury after drug-eluting stent implantation assessed by optical coherence tomography,VABB-1,800,9,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408297,,Clinical Trials in the Genomic Era,VABB-4,1,580,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408298,,Predictors of root resorption associated with maxillary canine impaction in panoramic images,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408299,,A comparison of three different radiotherapy boost techniques after breast conserving therapy for breast cancer,VABB-1,391,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408300,,Optical coherence tomography study of healing characteristics of paclitaxel-eluting balloons vs. everolimus-eluting stents for in-stent restenosis: the SEDUCE (Safety and Efficacy of a Drug elUting balloon in Coronary artery rEstenosis) randomised clinical trial,VABB-1,439,448,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408301,,DNA methylation-guided prediction of clinical failure in high-risk prostate cancer,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408302,,Radiographic predictors for maxillary canine impaction,VABB-1,345,54,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408303,,"Understanding Evidence-Based Rheumatology. Guide to Interpreting Criteria, Drugs, Trials, Registries, and Ethics",VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408304,,Final analysis of a prospective trial on functional imaging for nodal staging in patients with prostate cancer at high risk for lymph node involvement,VABB-1,109.e23,31,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408305,,Type-specific orthostatic hemodynamic response of hypertensitive diseases in pregnancy,VABB-1,1036,1044,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408306,,On the relationship between the causal-inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the validation of surrogate endpoints,VABB-1,15,24,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408307,,Testing the proportional odds assumption in multiply imputed ordinal longitudinal data,VABB-1,2257,2279,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408308,,Predicting pregnancy rate and live birth rate in the IVF clinic by analysing patient profiles,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408310,,Stratification of High-risk Prostate Cancer into Prognostic Categories: A European Multi-institutional Study,VABB-1,157,64,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408312,,A multivariate Bayesian model for embryonic growth,VABB-1,1351,65,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408313,,Semi-parametric Bayesian analysis of binary responses with a continuous covariate subject to non-random missingness,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408314,,A new modeling approach for quantifying expert opinion in the drug discovery process,VABB-1,1590,604,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408315,,Risk factors for nonunion after intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fractures: Remaining controversies,VABB-1,1601,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408316,,Different methods for handling incomplete longitudinal binary outcome due to missing at random dropout,VABB-1,12,27,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408317,,Sensitivity analysis: A likelihood-based perspective,VABB-4,325,378,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408319,,Long-term results of the European achalasia trial: a multicentre randomised controlled trial comparing pneumatic dilation versus laparoscopic Heller myotomy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408320,,Handbook of Missing Data Methodology,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408321,,Preliminaries,VABB-4,1,600,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408323,,Low-dose human menopausal gonadotrophin versus clomiphene citrate in subfertile couples treated with intrauterine insemination: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1079,88,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:408324,,A Simulation Study Comparing Multiple Imputation Methods for Incomplete Longitudinal Ordinal Data,VABB-1,1311,1338,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408325,,Pre-slaughter handling and pork quality,VABB-1,118,123,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408327,,Sound levels above 85dB pre-slaughter influence pork quality,VABB-1,269,274,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408328,,To adjust or not to adjust for baseline when analyzing repeated binary responses? The case of complete data when treatment comparison at study end is of interest,VABB-1,262,271,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408329,,Exploring the relationship between the causal-inference and meta-analytic paradigms for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408330,,Model Diagnostics,VABB-4,547,564,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408331,,Thermal Infrared Imaging of the Temporal Variability in Stomatal Conductance for Fruit Trees,VABB-1,9,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408332,,Semi-Parametric Methods,VABB-4,1,600,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:408333,,Adjusting for Baseline on the Analysis of Repeated Binary Responses with Missing Data,VABB-1,238,250,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408334,,GWAS with longitudinal phenotypes: performance of approximate procedures,VABB-1,1384,1391,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408341,,"Fragmenten van twee eenkolomshandschriften van de Dietsche Catoen, overgeleverd in Mechelse stadsrekeningen",VABB-1,165,177,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408343,,The Brussels Plays of the Seven Sorrows,VABB-4,51,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408345,,Blackwood's Volatile Asset: James Hogg,VABB-1,139,148,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408346,,La Shoah e la memoria in atto. I racconti testimoniali di Giuliana Tedeschi e Liana Millu,VABB-1,47,66,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408347,,"La 'condivisione' della Shoah: un confronto tra ""Perlasca, un eroe italiano"" e ""La finestra di fronte""",VABB-4,61,68,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408349,,De doeltreffendheid van een Italiaanse versus Nederlandse slagzin in een Italiaanse wijnreclame,VABB-1,39,58,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408350,,"Killing What Is Already Dead: 'Original Materialism,' Translation, and Romanticism after de Man (With a Coda on Coleridge and Carlyle)",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408351,,"English in television commercials in Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain",VABB-1,576,599,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408352,,Dividends and Family Governance Practices in Private Family Firms,VABB-1,299,314,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408354,,Family business internationalization in the new millennium: Achievements and avenues for future research?,VABB-1,299,332,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408356,,From pay-per-bag to pay-per-kg:The case of Flanders revisited,VABB-1,1103,1111,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408360,,Efficient Waste Management Policies and Strategic Behavior with Open Borders,VABB-1,907,923,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408366,,Sustainability Reporting in Higher Education: Interconnecting the Reporting Process and Organisational Change Management for Sustainability,VABB-1,8881,8903,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408368,,The stability and effectiveness of climate coalitions: A comparative analysis of multiple integrated assessment models,VABB-1,811,836,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408369,,"If you have an active vagus nerve, cancer stage may no longer be important",VABB-1,195,201,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408370,,Catching or fining speeders,VABB-1,415,437,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408372,,Factors determining authors’ willingness to wait for editorial decisions from economic history journals,VABB-1,1347,1374,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408373,,Dredged sediments as a resource for brick production: Possibilities and barriers from a consumers' perspective,VABB-1,372,380,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408374,,Emission standards and monitoring strategies in a hierarchical setting,VABB-1,395,412,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408375,,Comparing the impact of road noise on property prices in two separated markets,VABB-1,15,44,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408377,,Use of red mud in soil remediation: review of applications and challenges,VABB-5,81,87,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408381,,Experiences from the implementation of sustainable development in higher education institutions: Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities,VABB-1,3,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408384,,Determinants of Private Equity Investments in the Biotechnology Industry,VABB-1,28,40,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408385,,Teaching organisational change management for sustainability: designing and delivering a course at the University of Leeds to better prepare future sustainability change agents,VABB-1,205,215,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408391,,The Role of Organic and Fair Trade Labels when Choosing Chocolate,VABB-1,92,100,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408393,,You May Need a Nerve to Treat Pain The Neurobiological Rationale for Vagal Nerve Activation in Pain Management,VABB-1,1099,1105,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408400,,Contingent valuation of a classic cycling race,VABB-1,268,294,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408404,,Revising claims and resisting ultimatums in bargaining problems,VABB-1,91,116,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408407,,Professional norms and physician behavior: homo oeconomicus or homo hippocraticus?,VABB-1,1,11,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:408408,,Football to improve math and reading performance,VABB-1,577,595,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408409,,Contemporary economic perspectives in education,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408410,,Does residential social mobility improve educational outcomes? Evidence from the Netherlands,VABB-1,351,369,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408411,,One- and multi-directional conditional efficiency measurement - Efficiency in Lithuanian family farms,VABB-1,612,622,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408412,,Does unauthorized school absenteeism accelerates the dropout decision? Evidence from a Bayesian duration model,VABB-1,266,271,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408413,,Can cities be held responsible for early school leaving? Evidence from the Netherlands,VABB-1,217,239,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408415,,Direct democracy and local government efficiency,VABB-1,58,66,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408416,,The causal effect of single-sex education versus coeducation on motivation and educational attainments. Evidence from a randomized experiment in secondary education,VABB-4,53,75,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408418,,The influence of closing poor performing primary schools on the educational attainment of students,VABB-1,290,307,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408419,,Hoeveel kost aanval op de schooluitval? Voorspellingen over de kosten van het vsv-beleid,VABB-1,217,224,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:408420,,The effectiveness of active school attendance interventions to tackle dropout in secondary schools. A Dutch pilot case,VABB-1,65,80,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408421,,"Product diversity, demand structures and optimal taxation",VABB-1,979,1003,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408423,,Fiscal policy and business formation in open economies,VABB-1,603,620,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408426,,Optimizing intersections,VABB-1,100,119,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408428,,Second-best urban tolling with distributive concerns,VABB-1,257,269,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408429,,The myth of traffic-responsive signal control: Why common sense does not always make sense,VABB-1,350,357,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408430,,Is sustainable transport policy sustainable?,VABB-1,92,100,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408431,,"Taxation of nuclear rents: Benefits, drawbacks, and alternatives",VABB-1,622,632,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408432,,Consumption and indirect tax models,VABB-4,223,273,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408435,,Demand-side strategies to deal with moral hazard in public insurance for long-term care,VABB-1,170,176,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408438,,De pensioenhervorming als maatschappelijk debat,VABB-1,2,10,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408444,,"Individual employment, and risk of poverty in the European Union. A decomposition analysis",VABB-4,94,130,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408447,,The effectiveness of a computer-assisted math learning program,VABB-1,314,329,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408452,,Equité du systeme de santé belge,VABB-1,129,172,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408454,,Inequity in the face of death,VABB-1,1348,1367,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408455,,Empirical welfare analysis with preference heterogeneity,VABB-1,224,251,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408457,,De ziekte(pensioen)regeling van de ambtenaren in het onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap: van ‘(re)visited’ tot ‘(re)calculated,VABB-1,33,52,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408458,,Het nut van dotaties in gelaagde staatsvormen: een vergelijking van vereveningsmechanismen,VABB-1,561,595,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408460,,Changing coalitions in value chains and the political economy of agricultural and food policy,VABB-1,90,115,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408461,,The political economy of the 2014-2020 Common Agricultural Policy: an imperfect storm,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408462,,Media slant in economic news: a factor 20,VABB-1,18,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408463,,The common agricultural policy,VABB-4,269,283,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408464,,Political economy of public policies: insights from distortions to agricultural and food markets,VABB-4,231,294,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408465,,Socio-economic status and enrollment in higher education: do costs matter,VABB-1,532,556,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408466,,Entry and competition in concentrated markets with product differentiation,VABB-1,195,209,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408467,,Merger simulation with nested logit demand: implementation using stata,VABB-1,511,540,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408469,,Split-panel jackknife estimation of fixed-effect models,VABB-1,991,1030,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408470,,Unbundling the incumbent: evidence from UK Broadband,VABB-1,330,362,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408471,,Nested or random coefficients logit? A comparison between alternative discrete choice models of product differentiation,VABB-1,916,935,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408472,,"The English Tenses, Blanché and the Logical Kite",VABB-4,319,338,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408473,,Morphological Transparency and the Delay of Principle B Effect,VABB-1,121,139,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408474,,How to merge a root,VABB-1,625,655,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408475,,'Well it's not very ideal...' The pragmatic marker 'well' in learner English,VABB-1,59,89,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408476,,Getting organized to beat Babel in multilingual service encounters: The European Network for Public Service Interpreting and Translation,VABB-1,186,197,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408477,,Het effect van taalfouten in product recall-advertenties. De terughaalactie geld alleen voor de hierboven afgebelede pizza’s geldig,VABB-1,292,312,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:408478,,A Divine Error,VABB-5,93,98,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408485,,CAAD and Conceptual Design Collaboration between Architects and Structural Engineers,VABB-5,215,224,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408488,,Breaking Out of the Box: Ingredients for a More Radical Planning,VABB-5,2,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408492,,Matrix Method: Looking as Generator for Creativity,VABB-5,1655,1666,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408495,,Tools and Strategies for the Analysis and Synthesis of Ill-Defined Construction Problems,VABB-5,119,126,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408499,,Project Arrivée: Countermapping Super-diversity in Brussels and Ghent with Architecture Students,VABB-5,369,378,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408502,,The Two Cultures in a Multicultural Society,VABB-4,25,29,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408509,,Building Architectural Provocations,VABB-1,87,102,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408511,,"Chaotic, fluid and instable. On the complex housing trajectories of homeless people in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,595,614,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408520,,Application of acoustic emission technique for bond characterization in FRP-masonry systems,VABB-1,534,541,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408522,,Challenges and Opportunities in the Formation of Design Professionals,VABB-5,60,65,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408526,,Ingredients for a more Radical Strategic Spatial Planning,VABB-1,510,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408528,,"ICT-enabled Civic Empowerment and Participation: in Design, through Design",VABB-5,89,97,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408529,,Digital Tools and Creative Practice in Architectural Research,VABB-5,25,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408533,,Elevations and Stellations,VABB-5,235,260,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408541,,Storytelling as strategy to envision the changing meaning of heritage from an object-focused approach towards an intertwined contextual one,VABB-5,165,176,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408545,,Design challenges in hybrid contexts. Crossing Perspectives,VABB-5,1,15,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408550,,Het zijn en worden van een ‘metropolitane Dendervallei’,VABB-5,1,9,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:408552,,Nonagons in the Hagia Sophia and the Selimiye Mosque,VABB-1,157,181,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408556,,Housing First : een alternatief voor de woonladder ?,VABB-1,33,53,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408559,,A cybernetic model of ICT-enabled participation in and through urban design,VABB-5,615,626,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408560,,Quality management of interventions on historic buildings,VABB-5,313,324,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408562,,A hybrid model for prediction of ground-borne vibration due to discrete wheel/rail irregularities,VABB-1,103,120,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408563,,Interiors and their temporalities. Etching time into modernist materiality,VABB-1,111,121,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408564,,Recycling the past: the case of the intensive training programme in urbanism,VABB-1,29,38,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408566,,Matrix Method: The Image as an Essential tool in a Research Process and Creative Practices,VABB-1,33,49,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408570,,Generalisations of Wallis’ formula,VABB-1,271,272,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408575,,Observations about Leonardo's drawings for Luca Pacioli,VABB-1,102,112,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408578,,"Fit In, Stand Out! From Adjacencies to agencies in prison architecture",VABB-5,455,463,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408585,,The Nameless Local,VABB-5,51,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408588,,Virtueel lichtbaken. Het verlichtingsontwerp van de Citroën-Toonzaal in Brussel,VABB-1,37,47,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408593,,Designing Scientific Academic Conferences as a Learning Environment,VABB-1,98,105,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408598,,The Carpenter and the Draughtsman: an embedded report on the architecture of Juliaan Lampens,VABB-1,14,19,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408605,,"Interactive Design: Designing Sensorial, Dialogical Spaces",VABB-1,233,241,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408607,,Special Issue of Interiors. Design/Architecture/Culture: 'Interiors and their Temporalities. Etching Time into Modernist Materiality',VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408613,,Lost in Edition: did Leonardo da Vinci slip up?,VABB-1,458,464,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408616,,The concept of elevation applied to flat tiling patterns,VABB-5,9,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408618,,Wonen op een onaangepaste plek: de vergeten dimensie van de vergrijzing,VABB-1,1,18,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408620,,Extending the Network: Defining Product Delivery Partnering Preferences for Omni-channel Commerce,VABB-5,447,451,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408622,,ENCOURAGING USER PARTICIPATION IN BLENDED LEARNING: COURSE REORIENTATION,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408623,,Human organizational patterns applied to collaborative learning software systems,VABB-1,742,751,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408624,,Modeling Hierarchical Resources Within a Unified Ontology - A Position Paper,VABB-5,614,619,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408625,,Spelen gemeentekenmerken een rol bij de participatie?,VABB-4,133,155,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408627,,What is the relative advertising effectiveness of different touch points?,VABB-1,447,470,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408629,,Variables of gait inconsistency outperform basic gait variables in detecting mildly lame cows,VABB-1,125,131,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408630,,A branching process with immigration in varying environment,VABB-1,5211,5225,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408631,,What are the last digits of ...?,VABB-1,147,155,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408633,,Lineland and the underground economy: the multidimensionality of informal work by secondary education students,VABB-4,75,102,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408634,,Frontier-based vs. traditional mutual fund ratings: A first backtesting analysis,VABB-1,332,342,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408635,,"Intuitive approximations in discrete renewal theory, part 1: regularly varying case",VABB-1,68,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408636,,Random Sums of random variables and vectors including infinite means and unequal lenght sums,VABB-1,433,450,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408637,,On Xiang's Observation Concerning the Cauchy-Schwartz Inequality,VABB-1,696,699,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408638,,The differences in perception of radiological risks: lay people versus new and experienced employees in the nuclear sector,VABB-1,40,54,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408640,,Determining the scoring validity of a co-constructed CEFR-based rating scale,VABB-1,521,541,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408644,,Sustainable education: Exploiting students' energy for learning as a renewable resource,VABB-1,5488,5507,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408646,,Creating quarter for doing things with language,VABB-1,21,45,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408647,,Slide to unlock new opportunities for feedback. The potential of the tablet for teacher training,VABB-5,3402,3407,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408650,,Migrant parents and their views on language and parental involvement: The impact of an embedded language course,VABB-4,53,68,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408651,,Xenon anaesthesia for patients undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a prospective randomized controlled pilot trial†,VABB-1,550,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408654,,The German Model of Laboratory Science and the European Periphery (1860-1914),VABB-4,211,225,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408655,,The economics of professional road cycling,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408656,,Onderzoek naar mogelijke verklaringen voor verschillen in studie-inzet in het Vlaamse hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,20,41,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408661,,Disequilbrium on the sports programmes market: the gender imbalace in TV coverage and TV viewership of the 2012 Olympic Games,VABB-4,131,150,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408662,,The effect of blended learning on course persistence and performance of adult learners: A difference-in-differences analysis,VABB-1,83,89,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408668,,Selection bias in educational issues and the use of Heckman’s sample selection model,VABB-4,35,51,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408672,,De “materiële vergissing” als grondslag voor de ambtshalve ontheffing: tijd voor een ingrijpend wetgevend initiatief,VABB-1,446,456,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408673,,The impact of different body-sizes of non-celebrity endorsers on advertising effectiveness,VABB-1,428,452,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408674,,Skill Utilization and Well-Being: A Cross-level Story of Day-to-day Fluctuations and Personal Intrinsic Values,VABB-1,306,323,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408675,,Royal Patronage and Early Modern Science in the Spanish Netherlands,VABB-4,139,160,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408678,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408679,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,21,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408682,,Revaluing the Role of Parents as Financial Socialization Agents in Youth Financial Literacy Programs,VABB-1,186,222,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408683,,Current Trends in Regional Innovation System Thinking and Policy Making,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408684,,'De fiscus in burger': nieuwe wegen voor de inning van belastingen in het buitenland?,VABB-1,424,428,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408686,,The finances of professional cycling teams,VABB-4,55,82,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408688,,The social regulation of markets: Why microcredit fails to promote jobs in rural South India,VABB-1,1277,1301,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408689,,Globalization in professional road cycling,VABB-4,165,205,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408694,,The European Union: An Introduction,VABB-2,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408702,,TV viewing of road cycling races,VABB-4,99,128,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408703,,Organizational justice as buffer against stressful job demands,VABB-1,487,499,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408704,,A new approach for near real-time micro -CHP management in the context of power system imbalances - A case study,VABB-1,270,280,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408706,,"Gent, 24 juni 2014, noot",VABB-1,1070,1074,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408715,,'Die moorderij op groote schaal': Stijn Streuvels' dagboek In Oorlogstijd,VABB-1,169,188,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:408718,,Horace's Carmina Amatoria : A Survey of Recent Studies. From Lyne's Latin Love Poets (1980) to Eicks's Liebe und Lyrik (2011,VABB-1,285,316,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408719,,Values underlying the information culture in communist and post-communist Russia (1917-1999),VABB-1,15,25,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408720,,Nature and functions of humor in trench newspapers (1914-1918),VABB-4,107,122,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408722,,Los libros del futuro,VABB-1,6,9,,spa,2015,1 c:vabb:408727,,Hoe Vlaams is het Standaardnederlands van taalprofessionelen?,VABB-1,6,9,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408728,,‘Maar hier gaat alles gewoon verder.’ Het journalistieke ethos van Lieve Joris in De poorten van Damascus,VABB-1,141,158,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408730,,The different developments of progressive aspect markers be in the middle/midst of and be in the process of V-ing: mechanisms of change,VABB-4,181,202,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408731,,Lexicalization and grammaticalization: The case of the verbo-nominal expressions be on the/one’s way/road,VABB-1,232,263,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408732,,beta-Decay Half-Lives of 110 Neutron-Rich Nuclei across the N=82 Shell Gap: Implications for the Mechanism and Universality of the Astrophysical r Process,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408733,,Juries in the Japanese Legal System: The Continuing Struggle for Citizen Participation and Democracy,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408734,,Effects of blood pressure lowering on cardiovascular risk according to baseline body-mass index: a meta-analysis of randomised trials,VABB-1,867,874,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408737,,Uczenie się i nauczanie słownictwa języka polskiego za pomocą technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych. Stan realizacji projektu „Polish Your Polish/(Un)Polish Your Russian” na KU Leuven (Belgia),VABB-1,231,247,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408738,,Drei Farben: Weiß (Krzysztof Kieślowski),VABB-4,160,170,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:408740,,"Polish Your Polish - (Un)Polish Your Russian. Kontrastywne uczenie się słownictwa w oparciu o zasadę ""wiki""",VABB-4,505,512,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408744,,Van Reetveerdegem naar Trou Duc Les Oyes en Moskou De helaasheid der dingen als (vertaalde) verfilming,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408748,,De internationale verspreiding van De helaasheid der dingen,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408749,,"""In Holland staat een huis"". De uitbeelding van Poolse immigranten in recente Nederlandse speelfilms",VABB-1,113,140,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408751,,Kunst om niet te weten: geïnspireerd door Patricia De Martelaeres werk over het taoïsme,VABB-1,515,531,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:408752,,When ‘Ru-Mo’ may not be ‘Confucians and Mohists’ — The Meaning of ‘Ru-Mo’ and Early Intellectual Taxonomy,VABB-1,111,138,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408753,,The modern formation of early Mohism: Sun Yirang's exposing and correcting the Mozi,VABB-1,208,238,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408754,,Textual and Visual Sources on Catholic Churches in Peking in the 17th-19th century,VABB-4,9,21,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408760,,Asia,VABB-4,557,573,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408764,,The pre-1773 Jesuit libraries in Peking as a Medium for Western Learning in Seventeenth- and Early eighteenth-Century China,VABB-1,429,445,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408766,,Ignatian visual meditation in seventeenth-century China,VABB-4,24,35,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408767,,Libraries of Western learning for China: circulation of Western books between Europe and China in the Jesuit Mission (ca. 1650-1750). 3: Of books and readers,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408770,,A non-interventional phase IV Belgian survey to assess the antiviral effectiveness of pegylated interferon-alpha-2b and ribavirin treatment according to the stage of liver fibrosis in previously untreated patients with genotype 1/4/5/6 chronic hepatitis C (PRACTICE),VABB-1,393,400,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408771,,Deyi Xiong and Min Zhang: Linguistically motivated statistical machine translation: models and algorithms,VABB-1,291,294,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408772,,Semantics-based pretranslation for SMT using fuzzy matches,VABB-5,61,64,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408774,,Extending a Dutch Text-to-Pictograph Converter to English and Spanish,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408775,,Efficient language model adaptation for automatic speech recognition of spoken translations,VABB-5,2262,2266,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408777,,Improving fuzzy matching through syntactic knowledge,VABB-5,217,227,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408778,,Natural Language Generation from Pictographs,VABB-5,71,75,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408779,,Linguistic Issues in Machine Translation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408780,,Translating text into pictographs,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:408781,,Predicative constructions. From the Fregean to a Montagovian treatment,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408782,,Linking Pictographs to Synsets: Sclera2Cornetto,VABB-5,3404,3410,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408783,,Assessing linguistically aware fuzzy matching in translation memories,VABB-5,153,160,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408785,,Evolution des démonstratifs du latin au français: le passage d'un système ternaire à un système binaire,VABB-4,337,371,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408786,,Le concept de 'langue' et la conception de la linguistique chez Karl Jaberg: une visée dialectique sur le langage,VABB-4,59,83,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408787,,Traduire au XIVe siècle: Evrart de Conty et la vie intellectuelle à la cour de Charles V,VABB-3,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408788,,Johannes Goropius Becanus (1519–1573): Brabants arts en taalfanaat,VABB-2,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408790,,"Karl Jaberg, romaniste et linguiste",VABB-4,7,11,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408793,,Priscian on the Distinction between Adverbs and Conjunctions,VABB-4,265,275,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408794,,Friedrich Gedike on why and how to compare the world’s languages: a stepping stone between Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Wilhelm von Humboldt?,VABB-1,53,76,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408795,,Grammaticographie,VABB-4,525,555,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:408798,,Modeler l'étude des signes de la langue: Saussure et la place de la linguistique,VABB-1,115,148,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408799,,The distribution of functional types of clefts in adverbial clauses,VABB-1,793,836,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408800,,Romance languages and linguistic theory 2012,VABB-3,,,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408801,,Le français en diachronie: nouveaux objets et méthodes,VABB-3,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408802,,Le sort (cyclique) d'un infixe: *-ID(I)- et ses avatars en ladin dolomitique,VABB-1,107,125,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408803,,Polytonia: a system for the automatic transcription of tonal aspects in speech corpora,VABB-1,17,57,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408806,,Latin as a language of acculturation in the Graeco-Roman world: the testimony of the papyri,VABB-4,507,515,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408807,,"Karl Jaberg: Linguistique romane, géographie linguistique, théorie du langage",VABB-3,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408809,,Dutch-French Bilingual Lexicography in the Early Modern Period. A checklist of sources,VABB-1,110,148,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408810,,Evrart de Conty et ses contemporains: polyphonie d'un discours encyclopédique,VABB-4,127,179,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408811,,Karl Jabern observateur du langage vécu,VABB-4,1,18,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408812,,Definitions of Grammar,VABB-4,515,544,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408813,,Description of the Constituent Elements of the Language,VABB-4,759,797,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408814,,'Albathe' face à 'pustule': disparition versus lexicalisation des néologismes en français médiéval,VABB-4,389,405,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408816,,Language attitudes and social connotations in Jerome and Sidonius Apollinaris,VABB-1,393,421,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408817,,Contrast and intervention at the periphery,VABB-1,56,85,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408819,,Plutarch's Reception of Plato's Phaedo,VABB-4,107,133,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408820,,Maxime le Confesseur,VABB-4,374,514,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408822,,'Remember Joseph Rhakendytès'. Authorship and Authority in the 'Synopsis' of Joseph the Philosopher,VABB-4,181,196,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408824,,Epicurean Philosophy in Open Access. The Intended Reader and the Authorial Approach of Diogenes of Oenoanda,VABB-1,151,174,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408825,,The Slavonic Tradition of The Quaestiones Ad Antiochum Ducem: The Conflated Nature of Cod. Pragensis Slav. IX F 15,VABB-1,379,400,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408826,,"An exegetical note on Plutarch, Isis and Osiris 351E",VABB-1,157,164,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:408827,,Questions sur les deux arbres du paradis : la lettre Ξ du Florilège Coislin,VABB-1,49,79,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:408829,,Capita Literature in Byzantium,VABB-4,123,137,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408831,,From Chaos to Cosmos (and Back Again): Plato's Timaeus and the Composition of De animae procreatione and De facie in orbe lunae,VABB-4,199,214,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408832,,"Precepts for a Tranquil Life, A new edition of the Ad neophytos de patientia [CPG 7707:32]",VABB-1,247,284,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408833,,Eulogii Alexandrini quae supersunt. Old and new fragments from Eulogius of Alexandria's oeuvre (CPG 6971-6979),VABB-1,201,240,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408834,,Building the Architecture of the Cosmos: the Maximian Bricks,VABB-5,27,39,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408836,,Plutarch's Influence on John Chrysostom,VABB-1,341,363,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408837,,Some Unknown Byzantine Poems Preserved in a Manuscript of the Holy Mountain,VABB-1,111,118,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408838,,Maximus Confessor's Use of Literary Genres,VABB-4,274,286,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408841,,"Negotiating Marriage in Multicultural Babylonia: An Example from the Judean Community in Āl-Yāhūdu,",VABB-4,33,57,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408843,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2015-2,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408845,,L’originalité des soubassements de la porte monumentale du deuxième pylône du temple d’Amon à Karnak,VABB-4,855,875,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:408846,,Des Lyciens à Persépolis et en Mésopotamie durant la période achéménide (c. 521-331 av. J.-Chr.),VABB-4,147,174,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408847,,Archaeology of Ancient Egypt,VABB-4,691,696,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408851,,Epigrafie in Dayr al-Barsha/L’épigraphie à Dayr al-Barcha,VABB-4,145,158,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408853,,Sector 5 – The South-East Lobe of the Hill,VABB-1,20,29,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408856,,ʿAbbāsid State Violence and the Execution of Ibn ʿĀʾisha,VABB-4,128,140,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408861,,Written on Mud : Some more Brick Inscriptions from Mesopotamia,VABB-1,89,101,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408862,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2015-3,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408863,,Djehoetihotep. 100 jaar opgravingen in Egypte / Djehoutihotep. 100 ans de fouilles en Egypte,VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408864,,"Fowl for the Governor. The tomb of governor Djehutinakht IV or V at Dayr al-Barshā reinvestigated, II: Pottery, Human Remains, and Faunal Remains",VABB-1,67,87,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408866,,"Ne fais pas confiance à un autre dieu"". Un dieu ou plusieurs dieux en Mésopotamie?",VABB-4,181,222,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:408868,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2015-4,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408869,,Dayr al-Barsha in een notendop/Dayr al-Barcha en quelques mots,VABB-4,14,22,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408872,,The Use-life of the Middle Kingdom Tomb of Governor Nehri I at Dayr al-Barsha: Reconstructing Find Contexts Based on the Distribution of Coffin Fragments,VABB-1,215,236,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408873,,Gravers en rovers rond 1900 / Fouilleurs et voleurs autour de 1900,VABB-4,95,100,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408876,,"De grafkamer van Aboe in al-Shaykh Ibada/La chambre funéraire d’Abou, à al-Chaykh Ibada",VABB-4,173,212,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408879,,Vroege Egyptologen in Dayr al-Barsha/Les premiers égyptologues à Dayr al-Barcha,VABB-4,53,59,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408882,,Ramses II Helps the Dead: an Interpretation of Book of the Dead Supplementary Chapter 166,VABB-1,395,420,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408883,,"What’s in a Name: Hallušu, Hallutaš or Hallutuš?",VABB-1,61,66,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408884,,De campagne van George Andrew Reisner/La campagne de George Andrew Reisner,VABB-4,101,128,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408886,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2015-1,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408888,,"Dagmar Budde, Das Götterkind im Tempel, in der Stadt und im Weltgebäude. EIne Studie zu drei Kultobjekten der Hathor von Dendera und zur Theologie der Kindgötter im griechisch-römischen Ägypten, Müncher Ägyptologische Studien, 55, 2011",VABB-1,142,147,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:408889,,"Integrated Remote Sensing Investigations of Ancient Quarries and Road Systems in the Greater Dayr al-Barshā Region, Middle Egypt: a Study of Logistics",VABB-1,286,300,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408891,,Working memory,VABB-4,443,446,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408892,,Aptitude testing,VABB-4,17,20,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:408894,,Agent-gebaseerde modellering in de historische taalkunde. Een model van regularisatiedruk op de Nederlandse werkwoorden,VABB-1,5,23,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408895,,On a first-name basis: Englishization and naming in Flanders,VABB-1,7,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408896,,The rise of the verbal weak inflection in Germanic. An agent-based model,VABB-1,81,102,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408897,,Competing constructions: The pluralization of presentational haber in Dominican Spanish,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408899,,On multiple source constructions in language change (2nd edition),VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408900,,Four guidelines for diachronic metaphor research,VABB-4,15,28,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408901,,Cross-linguistic variation in metonymies for 'Person'. A Chinese-English contrastive study,VABB-1,220,256,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408902,,Sociaalpsychologische methodes als nieuwe meettechnieken in taalattitudeonderzoek? Het voorbeeld van de Implicit Association Test,VABB-1,25,39,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:408903,,The corpus-based identification of cross-lectal synonyms in pluricentric languages,VABB-1,54,80,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408908,,English-only job advertising in the Low Countries: The impact of job-related and company-related predictors,VABB-1,6,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408909,,Which-hunting and the Standard English relative clause,VABB-1,806,836,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408912,,Dismiss polysemy? Ho maar!,VABB-1,218,223,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408913,,From structure to context. Modern linguistics from a distance,VABB-5,35,51,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408914,,The discourse motivation for split-ergative alignment in Dutch nominalisations (and elsewhere),VABB-1,317,348,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408915,,Schijnbare syntactische feniksen,VABB-1,69,107,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408916,,Recontextualizing language complexity,VABB-4,347,360,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408917,,A sociolinguistic analysis of borrowing in weak contact situations: English loanwords and phrases in expressive utterances in a Dutch reality TV show,VABB-1,333,346,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408919,,Serving two masters: Form-function friction in syntactic amalgams,VABB-4,63,94,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408920,,Visualizing onomasiological change: Diachronic variation in metonymic patterns for WOMAN in Chinese,VABB-1,289,330,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408921,,Variationist linguistics,VABB-4,366,389,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408922,,(On)nut van Nederlandse taalbeheersing in het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,118,121,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408923,,On multiple source constructions in language change,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408925,,A quantitative analysis of qualitative free response data,VABB-4,361,384,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408926,,How words and vocabularies change,VABB-4,416,430,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408927,,Exploring the social meaning of contemporary urban vernaculars: perceptions and attitudes about Citélanguage in Flanders,VABB-1,501,521,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:408928,,A new speech style is born. The omnipresence of structure and agency in the life of semiotic registers in heterogeneous urban spaces,VABB-1,47,85,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408929,,Grammatical variation,VABB-4,161,179,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408930,,Lexical Semantics,VABB-4,273,295,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408931,,Lexicography and theories of lexical semantics,VABB-4,425,438,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408932,,Lexical Semantics,VABB-4,930,936,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408934,,Sense individuation,VABB-4,233,247,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408935,,The diachrony of subjective amenazar ‘threaten’. On Latin-induced grammaticalization in Spanish.,VABB-4,187,208,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408936,,The pseudo-copular use of the Spanish verbs hacerse and volverse: two types of change,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408937,,'Factive' parenthetical clauses: A synchronic and diachronic account of I regret (to say),VABB-1,218,249,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408938,,Evidentiality and the semantics–pragmatics interface. An introduction,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408939,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408940,,Pseudo-copular use of the Spanish verbs ponerse and quedarse: two types of change,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408942,,Variable aspectual coercion in Spanish fictive motion expressions,VABB-4,153,184,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408943,,A grammar and lexicon of Yintyingka,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408944,,Personal pronouns with determining functions in Australian languages,VABB-1,158,197,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408945,,Más allá de la epistemicidad. Las funciones discursivas de los adverbios epistémicos y evidenciales en el español conversacional,VABB-1,126,144,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:408946,,Ways of encoding attention to the interlocutor in contemporary spoken Spanish,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408947,,Comparative modals: (Dis)similar diachronic tendencies,VABB-1,192,231,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408948,,Between subordinate and insubordinate. Paths towards complementizer-initial main clauses,VABB-1,3,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408949,,Like a rolling stone: the changing use of premodifying present participles,VABB-1,131,156,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408950,,Why is there a Present-Day English absolute?,VABB-1,199,229,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408951,,Displaced directives. Subjunctive free-standing que-clauses vs. imperatives in Spanish,VABB-1,257,285,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408954,,The development of the modal and discourse marker uses of (there/it is / I have) no doubt,VABB-1,25,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408955,,New Genetic and Linguistic Analyses Show Ancient Human Influence on Baobab Evolution and Distribution in Australia,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408956,,On the development of binominal quantifiers in Spanish: the notion of lexical persistence revisited,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408958,,Corpus interrogation and grammatical patterns,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:408959,,Participle clauses between adverbial and complement,VABB-1,39,74,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408960,,Refracting views: how to construct complex perspective in reported speech and thought in Ungarinyin,VABB-1,165,185,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408962,,"Very Feminine, Yet Unmercifully Intelligent. A Portrait of the Dutch Critic and Translator Elisabeth de Roos (1903-1981)",VABB-1,16,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408963,,Las referencias futbolísticas en la narrativa de Alfredo Bryce Echenique: un encuentro entre oralidad y visualidad,VABB-1,1,16,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:408967,,"Intertextualidad e Historiografía: Las Citas Célebres de las Crónicas de Indias, o el Discurso de la Historiografía",VABB-1,137,155,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:408968,,The Same Blood Works in Us. Wies Moens as a Cultural Mediator in Times of War,VABB-1,1379,1393,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:408971,,Twijfelen uit ervaring. Een gesprek met literair vertaalster Claudia di Palermo,VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408972,,Mothers of the Matrix. Intercultural Transfer Activities of Henriette Roland Holst and Marie Elisabeth Belpaire,VABB-1,1359,1377,,dut,2014,1 c:vabb:408974,,Poëzie die aan mij denkt,VABB-1,37,65,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408976,,The modern use of ancient theatres related to acoustic and lighting requirements: Stage design guidelines for the Greek theatre of Syracuse,VABB-1,106,115,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408986,,Detection of malignant cells in serous body fluids by counting high-fluorescent cells on the Sysmex XN-2000 hematology analyzer,VABB-1,715,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408989,,"Coussée & Goris E RCR - Crematorio di Hofheide, Holsbeek, Belgio",VABB-1,82,89,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:408993,,The effects of paternal obesity on sperm characteristics and early embryonic development: results from a retrospective study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408994,,Epigenetic inheritance and evolution: A paternal perspective on dietary influences,VABB-1,79,85,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408996,,Newborns of obese parents have altered DNA methylation patterns at imprinted genes,VABB-1,650,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:408997,,Developing Onomastic Gazetteers and Prosopographies for the Ancient World through Named Entity Recognition and Graph Visualization: Some Examples from Trismegistos People,VABB-4,304,313,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408998,,The Isis Cult in Western Thebes in the Graeco-Roman Period (Part I),VABB-1,121,133,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:408999,,Some papyrological ghostnames,VABB-1,213,217,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409001,,Graeco-Roman archives from the Fayum,VABB-2,,,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:409003,,The Hypotheses of Euripides and Sophocles by 'Dicaearchus',VABB-1,608,636,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409004,,Linguistic Variation in Greek Papyri: Towards a New Tool for Quantitative Study,VABB-1,196,220,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409005,,Ex Occidente Imperium. Alexander the Great and the Rise of the Maurya Empire,VABB-1,120,173,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409006,,The Maternal Line in Greek Identification. Signalling Social Status in Roman Egypt (30 BC - AD 400),VABB-1,467,478,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409009,,"The Archive of Petaus, Village Scribe of Ptolemais Hormou and Surrounding Villages",VABB-4,285,288,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409012,,Graeco-Egyptian Naming Practices: A Network Perspective,VABB-1,706,720,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409013,,"Hermippus on Chaeron of Pellene (Phld., Acad. Hist., PHerc. 1021 Col. 11 and PHerc. 164 Fr. 22 and Fr. 24): Edition and Discussion",VABB-1,33,47,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409014,,Double Names in Roman Egypt: A Prosopography,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409015,,Egyptian Names Derived from Foreign Elements: Innovation in Egyptian Onomastic Practice after the Roman Conquest,VABB-1,360,370,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409017,,Double names as indicators of social relations in Graeco-Roman Egypt,VABB-4,119,139,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:409019,,The Isis Cult in Western Thebes in the Graeco-Roman Period (Part 2),VABB-1,379,405,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409021,,Double Names and Elite Strategy in Roman Egypt,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409023,,A Peripatetic Dialogue in P.Oxy. LIII 3699: A New Edition Based on New Joins,VABB-1,5,31,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409024,,The Woeful Adventures of a Small Greek Papyrus from Elephantine,VABB-1,265,273,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409025,,(Marcus) Lucretius Diogenes and Aurelius Sarapion,VABB-4,239,251,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:409026,,Village names in Greco-Roman Egypt and in the Fayum,VABB-4,155,166,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:409028,,Het ontstaan van de Brugse parochies in de vroege middeleeuwen: nieuwe inzichten bij een oud vraagstuk,VABB-1,3,82,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409029,,Reading History Maps: The Siege of Ypres in 1383 mapped by Guillaume du Tielt,VABB-1,292,321,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409030,,Stadsgeschiedenis in buitenlandse tijdschriften (2013),VABB-1,182,209,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:409031,,Who’s who in late medieval Brussels,VABB-5,68,76,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409032,,Review of periodical articles (2014),VABB-1,330,353,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409036,,"'A Blabbermouth Can Barely Control His Tongue’: Political Poems, Songs and Prophecies in the Low Countries (Fifteenth–Sixteenth Centuries)",VABB-4,280,299,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409037,,Vermogende vrouwen. Het vastgoedbezit van vrouwen in laatmiddeleeuws Brussel op basis van cijnsregisters (1356-1460),VABB-1,1,24,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:409038,,Pious Foundation or Political Masterstroke? The Chronicon Mosamense and the Reform of Mouzon by Archbishop Adalbero of Reims (969-989),VABB-1,105,134,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409039,,"A Tangible Past: History Writing and Property Listing by the Brussels Seven Sorrows Confraternity, c. 1685",VABB-4,3,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409040,,Met consente van elker stede. De totstandkoming van het Brabants-Vlaamse verdrag van 1339,VABB-1,95,119,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:409041,,De stadsplattegronden van Jacob van Deventer,VABB-4,29,36,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409045,,"A Financial Revolution in Flanders? Public Debt, Representative Institutions, and Political Centralisation in the County of Flanders during the 1480s",VABB-4,135,160,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409046,,"Institutions, networks and communities in a European perspective",VABB-4,3,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409048,,"Setting the standards: institutions, networks and communities of national historiography",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409050,,Introduction: Performing Expertise,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409051,,Historians and the web,VABB-4,415,422,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409054,,Verzamelde lichamen. De betekenis van anatomie in de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,23,33,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409056,,A Taste of Progress: Food at International and World Exhibitions in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409063,,Mehr als ein Klavier. Kultur als Metapher in Nachkriegs-Autobiographien jüdischer Frauen aus Wien,VABB-1,3,36,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:409065,,"Scientists' Expertise as Performance. Between State and Society, 1860-1960",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409068,,Fruin's aristocracy: historiographical practices in the late nineteenth century,VABB-4,79,101,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409070,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409072,,"Stations in the Field: A History of Place-based Animal Research, 1870-1930",VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409074,,Beleven en herinneren op het slagveld van Waterloo. Een adellijk perspectief (1815-1870),VABB-1,125,146,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409076,,Arbiters of Science. Expertise in Public Health in Nineteenth-Century Belgian Medical Societies,VABB-4,31,48,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409077,,Traditional Medicine in Cambodia,VABB-4,35,39,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:409078,,Historical writing in the Low Countires,VABB-4,283,302,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409081,,Van panoramisch naar preventief. Populariserende anatomische musea in de Lage Landen (1850-1880),VABB-1,287,306,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409086,,Exegi monumentum: the great syntheses of national history,VABB-4,105,129,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409087,,"The use of history in Belgium and the Netherlands, 1945-65: presentism and historicism in the work of Jan Romein, Pieter Geyl, and Leopold Flam",VABB-1,53,74,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:409088,,Commemorative practices in the humanities around 1900,VABB-1,216,231,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409089,,De Leenzaal van Kuringen: een adellijk machtsbastion (1449-1534)?,VABB-1,79,91,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409091,,'Embodying' the Catholic Reform. Mathias Bossemius and the Defence of Clerical Celibacy in his 'De clericorum cum foeminis cohabitatione' (1586),VABB-4,187,195,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409093,,Archival intelligence and the early modern vocabulary of emotions,VABB-4,53,61,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409094,,Translating and distributing Italian religious literature in the ecclesiastical province of Cambrai (1563-1659),VABB-1,29,40,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409096,,"Expanding the Retail Revolution: Multiple Guild Membership in the Southern Low Countries, 1600-1800",VABB-4,91,112,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409097,,Verborgen meertaligheid. De katholieke drukpers in de kerkprovincie Kamerijk (1560-1600),VABB-1,62,81,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409106,,Publishing military books in the Low Countries and in Italy in the early seventeenth century,VABB-4,222,239,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409108,,"The Chièvres Legacy, the Croÿ Family, and Litigation in Paris. Dynastic Identities between the Low Countries and France (1519-1559)",VABB-4,87,102,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409109,,Tijd om te herbronnen. De impact van beeldvorming op de stedelijke groei van Spa in de zeventiende eeuw,VABB-1,113,129,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:409112,,The inquisitorial office in the sixteenth-century Low Countries. A dynamic perspective,VABB-1,47,66,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409113,,La relation entre l’homme et le chat dans les anciens Pays-Bas au moyen âge et à l’époque moderne (2e partie: Le chat domestique et le chat tourmenté),VABB-1,271,280,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:409115,,A Tuscan travel party amongst the Frisian natives. The day trip of prince Cosimo to Stavoren and Molkwerum. 26 June 1669,VABB-1,80,90,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409118,,De almanakken van Jan Franco Sr. en de promotie van een katholiek-Habsburgse identiteit in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden (1598-1621),VABB-1,9,26,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409119,,Nobility (1450-1650),VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409120,,"La relation entre l’homme et le chat dans les anciens Pays-Bas au moyen âge et à l’époque moderne (1e partie: Le chat utile, diabolique et imaginaire)",VABB-1,212,222,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409121,,The Great Council of Malines in the 18th Century. An Aging Court in a Changing World?,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409122,,The Southern Netherlands as a Centre of Global Knowledge Concerning the Iberian Empires in the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries,VABB-4,161,197,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409124,,'Sagen': Brecht's Aesthetic of Public Address,VABB-1,9,31,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409125,,The Challenges of Community in Rachel Cusk’s Arlington Park,VABB-1,13,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409129,,Literature an the Profane Community in Jean-Luc Nancy's 'Being singular plural',VABB-4,27,46,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:409130,,Reinhard Jirgl,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409131,,‘Wholesome Lessons’: Love as Tact between Matthew Arnold and Anthony Trollope,VABB-1,287,310,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:409132,,Sofistische tragiek. Performance en competitie in de Tweede Sofistiek,VABB-1,64,69,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409135,,"Shaft Which Ran: Chinese Whispers with Auerbach, Buck, Woolf and De Quincey",VABB-4,303,322,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409136,,"Back Home, Back to the Image? The editorial history of Conversazione in Sicilia as a case of tense relations between literature and photography",VABB-1,117,130,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409137,,Narcissism and Sophistry: Reading Philostratus’ Life of Polemo of Laodicea,VABB-1,143,180,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409138,,Fin-de-Siecle Women Writers and the Modern Short Story,VABB-1,291,312,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409140,,Le menu,VABB-4,165,170,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409143,,1959 Salvatore Quasimodo - premio Nobel per la Letteratura,VABB-4,309,349,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:409144,,"Cycles, Recueils, Macrotexts: The Short Story Collection in a Comparative Perspective",VABB-1,7,17,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:409145,,Literatuur en biopolitiek,VABB-1,149,154,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409146,,"Listening to the Silence: Huxley, Arnold and H. G. Wells’ Scientific Humanity",VABB-1,72,93,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409149,,Reinhard Jirgl – Ein Abecedarium,VABB-1,189,212,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409151,,Le corset,VABB-4,29,34,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409152,,Séléction de lectures sur la notion de document,VABB-4,247,256,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:409153,,Allegorical Landscapes: The Psychology of Seeing in Anthony Trollope’s Later Novels,VABB-4,71,87,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409157,,Natural Spectaculars. Aspects of Plutarch’s Philosophy of Nature,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409158,,"Pessimismus, Kultur, Untergang: Nietzsche, Spengler und der Streit um den Pessimismus",VABB-1,286,306,,ger,2015,1 c:vabb:409162,,"Plutarch Solving Natural Problems: For What Cause? (The Case of Quaest. nat. 29,919AB)",VABB-5,129,142,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409164,,"""About Geoffrey Hartman""",VABB-1,165,169,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:409165,,De Hernse Bijbel (ca. 1350-ca. 1400),VABB-4,125,150,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409167,,Literary Voices on War and Culture,VABB-4,100,109,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:409168,,L'enseigne lumineuse,VABB-4,171,176,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409174,,Introducing Plutarch’s Natural Philosophy,VABB-4,11,25,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409175,,"Peace of Solidarity? Poland, the Euromissile crisis, and the 1980s Peace Movement",VABB-4,291,308,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:409176,,The Low Countries and Eastern Europe during the Cold War: Introduction,VABB-1,187,197,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409177,,"Beyond Western European idealism: a comparative perspective on the transnational scope of Belgian solidarity movements with Nicaragua, Poland, and South Africa in the 1980s",VABB-1,632,655,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409178,,"The Low Countries, 1750-2000",VABB-4,261,306,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409179,,"Child slavery, sex trafficking or domestic work? The League of Nations and its analysis of the mui tsai system",VABB-4,428,450,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409180,,John Stuart Mill on Civil Service Recruitment and the Relation between Bureaucracy and Democracy,VABB-1,625,645,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409184,,"Formations of European Modernity. Cosmopolitanism, Eurocentrism and the Uses of History",VABB-1,73,90,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409185,,Postcolonial Belgium: the Memory of the Congo,VABB-1,434,451,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409187,,Globalizing Nicaragua? An Entangled History of Sandinista Solidarity Campaigns in Western Europe,VABB-4,155,177,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409188,,Kaiser-Sound. Wilhelm II. auf frühen Tondokumenten,VABB-4,46,51,,ger,2014,2 c:vabb:409189,,Voorbij de 1968-historiografie? Nieuwe perspectieven op internationale solidariteitsbewegingen en de Koude Oorlog. Kritische reflecties en commentaren vanuit België,VABB-1,377,406,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:409192,,Meer of minder herdenken voor Europa?,VABB-1,37,43,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409193,,The Hour of the Experts? Reflections on the Rise of Experts in Interbellum Europe,VABB-4,67,79,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409194,,Imperiales Erbe und Aufbruch in die Moderne. Neuere Literatur zur ostmitteleuropäischen Stadt,VABB-1,1,54,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:409196,,Imaging European Unity Since 1000 AD,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409198,,Struggling with the environment: land use and productivity. Rural economy and society in North-western Europe 500-2000,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409200,,"From the East to the South, and back? International Solidarity Movements in Belgium and New Histories of the Cold War, 1950s-1970s",VABB-1,187,203,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409202,,"Secretive Spies or Ordinary Clerks? Polish Communist Intelligence Services in Brussels, 1975–89",VABB-1,246,260,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409203,,L'espagnolisme de Henry de Montherlant et le régionalisme de Jean de La Varende. Enjeux nobiliaires d'une géographie imaginaire,VABB-1,105,117,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:409204,,Le Platane,VABB-4,229,233,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409205,,Les collections de monographies illustrées : des sociabilités littéraires à la pluri-auctorialité,VABB-1,1,29,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409206,,1912 - La médaille d'or de littérature,VABB-4,69,74,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409207,,On the Embodiment of Temporal Meaning in Cinema: Perceiving Time Through the Character’s Eyes,VABB-4,245,269,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409208,,Adapting and Displaying Multiple Temporalities: What Became of Trollope's John Caldigate and Maupassant's Boule de Suif in Simon Grennan (Dispossession) and Battaglia (Contes et nouvelles de guerre),VABB-4,15,32,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409210,,Ceci n'est pas une interview. Littérarité conditionnelle de l'entretien d'écrivain,VABB-1,113,130,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409211,,Een greep op het ongrijpbare? De studie van onnatuurlijke verhalen,VABB-1,245,254,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409212,,Le microphone,VABB-4,160,164,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409217,,Het lab van de sixties. Positionering en literair experiment in de jaren zestig,VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409220,,Nonlinear eigenvalue problems and contour integrals,VABB-1,526,540,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409221,,'Hoe rijmt me dit alles klaarminnig samen?' Proza van Gust Gils en Marcel Wauters in de jaren zestig,VABB-4,47,76,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409222,,"Le portrait de l'écrivain: une mythologie pérenne?""",VABB-4,219,230,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409223,,'Wie is onze grootste romanschrijver? Edward Vermeulen'. Warden Oom tussen traditie en moderniteit,VABB-1,4,30,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409224,,"Lichamen, lichaamstaal en zintuiglijke waarnemingen in 'Het gelag bij Pholos' van Karel van de Woestijne",VABB-1,153,176,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409225,,“Bold German graphic design”: Arts et métiers graphiques and New Typography,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409226,,l'écran de cinéma,VABB-4,115,119,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409228,,Le mur d'images,VABB-4,260,265,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409231,,La machine Enigma,VABB-4,211,216,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409233,,La télévision,VABB-4,266,270,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409234,,La chaîne de montage - 1936,VABB-4,196,200,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409235,,Tearing down the wall: Franz Kafka and the possibility of a literary immunity,VABB-1,449,464,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409236,,« Arts et métiers graphiques en de fotografie »,VABB-4,30,37,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409238,,Het tijdschrift Arts et métiers graphiques,VABB-4,7,20,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409240,,'Maar met al die mooie gevoelens kunt ge nog geen mooie verzen maken'. Het concept 'gevoel' in Kroniek der Poëzie van Marnix Gijsen,VABB-1,1,28,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409241,,Le Morand des Midinettes,VABB-1,36,54,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409242,,"Tintin in America, or How to Describe a Place You’ve Never Been",VABB-1,79,85,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409243,,Le maillot de Musidora,VABB-4,125,128,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409244,,IMAGINING ADVENTURE IN MIDDLEBROW FICTION: Cosmopolitan Novels by Maurice Dekobra and Johan Fabricius,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409245,,Embodied Ethics and Cinema: Moral Attitudes Facilitated by Character Perception,VABB-4,271,293,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409246,,"Stoelen, manden, stenen. Objecten in de hedendaagse roman",VABB-1,147,170,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:409247,,La chaise de repos,VABB-4,75,78,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409248,,Le Manège,VABB-4,39,43,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409249,,LMI/Genre/Medium: a Research Update,VABB-1,485,492,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409250,,Le gramophone,VABB-4,224,228,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409251,,« La fabrique du Petit Musée d’histoire littéraire »,VABB-4,276,279,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409252,,Politics as the Art of the Impossible: The Heteronomy of Italian Futurist Art-Action,VABB-4,19,41,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409253,,Opnieuw de Nieuwe Zakelijkheid,VABB-1,433,436,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:409256,,(Auto)portraits de l’écrivain en vis-à-vis. L’entretien dans les collections de monographies illustrées de poche I,VABB-1,1,15,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409257,,1900. Le manuel scolaire,VABB-4,9,12,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409258,,Experimenting With Time: Therapeutic Spaces in the German Interwar Novel,VABB-1,157,179,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409259,,1943 - Tabac,VABB-4,234,238,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409260,,The Photographic Novel,VABB-4,219,239,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:409261,,'Are you going to mind the noise?': Mapping the soundscape of Parade's End,VABB-4,53,66,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:409262,,Multatuli als schrijf- en spreekmachine. Over de vroege receptie van de fonograaf in de literatuur van de Lage Landen,VABB-1,97,117,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409263,,L’imaginaire nobiliaire de la littérature moderne : 1900-1950,VABB-1,3,16,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:409266,,"Writing ""the making of"", a new literary genre?",VABB-4,37,48,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409269,,Literature in the Expanded Field: Intermediality at the Crossroads of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature,VABB-1,289,304,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409270,,La carte de visite,VABB-4,99,103,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409271,,Robert Musil’s and the Clinical Picture of Society,VABB-1,73,86,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409274,,Embodied Visual Meaning in Film,VABB-4,63,80,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409275,,Modernism's Rhetoric (With a Note on Terror),VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409279,,Film as an Exemplar of Bodily Meaning Making,VABB-4,17,40,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409280,,Les brouillons de cafés,VABB-4,104,108,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409283,,La revue,VABB-4,44,48,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409285,,1945 - La Bombe,VABB-4,244,249,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409286,,Arts et métiers graphiques. Kunst en grafische vormgeving in het interbellum,VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409287,,"Raster, album, rest: Vandersteen ""à l'oeuvre”,",VABB-1,29,47,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:409288,,La veste du dandy,VABB-4,64,68,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409290,,"Karel van de Woestijne, aristocraat, discomaan. De grammofoon en de constructie van een auteurspostuur",VABB-1,227,244,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:409291,,De kroniek als ‘tekstueel medium’. Een mediologisch perspectief op een literair genre,VABB-1,5,18,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409292,,Embodied Cinematic Subjectivity: Metaphorical and Metonymical Modes of Character Perception in Film,VABB-4,221,243,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409296,,Fun Home: Novela grafica y posmodernidad,VABB-1,19,28,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409297,,Le Drapeau,VABB-4,88,92,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409298,,Les collections de monographies illustrées de poche. Une fabrique collective du patrimoine littéraire (XIXe-XXIe siècles),VABB-1,1,9,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409300,,The Sensory-Motor Grounding of Abstract Concepts in Two Films by Stanley Kubrick,VABB-1,77,90,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:409303,,Modellen in de Nederlandse literatuur. De Periode 1900-1920. Een inleiding,VABB-1,185,204,,dut,2014,2 c:vabb:409304,,Pathology and the search for a modern ethics in the writings of Robert Musil,VABB-4,251,275,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409305,,A New Rhetoric for Modernism? Jean Paulhan and the Ambivalences of English Criticism,VABB-1,252,270,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409306,,Le pain,VABB-4,239,243,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409307,,Entretien avec Nathalie Mongin,VABB-1,13,18,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409310,,1915: Le masque à gaz,VABB-4,83,87,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409311,,Notisies over undergroundpowezie. Over de jazzpoëtica van Jef Bierkens/Max Kazan in 'Labris',VABB-4,207,233,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409312,,Embodied Cognition and Cinema,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409314,,Une question transnationale: Le Nouveau Cinéma Argentin et ses conditions de production,VABB-4,76,82,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409315,,La Vie de Marianne et le pacte de lecture,VABB-5,1,12,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409316,,'Doing her spiriting': Lady Morgan's Irish Tempests,VABB-1,242,262,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:409317,,Épouser un étranger: Enjeux argumentatifs du mariage franco-anglais dans quelques « histoires anglaises »,VABB-5,237,251,,fre,2014,2 c:vabb:409318,,[Postoperative prognosis of chromophobic renal cell carcinoma: comparative analysis of the multinational CORONA database],VABB-1,228,35,,eng,2014,1 c:vabb:409319,,Latin American Literature Between World Literature and Géocritique,VABB-4,55,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409320,,The Imago primi saeculi Societatis Iesu as Emblematic Self-Representation and Commitment,VABB-4,127,410,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409321,,Major versus Minor?,VABB-3,,,,lat,2015,2 c:vabb:409322,,How Rosalind Became Irish: Lady Morgan and the Greening of As You Like It,VABB-1,24,42,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409326,,Cosmopolitanism and the Postnational: Literature and the New Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409327,,Gombrowicz and the Monster,VABB-1,53,59,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409331,,The Teaching of Logic at Leuven University (1425-1797): Perpetually Peripatetic? A First Survey of a Research Project on Student Notebooks and their European Context,VABB-1,360,378,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409332,,Instrumentum bibliographicum neolatinum,VABB-1,401,489,,lat,2015,2 c:vabb:409333,,La polémique (anti-)cicéronienne: Politien et Juste Lipse,VABB-4,503,518,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409334,,Incipitarium Philelfianum. A Guide to the Works of Francesco Filelfo,VABB-1,1,72,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409335,,Letters,VABB-4,167,182,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409339,,Professor Pieter Willems. Leuvens classicus en academicus,VABB-4,37,44,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409340,,The Low Countries,VABB-4,477,492,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409341,,Instrumentum lexicographicum,VABB-1,491,494,,lat,2015,2 c:vabb:409346,,Une cruelle déception arrosée de vieux fiel dans une lettre de Janus Dousa à Juste Lipse,VABB-4,223,230,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:409348,,De Gulielmi Gageri (1555-1622) carminibus iuvenilibus emendatius exscribendis,VABB-1,389,394,,lat,2015,2 c:vabb:409350,,Historiografie tussen literatuur en wetenschap. Een dubbele traditie in vroegmoderne nationale geschiedschrijving,VABB-1,43,58,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409351,,Sermo 295 auct,VABB-4,135,150,,lat,2015,2 c:vabb:409352,,Francesco Filelfo’s feud with Poggio Bracciolini,VABB-4,13,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409353,,Valerius Maximus Christianus,VABB-4,263,277,,lat,2015,2 c:vabb:409354,,Neostoic Anger: Lipsius's Reading and Use of Seneca's Tragedies and De ira,VABB-4,126,142,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409356,,Historiografie ten dienste van het geloof. Beda Venerabilis’ Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum,VABB-1,152,157,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409357,,Glareanus' Commentaries on the Ancient Historians. The Case of Valerius Maximus (1553),VABB-1,7,27,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:409358,,Giacomo Leopardi in Latin: a Pair of Additions,VABB-1,395,399,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409360,,De Lemurum Rege sive de quibusdam celeberrimi carminis Goetheani versionibus parum notis,VABB-1,163,170,,lat,2015,2 c:vabb:409362,,'De laudibus Tuomonis Pekkanen',VABB-1,133,139,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409364,,A new witness of Erasmus’ Letter 1887 in the Antwerp University Library,VABB-1,240,252,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409365,,Het Album amicorum van Frederik van Reede. Een herwonnen stuk Leuvense universiteitsgeschiedenis,VABB-1,209,223,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409368,,Exemplary Reading. Printed Renaissance Commentaries on Valerius Maximus (1470-1600),VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409371,,"Towards a Critical Edition of Francesco Filelfo’s ""Consolatio ad Iacobum Antonium Marcellum de obitu Valerii filii""",VABB-1,393,407,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:409372,,Early Modern Emotions,VABB-4,9,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:409374,,Cornelius Jansenius en de Affligemse hervormingsbeweging. De Oratio de interioris hominis reformatione (1628),VABB-1,265,284,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:409594,,A taxonomy for Afrikaans and Dutch compounds,VABB-5,31,40,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:414749,,Conclusion. Reconciling Conflicting Values: A Call for Research on Instruments to Achieve Quasi-Sustainability,VABB-4,385,394,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414750,,"Understanding walking activity in multiple sclerosis: step count, walking intensity and uninterrupted walking activity duration related to degree of disability",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:414759,,De rechtspraak van het Hof van Cassatie waarbij het recht op privéleven wordt toegepast in fiscale zaken,VABB-4,543,546,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414760,,Lens Models Under the Microscope: Comparison of Hubble Frontier Field Cluster Magnification Maps,VABB-1,1030,1045,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414761,,The visualisation of pottery in Egyptian archaeology,VABB-5,277,286,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414762,,COMPUTATIONAL METHODS AND CHALLENGES IN HYDROGEN/DEUTERIUM EXCHANGE MASS SPECTROMETRY,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414764,,Calculating the Number of Unique Paths in a Block-Structured Process Model,VABB-5,138,152,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414765,,De toetsing aan grondrechten door het Grondwettelijk Hof. Overzicht van rechtspraak 2014,VABB-1,126,172,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414767,,Hervorming van de sociale economie: een werk op (collectieve) maat?,VABB-1,45,85,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414768,,"""Opent de erkenning van een verbod op horizontale discriminatie een doos van Pandora?""",VABB-1,1380,1384,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414769,,Leadership Training Program for Medical Staff in Belgium,VABB-1,281,287,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414770,,"Wie is begunstigde bij een reeds afgesloten levensverzekering bij overlijden van de erflater tijdens de overgangsperiode, bespreking van het arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof van 3 maart 2016.",VABB-1,456,460,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414771,,Do Western and Eastern Europe have the same agricultural climate response? Taking adaptive capacity into account,VABB-1,74,87,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:414773,,Raising awareness among truck drivers & companies - the Flemish charter for truck drivers,VABB-5,1,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414776,,Learning and Convergence of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Used in Pattern Recognition,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414780,,Systems Integration for Biochar in European Forestry: Drivers and Strategies,VABB-4,70,95,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414781,,Evaluating traffic safety and performance effects of countdown timers on signalized intersections: a driving simulator study,VABB-1,7,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414782,,Dental Stem Cells: Their Potential in Neurogenesis and Angiogenesis,VABB-4,217,241,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414783,,DESIGN FOR HUMAN FLOURISHING IN ARCHITECTURE: PROGRAMMATIC WRITING AS A WAY TO DESIGN SOCIO-CULTURAL AFFORDANCES,VABB-5,90,99,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414784,,Who are the People in my Life? Towards Tangible Eco-Maps,VABB-5,81,84,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414785,,Investigation of isometric strength and control of the upper extremities in multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414788,,The Narmer palette - A new recording,VABB-5,535,546,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414790,,Crisisheffingen met terugwerkende kracht: een niet toegelaten inbreuk op het eigendomsrecht zoals beschermd in artikel 1 eerste protocol EVRM?” (noot bij Hoge Raad der Nederlanden 29 januari 2016 (2 arresten),VABB-1,772,776,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414791,,Collaboration in Creative Design: Methods and Tools,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414793,,Is there a spillover effect of a right turn on red permission for bicyclists?,VABB-1,35,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:414794,,Extending the Archimedean copula methodology to model multivariate survival data grouped in clusters of variable size,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414798,,Contractuele bedingen en de toegang tot de rechter,VABB-4,93,133,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414800,,Conflictpreventie en alternatieve conflictoplossing (ADR) bij het behandelen van aanvragen voor een omgevingsvergunning,VABB-1,528,545,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414801,,VN-Comité voor de Rechten van Personen met een Handicap,VABB-1,50,62,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414802,,Risicofactoren en beschermende factoren inzake suïcide in Nederland en Vlaanderen,VABB-1,105,113,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414804,,De belangrijkste studentfactoren voor studiesucces in het hoger onderwijs: een grootschalig literatuuronderzoek,VABB-1,373,385,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414806,,Changing the Camera-to-Screen Angle to Improve AR Browser Usage,VABB-5,1,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414807,,"Bemiddeling, potpourri & toekomstmuziek",VABB-1,131,139,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414809,,De rechtspraak van het EHRM waarbij de vereiste van de wettelijke basis wordt getoetst in fiscale zaken,VABB-4,68,77,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414810,,Democratic dialogues that make cities ‘work’,VABB-1,100,111,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414811,,Testing light-traces-mass in Hubble Frontier Fields Cluster MACS-J0416.1-2403,VABB-1,2126,2134,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:414812,,BUILDING SPATIAL CAPACITIES TO RETROFIT THE DISPERSED CITY: Exploring The Role Of Design,VABB-5,174,186,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414813,,No more Autobahn! Scenic Route Generation Using Googles Street View,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:414814,,Effectiveness of music-based interventions on motricity or cognitive functioning in neurological populations: a systematic review.,VABB-1,466,482,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414817,,Zishi: A Smart Garment for Posture Monitoring,VABB-5,3792,3795,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414818,,Altered gas-exchange at peak exercise in obese adolescents: implications for verification of effort during cardiopulmonary exercise testing,VABB-1,1687,1694,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414820,,A solution for the bi-objective vehicle routing problem with the windows using local search and genetic algorithms,VABB-1,149,158,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414823,,Overview of dual process behavioural models and their implications on decision-making of private dwellers regarding deep energy renovation,VABB-5,591,603,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414824,,Rekenen met linten: Een rekenmodel als aanzet voor een debat rond lintbebouwing,VABB-1,28,45,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414825,,Capturing resource behaviour from event logs,VABB-5,130,134,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414826,,De rechtspraak van het Hof van Cassatie waarin het recht op eigendomsbescherming wordt toegepast in fiscale zaken,VABB-4,356,359,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414827,,Evolution of land use-change modeling: routes of different schools of knowledge,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414828,,New visual coding exploration in MPEG: Super-MultiView and Free Navigation in Free viewpoint TV,VABB-5,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414830,,De belasting op tweede verblijven en het gelijkheidsbeginsel: het belang van een afdoende motivering,VABB-1,28,32,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414831,,De Oosterweeltrein niet ontspoord door aangevochten plan-MER,VABB-1,54,60,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414832,,Skill training preferences and technology use in persons with neck and low back pain,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414833,,Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan. 2016 Addition,VABB-1,205,222,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414835,,Weighted similarity-based clustering of chemical structures and bioactivity data in early drug discovery,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:414838,,Vergunningen in het bouwrecht - Sneller en beter?,VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414839,,"Fetal Thyroid Function, Birth Weight, and in Utero Exposure to Fine Particle Air Pollution: A Birth Cohort Study",VABB-1,699,705,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414841,,"National Identity, Constitutional Identity, and Sovereignty in the EU",VABB-1,82,98,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414843,,Structurele onbestuurbaarheid van een gemeente bekeken vanuit de band tussen het persoonlijke en het publieke,VABB-1,311,318,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414844,,ScrollingHome: Bringing Image-based Indoor Navigation to Smartwatches,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414845,,Evaluating Speed Enforcement Field Set-Ups Used by Regional Police in Belgium: An Analysis of Speed Outcome Indicators,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414846,,Het herziene Europees Sociaal Handvest en de verbetering van de mensenrechtenpositie van personen met een handicap,VABB-1,3,43,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414847,,De rechtspraak van het Hof van Cassatie waarin het recht op gelijkheid wordt toegepast in fiscale zaken,VABB-4,277,297,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414855,,"Governance of research information and classifications, key assets to interoperability of CRIS systems in inter-organizational contexts",VABB-5,335,342,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414856,,eLearning and Health ICT Education. A systematic review of E-Learning in cardiac rehabilitation.,VABB-5,48,55,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414862,,Het legaat de residuo als afgescheiden vermogen: oude wijn in een nieuwe zak?,VABB-1,171,199,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414864,,EVALUATION OF VULNERABILITY OF SOLUTIONS OF A VEHICLE ROUTING PROBLEM WITH TIME WINDOWS,VABB-5,472,476,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414866,,Le recrutement du personnel académique en Belgique et aux Pays-Bas,VABB-1,1,34,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:414867,,De rechtspraak van het EHRM waarin het recht op gelijkheid wordt toegepast in fiscale zaken,VABB-4,152,166,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414868,,Counterfactual scripting: acknowledging the past as a resource for PD.,VABB-5,111,120,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414870,,UbiMount - Ubiquitous Computing in the Mountains,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414872,,Over interpretatie en misinterpretatie van universitaire rankings,VABB-1,146,154,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414874,,Back on Bike: The BoB Mobile Cycling App for Secondary Prevention in Cardiac Patients,VABB-5,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414876,,Ruimte voor welbevinden in palliatieve centra,VABB-1,46,53,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414878,,The effect of crossmodal congruency between ambient scent and the store environment on consumer reactions,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414879,,Bemiddeling in het onderwijs en burgerschapsvorming,VABB-1,7,25,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414882,,"Het optreden in rechte van én namens de gemeente: conflicterende belangen op scherp (noot onder GwH 28 april 2016, nr. 60/2016)",VABB-1,582,586,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414886,,Inflammation at the blood-brain barrier: The role of liver X receptors,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414887,,Capacitated vehicle routing problem with sequence-based pallet loading and axle weight constraints,VABB-1,231,255,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414888,,"De VREG en de bevoegdheid van de Raad van State: over subjectieve rechten, discretionaire beoordelingsbevoegdheid en het verschil tussen appreciëren en interpreteren (noot bij RvS 3 maart 2016, nr. 234.002)",VABB-1,344,350,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414889,,"Burgerparticipatie bij grote infrastructurele projecten: een mogelijkheid tot burgerschap, samenwerking en creativiteit",VABB-4,123,158,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414891,,An environmental techno-economic assessment of algal-based biorefineries,VABB-5,1090,1098,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414895,,"Agency of ethnic minority employees: Struggles around identity, career and social change",VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414897,,NatureCHI: Unobtrusive User Experiences with Technology in Nature,VABB-5,3574,3580,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414898,,The effect of pavement markings on driving behaviour in curves: a simulator study.,VABB-1,701,713,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414899,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414900,,De rechtspraak van het EHRM waarin het recht op eerlijk proces wordt toegepast in fiscale zaken,VABB-4,376,407,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414901,,Part 1: exploring collaboration in architectural education: towards design-build projects,VABB-1,42,47,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414902,,Disrupting gendered dichotomies: Gender equality in a high-tech Belgian company,VABB-4,8,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414903,,Drie uitingsvormen van ruimtelijke weerbarstigheid in het Vlaamse residentiële landschap,VABB-1,7,33,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414905,,Verkavelingsverhalen,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414906,,UAV-based traffic analysis: a universal guiding framework based on literature survey,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:414908,,Prevalence of ischaemia in patients with a chronic total occlusion and preserved left ventricular ejection fraction,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414912,,In-Store Proximity Marketing: Experimenting with Digital Point-of-Sales Communication,VABB-5,332,337,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414913,,Openbare financiën: theorie en praktijk in België,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414914,,Leefomgevingsconflicten voorkomen en alternatief oplossen: Een overzicht van de verschillende vormen van ADR (alternative dispute resolution) die inzetbaar zijn op het domein van het omgevingsrecht,VABB-1,193,209,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414915,,Spaans voor beginners: Nederlands - español A1,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414916,,Heterogeneity in the Solar-Powered Consumer Electronics Market: A Discrete Choice Experiments Study,VABB-1,140,146,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:414917,,Categorizing Identified Deviations for financial Statements Auditing,VABB-5,125,129,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414919,,Case Study Analysis of the Material Selection Process during Dwelling Design in Flanders,VABB-5,240,249,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414920,,Het fiscaal legaliteitsbeginsel in de rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof (2005-2015),VABB-1,418,438,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414922,,Developing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Index: Methodological Steps,VABB-4,20,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414924,,"How To Find, Assess And Value Open Innovation Opportunities By Leveraging IP Databases?",VABB-1,154,166,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414927,,De keuzes van het Grondwettelijk Hof: argumenten bij de interpretatie van de Grondwet,VABB-1,1003,1021,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414928,,We R a Community - Including a New Package in BiclustGUI,VABB-4,349,362,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414929,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Grondwettelijk Hof 2015. Bevoegdheid en rechtspleging,VABB-1,369,400,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414931,,Detecting influential observations in a model-based cluster analysis,VABB-1,521,540,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:414932,,Werkloosheidsuitkering voor gedeeltelijk werkloze grensarbeiders in de werkstaat,VABB-1,95,99,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414934,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 1 december 2015 tot en met 1 maart 2016,VABB-1,175,178,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414937,,Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Legislation (December 2015 - September 2016),VABB-1,408,416,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414939,,De rechtspraak van het EHRM waarbij het recht op privéleven wordt toegepast in fiscale zaken,VABB-4,506,520,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414940,,Performance of handheld electrocardiogram devices to detect atrial fibrillation in a cardiology and geriatric ward setting,VABB-1,1,11,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:414942,,Architectural Symbolism: Body and Space in Heinrich Wölfflin and Wilhelm Worringer,VABB-1,1,9,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414945,,Sketchplore: Sketch and Explore Layout Designs with an Optimiser,VABB-5,3780,3783,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414946,,Overzicht van rechtspraak. Het burgerlijk bewijsrecht 2000-2013,VABB-1,1,369,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414947,,"""The facial veins"" of the bull in Predynastic Egypt",VABB-5,505,533,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414950,,Lokaal kiesdecreet: Verdoken sanctie?,VABB-1,798,810,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414951,,The Semiotics of Timelessness: Reading 'Mythic' Architecture,VABB-4,66,73,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414952,,A Granular Intrusion Detection System using Rough Cognitive Networks,VABB-4,169,191,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414955,,Het vergoedingssysteem voor medische incidenten in België,VABB-4,1,37,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414957,,De rechtspraak van het Hof van Cassatie waarin het recht op eerlijk proces wordt toegepast in fiscale zaken,VABB-4,449,470,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414958,,User-friendliness of current building environmental impact assessment tools: an architect's perspective,VABB-5,1306,1315,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414959,,Spatial Health Survey Data,VABB-4,563,574,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414960,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 1 maart 2016 tot en met 21 november 2016,VABB-1,380,384,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414961,,cDNA phage display for the discovery of theranostic autoantibodies in rheumatoid arthritis,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414962,,Effect of ultrafine talc on crystallization and end-use properties of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate),VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:414964,,De strafrechtelijke uitvoeringshandelingen: principes en vergelijking met klassieke onderzoekshandelingen,VABB-1,723,738,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414966,,Verruimde devolutieve werking primeert op beschikkingsbeginsel (noot onder Cass. 29 mei 2015),VABB-1,39,42,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414967,,Multiple imputation for ordinal longitudinal data with nonmonotone missing data patterns,VABB-1,270,287,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414970,,Optimizing Train Load Planning: Review and Decision Support for Train Planners,VABB-5,193,208,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414971,,Overheidscontracten in het Belgische recht: Besturen op de snijlijn van privaat- en publiekrecht,VABB-1,489,577,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414972,,Detecting Malicious URLs using Machine Learning Techniques,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:414973,,Sex-specific Associations between Particulate Matter Exposure and Gene Expression in Independent Discovery and Validation Cohorts of Middle-aged Men and Women,VABB-1,660,669,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414974,,Homeostasis of trace elements in mycorrhizal fungi,VABB-4,277,298,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414975,,Cerebral Cortical Circuitry Formation Requires Functional Glycine Receptors,VABB-1,1,53,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414977,,Experts,VABB-4,179,193,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414979,,Impact of Endurance Exercise Training in the Fasted State on Muscle Biochemistry and Metabolism in Healthy Subjects: Can These Effects be of Particular Clinical Benefit to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Insulin-Resistant Patients?,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414980,,De laattijdige bekrachtiging van een btw-KB: geen onoverkomelijke hinderpaal,VABB-1,959,963,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414981,,Zorgen over zorg: het Vlaamse Agentschap voor Personen met een Handicap (VAPH) onder juridisch vuur,VABB-1,1,9,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414983,,Analysis of the Material-Related Design Decision Process in Flemish Architectural Practice,VABB-5,562,567,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:414984,,How open is too open? The mitigating role of appropriation mechanisms in R&D cooperation settings,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:414985,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek: Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen (juli 2015 - december 2015),VABB-1,222,234,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414988,,WanderCouch: A Smart TV Approach Towards Experiencing Music Festivals Live from the Living Room,VABB-1,1,33,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:414989,,Accounting for substitution and spatial heterogeneity in a labeled choice experiment,VABB-1,289,297,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:414990,,Storyboards as a Lingua Franca in Multidisciplinary Design Teams,VABB-4,211,231,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414991,,De federale regelgevingsimpactanalyse: nood aan hervormingen?,VABB-1,196,216,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414993,,"Introduction: Design for Health, Wellbeing and Happiness",VABB-5,1434,1441,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:414995,,Kinesitherapie als onderdeel van eerstelijnsbehandeling voor obesitas bij kinderen en adolescenten: Klinische aanbeveling van AXXON (Belgische vereniging voor kinesitherapie) in primaire gezondheidszorg,VABB-1,1,21,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414998,,De rechtbank van koophandel is bevoegd voor een vordering tegen een VZW met ondernemingsactiviteiten,VABB-1,674,677,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:414999,,Autoantibodies to two novel peptides in seronegative and early rheumatoid arthritis,VABB-1,1431,1436,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415000,,"Improving Order Picking Efficiency by Analyzing Combinations of Storage, Batching, Zoning, and Routing Policies",VABB-5,427,442,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415001,,Physical Activity through Sustainable Transport Approaches (PASTA): a study protocol for a multicentre project,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415002,,Het “democratische deficit” van onafhankelijke energieregulatoren en de rol van het parlement,VABB-1,261,279,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415006,,Partitive Granular Cognitive Maps to Graded Multilabel Classification,VABB-5,64,71,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415007,,Belastingvoordelen aan niet-inwoners natuurlijke personen na de zesde staatshervorming gewikt en gewogen,VABB-1,5,40,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415011,,Cross-Surface: Challenges and Opportunities for ‘bring your own device’ in the wild,VABB-5,3366,3372,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415013,,The idea of weak sustainability is illegitimate,VABB-1,223,232,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:415015,,Adrift between Scylla and Charybdis? The trust caught between a civil law rock and a fiscal hard place,VABB-1,1134,1164,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415017,,"Legal Framework on District Heating Networks in Belgium and the Netherlands: Competition, Unbundling and Reasonable Prices?",VABB-1,11,24,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415019,,Allen onder één dak: het (ver)huren van een woning voor samenhuizen en het onderscheid met het (ver)huren van (studenten)kamers,VABB-1,295,302,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415021,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek: Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen (januari 2016 - juni 2016),VABB-1,322,336,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415022,,Plant growth-promoting effects of rhizospheric and endophytic bacteria associated with different tomato cultivars and new tomato hybrids,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415024,,The effectiveness of environmental law: third European environmental law forum conference,VABB-1,395,398,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415027,,Gantries or cantilevers for route guidance on a reorganized arterial road? A before study of route choice effectiveness using a traffic sign simulator (case study),VABB-5,4277,4285,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415029,,Belgisch belastingrecht in hoofdlijnen. Capita selecta: bedrijfsfiscaliteit,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415031,,The Crux of the Matter: Funding and Financing Collective Redress Mechanisms,VABB-4,201,222,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415032,,The new economy as a gateway to leisure travelling: experiences of highly skilled Indian professionals in Europe,VABB-1,192,202,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415033,,Systematic screening and assessment of psychosocial well-being and care needs of people with cancer,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415034,,Air Pollution Stress and the Aging Phenotype: The Telomere Connection,VABB-1,258,269,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415036,,Analysis of cost allocation techniques for freight bundling networks in intermodal transport,VABB-5,209,226,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415037,,Lokale autonomie als essentieel kenmerk voor de democratische legitimiteit van lokale besturen,VABB-1,248,260,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415038,,De rechtspraak van het Hof van Cassatie waarbij de vereiste van de wettelijke basis wordt getoetst in fiscale zaken,VABB-4,117,121,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415040,,"Het standstill-beginsel: afdwingbaar in het kader van individuele vergunningsbeslissingen? Noot bij RvVb 22 september 2015, nr. A/1516/0018",VABB-1,156,159,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415042,,De keuzes van het Grondwettelijk Hof: argumenten bij de interpretatie van de Grondwet,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415043,,The Dust Bowl as a Metaphor. Living with Disappearing Distances,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415044,,"Persona Grata - Bernard Vanheusden, Contemporary Issues in International Law, an Interview with Associate Professor of Environmental Law, Hasselt University",VABB-1,8,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415046,,Het stimuleren van bemiddeling door de rechtbank van koophandel: waarom en onder welke voorwaarden? (noot onder Kh. Luik 17 november 2015),VABB-1,50,54,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415047,,Ruimtelijke idealen en een weerbarstige realiteit,VABB-4,33,37,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415048,,De rechtspraak van het EHRM waarin het recht op eigendomsbescherming wordt toegepast in fiscale zaken,VABB-4,328,349,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415050,,Kroniek Overheidsopdrachten 2016,VABB-1,503,507,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415053,,A Grounded Approach for Applying Behavior Change Techniques in Mobile Cardiac Tele-Rehabilitation,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415054,,Het lichaam als mogelijke toegangspoort in psychotherapie,VABB-1,92,104,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415058,,Social Mining as a Knowledge Management Solution,VABB-5,57,64,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415059,,Assessing the electronic invoicing potential for private sector firms in Belgium,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415064,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 17 september 2015 tot en met 1 december 2015,VABB-1,83,86,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415066,,De economische waarde van mantelzorg en de financiële impact ervan op de ziekteverzekering,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415067,,De ene grifie is de andere niet: een vergelijkende analyse van werkprocessen in de rechtbank eerste aanleg Limburg,VABB-1,11,39,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415069,,Recent evolution in the technology and applications of Radio Frequency Identification Systems,VABB-5,21,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415071,,Purpose-Centric Appropriation of Everyday Objects as Game Controllers,VABB-5,2745,2750,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415072,,Consistency and robustness properties of the S-nonnegative garrote estimator,VABB-1,1,27,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:415074,,Measuring driver's relative performance over time using DEA and window analysis,VABB-5,885,890,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415075,,Sustainable adaptive reuse of modernistic post-war office towers,VABB-5,1656,1663,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415081,,The xMotif algorithm,VABB-4,49,60,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415082,,International Environmental Law: A view of the PhD researcher from the Hasselt University,VABB-1,8,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415086,,Lower Placental Leptin Promoter Methylation in Association with Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution during Pregnancy and Placental Nitrosative Stress at Birth in the ENVIRONAGE Cohort,VABB-1,262,268,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415088,,"Heritage, Adaptive Reuse and Regeneration in Retail Design",VABB-4,114,134,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415090,,De rol van de externe accountant binnen de Vlaamse micro-onderneming,VABB-1,38,54,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415092,,High Intensity Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Can Improve Glucose Tolerance in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415094,,Quantile regression in varying-coefficient models: non-crossing quantile curves and heteroscedasticity,VABB-1,1589,1621,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:415095,,Concessions and public procurement,VABB-4,593,625,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415096,,"De raad voor vergunningsbetwistingen, een evaluatie",VABB-4,233,264,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415097,,"Het kadaster en de ""unieke taks""",VABB-4,303,330,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415101,,Part 2: exploring collaboration in architectural education: towards design-build projects,VABB-1,34,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415102,,The determinants of defensive medicine practices in Belgium,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415103,,An information-theoretic approach for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints based on causal inference,VABB-1,669,677,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415106,,Het managementteam: eiland in de gemeentelijke organisatie? Over de coördinerende en de integrerende functie van het gemeentelijke managementteam,VABB-1,45,66,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415107,,Household Survival: Immersive Room-Sized Gaming Using Everyday Objects as Weapons,VABB-5,168,171,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415108,,Landfill taxes and Enhanced Waste Management: combining valuable practices with respect to future waste streams,VABB-1,345,354,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415109,,"Letter regarding ""Same strategy for pitfalls of radiotherapy in different anatomical districts""",VABB-1,1,2,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415110,,Nieuwe uitdagingen voor de gelijke behandeling van mannen en vrouwen in de arbeidsrelatie,VABB-4,419,437,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415111,,Structural brain connectivity and the sit-to-stand-to-sit performance in individuals with non-specific low back pain: A diffusion MRI based network analysis,VABB-1,1,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415114,,Adapting the Modern Interior: Variations on an Emphatic Approach,VABB-5,700,705,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415116,,Happiness in place and space: Exploring the contribution of architecture and interior architecture to happiness,VABB-5,114,122,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415118,,"Care, communication and educational needs of primary care nurses to treat disabled patients.",VABB-1,109,115,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415121,,Antwerpse hof van beroep bevestigt fel omstreden aanrekeningswijze van de verhoogde belastingvrije som voor kinderlast in een grensoverschrijdende context,VABB-1,191,199,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415123,,biclustGUI Shiny App,VABB-4,373,384,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415124,,The path-to-purchase is paved with digital opportunities: An inventory of shopper-oriented retail technologies,VABB-1,228,242,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415127,,Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Legislation (March 2015 -December 2015),VABB-1,120,129,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415128,,Selectie van rechtsleer verschenen in de periode van 25 mei 2015 tot en met 17 september 2015,VABB-1,357,360,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415129,,Grounded architectural practice: exploring spatial capacity building in informal settlement upgrading,VABB-5,78,84,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415130,,Creativity and Collaboration in Early Design,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415131,,Decrypting the IT Needs of the Designer During the Creative Stages of the Design Process,VABB-4,379,393,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415133,,The BiclustGUI Package,VABB-4,321,348,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415135,,Onafhankelijkheid energieregulator vereist terughoudendheid bij opstellen richtsnoeren,VABB-1,337,343,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415136,,The Plaid Model,VABB-4,73,88,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415140,,"The effects of human capital, R&D and firm's innovation on patents: A panel study on Dutch food firms",VABB-1,901,922,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:415142,,Hasselt: Rapid Prototyping of Multimodal Interactions with Composite Event-Driven Programming,VABB-1,19,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415145,,ReHappy – The House Elf that serves your Rehabilitation Exercises,VABB-5,2192,2199,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415146,,EU Environmental and Planning Law Aspects of Large-Scale Projects,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415149,,Bemiddeling. Waarom zouden juristen er (meer) voor opteren?,VABB-1,314,328,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415151,,Bimax Algorithm,VABB-4,61,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415154,,StrapMaps: Bringing Map-based Navigation to the Straps of Bags,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415156,,Digitalisering van de rechtspleging: de perceptie van Vlaamse advocaten,VABB-1,1363,1376,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415157,,Enhanced Biosensor Platforms for Detecting the Atherosclerotic Biomarker VCAM1 Based on Bioconjugation with Uniformly Oriented VCAM1-Targeting Nanobodies,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415159,,Reconsidering education in retail design: Today’s challenges and objectives,VABB-5,512,516,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415161,,Het recht van werknemers op informatie en raadpleging in de onderneming,VABB-4,211,231,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415162,,Activity-Based Travel Demand Modeling Framework FEATHERS: Sensitivity Analysis with Decision Trees,VABB-5,89,98,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415164,,De invloed van Europees recht op het Belgisch ambtenarenrecht na het arrest Strack van het Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,509,523,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415168,,"Noot bij GwH 30 juni 2016, nr. 101/2016",VABB-1,304,323,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415169,,De Kaaimantaks: geen paradijselijke maatregel,VABB-1,5,37,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415172,,WatchMe: A Novel Input Method Combining a Smartwatch and Bimanual Interaction,VABB-5,2091,2095,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415179,,Robust vehicle routing solutions to manage time windows in the case of uncertain travel times,VABB-4,655,678,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415180,,"On Moths and other Butterflies, Or How to Orient Oneself Through Images",VABB-1,63,86,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415181,,A Hybrid Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Windows and Hierarchical Objectives,VABB-1,283,300,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415185,,Belastingen op (gsm-)masten en pylonen: stilaan licht aan het einde van de tunnel?,VABB-1,74,82,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415186,,Cerebral tissue oxygen saturation during arthroscopic shoulder surgery in beach chair and lateral decubitus position,VABB-1,11,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415189,,Crash patterns at signalized intersections,VABB-1,105,116,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415191,,Zin en onzin van directe werking: het Verdrag van Granada ter bescherming van het bouwkundig erfgoed van Europa als casus,VABB-4,47,65,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415193,,De invloed van het Grondwettelijk Hof op de uitlegging van de Grondwet door andere rechters en door de wetgever,VABB-1,216,227,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415194,,Real-Time Edge-Sensitive Local Stereo Matching with Iterative Disparity Refinement,VABB-5,435,456,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415197,,An Optimized Adaptive Streaming Framework for Interactive Immersive Video Experiences,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415203,,Pickup and delivery selection with a fixed vehicle cost,VABB-5,428,432,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415206,,Pickup and delivery selection: problem formulation and extension to problem variants,VABB-1,84,90,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415211,,Cadmium-induced and transgenerational changes in cultivable and total seed endophytic community of Arabidopsis thaliana,VABB-1,376,381,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415212,,Abnormale prijzen bij overheidsopdrachten: overheden tussen hamer en aambeeld,VABB-1,230,238,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415213,,The origin and early significance of the White Crown,VABB-4,227,238,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415215,,Accounting for Model Selection Uncertainty: Model Averaging of Prevalence and Force of Infection Using Fractional Polynomials,VABB-1,163,179,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415220,,Automatic Calibration of Soccer Scenes Using Feature Detection,VABB-5,418,434,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415222,,Biomarker‑based surrogate endpoints,VABB-4,333,370,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415223,,"Rechtspraak in kort bestek: januari 2015 tot en met juni 2015 (GwH, EHRM, HvJ)",VABB-1,216,224,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415228,,Interactive Relighting of Virtual Objects under Environment Lighting,VABB-5,220,228,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415230,,Design-Driven Critique of the “Calculative” Sustainability Concept,VABB-4,214,220,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415233,,Bandwidth estimation in wireless mobile ad hoc networks,VABB-1,19,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415234,,Does debt predict growth? An empirical analysis of the relationship between total debt and economic output,VABB-1,79,103,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415235,,Developing Effective Decision Support for the Application of “Gentle” Remediation Options: The GREENLAND Project.,VABB-1,101,114,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415238,,An exact algorithm for the full truckload pick-up and delivery problem with time windows: concept and implementation details,VABB-1,260,272,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415239,,Hasselt UIMS: a tool for describing multimodal interactions with composite events,VABB-5,226,229,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415241,,A User Interface for Encoding Space Usage Rules Expressed in Natural Language,VABB-5,2211,2216,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415246,,Captchat: A Messaging Tool to Frustrate Ubiquitous Surveillance,VABB-5,639,646,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415247,,Spaans voor beginners: Nederlands – español A2,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415253,,Infrastructuring interventions or intervening infrastructures? The role of interventions in the infrastructuring process,VABB-5,1,44,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415259,,Adaptive Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (AMAN): a QoS framework for mobile ad-hoc networks,VABB-5,42,48,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415263,,Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and Northern Sudan. 2015 addition,VABB-1,137,151,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415270,,De evolutie van de energie-efficiëntie van woningen in Vlaanderen en de impact van socio-economische huishoudkenmerken,VABB-1,70,91,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415273,,"Rechtspraak in kort bestek: juli 2014 tot en met december 2014 (GwH, EHRM, HvJ)",VABB-1,128,138,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415278,,"Vrije beroepers en het toepassingsgebied van de WCO: geen schending van het grondwettelijk gelijkheidsbeginsel? (noot bij GwH 12 maart 2015, nr. 31/2015)",VABB-1,424,429,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415282,,How to carry out a field walking test in chronic respiratory disease,VABB-1,129,139,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415285,,Artificial insemination history: hurdles and milestones,VABB-1,137,143,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415288,,Civic Participation: Serious Games and Spatial Capacity Building,VABB-5,263,279,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415292,,Constitutionalisme en erfgoedbescherming in Zuid‑Afrika: Het verhaal van Constitution Hill,VABB-4,33,46,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415295,,Orientalism Revisited: an artistic redefinition of the Orientalist imagery (case study: Istanbul),VABB-5,114,124,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415298,,Herziening is geen beroep - over de beperkingen van het herzieningsdebat op grond van artikel 16 Onteigeningswet Hoogdringende Omstandigheden,VABB-1,249,252,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415300,,Protein complex analysis: From raw protein lists to protein interaction networks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415303,,Heritage and Regeneration: Moving from centre to periphery,VABB-5,95,102,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415304,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van juni 2016,VABB-1,276,280,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415307,,La société des princes et le droit des gens. Réflexions sur la hiérarchie des normes et les lois fondamentales du royaume autour des renonciations de Philippe V d’Espagne (1712-1713),VABB-4,83,109,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415309,,Effectiveness of respite care in supporting informal caregivers of persons with dementia: a systematic review,VABB-1,1277,1288,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415310,,Is mental effort exertion contagious?,VABB-1,624,631,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415312,,Study on potato consumption will increase confusion regarding food and the risk of gestational diabetes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415313,,Prescriptivism between the devil and the deep blue sea: Competing language norms in the Southern Low Countries,VABB-4,137,151,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415315,,"Bij uitsluiting aan den Souverein, zonder eenige de minste ruggenspraak ?’ Soevereiniteit, grondwet en volkenrecht, van Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden tot Koninkrijk België",VABB-4,209,229,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415316,,State structure and political representation: Comparing the views of statewide and sub-state legislators across 14 countries,VABB-1,866,884,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415317,,Théorie du kamikaze,VABB-2,,,108 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415318,,Support needs and satisfaction in foster care: differences between foster mothers and foster fathers.,VABB-1,1515,1524,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415319,,Mensenrechtelijke aspecten van het rookverbod,VABB-4,45,74,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415320,,The geographic pattern of Belgian mortality: can socio-economic characteristics explain area differences?,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415321,,Coproduction in Health Planning: Challenging the Need for “Open” Policy-Making Processes,VABB-1,1056,1066,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415322,,Geometric probability theory and Jaynes’s methodology,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415327,,From Egypt to Byblos…and Back Again. The Production and Distribution of Green Jasper Seals in Egypt and the Levant during the Early 2nd Millennium BCE,VABB-5,297,314,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415329,,"Enforcing Privacy. Regulatory, Legal and Technological Approaches",VABB-3,,,506 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415332,,The temporal evolution of the Normalized Web Distance. Is a ‘Wirikuta empowerment’ of the Huichol measurable on the Internet?,VABB-1,1269,1290,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415333,,The critical state of initial teacher education (ITE) in Pakistan: need for urgent reforms,VABB-1,216,236,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415334,,Steamshipping companies and transmigration patterns: the use of European cities as hubs during the era of mass migration to the United States,VABB-1,247,274,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415335,,Data Protection on the Move: Current developments in ICT and Privacy/Data Protection,VABB-3,,,476 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415336,,A LEGAL ANALYSIS ON THE CURRENT TRADE STATUS OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINAL PRODUCT IN THE EU-FROM THE PERSPECTIVES OF WTO LAW AND EU PHARMACEUTICAL LAW,VABB-1,513,538,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415337,,Is external control important for internal control?,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415340,,A Survey of the Influencing Factors for International Academic Mobility of Chinese University Students,VABB-1,200,220,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415341,,Determinants of Nonprofit Sector Density: A Stakeholder Approach,VABB-1,1045,1063,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415342,,Inspraak en participatie van gedetineerden in de gevangenis van Gent,VABB-1,416,432,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415344,,"Pamphlets, Commodification, Media Market Regulation, and Hegemony: A Transnational Inquiry into the Seventeenth-Century Print Industry in England, France, and the Netherlands1",VABB-1,34,46,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415346,,Controlling Variables in Social Systems - A Structural Modelling Approach,VABB-1,5,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415347,,Projecting alternative urban growth patterns: The development and application of a remote sensing assisted calibration framework for the Greater Dublin Area,VABB-1,1056,1069,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415348,,Studying the Dynamics of Understanding and Legal Neologisms within a Linguistically Diverse Judicial Space: The Case of Motherhood in Belgium,VABB-5,46,52,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415349,,"Longitudinal Study on the Association Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Anthropometric Parameters and Blood Lipids.",VABB-1,467,473,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415350,,Attitude Formation Towards Enterprise Social Software: A Qualitative Study Amongst HR Leaders,VABB-5,493,501,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415355,,Dying in place in old age: public health challenges.,VABB-4,107,119,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415356,,REDD+ and multilevel governance beyond the climate negotiations,VABB-4,289,305,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415357,,Convergence and divergence of elite sport policies: is there a one size fits all model to develop international sporting success? An international comparison of the SPLISS (Sports Policy factors Leading to International Sporting Success) in 15 nations,VABB-1,70,89,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415362,,Student Characteristics and Learning Outcomes in a Blended Learning Environment Intervention in a Ugandan University,VABB-1,181,195,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415363,,Validation and profile of Chinese pre-service teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge scale,VABB-1,49,65,,und,2016,1 c:vabb:415364,,Equity’s exposure to currencies: Beyond the loglinear model,VABB-1,1631,1657,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415365,,Gevelafwerkingen in Vlaanderen van de middeleeuwen tot de 20ste eeuw: een synthese,VABB-1,4,25,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415366,,Acoustic Emission Activity for Characterizing Fracture of Marble under Bending,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415367,,Using video stimulated recall to investigate teacher awareness of explicit and implicit gendered thoughts on classroom interactions,VABB-1,683,699,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415368,,Late Medieval and Early Modern Fight Books: Transmission and Tradition of Martial Arts in Europe (14th-17th Centuries),VABB-3,,,544 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415371,,‘Social Change and Markets for Urban Credit. Political Elites as Investors in Urban Annuities in Sixteenth Century Ghent’,VABB-1,347,367,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415372,,Comparing Palliative Care in Care Homes Across Europe (PACE): Protocol of a Cross-sectional Study of Deceased Residents in 6 EU Countries,VABB-1,566,566,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415379,,De Politieke Vertegenwoordiging van Vrouwen in de Belgische Kamer: een Historische Analyse (1970-2014),VABB-1,17,22,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415382,,"Consensus Paper: Cerebellum and Emotion: The Cerebellum, Language, and Emotion: the Role of Emotional Prosody",VABB-1,552,576,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415383,,Cognitive neuroscience of human counterfactual reasoning,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415384,,Pelvic floor muscle activation and strength components influencing female urinary continence and stress incontinence: a systematic review,VABB-1,498,506,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415386,,Psychogenic Foreign Accent Syndrome: a new case,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415387,,"Hervorming van de burgerlijke rechtspleging.: Kennisgeving aan advocaten, nieuwe motivering van vonnissen en procedurele nietigheden",VABB-4,69,101,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415388,,De state of the union van het professionele theater in Vlaanderen: artistieke zelf-reflectie of historiografische bron,VABB-1,216,223,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415390,,History taking by physiotherapists with low back pain patients: are illness perceptions addressed properly?,VABB-1,1268,1279,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415391,,Regional Inequalities in Lung Cancer Mortality in Belgium at the Beginning of the 21st Century: The Contribution of Individual and Area-Level Socioeconomic Status and Industrial Exposure.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415392,,Doing reintegration? The quest of reintegration in Belgian sentence implementation,VABB-1,82,101,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415394,,"The new Kosovo constitution and its relationship with the European Convention on Human Rights: Constitutionalization ""without"" ratification in post-conflict societies",VABB-1,143,166,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415396,,Editorial to the Proceedings of the TensiNet - COST Action TU1303 Symposium 2016,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415397,,EU Criminal Law and Fundamental Rights,VABB-4,105,124,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415399,,Probogotchi: a novel edutainment device as a bridge for interaction between a child with ASD and the typically developed sibling,VABB-1,91,112,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415400,,Quantum Structure of Negation and Conjunction in Human Thought,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415402,,Gedragsstoornissen bij meisjes: een overzicht van risicofactoren en ontwikkelingsverloop,VABB-1,380,387,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415405,,Anchoring the Critical in Media Research,VABB-1,1,104,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415406,,Adult learners’ motivation to participate and perception of online and blended environments.,VABB-5,750,757,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415407,,Methodological Considerations on the Design and Compilation of a Spanish Learner Corpus,VABB-5,438,446,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415408,,How not to fry the grandchildren? A response to Peter Taylor’s “Cities in Climate Change”,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415409,,Predicting in-hospital mortality of traffic victims: A comparison between AIS-and ICD-9-CM-related injury severity scales when only ICD-9-CM is reported,VABB-1,141,146,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415410,,Reconsidering metatheatricality. Towards a baroque understanding of postdramatic theatricality,VABB-4,48,76,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415412,,Determinants in the place of death for people with different cancer types: a national population-based study,VABB-1,455,461,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415413,,The new generation of community penalties in Belgium: More is less...,VABB-4,13,29,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415414,,Accountability in the EU Data Protection Reform: Balancing Citizens’ and Business’ Rights,VABB-4,156,169,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415416,,Advance care planning - a multi-centre cluster randomised clinical trial: the research protocol of the ACTION study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415417,,Declaratory Judgments and the Right to Compensation in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights: Does Art. 41 ECHR Grant Human Rights Victims a Right to Financial Compensation?,VABB-1,57,82,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415420,,Équilibre et hiérarchie. L’argument juridique dans la diplomatie française et anglaise après la paix d’Utrecht (1713-1740),VABB-4,67,83,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415421,,The Limits of Electoral Control: Evidence from ‘Lame Duck’ Politicians,VABB-1,873,898,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415422,,Who is in favor of off-hour deliveries to Brussels supermarkets? Applying Multi Actor Multi Criteria analysis(MAMCA) to measure stakeholder support,VABB-5,522,532,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415423,,Petrus van Musschenbroek on the scope of physica and its place in philosophy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415424,,Het arrest Dano: het einde van het ‘uitkeringstoerisme?”,VABB-1,260,265,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415425,,Order and Conflict in Public Space,VABB-3,,,264 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415427,,"Embracing the variety of sustainable business models: Social Entrepreneurship, Corporate Intrapreneurship, Creativity, Innovation, and other approaches to sustainability challenges",VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415428,,Spillover of the ECB’s monetary policy outside the euro area:How different is conventional from unconventional policy?,VABB-1,199,225,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415429,,Critical data studies: An introduction,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415432,,Soil micromorphology in urban research: early medieval Antwerp (Belgium) and Viking Age Kaupang (Norway),VABB-4,279,296,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415433,,De (on)macht van de psychosociale dienst. Enkele reflecties bij de (mogelijke) impact van het psychosociaal verslag in het beslissingsproces van de strafuitvoeringsrechtbanken,VABB-1,393,400,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415435,,3D Variel modules in precast concrete in Belgium (1969-1981). The work of Fritz Stucky and Willy Van Der Meeren,VABB-5,953,960,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415437,,Prediction of the buckling behaviour of thin cement composite shells: Parameter study,VABB-1,20,29,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415438,,Dedicated sub 0.1 mSv 3DCT using MBIR in children with suspected craniosynostosis: quality assessment.,VABB-1,892,899,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415441,,Het kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrische fenotype bij een broer en zus met de 16p11.2 microduplicatie,VABB-1,318,322,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415442,,Reassembling mathematical practices. A philosophico-anthropological approach.,VABB-1,144,167,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415443,,"If fathers care, how do they share? The temporal and spatial allocation of fathers’ time to parenting activities",VABB-1,282,292,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415444,,Genetic Distance and Cognitive Human Capital: A Cross-National Investigation,VABB-1,33,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415445,,Particle-mediated Intravenous Delivery of Antigen mRNA Results in Strong Antigen-specific T-cell Responses Despite the Induction of Type I Interferon,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415447,,Adaptation and evaluation of a nonviolent resistance intervention for foster parents: A progress report.,VABB-1,256,271,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415448,,Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions Of Ict Integration In Teacher Education,VABB-5,811,820,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415452,,"Modality, Potentiality and Contradiction in Quantum Mechanics",VABB-5,249,265,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415453,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek 1 april 2016 - 30 juni 2016,VABB-1,89,127,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415454,,Neonatal creatinemia trends as biomarker of subsequent cognitive outcome in extremely low birth weight neonates,VABB-1,367,372,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415455,,Appraisal of cooperation with a palliative care case manager by general practitioners and community nurses: a cross-sectional questionnaire study,VABB-1,147,157,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415460,,Social attributions in patients with ventromedial prefrontal hypoperfusion.,VABB-1,652,662,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415461,,Influence of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation in upright position on gastro-oesophageal reflux in infants,VABB-1,1065,1071,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415462,,Impact of Chronic Conditions and Multimorbidity on the Disability Burden in the Older Population in Belgium,VABB-1,903,909,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415463,,The Sin of Turning Away from Reality: An Interview with Father Krzysztof Charamsa,VABB-1,226,246,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415465,,Psychische klachten bij sporters.,VABB-4,73,81,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415466,,Feelings of Unsafety Among Older People: Psychometric Properties of the EFU-scale.,VABB-5,1095,1101,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415469,,Student-centred learning environments. An investigation into student teachers’ instructional preferences and approaches to learning.,VABB-1,43,62,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415470,,SME Debt Financing Gap: The Case of Poland,VABB-1,274,291,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415472,,How could we better support student entrepreneurs,VABB-1,14,29,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415473,,National Sovereignty in the Belgian Constitution of 1831. On the Meaning(s) of Article 25,VABB-4,93,157,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415475,,Resource Use and Health Care Costs of COPD Patients at the End of Life: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,588,599,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415476,,"‘Am I in Rome, or in Aulis?’ Jommelli’s Cajo Mario (1746) as operatic capriccio",VABB-1,35,50,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415477,,"Les dialogues de Jean Cocteau pour ""Juliette ou la clé des songes"". Edition critique",VABB-4,175,302,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415480,,Verplichte sportarbitrage als uitbuitingsmisbruik: de Pechstein-zaak door de lens van artikel 102 VWEU,VABB-1,124,131,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415481,,Wanneer criminogene processen de overhand halen: persoonlijk normoverschrijdend handelen,VABB-4,95,116,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415483,,Europe and the Pentagon's Third Offset Strategy,VABB-1,22,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415484,,De aanpassing van het Vlaamse Taaldecreet na het arrest van het Hof van Justitie in de zaak-Las: een juridisch kaartenhuis,VABB-1,883,903,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415485,,Trends in continuous deep sedation until death between 2007 and 2013: a repeated nationwide survey.: End-of-Life Sedation in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415486,,Experimental and numerical investigation of a Tensairity arch,VABB-1,112,120,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415488,,Effect of supporting 3D-garment on gait postural stability in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy,VABB-1,175,181,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415489,,The Philosophy of Mathematical Practice: What Is It All About?,VABB-4,13,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415490,,Showing their true colours: Possible secular declines and a Jensen effect on colour acuity—More evidence for the weaker variant of Spearman's Other Hypothesis,VABB-1,280,284,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415496,,How Cognitive Genetic Factors Influence Fertility Outcomes: A Mediational SEM Analysis.,VABB-1,628,637,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415498,,Multi‑year wind dynamics around Lake Tanganyika,VABB-1,3191,3202,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415501,,On the Gray-Value Sensibility of Dental Practitioners,VABB-5,399,402,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415503,,Career transitions,VABB-4,111,119,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415505,,The seven parameters of media clusters: An integrated approach for local cluster analysis,VABB-1,171,191,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415508,,Online Media Business Models: Lessons from the Video Game Industry,VABB-1,103,123,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415511,,L'exception,VABB-1,1,5,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:415513,,Nursing staff and euthanasia in the Netherlands. A nation-wide survey on attitudes and involvement in decision making and the performance of euthanasia,VABB-1,783,789,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415514,,Media and the Public Sphere,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415516,,Van afwijzing tot heimat. Oost-Belgische percepties van Brussel in Bosch in Belgien (2006) van Freddy Derwahl,VABB-4,181,196,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415518,,Finding the (un)expected?: Quantitative and qualitative comparisons of term variants and their translations in a parallel corpus of EU texts,VABB-4,43,63,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415521,,Scheiternde Rituale?: Differenz und Gemeinsamkeit in Natura Morta,VABB-4,71,80,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:415525,,The Treatment of “Digital products” and Other “E-Services” Under VAT.,VABB-4,15,39,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415528,,Onbehandelbare meisjes? De benadering van Roma-meisjes voor een MOF verschenen voor de jeugdrechtbank.,VABB-1,35,53,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415529,,"Intermodal land transportation systems and port choice, an analysis of stated choices among shippers in the Rhine–Scheldt delta",VABB-1,992,1004,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415530,,Staff Nurses' Perceptions and Experiences about Structural Empowerment: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415531,,Advance care planning for nursing home residents with dementia: policy vs. practice,VABB-1,569,581,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415532,,Borders and Frontiers in Global and Transnational History: Introduction to the special issue,VABB-1,29,34,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415533,,Everyday Nation-Building In The Post-Soviet Space,VABB-1,69,86,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415534,,Negotiating the ‘real’ in ‘reality shows’: Production side discourses between deconstruction and reconstruction,VABB-1,901,917,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415535,,Turkish Objections to Exclusive Economic Zone Agreements Concluded by Cyprus,VABB-4,217,241,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415536,,The role of three lifestyle risk factors in reducing educational differences in ischaemic heart disease mortality in Europe,VABB-1,1081,1088,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415538,,De effectiviteit van de kurkoefening op de articulatorische precisie en de spraakverstaanbaarheid bij professionele stemgebruikers.,VABB-1,27,31,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415541,,The wedge and the vis viva controversy: how concepts of force influenced the practice of early eighteenth-century mechanics,VABB-1,109,156,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415542,,Use of multispectral satellite imagery and hyperspectral endmember libraries for urban land cover mapping at the metropolitan scale,VABB-5,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415544,,Co-prédications adjectivantes : le degré de détermination du lien nominal entre les prédications,VABB-4,27,45,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415546,,Compressive and lap shear tests on traditional putty and polymer sealants,VABB-1,109,115,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415548,,Privacy in Location-Based Service: An Interdisciplinary Approach,VABB-1,144,170,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415549,,Institutional Constraints and Territorial Representation,VABB-4,49,68,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415550,,"La lutte antiterroriste en Belgique, le Premier ministre Charles Michel devant le Parlement fédéral",VABB-1,106,110,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415553,,The mitigating role of leader‒member exchange when perceiving psychological contract violation: a diary survey study among volunteers,VABB-1,254,271,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415557,,Coalition formation procedures: the impact of issue saliences and consensus estimation.,VABB-1,481,499,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415560,,A qualitative exploration of the collaborative working between palliative care and geriatric medicine: Barriers and facilitators from a European perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415561,,Connecting the dots. De evolutie binnen de Directie Detentiebeheer Noord bij elkaar gepuzzeld,VABB-1,5,11,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415562,,Soft law and EU VAT: From informal to inclusive governance?,VABB-1,9,31,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415563,,"Mobile Phone Penetration, Mobile Banking and Inclusive Development in Africa",VABB-1,34,52,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415564,,Discussing end-of-life issues in nursing homes: a nationwide study in France,VABB-1,395,402,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415565,,De vrijwillige verkoop van een onroerend goed van een minderjarige,VABB-1,2,30,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415569,,"The ""Third"" US Offset Strategy and Europe's ""Anti-Access"" Challenge",VABB-1,417,445,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415572,,The Future of Privacy. Addressing Singularities to Identify Bright-Line Rules That Speak to Us,VABB-1,461,466,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415573,,"Bruxelles dans le lettres italiennes. Discrète, lointaine et enfin ... présente",VABB-4,149,167,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415574,,Le sens grammatical: Référentiel à l'usage des enseignants,VABB-2,,,490 p.,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:415577,,Cultural and Institutional inequalities: The case of mathematics education in Flemish schools,VABB-1,37,54,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415579,,"De therapeutische exceptie en het recht op informatie over de gezondheidstoestand, met bijzondere aandacht voor de zorg rond het levenseinde",VABB-1,326,351,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415581,,Lessons from the EU's ETS for a New International Climate Agreement,VABB-1,46,59,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415583,,EU control of State aid to professional sport: why now?,VABB-4,153,185,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415584,,Mathematical Cultures: Editorial Introduction: Mathematical Cultures The London Meetings 2012-2014,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415585,,How to keep a living lab alive?,VABB-1,12,25,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415591,,Elite youth sport policy and dual career support services in 15 countries,VABB-4,521,535,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415592,,A (train) journey through time: Evolutie van structuur en governance van de Belgische spoorwegen,VABB-1,2,19,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415593,,Foreign Aid and Governance in Africa,VABB-1,69,88,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415594,,Testing Metcalfe’s law: pitfalls and possibilities,VABB-1,67,76,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415595,,The party of the people versus the cultural elite. Populism and nationalism in Flemish radical right rhetoric about artists.,VABB-1,69,91,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415597,,Cultural Diversity and State aids to public service media,VABB-4,132,148,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415598,,Measuring the value of mobile telecommunications networks,VABB-1,191,222,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415600,,Religious Heterogeneity and Fiscal Policy: Evidence from German Reunification,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415601,,Stellivore extraterrestrials? Binary stars as living systems,VABB-1,251,256,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415602,,Baltic shipping marks on nineteenth-century timber: their deciphering and a proposal for an innovative characterization of old timber,VABB-1,157,175,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415604,,A multidisciplinary approach to clitoral reconstruction after female genital mutilation: the crucial role of counselling,VABB-1,269,275,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415605,,Research in public health and end-of-life care – Building on the past and developing the new.,VABB-1,25,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415607,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens,VABB-1,33,46,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415608,,Health promotion interventions in social economy companies in Flanders (Belgium).,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415609,,Modelling social enterprises,VABB-1,501,527,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415610,,"Sleep characteristics, exercise capacity and physical activity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome",VABB-1,2044,2050,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415611,,Hazardous thunderstorm intensification over Lake Victoria,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415612,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek’,VABB-1,42,62,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415614,,How to re-open the black box in the structural design of complex geometries,VABB-5,316,323,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415616,,"Growth and Institutions in African Development, Edited by Augustin K. Fosu, reviewed by Simplice A. Asongu,",VABB-1,113,123,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415617,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,49,82,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415620,,"Political parties, ideology and the substantive representation of women",VABB-1,576,586,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415621,,Teacher differences in promoting students' self-regulated learning: Exploring the role of student characteristics,VABB-1,88,96,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415623,,The Huawei Case and What It Reveals About Europe’s Trade Policy,VABB-1,539,557,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415624,,The impact of palmaris longus muscle on function in sports: an explorative study in elite tennis players and recreational athletes.,VABB-1,167,182,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415625,,"Predicting adult learners' online participation: Effects of altruism, performance expectancy, and social capital",VABB-1,84,101,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415626,,Van “Brilliant Little Capital” tot “Open City”: Brussel anders bekeken door Engelstalige prozaschrijvers,VABB-4,123,148,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415628,,Infrabel en MIVB niet vrijgesteld van gemeentelijke wegenisretributies of -belastingen: noot onder Kh. Brussel 12 december 2014,VABB-1,35,41,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415629,,Balancing Priorities in America's European Strategy,VABB-1,13,24,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415632,,Who shares what to whom and why?: News sharing profiles amongst Flemish news users,VABB-1,921,932,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415633,,Betrokkenheid van een casemanager bij de palliatieve zorg vermindert ziekenhuisopnames van patiënten met kanker aan het levenseinde.,VABB-1,5,20,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415634,,Consolidated Criteria for Assessing Intersectionality Operationalization in European Equality Policies: The Case of Roma Women,VABB-1,95,110,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415635,,The New Imbroglio. Living with machine algorithms,VABB-4,55,60,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415636,,The role of risk in e-retailers’ adoption of payment methods: evidence for transition economies,VABB-1,27,72,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415637,,"Attitudes and Practices of Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide in the United States, Canada, and Europe",VABB-1,79,90,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415641,,"Le droit des gens ou principes de la loi naturelle (The Law of Nations, or Principles of the Law of Nature) 1757 (Emer De Vattel (1714-1767)",VABB-4,247,250,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415642,,Game-based HCI Methods: Workshop on Playfully Engaging Users in Design,VABB-5,3484,3491,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415643,,The Mirage of Europe in Phillips’s A Distant Shore and Unigwe’s On Black Sisters’ Street,VABB-4,253,277,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415644,,Partition-based clustering using constraint optimization,VABB-4,282,299,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415645,,Is volunteering in later life impeded or stimulated by other activities?,VABB-1,51,75,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415648,,Perceptions from the outside in cases of gender violence. ‘What are you (the interpreter) doing here?,VABB-1,57,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415651,,Interwar garden district ‘Klein Rusland’ (Zelzate-Belgium): living lab project,VABB-5,930,935,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415652,,1950 L’horloge anglaise,VABB-4,271,275,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:415653,,The Spirit of the Convention –: Interlocking Principles and Ethics for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage,VABB-1,71,87,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415654,,Healing performance monitoring using embedded piezoelectric transducers in concrete structures,VABB-5,267,273,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415655,,Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an in-home respite care program in supporting informal caregivers of people with dementia: design of a comparative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415657,,Taalkennisvereiste bij gezinshereniging: een eerste schot voor de boeg,VABB-1,206,210,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415658,,Why Berman was wrong for the right reason: An indirect discussion of the pivotal role of Friedrich Schleiermacher in the Ethico-Translational debate,VABB-4,55,66,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415661,,"Comparison of Site of Death, Health Care Utilization, and Hospital Expenditures for Patients Dying With Cancer in 7 Developed Countries",VABB-1,272,283,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415665,,Perceived environmental correlates of cycling for transport among adults in five regions of Europe.,VABB-1,53,61,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415666,,Limitations in Activities of Daily Living in Community-Dwelling People Aged 75 and Over: A Systematic Literature Review of Risk and Protective Factors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415667,,Infants dying suddenly and unexpectedly share demographic features with infants who die with retinal and dural bleeding: a review of neural mechanisms,VABB-1,1223,1234,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415668,,"The communitarisation of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: why institutional change does not translate into policy change",VABB-1,1417,1432,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415669,,Disentangling agglomeration and network externalities: A conceptual typology,VABB-1,61,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415671,,Characterisation and implementation of the ERE-CALUX bioassay on indoor dust samples of kindergartens to assess estrogenic potencies,VABB-1,182,189,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415672,,Small to medium magnitude Jensen effects on brain volume: A meta-analytic test of the processing volume theory of general intelligence,VABB-1,215,219,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415677,,Desistance: op zoek naar het rechte pad.,VABB-4,261,272,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415678,,The transition from traditional to modern patterns of demand in belgium,VABB-4,25,57,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415683,,« La représentation de la vie psychique chez le prince de Ligne »,VABB-4,389,404,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:415684,,"Increasing Transparency and Privacy for Online Social Network Users – USEMP Value Model, Scoring Framework and Legal",VABB-4,38,59,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415685,,Leveraging sport heritage to promote tourism destinations: the case of the Tour of Flanders Cyclo event,VABB-1,263,283,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415688,,Development and Pilot testing of 24/7 in-ambulance telemedicine for acute stroke:prehospital stroke study at the Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel-project,VABB-1,15,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415689,,How should Australia respond to media-publicised developments on euthanasia in Belgium?,VABB-1,835,848,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415690,,The multi-actor multi-criteria analysis in action for sustainable urban mobility decisions: the case of Leuven,VABB-1,211,236,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415692,,EU Data Protection and Future Payment Services,VABB-4,181,201,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415694,,"Depression, pregnancy-related anxiety and parental-antenatal attachment in couples using preimplantation genetic diagnosis.",VABB-1,1288,1299,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415695,,Relative Contribution of Child Labour to Household Farm and Non-Farm Income in Ghana: Simulation with Child's Education,VABB-1,104,115,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415697,,Where to Go from Paris? The European Union in Climate Geopolitics,VABB-1,119,130,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415698,,"Linking Frailty Instruments to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health: A Systematic Review",VABB-1,1066,1066,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415700,,De slagkracht van populisme. Een onderzoek naar de houding tegenover populisme bij jongeren en jongvolwassenen in Vlaanderen.,VABB-1,4,23,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415701,,The neural representation of competence traits: An fMRI study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415705,,How Competent Are Healthcare Professionals in Working According to a Bio-Psycho-Social Model in Healthcare?: The Current Status and Validation of a Scale,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415707,,Socio-economic valuation of traffic in inland ports: the development of a weighing rule for the port of Brussels,VABB-1,297,318,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415710,,History in Legal Doctrine: Vattel and Réal de Curban on the War of the Spanish Succession,VABB-4,367,394,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415713,,Euthanasia in Belgium: trends in reported cases between 2003 and 2013,VABB-1,407,414,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415720,,Niet begeleide minderjarige vreemdelingen en pleegzorg: een literatuurstudie.,VABB-1,251,267,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415724,,Normoverschrijdend handelen: een basismodel,VABB-4,23,50,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415726,,Explaining the relation between precarious employment and mental well-being. A qualitative study among temporary agency workers,VABB-1,249,264,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415729,,"The Influence of Happenings on the Performative Display of Subcultures: Insight into Beat, Mod, Provo and the Hipster Movements.",VABB-4,55,69,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415730,,"Het Rexisme en het muziekleven in België, 1936-1944",VABB-1,19,37,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415731,,Blended Learning in the Vocational Education and Training System in Tanzania: Understanding Vocational Educators'Perceptions,VABB-1,30,45,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415732,,"Operationalising the Concept of the Smart City as a Local Innovation Platform: The City of Things Lab in Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-4,128,136,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415733,,Moving beyond the Borders of Top–Down Broadcasting: An Analysis of Younger Users’ Participation in Public Service Media,VABB-1,291,307,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415734,,Developmental Foreign Accent Syndrome: report of a new case,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415736,,Involuntary reflexive pelvic floor muscle training in addition to standard training versus standard training alone for women with stress urinary incontinence: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415739,,Inleiding: Over stedelijke migranten en migrerende stedelingen,VABB-1,5,13,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415741,,From pragmatic conservatism to formal continuity. Nineteenth-century views on the Old Regime origins of the Belgian Constitution,VABB-1,257,277,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415742,,Preconditions for successful advance care planning in nursing homes: A systematic review,VABB-1,47,59,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415743,,Value Added Tax and the Digital Economy: The 2015 EU Rules and Broader Issues,VABB-2,,,272 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415744,,Preface,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415746,,Modeling in MiningZinc,VABB-4,257,281,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415753,,Montesquieu. Enigmatisch observateur,VABB-2,,,360 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415759,,Does congruence between the school and the home/community environment make a difference?,VABB-4,67,87,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415762,,Nationalist parties and immigration in Flanders: from Volksunie to Spirit and N-VA,VABB-1,1290,1303,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415763,,An International Public Goods Perspective upon China’s Resource Governance: the Function and Invalidation of REO(rare earth oxide) Economic Diplomacy,VABB-1,51,68,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415768,,Exhibiting Architecture à la Manière de,VABB-1,147,153,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415770,,Radicalisering in de gevangenis: welke aanpak?,VABB-1,164,171,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415772,,Minutiae Meeting minutes as actors in participatory planning processes,VABB-4,102,120,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415773,,"L'histoire, parole vivante du droit ? François Laurent en Ernest Nys als historiografen van het volkenrecht",VABB-4,91,115,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415775,,‘Independent’ Kurdish Media in Syria: Conflicting Identities in the Transition,VABB-1,334,351,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415776,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van december 2015,VABB-1,1113,1120,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415779,,Taalsociologische kijk op maatschappelijke en individuele meertaligheid in België: Taalsociologische kijk op maatschappelijke en individuele meertaligheid in België,VABB-4,51,83,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415780,,Authenticity screening of stained glass windows using optical spectroscopy,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415781,,Intra-Europese migratie: een demografische achtergrond bij migratiepatronen en inter-Europese partnerschappen in vergelijkend perspectief,VABB-4,31,51,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415783,,From consultation to participation: the impact of beneficiaries organizations' decision-making and output.,VABB-1,295,312,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415784,,The European Association for Palliative Care White Paper on euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: Dodging responsibility,VABB-1,893,894,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415785,,Sino-African relations: some strategies and solutions to the policy syndromes,VABB-1,35,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415791,,Brussel schrijven/Ecrire Bruxelles: De Stad als inspiratiebron sinds de 19de eeuw/La ville comme source d’inspiration depuis le XIXe siècle,VABB-3,,,340 p.,mul,2016,2 c:vabb:415794,,Constructivisme en normatieve theorie: een 'catch 22'?,VABB-1,45,57,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415795,,"Reinventing foreign aid for inclusive and sustainable development: Kuznets, Piketty and the great policy reversal.",VABB-1,736,755,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415797,,De export van socialezekerheidsuitkeringen naar Turkije bij dubbele Turks-Nederlandse nationaliteit,VABB-1,479,483,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415798,,Wet van 16 december 2015,VABB-1,207,210,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415801,,Deployable textile hybrid structures: design and modelling of kinetic membrane-restrained bending-active structures,VABB-5,195,204,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415802,,Gebruik van psychoactieve medicatie bij kinderen en jongeren met autisme-spectrumstoornis in de provincie Antwerpen,VABB-1,446,454,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415803,,"Regards hispano-américains sur Bruxelles. La ville d’après Carpentier, Molina et Mondragón",VABB-4,169,179,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415810,,"On the evolution in design and calculation of steel structures over the 19th century in Belgium, France and England",VABB-5,604,611,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415812,,“We listen to them”: A Qualitative Study of HIV Provider-Patient Relationship in the Management of Care,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415813,,Parametric evaluation of deployable scissor arches,VABB-1,479,491,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415814,,La dramaturgie de la négociation politique. La frontière poreuse entre la politique réelle et la fiction politique,VABB-5,1,6,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415816,,"Instrumentation and measurement in medical, biomedical, and healthcare systems",VABB-1,6,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415817,,"Het tegenbewijs van de goede opvoeding in het kader van de kwalitatieve aansprakelijkheid van ouders: een kwestie van fout, overmacht of van een eenvormige rechtsbedeling?",VABB-1,1258,1265,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415819,,We Have Always Managed Risks in Data Protection Law: Understanding the Similarities and Differences Between the Rights-Based and the Risk-Based Approaches to Data Protection,VABB-1,481,492,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415820,,Stigmergy as a universal coordination mechanism I: Definition and components,VABB-1,4,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415823,,Is the Subaltern Resilient? Notes on Agency and Neoliberal Subjects,VABB-1,839,855,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415826,,Quantitative study of the impact of biaxial test protocols on the derived material parameters for a PVC coated polyester fabric,VABB-1,220,229,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415828,,Learning to Detect and Prevent Elder Abuse: The Need for a Valid Risk Assessment Instrument.,VABB-5,1483,1488,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415829,,A study of digital media literacy of 5th and 6th grade primary students in Beijing,VABB-1,579,592,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415832,,Overmacht in strafzaken (art. 71 Sw.): de voorwaarden geschetst,VABB-1,786,789,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415833,,"Expectations, Realizations, and Approval of Tablet Computers in an Educational Setting",VABB-1,171,190,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415836,,"Psychosocial and environmental correlates of walking, cycling, public transport and passive transport to various destinations in Flemish older adolescents",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415838,,The histopathology of polymicrogyria: a series of 71 brain autopsy studies.,VABB-1,39,48,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415839,,The Unreasonable Success of Quantum Probability I: Quantum Measurements as Uniform Fluctuations,VABB-1,51,75,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415840,,The role of inter-organizational relationships on elite athlete development: The case of tennis in Flanders,VABB-1,61,79,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415842,,"From P3 to 2M: A Case Study on Competition Policy in Shipping in the US, the EU and China",VABB-1,529,550,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415843,,The Classification of Electoral Systems: Bringing Legislators Back In,VABB-1,42,53,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415844,,Niet-suïcidale zelfbeschadiging/Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (NSSI).,VABB-1,124,129,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415845,,DEDIPAC consortium. Variation in population levels of sedentary time in European adults according to cross-European studies: a systematic literature review within DEDIPAC.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415850,,Over stoute dingen doen.: Een inleiding criminologische psychologie,VABB-2,,,335 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415851,,Loss of SYNJ1 dual phosphatase activity leads to early onset refractory seizures and progressive neurological decline,VABB-1,2420,2430,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415853,,"Unveiling Islamic Finance: Economics, Practices and Outcomes",VABB-4,1161,1172,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415854,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens,VABB-1,266,273,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415856,,"Social mapping of perceived ecosystem services supply – The role of social landscape metrics and social hotspots for integrated ecosystem services assessment, landscape planning and management",VABB-1,517,533,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415857,,Nothing is as it seems. The exercise of access rights in Italy and Belgium: dispelling fallacies in the legal reasoning from the ‘law in theory’ to the ‘law in practice’,VABB-1,16,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415858,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens,VABB-1,156,160,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415859,,Reconstituting the role of indigenous structures in protected forest management in Cameroon,VABB-1,45,51,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415863,,Discrepancy between implicit and explicit preferences for food portions in obesity.,VABB-1,1464,1467,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415864,,De integratie van personen met een migratieachtergrond op de Belgische arbeidsmarkt,VABB-4,271,295,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415865,,Cycling on a Bike Desk Positively Influences Cognitive Performance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415868,,Emotion Regulation mediates the Relationship between Personality and Sleep Quality,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415869,,"Sustainable, Participatory and Practical: the NISTO evaluation framework for urban and regional mobility projects",VABB-1,134,144,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415871,,"Environmental Analysis of Petrol, Diesel and Electric Passenger Cars in a Belgian Urban Setting",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415873,,Decarbonization and EU relations with the Caspian Sea Region.,VABB-4,180,200,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415877,,The Effects of Remittances on Output per Worker in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Production Function Approach,VABB-1,400,421,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415878,,"An Analysis of Countries’ Organizational Resources, Capacities and Resource Configurations in Athletics",VABB-1,566,585,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415879,,The role of lifelong learning on political stability and non violence: evidence from Africa,VABB-1,141,164,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415880,,Structural Reliability in Design and Analysis of Tensile Structures,VABB-5,331,344,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415881,,R&D towards the CMS RPC Phase-2 upgrade,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415883,,An ARMA time series approach for analyzing long memory dynamics in measurements,VABB-5,1550,1555,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415884,,Changing Family Dynamics and Demographic Evolution,VABB-3,,,264 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415885,,Risk factors of severity of abuse against older women in the home setting: a multi-national European study,VABB-1,540,554,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415886,,"Gewichtheffen, voedingssupplementen en anabole steroïden in detentie. Nieuwe fenomenen binnen de gevangenismuren of weggecijferde moeilijkheden?",VABB-1,19,28,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415887,,Tired of blunt tools? Sharpening the clinical assessment of fatigue and sleepiness,VABB-1,100,108,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415889,,Simulation enhanced distributed lag models for mortality displacement,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415890,,Land access and livelihoods in post-conflict Timor-Leste: no magic bullets,VABB-1,619,647,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:415891,,Pelvic floor muscle electromyography during different running speeds: an exploratory and reliability study,VABB-1,117,124,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415892,,A Method to Evaluate Countries’ Resource-Based Competitive Advantage. A Four Country Comparison in Athletics,VABB-1,279,292,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415893,,Determinants influencing the structural design types of flemisch gymnastic clubs,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415894,,The Impact of European Union Law on the Interaction of Member States’ Sovereign Powers in the Policy Fields of Social Protection and Personal Income Tax,VABB-1,262,276,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415898,,Unwritten Factors Affecting Structural Funds: The Influence of Regional Political Behaviours on the Implementation of EU Cohesion Policy,VABB-1,530,550,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415900,,Midiendo la diversidad y la integración de la producción cinematográfica en los países del Mercosur desde el Análisis de Redes Sociales,VABB-1,117,138,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:415901,,"“À propos de « La notion d'""applicabilité directe"" du droit international » de Joe Verhoeven (1980-II)”",VABB-1,472,496,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:415903,,Estimation of sweat rates during cycling exercise by means of the closed chamber condenser technology,VABB-1,30,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415904,,Theories of Associations and Volunteering,VABB-4,59,89,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415906,,The effect of local cryotherapy on subjective and objective recovery characteristics following an exhaustive jump protocol,VABB-1,89,97,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415907,,La transformación de la tabla kantiana de las categorías en el Fundamento de toda la doctrina de la ciencia de J. G. Fichte de 1794/95,VABB-1,103,135,,spa,2016,1 c:vabb:415908,,I Ain’t Gonna Make It. Comparing Job Demands-Resources and Attrition Intention Between Senior Teachers and Senior Employees of Six Other Occupational Categories in Flanders.,VABB-1,128,155,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415909,,Aspecten van continuïteit en revisorale tussenkomst,VABB-2,,,242 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:415910,,Expressions of Sensory Evidentiality in Journalistic Travelogues: Elements of Persuasive Narration,VABB-5,31,42,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415912,,Psychosocial factors associated with children's cycling for transport: A cross-sectional moderation study.,VABB-1,141,146,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415913,,Olga prenant sa retraite m’étonnerait beaucoup: La complexité syntaxique à l’épreuve des groupes prédicatifs seconds,VABB-4,117,140,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415917,,"Antenatal care use in urban areas in two European countries: Predisposing, enabling and pregnancy-related determinants in Belgium and the Netherlands",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415920,,From foreign accent to neologistic jargon in a patient with psychogenic FAS,VABB-5,51,55,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415922,,New empirics of monetary policy dynamics: evidence from the CFA franc zones,VABB-1,164,204,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415923,,Exercise during Short-Term and Long-Term Continuous Exposure to Hypoxia Exacerbates Sleep-Related Periodic Breathing,VABB-1,773,783,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415926,,Online Disaster Management: Applicability of the European Data Protection Framework and Its Key Principles,VABB-1,23,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415929,,Le droit à l'épreuve des commons,VABB-1,306,343,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415930,,Strategic Dialogue: EU Global Strategy,VABB-1,89,94,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415937,,A Pilot Study on the Use of Pronouns in Oral Productions of Spanish as a Second Language,VABB-5,35,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415938,,Power as participation's master signifier,VABB-4,3,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415939,,"Historical Configurations of Freemasonry in Belgium: Secularity, Politics, Fragmentation",VABB-1,112,129,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415940,,Social and Physical Environmental Factors Influencing Adolescents' Physical Activity in Urban Public Open Spaces: A Qualitative Study Using Walk-Along Interviews,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415943,,Understanding Local mGovernment Applications: A Business Model Approach to the Case of Brussels,VABB-4,100,123,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415944,,De belangenafweging in het (gemeenrechtelijk) administratief kortgeding,VABB-1,390,406,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415945,,De (on)belastbaarheid van de sterfhuisclausule,VABB-1,504,512,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415948,,Kierkegaard Literature From 2005-2013. A Descriptive Bibliography Part 3,VABB-1,627,663,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415949,,On the Poietic Character of Technology,VABB-1,147,174,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415952,,Public service media and the European internal market: Friends or allies?,VABB-1,41,61,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415953,,"Truth, Justice, and Performative Knowledge: Chokri Ben Chikha’s Theatrical “Truth Commission” on (Neo) colonial Injustices",VABB-1,130,143,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415954,,"Parental Divorce, Residence Arrangements, and Contact Between Grandchildren and Grandparents",VABB-1,451,467,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415955,,Mathematical Cultures: The London Meetings 2012-2014,VABB-2,,,460 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415958,,Relationship satisfaction of European binational couples in the Netherlands,VABB-1,50,59,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415959,,"Living Labs: Concepts, Tools and Cases",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415961,,Use as Form - an open question,VABB-1,79,84,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415962,,"La transcendance par le mal: _Homicide_, thriller tragique.",VABB-4,125,139,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415967,,Walking the tightrope: Counterproductive work behavior as compensation for citizenship demands.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415969,,1657: de eerste vertaling van Don Quichot in het Nederlands,VABB-1,1,3,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415970,,Introduction to Enforcing Privacy,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415971,,L’importance de la classe verbale pour l’acquisition de l’accord sujet-verbe en FL2,VABB-5,113,124,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:415972,,Quantitative assessment of BRAF V600 mutant circulating cell-free tumor DNA as a tool for therapeutic monitoring in metastatic melanoma patients treated with BRAF/MEK inhibitors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415975,,Gender Policies and Gender Inequalities in Health in Europe: Results of the Sophie Project,VABB-1,61,82,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:415977,,"Enkelvoudige of meervoudige, en specifieke of algemene achterliggende cognitieve oorzaken van dyslexie?",VABB-1,25,38,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415978,,Do flexicurity policies protect workers from the adverse health consequences of temporary employment? A cross-national comparative analysis,VABB-1,674,682,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415979,,Bestaan er écht slechte mensen? Over psychopathie en psychopathische kenmerken,VABB-4,157,169,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:415981,,"Relation between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption, nutrition and lifestyle in a military population",VABB-1,1335,1339,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415983,,Landslide resilience in Equatorial Africa: Moving beyond problem identification!,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415987,,‘I keep a close watch on this child of mine’: A moral critique of other-tracking apps,VABB-1,175,184,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415989,,Evidence of contemporary polygenic selection on the Big G of national cognitive ability: A cross-cultural sociogenetic analysis,VABB-1,90,97,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415991,,Prescriptivism and sociolinguistic competence in German as a foreign language.,VABB-4,88,102,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:415992,,"Medieval Letters and Letter Collections as Historical Sources: Methodological Questions, Reflections and Research Perspectives (sixth - fifteenth centuries)",VABB-4,33,62,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:415994,,Last Interglacial climate and sea-level evolution from a coupled ice sheet-climate model,VABB-1,2195,2213,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415996,,‘Economic inequality and growth before the industrial revolution: the case of the Low Countries (14th-19th centuries),VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415997,,A risk to a right? Beyond data protection risk assessments,VABB-1,286,306,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:415998,,Posicionamiento y autobiografía: el relato de vida,VABB-1,77,96,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416000,,Open-ended Intelligence: The individuation of Intelligent Agents,VABB-1,371,396,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:416001,,How can a country leave the European Union and become member of the EFTA ?,VABB-1,15,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416003,,The co-existence of administrative and criminal law approaches to data protection wrongs,VABB-4,357,394,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416005,,Sarcopenia in daily practice: assessment and management,VABB-1,170,179,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416007,,"Communications in Computer and Information Science – Sport Science Research and Technology Support: International Congress, icSPORTS 2013, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, September 20-22, 2013. Revised Selected Papers",VABB-5,,,100 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416008,,European perspectives towards the rise of Asia: contextualising the debate,VABB-1,239,260,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416011,,The Use of Noninvasive Imaging Techniques in the Assessment of Secondary Lymphedema Tissue Changes as Part of Staging Lymphedema,VABB-1,127,133,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416012,,Belgium: a hard case for liberal nationalism,VABB-4,287,315,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416015,,"D’abord les données, ensuite la méthode ?",VABB-1,97,115,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:416016,,87-jarige man met late-onset frontotemporale dementie.,VABB-1,534,546,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416017,,De kleren maken de man. Over het vervullen van relatieve behoeften in de vrije tijd,VABB-1,141,155,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416019,,Bosser nom de dieu! Het gezin van Paemel de Cyriel Buysse ou la naissance de la mythe de la Flandre rurale,VABB-1,249,276,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:416020,,Slow wave sleep in the chronically fatigued: Power spectra distribution patterns in chronic fatigue syndrome and primary insomnia.,VABB-1,1926,1933,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:416022,,"A Survey of Expectations About the Role of Robots in Robot-Assisted Therapy for Children with ASD: Ethical Acceptability, Trust, Sociability, Appearance, and Attachment",VABB-1,47,65,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416024,,Ritual Failure Remains?: The Inaccessibility of the Dead (Corpse) in Antigone and in Contemporary Post-Conflict Art,VABB-4,177,188,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416028,,The universal scissor component: Optimization of a reconfigurable component for deployable scissor structures,VABB-1,317,333,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416030,,Early onset epileptic encephalopathy or genetically determined encephalopathy with early onset epilepsy? Lessons learned from TSC.,VABB-1,203,211,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416033,,How bad can the centroid be?,VABB-1,98,102,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416034,,Profession and Ideology: Cultural Institutions and the Formation of Literary Circles in the Soviet Occupied Territory and the Early GDR,VABB-4,241,255,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416035,,"Contemporary phenotypic selection on intelligence is (mostly) directional: An analysis of three, population representative samples",VABB-1,109,114,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416036,,Older offenders deemed criminally irresponsible in Flanders (Belgium): Descriptive results from a retrospective case note study,VABB-1,35,41,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416039,,"Logic, Reasoning and Revision",VABB-1,3,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416040,,Metcalfe’s law and network quality: an extension of Zhang et al.,VABB-1,117,123,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416043,,Perceptual quality of 4K-resolution video content compared to HD,VABB-5,1,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416045,,"Over eksters en gieren: overvallers, brandstichters en witteboordencriminelen",VABB-4,171,186,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416047,,Restricted sedation and absence of cognitive impairments after administration of intranasal scopolamine,VABB-1,1231,1235,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:416048,,Chronologie 1689-1755,VABB-4,293,298,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416050,,Strafvermindering als compensatie voor privacyinbreuk,VABB-1,188,193,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416051,,Drivers of future changes in East African precipitation,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416053,,The General Factor of Personality: A Hierarchical Life History Model,VABB-4,943,967,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416054,,"War of images, war of theaters",VABB-1,57,74,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416055,,"Identités, préférences et attitudes des parlementaires envers le fédéralisme belge après la sixième réforme de l’Etat",VABB-1,5,52,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:416056,,How system dynamics education may enhance virtue-based Ethics,VABB-1,33,52,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416057,,The interrogative model of inquiry meets dynamic epistemic logics,VABB-1,1609,1642,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:416059,,Light through glass: The spectrum of Late Antique glass from Cyprus,VABB-1,614,624,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416061,,What Prior Judicial Scrutiny of Secret Surveillance Stands For,VABB-1,437,442,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416064,,Effect of the shape of the exposure-response function on estimated hospital costs in a study on non-elective pneumonia hospitalizations related to particulate matter,VABB-1,525,530,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416066,,A Motion Analysis in the Volleyball Spike – Part 1: Three-dimensional Kinematics and Performance,VABB-1,70,82,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416068,,Sino-African relations: a review and reconciliation of dominant schools of thought,VABB-1,351,383,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416071,,Consensus Paper: Revisiting the Symptoms and Signs of Cerebellar Syndrome,VABB-1,369,391,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416073,,Conflict tussen zorgverleners en families van een multi-etnische patiëntenpopulatie op de IC,VABB-1,12,17,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416074,,"Alone and Far from Home: Gender and Migration Trajectories of Single Foreign Newcomers to Antwerp, 1850-1880",VABB-1,61,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416075,,Imprisoned Husbands: Palestinian Wives and Experiences of Difficulties,VABB-1,118,125,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416076,,Integrated analysis of kinematic form active structures for architectural applications: Experimental verification,VABB-1,59,70,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416078,,Functional connectivity between the cerebrum and cerebellum in social cognition: A multi-study analysis,VABB-1,248,255,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416082,,Interpreting in the Emergency Department: How Context Matters for Practice,VABB-4,33,58,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416083,,Data nationalism and its discontents,VABB-1,2089,2098,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416084,,Territoriality and freedom of language: the case of Belgium,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416087,,I-PV: a CIRCOS module for interactive protein sequence visualization,VABB-1,447,449,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416089,,Modelli nelle scienze sociali,VABB-1,1,56,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:416090,,International comparison of death place for suicide; a population-level eight country death certificate study,VABB-1,101,106,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416092,,Fraude ontrafeld. Een studie naar de werkwijzen en de drijfveren van fraudeurs,VABB-1,98,101,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416093,,"Holocene phreatomagmatic eruptions alongside the densely populated northern shoreline of Lake Kivu, East African Rift: timing and hazard implications",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416094,,"The effects of unemployment and perceived job insecurity: a comparison of their association with psychological and somatic complaints, self‑rated health and life satisfaction",VABB-1,147,162,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416095,,"A 2-year multicentre, open-label, randomized, controlled study of growth hormone (Genotropin(®) ) treatment in very young children born small for gestational age: Early Growth and Neurodevelopment (EGN) Study",VABB-1,353,360,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416099,,"Transience, Overseas Migration and the Modern European City",VABB-1,209,222,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416100,,Shifting public-private responsibilities in Flemish flood risk management. Towards a co-evolutionary approach,VABB-1,23,33,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416101,,Integrated Approach of Conventional Medicine and Complementary Alternative Medicine,VABB-1,373,390,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416102,,Social Exclusion in Later Life: A Systematic Review of the Literature,VABB-1,315,344,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416103,,The Scarbase Duo(®): Intra-rater and inter-rater reliability and validity of a compact dual scar assessment tool,VABB-1,336,344,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416105,,The macro-political uptake of the G1000 in Belgium,VABB-4,53,74,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416106,,Direct cost saving potential in medication costs due to a reduction in outdoor air pollution for the Brussels Capital Region.,VABB-1,760,765,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416107,,Characteristics of bicycle crashes in an adolescent population in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,103,110,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416108,,Synergistic Use of LiDAR and APEX Hyperspectral Data for High-Resolution Urban Land Cover Mapping,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416109,,HLA-A*24 carrier status and autoantibody surges posttransplantation associate vith poor functional outcome in recipients of an islet allograft,VABB-1,1060,1064,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416112,,Many Have It Wrong – Samples Do Contain Personal Data:
The Data Protection Regulation as a Superior Framework
to Protect Donor Interests in Biobanking and Genomic Research,VABB-4,119,138,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416114,,Geneva Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms,VABB-4,175,186,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416116,,Impact of ice sheet meltwater fluxes on the climate evolution at the onset of the Last Interglacial,VABB-1,1721,1737,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416119,,An internalization theory perspective on the global and regional strategies of multinational enterprises,VABB-1,83,92,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416123,,Performance monitoring of large-scale autonomously healed concrete beams under four-point bending through multiple non-destructive testing methods,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416125,,Law and Investment in Africa,VABB-1,91,120,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416127,,Van aansprakelijkheid naar verzekering en deresponsabilisering... en indien het alleen maar een illusie was ?,VABB-4,263,275,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416128,,"René Vermeir & Jeffrey Tyssens, Vrijmetselarij en vooruitgang.De Gentse progressistenloge La Liberté(1866-1966), Brussel, Academic and Scientific Publishers, 2016, 268 p.",VABB-2,,,268 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416130,,Place of death in the population dying from diseases indicative of palliative care need: a cross-national population-level study in 14 countries,VABB-1,17,24,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416131,,The Protection of the Right to Water in China,VABB-4,331,340,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416135,,Who Should Pick up the Bill? Distributing the Financial Burden of Technological Innovations in Schools,VABB-1,193,203,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416142,,"The role of inherited crustal structures and magmatism in the development of rift segments: Insights from the Kivu basin, western branch of the East African Rift",VABB-1,62,76,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416144,,"The Southern African Development Community. Law, Politics, Policies and Institutions",VABB-2,,,148 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416145,,Geweld in gezinnen: stiefgezinnen vergeleken met kerngezinnen,VABB-1,21,37,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416146,,Kinderen en hun voeding in Brusselse ziekenhuizen in de 19e eeuw,VABB-1,64,79,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416148,,Introduction générale,VABB-4,7,14,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:416150,,L'intermède de Marcel Broodthaers: pour une critique de l'hybride,VABB-1,213,223,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:416152,,California y la dimensión internacional de políticas subestatales para el cambio climático,VABB-1,1,26,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:416153,,Virtual gossip: How gossip regulates moral life in virtual worlds,VABB-1,683,693,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416154,,A Holistic Understanding of Integrational Support from University Students’ Perspective Through Appreciative Inquiry,VABB-5,293,298,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416156,,An Ethics of Security,VABB-4,94,108,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416160,,Multiple Perspectives on Imprisonment in Europe,VABB-1,311,333,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416161,,Het publiek heeft er recht op. Studie van het publiekrechtelijk kader voor het delen van persoonsgegevens door overheden. Voorwoord,VABB-4,51,54,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416162,,Free movement of EU citizens: including for the poor?,VABB-1,10,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416163,,La représentation du pouvoir français en Belgique (1792-1799): entre révolution et tradition,VABB-1,109,130,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:416164,,Intellectual Property Rights and Foreign Direct Investment Agreements,VABB-4,225,242,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416165,,Validity and test-retest reliability of the Stride Analyzer in people with knee osteoarthritis,VABB-1,155,158,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416167,,"Protestos na era da informação: Panóptico, visibilidade sinóptica e outras formas de ver e ser visto",VABB-1,259,270,,por,2016,2 c:vabb:416168,,Inequalities in tuberculosis mortality: long-term trends in 11 European countries,VABB-1,574,581,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416169,,EU Economic Law in a Time of Crisis,VABB-3,,,199 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416170,,A Motion Analysis in the Volleyball Spike – Part 2: Coordination and Performance Variability.,VABB-1,83,90,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416171,,Transforming two-dimensional guided light using nonmagnetic metamaterial waveguides,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416172,,The strength of associations among sexual strategy traits: Variations as a function of life history speed,VABB-1,275,283,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416173,,Perceptual accent rating and attribution in psychogenic FAS: some further evidence challenging Whitaker’s operational definition.,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416175,,"The Eternal Crisis of Representation. Notes on Theatricality, Theology and the Political Community",VABB-4,7,35,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416176,,The Twofold Diagnosis of Personality Disorder: How Do Personality Dysfunction and Pathological Traits Increment Each Other at Successive Levels of the Trait Hierarchy?,VABB-1,280,292,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416177,,The Scent of Wiener's Cigar,VABB-1,123,125,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416178,,How Internalisation Theory Explains MNE Internationalisation Patterns,VABB-1,28,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416179,,Un-mapping Personal Data Transfers,VABB-1,160,168,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416181,,The temporal dynamics of metacognition: Dissociating task-related activity from later metacognitive processes,VABB-1,54,64,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416183,,Open innovation practices adopted by private stakeholders: perspectives for living labs,VABB-1,67,80,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416187,,The State Context Property Formalism: From Concept Theory to the Semantics of Music,VABB-1,1505,1513,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:416189,,The social cost of legal and illegal drugs in Belgium,VABB-2,,,422 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416190,,"Het verblijfsrecht en de tewerkstelling in het kader van artikel 60, §7 OCMW-Wet, belicht vanuit het Unierecht",VABB-1,158,168,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416191,,World Cities and the Uneven Geographies of Financialization: Unveiling Stratification and Hierarchy in the World City Archipelago,VABB-1,62,81,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416193,,"De rechten van verdediging van de rechtspersoon in de Belgische strafprocedure: van verre evident, maar verre van evident",VABB-1,17,46,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416194,,On Separation as the Fundament for All Existential Ethics,VABB-1,99,120,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416195,,Assessment of Acoustic Emission localization accuracy on damaged and healed concrete,VABB-1,163,171,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416197,,Managerial objectives and the governance of public and non-profit organizations,VABB-1,221,237,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416199,,A scale measuring ethical acceptability of Robot Enhanced Therapy for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders,VABB-1,54,66,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416202,,Influencing factors and integration of ICT into teaching practices of pre-service and starting teachers,VABB-1,359,370,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416205,,De tijd van mijn leven,VABB-1,8,15,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416206,,Seul isolé à l’initiale,VABB-1,1,25,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:416207,,Does waiting pay off? The effect of partnership formation prior to household formation on union stability.,VABB-1,611,652,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:416208,,Children behind Belgian Bars: Rights and Resistance against the Pains of Imprisonment,VABB-4,611,632,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416210,,Frozen-thawed embryo transfers in natural cycles with spontaneous or induced ovulation: the search for the best protocol continues,VABB-1,2803,2810,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416211,,Third Space: tijd voor de democratisering van onderzoek,VABB-1,58,63,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416212,,"Rome Convention for the protection of performing artists, producers of phonograms and broadcasting organisations",VABB-4,141,174,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416213,,Anatomic predictors of phrenic nerve injury in the setting of pulmonary vein isolation using the 28-mm second-generation cryoballoon,VABB-1,342,351,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416215,,Foreign aid fiscal policy: theory and evidence,VABB-1,279,314,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416217,,Learning constraint satisfaction problems: An ILP perspective,VABB-4,96,112,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416218,,UDUBSit. A Location Based Mobile Application for the University of the Western Cape A Living Lab Approach in Support of Participatory ICT4D,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416219,,Stoute meisjes en gevaarlijke vrouwen zijn zoals andere stoute en gevaarlijke personen,VABB-4,119,131,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416220,,Socioeconomic disparities in lung cancer mortality in Belgian men and women (2001-2011): does it matter who you live with?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416221,,'A hotbed of the illicit': Brussel in Thomas Pynchons _Against the Day_ tussen dubbele refracties en vreemdsoortige transmutaties,VABB-4,301,315,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416222,,Variation in population levels of physical activity in European children and adolescents according to cross-European studies: a systematic literature review within DEDIPAC,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416223,,Onderzoek naar de relatie tussen persoonlijkheidsstoornissen en autismespectrumstoornissen,VABB-1,53,65,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416225,,"Introduction. Information, freedom and property",VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416226,,Towards modal choice in agent-based freight transport model considering the used loading unit,VABB-5,461,466,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416227,,The Impact of Entrepreneurship on Knowledge Economy in Africa,VABB-1,101,131,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416229,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek 1 november 2015 - 31 maart 2016,VABB-1,59,88,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416230,,The new General Data Protection Regulation: Still a sound system for the protection of individuals?,VABB-1,179,194,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416231,,"R&D Collaborations in the Biotechnology Industry: the myths, the facts and the outcomes",VABB-1,16,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416232,,New Animism in Policing: Re-animating the Rule of Law?,VABB-4,406,428,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416234,,The 2015 rules for Electronically Supplied Services – Compliance Issues,VABB-1,11,16,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416236,,"Europees sociaal handvest, sociale rechten en grondrechten op de werkvloer",VABB-3,,,444 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416237,,A qualitative study of the perspectives of sub-Saharan African migrant women with HIV/AIDS and their caregivers on treatment and care in Belgium.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416238,,Could 'nudges' steer us towards a 'less-cash society'?,VABB-4,70,110,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416240,,"b Food in the City: Urban Food Geographies and ""Local' Food Sourcing in Melbourne and San Diego County",VABB-1,3,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416241,,What are cultures?: Cultures of Mathematics and Logic,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416242,,"Wat geleerd werd, kan (vaak) afgeleerd worden: principes van zinvol delictgericht behandelen",VABB-4,219,237,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416243,,Hedging the hard way: Russia’s response to world disorder.,VABB-1,165,176,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416244,,The effects of CLIL on mathematical content learning: A longitudinal study,VABB-1,319,338,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416247,,Daar is Nessie! Naar meervoudig stemrecht in NV en BVBA,VABB-1,985,989,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416251,,Internet of Robotic Things: Context-Aware and Personalized Interventions of Assistive Social Robots,VABB-1,204,207,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416253,,Spirituality/religiosity: a cultural and psychological resource among Sub-Saharan African Migrant women with HIV/AIDS in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416255,,Do Translations simplify the Language of the Original?: Some Evidence from translated Migrant Literature,VABB-4,65,78,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416256,,Designing timber trusses in Belgium during the age of iron engineering,VABB-5,612,619,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416257,,The impact of the 2012 Domestic Workers in a Private Household Visa on human trafficking for domestic servitude,VABB-1,204,221,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416258,,The heterogeneity of mathematical research,VABB-4,73,94,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416259,,"Reconstruction of a flash flood event through a multi-hazard approach: focus on the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda",VABB-1,851,876,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416260,,"Information, freedom and property.: The philosophers of law meet the philosophers of technology",VABB-3,,,198 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416261,,Photonic sensor design evaluation for measuring the photoplethysmogram,VABB-5,1327,1332,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416263,,Monitoring the failure mechanisms of a reinforced concrete beam strengthened by textile reinforced cement using acoustic emission and digital image correlation,VABB-1,91,105,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416264,,What happens when children encounter an error,VABB-1,34,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416267,,"""Misery to Stay, Misery to Go"": (Dis)Covering Joyce's Shipwreck in Beckett's Molloy",VABB-1,371,383,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416268,,Street characteristics preferred for transportation walking among older adults; a choice-based conjoint analysis with manipulated photographs.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416270,,Living labs,VABB-4,552,556,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416271,,Sustainability versus stakeholder preferences: Searching for synergies in urban and regional mobility measures,VABB-1,40,49,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416274,,Logic and Argumentation in Belgium – The Role of Leo Apostel,VABB-4,99,118,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416275,,The Unreasonable Success of Quantum Probability II: Quantum Measurements as Universal Measurements,VABB-1,76,90,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:416276,,The Protection of Linguistic Minorities in Italy: a clean break with the Past,VABB-1,57,81,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416278,,Zonisamide attenuates lactacystin-induced parkinsonism in mice without affecting system xc(-),VABB-1,15,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:416279,,"Cybersecurity, its many actors
 and the Human Rights Message. Foreword",VABB-4,13,17,-,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416281,,ComplexitéS,VABB-3,,,208 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:416282,,How does employment quality relate to health and job satisfaction in Europe? A typological approach,VABB-1,132,140,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416283,,"Transfer factor, lung volumes, resistance and ventilation distribution in healthy adults",VABB-1,166,176,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416284,,Pilootonderzoek bij kinderen en jongeren met anorexia nervosa : hoe is de psychische outcome minstens vijf jaar na residentiële behandeling?,VABB-1,4,17,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416285,,Living Reference Work: Gina Rossi,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416286,,From ambiguity aversion to a generalized expected utility. Modeling preferences in a quantum probabilistic framework.,VABB-1,117,127,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416287,,Online state of health estimation on NMC cells based on predictive analytics,VABB-1,239,250,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416288,,Existing Eurocodes applied to a membrane structure,VABB-1,142,151,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416289,,"Migration and post-socialism, a relational geography approach",VABB-4,87,100,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416290,,Integrated analysis of kinematic form active structures for architectural applications: Design of a representative case study,VABB-1,376,387,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416291,,"Children in the Syrian Civil War: the Familial, Educational, and Public Health Impact of Ongoing Violence",VABB-1,874,882,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416293,,Relativity of arithmetic as a fundamental symmetry of physics,VABB-1,123,133,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416294,,Collating Wind Data for Doubly-curved Shapes of Tensioned Surface Structures (Round Robin Exercise 3),VABB-1,152,162,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416295,,Intra-seasonal variability of ball speed and coordination of two team-handball throwing techniques in elite male adolescent players.,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416297,,Het risicoprincipe: inschatten van behandelintensiteit,VABB-4,239,258,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416299,,Accélération !,VABB-3,,,290 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:416300,,"""Can you cure me?"": Children with autism spectrum disorders playing a doctor game with a social robot",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416302,,Buildings: Good Intentions Unfulfilled,VABB-4,137,158,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416303,,Home care by general practitioners for cancer patients in the last 3 months of life: An epidemiological study of quality and associated factors,VABB-1,64,74,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416307,,"Petrus Peckius, Ad rem nauticam (1556)",VABB-4,110,113,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416311,,Health Policy Development in Flemish Small-Sized Municipalities: A Real-World Intervention,VABB-1,656,667,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416312,,Process-oriented social responsibility indicator for mutual funds: A multi-criteria decision analysis approach,VABB-1,66,99,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416314,,"Differences in mortality between groups of older migrants and older non-migrants in Belgium, 2001–09",VABB-1,992,1000,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416315,,How orthodontic records can influence torque choice decisions?,VABB-1,212,216,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416317,,In ‘splendid isolation’. A comparative perspective on the historiographies of the material renaissance and the consumer revolution,VABB-1,105,124,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416320,,Re-imaging the urban citizen: Leveraging physical cultural legacies,VABB-4,174,186,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416321,,Wetenschap als roeping. Een onderzoek naar werkdruk en jobtevredenheid bij academici.,VABB-1,309,327,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416322,,Aesthetic proximity: The role of stylistic elements in format localisation,VABB-1,93,104,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416324,,Recommendations for the conduct of clinical trials for drugs to treat or prevent sarcopenia,VABB-1,47,58,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416326,,The cloud computing standard ISO/IEC 27018 through the lens of the EU legislation on data protection,VABB-1,16,30,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416327,,"Scientific literacy, optimism about science and conservatism",VABB-1,299,302,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416330,,An Exploratory Study of Inter-relationships of Acculturative Stressors among Chinese Students from Six European Union (EU) Countries,VABB-1,8,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416331,,Family Ties and Socio-Economic Outcomes in High vs. Low Income Countries,VABB-1,813,823,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416332,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van augustus 2015,VABB-1,555,560,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416333,,Working class in the 7UP documentaries,VABB-4,76,89,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416334,,Montesquieu en het volkenrecht,VABB-4,231,248,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416335,,It's getting bigger all the time: Estimating the Flynn effect from secular brain mass increases in Britain and Germany,VABB-1,95,100,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416336,,"Rational Asymmetric Development, Transfer Mispricing and Sub-Saharan Africa’s Extreme Poverty Tragedy",VABB-4,282,302,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416337,,Persoonlijkheidskenmerken,VABB-4,177,181,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416339,,Broadband metasurfaces enabling arbitrarily large delay-bandwidth products,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416341,,Mitos de decadencia lingüística en la historia del neerlandés: Una exploración sociolingüística de la lengua en Flandes en los siglos XVIII y XIX,VABB-4,265,281,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:416342,,Introduction to the Special Issue: Sustainability and Entrepreneurship,VABB-1,2,5,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416345,,An Architecture for Electronic Prescribing in Physiotherapy in Belgium,VABB-4,791,794,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416347,,Typologies of Associations and Volunteering,VABB-4,90,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416349,,"The Extended Bloch Representation of Quantum Mechanics. Explaining Superposition, Interference and Entanglement",VABB-1,1,37,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416351,,The issue of control in multivariate systems. A contribution of structural modelling,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416352,,"Brief Report: Long-term Outcomes and Their Determinants in Patients on Antiretroviral Treatment in Ethiopia, 2005/6-2011/12: A Retrospective Cohort Study",VABB-1,414,419,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416353,,Naar een meer ontradend privaatrecht?: Bestaat er een positieve verplichting om via privaatrechtelijke procedures private personen te ontraden elkaars mensenrechten te schenden?,VABB-1,188,196,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416354,,Blindness and Ambivalence: The Meeting of Media Ecology and Philosophy of Technology,VABB-1,103,112,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416355,,Film-viewing in Turkish and Moroccan diasporic families: a gender and place perspective,VABB-1,556,571,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416357,,Trends in regional jobs-housing proximity based on the minimum commute: The case of Belgium,VABB-1,171,183,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416358,,Determinants of job-hopping: An empirical study in Belgium,VABB-1,494,510,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416361,,Stad en migratie in de literatuur,VABB-3,,,171 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416362,,Sector collapse events at volcanoes in the North Tanzanian divergence zone and their implications for regional tectonics,VABB-1,169,186,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416363,,Beroering in Brussel. De Belgische hoofdstad als literair-politiek toevluchtsoord voor Franse republikeinse schrijvers in de tweede helft van de 19e eeuw,VABB-4,71,88,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416365,,'Een Rus moet worden gevild om hem iets te laten voelen'. Over Montesquieu's klimaattheorie,VABB-4,251,270,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416366,,"Paul Åström, The Mentor of Several Generations of Archaeological Students and an Inspiration for Generations to Come",VABB-5,15,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416367,,Les politiques en matière de traduction en Belgique de 1830 à 1914,VABB-4,13,27,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:416372,,"China, the EU, and Global Governance in Human Rights",VABB-4,233,249,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416373,,Early maladaptive schemas in eating disordered patients with or without non-suicidal self-injury.,VABB-1,399,405,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416375,,"Criminogene situaties co-determineren normoverschrijdend handelen: Het overviel mij, het gebeurde, zij begon",VABB-4,51,65,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416380,,The Longitudinal Effect of Bilingual Immersion Schooling on Cognitive Control and Intelligence,VABB-1,76,91,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416381,,'A touchstone of consent?' Euroscepticisme in consensusdemocratieën,VABB-1,445,471,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416384,,The Construct validity of the Dutch Personality Inventory for DSM-5 Personality Disorders (PID-5) in a Clinical Sample,VABB-1,42,51,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416387,,Participation in Prison Activities: An Analysis of the Determinants of Participation,VABB-1,669,687,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416388,,Opent het (herziene) Europees Sociaal Handvest voor buitenlanders de toegang tot sociale bijstandsregelingen?,VABB-4,369,389,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416390,,Het recht op toegang tot een rechter en de bevrijdende verjaring in het burgerlijk recht,VABB-4,135,163,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416391,,Grondrechten en sociale zekerheid,VABB-3,,,400 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416396,,Een dwalend bestaan? Mobiliteit bij veroordeelde landlopers in België (1870-1914/30),VABB-1,51,75,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416397,,Life Imprisonment in Belgium: Current Human Rights Challenges,VABB-4,241,266,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416398,,Law as information in the era of data-driven agency,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416399,,Policing Minorities,VABB-4,268,284,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416401,,Venerating Brother Nobody: Hero Worship in American Fraternalism in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century,VABB-1,172,199,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416402,,Regarding 'Le pouvoir de police des états en haute mer' by Yves Van der Mensbrugghe (1975-1),VABB-1,249,260,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416403,,How do experts forecast sovereign spreads?,VABB-1,216,235,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416404,,The OECD International VAT/GST Guidelines: Completion of a (First) Major Step towards Global Coordination of Value-Added-Tax Systems,VABB-1,360,373,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416407,,The rise of preemptive surveillance of children in England: Unintended social and ethical consequences,VABB-4,190,203,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416408,,Workplace interventions for reducing sitting at work,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416409,,Back to school in later life: Older Chinese adults' perspectives on learning participation barriers,VABB-1,646,659,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416410,,"Punishment, Legitimacy and the Role of the State: Reimagining More Moderate Penal Policies",VABB-4,47,68,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416411,,“Politieonderwijs is te belangrijk om het alleen aan de politie over te laten!”: Een toekomstperspectief voor het Belgische politieonderwijs.,VABB-1,106,122,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416412,,Public support for R&D and the educational mix for R&D employees,VABB-1,426,452,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416414,,Literatuur als bewijsplaats: Joris Van Parys over Raymond Brulez,VABB-1,136,141,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416415,,Diagnostic accuracy of the Gerontological Personality Disorder Scale (GPS) in Dutch general practice,VABB-1,318,328,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416416,,Relationship between pre-stroke cardiovascular medication use and stroke severity,VABB-1,495,502,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416417,,Het spektakel van justitie. Enkele dramaturgische beschouwingen over Tribuna(a)l,VABB-1,200,211,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416418,,The limits of firm-level globalization: Revisiting the FSA/CSA matrix,VABB-1,767,775,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416419,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek 1 juli 2016-31 december 2016,VABB-1,128,154,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416421,,'Talk little and know how to listen'. Women's magazines as moral judges.,VABB-5,27,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416423,,"Growing apart in early modern Europe? A comparison of inequality trends in Italy and the Low Countries,1500–1800",VABB-1,143,153,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416425,,BSI Synopsis Note. The Traces of World War I in Brussels.,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416428,,Exercises on collocations: a comparison of trial-and-error and exemplar-guided procedures,VABB-1,152,164,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416429,,Evidence of a different landing strategy in subjects with chronic ankle instability,VABB-1,62,67,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:416430,,"Usefulness, feasibility and face validity of the interRAI Palliative Care instrument according to care professionals in nursing homes: A qualitative study",VABB-1,90,99,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416431,,Innovation in urban freight transport: the Triple Helix model,VABB-1,1250,1259,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416433,,De nieuwe GAS-wet: Zuurstof of stikstof voor steden en gemeenten?,VABB-1,4,11,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416435,,Generating Democratic Legitimacy through Deliberative Innovations: The Role of Embeddedness and Disruptiveness,VABB-1,13,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416436,,Hiérarchie des relations sémantiques interprédicationnelles et appropriation en français L2,VABB-1,97,121,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:416437,,Exhibits that matter: Material gestures with theoretical stakes,VABB-4,157,167,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416439,,Het verzameldecreet: een update van de Vlaamse Codex Ruimtelijke Ordening,VABB-1,27,36,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416441,,"The Dark Side of ""Reality TV"": Professional Ethics and the Treatment of ""Reality"" -Show Participants",VABB-1,2179,2200,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416443,,Assessing fundamental motor skills in Belgian children aged 3-8 years highlights differences to US reference sample,VABB-1,281,290,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416445,,What makes a metaphor an embodied metaphor?,VABB-1,327,337,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416446,,Managing the Risks of Being a Victim of Severe Labour Exploitation: Findings from a Research Project Exploring the Views of Experts in the UK,VABB-1,257,262,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416449,,Researching and teaching the translatability of neologisms,VABB-4,269,281,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416451,,Using linked administrative and disease-specific databases to study end-of-life care on a population level,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416453,,The community's perspective,VABB-4,229,247,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416454,,Trade Secrets v. Personal Data: a Possible Solution for Balancing Rights,VABB-1,102,116,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416456,,De (on)belastbaarheid van de overheid,VABB-2,,,542 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416457,,Human dignity and/or human rights for prisoners? A Belgian example,VABB-1,181,189,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416459,,Interacting in a context of war: Communication Spaces in Idlib,VABB-1,149,160,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416460,,Ecrire Bruxelles depuis le 19e siècle.: Vieille de plusieurs siècles et pourtant ‘flambant neuve inconnue’,VABB-4,27,41,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:416461,,Connexion de prédications et complexité condensatrice: Le fonctionnement des formes adjectivantes co-prédicatives,VABB-4,147,166,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:416462,,Variation in the translation of terms: corpus-driven terminology research,VABB-4,217,227,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416463,,Revisiting the Principles of NATO Burden-Sharing,VABB-1,25,33,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416465,,Exploring the choice of battery electric vehicles in city logistics: A conjoint-based choice analysis,VABB-1,245,258,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416468,,Beyond the Ladder of Participation: An Analytical Toolkit for the Critical Analysis of Participatory Media Processes,VABB-1,70,88,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416472,,"Active Ageing within the nursing home: A study in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,219,230,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416473,,Modernising NATO's Defence Infrastructure with EU Funds,VABB-1,77,94,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416474,,"Mergers and acquisitions in TV broadcasting and distribution: challenges for competition, industrial and media policy",VABB-1,674,682,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416476,,New perspectives on occupational health and safety in immigrant populations: studying the intersection between immigrant background and gender,VABB-1,251,267,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416477,,Elite Development Pathways,VABB-4,63,77,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416479,,Bargaining complexity and the duration of government formation: evidence from Flemish municipalities,VABB-1,131,143,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416481,,"Exceptions and limitations to copyright protection for libraries, archives and educational and research institutions",VABB-1,234,257,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416485,,"""The only way is UP"": social mobility in Michael Apted's UP documentary series",VABB-4,76,88,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416487,,"Validation of the flemish CARES, a quality of life and needs assessment tool for cancer care",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416488,,Tres traducciones españolas de Kader Abdolah,VABB-1,55,70,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:416491,,Présentation,VABB-4,9,14,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:416492,,Nudging in Vlaanderen?,VABB-1,5,16,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416496,,Dissociating perception from action during conscious and unconscious conflict adaptation,VABB-1,866,881,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416497,,Who supports populism and what attracts them to it,VABB-1,335,346,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416499,,Intersectionality in European Political Science Research,VABB-1,341,345,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416500,,« La connaissance de soi chez Vauvenargues et Marivaux: du sentiment à la réflexion »,VABB-4,33,70,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:416501,,Which factors drive the regional expansion of microfinance institutions? Evidence form Peru,VABB-1,1104,1122,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416502,,Youth care workers perspectives on and adoption of evidence-based practice.,VABB-1,299,307,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416503,,Everybody reads: Reader engagement with literature in social media environments,VABB-1,25,37,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416504,,New Intermediaries in the hyperconnected society,VABB-1,3,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416506,,Diagnostiek en behandeling van autismespectrumstoornissen bij ouderen: Een expertstudie,VABB-1,854,862,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416507,,"Pain following cancer treatment: Guidelines for the clinical classification of predominant neuropathic, nociceptive and central sensitization pain",VABB-1,659,663,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416508,,Willy Van Der Meeren en 3D-prefab in beton. Jong erfgoed onder druk,VABB-1,42,61,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416510,,Evaluating short-term changes in L2 complexity development.,VABB-1,42,76,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:416511,,Frailty and the Prediction of Negative Health Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis,VABB-1,1163,1163,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416514,,The Value of Peer Learning For First-Year Postgraduate University Students’ Social And Academic Integration.,VABB-5,299,304,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416515,,"It is challenging… oh, nobody likes it!"": a qualitative study exploring Mozambican adolescents and young adults' experiences with contraception",VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416519,,Fremdsprachenvermittlung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit: Ansätze – Methoden – Ziele.,VABB-3,,,510 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416520,,High performance sport policies and climate in different Brazilian governmental levels,VABB-4,109,132,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416521,,From stageplay to screenplay to film - tragic to melodramatic: The case of The Broken Circle Breakdown,VABB-1,99,112,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416523,,Transcendence Through Evil: Homicide as Tragic Thriller.,VABB-1,173,187,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416524,,The use of purposeful sampling in a qualitative evidence synthesis: A worked example on sexual adjustment to a cancer trajectory,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416526,,"Motivation, expectations, and usability of a driven gait orthosis in stroke patients and their therapists",VABB-1,299,308,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:416527,,Designing social living labs in urban research,VABB-1,53,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416531,,Why can't you change? Stories about getting out of street life and change in young girls (street) life,VABB-1,513,526,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416532,,The optimization and validation of the Biotyper MALDI-TOF MS database for the identification of Gram-positive anaerobic cocci,VABB-1,793,798,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416533,,Sustained Military Operations and Cognitive Performance,VABB-1,718,727,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416535,,Conceptualising Regional Leadership: The Positioning Theory Angle,VABB-4,13,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416536,,Appropriateness and avoidability of terminal hospital admissions: Results of a survey among family physicians,VABB-1,1703,1706,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:416537,,Secular slowing of auditory simple reaction time in Sweden (1959--1985),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416541,,Creating Inclusive Teams Through Perceptions of Supplementary and Complementary Person– Team Fit: Examining the Relationship Between Person–Team Fit and Team Effectiveness,VABB-1,310,342,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416542,,Who is a Political Newcomer? The Taiwanese Voters' Perspective,VABB-1,68,78,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416543,,Prédication seconde et (non-)marquage de la liaison,VABB-1,15,30,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:416549,,Unpacking the Sin of Gender,VABB-1,143,154,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416553,,Short-term effect of pollen and spore exposure on allergy morbidity in the Brussels-Capital Region.,VABB-1,303,315,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416554,,Impact of the hot-driving process on the strength and ductility of steel rivets,VABB-5,1308,1315,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416555,,The New Police And Criminal Justice Data Protection Directive. A First Analysis,VABB-1,7,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416557,,Bounding mass migration across the Atlantic: European shipping companies between U.S. border building and evasion 1860s-1920s,VABB-1,78,100,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416560,,A new wave for the inland waterways: palletized goods,VABB-4,168,188,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416561,,Mother-child relations in adulthood within and across national borders: non-Western immigrants in the Netherlands,VABB-1,2010,2035,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416562,,A Belgian Survey on Geriatric Assessment in Oncology Focusing on Large-Scale Implementation and Related Barriers and Facilitators,VABB-1,60,70,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416563,,"Reflections on Global Climate Politics Post Paris: Power, Interests and Polycentricity",VABB-1,80,94,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416564,,Changing investiture rules in Belgium,VABB-4,49,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416565,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van mei 2016,VABB-1,117,120,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416569,,Pensioen: hervorming en grondrecht,VABB-4,289,348,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416571,,The secular decline in general intelligence from decreasing developmental stability: Theoretical and empirical considerations,VABB-1,194,199,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416574,,"History at the intersection of human rights, international understanding and past memories: UNESCO and textbook revisions in Belgium, 1944-1956",VABB-4,127,145,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416575,,"The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Defence, Industry and Strategy",VABB-1,119,130,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416579,,The future of privacy certification in Europe: an exploration of options under article 42 of the GDPR,VABB-1,248,270,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416580,,Implementing the care programme for the last days of life in an acute geriatric hospital ward: a phase 2 mixed method study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416581,,"Antecedents of psychological contract breach: The role of job demands, job resources, and affect.",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416583,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van november en december 2014,VABB-1,1354,1358,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416584,,Opinion: UK Horserace Betting Right: At Odds with EU Law?,VABB-1,479,483,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416586,,Is more Benelux cooperation the future for the low countries ?,VABB-1,37,48,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416587,,Competitive Balance in Athletics,VABB-1,23,43,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416591,,De aansprakelijkheid van de adviseur voor de ontwijkingsintentie van zijn cliënt,VABB-4,333,352,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416592,,Reflections on the Role of Artisan Production in Urban Development in the Low Countries between ad 500‒1150,VABB-1,153,164,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416593,,Certified security systems for sustainable cities of the 21st century,VABB-5,175,182,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416594,,Consideration of cognitive variance components potentially solves Beauchamp’s paradox,VABB-1,5780,5781,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416595,,Increased Risk of Burnout for Physicians and Nurses Involved in a Patient Safety Incident.,VABB-1,937,943,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416597,,Germany and United Nations peacekeeping: the cautiously evolving contributor,VABB-1,652,680,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416601,,Social security status and mortality in Belgian and Spanish male workers,VABB-1,293,295,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416602,,The publicness paradox: young people and the production of parochial places,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416603,,The EU and the Balkans: Shifting Meanings after the Crisis,VABB-1,32,42,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416606,,The Least Interesting Unit: A New Concept for Enhancing One’s Academic Career Opportunities,VABB-1,1837,1841,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416608,,Who works when? Towards a typology of weekly work patterns in Belgium,VABB-1,652,675,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416611,,Using Rasch modeling to investigate the construct of motor competence in early childhood,VABB-1,179,187,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416612,,The association between Belgian Older Adults' Physical Functioning and Physical Activity: What is the Moderating Role of the Physical Environment?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416613,,'Meer gezien dan Amerika'. Over de methode in 'Over de Democratie in Amerika',VABB-1,11,17,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416614,,The representation of fandom in mainstream media: Production and content analysis of Flemish television’s Superfans,VABB-1,513,528,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416616,,Is There a Need for Early Palliative Care in Patients With Life-Limiting Illnesses?: Interview Study With Patients About Experienced Care Needs From Diagnosis Onward,VABB-1,489,497,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416617,,Fiabilité des circonférences standards dans les applications liées au domaine de la composition corporelle.,VABB-1,189,200,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:416618,,Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema: Quality of Life after Lymph Node Transfer,VABB-1,1673,1680,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416622,,The influence of institutions on access to forest resources in Cameroon: The case of Tofala Hill Wildlife Sanctuary.,VABB-1,42,50,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416623,,Reasons for End-of-Life Hospital Admissions: Results of a Survey Among Family Physicians,VABB-1,498,506,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416625,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,20,40,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416626,,Pre-emptive big data surveillance and its (dis)empowering consequences: the case of predictive policing,VABB-4,117,141,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416627,,Hitchhiking nanoparticles: Reversible coupling of lipid-based nanoparticles to cytotoxic T lymphocytes,VABB-1,243,254,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416628,,Accession of the Russian Federation to the World Trade Organization: A New Player Joins the Trade Game,VABB-1,321,365,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:416633,,In-Differenzen: Alterität im Schreiben Josef Winklers,VABB-3,,,164 p.,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:416634,,Le développement de la complexité syntaxique en français langue seconde: complexité structurelle et diversité,VABB-5,1,19,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:416635,,Temporal dynamics of need satisfaction and need frustration. Two sides of the same coin?,VABB-1,900,913,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416636,,A cohort study into head and neck cancer mortality in Belgium (2001–11): Are individual socioeconomic differences conditional on area deprivation?,VABB-1,76,82,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416637,,SCN4A variants and Brugada syndrome: phenotypic and genotypic overlap between cardiac and skeletal muscle sodium channelopathies,VABB-1,400,407,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416643,,Foreign Accent Syndrome as a psychogenic disorder: a review,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416645,,Alterität im Schreiben Josef Winklers: Eine Einleitung,VABB-4,7,10,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:416646,,Labour market trajectories and early retirement due to permanent disability: a study based on 14 972 new cases in Spain,VABB-1,673,677,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:416647,,De toepassing van het beginsel fraus omnia corrumpit bij de verdeling van de schade aan het gelijkheidsbeginsel getoetst,VABB-1,329,348,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416649,,"Quantum structure in cognition: Origins, developments, successes and expectations",VABB-4,157,193,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416650,,Effects of Multidirectional Vibrations Delivered in a Horizontal Position (Andullation®) on Blood Microcirculation in Laboratory Animals: A Preliminary Study,VABB-1,115,122,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416651,,The Role of mTOR Inhibitors in the Treatment of Patients with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Evidence-based and Expert Opinions.,VABB-1,551,565,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416652,,"Racism, Migration, and Mental Health. Theoretical Reflections from Belgium.",VABB-1,313,332,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416653,,Speckle perception and disturbance limit in laser based projectors,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416654,,"The occurrence of demotions regarding job level, salary and job authority",VABB-1,1217,1239,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416656,,Vies et morts des super-héros,VABB-3,,,224 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:416657,,La Loge des Bourgeois de Bruges. Les stratégies de distinction d’une élite commerçante cosmopolite,VABB-1,37,69,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:416658,,"Effects of professional development on teachers' gendered feedback patterns, students' misbehaviour and students' sense of equity: results from a one-year quasi-experimental study",VABB-1,802,825,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416660,,Effectiveness of pricing strategies on French fries and fruit purchases among university students: results from an on-campus restaurant experiment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416661,,Professionalisering van onderzoekers door samenwerking in leergemeenschappen,VABB-1,56,68,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416662,,Leading by Example? European Union Implementation of Cultural Diversity in Internal and External Audiovisual Policies,VABB-1,153,169,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416663,,The Contribution of Advanced Glycation End product (AGE) accumulation to the decline in motor function,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416665,,Revenue scarcity and government outsourcing: Evidence from Norwegian local governments,VABB-1,769,788,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416666,,WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty,VABB-4,187,219,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416667,,T68 of de desillusie van een generatie,VABB-1,256,264,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416671,,An Administrator's Perspective on the Organization of Physical Activity for Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities,VABB-1,75,84,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416672,,Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Adolescents Attachment with Peers and Mother: The Mediating Role of Identity Synthesis and Confusion,VABB-1,1735,1745,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416676,,Trends in site- and sex-specific cancer mortality between 1979 and 2010 in Belgium compared with Europe using WHO data,VABB-1,68,76,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416678,,Legal Form and Nature of the Paris Outcome,VABB-1,40,57,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416682,,The Loi Toubon and EU Law: a Happy or a Mismatched Couple,VABB-1,139,152,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416683,,HIV/AIDS Competent Households: Interaction between a Health-Enabling Environment and Community-Based Treatment Adherence Support for People Living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416685,,The Role of Non-suicidal Self-Injury and Binge-Eating/Purging Behaviours in the Caregiving Experience Among Mothers and Fathers of Adolescents with Eating Disorders,VABB-1,257,260,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416687,,Aan tafel. Eten maakt de stad,VABB-4,128,165,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416690,,Neonatal thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration and psychomotor development at preschool age.,VABB-1,1100,1106,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416691,,"Dirty work, dirty worker? Stigmatisation and coping strategies among domestic workers",VABB-1,54,67,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416692,,"On the politics of vision and touch: Encountering fearful and fearsome bodies in Cape Town, South Africa",VABB-4,97,110,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416694,,Suspects Being Watched in Real-Time: Introducing GPS Tracking in Belgium,VABB-1,102,116,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416695,,Recent Research in the History of Public International Law,VABB-1,313,334,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416698,,Improving Health Related Quality of Life and Independence in Community dwelling frail older adults through a client-centred and activity-oriented program. A pragmatic randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,35,40,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416701,,From the Global to the Local: The Development of Indigenous Peoples’ Land Rights Internationally and in Southeast Asia,VABB-1,46,88,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416702,,La cobertura mediática de una acción «conectiva»: la interacción entre el movimiento 15-M y los medios de comunicación,VABB-1,73,96,,spa,2016,1 c:vabb:416704,,Intellectual Property Rights law – Driving innovation or stifling the Digital Single Market?,VABB-4,151,163,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416706,,Bouncing back from psychological contract breach: How commitment recovers over time,VABB-1,494,514,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416709,,Hof van Justitie buigt zich (opnieuw) over opeenvolgende arbeidsovereenkomsten voor bepaalde tijd in het onderwijs,VABB-1,104,107,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416710,,Comparison of different approaches for self-healing concrete in a large-scale lab test,VABB-1,125,137,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416712,,The inductive constraint programming loop,VABB-4,303,309,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416714,,HF10 Therapy for Chronic Back Pain in Patients with Nonoperated Kyphoscoliosis: The Importance of Preoperative Assessment,VABB-1,392,394,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:416716,,On the Interpretation of Probabilities in Generalized Probabilistic Models,VABB-5,194,205,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416717,,An International Consensus Definition of the Wish to Hasten Death and Its Related Factors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416719,,Mutual fund performance: A market efficiency perspective,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416720,,Academische vrijheid: een onderzoek naar de juridische draagwijdte en een aantal arbeidsrechterlijke implicaties van het begrip,VABB-1,56,63,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416721,,Cerebral and cerebellar language organization in a right-handed subject with a left temporal porencephalic cyst: An fMRI study,VABB-1,41,46,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416722,,A model of redistribution under social identification in heterogeneous federations,VABB-1,29,48,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416723,,Climate Policy Integration into EU Energy Policy: Progress and Prospects,VABB-2,,,193 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416724,,Towards a cognitive stylistics of the absurd: Joanna Gavins’ Reading the Absurd (2013),VABB-1,72,81,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416725,,Transformable bending-active structures: manipulating elastic deformation in kinetic and rapidly assembled structures,VABB-5,275,282,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416726,,Athlete or athletic?: Limited differential brain activation in person descriptions using nouns or adjectives,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416728,,De gerechtelijke bekentenis,VABB-4,115,142,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416729,,Meaning matters. An empirical analysis into public denotations of the label 'strangers' and their relationship with general ethnic prejudice,VABB-1,41,53,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416730,,Assessing Economic Law under Crisis - An Analytical Framework,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416734,,A Torque-Based Method for the Study of Roller Bearing Degradation under Poor Lubrication Conditions in a Lead-Bismuth Environment,VABB-1,121,131,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416737,,The defence expenditures of the NATO member states,VABB-1,21,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416738,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van juli 2015,VABB-1,394,397,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416739,,The development of hybrid and electric vehicles: Emergence and development of the patent network,VABB-1,609,620,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416743,,The Influence of Social Background on Participation in Adult Education: Applying the Cultural Capital Framework,VABB-1,143,168,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416745,,Coaching Athletes through Career Transitions,VABB-4,7,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416746,,"Avoiding encounters with poverty: aesthetics, politics and economics in a privileged neighborhood of Cape Town",VABB-4,79,100,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416749,,Crystallization of space: Space-time fractals from fractal arithmetic,VABB-1,201,211,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416750,,"Twee fragmenten van dissels aan de ‘Steenberg’ te Bekkevoort (prov. Vlaams-Brabant, BE)",VABB-1,143,147,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416751,,Perceived Versus Actual Predictability of Personal Information in Social Networks,VABB-4,133,147,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416755,,"Properties, property and appropriateness of information",VABB-4,34,53,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416756,,Environmental and Economic Performance of an Li-Ion Battery Pack: A Multiregional Input-Output Approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416758,,BORGES EN VERTAALTHEORIE,VABB-1,1,2,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416761,,Circumventing deadlock through venue-shopping: Why there is more than just talk in US immigration politics in times of economic crisis,VABB-1,1590,1609,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416763,,De gevangenisdirecteur: Een (on)geleid projectiel? De impact van New Public Management op de leidinggevende opdrachten van Belgische gevangenisdirecteurs,VABB-1,5,10,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416764,,"The Importance of Blood Is Infinite: Conceptions of Blood as Life Force, Rumours and Fear of Trial Participation in a Fulani Village in Rural Gambia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416766,,"Re-Evaluating the Political Press: A Case Study on Political, Economic and Journalistic Functioning of the Inter-War Czechoslovak Party-press Newspaper Národní listy, and its Publishing Company the Prague Stock Printery (PAT)",VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416767,,Frailty in Later Life,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416769,,Crafting the Training and Testing of Interpreting Students towards Employability,VABB-5,117,128,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416770,,Compliance under the Evolving Climate Change Regime,VABB-4,120,136,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416772,,Ethnomathematics as a Human Right,VABB-4,187,199,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416773,,A comparative study of medication use after stroke in four countries,VABB-1,96,104,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416774,,The economic benefits of market timing the style allocation of characteristic-based portfolios,VABB-1,38,62,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416777,,Conclusion: On 'doing bad things'.,VABB-4,325,331,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416780,,How Do General Practitioners Conceptualise Advance Care Planning in Their Practice? A Qualitative Study.,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416782,,"Visions of Technology: Big Data Lessons Understood by EU Policy Makers in Their Review of the Legal Frameworks on Intellectual Property Rights, Access to and Re-use of PSI and the Protection of Personal Data",VABB-4,163,194,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416783,,"Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Naast een categoriale ook een dimensionele transdiagnostische benadering van psychopathologie: een uitdaging voor de nieuwe Interuniversitaire Permanente Vorming Klinische Psychodiagnostiek, optie volwassenen",VABB-1,246,252,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416785,,"Différencier accès, interaction et participation",VABB-4,45,69,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:416786,,Oversight of international imprisonment: the Committee for the Prevention of Torture,VABB-4,322,355,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416789,,Open-ended Intelligence: On the individuation of Intelligence,VABB-5,43,52,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416790,,The Legacy of Bosman. Revisiting the relationship between EU law and sport,VABB-3,,,250 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416794,,Een netwerk van wereldsteden: Ruggengraat en/of exploitatiekanaal van globalisering?,VABB-4,57,72,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416795,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek’,VABB-1,51,82,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416796,,An ice-sheet-wide framework for englacial attenuation from ice-penetrating radar data,VABB-1,1547,1570,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416807,,Challenges for sustaining local audiovisual ecosystems. Analysis of financing and production of domestic TV fiction in small media markets,VABB-1,129,147,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416810,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europeen Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens,VABB-1,196,200,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416811,,"Governance, Boards, and Internal Structures of Associations",VABB-4,894,914,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416814,,Perspectives on EU Implementation of the Paris Outcome,VABB-1,34,45,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416817,,The client-centred approach as experienced by male neurological rehabilitation clients in occupational therapy. A qualitative study based on a grounded theory tradition,VABB-1,1567,1577,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416818,,"Economic Integration, Corporate Tax Incidence and Fiscal Compensation",VABB-1,1792,1811,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416819,,De invulling van de motiveringsplicht zoals voorzien in artikel 46bis Sv.,VABB-1,514,518,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416820,,Montesquieu en Italië,VABB-4,271,292,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416821,,"Cleavage, Ideology and Identity. Explaining the Linkage between Representatives and Interest Groups",VABB-1,348,365,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416823,,The Legal Nature of Resolutions of Intergovernmental Organizations: The Contribution of the Whaling in the Antarctic Case,VABB-1,275,297,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416824,,The (Im)Possible Grasp of Networked Realities: Disclosing Gregory Bateson’s Work for the Study of Technology,VABB-1,601,620,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416826,,Pecuniary and scientific motives as drivers of PhD careers: exploring the evidence from Belgium,VABB-4,121,143,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416827,,tDCS of the Cerebellum: Where Do We Stand in 2016? Technical Issues and Critical Review of the Literature,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416828,,Redefining the smart grids’ smartness. Or why it is impossible to adequately address their risks to privacy and data protection if their environmental dimension is overlooked,VABB-1,34,55,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416830,,Q-LAVHA: A flexible GIS plugin to simulate lava flows,VABB-1,98,109,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416832,,"The Comparative Economics of Catch-Up in Output per worker, total factor productivity and technological gain in Sub-Saharan Africa",VABB-1,215,228,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416834,,The limits of categorical refurbishment.: Ethnicisation and racialization in the Flemish debate on how to denote migrant populations.,VABB-1,127,142,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416835,,"De motivering van differentiaties door de gemeenteraad – het nut van “oude” documenten, noot bij Antwerpen 30 juni 2015",VABB-1,31,38,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416836,,A Green Flag for the Flag System ? Towards a Child Protection Policy in Flemish Sport.,VABB-1,15,31,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416838,,Interactions between Neighborhood Social Environment and Walkability to Explain Belgian Older Adults' Physical Activity and Sedentary Time,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416842,,De lerende lerarenopleider: Onderzoek naar de professionalisering van lerarenopleiders in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,45,60,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416844,,Serum Cytokines as Biomarkers in Islet Cell Transplantation for Type 1 Diabetes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416845,,"The Invisible City of Alternative Theatre: Tactics, Collective Actions and Micro-Publics in Istanbul’s Cultural Economy",VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416846,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek van het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens,VABB-1,102,110,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416847,,Organizational effectiveness reputation in the nonprofit sector,VABB-1,454,475,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:416851,,Against the Unwritten Laws. The Figure of Antigone and the Political Occupation of the Public Space,VABB-4,51,61,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416853,,Radiation Tests of Real-Sized Prototype RPCs for the Future CMS RPC Upscope,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416854,,"EAPC White Paper on outcome measurement in palliative care: Improving practice, attaining outcomes and delivering quality services - Recommendations from the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) Task Force on Outcome Measurement",VABB-1,6,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416855,,Estudio sintáctico-discursivo de colocaciones con la palabra Coste y el anglicismo Cost,VABB-4,155,184,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:416856,,Determinants of Growth in Fast Developing Countries: Evidence from Bundling and Unbundling Institutions,VABB-1,97,134,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416857,,Het juridisch regime van accessoire opstalrechten,VABB-1,303,307,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416859,,Using an Integrated Human Rights-based Approach to Address Modern Slavery: The UK Experience,VABB-1,184,194,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416860,,Innovate dementia: the development of a living lab protocol to evaluate interventions in context,VABB-1,40,52,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416863,,DNA-databank veroordeelden: ethische kwesties en juridische keuzes,VABB-1,5,11,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416864,,"Trust is Good, Control is Better: Multiparty Government and Legislative Organization",VABB-1,108,120,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416865,,Use of Earth observation for monitoring soil sealing trends in Flanders and Brussels between 1976 and 2013,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416866,,Van Gravier tot Zambrano: Non-discriminatie op grond van nationaliteit voor Unie-studenten en leerlingen,VABB-1,37,51,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416867,,"Power, privilege and disadvantage: Intersectionality theory and political representation",VABB-1,346,354,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416869,,Suicide mortality in Belgium at the beginning of the 21st century: differences according to migrant background,VABB-1,111,116,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:416870,,Criticising the European Court of Human Rights or Misunderstanding the Dynamics of Human Rights Protection?,VABB-4,23,40,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416871,,A dynamic logic of interrogative inquiry,VABB-4,129,161,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416874,,Lowering the barriers for online cross-media usage: Scenarios for a Belgian single sign-on solution,VABB-1,916,924,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416875,,Stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2014),VABB-1,90,114,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416879,,Brussel schrijven sinds de 19e eeuw.: Eeuwenoud maar toch ‘splinternieuw en onbekend’.,VABB-4,11,25,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416880,,"What are the barriers faced by medical oncologists in initiating discussion of palliative care? A qualitative study in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,3873,3881,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416881,,Background to the Science and Policy Report for Tensile Membrane Structures,VABB-1,256,264,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416882,,"Overkwalificatie: Hoogopgeleid, Hoge verwachtingen?: Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de impact van overkwalificatie op de sociale stresservaringen van jonge, hooggeschoolde werknemers",VABB-1,192,210,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416883,,"Women's preferences and knowledge about the legal competences of midwives in Brussels, Belgium. A descriptive observational study",VABB-1,177,186,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416884,,Economic growth in the Roman Mediterranean world: an early good-bye to Malthus?,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416886,,"Institutional Governance, Education and Growth",VABB-1,131,137,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416888,,Can the straw man speak? An engagement with postcolonial critiques of ‘global cities research’,VABB-1,247,267,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416890,,Segmentale Hautdurchblutungsreaktion während und nach stimulation im Bereich der BWS,VABB-1,92,99,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:416892,,Tot profijt van de stad. Informele politieke participatie en geschenken in de heerlijkheid Diest (1499-1568),VABB-1,77,107,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416893,,"""Il saute dehors""/ ""il grimpe dessus"": particules adverbales de trajectoire en français L1 et L2",VABB-1,1,13,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:416894,,Wavepacket of the Universe and its Spreading,VABB-1,2001,2019,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416895,,How to become a broker: the role of teacher educators in developing collaborative teacher research teams,VABB-1,173,193,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416896,,"Monastic Cartularies, Institutional Memory and the Canonization of the Past. The Two Libri Traditionum of St Peter’s Abbey, Ghent",VABB-1,37,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416897,,Gegenderde organisatie van betaalde arbeid over de week in België.,VABB-1,328,355,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416898,,Recht op sociale minimumuitkeringen en op verblijf voor economisch niet-actieve migrerende Unieburgers: vrij verkeer of “uitkeringstoerisme”?,VABB-1,291,339,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416901,,Research on populism in Belgium,VABB-4,99,110,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416904,,Theory of Sports Policy factors Leading to International Sporting Success (SPLISS),VABB-4,93,109,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416905,,Présentation,VABB-1,5,14,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:416907,,Trust between party elites in consociational federations. The case of Belgium.,VABB-4,122,149,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416908,,Foster care assessment: An exploratory study of the placement assessment process in Flanders and the Netherlands.,VABB-1,358,368,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416909,,"Rousseau, dwarse lezer van Montesquieu",VABB-4,109,130,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416910,,Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide-In Reply,VABB-1,1600,1601,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416911,,MEDEA: Crowd-Sourcing the Recording of Metal-Detected Artefacts in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,264,277,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416913,,Virulence and pathogenicity of three Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense stabilates in a Swiss white mouse model,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416914,,"The Domestication Of Innovation: The Image Of Canned Foods In The Netherlands, 1945-1985",VABB-4,39,56,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416918,,"Inter-professional Perinatal Simulation training: A valuable educational model to improve competencies amongst student midwives in Brussels, Belgium",VABB-1,49,51,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416919,,Sociology of Space and Urban Boundaries. Embodiment through Communitarian Education,VABB-4,147,171,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416921,,An Auto-Ethnographic Study of the Disembodied Experience of a Novice Researcher Doing Qualitative Cancer Research,VABB-1,482,489,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416922,,Pacifying Babel’s Tower: A scientometric analysis of polycentricity in urban research,VABB-1,1278,1298,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416923,,Understanding the role of professionals: an HR perspective,VABB-4,35,62,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416925,,Primary maternal cytomegalovirus infections: accuracy of fetal ultrasound for predicting sequelae in offspring,VABB-1,638,638,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416926,,Evaluating restructuring aid: a case study approach,VABB-1,338,356,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416931,,Inleiding,VABB-4,13,20,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416932,,A City Distribution Impact Assessment Framework,VABB-4,353,367,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416933,,Detecting User Profiles in Collaborative Ontology Engineering Using a User’s Interactions,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416934,,Behandeling van voedingsproblemen bij jonge kinderen: systematisch literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,1,15,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416935,,Opbouwende Toespraken in Verschillende Geest,VABB-2,,,420 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416936,,Balance of Power and Norm Hierarchy: Franco-British Diplomacy after the Peace of Utrecht,VABB-2,,,636 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416938,,VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE OF SALES AND THE EXTENT OF TRADE CREDIT IN SMALL YOUNG PRIVATE COMPANIES,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416939,,CLIL in het hoger onderwijs: Naar geïntegreerd taal-en vakleren,VABB-1,259,267,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:416940,,Measuring Strategic Hedging Capability of Second-Tier States Under Unipolarity,VABB-1,60,80,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416941,,Self-Repair in Language Learners’ Oral Discourse,VABB-4,175,190,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416943,,"Bericht uit Brussel, een stad onder terreurdreiging",VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416944,,Jean Cocteau sous l'Occupation,VABB-3,,,319 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:416948,,Unity and fragmentation: recent trends in research on the ‘neuf départements réunis',VABB-4,39,52,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416951,,Education-based thinking and acting? Towards an identity perspective for studying education differentials in public opinion and political participation,VABB-1,291,312,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416954,,Kierkegaard Literature From 2005-2013. A Descriptive Bibliography Part 2,VABB-1,393,425,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416955,,Wie speelt een rol in het verlaten van het ouderlijk huis van Marokkanen en Turken?,VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:416957,,Associations Between Objectively Assessed Components of Physical Activity and Health-Related Fitness in 10-to 14-Year-Old Children,VABB-1,993,1001,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416960,,Nice or nerdy? The neural representation of social and competence traits,VABB-1,567,578,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416961,,Taylor–Fourier spectra to study fractional order systems,VABB-1,65001,65010,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416964,,Predictive Profiling and its Legal Limits: Effectiveness Gone Forever?,VABB-4,145,173,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416967,,The impact of customer value types on customer outcomes for different retail formats,VABB-1,591,628,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416970,,"Freedom of Movement in the EU and Welfare State Closure: Welfare Regime Type, Benefit Restrictions and Their Implications for Social Mobility",VABB-4,267,289,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416971,,Effectiveness of Supporting Informal Caregivers of People with Dementia: A Systematic Review of Randomized and Non-Randomized Controlled Trials,VABB-1,929,965,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416973,,Subfemtonewton Force Spectroscopy at the Thermal Limit in Liquids,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416974,,On measuring structural reform,VABB-1,17,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416975,,Topographie des Alltags: Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Lektüre von Victor Klemperers Tagebüchern 1933-1945,VABB-2,,,531 p.,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:416976,,Vaginal practices across cultures: expressions of gender inequalities?,VABB-4,139,153,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416977,,"De inzage, kopiename en voeging van (stukken van) strafdossiers: een nog steeds actueel vraagstuk van strafprocesrecht",VABB-1,426,439,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416978,,The CAM test: a novel tool to quantify the decline in vertical upper limb pointing movements with ageing,VABB-1,221,230,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416980,,Ghettos in Small Towns? The Research on Ethnic Segregation and Stigmatisation Processes in Small Town Germany,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:416981,,Boodschappen doen.,VABB-4,60,97,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416984,,Dietary interventions among university students: A systematic review.,VABB-1,14,26,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416988,,"The effect of state Core Self-Evaluations on task performance, organizational citizenship behavior, and counterproductive work behavior",VABB-1,301,315,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416989,,Is There Any Future for the Vendor Collection Model in the 21st Century Economy?,VABB-1,182,185,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416990,,Breaking silence: exploring motherhood and social transformation in a participatory action research with Alteñan mothers,VABB-1,1017,1032,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416991,,Anatomical Effects of Axillary Nodes Dissection on Rat Lymphatic System Model: Indocyanine Green Mapping and Dissection,VABB-1,134,141,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416992,,"Introduction: Purpose and Structure, Categorisation of States and Hypotheses",VABB-4,3,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416993,,Ondraaglijk psychisch lijden en euthanasieverzoeken van gedetineerden en geïnterneerden,VABB-1,12,16,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:416994,,BSI synopsis. Brussels youth: between diversity and lack of security,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416995,,"Ethnic media, conflict, and the nation-state: Kurdish broadcasting in Turkey and Europe and mediated nationhood",VABB-1,738,754,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416996,,"Kurds and their cultural crossroads: Kurdish identity, media and cultural production",VABB-1,247,256,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:416997,,"Children with autism spectrum disorders make a fruit salad with Probo, the social robot. An interaction study",VABB-1,113,126,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:416998,,Controversies surrounding continuous deep sedation at the end of life: the parliamentary and societal debates in France,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417003,,Strategy of visual comfort control through analysis of High Dynamic Range images and actuation of venetian blinds,VABB-5,204,211,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417004,,Decline and fall of public service media values in the international content acquisition market: An analysis of small public broadcasters acquiring BBC Worldwide content,VABB-1,299,316,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417005,,Van Eurovignet naar kilometerheffing in het complexe België,VABB-1,5,41,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417006,,Comparison of occlusal caries detection using the ICDAS criteria on extracted teeth or their photographs,VABB-1,93,101,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417009,,Disc fragment herniectomy via facet joint quadrantectomy for extra-foraminal lumbar herniation: technique and results,VABB-1,228,235,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417013,,On the Plurality of Mathematics Discourses: Between Power and Constraints,VABB-4,87,100,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417014,,Nieuwe visie op rechtsplegingsvergoeding ten laste van de overheid: het kan verkeren.,VABB-1,217,228,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417015,,Reunification of foster children: factors associated with reunification outcomes in Flanders and the Netherlands.,VABB-1,184,292,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417017,,APPROACH TO A RELIABILITY FRAMEWORK FOR MEMBRANE STRUCTURE DESIGN AND ANALYSIS,VABB-1,105,115,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417019,,Do Personality States Predict Momentary Task Performance? The Moderating Role of Personality Variability,VABB-1,330,351,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417020,,Which transition comes first? Urban and demographic transitions in Belgium and Sweden,VABB-1,1297,1332,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417021,,Conflictbeleving en herstelrecht in Brussel,VABB-1,53,68,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:417023,,"The effects of exercise on muscle strength, body composition, physical functioning and the inflammatory profile of older adults: a systematic review",VABB-1,30,53,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417025,,Enclave urbanism as telescopic urbanism? Encounters of middle class whites in Cape Town,VABB-1,183,192,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417028,,Female pathways to crime and prison: Challenging the (US) gendered pathways perspective.,VABB-1,195,213,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417030,,Marine Renewable Energies and the European Regional Seas Conventions,VABB-1,314,335,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417032,,Analysis of Healthcare Videos Addressed to Migrant Populations in Spain,VABB-1,100,121,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417033,,Pour une extension du domaine de la lutte: La détermination hors du syntagme nominal,VABB-4,103,126,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:417036,,Tales of wonder,VABB-1,471,478,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:417037,,Ensemble post-processing is a promising method to obtain flexible distributed lag models: A simulation study of time series of air pollution and daily mortality,VABB-1,835,846,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417038,,"Screening for Depression in Advanced Disease: Psychometric Properties, Sensitivity, and Specificity of Two Items of the Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS)",VABB-1,277,288,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417039,,3-Dimensional cervical movement characteristics in healthy subjects and subgroups of chronic neck pain patients based on their pain location,VABB-1,908,914,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417041,,"Ethnic associations in Katanga province, the Democratic Republic of Congo: multi-tier system, shifting identities and the relativity of autochthony",VABB-1,211,236,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417043,,From state neuroticism to momentary task performance: A person × situation approach,VABB-1,89,104,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417044,,De aanwending van het kadaster en de kadastrale informatie in het Belgische recht,VABB-4,41,89,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417046,,"DE HERT, P. en DE SCHEPPER, T., ‘De nieuwe bevoegdheid van de burgemeester tot het opleggen van een tijdelijk plaatsverbod. Artikel 134sexies Nieuwe Gemeentewet ingevoegd door de Wet van 24 juni 2013: context, samenspel en eerste rechtspraak’, Chroniques de droit public – Publiekrechtelijke kronieken (CDPK), 2016, vol. 20, nr. 2, Issn 1379-0323 Vanden Broele",VABB-1,189,218,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417047,,The Impact of Living Lab Methodology on Open Innovation Contributions and Outcomes,VABB-1,7,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417049,,Transforming guided waves with metamaterial waveguide cores,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417050,,"Prescription and Deprescription of Medication During the Last 48 Hours of Life: Multicenter Study in 23 Acute Geriatric Wards in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,1020,1026,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417052,,"Convert your favorite protein modeling program into a mutation predictor: ""MODICT""",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417053,,"ErfgoedApp. an educational experiment with augmented reality, cityscapes and campusscapes in Brussels",VABB-4,849,858,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417057,,The Belgium model of end-of-life care II,VABB-1,31,36,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:417058,,Seapower and US Forward Presence in the Middle East: Retrenchment in Perspective,VABB-1,115,147,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417063,,Regime-interplay Management: Lessons from Environmental Policy and Law,VABB-4,88,108,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417066,,"Employment and labor market results of the SOPHIE project: Concepts, analyses, and policies",VABB-1,18,39,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417072,,Historische criminologie: een vakgebied,VABB-1,343,352,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:417075,,DéterminationS,VABB-2,,,251 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:417076,,Beneficiary participation in non-governmental development organisations: A case study in Vietnam,VABB-1,1446,1462,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417078,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417080,,Mémoire et minorité: L'identité collective dans la littérature germanophone de Belgique,VABB-1,143,162,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:417081,,Flemish Diamond or ABC-Axis? The spatial structure of the Belgian metropolitan area,VABB-1,974,995,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417082,,Marcher à Bruxelles: Mésaventures et surprises de la flânerie de Charles Baudelaire à William Cliff,VABB-4,245,264,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:417083,,Rethinking legal protection of the elderly. Report of the second international RETHINKIN. seminar.,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417085,,The electoral impact of grassroots activity in the 2012 local elections in Flanders,VABB-1,131,152,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417088,,“Help! Een prejudiciële vraag?” – Een eerste hulpdoos bij prejudiciële vragen aan het Hof van Justitie,VABB-4,115,148,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:417089,,Measurement-driven Quality Assessment of Nonlinear Systems by Exponential Replacement,VABB-5,258,262,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417092,,Conditions for Effective Regional Social (Health) Policies: The EU and Unasur Compared,VABB-4,231,250,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417093,,"Households, Consumption and the Development of Medical Care in the Netherlands, 1650-1900",VABB-1,532,557,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417094,,Writing information transfers for out-of-hours palliative care: a controlled trial among GPs,VABB-1,186,195,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417097,,Helmholtz’s Kant Revisited (Once More). The All-Pervasive Nature of Helmholtz's Struggle with Kant's Anschauung,VABB-1,20,32,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417099,,Migranten en minderheden in het vizier van staat en politie: Een langetermijnperspectief,VABB-1,426,441,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:417101,,‘Politics and Commerce: a close marriage? The case of the Ostend Company’,VABB-1,51,75,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:417105,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van juli 2016,VABB-1,517,520,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417106,,"Ship speeds during the Industrial Revolution: East India Company ships, 1770–1828",VABB-1,66,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417107,,Advance care planning for nursing home residents with dementia: Influence of 'we DECide' on policy and practice,VABB-1,139,146,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417108,,Geoeconomics in a globalized world: the case of China’s export policy,VABB-1,173,184,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417109,,Seasonal labour and rural-urban migration in Roman Italy,VABB-4,57,74,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417110,,A Wasted Crisis?,VABB-4,167,190,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417111,,Computer-Based Clinical Decision Support Systems and Patient-Reported Outcomes: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,397,409,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417112,,Worrying facilitates correct and false memories about negative information,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417113,,Promoting Active Transport in Older Adolescents Before They Obtain Their Driving Licence: A Matched Control Intervention Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417115,,Induced worrying impairs updating efficiency,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417116,,The direct impact of landslides on household income in tropical regions: A case study from the Rwenzori Mountains in Uganda,VABB-1,1032,1043,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417118,,Convergent and divergent validity of the KTK and MOT 4-6 motor test in early childhood.,VABB-1,33,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417121,,Belgian Sentencing as a Bifurcated Practice?,VABB-1,267,306,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417124,,Met Conscience op Café,VABB-4,197,213,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417127,,"Contribution of chronic conditions to the disability burden across smoking categories in middle-aged adults, Belgium",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417128,,Palliative care needs at different phases in the illness trajectory: a survey study in patients with cancer,VABB-1,534,543,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417131,,Doing research together: creating spaces of collaboration with young people using visual methods,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:417134,,Straight Baselines Around Insular Formations Not Constituting an Archipelagic State,VABB-4,186,201,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417135,,Fighting African conflicts and crime: which governance tools matter,VABB-1,466,485,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417137,,Social systems: complex adaptive loci of cognition,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417138,,Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy for personality disorders in older adults?,VABB-1,1751,1752,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417140,,Human Rights and Imprisonment of Older Adults,VABB-4,546,555,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417143,,Leave no mudstone unturned: geochemical proxies for provenancing mudstone temper sources in South-Western Cyprus,VABB-1,458,464,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417144,,Development of a complex intervention to support the initiation of advance care planning by general practitioners in patients at risk of deteriorating or dying: a phase 0-1 study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417145,,"René Vermeir & Jeffrey Tyssens, Sous le signe du progrès. La loge maçonnique gantoise La Liberté",VABB-2,,,268 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:417147,,The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) Opinion 4/2015 ‘Towards a New Digital Ethics’: A Remedy for the EU Data Protection Framework?,VABB-1,93,96,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417149,,over de belasting op tweede verblijven en oude huurcontracten,VABB-1,840,845,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417150,,The legal agency of single mothers: Lawsuits over illegitimate children and the uses of legal aid to the poor in the Dutch town of Leiden (1750-1810),VABB-1,51,73,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417152,,Asylum Policy - the EU’s ‘crises’ and the looming policy regime failure,VABB-1,311,325,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417155,,Loading Unit in Freight Transport Modelling,VABB-5,921,927,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417157,,Managers Set the Tone: Equity incentives and the Tone of Earnings Press Releases,VABB-1,132,147,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417158,,The many faces of early 20th century stone imitations in Belgium,VABB-5,542,549,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417162,,Eine Kultur des Interesses: Von überlebenden Organen zur Transplantationsmedizin,VABB-4,163,182,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:417163,,Pelvic floor muscle reflex activity during coughing - an exploratory and reliability study,VABB-1,302,307,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417164,,Criticism of the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-3,,,571 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417165,,Het recht op sociale zekerheid als een grondrecht. Een overzicht van het internationaal en nationaal juridisch kader,VABB-4,1,35,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417167,,"‘In de macht, plicht en momboorije van heuren man’: De rechtspositie van de getrouwde vrouw in Antwerpen en Leuven(16de eeuw)",VABB-1,48,68,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417168,,Are depressive symptoms in mild cognitive impairment predictive of conversion to dementia?,VABB-1,921,928,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417170,,Comparison of Retrospective Fertility Data from Censuses in Belgium and Family Surveys in France,VABB-1,85,120,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417171,,"Internationale migratie, de nationale staat en de paradox van globalisering",VABB-4,25,39,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417173,,Employment and Social Security Rights of Third-Country Labour Migrants under EU Law: An Incomplete Patchwork of Legal Protection,VABB-1,373,408,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417175,,Sociologen moeten vaker buiten komen: Nieuwe stadssociologische literatuur over Brussel,VABB-1,389,394,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417177,,Overheidsvrijstelling van lokale en regionale belastingen,VABB-1,3,34,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417178,,The characteristics of infrastructure as an investment class,VABB-1,277,297,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417179,,Hospitalisations at the end of life in four European countries: a population-based study via epidemiological surveillance networks,VABB-1,430,436,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417182,,The Law of Nations and Declarations of War after the Peace of Utrecht,VABB-1,329,349,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417183,,Stigmergy as a universal coordination mechanism II: Varieties and evolution,VABB-1,50,59,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417184,,The Life and Death of New Political Parties in the Low Countries,VABB-1,257,277,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417186,,"The impeccable credentials of an untrained philosopher: Willem Jacob ’s Gravesande’s career before his Leiden professorship, 1688-1717",VABB-1,231,249,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417189,,"Het wie, wat en wanneer van de verantwoording van differentiaties, noot bij Cass. 3 september 2015",VABB-1,94,100,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417191,,The Economic Security Dimension of the EU-China Relationship: Puzzles and Prospects,VABB-4,187,208,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417193,,A refugee camp in the centre of Europe: clinical characteristics of asylum seekers arriving in Brussels,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417196,,Data protection authority perspectives on the impact of data protection reform on cooperation in the EU,VABB-1,587,598,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417197,,Handboek Jeugdhulpverlening. Deel 2. Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in het zorgveld.,VABB-2,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:417198,,Posture analysis among Flemish secondary school teachers : difference between the use of chalkboards and electronic schoolboards during classroom teaching.,VABB-1,1487,1493,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417199,,"Vagal nerve activity predicts overall survival in metastatic pancreatic cancer, mediated by inflammation",VABB-1,47,51,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417202,,Het profiel van moeders in de gevangenis: toch niet zo stereotiep? Reflecties over implicaties voor onderzoek en beleid,VABB-1,13,20,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417204,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van september 2016,VABB-1,677,680,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417205,,The language of the cerebellum,VABB-1,1378,1398,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417210,,Strategic scenarios for sustainable urban distribution in the Brussels-capital region using urban consolidation centres,VABB-1,598,612,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417211,,Effect and Process Evaluation of a Cluster Randomized Control Trial on Water Intake and Beverage Consumption in Preschoolers from Six European Countries: The ToyBox-Study.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417216,,Do Not Track initiatives: regaining the lost user control,VABB-1,276,290,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417219,,Adult learners' online participation from socio-motivational and social capital perspectives,VABB-5,8562,8571,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417220,,Impact of the Application of Redecision Methods in Executive Coaching Workshops on Psychological Wellbeing: A Quantitative Evaluation of Effectiveness,VABB-1,3,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417222,,“WIE BEN IK?” DE INVLOED VAN PLAATSING OP DE IDENTITEITSVORMING VOLGENS JEUGDZORGVERLATERS,VABB-1,1,25,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417224,,That’s My Art: A Case Study on Children’s Views of Cultural Policy,VABB-1,478,487,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417226,,"Artikel 464, 1° WIB 1992 en gemeentebelastingen op de omzet",VABB-1,115,126,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417228,,협약의 정신: 서로 얽혀있는 무형문화유산보호 원칙과 윤리: (in Korean),VABB-1,135,171,,und,2016,2 c:vabb:417231,,Structural contribution of glass in Saint-Hubertus Galleries,VABB-1,458,468,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417232,,Numerical evaluation of structural stay-in-place formwork in textile reinforced cement composite for concrete shells,VABB-1,1500,1513,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417233,,The evolution of the gender gap in life expectancy in Belgium and the smoking epidemic (1841 to 2013),VABB-4,89,109,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417235,,Cost-effectiveness and budget impact analysis of a population-based screening program for colorectal cancer,VABB-1,72,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417238,,"Novelists against social change : conservative popular fiction, 1920-1960",VABB-2,,,"VIII, 271 p.",eng,2015,2 c:vabb:417239,,"Groepsbeslissingen: kwaliteit, autoriteit en vertrouwen",VABB-1,335,371,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:417240,,The Eurozone crisis and the rise of China in the global monetary and trading system: the political economy of an asymmetric shock,VABB-1,572,603,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417243,,"Formatting reality: on reality television as a genre, a meta-genre and a larger tendency in contemporary television culture",VABB-4,47,62,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417244,,History in Legal Doctrine: Vattel (1757) and Réal de Curban (1764) on the Spanish succession,VABB-5,367,394,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:417245,,"Cycle-related changes in mood, sexual desire, and sexual activity in oral contraception-using and non-hormonal-contraception-using couples",VABB-1,125,136,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417246,,Équilibre et hiérarchie: l'argument juridique dans la diplomatie française et anglaise après la Paix d'Utrecht,VABB-5,67,83,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:417248,,Paratextual elements and typographic techniques: the evolution of visual culture in Italian middle-brow literature,VABB-4,75,90,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417249,,The saint as cunning heroine: rhetoric and characterization in the Passio Caeciliae,VABB-1,433,452,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417251,,Hildegardis Bingensis opera minora II,VABB-2,,,400 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417254,,Channels in the mirror: an alignable model for assessing customer satisfaction in concurrent channel systems,VABB-1,88,101,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417255,,El carácter multimodal del verbo 'sentir': polisemia y transitividad,VABB-1,90,117,,spa,2016,1 c:vabb:417256,,"The scale for emotional development-revised (SED-R) for persons with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems: development, description, and reliability",VABB-1,11,23,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417257,,Do employer preferences contribute to sticky floors?,VABB-1,714,736,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417258,,"Regime change at a distance: Austria and the Southern Netherlands following the war of the Spanish succession, 1716-1725",VABB-2,,,449 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417259,,La posposición pronominal con futuros y condicionales en el códice escurialense I.i.6: un examen de varias hipótesis morfosintácticas,VABB-4,270,298,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:417260,,Prehistoric Figurines from Mesopotamia,VABB-4,25,50,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:417262,,Normative versus market power Europe? The EU-India trade agreement,VABB-1,253,264,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417264,,Reconstructing the bodies : between the politics of order and the politics of disorder,VABB-4,143,163,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:417265,,The Nielsen company,VABB-4,447,463,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417267,,Fear expression and return of fear following threat instruction with or without direct contingency experience,VABB-1,968,984,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417268,,"Ready-to-eat cereals improve nutrient, milk and fruit intake at breakfast in European adolescents",VABB-1,771,779,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417269,,The effectiveness of consulting external resources during translation and postediting of general text types,VABB-4,111,133,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417271,,The Vitality of the Braille in Enabling Inclusion for the Visually Impaired in Regular Secondary Schools in the North West Region of Cameroon.,VABB-1,622,625,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417272,,Still the main show in town? Assessing political saliency of the Bologna Process across time and space,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417273,,Semiparametric stochastic metafrontier efficiency of European manufacturing firms,VABB-1,53,69,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417274,,Sinful Catholics and repentant protestants? The penitential process in the Medieval and early modern tradition of the 'Twelve virtues',VABB-1,40,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417276,,Early motor development of children with a congenital cytomegalovirus infection,VABB-1,253,261,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417277,,Carnosine content in skeletal muscle is dependent on vitamin B6 status in rats,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417278,,Physical activity recommendations from general practitioners in Australia: results from a national survey,VABB-1,83,90,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417280,,Konstruktionsmorphologie : echt top? Neue Perspektiven auf den kategorialen Status einer entlehnten Wortbildungseinheit,VABB-4,280,308,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:417281,,Schermen met seks(ualiteit): het emancipatorische belang van televisierepresentaties van seks en seksualiteit voor het jonge kijkpubliek,VABB-4,63,77,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417283,,Global energy governance: a review and research agenda,VABB-1,,,12 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417284,,A novel framework for analysing stakeholder interest in healthy foods: a case study on iodine biofortification,VABB-1,182,208,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417285,,"The interrelationship between muscle oxygenation, muscle activation, and pulmonary oxygen uptake to incremental ramp exercise : influence of aerobic fitness",VABB-1,55,62,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417286,,Cyclic movement frequency is associated with muscle typology in athletes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417287,,Afvalcriminaliteit vanuit drie criminologische perspectieven: implicaties voor preventie en controle,VABB-4,111,137,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417288,,Associations between food and beverage consumption and different types of sedentary behaviours in European preschoolers: the ToyBox‑study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417289,,De pleitbezorgers,VABB-4,363,368,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:417292,,Impacts des houles exceptionnelles sur le littoral ivoirien du Golfe de Guinée,VABB-1,105,120,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:417293,,Development of an inventory assessing social and emotional skills in Brazilian youth,VABB-1,5,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417294,,Álvaro Mutis y Felipe II: el díptico de obertura del poemario Crónica regia y sus contextos,VABB-1,163,179,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:417295,,Bringing light into the dark side of identity: theoretical and clinical applications: a case study,VABB-1,230,234,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417296,,Is trust for sale? The effectiveness of financial compensation for repairing competence- versus integrity-based trust violations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417297,,"Evaluative concerns perfectionism and coping with failure : effects on rumination, avoidance, and acceptance",VABB-1,114,119,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417299,,Parent and peer predictors of adolescents' sexual development: Can parents buffer peer influence?,VABB-1,599,612,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417300,,Hearing conversation campaigns for adolescants: visibility and effects reported by university students,VABB-5,797,801,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:417302,,Carnosine and anserine homeostasis in skeletal muscle and heart is controlled by β-alanine transamination,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417303,,Conscientious objection to same-sex marriages: beyond the limits of toleration,VABB-1,114,139,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417304,,"Bien commun: bestuur, disciplinering en politieke cultuur",VABB-4,121,164,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417305,,Does muscle morphology change in chronic neck pain patients? : a systematic review,VABB-1,42,49,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417306,,Crisis and Renaissance in Post-war Japan,VABB-1,535,559,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:417307,,The impact of word prevalence on lexical decision times: evidence from the Dutch Lexicon Project 2,VABB-1,441,458,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417308,,Hazard perception in young cyclists and adult cyclists,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417309,,'A true daughter of ancient Britain': gender and nation in John Everett Millais's The Romans Leaving Britain (1865),VABB-1,8,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417311,,The role of cognitive and affective empathy in spouses' support interactions: an observational study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417312,,Sex in its daily relational context,VABB-1,2436,2450,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417313,,Social mobility in the craft guilds of masons and carpenters in Late Medieval Ghent,VABB-1,57,76,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417314,,"Institutional arrangements for the use of treated effluent in irrigation, Western Cape, South Africa",VABB-1,203,218,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417317,,How to Tell Stories with Networks: Exploring the Narrative Affordances of Graphs with the Iliad,VABB-4,155,170,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:417319,,Teacher design teams as a strategy for professional development: The role of the facilitator,VABB-1,141,154,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417320,,Ranking authors using fractional counting of citations : an axiomatic approach,VABB-1,183,199,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417321,,Wat als? Een vroegmoderne denkoefening over de unie van de Gentse kapittels van Sint-Veerle en Sint-Baafs,VABB-1,47,62,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417322,,Agricultural outsourcing or land grabbing: a meta-analysis,VABB-1,1395,1417,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417323,,Situations analysis of the malt barley value chain integration and performance in Ethiopia,VABB-1,158,164,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417324,,The illicit trade in hazardous waste: a criminological supply chain approach,VABB-4,190,211,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417330,,Associations between time spent in green areas and physical activity among late middle-aged adults,VABB-1,225,232,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417331,,De opmars van finale geschillenbeslechting in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief,VABB-4,417,477,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417332,,Obligation as permission : a sound and strongly complete axiomatization,VABB-1,370,379,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417334,,'So one would notice the good navigability': economic decline and the cartographic conception of urban space in late fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Bruges,VABB-1,2,25,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:417336,,Donor conception disclosure: directive or non-directive counseling?,VABB-1,369,379,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417337,,Creating a family through connection websites and events: ethical and social issues,VABB-1,522,528,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417339,,An exploratory analysis on the comprehension of 3D and 4D ontology-driven conceptual models,VABB-5,163,172,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417341,,Vroeg geleerd is jong gedaan: de betekenis van het academisceh tekenonderricht voor de Gents-Brugse illustrator en kunstschilder Franciscus van Paemel (1756-1792),VABB-1,29,47,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417345,,Neurocognitive development and behaviour in school-aged children after surgery for univentricular or biventricular congenital heart disease,VABB-1,167,174,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417348,,Assessing morphologically motivated transfer in parallel corpora,VABB-1,372,398,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417350,,Niklas Luhmann: Fashion between the Fashionable and Old-fashioned,VABB-4,200,214,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417351,,Differential online exposure to extremist content and political violence: testing the relative strength of social learning and competing perspectives,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417352,,La Shoah au miroir de la poésie dans Comme une chienne à la mort de Louise Cotnoir et Plus haut que les flammes de Louise Dupré,VABB-1,9,30,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:417354,,Poverty and decision-making in child welfare and protection: deepening the bias-need debate,VABB-1,2161,2175,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417355,,Writing biography in Greece and Rome: narrative technique and fictionalisation,VABB-3,,,"XIII, 354 p.",eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417356,,Predicate ellipsis: including VP-ellipsis and pseudogapping,VABB-4,504,525,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:417357,,Cinema in the ‘fog city’. Film exhibition and socio-geography in Flanders,VABB-4,223,236,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417359,,"Sophie de Grouchy, Marquise de Condorcet: wisdom and reform between reason and feeling",VABB-4,193,219,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417362,,Unwanted Behaviors and Nuisance Behaviors Among Neighbors in a Belgian Community Sample,VABB-1,1967,1994,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417363,,"“In This Told-Backward Biography”: Marianne Moore Against Survival in her Queer Archival Poetry,",VABB-1,111,127,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417367,,Tunisian women at the crossroads: antagonism and agonism between secular and Islamist women's rights movements in Tunisia,VABB-1,226,245,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417368,,A happy valve in a happy patient?: serotonergic antidepressants and the risk of valvular heart disease (SERVAL): a case-control study,VABB-1,57,62,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417369,,Using a building information modelling approach for teaching about residential energy use and official energy performance,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:417370,,The Archaeology of World War I in Comines-Warneton (Belgium) through Aerial Photographs and Proximal Soil Sensing,VABB-4,11,28,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417371,,Imageries of family and nation: a comparative analysis of transnational adoption and care for unaccompanied minors in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417373,,The role and experiences of family members during the rehabilitation of mentally ill offenders,VABB-1,11,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417374,,"Teachers' beliefs about students, and the intention of students to drop out of secondary education in Flanders",VABB-1,117,127,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417376,,Workplace learning in midwifery education in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,24,27,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417377,,Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between energy intake and BMI z-score in European children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417378,,Accessible health care for Roma: a gypsy's tale a qualitative in-depth study of access to health care for Roma in Ghent,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417379,,Comparison of different approaches to calculate nutrient intakes based upon 24‑h recall data derived from a multicenter study in European adolescents,VABB-1,537,545,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417380,,"Iedereen consument? Noot onder HvJ 9 juli 2015, C-348/14, Bucura en HvJ 3 september 2015, C-110/14, Costea",VABB-1,159,170,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417383,,De dubbele houding van de VS in de internationale belastingagenda,VABB-1,1,10,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417384,,Predictors of pediatric cochlear implantation outcomes in South Africa,VABB-1,61,70,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417388,,Factors affecting the attrition of test users during living lab field trials,VABB-1,35,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417389,,"In between improvisation, compensation and negotiation: a socio-spatial analysis of Kariakoo market (Dar es Salaam) dynamics under British colonial rule (1919-1961)",VABB-1,25,43,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417392,,"Education and religion in late antiquity : reflections, social contexts and genres",VABB-3,,,224 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417397,,The impact of tinnitus characteristics and associated variables on tinnitus-related handicap,VABB-1,25,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417398,,A comparative study of Artificial Intelligence methods for project duration forecasting,VABB-1,249,261,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417399,,The functional-cognitive framework for psychological research: controversies and resolutions,VABB-1,4,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417400,,Can prepared fear conditioning result from verbal instructions?,VABB-1,7,23,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417401,,Extremely preterm born children at very high risk for developing autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,729,739,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417402,,Fundraising in an interactive online environment,VABB-1,333,350,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417403,,The impact of public branding: an experimental study on the effects of branding policy on citizen trust,VABB-1,486,524,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417407,,Contestation over integration and autonomy of universities in the former Yugoslavia: how global and European ideas are used in domestic politics,VABB-4,111,129,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417409,,From the pergonal project to Kadimastem: A genealogy of Israel’s reproductive-industrial complex,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417410,,Unreliable yet still replicable: a comment on LeBel and Paunonen (2011),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417411,,Mental wellbeing and the ‘eco-state’: a classification of regions and countries of the European Union.,VABB-4,29,48,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417414,,Tucht achter de tralies: de gebrekkige naleving van art. 6 EVRM tijdens de Franse tuchtprocedure,VABB-1,9,24,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417415,,Do students with different motives for physical education respond differently to autonomy-supportive and controlling teaching?,VABB-1,72,82,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417417,,De Belgische wetgever en de imprevisieleer,VABB-1,843,854,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417418,,Let's talk about society: a critical discourse analysis of sociology courses in pre-registration nursing,VABB-1,139,144,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417419,,Associations between early body mass index trajectories and later metabolic risk factors in European children: the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417421,,Exercise and cognitive functioning in people with chronic whiplash-associated disorders: a controlled laboratory study,VABB-1,87,95,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417423,,"Identifying profiles of actual and perceived motor competence among adolescents : associations with motivation, physical activity, and sports participation",VABB-1,2027,2037,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417424,,"Intrapersonal, social-cognitive and physical environmental variables related to context-specific sitting time in adults: a one-year follow-up study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417426,,"Wanverhoudingen: de pedofiel, de politicus, de filosoof en de vrouwen",VABB-2,,,237 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417427,,De Mean Lenght of Utterance tijdens spontane taal bij normaal ontwikkelende eentalige en meertalige kinderen,VABB-1,37,46,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417429,,Getting beyond the surface : using geometric data analysis in cultural sociology,VABB-4,174,190,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417430,,To what question is the Badiouan notion of the subject an answer? On the dialectical elaboration of the concept in his early work,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417434,,Classed landscapes of care and belonging: guardianships of unaccompanied minors,VABB-1,71,88,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417435,,"Altered intrinsic organisation of brain networks implicated in attentional processes in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a resting state study of attention, default mode and salience network connectivity",VABB-1,349,357,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417437,,Determinants of risk behaviour: effects of perceived risks and risk attitude on farmer's adoption of risk management strategies,VABB-1,56,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417438,,Phonological category quality in the mental lexicon of child and adult learners,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417439,,The genteman was not for turning: the alleged volte-face of Gaius Scribonius Curio,VABB-1,353,377,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417441,,European air passenger rights: delay and cancellation,VABB-1,107,146,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417442,,"Determining geometric primitives for a 3D GIS: easy as 1D, 2D, 3D?",VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417443,,ICT leadership in higher education: a multiple cases study in Colombia,VABB-1,133,141,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417444,,The meaning of the sperm donor for heterosexual couples: confirming the position of the father,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417446,,Differences between multimedia and text-based assessments of emotion management: an exploration with the multimedia emotion management assessment (MEMA),VABB-1,1317,1331,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417452,,Using location-based social media to chart the patterns of people Moving between cities: the case of Weibo-users in the Yangtze River Delta,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417453,,Empathic accuracy and observed demand behavior in couples,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417455,,Art. I.17 WER,VABB-4,1,18,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417456,,Art. XI.175 WER t/m XI.178 WER,VABB-4,1,43,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417458,,The longitudinal effect of bilingual immersion schooling on cognitive control and intelligence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417460,,Exploring the link between experienced teachers' learning outcomes and individual and professional learning community characteristics,VABB-1,205,227,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417461,,Physician–hospital exchanges and extra-role behaviour of physicians: the moderating role of the chief medical officer,VABB-1,225,235,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417462,,Are patients ready for communication with radiologists?: results of the R2P2 survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417463,,"Costs of pleasure and the benefits of pain: self-perceived genital sensation, anatomy and sexual dysfunction",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417464,,Pixel versus object: a comparison of strategies for the semi-automated mapping of archaeological features using airborne laser scanning data,VABB-1,485,498,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417465,,The regional geomorphology of Montenegro mapped using Land Surface Parameters,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417466,,The delegated authority model misused as a strategy of disengagement in the case of climate change,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417467,,An overview of project data for integrated project management and control,VABB-1,6,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417471,,Promoting metacognitive regulation through collaborative problem solving on the web: when scripting does not work,VABB-1,325,342,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417473,,A conversation analytic study of building and repairing the alliance in family therapy,VABB-1,102,119,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417475,,Coresidence duration and cues of maternal investment regulate sibling altruism across cultures,VABB-1,159,177,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417478,,"Interplay between food safety climate, food safety management system and microbiological hygiene in farm butcheries and affiliated butcher shops",VABB-1,78,91,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417482,,Musical Complexity and ‘Embodied Notation’: A Study of the Opus Clavicembalisticum (K. S. Sorabji),VABB-1,59,71,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:417483,,The individual environment nexus: impact of promotion focus and the environment on academic scientists' entrepreneurial intentions,VABB-1,213,222,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417484,,4D coastal flood analysis and visualisation for urban areas,VABB-5,789,797,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417485,,"Laser Doppler flowmetry: reproducibility, reliability and diurnal blood flow variations",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417486,,Losing touch with the common tongues: the story of law French,VABB-1,169,192,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417487,,Consumers' avoidance of information on red meat risks: information exposure effects on attitudes and perceived knowledge,VABB-1,533,549,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417489,,Compensatory measures for large-scale projects in European nature conservation law after the Briels case,VABB-4,321,332,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417491,,Variations in residential space heating profiles at room level: the influence of building and system characteristics,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417492,,"'Hate speech', radicalisering en het recht op expressievrijheid. Waarom artikel 17 EVRM (misbruikclausule) geen revival verdient",VABB-1,4,18,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417493,,Landscape identity: implications for policy making,VABB-1,36,43,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417494,,Remote histology learning from static versus dynamic microscopic images,VABB-1,222,230,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417495,,Are flunkers social outcasts? A multilevel study of grade retention effects on same-grade friendships,VABB-1,745,780,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417496,,"Immigration and the common profit: native cloth workers, Flemish exiles, and royal policy in fourteenth-century London",VABB-1,633,657,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417497,,Parental strees and support of parents of children with spina bifida in Uganda,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417499,,Poetry translations as legitimation and recuperation strategies for poets: 'Rewritings' of Poems by the Flemishwriters Hugo Claus and Herman de Coninck: a terminological problem,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417501,,Coproductie van veiligheid in buurtinformatienetwerken: een analyse van gepercipieerde meerwaarde,VABB-1,61,69,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417502,,The reliability and validity of short online questionnaires to measure fruit and vegetable intake in adults: the Fruit Test and Vegetable Test,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417504,,Power and integrated health care: shifting from governance to governmentality,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417505,,Individual and environmental factors influencing adolescents' dietary behavior in low- and middle-income settings,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417506,,"Patrick Chamoiseau, quelle écopoétique ?",VABB-4,157,172,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:417507,,Scale of emotional development-Short,VABB-1,166,175,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417508,,"About ethnicity, fitting in, and acting out: applying the person-environment fit framework to school misconduct",VABB-1,293,319,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417509,,The ethnic prejudice of Flemish teachers: the role of ethnic school composition and of teachability,VABB-1,552,562,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417510,,Casting the reader as eyewitness: apostrophe and visualization in Juan Latino’s Austrias Carmen (1573),VABB-1,405,425,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417512,,Shildrick’s monster: exploring a new approach to difference/disability through collective biography,VABB-1,1098,1111,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417513,,"Shares in the EMCA: the time is ripe for true no par value shares in the EU, and the 2nd directive is not an obstacle",VABB-1,215,253,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417517,,Road pricing in a polycentric urban region: analysing a pilot project in Belgium,VABB-1,134,142,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417518,,Initial foot contact and related kinematics affect impact loading rate in running,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417519,,Punitive damages in private international law : lessons for the European Union,VABB-2,,,260 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417520,,Medieval Europe,VABB-4,221,239,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417521,,Philo of Carpasia: Ecclesiastical History,VABB-1,,,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:417523,,Enclaves of learning: a commentary on the papers in the section 'religious communities',VABB-4,451,460,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417524,,The impact of economic and noneconomic exchange on physicians' organizational attitudes: the moderating effects of the Chief Medical Officer,VABB-1,75,85,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417527,,Babies from behind the bars: stratified assisted reproduction in Palestine/Israel,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417528,,Erotic persuasion and characterization in late antique hagiography: the Passio Caeciliae and the Passio Susannae,VABB-1,1059,1072,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:417529,,"The changing nature of formal volunteering : biographical, organizational, and institutional transformations",VABB-4,349,365,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417532,,Co-activation-based parcellation of the lateral prefrontal cortex delineates the inferior frontal junction area,VABB-1,2225,2241,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417533,,Das digitale dossier génétique: Überlegungen zu Rekonstruktion und Edition digitaler Schreibprozesse anhand von Beispielen aus dem Thomas Kling Archiv,VABB-4,57,84,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:417534,,"14C-dating of the skeleton remains and the content of the lead coffin attributed to the Blessed Idesbald (Abbey of the Dunes, Koksijde, Belgium)",VABB-1,276,284,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417535,,Stakeholder and consumer reactions towards innovative processed meat products: insights from a qualitative study about nitrite reduction and phytochemical addition,VABB-1,690,698,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417536,,Forest fire dynamics during the early and middle Holocene along the southern North Sea basin as shown by charcoal evidence from burnt ant nests,VABB-1,311,321,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417537,,Oncology health workers' views and experiences on caring for ethnic minority patients: a mixed method systematic review,VABB-1,379,398,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417539,,Pupil size directly modulates the feedforward response in human primary visual cortex independently of attention,VABB-1,67,73,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417540,,How do students cope with machine translation output of Multi-Word Units? An exploratory study,VABB-4,62,80,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:417542,,"'You should collaborate, children': a study of teachers’ design and facilitation of children's collaboration around touchscreens",VABB-1,573,593,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417543,,Orienting versus inhibition in the concealed information test: different cognitive processes drive different physiological measures,VABB-1,579,590,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417544,,ID-check: online concealed information test reveals true identity,VABB-1,S237,S240,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417545,,"Automaticity: componential, causal, and mechanistic explanations",VABB-1,263,287,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417546,,Are individual differences in arithmetic fact retrieval in children related to inhibition?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417548,,How to modify (implicit) evaluations of fear-related stimuli: effects of feature-specific attention allocation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417549,,Insights of private general practitioners in group practice on the introduction of National Health Insurance in South Africa,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417550,,The effect of the interval-between-sessions on prefrontal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on cognitive outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,1159,1172,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417552,,Role of histidyl dipeptides in contractile function of fast and slow motor units in rat skeletal muscle,VABB-1,164,172,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417553,,The Organizational Innovation System: a systemic framework for radical innovation at the organizational level,VABB-1,40,50,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417557,,The role of intergenerational similarity and parenting in adolescent self-criticism: an actor–partner interdependence model,VABB-1,68,76,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417558,,Alfred Hitchcock (1899–1980),VABB-4,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417559,,Drones: the emerging era of unmanned civil aviation,VABB-5,223,248,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417560,,Under construction? The Catholic community in Ghent after the Beeldenstorm,VABB-1,81,98,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417563,,Investigating the interpreter's role(s) The ART framework,VABB-1,172,197,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417564,,Onderzoeksnotitie: het veranderende medialandschap en jobtevredenheid bij Vlaamse beroepsjournalisten,VABB-1,46,61,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:417567,,"Measuring and Assessing TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge)",VABB-4,490,493,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:417568,,The challenge of promoting self-regulated learning among primary school children with a low socio-economic and immigrant background,VABB-1,113,139,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417569,,The style it takes: how do UK universities communicate their identity through welcome addresses?,VABB-1,502,515,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417572,,Increased attentional load moves the left to the right,VABB-1,158,170,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417573,,Prioriteiten voor het lokale harm reduction-beleid: drugsgebruikers als sleutelfiguren,VABB-1,106,120,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417574,,Change and stability in depressive symptoms in young adults with Type 1 diabetes,VABB-1,93,96,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417575,,Involuntary attentional orienting in the absence of awareness speeds up early sensory processing,VABB-1,107,117,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417576,,Multilingualism and international tourism: a content- and discourse-based approach to language-related judgments in web 2.0 hotel reviews,VABB-1,235,253,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417577,,"Look who's cooking: investigating the relationship between watching educational and edutainment TV cooking shows, eating habits and everyday cooking practices among men and women in Belgium",VABB-1,494,501,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417578,,The role of ethnic school segregation for adolescents’ religious salience,VABB-1,129,145,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417579,,185 years of Belgian security service,VABB-1,96,118,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417587,,"Harraga dans la littérature francophone: Boualem Sansal, Tahar Ben Jelloun, Mathias Enard et Marie Ndaye",VABB-1,201,219,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:417588,,Scale format effects on response option interpretation and use,VABB-1,2574,2584,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:417589,,User consultation during the fuzzy front end: evaluating student’s design outcomes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417591,,Doceren over (politieke) islam in tijden van IS en Syrië-strijders,VABB-1,63,66,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417592,,Zorgvermijders en gedeelde verantwoordelijkheid via netwerkvorming,VABB-1,171,174,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417594,,Internet Gaming Disorder as a formative construct: Implications for conceptualization and measurement,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417595,,"Despair (1936): Fassbinder’s Nabokov: from text to action: repressed homosexuality, provocative Jewishness, and anti-German sentiment",VABB-4,202,223,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417596,,Having cancer in a foreign country,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417597,,Reading a book in one or two languages? An eye movement study of cognate facilitation in L1 and L2 reading,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417598,,Presenting GECO: An Eye-tracking Corpus of Monolingual and Bilingual Sentence Reading,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417599,,Treating sarcopenia in clinical practice: where are we now?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417602,,Dutch hypernym detection: does decompounding help?,VABB-5,74,78,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417603,,Violence against migrant women: the Istanbul convention through a postcolonial feminist lens,VABB-1,49,67,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417605,,"Anthropometry, physical fitness and coordination of young figure skaters of different levels",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417606,,Sporen van de participatiesamenleving in België? Een reflectie op recent armoedebeleid,VABB-1,213,232,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417607,,Handboek Belgisch Personen- en familierecht,VABB-2,,,970 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417608,,Helpt de participatiesamenleving in de strijd tegen de armoede?,VABB-1,207,212,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417609,,"The effects of autonomy gap in personnel policy, principal leadership and teachers’ self-efficacy on their organizational commitment",VABB-1,339,353,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417610,,The relevance of mission statements: analysing the antecedents of perceived message quality and its relationship to employee mission engagement,VABB-1,894,917,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417611,,Techniques for protecting minority languages under Belgian federalism,VABB-1,211,236,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417612,,What can technology offer to linguistically diverse classrooms? Using multilingual content in a computer-based learning environment for primary education,VABB-1,97,112,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417615,,Bestuurlijke geldboeten en de toets van de rechter: brede schets met klemtoon op omgevingsrecht,VABB-4,43,94,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417616,,"Islamic banks, deposit insurance reform, and market discipline: evidence from a natural framework",VABB-1,257,282,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417617,,Goal relevance influences performance monitoring at the level of the FRN and P3 components,VABB-1,1020,1033,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417618,,Dynamic assessment of exposure to air pollution using mobile phone data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417620,,Variétés (1928-1930) and the surrealist aesthetics of urban picture spreads,VABB-4,21,39,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417622,,A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in healthy and neuropsychiatric samples: influence of stimulation parameters,VABB-1,501,517,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417625,,New cinema history and the comparative mode: reflections on comparing historical cinema cultures,VABB-1,13,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417626,,Outside board human capital and early stage high-tech firm performance,VABB-1,759,779,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417627,,Exploring integrated geophysics and geotechnics as a palaeolandscape reconstruction tool: archaeological prospection of (prehistoric) sites buried deeply below the Scheldt polders (NW Belgium),VABB-1,125,145,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417628,,Repenser la pulsion de mort chez Freud,VABB-1,723,741,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:417629,,LT3: sentiment analysis of figurative tweets: piece of cake #NotReally,VABB-5,684,688,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:417630,,"What determined the location of industry in Belgium, 1897-1961?",VABB-1,393,419,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417631,,Congruency sequence effects and previous response times: conflict adaptation or temporal learning?,VABB-1,590,607,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417632,,Continuing midwifery education beyond graduation: student midwives' awareness of continuous professional development,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417635,,Narrativas de la postmemoria en Argentina y Chile: la casa revisitada,VABB-1,1,25,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:417636,,Foreignization in news translation: metaphors in Russian translation on the news translation website InoSMI,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417637,,"Medicalization of the uncertainty? An empirical study of the relationships between unemployment or job insecurity, professional care seeking, and the consumption of antidepressants",VABB-1,446,459,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417638,,A multilevel analysis of factors influencing the flow efficiency of the cataract surgery process in hospitals,VABB-1,31,40,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417640,,Games for health for children : current status and needed research,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417642,,A semi-automatic approach for the definition of shape grammar rules,VABB-5,437,443,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417643,,Minority students' responses to racism: the case of Cyprus,VABB-1,77,95,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417644,,Introduction: unmarried and unknown: urban men and women in the low countries since the early modern period,VABB-1,3,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417645,,Decreasing risky behavior on social network sites: the impact of parental involvement in secondary education interventions,VABB-1,247,261,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417648,,Isometric quadriceps strength determines sailing performance and neuromuscular fatigue during an upwind sailing emulation,VABB-1,973,979,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417649,,Delayering the global production network into congruent subnetworks,VABB-1,63,74,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417650,,"History of military cartography: 5th international symposium of the ICA Commission on the History of Cartography, 2014",VABB-3,,,"XI, 375 p.",eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417652,,De Belle Epoque als bloeiperiode van de Belgische juridische tijdschriften,VABB-4,185,205,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417654,,Groene criminologie en veiligheidszorg,VABB-3,,,228 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417655,,Van twijgje tot tak: een geschiedenis van de groene criminologie,VABB-4,17,40,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417658,,Absolute and relative educational inequalities in depression in Europe,VABB-1,787,795,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417661,,Enrichment of single-zone EPB-data into multi-zone models using BIM-based parametric typologies,VABB-5,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:417664,,Marine genetic resources and the access and benefit-sharing legal framework,VABB-4,453,472,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417665,,Playing under threat: examining stereotype threat in female game players,VABB-1,377,387,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417666,,A gendered identity debate in digital game culture,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417667,,Leed in beeld: reflecties over de sociale rol van media na rampen. Een analyse van de krantenberichtgeving over het busongeluk in Sierre (2012),VABB-4,29,43,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417668,,Issues and challenges for small countries in attracting and hosting international students: the case of Lithuania,VABB-1,491,507,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417670,,A dirty store is a cost forever: the harmful influence of disorderly retail settings on unethical consumer behavior,VABB-1,225,231,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417671,,The time course of cognitive control implementation,VABB-1,1266,1272,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417672,,Teaching case : ViaVia Yogyakarta : choosing the right strategy to maximize social impact,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417675,,Association between psychosocial characteristics of work and presenteeism: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,331,344,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417677,,Getting Bang for Your Buck: The Specificity of Compensation and Benefits Information in Job Advertisements,VABB-1,2811,2830,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417678,,An instrument to collect data on frequency and intensity of symptoms in older palliative cancer patients : a development and validation study,VABB-1,38,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417679,,"Toying with children’s emotions, the new game in town? The legality of advergames in the EU",VABB-1,599,614,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417680,,Immigrants' location choice in Belgium,VABB-1,63,89,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417681,,Peripherality in the global container shipping network: the case of the Southern African container port system,VABB-1,131,159,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417682,,Determinant factors of physical fitness in European children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417684,,Quality of life in relation to future mental health problems and offending: testing the good lives model among detained girls,VABB-1,285,294,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417688,,Desmopressin (melt) therapy in children with monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis and nocturnal polyuria results in improved neuropsychological functioning and sleep,VABB-1,1477,1484,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417689,,Where do the cultural differences in dynamics of controlling parenting lie? Adolescents as active agents in the perception of and coping with parental behavior.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417690,,Linking individual's ecological footprint to their subjective well-being,VABB-1,80,89,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417691,,Microbial diversity and metabolite composition of Belgian red-brown acidic ales,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417693,,The European atomic energy community in the European Union context: the 'outsider' within,VABB-2,,,356 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417694,,"Aural energies in Rimini Protokoll's Call Cutta : sound, documentary, performance and narratological aspects of 'The world's first mobile phone theatre'",VABB-4,165,182,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417695,,Spontaneous velocity effect of musical expression on self-paced walking,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417697,,Grounding cognitive control in associative learning,VABB-1,693,728,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417698,,Two years of school-based intervention program could improve the physical fitness among Ecuadorian adolescents at health risk: subgroups analysis from a cluster-randomized trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417699,,Appartementsmede-eigendom en het verplichte lidmaatschap van een handelaars- of winkeliersvereniging,VABB-1,1517,1521,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417700,,Children's GPS‑determined versus self‑reported transport in leisure time and associations with parental perceptions of the neighborhood environment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417701,,Toekomstonderzoek naar de fysiek-ruimtelijke ontwikkeling van de Gentse Oostkant: nood aan sterk eigenaarschap,VABB-1,17,28,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417703,,Het leefmilieu en het waterbeleid,VABB-4,29,63,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417704,,"Virtue language in historical scholarship: the cases of Georg Waitz, Gabriel Monod and Henri Pirenne",VABB-1,924,936,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417706,,Employer image and employer branding: what we know and what we need to know,VABB-1,407,440,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417708,,"A toponymy of segregation: the ‘Neutral zones’ of Dakar, Dar es Salaam and Kinshasa",VABB-4,105,122,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417709,,Smart city en camerabeleid in de stad Genk: naar een doordachte en gedragen visie,VABB-2,,,148 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417710,,Narrative exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder associated with repeated interpersonal trauma in patients with severe mental illness: a mixed methods design,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417712,,Sketching themselves: national self-portraits in the Low Countries around 1840,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417713,,Donner la parole au bourreau: scénographie et traduction dans 'Une saison de machettes' de Jean Hatzfeld,VABB-1,80,95,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:417715,,EU trade policy reaction to the BIC: from accommodation to entrenchment,VABB-4,93,114,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417717,,Bridging behavior science and gaming theory: using the Intervention Mapping Protocol to design a serious game against cyberbullying,VABB-1,337,351,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417719,,Industrial symbiosis as sustainable development strategy: adding a change perspective,VABB-1,15,35,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417720,,Spontaneous thought and vulnerability to mood disorders: the dark side of the wandering mind,VABB-1,835,857,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417721,,High medieval monasteries as communities of practice: approaching monastic learning through letters,VABB-1,42,59,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417722,,Schopenhauer: the man and his work,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417723,,Schopenhauer and the objectivity of art,VABB-4,219,234,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417724,,"Aristocratic patronage, political networking, and the shaping of a private sanctuary: countess clemence of Flanders and the early years of Bourbourg Abbey (c. 1103-1121)",VABB-1,317,337,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417725,,"The DAC is dead, long live the DCF? A comparative analysis of the OECD development assistance committee and the UN development cooperation forum",VABB-1,571,587,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417727,,Reading gay music videos: an inquiry into the representation of sexual diversity in contemporary popular music videos,VABB-1,532,546,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417728,,Etomidate-induced convulsions during electroconvulsive therapy: two case reports,VABB-1,73,74,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417730,,Expanding the boundaries of evaluative learning research: how intersecting regularities shape our likes and dislikes,VABB-1,731,754,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417731,,Joint task switching,VABB-1,60,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417732,,Attention to future actions: the influence of instructed S-R versus S-S mappings on attentional control,VABB-1,905,911,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417733,,Within-trial effects of stimulus-reward associations,VABB-4,65,82,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417735,,Evaluation of portable Raman spectroscopy and handheld X-ray fluorescence analysis (hXRF) for the direct analysis of glyptics,VABB-1,146,152,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417737,,Time modelling in digital humanities : challenges posed by the development of a database of Medieval charters,VABB-1,97,103,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417738,,Conflict landscapes and archaeology from above,VABB-3,,,301 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417739,,Remembering Uncertainty: The World War II Warscape of the Australian Northern Territory,VABB-4,167,184,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417740,,Multi-modular text normalization of Dutch user-generated content,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417743,,"Deciding whether to look after them, to like it, or leave it: a multidimensional analysis of predictors of positive and negative bystander behavior in cyberbullying among adolescents",VABB-1,398,415,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417744,,Highlighting tensions in recruitment and selection research and practice,VABB-1,54,62,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417745,,Restrictions on wh-in-situ in Kavalan and Amis,VABB-1,42,69,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417746,,Social media management: technologies and strategies for creating business value,VABB-2,,,250 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417747,,Strategy changes after errors improve performance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417748,,Measuring polycentric urban development in China: an intercity transportation network perspective,VABB-1,1302,1315,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417750,,'Creeping' advisory jurisdiction of international courts and tribunals? The case of the International Tribunal for the law of the sea,VABB-1,155,176,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417752,,Between the devil and the deep blue see: avoidance-avoidance competition increases pain-related fear and slows down decision-making,VABB-1,424,435,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417753,,Joint effects of sensory feedback and interoceptive awareness on conscious error detection: evidence from event related potentials,VABB-1,49,60,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417754,,Reconfiguring patterns of power: an ethnography on the functioning of nursing credentials in Chile,VABB-1,81,99,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417757,,Lipid lowering drug therapy in patients with coronary heart disease from 24 European countries: findings from the EUROASPIRE IV survey,VABB-1,243,250,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417759,,Comparison of anthropometric measurements of adiposity in relation to cancer risk: a systematic review of prospective studies,VABB-1,291,300,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417760,,Cross-linguistic structural priming in multilinguals: further evidence for shared syntax,VABB-1,14,30,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417761,,Towards a systematic study of the dark side of student motivation: antecedents and consequences of teachers' controlling behaviors,VABB-4,59,81,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417764,,"Soort zoekt soort: de geografische verdeling van universitair geschoolden in België naar woon- en tewerkstellingsplaats, 1970-2011",VABB-1,53,75,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417765,,Serratus anterior or pectoralis minor : which muscle has the upper hand during protraction exercises?,VABB-1,158,164,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417766,,Exporting the rule of law to the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood: reconciling coherence and differentiation,VABB-4,167,182,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417772,,"› – rein, fein, Edelstein‹. Schmutz, Sauberkeit und soziale (Im)Mobilität in interkultureller Literatur der Gegenwart",VABB-1,115,132,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:417773,,"”Bleg blev Kinden, Smilet døde”. Ensamhetens rum i multimodalt och intermedialt perspektiv",VABB-4,45,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417775,,The resale right directive,VABB-4,491,510,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417776,,De 'Belle Epoque' van het Belgisch recht (1870-1914),VABB-3,,,208 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417777,,Het Belgisch recht in de 'Belle Epoque': een 'Belle Epoque' van het Belgisch recht?,VABB-4,11,17,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417779,,De gebroeders Rolin en de opkomst van het moderne internationaal recht,VABB-4,117,141,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417780,,Validity and reliability of the HeartQol questionnaire in a large sample of stable coronary patients: the EUROASPIRE IV Study of th European Society of Cardiology,VABB-1,714,721,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417781,,The different faces of controlling teaching : implications of a distinction between externally and internally controlling teaching for students' motivation in physical education,VABB-1,632,652,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417782,,Een juridisch kader voor wetsovertreders met een psychische stoornis,VABB-4,75,93,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417784,,Unpacking the roles of the facilitator in higher education professional learning communities,VABB-1,155,172,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417785,,In defense of the Samgha: the Buddhist apologetic mission of the early Tang Monk falin,VABB-4,18,93,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417786,,"The contribution of primary care research to education, training and development of the primary healthcare workforce",VABB-4,79,86,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417788,,A high sense of coherence as protection against adverse health outcomes in patients aged 80 years and older,VABB-1,337,343,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417789,,"Verloren voorwerpen! Een Plainseau bijl op het Fluxys-traject Alveringem-Maldegem (prov. West-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,73,76,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417790,,Secondary-school pupils’ metacognition for spelling: much ado about nothing?,VABB-5,6319,6324,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417791,,Who is leading the campaign charts? Comparing individual popularity on old and new media,VABB-1,715,732,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417793,,El uso de los adjetivos en los folletos de turespaña y en la guía de viajes 2.0 minube: un análisis de corpus,VABB-4,117,152,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:417794,,Het Hof van Cassatie op het kruispunt van publieke en private belangen: pleidooi voor een versterking van de cassatierechtspraak,VABB-1,1235,1309,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417796,,Gedeeltelijke vernietiging/matiging van ongeoorloofde concurrentieclausules: noot onder Cass. 25 juni 2015,VABB-1,386,393,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417797,,"Track position, futility culture and involvement with paid work: investigating the correlates of lower-track students' involvement with part-time employment in Flanders",VABB-1,372,399,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417798,,Environmental regularities as a concept for carving up the realm of learning research: Implications for Relational Frame Theory.,VABB-1,343,346,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417799,,How the European Court of Human Rights evaded the business and Human Rights Debate in Özel v. Turkey,VABB-1,111,118,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417801,,From virtual globes to ArcheoGIS: determining the technical and practical feasibilities,VABB-1,677,685,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417803,,Functionality of cocoa butter equivalents in chocolate products,VABB-1,309,321,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417804,,Ethnic composition of the primary school and educational choice : does the culture of teacher expectations matter?,VABB-1,383,391,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417805,,"Het Paris agreement: one giant leap for mankind, one small step for climate?",VABB-1,125,136,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417807,,Complementarities Between Stakeholder Management and Participative Management: Evidence from the Youth Care Sector,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417812,,Is living in a high-rise building bad for your self-rated health?,VABB-1,884,898,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417814,,Risk/benefit communication about food: a systematic review of the literature,VABB-1,1728,1745,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417815,,Belgian citizens' and broiler producers' perceptions of broiler chicken welfare in Belgium versus Brazil,VABB-1,1555,1563,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417816,,Immigrant volunteering: a way out of labour market discrimination?,VABB-1,95,98,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417819,,Validity and reliability of situational judgement test scores: a new approach based on cognitive diagnosis models,VABB-1,506,532,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417821,,Dative for accusative case interchange in epistolary formulas in Greek papyrus letters,VABB-1,122,163,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417822,,Visual exploration of match performance based on football movement data using the Continuous Triangular Model,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417824,,Balancing competing logics in for-profit social enterprises: a need for hybrid governance,VABB-1,263,288,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417826,,Van cultureel verantwoorde naar plezante films: de heropleving van populaire komedies in de jaren tachtig en de rol van het Vlaamse filmbeleid,VABB-1,143,161,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:417829,,An 'architecture of bureaucracy': technocratic planning of government architecture in Belgium in the 1930s,VABB-4,271,281,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417832,,"Distance, time since foreign entry, and productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment",VABB-1,775,800,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417834,,Geographic correlates of lowest available airfares on Australian air routes,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:417836,,Incorporating family function into chronic pain disability: the role of catastrophizing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417837,,Kinderen motiveren kun je leren,VABB-1,49,52,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:417838,,"Psychiatric genome-wide association study analyses implicate neuronal, immune and histone pathways",VABB-1,199,209,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417839,,'I like to play with my friends': children with Spina Bifida and Belonging in Uganda,VABB-1,127,141,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417840,,Effect of ketamine on the regional cerebral blood flow and binding index of the 5-HT2A receptor radioligand 123I-R91150 in the canine brain,VABB-1,332,337,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417841,,Balancing truth-telling: relatives acting as translators for older adult cancer patients of Turkish or northwest African origin in Belgium,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417843,,"We have to become the quasi-cause of nothing, of nihil: an Interview with Bernard Stiegler",VABB-1,137,156,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:417844,,The effectiveness of a web-based computer-tailored intervention on workplace sitting: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417845,,De impact van de wetgeving inzake marktpraktijken en bescherming van de consument op de verkoop van onroerende goederen: het nieuwe boek VI van het Wetboek van economisch recht,VABB-4,353,494,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:417846,,Physical activity in relation to urban environments in 14 cities worldwide : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,2207,2217,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417848,,Hemispatial neglect shows that 'Before' is 'Left',VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417849,,Overzitten tijdens het secundair onderwijs: kans of val?,VABB-1,15,19,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417853,,Coerced coffee cultivation and rural agency : the plantation-economy of the Kivu (1918-1940),VABB-4,187,207,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417854,,"'We're all Avengers now': community-building, civil religion and nominal multiculturalism in Marvel Comics' Fear Itself",VABB-1,77,95,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417855,,Vorstelijk onthaald: blijde intredes in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden tussen 1400 en 1800,VABB-1,6,21,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417856,,Scars of recessions in a rigid labor market,VABB-1,162,176,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417857,,Representing Rajasthani roots: Indian gypsy identity and origins in documentary films,VABB-1,151,173,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417858,,“Smart Dealings”: The Fate of Household Words in the United States,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417859,,Bringing personas to life: user experience design through interactive coupled open innovation,VABB-1,97,114,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417860,,More than a 'Nice day Out': how to encourage the meaningful participation of people with learning difficulties in disability conferences,VABB-1,27,34,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417863,,Monitoring the structural response of the Liefkenshoek rail tunnel to tidal level fluctuations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417864,,'No more Turkish music!' the acculturation strategies of teachers and ethnic minority students in Flemish schools,VABB-1,1353,1370,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417868,,"Humanitarianism, Testimony, and the White Savior Industrial Complex: What Is the What Versus Kony 2012",VABB-1,32,56,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417869,,Psychologically controlling parenting and personality vulnerability to depression: a study in Peruvian late adolescents,VABB-1,911,921,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417872,,Occult knowledge and sacred geometry: a new interpretation of a portrait of Rubens and his son from the Hermitage Museum,VABB-1,211,234,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:417873,,"Was Erikson right after all? Identity, attachment and intimacy of couples in young adulthood",VABB-1,16,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417874,,Coping with moral distress in oncology practice: nurse and physician strategies,VABB-1,505,512,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417875,,Social capital and knowledge sharing performance of learning networks,VABB-1,570,579,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417877,,Rechtsmiddelen na Potpourri I,VABB-4,103,149,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417878,,Oncologische wondzorg,VABB-4,191,198,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417879,,De rechterlijke homologatie van beslissingen genomen door de algemene vergadering van obligatiehouders,VABB-1,495,501,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417880,,"Japan in early modern scholarly journals, 1665–1750",VABB-1,1029,1048,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417881,,Byzantijnse boekepigrammen / metrische parateksten: terminologie en classificatie,VABB-1,169,184,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417883,,Mental fatigue impairs soccer-specific decision-making skill,VABB-1,1297,1304,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417884,,"Trauma, ethics and the political beyond PTSD: the dislocations of the real",VABB-2,,,198 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417885,,The relative contribution of a typological versus a dimensional approach for understanding youth obsessive-compulsive symptoms,VABB-1,476,484,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417886,,Sustainable development in TTIP: a highest common denominator compromise?,VABB-1,290,294,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417888,,The relation between input-output transformation and gastrointestinal nematode infections on dairy farms,VABB-1,274,282,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417891,,Nieuwe Brusselse milieuhandhavingsregeling doorstaat grotendeels de toetsing door het Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-1,474,487,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417894,,NATO Burden Sharing in Libya A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417895,,From diglossia to diaglossia: a West Flemish case-study,VABB-4,35,62,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417896,,Mal de debarquement syndrome: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:417897,,Errors disrupt subsequent early attentional processes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417898,,The underlying motives of different mixed-motive games,VABB-1,580,584,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417900,,The extension of Belgium's euthanasia law to include competent minors,VABB-1,305,315,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417902,,Do personality traits moderate relations between psychologically controlling parenting and problem behavior in adolescents?,VABB-1,381,392,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417903,,Shedding light on the dark side of identity: Introduction to the special issue,VABB-1,104,108,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417905,,Shared Structuring Resources across Domains: Double task effects from linguistic processing on the structural integration of pitch sequences,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417907,,Wetboek van de Belgische Nationaliteit: rechtspraak onder de wet van 4 december 2012,VABB-1,1643,1663,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417911,,Which style of reasoning to choose in the face of conflicting information?,VABB-1,361,380,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417912,,Naar een hogere toetsingsintensiviteit bij positieve verplichtingen onder het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens?,VABB-1,151,159,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417913,,"Diet quality in European pre-schoolers : evaluation based on diet quality indices and association with gender, socio-economic status and overweight, the ToyBox-study",VABB-1,2441,2450,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417914,,The contribution of start-ups and young firms to industry-level efficiency growth,VABB-1,5786,5801,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417915,,Man with a movie camera,VABB-4,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417916,,Responding to challenges in teacher professional development for ICT integration in education,VABB-1,110,120,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:417917,,"The History Manifesto: a discussion, introduction by Serge Noiret, with contributions by Ramses Delafontaine (editor), Quentin Verreycken, Eric Arnesen",VABB-1,97,126,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417919,,Relations between brain alterations and clinical pain measures in chronic musculoskeletal pain : a systematic review,VABB-1,949,962,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417921,,"Makarios’ cycle of epigrams on the Psalms, Bodleianus Baroccianus 194",VABB-1,837,860,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417922,,Digest of State Practice: 1 July - 31 December 2015,VABB-1,126,170,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417923,,Actual and perceived weight status and its association with slimming and energy-balance related behaviours in 10- to 12-year-old European children: the ENERGY-project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417925,,How to evaluate educational games: lessons learned from the evaluation study of Master FIND,VABB-5,548,553,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417926,,Deconstructing divisions: Cultural schismogeneses as sources of creativity in organizations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417930,,Questioning the state-rebel divide in Mindanao: a comparative analysis of north Cotabato and Compostela Valley province,VABB-1,246,277,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417931,,Formalizing artisanal and small-scale mining: whither the workforce?,VABB-1,134,141,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417932,,Mediating role of energy-balance related behaviors in the association of neighborhood socio-economic status and residential area density with BMI: the SPOTLIGHT study,VABB-1,84,91,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417934,,The Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) as a measure of self-forgiveness: the impact of a training history in clinical behavior analysis,VABB-1,177,190,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417935,,Individual differences in cognitive control modulate cognitive biases linked to depressive symptoms.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417936,,Cost of renal replacement: how to help as many as possible while keeping expenses reasonable?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417937,,The IRAP is non-relative but not a-contextual: changes to the contrast category influence men's dehumanization of women,VABB-1,291,299,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417938,,Falsification as a protreptic to truth : the force of the forged epistolary exchange between Basil and Libanius,VABB-4,116,130,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417939,,Prostitution in the neighbourhood: impact on residents and implications for municipal regulation,VABB-1,43,56,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417940,,Exploring why residents of socioeconomically deprived neighbourhoods have less favourable perceptions of their neighbourhood environment than residents of wealthy neighbourhoods,VABB-1,42,52,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417941,,The associations between domain-specific sedentary behaviours and dietary habits in European adults : a cross-sectional analysis of the SPOTLIGHT survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417943,,Are higher education institutions trapped in conformity? A translation perspective,VABB-1,1241,1253,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:417944,,Fiscaal Compendium: internationaal fiscaal recht,VABB-2,,,377 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417946,,Does the use of solar and wind energy increase retail prices in Europe? Evidence from EU-27,VABB-5,506,512,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417948,,'We seek revelation with our eyes' : engaging with school cultures through montage,VABB-1,2,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417950,,"Nuvttohat, perfect for feet!: shoe design as cultural heritage",VABB-1,371,382,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417955,,When will a stuttering moment occur?: the determining role of speech motor preparation,VABB-1,93,102,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417958,,Schijnerkenningen: internationale families opnieuw in de schijnwerpers,VABB-1,89,103,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417959,,The effects of rigid scapular taping on acromio-humeral distance in healthy shoulders: an observational study,VABB-1,51,56,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417960,,Eccentric and isometric shoulder rotator cuff strength testing using a hand-held dynamometer: reference values for overhead athletes,VABB-1,3838,3847,-,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417963,,Effect of video lag on laparoscopic surgery: correlation between performance and usability at low latencies,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417964,,Politisering van TTIP : een lont in het kruitvat,VABB-1,1,7,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417965,,Explaining individual changes in moral values and moral emotions among adolescent boys and girls: a fixed-effects analysis,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:417966,,Geweld op school als handelingsalternatief?,VABB-1,8,27,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417967,,Development of a 3D dynamic flood WebGIS visualisation tool,VABB-5,560,569,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417968,,Developing the concept of maritime piracy: a comparative legal analysis of international law and domestic criminal legislation,VABB-1,279,314,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417969,,Loss of control eating in adolescents: associations with adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies,VABB-1,156,163,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417970,,Impoliteness in interpreting: a question of gender?,VABB-1,26,45,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417973,,The challenges of multi-layered security governance in Ituri,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417975,,Helden van hier? Een kritisch geïnspireerde kwalitatieve inhoudsanalyse naar de Vlaamse krantenberichtgeving over westerse en niet-westerse hulpagentschappen tijdens tyfoon Haiyan (2013),VABB-1,272,287,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:417976,,"Happy heart, smiling eyes: a systematic review of positive mood effects on broadening of visuospatial attention",VABB-1,816,837,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417977,,Mixed-paradigm process modeling with intertwined state spaces,VABB-1,19,29,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417979,,Comparing saliency maps and eye-tracking focus maps: the potential use in visual impact assessment based on landscape photographs,VABB-1,17,26,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417980,,Degrading the male body: manhood and conflict in the high-medieval low countries,VABB-1,367,386,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:417984,,"Een laag uit de late ijzertijd aan de Posteernestaat (Gent, prov. Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,163,171,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417985,,The influence of metacognition and attitude on spelling competences among college undergraduates,VABB-5,6314,6318,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417986,,Fusobacterium-positive and streptococcal-positive pharyngitis,VABB-1,876,876,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:417987,,Facade retrofit strategies: case study of the building complex K12 of the university hospital Ghent,VABB-5,961,966,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417988,,Some adaptive contributions to logics of formal inconsistency,VABB-5,309,333,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417989,,"Emotion valence, intensity and emotion regulation in immigrants and majority members in the Netherlands",VABB-1,312,318,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:417995,,Geen woorden maar daden: het Europees anti-foltercomité (CPT) neemt het Belgisch tuchtregime (opnieuw) op de korrel,VABB-1,4,9,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417996,,Herstel van vormgebreken in het burgerlijk procesrecht,VABB-4,305,422,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:417997,,Unraveling the 'passion orchestra' in academia,VABB-1,344,364,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:417999,,"How can a Belgian flood risk assessment be the base of a new risk approach in Annotto Bay, Jamaica?",VABB-5,271,278,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418000,,"Local (r)evolutions in Tunisia, 2011–2014: reconstructing municipal political authority",VABB-1,365,381,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418001,,Inbreng in natura zonder inbrengcontrole: tijd voor een ruimer en duidelijker toepassingsgebied,VABB-1,788,792,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:418002,,Betalingsclausules,VABB-4,207,242,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418003,,Procedural city model using multi-source parameter estimation,VABB-5,233,238,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418004,,Reward anticipation modulates primary motor cortex excitability during task preparation,VABB-1,473,478,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418007,,When the data source writes the conclusion: evaluating agricultural policies,VABB-1,1372,1387,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418008,,Leerkrachtencultuur: hoe de leraarskamer doorwerkt in de klas,VABB-1,21,24,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418010,,Temperaments- en persoonlijkheidsdiagnostiek in typische en atypische ontwikkeling,VABB-4,51,74,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:418012,,Determinants of using (non-)fluoroscopy-guided positioning for radiographs : a case study research,VABB-1,667,679,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418013,,Cannabis Social Clubs through the lens of the drug user movement,VABB-1,47,58,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418016,,Exploring vocational and academic fields of study: development and validation of the Flemish SIMON Interest Inventory (SIMON-I),VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418019,,The relationship between theory of mind and relational frame theory: Convergence of perspective-taking measures.,VABB-1,17,23,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418020,,Rules of jurisdiction and conflict rules relating to online cross-border contracts concerning touristic services provided to consumers,VABB-1,482,494,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418021,,Overzicht van rechtspraak: consumentenbescherming (2008-2014) marktpraktijken (2011-2014),VABB-1,1311,1924,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:418022,,Cannabis social clubs in Belgium: growing in a legal haze?,VABB-4,13,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418025,,"Analysis of pre-Islamic ceramics from the Kur River Basin (Fars, Iran) using handheld X-ray fluorescence spectrometry",VABB-1,150,156,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418026,,Fiscal consolidation and inequality: a descriptive analysis,VABB-5,105,118,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418028,,Cooper's Well (1767): a forgotten Denham parody,VABB-4,161,178,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418029,,Subjective and clinical assessment criteria suggestive for five clinical patterns discernible in nonspecific neck pain patients : a Delphi-survey of clinical experts,VABB-1,87,96,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418030,,The role of health-related claims and symbols in consumer behaviour: the CLYMBOL project,VABB-1,26,29,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418031,,The suffering in silence of older parents whose child died of cancer : a qualitative study,VABB-1,607,617,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418032,,"Occupy Antigone : tradition, transition and transformation in performance (forum modernes theater)",VABB-3,,,177 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418036,,Belgian primary school children's hydration status at school and its personal determinants,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418037,,Collecting and registering sexual health information in the context of HIV risk in the electronic medical record of general practitioners: a qualitative exploration of the preference of general practitioners in urban communities in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,333,350,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418038,,Environmental impact assessment procedure for deep seabed mining in the area: independent expert review and public participation,VABB-1,212,219,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418040,,Working towards an international consensus on criteria for assessing Internet Gaming Disorder: a critical commentary on Petry et al (2014),VABB-1,167,175,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418041,,"The 'Bec Liber Vitae': Robert of Torigni’s sources for Writing the History of the Clare Family at Le Bec, c.1128-54",VABB-1,324,373,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418042,,The statutes of the earliest general chapters of Benedictine Abbots (1131-early 1140s),VABB-1,61,91,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418044,,EXPRESS to OWL for construction industry: towards a recommendable and usable ifcOWL ontology,VABB-1,100,133,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418048,,"This is Madness: Detention of Mentally Ill Offenders in Europe. The tension between cross border cooperation in the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and the fundamental rights of mentally ill offenders in detention",VABB-1,136,147,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418050,,Framing technology: the performative trompe-l'oel challenging the eye,VABB-4,119,141,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:418052,,Discrimination of tenants with a visual impairment on the housing market: empirical evidence from correspondence tests,VABB-1,234,238,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418053,,Demand behavior and empathic accuracy in observed conflict interactions in couples,VABB-1,437,443,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418054,,Negotiating goods and languages on cross-border retail markets in the post-socialist space,VABB-4,495,523,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418056,,Historical trade integration: globalization and the distance puzzle in the long twentieth century,VABB-1,225,250,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418058,,"Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras VIII: proceedings of the 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd International Colloquium Organized at Ghent University in May 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013",VABB-3,,,348 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418059,,A functional approach for research on cognitive control: analyzing cognitive control tasks and their effects in terms of operant conditioning,VABB-1,28,32,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418060,,Considering the exploitation of migrants who sell sex: A case study of Brazilians in the Iberian sex industry,VABB-1,,,16 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:418062,,De sloppenwijk herbekeken door César Aira en Juan Martini: de representatie van stedelijke armoede in twee hedendaagse Argentijnse stadsromans,VABB-4,61,72,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418063,,"Riding the waves: a functional-cognitive perspective on the relations among behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy",VABB-1,40,44,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418067,,Perioperative embolization load and S-100β do not predict cognitive outcome after carotid revascularization,VABB-1,175,181,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418068,,The reflexive imperative among high-achieving adolescents: a Flemish case study,VABB-1,114,140,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418069,,Standardizing and destandardizing practices at a Flemish secondary school. A sociolinguistic ethnographic perspective on Flemish pupils’ speech practices,VABB-1,173,200,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418071,,Exploring the legacies of armed rebellion in Burundi’s Maquis par excellence,VABB-1,15,37,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418074,,A new book on Pre-Greek,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:418077,,Language development of three- to twelve-year-old twins compared to singletons,VABB-1,92,98,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418079,,Time-out for conflict monitoring theory: Preventing rhythmic biases eliminates the list-level proportion congruent effect.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418080,,Couple functioning after pediatric cancer diagnosis: A systematic review.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418089,,The Mamlukization of the Mamluk Sultanate? State formation and the history of Fifteenth Century Egypt and Syria: part I: old problems and new trends,VABB-1,549,559,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418090,,An overview of offset analgesia and the comparison with conditioned pain modulation : a systematic literature review,VABB-1,307,326,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418091,,'A day for us to mourn': unsettling performances of Marikana,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418092,,Quality assessment and usage behavior of a mobile voice-over-IP service,VABB-1,417,432,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418093,,Burden of skin cancer in Belgium and cost-effectiveness of primary prevention by reducing ultraviolet exposure,VABB-1,177,182,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418095,,Benchmarking measures of network influence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418096,,Private aanhouding van piraten? Een blik op de Belgische wetgeving,VABB-1,346,356,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418097,,De genderkloof in onderwijsprestaties op een kruispunt met etniciteit en sociale klasse: een kwantitatieve benadering,VABB-1,170,190,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418098,,Measuring the readability of sustainability reports : a corpus-based analysis through standard formulae and NLP,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418099,,"Building bridges, filling gaps: toward an integrative interdisciplinary and mixed method approach for future audience research in relation to the mediation of distant suffering",VABB-1,4324,4344,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418101,,The acquisition of differential object marking in Hindi as a foreign language,VABB-1,101,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418102,,Singing the nation: imagined collectivity and the poetics of identification in Dutch political songs (1780–1800),VABB-1,754,774,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418103,,Association of recently described adipokines with liver histology in biopsy-proven non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a systematic review,VABB-1,68,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418104,,Rechtsplegingsvergoeding bij collectieve dagvaarding: e pluribus unum,VABB-1,224,228,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:418106,,De transitie van jongeren uit de bijzondere jeugdbijstand: hun stem centraal,VABB-1,140,154,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418107,,Crisis(preventie)plannen bij mensen met een psychische kwetsbaarheid: het cliëntperspectief centraal,VABB-1,211,216,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418108,,State-of-the-art assessment on the implementations of international core data models for public administrations,VABB-5,327,337,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418112,,Court of Cassation extends the right to be forgotten to online newspaper archives,VABB-1,1,1,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418113,,The intra-active Production of Normativity and Difference,VABB-1,607,622,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:418114,,The Patient Participation Culture Tool for healthcare workers (PaCT-HCW) on general hospital wards: a development and psychometric validation study,VABB-1,187,197,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418115,,The carbon footprint of academic conferences: evidence from the 14th EAAE congress in Slovenia,VABB-1,56,61,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418116,,Psychometric properties of the BIS/BAS scales and the SPSRQ in Flemish adolescents,VABB-1,406,420,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418118,,"De antieke stad: stad-plattelandsrelaties, stedelijke middengroepen en steden en staatsvorming in de Klassieke Oudheid: een overzicht",VABB-1,176,192,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:418120,,Incidence and aetiology of acute injuries during competitive road cycling,VABB-1,669,672,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418121,,Интерпретативный феноменологический анализ и применение его методов в этнолингвистическом дефинировании,VABB-5,57,60,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:418123,,Very quaffable and great fun: applying NLP to wine reviews,VABB-5,306,312,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418124,,The status of energy price modelling and its relevance to marketing in emerging economies,VABB-5,500,505,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418125,,Kieback: when Schumacker emigrates ...,VABB-1,58,69,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418128,,The relationship between childhood gender nonconformity and experiencing diverse types of homophobic violence,VABB-1,1634,1660,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418129,,Perceived ethnic discrimination by teachers and ethnic minority students' academic futility: can parents prepare their youth for better or for worse?,VABB-1,1075,1089,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418130,,An open book on Facebook? Examining the interdependence of adolescents' privacy regulation strategies,VABB-1,706,719,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418132,,"L'acacia, 25 ans de critique",VABB-4,27,52,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:418136,,When Empowering Leadership Fosters Creative Performance: the Role of Problem,VABB-1,4,18,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:418137,,Engaging with the Canopy - Multi-Dimensional Vegetation Mark Visualisation Using Archived Aerial Images,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418138,,Injuries can be prevented in contact flag football!,VABB-1,2002,2008,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418139,,"Safety or efficiency? Strategies and conflicting interests in Belgian road-safety policy, 1920-1940",VABB-1,394,419,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418140,,Grondwettelijk Hof stelt de gemeentelijke GAS-verplichtingen op scherp,VABB-1,141,146,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418141,,Kanttekening: doelstellingen van de verjaring van de strafvordering,VABB-1,155,159,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418143,,Gli elogi nelle lettere di raccomandazione di alti dignitari ecclesiastici nel secolo XII,VABB-1,,,,ita,2016,1 c:vabb:418144,,Shoes in Buddhist monasteries from India to China : from practical attire to symbol of respect,VABB-1,411,439,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418147,,"From practice to theory, ovide decroly for Brazilian classrooms: a tale of appropriaton",VABB-1,794,812,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418148,,"'Même absent, il était présent': Hilaire Delobel (1889-1958) come autor de manuales escolares",VABB-4,401,431,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:418149,,Saving deaf children? Screening for hearing loss as a public interest-case,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418150,,"'De klad zit erin, zegt de minnaar': over de genese van Het jaar van de kreeft (1972), of hoe een 'boekhouding van ressentiment' een 'liefdesroman' werd",VABB-1,249,278,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:418151,,Follow the N and P road: high-resolution nutrient flow analysis of the Flanders region as precursor for sustainable resource management,VABB-1,9,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418154,,"Bühler, Reichling, Coseriu und die Vieldeutigkeit von Sprachzeichen",VABB-4,49,76,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:418156,,Een deel van de koopprijs blokkeren tot waarborg van de leveringsplicht van de verkoper,VABB-1,303,307,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418157,,The European Union and mutual assistance : more than defence,VABB-1,119,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418158,,Citizen science or scientific citizenship? Disentangling the uses of public engagement rhetoric in national research initiatives,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418159,,"Storytelling, depression & psychotherapy",VABB-4,577,596,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418160,,Are researchers deliberately bypassing the technology transfer office? An analysis of TTO awareness,VABB-1,589,607,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418161,,"Work, labour, professions: what’s in a name?",VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418163,,Efficiënt procederen voor een goede rechtsbedeling,VABB-3,,,800 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418165,,Grèzes litées and their genesis: the site of Enscherange in the Rhenish-Ardennes Massif as a case study,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418166,,Insights on the use and application of ontology and conceptual modeling languages in ontology-driven conceptual modeling,VABB-5,83,97,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418170,,Middle childhood support-seeking behavior during stress: links with self-reported attachment and future depressive symptoms,VABB-1,326,340,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418172,,'Ze wilden van de feministen af!' Ongehoorde stemmen in de strijd tegen meisjesbesnijdenis in Egypte,VABB-1,311,327,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:418173,,The use of force by police officers: what is the role of moral beliefs?,VABB-1,315,341,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418175,,"Student, teacher, and class-level correlates of Flemish late elementary school children's writing performance",VABB-1,833,868,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418176,,"La experiencia social histórica de asistencia al cine en Monterrey (Nuevo León, México) durante las décadas de 1930 a 1960",VABB-1,691,720,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:418177,,Clinical validation of the C-VAT 2.0 assessment tool for gaming disorder: A sensitivity analysis of the proposed DSM-5 criteria and the clinical characteristics of patients with ‘game addiction’,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418179,,Reformist Hagiography: The Life of St Roding of Beaulieu and the Struggle for Power in early eleventh-Century Lotharingia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418180,,The relevance of EU directive 2010/53/EU for living organ donation practice,VABB-1,2215,2222,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418181,,'You hoped we would sleep walk into accepting the collection of our data': controversies surrounding the UK scheme and their wider relevance for biomedical research,VABB-1,177,190,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418182,,Party policy change : exploring the limits of ideological flexibility in Belgium,VABB-1,298,327,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418183,,The effects of teacher-led class interventions during technology-enhanced science inquiry on students' knowledge integration and basic need satisfaction,VABB-1,125,141,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418184,,Improved memory for error feedback,VABB-1,1049,1058,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418191,,EMI as a non-invasive survey technique to account for the interaction between WW I relicts and the soil environment at the Western front,VABB-1,39,52,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418192,,Applying the food technology neophobia scale in a developing country context : a case-study on processed matooke (cooking banana) flour in Central Uganda,VABB-1,391,398,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418197,,"'Het vreemde' ontvangen is prachtig, maar hoe doe je dat nu eigenlijk?",VABB-4,19,28,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:418198,,The Caste Connection : on the sacred foundations of social hierarchy,VABB-1,9,36,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:418200,,Examining psychopathy from an attachment perspective: the role of fear of rejection and abandonment,VABB-1,92,109,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418201,,Syntactic studies: a review article,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418203,,Worldwide trends in diabetes since 1980 : a pooled analysis of 751 population-based studies with 4.4 million participants,VABB-1,1513,1530,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418204,,Noot onder Cass. 3 oktober 2014,VABB-1,269,276,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418205,,Sign classification in sign language Corpora with deep neural networks,VABB-5,175,178,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418206,,"Old topics, old approaches? 'Reception' in television studies and music studies",VABB-1,446,461,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418207,,Consumers’ Motivations for Lurking and Posting in Brand Communities on Social Networking Sites,VABB-4,207,221,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:418208,,Helping motivation and well-being of chronic pain couples: a daily diary study,VABB-1,1551,1562,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418209,,Kinematics of mouthbrooding in Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae),VABB-1,1535,1541,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418211,,Dead awaken? An empirical study of Ibsen’s presence in contemporary Flemish theater,VABB-1,71,99,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418212,,Les archives des comtes de Hainaut entre 1280 et 1321: une recherche exploratoire,VABB-4,67,92,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:418214,,Vagus nerve stimulation applied with a rapid cycle has more profound influence on hippocampal electrophysiology than a standard cycle,VABB-1,592,602,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418215,,The effect of optokinetic stimulation on perceptual and postural symptoms in visual vestibular mismatch patients,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:418216,,Legislative validation in times of environmental democracy: going beyond the deadlock or a road to nowhere?,VABB-4,85,117,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418217,,Mirror me: imitative responses in adults with autism,VABB-1,134,144,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418218,,De landinrichting en het natuurbehoud,VABB-4,65,83,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418219,,Fake feedback on pain tolerance impacts proactive versus reactive control strategies,VABB-1,366,373,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418220,,Henri Pirenne : historian and man of the world,VABB-1,71,92,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:418222,,Similar students and different countries? An analysis of the barriers and drivers for ERASMUS participation in seven countries,VABB-1,184,204,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418223,,"Corporate secrecy and intellectual property in the chemical Industry through a transatlantic lens, c.1860-1930",VABB-1,32,46,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418224,,The interaction between Pakistan and the countries of the gulf cooperation council: 'Sub-imperialism by complementarity'?,VABB-1,7,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418227,,Toward decolonization in tourism: engaged tourism and the Jerusalem tourism cluster,VABB-1,9,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418229,,Asymmetric syntactic patterns in German-Dutch translation: a corpus-based study of the interaction between normalisation and shining through,VABB-1,7,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418231,,A multi-criteria approach to dry port location in developing economies with application to Vietnam,VABB-1,23,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418232,,"Belgium. Gendered Television Genres, The Same Old Song: A Case Study of Gendered Television Genres in the North of Belgium",VABB-4,62,71,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418233,,Synergetic and redundant information flow detected by unnormalized Granger causality: application to resting state fMRI,VABB-1,2518,2524,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418234,,Introduction: Walter Benjamin's aura and early modern textuality,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418235,,A qualitative inquiry into the contextualized parental mediation practices of young children’s digital media use at home,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418236,,Why do higher education institutions internationalize? An investigation of the multilevel determinants of internationalization rationales,VABB-1,685,702,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418237,,An information-theoretic framework to map the spatio-temporal dynamics of the scalp electroencephalogram,VABB-1,2488,2496,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418238,,Entre guerre et affaires: pourquoi les doctrines militaires inspirent souvent le monde des affaires,VABB-1,138,150,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:418239,,"The Experience of Social Mobility: Social Isolation, Utilitarian Individualism, and Social Disorientation",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418240,,"Battlefield events: landscape, commemoration and heritage",VABB-3,,,266 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418241,,Comines-Warneton 1914–2014: a landscape approach,VABB-4,64,76,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:418242,,Literary realism and naturalism,VABB-4,79,99,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418243,,Rehabilitation in patients with radically treated respiratory cancer : a randomised controlled trial comparing two training modalities,VABB-1,167,174,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418244,,"The pursuit of pleasurable women in the war-ridden city of Butembo, eastern DRCongo",VABB-1,191,210,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418246,,Groei op ongelijke maat : studie naar fysieke en taalontwikkeling van jonge kinderen,VABB-1,19,46,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418247,,Birth order and height development in early childhood - Empirical evidence for 21st century Flanders,VABB-1,236,257,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418248,,A pronoun analysis of couples' support transactions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418249,,Automatic effects of No-Go instructions,VABB-1,232,241,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418250,,The Social Norm of Unemployment in Relation to Mental Health and Medical Care Use: The Role of Regional Unemployment Level and of Displaced Workers,VABB-1,501,521,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418251,,Human resilience to Lateglacial climate and environmental change in the Scheldt basin (NW Belgium),VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418252,,The evolution of debt policies: new evidence from business startups,VABB-1,120,133,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418253,,"International aid, frontier securitization and social engineering: Soviet-Xinjiang development cooperation during the Governorate of Sheng Shicai (1933-44)",VABB-1,49,76,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418255,,Differences in Study Motivation Within and Between Genders: An Examination by Gender Typicality Among Early Adolescents,VABB-1,377,404,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:418256,,Billenkletsers en tranentrekkers : reflecties over canoniseringsprocessen in de filmgeschiedenis,VABB-4,153,162,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418257,,The development and psychometric validation of the self-efficacy and performance in self-management support (SEPSS) instrument,VABB-1,1381,1395,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418258,,Het Justitiepaleis der Schone Kunsten als symbiose van kunst & recht in het fin de siècle,VABB-4,155,184,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418259,,The relationship between speech production and speech perception deficits in Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,915,931,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418262,,How fast do gully headcuts retreat?,VABB-1,336,355,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418264,,Verifying validity of the household dietary diversity score: an application of Rasch modeling,VABB-1,27,41,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418265,,A global perspective of food market integration: a review,VABB-1,62,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418266,,Spatial integration of milk markets in Uganda,VABB-5,57,63,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418267,,Changes in structural and metabolic muscle characteristics following exercise-based interventions in patients with COPD: a systematic review,VABB-1,521,545,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418268,,The effects of active worrying on working memory capacity.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418269,,Measuring implicit sexual response biases to nude male and female pictures in androphilic and gynephilic men,VABB-1,829,841,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418270,,The interplay between cognitive risk and resilience factors in remitted depression: a network analysis,VABB-1,96,104,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418271,,Recovery of the aerial photographs of Ethiopia in the 1930s,VABB-1,170,178,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418274,,Verbal self-monitoring in the second language,VABB-1,132,154,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418276,,Shape recognition for ships: World War I naval camouflage under the magnifying glass,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418277,,Relating school leadership to perceived professional learning community characteristics: a multilevel analysis,VABB-1,26,38,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418278,,Modeling the structure and operation of drug supply chains : the case of cocaine and heroin in Italy and Slovenia,VABB-1,64,73,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418279,,"Strategies for a risky business : how drug dealers manage customers, suppliers and competitors in Italy, Slovenia and Germany",VABB-1,90,98,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418280,,Hope dies last... A qualitative study into the meaning of hope for people with cancer in the palliative phase,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418281,,Narratives of continuity and discontinuity,VABB-4,339,357,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418282,,Accelerated intermittent theta burst stimulation treatment in medication-resistant major depression: a fast road to remission?,VABB-1,6,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418283,,"Culture, Income, and CO2 Emission",VABB-1,418,428,-,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418285,,De geestelijke gezondheid van kwetsbare groepen,VABB-1,71,94,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418286,,Inspecting the European crime prevention strategy towards incivilities,VABB-1,141,160,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418287,,Explaining incivility and the social reaction to it through different criminological perspectives,VABB-4,31,50,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418288,,The role of expectancy and proactive control in stress regulation: a neurocognitive framework for regulation expectation,VABB-1,45,55,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418289,,Illness identity in adolescents and emerging adults with Type 1 diabetes: introducing the illness identity resolution scale,VABB-1,757,763,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418291,,Innovation processes in family firms : the relevance of organizational flexibility,VABB-1,771,785,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418292,,The First World War from above and below: historical aerial photographs and mine craters in the Ypres Salient,VABB-1,64,72,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418293,,The Aerial Perspective in a Museum Context: Above Flanders Fields 1914–1918,VABB-4,279,292,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418295,,Assessment of Chlamydia suis infection in pig farmers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418296,,Conflict and insecurity: a sociological perspective on perceptions of insecurity in conflict-affected Democratic Republic of the Congo,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418299,,"If you stay, it might be easier: switch costs from comprehension to production in a joint switching task",VABB-1,608,626,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418301,,How advertising literacy training affect children’s responses to television commercials versus advergames,VABB-1,909,931,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418302,,Development of a quality of meals and meal service set of indicators for residential facilities for elderly,VABB-1,471,477,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418307,,Ethnic profiling,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418308,,Not just another focus group : making the case for the nominal group technique in criminology,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:418311,,Sorting out labour in the Roman provinces: some reflections on labour and institutions in Asia Minor,VABB-4,20,35,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418314,,"Thomson's the seasons, textual mobility, and bibliographical inter-iconicity",VABB-1,220,229,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418316,,Liability of Credit Rating Agencies Regulatory Changes & Tendencies in Case Law Following the Financial Crisis,VABB-1,87,94,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418317,,Community Schools in Ghent: Strengthening Neighbourhoods in Belgium (Flanders),VABB-4,208,250,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418318,,Financial shocks and the real economy in a nonlinear world: from theory to estimation,VABB-1,915,929,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418322,,The power of iconic memory: iconoclasm as a mental marker,VABB-1,141,154,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418323,,Les 'lumières' du XVIIe siècle : la représentation de la femme dans la correspondance galante,VABB-5,,,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:418328,,Marcadores derivados de verbos de movimiento. Una aproximación cognitiva a su polifuncionalidad,VABB-2,,,270 p.,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:418329,,Variation in population levels of sedentary time in European children and adolescents according to cross-European studies : a systematic literature review within DEDIPAC,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418330,,Natuurbehoudsrecht in tijden van deregulering: een stuurloos schip of de laatste strohalm voor de bedreigde biodiversiteit?,VABB-1,22,37,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418332,,Abhidharma as rational inquiry,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418333,,Are all police officers equally triggered? A test of the interaction between moral support for the use of force and exposure to provocation,VABB-1,605,618,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:418336,,Judith Butler in Belgium : reflections on public grief and precarity in the wake of the Paris attacks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418338,,There's always the sun: metaphysics and antiquarianism in macrobius,VABB-4,127,143,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418339,,Leidt intensieve prosodietherapie tot een verbeterde spraakverstaanbaarheid bij personen met een hypokinetische dysartrie door de ziekte van Parkinson?,VABB-1,73,83,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418341,,Everyday life during the Siege of Ostend (1601-1604): ceramics at the Spanish Saint-Isabella fort,VABB-1,211,247,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:418342,,Inflation during times of economic slack and deleveraging: a panel data analysis,VABB-1,612,631,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418344,,Do teachers leave the profession or move to another school when they don't fit?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418345,,Significant others: interview met Peter Cohen,VABB-1,97,106,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418346,,Klinische observatie in Nederland en België,VABB-1,58,70,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418347,,Organisatie en criminaliteit,VABB-4,11,31,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418348,,Preesistenze monumentali di età imperiale al Foro di Nerva,VABB-5,33,57,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:418350,,Do the numbers speak for themselves? A critical analysis of procedural objectivity in psychotherapeutic efficacy research,VABB-1,4721,4740,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418352,,"Society, the market, or actually both? Networks and the allocation of credit and capital goods in the Roman economy",VABB-1,141,190,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:418354,,Intraday momentum in FX markets: disentangling informed trading from liquidity provision,VABB-1,35,51,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:418356,,Culturele voorkeuren en sociale mobiliteit,VABB-1,275,278,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418357,,'Hoofddoekenverboden' voor leerkrachten: Bundesverfassungsgericht roeit tegen de stroom in: noot onder Bundesverfassungsgericht 1 BvR 471/10 en 1 BvR 1181/10 van 27 januari 2015,VABB-1,414,426,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418358,,Sekse-ongelijkheid in Vlaams nieuws: een kwantitatieve inhoudsanalyse naar de aanwezigheid van vrouwen en mannen in Vlaamse nieuwsverhalen,VABB-1,253,271,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:418360,,An Expanding Culture of Control? The Municipal Administrative Sanctions Act in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418361,,The involvement of long-term serial-order memory in reading development: a longitudinal study,VABB-1,139,156,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418362,,Financial stress,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418363,,"The paper shield: on the degree of protection of the EU-US privacy shield against unnecessary or disproportionate data collection by the US intelligence and law enforcement services, Svantesson",VABB-4,127,148,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:418365,,Materialism and 'the soft substance of the brain': Diderot and plasticity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418369,,Greening and producing: an economic assessment framework for integrating trees in cropping systems,VABB-1,44,57,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418370,,Dwangsommen voor de beslagrechter,VABB-4,675,717,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418371,,"Long-term antibody persistence after vaccination with a 2-dose Havrix™ (inactivated hepatitis A vaccine) : 20 years of observed data, and long-term model-based predictions",VABB-1,5723,5727,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418373,,An etymological case study on the and vocabulary in Robert Beekes’s new etymological dictionary of Greek: M,VABB-1,75,96,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418375,,Reality without restraint: bathtime in the Villa dall’Ava,VABB-4,135,141,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418377,,"Takehan, Cokerulle, and Mutemaque : naming collective action in the later medieval Low Countries",VABB-4,39,54,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418379,,"Associations among elementary school children's actual motor competence, perceived motor competence, physical activity and BMI: a cross-sectional study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418380,,The design of a core value ontology using ontology patterns,VABB-5,183,193,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418382,,Breaking the Chinese walls: the need for cross-border and cross-disciplinary rules on forensic evidence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:418385,,Surrogate motherhood in Belgium,VABB-4,116,122,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418386,,"Business process performance measurement: a structured literature review of indicators, measures and metrics",VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418387,,An innovative approach to study the impact of different blends of learning on learning performance in higher education,VABB-5,7323,7329,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418389,,A hybrid approach to domain-independent taxonomy learning,VABB-1,255,278,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418390,,Familiality of co-existing ADHD and tic disorders: evidence from a large sibling study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418391,,The revolutionary aesthetics of the second Russian avant-garde’s 'cynic' terror: the subversive art of Mikhail Grobman,VABB-1,287,311,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418392,,"Time course of colour-word contingency learning: practice curves, pre-exposure benefits, unlearning, and relearning",VABB-1,15,30,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418394,,Validation of the Spanish version of the alcohol stroop test,VABB-1,504,523,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418397,,Het Europees sociaal handvest en het recht op de vrijheid van vakorganisatie,VABB-4,193,210,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418398,,Social differences in leisure boredom and its consequences for life satisfaction among young people,VABB-1,225,243,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:418399,,World city network: a global urban analysis,VABB-2,,,228 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418402,,Schreiben in Bewegung: Reisen in Yoko Tawadas und Felicitas Hoppes Texten,VABB-4,97,116,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:418403,,Education in cartography: what is the status of young people's map-reading skills?,VABB-1,134,153,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418406,,The search for person-related information in general practice : a qualitative study,VABB-1,95,99,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418407,,What is in a name?: comparing diagnostic criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome with or without fibromyalgia,VABB-1,191,203,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418408,,Framing PIGS: patterns of racism and neocolonialism in the Euro crisis,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418410,,A modified dictogloss for helping learners remember L2 academic English formulaic sequences for use in later writing,VABB-1,12,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418412,,How can clinicians detect and treat autism early? Methodological trends of technology use in research,VABB-1,137,144,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418413,,Implicit and explicit measures of spider fear and avoidance behavior: examination of the moderating role of working memory capacity,VABB-1,269,276,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418414,,Event rate and reaction time performance in ADHD: testing predictions from the state regulation deficit hypothesis using an ex-Gaussian model,VABB-1,99,109,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:418415,,Mismatch between perceived and objectively measured environmental obesogenic features in European neighbourhoods,VABB-1,31,41,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418416,,Self-defined residential neighbourhoods: size variations and correlates across five European urban regions,VABB-1,9,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418419,,Can we link emotional eating with the emotion regulation skills of adolescents?,VABB-1,857,872,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418420,,The competent ECEC system in the city of Ghent,VABB-4,57,71,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418421,,How defining clinical practices may influence their evaluation: the case of continuous sedation at the end of life,VABB-1,425,432,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418422,,Modelling protection behaviour towards micronutrient deficiencies: case of iodine biofortified vegetable legumes as health intervention for school-going children,VABB-1,56,66,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418424,,Contingency learning tracks with stimulus-response proportion no evidence of misprediction costs,VABB-1,79,88,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418425,,The Middle Kingdom and the Dharma Wheel: aspects of the relationship between the Buddhist Saṃgha and the State in Chinese history,VABB-3,,,417 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418426,,Het lot van onrechtmatig (verkregen) bewijs: tempt me not…,VABB-4,177,219,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:418427,,The social cost of legal and illegal drugs in Belgium,VABB-2,,,422 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418428,,Turning back the tide: the Zwin debate in perspective : a historiographical review of the medieval port system northeast of Bruges,VABB-1,305,321,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418430,,NARRATIVAS DIVERGENTES SOBRE A DEMOCRACIA NO CONFLITO SOCIAL PORTUGUÊS O CASO DA PRIVATIZAÇÃO DA ÁGUA,VABB-4,468,492,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418431,,La mémoire dans la peau: les généalogies alternatives de Douce France de Karine Tuil,VABB-1,81,107,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:418432,,How international is the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers?: a social network analysis perspective,VABB-1,309,329,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418433,,"Diseño y evaluación de VISP, una aplicación móvil para la práctica de la competencia oral",VABB-1,63,81,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:418435,,Cleft constructions and focus in Kirundi,VABB-1,71,106,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418440,,Managing risk in cocoa production: assessing the potential of climate-smart crop insurance in Ghana,VABB-1,53,79,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418441,,Linguistic reference in science: problems and progress,VABB-5,603,610,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418443,,Food approach and food avoidance in young children : relation with reward sensitivity and punishment sensitivity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418445,,Decision making tools: méér dan een instrument?,VABB-1,75,81,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418446,,Conceptualizing translation revision competence: A pilot study on the ‘tools and research’ subcompetence,VABB-1,293,316,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418447,,The use and evaluation of self-regulation techniques can predict health goal attainment in adults: an explorative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418448,,"Una muchacha muy bella de Julián López, o el gesto reparador de la escritura",VABB-1,59,79,,spa,2016,1 c:vabb:418450,,A graph-theoretic implementation of the Rabo-de-Bacalhau transformation grammar,VABB-1,138,158,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418451,,Work accident victims : a comparison between non-standard and standard workers in Belgium,VABB-1,99,106,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418452,,De humanities en de neurologische wending: nieuwe dreiging of nieuwe mogelijkheden?,VABB-1,2,7,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418453,,Short-term effect of short intensive speech therapy on articulation and resonance in Ugandan patients with cleft (lip and) palate,VABB-1,71,82,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418454,,De sacra militia contra iconomachos: civic strategies to counter iconoclasm in the Low Countries (1566),VABB-1,15,35,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418455,,Study of post-processed GNSS measurements for tidal analysis in the Belgian North Sea,VABB-1,165,172,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418460,,Is participatory design associated with the effectiveness of serious digital games for healthy lifestyle promotion? : a meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418461,,Kroniek van bestuursrechtspraak inzake bestuurlijke beboeting: de rechtspraak van het Milieuhandhavingscollege in de jaren 2013-2015,VABB-1,1163,1186,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418462,,Is small the new big? Islamic banking for SMEs in Turkey,VABB-1,187,194,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418463,,Computation and visualisation of the accuracy of old maps using differential distortion analysis,VABB-1,1255,1280,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418464,,"Grégoire de Nazianze, le Fils du tonnerre : encore quelques adscripta métriques dans les manuscrits grégoriens",VABB-4,199,221,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:418465,,"Central-local relations in Flanders: structural reforms, scale and decentralisation",VABB-1,5,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418466,,Customer engagement in technology-based and high-contact interfaces,VABB-4,137,151,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418471,,Using theoretical perspectives in developing understanding of TPACK,VABB-4,33,52,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418472,,La forma de tratamiento nominal huevón en Iquique (Chile): análisis empírico de conversaciones cotidianas informales,VABB-1,132,151,,spa,2015,1 c:vabb:418473,,The effect of experimental low back pain on lumbar muscle activity in people with a history of clinical low back pain: a muscle functional MRI study,VABB-1,851,857,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418474,,Potentiation of the startle reflex is in line with contingency reversal instructions rather than the conditioning history,VABB-1,91,99,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418475,,"Media, democratie en identiteit: de rol van media in een democratische samenleving",VABB-3,,,184 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418476,,De rol van media in een democratische samenleving,VABB-4,3,8,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418477,,(Wo)men in legal history: possibilities and challenges for gendered legal historical research,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418479,,¿Hay un vacío en la formación inicial del profesorado de matemáticas de Secundaria en España respecto a otros países?,VABB-1,111,140,,spa,2016,1 c:vabb:418481,,Bring this mad woman to reason! Elisabeth Farnese as a female ruler in 18th Century Europe,VABB-5,277,292,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418483,,Deriving idiolectal variation: English Wh-raising,VABB-4,145,176,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418484,,The application of tDCS in psychiatric disorders: a brain imaging view,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418487,,On the use of infrared thermographic measurements for evaluating the airtightness of the building envelope,VABB-4,145,170,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418489,,"The politics of complexity in Bodoland: the interplay of contentious politics, the production of collective identities and elections in Assam",VABB-1,478,493,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418496,,Circles of engagement: childhood pain and the parent brain,VABB-1,537,546,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418497,,Europeanisation of aid budgets: nothing is as it seems,VABB-1,74,89,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418500,,Design explanation and idealization,VABB-1,1051,1071,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418502,,Sadism and Masochism on the Procrustean Bed of Hysteria,VABB-1,379,406,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:418503,,A companion to Schopenhauer,VABB-3,,,432 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418505,,Changes in individual and social environmental characteristics in relation to changes in physical activity : a longitudinal study from primary to secondary school,VABB-1,539,552,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418506,,"The modified reasons for smoking scale : factorial structure, validity and reliability in pregnant smokers",VABB-1,403,410,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418507,,Changing teachers' beliefs regarding autonomy support and structure: The role of experienced psychological need satisfaction in teacher training,VABB-1,64,72,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418513,,"Inspiratie boven de Moerdijk? Een analyse van de territoriale, bestuurlijke, functionele en financiële organisatie van de Nederlandse provincies",VABB-1,63,80,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418521,,Openbare financiën: theorie en praktijk in België,VABB-2,,,396 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418523,,Total-body examination vs lesion-directed skin cancer screening,VABB-1,27,34,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418524,,When stakeholder representation leads to faultlines: a study of board service performance in social enterprises,VABB-1,768,793,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418525,,The legality of biochar use: regulatory requirements and risk assessment,VABB-4,227,252,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418530,,Vietnamese and the NP/DP parameter,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418533,,Appendix 2: Analysis of Bitumen from the Royal Mounds,VABB-4,403,411,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:418534,,Examining evolutions in the adoption of metacognitive regulation in reciprocal peer tutoring groups,VABB-1,187,213,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418535,,Human resource architectures for new teachers in Flemish primary education,VABB-1,970,995,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418537,,"Online games characters, avatars, and identity",VABB-4,748,758,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418538,,Situational action theory: cross-sectional and cross-lagged tests of its core propositions,VABB-1,363,398,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418539,,Interpreting in asylum settings,VABB-4,22,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:418541,,Context effects in bilingual sentence processing : task specificity,VABB-4,11,31,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418542,,On Uzbek converb constructions expressing motion events,VABB-1,117,149,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418543,,Preparing for (valenced) action: the role of differential effort in the orthogonalized go/no-go task,VABB-1,186,197,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418544,,Family communication about the donor conception: a multi-perspective qualitative study with lesbian parents and their children,VABB-1,1998,2008,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418545,,Face-threatening e-mail complaint negotiation in a multilingual business environment: a discursive analysis of refusal and disagreement strategies,VABB-4,129,156,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:418546,,Vlaamse gebarentaligen en standaard-VGT: verstoten of omarmen?,VABB-1,201,236,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418549,,Do we see eye to eye? The relationship between internal communication and between-group strategic consensus: aA case analysis,VABB-1,84,102,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418553,,From Erasure to Recognition (and Back Again?): The Case of Flemish Sign Language,VABB-4,45,61,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418555,,A novel attention training paradigm based on operant conditioning of eye gaze: preliminary findings,VABB-1,110,116,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418556,,Perspectives for a comparative cultural history of the Ostend company interactions in Bengal and China,VABB-1,115,130,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418557,,Style,VABB-4,227,237,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418558,,"Difference making, explanatory relevance, and mechanistic models",VABB-1,125,134,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418559,,Religious colonialism in early modern Malta : inquisitorial imprisonment and inmate graffiti,VABB-1,548,561,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418562,,The power of a smile: stronger working memory effects for happy faces in adolescents compared to adults,VABB-1,288,301,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418563,,Contrasting the conceptualisation of victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation: a case study of Brazilians in Spain and Portugal,VABB-1,539,563,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418564,,A criminological reading of the concept of vulnerability: a case study of Brazilian trafficking victims,VABB-1,23,42,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418566,,The impact of police contact on trust and police legitimacy in Belgium.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418567,,The interaction between felt touch and tactile consequences of observed actions: an action-based somatosensory congruency paradigm,VABB-1,1162,1172,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418570,,Child’s verbal ability and gender are associated with age at diagnosis in a sample of young children with autism spectrum disorder in Europe,VABB-1,141,145,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418571,,Understanding today’s music acquisition mix: a latent class analysis of consumers’ combined use of music platforms,VABB-1,603,610,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418574,,Multilateral trade agreements in Africa: exploring the role of rent-seeking behavior,VABB-1,11,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418577,,Gender Differences in the ICT Profile of University Students: A Quantitative Analysis.,VABB-1,57,77,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418578,,The mechanisms of determiner selection and its relation to lexical selection: an ERP study,VABB-1,28,38,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418579,,When Affective Well-being is Empowered: The Joint Role of Leader-Member Exchange and the Employment Relationship,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418580,,Supporting science learning in linguistically diverse classrooms: factors related to the use of bilingual content in a computer-based learning environment,VABB-1,428,441,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418587,,The added value of Facebook friends data in event attendance prediction,VABB-1,26,34,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418590,,All mixed up? Finding the optimal feature set for general readability prediction and its application to English and Dutch,VABB-1,457,490,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418591,,A network analysis of body satisfaction of people with gender dysphoria,VABB-1,184,190,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418593,,Proximate and ultimate factors in evolutionary thinking on art,VABB-1,47,59,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418594,,"Evaluative conditioning as a symbolic phenomenon: on the relation between evaluative conditioning, evaluative conditioning via instructions, and persuasion",VABB-1,480,494,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418595,,Exploring the beahvioural dynamics of the implicit relational assessment procedure: the impact of three types of introductory rules,VABB-1,309,321,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418596,,As you like it or much ado about nothing? Structural reform in local government in Belgium,VABB-4,237,264,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418598,,Dutch and German noun-noun compounds in translation,VABB-1,117,147,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418599,,Het nieuwe pandrecht,VABB-1,1209,1222,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418600,,The roots and routes of environmental and sustainability education policy research: an introduction to a virtual special issue,VABB-1,319,332,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418602,,Looking for ergativity in Indo-Aryan,VABB-4,39,62,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418603,,An end to Nordic exceptionalism? Europeanisation and Nordic development policies,VABB-1,28,41,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418604,,Parental and peer support in adolescents with a chronic condition: a typological approach and developmental implications,VABB-1,107,119,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418607,,Dichters van het nieuwe millennium Nederlandse en Vlaamse poëzie in de 21e eeuw,VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418608,,Effect of the web-based intervention MyPlan 1.0 on self-reported fruit and vegetable intake in adults who visit general practice: a quasi-experimental trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418609,,Position and polyfunctionality of discourse markers: the case of Spanish markers derived from motion verbs,VABB-1,16,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418610,,"Associations between temperament, emotion regulation, and depression in youth: the role of positive temperament",VABB-1,1954,1968,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418611,,Relationship satisfaction: high need satisfaction or low need frustration?,VABB-1,923,930,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418612,,Influence of different stool types on muscle activity and lumbar posture among dentists during a simulated dental screening task,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418616,,International comparisons of the associations between objective measures of the built environment and transport-related walking and cycling: IPEN adult study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418618,,Exploring elements that support teachers engagement in online professional development,VABB-1,199,219,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418619,,"Using VISP (VIdeos for SPeaking), a mobile app based on audio description, to promote English language learning among Spanish students: a case study",VABB-5,132,138,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418620,,Particularizing the Universal: Dave Eggers Writes Human Rights,VABB-1,79,97,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418622,,"The date and context of Robert of Torigni’s Chronica in London, British Library, Cotton MS. Domitian A viii, fols. 71r-94v",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418624,,The perception of persons with anorexia nervosa on quality of life: an initial investigation,VABB-1,613,630,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418625,,The Making of the Central Markets of Dakar and Kinshasa: from Colonial Origins to the Post-colonial Period,VABB-1,412,434,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418627,,NOOT: het zakenrechtelijk statuut van het dakterras boven de woning van de buren,VABB-1,429,434,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418629,,Tempo in Baroque music and dance,VABB-1,523,545,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:418630,,Decomposing a composition: on the multi-layered analysis of expressive music performance,VABB-4,167,189,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418634,,"Effect of post-hatch transportation duration and parental age on broiler chicken quality, welfare, and productivity",VABB-1,1973,1979,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418635,,De Schone en het Beest : persoonlijk herstel binnen een forensische context,VABB-4,149,168,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418637,,Het Europees anti-foltercomité andermaal kritisch over de detentiecondities in België,VABB-1,546,549,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418638,,Tracing creation: the director's notebook as genetic document of the postdramatic creative process,VABB-1,468,484,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418639,,We come from afar: the philosophical basis of Ibn Khaldûn's poetics,VABB-5,429,440,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418641,,An exact algorithm for an integrated project staffing problem with a homogeneous workforce,VABB-1,107,133,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418644,,Approach-avoidance training effects are moderated by awareness of stimulus-action contingencies,VABB-1,81,93,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418646,,Training working memory to improve attentional control in anxiety : a proof-of-principle study using behavioral and electrophysiological measures,VABB-1,203,212,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418647,,Associative learning as higher-order cognition: learning in human and nonhuman animals from the perspective of propositional theories and relational frame theory,VABB-1,215,225,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418648,,Governance analysis of MPAs in the Belgian part of the North Sea,VABB-1,265,274,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418649,,Vrijwillig seksueel contact tussen volwassen naaste verwanten: een grens voor seksuele vrijheid en partnerkeuze (?),VABB-1,23,43,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418650,,Socio-economic stratification of English in globalized landscapes: a market-oriented perspective,VABB-1,86,108,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418652,,Evaluating fracture risk in acute ankle sprains: any news since the Ottawa Ankle Rules?: a systematic review,VABB-1,31,41,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418659,,Van Volksunie (VU) naar Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (N-VA): een analyse van de ideologische opvattingen van hun partijleden,VABB-1,317,337,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418661,,European identity as a unifying category in an ethnically diverse Europe: national vs. European identification among native and immigrant pupils,VABB-1,285,302,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418662,,Digital forms of dating violence: what school nurses need to know,VABB-1,348,353,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418663,,Schadevergoeding tot herstel voor de Raad van State en de interpretatie van het actueel belang,VABB-1,803,814,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418666,,Seven years resource-conserving agriculture effect on soil quality and crop productivity in the Ethiopian drylands,VABB-1,99,109,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418667,,"Modeling heterogeneity in the satisfaction, loyalty intention, and shareholder value linkage: a cross-industry analysis at the customer and firm levels",VABB-1,91,109,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418668,,Relative measures in service research,VABB-1,448,452,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418671,,Pitfalls in prediction modeling for normal tissue toxicity in radiation therapy: an illustration with the individual radiation sensitivity and mammary carcinoma risk factor investigation cohorts,VABB-1,1466,1476,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418673,,Understanding the development of organic agriculture in Flanders (Belgium) : a discourse analytical approach,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418676,,Effects of tDCS over the right DLPFC on attentional disengagement from positive and negative faces : an eye-tracking study,VABB-1,1027,1038,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418677,,De bestuurlijke lus en de administratieve lus vanuit het oogpunt van de rechtsbescherming van de rechtsonderhorige,VABB-4,423,458,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418681,,Consumer attitude and purchase intention towards processed meat products with natural compounds and a reduced level of nitrite,VABB-1,119,126,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418682,,Should all acutely ill children in primary care be tested with point-of-care CRP : a cluster randomised trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418683,,"Simply speaking your mind, from the depths of your soul : therapeutic factors in experiential group psychotherapy for sex offenders",VABB-1,151,168,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418684,,Linking recognition and production: cross-modal transfer effects between picture naming and lexical decision during first and second language processing in bilinguals,VABB-1,37,54,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418688,,"Uropathogen distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility in uncomplicated cystitis in Belgium, a high antibiotics prescribing country: 20-year surveillance",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418689,,Determinants of consumer intention to purchase animal-friendly milk,VABB-1,8304,8313,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418690,,A usage based approach into the acquisition of relative clauses,VABB-1,69,91,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418691,,Monster: Sammlung und Allegorie,VABB-4,487,495,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:418697,,De eerste oorkonde van Filips van de Elzas te Atrecht (1167),VABB-1,185,188,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418698,,"Art, ethnography and practice-led research",VABB-1,295,306,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418699,,Nasal decongestants in monotherapy for the common cold,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418700,,Evaluation of secondary school student's knowledge about biotechnology during six years of (biology) education,VABB-5,3766,3773,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418704,,An analysis of common ethical justifications for compassionate use programs for experimental drugs,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418706,,De beleving van jeugdzorgverlaters vóór en tijdens de transitieperiode,VABB-1,81,95,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:418707,,Les agences décentralisées et le droit procédural de l’UE,VABB-1,541,574,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:418711,,Belgian blackout? Estimations of the reserve margin during the nuclear phase-out,VABB-1,416,426,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418712,,Getting grey hairs in the labour market: an alternative experiment on age discrimination,VABB-1,86,101,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418713,,Slagkracht van de Raad van State vergroot: (ver)nieuw(d) sanctiearsenaal in handen van de Raad van State,VABB-4,295,379,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418714,,Third-party liability for flawed class certificates: an analysis of the viability of the credit rating agencies’ freedom of speech defence for classification societies,VABB-1,304,322,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418716,,Having a child together in lesbian families: combining gestation and genetics,VABB-1,253,255,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418717,,Features and challenges of alcohol abuse treatment in Uganda,VABB-1,125,136,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:418719,,Neurofeedback for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: meta-analysis of clinical and neuropsychological outcomes from randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,444,455,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418720,,Electrophysiological evidence during episodic prospection implicates medial prefrontal and bilateral middle temporal gyrus,VABB-1,296,305,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418721,,Belgian adventures in the Baroque,VABB-4,122,131,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418722,,"Querns and mills during Roman times at the northern frontier of the Roman Empire (Belgium, northern France, southern Netherlands, western Germany): Unravelling geological and geographical provenances, a multidisciplinary research project",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418723,,Een inheems-Romeinse nederzetting in het zandlemige deel van de civitas Menapiorum (midden 1ste eeuw-eind 3de eeuw na Chr.): archeologisch onderzoek op de site Menen-Kortewaagstraat,VABB-1,9,118,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:418727,,Regional differences in the validity of self-reported use of health care in Belgium: selection versus reporting bias,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418732,,Factors involved in vocal fatigue: a pilot study,VABB-1,112,118,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418733,,"Analysis of mimed violin performance movements of Neophytes: patterns, periodicities, commonalities and individualities",VABB-4,88,108,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418734,,Studying higher education close-up: unexplored potentials of 'shadowing' in higher education research,VABB-4,135,155,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418735,,Integrating big data into a sustainable mobility Policy 2.0 planning support system,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418736,,New insight on the underdrawing of 16th Flemish-Portuguese easel paintings by combined surface analysis and microanalytical techniques,VABB-1,15,25,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418737,,Measuring the degree of near-synonymy of Spanish verbs of putting : a multivariable corpus analysis of poner and meter,VABB-1,279,304,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418738,,“I play so I am?” A gender study into stereotype perception and genre choice of digital game players,VABB-1,286,304,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418740,,Danger and fear in prison:,VABB-1,163,193,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418744,,Building sustainable urban communities,VABB-4,78,93,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418745,,Social influences in recruitment: when is word-of-mouth most effective?,VABB-1,42,53,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418747,,Famines : causes and impact,VABB-4,227,239,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418750,,The role of self-esteem instability in the development of postnatal depression: a prospective study testing a diathesis-stress account,VABB-1,15,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418755,,Behavioural measures of implicit theory of mind in adults with high functioning autism,VABB-1,192,202,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418756,,Sources of (mutual) inspiration : some observations on the circulation of repetitive text formulas in charters from the medieval Low Countries (twelfth and thirteenth centuries),VABB-4,167,195,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418758,,Caring for family members older than 50 years of Turkish and Northwest African descent: the meaning of caregiving,VABB-1,51,60,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418759,,Race and religious transformations in Rome: Franz Cumont and contemporaries on the Oriental religions,VABB-1,220,243,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:418761,,'Ein belgisches Volk gibt es nicht' oder 'dem belgischen Volk aus der Seele gesprochen'? Eine Untersuchung der Belgien-Diskurse im 'Dritten Reich',VABB-4,174,183,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:418762,,The ancient city,VABB-2,,,236 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418763,,"Measuring performance in hospitals: the development of an operational dashboard to coordinate and optimize patient, material and information flows",VABB-4,159,181,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418764,,Vocal tract morphology in inhaling singing: an MRI-based study,VABB-1,466,471,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418766,,"Revisiting the master-signifier, or, Mandela and repression",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418767,,Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology-Nutritional Epidemiology (STROBE-nut): an extension of the STROBE Statement,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418768,,Historische wegen en hun erfgoedwaarde: cultuurhistorische typologie en waardestellend kader toegepast op de casus Hoogstraten,VABB-1,6,23,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418769,,Transcervical carotid stenting with dynamic flow reversal demonstrates embolization rates comparable to carotid endarterectomy,VABB-1,249,254,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418771,,Translating news discourse on the Crimean crisis: patterns of reframing on the Russian website 'InoSMI',VABB-1,319,339,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418776,,Cardiovascular and metabolic responses to on-water upwind sailing in optimist sailors,VABB-1,615,622,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418777,,Multivariable modeling of factors associated with spinal pain in young adolescence,VABB-1,2809,2821,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418779,,"Abdi Hosh Askir v Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Joseph E. Connor et al., US District Court SDNY, 29 July 1996",VABB-4,375,384,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418780,,A classification-based approach to economic event detection in Dutch news text,VABB-5,330,335,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418784,,Terug naar Sorokin? Een analyse van de dissociatiethese aan de hand van Diagonale Referentie Modellen,VABB-1,108,127,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418785,,"Development and validation of a spina bifida-specific pediatric quality of life questionnaire: the Spina Bifida Pediatric Questionnaire, SBPQ",VABB-1,105,110,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418788,,Recognizing social aspects in translation,VABB-4,165,175,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:418790,,'Er is geen recht voor ons...': Van Hogendorps abolitionistische toneelstuk Kraspoekol (1800) als proces tegen de slavernij,VABB-1,1,17,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418791,,"De renovatie van de archeologieregelgeving op Vlaamse wijze: hoe meer gangen, hoe groter de doolhof",VABB-1,5,24,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418792,,Attention bias dynamics and symptom severity during and following CBT for social anxiety disorder,VABB-1,795,802,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418795,,Rechtsplegingsvergoeding in de civiele rechtspleging,VABB-4,549,595,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418796,,The views of migrant health workers living in Austria and Belgium on return migration to sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,125,133,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418797,,Bolwerk van de oude adel? Een kwantitatieve benadering van de adellijke vertegenwoordiging in het Belgische diplomatieke korps (1840-1940),VABB-1,52,76,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:418798,,Attentional bias temporal dynamics in remitted depression,VABB-1,768,776,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418799,,"Text, history, and philosophy: Abhidharma across scholastic traditions",VABB-3,,,"XIV, 431 p.",eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418800,,"Appearances of Dawla and Political Order in late medieval Syro-Egypt. The state, social theory, and the political history of the Cairo Sultanate (thirteenth-sixteenth centuries)",VABB-4,53,88,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418801,,Subversief mediagebruik in hedendaagse activistische kunst,VABB-1,28,48,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418802,,Reconstructing the foundations of joined-up working: from organisational reform towards a joint engagement of child and family services,VABB-1,306,222,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418803,,Instruction-based approach-avoidance effects: changing stimulus evaluation via the mere instruction to approach or avoid stimuli,VABB-1,161,169,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418804,,Verbal Periphrasis in Ancient Greek: have- and be- constructions,VABB-2,,,416 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418808,,"Editing classical and medieval texts with a multilingual tradition: proceedings of the ATTEMT workshop, held at King's College, London, 19-20 December 2013",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:418812,,"Trends in attitudes towards female genital mutilation among ever-married Egyptian women, evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys, 1995–2014: paths of change",VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418814,,The development of a measurement instrument for the organizational performance of social enterprises,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418815,,Overeducation and job satisfaction: the role of job demands and control,VABB-1,456,473,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418816,,Neighbourhood social capital: measurement issues and associations with health outcomes,VABB-1,96,107,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418817,,The effect of a cluster randomised control trial on objectively measured sedentary time and parental reports of time spent in sedentary activities in Belgian preschoolers: the ToyBox-study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418818,,Russia’s international aid donorship: from diplomatic status symbol to ‘frontline aid’?,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418819,,"Combined spectroscopic analysis of beads from the tombs of Kindoki, lower Congo Province (Democratic Republic of the Congo)",VABB-1,76,93,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418820,,Tortoiseshell or polymer? Spectroscopic analysis to redefine a purported tortoiseshell box with gold decorations as a plastic box with brass,VABB-1,68,75,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418821,,Effects of cognitive control training on the dynamics of (mal)adaptive emotion regulation in daily life,VABB-1,945,956,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418822,,The contribution of the androgen receptor (AR) in human spatial learning and memory: a study in women with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS),VABB-1,121,126,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418823,,"Balancing between human rights assumptions and actual fundamental human rights safeguards in building an area of freedom, security and justice: a Cosmopolitan perspective",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418824,,"A portfolio analysis of incentive programmes for conservation, restoration and timber plantations in Southern Ecuador",VABB-1,244,259,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418825,,'Authority meets mentally ill': het belang van procedurele rechtvaardigheid,VABB-4,95,121,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418827,,Role of stag beetle jaw bending and torsion in grip on rivals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418829,,"The functional-cognitive meta-theoretical framework: reflections, possible clarifications and how to move forward",VABB-1,50,57,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418830,,Understanding stigma and chronic pain: a-state-of-the-art review,VABB-1,1607,1610,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418833,,Neighbourhood typology based on virtual audit of environmental obesogenic characteristics,VABB-1,19,30,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418836,,Automatic architectural style detection using one-class support vector machines and graph kernels,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418837,,Einde van ebola: begin van een nieuw mondiaal gezondheidsbeleid?,VABB-1,1,7,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:418838,,Precarious responsivity: ethics and/of spectatorship in contemporary drama and (post-documentary) film and video,VABB-4,63,75,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:418839,,The Mamlukization of the Mamluk Sultanate? State formation and the history of fifteenth Century Egypt and Syria: part II: comparative solutions and a new research agenda,VABB-1,560,569,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418840,,Detection and localization of change points in temporal networks with the aid of stochastic block models,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418841,,Using an audit tool (MAPS Global) to assess the characteristics of the physical environment related to walking for transport in youth : reliability of Belgian data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418842,,Art. 2.20 BVIE (Benelux-Verdrag van 25 februari 2005 inzake de intellectuele eigendom),VABB-4,1,84,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418843,,"Socio-demographic, social-cognitive, health-related and physical environmental variables associated with context-specific sitting time in Belgian adolescents : a one-year follow-up study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418844,,Home and work physical activity environments : associations with cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity level in French women,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418845,,Applying Value Stream Mapping to reduce food losses and wastes in supply chains : a systematic review,VABB-1,359,368,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418846,,The attraction and rhetoric of neuroscience for education and educational research,VABB-4,34,52,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418847,,Antonius Matthaeus (II) (1601-1654),VABB-4,205,208,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418849,,The metamorphoses of the brain : neurologisation and its discontents,VABB-2,,,256 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:418851,,"Morbidity, utilization of curative care and service entry point preferences in metropolitan Centro Habana, Cuba",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418853,,Adaptive logic characterizations of input/output logic,VABB-1,869,916,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418855,,Understanding relative and absolute change in discontinuous growth models : coding alternatives and implications for hypothesis testing,VABB-1,562,592,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418856,,Be aware to be on the square : mindfulness and counterproductive academic behavior,VABB-1,74,79,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418863,,Licht aan het einde van de interneringstunnel voor iedereen? Een stand van zaken en vooruitblik in de aanpak van “onbehandelbare” geïnterneerden,VABB-1,5,12,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418864,,How does a study abroad experience contribute to the intercultural competence of student translators?,VABB-4,231,256,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:418865,,Climate change in de rechtbank: de rechter als scherprechter bij een falend milieubeleid?,VABB-1,1,23,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418866,,The impact of a context switch and context instructions on the return of verbally conditioned fear,VABB-1,10,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418868,,Raman spectroscopic analysis of a 'noli me tangere' painting,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418869,,Motivational context for response inhibition influences proactive involvement of attention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418872,,"The Parallel Episodic Processing (PEP) model 2.0 : a single computational model of stimulus-response binding, contingency learning, power curves, and mixing costs",VABB-1,82,108,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418875,,Herstel van vormgebreken in het Burgerlijk Procesrecht,VABB-4,303,420,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418878,,Jodenvervolging en daderprocessen in België en Nederland (1944-1951): rechtspraak en herinneringsculturen,VABB-1,77,108,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:418879,,The quest for treatment: the violated body of nodding syndrome in Northern Uganda,VABB-1,63,78,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418880,,Social dynamics in the Northwest frontiers of the Late Roman empire: beyond decline and transformation,VABB-3,,,222 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418881,,Guilds and the organisation of urban populations during the principate,VABB-4,173,202,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418882,,Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the Time to Relapse Questionnaire (TRQ) in substance use disorder,VABB-1,682,688,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418883,,Vrouwenstrijd als culturele strijd: lichaamspolitiek in Egypte,VABB-1,80,83,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418884,,"Caliphate and Kingship in a fifteenth-century literary history of Muslim leadership and pilgrimage: Al-Ḏahab al-Masbūk fī Ḏikr man Ḥağğa min al-Ḫulafāʾ wa-l-Mulūk: critical edition, annotated translation, and study by Jo Van Steenbergen",VABB-2,,,497 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418887,,Keep calm and be patient: the influence of anxiety and time on post-error adaptations,VABB-1,34,38,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418890,,On the automaticity of language processing,VABB-4,201,226,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418891,,Gender differences in the development of sexual excitation and inhibition through the life course: preliminary findings from a representative study in Flanders,VABB-1,825,835,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418895,,Corporate social responsibility applied for rural development: an empirical analysis of firms from the American continent,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418898,,Escalation of commitment in venture capital decision making: differentiating between domestic and international investors,VABB-1,253,271,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418899,,Leadership and decision-making practices in public versus private universities in Pakistan,VABB-1,147,159,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418901,,Reorienting adolescent sexual and reproductive health research: reflections from an international conference,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418903,,"Supply chain fragmentation, input–output tables and spillovers from foreign direct investment",VABB-1,315,332,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418907,,The elusive nature of the blocking effect: 15 failures to replicate,VABB-1,49,71,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418908,,"Attentional bias to pain-relevant body locations: new methods, new challenges",VABB-1,128,132,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418909,,"Like a parent and a friend, but not the father: a qualitative study of stepfathers' experiences in the stepfamily",VABB-1,119,132,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418910,,Teachers' understanding of multicultural education and the correlates of multicultural content integration in Belgium,VABB-1,556,582,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418911,,Gender differences in implicit processing of sexual stimuli,VABB-1,107,124,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418912,,Evaluative priming in the pronunciation task a preregistered replication and extension,VABB-1,70,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418913,,Mirroring multiple agents: motor resonance during action observation is modulated by the number of agents,VABB-1,1422,1427,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418914,,Influence of unconscious priming on voluntary actions: role of the rostral cingulate zone,VABB-1,243,252,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418915,,Promoting elementary school students’ autonomous reading motivation : effects of a teacher professional development workshop,VABB-1,232,252,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418916,,Gaining deeper insight into the psychological challenges of human spaceflight: The role of motivational dynamics.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418917,,Life goals predict environmental behavior : cross-cultural and longitudinal evidence,VABB-1,10,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418918,,"Decision-making tools in de jeugdhulp: over symboliek, ambiguïteit en (on)transparantie",VABB-1,59,74,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418920,,From text to graphical summary: a product- and process- oriented assessment to explore the development in fifth and sixth graders' dynamic construction,VABB-1,348,360,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418921,,The aura of the word in the early age of print (1450–1600),VABB-3,,,231 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418922,,Les services de sécurité privée en Europe: faits et chiffres,VABB-1,104,116,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:418923,,"Reading dismemberment: vitruvius, dinocrates, and the macrotext",VABB-1,145,159,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418925,,Vulnerability for new episodes in recurrent major depressive disorder: protocol for the longitudinal DELTA-neuroimaging cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418926,,Milieueffectrapportage,VABB-4,481,568,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418927,,Reconstructing the TIR side of the myddosome: a paradigm for TIR-TIR interactions,VABB-1,437,447,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418930,,Le malade imaginaire,VABB-1,341,351,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:418931,,Dative subjects in Germanic: a computational analysis of lexical semantic verb classes across time and space,VABB-1,49,84,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418932,,Hybride instrumenten in het Belgisch vennootschapsrecht,VABB-1,219,233,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:418934,,"Gender inequality and the ‘East-West’ divide in contraception: an analysis at the individual, couple, and country level",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418935,,Black wings in two symphonies: Brahms's second and Shostakovich's tenth,VABB-1,71,85,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418936,,Short-term and long-term test-retest reliability of the Nasality Severity Index 2.0,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418939,,May depressed and anxious patients with carcinoid syndrome benefit from treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)?: findings from a case report,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418940,,"Mechanistic explanation, cognitive system demarcation, and extended cognition",VABB-1,11,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418941,,Purported use and self-awareness of cognitive and metacognitive foreign language reading strategies in tertiary education in Mozambique,VABB-1,25,47,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418942,,El espacio narrativo en la novela chilena postdictatorial. Casas habitadas,VABB-2,,,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:418944,,Constructionalization and post-constructionalization: the constructional semantics of the Dutch krijgen-passive in a diachronic perspective,VABB-4,213,255,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:418945,,What's coming near? The influence of dynamical visual stimuli on nociceptive processing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418946,,@THEVIEWER: analyzing the offline and online impact of a dedicated conversation manager in the newsroom of a public broadcaster,VABB-1,2287,2304,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418947,,Procedural justice elements of judicial legitimacy and their contemporary challenges,VABB-1,749,770,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418950,,Performing with the music paint machine: provoking an embodied approach to educational technology,VABB-4,225,242,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418951,,Continuous sedation at the end of life,VABB-4,109,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418953,,Engaged customers as job Resources or demands for frontline employees?,VABB-1,363,383,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418954,,Explaining trajectories of municipal amalgamations: a case comparison of the Netherlands and Flanders,VABB-4,43,58,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418957,,Be(com)ing a conference interpreter : an ethnography of EU interpreters as a professional community,VABB-2,,,375 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418958,,Future expectations of young people leaving youth care in Flanders: the role of personal and social capital in coping with expected challenges,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418961,,Ancient biography and formalities of fiction,VABB-4,3,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418962,,Applying hybrid terminology extraction to aspect-based sentiment analysis,VABB-5,719,724,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:418963,,Germany's Institutional Power and the EMU Regime after the Crisis: Towards a Germanized Euro Area?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418966,,Coming up for air: exploring an intergenerational perspective on social work,VABB-1,1266,1281,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418968,,Determinants and barriers to lean implementation in food-processing SMEs: a multiple case analysis,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418969,,Whole-brain structural topology in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: preserved global - disturbed local network organization,VABB-1,506,512,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:418970,,A scatter search for the extended resource renting problem,VABB-1,4723,4743,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418971,,Cluniac customs beyond cluny : patterns of use in the Southern Low Countries,VABB-1,22,41,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418972,,The rise of policy coherence for development: a multi-causal approach,VABB-1,44,61,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418975,,'A singer is a group': creating a ‘researcher template’ to uncover complexities in the participatory arts project rocsa singers,VABB-1,357,375,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418977,,"A Great Divide? Metahistorische reflectie in België tegen de achtergrond van het Nederlandse succesverhaal, 1900-heden",VABB-1,123,143,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:418982,,Widening access in selection using situational judgement tests: evidence from the UKCAT,VABB-1,624,636,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418984,,The ‘physiology of the understanding’ and the ‘mechanics of the soul’: reflections on some phantom philosophical projects,VABB-1,3,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418985,,The embodied Descartes: Contemporary readings of L’Homme,VABB-4,287,304,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418989,,Integration and validation of an SMS-based bidding procedure of eliciting consumers' willingness-to-pay for food,VABB-1,2200,2217,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418991,,Alfred Loisy's comparative method in Les mystères païens et le mystère chrétien,VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:418993,,Early numerical competencies in 4- and 5-year-old children with autism spectrum disorder.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:418995,,The effect of informational load on disfluencies in interpreting: a corpus-based regression analysis,VABB-1,202,224,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:418996,,Assessing translation and interpretation skills,VABB-4,219,236,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:418999,,A study on explicit instruction and its relation to knowing/using linguistic forms and individual learner readiness,VABB-4,116,143,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419002,,Raakvlakken tussen het strafprocesrecht en de burgerlijke rechtspleging,VABB-4,127,189,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419003,,In want of the people: Tahrir as a revolutionary reconstitution of the Egyptian national-popular subject,VABB-4,137,156,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419004,,"'Congobéton Léopoldville: congés payés du 1/1/57 au 31/12/57': postwar architecture, construction work and local labor in a Belgian colony",VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:419005,,Belgium's role in EU trade policy,VABB-1,73,90,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419006,,Recovery through the eyes of drug treatment court clients,VABB-1,191,210,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419008,,Keeping the horn on the rhino,VABB-4,149,186,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419010,,Compte rendu de 'French through corpora: ecological and data-driven perspectives in French language studies',VABB-1,368,376,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419011,,"Sustained low rotavirus activity and hospitalisation rates in the post-vaccination era in Belgium, 2007 to 2014",VABB-1,19,30,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419014,,Early math learning with tablet PCs: the role of action,VABB-1,79,87,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419016,,Nieuwe substitutiebevoegdheid voor het eerst in de praktijk: Raad van State treedt in plaats van vergunningverlenende overheid,VABB-1,718,722,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:419021,,Actions speak louder than words: outsiders' perceptions of diversity mixed messages,VABB-1,1329,1341,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419025,,The patria of Claudianus (FGrHist 282),VABB-1,485,503,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419026,,Het volgrecht van de kunstenaar,VABB-2,,,96 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419027,,De vernieuwde regeling inzake het volgrecht in Boek XI WER,VABB-1,363,375,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:419028,,Goal pursuit in individuals with chronic pain: a personal project analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419029,,Detection of buried Roman wall remains in ground-penetrating radar data using template matching,VABB-1,257,272,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419030,,Linking educational leadership styles to the HR architecture for new teachers in primary education,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419031,,Het papieren schild: over de beschermingswaarde van het EU-VS-privacyschild tegen niet-noodzakelijke of disproportionele datacollectie door de VS-inlichtingen- en politiediensten,VABB-1,185,196,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419032,,The added value of multi-value qualitative comparative analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419033,,Personalisierte Buchproduktion und Lektüre in der Slavia orthodoxa: der Bdinski Sbornik als persönliches Vademecum,VABB-1,12,37,,ger,2016,1 c:vabb:419034,,The focus of attention problem,VABB-1,559,573,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419035,,A toolbox for garden governance,VABB-1,191,205,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419036,,La Paix de Dieu dans les Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium de Gérard I de Cambrai (1012-1051),VABB-1,,,-,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:419037,,Sustaining local audiovisual ecosystems: analysis of financing and production of domestic TV fiction in small media markets,VABB-1,129,147,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419038,,Brain connectomics of visual-motor deficits in children with developmental coordination disorder,VABB-1,21,27,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419039,,"Empirische, essentiële en mogelijke universalia: Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen bij het 'categoriale particularisme' in de moderne taaltypologie",VABB-1,170,187,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419044,,Student employment and later labour market success: no evidence for higher employment chances,VABB-1,401,425,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419046,,Minor characters in the Dionysiaca,VABB-4,152,172,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419047,,Regulation and social control of incivilities,VABB-3,,,179 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:419049,,Many a mickle makes a muckle : advance payments in the Ur-Utu archive (Old Babylonian Sippar),VABB-1,1,51,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419050,,De totstandkoming van de kredietovereenkomst: impact van Boek VII van het Wetboek van Economisch Recht en de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie op de precontractuele verplichtingen,VABB-1,117,133,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419053,,The effect of docetaxel on developing oedema in patients with breast cancer: a systematic review,VABB-1,269,279,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419055,,"Participative Web, social utility and ICT adoption: an issue of alignment",VABB-1,39,62,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419056,,Organizational attraction,VABB-4,1061,1064,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:419057,,Evaluating ICT integration in Turkish K-12 schools through teachers' views,VABB-1,747,766,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:419060,,Progress and free will: on the Buddhist concept of 'time' and its possibilities for modernity,VABB-1,11,33,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419062,,"Exploring the effects of principal leadership, school climate, teachers' psychological factors on teachers' job satisfaction and organizational commitment",VABB-5,8113,8121,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419063,,Approximating actual flows in physical infrastructure networks: the case of the Yangtze River Delta high-speed railway network,VABB-1,145,160,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419064,,Nuclear medicine for the investigation of canine behavioral disorders,VABB-1,94,103,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419068,,Chroniqueurs van de werkelijkheid? 'Weggaan' van Tahar Ben Jelloun en 'Boevensteeg' van Mathias Enard,VABB-4,147,158,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419069,,Feeling well while chronically ill or impaired : a multilevel study on the moderating role of employment and volunteering in Europe,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419070,,Defensive stakeholder management in European universities : an institutional logics perspective,VABB-1,2218,2231,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419073,,"How many words do we know? Practical estimates of vocabulary size dependent on word definition, the degree of language input and the participant's age",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419078,,Detecting people's and landscape's identity in a changing mountain landscape : an example from the northern Apennines,VABB-1,934,949,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419079,,Results from Belgium’s 2016 report card on physical activity for children and youth,VABB-1,S95,S103,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419081,,Bank bailouts in Europe and bank performance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419083,,"Vrijmetselarij en vooruitgang : de Gentse progressistenloge La Liberté, 1866-1966",VABB-2,,,268 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419084,,Towards a framework for the automatic detection of crisis emotions on social media : a corpus analysis of the tweets posted after the crash of Germanwings flight 9525,VABB-5,29,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419085,,The role of ODR in resolving electronic commerce disputes in China,VABB-1,41,68,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419086,,An image for ‘All truly penitent’ : reconsidering the function of the Madonna of Jan Vos by Jan van Eyck and his workshop,VABB-1,97,121,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419089,,Community perceptions of people with disabilities in the North West region of Cameroon : what is the impact on their access to services?,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419090,,The spectator's re-appearance in MAP ME (2003) : moving beyond interpersonal and technological immersion,VABB-4,85,102,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:419091,,Grondrechten en bronnen,VABB-4,3,19,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419093,,50 years of Galtung and Ruge : reflections on their model of news values and its relevance for the study of journalism and communication today,VABB-1,5,28,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419094,,Je dood vervelen of je te pletter amuseren? Het intensiverende gebruik van de pseudoreflexieve resultatiefconstructie in hedendaags Belgisch en Nederlands Nederlands,VABB-1,103,136,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419095,,Evaluating teachers’ professional development initiatives : towards an extended evaluative framework,VABB-1,143,168,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:419098,,Age-related patterns of vigorous-intensity physical activity in youth : the International Children's Accelerometry database,VABB-1,17,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419105,,Asymptomatic elite young tennis players show lateral and ventral growth plate alterations of proximal humerus on MRI,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419107,,Symptom clustering in hospitalised older palliative cancer patients : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,72,81,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419109,,There are limits to the effects of task instructions: making the automatic effects of task instructions context-specific takes practice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419110,,Advanced midwifery practice : an evolutionary concept analysis,VABB-1,29,37,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419111,,Early lexical composition of Turkish-Dutch bilinguals: nouns before verbs or verbs before nouns,VABB-1,583,604,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419116,,Gender differences in delinquency and situational action theory: a partial test,VABB-1,1182,1209,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419117,,Business models and bank performance: a long-term perspective,VABB-1,57,75,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419118,,Demographics and Business Cycle Volatility: A Spurious Relationship?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419119,,Estimating the Natural Rate of Hours,VABB-1,1426,1453,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419120,,Kurds and the PKK,VABB-4,1258,1263,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419121,,De kwaliteit van gehechtheidsrelaties in kaart brengen: Vertaling van een onderzoekstraditie naar de klinische praktijk,VABB-1,17,37,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419123,,Policies and Regulations in Belgium with regard to genetic technology and food security: country report: Belgium,VABB-4,125,151,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419124,,"Dynamics in the European Air Transport Network, 2003-9: an explanatory framework drawing on stochastic actor-based modeling",VABB-1,643,663,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419125,,Patterns of US air transport across the economic unevenness of 2003-2013,VABB-1,1253,1257,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419126,,Air passenger transport and regional development: cause and effect in Europe,VABB-1,143,154,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419127,,Mobility and professional networks in academia: an exploration of the obligations of presence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419131,,Interval: Hélène Gelèns versus de tijd.,VABB-4,121,132,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419132,,Disbelief in belief: on the cognitive status of supernatural beliefs,VABB-1,601,615,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419135,,"Media representation of regulated incivilities: relevant actors, problems, solutions and the role played by experts in the Flemish press",VABB-1,585,601,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419136,,Changing representations of organized crime in the Italian press,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:419137,,"Access, treatment and outcomes of care : a study of ethnic minorities in Europe",VABB-1,443,454,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419139,,Global and situational relationship satisfaction moderate the effect of threat on pain in couples,VABB-1,1664,1675,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419140,,Count de Ferraris's maps of the Austrian Netherlands (1770s): Cassini de Thury's geodetic contribution,VABB-1,164,182,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419141,,"Afhankelijke V1-zinnen: conditioneel, contrastief, concessief: functioneel-typologische en constructionele perspectieven",VABB-1,61,79,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419142,,Does frequency matter for intraday technical trading?,VABB-1,177,183,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419143,,Sister-to-sister oocyte donation: couples’ experiences with regard to genetic ties,VABB-1,314,323,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419144,,New perspectives on devotional manuscripts associated with Margaret of Austria and her relations: the role of the prayer books master,VABB-4,89-113,522-525,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419145,,A counterpoint reading of the MoussemCities@Tunis festival,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419146,,Examining the validity of the total dwell time of eye fixations to identify landmarks in a building,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419147,,Social media optimization: identifying an optimal strategy for increasing network size on Facebook,VABB-1,15,25,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419148,,The current legal framework on biofuels in China,VABB-4,221,243,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419151,,Voice and sound in the anti-narrative radioplay,VABB-4,133,148,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419152,,Does a single neurostimulation session really affect mood in healthy individuals?: a systematic review,VABB-1,184,198,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419154,,Inleiding: het risico op armoede ongelijk verdeeld,VABB-1,3,18,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419155,,Do youths graduating in a recession incur permanent losses?,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419158,,"Key research themes on travel behavior, lifestyle, and sustainable urban mobility",VABB-1,25,32,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419159,,Off-peak truck deliveries at container terminals: the 'Good Night' program in Israel,VABB-1,2,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419160,,Urban sprawl: neighbourhood dissatisfaction and urban preferences: some evidence from Flanders,VABB-1,839,862,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419161,,Information flows as bases for archeology-specific geodata infrastructures: an exploratory study in Flanders,VABB-1,1928,1942,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419162,,Managing fragile homestead trees to improve livelihoods of land-poor farmers in the Northern Highlands of Ethiopia,VABB-1,57,66,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419163,,Ruimtelijke planning op zee in België: van plan naar proces en een nieuw plan,VABB-1,415,439,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419165,,The current European perspective on the exequatur of U.S. punitive damages: opening the gate but keeping a guard,VABB-1,235,263,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:419166,,Working with symbolic transference: a Lacanian perspective on executive coaching,VABB-1,296,319,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419168,,Kornhaas: verduidelijking over de interferentie van de vrijheid van vestiging voor vennootschappen met insolventierechtelijke bestuurdersaansprakelijkheidsregelen,VABB-1,435,449,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419169,,Farm-economic analysis of reducing antimicrobial use whilst adopting improved management strategies on farrow-to-finish pig farms,VABB-1,74,87,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419170,,"Gouden eeuwen: stad en samenleving in de Lage Landen, 1100-1600",VABB-3,,,344 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419171,,"Introducing Occupy Antigone: Tradition, Transition and Transformation",VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419172,,Explaining the member states' varying military engagements: the potential of a strategic culture perspective,VABB-1,773,781,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419173,,Een Gents jurist dans de dodendans: het schilderij 'Allegorie op de zeven standen' van het STA'M,VABB-1,69,85,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419174,,"Leenrecht in Vlaanderen, Saksen en Lombardije: enkele beschouwingen naar aanleiding van de Nederlandse vertaling van de Libri Feudorum*",VABB-1,28,47,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419177,,Players' perspectives on the positive impact of video games: a qualitative content analysis of online forum discussions,VABB-1,1732,1749,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419179,,Supporting and assisting the execution of knowledge-intensive processes,VABB-5,10,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419181,,Cross-border reproductive care for law evasion: should physicians be allowed to help infertility patients evade the law of their own country?,VABB-1,101,105,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419182,,Participatory versatility in Flanders: A multiple correspondence analysis.,VABB-4,94,113,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419183,,Musculoskeletal injuries in physical education versus non-physical education teachers: a prospective study,VABB-1,1107,1115,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419185,,Is the clean development mechanism delivering benefits to the poorest communities in the developing world?,VABB-1,839,855,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419186,,"Fécamp, cluny and the invention of traditions in the later eleventh century",VABB-1,1,41,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:419187,,'Lo siento' vs. 'yo siento': dos usos discursivos del verbo 'sentir': estudio contrastivo de las variantes peninsular y mexicana,VABB-1,929,947,,spa,2016,1 c:vabb:419188,,Ad utilitatem et conservationem ipsius status et decorem: de statuten van het Gentse Sint-Veerlekapittel (1225-1788),VABB-1,33,148,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:419189,,Assessing the effectiveness of digital game-based learning: best practices,VABB-1,90,103,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419190,,Strategic-decision quality in Flemish municipalities: the importance of formal and participatory strategic planning,VABB-1,317,324,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419191,,The limited prosocial emotions specifier for conduct disorder among detained girls: a multi-informant approach,VABB-1,778,792,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419192,,Differential neural correlates of set-shifting in the bingeing-purging and restrictive subtypes of anorexia nervosa: an fMRI study,VABB-1,277,285,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419193,,Mental health and gender dysphoria: a review of the literature,VABB-1,44,57,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419195,,Bilateral low frequency rTMS of the primary motor cortex may not be a suitable treatment for levodopa-induced dyskinesias in late stage Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,62,67,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419196,,Distinguishing the influence of task difficulty on error-related ERP susing surface Laplacian transformation,VABB-1,78,85,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419197,,Impact of informal groundwater markets on efficiency of irrigated farms in India: a bootstrap data envelopment analysis approach,VABB-1,41,52,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419198,,"Historical aerial photography and multi-receiver EMI soil sensing, complementing techniques for the study of a Great War conflict landscape",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419199,,An analysis of the risk-return characteristics of serially correlated managed futures,VABB-1,992,1013,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419202,,"'Evaluative Morphology' in German, Dutch and Swedish: Constructional Networks and the Loci of Change",VABB-4,229,262,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:419205,,Dealing with a zombie in EU law: the regulatory procedure with scrutiny,VABB-1,714,724,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419207,,The effect of perceived injustice on appraisals of physical activity : an examination of the mediating role of attention bias to pain among a chronic low back pain sample,VABB-1,1207,1216,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419208,,Physical environmental correlates of domain-specific sedentary behaviours across five European regions (the SPOTLIGHT project),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419214,,Challenges and opportunities of ‘good governance’ for drug policy: the case of the development of Belgian drug policy between 1996 and 2003,VABB-1,156,163,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:419215,,Cue-target contingencies modulate voluntary orienting of spatial attention: dissociable effects for speed and accuracy,VABB-1,272,283,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:419216,,The sharp drop in the number of faculty positions is compromising the future of neuroscience,VABB-1,1118,1119,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419218,,"The amateur and the public sphere: private collectors in Brussels, Antwerp and Ghent through the eyes of European travellers in the long nineteenth century",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419221,,Zur Distribution von Irrelevanzpartikeln in was immer/auch-Konstruktionen. Positionelle und kombinatorische Varianz im Deutschen Referenzkorpus,VABB-1,45,70,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:419223,,"Telle Antigone, relever le père harki : le récit comme sépulture dans Moze de Zahia Rahmani",VABB-1,55,72,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:419226,,Dealing with relational and social challenges after child soldiering : perspectives of formerly recruited youth and their communities in Northern Uganda,VABB-1,307,322,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419227,,Priming biological motion changes extrapersonal space categorization,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419228,,Physical activity status in patients with coronary heart disease : results from the cross-sectional EUROASPIRE surveys,VABB-1,1378,1384,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419229,,Upper quadrant field tests and isokinetic upper limb strength in overhead athletes,VABB-1,789,796,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419231,,Asymptomatic elite adolescent tennis players' signs of tendinosis in their dominant shoulder compared with their nondominant shoulder,VABB-1,1299,1305,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419233,,"Are chronic neck pain, scapular dyskinesis and altered scapulothoracic muscle activity interrelated? : a case-control study with surface and fine-wire EMG",VABB-1,136,143,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419236,,What drives the drivers? Predicting turnover intentions in the Belgian bus and coach industry,VABB-1,251,259,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419238,,Evaluating the importance of different communication types in romantic tie prediction on social media,VABB-1,501,527,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:419239,,What does money and credit tell us about real activity in the United States?,VABB-1,328,347,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419240,,De golven binnen de cognitieve gedragstherapie voor kinderen en adolescenten,VABB-1,237,246,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419245,,Pain intensity in hospitalized adults: a multilevel analysis of barriers and facilitators of pain management,VABB-1,290,300,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419246,,A sketch of Lower Nyole verb tone,VABB-1,215,257,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419247,,The rising powers and globalization: structural change to the global system between 1965 and 2005,VABB-1,373,403,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419248,,De nationale rechters als Europese Rechter: Prejudiciële Vraagstelling aan het Hof Van Justitie van de Europese Unie (Art. 267 VWEU),VABB-4,87,124,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419249,,Using games to raise awareness: how to co-design serious MiniGames?,VABB-5,532,539,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419250,,Towards a new ITU-T recommendation for subjective methods evaluating gaming QoE,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419252,,Investigating dynamical information transfer in the brain following a TMS pulse: insights from structural architecture,VABB-5,5396,5399,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419255,,"Civil society meetings in European Union trade agreements: features, purposes, and evaluation",VABB-1,1,48,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419256,,"M(g)r. De Hemptinne, I presume? Transforming local memory through toponymy in colonial/post-colonial Lubumbashi, DR Congo",VABB-4,177,194,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419258,,Finiteness and response particles in West Flemish,VABB-4,211,254,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419259,,"Assimilatie, identiteit en de Ander in de epische poëzie van Lepanto",VABB-1,169,180,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:419263,,Auditieve perceptie bij personen met de ziekte van Parkinson: gedragsmatige studie naar de auditieve perceptie van spraak en intensiteit bij personen met de ziekte van Parkinson,VABB-1,63,72,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419265,,Validity and responsiveness of the French version of the Örebro musculoskeletal pain screening questionnaire in chronic low back pain,VABB-1,2741,2749,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419266,,"Entre verbe et adverbe : grammaticalisation et dégrammaticalisation du marqueur épistémique umeengo/umeenga en kirundi (bantou, JD62)",VABB-1,247,286,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:419267,,The power of goal-directed processes in the causation of emotional and other actions,VABB-1,310,318,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419268,,"The experimental analysis of the interruptive, interfering, and identity-distorting effects of chronic pain",VABB-1,23,34,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419269,,Physiology and acoustics of inspiratory phonation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419273,,An inside look at four historical violins by Brussels makers,VABB-1,109,136,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419274,,The role of prison in Europe: travelling in the footsteps of John Howard,VABB-2,,,"XVI, 243 p.",eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419275,,Het nieuwe zekerheidsrecht,VABB-4,1,39,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419280,,Physiological responses in female rescuers during 30 minutes sustained CPR with feedback : a comparison between medicine and physical education students,VABB-1,113,120,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419282,,Explicit self-esteem mediates the relationship between implicit self-esteem and memory biases in major depression,VABB-1,336,344,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419284,,Nieuw in het auteursrecht: de panorama-uitzondering,VABB-1,229,239,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419290,,The formation and transmission of Western legal culture : 150 books that made the law in the age of printing,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419291,,Athlome Project Consortium : a concerted effort to discover genomic and other 'omic' markers of athletic performance,VABB-1,183,190,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419293,,"Relationship between chocolate microstructure, oil migration, and fat bloom in filled chocolates",VABB-1,1800,1826,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419294,,Background : Chengdu in a global context,VABB-4,1,28,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419295,,"Low cost 3D-modelling of a complex archaeological site using aerial photography in the hinterland of Petra, Jordan",VABB-5,77,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419296,,Using concept mapping in the development of the EU-PAD framework (EUropean-Physical Activity Determinants across the life course) : a DEDIPAC-study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419299,,A hazard-perception test for cycling children : an exploratory study,VABB-1,182,194,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419300,,State and perspectives of the history of social law : Belgium,VABB-1,387,392,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419303,,De juridische waarde van richtlijnen voor kwaliteitsvolle zorg bij de beoordeling van de aansprakelijkheid van de zorgverlener,VABB-1,1101,1107,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419306,,"Hearing voices, dissociation and the self: a functional-analytic perspective.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419310,,Sous le signe du progrès : la loge maçonnique gantoise La Liberté (1866-1966),VABB-2,,,268 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:419311,,"Elektronische informatie systemen in de jeugdhulp : over transparantie, mogelijkheden en valkuilen",VABB-1,467,480,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419312,,"Transitions in middlebrow writing, 1880–1930",VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419313,,Vinea uel arbustum? Wijnteelttechnieken in Romeins Italië,VABB-1,1,7,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419315,,"‘Dus meer baete dan schuld :’ Historische vermogensverhoudingen, en de sociale last van erfrecht en erfbelasting",VABB-1,6,23,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:419316,,Desistance in drug-using offenders : a narrative review,VABB-1,606,625,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419317,,Het transnationale leven van de Pools-Joodse familie Alter in België (1904-1914),VABB-1,4,19,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419319,,Digest of State Practice 1 January - 30 June 2016,VABB-1,290,321,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419321,,"Trauma, humor y reparación del núcleo familiar en la narrativa postdictatorial argentina : el caso de Soy un bravo piloto de la nueva China de Ernesto Semán",VABB-1,155,169,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:419322,,Social research finding one : quantitative analysis of successful enterprises,VABB-4,59,89,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419323,,"Understanding the hobbit: the cross-national and cross-linguistic reception of a global media product in Belgium, France and the Netherlands",VABB-1,496,518,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419326,,"De midden- en finaal-paleolithische vondsten van Ronse - Pont West (Oost-Vlaanderen, BE)",VABB-1,91,102,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419327,,The radiocarbon evidence from the Mesolithic site of Well-Aijen (NL) : a Bayesian model,VABB-1,103,112,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419328,,Het collectief herstel en de taal van de oproeping : de Nederlandse Fortis-affaire als voorbeeld,VABB-1,170,175,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419330,,Integrating cone penetration testing into the 1D inversion of multi-receiver EMI data to reconstruct a complex stratigraphic landscape,VABB-1,356,371,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419331,,Geotechniek & archeologische prospectie : een overzicht van mechanische boor- en elektrische sondeer- technieken voor archeologie,VABB-1,203,209,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419332,,Experiments and evolving frameworks of scientific exploration : Jean-André Peyssonnel’s work on coral,VABB-4,51,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419333,,Centrifugal city : centre and periphery in Ricardo Piglia's 'La ciudad ausente',VABB-4,215,231,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419334,,Basisbeginselen inzake het recht op toegang tot de bestuursdocumenten,VABB-4,548,552,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419335,,De buitenwijk als ruimtelijk bindmiddel tussen politiek en literatuur : las afueras in drie Chileense romans van na de dictatuur,VABB-1,73,85,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419337,,D'une complexité redoutable : les attributs prépositionnels en 'de',VABB-4,3,25,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:419338,,The attitude-achievement paradox in Belgium: an examination of school attitudes of ethnic minority students,VABB-1,215,231,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419339,,Competitive interactions between two fishing fleets in the North Sea,VABB-1,1485,1493,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419340,,The Northern Dimension: a format for pragmatic cooperation with the EU's biggest neighbour,VABB-4,92,104,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419341,,Pain in context: cues predicting a reward decrease fear of movement related pain and avoidance behavior,VABB-1,35,44,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419342,,Patients are socially excluded when their pain has no medical explanation,VABB-1,1028,1035,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419343,,The European Union’s 'Comprehensive approach' in Chad: securitisation and/or compartmentalisation?,VABB-4,94,109,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419344,,Differences in environmental preferences towards cycling for transport among adults: a latent class analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419345,,Roesmiddelen en regulering: oude wijn in nieuwe regels,VABB-1,3,26,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419346,,"Applied anthropology in Europe: historical obstacles, current situation, future challenges",VABB-1,53,63,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419347,,Supra- en internationaalrechtelijke obstakels bij grootschalige projecten,VABB-4,569,610,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419348,,DNA Databases as Alternative Data Sources for Criminological Research,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419349,,Criminele organisaties en organisatiecriminaliteit,VABB-3,,,248 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419350,,Criminele-organisatie-criminaliteit,VABB-4,7,10,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419351,,"The relationships between school autonomy gap, principal leadership, teachers’ job satisfaction and organizational commitment",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419352,,Bemiddeling en de staatshervorming,VABB-1,310,331,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419353,,"De jeugdzorg als sociaal opvoedingsproject, ook in Vlaanderen",VABB-1,332,351,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419354,,Service quality and patient experiences of ambulatory care in a specialized clinic vs. a general hospital,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419355,,SAS v France: a reality check,VABB-5,58,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419356,,Greek and Turkish influences in the clausal complements of Cunda Turkish,VABB-4,57,79,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419358,,Retrieving the hemodynamic response function in resting state fMRI: methodology and application,VABB-5,6050,6053,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419360,,"Das Unsagbare als Sagbares: die Musikkritik als Entlarvung der romantischen Musikästhetik. Betrachtungen zu E. T. A. Hoffmann,. Robert Schumann und Richard Wagner",VABB-4,159,176,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:419366,,A mobile school-based HCT service: is it youth friendly?,VABB-1,123,135,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419368,,"Civic religion: gemeenschap, identiteit en religieuze vernieuwing",VABB-4,165,206,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419369,,How to walk the talk? Developing actions for sustainability in academic research,VABB-1,83,92,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419370,,The Other Antigone(s): Performing Deconstructed Legacies,VABB-4,123,136,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419371,,Van charismatische kok tot tekst: het verdedigen en bestendigen van charismatisch gezag in de laatmiddeleeuwse tekstcultuur,VABB-1,203,226,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:419374,,"Niet-consensuele verspreiding van seksuele beelden: analyse van wetgevende initiatieven in de Verenigde Staten, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en België",VABB-1,654,666,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419377,,Ventral striatal hyperconnectivity during rewarded interference control in adolescents with ADHD,VABB-1,225,236,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419378,,The effect of vagus nerve stimulation on response inhibition,VABB-1,171,179,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:419379,,Belgian and Spanish consumption data and consumer handling practices for fresh fruits and vegetables useful for further microbiological and chemical exposure assessment,VABB-1,784,795,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419380,,Won't we scare them?: the impact of communicating uncontrollable risks on the public's perception,VABB-1,316,330,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419381,,Recente initiatieven tegen belastingontwijking. Impact op multinationale ondernemingen,VABB-1,866,911,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419386,,"Lifestyle and risk factor management in people at high cardiovascular risk from Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, Romania and the United Kingdom who participated in both the EUROASPIRE III and IV primary care surveys",VABB-1,1618,1627,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419387,,Gastrointestinal risk assessment in patients requiring non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for osteoarthritis: the Girano study,VABB-1,705,710,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419390,,Safety first: Instrumentality for reaching safety determines attention allocation under threat.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419391,,Een “bedrijfsongeval” met verregaande gevolgen. Het parket van Brussel en de zaak-Predom 1942-1947,VABB-1,10,43,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:419392,,"Taxation, stateness and armed groups: public authority and resource extraction in eastern Congo",VABB-1,1434,1456,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419395,,"Work, labour, and professions in the Roman world",VABB-3,,,533 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419396,,Disentangling the multiple effects of affiliate reputation on resource attraction in new firms,VABB-1,1525-1547,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419397,,La brecha entre el compromiso y el cumplimiento con los derechos de los pueblos indígenas : reflexiones sobre los avances y retrocesos en materia de justicia indígena en Ecuador,VABB-1,63,93,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:419398,,“The Activist Jew” Responds to Changing Dutch Perceptions of Israel,VABB-4,241,258,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419399,,A propos de 'l'interdiction de recourir à la force: problèmes et tendances' de Wilhelm Wengler (1971-II),VABB-1,410,422,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:419401,,"Zorg en justitie, samen gedwongen opnames voorkomen",VABB-1,42,51,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419402,,Identiteit op de vlucht : psychoanalyse als 'mogelijk beroep' in een ondraaglijke context,VABB-1,255,282,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419403,,What If the rival drives a Porsche? Luxury car spending as a costly signal in male intrasexual competition,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419408,,The polygraph : current practice and new approaches,VABB-4,59,80,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419409,,Over het ontluiken van een psychose : Lol V. Stein in contrast met Freuds geval van vrouwelijke paranoia,VABB-1,157,175,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419414,,The left periphery,VABB-4,558,562,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419415,,La dicotomía público/privado en tela de juicio : dos obras sobre la militancia de los setenta en el Cono Sur,VABB-4,239,258,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:419416,,évauler l'impact institutionel dans les systèmes à niveaux multiples : conceptualisation des effets de la décentralisation dans une approche comparative,VABB-1,247,267,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:419417,,"Peace without money, war without Americans : can European strategy cope?",VABB-2,,,96 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419421,,Article 1681,VABB-4,79,88,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419422,,The informal economy of intelligence into terrorism : a Moroccan-Belgian case-study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419424,,De communautarisering van de bijzondere inspectiediensten inzake milieu,VABB-1,23,32,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419426,,Una historia del Mediterráneo Occidental : la lucha por el poder en Cartago durante la segunda mitad del siglo III a.C.,VABB-1,127,144,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:419427,,A “'de Soto effect' in Industry? Evidence from the Russian Federation,VABB-1,451,480,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419432,,Overzicht Rechtspraak 2014. Algemeen belastingrecht : inkomstenbelastingen,VABB-1,5,72,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419441,,How many types of critical activities exist? A conjecture in need of proof,VABB-5,3,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419442,,"Drill and allocution as emotional practices in seventeenth-century Dutch poetry, plays and military treatises",VABB-4,25,47,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419443,,Homo Ludens (1938) and the crisis in the humanities,VABB-1,,,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:419445,,Integrated solutions for combating gully erosion in areas prone to soil piping: innovations from the drylands of Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,1797,1804,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419446,,3Mo: a model for music-based biofeedback,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419447,,Sequence learning in Parkinson's disease : focusing on action dynamics and the role of dopaminergic medication,VABB-1,30,39,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419448,,Foregoing Lex specialis ? Exclusivist v. symbiotic approaches to the concurrent application of international humanitarian and Human Rights Law,VABB-1,240,287,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419449,,Chinese elements : a bridge of the integration between Chinese -English translation and linguaculture transnational mobility,VABB-5,63,67,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419450,,Body satisfaction and physical appearance in gender dysphoria,VABB-1,575,585,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419453,,Relational frame theory : implications for the study of human language and cognition,VABB-4,179,226,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419456,,Slachtofferschap van ondernemingen : wat leren de cijfers ?,VABB-1,169,177,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419458,,Incentive contract design for projects : the owner׳s perspective,VABB-1,93,114,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419459,,On the use of schedule risk analysis for project management,VABB-1,108,117,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419460,,The future of the human sciences and society,VABB-4,531,540,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419461,,The influence of magazines on men : normalizing and challenging young men’s prejudice with 'Lads’ Mags',VABB-1,131,144,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:419462,,Do psychosocial job resources buffer the relation between physical work demands and coronary heart disease?: a prospective study among men,VABB-1,1299,1307,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419463,,The indirect association of job strain with long-term sickness absence through bullying: a mediation analysis using structural equation modeling,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419464,,Cardiovascular risk estimation in older persons: SCORE O.P.,VABB-1,1093,1103,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419466,,A taxonomy of logistics centres: overcoming conceptual ambiguity,VABB-1,276,299,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419467,,Introduction: incarceration and regime change,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419469,,Het kadaster: een veelzijdige geschiedenis,VABB-4,1,23,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419470,,Social economy as a key factor for enhancing Blue Growth in Greece: a conceptual perspective,VABB-1,815,826,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419472,,Living tissue and organ donation by minors: suggestions to improve the regulatory framework in Europe,VABB-1,58,93,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419475,,"Van niemandsland tot de ‘grote klaprozenexplosie’ : twee decennia onderzoek over België in de Eerste Wereldoorlog, 1995-2014",VABB-1,54,73,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:419476,,In situ Raman mapping of art objects,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419478,,Pre-test session impact on the effectiveness assessment of a fire safety game,VABB-5,623,630,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419480,,The impact of Pavlovian cues on pain avoidance: a behavioral study,VABB-1,73,83,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419490,,De kafala in de Belgische rechtsorde : opent het Kinderbeschermingsverdrag nieuwe perspectieven?,VABB-1,343,351,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419491,,Evidence-based rehabilitation of athletes with glenohumeral instability,VABB-1,382,389,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419492,,Prevention of shoulder injuries in overhead athletes : a science-based approach,VABB-1,331,339,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419494,,Introduction : literature and cultural change,VABB-4,9,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419495,,"El personaje femenino y la libertad temporal en tres novelas históricas de Angelina Muñiz: Morada interior (1972), El Mercader de Tudela (1995) y La Burladora de Toledo (2008)",VABB-1,59,72,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:419496,,The organisation for economic co-operation and developments international early learning study : opening for debate and contestation,VABB-1,343,351,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419497,,Rechtsbescherming in het publiekrecht: kan er nog gebouwd worden in Vlaanderen?,VABB-3,,,676 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419499,,4th International Workshop on Ontologies and Conceptual Modeling (Onto.Com),VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419500,,The impact of living lab methodology on open innovation contributions and outcomes,VABB-1,7,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419501,,Inspecting the transformation of Roman settlements in the Upper Potenza valley (Marche region) across Late Antiquity and into the early Medieval era,VABB-1,45,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419503,,Private arrests of pirate suspects: lawful or not?,VABB-1,196,201,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419504,,Handboek Milieurecht 2016,VABB-2,,,914 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419505,,A corpus-driven account of the noun classes and genders in Northern Sotho,VABB-1,169,185,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419506,,State anxiety modulates the return of fear,VABB-1,194,199,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419508,,A pilot study of the relations within which hearing voices participates : towards a functional distinction between voice hearers and controls,VABB-1,611,626,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419509,,When possessions become part of the self: ownership and implicit self-object linking,VABB-1,72,87,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419511,,Internet portalen niet aansprakelijk voor de verspreiding van beledigende: maar niet 'duidelijk onrechtmatige': commentaren van gebruikers,VABB-1,182,185,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419515,,Animal imagery in statius' Thebaid: a common place for man and woman,VABB-1,159,177,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419517,,Het verbod op mentholsigaretten in de interne markt - Zaak C-358/14,VABB-1,358,364,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419518,,The late medieval manuscript transmission of the 'Excellente Cronike van Vlaenderen' in urban Flanders,VABB-1,123,173,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419519,,The relation between sleep duration and sedentary behaviours in European adults,VABB-1,62,67,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419521,,Efficacy of neck circumference to identify metabolic syndrome in 3-10 year-old European children: results from IDEFICS study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419523,,The impact of imposing processing strategies on L2 learners’ deliberate study of lexical phrases,VABB-1,127,139,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419526,,The separation of economics from virtue: a historical-conceptual introduction,VABB-4,141,164,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419527,,Enemies of the Count and of the City. The Collective Exile of Rebels in Fourteenth-Century Flanders’,VABB-1,461,501,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419528,,Beckmann's revenants and Jünger's drones: vision and 'coolness' in the interwar period,VABB-4,43,56,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:419529,,Perspectives of oncology health workers in Flanders on caring for patients of non-Western descent,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419531,,Association between maternal education and objectively measured physical activity and sedentary time in adolescents,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419532,,Sensorimotor grounding of musical embodiment and the role of prediction: a review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419533,,"Well-being, life satisfaction and capabilities of flood disaster victims",VABB-1,134,138,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419536,,Mobile spectroscopic instrumentation in archaeometry research,VABB-1,27,41,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419538,,Predictive models reduce talent development costs in female gymnastics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419540,,Spatiotemporal data as the foundation for an archaeological stratigraphy extraction and management system,VABB-1,522,530,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419541,,An empirical investigation of the influence of municipal fiscal policy on firm growth,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419542,,On the use of multivariate regression methods for longest path calculations from earned value management observations,VABB-1,127,140,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419543,,Figuring Giorgio Agamben's 'Bare life' in the Post-Katrina works of Jesmyn Ward and Kara Walker,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419545,,Effects of carnosine supplementation on glucose metabolism: pilot clinical trial,VABB-1,1027,1034,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419547,,Towards market- or command-based governance?: the evolution of payments for environmental service schemes in Andean and Mesoamerican countries,VABB-1,20,32,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419548,,Different farming styles behind the homogenous soy production in southern Brazil,VABB-1,396,418,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419549,,Sensitivity of the resting-state haemodynamic response function estimation to autonomic nervous system fluctuations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419550,,The negative footprint illusion: perceptual bias in sustainable food consumption,VABB-1,50,65,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419552,,Why are young adults willing to cooperate with the police and comply with traffic laws?,VABB-1,103,116,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419553,,Philosophy of Science and Engineering Design,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419554,,"'Bike along, nothing to see here': Hof van Justitie lokaliseert locus acti bij productaansprakelijkheid op de plaats waar het gebrekkige goed vervaardigd werd",VABB-1,81,85,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419555,,'Spaensche pepers' en een 'schrickelyck quaet': Sodomie in 18de-eeuws Brugge,VABB-1,3,7,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419556,,Culture-sustainability relation: towards a conceptual framework,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419557,,Empirical perspective on activity durations for project-management simulation studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419558,,"Seafaring, trade, and knowledge transfer: maritime politics and commerce in early middle period to early modern China",VABB-1,1,150,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419559,,Four perspectives of sustainability applied to the local food strategy of Ghent (Belgium) : need for a cycle of democratic participation?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419560,,Consumer evaluation of food with nutritional benefits: a systematic review and narrative synthesis,VABB-1,355,371,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419565,,Which socio-ecological factors associate with a switch to or maintenance of active and passive transport during the transition from primary to secondary school?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419566,,Knowing the ins and outs of linguistic standardization: Enregisterment of Standard Dutch and dialect in late 1970s Flemish TV fiction,VABB-4,131,156,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419568,,Komissarzhevskaya and the Russian Avant-Garde: pragmatics of performativity: Meyerhold and beyond,VABB-1,109,115,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419569,,No evidence for threat-induced spatial prioritization of somatosensory stimulation during pain control using a synchrony judgment paradigm,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419570,,Detecting grammatical errors in machine translation output using dependency parsing and treebank querying,VABB-1,203,217,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419571,,"Obesity, food restriction, and implicit attitudes to healthy and unhealthy foods: Lessons learned from the implicit relational assessment procedure",VABB-1,41,54,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419572,,Temporal learning and rhythmic responding: no reduction in the proportion easy effect with variable response-stimulus intervals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419573,,Marketing professionalism: the transatlantic authorship of Edith Wharton,VABB-1,503,519,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419574,,The quest for vital interests and objectives in the foreign policy of Belgium,VABB-1,9,23,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419578,,De hoofdgeneesheer niet langer scheidsrechter zonder fluit?: een eerste evaluatie van de wijzigingen in de wettelijke regeling van de organisatie van de medische activiteit in ziekenhuizen,VABB-1,293,304,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419579,,Internal modeling of upcoming speech: a causal role of the right posterior cerebellum in non-motor aspects of language production,VABB-1,203,214,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419580,,Embodied piety sacrament houses and iconoclasm in the sixteenth-century Low countries,VABB-1,36,58,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419582,,Examining High Rates of Preventable Maternal Mortality in Kenya. Could Provisional Measures be an effective tool to Guarantee Safe Pregnancy?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419587,,Ways of Seeing Data: Towards a Critical Literacy for Data Visualisations as Research Objects and Research Devices,VABB-4,227,251,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419588,,The mention-pair model,VABB-4,281,295,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419591,,Prostitutie en georganiseerde criminaliteit? De aanpak van wantoestanden binnen de sector,VABB-1,73,98,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419592,,Wait and see? Studying the teacher's role during in-class educational gaming,VABB-5,540,547,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419593,,When your error becomes my error : anterior insula activation in response to observed errors is modulated by agency,VABB-1,357,366,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419594,,Impact of lean production on perceived Job autonomy and job satisfaction: an experimental study,VABB-1,159,176,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419596,,"Historical narrative, remembrance, and the ordering of the world: a historical assessmeent of China's international relations",VABB-4,22,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419597,,The initial sales figures of Henry James's Daisy Miller: a study,VABB-1,268,270,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419598,,A user-centric evaluation of context-aware recommendations for a mobile news service,VABB-1,3323,3351,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419599,,"Banks' size, scope and systemic risk: what role for conflicts of interest?",VABB-1,S3,S13,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419601,,"The diplomatic role of the European parliament's standing committees, delegations and assemblies: insights from ACP–EU inter-parliamentary cooperation",VABB-1,161,181,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419602,,The many aspects of fine-grained sentiment analysis : an overview of the task and its main challenges,VABB-5,23,28,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419603,,Parsons on Christianity,VABB-1,50,61,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419606,,Prezent alze manne: de oordeelvinders van het leenhof van de Sint-Pietersabdij aan het einde van de veertiende eeuw,VABB-1,41,68,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:419607,,Specific antinuclear antibody level changes after B cell depletion therapy in systemic sclerosis are associated with improvement of skin thickening,VABB-1,247,249,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419609,,"Social safety, self-rated general health and physical activity: changes in area crime, area safety feelings, and the role of social cohesion",VABB-1,39,45,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419610,,"The interplay between neighbourhood characteristics: the health impact of changes in social cohesion, disorder and unsafety feelings",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419612,,Modeling and analysis of residential flexibility: timing of white good usage,VABB-1,790,805,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419613,,"L. S. M., gure prométhéenne: gloire et damnation d’un héros",VABB-4,97,110,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:419615,,"Mental beliefs about blood, and not its smell, affect presence in a violent computer game",VABB-1,928,937,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419617,,Psychoanalyse en empirisch onderzoek,VABB-1,164,174,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419619,,Moving targets: towards a post-humanist historical ontology of man?,VABB-1,5,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419620,,'Cette autre nécessité essentielle: 'l'urbanisation': electrification and the Urbanisation of the Nebular City,VABB-5,201,214,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:419622,,Only crime and punishment survived! Adapting east European world literature from classics illustrated to russ kick’s the graphic canon,VABB-1,40,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419624,,Denominal location and locatum verbs in Kavalan,VABB-5,337,351,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419625,,The added value of auxiliary data in sentiment analysis of Facebook posts,VABB-1,98,112,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419626,,'The sands of Dee': its popular appeal and textual life,VABB-1,174,176,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419627,,Le lyrisme dans l’écriture moderne: correspondances poétiques entre Dino Campana et Antonin Artaud,VABB-1,1,21,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:419631,,Jaina Tantra: SOAS Jaina Studies Workshop 2015,VABB-1,11,15,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419632,,The Omnimoda historia of Nummius Aemilianus Dexter: A Latin Translation of Eusebius’ Chronography?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419636,,SemEval-2016 Task 13: Taxonomy Extraction Evaluation (TExEval-2),VABB-5,1081,1091,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419638,,La lutte antiterroriste en Belgique Le Premier ministre Charles Michel devant le Parlement fédéral,VABB-1,104,110,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:419639,,Bisogna fare della pubblicità come si fa un’opera d’arte' Gabriele D’Annunzio e i percorsi della scrittura letteraria in pubblicità,VABB-1,73,86,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:419640,,Hercule Poirot moet Italiaans spreken: Censuur en vertaling in de Italiaanse reeks I libri Gialli Mondadori,VABB-1,1,11,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419641,,Education and religion in late antiquity : an introduction,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419642,,Context-specific proportion congruency effects : an episodic learning account and computational model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419643,,Can spatial reallocation of livestock reduce the impact of GHG emissions?,VABB-1,11,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419644,,A novel method for approximating intercity networks: an empirical comparison for validating the city networks in two Chinese city-regions,VABB-1,337,354,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419645,,From centrality to intermediacy in the global transport network? Ukraine’s trials and tribulations as a potential transit country,VABB-1,69,90,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419647,,Herlokalisering van de macht? Burgemeesters in bezet en bevrijd België en Noord-Frankrijk (1914-1921),VABB-1,61,77,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419650,,"Design, explanation, and constitutive relevance",VABB-4,369,387,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:419651,,Definitions of syllable in Italian grammars: a brief historical survey,VABB-4,87,113,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419653,,Influence of reconciliation programmes on the reconciliation attitudes of war-affected adolescents in Northern Uganda,VABB-1,9,23,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419656,,"Trends in overweight prevalence among 11-, 13- and 15-year-olds in 25 countries in Europe, Canada and USA from 2002 to 2010",VABB-1,28,32,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419658,,"The myth of the Phoenix: progressive education, migration and the shaping of the welfare state, 1985-2015",VABB-1,467,484,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419659,,Abhidharma in China: reflections on 'Matching meanings' and Xuanxue,VABB-4,279,295,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419661,,Scapulothoracic muscle activity during elevation exercises measured with surface and fine wire EMG : a comparative study between patients with subacromial impingement syndrome and healthy controls,VABB-1,33,39,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419663,,The salience of socially engaging and disengaging emotions among Black and White South Africans,VABB-1,487,493,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419664,,"Humiliated self, bad self or bad behavior? The relations between moral emotional appraisals and moral motivation",VABB-1,213,231,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419665,,Revisiting the dimensional structure of the emotion domain,VABB-1,1026,1041,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419669,,Gait characteristics and spatio-temporal variables of climbing in bonobos (Pan paniscus),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419670,,Round-robin tournaments generated by the circle method have maximum carry-over,VABB-5,178,189,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419673,,It’s all about interpretation: discourses at work in educational museums: the case of Ypres,VABB-4,207,222,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419675,,"Gustaaf Hulstaert (1900-1990), autor de manuales escolares en el Congo: pionero paradójico y controversial",VABB-4,433,465,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419676,,Nietigheid en ‘meest gunstige interpretatie’: de remedies bij onrechtmatige bedingen in consumentenovereenkomsten in het licht van de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,97,177,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419677,,Notice-and-fair-balance : how to reach a compromise between fundamental rights in European intermediary liability,VABB-1,266,301,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419679,,"The prevalence of unplanned pregnancy ending in birth, associated factors, and health outcomes",VABB-1,2821,2833,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419680,,"Accelerated intermittent theta burst stimulation for suicide risk in therapy-resistant depressed patients: a randomized, sham-controlled trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419682,,Detecting affiliation in colaughter across 24 societies,VABB-1,4682,4687,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419683,,Xenopoulos' Anadyomeni: from the Lotophages to Plato's Symposium,VABB-1,211,232,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419684,,Early detection of communication delays with the PEDS tools in at-risk South African infants,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419687,,Systematic literature review on effectiveness of self-management support interventions in patients with chronic conditions and low socio-economic status,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419688,,The perceived role of Islamic religiosity in minorities’ educational success in Belgium: a cure or curse?,VABB-1,529,546,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419689,,"Feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness and effectiveness of patient participation at bedside shift reporting: mixed-method research protocol",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419691,,Investment-cash flow sensitivity and financial constraints : evidence from unquoted European SMEs,VABB-1,182,197,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419693,,Venturi's discipline,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419697,,Dwangsommen voor de administratieve rechtscolleges,VABB-4,719,751,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419699,,Genome egineering through CRISPR/Cas9 technology in the human germline and pluripotent stem cells,VABB-1,411,419,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:419700,,How to create a family? Decision making in lesbian couples using donor sperm,VABB-1,13,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419703,,Training for impact : the socio-economic impact of a fit for purpose health workforce on communities,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419704,,Conceptualizations of fair play : a factorial survey study of moral judgments by badminton players,VABB-1,312,329,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419705,,Information sharing and its integrative role : an empirical study of the malt barley value chain in Ethiopia,VABB-1,3012,3029,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419706,,Eliciting reciprocal peer-tutoring groups’ metacognitive regulation through structuring and problematizing Scaffolds,VABB-1,804,828,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419707,,Is collaborative learners’ adoption of metacognitive regulation related to students’ content processing strategies and the level of transactivity in their peer discussions?,VABB-1,617,642,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419708,,"Sensitivity of Mediterranean bivalve mollusc aquaculture to climate change, ocean acidification, and other environmental pressures : findings from a producer survey",VABB-1,1161,1176,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419711,,Implicational scales in colloquial Belgian Dutch,VABB-1,62,82,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419712,,"The processing of singular and plural nouns in English, French, and Dutch : new insights from megastudies",VABB-1,316,324,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419713,,Correlates of agreement between accelerometry and self-reported physical activity,VABB-1,1075,1084,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419716,,"Gezondheidsrechtelijke aanbevelingen binnen de verloskunde inzake foetale monitoring, uterusruptuur, solutio placentae, schouderdystocie en teamwork op basis van het patiëntendossier",VABB-4,135,198,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419719,,Clinical outcomes of a scapular-focused treatment in patients with subacromial pain syndrome: a systematic review,VABB-1,436,441,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419720,,De beoordeling van een draagmoederschapsovereenkomst uit Florida: alle wegen leiden naar erkenning,VABB-1,104,111,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419722,,Mapping the substance of the EU's civil society support in Central Asia: From neo-liberal to state-led civil society,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419723,,Le sanctuaire de 'La Taille Marie' à Aiseau-Presles: Campagne de fouilles 2014,VABB-5,207,215,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:419725,,Maximian of Ravenna : chronica,VABB-1,259,276,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419726,,The effect of family violence on sexual victimization among young women,VABB-1,759,769,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419727,,Health-related Quality of Life and its Associated Factors in Iranian Petrochemical Complex’ Staffs,VABB-1,1075,1083,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419728,,Predictors of time to relapse in amphetamine-type substance users in the matrix treatment program in Iran: a Cox proportional hazard model application,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419729,,The influence of source attractiveness on self-perception and advertising effectiveness for 6- to 7-year-old children,VABB-1,575,582,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419730,,Bemiddeling bij de bestuursrechter,VABB-4,97,121,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419731,,'Open Government Data': based Business Models: a market consultation on the relationship with government in the case of mobility and route-planning applications,VABB-5,64,71,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419733,,Let's do it safely: how Altrad Balliauw configured a package of control systems,VABB-1,172,180,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419734,,Is kleutertaal onderschat als predictor voor de ontwikkeling van het aanvankelijk rekenen,VABB-1,37,46,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419737,,"Holocene landscape evolution of an estuarine wetland in relation to the human occupation and exploitation: Waasland Scheldt polders, northern Belgium",VABB-1,35,62,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419738,,A framework for guiding sustainability assessment and on-farm strategic decision making,VABB-1,16,23,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419740,,Systematic development of an evidence-based website on preconception care,VABB-1,264,270,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419741,,"Selling green militarization: the discursive (re)production of militarized conservation in the Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo",VABB-1,274,285,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419742,,Educational level and risk profile and risk control in patients with coronary heart disease,VABB-1,881,890,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419743,,How does working memory enable number-induced spatial biases?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419747,,Which environmental factors most strongly influence a street's appeal for bicycle transport among adults? : a conjoint study using manipulated photographs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419749,,The use of HeartQoL in patients with coronary heart disease: association with risk factors and European reference values: the EUROASPIRE IV study of the European Society of Cardiology,VABB-1,1174,1186,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419751,,Is Susac syndrome associated with bipolar disorder?,VABB-1,64,67,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419753,,The role of teacher trust in segregated elementary schools: a multilevel repeated measures examination,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419754,,"Potential infinity, abstraction principles and arithmetic (Leniewski Style)",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419755,,Circulating androgens correlate with resting-state MRI in transgender men,VABB-1,91,98,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419756,,Social anxiety-linked attention bias to threat is indirectly related to post-event processing via subjective emotional reactivity to social stress,VABB-1,377,387,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419757,,Static air support surfaces to prevent pressure injuries: a multicenter cohort study in Belgian nursing homes,VABB-1,375,378,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419758,,Effect of body mass distribution on the ontogeny of positional behaviors in non-human primates: longitudinal follow-up of infant captive olive baboons (Papio anubis),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419759,,Managing innovation in the bioeconomy: an open innovation perspective,VABB-1,60,69,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419760,,The universality of categories and meaning: a Coserian perspective,VABB-1,110,133,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419761,,Quand le bourreau prend la parole: témoignage et fiction,VABB-2,,,391 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:419764,,Can parenting practices explain the differences in beverage intake according to socio-economic status : the Toybox-Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419765,,"Particuliere kunst- en antiekverzamelaars in negentiende-eeuws Gent, door de lens van internationale reisliteratuur",VABB-1,103,127,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419766,,Het desistance proces van wetsovertreders met een psychiatrische problematiek gehypothekeerd door de internering.,VABB-4,123,148,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419767,,Desistance bij wetsovertreders met een psychiatrische problematiek: tussen droom en daad staat de internering in de weg.,VABB-1,171,190,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419768,,What is the Greek counterpart of (Proto-)Indo-Iranian (*)th?,VABB-1,89,164,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419769,,Symposium: de rekruteringsfunctie van partijen in gevaar?,VABB-1,231,244,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419771,,Juridische aspecten van transgenderzorg voor minderjarigen,VABB-1,231,254,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419772,,Configurations of actual and perceived motor competence among children : associations with motivation for sports and global self-worth,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419774,,The heterogeneity of headache patients who self-medicate: a cluster analysis approach,VABB-1,1464,1471,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419777,,Do preferences and beliefs in dilemma games exhibit complementarity??,VABB-5,142,153,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419778,,Bohr complementarity in memory retrieval,VABB-1,28,36,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419779,,A quantum-like model for complementarity of preferences and beliefs in dilemma games,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419780,,The opposite of Dante's hell? The transfer of ideas for social housing at international congresses in the 1850s–1860s,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419781,,Capacity building and communitas in the history of education,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419783,,"'Containers, carriers, vehicles': three view of mobility from Africa",VABB-1,43,53,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419785,,A cognitive analysis of metrical irregularities in the Ὥσπερ ξένοι Book epigrams,VABB-1,79,91,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:419788,,Immanuel Kant en de renaissance van het confucianisme,VABB-1,37,42,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:419789,,A review of R-packages for random-intercept probit regression in small clusters,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419790,,Cyber dating abuse victimization among secondary school students from a lifestyle-routine activities theory perspective,VABB-1,2767,2776,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:419791,,Parental knowledge of adolescents’ online content and contact,VABB-1,401,416,-,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:419793,,Women in transnational history: connecting the global and the local,VABB-3,,,208 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419794,,De hermaakbare wereld? Essays over globalisering,VABB-3,,,202 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419795,,De Grondwet van het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden van 1815 Staatkundige en historische beschouwingen uit België en Nederland,VABB-3,,,257 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419797,,Institutional balance and community method in the implementation of EU legislation following the Lisbon treaty,VABB-1,1501,1544,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419799,,Wereld(en) maken en de paradoxen van de globalisering,VABB-4,7,22,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419802,,Modeling motive activation in the operant motive test : a psychometric analysis using dynamic Thurstonian item response theory,VABB-1,268,286,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419804,,Analysing the power of the European Union’s diplomatic service : do the EU member states control the European external action service?,VABB-1,26,48,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419806,,Hoe een veroordeling door het Hof van Justitie vermijden?,VABB-1,425,435,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419807,,Towards a socio-historical analysis of Ancient Greek? Some problems and prospects,VABB-4,35,45,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:419808,,The normative distinctiveness of the European Union in international development: stepping out of the shadow of the world bank?,VABB-1,493,511,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419810,,Measuring mentalizing ability: a within- subject comparison between an explicit and implicit version of a ball detection task,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419811,,"Mediating effects of self-efficacy, benefits and barriers on the association between peer and parental factors and physical activity among adolescent girls with a lower educational level",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419812,,"Twitter, the most brilliant tough love editor you’ll ever have",VABB-1,1,40,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419813,,European bank stress test and sovereign exposures,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419814,,Mutual admissibility of evidence in criminal matters in the EU: a study of telephone tapping and house search,VABB-2,,,243 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419815,,Towards robust and reliable multimedia analysis through semantic integration of services,VABB-1,14019,14038,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419818,,Het spektakel van het socialisme: naar een sociale en architecturale biografie van Europese volkshuizen,VABB-1,49,60,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419819,,Les pluriels lexicaux dits 'massifs' face au conditionneur universel,VABB-1,272,288,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:419822,,Prospective observational study protocol to investigate long-term adverse effects of methylphenidate in children and adolescents with ADHD: the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Drugs Use Chronic Effects (ADDUCE) study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419823,,Exploring the behavioral dynamics of the implicit relational assessment procedure: the role of relational contextual cues versus relational coherence indicators as response options,VABB-1,395,403,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419826,,"Adoptiefeesten cultuur, liefdadigheid en gemeenschapsvorming bij Vlaams-Ethiopische adoptiegezinnen",VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:419830,,Interventie 2.0. Factoren van invloed op de implementatie van technologie bij politie en brandweer,VABB-1,49,60,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419831,,There is more into ‘doing’ than ‘knowing’ : the function of the right inferior frontal sulcus is specific for implementing versus memorising verbal instructions,VABB-1,350,356,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419833,,"EESD2016 : Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development (Bruges, 4-7 September 2016) – Building a circular economy together",VABB-3,,,521 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419835,,On the integration of need-related autobiographical memories among late adolescents and late adults : the role of depressive symptoms and self-congruence,VABB-1,580,593,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419839,,White matter hyperintensities and imaging patterns of brain ageing in the general population,VABB-1,1164,1179,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419840,,"Challenges when researching digital audiences : mapping audience research of software designs, interfaces and platforms",VABB-1,374,391,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419841,,T2* mapping of subtalar cartilage : precision and association between anatomical variants and cartilage composition,VABB-1,1969,1976,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419844,,Voorbij alle intuïties?,VABB-1,167,171,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419845,,It takes two to tango : combining judicial and scientific knowledge to ensure the admissibility of forensic evidence in the courtroom,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419846,,The ‘I’ in extreme responding,VABB-1,510,523,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419847,,Samenleven in de stad : sociale relaties tussen ideaal en realiteit,VABB-4,76,120,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419848,,Van moreel voorbeeld naar bedreigde wereldmacht : de paradoxen van het Europese externe beleid in een globaliserende wereld,VABB-4,91,107,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419849,,Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard: portraits after existing prototypes,VABB-2,,,340 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419854,,Practical application and empirical evaluation of reference class forecasting for project management,VABB-1,36,51,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419856,,Islam en 'Heimat' in SAID’s ‘Ich und der Islam’ en ‘Das Niemandsland ist unseres’,VABB-1,34,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419857,,The documentary real : thinking documentary aesthetics,VABB-1,197,205,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:419858,,‘Het gevoel als blinde leidsman’ : retoriek en cognitieve processen in Marcellus Emants’ Een nagelaten bekentenis,VABB-1,261,283,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:419859,,Fundamental movement skills : an important focus,VABB-1,219,225,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419860,,"Modelling environmental attitudes of the users of Kilombero Valley Wetlands, Tanzania",VABB-1,1078,1089,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419861,,Links-libertarisme als aantrekkelijke theorie van sociale rechtvaardigheid,VABB-1,189,213,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419863,,The role of anticipated decision regret and the patient's best interest in sterilisation and medically assisted reproduction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419864,,Social poetics : the architecture of use and appropriation,VABB-1,11,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419865,,"Vluchtelingen uit Hongarije in 1956, het Belgisch verhaal",VABB-1,21,37,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419870,,Context matters : student-perceived binge drinking norms at faculty-level relate to binge drinking behavior in higher education,VABB-1,89,94,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419872,,Durability and measurement uncertainty of airtightness in extremely airtight dwellings,VABB-1,383,394,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419873,,"I can't say, I wasn't anticipating, but I didn't see it coming in this magnitude: A qualitative fieldwork experience in the North West region of Cameroon",VABB-1,571,583,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419874,,"Setting high expectations is not enough Linkages between expectation climate strength, trust, and employee performance",VABB-1,1024,1041,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419876,,Authentic leadership and thriving among nurses : the mediating role of emphathy,VABB-1,357,365,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419877,,Het Belgisch rechtsrealisme als missing link tussen de exegetische en wetenschappelijke school,VABB-4,37,47,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419881,,School autonomy reform in China: the voice of the principal,VABB-5,7528,7537,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419885,,The even-construction and the Low Periphery in Mandarin,VABB-4,33,74,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419886,,A decision making tool for the energy efficient refurbishment of residential buildings,VABB-5,997,1002,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419887,,Nice embedding in classical logic,VABB-1,47,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419888,,Surprise in the GRID,VABB-1,436,460,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419889,,The adaptive capacity of container ports in an era of mega vessels: the case of upstream seaports Antwerp and Hamburg,VABB-1,295,309,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419894,,(Re)animating the image: staging media in Romeo Castellucci's M.#10 Marseille,VABB-1,10,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419895,,Voor wie meer wil dan de ontbinding: bijkomende schadevergoeding,VABB-1,303,313,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419896,,"Roman Citizenship of Italian *Augustales. Evidence, Problems, Competitive Advantages",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419897,,Glass shards: echoes of a message in a bottle,VABB-3,,,250 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419898,,Outmoded Evils: a longitudinal analysis on the Arab-as-villain in post-9/11 American action cinema.,VABB-4,25,42,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419899,,Reliability of the quantitative assessment of peripheral blood perfusion by laser speckle contrast analysis in a systemic sclerosis cohort,VABB-1,1263,1264,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419900,,An EULAR study group pilot study on reliability of simple capillaroscopic definitions to describe capillary morphology in rheumatic diseases,VABB-1,883,890,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419903,,Identifying rights-holders in natural resource regimes: a critical assessment of the Peruvian protected areas legislation,VABB-1,135,154,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419906,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419908,,"Synergy, redundancy and unnormalized Granger causality",VABB-5,4037,4040,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:419909,,Off-premises contracts,VABB-4,165,176,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:419910,,De geschoolde maatschappij,VABB-1,148,154,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419911,,Modelling and accessing regulatory knowledge for computer-assisted compliance audit,VABB-1,317,336,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419913,,"Getting to the heart of emotion regulation in youth: the role of interoceptive sensitivity, heart rate variability, and parental psychopathology",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419914,,Lower-track students’ sense of academic futility: Selection or effect?,VABB-1,874,889,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419915,,Gedeeltelijke ontbinding van overeenkomsten,VABB-1,403,415,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419916,,Presentation: new perspectives on lexical plurals,VABB-1,207,216,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419922,,Is self-regulation failing children and young people? Assessing the use of alternative regulatory instruments in the area of social networks,VABB-4,77,94,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419923,,Looking back: Reception as Creative Sparagmos. Oskar Kokoschka’s Orpheus und Eurydike Revised.,VABB-1,527,545,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419924,,Discriminant musculo-skeletal leg characteristics between sprint and endurance elite Caucasian runners,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419925,,The vernacular Medieval Greek romances and information structure: linguistic features pointing to an oral style,VABB-1,80,87,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419926,,Setting the standard: are teachers better speakers of Standard Dutch?,VABB-1,34,64,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419927,,"Mapping the interplay among cognitive biases, emotion regulation, and depressive symptoms.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419928,,Changing old habits: the case of feeding patterns in anaerobic digesters,VABB-1,212,221,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419930,,Sensitivity to social exclusion in major depressive disorder (MDD) predicts therapeutic outcome after in-patient treatment,VABB-1,50,52,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419932,,Investigating ‘Churnalism’ in real time news,VABB-4,117,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419934,,"The beginnings of a monastic reformer: the younger years of Poppo of Stavelot (Lotharingia, 978-1020)",VABB-1,483,524,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419935,,Changing unsafe behaviour on social network sites: collaborative learning vs. individual reflection,VABB-4,210,226,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419936,,Multi-tasking uncovers right spatial neglect and extinction in chronic left-hemisphere stroke patients,VABB-1,147,157,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419937,,Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of refractory epilepsy,VABB-1,1093,1110,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419938,,The 'age of commemoration' as a narrative construct: a critique of the discourse on the contemporary crisis of memory in France,VABB-1,172,191,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419939,,PoN-S : a systematic approach for applying the Physics of Notation (PoN),VABB-5,432,447,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419945,,Interrater reliability of the ENERGY photo-rating instrument for school environments related to physical activity and eating,VABB-1,433,439,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419946,,Factors of land abandonment in mountainous Mediterranean areas: the case of Montenegrin settlements,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419947,,De aan-constructie in het 17de-eeuwse Nederlands: een semasiologische studie,VABB-1,211,245,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:419950,,A multivariable prediction model for the chronification of non-traumatic shoulder pain: a systematic review,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419953,,"Nuclear and old fossil phase out scenarios: assessment of shortages, surpluses and the load factor of flexible assets with high renewable generation targets: a Belgian case study",VABB-1,338,347,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419954,,De kloof overbruggen tussen een strikt onderwijstaalbeleid en een taaldiverse klaspraktijk: strategieën van Vlaamse leraren en leerlingen,VABB-1,85,105,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:419956,,Governing quintuple helix innovation: urban living labs and socio-ecological entrepreneurship,VABB-1,22,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419957,,The multiplication effect of legal insurance,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419959,,Discriminatie en het onderwijswelbevinden van jongeren met een migratieachtergrond in Vlaanderen: een verkennende studie,VABB-1,23,34,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419960,,Justice: man judge or earthly mother? Femininity of justice and her sisters of virtue in Belgian fin de siècle iconography,VABB-4,23,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419961,,"Emotional and sensory profiling of insect-, plant- and meat-based burgers under blind, expected and informed conditions",VABB-1,27,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419964,,Ethical codes in sports organizations: an empirical study on determinants of effectiveness,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:419965,,Making sense of it all: the impact of sensory processing sensitivity on daily functioning of children,VABB-1,80,86,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419966,,De beëindiging van de woninghuur door tegenopzegging of in der minne na de opzegging gegeven door de verhuurder,VABB-1,4,9,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419967,,'Een indrukwekkende stapel documenten': over de moeizame institutionele ontwikkeling van het filmproductiebeleid in Vlaanderen (1964-1981),VABB-1,5,26,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419968,,European consumers' definition and perception of traditional foods,VABB-4,3,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419969,,"Reading urban landscapes of war and peace: the case of Goma, DRC",VABB-4,79,97,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419973,,Onwettig advies van de HRHB belet herstelvordering niet,VABB-1,47,51,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419977,,How Jan van Leeuwen († 1378) was made an author. Opera omnia and authority,VABB-4,363,387,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419978,,The moderating impact of distal regularities on the effect of stimulus pairings: a novel perspective on evaluative conditioning,VABB-1,20,44,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419979,,Default mode network abnormalities during state switching in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,519,528,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419980,,Why your stigma isn't hired: a dual-process framework of interview bias,VABB-1,90,111,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419981,,Rising powers and economic crisis in the Euro area,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419982,,Failures to change stimulus evaluations by means of subliminal approach and avoidance training,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419983,,The response of the left ventral attentional system to invalid targets and its implication for the spatial neglect syndrome : a multivariate fMRI investigation,VABB-1,4551,4562,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419984,,"Actors, frames and institutions in global energy politics",VABB-4,47,71,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:419985,,Integrating expert knowledge and multilingual web crawling data in a lead qualification system,VABB-1,69,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419986,,Weathering the storm: legality and legal implications of the Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen,VABB-1,61,98,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419987,,Water intake and beverage consumption of pre-schoolers from six European countries and associations with socio-economic status : the ToyBox-study,VABB-1,2315,2325,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419988,,Time for a new approach to prepare future teachers for educational technology use: its meaning and measurement,VABB-1,134,150,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419990,,The discursive construction of teacher identities: Flemish teachers’ perceptions of Standard Dutch,VABB-1,219,265,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419991,,"Is there a domain-general cognitive sequencing system? Evidence from structural priming across music, math, action descriptions, and language",VABB-1,172,184,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419996,,Karteldeelnemers kunnen binnen de EU voor de gerechten van de woonplaats van een van hen gedagvaard worden,VABB-1,30,33,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:419997,,"Contribution of chronic conditions to gender disparities in disability in the older population in Brazil, 2013",VABB-1,1003,1012,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:419999,,The Old English to-dative construction,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420000,,"A Note on olives and olive oil from Picenum (Marche, Northern Abruzzo) : an obscured food product within the economy of central Adriatic Italy in Roman times?",VABB-1,301,312,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420003,,"Intrapersonal achievement goals and underlying reasons among long distance runners : their relation with race experience, self-talk, and running time",VABB-1,288,310,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420005,,"Ethical codes in sports organizations : classification framework, content analysis, and the influence of content on code effectiveness",VABB-1,587,598,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420006,,Physical activity coparticipation and independent mobility as correlates of objectively measured nonschool physical activity in different school grades : the UP&DOWN study,VABB-1,747,753,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420007,,"Information, knowledge creation and innovation management in sport : an introduction to the thematic section",VABB-1,516,517,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420008,,Creating and leveraging knowledge to promote sport participation : the role of public governing bodies of sport,VABB-1,555,578,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420012,,"Transcending boundaries : educational trajectories, subject domains, and skills demands",VABB-4,127,142,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420013,,(Wo)men in legal history,VABB-2,,,342 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420014,,Street-level bureaucracy en actoren in de veiligheidszorg,VABB-1,3,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420015,,Aphasia and age of acquisition : are early-learned words more resilient?,VABB-1,1240,1263,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420017,,El lenguaje silencioso de Alejandra Costamagna : en voz baja y 'Había una vez un pájaro',VABB-1,210,220,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:420020,,Suicide prevention strategies revisited : 10-year systematic review,VABB-1,646,659,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420021,,Exempla iustitiae : inspirerende voorbeelden,VABB-4,39,53,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420023,,Dürers impact op de rechticonografie,VABB-4,179,182,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420024,,Body image in young gender dysphoric adults : a European multi-center study,VABB-1,559,574,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420025,,La storia agraria dal medioevo all’età moderna : una rassegna sulla storiografia degli ultimi venti anni in alcuni paesi europei,VABB-1,87,119,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:420027,,Situational judgment tests : from measures of situational judgment to measures of general domain Knowledge,VABB-1,3,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420028,,On lexical preferences in the alternation between the skoon bysin 'bare complement clause' and the dat-bysin 'that-complement clause' : a distinctive collexeme analysis,VABB-1,117,133,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420030,,Hierarchies of factor solutions in the intelligence domain : applying methodology from personality psychology to gain insights into the nature of intelligence,VABB-1,37,50,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420031,,"A prospective longitudinal study of tuberculosis among household contacts of smear-positive tuberculosis cases in Lima, Peru",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420032,,Traslación a la práctica de estrategias de empoderamiento en la prevención del dengue : facilitadores y barreras,VABB-1,93,100,,spa,2016,1 c:vabb:420033,,Respostas ao tráfico no Norte Global : O caso de Portugal e Espanha,VABB-1,165,177,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420034,,François Laurent (1810-1887),VABB-4,388,391,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:420035,,Do flexible goal adjustment and acceptance help preserve quality of life in patients with Multiple Sclerosis?,VABB-1,333,339,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420043,,An Attempted ‘Reform’ of the General Chapter of Benedictine Abbots in the Late 1160s,VABB-1,23,47,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420044,,The role of the right tempoparietal junction in the elicitation of vicarious experiences and detection accuracy while observing pain and touch,VABB-1,1019,1032,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420045,,Multilingual school population: ensuring school belonging by tolerating multilingualism,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420046,,"States, Markets and Institutions: Integrating International Political Economy and Global Energy Politics",VABB-4,3,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420048,,Reading Balint group work through Lacan’s theory of the four discourses,VABB-1,441,458,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420053,,Comorbidities and psychosocial characteristics as determinants of dropout in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420054,,Effect of two isolated vocal-facilitating techniques chant talk and pitch inflections on the phonation of female speech-language pathology students: a pilot study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420057,,Identifying influencers in a social network : the value of real referral data,VABB-1,25,36,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420059,,Relative scapular muscle activity ratios are altered in subacromial pain syndrome,VABB-1,1861,1867,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420060,,Instruction and feedback for conscious contraction of the abdominal muscles increases the scapular muscles activation during shoulder exercises,VABB-1,11,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420061,,"2016 Consensus statement on return to sport from the First World Congress in Sports Physical Therapy, Bern",VABB-1,853,864,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420062,,La Grande Guerre revisitée : 14-18 dans le roman français contemporain,VABB-2,,,393 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:420065,,Tracking shifts in the literal versus the intensifying fake reflexive resultative construction : the development of intensifying dood 'dead' in 19th-20th Century Dutch,VABB-1,55,90,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420072,,Contractual liability of classification societies in Belgium : dune case,VABB-1,3,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420073,,Should we keep on measuring multimorbidity?,VABB-1,113,114,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420076,,Developing educational materials about risks on social network sites: a design based research approach,VABB-1,459,480,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420077,,Conflict monitoring in speech processing: an fMRI study of error detection in speech production and perception,VABB-1,96,105,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420078,,Don’t put a label on me. Labels and interpretation of é que-clefts.,VABB-1,129,156,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:420080,,Instructing implicit processes: when instructions to approach or avoid influence implicit but not explicit evaluation,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420081,,A study on the usefulness and reliability of the 'Scheme of Appraisal of Emotional Development' (SAED) for persons with ID using direct observation in a group-based assessment procedure,VABB-1,108,117,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420083,,"Adherence to oral anticancer agents: healthcare providers' perceptions, beliefs and shared decision making in Belgium and the Netherlands",VABB-1,437,443,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420084,,Assessing the impacts of the global financial crisis on major and minor cities in South and Southeast Asia: a hyperlink analysis,VABB-4,135,155,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420087,,Early Iron Age burial mounds in the Altay Mountains: from survey to analysis,VABB-4,719,732,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420088,,How Algeria's multilingual condition and colonial history are obscured: Marketing three postcolonial Francophone Algerian writers in Dutch translation,VABB-4,182,201,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420091,,Dutch Compound Splitting for Bilingual Terminology Extraction,VABB-4,148,162,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:420094,,The mycotoxin definition reconsidered towards fungal cyclic depsipeptides,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420098,,Researching together: voice as a guide in research,VABB-4,199,215,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420099,,Sterktes van mensen: sterktegerichte strategieën voor het ondersteunen van mensen met een psychiatrische problematiek die strafbare feiten pleegden,VABB-3,,,186 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420101,,"Integrated project management sourcebook : a technical guide to project scheduling, risk and control",VABB-2,,,"XIV, 287 p.",eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420103,,Weet ik wat jij denkt en voelt? Een overzicht van het onderzoek naar empathische accuraatheid en implicaties voor de klinische praktijk.,VABB-1,15,29,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:420105,,"What ellipsis can do for phases, and what it can't, but not why",VABB-1,453,482,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420106,,Aspectual choice and the presentation of narrative: an application to Herodotus' histories,VABB-1,24,55,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420108,,De hardnekkigheid van God,VABB-1,91,108,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:420110,,The surprising character of music: a search for sparsity in music evoked body movements,VABB-4,425,435,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420111,,"Exploring the complexity of the childhood trait-psychopathology association: continuity, pathoplasty and complication effects",VABB-1,139,148,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420112,,Testing the incremental value of a separate measure for secure attachment relative to a measure for attachment anxiety and avoidance in middle childhood and early adolescence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420114,,The revised Formal Social Support for Autonomy and Dependence in Pain Inventory (FSSADI_PAIN): confirmatory factor analysis and validity,VABB-1,508,517,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420115,,Verstedelijking en stadshistoriografie,VABB-4,7,29,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420117,,"First depressed, then discriminated against?",VABB-1,247,254,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420119,,The EU–Turkey relationship needs a new paradigm,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420120,,The role of parental achievement goals in predicting autonomy-supportive and controlling parenting,VABB-1,1702,1711,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420121,,The taste of the mango: a Jaina-Buddhist controversy on evidence,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420122,,Is inference a linguistic or a cognitive process ? A line of divergence between Jain and Buddhist classifications,VABB-5,1,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420123,,Cooperation in mixed-motive games: the role of individual differences in selfish and social orientation,VABB-1,445,458,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420125,,Forgotten dreams: revisiting romanticism in the cinema of Werner Herzog,VABB-2,,,312 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420126,,Variation in population levels of physical activity in European adults according to cross-European studies: a systematic literature review within DEDIPAC,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420127,,Sediment in alluvial and lacustrine debris fans as an indicator for land degradation around Lake Ashenge (Ethiopia),VABB-1,258,269,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420128,,Mental fatigue impairs soccer-specific physical and technical performance,VABB-1,267,276,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420129,,Attentional bias moderates the link between attachment-related expectations and non-suicidal self-injury,VABB-1,540,548,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420130,,"Respiratory muscle endurance, oxygen saturation index in vastus lateralis and performance during heavy exercise",VABB-1,41,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420135,,"Feature integration and task switching: diminished switch costs after controlling for stimulus, response, and cue repetitions",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420136,,Watching what's coming near increases tactile sensitivity: an experimental investigation,VABB-1,307,314,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420141,,Onroerenderfgoeddecreet doorstaat (grotendeels) de toets van het Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-1,58,65,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420143,,Les Belges propriétaires de leur logement restent-ils plus longtemps au chômage ?,VABB-1,1,7,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:420144,,Can chunk size differences explain developmental changes in lexical learning?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420145,,"Predictive information speeds up visual awareness in an individuation task by modulating threshold setting, not processing efficiency",VABB-1,104,112,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420146,,Modality-independence of order coding in working memory: evidence from cross-modal order interference at recall.,VABB-1,161,179,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420147,,A working memory system with distributed executive control,VABB-1,74,100,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420151,,"Ancient demographics, partible inheritance and distribution of wealth in classical Athens and Sparta: a comparative perspective",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420154,,Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014: a pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement studies with 19.2 million participants,VABB-1,1377,1396,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420156,,Afstammingsvorderingen van het kind: nihil obstat?,VABB-1,84,90,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420157,,Effectiveness of folic acid fortified flour for prevention of neural tube defects in a high risk region,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420158,,The risk effects of acquiring distressed firms,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420159,,Use of early intervention for young children with autism spectrum disorder across Europe,VABB-1,233,249,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420160,,L’assassinat de Guillaume D’Orange. Constance stoïque et morale stoïcienne,VABB-4,389,403,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:420162,,Extracting spatio-temporal patterns in animal trajectories: an ecological application of sequence analysis methods,VABB-1,369,379,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420163,,Consumers’ willingness to share personal data: implications for newspapers’ business models,VABB-1,25,41,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420165,,Community based participatory research in de studie van druggebruik bij etnische minderheden,VABB-1,226,235,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420166,,Effects in the affect misattribution procedure are modulated by feature-specific attention allocation,VABB-1,244,256,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420168,,Attention training through gaze-contingent feedback: effects on reappraisal and negative emotions,VABB-1,1074,1085,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420170,,The effectiveness of an e-learning course on medication calculation in nursing students: a clustered quasi-experimental study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420171,,The rise and fall of nodding syndrome in public discourse: an analysis of newspaper coverage in Uganda,VABB-1,168,196,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420174,,Urinary mineral concentrations in European pre-adolescent children and their association with calcaneal bone quantitative ultrasound measurements,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420175,,"A (very) imperfect sandwich : English should, German sollte and Dutch mocht/moest as grammaticalizing markers of conditionality",VABB-1,282,316,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:420177,,De burgerparticipatie op lokale schaal: een democratisch proces tussen aarzelend wetgevend initiatief en vrijwilligerswerk,VABB-1,317,336,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420178,,Dexamethasone-induced catatonia in a patient with multiple myeloma,VABB-1,438,440,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420180,,Differential impact of learning path based versus conventional instruction in science education,VABB-1,53,67,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420181,,Taking context into account in urban agriculture governance: case studies of Warsaw (Poland) and Ghent (Belgium),VABB-1,16,26,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420182,,Exploring the realization of irony in Twitter data,VABB-5,1795,1799,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420186,,Philostratus,VABB-4,503,520,,lat,2017,2 c:vabb:420187,,The impact of media multitasking on the cognitive and attitudinal responses to television commercials : the moderating role of type of advertising appeal,VABB-1,403,416,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420191,,The evolution of the discourse of a Belgian fair trade organization: a two-dimensional history,VABB-1,61,77,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420192,,Measuring participation when combining subjective and objective variables: the development of the Ghent Participation Scale (GPS),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420193,,Emissions trading ethics,VABB-1,60,75,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420194,,Introduction: the Europeanisation of development policy,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420196,,Often biased but rarely in doubt : how initial reactions to stigmatized applicants affect interviewer confidence,VABB-1,275,290,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420198,,"The macula servitutis of Roman freedmen: “Neque enim aboletur turpitudo, quae postea intermissa est”?",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420199,,Anders gezegd: Duitse pendanten van het Nederlandse bijwoord anders,VABB-1,133,152,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420200,,The relationship between the Nasality Severity Index 2.0 and perceptual judgments of hypernasality,VABB-1,67,81,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420203,,Is attention enough? A re-examination of the impact of feature-specific attention allocation on semantic priming effects in the pronunciation task,VABB-1,396,402,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420205,,Primary care for the Roma in Europe : position paper of the European forum for primary care,VABB-1,218,224,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420207,,"De leiding van het geschil door de aansprakelijkheidsverzekeraar: een analyse van de artikelen 143, tweede en derde lid en 152, tweede lid Verzekeringswet 2014",VABB-4,1,95,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420208,,Airport location in multiple airport regions (MARs): the role of land and airside accessibility,VABB-1,98,110,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420209,,An institutional analysis of the evolution of inland waterway transport and inland ports on the Pearl River,VABB-1,867,886,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:420210,,The role of emotion regulation in childhood obesity: implications for prevention and treatment,VABB-1,17,29,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420211,,Influence of physical fitness on cardio-metabolic risk factors in European children: the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,1119,1125,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420212,,Factors predicting quality of life for people with intellectual disability: results from the ANFFAS study in Italy,VABB-1,338,347,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420213,,Massachusetts youth screening instrument for mental health needs of youths in residential welfare/justice institutions: identifying gender differences across countries and settings,VABB-1,645,664,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420214,,Public drunkenness as a nuisance in Ghent (Belgium) and Trento (Italy),VABB-1,59,81,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420217,,Tics as a model of over-learned behavior: imitation and inhibition of facial tics,VABB-1,1155,1162,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420218,,Hervorming van het strafprocesrecht: een boeiende maar moeilijke onderneming,VABB-1,200,211,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420219,,The value of e-learning for the prevention of healthcare-associated infections,VABB-1,1052,1059,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420220,,EU agencies: legal and political limits to the transformation of the EU administration,VABB-2,,,432 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420222,,Spot On ! Zelfredzaamheid en verwachtingen van burgers bij een black-out,VABB-1,20,41,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:420223,,A transnational literary network around 1900: the correspondence between Laurence Binyon and Olivier-Georges Destrée,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420224,,"Colonial Institutions : uses, subversions, and material afterlives",VABB-1,471,476,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420225,,Assessment of written French of Spanish postgraduate students during teacher training,VABB-5,7994,8002,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420226,,Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation of medical students to learn English and French,VABB-5,7993,7993,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420227,,Coexistence dilemmas in European marine spatial planning practices: the case of marine renewables and marine protected areas,VABB-1,391,399,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420228,,The need to understand GMO opposition: reply to Couée,VABB-1,92,92,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420229,,Payment models and net present value optimization for resource-constrained project scheduling,VABB-1,139,153,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420230,,We Go Forward: An Inquiry into The Hunger Games and Other Class-Based Dystopias in Millennial Cinema,VABB-4,112,122,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420231,,Teachers' emphasis on developing students' digital information and communication skills (TEDDICS): a new construct in 21st century education.,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420232,,The ins and outs of business and professional discourse research: reflections on interacting with the workplace,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420233,,Travel mode choice and travel satisfaction : bridging the gap between decision utility and experienced utility,VABB-1,771,796,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420234,,Evaluative priming reveals dissociable effects of cognitive vs. physiological anxiety on action monitoring,VABB-1,498,514,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420235,,"Researching higher education: international perspectives on theory, policy and practice",VABB-3,,,260 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420237,,"EU trade policy : persistent liberalisation, contentious protectionism",VABB-1,279,294,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420239,,Een halve eeuw filmpolitiek in Vlaanderen (1952-2002),VABB-4,115,132,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420240,,"History teachers' conceptions of inquiry-based learning, beliefs about the nature of history, and their relation to the classroom context",VABB-1,57,67,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420242,,Accelerated HF-rTMS protocol has a rate-dependent effect on dACC activation in alcohol-dependent patients: an open-label feasibility study,VABB-1,196,205,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420244,,"Whoever has the stick guides the Buffalo': neutrality, party politics and authority formation in community mediation in the central and West Terai, Nepal",VABB-1,88,112,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420248,,Predictability decomposition detects the impairment of brain–heart dynamical networks during sleep disorders and their recovery with treatment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420249,,Taalstrijd in Afrika: het taalwetsartikel in het Koloniaal Charter van 1908 en de strijd van de Vlamingen en Afrikaners voor het Nederlands in Afrika tot 1960,VABB-1,27,61,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420251,,Understanding and remediating social-cognitive dysfunctions in patients with serious mental illness using relational frame theory,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420252,,Rethinking Clausal Asymmetries: Propositional Pronoun insertion in Hungarian,VABB-4,241,270,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420254,,Prevalence and nature of communication delays in a South African primary healthcare context,VABB-1,87,91,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420257,,"Emotie, gender en macht: emotienormen en expressies in het Rijksopvoedingsgesticht voor lastige of weerspannige meisjes te Brugge (1927-1941)",VABB-1,17,22,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420260,,Nieuwe categorie van verlies van de Belgische nationaliteit op grond van fraus omnia corrumpit?,VABB-1,1338,1342,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:420262,,"The Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) as a measure of spider fear, avoidance and approach",VABB-1,337,349,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420268,,Emotional reactivity to valence-loaded stimuli are related to treatment response of neurocognitive therapy,VABB-1,443,449,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420269,,"Consumers' confidence, reflections and response strategies following the horsemeat incident",VABB-1,721,730,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420270,,Good pharma? How business communication research can help bridge the gap between students and practitioners,VABB-1,141,153,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420271,,We never even wondered whether we trusted them or not: from freedom to mutuality in a student research project,VABB-4,102,116,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420273,,The Family and the Imperial City: A Note on the Tomb of Vetilia Egloge,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420274,,Raising the barriers to access to medicines in the developing world: the relentless push for data exclusivity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420275,,The persistence of syntactic priming revisited,VABB-1,99,116,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420276,,Belgische rechter onbevoegd tegenover Luxemburgse beleggingsvennootschap,VABB-1,89,96,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420277,,Fictive Questions in Conditionals? Synchronic and Diachronic Evidence from German and English,VABB-4,193,213,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420278,,When the past strikes the present: performing requiems for the Marikana massacre,VABB-1,222,241,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420279,,The theory of moral sentiments,VABB-4,33,47,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420281,,"Energy governance, transnational rules, and the resource curse: exploring the effectiveness of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)",VABB-1,179,192,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420282,,Sensitivity to reward and adolescents’ unhealthy snacking and drinking behavior: the role of hedonic eating styles and availability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420284,,Constructive art 'A la Ehrenburg': Vesc-Gegenstand-Objet,VABB-1,493,527,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:420285,,The roots and routes of environmental and sustainability education policy research,VABB-1,305,318,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420286,,The Feasability of Modeling Hypothetical Reasoning by Formal Logics,VABB-4,249,267,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:420287,,Cosmopolitan reflexivity: Consciousness and the non-locality of ritual meaning,VABB-4,62,89,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420288,,"Inscribing property, rituals, and royal alliances: the 'Theutberga gospels' and the Abbey of Remiremont",VABB-1,296,321,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420289,,Interkulturalität und Krise: Erlebtes Europa bei Thomas Mann und Annette Kolb,VABB-4,159,184,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:420291,,Dynamics of need-supportive and need-thwarting teaching behavior: the bidirectional relationship with student engagement and disengagement in the beginning of a lesson,VABB-1,653,670,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420294,,A qualitative study on learning and teaching with learning paths in a learning management system,VABB-1,27,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420295,,Schaal en politieke vertegenwoordiging: een vergelijking van de representatieve roloriëntatie van gemeente- en provincieraadsleden in België,VABB-4,111,128,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420299,,WHO COMMISSIONED AND PAID FOR THE RELIEFS ON HONORARY STELAI IN CLASSICAL ATHENS? SOME NEW THOUGHTS,VABB-1,75,87,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420300,,Development and validation of the Psychotropic Education and Knowledge (PEAK) test on psychotropic drugs for nurses in an acute geriatric care setting,VABB-1,135,141,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420303,,De nieuwe GAS-wet: zuurstof of stikstof?,VABB-1,4,11,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420304,,Budgetteren en werk-gerelateerde stress,VABB-1,71,79,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420306,,François Laurent: een vreemde eend in de bijt van de Belle Epoque?,VABB-4,79,90,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420307,,Effects of stress and relaxation on central pain modulation in chronic whiplash and fibromyalgia patients compared to healthy controls,VABB-1,119,130,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420308,,The potential health and economic effect of a Body Mass Index decrease in the overweight and obese population in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420309,,Superficial and deep scapulothoracic muscle electromyographic activity during elevation exercises in the scapular plane,VABB-1,184,193,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420310,,Context matters-using an agent-based model to investigate the influence of market context on the supply of local biomass for anaerobic digestion,VABB-1,132,145,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420312,,Health related behaviours in normal weight and overweight preschoolers of a large pan-European sample: the ToyBox-study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420314,,University teacher judgments in problem-based learning: Their accuracy and reasoning,VABB-1,203,212,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420315,,Project regularity : development and evaluation of a new project characteristic,VABB-1,100,120,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420316,,"Increase in self-injury as a method of self-harm in Ghent, Belgium: 1987-2013",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420317,,"Belgium's policy on global health: institutions, priorities and challenges",VABB-1,59,72,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420318,,EFT-C's understanding of couple distress: an overview of evidence from couple and emotion research,VABB-1,24,44,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:420319,,De 'Belle Epoque' van het Belgische (straf)recht: koploper of wieltjeszuiger?,VABB-4,49,66,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420322,,"Anchoring vignettes can they make adolescent self-reports of social-emotional skills more reliable, discriminant, and criterion-valid?",VABB-1,39,51,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420323,,De inschrijving in de Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen als procesvoorschrift,VABB-1,647,652,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420330,,Detecting deception through reaction times,VABB-4,269,291,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420332,,Inleiding tot het Internationaal Recht,VABB-2,,,254 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420333,,Article 1676,VABB-4,15,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420334,,De communautarisering of de deconstructie van de soevereine staat,VABB-1,249,386,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420335,,Een nieuwe structuur voor de Brusselse politie?,VABB-1,45,50,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420336,,"Los Barca, una familia aristocrática de Cartago durante el siglo III a. C. Aspectos sociales, económicos y políticos",VABB-1,171,186,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:420340,,UGentMemorie 1817-2017 : een jubileum als aanleiding voor een duurzaam geheugen van stad en universiteit,VABB-1,152,161,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:420344,,Exclamatives,VABB-4,205,208,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:420345,,What's law got to do with it? Why environmental justice is essential to ecosystem service valuation,VABB-1,221,227,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420353,,On semantic differences between translated and non-translated Dutch. Using bidirectional corpus data for measuring and visualizing distances between lexemes in the semantic field of inceptiveness,VABB-4,128,146,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420355,,The influence of language switching experience on the bilingual executive control advantage,VABB-1,181,190,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420356,,She was twelve years old: a note on Mark 5:42,VABB-1,305,317,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420357,,An empirical study of the effectiveness of telepresence as a business meeting mode,VABB-1,323,339,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420358,,Effects of whole body vibration in patients with COPD,VABB-1,525,532,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:420359,,La polisemia de los verbos de colocación: descripción sincrónica y evolución diacrónica de los cuasi-sinónimos poner/meter y poser/mettre,VABB-1,70,94,,spa,2016,1 c:vabb:420360,,The divided cloak as redemptio militiae: biblical stylization and hagiographical intertextuality in sulpicius severus' Vita Martini,VABB-4,133,159,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420363,,Dynamical properties of interaction data,VABB-1,87,114,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420365,,Comparing all-or-nothing and proportionate damages : a rent seeking approach,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420366,,"European universities as complete organizations? Understanding identity, hierarchy and rationality in public organizations",VABB-1,1444,1474,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420368,,Children's advertising literacy for new advertising formats : the mediating impact of advertising literacy on the (un)intended effects of advergames and advertising funded programs,VABB-4,241,252,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420370,,Karl Kraus on Stage: between text and theatricality,VABB-1,33,52,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420371,,State responsibility when transferring non-consenting prisoners to further their social rehabilitation Lessons learnt from the asylum case law,VABB-1,347,370,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420373,,"Associations of reward sensitivity with food consumption, activity pattern, and BMI in children",VABB-1,189,196,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420379,,Variatie en verandering in constructies: op het snijvlak van de constructiegrammatica en de variatielinguïstiek,VABB-1,135,148,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:420380,,Het einde van het begin: de Europese Unie na de Brexit,VABB-1,1,5,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420382,,A century of trends in adult human height,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420384,,Dutch translation and validation of the readiness for interprofessional learning scale (RIPLS) in a primary healthcare context,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420386,,The gender gap in risk factor control: effects of age and education on the control of cardiovascular risk factors in male and female coronary patients: the EUROASPIRE IV study by the European Society of Cardiology,VABB-1,284,290,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420391,,The temporary nature of number-space interactions,VABB-1,33,40,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420392,,Un pasado desde el presente: la historia y la política del tiempo en la justicia transicional,VABB-1,25,51,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:420394,,Performance perceptions among food supply chain members: a triadic assessment of the influence of supply chain relationship quality on supply chain performance,VABB-1,1783,1799,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420399,,"Studying standard language dynamics in Europe : advances, issues and perspectives",VABB-1,75,91,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420402,,Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology–nutritional epidemiology (STROBE-nut): an extension of the STROBE statement,VABB-1,240,251,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420406,,"'Gott, rette mich aus der Leere!' Verlust, Religiosität und Radikalisierung in den Fluchtnarrativen von Sherko Fatah und Abbas Khider",VABB-4,39,53,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:420407,,From revolution to Tunisianité : who is the Tunisian people? Creating hegemony through compromise,VABB-1,131,150,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420410,,Delivering diabetes education through nurseled telecoaching : cost-effectiveness analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420412,,Licht aan het einde van de interneringstunnel voor iedereen? Een stand van zaken en vooruitblik in de aanpak van “onbehandelbare” geïnterneerden,VABB-1,5,12,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420413,,De Nasality Severity Index 2.0 : aanpassing van een instrumentele multiparametrische benadering voor het meten van hypernasaliteit,VABB-1,17,31,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420414,,"De migrant en singulariteit, een 'vreemd' koppel?",VABB-1,235,253,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420421,,"A contrastive analysis of the Homeric and Hesiodic augment, with special focus on Hesiod",VABB-1,1,96,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420429,,Left and right periphery in Mandarin,VABB-1,23,38,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420430,,Cognate/dummy object construction,VABB-4,633,636,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420432,,What the people of Utica (Tunisia) ate at a banquet in the 9th century BCE : zooarchaeology of a North African early Phoenician settlement,VABB-1,314,322,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420433,,A new fragment of the narratives of conon,VABB-1,611,622,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420434,,Splitting and relevance : broadening the scope of Parikh's concepts,VABB-1,173,205,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420435,,Debating Russian cultural insanity vis-à-vis Friedrich Hölderlin's creative madness,VABB-1,77,103,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420451,,Uncovering the Social Deficits in the Autistic Brain. A Source-Based Morphometric Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420452,,"Children & Advergames: the role of product involvement, brand attitude and persuasion knowledge in children’s brand attitude change and purchase intention",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420454,,ADHD-associated risk taking is linked to exaggerated views of the benefits of positive outcomes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420455,,Efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in prevention of depressive relapse : an individual patient data meta-analysis from randomized trials,VABB-1,565,574,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420456,,De invloed van het Burgerlijk Wetboek van 1838 op het Avant-Projet van François Laurent : geschiedenis van een juridische kruisbestuiving,VABB-1,193,210,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420457,,"Prevalence, risk factors, and treatment outcomes of isoniazid- and rifampicin-mono-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis in Lima, Peru",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420458,,Characterization of Roman glass tesserae from the Coriglia excavation site (Italy) via energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and Raman spectroscopy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420459,,The role of attachment anxiety in parent’s attentional processing of their child’s face : an eye tracking study,VABB-1,360,373,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420460,,"Literaire hypes in het interbellum : schone leien en de pseudovertalingen van ""Jim Dollar"" en ""Boris Robazki""",VABB-1,89,105,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420461,,Sense-based and lexeme-based alternation biases in the Dutch dative alternation,VABB-4,165,198,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420463,,"Divine judgement, wordly justice",VABB-4,15,28,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420466,,Lifestyle and risk factor management in people at high risk of cardiovascular disease : a report from the European Society of Cardiology European Action on Secondary and Primary Prevention by Intervention to Reduce Events (EUROASPIRE) IV cross-sectional survey in 14 European regions,VABB-1,2007,2018,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420468,,Unveiling the structure of cognitive vulnerability for depression : specificity and overlap,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420470,,"Dissociating indifferent, directional, and extreme responding in personality data : applying the three-process model to self- and observer reports",VABB-1,461,472,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420471,,"Pragmafilologija, berestjanye gramoty i ešče odno tolkovanie gramoty NGB 19",VABB-1,41,58,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420473,,Physical activity is associated with attention capacity in adolescents,VABB-1,126,131,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420474,,Addressing Engagement Issues for Interactive Music Technologies through a Participatory Design Approach with 'SoundField',VABB-1,45,61,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420475,,Individuals with current suicidal ideation demonstrate implicit 'fearlessness of death',VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420476,,Plural policing: a state-of-the-art review,VABB-1,2,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420479,,Impact of trade liberalization and world prize changes in Bangladesh: a computable general equilibrium analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420480,,Amsterdam: French translation of a chapter from the Dutch novel 'De Bruid van Duchamp' by K. Schippers,VABB-1,25,29,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420481,,Traduction de 'De Bruid van Marcel Duchamp' de K. Schippers,VABB-1,25,29,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420482,,"Understanding farmers' preferences for wastewater reuse frameworks in agricultural irrigation: lessons from a choice experiment in the Western Cape, South Africa",VABB-1,26,37,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420484,,On the moderating role of years of work experience in the Job Demand–Control model,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420485,,Interactions of individual perceived barriers and neighbourhood destinations with obesity-related behaviours in Europe,VABB-1,68,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420486,,Non-invasive methodology for the identification of plastic pieces in museum environment - a novel approach,VABB-1,846,855,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420489,,A componential emotion approach for the assessment of emotional awareness in youth,VABB-1,1416,1426,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420490,,"Ready, willing, and able: contraceptive use patterns across Europe",VABB-1,543,573,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420493,,Santé psychique des groupes vulnérables: des pratiques innovantes,VABB-1,71,92,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:420494,,Les traces de la société participative en Belgique? Une réflexion sur les récentes politiques de lutte contre la pauvreté,VABB-1,211,230,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:420495,,Sustainable employability for older workers: an explorative survey of Belgian companies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420497,,De ingebeelde zieke,VABB-1,337,346,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420498,,The role of institutional dual embeddedness in the strategic local adaptation of international branch campuses: evidence from Malaysia and Singapore,VABB-1,955,970,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420499,,Mind mapping as a meta-learning strategy: stimulating pre-adolescents’ text-learning strategies and performance?,VABB-1,128,147,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420500,,Land use and cover dynamics since 1964 in the Afro-Alpine vegetation belt: Lib Amba mountain in North Ethiopia,VABB-1,641,653,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420501,,"Consumers' willingness to pay for conventional, organic and functional yogurt: evidence from experimental auctions",VABB-1,368,378,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420502,,Nullsubjekte im Mittelniederdeutschen,VABB-1,524,559,,ger,2016,1 c:vabb:420503,,Agencification in the United States and Germany and what the EU might learn from it,VABB-1,119,152,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420505,,Ambiguity and Explanation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420509,,The heterogeneity in retrieved relations between the personality trait 'Harm Avoidance' and gray matter volumes due to variations in the VBM and ROI labeling processing settings,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420510,,Same-Sex Love in Times of Paedophilia: The articulation of homosexuality with child abuse in late 1990s Flemish print media,VABB-1,185,199,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:420511,,Pilotstudie: medicatie-therapietrouw bij patiënten met chronische niet-maligne pijn,VABB-1,9,15,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420512,,Der gelegentliche Gebrauch des Suffixes '-chen' zur Diminuierung von Adjektiven und Adverbien im deutschen Online-Sprachgebrauch aus niederländischer Sicht,VABB-1,47,63,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:420513,,"Financial crisis, macroprudential policies, and depositor discipline",VABB-1,,,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420514,,Affective instability in patients with chronic pain: a diary approach,VABB-1,1783,1790,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420515,,The relationship between perceived promotion of autonomy/dependence and pain-related disability in older adults with chronic pain: the mediating role of self-reported physical functioning,VABB-1,704,715,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420516,,"Allocation of degraded hillsides to landless farmers and improved livelihoods in Tigray, Ethiopia",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420518,,Asymmetry price transmission in the deregulated rice markets in Bangladesh : asymmetric error correction model,VABB-1,498,511,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420520,,Musculoskeletal architecture of the prey capture apparatus in salamandrid newts with multiphasic lifestyle: does anatomy change during the seasonal habitat switches?,VABB-1,757,770,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420521,,De ludieke dimensie: naoorlogse romans door de lens van het spel,VABB-1,106,125,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:420523,,Sociale processen: de persoon in zijn omgeving,VABB-4,83,94,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420524,,"De ervaringen, noden en behoeften van familieleden tijdens het herstelproces van een delictpleger met een psychiatrische problematiek, met aandacht voor een sterktegericht perspectief",VABB-4,169,186,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420530,,An approach using SAT solvers for the RCPSP with logical constraints,VABB-1,577,591,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420531,,"Dietary practices at the castle of Middelburg, Belgium : organic residue analysis of 16th- to 17th-century ceramics",VABB-1,32,42,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420532,,Native-immigrant gaps in educational and school-to-work transitions in the 2nd generation: the role of gender and ethnicity,VABB-1,159,186,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420533,,Effects of a multifactorial injury prevention intervention in physical education teachers : a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,868,876,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420534,,Immaterieel erfgoed tussen identiteit en interculturaliteit: een essay,VABB-1,423,438,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:420535,,Een empirisch en juridisch perspectief op cyberpesten: naar een holistische aanpak,VABB-1,6,22,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420536,,Contesting the monolingual mindset: practice versus policy: the case of Belgium,VABB-1,121,146,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420537,,Kris Verdonck's EXIT: between negative space and machinic sleep,VABB-1,120,125,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420540,,A dimensional and person-centered perspective on controlled reasons for non-participation in physical education,VABB-1,142,154,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420542,,Modifying the shoulder joint position during shrugging and retraction exercises alters the activation of the medial scapular muscles,VABB-1,250,255,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420545,,Lower urinary tract symptoms and urodynamic findings in children and adults with cerebral palsy: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420546,,Economic evaluations of pharmacogenetic and pharmacogenomic screening tests : a systematic review : second update of the literature,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420547,,Milieumisdrijven,VABB-4,93,107,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420549,,Is aerobic workload positively related to ambulatory blood pressure?: a cross-sectional field study among cleaners,VABB-1,145,152,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420551,,Possible influences on the interpretation of functional domain (FD) near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS): an explorative study,VABB-1,363,371,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420554,,Openness of comics : generating meaning across flexible structures,VABB-2,,,224 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420557,,Vorderingen op basis van artikel 6.2 Brussel I Verordening niet enkel beschikbaar tegen derden maar ook voor derden,VABB-1,178,182,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420560,,"διό, διὰ τοῦτο, ὅθεν, τοίνυν, οὖν, or rather asyndeton? Inferential expressions and their social value in Greek official petitions (I – IV AD)",VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:420561,,Moving on to Movement in Patients with Chronic Joint Pain,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420562,,Voluntary inhibition of pain avoidance behavior: an fMRI study,VABB-1,1309,1320,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420563,,Stereotypes and human rights law,VABB-3,,,"VIII, 198 p.",eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420565,,La société participative contribue-t-elle à lutter contre la pauvreté?,VABB-1,205,209,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:420566,,The EU-Ukraine association agreement and deep and comprehensive free trade area: a new legal instrument for EU integration without membership?,VABB-2,,,416 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420567,,"Nederlands om te rekenen, Turks om te roddelen? De mythe ontkracht. Een interactie-analyse naar translanguaging in een Gentse superdiverse klas",VABB-1,155,179,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:420568,,How the threat of holding credit rating agencies liable might increase the accuracy of their ratings,VABB-1,173,226,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420569,,Service-dominant strategic sourcing: value creation versus cost saving,VABB-5,30,44,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420574,,Unimodal and cross-modal prediction is enhanced in musicians,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420576,,"Psychosocial quality-of-life, lifestyle and adiposity : a longitudinal study in pre-schoolers (Ballabeina study)",VABB-1,383,392,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420578,,Empowering children through labelling in social networks: illusion or solution?,VABB-4,227,247,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420579,,How sustainable is transnational farmland acquisition in Ethiopia? : lessons learned from the Benishangul-Gumuz region,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420580,,"Bibliography of pragmatics online: 13th release, updated and expanded",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420583,,Taalideologie! Gematigdheid is ouderwets.,VABB-1,209,225,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420584,,The “what” and “why” of eating regulation in young and adult female dieters: Relationships with healthy eating behaviors and disordered eating symptoms.,VABB-1,711,729,-,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420585,,The pursuit of self-esteem and its motivational implications.,VABB-1,143,168,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420586,,Criminele organisaties en organisatiecriminaliteit,VABB-3,,,248 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420589,,Materialism and well-being : the role of consumption,VABB-1,33,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420591,,Exempla iustitiae : inspiring examples,VABB-4,39,56,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420610,,"The natural, the informational, the claimable? Human body material in US and European patent law",VABB-4,215,236,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420611,,"Kortetermijneffect van korte, intensieve logopedische therapie op de articulatie en resonantie van Oegandese patiënten met (cheilognato-)palatoschisis",VABB-1,35,45,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420615,,Этнические стереотипы одесских студентов двадцать лет назад: поляки и другие,VABB-5,54,61,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:420617,,Mental health nurses’ support to caregivers of older adults with severe mental illness : a qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420621,,Intersecting interests: developments in networks and flows of information and expertise in architectural history,VABB-1,227,245,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420622,,Case closed? De speurtocht naar de inspiratie voor Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot,VABB-1,46,51,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420623,,3D digital reconstructions of lost buildings: a first critical framing,VABB-5,511,520,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420624,,SimpleBIM: from full ifcOWL graphs to simplified building graphs,VABB-5,11,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420625,,SemCat: publishing and accessing building product information as linked data,VABB-5,659,666,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420626,,Bringing Africa home: reflections on discursive practices of domestication in international news reporting on Africa by Belgian television,VABB-4,52,60,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420627,,Correlates of suicidal ideation in incarcerated offenders: a pilot study in three Belgian prisons,VABB-1,187,201,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420629,,Afstamming,VABB-4,149,173,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420630,,Self-regulatory bodies for journalism and advertising ethics report on their functioning,VABB-1,1,1,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420631,,"A legal perspective on the non-consensual dissemination of sexual images: identifying strengths and weaknesses of legislation in the US, UK and Belgium",VABB-1,31,43,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420632,,Audiovisuele cross-overs: het werk van Eva Cox,VABB-4,99,109,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420633,,Strafrechtelijke verantwoordelijkheid van bestuurders voor organisatiecriminaliteit,VABB-1,135,149,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420635,,A geodata infrastructure for archaeology: flexibility in management and analysis,VABB-5,561,576,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420636,,"Hesychius of Jerusalem, ecclesiastical history (CPG 6582)",VABB-1,504,527,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420637,,Manning circuits of value: Lebanese professionals and expatriate world-city formation in Beirut,VABB-1,2878,2896,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420638,,Six-minute walk test in systemic sclerosis : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,265,273,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420640,,Problems and adaptive functioning reported by adults in 17 societies,VABB-1,91,109,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420642,,Institutional impact assessment in multi-level systems: conceptualizing decentralization effects from a comparative perspective,VABB-1,233,254,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420643,,On coepi/incipio + infinitive: some new remarks,VABB-4,246,264,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420644,,Nouvelles données concernant la céramique peinte dite du Mont Kemmel (Belgique) dans la vallée de l'Escaut: une analyse archéométrique,VABB-1,123,138,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:420645,,No tests recommended in pharyngitis,VABB-1,164,165,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:420646,,Tutorial on inconsistency-adaptive logics,VABB-5,3,38,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420647,,Lifestyle correlates of overweight in adults : a hierarchical approach (the SPOTLIGHT project),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420652,,Stabilization of microcirculation in patients with early systemic sclerosis with diffuse skin involvement following rituximab treatment: an open-label study,VABB-1,995,996,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420654,,"Symphonic music in occupied Belgium, 1940-1944: the role of 'German-Friendly' music societies",VABB-1,109,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420656,,Language legislation in the Belgian Colonial Charter of 1908: a textual-historical analysis,VABB-4,261,278,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420661,,Using a gamified monitoring app to change adolescents' snack intake: the development of the REWARD app and evaluation design,VABB-1,2485,2494,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420662,,(Rechts)Vergelijkende studie Belgisch kadaster en buitenlandse kadasters,VABB-4,331,354,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420664,,SemEval-2016 task 5 : aspect based sentiment analysis,VABB-5,19,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420667,,The use of SfM-photogrammetry to quantify and understand gully degradation at the temporal scale of rainfall events: an example from the Ethiopian drylands,VABB-1,430,451,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420668,,Het begrip openbare verkoop in een modern jasje: noot onder Cass. 9 juni 2016,VABB-1,314,319,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420670,,Entry mode research and SMEs : a review and future research agenda,VABB-1,135,167,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420671,,Strategic down-regulation of attentional resources as a mechanism of proactive response inhibition,VABB-1,2095,2103,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420672,,Goffredo and his army: the art of leadership in Tasso’s 'Gerusalemme liberata',VABB-4,135,148,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420673,,Patient and provider acceptance of telecoaching in type 2 diabetes : a mixed-method study embedded in a randomised clinical trial,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420674,,Assessment of sensitivity to change of the European Scleroderma Study Group activity index,VABB-1,148,151,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420675,,Extinction of likes and dislikes: Effects of feature-specific attention allocation.,VABB-1,1595,1609,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420677,,Stroop interference and development: Influence of expectation on color-naming response times.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420680,,"The SOS-framework (Systems of Sedentary behaviours): an international transdisciplinary consensus framework for the study of determinants, research priorities and policy on sedentary behaviour across the life course: a DEDIPAC-study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420681,,"Unfolding spectatorship: shifting political, ethical and intermedial positions",VABB-3,,,187 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:420682,,Response of hydrological processes to input data in high alpine catchment : an assessment of the Yarkant River basin in China,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420683,,A three-dimensional comparative study on the scapulohumeral relationship in normal and osteoarthritic shoulders,VABB-1,1607,1615,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420685,,"Le miroir des saxons : un texte remarquable, mais presque inconnu dans l’historiographie française",VABB-1,401,422,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:420686,,De kunst van het recht,VABB-3,,,2018 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420687,,Socio-ecological variables associated with context-specific sitting time in Belgian older adults : a one-year follow-up study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420689,,"Longitudinal changes in physical activity and sedentary time in adults around retirement age : what is the moderating role of retirement status, gender and educational level?",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420690,,Effectiveness of the self-regulation eHealth intervention ‘MyPlan1.0.’ on physical activity levels of recently retired Belgian adults : a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,653,664,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420692,,Assessment of complex problem solving : what we know and what we don’t know,VABB-1,265,277,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420695,,"Verklaringskloof en subjectiviteit : Natorp, Husserl en Lacan over reflectie",VABB-1,583,625,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:420696,,Dürer's impact on the iconography of justice,VABB-4,179,182,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420697,,Understanding Roma ‘practices’ : prompting educational research to surpass ‘what is the case’ to ‘what needs to be done’,VABB-1,201,224,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420698,,"'What we don't know, we fear' : how a procedural justice framework could enhance the quality of encounters between the police and the mentally ill",VABB-1,73,92,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420699,,Moving forward with mobile positioning data in academic research,VABB-1,635,638,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420700,,A structural MRI study in transgender persons on cross-sex hormone therapy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420701,,Stability of earned value management : do project characteristics influence the stability moment of the cost and schedule performance index,VABB-1,8,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420705,,Europa in Vlaanderen : een verkennende analyse van de impact van Europese integratie op Vlaamse politieke partijen,VABB-1,423,444,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420706,,Right-wing attitudes and moral cognition : are right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation related to utilitarian judgment?,VABB-1,164,171,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420707,,The morality of action : the asymmetry between judgments of praise and blame in the action–omission effect,VABB-1,19,25,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420708,,Market opportunities for animal-friendly milk in different consumer segments,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420713,,Aankoopprogramma ECB effectief in verhogen economische groei en inflatie,VABB-1,330,333,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:420714,,Subjective insights from time and place shifters in assessing temporal quality of experience,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420719,,A functional perspective on personality,VABB-1,33,39,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420722,,A Political Biography of John Gay,VABB-2,,,256 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420723,,Filmcensuur in België: over de praktijken van de Belgische Filmkeuringscommissie (1922-2003),VABB-4,133,151,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420724,,Reproducing monocultural education : ethnic majority staff’s discursive constructions of monocultural school practices,VABB-1,928,946,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420727,,Bitumen in the 3rd-millennium of the Near East,VABB-4,277,281,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:420729,,"Inleiding in de pedagogiek, deel 2 : grondslagen en stromingen",VABB-3,,,222 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420732,,Filosofie aan de Vakgroep Wijsbegeerte en Moraalwetenschap van de Universiteit Gent,VABB-1,479,488,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:420733,,Urban chronicle writing in late medieval Flanders: the Case of Bruges during the Flemish revolt of 1482-1490,VABB-1,28,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420736,,"A functional analysis of glass from an officers' mess, Malta",VABB-1,41,50,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420741,,De waarheid achter het patroon : ziek vrouw-zijn als stimulans om rekenschap te geven van een onkenbaar Zelf in Charlotte P. Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper,VABB-1,433,449,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420742,,"Scholarly communication in AERA journals, 1931-2014",VABB-1,38,61,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:420744,,Analysing emotions in social media coverage on Paris terror attacks : a pilot study,VABB-5,33,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420746,,Introduction : transitions and cultural formations,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420747,,"Het wettelijke land en het werkelijke land: wetgeving en praktijk bij het houden van openbare markten in België, negentiende eeuw",VABB-1,217,232,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420748,,Mensenrechten : universaliteit is geen uniformiteit,VABB-4,143,156,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420755,,De muwaqqit in 14de-eeuws Syrië & Egypte : tussen religieus geleerde en wetenschapper?,VABB-1,203,216,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:420756,,Art. 2.19 (Benelux-Verdrag van 25 februari 2005 inzake de intellectuele eigendom),VABB-4,1,9,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420757,,"Evaluation of exercise performance, cardiac function, and quality of life in children after liver transplantation",VABB-1,1525,1531,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420759,,Voorbij de kroniek : over het belang van theatertijdschriften,VABB-1,10,35,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:420760,,De waarheidscommissie volgens Chokri Ben Chikha : het performen van differentiële toekomsten vanuit een traumatisch koloniaal verleden,VABB-1,128,166,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:420761,,Echtscheiding in het Internationaal Privaatrecht,VABB-4,241,300,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420762,,What does the bird say? Exploring the link between personality and language use in Dutch tweets,VABB-5,38,42,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420764,,Uitdagingen voor de toekomst van de (groene) criminologie,VABB-1,87,98,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420765,,Ecocide en milieu(on)veiligheid : miskenning of erkenning?,VABB-1,33,45,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420766,,Measuring segregation using patterns of daily travel behavior : a social interaction based model of exposure,VABB-1,26,38,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420768,,Which type of parent training works best for preschoolers with comorbid ADHD and ODD? A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial comparing generic and specialized programs,VABB-1,1503,1513,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420769,,Comparing brain morphometry across multiple childhood psychiatric disorders,VABB-1,1027,1037,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420770,,Relational frame theory : the basic account.,VABB-4,129,178,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420772,,Faking revisited : exerting strategic control over performance on the implicit relational assessment procedure,VABB-1,632,648,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420773,,A neurocognitive approach to major depressive disorder : combining biological and cognitive interventions,VABB-4,247,277,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420776,,"'Gardez-vous-en bien … de la brochure' : pamfletgebruik en politieke cultuur in de historiografie over de Brabantse Omwenteling, 1787-1789",VABB-1,233,248,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420777,,Pigment particles analysis with a total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometer : study of influence of instrumental parameters,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420779,,"Reports of perceived adverse events of stimulant medication on cognition, motivation, and mood : qualitative investigation and the generation of items for the medication and Cognition Rating Scale",VABB-1,537,547,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420783,,The influence of value chain integration on performance : an empirical study of the malt barley value chain in Ethiopia,VABB-1,79,94,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420784,,"Deepening EU-Moldovan relations: what, why and how?",VABB-2,,,230 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420785,,Macroeconomic effects of disruptions in global food commodity markets,VABB-1,183,286,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420786,,Teaching the English that makes one happy,VABB-1,11,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420787,,Lacan leest Pascal,VABB-1,15,19,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:420789,,Neoliberalism and the future of social movements (Studies),VABB-1,584,585,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420790,,Article 1715,VABB-4,443,448,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420793,,Molenbeek (maart 2016) na Parijs (november 2016) : het kanaalplan en de sluipende privatisering,VABB-1,213,236,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420795,,Object a and politics,VABB-4,101,112,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:420796,,The use of procedural fairness in electronic reverse auctions to enhance relationship quality,VABB-1,283,296,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420797,,"Deepening EU–Georgian relations : what, why and how?",VABB-2,,,201 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420800,,Transnationale literatuurgeschiedenis? Nederlandstalige schrijvers in Karel van het Reves ‘ventistische’ Geschiedenis van de Russische literatuur,VABB-1,27,48,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420801,,Verbs of pain and accusative subjects in Romanian,VABB-4,3,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420802,,"Stability of right visual field advantage in an international lateralized lexical decision task irrespective of participants' sex, handedness or bilingualism",VABB-1,502,524,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420809,,Gendered dynamics of social media,VABB-4,412,421,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420812,,Scapular muscle activity in a variety of plyometric exercises,VABB-1,39,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420813,,"The dramaturgical pattern of public space, the use of ''as if'' space in Vali' Asr Mosque",VABB-5,150,162,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420815,,"Family relationships, support and care : perspectives of children with spina bifida in central Uganda",VABB-1,122,140,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420816,,Lineland and the underground economy : the multidimensionality of informal work by secondary education students,VABB-4,75,102,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420817,,Literature and cultural change,VABB-3,,,306 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420818,,'The musique concrète of civilization' : responding to technological and cultural change in postwar British literature,VABB-4,169,186,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420819,,Migration of highly educated Belgian and Dutch Turks : ‘Young Brains’ of Turkey,VABB-1,305,324,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420821,,Infrequent breakfast consumption is associated with higher body adiposity and abdominal obesity in Malaysian school-aged adolescents,VABB-4,51,68,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420822,,Presentación : Angelina Muñiz: hacia la construcción de una identidad más allá de las líneas fronterizas,VABB-1,15,20,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:420823,,Princely communication in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth century : a diplomatic study of the charters of the counts of Hainaut,VABB-4,509,537,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420825,,'La femme' before and after the Tunisian uprising : (dis)continuities in the configuration of women in the truth regime of 'Tunisianité',VABB-1,201,227,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420829,,Neurophilia : guiding educational research and the educational field,VABB-1,62,75,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420831,,Eindelijk een echte nieuwe en goede wet op de internering? Deel 3 : De reparatie,VABB-1,603,619,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420832,,Mutual dependencies : ‘change’ and ‘discourse’,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420835,,Does comorbid anxiety counteract emotion recognition deficits in conduct disorder?,VABB-1,917,926,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420836,,"Hemels oordeel, wereldse rechtspraak",VABB-4,15,28,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420839,,Niet-lezers en boekenwurmen : een toepassing van het zero-inflated-regressiemodel in onderzoek naar leespraktijken,VABB-1,381,388,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420840,,Psychosocial interventions following self-harm in adults : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,740,750,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420841,,Micro-Raman spectroscopy on Iberian archaeological materials,VABB-1,1514,1521,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420843,,Hoe moeten we wetenschappelijke verklaring bestuderen?,VABB-1,489,524,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:420844,,The art of law,VABB-3,,,208 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420847,,Analyzing the sensitivity of a flood risk assessment model towards its input data,VABB-1,2529,2542,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420848,,"An integrated view on the oxygenation responses to incremental exercise at the brain, the locomotor and respiratory muscles",VABB-1,2085,2102,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420849,,The moderating effect of psychosocial factors in the relation between neighborhood walkability and children’s physical activity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420850,,Understanding persistence in the use of online fitness communities : comparing novice and experienced users,VABB-1,34,42,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420851,,Laterality and unilateral deafness : patients with congenital right ear deafness do not develop atypical language dominance,VABB-1,482,492,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420852,,Active use of parks in Flanders (Belgium) : an exploratory observational study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:420853,,Diatom-based palaeoecology of a late-glacial palaeolake in the Moervaart area (northwestern Belgium) in relation to its prehistoric occupation,VABB-1,29,46,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420854,,"Opgraving van een mesolithische wetlandsite te Kerkhove ‘Stuw’ (Avelgem, West-Vlaanderen) : eerste resultaten",VABB-1,47,57,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420856,,Measuring ICT use and contributing conditions in primary schools,VABB-1,1056,1063,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:420859,,Spontaneous eyeblinks during breaking continuous flash suppression are associated with increased detection times,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420860,,Introduction,VABB-4,3,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:420861,,Grondrechten in fiscalibus,VABB-3,,,560 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420862,,Basisbeginselen inzake de toepassing van het recht op privéleven in fiscale zaken,VABB-4,471,505,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420865,,Laser scanning for precise ovalization measurements : standard deviations and smoothing levels,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420867,,Intimidad y política en la literatura y el cine latinoamericanos contemporáneos,VABB-1,112,121,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:420869,,"Flood damage assessment in a GIS : case study for Annotto Bay, Jamaica",VABB-5,508,517,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420870,,Perceived neighborhood environmental attributes associated with walking and cycling for transport among adult residents of 17 cities in 12 countries : the IPEN study,VABB-1,290,298,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420871,,Interpretar del neerlandés (L1) al español (L4) : propuestas pedagógicas,VABB-1,91,114,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:420874,,Associations between relational pronoun usage and the quality of early family interactions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420879,,Politie en gezondheidszorg : partners in veiligheid,VABB-1,7,14,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420880,,European air passenger rights : Montreal’s damage and Brussels’s compensation,VABB-1,585,602,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420881,,Incremental cost of implementing residual insecticide treatment with delthametrine on top of intensive routine Aedes aegypti control,VABB-1,597,602,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420882,,"Crime and order, criminal justice experiences et desistance",VABB-3,,,206 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420884,,A metaheuristic solution approach for the time-constrained project scheduling problem,VABB-1,353,371,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420893,,Using electronic health records for clinical research : the case of the EHR4CR project,VABB-1,162,173,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420894,,Subnational constitutional autonomy and the accommodation of diversity in Ethiopia,VABB-1,1535,1571,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420896,,Proof theories for superpositions of adaptive logics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420898,,Villains called Sicarii : a commonplace for rhetorical vituperation in the texts of Flavius Josephus,VABB-1,475,507,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420899,,Characterizing cerebral and locomotor muscle oxygenation to incremental ramp exercise in healthy children : relationship with pulmonary gas exchange,VABB-1,2345,2355,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420901,,The impact of the Kampala definition of aggression on the law on the use of force,VABB-1,187,193,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420902,,Acquiring non-native speech through early media exposure : Belgian children's productions of English vowels,VABB-1,719,743,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420905,,Auswahlverfahren für Masterstudiengänge aus Sicht von Bachelorstudierenden,VABB-1,145,161,,ger,2016,1 c:vabb:420908,,Milieu en migratie: de grens bereikt?,VABB-1,46,51,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420911,,Educational research : discourses of change and changes of discourse,VABB-3,,,247 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420912,,On the various sizes of complementizers,VABB-1,193,236,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420930,,Humor in Byzantine letters of the tenth to twelfth centuries : some preliminary remarks,VABB-1,179,195,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420931,,Living organ donation by minors : an analysis of the regulations in European Union Member States,VABB-1,3554,3561,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420933,,Finding the right judge : challenges of jurisdiction between indigenous and ordinary adjudicators in Ecuador,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420934,,De verjaarden van de UGent : oud en (ver)nieuwd academisch ritueel voor een veranderende universitaire gemeenschap,VABB-1,66,81,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420940,,De toekomst van een illusie : fenomenologie en psychoanalyse,VABB-1,357,365,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420943,,"Deepening EU-Ukrainian Relations : what, why and how?",VABB-2,,,254 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420945,,Creative commons licenses in digital cultural heritage institutions in Flanders,VABB-1,209,217,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420946,,The Belgian asylum interview : the implications of lingua franca English usage,VABB-1,113,127,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420947,,Revisiting the classics : police work : the social organisation of policing : Peter Manning,VABB-1,253,359,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420948,,Article 1714,VABB-4,439,442,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420949,,Une nouvelle structure pour la police de Bruxelles?,VABB-1,51,56,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:420950,,De liquidatiereserve en de bijzondere liquidatiereserve : een overzicht,VABB-1,614,630,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420952,,"Chronotopes, scales and complexity in the study of language in society",VABB-1,105,116,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:420955,,"Deepening EU–Georgian relations : what, why and how?",VABB-2,,,213 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420957,,Comment les apprenants néerlandophones réfèrent au passé dans des narrations écrites en français L2,VABB-4,75,94,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:420959,,Is humanism too optimistic? An analysis of religion as religion,VABB-4,374,402,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:420960,,Political violence and the mediating role of violent extremist propensities,VABB-1,72,93,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420962,,Farmers' marketing preferences in local coffee markets: evidence from a choice experiment in Ethiopia,VABB-1,92,102,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420963,,Een onbekende praktijk: depositie van crematieresten in nederzettingscontexten in Vlaanderen (België),VABB-1,91,94,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420964,,"De 14C-dateringen van het grafveld van Wijshagen (gem. Meeuwen-Gruitrode, prov. Limburg, België)",VABB-1,173,177,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420967,,Intermittent theta burst stimulation increases reward responsiveness in individuals with higher hedonic capacity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420968,,Evolutions in the enforcement of U.S. punitive damages in England: the case of football injuries,VABB-1,249,271,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420972,,"When our beer, chocolates, waffles and denial no longer suffice: medical responses to the March 2016 Brussels terrorist suicide bombings",VABB-1,1,2,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420973,,"Multi-layered security governance as a quick fix?: the challenges of donor-supported, bottom-up security provision in Ituri (DR Congo)",VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420974,,The impact of top management team characteristics and board service involvement on team effectiveness in high-tech start-ups,VABB-1,447,463,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420975,,The characterization of a former World War I battlefield by integrating multiple signals from a multireceiver EMI soil sensor,VABB-1,267,281,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420976,,Towards a structured process modeling method: building the prescriptive modeling theory,VABB-5,168,179,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:420977,,Dry ports as extensions of maritime deep-sea ports: a case study of Vietnam,VABB-1,65,88,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420978,,Development of cycling skills in 7- to 12-year-old children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420980,,UGENT-LT3 SCATE Submission for WMT16 Shared Task on Quality Estimation,VABB-5,843,850,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420981,,Access to foreign law in practice: easier said than done,VABB-1,281,300,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420982,,Vermogens- en vermogenswinstbelasting geëvalueerd vanuit het recht op eigendom. Een analyse naar de rechtmatige fiscale behandeling van vermogen,VABB-1,521,534,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:420988,,Voices from below: artisanal and small-scale mining as a product and catalyst of rural transformation,VABB-1,108,116,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420990,,Engaged visual art as a tool for normative renewal in international human rights: the case of Ariella Azoulay’s potential history (2012),VABB-5,461,475,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:420992,,The unique relation of childhood emotional maltreatmentwith mental health problems among detained male andfemale adolescents,VABB-1,142,150,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420993,,Simplifying the audit of risk factor recording and control: a report from an international study in 11 countries,VABB-1,1202,1210,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420994,,"EUROASPIRE IV: a European Society of Cardiology survey on the lifestyle, risk factor and therapeutic management of coronary patients from 24 European countries",VABB-1,636,648,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420995,,Estimation of indirect effects in the presence of unmeasured confounding for the mediator-outcome relationship in a multilevel 2-1-1 mediation model,VABB-1,359,391,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420996,,The role of the real exchange rate in credit growth in central and eastern European countries: a bank-level analysis,VABB-1,426,452,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420997,,"‘Kongo interpreters, travelling priests and political leaders in the Kongo Kingdom (15th-19th century)",VABB-1,255,276,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420998,,"Raman investigation of precious jewelry collections preserved in Paolo Orsi regional museum (Siracusa, Sicily) using portable equipment",VABB-1,1420,1431,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:420999,,Nondestructive Raman investigation on wall paintings at Sala Vaccarini in Catania (Sicily),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421000,,Power and the Gendered Division of Contraceptive use in Western European Couples,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421006,,Cognitive abilities of pre- and primary school children with Spina Bifida in Uganda,VABB-1,249,280,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421010,,The development of river-based intermodal transport: the case of Ukraine,VABB-1,182,199,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421011,,A cross-disciplinary approach to the study of transhumance as territorial identity factor in a long-term perspective: the TraTTo project : Southern Tuscany paths and pastures from prehistory to modern age,VABB-1,85,98,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:421013,,Interpersonal dynamics in assessment center exercises : effects of role player portrayed disposition,VABB-1,1992,2017,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421016,,The impact of decision timing on the effectiveness of leaders’ apologies to repair followers’ trust in the aftermath of leader failure,VABB-1,533,551,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421017,,"Exploring first sexual intercourse, sexual orientation, and sexual health in men",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421018,,Structural changes of lumbar muscles in non-specific low back pain,VABB-1,E985,E999,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421022,,"Inscription et performance dans le testament rhetoricael d’Eduard de Dene (Bruges, 1562)",VABB-1,327,339,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:421023,,Neuromyths for educational research and the educational field,VABB-4,71,86,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421024,,Towards a holistic archaeological survey approach for ancient cityscapes,VABB-4,91,112,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421025,,"Over feiten, concepten, theorieën, verklaringen, en duidingen in de pedagogiek : bij wijze van inleiding",VABB-4,9,18,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421026,,Rwandan family medicine residents expanding their training into South Africa : the use of South-South medical electives in enhancing learning experiences,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421027,,Raman spectroscopy of green minerals and reaction products with an application in Cultural Heritage research,VABB-1,1429,1443,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421028,,Mapping the structural organization of the brain in conduct disorder : replication of findings in two independent samples,VABB-1,1018,1026,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421030,,Empirical tests of natural selection-based evolutionary accounts of ADHD : a systematic review,VABB-1,249,256,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421031,,RFT for clinical practice : three core strategies in understanding and treating human suffering,VABB-4,254,272,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421032,,Co-variation between stressful events and rumination predicts depressive symptoms : an eighteen months prospective design in undergraduates,VABB-1,128,133,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421033,,Who participates and how much? Explaining non-attendance and the frequency of attending arts and heritage activities,VABB-1,50,63,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421035,,Over werkwoordalternanties in de Syntax of Dutch,VABB-1,242,251,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421036,,"A reflection on constructionalization and constructional borrowing, inspired by an emerging Dutch replica of the ‘time’-away construction",VABB-1,91,113,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421037,,Tracking shifts in the literal versus the intensifying fake reflexive resultative construction,VABB-1,55,90,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421038,,Coping with tuberculosis and directly observed treatment : a qualitative study among patients from South India,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421039,,"High prevalence of IgG antibodies to Ebola virus in the Efe pygmy population in the Watsa region, Democratic Republic of the Congo",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421043,,A study on complexity and uncertainty perception and solution strategies for the time/cost trade-off problem,VABB-1,29,50,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421052,,Hacia un renovado vínculo entre la obra y su exterior: El desperdicio de Matilde Sánchez,VABB-1,388,409,,spa,2016,1 c:vabb:421053,,Gefühlsgedächtnis: der Literaturstreit um Christa Wolf aus der Perspektive ihrer letzten Texte,VABB-4,233,244,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:421054,,"Mamluk authorities and anatolian realities: Jānibak al-Ṣūfī, sultan al-Ashraf Barsbāy, and the story of a social network in the Mamluk/Anatolian frontier zone, 1435-1438",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421061,,Information flow between resting-state networks,VABB-1,554,564,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:421067,,Business meeting training on its head: inverted and embedded learning,VABB-1,119,130,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421068,,"Light, Dark, and the Powers That Be: A Hydroelectric Project in Butembo (DR Congo)",VABB-1,43,59,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:421069,,Veerkracht: van metafoor naar praktijk voor het werken met jongeren in stressvolle situaties,VABB-1,298,313,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421070,,Cultural sustainability and regional development: theories and practices of territorialisation,VABB-3,,,267 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421072,,Hervormers en de sociale kwestie tijdens de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421073,,Jaw morphology and fighting forces in stag beetles,VABB-1,2955,2961,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421074,,Does family politicization affect party membership activity? A case study of four Flemish parties,VABB-1,127,147,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:421075,,Emotional textual analysis,VABB-4,111,117,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421077,,Has probation any impact in terms of reparation to victims and communities? Complicating a simple question,VABB-4,85,105,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421079,,"Cinema, the government, and the popular : popular and commercial aspects of cultural film support in Flanders (Belgium)",VABB-1,227,235,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421080,,De plaats van cultuur in de opvoeding : een studie naar het belang dat ouders hechten aan culturele competenties en participatie bij hun adolescente kinderen,VABB-1,356,380,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421085,,Assessing moderated mediation in linear models requires fewer confounding assumptions than assessing mediation,VABB-1,352,374,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421087,,Hypothesis testing using factor score regression : a comparison of four methods,VABB-1,741,770,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421090,,C&H’s conspiracy with the audience : the accomplice spectator,VABB-4,103,117,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:421091,,Nouveaux regards sur la démographie du bassin de l'Inkisi à l'époque du royaume Kongo (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles),VABB-1,845,874,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:421092,,"De discretionaire ruimte bij het gebruik van geweld : hoe kleiner, hoe beter?",VABB-1,48,69,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421093,,Article 1713,VABB-4,421,437,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421094,,Article 1711,VABB-4,409,414,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421095,,"The next big match : convergence, competition and sports media rights",VABB-1,536,550,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421100,,Comercio en tiempos de guerra : la distribución anfórica cartaginesa durante el período Bárquida,VABB-1,83,111,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:421103,,Psychiatrische patiënten en politie : samen in de samenleving?,VABB-1,5,11,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421104,,De eerste audit over de zorg in het FPC Gent: een gemengd positief rapport,VABB-1,17,21,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421108,,Focus and focalization,VABB-4,237,241,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421109,,Biodiversity offsetting and restoration under the European Union Habitats Directive : balancing between no net loss and deathbed conservation?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421119,,Kroniek boekhoudrecht (mei 2015 - april 2016),VABB-1,909,962,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421120,,Naturalizing natural theology,VABB-1,355,361,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421121,,"Battlefield Emotions 1500–1800 : practices, experience, imagination",VABB-3,,,303 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421123,,Accuracy and precision of fixation locations recorded with the low-cost Eye Tribe tracker in different experimental setups,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421124,,Perceptions of Chinese traditional food and European food among Chinese consumers,VABB-1,2855,2872,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421125,,"Once a member, always a member? Assessing the importance of time in the relationship between the European Union and the Development Assistance Committee",VABB-1,512,527,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421126,,Do coffee cooperatives benefit farmers? : an exploration of heterogeneous impact of coffee cooperative membership in Southwest Ethiopia,VABB-1,37,52,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421128,,Verloskunde in beweging III : de kracht van consensus,VABB-3,,,213 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421130,,The gender gap in mental health service use,VABB-1,1089,1095,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421131,,Perceived competency deficits and challenges of family medicine trainees in sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,358,365,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421132,,"Food safety and regulatory change since the ‘mad cow’ in Japan : science, self-responsibility, and trust",VABB-1,67,88,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:421134,,‘We have to compliment the Aristocracy on the exhibition of their morals' : the Ellenborough divorce case (1830) and the politics of scandal in pre-reform London and Vormärz Vienna,VABB-1,776,798,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421135,,French 'quantifiers' in questions : interface strategies,VABB-1,125,168,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421136,,Plotlifting : the transposition of French stories in the nineteenth-century Spanish Press,VABB-1,293,310,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421137,,Verliezers zijn ook kiezers. Globalisering en politiek ongenoegen in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,125,141,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421139,,Liability in the medical sector : the ‘Breast-taking’ Consequences of the poly implant prothèse case,VABB-1,823,854,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421140,,The effectLiteR approach for analyzing average and conditional effects,VABB-1,374,391,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421144,,Relational frame theory : finding its historical and philosophical roots and reflecting upon its future development : an introduction to part II,VABB-4,117,128,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421145,,Scientific ambition : the relationship between relational frame theory and middle-level terms in acceptance and commitment therapy,VABB-4,365,382,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421146,,Relational frame theory : implications for education and developmental disabilities,VABB-4,227,253,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421147,,Environmental permits : origins and nature and recent tendencies,VABB-4,226,236,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421148,,Reduced default mode connectivity in adolescents with conduct disorder,VABB-1,800,808,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421151,,Aligning service processes to the nature of care in hospitals : an exploratory study of the impact of variation,VABB-1,32,47,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421153,,Gene-set and multivariate genome-wide association analysis of oppositional defiant behavior subtypes in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,573,588,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421156,,Severe psychosocial deprivation in early childhood is associated with increased DNA methylation across a region spanning the transcription start site of CYP2E1,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421158,,Understanding Karma police : the perceived plausibility of noun compounds as predicted by distributional models of semantic representation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421160,,The association between parental imprisonment and the mental health of Palestinian adolescents,VABB-1,154,160,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421161,,Remembering collective violence : broadening the notion of traumatic memory in post-conflict rehabilitation,VABB-1,620,640,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421162,,Examining the partially completed crossword puzzle : the nature and status of contextual behavioral science,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421163,,Results of Belgian quality control framework for cavity wall insulation,VABB-1,355,360,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421165,,Introduction: the role of culture in territorialisation,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421166,,Territorialisation in practice: the case of saffron cultivation in Morocco,VABB-4,108,124,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421168,,Counterbalancing the integration policy for migrants through social work,VABB-1,210,223,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421169,,Tracking the progression of bronze disease : a synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of nantokite hydrolysis,VABB-1,220,223,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421170,,Extension of tabulated design parameters for rectangular columns exposed to fire taking into account second order effects and various fire models,VABB-1,17,35,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421171,,Essential versus accessory aspects of cell death: recommendations of the NCCD 2015,VABB-1,58,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421173,,Retrial queues with balanced call blending: analysis of single-server and multiserver model,VABB-1,429,449,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421174,,Effects of activated ceria and zirconia nanoparticles on the protective behaviour of silane coatings in chloride solutions,VABB-1,997,1014,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421175,,Nonlinear dynamics of the patient's response to drug effect during general anesthesia,VABB-1,914,926,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421176,,Detection of arenavirus in a peripheral odontogenic fibromyxoma in a red tail boa (Boa constrictor constrictor) with inclusion body disease,VABB-1,245,248,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421178,,Phosphate adsorption capacity testing of natural and industrial substrates in view of application in swimming and fish pond water treatment systems,VABB-1,2461,2467,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421179,,In-situ spectroelectrochemical characterization of the electrochemical growth and breakdown of a lead dodecanoate coating on a lead substrate,VABB-1,760,768,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421180,,Influence of design parameters on tensile membrane action in reinforced concrete slabs,VABB-1,50,60,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421181,,Mixture toxicity of nickel and zinc to Daphnia magna is noninteractive at low effect sizes but becomes synergistic at high effect sizes,VABB-1,1091,1102,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421182,,Controlling the size of hot injection made Nanocrystals by manipulating the diffusion coefficient of the solute,VABB-1,2495,2505,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421183,,Resistance to anticancer vaccination effect is controlled by a cancer cell-autonomous phenotype that disrupts immunogenic phagocytic removal,VABB-1,26841,26860,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421184,,Fertility options in transgender people,VABB-1,112,119,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421185,,The quorum sensing inhibitor hamamelitannin increases antibiotic susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus biofilms by affecting peptidoglycan biosynthesis and eDNA release,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421186,,"Effect of calf purchase and other herd-level risk factors on mortality, unwanted early slaughter, and use of antimicrobial group treatments in Swiss veal calf operations",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421188,,Effect of rubber flooring on group-housed sows' gait and claw and skin lesions,VABB-1,2086,2096,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421189,,BATCH-GE : batch analysis of next-generation sequencing data for genome editing assessment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421190,,High population densities of Macrolophus pygmaeus on tomato plants can cause economic fruit damage: interaction with Pepino mosaic virus?,VABB-1,1350,1358,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421191,,Extreme lower previsions,VABB-1,1042,1080,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421192,,Embolization of a giant intercostal aneurysm and arteriovenous malformation,VABB-1,1352,1355,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421193,,"Effect of improving the knowledge, attitude and practice of reproductive health among female migrant workers: a worksite-based intervention in Guangzhou, China",VABB-1,13,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421194,,Exposure of Aspergillus fumigatus to T-2 toxin results in a stress response associated with exacerbation of aspergillosis in poultry,VABB-1,323,333,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421195,,AQUA-TNET thematic network: an 18-year chronicle of development and achievement in European aquaculture education,VABB-1,703,713,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421196,,Cigarette smoke-induced necroptosis and DAMP release trigger neutrophilic airway inflammation in mice,VABB-1,1377,1386,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421198,,Plasma serotonin in horses undergoing surgery for small intestinal colic,VABB-1,178,184,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421199,,Review on the natural co-occurrence of AFB1 and FB1 in maize and the combined toxicity of AFB1 and FB1,VABB-1,675,682,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421200,,Unraveling the in vitro and in vivo metabolism of diacetoxyscirpenol in various animal species and human using ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time-of-flight hybrid mass spectrometry,VABB-1,8571,8583,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421201,,International Children's Continence Society standardization report on urodynamic studies of the lower urinary tract in children,VABB-1,640,647,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421202,,A simplified multi-iteration method for restrained beams under fire,VABB-1,9,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421203,,Credal networks under epistemic irrelevance: the sets of desirable gambles approach,VABB-1,178,207,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421204,,Diagnosing the pathophyiologic mechanisms of nocturnal polyuria,VABB-1,283,288,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421206,,Relationship between age at gonadectomy and health problems in kittens adopted from shelters,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421207,,High stocking density as a predisposing factor for necrotic enteritis in broiler chicks,VABB-1,59,66,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421208,,Ultrastructural mitochondrial alterations in equine myopathies of unknown origin,VABB-1,2,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421209,,Prevention of egg contamination by Salmonella Enteritidis after oral vaccination of laying hens with Salmonella Enteritidis ΔtolC and ΔacrABacrEFmdtABC mutants,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421210,,Heat-labile enterotoxin of Escherichia coli promotes intestinal colonization of Salmonella enterica,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421211,,A new strategy for corrosion inhibition coatings for lead heritage metal objects,VABB-1,441,451,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421212,,Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the oral disintegrating tablet of desmopressin in adults with nocturnal polyuria: a pilot study,VABB-1,799,808,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421213,,Molecular and translational classifications of DAMPs in immunogenic cell death,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421214,,"Multi-walled carbon nanotubes as solid-phase extraction sorbents for simultaneous determination of type A trichothecenes in maize, wheat and rice by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry",VABB-1,177,182,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421219,,Heterogeneity of the gut microbiome in mice: guidelines for optimizing experimental design,VABB-1,117,132,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421220,,A multi-analyte LC-MS/MS method for the analysis of 23 mycotoxins in different sorghum varieties: the forgotten sample matrix,VABB-1,397,404,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421221,,In vitro and in vivo metabolism of ochratoxin A: a comparative study using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time-of-flight hybrid mass spectrometry,VABB-1,3579,3589,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421222,,Development of a multiplex flow-through immunoaffinity chromatography test for the on-site screening of 14 sulfonamide and 13 quinolone residues in milk,VABB-1,124,128,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421223,,Preparation and characterization of stable phospholipid-silica nanostructures loaded with quantum dots,VABB-1,180,183,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421224,,Protective effect of exogenous nitrite in postoperative ileus,VABB-1,4864,4874,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421226,,Nontransecting anastomotic repair in urethral reconstruction: surgical and functional outcome,VABB-1,1679,1684,-,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421227,,Necroptosis and its role in inflammation,VABB-1,311,320,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421230,,Characterization of MIP and MIP functionalized surfaces: current state-of-the-art,VABB-1,71,85,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421231,,Simultaneous raising of rabbit monoclonal antibodies to fluoroquinolones with diverse recognition functionalities via single mixture immunization,VABB-1,1246,1252,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421232,,Bond durability of BFRP bars embedded in concrete under seawater conditions and the long-term bond strength prediction,VABB-1,552,562,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421233,,Reproducibility in density functional theory calculations of solids,VABB-1,1415,U81,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421234,,The Unipept metaproteomics analysis pipeline,VABB-1,1437,1442,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421235,,"An Aspergillus flavus secondary metabolic gene cluster containing a hybrid PKS-NRPS is necessary for synthesis of the 2-pyridones, leporins",VABB-1,88,97,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421236,,Selection for improved energy use efficiency and drought tolerance in canola results in distinct transcriptome and epigenome changes,VABB-1,1338,1350,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421237,,"Conditioning, updating and lower probability zero",VABB-1,1,36,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421238,,"Morphology of the canine omentum, part 2: the omental bursa and its compartments materialized and explored by a novel technique",VABB-1,28,36,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421242,,Level and distribution of odorous compounds in pig exhaust air from combined room and pit ventilation,VABB-1,209,219,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421243,,Psychosocial well-being in Dutch adults with disorders of sex development,VABB-1,57,64,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421244,,Decision support tool on investments in life safety based on sampling theory,VABB-1,861,873,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421249,,Alternative reagents for methotrexate as immobilizing anchor moieties in the optimization of MASPIT: synthesis and biological evaluation,VABB-1,834,843,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421250,,Suboptimal culture conditions induce more deviations in gene expression in male than female bovine blastocysts,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421251,,CHIP controls necroptosis through ubiquitylation- and lysosome-dependent degradation of RIPK3,VABB-1,291,302,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421254,,Online wear detection using high-speed imaging,VABB-1,820,840,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421255,,SR-XRD in situ monitoring of copper-IUD corrosion in simulated uterine fluid using a portable spectroelectrochemical cell,VABB-1,41,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421256,,Water-soluble fractions obtained by enzymatic treatment of wheat grains promote short chain fatty acids production by broiler cecal microbiota,VABB-1,110,119,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421257,,Microbial shifts associated with necrotic enteritis,VABB-1,308,312,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421258,,Preputial fibroma in a gelding,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421260,,The impact of a global {FCFS} service discipline in a two-class queue with dedicated servers,VABB-1,23,33,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421261,,Purification of Helicobacter suis strains from biphasic cultures by single colony isolation: influence on strain characteristics,VABB-1,206,216,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421262,,Comparative odour measurements according to EN 13725 using pig house odour and n-butanol reference gas,VABB-1,119,127,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421264,,The tumor suppressor Hace1 is a critical regulator of TNFR1-mediated cell fate,VABB-1,1481,1492,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421265,,Health risks associated with the use of automatic milk feeders in calves,VABB-1,71,85,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421266,,Non-haemolytic Mannheimia haemolytica as a cause of pleuropneumonia and septicemia in a calf,VABB-1,157,160,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421268,,"Microwave-assisted synthesis of mesoporous titania with increased crystallinity, specific surface area, and photocatalytic activity",VABB-1,9822,9829,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421269,,An outline of necrosome triggers,VABB-1,2137,2152,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421270,,Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2-signaling in CD133-expressing cells in renal clear cell carcinoma,VABB-1,24111,24124,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421271,,Mycotoxin production and predictive modelling kinetics on the growth of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus isolates in whole black peppercorns (Piper nigrum L),VABB-1,44,57,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421272,,Delay analysis of a discrete-time GI - GI-1 queue with reservation-based priority scheduling,VABB-1,179,205,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421273,,Influence of mycotoxin binders on the oral bioavailability of doxycycline in pigs,VABB-1,2120,2126,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421274,,Inhibition of the corrosion of iron heritage objects after treatment with long-chain monocarboxylic acids in ethanolic solutions,VABB-1,225,232,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421275,,Identification of individual exosome-like vesicles by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy,VABB-1,3292,3301,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421276,,A novel cytologic sampling technique to diagnose subclinical endometritis and comparison of staining methods for endometrial cytology samples in dairy,VABB-1,1438,1446,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421277,,Non-apoptotic role for caspase-7 in hair follicles and the surrounding tissue,VABB-1,443,455,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421278,,Effect of different adjuvants on protection and side-effects induced by Helicobacter suis whole-cell lysate vaccination,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421280,,Reasons for continuous sedation until death in cancer patients: a qualitative interview study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421281,,"Uncommon occurrence ratios of aflatoxin B-1, B-2, G(1), and G(2) in maize and groundnuts from Malawi",VABB-1,57,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421282,,Comparison between cytology and histopathology to evaluate subclinical endometritis in dairy cows,VABB-1,1550,1556,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421284,,The effect of cold stress on the pathogenesis of necrotic enteritis in broiler chicks,VABB-1,430,435,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421286,,Economic impact of integrated care models for patients with chronic diseases: a systematic review,VABB-1,892,902,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421287,,Long-term outcome in ICU patients with acute kidney injury treated with renal replacement therapy: a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421290,,Necroptosis: a novel cell death modality and its potential relevance for critical care medicine,VABB-1,415,428,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421291,,pH responsive polyurethane (core) and cellulose acetate phthalate (shell) electrospun fibers for intravaginal drug delivery,VABB-1,1240,1244,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421292,,Early development of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421293,,Long-term outcome and health-related quality of life in difficult-to-wean patients with and without ventilator dependency at ICU discharge: a retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421294,,Highly crystalline nanoparticle suspensions for low-temperature processing of TiO2 thin films,VABB-1,13027,13036,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421295,,"Effectiveness of hand sorting, flotation/washing, dehulling and combinations thereof on the decontamination of mycotoxin-contaminated white maize",VABB-1,960,969,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421298,,NF-κB-independent role of IKKα/IKKβ in preventing RIPK1 kinase-dependent apoptotic and necroptotic cell death during TNF signaling,VABB-1,63,76,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421299,,NIK promotes tissue destruction independently of the alternative NF-κB pathway through TNFR1/RIP1-induced apoptosis,VABB-1,2020,2033,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421300,,Effects of xylo-oligosaccharides on broiler chicken performance and microbiota,VABB-1,5880,5888,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421302,,"Divergence between the highly virulent zoonotic pathogen Helicobacter heilmannii and its closest relative, the low-virulence 'Helicobacter ailurogastricus' sp. nov.",VABB-1,293,306,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421303,,Molecular analysis of cyenopyrafen resistance in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae,VABB-1,103,112,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421304,,Transcriptome profiling of a spirodiclofen susceptible and resistant strain of the European red mite Panonychus ulmi using strand-specific RNA-seq,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421305,,Ligand addition energies and the stoichiometry of colloidal nanocrystals,VABB-1,1462,1474,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421306,,Ab initio study of the trapping of polonium on noble metals,VABB-1,35,42,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421307,,Metabolism of modified mycotoxins studied through in vitro and in vivo models: an overview,VABB-1,24,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421308,,The awareness about mycotoxin contamination of food and feed: a survey in the Flemish population,VABB-1,375,380,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421311,,The standardization of terminology of lower urinary tract function in children and adolescents: update report from the standardization committee of the International Children's Continence Society,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421312,,Antioxidant potential of CORM-A1 and resveratrol during TNF-α/cycloheximide-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in murine intestinal epithelial MODE-K cells,VABB-1,161,178,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421315,,How to study thermal applications of open-cell metal foam: experiments and computational fluid dynamics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421316,,Total plasma proANP increases with atrial dilatation in horses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421317,,Peritonitis,VABB-4,20,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421318,,Synthesis of hydrophilic CuInS2/ZnS quantum dots with different polymeric shells and study of their cytotoxicity and hemocompatibility,VABB-1,7613,7622,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421321,,Circadian rhythm of glomerular filtration and solute handling related to nocturnal enuresis,VABB-1,162,167,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421322,,"Morphology of the canine omentum, part 1: arterial landmarks that define the omentum",VABB-1,37,43,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421323,,Post mortem magnetic resonance imaging of multiple congenital ocular anomalies in a Comtois mare,VABB-1,255,258,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421324,,"Oral administration of the Salmonella Typhimurium vaccine strain Nal2/Rif9/Rtt to laying hens at day of hatch reduces shedding and caecal colonization of Salmonella 4,12:i:-, the monophasic variant of Salmonella Typhimurium",VABB-1,1122,1127,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421325,,Urinary prostate protein glycosylation profiling as a diagnostic biomarker for prostate cancer,VABB-1,314,322,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421326,,Atypische myopathie bij het paard,VABB-1,48,54,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:421327,,"Summarization vs. peptide-based models in label-free quantitative proteomics: performance, pitfalls, and data analysis guidelines",VABB-1,2457,2465,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421328,,Eco-friendly mono-layered PTFE blended polymer composites for dry sliding tribo : systems,VABB-1,569,579,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421329,,PCR detection of Burkholderia multivorans in water and soil samples,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421330,,Reduced mucosa-associated Butyricicoccus activity in patients with ulcerative colitis correlates with aberrant claudin-1 expression,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421331,,"Synthesis, in vitro and in vivo small-animal SPECT evaluation of novel technetium labeled bile acid analogues to study (altered) hepatic transporter function",VABB-1,642,649,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421333,,"Comparative chemical screening and genetic analysis reveal tentoxin as a new virulence factor in Cochliobolus miyabeanus, the causal agent of brown spot disease on rice",VABB-1,805,817,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421335,,"Prevalence of Opisthorchis viverrini-like fluke infection in ducks in Binh Dinh Province, Central Vietnam",VABB-1,357,361,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421336,,Sensitive QD@SiO2-based immunoassay for triplex determination of cereal-borne mycotoxins,VABB-1,66,71,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421337,,In situ time-lapse synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction of silver corrosion,VABB-1,694,701,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421338,,Strain and crack development in continuous reinforced concrete slabs subjected to catenary action,VABB-1,173,188,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421339,,Laparoscopic evaluation of the epiploic foramen after celiotomy for epiploic foramen entrapment in the horse,VABB-1,596,601,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421340,,Synthesis and bioactivity of β-substituted fosmidomycin analogues targeting 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase,VABB-1,2988,3001,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421341,,Diagnostic accuracy of urinary prostate protein glycosylation profiling in prostatitis diagnosis,VABB-1,439,449,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421342,,The acoustic summary as a tool for representing urban sound environments,VABB-1,34,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421344,,Diffusion of mepivacaine to adjacent synovial structures after intrasynovial analgesia of the digital flexor tendon sheath,VABB-1,326,330,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421345,,Urinary chitinase 3-like protein 1 for early diagnosis of acute kidney injury: a prospective cohort study in adult critically ill patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421346,,Orale ivermectine-intoxicatie op een vleeskalverbedrijf,VABB-1,94,99,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:421347,,Validation of high resolution melting analysis (HRM) of the amplified ITS2 region for the detection and identification of yeasts from clinical samples : comparison with culture and MALDI-TOF based identification,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421348,,An integrated targeted and untargeted approach for the analysis of ergot alkaloids in cereals using UHPLC - hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry,VABB-1,653,666,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421349,,Transiently responsive block copolymer micelles based on N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide engineered with hydrolyzable ethylcarbonate side chains,VABB-1,119,127,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421350,,Role of γ-glutamyltranspeptidase in the pathogenesis of Helicobacter suis and Helicobacter pylori infections,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421351,,Synthesis and surface characterization of a patterned cuprite sample: preparatory step in the evaluation scheme of an X-ray-excited optical microscopy system,VABB-1,657,664,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421352,,Prediction of respiratory disease and diarrhea in veal calves based on immunoglobulin levels and the serostatus for respiratory pathogens measured at arrival,VABB-1,169,176,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421353,,"Nocturnal enuresis and nocturia, differences and similarities: lessons to learn?",VABB-1,81,86,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421354,,Experimental study of the effect of felt wick porosity on capillary-driven heat pipes,VABB-1,690,698,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421359,,Thoracic aortic rupture and aortopulmonary fistulation in the Friesian horse: histomorphologic characterization,VABB-1,152,159,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421360,,Assessment of plasma anti-elastin antibodies for use as a diagnostic aid for chronic progressive lymphoedema in Belgian Draught Horses,VABB-1,16,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421361,,Predictive modelling of survival and length of stay in critically ill patients using sequential organ failure scores,VABB-1,191,207,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421362,,Perineal urethrostomy: surgical and functional evaluation of two techniques,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421364,,Vergelijkende erfelijke en pathogenische kenmerken van hypertrofische cardiomyopathie bij de kat en de mens,VABB-1,73,79,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:421365,,Diurnal temperature variations affect development of a herbivorous arthropod pest and its predators,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421366,,Methyl-CpG-binding domain sequencing reveals a prognostic methylation signature in neuroblastoma,VABB-1,1960,1972,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421369,,Faecal proteomics: a tool to investigate dysbiosis and inflammation in patients with cystic fibrosis,VABB-1,242,250,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421370,,Toxigenic potentiality of Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus strains isolated from black pepper assessed by an LC-MS/MS based multi-mycotoxin method,VABB-1,185,196,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421373,,"Fumonisins affect the intestinal microbial homeostasis in broiler chickens, predisposing to necrotic enteritis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421374,,Synergy effects of the mixture of bismuth molybdate catalysts with SnO2/ZrO2/MgO in selective propene oxidation and the connection between conductivity and catalytic activity,VABB-1,4846,4855,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421375,,On-site geometrical measurements of an experimental ice composite shell through TLS and photogrammetry,VABB-5,383,390,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421376,,A polyphasic approach for characterization of a collection of cereal isolates of the Fusarium incarnatum-equiseti species complex,VABB-1,24,35,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:421378,,An evolutionary perspective on the necroptotic pathway,VABB-1,721,732,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421380,,Binary and ternary po-containing molecules relevant for LBE cooled reactors at operating temperature,VABB-1,288,295,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421382,,Overwintering potential of the invasive leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) as a pest in greenhouse tomato production in Western Europe,VABB-1,533,541,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421383,,The microscopic structure of the omentum in healthy dogs: the mystery unravelled,VABB-1,209,218,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421385,,Effect of cathodic polarisation on the corrosion behaviour of 316L stainless steel under static and dynamic conditions,VABB-1,249,262,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421386,,Congenital penile pathology is associated with abnormal development of the Dartos muscle: a prospective study of primary penile surgery at a tertiary referral center,VABB-1,1620,1624,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421387,,Regulated necrosis: disease relevance and therapeutic opportunities,VABB-1,348,366,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421388,,Spinor-valued -spaces and representations of Spin,VABB-1,253,282,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421390,,A review on prebiotics and probiotics for the control of dysbiosis: present status and future perspectives,VABB-1,43,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421391,,Flip-chip assembly of VCSELs to silicon grating couplers via laser fabricated SU8 prisms,VABB-1,28264,28270,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421392,,Influencing factors for fire performance of simply supported RC beams with implicit and explicit transient creep strain material models,VABB-1,29,36,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421393,,Glutathione peroxidase 4 prevents necroptosis in mouse erythroid precursors,VABB-1,139,148,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421394,,Topical distribution of acyclovir in normal equine skin and equine sarcoids: an in vitro study,VABB-1,107,111,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421395,,A multimodal approach to Persuasion in conference presentations,VABB-4,108,130,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:421396,,"Transcriptome analysis of Aspergillus flavus reveals veA-dependent regulation of secondary metabolite gene clusters, including the novel aflavarin cluster",VABB-1,983,997,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421397,,"Synthesis, modification, bioconjugation of silica coated fluorescent quantum dots and their application for mycotoxin detection",VABB-1,476,481,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421398,,Methodologic quality assessment of red blood cell transfusion guidelines and the evidence base of more restrictive transfusion thresholds,VABB-1,472,480,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421399,,Supplemental food for Amblyseius swirskii in the control of thrips: feeding friend or foe?,VABB-1,466,473,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421400,,Effect of sedation on the intrapulmonary position of a bronchoalveolar lavage catheter in calves,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421403,,Occurrence and risk assessment of mycotoxins in subsistence farmed maize from Zimbabwe,VABB-1,36,44,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421404,,Zebrafish collagen type I: molecular and biochemical characterization of the major structural protein in bone and skin,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421405,,Lightning related fatalities in livestock: veterinary expertise and the added value of lightning location data,VABB-1,103,108,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421406,,Platform for efficient switching between multiple devices in the intensive care unit,VABB-1,5,15,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421410,,"Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel hamamelitannin analogues as potentiators for vancomycin in the treatment of biofilm related Staphylococcus aureus infections",VABB-1,4563,4575,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:421411,,Het sociaal netwerk van beginnende leraren in relatie tot hun professioneel zelfverstaan: Een exploratief onderzoek.,VABB-1,178,204,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:421412,,Toxin-neutralizing antibodies protect against Clostridium perfringens-induced necrosis in an intestinal loop model for bovine necrohemorrhagic enteritis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421413,,Vegetative Bacillus amyloliquefaciens cells do not confer protection against necrotic enteritis in broilers despite high antibacterial activity of its supernatant against Clostridium perfringens in vitro,VABB-1,324,329,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421414,,"Expanding the clinical and mutational spectrum of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, dermatosparaxis type",VABB-1,882,891,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421415,,"7p22.1 microdeletions involving ACTB associated with developmental delay, short stature, and microcephaly",VABB-1,502,506,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421416,,Loss of type I collagen telopeptide lysyl hydroxylation causes musculoskeletal abnormalities in a zebrafish model of Bruck syndrome,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421418,,Role of an electronic antimicrobial alert system in intensive care in dosing errors and pharmacist workload,VABB-1,387,394,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421419,,The influence of the acyl chain on the transdermal penetration-enhancing effect of synthetic phytoceramides,VABB-1,124,136,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421420,,Characterization of sophorolipid biosynthetic enzymes from Starmerella bombicola,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421421,,Results of measurements of particulate matter concentrations inside a pig fattening facility,VABB-1,13,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421422,,Efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes against larvae of Tuta absoluta in the laboratory,VABB-1,1702,1709,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421423,,A systematic review on the global occurrence of Taenia hydatigena in pigs and cattle,VABB-1,97,103,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421424,,"Overexpression of Nictaba-like lectin genes from glycine max confers tolerance towards Pseudomonas syringae infection, aphid infestation and salt stress in transgenic Arabidopsis plants",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421425,,Isolated male epispadias: anatomic functional restoration is the primary goal,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421426,,Urinary tract infections in children: EAU/ESPU guidelines,VABB-1,546,558,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421429,,Oral glutathione supplementation drastically reduces Helicobacter-induced gastric pathologies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421433,,Comparison of antibacterial effects among three foams used with negative pressure wound therapy in an ex vivo equine perfused wound model,VABB-1,1325,1331,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421435,,"The impact of deoxynivalenol on pigeon health : occurrence in feed, toxicokinetics and interaction with salmonellosis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421436,,RMLEditor: a graph-based mapping editor for linked data mappings,VABB-5,709,723,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421437,,Upconversion luminescence of lanthanide-doped mixed CaMoO4-CaWO4 micro-/nano-materials,VABB-1,12094,12102,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421438,,Comparing exosome-like vesicles with liposomes for the functional cellular delivery of small RNAs,VABB-1,51,61,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421440,,Moisture sorption isotherms and thermodynamic properties of whole black peppercorns (Piper nigrum L.),VABB-1,177,188,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421441,,Affinity sensor based on immobilized molecular imprinted synthetic recognition elements,VABB-1,34,39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421442,,Concentrating aflatoxins on the domestic market through groundnut export: a focus on Malawian groundnut value and supply chain,VABB-1,236,239,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421443,,Scales tell a story on the stress history of fish,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421444,,A reliable liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for simultaneous determination of multiple mycotoxins in fresh fish and dried seafoods,VABB-1,42,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421445,,Synthesis and bioanalytical applications of nanostructures multiloaded with quantum dots,VABB-1,53,62,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421446,,Silica-coated liposomes loaded with quantum dots as labels for multiplex fluorescent immunoassay,VABB-1,120,125,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421447,,Passenger mutations confound interpretation of all genetically modified congenic mice,VABB-1,200,209,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421449,,Perfringolysin O: the underrated Clostridium perfringens toxin?,VABB-1,1702,1721,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421451,,"Nocturnal polyuria: excess of nocturnal urine production, excess of definitions: influence on renal function profile",VABB-1,670,676,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421452,,Hyphenation of a deoxyribonuclease I immobilized enzyme reactor with liquid chromatography for the online stability evaluation of oligonucleotides,VABB-1,18,26,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421453,,Acute kidney injury in cardiorenal syndrome type 1 patients : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,116,128,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421454,,Stage 4S neuroblastoma tumors show a characteristic DNA methylation portrait,VABB-1,761,771,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421455,,Gastro-intestinale Clostridium perfringens-infecties: een blijvend gevaar in de Belgische rundveehouderij,VABB-1,41,49,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:421456,,Importance of release location on the mode of action of butyrate derivatives in the avian gastrointestinal tract,VABB-1,61,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421457,,The C-terminal domain of Clostridium perfringens alpha toxin as a vaccine candidate against bovine necrohemorrhagic enteritis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421458,,Assessment of mothers’ knowledge and practice towards aflatoxin contamination in complementary foods in Ethiopia : from pre-harvest to household,VABB-1,535,544,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421459,,Global minimally invasive pyeloplasty study in children : results from the Pediatric Urology Expert Group of the European Association of Urology Young Academic Urologists working party,VABB-1,229.e1,229.e7,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421462,,Sonoprinting and the importance of microbubble loading for the ultrasound mediated cellular delivery of nanoparticles,VABB-1,294,307,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421463,,Lessons in simplicity that should shape the future of drug delivery,VABB-1,1026,1027,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421464,,Precision of electric-field gradient predictions by density functional theory and implications for the nuclear quadrupole moment and its error bar of the Cd-111 245 keV 5/2(+) level,VABB-1,23111,23120,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421465,,Prevalence of respiratory pathogens in nasal swabs from horses with acute respiratory disease in Belgium,VABB-1,221,224,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421466,,Titania nanocrystal surface functionalization through silane chemistry for low temperature deposition on polymers,VABB-1,29759,29769,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421467,,Therapeutic and diagnostic applications of extracellular vesicles,VABB-1,167,183,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421468,,Living apart together: crosstalk between the core and supernumerary genomes in a fungal plant pathogen,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421469,,"Corporale (1974) di Paolo Volponi. Figure, maschere, errori: l’inadeguatezza del nome come processo di frantumazione dell’identità",VABB-1,269,280,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:421470,,L’esemplarità come forma normativa: qualche riflessione tra diritto e letteratura,VABB-1,423,442,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:421471,,moFF : a robust and automated approach to extract peptide ion intensities,VABB-1,962,965,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421472,,Solving the Christoffel equation: phase and group velocities,VABB-1,445,451,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421473,,A siRNA screen reveals the prosurvival effect of protein kinase A activation in conditions of unresolved endoplasmic reticulum stress,VABB-1,1670,1680,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421474,,A visual exploration workflow as enabler for the exploitation of Linked Open Data,VABB-5,30,41,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:421475,,Identification of von Willebrand disease type 1 in a patient with Ehlers–Danlos syndrome classic type,VABB-1,e309,e311,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421477,,A new predilection site of Mycoplasma bovis: postsurgical seromas in beef cattle,VABB-1,67,70,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421478,,"Biomechanical and biochemical properties of the thoracic aorta in warmblood horses, Friesian horses, and Friesians with aortic rupture",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421479,,Characterisation of the human uterine microbiome in non-pregnant women through deep sequencing of the V1-2 region of the 16S rRNA gene,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421480,,Variation in hemolytic activity of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae strains from pigs,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:421481,,Families in transition: a literature review,VABB-1,36,43,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421482,,Intermittent axillary temperature measurement fails to detect fever in critically ill patients,VABB-1,721,722,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421483,,Representation theorems for partially exchangeable random variables,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421484,,Gene body methylation patterns in Daphnia are associated with gene family size,VABB-1,1185,1196,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421486,,"Imprecise stochastic processes in discrete time: global models, imprecise Markov chains, and ergodic theorems",VABB-1,18,46,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421487,,Veal calves produce less antibodies against C. perfringens alpha toxin compared to beef calves,VABB-1,2586,2597,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421488,,The contribution of von Willebrand factor-GPIbα interactions to persistent aggregate formation in apheresis platelet concentrates,VABB-1,344,351,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421490,,Proteome-scale binary interactomics in human cells,VABB-1,3624,3639,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421491,,Insecticidal activity of a protein extracted from bulbs of Phycella australis Ravenna against the aphids Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris and Myzus persicae Sulzer,VABB-1,188,194,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421492,,"Lessons learnt from the CERCA Project, a multicomponent intervention to promote adolescent sexual and reproductive health in three Latin America countries: a qualitative post-hoc evaluation",VABB-1,98,105,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421494,,"Opisthorchis viverrini infections and associated risk factors in a lowland area of Binh Dinh Province, Central Vietnam",VABB-1,151,157,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421495,,Speed control strategy of geophysical measurement platform for archaeological prospection: conceptual study,VABB-5,3748,3753,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421496,,Exploring the purine core of 3'-C-ethynyladenosine (EAdo) in search of novel nucleoside therapeutics,VABB-1,1970,1972,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421498,,Discovering candidates for gene network expansion by distributed volunteer computing,VABB-5,248,253,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421500,,Betrouwbaarheid van de automatische analyse van spraakverstaanbaarheid van laryngectomiepatiënten binnen ASISTO,VABB-1,85,88,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421501,,Untargeted analysis of modified mycotoxins using high-resolution mass spectrometry,VABB-4,50,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421502,,"Occurrence patterns of pharmaceutical residues in wastewater, surface water and groundwater of Nairobi and Kisumu city, Kenya",VABB-1,238,244,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421503,,Ozonation as an advanced treatment technique for the degradation of personal care products in water,VABB-4,375,397,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:421504,,"Recalled and current gender role behavior, gender identity and sexual orientation in adults with Disorders/Differences of Sex Development",VABB-1,8,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421505,,Transfer-printing-based integration of single-mode waveguide-coupled III-V-on-silicon broadband light emitters,VABB-1,13754,13762,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421506,,MYCN and HDAC5 transcriptionally repress CD9 to trigger invasion and metastasis in neuroblastoma,VABB-1,66344,66359,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421508,,Sizing nanomaterials in bio-fluids by cFRAP enables protein aggregation measurements and diagnosis of bio-barrier permeability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421512,,"Supercoppa italiana: Juve-Lazio, solo 0 a 0.",VABB-1,82,85,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:421513,,Distribution of inflammation and association between active and chronic alterations within the endometrium of dairy cows,VABB-1,751,757,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421514,,"Development and validation of ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry methods for the simultaneous determination of beauvericin, enniatins (A, A1, B, B1) and cereulide in maize, wheat, pasta and rice",VABB-1,35,43,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421516,,Opportunities and barriers to on-farm composting and compost application: a case study from northwestern Europe,VABB-1,181,192,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421518,,The salivary protein repertoire of the polyphagous spider mite Tetranychus urticae: a quest for effectors,VABB-1,3594,3613,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421519,,The pseudokinase MLKL mediates programmed hepatocellular necrosis independently of RIPK3 during hepatitis,VABB-1,4346,4360,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421520,,Validated UPLC-MS/MS methods to quantitate free and conjugated Alternaria toxins in commercially available tomato products and fruit and vegetable juices in Belgium,VABB-1,5101,5109,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421521,,Protein N-glycosylation and N-glycan trimming are required for postembryonic development of the pest beetle Tribolium castaneum,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421522,,Elaboration of a proprietary thymidylate kinase inhibitor motif towards anti-tuberculosis agents,VABB-1,5172,5182,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421523,,From ligands to binding motifs and beyond; the enhanced versatility of nanocrystal surfaces,VABB-1,13277,13283,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421524,,Establishment of Amblyseius swirskii in greenhouse crops using food supplements,VABB-1,1174,1184,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421526,,OSLO - open standards for linked organizations,VABB-5,126,134,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421528,,Nucleosides with transposed base or 4'-hydroxymethyl moieties and their corresponding oligonucleotides,VABB-1,13484,13525,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421529,,Unipept web services for metaproteomics analysis,VABB-1,1746,1748,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421530,,Electronic structure and magnetic properties of dilute U impurities in metals,VABB-1,107,116,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421531,,Towards early-age performance control in precast concrete immersed tunnels,VABB-1,558,571,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421532,,Furan oxidation based cross-linking: a new approach for the study and targeting of nucleic acid and protein interactions,VABB-1,1539,1554,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421533,,L'interprétation à l'ère des tic,VABB-5,155,165,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:421536,,"Insights into the ligand shell, coordination mode, and reactivity of carboxylic acid capped metal oxide nanocrystals",VABB-1,1216,1223,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421537,,Determination of the gas-to-liquid partitioning coefficients using a new dynamic absorption method (DynAb method),VABB-1,544,552,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421538,,"SIFT-MS analysis of the removal of dimethyl sulphide, n-hexane and toluene from waste air by a two phase partitioning bioreactor",VABB-1,346,352,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421539,,Novel ferroptosis inhibitors with improved potency and ADME properties,VABB-1,2041,2053,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421540,,Anatomical description of the presence and variability of the digital manica flexoria in the equine digital flexor tendon sheath,VABB-1,9,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421541,,Diatom silica–titania photocatalysts for air purification by bio-accumulation of different titanium sources,VABB-1,1052,1061,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421542,,A nationwide survey on patient's versus physician's evaluation of biological therapy in rheumatoid arthritis in relation to disease activity and route of administration: the Be-Raise study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421543,,Use of UHPLC high-resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry to investigate the genes involved in the production of secondary metabolites in Aspergillus flavus,VABB-1,1656,1673,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421544,,Mycotoxins deoxynivalenol and fumonisins alter the extrinsic component of intestinal barrier in broiler chickens,VABB-1,10846,10855,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421545,,Self-healing silane coatings of cerium salt activated nanoparticles,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421546,,Electrochemical characterization of bronze historical objects using voltammetry of microparticles,VABB-1,449,455,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421547,,The pulmonary veins of the pig as an anatomical model for the development of a new treatment for atrial fibrillation,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421548,,Electropolymerization of palladium tetraaminephthalocyanine : characterization and supercapacitance behavior,VABB-1,192,200,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421549,,Endoplasmic reticulum stress induces ligand-independent TNFR1-mediated necroptosis in L929 cells,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421550,,A novel RIPK4-IRF6 connection is required to prevent epithelial fusions characteristic for popliteal pterygium syndromes,VABB-1,1012,1024,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421551,,Hydrogenated dimer acid as a corrosion inhibitor for lead metal substrates in acetic acid,VABB-1,C167,C179,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421552,,Marek's disease virus associated ocular lymphoma in Roulroul partridges (Rollulus rouloul),VABB-1,347,351,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421553,,Accept & reject statement-based uncertainty models,VABB-1,69,102,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421554,,Generation of a new Gateway-compatible inducible lentiviral vector platform allowing easy derivation of co-transduced cells,VABB-1,252,259,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421555,,Molecular evolution of candidate male reproductive genes in the brown algal model Ectocarpus,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421557,,Treatment of acquired flexural deformity of the distal interphalangeal joint in the horse: a retrospective study of 51 cases,VABB-1,9,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421558,,Development of a new laparoscopic Foramen Epiploicum Mesh Closure (FEMC) technique in 6 horses,VABB-1,331,337,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421559,,Vaccination with necroptotic cancer cells induces efficient anti-tumor immunity,VABB-1,274,287,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421560,,Impact of de-escalation of beta-lactam antibiotics on the emergence of antibiotic resistance in ICU patients: a retrospective observational study,VABB-1,1029,1039,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421561,,Boosting apoptotic cell clearance by colonic epithelial cells attenuates inflammation in vivo,VABB-1,807,820,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421562,,Amino acid-based stabilization of oxide nanocrystals in polar media: from insight in ligand exchange to solution H-1 NMR probing of short-chained adsorbates,VABB-1,1962,1970,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421563,,Highly dynamic ligand binding and light absorption coefficient of cesium lead Bromide perovskite nanocrystals,VABB-1,2071,2081,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421564,,A discussion on the interpretation of the Darcy equation in case of open-cell metal foam based on numerical simulations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421566,,Novel reporter for faithful monitoring of ERK2 dynamics in living cells and model organisms,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421568,,On a finite difference scheme for an inverse integro-differential problem using semigroup theory: a functional analytic approach,VABB-1,850,886,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421570,,Prey consumption by phytoseiid spider mite predators as affected by diurnal temperature variations,VABB-1,595,603,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421572,,Urodynamic studies in children: standardized transurethral video-urodynamic evaluation,VABB-1,67,68,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421573,,Compression-bending behavior of a scaled immersion joint,VABB-1,426,437,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421574,,"Synthesis of C-5"" and C-6""-modified α-GalCer analogues as iNKT-cell agonists",VABB-1,3175,3182,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421575,,Bacillus amyloliquefaciens as prophylactic treatment for Clostridium difficile-associated disease in a mouse model,VABB-1,1275,1280,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421578,,Morphometric properties of the thoracic aorta of warmblood and Friesian horses with and without aortic rupture,VABB-1,225,230,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421579,,Coherent predictive inference under exchangeability with imprecise probabilities,VABB-1,1,95,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421580,,The economic importance of acaricides in the control of phytophagous mites and an update on recent acaricide mode of action research,VABB-1,12,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421581,,Plasma exchange as a treatment for hyperbilirubinemia in 2 foals with neonatal isoerythrolysis,VABB-1,736,738,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421582,,"Global cytosine methylation in Daphnia magna depends on genotype, environment and their interaction",VABB-1,1056,1061,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421584,,"Conserved transcriptional responses to cyanobacterial stressors are mediated by alternate regulation, of paralogous genes in Daphnia",VABB-1,1844,1855,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421585,,"Unico protagonista è il potere: allegorie, personaggi e straniamento nelle Mosche del capitale di Paolo Volponi.",VABB-1,250,283,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:421587,,The omental pedicle flap in dogs revised and refined : a cadaver study,VABB-1,746,753,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421588,,Performance of a TthPrimPol-based whole genome amplification kit for copy number alteration detection using massively parallel sequencing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421589,,Hydrophilic quantum dots stability against an external low-strength electric field,VABB-1,259,263,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421590,,Wound-healing markers after autologous and allogeneic epithelial-like stem cell treatment,VABB-1,562,569,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421591,,Robust queueing theory : an initial study using imprecise probabilities,VABB-1,75,101,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421593,,Is the error on first-principles volume predictions absolute or relative?,VABB-1,390,396,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421594,,Analytical validation of a high-sensitivity cardiac troponin T assay in horses,VABB-1,504,509,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421595,,Occurrence of Fusarium mycotoxins in cereal crops and processed products (ogi) from Nigeria,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421597,,Trans activism and LGB movements : odd bedfellows?,VABB-4,163,177,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:421598,,A canine orthologue of the human GFAP c.716G>A (p.Arg239His) variant causes Alexander disease in a Labrador retriever,VABB-1,852,856,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421599,,Colloidal metal oxide nanocrystal catalysis by sustained chemically driven ligand displacement,VABB-1,517,521,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421602,,Treatment of sarcoids in equids: 230 cases (2008–2013),VABB-1,311,318,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421603,,Rapid method for the simultaneous detection of boar taint compounds by means of solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography/mass spectrometry,VABB-1,124,133,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421604,,A real-time fluorometric method for the simultaneous detection of cell death type and rate,VABB-1,1444,1454,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421605,,Hamamelitannin analogues that modulate quorum sensing as potentiators of antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus,VABB-1,6551,6555,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421608,,Congenital cutaneous fibropapillomatosis in a warmblood foal,VABB-1,305,308,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421609,,Cortisol directly impacts Flavobacterium columnare in vitro growth characteristics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421610,,"Report from the 5th international symposium on mycotoxins and toxigenic moulds: challenges and perspectives (MYTOX) held in Ghent, Belgium, May 2016",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421611,,"Comparison of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, surface plasmon resonance and biolayer interferometry for screening of deoxynivalenol in wheat and wheat dust",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421612,,Ribosome-inactivating proteins from apple have strong aphicidal activity in artificial diet and in planta,VABB-1,19,24,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421613,,Assessing the impact of minimizing arginine conversion in fully defined SILAC culture medium in human embryonic stem cells,VABB-1,2605,2614,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421614,,Mitochondria and NADPH oxidases are the major sources of TNF-α/cycloheximide-induced oxidative stress in murine intestinal epithelial MODE-K cells,VABB-1,1141,1158,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421616,,Grade of hypospadias is the only factor predicting for re-intervention after primary hypospadias repair: a multivariate analysis from a cohort of 474 patients,VABB-1,70.e1,70.e6,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421617,,Using simulation to improve performance of a real world distribution center,VABB-5,1874,1879,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421618,,Furan-PNA : a mildly inducible irreversible interstrand crosslinking system targeting single and double stranded DNA,VABB-1,6930,6933,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421619,,Redirection of auxin flow in Arabidopsis thaliana roots after infection by root-knot nematodes,VABB-1,4559,4570,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421620,,Shifts in the distribution of ixodid ticks parasitizing cattle in Zimbabwe,VABB-1,78,87,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421621,,Adsorption of volatile polonium and bismuth species on metals in various gas atmospheres : part I : adsorption of volatile polonium and bismuth on gold,VABB-1,757,767,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421622,,Practical lessons for bringing policy-makers on board in sexual and reproductive health research,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421624,,Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-δ nanocomposites using preformed ZrO2 nanocrystals : growth mechanisms and vortex pinning properties,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421625,,The impact of species and cell type on the nanosafety profile of iron oxide nanoparticles in neural cells,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421626,,Error estimates for density-functional theory predictions of surface energy and work function,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421627,,Random survival forests for predicting the bed occupancy in the intensive care unit,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421628,,Trapping mammalian protein complexes in viral particles,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421629,,"A case of acute intoxication due to combined use of fentanyl and 3,4-dichloro-N-[2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl]-N-methylbenzamide (U-47700)",VABB-1,68,72,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421631,,Triplex crosslinking through furan oxidation requires perturbation of the structured triple-helix,VABB-1,651,658,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421632,,Buccal versus lingual mucosa graft in anterior urethroplasty: a prospective comparison of surgical outcome and donor site morbidity,VABB-1,112,117,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421633,,Lipid and carbohydrate modifications of α-galactosylcer-amide differently influence mouse and human type I natural killer T cell activation,VABB-1,17206,17217,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421635,,Detoxification of deoxynivalenol via glycosylation represents novel insights on antagonistic activities of Trichoderma when confronted with Fusarium graminearum,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421636,,Aphids transform and detoxify the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol via a type II biotransformation mechanism yet unknown in animals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421637,,Recommendations for further improvement of the deceased organ donation process in Belgium,VABB-1,303,312,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421638,,"Minimal processing of iceberg lettuce has no substantial influence on the survival, attachment and internalization of E. coli O157 and Salmonella",VABB-1,40,49,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421640,,NecroX-7 reduces necrotic core formation in atherosclerotic plaques of Apoe knockout mice,VABB-1,166,174,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421641,,Embryo selection using time-lapse analysis (Early Embryo Viability Assessment) in conjunction with standard morphology : a prospective two-center pilot study,VABB-1,2450,2457,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421643,,Guibert of Gembloux’ De destructione monasterii Gemblacensis. Literary legacy and issues of authorship against the backdrop of the ‘decline’ of traditional monasticism,VABB-1,275,301,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421645,,"Interroger, conceptualiser et engager une trans/formation de soi : Entretien avec Sarah Bracke",VABB-1,26,41,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:421648,,Hizmet en Afrique : les Acteurs Transnationaux du Mouvement Gülen,VABB-1,73,91,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:421649,,"Introduction: Memories on the Move—Experiencing Mobility, Rethinking the Past",VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421661,,The (im)mobility of merantau as a sociocultural practice in Indonesia,VABB-4,21,42,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:421663,,The Solomonic column and the double spiral,VABB-1,89,149,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421665,,"Engaging Superdiversity Recombining Spaces, Times and Language Practices",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421666,,Living in mobility: trajectories of Brazilians in Belgium and the UK,VABB-1,1199,1215,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421667,,"De groei naar militant, militair jihadisme",VABB-1,1,16,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421668,,Quasi-periodic Pulsations in Solar and Stellar Flares: An Overview of Recent Results,VABB-1,3143,3164,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421669,,Introduction: Superdiversity and Sociolinguistics,VABB-4,1,17,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421670,,Tourism and leisure mobilities: Afterword,VABB-4,248,252,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421671,,Keywords of mobility. Critical engagements,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421675,,Le non-voile et/ou dévoilement comme pratique ethique,VABB-1,55,71,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:421677,,L'évolution vers un djihadisme militant militaire,VABB-1,1,15,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:421679,,"""Benda Bilili – ‘look beyond the images’: representations and visual narratives of disability in Kinshasa""",VABB-1,252,269,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421681,,Introduction: Language and superdiversity,VABB-4,1,17,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:421683,,"Memories on the Move Experiencing Mobility, Rethinking the Past",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421684,,Writing eFieldnotes: Some ethical considerations,VABB-4,78,93,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421690,,How Generations Remember,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421691,,"Are we all secular/ized yet? Reflections on David Theo Goldberg's ""Are we all Postracial yet?""",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421692,,Embedded and re-purposed technologies: Human mobility practices in Maasailand,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421693,,"Beadwork and the Plasticity of Disability: (Un)Making Bodily Difference, Gender and Apprenticeship in Kinshasa, DR Congo",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421694,,Superdiversity: Elements of an Emerging Perspective,VABB-4,49,70,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421695,,The Relationship between Words and Being in the World for Students of Qur'anic Recitation in Brussels,VABB-1,249,266,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421702,,Keywords of Mobility. What's in a Name?,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421703,,Language and superdiversity,VABB-3,,,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:421704,,"One list, a world of difference? The dynamics of global heritage at two neighbouring properties",VABB-4,147,170,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421706,,Engaging Superdiversity: The Poiesis-Infrastructures Nexus and Language Practices in Combinatorial Spaces,VABB-4,3,24,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421707,,"Sharing Turkish tastes in Ghent: Aesthetic narratives of food, migration and memory",VABB-1,628,643,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421710,,"Caring for people “without” value: movement, reciprocity and respect in Kinshasa’s retirement homes",VABB-4,43,68,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421711,,Reflexivity in Intersubjective and Intercultural Borderlinking,VABB-4,228,254,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421712,,Central Africa: Sociocultural Aspects,VABB-4,312,315,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:421714,,"Sex in troubled times: moral panic, polyamory and freedom in north-west Namibia",VABB-1,31,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421715,,(Not) Talking Like a Motorola: Politics of Masking and Unmasking in Kinshasa's Mobile Phone Culture,VABB-1,633,652,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421716,,"Local Futures, the Future of the Local: Urban Living in a Central African Metropolis",VABB-4,151,166,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421717,,Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa. Spaces and Practices of Care,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421718,,Introduction: spaces and practices of care for older people in Sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421720,,SIM cards of desire: sexual versatility and the male homoerotic economy in urban Congo,VABB-1,230,242,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421721,,Corpus Vile: Death and Expendable Youth in Urban Congo,VABB-4,743,769,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421722,,The pragmatics of friendship: support and speculation among young street traders in Tanzania,VABB-1,308,320,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421724,,Is seeing believing? On the educational use of mainstream historical films in the history classroom,VABB-1,191,212,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421726,,Reasoning with and/or about sources on the Cold War? The use of primary sources in English and French history textbooks for upper secondary education,VABB-1,19,52,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421730,,(En)Jeux métafictionnels de la pseudo-traduction: Pour une lecture du soupçon,VABB-1,7,22,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:421732,,Pseudotranslation and Metafiction,VABB-1,25,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421733,,Longitudinal associations between objectively measured physical activity and development of executive functioning across the transition to first grade,VABB-1,895,902,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421734,,Technisch lezen en spellen,VABB-4,71,91,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421735,,Diagnostiek van leesproblemen bij meertaligen. Hoe voorkom je misdiagnoses?,VABB-1,6,11,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:421736,,Externalizing Problem Behavior in Adolescence: Parenting Interacting with DAT1 and DRD4 Genes,VABB-1,1441,1456,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421737,,"The influences and outcomes of phonological awareness: a study of MA, PA and auditory processing in pre-readers with a family risk of dyslexia",VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421738,,Not lost in translation: writing auditorily presented words at study increases correct recognition “at no cost”,VABB-1,437,442,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421739,,Contextual factors influencing the developmental characteristics of young children with severe to profound intellectual disability : a critical review,VABB-1,183,201,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:421740,,The Socio-Behavioral Development of Children with Symptoms of Attachment Disorder: An Observational Study of Teacher Sensitivity in Special Education,VABB-1,71,82,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421741,,"Functioning and participation of students with ADHD in higher education according to the ICF-framework, a systematic literature review",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421742,,"Behavioral Engagement, Peer Status, and Teacher-Student Relationships in Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study on Reciprocal Influences",VABB-1,1192,1207,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421743,,Enhancing arithmetic in pre-schoolers with comparison or number line estimation training: Does it matter?,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421745,,Symbolic magnitude processing in elementary school children: A group administered paper-and-pencil measure (SYMP Test),VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421746,,Peer Victimization and Emotional Problems in Vietnamese Children: A Longitudinal Study,VABB-1,143,154,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421747,,Characteristics of the menstrual cycle in 13-year-old Flemish girls and the impact of menstrual symptoms on social life,VABB-1,623,30,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421749,,The effect of parental rejection on the emotional eating behaviour of youngsters: A laboratory-based study,VABB-1,219,225,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421752,,A psycho-educational perspective on family involvement in suicide prevention and postvention,VABB-4,333,344,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421753,,Aandachtsprocessen,VABB-4,141,158,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421755,,In the eye of the beholder: Rapid visual perception of real-life scenes by young adults with and without ASD,VABB-1,2635,2652,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421756,,Transactional Links Between Teacher-Student Relationships and Adolescent Rule-Breaking Behavior and Behavioral School Engagement: Moderating Role of a Dopaminergic Genetic Profile Score,VABB-1,1226,1244,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421758,,Handboek jeugdhulpverlening. Deel 2: Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in het zorgveld,VABB-3,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:421759,,When errors count: an EEG study on numerical error monitoring under performance pressure,VABB-1,351,363,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421760,,Family demographic profiles and their relationship with the quality of executive functioning subcomponents in kindergarten,VABB-1,226,244,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421761,,Joint attention behaviours in people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: the influence of the context,VABB-1,574,584,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421762,,Peer interactions among children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities during group activities,VABB-1,366,377,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421763,,Making a difference? A comparison between multi-sensory and regular storytelling for persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities,VABB-1,1043,1053,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421764,,Symbolic Numerical Magnitude Processing Is as Important to Arithmetic as Phonological Awareness Is to Reading,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421765,,Individual differences in arithmetic fact retrieval,VABB-4,219,243,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421766,,Duizendpoten: Een literatuuronderzoek naar beschikbare kennis voor zorgprofessionals ten behoeve van de ondersteuning van mensen met (zeer) ernstige verstandelijke en meervoudige beperkingen,VABB-1,151,195,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:421767,,Video feedback in key word signing training for preservice direct support staff,VABB-1,342,348,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421768,,Factors influencing attentiveness of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities to multisensory storytelling,VABB-1,190,198,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421771,,Executieve functies,VABB-4,159,173,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421772,,Executive functioning deficits in children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1: The influence of intellectual and social functioning,VABB-1,348,362,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421773,,Individual differences in children’s mathematics achievement: The roles of symbolic numerical magnitude processing and domain-general cognitive functions,VABB-1,105,130,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421774,,Children’s Catch-up in Cognitive Competence after Adoption,VABB-4,39,64,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421775,,Adaptive false memory: Imagining future scenarios increases false memories in the DRM paradigm,VABB-1,1076,1084,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421778,,Multiple object tracking reveals object-based grouping interference in children with ASD,VABB-1,1341,1349,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:421779,,Financiële stress van ouders en externaliserend probleemgedrag van adolescenten: De mediërende rol van depressieve gevoelens en opvoeding,VABB-1,84,104,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421780,,The Contribution of Numerical Magnitude Comparison and Phonological Processing to Individual Differences in Fourth Graders’ Multiplication Fact Ability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421782,,Attachment Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms in Middle Childhood: the Role of Repetitive Thinking about Negative Affect and about Mother,VABB-1,615,630,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421783,,Secondary schools included: a literature review,VABB-1,109,135,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421785,,"High standard competencies for Teachers of the Deaf and other qualified professionals: always necessary, not always guaranteed",VABB-4,135,170,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421786,,The association between symbolic and nonsymbolic numerical magnitude processing and mental versus algorithmic subtraction in adults,VABB-1,34,42,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421787,,Numerical magnitude processing impairments in genetic syndromes: a cross-syndrome comparison of Turner and 22q11.2 deletion syndromes,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421788,,Ontwikkeling van de test geautomatiseerd spellen voor jongvolwassenen (TASP),VABB-1,25,30,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:421789,,De rol van gehechtheid in de ontwikkeling van psychopathologie: Speuren naar behandelbare mechanismen,VABB-1,53,70,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421790,,Gehechtheid en informatieverwerkings­processen: Love in the eye of the beholder,VABB-1,38,52,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421791,,Potential applications of cognitive neuroscience to mathematics education,VABB-1,249,253,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421795,,Toilet training in children with a functional defecation disorder and concomitant symptoms of autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,91,98,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421796,,Adolescents' conflict resolution styles toward mothers: The role of parenting and personality,VABB-1,2480,2497,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421797,,Brief Report: Factor Structure of Parenting Behaviour in Early Adolescence,VABB-1,91,94,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421798,,Children’s understanding of the addition/subtraction complement principle,VABB-1,382,396,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421799,,Plasticity of white matter connectivity in phonetics experts,VABB-1,3825,3833,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421800,,"Depressive symptoms in adolescence: The role of perceived parental support, psychological control, and proactive control in interaction with 5-HTTLPR",VABB-1,55,63,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421801,,Attachment and depressive symptoms in middle childhood: The moderating role of skin conductance level variability,VABB-1,1135,1148,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421802,,Teacher-Student Relationships and Adolescent Behavioral Engagement and Rule-Breaking Behavior: The Moderating Role of Dopaminergic Genes,VABB-1,13,25,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421803,,VAMP7 regulates constitutive membrane incorporation of the cold-activated channel TRPM8,VABB-1,10489,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421804,,"Attachment-Based Family Therapy between Magritte and Poirot: Dissemination dreams, challenges and solutions in Belgium",VABB-1,240,250,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421806,,De diagnostiek van intelligentie,VABB-4,13,35,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:421807,,Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Children and Adolescents: Can Attachment Theory Contribute to Its Efficacy?,VABB-1,310,328,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421809,,Gist perception in adolescents with and without ASD: Ultra-rapid categorization of meaningful real-life scenes,VABB-1,30,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421810,,Dimensionele maten bij autismespectrumstoornissen: Weten we wat we meten,VABB-1,897,901,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421811,,Estonian words in noise test for children (EWINc),VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421812,,Brain activity during arithmetic in symbolic and non-symbolic formats in 9–12 year old children,VABB-1,19,28,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421813,,Neurowetenschappelijke inzichten in de ontwikkeling van rekenstoornissen of dyscalculie,VABB-4,317,325,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421814,,The role of physical digit representation and numerical magnitude representation in children’s multiplication fact retrieval,VABB-1,41,53,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421815,,Children with PIMD in interaction with peers with PIMD or siblings,VABB-1,28,42,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421816,,Visual Search in ASD: Instructed Versus Spontaneous Local and Global Processing,VABB-1,3023,3036,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421817,,The time-course of ultra-rapid categorization: The influence of scene congruency and recurrent processing,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421818,,Spontaneous focusing on numerosity: A review of recent research,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421819,,Gehechtheid voor (cognitieve) gedragstherapeuten: Van het ‘vage’-vuur naar een belangrijke component van succesvolle behandeling?,VABB-1,2,16,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421821,,Werken met gehechtheid in behandeling van kinderen en adolescenten,VABB-1,71,87,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421823,,Atypical structural asymmetry of the planum temporale is related to family history of dyslexia,VABB-1,63,72,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:421824,,Challenges in Mathematical Cognition: A Collaboratively-Derived Research Agenda,VABB-1,20,41,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421825,,Zelfconcept,VABB-4,195,216,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421826,,Attachment and effortful control: Relationships with maladjustment in early adolescence,VABB-1,289,315,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421828,,Attitude and key word signing usage in support staff,VABB-1,77,87,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421829,,Refutational text and multiple external representations can improve the interpretation of box plots,VABB-5,187,194,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421830,,Expose or protect? A randomized controlled trial of exposure in vivo vs pain-contingent treatment as usual in patients with complex regional pain syndrome type 1,VABB-1,2318,2329,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421831,,The power of refutational text: changing intuitions about the interpretation of box plots,VABB-1,x,xx,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421833,,When easy becomes boring and difficult becomes frustrating: Disentangling the effects of item difficulty level and person proficiency on learning and motivation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421834,,CLV3W: A clustering around latent variables approach to detect panel disagreement in three-way conventional sensory profiling data,VABB-1,45,53,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421835,,Use of praise and reprimands as critical ingredients of teacher behavior management: Effects on children’s development in the context of a teacher-mediated classroom intervention,VABB-1,732,742,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421836,,Circus as an artistic and educational project: a historical analysis on the establishment of the Flemish circus decree [In Dutch],VABB-1,265,285,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421838,,KSC-N: Clustering of hierarchical time profile data,VABB-1,411,433,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:421840,,The Misspecification of the Covariance Structures in Multilevel Models for Single-Case Data: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study,VABB-1,473,509,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:421841,,The Effectiveness of Self-Help Groups for Adolescent Substance Misuse: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,229,244,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421842,,MultiLevel Simultaneous Component Analysis: A computational shortcut and software package,VABB-1,1008,1020,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421843,,The effectiveness of a math game: The impact of integrating conceptual clarification as support,VABB-1,21,33,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421844,,Performance of strip-based glucose meters and cassette-based blood gas analyzer for monitoring glucose levels in a surgical intensive care setting,VABB-1,169,180,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421845,,RAS testing practices and RAS mutation prevalence among patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: results from a Europe-wide survey of pathology centres,VABB-1,825,836,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421846,,ISO 15189-accredited laboratories fulfill the JCI Hospital Accreditation Standard requirements for the use of referral laboratories: report of a consensus meeting,VABB-1,425,431,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421847,,Practical approach for medical validation of therapeutic drug monitoring results,VABB-1,E97,E100,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421848,,Accreditation process in European countries - an EFLM survey,VABB-1,545,551,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421849,,Endorsing good quality assurance practices in molecular pathology: risks and recommendations for diagnostic laboratories and external quality assessment providers,VABB-1,31,41,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421850,,What's in a Name? A Coordinated Approach toward the Correct Use of a Uniform Nomenclature to Improve Patient Reports and Databases,VABB-1,570,575,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421851,,Postmortem medicolegal genetic diagnostics also require reporting guidance Reply,VABB-1,330,330,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421852,,Three Rounds of External Quality Assessment in France to Evaluate the Performance of 28 Platforms for Multiparametric Molecular Testing in Metastatic Colorectal and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer,VABB-1,205,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421853,,"Vergeten verhalen. Het tekenalbum van Sophie von Auersperg, prinses van Arenberg (1811-1901)",VABB-1,389,394,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421858,,La Fille Dansante au prisme de l’interdisciplinarité (avec un détour par la Capella Marciana à Vénice),VABB-4,25,36,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:421859,,"The Conservation of the Enclosed Gardens of Mechelen. A closer look at fragile Mix Media ( pp. 213 - 214); Cat. 27. Simon Marmion, Jacquemart Pilavaine, Les Sepet Ages du Monde,The Garden of Eden (pp. 193-195); Cat. 73. Simon Bening, The Hennessy Hours (p. 386-389); Cat 76. The Master of Jean Rolin, Heinrich Suso, Horloge de Sapience (pp. 400-403)",VABB-4,213,403,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421861,,"Specters, Animals, Youth, and Love: Inventing the Possible via Photofilmic Images",VABB-4,85,103,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421862,,Revisiting Salome's dance in medieval and early modern iconology,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421866,,"Mapping The Texts and Travels of Eduardo Schiaffino between 1882 and 1891: A Study of An Itinerary between Countries, Languages, Perspectives and Positions",VABB-1,37,54,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:421868,,"Nymph. Motif, Phantom, Affect. 2: Aby Warburg's (1866-1929) Butterflies as Art Historical Paradigms",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421871,,Enclosed Garden: a Utopian and Mystical Sanctuary,VABB-4,49,53,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421876,,"Noli me tangere in interdisciplinary perspective: textual, iconographic and contemporary interpretations",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421877,,"The tree as narrative, Formal, and allegorical index in Noli me tangere",VABB-4,237,314,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421879,,"Eric Baudelaire interviewed by Alexander Streitberger and Hilde Van Gelder, at the artist’s studio in Paris on June 10, 2014",VABB-4,107,128,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421883,,"Pneuma and the visual medium in the Middle Ages and Early Modernity: essays on wind, ruach, incarnation, odour, stains, movement, kairós, web and silence",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421884,,Aby Warburgs Nymphen und Schmetterlinge als Affekte,VABB-4,18,37,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:421886,,Visualizing and Analyzing Complex and Dynamic Networks of Flemish Tapestry Entrepreneurs (1640–1720),VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:421893,,'Dystopia' & cat. nos. 25. Circle of Jörg Breu - Fool’s Platter; 36. Joachim Patinir - The Destruction of Sodom & Gomorra; 38. Follower of Hieronymus Bosch - Vision of Tondal; 39. Pieter Huys (?) - The Last Judgement; 40. Follower of Hieronymus Bosch - Apocalyptic Vision; 48. Mesoamerican feather mosaic after Antwerp prototype - Adoration of the Magi; 53. [with Hannah Iterbeke] Lopo Homem a/o - Miller Atlas),VABB-4,182,307,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421897,,"Kairos or Occasion as Paradigm in the Visual Medium: Nachleben, Iconography, Hermeneutics",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421898,,"Kairos or Occasion as Paradigm in the Visual Medium: Nachleben, Iconography, Hermeneutics",VABB-1,87,150,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421900,,Lingua Lictoria: The Latin Literature of Italian Fascism,VABB-1,216,252,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:421902,,When the daughter came in and danced: revisiting Salome’s Dance in Medieval and Early Modern Iconology,VABB-1,152,192,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421903,,Late mediaeval 'Enclosed Gardens' of the Low Countries: contributions to gender and artistic expression,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421906,,"A Franco-Netherlandish John’s head (c. 1390): object, context, function, medium",VABB-4,115,130,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421913,,"Vision, piété et décapitation: Andrea Solario (env. 1465-1524), la tête de Saint-Jean Baptiste revisitée",VABB-1,257,278,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:421915,,Die spätmittelalterlichen eingefassten Gärten in den Niederlanden,VABB-1,27,44,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:421916,,Greece Reinvented: Transformations of Byzantine Hellenism in Renaissance Italy,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:421917,,Instrumentalities and the Late Medieval ‘Enclosed Gardens‘ in the Low Countries,VABB-1,131,141,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421918,,Pentecost and the Senses: a Hermeneutical Contribution to the Visual Medium and the Sensorium in Early Medieval Manuscript Tradition,VABB-4,346,370,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421919,,Kairos or Occasion as Paradigm in the Visual Medium,VABB-1,193,251,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421923,,The Codex Fori Mussolini: A Latin Text of Italian Fascism,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421924,,About Stain(s),VABB-1,29,45,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421925,,L’Homme de dos. The Politics of the Rear View Figure in the films of John Akomfrah,VABB-1,154,162,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:421927,,In Response to Echo: beyond Mimesis or Dissolution as Scopic Regime (with Special Attention to Camouflage),VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421932,,Overzicht van rechtspraak Wet op de Landverzekeringsovereenkomst 2004-2015,VABB-1,685,1117,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421935,,"De actio pauliana: zelfstandige aanspraak, splitsbare rechtszaak",VABB-1,221,229,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421937,,Een kapitein gaat mee ten onder. Over rangdoorbraak bij dreigende insolventie,VABB-1,264,270,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421939,,Beschikkingsonbevoegdheid bij de aflevering van een bijzonder legaat (noot onder Cass. 5 september 2014),VABB-1,744,749,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421941,,Een juridische zombie: de maatschap als kwalificatie voor een onbenoemd of feitelijk samenwerkingsverband,VABB-1,767,787,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421944,,Neutral Third-Party Counselling as Nudge toward Safer Financial Products? The Case of Risky Mortgage Loan Contracts,VABB-4,169,196,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421946,,Overheidscontracten in het Belgische recht: besturen op de snijlijn van privaat- en publiekrecht,VABB-1,489,577,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421947,,De rechtbank van koophandel is bevoegd voor een vordering tegen een VZW met ondernemingsactiviteiten,VABB-1,674,677,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421951,,"Kodyfikacja prawa prywatnego miedzynarodowego w Holandii — historia, zalozenia oraz instytucje czesci ogolnej",VABB-1,105,152,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421954,,The Reform of Polish Sales Law - Re-implementing the Consumer Sales Directive,VABB-1,175,180,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421956,,Instrumenty pochodne,VABB-4,749,825,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421957,,Set-off in the French Reform of the Law of Obligations: A Tale of Missed Opportunities,VABB-4,202,207,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421958,,"noot bij GwH 30 juni 2016, nr. 101/2016",VABB-1,274,280,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421959,,"De VREG en de bevoegdheid van de Raad van State: over subjectieve rechten, discretionaire beoordelingsbevoegdheid en het verschil tussen appreciëren en interpreteren (noot bij RvS 3 maart 2016, nr. 234.002)",VABB-1,344,350,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421962,,"The Walls Have Fallen, Run for the Keep: Insolvency Law as the New Company Law for Third Parties",VABB-1,877,892,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421963,,Overzicht van rechtspraak. Beslag- en executierecht (2008-2014),VABB-1,283,480,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:421964,,"Keizer, blauwhelm, protegé : de curator, de vereffenaar en de schuldenaar-in-reorganisatie in hun verhouding tot de schuldeisers. Een vergelijking met betrekking tot de actio pauliana, de zijdelingse vordering en de vordering tot vergoeding van collectieve schade",VABB-1,39,62,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421970,,The Belgian Reform on Security Interests in Movable Property,VABB-4,391,404,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421971,,Kroniek Belgisch insolventierecht,VABB-1,154,161,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:421984,,General introduction. Spatial quality revisited,VABB-4,9,15,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421985,,Surviving through informality in Nairobi. The case of urban traders in Eastleigh's commercial centre,VABB-4,212,221,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421991,,Designed by Patricia Urquiola-Three spaces for three identities,VABB-1,9,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421993,,Recommandations méthodologiques pour l’analyse de l’innovation sociale : une perspective critique sur l’épistémologie des systèmes d’innovation territoriaux,VABB-4,65,77,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421994,,"La toiture pyramidale à bulbe, signe identitaire de l'architecture Habsbourg d'origine brabançonne au XVIe siècle",VABB-4,25,46,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:421996,,Understanding spatial quality,VABB-4,18,23,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:421997,,A extensão do desenho para além do projecto,VABB-5,322,325,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:421999,,Vaulting Churches in China: True Gothic or Imitation?,VABB-5,535,541,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422001,,Post-disaster resilience incubation: a midsummer night's dream or a realistic possibility?,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422002,,SPINDUS methodological synthesis,VABB-4,265,305,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422005,,Modernidad y domesticidad: tensiones y contradicciones,VABB-1,4,13,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:422006,,The politics of nostalgia in urban redevelopment projects: the case of Antwerp-Dam,VABB-4,249,271,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422009,,"Agency, structure, institutions, discourse (ASID) in urban and regional development",VABB-1,167,187,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422010,,Developing a European Network for the Future of Religious Heritage,VABB-4,221,228,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422011,,Aino Marsio-Aalto (1894-1949) the architect of interiors and everyday objects to unveil,VABB-1,46,59,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422012,,The St Luke Schools and Henry van de Velde: Two Concomitant Theories on the Decorative Arts in Late Nineteenth-Century Belgium,VABB-1,123,148,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422015,,Lutopia: An Ideal City in an Ideal World,VABB-4,332,348,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422019,,"100 years of building a better Luchtbal. A history of changing spatial strategies, logics and compromises",VABB-4,188,209,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422020,,Mapping Cilento: Using Geotagged Social Media Data to Characterise Tourist Flows in Southern Italy,VABB-1,295,310,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422021,,Taking up spatial quality as a task,VABB-4,28,33,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422022,,Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition),VABB-1,1,222,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422023,,Free 25-hydroxyvitamin D: impact of vitamin D binding protein assays on racial-genotypic associations,VABB-1,2226,2234,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422024,,The Visual Archive: the Self as Author and Actor,VABB-1,83,97,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422025,,The Governance of the Nature-Culture Nexus. Lessons learned from the San Pedro de Atacama Case Study,VABB-1,239,258,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422026,,"Virtual Palaces, Part I. Digitizing and Modelling Palaces",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422028,,Modernidad y domesticidad: tensiones y contradicciones (segunda parte),VABB-1,130,139,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:422030,,Whose permits? The tenacity of permissive development control in Flanders,VABB-1,387,406,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422032,,The SPINDUS handbook for spatial quality. A relational approach,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422036,,"Sinicising Christian Architecture in Hong Kong: Father Gresnigt, Catholic Indigenisation, and the South China Regional Seminary, 1927-31",VABB-1,133,160,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422039,,Researching spatial quality,VABB-4,24,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422041,,Role of Assay Type in Determining Free 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels in Diverse Populations,VABB-1,1695,1696,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422043,,"Pugin Worldwide. From ""Les Vrais Principes"" and the Belgian St Luke Schools to Northern China and Inner Mongolia",VABB-4,156,171,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422052,,A Relational and Processual Re-cartography of Infrastructure: E17 Motorway Landscapes,VABB-1,707,710,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422053,,"Post-Political Materializations. A Cross-Scalar Mapping Of Gentrification Processes In Guadalajara, Mexico",VABB-5,1,16,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422055,,"La Transformación Revanchista del Centro Histórico de Guadalajara, México",VABB-5,1,13,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:422057,,Designing Around People,VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422058,,A Digital Mixed Methods Research Design: Integrating Multimodal Analysis with Data Mining and Information Visualization for Big Data Analytics,VABB-1,11,30,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:422059,,Designing “little worlds” in Walnut Park: How architects adopted an ethnographic case study on living with dementia,VABB-5,3199,3212,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422060,,River Restoration and Rehabilitation as a New Urban Design Strategy: Learning to Re-see Urban Rivers,VABB-1,57,73,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422061,,How do older residents experience a recently built innovative housing and care facility?,VABB-4,209,218,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422062,,"Heritable variation in maternally derived yolk androgens, thyroid hormones and immune factors",VABB-1,184,190,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422063,,DISPERSION AS A LONG-TERM PERSISTENCE IN THE SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS OF ECUADOR,VABB-5,239,249,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422064,,Revealing the Architectural Quality of Media Architecture,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422065,,BinSq: Visualizing Geographic Dot Density Patterns with Gridded Maps,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422066,,Pampulha: Atualizações simbólicas de uma paisagem modernista,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422067,,Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422069,,What Public Transit API Logs Tell us about Travel Flows,VABB-5,873,878,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422070,,Cooperation reconsidered. The case of Comité del Pueblo in Quito,VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422071,,Being Wheeled or Walking: A Qualitative Study of Patients’ Spatial Experience in Two Distinct Day Surgery Centers,VABB-1,176,189,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422073,,Evaluating the inclusivity of hospital wayfinding systems for people with diverse needs and abilities,VABB-1,243,248,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422074,,Building empathy: Opportunities for introducing future users' perspectives in architectural design,VABB-5,49,53,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422077,,"Urbanization and Landscape Juxtapositions in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Revisiting Historical Cartographies",VABB-5,39,50,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422078,,Architects' approaches to healing environment in designing a Maggie's Cancer Caring Centre,VABB-1,511,533,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422079,,Building upon Disability Experience,VABB-4,237,247,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422080,,"Formas espontâneas e induzidas: comparando São Paulo, Jacarta, Hanoi e Belo Horizonte",VABB-1,85,103,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422081,,Capturing architects’ designerly ways of knowing about users: Exploring an ethnographic research approach,VABB-5,3229,3243,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422084,,Uncovering the Honeypot Effect: How Audiences Engage with Public Interactive Systems,VABB-5,5,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422085,,"More than Tropical?: Modern Housing, Expatriate Practitioners and the Volta River Project in Decolonising Ghana",VABB-4,196,221,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422086,,Taming an 'Undisciplined Discipline': Constantinos Doxiadis and the Science of Human Settlements,VABB-1,8,21,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422087,,Socially Innovating Architectural Design Practice by Mobilising Disability Experience. An Exploratory Study,VABB-1,253,265,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422089,,Adjusting an older residential care facility to contemporary dementia care visions,VABB-4,219,228,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422090,,Design quality in the context of healthcare environments: a scoping review,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422092,,The Bicycle Barometer: Design and Evaluation of a Cyclist-Specific Interaction for a Public Display,VABB-5,5824,5835,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422093,,"Characterization of the papilionoid-Burkholderia interaction in the Fynbos biome: the diversity and distribution of beta-rhizobia nodulating Podalyria calyptrata (Fabaceae, Podalyrieae)",VABB-1,41,48,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422096,,The [meta]project and the “episodic articulation” of the space/form,VABB-5,101,110,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422097,,From accessibility to experience: Opportunities for inclusive design in architectural practice,VABB-1,33,58,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422098,,Antwerp City Wastescapes. Historic interplays between waste & urban development,VABB-5,179,190,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422099,,Editorial: Crossing Boundaries,VABB-1,3,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422101,,De kwaliteit van de woningen in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,49,69,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:422102,,"A look into the vibrant lives of a residual building. Ocupação Hotel Cambridge, Avenida 9 de Julho, 216, São Paulo",VABB-1,2361,2363,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422103,,"From mine to life cycle closure: towards a vision for the West Rand, Johannesburg",VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422104,,Gobierno Barrial de Atucucho. An urban alternative based on self-governance and direct democracy,VABB-5,1,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422105,,Central Limburg's regenerative landscape: a laboratory for resource urbanism,VABB-5,117,130,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422106,,What can we learn from autistic people about cognitive abilities essential to design? An exploratory study,VABB-4,85,104,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422108,,Whom do architects have in mind during design when users are absent? Observations from a design competition,VABB-1,368,387,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422109,,Woonbossen in de Antwerpse agglomeratie. Een geschiedenis en retroactieve definitie van bosstedenbouw,VABB-1,133,151,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:422110,,Social movements and alternative housing models. Practicing the “politics of possibilities” in Spain,VABB-1,38,56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422112,,"Modeling Soil Processes: Review, Key Challenges, and New Perspectives",VABB-1,1,57,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422113,,Both below-ground and above-ground functional traits can help predict levee grassland root length density as a proxy for flow erosion resistance,VABB-1,1254,1263,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422114,,Comprehensive assessment of soil erosion risk for better land use planning in river basins: Case study of the Upper Blue Nile River,VABB-1,95,108,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422115,,Section VI: Commercial Sexualities Maarten Loopmans (editor) 34. Commercial Sexualities: Section Introduction,VABB-4,307,312,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422117,,Is research on soil erosion hazard and mitigation in the Global South still needed?,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422118,,TURISMO Y SEXO Una reflexión teórica desde el homoerotismo y el es pacio,VABB-1,787,808,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:422120,,Towards a New Body of Knowledge for Geographic Informatien Science and Technology,VABB-1,7,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422122,,Situating queer migration within (national) welfare regimes,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422123,,A methodological framework to assess the socio-economic impact of underground quarries: a case study from Belgian Limburg,VABB-1,559,569,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422124,,How Aware Are Teachers of Students’ Misconceptions in Astronomy? A Qualitative Analysis in Belgium,VABB-1,277,300,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422126,,Simulating the mobility of meteoric 10Be in the landscape through a coupled soil-hillslope model (Be2D),VABB-1,143,157,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422127,,"The poverty alleviation potential of tourism employment as an off-farm activity on the local livelihoods surrounding Kibale National Park, western Uganda",VABB-1,34,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422130,,Nile behaviour and Late Palaeolithic humans in Upper Egypt during the Late Pleistocene,VABB-1,155,167,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422131,,Health and climate related ecosystem services provided by street trees in the urban environment,VABB-1,95,171,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422132,,Resilience and the reliability of spectral entropy to assess ecosystem stability,VABB-1,E393,E394,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:422134,,The urban land use in the COSMO-CLM model: a comparison of three parameterizations for Berlin,VABB-1,231,244,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422136,,"Deposition and fate of organic carbon in floodplains along a tropical semiarid lowland river (Tana River, Kenya)",VABB-1,1134,1143,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422137,,Patient versus impatient capital: the (non)financialization of real estate development in the Low Countries,VABB-1,709,728,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422138,,Turismo y sexo entre hombres La complejidad del discurso y la praxis,VABB-1,780,786,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:422140,,Evaluating time dynamics of topographic threshold relations for gully initiation,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422141,,Understanding local entrepreneurship and small enterprises in the tourism–development nexus:The case of western Uganda,VABB-1,105,120,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422142,,"Geographies of money, finance and crisis",VABB-4,365,378,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422143,,Constructing notches in foredunes: Effect on sediment dynamics in the dune hinterland,VABB-1,340,352,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422144,,The geopolitics of real estate: assembling soft power via property markets,VABB-1,75,96,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422146,,Virtual special issue editorial essay:‘The shitty rent business’: What’s the point of land rent theory?,VABB-1,1760,1783,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422147,,"Using Big Data to discover how the maturity of a heritage destination influences the use and attractiveness of urban cultural landscape. A case study of Antwerp, Bolzano and Krakow",VABB-5,614,628,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422148,,"Health effects from exposure to atmospheric mineral dust near Las Vegas, NV, USA",VABB-1,785,795,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422149,,Species rich semi-natural grasslands have a higher resistance but a lower resilience than intensively managed agricultural grasslands in response to climate anomalies,VABB-1,430,439,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422151,,The efficient urban canopy dependency parametrization (SURY) v1.0 for atmospheric modelling: description and application with the COSMO-CLM model for a Belgian summer,VABB-1,3027,3054,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422152,,"Immunotoxicological and neurotoxicological profile of health effects following subacute exposure to geogenic dust from sand dunes at the Nellis Dunes Recreation Area, Las Vegas, NV",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422156,,The Long and Difficult Road to the Land of Cockaigne 2.0,VABB-4,377,390,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422157,,Improving satellite-retrieved surface radiative fluxes in polar regions using a smart sampling approach,VABB-1,2379,2397,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422159,,Transition from forest-based to cereal-based agricultural systems : a review of the drivers of land use change and degradation in Southwest Ethiopia,VABB-1,431,449,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422160,,London and New York as a safe deposit box for the transnational wealth elite,VABB-1,2443,2461,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422161,,Linking landslide susceptibility to sediment yield at regional scale: application to Romania,VABB-1,222,232,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422163,,Sediment budget including the role of floodplains: the case of Lake Tana Basin,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422164,,Controls on soil organic carbon stocks in tidal marshes along an estuarine salinity gradient,VABB-1,6611,6624,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422165,,Dissolved organic carbon lability and stable isotope shifts during microbial decomposition in a tropical river system,VABB-1,517,525,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422166,,Exploring the Data Fusion of European SAR and Landsat Satellites for Monitoring the Urban Changes in Greater Cairo (Egypt) from 2010 to 2015,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422167,,Food Diaries to Measure Food Access: A Case Study from Rural Cuba,VABB-1,59,69,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422169,,Housing finance as harm,VABB-1,115,129,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422171,,"Institutional (Dis)integration and Regional Development Implications of Whisky Tourism in Speyside, Scotland",VABB-1,42,60,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422172,,Analysing governance in tourism value chains to reshape the tourist bubble in developing countries: the case of cultural tourism in Uganda,VABB-1,113,129,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422174,,Intra-Ethnic Business Networks: The Case of the Gurage Footwear Industry in Ethiopia,VABB-4,191,208,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422175,,Soil nutrient loss due to tuber crop harvesting and its environmental impact in the North China Plain,VABB-1,1612,1624,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422176,,Events: Cause or Consequence of Community Involvement,VABB-4,120,132,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422177,,Local impact analysis of climate change on precipitation extremes: are high-resolution climate models needed for realistic simulations?,VABB-1,3843,3857,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422178,,"Effects of check dams on runoff characteristics along gully reaches, the case of Northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,299,309,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422180,,Clouds enhance Greenland ice sheet meltwater runoff,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422181,,"Health effects following subacute exposure to geogenic dusts from arsenic-rich sediment at the Nellis Dunes Recreation Area, Las Vegas, NV",VABB-1,79,89,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422182,,Evaluation of a wind-farm parametrization in a regional climate model using large eddy simulations,VABB-1,3152,3161,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422183,,Tourism development in China since 1949: a regime perspective,VABB-1,321,340,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422184,,"Rock fragments with dark coatings in alluvial deposits of the Famenne region, southern Belgium",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422186,,Root properties of vegetation communities and their impact on the erosion resistance of river dikes,VABB-1,2038,2046,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422187,,"Reply to “The new assessment of soil loss by water erosion in Europe. Panagos P. et al., 2015 Environ. Sci. Policy 54, 438–447—A response” by Evans and Boardman [Environ. Sci. Policy 58, 11–15],",VABB-1,53,57,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422188,,Vegetation response to precipitation variability in East Africa controlled by biogeographical factors,VABB-1,2422,2444,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422189,,"Sediment deposition patterns in a tropical floodplain, Tana River, Kenya",VABB-1,57,69,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422191,,Boulder-Faced Log Dams as an Alternative for Gabion Check Dams in First-Order Ephemeral Streams with Coarse Bed Load in Ethiopia,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422194,,Regulated deregulation,VABB-4,549,559,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422195,,Effect of a motorcycle helmet on the airborne dust concentration near a rider’s nose and mouth: wind tunnel study and field test,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422196,,The Financialization of Housing: A Political Economy Approach,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422198,,"How well can a convection‐permitting climate model reproduce decadal statistics of precipitation, temperature and cloud characteristics?",VABB-1,3191,3202,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422199,,Natural resources and their prospects in the closed basins of rift valley marginal grabens in northern Ethiopia,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422200,,"The Evolution of Neoliberal Urbanism in Moscow, 1992–2015",VABB-1,294,313,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422201,,High speed rail and rural livelihood: The Wuhan-Guangzhou line and Qiya village,VABB-1,468,483,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422202,,Early and Middle Holocene human occupation of the Egyptian Eastern Desert: Sodmein Cave,VABB-1,465,503,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422203,,"Coping with landslide risk through preventive resettlement. Designing optimal strategies through choice experiments for the Mount Elgon region, Uganda",VABB-1,301,311,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422204,,Student migrants and squatting in Rome in times of austerity and material constraints,VABB-4,93,98,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422205,,"Detection and analysis of badlands dynamics in the Chambal River Valley (India), during the last 40 (1971-2010) years",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422207,,Actor-based identification of deforestation drivers paves the road to effective REDD+ in DR Congo,VABB-1,123,132,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422210,,Cultural Heritage Development in China: A Contextualized Trajectory or a Global–Local Nexus?,VABB-1,191,207,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422211,,Analyzing the hydrologic effects of region-wide land and water development interventions: a case study of the Upper Blue Nile basin,VABB-1,951,966,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422212,,Greening the economy or economizing the green project? When environmental concerns are turned into a means to save the market,VABB-1,217,234,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422214,,Integrated Soil Fertility Management: From Conept to Practice in Eastern DR Congo,VABB-1,100,118,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422216,,Commercial Sexualities: section introduction,VABB-4,307,312,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422217,,Financialization and housing: Between globalization and Varieties of Capitalism,VABB-1,71,88,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422218,,Assessment of Holocene soil erosion rates on the loess plateau in East Poland using sedimentary archives from closed depressions,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422219,,"A new model of river dynamics, hydroclimatic change and human settlement in the Nile Valley derived from meta-analysis of the Holocene fluvial archive",VABB-1,109,123,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422220,,Agricultural extension in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: does gender matter,VABB-1,841,874,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422221,,Future C loss in mid-latitude mineral soils: climate change exceeds land use mitigation potential in France,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422223,,How will be future rainfall IDF curves in the context of climate change?,VABB-5,796,803,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422224,,The de-contextualization of land use planning through financialisation: Urban redevelopment in Milan,VABB-1,878,894,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422225,,A land cover change study in the Highlands of Northern Ethiopia using a flight of aerial photographs dating back to the 1930s,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422227,,RUSLE2015: Modelling soil erosion at continental scale using high resolution input layers,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422229,,Ecological Citizenship and Democracy: Communitarian versus Agonistic Perspectives,VABB-1,949,970,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422233,,"Communicate, incorporate and appreciate: the role of network managers in working towards a resilient tourism network",VABB-5,115,128,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422234,,Geotourism and the underestimated potential of ‘ordinary’,VABB-5,587,598,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422235,,Unravelling the (post-)political in Transition Management: Interrogating Pathways towards Sustainable Change,VABB-1,568,584,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422236,,"‘Listen very carefully, we shall say it once again’",VABB-1,64,80,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422239,,Oxidative stress and lung pathology following geogenic dust exposure,VABB-1,1276,1283,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422240,,"Light, shadows and surface characteristics: the multispectral Portable Light Dome",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422242,,High-resolution photography for soil micromorphological slide documentation,VABB-1,603,607,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422243,,Analysis of Georeferenced Building Data for the Identification and Evaluation of Thermal Microgrids,VABB-1,713,725,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422244,,Nanotechnology and its impact on sustainable architecture,VABB-5,688,694,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422245,,Life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of road infrastructure in residential neighbourhoods,VABB-1,n.a,n.a,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422246,,Sustainability assessment of energy saving measures: A multi-criteria approach for residential buildings retrofitting—A case study of the Spanish housing stock,VABB-1,384,394,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422247,,Performance-Based Clustering for Building Stock Management at Regional Level,VABB-5,230,241,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422248,,Hybrid thermo-chemical district networks - Principles and technology,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422249,,Application of Clustering for the Development of Retrofit Strategies for large Building Stocks,VABB-1,32,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422250,,Topology optimization of wave barriers for railway induced vibrations in buildings,VABB-5,3461,3472,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422251,,Environmental and financial life cycle assessment of ‘open-renovation-systems': methodology and case study,VABB-5,529,539,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422252,,From a Simple Tool for Energy Efficient Design in the Early Design Phase to Dynamic Simulations in a Later Design Stage,VABB-5,556,561,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422253,,Topology optimization of two-dimensional elastic wave barriers,VABB-1,95,111,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422254,,Managing Pile Foundation and Land Cost for High Rise Buildings in the Early Design Stages,VABB-1,151,169,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422255,,A multi-criteria approach for the assessment of housing renovation strategies,VABB-5,328,333,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422256,,A mixed-integer linear programming approach for global discrete size optimization of frame structures,VABB-5,3395,3408,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422257,,Which additional impact categories are ready for uptake in the CEN standards EN 15804 and EN 15978? Evaluation framework and intermediate results,VABB-5,514,519,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422258,,"Critical Analysis of Sustainability Scoring Tools for Neighbourhoods, based on a Life Cycle Approach",VABB-5,526,531,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422259,,"Van trauma sites naar herinneringsplekken. De integratie van de executies en de gefusilleerden in de stedelijke ruimte van Antwerpen, Luik en Rijsel (1914-1940)",VABB-1,146,164,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422260,,SERMO CLXIX,VABB-4,393,425,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:422261,,Instrumentum bibliographicum neolatinum,VABB-1,439,514,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:422262,,Communicative effects of the discourse markers mira and a ver: divergence versus convergence,VABB-1,35,55,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:422263,,Learner motivation in a French L2 context: Teacher motivational practices and student attitudes in relation to proficiency,VABB-1,93,126,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422265,,The Art of Teasing. A corpus study of teasing sequences in American sitcoms between 1990 and 1999,VABB-4,215,242,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422266,,The power of metonymy in humor. Stretching contiguous relations across different layers of meaning,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422269,,Annotieren von streaming Video im Fremdsprachenunterricht - VIDEO.DE: eine Videoannotationssoftware für DaF-Lehrende und -Lernende,VABB-1,224,240,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:422270,,Vers une analyse multimodale du sens. Perspectives constructionnelles sur la gestualité co-grammaticale,VABB-1,33,49,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:422271,,A late antique ceramic workshop complex: evidence for workshop organisation at Sagalassos (southwest Turkey),VABB-1,185,199,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422272,,The Classical/Hellenistic Courtyard Building at Düzen Tepe (SW Turkey). Hypotheses on the factors influencing house form and functions,VABB-4,161,172,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422273,,The potters of ancient Sagalassos revisited,VABB-4,377,404,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422274,,Spatial Distribution of Elemental Enrichments around Archaeological Sites: Insights from the Ancient City of Sagalassos in Southwest Turkey,VABB-1,34,48,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422275,,Sociale complexiteit in Sagalassos en Düzen Tepe tijdens de Klassieke en Hellenistische periode,VABB-1,61,67,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422276,,Towards the automatic classification of pottery sherds: two complementary approaches,VABB-5,463,474,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422277,,Roman bazaar or market economy? Explaining tableware distributions through computational modelling,VABB-1,393,408,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422278,,"The Burdur Plain Survey Project, SW Turkey. In search of the Middle Chalcolithic (5500-4200 BC)",VABB-4,278,297,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422280,,Adaptive Cycles in Communities and Landscapes: The Case of Sagalassos and Düzen Tepe During the Classical/Hellenistic Period,VABB-1,91,107,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422282,,Death is not the end: Tracing the Manipulation of Bodies and Other Materials in the Early and Middle Minoan Cemetery at Sissi,VABB-4,227,250,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422285,,MERCURY: an agent-based model of tableware trade in the Roman East,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422286,,Verborgen of simpelweg vergeten? Kinderen in de Minoïsche archeologie,VABB-1,7,32,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:422287,,The 2014 and 2015 control excavations on and around the Upper Agora of Sagalassos: The structural remains and general phasing,VABB-1,111,150,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422288,,Sagalassos'ta 2014 yılı kazı ve restorasyon çalışmaları,VABB-5,83,106,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422292,,Pots in space: an exploratory and geographical network analysis of Roman pottery distribution,VABB-4,255,279,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422293,,The 2014 Archaeological and Geological Surveys in the Territory of Sagalassos,VABB-5,247,266,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422296,,Reconstructing regional trajectories: the provenance and distribution of Archaic to Hellenistic ceramics in Central Pisidia (South-West Turkey),VABB-1,472,492,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422297,,Sagalassos. City of Water. Urban water supply from approximately 100 BC to approximately AD 200,VABB-4,323,336,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422301,,"An archaeothanatological approach to the study of Minoan funerary practices. Case-studies from the Early and Middle Minoan cemetery at Sissi, Crete",VABB-1,283,299,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422304,,Op zoek naar Hellenistisch Sagalassos,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422308,,The Multiple Faces of the Countryside: Monetization in the North West of Gaul during the High Empire (1st-3rd c. AD),VABB-4,89,108,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422310,,Comparing maternal genetic variation across two millennia reveals the demographic history of an ancient human population in southwest Turkey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422312,,Preclinical validation of automated DXA- and CT-based body composition measurements,VABB-1,40,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422313,,Review of clinically accessible methods to determine Lean Body Mass for normalization of standardized uptake values,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422314,,Persistent aggregates in apheresis platelet concentrates are commonly collected from donors with a history of aggregate donation,VABB-1,431,433,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422315,,The influence of propofol and sevoflurane on intestinal motility during laparoscopic surgery,VABB-1,335,42,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422316,,[Dosing adjustment and renal function: Which equation(s)?],VABB-1,18,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422317,,Labelling strategies for hierarchical multi-label classification techniques,VABB-1,170,183,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422318,,Predictors of baseline cancer-related cognitive impairment in cancer patients scheduled for a curative treatment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422319,,An estimated glomerular filtration rate equation for the full age spectrum,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422320,,Laparoscopic parenchymal preserving hepatic resections in semiprone position for tumors located in the posterosuperior segments,VABB-1,255,62,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422321,,Serum protein S100 as marker of postoperative delirium after off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: secondary analysis of two prospective randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,1671,1680,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422322,,A benchmark for evaluation of algorithms for identification of cellular correlates of clinical outcomes,VABB-1,16,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422323,,Evaluation of CT-based SUV normalization,VABB-1,6369,6383,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422324,,Implementation of uHear™ - an iOS-based application to screen for hearing loss - in older patients with cancer undergoing a comprehensive geriatric assessment,VABB-1,126,33,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422325,,An Age-Calibrated Definition of Chronic Kidney Disease: Rationale and Benefits,VABB-1,17,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422326,,FloReMi: Flow density survival Regression using Minimal feature redundancy,VABB-1,22,29,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422327,,Uitvoering van de ouderlijke onderhoudsplicht in natura als exceptie tegen het verhaalsrecht van het OCMW tot terugvordering van het uitgekeerd leefloon,VABB-1,121,124,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422332,,Vaderlijk veto bij de keuze van de familienaam: het einde is nabij,VABB-1,109,117,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422334,,De terechtstelling van een duivelse moordenaar in 1673,VABB-1,177,184,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422337,,A snapshot of Restorative Justice: An International Journal after three years,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422338,,De geldigheid van statutaire clausules in het appartementsrecht onder de loep: richtwijzers en voorbeeldclausules voor de notariële praktijk,VABB-1,600,640,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422340,,Na het mandaat ad litem aanvaardt het Grondwettelijk Hof eindelijk ook de prokura-leer (noot onder GwH 30 april 2015),VABB-1,173,177,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422341,,The impact of the European Union and the European Court of Justice on European family law,VABB-4,5,48,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422342,,Koop. Gemeen recht,VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422344,,Interpretatie van overeenkomsten en eenzijdige rechtshandelingen - deel II,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422346,,Aansprakelijkheid na (echt)scheiding. Schadevergoeding om oude wonden te helen,VABB-1,1509,1512,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422348,,Commercial practices in B2C relations,VABB-4,47,84,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422351,,"De mogelijkheid voor de DAVO om onder de grens van het leefloon beslag te leggen, maakt geen schending uit van het recht op een menswaardig leven",VABB-1,139,142,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422353,,Ingebrekestelling,VABB-4,1,26,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422356,,De rol van het aansprakelijkheidsrecht voor een veelzijdige uitbreiding van het rookverbod,VABB-4,272,383,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422361,,Het verhaal van de Europese Unie als werkgever,VABB-1,946,951,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422363,,De rol van het contractenrecht als piste voor een veelzijdige uitbreiding van het rookverbod,VABB-4,384,473,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422364,,Overmacht en imprevisie in het Belgische contractenrecht,VABB-4,1,34,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:422366,,Signs In Law: A Source Book. The Semiotics of Law in Legal Education III,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422368,,"Hoedanigheid consument en vermoeden aanwezigheid gebrek verplicht ambtshalve op te werpen door nationale rechter (noot onder Arrest Faber, C-497/13, EU:C:2015:357)",VABB-1,32,49,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422373,,Interpretatie van overeenkomsten en eenzijdige rechtshandelingen - deel I,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422378,,"Heksenvervolgingen in Poperinge (1650-1677). Heksenvervolgingen in Europa, België en het graafschap Vlaanderen",VABB-1,217,267,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422385,,Garantieclausules,VABB-4,327,380,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422389,,Een familierechtelijke kijk op roken in het bijzijn van kinderen,VABB-4,173,193,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422397,,Brave little Belgium? The new Code of Economic Law and its relationship with civil and commercial law,VABB-1,859,887,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422401,,"De niet-aanvaarding van overmacht bij soortzaken: een zoektocht naar andere ontsnappingsroutes voor de ongelukkige schuldenaar” (noot onder Gent, 20 januari 2014)",VABB-1,302,306,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:422403,,Internationaal fiscaal recht,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422406,,Dubbelbelastingverdragen en fiscaal relevante investeringsverdragen met ontwikkelingslanden,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422408,,Specifieke garantieregelingen voor dieren en de gevolgen van het afleveren van een onvolledig garantiecertificaat bij B2C-verkoop van honden en katten,VABB-1,68,80,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422413,,"Joost de Damhouder, een Brugs jurist met internationale invloed",VABB-4,107,119,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422415,,De rol van de ongerechtvaardigde verrijking bij verbeteringswerken aan gehuurde goederen,VABB-1,1083,1099,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422416,,Nationale identiteit als barrière tegen Europese integratie?,VABB-1,334,362,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:422420,,General Information Duty - Analysis of Article VI.2 Code of Economic Law,VABB-4,21,45,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422422,,Punishing Local Incumbents for the Local Economy. Economic Voting in the 2012 Belgian Municipal Elections,VABB-1,3,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422423,,ICT learning experience and research orientation as predictors of ICT skills and the ICT use of university students,VABB-1,71,103,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422424,,Effect of democratic reforms on child mortality: a synthetic control analysis,VABB-1,e627,e632,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422425,,To fish or not to fish? Resource degradation and income diversification in Benin,VABB-1,669,689,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422426,,The challenge of measuring hunger through survey,VABB-1,727,758,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422427,,Chocolate regulations,VABB-4,268,306,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422428,,Tied houses: why they are so common and why breweries charge them high prices for their beer,VABB-4,231,246,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422429,,Natural resources: a curse on education spending?,VABB-1,394,408,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422430,,From pralines to multinationals: the economic history of Belgian chocolates,VABB-4,88,118,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422431,,Football clubs' recruitment strategies and international player migration: evidence from Senegal and South Africa,VABB-1,120,139,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422432,,Too hot to handle: the explosive growth of chocolate in India,VABB-4,419,438,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422434,,The political economy of policy instrument choice: theory and evidence from agricultural and food policies,VABB-1,106,117,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422435,,Back to the roots: growth in cocoa and chocolate consumption in Africa,VABB-4,439,456,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422438,,Governance quality and net migration flows,VABB-1,238,248,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422439,,The burgeoning chocolate market in China,VABB-4,383,399,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422440,,Bilateral investment treaties and FDI: does the sector matter?,VABB-1,193,206,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422441,,Food security policy at the extreme of the water-energy-food nexus: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,VABB-4,199,214,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422442,,"Economic growth, globalization and beer consumption",VABB-1,186,207,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422443,,Feeding africa's cities: the case of supply chain of teff to Addis Ababa,VABB-1,265,297,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:422444,,Who are the producers and consumers? Value chains and food policy effects in the wheat sector in Pakistan,VABB-1,40,58,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422445,,The economics of chocolate: introduction and overview,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422446,,Household level spillover effects from biofuels: evidence from castor in Ethiopia,VABB-1,55,65,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422447,,The effect of ethanol policies on the vertical price transmission in corn and food markets,VABB-1,189,199,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422448,,Agricultural prices and trade policies,VABB-4,273,308,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422449,,Hot chocolate in the cold: the economics and politics of chocolate in the former Soviet Union,VABB-4,400,418,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422451,,Uncertainty of outcome is higher in the Champions League than in the European Cup,VABB-1,115,147,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422453,,The economics of chocolate,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422454,,How the soil moves upward in the olive orchards of NW Syria: sustainability analysis of a local innovation,VABB-1,416,426,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422455,,Voodoo versus fishing committees: the role of traditional versus contemporary institutions in fisheries management,VABB-1,61,70,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422457,,Competitive microcredit markets: differentiation and ex ante incentives for multiple borrowing,VABB-1,1015,1033,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422460,,Trading-off volatility and distortions? Food policy during price spikes,VABB-1,27,39,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422461,,Democratic reforms and health: interpreting causal estimates,VABB-1,e905,e905,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422462,,How Beer Created Belgium (and the Netherlands): The Contribution of Beer Taxes to War Finance during the Dutch Revolt,VABB-1,694,724,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422463,,World bank lending and the quality of economic policy,VABB-1,72,91,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422464,,Trade-offs in operating room planning for electives and emergencies: a review,VABB-1,52,69,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422465,,A review of integrated supply chain network design models: key issues for vaccine supply chains,VABB-1,366,384,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422466,,A sequential procurement model for a PPP project pipeline,VABB-1,427,457,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422467,,Minimizing the expected makespan of a project with stochastic activity durations under resource constraints,VABB-1,263,273,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422468,,Staffing and scheduling under nonstationary demand for service: a literature review,VABB-1,4,25,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422469,,Exact algorithms for single-machine scheduling with time windows and precedence constraints,VABB-1,309,334,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422470,,"Scheduling operating rooms: achievements, challenges and pitfalls",VABB-1,493,525,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422471,,A branch-and-bound algorithm for shift scheduling with stochastic nonstationary demand,VABB-1,149,162,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422472,,The extent of knowledge of Quick Response Manufacturing principles: an exploratory transnational study,VABB-1,4891,4911,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422473,,Comparison of support policies for residential photovoltaic systems in the major EU markets through investment profitability,VABB-1,42,53,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422474,,Developing compact course timetables with optimized student flows,VABB-1,651,661,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422475,,Sparse partial robust M regression,VABB-1,50,59,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422476,,A pure proactive scheduling algorithm for multiple earth observation satellites under uncertainties of clouds,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422477,,Factors determining the smooth flow and the non-operative time in a one-induction room to one-operating room setting,VABB-1,205,214,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422478,,The vehicle routing problem: state of the art classification and review,VABB-1,300,313,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422479,,A purely proactive scheduling procedure for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with stochastic activity durations,VABB-1,409,428,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422480,,A column generation approach for solving the examination-timetabling problem,VABB-1,178,194,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422481,,Evolutionary multi-objective resource allocation and scheduling in the chinese navigation satellite system project,VABB-1,662,675,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422482,,Forecasting using sparse cointegration,VABB-1,1256,1267,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422483,,Confidence intervals for high-dimensional partially linear single-index models,VABB-1,13,29,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422484,,Identifying demand effects in a large network of product categories,VABB-1,25,39,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422485,,Influence of pre-existing invasive aspergillosis on allo-HSCT outcome: a retrospective EBMT analysis by the Infectious Diseases and Acute Leukemia Working Parties,VABB-1,418,23,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422486,,Mathematical programming models for lock scheduling with an emission objective,VABB-1,802,814,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422488,,Asymptotic performance of projection estimators in standard and hyperbolic wavelet bases,VABB-1,1852,1883,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422489,,Robust sparse canonical correlation analysis,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422490,,Revealed preference tests of collectively rational consumption behavior: formulations and algorithms,VABB-1,1197,1216,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422491,,Statistical model choice,VABB-1,233,256,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422492,,Commodity dynamics: a sparse multi-class approach,VABB-1,62,72,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422493,,The lockmaster’s problem,VABB-1,432,441,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422494,,Epitaxial Al2O3(0001)/Cu(111) Template Development for CVD Graphene Growth,VABB-1,297,304,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422495,,New results on the coordination of transportation and batching scheduling,VABB-1,4016,4022,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422496,,The forecast combination puzzle: a simple theoretical explanation,VABB-1,754,762,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422499,,Quantifying benefit-risk preferences for new medicines in rare disease patients and caregivers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422500,,Multivariate mixtures of Erlangs for density estimation under censoring,VABB-1,429,455,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422501,,Facets of the axial three-index assignment polytope,VABB-1,86,104,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422502,,Focused model selection for social networks,VABB-1,76,86,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422503,,An experimental diagnostic procedure to identify the source of defects in multi-stage and multi-component production processes,VABB-1,213,226,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422506,,Predicting the time-to-churn of prepaid mobile telephone customers using social network analysis,VABB-1,1135,1145,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422507,,Mixed scale joint graphical lasso,VABB-1,793,806,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422508,,The predictive power of the business and bank sentiment of firms: a high-dimensional granger causality approach,VABB-1,138,147,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422510,,The shooting S-estimator for robust regression,VABB-1,829,844,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422511,,Minimum mean squared error model averaging in likelihood models,VABB-1,809,840,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422512,,Robust groupwise least angle regression,VABB-1,421,435,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422513,,Consistent integration of decision (DMN) and process (BPMN) models,VABB-5,121,128,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422514,,Knowledge change management and analysis for multi-disciplinary engineering environments,VABB-5,13,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422516,,A guide for the application of analytics on healthcare processes: a dynamic view on patient pathways,VABB-1,125,134,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422517,,Transformational issues of big data and analytics in networked business,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422518,,Revising history for cost-informed process improvement,VABB-1,895,921,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422519,,Conceptual framework for feedback automation in SLEs,VABB-5,97,107,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422520,,A new transferred feature selection algorithm for customer identification,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422521,,A stability assessment framework for process discovery techniques,VABB-5,57,72,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422522,,Naar een digitale transformatie van overheidsinstellingen: de case van VDAB,VABB-1,5,17,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422524,,Testing of model-driven development applications,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422525,,What to do before you fire a pivotal employee,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422526,,Identifying next relevant variables for segmentation by using feature selection approaches,VABB-1,6255,6266,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422527,,Lokaal-Vlaamse informatiesystemen: stroom of kortsluiting op de kabels,VABB-1,29,43,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422528,,Enabling flexible location-aware business process modeling and execution,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422529,,Digital business innovation of public services,VABB-5,320,327,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422530,,AFRAID: Fraud Detection via Active Inference in Time-Evolving Social Networks,VABB-5,659,666,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422531,,Improving understandability of declarative process models by revealing hidden dependencies,VABB-5,83,98,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422533,,Process-mining enabled feedback: “tell me what I did wrong” vs. “tell me how to do it right”,VABB-1,352,376,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422534,,Determining the use of Data Quality Metadata (DQM) for decision making purposes and its impact on decision outcomes,VABB-1,32,46,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422535,,Combining DMN and the knowledge base paradigm for flexible decision enactment,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422536,,Profit-based feature selection using support vector machines - general framework and an application for customer retention,VABB-1,740,748,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422537,,On the gap between reality and registration: a business event analysis classification framework,VABB-1,393,410,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422539,,Benchmarking state-of-the-art classification algorithms for credit scoring: A ten-year update,VABB-1,124,136,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422540,,Explaining clusterings of process instances,VABB-1,1,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422541,,Gamification of declarative process models for learning and model verification,VABB-5,432,443,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422542,,Smart city projects and citizen participation: the case of London,VABB-4,249,266,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422543,,Fusion miner: process discovery for mixed-paradigm models,VABB-1,123,136,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422544,,"Credit Risk Analytics – Measurement Techniques, Applications and Examples in SAS",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422545,,Modeling and enacting enterprise decisions,VABB-5,169,180,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422546,,When Innovation Stumbles: Applying Sauer's Failure Model to the Flemish Road Signs Database Project,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422547,,Determining the number of trace clusters: a stability-based approach,VABB-5,1,15,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422549,,A reference data model to support biomass supply chain modelling and optimisation,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422550,,How business cycles affect the healthcare sector: A cross-country investigation,VABB-1,14,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422551,,Perceptual effects of linguistic category priming: The Stapel and Semin (2007) paradigm revisited in twelve experiments,VABB-1,23,29,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422552,,Pre-exposure to food temptation reduces subsequent consumption: A test of the procedure with a South-African sample,VABB-1,636,641,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422554,,A bigger slice of the pie for multi-channel retail chains: When does consumers’ online channel use expand retailers’ share of wallet?,VABB-1,268,286,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422555,,On the persuasiveness of similar others: The role of mentalizing and the feeling of certainty,VABB-1,458,471,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422556,,Use of family-friendly work Arrangements and work-family conflict: Crossover effects in dual-earner couples,VABB-1,119,119,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422557,,Discursive legitimation of a contested actor over time: The multinational corporation as a historical case (1964-2012),VABB-1,1595,1619,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422562,,Career success across the globe: Insights from the 5C Project,VABB-1,197,205,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422565,,The effect of reward-handler dissociation on dogs’ obedience performance in different conditions,VABB-1,103,110,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422566,,Equity versus need: how do coworkers judge the distributive fairness of i-deals?,VABB-4,107,121,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422571,,"Cooperation between China and Tanzania on ICT: fish, fishing tackle or fishing skills?",VABB-1,129,149,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422575,,The governance of international sport organisations,VABB-4,413,437,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422601,,Sportscape as a constraint on soccer attendance. Is it predicted by place attachment and by team identification?,VABB-1,134,147,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422602,,When do elite cyclists go the extra mile? Team identification mediates the relationship between perceived leadership qualities of the captain and social laboring,VABB-1,355,372,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422604,,Benefits and Enjoyment of a Swimming Intervention for Youth With Cerebral Palsy: An RCT Study,VABB-1,162,169,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422605,,"Skeletal Maturation, Body Size, and Motor Coordination in Youth 11-14 Years",VABB-1,1129,1135,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422607,,Piecing the puzzle together. Case studies of international research in health promoting sports clubs,VABB-1,75,84,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422610,,Late presentation to HIV testing is overestimated when based on the consensus definition,VABB-1,231,4,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422611,,Peer-assisted Learning in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: The Jigsaw Model,VABB-1,67,73,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422615,,An examination of the relationship between athlete leadership and cohesion using social network analysis,VABB-1,2063,2073,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422616,,"Change, stability and prediction of gross motor co-ordination in Portuguese children",VABB-1,201,211,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422617,,The effect of aquatic exercise on physical functioning in the older adult: a systematic review with meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422620,,High versus low resistance training: the effect of 24 weeks detraining on serum brain derived-neutrophic factor (BDNF) in older adults,VABB-1,53,58,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:422621,,Age-related decline in muscle mass and muscle function in Flemish Caucasians: a 10-year follow-up,VABB-1,36,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422623,,"Dropping out from clubs, dropping in to sport light? Organizational settings for youth sports participation",VABB-4,158,174,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422624,,The influence of content knowledge on teaching and learning in traditional and Sport Education contexts: An exploratory study,VABB-1,539,556,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422626,,Load-specific inflammation mediating effects of resistance training in older persons,VABB-1,547,552,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422628,,"Independent Associations between Sedentary Time, Moderate-To-Vigorous Physical Activity, Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Cardio-Metabolic Health: A Cross-Sectional Study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422629,,We will be champions: Leaders' confidence in 'us' inspires team members' team confidence and performance,VABB-1,1455,1469,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422630,,Fysieke activiteit en sedentair gedrag bij Vlaamse jongeren: een multidimensionele analyse,VABB-4,111,130,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422632,,The effect of Basic Life Support (BLS) education on secondary school students' willingness to and reasons not to perform BLS in real life,VABB-1,519,526,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422634,,Leading from the centre: A comprehensive examination of the relationship between central playing positions and leadership in sport,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422635,,New Nonparametric Rank Tests for Interactions in Factorial Designs with Repeated Measures,VABB-1,78,99,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422636,,A team fares well with a fair coach: Predictors of social loafing in interactive female sport teams,VABB-1,897,908,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422637,,Athlete leadership in sport teams: Current understanding and future directions,VABB-1,116,133,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422638,,Inter-individual variability and pattern recognition of surface electromyography in front crawl swimming,VABB-1,14,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422642,,Do physical activity interventions in Indigenous people in Australia and New Zealand improve activity levels and health outcomes? A systematic review,VABB-1,129,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422646,,Evidence for ACTN3 as a Speed Gene in Isolated Human Muscle Fibers,VABB-1,e0150594,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422647,,Nonparametric Tests for the Interaction in Two-way Factorial Designs Using R,VABB-1,367,378,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422648,,"Leading from the top or leading from within? A comparison between coaches’ and athletes’ leadership as predictors of team identification, team confidence, and team cohesion",VABB-1,757,771,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422651,,Physical activity during school and after school among youth with and without intellectual disability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422653,,"Self-regulation in early childhood: The interplay between family risk, temperament and teacher-child interactions",VABB-1,341,360,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422654,,Psychometric properties of the original and short form of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional traits in detained female adolescents,VABB-1,679,690,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422655,,Daily dynamics of adolescent mood and identity,VABB-1,459,473,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422656,,"A cultural take on the links between religiosity, identity, and meaning in life in religious emerging adults",VABB-1,106,126,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422657,,Quality of relationship with parents and emotional autonomy as predictors of self concept and loneliness in adolescents with learning disabilities: The moderating role of the relationship with teachers,VABB-1,690,700,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422658,,Development and validation of a Self-esteem Contingency Questionnaire for Adolescents,VABB-1,295,301,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422659,,A diagnostic test for students bridging to Engineering Technology: First analysis and predictive value,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422660,,Understanding comorbidity among internalizing problems: Integrating latent structural models of psychopathology and risk mechanisms,VABB-1,987,1012,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422661,,Quality of life of adults with congenital heart disease in 15 countries: Evaluating country-specific characteristics,VABB-1,2237,2245,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422662,,Chronic pain care: The importance of a biopsychosocialexistential approach,VABB-1,563,575,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422663,,Gedrags- en Emotionele Problemen,VABB-4,217,230,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422664,,Exploring the relationship between disease-related knowledge and health risk behaviours in young people with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,231,240,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422665,,Early Symptom Change: Relationship with Patient Characteristics and Therapeutic Alliance in Adult Outpatients,VABB-1,402,417,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422666,,Trait affectivity and response styles to positive affect: Negative affectivity relates to dampening and positive affectivity relates to enhancing,VABB-1,148,154,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422667,,Benefit finding and identity processes in type 1 diabetes: Prospective associations throughout adulthood,VABB-1,47,50,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422668,,Chronic pain and meaning in life: Challenge and change,VABB-4,211,226,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422669,,Coping with Type 1 diabetes through emerging adulthood: Longitudinal associations with perceived control and haemoglobin A1c,VABB-1,622,635,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422671,,The meaningful identity: A longitudinal look at the interplay between identity and meaning in life in adolescence,VABB-1,1926,1936,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422672,,Profiles of meaning and search for meaning among prisoners,VABB-1,622,633,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422673,,Opvoeding en gezin,VABB-4,233,254,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422674,,Emotioneel klasklimaat: de relatie tussen leerkracht en leerling,VABB-4,343,352,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422675,,Compulsive buying and hoarding as identity substitutes: The role of materialistic value endorsement and depression,VABB-1,65,71,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422676,,Assessing response styles to positive affect: One or two dimensions of positive rumination in the Responses to Positive Affect questionnaire?,VABB-1,40,46,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422677,,"Sociotropy, autonomy, and non-suicidal self-injury: Themediating role of identity confusion",VABB-1,272,277,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422679,,Handboek Diagnostiek in de leerlingenbegeleiding: Kind en context,VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422682,,Purpose in life in emerging adulthood: Development and validation of a new brief measure,VABB-1,237,245,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422683,,Intelligentie,VABB-4,109,129,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422684,,Perceptions of parenting styles in South Africa: The effects of gender and ethnicity,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422686,,Interacties tussen leerkrachten en individuele leerlingen,VABB-4,301,319,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422688,,The Portuguese Validation of the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale: Concurrent and Longitudinal Relations to Well-being and Ill-being,VABB-1,193,209,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422689,,Gehechtheidsstoornissen: voor en na DSM-5,VABB-1,120,123,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422690,,Factor structure and dimensionality of the balanced measure of psychological needs among Portuguese high school students,VABB-1,51,60,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422691,,Minority Adolescents in Ethnically Diverse Schools: Perceptions of Equal Treatment Buffer Threat Effects,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422692,,"Classroom Interactions, Dyadic Teacher-Child Relationships, and Self-Regulation in Socially Disadvantaged Young Children",VABB-1,7,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422693,,The clinical impact of a brief transition programme for young people with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: results of the DON'T RETARD project,VABB-1,133,142,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422694,,Minority acculturation and peer rejection: Costs of acculturation misfit with peer group norms,VABB-1,544,563,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422695,,A Big Five personality typology in adolescents with congenital heart disease: Prospective associations with psychosocial functioning and perceived health,VABB-1,310,318,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:422698,,Reactive and regulative temperament and non-suicidal self-injury in Flemish adolescents: The intervening role of identity formation,VABB-1,254,259,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422699,,The Children’s Loneliness Scale: Factor structure and construct validity in Belgian children,VABB-1,244,251,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422700,,Bringing Antonovsky’s Salutogenic Theory to Life: A Qualitative Inquiry into the Experiences of Young People with Congenital Heart Disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422702,,Development and Persistence of Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease,VABB-1,1115,1122,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422703,,Buitenschoolse hulp en zorg op school: succes verzekerd!?,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422704,,"Meaningful coping with chronic pain: Exploring the interplay between goal violation, meaningful coping strategies and life satisfaction in chronic pain patients",VABB-1,29,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422705,,Property Law Perspectives IV,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422707,,De theorie van het verlies van een kans: een rechtsvergelijkende analyse toegepast op de zuivere vermogensschade,VABB-1,363,378,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422709,,(Alternatives to) the sale of churches,VABB-4,19,40,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422711,,Een zoektocht naar betaalbare huisvesting: huidige en toekomstige woonvormen naar Belgisch recht,VABB-1,278,289,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:422712,,Eigendomsoverdracht en -titel,VABB-1,1,56,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:422713,,Retention of title v. Immovable incorporation,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422714,,Divisive normalization predicts adaptation-induced response changes in macaque inferior temporal cortex,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422715,,"Quinolinic acid injection in mouse medial prefrontal cortex affects reversal learning abilities, cortical connectivity and hippocampal synaptic plasticity",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422717,,Persistent impact of in utero irradiation on mouse brain structure and function characterized by MR imaging and behavioral analysis,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422718,,"Impulsivity, decreased social exploration, and executive dysfunction in a mouse model of frontotemporal dementia",VABB-1,34,43,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:422719,,Deep Neural Networks as a Computational Model for Human Shape Sensitivity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422720,,Early pathologic amyloid induces hypersynchrony of BOLD resting-state networks in transgenic mice and provides an early therapeutic window before amyloid plaque deposition,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422721,,Representational content of occipitotemporal and parietal tool areas,VABB-1,81,88,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422722,,Mild Traumatic Brain Injury of Tau.P301L Mice Results in an Impairment of Neural Plasticity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422723,,Neural Representations of Natural and Scrambled Movies Progressively Change from Rat Striate to Temporal Cortex,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422724,,A(2A) adenosine receptor deletion is protective in a mouse model of Tauopathy,VABB-1,97,107,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422725,,A Novel Nonparametric Approach for Neural Encoding and Decoding Models of Multimodal Receptive Fields,VABB-1,1356,87,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422726,,Chronic enzyme replacement therapy ameliorates neuropathology in alpha-mannosidosis mice,VABB-1,987,1001,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422727,,A mouse model for fucosidosis recapitulates storage pathology and neurological features of the milder form of the human disease,VABB-1,1015,1028,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422728,,Aging Triggers a Repressive Chromatin State at Bdnf Promoters in Hippocampal Neurons,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422729,,The effect of tDCS on task relevant and irrelevant perceptual learning of complex objects,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422730,,The Replaceable Brain,VABB-4,61,74,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422731,,Kernel density compression for real-time Bayesian encoding/decoding of unsorted hippocampal spikes,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422732,,Separate Ionotropic and Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Functions in Depotentiation vs. LTP: A Distinct Role for Group1 mGluR Subtypes and NMDARs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422733,,Making sense of big data in health research: Towards an EU action plan,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422734,,Inability to acquire spatial information and deploy spatial search strategies in mice with lesions in dorsomedial striatum,VABB-1,134,41,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422735,,Impaired GABAergic inhibition in the hippocampus of Fmr1 knockout mice,VABB-1,71,81,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422737,,Integration of silicon-based neural probes and micro-drive arrays for chronic recording of large populations of neurons in behaving animals,VABB-1,046018,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422738,,Dissociations and associations between shape and category representations in the two visual pathways,VABB-1,432,444,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422739,,Time multiplexed active neural probe with 678 parallel recording sites,VABB-5,385,388,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422742,,The transfer of object learning after training with multiple exemplars,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422743,,"Visual and Haptic Shape Processing in the Human Brain: Unisensory Processing, Multisensory Convergence, and Top-Down Influences",VABB-1,3402,3412,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422744,,Hardiness differentiates military trainees on behavioural persistence and physical performance,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422745,,Work locus of control and sense of coherence as antecedents of job insecurity,VABB-1,35,43,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422748,,Willing and able: Action-state orientation and the relation between procedural justice and cooperation,VABB-1,1982,2003,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422749,,Perceived employability in relation to job performance: A cross-lagged study accounting for a negative path via reduced commitment,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422752,,Characterization of Patterned Porous Low-k Dielectrics: Surface Sealing and Residue Removal by Wet Processing/Cleaning,VABB-1,N5,N9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422753,,The Job Demands-Resources Model,VABB-4,157,180,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422755,,Long-Term Development of Employee Well-Being: A Latent Transition Approach,VABB-1,2325,2345,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422756,,Building Trust and Constructive Conflct Management in Organizations,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422757,,"Servant leadership, organisational citizenship behavior and creativity: The mediating role of team-member exchange",VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422758,,Generatieconflicten bij vermogende families,VABB-1,6,22,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422759,,Caratteristiche psicometriche di una scala breve per la misure della job insecurity: uno studio cross-culturale europeo,VABB-1,83,98,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422760,,Serious reportable events within the inpatient mental health care: Impact on physicians and nurses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422761,,Gender and managerial coaching across cultures: Female managers are coaching more,VABB-1,1792,1812,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422764,,"Perceived control and psychological contract breach as explanations of the relationships between job insecurity, job strain and coping reactions: Towards a theoretical integration",VABB-1,100,116,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422765,,Proactive Personality and Training Motivation among Older Workers: A Mediational Model of Goal Orientation,VABB-1,681,699,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422766,,Enjoyment and absorption: An electronic diary study on daily flow patterns,VABB-4,49,66,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422768,,Can employees really speak up without retribution?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422769,,Psychological impact and recovery after involvement in a patient safety incident: a repeated measures analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422770,,The relation between ethical leadership and workplace conflicts: The mediating role of employee resolution efficacy,VABB-1,2037,2063,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:422771,,Too employable to feel well?: Curvilinear relationship between perceived employability and employee optimal functioning,VABB-1,35,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422773,,Employee Representatives in European Organizations,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422774,,"The role of work stressors, coping strategies and coping resources in the process of workplace bullying: A systematic review and development of a comprehensive model",VABB-1,61,71,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422777,,Advancing Workplace Mediation Through Integration of Theory and Practice,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422780,,Job demands-resources predicting burnout and work engagement among Belgian home healthcare nurses: A cross-sectional study,VABB-1,542,556,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422781,,Perceived Employability and Well-being: An Overview,VABB-1,8,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422782,,Explaining the relation between job insecurity and employee outcomes during organizational change: A multiple group comparison,VABB-1,809,827,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422783,,Nice or Naughty? The Role of Emotions and Digital Media Use in Explaining Adolescents’ Online Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422784,,Promoting Social Dialogue in European Organizations,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422785,,The relation between supervisors’ Big Five personality traits and employees’ experiences of abusive supervision,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422786,,Review of 30 years of longitudinal studies on the association between job insecurity and health and well-being: Is there causal evidence?,VABB-1,18,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422787,,Structure of low-lying states in Sm-140 studied by Coulomb excitation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422789,,What goes around comes around: The mediation of corporate social responsibility in the relationship between transformational leadership and employee engagement,VABB-1,249,271,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:422790,,The explanatory role of rumours in the reciprocal relationship between organizational change communication and job insecurity: a within- person approach,VABB-1,631,644,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422791,,The Tree of Trust: Building and Repairing Trust in Organizations,VABB-4,93,117,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422793,,Helping behavior among adolescent bystanders of cyberbullying: The role of impulsivity,VABB-1,61,67,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422794,,"Personal, situational and organizational aspects that influence the impact of patient safety incidents: A qualitative study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422795,,The effect of a nation specific stressor on well-being: Guanxi in Chinese workplace,VABB-4,325,340,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422797,,Constructive Conflict Management in Organizations: Taking Stock and Looking Forward,VABB-4,213,230,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422799,,What makes employees engaged with their work? The role of self efficacy and empoyee's perceptions of the social work context over time,VABB-1,125,143,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422801,,Je wapenen tegen toxische leiders: Concrete handvaten uit sociale identiteitstheorie op basis van experimenteel onderzoek,VABB-1,22,29,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422802,,Are job and personal resources associated with work ability 10 years later? The mediating role of work engagement,VABB-4,167,185,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422803,,Should I stay or should I go? Examining longitudinal relations among job resources and work engagement for stayers versus movers,VABB-4,144,166,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422804,,On the reciprocal relationship between individual job insecurity and job insecurity climate,VABB-1,246,261,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422806,,A stakeholder management approach for university change: a case study in Latin America,VABB-5,2287,2296,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422807,,The Tower of Power: Building Innovative Organizations Through Social Dialogue,VABB-4,179,196,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422808,,Sharing more than the sofa: What dogs can teach us about human self-control,VABB-1,351,356,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422809,,Generalization on the basis of prior experience is predicted by individual differences in working memory,VABB-1,130,140,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422810,,A Bayesian theory of sequential causal learning and abstract transfer,VABB-1,404,439,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422811,,Generalization of fear and avoidance along a semantic continuum,VABB-1,340,352,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422812,,Overgeneral autobiographical memory predicts higher prospective levels of depressive symptoms and intrusions in borderline patients,VABB-1,1302,1310,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422813,,Dissociation and Dissociative Disorders,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422814,,The Clinical Practice of Assessing Cognitive Function in Adults Receiving Electroconvulsive Therapy: Whom Are We Missing?,VABB-1,99,103,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422815,,Neural signatures of human fear conditioning: an updated and extended meta-analysis of fMRI studies,VABB-1,500,508,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422816,,Effects of childhood abuse on overgeneral autobiographical memory in current major depressive disorder,VABB-1,774,782,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422817,,Low-Cost Avoidance Behaviors are Resistant to Fear Extinction in Humans,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422818,,Brain and Behavior Changes following Exposure Therapy Predict Outcome at 8-Year Follow-Up,VABB-1,238,240,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422819,,Electrical stimulation in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis alleviates severe obsessive-compulsive disorder,VABB-1,1272,1280,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422821,,The validity of laboratory-based treatment research: Bridging the gap between fear extinction and exposure treatment,VABB-1,87,94,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422823,,The Need for Cognition Mediates and Moderates the Association between Depressive Symptoms and Impaired Effortful Control,VABB-1,8,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422825,,Role of self-focus in the relationship between depressed mood and problem solving,VABB-1,827,838,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422826,,"Mental imagery in depression: Phenomenology, potential mechanisms, and treatment implications",VABB-1,249,280,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422828,,No effect of glucose administration in a novel contextual fear generalization protocol in rats,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422829,,Explicitly Guided Attentional Bias Modification Promotes Attentional Disengagement From Negative Stimuli,VABB-1,731,740,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422830,,Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder after childbirth and the influence of maternity team care during labour and birth: A cohort study,VABB-1,87,92,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422831,,Maximizar la terapia de exposición: Un enfoque basado en el aprendizaje inhibitorio,VABB-1,12,35,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422832,,Health professionals in Flanders perceive the potential health risks of vaping as lower than those of smoking but do not recommend using e-cigarettes to their smoking patients,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422834,,Maximiser la thérapie par exposition : une approche basée sur l’apprentissage par inhibition,VABB-1,4,34,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:422835,,Threat-related gaze fixation and its effects on the speed and generalizability of extinction learning,VABB-1,200,208,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422837,,De toekomst van CGT: een zaak van preciezer afstemmen en beter richten?,VABB-1,332,342,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422838,,Lifetime and 12-month non-suicidal self-injury and academic performance in college freshmen,VABB-1,563,576,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422840,,Gehechtheid: alle wegen leiden uiteindelijk misschien toch naar Rome,VABB-1,88,92,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422841,,An appetitive experience after fear memory destabilization attenuates fear retention: involvement GluN2B-NMDA receptors in the Basolateral Amygdala Complex,VABB-1,465,478,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422843,,Conditioned Subjective Responses to Socially Relevant Stimuli in Social Anxiety Disorder and Subclinical Social Anxiety,VABB-1,221,231,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422844,,Maximizing exposure therapy An inhibitory learning approach,VABB-1,401,418,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422845,,"Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Adolescents: Outcomes of a Large-Sample, School-Based, Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial",VABB-1,408,416,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:422849,,Mindfulness-based interventions as school-based mental health promoting programs,VABB-4,229,235,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422850,,Harmful effects from one puff of shisha-pen vapor: methodological and interpretational problems in the risk assessment analysis,VABB-1,1,2,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422851,,Impact of childhood trauma on postpartum depression: A prospective study,VABB-1,337,342,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422852,,The role of stimulus specificity and attention in the generalization of extinction,VABB-1,143,152,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422853,,I sleep with my Mind's eye open: Cognitive arousal and overgeneralization underpin the misperception of sleep,VABB-1,157,165,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422854,,Factoring out nondecision time in choice reaction time data: Theory and implications,VABB-1,208,218,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422856,,The volumes of subcortical regions in depressed and healthy individuals are strikingly similar: a reinterpretation of the results by Schmaal et al,VABB-1,724,725,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422857,,QUINT: A tool to detect qualitative treatment-subgroup interactions in randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,612,622,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422858,,"Prototypes, exemplars and the response scaling parameter: A Bayes factor perspective",VABB-1,183,190,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422859,,Overlapping clusterwise simultaneous component analysis,VABB-1,249,259,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422861,,Analyzing subcomponents of affective dysregulation in borderline personality disorder in comparison to other clinical groups using multiple e-diary datasets,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422863,,Bayesian data analysis with the bivariate hierarchical Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process model,VABB-1,106,119,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:422864,,Distinguishing fast and slow processes in accuracy-response time data,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422865,,Clustering vector autoregressive models: Capturing qualitative differences in within-person dynamics,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422866,,Revisiting depression contagion as a mediator of the relation between depression and rejection: A speed-dating study,VABB-1,675,682,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422867,,Persistently unbounded probability densities,VABB-1,135,138,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422869,,Increasing transparency through a multiverse analysis,VABB-1,702,712,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422870,,Emotional switching in borderline personality disorder: A daily life study,VABB-1,50,60,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422871,,Understanding individual differences in representational abstraction: The role of working memory capacity,VABB-1,94,102,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422872,,Searching components with simple structure in simultaneous component analysis: Blockwise Simplimax Rotation,VABB-1,260,272,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422873,,When perceptions defy reality: The relationships between depression and actual and perceived Facebook social support,VABB-1,37,44,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422875,,Development of indirect measures of conscientiousness: Combining a facets approach and network analysis,VABB-1,548,567,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422876,,The peer reviewers' openness initiative: Incentivizing open research practices through peer review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422877,,Using raw VAR regression coefficients to build networks can be misleading,VABB-1,330,344,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422879,,The wisdom to know the difference: Strategy-situation fit in Emotion regulation in daily life is associated with well-being.,VABB-1,1651,1659,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422881,,Qualitative treatment-subgroup interactions in a randomized clinical trial of treatments for adolescents with ADHD: Exploring what cognitive-behavioral treatment works for whom,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422882,,Network analysis of substance abuse and dependence symptoms,VABB-1,230,237,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422883,,Emotional interdependence and well-being in close relationships,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422884,,Efficient simulation of diffusion-based choice RT models on CPU and GPU,VABB-1,13,27,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422885,,Two-mode K-Spectral Centroid analysis for studying multivariate longitudinal profiles,VABB-1,194,206,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422886,,Assessing temporal emotion dynamics using networks,VABB-1,425,435,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422887,,Measuring Depression over Time … or not? Lack of Unidimensionality and Longitudinal Measurement Invariance in Four Common Rating Scales of Depression,VABB-1,1354,1367,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422888,,Quint: An R package for the identification of subgroups of clients who differ in which treatment alternative is best for them,VABB-1,650,663,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422889,,What are 'good' depression symptoms? Comparing the centrality of DSM and non-DSM symptoms of depression in a network analysis,VABB-1,314,320,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422890,,"Feeling me, feeling you: The relation between emotion differentiation and empathic accuracy",VABB-1,240,247,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422892,,Model selection in principal covariates regression,VABB-1,26,33,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422894,,Heating up the measurement debate: What psychologists can learn from the history of physics,VABB-1,27,43,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422895,,"The factor structure, predictors, and percentile norms of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) scale in the Dutch-speaking adult population of Belgium",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422896,,Efficient standard error formulas of ability estimators with dichotomous item response models,VABB-1,184,200,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422897,,The specificity of emotional switching in borderline personality disorder in comparison to other clinical groups,VABB-1,198,204,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422898,,Insights on Energy and Environmental Law and policy: from the European Union and beyond,VABB-1,10,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422900,,Enfin un cadre législatif pour les couples européens et leur régime patrimonial,VABB-1,348,351,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:422901,,Regulatory and Contractual Challenges for Unconventional Resources: An International Perspective,VABB-1,1,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422903,,The case of shale gas extraction regulation in light of CETA and TTIP: another example of the frackmentation of international law,VABB-1,16,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422905,,Waste-to-Energy and the Circular Economy - Connecting the dots,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422906,,Quantifying density cues in grouping displays,VABB-1,207,219,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422907,,"Faster, slower or real time? Perceptual-cognitive skills training with variable video speeds",VABB-1,27,35,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422908,,Towards a new theory of vision,VABB-1,571,581,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422909,,Structure at every scale: A semantic network account of the similarities between unrelated concepts,VABB-1,1228,1254,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422910,,Music Influences Hedonic and Taste Ratings in Beer,VABB-1,636,648,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422911,,Faces in commonly experienced configurations enter awareness faster due to their curvature relative to fixation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422912,,Local solid shape,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422913,,tDCS over left M1 or DLPFC does not improve learning of a bimanual coordination task,VABB-1,35739,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422914,,Is neuroimaging measuring information in the brain?,VABB-1,1415,1428,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422915,,Where are the concepts? What words can and can’t reveal,VABB-4,291,327,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422916,,The impact of orientation filtering on face-selective neurons in monkey inferior temporal cortex,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422917,,Donders is dead: cortical traveling waves and the limits of mental chronometry in cognitive neuroscience,VABB-1,365,375,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422918,,Part and whole in pictorial relief,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422919,,Language informativity: Is starfish more of a fish in English than in Dutch?,VABB-5,1068,1073,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422920,,No evidence for surface organization in Kanizsa configurations during continuous flash suppression,VABB-1,902,914,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422921,,Dynamic effective connectivity in cortically embedded systems of recurrently coupled synfire chains,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422922,,SNARC meets SPARC: Automaticity and interdependency in compatibility effects,VABB-1,1366,1383,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422923,,Tissue response to collagen containing polypropylene meshes in an ovine vaginal repair model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422924,,Disentangling Metaphor from Context: An ERP Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422925,,Connected word recognition using a cascaded neuro-computational model,VABB-1,332,345,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422926,,Global Neuromagnetic Cortical Fields Have Non-Zero Velocity,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:422927,,Perceptual organization deficits in traumatic brain injury patients,VABB-1,142,152,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422928,,Using web-based training to enhance perceptual-cognitive skills in complex dynamic offside events,VABB-1,181,189,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422929,,Structure and organization of the mental lexicon: A network approach derived from syntactic dependency relations and word associations,VABB-4,47,79,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422930,,Scene integration without awareness: No conclusive evidence for processing scene congruency during continuous flash suppression,VABB-1,945,956,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422931,,Aging and Expertise,VABB-4,723,742,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422932,,Structural coding versus free-energy predictive coding,VABB-1,663,677,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422933,,Individual differences in spatial frequency processing in scene perception: The influence of autism-related traits,VABB-1,115,131,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422934,,Emotion and false memory,VABB-1,8,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422935,,The Effect of Head Orientation on Perceived Gaze Direction: Revisiting Gibson and Pick (1963) and Cline (1967),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422936,,Frequency tagging yields an objective neural signature of Gestalt formation,VABB-1,15,24,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422937,,Estimating affective word covariates using word association data,VABB-1,1644,1652,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422939,,Orientation perception anisotropies indicate functional segregation within the color system,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422940,,Reference frames and 3-D shape perception of pictured objects: On vertically and viewpoint-from-above,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422941,,Apparent motion suppresses responses in V1: A population code model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422942,,Illusory visual completion of an object's invisible backside can make your finger feel shorter,VABB-1,1029,1033,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422943,,Number sense: what's in a name and why should we bother?,VABB-4,195,214,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422944,,A group theoretical model of symmetry cognition,VABB-1,128,137,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422945,,Deploying the mental eye,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422946,,Characterization and computation of partial synchronization manifolds for diffusive delay-coupled systems,VABB-1,1874,1915,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422947,,Shading and the landmarks of relief,VABB-1,295,326,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422948,,Part & wholes in pictorial art,VABB-1,303,317,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422950,,Combining EEG and eye movement recording in free viewing: pitfalls and possibilities,VABB-1,55,83,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422951,,Visual search behaviors of association football referees during assessment of foul play situations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422952,,A neural mass model of phase-amplitude coupling,VABB-1,171,192,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422953,,"System, subsystem, hive: boundary problems in computational theories of consciousness. Boundary Problems in Computational",VABB-1,xx,xx,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422954,,Communicative interactions in point-light displays: choosing among multiple response alternatives,VABB-1,1580,1590,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:422955,,The Ideal Organization of Science: Two Simple but Utopian Proposals,VABB-4,494,505,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422956,,The influence of soundscapes on the perception and evaluation of beers,VABB-1,32,41,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422957,,On the cost of knowledge: Evaluating the boycott against Elsevier,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422958,,The genesis of errors in drawing,VABB-1,195,207,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422959,,Synchronization and Partial Synchronization Experiments with Networks of Time-Delay Coupled Hindmarsh–Rose Neurons,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422960,,Training of binocular rivalry suppression suggests stimulus-specific plasticity in monocular and binocular visual areas,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422961,,Tune that Beer! Finding the Pitch Corresponding to the Taste of Bitter Beers,VABB-1,31,42,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422963,,Is semantic priming (ir)rational? Insights from the speeded word fragment completion task,VABB-1,1657,1663,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422964,,Effects of presentation type and visual control in numerosity discrimination: implications for number processing?,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422965,,Visible and invisible stimulus parts integrate into global object representations as revealed by combining monocular and binocular rivalry,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422966,,The typicality ranking task: A new method to derive typicality judgments from children,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422967,,"Intermittent regime of brain activity at the early, bias-guided stage of perceptual learning",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422969,,Using sound to enhance taste experiences: An overview,VABB-5,241,252,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422970,,Circadian-Time Sickness: Time-of-Day Cue-Conflicts Directly Affect Health,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422971,,Game-based Experiments on Human Visual Attention,VABB-5,1,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:422972,,‘But’ Implicatures: A Study of the Effect of Working Memory and Argument Characteristics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422973,,Creativity and intelligence; together over the threshold? A study of matched pairs of primary school children,VABB-1,212,218,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422974,,Filling the gaps: A speeded word fragment completion megastudy,VABB-1,1508,1527,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422975,,"Boundaries, transitions and passages",VABB-1,185,204,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422976,,A cognitive architecture account of the visual local advantage phenomenon in autism spectrum disorders,VABB-1,278,290,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422977,,Uncovering underlying processes of semantic priming by correlating item-level effects,VABB-1,540,547,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:422982,,Je suis anonyme. Qui est reponsable de mes dires?,VABB-1,127,138,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:422984,,Genderquota in academische wereld,VABB-1,146,152,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:422995,,Freedom of Expression: Rediscovering Speakers’ Interests,VABB-4,183,192,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:422997,,Noot: Strafvermindering als compensatie voor privacyinbreuk,VABB-1,188,193,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423002,,Domestic Judicial Defiance and the Authority of International Legal Regimes,VABB-1,453,481,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:423008,,"Vrijheid van meningsuiting in arbeidsrelaties: tempus loquendi, tempus tacendi",VABB-4,259,280,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423009,,Domestic Judicial Defiance in the European Union: A Systemic Threat to the Authority of EU Law?,VABB-1,106,144,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423013,,Law and religion in Belgium,VABB-4,1,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423014,,Criticism of the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423018,,"Dealing with flood damages: will prevention, mitigation, and ex post compensation provide for a resilient triangle?",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423019,,Distributional effects of flood risk management—a cross-country comparison of preflood compensation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423020,,Het decreet complexe projecten in de praktijk,VABB-1,221,241,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423021,,Bridges over troubled waters: an interdisciplinary framework for evaluating the interconnectedness within fragmented domestic flood risk management systems,VABB-1,12,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423022,,The European Union approach to flood risk management and improving societal resilience: lessons from the implementation of the Floods Directive in six European countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423024,,The L&H case: Belgium's internet bubble story,VABB-4,299,319,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423027,,Exceptio timoris: to fear or not to fear?,VABB-1,478,505,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423028,,Overzicht van rechtspraak. Het burgerlijk bewijsrecht 2000-2013,VABB-1,597,962,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423033,,The Implementation of the Consumer ADR Directive in Belgium,VABB-4,125,147,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423034,,De hervorming van de burgerlijke rechtspleging door Potpourri I,VABB-3,,,160 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423036,,Grondwettelijk Hof kapittelt Vlaanderen wegens benoemingsperikelen ingevolge taalregeling Franstalige basisscholen faciliteitengemeenten,VABB-1,409,414,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423040,,Invordering van onbetwiste geldschulden,VABB-4,1,20,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423043,,Rechtsplegingsvergoeding in de civiele rechtspleging,VABB-4,549,595,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423047,,Verruimde devolutieve werking primeert op beschikkingsbeginsel (noot onder Cass. 29 mei 2015),VABB-1,39,42,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423048,,De wet «Potpourri I» Wijzigingen van het burgerlijk procesrecht,VABB-1,1523,1538,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423050,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie (2014-2015),VABB-1,109,145,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423051,,De grondwetsherzieningsprocedure in 1815 en de latere ontwikkelingen in België en Nederland,VABB-4,57,102,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423053,,Pleidooi voor een Vlaamse constitutionele cultuur,VABB-1,702,706,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423055,,De Grondwet van het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden van 1815,VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423056,,Dierenwelzijn,VABB-4,465,480,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423060,,Belgium's Sixth State Reform: The State of the Nation(s),VABB-1,411,438,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423063,,Kroniek onderwijsrecht,VABB-1,401,416,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423068,,Bevoegdheidsrechtelijke aspecten van het rookverbod,VABB-4,73,78,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423069,,Recht op vergoeding van schade door rechtmatige eigendomsbeperkingen: een stand van zaken,VABB-4,3,41,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423072,,De zelfinrichtingsbevoegdheden van de deelstaten,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423077,,Slotwoord,VABB-4,249,254,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423083,,Sustainability of Global and Local Food Value Chains: An Empirical Comparison of Peruvian and Belgian Asparagus,VABB-1,344,366,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423087,,Horticultural exports and food security in developing countries,VABB-1,11,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423088,,Are Local Food Chains More Sustainable than Global Food Chains? Considerations for Assessment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423089,,Exploring future patterns of meat consumption,VABB-1,112,116,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:423090,,Do private standards benefit workers in horticultural export chains in Peru?,VABB-1,2392,2406,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423091,,Employment Conditions in the Senegalese Horticultural Export Industry: A Worker Perspective,VABB-1,301,319,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423093,,"The diversity of land markets and regulations in Europe, and (some of) its causes",VABB-1,186,205,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423094,,"Impact of membership in frankincense cooperative firms on rural income and poverty in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,95,108,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423095,,Revisiting production and ecosystem services on the farm scale for evaluating land use alternatives,VABB-1,50,59,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423097,,"Impact of supply chain coordination on honey farmers’ income in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423098,,Can Organic Farming Reduce Vulnerabilities and Enhance the Resilience of the European Food System? A Critical Assessment Using System Dynamics Structural Thinking Tools,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423099,,Contrasting collective preferences for outdoor recreation and substitutability of nature areas using hot spot mapping,VABB-1,64,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423101,,Does surgical approach or prosthesis type affect hip joint loading one year after surgery?,VABB-1,74,82,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423102,,Mechanical effort predicts the selection of ankle over hip strategies in non-stepping postural responses,VABB-1,1937,1945,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423103,,Musculoskeletal modelling in dogs: challenges and future perspectives,VABB-1,181,7,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423104,,A patient-specific guide for optimizing custom-made glenoid implantation in cases of severe glenoid defects: an in vitro study,VABB-1,837,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423105,,Biofeedback in Partial Weight Bearing: Validity of 3 Different Devices,VABB-1,993,1001,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423106,,Foot-ankle simulators: A tool to advance biomechanical understanding of a complex anatomical structure,VABB-1,440,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423107,,Evaluation of direct optimal control problem formulations for solving the muscle redundancy problem,VABB-1,2922,2936,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423108,,An optimized design of in-shoe heel lifts reduces plantar pressure of healthy males,VABB-1,43,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423109,,Knee contact forces are not altered in early knee osteoarthritis,VABB-1,115,120,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423110,,Subchondral bone density distribution of the talus in clinically normal Labrador Retrievers,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423111,,Changes in proprioceptive weighting during quiet standing in women with early and established knee osteoarthritis compared to healthy controls,VABB-1,184,188,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423112,,The role of altered proximal femoral geometry in impaired pelvis stability and hip control during CP gait: A simulation study,VABB-1,61,67,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423113,,Quantifying thumb opposition kinematics using dynamic Computed Tomography,VABB-1,1994,1999,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423114,,Extended foot-ankle musculoskeletal models for application in movement analysis,VABB-1,153,159,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423115,,Gait alterations can reduce the risk of edge loading,VABB-1,1069,1076,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423116,,Surface effects on dynamic stability and loading during outdoor running using wireless trunk accelerometry,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423117,,Restricted arm swing affects gait stability and increased walking speed alters trunk movements in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423118,,Biofeedback in Partial Weight Bearing: Usability of Two Different Devices from a Patient's and Physical Therapist's Perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423119,,Subject-specific geometrical detail rather than cost function formulation affects hip loading calculation,VABB-1,1475,1488,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423120,,Subject-specific musculoskeletal modelling in patients before and after total hip arthroplasty,VABB-1,1683,1694,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423121,,"The effect of three surface conditions, speed and running experience on vertical acceleration of the tibia during running",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:423122,,Acute effects of outdoor running surfaces on running gait symmetry and regularity assessed by trunk accelerometry,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423123,,De lange weg van de niet-confessionele zedenleer. Overwegingen bij het arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof nr. 34/2015 van 12 maart 2015,VABB-1,78,84,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423124,,"De schoolraad ernstig nemen, ook als de tijd dringt. Uit de jurisprudentie van de Commissie zorgvuldig bestuur",VABB-1,11,15,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423126,,De toekomst van de Anca-rechtspraak na het arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof van 30 juni 2014,VABB-1,763,782,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423127,,"De sluipende bevoegdheidsuitbreiding door de Raad voor betwistingen inzake studievoortgangsbeslissingen: wenselijk, maar ook wettig?",VABB-1,276,289,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423128,,Studievoortgangsbetwistingen door laatstejaarsstudenten: beoordeling van eindwerken en deliberatiebeslissingen,VABB-1,1323,1336,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423130,,De impact van het redelijkheidsbeginsel en de motiveringsplicht op de beoordeling van (schriftelijke en mondelinge) examens en stagebeoordelingen in het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,1282,1300,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423132,,Equilibrer le grand et le petit. Les associations belges de défense des petites entreprises et la réglementation du commerce de détail (1930-1975),VABB-4,141,154,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:423137,,De rol van ideologie in rechterlijke oordeelsvorming. Een beknopte beschrijving,VABB-1,353,362,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423139,,The Judicialization of Politics as a Challenge to Judicial Lawmaking,VABB-5,200,214,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423143,,Euronest:What Drives Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation in the Eastern Partnership?,VABB-1,35,55,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423144,,The Interparliamentary Conference on Common Foreign and Security Policy A Quest for Democratic Accountability:,VABB-4,227,245,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423145,,Over de beoordelingsperikelen van het oorzakelijk verband tussen het gebrek van de zaak en de schade,VABB-1,149,154,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423149,,"Raad voor betwistingen inzake Studievoortgangsbeslissingen verklaart zich bevoegd voor beslissingen tot toelating tot de masteropleiding in de specialistische geneeskunde: de moeilijke en gedurfde weg naar een bredere, grondwetsconforme invulling van het begrip ‘studievoortgangsbeslissing’?",VABB-1,290,304,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423153,,You’re either with us or against us! Moral conviction determines how the politicized distinguish friend from foe,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:423154,,The perceived value of team players: A longitudinal study of how group identification affects status in work groups,VABB-1,200,211,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423156,,Relationship context matters: Cultural differences in self-construals revisited,VABB-1,63,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:423158,,"Protecting autonomy, protecting relatedness: Appraisal patterns of daily anger and shame in the United States and Japan",VABB-1,28,41,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423159,,Why self-enhancement provokes dislike: The hubris hypothesis and the aversiveness of explicit self-superiority claims,VABB-1,173,190,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423164,,Indirect stereotype change in artificial and real-life stereotypes,VABB-1,55,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423165,,Building national identity in newborn Kosovo: Challenges of integrating national identity with ethnic identity among Kosovar Albanians and Kosovar Serbs,VABB-4,245,260,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423166,,Navigating Multiple Identities: The Simultaneous Influence of Advantaged and Disadvantaged Identities on Politicization and Activism,VABB-1,264,285,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423168,,"Combining gender, work, and family identities: The cross-over and spill-over of gender norms into young adults’ work and family aspirations",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423169,,Socio-economic status in relation to smoking: The role of (expected and desired) social support and quitter identity,VABB-1,41,49,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423170,,Ethnicity and migration in Europe,VABB-4,142,147,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423171,,The cultural construction of emotions,VABB-1,31,36,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423172,,Emotions are not always contagious: Longitudinal spreading of self-pride and group pride in homogeneous and status-differentiated groups,VABB-1,101,116,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423174,,Co-Creating the Future Now,VABB-4,248,262,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423176,,"Maternal anxiety, mindfulness, and heart rate variability during pregnancy influence fetal and infant development",VABB-4,267,292,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423178,,A sigh of relief or a sigh to relieve: The psychological and physiological relief effect of deep breaths.,VABB-1,127,135,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423181,,Comparison of machine learning techniques for psychophysiological stress detection,VABB-4,13,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423184,,Brain Responses during the Anticipation of Dyspnea,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423186,,Pain anxiety and its association with pain congruence trajectories during the cold pressor task,VABB-1,396,404,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:423187,,The motilin receptor agonist erythromycin stimulates hunger and food intake through a cholinergic pathway,VABB-1,730,7,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423189,,Turning pain into cues for goal-directed behavior: Implementation intentions reduce escape-avoidance behavior on a painful task,VABB-1,499,507,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423190,,Respiratory hypoalgesia: Exploring the effect of respiratory phase and breath-holding on the nociceptive flexion reflex and pain,VABB-1,50,58,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423192,,The latent structure of the functional dyspepsia symptom complex: A taxometric analysis,VABB-1,985,993,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423193,,Een onlinedagboek ter ondersteuning van begeleiding in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg gewikt en gewogen,VABB-1,198,211,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423194,,Living with a high-grade glioma: A qualitative study of patients' experiences and care needs,VABB-1,383,90,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:423195,,Interoceptive cues predicting exteroceptive events,VABB-1,100,106,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423197,,Pain by association? Experimental modulation of human pain thresholds using classical conditioning,VABB-1,1105,1115,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423198,,Neck pain and proprioception revisited using the proprioception incongruence detection test,VABB-1,671,678,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423199,,Selectivity of conditioned fear of touch is modulated by somatosensory precision,VABB-1,921,929,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423200,,Defensive activation to (un)predictable interoceptive threat: the NPU respiratory threat test (NPUr),VABB-1,905,913,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423201,,Accuracy and bias in retrospective symptom reporting,VABB-1,302,308,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423202,,Psychometric properties of the Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Children (PANAS-C) in Peru,VABB-1,170,185,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423203,,COPD und psychische Komorbiditäten [COPD and psychological comorbidities],VABB-1,156,165,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423204,,Attention mechanisms during predictable and unpredictable threat - A steady-state visual evoked potential approach,VABB-1,167,175,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423205,,How do students and lecturers experience the interactive use of handheld technology in large enrolment courses?,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:423206,,Learned fear of gastrointestinal sensations in healthy adults,VABB-1,1552,1558,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423208,,Structural Brain Changes in Patients with COPD,VABB-1,426,434,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:423209,,The effects of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on conditioned fear extinction in humans,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423210,,Diepe Hersenstimulatie bij obsessieve-compulsieve stoornis,VABB-4,131,136,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423211,,"Effectiveness of a home-based cognitive behavioral program to manage concerns about falls in community-dwelling, frail older people: Results of a randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423212,,"Being anxious, thinking positively: The effect of emotional context on respiratory sensory gating",VABB-1,19,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423214,,Respiratory changes in response to cognitive load: A systematic review,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423215,,The use of safety-seeking behavior in exposure-based treatments for fear and anxiety: benefit or burden? A meta-analytic review,VABB-1,144,156,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423217,,The role of respiratory measures to assess mental load in pilot selection,VABB-1,745,753,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423218,,"De buitengerechtelijke vernietiging: erkend in het kader van de Wet Precontractuele Informatie, maar slechts hoogst uitzonderlijk relevant (noot onder Cass.17 september 2015)",VABB-1,699,705,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423219,,De garage als tussenpersoon bij de verkoop van tweedehandswagens aan consumenten (noot onder Luik 17 maart 2015),VABB-1,46,65,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423220,,Over de bewijsrisicoverdeling bij de schending van informatieplichten. Een gordiaanse knoop om te ontwarren?,VABB-1,1665,1669,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423221,,Het Hof van Cassatie erkent en bevestigt de mogelijkheid tot reductie van nietige concurrentiebedingen in het gemene recht,VABB-1,188,198,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423222,,"Het rookverbod uitbreiden? Juridisch onderzoek, casussen en aanbevelingen",VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423223,,Nullity in the Ordonnance,VABB-4,49,72,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:423225,,The Belgian Civil Code: How to Restore its Central Position in Modern Private Law?,VABB-1,601,618,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423226,,De opkomst van de prijsvermindering als algemene remedie ter bijsturing van contracten (samenvatting proefschrift),VABB-1,883,896,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423227,,La réduction du prix : remède d’adaptation d’un contrat – recommandations au législateur belge,VABB-1,534,547,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423228,,"Nietigheid op maat: proportionaliteit en werkzaamheid bij partiële nietigheid, reductie en conversie",VABB-1,179,247,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423230,,Twee zeldzame seizoenverschijnselen met betrekking tot bewijslast en bevestiging,VABB-1,34,42,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423231,,Prijsverminderingsclausules,VABB-4,459,497,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423234,,The Reform of the French Law of Obligations: How Long will the Belgians Remain Napoleon's Most Loyal Subjects?,VABB-4,7,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423235,,Price Reduction under the French Contract Law Reform,VABB-4,131,156,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423237,,Het beschikkingsbeginsel en de prijsvermindering/schadevergoeding in de consumentenkoop (noot onder Cass. 23 januari 2015),VABB-1,504,507,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423238,,De Wrongful life-vordering: wat verklaart de Belgische NEEN versus de Nederlandse JA?,VABB-1,85,90,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423240,,Naar een nietigheid op maat: de principiële erkenning van de (mogelijkheid tot) reductie door het Hof van Cassatie,VABB-1,1188,1193,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423241,,The French Contract Law Reform: a Source of Inspiration?,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423242,,De aansprakelijkheid van de ouders voor (schade door) onrechtmatig gedrag van hun kind op school,VABB-1,4,11,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423243,,De toepassing van het Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie op handelingen van de lidstaten: een analyse in het licht van het arrest C-617/10 van het Hof van Justitie van 26 februari 2013 inzake Åkerberg Fransson,VABB-1,16,33,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423244,,Een bondig overzicht van het hypothecair kredietrecht 2.0,VABB-1,61,72,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423245,,Kroniek bijzonder kredietrecht 2010-2016,VABB-1,96,114,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423246,,Reclamebeperkingen als instrument ter bestrijding van tabaksgebruik,VABB-4,563,608,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423247,,"Noot onder H.J.E.U. (vroeger H.J.E.G.)(3de k.), 16 juli 2015, C-544/13 en C-545/13",VABB-1,84,93,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423250,,You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk? Niet-mededingingsrechtelijke nationale belemmerende maatregelen met betrekking tot fusies en buitenlandse investeringen en het recht van de Europese Unie,VABB-1,299,311,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423251,,Towards a European Single Market for Mortgage Credit: from scratch to…?,VABB-1,291,311,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423252,,The European Union Competition Law Framework,VABB-4,7,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423254,,De wet 15 juni 1935 op het gebruik der talen in gerechtszaken toegepast op het domein van het internationale transportrecht. De recente rechtspraak van het Antwerpse hof,VABB-1,336,371,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423255,,National judges as gatekeepers to the CMR Convention,VABB-1,441,456,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423256,,"Bevoegdheden als categorie van subjectieve rechten: afbakening, kenmerken en juridisch regime",VABB-1,433,488,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423258,,10 years of 261/2004: any excuses left?,VABB-1,659,677,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423259,,[Verenigd Koninkrijk] De nieuwe 'Insurance Act 2015',VABB-1,214,219,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423260,,E-commerce en schade bij bezorging,VABB-1,579,671,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423263,,De beperking van een contractsoverdracht kan ook bij duurovereenkomsten niet worden vermoed,VABB-1,204,209,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423264,,"The transport Architect: new kids on the block?,",VABB-1,263,273,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423265,,Titel 8:2:2 de overeenkomt van gecombineerd goederenvervoer,VABB-1,175,186,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423266,,Development of a novel methodology for root cause analysis and selection of maintenance strategy for a thermal power plant: A data exploration approach,VABB-1,19,34,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423267,,Towards accuracy improvement in single point incremental forming of shallow parts formed under laser assisted conditions,VABB-1,339,351,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423270,,Improving Resource Efficiency through Recycling Modelling: A Case Study for LCD TVs,VABB-5,601,606,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:423271,,Considering biomass growth and regeneration in the optimisation of biomass supply chains,VABB-1,990,1002,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423272,,Analysis of travel activity determinants using robust statistics,VABB-1,979,996,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423273,,Using time-driven activity-based costing to identify best practices in academic libraries,VABB-1,232,246,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423274,,Reducing the passenger travel time in practice by the automated construction of a robust railway timetable,VABB-1,124,156,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423275,,A dynamic risk assessment methodology for maintenance decision support,VABB-1,1591,1985,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:423276,,Simulating the impact of deferred equipment maintenance,VABB-5,133,140,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:423277,,A Two‐Phase Algorithm for the Cyclic Inventory Routing Problem,VABB-1,410,426,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423278,,Repeated anticipatory network traffic control using iterative optimization accounting for model bias correction.,VABB-1,243,265,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423279,,Life cycle assessment of flax-fibre reinforced epoxidized linseed oil composite with a flame retardant for electronic applications,VABB-1,427,438,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423280,,Single point incremental forming of an aged Al-Cu-Mg alloy: Influence of pre-heat treatment and warm forming,VABB-1,2478,2488,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423281,,Effect of laser transformation hardening on the accuracy of SPIF formed parts,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423282,,Solid state recycling of pure Mg and AZ31 Mg machining chips via spark plasma sintering,VABB-1,520,529,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423283,,A review of cutting path algorithms for laser cutters,VABB-1,1865,1884,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423284,,Environmental modelling of aluminium recycling: a Life Cycle Assessment tool for sustainable metal management,VABB-1,357,370,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:423285,,Human Factors in Maintenance: A review,VABB-1,218,237,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423287,,An Integer Programming Model to Determine Land Use Trajectories for Optimizing Regionally Integrated Ecosystem Services Delivery,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423288,,Environmental impact analysis of primary aluminium production at country level,VABB-5,209,213,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423289,,Enhancing novelty with knowledge-based support for Biologically-Inspired Design,VABB-1,152,173,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423290,,"Orienteering Problem: A Survey of Recent Variants, Solution Approaches and Applications",VABB-1,315,332,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423293,,Automated Platforming & Routing of Trains in All Belgian Railway Stations,VABB-1,302,316,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423294,,"Current Status, Future Expectations and Mitigation Potential Scenarios for China's Primary Aluminium Industry",VABB-5,295,300,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423295,,SEABIRD: Scalable sEarch for systemAtic Biologically-InspiRed Design,VABB-1,78,95,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423296,,Intelligent Occupancy-Driven Thermostat by Dynamic User Profiling,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423299,,Solving the Stochastic Time-Dependent Orienteering Problem with Time Windows,VABB-1,699,718,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423300,,Tool Design for Electronic Product Dismantling,VABB-5,466,471,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423301,,Optimal cycle length formulas for intersections with or without transit signal priority,VABB-1,78,91,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423302,,"User Adapting System Design for Improved Energy Efficiency During the Use Phase of Products: Case Study of an Occupancy-Driven, Self-Learning Thermostat",VABB-5,883,898,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423303,,An iterative approach for reducing the impact of infrastructure maintenance on the performance of railway systems,VABB-1,39,53,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423304,,A dual control approach for repeated anticipatory traffic control with estimation of network flow sensitivity,VABB-1,1386,1412,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423305,,Spatial optimization of Jatropha based electricity value chains including the effect of emissions from land use change,VABB-1,218,229,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423306,,Impact reduction potential by usage anticipation under comfort trade-off conditions,VABB-1,33,36,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423307,,Extraction of Amphoteric Amino Acid by Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis: Methionine Acid as a Case Study,VABB-1,2813,2820,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423308,,Optimizing the complete care pathway for cerebrovascular accident patients,VABB-1,236,251,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423309,,Case-dependence of level-based idea space variety for Systematic Biologically-Inspired Design,VABB-5,173,178,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423310,,Implementation of OPTIMASS to optimise municipal wastewater sludge processing chains: Proof of concept,VABB-1,168,178,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423312,,Ovarian cancer in children and adolescents: A rare disease that needs more attention,VABB-1,3,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423313,,Het openbaar domein: volstaat een louter intentionele affectatie? Over de verdere labyrintisering van het Belgische domeingoederenrecht,VABB-1,1066,1071,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423314,,Vrijwaring wegens uitwinning,VABB-4,381,426,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423316,,Huur van pop-upshops: Nood aan een nieuw ontpopt huurregime?,VABB-1,234,241,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423318,,Opties,VABB-4,1,45,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423320,,Gambling,VABB-4,267,278,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423321,,De volstrekte bevoegdheid m.b.t. onderhoudsverplichtingen die aan het leefloon gerelateerd zijn,VABB-1,205,208,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423323,,"Uitsluiting van onderhoudsaanspraken op grond van artikel 301, § 2, tweede en derde lid BW (partnergeweld) niet strijdig met het gelijkheidsbeginsel",VABB-1,6,9,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423324,,Na overlijden van de adoptant kan ook een meerderjarige mogelijk opnieuw worden geadopteerd,VABB-1,185,188,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423327,,Mandatory Workplace Mediation,VABB-4,145,170,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423328,,"De schenking over verschillende generaties heen: het Napoleontisch wantrouwen voorbijgestreefd? – Een kritische vergelijking tussen de Belgische erfstelling over de hand bij schenking, de Franse donation graduelle en de Zuid-Afrikaanse fideicommissary donation",VABB-1,1301,1374,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423332,,"Het Hof van Cassatie redt de klussende echtgenoot, familie en vrienden. Pleidooi voor gezond verstand",VABB-1,60,65,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423334,,De Europese erfrechtverklaring,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423335,,Inspiratie uit het buitenland voor het Nederlandse levenstestament,VABB-1,881,892,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423336,,"Zakenrechtelijke mystiek: bezit, detentie en het mirakel van de titelomzetting",VABB-1,407,421,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423338,,Two stage muscle activity responses in decisions about leg movement adjustments during trip recovery,VABB-1,143,156,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423339,,Unconscious associative learning with conscious cues,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423340,,"Subcortical Volume Loss in the Thalamus, Putamen, and Pallidum, Induced by Traumatic Brain Injury, Is Associated With Motor Performance Deficits",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423341,,Anodal tDCS over the Primary Motor Cortex Facilitates Long-Term Memory Formation Reflecting Use-Dependent Plasticity,VABB-1,e0127270,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:423342,,NREM2 and Sleep Spindles Are Instrumental to the Consolidation of Motor Sequence Memories,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423343,,Differences in foot sensitivity and plantar pressure between young adults and elderly,VABB-1,67,71,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423344,,Perturbation of posterior inferior temporal cortical activity impairs coarse orientation discrimination,VABB-1,3814,3827,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:423345,,Attentional costs of walking are not affected by variations in lateral balance demands in young and older adults,VABB-1,126,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423346,,Reconsolidation of motor memories is a time-dependent process,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423347,,Manual aiming in healthy aging: Does proprioceptive acuity make the difference?,VABB-1,45,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423348,,Stimulation of PPC Affects the Mapping between Motion and Force Signals for Stiffness Perception but not Motion Control,VABB-1,10545,10559,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423349,,Age-related changes in frontal network structural and functional connectivity in relation to bimanual movement control,VABB-1,1808,1822,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423350,,Whole-brain grey matter density predicts balance stability irrespective of age and protects older adults from falling,VABB-1,143,150,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423351,,Intensity Inhomogeneity Correction of Structural MR Images: A Data-Driven Approach to Define Input Algorithm Parameters,VABB-1,10,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423352,,Proactive Response Inhibition and Subcortical Gray Matter Integrity in Traumatic Brain Injury,VABB-1,228,239,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:423353,,Evaluation of a Modified High-Definition Electrode Montage for Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS) of Pre-Central Areas,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423354,,A Ventral Salience Network in the Macaque Brain,VABB-1,190,197,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423355,,Obstacle Crossing Differences Between Blind and Blindfolded Subjects After Haptic Exploration,VABB-1,468,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423356,,Automated detection and labeling of high-density EEG electrodes from structural MR images,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423357,,Rhythmic arm movements are less affected than discrete ones after a stroke,VABB-1,2733,2741,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423358,,Relearning of writing skills in Parkinson’s disease after intensive amplitude training,VABB-1,1209,1216,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423359,,Performing two different actions simultaneously: the critical role of interhemispheric interactions during the preparation of bimanual movement,VABB-1,141,154,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423360,,Influence of oxytocin on emotion recognition from body language: A randomized placebo-controlled trial,VABB-1,182,189,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423361,,The arm posture in children with unilateral Cerebral Palsy is mainly related to antero-posterior gait instability,VABB-1,132,5,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423362,,Multimodal analysis of cortical chemoarchitecture and macroscale fMRI resting-state functional connectivity,VABB-1,3103,3113,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423364,,Nucleus accumbens and caudate atrophy predicts longer action selection times in young and older adults,VABB-1,4629,4639,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423365,,Integrative Processing of Touch and Affect in Social Perception: An fMRI Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423366,,Reliability and Structural and Construct Validity of the Functional Strength Measurement in Children Aged 4 to 10 Years,VABB-1,888,897,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423367,,Sex differences in Autism: A resting-state fMRI investigation of functional brain connectivity in males and females,VABB-1,1002,1016,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423370,,Alteration of functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder: effect of age and anatomical distance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423371,,Fast Adapting Mechanoreceptors are Important for Force Control in Precision Grip but not for Sensorimotor Memory,VABB-1,3156,3161,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423372,,Does physical exercise improve obstacle negotiation in the elderly? A systematic review,VABB-1,138,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423373,,A proactive task set influences how response inhibition is implemented in the basal ganglia,VABB-1,4706,4717,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423375,,"Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy Experience Difficulties Adjusting Their Gait Pattern to Weight Added to the Waist, While Typically Developing Children Do Not",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423376,,Amplitude Manipulation Evokes Upper Limb Freezing during Handwriting in Patients with Parkinson's Disease with Freezing of Gait,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423377,,The Influence of the ‘Trier Social Stress Test’ on Free Throw Performance in Basketball: An Interdisciplinary Study,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423378,,A day awake attenuates motor learning-induced increases in corticomotor excitability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423379,,Grasp-specific motor resonance is influenced by the visibility of the observed actor,VABB-1,43,54,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423380,,Movement preparation and execution: differential functional activation patterns after traumatic brain injury,VABB-1,2469,2485,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423381,,Preconditioning tDCS facilitates subsequent tDCS effect on skill acquisition in older adults,VABB-1,31,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:423382,,Quantitative Evaluation of Intensity Inhomogeneity Correction Methods for Structural MR Brain Images,VABB-1,5,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423383,,Acute aerobic activity enhances response inhibition for less than 30 min,VABB-1,59,65,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423384,,A causal role for primary motor cortex in perception of observed actions,VABB-1,2021,2029,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423385,,Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation of Visual Cortex: Stochastic Resonance Enhances Central Mechanisms of Perception,VABB-1,5289,98,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423386,,Physiological and perceptual sensory attenuation have different underlying neurophysiological correlates,VABB-1,10803,10812,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423387,,Hippocampal Sharp-Wave Ripples Influence Selective Activation of the Default Mode Network,VABB-1,686,691,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423388,,"Monetary, Food, and Social Rewards Induce Similar Pavlovian-to-Instrumental Transfer Effects",VABB-1,247,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423389,,Tagging motor memories with transcranial direct current stimulation allows later artificially-controlled retrieval,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423390,,Impaired Retention of Motor Learning of Writing Skills in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease with Freezing of Gait,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423391,,Cerebral Activity Associated with Transient Sleep-Facilitated Reduction in Motor Memory Vulnerability to Interference,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423392,,Handwriting impairments in people with Parkinson’s disease and freezing of gait,VABB-1,911,919,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423393,,Development of internal models and predictive abilities for visual tracking during childhood,VABB-1,301,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423394,,Opposite effects of visual cueing during writing-like movements of different amplitudes in Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,431,439,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423395,,Behavioral characterization of prediction and internal models in adolescents with autistic spectrum disorders,VABB-1,335,345,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423396,,Interdisciplinary research: a promising approach to investigate elite performance in sports,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423397,,Alterations in Brain White Matter Contributing to Age-Related Slowing of Task Switching Performance: The Role of Radial Diffusivity and Magnetization Transfer Ratio,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423398,,Connectivity-based parcellation increases network detection sensitivity in resting state fMRI: An investigation into the cingulate cortex in autism,VABB-1,494,507,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423399,,A simple model of the hand for the analysis of object exploration,VABB-4,235,258,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423400,,Slow maturation of planning in obstacle avoidance in humans,VABB-1,404,412,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423401,,Structural Brain Alterations in Motor Subtypes of Parkinson's Disease: Evidence from Probabilistic Tractography and Shape Analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423402,,A switching cost for motor planning,VABB-1,2857,2868,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423403,,Relative age effects in a cognitive task: A case study of youth chess,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423404,,Sleep quality influences subsequent motor skill acquisition,VABB-1,290,297,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423405,,Macrostructural and Microstructural Brain Lesions Relate to Gait Pathology in Children With Cerebral Palsy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423406,,Literature review and comparison of two statistical methods to evaluate the effect of Botulinum Toxin treatment on gait in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423407,,Dual-task related neural connectivity changes in patients with Parkinson’ Disease,VABB-1,36,46,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423408,,Clinical patterns of dystonia and choreoathetosis in participants with dyskinetic cerebral palsy,VABB-1,138,44,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423409,,Technology in Parkinson's disease: Challenges and opportunities,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423411,,Disability Rating Scales in Parkinson's Disease: Critique and Recommendations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423412,,Handling Gait Impairments of Persons with Parkinson’s Disease by Means of Real-Time Biofeedback in a Daily Life Environment,VABB-4,250,261,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423413,,The reliability and validity of a clinical 3D freehand ultrasound system,VABB-1,179,187,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423414,,Cognitive interviewing techniques used in developing questionnaires on functional electrical stimulation in spinal cord injury,VABB-1,75,82,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423415,,Do mirror movements relate to hand function and timing of the brain lesion in children with unilateral cerebral palsy?,VABB-1,735,742,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423416,,Associations between sensorimotor impairments in the upper limb at one week and six months post stroke,VABB-1,186,195,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423417,,Isolated patellofemoral arthroplasty reproduces natural patellofemoral joint kinematics when the patella is resurfaced,VABB-1,3668,3677,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423418,,Repeatability of muscle synergies within and between days for typically developing children and children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,127,132,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423419,,Immediate effects of different upper limb robot-assisted training modes in patients after stroke: a case series,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423420,,Neuro-musculoskeletal simulation of instrumented contracture and spasticity assessment in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,64,64,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423421,,Voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping of stroke lesions underlying somatosensory deficits,VABB-1,257,266,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423422,,Identification of joint patterns during gait in children with cerebral palsy: a Delphi consensus study,VABB-1,306,313,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423423,,A Mobile Kalman-Filter Based Solution for the Real-Time Estimation of Spatio-Temporal Gait Parameters,VABB-1,764,773,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423424,,Somatosensory impairments in the upper limb post stroke: distribution and association with motor function and visuo-spatial neglect,VABB-1,731,742,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423425,,Manual function outcome measures in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD): Systematic review,VABB-1,114,131,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423426,,Pelvic floor muscle training for erectile dysfunction and climacturia 1 year after nerve sparing radical prostatectomy: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,9,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423427,,"Measurement instruments to assess posture, gait, and balance in Parkinson's disease: Critique and recommendations",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423428,,Progression of postural control and gait deficits in Parkinson’s disease and freezing of gait: a longitudinal study,VABB-1,73,79,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423429,,Prevalence and predictors of treatment dropout from physical activity interventions in schizophrenia: a meta-analysis,VABB-1,15,23,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423430,,Is upper limb virtual reality training more intensive than conventional training for patients in the subacute phase after stroke? An analysis of treatment intensity and content,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423431,,Top 10 research questions to promote physical activity research in people with binge eating disorder,VABB-1,326,337,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423432,,Addition of a non-immersive virtual reality component to treadmill training to reduce fall risk in older adults (V-TIME): a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,1170,1182,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423433,,High-demand motor tasks are more sensitive to detect persisting alterations in muscle activation following total knee replacement,VABB-1,151,158,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423434,,Gait analysis: clinical facts,VABB-1,560,74,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423436,,Arm lymphoedema and upper limb impairments in sentinel node-negative breast cancer patients: A one year follow-up study,VABB-1,102,108,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423437,,Motorized versus manual instrumented spasticity assessment in children with cerebral palsy.,VABB-1,145,151,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:423438,,Are factors related to dual-task performance in people with Parkinson's disease dependent on the type of dual task?,VABB-1,23,30,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423440,,Center of mass trajectories during turning in patients with Parkinson's disease with and without freezing of gait,VABB-1,54,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423442,,What are the top 10 physical activity research questions in schizophrenia?,VABB-1,2235,2243,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423443,,Functional connectivity alterations in the motor and fronto-parietal network relate to behavioral heterogeneity in Parkinson’s disease,VABB-1,48,55,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423444,,Physical activity in chronic home-living and sub-acute hospitalized stroke patients using objective and self-reported measures,VABB-1,98,105,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423445,,Test-Retest Reliability of Dual-Task Outcome Measures in People With Parkinson's Disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423446,,Blunted maximal and submaximal responses to cardiopulmonary exercise test in patients with Parkinson's Disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423447,,Increased Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Mouse Osteocytes with Aging Alters Cox-2 Response to Mechanical Stimuli,VABB-1,123,128,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:423450,,Physical activity counteracts tumor cell growth in colon carcinoma C26-injected muscles: an interim report,VABB-1,67,75,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423451,,Spontaneous Physical Activity Downregulates Pax7 in Cancer Cachexia,VABB-1,6729268,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423452,,"Fifteen days of 3,200 m simulated hypoxia marginally regulates markers for protein synthesis and degradation in human skeletal muscle",VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423453,,ANDROGEN DEFICIENCY EXACERBATES HIGH FAT DIET-INDUCED METABOLIC ALTERATIONS IN MALE MICE,VABB-1,648,65,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423454,,Deletion or Inhibition of the Oxygen Sensor PHD1 Protects against Ischemic Stroke via Reprogramming of Neuronal Metabolism,VABB-1,280,291,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423455,,Role of Mitochondrial Complex IV in Age-Dependent Obesity,VABB-1,2991,3002,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423456,,Breast Cancer-Derived Lung Metastases Show Increased Pyruvate Carboxylase-Dependent Anaplerosis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423457,,Aging related ER stress is not responsible for anabolic resistance in mouse skeletal muscle,VABB-1,702,707,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:423458,,Enhanced muscular oxygen extraction in athletes exaggerates hypoxemia during exercise in hypoxia,VABB-1,351,361,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423459,,Aerobic Exercise and Pharmacological Treatments Counteract Cachexia by Modulating Autophagy in Colon Cancer,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423460,,Nitrate intake promotes shift in muscle fiber type composition during sprint interval training in hypoxia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423462,,"Inhibition of the glycolytic activator PFKFB3 in endothelium induces tumor vessel normalization, impairs metastasis, and improves chemotherapy",VABB-1,968,985,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423463,,Mathematical epistemological beliefs,VABB-4,147,165,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423464,,Using Visual Analysis to Evaluate and Refine Multilevel Models of Single-Case Studies,VABB-1,18,26,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423466,,"Wartime Schooling and Education Policy in the Second World War. Catholic Education, Memory and the Government in Occupied Belgium",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423467,,Pedagogical content knowledge in the context of foreign and second language teaching: A review of the research literature,VABB-1,187,200,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423468,,"Onderwijsbeleid in oorlogstijd. De afbraak van het principe van de vrijheid van onderwijs tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in België, 1940-1944",VABB-1,81,84,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423470,,Zittenblijven in Vlaanderen: de huidige stand van zaken,VABB-1,328,337,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423471,,Research in Motion: a digital learning environment to explore research as practice,VABB-5,288,297,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423473,,The Symbol Grounding Problem Revisited: A Thorough Evaluation of the ANS Mapping Account and the Proposal of an Alternative Account Based on Symbol-Symbol associations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423476,,Publieke ernstpercepties van criminaliteit: Een survey-onderzoek bij de Vlaamse bevolking’,VABB-1,481,504,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423477,,The Cult of Order. In search of underlying patterns of the colonial and neo-colonial 'grammar of educationalization' in Belgian Congo. Exported school rituals and routines,VABB-1,36,48,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423480,,Pedagogical content knowledge in teacher education,VABB-4,347,386,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423482,,More than a mentor: The role of social connectedness in early career and experienced teachers’ intention to leave,VABB-1,198,218,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423483,,Educational research: Discourses of change and changes of discourse,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423485,,Meta-analysis of multiple outcomes: A multilevel approach,VABB-1,1274,1294,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:423486,,What makes the difference in reading achievement? Comparisons between Finland and Shanghai,VABB-1,515,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:423487,,Time-varying treatments in observational studies: Marginal structural models of the effects of early grade retention on math achievement,VABB-1,843,864,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423489,,Regional inequality in reading performance: an exploration in Belgium,VABB-1,642,668,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423490,,One Difference is enough: Hacia une Historia de la discapacidad en el Congo-Belga,VABB-1,407,420,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423495,,The development of symbolic and non-symbolic number line estimations: Three developmental accounts contrasted within cross-sectional and longitudinal data,VABB-1,382,405,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423496,,Facilitating the Transition from Manual to Automated Nurse Rostering,VABB-1,120,131,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423497,,"""Même absent il était présent"": inspecteur lager onderwijs en leerboekauteur Hilaire Delobel (1889-1958)",VABB-1,341,370,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423498,,Pulmonary rehabilitation following exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,CD005305,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423499,,Survival after pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD: impact of functional exercise capacity and its changes,VABB-1,2671,2679,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423501,,"Enhancing exercise tolerance and physical activity in COPD with combined pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions: PHYSACTO randomised, placebo-controlled study design",VABB-1,e010106,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423502,,Cardiac patients show high interest in technology enabled cardiovascular rehabilitation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423504,,The effects of exercise modality on maximal and submaximal exercise parameters obtained by graded maximal exercise testing,VABB-1,538,547,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423505,,Feasibility to apply eucapnic voluntary hyperventilation in young elite athletes,VABB-1,91,3,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423506,,Respiratory Muscle Training: State of the Art,VABB-1,37,48,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423507,,Can health status questionnaires be used as a measure of physical activity in COPD patients?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423508,,The long-term effects of a randomized trial comparing aerobic interval versus continuous training in coronary artery disease patients: 1-year data from the SAINTEX-CAD study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423509,,Are aerobic interval training and continuous training isocaloric in coronary artery disease patients?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423510,,Test-Retest Reliability of Maximal and Submaximal Gas Exchange Variables in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease,VABB-1,263,269,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423511,,Depression symptoms reduce physical activity in COPD patients: a prospective multicenter study,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:423512,,Physical Activity Characteristics across GOLD Quadrants Depend on the Questionnaire Used,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423513,,Do self-management interventions in COPD patients work and which patients benefit most? An individual patient data meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423514,,"The Belgian trial with azithromycin for acute COPD exacerbations requiring hospitalization: an investigator-initiated study protocol for a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial",VABB-1,687,696,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423515,,Inspiratory muscle training improves breathing pattern during exercise in COPD patients,VABB-1,1261,1264,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:423516,,Efficacy of an mHealth intervention to stimulate physical activity in COPD patients after pulmonary rehabilitation,VABB-1,1019,1029,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423517,,The Minimal Important Difference in Physical Activity in Patients with COPD,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423518,,Prognostic value of the post-training oxygen uptake efficiency slope in patients with coronary artery disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423519,,Use of exercise testing in the evaluation of interventional efficacy: an official ERS statement,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423521,,"Interaction Between Physical Activity and Smoking on Lung, Muscle and Bone in Mice",VABB-1,674,682,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423522,,Phenotypic Variation in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Primary Care,VABB-1,8108717,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423523,,Characteristics of effective self-management interventions in patients with COPD: individual patient data meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423524,,Prognostic value of the oxygen uptake efficiency slope and other exercise variables in patients with coronary artery disease,VABB-1,237,244,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423525,,Surviving critical illness: what is next? An expert consensus statement on physical rehabilitation after hospital discharge,VABB-1,354,364,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423526,,Unexpected improvements of lung function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,81,84,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423527,,"Behaviour-change intervention in a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled COPD study: methodological considerations and implementation",VABB-1,e010109,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423529,,PATHway: Decision Support in Exercise Programmes for Cardiac Rehabilitation,VABB-5,40,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423530,,Exercise capacity in ventricular assist device patients: clinical relevance of pump speed and power,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423531,,Effect of exercise training on the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system in healthy individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,119,126,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423532,,Cardiorespiratory fitness in outpatients with bipolar disorder versus matched controls: an exploratory study,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423534,,"A Mobile Phone App to Stimulate Daily Physical Activity in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Development, Feasibility, and Pilot Studies",VABB-1,156,167,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423535,,The Functional Exercise Capacity is Associated with Global Functioning in People with Bipolar Disorder,VABB-1,673,677,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423536,,"Exercise is medicine for depression: even when the ""pill"" is small",VABB-1,2715,2721,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423537,,Cardiorespiratory fitness levels and predictors in people with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,106,104,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423538,,Lower bone mineral density at the hip and lumbar spine in people with psychosis versus controls: a comprehensive review and skeletal site-specific meta-analysis,VABB-1,249,259,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423539,,"Diabetes mellitus in people with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder: a systematic review and large scale meta-analysis",VABB-1,166,174,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423541,,"Sitting time, physical fitness impairments and metabolic abnormalities in people with bipolar disorder: an exploratory study",VABB-1,7,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423542,,Influence of intellectual impairment (II) on basketbal players' capacity to solve a game situation: towards evidence-based classification systems in II-basketball,VABB-1,121,134,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423543,,Test-retest study of the six-minute walk test in people with bipolar disorder,VABB-1,39,44,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423544,,Comparison of clinical vignettes and standardized patients as measures of physiotherapists’ activity and work recommendations in patients with non-specific low back pain,VABB-1,85,94,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423545,,Study protocol of European Fans in Training (EuroFIT): a four-country randomised controlled trial of a lifestyle program for men delivered in elite football clubs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423546,,"A comparison of physical fitness in patients with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and healthy controls",VABB-1,2047,2051,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423547,,Impact of antipsychotic medication on physical activity and physical fitness in adolescents: an exploratory study,VABB-1,192,197,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423548,,Top 10 research questions to promote physical activity in bipolar disorders: A consensus statement from the International Organization of Physical Therapists in Mental Health,VABB-1,82,87,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423549,,"Physical activity and depression: a large cross-sectional, population-based study across 36 low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,546,556,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423550,,Physical activity and sedentary behavior in people with bipolar disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,145,152,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423551,,Study of auditory and visual perception in relation to spatial orientation in young children,VABB-1,66,83,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423552,,Test of gross motor development-2 Filipino children with intellectual disability: validity and reliability,VABB-1,10,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423553,,"Physical multimorbidity and psychosis: comprehensive cross sectional analysis including 242,952 people across 48 low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,189,189,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423554,,The metabolic syndrome is associated with self-reported physical complaints in patients with bipolar disorder,VABB-1,139,145,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423555,,Physical activity as a vital sign in patients with bipolar disorder,VABB-1,218,222,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423556,,Are lower levels of cardiorespiratory fitness associated with incident depression? A systematic review of prospective cohort studies,VABB-1,159,165,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423558,,Construct Validity of the Trunk Impairment Classification System in Relation to Objective Measures of Trunk Impairment,VABB-1,437,44,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423559,,The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in alcohol use disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,515,521,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423560,,Physical activity as a vital sign in patients with schizophrenia: evidence and clinical recommendations,VABB-1,336,340,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423561,,Autonomous motivation is associated with the maintenance stage of behaviour change in people with affective disorders,VABB-1,267,271,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423562,,Effect of Intellectual Impairment on Basketball Game-Related Statistics,VABB-1,279,284,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423563,,Aspects of reliability and validity of the TGMD-3 in 7-10 year old children with intellectual disability in Belgium,VABB-1,3,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423564,,Concurrent validity of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire in outpatients with bipolar disorder: comparison with the Sensewear Armband,VABB-1,122,126,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423566,,Pacing Profiles in Competitive Track Races: Regulation of Exercise Intensity is related to Cognitive Ability,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423567,,Is pain perception altered in people with depression? A systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental pain research,VABB-1,1257,1272,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423568,,The prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 in people with alcohol use disorders: a systematic review and large scale meta-analysis,VABB-1,394,400,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423569,,Quality of life and physical activity levels in outpatients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,157,160,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423570,,Depressive symptoms and muscular fitness contribute independently to the ability to perform daily life activities in people with bipolar disorder,VABB-1,477,482,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423571,,"The epidemiology of back pain and its relationship with depression, psychosis, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and stress sensitivity: Data from 43 low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,63,70,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423572,,Cognitive profile of Young Well-Trained athletes with Intellectual Impairments,VABB-1,377,390,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423573,,Considering the role of physical therapists within the treatment and rehabilitation of Individuals with eating disorders: an international survey of expert clinicians,VABB-1,237,246,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423574,,Dropout from physical activity interventions in children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,46,52,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423576,,Responding to Crime through Restoration,VABB-4,193,206,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423584,,E-commerce deliveries 2.0: towards a sustainable e-commerce,VABB-5,653,661,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423588,,Terbeschikkingstelling van kamers en woningen via een internetplatform: verboden bestemmingswijziging en onderhuur?,VABB-1,378,393,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423591,,"Koudwatervrees in het intertemporeel recht. De toetsing van de ""conservatieve"" intertemporele toepassing van nieuwe wetten",VABB-1,303,326,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423592,,Als de webshop voor de deur levert: aansprakelijkheid voor schade bij “aflevering” op de oprit of bij de buren,VABB-1,535,545,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423593,,"Vervoerrechtelijke aspecten van platooning: nieuwe wagens, oude wetten?",VABB-5,27,33,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423594,,Vervoerrechtelijke aspecten van platooning,VABB-1,524,534,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423600,,Kroniek Internationaal en Europees Bealstingrecht 2015,VABB-1,5,21,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423601,,Cross-Border Employment: Recent developments in Taxation & Social Security,VABB-1,30,34,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423602,,Pleidooi voor een zuivere toepassing van artikel 49 WIB 1992 in de vennootschapsbelasting,VABB-1,368,388,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423603,,"De proportionaliteit van fiscale sancties: theoretisch kader, grondslagen en verhouding tot mensenrechten",VABB-1,968,981,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423608,,Accounting and Taxation: Belgium,VABB-4,67,83,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423610,,Cross-Border Employment: Recent developments in Taxation & Social Security,VABB-1,51,54,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423613,,Exchange of Information. An Analysis of the scope of Art. 26 OECD Model and its requirements: In Search for an efficient but Balanced Procedure,VABB-1,298,306,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423618,,Pre-Trial Proceedings and Expert Evidence in Tax Litigation,VABB-1,133,137,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423627,,Zetelverplaatsing van vennootschappen naar België : spanningsveld tussen boekhoudkundige continuïteit en fiscale discontinuïteit,VABB-1,234,252,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423639,,Itinerant sales,VABB-4,261,266,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423642,,"De beoefenaar van een vrij beroep als ondernemer, bekeken vanuit enkele traditionele handelsrechtelijke onderwerpen",VABB-4,5,31,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423650,,Financial services,VABB-4,305,337,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423652,,Noot onder Antwerpen 5 februari 2015: Waardeloze CDO's: de zoektocht naar een zondebok,VABB-1,19,29,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423654,,Noot onder Gent 11 mei 2015: Externe bestuurdersaansprakelijkheid wegens de verderzetting van een reddeloos verloren onderneming : een verduidelijking van de voorwaarden,VABB-1,439,448,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423656,,Financieel toezicht versus mensenrechten : op zoek naar de gulden middenweg,VABB-1,803,808,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423660,,Het oneigenlijk gebruik van het faillissement als deficitaire vereffeningsprocedure,VABB-1,1125,1129,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423661,,Time's up : vertegenwoordiging van beide geslachten in de raad van bestuur is een feit,VABB-1,1027,1040,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423667,,Nietigheid van bestuursbesluiten in een vennootschap: naar een gecontroleerde ontploffing,VABB-1,683,697,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423669,,"The Regulation of PRIIPs : Great Ambitions, Insurmountable Challenges ?",VABB-1,203,224,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423676,,The Privilege Against Self-Incrimination - A Chameleon of Criminal Procedure,VABB-1,418,438,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423679,,De motivering van het bevel tot verlenging,VABB-1,109,113,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423680,,Child Focus ingeschakeld in strijd tegen kinderpornografie,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423684,,Veel lawaai voor een geluiddemper? Over luchtdrukwapens en verboden hulpstukken (noot onder Antwerpen 17 april 2013),VABB-1,72,75,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423685,,Potpourri III: reparatie van de nieuwe Interneringswet,VABB-5,191,219,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423687,,Recht minderjarige op bijstand advocaat na plaatsing in (open) gemeenschapsinstelling,VABB-1,83,88,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423688,,"Fictieve reviews op internetfora: geen valsheid in informatica, wel overlast",VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423689,,"Tracking, sexting en cyberpesten strafbaar?",VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423693,,Wenselijkheid van een specifieke strafbaarstelling,VABB-4,235,249,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423698,,Aantal zaken informaticabedrog fors toegenomen,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423699,,Responsible disclosure en cyberveiligheid,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423701,,België investeert in cyber defence,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423703,,L'indépendance du juge pénal au Burundi au Burundi : Les défis actuels,VABB-5,433,452,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:423706,,De nieuwe wet internering,VABB-5,295,362,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423710,,Verbeurdverklaring bitcoins,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423715,,Grootste phishingproces ooit voor de correctionele rechter,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423716,,Noot onder Corr. West-Vlaanderen 7 oktober 2015: Het (vage) misdrijf schijnwettelijke samenwoning,VABB-1,126,129,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423717,,Belgium. A Modern Legal and Policy Framework for Intelligence Services with a Long Tradition,VABB-4,29,40,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423719,,Down-sec valt diverse websites aan,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423729,,Bitcoins in het Belgische strafrecht en strafprocesrecht,VABB-1,483,501,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423731,,Cyberterrorisme op de politieke agenda,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423732,,‘Dual use’ van encryptie aangekaart in de Kamer,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423734,,Overzicht van enkele wijzigingen in het straf- en strafprocesrecht,VABB-1,137,179,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423736,,'Neurosceptism' in the courtroom: the limited role of neuroscientific evidence in Belgian criminal proceedings,VABB-4,41,76,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423738,,De strafrechtelijke uitvoeringshandelingen: principes en vergelijking met klassieke onderzoekshandelingen,VABB-1,723,738,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423740,,Doek valt over Yahoo-zaak,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423741,,"De strafbaarheid van roken in het bijzijn van minderjarigen en het ""aanzetten"" tot roken",VABB-4,194,234,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423742,,'Dan is het kot te klein...': roken in de gevangenis,VABB-4,250,271,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423743,,Of hearsay and beyond: is the Italian criminal justice system an adversarial system?,VABB-1,617,633,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423746,,The criminal judge can do everything ...? De ruime draagwijdte van de teruggave (art. 44 Sw.) in strafzaken en de impact daarvan op de bevoegdheid van de strafrechter op burgerlijk gebied,VABB-1,275,278,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423747,,The Comparative Law Method and the European Court of Justice: Echoes Across the Atlantic,VABB-1,841,864,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423753,,The borders of EU competences with regard to the international regulation of intellectual property rights: constructing a dam to resist a river bursting its banks,VABB-1,27,43,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423756,,"COMIng, and here to stay. The review of the European Insolvency Regulation",VABB-1,735,753,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423758,,"Extern optreden van de Unie: Hof van Justitie kiest voor ruime interpretatie artikel 218 lid 9 VWEU7 oktober 2014, zaak C399/ 12, Duitsland/Raad van de Europese Unie (m.nt. T. Verellen)",VABB-1,311,315,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:423760,,Vulture funds and private international Law. Are they fair game?,VABB-5,53,68,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423761,,"HvJ verduidelijkt bevoegdheid van Europese Commissie om EU te vertegenwoordigen voor internationale gerechtshoven6 oktober 2015, zaak C73/ 14, Raad van de Europese Unie/Commissie (ITLOS) (m.nt. T. Verellen)",VABB-1,182,186,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423762,,EU Citizenship and Democracy,VABB-1,164,174,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423763,,"Energy, externalities and the need to revisit Deutsche Bahn: A proposal to reverse the European stance on EU State aid law and international aviation",VABB-4,121,124,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423765,,De toegang tot sociale bijstand voor voormalig economisch actieve onderdanen van een gastlidstaat,VABB-1,233,236,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423766,,Burning construction and demolition waste: An assessment of the European waste hierarchy and recycling targets,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423767,,The General System of EU Environmental Law Enforcement,VABB-4,357,395,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423769,,"On Conferral, Institutional Balance and Non-Binding Agreements: the Swiss MoU Case",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423771,,Interinstitutional Gravity and Pirates of the Parliament on Stranger Tides: the Continued Constitutional Significance of the Choice of Legal Basis in Post-Lisbon External Action,VABB-1,85,113,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423772,,"Mutual Trust, Mutual Recognition and the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union",VABB-5,121,128,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423774,,European Private International Law,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423775,,"The EU’s External Competence in IP matters: the Contribution of the Daiichi Sankyo Case to Cloudy Constitutional Concepts, Blurred Borders and the Corresponding Court Jurisdiction",VABB-1,139,163,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423778,,Terminological Challenges to the Incorporation of Landfill Mining in EU Waste Law in View of the Circular Economy,VABB-1,106,119,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423779,,Editorial note - Linking EU Citizenship to Democracy,VABB-1,7,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423780,,The European Court of Justice and fundamental rights in the field of criminal law,VABB-4,7,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423788,,La Unión Europea: comunidad de derecho y actor internacional,VABB-1,11,18,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:423789,,"Internet en extraterritorialiteit. Tijd voor een reset na Schrems, Google Spain, Facebook e.a.?",VABB-1,183,187,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423790,,"Noot onder HvJ, 11 september 2014, C-112/13, A t. B",VABB-1,956,959,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423791,,"International Courts as Keepers of the Rule of Law: Achievements, Challenges, and Opportunities",VABB-1,715,793,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423793,,You'd be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap! A case study of ISO 26000 on social responsibility,VABB-4,275,310,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423794,,Limits to Loyalty: the Relevance of Article 4(3) TEU,VABB-1,253,284,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423801,,Copyright Protection in the Digital Era: Hyperlinking and the Right of Communication to the Public. The GS Media Case,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423803,,"H v. Council: Strengthening the Rule of Law in the Sphere of the CFSP, One Step at a Time",VABB-1,1041,1053,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423804,,beta-delayed fission and alpha decay of At-196,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423805,,De mogelijkheid en wenselijkheid van een uitbreiding van het rookverbod op de werkplaats,VABB-4,474,526,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423806,,Developments towards in-gas-jet laser spectroscopy studies of actinium isotopes at LISOL,VABB-1,382,387,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423808,,A new in-gas-laser ionization and spectroscopy laboratory for off-line studies at KU Leuven,VABB-1,345,352,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423809,,"Alternatieve juridische gronden voor vergoeding wegens willekeurig ontslag in publieke sector (noot onder GwH 30 juni 2016, nr. 2016/101)",VABB-1,575,578,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423810,,Outsourcing and supply chains in Belgium,VABB-1,3,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423811,,"Equality, non-discrimination and work-life balance in Belgium",VABB-1,3,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423812,,Disability and reintegration in work: interplay between EU non-discrimination law and labour law,VABB-4,61,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423813,,Het recht op collectief onderhandelen en het recht op collectieve actie in het Europees Sociaal Handvest,VABB-4,233,258,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423815,,Travelling Time is Working TIme According to the CJEU... at least for Mobile Workers,VABB-1,386,391,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423816,,De vrijheid om te werken als grens van het stakingsrecht?,VABB-1,341,383,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423819,,Twintig jaar na de Bosman-zaak: vrij verkeer in een onvrije markt,VABB-1,3,8,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423826,,The Architecture of Global Labor Governance,VABB-1,339,355,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423827,,Evolutions in the Social Case Law of the Court of Justice: The Follow-Up Cases of the Laval Quartet: ESA and RegioPost,VABB-1,294,309,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423828,,Reasonable Accommodation in the Modern Workplace. Potential and Limits of the Integrative Logics of Labour Law,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423832,,Setting the scene: development of the CJEU jurisprudence on age discrimination in employment,VABB-4,3,27,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:423833,,Working time and flexibility in Belgium,VABB-1,3,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423834,,What if sport and the law have become interlocked?,VABB-4,136,143,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423835,,The implementation of the FIFA Regulations in Belgium,VABB-1,165,180,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423838,,Samen op weg naar kinderrechten in jeugdhulp en jeugddelinquentie,VABB-1,54,61,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423840,,Rookbeleid in jeugdhulpvoorzieningen,VABB-4,163,172,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423841,,Een ongenode gast: de jeugdadvocaat in de buitengerechtelijke jeugdhulp,VABB-1,305,321,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423843,,Participatie van minderjarigen in protectionele procedures voor de jeugdrechtbank: overwegingen bij het hoorrecht en het recht op vertegenwoordiging door een advocaat,VABB-1,179,185,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423844,,Roken in het bijzijn van kinderen als interventiegrond in het jeugdhulprecht,VABB-4,140,162,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423860,,Vetorecht van vader bij toekenning familienaam in strijd met grondwettelijk gelijkheidsbeginsel,VABB-1,184,188,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423864,,De invloed van het contractenrecht op de opname- en begeleidingsvrijheid van private voorzieningen in de jeugdhulp en gehandicaptenzorg,VABB-1,723,733,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423865,,The (Possible) Role of the Right to Social Security in the EU Economic Monitoring Process,VABB-1,277,314,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423866,,Is het (on)mogelijk om een verbod tot roken in het bijzijn van minderjarige kinderen te staven op bepalingen uit het Kinderrechtenverdrag?,VABB-4,128,139,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423874,,Voorlopige MOF-maatregelen ten aanzien van minderjarigen: het hoorrecht en de 24 urenregeling verfijnd,VABB-1,174,177,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423875,,Plaatsing van minderjarigen: de pedagogische en kinderrechtentoets à la Straatsburg,VABB-1,333,341,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423878,,Het beleid inzake maatschappelijk welzijn,VABB-4,335,354,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423887,,Enforcement in Global Security Governance: Navigating Great Power Confabulation in the United Nations Security Council,VABB-4,155,190,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423888,,Editorial Perspective: Why the Military Use of Outer Space Matters Today / Perspective éditoriale: pourquoi l’utilisation militaire de l’espace extraatmosphérique est importante de nos jours,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423889,,"Hungary v Slovak Republic, Judgment, Case C-364/10 [2012] ECLI:EU:C:2012:630",VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423890,,"Diplomacy, Secrecy, and the Law",VABB-4,85,107,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423891,,"International Banking Standards, Private Law and the European Union",VABB-4,171,200,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423894,,EU Guidelines on Human Rights as a Foreign Policy Instrument: An Assessment,VABB-5,63,81,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423895,,Custom and Informal International Lawmaking,VABB-4,332,359,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423896,,"Space Debris Remediation, Its Regulation and the Role of Europe",VABB-1,66,85,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423897,,Brussels Meets Westphalia: The European Union and the United Nations,VABB-4,299,323,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423899,,General Introduction,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423900,,Assessing the Legality of Decisions,VABB-4,1006,1025,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423903,,Government by Negotiation,VABB-4,196,211,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423904,,De (on)beslagbaarheid van bankrekeningen van buitenlandse ambassades,VABB-1,1483,1499,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423905,,We the People: Self-Determination v. Sovereignty in the Case of De Facto States,VABB-1,53,62,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423906,,The Reluctant (Lisbon) Treaty and Its Implementation in the Practice of the Council,VABB-4,13,84,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423908,,The Impact of National Space Legislation on Private Space Undertakings Regulatory Competition Vs Harmonisation,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423910,,Digest of State Practice 1 January - 30 June 2016,VABB-1,290,321,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423911,,Armed Conflicts and the Law,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423912,,Human Rights and (Armed) Conflict,VABB-4,187,218,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423915,,"Certain Expenses of the United Nations, Advisory Opinion of 20 July 1962",VABB-4,91,101,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423917,,Judicial Decisions on the Law of International Organizations,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423919,,The Law of Neutrality,VABB-4,75,106,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423920,,Observation du droit international humanitaire par les forces placées sous le commandement de l’Union européenne,VABB-1,127,135,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:423921,,The Interplay between the G20 and the WTO: Informal Law-making in Action,VABB-4,183,200,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423923,,"Extraterritorial regulation of natural resources, A functional approach",VABB-4,245,272,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423924,,"Time to Reconsider Status: the IMF, the EU, the Euro Area and Its Sovereign Debt Crisis",VABB-4,21,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423926,,"Transitional Justice in Consultations of Hendrik van Kinschot (1541-1608). Learned Legal Practices on Wars, Loans and Credit",VABB-1,243,274,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423931,,"Grotius, On the Law of War and Peace",VABB-4,173,177,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423933,,"Il diritto canonico nella prima teologia pratica protestante: la formazione dei ministri ecclesiastici secondo Hyperius, Zepper e Voetius",VABB-1,5,29,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423936,,Recht und Moral in der Scholastik der Frühen Neuzeit 1500-1750,VABB-2,,,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:423938,,Transformationen des Wissens zwischen Spätantike und Frühmittelalter. Zur Einführung,VABB-4,1,22,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:423939,,Quantitative Easing Four Centuries Ago: Juan de Mariana's De monetae mutatione (1609),VABB-4,367,379,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423940,,Roman Law and the Intellectual History of International Law,VABB-4,38,58,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423943,,"On Sale, Securities, and Insurance",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423944,,Luce del mondo: una rivendicazione del ruolo storico del diritto canonico,VABB-1,17,27,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:423945,,Het bicamerisme in België in de lange negentiende eeuw,VABB-4,103,124,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:423947,,The status of ambassadors in Lucas de Penna's Commentary on the Tres Libri,VABB-1,165,192,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423948,,Historical Evidence in Court: A Challenge for Lawyers and Historians (Foreword),VABB-4,7,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423951,,"Spanish Scholastics on Money and Credit: Economic, Legal and Political Aspects",VABB-4,267,283,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423952,,The Renewal of Early-Modern Scholarship on the Ambassador. Pierre Ayrault on Diplomatic Immunity,VABB-1,449,468,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423954,,Ius Comune e Historia del Derecho,VABB-1,1,4,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:423955,,Elegant Scholastic Humanism? Arias Piñel's (1515-1563) Critical Revision of Laesio Enormis,VABB-4,137,153,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423957,,"Christinaeus, Decisions",VABB-4,177,180,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:423958,,L'extériorité du for intérieur dans le ius commune des temps modernes,VABB-1,636,653,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:423959,,Mare clausum (The Closure of the Sea or The Ownership of the Sea) 1635 John Selden (1584-1654),VABB-4,190,194,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423960,,Legal Historical Research in Belgium (2015),VABB-1,251,254,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423961,,The Relationship between Civil and Canon Law in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition,VABB-1,343,356,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423964,,Ancien Régime France: Legal Particularism under the Absolute Monarchy,VABB-4,81,107,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423966,,Magna Carta 1215-2015. De la normativité de la gouvernance publique à celle des droits fondamentaux,VABB-1,175,191,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:423967,,Standards for Provisional and Protective Measures in Civil Litigation: What Ethiopian Courts may Learn from US Courts,VABB-1,329,345,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423968,,Licht der Welt. Zur 'historischen' Rolle des Kirchenrechts,VABB-1,521,528,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:423969,,Exzerpieren – Kompilieren – Tradieren. Transformationen des Wissens zwischen Spätantike und Frühmittelalter,VABB-3,,,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:423971,,Rumo a uma ciência do direito jesuíta,VABB-1,73,110,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:423973,,"Droit, religion et remise de dette. Perspectives en droit naturel catholique (XVI-XVIIe siècles)",VABB-1,393,412,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:423975,,Light of the World: Reclaiming the Historic(al) Role of Canon Law,VABB-1,15,23,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423976,,The ‘Reduction’ of Money in the Low Countries c. 1489-1515,VABB-4,167,185,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423977,,Luz del mundo. Reivindicación de la función histórica (transcendental) del Derecho canónico,VABB-1,11,20,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:423978,,"Accursius, Standard Gloss",VABB-4,24,28,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423979,,The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture. 150 Books that Made the Law in the Age of Printing,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423981,,Legal authorities as instruments of conflict management. The long endgame of Anglo-Hanseatic relations (1474-1603),VABB-4,170,191,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:423983,,Antiqui et recentiores: Alberico Gentili – Beyond Mos Italicus and Legal Humanism,VABB-4,11,40,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:423984,,Companies and Company Law in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423986,,The business of running,VABB-4,57,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423988,,Playing an unequal game? Youth sport and social class,VABB-4,265,275,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423989,,Development of composite outcomes for individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis on the effects of diet and lifestyle in pregnancy: a Delphi survey,VABB-1,190,198,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423990,,Tracking and youth sport. The quest for lifelong adherence to sport and physical activity,VABB-4,148,157,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423992,,"Partaking in cycling, at what cost? Determinants of cycling expenses",VABB-1,221,238,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423994,,A study on the frequency of participation and time spent on sport in different organisational settings,VABB-1,635,654,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:423995,,"Balancing between co-ordination, co-operation and competition? A mixed method approach for assessing the role ambiguity of local sports authorities",VABB-1,403,419,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423996,,The Growing Gap between Small- and Large-Country Football Teams in Europe: The Case of Belgium,VABB-4,113,120,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:423998,,"Sport is not for all: toward a renewed future of ""Sport for All"" as a right",VABB-4,129,135,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424002,,Can we consider changes in sports participation as institutional change? A conceptual framework,VABB-1,84,100,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:424004,,The rise and fall of mega-sport events: The future is in non-mega-sport events,VABB-4,84,93,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424008,,Do light sport facilities foster sports participation? A case study on the use of bark running tracks,VABB-1,287,304,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424020,,Facilitating access to sports for people in poverty? A study on local social sports policy,VABB-1,4,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424022,,Coping with recession in the ski-industry: A suppliers’ and consumers’ perspective,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424023,,The blood pressure-lowering effect of a single bout of resistance exercise: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials,VABB-1,1700,1714,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424024,,Exercise improves physical and psychological quality of life in people with depression: A meta-analysis including the evaluation of control group response,VABB-1,47,54,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424025,,"Long-Term Efficacy, Safety, and Pharmacokinetics of Drisapersen in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Results from an Open-Label Extension Study",VABB-1,e0161955,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424026,,Motivating factors and barriers towards exercise in severe mental illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,2869,2881,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424027,,Prevalence and clinical features associated with bipolar disorder polypharmacy: a systematic review,VABB-1,719,735,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424028,,Noninvasive ventilation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: effects on sleep quality and quality of life,VABB-1,389,394,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424029,,A narrative synthesis investigating the use and value of social support to promote physical activity among individuals with schizophrenia,VABB-1,123,150,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424030,,"The prevalence and predictors of obstructive sleep apnea in major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis",VABB-1,290,298,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424031,,A Review of Persuasive Principles in Mobile Apps for Chronic Arthritis Patients: Opportunities for Improvement,VABB-1,e118,-,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424033,,De novo Malignancy and Recurrent Alcoholic Cirrhosis Account for 70% of Deaths in Patients Transplanted for End-Stage Alcoholic Liver Disease,VABB-1,436,7,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424034,,Exercise for depression in older adults: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials adjusting for publication bias,VABB-1,247,254,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424035,,Activity recognition for physical therapy - fusing signal processing patterns and movement patterns,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424036,,Preferences and motivations for exercise in early psychosis,VABB-1,83,84,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424037,,How common is bipolar disorder in general primary care attendees? A systematic review and meta-analysis investigating prevalence determined according to structured clinical assessments,VABB-1,631,639,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424038,,Physical activity in people with PTSD: a systematic review of correlates,VABB-1,910,918,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424039,,Is pain sensitivity altered in people with Alzheimer's disease? A systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental pain research,VABB-1,30,38,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424040,,"How much physical activity do people with schizophrenia engage in? A systematic review, comparative meta-analysis and meta-regression",VABB-1,431,440,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424041,,"Type 2 diabetes in youth exposed to antipsychotics: a systematic review, meta-analysis and exploratory metaregression analysis",VABB-1,247,259,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424042,,The presence of respiratory disorders in individuals with low back pain: a systematic review,VABB-1,77,86,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424043,,Instrumented BASFI (iBASFI) Shows Promising Reliability and Validity in the Assessment of Activity Limitations in Axial Spondyloarthritis,VABB-1,1532,1540,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424044,,"Antipsychotic treatment, prolactin and breast tumorgenesis",VABB-1,234,254,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:424045,,Different vancomycin immuno-assays contribute to the variability in vancomycin trough measurements in neonates,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424046,,Exercise as a treatment for depression: a meta-analysis adjusting for publication bias,VABB-1,42,51,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424047,,"Patient-ventilator asynchrony, leaks and sleep in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424048,,Postural stability during single-leg stance: a preliminary evaluation of non-contact lower extremity injury risk,VABB-1,650,657,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424050,,The association between smoking prevalence and eating disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,1914,1922,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424054,,Proprioceptive use and sit-to-stand-to-sit after lumbar microdiscectomy: the effect of surgical approach and early physiotherapy,VABB-1,40,48,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424055,,Type 2 diabetes among people with posttraumatic stress disorder: systematic review and meta-Analysis,VABB-1,465,473,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424056,,"And the Doctor Continues: ""…But I Have to Choose My Gear Wisely""",VABB-1,1203,4,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:424057,,Challenges establishing the efficacy of exercise as an antidepressant treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of control group responses in exercise randomised controlled trials,VABB-1,699,713,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424058,,How can we increase physical activity and exercise among youth experiencing first-episode psychosis? A systematic review of intervention variables,VABB-1,435,440,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424059,,The immediate effect of different mandibular positions on muscle force in the upper and lower limb. A pilot study in asymptomatic subjects,VABB-1,19,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424060,,Hair ethyl glucuronide and serum carbohydrate deficient transferrin for the assessment of relapse in alcohol-dependent patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424061,,Depression and reduced bone mineral density at the hip and lumbar spine: a comparative meta-analysis of studies in adults 60 years and older,VABB-1,492,500,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424062,,Patterns of disease progression in type 2 and 3 SMA: Implications for clinical trials,VABB-1,126,131,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424063,,Adherence to behavioural interventions in multiple sclerosis: Follow-up meeting report (AD@MS-2),VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424064,,"Definition, discrimination, diagnosis and treatment of central breathing disturbances during sleep",VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:424065,,Sagittal evaluation of usual standing and sitting spinal posture,VABB-1,326,333,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424066,,Are leptin levels increased among people with schizophrenia versus controls? A systematic review and comparative meta-analysis,VABB-1,144,154,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424067,,Exercise improves depressive symptoms in older adults: An umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses,VABB-1,202,209,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424071,,A joint model for hierarchical continuous and zero-inflated overdispersed count data,VABB-1,552,571,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424073,,"How to create online practice opportunities for adult second language learners? NedBox, an online platform for practicing Dutch language skills",VABB-5,2349,2357,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424075,,La lecture individuelle transformée en apprentissage collaboratif dans le domaine de la communication d’entreprise,VABB-4,129,139,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424076,,Sémantique distributionnelle en linguistique de corpus,VABB-1,51,64,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:424077,,"Megamoeilijk, die beeldspraak? Beeldspraak in kindertelevisie aan de hand van de casestudy 'Mega Mindy en het zwarte kristal'",VABB-5,87,101,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424079,,Technologies and Second Languages,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424080,,"The Aprescrilov Corpus, or Broadening the Horizon of Spanish Language Learning in Flanders",VABB-4,143,168,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424082,,Perception of educational culture and learning styles in language learning: the Romanian case,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424083,,Analyse sémantique distributionnelle dans un corpus technique : les enjeux sémantiques dans un jeu de statistiques,VABB-5,273,283,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424084,,Does/Did the Arab spring influence the Arabic language? Methodological issues and critical observations,VABB-5,55,77,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424086,,Handing over and letting go: using online Continuing Medical Education in teaching and assessing medical English language and communication skills to undergraduates,VABB-1,15,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424090,,De staat van de verzorgingsstaat in de EU anno 1992 en 20 jaar later: cijfers en trends,VABB-1,667,712,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:424095,,Milestones in 25 Years of Housing Finance in Belgium,VABB-4,75,91,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424098,,L'état de l'état-providence dans l''UE anno 1992 et 20 ans plus tard,VABB-1,637,818,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:424103,,De staat van de verzorgingsstaat in België omstreeks 2015,VABB-1,725,766,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:424105,,De staat van de verzorgingsstaat in de EU anno 1992 en twintig jaar later,VABB-1,645,820,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:424107,,L'etat de l'état providence dans l'UE en 1992 et 20 ans plus tard: chiffres et tendances,VABB-1,659,704,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:424110,,Extending social protection in health through SSE: possibilities and challenges in West Africa,VABB-4,250,266,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424111,,How to tell green from grey? Towards a methodological framework for evaluating the greening of national tax systems,VABB-1,229,238,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424112,,"Educational tracking, inequality and performance: New evidence from a differences-in-differences technique",VABB-1,334,349,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424113,,#kotumubilirdik. La memoria poli­tica del golpe de Estado del 12 de Septiembre,VABB-1,351,373,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424117,,"Ascription, Achievement, and Perceived Equity of Educational Regimes: An Empirical Investigation",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424124,,Redistribution or Crony Capitalism? Favoritism in Public Procurement Contract Award Processes,VABB-4,67,105,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424126,,Raising awareness for professional roles in the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in Engineering Technology,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424128,,Innovative work behaviour and performance-related pay: rewarding the individual or the collective?,VABB-1,1900,1919,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:424131,,Green construction and team design. Low road and high road teams to build energy-friendly houses,VABB-1,33,49,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424134,,Not All Autonomy is the Same. Different Dimensions of Job Autonomy and Their Relation to Work Engagement & Innovative Work Behavior,VABB-1,515,527,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424138,,"Land and Labour: Rails, Workers and Commuting in South-West Flanders, Belgium, 1830-1930",VABB-4,53,66,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424139,,Utopia Rediscovered: A Redefinition of Utopianism in the Light of the Enclosures of the Commons,VABB-4,534,545,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424142,,"Understanding Students’ Instrumental Goals, Motivation Deficits and Achievement: Through the Lens of a Latent Profile Analysis",VABB-1,226,243,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424143,,Testing willingness and ability as distinguishing factors between family and non-family firms: Contextualizing the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and business performance,VABB-5,1020,1023,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424148,,The Health and Well-Being of Older Adults with Dual Sensory Impairment (DSI) in Four Countries,VABB-1,e0155073,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424149,,Quality of Care and Job Satisfaction in the European Home Care Setting: Research Protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424150,,Sociaal werk(opleidingen) en OCMW: professionalisering van de maatschappelijke dienstverlening,VABB-4,219,235,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424152,,Nachtelijke onrust bij personen met dementie in woonzorgcentra: een verkennende veldstudie. (Nighttime restlessness in people with dementia in residential care: an explorative field study),VABB-1,78,85,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424153,,"Discrimination in the workplace, reported by people with major depressive disorder: a cross-sectional study in 35 countries",VABB-1,e009961,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424156,,Assessment of the priority target group of mental health service networks within a nation-wide reform of adult psychiatry in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424158,,Collaborative approach to Optimise MEdication use for Older people in Nursing homes (COME-ON): study protocol of a cluster controlled trial,VABB-1,35,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424160,,Palliative care needs and symptoms of nursing home residents with and without dementia: A cross-sectional study,VABB-1,1501,1507,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:424161,,Street-level Strategies of Child Welfare Social Workers in Flanders: The Use of Electronic Client Records in Practice,VABB-1,1249,1265,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424162,,Substantial between-country differences in organising community care for older people in Europe—a review,VABB-1,213,219,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424163,,"Exploring synergistic interactions and catalysts in complex interventions: longitudinal, mixed methods case studies of an optimised multi-level suicide prevention intervention in four european countries (Ospi-Europe)",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424166,,"Boekbespreking ""Superdiversiteit. Hoe migratie onze samenleving verandert"" van Dirk Geldof",VABB-1,102,108,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424167,,Exploring Home Care Interventions for Frail Older People in Belgium: A Comparative Effectiveness Study,VABB-1,2251,2256,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424169,,Systems of delivery of health care for persons with developmental disabilities: the case of Belgium,VABB-4,413,417,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424170,,Doctors' experiences and their perception of the most stressful aspects of complaints processes in the UK: an analysis of qualitative survey data,VABB-1,e011711,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424171,,Convergent validity of the interRAI-HC for societal costs estimates in comparison with the RUD Lite instrument in community dwelling older adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424172,,"Why Is Case Management Effective? A Realist Evaluation of Case Management for Frail, Community-Dwelling Older People: Lessons Learned from Belgium",VABB-1,863,880,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424173,,The determinants of informal caregivers' burden in the care of frail older persons: a dynamic and role-related perspective,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:424176,,Health Care Assistants in Home Nursing The Holy Grail or the Emperor’s New Clothes? A Qualitative Study,VABB-1,51,56,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424177,,Effectiveness of Depression-Suicidal Behaviour Gatekeeper Training among police officers in three European regions: Outcomes of the Optimising Suicide Prevention Programmes and Their Implementation in Europe (OSPI-Europe) study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424178,,Counsellors' focus on competitive employment for people with severe mental illness: an application of the theory of planned behaviour in vocational rehabilitation programmes,VABB-1,57,71,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424179,,Missing data at follow-up: The case of the interRAI home care assessment instrument in Belgium,VABB-1,322,327,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424180,,Het maatschappelijk draagvlak voor de ondersteuning van armen. Toen en nu geen evidente zaak,VABB-4,141,155,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424181,,Risk Factors for Malnutrition in Older Adults: A Systematic Review of the Literature Based on Longitudinal Data,VABB-1,507,522,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424190,,Liability under EU Data Protection Law: From Directive 95/46 to the General Data Protection Regulation,VABB-1,270,288,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424192,,Why Research May No Longer Be the Same: About the Territorial Scope of the New Data Protection Regulation,VABB-1,729,748,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424193,,Does Privacy Overpower Journalistic Freedom?,VABB-1,130,134,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424194,,Online dispute resolution: Settling data protection disputes in a digital world of customers,VABB-1,272,285,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424198,,"Forget, erase and delist, but don’t forget the broader issue",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424201,,"Did the Romans Get it Right? What Delfi, Google, eBay, and UPC TeleKabel Wien Have in Common",VABB-4,101,116,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424208,,Privacy by Design: From research and policy to practice - the challenge of multi-disciplinarity,VABB-5,199,212,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424210,,Digital Piracy Debunked: a Short Note on Digital Threats and Intermediary Liability,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424212,,Orphan works and out-of-commerce works to make the European cultural heritage available: are we there yet?,VABB-4,189,209,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424214,,"EU Competition Law, Data Protection and Online Platforms: Data as Essential Facility",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424221,,Interception of Telecommunications and Emails Seizure: What Are the EU Charter’s Limitations?,VABB-1,258,261,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424223,,Overzicht van de Europese- en Beneluxrechtspraak inzake Gemeenschaps- en Beneluxmerken (2013-2015),VABB-1,241,319,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424226,,"Arbeidshof Brussel 18 mei 2015, nr. 2014/AB/996, noot",VABB-1,124,129,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424227,,Context van de Europese Merkenhervorming,VABB-1,3,16,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424228,,Calibrating intellectual property: let’s not get lost in metaphysics,VABB-1,137,159,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424230,,Abuse of rights in Belgian and French patent law - A case law analysis,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424231,,Identity-Theft Through e-Government Services – Government to Pay the Bill?,VABB-4,253,264,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424233,,Verwerking werknemersgegevens. De onderneming als referentiepunt,VABB-1,750,762,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424240,,Innovation without Property?,VABB-4,300,314,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424241,,From Notice-and-Takedown to Notice-and-Delist: Implementing Google Spain,VABB-1,219,258,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424242,,The legitimacy of bulk transfers of PNR data to law enforcement authorities under the strict scrutiny of AG Mengozzi,VABB-1,596,601,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424245,,Intellectual Property Ownership in Coupled Open Innovation Processes,VABB-1,262,302,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424246,,"License contracts, free software and creative Commons – An overview of the state of play in Belgium”",VABB-4,51,76,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424247,,De professionele identiteit van de muziekdocent,VABB-1,84,95,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:424249,,De surrogaatvaders van Paul Thomas Anderson. De Amerikaanse auteurscinema vandaag,VABB-4,163,179,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424250,,Schermen met seks(dualiteit). Het emancipatorische belang van televisierepresentaties van seks en seksualiteit voor het jonge kijkpubliek,VABB-4,63,78,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424251,,"To play, or not to play? That’s the question! Exploring A Child-Perspective On Play To Negotiate Power Relations In Participatory Design Processes Involving Children",VABB-5,112,123,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424252,,"The emerging pedagogy of MOOC's, the educational design of technology and practices of study",VABB-1,309,328,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424254,,No Content without Form. Graphic Style as the Primary Entrance to a Story,VABB-4,67,88,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424255,,The GLID method: Moving from design features to underlying values in co-design,VABB-1,116,128,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424258,,Granitgrund. Ein Prolog,VABB-4,4,9,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:424260,,Anchoring and transcendence: PD as an 'enabler' in quality of life,VABB-5,37,40,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424264,,Of savages and wild children. Contrasting representations of foreign cultures and disobedient white children during the Belle Epoque,VABB-4,55,70,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424265,,Gatekeeping in Comics Publishing. A Practical Guide to Gatekeeping Research,VABB-4,205,217,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424268,,Designing an Educational Music Game: What if Children Were Calling The Tune?,VABB-1,20,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424269,,Het museum als medium. Over het absurde conceptualisme van Gust Gils,VABB-4,93,134,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:424272,,Chronotopies de mondes virtuels,VABB-4,179,185,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424273,,Sharing Methods for Involving People with Impairments in Design: Exploring the Method Story Approach,VABB-5,3331,3338,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424277,,De l'usurisme. Faces/phases de l'usure,VABB-4,62,73,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424280,,Why are designers fascinated by flax and hemp fibre composites?,VABB-1,193,205,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424281,,Technologie und Mündlichkeit,VABB-5,149,158,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:424287,,From Hacking Things to Making Things. Rethinking making by supporting non-expert users in a FabLab,VABB-1,47,64,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424288,,Gatekeeping in comics publishing. A practical guide to gatekeeping research concerning a particular sector of the publishing industry,VABB-4,205,218,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424289,,"The artist as anthropologist of the current globalisation: a view on the present-day cultural imagination in the artworks of Xu Bing, Takashi Murakami and Shahzia Sikander",VABB-1,307,321,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424290,,Der Kunstlehrer Jacotot - Jacques Rancière und die Kunstpraxis,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424292,,The Right to Vote for Non-resident Citizens in Europe,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424293,,Voting cohesion of the BRICS countries in the UN General Assembly 2006-2014: a BRICS too far?,VABB-1,389,407,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424294,,Informal Division of labour in EU foreign policy-making,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:424295,,The impact of home-country institutions and competition on firm profitability,VABB-1,831,846,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424296,,Multi-output profit efficiency and directional distance functions,VABB-1,100,109,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424297,,The impact of financial slack on explorative and exploitative knowledge sourcing from universities,VABB-1,689,706,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424298,,To Mix or Specialise? A Coordination Productivity Indicator for English and Welsh farms,VABB-1,779,798,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424303,,De Hoogstraat in de laatmiddeleeuwse Brabantse steden. Enkele beschouwingen over stadstopografische overeenkomsten en verschillen,VABB-1,50,75,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424307,,"De Vlaamse waternamen. Verklarend en geïllustreerd woordenboek. Deel I. De provincies Antwerpen, Limburg, Vlaams-Brabant en het Brussels Gewest",VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424308,,After Globalism,VABB-1,337,341,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424309,,"Hemels zoet. Culinaire adviezen en desserts op het Vlaamse platteland, 1900-1940",VABB-1,43,63,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424310,,Schadeherstel in natura wegens contractuele wanprestatie: over miskenning van de tewerkstelllingsverbintenis in arbeidsovereenkomsten (noot onder Arbh. (5e k.) Brussel 18 mei 2015),VABB-1,259,268,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424312,,Plaatsvervangende uitspraak bij misbruik van stemrecht in de algemene vergadering: mogelijkheden en grenzen,VABB-1,523,554,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424316,,Les sécrets du graal et la naissance de l'espace romanesque,VABB-4,219,232,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:424322,,Du dieu-écrivain a l'écrivain-dieu,VABB-5,113,126,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424323,,Don Quichotte imposteur,VABB-5,155,182,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424326,,Conclusion,VABB-5,225,234,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:424327,,Time and Temporality in European Modernism (1900-1950),VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424329,,The Many Faces of Time in Modern Literature,VABB-4,9,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424331,,"The Teller or the Tale? Narration, Genre and Irishness in ‘Squire Toby’s Will’",VABB-4,139,153,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424332,,Irish Women Writers and the Modern Short Story,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424333,,Narrating the Community: The Short Story Cycles of Val Mulkerns and Mary Beckett,VABB-4,17,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424334,,More’s Mere Words: Utopia Writ Large,VABB-4,510,521,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424343,,“De Vlammende Muren van de Wereld”: De Representatie van het Romeinse Rijk in Walter Paters Marius the Epicurean (1885),VABB-1,70,75,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424345,,Presentation: Translating Testimony,VABB-1,49,55,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424346,,"""The Flaming Ramparts of the World"": The Function of Lucretius in Walter Pater's Marius the Epicurean",VABB-1,222,243,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424347,,"Translation, Testimony, Activism: An Interview with Samah Selim",VABB-1,143,150,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424348,,Aan de barbaren de eindzege?,VABB-1,29,40,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424349,,Brussels,VABB-4,530,545,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424350,,"Sprookspreker Jan Bot, heraut Gelre en het ontstaan van de Korte kroniek van Holland",VABB-1,323,350,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424352,,Deviance and the Subversive Grotesque in Barbara Gowdy’s 'We So Seldom Look on Love',VABB-1,120,141,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424353,,marginal(ising) Mothers and Transitional Objects in William Trevor's Cheating at Canasta,VABB-1,123,139,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424356,,The Professional Status of Public Service Interpreters. A Comparison with Nurses,VABB-1,174,183,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424359,,Quality of work in prostitution and sex work,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424364,,Paranoid Shrinks: The Circulation of Cultural Materials in Pynchon and Antunes,VABB-1,81,96,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424365,,Poëzieanalyse vandaag. Een woord vooraf,VABB-1,109,112,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:424366,,Luigi di Verona of Louis Ferron als pornograaf,VABB-1,405,421,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:424370,,So You Think You Can Write... Handbooks for Detective Fiction,VABB-4,91,109,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424371,,A main class of Integral Inequalities with Applications,VABB-1,569,584,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424372,,"Clelia curves, twisted surfaces and Plücker’s conoid in Euclidean and Minkowski 3-space",VABB-5,59,73,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424373,,Students’ ability to connect function properties to functions in different representational modes,VABB-5,203,210,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424374,,Designing an MOOC as an agent-platform aggregating heterogeneous virtual learning environments,VABB-1,980,997,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424375,,ON SOME STATISTICAL AND PROBABILISTIC INEQUALITIES,VABB-1,49,76,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424376,,Bridging User Story Sets with the Use Case Model,VABB-5,127,138,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424378,,"What differentiates top regions in the field of biotechnology? An empirical study of the texture characteristics of biotech regions in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific",VABB-1,671,688,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424379,,Growing Lemons and Cherries? Pre- and Postacquisition Performance of Foreign-acquired Firms in New EU-member States,VABB-1,751,772,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424381,,A Gravity Equation for Commuting with an Application to Estimating Regional Border Effects in Belgium,VABB-1,155,175,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424383,,Not Every Kind of Outward FDI Increases Parent Firm Performance: The Case of New EU Member States.”,VABB-1,74,97,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424384,,"Bright past, shady future? Past and potential future export performance of CEE countries in a comparative perspective",VABB-1,728,745,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424386,,"Access to Finance, Exporting and a Non-Monotonic Firm Expansion",VABB-1,131,155,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424387,,The Performance of Trading Firms in the Services Sectors – Comparable Evidence from Four EU Countries,VABB-1,1809,1849,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424388,,Did export promotion help firms weather the crisis?,VABB-1,653,702,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424390,,How do exporters react to changes in cost competitiveness?,VABB-1,1558,1583,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424391,,The Effectiveness of Investment Subsidies. Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design,VABB-1,1007,1032,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424392,,International rent sharing and takeovers,VABB-1,268,302,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424395,,Peer group as a meeting place: Reconstructions of teachers’ self-understanding and the presence of vulnerability,VABB-1,7,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424396,,The emotional dimension in teachers’ work lives: A narrative-biographical perspective,VABB-4,31,42,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424397,,Stability and change of mentoring practices in a capricious policy environment: Opening the “Black Box of Institutionalization”,VABB-1,303,336,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424398,,A narrative analysis of a teacher educator’s professional learning journey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424399,,The emotional dimension in becoming a teacher,VABB-4,429,461,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424400,,School: Everyone can learn everything,VABB-4,263,271,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424401,,Hangen cijferprestaties van leerlingen in het basisonderwijs samen met het gebruikte wiskundehandboek? Een mixed methods analyse,VABB-1,206,222,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:424402,,Tracking of the inferior alveolar nerve: its implication in surgical planning,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:424403,,Do the teacher and school factors of the dynamic model affect high- and low-achieving student groups to the same extent? a cross-country study,VABB-1,183,211,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424404,,Country and gender differences in the functioning of CEFR-based can-do statements as a tool for self-assessing English proficiency,VABB-1,251,276,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424406,,456’s got talent!,VABB-5,324,336,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424407,,Assessing engineering students with multiple-choice exams: theoretical and empirical analysis of scoring methods,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424410,,Modified Mandibular Inferior Border Sagittal Split Osteotomy Reduces Postoperative Risk for Developing Inferior Border Defects,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424411,,The long-term differential achievement effects of school socioeconomic composition in primary education: A propensity score matching approach,VABB-1,x,xx,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424412,,Effects of kindergarten retention for at-risk children's psychosocial development,VABB-1,1354,1389,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424414,,The effects of early grade retention: Effect modification by prior achievement and age,VABB-1,77,93,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424416,,"Teachers’ everyday professional development: Mapping informal learning activities, antecedents, and learning outcomes",VABB-1,1111,1150,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424419,,Team learning in teacher teams: Team entitativity as a bridge between teams-in-theory and teams-in-practice,VABB-1,275,298,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424421,,Het onderwijs: een loopbaan met hindernissen,VABB-4,133,152,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424423,,Informal workplace learning among nurses: Organisational learning conditions and personal characteristics that predict learning outcomes,VABB-1,435,450,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424424,,Evaluatie en monitoring in armoedebeleid,VABB-1,39,45,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424425,,Hoe waterdicht is het leefloon? Onderzoek naar de (niet-)dekking door de minimumbescherming in België,VABB-4,158,167,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424427,,Sorveglianza sanitaria dei lavoratori: incombenza burocratica o sostanziale prevenzione? Risultati preliminari di uno studio sullo stato di applicazione in Europa della Direttiva 89/391,VABB-1,189,192,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:424429,,Timing and Sequencing of Peacebuilding Reforms and Policies. People-Centred Priorization for Post-Conflict Peacebuilding,VABB-4,441,452,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424430,,A General Class of Social Distance Measures,VABB-1,211,225,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424431,,"What's in a frame!? A comparative content analysis of American, British, French, and Russian news articles",VABB-1,777,801,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424432,,Building Sustainable Peace: Timing and Sequencing of Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Peacebuilding,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424433,,Staging a “Revolution”: The 2011-2012 Electoral Protests in Senegal,VABB-1,61,82,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424434,,To address or not to address the violent past in the classroom? That is the question in Côte d’Ivoire,VABB-1,153,171,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424435,,Exclusive use in an inclusive environment: the meaning of the non-appropriation principle for space resource exploitation,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424437,,"Manderlier v Organisation des Nations Unies and Etat Belge (Ministre des Affaires Etrangères), Tribunal Civil de Bruxelles, 11 May 1966",VABB-4,364,374,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424438,,Human Rights or Global Public Goods: Which Lens for Development Cooperation?,VABB-1,334,356,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424439,,Global Public Goods and Democracy in International Legal Scholarship,VABB-1,4,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424440,,"Western European Union v Siedler, and others, Belgian Court of Cassation, 21 December 2009",VABB-4,424,431,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424441,,"Distributing Educational Opportunities: Positionality, Equality and Responsibility",VABB-1,575,598,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424443,,Disciplines on State-owned Enterprises in International Economic Law: Are we Moving in the Right Direction?,VABB-1,657,680,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424444,,Universal Human Rights? Exploring Contestation and Consensus in the UN Human Rights Council,VABB-1,219,247,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424445,,Les politiques migratoires extérieures de l'Union européenne à l'épreuve des droits de l'homme,VABB-1,175,181,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424446,,"Demirel v Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd, Final judgment, Case C-12/86, [1987] ECR 3719",VABB-4,1,11,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:424447,,The Protection of Labour Rights in Trade Agreements. The Case of the EU-Colombia Agreement,VABB-1,587,610,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424448,,Bridging the EU-China’s gap on the Rule of Law?,VABB-1,95,106,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424451,,The Role of the Air-Space Boundary in Regulating Military Use of Outer Space,VABB-1,25,70,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424452,,The Legitimacy of the International Order,VABB-1,294,329,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424453,,From Government to Governance. A Symbolic Mutation and its Repercussions for Democracy,VABB-1,2,17,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424454,,Foreignness and Republican Indecision,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424455,,Disused unitary satellites and the non-appropriation principle: a functional incompatibility,VABB-4,451,461,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424456,,Responsabilité sociale des entreprises: l'Union avance-t-elle à reculons?,VABB-1,378,385,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424457,,"Segi and ors v Council of the European Union, Spain (intervening) and United Kingdom (intervening), Judgment, Case C-355/04 P, [2007] ECR I-1657",VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424458,,Justice for Darfur: the ICC and domestic justice initiatives eleven years after the UN Security Council referral,VABB-1,885,912,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424459,,Restorative justice as healing justice: looking back to the future of the concept,VABB-1,141,147,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424460,,De implementatie van lokaal veiligheidsbeleid: op zoek naar een theoretisch kader,VABB-1,25,48,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424461,,Criminologische reflecties over de haalbaarheid en wenselijkheid van een uitbreiding van het rookverbod,VABB-4,527,562,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424463,,"Over jongeren als dader, slachtoffer en de link tussen beiden",VABB-1,1,13,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424465,,Fear of Crime as a ‘Sponge’: Toward a More Dynamic Understanding of the Relationship Between Generalized Social Attitudes and Fear of Crime,VABB-4,3,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424469,,School vs. mail surveys: Disentangling selection and measurement effects in self-reported juvenile delinquency,VABB-1,92,110,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424474,,The Performance of Memory as Transitional Justice,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424476,,The Market for Doping Products: A Quasi-Illegal Market and Its Suppliers,VABB-4,71,92,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424478,,Intra- and Interorganisational Trust in a Judicial Context: An Exploratory Case Study,VABB-4,115,130,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424481,,"The harms of human trafficking: demonstrating the applicability and value of a new framework for systematic, empirical analysis",VABB-1,152,180,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424482,,Transitional Justice,VABB-4,52,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424484,,Towards a Theory of Organized Crime: Some Preliminary Reflections,VABB-4,3,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424486,,Facing the Past. Amending Historical Injustices through Instruments of Transitional Justice,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424490,,Restorative justice and criminal justice systems in Europe/La giustizia riparativa e i sistemi di giustizia penale europei,VABB-1,24,32,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424491,,Normalisation of behaviour in public space: the construction and control of 'public nuisance' in Belgium,VABB-4,95,107,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424493,,Op zoek naar innovatie in het beleidsimplementatieonderzoek: de meerwaarde van ‘Qualitative Comparative Analysis’,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424495,,Verfoeilijke technologie?,VABB-1,81,89,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424497,,Victims and/or perpetrators? Towards an interdisciplinary dialogue on child soldiers,VABB-1,15,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424499,,Het moeilijke samengaan van beschermen en sanctioneren: naar een LAT-relatie?,VABB-1,106,123,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424501,,De nieuwe GAS-wet. Zuurstof of stikstof voor steden en gemeenten?,VABB-1,4,10,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424503,,The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth? On the Role of Truth Commissions in Facing the Past,VABB-4,227,248,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424513,,Child Soldiers and Transitional Justice. Protecting the Rights of Children Involved in Armed Conflicts,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424515,,Human Rights in Situations of Transitional Justice,VABB-4,235,246,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424517,,How police detectives deal with policy alienation in the investigation of human exploitation crimes. Reinforcing or counterbalacing fatalism,VABB-4,137,152,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424522,,Outside Criminology: Selected Essays by Stanley Cohen,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424523,,Exploring Restorative Justice in Situations of Political Violence: The Case of Ex-combatants in Colombia,VABB-4,37,55,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424524,,De mogelijkheden en beperkingen van herstelrecht bij seksueel geweld. Verslag van een Europees project,VABB-1,70,74,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424529,,Víctimas en justicia restaurativa: ¿Sujetos activos o en necesidad? Un estudio europeo desde la perspectiva de operadores sociales,VABB-1,1437,1458,,spa,2015,1 c:vabb:424530,,Normalisering van werken of werken aan normalisering? Gevangenisarbeid in België en Noorwegen,VABB-1,21,29,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424534,,The perfect data-marriage: Transitional Justice Research and Oral History Life Stories,VABB-1,7,58,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424535,,With a little help from a friend: desistance through victim–offender mediation in Belgium,VABB-1,345,368,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424536,,Wederzijds vertrouwen is geen blind vertrouwen: het Europees aanhoudingsbevel en detentiecondities binnen de Europese Unie,VABB-1,530,539,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424539,,From the banal to the grand,VABB-4,11,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424541,,"Alternatives to Prison Detention in France: much ado about law, little about criminology",VABB-1,92,109,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424542,,Enkele tips voor de organisatie van de nalatenschap [Partim 11-17],VABB-1,604,658,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424544,,De successierechten [Partim 2-5],VABB-1,377,417,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424545,,De wettige erfopvolging,VABB-1,49,104,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:424546,,Erfrecht [Partim 5-7],VABB-1,94,126,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424547,,Enkele tips voor de organisatie van de nalatenschap [Partim 2-10],VABB-1,540,604,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424548,,De ouderlijke boedelverdeling,VABB-1,507,540,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424549,,[De successierechten] Ontstaan van de belastingschuld,VABB-1,269,377,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424550,,[Onroerend goed en de successierechten] Het belastbaar actief: de nagelaten goederen - De waardering van het belastbaar actief,VABB-1,374,407,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:424551,,Erfrecht [Partim 12-15],VABB-1,240,268,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424553,,"Vereffening, verdeling en tussengeschillen",VABB-1,126,181,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424554,,Erfrecht [Partim 9-11],VABB-1,181,240,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424555,,De successierechten [Partim 6-9],VABB-1,418,506,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424556,,Erfrecht [Partim 1-3],VABB-1,17,48,,dut,2013,2 c:vabb:424563,,Scientia generalis and Encyclopaedia,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424568,,The Problem of Generation and Destruction in Spinoza’s System,VABB-1,89,113,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424570,,"The Intimate Universal. The Hidden Porosity Among Religion, Art, Philosophy, and Politics",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424575,,Paris and Berlin: On City Streets and Loggias,VABB-1,121,128,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424580,,Categories versus Schemata: Kant’s Two-Aspect Theory of Pure Concepts and his Critique of Wolffian Metaphysics,VABB-1,441,468,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424581,,Existential struggles in Dostoevsky’s the Brothers Karamazov,VABB-1,279,296,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424582,,Godsends. On the Surprise of Revelation,VABB-1,7,28,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:424584,,Utopianism in today's health care,VABB-1,431,449,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424585,,Des limites de l’expérience: Leibniz et l'explication des phénomènes magnétiques,VABB-4,143,160,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424586,,"""Spem in Aliud..."" What (Other) May I Hope For?",VABB-1,473,498,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424589,,The Creature that can still survive: Walter Benjamin on Mickey Mouse and Rhythmic Movement,VABB-1,165,186,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424596,,Leibniz et les accidents réels,VABB-4,41,59,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424598,,The End and Rebirth of Nature? From Politics of Nature to Synthetic Biology,VABB-1,109,124,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424599,,Hoeveel secularisatie kan de moderniteit verdragen?,VABB-1,157,166,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424602,,Cassirer’s Functional Conception of the Human Being,VABB-1,169,189,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424603,,It Always Seems Impossible until It’s Done,VABB-4,546,554,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424614,,Celebrating the Between. A Liturgical-Metaxological Experience of Nature and Its Ethical Implications,VABB-1,32,50,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424616,,Ratio est Fides. Contemporary Philosophy as Virtuous Thought,VABB-1,154,170,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424617,,"Creation as revelation. God, nature, and history in Schelling",VABB-1,41,55,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424618,,Reinhold's Elementarphilosophie: A Scholastic or Critical Philosophical System?,VABB-1,17,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424622,,Revisionist Versus Broad Bioethics and Biolaw,VABB-4,143,160,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424624,,De semantische uniformiteit van het morele. Over een vooronderstelling in de hedendaagse meta-ethiek,VABB-1,121,153,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:424625,,"Van Parijsian Linguistic Justice – Context, Analysis and Critiques",VABB-1,87,112,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424628,,Spinoza on Human and Divine Justice,VABB-1,21,41,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424629,,Hannah Arendt (1906-75),VABB-4,348,352,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424630,,The Myth of a Judeo-Christian Tradition: Introducing a European Perspective,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424631,,E pluribus unum? The manifold meanings of sovereignty,VABB-1,15,36,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424632,,"Straf, veroordeling, herstel",VABB-1,851,562,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:424633,,Power and representation in governance 'politics'. An analysis on the basis of Claude Lefort's work,VABB-1,173,193,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424634,,Non-Territorial Jurisdictional Authority: A Radical possibility in Need of a Critique,VABB-4,35,56,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424635,,Reflections on the utopian mind,VABB-1,417,429,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424637,,De gecontroleerde schizofrenie van een gelovige filosoof. Ricoeurs posthegeliaans kantianisme,VABB-1,133,156,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424638,,"Helots, Spartans and Contemporary Wars Within",VABB-1,351,359,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424639,,A Genealogy of the ‘Judeo-Christian’ Signifier: A Tale of Europe’s Identity Crisis,VABB-4,267,284,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424642,,Talking money. How market-based valuation can undermine environmental protection,VABB-1,253,260,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424643,,Can We Democratize Global Governance? Two Guiding Scenarios Based on a Narrative Approach,VABB-4,15,36,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424644,,Terug naar het begin: Een onderzoek naar het principe van constituerende macht,VABB-1,133,149,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:424645,,Why Should We Prevent a Global Anglo-American Life-World? A Democratic-Deliberative Answer,VABB-1,15,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424647,,Is there a Judeo-Christian Tradition? A European Perspective,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424648,,Geobsedeerd met grenzen. Een polemiek tegen het inclusie/exclusie-discours,VABB-1,30,36,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424650,,"Van Parijsian Linguistic Justice: Context, Analysis and Critiques",VABB-4,1,28,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424651,,The Liberal Linguistic Turn: Kymlicka’s Freedom Account Revisited,VABB-1,51,65,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424652,,Legitimacy without visibility? On the role of mini-publics in the democratic system,VABB-4,129,146,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424653,,Democracy and its Disfigurements. An Interview with Nadia Urbinati,VABB-1,155,177,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424654,,Linguistic Justice. Van Parijs and his critics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424656,,What’s Wrong with Social Utopianism?,VABB-4,555,570,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424657,,"Diversity, Federalism and the Nineteenth-century Liberals",VABB-1,184,205,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424658,,How Morality Can Be Absent from Moral Arguments,VABB-1,443,463,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424659,,"Seeing Color, Seeing Emotion, Seeing Moral Value",VABB-1,539,555,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424660,,Tzedakah: The True Religion of Spinoza's Tractatus?,VABB-1,78,106,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424662,,To Infer Liberalism from Value Pluralism,VABB-1,663,688,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424664,,Children of the Cosmos. Presenting a Toy Model of Science with a Supporting Cast of Infinitesimals,VABB-4,5,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424665,,"Assertion, Knowledge and Rational Credibility: The Scoreboard",VABB-4,137,164,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424666,,Visualising the Boolean Algebra B_4 in 3D,VABB-4,289,292,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424667,,"Cigarettes, dollars and bitcoins - an essay on the ontology of money",VABB-1,327,347,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424669,,A Theory of Interpretation for Comparative and Chinese Philosophy,VABB-1,575,589,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:424670,,Letter to the Editor: Robustness is the kind of coherence that matters: a comment on Kendler (2015),VABB-1,1563,1564,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424671,,Wetenschapsfilosofie van de sociale wetenschappen,VABB-4,39,57,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424672,,Lesser-known theories of homosexuality,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424673,,De dynamische wending in de epistemische logica,VABB-1,365,391,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:424674,,Justified Belief: Knowledge First-Style,VABB-1,79,100,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424675,,Perceptual Justification: Factive Reasons and Fallible Virtues,VABB-4,164,183,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424677,,Extension of Family Resemblance Concepts as a Necessary Condition of Interpretation across Traditions,VABB-1,475,497,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424679,,The Tertiary Value Problem and the Superiority of Knowledge,VABB-1,397,410,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424680,,Counterfactual theories of knowledge and the notion of actuality,VABB-1,1647,1673,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424681,,No Luck in the Distance: A Reply to Freitag,VABB-1,89,100,,ger,2016,1 c:vabb:424682,,Escaping the Conceptual Analysis Straightjacket: Pathological Mechanisms and Canguilhem’s Biological Philosophy,VABB-1,395,418,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424683,,The Life of Reason: R.S. Peters' Stoic Philosophy of Education,VABB-1,21,38,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424684,,The causal structure of evolutionary theory,VABB-1,421,434,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424685,,Excusing Prospective Agents,VABB-1,119,128,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424687,,Chance in Evolution,VABB-3,,,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:424688,,The Interaction between Logic and Geometry in Aristotelian Diagrams,VABB-4,67,82,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424689,,The Dynamics of Surprise,VABB-1,251,277,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424690,,Non-Probabilistic Decision Strategies behind the Veil,VABB-1,557,572,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424691,,The real epistemic problem of cognitive penetration,VABB-1,1457,1475,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424692,,New theory about old evidence. A framework for open-minded Bayesianism,VABB-1,1225,1250,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424693,,Assertion: Just One Way to Take It Back,VABB-1,385,391,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424694,,Revisiting Wittgenstein on family resemblance and colour(s),VABB-1,254,280,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424695,,Is Organismic Fitness at the Basis of Evolutionary Theory?,VABB-1,1081,1091,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424696,,Guilt by association?,VABB-1,570,585,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424697,,Norman and Truetemp revisited reliabilistically: a proper functionalist defeat account of clairvoyance,VABB-1,89,110,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424698,,Metalogical Decorations of Logical Diagrams,VABB-1,233,292,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424699,,Can altruism be unified?,VABB-1,32,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424701,,Fundamentals of Comparative and Intercultural Philosophy,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424702,,"Perception, History and Benefit",VABB-1,61,76,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424703,,Luck,VABB-1,,,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:424704,,Decreased reproductive success,VABB-4,1,3,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424705,,Assertion: Knowledge is Enough,VABB-1,3041,3056,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424706,,Contextualizing Medical Norms: Georges Canguilhem's Surnaturalism,VABB-4,81,100,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424708,,Epistemic Frankfurt Cases Revisited,VABB-1,27,37,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424709,,The organism-centered approach to cultural evolution,VABB-1,283,290,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424710,,"The Puzzle of Perceptual Justification: Conscious Experience, Higher-order Beliefs, and Reliable Processes",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424711,,evoText: A new tool for analyzing the biological sciences,VABB-1,83,87,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424712,,Ballonnen boven de filosofische freesmachine. De publieksfilosoof als motivator en rolmodel,VABB-1,245,249,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424714,,Norms of Belief,VABB-1,374,392,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424715,,"Deligny, Fernand (1913–1996)",VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424718,,Deaf history Western Europe,VABB-4,248,253,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424721,,"A plea for commonality: disability history, discourses of rehabilitation, and the individual",VABB-1,147,161,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424723,,Een bijzondere zorg voor het zelf: Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van het Buitengewoon Katholiek Onderwijs in België,VABB-1,272,277,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:424724,,"Lessons in silence: Power, diversity and the educationalization of silence",VABB-1,59,74,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424727,,Silence and diversity,VABB-1,3,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424728,,An intellective perspective on Aristotle: Iamblichus the Divine,VABB-4,341,357,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424730,,Proclus' Defence of the Timaeus against Aristotle: A Reconstruction of a Lost Polemical Treatise,VABB-4,327,352,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424733,,"Plutarch’s unphilosophical lives: philosophical, after all?",VABB-4,101,126,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424735,,Political Advice,VABB-4,135,149,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424740,,The cruel consistency of De sera numinis vindicta,VABB-4,37,56,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424741,,"Problemata Physica: liber 32, tr. Bartholomaeus de Messana",VABB-2,,,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:424742,,Dante e le 'Auctoritates Aristotelis',VABB-4,187,202,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424743,,Knowledge After the Fall. Milton and the Question of Censorship,VABB-4,57,73,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424745,,Il confronto di Giovanni Filopono con Alessandro di Afrodisia intorno al problema della conversione delle proposizioni,VABB-1,317,339,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:424747,,Ideaal maar niet idyllisch? Over de Utopia van Thomas More,VABB-1,4,10,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424750,,De Nilo (uel De inundatione Nili). Translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424751,,Mind Over Matter: Aquinas's Transformation of Aristotle's Definition of 'Change',VABB-1,45,68,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424754,,Wenn ein 'weiser Meister' ein Heiliger wird: Die Figur des Thomas von Aquin und das Lehren und Studieren im 14. Jahrhundert,VABB-4,243,254,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:424756,,"Another Aristotelian Florilegium (Paris, BnF, Lat. 14704)",VABB-4,115,137,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424757,,"Epistula ad Alexandrum, tr. anonyma",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424758,,Ibn Sīnā. A Philosophical Mysticism or a Philosophy of Mysticism?,VABB-1,37,54,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424759,,Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s Use of al-Ghazālī’s Mishkāt in His Commentary on the Light Verse (Q. 24:35),VABB-4,229,252,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424760,,Pietro d'Abano between Text and Tradition: Introduction,VABB-4,11,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424761,,Aristoteles Latinus Database - online. Release 3,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424763,,Aristotle's Comparative Logic: a Modest Proposal,VABB-1,559,571,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424764,,Chatton and Ockham: A Fourteenth Century Discussion on Philosophical and Theological Concepts of God,VABB-1,147,167,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424765,,"Delectatio, gaudium, fruitio. Three Kinds of Pleasure for Three Kinds of Knowledge in Thomas Aquinas",VABB-1,543,552,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424766,,Prolegomena to an Edition of Albert’s Topics,VABB-1,69,85,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424767,,De coloribus. Translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka,VABB-2,,,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:424770,,Realism vs Utopianism. The Problem of the Prince in the Early-Modern Netherlands,VABB-1,357,390,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424771,,"Soul and Matter as the Place of Forms. Neoplatonic Interpretations of Aristotle, De anima III 4, 429a27-9",VABB-4,233,257,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424772,,Simplicius on Predication,VABB-1,173,199,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424773,,Between Text and Tradition. Pietro d'Abano and the Reception of Pseudo-Aristotle's Problemata Physica in the Middle Ages,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424774,,Syrianus and Proclus on Aristotle,VABB-4,374,393,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424775,,What is epistemic authority? A model and some examples from ancient philosophy,VABB-4,21,46,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424777,,Harmonizing Faith and Knowledge of God’s Existence in St. Thomas,VABB-4,137,160,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424778,,Abū al-Barakāt al-Baghdādī and His Use of Ibn Sīnā’s al-Ḥikma al-‘Arūḍiyya (or another work closely related to it) in the Logical Part of His Kitāb al-Mu‘tabar,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424780,,Simplicius on the relation between quality and qualified,VABB-1,111,140,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424781,,Loób and Kapwa: An Introduction to a Filipino Virtue Ethics,VABB-1,148,171,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424784,,The Appropriation of Aristotle in the Ps-Pythagorean Treatises,VABB-4,202,217,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424785,,"Ego, Petrus Paduanus, philosophie minimus alumpnorum. Pietro d'Abano's Preface to his Expositio Problematum Aristotilis",VABB-4,21,52,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424787,,Translation and Authority - Authorities in Translation: introduction,VABB-4,9,15,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424788,,Metaphysics of God,VABB-4,236,247,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424789,,Translation and Authority - Authorities in Translation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424790,,La sillogistica aristotelica del necessario in alcune interpretazioni novecentesche,VABB-1,445,463,,ita,2016,1 c:vabb:424793,,Wilhelm von Moerbeke,VABB-4,151,157,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424794,,"Teaching Aristotle at the Louvain Faculty of Arts, 1425-1500: General Regulations and Handwritten Testimonies",VABB-1,813,844,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424796,,Les passions et l'Occident,VABB-1,83,88,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:424799,,De coloribus. Translatio Bartholomaei de Messana,VABB-2,,,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:424802,,Priscian: Answers to King Khosroes of Persia,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424803,,‘Tis all mine and none mine!’ Justus Lipsius and his influence on political commonplace books,VABB-4,279,297,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424804,,A versatile gentleman. Consistency in Plutarch’s writing,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424805,,Maîtrise et médiation: Remarques sur la pauvreté d'esprit et la noblesse d'âme au Concile de Vienne,VABB-1,155,165,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:424814,,Do we have to choose between conceptualism and non-conceptualism?,VABB-1,645,665,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424815,,Retorica corporea. Le “constructed situations” di Tino Sehgal,VABB-1,1,12,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424816,,The Dark Night of the Care for the Soul – Politics and Despair in Jan Patočka’s Sixth Heretical Essay,VABB-4,161,181,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424817,,Torture and Trust in the World. A Phenomenological Essay,VABB-1,83,99,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424818,,A Rumor of Philosophy. On Thinking War in Clausewitz,VABB-1,12,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424821,,Angst als fremde Macht,VABB-4,229,243,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:424822,,"Metaphysics, Transgression, and Enjoyment",VABB-1,38,42,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424824,,"Zwischen den Diskursen oder inmitten der Erfahrung, wie und wo entsteht Geschichte?",VABB-1,155,170,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:424826,,"Religion jenseits von Mythos und Aufklärung. Edmund Husserl, Jan Patočka, María Zambrano und Jacques Derrida über das geistige Erbe Europas",VABB-1,151,179,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:424828,,He Who Saw the Deep: The Epic of Gilgamesh in Patočka’s Philosophy of History,VABB-4,135,159,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424829,,Horizonal Extensions of Attention: A Phenomenological Study of the Contextuality and Habituality of Experience,VABB-1,41,61,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424830,,Normative Embodiment. The role of the body in Foucault’s Genealogy. A Phenomenological Re-Reading,VABB-1,56,71,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424831,,The Brave Struggle: Jan Patočka on Europe's Past and Future,VABB-1,242,259,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424835,,Thinking after Europe: Jan Patočka and Politics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424836,,Alexander Pfänder’s Phenomenological Psychology: Philosophy Devoted to Description,VABB-4,87,103,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424840,,"Lifeworld, Civilisation, System: Patočka and Habermas on Europe and its Crisis",VABB-1,70,89,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424843,,Supercivilization and Biologism,VABB-4,95,116,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424844,,Jonas Cohn und Edmund Husserl. Eine Skizze ihrer Beziehung,VABB-4,323,329,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:424846,,Phenomenology and the Idea of Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424850,,The Heresy of History: Patočka's Reflections on Marx and Marxism,VABB-4,183,200,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424854,,The Relationship between the Physical and the Moral in Man,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424855,,Kant’s and Husserl’s Agentive and Proprietary Accounts of Cognitive Phenomenology,VABB-1,161,172,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424857,,"Husserl’s Cartesianism, anew",VABB-1,231,248,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424858,,The Punctum and the Past. Sartre and Barthes on Memory and Fascination,VABB-1,117,131,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424860,,Husserl on Groupings: Social Ontology and Phenomenology of We-Intentionality,VABB-4,281,295,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424861,,The Silent Witnesses. Interview with Jacques Rancière,VABB-1,198,208,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424862,,"Recapturing the Self: Montaigne on Friendship, Self-Knowledge, and the Art of Living",VABB-4,27,45,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424864,,Chora and Identity: Whitehead's Re-Appropriation of Plato's Receptacle,VABB-1,83,101,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424866,,Kant and Husserl on the contents of perception,VABB-1,267,287,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424870,,Die Welt der stummen Zeugen. Jacques Rancière und die Geschichtswissenschaft,VABB-1,9,21,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424871,,Subjektive und objektive Zeit. Genealogische und methodologische Bemerkungen zur Frage nach der Realität oder Idealität der Zeit,VABB-4,185,203,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:424875,,Eyes Wide Shut: Sartre’s Phenomenology of Dreaming,VABB-4,224,243,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424879,,Imagination and 4E Cognition: An Analytic-Continental Exchange,VABB-4,143,155,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424881,,Husserl,VABB-4,69,81,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:424883,,The Limits of Conceptual Thinking,VABB-4,147,164,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424884,,Affectuum imitatio y point de vue: en torno a la intersubjetividad en Spinoza y Leibniz,VABB-1,167,189,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424885,,The phenomenological reduction: from natural life to philosophical thought,VABB-1,311,333,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424886,,Die Geschichte im Medium der Literatur. Bemerkungen zum Ort von Jacques Rancière's historiographischen Texten,VABB-1,116,122,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:424888,,Editors’ Introduction,VABB-4,9,24,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424891,,Empowerment onderzoek: een kritische vriend voor sociaal werkers,VABB-1,4,23,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424897,,Educational theorists,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424903,,The (App)Sense of Numbers and Narratives in Social Science Research,VABB-4,480,493,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424905,,Diagrams of Europeanization: European education governance in the digital age,VABB-1,851,872,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424908,,Adolescents' lived experiences of close relationships in the context of transnational families: A qualitative study from Ecuador,VABB-1,363,390,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:424909,,Parading urban togetherness: a video record of the Brussels’s Zinneke Parade,VABB-1,646,666,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:424913,,School in the multilingual city. Not every language is equal,VABB-4,67,74,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424915,,What screens do. The role(s) of the screen in academic work,VABB-1,132,151,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424916,,Taalfilosofie,VABB-4,141,159,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424917,,The Gross And Net Effects Of Primary School Denomination On Pupil Performance,VABB-1,466,480,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424918,,Inleiding,VABB-4,9,18,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424919,,On the critical potential of sociomaterial approaches in education,VABB-1,25,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424921,,Why we are in need of pedagogical sciences (as design sciences). A few brief notes,VABB-1,91,100,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:424923,,Writing philosophically about the parent-child relationship,VABB-4,48,56,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424925,,SOMETHING TO DIE FOR. THE INDIVIDUAL AS INTERRUPTION OF THE POLITICAL IN CARL SCHMITT'S THE CONCEPT OF THE POLITICAL,VABB-1,311,325,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424929,,School stuff: a pedagogical regime of enunciation?,VABB-1,105,119,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424940,,Mental computation or standard algorithm? Children’s strategy choices on multi-digit subtractions,VABB-1,99,116,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424941,,Bedenkingen en suggesties bij onderzoek naar 'onderzoek in hoger onderwijs',VABB-1,72,75,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424942,,Number sense in the transition from natural to rational numbers,VABB-1,43,56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:424943,,"Aprendizaje constructivo, autorregulado, situado y colaborativo: un acercamiento a la adquisición de la competencia adaptativa (matemática)",VABB-1,177,197,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:424944,,The relation between learners' spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations and their rational number knowledge,VABB-1,156,170,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424945,,Understanding obstacles in the development of the rational number concept - searching for common ground,VABB-5,383,387,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424946,,Neuroscientific studies of mathematical thinking and learning: A critical look from a mathematics education viewpoint,VABB-1,385,391,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424947,,Improving higher education students' learning proficiency by fostering their self-regulation skills,VABB-1,264,276,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424948,,Transitions in mathematics education,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424949,,"Perspectives on the past, present and future of educational psychology (Afterword)",VABB-4,415,432,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424950,,Teachers’ general and contextualised research conceptions,VABB-1,79,94,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424951,,Proportional word problem solving through a modeling lens: A half-empty or half-full glass?,VABB-4,209,229,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424952,,Kindergartners‘ spontaneous focusing on numerosity in relation to their number-related utterances during numerical picture book reading,VABB-1,125,141,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424953,,The role of surprise in game-based learning for mathematics,VABB-5,401,410,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424956,,Effects of short-term practicing on realistic responses to missing data problems,VABB-5,131,138,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424958,,Reflections on the future of instructional design research,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424959,,Onderzoek in het onderwijs: een vlag die vele ladingen dekt,VABB-1,9,25,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424960,,The natural number bias: an attempt to measure and map its development along primary and secondary education,VABB-5,387,391,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424964,,"Health Impact Assessment of a Predicted Air Quality Change by Moving Traffic from an Urban Ring Road into a Tunnel. The Case of Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424966,,Door de hel gaan: De innerlijke reis naar posttraumatische groei,VABB-1,13,20,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424968,,Prevalence and Correlates of Self-Harm in the German General Population,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424970,,Development and validation of a self-report measure of mentalizing: The Reflective Functioning Questionnaire,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424971,,Surviving the legacy of suicide,VABB-4,663,680,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424972,,Classifying eating disorders based on 'healthy' and 'unhealthy' perfectionism and impulsivity,VABB-1,673,680,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424974,,The French version of the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire: Validity data for adolescents and adults and its association with non-suicidal self-injury,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424975,,A multilevel perspective on the development of borderline personality disorder,VABB-4,726,792,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424976,,Electricity from poultry manure: a cleaner alternative to direct land application,VABB-1,467,475,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:424977,,Internationale adoptie van een kind met specifieke ondersteuningsbehoeften: naar een onderbouwde en gedeelde definitie van 'special needs'-adoptie,VABB-1,41,52,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424978,,Behavioral outcome effects of serious gaming as an adjunct to treatment for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,e26,e26,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424980,,Non-suicidal self-injury and suicidality in trans people: A systematic review of the literature,VABB-1,58,69,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424981,,Self-inflicted pain out of boredom,VABB-1,127,132,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424982,,Attachment and reflective functioning in women with borderline personality disorder,VABB-1,17,30,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:424984,,Risk Factors for Non Suicidal Self Injury among Trans Youth,VABB-1,402,412,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424985,,"An integrative, attachment-based approach to the management and treatment of patients with persistent somatic complaints",VABB-4,127,144,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424988,,Verder bouwen aan erkenning en vriendschap. Therapeutisch benaderen van de angsten bij het kwetsbare zelf in relatie tot de ander,VABB-1,84,96,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424991,,DSM-5 section III personality traits and section II personality disorders in a Flemish community sample,VABB-1,290,298,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424992,,Niet-suïcidale zelfbeschadiging/Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (NSSI),VABB-1,124,129,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:424993,,Psychometric Properties of the Alexithymia Questionnaire for Children in a Peruvian Sample of Adolescents,VABB-1,97,124,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:424994,,Updating the Evidence and Recommendations for Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (STPP) in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder in Adults: The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments,VABB-1,73,74,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:424995,,Validation of the German versions of the Perceived Stigmatization Questionnaire and the Social Comfort Questionnaire in adult burn survivors,VABB-1,790,796,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424996,,"Attachment, neurobiology, and mentalization along the psychosis continuum",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424998,,"Socio-demographic variables, clinical features and the role of pre-assessment cross-sex hormones in older trans people",VABB-1,711,719,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:424999,,"Radikalisierung und Dschihad aus psychoanalytischer Perspektive. Der Verlust des guten inneren Objektes, die Psychopathologie des Hasses und die destruktive Macht eines auserwählten Traumas",VABB-1,881,904,,ger,2016,1 c:vabb:425000,,"Forgiveness, Ego-Integrity, and Depressive Symptoms in Community Dwelling and Residential Elderly Adults",VABB-1,786,797,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425005,,Vantage Perspective during Encoding: The Effects on Phenomenological Memory Characteristics,VABB-1,142,149,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425006,,Development of a screening instrument to assess premenstrual dysphoric disorder as conceptualized in DSM-5,VABB-1,15,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425008,,One-year Follow-up of Two CBTs for Adolescents with ADHD,VABB-1,333,337,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425009,,What's in a Face? Mentalizing in Borderline Personality Disorder Based on Dynamically Changing Facial Expressions,VABB-1,72,79,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425011,,"Parental personality, relationship stress, and child development: A stress generation perspective",VABB-1,179,197,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425012,,De effectiviteit van psychodynamische psychotherapie [The effectiveness of psychodynamic psychotherapy],VABB-1,271,288,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425014,,Het chronischevermoeidheidssyndroom: recente ontwikkelingen in theorie en behandeling,VABB-1,108,121,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425016,,Impulsive behaviors in patients with pathological buying,VABB-1,457,464,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425020,,Taphonomic impact of ultrasonic treatment on foraminifera from a deep-sea carbonate ooze,VABB-1,229,231,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425022,,Web Data Extraction Systems versus Research Collaboration in Sustainable Planning for Housing: Smart Governance Takes It All,VABB-5,783,802,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425028,,Battling for the Household’s Category Buck: Can Economy Private Labels Defend Supermarkets Against the Hard-Discounter Threat?,VABB-1,300,318,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425031,,Regular or low fat?An investigation of the long-run impact of the first low-fat purchase on subsequent purchase volumes and calories,VABB-1,896,906,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425032,,Cross-Channel Effects of Price Promotions: An Empirical Analysis of the Multi-Channel Grocery Retail Sector,VABB-1,333,351,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425038,,Do innovative emerging market cross-border acquirers create more shareholder value? Evidence from India,VABB-1,604,617,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425039,,Network strategies of research intermediaries in collaborative R&D,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425040,,The state of risk management in business schools,VABB-1,606,662,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425041,,Relational capital and individual exploration: Unraveling the role of goal alignment and knowledge acquisition,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425042,,Globalization of Indian Industries: How to Move Forward?,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425044,,"Globalization of Indian Industries: Productivity, exports and investment",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425045,,To run or extend: Strategic flexibility speed and variety in dynamic and complex environments,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425046,,Explicit strategy of large entrepreneurial firms in a hostile environment,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425047,,Southern multinationals in Europe: an overview,VABB-4,11,36,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425048,,"Tracing emerging market MNEs and FDI in European countries: Data coverage, deficiencies, and implications",VABB-4,37,49,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425050,,Translation and the Emergence of History as an Academic Discipline in 18th-century Russia,VABB-1,721,752,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425052,,"“Fictional, but Truthful.” Nicolas Belina-Podgaetsky, a Soviet Journalist at the Service of Catholic Anti-Communism",VABB-1,148,180,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425062,,Visual Analytics for Distributional Semantic Model Comparisons,VABB-5,24,29,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425064,,SCATE: Smart Computer-Aided Translation Environment - what about terminoloyg in the translation process?,VABB-1,21,24,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425065,,Waar is je velo? Buiten staan. Over fragmentarische antwoorden met infinitieven in Maldegems dialect,VABB-1,1,30,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425066,,Can Subjectivity be Avoided in Translation Evaluation?,VABB-4,69,78,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425067,,Teaching Translation of Journalistic Texts as LSP Translation: evaluating and promoting creativity in a complex adaptation process,VABB-4,215,218,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425068,,Fragment answers with infinitives in a Flemish dialect,VABB-1,89,105,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425069,,"Lidwoordomissie in Nederlandse krantenkoppen: een corpusonderzoek naar factoren van distributie, variatie en gebruik",VABB-1,1,28,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:425070,,The learning burden of collocations: the role of interlexical and intralexical factors,VABB-1,113,138,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425072,,Recherche exploratoire pour développer les interactions orales en e-tandems : perceptions concernant la progression d’apprentissage et attitudes par rapport aux types de feedback,VABB-1,1,23,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425073,,Learning vocabulary through audiovisual input: the differential effect of L1 subtitles and captions,VABB-1,134,148,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425074,,A Tracking Study on Technical Content Navigation Behavior,VABB-5,89,96,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425075,,L'exhibition et la négociation du savoir dans les pratiques définitoires : l'interaction autour du syndrome de fatigue chronique dans un groupe d'entraide,VABB-1,27,42,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:425076,,The interactional history of examples and parentheses: Note-taking practices in multiparty interaction among attendees of a mutual-help group for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) sufferers,VABB-1,110,139,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425077,,Language localization in scientific drug information,VABB-1,74,94,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425080,,Ageist Language and Dignity. An Analysis of Elderspeak in a Flemish Nursing Home,VABB-1,22,34,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425081,,"La ‘Ndrangheta, da Sud, oltre frontiera, a Nord. Sul discorso distopico intorno ad una malavita organizzata",VABB-1,135,145,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425082,,Preface,VABB-5,7,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425084,,Cognitive Linguistics and Humor Research,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425085,,An Analysis of Obituaries in Staff Magazines,VABB-1,11,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425086,,Explaining interactive alignment: A multimodal and multifactorial account,VABB-1,32,51,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425087,,TecCOMFrame: Developing a Common Academic Qualification and Competence Framework,VABB-5,111,124,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425089,,How to bridge the gap between translators and technical communicators? The importance of sharing knowledge to improve the localization process,VABB-1,133,151,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425090,,Semi-automatic Hand Annotation Making Human-human Interaction Analysis Fast and Accurate,VABB-5,552,559,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425091,,Semi-automatic Hand Annotation of Egocentric Recordings,VABB-4,338,355,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425093,,"Eutopie glocali per il Sud Italia: sull’ermeneutica del soggetto di Lecce, Matera (e Venezia), candidate italiane a Capitale europea della Cultura 2019",VABB-1,77,91,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:425097,,On interprofessionality in interpreter training: a few thoughts and two stories,VABB-1,5,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425099,,Link Words in Note-taking and Student Interpreter Performances: An Empirical Study,VABB-1,20,33,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425104,,Narrazioni della crisi. Proposte italiane per il nuovo millennio,VABB-3,,,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:425105,,The image of Spain in Flanders as shaped by the translations of Jozef Simons,VABB-4,69,83,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425106,,Comment évaluer la créativité du traducteur littéraire?,VABB-4,381,385,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425108,,Los retos de la frontera: los ensayos híbridos y multilingües de Guillermo Gómez-Peña,VABB-1,186,200,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:425110,,La traducción de los sentidos místicos: Juan de la Cruz y algunos de sus traductores al francé,VABB-1,129,159,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:425111,,Disciplinary Dialogues with Translation Studies,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425112,,Evaluating Literary Translation Competence,VABB-4,21,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425114,,"On translated images, stereotypes and disciplines",VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425115,,"Lieu de l'éthique, de l'indécidable",VABB-1,105,112,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425117,,Interconnecting Translation Studies and Imagology,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425118,,Border Crossings,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425119,,Adaptation Studies and Translation Studies,VABB-4,189,204,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425120,,Multilingüismo y subtitulación: la (in)comunicación en Babel,VABB-1,137,156,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:425121,,"Ariel Dorfman, ""Desert Memories"": (re)construcción de la identidad y manipulación del lenguaje",VABB-1,112,123,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425122,,The Trouble with Translation Studies: Voyeurisme in de vertaalwetenschap,VABB-1,53,62,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425123,,Building Stories on 'The Brick People': Mapping Alejandro Morales’s Otherness in Documentary and Fiction,VABB-1,182,195,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425124,,Il viaggio 'dantesco' di Giorgio Pressburger: un percorso spazio-temporale di (s)radicamento e di approdo nella cultura mitteleuropea di uno scrittore esule,VABB-1,111,119,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:425125,,Introduzione,VABB-1,9,13,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:425126,,City and migration: a crossroads for non-institutionalized translation,VABB-1,73,92,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425127,,Self-images and hetero-images in Portuguese youth literature,VABB-4,87,99,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425128,,Stability of Drugs Used in Helicopter Air Medical Emergency Services: An Exploratory Study,VABB-1,247,250,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425129,,Reverse triage: more than just another method,VABB-1,240,247,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425130,,Disaster medicine,VABB-1,131,134,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425131,,Regional cerebral oximetry during cardiopulmonary resuscitation: useful or useless?,VABB-1,198,207,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425132,,Are Belgian military students in medical sciences better educated in disaster medicine than their civilian colleagues?,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425133,,Emergency department crowding: Time to shift the paradigm from predicting and controlling to analysing and managing,VABB-1,74,77,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425135,,Prolonged CPR,VABB-1,13,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425136,,Principles of hospital disaster management: an integrated and multidisciplinary approach,VABB-1,139,148,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425137,,How do patients with chest pain access Emergency Department care?,VABB-1,423,427,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:425138,,Coordination of actions in disaster situations,VABB-1,135,138,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425139,,Does the get up and go test improve predictive accuracy of the Triage Risk Screening Tool or Rowland questionnaire in older patients admitted to the emergency department?,VABB-1,46,52,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:425140,,Linking P-E Fit with performance in different time windows: disentangling causal relationships,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425143,,Making perceived fit meaningful: perspectives on the process of fitting in,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425146,,The social value of vaccination programs: beyond cost-effectiveness,VABB-1,212,218,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425148,,The determinants of defensive medicine in Italian hospitals: The impact of being a second victim,VABB-1,20,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425149,,Optimizing diabetes control in people with Type 2 diabetes through nurse-led telecoaching,VABB-1,777,785,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425150,,The Treatment of Snake Bites in a First Aid Setting: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,e0005079,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425151,,Impact of a care pathway for COPD on adherence to guidelines and hospital readmission: a cluster randomized trial,VABB-1,2897,2908,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425152,,The acute kidney injury e-alert and clinical care bundles: the road to success is always under construction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425153,,Structure and processes of interdisciplinary geriatric consultation teams in acute care hospitals: A scoping review,VABB-1,98,114,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425154,,Characteristics and outcome of unplanned hospital admissions in patients with lung cancer: a longitudinal tertiary center study. Towards a strategy to reduce the burden,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425156,,"Becoming a ""second victim"" in health care: Pathway of recovery after adverse event",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425158,,Development and validation of the FertiMed questionnaire assessing patients' experiences with hormonal fertility medication,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425159,,Egocentric vaccination: the authors reply,VABB-1,937,937,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425160,,A Mapping Review of International Guidance on the Management and Care of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425162,,Key-interventions derived from three evidence based guidelines for management and follow-up of patients with HFE haemochromatosis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425164,,Care pathways for organ donation after brain death: guidance from available literature?,VABB-1,2369,2380,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425166,,"Patient empowerment, patient participation and patient-centeredness in hospital care: A concept analysis based on a literature review",VABB-1,1923,1939,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425168,,Protocol: Approaches to Promote Sanitation and Handwashing Behaviour Change in Low- and Middle Income Countries: A Mixed Method Systematic Review,VABB-1,1,46,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425173,,A Mixed Model to Disentangle Variance and Serial Autocorrelation in Affective Instability Using Ecological Momentary Assessment Data,VABB-1,446,465,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425176,,The European ADHD Guidelines Group replies,VABB-1,1092,1093,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:425177,,"Prolactine, antipsychotica en borstkanker: is er een verband?",VABB-1,641,649,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425181,,Genetic influences on schizophrenia and subcortical brain volumes: large-scale proof of concept,VABB-1,420,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425182,,Identifying effective behavioural components of Intervention and Comparison group support provided in SMOKing cEssation (IC-SMOKE) interventions: a systematic review protocol,VABB-1,77,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425183,,Aripiprazole and acute Extrapyramidal Symptoms in Children and Adolescents: meta-analysis,VABB-1,807,818,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425184,,Long-term methylphenidate intake in chronic fatigue syndrome,VABB-1,407,414,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425185,,Bias in regression coefficient estimates when assumptions for handling missing data are violated: A simulation study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425186,,Efficacy for Psychopathology and Body Weight and Safety of Topiramate-Antipsychotic Cotreatment in Patients With Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: Results From a Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials,VABB-1,746,756,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425187,,Evidence for Genetic Overlap Between Schizophrenia and Age at First Birth in Women,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425188,,Fragile spectral and temporal auditory processing in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and early language delay,VABB-1,1845,1857,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:425189,,Changes in metabolic parameters in patients with severe mental illness over a 10-year period: a retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425191,,Exposure to environmental factors increases connectivity between symptom domains in the psychopathology network,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425193,,"Relationship between prolactin, breast cancer risk, and antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia: a critical review",VABB-1,5,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425194,,Katatonie in de adolescentie: obstakels bij de diagnose en behandeling,VABB-1,371,379,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425195,,Based on a True Story? the Portrayal of ECT in International Movies and Television Programs,VABB-1,882,891,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425196,,Association of Mental Disorders With Subsequent Chronic Physical Conditions: World Mental Health Surveys From 17 Countries,VABB-1,150,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425199,,Ecological momentary interventions in psychiatry,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425200,,"Early-Life Stress Affects Stress-Related Prefrontal Dopamine Activity in Healthy Adults, but Not in Individuals with Psychotic Disorder",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425202,,Dealing with daily challenges in dementia (deal-id study): effectiveness of the experience sampling method intervention 'Partner in Sight' for spousal caregivers of people with dementia: design of a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425203,,Patients' perceptions of their rheumatic condition: why does it matter and how can healthcare professionals influence or deal with these perceptions,VABB-1,174,179,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425206,,Risk management of QTc-prolongation in patients receiving haloperidol: an epidemiological study in a University hospital in Belgium,VABB-1,310,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425208,,Positive Association Between Limbic Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5 Availability and Novelty-Seeking Temperament in Humans: a 18F-FPEB PET study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425210,,Relationship of suicide rates with climate and economic variables in Europe during 2000-2012,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425212,,Ecological Interventionist Causal Models in Psychosis: Targeting Psychological Mechanisms in Daily Life,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425213,,Visual memory profile in 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome: are there differences in performance and neurobiological substrates between tasks linked to ventral and dorsal visual brain structures? A cross-sectional and longitudinal study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425214,,Cross-national epidemiology of panic disorder and panic attacks in the world mental health surveys,VABB-1,1155,1177,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425215,,Structural Brain Connectivity as a Genetic Marker for Schizophrenia,VABB-1,11,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425216,,Early and Late onset Depression in Late Life: a prospective study on clinical and structural brain characteristics and response to electroconvulsive therapy,VABB-1,178,189,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:425219,,Methylome analysis for spina bifida shows SOX18 hypomethylation as a risk factor with evidence for a complex (epi)genetic interplay to affect neural tube development,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425220,,Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Psychotic-Like Symptoms and Stress Reactivity in Daily Life in Nonclinical Young Adults,VABB-1,e0153557,e0153557,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425222,,Accuracy and reliability of different cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) devices for structural analysis of alveolar bone in comparison with multislice CT and micro-CT,VABB-1,95,105,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:425224,,"Childhood trauma, BDNF Val66Met and subclinical psychotic experiences. Attempt at replication in two independent samples",VABB-1,121,129,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425225,,Copy number variation analysis in adults with catatonia confirms haploinsufficiency of SHANK3 as a predisposing factor,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425226,,Gedwongen Opname bij ouderen in Vlaanderen: Socio-demografische en klinische profielen,VABB-1,1279,1286,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425227,,Prevalence and comorbidities of autism among children referred to the outpatient clinics for neurodevelopmental disorders,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425228,,"Relationship Between Hippocampal Volume, Serum BDNF, and Depression Severity Following Electroconvulsive Therapy in Late-Life Depression",VABB-1,2741,2748,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425229,,Development and preliminary evaluation of the validity and reliability of a revised illness perception questionnaire for healthcare professionals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425231,,Ultra high risk status and transition to psychosis in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome,VABB-1,259,265,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425232,,ECT-related anxiety: a systematic review,VABB-1,229,236,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:425234,,Phenotypic characteristics of Alzheimer patients carrying an ABCA7 mutation,VABB-1,2126,2133,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425235,,Quantification of bone quality using different cone beam computed tomography devices: Accuracy assessment for edentulous human mandibles,VABB-1,411,424,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425236,,Amygdala atrophy affects emotion-related activity in face-responsive regions in frontotemporal degeneration,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425238,,Eradicating Depression without Losing Humanity,VABB-4,120,131,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425239,,"Intravenous Esketamine in Adult Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Double-Blind, Double-Randomization, Placebo-Controlled Study",VABB-1,424,431,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425241,,Developmental trajectories of executive functions in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425242,,"The relation between depressive and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in obsessive-compulsive disorder: Results from a large, naturalistic follow-up study",VABB-1,241,247,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425246,,The Two-Sided. Face of Antidepressants: The Impact of Their Use on Real-Life Affective Change during Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy,VABB-1,180,182,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425248,,Membrane Lipidomics in Schizophrenia Patients: a Correlational Study with Clinical and Cognitive Manifestations,VABB-1,e906,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425253,,Which QT Correction Formulae to Use for QT Monitoring?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425255,,Genetic evaluation of schizophrenia using the Illumina HumanExome chip,VABB-1,e0150464,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425256,,Psychological processes underlying the association between childhood trauma and psychosis in daily life: an experience sampling study,VABB-1,2799,2813,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425262,,The Bidirectional Associations Between Psychotic Experiences and DSM-IV Mental Disorders,VABB-1,997,1006,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425263,,"Stress Sensitivity, Aberrant Salience, and Threat Anticipation in Early Psychosis: An Experience Sampling Study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425264,,CO2 exposure as translational cross-species experimental model for panic,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425267,,Catatonia in Psychiatric Illnesses,VABB-4,517,535,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425268,,[Early use of memantine in the treatment of Lewy body dementia],VABB-1,814,817,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425270,,Ketamine: stimulating antidepressant treatment?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425271,,Amyloid imaging in cognitively normal older adults: Comparison between 18F-flutemetamol and 11C-Pittsburgh Compound B,VABB-1,142,151,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425273,,Outcome after epilepsy surgery at the University Hospitals Leuven 1998-2012,VABB-1,271,278,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425275,,Seeing biological actions in 3D: An fMRI study,VABB-1,203,219,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425282,,Genome-wide association study reveals greater polygenic loading for schizophrenia in cases with a family history of illness,VABB-1,276,89,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425285,,Predictive models for suicidal thoughts and behaviors among Spanish University students: rationale and methods of the UNIVERSAL (University & mental health) project,VABB-1,122,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425286,,"Bone mineral density, osteoporosis, and fractures among people with eating disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis",VABB-1,341,351,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425287,,Knowledge of psychiatric nurses about the potentially lethal side-effects of clozapine,VABB-1,79,83,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425288,,First Onset Of Suicidal Thoughts And Behaviours In College,VABB-1,291,299,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425290,,Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Daily Life Training: A Feasibility Study of an mHealth Intervention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425291,,Mental disorders among college students in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,2955,2970,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425292,,Are religiousness and death attitudes associated with the wish to die in older people?,VABB-1,397,404,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425293,,Functional dissociation between anterior temporal lobe and inferior frontal gyrus in the processing of dynamic body expressions: Insights from behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia,VABB-1,4472,4486,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425295,,The epidemiology of traumatic event exposure worldwide: results from the World Mental Health Survey Consortium,VABB-1,327,43,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425296,,Reactivity to social stress in ethnic minority men,VABB-1,629,636,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425297,,Psychotic experiences and incident suicidal ideation and behaviour: Disentangling the longitudinal associations from connected psychopathology,VABB-1,267,275,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425298,,Early complete remitters after electroconvulsive therapy: profile and prognosis,VABB-1,82,87,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425299,,Face shape and face identity processing in behavioral variant fronto-temporal dementia: A specific deficit for familiarity and name recognition of famous faces,VABB-1,368,377,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425301,,"[Therapy for elderly family members and couples: concerning the viability of relationships in later life, the role reversal and 'finishing' amicably]",VABB-1,656,663,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425302,,PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF DEPRESSION IN COLLEGE STUDENTS: A METAANALYSIS,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425303,,Decreased in vivo availability of the cannabinoid type 2 receptor in Alzheimer's disease,VABB-1,2219,2227,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425305,,Cognitive Decline Preceding the Onset of Psychosis in Patients With 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome,VABB-1,377,85,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:425306,,"Relationship between antipsychotic medication, serum prolactin levels and osteoporosis/osteoporotic fractures: a critical literature review",VABB-1,809,823,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425311,,The initial impact of EU ETS verification events on stock prices,VABB-1,138,149,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425312,,Financial statement filing lags: An empirical analysis among small firms,VABB-1,506,531,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425314,,The Financial Reward for Environmental Performance in the Energy Sector,VABB-1,389,413,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425315,,The impact of exporting on SME capital structure and debt maturity choices,VABB-1,1,43,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425322,,Initiatives to Enhance European Awareness,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425323,,Current Trends in Higher Education in Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425324,,The simulation game ECOMAN as a powerful learning tool,VABB-4,309,319,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425325,,Enhance European Awareness: Initiatives and Experiences,VABB-4,201,216,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425327,,Differing disciplinary citation concentration patterns of book and journal literature?,VABB-1,814,829,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425329,,Co-citation analysis of articles published in substance abuse journals: Intellectual structure and research fields (2001-2012),VABB-1,710,722,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425331,,The ecstasy and the agony of the altmetric score,VABB-1,977,982,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425332,,From Matthew to Hirsch: A success-breeds-success story,VABB-4,165,179,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425333,,The challenges to expand bibliometric studies from periodical literature to monographic literature with a new data source: The book citation index,VABB-1,2165,2179,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425335,,"Scientometrics 2.0 – and beyond? Background, promises, challenges and limitations",VABB-1,33,36,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425336,,Using character n-grams to match a list of publications to references in bibliographic databases,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425338,,Scientometric Research Assessment in the Developing World: A Tribute to Michael J. Moravcsik from the Perspective of the 21st Century,VABB-1,47,52,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425339,,Comparative analysis of head-tilt and forward head position during laptop use between females with postural induced headache and healthy controls,VABB-1,533,541,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425340,,Efficacy measures associated to a plantar pressure based classification system in diabetic foot medicine,VABB-1,168,175,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425341,,Test-retest Reliability and Concurrent Validity of a fMRI-compatible Pneumatic Vibrator to Stimulate Muscle Proprioceptors,VABB-1,465,492,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425342,,One world one burn rehabilitation,VABB-1,1047,1058,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425343,,Patient Perspectives on Participation in Cognitive Functional Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain,VABB-1,1397,1407,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425345,,"Region-of-interest analyses of one-dimensional biomechanical trajectories: bridging 0D and 1D theory, augmenting statistical power",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425347,,Strain mapping in the Achilles tendon - A systematic review,VABB-1,1411,1419,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425349,,"A review of the prevalence of sedentarism in older adults, its physiology/health impact and non-exercise mobility counter-measures",VABB-1,547,565,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425350,,Mapping current research trends on anterior cruciate ligament injury risk against the existing evidence: In vivo biomechanical risk factors,VABB-1,34,43,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425351,,Can explicit visual feedback of postural sway efface the effects of sensory manipulations on mediolateral balance performance?,VABB-1,907,914,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425352,,Non-surgical treatments for the management of early osteoarthritis,VABB-1,1775,1785,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425353,,A novel method of quantifying gait deviations using plantar pressure patterns,VABB-1,299,304,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425355,,Knee and hip joint kinematics predict quadriceps and hamstrings neuromuscular activation patterns in drop jump landings,VABB-1,e0153737,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425356,,Electromyographic Abnormalities Associated with Symptomatic Sacral Tarlov Cysts,VABB-1,E81,E88,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425357,,Varus thrust in women with early medial knee osteoarthritis and its relation with the external knee adduction moment,VABB-1,109,114,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425358,,Lower extremity muscle activation onset times during the transition from double-leg stance to single-leg stance in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed subjects,VABB-1,116,123,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425359,,Barriers for guideline adherence in knee osteoarthritis care: A qualitative study from the patients' perspective,VABB-1,165,172,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:425360,,Biomechanical and neuromuscular adaptations during the landing phase of a stepping-down task in patients with early or established knee osteoarthritis,VABB-1,367,375,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425361,,Effect of taping on foot kinematics in persons with chronic ankle instability,VABB-1,541,546,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425362,,Phase-dependent changes in local dynamic stability during walking in elderly with and without knee osteoarthritis,VABB-1,80,86,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425364,,"Comparative effectiveness of conservative interventions for non-specific chronic spinal pain: Physical, behavioural/psychologically informed or combined? A systematic review and meta-analysis",VABB-1,755,774,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425365,,Mapping current research trends on neuromuscular risk factors of non-contact ACL injury,VABB-1,101,113,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:425366,,Hip abductor neuromuscular capacity: a limiting factor in mediolateral balance control in older adults?,VABB-1,27,33,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425368,,"Three dimensional imaging for volume measurement of hypertrophic and keloid scars, reliability of previously validated simplified technique in clinical setting",VABB-1,513,518,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425369,,"Physiotherapists report improved understanding of and attitude toward the cognitive, psychological and social dimensions of chronic low back pain after Cognitive Functional Therapy training: a qualitative study",VABB-1,215,221,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425374,,Effects of narrow base gait on mediolateral balance control in young and older adults,VABB-1,1264,1267,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425375,,Is the metabolic cost of walking higher in people with diabetes?,VABB-1,55,62,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425378,,"Sémiotique et vécu musical: du sens à l'expérience, de l'expérience au sens",VABB-3,,,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425380,,"Musical Information Beyond Measurement and Computation: Interaction, Symbol Processing and the Dynamic Approach",VABB-4,100,120,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425381,,"Multi‐Temporality: an Analytical Approach to Contemporary Music, Embracing Concepts of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari",VABB-1,341,372,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:425384,,Programmaboek Novecento 2016,VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425385,,Journal of the Alamire Foundation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425386,,Journal of the Alamire Foundation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425391,,"Static Structure, Dynamic Form: An Analysis of Elliott Carter's Concerto for Orchestra",VABB-1,97,136,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425394,,La Symphonie en Ut (1943) de Daan Sternefeld: Lecture d'une composition clandestine,VABB-1,131,145,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425396,,E.L.T. Mesens und seine musikalischen Beziehungen zu Holland,VABB-1,155,185,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425397,,Préface Sémiotique et vécu musical,VABB-4,9,20,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425398,,Divide and conquer: the formation and functional dynamics of the Modern English ing-clause network,VABB-1,185,219,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425399,,"Indefinite nominal gerunds, or the particularization of a reified event",VABB-1,317,340,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425401,,Mini-games for language learning,VABB-4,431,445,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425404,,Literatuursignalementen 2015-2016,VABB-1,383,412,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425407,,Edmond Vandercammen et le réseau du Journal des Poètes: la médiation culturelle du monde hispanique (1930-1970),VABB-1,405,433,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425408,,China’s minority language translation policies (1949–present),VABB-1,540,555,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:425409,,"Recyclages, croisements et transferts dans l’œuvre de Georges Eekhoud",VABB-1,391,407,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:425411,,The Cultural Cold War and the Circulation of World Literature: Insights from Franklin Book Programs in Tehran,VABB-1,371,390,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425412,,"Master narratives, identities, and the stories of former slaves",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425414,,Standard and Colloquial Belgian Dutch pronouns of address: A variationist-interactional study of child-directed speech in dinner table interactions,VABB-1,31,64,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425415,,De macht van de taal: Taalbeheersingsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen,VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425416,,Names and discourse,VABB-4,52,66,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425418,,Small Talk in Interpreted Interactions in a Medical Setting,VABB-1,292,312,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425419,,Neue Gedanken zum topologischen Satzmodell des Deutschen,VABB-1,64,86,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:425420,,'Niente' nel parlato conversazionale. Pratiche interazionali e processi di grammaticalizzazione di un segnale discorsivo,VABB-1,206,231,,ita,2016,1 c:vabb:425421,,"""Gesprochene Sprache"" in der namenkundlichen Forschung. Onymisierungsprozesse unter der Lupe",VABB-1,99,115,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:425422,,Life Stories,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425423,,Exploring the relationship between fall risk-increasing drugs and fall-related fractures,VABB-1,243,251,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425424,,Male osteoporosis: are obesity and insulin resistance protective? Cross-sectional results from the European Male Ageing Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425425,,Sex hormone-binding globulin regulation of androgen bioactivity in vivo: validation of the free hormone hypothesis,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425426,,"Effects of Dairy Products Consumption on Health: Benefits and Beliefs-A Commentary from the Belgian Bone Club and the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425427,,Assessing Cognitive Function,VABB-4,77,88,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:425428,,The impact of frailty on postoperative outcomes in individuals aged 65 and over undergoing elective surgery for colorectal cancer: A systematic review,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425432,,Preventie van glucocorticoïdgeïnduceerde osteoporose,VABB-1,990,994,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425433,,Bloedarmoede,VABB-4,83,87,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425435,,Effects of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) on androgen bioactivity in vitro,VABB-1,280,291,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425436,,What Determines the Difference in DNA Binding Between the Androgen and the Glucocorticoid Receptors?,VABB-4,59,72,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425438,,Bolus Residue Scale: an easy-to-use and reliable clinical tool to score bolus residue in patients with dysphagia,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425439,,Lower bone turnover and relative bone deficits in men with metabolic syndrome: a matter of insulin sensitivity? The European Male Ageing Study,VABB-1,3227,3237,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425440,,Androgens have antiresorptive effects on trabecular disuse osteopenia independent from muscle atrophy,VABB-1,33,42,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425441,,The role of biochemical of bone turnover markers in osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease: a consensus paper of the Belgian Bone Club,VABB-1,2181,2195,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425442,,Automated in-home gait transfer time analysis using video cameras,VABB-1,273,286,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425443,,Chronic widespread pain is associated with worsening frailty in European men,VABB-1,268,274,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425444,,Testosterone Treatment in Older Men,VABB-1,88,90,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425445,,Low vitamin D and the risk of developing chronic widespread pain: results from the European male ageing study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425446,,"Effect of anaemia on hand grip strength, walking speed, functionality and 1 year mortality in older hospitalized patients",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425447,,Mens sana in corpore sano: Het effect van fysieke activiteit op cognitie bij ouderen,VABB-1,995,999,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425448,,"The effect of an interactive delirium e-learning tool on healthcare workers’ delirium recognition, knowledge and strain in caring for delirious patients: a pilot pre-test/post-test study",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425449,,Low Free Testosterone is Associated with Hypogonadal Signs and Symptoms in Men with Normal Total Testosterone,VABB-1,2647,2657,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425450,,Medical journals and Wikipedia: a global health matter,VABB-1,e791,e791,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425451,,Camera-based fall detection using real-world versus simulated data: how far are we from the solution?,VABB-1,149,168,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425454,,The Financial Burden of Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases in Rural Nigeria: Wealth and Gender Heterogeneity in Health Care Utilization and Health Expenditures,VABB-1,e0166121,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425456,,A fuzzy decision support system for credit scoring,VABB-1,921,937,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:425457,,"White light, autofluorescence and narrow-band imaging bronchoscopy for diagnosing airway pre-cancerous and early cancer lesions: a systematic review and meta-analysis",VABB-1,3205,3216,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425458,,Een blended learningomgeving voor werkstudenten: een analyse van studenttevredenheid,VABB-1,39,55,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425459,,Congestion in production correspondences,VABB-1,65,90,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425460,,Septuagint Studies in Louvain,VABB-4,145,158,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425463,,Epilogue: Future Prospects in Reception History,VABB-4,320,328,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425464,,"Clumsy Constructions? A Note on Parataxis, with an Eye on Mark and the Alexander Romance",VABB-4,309,331,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425466,,"Anastase le Sinaïte, entre citation et invention: l’Hexaéméron et ses sources « antiques »",VABB-1,391,409,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425467,,שָׁאַר šā’ar שְׁאֵרִית še’ērît שְׁאָר še’ār (Heb.) שְׁאָר še’ār (Aram.),VABB-4,802,806,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425468,,Authoritative Texts and Reception History: Aspects and Approaches,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425474,,From Maranatha to Epiclesis? An Inquiry into the Origins of Spirit Invocations in Early Christianity,VABB-4,427,440,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425475,,"Origen on ""the Witch of Andor"" (1Sam 28): Some Comments on an Intriguing Piece of Reception History",VABB-4,589,598,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425477,,"Tὸ «Ποίημα τῆς Δημιουργίας» στὸ Γενέσεως 1,1-2,4",VABB-1,22,44,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425478,,The Material Variance of the Dead Sea Scrolls: On Texts and Artefacts,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425480,,Retracing Authoritative Traditions behind the Scriptural Texts: The Book of Daniel as a Case in Point,VABB-4,117,138,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425482,,A New Hermas Papyrus Fragment in Paris,VABB-1,20,36,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425483,,Apocalyptic and Metanoia in the Shepherd of Hermas,VABB-1,151,170,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425484,,Ἡ σημασία τῆς Μεταφράσεως τῶν Ο΄ ἐν ὄψει τοῦ μεταβαλλομένου πανοράματος τῆς Κριτικῆς τοῦ Κειμένου,VABB-1,1,21,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425485,,Metaphor as Knowledge. A Hermeneutical Framework for Biblical Exegesis with a Sample Reading from the Song of Songs (Song 8:10),VABB-1,45,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425486,,שָׁקַל šāqal שֶׁקֶל šeqel תְקַל teqal מִשְׁקָל mišqāl/מִשְׁקוֹל mišqôl מִשְׁקֶלֶת mišqelet/מִשְׁקֹלֶת mišqōlet,VABB-4,1063,1066,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425488,,"La ""alianza nueva"" en los textos de Qumrán",VABB-1,23,43,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:425489,,רוּחָ rûaḥ,VABB-4,618,632,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425492,,"Goochem in Mokum, Wisdom in Amsterdam",VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425493,,תכן,VABB-4,1123,1128,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425495,,Pessimism in All Its Glory: the Ascension of Isaiah on the Church in the Last Days,VABB-4,305,346,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425496,,Tracing Sapiential Traditions in Ancient Judaism,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425497,,Epigraphik und Neues Testament,VABB-3,,,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:425500,,Sages and Saints: Continuous Study and Transformation in Musar le-Mevin and Serek ha-Yahad,VABB-4,106,118,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425503,,"Hermas and Bodmer. Another Look at the Text of Vision 1.3.4, 2.3.1, and 3.2.1 in P. Bodm. XXXVIII",VABB-1,144,154,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:425505,,The Apostolic Fathers in Codex Sinaiticus and Alexandrinus,VABB-1,581,605,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425506,,Churches and Religion in the Second World War,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425508,,"""If Christ has not been raised..."" Studies on the Reception of the Resurrection Stories and the Belief in the Resurrection in the Early Church",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425510,,"Whose Truth? A Reader-Oriented Study of the Johannine Pilate and John 18,38a",VABB-1,395,420,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425511,,"Text-critically Studying the Biblical Manuscript Evidence: An ""Empirical"" Entry to the Literary Composition of the Text",VABB-4,129,164,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425512,,"‘Uw volk is mijn volk, uw God is mijn God’ (Ruth 1,16): het provocatieve perspectief op migratie in het boek Ruth",VABB-1,123,136,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425513,,Contents of the Manuscripts from the Caves of Qumran,VABB-4,61,73,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425515,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425516,,The Words of the Luminaries as a Meditation on the Exile,VABB-1,175,190,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425517,,The Corinthian καιναὶ κτίσεις? 2 Cor 5:17 and the Roman Re-Foundation of Corinth,VABB-4,195,220,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425518,,עָשַׁק ʿāšaq (Heb.) עֲשַׁק (Aram.) עֹשֶק ʿōšeq,VABB-4,240,243,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425519,,Les sources culturelles de l’Épître aux Hébreux et notre carte du monde antique,VABB-4,21,51,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425523,,In Aristarchus’ spoor: Commentaren op Griekse literatuur en de Bijbel in hellenistisch en Romeins Egypte en Palestina,VABB-1,10,15,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425525,,The Qurʾānic First Adressee and the Final Stage of the Qurʾānic Redaction,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425526,,New Light and Some Reflections on the List of False Prophets (4Q339),VABB-1,257,265,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425527,,Two Notes on the Papyri of the Shepherd of Hermas and Its Egyptian Transmission,VABB-1,384,395,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425529,,Wounding Love: A Mystical-Theological Exploration of Stigmatization,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425531,,"Index Religiosus. International Bibliography of Theology, Church History and Religious Studies",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425532,,"Index Religiosus. International Bibliography of Theology, Church History and Religiious Studies",VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425534,,Groeien naar een verankerde spiritualiteit. Over het Tijdschrift voor Geestelijk Leven,VABB-4,195,214,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425537,,Inleiding. Het theologisch proefschrift van Piet Schoonenberg,VABB-4,1,13,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425541,,Creativity in Translation/Interpretation and Interpreter/Translator Training Créativité en traduction/interprétation et dans la formation des interprètes/traducteurs,VABB-3,,,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425543,,The Ideological Import of a Second Identity: A Critical Image Analysis to Global EFL Materials,VABB-1,231,257,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425544,,"The adaptation of the terms “laicism”, “secularism” and “laïcite” in Arabic",VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425546,,Creativity in the translation of medical comics,VABB-4,219,222,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425548,,"Dragoman, het op één na oudste beroep ter wereld!",VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425549,,Translation and interpretation skills,VABB-4,219,235,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425553,,Llull and the divine attributes in 13th century context,VABB-1,139,154,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425556,,Introducing the Basic Themes of “The Normativity of History”,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425558,,Selfless Love and Human Flourishing in Paul Tillich and Iris Murdoch,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425559,,Introduction. Tradition and the Religious ‘Other’ from ‘Les vertus des païens’ to the ‘bona moralia et spiritualia’ of Non-Christian Humanity,VABB-4,211,214,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425560,,Kroniekrecensie: Barmhartigheid en gerechtigheid in theologisch evenwicht. Theologische beschouwingen vanuit en bij het boek Barmherzigkeit van kardinaal Walter Kasper - het boek dat paus Franciscus zo veel goed heeft gedaan,VABB-1,60,73,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425561,,The Normativity of History. Theological Truth and Tradition in the Tension between Church History and Systematic Theology,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425563,,"Theology at the Crossroads of University, Church and Society: Dialogue, Difference and Catholic Identity",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425564,,Engaging History: Religion and Politics in Utopia,VABB-4,522,533,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425566,,The Fractured Self and the Primacy of the Future: Edward Schillebeeckx and the Eschatological Horizon,VABB-1,57,85,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425580,,The Sacramental Life: Theological Navigations Between Faith and Belief,VABB-1,413,429,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425582,,Drijfveren voor missionair Kerk-zijn in een Vlaamse context,VABB-1,173,202,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425583,,The Crucified God in a Crucified Region,VABB-1,143,147,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425587,,Concluding Reflections on the Normativity of History,VABB-4,257,263,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425588,,Introduction to 'The Forthcoming Council of the Orthodox Church: Understanding the Challenges',VABB-1,5,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425589,,"Unity and Diversity in the Church: Vladimir Lossky’s Reflection on the Roles of Christ and the Spirit in the Church, and Its Critical Reception in Dumitru Staniloae’s Theology",VABB-4,303,322,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425591,,De Oecumenismo et de Opere Conversionum: The Relationship between Ecumenism and the Apostolate of Conversions before and during Vatican II,VABB-4,263,287,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425595,,"La prière comme pratique religieuse: La quête d’une dimension ultime dans la spiritualité athée, le bouddhisme et la religion théiste",VABB-1,353,377,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425597,,Voorbij het grote verhaal van de liefde: theologie uitgedaagd door J.-F. Lyotard,VABB-1,351,364,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425598,,World and Sacrament. Foundations of the Political Theology of the Church,VABB-1,102,120,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425599,,Conversion: Key Concept or Hot Potato in Contemporary Ecumenism?,VABB-4,288,303,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425601,,Een buitengewone gemeenschap binnen de muren. Reflecties vanuit het gevangenispastoraat,VABB-4,131,153,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425603,,The Role of the Observers during the Second Vatican Council,VABB-1,33,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425604,,De katholieke kerk over migratie: een terreinverkenning,VABB-1,151,162,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425606,,Paradigm Change in Theology? Assessing the 1983 Küng-Tracy Symposium,VABB-4,101,114,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425607,,Concluding Reflections [to the International Conference: The Forthcoming Council of the Orthodox Church: Understanding the Challenges],VABB-1,279,297,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425608,,Towards a Healthy Future of Catholicity in the Roman Catholic Church: Recommendations by Pope Francis,VABB-4,251,272,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425609,,The Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx,VABB-1,70,82,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425610,,Dictionnaire d'Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques / Louvain Dictionary of Church History. Fascicule 187,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425611,,"The Meaning of Ecclesiastical Exclusion in the Archdiocese of Reims, c. 1100. The Legal Difference between Excommunication, Anathema and Interdict",VABB-5,767,777,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425612,,Theological Themes in Gavin D'Costa's Theology of Religions,VABB-4,185,207,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425613,,The Four Latin Church Fathers on Mary Magdalene. The Presence of John 20: 17 in the Latin Patristic Literature,VABB-4,113,124,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425614,,Conflicting Truth Claims. The Historical and Theological Approach of the Christian Past at the Time of the Modernist Crisis and Beyond,VABB-4,13,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425615,,Theological Renewal and the Resurgence of Integrism. The René Draguet Case (1942) in Its Context,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425616,,Quality Management in Public Sector Organizations: Evidence from Six EU Countries,VABB-1,122,134,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425618,,Themanummer Big Data: een zoektocht naar instituties,VABB-1,3,64,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425625,,Conclusion: a kaleidoscope of administrative reforms in Europe,VABB-4,273,280,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425626,,Towards Efficient EGovernment: Identifying Important Competencies for EGovernment in European Public Administrations,VABB-5,155,162,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425627,,Political Parties' Annual Accounts and the Impact of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) in 18 European States. Towards Enhanced Transparency?,VABB-1,175,186,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425628,,What Europe Wanted and What Flanders Achieved: Intentions vs Results after 15 Years of Bologna,VABB-1,315,334,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425629,,Taking Care of Policy in Times of Crisis: Comparative Lessons from Belgium’s Longest Caretaker,VABB-1,448,463,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425631,,"Conclusions: Tensions, Challenges, and Future ""Flags"" of Local Public Sector Reforms and Comparative Research",VABB-4,347,353,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425632,,"Administrative reforms in the Netherlands: managerialism, collaboration and implications for future reform capacity",VABB-4,73,82,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425633,,Introduction,VABB-4,13,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425634,,Big Data: een zoektocht naar instituties,VABB-1,3,8,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425636,,Local Public Sector Reforms in Times of Crisis. National Trajectories and International Comparisons,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425639,,Comparative research in public administration and the contribution of the COCOPS Top Executive Survey,VABB-4,12,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425641,,Why should universities contribute to new utopias?,VABB-1,90,120,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425643,,"Modernisation of the Criminal Justice Chain and the Judicial System. New Insights on Trust, Cooperation and Human Capital",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425644,,Executive Perceptions of Public Sector Reform in Europe,VABB-4,369,398,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425645,,Hoe bestuurskundig is de bestuurskunde? Nederlandse bestuurskundigen vergeleken met hun Europese vakgenoten,VABB-1,67,79,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:425646,,The combined impact of professional role identity and public service motivation on decision-making in dilemma situations,VABB-1,21,41,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:425647,,Determinants of Geographical Representation on Candidate Lists in Flexible-List Systems: Lessons from the Belgian Case,VABB-1,180,196,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425649,,Intra-Party Politics and Public Opinion: How Candidate Selection Processes affect Citizens' Satisfaction with Democracy,VABB-1,509,534,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425650,,When public services fail: A research agenda on public service failure,VABB-1,831,846,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425651,,"A contingency approach to representative bureaucracy: Power, equal opportunities and diversity",VABB-4,1,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425652,,Interorganisationeel vertrouwen in Vlaamse horizontale departementen: naar een managementmodel,VABB-1,85,102,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425653,,Understanding the Diversity of Coproduction: Introduction to the IJPA Special Issue on Coproduction,VABB-1,1001,1005,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425655,,Blueprint for the STIG1.0 – Defining core SDI principles and setting up performance indicators,VABB-5,29,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425656,,The Nexus between Agencification and Horizontal Accountability: a Multi-Country Survey Analysis,VABB-1,184,202,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425657,,The concepts of Trust and Distrust in the Belgian Criminal Justice Chain,VABB-4,97,113,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425658,,Nudging in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,5,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425660,,Why engage in co-production of public services? Mixing theory and empirical evidence,VABB-1,28,46,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425661,,Big data governance; een analytisch kader,VABB-1,24,28,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425663,,"Understanding elites: values, attitudes, motivations and role perceptions of top public sector executives in Europe",VABB-4,26,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425664,,Introduction,VABB-4,9,15,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425666,,The Europeanization of Public Administration Teaching,VABB-1,333,349,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425667,,Public Administration Reforms in Europe. The View from the Top,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425669,,Internal performance- based steering in public sector organizations: examining the effect of managerial autonomy and result control,VABB-1,535,559,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425670,,The significance of police-citizen contacts for public trust in the police in the Netherlands,VABB-1,78,98,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425671,,Public administration reforms and outcomes across countries and policy areas,VABB-4,259,272,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425672,,Sexual Harassment The Nexus Between Gender and Workplace Authority Evidence from the Australian Public Service,VABB-1,345,358,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425673,,'A Truly Golden Handbook': The Scholarly Quest for Utopia,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425676,,Be prepared? An outside-in perspective on the future public sector in Europe,VABB-1,3,28,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425677,,Recent shifts in public financial management,VABB-4,221,235,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425678,,Spatial Enablement in a Smart World,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425679,,What do public officials think about citizens? The role of public officials’ trust and their perceptions of citizens’ trustworthiness in interactive governance,VABB-4,189,208,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425680,,Introduction: Numéro spécial sur la coproduction des services publics,VABB-1,5,10,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425681,,Le point de vue des agents de l'Etat sur le rôle des citoyens dans la prestation de service public en Ouganda,VABB-1,181,202,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425682,,Performance Measurement and Management in Public Sector Organisations,VABB-4,148,161,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425683,,"Utopian Public Governance: Cloudy, Cloudier, Cloudiest",VABB-4,158,171,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425684,,Theory and Practice of Public Sector Reform,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425686,,De instrumentalisering van EU-referenda,VABB-1,341,358,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425689,,Hergebruik van overheidsinformatie voor lokale besturen : een tweede ronde,VABB-1,4,26,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425690,,Introduction: public administration reforms in Europe,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425691,,"Talentmanagement in de Vlaamse overheid. De invloed van contextfactoren op de ontwikkeling, implementatie en perceptie van talentmanagement",VABB-1,45,60,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425692,,Civil servants’ perspectives on the role of citizens in public service delivery in Uganda,VABB-1,169,189,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425693,,HRM implementation by line managers: Explaining the discrepancy in HR-line perceptions of HR devolution,VABB-1,1901,1919,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425694,,Does trust in the performance information Supplier influence How public managers use performance information?,VABB-1,409,430,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425696,,Spatial Enablement in a Smart World,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425697,,Reforming Organizational Structures,VABB-4,131,143,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425698,,Blueprint for the STIG1.0 -€“ setting the performance indicators,VABB-4,29,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425699,,Pourquoi se lancer dans la coproduction des services publics? Théorie et données empiriques,VABB-1,33,52,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425700,,Managerialism Redux?,VABB-1,429,447,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425701,,From Octopus to the reorganisation of the judicial landscape in Belgium,VABB-4,3,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425703,,Is er een trade-off tussen wetenschappelijke impact en praktijkrelevantie? Een analyse van de publicaties van bestuurs- en politieke wetenschappers in Nederland (2006-2011),VABB-1,73,84,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:425704,,Introduction: Comparing Local Public Sector Reforms: Institutional Policies in Context,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425705,,Introduction: Theory and Practice of Public Sector Reform,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425709,,Advanced Introductions to Public Management and Administration,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425711,,Workplace innovation and social innovation: an introduction,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425713,,Introduction: a view through the family kaleidoscope,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425714,,Defensive behaviours in innovation teams – how project teams discuss defensiveness and its relationship with innovation resilience behaviour and project success,VABB-1,13,36,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425715,,Alain Ehrenberg en de mythe van het individualisme: van individualisering naar een sociologie van het individualisme,VABB-1,211,229,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:425716,,What Does Measurement Mean in a Survey Content?,VABB-4,193,209,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425717,,Putting a band-aid on a wooden leg: A sociotechnical view on the success of decentralisation attempts to increase job autonomy,VABB-1,383,398,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425719,,Patiëntveiligheid in de eerstelijnsgezondheidszorg: een stand van zaken en aanbevelingen,VABB-1,202,2011,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425720,,"Flexibility and security within European labor markets: the role of local bargaining and the different ‘trade-offs’ within multinationals' subsidiaries in Belgium, Britain and Germany",VABB-1,605,630,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425725,,How to Survey Displaced Workers in Switzerland: Ways of Addressing Sources of Bias,VABB-4,159,176,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425726,,Measuring the survey climate: the Flemish case,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425727,,Effects of personality on postdivorce partnership trajectories,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:425729,,Immigrants' Attitudes towards Welfare Redistribution. An Exploration of Role of Government Preferences among Immigrants and Natives across 18 European Welfare States,VABB-1,433,445,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:425734,,CARE JOBS: an educational game on workplace innovation in chronic care settings,VABB-1,65,82,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425735,,Beyond 'mythbusting': how to respond to myths and perceived undeservingness in the British benefits system,VABB-1,291,306,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425738,,Assessing the Use of Mode Preference as a Covariate for the Estimation of Measurement Effects between Modes. A Sequential Mixed Mode Experiment,VABB-1,119,142,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425740,,Populism,VABB-4,609,612,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425741,,Has lean improved organizational decision making?,VABB-1,536,549,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425744,,Digital Health Care for Real Patients,VABB-4,47,60,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425749,,Defining and Assessing Survey Climate,VABB-4,67,76,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425751,,"Quantitative Analysis in Cultural Sociology: Why It Should Be Done, How It Can Be Done",VABB-4,225,236,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425752,,The illusion of normal fertility: women’s experiences of pregnancy and birth after oocyte donation,VABB-4,87,102,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425756,,The End of Hypergamy: Global Trends and Implications,VABB-1,615,625,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425757,,Long-term trends in human extra-pair paternity: increased infidelity or adaptive strategy? A reply to Harris (2016),VABB-1,663,665,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425759,,Exploring the self-reported ICT skill levels of undergraduate science students,VABB-1,19,47,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425763,,"Disfavored in Life, Favored in Death? Later-Life Mortality Differences (Ages 30+) between Migrants and Natives in Antwerp, Rotterdam and Stockholm, 1850-1930",VABB-1,257,290,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425765,,"Marital Fertility and Educational Assortative Mating Before, During and After the Baby Boom in Belgium",VABB-1,139,163,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425768,,Maatschappelijk onbehagen en etnopopulisme,VABB-1,51,58,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:425773,,Will ‘structural reforms’ of labour markets reduce productivity growth? A firm-level investigation,VABB-1,300,317,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425776,,"Empowerment, resilience and social capital: building blocks for a sustainability transition",VABB-4,197,217,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425778,,Aligning the meaning of Lean: Boundary spanning agents in the translation of management concepts,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425780,,Regression Metamodels for Sensitivity Analysis in Agent-Based Computational Demography,VABB-4,185,210,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425782,,"HIV-Related Risk Behaviors Among Labor Migrants, Their Wives and the General Population in Nepal",VABB-1,260,268,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:425783,,Kwaliteit van arbeid in kleinschalige genormaliseerde woonzorgcentra [Quality of working life in normalised and small-scale nursing homes],VABB-1,377,391,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425784,,"Altitudes Towards a Cordon Sanitaire vis-a-vis Extremist Parties: Instrumental Pragmatism, Affective Reactions, and Democratic Principles",VABB-1,667,698,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:425785,,A safe and just space for humanity: The need for a new concept of well-being,VABB-4,177,196,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425787,,"Union strategies, national institutions and the use of temporary labour in Italian and US plants",VABB-1,574,596,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425789,,Safety in long term radioactive waste management: Insight and oversight,VABB-1,258,265,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425793,,Global trends on fears and concerns of genetic discrimination: a systematic literature review,VABB-1,275,282,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425794,,Why Job autonomy matters for young companies’ performance growth,VABB-1,74,100,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425796,,A Just Distribution of Burdens? Attitudes Toward the Social Distribution of Taxes in 26 Welfare States,VABB-1,376,400,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425799,,Reset Inquiry!,VABB-4,455,467,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425800,,News coverage and attitudes on immigration: Public and commercial television news compared,VABB-1,642,660,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425802,,Instruments measuring integrated care: A systematic review of measurement properties,VABB-1,862,917,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425803,,Status Characteristics and Ability Attributions in Hungarian School Classes: An Exponential Random Graph Approach,VABB-1,156,167,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425805,,How to Describe Agent-Based Models in Population Studies?,VABB-4,237,254,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425806,,Low Second Birth Rates in Eastern and Southern Europe: Interactions between Economic Uncertainty and Norms about Parenthood,VABB-4,64,83,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425807,,Systems Theory and Culture: Drawing Lessons from Parsons and Luhmann,VABB-4,178,192,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425808,,Status Perceptions Matter: Understanding Disliking Among Adolescents,VABB-1,805,818,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:425810,,An old mom keeps you young: mother's age at last birth and offspring longevity in nineteenth-century Utah,VABB-1,164,181,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425811,,When do social actors shape sub-national employment policies?,VABB-1,622,643,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425813,,"Paths of Acculturation and Social Inclusion. Migration, Marriage Opportunities and Assortative Mating by Geographic Origin in Antwerp, 1846-1920",VABB-1,177,207,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425816,,Lost in translation? The role of supervisors in lean production,VABB-1,35,52,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425818,,Union responses to precarious workers: Italy and Spain compared,VABB-1,39,55,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425820,,Workplace innovation: European policy and theoretical foundation,VABB-1,13,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425821,,The Maille Blanche of Willem Miles,VABB-1,327,331,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425823,,Agent-Based Modelling as a Tool to Advance Evolutionary Population Theory,VABB-4,3,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425824,,"Implementing Workplace Innovation across Europe: Why, How and What?",VABB-1,195,218,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425825,,Biohistorical materials and contemporary privacy concerns—The forensic case of King Albert I,VABB-1,202,210,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425828,,Can teams benefit from using a mindful infrastructure when defensive behaviour threatens complex innovation projects?,VABB-1,241,258,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425831,,Changing Family Dynamics and Demographic Evolution. The Family Kaleidoscope,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425832,,New light on Roman census papyri through semi-automated record linkage,VABB-1,50,65,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425833,,The relation between societal factors and different forms of prejudice: a cross-national approach on target-specific and generalized prejudice,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425835,,Factors Associated with Condom Use for HIV Prevention among Nepalese Labor Migrant Couples,VABB-1,180,190,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425836,,"Agent-Based Modelling in Population Studies: Concepts, Methods, and Applications",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425837,,Interviewer Effects in the European Social Survey,VABB-1,103,118,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425839,,The Achilles’ heel of welfare state legitimacy: perceptions of overuse and underuse of social benefits in Europe,VABB-1,177,196,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425843,,Determinants of Indefinite Contracts in Europe:The Role of Unemployment,VABB-1,794,838,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425844,,"'A Necessary Evil that Does Not ""Really"" Cure Disease': The Domestication of Biomedicine by Dutch Holistic General Practitioners",VABB-1,242,257,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425845,,"Women's age at last childbearing and its determinants: a case study of Antwerp (Flanders, Belgium) on the basis of the multi-source COR* historical sample",VABB-1,175,194,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425846,,Mindful infrastructure as an enabler of innovation resilience behaviour in innovation teams,VABB-1,334,353,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425851,,Gender and Facebook motives as predictors of specific types of Facebook use: A latent growth curve analysis in adolescence,VABB-1,182,190,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425852,,A longitudinal study on the relationship between adolescents’ medical drama viewing and speeding,VABB-1,223,233,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:425853,,Behavioral activation and inhibition as moderators of the relationship between music-video viewing and joyriding attitudes,VABB-1,181,202,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425854,,"A Conditional Process Analysis on the Relationship between the Use of Social Networking Sites, Attitudes, Peer Norms and Adolescents’ Intentions to Consume Alcohol",VABB-1,310,333,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425855,,Cultivating the Opinionated: The Need to Evaluate Moderates the Relationship Between Crime Drama Viewing and Scary World Evaluations,VABB-1,421,440,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425856,,Bedtime Mobile Phone Use and Sleep in Adults,VABB-1,93,101,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425857,,Understanding the relationship between mothers’ attitudes toward television and children’s television exposure: A longitudinal study of reciprocal patterns and the moderating role of maternal stress,VABB-1,638,665,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425859,,Leitkultur and Discourse Hegemonies: German Mainstream Media Coverage on the Integration Debate between 2009 and 2014,VABB-1,557,584,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425860,,"Exploring the relationships between different types of Facebook use, perceived online social support and adolescents' depressed mood",VABB-1,153,171,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425861,,"Dark climates and media use in the family: The associations among child temperament, maternal mental well-being, and the frequency of mothers' use of television viewing to soothe their children",VABB-4,87,107,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425865,,"""I don't want to miss a thing”: Adolescents' fear of missing out and its relationship to adolescents' social needs, Facebook use, and Facebook related stress",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425867,,Spelen Sociale Netwerksites een Rol in de Alcoholconsumptie van Jongeren? Een Literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,194,209,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:425868,,Stem Cell Research: The Role of Information Seeking and Scanning,VABB-1,269,282,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425870,,"""Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"": Negative comparison on Facebook and adolescents' life satisfaction are reciprocally related",VABB-1,158,164,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425872,,Adolescents’ conformity to the television viewing behavior of their classmates: A longitudinal study,VABB-1,290,308,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425873,,Antecedents of the Initiation of Watching Sexually Explicit Internet Material: A Longitudinal Study among Adolescents,VABB-1,499,521,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425874,,Compulsive use of social networking sites among secondary school children in Belgium,VABB-4,179,191,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425875,,The Association between Soap Opera and Music Video Viewing and Fear of Crime in Adolescents: Exploring a Mediated Fear Model,VABB-1,96,116,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:425877,,The changing dynamics of television consumption in the multimedia living room,VABB-1,3,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425878,,Popularity Through Online Harm: The Longitudinal Associations Between Cyberbullying and Sociometric Status in Early Adolescence,VABB-1,86,107,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425879,,The short-term longitudinal and reciprocal relations between peer victimization on Facebook and adolescents' well-being,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425880,,The Bricklayer Effect: How accounting for method bias affects first-order cultivation relationships,VABB-1,782,799,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425881,,The Interrelated Roles of Mass Media and Social Media in Adolescents’ Development of an Objectified Self-Concept: A Longitudinal Study,VABB-1,1116,1140,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425883,,A reinforcement sensitivity perspective on adolescents’ susceptibility to the influence of soap opera viewing on alcohol attitudes,VABB-1,452,475,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425886,,Stimulating Citizenship or Expanding Entertainment? The Effect of Facebook on Adolescent Participation,VABB-1,817,836,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425887,,A Comparative Analysis of “Good Citizenship”: A Latent Class Analysis of Adolescents’ Citizenship Norms in 38 Countries,VABB-1,115,129,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425893,,"De invloed van verkiezingen op politiek vertrouwen. Een analyse van een verkiezingspanel in België, 2009-2014",VABB-1,193,216,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425894,,Het effect van politieke sofisticatie op de (intentie tot) opkomst bij eerste- en tweederangsverkiezingen in België en Nederland,VABB-1,5,36,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425895,,A Spiral of Distrust. A Panel Study on the Relation between Political Distrust and Protest Voting in Belgium,VABB-1,104,130,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:425900,,"Trade union density and social expenditure: a longitudinal analysis of policy feedback effects in OECD countries, 1980-2010",VABB-1,1520,1542,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425903,,Youth engagement in politics: generational differences and participation inequalities,VABB-4,13,28,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425904,,The Murder of Julien Lahaut (1950) and the Anti-Communist Campaign in Belgium,VABB-1,54,67,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:425907,,Economic crisis and non-institutionalised political participation,VABB-4,163,192,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425909,,Hoe de vorming van een Vlaams en rechts front mislukte. De geschiedenis van de Concentratie in 1936,VABB-1,339,374,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425912,,The electoral success of the Movimento 5 Stelle: an example of a left populist vote?,VABB-1,25,36,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425914,,Elections as a Democratic Linkage Mechanism: How elections boost political trust in a proportional system,VABB-1,46,55,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425915,,"Return Wishes of Refugees in the Netherlands: The Role of Integration, Host National Identification and Perceived Discrimination",VABB-1,1836,1857,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:425917,,NewSchool: Studying the Effects of Design Fiction through Personalized Learning Scenarios,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425923,,"Designing for Others, and the Trap of HCI Methods & Practices",VABB-5,512,524,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425927,,Why practitioners do (not) apply crisis communication theory in practice,VABB-1,232,247,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425930,,Enriching and Engaging Linear Television: Findings and Learnings with HbbTV Second Screen Applications,VABB-5,3,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425931,,Anthropomorphism as a Strategy to Engage End-Users in Health Data Ideation,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425935,,"Turkish diasporic responses to the Taksim Square protests: Legacy media and social media uses in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany",VABB-1,548,559,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425937,,The Relationship between Online and Offline Participation in a Social Movement: Gezi Park Protests in the Diaspora,VABB-4,117,138,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425940,,Domestic and international audiences of organizational crisis communication: State of the art and implications for cross-cultural crisis communication,VABB-4,224,235,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425943,,Changes in cultural representations on Indonesian children's television from the 1980s to the 2000s,VABB-1,371,386,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425944,,Informing content-driven design of computer programming games: a problems analysis and a game review,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425945,,The Tactics of Everyday Practice: A Semiotic Approach to Appropriation,VABB-1,99,120,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425947,,Using the MemoLine to capture changes in user experience over time with children,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425949,,Social experiences within the home using second screen TV applications,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425951,,Becoming politically discontented: Anti-establishment careers of Dutch nonvoters and PVV voters,VABB-1,757,774,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425952,,Involving End-Users in Game Based Ideation: A Case Study in Hospital Logistics,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425953,,The Speaker’s Staff: Supporting Remote Multidisciplinary Team Meetings in Hospitals,VABB-5,591,596,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425956,,A Video is Worth a Million Words? Comparing a Documentary with a Scientific Paper to Communicate Design Research,VABB-5,747,754,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425958,,België verdeeld. Filmdistributie in bezet België (1914-1918).,VABB-1,5,21,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425960,,The News Framing of the ‘Syria Fighters’ in Flanders and the Netherlands,VABB-1,798,818,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425961,,"Who is to Blame on July 22, 2011? Psychological and Sociological Blame Frames in the Reporting of Anders Breivik in the Dutch Speaking Broadsheet Press",VABB-1,59,72,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425962,,"The battle of ideas about global poverty in the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, and Flanders",VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:425964,,Debunking the myth of denial's effectiveness in crisis communication: context matters,VABB-1,381,395,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425965,,Third Reich Cinema and Film Theory,VABB-1,190,213,,ger,2016,1 c:vabb:425967,,Serious Games for improving knowledge and self-management in young people with chronic conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,230,239,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425968,,Is old news no news? The impact of self-disclosure by organizations in crisis,VABB-1,3963,3970,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425970,,Hoe mainstream is ‘Citétaal’? De impact van het gebruik van jongerentaal in reclameslogans,VABB-1,168,184,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:425973,,Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines but Not Endotoxin-Related Parameters Associate with Disease Severity in Patients with NAFLD,VABB-1,e0166048,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425975,,Introduction: EU Enlargement and LGBT Rights: Beyond Symbolism?,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425976,,Corruption and the governance of sport,VABB-4,186,200,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425977,,Beyond EU navel-gazing: Taking stock of EU-centrism in the analysis of EU foreign policy,VABB-1,345,364,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425984,,"EU Enlargement and Minority Rights Policies in Central Europe: Explaining Policy Shifts in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland",VABB-1,115,140,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:425985,,Changing Frames of Reconciliation: The Politics of Peace-Building in the former Yugoslavia,VABB-1,55,73,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425986,,The EU in Global Chemicals Governance,VABB-4,61,79,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425987,,Which lodestar to follow? South African public opinion on China and other international partners,VABB-1,6,33,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425988,,Stories of Moral Actorship: European Union and Chinese Narratives Towards Africa,VABB-1,517,537,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425989,,Indicators and benchmarking tools for sports governance,VABB-4,56,61,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425991,,Belgisch parlement en militaire interventies: speler in de marge?,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:425992,,Chinese and EU Climate and Energy Security Policy,VABB-4,102,123,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425994,,Beyond norms. A configurational analysis of the EU’s Arab Spring sanctions,VABB-1,408,428,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:425995,,The Socialization Potential of the CDM in EU-Vietnam Climate Relations,VABB-1,1048,1064,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:425997,,From Pride to Politics: Niche-Party Politics and LGBT Rights in Poland,VABB-4,123,145,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:425998,,One swallow does not make spring: A critical juncture perspective on the EU sanctions in response to the Arab Spring,VABB-1,205,225,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:425999,,Democratizing global environmental governance? The case of transnational climate governance,VABB-4,63,96,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426000,,Governing in the shadow of Bosman: sports governance and the EU,VABB-4,213,232,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426001,,"The EU Enlargement and Gay Politics: The Impact of Eastern Enlargement on Rights, Activism and Prejudice",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426003,,It’s not that easy being green: The environmental dimension of the European Union’s sports policy,VABB-1,62,81,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426004,,Global Governance and the Challenges of Diversity,VABB-4,191,225,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426005,,At the Crossroads: China's Domestic and International Climate Policy,VABB-1,199,202,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426006,,Environmental Policy and Politics in the European Union,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426007,,Discourse and Practice of Transitions in International Policy-making on Resource Efficiency in the EU,VABB-4,869,884,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426008,,Virtuous villages and sinful cities? A spatial analysis into the effects of community characteristics on turnout and blank/invalid voting in local elections in Belgium 2006-2012,VABB-1,80,101,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426009,,National administrations in EU trade policy: maintaining the capacity to control,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426012,,Creative Democracy and the Global Citizen,VABB-4,172,182,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426013,,Climate voting in the US Congress: the power of public concern,VABB-1,268,288,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426014,,The co-evolution of EU’s Eastern Enlargement and LGBT politics: An ever gayer Union?,VABB-4,19,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426015,,Who is controlling whom? An analysis of the Belgian federal parliament’s executive oversight capacities towards the military interventions in Libya (2011) and Iraq (2014-2015),VABB-1,91,110,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426016,,Introduction: Timing and Sequencing of Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Peacebuilding,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426017,,The EU in Transnational Climate Networks: The Case of the Partnership for Market Readiness,VABB-4,138,149,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426018,,Diversity without a Group Approach,VABB-4,221,236,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426019,,The Socialization Potential of the CDM in EU-China Climate Relations,VABB-1,543,559,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426020,,The EU in international sports governance. A principal-agent perspective on EU control of FIFA and UEFA,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426021,,Theorizing the governance of sport mega-events: a principal-agent perspective,VABB-4,24,36,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426022,,The effect of mortgage interest deduction and mortgage characteristics on house prices,VABB-1,15,29,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426025,,Socio-economic impact of built heritage in Flanders: Results and Methodological discussion,VABB-4,153,162,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426026,,Spatial and temporal diffusion of housing prices in the presence of a linguistic border: Evidence from Belgium,VABB-1,92,122,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426027,,Explaining job polarization: routine-biased technological change and offshoring,VABB-4,2509,2526,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426029,,No evidence that protein truncating variants in BRIP1 are associated with breast cancer risk: implications for gene panel testing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426030,,"Discussion of Integrated information systems, alliance formation, and the risk of information exchange between partners",VABB-1,19,23,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426031,,How audits moderate the effects of incentives and peer behavior on misreporting,VABB-1,183,204,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426032,,"If auditors are like Belgian beers, which style would you prefer?",VABB-1,341,347,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426033,,The spillover of SOX on earnings quality in non-U.S. jurisdictions,VABB-1,23,39,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426034,,"Earnings benchmarks, information systems, and their impact on the degree of honesty in managerial reporting",VABB-1,50,62,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426037,,The new European audit regulation arena: Discussion of new rules and ideas for future research,VABB-1,211,214,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426046,,A review of empirical research on the design and impact of regulation in the banking sector,VABB-1,423,443,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426049,,How do lead financiers select their partners in buyout syndicates? Empirical results from buyout syndicates in Europe,VABB-1,221,246,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426051,,Influence of family ownership on the industry-diversifying nature of a firm’s M&A strategy: Empirical evidence from Continental Europe,VABB-1,210,226,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426052,,On the non-exclusivity of loan contracts: An empirical investigation,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426054,,What determines the market share of investment banks in Chinese domestic IPOs?,VABB-1,150,168,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426055,,Legal insider trading and stock market liquidity,VABB-1,83,104,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426057,,Informal or formal financing? Evidence on the co-funding of Chinese firms,VABB-1,31,60,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426058,,Bias in the post-IPO earnings forecasts of affiliated analysts. Evidence from a Chinese natural experiment,VABB-1,486,505,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426060,,Bayesian Poisson log-bilinear models for mortality projections with multiple populations,VABB-1,245,281,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426061,,Bias reduced tail estimation for censored Pareto type distributions,VABB-1,78,88,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426062,,"Expanding the CHARGE Geno-Phenotype: A Girl with Novel CHD7 Deletion, Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism, and Agenesis of Uterus and Ovaries",VABB-1,288,290,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426063,,STOPP/START version 2-development of software applications: easier said than done?,VABB-1,590,593,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426064,,The frequency and outcome of acute dyspnoea in primary care: an observational study,VABB-1,1,7,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:426065,,Education for children with a chronic health condition: an evidence-informed approach to policy and pratice decision making,VABB-1,142,158,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426066,,Het belang van verbale en non-verbale communicatieve aspecten tijdens de consultatie,VABB-1,35,38,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426068,,"Too many, too few, or too unsafe? Impact of inappropriate prescribing on mortality, and hospitalisation in a cohort of community-dwelling oldest old",VABB-1,1382,1392,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426069,,"Metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up",VABB-1,v1,v27,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426070,,Oud en moe van dagen: levensmoeheid bij ouderen,VABB-1,145,157,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426071,,"Do commonly used frailty models predict mortality, loss of autonomy and mental decline in older adults in northwestern Russia? A prospective cohort study",VABB-1,98,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426073,,Evaluating the scripts and thresholds of general practitioners for diagnosing heart failure in elderly people,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426074,,"Association between atrial fibrillation, anticoagulation, risk of cerebrovascular events and multimorbidity in general practice: a registry-based study",VABB-1,61,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426076,,"The link between self-perceptions of aging, cancer view and physical and mental health of older people with cancer: a cross-sectional study",VABB-1,64,68,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426077,,Subjective assessment versus ultrasound models to diagnose ovarian cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426079,,Waarom de screening voor cervixkanker het best wordt aangepast,VABB-1,257,260,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426080,,Video-training with peer feedback in real time consultation: acceptability and feasibility in a general practice setting,VABB-1,431,435,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426081,,Wat kunnen we verwachten van medicinale cannabis?,VABB-1,65,68,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426082,,"Euthanasie en dementie, een moeilijk debat",VABB-1,339,342,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426083,,Wat weten ouderen met polyfarmacie van hun pillen?,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426084,,Belgian experience with triple therapy with boceprevir and telaprevir in genotype 1 infected patients who inject drugs,VABB-1,94,99,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426085,,The clinical impact of valvular heart disease in a population-based cohort of subjects aged 80 and older,VABB-1,7,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426088,,HALON—hysterectomy by transabdominal laparoscopy or natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery: a randomised controlled trial (study protocol),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426090,,Draagmoederschap roept veel medische en juridische vragen op,VABB-1,849,852,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426092,,The Prevalence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease by the Global Lung Initiative Equations in North-Western Russia,VABB-1,43,55,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426093,,"A Validation of the French Version of the Attitudes to Aging Questionnaire (AAQ): Factor Structure, Reliability and Validity",VABB-1,80,100,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426094,,Continuing medical education for general practitioners: a practice format,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426095,,Development and Validation of a Questionnaire to Assess Multimorbidity in Primary Care: An Indian Experience,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426096,,Diagnostic rules and algorithms for the diagnosis of non-acute heart failure in patients 80 years of age and older: a diagnostic accuracy and validation study,VABB-1,e012888,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426097,,Remedies bij tinnitus veroorzaakt door lawaai,VABB-1,487,490,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426099,,Pilot study to test the feasibility of a trial design and complex intervention on PRIoritising MUltimedication in Multimorbidity in general practices (PRIMUMpilot),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426100,,CD4:8 Ratio Above 5 Is Associated With All-Cause Mortality in CMV-Seronegative Very Old Women: Results From the BELFRAIL Study,VABB-1,1155,1162,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426101,,"Mortality, hospitalisation, institutionalisation in community-dwelling oldest old: The impact of medication",VABB-1,9,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426109,,Steeds meer patiënten verslaafd aan opioïde pijnstillers,VABB-1,1138,1141,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426110,,Recovery without Cure,VABB-4,132,143,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426112,,Synergistic Effects of Six Chronic Disease Pairs on Decreased Physical Activity: The SMILE Cohort Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426113,,Spiritual history taking in palliative home care: a cluster randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,338,350,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426115,,Prognostic value of handgrip strength in people aged 60 years and older: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,5,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426116,,eHealth Consent: is de patiënt er klaar voor?,VABB-1,840,849,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426118,,Development and Validation of Quality Indicators on Continuing Care for Patients With AUD: A Delphi Study,VABB-1,555,561,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426119,,Disease combinations associated with physical activity identified: the SMILE cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426122,,Outcome of fertility after radical conservative surgery in grade III-IV endometriosis lesions: a retrospective analysis,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426123,,Alcoholproblemen na bariatrische heelkunde,VABB-1,534,537,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426124,,Comorbidity in Dupuytren disease,VABB-1,643,648,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426126,,Person-Centered Health Care without Fragmentation,VABB-4,144,154,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426127,,"Hoe meer teken, hoe meer Lyme?",VABB-1,1521,1524,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426128,,Immunotherapie bij gemetastaseerd niet-kleincellig longcarcinoom,VABB-1,1001,1004,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426131,,Kwart ovariumcarcinomen niet onderkend op echo,VABB-1,119,124,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426132,,Anticholinergic Exposure in a cohort of adults aged 80 years and over Associations of the MARANTE scale with mortality and hospitalisation,VABB-1,591,600,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426134,,The viral capping enzyme nsP1: a novel target for the inhibition of chikungunya virus infection,VABB-1,31819,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426135,,‘ Life is still worth living ’ : a pilot exploration of self-reported resources of palliative care patients,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426137,,"Stigma, Attitudes, and Help-Seeking Intentions for Psychological Problems in Relation to Regional Suicide Rates",VABB-1,67,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426138,,Factors associated with appropriate knowledge of the indications for prescribed drugs among community-dwelling older patients with polypharmacy,VABB-1,402,408,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426140,,Neemt de incidentie van pancreaskanker toe?,VABB-1,1419,1422,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426141,,Assessing cancer patients' quality of life and supportive care needs: Translation-revalidation of the CARES in Flemish and exhaustive evaluation of concurrent validity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426143,,Laparoscopic versus robotic-assisted sacrocolpopexy for pelvic organ prolapse: a systematic review,VABB-1,115,123,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426144,,Treatment intentions of general practitioners regarding hypertension in the oldest old: a vignette study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426146,,Nog weinig klinische evidentie voor hadrontherapie bij kinderen,VABB-1,922,925,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426153,,"Improving care for heart failure patients in primary care, GPs' perceptions: a qualitative evidence synthesis",VABB-1,e013459,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426154,,Is screening op voorkamerfibrillatie vanaf 40 jaar wenselijk?,VABB-1,828,831,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426156,,"Bloedgeven en homoseksualiteit, hoe groot is het risico?",VABB-1,1596,1599,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426159,,Polypharmacy in a Belgian cohort of community-dwelling oldest old (80+),VABB-1,158,166,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426160,,Vormen tatoeages een contra-indicatie voor MRI-onderzoek?,VABB-1,885,888,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426164,,Recontacting Pediatric Research Participants for Consent When They Reach the Age of Majority,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426168,,Who should have access to genomic data and how should they be held accountable? Perspectives of Data Access Committee members and experts,VABB-1,1671,1675,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426170,,Dealing with existential suffering of patients with severe persistent mental illness,VABB-1,219,225,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426172,,Participants' Accounts on Their Decision to Join a Cohort Study With an Attached Biobank: A Qualitative Content Analysis Study Within Two German Studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426173,,Profiling of conserved non-coding elements upstream of SHOX and functional characterisation of the SHOX cis-regulatory landscape,VABB-1,17667,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426174,,Legal approaches regarding health-care decisions involving minors: implications for next-generation sequencing,VABB-1,1559,1564,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426177,,Content Analysis of Informed Consent for Whole Genome Sequencing Offered by Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Companies,VABB-1,1248,1256,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426179,,A Placebo-Controlled Trial of Obeticholic Acid in Primary Biliary Cholangitis,VABB-1,631,643,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426180,,Is an absolute prohibition of living kidney donation by minors appropriate? A discussion of the arguments in favor and against,VABB-4,259,270,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426181,,Minderjarigen en medische besluitvorming,VABB-1,221,230,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426183,,Research integrity in China: precautions when searching the Chinese literature,VABB-1,1011,1016,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426186,,"Mood stabilizing drugs regulate transcription of immune, neuronal and metabolic pathway genes in Drosophila",VABB-1,1751,62,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426188,,Designing expanded carrier screening panels: results of a qualitative study with European geneticists,VABB-1,553,562,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426189,,Why Do Parents Want to Know their Child's Carrier Status? A Qualitative Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426190,,Responsible implementation of expanded carrier screening,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426197,,Parents' experiences with requesting carrier testing for their unaffected children,VABB-1,1199,1205,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426199,,Shooting a moving target. Researching autism genes: An interview study with professionals,VABB-1,32,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426200,,On-line genetische zelftest. Uitdaging voor de wetgever,VABB-1,287,290,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426201,,Viewing benefit sharing in global health research through the lens of Aristotelian Justice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426204,,"Registered access: a "" Triple-A"" approach",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426206,,Participation of Children in Medical Decision-Making: Challenges and Potential Solutions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426208,,De geestelijke gezondheidszorgberoepen:nieuwkomers in de wet op de uitoefening van de gezondheidszorgberoepen,VABB-1,522,536,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426209,,"The ethics of complexity. Genetics and autism, a literature review",VABB-1,305,316,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426210,,De omzetting van de Richtlijn grensoverschrijdende zorg door België vanuit het perspectief van de informatierechten van de gebruiker van zorg,VABB-1,46,52,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426211,,Attitudes of cystic fibrosis patients and parents toward carrier screening and related reproductive issues,VABB-1,506,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426212,,Genetic testing and counseling in the case of an autism diagnosis: A caregivers perspective,VABB-1,452,458,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426214,,Attitudes toward medical and genetic confidentiality in the Saudi research biobank: An exploratory survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426215,,“You want the right amount of oversight”: interviews with data access committee members and experts on genomic data access,VABB-1,892,897,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426217,,Body distribution of SiO2-Fe3O4 core-shell nanoparticles after intravenous injection and intratracheal instillation,VABB-1,567,574,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426218,,Beyond the realism debate: The metaphysics of 'racial' distinctions,VABB-1,47,56,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426221,,The Use of the Auctoritates Aristotelis in Peter of Auvergne's Questions on De caelo,VABB-4,87,113,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426222,,Pascal. Deux interprétations de l'admiration,VABB-4,113,133,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426224,,Kingly versus Political Rule in Aristotle's Politics,VABB-1,515,537,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426225,,Digital Subjectivation and Financial Markets: Criticizing Social Studies of Finance with Lazzarato,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426226,,Reassessment of the acrylamide risk: Belgium as a case-study,VABB-1,628,635,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426227,,Transplacental Administration of Rosiglitazone Attenuates Hyperoxic Lung Injury in a Preterm Rabbit Model,VABB-1,297,305,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426228,,Pediatric Asthma and the Indoor Microbial Environment,VABB-1,238,249,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426229,,Interaction of rat alveolar macrophages with dental composite dust,VABB-1,62,65,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426230,,[Weight and height local growth charts of Algerian children and adolescents (6-18 years of age)],VABB-1,340,7,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426231,,"Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) - Revision of the opinion on the safety of the use of Silica, Hydrated Silica, and Silica Surface Modified with Alkyl Silylates (nano form) in cosmetic products",VABB-1,79,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426232,,Nanomaterials vs Ambient Ultrafine Particles: an Opportunity to Exchange Toxicology Knowledge,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426233,,Ruik je dat niet? Reukstoornissen door blootstelling in het werk,VABB-1,186,189,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426234,,Use of Zebrafish Larvae as a Multi-Endpoint Platform to Characterize the Toxicity Profile of Silica Nanoparticles,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426235,,"Decennial administration in young adults of a reduced-antigen content diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis vaccine containing two different concentrations of aluminium",VABB-1,3026,3034,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426236,,"Mortality in Individuals Treated with Glucose Lowering Agents: a Large, Controlled Cohort Study",VABB-1,461,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426237,,"Preeclampsia and toxic metals: a case-control study in Kinshasa, DR Congo",VABB-1,48,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426239,,Sleep disturbances and neurotoxicity in workers exposed to hydrocarbons. An observational study from Algeria,VABB-1,129,36,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426241,,Dependence of Gold Nanoparticle Radiosensitization on Functionalizing Layer Thickness,VABB-1,384,392,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426242,,Incidence of nephrolithiasis in relation to environmental exposure to lead and cadmium in a population study,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426243,,Bridging Health Care and the Workplace: Formulation of a Return-to-Work Intervention for Breast Cancer Patients Using an Intervention Mapping Approach,VABB-1,350,365,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426244,,Proton-pump inhibitor omeprazole attenuates hyperoxia induced lung injury,VABB-1,247,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426245,,Maternal Methyl-Group Donor Intake and Global DNA (Hydroxy)Methylation before and during Pregnancy,VABB-1,474,491,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426246,,"Longitudinal micro-CT provides biomarkers of lung disease and therapy in preclinical models, thereby revealing compensatory changes in lung volume",VABB-1,91,98,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426247,,Death and cell cycle progression are differently conditioned by the AgNP size in osteoblast-like cells,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426248,,Response to: 'Domestic use of bleach and infections in children: a multicentre cross-sectional study' Response,VABB-1,215,216,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426249,,Interaction of gold nanoparticles and nickel(II) sulfate affects dendritic cell maturation,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426250,,Cytotoxic effects of composite dust on human bronchial epithelial cells,VABB-1,1482,1491,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426251,,Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. pasteurianus Infection in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,VABB-1,1272,1275,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426252,,Exposure of hairdressers to aromatic diamines: an interventional study confirming the protective effect of adequate glove use,VABB-1,221,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426254,,Genotoxicity of ethylene oxide: A review of micronucleus assay results in human population,VABB-1,84,91,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426255,,Neuro-immune interactions in chemical-induced airway hyperreactivity,VABB-1,380,392,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426257,,Diastolic Left Ventricular Function in Relation to Circulating Metabolic Biomarkers in a General Population,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426258,,A cross-sectional study with an improved methodology to assess occupational air pollution exposure and respiratory health in motorcycle taxi driving,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426260,,Progressive Vascular Functional and Structural Damage in a Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Model in Preterm Rabbits Exposed to Hyperoxia,VABB-1,E1776,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426261,,Caffeine Prevents Hyperoxia-Induced Functional and Structural Lung Damage in Preterm Rabbits,VABB-1,274,281,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426262,,Gastric Emptying of Liquids in Children,VABB-1,403,408,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426263,,Antibody Persistence and Booster Responses to split-virion H5N1 Avian influenza vaccine in young and elderly adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426264,,Mucosal expression of DEC-205 targeted allergen alleviates an asthmatic phenotype in mice,VABB-1,14,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426265,,Scan en verbeter het werkvermogen in de organisatie: de ontwikkeling van de gratis online tool Wellfie,VABB-1,425,431,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426267,,Respiratory medication medication sales and urban air pollution in Brussels (2005 to 2011),VABB-1,576,582,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426268,,How should the completeness and quality of curated nanomaterial data be evaluated?,VABB-1,9919,9943,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426269,,Emergence of human G2P[4] rotaviruses containing animal derived gene segments in the post-vaccine era,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426270,,Microtia in Cornelia de Lange syndrome: a case from Democratic Republic of the Congo,VABB-1,178,180,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426271,,Dutch-Flemish translation of nine pediatric item banks from the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS),VABB-1,761,765,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426272,,Losing and Restoring the adelphoi Relationship at the Corinthian kyriakon deipnon (1 Corinthians 11:17-34),VABB-4,174,191,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426274,,Food Crises in Corinth? Revisiting the Evidence and Its Possible Implications in Reading 1 Cor 11:17-34,VABB-4,33,53,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426275,,Responses by Didier Pollefeyt,VABB-4,108,113,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426276,,Torture in Light of the Holocaust: An Impossible Possibility,VABB-4,99,107,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426278,,"Augustine’s Homiletic Appreciation of the Feast of the Ascension: Preaching on Christological Orthodoxy, Divine Soteriology and the Moral Life Forty Days after Easter (ss. 261-265F)",VABB-4,154,186,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426279,,"De pest te Leuven, 1634-1636: de kapucijnen en de zorg om de mens",VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426281,,Fonti e storiografia del Concilio Vaticano I: Dal XX settembre (1870) al Secondo dopoguerra,VABB-1,429,440,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:426282,,Vernacular Bible Reading in the Broad Seventeenth-Century Netherlands. A Confrontation between ‘Jansenist’ Defenders and ‘Anti-Jansenist’ Opponents,VABB-1,129,152,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426283,,Augustine’s Two Cities Revisited. Contemporary Approaches of De ciuitate Dei,VABB-1,79,105,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426284,,De verborgen kracht van fragiele liefde. Stapstenen voor een christelijke groei-ethiek in het licht van paus Franciscus’ ‘logica van de pastorale barmhartigheid’ (Amoris Laetitia),VABB-1,243,266,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426285,,Parabiblica Latina: Studien zu den griechisch-lateinischen Übersetzungen parabiblischer Literatur unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der apostolischen Väter,VABB-2,,,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:426286,,Het Congolese bisdom Niangara tijdens de Simba-opstand (1964-1965). Een trieste balans van zesentwintg dominicaanse martelaars en martelaressen,VABB-4,82,102,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426291,,The Body of Christ and the Union 'Without Difference': Hadewijch's Eucharistic Vision7-8 Reconsidered,VABB-4,36,49,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426292,,"Bibliotheca Lamiarum 5: Hérésies, Inquisition, sorcellerie et magie (12e au 18e siècle)",VABB-1,202,212,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426293,,Als in een wel ghereguleerde kluyse. De ordonnantiën voor Maria Petyt (1660),VABB-1,282,335,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426295,,Two Notes on pre-Augustinian Discussions on Free Will and Human Sinfulness in North African Christian Literature,VABB-1,505,512,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426297,,El martirio cristiano en la antigüedad tardía: pluriforme y ejemplar,VABB-1,365,379,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:426298,,"Un tres beau psaultier, tout escript de lettre d’or et d’azur: History, imaging and analyses of the Peterborough Psalter (Brussels, KBR 9961–9962)",VABB-1,269,285,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426299,,"Preaching after Easter. Mid-Pentecost, Ascension and Pentecost in Late Antiquity",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426300,,"La ""théologie des réalités terrestres"" de Gustave Thils. Une construction théologique complétée par une approche sociétale?",VABB-1,353,377,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:426301,,The Dechristianisation of Europe: a Challenge for the Church,VABB-4,221,249,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426302,,"Tussen profetie, angst en hoop. Europese katholieke bisschoppen en (moslim)migratie",VABB-1,401,424,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426303,,"""Les martyrs oubliés?"". Les missionnaires dans la tourmente de l'insurrection Simba au Congo 1964-1966",VABB-2,,,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426305,,Van het “uur van Vlaanderen” tot de “ramp van Vlaanderen”. De houding van dominicaan Jules Callewaert tegenover de collaboratie tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,238,272,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426306,,"Van “christelijk humanisme” naar “zonder complexen christelijk”. Kultuurleven, de sociaal-culturele spreekbuis van de Vlaamse dominicanen (1930-2000)",VABB-4,146,162,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426307,,Uso devocional de las Confesiones de San Agustin. Evidencia manuscrita de la Inglaterra medieval,VABB-1,389,411,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:426308,,"Bible, Rhetoric and Theology: Some Examples of Mystagogical Strategies in St. Gregory of Nyssa's Sermons",VABB-4,105,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426309,,Why are some greater than others? Actors and Factors Shaping the Authority of Persons from Antiquity to the Renaissance,VABB-4,9,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426310,,'Au service de l'Eglise à l'Armée - Ten dienste van de Kerk in het Leger''. Aalmoezeniers tijdens de Schemeroorlog in België (1939-1940),VABB-1,145,176,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426312,,Een intuïtie voor vernieuwing: Over Dominicus De Petter (1905-1971),VABB-4,245,269,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426315,,Evangelische bewogenheid op 't Eilandje: Pater Luyts en het Apostolaat van de Grootstad (1936-1998),VABB-4,64,81,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426317,,Vlaamse kapucijnen als aalmoezeniers in de interneringscentra voor incivieken na de Tweede Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,314,337,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426318,,Autour de la saisie des pièces jansénistes à Bruxelles (1703). Bilan et perspectives,VABB-1,80,91,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:426323,,De bijdrage van René Draguet en Louis Charlier aan de reflectie over de speculatieve theologie,VABB-4,81,96,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426324,,Augustine's sermons and disabilities,VABB-4,328,341,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426325,,¿Por qué orar? Doctrina polifacética de Agustín de Hipona sobre la oración,VABB-1,155,182,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:426326,,"Shaping Authority. How did a person become an authority in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426327,,Denkend aan Callewaert. Over de pater-dominicaan Juul Callewaert en de Vlaamse beweging,VABB-1,147,165,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426328,,'Contra Domini uel Apostoli auctoritatem'. La autoridad de Pablo en el tratado polémico 'De Fide Contra Manichaeos' de Evodio de Uzalis,VABB-1,395,411,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426329,,"The Authorship, Thematics, and Reception of an Ascension Sermon Attributed to Proclus of Constantinople (CPG 5820)",VABB-4,185,216,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426332,,"Preface to: Barbara Baert, Late Medieval Enclosed Gardens of the Low Countries. Contribution to Gender and Artistic Expression",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426333,,Francis Lucas ‘of Bruges’ and Textual Criticism of the Vulgate Before and After the Sixto-Clementine (1592),VABB-1,201,237,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426334,,Praeuaricatio,VABB-4,887,891,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426335,,Apollinarius und seine Folgen,VABB-3,,,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:426336,,'Specialiseren en samenwerken om te overleven'. Omer Degrijse en zijn apologie voor missie instituten tijdens het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie,VABB-1,34,50,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426338,,Theologie als geloofsvertolking. Historische en theologische reflecties over het proefschrift van Piet Schoonenberg,VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426339,,Een predikheer voor Vlaanderen. De rol van pater Jules Callewaert in de Vlaamse beweging,VABB-4,215,244,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426341,,Predikbroeders in woord en daad. Dominicanen in Vlaanderen in de twintigste eeuw,VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426343,,Restauratio in De ciuitate Dei. The Role of the Restoration Motif in Understanding Augustine’s Theology of History,VABB-1,55,78,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426344,,Ontvangen om te geven. De spirituele weg van Maria van Hout,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426345,,Opleiden tot ‘katholieken van de daad’. De dominicanen en de Sociale School van Heverlee-Leuven,VABB-4,39,63,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426347,,Tilburger Anthonius van Gils. De Turnhoutse connecties,VABB-4,98,103,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426348,,Daily Life at the Hermitage in Mechelen at the Time of Maria Petyt (1657–1677),VABB-4,53,66,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426351,,Erasmus’ Revision of the New Testament and its Influence on Dutch Bible Translations. The Dossier Revisited,VABB-1,69,100,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426352,,De dominicanen in België: een beknopte geschiedenis,VABB-4,7,38,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426354,,The Relative Routine of Preaching: Pneumatomachians in Greek Patristic Sermons on Pentecost,VABB-4,269,293,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426358,,How Pauline Was Augustine’s John Commentary? On the Use of Romans 5:14 in Augustine’s Reading of John 19:34,VABB-1,365,394,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426359,,Sobre el ascetismo cristiano. Ejercicios espirituales en las 'Confesiones' de san Agustín,VABB-1,129,153,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:426360,,"""Sur l'ombre de quelque bonne paix?"" Hertog-bisschop Robrecht van Croÿ en de retoriek van zijn Blijde Intrede in Kamerijk (1529)",VABB-1,249,264,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426361,,Preaching after Easter: Fresh Perspectives on an Understudied Topic,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426362,,“Voor wie weet dat er meer is tussen hemel en aarde dan spoetniks en maanraketten”. Over de tijdschriften Jong Kultuurleven (1955-1960) en Jeugd en Cultuur (1960-1983),VABB-4,163,194,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426363,,De levenwekker tot leven gewekt. Een nieuwe biografie over Hugo Verriest,VABB-1,87,111,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426364,,Wie zeggen jullie dat Mohammed is? Kritische analyse van een eigenzinnig antwoord op een klassieke vraag in de christelijk-islamitische dialoog,VABB-1,19,36,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426366,,Vergoddelijking in het perspectief van Jan van Ruusbroec,VABB-1,19,33,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426367,,Luis de Molina’s ‘middle knowledge’ Thomas Stapleton’s ‘antidote’ to John Calvin,VABB-1,105,122,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426368,,Shaping Stability. The Normation and Formation of Religious Life in the Middle Ages,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426369,,Norm and Form. Virtues as Constituents of Identity in Medieval Religious Communities,VABB-4,99,124,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426370,,Come Into the Light: Church interiors for the celebration of liturgy,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426371,,De drie beden uit het Onzevader: verlangen naar meer speelruimte voor God,VABB-1,84,94,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426375,,Introduction: Catholic Theologies and Practical Theology: Sketching the Landscape,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426376,,German Romanticism and Liturgical Theology: Exploring the Potential of Organic Thinking,VABB-1,282,307,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426379,,Gewalt in Familien: eine Herausforderung für das kirchliche Sprechen,VABB-1,63,74,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:426381,,Liturgy: The Sacramental World par excellence and the Church's True Politics. A Response to David Brown,VABB-1,174,183,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426388,,Seksualiteit in de islam tussen dogma en dagelijks praktijk. Aspecten van islamitische seksuele moraal,VABB-1,175,186,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426390,,Physical touch in pastoral counselling. A practical theological approach,VABB-4,431,447,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426391,,Réflexions théologiques sur l'eschatologie de la Liturgie des Heures,VABB-1,109,132,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426393,,The Effects of Religious Diversity on Spiritual Care: Reflections from the Dutch Correction Facilities,VABB-4,31,47,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426396,,A novel approach for BCR-ABL1 standardization to improve International Scale estimation,VABB-1,674,684,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426398,,"'Your Father' and 'Your God'. John 20,17-18 as Unfolding the Spirit's Role in a Threefold Communion",VABB-4,61,77,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426401,,The role of liturgy in Apostolicae curae and Saepius officio,VABB-1,169,181,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426402,,Le statut de l'expérience en théologie. L'abîme entre l'idéal et la réalité,VABB-4,33,47,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426404,,Role and Quality of Monastic Community Life Challenged by Societal Transitions. An Ethnographic Case-Study of the Trappist Community of the Abbey of Sint-Sixtus,VABB-1,59,89,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426405,,The Figure of the Monk as the Ideal of a Liturgical Life? Perspectives from Political Philosophy and Liturgical Theology,VABB-1,237,252,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426409,,The missing object,VABB-4,7,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426411,,Sigmund Freud. Three essays on the theory of sexuality. The 1905 edition,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426413,,Ossa Latinitatis Sola ad mentem Reginaldi Rationemque: The mere bones of Latin according to the thought and system of Reginald,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426415,,Catholic Approaches in Practical Theology. International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426416,,Drempels bij de communicatie over ervaringen van seksueel geweld. Visies van hulpverleners over kinderen in islamitische gezinnen,VABB-1,31,56,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426420,,Autorité et pouvoir dans l'agir pastoral,VABB-3,,,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426422,,Overwegingen bij recente ontwikkelingen in de sacramententheologie,VABB-1,173,187,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426424,,Paschal Joy Continued: Exploring Leo the Great's Theology of Christ's Ascension into Heaven,VABB-4,386,404,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426425,,Gesluierde secularisatie onder hedendaagse Nederlandse Moslims,VABB-1,177,192,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426428,,Kinderen als toekomst? Praktisch-theologische reflecties over de plaats van kinderen binnen pastorale praktijken,VABB-1,154,172,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426430,,Values in Dialogue. Ethics in Care,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426432,,"Lived Religion and the Complex Relations between Practical Theology, Empirical Theology, and Religious Studies",VABB-4,15,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426433,,"Hysteria, Sexuality, and the Deconstruction of Normativity - Rereading Freud's 1905 Edition of the Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality",VABB-4,13,76,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426434,,De partituur van de eucharistieviering. Situering en profilering van de Algemene instructie van het Romeins Missaal,VABB-1,4,16,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426438,,Pouvoir dans l'accompagnement pastoral. Analyse et propositions,VABB-4,135,149,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426439,,How to respect confidentiality in the network of the person with intellectual disability? An ethical approach,VABB-4,143,151,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426440,,"Development, preliminary usability and accuracy testing of the EBMT 'eGVHD App' to support GvHD assessment according to NIH criteria-a proof of concept",VABB-1,1062,1065,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426441,,Quality of Diagnosis and Treatment Plans After Using the 'Diagnostic Guideline for Anxiety and Challenging Behaviours' in People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Comparative Multiple Case Study Design,VABB-1,305,316,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426442,,Nursing Diagnoses in Inpatient Psychiatry,VABB-1,24,34,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426443,,Instrument translation and initial psychometric evaluation of the Danish Body Image Quality of Life Inventory,VABB-1,830,844,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426445,,Streven naar een fixatiearme thuiszorg: Praktijkrichtlijn,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426446,,Brief Admissions During Prolonged Treatment in a Case Involving Borderline Personality Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Use and Functions,VABB-1,215,224,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426447,,Predictors of care gaps in adolescents with complex chronic condition transitioning to adulthood,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426449,,Congenital heart disease and adolescence,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426450,,Exploring the Range of Lifestyle Interventions Used in Dutch Health Care Practice: A Qualitative Description,VABB-1,235,243,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426452,,Prioritized outcomes to evaluate the effectiveness of atrial fibrillation disease management: A systematic review and Delphi study,VABB-1,500,503,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426453,,"‘There’s no place like home’ - A scoping review on the effects of innovative home-like residential care models on resident, family and staff related outcomes",VABB-1,685,693,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426454,,Diagnostic accuracy of the Catheter Injection and Aspiration (CINAS) classification for assessing the function of totally implantable venous access devices,VABB-1,755,761,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426455,,Burden and expressed emotion of caregivers in cases of adult substance use disorder with and without attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder or autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,49,63,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426457,,Absenteeism and Presenteeism among Care Workers in Swiss Nursing Homes and Their Association with Psychosocial Work Environment: A Multi-Site Cross-Sectional Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426458,,Patients lacking classical poor prognostic markers might also benefit from a step-down glucocorticoid bridging scheme in early Rheumatoid Arthritis: week 16 results from the randomized multicenter CareRA trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426459,,Systematic literature review on self-reported quality of life in adult intestinal transplantation,VABB-1,109,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426460,,Handboek wondzorg,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426462,,Recall of patients discharged from follow-up after repair of isolated congenital shunt lesions,VABB-1,314,320,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426464,,Evaluation of the delirium early monitoring system (DEMS),VABB-1,1879,1887,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426465,,Using the Reproductive Life Plan in contraceptive counselling,VABB-1,299,303,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426466,,Development of the Psychiatric Nursing Intervention Providing Structure: An International Delphi Study,VABB-1,100,111,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426467,,The Challenges of Interfaith Relations in Ghana: A Case Study of Its Implications for Peace-Building in Northern Ghana,VABB-4,197,211,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426468,,De must van middelmatigheid. Pleidooi voor een anti-heroïsche ethiek,VABB-1,8,12,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426470,,Entrar plenamente en el tejido social. El papa Francisco y el futuro del discernimiento social católico,VABB-1,121,132,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:426471,,Inserici a fondo nella società. Papa Francesco e il futuro del discernimiento sociale cattolico,VABB-1,136,147,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:426473,,Deconstruction of Power: An Ethical Response to Organizational Surveillance,VABB-5,75,87,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426474,,Foreword,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426475,,Angels as Mirrors of the Human: The Anthropologies of Rilke and Bonaventure through the Lenses of Hans Urs von Balthasar,VABB-1,105,117,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426477,,Institutional Corruption and Integrity: A Theological-Ethical Clarification of a Complex Issue,VABB-4,235,248,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426478,,Die bydrae van ’n haalbare gasvryheids- en ontmoetingsetiek in die etiese versorging van gesondheidsorgwerkers,VABB-1,217,233,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426481,,Introduction,VABB-4,5,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426482,,"Authentic Voices, Discerning Hearts: New Resources for the Church on Marriage and the Family",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426483,,The Gaia mission,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426484,,Laudato si'. De ecologie van paus Franciscus,VABB-1,218,243,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426485,,Generous Being: The Environmental-Ethical Relevance of Ontological Gratitude,VABB-1,119,142,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426486,,Was haben die Bischofssynoden zur Familienthematik gebracht?,VABB-1,141,146,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:426487,,Emotions and Ethics. A Conversation with Martha C. Nussbaum and Thomas Aquinas,VABB-5,92,103,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426490,,‘If You Desire to Enter into Life’: Orientations for an Consistent Relational and Sexual Ethics Staring from the Narrative of the Rich Young Man,VABB-1,63,90,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426491,,Prevention of Interpersonal Crimes and Violence among Children and Youth through Virtue Education: A Roadmap,VABB-4,97,109,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426492,,Ganz ins gesellschafliche Gefüge eintreten. Papst Franziskus und die Zukunft des katholischen sozialen Urteilens,VABB-1,90,98,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:426493,,Development and psychometric assessment of a spirituality questionnaire for Indian palliative care patients,VABB-1,9,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426494,,Reframing Catholic Theological Ethics,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426495,,The Question of Universality: A Response to Francis Schüssler Fiorenza,VABB-1,141,154,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426498,,Church Teaching on Marriage and Family – A Matter of sensus fidelium?,VABB-4,153,169,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426500,,Education in care ethics: a way to increase palliative care awareness in India,VABB-1,15,24,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426501,,“Als je de heilige grond van de ander betreedt”. Over het menselijke en goddelijke gelaat van de barmhartigheid,VABB-1,37,59,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426502,,'The Sacred Ground of the Other’: Landmarks for a Christian Ethics of Gradualness as an Ethics of Mercy,VABB-4,61,77,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426503,,"Gaia Data Release 1 Summary of the astrometric, photometric, and survey properties",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426504,,An Ethics of Mercy. On the Way to Meaningful Living and Loving,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426505,,Entering Fully into the Fabric of Society: Pope Francis and the Future of Catholic Social Discernment,VABB-1,104,112,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426506,,Institutional elderly care services and Moroccan and Turkish migrants in Belgium: a literature review,VABB-1,1216,1227,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426507,,Gaudium et spes: Impulses of the Spirit for an Age of Globalisation,VABB-1,63,79,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426508,,The History of Euthanasia,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426510,,Muslim Burial Practices and Belgian Legislation and Regulations: a comparative literature review,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426511,,“New Wine in New Wineskins”: Amoris Laetitia and the Church’s Teaching on Marriage and Family,VABB-1,284,302,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426513,,The embodiment of knowledge: Universities as engines of growth,VABB-1,615,631,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426514,,Data collection and use in research funding and performing organisations. General outlines and first results of a project launched by Science Europe,VABB-1,825,835,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426515,,"Entry and technological performance in new technology domains: Technological opportunities, technology competition and technological relatedness",VABB-1,1257,1291,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426516,,Diversity of references as an indicator for interdisciplinarity of journals: Taking similarity between subject fields into account,VABB-1,1257,1265,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426517,,R&D partnerships and innovation performance: Can there be too much of a good thing?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426518,,Hierarchies and entrepreneurship,VABB-1,129,147,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426520,,Poorly Cited Articles in Peer-Reviewed Cardiovascular Journals from 1997 to 2007: Analysis of 5-Year Citation Rates,VABB-1,E22,E22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426521,,A triangular model for publication and citation statistics of individual authors,VABB-1,857,872,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426522,,Innovation policies in transition countries: One size fits all?,VABB-1,241,267,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426524,,When passion fades: Disentangling the temporal dynamics of entrepreneurial passion for founding,VABB-1,966,995,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426526,,"International standards certification, institutional voids and exports from developing country firms",VABB-1,1344,1355,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426528,,"Higher prices, higher quality? Evidence from German nursing homes",VABB-1,179,189,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426529,,How much does it cost to be a scientist?,VABB-1,469,505,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426533,,Effective European antitrust: Does EC merger policy generate deterrence?,VABB-1,1884,1903,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426535,,"Corporate science, innovation, and firm value. management science",VABB-1,1970,1981,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426536,,Education and Invention,VABB-1,382,396,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426538,,Patent citation indicators: One size fits all?,VABB-1,187,211,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426539,,University patenting and technology commercialization – Legal frameworks and the importance of local practice,VABB-1,88,108,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:426541,,Do design rules facilitate or complicate architectural innovation in innovation alliance networks?,VABB-1,1436,1448,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426543,,Measuring technological novelty with patent-based indicators,VABB-1,707,723,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426544,,Knowledge creation in collaboration networks: Effects of tie configuration,VABB-1,68,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426545,,Knowledge creates markets: The influence of entrepreneurial support and patent rights on academic entrepreneurship,VABB-1,131,146,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426546,,Organisational change and the productivity effects of green technology adoption,VABB-1,172,194,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426547,,High-growth versus declining firms: the differential impact of human capital and R&D,VABB-1,369,372,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426548,,Palliative endovascular treatment of cancer-related iliocaval obstructive disease: technical and clinical outcomes,VABB-1,451,6,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426549,,An Application of the Multivariate Linear Mixed Model to the Analysis of Shoulder Complexity in Breast Cancer Patients,VABB-1,274,287,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426551,,Applied Surrogate Endpoint Evaluation Methods with SAS and R,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426552,,"Comparison of 2-Chloroprocaine, Bupivacaine and Lidocaine for spinal anesthesia in patients undergoing knee arthroscopy in an outpatient setting. A double-blind randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,576,583,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426554,,Incidence of Prolonged Postoperative Ileus after Colorectal Surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,O1,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426555,,Biomarkers in Exhaled Breath Condensate are not Predictive for Pulmonary Exacerbations in Children with Cystic Fibrosis: Results of a One-Year Observational Study,VABB-1,e0119434,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426556,,Application of the Vertex Exchange Method to estimate a semi-parametric mixture model for the MIC density of Escherichia coli isolates tested for susceptibility against ampicillin,VABB-1,94,107,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426557,,Reconstruction of impacts on a composite plate using fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) and inverse methods,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426558,,Relationship of visually assessed apical rocking and septal flash to response and long-term survival following cardiac resynchronization therapy (PREDICT-CRT),VABB-1,262,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426559,,How do cumulative live birth rates and cumulative multiple live birth rates over complete courses of assisted reproductive technology treatment per woman compare among registries?,VABB-1,93,99,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426561,,Statistical evaluation of surrogate endpoints with examples from cancer clinical trials,VABB-1,104,32,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426562,,Assessing a surrogate predictive value: a causal inference approach,VABB-1,1083,1098,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426563,,Prediction of hemoglobin in blood donors using a latent class mixed-effects transition model,VABB-1,581,594,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426564,,Modeling agreement on categorical scales in the presence of random scorers,VABB-1,79,93,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426566,,Histamine Receptor H1-mediated Sensitization of TRPV1 Mediates Visceral Hypersensitivity and Symptoms in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome,VABB-1,875,887.e9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426567,,COmplex coronary Bifurcation lesions: RAndomized comparison of a strategy using a dedicated self-expanding biolimus-eluting stent versus a culotte strategy using everolimus-eluting stents: primary results of the COBRA trial,VABB-1,1457,1467,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426568,,"STACCATO (Assessment of Stent sTrut Apposition and Coverage in Coronary ArTeries with Optical coherence tomography in patients with STEMI, NSTEMI and stable/unstable angina undergoing everolimus vs. biolimus A9-eluting stent implantation): a randomised controlled trial",VABB-1,1619,1626,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426569,,Central tumour location should be considered when comparing N1 upstaging between thoracoscopic and open surgery for clinical stage I non-small-cell lung cancer,VABB-1,110,117,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426570,,"Nicotine Dependence and Urinary Nicotine, Cotinine and Hydroxycotinine Levels in Daily Smokers",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426571,,Stable Voice Clusters Identified When Using the Maximum versus Minimum Intensity Curve in the Phonetogram,VABB-1,259,266,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426572,,"Yttrium-90 radioembolization for the treatment of chemorefractory colorectal liver metastases: Technical results, clinical outcome and factors potentially influencing survival",VABB-1,486,495,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426573,,Comparison of diagnostic accuracy of (111)In-pentetreotide SPECT and (68)Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT: A lesion-by-lesion analysis in patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tumours,VABB-1,900,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426574,,Drug Treatment of STEMI in the Elderly: Focus on Fibrinolytic Therapy and Insights from the STREAM Trial,VABB-1,109,118,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426576,,Asteroseismic versus Gaia distances: A first comparison,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426577,,The combined model: a tool for simulating correlated counts with overdispersion,VABB-1,2491,2510,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426578,,Validating predictors of therapeutic success: A causal inference approach,VABB-1,619,636,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426580,,Dynamic prediction of outcome for patients with severe aortic stenosis: application of joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426581,,Diagnostic accuracy for apical and chronic periodontitis biomarkers in gingival crevicular fluid: an exploratory study,VABB-1,34,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426582,,La crisi dell’esperienza nella narrativa della precarietà: 'Generazione mille euro',VABB-1,85,92,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:426583,,"Die Ruine der Nation. Kafka, Kantorowicz und der doppelte Kaiser",VABB-4,37,49,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:426584,,‘Blue Light Technology’ en ‘triple power’. Een landenvergelijkend onderzoek naar evidentie en deskundigheid in cosmeticareclame,VABB-4,27,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426586,,De effecten van verondersteld en werkelijk begrip van gemakkelijke en moeilijke Engelse slagzinnen in een gestandaardiseerde Europese reclamecampagne,VABB-1,84,105,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:426588,,"Rainer Maria Rilke, De sonnetten aan Orpheus. Ingeleid, vertaald en van aantekeningen voorzien door Bert Karel Schreurs",VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426590,,Engineering Risk Management,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426592,,Major accident prevention decision making: a large-scale survey-based analysis,VABB-1,242,250,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426593,,Dutch security risk analysis for multimodal transport,VABB-4,227,245,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426594,,Probabilistic vulnerability analysis of process facilities to external acts of interference,VABB-5,207,217,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426595,,Simulation analysis of the use of emergency resources during the emergency response to a major fire,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426596,,Risk-informed decision making of safety investments by using the disproportion factor,VABB-1,117,130,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426597,,Operational safety economics: a practical approach focused on the chemical and process industries,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426599,,Life cycle assessment and valuation of the packaging waste recycling system in Belgium,VABB-1,144,154,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426600,,Sustainable Fashion and Animal Welfare. Non violence as a Business Strategy,VABB-4,351,370,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426601,,Multimodal transport insurances,VABB-4,64,82,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426602,,On the relationship between safety climate and occupational burnout in healthcare organisations,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426605,,Love Is Blind: How Our Love for More Choice Costs Time,VABB-1,358,371,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426607,,Barriers towards a systemic change in the clothing industry. How do sustainable enterprises influence their sector?,VABB-1,99,114(16),,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426608,,"Probabilistic vulnerability assessmen,t of chemical clusters subjected to external acts of interference",VABB-1,691,696,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426610,,Application of bayesian network and multi-criteria decision analysis to risk-based designof chemical plants,VABB-1,223,228,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426613,,Sustainability assessment of higher education curricula: a critical reflection,VABB-5,227,234,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426614,,Dealing with societal challenges of a circular economy in engineering education,VABB-5,212,218,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426616,,Multimodal transport security: frameworks and policy applications in freight and passenger transport,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426618,,Petri-net based simulation analysis for emergency response to multiple simultaneous large-scale fires,VABB-1,554,562,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426619,,Process safety indicators: a review of literature,VABB-1,162,173,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426620,,Development Aid and Climate Finance,VABB-1,429,450,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426621,,Elucidating the relationship between Sustainability Reporting and Organisational Change Management for Sustainability,VABB-1,168,188,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426622,,From a success index to a success multiplier,VABB-4,148,164,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426623,,Pipeline security,VABB-4,281,311,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426625,,application of cost-benefit analysis for the selection of process-industry related security measures,VABB-1,103,108,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426626,,How do chocolate lovers balance taste and ethical considerations?,VABB-1,343,361,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426628,,The decision to submit to a journal: Another example of a valence-consistent shift,VABB-1,1372,1383,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426629,,"Quantifying the heterogeneity of publication cultures in economic, business and financial history",VABB-1,95,135,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426630,,On the assessment of uncertainty in risk diagrams,VABB-1,67,77,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426631,,A game-theoretical model to improve process plant protection from terrorist attacks,VABB-1,2285,2297,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426634,,Petri-net based modeling and queuing analysis for resource-oriented cooperation of emergency response actions,VABB-1,567,576,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426635,,"Transport characteristics of heavy metals, metalloids and pesticides through major agricultural soils of Bangladesh as determined by TDR",VABB-1,970,984,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426636,,Application of Bayesian network to safety assessment of chemical plants during fire-induced domino effects,VABB-5,2102,2109,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426638,,Measuring and improving safety culture in organisations: An exploration of tools developed and used in Belgium,VABB-1,622,644,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:426639,,Application of event sequence diagram to evaluate emergency response actions during fire-induced domino effects,VABB-1,202,209,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426643,,The role of outcome forecasts in patients’ treatment decisions – Evidence from a survey experiment on knee replacement surgery,VABB-1,302,313,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426644,,The compromise effect in action: lessons from a restaurant’s menu,VABB-1,14,34,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426645,,"Insurance, self-control, and contract flexibility",VABB-1,220,232,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426648,,Signaling quality through increased incentives,VABB-1,8,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426649,,Beyond GDP: using equivalent incomes to measure well-being in Europe,VABB-1,21,55,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426650,,Can we leave road pricing to the regions? The role of institutional constraints,VABB-1,208,222,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426652,,Why do students leave education early? Theory and evidence on high school dropout rates,VABB-1,690,702,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426653,,Applications of data envelopment analysis in education,VABB-4,367,439,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426655,,Financial frictions in the Euro Area and the United States: a Bayesian assessment,VABB-1,1313,1340,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426656,,Accounting for stylised facts about recent anti-dumping: retaliation and innovation,VABB-1,221,235,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426657,,Size matters! Who is bashing whom in trade war?,VABB-1,33,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426658,,Dealing with financial instability under a DSGE modeling approach with banking intermediation: a predictability analysis versus TVP-VARs,VABB-1,216,227,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426659,,David versus Goliath? Smaller European exporting firms facing Asian competition on global markets,VABB-1,18,40,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426660,,Factor complementarity and labour market dynamics,VABB-1,70,112,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426662,,Wage without Work,VABB-4,288,299,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426663,,ACCHANGE: Building economic models to analyse the performance of air navigation service providers,VABB-1,19,27,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426665,,Achieving political acceptability for new transport infrastructure in congested urban regions,VABB-1,286,303,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426666,,The political economy of pricing and capacity decisions for congestible local public goods in a federal,VABB-1,934,959,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426667,,Why truck distance taxes are contagious and drive fuel taxes to the bottom,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426668,,School accountability: can we reward schools and avoid pupil selection?,VABB-1,359,387,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426669,,Estimating and simulating with a random utility random opportunity model of job choice. Presentation and application to Belgium,VABB-1,144,191,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426670,,The Relationship between Market structure and innovation in industry equilibrium: a case study of the global automobile industry,VABB-1,192,208,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426671,,Preferences for redistribution and social structure,VABB-1,545,576,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426672,,Differing types of medical prevention appeal to different individuals,VABB-1,317,337,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426673,,Het basisinkomen als remedie tegen de armoede,VABB-4,187,204,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426675,,Arrow’s theorem of the deductible and long-term care insurance,VABB-1,103,105,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426676,,2100: A Good Life in a Global Economy,VABB-4,274,287,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426677,,A Brief Economic History of Chocolate,VABB-4,11,42,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426678,,A black (white) hole in the global spread of GM cotton,VABB-1,260,263,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426679,,"Economics and politics of food standards, trade, and development",VABB-1,7,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426680,,Longitudinal firm-level data: problems and solutions,VABB-1,425,445,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426681,,Divestiture requirements as a tool for competition policy: a case from the Swedish beer market,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426682,,Why Decision Theory Remains Constructively Incomplete,VABB-1,1033,1043,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426683,,Likelihood inference in an autoregression with fixed effects,VABB-1,1178,1215,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426684,,Substitution between fixed and mobile access – The role of complementarities,VABB-1,113,151,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426685,,The impact of trade promotion services on Canadian exporter performance,VABB-1,1481,1512,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426686,,Heterogeneity in the adoption of photovoltaic systems in Flanders,VABB-1,45,57,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426687,,Public support to the European car industry: the impact of the financial crisis,VABB-1,283,321,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426688,,Firm creation and post-enty dynamics of de novo entrants,VABB-1,59,104,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426689,,Scrapping schemes in the financial crisis – Evidence from Europe,VABB-1,41,59,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426690,,Bias-corrected estimation of panel vector autoregressions,VABB-1,98,103,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426691,,Does merger simulation work? Evidence from the Swedish analgesics market,VABB-1,125,164,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426692,,Exclusive dealing as a barrier to entry? Evidence from automobiles,VABB-1,1156,1188,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426693,,De syntaxis en semantiek van diminishers in het Nederlands en het Duits,VABB-1,87,108,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426694,,Formele semantiek. Een inleiding in de formele analyse van betekenis,VABB-2,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426695,,"One module, different levels of merge: AN(N) compounds in Dutch",VABB-1,1,33,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426696,,The Square of Opposition in Catholic hands: a chapter in the history of 20th-century logic,VABB-1,1,35,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426698,,China: Economic Magnet or Rival? Framing of China in the Dutch- and Franch-Language Elite Press in Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-1,137,156,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426701,,SPECIAL ISSUE Towards a blueprint for successful collaborative writing in educational and professional settings?,VABB-1,183,344,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426702,,Editorial: Forms of Collaboration in Writing,VABB-1,183,204,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426703,,The impact of PPP and TBLT on Vietnamese students’ writing performance and self-regulatory writing strategies,VABB-1,37,93,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426707,,Shifting Politics of Belonging,VABB-4,259,262,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426711,,ICT-enabled bottom-up architectural design,VABB-1,26,40,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426712,,Objective and Perceptual Evaluation of Acoustic Scattering from a Variable Acoustic Wall in a Small Hall,VABB-5,520,527,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426713,,Is the sound insulation of a facade a relevant factor in price estimation of an apartment,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426715,,Local variations of speaker-oriented acoustic parameters in typical classrooms: a simulation study,VABB-5,703,708,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426717,,Architecture between Dwelling and Spatial Systematics. The early work of the generation of ’74.,VABB-4,102,121,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426720,,Migration and Social Transformation: Interdisciplinary Insights and European Perspectives,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426721,,Analysis of the Acoustic Conditions in the Student Restaurants,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426723,,The Diabolic Connection Between Paris and Brussels,VABB-1,1,3,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426728,,Beyond the Frame. Case Studies,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426729,,Transformations in the Political Regulation of Migration,VABB-4,101,104,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426730,,The Ethics and Aesthetics of Architecture: The Anglican Reception of Roman Baroque Churches,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426731,,Dark Modernism. Champroux’s nocturnal vision of Brussels,VABB-1,385,403,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426732,,De aansprakelijkheidsverzekeringen in de bouwsector,VABB-4,159,232,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426733,,Collective learning experiences in planning: The potential of experimental living labs,VABB-5,112,129,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426738,,Between Looking and Making: Unravelling Dom Hans van der Laan’s Plastic Number,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426740,,"Ghostwriters of the Young Flemish architecture. Marc Dubois, Christian Kieckens and the Architecture Museum Foundation, 1983-1992",VABB-4,76,87,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426743,,Acoustic Performance of the External Thermal Composite Insulation Systems Influence in Slovakia,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426746,,Between Ima Summis and nearness. Dom Hans van der Laan’s Roosenberg Abbey as an example of a contemporary space of worship,VABB-1,259,288,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426747,,The Architectural Practice as Breeding Ground for Interior and Furniture Design,VABB-4,88,101,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426750,,Subjective assessment of classroom at the faculty of civil engineering – preliminary study,VABB-5,307,312,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426751,,Comparison of subjective and objective assessment of acoustic comfort in a restaurant,VABB-5,301,306,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426753,,Theorizing about Migration and Social Transformation in Europe,VABB-4,15,18,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:426754,,Perception of room size and ability of self-localisation in a virtual environment: headphone experiment,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426755,,(Alleen) de architect tekenend voor uw toekomst?,VABB-1,81,86,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426756,,Probing the future by anticipative design acts,VABB-5,2795,2808,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426758,,A constellation of Scattered Points: Crisis in Design Mentality at the Sint-Lucas Institute (1969-1974),VABB-4,22,33,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426759,,Voice and classroom interactions. Recent outcomes,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426762,,Assessment of sound insulation of naturally ventilated double skin facades,VABB-1,148,160,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426763,,Toezicht en territorialiteit. Een exploratie van de discoursen over de opvoedruimte in en buiten de stad,VABB-1,27,49,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426764,,Wind induced sound in the architectural context – what do we know from literature,VABB-5,69,73,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426768,,The Impact of Discourse on the Development of a Diversified Residential Future. A Case Study from Flanders,VABB-4,153,172,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426770,,Sensemaking in Construction; Comparing Learning Environments,VABB-1,44,62,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426771,,Anticipative Drawing,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426772,,Wandering as a design strategy for infrastructuring,VABB-1,112,127,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426773,,"Autonomous Architecture in Flanders. The Early Works of Marie-José Van Hee, Christian Kieckens, Marc Dubois, Paul Robbrecht and Hilde Daem",VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426778,,A comparative study of the physical model as a tool for structural education in architecture and engineering programmes,VABB-5,806,813,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426779,,Designing strategies for change,VABB-4,59,64,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426780,,Digital Leadership,VABB-5,63,68,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426781,,An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation. European Perspectives,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426784,,"On Longing, rendering architecture through a consciousness of a collapse of time in space",VABB-5,449,460,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426793,,The Modern Interior. Toward a Re-evaluation in the Context of Adaptive Reuse,VABB-5,696,699,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426795,,Garden Streetscapes,VABB-1,43,58,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426797,,Effective sound absorption of acoustic panels in a diffuse and non-diffuse sound field,VABB-5,1467,1470,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426798,,Understanding the Verbal Concepts Appropriated by the Students in the Architectural Design Studio,VABB-5,387,394,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426801,,Complexities of Mobilities: from One-Way Migration to Multiple Patterns,VABB-4,183,186,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426802,,A Case of Poetic Measuring: Isopleth,VABB-1,01,31,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426804,,Human echolocation: localizing reflections of self-generated oral sounds in laboratory,VABB-5,751,756,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426805,,Changing Inequalities in Housing Outcomes in Western Europe,VABB-1,121,161,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426807,,The use of textile membranes in architectural acoustics. An overview,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426810,,The only good architect is a dead architect,VABB-1,44,50,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426813,,Het naoorlogse restauratieproject van de glasramen van Michel Martens in de Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk in Nieuwpoort,VABB-1,44,60,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426814,,Exploring New Territories: The Shared Use of the Parkwijk Church in Turnhout,VABB-5,582,588,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426819,,Op zoek naar realisaties van strategische keuzes,VABB-5,163,173,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426821,,Advanced Structural Understanding: Load Path and Structural Function Revised,VABB-5,798,805,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426825,,Coding as Creative Practice,VABB-5,397,404,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426829,,"Streetscape Territories: on site workshop about participation in Coney Island, New York",VABB-1,20,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426830,,Towards an Agent-driven Software Architecture Aligned with User Stories,VABB-5,337,345,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426831,,Evaluation and redesign of blended learning courses: A systematic approach using the First Principles of Instruction,VABB-4,149,162,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426832,,What is the Role of Third Party Logistics (3PL) Partners in an Omni-Channel Strategy?,VABB-1,22,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426833,,Business and model-driven development of BDI multi-agent systems,VABB-1,304,321,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:426834,,Can informal economic activities be explained by social and institutional factors? A comparative analysis,VABB-1,627,649,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426835,,Rectifying curves in the n-dimensional Euclidean space,VABB-1,210,223,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426836,,The determination of the elastic constants of isotropic solids by means of transient thermal surface gratings,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426838,,Twisted Surfaces with Null Rotation Axis in Minkowski 3-Space,VABB-1,81,93,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426840,,IMPROVEMENT OF SOME CLASSICAL INEQUALITIES,VABB-1,18,28,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426841,,Local Limit theorems for shock models,VABB-1,221,247,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426843,,The role of teachers in task-based language education,VABB-1,164,181,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426846,,Six-year-olds’ learning of novel words through addressed and overheard speech,VABB-1,1163,1191,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426852,,Task-based language teaching,VABB-4,238,252,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426853,,Vocabulary acquisition in Moroccan- and Turkish-heritage children: A comparative study,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:426855,,Multilingual islands in a monolingual sea: language choice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426860,,Opleidingskosten met het oog op een nieuwe of gewijzigde beroepsactiviteit - Geen aftrekbare beroepskosten volgens een constante maar niet consistente rechtspraak,VABB-1,26,38,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426862,,Nonprofit organizations' choice in favor of a sector expert auditor: A study of behavioral choice criteria,VABB-1,179,224,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426863,,"Beer, the Preferred Alcoholic Drink of All?: Changes in the Global and National Beer Consumption Since 1960 and Convergence and Trends Since the 1990s",VABB-4,205,227,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426864,,Opeenstapeling van feitelijke vermoedens in de fiscale bewijsvoering na het cassatiearrest van 22 mei 2014,VABB-1,14,20,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426865,,A Review of Self-Determination Theory’s Basic Psychological Needs at Work,VABB-1,1195,1229,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426866,,Economics of Land Degradation in India,VABB-4,431,470,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426867,,Economics of Land Degradation in Central Asia,VABB-4,261,290,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426869,,NPO Financial Statement Quality: An Empirical Analysis Based on Benford's Law,VABB-1,2685,2708,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426870,,Overzicht rechtspraak 2014 - Algemeen belastingrecht- Inkomstenbelastingen,VABB-1,17,36,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426871,,Global Drivers of Land Degradation and Improvement,VABB-4,167,196,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426872,,Service Recovery: An Integrative Framework and Research Agenda,VABB-1,328,346,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426873,,The European Dimension in National Curricula: First Results of a Comparative Analysis in Five European Countries,VABB-4,98,109,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426875,,Analysis of audit fees for nonprofits: Resource dependence and agency theory approaches,VABB-1,734,754,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426877,,De toepassing van algemene bekendheden bij de fiscale bewijsvoering op grond van feitelijke vermoedens,VABB-1,5,13,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426878,,Mr. Nice Guy or Politician? Examining the Effects of Customer Stewardship and Political Skill on Employees’ Service Recovery Performance,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426879,,Do Consumers Dare to Share? Understanding Consumer Perceived Risk in Collaborative Consumption,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426883,,For love or for money: Intrinsic and extrinsic value congruence in recruitment,VABB-1,34,41,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426884,,Differences in horizontal and vertical mismatches across countries and fields of study,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426885,,Inclusion of social indicators in decision support tools for the selection of sustainable site remediation options,VABB-1,45,56,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426887,,My global fund portfolio is not yours: the effect of home bias on European- and US-managed convertible bond fund exposures,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426889,,Are financial cooperatives crowded out by commercial banks in the process of financial sector development?,VABB-1,108,134,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426894,,The consumption of management ideas: A cognitive perspective,VABB-1,2356,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:426898,,The Genealogy of Texts: Manuscript Traditions and Textual Traditions,VABB-1,563,577,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426899,,El antagonismo intercultural entre España y Estados Unidos: la masculinidad en tres novelas de Antonio Muñoz Molina,VABB-1,49,65,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:426900,,"Seneca on virtus, gaudium and voluptas: some additional observations",VABB-1,211,216,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:426904,,De woelige zomer van 2016: van staatsgreep naar maatschappijgreep,VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426905,,Religion as a Utopia?,VABB-4,210,220,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426906,,Motivation profiles at work: A self-determination theory approach,VABB-1,74,89,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426907,,Hemispheric Lateralization Moderates the Life Events-Distress Relationship,VABB-1,47,54,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426918,,Songs of home (and away): Ethnically-coded diegetic music and multidirectional nostalgia in fiction films about Polish migrants,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426919,,Praca fizyczna z różowymi akcentami. Polskie doświadczenie migracyjne w powieści graficznej Rozmówki polsko-angielskie Agaty Wawryniuk,VABB-1,81,97,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426920,,An Enlightened Path Towards Conservatism. Critical Junctures and Changing Elite Perceptions in Early Nineteenth Century Russia,VABB-1,704,731,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426921,,Europese normen en waarden als achilleshiel van EU-buitenlandbeleid?,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426922,,Champion of the humiliated and insulted or xenophobe satirist? Dostoevsky's mockery of Germans in early translation,VABB-4,109,126,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426929,,"Service-learning: vorming van de student als volledig persoon door de integratie van dienen, relecteren en leren",VABB-1,386,395,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426930,,"Review of Yuri Pines, Paul Goldin, and Martin Kern eds. Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China",VABB-1,505,511,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426933,,The making of “China” out of “Da Ming”,VABB-1,307,328,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426937,,The Gradual Growth of the Mohist Core Philosophy: Tracing Fixed Formulations in the Mozi,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426940,,The intercultural weaving of historical texts: Chinese and European stories about Emperor Ku and his concubines,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426943,,"'The earliest examples of Chinese characters printed in the Southern Low Countries (Leuven, 1672; Antwerp, 1683)",VABB-1,319,333,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426944,,Improving Social Inclusion using NLP: Tools and resources,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426945,,E-Inclusion of Functionally Illiterate Users by the use of Language Technology,VABB-5,91,95,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426946,,Der Dativcausee in deutschen lassen-Konstruktionen als Ergebnis zweier Reanalysen,VABB-1,23,43,,ger,2016,1 c:vabb:426948,,Automated Spelling Correction for Dutch Internet Users with Intellectual Disabilities,VABB-5,11,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426949,,Exaptation and language change,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426950,,Number agreement in copular constructions. A treebank-based investigation,VABB-1,104,126,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:426951,,Improving Text-to-Pictograph Translation Through Word Sense Disambiguation,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426952,,Large Aligned Treebanks for Syntax-based Machine Translation,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426953,,Oesophageal cancer,VABB-4,365,387,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426954,,Hebben of zijn bij IPP's,VABB-1,11,28,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426955,,Poly-GrETEL: Cross-Lingual Example-based Querying of Syntactic Constructions,VABB-5,3549,3554,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426956,,CLARIN Concept Registry: The New Semantic Registry,VABB-5,62,70,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426957,,Postpositie of partikel en de trajectief,VABB-1,29,37,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426958,,Loose Apposition: A construction-based analysis,VABB-1,17,39,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426959,,AfriBooms: An Online Treebank for Afrikaans,VABB-5,677,682,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426960,,Towards Integrating People with Intellectual Disabilities in the Digital World,VABB-5,348,357,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426961,,Miljoen,VABB-1,410,424,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426962,,Protestant pioneers in Sanskrit studies (ca. 1700–1750): An overlooked chapter in South-Indian missionary linguistics,VABB-1,99,144,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426963,,Kirsten Jeppesen Kragh and Jan Lindschouw (eds.). Deixis and Pronouns in Romance Languages,VABB-1,183,187,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:426965,,Le CLG à travers le prisme de ses premières réceptions,VABB-1,29,36,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426966,,The Relevance of Evidentiality for Ancient Greek: Some Explorative Steps through Plato,VABB-1,3,46,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426967,,Bevoorrechte betrekkingen tussen Germaans en Grieks: Wilhelm Otto Reitz’ Belga graecissans (1730),VABB-1,427,443,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426969,,Quelle est la date exacte de publication du CLG ?,VABB-1,9,16,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426970,,The diversity of Ancient Greek through the eyes of a forgotten grammarian. Petrus Antesignanus (ca. 1524/1525-1561) on the notion of «dialect»,VABB-1,123,140,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426971,,Verb-subject inversion in Romance ; the other way round,VABB-4,71,98,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426973,,"Les marqueurs de discours 'en fait', 'de fait', 'en effet' et 'en réalité' et leurs equivalents néerlandais: indices de grammaticalisation",VABB-4,195,208,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426974,,Definite il y a-clefts in spoken French,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426976,,"Merchants, scholars and languages. The circulation of linguistic knowledge in the context of the Dutch United East India Company (VOC)",VABB-1,19,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426977,,Linguistique générale/linguistique romane,VABB-4,191,200,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426978,,The Ancient Greek and Byzantine notion of dialektos. A criterial approach,VABB-5,55,67,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426979,,"La ""Collation Sechehaye"" du 'Cours de linguistique générale' de Ferdinand de Saussure",VABB-3,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:426981,,"Franz Bopp, ""mit Haar und Haut ein Mensch der Bücher"": searching for the origin of Indo-European grammatical forms",VABB-1,19,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426982,,Recent work on Leibniz’s investigations into the natural languages,VABB-1,39,56,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:426983,,"Anne-Gaëlle Toutain, La problématique phonologique. Du structuralisme linguistique comme idéologie scientifique ». Paris : Garnier. 2015. 609p. [review]",VABB-1,326,331,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426984,,For a typology of phraseological expressions: how to tell an idiom from a collocation?,VABB-4,123,149,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:426985,,"L'évolution de formes linguistiques: diffraction dans le temps ? Apports à une conceptualisation ""intégrée"" du changement linguistique",VABB-4,235,245,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426988,,Teaching Greek grammar in 11th-century Constantinople. Michael Psellus on the Greek 'dialects',VABB-1,207,222,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426989,,Between homonymy and polysemy. The origins and career of the English form dialect in the sixteenth century,VABB-1,639,667,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:426990,,Qui est l’auteur du Cours de linguistique générale ?,VABB-1,39,57,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426991,,"De macht der gewoonte. Varro, Cicero en Quintilianus over ratio, consuetudo en de Latijnse taalnorm",VABB-1,130,146,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:426993,,Pour une analyse diatopique des expressions verbales figées: une approche variationniste,VABB-4,91,102,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:426995,,"French il y a clefts, existential sentences and the Focus-Marking Hypothesis",VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:426999,,"Tras las huellas de Mauricio Swadesh: en búsqueda de una lingüística ""totall""",VABB-1,107,130,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:427000,,Cent ans de philologie saussurienne II,VABB-1,245,252,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427002,,"Le Figement. Unité et diversité. Collocations, expressions figées, phrases situationnelles, proverbes",VABB-1,15,20,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427003,,La 'Collation Sechehaye' du 'cours de linguistique générale' de F. de Saussure,VABB-2,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:427005,,Voices from the field: Edward Sapir's study of Takelma,VABB-4,177,189,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427006,,C'est ainsi que: grammaticalisation ou lexicalisation ou les deux à la fois?,VABB-1,161,185,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:427007,,"Reconciling the Dynamics of Language with a Grammar Handbook. About Pedalion, an Ongoing Ancient Greek Grammar Project",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:427008,,Structuur en gebruik van pronomina/clitica met subjectsfunctie in het Leuvense dialect,VABB-1,262,277,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427009,,"Workshop report: ATTEST — Approaches to the Editing of Slavonic Texts. Tradition and Innovation in Palaeoslavistic Ecdotics Regensburg, 11 to 12 December 2015",VABB-1,79,82,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427010,,Petit panorama de la littérature ascétique de l'époque patristique et byzantine: le Parisinus gr. 1076,VABB-4,611,636,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427014,,"Le Romanus, Vallicellianus C 72 (gr. 42), un manuscrit du 14e siècle peu connu: description détaillée",VABB-4,583,596,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427016,,"La vision des quatre bêtes, la Theotokos, les douze trônes, et d'autres thèmes : la Lettre Θ du Florilège Coislin",VABB-1,91,128,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427017,,"Mirroring Virtues in Plutarch’s Lives of Agis, Cleomenes and the Gracchi",VABB-4,163,180,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427021,,Nicephori Blemmydae De virtute et ascesi necnon Iosephi Racendytae De virtute,VABB-2,,,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:427023,,"Les sections bibliques et exégétiques de l’Athous, Lavras Λ 80 (Eustratiades 1571)",VABB-4,233,245,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427024,,"""This Topic belongs to another kind of writing"". The digressions in Plutarch's Life of Coriolanus",VABB-4,161,195,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427026,,"La ""Syllogè contre les Latins"" de Théodore Agallianos: édition critique",VABB-1,129,152,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:427028,,Byzantine Chapter Collections. Investigations into the Roots of a Genre,VABB-1,145,159,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427030,,De Ilias in het Byzantijnse rijk: Een parafrase van Manuel Moschopoulos,VABB-1,132,137,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427032,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2016-4,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427033,,Établissements chrétiens au Spéos Artémidos,VABB-5,13,30,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427034,,Dayr al-Barsha in geografische context /Dayr al-Barcha dans son contexte géographique,VABB-4,159,171,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427035,,Die Grabkammer des Djehutinakht (I.?) in Dayr al-Barshā — Methodologische Aspekte der Rekonstruktion des Ablaufs des Bestattungsrituals anhand eines neuentdeckten Beispiels,VABB-4,133,170,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:427036,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2016-3,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427037,,To put a cedar ship in a bottle: Dendroprovenancing three ancient East Mediterranean watercraft with the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio,VABB-1,514,521,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427038,,The Themes of Calling for Help and Redemption in Arabic and Hebrew Poems from Medieval Spain during the Eleventh and Twelfth Century,VABB-1,121,133,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427039,,Ubiquitin D Regulates IRE1 alpha/c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) Protein-dependent Apoptosis in Pancreatic Beta Cells,VABB-1,12040,12056,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427040,,Stamp Seals in Ancient Egyptian Tombs: A Revision of the Usages in quest of the Sex of their Owners,VABB-1,105,123,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427042,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2016-1,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427045,,De Hatnoeb affaire / L’affaire Hatnoub,VABB-4,87,93,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:427048,,An Isolated Middle Kingdom Tomb at Dayr al-Barsha,VABB-4,85,115,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427049,,Newberry en zijn team / Newberry et son équipe,VABB-4,61,85,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427052,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2016-5,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427053,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2016-2,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427054,,Early Old Kingdom rock circle cemeteries in Deir el-Bersha and Deir Abu Hinnis,VABB-4,427,459,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427055,,"Christian Art in Egypt, 2008-2012",VABB-5,597,631,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427056,,Recente opgravingen van de KU Leuven in Dayr al-Barsha / Les fouilles récentes de la KU Leuven à Dayr al-Barcha,VABB-4,129,144,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:427057,,"Signposts for Handbook of Terminology, Volume 1 and critical assessment",VABB-1,63,104,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427058,,ZEN and the Art of Linked Data: New Strategies for a Semantic Web of Humanist Knowledge,VABB-4,251,273,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427059,,City Dwellers Between Difference and Indifference: Identity and the Individual in German-Jewish Literature and Literature of Migration,VABB-1,115,134,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427060,,"Individual differences and in situ identity marking: Colloquial Belgian Dutch in the reality TV show ""Expeditie Robinson""",VABB-4,39,77,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427061,,Exaptation. Taking stock of a controversial notion in linguistics,VABB-4,1,35,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427063,,Entrenchment as onomasiological salience,VABB-4,153,174,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427064,,Lexicale homogeniteit en lexicale voorkeur in de Nederlandse woordenschat van emoties,VABB-1,276,319,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:427066,,The sociosemiotic commitment,VABB-1,527,542,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427067,,Emoties in taal en literatuur - Special issue Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde TNTL 132(4),VABB-3,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427069,,A lectometric analysis of aggregated lexical variation in written Standard English with Semantic Vector Space models.,VABB-1,48,79,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427070,,About text frequencies in historical linguistics: disentangling environmental and grammatical change,VABB-1,153,171,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427071,,"Wetenschappelijk, op het taalkundige af",VABB-4,202,205,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427072,,Variation versus text-linguistic approaches to grammatical change in English: Nominal modifiers of head nouns,VABB-4,351,375,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427073,,Modele culturale de standardizare lingvistică,VABB-1,1,21,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427074,,Grammar in the context of intersubjective usage. The linguistic work of Arie Verhagen,VABB-1,395,407,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427075,,Raad voor betwisting inzake studievoortgangbeslissingen: analyse van 10 jaar rechtspraak,VABB-1,253,275,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427076,,Lexicale rijkdom in het professioneel hoger onderwijs - Aanzet tot sociolinguïstische staalkaart,VABB-4,257,274,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427078,,Constructional Contamination. How does it work and how do we measure it?,VABB-1,543,581,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427079,,Frequency effects in lexical sociolectometry are insubstantial,VABB-4,111,132,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427080,,Introduction. Change of paradigms – New paradoxes. Recontextualizing language and linguistics,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427081,,An information-theoretic approach to assess linguistic complexity,VABB-4,71,94,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427082,,Ethnolect speakers and Dutch partitive adjectival inflection. A corpus analysis,VABB-1,343,371,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427083,,Interpreting aggregated distances. The case of Old German,VABB-4,113,142,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427084,,"Cognitive, social, and individual constraints on linguistic variation: A case study of presentational haber pluralization in Caribbean Spanish",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427085,,Around the world in three alternations: modeling syntactic variation in varieties of English,VABB-1,109,137,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427086,,An analytic-synthetic spiral in the history of English,VABB-4,93,112,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427089,,Top-down and bottom-up advances in corpus-based dialectometry,VABB-4,225,243,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427092,,Gli italiani regionali. Atteggiamenti linguistici verso le varietà geografiche dell'italiano,VABB-1,61,76,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:427093,,"""I’m queen of the world!"" (Semi-)fixed English expressions and constructions in Dutch",VABB-1,247,274,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427094,,Toward more accountability: Modeling ternary genitive variation in Late Modern English,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427097,,Unlimited Energy in a Finite World: A Stepping Stone from Humanity to ‘Humaneity’,VABB-4,315,328,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427098,,Ted van Lieshout as transformer,VABB-1,30,33,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427099,,La metaficción y la intertextualidad como catalizadores de lo fantástico en tres cuentos de José Güich Rodríguez,VABB-1,141,159,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:427100,,The Illustrator as Fairy Godmother: The Illustrated Cinderella in the Low Countries,VABB-4,275,295,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427101,,Marnix Gijsen en het Belgian Government Information Center in New York,VABB-1,53,77,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427103,,Lo fantástico y el humor: paralelismos en el funcionamiento e implicaciones para la traducción,VABB-4,1081,1094,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:427104,,Vallen alsof je vliegt. De poëzie van Els Moors,VABB-4,133,141,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427105,,Nooit meer oorlog?,VABB-1,29,54,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427106,,La transculturación de la guerra interna peruana en tres traducciones de Abril rojo de Santiago Roncagliolo,VABB-1,43,62,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:427107,,Framing Grass: The reception of Die Blechtrommel in Flanders,VABB-4,136,151,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427108,,Performance au château,VABB-5,1,14,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427109,,The English translations of Willem Elsschot’s self-declared masterpiece Kaas (1933),VABB-1,39,54,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427110,,Transnational Pole Coherence and Dutch-to-German Literary Transfer: A Study of Book Translations Published in the Lead-Up to the Guest of Honourship at the 2016 Frankfurt Book Fair,VABB-1,50,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427111,,De Leeuw van Babel,VABB-1,189,214,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427112,,Miedzykulturowy labirynt. Prezentacja książki Emmy Abrahamson ..,VABB-1,195,203,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427113,,El indigenismo como obstáculo a la transnacionalización en el ensayo peruano contemporáneo,VABB-1,172,185,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:427116,,Visibility of the translator in children's books translated into Polish,VABB-1,115,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427119,,Entrenchment and discourse traditions in Spanish auxiliary selection,VABB-4,301,331,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427121,,Binominal quantifiers in Spanish: conceptually-driven analogy in diachrony and synchrony,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427122,,"Content-purport, content-substance and structure: focusing ""mere"" and ""merely""",VABB-1,85,109,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427123,,Running in the family: Patterns of complement insubordination in the Germanic languages,VABB-4,65,87,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427124,,Mirativity and rhetorical structure: The development and prosody of disjunct and anaphoric adverbials with 'no wonder',VABB-4,125,156,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427125,,Evidential fictive interaction (in Ungarinyin and Russian),VABB-4,255,275,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427126,,Binominal quantifiers in Spanish: syntagmatic and paradigmatic analogy in interaction,VABB-1,114,135,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427127,,The history of very: the directionality of functional shift and (inter)subjectification,VABB-1,221,249,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427128,,Land and language in Cape York Peninsula and the Gulf Country,VABB-4,1,36,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427129,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427130,,Land and language in Cape York Peninsula and the Gulf Country,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427131,,Modeling frequency effects in language change,VABB-4,175,207,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427133,,Specificational there-clefts: functional structure and information structure,VABB-1,115,142,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427134,,Las lecturas evidenciales de los verbos (semi)auxiliares en español,VABB-4,227,250,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:427135,,How gradual change progresses: The interaction between convention and innovation,VABB-1,83,102,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427137,,The root of ruthless: Variation as a window on representation,VABB-1,250,271,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427139,,Miracles and mirativity: from lexical it’s a wonder to grammaticalised it’s no wonder in Old English,VABB-1,385,409,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427142,,Noun phrase constituency in Australian languages: A typological study,VABB-1,25,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427143,,Discourse viewpoint as network,VABB-4,13,40,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427144,,The discursive status of extraposed object clauses,VABB-1,15,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427145,,How usage rescues the system: persistence as conservation,VABB-4,289,311,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427149,,Auxiliary Selection Revisited: Gradience and Gradualness,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427151,,The Importance of Audio-Visual Aspects in the Architectural Design of Psychiatric Clinics,VABB-5,1251,1256,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:427153,,Analysis of the Acoustic Conditions in a Tent Structures,VABB-5,489,494,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:427154,,Van webscraping tot collaboratieve planning. Hoe een gedeelde ambitie leidt tot transdisciplinaire samenwerking,VABB-5,413,421,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427155,,ArAc- Multibook of Architectural Acoustics,VABB-5,8,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:427156,,Super(woon)markten. Transformatie van supermarktsites naar aantrekkelijke woonmilieus,VABB-5,423,433,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427157,,Objective and perceptual assessment of the scattered sound field in a simulated concert hall,VABB-1,1485,1497,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:427158,,Super(woon)markten,VABB-1,35,54,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427159,,De verkaveling in cijfers,VABB-4,17,32,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427160,,Neighbourhood Regeneration at The Grassroots Participation: Incubators' Co-Creative Process and System,VABB-1,204,218,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427161,,Acoustic conditions in the atrium of Slovak philharmonic,VABB-5,464,471,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:427162,,Acoustic comfort in atria covered by novel structural skins,VABB-5,361,368,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427163,,Subjective and objective acoustic performance ranking of heavy and light weight walls,VABB-1,268,279,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427164,,Impact of luteal phase support with vaginal progesterone on the clinical pregnancy rate in intrauterine insemination cycles stimulated with gonadotropins: a randomized multicenter study,VABB-1,1490,1495,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427168,,Obesity-related DNA methylation at imprinted genes in human sperm: Results from the TIEGER study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427172,,Die Pinakes des Andronikos,VABB-1,93,123,,ger,2015,1 c:vabb:427173,,Bemerkungen zu Papyri XXIX (822-825),VABB-1,271,276,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427174,,Xenagoras (1757),VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427175,,A Quarrel at the Beer Shop of Little Memphis and a Murder,VABB-1,396,404,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427177,,Biographie und Fürstenspiegel. Politische Paränese in Philostrats Vita Apollonii,VABB-4,158,195,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:427178,,A Demotic Petition about the Misconduct of an Official in the Papyrus Museum in Syracuse (P. Syrac. 262),VABB-1,191,194,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427179,,Das Idealbild des Beamten in den Papyri der ptolemäischen Zeit,VABB-4,131,161,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:427180,,Kyrsilos of Pharsalos (130),VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427182,,"Ktesias of Knidos: Poet, Novelist or Historian?",VABB-4,172,201,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427183,,What Were Works Περὶ βίων? A Study of the Extant Fragments,VABB-1,59,83,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427185,,"Citazioni poetiche nei frammenti di Diocle di Magnesia: tra poesia, filosofia e storiografia",VABB-1,119,141,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:427186,,La localisation topographique de maisons et de terres,VABB-4,207,216,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427187,,"Antisthenes the Ἁπλοκύων. A Critical and Exegetical Note on Diogenes Laertios 6,13",VABB-1,141,167,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427188,,Editions and Editors of Greek Papyrological Texts: 1708-2015,VABB-1,202,210,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427189,,Le bilinguisme gréco-égyptien dans les ostraca de Narmouthis,VABB-1,350,359,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:427191,,"Would You Name Your Child After a Celebrity? Arsinoe, Berenike, Kleopatra, Laodike and Stratonike in the Greco-Roman East",VABB-1,347,362,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427192,,Some Corrections to Ptolemaic Petitions and Related Documents,VABB-1,283,293,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427197,,Lex Pinault: Eine indogermanische Lautregel?,VABB-1,2,42,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:427198,,The Cult of Arensnuphis in Thebes in the Graeco-Roman Period,VABB-1,187,216,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427199,,Quatre documents coptes de la collection de la Katoen Natie à Anvers,VABB-1,403,417,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427201,,Locating Ancient Sites with the Help of Network Analysis: A Lost Cause?,VABB-1,27,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427203,,Selling private real estate in a new monarchical setting. Sale and community in Hellenistic Egypt,VABB-4,99,115,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427205,,Detecting Settlement Communities in Graeco-Roman Egypt,VABB-1,271,288,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427208,,Kosmas and Damianus in Egyptian onomastics,VABB-4,559,564,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427211,,Bios Philosophos. Philosophy in Ancient Greek Biography,VABB-3,,,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:427213,,Record-Keeping and Status Performance in the Early Modern Low Countries,VABB-1,131,150,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427216,,"Brussel in vuur en vlam. Feiten, preventie, bestrijding en verwerking van historische stadsbranden",VABB-1,6,25,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427218,,Stadsgeschiedenis in buitenlandse tijdschriften (2014),VABB-1,193,222,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:427219,,"Les Gesta des évêques de Cambrai, le droit et les élections épiscopales",VABB-1,283,301,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:427220,,Révolte et requête. Les gens de métiers et les conflits sociaux dans les villes de Flandre (XIIIe-XVe siècle),VABB-1,27,55,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:427221,,The identity of the urban 'commoners' in thirteenth-century Flanders,VABB-1,191,213,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427222,,Dat zij ‘ haers dancks ende moetswillen gegaen es ’. De schaking als huwelijksstrategie in vijftiende-eeuws Leuven,VABB-1,77,100,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427223,,Opstand en dialoog in laatmiddeleeuws Brabant. Vier documenten uit de Brusselse opstand tegen Maximiliaan van Oostenrijk (1488-1489),VABB-1,209,267,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:427225,,Review of periodical articles (2015),VABB-1,306,335,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427229,,"Practices of Remembrance in Flemish Houses of Regular Canons: The Troubled Memoria of Prior Odfried, Founder of Watten (d. 1086)",VABB-1,73,108,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427230,,Gouden boeken? Twee nieuwe syntheses over de laatmiddeleeuwse en vroegmoderne stadsgeschiedenis van de Lage Landen,VABB-1,57,61,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427233,,Réformes monastiques et gestion épiscopale des communautés religieuses dans les Gesta Episcoporum Cameracensium,VABB-1,263,281,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:427234,,"La cave à vin de la Cour du Coudenberg, propriété de la Ville de Bruxelles à la fin du XVIe siècle",VABB-1,115,132,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427236,,"Ophthalmia Crossing Borders. Belgian Army Doctors between the Military and Civilian Society, 1830-1860",VABB-1,48,71,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427237,,"De glans van het verleden, het recht op het heden: over het eerste eeuwfeest van Conscience",VABB-4,304,367,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427239,,"Oog in oog met het slagveld van Waterloo. Het herinneringslandschap in de beleving van Britse, Franse, Pruisische en Nederlandse reizigers (1815-1870)",VABB-1,104,121,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427240,,Fit to Travel. The Exchange Programme of the Belgian American Educational Foundation: An Institutional Perspective on Scientific Persona Formation (1920-1940),VABB-1,112,134,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427241,,'Il importe d’établir une distinction entre la dissection et l’autopsie.' Lijken en medische disciplinevorming in laatnegentiende-eeuws België,VABB-1,26,53,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:427242,,How to do the history of the self,VABB-1,8,24,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427244,,Painting the National Portrait. Retrospectives of Italian and French Art in the 1930s,VABB-1,275,345,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427245,,Van mensen en muizen. Vijftig jaar Nederlandstalige Faculteit Geneeskunde aan de Leuvense universiteit,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427247,,De grote ontreddering. Het archiefwezen in Oost- en West-Vlaanderen tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,303,339,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427252,,Early Modern Jokes on Fearing Soldiers,VABB-4,113,124,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427254,,The Beeldenstorm and the Spanish Habsburg response (1566-1570),VABB-1,99,120,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427256,,Exile encounters and cross-border mobility in early modern borderlands: the Ecclesiastical Province of Cambrai as a transregional node (1559-1600),VABB-1,2,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427257,,Sustaining the Munster Peace: The Chambre Mi-Partie as an Experiment in Transnational Border Arbitration (1648-1675),VABB-1,35,53,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427258,,Het Eeuwig Edict en de Intredes van Don Juan in 1577. Of de moeizame mise-en-oeuvre en mise-en-scène van een vredesverdrag tijdens de Nederlandse Opstand,VABB-1,175,195,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:427260,,Behoedsters van het familiebedrijf? Vier weduwen-drukkers in het zestiende-eeuwse Antwerpen,VABB-1,285,299,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427262,,Geschiedenis is een werkwoord. Een inleiding tot historisch onderzoek,VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427268,,Printing at the frontier. The emergence of a transregional book production in the Ecclesiastical Province of Cambrai (ca. 1560–1659),VABB-1,137,163,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427269,,"Veerkracht van een stad: Leuven tussen oorlog, crisis en pest (1578-1635)",VABB-4,1,17,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427271,,Oude en nieuwe historiografie over Sint-Gummarus te Lier,VABB-1,191,201,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:427287,,"Praet, Bronkhorst en Boetzelaer. Adellijke weduwes in de bres voor het calvinisme tijdens en na de Beeldenstorm (1566-1567)",VABB-1,265,284,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:427288,,"Benchmarking the Past: Politico-Legal Connotations of Tradition, Custom and Common Practice in the Diplomacy of the Eighty Years War",VABB-1,210,228,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:427290,,The Low Countries. Intellectual Borderlands of Economic History,VABB-4,175,192,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427293,,Libraries in the Garden of Clio,VABB-1,105,115,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427296,,Subjects,VABB-4,75,86,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427299,,"The Short Fiction of New Women Writers in The Short Fiction of New Woman Writers in Avant-Garde, Mainstream and Popular Periodicals of the Fin de Siècle",VABB-4,21,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427301,,„Mag dies ein Illusionismus sein…“ Eine rhetorische Detaillektüre von Stefan Zweigs Florenzer Europa-Rede (1932),VABB-1,53,75,,ger,2016,1 c:vabb:427302,,"""Architektonik der Gedanken"". Spenglers Heraklitlektüre als Ansatz zu 'Der Untergang des Abendlandes'",VABB-4,86,107,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:427304,,Introduction: Memory on the Move,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427308,,Tektonik der Systeme. Neulektüren von Oswald Spengler,VABB-3,,,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:427309,,Geschichtete Geschichten: Spengler-Lektüren,VABB-4,10,16,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:427310,,"The Dictates of Language: Food, Words, and Narcissism in Athenaeus' Dinner of the Sophists",VABB-1,47,60,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427312,,Memory Unbound: Tracing the Dynamics of Memory Studies,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427313,,"Ultime parole anonime. Anonimia, narratività e retorica negli epiloghi delle novelle",VABB-1,79,92,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:427314,,Disappearing the Future: Dystopia and Memory Culture in Elliott Hall’s The Rapture,VABB-1,473,494,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427317,,Aufgaben des Essayisten. Adel und politische Mission in Spenglers politischen Reden,VABB-1,76,99,,ger,2016,1 c:vabb:427318,,Der Vormärz als ‚ausgelesenes‘ Buch. Grabbes historische Dramen als ‚zum Theater gewordene Tragödien‘,VABB-1,189,211,,ger,2016,1 c:vabb:427322,,"The League of Nations' Work on Social Issues: Vissions, Endeavours and Experiments",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427325,,"Solidarność and Latin America in the 1980s: Encounters, Conflicts and Failures",VABB-1,445,461,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427327,,Food Systems in the Nineteenth Century,VABB-4,49,66,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427328,,On the Legal Boundaries of Coerced Labor,VABB-4,11,29,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427331,,Ambassade ou nid d’espions ? Les diplomates polonais en Belgique pendant la guerre froide,VABB-4,213,228,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427332,,From the Editorial Board: Historia@60 : Reflecting and charting the landscape,VABB-1,11,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427335,,"Introduction: agribusiness clusters in Europe, 19th and 20th centuries",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427336,,The Benelux and the Cold War: Re-interpreting West-West Relations,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427337,,The Flexibility of European Identities. East-West and North-South Juxtapositions in Past and Present,VABB-1,9,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427342,,"Structural policy and the State: changing agricultural society in Belgium and the Netherlands, 1945-1960",VABB-4,209,228,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427343,,Germany: 2nd Colonial Empire,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427344,,Introduction,VABB-4,13,28,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427345,,Belgian History and the Making of Marginality and Subalternity,VABB-1,10,35,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427346,,Square de Léopoldville of Place Lumumba? De Belgische (post)koloniale herinnering in de publieke ruimte,VABB-1,349,372,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:427347,,"Economic clusters, knowledge networks and globalization: Fruit growing in Dutch Limburg, 1850-1940",VABB-1,91,118,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427349,,Between a Christian Fatherland and Euro-Christendom,VABB-4,169,188,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427351,,Naar de stad. Productie- en aanvoercircuits van voedsel en drank,VABB-4,18,59,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427353,,"Tocqueville Revisited. Transatlantic Perspectives on Modernity, Democracy and Christianity in Europe and North-America (c 1650-1860)",VABB-4,39,56,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427355,,Aufbruch und Ernüchterung: Architekten in der Frühphase der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Volksrepublik Polen,VABB-4,48,67,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:427359,,Spór o emigrację polską w XIX w. - odpowiedź autora,VABB-1,321,326,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427361,,"Defining Commercial Sexualities, Past and Present",VABB-4,321,329,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427364,,"La littérature au pays de la publicité. Circulations intertextuelles, médiatiques et sociologiques",VABB-1,187,199,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427365,,Les circulations publicitaires de la littérature. Table d’orientation,VABB-1,5,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427366,,From Language to Film Style: Reassessing the Role of Conceptual Metaphor in Cognitive Film Studies,VABB-4,108,134,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427369,,Der Untergang des Abendlandes als Symptom: Robert Musil über Oswald Spengler,VABB-4,160,174,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:427370,,L'écran et l'écrit : la spatialisation du texte dans le cinéma muet et la poésie moderne,VABB-4,244,254,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427373,,Introduction: Crises de lisibilité,VABB-1,1,5,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427374,,Literature Now: Key Terms and Methods for Literary History,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427376,,Perceiving Causality in Character Perception: A Metaphorical Study of Causation in Film,VABB-1,91,107,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427378,,Transformations médiatiques: une analyse comparée du cinéma et de la littérature,VABB-1,221,232,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427379,,A Voix haute. Poésie et lecture publique,VABB-2,,,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427380,,Política e intimidad en Diario de una princesa montonera,VABB-1,124,138,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:427381,,Fictionalizing Journalism or Journalizing Fiction: the Flemish “Stenciled Revolution” Authors,VABB-5,37,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427382,,Disability Life Narratives,VABB-1,161,167,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427386,,Paper Cities. Urban Portraits in Photographic Books,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427389,,Brizzolari’s Dismantling of The Romantic Outsider Myth: Inclusive Strategies Seen from a Belgian Perspective,VABB-1,25,39,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427390,,Charlot poète malgré lui,VABB-1,203,214,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427391,,Timtim na America,VABB-1,11,19,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427392,,PHOTOCONSORTIUM: Digitizing Europe’s Photographic Heritage,VABB-5,409,419,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427396,,Negotiating the Paranoia Narrative: The Critical Reception of Bleeding Edge (2013) by Thomas Pynchon,VABB-1,88,112,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427397,,The Visual Co-textualization of Spatio-Joual in the Motel Galactic Series,VABB-1,189,211,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427398,,De fotospecials van Arts et métiers graphiques: van modernisme naar retour à l'ordre,VABB-4,38,42,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:427399,,"La description d’objets : catalogue, inventaire et rhétorique publicitaire. À partir du Catalogue de l’antiquaire de Pierre Albert-Birot (1923)",VABB-1,,,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427401,,Literature and Advertising in Arts et Métiers graphiques,VABB-1,123,145,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427404,,Comics and Time,VABB-4,303,310,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427407,,Donna Williams's 'Triumph': Looking for 'the Place in the Middle' at Jessica Kingsley Publishers,VABB-1,171,193,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:427412,,"Tintin in America, or How to Describe a Place You’ve Never Been. A Medium Analysis",VABB-1,79,85,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427413,,"Einführung: ""Schriftstellerreden"" / ""Schriftsteller rede(te)n"": Eine herausfordernde Kombination",VABB-1,1,32,,ger,2016,1 c:vabb:427414,,Seeing Yourself in the Past: The Role of Situational (Dis)continuity and Conceptual Metaphor in the Understanding of Complex Cases of Character Perception,VABB-1,114,138,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427416,,'Wie schreeuwt er om een held'. Het dichterschap van Tom Van de Voorde,VABB-4,178,188,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427417,,"François Jacqmin, un révolutionnaire de province?",VABB-1,486,492,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:427420,,"Copyright, Cultural Heritage and Photography: A Gordian Knot?",VABB-4,77,98,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427423,,William Marx en 2015: la rhétorique encore et toujours?,VABB-1,105,112,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427426,,The Eyes for Mind in Cinema: A Metaphorical Study of the Viewer's Experience,VABB-4,129,144,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427434,,"The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines, 3: Europe 1880-1940 (paperback)",VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427437,,"Warden Oom, streekschrijver: Ethos van een auteur, functies van een genre",VABB-1,7,28,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427439,,Composer ‘avec la folie’. La réinvention du récit dans Après la mort. Après la vie d’Adolpho Avril et Olivier Deprez,VABB-1,147,158,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:427441,,Getting Creative With Europeana: Innovative Strategies & New Tools For Education,VABB-5,6606,6614,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427443,,MOOCS and Online Learning: The Contribution of Europeana to Education,VABB-5,6298,6304,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427444,,Een Bewogen Veld. The ‘affective turn’ in de eenentwintigste literatuurtheorie en historische letterkunde,VABB-1,117,139,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427447,,Irish Travel Writers: Introduction,VABB-1,121,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427448,,Lo transnacional en el cine hispánico: deslindes de un concepto,VABB-4,17,35,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:427450,,"A Twice-Told Tale of a (Dis)united Kingdom: Thomas Colley Grattan’s History of the Netherlands (1830, 1833)",VABB-4,38,56,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427451,,Nuevas perspectivas sobre la transnacionalidad del cine hispánico: introducción,VABB-4,3,16,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:427453,,"(Re)writing with the feet: the ""flâneur"" as urban cartographer in Alicia Scherson's ""Play"" (Chile, 2005)",VABB-1,533,553,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427455,,Nuevas perspectivas sobre la transnacionalidad del cine hispánico,VABB-3,,,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:427456,,"Irish Cultures of Travel. Writing on the Continent, 1829-1914",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427457,,Una ficción del espacio: caminata y decadencia en El aire de Sergio Chejfec,VABB-1,405,418,,spa,2016,1 c:vabb:427458,,National Images in Transit: Historical Fiction and its Translation in an Age of Competing Nationalisms,VABB-4,53,67,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427459,,Revisiting Modernity through the Latin American Road Movie,VABB-4,31,52,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427460,,"Michele Psello, Teodoreto di Ciro, Anastasio Sinaita: nota a margine di Psell. Theol. II 42, p. 150 Westerink-Duffy",VABB-1,73,79,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427461,,A Neglected Chapter in the Reception of Augustine’s Pauline Exegesis: William of St.-Thierry’s Expositio super epistolam ad Romanos,VABB-1,367,390,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427465,,SERMO CLXXVI,VABB-4,537,557,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427467,,Presenze petrarchesche nell'epistolario di Francesco Filelfo,VABB-1,77,93,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:427476,,"Le repas de Jean Baptiste au désert : sauterelles, crevettes ou écrevisses ? Un petit texte exégétique inédit du Xe siècle",VABB-1,149,177,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427478,,"Valerius Maximus cum Oliverii commentariis (Milan, 1513): Two More Letters by Antonius Moretus?",VABB-1,309,317,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:427479,,SERMO CLXIII,VABB-4,211,233,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427480,,Polybius,VABB-4,1,60,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427484,,Antiquarianism and National History. The Emergence of a New Scholarly Paradigm in Early Modern Historical Studies,VABB-1,843,856,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:427485,,Picturing the Perfect Patron? Francesco Filelfo’s Image of Francesco Sforza,VABB-4,391,414,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427486,,L’autre expositio augustinienne de Florus de Lyon : les Sententiae a beato Fulgentio expositae de la Collection de douze Pères,VABB-4,145,175,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427487,,"Un manuscrit de travail d’Eugippe : le ms. Città del Vaticano, BAV, Pal. lat. 210",VABB-1,195,258,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427489,,Two Unknown Poems by Giovanni Mazza (1877-1943),VABB-1,427,437,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427491,,Valerius Maximus. Addenda & Corrigenda,VABB-4,307,336,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427495,,"An ancient anthology of quotations from Augustine’s homiletic works. Content, sources, transmission and partial critical edition",VABB-1,59,111,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427500,,"A Medieval French Homiliary? A New Look at the Collectio Colbertina (Paris, BN lat. 3798)",VABB-4,37,94,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427501,,"Thomas Morus, Utopia and Leuven. Tracing the intellectual and Cultural Context",VABB-4,31,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427503,,"Francesco Filelfo. Collected Letters (Epistolarum Libri XLVIII), 4 volumes",VABB-2,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:427508,,Studies in the Christian Latin Poetry of Late Antiquity,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427510,,Een vluchteling van godswege: Empedocles over de ziel,VABB-1,8,12,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:427511,,De Lemurum rege sive de quibusdam celeberrimi carminis Goethiani versionibus Latinis parum notis,VABB-1,32,36,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:427517,,The Transmission of Florus of Lyons' Expositio Epistolarum Beati Pauli Apostoli. State of the Art and New Results,VABB-4,253,276,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427524,,"Identifications, communities and connections : intersections of ethnicity and sexuality among diasporic gay men",VABB-1,174,192,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427526,,An investigation of short-term longitudinal associations between social anxiety and victimization and perpetration of traditional bullying and cyberbullying,VABB-1,328,339,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427527,,Polarisation of non-standard employment in Europe : exploring a missing piece of the inequality puzzle,VABB-1,171,189,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427531,,Short-term longitudinal relationships between adolescents' (cyber)bullying perpetration and bonding to school and teachers,VABB-1,162,172,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427537,,Policy,VABB-4,610,631,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427540,,Lokale autonomie en de rechtspositieregeling van het Vlaams gemeentepersoneel : beknopte schets en signalering van enkele knelpunten,VABB-1,228,242,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:427543,,From normative influence to social pressure : how relevant others affect whether bystanders join in cyberbullying,VABB-1,193,211,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427555,,The contingency of voter learning : how election debates influenced voters ability and accuracy to position parties in the 2010 Dutch election campaign,VABB-1,136,157,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427556,,What makes party messages fit for reporting? An experimental study of journalistic news selection,VABB-1,59,77,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427561,,Ecological infrastructure in a critical-historical perspective : from engineering social territory to encoding natural topography,VABB-1,367,390,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427566,,"HvJ 13 oktober 2014, flyLAL C-203/13 - Internationaal privaatrecht en oneerlijke concurrentie in de luchtvaart : effect op procesmogelijkheden van consumenten(organisaties)",VABB-1,134,141,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:427567,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427568,,Conclusions,VABB-4,219,226,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427569,,Differentiation between developing and developed countries in international law,VABB-4,51,73,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427572,,Come on and take a free ride : contributing to public goods in native and foreign language settings,VABB-1,268,286,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427573,,Improving PPP decision-making processes : a decision support framework,VABB-4,99,119,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427574,,Main challenges in PPP for port development,VABB-4,173,200,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427575,,Tinnitus and anxiety disorders : a review,VABB-1,255,265,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427576,,Active and healthy ageing : blended models and common challenges in supporting age-friendly cities and communities,VABB-4,277,304,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427580,,Exploring the role of social networking sites within adolescent romantic relationships and dating experiences,VABB-1,76,86,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427583,,Ho.Re.Ca. : logistics and medieval structured cities : a market analysis and typology,VABB-5,369,384,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427584,,The vulnerability of corporate reputation,VABB-2,,,144 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:427586,,Determination of common antipsychotics in Quantisal™-collected oral fluid by UHPLC-MS/MS : method validation and applicability for therapeutic drug monitoring,VABB-1,87,97,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427590,,From birth through transition to maturation : the evolution of technology-based alliance networks,VABB-1,181,200,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427592,,Stakeholder co-creation during the innovation process : identifying capabilities for knowledge creation among multiple stakeholders,VABB-1,525,540,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427598,,Exploring a blind spot in comparative pension reform research : long-term trends in non-contributory pensions in Europe,VABB-1,161,175,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427599,,"Vowel space area in later childhood and adolescence : effects of age, sex and ease of communication",VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427609,,Interpersonal violence against children in sport in the Netherlands and Belgium,VABB-1,223,236,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427610,,Zin en onzin van een Vlaamse decretale verankering van de gewestelijke opcentiemen in de personenbelasting,VABB-1,4,12,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:427612,,Local currency bond market development in Sub-Saharan Africa : a stock-taking exercise and analysis of key drivers,VABB-1,1167,1194,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427613,,Phonemic accuracy development in children with cochlear implants up to five years of age by using Levenshtein Distance,VABB-1,40,58,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427614,,Composer classification models for music-theory building,VABB-4,369,392,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427615,,A hybridised variable neighbourhood tabu search heuristic to increase security in a utility network,VABB-1,221,230,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427616,,British and Japanese shipping networks in China in the 1920s,VABB-4,112,133,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427625,,Spillovers from agglomerations and inward FDI : a multilevel analysis on sub-Saharan African firms,VABB-1,147,176,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427627,,Diffusion kurtosis imaging probes cortical alterations and white matter pathology following cuprizone induced demyelination and spontaneous remyelination,VABB-1,363,377,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427628,,The development a serious game on cyberbullying : a concept test,VABB-4,93,109,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427629,,"Economics, statistics and history : the legacy of the German historical school in Belgium",VABB-4,42,58,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427630,,Efficient multi-product multi-BOM batch scheduling for a petrochemical blending plant with a shared pipeline network,VABB-1,493,506,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427633,,"Youth 2.0 : social media and adolescence : connecting, sharing and empowering",VABB-3,,,255 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427634,,Maritime transport company strategies : how to be sustainable in the future,VABB-4,325,343,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427636,,"Hearing impairment and vowel production : a comparison between normally hearing, hearing-aided and cochlear implanted Dutch Children",VABB-1,24,39,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427637,,Intersections of gender and marital status : in accessing climate change adaptation: evidence from rural Tanzania,VABB-1,40,50,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427639,,The selective vehicle routing problem in a collaborative environment,VABB-1,400,411,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427640,,Gain sharing in horizontal logistic co-operation : a case study in the fresh fruit and vegetables sector,VABB-4,75,89,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427642,,Economic effects of labor migration on agricultural production of farm households in the Mekong River Delta region of Vietnam,VABB-1,3,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427643,,Technology adoption in employee recruitment : the case of social media in Central and Eastern Europe,VABB-1,240,249,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427644,,When two basic principles clash : about the validity of written chat language as a Research tool for spoken language variation : Flemish chatspeak as a test case,VABB-1,101,129,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427646,,Unraveling the impact of workforce age diversity on labor productivity : the moderating role of firm size and job security,VABB-1,193,212,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427651,,Sexualized video game avatars and self-objectification in adolescents : the role of gender congruency and activation frequency,VABB-1,221,239,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:427653,,The Europeanisation of budget support : do government capacity and autonomy matter?,VABB-1,90,104,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427654,,Neuroscientific dystopia,VABB-4,62,78,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427655,,Het algemeen rechtsbeginsel non bis is idem belet niet de combinatie van een strafrechtelijke sanctie en een (klassieke) tuchtstraf,VABB-1,699,704,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427659,,"Factor markets, actors, and affordances",VABB-1,133,147,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427660,,The forgotten actor in media ownership debates : audiences and their knowledge of media ownership in Flanders,VABB-1,99,109,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427661,,De fiscale discussie in België. Wat drijft de Belgische fiscale wetgever?,VABB-1,3,8,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427664,,"Neurophysiological evidence for diminished monitoring of own, but intact monitoring of other's errors in schizophrenia",VABB-1,220,226,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:427665,,La (est)ética del hambre en el Período Especial,VABB-1,356,373,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:427666,,Transdisciplinary dimensions in the composing activities of children : transfer of strategies and transformation of knowledge,VABB-1,81,99,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427669,,Schamoteren met de grote woorden. Registervariatie in Hugo Claus: De verwondering (1962),VABB-1,53,71,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427673,,The origin-destination airport choice for all-cargo aircraft operations in Europe,VABB-1,53,74,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427677,,Student teachers' team teaching : how do learners in the classroom experience team-taught lessons by student teachers?,VABB-1,93,105,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427693,,Trading silks and tapestries in 16th-century Antwerp,VABB-4,131,156,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427694,,Go with the flow : how children's persuasion knowledge is associated with their state of flow and emotions during advergame play,VABB-1,38,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427695,,"Young adolescents and advertising on social network games : a structural equation model of perceived parental media mediation, advertising literacy, and behavioral intention",VABB-1,183,197,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427696,,The view of the European Court of Human Rights on competent patients right of informed consent : research in the light of articles 3 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427698,,Integrating theory-based evaluation and process tracing in the evaluation of civil society gender budget initiatives,VABB-1,72,90,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427699,,Judicial politics and international cooperation : dispute settlement and deal-making in the World Trade Organization,VABB-2,,,150 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427702,,"De pariteit in de Ministerraad (artikel 99, tweede lid van de Grondwet) : een vereiste met een louter taalkundige, een communautaire of ook een 'taalgroep-parlementaire' betekenis",VABB-1,4,22,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:427703,,On the Unity or Disunity of Acquisitive and Extinctive Prescription. Or How Daring Reinterpretations are not Always Right,VABB-4,95,118,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427704,,The role of courts in legislative policy diffusion and divergence,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427705,,Disassembling the city : a historical and an epistemological view on the agency of cities,VABB-1,811,829,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:427706,,Woord vooraf/Avant-Propos,VABB-4,5,8,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427707,,Humanities and the public sphere : a pragmatic perspective,VABB-1,141,161,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427710,,The CJEU's view of whether Bitcoins are a currency : a Belgian perspective,VABB-1,61,64,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427711,,"Impact of an in-service training in neurocognitive insights on teacher stress, teacher professionalism and teacher student relationships",VABB-1,253,266,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427713,,Establishing team knowledge coordination from a learning perspective,VABB-1,33,53,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427714,,Mapping processing strategies in learning from expository tekst : an exploratory eye tracking study followed by a cued recall,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427718,,Aligning marketing and purchasing for new value creation,VABB-1,60,73,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427719,,"Nieuwsmedia, democratisch debat en ideologische culturen",VABB-4,8,22,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427721,,Youth in education : the necessity of valuing ethnocultural diversity,VABB-3,,,266 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427722,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427724,,The Polish community school in Flanders : bridging the gap between school and home environment,VABB-4,171,192,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427725,,Aspirations and stigmatization as factors of school success,VABB-4,195,214,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427726,,Optimal design of large-scale screening experiments : a critical look at the coordinate-exchange algorithm,VABB-1,15,28,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427729,,Clustering by publication patterns of senior authors in the social sciences and humanities,VABB-1,254,272,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427738,,Een verkenning van de grondslagen van het ne bis in idem beginsel in het Belgisch belastingrecht,VABB-2,,,527 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427739,,"European media policy for the 21st century : assessing the past, setting agendas for the future",VABB-3,,,277 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427740,,Beyond the buzz : why media policy researchers should study teletext,VABB-4,23,39,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427741,,Contextualising European media policy in the twenty-first century,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427748,,Accessing individual style through proposed use of THEME associates,VABB-4,195,213,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427749,,Learning in times of dynamic complexity through balancing phenomenal qualities of sensemaking,VABB-1,83,99,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427751,,The role of capacity and traffic uncertainty in hinterland connections : strategies for the case port of Zeebruges,VABB-4,374,396,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427752,,Applying the theory of planned behavior to adolescents acceptance of online friendship requests sent by strangers,VABB-1,1119,1129,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427753,,Menschenwürdige Mindesteinkommen von Armut betroffener Haushalte : eine Aufgabe für die EU?,VABB-1,32,40,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:427754,,Military engineers in the Spanish Empire : the input from the Low Countries,VABB-4,229,251,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427759,,Transatlantic crossings : new forms of meaning in the city of the 1970s,VABB-1,103,113,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427761,,Prosocial behavior and public service motivation,VABB-1,177,187,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427762,,Assessing the terrorist threat : impact of the group's organizational design?,VABB-1,106,127,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427763,,Chemical imaging of stained-glass windows by means of macro X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) scanning,VABB-1,615,622,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427764,,"Macroeconomic performance, political trust and the Great Recession : a multilevel analysis of the effects of within-country fluctuations in macroeconomic performance on political trust in 15 EU countries, 1999-2011",VABB-1,177,197,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427766,,Team-reflection : the missing link in co-teaching teams,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427767,,(Re-)imagining a reluctant post-genocide society : the Rwandan Patriotic Front's ideology and practice,VABB-1,61,81,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427772,,Religious freedom in education : the United States versus Belgium,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427773,,The freedom of religion and the freedom of education in twenty-first-century Belgium: a critical approach,VABB-1,308,324,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427774,,"Verzekering van goederen in mede-eigendom : wanneer zijn mede-eigenaars die de verzekeringsovereenkomst niet onderschreven hebben ook gedekt?"" (noot onder Cass. 25 april 2013",VABB-1,978,981,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427775,,"License contracts, free software and creative commons : an overview of the state of play in Belgium",VABB-4,51,76,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427779,,Touching the dematerialized,VABB-1,147,164,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427780,,De studenten geneeskunde van de Vlaamse Hogeschool 1916-1918,VABB-1,195,203,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427784,,"Bitcoins zijn deviezen voor btw-doeleinden, maar één zwaluw maakt de lente niet",VABB-1,178,181,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427786,,Overmacht en imprevisie in het Belgische contractenrecht,VABB-4,1,34,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427787,,De nieuwe regeling m.b.t. de schuldsaldoverzekering voor de verwerving van de eigen en enige gezinswoning : naar meer transparantie en solidariteit?,VABB-1,134,145,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427790,,The Worldmaker's Umwelt : the cognitive space between a writer's library and the publishing house,VABB-1,173,187,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427791,,Reclamewijsheid van Vlaamse jongeren in een sociaalnetwerkgame : vergelijkende studie tussen billboardreclame en productgebruik,VABB-1,38,57,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427792,,"By design or by drift : how, where, and why HRM activities are organized in the public sector",VABB-1,110,134,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:427795,,Taking scholarly books into account : current developments in five European countries,VABB-1,685,699,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427799,,National contexts for PPPs in Europe : conclusions and policy recommendations,VABB-4,85,94,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427800,,Introducing the national context for PPPs : elements and dimensions,VABB-4,9,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427801,,"Diverging or converging PPP policies, regulations and supporting arrangements? A comparative analysis of twenty European countries",VABB-4,19,43,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427802,,Developments of public private partnership in Belgium,VABB-4,45,58,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427803,,Recent evolution of public sector structure in Latin America : describing and explaining shifts in autonomy trends in Colombia and Venezuela,VABB-1,35,50,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427804,,Thermal annealing of gold coated fiber optic surfaces for improved plasmonic biosensing,VABB-1,678,685,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427805,,Parenting as mediator between post-divorce family structure and childrens well-being,VABB-1,2178,2188,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427811,,Artisanal frontier mining of gold in Africa: labour transformation in Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo,VABB-1,296,317,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427815,,Aspects meets modality : a semantic analysis of the German Am-Progressive,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427818,,Queer kin in the œuvre of Rebecca Brown : de-naturalizing biological kinship and performing the family,VABB-1,20,38,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427819,,Thats what music is aboutit strikes a chord : proposing a queer method of listening to the lives and music of LGBTQs,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427822,,"Photography and the spatial transformations of Ghent, 1840-1914",VABB-1,203,218,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:427823,,Minimum income protection in the austerity tide,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427826,,Enkele beschouwingen over de zijdelingse vordering,VABB-1,983,986,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427827,,"Parsing the practice turn : practice, practical knowledge, practices",VABB-1,175,196,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427828,,Impact of scale increase of container ships on the generalised chain cost,VABB-1,192,208,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427829,,Nuclear terrorism : countering the threat,VABB-3,,,262 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427830,,The nuclear threat : a two-level analytical framework to assess the likelihood of nuclear terrorism,VABB-4,12,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427831,,Critical renegotiation triggers of European transport concessions,VABB-1,82,91,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427834,,"Genotype and co-medication dependent CYP2D6 metabolic activity : effects on serum concentrations of aripiprazole, haloperidol, risperidone, paliperidone and zuclopenthixol",VABB-1,175,184,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427835,,"Help, I am losing control! Examining the reporting of sexual harassment by adolescents to social networking sites",VABB-1,16,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427836,,Computational authorship verification method attributes a new work to a major 2nd century African author,VABB-1,239,242,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427837,,Gas-phase synthesis of Mg-Ti nanoparticles for solid-state hydrogen storage,VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427838,,Institutional rail reform : the case of Ukrainian railways,VABB-1,7,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427839,,Short-term forecast of container throughout : an ARIMA-intervention model for the port of Antwerp,VABB-1,749,764,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:427840,,Challenges and future research needs towards international freight transport modelling,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427841,,Schadebeperkingsplicht in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief,VABB-1,63,72,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427843,,Inside Rwanda's Gacaca Courts : seeking justice after genocide,VABB-2,,,"272 p. 2 figures, 1 map, 15 tables",eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427844,,The changing concept of 'family' and challenges for family law in the Benelux Countries,VABB-4,5,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427846,,Conceptual and practical concerns for the effectiveness of the right to housing,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427850,,Legal pluralism and hybrid governance : bridging two research lines,VABB-1,346,366,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427853,,Introduction,VABB-4,3,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427854,,Conclusion,VABB-4,429,456,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:427859,,Visually researching and communicating the city : a systematic assessment of methods and resources,VABB-1,1309,1330,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427863,,How functionless is junk and how useful is exaptation? Probing the -I/ESC- morpheme,VABB-4,261,285,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427864,,Impact of student centred learning environments on students' learning approach in higher education,VABB-5,435,452,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427865,,The hunt in the performance of archducal rule : endurance and revival in the Habsburg Netherlands in the early seventeenth century,VABB-1,116,154,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427873,,"De verhouding van de omissie, lichamelijke pijn en geestelijk lijden tot de begrippen slagen en verwondingen (noot onder Cass. 3 december 2014)",VABB-1,46,51,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427874,,Towards an intercultural sense of belonging together : reflections on the theoretical and political level,VABB-4,225,245,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427875,,The relation between aspect and inversion in English,VABB-1,107,128,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427877,,Kroniek van de sociale huisvesting (2009-2014),VABB-1,1043,1064,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427879,,"Verbeeldingen van de werkelijkheid : verleden, heden en toekomst in een theatraal kader",VABB-1,4,11,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427890,,"Introduction : l'inclusion financière, nouvel avatar de la libéralisation financière?",VABB-1,9,20,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427892,,Intervention time series analysis of crime rates : the case of sentence reform in Virginia,VABB-1,311,323,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427894,,Teachers' perceptions of intergenerational knowledge flows,VABB-1,150,161,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427895,,Does the choice of well-being measure matter empirically?,VABB-4,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427896,,Humanitarian media events : on the symbolic conditions of moral integration,VABB-4,90,105,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427897,,Depressie na orgaantransplantatie : welk antidepressivum voorschrijven?,VABB-1,490,496,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427898,,A metaheuristic for security budget allocation in utility networks,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427899,,Impact of probability distributions on real options valuation,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427902,,La microfinance pour les services environnementaux : enseignements en matière de politiques du Proyecto CAMBio au Nicaragua,VABB-1,125,154,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:427905,,De actio pauliana als collectieve vordering bij faillissement en de verhouding met het paulianabeslag op een onroerend goed,VABB-1,1145,1148,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427907,,Aid and authoritarianism in Africa : development without democracy,VABB-3,,,186 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427908,,Aid and authoritarianism in sub-Saharan Africa after 1990,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427910,,Unity and fragmentation : recent trends in research on the 'neuf départements réunis',VABB-4,39,52,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427911,,Passion and reason : modern parliaments in the Low Countries,VABB-4,81,96,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427912,,Thick description beyond the digital space,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427913,,Digital scholarly editing within the boundaries of copyright restrictions,VABB-1,785,796,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427919,,Cross-border criminal investigation in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion : international policing and the theory of (inter-) organisational conflict,VABB-1,41,60,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427921,,Het Herziene Europees Sociaal Handvest en de verbetering van de mensenrechtenpositie van personen met een handicap,VABB-1,3,43,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427923,,Stylometry with R : a package for computational text analysis,VABB-1,107,121,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427924,,Reassessing the Apuleian Corpus : a computational approach to authenticity,VABB-1,645,672,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427926,,James Joyce's 'Work in Progress': pre-book publications of Finnegans wake fragments,VABB-2,,,285 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427930,,Das Ruusbroec-Institut : 90 Jahre Studium der Frömmigkeit in den Niederlanden,VABB-1,197,201,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:427934,,"In favor of a shift, against elimination : the future of RE in catholic schools in XXI century Belgium",VABB-1,25,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427935,,"Over indrukken, misleiding en levensmiddelen met juiste en volledige ingrediëntenlijsten",VABB-1,51,62,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427941,,Online reclamewijsheid bij kinderen : herkennen en begrijpen van reclamebanners en de rol van need for cognition en reclamewijsheidslessen,VABB-1,24,45,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:427942,,Harmonizing freedom and protection : adolescents' voices on automatic monitoring of social networking sites,VABB-1,35,41,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427956,,"""Multiple Bilateralism' within the European Union : the Dutch coalition-building network during the budget negotiations",VABB-1,426,443,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427957,,The role of imagination in decision-making,VABB-1,127,143,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427961,,Contributions of chinese authors in PLOS ONE,VABB-1,543,549,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427964,,Imagination and perception,VABB-4,124,134,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427965,,"Heading towards a sustainable collaboration on the Arts Campus 'deSingel' in the city of Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-4,59,80,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427966,,Unraveling Belgian fashion designers' high perceived success : a set-theoretic approach,VABB-1,1407,1411,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427970,,"De OMT-saga en de ECB : groen licht bij het Hof van Justitie, knipperlicht bij het Bundesverfassungsgericht (noot onder HvJ 16 juni 2015)",VABB-1,92,97,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427971,,Buitenschoolse hulp en zorg op school : succes verzekerd!?,VABB-2,,,233 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427972,,"Digital cinema, or: What happens to the dispositif",VABB-4,301,310,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427985,,Autonomous and advertising-dependent 'word of mouth' under costly dynamic pricing,VABB-1,860,872,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427986,,China's competition and the export price strategies of developed countries,VABB-1,238,254,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:427987,,Network repair crew scheduling and routing for emergency relief distribution problem,VABB-1,272,285,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:427991,,Constitutionele dialoog als een lens : onderzoek naar het wetgevend optreden na de vaststelling van een ongrondwettige lacune door het Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-1,2,43,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427992,,"Ongrondwettige lacunes en handhavingsmaatregelen : decreetgever, let u even op alstublieft? (Noot onder GwH 3 april 2014, nr. 60/2014 en RvS 3 februari 2015, nr. 230.083)",VABB-1,826,830,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427993,,"Noot onder EHRM 5 januari 2016, Süveges t. Hongarije (nr. 50255/12)",VABB-1,154,157,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:427998,,From translation studies and audiovisual translation to media accessibility : some research trends,VABB-1,248,260,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428002,,A decision matrix for architectural works of art,VABB-5,19,26,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428003,,"Media, visibility and sexual identity among gay men with a migration background",VABB-1,412,431,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428004,,Over oorlog en soundtrack : Martin de Haans vertaling van Jean Échenoz' 14,VABB-1,43,48,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428005,,"Oorlog en stijl : over syntaxis, soundtrack en de dingen des tijds : Martin de Haans vertaling van Jean Échenoz' 14",VABB-1,1,14,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428013,,The EU convergence machine at work : to the benefit of the EU's poorest citizens?,VABB-1,1142,1158,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428014,,A James Joyce digital library,VABB-1,226,246,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428022,,The relationship between recruiter characteristics and applicant assessment on social media,VABB-1,415,422,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428023,,Les traductions néerlandaises des romans francophones camerounais,VABB-1,205,217,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428024,,Obligations of result and conduct in private vs public international law : their consequences and added value for socio-economic rights,VABB-1,83,97,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428027,,Return for development or 'business' as usual? The Ecuadorian experience,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428029,,"""Afhankelijke"" handelszaken : tot waar reikt de Handelshuurwet?, noot onder Cass. 20 maart 2014",VABB-1,898,903,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428030,,"De Hoge Raad oordeelt over ""gelijksoortige"" bijzondere regimes in het dubbelbelastingverdrag met Malta",VABB-1,261,273,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428031,,Towards shared accountability in international human Rights law,VABB-2,,,354 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428034,,Het gebruik van persoonsgegevens na het dataretentie-arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof (Noot onder KI Gent 20 juli 2015),VABB-1,190,193,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428035,,East Asian pragmatics : editorial,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428037,,Adoption and impact of IT governance and management practices : a COBIT 5 perspective,VABB-1,50,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428039,,An iterated local search algorithm for water distribution network design optimization,VABB-1,187,198,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428041,,Exploring the research domain of IT governance in the SME Context,VABB-1,20,35,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428057,,Investigating unmetabolized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in adolescents' urine as biomarkers of environmental exposure,VABB-1,48,56,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428058,,"La littérature francophone en traduction : méthodes, pratiques et histoire",VABB-1,2,27,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428059,,A specialist's perspective on the value of generalist practice : a qualitative network analysis,VABB-1,610,626,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428063,,ASSURE : a model for the simulation of urban expansion and intra-urban social segregation,VABB-1,2377,2400,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428064,,"Seaport CSR : innovation for economic, social and environmental objectives",VABB-1,382,396,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428065,,Spiritual sustainability management,VABB-4,27,36,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:428067,,Noot onder 15 november 2012,VABB-1,23,28,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428069,,The disorderly infiltration of EU law in civil procedure,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428070,,Brussels II bis : successes and suggested improvements,VABB-1,132,168,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428071,,Fiscale aandachtspunten voor de intrafamiliale zorgverlening of mantelzorg,VABB-1,5,27,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428072,,The Lure of Lady Luck : lotteries and economic culture in the fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Low Countries,VABB-4,57,71,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428073,,"Survival factors of seventeenth-century hand-press books published in the Southern Netherlands : the importance of sheet counts, Sammelbände and the role of institutional collections",VABB-4,160,200,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428074,,Black-label ou les déboires de Léon-Gontran Damas,VABB-2,,,295 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428079,,Sporen van en naar joodse rituelen : een verkenning van diverse aspecten van het joods religieus leven in België,VABB-1,38,53,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428080,,De plaats van samenwerkingsakkoorden in het constitutioneel kader,VABB-2,,,426 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428081,,"Data use by teachers : the impact of motivation, decision-making style, supportive relationships and reflective capacity",VABB-1,36,53,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428085,,Foreword (invited),VABB-4,17,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428086,,"De ""Darvillerechtspraak"" enkele jaren later : de soep wordt kennelijk niet zo heet gedronken als ze geschonken werd, (noot onder RvS 23 april 2014, nr. 227.160)",VABB-1,61,64,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428090,,"Hanging in, but only just : part-time employment and in-work poverty throughout the crisis",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428091,,Exposure to cyberbullying as a bystander : an investigation of desensitization effects among early adolescents,VABB-1,480,487,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428092,,Taxonomizing performance measurement systems' failures,VABB-1,672,693,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428094,,Maritime world cities : development of the global maritime management network,VABB-1,294,317,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428096,,"Colonial adventures in tropical agriculture : new estimates of returns to investment in the Netherlands Indies, 19191938",VABB-1,197,224,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428099,,Balancing inside and outside lobbying : the political strategies of lobbyists at global diplomatic conferences,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428100,,Explaining varying lobbying styles across the Atlantic : an empirical test of the cultural and institutional explanations,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:428103,,Hof van assisen en correctionalisering na Potpourri II : kunst- en vliegwerk of dankbare ingreep van de wetgever?,VABB-1,91,114,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428105,,In één zin samengevat,VABB-1,643,646,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428106,,Uit de goede oude tijd,VABB-1,231,235,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428107,,Opening the 'black box' of performance-based financing in low- and lower middle-income countries : a review of the literature,VABB-1,1297,1309,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428108,,Identity and the body : narrative accounts of two HIV-positive women with lipodystrophy in post-apartheid South Africa,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428109,,The importance of the family : a longitudinal study of the predictors of depression in HIV patients in South Africa,VABB-1,1591,1602,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428110,,"The development and piloting of parallel scales measuring external and internal HIV and tuberculosis stigma among healthcare workers in the Free State Province, South Africa",VABB-1,244,254,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428111,,"Women's experience of HIV as a chronic illness in South Africa : hard-earned lives, biographical disruption and moral career",VABB-1,521,542,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428114,,Power and position : which EU party groups do lobbyists prioritize and why?,VABB-1,552,562,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428116,,The impact of multinational enterprises (MNEs) on knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) start-ups : empirical evidence from the Dutch Randstad,VABB-1,728,743,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428117,,Using multi-level frontiers in DEA models to grade countries/territories,VABB-1,238,253,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428118,,National varieties of public-private partnerships (PPPs) : a comparative analysis of PPP-Ssupporting units in 19 European countries,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428120,,"Kenya's Riverwood : market structure, power relations, and future outlooks",VABB-1,97,115,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:428121,,Innovation and its obstacles in Tanzania's Bongowood,VABB-1,137,151,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428122,,Policy-based SON management demonstrator,VABB-5,1,2,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:428123,,A SON function for steering users in multi-layer LTE networks based on their mobility behaviour,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:428127,,Political agenda-setting in Belgium and the Netherlands : the moderating role of conflict framing,VABB-1,187,203,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428129,,Does international collaboration yield a higher citation potential for US scientists publishing in highly visible interdisciplinary Journals?,VABB-1,1009,1013,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428131,,Substitution between cars within the household,VABB-1,135,156,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428132,,BIS and BAS : biobehaviorally rooted drivers of entrepreneurial intent,VABB-1,204,213,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428134,,"Integrated assessment of agro-ecological systems : the case study of the ""Alta Murgia"" National park in Italy",VABB-1,144,155,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428135,,"Speech understanding in noise with the Roger Pen, Naida CI Q70 processor, and integrated Roger 17 receiver in a multi-talker network",VABB-1,1107,1114,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428136,,Responsive planning in development interventions : consulting rights-holders in the Sanitized Villages programme in Kongo Central,VABB-1,334,345,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428137,,Daughters at risk of female genital mutilation : examining the determinants of mothers' intentions to allow their daughters to undergo female genital mutilation,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428138,,"De relatie tussen participatiemotivatie, vooropgestelde doelen en leervoorkeuren : een mixed-method studie bij deelnemers aan formele professionaliseringsactiviteiten",VABB-1,38,59,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:428139,,"'""I'm feeling some sapphic vibes comin' off of you."" Een intersectionele analyse van de representatie van vrouwelijkheid en vrouwelijke seksualiteit in Orange is the new black'",VABB-1,7,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428141,,Working with a secular age : interdisciplinary perspectives on Charles Taylor's master narrative,VABB-3,,,431 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428142,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428143,,The ambiguity of 'post-secular' and 'post-metaphysical' stories : on the place of religion and deep commitments in a secular society,VABB-4,95,122,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428147,,"De beperkte aantastbaarheid van de bindende derdenbeslissing bij verzekeringsgeschillen, (noot onder Antwerpen 25 maart 2015)",VABB-1,1420,1423,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428148,,Animated film and the construction of a Caribbean cultural identity : ¡Vampiros en la Habana! by Juan Padrón and Chico y Rita by Fernando Trueba and Javier Mariscal,VABB-1,79,98,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428150,,"The effect of evoked feelings and cognitions, parent brand fit, experiences and brand personality on the adoption intention of branded electric cars for early and late adopter segments",VABB-4,395,406,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428151,,The immediate and delayed effect of an advertiser funded program on consumers brand attitudes: a field study,VABB-4,229,240,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428153,,An examination of the current usage of probability markers in print advertising : a content analysis of Belgian ads,VABB-4,163,177,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428157,,Infant industry protectionism and early modern growth? Evidence from eighteenth-century entrepreneurial petitions in the Austrian Netherlands,VABB-4,220,238,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428159,,Advertising in new formats and media : current research and implications for marketers,VABB-3,,,432 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428160,,"Does the context really matter, and for whom? Explaining the effects of program liking for an advertiser funded program",VABB-4,291,306,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428178,,Artikel XV.71 WER,VABB-4,1,7,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428179,,Artikel XV.72 WER,VABB-4,1,5,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428180,,Artikel XV.73 WER,VABB-4,1,6,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428182,,Artikel XV.83 WER,VABB-4,1,16,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428183,,Artikel XV.84 WER,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428184,,Artikel XV.85 WER,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428185,,Artikel XV.86 WER,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428187,,Artikel XV.131 WER,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428190,,Het hoger beroep in strafzaken in een nieuw kleedje,VABB-1,115,134,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428191,,Instrumentele misdrijven in een criminele organisatie (noot onder Cass. 29 april 2014),VABB-1,149,152,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428196,,The quality of high school students' problem solving from an expertise development perspective,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428197,,"Growth, poverty reduction, and inequality in Rwanda",VABB-4,112,136,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428203,,Didáctica para la formación de intérpretes en lenguas nacionales de México : trabajar de manera multilingüe,VABB-1,599,623,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:428204,,Chromosome screening using non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) beyond trisomy-21 : what to screen for and why It matters,VABB-1,8,21,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:428206,,The influence of socio-economic status on mothers' volubility and responsiveness in a monolingual Dutch-speaking sample,VABB-1,140,156,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428209,,"Artificial light at night disrupts sleep in female great tits (**Parus major**) during the nestling period, and is followed by a sleep rebound",VABB-1,125,134,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428210,,"(Cyber)bullying perpetration as an impulsive, angry reaction following (cyber)bullying victimisation?",VABB-4,193,209,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428212,,International emission regulation in sea transport : economic feasibility and impact,VABB-1,139,151,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428213,,Understanding of the process of entrainment within spiritual innovation through the case of Intentif,VABB-1,9,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:428214,,Governance with empty pockets : the education sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo,VABB-1,472,494,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428215,,Estimating time of infection using prior serological and individual information can greatly improve incidence estimation of human and wildlife infections,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428216,,"""(Hiatus in MS.)"" : towards a TEI compliant typology of textual lacunae in Samuel Beckett's manuscripts",VABB-1,65,73,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:428223,,"Gance, Abel (1889-1981)",VABB-4,1,1,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428224,,Erasmus of Rotterdam and his influence on the development of the protestant reformation in the Southern Netherlands : Erasmus of Rotterdam Birthday Lecture 2013,VABB-1,35,52,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428227,,Engineering risk management,VABB-2,,,340 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428228,,The politicization of climate change : problem or solution?,VABB-1,478,485,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428230,,Het grote woononderzoek 2013 : waar is de schaamte gebleven?,VABB-1,92,98,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428235,,Het nieuwe bankentoezicht - The new banking supervision,VABB-3,,,261 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428236,,The single supervisory mechanism : banking supervision in the Eurozone since 4 November 2014,VABB-4,21,85,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428237,,Achilles or Adonis : controversies surrounding the male body as national symbol in Georgian England,VABB-1,77,101,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428238,,Ethische aspecten verbonden aan het doceren van seksualiteitsgeschiedenis,VABB-1,67,70,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428239,,Catholic republicanism revisited,VABB-4,57,73,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428241,,De grote onleesbare : Hendrik Conscience herdacht,VABB-3,,,560 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428242,,Inleiding: De man wiens volk hem niet meer wil lezen,VABB-4,4,111,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428243,,Mag Conscience spreken? De Boerenkryg (1853) anders gelezen,VABB-4,462,496,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428244,,"Het vernieuwde bankentoezicht : inbedding, grondslagen en evaluatie",VABB-4,1,20,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428245,,Kritisch mediaonderwijs : een gat in de markt,VABB-1,91,102,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428246,,Innovation in the newsroom,VABB-4,192,206,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428247,,Effect of international collaboration on knowledge flow within an innovation system : a Triple helix approach,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:428248,,Like or dislike? Adolescents responses to personalized social network site advertising,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428249,,Les romans francophones maghrébins en traduction espagnole et néerlandaise,VABB-1,199,223,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:428250,,Information and arena : the dual function of the news media for political elites,VABB-1,496,518,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428251,,Van de krant naar de Kamer en terug? Een studie naar media-aandacht als inspiratie voor en resultaat van het Nederlandse vragenuur,VABB-1,433,457,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428252,,Don't think of them as roads: think of them as road transport markets : congestion pricing as a neoliberal political project,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:428254,,The perception of the African-American community through the eyes of the Hispanic media in the U.S. : a critical discourse analysis of the reporting of the death of Michael Brown,VABB-1,51,85,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428258,,Design of a chemical batch plant : a study of dedicated parallel lines with intermediate storage and the plant performance,VABB-5,739,744,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428259,,"14 / 1914 : Jean Échenoz's Great War, meta-discourse and the English reception",VABB-4,140,163,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428260,,Bruges,VABB-4,546,560,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428261,,Het prudentieel toezicht op financiële conglomeraten onder het Single Supervisory Mechanism,VABB-4,145,190,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428262,,Liberal neutrality and state support for religion,VABB-2,,,213 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428264,,Guilielmus Bolognino's Den Gheestelijcken Leeuwercker : the collected songs of a counter-reformation vhampion,VABB-4,94,117,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428265,,Kennis en perceptie van Platt in de Duitse grensstad Vreden : data uit drie generaties,VABB-1,353,372,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428267,,Action without attention,VABB-1,29,36,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428268,,"""Please deny these manifestly false reports"" : Ottoman diplomats and the press in Belgium (1850-1914)",VABB-1,267,292,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428269,,Pressure and expertise : explaining the information supply of interest groups in EU legislative lobbying,VABB-1,599,616,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428270,,How self-reflection and self-certainty are related to neurocognitive functioning: an examination of cognitive insight in bipolar disorder,VABB-1,130,145,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428272,,A model for improving sustainable green waste recovery,VABB-1,61,73,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428273,,Laminated altered layers in historical glass : density variations of silica nanoparticle random packings as explanation for the observed lamellae,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428274,,Do the media set the parliamentary agenda? A comparative study in seven countries,VABB-1,283,301,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428276,,Liability of domain name registries : don't shoot the messenger,VABB-1,327,344,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428277,,International institutions and interest mobilization : the WTO and lobbying in EU and US trade policy,VABB-1,289,312,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428278,,Domesticating the nation online : banal nationalism on LGBTQ websites in Poland and Turkey,VABB-1,304,327,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428280,,Evaluating automatic speech recognition-based language learning systems : a case study,VABB-1,833,851,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428281,,Kosmopolitische verbeeldingen in het Nederlandse buitenlandprogramma Metropolis : een productieanalyse,VABB-1,46,62,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:428282,,Opinion balance in vox pop television news,VABB-1,284,296,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:428284,,Prestatiemanagement op een kruispunt : welke weg moeten we inslaan naar een betekenisvoller prestatiemanagement?,VABB-1,67,83,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428285,,Towards good enough measurement : sick leave statistics as a case of the measurement challenges in comparative public performance,VABB-1,362,376,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:428287,,De invloed van het Europese beleidskader omtrent vroegtijdig schoolverlaten op het Vlaamse onderwijsbeleid nader onderzocht,VABB-1,20,28,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428288,,Toward a new sociology of human rights?,VABB-1,273,293,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428289,,Intersecting inequalities in the life of young adults : a reflection on intersectional policies,VABB-1,57,74,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428290,,Inclusions and exclusions in the Brussels gay neighbourhood : an intersectional analysis,VABB-1,157,172,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428291,,Uit de stad : verwerking en hergebruik van stedelijk voedselafval,VABB-4,166,197,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428292,,In abstracto of in concreto? Over de subjectivering van de bonus pater familias-standaard bij de toetsing van de schuldontheffingsgronden van overmacht en dwaling,VABB-1,223,236,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428293,,De aansprakelijkheidsverzekering in ontwikkeling,VABB-3,,,278 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428294,,De dekking in de tijd van aansprakelijkheidsverzekeringen : een delicaat evenwicht tussen contractuele vrijheid en dwingende regelgeving,VABB-4,97,120,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428295,,Planting the seeds of inclusion : an alternative pathway for coffee production,VABB-1,19,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428296,,Ambtenaren en levensbeschouwelijke tekens : een pleidooi voor inclusieve neutraliteit,VABB-1,5,23,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428302,,De lokale besturen,VABB-4,281,360,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428304,,Alexander Sutherland : a forgotten pioneer of health economics in Australia?,VABB-1,169,173,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428305,,"Ten geleide : ""Les pères fondateurs de l'histoire littéraire française...""",VABB-1,103,111,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428306,,Potpourri II : een overzicht van de belangrijkste wijzigingen op vlak van strafprocesrecht,VABB-1,1563,1573,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428307,,Les volontés du Ciel dans La nouvelle Héloïse,VABB-1,191,207,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428309,,Het huisvestingsbeleid,VABB-4,85,120,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428313,,Perception as something we do,VABB-1,80,104,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428316,,Foundations of the early root category : analyses of linguistic input to Hebrew-speaking children,VABB-4,95,134,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428317,,Breaking into the Hebrew verb system : a learning problem,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428318,,Zelfregulering en de bescherming van grondrechten: de casus van doping in de elitesport,VABB-1,279,299,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428319,,Democratische legitimiteit zonder Parlement : feit of fictie?,VABB-1,194,200,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428322,,Different faces of access control in a Congolese gold mine,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428325,,Belgian aid in turbulent times : some important evolutions in the period 2010-2015,VABB-1,41,58,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:428326,,Going online : does ICT enabled-participation engage the young in local governance?,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428327,,Understanding public diplomacy in East Asia : middle powers in a troubled region,VABB-3,,,283 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:428330,,Multi-objective decision making in macro- and micro-economics with application of the MULTIMOORA method,VABB-1,75,99,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:428333,,"Museveni, Burundi and the perversity of immunité provisoire",VABB-1,516,526,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428334,,All we are is dust in the wind : the social causes of a 'subculture of coping' in the late medieval coversand belt,VABB-1,1,35,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428335,,Eerst iets anders,VABB-1,173,177,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428337,,Een zoektocht naar de identiteit van het sociaalwerkonderzoek : een reflectie over de kenmerken van een academische discipline,VABB-1,43,63,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428339,,Front-end conditions for product-service system design,VABB-5,42,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428340,,The influence of ownership on the sustainable use of product-service systems : a literature review,VABB-5,180,185,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428341,,Building an evolvable prototype for a multiple GAAP accounting information system,VABB-5,71,85,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428348,,Unscrambling mixed elements using high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428350,,Afscheiding van delen van EU-lidstaten : de Europeesrechtelijke implicaties,VABB-1,3,10,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428351,,"Het Britse referendum, het Brexit-preventiepakket, en de gevolgen voor het recht van de Europese Unie",VABB-1,1617,1621,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428369,,"Het begrip bestuursdocument versus het begrip eenzijdige bestuurlijke rechtshandeling : een wereld van verschil (noot onder Beroepsinstantie inzake openbaarheid van bestuur en hergebruik van overheidsinformatie, nr. OVB/2014/80, 3 juni 2014)",VABB-1,1589,1593,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428374,,Thuis in de stad : dynamieken van de materiële cultuur,VABB-4,251,285,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428378,,Datamining voor fraudedetectie,VABB-4,167,211,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428379,,Childlike Parents in Guus Kuijer's Polleke Series and Jacqueline Wilson's The Illustrated Mum,VABB-1,1,14,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428381,,The dual role of homophone dominance : why homophone intrusions on regular verb forms so often go unnoticed,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428382,,Rechtsbescherming in het raam van het Gemeenschappelijk Toezichtsmechanisme,VABB-4,191,214,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428383,,"Economische dynamiek : verstedelijking, regionale complementariteit en Europese roeping",VABB-4,31,76,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428391,,A game of give and take : the introduction of multi-layer (water) safety in the Netherlands and Flanders,VABB-1,277,286,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428392,,Constructing collaborative communities of researchers in the environmental domain : a case study of interdisciplinary research between legal scholars and policy analysts,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428393,,"Adolescent cyber dating abuse victimization and its associations with substance use, and sexual behaviors",VABB-1,147,151,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428397,,The board's role in the governance of enterprise information and technology,VABB-4,574,595,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428398,,"Beleid, gebruik en invloed van evaluaties in de Belgische ontwikkelingssamenwerking : een blik op de Dienst Bijzondere Evaluatie",VABB-1,55,62,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428399,,The two faces of inventions : the relationship between recombination and impact in pharmaceutical biotechnology,VABB-1,1061,1074,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428401,,"Innovation through exaptation and its determinants : the role of technological complexity, analogy making & patent scope",VABB-1,1419,1435,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428402,,Board monitoring in a privately held firm : when does CEO duality matter? The moderating effect of ownership,VABB-1,229,250,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:428403,,Outcome indicators on interprofessional collaboration interventions for elderly,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428404,,Satisfaction with information about ionising radiation : a comparative study in Belgium and France,VABB-1,S122,S142,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428407,,Publiek-private samenwerking in Nederland en Vlaanderen : een review van veertien proefschriften,VABB-1,90,104,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428411,,Datamining voor fraudedetectie,VABB-1,167,211,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428412,,De bescherming van de financiële consument door de FSMA,VABB-1,21,60,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428413,,Opleiding en kennis : theorie en praktijk in een stedelijke context,VABB-4,287,328,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428415,,"Belgium : faithful, obedient and just a little irritated",VABB-4,103,129,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428416,,Criticism of the European Court of Human Rights : Shifting the Convention System: Counter-Dynamics at the National and EU Level,VABB-3,,,571 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428417,,Modernising agriculture through a 'new' green revolution : the limits of the crop intensification programme in Rwanda,VABB-1,277,293,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428418,,"""Lot er ons de sijs van aflakke"" : bij de honderdste verjaardag van Pallieter",VABB-4,220,286,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428419,,Tekstverantwoording,VABB-4,287,303,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428420,,"Felix Timmermans, Pallieter",VABB-3,,,304 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428421,,"The challenge of superdiversity for the identity of the social work profession : experiences of social workers in De Sloep in Ghent, Belgium",VABB-1,274,288,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:428422,,TwiSty : a multilingual Twitter Stylometry corpus for gender and personality profiling,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428424,,Proceedings of the LREC 2016 Workshop on Text Analytics for Cybersecurity and Online Safety (TA-COS 2016),VABB-3,,,40 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428425,,Bijzonder strafrecht en straftoemeting na de Potpourri II-wet,VABB-1,189,203,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428426,,Het bewijs in strafzaken,VABB-4,511,545,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428428,,"Récit poétique et ombres historiques : sauvagerie et magie, de Joseph d'Arbaud à Henri Bosco",VABB-1,245,255,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:428430,,Deutsche Grammatikvermittlung im niederländischen Sprachraum : Überlegungen zum Potential einer kontrastiv-konstruktionsbasierten Grammatik,VABB-1,191,213,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:428434,,Measuring issue ownership with survey questions. A question wording experiment,VABB-1,290,299,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428436,,Response problems in the protest survey design : evidence from fifty-one protest events in seven countries,VABB-1,83,104,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428437,,"Realist evaluation of the antiretroviral treatment adherence club programme in selected primary healthcare facilities in the metropolitan area of Western Cape Province, South Africa : a study protocol",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428438,,How to escape a declining market : capacity investment or exit?,VABB-1,40,50,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428439,,Divergent perspectives : exploring a multiple informant approach to cyberbullying victimization and perpetration,VABB-1,235,251,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428440,,A state-level analysis of the economic impacts of medical tourism in Malaysia,VABB-1,3,29,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428441,,Effects of experimentally sustained elevated testosterone on incubation behaviour and reproductive success in female great tits (Pants major),VABB-1,38,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428443,,Terahertz time-domain imaging of a 17th century lacquered cabinet : a contribution to European lacquerwares characterization,VABB-5,1,2,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:428444,,Dominican literature and Dominicanness from a European perspective,VABB-1,29,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428445,,De (on)zin van een samenloopverbod tussen de contractuele en de buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheidsvordering,VABB-1,314,333,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428446,,Benchmarking US all-cargo carriers : a productivity and cost competitiveness analysis,VABB-4,55,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428451,,Innovative field experiences in teacher education : student-teachers and mentors as partners in teaching,VABB-1,38,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428452,,The networked instructor : the quality of networks in different stages of professional development,VABB-1,295,308,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428453,,The impact of thin noise reducing asphalt layers on the quality of life in an urban environment,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428454,,Option prices models,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428457,,Neurobiological basis for emergence of notions,VABB-4,51,62,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428461,,Review and environmental impact assessment of green technologies for base courses in bituminous pavements,VABB-1,139,147,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428463,,Assessing the Existence of Criticism of the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-4,505,553,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428464,,European Union: The EU's Attitude to the ECHR,VABB-4,41,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428466,,Everything changes to remain the same? State and tax reform in South Sudan,VABB-1,263,292,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428469,,Vulnerability assessment models to drought : toward a conceptual framework,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428470,,Towards a more structured selection process for attributes and levels in choice experiments : a study in a Belgian protected area,VABB-1,45,57,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428471,,Still 'watching' TV? The consumption of TV fiction by engaged audiences,VABB-1,176,184,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428473,,"Ingenieurs en planners : conflict en convergentie rond infrastructuur, ruimte en milieu in Nederland / Engineers and planners : conflict and convergence regarding infrastructure, space and environment",VABB-1,162,175,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428476,,Reference housing costs for adequate dwellings in ten European capitals,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428477,,Internationale dubbele belasting in de Europese Unie : wat kunnen we leren van de Verenigde Staten?,VABB-1,562,571,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428479,,Deelname aan huisartsenwachtposten: een louter deontologische verplichting voor huisartsen,VABB-1,393,401,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428481,,On the rationality of network development : the case of the Belgian highway network,VABB-5,235,246,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428482,,Forensic assertive community treatment : a review of the literature,VABB-1,873,881,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428484,,"Combining structure, governance, and context : a configurational approach to network effectiveness",VABB-1,479,511,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:428488,,Du désert d'Alceste aux délices de la retraite : à propos de quelques dénouements de Philippe Néricault Destouches,VABB-1,307,321,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428489,,Felix Roobeek : een diptiek en twee vragen,VABB-4,319,339,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428490,,Vowel shortening in Flemish Pronunciation Guides (1860-2009),VABB-1,139,156,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428497,,Corrigerende maatregelen bij overheidsopdrachten,VABB-1,274,278,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428498,,Over de vraag wanneer de aanwezigheid van een kwetsbaar persoon de waarheidsaanspraak van een geschrift aantast door valsheid,VABB-1,370,378,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428499,,Occasio's lock of hair : the artist and the ruler in pursuit of opportunity,VABB-4,5,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428500,,"The age of Rubens : diplomacy, dynastic politics and the visual arts",VABB-3,,,302 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428501,,Lusoga (Lutenga),VABB-1,219,228,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:428503,,"Discovering Palladino's mediumship : Otero Acevedo, Lombroso and the quest for authority",VABB-1,211,230,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428504,,"The city of spirits : spiritism, feminism and the secularization of urban spaces",VABB-4,136,157,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428506,,Mapping the involvement of the European Parliament in EU external relations - a legal and empirical analysis,VABB-1,1,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428507,,The limitations of perceptual transparency,VABB-1,723,744,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428508,,De vergoeding van erfdienstbaarheden van openbaar nut: Grondwettelijk Hof brengt opnieuw verduidelijking,VABB-1,304,311,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428511,,De toekomst van de Anca-rechtspraak na het arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof van 30 juni 2014,VABB-1,763,782,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428515,,Forecasting port-level demand for LNG as a ship fuel : the case of the port of Antwerp,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428517,,Innovative concepts in the restoration of St Martin Church at Meise (B),VABB-1,9,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428519,,Interferentie tussen ambtenarentuchtrecht en strafrecht,VABB-4,192,232,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428528,,Shareholder rights and responsibilities in the context of corporate social responsibility,VABB-1,615,637,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428529,,"Heeft de formelemotiveringsplicht, zoals gewaarborgd door de Wet Motivering Bestuurshandelingen, grondwettelijke waarde?",VABB-1,59,70,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428530,,Prijsbepalings- en prijsaanpassingsclausules,VABB-4,91,111,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428533,,Artikelen VI.104-109 WER,VABB-4,1,56,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428539,,Taalontwikkeling na vroege cochleaire implantatie : uitkomsten op lange termijn in vergelijking met normaalhorende leeftijdsgenoten,VABB-1,15,26,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428540,,Word initial fricative production in children with cochlear implants and their normally hearing peers matched on lexicon size,VABB-1,959,982,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428541,,"Antwerpen à la carte : eten en de stad, van de middeleeuwen tot vandaag",VABB-3,,,208 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428542,,Inleiding Antwerpen à la carte,VABB-4,8,17,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428544,,In de keuken,VABB-4,98,127,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428545,,Development and psychometric testing of a new instrument to measure factors influencing womens breast cancer prevention behaviors (ASSISTS),VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428546,,Mining massive fine-grained behavior data to improve predictive analytics,VABB-1,869,888,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428547,,Direct observation of luminescent silver clusters confined in faujasite zeolites,VABB-1,7604,7611,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428550,,Haut-Uele : justice and security mechanisms in times of conflict and isolation,VABB-1,1,26,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428551,,"""Rendez-vous avec l'heure qui blesse"" ou l'Elégie d'Elizé de Gaston-Paul Effa",VABB-1,1,8,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428552,,"The strategic impact of META-NET on the regional, national and international level",VABB-1,351,374,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428553,,"Secondary school teachers' beliefs, attitudes, and reactions to stuttering",VABB-1,135,147,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428554,,"Introduction to the Minitrack ""IT Governance and its Mechanisms"" HICSS 2016",VABB-5,4890,4890,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428555,,Post-conflict women's movements in turmoil : the challenges of success in Liberia in the 2005-aftermath,VABB-1,293,316,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428556,,Skin hydration in nursing home residents using disposable bed baths,VABB-1,175,179,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428557,,Constitution de la famille et activité des mères : différences selon le niveau d'éducation en Europe,VABB-1,53,83,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:428565,,Input-output analysis,VABB-4,305,315,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428575,,Democratic Republic of the Congo : mining sector,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428576,,The Oxford handbook of modality and mood,VABB-3,,,667 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428577,,Analyses of the modal meanings,VABB-4,31,49,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428579,,"De instrumentenkoffer uit het nieuwe Landinrichtingsdecreet, een kennismaking",VABB-1,4,34,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428580,,Assessing the planimetric accuracy of historical maps (sixteenth to nineteenth centuries) : new methods and potential for coastal landscape reconstruction,VABB-1,114,132,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428586,,Selecting portfolio solutions based on the attitude towards loss,VABB-1,32,42,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428587,,Towards a model of translation revision competence,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:428588,,Optical manipulation of single magnetic beads in a microwell array on a digital microfluidic chip,VABB-1,8596,8603,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428589,,Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme : von feministischer Literaturwissenschaft zu kuturwissenschaftlichen Gender Studies,VABB-4,33,52,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:428590,,Kafka and the universal,VABB-3,,,327 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428591,,Kafka and the universal : introduction,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428592,,Desire and responsibility : the case of K.,VABB-4,130,144,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428599,,In search of material practices : the nineteenth-century European domestic interior rehabilitated,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428602,,Economic and institutional context and second births in seven European countries,VABB-1,305,325,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428603,,You'll never lobby alone : explaining the participation of sub-national authorities in the European Commissions open consultations,VABB-1,1433,1448,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428604,,Comparative judgement as a promising alternative to score competences,VABB-4,119,138,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428608,,"Maximin, Daniel (1947- )",VABB-4,276,279,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428609,,"Comhaire-Sylvain, Suzanne (1898-1975)",VABB-4,195,198,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428610,,Missile defence as an alternative to nuclear deterrence?,VABB-4,95,110,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428611,,When and why is perceived congruity important for in-game advertising in fantasy games?,VABB-1,871,880,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428612,,"Training second-career teachers : a different student profile, a different training approach?",VABB-1,173,201,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428615,,Dynamic compressive strength and crushing properties of expanded polystyrene foam for different strain rates and different temperatures,VABB-1,61,68,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428616,,"Autonomous architecture in Flanders : the early works of Marie-José Van Hee, Christian Kieckens, Marc Dubois, and Paul Robbrecht & Hilde Daem",VABB-3,,,232 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428617,,Breathing life into bricks : the legacy of the 1970s,VABB-4,10,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428618,,The house of one : facing fear,VABB-1,162,168,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428621,,Why do autonomous public agencies use performance management techniques? Revisiting the role of basic organizational characteristics,VABB-1,619,649,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:428622,,Feeling (dis)connected : diasporic LGBTQs and digital media,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428623,,Coproducing flood risk management through citizen involvement : insights from cross-country comparison in Europe,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428624,,A framework for evaluating flood risk governance,VABB-1,38,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428627,,Voorbij Conscience? Alternatieven voor de 'onleesbare' Leeuw van Vlaanderen,VABB-4,391,414,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428628,,Linguistic syncretism as a marker of ethnic purity? Jeroom Leuridan on language developments among Flemish soldiers during the First World War,VABB-4,226,237,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428629,,Cost engineering techniques and their applicability for cost estimation of organic Rankine cycle systems,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428630,,Let's get international : de verwerving van internationale en interculturele competenties via een online internationaal groepswerk,VABB-1,12,19,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428632,,Analysis of a historical metal structure at Merksplas Colony (B),VABB-5,1644,1649,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428633,,The public interior : the meeting place for the urban and the interior,VABB-1,54,64,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428641,,Overzicht van rechtspraak Consumentenbescherming (2008-2014) - Marktpraktijken (2011-2014): Begrip reclame,VABB-1,1385,1407,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428642,,Overzicht van rechtspraak Consumentenbescherming (2008-2014) - Marktpraktijken (2011-2014): Begrip vergelijkende reclame,VABB-1,1407,1421,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428643,,Overzicht van rechtspraak Consumentenbescherming (2008-2014) - Marktpraktijken (2011-2014): Promoties inzake prijzen: aankondigingen van prijsverminderingen,VABB-1,1470,1478,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428644,,Overzicht van rechtspraak Consumentenbescherming (2008-2014) - Marktpraktijken (2011-2014): Kernbegrippen consumentenbescherming en marktpraktijken,VABB-1,1316,1378,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428646,,Overzicht van rechtspraak Consumentenbescherming (2008-2014) - Marktpraktijken (2011-2014): Geregistreerde benamingen,VABB-1,1691,1699,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428647,,Overzicht van rechtspraak Consumentenbescherming (2008-2014) - Marktpraktijken (2011-2014): Promoties inzake prijzen: uitverkoop,VABB-1,1478,1481,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428648,,Overzicht van rechtspraak Consumentenbescherming (2008-2014) - Marktpraktijken (2011-2014): Promoties inzake prijzen: sperperiode,VABB-1,1483,1507,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428650,,Overzicht van rechtspraak Consumentenbescherming (2008-2014) - Marktpraktijken (2011-2014): Informatie van de markt,VABB-1,1378,1384,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428651,,Overzicht van rechtspraak Consumentenbescherming (2008-2014) - Marktpraktijken (2011-2014): Voorwaarden voor geoorloofde vergelijkende reclame,VABB-1,1422,1465,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428653,,De techniek en (budgettaire) gevolgen van de verschillende fiscale beleidsinstrumenten in de meergelaagde Belgische personenbelasting,VABB-1,5,17,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428654,,Modality and mood in Standard Average European,VABB-4,363,384,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428655,,The history of modality and mood,VABB-4,9,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428656,,"Over de EU-grenzen aan fiscale concurrentie tussen lidstaten : interne markt, Unietrouw, staatssteun",VABB-1,293,315,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428659,,"Afkopen kan, maar vereist daadwerkelijke rechterlijke controle, noot onder GwH 2 juni 2016",VABB-1,350,353,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428665,,De overeenkomst aan de basis van het gebruik van woonvoorzieningen voor senioren : de sui generis-constructie meer dan een easy way out? (noot onder Vred. Verviers 5 oktober 2015),VABB-1,216,219,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428669,,Volume flexibility and capacity investment under demand uncertainty,VABB-1,95,108,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428671,,The struggle over term limits in Africa : a new look at the evidence,VABB-1,61,68,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428674,,"Deserters, draft evaders and deputies. Or how parliamentary history can contribute to subaltern history and vice versa",VABB-1,40,61,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428675,,Introduction : medieval women's religious texts in the germanic regions,VABB-1,5,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428676,,"""About which we want to speak now"" : Beatrice of Nazareth's reason for writing 'Uan seuen manieren van heileger minnen'",VABB-1,143,163,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428677,,Female authorship in the Augustinian convent of Jericho and the translation of Conrad of Saxony's Speculum beatae Mariae virginis in sermons by Maria van Pee and Janne Colijns,VABB-1,248,268,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428678,,Conflict adaptation in schizophrenia : reviewing past and previewing future efforts,VABB-1,197,212,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428679,,"The production of a political urban space. Antwerp city council and the construction and development of the Leopoldlei and its neighbourhood, 1857-1876",VABB-1,197,217,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428682,,"Ship retrofit solutions : economic, energy and environmental impacts",VABB-5,57,66,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:428683,,Iteratively refining SVMs using priors,VABB-5,46,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:428685,,Entry deterrence and hidden competition,VABB-1,409,435,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428687,,Leveraging value in multi-stakeholder innovation networks : a process framework for value co-creation and capture,VABB-1,40,50,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428690,,A game-theoretical model to allocate security resources in a multi-modal transportation system facing adaptive adversaries,VABB-5,211,215,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:428691,,The content of the Product Liability Directive : Section IV.A. Notion of product,VABB-4,40,50,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428693,,The content of the Product Liability Directive : Section IV.B. Notion of defectiveness,VABB-4,50,61,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428694,,The content of the Product Liability Directive : Section IV.C. Liable persons,VABB-4,61,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428695,,Section V : Other EU laws concerning similar issues,VABB-4,97,108,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428699,,Prejudiciële vragen voor het Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-4,3,33,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428700,,Categorical rights and vulnerable groups : moving away from the universal human being,VABB-1,717,742,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428701,,A propos de 'Le Juge belge devant le droit international et le droit communautaire' de Michel Waelbroeck (1965-II),VABB-1,74,85,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:428703,,Ambidextrous design and public organizations : a comparative case study,VABB-1,708,724,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428704,,Gender inequality in the division of the housework over the life course : a European comparative perspective,VABB-4,51,80,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428705,,The educational gradient of maternal employment patterns in 11 European countries,VABB-4,140,178,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428712,,Superdiversity and the city,VABB-4,127,149,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428713,,De ontwikkeling en validering van een meetinstrument voor de nexus onderwijs-onderzoek in het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,26,43,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428714,,"Predictive characteristics of co-authorship networks : comparing the unweighted, weighted and bipartite cases",VABB-1,59,78,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428715,,Facing up to (online) fashion and fads... Face-to-face contact is here to stay in M&E capacity building : evidence from 35 National Evaluation Societies,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428721,,Power Sharing Courts,VABB-1,66,105,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428723,,Relationality as the Hidden Side of the Apophatic William of Saint-Thierry's Appreciation and Critique of XIIth Century Apophatism,VABB-1,45,56,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428732,,Else Lasker Schüler : poetic redemption,VABB-4,144,158,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428733,,Climbing the Kehilla Walls : contested spaces and conflicted bodies in Allegra Goodman's Kaaterskill Falls,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428734,,Guidelines to foster metacognitive skills in online professional communication training,VABB-5,522,531,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428736,,Betalingsbevelprocedure en Verordening Geringe Vorderingen,VABB-4,295,324,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428737,,Legislatieve validatie na vormgebreken : formele eisen als waarborg of spelbreker?,VABB-4,159,184,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428748,,Implicit motor sequence learning in schizophrenia and in old age : reduced performance only in the third session,VABB-1,3531,3542,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428749,,Sociale disfunctie bij schizotypie,VABB-1,114,121,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428750,,Alexithymie bij fibromyalgie : meetinstrumenten; argumenten voor een multimodale benadering,VABB-1,343,351,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:428751,,The effect of mood-stabilizing drugs on cytokine levels in bipolar disorder : a systematic review,VABB-1,364,373,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428753,,Effective medical professionals : translating foreign language needs in online intercultural communication training,VABB-5,672,681,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428757,,Les secrets d'état des utopies,VABB-4,65,79,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428758,,De Wet Motivering Bestuurshandelingen en het ontslag van de overheidscontractant: het langverwachte oordeel van het Hof van Cassatie en een blik op de toekomst,VABB-1,125,138,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428771,,Thinking allowed : reforming indicator-based accountability to enhance innovation,VABB-4,273,289,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428772,,Political elites' media responsiveness and their individual political goals : a study of national politicians in Belgium,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:428773,,How political elites process information from the news : the cognitive mechanisms behind behavioral political agenda-setting effects,VABB-1,605,627,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428774,,Politicologen in het Vlaamse televisienieuws : wetenschappers of commentatoren?,VABB-1,167,188,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428776,,Het nieuwe beleidsplan ruimte : van 3D naar virtuele realiteit?,VABB-1,1,5,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428779,,The first one wins : distilling the primacy effect,VABB-1,245,254,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428780,,De kosteloze bewoning van een ouderlijk huis door een kind : een erfrechtelijk te verrekenen schenking?,VABB-1,46,61,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428782,,Towards applying normalized systems theory to create evolvable enterprise resource planning software : a case study,VABB-5,172,177,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428784,,Vervalbedingen in het Belgische verzekeringsrecht,VABB-1,43,56,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428788,,Introduction: The Books Awake,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428789,,New quotatoes : Joycean exegesis in the digital age,VABB-3,,,245 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428792,,National and transnational dynamics of women's activism in Turkey in the 1950s and 1960s : the story of the ICW branch in Ankara,VABB-1,41,65,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428793,,"Omtrent Gecoro's, participatie en deskundigheid : een reactie",VABB-1,63,70,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428794,,"Historical structures for modern times, secured by respectful engineering support and restoration practice",VABB-5,1756,1763,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428795,,Restoration of the Park Abbey library and its baroque stucco ceiling,VABB-5,1786,1793,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428796,,Determining collaborative profits in coalitions formed by two partners with varying characteristics,VABB-1,171,184,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428797,,An integrated algorithm for the optimal design of stated choice experiments with partial profiles,VABB-1,648,669,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428799,,The many faces of a rebel group : the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) in the Democratic Republic of Congo,VABB-1,1189,1206,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428801,,"Voorbij het multiculturalisme van Will Kymlicka? Over autonomie, extimiteit, constitutieve bindingen en pluriforme accommodatie",VABB-1,1,15,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428804,,Other identities in ethnofederations : womens and sexual minorities advocacy in Belgium,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428806,,How ordinary is the ordinary (wo)man on the street? An analysis of vox pop characteristics in television news,VABB-1,1026,1041,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:428807,,Contextualizing employability : do boundaries of self-directedness vary in different labor market groups?,VABB-1,498,517,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428809,,Look who's talking : explaining water-related information sharing and demand for action among Ugandan villagers,VABB-1,780,796,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428810,,Judgement and ambivalence in migration work : on the (dis)appearance of dilemmas in assisting voluntary return,VABB-1,282,297,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:428811,,"Ruin, allegory, melancholy : on the critical aesthetics of W.G. Sebald's The emigrants and The rings of Saturn",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428812,,Big content in an educational engineering approach,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428813,,The corrosion process of sterling silver exposed to a $Na_{2}$$S$ solution : monitoring and characterizing the complex surface evolution using a multi-analytical approach,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428816,,Covering the Syrian conflict : how Middle East reporters deal with challenging situations,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428819,,Een kwestie van intensiteit : Georges Eekhoud en Hendrik Conscience,VABB-4,175,194,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428823,,De strafrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid van een internetnieuwsportaal voor zijn lezersreacties : het arrest Delfi in de Belgische strafrechtelijke context,VABB-1,282,293,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428824,,"Het bevel tot medewerking van artikel 88quater Sv., het zwijgrecht en het verbod op zelfincriminatie",VABB-1,260,265,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428827,,The boundaries of jurisdiction in cybercrime and constitutional protection : the European perspective,VABB-4,26,47,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428829,,Such and sådan : the same but different,VABB-1,15,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428833,,Road pricing and investment,VABB-4,237,259,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:428839,,Productive knowledge of collocations may predict academic literacy,VABB-1,66,81,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428840,,Notes rapides sur la lecture critique,VABB-1,140,143,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428842,,"Pro-independence movements and immigration : discourse, policy and practice",VABB-3,,,213 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428843,,The interrelationship between independence movements and migration within the framework of the alleged dichotomy between old and new minorities,VABB-4,1,29,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428845,,"De bedongen opzeggingsvergoeding in aannemingscontracten : enkele knelpunten belicht (noot onder Cass. 11 september 2015 en onder Rb. Henegouwen, afdeling Charleroi van 3 maart 2016)",VABB-1,663,672,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428846,,The duty go give reasons in the European legal area : a mechanism for transparent and accountable administrative decision-making?,VABB-1,97,148,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428848,,"Vlaamse bestuursrechtscolleges : verleden, heden en toekomst",VABB-4,187,232,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428849,,Het arbeidsmarktbeleid,VABB-4,361,402,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428852,,De bevoegdheidsverdeling in het migratierecht,VABB-1,302,325,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428854,,Internationaal fiscaal recht,VABB-2,,,377 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428856,,Monitoring the impact of the indoor air quality on silver cultural heritage objects using passive and continuous corrosion rate assessments,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428859,,Designing a digital pedagogical pattern for improving foreign language learners' oral proficiency,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428860,,Invloeden van leerconcepties op het doorstroompatroon van leerlingen in de eerste twee jaren van het voortgezet onderwijs,VABB-1,154,177,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:428861,,Motivatie in de klas,VABB-4,175,194,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428862,,When strangers start to gossip : investigating the effect of gossip on cooperation in a prisoners dilemma game,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428864,,'We value your food but not your language' : education systems and nation-building processes in Flanders,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428865,,Measuring the match between evaluators and evaluees : cognitive distances between panel members and research groups at the journal level,VABB-1,1639,1663,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428866,,Conditional entropy and location error in indoor localization using probabilistic Wi-Fi fingerprinting,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428867,,Intergenerational solidarity : the paradox of reciprocity imbalance in ageing welfare states,VABB-1,592,612,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428868,,Exploring organizational learning in the context of IT governance,VABB-5,215,222,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428869,,Correlation between transmission power and some indicators used to measure the knowledge-based economy : case of six OECD countries,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428870,,The impact of school culture on schools' pupil well-being policy-making capacities,VABB-1,340,356,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428872,,Teacher collaboration on the use of pupil learning outcome data : a rich environment for professional learning?,VABB-1,387,397,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428875,,Legal loopholes and the politics of executive term limits : insights from Burundi,VABB-1,39,63,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428881,,Changing family dynamics and demographic evolution : the family kaleidoscope,VABB-3,,,264 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428882,,"Subsidiarity and social citizenship : social assistance schemes in Austria, Belgium, Switzerland and Norway",VABB-1,353,365,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:428883,,"Levels, phases and themes of coopetition : a systematic literature review and research agenda",VABB-1,484,500,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428885,,Enhancing cost savings through early involvement of purchasing professionals in sourcing projects : Bayesian estimation of a structural equation model,VABB-1,299,310,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428888,,Editorial : development and socialization of academics,VABB-1,9,24,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428889,,"Institutional engineering, management of ethnicity, and democratic failure in Burundi",VABB-1,65,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428891,,Building a narrative : the role of dualisms when interpreting food systems,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428892,,On the evolvable and traceable design of (under)graduate education programs,VABB-1,86,100,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428893,,Sporen van ouderverstoting in het SiV-onderzoek,VABB-1,1,29,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428894,,Tailoring an analysis approach for developing evolvable software systems : experiences from three case studies,VABB-5,208,217,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428895,,"GRAND.C, beyond the temporality of nodes : digitally and physically connecting generations through product service system design, a case study",VABB-5,344,356,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428896,,What happened to Popperian falsification? Publishing neutral and negative findings : moving away from biased publication practices,VABB-1,481,508,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428897,,Foreign language anxiety in professional contexts : a short scale and evidence of personality and gender differences,VABB-1,195,223,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428898,,Gebruik van invloedtactieken door de OR : Duitsland en Nederland vergeleken,VABB-1,157,176,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428903,,Dieren als quasi-goederen : beschouwingen over de juridisch-technische wenselijkheid van een bijzonder statuut voor dieren tussen goederen en rechtssubjecten,VABB-1,203,219,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428907,,The influence of country-of-origin stereotypes on consumer responses to food safety scandals : the case of the horsemeat adulteration,VABB-1,71,83,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428908,,The relationship between risk-neutral and actual default probabilities : the credit risk premium,VABB-1,4066,4081,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428909,,Place recognition using batlike sonar,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428912,,Integrating information systems using normalized systems theory : four case studies,VABB-5,173,180,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:428913,,An optical head-pose tracking sensor for pointing devices using IR-LED based markers and a low-cost camera,VABB-5,43,46,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:428919,,Authenticating the writings of Julius Caesar,VABB-1,86,96,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428920,,"Signaling, network externalities, and subsidies",VABB-1,798,811,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428922,,Assessing cogeneration activity in extraction-condensing steam turbines : dissolving the issues by applied thermodynamics,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428923,,Who cares? A counterfactual analysis of household work intensity in households with disabled family members,VABB-1,675,691,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428925,,Hallucination as mental imagery,VABB-1,65,81,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428926,,External efficacy and political participation revisited : the role of perceived output structures for state- and non-state-oriented action forms,VABB-1,642,662,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428928,,Coordinating online health communities for cognitive and affective value creation,VABB-1,481,506,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428929,,CEO transformational and transactional leadership and organizational innovation : the moderating role of environmental dynamism,VABB-1,1542,1568,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428930,,A comparison of two-level designs to estimate all main effects and two-factor interactions,VABB-1,369,380,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428931,,"Silent revolutions : an exploration of 1941, Jimmie Blanton's 'forgotten' year",VABB-1,145,168,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:428932,,De aansprakelijkheid van de prudentiële toezichthouder binnen het Gemeenschappelijk Toezichtsmechanisme,VABB-4,215,261,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428934,,Aansprakelijkheid bij medische triage,VABB-1,6,28,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428937,,"Noot onder EHRM 26 april 2016,I. Dogan e.a. t. Turkije (nr. 62649/10)",VABB-1,379,386,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428938,,Beware of the weeds : understanding Flemish linguistic purism as a utopian discourse,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428952,,Divided we teach? Teachers' perceptions of conflict and peace in Côte dIvoire,VABB-1,329,333,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428953,,What strikes the responsive chord? The effects of framing qualities on frame resonance amongst protest participants,VABB-1,341,360,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428956,,Strategies for designing new venture units in complex contexts,VABB-4,41,64,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428957,,The effects of competition on audit fees,VABB-1,3,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428959,,"Catching-up, structural transformation, and inequality : industry-level evidence from Asia",VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:428960,,De ontbinding van de sociale huurovereenkomst wegens ernstig en/of blijvende tekortkoming van de huurder (noot onder Cass. 3 maart 2016),VABB-1,405,411,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428963,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 mei 2015 tot 31 juli 2015),VABB-1,330,333,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:428964,,De spiegelstraf herontdekt : een nieuw wapen in de strijd tegen de ineffectiviteit van de bestraffing?,VABB-1,243,257,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428965,,Abnormale schade in de WMO : over vermijdbare schade en een leidraad ter beoordeling van onvoorzienbare schade,VABB-1,49,53,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428970,,Gewone helden : een kleine ethiek van het vrijwilligerswerk,VABB-2,,,158 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428971,,"Love, reason and morality",VABB-3,,,188 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428972,,"Love, reason and morality : an introduction",VABB-4,7,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428973,,Harry Frankfurt's concept of care,VABB-4,313,332,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428976,,Being flexible through customization : the impact of incubator focus and customization strategies on incubatee survival and growth,VABB-1,45,64,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:428982,,Affective involvement in digital games,VABB-4,39,57,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428983,,The effectiveness of in-game advertising : an analysis of the impact of game context and player involvement on brand awareness,VABB-4,307,335,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428985,,"Didactique du français sur objectifs spécifiques : nouvelles recherches, nouveaux modèles",VABB-3,,,152 p.,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:428986,,The performance of Belgian enterprises in the 20th century,VABB-4,55,71,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428987,,"Old industries in Europe, 1911-2000",VABB-4,171,189,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428988,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 mei 2016 tot 31 juli 2016),VABB-1,1,7,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428990,,Migrants in the periphery : migrant organisations and their networks,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:428991,,Mediterranean paradiplomacies : the dynamics of diplomatic reterritorialization,VABB-2,,,404 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:428992,,Paradiplomacy as a diplomatic broker : between separating differences and engaging commonalities,VABB-2,,,60 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428995,,"Navigating online selves : social, cultural, and material contexts of social media use by diasporic gay men",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428997,,Onderpresterende vastbenoemde leraren door de ogen van schoolleiders,VABB-1,71,90,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:428998,,"Occupy Antigone : tradition, transition and transformation in performance",VABB-3,,,194 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:428999,,"Misleading practices, the consumer information model and consumer protection",VABB-1,199,210,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429004,,"Clubs as vehicles for inclusion in the urban fabric? Immigrants and elitist associational practices in Antwerp, 1795-1830",VABB-1,375,395,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429011,,Actualiteit,VABB-1,140,143,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429012,,Handboek gerechtelijk recht,VABB-2,,,944 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429015,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de rechtspraak van het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens (2014-2015),VABB-1,104,108,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429016,,"Renoir, Jean (1894-1979)",VABB-4,1,1,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429017,,"From ""The rivers of Babylon"" to ""Un plat de porc aux bananes vertes"": intricacies of the postcolonial and postwar Jewish condition",VABB-4,35,62,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429020,,How to mix brand placements in television programmes to maximise effectiveness,VABB-1,649,670,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429022,,Academic spin-offs and technology transfer in Europe : best practices and breakthrough models,VABB-3,,,235 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429023,,"Introduction : what is the current state of knowledge transfer at research institutions in Europe, what are the main challenges and why does it matter?",VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429024,,Flipping the knowledge transfer model using start-ups : how entrepreneurs can stiumulate faster adoption of academic knowledge,VABB-4,166,178,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429025,,Academic spin-offs and technology transfer in Europe : concluding insights and outlook,VABB-4,221,224,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429027,,"Lempi : ""do you remember that moment there?"" Nonverbal stories of memorable locations in long-distance relationships",VABB-5,437,448,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429028,,The medium is the message : historical heroes in Flemish lyrical dramas of the nineteenth century (1830-1914),VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429029,,Wanneer Kunst de knoop onzer neyging uytmaekt : Theodoor Van Ryswyck en Hendrik Conscience,VABB-4,215,237,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429030,,"Buiten beeld : naar aanleiding van Anne van Buul, In vreemde grond geworteld. Prerafaëlitisme in de Nederlandse literatuur en beeldende kunst (1855-1910)",VABB-1,229,244,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:429034,,Omtrent De Kerels van Vlaanderen : eerste aanzet tot een kleine draagbare geschiedenis van de Vlaamse Kerel,VABB-4,113,173,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429039,,Handboek familiaal vermogensrecht,VABB-2,,,973 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429040,,Retro familiaal vermogensrecht?,VABB-1,127,131,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429053,,De l'usage du pronom 'on' dans le discours du narrateur de 'La Peste' d'Albert Camus,VABB-1,167,180,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429058,,Bibliography of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429059,,Handbook of pragmatics,VABB-3,,,209 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429060,,Contrastive pragmatics,VABB-4,1,34,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429061,,Belgisch belastingrecht in hoofdlijnen. Capita selecta: bedrijfsfiscaliteit,VABB-2,,,673 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429062,,Thomas Reid: theory of action,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429063,,Reid's response to Hume's moral critique of religion,VABB-1,85,100,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429064,,Fictie en de (on)mogelijkheid van het getuigen,VABB-1,222,233,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429067,,Intersectionality in young adults' households : a quantitative perspective,VABB-4,81,101,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429068,,The rise and demise of European budget support : political economy of collective European Union donor action,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429070,,Grondrechten en sociale zekerheid,VABB-3,,,400 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429071,,On the typology of negative concord,VABB-1,473,512,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429074,,"Trade, investment and risk : reinterpreting the fair and equitable treatment provision in international investment agreements as a new and more legitimate way to manage risks",VABB-1,439,443,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429075,,The (R)evolution of Indian model bilateral investment treaty : escaping liability without mitigating risks,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429076,,Artificial light at night affects body mass but not oxidative status in free-living nestling songbirds : an experimental study,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429077,,Positive effect of dietary lutein and cholesterol on the undirected song activity of an opportunistic breeder,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429078,,"Upper secondary and first-year university students explanations of animal behaviour : to what extent are Tinbergens four questions about causation, ontogeny, function and evolution, represented?",VABB-1,2303,2325,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429079,,A critical appraisal of the ideology of monogamys influence on HIV epidemiology,VABB-1,16,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429080,,Targeting vulnerable populations : a synthetic review on alcohol use and risky sexual behaviour among migrant populations,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429082,,Effects of performance-based research funding on publication patterns in the social sciences and humanities,VABB-5,893,900,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429083,,Alphabetical co-authorship in the social sciences and humanities : evidence from a comprehensive local database,VABB-5,957,964,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429084,,Mainstreaming disability in policies : the Flemish experience,VABB-1,1190,1204,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429089,,Burundi,VABB-4,274,283,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429093,,Unmasking environmental health Zorros : the need for involvement of real risk communication experts for two-way and problem solving communication approaches,VABB-4,203,224,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429102,,The road to sustainable creativity : mobile autonomy beyond auto-mobility,VABB-1,6,19,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429110,,One for all or all for one : the electoral effects of personalized campaign strategies,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429112,,Does the government agreement's grip on policy fade over time? An analysis of policy drift in Belgium,VABB-1,297,319,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:429115,,Early life exposure to artificial light at night affects the physiological condition : an experimental study on the ecophysiology of free-living nestling songbirds,VABB-1,909,914,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429116,,Belgian economic policy uncertainty index : improvement through text mining,VABB-1,355,365,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:429117,,"Shifting climate, reshaping urban landscapes : designing for drought in the Campine landscape",VABB-1,72,83,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429118,,Who should we target? The impact of individual and family characteristics on the expressed need for community-based treatment support in HIV patients in South Africa,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429120,,Association between sexting and sexual coercion among female adolescents,VABB-1,164,168,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429121,,Belgium : the rise and fall of populism research,VABB-4,99,110,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429122,,Disease burden and medical cost-analysis of acute respiratory infections in a low-income district of Bogota,VABB-1,568,580,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429124,,Using distributed representations to disambiguate biomedical and clinical concepts,VABB-5,77,82,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429126,,Negotiating national unity and diversity in public broadcasting : a comparative study on South Africa and Flanders,VABB-1,265,281,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429129,,Belgisch belastingrecht in hoofdlijnen,VABB-2,,,1290 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:429138,,Toepasselijk arbeidsrecht bij langdurige detachering volgens het wijzigingsvoorstel voor de Detacheringsrichtlijn : enkele beschouwingen vanuit ipr-perspectief,VABB-1,1,16,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429141,,Zichtbaarheid zonder getuigenis?,VABB-1,234,252,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429142,,Blanchot's Windows,VABB-1,120,134,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429143,,La modernité à l'épreuve de la peinture : une approche du sens critique des derniers tableaux de Malévitch,VABB-1,283,297,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429144,,"The gift and the skin : Derrida and Levinas on language, metaphor and subjectivity",VABB-4,31,43,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429147,,Editor's preface - Debating Levinas' legacy,VABB-4,9,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429148,,Evaluation of entrepreneurial competence through scaled behavioural indicators : validation of an instrument,VABB-1,29,41,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429149,,Im Flirt mit der Geschichte. Modernistische Architekten sehen durch die Spenglerische Brille,VABB-4,233,248,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:429150,,Interiors and their temporalities : etching time into modernist materiality,VABB-3,,,p. 111-201,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429151,,Languages and the First World War : representation and memory,VABB-3,,,279 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429152,,Languages and the First World War : communicating in a transnational war,VABB-3,,,256 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429155,,The Pelabon Munitions works and the Belgian village on the Thames : community and forgetfulness in outer-metropolitan suburbs,VABB-1,151,170,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429157,,De capabilities-benadering van Martha C. Nussbaum : een verkenning van mogelijke toepassingen in het belastingrecht,VABB-1,759,762,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429161,,Nonlinear scaling of foraging contacts with rodent population density,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429166,,Separation of modeling principles and design principles in enterprise engineering,VABB-5,362,373,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429167,,Is subtitling equally effective everywhere? A first cross-national study on the reception of interlingually subtitled messages,VABB-1,205,229,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429168,,Een nieuw Nederlands huwelijksvermogensrecht? Geruststellende berichten uit het Zuiden,VABB-1,16,23,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:429171,,"Challenging age norms in the city : Cornelia Funke's Herr der Diebe, Child Agency and the Child Flâneur",VABB-1,135,145,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429178,,Citation data as a proxy for quality or scientific influence are at best PAC (probably approximately correct),VABB-1,3092,3094,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429181,,Constraining the search space in cross-situational word learning : different models make different predictions,VABB-5,1152,1157,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429183,,'Fake Belgium': linguistic issues in the diary of Father Achiel Van Walleghem (1914-1919),VABB-4,43,53,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429185,,Vrijberoepsbeoefenaars en eerlijke marktpraktijken,VABB-4,33,109,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429186,,Het vrij beroep na het Wetboek van Economisch Recht,VABB-3,,,267 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429187,,Reconsidering purism : the case of Flanders,VABB-4,105,129,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429189,,Reading the intentions of be going to : on the subjectification of future markers,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429190,,Unidirectionality as a cycle of convention and innovation : micro-changes in the grammaticalization of [be going to INF],VABB-1,115,146,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429191,,History and the social sciences : shock therapy with medieval economic history as the patient,VABB-1,751,774,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429192,,Chapter 5. Revisiting the functional typology of insubordination : insubordinate que-constructions in Spanish,VABB-4,113,144,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429193,,Entre la codificación y la inferencia : los valores citativos de que inicial átono en español,VABB-4,201,223,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:429195,,Not only little monsters : diversity in music fandom in LGBTQ lives,VABB-1,25,43,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429196,,Renewable energy development in rural areas of Iran,VABB-1,743,755,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429197,,Do targets react and third parties comment? Responsiveness and scope expansion in television news items of protest,VABB-1,577,592,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429199,,"Are collective efficacy, disorder and social support associated with one's quality of life? Evidence from the multilevel SWING study in Belgium",VABB-1,739,756,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429205,,Geological disposal of radioactive waste : a long-term socio-technical experiment,VABB-1,687,705,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429207,,Multiple pathways to success in small creative businesses : the case of Belgian furniture designers,VABB-1,5461,5466,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429209,,Measuring the rebound effect with micro data : a first difference approach,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429211,,De autograaf en het pentimenti-model : een verkenning van het Claus-archief,VABB-1,157,171,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:429212,,'Moeten verstaanbaar blijven'. De genese van de registervariatie in Claus' De verwondering (1962),VABB-1,215,248,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:429213,,'Vandaar mijn vele ratures'. Over de geneses van 'Het verdriet van België'(1983),VABB-1,279,309,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:429214,,Perceived realism in shooting games : towards scale validation,VABB-1,308,318,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429215,,What makes you more central? Antecedents of changes in betweenness-centrality in technology-based alliance networks,VABB-1,209,221,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429216,,Return of the (non-)native : Coming Home in Louise Erdrich's The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse,VABB-1,467,490,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429217,,"Towards developing an initial programme theory : programme designers and managers assumptions on the antiretroviral treatment adherence club programme in primary health care facilities in the metropolitan area of Western Cape Province, South Africa",VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429218,,Innovation among seaport operators: a qca approach for determining success conditions,VABB-1,291,314,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429220,,Professional journalistic routines and the protest paradigm : The Big Potato Swap in traditional and alternative media,VABB-1,899,916,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:429222,,Screening and vaccination as determined by the social ecological model and the theory of triadic influence : a systematic review,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429223,,Preparing for action : police deployment decisions for demonstrations,VABB-1,137,148,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:429224,,The media as a dual mediator of the political agendasetting effect of protest : a longitudinal study in six western European countries,VABB-1,837,859,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429225,,Social concertation and middle-class stability in Belgium,VABB-4,112,159,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429229,,Orientalismo Crioulo : D. Pedro II e o Brasil do Segundo Império,VABB-1,149,168,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:429230,,A flexible embedded hardware platform supporting low-cost human pose estimation,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429232,,The impact of European Union law on the interaction of members states' sovereign powers in the policy fields of social protection and personal income tax benefits,VABB-1,262,276,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429233,,Identifying the key concepts on technology transfer through spin-offs in academic institutions : a case study in Flanders and The Netherlands,VABB-5,1,15,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429234,,Localizing the Human Rights Council : a case study of the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429235,,Should revision trainees think aloud while revising somebody else's translation? Insights from an empirical study with professionals,VABB-1,320,345,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429236,,Ambition and ambivalence : Peter Paul Rubens as a diplomat,VABB-4,126,141,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429238,,Nominal plurals in Antwerp Hasidic Yiddish : an empirical study,VABB-1,1397,1415,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429240,,The moral foundations of Adam Smith's transitional society : reappraising Foucault's representations of wealth and Marx's reconstruction of value theory,VABB-1,447,468,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429242,,Vrije beroepen en mededingingsrecht,VABB-4,111,142,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429244,,Radical enactive numerical cognition,VABB-4,57,71,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429245,,Educators in the Late Ancient City of Rome (300 - 700 CE),VABB-1,183,207,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429247,,Centralized personalization at the expense of decentralized personalization : the decline of preferential voting in Belgium (2003-2014),VABB-1,511,523,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:429248,,Domestic political implications of global value chains : explaining EU responses to litigation at the World Trade Organization,VABB-1,549,580,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:429253,,Mutated CTSF in adult-onset neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis and FTD,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429260,,How to metagovern collaborative networks for the promotion of policy innovations in a dualistic federal system?,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429261,,A next step in collaborative policy innovation research : analysing interactions using expontential random graph modelling,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429262,,Preventing paradoxical tuberculosis-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in high-risk patients : protocol of a randomized placebo-controlled trial of prednisone (PredART Trial),VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429263,,The value of corporate boards during the Great Depression in Belgium,VABB-1,108,123,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429264,,"Waardering als sociaal bindmiddel? Over respect, beleefdheid en het egalitaire ethos",VABB-1,55,70,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429265,,Lookalike professional English,VABB-1,398,406,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429266,,"Why the transatlantic trade and investment partnership is not (so) new, and why it is also not (so) bad",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429267,,Is flood defense changing in nature? Shifts in the flood defense strategy in six European countries,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429269,,Mapping diversity of publication patterns in the social sciences and humanities : an approach making use of fuzzy cluster analysis,VABB-1,33,59,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429272,,"Political agenda setting by the mass media : ten years of research, 2005-2015",VABB-4,157,179,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429273,,Studying the voter-party match : congruence and incongruence between voters and parties,VABB-4,152,169,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429274,,L'importance du choix des affirmations dans les SAV : résultats de deux simulations,VABB-1,175,201,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:429276,,IP coordination models : revealing some of the magic behind patent pools and clearinghouses?,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429277,,The Ukrainian crisis revisited : response to Richard Herrmann,VABB-4,169,183,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429279,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429280,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429281,,Can the Addis Ababa Action Agenda bring about a more integrated blend? Facilitating African infrastructure development through institutionalized portfolio approaches,VABB-1,385,413,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429282,,New definitions and applications of year-based h-indices,VABB-1,321,332,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429283,,"Complex political decision-making : leadership, legitimacy and communication",VABB-3,,,223 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429284,,"Urinary t,t-muconic acid as a proxy-biomarker of car exhaust and neurobehavioral performance in 15-year olds",VABB-1,521,527,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429285,,Measuring empowerment : development and validation of the service user psychological empowerment scale,VABB-1,651,664,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429288,,Participatory gender-responsive monitoring of women land rights : empowering and smart,VABB-1,960,968,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429289,,Becoming original: effects of strategy instruction,VABB-1,543,566,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429290,,Periodizing Samuel Beckett's Works A Stylochronometric Approach,VABB-1,172,202,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429291,,Governance Practices and Critical Success factors suitable for Business Information Security,VABB-5,1097,1104,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:429292,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429293,,Patterns of covert integration in EU governance : response to Adrienne Héritier,VABB-4,31,39,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429294,,Diversity and democratic legitimacy in the EU : what can we learn from other federal systems?,VABB-4,59,76,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429295,,"Complex political decision making : leadership, legitimacy and communication",VABB-4,203,212,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429296,,Political agenda setting and the mass media,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429297,,"Three twenty-first-century disaster films, the ideology of science and the future of democratic debate",VABB-1,189,205,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429298,,Democratic debate and mediated discourses on climate change : from consensus to de/politicization,VABB-4,78,94,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429299,,Between humanitarian assistance and migration management : on civil actors' role in voluntary return from Belgium,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429300,,Measuring product related stigma in design,VABB-5,3329,3349,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429308,,"The letter and its response: the exchanges between the Qara Qoyunlu and the Mamluk Sultan: MS Arabe 4440 (BnF, Paris)",VABB-1,579,626,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429311,,Het recht op toegang tot de rechter zoals gewaarborgd door artikel 6.1 EVRM : algemene beginselen en enkele concrete toepassingen in het gerechtelijk recht,VABB-4,1,43,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429315,,From darkness into light : dynastic incorporation in late-fifteenth and sixteenth-century Burgundian-Habsburg and French princely baptisms,VABB-4,167,184,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429316,,Forging dynasty : the politics of dynastic affinity in Burgundian-Habsburg birth and baptism ceremonial (1430-1505),VABB-4,268,295,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429318,,"In objectivity we trust? Pluralism, consensus, and ideology in journalism studies",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429320,,"Aankondigingen van prijsverminderingen, referentieprijs en misleiding",VABB-1,21,37,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429321,,"'Naar buiten, stedeling! Zie wat groeit in het laboratorium van Onze-Lieve-Heer'",VABB-1,1,23,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429322,,Is complexity a stable personality construct or is it (just) a matter of style?,VABB-4,101,120,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429323,,"Political personality and complex decision-making : the psychological profile and leadership style of Angela Markel, the world's most powerful woman",VABB-4,121,144,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429324,,"Politics, it has never been so simple : complex versus simplistic rhetoric and the use of hyperbole in political decision-making in the Netherlands",VABB-4,183,201,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429326,,De (al dan niet) doorwerking van woonplaatsficties in dubbelbelastingverdragen,VABB-1,475,496,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429328,,Wat is ouderschap?,VABB-1,11,96,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429330,,Afstammingsvorderingen van het kind : nihil obstat? (noot onder GwH nr. 18/2016 van 3 februari 2016),VABB-1,84,90,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429332,,L'espace de jeu et la catastrophe : le long adieu de Walter Benjamin à l'Europe,VABB-1,249,257,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429333,,Schuldvergelijking in fiscale zaken,VABB-1,973,983,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429336,,"Political color of metaphor, with focus on black : the rise and fall of the Flemish extreme right Vlaams Blok and Vlaams Belang",VABB-1,85,106,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:429337,,A piece of trash of the worst cabinet ever : the rhetorical use of exaggeration by the Dutch populist party for freedom',VABB-1,51,70,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429338,,"Beroepsidentificatie en functionele autonomie binnen de academische lerarenopleiding : evident, of toch niet?",VABB-1,31,41,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429339,,Handig instrument of sturend mechanisme? Over de werking van beroepsstandaardenvoor leraren en lerarenopleiders,VABB-1,53,63,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429343,,Art. 2.19 BVIE,VABB-4,1,9,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429344,,Art. 2.20 BVIE,VABB-4,1,84,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429345,,Recht op toegang tot de rechter,VABB-3,,,164 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429346,,The interrelations between competences for sustainable development and research competences,VABB-1,776,795,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429352,,Medeverzekering,VABB-4,1051,1076,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429353,,Handboek verzekeringsrecht,VABB-3,,,1097 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429354,,"Het belang, de kenmerken en situering van het verzekeringsrecht",VABB-4,1,65,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429355,,De verplichtingen van de verzekeringnemer : medische informatie,VABB-4,412,437,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429356,,"Looptijd, wijziging en einde van de verzekeringsovereenkomst",VABB-4,603,641,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429357,,Specifieke regels toepasselijk op aansprakelijkheidsverzekeringen : dekking in de tijd,VABB-4,705,726,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429358,,Kostenverzekeringen en specifieke regels toepasselijk op rechtsbijstandverzekeringen,VABB-4,805,834,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429359,,Ziekteverzekeringsovereenkomsten,VABB-4,901,918,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429360,,De bevrijdende verjaring,VABB-4,921,979,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429361,,Onrechtmatige bedingen in verzekeringsovereenkomsten,VABB-4,325,342,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429362,,Elektronische verzekeringsovereenkomsten,VABB-4,342,348,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429363,,Bewijs en interpretatie van de verzekeringsovereenkomst,VABB-4,349,371,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429364,,Informatieplicht van de verzekeraar,VABB-4,485,502,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429365,,Bewijs van het schadegeval en van de dekking,VABB-4,503,514,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429366,,Verval van recht,VABB-4,514,538,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429367,,"Oorlog, burgeroorlog en gelijkaardige feiten",VABB-4,565,574,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429368,,Terrorisme,VABB-4,574,590,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429369,,Natuurrampendekking,VABB-4,590,601,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429370,,Regeling leiding van het geschil,VABB-4,727,738,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429371,,Verplichtingen van de verzekerde,VABB-4,738,749,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429372,,Schuldsaldoverzekering,VABB-4,880,900,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429373,,Voir à travers les yeux de sa bien-aimée : le rôle du spectateur dans le théâtre immersif,VABB-1,1,16,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429374,,Binnenkijken in de werkelijkheid : Sarah Vanagt over Schijnvis / Showfish / Poisson Brillant,VABB-1,36,41,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429379,,Deel II Verzekeringsdistributie. Hoofdstuk 1. Distributiekanalen,VABB-4,69,94,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429380,,Deel II Verzekeringsdistributie. Hoofdstuk 2. Toepasselijke regelgeving,VABB-4,95,114,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429381,,Deel III Het financieel toezicht,VABB-4,123,250,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429387,,Collective decision making within the European Unions legislative competencies : a need for change?,VABB-4,40,58,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429392,,"The interaction between Leontief and Sraffa : no meeting, no citation, no attention?",VABB-1,971,1000,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429395,,Improving web survey efficiency : the impact of an extra reminder and reminder content on web survey response,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429396,,Social embeddedness in a harmonized Europe : the social networks of European migrants with a native partner in Belgium and the Netherlands,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429400,,"Recht op sociale minimumuitkeringen en op verblijf voor economisch niet-actieve migrerende Unieburgers : vrij verkeer of ""uitkeringstoerisme""?",VABB-1,291,339,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429402,,Neophilia and Old Master paintings : changes in consumer choice and the evolution of art auctions in the eighteenth century,VABB-1,361,389,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429404,,Van bestaansminimum naar maatschappelijke integratie : van laatste vangnet met grote mazen naar sociale activering,VABB-4,33,48,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429405,,Politieke sturing inzake de tariefmethodologie opgesteld door energieregulatoren : hoeveel ruimte laat het EU-recht?,VABB-1,496,502,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429406,,"""Digital diplomacy"" and the securing of nationals in a citizen-centric world",VABB-1,321,330,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429412,,Intra-Europese studentenmobiliteit : algemeen overzicht en tendensen,VABB-4,71,85,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:429414,,Writing the history of fatness and thinness in Graeco-Roman Antiquity,VABB-1,583,658,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429415,,Preference votes without preference? Institutional effects on preference voting: an experiment,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429419,,Explaining patterns of inequality in childcare service use across 31 developed economies : a welfare state perspective,VABB-1,310,337,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429420,,Bundling the procurement of sports infrastructure projects : how neither public nor private actors really benefit,VABB-1,1369,1386,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429421,,Personalization,VABB-4,112,130,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429423,,Evidence-based judicial review of legislation in divided states: the Belgian case,VABB-1,187,208,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429426,,Venture capital : the effect of local and global social ties on firm performance,VABB-1,737,756,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:429427,,Homogeneous versus heterogeneous designs for stated choice experiments : ain't homogeneous designs all bad?,VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429431,,Estimation of joint income-wealth poverty : a sensitivity analysis,VABB-1,117,137,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:429436,,The inside effects of a strong external employer brand : how external perceptions can influence organizational absenteeism rates,VABB-1,2106,2136,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:429440,,De staat van de welvaartstaat,VABB-2,,,560 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429441,,"Developing sustainable careers across the lifespan : European Social Fund Network on Career and AGE (Age, Generations, Experience)",VABB-2,,,113 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429442,,Introduction,VABB-1,7,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429443,,"La foi et l'économie : Maurice Potron, précurseur de l'analyse input-output",VABB-1,91,125,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429444,,"Maurice Potron, Ragnar Frisch and Potron's economic model",VABB-1,127,149,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429445,,40 jaar OCMW en bijstand,VABB-3,,,272 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429446,,De sociaaleconomische trajecten in en na het (equivalent) leefloon van personen met en zonder een migratieachtergrond,VABB-4,121,140,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429455,,Visual research methods,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429458,,De verplichtingen van de verzekeringnemer,VABB-4,373,412,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429459,,De betaling van de premie,VABB-4,437,448,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429460,,De aangifte van de wijziging van het risico,VABB-4,449,458,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429461,,De melding van het schadegeval,VABB-4,478,484,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429462,,Opzet,VABB-4,539,550,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429463,,Specifieke regels toepasselijk op alle schadeverzekeringen,VABB-4,645,682,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429464,,Specifieke regels toepasselijk op zaakverzekeringen,VABB-4,683,696,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429467,,Annotated Potron bibliography,VABB-1,151,179,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429470,,Qualitative research as theater : fieldwork in a South African township through the prism of Goffmans dramaturgical metaphor,VABB-1,59,78,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429472,,Levensverzekeringen: definitie en totstandkoming - rechten van de verzekeringnemer - rechten van de begunstigde,VABB-4,859,900,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429480,,A techno-economic assessment of an algal-based biorefinery,VABB-1,1849,1862,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429482,,Testing controlled productive knowledge of adverb-verb collocations in junior researchers using English as a foreign language,VABB-1,99,119,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429485,,A Ricardian analysis of the impact of climate change on European agriculture,VABB-1,1,36,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429490,,A comparison of maternal and child language in normally hearing and children with cochlear implants,VABB-1,145,179,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429492,,Maatregelen ter voorkoming en beperking van de schade,VABB-4,459,478,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429494,,"""Dance me to the children who are asking to be born"" : over levenloos geborenen en ongeborenen",VABB-1,407,421,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429495,,Algemene inleiding over de toepassing van het recht op eigendom in fiscale zaken,VABB-4,303,328,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429497,,Trust in regulatory regimes,VABB-3,,,264 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429498,,Trust in regulatory regimes : scoping the field,VABB-4,1,36,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429499,,An agenda for further research into the role of trust in regulatory regimes,VABB-4,224,242,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429500,,Het pleit dan toch niet beslecht : de implicaties van het arrest van het Hof van Cassatie van 25 juni 2015 op de bewijslast van de geïnformeerde toestemming van de patiënt,VABB-1,352,367,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:429501,,Balancing friends and foes : explaining advocacy styles at global diplomatic conferences,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429502,,Commentaar bij artikel 7 Wet 26 juni 1990,VABB-4,1,28,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429503,,Reflections on teaching and displaying with the help of emerging technologies,VABB-4,275,287,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429505,,Globalization and variants of local adaptation : theory and justification with symbolic logic,VABB-1,653,676,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429506,,Ideological purity vs. hybridization trade-off : when do islamic banks hire managers from conventional banking?,VABB-1,1380,1396,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429509,,Kroniek overheidsopdrachten,VABB-1,503,508,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429510,,"(Samen) doen of laten doen? Over inbesteden, uitbesteden, samenwerken, of afstoren",VABB-1,97,109,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429516,,Herverzekering,VABB-4,1077,1096,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429517,,"Boruca behind the Mask : empoderamiento, etnodesarrollo y etnorresistencia en una comunidad indígena costarricense",VABB-1,250,263,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429519,,De ambtelijke rechtspositie ten noorden en ten zuiden : Hollandse zottigheid of Nederland als lichtend voorbeeld?,VABB-1,5,22,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429522,,"""Analogization"" : reflections on life-logging cameras, action cams and images' changing meaning in a digital landscape",VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429523,,Effect of RAP on the mechanical properties of registered asphalt mixtures in Flanders,VABB-5,339,405,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429524,,"For a creative anthropological image-making : reflections on aesthetics, relationality, spectatorship and knowledge in the context of visual ethnographic work in New Delhi, India",VABB-4,67,91,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429529,,The automated detection of racist discourse in Dutch social media,VABB-1,3,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429530,,De groei en diversificatie van de bijstandspopulatie,VABB-4,13,32,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429531,,Besluit,VABB-4,236,247,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429532,,A dictionary-based approach to racism detection in Dutch social media,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429533,,Evaluating unsupervised Dutch word embeddings as a linguistic resource,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429534,,Health-related quality of life and its associated factors in Iranian petrochemical complex' staffs,VABB-1,1075,1083,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429535,,De voorwaardelijkheid van de bijstand : de werkbereidheidseis,VABB-4,85,105,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429542,,Lemmatization for variation-rich languages using deep learning You have access,VABB-1,797,815,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429543,,The authorship of the 'Historia Augusta': two new computational studies,VABB-1,140,157,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429544,,Stylometric authorship attribution for the Middle Dutch mystical tradition from Groenendaal,VABB-1,203,237,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:429548,,How ordinary MPs can make it into the news : a factorial survey experiment with political journalists to explain the newsworthiness of MPs,VABB-1,738,757,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429549,,Learning to contract in public-private partnerships for road infrastructure : recent experiences in Belgium,VABB-1,309,333,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429550,,"For the poor, but not only the poor : on optimal pro-poorness in redistributive policies",VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429552,,An iterated local search algorithm for multi-period water distribution network design optimization,VABB-1,1,37,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429556,,Fast and flexible X-ray tomography using the ASTRA toolbox,VABB-1,25129,25147,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429557,,Academic acculturation in language learning through Facebook Passing the turning points,VABB-1,292,316,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429558,,Motifs in weighted networks and their Hirsch subgraphs,VABB-1,21,34,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429559,,"Global constitutionalism, applied to global health governance : uncovering legitimacy deficits and suggesting remedies",VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429560,,Disentangling media effects : the impact of short-term and long-term news coverage on Belgian emergency assistance,VABB-1,428,446,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429561,,"Pictures, action properties and motor related effects",VABB-1,3787,3817,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429562,,Practicing Openness: Investigating the Role of Everyday Decision Making in the Production of Squatted Space,VABB-1,410,424,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429563,,How do these Foreigners Blend in? Migration and Integration in Late Eighteenth-Century Antwerp (1715-92),VABB-1,161,177,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429564,,Un-Reduction of Systems of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429568,,Overview of the 4th Author Profiling Task at PAN 2016: Cross-genre Evaluations,VABB-5,750,784,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429569,,Clustering by authorship within and across documents,VABB-5,691,715,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429573,,Distributive and poverty-reducing effects of in-kind housing benefits in Europe : with a case study for Germany,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429574,,Removing homeownership bias in taxation : the distributional effects of including net imputed rent in taxable income,VABB-1,525,557,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429583,,Matthew runs amok : the Belgian service voucher scheme,VABB-4,197,220,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429584,,De doeltreffendheid van de bijstandsinkomens,VABB-4,65,83,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429585,,Les blessures d'un poète rebelle : Marc-Vincent Howlett revient sur son entretien avec Damas de 1970,VABB-1,1,12,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429586,,"""Les Gary de Goyave"" Co-écritures et inédits schwarz-bartiens : ""Slave et esclave : faux amis ?"" : L' œuvre posthume d'André Schwarz-Bart, en collaboration avec Simone Schwarz-Bart",VABB-1,1,9,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429589,,Editors column: The Wallace Stevens Journal in the age of electronic reproduction,VABB-1,111,116,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429590,,Queer and transgender studies: beyond simple dualistic notions of sexuality and gender,VABB-4,204,212,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429591,,Wallace Stevens,VABB-4,1,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429592,,Alan Hollinghursts fictional ways of queering London,VABB-4,203,219,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429593,,International reputation,VABB-4,176,184,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429596,,Stad en migratie in de literatuur,VABB-3,,,171 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429597,,"Wallace Stevens, New York, and modernism",VABB-3,,,184 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429601,,"De gebruuskeerde vrijheid van de extremist : over autonomie, ressentiment en het simulacrum",VABB-1,268,281,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429604,,"Belgium, or how inertia can have unexpected benefits in times of crisis",VABB-4,37,57,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429606,,How stakeholder and citizen participation influences evaluation criteria for megaprojects : the case of the Belgian LILW repository,VABB-4,111,133,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429613,,Plantando semillas de inclusión : una ruta alternativa para la producción de café en Nicaragua,VABB-1,20,27,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:429615,,Nationale variatie in het vreemdetalenonderwijs : een tool voor intratalige leerganganalyse,VABB-1,27,59,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429616,,België : een unieke deeltijdeconomie in Europa,VABB-1,302,317,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429617,,Wetenschappelijk bewijs voor wetgeving in de rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof: een empirische analyse en een zoektocht naar verklaringen,VABB-1,285,302,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429623,,"How important is Northeast Asia for China and the EU? Economic convergence, geopolitical divergence",VABB-4,63,88,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429625,,Constraining or encouraging? US and EU responses to China's rise in East Asia,VABB-1,6,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429626,,Strategic uncertainty and the regional security order in East Asia,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429628,,"Seawalls as a response to coastal erosion and flooding : a case study from Grande Comore, Comoros (West Indian Ocean)",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429629,,Semer les graines de l'inclusion : une autre approche de la production de café,VABB-1,20,27,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429630,,"Grondrechten in fiscalibus, 1989-2014",VABB-3,,,560 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429631,,Grondrechten en bronnen,VABB-4,3,48,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429632,,De evolutie van het fiscaal gelijkheidsbeginsel in het licht van de rechtsfilosofische achtergronden,VABB-4,124,150,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429633,,Hoe een meerlagig parlementair systeem de legitimiteitscrisis van de EU (mee) kan helpen oplossen,VABB-1,23,35,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429635,,Framing of European integration in Ukrainian media discourse,VABB-1,180,196,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429636,,Meer durven met dienstverlening! Status quaestionis in de dienstverlening van lokale besturen,VABB-1,37,50,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429637,,"Oude mannen, nieuwe democratie? Participatie,representatie en democratievernieuwing in Vlaanderen",VABB-1,85,96,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429638,,Soviet mythology and memory of WWII as an instruments of Russian propaganda,VABB-1,77,93,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429643,,De potentiële impact van informele online communicatie op de spellingpraktijk van Vlaamse tieners in schoolcontext,VABB-1,201,234,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429644,,Paroxysmes historiques et savoirs fantômes : à propos des Terres du Couchant de Julien Gracq,VABB-1,377,394,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429657,,"Semi-insubordinate at-constructions in Norwegian : formal, semantic and functional properties",VABB-1,35,56,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429658,,Het gebruik van de discretionaire ruimte door Vlaamse OCMW-medewerkers,VABB-4,104,120,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429659,,Ten huize van Zamani Roemer: een gesprek in het hart van Gent,VABB-1,179,186,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429660,,Position error and entropy of probabilistic Wi-Fi fingerprinting in the UJIIndoorLoc dataset,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429662,,Gauging a firms innovative performance using an integrated structural index for patents,VABB-1,6,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429666,,Basisbeginselen inzake de vereiste van de wettelijke basis als voorwaarde voor een toegelaten inmenging in grondrechten,VABB-4,49,77,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429669,,"Het hoger beroep tegen vonnissen alvorens recht te doen en de moeilijke toepassing van artikel 1050, tweede lid Ger.W",VABB-1,216,222,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429670,,Do Chinese and American contributions in top journals have an equal citation potential?,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429671,,'Dol-woest-breyn-herssenloose edelen en grillighe aepenkueren': kritiek op Spanje en op de literaire conventies van de 'comedia' in Liefdens Behendicheyt (1638) van Frederico Cornelio De Conincq,VABB-1,61,81,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429672,,"'Dat eene gek voor deed, dat willen strax al de anderen na doen': kritiek op mode in het Nederlandstalig toneel van de zeventiende eeuw",VABB-1,57,83,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:429676,,Grassroots gardening movements : towards cooperative forms of green urban development?,VABB-4,62,90,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429677,,"The Westward-Moving House and other stories : J.B. Jackson, reading and writing the landscape",VABB-4,194,204,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429678,,Seeking being in Marilynne Robinsons 'Gilead and Home',VABB-1,33,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429681,,When the language bonus becomes an onus: a Belgian case study,VABB-1,191,207,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429684,,The Eurosystem Household Finance and Consumption Survey : a new underlying database for EUROMOD,VABB-1,35,65,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429685,,A sense of place : understanding the 2013 Stockholm riots,VABB-1,162,178,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429687,,Cultural dimensions and an intercultural study of narratorial behavior,VABB-1,113,132,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429707,,La doppia mediazione di Jean Lescure per Giuseppe Ungaretti,VABB-4,53,61,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:429708,,Adolescents with personality disorders suffer from severe psychiatric stigma : evidence from a sample of 131 patients,VABB-1,81,89,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429713,,"Beyond the flock: sheep farming, wool sales and social differentiation in a sixteenth-century peasant society: the Campine in the Low Countries",VABB-1,157,180,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429714,,"Yidishkayt in Belgye: Yiddish culture in Belgium in the 1930's, a case study: Di Belgishe Bleter",VABB-1,140,165,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429715,,Historical type in the collection of the Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antwerp from a metal conservators' point of view,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429720,,Evaluating the quality of gross incomes in SILC : compare them with fiscal data and recalibrate them using EUROMOD,VABB-1,5,34,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429730,,Het grondrecht op wonen: over de (hoge) ambities van het (herziene) Europees Sociaal Handvest,VABB-4,173,192,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429732,,De impact van behoefteondersteuning op de studiemotivatie : een kwantitatief onderzoek bij twee opleidingsonderdelen in de opleiding ergotherapie,VABB-1,5,22,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429733,,"The impact of individual, educational, and workplace factors on the transfer of school-based learning into the workplace",VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429735,,"HvJ EU 11 november 2015, zaak C-505/14, Klausner Holz Niedersachsen GmbH tegen Land Nordrhein-Westfalen",VABB-1,5,12,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:429736,,"HvJ EU 28 juli 2016, zaak C-379/15, Association France Nature Environnement tegen Premier ministre en Ministre de lÉcologie, du Développement durable et de lʼÉnergie",VABB-1,1038,1051,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429739,,Het recht op toegang tot de rechter in het Europese internationaal privaatrecht,VABB-4,45,63,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429740,,De verzekeringsovereenkomst in het internationaal privaatrecht,VABB-4,1019,1049,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429744,,On the quality of auxiliary assumptions,VABB-1,810,814,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429745,,Scientific influence is not always visible: The phenomenon of under-cited influential publications,VABB-1,1079,1091,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429746,,Insight and axioms Harold G. Brown and the identification of early films,VABB-1,35,56,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429747,,"Expansion vs. neutrality : how Belgian diplomats dealt with the 'military question', 1895-1914",VABB-1,100,127,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429748,,"The creation of the Belgian citizen-soldier Education, Discipline and Emotions (1886-1909)",VABB-1,128,+,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429749,,Neurophysiological States and Perceptual Representations: The Case of Action Properties Detected by the Ventro-Dorsal Visual Stream,VABB-5,179,203,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429750,,A research framework for adapting the innovation process to its context,VABB-5,311,319,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429753,,"Intellectual property rights, standards and data exchange in systems biology",VABB-1,1477,1480,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429754,,The View of the European Court of Human Rights on Competent Patients' Right of Informed Consent. Research in the Light of Articles 3 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights,VABB-1,481,509,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429755,,Perceiving emotional causality in film: a conceptual and formal analysis,VABB-1,440,466,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429756,,Suprasegmental Characteristics of Spontaneous Speech Produced in Good and Challenging Communicative Conditions by Talkers Aged 9-14 Years,VABB-1,S1596,S1607,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429757,,Gradation of emphasis in the CinemaScope Westerns of Anthony Mann : a style analysis,VABB-1,25,48,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429758,,The Meaningful Involvement of Service Users in Social Work Education: Examples from Belgium and The Netherlands,VABB-1,739,751,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429762,,Traduçao de fanfictions o caso dos tradutores voluntários brasileiros,VABB-1,435,444,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:429764,,"Reuse of bituminous pavements : a mini-review of research, regulations and modelling",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429765,,What a personal pronoun can do for you: the case of a southern Dutch dialect,VABB-4,679,702,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429766,,Indirect evidentiality in Dutch and German: a contrastive corpus study of the 'seem'-type verbs 'schijnen' and 'scheinen',VABB-1,121,152,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429767,,Plaatsgebonden devotie zkt nieuwe bewaarplaats,VABB-1,340,348,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429769,,Research on the Calculation Indicator System of the Cultural Creative Industry Cluster Degree,VABB-5,338,341,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:429772,,Growing close where inequalities grow large? A patron for Qur'anic students in Nigeria,VABB-4,127,140,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429785,,"So many funds, so many alternatives: compensation funds as a solution for liability issues in Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom",VABB-1,41,53,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429786,,Informatie over de rechtsmiddelen in de kennisgeving bij gerechtsbrief,VABB-1,1014,1018,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429787,,"Traduction, retraduction et dialogisme",VABB-1,629,649,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:429789,,Buitengerechtelijke beslechting van verzekeringsgeschillen,VABB-4,1001,1033,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429790,,Gerechtelijke beslechting van verzekeringsgeschillen,VABB-4,995,1000,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429791,,Aansprakelijkheidsverzekeringen: kwitantie ter afrekening,VABB-4,807,816,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429799,,Human rights v. democracy : The Strasbourg Court and the challenge of power sharing,VABB-1,54,84,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429800,,"Hoger beroep bij wederzijdse vorderingen tot echtscheiding: het in kracht van gewijsde gaan, procesrechtsmisbruik en de vordering ad futurum (noot onder Cass. 29 mei 2015)",VABB-1,25,38,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429801,,Vroegmoderne geschiedenis in de publieke ruimte,VABB-3,,,94 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429803,,De impact van de schooldoorlichting op emoties en het professioneel zelfverstaan van leerkrachten,VABB-1,107,134,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429805,,Housing preferences among students: collective housing versus individual accommodations? A stated preference study in Antwerp (Belgium),VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429806,,MULTIMOORA as systems engineering for modern business and industry,VABB-5,279,288,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429808,,Grondrechtenbescherming door de hoogste rechtscolleges en hun onderlinge verhouding,VABB-4,20,48,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429809,,"Manipulação, cortes e reescrita de obras literárias na internet: uma perspectiva para autores do século XXI",VABB-1,159,171,,por,2016,2 c:vabb:429813,,Mandatory automatic exchange of information on tax rulings : political agreement reached in ECOFIN Council,VABB-1,9,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429817,,Enkele (r)evoluties in het strafprocesrecht gespiegeld in het fundamenteel recht op toegang tot de rechter,VABB-4,65,92,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429818,,Not on my watch: verjaring van ernstige BTW-fraudedossiers strijdig met het recht van de Europese Unie (?) (annotation of ECJ 8 September 2015),VABB-1,245,252,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429819,,"De positieve plichten van Staten onder artikel 3 EVRM vs. het vermoeden van onschuld van artikel 6, lid 2 EVRM - bevestiging van een evenwicht (?)(annotation of Cass. 24 March 2015)",VABB-1,740,743,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429820,,Noot onder EHRM 7 april 2015,VABB-1,501,508,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:429829,,De Plannersdriehoek toegepast op 't Witboek,VABB-1,5,10,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429835,,The inverse problem of the calculus of variations and the stabilization of controlled Lagrangian systems,VABB-1,3297,3318,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429836,,Artikel 332quinquies,VABB-4,1,12,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429837,,Artikel 488/1,VABB-4,1,6,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:429838,,Artikel 488/2,VABB-4,1,4,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:429842,,Relationalism and unconscious perception,VABB-1,426,433,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429843,,Philosophy of perception: a roadmap with many bypass roads,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429845,,Sociale conflicten onder de loep : maakt werknemersparticipatie een verschil?,VABB-1,1,17,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429851,,De strijd tussen Saoedi-Arabië en Iran verklaard,VABB-1,1,13,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429853,,Buitenlands beleid in België en Vlaanderen : een eerste analyse,VABB-1,1,3,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:429854,,Buitenlands beleid onder de 'Zweedse coalitie',VABB-1,1,15,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:429855,,Het 'Agreekment' van juli 2015 en de geopolitieke consequenties,VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:429857,,'Sweden is Still a Kingdom': convention and political authority in Hume's history of England,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:429860,,Digital library history: the virtual bookcases of James Joyce and Samuel Beckett,VABB-1,192,204,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429864,,"Statistics with JMP : hypothesis tests, ANOVA, and regression",VABB-2,,,624 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429865,,"Statistics with JMP : graphs, descriptive statistics and probability",VABB-2,,,347 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429867,,I-optimal design of mixture experiments,VABB-1,899,911,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429869,,Challenging versus protecting in a mediatized society : a media-wise decision process,VABB-1,103,119,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429871,,"Impact de la situation économique sur la mise en couple en France, (1993-2008) selon le niveau d'études",VABB-1,631,658,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:429872,,Overheidscontracten in het Belgische recht: besturen op de snijlijn van privaat- en publiekrecht,VABB-1,489,577,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429873,,Vergoeding van schade door rechtmatige eigendomsbeperkingen: een stand van zaken,VABB-4,3,41,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429874,,PPP Contracts Amendments to PPP Projects Based in Experience in Flanders,VABB-1,111,118,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429875,,Cartografieën van de global village : een portret van het intermediate theatergezelschap BERLIN,VABB-1,212,224,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429876,,"Hink, stap, re-integratie? Stand van zaken met betrekking tot het “recht op re-integratie” voor veroordeelden tot vrijheidsberovende straffen na Potpourri II",VABB-1,287,332,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429877,,Test-retest and accuracy of measuring the position and orientation of the human mandible via magnetic sensors : a pilot study,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429880,,On the local relevance of human rights,VABB-4,406,418,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429883,,The analysis of European lacquer: optimization of thermochemolysis temperature of natural resins,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429884,,Flood risk mitigation in Europe: how far away are we from the aspired forms of adaptive governance?,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429885,,Toward more flood resilience: Is a diversification of flood risk management strategies the way forward?,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429886,,What Do Core Obligations under the Right to Health Bring to Universal Health Coverage?,VABB-1,23,34,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429887,,The wrap effect in online review sets revisited: how perceived usefulness mediates the effect on intention formation,VABB-1,280,288,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429888,,First experiences with thin noise reducing asphalt layers in an urban environment in Belgium,VABB-5,81,94,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429889,,The space of game and disaster : The long goodbye of Walter Benjamin in Europe,VABB-1,249,257,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429891,,Text creation in a multilingual institutional setting : The translator as part of a cooperative system,VABB-1,59,77,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429895,,Het gebruik van verlofstelsels bij moeders met migratie-achtergrond,VABB-1,267,285,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429896,,Requirements for protection of designs,VABB-1,529,543,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429897,,Europe within Reach. Netherlandish travellers on the Grand Tour and beyond (1585-1750),VABB-2,,,336 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429902,,De bijkomende schadevergoeding voor de handelsagent. Eindelijk uitgeklaard? (noot onder HvJ 3 december 2015),VABB-1,1184,1187,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429903,,"Educational differentials in the impact of micro- and macro-level economic conditions on union formation in France, (1993-2008)",VABB-1,593,618,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429904,,L'utilisation des régimes de conges par les mères issues de l'immigration,VABB-1,263,283,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429911,,"The relation between family-oriented goals and the firm's debt rate, and the mediating role of family board representation",VABB-5,1,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429912,,Long-term orientation as a resource for entrepreneurial orientation in private family firms,VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429913,,Statuut van de gemeentesecretaris en de financieel beheerder,VABB-4,1,21,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429914,,"Gemeentesecretaris, financieel beheerder en managementteam",VABB-2,,,185 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429917,,Aesthetics as philosophy of perception,VABB-2,,,240 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429919,,Flexibele arbeidscontracten : van algemeen begrip tot taxonomie,VABB-1,233,265,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429920,,Contrats de travail flexibles : du concept general à la taxonomie,VABB-1,229,262,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:429921,,Kroniek van het gedrukte boek in België tot 2000 - 32 - afgesloten op 31 december 2014,VABB-1,153,199,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:429923,,ComForPro : improving communicative skills of migrant medical staff,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429925,,The laffer curve and the debt-growth link in low-income Sub-Saharan African economies,VABB-1,878,892,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:429926,,Modernist high-rises in post-war Antwerp : two answers to the same question,VABB-1,113,132,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429928,,Augmented design and analysis of computer experiments : a novel tolerance embedded global optimization approach applied to SWIR hyperspectral illumination design,VABB-1,29380,29405,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429930,,"Activering en bijstand na de staatshervorming : buitenlandse lessen, uitdagingen en kansen",VABB-4,184,206,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429931,,"Homosexuality on Dutch and Flemish Facebook pages : situational meanings, situational attitudes?",VABB-4,175,191,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429932,,From contemporary dance to contemporaneous dance: choreographic re- enactment and the experience of contemporaneity after (post-)modernity,VABB-1,64,89,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429933,,De kracht van positief psychologisch kapitaal in organisatieveranderingen,VABB-1,51,58,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429934,,Legislative lobbying in context : the policy and polity determinants of interest group politics in the European Union,VABB-3,,,148 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429936,,Minder sociale 'afscherming' van het overheidspersoneel? Deel 1,VABB-1,433,513,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429938,,Quality control in the subtitling industry : an exploratory survey study,VABB-1,578,605,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:429939,,"Nano-patents and literature frequency as statistical innovation indicator for the use of nano-porous material in three major sectors : medicine, energy and environment",VABB-1,24,35,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:429940,,A framework for health-related nanomaterial grouping,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:429946,,"Is multiculturalisme slecht voor vrouwen? Over etnisch-culturele erkenning,feminisme en politiek-liberalisme",VABB-1,1,21,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429947,,Cognitie als een wijd verspreid fenomeen,VABB-1,201,205,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:429949,,"Eutopie glocali per il Sud Italia : sull'ermeneutica del soggetto di Lecce, Matera e Venezia, candidate italiane a Capitale europea della Cultura 2019",VABB-1,77,91,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:431501,,The production of word stress in babbles and early words: a comparison between normally hearing infants and infants with cochlear implants,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:431541,,Islamic Knowledge and Pious Becoming among Maghrebian Muslims in the Region of Brussels,VABB-4,347,366,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431543,,De la religion aux traditions. Quelques réflexions sur l’oeuvre de Talal Asad,VABB-1,99,116,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:431545,,"Renaming Streets and Nationalising Public Space: The Case of Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina",VABB-4,168,184,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431546,,An Agenda for Future Mega-Event Research,VABB-4,165,178,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431547,,Moroccan Migration in Belgium. More than 50 Years of Settlement,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431548,,Introduction,VABB-4,9,21,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431549,,The study of Islam and Moroccan migration in Belgium,VABB-4,41,60,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431550,,The shifting Moroccan policy paradigm regarding the integration of MRE’s (Moroccans Living Abroad): reconciling transnationalties and migrant integration,VABB-4,191,220,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431552,,"Utopia's Doom. The 'Graal' as Paradise of Lust, the Sect of the Free Spirit and Jheronimus Bosch's so-called 'Garden of Earthly Delights'",VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431554,,Mega-event mobilities: A critical analysis,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431555,,Exposing sports mega-events through a mobilities lens,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431556,,The Meaning of Pilgrimage (Hajj): Re-shaping the Pious Identity of Belgian Turkish Muslims,VABB-1,19,32,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431557,,De socicale problematiek in Molenbeek en het gewelddadig jihadisme,VABB-1,79,90,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431558,,The free movement of people around the world would be utopian,VABB-1,123,155,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431561,,The unbearable lightness of tourism … as violence: An afterword,VABB-1,703,709,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431562,,Studying mobilities: Theoretical notes and methodological queries,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431563,,Methodologies of mobility: Ethnography and experiment,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431564,,"Human Smuggling and Trafficking from Nigeria, Thailand and Brazil: Manipulating Social and Cultural Capital. An analysis of 38 Belgian judicial files",VABB-4,31,46,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431567,,Theo Francken over migraties: hoe volledig is 'gans het verhaal'?,VABB-1,182,186,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431572,,Social Media and the Transformations of Everyday Muslim Experiences,VABB-4,9,32,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431573,,European Muslims and New Media,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431574,,THE ROLE OF KELVIN-HELMHOLTZ INSTABILITY FOR PRODUCING LOOP-TOP HARD X-RAY SOURCES IN SOLAR FLARES,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:431575,,REFLECTION OF PROPAGATING SLOW MAGNETO-ACOUSTIC WAVES IN HOT CORONAL LOOPS: MULTI-INSTRUMENT OBSERVATIONS AND NUMERICAL MODELING,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:431578,,On Footwear and Disability: A Dance of Animacy?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431579,,Signs of Visual Resistance in Palestine: Unsettling the Settler-Colonial Matrix,VABB-1,23,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:431581,,The practice of practice,VABB-1,251,267,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431583,,The cosmopolitanization of tourism: An afterthought,VABB-4,187,194,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431585,,Sammy Baloji’s Kolwezi: Imag(in)ing the Congo-China nexus,VABB-4,213,218,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:431586,,"Branhamist Kindoki : Ethnographic Notes on Connectivity, Technology and Urban Witchcraft in Contemporary Kinshasa",VABB-4,115,144,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431587,,Forum: Resilience & Design,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431588,,"Developing IoT to support the health sector: A case study from Kikwit, DR Congo",VABB-5,45,56,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431589,,Positing the Polis: Topography as a Way to De-centre Urban Thinking,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431591,,"Dancing on the Rhythm of Léopoldville.
Nostalgia, Urban Critique and Generational Difference in Kinshasa's TV Music Shows",VABB-1,158,176,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431592,,"Brokers of Belonging. Kinshasa's Elders, Mobile Phones and Intermediaries",VABB-4,198,219,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431593,,Blackberry Girls and Jesus’s Brides Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity and the (Im-)Moralization of Urban Femininities in Contemporary Kinshasa,VABB-1,390,416,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:431595,,Six Notes. Afterthoughts,VABB-1,191,194,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431596,,Experimental intimacies: Young men’s understandings of their relationships with women in Swakopmund,VABB-1,25,44,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431597,,"Money, migration and masculinity among artisanal miners in Katanga (DR Congo)",VABB-1,204,219,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431598,,Smartness from Below: Variations on Technology and Creativity in Contemporary Kinshasa,VABB-4,97,115,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431599,,A Tale of Six Circles: A Travelogue,VABB-1,177,190,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431600,,"On the Position, Assets and Pitfalls of Oral Family History in History Education",VABB-4,167,185,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431601,,Flemish students’ historical reference knowledge and narratives of the Belgian national past at the end of secondary education,VABB-1,272,285,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431602,,Reasoning with and/or about sources? The use of primary sources in Flemish secondary school history education,VABB-1,48,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431603,,Naoorlogse leerboeken geschiedenis als toegang tot de heersende populaire historische cultuur in scholen? Casus van het Belgisch-Congolese koloniale verleden,VABB-1,84,98,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431607,,Het nationale verleden in het Vlaamse geschiedenisonderwijs. Een kleinschalig geschiedenisdidactisch onderzoek bij leerkrachten geschiedenis in 2014,VABB-1,199,223,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431609,,Taste and Smell in the (long) Eighteenth Century,VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431610,,Advocating Auricularisation: Virginia Woolf's 'In the Orchard',VABB-4,35,51,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431611,,Introduction: The Emerging Field of Pseudotranslation,VABB-1,629,636,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431613,,Die Borgias: Fremde Charaktere und Fremdheit in der Bühnenerzählung (transl. Embracing Foreign Heroes in the Theatre,VABB-4,267,282,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431614,,Taste and Smell in the Eighteenth Century,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431615,,"""The sea, not the ocean"": Anthropocene Fiction and the Memory of (Non)human Life",VABB-1,181,200,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431619,,Interventions for toddlers with autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analysis of single-subject experimental studies,VABB-1,79,92,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431620,,Associations of Non-Symbolic and Symbolic Numerical Magnitude Processing with Mathematical Competence: A Meta-analysis,VABB-1,e12372,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431621,,"De Onderlinge Samenhang Tussen Leerkracht-Leerlingrelaties, Peerstatus, en Gedragsmatige Betrokkenheid",VABB-1,148,167,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431622,,Evidence for distinct magnitude systems for symbolic and non-symbolic number,VABB-1,231,242,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431624,,White matter pathways mediate parental effects on children's reading precursors,VABB-1,10,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431625,,Atypical neural synchronization to speech envelope modulations in dyslexia,VABB-1,106,117,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431626,,Early development and predictors of morphological awareness: disentangling the impact of decoding skills and phonological awareness,VABB-1,47,59,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431627,,Predicting future reading problems based on pre-reading auditory measures: A longitudinal study of children with a familial risk of dyslexia,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431628,,"Functioning and participation of young adults with ASD in higher education according to the ICF framework, a multi-method design",VABB-1,259,275,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431629,,Children’s attentional breadth around mother: Comparing stimulus-driven versus cognitively controlled processes,VABB-1,95,108,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:431630,,Begeleiden van depressieve adolescenten in Vlaamse Thuisbegeleidingsdiensten van de Bijzondere Jeugdzorg met Attachment-Based Family Therapy,VABB-1,69,84,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431631,,Functioning and participation problems of students with ASD in higher education: which reasonable accommodations are effective?,VABB-1,71,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431633,,Gaze-contingent displays as new window on analytical and holistic face perception in autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431634,,A multi-method assessment of study strategies in higher education students with an autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431635,,Over de negatieve kijk op ADHD in de media: Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar structureel stigma bij ADHD en ASS in de Vlaamse dagbladen,VABB-1,269,277,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431636,,Poor performance on the retention of phonemes’ serial order in short-term memory reflects young children’s poor reading skills,VABB-1,129,158,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431637,,Unpacking symbolic number comparison and its relation with arithmetic in adults,VABB-1,26,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431639,,Functioning and participation problems of students with ADHD in higher education: which reasonable accommodations are effective?,VABB-1,35,53,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431640,,The development of executive functioning across the transition to first grade and its predictive value for academic achievement,VABB-1,103,112,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431641,,Keeping the spirits up: The effect of teachers’ and parents’ emotional support on children’s working memory performance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431642,,Repetitive thinking about the mother during distress moderates the link between children’s attentional breadth around the mother and depressive symptoms in middle childhood,VABB-1,137,146,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431643,,Exploring Acceptability and Feasibility of Evidence-Based Practice in Child Welfare Settings: A Pilot study with Attachment-Based Family Therapy,VABB-1,43,58,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431644,,The meta-aggregative approach to qualitative evidence synthesis: A worked example on experiences of pupils with special educational needs in inclusive education,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431645,,School Engagement Trajectories in Adolescence: The Role of Peer Likeability and Popularity,VABB-1,61,75,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431646,,The importance of conditioned stimuli in cigarette and e-cigarette craving reduction by e-cigarettes,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431647,,Maintenance of key word signing in adults with intellectual disabilities: Novel signed turns facilitated by partners’ consistent input and sign imitation,VABB-1,121,130,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431648,,Ensemble perception in ASD: Member-identification versus mean-discrimination,VABB-1,1291,1299,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431649,,Long-term oxytocin administration enhances the experience of attachment,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431650,,Beliefs and habits: Staff experiences with key word signing in special schools and group residential homes,VABB-1,87,96,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431651,,"Adolescent externalizing behavior, psychological control, and peer rejection: Transactional links and dopaminergic moderation",VABB-1,420,438,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431652,,Exploring parental behavior and child interactive engagement: a study on children with a significant cognitive and motor developmental delay,VABB-1,131,142,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431653,,The behavioural process underlying augmentative and alternative communication usage in direct support staff,VABB-1,101,113,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431654,,Developmental changes in neural correlates of cognitive reappraisal: An ERP study using the late positive potential,VABB-1,94,100,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431655,,Hierarchical letters in ASD: High stimulus variability under different attentional modes,VABB-1,1854,1865,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431656,,SMOG-gebaren aanleren aan volwassenen met een verstandelijke beperking via begeleiders,VABB-1,25,31,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431657,,Key word signing usage of adults with intellectual disabilities: Influence of communication partners’ sign usage and responsivity,VABB-1,853,864,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431658,,Het effect van de klassikale interventie 'Kaatje Klank' op het foneembewustzijn van normaalontwikkelende één- en meertalige kleuters uit de tweede kleuterklas,VABB-1,37,54,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431659,,Early dynamics of white matter deficits in children developing dyslexia,VABB-1,69,77,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431660,,Strategy over operation: Neural activation in subtraction and multiplication during fact retrieval and procedural strategy use in children,VABB-1,4657,4670,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431661,,"""Hold me tight so I can go it alone"": Developmental themes for young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder""",VABB-1,321,333,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431662,,A longitudinal study investigating neural processing of speech envelope modulation rates in children with (a family risk for) dyslexia,VABB-1,206,219,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431664,,Interpretation Bias in Middle Childhood Attachment: Causal Effects on Attachment Memories and Scripts,VABB-1,16,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431666,,Spatial frequency priming of scene perception in adolescents with and without ASD,VABB-1,2023,2038,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431667,,Zet je EF-bril op en stimuleer de ontwikkeling van executieve functies vanaf de kleuterklas,VABB-1,93,98,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431669,,The classroom as a developmental context for cognitive development: a meta-analysis on the importance of teacher-student interactions for children's executive functions,VABB-1,125,164,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431670,,Visuoperceptual processing in children with neurofibromatosis type 1: True deficit or artefact?,VABB-1,342,358,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431671,,NR3C1 methylation as a moderator of the effects of maternal support and stress on insecure attachment development,VABB-1,29,38,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:431672,,The effects of Cognitive Bias Modification training and oxytocin administration on trust in maternal support: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431673,,Variants in TTC25 affect autistic trait in patients with autism spectrum disorder and general population,VABB-1,982,987,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431674,,Do prereaders’ auditory processing and speech perception predict later literacy?,VABB-1,138,151,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431675,,The natural number bias and its role in rational number understanding in children with dyscalculia. Delay or deficit?,VABB-1,181,190,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431677,,Diagnostiek van leerstoornissen: dyslexie en dyscalculie,VABB-4,107,118,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431679,,Diagnostiek van aandachtsdeficiëntie-/hyperactiviteitsstoornis (ADHD),VABB-4,31,46,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431680,,Regulation of emotion in ADHD: can children with ADHD override the natural tendency to approach positive and avoid negative pictures?,VABB-1,397,406,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:431681,,Gene-based interaction analysis shows GABAergic genes interacting with parenting in adolescent depressive symptoms,VABB-1,1301,1309,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431683,,Reactive and proactive control in arithmetic strategy selection,VABB-1,598,619,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431685,,What does a successful diversity policy look like? Diversity as the most valuable tool to make learning potential flourish,VABB-5,193,203,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431686,,Executive functioning and local-global visual processing: Candidate endophenotypes for autism spectrum disorder?,VABB-1,258,269,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431687,,Graphene Synthesis and Transfer Improvements for Applications in the Semiconductor Industry,VABB-5,3,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431689,,A comparative study of the structural stigmatisation of ADHD and autism spectrum disorder in Flemish newspapers,VABB-1,269,277,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431690,,Vergelijkend onderzoek naar structured stigma bij ADHD en autismespectrumstoornis in de Vlaamse dagbladen,VABB-1,269,277,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431692,,The relationship between learning conditions in the workplace and informal learning outcomes: A study among police inspectors,VABB-1,92,112,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431693,,Using mixed methods research synthesis for literature reviews,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431694,,Testing the intervention effect in single-case experiments: A Monte Carlo simulation study,VABB-1,175,196,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431695,,Using refutational text in mathematics education,VABB-1,509,518,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431696,,Growth in reading comprehension and mathematics achievement in primary school: A bivariate transition multilevel growth curve model approach,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431697,,Multilevel modeling of single-case data: A comparison of maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation,VABB-1,760,778,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431698,,"Mood disturbances during combined oral contraceptive use and the effect of androgen supplementation: Results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-case alternation design pilot study",VABB-1,147,151,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431699,,Confidence intervals for single-case effect size measures based on randomization test inversion,VABB-1,363,381,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431701,,Refutational text and multiple external representations as a method to remediate the misinterpretation of box plots,VABB-1,1281,1300,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431702,,The role of teacher behavior in children’s relational aggression development: A five-wave longitudinal study,VABB-1,17,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431703,,Review of the implementation of plasma ctDNA testing on behalf of IQN Path ASBL: a perspective from an EQA providers' survey,VABB-1,809,813,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431704,,Integration of next-generation sequencing in clinical diagnostic molecular pathology laboratories for analysis of solid tumours; an expert opinion on behalf of IQN Path ASBL,VABB-1,5,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431706,,The ins and outs of molecular pathology reporting,VABB-1,199,207,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431710,,"Imagining Hieronymus Bosch in Colonial Peru: Foreign Sources, Indigenous Responses",VABB-1,351,369,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431711,,New iconological perspectives on marble as Divinus Spiritus: hermeneutical change and iconogenesis,VABB-1,14,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431712,,"Wandering Heads, Wandering Media. framing the Head of saint John the Baptist between sculpture and painting",VABB-4,197,237,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431713,,Vox clamantis in deserto. John’s Head on the silent platter,VABB-4,63,92,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431714,,Victor Burgin's Parzival in Leuven,VABB-4,10,37,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:431715,,"Victor Burgin's Parzival in Leuven. Reflections on the ""Uncinematic""",VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431716,,Latinizing Mussolini's Message: Nicola Festa's Latin Translation of the 'Proclamation of Empire' (1936/7),VABB-1,198,218,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431717,,"Decapitation and Sacrifice: St. John's Head in interdisciplinary perspectives: text, object, medium",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431718,,Hem,VABB-4,143,148,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431723,,De schilderijenreeks van de Romeinse zaal van het Hof Bladelin in Brugge,VABB-1,46,50,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431727,,"Kairos. Nachleben, Iconography, Hermeneutics",VABB-1,71,93,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:431729,,The Residual Poetics of Mutiny in Allan Sekula's Ship of Fools / The Dockers' Museum (2010-2013),VABB-1,12,32,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431738,,Marble and the Sea or Echo Emerging: (a ricercar),VABB-1,35,54,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431742,,Marinus van Reymerswaele - Hieronymus in his Study,VABB-4,152,155,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:431745,,Erasmus en Hieronymus Busleyden: één patroonheilige (I-III),VABB-4,65,69,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431748,,Hans Burgkmair (follower) - Triumph of the King of Cochin,VABB-4,316,319,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:431750,,About stains or the image as residue,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431751,,"Late Medieval Enclosed Gardens of the Low Countries Mixed Media, Remnant Art, Récyclage and Gender in the Low Countries (16th c. onwards)",VABB-4,19,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431752,,Revisiting Seth in the Legend of the Wood of the Cross: Interdisciplinary Perspectives between Text and Image,VABB-4,139,162,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431754,,"The manufacture des meubles de la couronne aux Gobelins under Louis XIV: A Social, Political and Cultural History",VABB-3,,,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:431755,,"Conceptual, Surrealist, Pictorial: Photo-based Art in Belgium (1960s-early 1990s)",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:431756,,"Roundtable: Victor Burgin in Conversation with Alexander Streitberger, Stéphane Symons, and Hilde Van Gelder on the Occasion of a Symposium on Parzival",VABB-4,59,74,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431761,,"Remuneratie curator. Het bureau voor rechtsbijstand is geen insolventieverzekeraar, maar wie dan wel?",VABB-1,566,576,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431764,,Innovatie en Disruptie in het Economisch Recht,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431768,,"All creditors are equal, but some creditors are more equal than others",VABB-1,734,742,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431771,,In subsidiaire orde. (De redactie privaat),VABB-1,411,416,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431772,,Schuldeisersbescherming tegen misbruik van rechtspersonen: het insolventierecht geeft en het vennootschapsrecht neemt?,VABB-1,4,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431776,,De actio pauliana bij fusie en splitsing: een (on)zeker bestaan?,VABB-1,19,28,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431782,,De Digitale Omwenteling in het Recht,VABB-4,5,9,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431783,,"Trekt de hervorming in hoger beroep van een gerechtelijke ontbinding het tapijt weg onder de vereffenaar?, noot onder Cass. 28 oktober 2016",VABB-1,174,185,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431786,,Edmund Burke en de traditie van de artificial reason tegenover natural reason,VABB-4,43,62,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431788,,Pleidooi voor de schrapping van de anterioriteitsvoorwaarde van de Pauliana - De fusie en splitsing als testcase,VABB-1,403,413,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431789,,A Civilian Perspective on Network Contracts and Privity,VABB-1,1739,1776,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431794,,"Ze is zo relatief, meneer: tenuitvoerlegging van de pauliana na samenloop – Komt pauliana-executie boedelbewindvoerder of agerende schuldeiser toe?",VABB-1,747,751,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431800,,Ook een rechtspersoon mag waardig sterven. De pauliana tegen de splitsing van een insolvente vennootschap,VABB-1,369,378,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431802,,Eén ambtenaar maakt het gewest nog niet: gewestelijk stedenbouwkundig inspecteur niet bevoegd om schadevergoeding te vorderen voor benadelende verarming,VABB-1,194,198,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431815,,Testamentaire vrijheid en multiculturaliteit,VABB-4,389,407,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431816,,Le projet de réforme du Code civil entre dans une nouvelle phase : la consultation publique,VABB-1,533,536,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:431831,,Monitoring serial transnational World Heritage – the Central Asian Silk Roads experience,VABB-1,260,273,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:431834,,Reusing Urban Convents as State Schools in Belgian Towns (1773-1803),VABB-1,31,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:431836,,The Antwerp (stair) case: how a modernist architect staged his educational and ideological programme,VABB-1,799,826,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431840,,Spatial Practices and theInstitutionalization of Water Sanitation Services in SouthernMetropolises: The case of Jakarta and its Kampung Kojan,VABB-1,926,945,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431842,,Does the post-disaster resilient city really exist? A critical analysis of the heterogeneous transformative capacities of housing reconstruction 'resilience cells',VABB-1,275,291,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431846,,Tales of the City. The Image of the Netherlandish Artist in the Sixteenth Century,VABB-4,113,129,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431847,,Book review: The Aesthetics of Architecture by Roger Scruton,VABB-1,207,2014,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431853,,"Small and medium-sized town in Europe. Conceptual, methodological and policy issues - Introduction to the special issue",VABB-1,365,379,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431855,,"Strategic planning and institutional change, a karst river phenomenon",VABB-4,331,347,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:431856,,Architectures of Festival in Early Modern Europe: Fashioning and Re-fashioning Urban and Courtly Space,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431857,,Building Techniques in Architectural Treatises: Construction Practices versus Technical Writings (thematic collection of 6 articles),VABB-1,25,162,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431858,,"From Guessing to ‘Gissing’: HisGIS Analysis for Mapping Urban Transformation and Military Reuse of Suppressed Convents in Brussels, Antwerp and Bruges (1773-1860)",VABB-5,364,389,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431859,,A feminist in disguise? Sibyl Moholy-Nagy's histories of architecture and the environment,VABB-4,39,48,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431862,,"Hieronymus Cock’s view of Antwerp (1557): its genesis and offspring, from Antwerp to Italy",VABB-1,171,196,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431864,,Pedagogical experiment: Urban strategies and urban actions as result of a multidisciplinary approach towards community development,VABB-4,31,51,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431865,,Spatial trends of towns in Europe: the performance of regions with low degrees of urbanisation,VABB-1,403,423,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431866,,Entrevista,VABB-1,6,11,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:431867,,Documentation for Preservation: Methodology and a GIS Database of Three World Heritage Cities in Uzbekistan,VABB-5,311,318,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431872,,Ambiguity as agency: critical opportunists in the neoliberal city,VABB-1,175,186,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431873,,Kana Nos Kosta 2012 - 2015: Une mise en perspective,VABB-4,137,154,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431875,,Spazi d'Innovazione Sociale,VABB-4,71,93,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:431878,,La destruction de la cathédrale de Thérouanne en 1553 et le sort de son portail,VABB-1,51,55,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:431879,,The ‘Sino-Christian Style’: A Major Tool for Architectural Indigenization,VABB-4,195,232,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431881,,What Public Visualization Can Learn from Street Art,VABB-1,90,91,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431884,,Being wheeled through the hospital: designing for hospital patients’ spatial experience in motion,VABB-4,169,185,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431885,,Fair by design. Addressing the paradox of inclusive design approaches,VABB-1,S3162,S3170,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431887,,Ten questions concerning inclusive design of the built environment,VABB-1,507,517,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431888,,FixMyStreet Brussels: Socio-Demographic Inequality in Crowdsourced Civic Participation,VABB-1,65,87,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431889,,Amidst shifting paradigms: teaching & research,VABB-1,84,89,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:431890,,"Rojas Bernal, C. (2017). DWELLING IN AN ECOLOGICAL SUBSTRATE. Landscape based strategies for flood adaptation in the Sabana de Bogotá",VABB-5,1,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431891,,Vuoti a perdere? The linear Sile landscape,VABB-5,281,288,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:431894,,Synchronized Wayfinding on Multiple Consecutively Situated Public Displays,VABB-5,182,196,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:431895,,LANDSCAPE OF BRICOLAGE: Spatial configurations and spatial practices at in-between territories in the Andes,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431897,,Insights into living with dementia: Five implications for architectural design,VABB-5,55,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431901,,Water infrastructure and social housing in Bogotá. An intersection between modern water management and social housing production,VABB-5,1,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:431902,,Replicating an In-The-Wild Study One Year Later: Comparing Prototypes with Different Material Dimensions,VABB-5,1321,1325,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431904,,QualiBuddy: an online tool to improve research skills in qualitative data analysis,VABB-1,306,318,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431905,,Naar een hernieuwbaar energielandschap,VABB-4,40,45,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431906,,The Impact of a Narrative Design Strategy for Information Visualization on a Public Display,VABB-5,833,838,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431907,,Phygital Heritage: an Approach for Heritage Communication,VABB-5,220,229,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431908,,Informing hospital design through research on patient experience,VABB-1,S2389,S2396,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431909,,Modernisme(s) Approprié(s) / Appropriate(d) Modernisms,VABB-1,9,28,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:431911,,Learning analytics dashboards to support adviser-student dialogue,VABB-1,389,399,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:431913,,How can research on patient experience inform hospital design? A case study on improving wayfinding,VABB-5,345,357,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431914,,The Role of Tangible Interaction for Communicating Qualitative Information of Built Heritage,VABB-5,441,444,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:431915,,The Concurrent Use of Touch and Mid-Air Gestures or Floor Mat Interaction on a Public Display,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431916,,Caracas 23/01,VABB-1,71,83,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:431917,,The good client: How architect-client dynamics mediate attention to users,VABB-5,174,183,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431918,,How architectural design affords experiences of freedom in residential care for older people,VABB-1,84,92,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431919,,Occupied City. Hotel Cambridge and Central São Paulo between Urban Decay and Resurrection,VABB-4,23,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431920,,Air quality from a social perspective in four European metropolitan areas: Research hypothesis and evidence from the SEFIRA project,VABB-1,58,64,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:431921,,Hydroclimatic conditions and fishing practices at Late Paleolithic Makhadma 4 (Egypt) inferred from stable isotope analysis of otoliths,VABB-1,190,202,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:431922,,Comparison of high-resolution climate model data with a Test Reference Year for building simulations,VABB-5,1865,1872,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431924,,Upgrading of symbolic and synthetic knowledge bases: Evidence from the Chinese automotive and construction industries,VABB-1,276,293,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:431925,,Subjectification in times of indebtedness and neoliberal/austerity urbanism,VABB-1,1206,1227,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:431926,,From a CityGML to an ontology-based approach to support preventive conservation of built cultural heritage,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:431929,,The financialization of a social housing provider,VABB-1,572,587,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431930,,The pre-histories of neoliberal urbanism in the United States,VABB-4,96,118,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431932,,Corporate financialization,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431933,,Geographies of mortgage markets,VABB-4,298,322,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431934,,Neighborhood,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431935,,Family or Money? The False Dilemma in Property Dispossession in Shanghai,VABB-1,194,212,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431936,,"""This is my 'Wo'"": Making Home in Shanghai's Lower Quarter",VABB-4,138,157,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431937,,The alternative financialization of the German housing market,VABB-1,968,989,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431938,,The internationalization of commercial real estate markets in France and Germany,VABB-1,301,320,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431940,,The impact of the 2016 terrorist attacks in Brussels on tourism,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431941,,Regional Development and Leisure in Fryslân: A Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective through Evolutionary Economic Geography,VABB-4,165,182,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:431942,,Conflicto y turismo: una revisión bibliográfica,VABB-5,1,7,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:431943,,"Different similarities or similar differences? Thoughts on koine, oligopoly and regionalism",VABB-5,85,100,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431944,,"Shifts in the carbon dynamics in a tropical lowland river system (Tana River, Kenya) during flooded and non-flooded conditions",VABB-1,141,163,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431945,,Turismo y Memoria en Medellín: Entre el prejuicio y la oportunidad,VABB-5,37,41,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:431946,,"""It Felt Like You Were at War’: State of Exception and Wounded Life in the Shanghai Expo-Induced Domicide",VABB-4,97,119,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431947,,Landslide risk reduction measures: A review of practices and challenges for the tropics,VABB-1,191,221,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431948,,Human induced soil erosion and the implications on crop yield in a small mountainous Mediterranean catchment (SW-Turkey),VABB-1,491,504,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431949,,Multidecadal convection permitting climate simulations over Belgium: Sensitivity of future precipitation extremes,VABB-1,29,36,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431950,,Scenario-based decision support for an integrated management of water resources,VABB-1,485,502,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431951,,Pipeflow response in loess-derived soils to precipitation and groundwater table fluctuations in a temperate humid climate,VABB-1,586,596,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431952,,Imagining the carbon neutral city: the (post)politics of time and space,VABB-1,1762,1778,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431953,,"Domicide, social suffering and symbolic violence in contemporary Shanghai, China",VABB-1,190,213,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431954,,Accurate simulation of transient landscape evolution by eliminating numerical diffusion: the TTLEM 1.0 model,VABB-1,47,66,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431955,,The Dynamic Nature of the Transition from the Nile Floodplain to the Desert in Central Egypt since the Mid-Holocene,VABB-4,239,254,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431956,,"Place, Diversity and Solidarity",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431957,,Lehman Brothers in the Dutch offshore financial centre: the role of shadow banking in increasing leverage and facilitating debt,VABB-1,407,430,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431958,,The Analysis of Historical Maps as an Avenue to the Interpretation of Pre-Industrial Irrigation Practices in Egypt,VABB-4,255,344,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431960,,How Real Estate became ‘Just Another Asset Class’: The Financialization of the Investment Strategies of Dutch Institutional Investors,VABB-1,221,240,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431961,,Geduldig versus ongeduldig kapitaal: commerciële projectontwikkeling in de lage landen,VABB-1,10,33,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:431962,,"Beyond social capital: place, diversity and solidarity",VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431963,,Glyphosate and AMPA distribution in wind-eroded sediment derived from loess soil,VABB-1,1079,1089,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431964,,Spatial and temporal analysis of wind effects on PV modules: consequences for electrical power evaluation,VABB-1,292,299,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431965,,Health effects following subacute exposure to geogenic dust collected from active drainage surfaces,VABB-1,19,31,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431966,,Obstacles to achieving cross-border tourism governance: A multi-scalar approach focusing on the German–Czech borderlands,VABB-1,126,138,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431967,,Closed depressions in the European loess belt – Natural or anthropogenic origin?,VABB-1,111,128,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431968,,Effectiveness of plants and vegetation in erosion control and restoration,VABB-4,79,104,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431969,,Cell Imaging Counting as a Novel Ex Vivo Approach for Investigating Drug-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Zebrafish Larvae,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431970,,Queering Communia: the politics of positionality when doing research on squatting in Romeome,VABB-1,426,437,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431971,,Conditions for Growth of Plants,VABB-4,39,78,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431972,,The reactions of neighbourhoods to the eviction of squatters in Rome: An account of the making of precarious investor subjects,VABB-1,352,367,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:431973,,Synthesis and application of spatial strategies for use of vegetation to minimize connectivity,VABB-4,105,135,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431974,,Tourism and cross-border regional development: Insights in European contexts,VABB-1,1013,1033,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431975,,River landscapes in the Dijle catchment: from natural to anthropogenic meandering rivers,VABB-4,269,280,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431976,,Variability in fluvial geomorphic response to anthropogenic disturbance,VABB-1,20,39,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431977,,Detecting modern desert to urban transitions from space in the surroundings of the Giza World Heritage site and Greater Cairo,VABB-1,71,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:431978,,Multi-criteria-based plant species selection for gully and riverbank stabilization in a sub-humid tropical area,VABB-1,1675,1686,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431979,,Football for Solidarity. Bridging gaps between the Baka and the Bantu in East Cameroon,VABB-4,127,146,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431980,,Estimating radar reflectivity - Snowfall rate relationships and their uncertainties over Antarctica by combining disdrometer and radar observations,VABB-1,211,223,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431982,,Building tourism-resilient communities by incorporating residents’ perceptions? A photo-elicitation study of tourism development in Bruges,VABB-1,127,143,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431983,,Assessment of grass root effects on soil piping in sandy soils using the pinhole test,VABB-1,563,571,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431985,,"Affects, Bodies and Desire: ‘Queering’ Methods and Methodologies to Research Queer Migration",VABB-1,275,288,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431986,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:431987,,Heat stress increase under climate change twice as large in cities as in rural areas: a study for a densely populated midlatitude maritime region,VABB-1,8997,9007,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431988,,Life cycle impacts of topsoil erosion on aquatic biota: case study on Eucalyptus globulus forest,VABB-1,159,171,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:431989,,How do root and soil characteristics affect the erosion-reducing potential of plant species?,VABB-1,186,195,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431991,,Impact of urban canopy models and external parameters on the modelled urban energy balance in a tropical city,VABB-1,1581,1596,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431992,,Flash Floods in the Rwenzori Mountains– Focus on the May 2013 Multyi-Hazard Kilembe Event,VABB-5,631,642,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431993,,Landslide Diversity in the Rwenzori Mountains (Uganda),VABB-5,79,86,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431994,,Do convection-permitting models improve the representation of the impact of LUC?,VABB-1,2749,2763,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431995,,Complexity in the governance of tourism networks: Balancing between external pressure and internal expectations,VABB-1,296,308,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431996,,Impacts of Resettlement Programs on Deforestation of Moist Evergreen Afromontane Forests in Southwest Ethiopia,VABB-1,474,486,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431997,,"Agro-ecological implications of forest and agroforestry systems conversion to cereal-based farming systems in the White Nile Basin, Ethiopia",VABB-1,149,168,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:431998,,The destination triangle. Towards Relational Management,VABB-4,167,188,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432000,,Landform transformation and long-term sediment budget for a Chernozem-dominated lowland agricultural catchment,VABB-1,24,34,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432001,,"International tourism in North Korea: how, where and when does political ideology enter?",VABB-1,260,272,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432003,,Effects of biodiversity loss and restoration scenarios on tree-related ecosystem services,VABB-1,434,443,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432005,,"Determining RUSLE P‐ and C‐factors for stone bunds and trenches in rangeland and cropland, North Ethiopia",VABB-1,812,824,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:432006,,Revisiting lake sediment budgets: How the calculation of lake lifetime is strongly data and method dependent,VABB-1,593,607,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432008,,Cystic fibrosis carriership and tuberculosis: hints toward an evolutionary selective advantage based on data from the Brazilian territory,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432009,,Capital Market Union and residential capitalism in Europe: Rescaling the housing-centred model of financialization,VABB-1,32,50,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432010,,Early warnings of hazardous thunderstorms over Lake Victoria,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432013,,Assessing the current and future urban heat island of Brussels,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432014,,Blowing snow detection from ground-based ceilometers: application to East Antarctica,VABB-1,2755,2772,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432015,,"Landslide characteristics and spatial distribution in the Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda",VABB-1,917,930,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432016,,The variegated financialization of housing,VABB-1,542,554,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432017,,Fucking geographers! Or the epistemological consequences of neglecting the lusty researcher’s body,VABB-1,449,464,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432020,,Soil erosion in the Anthropocene: Research needs,VABB-1,61,84,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432021,,Rainfall and Vegetation Effects on Temporal Variation of Topographic Thresholds for Gully Initiation in Mediterranean Cropland and Olive Groves,VABB-1,2540,2552,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432023,,"Impact of deforestation on soil fertility, soil carbon and nitrogen stocks: the case of the Gacheb catchment in the White Nile Basin, Ethiopia",VABB-1,273,282,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432024,,Impact of landslides on soil characteristics: implications for estimating their age,VABB-1,173,179,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432025,,"Support study on data collection and analysis of active modes use and infrastructure in Europe (Appendix D, Consultation templates)",VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432026,,"Support study on data collection and analysis of active modes use and infrastructure in Europe (Appendix C, Country Reports)",VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432027,,Support study on data collection and analysis of active modes use and infrastructure in Europe (Final Report - Study),VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432029,,A Global Data Analysis for Representing Sediment and Particulate Organic Carbon Yield in Earth System Models,VABB-1,10003,10914,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432030,,Exploring the use of mobile phone data for domestic tourism trip analysis,VABB-1,335,372,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432031,,Modelling sediment fluxes in the Danube River Basin with SWAT,VABB-1,992,1012,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432032,,Governance in Shaky Societies: Experiences and lessons from Christchurch after the earthquakes,VABB-1,365,377,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432033,,Verloren in Sagalassos. Objecten met een Verhaal,VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432036,,City Environmental Footprint – a framework in support of urban sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals,VABB-5,405,413,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432037,,The search for an appropriate end-of-life formula for the purpose of the European Commission Environmental Footprint initiative,VABB-1,1441,1458,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432038,,The Environmental Footprint of Cities: Insights in the steps forward to a new Methodological Approach,VABB-5,635,642,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432040,,Evaluating the hospital building sustainability: Applying a sreening LCA and LCC to the new general hospital in Mechelen,VABB-5,228,235,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432041,,On the implementation and effectiveness of morphological close-open and open-close filters for topology optimization,VABB-1,15,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432043,,Double wall barriers for the reduction of ground vibration transmission,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432044,,"Geometric service life modelling and discounting, a practical method for parametrised life cycle assessment",VABB-1,1191,1209,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432045,,Hospital building sustainability: the experience in using qualitative tools and steps towards the life cycle approach,VABB-5,445,451,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432046,,Energiebesparingen in woningen: renovatiesubsidies vs. afbraak met vervangende nieuwbouw,VABB-1,14,36,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432047,,The Sustainability Assessment of Window Design in Patient Rooms in Hospitals,VABB-5,5222,5229,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432048,,Efficient sound insulation prediction models for plasterboard walls,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432050,,A design tool to assess the heating energy demand and the associated financial and environmental impact in neigbhourhoods,VABB-1,516,523,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432051,,"HOUSING PREFERENCES FOR AFFORDABLE SOCIAL HOUSING PROJECTS IN GUAYAQUIL, ECUADOR",VABB-1,112,139,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432052,,Clustering and Fuzzy Reasoning as Data Mining Methods for the Development of Retrofit Strategies for Building Stocks,VABB-4,437,472,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432053,,Life cycle assessment of prefabricated timber frame 'open-renovation-systems' for rooftop extensions,VABB-5,1612,1619,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432054,,The generation of hierarchic structures via robust 3D topology optimisation,VABB-1,440,455,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432055,,Life Cycle Assessment of Land Use in Neighbourhoods,VABB-5,595,602,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432056,,Témoins de mémoires spécifiques: les monuments aux morts de la Grande Guerre dans le Nord-Pas-de-Calais,VABB-1,67,86,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:432059,,Instrumentum bibliographicum neolatinum,VABB-1,527,609,,lat,2017,2 c:vabb:432060,,The shrug as marker of obviousness. Corpus evidence from Dutch face-to-face conversations,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432061,,Embodied musical meaning-making and multimodal viewpoints in a trumpet master class,VABB-1,10,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432062,,Alignment and empathy as viewpoint phenomena: The case of verbal amplifiers and comical hypotheticals,VABB-1,485,509,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432063,,Multimodality in Interaction,VABB-4,135,156,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432064,,Eye gaze and viewpoint in multimodal interaction management,VABB-1,449,484,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432065,,Multimodale uitdrukkingen van vanzelfsprekendheid. Een empirische corpusstudie,VABB-1,189,222,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432066,,Byzantine Sagalassos,VABB-4,302,311,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432067,,Coin deposits in Roman graves at Turnacum (Belgica secunda) and monetary circulation at the end of the third and the early fourth centuries AD,VABB-5,105,117,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432068,,The Conservation and Degradation of Archaeological Soil Features in Flanders and Brussels: The example of Watermaal-Bosvoorde,VABB-1,170,180,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:432069,,The Outer Coffin of Nefersemdenet (Sq9Sq),VABB-4,309,323,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432070,,Defining production: opportunities and challenges of comparative workshops studies,VABB-5,17,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432071,,Urban Thespiae: the late Hellenistic to late Roman pottery,VABB-4,317,349,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432072,,Hellenistic and Italic amphorae from Sagalassos,VABB-1,97,118,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432073,,Fuel for debating ancient economies. Calculating wood consumption at urban scale in Roman Imperial times,VABB-1,592,599,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432074,,From Formal to Technical Styles: Production Challenges and Economic Implications of Changing Tableware Styles in Roman to Late Antique Sagalassos,VABB-1,61,84,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432075,,Elucidating woody vegetation patterns in relation to soil and topography in tropical Africa: the case of Nech Sar National Park (Ethiopia),VABB-1,45,58,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432076,,A Byzantine church discovered in the village of Aglasun (Burdur): Some more light on Dark Age Pisidia,VABB-1,375,404,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432077,,Subsistence economy and land use strategies in the Burdur province (SW Anatolia) from Prehistory to the Byzantine period,VABB-1,4,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432078,,"En de boer, hij ploegde voort",VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432079,,Comparing digital soil mapping techniques for organic carbon and clay content: Case study in Burundi's central plateaus,VABB-1,161,175,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432080,,Minoan Earthquakes,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432081,,Ce que disent les traces d’outil au sujet du bras sud du transept de la collégiale de Saint-Omer et de son portail,VABB-1,97,111,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:432082,,Munten,VABB-4,15,44,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:432083,,De munten,VABB-4,31,49,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432084,,The Method of 'Sequencing' in Analyzing Egyptian Funerary Texts. The Example of Coffin Texts Spells 283 and 296,VABB-4,599,619,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432086,,A Taste of Time. Foodways and Cultural Practices in Late Achaemenid-Early Hellenistic Düzen Tepe (SW Anatolia),VABB-1,63,95,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432088,,"The 2011 to 2016 excavation campaigns at Site PQ2, Sagalassos. Dissecting a suburban club house (schola)",VABB-1,1,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432090,,Late Achaemenid and Early Hellenistic Pisidian Material Culture from Düzen Tepe (SW Anatolia),VABB-1,11,47,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432091,,The Pottery of Late Achaemenid Sagalassos: an overview,VABB-1,49,62,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432092,,Intestinal parasites from the 2nd-5th century AD latrine in the Roman Baths at Sagalassos (Turkey),VABB-1,37,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432093,,Les scènes du culte royal à Edfou : Pour une étude diachronique des scènes rituelles des temples de l’époque gréco-romaine,VABB-4,389,418,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:432095,,Chapter 15: Living on the margins. First results from the Dereköy Archaeological Survey of the Sagalassos Project in the Western Taurus Mountains,VABB-4,321,346,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432097,,The pottery of the Early Dynastic and the late Old Kingdom settlement at Elkab (Excavation Season 2010),VABB-4,259,276,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432099,,Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan. 2017 Addition,VABB-1,75,89,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432102,,‘Facing conservation' or 'Conservation with a human face'? People-park relations in southern Ethiopia,VABB-1,290,309,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432104,,The Egyptian Execration Statuettes (EES) Project,VABB-4,667,670,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432106,,"A reconstruction of the stratigraphic position of a former Middle Palaeolithic surface site at Rotselaar - Toren ter Heide (Flemish Valley, Belgium) using mechanical sounding and geochemical fingerprinting",VABB-1,380,390,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432107,,I-125 brachytherapy in younger prostate cancer patients : Outcomes in low- and intermediate-risk disease,VABB-1,707,713,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432108,,Sclerostin and chronic kidney disease: the assay impacts what we (thought to) know,VABB-1,1404,1410,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:432109,,Combining Instance and Feature neighbors for Efficient Multi-label Classification,VABB-5,109,118,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432111,,Serum Creatinine: Not So Simple!,VABB-1,302,308,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432112,,The use of uHear™ to screen for hearing loss in older patients with cancer as part of a comprehensive geriatric assessment,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432113,,Transanal Endoscopic Operation for Benign Rectal Lesions and T1 Carcinoma,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432114,,Joint Survival Analysis and Clinical Outcome of Total Joint Arthroplasties With the ARPE Implant in the Treatment of Trapeziometacarpal Osteoarthritis With a Minimal Follow-Up of 5 Years,VABB-1,630,638,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432115,,"The distress thermometer predicts subjective, but not objective, cognitive complaints six months after treatment initiation in cancer patients receiving a curative cancer treatment",VABB-1,741,757,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432116,,A Longitudinal Supra-Inguinal Fascia Iliaca Compartment Block Reduces Morphine Consumption After Total Hip Arthroplasty,VABB-1,327,333,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432117,,Feature Induction and Network Mining with Clustering Tree Ensembles,VABB-1,3,18,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432118,,Measuring and estimating glomerular filtration rate in children,VABB-1,249,263,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432119,,The closure of arteriovenous fistula in kidney transplant recipients is associated with an acceleration of kidney function decline,VABB-1,196,200,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432120,,Central Venous Pressure Drop After Hypovolemic Phlebotomy is a Strong Independent Predictor of Intraoperative Blood Loss During Liver Resection,VABB-1,1367,1375,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432121,,Variations of parathyroid hormone and bone biomarkers are concordant only after a long term follow-up in hemodialyzed patients,VABB-1,12623,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432122,,Newer GFR Estimating Equations Require Validation in Different Populations,VABB-1,586,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432123,,Early detection of platinum-induced ototoxicity in adults,VABB-1,85,92,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432124,,Totally extraperitoneal laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair using a self-expanding nitinol framed hernia repair device: A prospective case series,VABB-1,139,144,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432125,,Stable metabolic disease on FDG-PET provides information on response to endocrine therapy for breast cancer,VABB-1,108,114,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432126,,The diagnostic value of rescaled renal biomarkers serum creatinine and serum cystatin C and their relation with measured glomerular filtration rate,VABB-1,164,170,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432127,,Impact of the type of dialysis membranes on the circulating concentration of markers of vitamin D metabolism,VABB-1,43,47,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432128,,Glomerular Filtration Rate in Healthy Living Potential Kidney Donors: A Meta-Analysis Supporting the Construction of the Full Age Spectrum Equation,VABB-1,105,119,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432130,,Predicting human olfactory perception from chemical features of odor molecules,VABB-1,820,826,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432131,,Data on the relation between renal biomarkers and measured glomerular filtration rate,VABB-1,763,772,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432132,,Discrepancies between the Cockcroft-Gault and Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology (CKD-EPI) Equations: Implications for Refining Drug Dosage Adjustment Strategies,VABB-1,193,205,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432133,,Estimating glomerular filtration rate for the full age spectrum from serum creatinine and cystatin C,VABB-1,497,507,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432134,,Measured (and estimated) glomerular filtration rate: reference values in West Africa,VABB-1,1176,1180,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:432135,,"Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. European Conference, ECML PKDD 2017 Skopje, Macedonia, September 18–22, 2017 Proceedings, Part I",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432136,,Integrin-linked kinase regulates bone formation by controlling cytoskeletal organization and modulating BMP and Wnt signaling in osteoprogenitors,VABB-1,2087,2102,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432137,,"Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. European Conference, ECML PKDD 2017 Skopje, Macedonia, September 18–22, 2017 Proceedings, Part II",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432138,,De relatieve beëindiging van onroerende beperkte zakelijke rechten,VABB-1,455,528,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432139,,Familierechtbank onbevoegd voor preferentiële toewijzing van het genot van de onverdeelde gezinswoning in geval van partnergeweld tussen feitelijk samenwonenden,VABB-1,66,69,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432140,,Schenking en vererving van het familiebedrijf in het Brussels Gewest: de nieuwe spelregels sinds 1 januari 2017,VABB-1,273,299,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432143,,Co-ouderschap vandaag en morgen,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432145,,Liber Amicorum Patrick Senaeve,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432146,,Van vadersnaam naar dubbele naam,VABB-4,75,93,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432150,,De slangenkuil van art. 815 BW (noot onder Gent 29 oktober 2015),VABB-1,860,867,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432152,,Functional and clinical relevance of novel and known PCSK1 variants for childhood obesity and glucose metabolism,VABB-1,295,305,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432157,,Legal Conversation as Signifier,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432158,,Overzicht van rechtspraak (2008-2016) - De feitelijke samenwoning,VABB-1,4,36,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432160,,Over de doden niets dan goeds? Afbeeldingen van overledenen en de rechten van familieleden,VABB-4,115,140,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432161,,Hiërarchie tussen de remedies bindt zowel de eindverkoper als de consument: focus op herstel en vervanging is en blijft essentieel (noot onder Bergen 22 december 2016),VABB-1,98,107,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432162,,Bewijsrechtelijke vraagstukken rond informatiegaring en -gebruik in het raam van mystery shopping-praktijken,VABB-4,53,76,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432164,,Mystery shopping,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432165,,Het lot van zakelijke rechten bij faillissement van de medecontractant. Of de eenheid van het vermogensrecht,VABB-1,1133,1136,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:432172,,"Affirmative Land Burdens in German, Dutch and Belgian Law: Possibilities, Restrictions and Workarounds",VABB-1,196,235,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432178,,Hoe koosjer is onverdoofd slachten?,VABB-1,1563,1581,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432180,,Meerouderschap en meeroudergezag: raakt Nederland de tel kwijt?,VABB-1,120,126,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432184,,Digital content & distance sales. New developments at EU level,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432185,,Commercial guarantees in the proposal for a directive on certain aspects concerning contracts for the online and other distance sales of goods,VABB-4,233,264,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432186,,Van co-ouderschap naar intentioneel meerouderschap,VABB-4,79,113,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432190,,Is alles van waarde weerloos? Het behoud van het onroerend erfgoed en het Decreet Complexe Projecten,VABB-1,275,307,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:432195,,Groen licht voor aanwasbedingen die gekoppeld zijn aan de duurtijd van de relatie,VABB-1,54,62,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432203,,Voorwerp en omvang van de leveringsplicht,VABB-4,113,164,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:432205,,Property Law: Beyond Dogmas?,VABB-1,119,122,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432207,,Vriendschap in het privaatrecht,VABB-1,1141,1152,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:432210,,Kroniek Intellectuele Rechten (2015-2016),VABB-1,282,303,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432211,,De nieuwe regeling voor hypothecair krediet: focus op de precontractuele fase,VABB-1,846,864,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432212,,Concubanten bouwen op de eigen grond van één van hen: de stilzwijgende verzaking aan de natrekking als zakenrechtelijke remedie?,VABB-4,421,438,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432213,,Onterechte betaling door een bewindvoerder in een insolventieprocedure: is een terugvordering mogelijk?,VABB-1,1467,1470,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432214,,Retention of title or the transfer of ownership in a slideaway: Ownership in adultery?,VABB-1,421,439,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432215,,FBB op buitenlandse dividenden: DBV met Frankrijk bevat volgens Cassatie een autonome verrekeningsverplichting,VABB-1,898,902,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432218,,Heeft de vordering uit ongerechtvaardigde verrijking tussen feitelijk samenwonenden kans op slagen?,VABB-4,281,298,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432219,,Real estate publicity in a blockchain world: a critical assessment,VABB-1,441,477,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432226,,Nederlandse Hoge Raad oordeelt over verdragskwalificatie ontslagvergoeding en juridische waarde onderling akkoord,VABB-1,604,608,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432227,,Subsidiariteit vormt geen beletsel voor de ondergeschikte toepassing van de vordering uit ongerechtvaardigde verrijking,VABB-1,269,272,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432228,,The sharing economy in Belgium - a case for regulation?,VABB-1,45,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432229,,Transparantie en onrechtmatige bedingen: nood aan hervorming?,VABB-1,13,81,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432230,,"Consumers, by Definition, Include Us All’ … But Not for Every Transaction",VABB-1,271,286,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432231,,Wet elektronische handel zou geen argument mogen zijn om een e-mail volledig te verwerpen als bewijs bij een verkoop van onroerende goederen,VABB-1,83,90,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432233,,De vertrouwensleer c.q. schijnvertegenwoordiging bij het scheepsbeslag en een nuancering van de toerekenbaarheidsvereiste (noot onder Cass. 30 juni en 26 september 2016),VABB-1,509,515,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432236,,"E-commerce, verkoop op afstand",VABB-4,47,91,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:432238,,De strafrechtelijke vervolging van de Antwerpse volksvertegenwoordiger Leo Augusteyns wegens kwaadwillige verklikking aan de vijand (1918-1921),VABB-1,88,113,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432239,,Twee Antwerpse volksvertegenwoordigers op de beklaagdenbank. De strafrechtelijke vervolging voor activisme van Leo Augusteyns en Adelfons Henderickx (1919-1920),VABB-1,26,64,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:432240,,Comment mieux harmoniser ou unifier le droit d’auteur dans l’Union européenne ?,VABB-1,4,43,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:432243,,The Effect of Political Science Education on Political Trust and Interest: Results from a Five Year Panel Study,VABB-1,33,45,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432244,,Let’s Talk Politics: Which Individual and Classroom Compositional Characteristics Matter in Classroom Discussions?,VABB-1,18,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432245,,Mafia in the ballot box,VABB-1,134,167,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:432246,,Value chains and technology transfer to agriculture in developing and emerging economies,VABB-1,1403,1418,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432247,,"The rapid expansion of herbicide use in smallholder agriculture in Ethiopia: patterns, drivers, and implications",VABB-1,628,647,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432248,,Decomposing response errors in food consumption measurement: implications for survey design from a survey experiment in Tanzania,VABB-1,94,111,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432249,,Choosing an informative agenda setter: The appointment of the Commission in the European Union,VABB-1,145,167,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432250,,Uganda: a new set of utility consitent poverty lines,VABB-4,140,159,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432251,,There is an app for that? The impact of community knowledge workers in Uganda,VABB-1,530,550,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432252,,Introducing a new dataset: budget support suspensions as a sanctioning device: an overview from 1999-2014,VABB-1,143,152,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432253,,The impact of conditional cash transfers on the matriculation of junior high school students into rural China’s high schools (forthcoming),VABB-1,41,60,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432254,,Two state disputes and outside intervention: the case of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,VABB-1,69,93,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432256,,Economic experiments as a tool for agricultural policy evaluation: insights from the European CAP,VABB-1,667,694,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432257,,Cuba: agricultural transition and food security in a global perspective,VABB-1,413,448,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432258,,"Fertility, agricultural labor supply, and production: instrumental variable evidence from Uganda",VABB-1,581,607,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432260,,How beer created Belgium (and the Netherlands): the contribution of beer taxes to war finance during the Dutch Revolt,VABB-4,35,66,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432261,,"Agricultural extension messages using video on portable devices. Increased knowledge about seed selection, storage and handling among smallholder potato farmers in Southwestern Uganda",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432262,,"Culture, diffusion, and economic development: the problem of observational equivalence",VABB-1,94,100,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432263,,Imported intermediate inputs and firms' productivity growth: evidence from the food industry,VABB-1,280,300,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432264,,Public good provision in Indian rural areas: the returns to collective action by microfinance groups,VABB-1,97,128,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432265,,Supply chains and economic development: insights form the Indian dairy sector,VABB-1,128,142,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432266,,"Defusing the social minefield of gold sites in Kamituga, South Kivu. From legal pluralism to the re-making of institutions?",VABB-1,356,368,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432267,,Orphanhood and self-esteem: an 18-year longitudinal study from an HIV-affected area in Tanzania,VABB-1,225,230,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432268,,"Standards, tariffs and trade: the rise and fall of the raisin trade between Greece and France in the late 19th century",VABB-1,711,740,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432269,,Creating a more competitive PPP procurement market: a game-theoretical analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432270,,Due time driven surgery scheduling,VABB-1,326,352,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432271,,An efficient solution method to design the cost-minimizing platform portfolio,VABB-1,236,250,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432272,,Incorporation of activity sensitivity measures into buffer management to manage project schedule risk,VABB-1,717,727,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432273,,"The application of Quick Response Manufacturing practices in Brazil, Europe, and the USA: an exploratory study",VABB-1,437,448,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432274,,A multi-criteria approach to robust outsourcing decision-making in stochastic manufacturing systems,VABB-1,275,288,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432275,,A stochastic model for interterminal container transportation,VABB-1,67,87,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432276,,Breaking silos,VABB-1,327,356,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432277,,A method for detecting malfunctions in PV solar panels based on electricity production monitoring,VABB-1,51,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432278,,A genetic algorithm for the robust resource leveling problem,VABB-1,43,60,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432279,,Comparison of Kriging-based algorithms for simulation optimization with heterogeneous noise,VABB-1,279,301,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432280,,A new policy class for the stochastic RCPSP,VABB-5,102,105,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432281,,Tri-Vizor uses an efficient algorithm to identify collaborative shipping opportunities,VABB-1,244,259,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432282,,Collaborative shipping under different cost-sharing agreements,VABB-1,827,837,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432283,,Numerical study of inventory management under various maintenance policies,VABB-1,262,273,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432284,,An ex ante bidding model to assess the incentive creation capability of a public-private partnership pipeline,VABB-1,117,131,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432286,,Improved critical chain buffer management framework considering resource costs and schedule stability,VABB-1,159,183,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432287,,Sovereign credit rating determinants: a comparison before and after the European debt crisis,VABB-1,108,121,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432288,,Semiparametric copula quantile regression for complete or censored data,VABB-1,1660,1698,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432289,,Copula directed acyclic graphs,VABB-1,55,78,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432290,,Supervised dimension reduction for multivariate time series,VABB-1,57,69,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432292,,Modelling censored losses using splicing: a global fit strategy with mixed Erlang and extreme value distributions,VABB-1,65,77,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432293,,Cellwise robust regularized discriminant analysis,VABB-1,436,447,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:432295,,Time to default in credit scoring using survival analysis: a benchmark study,VABB-1,652,665,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432297,,Bias-corrected confidence intervals in a class of linear inverse problems,VABB-1,203,228,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432302,,Optimization modelling for analyzing fantasy sport games,VABB-1,275,294,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432303,,Goodness-of-fit tests in semiparametric transformation models using the integrated regression function,VABB-1,10,30,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432304,,Winner determination in geometrical combinatorial auctions,VABB-1,254,263,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432306,,Robust maximum association estimators,VABB-1,436,445,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432307,,Test sequencing for sequential system diagnosis with precedence constraints and imperfect tests,VABB-1,104,116,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432310,,Exact algorithms for the Equitable Traveling Salesman Problem,VABB-1,475,485,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432311,,Symmetry and stimulus class formation in humans: Control by temporal location in a successive matching task,VABB-1,335,350,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432314,,An exact algorithm for parallel machine scheduling with conflicts,VABB-1,355,372,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432316,,Minimum-cost diagnostic strategies for k-out-of-n systems with imperfect tests,VABB-1,185,196,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432317,,Quantifying the explanatory power of mobility-related attributes in explaining vehicle ownership decisions,VABB-1,2,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432318,,Parametrically guided local quasi-likelihood with censored data,VABB-1,2773,2799,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432319,,Balanced vector optimization,VABB-5,92,102,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432320,,Robust principal component analysis based on trimming around affine subspaces,VABB-1,1437,1459,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432322,,Optimal solutions for minimum-cost sequential system testing,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432323,,A comparison of variational approximations for fast inference in mixed logit models,VABB-1,93,125,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432324,,UI-GEAR: user interface generation preview capable to adapt in real-time,VABB-5,277,284,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432326,,A service-oriented architecture design of decision-aware information systems: decision as a service,VABB-5,353,361,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432327,,An evaluation framework for design-time context-adaptation of process modelling languages,VABB-5,112,125,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432328,,Towards a theoretical framework to explain root causes of errors in manually acquired data,VABB-5,15:1,15:10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432330,,Domain modelling in Bloom: deciphering how we teach it,VABB-5,3,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432331,,Challenges in refactoring processes to include decision modelling,VABB-5,529,541,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432332,,Profit driven business analytics - a practitioner’s guide to transforming big data into added value,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432335,,The explanatory power of the Delone & McLean model in the public sector: a mixed method test,VABB-1,41,55,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432336,,Decision mining in a broader context: an overview of the current landscape and future directions,VABB-5,197,207,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432337,,Reexamining e-participation: systematic literature review on citizen participation in e-government service delivery,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432338,,Towards assessing the theoretical complexity of the decision model and notation (DMN),VABB-5,64,71,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432339,,Unlocking the potential of the process perspective in business transformation,VABB-5,161,176,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432340,,Personalized adaptation in pervasive systems via non-functional requirements,VABB-1,1729,1743,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:432343,,Contextual requirements prioritization and its application to smart homes,VABB-5,94,109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432344,,Assessing the influence of feedback-inclusive rapid prototyping on understanding the semantics of parallel UML statecharts by novice modelers,VABB-1,159,172,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432345,,Data analytics applications in education,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432346,,"Social network analytics for churn prediction in telco: model building, evaluation and network architecture",VABB-1,204,220,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432347,,Automating Immediate and Personalized Feedback Taking Conceptual Modelling Education to a Next Level,VABB-5,439,+,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432348,,Dropout prediction in MOOCs: a comparison between process and sequence mining,VABB-5,243,255,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:432349,,Towards a holistic discovery of decisions in process-aware information systems,VABB-5,183,199,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432350,,Predicting software revision outcomes on GitHub using structural holes theory,VABB-1,114,124,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432351,,Similarity-based approaches for determining the number of trace clusters in process discovery,VABB-1,19,42,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432352,,Benchmarking sampling techniques for imbalance learning in churn prediction,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432353,,Support for verifying pervasive behavior by mapping task models to petri nets,VABB-5,181,188,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432355,,Multi-objective trace clustering: finding more balanced solutions,VABB-5,49,60,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432356,,Developing a modelling and mining framework for integrated processes and decisions,VABB-5,259,269,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:432357,,Fodina: a robust and flexible heuristic process discovery technique,VABB-1,109,118,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432360,,Citizen participation in smart cities: evaluation framework proposal,VABB-5,227,236,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432361,,Improved student feedback with process and data analytics,VABB-4,11,37,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432363,,A note on explicit versus implicit information for job recommendation,VABB-1,26,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432364,,GOTCHA! Network-based fraud detection for social security fraud,VABB-1,3090,3110,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432365,,Change visualisation: analysing the resource and timing differences between two event logs,VABB-1,106,123,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432367,,Evaluating business process maturity models,VABB-1,461,486,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432368,,ProfARIMA: a profit-driven order identification algorithm for ARIMA models in sales forecasting,VABB-1,775,785,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:432369,,Ontology-based data integration in multi-disciplinary engineering environments: a review,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432370,,Is your company ready for HR analytics?,VABB-1,20,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432371,,Knowledge change management and analysis in engineering cyber physical production systems: a use case of hydro power plants,VABB-5,105,112,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432372,,An approach for incorporating expert knowledge in trace clustering,VABB-5,561,576,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432373,,Towards a precise definition of data accuracy and a justification for its measure,VABB-5,16:1,16:13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432376,,An empirical comparison of techniques for the class imbalance problem in churn prediction,VABB-1,84,99,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432378,,Defining analytics maturity indicators: a survey approach,VABB-1,114,124,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432379,,Subscales of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale differentially relate to the Big Five factors of personality,VABB-1,254,259,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432380,,Business-cycle research in marketing,VABB-4,361,384,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432382,,Up speeds you down. Awe-evoking monumental buildings trigger behavioral and perceived freezing,VABB-1,112,125,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432383,,The impact of the business cycle on service providers: Insights from international tourism,VABB-1,22,38,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432384,,Handling tempting food in a non-consummatory context reduces subsequent consumption of other tempting food: an extension beyond sweet snacks,VABB-1,97,103,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432385,,"Marketing research on product-harm crises: A review, managerial implications, and an agenda for future research",VABB-1,593,615,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432386,,The Clash of the Titans: On Retailer and Manufacturer Vulnerability in Conflict Delistings,VABB-1,118,135,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432387,,Measuring the willingness-to-pay for others' consumption: an application to joint decisions of children,VABB-1,1037,1082,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432388,,Marketing budget allocation across countries: The role of the international business cycle,VABB-1,792,809,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432389,,Valuing resource valuation in consumer research: An introduction,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432390,,The conundrum of modern art: Prestige driven coevolutionary aesthetics trumps evolutionary aesthetics among art experts,VABB-1,16,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432391,,Let your banner wave? Antecedents and performance implications of retailers’ private-label branding strategies,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432393,,The battle of traditional retailers versus discounters: The role of PL tiers,VABB-1,11,22,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432394,,Brand extension similarity can backfire when you look for something specific,VABB-1,5,6,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432395,,Models for the financial performance effects of marketing,VABB-4,117,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432397,,Employee development and voluntary turnover: Testing the employability paradox,VABB-1,152,168,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432398,,Flexible job search behaviour among unemployed jobseekers: antecedents and outcomes,VABB-1,862,882,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432399,,To seek or not to seek: Is that the only question? Recent developments in feedback-seeking literature,VABB-1,213,239,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432400,,Challenging the uniformity myth in career counseling outcome studies: Examining the role of initial career counseling goals,VABB-1,159,172,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432401,,"Keep the expert! Occupational expertise, perceived employability and job search: A study across age groups",VABB-1,318,332,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432403,,Promoting positive outcomes through strengths interventions: A literature review,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432404,,What If people’s private life constrained their career decisions? Examining the relationship between home-to-career interference and career satisfaction,VABB-1,124,141,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432407,,How to allow flexible work without playing favorites,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432409,,Clarifying the dynamic interrelation of conflicts between the work and home domain and counterproductive work behaviour,VABB-1,457,467,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432410,,Psychological Detachment Mediating the Daily Relationship between Workload and Marital Satisfaction,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432415,,How Much Effort Will I Put into My Work? It Depends on Your Type of Motivation,VABB-4,354,372,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432424,,The Influence of Preference Information on Equivalent Income,VABB-1,489,507,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432445,,Connecting entrepreneurship with policy experimentation? The EU framework for social innovation,VABB-1,147,167,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432447,,"The effectiveness of a community-based fundamental motor skill intervention in children aged 3-8 years: Results of the ""Multimove for Kids"" project.",VABB-1,184,189,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432450,,The effect of a dynamic chair on seated energy expenditure,VABB-1,1384,1392,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432451,,Associations between physical activity and health-related fitness - volume versus pattern,VABB-1,539,546,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432454,,‘Join The Walk?’: Short-Term and Follow-up Effects of a 10-Week Walking Intervention in Patients with a Mental Disorder,VABB-1,73,82,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432455,,Less hip joint loading only during running rather than walking in elderly compared to young adults,VABB-1,155,161,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432458,,The Genetic Background of Metabolic Trait Clusters in Children and Adolescents,VABB-1,329,336,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432459,,"Stability of physical activity, fitness components and diet quality indices",VABB-1,519,524,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432460,,Development and Validation of the Characteristics of Resilience in Sports Teams Inventory,VABB-1,158,178,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432461,,Short- and long-term effectiveness of a three-month individualized need-supportive physical activity counseling intervention at the workplace,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432462,,"“Yes, we can!” – A review on team confidence in sports",VABB-1,98,103,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432463,,A Genetic Epidemiological Mega Analysis of Smoking Initiation in Adolescents,VABB-1,401,409,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432464,,A social identity approach to leadership development: The 5R program,VABB-1,113,124,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432466,,Biological and environmental determinants of 12-minute run performance in youth,VABB-1,607,613,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432467,,Effects of improved Content Knowledge on Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Student Performance in Physical Education,VABB-1,71,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432468,,Sport and ageing: a systematic review of the determinants and trends of participation in sport for older adults,VABB-1,976,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432469,,Exploring strategies to improve the health promotion orientation of Flemish sports clubs,VABB-1,681,690,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432471,,The effects of conservative treatments on burn scars: a systematic review,VABB-1,508,518,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432472,,Does a video displaying a stair climbing model increase stair use in a worksite setting?,VABB-1,11,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432473,,Optimal environments for team functioning in sport organizations,VABB-4,235,255,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432474,,Sources of practice knowledge among Australian fitness trainers,VABB-1,741,750,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432475,,Gender Differences in Physical Activity Motivators and Context Preferences: a Population-Based Study in People in their Sixties,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432476,,Joint power generation differentiates young and adult sprinters during the transition from block start into acceleration: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,452,462,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432479,,Coaching is Teamwork! The Role of Need-Supportive Coaching and the Motivational Climate in Stimulating Proactivity in Volleyball Teams,VABB-1,319,328,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432484,,Limited potential of genetic predisposition scores to predict muscle mass and strength performance in Flemish Caucasians between 19-73 years of age,VABB-1,160,166,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432485,,"Nutritional status and height, weight and BMI centiles of school-aged children and adolescents of 6-18-years from Kinshasa (DRC)",VABB-1,554,561,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432487,,Sex difference in the heat shock response to high external load resistance training in older humans,VABB-1,46,53,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432488,,Ergometer-cycling with strict versus minimal contact supervision among the oldest adults: a cluster-randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,112,122,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432490,,Twin Resemblance in Muscle HIF-1α Responses to Hypoxia and Exercise,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432494,,Short- and long-term effects of a need-supportive physical activity intervention among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A randomized controlled pilot trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432495,,"Participation trends in holistic movement practices: a 10-year comparison of yoga/Pilates and t'ai chi/qigong use among a national sample of 195,926 Australians",VABB-1,296,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432496,,Changes in use of time across retirement: A longitudinal study,VABB-1,70,76,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432498,,The association between social support and physical activity in older adults: A systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432500,,"Training load does not affect detraining's effect on muscle volume, muscle strength and functional capacity among older adults",VABB-1,30,37,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432501,,Effects of resistance training at different loads on inflammatory markers in young adults,VABB-1,511,519,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432502,,Is perceived athlete leadership quality related to team effectiveness? A comparison of three professional sports teams,VABB-1,800,806,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432505,,"Sports, poverty and the role of the voluntary sector. Exploring and explaining nonprofit sports clubs' efforts to facillitate participation of socially disadvantaged people",VABB-1,307,334,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432506,,The effect of a specialized content knowledge workshop on teaching and learning Basic Life Support in elementary school: a cluster randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,17,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432510,,"Loneliness in early adolescence: Friendship quality, friendship quantity, and dyadic processes",VABB-1,709,720,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432511,,Are media reports able to cause somatic symptoms attributed to WiFi radiation? An experimental test of the negative expectation hypothesis,VABB-1,265,271,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432512,,Adolescents’ Loneliness and Depression Associated with Friendship Experiences and Well-Being: A Person-Centered Approach,VABB-1,429,441,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:432513,,Struggling with Adversities of Life: The Role of Forgiveness in Patients Suffering from Fibromyalgia,VABB-1,528,534,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432515,,Loneliness in children and adolescents with chronic physical conditions: A meta-analysis,VABB-1,622,635,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432516,,Intimate and relational loneliness in adolescence,VABB-1,2059,2069,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432517,,Attentional networks in boys with ADHD or autism spectrum disorder and the relationship with effortful control,VABB-1,228,239,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432518,,Directionality of effects between non-suicidal self-injury and identity formation: A cross-lagged prospective study in adolescents,VABB-1,124,129,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432519,,Spirituality and well-being in old age: Exploring the dimensions of spirituality in relation to late-life functioning,VABB-1,2167,2181,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:432521,,KiVa: pesten stoppen doe je samen,VABB-1,85,91,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432522,,Identity Processes and Statuses in Patients with and without Eating Disorders,VABB-1,26,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432523,,Identity processes and intrinsic and extrinsic goal pursuits: Directionality of effects in college students,VABB-1,1758,1771,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432524,,"Parenting Styles, Identity Development, and Adjustment in Career Transitions: The mediating Role of Psychological Needs",VABB-1,83,97,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432525,,The role of preschool teacher-child interactions in academic adjustment: An intervention study with Playing-2-gether;,VABB-1,345,364,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432526,,Ten Prisoners on a Search for Meaning: A Qualitative Study of Loss and Growth During Incarceration,VABB-1,162,178,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432527,,Developmental change in loneliness and attitudes toward aloneness in adolescence,VABB-1,148,161,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432528,,Subtypes in borderline patients based on reactive and regulative temperament,VABB-1,14,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432529,,"Identity Statuses Throughout Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: A Large-Scale Study into Gender, Age, and Contextual Differences",VABB-1,32,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432530,,Parent-Adolescent Discrepancies Regarding Adolescents' Peer-Related Loneliness: Associations With Adolescent Adjustment,VABB-1,1104,1116,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432531,,Adolescents' conflict management styles with mothers: Longitudinal associations with parenting and reactance,VABB-1,260,274,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432533,,Party pooper or life of the party: Dampening and enhancing of positive affect in a peer context,VABB-1,399,414,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432534,,Parenting and Treatment Adherence in Type 1 Diabetes Throughout Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood,VABB-1,922,932,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432535,,Identity Exploration and Commitment in Early Adolescence: Genetic and Environmental Contributions,VABB-1,2092,2102,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432537,,Red Flags for Maltese Adults with Congenital Heart Disease: Poorer Dental Care and Less Sports Participation Compared to Other European Patients-An APPROACH-IS Substudy,VABB-1,965,973,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432540,,Differentiating progress in a clinical group of fibromyalgia patients during and following a multicomponent treatment program,VABB-1,47,54,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432541,,Regional variation in quality of life in patients with a Fontan circulation: A multinational perspective,VABB-1,55,62,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432542,,Illness perceptions in adult congenital heart disease: A multi-center international study,VABB-1,130,138,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432543,,Zijn oudere kinderen niet sowieso intelligenter dan jongere kinderen?,VABB-1,105,108,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432544,,Social inequality in education and the use of extramural support services : access and parental experiences in disadvantaged families,VABB-1,215,233,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432545,,Het CHC-model van intelligentie: een introductie,VABB-1,97,111,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432547,,Lonely adolescents exhibit heightened sensitivity for facial cues of emotion,VABB-1,377,383,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432548,,Loss of Meaning as a Predictor of Distress in Prison,VABB-1,1411,1432,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432549,,Teacher-child interactions and kindergartners' task behaviors: Observations based on interpersonal theory,VABB-1,74,85,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432550,,Does General Parenting Context Modify Adolescents' Appraisals and Coping with a Situation of Parental Regulation? The Case of Autonomy-Supportive Parenting,VABB-1,2623,2639,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432551,,Age of onset of non-suicidal self-injury in Dutch-speaking adolescents and emerging adults: An event history analysis of pooled data,VABB-1,170,178,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432552,,The Role of Peers for Diabetes Management in Adolescents and Emerging Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: A Longitudinal Study,VABB-1,1678,1684,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432553,,Longitudinal trajectories of benefit finding in adolescents with type 1 diabetes,VABB-1,977,986,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432555,,The importance of memory specificity and memory coherence for the self: Linking two characteristics of autobiographical memory,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432556,,Examining the longitudinal relations among adolescents' conflict management with parents and conflict frequency,VABB-1,37,41,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432557,,"Extra middelen, meer gelijke onderwijskansen? De effectiviteit van de compensatiefinanciering voor scholen met leerlingen uit kansengroepen onder de loep",VABB-1,254,266,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432558,,Identity styles in the Georgian context and associations with parenting dimensions,VABB-1,24,40,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432559,,Identity statuses and event-focuses narratives at the university starting point in Italy,VABB-1,x,x,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432560,,Quality of life in Maltese adults with congenital heart disease: a second look – An APPROACH-IS substudy,VABB-1,18,23,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432564,,Naar een algemene toepassing van de leer van rechtsmisbruik als autonome rechtsgrond tot beëindiging van conventionele onverdeeldheden? (noot onder Antwerpen 23 maart 2016),VABB-1,549,562,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432565,,Het juridische regime van accessoire opstalrechten,VABB-1,303,307,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:432569,,Rechtspraakfiches Familiaal Vermogensrecht 2016,VABB-1,201,446,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432571,,Het nutsvereiste bij erfdienstbaarheden: one of a kind?,VABB-1,1157,1234,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:432573,,MS imaging and mass spectrometric synaptosome profiling identify PEP-19/pcp4 as a synaptic molecule involved in spatial learning in mice,VABB-1,936,945,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432574,,Individual difference factors in the learning and transfer of patterning discriminations,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432576,,Involvement of fast-spiking cells in ictal sequences during spontaneous seizures in rats with chronic temporal lobe epilepsy,VABB-1,2355,2369,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432577,,Exploring the Use of Sensorial LTP/LTD-Like Stimulation to Modulate Human Performance for Complex Visual Stimuli,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432578,,Progressive leukoencephalopathy impairs neurobehavioral development in sialin-deficient mice,VABB-1,106,119,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432579,,Task Context Overrules Object- and Category-Related Representational Content in the Human Parietal Cortex,VABB-1,310,321,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432580,,Adaptation can explain evidence for encoding of probabilistic information in macaque inferior temporal cortex,VABB-1,1193,1213,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432581,,Genetically Induced Retrograde Amnesia of Associative Memories After Neuroplastin Ablation,VABB-1,124,135,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432582,,Recent Visual Experience Shapes Visual Processing in Rats Through Stimulus Specific Adaptation and Response Enhancement,VABB-1,914,919,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432583,,Partial reinforcement of avoidance and resistance to extinction in humans,VABB-1,79,89,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432584,,Interaction between object-based attention and pertinence values shapes the attentional priority map of a multi-element display,VABB-1,866,877,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432585,,Human ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the positive affective processing of safety signals,VABB-1,12,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432586,,The Effect of Spatial Smoothing on Representational Similarity in a Simple Motor Paradigm,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432587,,Asymmetric Compression of Representational Space for Object Animacy Categorization under Degraded Viewing Conditions,VABB-1,1995,2010,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432590,,Comparison of the spatial-cognitive functions of dorsomedial striatum and anterior cingulate cortex in mice,VABB-1,e0176295,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432591,,Specific suppression of microgliosis cannot circumvent the severe neuropathology in peroxisomal β-oxidation-deficient mice,VABB-1,123,133,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432592,,Time Multiplexed Active Neural Probe with 1356 Parallel Recording Sites,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432595,,Unpredictable chronic mild stress differentially impairs social and contextual discrimination learning in two inbred mouse strains,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432596,,Sensitivity to nonaccidental configurations of two-line stimuli,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432597,,Edge-Related Activity Is Not Necessary to Explain Orientation Decoding in Human Visual Cortex,VABB-1,1187,1196,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432598,,Tetraspanin 6: A novel regulator of hippocampal synaptic transmission and long term plasticity,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432599,,Long-term enzyme replacement therapy improves neurocognitive functioning and hippocampal synaptic plasticity in immune-tolerant alpha-mannosidosis mice,VABB-1,255,268,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432600,,Prevention and treatment strategies for contextual overgeneralization,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432601,,"“You Don't Have to Be a Drinker to Get Gout, But It Helps”: A Content Analysis of the Depiction of Gout in Popular Newspapers",VABB-1,1721,1725,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432602,,Falcon: a highly flexible open-source software for closed-loop neuroscience,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432603,,On the partnership between neural representations of object categories and visual features in the ventral visual pathway,VABB-1,153,164,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432604,,"Neural Decoding and ""Inner"" Psychophysics: A Distance-to-Bound Approach for Linking Mind, Brain, and Behavior",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432605,,Distinct Properties of Long-Term Potentiation in the Dentate Gyrus along the Dorsoventral Axis: Influence of Age and Inhibition,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432606,,Job Insecurity and Discretionary Behaviours: Social Exchange Perspective versus Group Value Model,VABB-1,69,79,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432607,,You can't always get what you want? Leadership expectations of intrapreneurs,VABB-1,430,444,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432608,,"Individual Characteristics Influencing Physicians' Perceptions of Job Demands and Control: The Role of Affectivity, Work Engagement and Workaholism",VABB-1,567,567,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432609,,Overwork climate scale: psychometric properties and relationships with working hard,VABB-1,880,896,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432611,,"Working Hours Mismatch, Macroeconomic Changes, and Mental Well-being in Europe",VABB-1,217,231,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432612,,"Employable, Committed, and Thus Well-Performing: A Matter of Interdependent Forward-looking Social Exchange",VABB-1,755,767,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432613,,"Stress, burnout and depression: A systematic review on DNA methylation mechanisms",VABB-1,34,44,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432614,,Rivaroxaban with or without Aspirin in Stable Cardiovascular Disease,VABB-1,1319,1330,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432616,,Conflict and culture across time and space: Work and legacy of Evert van de Vliet,VABB-1,141,152,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432618,,"Heavy work investment, personality and organizational climate",VABB-1,1057,1073,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432619,,Arbeidstevredenheid en prestaties in open kantoren: de rol van afleiding en gepercipieerde controle,VABB-1,25,51,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:432620,,Job Crafting: Autonomy and Workload as Antecedents and the Willingness to Continue Working Until Retirement Age as a Positive Outcome,VABB-1,25,41,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432622,,"Job Demands, Job Resources, Burnout, Work Engagement and Their Relationships: An Analysis Across Sectors",VABB-1,369,376,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432623,,Baanonzekerheid en presenteïsme: een indirect effect via burnout,VABB-1,3,24,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:432624,,How do we feel and behave when we’re not permanent full-time employees? The case of the diverse forms of non-standard work,VABB-4,258,275,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432625,,Mental resilience of crime scene investigators : How Police Officers Perceive and Cope With the Impact of Demanding Work Situations,VABB-1,1580,1603,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432626,,The five-factor traits as moderators between job insecurity and health: A vulnerability-stress perspective,VABB-1,399,418,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432627,,Proposal for An Algorithm for Screening for Undernutrition in Hospitalized Children,VABB-1,E86,E91,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432629,,"The Role of Perceived Employability, Core Self-Evaluations, and Job Resources on Health and Turnover Intentions",VABB-1,632,645,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432630,,The longitudinal development of employee well-being: a systematic review,VABB-1,46,70,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432631,,Competent or competitive? How employee representatives gain influence in organizational decision-making,VABB-1,107,125,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432632,,Job insecurity and performance: the mediating role of organizational identification,VABB-1,1508,1522,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432633,,Burn-out en bevlogenheid bij artsen in opleiding en specialisten,VABB-1,9,16,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432635,,Exposure to Workplace Bullying: The Role of Coping Strategies in Dealing with Work Stressors,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432636,,The dark side of working online: Towards a definition and an Emotion Reaction model of workplace cyberbullying,VABB-1,324,334,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432637,,When workplace bullying goes online: construction and validation of the Inventory of Cyberbullying Acts at Work (ICA-W),VABB-1,28,39,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432638,,Can job crafting reduce job boredom and increase work engagement? A three-year cross-lagged panel study,VABB-1,11,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432639,,Why I hate feedback: Anchoring effective feedback within organizations,VABB-1,435,439,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432640,,Conflict Management,VABB-4,1,25,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432641,,De modererende invloed van emotie- en probleemgerichte copingstrategieën in de relatie tussen werkstressoren en pesten op het werk,VABB-1,142,168,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:432642,,Investigating the Dynamism of Change in Leadership Identity,VABB-4,53,84,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432643,,"Not Extent of Telecommuting, But Job Characteristics as Proximal Predictors of Work-Related Well-Being",VABB-1,180,186,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432645,,Moving threat: Attention and distance change interact in threat responding,VABB-1,251,258,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432646,,The inferential reasoning theory of causal learning: Towards a multi-process propositional account,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432647,,Feasibility and effectiveness of memory specificity training in depressed outpatients: A pilot study,VABB-1,269,277,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432648,,Fearing shades of grey: Individual differences in fear responding towards generalisation stimuli,VABB-1,1181,1196,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432649,,On the generalization of attitude accessibility after repeated attitude expression,VABB-1,97,104,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432650,,Unraveling the linguistic nature of specific autobiographical memories using a computerized classification algorithm,VABB-1,835,852,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432651,,Long-term electrical stimulation of bed nucleus of stria terminalis for obsessive-compulsive disorder,VABB-1,931,934,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432652,,Bending rules: The shape of the perceptual generalization gradient is sensitive to inference rules,VABB-1,1444,1452,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432653,,Using indirect measurement tasks to assess the self-concept of personality: A systematic review and meta-analyses,VABB-1,8,41,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432654,,In search for boundary conditions of reconsolidation: A failure of fear memory interference,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432655,,Eye movement during recall reduces objective memory performance: An extended replication,VABB-1,94,105,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432657,,Deep brain stimulation for treatment-resistant major depressive disorder: a comparison of two targets and long-term follow-up,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432658,,Executive functions deficits impair extinction of generalization of fear of movement-related pain,VABB-1,886,899,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432659,,The specificity of health-related autobiographical memories in patients with Somatic Symptom Disorder,VABB-1,43,49,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432660,,Low-dose systemic scopolamine disrupts context conditioning in rats,VABB-1,667,673,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432661,,Gradients of fear: How perception influences fear generalization,VABB-1,116,122,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432662,,Ways of encoding information and their effects on retrospective symptom reporting,VABB-1,362,378,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432663,,Electrical stimulation of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis reduces anxiety in a rat model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432664,,One-trial overshadowing: Evidence for fast specific fear learning in humans,VABB-1,16,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432665,,Processes of change in a school-based mindfulness program: Cognitive reactivity and self-coldness as mediators,VABB-1,658,665,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:432666,,Psychometric properties of the written version of the autobiographical memory test in a japanese community sample,VABB-1,56,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432667,,One for all: The effect of extinction stimulus typicality on return of fear,VABB-1,37,44,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432668,,Lost in distractors: Reduced autobiographical memory specificity and dispersed activation spreading over distractors in working memory,VABB-1,19,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432669,,Biased intensity judgements of visceral sensations after learning to fear visceral stimuli: a drift diffusion approach,VABB-1,1197,1208,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432670,,Biased pain reports through vicarious information: A computational approach to investigate the role of uncertainty,VABB-1,54,60,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432673,,Negative Self-Referent Thinking is Less Sensitive to Aversive Outcomes in People with Higher Levels of Depressive Symptoms,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432674,,"A mindfulness-based intervention for adolescents and young adults after cancer treatment: Effects on quality of life, emotional distress, and cognitive vulnerability",VABB-1,307,317,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432675,,Temporal dynamics of relief in avoidance conditioning and fear extinction: Experimental validation and clinical relevance,VABB-1,66,78,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432676,,"A preregistered, direct replication attempt of the retrieval-extinction effect in cued fear conditioning in rats",VABB-1,208,215,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432677,,"Memory reconsolidation interference as an emerging treatment for emotional disorders: Strengths, limitations, challenges and opportunities",VABB-1,99,121,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432678,,Reinstatement after human feature-positive discrimination learning,VABB-1,73,83,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432679,,A comparison of behavioral and pharmacological interventions to attenuate reactivated fear memories,VABB-1,369,374,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432680,,"Online Vape Shop Customers Who Use E-Cigarettes Report Abstinence from Smoking and Improved Quality of Life, But a Substantial Minority Still Have Vaping-Related Health Concerns",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432681,,Pathways towards the proliferation of avoidance in anxiety and implications for treatment,VABB-1,3,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432682,,Does fear extinction in the laboratory predict outcomes of exposure therapy? A treatment analog study,VABB-1,63,71,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432683,,Hoe verleiding weerstaan? Het verband tussen zelfbeschadigend gedrag en belonings- en angstgevoeligheid in een Vlaamse bevolkingssteekproef,VABB-1,40,55,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432684,,A primer on Bayesian analysis for experimental psychopathologists,VABB-1,140,157,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432686,,Potential moderators of the effects of a school-based mindfulness program on symptoms of depression in adolescents,VABB-1,797,806,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432687,,Current emotion research in economics,VABB-1,271,278,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432688,,What's in a day A guide to decomposing the variance in intensive longitudinal data,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432689,,Emotion meets action: Towards an integration of research and theory,VABB-1,295,298,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432690,,The temporal deployment of emotion regulation strategies during negative emotional episodes,VABB-1,450,458,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432691,,How to detect which variables are causing differences in component structure among different groups,VABB-1,216,229,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432692,,The neural basis of emotions varies over time: Different regions go with onset- and offset-bound processes underlying emotion intensity,VABB-1,1261,1271,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432693,,Borderline Personality Disorder and the effects of instructed emotional avoidance or acceptance in daily life,VABB-1,483,502,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432694,,Do social network sites enhance or undermine subjective well-being: A critical review,VABB-1,274,302,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432695,,Comparing four methods for estimating tree-based treatment regimes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432696,,The relation between valence and arousal in subjective experience varies with personality and culture,VABB-1,530,542,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432697,,Men in pink-collars: Stereotype threat and disengagement among male teachers and child protection workers,VABB-1,553,565,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432698,,Changing dynamics: Time-varying autoregressive models using generalized additive modeling,VABB-1,409,425,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432699,,On the use of mixed Markov models for intensive longitudinal data,VABB-1,747,767,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432700,,Context shapes social judgments of positive emotion suppression and expression,VABB-1,169,186,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432701,,Detecting correlation changes in multivariate time series: A comparison of four non-parametric change point detection methods,VABB-1,988,1005,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432702,,Modeling skipped and not-reached items using IRTrees,VABB-1,333,363,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432703,,Principal covariates clusterwise regression (PCCR): Accounting for multicollinearity and population heterogeneity in hierarchically organized data,VABB-1,86,111,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432704,,Using parameter space partitioning to evaluate a model's qualitative fit,VABB-1,617,631,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432705,,"The relationship between non-suicidal self-injury and alexithymia in borderline personality disorder: ""Actions instead of words""",VABB-1,80,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432706,,Mixture simultaneous factor analysis for capturing differences in latent variables between higher level units of multilevel data,VABB-1,506,523,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432707,,Deriving optimal data-analytic regimes from benchmarking studies,VABB-1,81,91,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432708,,The integrated theory of emotional behavior follows a radically goal-directed approach,VABB-1,68,75,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432709,,Psychological distress and cognitive coping in pregnant women diagnosed with cancer and their partners,VABB-1,1215,1221,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432710,,Cellular and molecular synergy in AS01-adjuvanted vaccines results in an early IFNγ gamma response promoting vaccine immunogenicity,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432711,,Partner-expected affect: How you feel now is predicted by how your partner thought you felt before,VABB-1,1066,1077,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432712,,Emotion dynamics,VABB-1,22,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432713,,The emotion regulation function of nonsuicidal self-injury: A momentary assessment study in inpatients with borderline personality disorder features,VABB-1,89,95,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432714,,Explaining car drivers' intention to prevent road-traffic noise: An application of the norm activation model,VABB-1,826,853,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432717,,"Instrumental motives in negative emotion regulation in daily life: Frequency, consistency, and predictors",VABB-1,648,657,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432718,,The affect stabilization function of nonsuicidal self injury in borderline personality disorder: An ecological momentary assessment study.,VABB-1,41,50,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432719,,A theoretical note on the prior information criterion,VABB-1,33,39,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432721,,Perceived social pressure not to experience negative emotion is linked to selective attention for negative information,VABB-1,261,268,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432722,,Maximal interaction two-mode clustering,VABB-1,49,75,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432723,,Suppress for success?: Exploring the contexts in which expressing positive emotion can have social costs,VABB-1,134,174,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432724,,Integration of two skeptical emotion theories: Dimensional appraisal theory and Russell's psychological construction theory,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432725,,Daily stressful experiences precede but do not succeed depressive symptoms: Results from a longitudinal experience sampling study,VABB-1,196,220,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432726,,Perceiving social pressure not to feel negative predicts depressive symptoms in daily life,VABB-1,836,844,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432727,,A model-based approach for assessing attentional biases in people with depressive symptoms,VABB-5,3022,3027,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432728,,With a little help from my friends: over de zin en onzin van meerhoofdigheidsregels,VABB-1,23,40,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432729,,The application of international environmental law principles in Latin America: a world apart from the EU?,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432731,,Interhemispheric Synchrony of Spontaneous Cortical States at the Cortical Column Level,VABB-1,1794,1807,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:432732,,Between versus within-language differences in linguistic categorization,VABB-5,1955,1960,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432733,,Human visual perceptual organization beats thinking on speed,VABB-1,1227,1238,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432734,,Mind the Generation Gap: Differences between Young and Old in Everyday Lexical Categories,VABB-1,12,25,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432735,,Disentangling signal and noise in autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,78,83,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432737,,Emotion and false memory: How goal-irrelevance can be relevant for what people remember,VABB-1,201,213,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432738,,Visual creativity across cultures: A comparison between Italians and Japanese,VABB-1,86,90,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432739,,A neural mass model of cross frequency coupling,VABB-1,e0173776,e0173776,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432740,,Representation of semantic similarity in the left intraparietal sulcus: Functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432741,,Patient-reported and proxy-reported outcome measures for the assessment of health-related quality of life among patients receiving enteral feeding: a systematic review protocol,VABB-1,45,75,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432742,,The influence of colour on the consumer’s experience of beer,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432743,,Does a working memory load really influence semantic priming? A self-replication attempt,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432744,,Task Modulates Functional Connectivity Networks in Free Viewing Behavior,VABB-1,289,301,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432745,,"“Smooth operator”: Music modulates the perceived creaminess, sweetness, and bitterness of chocolate",VABB-1,383,390,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432746,,Priming facial gender and emotional valence: The influence of spatial frequency on face perception in ASD,VABB-1,927,946,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432749,,Developing the Leuven Embedded Figures Test (L-EFT): Testing the stimulus features that influence embedding,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432750,,The role of general and number-specific order processing in adults' arithmetic performance,VABB-1,469,482,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432751,,Local-global processing bias is not a unitary individual difference in visual processing,VABB-1,247,257,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432752,,Cross-modal representation of spoken and written word meaning in left pars triangularis,VABB-1,292,307,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432753,,Estimating the illumination direction from three-dimensional texture of Brownian surfaces,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432754,,Preparatory alpha-band oscillations reflect spatial gating independently of predictions regarding target identity,VABB-1,1385,1394,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432755,,Does slow motion impact on the perception of foul play in football?,VABB-1,748,756,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432756,,EEG frequency tagging dissociates between neural processing of motion synchrony and human quality of multiple point-light dancers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432757,,Diagnosing the periphery: Using the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Drawing Test to characterize peripheral visual function,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432758,,Eidolons: Novel stimuli for vison research,VABB-1,,,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:432759,,Image memorability across longer time intervals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432760,,When praising yourself insults others: Self-superiority claims provoke aggression,VABB-1,1008,1019,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432761,,Convergence in the bilingual Lexicon: A pre-registered replication of previous studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432762,,High entropy of edge orientations characterizes visual artworks from diverse cultural backgrounds,VABB-1,130,144,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432763,,Holistic integration of gaze cues in visual face and body perception: Evidence from composite design,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432764,,The other side of magic: The psychology of perceiving hidden things,VABB-1,91,106,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432765,,Causal events enter awareness faster than non-causal events,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432766,,Processing Conversational Implicatures: Alternatives and Counterfactual Reasoning,VABB-1,1119,1154,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432767,,Beauty in the blink of an eye: The time course of aesthetic experiences,VABB-1,63,84,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432768,,Movement Timing and Cognitive Control: Adult Age Differences in Multi-Tasking,VABB-1,203,214,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432769,,The role of left insula in executive set-switching: Lesion evidence from an acute stroke cohort,VABB-1,92,101,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:432770,,The planispheric optic array,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432772,,The zero effect: voxel-based lesion symptom mapping of number transcoding errors following stroke,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432773,,The potential of real-time fMRI neurofeedback for stroke rehabilitation: a systematic review,VABB-1,148,165,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:432774,,Connections are not enough for membership: letter/non-letter distinction persists through phonological association learning,VABB-1,85,91,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432775,,A cognitive analysis of deception without lying,VABB-5,992,997,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432776,,Intact animacy perception during chase detection in ASD,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432777,,The role of domain-generic and domain-specific perceptual-cognitive skills in association football referees,VABB-1,47,56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432778,,Deficit in feature-based attention following a left thalamic lesion,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432779,,Patients with psychosis struggle with scalar implicatures,VABB-1,97,102,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:432780,,On Bayesian simplicity in human visual perceptual organization,VABB-1,1269,1282,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432781,,Analysis of an Interneuron Gamma Mechanism for Cross-Frequency Coupling,VABB-1,53,73,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432782,,Neuropsychological evidence for the temporal dynamics of category-specific naming,VABB-1,77,99,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432784,,Feature taxonomy: What type of features do children associate with categories and how do they fare in predicting category judgments?,VABB-1,114,123,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432785,,Is vrijheidsbeneming gemakkelijk staand te houden?,VABB-1,218,222,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432791,,Translating Law in 19th-Century Belgium: Criticisms of Official Translations of Laws and Decrees,VABB-1,99,137,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432792,,The dark side of ‘Zwarte Piet’: A misunderstood tradition or racism in disguise? A legal analysis,VABB-1,120,141,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432793,,Noot,VABB-1,566,569,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432796,,Noot,VABB-1,172,175,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432798,,Belgian flood risk governance: Explaining the dynamics within a fragmented governance arrangement,VABB-1,271,280,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:432800,,Procederen qualitate qua in het burgerlijk geding,VABB-1,163,178,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:432807,,Recht in balans. Pleidooi voor een meer holistisch (proces)recht,VABB-1,609,653,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432816,,De in de rechten van de verzekerde gesubrogeerde verzekeraar: een procesrechtelijke analyse,VABB-1,343,354,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432818,,De impact van Richtlijn 2014/104/EU op het Belgisch buitencontractueel aansprakelijkheidsrecht: Game over door spillover of probleemloze insertie uit inertie?,VABB-1,1203,1218,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432829,,Van stok achter de deur tot keurslijf? Een eerste verkenning van het wetsvoorstel tot invoering van een collectieve schadevergoedingsactie,VABB-1,240,247,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432831,,'Ideologisch-onafhankelijke' rechters: factor van rechtsstatelijke (des)integratie?,VABB-4,2,19,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432834,,IOS of op uw kosten? SOS bij nutteloze gerechtskosten,VABB-1,618,623,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432841,,Het burgerlijk verstek en het recht op een eerlijk proces,VABB-1,1066,1071,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:432842,,Bevestiging rechtspraak Tiercé Franco Belge inzake samenloop van contractuele en buitencontractuele aansprakelijkheid: heet hangijzer of niet veel meer dan een aardappel?,VABB-1,953,958,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432845,,Collectieve schuldenregeling: profielonderzoek van personen in de procedure van collectieve schuldenregeling,VABB-1,102,117,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432847,,"Procesvoering zonder raadsman in het burgerlijk geding. Wat je zelf doet, doe je beter?",VABB-1,1155,1203,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:432849,,‘Where the Wild Things Are’. Reflections on the State and Future of European Collective Redress,VABB-4,105,140,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432856,,Deviating from the principle of full compensation in Belgian tort law,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432858,,De vergoeding van morele schade bij een collectief belang: ieder vogeltje zingt zoals het gebekt is?,VABB-1,261,267,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432862,,Geen compensatie voor treuzelende eigenaar die schade lijdt als gevolg van bouwverbod aan Franse kust,VABB-1,530,536,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432863,,Belgian Constitutional Court adopts national identity discourse,VABB-1,182,205,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432865,,Het Stabiliteitsverdragarrest in het licht van de rechtspraak van de hoogste Belgische rechtscolleges,VABB-1,305,309,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432866,,Delegatie van regelgevende bevoegdheid in België,VABB-1,216,240,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432867,,Constitutieve bevoegdheden ('constitutieve autonomie'),VABB-4,63,108,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432868,,Openbaarheid van de adviezen van de Raad van State,VABB-1,3,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432869,,Belgium and Democratic Constitution-Making: Prospects for the Future?,VABB-1,13,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432870,,"""Hier spreekt men Nederlands!"" Het Grondwettelijk Hof over de voorrangsregeling voor Nederlandstaligen in het Brussels onderwijs",VABB-1,82,91,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432873,,Inleiding,VABB-1,294,297,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432874,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de adviespraktijk van de afdeling Wetgeving van de Raad van State (2015 en 2016),VABB-1,275,325,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432875,,High-urgency kidney transplantation in the Eurotransplant Kidney Allocation System: success or waste of organs? The Eurotransplant 15-year all-centre survey,VABB-1,1515,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432876,,"""Gij zult geen twee heren dienen"" (Mattheus 6:24): Het Grondwettelijk Hof over het ontslag van een inspecteur levensbeschouwing",VABB-1,444,452,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432880,,Delegatie van regelgevende bevoegdheid in België,VABB-1,196,211,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432881,,Waar spreken we (niet) over als we het over 'vrijheid van onderwijs' hebben? Een analyse van 'onderwijsvrijheid' als sensitizing concept,VABB-1,125,133,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432882,,Synchroon internetonderwijs in plaats van tijdelijk onderwijs aan huis: geschoold van ver of verre van geschoold?,VABB-1,144,158,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432883,,Het gezondheidsbeleid,VABB-4,203,293,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432885,,Life Cycle Inventory Analysis of Prospective Insect Based Feed Production in West Africa,VABB-1,1697,1724,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432886,,Calculating environmental cost indicators of apple farm practices indicates large differences between growers,VABB-1,527,538,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432888,,Does Off-farm Employment Make Women in Rural Senegal Happy?,VABB-1,250,275,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432889,,Worker Empowerment Through Private Standards. Evidence from the Peruvian Horticultural Export Sector,VABB-1,618,637,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432890,,Rice farmers' preferences for fairtrade contracting in Benin: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment,VABB-1,846,854,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432891,,Moving Up or Moving Out? Insights into Rural Development and Poverty Reduction in Senegal,VABB-1,95,109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432894,,The political economy of relied aid allocation: evidence from Madagascar,VABB-4,1,848,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432895,,Do Private Sustainability Standards Contribute to Poverty Alleviation? A Comparison of Different Coffee Certification Schemes in Ethiopia,VABB-1,246,267,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432896,,Nontariff measures and standards in trade and value chains,VABB-4,13,38,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432897,,Development of Organic Farming in Europe at the Crossroads: Looking for the Way Forward through System Archetypes Lenses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432898,,Outdoor recreation in various landscapes: Which site characteristics really matter?,VABB-1,186,197,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432899,,The Governance Features of Social Enterprise and Social Network Activities of Collective Food Buying Groups,VABB-1,123,135,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432900,,Globalization and the sustainable exploitation of scarce groundwater in coastal Peru,VABB-1,231,241,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432901,,"Life cycle assessment (LCA) for apple orchard production systems including low and high productive years in conventional, integrated and organic farms",VABB-1,81,93,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432902,,Valuing ecosystem services to explore scenarios for adaptive spatial planning,VABB-1,30,40,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432903,,Contract Farming in Staple Food Chains: Rice in Benin,VABB-1,73,87,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432904,,"Global Value Chains, Large-scale Farming and poverty: Long-term evidence from Senegal",VABB-1,97,107,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432905,,"Knee Cartilage Thickness, T1ρ and T2 Relaxation Time Are Related to Articular Cartilage Loading in Healthy Adults",VABB-1,e0170002,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432906,,Real-Time Gait Event Detection Based on Kinematic Data Coupled to a Biomechanical Model,VABB-1,671,684,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432907,,Predicting Seat-Off and Detecting Start-of-Assistance Events for Assisting Sit-to-Stand with an Exoskeleton,VABB-1,792,799,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432909,,Robustness of kinematic weighting and scaling concepts for musculoskeletal simulation,VABB-1,720,729,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432910,,A model of human non-stepping postural responses as the basis for a biomimetic control strategy for robot-assisted balance,VABB-5,621,625,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432911,,EMG-Driven Optimal Estimation of Subject-Specific Hill Model Muscle-Tendon Parameters of the Knee Joint Actuators,VABB-1,2253,2262,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432912,,Comparison of foot muscle morphology and foot kinematics between recreational runners with normal feet and with asymptomatic over-pronated feet,VABB-1,290,294,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432913,,Characterisation of the responsive properties of two running-specific prosthetic models,VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432914,,Endotoxemia shifts neutrophils with TIMP-free gelatinase B/MMP-9 from bone marrow to the periphery and induces systematic upregulation of TIMP-1,VABB-1,1671,1682,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432915,,Evaluation of predicted knee function for component malrotation in total knee arthroplasty,VABB-1,56,64,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432916,,Bilateral differences in muscle fascicle architecture are not related to the preferred leg in jumping athletes,VABB-1,1453,1461,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432917,,Medial knee loading is altered in subjects with early osteoarthritis during gait but not during step-up-and-over task,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432918,,A prospective follow up of age related changes in the subchondral bone density of the talus of healthy Labrador Retrievers,VABB-1,13,57,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432919,,Comparison of lower limb muscle strength between diabetic neuropathic and healthy subjects using OpenSim,VABB-1,194,200,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432920,,"A mathematical multiscale model of bone remodeling, accounting for pore space-specific mechanosensation",VABB-1,208,221,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432921,,Foot muscle morphology is related to center of pressure sway and control mechanisms during single-leg standing,VABB-1,52,56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432922,,Influence of outdoor running fatigue and medial tibial stress syndrome on accelerometer-based loading and stability,VABB-1,222,228,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432923,,Adding an arch support to a heel lift improves stability and comfort during gait,VABB-1,94,97,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432924,,Concurrent validity and reliability of wireless instrumented insoles measuring postural balance and temporal gait parameters,VABB-1,116,124,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432925,,Lateral trunk lean and medializing the knee as gait strategies for knee osteoarthritis,VABB-1,247,253,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432926,,Contribution of muscle short-range stiffness to initial changes in joint kinetics and kinematics during perturbations to standing balance: A simulation study,VABB-1,71,77,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432927,,The Differential Effect of Arm Movements during Gait on the Forward Acceleration of the Centre of Mass in Children with Cerebral Palsy and Typically Developing Children,VABB-1,96,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432928,,Information from dynamic length changes improves reliability of static ultrasound fascicle length measurements,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432929,,Assessment of specific muscle tension in dogs through functional electrical stimulation of the gastrocnemius muscle,VABB-1,33,39,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432930,,Differences in knee adduction moment between healthy subjects and patients with osteoarthritis depend on the knee axis definition,VABB-1,104,109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432931,,Validation of plantar pressure simulations using finite and discrete element modelling in healthy and diabetic subjects,VABB-1,1442,1452,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432932,,Het recht van studenten op kopiename van examenkopijen,VABB-1,61,74,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432933,,Wijziging van eigendomsgrenzen in een verkaveling: voorafgaande bijsstelling van de verkavelingsvergunning vereist?,VABB-1,656,676,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432935,,De beslissing van de publiekrechtelijke rechtspersoon tot herroeping van een privaat recht op het openbaar domein: al dan niet onderworpen aan de beginselen van behoorlijk bestuur?,VABB-1,192,199,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432936,,De bevoegdheidsgrenzen en de rechtsgevolgen van de publiekrechtelijke inkleuring van privaatrechtelijke rechtspersonen,VABB-1,234,243,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432938,,De intrekking van het visum van arts en het deskundigenadvies: de Raad van State haalt de teugels (te ver?) aan,VABB-1,101,106,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:432939,,The fundamental human right to education for refugees: some legal remarks,VABB-1,219,232,-,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:432941,,Gedwongen gemengde zwemles: gaat de godsdienstvrijheid hiermee kopje onder?,VABB-1,234,240,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432942,,Parastatalen van het voormalige Ministerie van Middenstand en Landbouw,VABB-4,656,672,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432943,,Les partis catholiques et démocrates-chrétiens,VABB-4,852,867,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:432944,,De katholieke en christendemocratische partijen,VABB-4,854,867,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432945,,Les organisations d'indépendants,VABB-4,975,993,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:432946,,L'ancien Ministère des Classes Moyennes,VABB-4,525,528,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:432947,,Unlocking the padlock: Retail and public policy in Belgium (1930–1961),VABB-1,1049,1081,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:432948,,Parastataux du Ministère des Classes Moyennes et de l'Agriculture,VABB-4,653,669,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:432950,,Popular anti-cooperatism in Belgium (1880-1914),VABB-4,153,177,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432951,,De organisaties van zelfstandigen,VABB-4,975,992,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432952,,Het voormalige Ministerie van middenstand,VABB-4,527,530,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432954,,Ontvankelijkheid van een rechtsvordering tot collectief herstel,VABB-1,29,39,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432956,,De Salduz-bis wet en het recht op bijstand van een advocaat in administratieve sanctieprocedures: Mag het iets meer zijn?,VABB-1,590,609,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432960,,"""Communists are no beasts"". Human Rights Campaigns for Greece and East-West détente in Europe, 1960s-1970s",VABB-1,621,646,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432961,,La création d’une intelligentsia catholique en Belgique dans la perspective de la crise moderniste. L’optique du cardinal Désiré Mercier,VABB-4,179,192,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:432962,,De katholieke Kerk,VABB-4,1197,1240,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432963,,L'Église catholique,VABB-4,1201,1244,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:432964,,The Many Facets of Parliamentary Involvement and Interaction in EU External Relations,VABB-4,281,298,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432965,,Belgique – A propos des clauses pénales qui ne peuvent être pénales … Le critère distinctif entre les clauses pénales licites et les clauses pénales illicites en droit Belge,VABB-1,181,196,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:432968,,Acculturation in Western Europe,VABB-4,417,438,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:432969,,"Religion and National Identification: comparing Muslim youth in Belgium, England, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden",VABB-1,44,61,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432971,,"Extending trust to immigrants: Generalized trust, cross-group friendship and anti-immigrant sentiments in 21 European societies",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432972,,The queen bee phenomenon: Why women leaders distance themselves from junior women,VABB-1,456,469,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432973,,The hubris hypothesis: The downside of comparative optimism displays,VABB-1,45,55,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432974,,Women (do not) belong here: Gender-work identity conflict among female police officers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432976,,"Close Encounters: Minority and Majority Perceptions of Discrimination and Intergroup Relations in Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-1,191,217,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432977,,Identity change among smokers and ex-smokers: Findings from the ITC Netherlands survey,VABB-1,465,478,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432978,,Beyond Muslim identity: Opinion-based groups in the Gezi Park protests,VABB-1,277,284,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432979,,Doing emotions: the role of culture in everyday emotions,VABB-1,95,133,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432980,,"Collective victimhood and ingroup identity jointly shape intergroup relations, even in a non-violent conflict: The case of the Belgians",VABB-1,98,114,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432981,,"Group, team, or something in between? Conceptualising and measuring team entitativity",VABB-1,1,41,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432982,,Inquiring into Appreciative Inquiry: a conversation with David Cooperrider and Ronald Fry,VABB-1,101,114,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432983,,Graded exposure for chronic low back pain in older adults: A pilot study,VABB-1,51,59,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432984,,"Individual differences in cardiorespiratory measures of mental load: The role of negative affectivity, avoidant coping, and self-focused attention",VABB-1,274,282,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432985,,Can positive affect attenuate (persistent) pain? State of the art and clinical implications,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432986,,"Learning to detect triggers of airway symptoms: The role of illness beliefs, conceptual categories and actual experience with allergic symptoms",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432987,,Classical conditioning fails to elicit allodynia in an experimental study with healthy humans,VABB-1,1314,1325,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432988,,Neural responses to affective pictures while anticipating and perceiving respiratory threat,VABB-1,182,192,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432989,,Hemodynamic profiles of functional and dysfunctional forms of repetitive thinking,VABB-1,261,271,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432990,,Extinction of fear generalization: a comparison between fibromyalgia patients and healthy controls,VABB-1,79,95,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432991,,"Synthesis of an IWW-type germanosilicate zeolite using 5-azonia-spiro[4,4]nonane as a structure directing agent",VABB-1,4319,4324,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:432992,,Cognitive behavioural therapy for tinnitus,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:432993,,Modeling the development of panic disorder with interoceptive conditioning,VABB-1,59,69,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432994,,De rol van angst bij pijn: theoretische aspecten,VABB-4,5,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:432995,,Classical conditioning differences associated with chronic pain: a systematic review,VABB-1,889,898,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432996,,Symptoms and the body: Taking the inferential leap,VABB-1,185,203,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432997,,Airway reactivity in response to repeated emotional film clip presentation in asthma,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432998,,Validity of a self-administered questionnaire version of the Transition Dyspnea Index in patients with COPD,VABB-1,66,71,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:432999,,Sigh rate during emotional transitions: More evidence for a sigh of relief.,VABB-1,163,172,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433000,,Fear of pain changes movement: Motor behavior following the acquisition of pain-related fear,VABB-1,1432,1442,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433003,,Idiopathic environmental intolerance: A comprehensive model,VABB-1,551,567,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433004,,"Fear of hypoglycemia, parenting stress, and metabolic control for children with type 1 diabetes and their parents",VABB-1,74,81,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433005,,Pain and Respiration: A systematic review,VABB-1,995,1006,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433006,,Potential benefits of mindfulness during pregnancy on maternal autonomic nervous system function and infant development,VABB-1,279,288,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433007,,Generalization of pain-related fear based on conceptual knowledge,VABB-1,295,310,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433008,,"Don’t fear ‘fear conditioning’: Methodological considerations for the design and analysis of studies on human fear acquisition, extinction, and return of fear",VABB-1,247,285,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433009,,Taking a break in response to pain. An experimental investigation of the effects of interruptions by pain on subsequent activity resumption,VABB-1,52,60,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433010,,The acquisition and extinction of fear of painful touch: a novel tactile fear conditioning paradigm,VABB-1,1505,1516,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433012,,"The influence of social threat on pain, aggression, and empathy in women",VABB-1,291,300,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:433014,,Brain activation during perception and anticipation of dyspnea in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433015,,Prenatal stress exposure is associated with increased dyspnoea perception in adulthood,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433017,,The resilience framework as a strategy to combat stress-related disorders,VABB-1,784,790,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433018,,Inducing somatic symptoms in functional syndrome patients: Effects of manipulating state negative affect,VABB-1,1000,1007,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433020,,Mixed evidence for the potential of non-invasive transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation to improve the extinction and retention of fear,VABB-1,64,74,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433021,,Tinnitus-related fear mediates the effects of a specialised cognitive behavioural tinnitus treatment,VABB-1,86,97,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433023,,Efficacy of combined cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia and pain in patients with fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,63,79,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433024,,The concept of contexts in pain: generalization of contextual pain-related fear within a de novo category of unique contexts,VABB-1,76,87,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433026,,Phase-locked and non-phase-locked EEG responses to pinprick stimulation before and after experimentally-induced secondary hyperalgesia,VABB-1,1445,1456,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433028,,De taak van de rechter bij het toepassen van normen van openbare orde: minder vanzelfsprekend dan het lijkt (noot onder Cass. 17 september 2016),VABB-1,361,369,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433029,,Kenbaarheid als criterium in een ontluikend Europees vertegenwoordigingsrecht? Over de garagist als tussenpersoon bij consumentenkoop (note ECJ 149/15 Wathelet v Garage Bietheres),VABB-1,383,393,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433030,,Bewijs van de verkoop van een onroerend goed: jurisprudentiële ontwikkelingen,VABB-1,236,246,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433032,,De proportionaliteit van de nietigheid: de onwerkzaamheid of een nieuwe adem voor de onbestaanbaarheid?,VABB-1,374,398,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433033,,"Proposal for a Directive on Certain Aspects Concerning Contracts for the Online and Other Distance Sales of Goods: Scope of Application, Definitions and Conformity",VABB-4,57,94,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433035,,Over burenhinder en nabuurschap bij bodemsanering,VABB-1,51,57,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433038,,Hiërarchie der remedies in de consumentenkoop: EU vs. VS,VABB-1,181,266,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433043,,The Principle of Equality as a Catalyst: The Increasing Influence of the Principle of Equality on the Belgian Law of Obligations,VABB-4,61,104,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433045,,Het bewijs van een tekortkoming door een verzekeringsmakelaar aan zijn informatie- en adviesverplichtingen,VABB-1,439,443,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433046,,De zelfstandige verjaring van de verbintenis van de borg: ius est vigilantibus (note Gent 12 October 2015),VABB-1,426,432,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433047,,Hiërarchie der remedies in de consumentenkoop : ook in het voordeel van de verkoper,VABB-1,539,545,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433048,,Juridische neveneffecten van het bezit op jonge leeftijd van smartphones en tablets,VABB-1,273,276,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433049,,De verkoper heeft nog steeds geen recht om herstel op te dringen bij verborgen gebreken,VABB-1,962,970,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433050,,"De enac, de goede trouw en de kennisgeving (noot onder Cass. 13 januari 2017)",VABB-1,355,360,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433051,,The Role of the General Principle of the Prohibition of Abuse of Rights in the Enforcement of Human Rights in Contract Law: A Belgian Law Perspective,VABB-4,79,121,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433052,,Het Hof van Cassatie erkent de mogelijkheid afstand te doen van een opschortende voorwaarde hangende de voorwaarde (noot onder Cass. 30 juni 2016),VABB-1,1535,1539,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433053,,Tot de dood ons scheidt? Over verbonden overeenkomsten,VABB-1,913,949,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433055,,Wat als kinderen geen potjes maar contractjes breken? De aansprakelijkheid van ouders voor schade veroorzaakt door hun contracterende minderjarige kinderen,VABB-4,733,754,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433056,,Online price discrimination and personal data: A General Data Protection Regulation perspective,VABB-1,768,785,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433059,,The interplay between industrial policy and State aid: Natural Combination or Strange Bedfellows?,VABB-1,575,602,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433061,,Catching patent trolls in the net of abuse of rights: applying the general principle of Union law in the context of the Unitary Patent Package,VABB-1,163,172,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433063,,Enkele topics van het vernieuwde hypothecair kredietrecht,VABB-1,11,41,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433064,,Hub and Spoke: Towards a Belgian Precedent?,VABB-1,261,266,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433065,,Most Favoured Nation Clauses: Towards an Assessment Framework under EU Competition Law,VABB-1,223,236,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433067,,Arrest Canal Digital: naar een bescherming van de real life-consument bij oneerlijke handelspraktijken?,VABB-1,54,70,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433068,,Judicial review of commitments and settlement decisions: still a necessity or too much of a good thing?,VABB-5,73,93,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433070,,"Lure with Bait, Strike with Chaos… Over de scheiding van kosten en krediet en de gemeenschap van schadevergoedingen",VABB-1,109,115,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433071,,"Cases, Materials and Text on European Law and Private Law",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433072,,"De borg, de consument en de medeschuldenaar. Geen Triniteit, maar dualiteit",VABB-1,190,199,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433073,,From Hapless Victims of Desire to Responsibly Choosing Citizens. The Emancipation of Consumers in Low Countries' Consumer Credit Regulation,VABB-1,115,138,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433075,,De collectieve vordering 2.0: curator kan enige vennoot aanspreken voor schulden ontstaan tijdens éénhoofdigheid,VABB-1,44,54,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433077,,CMR-rechtspraak en vervoerspraktijk: 2 verschillende werelden?,VABB-1,575,585,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433078,,Is CMR fit as the applicable regime for B2c e-commerce deliveries?,VABB-1,31,40,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433080,,Geweld door politie bij interventie en detentie,VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433084,,The carrier as transport architect: liability for bad choices?,VABB-1,204,214,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433086,,"Design, management and control of demanufacturing and remanufacturing systems",VABB-1,585,609,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433087,,Ease of disassembly of products to support circular economy strategies,VABB-1,323,334,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:433088,,Integrated Predictive Control of Freeway Networks Using the Extended Link Transmission Model,VABB-1,65,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433089,,Economic and environmental evaluation of design for active disassembly,VABB-1,1182,1193,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:433090,,Maintenance Scheduling Optimization in a Multiple Production Line Considering Human Error,VABB-1,655,666,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433091,,Human Factors Effects and Analysis in Maintenance: A Power Plant Case Study,VABB-1,895,903,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433092,,Dynamic maintenance planning approach by considering grouping strategy and human factors,VABB-1,289,298,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433093,,Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) approach to deal with spatio-temporal water allocation,VABB-5,221,229,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433094,,A sensitivity based approach for adaptive decomposition of anticipatory network traffic control,VABB-1,150,175,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433095,,An Integrated Approach for Maintenance Planning by Considering Human Factors: Application to a Petrochemical Plant,VABB-1,400,409,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433096,,Automated feature extraction from social media for systematic lead user identification,VABB-1,642,654,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433097,,i-RCAM: Intelligent expert system for root cause analysis in maintenance decision making,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433098,,Environmental Dimensions of Additive Manufacturing,VABB-1,S49,S68,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433099,,Environmental Impact of Additive Manufacturing Processes: Does AM contribute to a more sustainable way of part manufacturing?,VABB-5,582,587,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433100,,An efficient iterative link transmission model,VABB-1,170,190,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433101,,An Optimization-Based Iterative Learning Method for Anticipatory Network Traffic Control,VABB-5,1146,1158,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433102,,Complications of skull reconstruction after decompressive craniectomy,VABB-1,149,156,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433105,,Integrating robust timetabling in line plan optimization for railway systems,VABB-1,134,160,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433106,,The Time-Dependent Orienteering Problem with Time Windows: A Fast Ant Colony System,VABB-1,481,505,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433107,,Robust routing and timetabling in complex railway stations,VABB-1,228,244,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433108,,Simulation of a two-slope pyramid made by SPIF using an adaptive remeshing method with solid-shell finite element,VABB-1,383,394,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433110,,Well-tuned algorithms for the Team Orienteering Problem with Time Windows,VABB-1,861,876,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433111,,Into polarization control in laser cutting with direct diode lasers,VABB-1,022207,022207,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433112,,Improvement potential of today's WEEE recycling performance: The case of LCD TV's in Belgium,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433113,,Unveiling e-bike potential for commuting trips from GPS traces,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433114,,Forecasting the composition of emerging waste streams with sensitivity analysis: A case study for photovoltaic (PV) panels in Flanders,VABB-1,14,26,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433115,,Design for Reduced Resource Consumption during the Use Phase of Products,VABB-1,635,658,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433116,,Environmental screening of novel technologies to increase material circularity: A case study on aluminium cans,VABB-1,96,106,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433118,,An iterative learning approach for anticipatory traffic signal control on urban networks,VABB-1,407,430,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433119,,Production of Aldonic Acids by Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis,VABB-1,7824,7829,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433122,,Handelshuur van korte duur,VABB-1,139,161,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433123,,Le décret flamand sur le bail commercial de courte durée. Un exemple pour les législateurs wallon et bruxellois ?,VABB-1,249,257,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:433125,,Winstafdracht in het intellectueel eigendomsrecht. The sky is the limit?,VABB-1,90,111,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433132,,Het verstrijken van de maximale termijn voor de voltrekking van het huwelijk bij beslissing tot uitstel van het huwelijk,VABB-1,87,91,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433134,,Synoptische tabel aangaande de arresten van het Grondwettelijk Hof inzake afstamming,VABB-1,75,79,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433138,,Family Law,VABB-4,149,186,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433141,,"Artikel 374 BW - Mama en papa, of mama, papa en kind?",VABB-4,235,255,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433147,,A Model for the Use of the European Certificate of Succession for Property Registration,VABB-1,523,552,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433148,,De vennootschapsrechtelijke geschillenregeling als alternatief voor een partiële vereffening en verdeling van aandelen na echtscheiding,VABB-4,409,420,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433154,,Een koop tussen echtgenoten is nietig,VABB-1,179,183,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433155,,Reflectie over de incidentie van strafrechtelijke klachten op de gerechtelijke procedure van vereffening en verdeling - Voorstel tot remediëring,VABB-1,8,14,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433156,,Vermogensverschuivingen binnen een latrelatie: over de subsidiariteit en de eigen wil van de verarmde bij verrijking zonder oorzaak (noot onder Gent 19 januari 2017),VABB-1,191,195,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433158,,Rechtspraakfiches familiaal vermogensrecht 2015,VABB-1,243,429,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433160,,Antwerpen 17 december 2014,VABB-1,345,348,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433167,,Antwerpen 22 december 2015,VABB-1,284,287,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433169,,Attenuated error-related potentials in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with executive dysfunctions,VABB-1,1496,1503,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433170,,The beneficial effects of different types of exercise interventions on motor and cognitive functions in older age: A systematic review,VABB-1,20,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433171,,Hippocampus-associated causal network of structural covariance measuring structural damage progression in temporal lobe epilepsy,VABB-1,753,766,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433173,,Methodological considerations when quantifying high-intensity efforts in team sport using global positioning system technology,VABB-1,1059,1068,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433174,,The role of connectedness in haptic object perception,VABB-1,43868,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433175,,Re-stepping into the same river: competition problem rather than a reconsolidation failure in an established motor skill,VABB-1,9406,9406,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433176,,"Two hands, one brain, and aging",VABB-1,234,256,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433177,,Relationships between training load indicators and training outcomes in professional soccer,VABB-1,533,544,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433178,,"Handwriting training in Parkinson’s disease: a trade-off between size, speed and fluency",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433179,,"Reliable estimation of inhibitory efficiency: To anticipate, choose, or simply react?",VABB-1,1512,1523,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433180,,Human dorsomedial parieto-motor circuit specifies grasp during the planning of goal-directed hand actions,VABB-1,175,186,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433181,,"Is it Trauma- or Fantasy-based? Comparing dissociative identity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, simulators, and controls",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433182,,Individual differences in brainstem and basal ganglia structure predict postural control and balance loss in young and older adults,VABB-1,47,59,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433183,,Disrupted prediction errors index social deficits in autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,235,246,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433184,,Neural predictors of motor control and impact of visuo-proprioceptive information in youth,VABB-1,5628,5647,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433185,,Online adjustments of leg movements in healthy young and old,VABB-1,2329,2348,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433186,,Cerebral activation during initial motor learning forecasts subsequent sleep-facilitated memory consolidation in older adults,VABB-1,1588,1601,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433187,,Coordinative task difficulty and behavioural errors are associated with increased long-range beta band synchronization,VABB-1,883,893,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433188,,Acute Effects of Walking Exercise on Stair Negotiation in Sedentary and Physically Active Older Adults,VABB-1,532,538,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433189,,Sway regularity and sway activity in older adults’ upright stance are differentially affected by dual task,VABB-1,153,157,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433190,,Physical activity predicts performance in an unpracticed bimanual coordination task,VABB-1,249,249,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433191,,Relative cortico-subcortical shift in brain activity but preserved training-induced neural modulation in older adults during bimanual motor learning,VABB-1,54,67,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433192,,Selective TMS-induced modulation of functional connectivity correlates with changes in behavior,VABB-1,361,378,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433193,,Two Processes In Early Bimanual Motor Skill Learning,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433194,,The interaction between constituent year and within-1-year effects in elite German youth basketball,VABB-1,627,633,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433195,,Structural and functional cortical connectivity mediating cross education of motor function,VABB-1,2555,2564,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433196,,Taking the brakes off the learning curve,VABB-1,1676,1691,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433198,,Geographical Variations in the Interaction of Relative Age Effects in Youth and Adult Elite Soccer,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433200,,"Cortical grey matter content is associated with both age and bimanual performance, but does not mediate age-related behavioral decline Brain Structure and Function",VABB-1,437,448,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433201,,Overlap of movement planning and movement execution reduces reaction time,VABB-1,117,122,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433202,,Neural processing of biological motion in autism: An investigation of brain activity and effective connectivity,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433203,,Cognitive flexibility and its electrophysiological correlates in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome,VABB-1,78,90,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433205,,Corticostriatal connectivity fingerprints: Probability maps based on resting-state functional connectivity,VABB-1,1478,1491,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433206,,Temptations toward behaviors minimizing energetic costs automatically activate physical activity goals in successful exercisers,VABB-1,110,117,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433207,,Detecting large-scale networks in the human brain using high-density electroencephalography,VABB-1,4631,4643,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433208,,Enhancement of motor consolidation by post-training transcranial direct current stimulation in older people,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433209,,Cognitive flexibility in neurological disorders: Cognitive components and event-related potentials,VABB-1,496,507,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433210,,Sleeping on the Motor Engram: The Multifaceted Nature of Sleep-Related Motor Memory Consolidation,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433211,,Direct eye contact enhances mirroring of others’ movements: A transcranial magnetic stimulation study,VABB-1,111,118,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433212,,Concurrent tACS-fMRI Reveals Causal Influence of Power Synchronized Neural Activity on Resting State fMRI Connectivity,VABB-1,4766,4777,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433213,,Moral processing deficit in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia is associated with facial emotion recognition and brain changes in default mode and salience network areas,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433214,,How visual experience impacts the internal and external spatial mapping of sensorimotor functions,VABB-1,1022,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433215,,GABA content within medial prefrontal cortex predicts the variability of fronto-limbic effective connectivity,VABB-1,3217,3229,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433216,,Functional and neurochemical interactions within the amygdala-medial prefrontal cortex circuit and their relevance to emotional processing,VABB-1,1267,1279,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433217,,Quick foot placement adjustments during gait are less accurate in individuals with focal cerebellar lesions,VABB-1,390,393,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433218,,Regional Gray Matter Volume Loss Is Associated with Gait Impairments in Young Brain-Injured Individuals,VABB-1,1022,1034,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433220,,Influence of Cueing and an Attentional Strategy on Freezing of Gait in Parkinson Disease During Turning,VABB-1,129,135,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433221,,Training dual tasks together or apart in Parkinson's disease: Results from the DUALITY trial,VABB-1,1201,1210,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433222,,Effect of myofascial techniques for treatment of upper limb dysfunctions in breast cancer survivors: randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,2119,2127,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433223,,Virtual Reality Training for Upper Extremity in Subacute Stroke (VIRTUES) A multicenter RCT,VABB-1,2413,2421,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433224,,Dance for Parkinson’s—The effects on whole body co-ordination during turning around,VABB-1,91,97,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433225,,"How does the interaction of presumed timing, location and extent of the underlying brain lesion relate to upper limb function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy?",VABB-1,763,772,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433226,,Technology-assisted rehabilitation of writing skills in Parkinson’s disease: visual cueing versus intelligent feedback,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433227,,Freezing-related perception deficits of asymmetrical walking in Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,122,129,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433228,,Statistical parametric mapping to identify differences between consensus-based joint patterns during gait in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433229,,Elastic tape improved shoulder joint position sense in chronic hemiparetic subjects: a randomized sham-controlled crossover study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433230,,Cerebellar theta burst stimulation does not improve freezing of gait in patients with Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,963,972,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433231,,Myofascial techniques have no additional beneficial effects to a standard physical therapy programme for upper limb pain after breast cancer surgery: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1625,1635,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433232,,"Prevalence of Joint Gait Patterns Defined by a Delphi Consensus Study Is Related to Gross Motor Function, Topographical Classification, Weakness, and Spasticity, in Children with Cerebral Palsy",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433233,,Clinical balance scales indicate worse postural control in people with Parkinson's disease who exhibit freezing of gait compared to those who do not: A meta-analysis,VABB-1,134,140,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433234,,Fall-Prone Older People's Attitudes towards the Use of Virtual Reality Technology for Fall Prevention,VABB-1,590,598,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433235,,Clinical presentation and management of dyskinetic cerebral palsy,VABB-1,741,749,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433236,,Does expert knowledge improve automatic probabilistic classification of gait joint motion patterns in children with cerebral palsy?,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433237,,Pain characteristics as important contributing factors to upper limb dysfunctions in breast cancer survivors at long term,VABB-1,52,59,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433239,,Achilles tendon moment arm length is smaller in children with cerebral palsy than in typically developing children,VABB-1,48,54,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433241,,Validity and reliability of a new tool to evaluate handwriting difficulties in Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433242,,"A cross-sectional study comparing lateral and diagonal maximum weight shift in people with stroke and healthy controls and the correlation with balance, gait and fear of falling",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433243,,Everyday stepping quantity and quality among older adult fallers with and without mild cognitive impairment: Initial evidence for new motor markers of cognitive deficits?,VABB-1,1078,1082,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:433245,,Context,VABB-4,205,218,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433246,,European consensus on the concepts and measurement of the pathophysiological neuromuscular responses to passive muscle stretch,VABB-1,981,e38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433247,,Development of a patient-reported outcome measure for upper limb function in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: DMD Upper Limb PROM,VABB-1,224,231,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433248,,An evaluation tool for myofascial adhesions in patients after breast cancer (MAP-BC evaluation tool): Development and interrater reliability,VABB-1,e0179116,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433249,,Evaluation of tissue displacement and regional strain in the Achilles tendon using quantitative high-frequency ultrasound,VABB-1,e0181364,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433250,,Functional outcomes in children and young people with dyskinetic cerebral palsy,VABB-1,634,640,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433251,,Structural brain damage and upper limb kinematics in children with unilateral cerebral palsy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433252,,Negative influence of motor impairments on upper limb movement patterns in children with unilateral cerebral palsy. A statistical parametric mapping study,VABB-1,482,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433253,,Inter- and intrarater clinical agreement on joint motion patterns during gait in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,750,755,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433254,,The Effect of Additional Virtual Reality Training on Balance in Children with Cerebral Palsy after Lower Limb Surgery: A Feasibility Study,VABB-1,39,48,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433255,,Inter-rater reliability of shoulder measurements in middle-aged women,VABB-1,222,230,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433256,,Effects of Progressive Resistance Training on Cardiovascular Autonomic Regulation in Patients With Parkinson Disease: A Randomized Controlled Trial,VABB-1,2134,2141,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433257,,"The relationship of dystonia and choreoathetosis with activity, participation and quality of life in children and youth with dyskinetic cerebral palsy",VABB-1,327,335,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433258,,Prolonged Walking with a Wearable System Providing Intelligent Auditory Input in People with Parkinson’s Disease,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433260,,Clinical assessment and three-dimensional movement analysis: an integrated approach for upper limb evaluation in children with unilateral cerebral palsy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433261,,External input for gait in people with Parkinson's disease with and without freezing of gait: One size does not fit all,VABB-1,1488,1496,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433262,,The ability to correct an on-going action: Accuracy and correction time in elite fencing,VABB-1,387,394,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433263,,Intake of a Ketone Ester Drink during Recovery from Exercise Promotes mTORC1 Signaling but Not Glycogen Resynthesis in Human Muscle,VABB-1,1,12,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:433264,,Physiological adaptations to hypoxic versus normoxic training during intermittent living high,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433265,,Are mechanically sensitive regulators involved in the function and (patho)physiology of cerebral palsy-related contractures?,VABB-1,317,330,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433266,,The Role of Inflammation in Age-Related Sarcopenia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433267,,Evaluation of immobilized hFMO3 on magnetic nanoparticles by capillary zone electrophoresis,VABB-1,289,296,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433268,,"Premorbid obesity, but not nutrition, prevents critical illness-induced muscle wasting and weakness",VABB-1,89,101,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433270,,Epilogue: the future of sport imagined,VABB-4,217,220,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433271,,Restoring sport's integrity: beyond ad hoc solutions in challenging aberrations in sport,VABB-4,18,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433273,,"Methods for dealing with multiple outcomes in meta-analysis: a comparison between averaging effect sizes, robust variance estimation and multilevel meta-analysis",VABB-1,559,572,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433274,,Educacionalização como um processo de modernização em curso,VABB-1,753,768,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:433275,,"More than an antidote against amnesia ... Some historiographical, theoretical, and methodological reflections on the history of education",VABB-1,327,350,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433276,,How to connect classroom and workplace learning,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433277,,De leraar staat er niet alleen voor: naar een passend ontwerp voor een op de toekomst gerichte lerarenopleiding,VABB-1,89,95,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433278,,Long-term effects of primary schools on mathematics achievement of students at age 17,VABB-1,1131,1148,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433279,,"Colonial education in the Congo - a question of ""uncritical"" pedagogy until the bitter end? La educatión en el Congo, ¿una cuestión de pedagogiá ""acrítica"" hasta el amargo final? L'education coloniale au Congo - une question de pédagogie ""non-critique"" jusqu'à la fin?",VABB-1,2,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433282,,Approaches to Measuring Creativity: A Systematic Literature Review,VABB-1,238,275,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433283,,Effects of opportunities to learn in teacher education on the development of teachers’ professional knowledge of French as a foreign language,VABB-1,265,279,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433284,,Long-term effects of primary schools on non-cognitive outcomes of students at age 17,VABB-1,83,93,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433285,,Enhancing the connection between the classroom and the clinical workplace: A systematic review,VABB-1,148,157,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433287,,Methodological Issues in Measuring Creativity: A Systematic Literature Review,VABB-1,276,301,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433288,,Long-term effects of primary schools on educational positions of students two and four years after the start of secondary education,VABB-1,167,190,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433289,,"Frictions and fractions in the new education fellowship, 1920s-1930s: Montessori(ans) vs. Decroly(ans)",VABB-1,251,270,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433290,,Teacher leadership in practice: Mapping the negotiation of the position of the special educational needs coordinator in schools,VABB-1,701,718,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:433291,,The effects of a systematically designed online learning environment on pre-service teachers’ professional knowledge,VABB-1,103,113,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433293,,Assessing meta-regression methods for examining moderator relationships with dependent effect sizes: A Monte Carlo simulation,VABB-1,435,450,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433294,,Leren ontwerpen van STEM-integrerend leermateriaal,VABB-1,27,36,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433295,,Examining focused L2 practice: from in vitro to in vivo,VABB-1,121,145,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433296,,(Non-)symbolic magnitude processing in children with mathematical difficulties: A meta-analysis,VABB-1,152,167,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433297,,How do student and classroom characteristics affect attitude toward mathematics? A multivariate multilevel analysis,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433298,,The measurement of collaborative culture in secondary schools: an informal subgroup approach,VABB-1,24,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433300,,Information seeking in secondary schools: A multilevel network approach,VABB-1,35,45,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433301,,Bupropion for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults,VABB-1,,,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:433302,,Respiratory muscle training for multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,CD009424,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433304,,One single bout of low intensity isometric handgrip exercise reduces blood pressure during daily activities in healthy pre- and hypertensive individuals,VABB-1,469,475,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433305,,Low-intensity isometric handgrip exercise has no transient effect on blood pressure in patients with coronary artery disease,VABB-1,633,639,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433306,,Automated Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests in Adults with Respiratory Complaints,VABB-1,170,178,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433307,,Validity of heart rate measurements by the Garmin Forerunner 225 at different walking intensities,VABB-1,480,485,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433310,,"Development, Validity and Reliability of the Londrina Activities of Daily Living Protocol for Subjects With COPD",VABB-1,288,297,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433311,,Longer-term effects of home-based exercise interventions on exercise capacity and physical activity in coronary artery disease patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,244,256,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433312,,Cross-cultural Psychometric Evaluation of the Dutch McGill-QoL Questionnaire for Breast Cancer Patients,VABB-1,205,209,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433313,,Feasibility of diaphragm pacing in patients after bilateral lung transplantation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433314,,"PATHway I: design and rationale for the investigation of the feasibility, clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a technology-enabled cardiac rehabilitation platform",VABB-1,e016781,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433315,,"Prevalence of self-reported stroke in association with ethnic background within a multi-ethnic population in Paramaribo, Suriname: results from the HeliSur study",VABB-1,303,310,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433317,,Non-linear parameters of specific resistance loops to characterise obstructive airways diseases,VABB-1,9,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433318,,"Physical activity is increased by a 12 week semi-automated telecoaching program in patients with COPD, a multicenter randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433319,,The role of pulmonary rehabilitation in the prevention of exacerbations of chronic lung diseases,VABB-4,224,246,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433320,,"ACTIVATE: the effect of aclidinium/formoterol on hyperinflation, exercise capacity, and physical activity in patients with COPD",VABB-1,2545,2558,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:433321,,Perceptions of Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Their Physiotherapists Regarding the Use of an eHealth Intervention,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433322,,The effect of a standard whole blood donation on oxygen uptake and exercise capacity: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,451,462,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433323,,Respiratory Factors Contributing to Exercise Intolerance in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Case-Control Study,VABB-1,54,63,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433324,,Cardiac Rehabilitation in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator,VABB-4,227,243,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433325,,"Exercise, physical activity, and congenital heart disease",VABB-4,401,409,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433326,,"Peripheral muscle abnormalities in cystic fibrosis: Etiology, clinical implications and response to therapeutic interventions",VABB-1,538,552,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433327,,Physical Activity of Patients with COPD from Regions with Different Climatic Variations,VABB-1,276,283,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433328,,Technology use by older adults in the Netherlands and its associations with demographics and health outcomes,VABB-1,188,196,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433329,,Effectiveness of in-hospital geriatric co-management: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,903,910,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433330,,Predictive Modeling of Exercise Response in CVD Patients under Rehabilitation,VABB-5,201,204,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:433331,,Exercise capacity in left ventricular assist device patients with full and partial support,VABB-1,168,177,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433332,,"The European Association of Preventive Cardiology Exercise Prescription in Everyday Practice and Rehabilitative Training (EXPERT) tool: A digital training and decision support system for optimized exercise prescription in cardiovascular disease. Concept, definitions and construction methodology",VABB-1,1017,1031,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433333,,Validity and reliability of strain gauge measurement of volitional quadriceps force in patients with COPD,VABB-1,289,297,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433334,,Exercise Tolerance in Children with Simple Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries: A Comparative Study,VABB-1,66,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433335,,Postoperative inspiratory muscle training in addition to breathing exercises and early mobilization improves oxygenation in high-risk patients after lung cancer surgery: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1483,91,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433337,,The effect of aerobic interval training and continuous training on exercise capacity and its determinants,VABB-1,328,340,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433339,,Sedentary behaviour in people living with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,571,577,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433341,,"Physical activity and metabolic disease among people with affective disorders: Prevention, management and implementation",VABB-1,87,94,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433343,,Drop-out from physical activity interventions in people living with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,636,643,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433344,,Higher cardio-respiratory fitness is associated with increased mental and physical quality of life in people with bipolar disorder: A controlled pilot study,VABB-1,219,224,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433345,,Yoga as part of a package of care versus standard care for schizophrenia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433346,,Bidirectional longitudinal relationship between leisure-time physical activity and psychotropic medication usage: A register linked follow-up study,VABB-1,208,213,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433347,,Reliability and validity of 6MWT for outpatients with schizophrenia: a preliminary study,VABB-1,37,42,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433348,,Prevalence of suicidal ideation and attempt: associations with psychiatric disorders and HIV/AIDS in post-conflict Northern Uganda,VABB-1,1027,1035,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433349,,Physical activity and anxiety: a perspective from the World Health Survey,VABB-1,545,552,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433351,,Physiotherapy and mental health,VABB-4,179,204,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433352,,Exercise as treatment for alcohol use disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,1058,1064,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433353,,the body in movement: a clinical approach,VABB-4,215,236,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433355,,"Physical chronic conditions, multimorbidity and sedentary behavior amongst middle-aged and older adults in six low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433361,,Physical activity correlates in heavy episodic drinkers: Data from 46 low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,163,170,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433362,,"Perceived stress and its relationship with chronic conditions and multimorbidity among 229,293 community-dwelling adults in 44 low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,979,989,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433363,,"Mental health, physical activity and sport",VABB-4,147,163,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433364,,Aerobic Exercise Improves Cognitive Functioning in People With Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,VABB-1,546,556,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433366,,Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Severe Mental Illness: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis,VABB-1,343,352,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433367,,"Assessing blood flow, microvasculature, erythema and redness in hypertrophic scars: A cross sectional study showing different features that require precise definitions",VABB-1,1044,1050,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433368,,Depression and physical health multimorbidity: primary data and country-wide meta-analysis of population data from 190 593 people across 43 low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,2107,2117,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433369,,Lower cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with more time spent sedentary in first episode psychosis: a pilot study,VABB-1,13,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433371,,"Chronic physical conditions, multimorbidity and physical activity across 46 low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,6,6,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433373,,Psychomotor therapy for patients with severe mental health disorders,VABB-4,25,48,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433374,,Physical health policies and metabolic screening in mental health care systems of Sub-Saharan African countries: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433375,,Yoga versus non-standard care for schizophrenia,VABB-1,CD012052,,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:433376,,Physical activity correlates in people with anxiety: data from 46 low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,26,31,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433377,,"Physical activity correlates among 24,230 people with depression across 46 low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,81,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433379,,Basketball game related statistics that discriminate between players with intellectual impairment and able-bodied players,VABB-1,113,119,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433380,,An examination of the anxiolytic effects of exercise for people with anxiety and stress-related disorders: A meta-analysis,VABB-1,102,108,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433382,,"""ABC""-The Awareness-Body-Chart: A new tool assessing body awareness",VABB-1,e0186597,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433383,,Mild cognitive impairment and physical activity in the general population: Findings from six low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,100,105,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433384,,"Physical activity is associated with the physical, psychological, social and environmental quality of life in people with mental health problems in a low resource setting",VABB-1,250,254,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433385,,"Sedentary behavior and physical activity levels in people with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder: a global systematic review and meta-analysis",VABB-1,308,315,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433386,,Body attitude and body experience in Greek and Flemish females with and without eating disorders,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433387,,Exercise and post traumatic stress disorder,VABB-4,375,388,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433390,,"Prevalence, incidence and mortality from cardiovascular disease in patients with pooled and specific severe mental illness: a large-scale meta-analysis of 3,211,768 patients and 113,383,368 controls",VABB-1,163,180,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433391,,Are people with schizophrenia adherent to diabetes medication? A comparative meta-analysis,VABB-1,17,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433392,,Physical fitness in people with posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review,VABB-1,2461,2467,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433393,,Depression comorbid with tuberculosis and its impact on health status: cross-sectional analysis of community-based data from 48 low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,209,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433394,,Lifetime self-reported arthritis is associated with elevated levels of mental health burden: A multi-national cross sectional study across 46 low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,7138,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433395,,The convergent validity of four fine motor assessment tools in 5 to12 years old children,VABB-1,70,88,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433396,,Cognitive Predictors of Performance in Well-Trained Table Tennis Players with Intellectual Disability,VABB-1,324,337,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433401,,Depression and pain: primary data and meta-analysis among 237 952 people across 47 low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,2906,2917,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433402,,"Perceived stress and smoking across 41 countries: A global perspective across Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas",VABB-1,7597,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433403,,Pacing ability in elite runners with intellectual impairment,VABB-1,588,594,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433404,,Test of Gross Motor Development-3 (TGMD-3) with the Use of Visual Supports for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Validity and Reliability,VABB-1,813,833,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433405,,Impact of mental health problems on physical self-esteem,VABB-1,3,32,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433406,,Physical activity and sedentary behavior in people with major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,139,150,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433407,,"Interest, competence, appearance, fitness and social relatedness as motives for physical activity in Ugandan outpatients with psychosis",VABB-1,94,95,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433408,,Physical Activity Levels and Psychosis: A Mediation Analysis of Factors Influencing Physical Activity Target Achievement Among 204 186 People Across 46 Low- and Middle-Income Countries,VABB-1,536,545,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433410,,Restorative Justice and Adolescent Health,VABB-4,115,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433411,,Criminalising Sexual Harassment,VABB-1,359,366,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433412,,Restorative justice and normative responsibility,VABB-1,27,40,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433413,,Challenges shared by restorative justice and strict liability in the absence of mens rea,VABB-1,577,591,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433414,,"Methodologische keuzes bij het maken van de etnografische film ‘Biso, de zwarte stads- bendes van Brusse",VABB-1,235,242,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433415,,"Matongé, drugs en Congolese bendes in Brussel",VABB-1,7,21,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433416,,Fear and Retaliation: Gang Violence in Brussels and Caracas,VABB-4,51,63,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433417,,Prevalentie van en hanteringsgedrag bij stalkingsgerelateerd gedrag onder buren. Een eerste exploratie in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,9,24,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433420,,Overeenkomst tot oprichting van vennootschap met rechtspersoonlijkheid (vennootschapsbelofte),VABB-1,436,457,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433421,,Tussenpersonen bij consumentenkoop. Vertrouwen op de schijn van professionele hoedanigheid bij C2C-transacties,VABB-1,3,40,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433423,,Ontslagvergoedingen van bestuurders. Pleidooi voor een herdefiniëring van de ad nutum afzetbaarheid,VABB-1,18,22,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433424,,Concurrentiebeding in arbeidsverhoudingen,VABB-1,613,669,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433425,,Winstvergoedingen bij wanprestatie,VABB-1,1483,1499,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433426,,Informatieasymmetrie in de sharing economy: een nieuwe rol voor internetplatformen?,VABB-4,151,176,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433427,,Dominantie van het positief belang bij vervangende schadevergoeding,VABB-1,75,93,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433428,,Regards comparatistes sur la réforme de la responsabilité civile. II.F: Application dans le temps,VABB-1,33,37,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:433429,,Belangenconflicten van meerderheidsaandeelhouders. Zoektocht naar betere minderheidsbescherming vanuit rechtseconomisch en rechtsvergelijkend perspectief,VABB-1,5,41,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433432,,"Privacy and confidentiality in exchange of information procedures: some uncertainties, many issues, but few solutions",VABB-1,362,381,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433433,,Belastingheffing van beloningen uit een dienstbetrekking uitgeoefend aan boord van een schip of luchtvaartuig dat in internationaal verkeer wordt geëxploiteerd. Interpretatieproblemen m.b.t. artikel 15(3) OESO-modelverdrag,VABB-1,4,25,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433437,,Congregación De Escuelas Pías Provincia Betania: Tax Exemption for Education Services by Religious Congregation Not Sacrosanct from State Aid Perspective,VABB-1,292,302,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433438,,Anti-Abuse Measures in the Area of Direct Taxation: Towards Converging Standards under Treaty Freedoms and EU Directives?,VABB-1,60,66,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433440,,"Weigering verrekening FBB op buitenlandse dividenden, alle middelen uitgeput? Brengt de bronstaat alsnog soelaas?",VABB-1,193,208,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433441,,Article 17 OECD- and UN-MC: Entertainers and Sportspersons,VABB-4,1287,1411,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433442,,Exit- en entry-taxatie,VABB-1,5,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433444,,European Commission’s New Package of Proposals on E-Commerce: A Critical Assessment,VABB-1,137,146,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433445,,Verwezenlijkte meerwaarde bij inkoop van eigen aandelen in bepaalde gevallen ook fiscaal als meerwaarde te beschouwen,VABB-1,760,763,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433446,,Taxation of Remuneration from Employment Aboard a Ship or Aircraft Operated in International Traffic: Interpretation Issues under Article 15(3) of the OECD Model,VABB-1,154,169,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433449,,Article 16 OECD- and UN-MC: Directors´ Fees/Directors´ Fees and Remuneration of Top-Managerial Officials,VABB-4,1223,1286,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433450,,De gewestelijke woonfiscaliteit ontward,VABB-1,58,79,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433451,,Exit Taxation: From an Internal Market Barrier to a Tax Avoidance Prevention Tool,VABB-1,122,132,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433454,,Over de kwalificatie als lening van een kredietopening t.v.v. een onderneming,VABB-1,90,93,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433457,,"Changing Insurance Contract Law: An Age-Old, Slow and Unfinished Story",VABB-4,31,57,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433463,,Public Enforcement of the Market Abuse Regulation,VABB-4,63,84,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433464,,21. MiFID II in relation to other investor protection regulation - Picking up the crumbs of a piecemeal approach,VABB-4,587,611,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433467,,Article 33: Exchange of Information with ESMA,VABB-4,513,517,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433468,,Article 34: Publication of Decisions,VABB-4,518,527,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433469,,Uitstoting van minderheidsaandeelhouders uit genoteerde vennootschappen. Rechtsvergelijkende en rechtseconomische analyse,VABB-1,975,994,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433470,,Spezialisierte Spruchkörper im Gesellschaftsrecht,VABB-1,608,660,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:433475,,Article 31: Exercise of Supervisory Powers and Imposition of Sanctions,VABB-4,492,498,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433479,,De minderheidsvennoot tijdens de vereffening: het vergeten agency-conflict,VABB-1,542,546,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433480,,The Anatomy of Corporate Law. A Comparative and Functional Approach,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433484,,The AkzoNobel Case: An Activist Shareholder's Battle against the Backdrop of the Shareholder Rights Directive,VABB-1,238,243,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433486,,Article 32: Reporting of Infringements,VABB-4,499,512,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433487,,Article 30: Administrative Sanctions and Other Administrative Measures,VABB-4,477,491,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433488,,Het toepassingsgebied van de MiFIR-productinterventiemaatregelen,VABB-1,965,969,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433489,,Over de billijke prijs en de prijsaanpassing wegens collusie bij verplicht openbaar bod (noot onder HvJ 20 juli 2017),VABB-1,904,911,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433491,,"Yes, a Contractual System for Determining the Issue Price of Shares in a Public LImited Liabilitiy Company is Fully Compatible withe the Capital Regime of Directive 2012/30/EU - The Belgian example",VABB-4,1455,1470,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433494,,Pauliaanse vordering en nietigheidsvordering tegen vennootschapsbesluiten met externe werking: aan elkaar gewaagd,VABB-1,1237,1300,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433495,,Building Blocks of Investor Protection : All-embracing Regulation Tightens its Grip,VABB-1,229,244,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433500,,De doorwerking van strafrecht in het jeugddelinquentierecht: naar een expliciete methode,VABB-1,175,187,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433508,,The present and future of universal jurisdiction in Africa: Lessons from the Hissène Habré case,VABB-4,1,36,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:433510,,Naar een nieuwe regeling voor beslag op gegevensdragers,VABB-1,277,284,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433514,,"""Komt een terrorist met zijn advocaat bij de dokter..."" Mogen of moeten beroepsgeheimhouders spreken",VABB-1,22,52,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433519,,De kat bij de melk. Strafrechtelijke grenzen aan praktijktests: het verbod op burgerinfiltratie en op de uitlokking van misdrijven,VABB-4,7,28,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433520,,Current challenges in economic and financial criminal law in Europe and the US,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433525,,Procesmisbruik door de verdediging in de strafprocedure: een contradictio in terminis?,VABB-1,802,815,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433540,,De bestuurlijke sluiting van inrichtingen in geval van terroristische activiteiten: een analyse van het nieuwe artikel 134septies van de Nieuwe Gemeentewet,VABB-1,563,574,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433541,,EU Criminal Law and Effet Utile - A Critical Examination of the Use of Criminal Law to Achieve Effective Enforcement,VABB-4,84,110,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433548,,Challenges in the field of economic and financial crime in Europe and the US,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433558,,Verzamelen en vastleggen van digitaal bewijs in strafzaken,VABB-1,311,338,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433560,,Op zoek naar de grenzen van het mechanisme van correctionalisering. Potpourri II en de spreekwoordelijke olifant,VABB-1,49,58,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433562,,"Educational enhancement in the disciplines: Models, lessons and challenges from three research-intensive universities",VABB-4,43,71,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433564,,EU Environmental Law,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433565,,The Basis in EU Constitutional Law for Further Social Integration,VABB-4,344,384,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433566,,La vie après l'avis: exploring the principle of mutual (yet not blind) trust,VABB-1,805,840,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433568,,L'apport de la Cour de justice à la construction européenne,VABB-1,134,137,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:433569,,Krachtlijnen van de financiering,VABB-4,389,424,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433570,,The Participation of the EU and its Member States in Multilateral Environmental Negotiations post Lisbon,VABB-1,1,61,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433581,,"Hof van Justitie verduidelijkt bevoegdheidsverdeling tussen Raad en Commissie tot het sluiten van niet-bindende akkoorden Zaak C-660/13, Raad/Commissie (Zwitsers MvO)",VABB-1,167,171,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433582,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 februari 2016 tot 30 april 2016),VABB-1,382,387,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433584,,The Dublin III System: More Derogations to the Duty to Transfer Individual Asylum Seekers?,VABB-1,719,728,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433587,,The European Court of Justice and the Comparative Law Method,VABB-1,297,311,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433588,,De nationale identiteit van lidstaten: bouwsteen of splijtzwam voor het recht van de Europese Unie,VABB-1,354,365,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433589,,The Role of the Council Legal Service in Ensuring Respect for the Law,VABB-4,87,110,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433592,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 augustus 2015 tot 31 oktober 2015),VABB-1,97,100,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433594,,The European Court of Justice as the Guardian of the Rule of EU Social Law,VABB-4,433,456,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433596,,CS en Rendón Marín: heeft een strafblad gevolgen voor de toepassing van de Ruiz Zambrano-rechtspraak?,VABB-1,131,134,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433600,,EU external action,VABB-4,710,760,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433601,,Les valeurs de l'Union européenne et le pluralisme constitutionnel,VABB-1,183,194,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:433602,,Mutual Recognition and Mutual Trust in the Internal Market,VABB-1,93,115,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433606,,The Procedural and Institutional Dimension of EU Anti-discrimination Law,VABB-4,133,149,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433607,,Europees recht,VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433609,,European Union Common Security and Defence Policy Operations,VABB-4,669,700,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433611,,The EU as a Global Actor. Bridging Legal Theory and Practice. Liber Amicorum in honour of Ricardo Gosalbo Bono,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433612,,Opinion 3/15 on the Marrakesh Treaty: the ECJ Reaffirms 'Minimum Harmonisation' Exception to ERTA Principle,VABB-1,160,179,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433614,,The Use of the CFSP Legal Basis for EU International Agreements in Combination with Other Legal Bases,VABB-4,394,423,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433616,,De Europese pijler van Sociale Rechten: een eerste evaluatie,VABB-1,3,9,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433621,,What's in a name: moet een lidstaat een naamwijziging erkennen indien de nieuwe naam de schijn van adellijke herkomst wekt?,VABB-1,498,501,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433622,,A European Social Union after the Crisis,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433625,,General Principles of EU Law and Audit Practice of EU Funds,VABB-1,815,837,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433626,,Crossing bridges at high speed. On the future of Risk research,VABB-1,52,55,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433629,,The role of care in the development of EU citizenship?,VABB-4,468,488,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433632,,Data mining spacecraft telemetry: Towards generic solutions to automatic health monitoring and status characterisation,VABB-5,99101I,10,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433636,,How Can Labour Law Contribute to Work-Life Balance? Recommendations for a Modern Working Time Law,VABB-4,51,71,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433640,,"Work-Life Balance in the Modern Workplace. Interdisciplinary Perspectives from Work-Family Research, Law and Policy",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433642,,L'architecture de la gouvernance mondiale du travail,VABB-1,373,392,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:433645,,La arqiotectura de la gobernanza mundial del trabajo,VABB-1,365,383,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:433646,,Fixed-term contracts and the principle of equal treatment in Belgium,VABB-1,3,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433652,,Labour effects of corporate groups in Belgium,VABB-1,7,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433659,,"Vakbondsprerogatieven bij de Spoorwegen (noot onder GwH 26 juli 2017, nr. 2017/101)",VABB-1,730,742,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433663,,Sociale dumping (noot onder Gent 19 oktober 2017),VABB-1,801,805,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433664,,The changing concept of work: when does typical work become atypical?,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433665,,Conclusion: Asking the Right Questions,VABB-4,283,291,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:433668,,De jeugdbescherming,VABB-4,429,450,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433669,,"Early access to occupational pension plans: Belgium vs USA. Borrowing, pledging, hardship withdrawal or early distribution",VABB-1,186,206,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433670,,De sociale zekerheid en de niet-standaard arbeidsrelaties: Ontwikkelingen in Europa en Nederland,VABB-1,12,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433675,,Jeugdhulp tussen beschermingsplicht en inmengingsverbod,VABB-4,705,732,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433676,,The silent pension pillar implosion,VABB-1,98,117,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433678,,Het pensioenreglement als rechtsbron van aanvullende pensioenen,VABB-1,499,524,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433680,,Case-Based Deliberation in Cases of Child Abuse: an Innovative Way to Cooperate Between Justice and Care,VABB-1,353,370,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433684,,Social protection of non-removable rejected asylum-seekers in the EU: a legal assessment,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433688,,Informatie-uitwisseling tussen artsen en hulpverleners: het beroepsgeheim als splijtzwam of bindmiddel,VABB-1,6,24,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433691,,Regulation as an Obstacle to Care? A Care-Ethical Evaluation of the Regulation on the Use of Seclusion Cells in Psychiatric Care in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-4,169,190,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433695,,Phylogenomic Analysis Reveals an Asian Origin for African Burkholderia pseudomallei and Further Supports Melioidosis Endemicity in Africa,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433697,,"Combating Slavery, Forced Labour and Human Trafficking: Are Current International, European and National Instruments Working?",VABB-1,495,497,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433698,,Digest of State Practice: 1 July – 31 December 2016,VABB-1,131,170,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433699,,The GX Contribution to Multilateral Governance: Balancing Efficiency and Inclusiveness,VABB-1,45,63,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433701,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433702,,Equality among Member States and Differentiated Integration in the EU,VABB-4,43,82,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433703,,The Trials and Tribulations of Benelux,VABB-4,285,295,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433704,,Monitoring Forced Labour and Slavery in Global Supply Chains: The Case of the California Act on Transparency in Supply Chains,VABB-1,522,530,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433706,,The EU’s Contribution to “the Strict Observance and the Development of International Law at the UNGA Sixth Committee,VABB-4,147,163,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433707,,Translating authority: In search of commensurability between Tianxia world order and Western sovereignty,VABB-4,131,164,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433708,,Is Everybody on Board? Voluntary Sustainability Standards and Green Restructuring,VABB-1,511,520,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433709,,Edward Elgar Research Handbook on EU Energy Law and Policy,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433710,,The Future of the GX System and Global Governance: an Introduction,VABB-1,3,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433714,,Diplomatieke immuniteiten: een juridisch baken in een woelige zee. Noot onder Hof van Cassatie 28 oktober 2016,VABB-1,417,420,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433716,,Enforcing Global Labour Rights,VABB-1,339,459,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433717,,Political Economy and International Law: Paradoxes and Potential,VABB-4,439,446,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433719,,US – Shrimp II (Vietnam): Dubious Application of Anti-Dumping Duties; Should Have Used Safeguards,VABB-1,183,201,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433721,,Legal Duties of Diplomats Today,VABB-4,247,271,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433724,,Reforzar el control en sistemas de regulacion privada del trabajo,VABB-1,469,495,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:433725,,Número Monografico: Cómo Hacer Cumplir Los Derechos Laborales en el Mundo,VABB-1,365,495,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:433726,,The G20 and the BRICS on Trade and Investment: Trends and Policies,VABB-1,7,31,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433730,,Numéro Spécial: Quels Outils Pour Une Application Effective Des Droits Au Travail Dans Le Monde?,VABB-1,373,505,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:433731,,The EU and the Antarctic: Strange Bedfellows?,VABB-4,269,283,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433732,,International Organizations and Member State Responsibility. Critical Perspectives,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433733,,China’s Unilateral Abrogation of the Sino-Belgian Treaty: A Case Study of a Deviant Transplantation,VABB-4,257,277,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433735,,Redesigning enforcement in private labor regulation. Will it work?,VABB-1,435,459,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433737,,The European Union in United Nations Economic Governance Fora,VABB-4,541,561,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433738,,"Raad van bestuur van de Sociale verzekeringsbank v LF Evans, Judgment, Case C-179/13 [2015] ECLI:EU:C:2015:12",VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433739,,Rule Intermediaries in Global Labor Governance,VABB-1,189,206,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433741,,Les dispositifs de gouvernance sociale privés et leur système de controle: quelles réformes pour quel effet,VABB-1,479,505,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:433742,,Trust Beyond Faith. Re-Thinking Contracts With Heretics and Excommunicates in Times of Religious War,VABB-1,301,328,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433743,,Einblicke in den katholischen Beitrag zur Rechtsentwicklung in der Frühen Neuzeit,VABB-4,111,130,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:433746,,Das Gewissen in den Rechtslehren der protestantischen und katholischen Reformationen / Conscience in the Legal Teachings of the Protestant and Catholic Reformations,VABB-3,,,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:433747,,Loans and Credit in the Canon Law Consilia of Wamesius (1524-1590),VABB-1,230,271,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433748,,"""Templorum praerogativae cum legatorum domibus communicabantur"". Il tempio nel dibattito sull'inviolabilità della sede diplomatica nella prima età moderna",VABB-1,195,222,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433749,,Bestuurders. Enkele heren en vrouwen van Turnhout en hun levens,VABB-4,78,81,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433750,,Le notariat,VABB-4,741,748,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:433752,,The Law of Conscience in the Reformed Tradition: Johannes A. Van der Meulen (1635-1702) and his Tractatus theologico-juridicus,VABB-4,87,110,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433753,,Bestuurders. Schepenbank en stadsbestuur,VABB-4,23,26,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433754,,De aflosbaarheid van renten in Nederlandse consilia en decisiones (ca. 1500 - 1670),VABB-1,139,159,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433756,,Justitie. Rechtbank,VABB-4,144,148,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433758,,Einleitung,VABB-4,11,16,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:433759,,Het notariaat,VABB-4,743,750,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433760,,The Emergence of the Rule of Law in Western Constitutional History: Revising Traditional Narratives,VABB-4,94,119,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433764,,The ideal judge in the 17th century: the example of Gabriel Álvarez de Velasco's Iudex Perfectus,VABB-1,648,659,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433766,,Oorlog,VABB-4,205,219,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433767,,"Law, Religion, and Debt Relief:Balancing above the ‘Abyss of Despair’ in Early Modern Canon Law and Theology",VABB-1,125,141,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433769,,Between Faith and Empire: The Justification of the Spanish Intervention in the French Wars of Religion in the 1590s,VABB-4,101,122,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433771,,Uitgeweken,VABB-4,311,319,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433772,,Recht und Finanzen in der Spätscholastik,VABB-4,19,42,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:433773,,Collaborative Legal Pluralism. Confessors as Law Enforcers in Mercado's Advice on Economic Governance (1571),VABB-1,103,114,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433775,,Social Crisis and Rule of Law. Domingo de Soto on the Rights of the Deserving Poor,VABB-1,301,319,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433777,,Singing Canon Law? Neumes in manuscripts of the Decretum of Burchard of Worms,VABB-4,535,554,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433779,,Educatie. Pieter de Nef (1774-1844) en de apostolische school,VABB-4,78,81,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433781,,Medieval jurisprudence on international law,VABB-1,603,611,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433785,,Legal Historical Research in Belgium (2016),VABB-1,363,367,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433787,,The forum internum and its external features in the legal history of early modern times,VABB-4,17,32,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433789,,Politiek. Politiek na 1830,VABB-4,227,238,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433790,,Peace through law: the Hague Peace Conferences and the rise of the ius contra bellum,VABB-4,31,51,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433792,,Ethics of a relaxed antidoping rule accompanied by harm-reduction measures,VABB-1,282,286,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433794,,"Rhinology Future Debates, an EUFOREA Report",VABB-1,298,304,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433796,,Un regard éthique sur les Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse,VABB-4,147,166,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:433799,,"'There are alternatives, but your social life is curtailed'. Poverty and sports participation from an insider perspective",VABB-1,119,138,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433800,,Do non-profit sport organisations innovate? Types and preferences of service innovation within regional sport federations,VABB-1,289,308,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433801,,Does it take two to tango? The position and power of national sport bodies compared to their public authorities,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433802,,Conclusion. The role of sport policies and governmental support in the capacity building of sport federations,VABB-4,303,320,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433803,,Belgium: Flanders. Sport federations and governmental sport bodies,VABB-4,41,63,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433804,,Sport policy systems and sport federations. A cross-national perspective,VABB-3,,,"XVI, 334 p.",eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433806,,Who uses running apps and sports watches? Determinants and consumer profiles of event runners' usage of running-related smartphone applications and sports watches,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433807,,Sports managers’ perspectives on poverty and sports. The role of local sports authorities,VABB-1,510,521,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433808,,Creating sport participation from sport events: Making it happen,VABB-1,257,276,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433809,,Time and money expenditure in sports participation: The role of income in consuming the most practiced sports activities in Flanders,VABB-1,455,467,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433815,,Belgium. The rise and size of the sport industry in the Flemish Region and the Brussels-Capital Region,VABB-4,33,56,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433824,,"Electronic visual analogue scales for pain, fatigue, anxiety and quality of life in people with multiple sclerosis using smartphone and tablet: a reliability and feasibility study",VABB-1,1215,1225,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433825,,Randomized cross-over trial of ventilator modes during non-invasive ventilation titration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,VABB-1,1212,1218,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433826,,The effectiveness of a self-management occupational therapy intervention on activity performance in individuals with multiple sclerosis-related fatigue: a randomized-controlled trial,VABB-1,255,262,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433828,,Response to letter to the Editor ‘Altered breathing pattern valuation relative to dyspnea assessment and treatment for low back pain: Effects of clinical practice,VABB-1,e3,e4,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433829,,"Dietary intervention, but not losartan, completely reverses non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in obese and insulin resistant mice",VABB-1,46,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433830,,Preliminaire studie over het belang van de opsporing van ademhalingsproblemen bij patiënten met lage rugpijn,VABB-1,529,540,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433831,,A systematic review of physical activity policy recommendations and interventions for people with mental health problems in Sub-Saharan African countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433834,,The development of the Dutch version of the Fremantle Back Awareness Questionnaire,VABB-1,84,91,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433835,,Accelerometry-Based Activity Recognition and Assessment in Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases,VABB-1,2151,2151,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433836,,The Impact of Treatments for Depression on the Dynamic Network Structure of Mental States: Two Randomized Controlled Trials,VABB-1,46523,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433849,,Burgers vormen. Onderwijs en politiek in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden tijdens de omwentelingen van de late achttiende eeuw,VABB-1,16,31,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433850,,Archieven van de Vlaamse katholieke jeugdbewegingen,VABB-1,71,103,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433851,,Les organisations socioculturelles,VABB-4,1143,1182,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:433853,,De christelijke sociaalculturele organisaties,VABB-4,1141,1179,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433854,,World Missions as a Field of Inspiration for New Strategies towards Moderns Society (1830-1940),VABB-4,225,244,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433856,,"Talen geven en talen nemen. Nieuwe denkkaders, contexten en methodes in de studie van lexicale ontlening",VABB-1,1,15,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433857,,Doomsday? (Engelse) leenwoorden in het Nederlands,VABB-4,230,248,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433859,,Disease mapping of zero-excessive mesothelioma data in Flanders,VABB-1,59,66.e3,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433861,,Scaffolding tertiary students’ writing in a genre-based writing intervention,VABB-1,27,59,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433870,,Comprehensive corrective feedback on low and high proficiency writers: Examining attitudes and preferences,VABB-1,91,128,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433872,,"Successful Erasmus Experience: Analysing Perceptions before, during and after Erasmus",VABB-1,80,97,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433873,,What Five Decades of Research Tells Us about the Effects of Youth Psychological Therapy: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis and Implications for Science and Practice,VABB-1,79,117,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433874,,Het spanningsveld tussen ‘front-’ en ‘backstage’ in intensieve pedagogische thuisbegeleiding. Een meervoudige gevalsstudie,VABB-1,227,252,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433875,,Twintig jaar ontwikkelingen op de Vlaamse woningmarkt: of hoe woonbeleid veel meer is dan 'woonbeleid',VABB-4,19,43,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433876,,Kwaliteitsstandaarden voor de ontwikkeling van instrumenten voor het evalueren van empowerment. Van theorie tot praktijk in welzijnsorganisaties,VABB-1,204,229,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:433878,,Self-efficacy Regarding Social Work Competencies,VABB-1,594,606,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433881,,Proposition de révision de la législation européenne en matière de coordination des systèmes de sécurité sociale : examen critique spécifiquement axé sur la Belgique,VABB-1,443,475,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:433886,,Voorstel tot herziening van de EU-wetgeving omtrent de coördinatie van socialezekerheidsstelsels: een kritische bespreking met een specifieke focus op België,VABB-1,443,473,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433887,,Access to bacteriophage therapy: discouraging experiences from the human cell and tissue legal framework,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433889,,The use of regulatory taxation as a policy instrument for sustainability transitions: old wine in new bottles or unexplored potential?,VABB-1,1469,1486,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:433890,,Training abroad and technological capacity building: Analysing the role of Chinese training and scholarship programmes for Tanzanians,VABB-1,11,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433892,,Negotiating the technological capacity in Chinese engagements: Is the Tanzanian government in the driving seat?,VABB-1,331,353,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433893,,Between Engagement and Reluctance: Governments' Stand Towards Citizen Initiatives,VABB-1,189,202,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433894,,Editorial: Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity. The New Face of European Solidarity,VABB-1,163,169,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433895,,Systemic obstacles to lifelong learning: the influence of the educational system design on learning attitudes,VABB-1,176,196,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433897,,Gadamer in the Classroom. Using a hermeneutic approach to deepen students interpretation of contemporary art,VABB-1,13,25,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433899,,Returns on vocational education over the life cycle: between immediate labour market preparation and lifelong employability,VABB-1,257,280,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433900,,Estimates of genetic variability and inbreeding in experimentally selected populations of European sea bass,VABB-1,742,749,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433901,,How higher education may contribute to the development of graduates’ generic competences,VABB-4,254,269,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433903,,Good employees through good jobs: a latent profile analysis of job types and employee outcomes in the Belgian electricity sector,VABB-1,1,44,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433906,,Inspraak aan universiteiten: wat kunnen we van de duale inspraakstructuur verwachten?,VABB-1,417,426,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433908,,Using Google Street View to validate interviewer observations and predict nonresponse: a Belgian case study,VABB-1,345,360,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433909,,Zorgproeftuinen aan het werk. De impact van zorginnovaties op organisatie van de zorg en kwaliteit van arbeid,VABB-1,183,198,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433910,,Language use in services: Recent advances and directions for future research,VABB-1,114,118,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433911,,Optimizing cost-effectiveness in a stochastic Markov manpower planning system under control by recruitment,VABB-1,117,131,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433912,,When and Why Does Materialism Relate to Employees’ Attitudes and Well-being: The Mediational Role of Need Satisfaction and Need Frustration,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433913,,Consumer reactions to paid versus unpaid brand name placement in song lyrics,VABB-1,151,158,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433914,,The effects of different types of video modelling on undergraduate students’ motivation and learning in an academic writing course,VABB-1,399,435,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433915,,The impact of negative endorser information and their facial appearance on advertising effectiveness for profit and not-for-profit organizations,VABB-1,114,126,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433917,,"Boekbespreking 'Spelen in Zwarte Sneeuw', Bruno Vanobbergen (LannooCampus - ISBN 9789401437981, 142p)",VABB-1,264,267,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433919,,Public attitudes toward depression and help-seeking: Impact of the OSPI-Europe depression awareness campaign in four European regions,VABB-1,252,259,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433920,,Gebruikersparticipatie als onmisbare schakel in de omslag naar geïntegreerde zorg,VABB-4,109,133,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433922,,Social and functional health of home care clients with different levels of cognitive impairments,VABB-1,18,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433923,,Mechanisms of integrated care in Flanders: A bottom-up perspective,VABB-1,87,97,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433924,,A Flemish Strategy to Combat Homelessness,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433926,,The use of decision aids on early detection of prostate cancer: views of men and general practitioners,VABB-1,221,231,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433928,,Home- and Community-Based Occupational Therapy Improves Functioning in Frail Older People: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,1863,1869,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433930,,Fysieke fixatie en slimme technologie in Vlaamse woonzorgcentra: Resultaten van een surveybevraging bij zorg- en beleidspersoneel over visie en gebruik,VABB-1,67,76,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433934,,Doctors' perception of support and the processes involved in complaints investigations and how these relate to welfare and defensive practice: a cross-sectional survey of the UK physicians,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433935,,A systematic review of questionnaires used to measure the time spent on family care for frail older people,VABB-1,227,245,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433936,,Een program theory benadering voor het theoretisch onderbouwen van sociale interventies: een casestudie van vijf nederlandse maatjesprojecten,VABB-1,41,62,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433937,,De geestelijke gezondheidszorg: een nieuwe mindset?,VABB-1,5,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433942,,Patent Pools and Clearinghouses in the Life Sciences: Back to the Future,VABB-4,304,334,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433946,,Monitoring the implementation gap: a comparative perspective,VABB-4,291,312,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433947,,3D Printing and Patent Law: A Disruptive Technology Disrupting Patent Law?,VABB-1,504,537,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433948,,On the Road to Privacy- and Data Protection-Friendly Security Technologies in the Workplace – A Case-Study of the MUSES Risk and Trust Analysis Engine,VABB-4,241,269,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433949,,Juridische aspecten van crowdfunding in België,VABB-4,175,213,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433950,,Invitation for a ‘Europeanification’ of moral rights,VABB-4,200,233,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433951,,Mystery shopping en privacy op het werk,VABB-4,29,52,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433952,,Accountability for the Use of Algorithms in a Big Data Environment,VABB-1,206,224,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433953,,Plant Patents: From Exclusivity to Inclusivity,VABB-1,29,32,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433956,,Werk aan de winkel. Nieuwe uitdagingen voor het rechtmatig verwerken van werknemersgegevens,VABB-1,27,33,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433957,,Neoadjuvant chemoradiation treatment followed by surgery for esophageal cancer: there is much more than the mandard tumor regression score,VABB-1,149,155,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:433959,,Legal Implications of Information Sharing,VABB-4,360,405,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433961,,Actualiteiten - Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,372,375,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433962,,Actualiteiten - Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,311,315,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433963,,Actualiteiten – Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,187,199,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433964,,"De AVG bekeken vanuit een kinderrechtenperspectief: pluspunten, knelpunten & vraagstukken",VABB-1,230,236,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433969,,L'abus de droit dans le contentieux des brevets - Entre divergences nationales et voeu d'harmonisation de la juridiction unifiée du brevet – une piste à suivre ?,VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:433971,,The Police and Criminal Justice Authorities Directive: Data protection standards and impact on the legal framework,VABB-1,324,340,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433972,,Genetically Modified Crops and Intellectual Property Law: Interpreting Indian Patents on Bt Cotton in View of the Socio-Political Background,VABB-1,151,165,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433973,,Rechtspraak in een data-gestuurde informatiemaatschappij,VABB-1,618,635,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433975,,"Noot onder Eur. H. R.M. (hoge k.), 16 juni 2015 (Delfi)",VABB-1,417,422,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:433977,,The Europol Regulation and purpose limitation: from the “silo-based approach to… what exactly?,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433980,,Supervising automated journalists in the newsroom : liability for algorithmically produced news stories,VABB-1,5,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:433982,,Virtual currencies under EU anti-money laundering law,VABB-1,341,353,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:433985,,The Power of Positive Thinking: Intermediary Liability and the Effective Enjoyment of the Right to Freedom of Expression?,VABB-1,226,237,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433986,,Targeting children with personalised advertising: How to reconcile the (best) interests of children and advertisers,VABB-4,313,341,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433990,,Reconciling the (extra)territorial reach of the GDPR with public international law,VABB-4,77,100,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433991,,A safe glimpse within the “black box”? Ethical and legal principles when assessing digital marketing of food and drink to children,VABB-1,613,621,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433992,,Book Review: Ctrl+Z: The Right to be Forgotten. By Meg Leta Jones,VABB-1,138,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:433997,,Grondige analyse en beoordeling vereist. Gevolgen van de nieuwe Europese verordening voor leerplatformen,VABB-1,34,38,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:433999,,Schoolplatformen en Verordening (EU) 2016/679: wat zijn de nieuwe verplichtingen en de rechten van het kind?,VABB-1,1,19,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434003,,"StrutModeling: A Low-Fidelity Construction Kit to Iteratively Model, Test, and Adapt 3D Objects",VABB-5,471,479,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434004,,Mixed Visual Media from the Standpoint of the Reader/Spectator,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434005,,European Perspectives on Music Education - Volume 5: International Cooperation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434006,,Open dementia project: Empathic tools between magic and everyday life,VABB-5,198,205,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434007,,Lessons Learned from Participatory Design in Dementia Care: Placing Care Partners at the Centre,VABB-4,63,77,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434008,,"The shifting representation of Japan in Belgian popular comics, in the fifteen years after the war (1945-1960)",VABB-1,123,153,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434009,,"""I am not a musicologist! I am a philologist!"" Some Considerations about Dille's Bartók Research",VABB-1,183,197,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434010,,"An Empirical Study of the Publication Format and Beginnings in the Belgian francophone Weeklies, Spirou and Tintin, in the 1950s",VABB-1,47,67,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434011,,Infrastructuring Multicultural Healthcare Information Systems,VABB-4,30,44,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434012,,Newspaper strips,VABB-4,16,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434013,,Beyond the Score: a Socratic Musical Classroom,VABB-4,53,69,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434014,,What if the Japanese could alter WW2? – A case study of Kawaguchi’s manga series Zipang,VABB-1,3,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434015,,Nobody Knows - Infancy and the experience of not being unable,VABB-4,171,184,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434016,,Counterfactual scripting: challenging the temporality of participation,VABB-1,96,109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434023,,The Photographic Error as a Strategy in Belgian Conceptual art. The Case of Jacques Lizène,VABB-1,24,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434028,,Decomposing the Luenberger-Hicks-Moorsteen Total Factor Productivity indicator: An application to U.S. agriculture,VABB-1,359,375,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434029,,Inter organizational trust and technology complexity. Evidence for new technology-based firms,VABB-1,256,274,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434030,,Coordination efficiency in multi-output settings: a DEA approach,VABB-1,205,233,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434031,,Commercialization strategy and internationalization outcomes in technology-based new ventures,VABB-1,302,317,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434032,,Gorman revisited: nonparametric conditions for exact linear aggregation,VABB-1,203,220,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:434033,,"Electoral competition and political selection: An analysis of the activity of French deputies, 1958-2012",VABB-1,180,195,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434035,,Household consumption when the marriage is stable,VABB-1,1507,1534,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434036,,Traduire sous des régimes hégémoniques en Belgique: une politique de longue durée?,VABB-1,19,33,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434037,,"Du discours sur l’art national: Van Hasselt et ""La Renaissance"" (1839-1854)",VABB-1,255,266,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:434038,,Translation space in nineteenth-century Belgium: rethinking translation and transfer directions,VABB-1,495,508,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:434039,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434041,,Transfert allemand-français de livrets d’opéra au XIXe siècle: le rôle des intraducteurs et extraducteurs belges,VABB-4,307,322,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434042,,In mei memoriam. Religieuze en caritatieve stichtingen bij de laatmiddeleeuwse parochiale armendissen,VABB-1,6,21,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434043,,TTNWW to the Rescue: No Need to Know How to Handle Tools and Resources,VABB-4,83,93,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434046,,Cultural mediation in Europe,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434048,,L'Ancien Ministère de l'Agriculture,VABB-4,521,525,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434049,,De landbouwersorganisaties,VABB-4,993,1004,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434050,,Het voormalige Ministerie van Landbouw,VABB-4,522,527,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434051,,Les organisations agricoles,VABB-4,995,1006,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434052,,World War I and the reconstruction of rural landscapes in Belgium and France: a historiographical essay,VABB-1,108,129,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434053,,Nieuw voor oud: het verbod op vetusteitsaftrek (noot onder Cass. 11 februari 2016),VABB-1,185,193,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434054,,Excuseer?! Afgedwongen excuses in het aansprakelijkheidsrecht,VABB-1,1153,1213,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434056,,En el cruce entre ensayo y crítica literaria: Quevedo y su tiempo a los ojos de Manuel Durán,VABB-1,265,281,,spa,2017,1 c:vabb:434058,,Genre-hybriditeit in de hedendaagse Spaanstalige literatuur: essay en narratieve fictie,VABB-1,89,100,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434059,,Movilidad y territorialidad en la obra narrativa de Jordi Soler’,VABB-1,240,252,,spa,2017,1 c:vabb:434060,,Transnacionalidad e hibridez en el ensayo hispánico,VABB-3,,,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:434062,,Bruxelles in traduzione: 'Our city' di Maria Tarantino,VABB-1,65,75,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434063,,Il canone e l’insegnamento della letteratura italiana oltre frontiera. Risultati di un’inchiesta empirica negli atenei belgi e olandesi,VABB-1,55,76,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:434064,,"""La città è un organismo"": intervista con Maria Tarantino",VABB-1,76,84,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:434065,,"Per una memoria ‘convissuta’ dell’esodo istriano: ""Nata in Istria"" e ""L’anima altrove"" di Anna Maria Mori",VABB-1,97,107,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434067,,Noblesse de la poésie moderne dans les essais critiques de Gabriel Bounoure,VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434068,,"How to Write a Photo Novel Ennio Jacobelli’s ""Istruzioni pratiche per la realizzazione del fotoromanzo"" (1956)",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434069,,La poésie malgré tout: Celan et Quasimodo,VABB-4,158,165,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434070,,Inleiding,VABB-1,5,9,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434073,,"Alessandro Manzoni, ""I promessi sposi"" (""De verloofden"")",VABB-4,106,113,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:434075,,1947. Almanach littéraire,VABB-2,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434077,,Generische hybridisering in de literatuur,VABB-1,14,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434078,,De la poésie des lieux à la poétique de l’album photographique dans les portraits de pays des Trente Glorieuses,VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434080,,Futurism From Below,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434082,,"""There's nothing to follow, there's nowhere to go"". Errance et arrêt dans l'oeuvre de Leonard Cohen",VABB-4,55,74,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434084,,The reception of Waterloo in the nineteenth century. Introduction,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434085,,"""Quella maledetta mosca"". Il teatro della Grande Guerra nelle novelle di Pirandello",VABB-4,137,155,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:434086,,Hybridations génériques en régime littéraire,VABB-1,27,45,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434088,,La littérature n’est pas une culture « hors sol ». Que fait la photographie de l’écrivain ?,VABB-4,14,41,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434089,,'Violence and Aggression in Pirandello Round-table Presentations,VABB-1,118,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434091,,Un écrivain norvégien admis à l'hôpital,VABB-4,272,279,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434092,,Traduttori come mediatori culturali,VABB-3,,,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:434093,,Postures d’auteur et doxa à l’Âge classique,VABB-4,293,309,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434094,,“Effetto Canone”. La forma “antologia” nella letteratura italiana contemporanea,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434096,,The 'Headachy School' of Fiction: Thomas Colley Grattan and the Irish Romantic Novel,VABB-4,91,101,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434097,,Worlding Comparative Literature: Beyond Postcolonialism,VABB-1,436,448,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434098,,Crime Fiction as World Literature,VABB-3,,,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434102,,The Anthropocene Scriptorium: Writing and Agency in Ben Lerner’s 10:04 and Tom McCarthy’s Satin Island,VABB-4,193,216,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434103,,The Power of Myth (Reloaded): From Nazism to New Fascism,VABB-1,64,82,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434105,,Sherlock's Queen Bee,VABB-4,233,243,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434108,,Future Readers: Narrating the Human in the Anthropocene,VABB-1,867,885,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434110,,"Artist stories of the 1890s: life, art, and sacrifice",VABB-4,92,106,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434111,,Empire's Ebb,VABB-4,52,66,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434114,,"The Classical World: Sacrifice, Philosophy, and Religion",VABB-4,119,126,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434115,,"For 'Global Literature', Anglo-Phone",VABB-1,35,50,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434116,,"Creaturely Memory: Shakespeare, the Anthropocene, and the New Nomos of the Earth",VABB-1,384,397,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434117,,Worlding the Social Sciences and Humanities,VABB-1,186,199,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:434119,,"New York, Capital of World Literature? On Holocaust Memory and World Literary Value",VABB-1,67,85,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434120,,Capitalising (on) World Literature: Brussels as Shadow Capital of Modernity/Modernism,VABB-4,111,127,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434122,,"How Should a Person Be (Transpersonal)? Ben Lerner, Roberto Esposito, and the Biopolitics of the Future",VABB-1,659,681,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434123,,Nudes Gibbering; Isaac Rosenberg Entrenched,VABB-1,111,128,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434125,,Getting and Spending,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434126,,Extending the Middlebrow: Italian Fiction in the Early Twentieth Century,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434128,,Responding to The Glass Shore: An Anthology of Readers,VABB-1,549,+,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434130,,"Blauwe energiepillen slikken: de dialectiek van menselijke energie in ""The Matrix""-trilogie",VABB-1,45,60,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434131,,World Literature and World History,VABB-1,14,24,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434132,,Introduction: Poetics and Politics with Lacoue-Labarthe,VABB-1,1133,1139,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434133,,Major/Minor in World Literature,VABB-1,29,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434135,,[Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus],VABB-1,780,783,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434136,,"'Ah quel chien de pays!' Einsprachigkeit und Mehrsprachigkeit bei Herder, Kant, Johanna Schopenhauer und Goethe",VABB-1,25,43,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:434138,,De zoektocht naar een affirmatieve biopolitiek in het werk van Roberto Esposito,VABB-1,69,88,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434140,,Red Rosa. On the Gender of the November Revolution in the German Avant-Gardes,VABB-1,461,483,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434142,,Littérature de la coupe rase,VABB-4,257,264,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434143,,Poetik und Prekarität. Wilhelm Blos' Naturalismus-Kritik als Medium für die Entfaltung eines sozialistischen Literaturbegriffs,VABB-1,149,170,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434146,,"Die Inszenierung von Übersetzung als Pseudo-Übersetzung in Hans-Ulrich Möhrings ""Vom Schweigen meines Übersetzers""",VABB-1,155,168,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434147,,Die Ausgewanderten,VABB-4,29,38,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434148,,Predictors of dropout from a psychodynamic hospitalization-based treatment for personality disorders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434149,,"Cultural Mediation Through Translation in The Edinburgh Review, 1802-1807",VABB-4,73,89,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434151,,"Science for All, and Sense for Some: The Late-Romantic Convergence of Economics and Aesthetics in Peacock and De Quincey",VABB-1,42,60,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434155,,A Revolution in the Republic of Letters: Waterloo and the Romantic Media State,VABB-1,399,418,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434157,,[Deep brain stimulation in psychiatry],VABB-1,638,642,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434159,,The neuropsychology and neurobiology of late-onset schizophrenia and very-late-onset schizophrenia-like psychosis: A critical review,VABB-1,604,621,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434160,,[Clotiapine in the treatment of acutely agitated patients: hardly any evidence],VABB-1,175,180,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434168,,De Korte rijmkroniek van Vlaanderen (1431). Middeleeuwse geschiedenis op een affiche,VABB-1,5,56,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434172,,Multatuli in Zombieland,VABB-1,103,118,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434173,,Mäzene in der mittelniederländischen Literatur. Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme,VABB-4,201,221,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434174,,Psychological and biological validation of a novel digital experimental social peer evaluation exposure (digi-SPEE),VABB-1,3,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434179,,Posttraumatic stress disorder associated with unexpected death of a loved one: Cross-national findings from the world mental health surveys,VABB-1,315,326,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434180,,White noise speech illusion and psychosis expression: An experimental investigation of psychosis liability,VABB-1,e0183695,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434181,,Network Approach to Understanding Emotion Dynamics in Relation to Childhood Trauma and Genetic Liability to Psychopathology: Replication of a Prospective Experience Sampling Analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434182,,Euthanasia in Patients With Intolerable Suffering Due to an Irremediable Psychiatric Illness. A Psychiatric Perspective,VABB-4,150,172,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434183,,Cross-sectional Comparison of the Epidemiology of DSM-5 Generalized Anxiety Disorder Across the Globe,VABB-1,465,475,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434184,,Childhood adversities and post-traumatic stress disorder: evidence for stress sensitisation in the World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,280,+,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434185,,"Het gebruik van antipsychotica bij kinderen en jongeren in België, 2005-2014",VABB-1,329,338,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434186,,Delusional and psychotic disorders in Juvenile Myotonic dystrophy Type-1,VABB-1,359,366,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434188,,Towards a new grammar of interiority: James Ramsay’s circuitous way To the Lighthouse,VABB-1,323,344,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434189,,Trauma and Narrative Techniques in Contemporary Irish Fiction,VABB-4,45,59,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434190,,From Byzantium to Ballymun: a Review of Literary visions of multicultural Ireland: the immigrant in contemporary Irish literature,VABB-1,121,127,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434191,,Imperfection as a Chance: Matrixial Borderspaces in Anne Enright,VABB-4,131,145,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434193,,Agile Product Line Engineering: The AgiFPL Method,VABB-5,275,285,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434194,,Aligning Requirements-driven Software Processes with IT Governance,VABB-5,338,345,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434195,,Perspectives on User Story Based Visual Transformations,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434196,,An Integrated Enterprise Modeling Framework Using the RUP/UML Business Use-Case Model and BPMN,VABB-5,299,315,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434197,,An Intentional Perspective on Partial Agile Adoption,VABB-5,116,127,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434198,,User-story driven development of multi-agent systems: A process fragment for agile methods,VABB-1,159,176,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434199,,Aligning the Elements of the RUP/UML Business Use-Case Model and the BPMN Business Process Diagram,VABB-5,22,30,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434200,,BLENDED BUSINESS COURSE DESIGN: PREFERENCES OF MATURE STUDENTS,VABB-5,5735,5741,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434201,,A review of optimisation models for pedestrian evacuation and design problems,VABB-1,167,178,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:434202,,Interpreting as a Postmodern Profession: a Socio-historical Approach,VABB-4,32,51,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434203,,"Het zelfbeeld van sociaal tolken, een miskend en onderschat beroep. Overzicht van de huidige situatie in Nederland",VABB-1,1,22,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434204,,Political Ideology and de Deprofessionalisation of Public Service Interpreting: The Netherlands and the United Kingdom as Case Studies,VABB-4,63,83,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434206,,Geometric mean quantity index numbers with Benefit-of-the-Doubt weights,VABB-1,1004,1014,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434207,,Students’ overreliance on linearity in economic applications: A state of the art,VABB-4,337,347,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434208,,Are skill deficits always bad? Towards a learning perspective on skill mismatches,VABB-4,305,343,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434209,,Waste Performance of NUTS 2-regions in the EU: A Conditional Directional Distance Benefit-of-the-Doubt Model,VABB-1,19,32,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434211,,Part-time work and women’s careers: A decomposition of the gender promotion gap,VABB-1,169,186,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434212,,Big data and the measurement of public organizations’ performance and efficiency: the state-of-the-art,VABB-1,263,281,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434213,,Beer and organic labels: Do Belgian consumers care?,VABB-1,1509,1523,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434214,,Measuring the impact of the economic crisis on the level of change in EU social inclusion: period 2005-2012,VABB-1,103,116,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434217,,Calculating Value Added of Prostitution with Multiple Data: A New Approach for Belgium,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434219,,"Maximizing, choice freedom, and duration judgments in choice making",VABB-1,E125,E138,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434222,,Definition of two agonist types at the mammalian cold-activated channel TRPM8,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:434223,,"(On)conventioneel lezen. Oude genres, nieuwe romans, tijdloze frames",VABB-1,47,70,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434225,,"Gulden Legende. De Middelnederlandse vertaling van de Legenda aurea door Petrus Naghel. Uitgegeven naar handschrift Brussel, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 15140 door Amand Berteloot, Geert Claassens en Willem Kuiper Deel I",VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434227,,A Theory of Narrative in Culture,VABB-1,605,634,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:434228,,Van heinde en verre. Ernest Claes en de kennis van een verteller,VABB-1,235,255,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434232,,Literary Lessons: Knowledge and Genre in Dutch Middlebrow Fiction of the Interwar Years,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434234,,Lezen over morgen. Nederlandstalige toekomstliteratuur door de ogen van de lezer,VABB-1,351,375,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434236,,"'Hout, elastiek, geel en groen.' De lijstvorm in de poëzie van K. Schippers",VABB-1,135,152,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434243,,Literair engagement in de fifties,VABB-1,516,521,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434244,,Literatuur,VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434245,,On the order of functions at infinity,VABB-1,109,125,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434246,,Bayesian robustness modelling using O-regularly varying distributions,VABB-1,168,183,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434248,,Exporting status and success in innovation: evidence from CIS micro data for EU countries,VABB-1,585,611,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434249,,Corporate financial soundness and its impact on firm performance: Implications for corporate debt restructuring in Slovenia,VABB-1,156,192,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:434251,,Explaining international differences in wage inequality: Skills matter,VABB-1,112,124,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434255,,"""Should I stay or should I go""? Unpacking teacher attrition/retention as an educational issue",VABB-1,961,977,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434256,,"Micropolitics in the education of teachers: Power, negotiation, and professional development",VABB-4,441,456,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434257,,"Artifacts as authoritative actors in educational reform. Routines, institutional pressures, and legitimacy in student data systems",VABB-1,439,464,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434258,,Implementing artifacts. An interactive frame analysis of innovative educational practices,VABB-1,116,125,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434259,,Meerkeuzevragen: hoe corrigeren voor raden?,VABB-1,69,73,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434261,,De rol van de eerdere schoolloopbaan bij de overgang naar het secundair onderwijs,VABB-1,223,240,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:434262,,De problematiek van de jonge en ervaren leraarkracht: De dichotomie voorbij,VABB-4,78,105,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434263,,Flexibele leerwegen in Vlaanderen: Buiten de lijntjes kleuren?,VABB-1,173,180,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434264,,"Mind the gap! Perceptions of teachers, principals and teacher educators regarding the primary-secondary school transition in Flanders",VABB-5,239,254,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434265,,Are Interviewer Effects on Interview Speed Related to Interviewer Effects on Straight-Lining Tendency in the European Social Survey? An Interviewer-Related Analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434267,,Teacher communities as a context for professional development: A systematic review,VABB-1,47,59,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434269,,Development of SFON in Ecuadorian Kindergartners,VABB-1,449,462,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:434270,,Assessment of occlusion with the T-Scan system in patients undergoing orthognathic surgery,VABB-1,5356,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434272,,Measuring critical thinking in physics: Development and validation of a critical thinking test in electricity and magnetism,VABB-1,663,682,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434274,,"Understanding Higher Education Transitions: Why theory, research, and practice matter",VABB-4,306,321,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434276,,Teacher autonomy and collaboration: A paradox? Conceptualising and measuring teachers’ autonomy and collaborative attitude,VABB-1,302,315,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434277,,A supervisors’ perspective on their role in transfer of training,VABB-1,515,552,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434278,,Exploring learning and fit in the transition from higher education to work: A systematic review,VABB-1,67,83,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434279,,Getting out the most of the combination of working and learning: The case of teachers-in-training in Flanders,VABB-1,183,199,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434280,,Transition from higher education to the labour market: State of the art,VABB-4,209,218,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434281,,Higher Education Transitions: Theory and Research,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434283,,Jongereninformatie- en -advieswerk in Vlaanderen en Nederland,VABB-1,70,75,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434286,,Exploring the occurrence of team learning behaviours in project teams over time,VABB-1,376,401,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434287,,How do conditions known to foster learning in the workplace differ across occupations?,VABB-4,201,218,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434290,,Epigenetics as a Driver of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: Did We Forget the Fathers?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434291,,Untargeted DNA-Demethylation Therapy Neither Prevents Nor Attenuates Ischemia-Reperfusion-Induced Renal Fibrosis,VABB-1,124,136,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434292,,Prevalence and seasonality of six respiratory viruses during five consecutive epidemic seasons in Belgium,VABB-1,72,78,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434294,,Person-centred transition programme to empower adolescents with congenital heart disease in the transition to adulthood: a study protocol for a hybrid randomised controlled trial (STEPSTONES project),VABB-1,e014593,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434295,,Violent Group Mobilization and Conflicts in Africa: Understanding When and How Horizontal Inequalities Lead to Violence,VABB-4,33,48,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434296,,Conceptualising and measuring social cohesion in Africa: Towards a perceptions-based index,VABB-1,321,343,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434297,,Can student populations in developing countries be reached by online surveys? The case of the National Service Scheme Survey (N3S) in Ghana,VABB-1,157,170,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434298,,The Prospects of Computer Assisted Self-Interviewing in Group Settings in Developing Countries: A Comparison Between a Tablet- and Paper-Based Survey Among Secondary School Teachers in Côte D’Ivoire and Kenya,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434299,,"Killing people, dividing a nation? Analyzing student perceptions of the Boko Haram crisis in Nigeria",VABB-1,419,438,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434300,,The Legal Consequences of Brexit from an International Economic Law Perspective,VABB-4,191,232,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434301,,"At Last! Reaching the Remedy for Delay after a Long Ride through the EU Judicial System, Case T‑577/14 Gascogne Sack Deutschland and Gascogne v. European Union, EU:T:2017:1",VABB-1,438,447,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434303,,Social network analysis in human rights research,VABB-4,354,378,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434305,,Strengthening Labour Rights Provisions in Bilateral Trade Agreements: Making the Case for Voluntary Sustainability Standards,VABB-1,78,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434306,,’Dispute Settlement for Labour Provisions in Trade Agreements. Rethinking Current Arrangements’,VABB-1,49,59,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434307,,Revisiting the Common Ownership of the Earth: A Democratic Critique of Global Distributive Justice Theories,VABB-1,134,154,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434308,,Thinking differently about gats mode 4 negotiations on the movement of low skilled workers,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434309,,The Global Governance System for Climate Finance: Towards Greater Institutional Integrity?,VABB-4,93,117,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434312,,Between Equality and Freedom of Choice: Educational Opportunities for the Least Advantaged,VABB-1,71,79,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434313,,Opportunities and Challenges for South Asian Co-operation on Human Rights: A Case Study of the UN Human Rights Council,VABB-4,323,341,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434315,,Public Private Distinction in Global Governance. How relevant is it in the case of Voluntary Sustainability Standards,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434316,,Accommodating Global Value Chains in the Union Customs Code: Towards Rules of Origin That Better Reflect Business Realities?,VABB-1,64,67,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434317,,Le champ d’application de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne et les États membres : la malédiction du critère matériel,VABB-1,386,390,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434318,,Slaves and statues: torture prevention in contemporary Europe,VABB-1,627,643,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434319,,Mapping the cultural turn in (in)security discourses: Highlighting the path for restorative justice,VABB-4,23,37,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434320,,Restorative justice in the societies of control,VABB-4,182,198,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434321,,Critical Restorative Justice,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434322,,“Cultural” problematisations in the restorative justice discourse,VABB-4,175,191,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434323,,The Supply of Doping Products and the Relevance of Market-Based Perspectives: Implications of Recent Research in Italy,VABB-4,245,267,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434325,,Europe in Belgian prisons: Assessing the impact of the Council of Europe Anti-Torture Committee and the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-4,173,204,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434326,,The future of Europe in prisons,VABB-4,313,320,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434327,,From prisons in Europe to Europe in prisons,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434328,,Cultuur in de rechtspsychologie,VABB-4,163,181,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434330,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,399,405,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434331,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,304,309,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434332,,"Towards integrative frameworks for addressing sexual violence: Feminist, abolitionist, social harm and restorative perspectives",VABB-4,28,43,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434335,,Mareros and Pandilleros in Honduras: The Reintegration of Youth Gang Members,VABB-4,269,287,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434336,,Monitoring quality and coverage of harm reduction services for people who use drugs: a consensus study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434337,,Exploring Definitions of Serious Crime in EU Policy Documents and Academic Publications: A Content Analysis and Policy Implications,VABB-1,269,285,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434338,,Rijp voor puberteit: Potpourri IV en het onafhankelijk toezicht op de gevangenissen,VABB-1,13,19,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434340,,Wartime sexual violence and conventional and restorative justice responses: the potential of a 'blended approach' within transitional justice,VABB-4,69,91,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434341,,Towards a better understanding of justice: concluding thoughts on restorative responses to sexual violence,VABB-4,283,296,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434342,,Restorative responses to sexual violence: an introduction,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434344,,"Sexual violence and restorative practices in Belgium, Ireland and Norway: a thematic analysis on country variations",VABB-1,86,114,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434345,,Did Nonviolent Resistance Fail in Kosovo?,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434347,,"Restorative responses to sexual violence: legal, social and therapeutic dimensions",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434348,,Critical Issues in Transitional Justice: A Sisyphean Exercise,VABB-1,1,120,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434349,,"Freedom, so close but yet so far: The impact of the ongoing confrontation with freedom on the perceived severity of punishment",VABB-1,132,148,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434352,,Gangs in the DRC and El Salvador: towards a third generation of gang violence interventions?,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434353,,Slachtoffers en herstelrecht: ervaringen van (niet-)deelnemers,VABB-1,28,43,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434354,,Naar herstelgerichte scholen in Vlaanderen? Een blik op de evolutie in de praktijk,VABB-1,12,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434357,,"When Rabbits are in Charge of Carrots…: Land grabbing, transitional justice and economic-state crime in Afghanistan",VABB-1,13,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434359,,Elektronisch toezicht en autonome probatie nader bekeken,VABB-4,175,217,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434360,,Prevalentie van en hanteringsgedrag bij stalkingsgerelateerd gedrag onder buren,VABB-1,9,23,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434361,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,395,398,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434362,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,298,303,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434363,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,511,515,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434364,,Wanneer het tijd is om te veranderen..,VABB-1,181,184,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434365,,Quand vient le temps du changement..,VABB-1,185,188,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:434366,,Europe in Prisons: Assessing the Impact of European Institutions on National Prison Systems,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434367,,De openbare verklaring van het Europese antifoltercomité (CPT) betreffende België,VABB-1,476,481,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434376,,De vergelding voorbij? Een theoretische reflectie over het geïndividualiseerde en niet-vergeldende karakter van de ‘nieuwe’ straf,VABB-1,309,318,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434377,,Wanneer is een gevangeniscel te klein? Enkele beschouwingen over mensenrechten en persoonlijke leefruimte naar aanleiding van het arrest Sylla en Nollomont t. België,VABB-1,22,27,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434380,,Het Centrum voor Arbitrage inzake Seksueel Misbruik: what's in a name?,VABB-1,482,491,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434381,,Introduction: Restorative Justice and Critical Social Theory,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434382,,Recalibrating victimhood through restorative justice: perspectives from Europe,VABB-1,352,367,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434383,,'Desistance' en slachtoffer-daderbemiddeling in België. De cruciale rol van de bemiddelaar,VABB-1,29,40,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434384,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,76,82,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434385,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,182,187,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434387,,De borgsom en de teruggave ervan,VABB-1,1096,1101,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434388,,Artikel 6bis Drugswet: vergeefs armworstelen met het Hof van Cassatie,VABB-1,142,148,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434389,,Geen verkeersdoden meer: kan dat? Een 'technology-led' reflectie,VABB-1,79,86,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434390,,Aucun tué sur nos routes: est-ce possible? Une réflexion 'technology-led',VABB-1,87,94,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:434391,,"De inzage, kopiename en voeging van (stukken van) strafdossiers: een nog steeds actueel vraagstuk van strafprocesrecht",VABB-1,426,439,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434393,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,518,523,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434394,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,276,279,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434395,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,379,383,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434396,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,455,459,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434397,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,513,517,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434398,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,280,285,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434399,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,83,90,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434400,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,460,466,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434401,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,182,187,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434411,,De Belgische DNA gegevensbanken: beantwoordt de nieuwe DNA-wet aan de verwachtingen van de beheerder?,VABB-1,416,432,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434415,,Schopenhauer's Fourfold Root,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434416,,"Reconciliation, Incarnation, and Headless Hegelianism",VABB-1,201,222,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434417,,"Hegel’s Account of the Concept of Identity in Light of Wolff, Baumgarten and Kant",VABB-4,43,61,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434418,,Hegel’s Lectures on the History of Modern Philosophy,VABB-4,623,644,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434421,,Schopenhauer and the later Schelling in Dialogue on Mythology and Religion,VABB-1,451,474,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:434423,,More than Life. Georg Simmel and Walter Benjamin on Art,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434424,,The many encounters of Thomas Kuhn and French epistemology,VABB-1,41,50,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434426,,Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi en de economische wetenschap als ideologie,VABB-1,44,68,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434429,,Utopianism in today's health care,VABB-4,185,203,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434433,,Aristotelischer Naturalismus und Religionsphilosophie,VABB-4,278,295,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434439,,Hegel’s Transforming Conception of Philosophy in „Glauben und Wissen“ and Phänomenologie des Geistes,VABB-1,87,90,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:434440,,Der Begriff und die Einheit der Apperzeption,VABB-1,114,119,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:434441,,On the Mediate Proof of Transcendental Idealism,VABB-1,11,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434442,,At the Crossroads between Catholicism and Modernist Art. Marie-Alain Couturier and the Conceptual Zigzags,VABB-1,71,95,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434443,,Die Rolle der Anschauungsformen in der B-Deduktion,VABB-4,75,88,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434446,,Kantian Grace as Ethical Gymnastics,VABB-1,285,301,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434448,,Freedom and Dissent in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right,VABB-4,137,156,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434449,,Towards a new conception of metaphysics: Lambert’s criticism on Wolff’s mathematical method,VABB-1,135,148,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434450,,"Like Devils, But Still Humans: A Systematic Examination and Moderate Defense of Kant’s View of (Quasi-)diabolical Evil",VABB-1,270,288,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434451,,Augustine's Analysis of Amor Laudis: A Case Study of the Supreme Drive in Roman Political Life,VABB-1,206,228,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434452,,Schopenhauer's Lutheran Pedigree,VABB-1,487,508,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434454,,"Seculiere staat, vrijheid van geweten en vrijheid van religie",VABB-1,403,412,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434455,,Wolff and Kant on Reasoning from Essences,VABB-1,124,151,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434457,,The Parliament of Things and the Anthropocene: How to Listen to ‘Quasi-Objects’,VABB-1,150,174,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434458,,Naar een emancipatie van de complottheorie,VABB-1,473,497,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:434459,,Hasso Hofmann and the Polysemy of Representation,VABB-1,127,145,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434460,,Wittgenstein and Objectivity in Ethics. A Reply to Brandhorst,VABB-1,40,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434462,,Populism as a threat to liberal democracy,VABB-4,554,570,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434463,,Marsilius of Padua on Representation (forthcoming),VABB-1,623,643,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434464,,The Ambivalence of Gift-Giving,VABB-1,52,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434466,,Conceptuele analyse en niet-discursieve inhoud,VABB-1,199,203,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434469,,Conceptual analysis,VABB-4,153,191,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434470,,Sovereignty as Autonomy,VABB-1,495,524,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434471,,Living together as equals: Linguistic justice and sharing the public sphere in multilingual settings,VABB-1,646,666,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434475,,Is Moral Responsibility Essentially Interpersonal? A Reply to Zimmerman,VABB-1,309,333,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434476,,The Demos as a Plural Subject,VABB-1,37,64,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434477,,Translational Justice: Between Equality and Privation,VABB-4,15,31,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434478,,"Power, norms and theory. A meta-political inquiry",VABB-1,163,185,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434479,,The Solidarity Argument for the European Union,VABB-4,47,67,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434480,,Two sides of the same coin. Unpacking Rainer Forst’s basic right to justification,VABB-1,40,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434482,,Crisis and Meaning: F. Kafka and the Law,VABB-1,123,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434483,,Alan Patten’s theory of equal recognition and its contribution to the debate over multiculturalism,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434485,,"Normative political theory, democratic politics and minority rights",VABB-1,101,113,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434486,,Two principles of equal language recognition,VABB-1,75,87,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434488,,"The Limits of Nomos: Hannah Arendt on Law, Politics, and the Polis",VABB-4,13,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434489,,De Zuidelijke Nederlanden in revolutie,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434490,,Een wemeling van zinnebeelden. Kunst en politiek in de Franse tijd door de ogen van de Antwerpse schilders Nicolas en Jean Delin,VABB-4,53,64,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434491,,De Zuidelijke Nederlanden in revolutie. Inleiding,VABB-4,7,10,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434493,,"The Problem of the ""Nichts"" (Rosenzweig) and the ""Il y a"" (Levinas) as Correlate of the Human Identity",VABB-1,25,41,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434500,,Global Equality of Opportunity and Self-determination in the Context of Immigration,VABB-1,726,735,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434504,,"Herverdeling, maar zonder maximuminkomen",VABB-1,441,446,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434505,,Towards a Knowledge-Based Account of Understanding,VABB-4,251,271,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434508,,A Robust Enough Virtue Epistemology (epub ahead of print),VABB-1,2147,2174,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434511,,Symmetry Breaking and the Emergence of Path-dependence,VABB-1,4101,4131,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434515,,"Freedom, counterfactuals and economic laws: further comments on Machaj and Hülsmann",VABB-1,366,372,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434517,,"Epistemic Conditions on ""Ought"": E=K as a Case Study",VABB-1,223,244,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434518,,Scientism and the Argument from Supervenience of the Mental on the Physical,VABB-4,53,72,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434519,,Logical and Geometrical Distance in Polyhedral Aristotelian Diagrams in Knowledge Representation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434520,,Inference to the Best Explanation versus Bayes’s Rule in a Social Setting (epub ahead of print),VABB-1,535,570,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434523,,On the Automaticity and Ethics of Belief,VABB-1,99,120,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434525,,How to Do Things Without Words: A Theory of Declarations,VABB-1,235,254,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434526,,On the metaphysics of economics and purgatory,VABB-4,263,280,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434527,,Commodious Knowledge,VABB-1,1487,1502,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434528,,Epistemic Normativity and the Justification-Excuse Distinction (epub ahead of print),VABB-1,4065,4081,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434531,,Using Syllogistics to Teach Metalogic,VABB-1,575,590,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434532,,The ontology of fractional reserve banking,VABB-1,447,466,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434535,,Is de filosofie te links?,VABB-1,105,122,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434538,,Measuring Graded Membership: The Case of Color (epub ahead of print),VABB-1,686,722,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434539,,The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Bitstrings in Logical Geometry,VABB-4,197,214,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434540,,Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing? A Logical Investigation,VABB-1,531,559,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:434541,,Wetenschapsfilosofie van de positieve wetenschappen: tussen manifest en wetenschappelijk wereldbeeld,VABB-4,19,37,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434543,,Lotteries and Justification,VABB-1,1233,1244,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434545,,Russell's revenge: a problem for bivalent Fregean theories of descriptions,VABB-1,636,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434547,,Epistemic Norms and 'He Said/She Said' Reporting (forthcoming),VABB-1,413,422,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:434548,,Historical research on Moroccan migration in Belgium,VABB-4,61,84,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434549,,"Tussen droom en daad: De heropvoeding van de Belgische verminkte soldaten van de Groote Oorlog, 1914-1921",VABB-1,46,59,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434550,,Educational soundscapes: Listening to sounds and silences in the history of education,VABB-1,491,497,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434551,,"Silence or the sound of limpid water: Disability, power & the educationalization of silence",VABB-1,498,513,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434553,,"The Interplay among Alchemy, Theology and Philosophy in the Late Middle Ages: The Cases of Roger Bacon and John of Rupescissa",VABB-1,161,173,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434554,,Paolo Beni and Galileo Galilei: the classical Tradition and the Reception of the astronomical Revolution,VABB-1,423,452,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:434555,,Avicenna Latinus. Liber primus naturalium. Tractatus tertius. De his quae habent naturalia ex hoc quod habent quantitatem,VABB-2,,,,lat,2017,2 c:vabb:434558,,All From One. A Guide to Proclus,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434560,,How Maurice De Wulf went to Harvard (1914–1915),VABB-1,520,530,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434562,,Providence and Evil,VABB-4,240,257,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434564,,Ten Years of Research on Moses Maimonides. A Brief Survey,VABB-1,111,128,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434565,,Quale dio per quale vita? Una interpretazione del τέλος platonico dell'assimilazione a dio nel Didaskalikos di Alcinoo,VABB-1,216,242,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434567,,"Siger of Brabant, author of the anonymous Questio de Creatione ex Nihilo",VABB-1,197,206,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434568,,"Sein, Sache, Ordnung: Thomas von Aquin über Wahrmacher und die Beziehung des Wahrmachens",VABB-1,156,193,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:434571,,The Hermeneutical Event of Truth in Augustine,VABB-4,249,274,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434572,,Michael of Massa and the Reaction to Durand of St. Pourçain on the Object of Fruition,VABB-4,285,355,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434574,,Introduction,VABB-4,5,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434575,,Peter Auriol on the Metaphysics of Efficient Causation,VABB-1,239,272,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:434577,,Why doesn’t the moon crash into the earth? Different brands of teleology in Plutarch’s On the Face in the Moon,VABB-4,76,91,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434580,,Tradition thomiste et réforme dominicaine. Une remarque sur la circulation de l'oeuvre de Jean Capreolus,VABB-4,299,307,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434581,,"The Liber primus naturalium, i.e. the Physics of the Avicenna Latinus",VABB-1,219,238,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434582,,Cult Statues in Porphyry of Tyre and Macarius Magnes: Porph. Chr. fr . 76 and fr . 77 (von Harnack),VABB-1,187,220,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434583,,"The One, the Henads, and the Principles",VABB-4,73,97,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434585,,An Introduction to Mental Language in Late Medieval Philosophy,VABB-4,1,25,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434586,,A Critical Note on the Latin Translation of Aristotle’s De Anima Used by Zabarella in his Commentary on this Work,VABB-1,269,276,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434587,,The Language of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy. Essays in Honor of Claude Panaccio,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434589,,Trois manuscrits de l'Aristoteles Latinus dans une collection privée (forthcoming),VABB-1,128,139,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434590,,Studies in Later Medieval Intellectual History in Honor of William J. Courtenay,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434592,,Perspectivism in Plato’s Views of the Gods,VABB-4,107,120,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434593,,The notion of epitêdeiotês in Simplicius' discussion of quality,VABB-1,65,83,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434595,,Thought as Internal Speech in Plato and Aristotle,VABB-1,105,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434598,,Walter Chatton on Categories,VABB-1,381,410,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434599,,The Blessed Virgin and the Two Time-Series: Hervaeus Natalis and Durandus of St. Pourçain on Limit Decision,VABB-1,36,59,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434600,,The natural world,VABB-4,139,166,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434601,,"United Acquired Virtue in Traditional Thomism: Distinguishing Necessities, Efficient Causes, and Finalities",VABB-4,183,199,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434603,,Experiencing the Divine in Plato,VABB-4,3,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434604,,Divine Powers in Late Antiquity,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434606,,How can the Perceptible World be Perceptible? Proclus on the Causes of Perceptibility,VABB-4,49,59,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434608,,Proclus on the Forms of Attributes: the Case of Figures and Numbers (in Prm. 3.826.19-827.18),VABB-1,775,807,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434609,,Physiognomy in Context: Marginal Annotations in the Manuscripts of the Physiognomonica,VABB-1,107,141,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434612,,Platonic Legislations. An Essay on Legal Critique in Ancient Greece,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434613,,The Artistry of Civil Life. Deliberative Rhetoric and Political Pedagogy in the Work of Nicolaus Vernulaeus (1583-1649),VABB-1,259,284,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434615,,Proclus and the authority of Plato,VABB-4,499,514,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434616,,Divine Powers and Cult Statues in Porphyry of Tyre,VABB-4,61,74,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434617,,"Platonic Forms and the Triad of Being, Life, and Intellect",VABB-4,98,121,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434618,,Realism vs Utopianism. The Problem of the Prince in the Early-Modern Netherlands,VABB-4,109,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434619,,Stoicism and Alchemy in Late Antiquity: Zosimus and the Concept of Pneuma,VABB-1,203,219,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434621,,Is There a Metaphysical Approach to the Transcendentals in Ockham? The Case of the Good,VABB-4,111,124,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434622,,Porphyry’s Real Powers in Proclus’ Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus,VABB-1,24,43,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434623,,Parmenide neoplatonico: intorno a un nuovo studio sulla presenza di Parmenide nel commento alla Fisica di Simplicio,VABB-1,188,198,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:434624,,The Latin Translation of the Epistle on Geography of the Ikhwān aṣ-Ṣafā’. A Few Preliminary Remarks in View of a Critical Edition,VABB-1,367,380,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434625,,An Interview with Claude Panaccio,VABB-4,27,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434628,,Women as ritual experts in sacralising everyday home life,VABB-4,267,276,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434634,,"Children’s Post-Divorce Living Arrangements and School Engagement: Financial Resources, Parent–Child Relationship, Selectivity and Stress",VABB-1,3425,3438,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434637,,Ga zelf op onderzoek uit. Hoe hogescholen de doorstroom kunnen verbeteren,VABB-1,55,61,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434641,,De actualiteit van het biopolitieke denken: Van Michel Foucault naar het Pensiero Vivente van de Italian Theory,VABB-1,2,13,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434643,,On Transcendental and Non-Transcendental Idealism in Husserl: A Response to De Palma and Loidolt,VABB-1,27,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434644,,'It is no longer I who lives'. James and the process of de-selving,VABB-4,143,157,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434646,,Max Scheler and Jan Patočka on the First World War,VABB-1,89,106,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434651,,Surrogates and Empty Intentions: Husserl’s “On the Logic of Signs” as the Blueprint for his First Logical Investigation,VABB-1,211,227,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434653,,Heidegger on Aristotle: dunamis as Force and Drive,VABB-4,49,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434654,,Alfred Schütz,VABB-4,262,267,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434655,,The Bipolarity of Modern ‘Man’ in the Anthropocene: Ecomodernist Mania as Case for Unmanning Anthropocene Discourse,VABB-1,102,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434657,,Systematischer Überblick über Husserls phänomenologisches Projekt,VABB-4,116,125,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434658,,Husserl Handbuch. Leben-Werk-Wirkung,VABB-3,,,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434662,,Du terrorisme à la guerre civile? Notes sur David Galula et sa pensée de la contre-insurrection,VABB-1,187,199,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434665,,Los límites del pensamiento conceptual,VABB-1,92,119,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:434666,,The wound which will not close: Jan Patočka’s philosophy and the conditions of politicization,VABB-1,29,44,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434668,,Les deux guerres mondiales et la philosophie. Entretien avec Nicolas de Warren,VABB-1,39,57,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434672,,"Husserl’s Early Semiotics and Number Signs: Philosophy of Arithmetic through the Lens of “On the Logic of Signs (Semiotic)""",VABB-1,287,303,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434673,,Fremde Spiegelungen,VABB-3,,,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434674,,As pulsões de morte e o enigma da compulsão de repeticão (Freud e Lacan),VABB-1,247,264,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434675,,"Il male del Novecento. Jaspers, il suo tempo e la lettura di Dostoevskij",VABB-4,49,67,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:434676,,De te fabula narratur. A Re-active Interplay with Kierkegaard’s Authorship (forthcoming),VABB-1,175,208,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434677,,"The Holding Back of Decline: Scheler, Patočka, and Ricoeur on Death and the Afterlife",VABB-1,536,559,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434678,,The Dawn of Husserl’s Pure Logical Grammar: Husserl’s Study of Inauthentic Judgments from “On The Logic Of Signs” as the Germ of the “Fourth Logical Investigation”,VABB-1,285,308,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434679,,Rudolf Eucken Philosophicus Teutonicus (1913-1914),VABB-4,44,64,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434680,,Freud reads Krafft-Ebing: The Case of Sadism and Masochism,VABB-4,64,86,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434681,,Eidetik,VABB-4,142,148,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434683,,"Some reflections on Husserlian intentionality, intentionalism, and non-propositional contents",VABB-1,499,517,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434686,,Die Enge des Lebens. Zur Phänomenologie und Typologie der Angst,VABB-4,98,118,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434687,,À propos de l’imposture,VABB-1,545,559,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434689,,Transzendentaler Abstand und Interpretation in Husserls Ding und Raum,VABB-4,47,62,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434690,,Het geweld van het recht: Een lectuur van 'Waarom oorlog?',VABB-1,387,416,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434696,,On some of Nietzsche’s ideas that inspired postmodernist educational thinking,VABB-4,1658,1662,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434697,,“This is simply what I do.” On the relevance of Wittgenstein’s alleged conservatism and the debate about Cavell’s legacy for children and grown-ups,VABB-4,241,259,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434698,,Schools in the making: Mapping digital spaces of evidence,VABB-4,617,639,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434699,,Experiências de escola: uma tentativa de encontrar uma voz pedagógica,VABB-1,649,669,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:434701,,Hospitality in Family Therapy Practice: A Further Engagement with Jacques Derrida,VABB-1,378,390,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434702,,Posthumanistische benaderingen,VABB-4,181,200,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434703,,Kritische theorie en kritische pedagogiek,VABB-4,121,140,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:434706,,Manipulation or study: some hesitations about post-truth politics,VABB-1,239,244,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434707,,The educational potential of social economy projects in the Himalayas: the case of Avani,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434708,,Arts-based methods in socially engaged research practice: a classification framework,VABB-1,5,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434711,,What is Negotiated in Negotiated Accountability? The Case of INGOs,VABB-1,1529,1561,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434712,,A língua da escola: alienadora ou emancipadora ?,VABB-1,193,212,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:434713,,Unraveling the mobilization of memory in research with refugees,VABB-1,659,672,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434714,,Editorial: digital the new normal - multiple challenges for the education and learning of adults,VABB-1,7,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434715,,After in defence of the school: an interview with Jan Masschelein and Maarten Simons. Depois de em defesa da escola: uma entrevista com Jan Masschelein e Maarten Simons. Después de defensa de la escuela: una entrevista con Jan Masschelein e Maarten Simons,VABB-1,705,719,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434716,,Opening Spaces of Conversation - Citizenship Education for Newcomers as a Democratic Practice,VABB-1,112,127,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434719,,The role of collective identifications in family processes of post-trauma reconstruction: An exploratory study of Kurdish refugee families and their diasporic community,VABB-1,3,29,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434720,,Making climate change public? A dramaturgically inspired case-study of learning through transition management,VABB-1,366,385,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434722,,Analytic philosophy of education,VABB-4,53,68,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434725,,"Denominatie van de school, gezins- en schoolsamenstelling en onderwijsprestaties. Verschillen openbaar en bijzonder onderwijs in hun opbrengsten?",VABB-1,47,61,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434726,,Allegedly conservative: Re-visiting Wittgenstein’s legacy for philosophy of education,VABB-4,35,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434727,,The Catholic school advantage and common school effect examined: a comparison between Muslim immigrant and native pupils in Flanders,VABB-1,123,135,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434728,,Boekbespreking. Times and Rhythms of Emancipatory Education,VABB-1,278,281,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434732,,"The relationship between parental literacy involvement, socio-economic status and reading literacy,",VABB-1,85,101,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434734,,In de toekomst geen school meer. In gesprek met Jan Masschelein,VABB-1,196,204,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434737,,On the composition of academic work in digital times,VABB-4,89,106,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434738,,Some notes on the university as Studium: A place of collective public study,VABB-4,40,53,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434739,,Inleiding in de pedagogiek Deel 2. Grondslagen en stromingen,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434740,,Du choc des idées jaillit la lumière: thinking with Eric Broekaert’s integrated and holistic paradigm of education,VABB-1,169,176,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434741,,Researchers under the spell of the arts: Two decades of using arts-based methods in community-based inquiry with vulnerable populations,VABB-1,34,49,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434742,,Aktif Vatandaşlıktan Dünya Vatandaşlığına: Bir Dünya Üniversitesi Önerisi,VABB-1,167,176,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:434744,,The show of childhood. Agamben and Cavell on education and transformation,VABB-1,95,103,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434745,,Durven onderbreken: solidariteit en burgerschap op de speelplaats,VABB-1,27,37,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434746,,How scientific frameworks ‘frame parents’: Wittgenstein on the import of changing language-games,VABB-4,615,628,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434747,,Over het verband tussen de moderne wijsbegeerte en wetenschappelijke pedagogiek,VABB-4,59,84,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434748,,Old and new generations in the 21st century Shifting landscapes of education,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434752,,Towards a game-based learning instructional design model focusing on integration,VABB-4,17,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434753,,In search of attributes that support self-regulation in blended learning environments,VABB-1,1395,1454,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434754,,Benchmark-based strategies in whole number line estimation,VABB-1,668,686,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434755,,The effect of rewording and dyadic interaction on realisticreasoning in solving word problems,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434756,,The effect of surprising events in a serious game on learning mathematics,VABB-1,860,877,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434757,,The use of number-based versus digit-based strategies on multi-digit subtraction: 9–12-year-olds' strategy use profiles and task performance,VABB-1,64,74,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434758,,In search of elements to organize assessments remotely in distance learning,VABB-4,179,196,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434759,,Students’ ability to connect function properties to different types of elementary functions: An empirical study on the role of external representations,VABB-1,939,955,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434760,,Marcadores nucleares de la competencia aritmética en preescolares,VABB-1,121,124,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:434761,,Computer game-based mathematics education: Embedded faded worked examples facilitate knowledge acquisition,VABB-1,44,53,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434762,,Can visual aids in representational illustrations help pupils to solve mathematical word problems more realistically?,VABB-1,335,351,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434763,,Acknowledging complexity: teaching practices at the core,VABB-4,189,198,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434765,,Topic study group no. 27: Learning and cognition in mathematics,VABB-5,501,505,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434766,,Beyond additive and multiplicative reasoning abilities: How preference enters the picture,VABB-1,559,576,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:434767,,Evaluating the effect of labeled benchmarks on children’s number line estimation performance and strategy use,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434768,,Unique contribution of Ecuadorian kindergartners’ spontaneous focusing on numerosity to their early numerical abilities,VABB-1,299,312,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:434769,,Toward a systematic and model-based approach to design learning environments for critical thinking,VABB-4,1,37,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434770,,Spontaneous focusing on quantitative relations: Towards a characterisation,VABB-1,260,275,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434771,,The effect of emphasizing the realistic modeling complexity in the text or picture on pupils' realistic solutions of P-tems,VABB-1,1173,1185,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:434772,,Applying cognitive psychology based instructional design principles in mathematics teaching and learning: introduction,VABB-1,491,496,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434774,,Content integration as a factor in math-game effectiveness,VABB-1,1345,1368,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434776,,Designing learning environments for critical thinking: Examining effective instructional approaches,VABB-1,1065,1089,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:434777,,There is more variation within than across domains: an interview with Paul A. Kirschner about applying cognitive psychologybased instructional design principles in mathematics teaching and learning,VABB-1,637,643,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434778,,Erroneous additive or multiplicative reasoning: The role of preference besides ability,VABB-5,273,280,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434779,,Transitions in mathematics education: The panel debate,VABB-5,101,117,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434780,,Grade-related differences in strategy use in multi-digit division in two instructional settings,VABB-1,169,187,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:434781,,How students connect mathematical models to descriptions of real-world situations,VABB-4,233,242,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434782,,Marxism and mathematics. Paul Libois and intuitive geometry in Belgium,VABB-5,383,398,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434783,,Trans-Baudrillard: Towards a Seductive Immunity,VABB-1,330,346,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:434784,,"Examining temporal alterations in Social Anxiety Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: The relation between autobiographical memory, future goals, and current self-views",VABB-1,34,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434785,,An Item Response Theory Analysis of The Questionnaire of God Representations,VABB-1,152,166,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:434786,,Visuospatial context learning and configuration learning is associated with analogue traumatic intrusions,VABB-1,120,127,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434787,,A rating measure of ADHD-related neuropsychological impairment in children and adolescents: Data from the Cognition and Motivation in Everyday Life (CAMEL) Scale from population and clinical samples,VABB-1,483,501,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434790,,Parental autonomy-support and psychological control in eating disorder patients with and without binge-eating/purging behaviour and non-suicidal self-injury,VABB-1,126,141,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434792,,More than one psychology of religion in the house of the International Association for the Psychology of religion,VABB-4,30,40,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434794,,Types of God representations and mental health : A person-oriented approach,VABB-1,199,214,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434797,,Biases in research: Risk factors for non-replicability in psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy,VABB-1,1000,1011,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434799,,Mechanisms of change through the lens of two-polarities models of personality development: State of the art and new directions,VABB-1,179,190,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434801,,"Parental reflective functioning: Theory, research, and clinical applications",VABB-1,174,199,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434802,,Bias toward psychodynamic therapy: Framing the problem and working toward a solution,VABB-1,361,365,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434804,,Child psychotherapy with looked after and adopted children: A UK national survey of the profession,VABB-1,258,277,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434805,,Mentalizing and interpersonal problems in borderline personality disorder: The mediating role of identity diffusion,VABB-1,141,144,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434806,,"Occurrence and co-occurrence of nonsuicidal self-injury and disordered eating in a daily diary study: Which behavior, when?",VABB-1,39,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:434809,,A mentalization-based approach to common factors in the treatment of borderline personality disorder,VABB-1,44,49,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434810,,De complexiteit van klinische psychodiagnostiek vraagt methodologische diversiteit,VABB-1,302,316,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434811,,Helpers' Self-Assessment Biases Before and after Helping Skills Training,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434816,,What motivates individuals with ADHD? A qualitative analysis from the adolescent’s point of view,VABB-1,923,932,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434817,,Science is what we need in the treatment of anxiety disorders,VABB-1,229,229,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434818,,Brain activity underlying negative self- and other-perception in adolescents: The role of attachment-derived representations,VABB-1,554,576,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434819,,Vincent van Gogh: Een leven voor de kunst,VABB-1,11,15,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434822,,Mentalization-Based Treatment voor patienten met een borderlinepersoonlijkheidsstoornis,VABB-4,321,350,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434823,,An adjunctive multi-family group intervention with or without patient participation during an inpatient treatment for adolescents with an eating disorder: A pilot study,VABB-1,570,578,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434825,,The Parental Reflective Functioning Questionnaire: Development and preliminary validation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434826,,Can an experimental self-efficacy induction through autobiographical recall modulate analogue posttraumatic intrusions?,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434827,,What predicts ongoing nonsuicidal self-injury? A comparison between persistent and ceased self-injury in emerging adults,VABB-1,762,770,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434828,,Narratieve Story Stem Technieken: Verhalen als vensters op de belevingswereld van kinderen,VABB-1,174,187,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434829,,Physical activity in bariatric surgery patients: does temperament matter?,VABB-1,275,282,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434830,,Mentalizing as a Mechanism of Change in the Treatment of Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder: A Parallel Process Growth Modeling Approach,VABB-1,22,29,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434831,,Do changes in affect moderate the association between attachment anxiety and body dissatisfaction in children? An experimental study by means of the Trier Social Stress Test,VABB-1,83,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434834,,Omgaan met persoonlijkheidsstoornissen. Hoe kunnen huisarts en patiënt tot een beter contact komen?,VABB-1,78,83,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434835,,Modification of Cognitive Biases Related to Posttraumatic Stress: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda,VABB-1,81,95,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434836,,Mentalization in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Comparison with controls and patients with borderline personality disorder,VABB-1,334,341,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434837,,"Personality, psychopathology and health through the lens of interpersonal relatedness and self-definition",VABB-1,473,489,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434839,,Is Gambling Disorder associated with impulsivity traits measured by the UPPS-P and is this association moderated by sex and age?,VABB-1,106,113,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434840,,"Self-Critical Perfectionism, Dependency, and Symptomatic Distress in Patients with Personality Disorders During Hospitalization-based Psychodynamic Treatment: A Parallel Process Growth Modeling Approach",VABB-1,268,274,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434841,,Paternal and maternal reflective functioning in the West Australian Peel Child Health Study,VABB-1,561,574,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434843,,"Geographic distribution of suicide and railway suicide in Belgium, 2008-2013: a principal component analysis",VABB-1,232,244,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:434844,,"Vulnerability or sensitivity to the environment? Methodological issues, trends, and recommendations in gene–environment interactions research in human behavior",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434845,,"Mentalization-based treatment for borderline personality disorder in adults and adolescents: For whom, when and how",VABB-1,264,280,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434846,,Resilience or hope? Incremental and convergent validity of the resilience scale for adults (RSA) and the Herth hope scale (HHS) in the prediction of anxiety and depression,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434847,,Jezus en Pilatus: Een fenomenologie van lijden en verrijzen,VABB-4,143,155,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434849,,Assessment of Regional Vegetation Response to Climate Anomalies: A Case Study for Australia Using GIMMS NDVI Time Series between 1982 and 2006,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434850,,Potentially toxic elements in bottom ash from hazardous waste incinerators: an integrated approach to assess the potential release in relation to solid-phase characteristics,VABB-1,1194,1203,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434851,,Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relations in European forests depend on environmental context,VABB-1,1414,1426,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434852,,"Origin of the saline paleofluids in fault-damage zones of the Jabal Qusaybah Anticline (Adam Foothills, Oman): Constraints from fluid inclusions geochemistry",VABB-1,537,546,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434853,,Restoration of degraded ecosystems in the Afromontane highlands of Ethiopia: comparison of plantations and natural regeneration,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434854,,Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealised potential for forest multifunctionality,VABB-1,31,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434855,,Variability of English loanword use in Belgian Dutch translations. Measuring the effect of source language and register,VABB-4,81,112,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434856,,Empirical Translation Studies. New Methodological and Theoretical Traditions,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434857,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434858,,The effect of loyalty program expiration policy on consumer behavior,VABB-1,537,550,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434859,,The role of E-Commerce and M-Commerce in the international strategy of fashion companies: A qualitative research in the Belgian fashion industry,VABB-1,80,113,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:434860,,The impact of international R&D on home-country R&D for Indian multinationals,VABB-1,27,55,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434861,,"Global outsourcing, explorative innovation and firm financial performance: a knowledge-exchange based perspective",VABB-1,17,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434862,,"Organizational capital, production factor resources, and relative firm size in strategic equity alliances",VABB-1,825,849,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434863,,Trois églises grecques en Afrique centrale: lieux de mémoire russes,VABB-1,192,197,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434868,,Register variation and distributional patterns in article omission in Dutch headlines,VABB-1,205,228,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434869,,Gecombineerd gebruik van u en je in personeelsadvertenties: over de grammaticale en culturele context van aanspreekvormen,VABB-1,329,346,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434873,,The SCATE Prototype: A Smart Computer-Aided Translation Environment,VABB-5,104,113,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434880,,Just testing. Applying theories of justice to high-stakes language tests,VABB-1,143,163,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434881,,"E-tandem et ""interculturation"": un ""archipel"" en chantier",VABB-1,109,119,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434885,,Checking assumed proficiency: comparing L1 and L2 performance on a university entrance test,VABB-1,43,56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434886,,TecCOMFrame: A competence framework for technical communication,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434887,,Introduction: Multimodal Discourse about Crime in a Globalised World,VABB-1,6,14,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434888,,The Multimodal Representation of Italian Anti-Mafia Discourse: Foregrounding Civil Resistance and Interlocution in Two Global English Video Reportages,VABB-1,38,59,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434890,,TecCOMFrame: Building bridges between technical communication and translation studies through a prototype specialisation curriculum,VABB-1,313,332,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434891,,Preface,VABB-5,6,9,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434892,,Attila Hildmann goes international: An explorative study on the localization of a German chef's website for a US target audience,VABB-1,40,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434895,,A semi-automatic annotation tool for unobtrusive gesture analysis,VABB-1,433,460,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:434899,,Cognitive Linguistics and Humor Research,VABB-4,1,28,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434901,,Deaf leaders’ strategies for working with signed language interpreters: An examination across seven countries,VABB-1,107,131,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434903,,Participants' and Interpreters' Perception of the Interpreter's Role in Interpreter-Mediated Investigative Interviews of Minors: Belgium and Italy as a Case,VABB-4,151,178,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434904,,Une méthode intégrée pour l'analyse de monologues interprétés. L'apport de la théorie de l'argumentation et de la rhétorique classique,VABB-1,60,84,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:434906,,"Gli ingranaggi della memoria del G8 2001 nella fumettistica italiana: Carlo Giuliano, né eroe né martire",VABB-1,112,132,,ita,2017,1 c:vabb:434907,,"""Everybody Speaks English Nowadays”. Conference Interpreters’ Perception of the Impact of English as a Lingua Franca on a Changing Profession",VABB-1,53,66,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434908,,Holmes and Popovič in the 21st century,VABB-1,12,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434909,,"Machinevertaling, singularity et prometheische Scham",VABB-1,19,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434910,,"El silencio profundo de los hombres de barro. Arte y compromiso en '2501 Migrants', un documental de Yolanda Cruz",VABB-1,121,139,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:434911,,El héroe byroniano visto por Castelar y Galdós,VABB-1,37,49,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:434912,,La reinvención del idioma: multilingüismo e interculturalidad en Sandra Cisneros,VABB-1,167,179,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:434913,,The Relative Need for Comparative Translation Studies,VABB-1,213,230,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434916,,"Elfmeter, strafschop of penalty: Hoe de terminologische buitenspelval omzeilen?",VABB-4,33,36,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434922,,De patiënt met een niet-planbare zorgvraag naar het gepaste zorgniveau verwijzen: nieuwe 112-1733 geïntegreerde telefonische triage- en regulatieprotocollen,VABB-1,241,247,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434923,,"Are Dutch hospitals prepared for chemical, biological or radionuclear incidents? A survey study",VABB-1,483,491,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434924,,Geriatric support in the emergency department: a national survey in Belgium,VABB-1,68,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434925,,Developing a decision rule to optimise clinical pharmacist resources for medication reconciliation in the emergency department,VABB-1,502,508,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434928,,"One Big Happy Family? Unraveling the relationship between shared perceptions of team psychological contracts, person-team fit and team performance",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434929,,The Effects of Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems on Laboratory Test Ordering,VABB-1,585,595,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434930,,Quality indicators for the referral process from primary to specialised mental health care: an explorative study in accordance with the RAND appropriateness method,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434931,,Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the Care Process Self-Evaluation Tool,VABB-1,804,811,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:434933,,A haemovigilance team provides both significant financial and quality benefits in a University Hospital,VABB-1,199,205,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434934,,Out-of-pocket payments and subjective unmet need of healthcare,VABB-1,545,555,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434936,,Intravoxel incoherent motion and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for differentiation between hepatocellular adenoma and focal nodular hyperplasia,VABB-1,20170007,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434937,,New Instrument to Measure Hospital Patient Experiences in Flanders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434938,,Variation in care for surgical patients with colorectal cancer: protocol adherence in 12 European hospitals,VABB-1,1471,1478,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434939,,The effectiveness of intravenous iron for iron deficiency anemia in gastrointestinal cancer patients: a retrospective study,VABB-1,654,663,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434941,,Effects of introduction of an inflammatory bowel disease nurse position on the quality of delivered care,VABB-1,646,650,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434942,,Nonlinear Analysis to Detect if Excellent Nursing Work Environments Have Highest Well-Being,VABB-1,537,547,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434943,,Prevalence and costs of defensive medicine: a national survey of Italian physicians,VABB-1,211,217,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434944,,Hospital- and community-based interventions enhancing (re)employment for people with spinal cord injury: a systematic review,VABB-1,2,7,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:434946,,Engagement of stakeholders in the development of a Theory of Change for handwashing and sanitation behaviour change,VABB-1,8,22,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434947,,Development of a model care pathway for adults undergoing colorectal cancer surgery: Evidence-based key interventions and indicators,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434948,,Alzheimer's disease and driving: review of the literature and consensus guideline from Belgian dementia experts and the Belgian road safety institute endorsed by the Belgian Medical Association,VABB-1,811,819,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434949,,"Economic evaluation of occupational health services: necessary, challenging and promising",VABB-1,847,848,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434951,,The Impact of Adverse Events on Clinicians: What's in a Name?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434953,,Validation of the Child HCAHPS survey to measure pediatric inpatient experience of care in Flanders,VABB-1,935,945,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434954,,An International Study of Adherence to Guidelines for Patients Hospitalised with a COPD Exacerbation,VABB-1,156,163,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434955,,"Post-operative mortality, missed care and nurse staffing in nine countries: A cross-sectional study",VABB-1,10,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:434956,,Better organized care via care pathways: A multicenter study,VABB-1,e0180398,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434957,,Emergency room nurses' pathway to turnover intention: a moderated serial mediation analysis,VABB-1,930,942,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434959,,Evolving Role of the Nursing Informatics Specialist,VABB-4,212,221,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434960,,Impact of Cross-level Measurement Noninvariance on Hospital Rankings Based on Patient Experiences With Care in 7 European Countries,VABB-1,e150,e157,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434961,,"Nursing skill mix in European hospitals: cross-sectional study of the association with mortality, patient ratings, and quality of care",VABB-1,559,568,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434962,,Cost-effectiveness analysis,VABB-4,71,89,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434963,,Approaches to promote handwashing and sanitation behaviour change in low- and middle income countries: a mixed method systematic review,VABB-1,1,447,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434964,,Electronic Laboratory Medicine ordering with evidence-based Order sets in primary care (ELMO study): protocol for a cluster randomised trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434965,,Economic evaluation of mental health promotion and mental illness prevention,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434966,,Measuring satisfaction and anesthesia related outcomes in a surgical day care centre: A three-year single-centre observational study,VABB-1,15,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434968,,Incidence of Torsade de Pointes in a tertiary hospital population,VABB-1,511,515,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:434969,,The compelling urge to misbehave: Do impulse purchases instigate unethical consumer behavior?,VABB-1,60,76,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434970,,Co-creating service recovery after service failure: The role of brand equity,VABB-1,101,109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434971,,The effectiveness of fear appeals featuring fines versus social disapproval in preventing shoplifting among adolescents,VABB-1,264,274,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434973,,Does Communicating the Customer’s Resource Integrating Role Improve or Diminish Value Proposition Effectiveness?,VABB-1,618,639,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434974,,Burdens of access: Understanding customer barriers and barrier-attenuating practices in access-based services,VABB-1,441,456,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434975,,Does Institutional Nation Branding exist in a Singaporean Context?,VABB-1,325,347,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:434977,,Age of onset and lifetime projected risk of psychotic experiences: cross-national data from the World Mental Health Survey,VABB-1,933,941,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:434979,,BMI independently relates to glycaemia in patients with severe enduring mental illness (SMI),VABB-1,232,236,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434980,,Striatal dopaminergic modulation of reinforcement learning predicts reward-Oriented behavior in daily life,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434982,,Nested Inversion Polymorphisms Predispose Chromosome 22q11.2 to Meiotic Rearrangements,VABB-1,616,622,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434983,,Health conditions and role limitation in three European Regions: a public-health perspective,VABB-1,2,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434984,,Undertreatment of people with major depressive disorder in 21 countries,VABB-1,119,124,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434985,,The association between childhood adversities and subsequent first onset of psychotic experiences: a cross-national analysis of 23 998 respondents from 17 countries,VABB-1,1230,1245,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434986,,High prevalence of fatigue in adults with a 22q11.2 deletion syndrome,VABB-1,858,867,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434987,,Multimodal investigation of triple network connectivity in patients with 22q11DS and association with executive functions,VABB-1,2177,2189,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434988,,Factors determining the balance between the wish to die and the wish to live in older adults,VABB-1,685,691,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434989,,Post-traumatic stress disorder associated with natural and human-made disasters in the World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,227,241,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434990,,The role of religious advisors in mental health care in the World Mental Health surveys,VABB-1,353,367,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434991,,Morphological brain changes associated with negative symptoms in patients with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome,VABB-1,52,58,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434994,,Implication of reward alterations in the expression of negative symptoms in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: a behavioural and DTI study,VABB-1,1442,1453,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434995,,No Association of Lower Hippocampal Volume With Alzheimer's Disease Pathology in Late-Life Depression,VABB-1,237,245,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434996,,Risk factors for QTc-prolongation: systematic review of the evidence,VABB-1,16,25,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:434997,,Gedwongen Opname in Vlaanderen Een epidemiologisch perspectief,VABB-1,194,201,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:434998,,Gedwongen Opname in Vlaanderen Een epidemiologisch perspectief,VABB-1,194,201,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435001,,Katatonie bij jongeren met autisme: de rol van ECT,VABB-1,21,29,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435002,,"Cardiovascular Effects of Stimulant and Non-Stimulant Medication for Children and Adolescents with ADHD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Trials of Methylphenidate, Amphetamines and Atomoxetine",VABB-1,199,215,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435003,,"Modeling the Interplay Between Psychological Processes and Adverse, Stressful Contexts and Experiences in Pathways to Psychosis: An Experience Sampling Study",VABB-1,302,315,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435004,,Investigating the role of ALS genes CHCHD10 and TUBA4A in Belgian FTD-ALS spectrum patients,VABB-1,177.e9,177.e16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435005,,Diverging illness perceptions between physicians about patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and systemic sclerosis: a vignette-based study,VABB-1,915,922,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435006,,Prescribing in Schizophrenia / Psychosis: Increasing Polypharmacy Over Time,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435007,,Prescription preferences in antipsychotics and attitude towards the pharmaceutical industry in Belgium,VABB-1,359,363,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435008,,The Global ECT-MRI Research Collaboration (GEMRIC): Establishing a multi-site investigation of the neural mechanisms underlying response to electroconvulsive therapy,VABB-1,422,432,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435010,,Dealing with daily challenges in dementia (deal-id study): an experience sampling study to assess caregiver functioning in the flow of daily life,VABB-1,949,958,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435013,,Virtual memory palaces to improve quality of life in Alzheimer's disease,VABB-1,227,232,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435014,,Real-life validation of reduced reward processing in emerging adults with depressive symptoms,VABB-1,713,725,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435016,,Cholinergic depletion and basal forebrain volume in primary progressive aphasia,VABB-1,271,279,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435017,,Asymmetric Amyloid Deposition in the Brain Following Unilateral Electroconvulsive Therapy,VABB-1,e11,e13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435018,,Development and validation of the Questionnaire of Stressful Life Events (QSLE),VABB-1,213,223,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435019,,An experience sampling study on the ecological validity of the SWN-20: Indication that subjective well-being is associated with momentary affective states above and beyond psychosis susceptibility,VABB-1,234,238,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435020,,The role of stress-regulation genes in moderating the association of stress and daily-life psychotic experiences,VABB-1,389,399,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435021,,A Risk Algorithm for the Persistence of Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors During College,VABB-1,e828,e836,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435023,,Trends in antipsychotics use by Belgian children and adolescents between 2005 and 2014,VABB-1,329,338,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435024,,Corpus callosum macro and microstructure in late-life depression,VABB-1,63,70,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435025,,Unraveling the Role of Loneliness in Depression: The Relationship Between Daily Life Experience and Behavior,VABB-1,104,117,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435026,,Newborn genome-wide DNA methylation in association with pregnancy anxiety reveals a potential role for GABBR1,VABB-1,107,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435027,,Validation of a novel imaging approach using multi-slice CT and cone-beam CT to follow-up on condylar remodeling after bimaxillary surgery,VABB-1,139,144,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435028,,Genome-Wide Association Study to Find Modifiers for Tetralogy of Fallot in the 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome Identifies Variants in the GPR98 Locus on 5q14.3,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435029,,Uitdagingen bij de transitie van jongeren van jeugd geestelijke gezondheidszorg naar volwassenen geestelijke gezondheidszorg,VABB-1,117,131,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435030,,Risk Management of Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients Taking Multiple QTc-Prolonging Drugs,VABB-1,540,545,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435031,,"The Bitter, Expensive Pill at the End of Life",VABB-1,1587,1588,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435032,,Is sensitivity to daily stress predictive of onset or persistence of psychopathology?,VABB-1,167,173,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435033,,"Illness representations of systemic lupus erythematosus and systemic sclerosis: a comparison of patients, their rheumatologists and their general practitioners",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435034,,Familial liability to psychosis is a risk factor for multimorbidity in people with psychotic disorders and their unaffected siblings,VABB-1,81,89,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435036,,Burnout and depressive disorder with atypical features: Are they both mood disorders or not? | Burn-out en depressie met atypische kenmerken: Zijn het beide stemmingsstoornissen of niet?,VABB-1,619,630,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435037,,"The functional and clinical relevance of childhood trauma-related admixture of affective, anxious and psychosis symptoms",VABB-1,91,101,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435038,,Dealing with Daily Challenges in Dementia (Deal-id Study): An Experience Sampling Study to Assess Caregivers' Sense of Competence and Experienced Positive Affect in Daily Life,VABB-1,852,859,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435039,,Voorbij de diagnose. Ervaringen van volwassenen met autisme,VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435041,,"Effectiveness of physical activity promoting technology-based distance interventions compared to usual care. Systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression",VABB-1,953,967,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435042,,Antibiotics and mania: A systematic review,VABB-1,149,156,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435043,,Does the Social Functioning Scale reflect real-life social functioning? An experience sampling study in patients with a non-affective psychotic disorder and healthy control individuals,VABB-1,2777,2786,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435046,,"Clinical high risk for psychosis: the association between momentary stress, affective and psychotic symptoms",VABB-1,63,73,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435047,,Genetic correlation between amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and schizophrenia,VABB-1,14774,14774,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435048,,Development of a risk score for QTc-prolongation: the RISQ-PATH study,VABB-1,424,432,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:435049,,Cases of drug-induced Torsade de Pointes: a review of Belgian cases in the EudraVigilance database,VABB-1,385,390,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435050,,Is the capital structure logic of corporate finance applicable to insurers? Review and analysis,VABB-1,169,189,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435051,,The EU-ETS and corporate environmental abatement,VABB-1,334,337,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435052,,Predicting Business Failure,VABB-4,66,84,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435053,,Employment Protection Legislation and SME Performance,VABB-1,306,326,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435054,,Management control systems in family firms: a review of the literature and directions for the future,VABB-1,410,435,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435055,,Management control for stimulating different types of creativity: The role of budgets,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435064,,Moroccan migration in Belgium. More than 50 years of settlement,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435067,,A multi-lab pre-registered replication of the ego-depletion effect,VABB-1,546,573,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435069,,Contributions to the Development of the Contemporary Paradigm of the Institutional Childhood,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435070,,Homo'poly: Ein cross-sektoraler Ansatz zur Sensibilisierung gegenüber Homosexualität,VABB-4,375,386,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:435073,,Use of locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) Algorithm to match Web of Science and SCOPUS,VABB-5,30,40,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435078,,Use of Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) algorithm to match Web of Science and SCOPUS,VABB-1,1229,1245,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:435079,,Information sources – information targets: evaluative aspects of the scientists’ publication strategies,VABB-5,708,717,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435082,,Do usage and scientific collaboration associate with citation impact?,VABB-5,1223,1228,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435084,,The location of multinational firms’ R&D activities abroad: Host country university research and R&D heterogeneity,VABB-1,127,162,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435085,,"Science deserves to be judged by its contents, not by its wrapping: Revisiting Seglen’s work on journal impact and research evaluation",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435086,,A citation-based cross-disciplinary study on literature ageing: Part II - diachronous aspects,VABB-1,1559,1572,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435088,,Using hybrid methods and `core documents' for the representation of clusters and topics. The astronomy dataset,VABB-1,1071,1087,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435090,,Widespread use of misidentified cell line KB (HeLa): Incorrect attribution and its impact revealed through mining the scientific literature,VABB-1,2784,2788,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435091,,The EU 2020 innovation indicator: A step forward in measuring innovation outputs and outcomes?,VABB-1,30,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435093,,Drakkar: a graph based all-nearest neighbour search algorithm for bibliographic coupling,VABB-5,101,111,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435096,,Improved author profiling through the use of citation classes,VABB-1,829,839,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435097,,"Drakkar, a graph based all-nearest neighbour search algorithm for bibliographic coupling",VABB-1,15,23,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435099,,Use of ResearchGate and Google CSE for author name disambiguation,VABB-1,1965,1985,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435100,,"An empirical investigation of the associations among usage, scientific collaboration and citation impact",VABB-1,403,412,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435101,,A citation-based cross-disciplinary study on literature aging: Part I - the synchronous approach,VABB-1,1573,1589,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435104,,Applying the CSS method to bibliometric indicators used in (university) rankings. (Letter to the Editor),VABB-1,1077,1079,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435105,,Lexical analysis of scientific publications for nano-level scientometrics,VABB-1,1897,1906,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435106,,Capturing the Innovation Opportunity Space: Creating Business Models with New Forms of Innovation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435108,,"""In Vlaanderen Vlaamsch!"" Translation Practices in Flemish Legal Journals: The Case of Rechtskundig Tijdschrift voor Vlaamsch-België (1897-98)",VABB-1,3,20,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435109,,"Leksykon odpowiedniości semantycznych w języku polskim, bułgarskim i rosyjskim",VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435111,,The Relationship Between Whole-Body External Loading and Body-Worn Accelerometry During Team-Sport Movements,VABB-1,18,26,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435114,,"Effects of multi-domain interventions in (pre)frail elderly on frailty, functional, and cognitive status: a systematic review",VABB-1,873,896,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435116,,Dynamic and static knee alignment at baseline predict structural abnormalities on MRI associated with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis after 2 years,VABB-1,46,51,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435118,,Biomechanical markers and theroretical concpets related to haemophilic ankle and subtalar joint arthropathy: introducing the term 'haemophilic tarsal pan-arthropathy',VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435119,,"Evaluation of cognitive subdomains, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in the European Male Ageing Study",VABB-1,2093,2103,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435121,,Effects of attentional focus on walking stability in elderly,VABB-1,94,99,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435122,,Training load monitoring in team sports: A novel framework separating physiological and biomechanical load-adaptation pathways,VABB-1,2135,2142,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435124,,Can segmental model reductions quantify whole-body balance accurately during dynamic activities?,VABB-1,37,41,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435125,,Altered leverage around the ankle in people with diabetes: A natural strategy to modify the muscular contribution during walking?,VABB-1,85,90,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435126,,Foot segmental mobility during subphases of running: Comparative study between two striking patterns,VABB-1,127,130,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435127,,A new treatment for reliable functional and esthetic outcome after local facial flap reconstruction: a transparent polycarbonate facial mask with silicone sheeting,VABB-1,407,416,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435128,,3D Multi-segment foot kinematics in children: A developmental study in typically developing boys,VABB-1,40,44,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435129,,Glycemia but not the Metabolic Syndrome is Associated with Cognitive Decline: Findings from the European Male Ageing Study,VABB-1,662,671,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435130,,A novel magnet based 3D printed marker wand as basis for repeated in-shoe multi segment foot analysis: a proof of concept,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435131,,Associations between measures of structural morphometry and sensorimotor performance in individuals with nonspecific low back pain,VABB-1,183,191,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435132,,Optimization of the return-to-sport paradigm after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a critical step back to move forward,VABB-1,1487,1500,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435133,,The effectiveness of technology-supported exercise therapy for low back pain: a systematic review,VABB-1,347,356,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435134,,Are physiotherapists adhering to quality indicators for the management of knee osteoarthritis? An observational study,VABB-1,112,123,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435138,,Changes in gait characteristics of women with early and established medial knee osteoarthritis: Results from a 2-years longitudinal study,VABB-1,32,39,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435139,,"Do Psychosocial Factors Predict Muscle Strength, Pain, or Physical Performance in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis?",VABB-1,308,316,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435140,,A new treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars with combined triamcinolone and verapamil: a retrospective study,VABB-1,69,80,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435141,,Performance of thigh-mounted triaxial accelerometer algorithms in objective quantification of sedentary behaviour and physical activity in older adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435142,,"Deficits of ankle muscle strength not found in children, adolescents and young adults with haemophilic ankle arthropathy",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435143,,In the spine or in the brain? Recent advances in pain neuroscience applied in the intervention for low back pain,VABB-1,108,115,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435144,,Effect of taping on multi-segmental foot kinematic patterns during walking in persons with chronic ankle instability,VABB-1,835,840,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435145,,Estimation of foot joint kinetics in three and four segment foot models using an existing proportionality scheme: Application in paediatric barefoot walking,VABB-1,168,175,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435146,,Foot segmental motion and coupling in stage II and III tibialis posterior tendon dysfunction,VABB-1,38,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435147,,Unilateral jumps in different directions: a novel assessment of soccer-associated power?,VABB-1,1018,1023,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435155,,"Enacting Musical Emotions. Sense-Making, Dynamic Systems, and the Embodied Mind",VABB-1,785,809,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435157,,Music in the Camps,VABB-1,42,49,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435160,,Writing Music (and Music History): Referential Ramifications in Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf's Kurtág-Zyklus,VABB-1,18,37,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435161,,Music and Semiotics: An Experiential Approach to Musical Sense-making,VABB-4,73,93,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435162,,Arnold Schoenberg's Relationship to the Text of 'Da meine Lippen reglos sind und brennen' (op. 15/4),VABB-4,84,94,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435163,,The Leuven Chansonnier: A New Source for Late Fifteeenth-Century Polyphonic Song,VABB-1,135,158,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435165,,Music and its inductive power: a psychobiological and evolutionary approach to musical emotions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435166,,"Music Knowledge Construction. Enactive, Ecological, and Biosemiotic Claims",VABB-4,58,65,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435170,,"""Swiss Jodelling Song"". William Waltons 'Façade' und das Groteske",VABB-4,89,112,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:435173,,"A Step to the ""Wanderer"". Schubert's early Fantasia-Sonata in C minor (D. 48)",VABB-4,134,148,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435174,,Journal of the Alamire Foundation,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435177,,From nominal to verbal gerunds: a referential typology,VABB-1,60,83,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435179,,"The tablet for Second Language Vocabulary Learning: Keyboard, Stylus or Multiple Choice",VABB-1,53,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435180,,Not all dialogues are created equal: Instance weighting for neural conversational models,VABB-5,384,394,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435181,,The potential of elicited imitation for oral output practice in German L2,VABB-4,86,91,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435182,,NLP for learning and teaching: challenges and opportunities,VABB-1,7,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435183,,Educationally Designed Game Environments and Feedback,VABB-4,361,374,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435184,,Multiword Term Extraction through Lexical Head Selection,VABB-5,258,263,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435192,,'Unexpectedly Moving?' An Inquiry into the Intermedial and International Trajectory of a Flemish Novel,VABB-4,289,311,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435193,,Studying language and translation policies in Belgium: What can we learn from a complexity theory approach?,VABB-1,45,59,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435194,,"Overlap of agent roles in early 20th century Belgium : "" a lucrative way of spending time""",VABB-1,361,381,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435196,,Identities on a learning curve: Female migrant narratives and the construction of identities of (non)participation in Communities of Practice,VABB-4,225,240,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435197,,Multimodale Evidentheitsmarkierung im Deutschen. Eine Analyse verbaler und gestischer Ausdrucksformen und ihrer Kookkurrenzen,VABB-1,95,125,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:435198,,Identity Struggles: Evidence from workplaces around the world,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435199,,"L'ancrage multimodal du déictique spatial ""là"" dans l'interaction",VABB-1,21,37,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:435200,,Mobilizing master narratives through categorical narratives and categorical statements when default identities are at stake,VABB-1,179,198,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435201,,On the relation between (verbal and kinesic) downtoning and illocution type,VABB-1,25,46,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435202,,Who's the expert? Negotiating competence and authority in guided tours,VABB-4,95,123,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435203,,"Epilogue: Identity struggles as a reflection of knowledge, competing norms, and attempts for social change",VABB-4,445,454,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435205,,Une étude interactionnelle de la grammaire : la dislocation à droite évaluative dans la parole-en-interaction,VABB-1,15,32,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:435206,,Introduction: A kaleidoscopic view of identity struggles at work,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435207,,Identity and membership,VABB-4,184,196,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435208,,Multimodal Construction Grammar issues are Construction Grammar issues,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435209,,‘Doing evaluation’ in the modern workplace: Negotiating the identity of ‘model employee’ in performance appraisal interviews,VABB-4,87,108,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435210,,Indian women at work: Struggling between visibility and invisibility,VABB-4,147,163,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435211,,Hypervitaminosis D Associated With Tanning Bed Use: A Case Report,VABB-1,155,156,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435212,,N-Back Training and Transfer Effects in Healthy Young Subjects Using EEG,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435213,,Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Risk of Nosocomial Clostridium Difficile Infection in Hospitalized Elderly Adults,VABB-1,667,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435214,,Predictors for unintentional medication reconciliation discrepancies in preadmission medication: a systematic review,VABB-1,1355,1377,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435216,,Omgaan met QT-verlenging in de dagelijkse praktijk,VABB-1,399,406,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435217,,Frailty and bone health in European men,VABB-1,635,641,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435219,,Negative commercial screening test for paraneoplastic antibodies in a case of opsoclonus,VABB-1,1,2,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435221,,Accuracy and reproducibility of mouse cortical bone microporosity as quantified by desktop microcomputed tomography,VABB-1,e0182996,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435222,,Update on the role of bone biopsy in the management of patients with CKD-MBD,VABB-1,645,652,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435223,,Skeletal health in breast cancer survivors,VABB-1,78,82,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435224,,Postoperative complications in individuals aged 70 and over undergoing elective surgery for colorectal cancer,VABB-1,O329,O338,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435225,,Value of geriatric screening and assessment in predicting postoperative complications in patients older than 70 years undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer,VABB-1,320,327,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435226,,Functional decline in older patients with cancer receiving chemotherapy: A multicenter prospective study,VABB-1,196,205,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435227,,Estrogens and Androgens in Skeletal Physiology and Pathophysiology,VABB-1,135,187,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435228,,[The use of fall prevention strategies in home care: a survey in Flanders],VABB-1,121,133,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435229,,Handle with care: A systematic review on frailty in cardiac care and its usefulness in heart transplantation,VABB-1,218,224,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435230,,G-COACH: geriatrisch comanagement voor cardiologische patiënten in het ziekenhuis,VABB-1,4,7,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435231,,"Factors associated with high 24-month persistence with denosumab: results of a real-world, non-interventional study of women with postmenopausal osteoporosis in Germany, Austria, Greece, and Belgium",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435232,,Combined Use Of The Rationalization Of Home Medication By An Adjusted STOPP in Older Patients (RASP) List And A Pharmacist-Led Medication Review In Very Old Inpatients: Impact On Quality Of Prescribing And Clinical Outcome,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435234,,Long-term impact of stroke on patients' health-related quality of life,VABB-1,1435,1440,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435235,,[The development of clinical practice algorithms for the appropriate use of psychotropic drugs in older persons with high risk of falls],VABB-1,195,202,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435236,,Pharmacological treatment of osteoporosis in the oldest old,VABB-1,1065,1077,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435237,,Bone turnover predicts change in volumetric bone density and bone geometry at the radius in men,VABB-1,935,944,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435238,,Implementation of fall prevention in residential care facilities: A systematic review of barriers and facilitators,VABB-1,110,121,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435240,,Objective prediction of pharyngeal swallow dysfunction in dysphagia through artificial neural network modeling,VABB-1,336,44,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435241,,Evaluation of parenteral iron therapy in ambulatory older adults with iron deficiency anaemia,VABB-1,221,222,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435242,,A shortened tamoxifen induction scheme to induce CreER recombinase without side effects on the male mouse skeleton,VABB-1,57,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435243,,Relevance of Geriatric Assessment in Older Patients With Colorectal Cancer,VABB-1,e221,e229,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435244,,The role of vaccination in successful independent ageing,VABB-1,171,175,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435245,,Policy recommendations for the implementation of fall and fracture prevention in community – dwelling older persons,VABB-1,164,171,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435246,,Geriatric Assessment and Functional Decline in Older Patients with Lung Cancer,VABB-1,619,626,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435247,,Neurofilament markers for ALS correlate with extent of upper and lower motor neuron disease,VABB-1,2302,2309,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435248,,Osteoporosis in Frail Patients: A Consensus Paper of the Belgian Bone Club,VABB-1,111,131,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435249,,Exploring the Double-Sided Effect of Information Asymmetry and Uncertainty in Mergers and Acquisitions,VABB-1,873,917,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435250,,"Auditor gender, experience and reporting in nonprofit organizations",VABB-1,550,577,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435252,,International Cooperation to avoid double taxation in the field of VAT : Does the Court of Justice produce a revolution ?,VABB-1,170,173,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435254,,The Board's Demography-Firm Performance Relationship Revisited: A Bayesian Approach,VABB-1,992,1007,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435255,,Improving Index Mutual Fund Risk Perception: Increase Financial Literacy or Communicate Better?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435257,,Financing Decisions in Family Businesses: A Review and Suggestions for Developing the Field,VABB-1,369,399,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435258,,On the use of computer-aided text analysis in international business research,VABB-1,312,331,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435259,,Configurations of strategic R&D decisions and financial performance in small-sized and medium-sized firms,VABB-1,55,65,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435262,,The influence of functional and geographical diversity in collaboration on product innovation performance of SMEs,VABB-1,1667,1695,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:435265,,Disaggregating the corporate headquarters: Investor reactions to inversion announcements by US firms,VABB-1,1241,1270,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435266,,How the direction of institutional distance influences foreign entry mode choices: An information economics perspective,VABB-4,271,296,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435267,,The role of multiplier bounds in fuzzy data envelopment analysis,VABB-1,249,276,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435268,,The role of governments in the Business and Society Debate,VABB-1,527,544,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435270,,Is there an industry-science mismatch in the Brussels agglomeration? Evidence from knowledge spillovers in innovation active SMEs in knowledge intensive business services (KIBS),VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435272,,A flexible cross-efficiency fuzzy data envelopment analysis model for sustainable sourcing,VABB-1,2761,2779,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435273,,Twisted surfaces with vanishing curvature in Galilean 3-space,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435274,,Estimating scale economies in non-convex production models,VABB-1,1442,1451,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435276,,A New Input-Oriented Plant Capacity Notion: Definition And Empirical Comparison,VABB-1,720,739,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435277,,Global and Local Scale Characteristics in Convex and Nonconvex Nonparametric Technologies: A First Empirical Exploration,VABB-1,576,586,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435278,,Selecting Media for Effective Learning in Online and Blended Courses: A Review Study,VABB-1,29,59,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435280,,Inter- and intraspecific variation in the surface pattern of the dermal bones of two sturgeon species,VABB-1,609,628,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435282,,Covert deformed wing virus infections have long-term deleterious effects on honeybee foraging and survival,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435283,,Time-dependent VOC-profile of decomposed human and animal remains in laboratory environment,VABB-1,164,169,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435284,,In-solution hybridisation for the targeted enrichment of the whole mitochondrial genome,VABB-4,173,183,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435285,,The Y chromosome as the most popular marker in genetic genealogy benefits interdisciplinary research,VABB-1,559,574,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435286,,Maternal intake of methyl-group donors affects DNA methylation of metabolic genes in infants,VABB-1,16,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435288,,Dietary and supplemental maternal methyl-group donor intake and cord blood DNA methylation,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435289,,DNA degradation: Current knowledge and developments,VABB-4,65,79,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435290,,Book review of Jay D. Aronson (2016) Who Owns the Dead? The science and politics of death at Ground Zero,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435291,,"Magura Cave, Bulgaria: A multidisciplinary study of Late Pleistocene human palaeoenvironment in the Balkans",VABB-1,86,108,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435292,,The palaeogenetics of cat dispersal in the ancient world,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435295,,Genetic-genealogy approach reveals low rate of extra-pair paternity in historical Dutch populations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435296,,Co-phylogeographic study of the flatworm Gyrodactylus gondae and its goby host Pomatoschistus minutus,VABB-1,119,125,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:435298,,Medical findings and toxicological analysis in infant death by balloon gas asphyxia: a case report,VABB-1,347,349,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435300,,Paternity testing under the cloak of recreational genetics,VABB-1,768,770,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435301,,Track-a-Forager: a program for the automated analysis of RFID tracking data to reconstruct foraging behaviour,VABB-1,175,183,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435303,,The effect of paternal methyl-group donor intake on offspring DNA methylation and birth weight,VABB-1,311,321,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435306,,Defining Y-SNP variation among the Flemish population (Western Europe) by full genome sequencing,VABB-1,e12,e16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435307,,Bight of Benin: a maternal perspective of four Beninese populations and their genetic implications on the American populations of African ancestry,VABB-1,78,90,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435308,,Changes in DNA methylation induced by multi-walled carbon nanotube exposure in the workplace,VABB-1,1195,1210,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435311,,Encore sur l’authenticité de l’Hexaéméron d’Anastase le Sinaïte,VABB-1,755,777,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:435312,,Dittography and Copying Lines in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Considering George Brooke’s Proposal About 1QpHab 7:1-2,VABB-4,293,307,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435313,,"David Flusser, Die rabbinischen Gleichnisse und der Gleichniserzähler Jesus (1981)",VABB-1,201,210,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:435314,,The Eschatological counter-discourse in the Quran and the Talmud,VABB-4,120,135,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435316,,The Body at the Banquet. How to Interpret the Presence of John’s Severed Head at Herod’s Festive Meal in Mk 6:17-29,VABB-4,23,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435318,,PABBOYNI in John 2:16: The Meaning of mê mou haptou (John 20:17) Understood in Light of the Relationship Between Mary Magdalene and Jesus,VABB-4,3,42,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:435319,,"Thrice Nahum 3:8-10: MT, LXX, and 4Q385a 17 ii — New Proposals",VABB-4,1265,1277,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435320,,War-Games in the Song of Songs. A Reading of Song 2:4 in Light of Cognitive Linguistics,VABB-1,185,196,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435321,,Textual History of Canticles,VABB-4,321,326,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435322,,The Debate on Gen. 1:1-3 according to Anastasius Sinaita’s Hexaemeron,VABB-4,225,240,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435324,,"Sibyls, Scriptures, and Scrolls: John Collins at Seventy",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435325,,A Digital Palaeographic Approach towards Writer Identification in the Dead Sea Scrolls,VABB-5,693,702,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435326,,"Onderweg met de dialogerende Jezus. Enkele hermeneutische richtlijnen bij het Jezuswoord ‘Ik ben de weg en de waarheid en het leven. Niemand komt naar de Vader tenzij via mij’ (Joh 14,6)",VABB-1,116,133,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435331,,"“Ik roep U om hulp, maar U antwoordt niet” (Job 30,20). God en het lijden in het boek Job",VABB-4,63,73,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435333,,"Les épîtres de Paul, une source pour le pharisaïsme historique",VABB-1,1,23,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:435334,,The Shepherd of Hermas in Recent Scholarship on the Canon,VABB-1,89,105,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435335,,"Jewish-Christian Relations in Roman Judaea before and after the Revolts, 66-136 CE",VABB-4,7,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435336,,Romans 9‒11 and Political Developments in Rome and Judaea with Some Thoughts on Historical Criticism and Theological Exegesis,VABB-1,48,73,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435337,,Two B Scribes in Codex Sinaiticus?,VABB-1,197,206,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:435340,,The Shepherd's Abbreviations in Codex Sinaiticus,VABB-1,107,114,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:435341,,"Manuscripts, Their Texts and Their Use in Biblical and Patristic Studies",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435342,,Changing Truths: אֱמֶת and קֹשְׁטְ as Core Concepts in the Second Temple Period,VABB-4,395,415,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435343,,Scrutinizing the Sabbath Commandments in the Book of Ezekiel,VABB-1,5,42,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435344,,Sources on the politics of Judaea in the 50s CE: a response to Martin Goodman,VABB-1,234,259,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435347,,Acquiring Wisdom: A Semantic Analysis of Its Metaphorical Conceptualisations,VABB-4,121,137,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435348,,Omnium linguarum purissima. De studie van het Hebreeuws aan het Collegium Trilingue,VABB-4,157,184,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435350,,"Das Evangelium für die Römer und sein kosmischer Horizont: Eine exegetische Untersuchung zu Röm 1,1-17",VABB-4,7,41,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:435351,,Anti-Judaism and the Fourth Gospel Fifteen Years after the Leuven Colloquium,VABB-4,243,263,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435353,,Spiritual Exercises in the Hodayot? 1QHa as Perfective Trajectory,VABB-1,455,479,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435354,,Imagination and Hermeneutics: On Ricoeur's Notion of a Biblical Form of Imagination,VABB-1,368,395,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435355,,Jeremiah’s Scriptures in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Growth of a Tradition,VABB-4,289,306,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435356,,The Flood from Ancient Mesopotamia to Qumran,VABB-4,127,149,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435366,,Gründung einer Gemeinschaft: Ruf in die Nachfolge und die Bildung des Zwölferkreis,VABB-4,273,292,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:435367,,"Four Gospels Indeed, but Where Is Mark? On Irenaeus' Use of the Gospel of Mark",VABB-4,169,204,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435368,,Disqualifying the Opponent: The Catalogue of Vices in Matt 15:19 as Characterisation and Criticism,VABB-4,91,104,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435369,,Jesus als Wanderprediger,VABB-4,262,272,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:435370,,Eating with Apostles: Eucharist and Table Fellowship in the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles: The Evidence from the Acts of John and the Acts of Thomas,VABB-4,1011,1060,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435371,,"""Authoritave Texts"" and How to Handle Them: Some Reflections on an Ambiguous Concept and Its Use in Second-Century Christian Literature",VABB-4,188,199,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435372,,Strange and Unexpected: Some Comments on the Language and Imagery of the Apocalypse of John,VABB-4,161,206,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435373,,"The Other Side: Apocryphal Perspectives on Ancient Christian ""Orthodoxies""",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435374,,Light on Creation: Ancient Commentators in Dialogue and Debate on the Origin of the World,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435375,,Irénée de Lyon et les débuts de la Bible chrétienne. Actes de la journée du 1.VII.2014 à Lyon,VABB-3,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:435376,,"Luke on Jesus, Paul and Christianity:What Did He Really Know?",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435377,,An Early Reader of Mark and Q,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435379,,"Eustathius of Antioch on ""The Witch of Endor"" (1 Sam 28): A Critique of Origen and Exegetical Method",VABB-1,107,132,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435380,,Commitments to Medieval Mysticism within Contemporary Contexts,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435381,,Paul as a Recipient and Teacher of Tradition,VABB-4,185,205,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435382,,The Yadin Qumran Fragment XQ5b (XQText b) Identified as a Fragment of 4Q285 (4QSefer Ha-Milhamah),VABB-1,281,286,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435383,,"The Belligerent Woman in Song 1,9",VABB-1,208,226,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435384,,Some Observations on the Coptic Reception of the Shepherd,VABB-1,81,96,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435385,,Shadowy Characters and Fragmentary Evidence. The Search for Early Christian Groups and Movements,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435386,,"Mose, das Schwert und das „Schwert des Mose“ Zwischen rabbinischer und magischer Überlieferung",VABB-4,365,401,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:435387,,Im trüben Wasser des »Davidsteichs« – P.Oxy. 840 und die Suche nach seiner Provenienz,VABB-4,89,108,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:435388,,"Mosebilder. Gedanken zur Rezeption einer literarischen Figur im Frühjudentum, frühen Christentum und der römisch-hellenistischen Literatur",VABB-3,,,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:435391,,"Index Religiosus: International Bibliography of Theology, Church History and Religious Studies",VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435392,,Revealing Subversions. Theology as Critical Theory,VABB-4,179,202,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435393,,Wider die Entinnerung. Zur postkolonialen Kritik hegemonialer Wissenspolitiken in der Theologie,VABB-4,23,37,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435394,,"‘The Lord, your God, is in your Midst’ (EG 4). Evangelii Gaudium – Francis’ Call for a Kenotic Theology",VABB-4,55,76,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435396,,Ec(o)clesiology: Ecology as Ecclesiology in Laudato Si’,VABB-1,807,824,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435397,,Intercultural Theology as a (post)colonial project? Reflections from Central Europe,VABB-1,105,111,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435399,,Diverse Personality Traits and Translation Quality: Preselected Items Evaluation and NEO Five-Factor Inventory,VABB-1,242,270,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435400,,The importance of etymology and comparative philology in defining conceptual units. The term ‘almāniyyah as utilized by the Moroccan thinker Taha Abdalrahman as case,VABB-1,13,46,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435401,,The Leverage of Cultural Homogenization in Futurity of Translation Studies: HomoKult Model as the Right Switch,VABB-1,43,59,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435403,,A Cognitive Linguistics Approach to the Discourse of Drug Information for Experts and Patients,VABB-4,16,54,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435404,,Revisited Strategies of Politeness Translation in 'The Simpsons' Sitcom,VABB-1,5,25,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435405,,Evaluation of Translation through the Proposal of Error Typology: An Explanatory Attempt,VABB-1,408,430,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435406,,Translation Difficulty: How to Measure and What to Measure,VABB-1,3,30,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435407,,The Status of Intercultural Mediation in Translation: Is it an Absolute License?,VABB-1,59,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435408,,Holistic Assessment: Effective or Lenient in Translation Evaluation?,VABB-1,51,67,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435409,,Needed Skills and Strategies to Improve the Efficiency of Sight Translation in Classroom Context,VABB-1,22,44,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435410,,Vak-Taal: Van Achterhand tot Zwavelgeel elfenbankje,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435411,,Translation Evaluation Methods and the End-Product: Which One Paves the Way for a More Reliable and Objective Assessment?,VABB-1,2,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435413,,Re-Examining Edward Schillebeeckx'€™s Anthropological Constants: An Ontological Perspective,VABB-4,113,130,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435414,,Jasenovac – A Past that does not Pass: The Presence of Jasenovac in Croatian and Serbian Collective Memory of Conflict,VABB-1,805,829,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435415,,Salvation in the World: The Crossroads of Public Theology,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435417,,“We Must Always Be Converted.” The Church and the Challenge of Renewal,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435418,,Conversion and Church. The Challenge of Renewal,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435419,,"Seeing Christ on the Battlefield. Sign Making, Sacrament and Conversion",VABB-4,65,86,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435420,,God Becoming Present in the World. The Sacramental Foundations of Public Theology,VABB-4,13,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435421,,Ramon Lull - Das Buch vom Heiden und den drei Weisen: Ein Beitrag zur mittelalterlichen Toleranzdebatte,VABB-4,15,32,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:435423,,"Grace, Governance and Globalization",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435424,,Holiness in the Making. Labor and Sacrament in Twentieth Century Catholic Theology,VABB-1,278,290,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435426,,Self-Sacrifice and the Other(s): Reflections on Andrei Tarkovsky’s The Sacrifice,VABB-4,54,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435427,,The Church in the Limelight of the Public Square: An Alternative Community?,VABB-4,248,260,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435429,,Towards an Orthodox Politica Theology: The Churches' Theological Foundations and Public Role in the Context of the Greek Economic Crisis,VABB-4,151,178,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435430,,Belgium: New Thinking on Catholic Education Fifty Years after Vatican II,VABB-4,55,71,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435432,,"Christus, de vreemdeling. De theologische relevantie van migratie",VABB-1,9,19,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435433,,"De gemeenschappelijke herdenking van het begin van de Reformatie (2017) als katalysator van een 'Gemeenschappelijke verklaring over Kerk, eucharistie en ambt'?",VABB-1,253,269,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435435,,Theologie als spreken over Gods toekomst,VABB-1,197,202,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435436,,De economische wende in de hedendaagse politieke theologie,VABB-1,78,90,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435437,,The Future of Interreligious Dialogue in the Light of Ramon Llull's Contribution to the Encounter of Religions,VABB-4,47,63,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435442,,Experience and Critical Reflection in Religion: Schillebeeckx’s Theology and Evolutionary Studies of Religion,VABB-4,197,212,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435448,,Mundo y sacramento. Fundamentos de la teología política de la Iglesia,VABB-1,258,266,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:435450,,Genade in de nieuwe tijd. De cultuurtheologie van Edward Schillebeeckx (1914-2009),VABB-4,287,303,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:435451,,Intercultural Theology. Exploring World Christianity after the Cultural Turn,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435452,,Le syncrétisme comme moteur de développement de la tradition,VABB-4,251,270,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:435453,,Building Bridges for Innovation in Ageing: Synergies between Action Groups of the EIP on AHA,VABB-1,92,104,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435454,,Salvation in the World,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435457,,"Pleidooi voor een alternatieve strategie bij pastorale dilemma's. «Dat wij zouden aanvoelen wat Gods meest heilige wil is, en hem volbrengen» (Ignatius)",VABB-1,479,488,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435459,,The ecumenical vision of Pope Francis: journeying together as fellow pilgrims − ‘the mystery of unity has already begun ’,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435460,,"Geoffrey Rowell, Bishop, Scholar, Friend",VABB-1,67,72,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435464,,Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? Lessons for and from Evangelicals,VABB-1,260,272,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435466,,Trails of a Different Vorlage and a Free Translator in LXX-Proverbs: A Text-Critical Analysis of Proverbs 16:1-7,VABB-1,571,591,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435468,,Discerning the Divine and the Demonic through Dialogue: Recent Evangelical Theology of Religions,VABB-4,111,123,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435469,,Traces of Proverbs in Patristic Writings: Tracing Back Proverbs’ Greek Rendered Hebrew Hapax Legomena in the Commentary on the Book of Proverbs Attributed to John Chrysostom,VABB-1,40,53,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435470,,Geoportals,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435471,,Interorganisational trust in Flemish public administration: comparing trusted and distrusted interactions between public regulatees and public regulators,VABB-4,80,114,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435472,,Policy analysis by academics,VABB-4,273,291,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435473,,Policy analysis instruction in Belgium,VABB-4,295,309,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435474,,Policy analysis in Belgium,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435475,,Clarifying the Relationship Between Public Service Motivation and In-Role and Extra-Role Behaviors: The Relative Contributions of Person-Job and Person-Organization Fit,VABB-1,699,713,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435476,,Analytical techniques in Belgian policy analysis,VABB-4,35,56,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435478,,Policy analytical practice investigated: Exploring patterns in use of policy analytical techniques,VABB-4,179,202,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435479,,Policy advisory bodies in Belgium,VABB-4,151,170,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435480,,The policy-analytical profession in Belgium,VABB-4,13,34,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435481,,Public administration reforms in Europe. The view from the top,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435483,,Overheidsaudit met een toekomst: zeven voorwaarden,VABB-1,5,8,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435486,,"More Reforms, Less Innovation? The Impact of Structural Reform Histories on Innovation-Oriented Cultures in Public Organizations",VABB-1,1142,1164,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435487,,On the Bureaucracy of Bureaucracies: Analyzing the Size and Organization of Overhead in Public Organizations,VABB-1,214,231,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435488,,Co-Producing Safety in the Local Community: A Q-methdology Study on the Incentives of Belgian and Dutch Members of Neighbourhood Watch Schemes,VABB-1,323,343,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435489,,Hergebruik van overheidsinformatie op het federale niveau,VABB-1,103,130,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435490,,Effective HRM Implementation by Line Managers: Relying on Various Sources of Support,VABB-1,192,204,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435491,,The experimental turn in public management: How methodological preferences drive substantive choices,VABB-4,461,475,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435492,,Trust in public administration and public services,VABB-4,118,128,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435493,,What factors drive organizational learning from crises? Insights from the Dutch food safety services’ response to four veterinary crises,VABB-1,326,340,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435496,,"Wie niet vraagt, die niet wint. Een literatuurverkenning naar de determinanten van vraagverlegenheid voor vrijwillige inzet",VABB-1,76,87,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435497,,"Cost-effectiveness, domestic favouritism and sustainability in public procurement: A comparative study of public preferences",VABB-1,328,341,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435498,,A change management perspective on public sector cutback management: Towards a framework for analysis,VABB-1,1538,1555,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435499,,Political control and bureaucratic expertise: Policy analysis by Ministerial Cabinet Members,VABB-4,57,78,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435500,,"European Commissioner cabinet advisers: Policy managers, bodyguards, stakeholder mobilizers",VABB-1,359,377,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435502,,Ideas as close as possible to power: Belgian political parties and their study centres,VABB-4,173,192,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435503,,Policy analysis in the central and regional governments,VABB-4,81,106,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435504,,Administrative Leadership: Understanding the Preferred Leadership Roles of the Ethiopian Civil Service Managers,VABB-1,366,394,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435505,,Policy Analysis in the Belgian legislatures: the marginal role of a structurally weak parliament in a partitocracy with no scientific and political tradition of policy analysis,VABB-4,129,150,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435507,,"Introduction policy analysis in Belgium - tradition, comparative features and trends",VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435508,,Routledge Handbook of Comparative Policy Analysis,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435509,,Public Management Reform. A Comparative Analysis - Into the Age of Austeriy,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435510,,Performance for Accountability: The Case of Joint Agreements in a Federal System,VABB-1,765,796,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435511,,Belgian regional parliaments and the European Union: an analysis of parliamentary scrutiny in agricultural and environmental policies,VABB-1,221,237,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435512,,Le profil des parlementaires néerlandophones en 2015,VABB-1,1,51,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:435513,,Compensating citizens for poor service delivery: experimental research in public and private settings,VABB-1,895,911,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435514,,Politiek-ambtelijke verhoudingen,VABB-4,331,366,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435515,,De bestuurskunde als discipline,VABB-4,37,70,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435516,,Van bureaucratie over New Public Management naar New Public Governance,VABB-4,131,167,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435517,,Bestuur en burger,VABB-4,367,399,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435518,,De federale overheid,VABB-4,171,212,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435519,,Higher education research: looking beyond New Public Management,VABB-4,21,38,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435520,,The within-district distribution of party candidates: A geographical analysis of party lists for Belgian lower house elections,VABB-1,241,260,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435521,,Analysis of factors affecting a shift in a local energy system towards 100% renewable energy community,VABB-1,117,124,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435522,,Linking budgeting to results? Evidence about performance budgets in European municipalities based on a comparative analytical model,VABB-1,932,953,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435524,,The governance of Big Data in higher education,VABB-4,213,234,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435526,,Policy Analysis in Comparative Perspective: An Introduction,VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435527,,Academic Policy Analysis and Research Utilization in Policymaking,VABB-4,341,359,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435528,,Who are The Political Parties' Ideas Factories? On Policy Analysis by Political Party Think Tanks,VABB-4,245,260,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435530,,The Governance Landscape of Geospatial E-Services—The Belgian Case,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435532,,Less Europe in a Larger Union: Belgium and its Old and New Eastern Neighbours,VABB-4,505,520,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435533,,Hoe bestuurskundig is de bestuurskunde? Nederlandse bestuurskundigen vergeleken met hun Europese vakgenoten,VABB-4,13,34,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435534,,Publicité de l'administration,VABB-4,13,32,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:435535,,Openbaarheid van bestuur,VABB-4,13,32,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435536,,Handboek Bestuurskunde: Organisatie en werking van het openbaar bestuur,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435539,,Le financement des familles politiques européennes (2001-2015),VABB-1,1,44,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:435540,,Evolving Spatial Data Infrastructures and the Role of Adaptive Governance,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435541,,In Situ Data,VABB-4,45,63,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:435542,,Introduction,VABB-4,3,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435543,,GEOValue: The Socioeconomic Value of Geospatial Information,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435544,,Transitiemanagement in Vlaanderen - Het faciliteren van disruptieve verandering en radicale innovatie,VABB-1,27,41,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435554,,Policy Analysis in the Legislative Branch,VABB-4,199,212,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435555,,Impact of performance audit on the Administration: a Belgian study (2005-2010),VABB-1,90,104,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435556,,The Future of Local Government in Europe. Lessons from Research and Practice in 31 Countries,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435557,,"Autonomy, Performance, Participation: Lessons from the Comparative Study of Local Public Sector Reforms",VABB-4,11,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435558,,Improving Local Service Delivery: Increasing Performance through Reforms,VABB-4,53,77,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435559,,Conclusion: Lessons and Advice for Future Local Government in Europe,VABB-4,101,111,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435564,,Do integration policies relate to economic and cultural threat perceptions? A comparative study in Europe,VABB-1,367,391,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435565,,Getting working parents for surveys: using paradata to assess the ease of contact and rescheduling needs of busy work–family jugglers,VABB-1,333,351,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435571,,Generalized and specific components of prejudice: The decomposition of intergroup context effects,VABB-1,443,456,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435572,,"European parents’ attitudes towards public childcare provision. The role of current provisions, interests and ideologies",VABB-1,49,68,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435573,,Measurement Equivalence in Replications of Experiments: When and Why it Matters and Guidance on How to Determine Equivalence,VABB-1,1293,1310,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435574,,Television news content as a contextual predictor of differences between attitudes toward minority groups,VABB-1,213,240,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435576,,"A Universal Rank Order of Deservingness? Geographical, Temporal and Social-Structural Comparisons",VABB-4,37,54,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435578,,Marching beyond borders: The transnational mobilization of undocumented immigrants in Europe,VABB-4,126,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435579,,Residential arrangements and children's school engagement: The role of the parent-child relationship and selection mechanisms,VABB-1,1104,1122,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435581,,Wie verlaat de gezinswoning bij een echtscheiding? Het belang van de socio-economische positie van partners,VABB-1,221,247,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:435582,,The structure of prejudice and its relation to party preferences in Belgium: Flanders and Wallonia compared,VABB-1,52,74,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435583,,A comparison of working in small-scale and large-scale nursing homes: A systematic review of quantitative and qualitative evidence,VABB-1,59,70,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435585,,Innovation Resilience Behavior and Critical Incidents: Validating the Innovation Resilience Behavior-Scale with Qualitative Data,VABB-1,49,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435586,,Labour Productivity and Innovation Performance: The Importance of Internal Labour Flexibility Practices,VABB-1,277,293,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435587,,Bayesian Multilevel MIMIC Modeling for Studying Measurement Invariance in Cross-Group Comparisons,VABB-1,e25,e35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435588,,"Ongehoord populisme. Gesprekken met Vlaams Belang-kiezers over stad, migranten, welvaartsstaat, integratie en politiek",VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435589,,Onbezorgd. Naar een geïntegreerd gezondheidssysteem,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435590,,Vijfentwintig jaar onderzoek naar de houding tegenover migranten in België. Verandering en stabiliteit in de periode 1991-2014,VABB-1,3,19,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435591,,Inleiding,VABB-4,13,24,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435593,,Thinking about commons: A post-capitalist perspective for social work,VABB-4,71,88,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435594,,The interviewer in the respondent’s shoes: What can we learn from the way interviewers answer survey questions?,VABB-1,140,153,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435596,,Explaining survey nonresponse in the ESS in Belgium using municipality-level administrative registry data,VABB-1,645,659,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435599,,Walloons as general or specific others? A comparison of anti-Walloon and anti-immigrant attitudes in Flanders,VABB-1,75,97,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435600,,"Continuous improvement, burnout and job engagement: A study in a Dutch nursing department",VABB-1,481,491,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435601,,Sex Differences in Intergenerational Income Transmission and Educational Attainment: Testing the Trivers-Willard Hypothesis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435602,,Moroccan migration in Belgium’s labor policy and labor market,VABB-4,87,104,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435603,,"Salmon Bias or Red Herring? Comparing adult mortality risks (ages 30-90) between natives and internal migrants: Stayers, returnees and movers in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1850-1940",VABB-1,481,499,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435604,,Television and anti-immigrant sentiments: The mediating role of fear of crime and perceived ethnic diversity,VABB-1,243,267,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435605,,"Stijgen, dalen of toch status quo? De prevalentie van zelfsturende teams in België en Vlaanderen",VABB-1,74,83,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435607,,The welfare state in flux: Individual responsibility and changing accountability relations in social services,VABB-4,90,104,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435612,,"Gedifferentieerde dreiging en de verklaring van vooroordelen: Anti-immigranten attitudes, islamofobie, antisemitisme en homonegativiteit vergeleken",VABB-1,49,77,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435613,,Articulation and the role of EWC: explaining the social effects within (and across) transnational workplaces,VABB-1,261,276,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435614,,Modeling the weekly data collection efficiency of face-to-face surveys six rounds of the European Social Survey,VABB-1,212,232,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435615,,"The reversal of the gender gap in education, motherhood, and women as main earners in Europe",VABB-1,465,481,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435619,,"Re-introducing the company in the analysis of labour market dualisation: variety of patterns and diversity of outcomes between standard and non-standard workers in multinational subsidiaries in Belgium, Germany and Britain",VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435620,,Sole physical custody and mother’s repartnering after divorce,VABB-1,879,890,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435621,,Status Inconsistency in Groups: How Discrepancies Between Instrumental and Expressive Status Result in Symptoms of Stress,VABB-1,15,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435627,,Building a conceptual framework to study the effect of HIV stigma reduction intervention strategies on HIV test-uptake: A scoping review,VABB-1,545,560,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435628,,Leadership in innovation projects: an illustration of the reflective practitioner and the relation to organizational learning,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435629,,BRCA2 hypomorphic missense variants confer moderate risks of breast cancer,VABB-1,2789,2799,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435630,,The Socialization of Performance Goals,VABB-1,337,354,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435632,,A comparison between New Ways of Working and Sociotechnical Systems,VABB-4,145,163,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435633,,"Assessing the complexity of interventions within systematic reviews: development, content and use of a new tool (iCAT_SR)",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435635,,Opvoeden door ex-partners: samen of apart? Bevindingen uit sociaalwetenschappelijk onderzoek rond co-ouderschap in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,1,13,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435637,,Interviewer Effects on Non-Differentiation and Straightlining in the European Social Survey,VABB-1,409,426,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435638,,Estimating Components of Mean Squared Error to Evaluate the Benefits of Mixing Data Collection Modes,VABB-1,330,334,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435639,,The Reversal of the Gender Gap in Education and Relative Divorce Risks: A Matter of Alternatives in Partner Choice?,VABB-1,15,34,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435640,,Enacting Actuarial Fairness in Insurance: From Fair Discrimination to Behaviour-based Fairness,VABB-1,413,438,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435641,,Five Steps to Develop Workplace Innovation,VABB-4,301,320,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435642,,Evidence of Workplace Innovation from Organisational and Economic Studies,VABB-4,79,94,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435643,,Psychometric properties and comparison of different techniques for factor analysis on the Big Five Inventory from a Flemish sample,VABB-1,122,129,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435644,,Working imagination along the food-drug divide,VABB-4,65,87,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435646,,"Educational Pairings, Motherhood, and Women's Relative Earnings in Europe",VABB-1,2331,2349,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435647,,Fertility among descendants of immigrants in Belgium: The role of the partner,VABB-1,1827,1858,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435651,,"Sibling Influence on Access to Marriage. A Comparative Study of Québec and Flanders, 1842–1912",VABB-1,271,307,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435652,,Partner Choice and the Transition to Parenthood for Second-Generation Women of Turkish and Moroccan Origin in Belgium,VABB-1,579,608,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:435653,,Theoretical Approaches Supporting Workplace Innovation,VABB-4,63,78,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435654,,Towards a Total Workplace Innovation Concept Based on Sociotechnical Systems Design,VABB-4,281,300,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435656,,Wage differentials after a career break: A latent growth model on Belgian register data,VABB-1,169,190,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435657,,Dicht op de huid - het biologische en het sociale,VABB-1,315,321,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435659,,"Adjustment for nonresponse with variables from different sources: Bias correction and precision loss, with application to the Swiss European Social Survey 2012",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435661,,"Participation Beyond Consensus? Technology Assessments, Consensus Conferences and Democratic Modulation",VABB-1,497,513,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435664,,The Reversed Gender Gap in Education and Assortative Mating in Europe,VABB-1,445,474,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435667,,Secular Tolerance? Anti-Muslim Sentiment in Western Europe,VABB-1,259,276,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435670,,Fieldwork Monitoring for the European Social Survey: An illustration with Belgium and the Czech Republic in Round 7,VABB-1,659,686,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435671,,The Brabant-style gros of Dendermonde: counterfeit or official issue?,VABB-1,25,29,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435672,,The social legitimacy of welfare states in European regions and countries: balancing between popular preferences and evaluations,VABB-4,415,431,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435674,,The Social Legitimacy of Targeted Welfare. Attitudes to Welfare Deservingness,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435675,,Evaluating the Fruitfulness of Deservingness Theory,VABB-4,335,350,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435677,,The effect of sociodemographic (mis)match between interviewers and respondents on unit and item nonresponse in Belgium,VABB-1,229,238,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435678,,Global Diversity and Local Consensus in Status Beliefs: The Role of Network Clustering and Resistance to Belief Change,VABB-1,611,640,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435680,,Woord vooraf,VABB-4,9,12,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435682,,The Social Legitimacy of Targeted Welfare and Welfare Deservingness,VABB-4,3,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435683,,"How Welfare Reforms Influence Public Opinion Regarding Welfare Deservingness: Evidence from Dutch Time-Series Data, 1975-2006",VABB-4,149,166,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435684,,Les professions libérales. 1: Les professions médicales,VABB-4,1115,1121,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:435685,,De vrije beroepen. 1 : Het artsenberoep,VABB-4,1113,1119,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435686,,Verantwoordelijke keuzes in het licht van genetische kennis. Een sociologische studie naar het leven met een genetische aanleg bij Belgische BRCA mutatiedragers,VABB-1,342,363,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435687,,ВСЕ ЛИ СОЦИАЛИСТЫ АНТИРЕЛИГИОЗНЫ? АНТИРЕЛИГИОЗНОСТЬ И «ЛЕВЫЕ» В 21 СТРАНЕ ЗАПАДНОЙ ЕВРОПЫ (1990-2008 ГГ.),VABB-1,11111,22222,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:435688,,Biopolitesse: naar een kosmopolitiek van verantwoordelijkheid en solidariteit,VABB-1,322,341,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435689,,Seen through the patients’ eyes: Safety of chronic illness care,VABB-1,916,921,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435691,,Ouderschap anno 2020: gedeeld of verdeeld?,VABB-4,685,704,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435693,,"The later, the more deceptive? A patagon dated 1628 from Chateau-Regnault with a Brabantian reverse",VABB-1,413,417,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435694,,Zorg is samenwerking organiseren,VABB-4,25,55,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435695,,Alternating Residence for Children After Parental Separation: Recent Findings from Belgium,VABB-1,545,555,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435696,,Hoe structuren zorg dragen,VABB-4,57,81,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435697,,Technologie en samenwerking,VABB-4,157,181,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435698,,'We have never been genetic'. Interview met Stefan Timmermans,VABB-1,395,410,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435699,,Het goede leven op het spoor. Bestuurlijkheid als een alternatieve benadering in het onderzoek naar wearable-technologieën,VABB-1,364,383,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435700,,Stepfather or biological father? Education-specific pathways of postdivorce fatherhood,VABB-1,1659,1694,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435701,,De munten van de heerlijkheid Megen (ca. 1350-1450 en 1583-1590),VABB-1,30,101,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435704,,Het omgaan met veranderde seksualiteit door kanker bij koppels: een synthese van de kwalitatieve onderzoeksliteratuur,VABB-1,169,178,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435705,,Second European Society of Historical Demographic Conference 第2回ヨーロッパ歴史人口学会,VABB-1,63,69,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:435706,,Financial incentives for integrated care for people with chronic conditions in Belgium: a qualitative study within the CORTEXS research project,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435707,,"Pilgrimages: Space, Polysemy and Three Cases",VABB-1,166,181,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435709,,The myth of individualism: From individualisation to a cultural sociology of individualism,VABB-1,407,429,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435710,,"Precarious work, regime of competition and the case of Europe",VABB-4,33,60,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435712,,Adding a reward increases the reinforcing value of fruit,VABB-1,611,620,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435713,,Cancer Diagnosed Individuals' Use of Television and the Internet as a Source for Peer Stories and Associated Emotional Responses,VABB-1,193,200,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435714,,The Role of Behavioral Activation and Inhibition in explaining adolescents’ game use and game engagement levels,VABB-1,116,143,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435716,,"Beauty is Good: The appearance culture, the internalization of appearance ideals, and dysfunctional appearance beliefs among tweens",VABB-1,173,192,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435717,,Understanding children’s television exposure from a life logistics perspective: A longitudinal study of the association between mothers’ working hours and young children’s television time,VABB-1,691,716,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435718,,"Violence, Sex, and Dreams: Violent and Sexual Media Content Infiltrate Our Dreams at Night",VABB-1,271,279,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435719,,"Bedtime, Shuteye Time and Electronic Media: Sleep Displacement is a Two-Step Process",VABB-1,364,370,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435721,,A cross-cultural examination of the mediating role of family support and parental advice quality on the relationship between family communication patterns and first-year college student adjustment in the United States and Belgium,VABB-1,638,667,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435722,,The Relationship between Television Sports Exposure and Rape Myth Acceptance: The Mediating Role of Sexism and Sexual Objectification of Women,VABB-1,813,829,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435723,,"The reciprocal and indirect relationships between passive Facebook use, comparison on Facebook, and adolescents’ body dissatisfaction",VABB-1,336,344,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435724,,Love me Tinder: Untangling emerging adults’ motivations for using the dating application Tinder,VABB-1,67,78,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435725,,The Role of Appearance Schematicity in the Internalization of Media Appearance Ideals: A Panel Study of Preadolescents,VABB-1,27,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435727,,The dual role of media internalization in adolescent sexual behavior,VABB-1,1685,1697,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435728,,The reciprocal associations between sharing alcohol references on social networking sites and binge drinking: A longitudinal study among late adolescents,VABB-1,499,506,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435729,,Adolescents’ sexual media use and willingness to engage in casual sex: Differential relations and underlying processes,VABB-1,127,147,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435730,,Media Representation: Health and Body Images,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435731,,Personality Traits: Influence on Media Effects,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435732,,"A Typology of Cancer Information Seeking, Scanning and Avoiding: Results From an Explorative Cluster Analysis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435733,,"Binge Viewing, Sleep, and the Role of Pre-Sleep Arousal",VABB-1,1001,1008,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:435734,,"Browsing, Posting, and Liking on Instagram: The reciprocal relationships between different types of Instagram use and adolescents' depressed mood",VABB-1,603,609,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435735,,The Relationship between Online Pornography and the Sexual Objectification of Women: The Attenuating Role of Porn Literacy Education,VABB-1,1015,1036,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435736,,Strategic self-presentation or authentic communication? Predicting adolescents' alcohol references on social media,VABB-1,124,133,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435738,,"To Tinder or Not to Tinder, that’s the Question: An Individual Differences Perspective to Tinder use and Motives",VABB-1,74,79,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435740,,Beauty Ideals from Reality Television and Young Women’s Tanning Behavior: An Internalization and Self-Objectification Perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435741,,Preadolescents’ reliance on and internalization of media appearance ideals: Triggers and consequences,VABB-1,1074,1099,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:435742,,Linking Magazine Exposure to Social Appearance Anxiety: The Role of Appearance Norms in Early Adolescence,VABB-1,736,751,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435743,,Development and Validation of the Tinder Motives Scale (TMS),VABB-1,341,350,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:435744,,HIV/AIDS communication inequalities and associated cognitive and affective outcomes: a call for a socioecological approach to AIDS communication in sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,685,694,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435747,,Aspiring to have the looks of a celebrity: Young girls' engagement in appearance management behaviors,VABB-1,857,863,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435748,,"#Muslims? Instagram, Visual Culture and the Mediatization of Muslim Religiosity",VABB-4,141,169,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435749,,Parent-child conflict about children’s tablet use: The role of parental mediation,VABB-1,2075,2093,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435751,,Sexy online self-presentation on social network sites and the willingness to engage in sexting: A comparison of gender and age,VABB-1,42,50,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435752,,"Use of fitness and nutrition apps: Associations with body mass index, snacking, and drinking habits in adolescents",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435753,,Development and validation of a quantitative snack and beverage FFQ for adolescents,VABB-1,141,150,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435754,,Voting for Women in Belgium's Flexible List System,VABB-1,305,335,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435755,,Tone Matters: Effects of Exposure to Positive and Negative Tone of Television News Stories on Anti-Immigrant Attitudes and Carry-Over Effects to Uninvolved Immigrant Groups,VABB-1,211,232,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:435757,,Patterns of criminal threat in television news coverage of ethnic minorities in Flanders (2003-2013),VABB-1,809,829,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435758,,"The Impact of Cultural, Economic, and Safety Issues in Flemish Television News Coverage (2003-2013) of North African Immigrants on Perceptions of Intergroup Threat",VABB-1,2823,2841,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435759,,Great expectations: the effect of democratic ideals on political trust in European democracies,VABB-1,214,230,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435760,,The impact of compulsory voting on inequality and the quality of the vote,VABB-1,621,644,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435761,,Do electoral rules have an effect on electoral behaviour? An impact assessment,VABB-1,503,515,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435762,,A Comparative Investigation into The Effects of Party-System Variables on Party Switching using Individual-Level Data,VABB-1,110,123,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435763,,"Economic Indicators and Electoral Volatility. Economic Effects on Electoral Volatility in Western Europe, 1950-2013",VABB-1,919,943,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435764,,Do reluctant voters vote less accurately? The effect of compulsory voting on party-voter congruence in Australia and Belgium,VABB-1,75,94,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435765,,"The Tipping Point Between Stability and Decline: Trends in Voter Turnout, 1950–1980–2012",VABB-1,535,552,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435766,,The democratic legitimacy of European institutions and support for social policy in Europe,VABB-4,92,119,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435767,,The effect of political sophistication and party identification on voter-party congruence. A comparative analysis of 30 countries,VABB-1,311,329,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435768,,Social Capital and the Development of Political Support in Europe,VABB-4,59,75,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435769,,Identifikation mit politischen Parteien und Demokratiezufriedenheit: Eine Längsschnittanalyse zum Einfluss von Parteiidentifikation in Deutschland,VABB-1,49,74,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:435771,,The Measurement Equivalence of Political Trust,VABB-4,89,103,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435773,,"Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor? Support for Social Citizenship Rights in the United States and Europe",VABB-1,14,38,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:435774,,Social Networks and Voter Mobilization,VABB-4,241,261,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435775,,Age and voting,VABB-4,137,158,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435776,,Tentakels van de macht. Elite en elitenetwerken in en rond de Belgische tussenoorlogse regeringen (1918-1940),VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435777,,"All animals are created equal, but are they really? Familienetwerken van Belgische ministers in de tussenoorlogse periode",VABB-1,63,102,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:435779,,Political sophistication affects how citizens’ social policy preferences respond to the economy,VABB-1,196,217,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435780,,"Assessing the Role of Television, the Family, and the School in the Development of Political Trust in Adolescence",VABB-1,818,835,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435786,,Economic voting in a federal country: Overcoming the limited clarity of responsibility,VABB-4,161,182,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435787,,Gender-based Voting,VABB-4,227,250,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:435788,,Indifference and Alienation. Diverging Dimensions of Electoral Dealignment in Europe,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435793,,Why only some Lifestyle Activists avoid State-Oriented Politics : a Case Study in the Belgian Environmental Movement,VABB-1,245,264,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435794,,"Partisan strength, political trust and generalized trust in the United States: An analysis of the General Social Survey, 1972-2014",VABB-1,132,146,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435795,,"The Noise of the Vote Recall Question: The Validity of the Vote Recall Question in Panel Studies in Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands",VABB-1,316,338,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435796,,Voter turnout decline and stratification: Quasi-experimental and comparative evidence of a growing educational gap,VABB-1,184,200,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435798,,The relation between ethnic diversity and fear of crime: An analysis of police records and survey data in Belgian communities,VABB-1,66,75,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435799,,"De bijdrage van politionele en gerechtelijke bronnen in de oplossing van een ""cold case"" - De zaak-Lahaut (1950)",VABB-1,219,234,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435800,,Political Equality Within the Household? The Political Role and Influence of Mothers and Fathers in a Multi-Party Setting,VABB-1,577,592,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435806,,The news is in the frame: A journalist-centered approach to the frame-building process of the Belgian Syria fighters,VABB-1,298,316,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435807,,Exploiting the social meanings of urban vernaculars: Differentiating effects of Citélanguage in advertising,VABB-1,361,390.,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435808,,Personas and Behavioral Theories: A Case Study Using Self-Determination Theory to Construct Overweight Personas,VABB-5,2127,2136,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435810,,Information sources as explanatory variables for the Belgian health-related risk perception of the Fukushima nuclear accident,VABB-1,570,582,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435811,,The Package Size Effect: How Package Size Affects Young Children’s Consumption of Snacks Differing in Sweetness,VABB-1,72,80,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435812,,Fluctuating identifi cations among second-generation Moroccans in the Netherlands and Belgium: looking beyond personal experiences via social network analysis,VABB-4,241,266,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435813,,'I Am Not a Conspiracy Theorist': Relational Identifications in the Dutch Conspiracy Milieu,VABB-1,113,129,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435814,,"An ephemeral open-air sculpture museum: ten temporary monuments for the festive return of the Belgian royal family to Brussels, November 1918",VABB-1,321,348,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435815,,Why Gamification Fails in Education and How to Make it Successful: Introducing Nine Gamification Heuristics Based on Self-Determination Theory,VABB-4,485,509,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435816,,Critical news reading with Twitter? Exploring data mining practices and their impact on societal discourse,VABB-1,127,149,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435818,,From Film Policy to Creative Screen Policies: Media Convergence and Film Policy Trends in Flanders,VABB-4,241,245,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435819,,Between Hope and Fear: Developing Social Media Guidelines,VABB-1,130,144,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435820,,"Clerics, laymen, and cinema. The troubled relations between the Vatican and the Office Catholique Internationale du Cinéma (1948-1952)",VABB-1,375,392,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435821,,The role of news media in the policy process in Belgium,VABB-4,235,253,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435822,,"Quelle Différence?: Language, culture and nationality as influences on francophone journalists' identity",VABB-1,536,554,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435823,,Better safe than sorry: Why organizations in crisis should never hesitate to steal thunder,VABB-1,305,311,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435824,,Adolescent sexting from a social learning perspective,VABB-1,287,298,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435825,,Film distribution in occupied Belgium (1940-1944): German film politics and its implementation by the ‘corporate’ organisations and the Film Guild,VABB-1,46,78,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435826,,Appropriating Virtual Learning Environments: A Study of Teacher Tactics,VABB-1,20,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435827,,Bot Personas as Off-The-Shelf Users,VABB-5,782,789,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435828,,Legitimizing the Caliphate and its politics: Moral disengagement rethoric in Dabiq,VABB-4,138,164,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435829,,Communicating about raising the retirement age using frames and counterframes,VABB-1,155,169,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435830,,"A Captivated Audience. Cinema-going at the zoological garden in occupied Antwerp, 1915-1918",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435832,,Die Expansion der Ufa während des Zweiten Weltkriegs:Verleihgesellschaften im Ausland zwischen 1939 und 1945,VABB-4,57,66,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:435835,,Seeing is doing. The implicit effect of TV cooking shows on children's use of ingredients,VABB-1,559,567,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435836,,Parental controls: reimagining technologies for parent-child interaction,VABB-5,18,34,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435837,,Transferring game attitudes to the brand: persuasion from age 6 to 14,VABB-1,724,742,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435838,,Nonverbal cues of deception in audiovisual crisis communication,VABB-1,680,689,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435840,,"Een replicatie van Pagani et al. (2015) De reactie van een Belgisch publiek op Engelstalige, gedubde en ondertitelde reclamespots",VABB-1,117,138,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:435841,,'Gods in World of Warcraft exist’: Religious reflexivity and the quest for meaning in online computer games,VABB-1,1744,1760,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435842,,Can Disclosures Aid Children’s Recognition of TV and Website Advertising?,VABB-4,45,57,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435843,,How Online Consumer Reviews Are Influenced by the Language and Valence of Prior Reviews: A Construal Level Perspective,VABB-1,855,864,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435845,,Games of Social Control. A Sociological Study of 'Addiction' to Massively Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Games,VABB-1,138,161,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435846,,Social media's value in a crisis: Channel effect or stealing thunder?,VABB-4,159,167,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435847,,Who says what during crises? A study about the interplay between gender similarity with the spokesperson and crisis response strategy,VABB-1,143,151,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435848,,How to deal with online consumer comments during a crisis? The impact of personalized organizational responses on organizational reputation,VABB-1,619,631,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435849,,Bibles and BioShock: Affording Religious Discussion on Video Game Forums,VABB-5,463,475,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435851,,Profile-Based Algorithm for Personalized Gamification in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435852,,The Platform Shapes the Message: How Website Design Affects Abstraction and Valence of Online Consumer Reviews,VABB-1,104,112,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435855,,Onverwacht advertentiemedium en de rol van productcongruentie,VABB-1,201,215,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:435856,,Conclusion,VABB-4,171,174,,lat,2017,2 c:vabb:435857,,Worlds Apart: Exploring the News Framing of 'Syria Fighters' and Interactions and Identifications Processes on Online,VABB-4,113,140,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435859,,Visual gatekeeping - Selection of news photographs at a Flemish newspaper. A qualitative inquiry into the photo news desk,VABB-1,57,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435860,,Technology Experience of Solid Organ Transplant Patients and Their Overall Willingness to Use Interactive Health Technology,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435861,,Challenges of conducting survey research related to a social protest movement: Lessons learned from a study of Gezi protests involving the Turkish diaspora in three European countries,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435864,,Are seat design processes of students similar to those of professionals?,VABB-1,1001,1007,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435865,,A Belgian survey on the diagnosis of asthma-COPD overlap syndrome,VABB-1,601,613,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:435866,,Identification of prenatal behavioral patterns of the gross motor movements within the early stages of fetal development,VABB-1,e2012,e2012,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435867,,TBK1 Mutation Spectrum in an Extended European Patient Cohort with Frontotemporal Dementia and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,VABB-1,297,309,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435868,,"Twenty-Year Progression Rate to Clinical Onset According to Autoantibody Profile, Age, and HLA-DQ Genotype in a Registry-Based Group of Children and Adults With a First-Degree Relative With Type 1 Diabetes",VABB-1,1065,1072,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435869,,Perspective: Essential Study Quality Descriptors for Data from Nutritional Epidemiologic Research,VABB-1,639,651,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435870,,"Capacity, legitimacy or hegemony? A multi-tier explanation for NATO’s involvement in the Libya crisis",VABB-1,366,385,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435871,,Relations between International Organizations in Combating Climate Change,VABB-4,649,676,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435872,,Golden or gilded jubilee? A research agenda for actorness,VABB-1,1534,1546,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435875,,Normative Market Europe: The EU as a force for good in international sports governance?,VABB-1,79,94,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435876,,Community Conflicts and Armed Militancy in Nigeria: Change and Continuity?,VABB-1,1197,1211,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435878,,Controlling Covert Integration in EU Politics,VABB-4,77,93,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435879,,Beyond Rebellion: Uncaptured Dimensions of Violent Conflicts and the Implications for Peacebuilding in Nigeria’s Niger Delta,VABB-1,25,46,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435881,,The EU's performance in relation to Palestine's membership of UNESCO,VABB-4,209,230,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435882,,The Principal-Agent Model and Inter-Organizational Relations,VABB-4,271,288,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435883,,Incident-driven democracy at Europe’s Edge. The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina,VABB-1,608,622,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435884,,Process-tracing as a tool to analyse discretion,VABB-4,255,282,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435885,,Constructive ambiguity or stringent monitoring? Towards understanding UN Security Council oversight over non-UN-led forces,VABB-1,17,29,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435888,,"Similar goals, divergent motives. The enabling and constraining factors of Russia's capacity-based renewable energy support scheme",VABB-1,138,149,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435889,,Gubernatorial Entrepreneurship and U.S. Federal-State Interaction: The Case of Subnational Regional Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading,VABB-1,1378,1400,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435891,,"EU Battlegroups: High costs, no benefits",VABB-1,457,470,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435893,,Policy Infusion Through Capacity Building and Project Interaction: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading in China,VABB-1,91,114,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435894,,No child left behind in the European Union?: the position of Romani children,VABB-1,140,147,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435897,,Agents as Information Asymmetry Managers in EU Trade Policy-Making,VABB-4,227,253,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435898,,The Plight of Eastern Europe's Roma,VABB-4,225,236,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435900,,The Limits of Operational Representations: Ways of Seeing Roma beyond the Recognition-redistribution Paradigm,VABB-1,120,139,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435901,,Sexual violence against men and boys in conflict and forced displacement: implications for the health sector,VABB-1,90,94,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435902,,How does the EU matter for the Roma? Transnational Roma activism and EU social policy formation,VABB-1,219,227,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435903,,Roma Mobilization and Participation: Obstacles and Opportunities,VABB-4,200,213,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435904,,Should CERD Repudiate the notion of race?,VABB-1,393,398,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:435908,,The importance of issue-ownership and salience for voters' knowledge of parties' issue positions,VABB-1,15,25,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435909,,Surviving Information Overload: How Elite Politicians Select Information,VABB-1,229,244,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435910,,Developing political trust in a developing country: The impact of institutional and cultural factors on political trust in Ghana,VABB-1,906,928,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435911,,Remembering the present: Dealing with the memories of terrorism in Europe,VABB-1,44,61,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435915,,Parastataux du SPF Économie et de ses prédécesseurs,VABB-4,669,674,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:435916,,"SPF Économie, PME, Classes moyennes et Énergie (ancien ministère des Affaires économiques et ses prédécesseurs",VABB-4,506,520,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:435917,,Parastatalen van de FOD Economische zaken en zijn voorgangers,VABB-4,672,677,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435918,,"De FOD Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie (het voormalige Ministerie van Economische Zaken en zijn voorgangers)",VABB-4,508,522,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435919,,Mortgage shoppers: how much do they save?,VABB-1,898,929,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435920,,The Perioperative Anticoagulant Use for Surgery Evaluation (PAUSE) Study for Patients on a Direct Oral Anticoagulant Who Need an Elective Surgery or Procedure: Design and Rationale,VABB-1,2415,2424,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435921,,Voorlopig bewindvoerder – Administrateur provisoire,VABB-4,47,69,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:435924,,Misaligned control: The role of management control system imitation in supply chains,VABB-1,22,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435925,,Costly control: An examination of the tradeoff between control investments and residual risk in interfirm transactions,VABB-1,2163,2180,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435926,,Formal controls and alliance performance: The effects of alliance motivation and informal controls,VABB-1,49,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435940,,Fair valuation of insurance liabilites: merging actuarial judgement and market-consistency,VABB-1,14,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435941,,Updating mechanism for lifelong insurance contracts subject to medical inflation,VABB-1,133,163,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435942,,Producing the Dutch and Belgian mortality projections: a stochastic multi-population standard,VABB-1,297,336,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435943,,Tail mutual exclusivity and tail-var lower bounds,VABB-1,88,104,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435944,,Optimal allocation of policy deductibles for exchangeable risks,VABB-1,87,92,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435946,,Lifelong health insurance covers with surrender values: updating mechanisms in the presence of medical inflation,VABB-1,803,836,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435947,,Comonotonic approximations of risk measures for variable annuity guaranteed benefits with dynamic policyholder behavior,VABB-1,272,292,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435948,,A Bayesian joint model for population and portfolio-specific mortality,VABB-1,681,713,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435949,,The Multivariate Variance Gamma model: basket option pricing and calibration,VABB-1,555,572,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:435951,,Improving advance care planning in patients with dementia: the effect of training nurses to engage in ACP-related conversations,VABB-1,17,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435952,,Aanvraagprocedure voor woonzorgcentra: naar een gestandaardiseerd opnameformulier,VABB-1,973,980,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:435953,,"Predictors of short-term mortality, cognitive and physical decline in older adults in northwest Russia: a population-based prospective cohort study",VABB-1,665,673,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435955,,Factors associated with Prolonged Inaction in the hypoglycaemic treatment in people with non-insulin dependent Type 2 Diabetes and elevated glycated haemoglobin: A registry-based cohort study,VABB-1,482,489,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435957,,Een kwalitatieve exploratie van het chronisch gebruik van psychofarmaca in woonzorgcentra,VABB-1,177,186,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435958,,Vieillesse et fatigue de vivre. La lassitude chez la personne âgée,VABB-1,552,562,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:435959,,Postoperative outcomes and quality of life following hysterectomy by natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) compared to laparoscopy in women with a non-prolapsed uterus and benign gynaecological disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,6,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435960,,Identifying frailty risk profiles of home-dwelling older people: focus on sociodemographic and socioeconomic characteristics,VABB-1,1031,1039,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435961,,"Antibiotic prescribing in relation to diagnoses and consultation rates in Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden: use of European quality indicators",VABB-1,10,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435962,,Predictive Value of Different Expressions of Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second (FEV1) for Adverse Outcomes in a Cohort of Adults Aged 80 and Older,VABB-1,123,130,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435963,,Risk Factors for Mortality among Adult HIV/AIDS Patients Following Antiretroviral Therapy in Southwestern Ethiopia: An Assessment through Survival Models,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435964,,Age-related normative values for handgrip strength and grip strength's usefulness as a predictor of mortality and both cognitive and physical decline in older adults in northwest Russia,VABB-1,417,432,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435965,,Adapting a large database of point of care summarized guidelines: a process description,VABB-1,21,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435966,,Validation of a new mortality risk prediction model for people 65 years and older in northwest Russia: The Crystal risk score,VABB-1,105,114,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435969,,"Frequency of chest pain in primary care, diagnostic tests performed and final diagnoses",VABB-1,1727,1732,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435970,,Correlates of dyspnoea and its association with adverse outcomes in a cohort of adults aged 80 and over,VABB-1,994,1000,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435971,,Impact of caregiving for older people and pro-inflammatory biomarkers among caregivers: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435972,,Prognostic value of short-term decline of forced expiratory volume in 1 s over height cubed (FEV1/Ht(3)) in a cohort of adults aged 80 and over,VABB-1,507,516,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:435974,,General principles to consider when designing a clinical communication assessment program,VABB-1,1762,1768,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435976,,Association between traditional cardiovascular risk factors and mortality in the oldest old: untangling the role of frailty,VABB-1,234,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435977,,"Estimating the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and thyroid disorders using medication data in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,193,198,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435978,,Corticosteroids for sore throat: a clinical practice guideline,VABB-1,j4090,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435979,,Spirometry is not enough to diagnose COPD in epidemiological studies: a follow-up study,VABB-1,62,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435980,,Kan een app de therapietrouw bij ouderen verbeteren,VABB-1,204,209,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435981,,Dementia incidence trend over 1992-2014 in the Netherlands: Analysis of primary care data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435982,,"Pattern and severity of multimorbidity among patients attending primary care settings in Odisha, India",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435983,,Cardiovascular disease patients have increased risk for comorbidity: A cross-sectional study in the Netherlands,VABB-1,45,50,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435984,,Estimating incidence and prevalence rates of chronic diseases using disease modeling,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435985,,Functional status decline in older patients with breast and colorectal cancer after cancer treatment: A prospective cohort study,VABB-1,176,184,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435986,,Vieiliesse et fatigue de vivre:la lassitude chez la personne âgée,VABB-1,552,562,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:435988,,Anti-adhesion therapy following operative hysteroscopy for treatment of female subfertility,VABB-1,CD011110,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:435989,,Hoe bevlogen zijn Vlaamse huisartsen ?,VABB-1,110,115,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435990,,Bevlogenheid van huisartsen,VABB-1,104,109,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435992,,Euthanasia in children: Keep Asking the Right Questions,VABB-4,150,172,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:435995,,Ide 'medicatietool' een klinisch relevant hulpmiddel om bij palliatief terminalepatiënten medicatie te stoppen of te overwegen,VABB-5,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:435996,,"Accuracy, user-friendliness and usefulness of the Cobas h232 point-of-care test for NT-proBNP in primary care",VABB-1,539,545,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:435998,,The utilization of formal and informal home care by older patients with cancer: a Belgian cohort study with two control groups,VABB-1,644,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436003,,The influence of coping strategies on subsequent well-being in older patients with cancer: a comparison with two control groups,VABB-1,864,870,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:436004,,Point-of-care C reactive protein to identify serious infection in acutely ill children presenting to hospital: prospective cohort study,VABB-1,420,426,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:436005,,Gonorrhoea and Syphilis Epidemiology in Flemish General Practice 2009-2013: Results from a Registry-based Retrospective Cohort Study Compared with Mandatory Notification,VABB-1,800,822,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436006,,Impact of the Directive 2011/24/EU in the Belgian National Legal System,VABB-1,203,212,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436007,,Readability of informed consent forms for whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436008,,Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes toward aged sexuality in Flemish nursing homes,VABB-1,605,623,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436009,,BELGIUM,VABB-4,1,218,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436011,,Clinicians' attitude towards family planning and timing of diagnosis in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease,VABB-1,e0185779,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436012,,Principles guiding embryo selection following genome-wide haplotyping of preimplantation embryos,VABB-1,687,697,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436013,,How do ethnic minority patients encounter the intercultural care encounter in hospitals? A systematic review of qualitative research,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436014,,"European universities' guidance on research integrity and misconduct: accessibility, approaches and content",VABB-1,33,44,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436015,,Genomic newborn screening: public health policy considerations and recommendations,VABB-1,9,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436016,,"Growing complexity of (expanded) carrier screening: Direct-to-consumer, physician-mediated, and clinic-based offers",VABB-1,57,67,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436017,,"""They Just Want to Know"" - Genetic Health Professionals' Beliefs About Why Parents Want to Know their Child's Carrier Status",VABB-1,1314,1323,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436018,,Unsolved challenges in pediatric whole-exome sequencing: A literature analysis,VABB-1,134,142,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436019,,Reply to Kranendonk et al. The Dutch legal approach regarding health care decisions involving minors in the NGS days,VABB-1,166,167,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:436020,,Attitudes of European Geneticists Regarding Expanded Carrier Screening,VABB-1,63,71,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436022,,Public Views on Genetics and Genetic Testing: A Survey of the General Public in Belgium,VABB-1,195,201,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436023,,Amnestic MCI Patients’ Perspectives toward Disclosure of Amyloid PET Results in a Research Context,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436030,,Reporting practices for unsolicited and secondary findings from next-generation sequencing technologies: Perspectives of laboratory personnel,VABB-1,905,911,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436031,,Newspaper coverage of human-pig chimera research: A qualitative study on select media coverage of scientific breakthrough,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436033,,What do the various principles of justice mean within the concept of benefit sharing?,VABB-1,281,293,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436034,,Genetic testing in Europe. An overview of the legal framework,VABB-4,365,388,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436035,,Reply to C Harling,VABB-1,1030,1030,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436036,,Research Ethics Review for the use of anonymized samples and data: A systematic review of normative documents,VABB-1,483,496,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436037,,Third party interpretation of raw genetic data: an ethical exploration,VABB-1,1189,1194,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436038,,Oversight of Genomic Data Sharing: What Roles for Ethics and Data Access Committees?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436039,,Regulating the advertising of genetic tests in Europe: a balancing act,VABB-1,651,656,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436040,,A discussion of the legal rules on euthanasia in Belgium briefly compared with the rules in Luxembourg and the Netherlands,VABB-4,7,25,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436041,,Pre- and post-testing counseling considerations for the provision of expanded carrier screening: exploration of European geneticists' views,VABB-1,46,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436047,,Ethical sharing of health data in online platforms - which values should be considered?,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436048,,Reporting practices for variants of uncertain significance from next generation sequencing technologies,VABB-1,553,558,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436051,,Time out: ethical reflections on medical disqualification of athletes in the context of mandated pre-participation cardiac screening,VABB-1,1207,1210,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:436053,,Minors and euthanasia: a systematic review of argument-based ethics literature,VABB-1,837,847,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436054,,Medical law in Belgium,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436055,,Euthanasia in persons with severe dementia,VABB-4,202,216,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436056,,Euthanasia and assisted suicide: lessons from Belgium,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436057,,Regelgeving voor samenwerking,VABB-4,205,230,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436058,,Predictive Psychiatric Genetic Testing in Minors: An Exploration of the Non-Medical Benefits,VABB-1,111,120,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:436059,,A systematic analysis of online marketing materials used by providers of expanded carrier screening,VABB-1,976,984,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:436061,,How do healthcare professionals manage ethical challenges regarding information in healthcare professional/patient clinical interactions? A review of concept- or argument-based articles and case analyses,VABB-1,75,82,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436063,,Return of research results in the Saudi biobank: an exploratory survey,VABB-1,166,170,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436064,,Amnestic MCI patients' experiences after disclosure of their amyloid PET result in a research context,VABB-1,281,297,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436065,,Qualitative study on custodianship of human biological material and data stored in biobanks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436066,,Current ethical and legal issues in health-related direct-to-consumer genetic testing,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436071,,Carl Schmitt’s Concept of History,VABB-4,401,425,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436072,,"Passies, sprekend tot en met de verbeelding. Descartes over ijdelheid, liefde en genot",VABB-1,245,270,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436073,,Weerbare democratie: een antwoord op extremisme?,VABB-1,429,451,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:436076,,Hoe relatief en veeleisend moet een bovengrens aan rijkdom zijn?,VABB-1,453,457,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436077,,Silica nanoparticles inhibit the cation channel TRPV4 in airway epithelial cells,VABB-1,43,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436078,,Biomass smoke exposure as an occupational risk: cross-sectional study of respiratory health of women working as street cooks in Nigeria,VABB-1,737,744,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436080,,Ambient Air Pollution-related Mortality in Dairy Cattle: Does It Corroborate Human Findings?,VABB-1,779,86,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436081,,Recent versus chronic exposure to particulate matter air pollution in association with neurobehavioral performance in a panel study of primary schoolchildren,VABB-1,112,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436082,,Recent exposure to ultrafine particles in school children alters miR-222 expression in the extracellular fraction of saliva,VABB-1,80,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436085,,Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index and newborn telomere length,VABB-1,148,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436086,,Does air pollution trigger suicide? A case-crossover analysis of suicide deaths over the life span,VABB-1,973,981,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436088,,Placental Nitrosative Stress and Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution During Gestation: A Population Study,VABB-1,442,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436090,,School attendance and daily respiratory symptoms in children: influence of moisture damage,VABB-1,303,310,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436091,,Rhizarthrosis in banknote processing workers: a retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,615,620,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436092,,Workers' health surveillance: implementation of the Directive 89/391/EEC in Europe,VABB-1,574,578,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436093,,Prevention of fracture-related infection: a multidisciplinary care package,VABB-1,2457,2469,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436094,,Mitochondrial oxidative DNA damage and exposure to particulate air pollution in mother-newborn pairs,VABB-1,10,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436095,,BMI and BMI SDS in childhood: annual increments and conditional change,VABB-1,28,33,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436096,,Continuous alternating inhaled antibiotic therapy in CF: A single center retrospective analysis,VABB-1,802,808,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436097,,Ambient temperature as a trigger of preterm delivery in a temperate climate,VABB-1,1191,1199,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436098,,A New Approach Combining Analytical Methods for Workplace Exposure Assessment of Inhalable Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes,VABB-1,759,772,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436099,,Small for gestational age and exposure to particulate air pollution in the early-life environment of twins,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436100,,Correlates of Peripheral Blood Mitochondrial DNA Content in a General Population,VABB-1,138,46,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436101,,Association of left ventricular structure and function with peripheral blood mitochondrial DNA content in a general population,VABB-1,180,184,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436103,,miRNA expression profiles and retinal blood vessel calibers are associated with short-term particulate matter air pollution exposure,VABB-1,24,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436104,,Is langdurig ziekteverzuim voorspelbaar en meetbaar?,VABB-1,59,62,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436105,,Left Ventricular Structure and Function in Relation to Environmental Exposure to Lead and Cadmium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436106,,Simultaneous analysis of bisphenol A based compounds and other monomers leaching from resin-based dental materials by UHPLC-MS/MS,VABB-1,1063,1075,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436107,,Epigenetic effects of carbon nanotubes in human monocytic cells,VABB-1,181,191,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436108,,Asbestos bodies in bronchoalveolar lavage in the 21st century: a time-trend analysis in a clinical population,VABB-1,59,65,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436110,,Changes in DNA Methylation in Mouse Lungs after a Single Intra-Tracheal Administration of Nanomaterials,VABB-1,e0169886,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436111,,Cyto-genotoxic and DNA methylation changes induced by different crystal phases of TiO2-np in bronchial epithelial (16-HBE) cells,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436112,,Forced expiration measurements in mouse models of obstructive and restrictive lung diseases,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436113,,IL-13 is a central mediator of chemical-induced airway hyperreactivity in mice,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436114,,Cluster analysis of sputum cytokine-high profiles reveals diversity in T(h)2-high asthma patients,VABB-1,39,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436115,,Effect of anti-IgE in occupational asthma caused by exposure to low molecular weight agents,VABB-1,1720,1727,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436116,,An association of particulate air pollution and traffic exposure with mortality after lung transplantation in Europe,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436119,,Neonatal Cord Blood Oxylipins and Exposure to Particulate Matter in the Early-Life Environment: An ENVIRONAGE Birth Cohort Study,VABB-1,691,698,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436120,,"Cardiovascular risk and endothelial function in people living with HIV/AIDS: design of the multi-site, longitudinal EndoAfrica study in the Western Cape Province of South Africa",VABB-1,41,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436123,,"Metals, hormones and sexual maturation in Flemish adolescents in three cross-sectional studies (2002-2015)",VABB-1,190,199,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436124,,Climate and environmental triggers of acute myocardial infarction,VABB-1,955,960,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436125,,Body fat evolution as predictor of retinal microvasculature in children,VABB-1,527,532,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436126,,New frontiers for environmental epidemiology in a changing world,VABB-1,155,162,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436127,,Extracellular Vesicles: How the External and Internal Environment Can Shape Cell-To-Cell Communication,VABB-1,30,37,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436128,,Three cycles of human biomonitoring in Flanders - Time trends observed in the Flemish Environment and Health Study,VABB-1,36,45,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436129,,Wearable Sensors for Personal Monitoring and Estimation of Inhaled Traffic-Related Air Pollution: Evaluation of Methods,VABB-1,1859,1867,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436130,,Placental mitochondrial DNA and CYP1A1 gene methylation as molecular signatures for tobacco smoke exposure in pregnant women and the relevance for birth weight,VABB-1,5,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436131,,Environmental exposure to human carcinogens in teenagers and the association with DNA damage,VABB-1,165,174,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436132,,Case Study III: The Construction of a Nanotoxicity Database - The MOD-ENP-TOX Experience,VABB-1,325,344,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436133,,Interleukin-1α induced release of interleukin-8 by human bronchial epithelial cells in vitro: assessing mechanisms and possible treatment options,VABB-1,388,397,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436134,,A cross-sectional study of changes in markers of immunological effects and lung health due to exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes,VABB-1,395,404,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436135,,Implementation and Use of a Patient Symptom Diary During Chemotherapy: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of the Nurse Perspective,VABB-1,E213,E222,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436136,,Short-term fluctuations in personal black carbon exposure are associated with rapid changes in carotid arterial stiffening,VABB-1,228,34,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436137,,"Prenatal Ambient Air Pollution, Placental Mitochondrial DNA Content, and Birth Weight in the INMA (Spain) and ENVIRONAGE (Belgium) Birth Cohorts",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436138,,Combined Effects of Prenatal Exposures to Environmental Chemicals on Birth Weight,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436140,,Mortality related to cold and heat. What do we learn from dairy cattle?,VABB-1,231,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436142,,Short-term air pollution exposure decreases lung function: a repeated measures study in healthy adults,VABB-1,60,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436143,,Persistence of respiratory and inflammatory responses after dermal sensitization to persulfate salts in a mouse model of non-atopic asthma,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436144,,Release of monomers from composite dust,VABB-1,56,62,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436145,,Toxicology of silica nanoparticles: an update,VABB-1,2967,3010,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436146,,Reproductive hormones of ICSI-conceived young adult men: the first results,VABB-1,439,446,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436147,,Gastric emptying of solids in children: reference values for the C-13-octanoic acid breath test,VABB-1,1480,1487,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436149,,Neonatal health including congenital malformation risk of 1072 children born after vitrified embryo transfer,VABB-1,1610,1620,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436151,,"Timing of menarche in Norwegian girls: associations with body mass index, waist circumference and skinfold thickness",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436152,,Serum reproductive hormone levels and ultrasound findings in female offspring after intracytoplasmic sperm injection: first results,VABB-1,934,939,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436153,,Semen quality of young adult ICSI offspring: the first results,VABB-1,2811,2820,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436154,,Use of a symptom diary during chemotherapy: A mixed-methods evaluation of the patient perspective,VABB-1,37,45,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436155,,Adherence to infection control guidelines in surgery on MRSA positive patients : A cost analysis,VABB-1,663,667,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436156,,Performance of three generations of Xpert MRSA in routine practice: approaching the aim?,VABB-1,1363,1365,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436157,,Richtlijnontwikkeling in Vlaanderen: gehoorscreening bij schoolgaande kinderen als voorbeeld,VABB-1,73,76,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436159,,The Effect of Immunosuppression on Airway Integrity,VABB-1,2855,2861,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436161,,A Method to Quantitatively Assess Dermal Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds,VABB-1,975,985,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436162,,Children’s Urinary Environmental Carbon Load. A Novel Marker Reflecting Residential Ambient Air Pollution Exposure?,VABB-1,873,881,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436163,,Employers' experience of employees with cancer:trajectories of complex communication,VABB-1,562,577,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436164,,TRPV4 activation triggers protective responses to bacterial lipopolysaccharides in airway epithelial cells,VABB-1,1059,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436165,,Comparing MCMC and INLA for disease mapping with Bayesian hierarchical models,VABB-1,1,1,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:436166,,Telomere tracking from birth to adulthood and residential traffic exposure,VABB-1,205,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436168,,To make a molehill out of a mountain: An ERP-study on cognitive reappraisal of negative pictures in children with and without ADHD,VABB-1,529,537,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436169,,Recent versus chronic fine particulate air pollution exposure as determinant of the retinal microvasculature in school children,VABB-1,103,110,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436170,,Transcriptome-wide analyses indicate mitochondrial responses to particulate air pollution exposure,VABB-1,87,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436171,,Cord plasma insulin and in utero exposure to ambient air pollution,VABB-1,126,132,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436172,,Prenatal Air Pollution and Newborns' Predisposition to Accelerated Biological Aging,VABB-1,1160,1167,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436173,,Refinement of a Methodology for Untargeted Detection of Serum Albumin Adducts in Human Populations,VABB-1,2120,2129,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436174,,"Serum and sputum calprotectin, a reflection of neutrophilic airway inflammation in asthmatics after high-altitude exposure",VABB-1,1675,1677,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436175,,"Thyroid Cancer Incidence around the Belgian Nuclear Sites, 2000-2014",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436185,,Auschwitz and Hiroshima as Challenges to a Belief in the Afterlife: A Catholic Perspective,VABB-4,141,155,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436186,,Meer dan een museumcatalogus. De bijdrage van de levensbeschouwelijke vakken aan de kunst van het vredevol samenleven,VABB-1,271,288,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436187,,RPL5 on 1p22.1 is recurrently deleted in multiple myeloma and its expression is linked to bortezomib response,VABB-1,1706,1714,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436188,,"Identity Construction in Rev 2,8-11 and 3,7-13: A Normativity of the Future Reading and its Implications for Jewish-Christian Dialogue",VABB-4,487,507,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436189,,Commemorating 50 years Vatican II (2012-2015). Some historiographical data and reflections,VABB-1,125,163,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436190,,Vernacular Bible and Religious Reform in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Era,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436191,,Introduction: Bibles in the Vernacular in Europe: Perspectives and Methodologies in Research,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436193,,Jesuit Hebrew Studies After Trent: Cornelius a Lapide (1567–1637),VABB-1,76,97,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436196,,The Council of Trent,VABB-4,168,171,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436201,,"The Wild, Wide Oneness: Aspects of the Soul and Its Relationship with God in Pseudo-Hadewijch",VABB-4,41,58,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436202,,Diploma van Hieronymus Busleyden,VABB-4,17,20,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436204,,Understanding the Shift in Gaudium et Spes: From Theology of History to Christian Anthropology,VABB-1,634,658,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436205,,Van antropofobie tot antropocentrisme? De ontwikkeling van christelijke antropologie tussen 'Humani Generis' en 'Gaudium et Spes' (1945-1965),VABB-1,20,38,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436206,,Jan van Leeuwen's Mystical Anthropology: A Testimony of Lay Mysticism from Medieval Brabant,VABB-4,105,118,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436207,,"Inventaire des papiers conciliaires d’Emmanuel Lanne, o.s.b., moine du monastère de Chevetogne, membre du Secrétariat pour l’unité des chrétiens",VABB-2,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:436208,,A Igreja e a escavatura em Cabo Verde (séculos XVI-XVII),VABB-1,76,92,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436209,,Naar een herontdekking van de mystieke lezing van de broodbede in het Onzevader in navolging van de Leuvense Bijbel (1548)?,VABB-1,16,22,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436210,,Inventaris van het archief van de schepenbanken van Asse (1296-1795),VABB-2,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:436211,,"Ottavio Mirto Frangipani, First Papal Nuncio to Flanders (1596–1606) and his Thoughts on Book Censorship",VABB-4,73,96,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436212,,Original Sin in Tertullian and Cyprian: Conceptual Presence and Pre-Augustinian Content?,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436213,,Praedicatio patrum. Studies on Preaching in Late Antique North Africa,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436214,,Mystical Anthropology: Authors from the Low Countries,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436215,,Introduction: The Question of Mystical Anthropology,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436216,,Conclusion: Anthropological Lessons for the Twenty-First Century from Middle Dutch Mystcial Literature?,VABB-4,167,172,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436217,,From Isidorus to Strategius: an Example of Monastic Correspondence in Fifth-Century Egypt,VABB-4,363,377,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436218,,Augustine’s Doctrine of Predestination in his Tractatus in Iohannis Euangelium,VABB-4,379,395,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436220,,Christian Mystics and Neo-Platonism: Some Observations by Albert Deblaere Concerning John of Ruusbroec,VABB-4,637,656,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436221,,Gregory Nazianzos and Negative Theology in Oration 38 (On the Nativity),VABB-4,69,83,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436222,,"Viktor I. (189?-199?) von Rom und die Etablierung des ""monarchischen"" Episkopats in Rom",VABB-1,7,56,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:436224,,John 4:23-24 in North African Preaching,VABB-1,136,153,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436225,,A Study of Augustine's Theology of Martyrdom on the Basis of Sermon 306C (Morin 15) on the Feast of the Martyr Quadratus,VABB-4,275,292,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436226,,Eckhart's Christology and Religious Pluralism Today,VABB-4,331,342,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436227,,"Grace, Free Will, and Predestination in the Biblical Commentaries of Cornelius a Lapide",VABB-1,175,197,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436228,,"The question of the impact of divine grace in the Pelagian Controversy. Human posse, uelle et esse according to Pelagius, Jerome, and Augustine",VABB-1,539,568,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:436229,,The Doctrine of Original Sin Amongst Augustine’s African Contemporaries. The Case of Evodius of Uzalis’ De Fide Contra Manichaeos,VABB-1,459,471,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436230,,Achille Gagliardi and the Northern Mystics,VABB-4,82,111,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436231,,Isidore of Pelusium’s Letters to Didymus the Blind,VABB-4,325,332,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436232,,Mgr. J.M. Heuschen en het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie,VABB-1,5,50,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436233,,"Inventaire des Papiers conciliaires de Mgr A.-M. Charue, Évêque de Namur, deuxème Vice-président de la Commission doctrinale",VABB-2,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:436234,,Rechtfertigung durch Glauben Die Geschichte einer Auseinandersetzung,VABB-4,775,792,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:436235,,Notes on the Greek Manuscript Reception of Isidore of Pelusium’s Epistolary Corpus,VABB-1,133,143,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436239,,The Church Province of Malines and its Official Printings (1559/1607-13): A State of the Art of the Implementation of the Council of Trent in the Netherlands,VABB-4,145,165,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436240,,"Callewaert (Jules), Laurentius, Belgian Dominican friar, preacher and author (1886-1964)",VABB-4,572,579,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:436241,,"Church, Censorship and Reform in the Early Modern Habsburg Netherlands",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436243,,"Church, Censorship and Reform: Questions and New Answers Regarding the Early Modern Habsburg Netherlands",VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436244,,"Callaey (Jan, short for Joannes Baptist), Fredegandus van Antwerpen, Belgian Capuchin friar, archivist and historian (1885-1967)",VABB-4,569,572,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436245,,The Roman Catholic Church and Slavery in Jos´e Evaristo d’Almeida’s O Escravo (The Slave),VABB-1,239,246,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:436246,,The Council of Trent and the Residence of Bishops in the Diocese of Cape Verde (1553–1705),VABB-1,47,70,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436252,,War,VABB-4,817,820,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436253,,"'Ga weg, Satan' of 'Vriend van het laatste uur'? - Overwegingen bij het christelijk martelaarschap vroeger en nu",VABB-4,119,129,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436255,,Albert Deblaere's Study of Mysticism and His Concern for Christian Humanism,VABB-4,229,238,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436258,,Pope Francis and His Vision on Mission and Evangelization in Function of his Apostolic Ideal: The Church of and for the Poor (2013-2014),VABB-1,24,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436261,,Syncrétisme: échec ou promesse d'inculturation? Syncretism: Failure or Opportunity for Inculturation?,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436263,,Was Innocent Familiar with the Content of the Pelagian Controversy? A Study of his Answers to the Letters sent by the African Episcopacy,VABB-4,203,223,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436266,,De tweestrijd voorbij. De symbiose van scholastiek en humanisme aan de Leuvense theologische faculteit,VABB-4,33,56,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436269,,Werken van Joannes Evangelista van 's-Hertogenbosch,VABB-4,347,381,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:436271,,Joannes Evangelista van 's-Hertogenbosch,VABB-4,318,346,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:436272,,De kapucijnen in de Nederlanden (1585-ca. 1640): De geschiedenis van de orde,VABB-4,135,206,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:436274,,"«Post exactam et diligentem examinationem». How the Leuven theologians condemned Luther’s theses (1519): context, practices and consequences",VABB-1,121,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436283,,"De bibliotheek van het Pauscollege: Hezius' schenking van de Biblia Polyglotta Complutensis, Alcalá, Arnaldo Guillén de Brocar, 1514-1517",VABB-4,85,88,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436286,,"Dominicus De Petter O.P., a Forgotten Victim of the Crisis Caused by the 'Nouvelle Théologie'?",VABB-1,633,656,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436293,,Latin Poetic Translations of the Batrachomyomachia: A Historical Overview,VABB-1,217,235,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436294,,"""Zoals een vriend spreekt met zijn vriend"": Jezuïeten uit de Lage Landen en de studie van de mystieke theologie",VABB-1,310,325,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436295,,Reception of Augustine during His Lifetime,VABB-4,230,237,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436296,,The Bible: a Book for All Faithful,VABB-1,75,92,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436298,,"El parecer de Agustín del amor como gracia, en la controversia con Juliano de Eclana",VABB-1,125,142,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:436300,,Representing the Jews: John Chrysostom's Use of Exegetical and Theological Traditions for Gen 1:26a (In Gen. hom. 8),VABB-4,105,126,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436301,,The Latin Vulgate as an 'Auxiliary Tool' of Translation: Historical Perspectives on Liturgiam Authenticam,VABB-1,141,170,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436302,,La réponse de la Conférence épiscoplae belge au questionnaire du cardinal Ottaviani,VABB-4,219,251,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:436303,,Twee traktaten van Jan ('Pelgrim') Pullen,VABB-1,258,296,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436304,,Justification by Faith: A History of the Debate,VABB-4,741,758,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436307,,John of Ruusbroec: Mystic and Theologian in the Quiet of Groenendaal,VABB-1,3,34,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436308,,Een kwestie van macht. Een pastoraaltheologisch onderzoek naar macht en machtsmisbruik in ouder-kindrelaties en pastorale relaties,VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436309,,A Paradigm of Permeability: Franz von Baader on Love,VABB-1,91,105,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436311,,Value-based ethics in care,VABB-4,129,144,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436313,,"Systematisch reflecteren over zorg: Evidence-based practice op basis van kennis, beleving en waarden",VABB-1,41,46,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436314,,"On Interiorizing the Mystery of the Eucharist: A Reflection on Sacrosanctum concilium, no. 48",VABB-1,123,140,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436315,,The Troubled Thoughts of the Elect: A Certallian reading of Willem Teellinck’s Soliloquium,VABB-4,25,38,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436316,,Le rapport à Dieu dans la liturgie. Une analyse de la dynamique théurgique de l'Ordo Missae 2002/2008,VABB-1,207,222,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:436317,,Spirituality – Engagement and Reflection. Dialogical Explorations among Practitioners and Intellectuals,VABB-1,307,330,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436318,,"Epilogue: Foucault, Certeau and the Building Blocks for a Theory of Critical Spirituality",VABB-4,157,180,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436319,,Mönchische Lebensform als engagierte Wissenschaft. Ein Versuch gelebter öffentlicher Theologie,VABB-4,323,344,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:436320,,Mysticism – an Impulse for Ritualising Death. Explorations of Christian and Buddhist Monastic Practices and Beliefs,VABB-1,21,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436321,,Mysticism,VABB-4,267,276,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436322,,Engaged Contemplation: Dialogical Explorations of Critical Spirituality from a Monastic Perspective,VABB-4,117,134,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436323,,Een ethische reflectie op bemoeizorg in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg,VABB-1,103,110,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436324,,The Three Essays Today,VABB-4,116,119,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436326,,"Freud’s Discussion with Psychiatry on Sexuality, Drives and Objects in Three Essays",VABB-4,28,43,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436327,,Facing Abraham: Seven Readings of Søren Kierkegaard's 'Fear and Trembling',VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436328,,Editor's Introduction,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436329,,The Fate of Abrahamic Faith after the Eclipse of Providence: The Case of Sygne de Coûfontaine in Paul Claudel's 'The Hostage',VABB-4,123,152,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436330,,Deconstructing Normativity? Freud’s 1905 Three Essays,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436332,,Michel de Montaigne and Jean de Léry’s Scenes of Cannibalism: The Savage Other and the Making of Confessional Identity,VABB-4,39,54,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436333,,Critical Spirituality. Spirituality as Critical Practice in the Global Modern Age,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436336,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436337,,Introduction: Excavating a Theory of Sexuality,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436340,,Lived religion en theologie. Betekenissen en consequenties van de studie van geleefde religie,VABB-1,60,78,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436341,,Experiences of Godly Play in Flanders. Research with Secundary School Adolescents,VABB-4,293,302,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436343,,"Gender Diversity, Intersectionality and Leadership within the Catholic Church",VABB-4,141,161,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436347,,Modernity as the Variety of Hermeneutics of the Self: Faith and Despair in the Tragic History of Francesco Spira,VABB-4,91,117,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436348,,Reformation(en) und Moderne. Philosophisch-theologische Erkundungen,VABB-3,,,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:436349,,Einleitung,VABB-4,7,11,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:436353,,When the Conception of Abstract Art is a Eucharistic Connection,VABB-1,210,220,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436354,,Liturgy Beyond the Secular,VABB-4,83,95,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436362,,Liturgical Experiences Mediated through Abstract Art,VABB-1,113,118,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436363,,"Syncrétisme, inculturation et orthodoxie",VABB-4,19,53,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:436364,,"People living in poverty and their relationship to local church communities: An exploratory qualitative study in Mechelen, Belgium",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436366,,Beyond a Sacrificial Spirituality. Enhancing Flourishing Pastoral Ministers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436368,,"Freud vertalen, Freud verraden? Over de vertaling van ‘Trieb’ in de Drie verhandelingen over de theorie van de seksualiteit",VABB-1,186,197,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436369,,La Risāla d’al-Kindī: l’édition Tartar et la traduction latine. Actes du IIIe Symposium Syro-Arabicum (Kaslik février 2015),VABB-5,421,450,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:436370,,"Yaḥyā ibn ‘Adī, Disciples and Masters: On Questions of Religious Philosophy",VABB-4,421,450,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436372,,The Dominican Contribution to Christian-Muslim Dialogue,VABB-1,463,486,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436376,,"Islam, een Bijbelse (christelijke?) godsdienst",VABB-1,5,18,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:436379,,Weak Faith,VABB-4,387,394,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436381,,Schillebeeckx's View on Eschatology as Public Theology,VABB-4,173,190,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436382,,Ritual Studies: ein heuristischer Zugang zu liturgischer Spiritualität,VABB-1,95,121,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:436384,,Sakramentalität der Lebensform. Monastische und liturgische Theologie in der Praxis des Klosterlebens,VABB-1,54,73,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:436398,,"""Iustitia Pacem Spondet"": Liturgico-Theological Commentary on the Collect of the Mass for Peace and Justice",VABB-1,58,69,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:436400,,"Ouderschap, theologie en de rol van dagelijkse ervaringen",VABB-1,289,304,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436401,,Honors programs as forerunner for 21st century skills?,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436405,,"Attending to Patients' Spirituality. An Evaluation of a Spiritual Screening Project from the Perspective of Nurses, Chaplains and Patients in a Belgian Hospital",VABB-1,115,138,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436409,,The Reciprocity of Spiritual Love in William of Saint-Thierry and Hadewijch,VABB-1,39,54,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436410,,The Blessed and the Burned: 13th-Century Female Discourse on Deification,VABB-4,273,290,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436411,,A multinational cross-sectional survey of the management of patient medication adherence by European healthcare professionals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436412,,Usability of a Medication Event Reminder Monitor System (MERM) by Providers and Patients to Improve Adherence in the Management of Tuberculosis,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436413,,Symptom experience of multiple myeloma (syMMex) patients treated with autologous stem cell transplantation following high-dose melphalan: a descriptive longitudinal study,VABB-1,833,841,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436414,,"Validity, reliability and responsiveness of the Body Image Quality of Life Inventory in patients treated for infective endocarditis",VABB-1,183,190,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436415,,"Healthcare needs of adolescents with congenital heart disease transitioning into adulthood: A Delphi survey of patients, parents, and healthcare providers",VABB-1,125,135,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436416,,Attitudes of nurses towards family involvement in the care for patients with cardiovascular disease,VABB-1,299,308,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436417,,Comparison of participants and non-participants in patient-reported outcome surveys: The case of Assessment of Patterns of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Adults with Congenital Heart disease - International Study,VABB-1,427,434,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436418,,High readmission rates and mental distress after infective endocarditis - Results from the national population-based CopenHeart IE survey,VABB-1,133,140,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436419,,Health care providers' attitudes towards transfer and transition in young persons with long term illness- a web-based survey,VABB-1,260,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436420,,Efficacy of a medication adherence enhancing intervention in transplantation: The MAESTRO-Tx trial,VABB-1,499,508,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436421,,Hopelessness among adults with congenital heart disease: Cause for despair or hope?,VABB-1,64,69,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436422,,Contraceptive Practices of Women With Complex Congenital Heart Disease,VABB-1,911,915,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436426,,SheppHeartCABG trial-comprehensive early rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting: a protocol for a randomised clinical trial,VABB-1,e013038,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436428,,Practical Recommendations for Long-term Management of Modifiable Risks in Kidney and Liver Transplant Recipients: A Guidance Report and Clinical Checklist by the Consensus on Managing Modifiable Risk in Transplantation (COMMIT) Group,VABB-1,S1,S56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436429,,"Effectiveness of methotrexate with step-down glucocorticoid remission induction (COBRA Slim) versus other intensive treatment strategies for early rheumatoid arthritis in a treat-to-target approach: 1-year results of CareRA, a randomised pragmatic open-label superiority trial",VABB-1,511,520,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436430,,Correlates and Outcomes of Posttransplant Smoking in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis,VABB-1,2252,2263,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436431,,Determining the impact of 24/7 phone support on hospital readmissions after aortic valve replacement surgery (the AVRre study): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,246,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436432,,Restraint Use in Older Adults Receiving Home Care,VABB-1,1769,1776,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436433,,Patient reported outcomes are associated with physical activity level in adults with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,174,179,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436434,,Impact of pre-transplant depression on outcomes of allogeneic and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation,VABB-1,1828,1838,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436435,,Improved survival after acute graft-versus-host disease diagnosis in the modern era,VABB-1,958,966,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436436,,Matching Registered Nurse services with changing care demands (MatchRN): study protocol of a natural experiment multi‐centre study,VABB-1,1735,1746,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436437,,Testing the Implementation of a Pain Self-management Support Intervention for Oncology Patients in Clinical Practice: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study (ANtiPain),VABB-1,367,378,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:436438,,"ExplorinG frailty and mild cognitive impairmEnt in kidney tRansplantation to predict biomedicAl, psychosocial, and health cost outcomeS (GERAS) protocol of a nationwide prospective cohort study",VABB-1,716,734,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436439,,Melatonin rhythms in renal transplant recipients with sleep–wake disturbances,VABB-1,810,820,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436440,,Framework for evaluating the impact of advanced practice nursing roles,VABB-1,201,209,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436441,,Medication nonadherence to immunosuppressants after adult allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a multicentre cross-sectional study,VABB-1,304,306,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436442,,ESPACOMP Medication Adherence Reporting Guidelines (EMERGE) a reactive-Delphi study protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436443,,Perception of late effects among long-term survivors after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Descriptive analysis and validation of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire. A sub-study of the PROVIVO study,VABB-1,1462,3889,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436444,,Correlates of Coping based on the Concept of the Sociotype a secondary data analysis of an Israeli National Survey,VABB-1,177,196,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436445,,My patients are better than yours” Optimistic bias about patients’ medication adherence by European healthcare professionals,VABB-1,1937,1944,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436446,,Heart transplant centers with multidisciplinary team show a higher level of chronic illness management - Findings from the International BRIGHT Study,VABB-1,351,356,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436447,,Postoperative delirium after liver transplantation is associated with increased length of stay and lower survival in a prospective cohort,VABB-1,23,30,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436448,,Telemedically Supported Case Management for Living Donor Renal Transplant Recipients as Optimization Tool of Routine Evidence-Based Aftercare A Single-Center Randomized Controlled Trial,VABB-1,1594,1605,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436449,,Restraint use in older adults in home care: A systematic review,VABB-1,122,136,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:436450,,The management of childhood liver diseases in adulthood,VABB-1,631,644,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436451,,"The CECARI Study: Everolimus (Certican®) Initiation and Calcineurin Inhibitor Withdrawal in Maintenance Heart Transplant Recipients with Renal Insufficiency: A Multicenter, Randomized Trial",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436453,,Change of sleep quality from pre- to 3 years post-solid organ transplantation: The Swiss Transplant Cohort Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436454,,Landmark lecture in nursing: a life-cycle perspective on CHD: What happens beyond your clinic?,VABB-1,1954,1958,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436455,,Transfert and transition in patients with congenital heart disease,VABB-4,129,144,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436456,,Continuous Cardiac Care for Adolescents,VABB-4,115,128,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436457,,Practice patterns to improve pre and post-transplant medication adherence in heart transplant centres: a secondary data analysis of the international BRIGHT study,VABB-1,1474515117747577,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436459,,"The Diagnostic Guideline for Anxiety and Challenging Behaviour for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: Preliminary Outcomes on Internalizing Problems, Challenging Behaviours, Quality of Life and Clients' Satisfaction",VABB-1,242,254,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436460,,Measuring hospital staff nurses perception on quality of the professional practice environment,VABB-1,2484,2494,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436463,,Nurses' perceptions of feedback to nursing teams on quality measurements: An embedded case study design,VABB-1,120,129,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436464,,The support needs of parents having a child with a chronic kidney disease: a focus group study,VABB-1,831,838,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436465,,"An Interview Study on ""Providing Structure"" as an Intervention in Psychiatric Inpatient Care: The Nursing Perspective",VABB-1,208,216,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436466,,Fifteen Challenges in Establishing a Multidisciplinary Research Program on eHealth Research in a University Setting: A Case Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436468,,Qualitative assessment of eco-labels on fresh produce in Flanders (Belgium) highlights a potential intention-performance gap for the supply chain,VABB-1,986,995,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436470,,Keeping Living Realities Alive in Descriptions: Following McClintock Fulkerson's Good Samaritan Church Forward,VABB-1,231,250,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436471,,Between Quality of Life and Hope. Attitudes and Beliefs of Muslim Women toward Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatments,VABB-1,347,361,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:436472,,"""God is the Giver and Taker of Life”. Muslim Beliefs and Attitudes regarding Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436473,,Towards a Theology of Migration: Implications for Catholic Social Thought,VABB-1,3,7,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436475,,In the Beginning Was the Word: Theological Reflections on Language and Technical Media in the Context of the Gospel of John,VABB-1,135,151,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436477,,How do Moroccan Muslims in Belgium deal with Death and Dying?,VABB-4,329,346,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436481,,Purification of Body and Soul for the Next Journey. Practices Surrounding Death and Dying among Muslim Women,VABB-1,169,200,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436483,,Catholic Social Thought and Amartya Sen on Justice,VABB-4,215,223,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436485,,A test field for Gaia Radial velocity catalogue of stars in the South Ecliptic Pole,VABB-1,10,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436486,,Gaia Data Release 1.: Testing parallaxes with local Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars,VABB-1,29pp,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436487,,Farmer Suicide in India: Debating The Role of Biotechnology,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436488,,“God’s Land is Vast”. Attitudes and Practices of Moroccan Muslims regarding Burial and Repatriation of the Deceased,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436489,,An Empirical Study on the Detrimental Effects of Employee Surveillance in India,VABB-1,48,51,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436490,,Christus in onze angst: Over een onderbelicht obstakel voor een Europese theologie van de migratie,VABB-1,203,216,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436493,,"Gaia Data Release 1 Open cluster astrometry: performance, limitations, and future prospects",VABB-1,,,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:436494,,"A Point of No Return? Amoris Laetitia on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436495,,Licht am Ende des Tunnels: Ein Rückblick auf den synodalen Prozess zur Ehe- und Familienthematik,VABB-1,119,137,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:436496,,La dottrina cattolica sul matrimonio e sulla famiglia: questione di sensus fidelium?,VABB-1,70,85,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:436497,,"‘Nourishment for the Journey, not a Prize for the Perfect': Reflecting with Amoris Laetitia on Eucharistic Sharing in Interchurch Marriages",VABB-4,215,232,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436498,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436500,,Loving in the Face of Death: How Fidelity Copes with Impermanence,VABB-4,96,108,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436501,,Lieben im Angesicht des Todes: Wie Treue mit Vergänglichkeit umgeht,VABB-4,108,121,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:436503,,Christelijk mens-zijn in de wereld. Drie theologische trajecten in gesprek met de antropologie,VABB-1,169,184,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436504,,Development as a Path to a Just World. Fifty Years of Populorum progressio - A Critical Retrospective,VABB-1,396,409,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436506,,In the Image of Love: Key Voices for Theological Anthropology,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436508,,"Slack resources, firm performance and the institutional context: Evidence from privately held firms in 26 European countries",VABB-1,1305,1326,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436510,,Fishing for Complementarities: Research Grants and Research Productivity,VABB-1,1,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436511,,Mapping cross-border collaboration and communication in cardiovascular research from 1992 to 2012,VABB-1,1249,1258,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436512,,"Entrepreneurship and Employment Stability - Job Matching, Labor Market Value, and Personal Commitment Effects",VABB-1,162,177,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436513,,In search for the Not-Invented-Here syndrome: The role of knowledge sources and firm success,VABB-1,945,957,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436515,,"Scientific research, firm heterogeneity and foreign R&D locations of multinational firms",VABB-1,691,711,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436516,,Which IP strategies do young highly innovative firms choose?,VABB-1,113,129,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:436517,,Wettability of carbon fibres at micro- and mesoscales,VABB-1,438,446,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436518,,Search for evergreens in science: A functional data analysis,VABB-1,629,644,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436519,,"Global cities, connectivity, and the location choice of MNC regional headquarters",VABB-1,1271,1302,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436520,,Bias against novelty in science: A cautionary tale for users of bibliometric indicators,VABB-1,1416,1436,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436521,,Inter-organizational collaboration and financing constraints for R&D,VABB-1,15,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436522,,CVC Investments and technological performance: Geographic diversity and the interplay with technology alliances,VABB-1,20,34,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:436524,,Are international and product diversification substitutes or complements? Theoretical and empirical perspectives,VABB-1,241,256,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436525,,Het vertalen van wetenschappelijk onderzoek: een Vlaamse troef,VABB-1,94,98,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436527,,The indirect effects of foreign direct investment on trade: A network perspective,VABB-1,2193,2225,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436529,,The Water Suitcase of Migrants: Assessing Virtual Water Fluxes Associated to Human Migration,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436530,,On Economic Complexity and the Fitness of Nations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436531,,Modeling the future evolution of the virtual water trade network: A combination of network and gravity models,VABB-1,538,548,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436532,,Learning from successes and failures in pharmaceutical R&D,VABB-1,271,290,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436534,,Where Gibrat meets Zipf: Scale and scope of French firms,VABB-1,265,275,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:436535,,Virtual water trade and bilateral conflicts,VABB-1,549,561,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436536,,An extreme value analysis of the last century crises across industries in the US economy,VABB-1,65,78,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436537,,Tax Enforcement and Corporate Profit Shifting,VABB-1,902,905,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436539,,Angel-Entrepreneur Relationships: Demystifying their Conflicts,VABB-4,176,198,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436543,,Trade costs and services,VABB-1,129,162,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436544,,Reduction of the dose of radiotherapy to the elective neck in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; a randomized clinical trial. Effect on late toxicity and tumor control,VABB-1,171,177,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436546,,Dynamic Predictions with Time Dependent Covariates in Survival Analysis using Joint Modeling and Landmarking,VABB-1,1261,1276,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436547,,Clusters with unequal size: maximum likelihood versus weighted estimation in large samples,VABB-1,1107,1132,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:436548,,Genetic variant in the osteoprotegerin gene is associated with aromatase inhibitor-related musculoskeletal toxicity in breast cancer patients,VABB-1,31,36,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436549,,The impact of adjuvant chemotherapy in older breast cancer patients on clinical and biological aging parameters,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436550,,Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene-covered stent-grafts for transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts in cirrhotic patients: Long-term patency and clinical outcome results,VABB-1,1795,1803,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436551,,Tenckhoff tunneled peritoneal catheter placement in the palliative treatment of malignant ascites: technical results and overall clinical outcome,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436552,,Immunosuppressive parameters in serum of ovarian cancer patients change during the disease course,VABB-1,e1111505,e1111505,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436553,,Evaluation of a very short test to measure the Big Five personality factors on a Flemish sample,VABB-1,7,17,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436555,,Percutaneous shunt reduction for the management of TIPS-induced acute liver decompensation: A follow-up study,VABB-1,911,917,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436556,,CT-based follow-up following radiotherapy or radiochemotherapy for locally advanced head and neck cancer; outcome and development of a prognostic model for regional control,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436557,,Radiotherapy induced dermatitis is a strong predictor for late fibrosis in head and neck cancer. The development of a predictive model for late fibrosis,VABB-1,212,216,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436558,,Safety and efficacy of doxorubicin-eluting superabsorbent polymer microspheres for the treatment of liver metastases from neuroendocrine tumours: preliminary results,VABB-1,74,80,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436560,,Validation of the Web-Based IBTR! 2.0 Nomogram to Predict for Ipsilateral Breast Tumor Recurrence After Breast-Conserving Therapy,VABB-1,1477,1484,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436561,,Immune profiles of elderly breast cancer patients are altered by chemotherapy and relate to clinical frailty,VABB-1,20,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436562,,Detection of Atrial Fibrillation Among Patients With Stroke Due to Large or Small Vessel Disease: A Meta-Analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436563,,The role of the MTHFR C677T polymorphism in methotrexate-induced toxicity in pediatric osteosarcoma patients,VABB-1,787,795,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436564,,The analysis of multivariate longitudinal data: A review: Response to letter of M. Gebregziabher,VABB-1,112,112,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436565,,The prognostic value of location and size change of pathological lymph nodes evaluated on CT-scan following radiotherapy in head and neck cancer,VABB-1,8,8,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436566,,Omitting radiation therapy in women with triple-negative breast cancer leads to worse breast cancer-specific survival,VABB-1,18,25,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436567,,A shared parameter model of longitudinal measurements and survival time with heterogeneous random-effects distribution,VABB-1,2813,2836,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436568,,Sample substitution can be an acceptable data-collection strategy: the case of the Belgian Health Interview Survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436569,,A sensitivity analysis of probabilistic sensitivity analysis in terms of the density function for the input variables,VABB-1,1429,1445,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436570,,"Negative variance components for non-negative hierarchical data with correlation, over-, and/or underdispersion",VABB-1,1047,1063,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436571,,Modeling Through Latent Variables,VABB-1,267,282,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436572,,"""Model for Early Allograft Function"" outperforms ""Early Allograft Dysfunction"" as a predictor of transplant survival",VABB-1,e258,e264,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436575,,Local influence diagnostics for hierarchical count data models with overdispersion and excess zeros,VABB-1,1390,1408,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436576,,Local influence diagnostics for incomplete overdispersed longitudinal counts,VABB-1,1722,1737,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436577,,Pre-slaughter sound levels and pre-slaughter handling from loading at the farm till slaughter influence pork quality,VABB-1,86,90,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436578,,Optical Coherence Tomography Findings in Patients With Coronary Stent Thrombosis A Report of the PRESTIGE Consortium (Prevention of Late Stent Thrombosis by an Interdisciplinary Global European Effort),VABB-1,1007,+,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436579,,Vitamin D supplementation in cutaneous malignant melanoma outcome (ViDMe): a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,562,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436581,,Optimization of simple sphygmomanometric blood pressure measurement in routine prenatal care,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436582,,Diagnosing misspecification of the random-effects distribution in mixed models,VABB-1,63,71,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436583,,Choosing Estimands in Clinical Trials with Missing Data,VABB-1,29,36,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436584,,Estimating the reliabililty of repeatedly measured endpoints based on linear mixed-effects models. A tutorial,VABB-1,486,493,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436585,,A novel approach to estimation of the time to biomarker threshold: applications to HIV,VABB-1,541,549,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436586,,Microbiological Performance of Food Safety Control and Assurance Activities in a Fresh Produce Processing Sector Measured Using a Microbiological Scheme and Statistical Modeling,VABB-1,177,188,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436587,,Covariate Adjustment for Logistic Regression Analysis of Binary Clinical Trial Data,VABB-1,126,134,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436588,,Implementation of pattern-mixture models in randomized clinical trials,VABB-1,494,506,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436589,,Evaluation of some validation measures for Gaussian process emulation: a case study with an agent-based model,VABB-1,188,198,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436590,,maternal body fluid composition in uncomplicated pregnancies and preeclampsia: a bioelectrical impedance analysis,VABB-1,69,73,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436592,,The association of volumetric response and long-term survival after cardiac resynchronization therapy,VABB-1,1109,1117,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436593,,Clustering multiply imputed multivariate high-dimensional longitudinal profiles,VABB-1,998,1015,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436594,,Remote monitoring of hypertension diseases in pregnancy,VABB-1,e25,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436595,,Design and analysis of clinical trials for small rare disease populations,VABB-1,53,60,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436596,,Multinomial additive hazards model to assess the disability burden using cross-sectional data,VABB-1,901,917,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436597,,Establishing normative data for multi-trial memory tests: the multivariate regression-based approach,VABB-1,1073,1086,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436598,,parametric overdispersed frailty models for current status data,VABB-1,1388,1400,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436599,,"Fast, closed-form, and efficient estimators for AR (1) models",VABB-1,1492,1505,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:436600,,Mechanism for missing data incorporated in joint modelling of ordinal responses,VABB-1,1049,1064,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436603,,Fast precision estimation in high-dimensional multivariate joint models,VABB-1,1221,1231,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436604,,Human exposure to flame-retardants is associated with aberrant DNA methylation at imprinted genes in sperm,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436605,,"Survival Analysis with Interval-Censored Data: A Practical Approach with examples in R, SAS and BUGS",VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436606,,Evaluation of a breast cancer nomogram to predict ipsilateral breast relapse after breast-conserving therapy,VABB-1,45,51,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436607,,A comparative study on estimation methods to deal with the endogeneity in linear random-intercept models with an extension,VABB-1,171,186,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436608,,Hierarchical models with normal and conjugate random effects: a review,VABB-1,191,253,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436609,,"Speculation, Credit, and the Marketplace: Literature and Economics in Nineteenth-Century Germany and Britain",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436616,,Calculation of an adjusted Disproportion Factor (DF*) which takes the societal acceptability of risks into account,VABB-1,171,180,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436617,,Analysis of emergency response actions for preventing fire-induced domino effects based on an approach of reversed fuzzy Petri-net,VABB-1,169,173,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436618,,Risk validation by the regulator in Seveso companies: Assessing the unknown,VABB-1,78,93,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436619,,Revolutionizing safety and security in the chemical and process industry: applying the CHESS concept,VABB-1,2,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436623,,The influence of curing conditions on the mechanical properties and leaching of inorganic polymers made of fayalitic slag,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436624,,A weighted fuzzy Petri-net based approach for security risk assessment in the chemical industry,VABB-1,136,145,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436626,,A study on the performance assessment of anti-terrorism physical protection systems in chemical plants,VABB-1,181,196,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436628,,"Seveso inspections in the European low countries history, implementation, and effectiveness of the European Seveso directives in Belgium and the Netherlands",VABB-1,68,77,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436629,,On the future of safety in the manufacturing industry,VABB-1,1292,1296,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436631,,An approach for reconciling different perspectives and stakeholder views on risk ranking,VABB-1,1219,1232,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436632,,Cost-effective allocation of safety measures in chemical plants w.r.t land-use planning,VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436633,,A multi-plant emergency response plan for tackling major fire accidents in chemical clusters,VABB-5,139,143,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436634,,On the application of analytic network process to security risk assessment of chemical facilities,VABB-5,673,676,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436636,,A bibliometric analysis of peer-reviewed publications on domino effects in the process industry,VABB-1,103,110,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436637,,Validity and validation of safety-related quantitative risk analysis: A review,VABB-1,127,139,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436640,,Law in action in the private security industry : the impact of regulation on competition,VABB-1,96,114,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436641,,Hazmat transport safety and alternative transport modes: a study of US accidents between 1990 and 2010,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436643,,Playing Chemical Plant Environmental Protection Games with Historical Monitoring Data,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436644,,What about nudges in the process industry? Exploring a new safety management tool,VABB-1,243,256,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436645,,Werken de Seveso-richtlijnen? Geschiedenis en kwaliteit van de Europese Seveso-wetgeving in België en Nederland,VABB-1,39,52,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436646,,An innovative framework for determining the damage probability of equipment exposed to fire,VABB-1,177,187,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436647,,Optimal patrol scheduling of hazardous pipelines using game theory,VABB-1,242,256,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436649,,Environmental inspectors and public prosecutors: Is sharing information always useful?,VABB-4,271,294,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436651,,Critical review of decision support tools for sustainability assessment of site remediation options,VABB-1,278,296,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436652,,Being metric-wise: Heterogeneity in bibliometric knowledge,VABB-1,480,487,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436653,,Application of dynamic Bayesian network to performance assessment of fire protection systems during domino effects,VABB-1,232,247,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436655,,Quantitative performance assessment of physical security barriers for chemical facilities,VABB-5,1279,1287,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436656,,Development of an economic model for the allocation of preventive security measures against environmental and ecological terrorism in chemical facilities,VABB-1,311,339,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436657,,Assessment of attack likelihood to support security risk assessment studies for chemical facilities,VABB-1,102,114,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436658,,Evidence assessment schemes for semi-quantitative risk analyses: A response to Roger Flage and Terje Aven,VABB-1,12,16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436660,,Petri-net based cascading effect analysis of vapor cloud explosions,VABB-1,118,125,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436661,,Development of an economic model for counter terrorism measures in the process-industry,VABB-1,437,460,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436662,,Pioneering in sustainability reporting in higher education: Experiences of a Belgian business faculty,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436663,,Equipment vulnerability assessment (EVA) and pre-control of domino effects using a five-level hierarchical framework (FLHF),VABB-1,260,269,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436664,,Non-uniform implementation of uniform standards,VABB-1,159,183,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436665,,Dynamic risk analysis for Seveso sites,VABB-1,111,119,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:436668,,"One, two, many: insensitivity to group size in games with concentrated benefits and dispersed costs",VABB-1,1346,1377,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436669,,"Projected population, inequality and social expenditures: the case of Flanders",VABB-1,92,133,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436670,,Wellbeing inequality and preference heterogeneity,VABB-1,210,238,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436671,,Signaling cooperation,VABB-1,199,216,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436672,,"Student characteristics, professional preferences, and admission to medical school",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436673,,Are users better-off with new transit lines?,VABB-1,95,105,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436675,,Advertising and attachment: exploiting loss aversion through pre-purchase information,VABB-1,927,948,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436677,,Technical efficiency in the agricultural sector - evidence from a conditional quantile-based approach,VABB-1,100,123,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436678,,"The interaction between dropout, graduation rates and quality ratings in universities",VABB-1,416,430,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436679,,The use of educational data mining procedures to assess students’ performance in a Bayesian framework,VABB-4,161,180,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436680,,"The effect of an academic dismissal policy on dropout, graduation rates and student satisfaction. Evidence from the Netherlands",VABB-1,354,389,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436681,,Efficiency in Education. A review of literature and a way forward,VABB-1,339,363,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436682,,The influence of public subsidies on farm technical efficiency: a robust conditional nonparametric approach,VABB-1,1112,1120,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436683,,Het besloten club- en het ingezetenencriterium voor coffeeshops. Een natuurlijk experiment,VABB-1,10,30,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436685,,Estimating scale economies and the optimal size of school districts. A flexible form approach,VABB-1,1048,1067,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436686,,Dissecting the trade effects of Europe’s economic integration agreements,VABB-1,193,243,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436687,,"Government spending, entry and the consumption crowding-in puzzle",VABB-1,943,972,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436688,,The Amiti–Weinstein estimator: an equivalence result,VABB-1,19,22,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:436689,,China-GOES (Article 21.5): time to clarify the standard for price suppression and price depression in AD/CVD investigations,VABB-1,203,226,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436690,,Slow recoveries: any role for corporate leverage?,VABB-1,54,85,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436691,,Fiscal Policy and Inflation in a Monetary Union,VABB-1,779,796,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436692,,Skilled cities and efficient urban transport,VABB-4,366,403,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436694,,Race to the top in traffic calming,VABB-1,401,423,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436696,,"Free riding on successors, delay, and extremism",VABB-1,887,900,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436697,,Regional disparities and efficient transport policies,VABB-4,324,361,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436699,,Can fiscal equalisation mitigate tax competition? Ad valorem and residence-based taxation in a federation,VABB-1,817,853,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436701,,Putting measures of individual well-being to use for ex-ante policy evalutation,VABB-1,421,440,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436702,,Deformations of spectral triples and their quantum isometry groups via monoidal equivalences,VABB-1,673,715,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436703,,Beeronomics. How beer explains the world,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436704,,"Media coverage, public perceptions, and consumer behavior: insights from new food technologies (forthcoming)",VABB-1,467,486,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436705,,Some dynamic aspects of food standards,VABB-1,321,338,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436706,,Production potential in the “bread baskets” of Eastern Europe and Central Asia,VABB-1,38,53,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436707,,The craft beer revolution: an international perspective,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436708,,"Addendum to: ""Ranking opportunity sets on the basis of similarities of preferences: a proposal""",VABB-1,1,2,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436709,,A tree can make a difference,VABB-1,33,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436710,,WTO accession and performance of Chinese manufacturing firms,VABB-1,2784,2820,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436711,,The impact of online sales on consumers and firms – Evidence from consumer electronics,VABB-1,30,62,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436712,,Median-based estimation of dynamic panel models with fixed effects,VABB-1,398,423,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436713,,In-house production versus specific forms of supplier governance: testing predictions of the global value chains model,VABB-1,26,50,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436714,,The impact of export promotion on export market entry,VABB-1,19,33,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436715,,"Infinite lotteries, large and small sets",VABB-1,2203,2209,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436716,,Decision theory without finite standard expected value,VABB-1,383,407,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436717,,VP-ellipsis,VABB-4,1,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436718,,Splitting up the comparative: evidence from Czech,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436719,,*ABA revisited: Evidence from Czech and Latin degree morphology,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436720,,"Logic and Colour in Cognition, Logic and Philosophy",VABB-4,249,271,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436721,,The root and nothing but the root: primary compounds in Dutch,VABB-1,138,169,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436722,,Why Affixal Negation is Syntactic,VABB-5,151,158,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436723,,The pragmatic marker 'you know' in learner Englishes,VABB-1,40,57,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436724,,Othering in Chinese Official Media Narratives during Diplomatic Standoffs with the US and Japan,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436725,,English so and Dutch dus in a parallel corpus: an investigation into their mutual translatability,VABB-1,33,61,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436727,,Question tags in translation. An investigation into the translatability of English question tags into Dutch,VABB-1,157,182,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436729,,Een synopsis van schrijfonderwijsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen: waar staan we en waar willen we naartoe?,VABB-1,348,359,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:436732,,Reverse fishbone perspective,VABB-5,209,214,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436736,,Academic Architecture?!,VABB-5,91,96,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436738,,Le présent et l'absence dans l'imaginaire des espaces intérieurs,VABB-4,147,161,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:436739,,Design and Development of Sentient Collective Urban Spaces,VABB-4,167,183,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436740,,Drifting Runway Numbers,VABB-1,38,52,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436741,,Conceptual Debts. Neothomism and Modern Architecture in Postwar America,VABB-1,258,277,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436745,,"The Politics of Furniture. Identity, Diplomacy and Persuasion in Post-War Interiors",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436746,,Introduction. The Politics of Furniture,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436747,,The Interiors of the Belgian Royal Library. An expression of national identity with an international imprimatur,VABB-4,62,80,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436748,,"Knolling Paris. From the ""new look"" to Knoll au Louvre",VABB-4,98,118,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436749,,Strategies and Tools for Enabling Bottom-up Practices in Architecture and Urban Design Studios,VABB-1,84,102,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436750,,The Sense of Touch: From Tactility to Tactual Probing,VABB-1,688,701,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436751,,The Art of Assessment: Focusing Research Assessment from Different Perspectives,VABB-4,9,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436753,,Non-Observational Research: A Possible Future Route for Knowledge Acquisition in Architecture and the Arts,VABB-4,147,158,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436754,,Dom Hans van der Laan’s Architectonic Space: A peculiar Blend of Architectural Modernity and Religious Tradition,VABB-1,318,338,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436755,,Techological progress as an obstruction to domestic comfort: Hugo Van Kuyck and the introduction of the American example in post-war Belgium,VABB-4,64,79,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436756,,"Perspectives on Research Assessment in Architecture, Music and the Arts: Discussing Doctorateness",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436758,,Entre image et détail: petite remarque sur le voir même,VABB-4,111,129,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:436759,,Literature review on wind induced sound on buildings,VABB-1,42,47,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436760,,Narrative Approaches for Collective Spaces: updating analysis methods and empowering local voices in urban projects,VABB-1,63,72,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436764,,Assessment of Psychiatric clinics in Slovakia from architectural point of view,VABB-5,287,293,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436765,,Acoustic conditions in restaurants. An overview,VABB-1,48,53,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436767,,Locked by spatial structures? Spatial resilience in times of ageing,VABB-5,203,216,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436768,,"A Bike Tour for Rinus Roelofs’ Art in Twente, The Netherlands",VABB-1,31,36,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:436770,,Single simulated reflection audibility thresholds for oral sounds in untrained sighted people,VABB-1,492,505,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436774,,Knowledge and Architectural Practice,VABB-5,155,164,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436785,,Human movement in Public spaces: The use and development of motion-oriented design strategies,VABB-1,S3252,S3261,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436794,,THE CONDITIONS OF A SOCIAL ARCHITECTURE,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436796,,A Participatory Evaluation of the Walkability of two Neighborhoods in Brussels,VABB-5,553,560,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436798,,"De contractuele aansprakelijkheid van een ""niet-Laruelle architectenvennootschap""",VABB-1,354,360,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436799,,De tuchtrechtelijke sanctionering van een architect-rechtspersoon,VABB-1,369,374,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436802,,A New Regular (Compound) Polyhedron (of Infinite Kepler–Poinsot Type),VABB-1,265,268,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436804,,De nood aan een ruimtelijk relevante vertaalslag van stedelijk metabolisme,VABB-1,19,37,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436806,,Serving a Double Diplomatic Mission: Strategic Alliances between Belgian and American Furniture Companies in the Postwar Era,VABB-1,167,185,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436807,,On Infinite Kepler-Poinsot Polyhedra,VABB-5,313,320,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:436812,,"L'espace, les phénomènes, l'existence. De l'architectonique phénoménologique à l'architecture",VABB-3,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:436813,,Urban Tomography: Graphically Exploring the Urban Realm: A Form of Augmented Sectioning,VABB-5,68,80,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436814,,Learning from the ‘RE-PUBLIC Workshop’: Remaking the Public Space as a Medium of Knowledge Transfer in Design Education,VABB-1,143,163,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436815,,Navigating the Intangible: Spatial-Data-Driven Design Modelling in Architecture,VABB-5,431,440,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436817,,Crisis? What crisis? Social renting in Flanders (Belgium) beyond the financial crisis,VABB-1,40,51,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436821,,Sociale innovatie in de woosector 2.0: een aanzet tot positionering,VABB-4,357,384,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436822,,Ponzi in het buitengebied. Of waarom er niet snel een betonstop komt,VABB-1,1,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436826,,INSIGHTS ON THE RECONFIGURATION OF FRAGILE INDUSTRIAL,VABB-5,169,176,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436827,,Influence of transparent roofing systems on room acoustic properties of large atria,VABB-1,93,98,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436833,,"The Garden Territory : René Pechère, the Service of the Green Plan and the influence of the German Autobahn on the Belgian Highway Project",VABB-5,389,406,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436837,,About Models for a Leonardo Bridge,VABB-5,160,163,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436842,,Making Room for Design History in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436844,,Narrating the Cultural Landscape. Tracing the actual significances of heritage,VABB-1,23,29,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436850,,Finding Direction in Urbanism through an Entangled Process of Architecting: Taking from where They Come to Affect where to go in the Urban Living Lab at the Josaphat site in Brussels,VABB-5,78,91,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436851,,How one tree can change the future of a neighbourhood: The process behind the creation of the Boerenhof Park as an example for tactical urban planning,VABB-1,286,294,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:436854,,Of Strangers and Junkyards. Landscape Magazine between Lived Experience and Systems Theory,VABB-1,43,49,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436858,,"Stories, Methods and Systems. Bureau Bas Smets and the Urban Landscape",VABB-1,103,108,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436859,,Narrating Urban Landscapes,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436860,,L'espace Publique et l'acte d'architecture,VABB-4,181,198,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:436861,,Learning Participatory Urban Research,VABB-5,551,561,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436863,,Balen - Wezel - Rauw,VABB-4,122,127,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436864,,"A Symbiotic Relation of Cooperative Social Housing and Dispersed Tourism. A New Urban Regeneration Model for Havana, Cuba",VABB-1,31,40,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436866,,Metropolitan Landscapes? Grappling with the urban in landscape design,VABB-1,81,94,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:436870,,‘“The Chapel Truck is coming to your Village!” The Eastern Priests Relief Organization and the Refugee Problem in Germany after World War II’,VABB-1,65,86,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436873,,Interior Spaces as Traces in Balzac's La Comédie humaine,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436875,,In-school and out-of-school multimodal writing as an L2 writing resource for beginner learners of Dutch,VABB-1,23,36,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436879,,How school teams perceive and handle multilingualism: The impact of a school's pupil composition,VABB-1,93,104,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436880,,Do gender differences in career aspirations contribute to sticky floors?,VABB-1,580,593,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436881,,Cross-cultural differences in self-promotion: A study of self-citations in management journals,VABB-1,77,94,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436882,,Cognitive inhibitory control in children following early childhood music education,VABB-1,303,315,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436883,,Job and Work Design,VABB-4,1,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436884,,Towards a conceptual and empirical differentiation between workplace bullying and interpersonal conflict,VABB-1,870,881,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436886,,Effects of short and prolonged transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on heart rate variability in healthy subjects,VABB-1,88,96,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436888,,New light on Prudentius?,VABB-4,233,247,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436889,,Religious Aspects in the Aramaic Texts from Bactria,VABB-5,97,123,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436890,,Interaction : A missing piece of the jigsaw in interpreter-mediated medical consultation models,VABB-1,1769,1771,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436893,,The ER Stress Sensor PERK Coordinates ER-Plasma Membrane Contact Site Formation through Interaction with Filamin-A and F-Actin Remodeling,VABB-1,885,899,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436895,,Syro-Asianica Scripta Minora – X. III. The Meaning of Elamite men,VABB-1,10,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436896,,Het recht op vertolking en vertaling in strafzaken & de omzetting van de EU-richtlijnen,VABB-1,79,107,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436899,,The Use of Languages on the Various Levels of Administration in the Achaemenid Empire,VABB-5,337,412,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436903,,Self-reference by politicians on Twitter: Strategies to adapt to 140 characters,VABB-1,37,50,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436904,,Healthcare teams as complex adaptive systems: Focus on interpersonal interaction,VABB-1,2028,2034,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436907,,Understanding patient needs without understanding the patient: The need for complementary use of professional interpreters in end-of-life care,VABB-1,477,481,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436909,,Geochemical heterogeneity of sand deposits and its implications for the provenance determination of Roman glass,VABB-1,115,124,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:436910,,Rechtswetenschappelijk onderzoek in het socialezekerheidsrecht. Bevindingen van een metastudie naar 45 Nederlandstalige socialezekerheidsdoctoraten verdedigd aan een Vlaamse of Nederlandse rechtenfaculteit tussen 1971 en 2015,VABB-1,559,594,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:436913,,Due Process of Law and the USCCB Essential Norms,VABB-1,55,87,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436914,,Naar een rechtswetenschappelijke methodeleer. Een expliciet methodologisch kader voor rechtswetenschappelijk onderzoek in het socialezekerheidsrecht,VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436915,,Japan und das Jahr 1917 - Erwartungen und die Vorbereitung der Nachkriegszeit,VABB-1,180,186,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:436917,,"North Korean Defectors, States, and NGOs: The Case of Former Korean Resident in Japan",VABB-1,151,178,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436918,,Matsumoto Gaku: A Bureaucrat between Culture and Politics in the Beginning of the 1930s,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436922,,”De geschiedenis van een opmerkelijke metamorfose”. Minoes als Russische femme fatale’,VABB-4,171,193,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436923,,The End of Rhetorics. LGBT Policies in Russia and the European Union,VABB-1,3,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436924,,"Metatekst w językach słowiańskich. O pewnej specyficznej klasie jednostek na przykładzie wykładników sekwencji w językach polskim, bułgarskim i rosyjskim",VABB-1,1,13,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436926,,"Communication and exchange of knowledge between West and East (17th and 18th cent.): the routes, illustrated by the case of the ‘Via Ostendana",VABB-4,761,787,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436927,,“Sprachnot” as part of the existential situation of the European Jesuit missionaries in China (17th – 18th cent,VABB-4,93,107,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436929,,"The correspondence of Antoine Thomas, SJ (1644 – 1709) as a source for the history of science",VABB-4,303,322,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436931,,Mental Fasting in the Study of Chinese Philosophy: Liu Xiaogan versus Esther Klein,VABB-1,9,23,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:436938,,The Chinese Mission without Jesuits: The Suppression and Restoration of the Society of Jesus in China,VABB-1,79,96,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436939,,"Letters of a Peking Jesuit: the correspondence of Ferdinand Verbiest, SJ (1623 – 1688)",VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436941,,China,VABB-4,160,165,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436946,,Early Sino-European Contacts and the Birth of the Modern Concept of ‘Religion’,VABB-4,3,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436948,,1967 as the Turning Point in Hong Kong-British-PRC Economic Relations,VABB-4,233,255,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436949,,Italia e Giappone: un incontro lungo 150 anni,VABB-1,42,45,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:436950,,Scientific books and individual curricula among Jesuit Indipetae in Portugal and China (17th-18th cent.),VABB-1,205,277,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436951,,"Circulation of knowledge between Europe and China in the 17th-18th centuries: the role of material objects, from gadgets to instruments",VABB-1,76,117,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436955,,“ ‘Chinese Philosophy’ at European Universities: A Threefold Utopia”,VABB-1,1049,1080,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436958,,"Antoine Thomas, SJ and his Synopsis Mathematica: biography of a Jesuit mathematical textbook for the China mission",VABB-1,121,185,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436960,,"Le rôle du vice-provencial, Antoine Thomas, dans la querelle des rites chinois durant les années 1701-1704",VABB-4,253,270,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:436968,,Hybridity and the news: Blending genres and interaction patterns in new forms of journalism,VABB-1,3,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436970,,A usage-based typology of Dutch and German IPP verbs,VABB-1,101,122,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436971,,How (not) to elide negation,VABB-1,41,76,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436972,,Simplified Text-to-Pictograph Translation for People with Intellectual Disabilities,VABB-4,185,196,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436975,,Adposition clusters in Dutch,VABB-4,77,92,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436976,,Sluicing as sharing,VABB-4,389,399,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436977,,Another look at the Germanic Sandwich: Dutch between German and English,VABB-1,77,81,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436978,,Language model adaptation for ASR of spoken translations using phrase-based translation models and named entity models,VABB-5,5985,5989,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:436979,,External possessors in West Germanic and Romance: differential speed in the drift towards NP configurationality,VABB-4,353,399,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436980,,The CLIN27 Shared Task: Translating Historical Text to Contemporary Language for Improving Automatic Linguistic Annotation,VABB-1,53,64,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436981,,GrETEL: A Tool for Example-Based Treebank Mining,VABB-4,269,280,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436982,,Universal Dependencies for Afrikaans,VABB-5,38,47,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436983,,E-Including the Illiterate,VABB-1,29,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436984,,The social function of English in weak contact situations: Ingroup and outgroup marking in the Dutch reality TV show “Expeditie Robinson”,VABB-1,77,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436986,,Able to Read My Mail: An Accessible e-Mail Client with Assistive Technology,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436987,,Building an Accessible Pictograph Interface for Users with Intellectual Disabilities,VABB-4,870,877,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436988,,Querying Large Treebanks: Benchmarking GrETEL Indexing,VABB-1,145,166,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436989,,Te-raising is clitic climbing,VABB-1,127,141,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436990,,Evaluations of multilingual competence in Cassiodorus’ Variae and Institutiones,VABB-4,203,209,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436991,,"""Differing only in dialect"", or How collocations can co-shape concepts",VABB-1,95,109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:436993,,'Il n'y a que Superman qui porte le slip par-dessus le pantalon' - les clivées en il n'y a que x qui,VABB-5,1,14,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:436995,,"Valerius’ Latijnse vertaling van De Berlaimonts Franse schooldialogen [Colloquia familiaria, per Cornelium Valerium, cum Gallica et Teutonica interpretatione]",VABB-4,185,188,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:436996,,Capitalizing Multilingual Competence: Language Learning and Teaching in the Early Modern Period,VABB-4,49,75,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:436997,,Décrire la vision du monde: L'enjeu anthropologique de la Sémantique structurale,VABB-1,231,248,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:436998,,Opvattingen over taal in het vroege Latijnse christendom: Een overzicht in vogelvlucht,VABB-1,2,7,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437000,,Meeting report: Latin Language Manuals in Western Christianity (350–750),VABB-1,291,296,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437001,,Les SN définis et indéfinis dans les clivées en il y a,VABB-4,197,210,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437003,,"Une famille qui fait ‘suer’ : problèmes d’analyse des néologismes médiévaux 'sudoral', 'sudorable', 'resudation' et 'desudation'",VABB-4,371,403,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437004,,Specificerende il y a-clefts (er is-clefts),VABB-5,77,91,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437007,,"“Hendricus Zoësius, de jurist-hellenist”; “Petrus Castellanus’ speelse eersteling: Ludus sive convivium saturnale”; “Castellanus’ overzicht van Attische religieuze feesten”; “Castellanus over de geneeskunde van vroeger tot nu: Vitae illustrium medicorum (1617)”",VABB-4,363,368,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437009,,“Petrus Castellanus trekt zich terug als professor Grieks.”; “Het Grieks aan de Leuvense universiteit gereanimeerd: een wake-up call van de wereldlijke overheid (1754).”; “De cursus honorum van Petrus Stockmans.”,VABB-4,372,375,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437017,,Struggling to order diversity: the variegated classifications of Greek dialects before the rise of modern linguistics,VABB-5,465,473,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437018,,Pour une analyse dioptiques des expressions verbales figées: approche variationniste,VABB-1,21,31,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:437019,,Grammaticalization across Romance languages and the pace of language change: the position of Catalan,VABB-1,304,331,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437023,,De colleges Grieks aan de Oude Leuvense Universiteit: Een schets vanuit Europees perspectief,VABB-4,131,156,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437024,,De Ἐρωτήματα van Manuel Chrysoloras: het Grieks te Leuven en de 'Parijse connectie',VABB-4,267,270,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437025,,"In de Griekse les bij Petrus Nannius (augustijnenklooster, winter 1534)",VABB-4,316,319,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437026,,De Griekse grammatica van Constantinus Lascaris: de tweede Aldijnse editie (ca. 1502) en Dirk Martens' uitgave (ca. 1516),VABB-4,271,274,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437027,,De eerste Griekse grammatica van eigen bodem: het Compendium Graecae grammatices (1520) van Adrien Amerot,VABB-4,320,325,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437029,,"De eerste handboekjes Grieks gedrukt door Dirk Martens – de grammaticale tabellen van Aleandro, Rescius en Bolzanio (1516)",VABB-4,276,279,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437030,,Het eerste gedrukte handboekje over de Griekse dialecten door een humanist: het succesverhaal van Adrien Amerots De dialectis diversis (1530/1551),VABB-4,329,332,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437032,,Een zestiende-eeuwse 'Mithridates': Antoine Perrenot de Granvelle,VABB-4,342,345,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437035,,Professor Rescius' 'apologie' van zijn drukkersonderneming,VABB-4,288,291,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437037,,Adrien Amerots openingsrede van oktober 1545,VABB-4,332,339,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437039,,"Homerus' Ilias gedrukt door Dirk Martens (1521-23), met notities van Albert Hardenberg",VABB-4,295,298,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437040,,Een blik op Adrien Amerots schrijftafel: zijn mondelinge didactiek in briefvorm gegoten (februari 1534),VABB-4,350,353,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437043,,Een didactische long-seller: Nicolaus Clenardus' Griekse spraakkunst (1530),VABB-4,298,305,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437045,,Nicolaus Clenardus' leerboek Grieks voor zelfstudie (1531),VABB-4,305,308,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437049,,"Nicolaus Clenardus, pionier van de drietalendidactiek",VABB-4,261,264,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437050,,Bij Rescius op de schoolbanken: zijn lessen over Homerus' Odyssee (begonnen op 23 oktober 1543),VABB-4,310,313,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437052,,La langue mise en échec(s),VABB-1,59,74,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:437053,,Taalonderricht en taalstudie in de vroegmoderne periode: het pad naar de volkstalen,VABB-4,71,102,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437054,,De eerste gedrukte Hebreeuwse grammatica uit het Collegium Trilingue (1528),VABB-4,404,408,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437055,,Het debuut van een grammaticus trilinguis: Nicolaus Clenardus' Hebreeuwse spraakkunst (1529),VABB-4,408,411,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437056,,Linguistic Historiography: A Metatheoretical Synopsis,VABB-1,73,96,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437058,,De oudste gezette en gedrukte Hebreeuwse tekst in de Nederlanden: het Alphabetum Hebraicum (1518),VABB-4,386,389,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437059,,"Révision [reconstruction, synthèse romane et révision générale] des articles /a'nell-u/, /'bad-e/; /'bent-u/, /'klab-e/; /'lab-e/-/'lab-a/, /'laks-a/, /'pal-/, /s-tre'm-e-sk-e/, /'trem-e/, /'trem-il-a/",VABB-4,377,517,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437060,,Autour des 'Principes de la linguistique': la correspondance Albert Sechehaye - Huho Schuchardt (1909-1926),VABB-1,1,29,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437061,,John Barton: Donait françois. Edition critique par B. Colombat (ARTICLE DE COMPTE RENDU),VABB-1,191,209,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437062,,"Terminografia grammaticale, uso di corpus, riflessione metodologica: La terminologia grammaticale nelle prime grammatiche d'italiano nei Paesi Bassi",VABB-1,195,211,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:437064,,Did Hesychius of Jerusalem Compose an Outline of the Sapiential Books (CPG 6560[4])?,VABB-4,343,380,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437065,,Réflexions sur la littérature anthologique de Constantin V à Constantin VII,VABB-1,361,388,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437067,,Is Dualism a Greek Word? Plutarch’s Dualism as a Cultural and Historical Phenomenon,VABB-4,205,214,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437068,,"One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six. Counting with Demosthenes and Diogenes of Oenoanda",VABB-1,119,126,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437071,,"Quot lectiones, tot Turnebi. Adrien Turnèbe in recent editions of Plutarch’s De animae procreatione",VABB-4,101,122,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437072,,La Lettre Rhô du Florilège Coislin,VABB-1,143,158,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437073,,Un extrait pseudo-chrysostomien sur l'intempérance et la lèpre (CPG 4878),VABB-4,1037,1052,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437075,,"Diogenes' Polemical Approach, or How to Refute a Philosophical Opponent in an Epigraphic Context",VABB-4,241,269,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437076,,Union with and likeness to God: Deification according to Dionysius the Areopagite,VABB-4,118,157,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437079,,"Isokrates: Archidamos. Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar",VABB-2,,,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:437082,,"Ein „etruskischer“ Handspiegel aus Bein im Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen",VABB-1,473,480,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:437083,,Nutritious Milk from Hagar's School. Philo's Reception of Homer,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437084,,The Philosopher Coming Out of the Corner. Philosophical Friendship in Plato’s Gorgias and Some Echoes from Plutarch to Damascius,VABB-1,43,84,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437085,,"Osservazioni sulla ricezione dellʼArchidamo nella Germania del Cinquecento, con una appendice: Wolf e l’Isocrates emendatior di Sofianòs",VABB-5,167,202,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437086,,Reconsidering the Textual Transmission of the Slavonic Quaestiones ad Antiochum ducem,VABB-1,217,242,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437087,,Manuel Moschopoulus' Paraphrase of Iliad A: Methods and Sources,VABB-1,281,296,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437089,,Les origines de la tonsure monastique. Les sources grecques,VABB-1,259,297,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437090,,Le Liber de cognitione Dei de Métrophane de Smyrne (CPG 3223). Un bilan des fragments conservés,VABB-1,241,280,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437091,,The Biblical Text as Attested in Ancient Literature: Greek Church Fathers,VABB-4,755,758,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437093,,On the multi-coloured robes of philosophy. Plutarch's approach in On Isis and Osiris,VABB-4,199,218,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437095,,"The Transmission, Sources and Reception of Procopius’ Exegesis of Genesis: Observations in the Wake of the New Edition",VABB-1,205,224,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437096,,Plato vs. Plato on the Generation of the Cosmos (Tim. 28B). Authority in the Interpretations of Plutarch and Proclus,VABB-4,87,117,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437097,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2017-4,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437098,,The rock circle cemetery in Dayr Abu Hinnis,VABB-5,497,519,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437100,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2017-2,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437101,,"""Pray with your leader..."" : A proto-Sunnite quietist tradition",VABB-1,29,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:437102,,Preface,VABB-4,7,14,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437103,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437104,,The Abbasid Activist Ḥayyān al-ʿAṭṭār as the Father of Jābir b. Ḥayyān: An Influential Hypothesis Revisited,VABB-1,35,61,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437105,,Exegesis and Poetry in Medieval Karaite and Rabbanite Texts,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437108,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2017-1,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437109,,The Regional Supply Chain of Djehutihotep's Ka-Chapel at Tjerty,VABB-1,33,56,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437112,,Topography and Toponymy in the Ancient Near East: Perspectives and Prospects,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437113,,Client,VABB-4,37,40,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437114,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2017-3,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437115,,The Nile. Natural and Cultural Landscape in Egypt,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437116,,Canon and canonisation of ḥadīth,VABB-4,14,23,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437117,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2017-5,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437120,,Aaron ben Joseph’s Poem for Pārāshat Yitrō considered in light of his Torah Commentary Sēfer ha-miḇḥār,VABB-4,207,227,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437121,,The Relationship between Dropout Rates of a Chinese Language Course and Student Learning Motivation and Personal Factors,VABB-1,215,244,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437122,,Does assumed knowledgeableness cause differences in stories told by children from different cultural groups?,VABB-1,67,86,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437126,,The borrowability of English swearwords: An exploration of Belgian Dutch and Netherlandic Dutch tweets,VABB-4,107,135,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437127,,Stability and Fluidity in Syntactic Variation World-Wide: The Genitive Alternation Across Varieties of English,VABB-1,3,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437128,,Cognitive indigenization effects in the English dative alternation,VABB-1,673,710,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437129,,Alternating argument constructions of Dutch psychological verbs. A theory-driven corpus investigation,VABB-1,207,251,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437130,,Interaction among cognitive constraints: The case of the pluralization of presentational haber in Puerto Rican Spanish,VABB-4,131,154,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437132,,La pluralización de haber presentacional en el español peninsular: Datos de Twitter,VABB-1,41,64,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437134,,"""Featurometry""",VABB-4,345,353,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:437136,,Towards a New Standard: Theoretical and Empirical Studies on the Restandardization of Italian,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437137,,From dialectometry to semantics,VABB-4,325,334,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437139,,Experimenting on the past: a case study on changing analysability in English -ly-adverbs,VABB-1,317,340,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437140,,Probabilistic grammar: The view from Cognitive Sociolinguistics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437141,,Empirical perspectives on two potential epicenters: The genitive alternation in Asian Englishes,VABB-1,33,66,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437144,,"Distributionalism, old and new",VABB-4,29,38,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437145,,Understanding grammar at the community level requires a diachronic perspective. Evidence from four case studies,VABB-1,47,74,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437146,,Limburgse Sjtijl. Over het ontstaan en de verspreiding van Citétaal,VABB-4,291,309,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437147,,Het kegelspel der taal. De naoorlogse evolutie van de Standaardnederlandsen,VABB-4,100,120,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437150,,Cognitive and geographic constraints on morphosyntactic variation: The variable agreement of presentational haber in Peninsular Spanish,VABB-1,28,53,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437151,,Spoken syntax in a comparative perspective: the dative and genitive alternation in varieties of English,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437153,,Idiom variation: Experimental data and a blueprint of a computational model,VABB-1,653,669,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437154,,On the development of a new standard norm in Italian,VABB-4,3,28,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437155,,Limits to language change. A rejoinder to Eric Hoekstra,VABB-1,79,83,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437156,,The acquisition of loanword prestige: An exploration,VABB-4,121,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437158,,Perspective și probleme ale teoriei prototipului,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437160,,Evaluating regional variation in Italian: towards a change in standard language ideology?,VABB-4,118,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437161,,Variationist sociolinguistics and corpus-based variationist linguistics: overlap and cross-pollination potential,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437162,,"Lo fantástico de percepción, lo fantástico de lenguaje y su efecto subversivo en Control Terrestre de José Güich Rodríguez",VABB-1,297,316,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:437163,,Oorlog en cultureel geheugen. Hölderlinherdenkingen in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,34,42,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437165,,"'Jezus, geef ons den vrede, want de oorlog is wreed'",VABB-1,35,64,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437167,,De vele levens van een katse juffrouw,VABB-4,29,58,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437168,,Acht levens van Minoes,VABB-4,3,14,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437169,,Kinder- en jeugdfictie in Vlaanderen en Nederland: een overzicht van het aanbod vertalingen tussen 2010 en 2015,VABB-1,57,63,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437172,,Buitenlandse bemiddelaars. Een themanummer,VABB-1,4,7,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437173,,Tłumaczenie niderlandzkiego czasownika zeggen na przykładzie polskiego i szwedzkiego przekładu „Minoes” Annie M.G. Schmidt,VABB-1,69,82,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437174,,Edward-Sammie-Dory Fantasmagory,VABB-1,110,138,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437176,,'Vlaamse substantie'. Georg Hermanowski herbekeken,VABB-1,51,64,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437177,,"El acoso de Jorge Eduardo Benavides: lo fantástico de lenguaje como expresión oscura, discurso subversivo y problema de traducción",VABB-1,63,85,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:437180,,Separated by the same language: Intralingual translation between Dutch and Dutch,VABB-1,509,525,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437181,,"""It is impossible to be a woman here"": Great War Nurses Translated by a Belgian Author",VABB-1,223,242,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437182,,Doing Double Dutch. The International Circulation of Literature from the Low Countries,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437183,,Dutch on the Move: Studying the Circulation of Smaller Literatures,VABB-4,11,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437184,,Eliciting evidence of functional differences: The imperative vs. free-standing que-clauses in Spanish,VABB-4,265,289,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437185,,SFL and the clause: The experiential metafunction,VABB-4,79,95,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437186,,Entrenchment effects in language change,VABB-4,75,99,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437187,,Viewpoint phenomena in multimodal communication,VABB-1,371,380,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437188,,Viewpoint,VABB-4,157,171,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437189,,Approaches to Grammaticalization and Lexicalization,VABB-4,131,157,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437190,,Multiple shifts: new views on pathways and mechanisms of grammaticalization in the English noun phrase,VABB-1,40,59,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:437191,,A brief history of English syntax,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437192,,The development of the as-Secondary Predicate Construction: Constructionalization and internalization,VABB-1,16,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437193,,With or without with: the constructionalization of the with-augmented absolute in English,VABB-1,318,345,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:437194,,Internet memes as multimodal constructions,VABB-1,565,598,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437195,,Discourse conditions in language change: from binominal to aspectualizer be in the middle or midst of V-ing,VABB-1,193,207,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:437197,,Aspects of grammaticalization: (Inte)subjectification and directionality,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437198,,The status of determining elements in Australian languages,VABB-1,182,218,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437199,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437200,,Defenestration: deconstructing the frame-in relation in Ungarinyin,VABB-1,104,133,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:437201,,The role of analogy in language change: Supporting constructions,VABB-4,240,268,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437203,,Exclamatives in the functional typology of insubordination: evidence from complement insubordinate constructions in Spanish,VABB-1,21,36,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:437204,,Independent conditional clauses with argumentative function in Dutch,VABB-1,587,614,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437205,,La dimensión subjetiva en el uso del verbo pseudocopulativo de cambio hacerse,VABB-1,195,214,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:437206,,"Favourite puzzles: Revisiting categories in grammar, usage and discourse from functional perspectives",VABB-1,187,198,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437208,,"La historia de las perífrasis deber / deber de + INF: variación, norma y géneros textuales",VABB-4,147,195,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:437209,,Masse und Klasse. Zur Datierung von grammatischen Sprachwandelprozessen,VABB-4,187,204,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:437211,,Thyroid Carcinoma in a Child with Activated Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase δ Syndrome: Somatic Effect of a Germline Mutation,VABB-1,422,426,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437214,,Self-Awareness Tool for Renewable Energy Production in Mixed-Use Urban Tissues: Incubators European Project for the Mediterranean Region,VABB-4,657,665,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437215,,From miigration tot urban sprawl in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-5,209,217,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437216,,PLATO as it is: A legacy mission for Galactic archaeology,VABB-1,644,661,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437220,,Modulation of Aneuploidy in Leishmania donovani during Adaptation to Different In Vitro and In Vivo Environments and Its Impact on Gene Expression,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437221,,Reproductive profiles and risk of breast cancer subtypes: a multi-center case-only study,VABB-1,119,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437222,,Male Obesity: Epigenetic Origin and Effects in Sperm and Offspring,VABB-1,288,296,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437223,,Temporal Trends in Exposure to Organophosphate Flame Retardants in the United States,VABB-1,112,118,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437224,,Roman Influence on Rituals of Identification in Egypt,VABB-4,176,198,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437225,,A New Date for the ‘Amarna’ Temple Plan in el-Sheikh Said based on some newly read inscriptions,VABB-4,71,74,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437226,,The Alleged Relations between Ptolemaic Egypt and Lycia after 197 BC and the Founding Date of the Lycian League,VABB-1,116,127,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437227,,"The First Dog: Diogenes (Aristot. Rhet. 3,10,1411a24-25)",VABB-1,364,370,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:437228,,"A new fragment from P.Batav. 5 (Pathyris, May 118 BC)",VABB-1,214,218,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437232,,"Philodemus’ Excerpt from Dicaearchus on Plato in the Historia Academicorum (PHerc. 1021, coll. 1*-1-2): Edition, Translation, and Commentary",VABB-1,55,72,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437233,,The State Ideology of the Ptolemies: Origins and Influences,VABB-1,137,174,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437234,,"Land and Taxes in Ptolemaic Egypt: An Edition, translation and commentary for the Edfu Land Survey (P. Haun. IV 70",VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437236,,A Ptolemaic Greek tax receipt from the valley of the kings,VABB-1,3,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437237,,Emotions in private Greek papyrus letters,VABB-1,63,86,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437238,,A Fragmentary Military Diploma from the Thermenmuseum in Heerlen,VABB-1,299,302,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437239,,The Erbstreit Papyri. A Bilingual Dossier from Pathyris of the second century BC,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437240,,Dicaearchus on Alcaeus: A Peripatetic Approach to Archaic Poetry,VABB-1,266,299,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:437241,,Some Notes on PUG IV,VABB-1,182,186,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437242,,Between the Empire and the Reform Papacy: the Abbey of Saint-Hubert and the Impact of its Papal Bull (1074 on Ecclesiastical Tradition and on Monastic Identity in the Diocese of Liège,VABB-4,219,250,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437243,,‘Suppressor of Plunderers and Robbers’. The Actions and Views of Bishop Fulbert of Chartres concerning Church Property (1006–1028),VABB-1,619,663,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437244,,Een brief van Pieter de Coninck aan Sint-Omaars (1306). Over schriftelijke communicatie van opstandelingen in veertiende-eeuws Vlaanderen en Artesië,VABB-1,3,30,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437245,,Political songs and memories of rebellion in the later medieval Low Countries,VABB-4,43,63,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437248,,Edges of Episcopal Power: local society and the evolution of diocesan borders in Liège (c.900-c.1200),VABB-4,157,174,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437249,,United in revolt and discourse: urban and noble perceptions of 'bad government' in fifteenth-century Brabant (1420-1),VABB-1,579,599,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437251,,Libels in the city. Bill casting in fifteenth-century Flanders and Brabant,VABB-1,165,187,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437252,,The dark side of remembrance: how medieval chroniclers demonized Bishop Adalbero of Laon (977-1033),VABB-4,281,324,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437254,,"""Partly with and Partly against Her Will"". Female Consent, Elopement, and Abduction in Late Medieval Brabant",VABB-1,351,368,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437255,,Women and contentious speech in fifteenth-century Brabant,VABB-1,323,347,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437256,,Je dis à cheus où fu rebellion. Chansons politiques en moyen néerlandais autour de 1500,VABB-4,207,219,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437257,,England and Flanders around 1066: The Cult of the English Saints Oswald and Lewinna in the Comital Abbey of Bergues,VABB-5,128,149,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437258,,Review of periodical articles (2016),VABB-1,317,343,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437262,,"Managing Stigma: Prostitutes and their Communities in the Southern Netherlands, 1750-1800",VABB-1,3,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437263,,Overcoming Death: Conserving the Body in Nineteenth-Century Belgium,VABB-4,49,67,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437264,,Alternative Anatomy. The Popular Lectures of Constant Crommelinck in Brussels (1850-1880),VABB-4,139,161,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437265,,"Tussen wetenschap en spektakel. Hypnose op de Belgische theaterscène, 1875–1900",VABB-1,54,73,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437267,,"Être, se représenter, se dire. Lettres d’étudiantes norvégiennes dans une nation en construction (fin XIXe – première moitié du XXe siècle)",VABB-1,,,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:437268,,"Les intellectuels catholiques et la sociologie en Belgique, 1880-1914",VABB-1,71,88,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437270,,"Nothing to Do with Politics, but Only Art? On Wassily Kandinsky’s Work in Paris, from 1934 until the Outbreak of the War",VABB-1,62,80,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437271,,Het geheim van de anatoom: Adolphe Burggraeve en de ontwikkeling van de Belgische anatomie in de negentiende eeuw,VABB-1,202,216,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437272,,Imitating Anatomy: Recycling Anatomical Illustrations in Nineteenth-Century Atlases,VABB-4,115,137,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437273,,"Spreading the Word and Image of Modernism: Christian Zervos and Cahiers d’Art, 1926-1960",VABB-4,113,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437275,,Heksenwaan. De nadagen van magie in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden,VABB-1,19,24,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437276,,The Tears of a Killer. Criminal Trials and Sentimentalism in the Austrian Netherlands,VABB-1,3,26,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437278,,Medical Orders: Catholic and Protestant Missionary Medicine in the Belgian Congo 1880-1940,VABB-1,62,82,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437279,,"A Wholesome Cure for the Wounded Soul. Confession, Emotions and Self in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Catholicism",VABB-1,222,241,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437280,,"Introduction: Moving Anatomies, 1750–1950",VABB-4,9,20,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437281,,"De meerstemmigheid van een piano. Wat cultuur betekende voor Joodse vrouwen in Wenen, ca. 1890-1938",VABB-1,3,8,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437282,,Expansion through Separation. The Linguistic Conflicts at the University of Leuven in the 1960s from a Medical History Perspective,VABB-1,38,61,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437283,,"Genetic Counselling in Belgium: the Centre for Human Genetics at the University of Leuven, 1960-1990",VABB-4,447,459,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437287,,"Cutting the Flesh: Surgery, autopsy, and cannibalism in the Belgian Congo",VABB-1,295,312,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437289,,"Bodies Beyond Borders. Moving Anatomies, 1750-1950",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437290,,"Vermanen, vergeven en verzwijgen. Het mysterie van de biecht in de achttiende- en negentiende-eeuwse Zuidelijke Nederlanden",VABB-1,35,55,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437292,,From transnational to regional magnetic fevers. The making of a law on hypnotism in late nineteenth century Belgium,VABB-1,179,196,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437293,,The Rise of ‘Auxiliary Sciences’ in Early Modern National Historiography: an ‘Interdisciplinary’ Answer to Historical Scepticism,VABB-1,427,441,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437294,,Man and cat in the Low Countries (middle ages and early modern period),VABB-1,6,28,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437297,,Inquisition and Repression of Protestantism in Spain,VABB-4,171,186,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437301,,Hugo Grotius in dialogue with his colleagues. Intertextuality and polemics in Historia Gotthorum (1655),VABB-1,148,175,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437302,,Caught between Compromise and Conflict. Establishment and Institutional Development of the Ecclesiastical Court(s) in the Early Modern Archdiocese of Malines,VABB-4,217,233,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437303,,Early Modern Peace and International Society: Using Disciplinary Hybridity to Question the Pax Hispanica (1598-1618),VABB-1,216,236,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437304,,An Italian Voice on the Dutch Revolt: The Work of Francesco Lanario in a European perspective,VABB-4,375,388,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437307,,"Vanguard Tridentine Reform in the Habsburg Netherlands. The episcopacy of Robert de Croÿ, bishop of Cambrai (1519-56)",VABB-4,125,144,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437311,,"Broze levens, krachtige vrouwen Zussen, moeders en tantes Goubau in de achttiende eeuw",VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437312,,"Le Borromée des anciens Pays-Bas? Maximilien de Berghes, (arch)évêque de Cambrai et l’application du Concile de Trente (1564-1567)",VABB-1,41,65,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:437313,,"La nobleza y la frontera entre los Países Bajos y Francia: las casas nobiliarias Croÿ, Lalaing y Berlaymont en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI",VABB-4,427,436,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:437314,,Broadsheets Testing Moderation in the Nascent Dutch Revolt,VABB-4,271,294,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437315,,"Which religious history for the (two) early modern Netherlands before 1648? Questions, trends and perspectives",VABB-1,758,788,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437316,,"How to do Transregional History: a Concept, Method and Tool for Early Modern Border Research",VABB-1,343,364,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437318,,Sacrale ruimte in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437319,,Weduwen-drukkers in 16de-eeuws Antwerpen. Samengebracht in een biobibliografisch repertorium,VABB-1,231,260,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437321,,Vom Augsburger Interim bis zum Vertrag von Augsburg (1548-1555),VABB-4,575,590,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:437336,,Sacrale ruimtes in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden: perspectieven en dwarsverbanden,VABB-1,7,28,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437337,,De geheime uitstapjes van de Spaanse Habsburgvorsten,VABB-1,6,19,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437338,,Dagelijkse humor in de beginjaren van de Nederlandse Opstand,VABB-1,19,35,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:437339,,Ouderlingenhumor op grappige grafschriften in de Spaanse Nederlanden,VABB-1,91,107,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437341,,Habsburg Political Culture and Antwerp defiant. Pacification Strategies of Governors-Generals during the Dutch Revolt (1566-1586),VABB-4,167,186,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437344,,Studiebeurzen in de vroegmoderne tijd: cliëntelisme versus levenskansen,VABB-1,6,15,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437350,,"""Of making many books there is no end"": Father Cosmas Dillen's dedication of Tongerlo's library catalogue to Abbot Adriaan Stalpaerts, 1625: a critical edition and translation",VABB-4,707,727,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437351,,Plutarch’s Science of Natural Problems. A Study with Commentary of Quaestiones Naturales,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437352,,« Nous » ! Quelques remarques à propos de groupements et partages dans les avant-gardes historiques,VABB-1,67,94,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:437353,,"Life as Art, Art as Life and Life’s Art: the “Living Poetics” of Italian Modernism",VABB-1,24,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:437354,,"Groteske Vorführungen: Die Darstellung von Masse und Individuum in den Revolutionsgrotesken von Arthur Schnitzler (""Der grüne Kakadu"") und Rudolf von Delius (""Robespierre"")",VABB-1,611,629,,ger,2016,1 c:vabb:437355,,“Muttersprache nirgends” Fritz Mauthners Sprachskepsis und Marica Bodrožić’ Sprachmystik,VABB-1,63,84,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:437357,,Niederländische Chronistik im Mittelalter,VABB-4,577,609,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:437358,,Deformities On the Practice of Modernity in Thomas Mann's Royal Highness,VABB-1,1,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437359,,Vrouwenorganisaties,VABB-4,1057,1080,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437360,,Les organisations de femmes,VABB-4,1059,1080,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437363,,La mémoire belge du Congo en 2010,VABB-4,283,307,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437364,,Belgium,VABB-4,456,461,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437365,,"Tussen de wapens en het volk. Vlaamse en Europese solidariteit met de Guatemalteekse revolutie, 1979-1996",VABB-1,4,27,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437367,,On a Gathering Mission for Power: Belgian Public Diplomacy and the Cold War (1943-1964),VABB-1,68,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:437368,,Meer dan eenden voederen: Nieuwe literatuur over Keizer Wilhelm II en Nederland Martin Kohlrausch,VABB-1,625,642,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:437369,,Teaching for Toleration in Pluralist Liberal Democracies,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437373,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437374,,"Selling Sex in the City: A Global History of Prostitution, 1600s-2000s",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437375,,"Sex Sold in World Cities, 1600s-2000s: Some Conclusions to the Project",VABB-4,861,877,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437376,,"Europe at the Crossroads of Three Worlds. Alternative Histories and Connections of European Solidarity with the Third World, 1950s-1980s",VABB-1,932,954,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437377,,"Selling Sex in World Cities, 1600s-2000s: An Introduction",VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437378,,Le mouvement ouvrier chrétien,VABB-4,1007,1018,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437379,,De christelijke arbeidersbeweging,VABB-4,1005,1016,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437380,,"The victory of national interest: debates on the Belgian expulsion policy, 1998-2013",VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437381,,The wartime kitchen. Food advice and cooking tips in Belgium during the First World War,VABB-1,58,76,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437383,,"Loss of Control: Kaiser Wilhelm II, Mass Media, and the National Identity of the Second German Reich",VABB-4,87,107,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437388,,Comparing Religious Perspectives on Social Reform: An Introduction,VABB-4,7,37,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437389,,Charity and Social Welfare,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437390,,"Social Questions and Catholic Answers: Social Reform in Belgium, c. 1780-1920",VABB-4,101,122,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437392,,Catholic and Christian Democratic Views on Europe Before and After WW II: Continuities and Disontinuities,VABB-4,25,55,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437394,,Belgische pers 'voor boeren en buitenlui',VABB-1,108,117,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437397,,Multiples visages des États-Unis d’Europe,VABB-1,81,88,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437398,,"Retour au pays, retour à la parole: D'Alfred Döblin à Karl Jaspers",VABB-4,231,239,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437399,,La Pseudonymie dans la littérature française. De François Rabelais à Éric Chevillard,VABB-3,,,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:437401,,Autoportrait ironique de l'écrivain-cinéaste Ravalec,VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437402,,La guerre à l'écran,VABB-4,306,311,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437403,,"Notice sur ""La Pluie, projet pour un texte"" de Broodthaers",VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437405,,"L’Écrivain vu par la photographie. Formes, usages, enjeux",VABB-4,7,13,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437406,,Ce que les photographies d’écrivains font à la littérature. Ce que l’on fait des photographies d’écrivains,VABB-4,275,280,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437407,,"Modernism at the University: New Elocution, New Criticism, and New Poetry",VABB-1,93,115,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437408,,(Auto-)portrait de l'essayiste en esprit universel. Les discours littéraire et scientifique dans Variété de Paul Valéry,VABB-1,464,482,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:437411,,Généricité hybride dans Variété de Paul Valéry,VABB-1,47,64,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437412,,La faim et le froid,VABB-4,13,18,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437413,,Bertolt Brecht: un écrivain de gauche au pays des censeurs,VABB-4,240,246,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437414,,Animating Disability Differently: Mobilizing a Heterotopian Imagination,VABB-1,276,286,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437418,,"L'écrivain au cinéma, cet obscur objet du désir",VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437419,,"""It's a horrible thing to live with a writer"": la figure de l’écrivain dans la série The Affair",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437421,,"Introduction to “Un je-ne-sais-quoi de poétique""",VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437423,,Der Untergang des Abendlandes” in Flandern,VABB-4,233,243,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437425,,Het avontuur en de huiskamer: ontwikkelingen in de middlebrowroman rond 1930,VABB-1,377,403,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437427,,« Présence de portraits photographiques d’écrivains en revues : le cas de Jazz »,VABB-4,193,207,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:437429,,Raumfunktionen / Raumsymbolik: Die Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an Angela Merkel,VABB-1,,,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:437431,,'Plaidoyer pour le graphiste'. Arts et métiers graphiques and the French Typographer as an Artist and Craftsman,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437432,,Pathways into the past: framing the Polish People's Republic in two recent road films (Ida and Ticket to the Moon),VABB-1,266,282,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437435,,"The New Negro, the Sermon, and the Postwar Modernism of Baldwin and Ellison",VABB-1,691,709,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:437439,,La résidence d’écriture ou l’injonction tacite du portrait de lieu,VABB-1,147,162,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:437449,,Littérature “pure” et cinéma dans les années 1920 : quelques frictions génériques,VABB-1,179,192,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:437450,,The Europeana Thematic Collection On Photography - An Open Resource For Education From Photoconsortium,VABB-5,5136,5139,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437451,,Beauty,VABB-4,205,214,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437452,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437453,,"Beyond Given Knowledge. Investigation, Quest and Exploration in Modernism and the Avant-Gardes",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437454,,Annuntiatio Domini: Metaphoric Conceptualization and Gesture Analysis in Painted Representations of the Annunciation,VABB-1,26,45,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437458,,« ‘État poétique’ contre poésie : une crise de définition » (Entretien avec William Marx),VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437459,,« Des coquelicots à la sueur du cheval : le ‘poétique’ comme stratégie de communication » (Entretien avec Étienne Candel),VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437460,,« Le vidéo-journal de François Bon »,VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437461,,Un je-ne-sais-quoi de ‘poétique’ : l’idée de poésie hors du champ littéraire (XXe-XXIe siècles),VABB-3,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437462,,« Prévert et l’enfance »,VABB-4,322,328,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437464,,"Borne from Difference - Carriance in Co-Respond-Dance: Blind Walking, Carrying-Caring and the Matrixial",VABB-1,28,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437467,,The fire and the rose are one. Motifs of Tarkovsky,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437468,,Una isla urbana en el mar transnacional: El disparo de argón de Juan Villoro,VABB-1,70,85,,spa,2016,1 c:vabb:437474,,"Het Leuvense Collegium Trilingue 1517-1797. Erasmus, humanistische onderwijspraktijk en het nieuwe taleninstituut Latijn - Grieks – Hebreeuws",VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437476,,Embracing the Lusitanian Legacy. On the Theory of Signs in Laurentius Ghiffene's Prodidagmata ad logicam Aristotelis (1627),VABB-1,307,339,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437477,,In Vitro Functional Quality Characterization of NOTA-Modified Somatropins,VABB-1,2764,2772,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437478,,De carmine quodam Hermanni Röhl (1851-1923) inedito,VABB-1,172,183,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437479,,"Xenophontis Rhetoris Hieron sive Tyrannus, Desiderio Erasmo Roterodamo interprete",VABB-4,179,208,,lat,2017,2 c:vabb:437480,,Johannes Versoris,VABB-4,1,5,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:437482,,Justus Lipsius and Neo-stoicism,VABB-4,203,221,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437490,,"Regina linguarum. Het doceren van Latijn aan het Collegium Trilingue, 16de-18de eeuw",VABB-4,103,129,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437492,,"Erasmus in de weer met de Leuvense start. Brief van Erasmus aan Gillis Busleyden, 30 oktober 1517; De redenaar Castellanus",VABB-4,31/370,33/371,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437498,,'Barlandus bloemleest spreekwoorden uit Vergilius' & 'Het dubbele voordeel van Terentius: Stijl en gehalte',VABB-4,118/127,119/130,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437503,,Pierre Tartaret,VABB-4,1,4,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437504,,"Opera Omnia. Ordinis quarti tomus septimus. Declamativncvla, Isocratis ad Nicoclem Regem de Institvtione Principis, Epistola Consolatoria in Adversis, Oratio de Pace et Discordia, Oratio Fvnebris, Xenophontis Rhetoris Hieron sive Tyrannvs",VABB-3,,,,lat,2017,2 c:vabb:437506,,De Helgi Nikitinski laudibus,VABB-4,13,19,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437507,,Praemonitio,VABB-1,501,511,,lat,2017,2 c:vabb:437513,,On the existence of God: an unusual theme in a Letter by Justus Lipsius,VABB-4,685,705,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437516,,"Erasmus’ droom: Het Leuvense Collegium Trilingue 1517-1797. Catalogus bij de tentoonstelling in de Leuvense Universiteitsbibliotheek, 18 oktober 2017 – 18 januari 2018",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437517,,"Suetonius in volgare: An Overlooked Italian Translation by Dante Popoleschi (London, British Library, MS Harley 3390)",VABB-1,83,99,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437519,,Justus Lipsius as Historian of Philosophy: A First Inquiry into the Historico-Philosophical Reception of the Manuductio ad Stoicam Philosophiam (1604),VABB-4,388,423,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437525,,"The Collectio Armamentarii (Paris, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal 175). Status quaestionis and new avenues of research",VABB-4,95,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437527,,Les sermons d’Augustin dans la bibliothèque de Florus. Perspectives comparatistes avec la Collectio ex dictis XII Patrum,VABB-4,197,211,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437528,,"Sancti Aurelii Augustini Sermones in epistolas apostolicas II, id est sermones CLVII-CLXXXIII secundum ordinem vulgatum insertis etiam aliquot sermonibus post Maurinos repertis",VABB-2,,,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:437530,,La comédie scolaire néo-latine ou comment écrire des textes classiques sans modèle théorique?,VABB-4,243,262,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437531,,"The Reception of Augustine in a Ninth-Century Commentary on Romans (Paris, BnF, lat. 11574). With an Analysis of Its Position in Relation to the Carolingian Debate on predestination",VABB-4,437,457,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437532,,Medical humanism exemplified,VABB-1,483,486,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437534,,Cultor maiorum. Lusus: an allegedly lost poem by Antonio Faverzani,VABB-1,501,511,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437536,,Juste Lipse professeur et pédagogue à Leyde (1578-1591),VABB-4,521,536,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437540,,"From the Files of the Portuguese Inquisition: Isaac de Castro Tartas’s Latin Ego-Document, 1645",VABB-1,231,246,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437542,,"Eén ambtenaar maakt het gewest nog niet: gewestelijk stedenbouwkundig inspecteur niet bevoegd om schadevergoeding te vorderen voor benadelende verarming (noot bij Antwerpen, 16 maart 2017)",VABB-1,194,198,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437543,,"On moths and butterflies, or how to orient oneself through images. Georges-Didi Huberman’s art criticism in context",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437544,,Coaching Compliance: A Tool for Personalized e-Coaching in Cardiac Rehabilitation,VABB-5,405,409,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437545,,Diversity and host-specificity of monogenean gill parasites (Platyhelminthes) of cichlid fishes in the Bangweulu-Mweru ecoregion,VABB-1,417,437,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437546,,Improving Operational Intensity in Data Bound Markov Chain Monte Carlo,VABB-5,2348,2352,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437555,,DOM2AFrame: Putting the Web back in WebVR,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437556,,Alternatieve conflictoplossing met de overheid,VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437557,,Joint models for mixed categorical outcomes: a study of HIV risk perception and disease status in Mozambique,VABB-1,1781,1798,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437558,,Adverse effects of amoxicillin for acute lower respiratory tract infection in primary care: secondary and subgroup analysis of a randomised clinical trial,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437559,,An alternative design approach for current energy-efficient housing concepts: conceptual framework enabling a dynamic way of living throughout the seasons,VABB-5,37,43,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437560,,Finanzwissenschaftliche Analyse der Vollkostendeckung des österreichischen Justizsystems,VABB-1,113,130,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:437561,,De Trust: een juridisch kader voor de (internationaal) privaatrechtelijke inpassing en fiscale gevolgen,VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437562,,"Pneumatology: An Inquiry into the Representation of Wind, Air and Breath",VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437564,,Preventie en alternatieve aanpak van geschillen in Vreemdelingenzaken,VABB-1,374,388,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437567,,Energy Performance Contracts for Governements: the Two faces of Europe,VABB-1,87,96,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437570,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek: Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen (1 januari 2017 – 30 juni 2017),VABB-1,208,221,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437573,,Formal human resource practices in family firms,VABB-1,151,165,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437577,,Deviating from the principle of full compensation in Belgian tort law,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437578,,Conservatisme en het conceptual framework van de IASB,VABB-1,14,21,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437579,,"Trusts and the freedom of establishment. Implications of the Panayi Trust case and additional reflections on the importance of language: the example of ‘trust insolvency’, a ‘hybrid mismatch’?",VABB-1,1122,1133,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437580,,De implementatie van het Nagoya-protocol inzake de toegang tot genetische rijkdommen en de eerlijke en billijke verdeling van voordelen voortvloeiende uit hun gebruik,VABB-1,15,36,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437581,,De toetsing aan grondrechten door het Grondwettelijk Hof: Overzicht van rechtspraak 2015,VABB-1,114,165,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437582,,Samenwerkingsvormen en de impact ervan in de praktijk: een bestuurskundige benadering,VABB-4,75,110,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437583,,The Importance of comfort indicators in home renovations - a merger of energy efficiency and universal design,VABB-5,1140,1146,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437584,,The effect of family business professionalization on dividend payout,VABB-1,971,990,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437588,,Allocating collaborative costs in multimodal barge networks for freight bundling,VABB-1,56,69,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437590,,Interdisciplinary advances towards understanding and enhancing the therapeutic potential of stem cell-based therapies for ischaemic stroke,VABB-4,21,45,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437591,,The Atlas as a Figure of Memory and the Adaptive Reuse of Architectural Heritage,VABB-4,235,247,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437592,,Het mysterie van de Belgische nationale en constitutionele identiteit,VABB-1,310,321,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437593,,Addressing the Challenges of Conservative Event Synchronization for the SARL Agent-Programming Language,VABB-5,31,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437594,,The Effect of Storage and Routing Policies on Picker Blocking in a Real-life Narrow-aisle Warehouse,VABB-5,53,61,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437597,,Process mining-technieken voor internecontroletesten - mogelijkheden nu en in de toekomst,VABB-1,90,95,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437601,,Over de voortzetting van het geding na cassatie met verwijzing en de rechtsplegingsvergoeding vóór en na het cassatiegeding,VABB-1,340,343,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437604,,Credit Rationing in Family Firms: Short-Term vs. Long-Term Bank Debt Rationing (chapter 9),VABB-4,175,194,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437606,,"The enforcement of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value: A legal analysis of the situation in the EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway",VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437607,,Optimal recharging framework and simulation for electric vehicle fleet,VABB-1,1961,1970,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437608,,Primary care nurses in a local Belgian setting: Responding to healthcare needs of people with disabilities,VABB-1,44,53,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437610,,Re-make/ Re-model: Strategies of Reading Art Historians,VABB-4,21,41,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437611,,"Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Legislation (Sept, 2016 - March, 2017)",VABB-1,233,241,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437612,,The Legal Limits of Citizenship Deprivation as a Counterterror Strategy,VABB-1,57,92,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437614,,Analysing collaborative performance and cost allocation for the joint route planning problem,VABB-5,24,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437615,,Impact of combined sodium chloride and saturated long-chain fatty acid challenge on the differentiation of T helper cells in neuroinflammation.,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437618,,"Until I see your dream in dark skies: About Spaces and Intentions, Bodies real and virtual",VABB-1,16,47,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437622,,Inducing a new paradigm shift: A different take on synchromodal transport modelling,VABB-5,4,18,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437627,,Ownership Succession Financing and Firm Growth: a Multiple Mediator Approach,VABB-5,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437628,,Initial Experience and Feasibility of the New Low-Profile Stingray Catheter as Part of the Antegrade Dissection and Re-Entry Revascularization Strategy for Coronary Chronic Total Occlusions,VABB-1,104,109,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437630,,Biorefinery of algae: Technical and economic considerations,VABB-4,327,346,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437631,,Asielprocedure en menselijk welzijn,VABB-1,511,517,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437634,,Untangling Design Meetings: Artefacts as Input and Output of Design Activities,VABB-5,176,183,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437636,,On the location of reported and unreported cycling accidents: A spatial network analysis for Brussels,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437637,,The public interest in international investment arbitration on natural resources,VABB-4,298,316,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437638,,The role of photobiomodulation therapy in the care of cancer patients: review of the literature,VABB-1,364,374,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437639,,"The effects of a lean transition on process times, patients and employees",VABB-1,103,118,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437640,,Testing the heteroscedastic error structure in quantile varying coefficient models,VABB-1,246,264,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437641,,Sketchplorer: A Mixed-Initiative Tool for Sketching and Exploring Interactive Layout Designs,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437643,,Conservation - Adaptation. Keeping Alive the Spirit of the Place. Adaptive Reuse of Heritage with Symbolic Value,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437645,,Case X v. Staatssecretaris van Financiën: Fractional Allocation of Personal and Family Tax Benefits for EU Resident Individuals with Multi-State Income,VABB-1,201,213,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437648,,Once more the Nag el-Hamdulab early hieroglyphic annotation,VABB-1,65,74,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437649,,DICE-R: defining human-robot interaction with composite events,VABB-5,117,122,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437650,,Overview of the optimal perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy regimens used in current clinical practice.,VABB-1,63,72,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437651,,Mindfulness voor juristen,VABB-1,338,345,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437652,,Quality assessment of input data for emergency department simulation,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437656,,The Use of Gantries and Cantilevers at a Redesigned Intersection: a Simulator Study on Route Choice and Visual Search Behavior,VABB-1,55,68,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437657,,Kroniek erfrecht,VABB-4,87,109,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437658,,"De toegevoegde waarde van een audit, gemeten via een nieuwe kwaliteitsmaatstaf",VABB-1,19,36,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437659,,Het Vlaams Onteigeningsdecreet en de ruimtelijke ordening,VABB-1,83,102,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437660,,"“Over conflicten van attributie en rechterlijke toetsing van richtlijnen van strafrechtelijk beleid”, noot onder Cass. 26 maart 2015",VABB-1,1583,1587,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437664,,"Een beperkte temporele werking van de grondwettelijke garantie op wetgevend optreden?” (noot onder GwH 22 september 2016, nr. 118/2016)",VABB-1,536,543,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437665,,Renal sodium avidity in heart failure: from pathophysiology to treatment strategies,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437666,,HapticToolkit - Easily Integrate and Control Vibration Motor Arrays for Wearables,VABB-5,249,253,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437667,,"Measuring states of pathological (un)consciousness: research dimensions, clinical applications, and ethics",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437668,,A framework to evaluate the architect-friendliness of environmental impact assessment tools for buildings,VABB-5,289,298,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437670,,Sensing the night between us: Benjamin’s amourous wanderings through dark space,VABB-1,4,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437672,,Conflictmanagement bij de overheid: hoe veelzijdig aanpakken?,VABB-1,21,38,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437673,,De zaken Achbita en Bougnaoui uit de doeken: Hof van Justitie onthult standpunt omtrent hoofddoekenverbod,VABB-1,600,603,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437675,,Gaps of uncertainty: A case for experimentation in serious game design frameworks,VABB-4,135,156,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437677,,PPP-Contracts: On or Off Government Balance Sheets?,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437678,,Energieperformantiecontracten vanuit EI-perspectief: hoe Europa stappen vooruit zet,VABB-1,163,175,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437679,,Kan het legaat de residuo worden beschouwd als een 'afgescheiden vermogen' en welke zijn daarvan de implicaties?,VABB-4,389,428,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437680,,Conditional copula models for right-censored clustered event time data.,VABB-1,247,262,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437682,,Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Based Models for Pattern Classification: Advances and Challenges,VABB-4,83,98,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437683,,A discrete choice approach to define individual parking choice behaviour for parkagent model,VABB-5,493,502,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437688,,The need for European OneHealth/EcoHealth networks,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437690,,"Het lichaam, een unheimliche gast in therapie?",VABB-1,56,72,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437692,,The Privacy API: Facilitating Insights in How One's Own User Data is Shared,VABB-5,72,75,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437694,,Architectural Strategies for Long-Term Obedience to Increasing Building-Constructive Energy Performance Requirements,VABB-5,109,116,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437699,,Aiding medical professionals in fitness-to-drive screenings for elderly drivers: development of an office-based screening tool.,VABB-1,1211,1225,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437701,,From Relational Database to Event Log: Decisions with Quality Impact,VABB-5,588,599,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437702,,Chapter 15: prevalence and assessment of the upper limb function in multiple sclerosis.,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437703,,Some Examples of Supernumerary Anatomical Structures in Arm and Hand Associated with Genetic Conditions such as the Ellis-Van Creveld Syndrome,VABB-5,676,682,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437705,,On the Accuracy-Convergence Tradeoff in Sigmoid Fuzzy Cognitive Maps,VABB-1,2479,2484,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437706,,The Implementation of 'Access and Benefit-sharing' in Five EU Member States: The Achievements and Deficiencies of the Nagoya Protocol and the EU Regulation 511/2014,VABB-1,7,40,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437707,,Onvoldoende transparantie over het Europees transparantiebegrip in de Europese Unie?,VABB-1,245,255,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437709,,Het Parlement bekleedt in toenemende mate een figurantenrol als regelgever: een stelling gefundeerd op los 'zand'? Het oprichten van rechtscolleges als wetgevend prerogatief,VABB-4,74,82,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437710,,De (on)partijdigheid van de vergunningverlenende overheid,VABB-1,134,137,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437712,,The visual essay and the place of artistic research in the humanities,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437713,,"De belasting op tweede verblijven: plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose …",VABB-1,123,128,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437714,,The Importance of Connecting Open Innovation to Strategy,VABB-4,3,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437715,,Developing an emergency department crowding dashboard: a design science approach,VABB-1,68,76,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437717,,Zelffinanciering als bedrijfsmodel voor openbare diensten: Gevalstudie justitie,VABB-1,69,88,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437718,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Grondwettelijk Hof 2016. Bevoegdheid en rechtspleging,VABB-1,576,599,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437719,,Value Creation in Alliance Ecosystems: Insights from Marketing,VABB-4,1,32,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437720,,Penalized spline estimation in varying coefficient models with censored data,VABB-1,871,895,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437721,,Patrimonium 2017,VABB-3,,,,lat,2017,2 c:vabb:437724,,"The effect of cognitive-motor dual task training with the biorescue force platform on cognition, balance and dual task performance in institutionalized older adults: a randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,1137,1143,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437730,,Social Learning Analytics in Online Language Learning: Challenges and Future Directions.,VABB-4,197,212,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437731,,Leidraad voor het wikken en wegen van rankingresultaten,VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437733,,Child Care Leave 2.0 – Suggestions for the improvement of the EU Maternity and Parental Leave Directives from a rights perspective,VABB-1,245,263,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437736,,"Phytoremediation and the Legal Study of Soil, Animals and Plants",VABB-4,575,598,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437739,,"Naleving en handhaving: strafrecht, strafvervolging administratieve sancties, administratieve rechtscolleges",VABB-4,447,505,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437741,,Leveraging process mining techniques for up-to-date resource profiles,VABB-5,143,147,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437742,,De rechterlijke herziening van de verblijfsregeling: een bloemlezing uit de recente rechtspraak van de familiekamers,VABB-4,15,26,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437744,,Current status linear regression,VABB-1,1415,1444,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437745,,IsoGeneGUI: Multiple Approaches for Dose-Response Analysis of Microarray Data Using R,VABB-1,14,26,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437747,,Taxes locales sur les mâts et pylônes (GSM): les opérateurs de télécommunications finiront-ils enfin par cesser leur combat?,VABB-4,7,14,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437749,,"Are Smart Grids the Holy Grail of Future Grid Mix? Economic, Environmental, and Regulatory Opportunities for Smart Grid Development in Northwestern Europe",VABB-4,105,148,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437750,,The nonparametric bootstrap for the current statusmodel,VABB-1,3446,3484,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437751,,Retail Design: What’s in the Name?,VABB-4,31,48,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437752,,On Dialogue as Performative Art Criticism,VABB-4,136,149,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437754,,A closer look into the European Energy Performance Certificates under the lenses of behavioural insights – a comparative analysis,VABB-1,1745,1761,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437757,,The influence of the CEO's value perception towards auditing on audit demand in private firms,VABB-1,1,37,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437759,,Vrijwillige fusies tussen gemeenten? Een analyse van het huidige decretale kader in vergelijking met de verplichte fusieronde van 1976-1977,VABB-1,144,159,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437760,,Een (meer) rechtstreekse burgemeestersverkiezing in Vlaanderen? De invloed van kieswetgeving op het Vlaamse burgemeestersbestand,VABB-1,494,510,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437761,,Reducing workload imbalance in parallel zone order picking systems,VABB-5,68,75,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437762,,"Onterechte voeging wegens samenhang, voorbarig hoger beroep tegen een vonnis inzake onbevoegdheid en de omvang van de vernietiging van een cassatiearrest",VABB-1,538,542,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437763,,Retail Design: theoretical perspectives,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437765,,Mood (Stimmung) / Blandness (Fadeur): On Temporality and Affectivity,VABB-4,81,97,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437766,,La relation entre 'pacte' en 'tabou' dans le discours autobiographique en France (1750-1850).,VABB-2,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:437767,,Retail Design: a contextual lens,VABB-4,13,30,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437768,,"De opzeggingsvergoeding als schuldvordering in de opschorting, vóór en na de wijziging van de WCO",VABB-1,1300,1303,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437771,,To Pay or Not to Pay? Evaluating the Belgian Law Against Vulture Funds,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437773,,Kroniek secundair huwelijksvermogensstelsel,VABB-4,13,40,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437774,,Formal compensation practices in family SMEs,VABB-1,88,104,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437775,,Modelling time varying heterogeneity in recurrent infection processes: an application to serological data,VABB-1,687,704,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437776,,Tuning Residential Subdivision Rhythms,VABB-5,19,28,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437777,,Investigating the correlation structure of quadrivariate udder infection times through hierarchical Archimedean copulas,VABB-1,719,742,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437778,,Voorlopig geen (partij)getuige naar Belgisch recht,VABB-1,655,659,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437779,,Challenges for the integration of sustainable material use into dwelling design and construction,VABB-5,1564,1571,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437781,,De institutionele verhuis van de Vlaamse energieregulator naar het Parlement,VABB-1,1323,1346,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437782,,Distributed Affine-Invariant MCMC Sampler,VABB-5,520,524,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437783,,An efficient heuristic for multi-objective train load planning: a parameter sensitivity analysis,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437784,,"Biochar Derived from the Dry, Solid Fraction of Pig Manure as Potential Fertilizer for Poor and Contaminated Soils",VABB-1,167,184,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437786,,Backlogs and litigation rates: Testing congestion equilibrium across European judiciaries,VABB-1,9,22,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437787,,Compensation policies in family and non-family SMEs: Survey evidence from Flanders,VABB-1,3,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437788,,“Het Stabiliteitsverdrag-arrest: 'the making of',VABB-1,298,304,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437790,,Preserved imitation in contrast to limited free application of comfortable hand actions in intellectually able young adults with an autism spectrum disorder.,VABB-1,645,653,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437792,,'Ceci est une fiction': grondwetgevende referenda in de Belgische rechtsorde,VABB-1,248,260,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437794,,“Rechtspraak in kort bestek: juli 2016 tot en met december 2016 (GwH – EHRM – HvJ)”,VABB-1,99,117,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437795,,Summary of the Process Discovery Contest 2016,VABB-5,7,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437796,,Vine copula based inference of multivariate event time data,VABB-1,109,127,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437797,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof (2015-16),VABB-1,94,137,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437798,,Comparative and functional genomics of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis,VABB-4,27,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437800,,"Concatenation, Embedding and Sharding : Do HTTP/1 Performance Best Practices Make Sense in HTTP/2?",VABB-5,160,173,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437804,,Proportional Granting of Personal and Family Allowances. Following AG Opinion in X v. Staatssecretaris van Financiën (Case C-283/15),VABB-1,99,103,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437805,,Magnetofection is superior to other chemical transfection methods in a microglial cell line,VABB-1,169,173,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437810,,“Rechtspraak in kort bestek: januari 2017 tot en met juni 2017 (GwH – EHRM – HvJ)”,VABB-1,198,207,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437811,,"Sobre mariposas e borboletas, ou como se orientar através das imagens",VABB-1,1,24,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437812,,"Onbestuurbaarheid van gemeenten: Verleden, heden en toekomst",VABB-1,462,474,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437814,,Kroniek Overheidsopdrachten 2017,VABB-1,518,521,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437815,,The Health Buddies App as a Novel Tool to Improve Adherence and Knowledge in Atrial Fibrillation Patients: A Pilot Study,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437819,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek: Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen (1 juli 2016 – 31 december 2016),VABB-1,118,134,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437822,,Advantages and disadvantages of the Belgian not-only-fault system for medical incidents,VABB-1,36,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437825,,Bringing Strategy Back: Ethnic minority entrepreneurs’ construction of legitimacy by ‘fitting in’ and ‘standing out’ in the creative industries.,VABB-4,146,160,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437826,,Iterated local search for the capacitated vehicle routing problem with sequence‐based pallet loading and axle weight constraints,VABB-1,304,316,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437833,,Chapter 1: Introduction,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437834,,CTASS: a framework for contextualized travel behavior advice to cardiac patients,VABB-5,303,309,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437836,,Testing the Lawyer-induced Litigation Hypothesis in Europe,VABB-1,1837,1851,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437838,,Are dwellers deliberative or heuristic in their decisions to invest in energy efficient renovation measures?,VABB-5,1979,1988,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437839,,Socio-emotional wealth separation and decision making quality in family firm TMTs: The moderating role of psychological safety,VABB-1,648,676,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437841,,Changes in lower limb muscle function and muscle mass following exercise-based interventions in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A review of the English-language literature,VABB-1,182,219,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437842,,"Electrical support during outdoor cycling in patients with coronary artery disease: impact on exercise intensity, volume and perception of effort",VABB-1,343,350,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437844,,"Over het handtekeningsvereiste in een vonnis: principes, sancties, aandachtspunten en remedies",VABB-1,1137,1144,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437845,,Bodemsanering en onteigening: de toerekening van de saneringskosten op de onteigeningsvergoeding,VABB-1,5,19,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437847,,Informatieplichten inzake de toegang tot de (civiele) rechtsmiddelenrechter: het Hof van Cassatie acht een prejudiciële vraag aan het Grondwettelijk Hof niet zinvol,VABB-1,460,466,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437849,,Patiëntveiligheid in de eerstelijnsgezondheidszorg: een stand van zaken en aanbevelingen,VABB-1,202,211,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437850,,Capturing Design Decision Rationale with Decision Cards,VABB-5,463,482,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437852,,De handhavingsbevoegdheid van het Grondwettelijk Hof in het prejudicieel contentieux dan toch door de bijzondere wetgever erkend,VABB-1,166,171,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437854,,Characteristics of structured physical training currently provided in cardiacpatients: insights from the Exercise Training in Cardiac Rehabilitation (ETCR)Italian survey,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437855,,Woestijngetijden,VABB-2,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437856,,Introduction,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437858,,"The Virtual and the Real in Planning and Urban Design: Perspectives, Practices and Applications",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437860,,The Analysis of Peptide-Centric Mass-Spectrometry Data Utilizing Information About the Expected Isotope Distribution,VABB-4,45,64,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437863,,Domineren Brussel en Den Haag ook de Dorpsstraat? Nationale en lokale determinanten van het succes van nationale partijen bij de Nederlandse en Vlaamse gemeenteraadsverkiezingen,VABB-1,329,356,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437866,,Verjaart de vordering tot verbetering van een rechterlijke uitspraak? Over de wisselwerking met de actio judicati,VABB-1,1421,1424,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437867,,An Augmented Flute for Beginners,VABB-5,34,37,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437868,,Spaans voor beginners: Nederlands – español A2,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437871,,Physical-Layer Fingerprinting of LoRa devices using Supervised and Zero-Shot Learning,VABB-5,58,63,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437873,,Unraveling Bi-Lingual Multi-feature based Text Classification: A case study,VABB-1,3,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437874,,Things Are Getting Hairy: Enterobacteria Bacteriophage vB_PcaM_CBB,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437875,,Een juridische analyse van de uitwisseling van personeel tussen gemeenten en OCMW’s,VABB-4,13,33,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437877,,Naar een pro rata toekenning van persoonlijke en familiale belastingvoordelen: paradigmashift van de Schumacker-doctrine na het arrest X,VABB-1,449,461,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437878,,Narrative Architecture: A Designer's Story,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437881,,Integration of order picking and vehicle routing in a B2C e-commerce context,VABB-1,813,843,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437884,,Autobus: Selection of Passenger Seats Based on Viewing Experience for Touristic Tours,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437886,,Rapid and label-free optical detection of individual carbon air pollutant nanoparticulates in biomedical samples,VABB-1,,,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437887,,"High intensity interval training is associated with greater impact on physical fitness, insulin sensitivity and muscle mitochondrial content in males with overweight/obesity, as opposed to continuous endurance training: a randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,215,226,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437888,,"Insecure Network, Unknown Connection: Understanding Wi-Fi Privacy Assumptions of Mobile Device Users",VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437890,,General practitioners' and primary care nurses' care for people with disabilities: quality of communication and awareness of supportive services,VABB-1,367,376,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437891,,Exploring open innovation in entrepreneurial private family firms in low- and medium-technology industries,VABB-1,244,261,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:437892,,"Over de taak van de rechter, het recht van verdediging en het ambtshalve toepassen van rechtsregels: geldt dit ook voor de bewijsregels?",VABB-1,175,180,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437893,,Forecasting social security revenues in Jordan using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps,VABB-5,246,254,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437894,,Het participatierecht van de belastingplichtige in het internationaal onderling overleg in fiscalibus,VABB-4,196,211,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437895,,Actualie familierecht. Co-ouderschap vandaag en morgen,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:437897,,Constructing publics as a key to doctoral research: A discussion of two PhD projects engaging in societal issues with artistic and design-based methods,VABB-4,129,144,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437900,,"Sustainable material use in the Zero Pentathlon, a design assignment on holistic sustainable renovation of dwellings",VABB-5,2339,2346,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:437901,,"De invordering van advocatenereloon: over het vermoeden van bezoldiging, gebruiken en de bewijslast",VABB-1,468,472,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437904,,Rechtsbescherming in het kader van de omgevingsvergunning,VABB-1,204,220,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437906,,Huur van pop-upshops: Nood aan een nieuw ontpopt huurregime?,VABB-1,234,241,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437908,,Attaining Majority in Research: Re-contact for Consent to Continued Participation?,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437909,,Design and analysis of clinical trials for small rare disease populations,VABB-1,53,60,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437911,,Het Landinrichtingsdecreet: een kritische verkenning,VABB-1,39,56,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437914,,Rechtsplegingsvergoeding in de civiele rechtspleging,VABB-4,547,594,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437918,,Going beyond the service exchange: Investigating an engagement platform for customer learning.,VABB-5,490,496,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437920,,The biclustGUI Shiny App,VABB-4,373,384,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437921,,Het begrip 'handelspraktijk' na het arrest UPC Aandacht voor het individuele consumentenbelang binnen de reikwijdte van de Richtlijn 2005/29/EG,VABB-1,27,68,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437929,,"Combining the Best 2 of Both Worlds in Retailing and Design: Cross-Practice Integration and Innovation, Including the Role of Education",VABB-4,33,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437931,,De voorlopig bewindvoerder als volwaardig vennootschapsorgaan: procesrechtelijke implicaties voor betekeningen aan de vennootschap in vereffening,VABB-1,220,225,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437932,,High-Dimensional Biomarkers in Drug Discovery: The QSTAR Framework,VABB-4,275,310,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437935,,Tektonik der Systeme: Neulektüren von Oswald Spengler.,VABB-2,,,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:437940,,Over de voortzetting van het geding na cassatie met verwijzing en de rechtsplegingsvergoeding voor en na het cassatiegeding,VABB-1,338,343,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437946,,Kroniek verenigingen en stichtingen 2013-2014,VABB-1,559,588,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437951,,P(l)ay when feeling lucky: a dollar won is twice as sweet as a dollar earned,VABB-1,813,835,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437952,,PTandLogGenerator: a Generator for Artificial Event Data,VABB-5,23,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437953,,Commerciële vennootschappen hebben geen “dubbelleven”: de puntjes op de “i” over de algemene bevoegdheid van de rechtbank van koophandel voor ondernemingen-rechtspersonen,VABB-1,364,368,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437958,,De besluitvormingsprocedure inzake complexe projecten en de invloed daarvan op de omgeving,VABB-1,628,652,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437960,,Grensoverschrijdende fiscale gegevensuitwisseling op verzoek: toch nog een (beperkte) rol van betekenis voor de belastingplichtige en de rechter in de aangezochte staat?,VABB-1,939,945,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437962,,Beta-binomial analysis of variance model for network meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy data,VABB-1,2554,2566,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437968,,Corrigerende maatregelen bij overheidsopdrachten,VABB-1,274,278,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437969,,A Modified Fuzzy TOPSIS Method Aggregating 8.921 Partial Rankings for Companies’ Attractiveness,VABB-5,59,71,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:437974,,Optimization of night electric vehicle fleet charging at regional level,VABB-1,43,49,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437983,,Biclustering for Cloud Computing,VABB-4,363,372,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437984,,Geschichtete Geschichten: Spengler zur Einführung,VABB-4,10,15,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:437986,,"(Samen) doen of laten doen? Over inbesteden, uitbesteden, samenwerken of afstoten",VABB-1,97,109,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437987,,Noot onder Corr. West-Vlaanderen 7 oktober 2015: Het (vage) misdrijf schijnwettelijke samenwoning,VABB-1,126,129,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437989,,A model proposed for sustainable accessible tourism (SAT),VABB-1,125,133,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:437992,,"Rechtspraak in kort bestek juli 2015 t.e.m. december 2015 (GwH, EHRM, HvJ)",VABB-1,210,221,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:437996,,ANOVA model for network meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy data,VABB-1,1766,1784,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:437999,,Development trajectory of an integrated framework for the mitigation of future flood risk: results from the FloodLand project,VABB-1,243,256,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:438001,,"""Die Erde wieder Ohnemensch&tier"": Spengler – Wyborny – Jirgl",VABB-4,408,424,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:438005,,The Belgian constitutional court and the administrative loop: a difficult understanding,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438008,,Aanranding van de eerbaarheid en verkrachting,VABB-1,457,462,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438010,,Identification of Local Patterns in the NBA Performance Indicators,VABB-4,297,318,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438013,,"Mobiliteit – openbare werken, vervoer, verkeer en verkeersveiligheid",VABB-4,401,462,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438015,,Voorwoord. Democratische legitimiteit zonder parlement: feit of fictie,VABB-1,194,199,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438016,,Granitgrund: Ein Prolog,VABB-4,5,9,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:438018,,Spengler und sein Erbe Hochhuth,VABB-4,344,367,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:438021,,Music as a metaphor for conflict resolution: The West Indian wanderings of J. F. Edelmann (1795-1848),VABB-5,852,855,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438024,,"Gelijkheid van de burgers voor de openbare lasten, bescherming van erfgoed en schadevergoeding",VABB-1,68,74,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438034,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek: januari 2016 tot en met juni 2016 (GwH - EHRM - HvJ),VABB-1,308,321,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438036,,Rolf Parr: Literatur verzeichnet,VABB-4,741,752,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:438044,,Differences in out-of-pocket costs of healthcare in the last year of life of older people in 13 European countries,VABB-1,42,52,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438045,,Overzicht van de straffen,VABB-4,137,162,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438046,,Integrating communication as a core skill in the global curriculum for medical oncology.,VABB-1,670,671,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438047,,Field Notes on the Meaning of Rewilding,VABB-1,333,349,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438048,,A Policy Guide on Integrated Care (PGIC): Lessons Learned from EU Project INTEGRATE and Beyond,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438049,,A Theoretical Framework for the Analysis of Messages on Enterprise Social Media,VABB-1,5,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438050,,Personal Branding on Twitter: How employed and freelance journalists stage themselves on social media,VABB-1,443,459,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438053,,Internet use among secondary schools students and its effects on their learning,VABB-5,2379,2390,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438056,,"Reexamining transport poverty, job access, and gender issues in Central and Eastern Europe",VABB-1,1323,1345,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438057,,Breach of the work penalty and conditional release in Belgium,VABB-4,119,133,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438058,,Parp inhibitors,VABB-1,263,275,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438059,,Issues in using seld-organizing-maps in human movement and sport science,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438062,,Mortality and health of immigrants and their children in Belgium in the 2000s,VABB-4,258,285,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438064,,Durven onderbreken: solidariteit en burgerschap op de speelplaats,VABB-1,147,157,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438065,,Effect of Genital Sampling Site on the Detection and Quantification of Ureaplasma Species with Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction during Pregnancy,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438066,,De private veiligheidsindustrie in België (1960-1990). Controle en uitbreiding van een sector in wording,VABB-4,261,280,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438067,,Digital informal learning among Chinese university students: the effects of digital competence and personal factors,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438068,,Predicting appendicular lean and fat mass with bioelectrical impedance analysis in older adults with physical function decline - The PROVIDE study.,VABB-1,869,875,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438070,,A cross-validation Delphi method approach to the diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders in older adults,VABB-1,371,378,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:438071,,"Post-National Urbanity Beyond (Pluri)Nation(Al)-States in the EU: Benchmarking Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque Country",VABB-1,51,63,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438073,,"Wie niet weg is, is gezien? De beslissing tot voorlopige invrijheidstelling van gedetineerden zonder verblijfsrecht door de strafuitvoeringsrechtbank",VABB-1,319,337,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438078,,Conditions for the successful implementation of teacher educator design teams for ICT integration: A Delphi study,VABB-1,159,172,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438081,,"Physiological responses, hitting accuracy and step count of a tennis drill in function of court surface: a randomised cross-over design.",VABB-1,622,629,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438082,,Legendes van de literatuur: Schrijvers en het artistieke experiment in de jaren zestig,VABB-3,,,139 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438083,,Evaluation of pelvic floor kinematics in continent and incontinent women during running: an exploratory study.,VABB-1,609,618,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:438084,,A worst-case scenario based methodology to assess the environmental impact of land use planning,VABB-1,148,163,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438088,,"Data Protection and Privacy: The Age of Intelligent Machines,",VABB-3,,,208 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438090,,The impact of customer images on online purchase decisions: evidence from a Chinese C2C website,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438091,,"Possible Consequences of Brexit in the Area of Indirect Taxation: Why Prime Minister May Talks about a Hard Brexit, But Really Needs a Soft Brexit!",VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438092,,Cost Projection of State of the Art Lithium-Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles Up to 2030,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438093,,Short intra-aortic balloon pump in a swine model of myocardial ischaemia: a proof-of-concept study,VABB-1,901,909,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438095,,"Wil ons land geliefd zijn bij ons, dan moet ons land lieflijk zijn. Burke en de nationale dimensie van schoonheid en het sublieme",VABB-4,247,272,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438096,,"Complex sleep apnea at auto-titrating CPAP initiation: prevalence, significance and predictive factors.",VABB-1,200,209,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438097,,"Une figure singulière et méconnue du monde colonial belge: le colonel Alexis Bertrand (1870-1946) et son action réformiste"" dans l'entre-deux-guerres",VABB-4,97,123,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438098,,"French second language learners’ acquisition of the sequence aller + infinitive: Movement, aspect and tense",VABB-1,325,345,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438100,,Complementing Smart City Innovation Platforms with Technical Harmonization,VABB-5,281,284,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438101,,"Niccolò Machiavelli. The Logic of Conflict, Against the Logic of War",VABB-4,105,129,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438103,,Non-invasive assessment of subjective and objective recovery characteristics following an exhaustive jump protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438104,,Micromorfologisch onderzoek van de zwarte lagen te Tongeren (Vermeulenstraat),VABB-5,153,158,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438105,,Comparison of health-seeking characteristics of German and Belgian university students,VABB-1,38,43,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438106,,The Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics,VABB-2,,,708 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438107,,Welke wijzigingen bracht de 'POTPOURRIWET V' aan de Ventôsewet ?,VABB-1,300,311,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438108,,Law As an Affordance: The Devil Is in the Vanishing Point(s): Reply to critics in the book forum on ‘Smart Technologies and the End(s) of Law’,VABB-1,116,128,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438109,,Qualitative research on the Belgian Cancer Rehabilitation Evaluation System (CARES): An evaluation of the content validity and feasibility,VABB-1,599,607,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438113,,Exploring digital didactics: An explorative case study on learning to teach online,VABB-5,555,561,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438114,,Extraterritoriality in the Age of the Equipment-Based Society: Do We Need the ‘Use of Equipment’ as a Factor for the Territorial Applicability of the EU Data Protection Regime?,VABB-4,221,240,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438115,,De penitentiair bewakingsassistenten,VABB-4,561,582,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438116,,"Keeping alive the ""Imaginary West"" in post-Soviet countries",VABB-1,117,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438117,,Multiactor participatory decision making in urban construction logistics,VABB-1,83,90,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438118,,VIGNETTE RESEARCH ON MESSY AND CONFUSING PROBLEMS IN PRIMARY MENTAL HEALTHCARE,VABB-1,300,313,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438120,,Value-at-Risk Bounds with Variance Constraints,VABB-1,923,959,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438121,,Outcomes of children who grew up in foster care: Systematic review,VABB-1,74,83,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438122,,Philosophy of Technology &/vs. Media Ecology,VABB-1,101,208,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438123,,"Outside Earnings, Electoral Systems and Legislative Effort in the European Parliament",VABB-1,368,386,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438124,,Inhibitory control in euthymic bipolar disorder: event related potentials during a Go/NoGo task,VABB-1,520,528,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438125,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438127,,Influence of bouncing and assisted autogenic drainage on acid gastro-oesophageal reflux in infants,VABB-1,1057,1062,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438128,,“Economically inactive migrant Union citizens: only entitled to social benefits if they enjoy a right to reside in the host State,VABB-1,71,82,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438129,,Preparing beginning teachers for technology integration in education: ready for take-off?,VABB-1,157,177,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438130,,Attaching metabolic expenditures to standard occupational classification systems: perspectives from time-use research,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438131,,"Détachement, corrélation",VABB-2,,,162 p.,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438132,,"Paternal age negatively predicts offspring physical attractiveness in two, large, nationally representative datasets",VABB-1,217,221,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438133,,Online interaction quality among adult learners: The role of sense of belonging and perceived learning benefits,VABB-1,71,78,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438135,,Measuring teachers' perceptions about differentiated instruction: The DI-Quest instrument and model,VABB-1,41,54,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438136,,Burke,VABB-2,,,300 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438137,,Modelling of intermodal systems,VABB-4,213,238,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438140,,"“Brexit en de sociale zekerheid""",VABB-1,235,244,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438141,,A vehicle of punishment? Prison diets in Belgium circa 1900,VABB-1,77,100,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438144,,Empowering Domestic Workers: A Critical Analysis of the Belgian Service Voucher System,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438147,,Religious Quest Orientation and Anti-Gay Sentiment: Nuancing the Relationship Between Religiosity and Negative Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Among Young Muslims and Christians in Flanders,VABB-1,787,799,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438149,,Het breekbare midden. De kunstenaar en het hedendaags kunstonderwijs,VABB-1,29,33,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438150,,"Large volcanic landslide and debris avalanche deposit at Meru, Tanzania",VABB-1,833,847,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438154,,Pathways of transferred youth offenders into adulthood,VABB-1,153,170,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438157,,Optimizing mixed spectra generation for regression-based unmixing of land cover in urban areas,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438159,,Prizing the New and Exotic: the Price and Value of Tea in the Early Modern North Sea area (17th-18th Centuries),VABB-4,129,146,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438160,,Long Term Prognosis of Drug-Induced Brugada Syndrome,VABB-1,1427,1433,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438161,,Evolution of socioeconomic inequalities in site-specific cancer mortality among Belgian women between 1991 and 2008 using a fundamental cause approach,VABB-1,829,840,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438162,,Competition in Olympic winter disciplines: Introducing economic indices to examine the development between 1992 and 2014,VABB-1,399,420,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438163,,Typographic Enhancement of Multiword Units in Second Language Text,VABB-1,448,469,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438164,,Marine-terminating glaciers sustain high productivity in Greenland fjords,VABB-1,5344,5357,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438169,,Quantum measurements as weighted symmetry breaking processes: the hidden measurement perspective,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438170,,The development of persistent truant behaviour: an exploratory analysis of adolescents’ perspectives,VABB-1,353,370,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438171,,Land ohne Heimat?: Heimatbegriff in der deutschsprachigen belgischen Gegenwartsliteratur,VABB-4,235,251,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:438177,,"What’s the Catch? The Nexus of Absurdist Humour, Incongruity, and Characterisation in Joseph Heller’s Catch-22",VABB-1,495,511,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438179,,Internering in België,VABB-4,205,222,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438180,,A novel typology of media clusters,VABB-1,1334,1356,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438181,,Do ‘we’ really matter? An analysis of user motivations for online interaction with public service radio,VABB-1,7,25,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438183,,Escaping the crowd: An experimental study on the impact of a Virtual Reality experience in a shopping mall.,VABB-1,437,450,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438185,,Transport policy in Belgium: Translating sustainability discourses into unsustainable outcomes,VABB-1,11,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438186,,"Les partis d'extrême-droite francophones. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Sources pour l'étude de la Belgique contemporaine, 19e-21e siècle. Bruxelles, Commission royale d'Histoire, 2017, p. 900-904 (isbn 978-2-87044-014-8)",VABB-4,900,904,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438187,,Effects of core self-evaluation and online interaction quality on adults’ learning performance and bonding and bridging social capital,VABB-1,41,55,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438188,,“HIV changed my life forever”: an illustrative case of a sub-Saharan African migrant woman living with HIV/AIDS in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438189,,Article 305. Signature,VABB-4,1968,1979,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438190,,Screening of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Geriatric Psychiatry,VABB-1,2679,2689,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438191,,Co-regulation in EU personal data protection: the case of technical standards and the Privacy by Design standardisation ‘mandate’,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438192,,De fictie van een zeemonster en het oproer van de Florentijnse wolwerkers,VABB-1,25,43,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438193,,The turn of the gradient? Educational differences in breast cancer mortality in 18 European populations during the 2000s,VABB-1,33,44,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438194,,Advance care planning for older people,VABB-4,1235,1240,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438195,,A Novel Design of Autonomously Healed Concrete: Towards a Vascular Healing Network,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438196,,Adoption of online grocery shopping: personal or household characteristics?,VABB-1,255,286,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438197,,"Sources pour l'étude de la Belgique contemporaine, 19e-21e siècle. Bruxelles, Commission royale d'Histoire, 2017, 2 volumes, 1844 p. (isbn 978-2-87044-014-8)",VABB-2,,,1844 p.,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438198,,The Effects of the South China Sea Dispute and the Arbitral Ruling on UNCLOS and International Law,VABB-4,47,57,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438201,,United Nations rapid reaction mechanisms: Toward a global force on standby?,VABB-1,427,442,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438202,,Closing the book of life: The hospice discourse and the construction of the dying role. A discourse-theoretical analysis,VABB-4,375,401,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438203,,The financing of the EFTA and the European Economic Area,VABB-1,126,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438204,,"Socio-demographic, socio-economic and health need differences between types of care use in community-dwelling older adults",VABB-1,351,366,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438205,,The proximal-to-distal sequence in upper-limb motions on multiple levels and time scales,VABB-1,156,171,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438208,,Determination of strength and debonding energy of a glass-concrete interface for encapsulation-based self-healing concrete,VABB-1,76,93,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438209,,“Being a “True” Shi’ite: The Poetics of Emotions among Belgian-Moroccan Shiites,VABB-1,241,259,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438210,,Het recht en de heropleving van de commons,VABB-1,4,24,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438212,,De Antwerpse ‘e-mailgate’. Koop van een onroerend goed langs elektronische weg,VABB-1,129,134,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438214,,Overzicht van wetgeving 1 juli 2016 – 30 septembert 2016,VABB-1,170,176,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438215,,Deployable scissor grids consisting of translational units,VABB-1,45,61,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438216,,Catch–up growth in the first two years of life in Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW) infants is associated with lower body fat in young adolescence.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438217,,Reforming Belgium’s Federalism: Comparing the Views of MPs and Voters,VABB-1,460,482,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438219,,Towards liveable and sustainable cities,VABB-5,109,113,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438220,,Bestuurlijke bemiddeling: naar een Freudiaanse bemiddelingsreflex,VABB-4,97,121,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438221,,"""Crossing Gender and Colour Lines in American Fraternalism: A Study on Joseph W. Kinsley (1843-1905)""",VABB-1,94,130,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438222,,A survey on behavior control architectures for social robots in healthcare interventions,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438223,,Rechtsmacht en belang bij het middel,VABB-1,380,397,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438225,,The power of affective encounters and events: why Moroccan Belgian Sunnis become Shia: Why Moroccan Belgian Sunnis become Shia.,VABB-4,376,380,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438226,,Time's up: de verplichte minimale vertegenwoordiging van beide geslachten in de raden van bestuur van genoteerde vennootschappen is een feit,VABB-1,1027,1040,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438227,,The rich UK contribution to the field of EU data protection: Let's not go for “third country” status after Brexit,VABB-1,354,360,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438228,,Mode of birth and postnatal health-related quality of life after one previous cesarean in three European countries,VABB-1,137,147,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:438229,,The Meaning of ‘Other’ in Classifications: Formal Methods Meet Artistic Research,VABB-1,541,545,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438231,,Self-reflection on privacy research in social networking sites,VABB-1,459,469,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438232,,"The ""Islamized Stranger"": On ""Chronic"" Versus ""Contextual"" Salience in the Measurement of Anti-Muslim Prejudice",VABB-1,977,989,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438233,,Attention to nurses’ rewarding: An interview study of registered nurses working in primary and private health care in Finland.,VABB-1,1042,1052,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438236,,Understanding the relationship between teachers' pedagogical beliefs and technology use in education: a systematic review of qualitative evidence,VABB-1,555,575,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438238,,Historical urban warehouses in Brussels: architecture and construction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438239,,Rätselhafte Zukunft: Medizinische Prädiktionen zwischen Wissen und Nichtwissen,VABB-1,147,168,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:438242,,De bescherming van migrerende werknemers op het gebied van de sociale zekerheid in het (herziene) Europees Sociaal Handvest,VABB-4,389,418,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438243,,A note on ‘Cooperative interconnection settlement among ISPs through NAP’,VABB-1,800,802,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438244,,Het begrip 'verhoor' en het zwijgen,VABB-1,555,562,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438245,,"Understanding the impact of the Alan Kurdi images with ""small data"": a qualitative, comparative analysis of tweets about refugees in Turkey and Flanders (Belgium)",VABB-1,4046,4069,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438247,,THE MUTATION OF WRITING HABITS AND WHAT IT MEANS FOR L2 WORD LEARNING,VABB-5,6141,6150,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438250,,Overzicht van wetgeving 1 januari 2017 – 31 maart 2017,VABB-1,81,87,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438251,,Developmentally Sensitive Markers of Personality Functioning in Adolescents: Age-Specific and Age-Neutral Expressions,VABB-1,162,171,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438254,,Profit Driven Business Analytics: A Practitioner's Guide to Transforming Big Data into Added Value,VABB-2,,,416 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438255,,Effects of releasing subsidies on the wage rates and the gender wage inequality,VABB-4,157,189,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438256,,Participatie van niet-Belgische gedetineerden in Vlaamse en Brusselse gevangenissen: Een helikopteroverzicht van acties en projecten,VABB-1,4,15,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438257,,The Force of Law and the Force of Technology,VABB-4,579,608,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438258,,The Dutch Legacy: Radical Thinkers of the 17th Century and the Enlightenment,VABB-3,,,260 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438259,,"Parastatalen van de FOD Sociale zekerheid. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België, 19e-21e eeuw. Derde herziene en uitgebreide uitgave. Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2009, p. 622-646 (isbn 978-2-87044-013-1)",VABB-4,622,646,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438260,,Experimental Encounters in Music and Beyond,VABB-2,,,208 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438262,,Begeleiden van depressieve adolescenten in Vlaamse thuisbegeleidingsdiensten van de bijzondere jeugdzorg met Attachement-Based Family Therapy.,VABB-1,69,83,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438264,,Narcissism and the Strategic Pursuit of Short-Term Mating: Universal Links across 11 World Regions of the International Sexuality Description Project-2.,VABB-1,89,137,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438265,,Roma-meisjes op de jeugdrechtbank: de professionele actoren binnen de jeugdbescherming aan het woord.,VABB-1,84,107,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438267,,The Posterior Fossa and Foreign Accent Syndrome: Report of Two New Cases and Review of the Literature,VABB-1,772,785,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438269,,Releasement and Nihilism in the Art of Living with Technology,VABB-1,247,253,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438270,,"“Het recht op studiefinanciering voor kinderen van grensarbeiders uit nieuw samengestelde gezinnen” (noot onder HvJ 15 december 2016, C-401/15 tot C-403/15, Depesme e.a.)",VABB-1,128,133,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438272,,Reduction of Value-at-Risk bounds via independence and variance information,VABB-1,245,266,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438275,,The Strengths and Challenges of Palliative Day-Care Centers: Qualitative Study With the Professionals Involved,VABB-1,55,60,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438276,,Does adding pictures to glosses enhance vocabulary uptake from reading?,VABB-1,113,129,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438277,,"Norms and practices of children's diets in Brussels hospitals, 1830-1914",VABB-1,339,361,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438278,,The experiences of last-year student midwives with High-Fidelity Perinatal Simulation training: A qualitative descriptive study,VABB-1,253,261,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438279,,Predicting Chinese international students' acculturation strategies from socio-demographic variables and social ties,VABB-1,85,96,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438280,,ENVIRONMENTAL DIFFERENTIATED PORT PRICING : THE CASE OF THE HAMBURG-LE HAVRE RANGE,VABB-1,517,544,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438282,,Simplified hedge for path dependent derivatives,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438283,,"Courts, privacy and data protection in Spain: Experiencing data protection’s dominance",VABB-4,197,214,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438284,,De transnationale gedetineerde,VABB-4,529,542,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438286,,Radicalisering van bewakingsagenten in België: 'Background checks' als een antwoord op feit of fictie?,VABB-4,91,103,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438287,,Using Online and/or Mobile Virtual Communication Tools in Interpreter and Translator Training: Pedagogical Advantages and Drawbacks,VABB-5,55,58,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438288,,Kwetsbaarheid in een veerkrachtige samenleving. Een socio-institutionele analyse van de graancrisis van 1480-82 Casus: Gierle in het Land van Turnhout.,VABB-1,71,100,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438289,,Age and early graft function relate with risk-benefit ratio of allogenic islet transplantation under Anti-thymocyte globulin - Mycophenolate mofetil - Tacrolimus immune suppression,VABB-1,2218,2227,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438290,,“Welcome culture”: the emergence and transformation of a public debate on migration,VABB-1,33,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438293,,Student Teachers’ Capacity and Willingness to Teach Financial Literacy in Flanders,VABB-1,313,321,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438294,,Modelling alternative distribution set-ups for fragmented last mile transport: Towards more efficient and sustainable urban freight transport,VABB-1,125,132,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438295,,While reading Kant's Perpetual Peace,VABB-4,131,144,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438298,,Social Media and the Promise of Excellence in Internal Communication,VABB-1,11,25,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438300,,Het juridisch spanningsveld betreffende de cumulatie van bijzondere verbeurdverklaring van vermogensvoordelen en belasting,VABB-1,925,934,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438301,,How Total is a Total Cost of Ownership?,VABB-1,736,747,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438302,,Validation of a Conceptual Quality Framework for Online and Blended Learning with Success Factors and Indicators in Adult Education: A qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438303,,An Automated Structural Optimisation Methodology for Scissor Structures Using a Genetic Algorithm,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438304,,"Book Review: Moktefi AMIROUCHE & Francine F. ABELES (eds.), ‘What the Tortoise Said to Achilles’. Lewis Carroll’s Paradox of Inference. (Special double issue of The Carrollian, The Lewis Carroll Journal, no. 28, November 2016)",VABB-1,101,105,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438309,,Advanced Glycation End-Products Are Associated With the Presence and Severity of Paratonia in Early Stage Alzheimer Disease,VABB-1,636,636,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438310,,Designing an efficient rectifying cut-wire metasurface for electromagnetic energy harvesting,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438311,,Developmental pathways of childhood dark traits,VABB-1,843,858,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438315,,Death at work? Mortality and industrial employment in Belgian cities at the turn of the twentieth century,VABB-1,44,64,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438317,,Power Exchanges and Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management: A New Role in a Better Regulatory Environment?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438318,,The Art of Living with Technology,VABB-1,235,246,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438320,,Het Belgische interneringsbeleid als een voorbeeld van hybride bestuur,VABB-1,211,218,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438321,,The prevalence and risk indicators of symptoms of common mental disorders among current and former Dutch elite athletes,VABB-1,2148,2156,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438323,,Merchant acceptance of payment cards: ‘must take’ or ‘wanna take’?,VABB-1,117,146,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438324,,"""Secularizing Funerary Culture in Nineteenth-Century Belgium: A Product of Political and Religious Controversy""",VABB-1,14,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438326,,An end-user interface to generate homeostatic behavior for NAO robot in robot-assisted social therapies,VABB-4,609,619,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438327,,Towards an Intelligent Network for Matching Offer and Demand: from the sharing economy to the Global Brain,VABB-1,74,85,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438328,,Oudere gedetineerden,VABB-4,475,483,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438329,,Higher education students with disabilities speaking out: perceived barriers and opportunities of the Universal Design for Learning framework,VABB-1,1627,1649,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438330,,Introduction special issue: observing the observers: Ethnographies of the social world of the police and policing,VABB-1,379,387,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438331,,"Bi-allelic variants in COL3A1 encoding the ligand to GPR56 are associated with cobblestone-like cortical malformation, white matter changes and cerebellar cysts",VABB-1,432,440,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438332,,"Vegetarianism and meat consumption: a comparison of attitudes and beliefs between vegetarian, semi-vegetarian, and omnivorous subjects in Belgium",VABB-1,299,305,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438333,,"Auteursrechten, naburige rechten en het loonbegrip van de Loonbeschermingswet",VABB-1,858,862,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438336,,Filter-based regularisation for impulse response modelling,VABB-1,194,204,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438340,,Straffen. Een penologisch perspectief,VABB-3,,,738 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438342,,"Physical activity, hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer: A meta-analysis of prospective studies",VABB-1,138,154,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438343,,"Monitoring crack movement in polymer-based self-healing concrete through digital image correlation, acoustic emission analysis and SEM in-situ loading",VABB-1,238,246,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438345,,Definition and recommendations for advance care planning: an international consensus supported by the European Association for Palliative Care,VABB-1,543,551,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438346,,"Contribution of smoking to socioeconomic inequalities in mortality: a study of 14 European countries, 1990–2004",VABB-1,260,268,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438356,,Vrouwelijke gedetineerden,VABB-4,497,512,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438357,,Believing androids - fMRI activation in the right temporo-parietal junction is modulated by ascribing intentions to non-human agents,VABB-1,582,593,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438358,,Disaster preparedness and response improvement: comparison of the 2010 Haiti earthquake-related diagnoses with baseline medical data,VABB-1,382,388,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438359,,"Unraveling multilingualism in times past: The interplay of language contact, language use and language planning",VABB-1,9,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438360,,"Repenser la création fragmentée des juridictions pénales internationalisées en Afrique au profit de la Cour africaine de justice, des droits de l’homme et des peuples",VABB-1,314,338,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438361,,Perceptions of stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV/AIDS in healthcare settings in Belgium: a qualitative study,VABB-1,578,596,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438362,,"Multi-decadal land cover evolution in the Sundarban, the largest mangrove forest in the world",VABB-1,113,124,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438364,,"Music classification, genres, and taste patterns: A ground-up network analysis on the clustering of artist preferences",VABB-1,76,89,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438367,,"Are mHealth Apps Safe?: The Intended Purpose Rule, Its Shortcomings and the Regulatory Options Under the EU Medical Device Framework",VABB-4,251,276,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438368,,"Warfare and battle in the Roman world, 700 BC - AD 235",VABB-4,116,151,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438369,,Differences in place of death between lung cancer and COPD patients: a 14-country study using death certificate data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438370,,Het continuïteitsbeginsel in het socialezekerheidsrecht,VABB-1,259,282,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438371,,What Do We Value Most In Schools? A Study of Preference Rankings of School Attributes,VABB-1,1313,1327,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438378,,Cortical mapping of painful electrical stimulation by quantitative electroencephalography: unraveling the time-frequency-channel domain,VABB-1,2675,2685,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438379,,Metalinguistic awareness in L2 vocabulary acquisition:: which factors influence learners’ motivations of form-meaning connections?,VABB-1,226,243,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438380,,Spatial perspectives on knowledge brokers: Evidence from Brussels,VABB-1,2203,2222,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438384,,Third World Multinationals–Then and Now,VABB-4,17,40,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438385,,"Diagnoses, infections and injuries in Northern Syrian children during the civil war: A cross-sectional study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438388,,Het electorale succes van etnische minderheden in Brussel: de rol van kiezers en partijen,VABB-1,389,412,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438390,,"Finale geschillenbeslechting in het vernietigingscontentieux: verduidelijkingen, injuncties en dwangsom - evoluties?",VABB-1,437,458,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438392,,Non-linear system modelling based on constrained Volterra series estimates,VABB-1,2623,2629,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438395,,Risk to the Right to the Protection of Personal Data: An Analysis Through the Lenses of Hermagoras,VABB-1,467,480,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438398,,Volunteering as Related to Other Leisure Activities,VABB-4,145,177,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438401,,Computational modelling methods for pliable structures based on curved-line folding,VABB-1,51,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438402,,A behavioural alternative to the protection of privacy,VABB-4,451,505,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438404,,Geen ontslagmotivering voor arbeidscontractanten. Schending van het gelijkheidsbeginsel en van het recht op een eerlijk proces?,VABB-1,822,835,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438405,,Resource depletion in an electric vehicle powertrain using different LCA impact methods,VABB-1,119,130,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438406,,Toepassing van de Cao-Wet in het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,334,341,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438408,,"Business Rescue, Turnaround Management and the Legal Regime of Default and Insolvency in Western History (late Middle Ages to Present Day)",VABB-4,22,42,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438409,,Praktijktesten: van onderzoeksmethode naar beleidsinstrument tegen discriminatie?,VABB-1,182,200,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438414,,Still a woman’s right? Feminist and other discourses in abortion struggles in Belgium,VABB-4,123,144,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438416,,Freight demand generation on commodity and loading unit level,VABB-1,46,62,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438417,,"Reasons for not volunteering: Explaining differences related to gender, age, education, occupation and previous volunteering.",VABB-1,726,745,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438418,,"Spatially explicit urban green indicators for characterizing vegetation cover and public green space proximity: a case study on Brussels, Belgium",VABB-1,798,813,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438419,,Needs-supplies fit and behavioral outcomes: the mediating role of organizational identification,VABB-1,709,727,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438420,,Verbalizing sensory experience for marketing success: The case of the wine descriptor minerality and the product name smoothie,VABB-1,132,154,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438421,,26. Towards a New International Monetary Order,VABB-2,,,501 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438422,,Probing the Media Ecology of Self-Tracking Technologies: A Postmanist Critique and Defence,VABB-4,53,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438426,,"Vertegenwoordiging in het grenzenland: een blik op het ""verraad"" van politici uit etnisch-culturele minderheidsgroepen'",VABB-1,487,505,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438430,,"SPF Sécurité sociale, ses prédécesseurs ainsi que le SPP Intégration sociale. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Sources pour l'étude de la Belgique contemporaine, 19e-21e siècle. Bruxelles, Commission royale d'Histoire, 2017, p. 481-489 (isbn 978-2-87044-014-8)",VABB-4,481,489,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438432,,The hydration status of young female elite soccer players during an official tournament.,VABB-1,1186,1194,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438436,,Multi-ethnic democracy as an autoimmune practice: The case of international missions in Kosovo,VABB-1,188,201,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438437,,Exam Scripts Are Personal Data According to AG Kokott: Case note for case C-434-16,VABB-1,402,405,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438438,,"La Deconstrucción de las Imágenes del Libertador en: ""Bolívar Sinfonía Tropikal"" (1980) de Diego Rísquez.",VABB-1,327,342,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:438440,,Reliability and Validity of the Hand Reach Star Excursion Balance Test,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438441,,"Courts, Privacy and Data protection in Belgium: Fundamental rights that might as well be struck from the Constitution",VABB-4,63,81,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438442,,De interferentie tussen het alimentatierecht en de leefloonregeling: schipperen tussen familiale en maatschappelijke solidariteit,VABB-4,143,163,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438443,,Influence of grain size on the electrochemical behavior of pure copper,VABB-1,1501,1510,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438446,,Het Belgische beleid ten aanzien van de gevangenisstraf en haar alternatieven,VABB-4,95,135,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438447,,The Sexual Adjustment Process of Cancer Patients and Their Partners: A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis,VABB-1,2059,2083,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438448,,"Critical-cultural theory, media power and a multi-effect reality",VABB-4,276,295,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438450,,The multiple face(t)s of state conscientiousness: Predicting task performance and organizational citizenship behavior,VABB-1,78,85,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438452,,Understanding adolescent personality pathology from growth trajectories of childhood oddity,VABB-1,1403,1411,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438453,,Mathematical Aims Beyond Justification,VABB-1,5,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438455,,Too much charisma can make leaders look less effective,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438460,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van april 2017,VABB-1,36,39,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438462,,"Reversed Positionality, Reversed Reality? The Multimodal Environmental Justice Frame in Mainstream and Alternative Media.",VABB-1,476,505,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:438463,,"Environmental evidence from early urban Antwerp: New data from archaeology, micromorphology, macrofauna and insect remains",VABB-1,108,123,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438466,,Manufacturing in Small Peripheral Island States: Where is the Level Playing Field?,VABB-1,272,275,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438467,,How to improve integrated care for people with chronic conditions: Key findings from EUFP-7 Project INTEGRATE and beyond,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438469,,Sustainable Consensus? The NISTO Evaluation Framework to Appraise Sustainability and Stakeholder Preferences for Mobility Projects,VABB-5,906,915,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438473,,Wealth inequality in a time of transition: Coastal Flanders in the sixteenth century,VABB-1,63,84,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438477,,knelpunten in de kortgedingprocedure voor de Raad van State,VABB-1,398,417,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438478,,A coalition perspective on nonprofit governance quality: Analyzing dimensions of influence in an exploratory comparative case analysis.,VABB-1,1422,1447,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438479,,The effect of blended learning on student performance at course-level in higher education: A meta-analysis,VABB-1,17,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438480,,We travel to learn. Towards a reverse anthropology of the colonial body’,VABB-4,74,94,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438482,,"J. Tyssens, “La franc-maçonnerie et les organisations laïques ”, P. Van Den Eeckhout & Guy Vanthemsche (eds.), Sources pour l’étude de la Belgique contemporaine, 19e-21e siècle, Bruxelles, Commission Royale d’Histoire, 2017, Volume II, pp. 1283-1299.",VABB-4,1283,1299,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438483,,Herinneren en vergeten in de politie,VABB-3,,,314 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438484,,"De werkgeversorganisaties. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België, 19e-21e eeuw. Derde herziene en uitgebreide uitgave. Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2009, p. 951-974 (isbn 978-2-87044-013-1)",VABB-4,951,974,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438486,,Proton pump inhibitor-associated acute interstitial nephritis,VABB-1,381,382,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438488,,Linking numbers to perceptions and experiences: Why we need transdisciplinary mixed-methods combining neurophysiological and qualitative data,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438489,,Event-specific body characteristics of elite alpine skiers in relation to international rankings,VABB-1,94,106,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438491,,Iudex non calculat? De bepaling van het strafrestant na herroeping van de voorwaardelijke invrijheidstelling,VABB-1,162,178,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438493,,The financing of the European Union budget,VABB-4,325,338,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438495,,"Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België, 19e-21e eeuw. Derde herziene en uitgebreide uitgave.Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2017, 2 delen, 1837 p. (isbn 978-2-87044-013-1)",VABB-2,,,1837 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438496,,Political Cycles in Military Deployment,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438501,,De gemeentebelastingen op tweede verblijven: de sociale cohesie als reddingboei na het Cassatiearrest van 3 september 2015,VABB-1,30,41,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438502,,Dysfunction of Large-Scale Brain Networks in Schizophrenia: A Meta-analysis of Resting-State Functional Connectivity,VABB-1,168,181,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:438505,,Anthropometric and performance characteristics of the German rugby union,VABB-1,1633,1641,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438506,,Policy Measures to Support Palliative Care at Home: A Cross-Country Case Comparison in Three European Countries,VABB-1,523,529,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438507,,Uncertainty spillover and policy reactions,VABB-1,64,77,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438508,,Concrete/Abstract: Sketches for a Self-Reflexive Epistemology of Technology Use,VABB-1,433,442,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438509,,"El silencio del nazismo como expiación y penitencia en ""El silencio de tu nombre"" de Andrés Pérez Domínguez y ""Lo que esconde tu nombre"" de Clara Sánchez",VABB-4,397,410,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:438511,,Medieval markets: A soil micromorphological and archaeobotanical study of the urban stratigraphy of Lier (Belgium),VABB-1,48,64,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438512,,The Dorsal Medial Prefrontal Cortex Is Recruited by High Construal of Non-social Stimuli,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438513,,Non-Sovereign Voices in Friederike Mayröcker's Aural Texts,VABB-1,135,150,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438514,,Truss Forms and Style Battles,VABB-4,176,181,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438516,,Potpourri II: de nieuwe regels inzake verstek en verzet in strafzaken,VABB-1,333,339,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438517,,Long-Term Follow-Up of Probands With Brugada Syndrome,VABB-1,1392,1400,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438518,,"Review van Christel Stalpaert and others, ""Unfolding Spectatorship. Shifting Political, Ethical and Intermedial Positions""",VABB-1,112,120,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438520,,Total cost of ownership of electric vehicles incorporating Vehicle to Grid technology,VABB-5,533,538,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438522,,Conclusies voor Cass. 15 september 2015 ( Burgerlijke partijstelling- Rechtmatig belang ),VABB-1,53,57,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438524,,Adenosine administration during hybrid atrial fibrillation ablation to test dormant pulmonary vein conduction,VABB-1,59,65,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438527,,Changes in medication use in a cohort of patients with advanced cancer: The international multicentre prospective European Palliative Care Cancer Symptom study,VABB-1,775,785,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:438528,,De schadevergoeding tot herstel door de Raad van State,VABB-1,459,488,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438529,,Effect of silicon on the microstructure and growth kinetics of intermetallic phases formed during hot-dip aluminizing of ferritic steel,VABB-1,104,109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438530,,RULEM: A Novel Heuristic Rule Learning Approach for Ordinal Classification with Monotonicity Constraints,VABB-1,858,873,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438531,,The challenge of BRIC Multinationals,VABB-2,,,672 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438535,,Knowledge transfers and project-based learning in large scale infrastructure development projects: an exploratory and comparative ex-post analysis,VABB-1,224,240,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438536,,When News Media Turn to Citizen-generated Images of War: Transparency and graphicness in the visual coverage of the Syrian conflict,VABB-4,277,298,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438537,,“All transport problems are essentially mathematical”: The uneven resonance of academic transport and mobility knowledge in Brussels,VABB-1,413,437,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:438539,,Venise et ses amants,VABB-4,59,70,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438541,,Gas piston activity of the Nyiragongo lava lake: First insights from a Stereographic Time-Lapse Camera system,VABB-1,874,887,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438542,,The “Artificial Mathematician” Objection: Exploring the (Im)possibility of Automating Mathematical Understanding,VABB-4,173,198,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438543,,Flanders: Increasing Transparency of Public Service Media through Stakeholder Involvement in policy-making.,VABB-4,41,50,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438544,,Conclusies voor Cass. 19 april 2016 ( Onrechtmatig bewijs - Dataretentiewetgeving ),VABB-1,65,72,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438546,,Is There a Role for Economic Analysis When Deciding on State Aid to Public Broadcasters?,VABB-1,537,558,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438548,,A systematic review of the effect of physical exercise on cognition in stroke and traumatic brain injury patients,VABB-1,33,48,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438550,,Military deployment and international terrorism: do location and mission type matter?,VABB-1,621,633,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438553,,"Site-specific cancer mortality inequalities by employment and occupational groups: a cohort study among Belgian adults, 2001–2011",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438555,,Nieuwe kunst in een oude stad: Het Brugse Raaklijn,VABB-4,113,122,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438556,,The oral health condition and treatment needs assessment of nursing home residents in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,143,151,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438558,,Policy Recommendations Supporting Smart City Strategies: Towards a New Methodological Tool,VABB-1,97,106,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438559,,How robust is the value-at-risk of credit risk portfolios?,VABB-1,507,534,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438561,,Variaties op een genre: Drie alternatieve vormen van biografie,VABB-1,247,257,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438563,,"Intercommunales: to tax or not to tax, that is the question…",VABB-1,228,232,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438564,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van augustus 2017,VABB-1,557,560,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438566,,L'oeuvre musicale de la reine Elisabeth,VABB-4,263,269,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438567,,Risk Bounds for Factor Models,VABB-1,631,659,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438568,,La Grande Guerra di Ardengo Soffici,VABB-4,67,75,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:438569,,What young and old can learn from each other: cross-fertilisation between existing human rights law for children and developing human rights law for older persons,VABB-4,146,170,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438570,,TuberOus SClerosis registry to increase disease Awareness (TOSCA) -baseline data on 2093 patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438571,,"Big Historical Foundations for Deep Future Speculation: Cosmic Evolution, Atechnogenesis, and Technocultural Civilization",VABB-1,39,124,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438574,,De doodstraf en de levenslange gevangenisstraf,VABB-4,223,252,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438575,,De constitutie van de vrijheid volgens Montesquieu: Evenwicht van machten en strafrecht met mate,VABB-4,41,69,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438576,,The Unaccountable State of Surveillance. Exercising Access Rights in Europe,VABB-3,,,499 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438578,,Consensus document on the management of urinary incontinence in older people,VABB-1,210,215,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438581,,L'exercice de fonctions extérieures par les administrateurs et les membres du comité de direction de banques,VABB-1,199,216,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438583,,Improving urban freight transport sustainability: policy assessment framework and case study,VABB-1,26,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438584,,Hizbullah in Syria,VABB-1,211,228,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438586,,Ethische vraagstukken in onderzoek en onderwijs naar benadeelde en kwetsbare groepen.,VABB-1,1,70,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438587,,Neurological patients and their lower limb orthotics: observational-study about acceptance and satisfaction,VABB-1,41,50,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438588,,Buitenlandse gedetineerden (zonder verblijfsrecht) binnen de Belgische penitentiaire context,VABB-4,507,527,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438589,,Publication des normes législatives depuis l’époque française,VABB-4,326,335,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438590,,Exercise in knee osteoarthritis: do treatment outcomes relate to bone marrow lesions? A randomized trial,VABB-1,1847,1855,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438591,,Kinesiophobia and maladaptive coping strategies prevent improvements in pain catastrophizing following pain neuroscience education in Fibromyalgia / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: an explorative study,VABB-1,653,660,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438592,,From Desirable to Feasible: Fostering Inter-Institutional Cooperation with Competence-based Multi Criteria Analysis,VABB-5,333,340,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438593,,Inleiding: Grenzen en mogelijkheden van de Nederlandstalige schrijversbiografie,VABB-1,169,185,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438594,,Blended Learning Components Important to Student Learning: A Study on the Perceptions of Instructors,VABB-1,123,130,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438596,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de adviespraktijk van de afdeling Wetgeving van de Raad van State (2015 en 2016),VABB-1,275,325,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438597,,Creative Industries and Big Data: A Business Model for Service Innovation,VABB-4,144,158,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438599,,Contact forces during hybrid atrial fibrillation ablation: an in vitro evaluation,VABB-1,189,197,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438600,,Office work innovation: what about wellbeing?,VABB-1,815,821,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438601,,Observing the observers.: Ethnographies of the social world of the police and policing,VABB-1,379,387,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438603,,The Role of Autonomous and Controlled Motivation in Exercise Intentions of Participants in a Mass Cycling Event,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438604,,Development of a Five-Factor Model charisma compound and its relations to career outcomes,VABB-1,24,39,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438607,,The impact of covariance misspecification in risk-based portfolios,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438609,,The Anonymisation of Research Data — A Pyric Victory for Privacy that Should Not Be PushednToo Hard by the EU Data Protection Framework?,VABB-1,347,367,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438610,,Linguistic Proximity and Global Flows of Television: A Study With Gatekeepers,VABB-1,2562,2583,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438614,,Neuronal politics in mathematics education,VABB-5,93,99,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438615,,"Faces, Spaces, and Traces:
 A Prelude to Experimental Encounters",VABB-4,7,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438616,,Uitdagingen bij het realiseren van krachtige leeromgevingen in het beroepsonderwijs,VABB-1,31,36,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438617,,Legal Form of the Paris Agreements and Nature of Its Obligations,VABB-4,91,103,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438618,,The overlap between false belief and spatial reorientation in the temporo-parietal junction: The role of input modality and task.,VABB-1,207,217,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438619,,Insights into children's independent mobility for transportation cycling-Which socio-ecological factors matter?,VABB-1,267,272,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438621,,"S-Theory as a Comprehensive, Interdisciplinary Explanation of Volunteering and Pro-Social Behavior",VABB-4,752,803,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438622,,Introduction: The South China Sea: An International Law Perspective,VABB-1,193,197,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438624,,Coding and small non-coding transcriptional landscape of tuberous sclerosis complex cortical tubers: implications for pathophysiology and treatment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438627,,A comprehensive investigation of TPACK within pre-service teachers' ICT profiles: Mind the gap,VABB-1,46,60,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438632,,Talent development programmes: a retrospective analysis of the support services of talented athletes in 15 nations,VABB-1,590,609,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438638,,The Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) Tool: Methodological Adaptations and Visualizations,VABB-4,39,53,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438639,,Long-Term Trends in Newly Diagnosed Brugada Syndrome: Implications for Risk Stratification,VABB-1,614,623,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438643,,Gegen den Strich: Das Subversive in der deutschsprachigen Literatur nach 1945,VABB-2,,,312 p.,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:438646,,Mitigating optical singularities in coordinate-based metamaterial waveguides,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438649,,CoverSize: A Global Constraint for Frequency-Based Itemset Mining.,VABB-5,529,546,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438656,,Learning as a machine: Crossovers between humans and machines,VABB-1,6,23,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438657,,End-of-life treatment decisions in nursing home residents dying with dementia in the Netherlands,VABB-1,43,49,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438658,,"Registered Replication Report: Strack, Martin, & Stepper (1988).",VABB-1,917,928,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438659,,"Parastataux du SPF Affaires étrangères, Commerce extérieur et Coopération au Développement. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Sources pour l'étude de la Belgique contemporaine, 19e-21e siècle. Bruxelles, Commission royale d'Histoire, 2017, p. 581-584 (isbn 978-2-87044-014-8)",VABB-4,581,584,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438661,,Beyond trial-by-trial adaptation: A quantification of the time scale of cognitive control,VABB-1,509,517,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438662,,Populism and nationalism,VABB-4,342,362,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438663,,Voluntary Disclosure of Sales and the Extent of Trade Credit in Small Private Companies,VABB-1,388,406,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438664,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,50,90,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438665,,Studying Relations Among International Organizations in World Politics: Core Concepts and Challenges,VABB-4,1,46,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438666,,Noot,VABB-1,172,175,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438667,,Let's interplay! Does co-evolution enable or constrain?,VABB-1,27,34,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438668,,"De instellingen van gewesten en gemeenschappen. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België, 19e-21e eeuw. Derde herziene en uitgebreide uitgave. Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2009, p. 149-232 en 254-269 (isbn 978-2-87044-013-1)",VABB-4,149,232,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438670,,"Taking Real-Life Seriously: An Approach to Decomposing Context Beyond ""Environment"" in Living Labs",VABB-1,26,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438672,,Review on Blended Learning: identifying the key themes and categories,VABB-1,673,678,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438675,,Effect of Pycnogenol® on Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438679,,Conceptualizing media users across media.: The case for ‘media user/use’ as analytical concepts,VABB-1,378,390,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438681,,Results of the Belgian Sentinel Network of general practitioners on the involvement of therapists in stroke rehabilitation,VABB-1,80,83,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438682,,International variations in clinical practice guidelines for palliative sedation: a systematic review,VABB-1,223,229,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438684,,Introduction to Belgian tax law,VABB-4,381,411,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438686,,"Consumer payment preferences, network externalities, and merchant card acceptance: an empirical investigation",VABB-1,257,290,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438687,,“Stephen Petronio’s recursieve muziekale maskerade.”,VABB-1,1,22,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438688,,Cancer mortality by migrant background in Belgium during the 2000s: Patterns and social determinants,VABB-1,19,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438689,,"White, middle-class South Africans moving through Cape Town: mobile encounters with strangers",VABB-1,34,52,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438690,,"Estimates of first-generation women and girls in the European Union, Norway and Switzerland",VABB-1,474,482,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438693,,The Cost and Value of Distance in International Business Research,VABB-2,,,548 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438694,,Comparative environmental assessment of alternative fueled vehicles using a life cycle assessment,VABB-1,3439,3449,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438696,,Teachers and pre-service teachers as partners in collaborative teacher research: A systematic literature review,VABB-1,230,245,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438697,,The Role of Autonomic Function in Exercise-induced Endogenous Analgesia: A Case-control Study in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Healthy People,VABB-1,389,399,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438698,,Noun phrase complexity in Nigerian English: Syntactic function and length outweigh genre in predicting noun phrase complexity,VABB-1,31,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438700,,The Unbalanced Geography of the World’s largest MNEs: Institutional Quality and Head Office Distribution Across Countries,VABB-1,127,148,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438702,,Clinical characterisation and long-term prognosis of women with Brugada syndrome,VABB-1,452,458,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438703,,"Place, diversity and solidarity",VABB-3,,,196 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438704,,Burgerrechtelijke beginselen erfpacht en opstal,VABB-4,1,139,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438705,,Recht is geen wetenschap. Rechtswetenschap bestaat daarom niet minder,VABB-1,670,685,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438710,,Reforms and collaborations in Europe–China doctoral education,VABB-1,219,226,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438711,,"Core Self-Evaluations as a moderator of the relationship between task complexity, job resources and performance",VABB-1,411,420,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438712,,The Case of Crowdfunding in Financial Inclusion: A Survey,VABB-1,193,212,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438714,,Legendes van de literatuur en de kunsten,VABB-4,3,8,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438718,,Thinking and acting globally ànd locally. Developing transnational social work practices in Belgium,VABB-1,143,157,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438720,,Gastprofessoren en het arbeidsrecht: de visie van het Grondwettelijk Hof onder de loep genomen,VABB-1,1003,1007,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438721,,De psychosociale dienst. Op zoek naar een rehabilitatief project,VABB-4,583,602,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438722,,Postdramatische paradoxen: Over genre en mediaturgie,VABB-1,101,111,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438724,,"The general contractor, the architect and the engineer. The contractors' path to become professional building practitioners in Belgium (1870-1960)",VABB-1,19,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438727,,Exploration of the functions of health impact assessment in real-world policymaking in the field of social health inequality: towards a conception of conceptual learning,VABB-1,16,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438728,,Ulysse ou les mauvaises rencontres,VABB-4,87,94,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438729,,Investigating variables predicting Turkish pre-service teachers' integration of ICT into teaching practices,VABB-1,552,570,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438730,,Environmental impact of traction electric motors for electric vehicles applications,VABB-1,54,65,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438734,,Vergelijkende tabel van de voornaamste wettelijke actiemiddelen bij conflicten in de bvba en de nv,VABB-1,215,219,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438735,,Mental well-being of patients from ethnic minority groups during critical care: a qualitative ethnographic study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438736,,Constructing the ‘refugee crisis’ in Flanders. Continuities and adaptations of discourses on asylum and migration,VABB-4,59,78,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438737,,Accretion disks in Algols: Progenitors and evolution,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438738,,"The Imperative of Code: Labor, regulation and legitimacy",VABB-4,109,135,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438739,,Mapping urban form and function at city block level using spatial metrics,VABB-1,399,409,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438740,,Can volunteering in later life reduce the risk of dementia?: A 5-year longitudinal study among volunteering and non-volunteering retired seniors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438741,,What is Social about Criminal Justice Social Work in Belgium?,VABB-1,640,650,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438743,,Effects of a Respiratory Muscle Training Program on Respiratory Function and Musical Parameters in Saxophone Players,VABB-1,381,393,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438744,,Schiller versus Fichte: estetización y moralización de lo político en el origen del idealismo alemán,VABB-1,1,16,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:438745,,Extending transformation optics beyond 3D geometries,VABB-5,1,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438746,,Diálogo interreligioso y reconocimiento a la luz del legado de la ilustración,VABB-1,615,637,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:438747,,"J. Tyssens, “Het voormalige Ministerie van Onderwijs en Cultuur”, P. Van Den Eeckhout & Guy Vanthemsche(eds.), Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België, 19e-21e eeuw. Derde herziene en uitgebreide uitgave, Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2017, Volume I, pp. 548-556.",VABB-4,548,556,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438748,,Intergenerational Learning and Social Inclusion: Measuring the Impact in Five European countries,VABB-1,109,128,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438749,,A Data-Driven Method for Energy Consumption Prediction and Energy-Efficient Routing of Electric Vehicles in Real-World Conditions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438751,,Testing a Two-Stage Grant Allocation Process: The Case of the United Way,VABB-1,1117,1141,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438753,,"Are future medical oncologists sufficiently trained to communicate about palliative care? The medical oncology curriculum in Flanders, Belgium.",VABB-1,318,325,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438755,,Regularized Nonparametric Volterra Kernel Estimation,VABB-1,324,327,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438756,,The reliability and validity of ultrasound to quantify muscles in older adults: a systematic review,VABB-1,702,712,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438757,,Issues in Using Self-Organizing Maps in Human Movement and Sport Science,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438759,,"Entrevista con Diego Rísquez: Descifrando el film ""Bolívar, Sinfonía Tropikal"" (1980)",VABB-1,358,363,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:438760,,"Chapitre 6 : Législation Congolaise de mise en œuvre du Statut de Rome : Un pas en avant, un pas en arrière",VABB-4,173,209,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:438764,,Remodelling Homologies: Adaptation Between Betrayal and Incommensurability,VABB-1,6,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438765,,Writing back or writing off? Europe as ‘tribe’ and ‘traumascape’ in works by Caryl Phillips and Christos Tsiolkas,VABB-4,82,93,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438766,,The Regnal Canon in the Anthologies of Vettius Valens,VABB-1,221,228,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438768,,Holocene evolution of Hans Tausen Iskappe (Greenland) and implications for the palaeoclimatic evolution of the high Arctic,VABB-1,182,193,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438769,,La Légende de sainte Ursule,VABB-4,71,86,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438770,,An indicator approach to sustainable urban freight transport,VABB-1,81,102,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438771,,Understanding a Man-Made Epidemic. The Relation between Historical Asbestos Consumption and Mesothelioma Mortality in Belgium,VABB-1,116,138,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438772,,Modeling Psychological Contract Violation using Dual Regime Models: An Event-based Approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438774,,"Détachement, corrélation",VABB-1,7,24,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438775,,Euthanasia embedded in palliative care. Responses to essentialistic criticisms of the Belgian model of integral end-of-life care,VABB-1,489,494,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438779,,Les partis politiques - Les partis écologiques,VABB-4,910,913,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438780,,Pieter van Musschenbroek on laws of nature,VABB-1,637,656,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438782,,Strategic Responses to Imposed Innovation Projects: The Case of Carbon Capture and Storage in the Alberta Oil Sands Industry,VABB-1,684,698,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438784,,Fiscal Fairness as a Political Argument,VABB-1,622,640,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438787,,The Role of Intergroup Contact and Acculturation Strategies in Developing Chinese International Students’ Global Competence,VABB-1,210,226,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438788,,When brands come to life:: Experimental research on the vividness effect of Virtual Reality in transformational marketing communications,VABB-1,177,191,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438789,,Medication Use and Its Potential Impact on the Oral Health Status of Nursing Home Residents in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,801,809,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438790,,Genetic Classes and Genetic Categories: Protecting Genetic Groups through Data Protection Law,VABB-4,175,196,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438793,,The EU commission’s risky choice for a non-risk based strategy on assessment of medical devices,VABB-1,361,370,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438796,,Middle class in Africa: Determinants and Consequences,VABB-1,527,549,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438800,,Global Commons in the Global Brain,VABB-1,48,64,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438801,,Synthetic Cognitive Development: where intelligence comes from,VABB-1,243,268,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438803,,"Algemene inleiding over de privaatrechtelijke archiefinstellingen in België. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België, 19e-21e eeuw. Derde herziene en uitgebreide uitgave. Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2009, p. 827-844 (isbn 978-2-87044-013-1)",VABB-4,827,844,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438805,,Assessing Risks from Cyclones for Human Lives and Livelihoods in the Coastal Region of Bangladesh,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438806,,"Les institutions des régions et communautés. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Sources pour l'étude de la Belgique contemporaine, 19e-21e siècle. Bruxelles, Commission royale d'Histoire, 2017, p. 149-232 en 254-270 (isbn 978-2-87044-014-8)",VABB-4,149,232,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438807,,Crossing borders. politico-geographical and mental borders in contemporary German-language literature in Belgium,VABB-4,97,109,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438810,,Admissions to inpatient care facilities in the last year of life of community-dwelling older people in Europe,VABB-1,814,821,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438811,,La structure sans déterminant « President Obama » versus « le président Obama »,VABB-4,37,48,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438812,,Tropical forcing of increased Southern Ocean climate variability revealed by a 140-year subantarctic temperature reconstruction,VABB-1,231,248,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438813,,Intertekstualiteit,VABB-4,161,165,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438814,,"Parastataux du SPF Sécurité sociale. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Sources pour l'étude de la Belgique contemporaine, 19e-21e siècle. Bruxelles, Commission royale d'Histoire, 2017, p. 620-653 (isbn 978-2-87044-014-8)",VABB-4,620,653,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438815,,Testing random forest classification for identifying lava flows and mapping age groups on a single Landsat 8 image,VABB-1,109,124,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438816,,Academic domains as political battlegrounds: A global enquiry by 99 academics in the fields of education and technology,VABB-1,270,288,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438818,,The Concept of Fairness: Linking EU Competition and Data Protection Law in the Digital Marketplace,VABB-1,210,234,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438819,,Refining Selection for Elite Troops by Predicting Military Training Outcome,VABB-1,850,857,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438820,,Opportunities and challenges of molecular epidemiology,VABB-4,252,282,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438821,,"Poder, privilegio y desventaja: teoria interseccional y representacion politica",VABB-1,41,51,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:438822,,"A 16th-17th-Century Glass Horn from Oudenburg-Bellerochelaan, Belgium",VABB-1,413,418,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438823,,The relationship between student conceptions of constructivist learning and their engagement in constructivist based blended learning environments,VABB-1,253,272,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438824,,A Pilot study of flipped cardiopulmonary resuscitation training : which items can be self-trained?,VABB-1,946,955,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438825,,Travelling without risks? Itinerant entertainers in the Duchy of Brabant and their uses of passports at the end of the eighteenth century,VABB-1,437,450,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438826,,Applying Quality Indicators For Administrative Databases To Evaluate End-Of-Life Care For Cancer Patients In Belgium,VABB-1,1234,1243,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438827,,"Identity, threat aversion, and civil servants' policy preferences: Evidence from the European Parliament",VABB-1,1009,1025,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438828,,Transgender and non-binary persons and sexual risk: a critical review of 10 years of research from a feminist intersectional perspective,VABB-1,121,142,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:438829,,Concept mapping the needs of grandmothers who take care of their grandchildren in formal foster care in Flanders.,VABB-1,159,167,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438835,,The 4 A's of Sustainable City Distribution: Innovative Solutions and Challenges ahead,VABB-1,59,71,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438838,,Does Extremely Low Birth Weight Predispose to Low-Renin Hypertension?,VABB-1,443,449,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438841,,Interpretation of statistical data: The importance of affective expressions,VABB-1,163,180,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438845,,Hermeneutik der Gewalt: Schreibpraxis und Narrative der Angst und Entbehrung in Victor Klemperers Tagebüchern,VABB-4,107,128,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:438846,,’s Gravesande on the application of mathematics in physics and philosophy,VABB-1,17,55,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438847,,gehoorzamen aan justitiële voorwaarden,VABB-4,181,203,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438848,,Onderzoeksdatamanagement aan Vlaamse Universiteiten,VABB-1,47,51,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438849,,The mental health of unemployed Brussels youth: the role of social and material resources,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438851,,'Fundamental causes' of inequalities in mortality: an empirical test of the theory in 20 European populations,VABB-1,1117,1133,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438852,,The experience of employment strain and activation among temporary agency workers in Canada,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438853,,International University-University Technology Transfer as Strategic Alliances,VABB-5,169,181,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438854,,Inleiding/Introduction,VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438855,,Women’s Agency and Corporeality in Equestrian Sports: The Case of Female Leisure Horse-Riders in Tehran,VABB-4,17,34,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438856,,Validity of the Self-Report Psychopathy Scales (SRP-III Full and Short Versions) in a Community Sample,VABB-1,308,325,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438859,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438860,,Contribution of chronic conditions to functional limitations using a multinomial outcome: results for the older population in Belgium and Brazil,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438861,,Financial globalisation dynamic thresholds for financial development: evidence from Africa,VABB-1,192,212,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438862,,"""De kieren van de tempelpoort. Negentiende-eeuwsevrijmetselaarsloges tussen geheim, divulgatie en angst""",VABB-1,56,73,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438864,,The Translation of Multilingual Literature in a Migrant World.: The case of Junot Diaz.,VABB-1,157,169,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438865,,A Flexible Numerical Framework for Engineering - A Response Surface Modelling Application,VABB-4,93,106,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438866,,Mathematical Pull,VABB-4,287,302,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438867,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,42,66,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438868,,Doing good while performing well at Flemish universities: Benchmarking higher education institutions in terms of social inclusion and market performance,VABB-1,31,47,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438870,,My introduction to copulas,VABB-1,88,98,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438871,,Changing Practices and Shifting Meaning of Female Genital Cutting among the Maasai of Arusha and Manyara Regions of Tanzania,VABB-1,1344,1359,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438877,,Students’ perceptions of novel forms of assessment,VABB-4,129,144,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:438879,,Parallel matricization for n-D array operations,VABB-5,2432,2435,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438880,,Actor achter tralies. De beleving van agency door gedetineerden in interactie met penitentiaire bewakingsassistenten,VABB-1,83,101,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438881,,Model-based reasoning in mathematical practice,VABB-4,537,549,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438882,,Conclusions,VABB-4,677,696,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438883,,Relaties met grootouders en het welzijn van kleinkinderen na echtscheiding,VABB-1,248,272,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438884,,"Sport for Social Inclusion: Questioning Policy, Practice and Research",VABB-1,85,254,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438892,,"Building Regulations and Urban Development in Antwerp and Bruges, 1200-1700",VABB-4,115,138,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438893,,Final transitions to place of death: patients and families wishes,VABB-1,302,311,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438896,,"Detectie en preventie van kwetsbaarheid: Op zoek naar risicoprofielen voor fysieke, psychische, sociale en omgevingskwetsbaarheid",VABB-1,1,11,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438897,,Who Shares and Comments on News?: A Cross-National Comparative Analysis of Online and Social Media Participation.,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438901,,"The influence of teaching, cognitive and social presence on students' performance in blended learning courses in Tanzanian universities",VABB-5,4367,4376,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438903,,Study of the influence of the microstructure on the corrosion properties of pure copper,VABB-1,847,856,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438905,,The problem of stigmatizing expressions: The limits of anti-discrimination approaches,VABB-1,23,50,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438908,,Missing the Woods for the Trees: Neglected Aspects of Francisco Varela’s Work,VABB-1,1,190,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438911,,Still Men’s Parties? Gender and the Radical Right in Comparative Perspective,VABB-1,812,820,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438912,,Vertical ocean heat redistribution sustaining sea-ice concentration trends in the Ross Sea,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438916,,De geschreven bronnen van de audiovisuele media,VABB-4,1493,1518,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438917,,"Positive Semidefinite Integrated Covariance Estimation, Factorizations and Asynchronicity",VABB-1,347,367,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438918,,Transmigration. The rise of flexible migration strategies as part of superdiversity,VABB-1,567,584,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438919,,Flexibele leertrajecten in het secundair onderwijs: lerarencompetenties herbekeken.,VABB-1,43,54,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438920,,Kripke Style Semantic for the Logic of Two Valued-States,VABB-1,3953,3962,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438921,,Multimathemacy: Time to reset?,VABB-5,480,490,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438926,,"Political Dynasties, Electoral Institutions and Politicians’ Human Capital",VABB-1,474,494,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438927,,Euroscepticism in Belgium: Issue-Voting against the odds.,VABB-4,171,195,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438932,,"The effect of local skin cooling before a sustained, submaximal isometric contraction on fatigue and isometric quadriceps femoris performance: a randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,88,94,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438933,,Towards a Poor Cinema: The Performativity of Mobile Cameras in New Image Wars,VABB-4,110,129,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438934,,Long-Term Performance of the Riata/ST Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Lead,VABB-1,807,812,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:438936,,Het in pari-beginsel: Nederland versus België,VABB-1,114,128,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438937,,"Should Medical Assistance in Dying Be Extended to Incompetent Patients With Dementia?: Research Protocol of a Survey Among Four Groups of Stakeholders From Quebec, Canada",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438938,,Cooking up Manliness: A Practice-Based Approach to Men’s At-Home Cooking and Attitudes Using Time-Use Diary Data.,VABB-4,31,58,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438940,,Die Rolle des Deutschen als Fremdsprache in der Internationalisierungspolitik an den Brüsseler Hochschulen: Université Libre de Bruxelles und Vrije Universiteit Brussel.,VABB-1,83,91,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:438941,,The drivers of corporate climate change strategies and public policy: a new resource-based view perspective,VABB-1,545,575,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438944,,De gewoonte in het Nederlands en Belgisch economisch privaatrecht (19de - 21ste eeuw),VABB-1,417,455,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438945,,The Too Little/Too Much Scale: A New Rating Format for Detecting Curvilinear Effects,VABB-1,518,544,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438946,,Improving comfort around dying in elderly people: a cluster randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,125,134,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438948,,Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Relations as a Challenge for Democracy,VABB-3,,,567 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438950,,Sensitive-by-distance: Quasi-health data in the Algorithmic Era,VABB-1,229,249,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438951,,"Resource rents distribution, income inequality and poverty in Iran",VABB-1,35,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438955,,Vergleich zwischen der Wirkung von BWS-Mobilisationstechniken in anteriore versus posteriore Schubrichtung auf das sympatische nervensystem,VABB-1,129,132,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438956,,Consumer Citizenship and Reproduction of Estonianness,VABB-4,109,127,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438958,,Een penologisch perspectief op bestraffing,VABB-4,25,31,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438960,,DEOGEN2: prediction and interactive visualization of single amino acid variant deleteriousness in human proteins,VABB-1,201,206,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438961,,Thinking Outside the Bubble of the Global North: Introducing Milton Santos and “The Active Role of Geography”,VABB-1,946,951,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438963,,Politionele integriteit onderzocht,VABB-4,29,66,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438964,,Market Definition as Value Reconciliation – the Case of Renewable Energy Promotion under the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM),VABB-1,427,443,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438965,,The role of language skills and internationalization in nursing degree programmes: a literature review,VABB-1,140,144,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438966,,Binnenklasdifferentiatie in vogelvlucht: pleidooi voor een hechtere relatie tussen onderwijsonderzoek en onderwijspraktijk.,VABB-1,274,280,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438967,,Ethnic discrimination during résumé screening: Interactive effects of applicants’ ethnic salience with job context,VABB-1,860,882,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438968,,"Consommation, identité et intégration en Estonie et en Lettonie",VABB-1,141,150,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438969,,Experiences and Effects of Structurally Involving Residents in the Nursing Home by Means of Participatory Action Research: A Mixed Method Study,VABB-1,495,502,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438970,,Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen: levensloopbenadering zinvol.,VABB-1,52,55,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438972,,New parties and the crisis of representation: between indicator and solution,VABB-4,73,85,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438975,,The Liberal Cosmopolitan Ideal for Europe: Liberal Cosmopolitan (and other) Justifications for EU Freedom of Movement,VABB-1,40,57,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438979,,A trail of trials. A “Flemish” merchant community in sixteenth-century Valladolid and Medina del Campo,VABB-1,5,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438980,,Mathematical Explanation: a contextual approach,VABB-1,309,329,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:438981,,"“De territoriale en extraterritoriale toepassing van het sociaal recht binnen de Europese interne markt""",VABB-1,283,308,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438983,,"Szenisches Schreiben: Theatralität und Räumlichkeit in Jelineks ""Bühnenessay"" Rein Gold",VABB-4,45,59,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:438984,,The health-related social costs of alcohol in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438986,,Spin and Wind Directions I: Identifying Entanglement in Nature and Cognition,VABB-1,323,335,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:438988,,Overzicht van wetgeving 1 april 2016 – 30 junit 2016,VABB-1,163,169,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:438990,,De vroegste vermeldingen van de naam Brugge,VABB-1,103,127,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438991,,De actuele betekenis van het 'ne bis in idem'-beginsel,VABB-4,147,174,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:438992,,Kulturhistorische Blicke auf die Sprache des Dritten Reiches und die antisemitische Hassrede: Victor Klemperers Auseinandersetzung mit der verbalen Verletzung im Nationalsozialismus,VABB-4,275,293,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:438993,,Trends in educational inequalities in premature mortality in Belgium between the 1990s and the 2000s: the contribution of specific causes of deaths,VABB-1,371,380,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438995,,La délinquance du salarié en Belgique,VABB-1,99,105,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:438996,,"Perceived human rights in Van Merkez, Eastern Turkey",VABB-1,388,402,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:438997,,Classroom biographies: Teaching and learning in evolving material landscapes (c. 1960-2015),VABB-1,280,294,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439001,,Integrating disability and elder rights into the ECHR: rewriting McDonald v the United Kingdom (ECtHR),VABB-4,317,350,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439002,,Conclusies voor Cass. 17 november 2015 ( Bescherming privacy - Opnemen telefoongesprek ),VABB-1,57,62,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439008,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,41,82,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439010,,Toward a Tissue Model for Bipolar Electrosurgery: Block-Oriented Model Structure Analysis,VABB-1,460,469,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439011,,Overdracht tot zekerheid van schuldvorderingen: een bijzonder(e zeker)heid?,VABB-1,215,240,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439013,,Portraying forced removal as a means for crime control. On immigration policy communication in Belgium,VABB-1,39,42,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439014,,ComMODify! User Creativity at the Crossroads of Commerce and Community,VABB-2,,,182 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439016,,"On Risk, Balancing, and Data Protection: A Response to van der Sloot",VABB-1,180,186,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439017,,Transformation optics for surface phenomena: Engineering the Goos-Hänchen effect,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439018,,Armenzorg op het platteland: een methode om inkomst- en distributiepraktijken te onderzoeken: Het voorbeeld van Dessel in de tweede helft van de achttiende eeuw.,VABB-1,22,43,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439020,,Time Gain Needed for In-Ambulance Telemedicine: Cost-Utility Model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439022,,The frequency and influence of dementia risk factors in prodromal Alzheimer's disease,VABB-1,33,40,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439023,,De voorlopige invrijheidstelling met het oog op verwijdering van het grondgebied: nood aan sociale reclasseringsperspectieven? (noot onder Cass. 5 augustus 2014),VABB-1,124,128,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439024,,Physicians' perceptions of suffering in people with dementia at the end of life,VABB-1,587,599,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439026,,Hoe mensonwaardig mag een leven worden? Ethisch-filosofische reflecties bij de toegankelijkheid van gezondheidszorg bij mensen zonder wettig verblijf.,VABB-1,111,128,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:439028,,Discretion and professionalism in a breach context,VABB-4,59,76,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439030,,Variations in hospital costs after traffic injuries: The importance of sociodemographic aspects and comorbidities,VABB-1,2132,2139,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439032,,Explorations of Masculinity in American Drama and Theatre,VABB-1,126,140,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439037,,"When News is Everywhere.: Understanding participation, cross-mediality and mobility in journalism from a radical user perspective.",VABB-4,148,162,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439038,,"The European Union and the Paris Agreement: Leader, Mediator or Bystander",VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439039,,Effectiveness of airway clearance techniques in children hospitalized with acute bronchiolitis,VABB-1,225,231,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439040,,MiningZinc: A declarative framework for constraint-based mining,VABB-1,6,29,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439041,,Student-athletes’ perceptions of four dual career competencies,VABB-1,28,33,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439043,,Gendered study progress in Flemish academic bachelor programmes,VABB-1,61,79,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439044,,Public-Private Collaborations in Drug Development: Boosting Innovation or Alleviating Risk?,VABB-1,273,292,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:439046,,"Het aanwenden van rechtsmiddelen voor de rechtspersoon door de lasthebber ad hoc, een verdere verfijning van de rechtspraak van het Hof van Cassatie",VABB-1,78,81,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439048,,"De FOD Sociale zekerheid, zijn voorgangers en de POD Maatschappelijke integratie. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België, 19e-21e eeuw. Derde herziene en uitgebreide uitgave. Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2009, p. 483-490 (isbn 978-2-87044-013-1)",VABB-4,483,490,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439050,,La Villa Santo Sospir,VABB-4,117,138,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439053,,Long-Term Effect of Surface Roughness and Patients' Factors on Crestal Bone Loss at Dental Implants. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.,VABB-1,372,399,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439054,,"Moving Beyond the Special Rapporteur on Privacy with the Establishment of a New, Specialised United Nations Agency: Addressing the Deficit in Global Cooperation for the Protection of Data Privacy",VABB-4,521,531,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439057,,"L'ancien Ministère des Colonies. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Sources pour l'étude de la Belgique contemporaine, 19e-21e siècle. Bruxelles, Commission royale d'Histoire, 2017, p. 554-559 (isbn 978-2-87044-014-8)",VABB-4,554,559,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439059,,Context and Interference Effects in the Combinations of Natural Concepts,VABB-1,677,690,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439060,,"Schadebeperking, rechtsmisbruik en de vrije keuze van medische behandeling",VABB-1,338,345,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439061,,De interferentie tussen het alimentatierecht en de leefloonregeling: Schipperen tussen familiale en maatschappelijke solidariteit,VABB-1,770,779,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439062,,Professionalising the curriculum and increasing employability through authentic experiential learning: the cases of INSTB,VABB-1,78,111,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439063,,Overzicht van wetgeving 1 otkober 2015 – 31 december 2015,VABB-1,82,91,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:439064,,Implant surface roughness and patient factors on long-term peri-implant bone loss.,VABB-1,218,227,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439066,,Crowd logistics: an opportunity for more sustainable urban freight transport?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439067,,Prevalence of aromatase inhibitor-induced arthralgia in breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,1673,1686,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439069,,Developing a validated instrument to measure preservice teachers' ICT competencies: Meeting the demands of the 21st century,VABB-1,462,472,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439070,,“Does the form of this word fit its meaning?”: The effect of learner-generated mapping elaborations on L2 word recall,VABB-1,31,53,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439073,,The politics of online copyright enforcement in the EU: access and control,VABB-2,,,346 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439074,,De politieke vertegenwoordiging van etnisch-culturele minderheden in de Lage Landen,VABB-1,382,525,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439075,,Note di lettura sulla costituzione delle identità territoriali in Belgio,VABB-1,113,120,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:439076,,Causality in cancer research: a journey through models in molecular epidemiology and their philosophical interpretation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439077,,Individual differences in information integration studies of children’s judgment/decision-making: Combining group with single-subject design via cluster analysis,VABB-4,186,209,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439078,,Geometric Design of Deployable Scissor Grids Consisting of Generalized Polar Units,VABB-1,227,238,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439079,,The Company in Law and Practice: Did Size Matter? (Middle Ages-Nineteenth Century),VABB-3,,,223 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439082,,Informal care givers' experiences with support in primary palliative care when a case manager is involved: A descriptive study in the Netherlands.,VABB-1,17,25,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439084,,The Concept of 'Employee': The Position in Belgium,VABB-4,23,43,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439085,,Analysis of the decision-support function of policy assessment in real-world policy making in the field of poverty and social inequalities. Case study on migrant integration policies in the Brussels-Capital Region,VABB-1,40,48,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439087,,Palliative Care Development in European Care Homes and Nursing Homes: Application of a Typology of Implementation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439088,,Mind the gap. Participation and representation in Belgium,VABB-3,,,315 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439089,,Friedrich Gentz 1764–1832: Penseur post-Lumières et acteur du nouvel ordre européen,VABB-2,,,524 p.,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439092,,Developing Digital Skills and Competences: A Quick-Scan Analysis of 13 Digital Literacy Models,VABB-1,6,30,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439093,,The legal significance of individual choices about privacy and personal data protection,VABB-4,177,190,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439094,,The Logic of Information,VABB-4,77,94,,und,2016,2 c:vabb:439095,,The effect of action observation/execution on mirror neuron system recruitment: an fMRI study in healthy individuals,VABB-1,565,576,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439097,,overzicht van wetgeving 1 april 2017 - 30 juni 2017,VABB-1,83,89,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439098,,Twiddler's Syndrome and Neuromodulation-Devices: A Troubled Marriage,VABB-1,279,283,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439099,,Can psychiatric childhood disorders be due to inborn errors of metabolism?,VABB-1,143,154,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439103,,Characterization of archaeological metal remains in micromorphological thin sections using μXRF elemental mapping,VABB-1,311,318,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439105,,Zakres terytorialny a pojęcie „jednostki organizacyjnej” w przepisach ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych – zarys problemu,VABB-4,22,28,,pol,2016,2 c:vabb:439106,,"De parastatalen van de FOD Buitenlandse zaken, Buitenlandse handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België, 19e-21e eeuw. Derde herziene en uitgebreide uitgave. Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2009, p. 583-586 (isbn 978-2-87044-013-1)",VABB-4,583,586,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439107,,Apraxia of speech and cerebellar mutism syndrome: a case report,VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439108,,The offer network protocol: Mathematical foundations and a roadmap for the development of a global brain,VABB-1,283,312,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439109,,"Socioeconomic position, population density and site-specific cancer mortality: A multilevel analysis of Belgian adults, 2001–2011",VABB-1,23,35,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:439110,,"European Human Rights, Criminal Surveillance, and Intelligence Surveillance: Towards Good Enough Judicial Oversight",VABB-4,509,532,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439112,,"Evidence, Subjectivity and Verité in Renzo Martens’ Episode III: Enjoy Poverty – a Shot-By-Shot Analysis",VABB-1,83,113,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439113,,Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (paperback release),VABB-2,,,944 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439114,,Innovative Education and CLIL,VABB-1,22,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439115,,Improvisation as Experimentation in Everyday Life and Beyond,VABB-4,159,176,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439117,,The Flemish Paradox: The Hegemony of Pro-Independence Parties in a Region Largely Indifferent Towards Independence,VABB-1,352,368,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439120,,Tracing the electorate of the MoVimento Cinque Stelle: an ecological inference analysis,VABB-1,45,62,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439121,,An Engagement related Behavioral Change Approach for SavingFood in Greece,VABB-5,153,167,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439122,,"Sensitivity, stability and future evolution of the world’s northernmost ice cap, Hans Tausen Iskappe (Greenland)",VABB-1,805,825,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439126,,Adolescent girls’ experiences of urban dance programmes: a qualitative analysis of Flemish initiatives targeting disadvantaged youth,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439128,,Reassessing the Radical Enlightenment,VABB-3,,,352 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439129,,Maatschappelijke aspecten van de penaliteit,VABB-4,61,75,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439130,,"Born again, or born anew: Assessing the newness of the Belgian political party New-Flemish Alliance (N-VA)",VABB-1,389,399,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439132,,Towards Transcultural Awareness in Translation Pedagogy,VABB-3,,,271 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439133,,Cure of cancer for seven cancer sites in the Flemish Region,VABB-1,1102,1110,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439134,,Risk factors of pain in breast cancer survivors: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,3607,3643,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439135,,Atom probe tomography of intermetallic phases and interfaces formed in dissimilar joining between Al alloys and steel,VABB-1,268,272,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:439138,,Living Cognitive Society: a `digital' World of Views,VABB-1,16,26,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439140,,Examining social inclusion and social capital among adult learners in blended and online learning environments,VABB-1,77,101,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439141,,"Geochemical survey of soil samples from the archaeological site Dromolaxia-Vyzakia (Cyprus), by means of micro-XRF and statistical approaches",VABB-1,447,462,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439143,,Lieutenants of the Commonwealth. A Political Reading of De jure ecclesiasticorum,VABB-4,150,164,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439145,,Making votes count in parliament or government?,VABB-1,389,412,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439146,,Assessment of sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and weight change: a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439147,,A stakeholder-based methodology to enhance the success of urban freight transport measures in a multi-level governance context,VABB-1,10,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439148,,Een toekomst van gekoeld feminisme? Een ethische reflectie op het fenomeen 'social freezing' vanuit het concept relationele autonomie.,VABB-1,33,51,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439149,,Expanding the European data protection scope beyond territory: Article 3 of the General Data Protection Regulation in its wider context,VABB-1,230,243,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439150,,Huit fois huit,VABB-4,139,148,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439151,,Danger is also what patrol officers make of it,VABB-1,441,468,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439152,,De ongelezen Rousseau,VABB-4,109,134,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439154,,"Funding liquidity, market liquidity and TED spread: A two-regime model",VABB-1,143,158,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439156,,"Post-Snowden Internet Policy: Between Public Outrage, Resistance and Policy Change",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439158,,Distrust in the End-Of-Life Care Provided to a Parent and Long-Term Negative Outcomes Among Bereaved Adolescents: A Population-Based Survey Study,VABB-1,3136,3142,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439159,,Learner satisfaction and knowledge construction in blended learning,VABB-5,5443,5450,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439160,,De Dimona-aangifteplicht en de detachering van (schijn)zelfstandigen,VABB-1,471,474,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:439161,,How Local Are Local People? Beyond Exoticism,VABB-5,956,967,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439163,,Refining the push and pull framework: identifying inequalities in residential relocation among older adults,VABB-1,90,112,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439164,,Childhood brain tumour,VABB-4,131,164,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439169,,De geschiedenis van de Belgische en Nederlandse politie: een tussenstand,VABB-4,7,12,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439172,,Casting Light on an Occultation in the IAHPC Position Paper on Palliative Care and Assisted Dying,VABB-1,697,698,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439173,,Understanding the Barriers to Prisoners’ Participation in Sport Activities,VABB-1,181,201,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439174,,Where is the best position to place a dosemeter in order to assess the eye lens dose when lead glasses are used?,VABB-1,257,261,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439175,,Changes in balance coordination and transfer to an unlearned balance task after slackline training : a self-organizing map analysis.,VABB-1,3427,3436,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439176,,Environmental influences on older adults' transportation cycling experiences : A study using bike-along interviews.,VABB-1,37,46,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:439177,,Handgrip strength shows no improvements in geriatric patients with persistent inflammation during hospitalization,VABB-1,115,119,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439179,,Creatures of the Semiosphere: A problematic third party in the ‘humans plus technology’ cognitive architecture of the future global super intelligence,VABB-1,35,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439181,,Inter-regional Relations and the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM),VABB-3,,,250 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439182,,Determinants of the magnitude of socioeconomic inequalities in mortality: A study of 17 European countries,VABB-1,44,53,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439184,,Generalized financial ratios to predict the equity premium,VABB-1,244,258,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439185,,Roepen met schorre stem? Enkele reflecties bij het jaarverslag van de Centrale Toezichtsraad voor het gevangeniswezen (2011-2014),VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439188,,Anaesthetic considerations for hybrid atrial fibrillation surgery,VABB-1,798,799,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439190,,"""De sociale bescherming van gedetacheerde werknemers binnen de Europese Unie: strijd tegen sociale dumping of protectionisme""",VABB-4,77,121,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439192,,Le régime des obligations positives de prévenir et de poursuivre à défaut d’extrader les crimes contre l’humanité. Analyse à l’aune du texte des projets d’articles provisoirement adoptés par la Commission du droit international,VABB-1,1,38,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439194,,Identity and Nation Building in Everyday Post-Socialist Life,VABB-3,,,182 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439196,,Hoop en verraad: wat moslimjongeren verwachten van vertegenwoordigers met een etnische minderheidsachtergrond,VABB-1,463,483,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439197,,La Crèche de Villefranche,VABB-4,207,214,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439198,,Towards a Code of Conduct on Privacy for mHealth to Foster Trust Amongst Users of Mobile Health Applications,VABB-4,81,106,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439200,,The right of ‘communication to the public’ in the European Union,VABB-4,96,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439201,,Misdaad en straf in de achttiende-eeuwse kasselrij Ieper,VABB-1,55,98,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439206,,Wie verlaat de gezinswoning bij een echtscheiding? Het belang van de socio-economische positie van partners,VABB-1,221,247,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439208,,"Publicatie van wetgevende normen sedert de ""Franse tijd""",VABB-4,327,337,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439210,,A NIT-picking analysis: Abstractness dependence of subtests correlated to their Flynn effect magnitudes,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:439211,,Performative sides/sites of knowledge: sharing knowledge in artistic ways,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439212,,Mapping urban land cover from high spatial resolution hyperspectral data: An approach based on simultaneously unmixing similar pixels with jointly sparse spectral mixture analysis,VABB-1,324,342,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439213,,Lectio euangelii secundum Iacobi (!) Alfei. An Apocryphal Gospel Reading in an Irish Missal (Vat. lat.3325),VABB-4,113,129,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439215,,Termini e descrittori per alimenti e bevande,VABB-4,157,190,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:439216,,"The Influence of the use of ankle-foot orthoses on thorax, spine and pelvis kinematics during walking in children with cerebral palsy.",VABB-1,208,213,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:439217,,Parental Encouragement and Autonomy-granting and Adolescents’ Use of Organized and Unorganized Leisure Time,VABB-1,406,425,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:439218,,Peripheral muscle fatigue in hospitalised geriatric patients is associated with circulating markers of inflammation,VABB-1,128,135,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439220,,A European perspective on data protection and the right of access,VABB-4,21,43,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439224,,Theorising inter-organisational relations: the “EU–NATO relationship” as a catalytic case study,VABB-1,315,339,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439226,,Measurement and interpretation of ‘global cultural cities’ in a world of cities,VABB-1,238,248,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439227,,Pathways to Decarbonise the European Car Fleet: A Scenario Analysis Using the Backcasting Approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:439228,,Do Spins Have Directions?,VABB-1,1483,1504,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439230,,Yogurt's Flexible Image during its Rise in Popularity in Post-War Belgium,VABB-1,132,140,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439233,,Discourse-theoretical analysis (DTA),VABB-4,272,284,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439235,,"""Introduction: Adaptation Reconsidered""",VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439237,,Reality and Illusion in EU Data Transfer Regulation Post Schrems,VABB-1,881,918,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439238,,"J. Tyssens, “L’ancien Ministère de l’Instruction et de la Culture”, P. Van Den Eeckhout & Guy Vanthemsche (eds.), Sources pour l’étude de la Belgique contemporaine, 19e-21e siècle, Bruxelles, Commission Royale d’Histoire, 2017, Volume I, pp. 546-553.",VABB-4,546,553,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439240,,The ethics of algorithms: Mapping the debate,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439241,,Social-aware Event Handling within the FallRisk Project,VABB-1,63,73,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439245,,How Could Prison Products Come into the International Market? Analysis of the Consistency between WTO and ILO Rules,VABB-1,70,82,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439246,,Efficacy of three different pulpotomy agents in primary molars - A randomised control trial.,VABB-1,215,228,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439248,,The Council and the European Council: Stuck on the Road to Transformational Leadership,VABB-4,66,79,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439250,,Effects of Physical Exercise on Markers of Cellular Immunosenescence: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,193,215,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439252,,Distributions with given marginals: the beginnings,VABB-1,237,250,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439254,,Economic consequences of legal and illegal drugs: The case of social costs in Belgium,VABB-1,50,57,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439256,,Inborn errors in RNA polymerase III underlie severe varicella zoster virus infections,VABB-1,3543,3556,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439257,,"Het voormalige Ministerie van Koloniën. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België, 19e-21e eeuw. Derde herziene en uitgebreide uitgave. Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2009, p. 556-561 (isbn 978-2-87044-013-1)",VABB-4,556,561,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439258,,Breaking Psychological Contracts with the Burden of Workload: A Weekly Study of Job Resources as Moderators,VABB-1,143,167,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439259,,Motivering van de herroeping van de voorwaardelijke invrijheidstelling: (Stil)zwijgen is goud? (noot onder Cass. 10 maart 2015),VABB-1,29,32,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439261,,Effect of vitamin D supplementation on non-skeletal disorders: a systematic review of meta-analyses and randomised trials,VABB-1,986,1004,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439262,,Interaction of government tiers and central banks in a federation: an empirical test,VABB-1,301,330,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439263,,A Comprehensive Study on Rechargeable Energy Storage Technologies,VABB-1,40801,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:439265,,Actor achter tralies - De beleving van agency door gedetineerden in interactie met penitentiair bewakingsassistenten.,VABB-1,83,101,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439267,,Conclusies voor Cass. 18 oktober 2016 ( Hoger beroep in strafzaken na Potpourri II),VABB-1,505,510,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:439268,,Hulp- en dienstverlening aan gedetineerden,VABB-4,619,646,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439269,,Classical models for quantum information,VABB-4,207,230,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439278,,The immediate effects of robot-assistance on energy consumption and cardiorespiratory load during walking compared to walking without robot-assistance: a systematic review,VABB-1,657,671,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439279,,No association between elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) at birth and parent-reported problem behavior at preschool age.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:439280,,Beyond-Quantum Modeling of Question Order Effects and Response Replicability in Psychological Measurements,VABB-1,104,120,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439281,,Other identities in ethnofederations: women’s and sexual minorities’ advocacy in Belgium,VABB-1,415,432,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439282,,Active ageing in the nursing home: Could participatory action research provide the answer?,VABB-1,239,259,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439287,,"Structural and Biochemical Analysis of Escherichia coli ObgE, a Central Regulator of Bacterial Persistence",VABB-1,5871,5883,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439288,,Social Exclusion in Europe: Problems and Paradigms: Reprint as paperback & ebook,VABB-2,,,268 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439289,,How to prevent today's ergonomic office problems in the future?,VABB-4,400,406,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439290,,Peer-to-peer leren en ondersteuning: Ook mogelijk in gevangenissen!?,VABB-1,142,146,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439293,,Data Governance in the Sustainable Smart City,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439294,,"Introduction générale sur les institutions d'archives de droit privé en Belgique. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Sources pour l'étude de la Belgique contemporaine, 19e-21e siècle. Bruxelles, Commission royale d'Histoire, 2017, p. 825-842 (isbn 978-2-87044-014-8)",VABB-4,825,842,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439295,,"Standards, innovation and business models: the case of digital radio",VABB-4,321,352,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439297,,"End-of-life care for people dying with dementia in general practice in Belgium, Italy and Spain: A cross-sectional, retrospective study",VABB-1,1667,1676,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439298,,Examining linkages between bereavement grief intensity and perceived death quality: qualitative findings,VABB-1,260,274,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:439301,,"J. Tyssens, “Vrijmetselarij en vrijzinnige organisaties”, P. Van Den Eeckhout & Guy Vanthemsche (eds.),Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België, 19e-21e eeuw. Derde herziene en uitgebreide uitgave, Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2017, Volume II, pp. 1279-1295.",VABB-4,1279,1295,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439302,,Kierkegaard's Existential Approach,VABB-3,,,286 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439303,,Das Subversive in der deutschsprachigen Literatur nach 1945: Zum Geleit,VABB-4,1,6,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:439306,,Mapping the legal and administrative frameworks of informational rights in Europe. A cross-European comparative analysis,VABB-4,457,478,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439307,,Karel van de Woestijne et August Vermeylen: Émulation autour des maîtres flamands,VABB-1,313,326,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:439308,,Eeuwig ambigu en problematisch? Heden en verleden van de verhouding politie – bevolking,VABB-4,13,29,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439309,,A collaborative homeostatic-based behavior controller for social robots in Human-Robot Interaction experiments,VABB-1,675,690,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439312,,Trilingual education for ethnic minority groups in China with special reference to trilingual CLIL education in Europe: an Exploratory Study,VABB-1,203,226,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439313,,Euthanasia for people with psychiatric disorders or dementia in Belgium: analysis of officially reported cases,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439315,,Vernieuwingen in de Wet Politieambt en de rechtshulp met betrekking tot de internationale uitwisseling van politionele informatie,VABB-1,193,205,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:439317,,"Het Europees aanhoudingsbevel en de wet van 14 februari 2014 mbt. de rechtspleging voor het Hof van Cassatie in strafzaken, noot onder Cass. 29 september 2015",VABB-1,257,262,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:439320,,Etude spéciale: La loi belge de 2013 sur la lutte contre la piraterie maritime,VABB-1,823,832,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:439321,,Introduction: Towards Transcultural Awareness in Translation Pedagogy,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439322,,Associations between mental health symptoms in Palestinian captives’ wives and in their children.,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439323,,Optical Force Enhancement Using an Imaginary Vector Potential for Photons,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439325,,Determinants of internet banking usage: survey evidence for Belgium,VABB-1,19,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439326,,Quantum cognition beyond Hilbert space: fundamentals and applications,VABB-5,81,98,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439327,,Potpourri II: de uitbreiding van het mini-onderzoek tot de huiszoeking,VABB-1,134,138,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:439328,,Gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists or antagonists for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)?: A prospective randomised trial,VABB-1,622,627,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439331,,Overzicht van wetgeving 1 januari 2016 – 31 maart 2016,VABB-1,155,162,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:439332,,"Les organisations d'employeurs. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Sources pour l'étude de la Belgique contemporaine, 19e-21e siècle. Bruxelles, Commission royale d'Histoire, 2017, p. 949-973 (isbn 978-2-87044-014-8)",VABB-4,949,973,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439334,,Annex IX. Participation by International Organizations,VABB-4,2512,2552,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439336,,Explaining Goal Achievement in International Negotiations: the EU and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change,VABB-1,708,727,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:439337,,Wiskundetermen,VABB-4,150,154,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439346,,A Theoretical Model Relating the Dark Triad of Personality to the Content of Employees’ Psychological Contracts,VABB-1,44,66,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439348,,Does active ageing contribute to life satisfaction for older people? Testing a new model of active ageing,VABB-1,295,310,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439349,,"De natuurlijke rechter in strafuitvoering. FATIK sprak met Roland Cassiers, rechter in de strafuitvoeringsrechtbank van Antwerpen, over tien jaar Wet Externe Rechtspositie",VABB-1,17,22,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439350,,Place of death of children with complex chronic conditions: cross-national study of 11 countries,VABB-1,327,335,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439351,,Measuring antenatal care use in Europe: is the content and timing of care in pregnancy tool applicable?,VABB-1,583,590,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439353,,The Sino-European Solar Panel Dispute: China’s Successful Carrot and Stick Approach Towards Europe,VABB-1,1395,1411,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439355,,"Politie en veiligheid in de Antwerpse haven: Een lappendeken van publieke, private en hybride spelers en belangen, 1890-1914",VABB-1,1,22,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439357,,’s Gravesande’s and Musschenbroek’s Appropriation of Newton’s Methodological Ideas,VABB-4,192,243,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439360,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van december 2016,VABB-1,1115,1120,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439361,,"Much ado about nothing? Reconsidering the smallpox effect: height in the nineteenth-century town of Thielt, Belgium",VABB-1,56,83,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439362,,An Exploratory study of Chinese University Undergraduates’ Global Competence: Effects of Internationalization at Home and Motivation,VABB-1,159,181,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439363,,"Distance in International Business Studies: Conceptualization, Costs and Value",VABB-4,17,43,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439366,,Electronic monitoring and supervision: a comparative perspective,VABB-1,3,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439369,,No relationship between abortion numbers and maternal cognitive ability,VABB-1,489,492,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439370,,The use of Quality-Adjusted Life Years in cost-effectiveness analyses in palliative care: Mapping the debate through an integrative review,VABB-1,306,322,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439371,,From Clicks to Compliance: A Data Conduit to Collect VAT,VABB-1,368,374,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439372,,Les sources écrites des médias audiovisuels,VABB-4,1499,1525,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439373,,Impact of thyroid autoimmunity in euthyroid women on live birth rate after IUI,VABB-1,915,922,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439374,,Construct validity of the DSM-5 Section III maladaptive trait domains in older adults.,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439378,,Rewriting Social and Economic Rights Action Centre and the Centre for Economic and Social Rights v. Nigeria (African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights): Pushing Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Africa Forward,VABB-4,401,444,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439379,,University student satisfaction and perceived effectiveness of a blended learning course,VABB-1,66,83,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439380,,Répression des infractions graves et respect des principes de droit : le cas de la Cour militaire opérationnelle du Nord Kivu,VABB-1,649,667,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439385,,Kierkegaard Literature from 2005 to 2013. A Descriptive Bibliography,VABB-1,441,555,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439386,,"The Contradictions of Media Power, Des Freedman (2014)",VABB-1,255,259,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439387,,Psychosocial and environmental correlates of active and passive transport behaviors in college educated and non-college educated working young adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439389,,Perceptions of European and Chinese stakeholders on doctoral education in China and Europe,VABB-1,227,242,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439394,,Psychiatric Consultation and Referral of Persons Who Have Attempted Suicide.,VABB-1,261,268,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439396,,"On Rotating Positions in Archaeology, Art, and Architecture: Grindbakken",VABB-1,138,147,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439402,,Economisch niet-actieve migrerende Unieburgers: enkel recht op sociale uitkeringen indien zij over een verblijfsrecht beschikken,VABB-1,36,42,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439405,,"End-of-life care and quality of dying in twenty-three acute geriatric hospital wards in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,693,702,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439406,,"Gevangeniscapaciteit, gevangenisbevolking en gevangenispersoneel: kwantitatieve evoluties",VABB-4,253,293,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439409,,Zum Geleit,VABB-1,1,7,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:439410,,Overzicht van wetgeving 1 oktober 2016 – 31 december 2016,VABB-1,67,75,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439411,,Mining Time-constrained Sequential Patterns with Constraint Programming.,VABB-1,548,570,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439413,,"""Fraternity and Biography""",VABB-1,5,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439414,,Introduction to Food and Terminology. Expressing sensory experience in several languages,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439417,,"Daily milk consumption and all-cause mortality, coronary heart disease and stroke : a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational cohort studies",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:439418,,"Identity, War, and Just Cause for War: Hezbollah and Its Use of Force",VABB-1,80,105,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439420,,Hoe China het Sino-Europees telecomconflict won,VABB-1,1,10,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:439421,,Belgium,VABB-4,239,265,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439422,,The effect of Perceptual Salience on Processing L2 Inflectional Morphology,VABB-4,107,130,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439424,,Migrants in the midst of city life: spatial patterns and arrival logics of foreign newcomers to Brussels in 1880,VABB-1,39,52,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439426,,An Intervention Supporting the Mental Health of Children with a Refugee Background,VABB-1,327,336,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439427,,Developing Age-Friendly Cities: Case Studies from Brussels and Manchester and Implications for Policy and Practice,VABB-4,277,296,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439428,,The Internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Family Enterprises: The Role of Human Asset Quality,VABB-1,162,174,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:439430,,Coriolan,VABB-4,45,58,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439432,,Towards a resource of semantically and contextually structured term variants and their translations,VABB-4,83,108,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439433,,Typing competencies in Alzheimer's Disease: an exploration of copy tasks,VABB-1,311,319,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439434,,Predictors of successful atrial and ventricular auto capture pacemaker algorithm post implantation: single-centre experience,VABB-1,612,615,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:439436,,"Documentaire als ‘merit good’ op de publieke omroep: Theorie, beleid en praktijk in Vlaanderen",VABB-1,286,303,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:439439,,Semilattices global valuations in the topos approach to quantum mechanics,VABB-1,1373,1379,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439441,,Diagnostiek,VABB-4,35,45,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439442,,‘We the People’ or ‘We the Peoples’? A Comparison of Support for the Populist Radical Right and Populist Radical Left in the Netherlands,VABB-1,377,403,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439444,,Stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2015),VABB-1,86,108,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439445,,Inter-Organizationalism in International Relations: A Multilevel Framework of Analysis,VABB-4,189,216,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439447,,Preprint for the humanities: fiction or a real possibility?,VABB-1,367,378,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439450,,Is there life after subsidy for an Urban Consolidation Centre?: An investigation of the total costs and benefits of a privately-initiated concept,VABB-5,357,369,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:439452,,Hoe universitaire ziekenhuizen positioneren in een veranderend zorglandschap?,VABB-1,1283,1289,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439453,,"mTOR-related neuropathology in mutant tsc2 zebrafish: Phenotypic, transcriptomic and pharmacological analysis",VABB-1,225,237,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439454,,Slachtofferschap van ondernemingen: wat leren de cijfers ?,VABB-4,169,177,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439455,,Регионализация данных глобального климатического моделирования для расчета баланса массы горных ледников,VABB-1,437,452,,rus,2017,2 c:vabb:439456,,Who returns home? Study on placement outcomes of Flemish foster children.,VABB-1,503,514,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439457,,"Developing indicators of appropriate and inappropriate end-of-life care in people with Alzheimer's disease, cancer or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for population-level administrative databases: A RAND/UCLA appropriateness study",VABB-1,932,945,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439458,,"Household social vulnerability to natural hazards in the coastal Tran Van Thoi District, Ca Mau Province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam",VABB-1,489,503,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439459,,ON THE MARTINGALE PROPERTY IN STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY MODELS BASED ON TIME-HOMOGENEOUS DIFFUSIONS,VABB-1,194,223,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439460,,"'Two steps forward', one step back': A conversation with Philomena Essed on difference and decolonisation in the academy and beyond",VABB-1,275,285,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439462,,"Young, Innocent and Sexist? Social Differences in Benevolent and Hostile Sexist Attitudes towards Women amongst Flemish Adolescents",VABB-1,51,69,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:439465,,Reinsertion processed of chidlren disengaged from armed groups in Colombia: What’s the problem represented to be?,VABB-1,85,100,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439466,,Transformable structures: materialising design for change,VABB-1,357,366,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439468,,Conditions for Succesfully increasing disasvantaged adolescents' Engagement in and Development through volunteering in community sport,VABB-1,179,197,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439469,,The many gaps in Belgian politics,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439470,,The European FORINER project: Building a model to provide distance education to foreign national prisoners,VABB-1,81,89,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439472,,De gevangenis als exportproduct,VABB-1,223,230,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439473,,Competence profiles in undergraduate dental education: a comparison between theory and reality,VABB-1,102,109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439474,,Milton Santos: A Critical Geographer From the Global South,VABB-3,,,173 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439475,,overzicht van wetgeving 1 juli 2017- 30 september 2017,VABB-1,88,96,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439476,,Big Data and security policies: Towards a framework for regulating the phases of analytics and use of Big Data,VABB-1,309,323,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439478,,Ouderdom en detentie: de ondraaglijke lichtheid van de ‘bestaanszekerheid’?,VABB-1,24,35,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439480,,De invloed van langdurig antipsychoticagebruik bij adolescenten op de prolactinespiegel,VABB-1,1404,1410,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:439481,,Belgische gedetineerden in de Nederlandse Penitentiaire Inrichting Tilburg. Wat kunnen we hieruit leren?,VABB-1,137,141,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439483,,Explaining discrepancies in self-reported quality of life in frail older people: a mixed-methods study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439485,,"Oud, ouder, oudst: regionale en lokale verschillen in sterfte in het graafschap Vlaanderen tijdens de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw",VABB-1,39,53,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439487,,Midterm clinical outcomes of concomitant thoracoscopic epicardial and transcatheter endocardial ablation for persistent and long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation: a single-centre experience,VABB-1,58,65,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439488,,De G1000 in België en in Nederland: Analyse van een Democratisch Spanningsveld,VABB-1,61,90,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439490,,"Imaginary Europes, Phantoms of the Past, Conceptions of the Future?",VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439491,,Evaluation of a foster parent intervention for children with externalizing behaviour,VABB-1,1216,1226,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439492,,"Water in volcanoes: evolution, storage and rapid release during landslides.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:439493,,"Is Belgium and Forum 187 v. Commission a Suitable Legal Source for an EU ""At Arm’s Length Principle""?",VABB-1,607,616,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439495,,"De Franstalige extreem-rechtse partijen. In P. Van den Eeckhout & G. Vanthemsche (eds.). Bronnen voor de studie van het hedendaagse België, 19e-21e eeuw. Derde herziene en uitgebreide uitgave. Brussel, Koninklijke Commissie voor Geschiedenis, 2009, p. 901-906 (isbn 978-2-87044-013-1)",VABB-4,901,906,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439498,,Implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy in young individuals: comparison of conventional and subcostal approaches-a single-centre experience,VABB-1,81,87,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439500,,Force-time characteristics during sustained maximal handgrip effort according to age and clinical condition,VABB-1,192,198,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439501,,Towards solving massive regression problems: Least squares multisplitting,VABB-5,1322,1327,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439502,,"On the quest for validity: Testing the factor structure and measurement invariance of the technology-dimensions in the Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) model",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439503,,Learning constraints in spreadsheets and tabular data.,VABB-1,1441,1468,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439504,,Data Protection and Privacy: (In)visibilities and Infrastructures,VABB-3,,,295 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439505,,Towards a regional science academy: A manifesto,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439506,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van maart 2017,VABB-1,1597,1600,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439507,,Gender Differences in the ICT Profile of University Students: A Quantitative Analysis.,VABB-1,57,77,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439508,,"Private opsporing in België, een noodzakelijke herziening van de wet van 19 juli 1991 tot regeling van het beroep van privédetective dringt zich op",VABB-4,39,50,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439510,,Beneficiaries' participation in development organizations through local partners: A case study in South Africa,VABB-1,196,213,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439513,,"Globalisation, crime and governance. Transparency, accountability and participation as principles for global criminal law",VABB-4,91,123,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439515,,The Cerebrospinal Fluid Aβ1-42/Aβ1-40 Ratio Improves Concordance with Amyloid-PET for Diagnosing Alzheimer's Disease in a Clinical Setting,VABB-1,561,576,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439518,,Zorgnoden doorheen het kankertraject: palliatieve zorg kan al vroeg aangewezen zijn,VABB-1,1,11,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439520,,From ACTA to TTIP: lessons learned on democratic process and balancing of rights,VABB-4,159,180,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439521,,High Arctic Holocene temperature record from the Agassiz ice cap and Greenland ice sheet evolution,VABB-1,5952,5957,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439522,,Formal Cause: McLuhan's 'Objective Turn'?,VABB-4,151,173,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439524,,Japan's Search for Strategic Security Partnership,VABB-3,,,205 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439525,,Jean Cocteau et le court métrage,VABB-3,,,304 p.,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439527,,De Vlaamse beperking van de provinciale belastingbevoegdheid: voldoende tijdelijk of toch niet?,VABB-1,3,22,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439528,,Non-parametric power spectrum estimation for Riemann-Liouville fractional order signals,VABB-5,506,511,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439531,,"""Tennessee Williams's _Vieux Carré_: Caught between Heritage and Themepark.""",VABB-4,213,233,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:439533,,Analysing urban green space accessibility and quality: A GIS-based model as spatial decision support for urban ecosystem services in Brussels,VABB-1,328,340,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439534,,De architectuuropleiding aan de Brugse Academie in de economische en politieke context van de 18de eeuw,VABB-1,327,369,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439536,,Creating high performing non-profit sport organisations,VABB-4,75,94,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439537,,Burkes common law- benadering van vrijheid en mensenrechten. Erfgoed zonder bijzondere status vatbaar voor belangenafweging,VABB-4,63,92,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439539,,Over de concrete begroting van morele schade,VABB-1,1379,1383,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439541,,The extended Bloch Representation of Entanglement and Measurement in Quantum Mechanics,VABB-1,3727,3739,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439543,,Towards a typology of occasional truancy: an operationalisation study of occasional truancy in secondary education in Flanders,VABB-1,121,135,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439544,,Een onderzoek naar de verbanden tussen de Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2- Restructured Form en de DSM-5 Persoonlijkheidsvragenlijst.,VABB-1,51,57,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439545,,"Breslau in deutsch-jüdischen Selbstzeugnissen: Schrumpfende Räume, Selbst-Verortungen und Selbsterhaltungsstrategien im Dritten Reich",VABB-4,89,105,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:439546,,De vrijheid in Montesquieu's denken over de constitutie en het strafrecht. Een gepassioneerd liefhebber van de vrijheid?,VABB-4,69,90,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:439547,,"Political Dynasties in Democracies: Causes, Consequences and Remaining Puzzles",VABB-1,446,454,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439548,,The quality of life of older people aging in place: a literature review,VABB-1,2899,2907,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439550,,Cerebellar induced differential polyglot aphasia: A neurolinguistic and fMRI study.,VABB-1,18,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439555,,Recall to prison: het opvolgen en herroepen van strafuitvoeringsmodaliteiten,VABB-4,719,735,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439558,,"Access to Culture, Media, Information in the Digital Age",VABB-4,33,40,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439559,,Integrity of the Ganglionated Plexi Is Essential to Parasympathetic Innervation of the Atrioventricular Node by the Right Vagus Nerve,VABB-1,432,437,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439561,,Applying computer-assisted coreferential analysis to a study of terminological variation in multilingual parallel corpora,VABB-4,49,75,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439562,,"A Consideration of the Needs, Opportunities, and Challenges for a Critical Advertising Pedagogy",VABB-4,179,192,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439563,,The European Union as an Inadvertent Great Power: EU Actorness and the Ukraine Crisis,VABB-1,727,743,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439565,,Imaginary Europes: Literary and Filmic Representations of Europe From Afar,VABB-3,,,100 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439566,,Perceptions and Use of Technology to Support Older Adults with Multimorbidity,VABB-1,160,167,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439567,,Distinctions and Articulations: A Discourse Theoretical Framework for the Study of Populism and Nationalism,VABB-1,301,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439571,,Estimating the need for palliative care at the population level: A cross-national study in 12 countries,VABB-1,526,536,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439572,,"Une minute de plus, et Michel était parti: une construction coordonnée ? Ça dépend vraiment du point de vue.",VABB-4,53,84,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:439573,,Factors related to the quality of life of older prisoners,VABB-1,1571,1585,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439574,,"The Complementarity Advantage: Parties, Representativeness and Newcomers’ Access to Power",VABB-1,43,61,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439575,,Why a Right to Legibility of Automated Decision Making Exists in the General Data Protection Regulation,VABB-1,243,265,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439577,,Bringing eCare platforms to the market,VABB-1,207,231,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439579,,Daily motivation of volunteers in healthcare organizations: relating team inclusion and intrinsic motivation using self-determination theory,VABB-1,325,336,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439581,,Partnerships as Flexible and Open-Purpose Entities: Legal and Commercial Practice in Nineteenth-Century Antwerp (c. 1830-c. 1850),VABB-4,158,202,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439582,,Se restaurer dans les quartiers de gare du centre de Bruxelles (1835-1952),VABB-4,249,265,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439583,,Systematic Quality Monitoring For Specialized Palliative Care Services: Development of a Minimal Set of Quality Indicators for Palliative Care Study (QPAC),VABB-1,532,546,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439584,,The Article 29 Working Party’s Provisional Guidelines on Data Protection Impact Assessment,VABB-1,212,217,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439585,,Who or what contributes to student satisfaction in different blended learning modalities?,VABB-1,473,489,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439586,,Meertaligheid en vertaling: drie ethische reflecties,VABB-1,45,55,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439589,,Development and Validation of the Elder Learning Barriers Scale Among Older Chinese Adults,VABB-1,472,489,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439591,,Data Protection Law and International Dispute Resolution,VABB-4,1,174,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439592,,Easing spatial inequalities? An analysis of the anticipated effects of Urban Enterprise Zones in Brussels,VABB-1,1876,1895,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439596,,Stadsgeschiedenis in buitenlandse tijdschriften (2015),VABB-1,212,246,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439597,,De vervroegde invrijheidstelling van buitenlandse gedetineerden zonder verblijfsrecht,VABB-4,703,717,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439598,,Downdating high-resolution population density maps using sealed surface cover time series,VABB-1,96,106,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439600,,Belgian Ageing Studies: participatief actie-onderzoek naar en met ouderen,VABB-1,20,33,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:439602,,Scientific disagreement and evidential pluralism: Lessons from the studies on hypercholesterolemia,VABB-1,75,116,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439603,,EPISECC Common Information Space: Defining Data Ownership in Disaster Management,VABB-4,103,112,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439604,,Association between advanced glycation end-products and functional performance in Alzheimer's disease and mixed dementia,VABB-1,1525,1534,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439605,,Sustainable urban freight transport in megacities in emerging markets,VABB-1,31,41,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439606,,Assessment of physical child abuse risk in parents with children referred to child and adolescent psychiatry,VABB-1,411,424,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439607,,A score model to predict risk of events in patients with Brugada Syndrome,VABB-1,1756,1763,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439608,,"Validation of the SarQoL (R), a specific health-related quality of life questionnaire for Sarcopenia",VABB-1,238,244,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439611,,Early diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia through basic and instrumental activities of daily living: Development of a new evaluation tool,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439612,,Validation of the semi-quantitative static SUVR method for [(18)F]-AV45 PET by pharmacokinetic modeling with an arterial input function,VABB-1,1483,1489,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439613,,Integrating Scenarios into Life Cycle Assessment: Understanding the Value and Financial Feasibility of a Demountable Building,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439614,,The Faces of Power. History and the Legitimation of Napoleonic Rule in Belgium,VABB-1,555,588,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439616,,Consensus document on the detection and diagnosis of urinary incontinence in older people,VABB-1,202,209,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439617,,Brain plasticity in Parkinson's disease with freezing of gait induced by action observation training,VABB-1,88,101,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439619,,Du « grand piétonnier » au projet urbain : atouts et défis pour le centre-ville de Bruxelles: Notes de synthèse BSI,VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439620,,Leuven Manual on the International Law Applicable to Peace Operations,VABB-3,,,404 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439622,,Het continuïteitsbeginsel in het socialezekerheidsrecht: The legal principle of continuation in social security law,VABB-4,277,302,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439623,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,33,80,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439628,,Understanding adults’ strong problem-solving skills based on PIAAC,VABB-1,537,553,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439630,,A stein type lemma for the multivariate generalized hyperbolic distribution,VABB-1,606,612,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439633,,How can authorities support urban consolidation centres? A review of the accompanying measures,VABB-1,468,486,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439634,,How giving affects giving: a long-term analysis of donations,VABB-1,2402,2413,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:439636,,The quality of work in the Belgian service voucher system,VABB-1,40,60,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439638,,Adapting Schema Therapy for Personality Disorders in Older Adults,VABB-1,62,78,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439640,,The Continuing Relevance of the Hybrid or Internationalized Justice Model: The Example of the Kosovo Specialist Chambers,VABB-1,35,73,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439641,,De Vlaamse pleegzorg uitgelegd.,VABB-1,181,197,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439642,,Mixed Exclusivity: The CJEU's Opinion on the EU-Singapore FTA,VABB-1,3,34,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439643,,Infringement Proceedings in EU Law,VABB-2,,,496 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439646,,Electronic monitoring and reintegration in Belgium,VABB-1,11,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439647,,Nonparametric Probability Density Estimation via Interpolation Filtering,VABB-1,681,690,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439649,,Educational inequalities in premature mortality by region in the Belgian population in the 2000s,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439650,,Does using the interRAI Palliative Care instrument reduce the needs and symptoms of nursing home residents receiving palliative care?,VABB-1,32,40,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:439651,,The role of open innovation and absorptive capacity in innovation performance: Empirical evidence from Slovenia,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439652,,Ode van een post-symbolist: Het ‘metaforisch realisme’ van Karel van de Woestijne,VABB-1,148,161,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439654,,Improving the quality of the intensive care follow-up of ventilated patients during a national registration program,VABB-1,159,166,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439655,,Vrijheid van vakvereniging en verbod van discriminatie op grond van syndicale overtuiging,VABB-1,731,758,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439656,,The Court of Cassation as the Supreme Body of the Judiciairy in Belgium,VABB-1,12,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439657,,Measuring personality functioning in older adults: construct validity of the Severity Indices of Personality Functioning - Short Form (SIPP-SF),VABB-1,703,711,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439658,,"""Le prédicat m'a tuer"", signé P(articipe) P(assé)",VABB-1,1,15,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439659,,"Nieuwe corporate governance voor Proximus en bpost : much ado about nothing, of toch niet ?",VABB-1,393,404,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439663,,Repeat Procedures After Hybrid Thoracoscopic Ablation in the Setting of Longstanding Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Electrophysiological Findings and 2-Year Clinical Outcome,VABB-1,41,50,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:439664,,European Competition and Regulatory Law Review,VABB-1,96,114,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439665,,Lectures contemporaines de Elizabeth Anscombe,VABB-1,1,11,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:439666,,Recente ontwikkelingen in wetgeving en rechtspraak met betrekking tot buitenlandse gedetineerden,VABB-1,5,10,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439668,,Diaspora,VABB-4,377,380,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439672,,МЕРКИ ЗА УСТОЙЧИВА МОБИЛНОСТ В КОНТЕКСТА НА ПЪТУВАНЕТО ДО РАБОТА В ХОРЕКА СЕКТОРА В СОФИЯ И БРЮКСЕЛ,VABB-1,,,,bul,2017,2 c:vabb:439673,,Rewriting ‘White’ Genres in Search of Afro-European Identities: Travel and Crime Fiction by Bernardine Evaristo and Mike Phillips,VABB-1,37,58,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439674,,Development of an Electrochemical Procedure for Monitoring Hydrogen Sorption/Desorption in Steel,VABB-1,747,757,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439675,,Attributable health care costs of traffic victims until 1 year after hospitalisation,VABB-1,171,179,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439676,,Necessary embedding conditions for state-wise monotone Markov chains.,VABB-1,1529,1539,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439677,,Reaction Networks as a Language for Systemic Modeling: On the Study of Structural Changes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439679,,Geodata interoperability and harmonization in transport: a case study of open transport net,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439680,,Spatial variation of volcanic rock geochemistry in the Virunga Volcanic Province: Statistical analysis of an integrated database,VABB-1,888,903,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439685,,Mediawijsheid in Vlaanderen. Van parlementaire discussie tot de oprichting van het Kenniscentrum Mediawijsheid.,VABB-1,244,266,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:439687,,Saint-Blaise-des-Simples,VABB-4,215,228,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:439688,,Scenarios for Brexit and social security,VABB-1,367,381,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439689,,"High resolution (1 km) positive degree-day modelling of Greenland Ice sheet Surface Mass Balance, 1870-2012 using reanalysis data",VABB-1,176,193,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439691,,"Research note: the other side of the stage, revealing compositional differences in Flemish amateur theatre audiences",VABB-1,579,587,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439692,,Tell me twice: A Multi-Study analysis of the functional connectivity between the cerebrum and cerebellum after repeated trait information,VABB-1,241,252,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439693,,Instituting the Common: The Perspective of the Multitude,VABB-4,107,152,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439694,,A shape optimization approach to integrated design and nonlinear analysis of tensioned fabric membrane structures with boundary cables,VABB-1,114,125,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:439695,,TopoZeko: A MATLAB function for 3-D and 4-D topographical visualization in geosciences,VABB-1,285,292,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439699,,Impact of Flexible Periodic Premiums on Variable Annuity Guarantees,VABB-1,63,68,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439703,,Evolution of educational inequalities in site-specific cancer mortality among Belgian men between the 1990s and 2000s using a “fundamental cause” perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439704,,Competition Policy’s Travels through Cyberspace: EU and US Enforcement of Vertical Restraints in Online Distribution,VABB-1,26,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439706,,On the socially optimal density of coin and banknote series: do production costs really matter?,VABB-1,252,267,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439707,,Precarious Employment and Quality of Employment in Relation to Health and Well-being in Europe,VABB-1,389,409,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439708,,Strategic Hedging and Unipolarity's Demise: The Case of China's Strategic Hedging,VABB-1,354,377,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439709,,Persistent cognitive deficits after whiplash injury: a comparative study with mild traumatic brain injury patients and healthy volunteers,VABB-1,493,500,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439710,,Gedetineerden zonder verblijfsrecht: Repatriëren tegen (w)elke prijs?,VABB-1,1,16,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439711,,"Data Protection as Bundles of Principles, General Rights, Concrete Subjective Rights and Rules. Piercing the Veil of Stability Surrounding the Principles of Data Protection",VABB-1,160,179,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439713,,"Different shades of Newton: Herman Boerhaave on Newton mathematicus, philosophus, and optico-chemicus",VABB-1,108,125,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439715,,Data Protection’s Future without Democratic Bright Line Rules. Co-existing with Technologies in Europe after Breyer,VABB-1,20,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439716,,Exercising access rights in Belgium,VABB-4,77,108,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439717,,Zijn toekomstige Vlaamse leerkrachten in staat en bereid om financiële educatie te geven in het secundair onderwijs?,VABB-1,126,134,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439720,,"The Techno-Politics of Data and Smart Devolution in City-Regions: Comparing Glasgow, Bristol, Barcelona, and Bilbao",VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439721,,The Anterolateral Ligament Has Similar Biomechanical and Histologic Properties to the Inferior Glenohumeral Ligament,VABB-1,1028,1035,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439722,,Landscape with the Rise of Data Privacy Protection,VABB-4,545,567,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439723,,A concept analysis of proactive behaviour in midwifery,VABB-1,1236,1250,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:439724,,Toward an Other Globalization: From the Single Thought to Universal Conscience,VABB-3,,,126 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439725,,De hiërarchie van de rechtsbronnen in het arbeidsrecht,VABB-1,59,88,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439735,,Measuring multidimensional inequality in the OECD member countries with a distribution-sensitive Better Life Index,VABB-1,1057,1086,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439736,,Poverty impacts of changes in the international prices of agricultural commodities : recent evidence for Argentina (an ex-ante analysis),VABB-1,375,395,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439741,,Brand placement repetition in a fictional text,VABB-1,38,59,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439743,,The process of entrainment in the context of spiritual innovation : aligning and integrating an organization's capacities,VABB-1,133,147,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439750,,Celebrity news as hybrid journalism : an assessment of celebrity coverage in newspapers and magazines,VABB-1,44,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439755,,"Evolution of the EU and international shipping : drivers, challenges and scenarios",VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439756,,Forecasting container throughput in the Hamburg - Le Havre range : Combining ARDL model and scenario analysis,VABB-5,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439757,,Port related innovations : the answer to today's constraints and the challenges in seaports,VABB-5,1,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439760,,Managing capacity in the inland waterway sector : to intervene or not to intervene?,VABB-4,71,98,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439761,,ICT port-related innovation: developing an effective strategic decision tool,VABB-5,1,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439762,,Design of a cost calculation instrument for the inland navigation sector,VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439763,,A cost simulation instrument of urban policies on retail logistics,VABB-5,1,23,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439764,,"BRAIN-TRAINS : scenario development to explore intermodal rail transport expansion in, from and towards Belgium",VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439765,,Freight trams for urban freight distribution : a social cost-benefit framework,VABB-5,1,17,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439766,,The importance of external costs for assessing the potential of trams and trains for urban freight distribution,VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439767,,Imitation: innovation made easy : cases from the port sector,VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439769,,Ergonomic design of an EEG headset using 3D anthropometry,VABB-1,128,136,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439770,,Young adolescents' advertising literacy and purchase intention in social network games : influence of perspective taking and need for cognition,VABB-1,23,33,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439772,,Towards comprehensive port capacity investment valuation,VABB-5,1,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439773,,IEP sites : combining planning tools to address planning uncertainty,VABB-5,263,270,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439774,,Building a typology of modes of transport with an infrastructure funding and financing perspective,VABB-5,1,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439775,,The mural legacy of N.V. Gevaert Photo-producten : lessons from a preservation and restoration process,VABB-4,221,234,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439778,,Do performers' experience and sex affect their performance,VABB-1,227,245,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439781,,Audio-describing visual filmic allusions,VABB-1,323,339,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439783,,The e-commerce parcel delivery market : developing a model for comparing home B2C deliveries vs pick-up points,VABB-5,1,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439788,,Embedding remittances : a methodological note on financial diaries in Nicaragua,VABB-1,175,189,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439789,,Household and family dynamics in Late Antique Southern Gaul,VABB-4,258,282,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439791,,Belgium (Flanders),VABB-4,23,35,,lat,2017,2 c:vabb:439793,,Conceptualising the effects of cooperation in hinterland development between neighbouring seaport authorities,VABB-5,1,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439795,,Policymaking from a gender+ equality perspective,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439798,,Federalism disputes and the behavior of courts : explaining variation in federal courts support for centralization,VABB-1,27,48,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439799,,The role of correlation in risk profile portfolios,VABB-1,144,153,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439800,,Evaluating urban logistics trends : the case of Ho.Re.Ca. and Health Care logistics,VABB-5,1,15,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439802,,The origins of the Ukraine crisis and the need for collective security between Russia and the West,VABB-1,82,91,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439804,,Investigating the bunkering choice determinants : the case of the port of Antwerp,VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439806,,Impact of the new Panama Canal on the competitiveness of the Hamburg - Le Havre range ports,VABB-5,1,23,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439810,,Exploring player responses towards in-game advertising : the impact of interactivity,VABB-4,310,327,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439811,,The economic ideas of Marx's Capital : steps towards post-Keynesian economics,VABB-2,,,322 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439812,,"""Thinking before posting?"" Reducing cyber harassment on social networking sites through a reflective message",VABB-1,345,352,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439818,,Boredom and violence,VABB-4,168,179,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439819,,Disability in Antiquity,VABB-3,,,490 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439820,,"Introduction : disabilities in the Ancient world - past, present, and future",VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439821,,Modeling intra-seasonal heterogeneity in hourly advertising-response models : do forecasts improve?,VABB-1,90,101,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439822,,Antwerp and the 'Material Renaissance' : exploring the social and economic significance of crystal glass and majolica in the sixteenth century,VABB-4,436,451,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439823,,An ultrasonic six degrees-of-freedom pose estimation sensor,VABB-1,151,159,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439824,,Shedding light on the dark side : associations between the dark triad and the DSM-5 maladaptive trait model,VABB-1,516,521,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439830,,Exploring the contemporary state of information technology governance transparency in Belgian firms,VABB-1,20,37,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439831,,The present perfective paradox across languages,VABB-2,,,240 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439832,,"Work, labour and professions in the Roman World",VABB-3,,,353 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439833,,"Work, labour, professions. What's in a name?",VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439835,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439836,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439837,,From Antwerp to Britain and back again,VABB-4,94,107,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439838,,"Belgium and the semantic flux of Flemish, French and Flemings",VABB-4,159,172,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439839,,Strategic IT governance and alignment in business settings,VABB-3,,,298 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439840,,Children and everyday life in the Roman and Late Antique World,VABB-3,,,390 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439841,,A new paradigm for the social history of childhood and children in Antiquity,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439842,,Touching children in Roman Antiquity : the sentimental discourse and the family,VABB-4,60,78,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439843,,In Flanders fields : de/politicization and democratic debate on a GM potato field trial controversy in news media,VABB-1,166,183,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439844,,"When news is everywhere : understanding participation, crossmediality and mobility in journalism from a radical user perspective",VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439845,,Facebook and news journalism,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439846,,Blossoming beauty or unhinged teen? Media and audiences discussing celebrities coming of age,VABB-4,69,81,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439847,,Is prosodic production driven by lexical development? Longitudinal evidence from babble and words,VABB-1,1248,1273,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439851,,Mediatization and the language of journalism,VABB-4,489,504,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439852,,News discourse analysis and role performance,VABB-4,221,234,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439854,,Measuring issue ownership : a comparative question wording experiment,VABB-1,120,131,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439855,,Antecedents of IT governance effectiveness : an empirical examination in Brazilian firms,VABB-1,41,57,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439857,,"LGBTQs, media and culture in Europe",VABB-3,,,304 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439858,,I am my own special creation: sexual and gender differences in the music performances of an Antwerp drag show company,VABB-4,46,59,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439859,,Exploration and sociability in a highly gregarious bird are repeatable across seasons and in the long term but are unrelated,VABB-1,339,348,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439861,,"Sexting : adolescents' perceptions of the applications used for, motives for, and consequences of sexting",VABB-1,446,470,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439862,,Profiling perpetrators of interpersonal violence against children in sport based on a victim survey,VABB-1,172,182,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439863,,Tan oscuro como muy oscuro: ¿dónde se ubica Ena Lucía Portela?,VABB-1,87,107,,spa,2017,1 c:vabb:439864,,Evolving enactivism : basic minds meet content,VABB-2,,,336 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439868,,Communication practices and political engagement with climate change : a research agenda,VABB-1,122,135,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439869,,South African labour market transitions since the global financial and economic crisis : evidence from two longitudinal datasets,VABB-1,192,222,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439870,,Language ideologies regarding English-Medium instruction in European higher education : insights from Flanders and Finland,VABB-4,205,230,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439871,,Towards data for development : a model on learning communities as a platform for growing data use,VABB-4,1,28,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439873,,'I think I'm quite fluid with those kinds of things' : exploring music and non-heterosexual women's identities,VABB-4,80,97,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439875,,"The associations between substance use, sexual behaviors, bullying, deviant behaviors, health, and cyber dating abuse perpetration",VABB-1,116,122,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439877,,"European mobile students, (trans)national social networks, and (inter)national career perspectives",VABB-4,54,74,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439878,,Mega-event mobilities : a critical analysis,VABB-3,,,194 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439881,,On the fast track? Using standard contracts in publicprivate partnerships for sports facilities: a case study,VABB-1,226,239,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439883,,Multiple accountabilities in public-private partnerships (PPPs) : how to unravel the accountability paradox?,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439884,,"The science, policy and practice of nature-based solutions : an interdisciplinary perspective",VABB-1,1215,1227,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439885,,Belgian parliaments and the early warning systems,VABB-4,181,198,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439886,,"""Do you like cookies?"" Adolescents' skeptical processing of retargeted Facebook-ads and the moderating role of privacy concern and a textual debriefing",VABB-1,157,165,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439893,,Exploring the influence of Belgian and South-African corporate governance codes on IT governance transparency,VABB-5,5184,5194,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439897,,Organic farming and small-scale farmers : main opportunities and challenges,VABB-1,144,154,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439898,,A systematic review of environmental and economic impacts of smart grids,VABB-1,888,898,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439899,,A review of the sustainability of algal-based biorefineries : towards an integrated assessment framework,VABB-1,876,887,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439900,,"Environmental and health impacts of effluents from textile industries in Ethiopia : the case of Gelan and Dukem, Oromia Regional State",VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439903,,Student teachers team teaching during field experiences : an evaluation by their mentors,VABB-1,415,440,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439904,,Decent incomes for the poor : which role for Europe?,VABB-1,240,256,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439907,,Children of austerity : impact of the great recession on child poverty in rich countries,VABB-3,,,384 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439908,,Belgium : creeping vulnerability of children,VABB-4,30,55,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439914,,"The associations of adolescents' dating violence victimization, well-being and engagement in risk behaviors",VABB-1,66,71,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439915,,Measuring social investment returns : do publicly provided services enhance social inclusion?,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439916,,Van wie is het Wilhelmus? Auteurskwesties rond het Nederlandse volkslied met de computer onderzocht,VABB-2,,,128 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439917,,Introduction : scope and methods,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439918,,Impact of the economic crisis on children in rich countries,VABB-4,8,29,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439919,,Learning the lessons : enhancing capacity to protect children,VABB-4,320,334,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439920,,Parental responsibility in the context of neuroscience and genetics,VABB-3,,,246 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439921,,Neurological diversity and epigenetic influences in utero : an ethical investigation of maternal responsibility towards the future child,VABB-4,105,119,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439922,,Parental responsibility : a moving target,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439926,,Poetry and poetics after Wallace Stevens,VABB-3,,,273 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439927,,Introduction: After Stevens,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439928,,Hearing Stevens in Sylvia Plath,VABB-4,43,56,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439929,,"Imagined futures in science, technology and society",VABB-3,,,240 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439930,,"Introduction : shaping the future through imaginaries of science, technology and society",VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439931,,"The Belgian welfare state system : with special reference to ""targeting within universalism""",VABB-4,229,243,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439932,,Human rights and modern society : a sociological analysis from the point of view of systems theory,VABB-4,258,281,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439935,,Evaluating conditions for integrated water resource management at sub-basin scale : a comparison of the flemish sub-basin boards and walloon river contracts,VABB-1,59,73,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439938,,"""Everything he says to me it's like he stabs me in the face"": frontstage and backstage reactions to teasing",VABB-4,169,198,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439939,,Civic religions,VABB-4,546,564,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439941,,Design of a chemical batch plant with parallel production lines : plant configuration and cost effectiveness,VABB-1,21,30,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439943,,"The impact of pensions, transfers and taxes on child poverty in Europe : the role of size, pro-poorness and child orientation",VABB-1,745,775,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439944,,Coping with diversity in religious education : an overview,VABB-1,105,120,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439947,,Shedding new light on how advertising literacy can affect children's processing of embedded advertising formats : a future research agenda,VABB-1,333,349,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439948,,On the dynamics of reform resistance : why and how bureaucratic organizations resist shared service center reforms,VABB-1,533,557,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:439949,,"Child trafficking, youth labour mobility and the politics of protection",VABB-2,,,178 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439950,,German-Jewish thought and its afterlife : a tenuous legacy,VABB-2,,,202 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439951,,Door curator gerealiseerde meerwaarde is belastbaar als stopzettingsmeerwaarde : faillissement leidt niet tot desaffectatie (noot onder Gent 24 mei 2016),VABB-1,32,35,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439952,,Over verschoonbaarheid en na de faillietverklaring 'ontstane' schulden (noot onder Gent 31 mei 2016),VABB-1,36,40,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439953,,"Poor boxes, guild ethic and community building in Brabant, ca. 1250-1600",VABB-4,115,131,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439954,,Protesters on message? Explaining demonstrators' differential degrees of frame alignment,VABB-1,340,354,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439955,,Long-term associative issue ownership change : a panel study in Belgium,VABB-1,484,502,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439956,,Social investment and the Matthew effect : limits to a strategy,VABB-4,66,76,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439957,,The Matthew effect redux : going beyond the mean in evaluating family policies,VABB-4,431,455,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439958,,Evolving Japanese security strategy,VABB-4,71,85,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439959,,Beyond the financial logic : realizing valuable outcomes in public-private partnerships in Flanders and Ontario,VABB-1,784,808,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439961,,Motivations to become a master in social work : a typology of students,VABB-1,409,421,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439962,,Contextual-transformational social work in superdiverse contexts : an evaluative perspective by clients and social workers,VABB-1,676,691,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:439963,,Grammaticalization and (inter)subjectification : the case of the Swedish modals må and måtte,VABB-4,47,80,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:439967,,Neo-Latin and the vernacular,VABB-4,35,51,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439968,,"""Hume's moderate scepticism : the twilight zone of enlightenment"", Book review symposium on: James Harris , Hume: an intellectual biography",VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439970,,Foutaansprakelijkheid tussen (ex-) echtgenoten: meer dan een doekje voor het bloeden (noot onder Antwerpen 23 december 2014),VABB-1,53,56,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439975,,A history of urban gardens in Europe,VABB-4,8,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:439977,,Subsidiarity post-Brighton : procedural rationality as answer?,VABB-1,5,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439980,,The growth trend in learning strategies during the transition from secondary to higher education in Flanders,VABB-1,499,518,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439981,,Public opinion change after the Fukushima nuclear accident : the role of national context revisited,VABB-1,124,133,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439982,,Media motivation and elite rhetoric in comparative perspective,VABB-1,385,403,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:439989,,Criminal law,VABB-4,129,148,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439990,,Het voorstel van nieuw Boek I Strafwetboek: na 150 jaar eindelijk tijd om 'de sprong' te wagen...,VABB-1,1,9,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:439991,,Mystical anthropology : authors from the Low Countries,VABB-3,,,191 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:439995,,Werewolves: a reconsideration of Hobbess state of nature from the perspective of biopolitics,VABB-4,149,162,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440002,,Druggebruik versus godsdienstvrijheid (noot onder Cass. 6 september 2016),VABB-1,83,86,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440003,,Core terms: interpretation and possibilities of assessment,VABB-1,30,34,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440004,,Management of legislation,VABB-4,53,72,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440009,,Transitions to higher education : moving beyond quantity,VABB-4,3,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440010,,The development of learning strategies in higher education : impact of gender and prior education,VABB-4,135,156,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440011,,Higher education transitions : theory and research,VABB-3,,,352 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440012,,Beyond ethnicity : the violence in Western Uganda and Rwenzori's 99 problems,VABB-1,131,141,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440013,,Arnheimer Mystik: katholische Reform zu Beginn des 16. Jhs,VABB-1,83,90,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:440015,,Multilayeredness of the highest faculties in the Arnhem mystical sermons,VABB-4,152,166,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440016,,Felici curiositate: studies in Latin literature and textual criticism from Antiquity to the twentieth century. In honour of Rita Beyers,VABB-3,,,910 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440017,,Iuvenalianam satiram ultimam quemadmodum suppleverit C.Arrius Nurus,VABB-4,767,780,,lat,2017,2 c:vabb:440018,,"Huur, medehuur en feitelijke samenwoning : toepassing in de rechtspraktijk en aanbevelingen voor de (Vlaamse?) regelgever",VABB-1,2,10,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440019,,"""Of making many books there is no end"": Father Cosmas Dillen's dedication of Tongerlo's library catalogue to Abbot Adriaan Stalpaerts, 1625: a critical edition and translation",VABB-4,707,727,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440021,,"Geen ring zonder stad, geen stad zonder ring",VABB-4,72,85,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440023,,"Entrenching the area of freedom, security and justice : questions of institutional governance and judicial control",VABB-4,485,508,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440027,,Economisch niet-actieve migrerende Unieburgers : enkel recht op sociale uitkeringen indien zij over een verblijfsrecht beschikken,VABB-1,36,42,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440028,,Legal malpractice in Belgium: redress from a client perspective,VABB-1,145,157,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440031,,A large neighbourhood metaheuristic for the risk-constrained cash-in-transit vehicle routing problem,VABB-1,547,556,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440038,,Network learning : episodes of interorganizational learning towards a collective performance goal,VABB-1,15,25,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440040,,"Seem-type verbs in Dutch and German: lijken, schijnen & scheinen",VABB-4,123,148,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440041,,Co-teachers als spil van verandering bij passend onderwijs,VABB-1,89,105,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440042,,'People will think you are nobody' : how Qur'anic students in Nigeria struggle for respect and knowledge,VABB-4,165,172,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440044,,Penser l'ordre juridique international moderne : la hiérarchie des normes et la Société des Princes,VABB-5,83,109,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:440045,,"Bij uitsluiting aan den Souverein, zonder eenige de minste ruggenspraak ? Soevereiniteit, grondwet en volkenrecht, van Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden tot Koninkrijk België",VABB-5,209,229,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:440046,,"La proposition d'avant-project de nouveau Livre Ier du Code pénal: après 150 ans, une réforme bien nécessaire",VABB-1,129,134,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440049,,Is Charles Taylor (still) a weak ontologist?,VABB-1,65,87,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440051,,What is distinctively human? Charles Taylor and Alasdair MacIntyre on the relation between humans and animals,VABB-4,85,101,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440052,,De migrant in het discriminatierecht vanuit arbeidsrechtelijk perspectief,VABB-4,1,76,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440053,,"The French comparative modal constructions faire mieux de, valoir mieux and falloir mieux",VABB-4,81,111,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440055,,Battery pack recycling : behaviour change interventions derived from an integrative theory of planned behaviour study,VABB-1,66,82,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440056,,Young people's acceptance of bioenergy and the influence of attitude strength on information provision,VABB-1,417,430,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440057,,Monetary valuation of natural predators for biological pest control in pear production,VABB-1,160,173,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440058,,A realistic evaluation of indoor positioning systems based on Wi-Fi fingerprinting : the 2015 EvAAL-ETRI competition,VABB-1,263,279,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440064,,Boosting servitization through digitization : pathways and dynamic resource configurations for manufacturers,VABB-1,42,53,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440066,,"Mutual HIV status disclosure is associated with consistent condom use in public sector ART clients in Free State province, South Africa : a short report",VABB-1,1386,1390,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440069,,Zicht op leerwinst : scenario's voor gestandaardiseerd toetsen,VABB-2,,,256 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440071,,"Case study of an organic Rankine cycle applied for excess heat recovery : technical, economic and policy matters",VABB-1,670,685,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440072,,Hedendaagse mythes in publiek management : over de kaars en bril waarmee de uil zien wil,VABB-1,59,83,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440073,,Emphasis on emotions in student learning : analyzing relationships between overexcitabilities and the learning approach using Bayesian MIMIC modeling,VABB-1,225,248,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440074,,Two-level designs to estimate all main effects and two-factor interactions,VABB-1,69,79,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440075,,Trust as commodity : social value orientation affects the neural substrates of learning to cooperate,VABB-1,609,617,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440076,,Unfolding scientific expertise and security in the changing governance of ecosystem services,VABB-1,354,367,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440077,,On the measurement of socioeconomic inequality of health between countries,VABB-1,175,193,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440078,,As a lock to a key? Why science is more than just an instrument to pay for nature's services,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440079,,Using administrative data to look at changes in the level and distribution of out-of-pocket medical expenditure : an example using Medicare data from Australia,VABB-1,426,433,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440081,,Electric power system transition and the Polluter Pays Principle,VABB-4,419,434,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440082,,Positioning nuclear power in the low-carbon electricity transition,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440083,,Critical digital diplomacy as a global challenge : the South Korean experience,VABB-1,294,302,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440085,,Considering economic and geological uncertainty in the simulation of realistic investment decisions for CO2-EOR projects in the North Sea,VABB-1,745,761,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440086,,Off-shore enhanced oil recovery in the North Sea : the impact of price uncertainty on the investment decisions,VABB-1,123,137,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440088,,Par où saurais je mieux finir? La Fontaine chez les Pères du Désert,VABB-4,729,743,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440091,,"Images of childhood, adulthood, and old age in children's literature",VABB-4,1,34,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440092,,"Migratie- en Migrantenrecht. Ontwikkelingen inzake arbeidsdiscriminatie, detachering van werknemers, kinderontvoering en de Dublinverordening",VABB-3,,,207 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440093,,Woord vooraf,VABB-4,5,9,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440095,,Towards scenario-based discovery of domain-specific patterns : a case study,VABB-5,28,33,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440096,,Toward evolvable document management for study programs based on modular aggregation patterns,VABB-5,34,39,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440097,,On the modular structure and evolvability of architectural patterns for housing utilities,VABB-5,40,45,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440098,,Exploring evolvable modular patterns for transportation vehicles and logistics architectures,VABB-5,46,51,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440103,,The effect of family formation on the build-op of pension rights among minority ethnic groups and native women in Belgium,VABB-1,1253,1278,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440104,,Fertility by birth order among the descendants of immigrants in selected European countries,VABB-1,31,60,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440106,,Syllable type development in toddlers acquiring Dutch,VABB-1,119,146,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440107,,Advances and lacunas in usage-based studies of first language acquisition,VABB-4,13,46,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440110,,Opgesomd staat netjes,VABB-1,95,101,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440111,,Targeted writing instruction for professional translators: how does it affect the translators,VABB-1,20,42,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440113,,Het personen- en familierecht : een benadering in context,VABB-2,,,582 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440114,,Planning and conducting experimental advertising research and questionnaire design,VABB-1,83,100,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440115,,Co-creating advertising literacy awareness campaigns for minors,VABB-1,54,69,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440116,,"Perceptual learning, the mere exposure effect and aesthetic antirealism",VABB-1,58,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440117,,Internal versus external history,VABB-1,207,230,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440126,,Where geoeconomics and geostrategy meet : the troubled relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation,VABB-4,113,120,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440129,,Experimental inhibition of a key cellular antioxidant affects vocal communication,VABB-1,1101,1110,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440131,,Cognition enactment : Beckett's Molloy manuscripts and the reader's role in genetic criticism,VABB-1,185,198,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440136,,Duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen voor 2030: de nieuwe ontwikkelingsagenda vanuit kinderrechtenperspectief,VABB-1,22,35,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440137,,Between ecstasy and lament: revelationism and messianism in Epstein and Godard,VABB-4,193,206,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440138,,La copropriété par quantité (numerieke mede-eigendom) comme effet du mélange de biens fongibles,VABB-1,181,193,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440140,,Towards a reflexive digital data analysis,VABB-4,171,180,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440145,,"Human-related, not human-controlled : Charles Taylor on ethics and ontology",VABB-1,267,285,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440149,,The population ecology of technology : an empirical study of US biotechnology patents from 1976 to 2003,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440150,,How to (and how not to) think about top-down influences on visual perception,VABB-1,17,25,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440151,,Bayesian D-optimal choice designs for mixtures,VABB-1,363,386,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440155,,A visit to remember : stigmata and celebrity at the turn of the twentieth century,VABB-1,55,72,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440160,,Beyond the Grand Tour. Northern metropolises and early modern travel behaviour (17th-19th centuries),VABB-3,,,228 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440162,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440164,,Young Cosmopolitans. Flemish and Dutch youths and their travel behaviour (1585-1789),VABB-4,185,202,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440165,,Visualising literary heritage : a viable approach? The case of the Panpoëticon Batavûm (17721780),VABB-1,49,58,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440166,,Consumers' motivation for lurking and posting in brand communities on social network sites,VABB-4,207,221,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440168,,A fast two-level variable neighborhood search for the clustered vehicle routing problem,VABB-1,78,94,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440169,,Political communication in a high-choice media environment : a challenge for democracy?,VABB-1,3,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440171,,De bekendmaking van de adviezen van de Raad van State in tien categorieën : over de bevoegdheid van de federale wetgever en de twijfels van de Raad van State,VABB-1,1082,1089,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440173,,Change managerialism and micro-processes of sensemaking during change implementation,VABB-1,65,81,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440174,,Evidentiality reconsidered,VABB-4,57,83,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440176,,Leadership for team learning : the case of university teacher teams,VABB-1,191,207,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440177,,Het optreden van inwoners namens de gemeente of de provincie bij stilzitten van het bestuur : zegen of kwelling?,VABB-1,4,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440178,,Methods for visualizing mainland China's floating migration : a critical assessment,VABB-1,128,142,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440179,,Do mergers and alliances influence European shipping and port competition?,VABB-4,363,373,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440180,,Co-operation and competition in international container transport : strategies for ports,VABB-4,293,305,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440183,,Rhetorical impression management in the letter to shareholders and institutional setting : a metadiscourse perspective,VABB-1,404,432,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440184,,Current controversies in philosophy of perception,VABB-3,,,202 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440185,,Grondrechten en de professionele risico's : burgerlijke aansprakelijkheid en immuniteit in het licht van het gelijkheidsbeginsel,VABB-4,95,132,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:440186,,Tracing down real socio-economic trends from household data with erratic sampling frames : the case of the Democratic Republic of the Congo,VABB-1,532,552,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440188,,"Profiles of monograph authors in the social sciences and humanities : an analysis of productivity, career stage, co-authorship, disciplinary affiliation and gender, based on a regional bibliographic database",VABB-1,1673,1686,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440189,,Expanding research for the expanding international church,VABB-4,99,131,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:440190,,"Universiteit, steek de hand in eigen boezem : misverstanden rond genderongelijkheid",VABB-1,29,33,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440194,,De naweeën van de veralgemeende correctionaliseerbaarheid sedert Potpourri II,VABB-1,182,189,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440200,,Debt sustainability and direction of trade : what does Africa's shifting engagement with BRIC and OECD tells us?,VABB-4,449,475,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440201,,Intellectual integrity in the philosophy of Bruno Bauer and Max Stirner,VABB-5,285,292,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440202,,Carnap brought home : the elimination of the metaphysical need,VABB-5,195,202,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440206,,Groeiende onderwijsongelijkheid in tijden van superdiversiteit : hoe het Vlaamse onderwijs achterloopt op de demografische ontwikkeling,VABB-1,18,23,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440207,,Performance-based financing : the same is different,VABB-1,860,868,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440208,,Exclusieve gebruiksrechten op gemeenschappelijke delen bij appartementsmede-eigendom,VABB-1,44,56,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440209,,"Eco-school evaluation beyond labels : the impact of environmental policy, didactics and nature at school on student outcomes",VABB-1,1250,1267,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440210,,Heraldisch vakmanschap in De Grimbergse oorlog,VABB-1,22,36,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:440212,,"Evidence-based lawmaking : influences, obstacles and the role of the European Court of Human Rights",VABB-4,79,94,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440213,,Abnormale schade in de Wet Medische Ongevallen : naar een (te) ruime invulling?,VABB-1,249,253,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440215,,Ban on home birth and pursuit of safety in delivery,VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440216,,Family functioning and socioeconomic status in South African families : a test of the social causation hypothesis,VABB-1,789,811,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440217,,"Why are traditional newspaper publishers still surviving in the digital era? The impact of long-term trends on the Flemish newspaper industrys financing, 1990-2014",VABB-1,82,115,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440219,,Le génocide des Tutsi au Rwanda,VABB-2,,,127 p.,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440222,,Consonant cluster production in children with cochlear implants : a comparison with normally hearing peers,VABB-1,319,349,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440224,,Information sharing and financial sector development in Africa,VABB-1,24,49,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440225,,Information asymmetry and financial development dynamics in Africa,VABB-1,126,138,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:440226,,"Foreign aid, education and lifelong learning in Africa",VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440227,,The role of knowledge economy in African business,VABB-1,1189,1228,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440228,,A literature survey on proposed African monetary unions,VABB-1,878,902,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440230,,4 Religious confraternities and spiritual in early modern Aalst,VABB-4,88,105,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440231,,Stakeholders wanted! Why and how European Union agencies involve non-state stakeholders,VABB-1,1257,1275,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440233,,Product innovation with lumpy investment,VABB-1,159,182,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440234,,A journal's impact factor is influenced by changes in publication delays of citing journals,VABB-1,780,789,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440235,,White matter microstructure and volitional motor activity in schizophrenia : a diffusion kurtosis imaging study,VABB-1,29,36,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:440236,,Nobel Prize winners 2016 : igniting or sparking foundational publications?,VABB-1,1053,1063,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440238,,Impact of childhood trauma on course of panic disorder : contribution of clinical and personality characteristics,VABB-1,554,563,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440240,,"Online kranten (nog altijd) in transitie? Een inhoudsanalyse van het gebruik van hypertekst, multimedia en interactiviteit in Vlaamse online kranten",VABB-1,37,54,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:440241,,"Islamic education in Belgium : past, present and future",VABB-1,491,503,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440248,,Governing public-private partnerships for sustainability : an analysis of procurement and governance practices of PPP infrastructure projects,VABB-1,1184,1195,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440249,,CIO perspectives on organizational learning within the context of IT governance,VABB-1,32,47,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440250,,Continuous business case usage in the context of a strategic IT enabled investment at Rabobank,VABB-1,48,64,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440251,,Global features of online communication in local Flemish: social and medium-related determinants,VABB-1,253,281,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440252,,How will NATO's non-nuclear members handle the UN's ban on nuclear weapons?,VABB-1,177,181,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440253,,The BBC as 'Commissioner' of Beckett's Radio Plays,VABB-4,81,102,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440255,,The effect of word frequency on phonemic accuracy in children with cochlear implants and peers with typical levels of hearing,VABB-1,290,302,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440257,,Genre,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440258,,The impact of agricultural co-operatives on women's empowerment : evidence from Uganda,VABB-1,14,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440261,,"An analysis of the Ecodesign Scientific Network, 1994-2014",VABB-4,719,734,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440264,,"Watching eyes and living up to expectations : unkind, not kind, eyes increase first mover cooperation in a sequential prisoner's dilemma",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440270,,Flexibiliteit of paradoxale rigiditeit? De (eenzijdige) wijzigbaarheid van de arbeidsvoorwaarden van de overheidscontractant,VABB-1,1363,1376,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440273,,Economically inactive migrant Union citizens: only entitled to social benefits if they enjoy a right to reside in the host State,VABB-1,71,82,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440275,,Trade practices and consumers disinformation,VABB-4,89,104,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440277,,Cyriel Buysses kritiek van de Vlaamse Beweging of de politieke betekenis van de roman 'n Leeuw van Vlaanderen (1900),VABB-1,5,59,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440281,,Measuring cognitive distance between publication portfolios,VABB-1,583,594,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440283,,The underlying drivers and future development of air cargo,VABB-1,6,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440284,,False reflections,VABB-1,1227,1242,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440285,,Demonstrating power : how protest persuades political representatives,VABB-1,361,383,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440287,,Postdramatic methods of adaptation in the age of digital collaborative writing,VABB-1,17,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440288,,The media's informational function in political agenda-setting processes,VABB-1,223,243,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440289,,"Volunteering, income and health",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440290,,The ethics of postponed fatherhood,VABB-1,103,118,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440291,,Functional differentiation and sustainability : a new stage of development in the Chinese container port system,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440293,,The effect of intrafamily agency conflicts on audit demand in private family firms : the moderating role of the board of directors,VABB-1,13,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440294,,"Outside CEOs, board control and the financing policy of small privately held family firms",VABB-1,29,41,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440295,,Effects and side effects of school inspections: A general framework,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440296,,Students' transition into higher education from an international perspective,VABB-1,357,369,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440298,,The right to health of non-nationals and displaced persons in the sustainable development goals era : challenges for equity in universal health care,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440300,,The impact of educational mismatches on wages : the inflluence of measurement error and unobserved heterogeneity,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440302,,Allocation of aid for adaptation to climate change: Do vulnerable countries receive more support?,VABB-1,17,36,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440303,,Partial orders for zero-sum arrays with applications to network theory,VABB-1,257,274,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440304,,"Understanding top management team conflict, environmental uncertainty and firm innovativeness Empirical evidence from India",VABB-1,122,143,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440306,,A contingency model of CEO characteristics and firm innovativeness The moderating role of organizational size,VABB-1,156,177,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440307,,Imag(in)ing the eurocrisis: a comparative analysis of political cartoons,VABB-1,129,147,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440308,,Involving Roma parents: analysing the good practice of a primary school in Ghent,VABB-1,287,306,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440309,,The predictive power of the left-right self-placement scale for the policy positions of voters and parties,VABB-1,357,377,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440310,,How the existence of a regional bibliographic information system can help evaluators to conform to the principles of the Leiden Manifesto,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440314,,Le théâtre du réel: une nouvelle vague flamande entre fiction et non-fiction,VABB-1,151,169,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:440315,,"The 'Left's' constant critique of 'the State' can end up unwittingly colluding with conservative neoliberal models : Shannon Jackson on art, politics and labour",VABB-1,224,233,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:440316,,Spectral illusions : ghostly presence in phantasmagoria shows,VABB-4,207,220,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440318,,High stakes of the small EU partnership instrument on the eve of the 2017 Mid-Term Review,VABB-1,147,158,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440319,,A learning patterns perspective on student learning in higher education : state of the art and moving forward,VABB-1,269,299,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440320,,"Climate change communication, media and ideology",VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440321,,Because my friends insist or because it makes sense? Adolescents' motivation towards the environment,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440326,,Organohalogenated contaminants in plasma and eggs of rockhopper penguins : does vitellogenin affect maternal transfer?,VABB-1,277,287,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440329,,Existential hermeneutics: Kierkegaard and Gadamer on practical knowledge (phronesis),VABB-4,49,68,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440331,,Interlandelijke adoptie en kinderrechten: gewogen en te licht bevonden,VABB-1,88,96,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440334,,Strafrechtelijke noviteiten in de Potpourri IV-wet,VABB-1,133,140,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440337,,La Lectura Institutionum de Johannes Bassianus,VABB-1,655,669,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:440338,,Para una edición crítica de la Lectura Institutionum de Johannes Bassianus,VABB-1,99,109,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:440340,,New schools of thought : an investigation on tendencies in architectural education,VABB-5,859,866,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440341,,Philippine Literature in Spanish: Canon Away from Canon,VABB-1,58,77,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440343,,Een naturalistisch beeld houdt ons gevangen,VABB-1,217,222,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440345,,Enkele karakteristieken van de ECB in het kader van het prudentieel beleid: prudentieel regelgevende bevoegdheid en de (jonge) consultatiepraktijk van de ECB onder de loep,VABB-1,181,191,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440353,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 augustus 2015 tot 31 oktober 2015),VABB-1,97,100,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440357,,What's in a name: moet een lidstaat een naamwijziging erkennen indien de nieuwe naam de schijn van adellijke herkomst wekt?,VABB-1,498,501,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:440359,,"Childrens rights law in the global human rights landscape : isolation, inspiration, integration?",VABB-3,,,312 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440360,,Childrens rights law and human rights law : analyzing present and possible future interactions,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440361,,Distinctive characteristics of childrens human rights law,VABB-4,21,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440362,,Undocumented migration : integrating the childrens rights concept of nuanced vulnerability in human rights law,VABB-4,210,231,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440363,,"Are newspapers' news stories becoming more alike? Media content diversity in Belgium, 1983-2013",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440365,,The body of Nineveh: the conceptual image of the city in Nahum 2-3,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440368,,Intermedia agenda setting in the social media age : how traditional players dominate the news agenda in election times,VABB-1,275,293,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440369,,Climate change adaptation in the Morogoro region of Tanzania : women's decision-making participation in small-scale farm households,VABB-1,495,508,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440371,,The politics of food and hospitality : how Syrian refugees in Belgium create a home in hostile environments,VABB-1,605,621,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440372,,"Neither artificial light at night, anthropogenic noise nor distance from roads are associated with oxidative status of nestlings in an urban population of songbirds",VABB-1,14,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440376,,The civilised self and the barbaric other : ex-rebels making sense of sexual violence in the DR Congo,VABB-1,221,239,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440379,,Power-sharing in Burundi : an enduring miracle?,VABB-4,166,188,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440380,,"Acquisitive prescription of public domain goods (government property) in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and England",VABB-4,69,93,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440387,,Ethnographic apps/apps as ethnography,VABB-1,102,118,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440390,,Mutual recognition and mutual trust in the internal market,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440391,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 augustus 2016 tot 31 oktober 2016),VABB-1,67,70,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440392,,I liked your course because I believe in (the power of) student evaluations of teaching (SET) : students perceptions of a teaching evaluation process and their relationships with SET scores,VABB-1,43,49,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440393,,Who succeeds at the university and how much time does it take? A longitudinal analysis at the University of Antwerp (Belgium),VABB-4,172,189,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440394,,Geld voor je god? De financiering van levensbeschouwingen in België,VABB-2,,,168 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440401,,Horizontal subcontracting and investment in idle dispatchable power plants,VABB-1,307,332,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440402,,Imperfect competition in a network industry : the case of the European rail freight market,VABB-1,53,61,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440405,,Opleidingskosten met het oog op een nieuwe of gewijzigde beroepsactiviteit: geen aftrekbare beroepskosten volgens een constante doch niet consistente rechtspraak,VABB-1,26,38,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:440407,,"Bevestiging van de toepassing van de Antigoon-doctrine in het fiscaal recht, Noot onder Cass. 22 mei 2015",VABB-1,1462,1466,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:440408,,Celebrity critiquing : hot or not? Teen girls' attitudes on and responses to the practice of negative celebrity critiquing,VABB-1,461,476,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440409,,A longitudinal study of learning conceptions on the transition between primary and secondary education,VABB-1,375,392,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440415,,Belgium: a hard case for liberal nationalism,VABB-4,389,419,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440417,,The role and current status of IFRS in the completion of national accounting rules : evidence from Belgium,VABB-1,29,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440418,,Letters from a Well-Known Woman: domesticity and professionalism in Mary Pickford's Daily Talks (1915-1917),VABB-1,424,444,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440419,,Mesthoop doet leven? Stadsmest en een beter bemestingspatroon in de achttiende-eeuwse Vlaamse landbouw,VABB-1,37,68,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440422,,Political myth and sacrifice,VABB-1,808,824,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440423,,"""Algemene exoneratiebedingen"", de verplichting om een verzekeringsovereenkomst met afstand van verhaal te sluiten en het Wetboek Economisch Recht",VABB-1,325,330,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440425,,Do students develop towards more deep approaches to learning during studies? A systematic review on the development of students' deep and surface approaches to learning in higher education,VABB-1,205,234,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440428,,The contribution of transport infrastructure to economic activity : the case of Belgium,VABB-1,316,324,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440429,,Capturing in words what a symbol symbolizes? Challenges for studying symbolic representation from a discursive approach,VABB-1,482,487,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440433,,"De begroting van de vergoeding voor milieuschade geleden door milieuverenigingen: de laatste horde op weg naar daadwerkelijk herstel?, noot onder G.H. 21 januari 2016, nr. 7/2016",VABB-1,331,335,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:440434,,Human biomonitoring from an environmental justice perspective : supporting study participation of women of Turkish and Moroccan descent,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440439,,La traduction de l'allusion intertextuelle,VABB-1,125,148,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440440,,Decisional Balance Inventory (DBI) adolescent form for smoking : psychometric properties of the Persian version,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440441,,Gouvernance hybride des parkings publics à Lubumbashi : quand la fiscalité informelle supporte la fiscalité formelle,VABB-1,275,291,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440442,,"Théâtre, peinture, musique: la citation dans l'œuvre de Jan Fabre",VABB-1,157,179,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440443,,An Italian or a European style of judicial review? Setting the agenda for comparative research on courts,VABB-1,72,78,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:440444,,Autonomous public bodies and the law : a European perspective,VABB-2,,,384 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440449,,De sociale huisvesting en het ondernemingsbegrip uit het Wetboek Economisch Recht,VABB-4,201,239,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440453,,Regional parliaments in the EU multilevel parliamentary system,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440455,,"Adaptive reuse of historical heritage sites : contextual frameworks, 'restrictive' or 'challenging' for the redesign?",VABB-5,135,145,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440458,,De verbeurdverklaring van het instrument van het misdrijf: een noodzakelijk kwaad of een onevenredige straf?,VABB-1,257,270,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440460,,Basic income and the anti-slavery movement,VABB-1,213,217,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440461,,The European social fund and the institutionalization of gender mainstreaming in Sweden and Germany,VABB-4,69,97,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440467,,Ambient anthropogenic noise but not light is associated with the ecophysiology of free-living songbird nestlings,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440468,,Characterization of 18th century Portuguese glass from Real Fábrica de Vidros de Coina,VABB-1,137,145,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440473,,Representing a case-based interpretation of the PSS design toolkit,VABB-5,247,252,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440474,,A prelude for PSS : practice consolidating theory,VABB-5,471,484,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440478,,Does Charles Taylor have a Nietzsche problem?,VABB-1,372,386,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440479,,En de ethiek? De uitdaging voor het naturalisme vanuit een Tayloriaans perspectief,VABB-1,231,235,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440481,,Exploring breast cancer preventive lifestyle and social support of Iranian women : a study protocol for a mixed-methods approach,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440484,,"On the passage of a man of the theatre through a rather brief moment in time: Henri Robin, performing astronomy in nineteenth century Paris",VABB-1,152,174,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440485,,Hypnosis lessons by stage magnetizers : medical and lay hypnotists in Spain,VABB-1,141,156,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440487,,Markets matter : the potential of intra-regional trade in ASEAN and its implications for Asian regionalism,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440488,,Identifying Thailand's high-potential export opportunities in ASEAN+3 countries,VABB-1,2,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440489,,Ex post subsidiarity scrutiny,VABB-4,215,230,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440492,,Statistics versus livelihoods : questioning Rwanda's pathway out of poverty,VABB-1,47,65,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440493,,A neutrosophic extension of the MULTIMOORA method,VABB-1,181,192,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440494,,The future of facilities management in Lithuania,VABB-1,98,115,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440495,,The impact of literature education on students' perceptions of self and others : exploring personal and social learning experiences in relation to teacher approach,VABB-1,1,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:440496,,Hearing spaces,VABB-1,242,255,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440497,,Facilitatory effects of multi-word units in lexical processing and word learning : a computational investigation,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440498,,Exploring 'generative mechanisms' of the antiretroviral adherence club intervention using the realist approach : a scoping review of research-based antiretroviral treatment adherence theories,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440500,,Support and opposition to a Pigovian tax : road pricing with reference-dependent preferences,VABB-1,31,47,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440503,,Does work experience mitigate discrimination?,VABB-1,35,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440504,,The effect of fiscal incentives on market penetration of electric vehicles : a pairwise comparison of total cost of ownership,VABB-1,524,533,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440505,,Highly skilled returnees and the internationalization of EMNEs : firm level evidence from China,VABB-1,579,591,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440507,,Beckett's non-anthropomorphic anthropology,VABB-1,391,398,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440509,,The added value of a surveillance human biomonitoring program : the case of FLEHS in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,46,54,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440511,,Employee workplace representation in Belgium : effects on firm performance,VABB-1,130,144,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440515,,Educational differentials in cohabitors' marriage intentions at different childbearing stages in seven European countries,VABB-1,253,267,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440519,,The political salience of EU policies,VABB-1,1726,1737,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440520,,Is the Design Science Approach fit for IT Governance Research?,VABB-5,399,407,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440521,,A case of dose escalation of quetiapine in persistent insomnia disorder,VABB-1,346,348,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:440531,,The BBC and Beckett's Non-radiogenic Plays in the 1950s,VABB-4,43,58,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440534,,Het gebruik van stukken uit een jeugdbeschermingsprocedure betreffende de minderjarige in andere gerechtelijke procedures (noot onder Antwerpen 6 januari 2016 en 2 maart 2016),VABB-1,44,52,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440540,,Searching for best and new emerging practices for involving youth in environmental health risk communication and risk governance,VABB-1,337,345,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440541,,No iceberg in sight : on the absence of WTO disputes challenging fossil fuel subsidies,VABB-1,411,425,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440542,,About the melting of icebergs : political and economic determinants of dispute initiation and resolution in the WTO,VABB-4,120,146,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440544,,"Getting over Joyce in English: 'Proteus', Portrait and the Genesis of Samuel Beckett's Radio Play Embers",VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440545,,Hannah Arendt en hedendaagse vormen van terreur,VABB-1,25,29,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440546,,"Artistic constitutions of the civil domain : on art, education and democracy",VABB-1,134,140,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440547,,Na twintig jaar is de Vlaamse Wooncode nog steeds in aanbouw : een overzicht van de recente wijzigingen inzake sociale huisvesting,VABB-1,1602,1617,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440548,,De juridische bijstand in transitie : van staatshervorming tot modernisering: nieuwe wegen in de toegang tot het (ge)recht,VABB-1,1642,1657,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440550,,The Katangese gendarmes and war in Central Africa : fighting their way home,VABB-2,,,289 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:440551,,Twintig jaar Vlaamse Wooncode: hoe sterk is porselein?,VABB-3,,,384 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440552,,Hoe sterk is porselein? Enkele (mega)trends in woonbeleid en woonrecht,VABB-4,1,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440553,,Extern melden van integriteitsschendingen : van een algemene reflectie naar de Belgische praktijk,VABB-4,223,250,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440556,,"Differential effects of inflammatory and psychosocial stress on mood, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and inflammation in remitted depression",VABB-1,150,158,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:440558,,"Englishes, English creoles and their negative indefinites",VABB-4,115,149,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440560,,Making sense of organizational change in times of dynamic complexity : change managerialism and reflexivity,VABB-4,45,63,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440561,,Do not confuse multidisciplinary task management in nursing homes with interprofessional care!,VABB-1,591,602,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440563,,Private ordering in family law: a global perspective,VABB-4,135,164,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440567,,Naar een codificatie van het Belgische arbeidsrecht?,VABB-1,147,180,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440568,,Kwetsbaarheid in een veerkrachtige samenleving : een socio-institutionele analyse van de graancrisis van 1480-82. Casus: Gierle in het Land van Turnhout,VABB-1,69,104,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440570,,"'Uitgevers zijn tragische mensen' : over de biografieën van Emanuel Querido, Geert van Oorschot, Johan Polak en Rob van Gennep, makelaars in boeken",VABB-1,251,265,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440571,,Socioeconomic status and health : a new approach to the measurement of bivariate inequality,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440572,,Reconsidering imitatio auctorum : a dynamic-functionalist approach to imitation in Neo-Latin poetry,VABB-4,197,218,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440573,,De uitbreng en uitsluiting uit de huwgemeenschap: burgerrechtelijke en fiscaalrechtelijke aspecten,VABB-1,226,241,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:440577,,Conceptual and methodological challenges in the study of symbolic representation : an introduction,VABB-1,478,481,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440580,,"À la plus grande gloire (juridique) de Napoléon Ier, Empereur des Français, de la part de ses plus fidèles sujets, les Belges : les majorats napoléoniens analysés du point de vue du droit des biens en raison de leur survie continuée en Belgique",VABB-1,29,49,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440583,,Hybriditeit in publieke organisaties : wat en waarom?,VABB-1,57,74,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440585,,"Het recht op studiefinanciering voor kinderen van grensarbeiders uit nieuw samengestelde gezinnen (noot onder HvJ 15 december 2016, C-401/15 tot C-403/15, Depesme e.a.)",VABB-1,128,133,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440586,,De territoriale en extraterritoriale toepassing van het sociaal recht binnen de Europese interne markt,VABB-1,283,308,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440587,,Country report: Belgium - Flemish Community,VABB-1,234,239,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440589,,Nieuwe regelgeving voor de re-integratie van arbeidsongeschikte personeelsleden : toelichting en kanttekening bij de toepassing op (lokaal) overheidspersoneel,VABB-1,90,106,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440590,,A factorial survey study on the influence of advertising place and the use of personal data on user acceptance of Facebook ads,VABB-1,653,671,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440592,,Factor structure of the Affective Style Questionnaire in Flemish adolescents,VABB-1,112,122,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440595,,"Chair du théâtre, chair du monde",VABB-1,24,35,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440596,,"La Cour de Strasbourg souhaite que les États parties instaurent une procédure d' 'asile médical' (obs. sous Cour eur. dr. h., Gde Ch., arrêt Paposhvili c. Belgique, 13 décembre 2016)",VABB-1,651,668,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440601,,Studying scientific thought experiments in their context : Albert Einstein and electromagnetic induction,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440603,,Het Hof van Cassatie verduidelijkt dat artikel 806 Ger.W. ook toegepast moet worden voor de burgerlijke belangen in strafzaken en interpreteert het begrip openbare orde zeer ruim,VABB-1,167,171,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440609,,Employment after parenthood : women of migrant origin and natives compared,VABB-1,413,440,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440610,,Parental leave uptake among migrant and native mothers : can precarious employment trajectories account for the difference?,VABB-1,106,141,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440611,,Household-microenterprise : the missing link in gendered value chain analysis: lessons from an analysis of dairy value chains in Nicaragua,VABB-1,98,111,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440614,,A factorial validation of parental mediation strategies with regard to internet use,VABB-1,93,111,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440615,,Delphi study on standardized systems to monitor student learning outcomes in Flanders : mechanisms for building trust and/or control?,VABB-1,9,31,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440616,,X-Ray Fluorescence as an analytical tool for studying the copper matrices in the collection of the Museum Plantin-Moretus,VABB-1,7,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440618,,How to move beyond the trustcontrol dilemma? What insight into the work of educational standards might have to offer,VABB-1,33,51,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440619,,Real options illustrated,VABB-2,,,107 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:440620,,"It's all marketing, ... toch?",VABB-1,217,231,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440622,,Hervorming vennootschapsbelasting: drie suggesties voor meer fiscale zekerheid,VABB-1,467,470,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440623,,Contemporary soviets of art : on the role of art and education in the civil domain,VABB-4,25,30,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440624,,"""Such a renewal"" Catholic all-male movements in modern Europe",VABB-4,157,174,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440625,,"Sign or Symptom? Exceptional corporeal phenomena in religion and medicine, 19th and 20th centuries",VABB-3,,,208 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440626,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440627,,A question of competence and authority : lay views on the medical examinations of the Marian apparitions series in 1930s Belgium,VABB-4,163,184,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440628,,The affair of the photographs : controlling the public image of a nineteenth-century stigmatic,VABB-1,784,806,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440632,,"When does globalization lead to local adaptation? The emergence of hybrid Islamic schools in Turkey, 1985-2007",VABB-1,1822,1868,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440633,,"Personal values, green self-identity and electric car adoption",VABB-1,190,200,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440634,,"Neighbourhood green space, social environment and mental health : an examination in four European cities",VABB-1,657,667,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440636,,Cognitive insight : a systematic review,VABB-1,12,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440638,,The socioeconomic determinants of repartnering after divorce or separation in Belgium,VABB-1,1785,1812,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440639,,Asean economic integration compared : what do the numbers tell us?,VABB-1,619,641,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440640,,Restoring the entrails of welfare reform,VABB-1,158,187,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440641,,Conceptualizing translation revision competence : a pilot study on the acquisition of the knowledge about revision and strategic subcompetences,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440642,,"Individual, co-operative and collaborative data use : a conceptual and empirical exploration",VABB-1,608,626,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440643,,"Effect of isotonic versus hypotonic maintenance fluid therapy on urine output, fluid balance, and electrolyte homeostasis : a crossover study in fasting adult volunteers",VABB-1,892,900,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440645,,Unconscious imagination and the mental imagery debate,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440646,,Home in biblical and Antwerp city poems : a journey,VABB-1,161,182,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440647,,Heterogeneity in an undirected network : definition and measurement,VABB-1,669,682,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440648,,Intermodal transport and international flows of illicit substances : geographical analysis of smuggled goods in Italy,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440650,,Transport research for a changing and sustainable future,VABB-1,11,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440651,,Teachers' decision-making : data based or intuition driven?,VABB-1,75,83,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440653,,Public Sector Motivation ad fonts: Personality Traits as Antecedents of the Motivation to Serve the Public Interest,VABB-1,20,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440656,,Academic socialisation through facebook: orienting peer collaboration towards the interpretation of learning,VABB-5,8396,8404,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:440657,,Diagnostic assessment for first year students in higher education,VABB-5,7352,7352,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:440658,,The use of consensus markers in dutch-speaking and french-speaking television debates: in search of a lost 'belgian' communicative ethos?,VABB-1,371,397,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:440661,,De fabelboeken en dierenepen uit de collectie Gielen : geschiedenis en grafiek,VABB-1,145,178,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440662,,What is left of the active externalism debate?,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440664,,The extravagant progressive : an experimental corpus study on the history of emphatic [be Ving],VABB-1,227,250,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440665,,Connecting the past and the present : a response to Pentrel,VABB-1,283,287,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440667,,The making of Samuel Beckett's Molloy,VABB-2,,,407 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440669,,Measuring media literacy for media education : development of a questionnaire for teachers' competencies,VABB-1,99,115,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440670,,Flexibel lesgeven : leidraad voor het inzetten en ontwikkelen van lerarencompetenties in het lager onderwijs,VABB-2,,,200 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440671,,Notes on a newly discovered draft of the poem 'Le Petit Sot',VABB-1,206,220,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440672,,The mystic's sensorium : modes of perceiving and knowing God in Hadewijch's visions,VABB-4,28,40,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:440673,,"From Middle Dutch writer to French film character : the presence of Hadewijch in France from the perspective of Hadewijch, the movie (2009)",VABB-4,113,131,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440674,,Een sombere Viking die durfde spreken over mystieke auteurs als Ruusbroek en Hadewich als voorlopers van het surrealisme: schilder-dichter Marc. Eemans en de Nederlandse mystiek in de context van Hermès (1930-1939),VABB-1,8,29,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440675,,Interlandelijke adoptie: tijd voor uitfaseren,VABB-1,108,116,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440676,,The face of The Golden Compasses : a portrait of Christophe Plantin attributed,VABB-1,133,143,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440677,,"De Belgische garantie voor erkende financiële coöperaties mag op de schop, Zaak C 76/15, Vervloet e.a./Belgische staat",VABB-1,284,288,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440678,,The animal inside: essays at the intersection of philosophical anthropology and animal studies,VABB-3,,,256 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440679,,Exploring the fluid boundaries between animals and humans,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440680,,"The hermeneutical animal: making sense of animals ""in the flesh""",VABB-4,179,198,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440681,,Rethinking the margins with André Schwarz-Bart: from 'The last of the just' and 'A woman named solitude' to the posthumous narratives,VABB-1,103,128,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440682,,Reclaiming the image of daguerreotypes : characterization of the corroded surface before and after atmospheric plasma treatment,VABB-1,56,64,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440683,,Intersecting social-capital and perceived-efficacy perspectives to explain underperformance in community-based monitoring,VABB-1,339,357,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440685,,Usefulness of skin punch tools for corneal biopsy,VABB-5,609,617,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:440686,,The raceless and restless novels of Caryl Phillips : The Nature of Blood on French ground,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440687,,"Transhumanisme avec Todorov et André et Simone Schwarz-Bart, ou la transhumance vue à travers une lentille bifocale (L'Etoile du matin, L'Ancêtre en Solitude)",VABB-1,1,15,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440689,,Onvoldoende transparantie over het transparantie-begrip in de Europese Unie?,VABB-1,245,255,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440691,,Key methods of visual criminology : an overview of different approaches and their affordances,VABB-4,62,73,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440692,,Hoe percipiëren universitaire docenten hun onderwijscontext? De inzetbaarheid van de PTE als meetinstrument,VABB-1,77,89,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:440693,,Distributional learning and lexical category acquisition: what makes words easy to categorize?,VABB-5,216,221,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440694,,Evidence for a facilitatory effect of multi-word units on child word learning,VABB-5,433,438,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440696,,The e-commerce parcel delivery market and the implications of home B2C deliveries vs pick-up points,VABB-1,235,256,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440698,,Het toetsingscriterium van het recidiverisico in het straf(proces)recht,VABB-4,75,144,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440713,,Seeing law in terms of music : a short essay on affinities between music and law,VABB-1,67,86,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440714,,Modelling a digital scholarly edition for genetic criticism : a rapprochement,VABB-1,34,56,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:440718,,"Transculturación, transmodernidad y traducción : una mirada latinoamericana sobre la Europa del siglo XXI",VABB-1,131,152,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:440719,,Rematerializing the user interface of a digitized toy through tokens : a comparative user study with children aged five to six,VABB-5,16,24,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440720,,"Engaging the audience in a digitised television production process : a ""hierarchy of influences"" approach",VABB-1,901,917,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440721,,Conferentie Justitiehuizen 7 december 2015,VABB-1,152,164,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:440728,,The perceived benefits of the European Union standardization : an exploration according to firm size and firm capabilities,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440730,,"Translating for academic ends: reflections on visibility, accessibility and canonicity",VABB-1,283,291,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440731,,"New and old luxuries between the Court and the city: a comparative perspective on material cultures in Brussels and Antwerp, 1650-1735",VABB-4,39,57,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440733,,De uitkeringsverzekering voor werknemers en zelfstandigen,VABB-1,525,555,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:440734,,"""Gedragscode, norm, policy: een reflectie over eigentijdse instrumenten en hun verhouding t.a.v. (de bronnen van) het arbeidsrecht"" in Sociaal recht, over bronnen en herbronnen : als eerbetoon aan Micheline Jamoulle",VABB-1,461,478,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440736,,The use of illegally obtained evidence in criminal cases: a brief overview,VABB-1,297,309,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440737,,Op zoek naar de optimale straf: de krachtlijnen m.b.t. de bestraffing van het (voorstel van) voorontwerp van nieuw Boek I van het Strafwetboek in kaart gebracht,VABB-1,276,284,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440739,,"Interaction of pricing, advertising and experience quality: A dynamic analysis",VABB-1,877,885,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440740,,A biobjective decision model to increase security and reduce travel costs in the cash-in-transit sector,VABB-1,59,76,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440742,,Understanding individual differences in approaches to learning across courses : a mixed method approach,VABB-1,69,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:440743,,Advertising and quality-dependent word-of-mouth in a contagion sales model,VABB-1,323,342,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:440744,,Using h-cores to study the most-cited articles of the twenty-first century,VABB-1,243,261,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:440753,,Text bite news: the metapragmatics of feature news,VABB-1,461,484,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440755,,Current thinking on contemporary careers : the key roles of sustainable HRM and sustainability of careers,VABB-1,41,50,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440758,,A qualitative study into parental mediation of adolescents' internet use,VABB-1,423,432,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440759,,Expansion of prosodic abilities at the transition from babble to words : a comparison between children with cochlear implants and normally hearing children,VABB-1,475,486,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440760,,Revisiting port performance measurement : a hybrid multi-stakeholder framework for the modelling of port performance indicators,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440762,,Body size in the ant-associated isopod Platyarthrus hoffmannseggii is host-dependent,VABB-1,305,311,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440763,,The entrepreneur's experiential diversity and entrepreneurial performance,VABB-1,141,161,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440764,,Does the health impact of exposure to neighbourhood green space differ between population groups? An explorative study in four European cities,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440765,,Comparing acceptance and rejection in the classroom interaction of students who stutter and their peers: A social network analysis,VABB-1,13,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440766,,Varieties of flood risk governance in Europe : how do countries respond to driving forces and what explains institutional change?,VABB-1,15,26,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440768,,Actor diversity and viewpoint diversity : two of a kind?,VABB-1,107,126,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440769,,The role of the Chinese Key Labs in the international and national scientific arena revisited,VABB-1,132,143,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440770,,'Komt voor de deur op straat!' De ruimtelijke dynamiek van achttiende-eeuws kroeggeweld in Amsterdam,VABB-1,153,171,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:440772,,"""I finally found my place' : a political ethnography of the Maximiliaan refugee camp in Brussels",VABB-1,693,709,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440774,,Selecting an orthogonal or non-orthogonal two-level design for screening,VABB-1,305,318,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440777,,Brexit en de sociale zekerheid,VABB-1,235,244,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440780,,"Samuel Beckett, Molloy, Malone Dies and The Unnamable (1951-1958)",VABB-4,252,267,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440781,,Screening statues : sculpture and cinema,VABB-2,,,288 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440784,,Internal levers for servitization : how product-oriented manufacturers can upscale product-service systems,VABB-1,2184,2198,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440786,,Explaining fragmented and fluid mobilization in gold mining concessions in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo,VABB-1,758,765,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440788,,Radicalizing enactivism : basic minds without content,VABB-2,,,232 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440792,,A computational model of mapping in echolocating bats,VABB-1,73,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440793,,"Mr. Trump, Post Nuclear Ban Treaty, NATO's nuclear weapons in Europe are obsolete",VABB-1,23,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440796,,Legal dynamics of EU external relations : dissecting a layered global player,VABB-2,,,201 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440797,,"Disintegration from within: independence and separatist movements, the EU response, and the role of solidarity",VABB-4,119,130,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440798,,Independence and separatist movements: Europe between integration and disintegration,VABB-4,104,115,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440800,,"Hawks, doves, and magpies: the business of faction at the Court of the Archdukes",VABB-4,156,175,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440801,,Het zestiende toegevoegd protocol bij het EVRM: een bijkomende garantie voor de mensenrechten in de strafprocedure?,VABB-1,339,350,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440802,,The dilution of the ultimate goal? Lessons from gender mainstreaming,VABB-4,171,190,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440805,,"Beckett, Samuel (2017) Molloy: a digital genetic edition",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440807,,Port des signes convictionnels au travail: la Cour de justice lève le voile ? A propos de l'arrêt Achbita n° C-157/15 du 14 mars 2017,VABB-1,277,283,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440810,,Uitsluiting van dekking bij dronken rijden? Niet (meer) mogelijk,VABB-1,19,23,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440811,,Media malaise and the decline of legitimacy : any room for good news?,VABB-4,95,114,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440812,,Child poverty and children's rights : an uneasy fit?,VABB-4,609,636,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440813,,Adverse events following immunization with pentavalent vaccine : experiences of newly introduced vaccine in Iran,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440814,,The Commissions proposal to amend the Posting of Workers Directive and private international law implications,VABB-1,178,194,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440819,,Detecting the emergence of new scientific collaboration links in Africa : a comparison of expected and realized collaboration intensities,VABB-1,892,903,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440823,,Cognitive distances between evaluators and evaluees in research evaluation : a comparison between three informetric methods at the journal and subject category aggregation level,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440824,,Neurotrophic and inflammatory markers in bipolar disorder : a prospective study,VABB-1,143,150,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440826,,The complexity of assessing student work using comparative judgment : the moderating role of decision accuracy,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440827,,When revolutionaries grow old : the Museveni babies and the slow death of the liberation,VABB-1,2347,2366,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440830,,Vibrotactile feedback as a tool to improve motor learning and sports performance : a systematic review,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440832,,Product sizing with 3D anthropometry and k-medoids clustering,VABB-1,60,74,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440833,,Bibliometric analysis of safety culture research,VABB-1,248,258,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440837,,The role of affect and cognition in processing messages about Alzheimers disease by older people,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440838,,Brand placement in text : the short- and long-term effects of placement modality and need for cognition,VABB-1,682,704,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440840,,What draws politicians' attention? An experimental study of issue framing and its effect on individual political elites,VABB-1,547,569,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440843,,Disruptive effects of light pollution on sleep in free-living birds : season and/or light intensity-dependent?,VABB-1,13,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440844,,Combining theory-driven evaluation and causal loop diagramming for opening the black box of an intervention in the health sector : a case of performance-based financing in Western Uganda,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440846,,Neonatal exposure to environmental pollutants and placental mitochondrial DNA content : a multi-pollutant approach,VABB-1,60,68,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440847,,Public goods in endogenous networks,VABB-1,187,212,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440850,,Outreach social work : from managing access to practices of accessibility,VABB-1,461,471,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440851,,Taking the measure : a participatory approach to measuring and monitoring psychological empowerment in social work practices,VABB-1,522,535,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440852,,"First morphological and molecular confirmed report of the invasive tropical fire ant, **Solenopsis geminata** (Fabricius, 1804) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Cote d'Ivoire (West Africa)",VABB-1,173,179,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:440854,,"Crossing the line : Mamluk response to Qaramanid threat in the fifteenth century according to MS ar. 4440 (BnF, Paris)",VABB-1,253,281,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440855,,Lingua receptiva : position paper on the European Commission's skills agenda,VABB-1,141,146,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440856,,To content the continent. The Dutch narratives 'Merlijn' and 'Jacke' compared to their English counterparts,VABB-1,83,108,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440857,,A heretic in Groenendaal? The impact of In agro dominico in the Low Countries in the light of Vanden Twaelf Dogheden,VABB-1,37,53,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440858,,The impact of collaboration on teachers' individual data use,VABB-1,489,504,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440860,,De strijd voor vrede : en hoe we die kunnen winnen,VABB-2,,,250 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440861,,Village elites and social structures in the late medieval Campine region,VABB-2,,,318 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440862,,The new proposals for directives concerning digital content and online/distance sales : what impact on consumer protection?,VABB-4,307,361,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440864,,Unravelling data use in teacher teams : how network patterns and interactive learning activities change across different data use phases,VABB-1,550,560,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440870,,How to support and engage students in alternative forms of education and training? A qualitative study of school staff members in Flanders,VABB-1,599,611,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440871,,Superdiversiteit en de informele stad : verborgen en tijdelijke stadsbewoners als deel van complexiteit,VABB-1,21,38,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440872,,Social work and research in contexts of superdiversity,VABB-4,31,56,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440874,,Architecture thinking in a 'post-truth era' : recalibrations through analytic philosophy,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440876,,Development finance : innovations for sustainable growth,VABB-3,,,288 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440877,,Development finance and its innovations for sustainable growth : an introduction,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440878,,A chameleon called debt relief : aid modality equivalence of official debt relief to poor countries,VABB-4,161,197,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440880,,Marketing and pricing risk in marine insurance in sixteenth-century Antwerp,VABB-1,796,837,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440882,,The implementation of EU law in Belgium,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440883,,"Freedom of establishment, conflict of laws and the transfer of a company's registered office : towards full cross-border corporate mobility in the internal market?",VABB-1,294,323,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440884,,An analysis of entry and exit decisions in shipping markets under uncertainty,VABB-1,527,539,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440890,,De Belgische garantie voor erkende financiële coöperaties : einde verhaal,VABB-1,3,9,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440892,,'Everyone has their own qualities' : tracking and academic self-appraisal in Flemish secondary education,VABB-1,601,618,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440893,,What does state-subsidized outsourcing of domestic work do for women's employment? The Belgian service voucher scheme,VABB-1,104,115,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440894,,How posting shapes a hybrid single European labour market,VABB-1,113,127,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440900,,"On the relationschip between student well-being, their learning, and learning environments in higher education",VABB-5,77,96,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440902,,Het aanvangspunt van de vijfjarige verjaringstermijn van artikel 2277 BW en de invloed hierop van de verzending van de factuur voor de aan de schuldenaar geleverde goederen (noot onder Mons 28 januari 2016),VABB-1,81,86,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440907,,To what degree does the missing-data technique influence the estimated growth in learning strategies over time? A tutorial example of sensitivity analysis for longitudinal data,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440908,,Kempenatlas : van terra incognita tot hotspot: de Kempen in kaart gebracht,VABB-3,,,240 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440909,,Made in de Kempen,VABB-4,66,69,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440911,,"Conditions for citizen co-production in a resilient, efficient and legitimate flood risk governance arrangement : a tentative framework",VABB-1,827,842,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440912,,Die Institutionalisierung von Gender Mainstreaming im Europäischen Sozialfonds : eine Top-Down-Europäisierung in Deutschland?,VABB-1,181,201,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440914,,Stability and change in flood risk governance : on path dependencies and change agents,VABB-1,230,238,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440915,,"Explaining stability and change : comparing flood risk governance in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Poland",VABB-1,281,290,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440916,,The Matthew effect in electoral campaigns : increasing policy congruence inequality during the campaign,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440917,,The non-linear effect of information on political attention : media storms and U.S. congressional hearings,VABB-1,548,570,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440918,,Legal certainty and the European courts : accessibility and legitimate expectations as standards of reasonableness,VABB-4,29,54,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440920,,"Investor protection, taxation and dividend policy : long-run evidence, 1838-2012",VABB-1,113,131,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440921,,Intergenerational professional relationships in elementary school teams : a social network approach,VABB-1,78,98,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440923,,Indian spiritual traditions as inspiration for ethical leadership and management in Europe,VABB-4,85,106,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:440925,,Rediscovering a personalist economy,VABB-4,69,78,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440926,,Rediscovering transcendence behind VUCA and technology,VABB-4,149,158,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440929,,Exploring high impact scholarship in research on student's evaluation of teaching (SET),VABB-1,129,141,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440932,,Higher education for sustainable development in Flanders : balancing between normative and transformative approaches,VABB-1,1284,1300,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:440933,,Trust and control in shaping educational processes,VABB-1,9,31,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440935,,"What stated aims should school inspection pursue? Views of inspectors, policy-makers and practitioners",VABB-4,231,257,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440939,,Psychiatric patients and the culture of euthanasia in Belgium,VABB-4,258,277,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440940,,Reframing the problem: design thinking essentials,VABB-5,314,322,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440941,,Hard science : a career option for socially and societally interested students? Grade 12 students vocational interest gap explored,VABB-1,2304,2320,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440942,,Ten lessons from ten years PPP experience in Belgium,VABB-1,316,329,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440943,,"A Swedish renaissance : art and passion in Victor Sjöström's ""Vem dömer"" (1922)",VABB-1,1,31,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:440944,,Climate change communication in Belgium,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440946,,Bankruptcy prediction for SMEs using relational data,VABB-1,69,81,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440957,,"Philosophical perspectives on religious diversity : bivalent truth, tolerance and personhood",VABB-3,,,124 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440959,,De rechterlijke beoordeling van schadebedingen in het sociaal huurstelsel (noot onder Cass. 9 september 2016),VABB-1,171,175,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440960,,Het spreekrecht van ambtenaren: over de zwoegers in het vooronder,VABB-1,157,161,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440962,,Recurrente (afschrijvings)verliezen uit verhuur appartementen in het buitenland zijn compenseerbaar met (Belgische) beroepsinkomsten (Noot onder Rb Brussel 30 januari 2017),VABB-1,613,616,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440963,,"Tussen droom en daad staan wetten in de weg, behalve als iedereen ze vergeet. Fiscale schulden tijdens WCO procedure zijn geen boedelschulden, zegt het Grondwettelijk Hof, noot onder GwH 47/2017 dd. 27 april 2017",VABB-1,851,856,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440965,,Met inzicht ruimtelijk plannen en vergunnen: kompas doorheen aanverwante beleidsdomeinen van de ruimtelijke ordening,VABB-3,,,444 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440966,,Een kompas doorheen aanverwante beleidsdomeinen van de ruimtelijke ordening,VABB-4,24,29,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440967,,Numerical analysis of Markov-perfect equilibria with multiple stable steady states : a duopoly application with innovative firms,VABB-1,555,577,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440968,,Impacts of the Hara biosphere reserve on livelihood and welfare in Persian Gulf,VABB-1,76,86,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440969,,Sensory quality of wine : quality assessment by merging ranks of an expert-consumer panel,VABB-1,318,328,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440970,,"Does organizational adaptation really matter? How mission change affects the survival of US federal independent agencies, 1933-2011",VABB-1,663,686,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440971,,Why hunger is not a desire,VABB-1,617,635,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:440973,,Does my high blood pressure improve your survival? Overall and subgroup learning curves in health,VABB-1,1094,1109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440974,,Determinants of the long-term performance of initial public offerings (IPOs) in the port industry,VABB-1,135,153,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440975,,How policies become contested: a spiral of imagination and evidence in a large infrastructure project,VABB-1,449,468,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440976,,A recommendation for applied researchers to substantiate the claim that ordinal variables are the product of underlying bivariate normal distributions,VABB-1,2163,2170,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440977,,Sensory substitution and multimodal mental imagery,VABB-1,1014,1026,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440978,,"Specialists, party members, or national representatives : patterns in co-sponsorship of amendments in the European Parliament",VABB-1,469,490,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440979,,"""If I have only two children and they die. who will take care of me?"" : a qualitative study exploring knowledge, attitudes and practices about family planning among Mozambican female and male adults",VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440980,,The female perspective of personality in a wild songbird : repeatable aggressiveness relates to exploration behaviour,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440981,,Pathogenetic role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase uncoupling during lung ischaemia-reperfusion injury,VABB-1,256,263,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440982,,The philosophical genealogy of Taylor's social imaginaries : a complex history of ideas and predecessors,VABB-1,473,496,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440983,,Creating space for citizenship : the liminal politics of undocumented activism,VABB-1,379,395,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440984,,Assigning clinical codes with data-driven concept representation on Dutch clinical free text,VABB-1,118,127,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440985,,To shift or not to shift? Intertemporal income shifting as a response to the risk capital allowance introduction in Belgium,VABB-1,531,559,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440986,,LPractical and accurate measurement of cogenerated power,VABB-5,481,489,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440990,,Algemeen bestuursrecht: grondslagen en beginselen,VABB-2,,,730 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440991,,Acoustic flow-based control of a mobile platform using a 3D sonar sensor,VABB-1,3131,3141,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:440992,,Enkele bedenkingen over de redelijke termijn in familiezaken,VABB-4,533,550,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:440996,,De Vlaamse woningkwaliteitsbewaking anno 2016: na 20 jaar volledig volwassen?,VABB-4,67,125,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441002,,De ontbinding van een sociale huurovereenkomst wegens ernstige en/of blijvende tekortkoming van de huurder (noot onder Cass. 3 maart 2016),VABB-1,405,411,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441005,,Wie mag sociaal huren? Een bijdrage aan het debat vanuit Vlaanderen,VABB-1,38,41,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441006,,De verzekering voor rekening,VABB-4,315,325,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441008,,FAR research project professional skepticism : a trending concept in need of understanding,VABB-1,274,280,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441009,,The Single Resolution Mechanism,VABB-3,,,141 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441010,,Biedt het Vlaams Decreet Complexe Projecten aanknopingspunten voor het beheer van intellectuele eigendom?,VABB-1,200,210,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441013,,Developing first-year students' self-efficacy beliefs about academic writing through online peer collaboration: The case of Facebook,VABB-1,79,101,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441014,,'Old concepts in new spaces': a model for developing learner autonomy in social networking spaces,VABB-4,117,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441019,,Acquisition of phonological variables of a Flemish dialect by children raised in Standard Dutch: some considerations on the learning mechanisms,VABB-4,267,304,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441020,,Learning in the context of work in a digital age : the use of digital media in informal and formal learning contexts,VABB-4,81,101,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441021,,"""Kind en ouders in de 21ste eeuw"": het rapport van de Nederlandse Staatscommissie Herijking Ouderschap",VABB-1,53,57,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441022,,How should we name the parents? The challenges of plus-two-parent families for legal kinship terminology,VABB-1,328,343,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441027,,"Entry on ""The Hague Conference on Private International Law""",VABB-4,871,875,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441028,,"Entry on ""Treaties in Private International Law""",VABB-4,1744,1748,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441038,,Wat weten we eigenlijk van elkaar? Lokale politiek en lokale verkiezingen in Nederland en België,VABB-1,246,252,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441039,,Non-statutory rulemaking and the rule of law: towards a 'Law of Rules'?,VABB-1,159,172,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441041,,Applying the concept of modularity to IT outsourcing : a financial services case,VABB-4,68,82,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441042,,Analyzing ordinal data from a split-plot design in the presence of a random block effect,VABB-1,553,562,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441045,,Factors influencing risky sexual behaviour among Mozambican miners : a socio-epidemiological contribution for HIV prevention framework in Mozambique,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441046,,"Zeig mir, was du hast! Was steckt hinter dem Teilen von sexy Selfies und welche Risiken und Chancen birgt das sogenannte Sexting unter Jugendlichen?",VABB-1,1,14,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:441049,,How political actors use the media: a functional analysis of the medias role in politics,VABB-3,,,281 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441050,,Information and arena: the dual function of the news media for political elites,VABB-4,1,20,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441051,,Why do politicians use the media when making laws? A study On the functional use of mass media during legislative processes,VABB-4,227,243,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441052,,Elaborating and specifying the information & arena framework,VABB-4,265,279,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441054,,"Shall I call, text, post it online or just tell it face-to-face? How and why Flemish adolescents choose to share their emotions on- or offline",VABB-1,81,97,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441055,,Vers un transhumanisme avec la lentille bifocale d'André et Simone Schwarz-Bart / Towards a transhumanism with André and Simone Schwarz-Barts bifocal lens,VABB-1,87,99,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441060,,Integrated sequence tagging for medieval Latin using deep representation learning,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441062,,Artificial paleography : computational approaches to identifying script types in medieval manuscripts,VABB-1,S86,S109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441072,,"Change trumps tradition : the Atlantis project of Léon Krier, 1986-1992",VABB-1,1230,1256,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441073,,Evaluating enterprise resource planning analysis patterns using normalized systems theory,VABB-5,128,131,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441076,,Cities and creativity from the Renaissance to the present,VABB-3,,,276 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441077,,Cities of a lesser God: opening the black box of creative cities and their agency,VABB-4,3,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441078,,"The urban imaginary as a social and economic factor: Renaissance cities and the fabrication of quality, fifteenth-seventeenth centuries",VABB-4,45,64,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441079,,Lobbying makes (strange) bedfellows : explaining the formation and composition of lobbying coalitions in EU legislative politics,VABB-1,959,984,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441082,,La atención sanitaria intercultural en Ecuador : un proyecto de investigación para las carreras de medicina y enfermería,VABB-1,4038,4049,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:441084,,Audiodécrire les allusions intertextuelles et culturelles visuelles: l'exemple d'Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre,VABB-1,178,191,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:441086,,"Happiness, socioeconomic status, and family functioning in South African households : a structural equation modelling approach",VABB-1,947,989,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441087,,Satisfaction with family life in South Africa : the role of socioeconomic status,VABB-1,2339,2372,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441096,,Dees is egt zooo nice! Oude en nieuwe vormen van substandaardtaal in online communicatie,VABB-4,290,310,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441099,,The significance of shared space,VABB-1,31,46,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441100,,De zin van de korte gevangenisstraf in vraag gesteld,VABB-1,323,335,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441103,,Charles Taylor's doctrine of strong evaluation: ethics and ontology in a scientific age,VABB-2,,,300 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441105,,Aardverschuiving,VABB-4,34,39,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441107,,De rechtsmiddelen verzet en hoger beroep: actualia,VABB-4,515,580,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441108,,De capability approach als normatief-evaluatief kader voor sociale interventies: kwalitatief onderzoek in India met inzichten voor de Vlaamse en Nederlandse praktijk,VABB-1,47,69,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441110,,Dialectpop,VABB-4,198,201,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441113,,Design workshops in the age of climate change : analysis of a design workshop on drought in Flanders,VABB-1,48,63,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441118,,"Food from country to city, waste from city to country: an environmental symbiosis? Fertiliser improvement in eighteenth-century Flanders",VABB-1,25,61,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441119,,Competition dynamics of alliance networks,VABB-4,91,110,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441120,,Digital innovation in the port sector : barriers and facilitators,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441122,,Tuinen inventariseren 2.0?,VABB-1,46,49,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441123,,Brusselse parken van Duitse makelij,VABB-1,26,29,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441134,,Household division of labour and family formation in the Moroccan First and Second Generations at the turn of the 21st Century,VABB-4,125,145,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441135,,Indoor environmental quality index for conservation environments : the importance of including particulate matter,VABB-1,132,146,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441136,,Claritas custodiet ipsos custodes : helderheid bewaakt de bewakers bij overheidsaansprakelijkheid voor het optreden van de hoogste nationale rechtscolleges,VABB-1,362,372,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441137,,Towards a comprehensive integration policy : a critical analysis of how social imaginations underpin Flemish integration policies,VABB-4,149,169,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441139,,"Instrumental, conceptual and symbolic effects of data use: the impact of collaboration and expectations",VABB-1,521,534,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441143,,A road map for explorative scenario creation on Belgian rail freight transport development,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441144,,Unsupervised context-sensitive spelling correction of English and Dutch clinical free-text with word and character n-gram embeddings,VABB-1,39,52,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441145,,Unsupervised context-sensitive spelling correction of clinical free-text with word and character n-gram embedding,VABB-4,143,148,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441147,,The interpretive function of the CJEU and the interrelationship of EU and national levels of consumer protection,VABB-1,180,215,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441148,,How to bridge the gaps between competing paradigms for EU Law: an introduction,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441150,,Selective glucocorticoid receptor properties of GSK866 analogs with cysteine reactive warheads,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441152,,Burundi,VABB-4,277,287,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441155,,"Paul Ricœur's moral anthropology: singularity, responsibility and justice",VABB-2,,,276 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441157,,Kroniek intellectuele rechten (2015-2016),VABB-1,282,303,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441158,,Overzicht van de Gemeenschaps- en Benelux rechtspraak inzake Gemeenschaps- en Beneluxmodellen (2015-2016),VABB-1,1,83,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441159,,Negotiating and sharing power : Burundi's bumpy road to reconciliation without truth,VABB-4,185,211,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441160,,"Nature, environment and political economy",VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441164,,International encyclopaedia of intellectual property : vol. 12,VABB-3,,,1064 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441165,,Art. 2.23 BVIE,VABB-4,1,64,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441166,,Stigma as a barrier to the use of occupational health units for tuberculosis services in South Africa,VABB-1,S75,+,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441167,,Art. 2.24 BVIE,VABB-4,1,8,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441168,,Differential effects of childhood trauma subtypes on fatigue and physical functioning in chronic fatigue syndrome,VABB-1,76,82,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441169,,Defining the research agenda to measure and reduce tuberculosis stigmas,VABB-1,S87,+,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441170,,Art. 106bis tot 106seopties van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen,VABB-4,1,21,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441171,,Evidence-based interventions to reduce tuberculosis stigma : a systematic review,VABB-1,S81,+,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441172,,Art. 110bis van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen,VABB-4,1,6,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441173,,Measuring HIV- and TB-related stigma among health care workers in South Africa : a validation and reliability study,VABB-1,S19,+,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441175,,Politicization and the public interest: when do the elites in Brussels address public interests in EU policy debates?,VABB-1,603,619,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441176,,Politieke druk of expertise? De informatiestromen van lobbyisten naar EU beleidsmakers uitgelicht,VABB-1,377,380,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441177,,Is convergence the 'Killer Bug' in the media ecosystem? The case of Flemish media policymaking 2010-2015,VABB-4,1,25,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441178,,Universality and personalisation through algorithms: mapping strategies and exploring dilemmas,VABB-1,875,892,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441182,,"A cognitive organization theory (COT) of organizational change : measuring organizational texture, audience appeal, and leadership engagement",VABB-1,903,922,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441184,,"Social policies, separation, and second birth spacing in Western Europe",VABB-1,1245,1274,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441185,,Learning speed is affected by personality and reproductive investment in a songbird,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441187,,Analytic framework for assessing participation processes and outcomes of climate change adaptation tools,VABB-1,1731,1760,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441189,,Modelling emission control taxes in port areas and port privatization levels in port competition and co-operation sub-games,VABB-1,110,128,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441190,,Pain and mental imagery,VABB-1,485,500,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441191,,"Testing for lack of fit in blocked, split-plot, and other multi-stratum designs",VABB-1,320,336,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441192,,Optimal experimental design for efficient optical manipulation of magnetic beads seeded in a microwell array,VABB-1,402,417,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441193,,Normative guidance for energy governance : sustainable development and human rights,VABB-1,254,279,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441195,,"A functional MRI study on how oxytocin affects decision making in social dilemmas : Cooperate as long as it pays off, aggress only when you think you can win",VABB-1,145,152,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441196,,"Reply to 'Comment on ""Using multi-level frontiers in DEA models to grade countries/territories"" by G.-I. Yang et al. [Journal of Informetrics 10(1) (2016), 238-253]'",VABB-1,647,648,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441198,,Price tag in nanomaterials?,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441199,,Keeping the status quo : business success in the EU collective redress initiative,VABB-1,161,178,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441200,,Climate change journalism : from agony to agonistic debate,VABB-1,125,140,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441201,,The Birth of the Poetess from the Spirit of the Avant-Garde : Else Lasker-Schuler's Die Nachte Tino von Bagdads,VABB-1,556,574,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:441202,,The Strasbourg Court and challenges to the constitutional architecture of post-conflict federalism in Bosnia-Herzegovina and beyond,VABB-1,169,214,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441203,,Global health governance in the sustainable development goals : Is it grounded in the right to health?,VABB-1,47,60,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441204,,L'étude linguistique du conditionnel en français: état des lieux thématique et bibliographie rétrospective (2000-2015),VABB-1,89,112,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:441205,,Verbal creation : from linguistic feature to literary motif in genesis 1-11,VABB-1,294,313,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441206,,Breyten Breytenbach's poetry in Raster,VABB-1,26,41,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441210,,Van Hiew en Help Help Hoera! Griezelmeisjes in de sprookjesbewerkingen van Edward van de Vendel en Isabelle Vandenabeele,VABB-1,95,108,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441211,,"Geknoei met de kilometerteller door een eerdere schakel in de verkoopsketen: over de wet van 11 juni 2004, het wilsgebrek bedrog en de verborgen gebreken",VABB-1,338,342,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441216,,School self-evaluation instruments and cognitive validity: do items capture what they intend to?,VABB-1,608,628,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441217,,Instruments for school self-evaluation: lost in translation: a study on respondents' cognitive processing,VABB-1,397,420,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441218,,Welzijn. Zorgeilanden,VABB-4,70,75,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441221,,Nothing on the news but the establishment blues? Toward a framework of depoliticization and agonistic media pluralism,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441224,,Rigorous field experiments are essential to understand the genuine severity of light pollution and to identify possible solutions,VABB-1,5024,5026,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441225,,"It is all about '(multi-level) governance', stupid!",VABB-1,365,368,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441226,,Re-imagining human rights responsibility: shared responsibility for austerity measures in Federation of employed pensioners of Greece (IKA-ETAM) v. Greece (ECSR),VABB-4,182,207,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441228,,Defence for Children International (DCI) v Belgium (Complaint No 69/2011) ECSR 23 October 2012,VABB-4,573,577,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441231,,Age studies and childrens literature,VABB-4,79,89,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441232,,The genetic study of childrens literature,VABB-4,298,304,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441234,,"City logistics, urban goods distribution and last mile delivery and collection",VABB-1,22,43,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441235,,"Ik, de Reus van Zichem, kan meer dan één verhaal vertellen",VABB-1,62,65,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441239,,Het tracé en de rabotten van de Lieve,VABB-1,4,21,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441240,,De Ieperlee : een middeleeuws kanaal en meermaals een frontlinie,VABB-1,6,28,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441242,,Vernietiging van een dading die een einde stelt aan een onverdeeldheid wegens benadeling voor meer dan een vierde: tussen rechtszekerheid en rechtsbescherming,VABB-1,163,171,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441243,,Geïnformeerde keuze versus vrije keuze: over een computer met vooraf geïnstalleerde software,VABB-1,35,45,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441245,,Commentaar bij art. 2044 BW,VABB-4,1,33,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441246,,Commentaar bij art. 2045 BW,VABB-4,1,15,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441249,,Commentaar bij art. 2048 BW,VABB-4,1,22,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441250,,Commentaar bij art. 2049 BW,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441252,,Commentaar bij art. 2051 BW,VABB-4,1,28,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441253,,Commentaar bij art. 2052 BW,VABB-4,1,65,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441254,,Commentaar bij art. 2053 BW,VABB-4,1,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441268,,The link between access to justice and European conflict of laws after Lisbon: much ado about nothing?,VABB-1,858,883,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441271,,"Remarks on Immanuel Kant's assessment on the use of the thesis of innate evil in moral philosophy (Religion, 6:50-51)",VABB-1,348,360,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441272,,Concluderen voor de onderzoeksgerechten,VABB-1,483,490,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441274,,A green revolution from below? A social approach to fertiliser use in eighteenth-century Flanders,VABB-1,379,410,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441275,,"The peasant route to innovation: fertilizer improvement in the smallholding economy of eighteenth-century Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,488,512,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441276,,Moroccan migration in Belgium : more than 50 years of settlement,VABB-2,,,388 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441279,,"Place, diversity, solidarity",VABB-3,,,184 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441280,,Welkom in het Antropoceen: transformaties in het sociologische denken over natuur,VABB-1,384,395,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441282,,Context-aware optimization of distributed resources in Internet of Things using key performance indicators,VABB-5,733,742,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441283,,Acsim : towards hyper-scalable Internet of Things simulation,VABB-5,743,750,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441284,,The impact of values-job fit and age on work-related learning,VABB-1,195,210,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441286,,Does the political system determine media visibility of politicians? A comparative analysis of political functions in the news in sixteen countries,VABB-1,371,392,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441291,,Don't be so emotional! How tone of voice and service type affect the relationship between message valence and consumer responses to WOM in social media,VABB-1,905,920,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441292,,Parenting and family structure after divorce : are they related?,VABB-1,542,558,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441293,,Does the relationship between personality and divorce change over time? A cross-country comparison of marriage cohorts,VABB-1,300,316,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441296,,Mediating social media use : connecting parents mediation strategies and social media literacy,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441297,,Verdeelde dans: choreografisch auteursrecht en de spanning tussen ideologie en praktijk,VABB-1,38,46,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441298,,Giving sense to the past: historical d(is)tance and the chiasmatic interlacing of affect and knowledge,VABB-4,33,56,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441300,,The employee mobility budget : aligning sustainable transportation with human resource management?,VABB-1,383,396,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441306,,Conflicts of laws in proceedings before the European Patent Office,VABB-1,925,952,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441308,,Milieuvervuiling en gezondheid: (nog steeds) een bron van ongelijkheid?,VABB-4,117,137,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441309,,Is sport een facilitator voor integratie? Een kwalitatieve analyse van interetnische vriendschappen en sociaal kapitaal in sportclubs,VABB-1,275,294,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441311,,Nieuwe gegevens over de Spaanse citadel in Antwerpen naar aanleiding van recent archeologisch onderzoek,VABB-1,9,45,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441312,,Grensgebied op de frontlijn,VABB-4,58,63,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441313,,"Modernism in Belgrade : classification of modernist housing buildings, 1919-1980",VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441314,,Symbolic boundary making in super-diverse deprived neighbourhoods,VABB-1,470,484,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441315,,Periphrastic progressive constructions in Dutch and Afrikaans: a contrastive analysis,VABB-1,305,378,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441319,,Tegensprekelijk deskundigenonderzoek bij een FMO-procedure in het licht van artikel 6 EVRM,VABB-1,135,139,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441321,,Visuele moppen over shoppen : een cartooneske blik op het Uplace-debat,VABB-1,59,80,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441322,,De pandwet 2.0: krachtlijnen van de reparatiewet,VABB-1,683,700,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441323,,To disguise or to disclose? The influence of disclosure recognition and brand presence on readers' responses towards native advertisements in online news media,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441324,,Article or ad? Readers recognition and evaluations of native advertisements on online news websites,VABB-4,17,30,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441326,,To kill a sultan: a transnational history of the attempt on Abdülhamid II (1905),VABB-3,,,281 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441327,,Introduction: anatomy of the Yıldız Bombing: tracing the global in the particular,VABB-4,1,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441328,,Covering the Ottoman Empire: orientalism and the mass media,VABB-4,193,224,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441329,,De organisatie van de medische permanentie door huisartsenkringen: een onbeperkte uitbestedingsbevoegdheid?,VABB-1,147,155,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441330,,Juridische kwaliteitseisen voor een toekomstig deugdelijke medisch deontologische code,VABB-1,84,103,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441331,,Gender Differences in the ICT Profile of University Students: A Quantitative Analysis,VABB-1,57,77,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441332,,The relation between religion and depression in Europe: The moderating role of the religious context,VABB-1,515,532,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441333,,Introduction : Moroccan migration in Belgium: more than 50 years of settlement,VABB-4,9,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441334,,Social sciences and Moroccan migration in Belgium,VABB-4,23,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441335,,The shifting Moroccan policy paradigm regarding the integration of Moroccans living abroad : reconciling transnational ties and migration integration,VABB-4,191,218,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441336,,Development and psychometric properties of a questionnaire to measure drug users attitudes toward methadone maintenance treatment (DUAMMT) in Iran,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441338,,The pragmatics of humor in a serious story,VABB-1,311,326,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441339,,Bibliography of pragmatics online,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441341,,"Arbeidsvoorwaardenvorming in het onderwijs: een vergelijking tussen Nederland en Vlaanderen, Themanummer Sociaal overleg in het hoger onderwijs,",VABB-1,427,440,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441342,,Abelard's exegesis of the Song of Songs in his Second Letter to Heloise,VABB-4,107,131,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441349,,"Samenloop van strafrechtelijke, privaatrechtelijke en bestuurlijke sancties",VABB-3,,,150 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441351,,"Enric Marco, cest moi : el impostor de Javier Cercas",VABB-1,128,135,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441362,,Predictors of poor blood pressure control among Iranian hypertensive patients,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441363,,Sociale verkiezingen in het vrij onderwijs : een oefening inzake inspraak en democratie?,VABB-1,403,416,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441365,,Identifying the key processes for technology transfer through spin-offs in academic institutions : a case study in Flanders and The Netherlands,VABB-1,291,308,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441367,,Interior architecture and higher education,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441368,,Sustainable cropping pattern in North Iran : application of fuzzy goal programming,VABB-1,2199,2216,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441369,,The lock-in effect and the greening of automotive cooling systems in the European Union,VABB-1,1199,1207,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441370,,The relationship between port choice and terminal involvement of alliance members in container shipping,VABB-1,158,173,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441372,,"Indonesia's ""Intermestic"" public diplomacy : features and future",VABB-1,762,792,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441374,,"The predictive power of batter rheological properties on cake quality - The effect of pregelatinized flour, leavening acid type and mixing time",VABB-1,219,227,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441376,,Chinese pressure to repatriate asylum seekers : an international law analysis,VABB-1,84,109,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441377,,Kiranti double negation A copula conjecture,VABB-1,40,58,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441379,,"Conditioned to believe : Hobbes on religion, education, and social context",VABB-1,156,177,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441382,,An innovative concept on inclusive economic participation : the governance of inclusive economic participation sites in Flemish cities,VABB-1,818,834,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441385,,De burgerlijke rechtsvordering voor de strafrechter,VABB-4,69,87,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441389,,Latijns-Amerikaanse populaire muziek in de literatuur van de Spaanstalige Caraïben,VABB-4,77,87,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441390,,Die a Hero in Langemarck: Flanders in the Nazi Poetry of Heinrich Anacker,VABB-1,41,59,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:441391,,Das Dritte Reich: die diskursive Sakralisierung in der NS-Propagandadichtung von Heinrich Anacker,VABB-1,51,68,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:441393,,On writing the socio-cultural history of Roman youth and its restlessness: a reappraisal and views on future research,VABB-1,717,732,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441396,,"On the legal status of the World Anti-Doping Agency, NADOs and Disciplinary Anti-Doping Actors",VABB-4,44,56,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441397,,"Noot onder EHRM 18 juli 2017, nr. 18052/11, Rooman t. België en EHRM 5 september 2017, nr. 37795/13, Tekin en Arslan t. België",VABB-1,578,586,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441400,,"Gevolgen van een vertrouwensbreuk tussen religieuze instanties en hun inspecteurs godsdienstonderwijs in officiële scholen (noot onder RvS, nr. 233.763, 5 februari 2016)",VABB-1,134,146,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441401,,"The power paradox : implicit and explicit power motives, and the importance attached to prosocial organizational goals in SMEs",VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441403,,Developing sound absorbers for health facilities : how to meet hygienic and acoustic requirements in one product,VABB-5,4771,4778,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441405,,Towards transcultural awareness in translation pedagogy,VABB-3,,,288 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441409,,Codification in a civil law jurisdiction: a Northern European perspective,VABB-1,253,263,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441418,,Cruzar la frontera del encanto: Juan Rulfo en el sistema mundial de las letras [Crossing the Frontier of Enchantment: Juan Rulfo in the World-System of Literature],VABB-1,335,363,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:441419,,"Beckett, Samuel (2017) Malone meurt / Malone Dies: a digital genetic edition",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441421,,"The Beetle and the Butterfly, Nabokov's Lecture on Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis'",VABB-4,60,74,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441423,,Landbouw in Nieuw Nederland: commerciële circuits en de rol van intermediairs op het platteland rond Nieuw Amsterdam in de zeventiende eeuw,VABB-1,545,564,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:441429,,"A comprehensive study of sexist, homophobic, and transphobic attitudes among the Belgian population",VABB-1,5,34,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441433,,"The correlation between bushmeat harvesting and wildlife abundance in the tofala-mone forest corridor, Cameroon",VABB-1,465,474,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441434,,Conditional market timing in the mutual fund industry,VABB-1,1355,1366,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441435,,Volume flexibility and capacity investment : a real options approach,VABB-1,1633,1646,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441436,,Save or sack the city : the fate of Jonah's Nineveh from a spatial perspective,VABB-1,233,246,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441437,,Family (law) assemblages : new modes of being (legal),VABB-1,532,558,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441439,,Do First- and Second-Generation Migrants Stay Longer in Social Assistance Than Natives in Belgium?,VABB-1,1167,1190,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441442,,A comparison of soil tests for available phosphorus in long-term field experiments in Europe,VABB-1,873,885,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441444,,Cultural transduction and adaptation studies : the concept of cultural proximity,VABB-1,645,662,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441445,,"""Teaching a Fusky Alphabet"" to Belgian Students : Stevens's Poetry as a Spider Web",VABB-1,188,197,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441446,,"Tracing protest motives : the link between newspaper coverage, movement messages, and demonstrators' reasons to protest",VABB-1,480,500,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441447,,Naive and sophisticated long-term readings of foreign and national films viewed in a Mexican northern town during the 1930-60s,VABB-1,277,296,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441448,,A structured approach to academic technology transfer : lessons learned from imec's 101 programme,VABB-1,5,14,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441449,,"Two-level orthogonal screening designs with 24, 28, 32, and 36 runs",VABB-1,1354,1369,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441451,,"Pick, play, produce : revisiting the concept of participation through a quantitative study of film consumption practices amongst youth in Flanders (Belgium)",VABB-1,73,90,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441452,,Parental choices and the prospect of regret : an alternative account,VABB-1,586,607,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441453,,Cost and energy efficient indoor and outdoor localization of rail cars in a confined maintenance site,VABB-5,711,721,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441455,,Illuminating the gender divide in public sector innovation : evidence from the Australian public service,VABB-1,175,194,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441460,,Richard Westra's theory of financialization and the renewal of the Uno-Sekine approach to the dialectic of capital,VABB-1,680,687,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441462,,"De usu atque commercio linguarum quid senserint Diego Valadés (1533-1582) atque Gerónimo de Mendieta (1524-1604), fratres Franciscani",VABB-1,472,495,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441464,,Investigating the bunkering choice determinants : the case of the port of Antwerp,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441465,,Positive or negative spirals of online behavior? Exploring reciprocal associations between being the actor and the recipient of prosocial and antisocial behavior online,VABB-1,3437,3456,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441466,,The effect of affect : a plea for distance through theory,VABB-5,427,443,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441471,,Het Europees burgerinitiatief: een nieuwe golf van burgerparticipatie in de EU?,VABB-4,96,110,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441474,,"De publiekrechtelijke verkrijgende verjaringen, hulp of hinderpaal voor de participatie van de burger in de rechtsorde? De verkrijgende verjaring van het gewoonterecht, van de nationaliteit en van rechten in de sociale zekerheid",VABB-4,158,172,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441475,,Latijns-Amerikaanse swing: bolero en literatuur,VABB-1,1,15,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441477,,Une infime minorité: radicaal-links in België (1914-1921),VABB-1,4,33,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:441478,,"Immeasurability, biology, identity, citizenship and the meaning of a diagnostic label for adults diagnosed with autism",VABB-4,201,223,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441480,,Voorbij de diagnose: evaringen van volwassenen met autisme,VABB-2,,,154 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441483,,Procreative procrastination: the ethics of postponed parenthood,VABB-4,141,156,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441484,,Antoon Roosens e lo sviluppo del regionalismo e del nazionalismo di sinistra nelle Fiandre del dopoguerra: un itinerario politico e intellettuale (1958-2003),VABB-1,69,93,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:441485,,"Naar een principiële contractuele tewerkstelling in de Belgische publieke sector? ­ Genese van het contractueel dienstverband, stand van zaken en een blik op de toekomst",VABB-1,366,390,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441487,,Thuisonderwijs voor de kinderen van de elite: buitenlandse gouvernantes in Brussel en omstreken rond de eeuwwisseling,VABB-1,32,45,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441491,,Counting trees in Random Forests : predicting symptom severity in psychiatric intake reports,VABB-1,112,119,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441492,,"Liminal publics, marginal resistance : learning from Nubian spaces",VABB-1,90,103,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441493,,Selecting relevant features from the electronic health record for clinical code prediction,VABB-1,92,103,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441495,,Stylene: an environment for stylometry and readability research for Dutch.,VABB-4,195,209,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441498,,Towards the improvement of automatic emotion pre-annotation with polarity and subjective information,VABB-5,157,163,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441499,,Computational language analysis for assessment of schizophrenia,VABB-5,118,127,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441500,,Overview of the author identification task at PAN-2017 : style breach detection and author clustering,VABB-5,1,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441504,,La aportación de la lengua española de Flandes al léxico del español general a finales del siglo XVI y durante el siglo XVII,VABB-1,112,126,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:441507,,Scale separation reliability : what does it mean in the context of comparative judgment?,VABB-1,428,445,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441509,,Waar dagvaarden in geval van een grensoverschrijdende onrechtmatige daad? Over schadeveroorzakende gebeurtenissen en schade,VABB-1,367,373,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441510,,Internationale kinderontvoering,VABB-4,175,206,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441512,,"Arbitrage en Brussel I(bis), Noot onder HvJ C-352/13, arrest van 21 mei 2015",VABB-1,308,315,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441513,,Brussels IIa Recast moving forward,VABB-1,462,476,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441515,,Belgium,VABB-4,125,144,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441516,,Habitual residence: the factors that Courts Consider,VABB-4,741,754,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441518,,Een gepaste verwijzingsregel voor draagmoederschap,VABB-1,127,133,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441521,,Over het belang van een interpersoonlijk ethos,VABB-1,519,524,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441523,,"Freedom of speech, freedom of self-expression, and Kant's public use of reason",VABB-1,118,137,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441526,,Redenen voor liefde,VABB-4,35,50,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441527,,Leren schrijven met Tekster : een wetenschappelijk beproefde lesmethode voor het basisonderwijs,VABB-1,304,329,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:441529,,Deservingness in social assistance administrative practice : a factorial survey approach,VABB-4,225,240,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441530,,Teksten beoordelen met criterialijsten of via paarsgewijze vergelijking : een afweging van betrouwbaarheid en tijdsinvestering,VABB-1,283,303,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:441532,,Hoe schrijven masterstudenten syntheseteksten? Het brongebruik van gevorderde schrijvers in kaart gebracht,VABB-1,233,253,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:441534,,Leren ontwerpen van STEM-integrerend leermateriaal,VABB-1,7,36,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441537,,Low-cost one-bit MEMS microphone arrays for in-air acoustic imaging using FPGA's,VABB-5,633,635,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441538,,Live demonstration : 3D sonar sensing using low-cost MEMS arrays,VABB-5,463,463,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441539,,Does it pay to care? Volunteering and employment opportunities,VABB-1,819,836,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441544,,t Stad is van iedereen : de ontwikkeling van een holebicultuur in Antwerpen (1900-1960),VABB-1,28,45,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441554,,Advertisers' perceptions regarding the ethical appropriateness of new advertising formats aimed at minors,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441556,,'Als zy vuyt haeren lichame sceyden sal' : zielenheilsbeschikkingen in Mechelse testamenten (1548-1555),VABB-1,7,44,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441557,,Bij wijze van epiloog. De man die zijn volk gezichten leerde lezen: Consciences zin voor detail,VABB-4,499,513,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441559,,Streuvels en het raadsel van de familie Gezelle,VABB-1,265,300,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441568,,A Markov chain approach to domino effects in chemical plants,VABB-1,360,369,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441571,,Admiring the Admiranda? Jacob Masen s.j. (1606-1681) and Justus Lipsius's Prose Style,VABB-1,331,369,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441574,,Children's rights in business and human rights: from the sidelines to the centre field?,VABB-4,273,301,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441575,,Commentary on DCI v. Belgium (European Committee on Social Rights),VABB-4,549,558,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441576,,Zijn de Belgen Napoleons trouwste onderdanen? Een onderzoek naar de mogelijke opheffing van de Code Napoléon in België en zijn vervanging door het Burgerlijk Wetboek van het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden,VABB-1,232,262,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441578,,Millennarian Cinema: David Claerbout and Olympia,VABB-1,8,11,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:441579,,The Silence of the Mystic Lambs: Jan Van Eyck and André Cauvins Film About The Mystic Lamb (1939),VABB-1,102,110,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441581,,"Leerprofielen en de samenhang met leerstrategieën, motivationele drijfveren en studiesucces in het eerste jaar hoger onderwijs",VABB-1,7,27,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441582,,Bevorderen van sociale en academische integratie in het eerste jaar hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,2,6,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441583,,De kracht van trajectcoaching in het academische integratieproces van eerstejaarsstudenten,VABB-1,28,51,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441585,,De Collectie De Schepper in de Bijzondere Collecties van de Universiteitsbibliotheek Antwerpen,VABB-1,323,326,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441586,,The films of Ciro Guerra and the making of cosmopolitan spaces in Colombian cinema,VABB-1,126,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441592,,"Talen geven en nemen: nieuwe denkkaders, contexten en methodes in de studie van lexicale ontlening",VABB-1,1,15,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441593,,Flexibiliteit of paradoxale rigiditeit? De wijzigbaarheid van de arbeidsvoorwaarden van de overheidscontractant,VABB-2,,,405 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441604,,Geoorloofdheid van en informatieplicht over late zwangerschapsafbreking,VABB-1,114,121,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441605,,Human trafficking for the purpose of organ removal,VABB-4,120,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441606,,"Weigering van woonzorgcentrum om euthanasie binnen zijn muren toe te laten, zelfs als een extern arts deze wil uitvoeren (noot bij vonnis Rechtbank van Eerste Aanleg te Leuven van 29 juni 2016)",VABB-1,344,353,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441609,,International and European public interest in investment treaty arbitration: meanings in covergence,VABB-1,404,410,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441611,,The clash of intra-EU bilateral investment treaties with EU law: a BITter pill to swallow,VABB-1,101,138,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441612,,Aansprakelijkheid bij vaststelling van een ongrondwettige lacune; wanneer blaffende honden niet bijten,VABB-1,213,232,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441613,,Arrest uitgesproken in voltallige zitting: ongrondwettige lacunes en de temporele werking van prejudiciële arresten onder de loep (noot onder Cass. 5 februari 2016),VABB-1,1414,1419,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441615,,"Ontbrekende beroepsmogelijkheid bij minnelijke schikking: wat na de handhaving? (noot onder GwH 2 juni 2016, nr. 83/2016)",VABB-1,323,328,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441616,,Sint Rombout in een Mechelse stadskroniek: laatvijftiende-eeuwse devotie geprojecteerd op het verleden,VABB-1,1,21,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441617,,Layered text formation in urban chronicles: the case of an early modern manuscript from Mechelen,VABB-1,154,170,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441619,,Een nieuwe parel in de collectie van het Ruusbroecgenootschap,VABB-1,315,319,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441620,,Nederlandse wet in Jip-en-Janneketaal,VABB-1,248,251,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441622,,De alleenzetelende rechter en de beperking van het optreden van de het openbaar ministerie in burgerlijke zaken,VABB-4,19,67,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441626,,Dentro e oltre limmagine : saggi sulla cultura visiva e politica nell'Italia contemporanea,VABB-2,,,154 p.,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:441628,,The travelling i-doc: reflections on the meaning of interactive documentary-based image-making practices in contemporary India,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441629,,In defence of the thin : reflections on the intersections between interactive documentaries and ethnography,VABB-4,51,65,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441631,,"Des lits, des vachers, de Shakespeare et d'Ernst Kantorowicz",VABB-4,68,79,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:441633,,Land-use suitability in Northeast Iran : application of AHP-GIS hybrid model,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441635,,Food as means for female power struggles,VABB-4,739,756,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441636,,Optimal design of experiments for excipient compatibility studies,VABB-1,125,139,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441637,,The psychometric properties of a shortened Dutch version of the consequences scale used in the Core Alcohol and Drug Survey,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441638,,"Hands, heads, and feet : body parts as poetic device in judges 4-5",VABB-1,801,819,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441639,,Financial development and prehistoric geographical isolation : global evidence,VABB-1,283,306,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441640,,Possible market entry of a firm with an additive manufacturing technology,VABB-1,190,199,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441641,,Measuring and comparing the distribution of decision-making power in regulatory arrangements of the telecommunication sector in Latin America,VABB-1,145,155,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441642,,Rising educational participation and the trend to later childbearing,VABB-1,667,693,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441643,,An algorithmic framework for generating optimal two-stratum experimental designs,VABB-1,224,249,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441644,,Mobilizing a network to develop a field : enriching the business actor's mobilization analysis toolkit,VABB-1,70,87,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441645,,A phenomenological approach with ontological implications? Charles Taylor and Maurice Mandelbaum on explanation in ethics,VABB-1,977,991,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441646,,Improving writing in primary schools through a comprehensive writing program,VABB-1,173,225,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441647,,How politicians' attitudes and goals moderate political agenda setting by the media,VABB-1,431,449,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441648,,Less than expected? How media cover demonstration turnout,VABB-1,450,470,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441649,,Regional economic integration and the reality of strong national constitutional powers in South America. A comparative analysis,VABB-1,365,386,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441650,,The mobilization dropout race : interpersonal networks and motivations predicting differential recruitment in a national climate change demonstration,VABB-1,311,329,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441651,,Phenomenological understanding and electric eels,VABB-1,293,302,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441652,,Resilience in families in transition : what happens when a parent is transgender?,VABB-1,399,411,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441655,,México y Bélgica : interpretación para la justicia en países multilingües vista a través del enfoque intercivilizacional y decolonial,VABB-1,211,226,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:441656,,"Introducing TOPMAST, the first double-blind randomized clinical trial specifically dedicated to perioperative maintenance fluid therapy in adults",VABB-1,366,372,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441657,,What did Popper learn from Lakatos?,VABB-1,1202,1215,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441658,,'Look Out Behind You!' Grounding suspense in the slasher film,VABB-1,348,374,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441663,,Arbeidsongevallen publieke sector,VABB-2,,,583 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441667,,Moroccan migration and its (unique) pattern of self-organizations? Comparative reflections on Antwerp and Ghent,VABB-4,171,190,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441672,,The Germanic languages and areal linguistics,VABB-4,239,269,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441673,,Straatmaken is plaatsmaken: een politiek-economisch perspectief op de suburbanisatiepraktijk in Antwerpen (eerste helft 20ste eeuw),VABB-1,38,58,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441674,,Zware verwijswoorden,VABB-1,984,987,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441675,,Estimating human health impacts and costs due to Iranian fossil fuel power plant emissions through the impact pathway approach,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441677,,"Three 'forgotten' cityscapes of Mechelen in the late sixteenth century: the Spanish and English Furies in Mechelen (1572, 1580) through the eyes of contemporaries",VABB-1,65,81,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441679,,"'New federal systems': multi-tiered, multinational, asymmetrical",VABB-1,221,232,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441682,,Constitutional asymmetry vs. sovereignty and self-determination,VABB-1,290,302,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441685,,"""In Open Shew to the World"": Mary Stuart's Armorial Claim to the English Throne and Anglo-French Relations (1559-1561)",VABB-1,1405,1439,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441686,,Gedoopt in Gods diepte: liturgie en mystiek in het zesde visioen van Hadewijch,VABB-1,103,123,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441689,,Na het douchegoot-arrest van het Hof van Justitie: eindelijk duidelijkheid over de beschermingsvoorwaarden en de beschermingsomvang in het modellenrecht,VABB-1,169,183,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441690,,Does only compulsory collective management guarantee that an author actually receives his resale right?,VABB-4,234,253,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441692,,"""J'ai l'honneur d'attirer votre attention à mon sujet"": image et action d'Henri-Constant Groussau (député du Nord, 1902-1936) au prisme de sa correspondance passive",VABB-1,379,412,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:441698,,Verhandelbare ontwikkelingsrechten en verdichting : een haalbaarheidsstudie naar het gebruik van VOR in de gemeente Brasschaat,VABB-1,5,25,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441699,,Magie en wetenschap in de spektakelcultuur van de negentiende eeuw: Henri Robin in de Lage Landen,VABB-1,30,53,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441700,,Reculer pour mieux sauter: de bronnenproblematiek en de literaire eigenheid van de Middelnederlandse Helias,VABB-1,227,263,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441701,,Das Spiel der Stimmen: performative Verspassagen in einigen niederländischen Prosaromanen (ca. 1500-1540),VABB-4,133,154,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:441705,,Exit from and re-entry into social assistance benefit in Belgium among people with migration background and the native-born,VABB-1,366,383,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441706,,Development of a network game for coordination of service delivery to people with a chronic illness,VABB-1,98,111,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441708,,"Ppp policy, depoliticisation, and anti-politics",VABB-1,448,471,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441709,,Assessing quality in live interlingual subtitling : a new challenge,VABB-1,168,195,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441713,,Christian mystics and neo-platonism: some observations by Albert Deblaere concerning John of Ruusbroec,VABB-4,637,656,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441716,,Twee traktaten van Jan (Pelgrim) Pullen,VABB-1,258,296,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441717,,"The effect of personal characteristics, perceived threat, efficacy and breast cancer anxiety on breast cancer screening activation",VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441722,,Health 2020 en het innovative medicines initiative 2,VABB-1,45,70,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441723,,Paarden en de moderne stad: de Antwerpse paardeneconomie en het stedelijk leefmilieu (1870-1910),VABB-1,123,145,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441724,,Migration aspirations and migration cultures : a case study of Ukrainian migration towards the European Union,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441727,,'No prophet is accepted in his own country': catholic anti-gender activism in Belgium,VABB-4,41,58,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441730,,Een samenvatting van de clausuurpassage in Ruusbroecs 'Vanden seven sloten' in Latijnse vertaling en haar verwantschap met Geert Grotes Ruusbroecvertalingen,VABB-1,150,177,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441731,,When immortals die: excavating the emotional impact of the death of prophets in nineteenth-century England,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441738,,Het arrest Commissie/Portugal: verdere duidelijkheid inzake exit-heffingen?,VABB-1,481,499,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441752,,Personalidad de marca de los partidos políticos en Chile : una mirada desde los ciudadanos más jóvenes,VABB-1,89,104,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:441755,,Area-based restrictions to maintain public order: the distinction between freedom-restricting and liberty-depriving public order powers in the European legal sphere,VABB-1,376,386,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441757,,Schetsen uit Finland : de 'herinterpretatie' van de stad op het dertiende Internationaal Congres van de European Association for Urban History in Helsinki,VABB-1,73,91,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441758,,Art and civil action : cultural organizations in the European civil domain,VABB-1,21,47,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441759,,Geef aan de Koning wat aan de Koning toekomt! Maar wat is dat ook alweer? Over de koninklijke verordeningsbevoegdheden en de (grond)wettigheid van het KB van 5 juni 2007 voor wat betreft de woningaanpassingen noodzakelijk ingevolge een arbeidsongeval (noot onder Arbh. Antwerpen 17 maart 2014),VABB-1,842,853,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441760,,"De ene havenarbeider is de andere niet : het lot van de ""doorbestelde"" (noot onder Arbh. Antwerpen 20 maart 2015)",VABB-1,1262,1268,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441761,,Grondrechten en de gezinsbijslagen: welke sky is (voortaan) the limit?,VABB-4,167,253,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441762,,Het paritair beheer van de havenarbeid,VABB-4,174,194,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441763,,Continue wendingen in de wet continuïteit ondernemingen,VABB-1,799,808,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441764,,De vrij beroepsbeoefenaar in financiële moeilijkheden: een nieuwe schakering in het commerciële insolventierecht,VABB-4,185,227,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441768,,The nature and the scope of the global economic crisis impact on employment trends and policies in South East Europe,VABB-1,143,153,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441769,,Open access: a means for social justice and greater social cohesion,VABB-1,105,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441776,,Commentaar bij artikel 18 Wet 26 juni 1990,VABB-4,1,16,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441777,,Commentaar bij artikel 12 Wet 26 juni 1990,VABB-4,1,14,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441778,,Commentaar bij artikel 35 Wet 26 juni 1990,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441779,,Commentaar bij artikel 6 Wet 26 juni 1990,VABB-4,1,28,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441786,,Een tienjarenplan gefinaliseerd: verplichte tienjarige aansprakelijkheidsverzekering voor aannemers en andere dienstverleners in de bouwsector,VABB-1,107,130,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441789,,Droit européen des migrations,VABB-1,110,119,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:441794,,"Die getiden van den love Gods naar hs. Antwerpen, Museum Plantin-Moretus, M.14.12 en Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Ltk. 288",VABB-1,58,88,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441795,,"De Allerzielenpreek van Judocus a Castro o.f.m. in handschrift Antwerpen, Ruusbroecgenootschap, neerl. 37",VABB-1,297,317,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441796,,The playing field of mysticism: Middle Dutch anthropological terminoilogy in the Spieghel der volcomenheit by Hendrik Herp,VABB-4,119,133,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441797,,Mystical texts as literature,VABB-4,23,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441798,,Arbeidsrechtelijke aspecten in het onderwijs: onderwijs of arbeidsrecht? Een bevoegdheidsrechtelijke benadering,VABB-1,350,361,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441799,,De beginselen van de bevoegdheidsverdeling in het federale België,VABB-4,1,62,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441803,,Contractvoorwaarden volgens het gemeen recht,VABB-4,289,298,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441804,,De bijzondere regels toepasselijk op verzekeringsovereenkomsten,VABB-4,299,315,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441805,,"Van wie is Gezelles ""enige Duitse gedicht""?",VABB-1,1,10,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441806,,De tegenwerpbaarheid aan en de betwisting door de benadeelde van de beëindiging van een verzekeringsovereenkomst. Belang van de rechtstreekse vordering,VABB-1,26,30,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441807,,Posterioriteitsdekking in een claims-madeaansprakelijkheidsverzekering: de begrippen risico en schadegeval,VABB-1,381,385,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441808,,Het bewijs van 'informed consent' door een toestemmingsformulier,VABB-1,48,53,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441809,,The story continues: de bewijslast inzake informed consent van de patiënt,VABB-1,57,62,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441810,,Rechterlijk activisme in keuze tussen vrijheid en gelijkheid? Vergelijkende rechtspraakanalyse van het US Supreme Court en het EHRM over het huwelijk tussen personen van hetzelfde geslacht,VABB-1,610,632,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441813,,Het recht op commissie van de makelaar bij een gezamenlijke bemiddelingsopdracht,VABB-1,101,109,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441817,,Wat is een grief? (noot onder Cass. 28 februari 2017),VABB-1,283,287,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441820,,Fiscaalrechtelijke implicaties van strafrechterlijke beslissingen in België,VABB-4,115,150,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441826,,Human rights obligations of European States in the Context of Peace Operations,VABB-1,31,74,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441828,,Lijsten lezen: de codering van Max Havelaar,VABB-1,259,284,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441832,,Het taaldier mens : over de ontologische reikwijdte van onze linguïstische capaciteit,VABB-1,565,575,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:441833,,"You can leave your hat on, but not your headscarf : no direct discrimination on the basis of religion",VABB-1,553,572,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441834,,International double taxation in the European Union : comparative guidelines from Switzerland and the United States,VABB-1,10,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441835,,Towards a more coordinated approach of the relation between the taxpayer and tax administrations : the European taxpayers' code,VABB-1,178,181,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441836,,Hoe nieuwe sociale sectoren ontstaan en geïnstitutionaliseerd geraken. De case van de sociale economie in Vlaanderen (1970-2007),VABB-1,74,101,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:441837,,Meer dan een parade mooie mannen: filmvertoningen in de Vlaamse Holebibeweging (1970-1990),VABB-1,102,133,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:441838,,Spiritual leadership as a driver of organizational entrainment,VABB-5,444,451,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441839,,An investigation of the theory-practice gap in the context of IT governance,VABB-5,530,537,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441840,,Optimization of trip-end line network based on door to door operation mode of highway passenger transport,VABB-1,119,128,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441841,,Public-private partnership model selection for dry port development : an application to Vietnam,VABB-1,229,249,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441865,,Welke toekomst voor de gecommunautariseerde juridische eerstelijnsbijstand? - Verslag van een rondetafelgesprek op 26 februari 2016,VABB-1,357,366,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441866,,Recente ontwikkelingen bij de toegang tot het recht: in welke richting? - Verslag van een rondetafelgesprek op 20 oktober 2016,VABB-1,118,124,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441867,,"Is het faillissement van een van de leden van een combinatie slechts een conducteurswissel of de eindhalte? Annotatie bij zaak C-396/14, MT Høgaard A/S en Züblin A/S t. Banedanmark",VABB-1,403,408,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:441869,,Misbruik van machtpositie (art. 102 VwEU),VABB-4,30,236,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441871,,Noot onder EHRM (Grote Kamer) 29 november 2016 (Lupeni Greek Catholic Parish e.a. t. Roemenië (nr. 76943/11)),VABB-1,198,205,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441873,,Schorsing van de verjaring wegens de onmogelijkheid voor de fiscus om betaling van de belasting te bekomen (noot onder Bergen 6 oktober 2016),VABB-1,124,128,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441876,,The comparative African economics of inclusive development and military expenditure in fighting terrorism,VABB-1,77,91,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441877,,"Patent thicket, brevet, invention, tragedy of the anticommons",VABB-4,883,886,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441878,,"""Le 'Open patent' ou 'Brevet ouvert', brevet, invention, pledge, open source, copyleft, OPN",VABB-4,153,156,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441881,,Talking politics at the dinner table : stereotypes in children's political choices,VABB-1,143,156,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441882,,In de ban van verbinding - Een plaats voor videoconferentie in het nieuwe jeugdrecht?,VABB-1,332,340,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441883,,"A future of mess, confusion and complexity? Linking childrens rights and knowledge management in a critical research agenda beyond 25 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child",VABB-4,489,512,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441885,,Marketing of unproven stem cell-based interventions: a call to action,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441887,,"(Over-)belasting & draagkracht - verleden, heden en toekomst van het draagkrachtbeginsel in de inkomstenbelastingen",VABB-1,22,47,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441901,,Pupils' transition to secondary education : an exploratory study of teachers' recommendations discussed at teacher-parent conferences,VABB-1,459,477,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441906,,"Hiring a gay man, taking a risk? A lab experiment on employment discrimination and risk-aversion",VABB-1,1015,1031,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441908,,"Het statuut en de aansprakelijkheid van de zorgkundige (noot onder Rb. Henegouwen, afd. Charleroi 12 december 2016)",VABB-1,276,279,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441909,,Migration and commuting interactions fields : a new geography with community detection algorithm?,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441911,,Het EHRM en de strafuitvoering,VABB-1,98,129,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441918,,Moeilijke eigendomssituaties onder de aandacht,VABB-1,53,62,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441925,,"Measuring participation as defined by the World Health Organization in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health : psychometric properties of the Ghent Participation Scale",VABB-1,379,393,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441926,,Risk factors for daytime or combined incontinence in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,937,942,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441927,,Different combinations of perceived autonomy support and control : identifying the most optimal motivating style,VABB-1,16,36,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441928,,Should GM rice with nutrition benefits be deployed? : findings from biotech and socio-economic research,VABB-4,139,150,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441929,,Healthy brain ageing assessed with 18F-FDG PET and age-dependent recovery factors after partial volume effect correction,VABB-1,838,849,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441931,,Characterization in Ancient Greek Literature.,VABB-3,,,705 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441935,,In vivo deformation of thin cartilage layers : feasibility and applicability of T2* mapping,VABB-1,771,778,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:441936,,Hamstring reinjuries occur at the same location and early after return to sport : a descriptive study of MRI-confirmed reinjuries,VABB-1,2112,2121,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:441937,,A comprehensive strength testing protocol offers no clinical value in predicting risk of hamstring injury : a prospective cohort study of 413 professional football players,VABB-1,1695,1702,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441938,,Prone hip extension muscle recruitment is associated with hamstring injury risk in amateur soccer,VABB-1,696,706,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441939,,Likelihood of ACL graft rupture : not meeting six clinical discharge criteria before return to sport is associated with a four times greater risk of rupture,VABB-1,946,U84,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:441940,,Sleep disturbances and severe stress as glial activators : key targets for treating central sensitization in chronic pain patients?,VABB-1,817,826,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441941,,Double up or in unison : encounters of art and architecture in the work of Robbrecht en Daem architecten,VABB-4,106,116,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441943,,Intrinsic limb morpho-dynamics and the early development of interlimb coordination of walking in a quadrupedal primate,VABB-1,235,247,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441948,,Educating teachers in health pedagogies,VABB-4,461,472,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441949,,Attention capacity in European adolescents : role of different health-related factors : the HELENA study,VABB-1,1433,1437,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441950,,Collective beliefs on responsible investment,VABB-1,427,457,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:441955,,E-Business Strategy: How Companies Are Shaping Their Manufacturing and Supply Chain Through the Internet. A Review and Outlook,VABB-4,139,168,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441956,,The 7 Cs of supply chain management,VABB-1,94,105,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441957,,Process driven ERP implementation : business process management approach to ERP implementation,VABB-5,108,122,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441960,,Disambiguation of social polarization concepts and measures,VABB-1,80,111,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:441961,,Measuring performance and service quality in health care,VABB-4,375,386,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441964,,Zelfsturing en organisatienetwerken in de publieke sector : micro en macro.,VABB-1,7,17,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:441968,,Intimate citizenship politics and digital media : teens’ discourses; sexual normativities and popular social media,VABB-4,95,107,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441971,,Interkulturelle Gruppenarbeit als Herausforderung : Vermeidungsstrategien und Chancen,VABB-4,65,88,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:441973,,Citizen empowerment and innovation in the data-rich city,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441978,,"Disrupting Johannesburg pride : gender, race, and class in the LGBTI movement in South Africa",VABB-1,42,49,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441980,,Comparison of different electrode configurations for the oVEMP with bone-conducted vibration,VABB-1,205,211,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441982,,‘The best app is the teacher’ Introducing classroom scripts in technology-enhanced education,VABB-1,267,281,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441984,,"The Effectiveness of Parent Training as a Treatment for Preschool Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled, Multicenter Trial of the New Forest Parenting Program in Everyday Clinical Practice",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441985,,A tribute to Dr. Willy Lens,VABB-1,311,316,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441988,,Latent state-trait models for longitudinal family data: Investigating consistency in perceived support,VABB-1,256,270,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441991,,Studying texts in a second language: the importance of test type,VABB-1,1062,1074,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:441992,,"Diasporic Muslims, mental health, and subjectivity: Perspectives of mental health care professionals in Ghent",VABB-1,63,84,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:441993,,Brain activation for spontaneous and explicit false belief tasks overlaps: new fMRI evidence on belief processing and violation of expectation,VABB-1,391,400,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441995,,"Foraging value, risk avoidance, and multiple control signals : how the anterior cingulate cortex controls value-based decision-making",VABB-1,1656,1673,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:441998,,"The effect of SpeechEasy® on attitudes, emotions and coping behaviors. Outcomes of short time usage",VABB-1,109,116,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:441999,,Mining balance disorders' data for the development of diagnostic decision support systems,VABB-1,240,248,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442000,,Multiparametric data analysis for diagnostic decision support in balance disorders,VABB-5,437,440,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442001,,Predictors of health-related quality of life in adult cochlear implant recipients in South Africa,VABB-1,16,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442002,,Third party financing and litigation expenditures,VABB-1,751,778,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442003,,(Wo)men in legal history,VABB-3,,,341 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442004,,Media representations of incivilities in the British and Flemish press,VABB-4,125,145,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442005,,De recnte wijzigingen aan het Decreet Intergemeentelijke Samenwerking,VABB-1,255,261,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442007,,Crime script analysis: preventing crimes against business,VABB-2,,,262 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442008,,Russian legal order and the legal order of the Eurasian Economic Union : an uneasy relationship,VABB-1,33,52,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442009,,Belgium an the European arrest warrant: is European criminal cooperation under pressure?: refusal of European arrest warrant surrender in the case Jauregui Espina as proof of failing mutual trust,VABB-1,186,210,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442011,,Tranlucent exempla,VABB-4,71,79,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:442015,,Legal philosophy in the Low Countries,VABB-4,795,813,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442018,,Is transatlantic trade and investment partnership a regional contribution to global economic governance,VABB-1,407,422,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442021,,Context or Text? Towards a new interpretation of Gerard of Cambrai’s oration on the Three Orders,VABB-1,21,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442022,,Mathematical existence via necessary properties : some conceptual challenges to J.L. shaw,VABB-4,217,223,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442023,,Incommensurable aims in the philosophy of art,VABB-1,389,414,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442024,,"Conscientious objection, complicity in wrongdoing, and a not-so-moderate approach",VABB-1,108,118,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442025,,"De huisraad en de bibliotheek van Antoon van Arenberg, graaf van Seninghem: sporen van een hoogadellijke verzameling (Brussel, 1617)",VABB-1,7,86,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442027,,Hugo Claus’ 'dialect' in French Translation,VABB-1,7,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442028,,Long live the (im)material: Concept and materiality in Viktor&Rolf’s fashion,VABB-1,7,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442029,,"La fabula Aristaei, l’aneddoto di Dinocrate e il macrotesto",VABB-4,306,318,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442030,,Topographical annotation in Thomas Percy’s the Hermit of Warkworth and John Pinkerton’s The Bruce,VABB-4,67,88,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442031,,"The mulieres religiosae, daughters of Hildegard of Bingen? Interfaces between a Benedictine visionary, the Cistercians of Villers and the spiritual women of Liège",VABB-4,301,338,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442032,,Seventh graders’ grammatical knowledge: a comparative study,VABB-5,7367,7371,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442034,,World cities and second cities : imagining growth and hybridity in modern literature,VABB-4,21,41,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442035,,Young cosmopolitans : Flemish and Dutch youths and their travel behaviour (from the late sixteenth to the eighteenth century),VABB-4,185,202,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442041,,The Henri IV Series,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442048,,"Bringing history back in : past, present, and conflict in Rwanda and the Eastern democratic republic of Congo",VABB-1,465,487,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442049,,Interdisciplinary care in disorders/differences of sex development (DSD) : the psychosocial component of the DSD-Translational research network,VABB-1,279,292,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442050,,Il classico e il suo doppio,VABB-1,153,168,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:442051,,"Future of keeping pet reptiles and amphibians : towards integrating animal welfare, human health and environmental sustainability",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442058,,The organism as reality or as fiction: Buffon and beyond,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442059,,The Routledge companion to embodied music interaction,VABB-3,,,512 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442060,,Boundary crossings. The Blurring of the Human/Animal Divide as Naturalization of the Soul in Early Modern Philosophy,VABB-4,147,172,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442061,,"Aandacht! Aandacht! : aandacht en verstrooiing in het Gentse Grand Théâtre, café-concert en variététheater, 1880-1914",VABB-2,,,212 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442062,,The adjustment of a triptych by Pieter I Claeissens : an exceptional situation or common practice?,VABB-4,122,132,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442063,,"Fluctuations des faciès céramiques au Bronze final et à l'aube du premier Âge du Fer, entre Somme, Escaut et rivages de la Manche",VABB-4,241,266,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:442064,,The glymphatic system : a new player in ocular diseases?,VABB-1,5426,5427,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442065,,Desperate Domesticity? Translocating the political into the personal in Lynne Sharon Schwartz's The Writing on the Wall and Paul Auster's Man in the Dar,VABB-4,125,145,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442067,,Social media logic and its impact on political communication during election times,VABB-4,119,135,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442068,,Appropriate Antibiotic Use for Acute Respiratory Tract Infection in Adults.,VABB-1,673,674,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442069,,Anticonceptie bij patiënten met een migratieachtergrond : hoe kan de huisarts de therapietrouw verbeteren?,VABB-1,274,278,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442070,,A qualitative interpretation of challenges associated with helping patients with multiple chronic diseases identify their goals,VABB-1,120,126,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442071,,Surface electromyographic activity of the upper trapezius before and after a single dry needling session in female office workers with trapezius myalgia,VABB-1,861,868,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442072,,"Evidence-based framework for a pathomechanical model of patellofemoral pain : 2017 patellofemoral pain consensus statement from the 4th International Patellofemoral Pain Research Retreat, Manchester, UK : part 3",VABB-1,1713,1723,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442073,,Hamstring and calf muscle activation as a function of bodyweight support during treadmill running in ACL reconstructed athletes,VABB-1,154,158,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442074,,Central pain processing in patients with shoulder pain : a review of the literature,VABB-1,267,280,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442079,,The translaminar pressure difference as an index for neurotoxic burden in the anterior part of the optic nerve,VABB-1,1146,1147,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442080,,A randomized controlled trial on the immediate and long-term effects of arm slings on shoulder subluxation in stroke patients,VABB-1,400,4009,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442081,,Quality assessment of shoulder plyometric exercises : examining the relationship to scapular muscle activity,VABB-1,27,34,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442082,,Shoulder proprioception : how is it measured and is it reliable? : a systematic review,VABB-1,221,231,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442083,,Muscle injuries in sports : a new evidence-informed and expert consensus-based classification with clinical application,VABB-1,1241,1253,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442084,,The isokinetic rotator cuff strength ratios in overhead athletes : assessment and exercise effect,VABB-1,65,75,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442085,,Scapular muscle dysfunction associated with subacromial pain syndrome,VABB-1,136,146,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442086,,Exercise for the person with osteoarthritis,VABB-4,225,234,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442087,,Magnetische resonantie beeldvormingstechnieken van kraakbeen compositie : hype of hope?,VABB-1,32,37,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442088,,The European ME/CFS Biomarker Landscape project : an initiative of the European network EUROMENE,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442089,,Susceptibility to Hamstring Injuries in Soccer: A Prospective Study Using Muscle Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging,VABB-1,1276,1285,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442093,,Deviating running kinematics and hamstring injury susceptibility in male soccer players : cause or consequence?,VABB-1,270,277,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442094,,MRI appearance does not change in the first 7 days after acute hamstring injury : a prospective study,VABB-1,1087,1092,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442095,,"A combination of initial and follow-up physiotherapist examination predicts physician-determined time to return to play after hamstring injury, with no added value of MRI",VABB-1,431,U66,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442096,,The impact of different lenses on visual and musculoskeletal complaints in VDU workers with work-related neck complaints : a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442097,,Short stem total hip arthroplasty : potential explanations for persistent post-surgical thigh pain,VABB-1,45,50,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442098,,"Endogenous pain facilitation rather than inhibition differs between people with chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and controls : an observational study",VABB-1,E489,E497,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442105,,Hamstring and quadriceps isokinetic strength deficits are weak risk factors for hamstring strain injuries : a 4-year cohort study,VABB-1,1789,1795,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442107,,Response to Letter,VABB-1,263,265,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442108,,"Interseason variability of a functional movement test, the 9+screening battery, in professional male football players",VABB-1,1081,1086,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442109,,The effect of shoulder muscle fatigue on acromiohumeral distance and scapular dyskinesis in women with generalized joint hypermobility,VABB-1,424,430,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442110,,Commercial land deals and the interactions between investors and local people : evidence from western Ethiopia,VABB-1,312,323,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442113,,Assessment quality and practices in secondary PE in the Netherlands,VABB-1,473,489,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442126,,Incidence and risk factors of injuries and their impact on academic success : a prospective study in PETE students,VABB-1,1978,1985,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442128,,The art of religion : Sforza Pallavicino and art theory in Bernini's Rome,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442129,,Urban questions in the countryside? Urbanization and the collective consumption of electricity in early twentieth-century Belgium,VABB-1,309,332,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442132,,Urban sprawl and its impacts on land use change in Central Ethiopia,VABB-1,132,141,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442133,,Logistics Services: Global Functions and Global Cities,VABB-1,481,486,-,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442135,,Determining rangeland species palatability : application of principal component analysis,VABB-1,105,112,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442136,,Longitudinal associations of leptin and adiponectin with heart rate variability in children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442137,,"Familial resemblance in dietary intakes of children, adolescents, and parents : does dietary quality play a role?",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442138,,Metabolic targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals assessed by cord blood transcriptome profiling,VABB-1,307,320,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442139,,Biomarkers in patients admitted to the emergency department after exposure to acrylonitrile in a major railway incident involving bulk chemical material,VABB-1,261,270,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442144,,"Scenes of Amani, Tanzania : biography of a postcolonial landscape",VABB-1,6,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442147,,Dessin/chantier : an introduction,VABB-4,94,105,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:442148,,Evaluating the hygrothermal performance of prefabricated timber frame façade elements used in building renovation,VABB-5,933,938,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442150,,Decubitus,VABB-4,65,82,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442151,,How is adults' screen time behaviour influencing their views on screen time restrictions for children? : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442152,,Systematic review on N-3 and N-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid intake in European countries in light of the current recommendations : focus on specific population groups,VABB-1,39,50,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442154,,"Different osteocalcin forms, markers of metabolic syndrome and anthropometric measures in children within the IDEFICS cohort",VABB-1,230,236,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442157,,Measuring propagation with temporal webs,VABB-4,57,104,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442158,,Blood protein biomarkers as diagnostic tool for ischemic stroke : a systematic review,VABB-1,503,512,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442159,,Frequency and intensity of symptoms and treatment interventions in hospitalized older palliative cancer patients : a multicentre cross-sectional study,VABB-1,1455,1466,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442160,,Association between dietary inflammatory index and inflammatory markers in the HELENA study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442161,,Whole-blood fatty acids and inflammation in European children : the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,819,823,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442162,,Prospective associations between dietary patterns and body composition changes in European children : the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,3257,3265,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442170,,The sequence of bank liberalisation : financial repression versus capital requirements in Russia,VABB-4,247,268,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442172,,Determinants of job satisfaction in a lean environment,VABB-1,134,152,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442175,,Voice framing and sensemaking: a construal-level perspective on proactive voice effectiveness.,VABB-4,469,498,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442178,,Military Policing,VABB-4,1116,1119,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442179,,The impact of internal corporate social responsibility on organizational commitment : evidence from Vietnamese service firms,VABB-1,100,116,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442181,,Gender and the effect of working hours on firm-sponsored training,VABB-1,192,211,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442182,,Temporary jobs and the severity of workplace accidents,VABB-1,41,51,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442188,,Het Innovatiecentrum voor Veiligheid (vzw INNOS) bestaat twee jaar : enkele reflecties,VABB-1,32,40,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442191,,Leren op café? “Worldcafé” als methode om data te verzamelen toegepast op cyberpesten bij jongeren.,VABB-1,433,440,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442192,,Groeipolen en macht : het internationale handelsnetwerk in de lange 20ste eeuw,VABB-4,41,56,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442193,,Beleidsevaluatie in woelige publieke wateren : een vooruitblik.,VABB-1,9,16,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442199,,Emergency boarding: An integrative framework for analyzing causes and seeking solutions,VABB-1,88,106,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442200,,How can a country leave the European Union and become a member of the EFTA ?,VABB-1,30,44,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442202,,Organisatie- en ICT - veranderingen in Vlaamse stadsbesturen : vaarwel aan het idee van afstemming,VABB-1,29,44,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442203,,"Interacties tussen technologie, innovatie en veiligheid : in de greep van diverse krachten",VABB-1,4,18,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442204,,Leveraging the impact of supply chain integration through information technology,VABB-1,510,530,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442206,,The environmental impact of individual behavior : self-assessment versus the ecological footprint,VABB-1,187,212,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:442209,,"Settlers or movers? The temporality of past migrations, political inaction and its consequences, 1945-1985",VABB-4,63,83,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442210,,De lokale besturen,VABB-4,249,294,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442211,,Risk reporting to the board of directors,VABB-4,172,186,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442214,,"Stadsmonitor 2014. Veiligheidsgevoel en omgeving, welke factoren spelen een rol?",VABB-1,63,73,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442217,,Improving the quality of the COBIT 5 goals cascade as an IT process prioritisation mechanism,VABB-1,49,69,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442224,,Beginselen van wetgevingstechniek en behoorlijke regelgeving,VABB-2,,,284 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442225,,Het departement Kanselarij & Bestuur als zelfsturende netwerkorganisatie.,VABB-1,73,82,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442227,,Postenvironmentalism : a material-semiotic perspective on living spaces,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442230,,Networks in professional groups : a matter of connection or self-excile?,VABB-1,318,332,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442234,,Sanctions under the EU Generalised System of Preferences and foreign policy: Coherence by accident?,VABB-4,63,76,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442235,,De trein van de verengelsing,VABB-1,363,369,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442236,,Normative power Europe through trade : Vietnamese perceptions,VABB-1,176,205,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442237,,Informal planning in a transactive governmentality. Re-reading planning practices through Ghent’s community gardens,VABB-1,51,73,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442238,,"Taxation, stateness and armed groups : public authority and resource extraction in eastern Congo",VABB-4,235,256,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442239,,Cinema Heritage in Europe,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442240,,"The diplomatic role of the European parliament's standing committees, delegations and assemblies : insights from ACP-EU inter-parliamentary cooperation",VABB-4,57,75,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442241,,Processes and patterns of urban Europeanisation : evidence from the EUROCITIES network,VABB-1,75,96,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442245,,Grassroots movements : toward cooperative forms of green urban development?,VABB-4,62,90,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442246,,A perspective from the Middle East : governance and the problem of knowledge,VABB-4,99,118,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442247,,The role of environmental factors in beginning teachers’ professional learning related to differentiated instruction,VABB-1,557,579,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442249,,Studying texts in a second language: No disadvantage in long-term recognition memory,VABB-1,826,838,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:442250,,Eliciting teachers’ technological pedagogical knowledge,VABB-1,96,109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442251,,Multimodal word meaning induction from minimal exposure to natural text,VABB-1,677,705,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442252,,"Family day care : the trilemma of profesionalisation, sustainability and fairness in Flanders, France and Germany",VABB-4,177,189,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442255,,Participation and participatory research from a capability perspective,VABB-4,274,293,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442256,,Generatieverschillen op de werkvloer: een systematische analyse van een mythe,VABB-1,44,76,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:442261,,Object en symptoom bij Sergei Pankejev : deel 1 : een apart geval van 'dwangneurose' : aanloop naar een topologische lectuur,VABB-1,113,136,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442264,,Effective Peer Learning: From principles to practical implementation.,VABB-2,,,192 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442265,,Predicting motivation : computational models of PFC can explain neural coding of motivation and effort-based decision-making in health and disease,VABB-1,1633,1645,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442266,,Parenting newspeak,VABB-1,23,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442268,,Internal shifting impairments in response to emotional information in dysphoric adolescents,VABB-1,70,79,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442269,,An empirical typology of student teachers and its relation with motivation for teaching,VABB-4,135,153,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442271,,The concept of recovery as experienced by persons with dual diagnosis : a systematic review on qualitative research from a first-person perspective,VABB-1,264,279,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442272,,Learning the value of information and reward over time when solving exploration-exploitation problems,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442274,,From sound to meaning : phonology-to-semantics mapping in visual word recognition,VABB-1,887,893,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442276,,The influence of group membership on cross-contextual imitation,VABB-1,1257,1265,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442277,,Investigation of principals’ Technology leadership profiles in the context of schools’ learning organization culture and ICT infrastructure: F@tih Project Schools vs. the Others,VABB-1,83,98,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442279,,Effective peer learning : from principles to practical implementation,VABB-2,,,186 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442280,,Going to the exclusive show: exhibition strategies and movie-going memories of Disney's animated feature films in Ghent (1937–1982),VABB-1,403,418,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442284,,"Learning from others, not about others : investigating intercultural learning and intercultural competence in the university classroom",VABB-4,181,200,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442286,,The EEAS and European neighbourhood policy : what institutional balance?,VABB-4,117,134,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442290,,Women-led non-governmental organizations and peacebuilding in Rwanda,VABB-1,66,79,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442291,,Chinese college students’ perceptions of the EU and its relations with China,VABB-1,411,432,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442293,,The role of gatekeepers in the social construction of reality in Albanian news media : impact on the representation of children in the news,VABB-4,141,156,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442295,,DTI in diagnosis and follow-up of brain tumors,VABB-4,309,330,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442297,,"The professionalisation of family day care in Flanders, France and Germany",VABB-1,386,397,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442298,,What do you believe in? French translation of the FAD-plus to assess beliefs in free will and determinism and their relationship with religious practices and personality traits,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442301,,Object en symptoom bij Sergei Pankejev : deel 2 : een Rus die geld moest geven,VABB-1,137,156,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442304,,Computational models of anterior cingulate cortex : at the crossroads between prediction and effort,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442305,,The (in)convenience of care in preschool education: examining staff views on educare,VABB-1,4,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442306,,The depression conundrum and the advantages of uncertainty,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442307,,Criminalising through the back door : normative grounds and social accounts of the incivilities’ regulation,VABB-4,13,34,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442309,,Politionele informatiehuishouding en cameragebruik,VABB-4,703,751,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442312,,Aansluiten bij het ‘grote fascistische monster’ : inzicht in het toetredingsproces van extreem-rechtse individuen,VABB-4,39,60,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442314,,ADR clauses and international perceptions : a preliminary report,VABB-1,27,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442316,,The Eurasian Economic Union - an EU-inspired legal order and its limits,VABB-1,50,72,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442318,,Who decides? The decision-making process of juvenile judges concerning minors with mental disorders,VABB-1,7,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442322,,Milieuveiligheid : ongelimiteerde uitdagingen?,VABB-1,5,15,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442325,,Opening up towards children's languages : enhancing teachers' tolerant practices towards multilingualism,VABB-1,136,152,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442327,,Het herindelingsbeleid van Vlaanderen en Nederland vergeleken,VABB-1,39,59,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442328,,Belgium : divided along language lines,VABB-4,14,23,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442329,,Ways of preferring: Distinction through the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of cultural consumption,VABB-1,25,45,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442331,,"Van het volk, voor het volk, door de partij? De participatieve democratie door de bril van Vlaamse partijleden",VABB-4,167,186,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442333,,"Diasporic Muslims, mental health, and subjectivity : perspectives and experiences of mental health care professionals in Ghent",VABB-1,63,84,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442334,,Look east to act east,VABB-1,24,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442336,,Narrating networks : exploring the affordances of networks as storytelling devices in journalism,VABB-1,699,730,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442339,,The effect of mobile messaging during a conversation on impression formation and interaction quality,VABB-1,562,569,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442341,,Tomyris' bloody revenge,VABB-4,64,67,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442342,,Enkele (ver)nieuw(d)e politionele en strafvorderlijke onderzoeksmethoden,VABB-4,15,37,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442351,,"Dimensions, concerns and effects of addressing uncivil behaviour through punitive law",VABB-4,165,176,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442352,,Discretion and the economics of defensive behaviour by public bodies,VABB-1,595,610,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442353,,Standpunt. Is de inbreng onder ontbindende voorwaarde in onvolkomen rechtspersonen toegelaten?,VABB-1,1101,1104,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442354,,Het lot van een obligatielening bij een (grensoverschrijdende) fusie : annotatie bij het arrest KA Finanz AG van het Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,972,977,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442355,,"Een kwalitatieve verkenning van gepercipieerde discriminatie, etnische identiteit, sociaal netwerk en middelengebruik bij personen met een Turkse en Oost-Europese migratieachtergrond in Gent",VABB-1,142,162,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442357,,Prosecuting human rights offences : rethinking the Sword function of Human Rights Law,VABB-2,,,"XVII, 580 p.",eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442358,,Georganiseerde misdaad en ondermijning in het Belgisch-Nederlandse grensgebied : het probleem en de aanpak,VABB-1,105,124,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442359,,Under the mantle of love : (Catholic) Institutional Pedagogy and the Pedagogic-Erotic Relationship,VABB-1,59,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442361,,In search of evidence-based treatment in TCs for addictions : 40 years of research in TC De Kiem (Belgium),VABB-1,177,195,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442362,,Comorbiditeit bij leerstoornissen,VABB-1,11,16,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442363,,Conceptualising and treating psychosis : a Lacanian perspective,VABB-1,388,398,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442364,,Psychological states and working conditions buffer beginning teachers’ intention to leave the job,VABB-1,6,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442365,,Childhood personality and temperament,VABB-4,243,280,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442367,,What is (good) practitioner research?,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442368,,Testing practices and attitudes toward tests and testing : an international survey,VABB-1,158,190,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442369,,Integrative modeling of prefrontal cortex,VABB-1,1674,1683,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442371,,Associative reinstatement memory measures hippocampal function in Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,25,32,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442374,,Vestiging op eigen grondgebied als toepassingsvoorwaarde voor nationale wetsbepalingen betreffende handelsagentuur: te verzoenen met de Agentuurrichtlijn?,VABB-1,58,64,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442378,,A new horizon in European sports law : the application of the EU state aid rules meets the specific nature of sport,VABB-1,28,61,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442379,,"The rude, the bad and the ugly : penalising incivilities in Europe",VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442380,,Overgang naar volwassenheid: belevingsonderzoek bij jongeren die de bijzondere jeugdbijstand verlaten,VABB-2,,,309 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442391,,Reflecties over reflecties : de spiegel in het negentiende-eeuwse kunstenaarsatelier,VABB-1,37,51,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442395,,Tales of pastness and contemporaneity : on the politics of time in history and anthropology,VABB-4,38,60,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442396,,As the body must appear : contemporary performances in post-Marikana South Africa,VABB-1,11,29,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442397,,Lichamen in Re-volutie. In gesprek met regisseur Mokhallad Rasem tijdens het internationale congres ‘Re-Moving Apartheid,VABB-1,21,27,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442399,,State-organised mobility in the Roman empire : legionaries and auxiliaries,VABB-4,138,157,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442404,,Copying compound structures : the case of Pharasiot Greek,VABB-4,185,232,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442406,,Chinese food threatening the Japanese table : changing perceptions of imported Chinese food in Japan,VABB-4,253,286,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442408,,Biblical philology and hermeneutical debate in the Dutch Republic in the second half of the seventeenth Century,VABB-4,325,347,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442410,,From the mountains to the sea : the Roman colonisation and urbanisation of central Adriatic Italy,VABB-2,,,224 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442412,,"The Historiography of Crisis: Jordanes, Cassiodorus and Justinian in mid sixth-century Constantinople",VABB-1,275,300,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442413,,"Le jardin, lieu esthétique d'un (dés)ordre humain: la naturalisation du politique et du littéraire chez Claude Simon et Patrick Chamoiseau",VABB-1,1,13,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:442414,,Editors and the nineteenth-century press,VABB-4,89,101,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442417,,‘Nous avons à devenir la quasi-cause du rien - du nihil': un entretien avec Bernard Stiegler,VABB-1,163,179,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:442418,,Animal suffering and human bias,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442419,,On interprofessionality in interpreter training : a few thoughts and two stories,VABB-1,5,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442422,,Animation in the Middle East : practice and aesthetics from Baghdad to Casablanca,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442423,,Fragile expertise and the authority of the past: the 'Roman art of war',VABB-4,129,152,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442426,,Een historisch-archeologisch onderzoek naar middeleeuwse landelijke bewoning rond Gent,VABB-1,3,46,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442427,,Der Erzähler als Tourist und Ethnograf. Ilija Trojanows literarische Reportagensammlung‚ Der Sadhu an der Teufelswand. Reportagen aus einem anderen Indien‘,VABB-1,75,91,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:442429,,"Pilger, Voyeure und Touristen : zum Verhältnis von Reisen und touristischer Praxis in Ilija Trojanows An den inneren Ufern Indiens. Eine Reise entlang des Ganges",VABB-1,73,88,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:442430,,Holocaust impiety in Jewish American literature,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442432,,Een spirituele revolutie? Geloof en zelfrepresentatie tijdens de Brabantse Omwenteling (1787-1790),VABB-1,11,22,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442437,,The use of empirical research in bioethics : a survey of researchers in twelve European countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442438,,Restoration and reform of the Parish after trent,VABB-4,168,185,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442439,,A bird’s eye perspective on Gold Beach : an integrated aerial photographic study of a dynamic war landscape,VABB-4,281,295,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442441,,"The printing of the scots medley, to which are added, Hamlet, and Madame fashion’s invitationand William Scott of Greenock",VABB-1,14,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442443,,What to expect from reliability and validity claims? A pragmatic conception of psychiatric nosology,VABB-1,981,987,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442446,,Variation in private letters : the papyri of the Apollonios strategos archive,VABB-1,140,163,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442448,,"Context in grotten, grotten in context : experimenteel geofysisch onderzoek in vier grotten in Centraal-Italië",VABB-1,1,9,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442452,,"The hurt(ful) body : performing and beholding pain, 1600-1800",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442455,,The fragmentary corpus of theagenes,VABB-1,24,39,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442456,,Euthanasia and cryothanasia,VABB-1,526,533,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442457,,Cosmetic surgery and conscientious objection,VABB-1,230,233,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442459,,Ellipsis,VABB-4,562,594,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442460,,In search of moral illusions,VABB-1,283,303,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442461,,Borderline cases and the project of defining art,VABB-1,463,479,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442464,,Beyond the principle of sufficient reason? Schopenhauer's aesthetic phenomenology,VABB-4,162,178,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442466,,On the advantage and disadvantage of black history month for life: the creation of the post-racial era,VABB-1,3,24,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442468,,Descartes and the dissolution of life,VABB-1,155,173,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442471,,"Conflicts, contract enforcement, and business communities in the archive of the sulpicii",VABB-4,387,416,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442472,,Cognitive and sensorimotor resources for the encoding of expressiveness during music playing,VABB-4,69,77,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442474,,Rethinking academic freedom,VABB-1,95,104,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442477,,The poetics of knowledge.,VABB-4,12,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442480,,Varieties of vital materialism,VABB-4,44,65,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442485,,Champion of the humiliated and insulted or xenophobic satirist? Dostoevsky’s mockery of Germans in early translation,VABB-4,109,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442486,,"Translanguaging : a matter of sociolinguistics, pedagogics and interaction?",VABB-4,165,187,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442487,,What is embodied music interaction,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442490,,The EU and the security-development nexus: bridging the legal divide,VABB-2,,,400 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442499,,International encyclopedia of law-religion : Ethiopia,VABB-2,,,108 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442500,,Understanding uncivil behaviour through urban culture and space,VABB-4,108,124,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442501,,Looking for needles in a haystack : key issues affecting children's rights in the general data protection regulation,VABB-1,269,278,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:442504,,English loans in written Italian: a regional perspective,VABB-4,293,320,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442506,,"Michel Vermote, Archiefbank Vlaanderen als instrument voor de registratie en de virtuele reconstructie van archiefbestanden en collecties",VABB-1,69,77,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442507,,Een extra positie?,VABB-1,285,296,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442508,,Partial-Birth and After-Birth Abortion,VABB-4,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442510,,"Knowledge, text and practice in ancient technical writing",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442511,,Review of heather houser's ecosickness in contemporary U.S fiction : environment and affect,VABB-1,73,82,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442512,,De Gentsche Volksbank : een blauwe coöperatie : het stuk gewonnen brood smaakt droog beter dan het gebedelde met boter op,VABB-1,4,27,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442514,,Jewish cultural encounters in the ancient mediterranean and near eastern world,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442516,,The Japanese enlightenment : a re-examination of its alleged secular character,VABB-1,219,240,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442517,,Le cheminement difficile de la boîte à fiches à la base de données digitalisée,VABB-1,153,166,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:442521,,Geminated consonants in Vindolanda's tablets : empirical data and sociolinguistics remarks,VABB-4,269,288,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442522,,Continuity and rupture in the history of Iran : origin of heretical and debauched themes in classical new Persian poetry,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442525,,"Ortho-photographie de haute altitude et imagerie LiDAR, de nouveaux outils de prospection pour la recherche protohistorique en Wallonie",VABB-1,3,12,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:442530,,"The hurt(ful) body : performing and beholding pain, 1600–1800",VABB-3,,,328 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442532,,Van zieke visverkoper tot arme vreemdeling : mobiliteit en armenzorg in West-Vlaanderen op de drempel van het revolutietijdvak,VABB-4,39,52,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442536,,Emilia Serrano de Wilson : entre los salones literarios y los periódicos femeninos,VABB-1,118,127,,spa,2017,1 c:vabb:442537,,Tape music archives: from preservation to access,VABB-1,233,249,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442538,,La traducción como manipulación historiográfica en el exilio : análisis paratextual e intertextual de la guerra civil española de Hugh Thomas,VABB-1,,,,spa,2016,1 c:vabb:442541,,Problematic menswear in P.G. Wodehouse and Dornford Yates,VABB-4,229,248,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442546,,"Sound, pitches and tuning of a historic carillon",VABB-4,247,298,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442547,,How to proceed in the disease concept debate? A pragmatic approach,VABB-1,424,446,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442548,,Kultur als interkulturelle Herausforderung,VABB-4,201,222,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:442549,,De taal van onze grootouders. Dialecten en dialectologie in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,182,209,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442550,,Transmissions of a tale: but who finally eats little red riding hood?,VABB-1,107,123,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442551,,"Van AN naar BN, NN, SN... : het Nederlands als pluricentrische taal",VABB-4,121,141,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442552,,The maritime relations between the Indian Ocean and the China Sea in the Middle Ages,VABB-4,794,807,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442554,,Les découvertes récentes de mobilier céramique Bronze ancien-début Bronze final dans le nord-ouest de la France,VABB-4,190,226,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:442555,,Moving Subjectivity: Somatization and subjectivation in the writings of women since 1990,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442557,,Philosophical aspects of an alleged connection between the axiom of choice and predicting the future,VABB-4,213,220,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442561,,"The Temple of the Muses, the Earl of Buchan, and the Scottish Memorialization of James Thomson",VABB-1,210,215,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442565,,"Passeggiata teorica tra testi e immagini : come si progetta, costruisce e presenta un percorso espositivo",VABB-1,23,28,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:442568,,Introduction : reconsidering Japanese food,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442569,,Nouveaux regards sur la démographie du bassin de l'Inkisi à l'époque du royaume Kongo (XVIe - XVIIIe siècle),VABB-1,845,874,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:442571,,Ghosts in the celestial machine : a reflection on Late-Renaissance embodiment,VABB-4,347,354,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442572,,Size does matter : dimensions of plots in old-Babylonian Sippar,VABB-1,53,74,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442573,,Collaborative mapping in the age of ubiquitous internet : an archaeological perspective.,VABB-1,5,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442574,,"Conte et morale, ou Les nouveaux habits de la Moralité",VABB-1,11,25,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:442578,,The invisible discrimination before our eyes : a bioethical analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442580,,Training doctor-minded interpreters and interpreter-minded doctors: first insights into the benefits of collaborative practice in interpreter training.,VABB-1,126,144,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:442584,,"Displacing Tradition. A new-allegorical reading of Ausonius, Claudian, and Rutilius Namatianus",VABB-4,207,235,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442586,,Multimathemacy : anthropology and mathematics education,VABB-2,,,"XXI, 190 p.",eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442593,,Valerius Andreas’ inaugurale rede aan het Collegium Trilingue : het Hebreeuws als wapen tegen het protestantisme [Collegii Trilinguis Buslidiani exordia ac progressus; item linguae Hebraicae encomium]; Valerius Andreas’ Lof van het Hebreeuws (1614) : een selectie,VABB-4,457,464,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442594,,Political didacticism in the Twelfth Century : the Middle-High German Kaiserchronik,VABB-4,95,120,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442595,,Beyond the Grand Tour : Northern Metropolises and early modern travel behaviour,VABB-3,,,238 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442596,,Plebeian agency in the Later Roman Republic,VABB-4,63,74,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442597,,What are you reading? Samuel Moyn's 'How human rights changed utopianism',VABB-1,85,93,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442599,,Can deontological principles be unified? Reflections on the mere means principle,VABB-1,407,422,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442601,,Luxury or Necessity? The representation of non-dominant varieties in dictionaries: the cases of Dutch and Swedish,VABB-4,399,413,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442602,,Man-Machines and Embodiment: From Cartesian Physiology to Claude Bernard’s ‘Living Machine’,VABB-4,257,297,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442606,,The institutional foundations of medicalization : a cross-national analysis of mental health and unemployment,VABB-1,272,290,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442607,,Perceived discrimination In Primary Healthcare in Europe : evidence from the cross-sectional QUALICOPC study,VABB-1,641,651,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442609,,Dilemmas in applying strengths-based approaches in working with offenders with mental illness : a critical multidisciplinary review,VABB-1,71,79,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442611,,Lawaaiblootstelling bij jongeren : prevalentie en risicofactoren van lawaaigeïnduceerde gehoorschade en tinnitus,VABB-1,25,39,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442612,,Comparison of the motor performance and vestibular function in infants with a congenital cytomegalovirus infection or a connexin 26 mutation : a preliminary study,VABB-1,e49,e56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442614,,Epidemiology and risk factors for tinnitus after leisure noise exposure in Flemish young adults,VABB-1,121,129,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442615,,Epidemiology and risk factors for leisure noise-induced hearing damage in Flemish young adults,VABB-1,10,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442616,,Orthostatic intolerance and fatigue in the hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome,VABB-1,1412,1420,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442623,,Exoskeleton plantarflexion assistance for elderly,VABB-1,183,188,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442624,,Functional magnetic resonance imaging study of brain activity associated with pitch adaptation during phonation in healthy women without voice disorders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442626,,Is Achilles tendon blood flow related to foot pronation?,VABB-1,1970,1977,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:442627,,Spatiotemporal differentiation in auditory and motor regions during auditory phoneme discrimination,VABB-1,477,491,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442629,,"The effect of the research setting on the emotional and sensory profiling under blind, expected, and informed conditions : a study on premium and private label yogurt products",VABB-1,169,186,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442630,,What does normal tendon structure look like? : new insights into tissue characterization in the Achilles tendon,VABB-1,746,753,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442631,,Comparison of response formats and concurrent hedonic measures for optimal use of the EmoSensory® Wheel,VABB-1,33,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442633,,"Awareness, knowledge, and practices regarding occupational hazards among medical students : a longitudinal study before and after admission as trainees",VABB-1,e41,e45,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442635,,Subgenual anterior cingulate-medial orbitofrontal functional connectivity in medication-resistant major depression : a neurobiological marker for accelerated intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation treatment?,VABB-1,556,565,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442637,,Suïcidaal gedrag bij gedetineerden in Vlaanderen : prevalentie en samenhang met psychische distress,VABB-1,203,211,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442638,,What are we missing? An empirical exploration in the structural biases of hashtag-based sampling on Twitter,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442639,,"""So I made this click not to look at a guy that way never again"" : about desexualisation, disownment and rethinking the possibilities of a young woman('s body)",VABB-1,11,31,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442640,,Chronic pain and interpersonal processes : a need-based approach,VABB-4,247,286,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:442641,,Psychiatrische morbiditeit bij gedetineerden in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,231,245,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442644,,Trade-offs in multi-purpose land use under land degradation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442647,,Effortful control as a moderator in the association between punishment and reward sensitivity and eating styles in adolescent boys and girls,VABB-1,177,186,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442648,,"Health risk/benefit information for consumers of fish and shellfish : FishChoice, a new online tool",VABB-1,79,84,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442649,,A world without hunger : organic or GM crops?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442650,,Risk assessment of methylmercury in five European countries considering the national seafood consumption patterns,VABB-1,26,34,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442651,,The 'logics' of procedural review by the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-4,17,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442653,,Ideal cardiovascular health and inflammation in European adolescents: The HELENA study,VABB-1,447,455,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442654,,Effects of histidine and β-alanine supplementation on human muscle carnosine storage,VABB-1,602,609,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442655,,Occurrence of halogenated flame retardants in commercial seafood species available in European markets,VABB-1,35,47,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442658,,Do labour rights matter for export? : a qualitative comparative analysis of pineapple trade to the EU,VABB-1,93,105,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442659,,Increased left prefrontal brain perfusion after MRI compatible tDCS attenuates momentary ruminative self-referential thoughts,VABB-1,1088,1095,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442661,,Decreased resting state metabolic activity in frontopolar and parietal brain regions is associated with suicide plans in depressed individuals,VABB-1,243,248,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442662,,Spared internal but impaired external reward prediction error signals in major depressive disorder during reinforcement learning,VABB-1,89,96,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442663,,The Ghent Psychotherapy Study (GPS) on the differential efficacy of supportive-expressive and cognitive behavioral interventions in dependent and self-critical depressive patients : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442664,,How family members of mentally ill offenders experience the internment measure and (forensic) psychiatric treatment in Belgium : a qualitative study,VABB-1,76,82,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442665,,Impact of transcranial direct current stimulation on attentional bias for threat : a proof-of-concept study among individuals with social anxiety disorder,VABB-1,251,260,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442666,,Sensitivity for cues predicting reward and punishment in young women with eating disorders,VABB-1,501,511,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442667,,The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation of the prefrontal cortex on implicit self-esteem is mediated by rumination after criticism,VABB-1,138,146,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442668,,Built environmental correlates of cycling for transport across Europe,VABB-1,35,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442669,,Multibehavioural interventions with a focus on specific energy balance-related behaviours can affect diet quality in preschoolers from six European countries : the ToyBox-study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442670,,The insights of health and welfare professionals on hurdles that impede economic evaluations of welfare interventions,VABB-1,421,429,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442671,,Cross-sectional associations between home environmental factors and domain-specific sedentary behaviors in adults : the moderating role of socio-demographic variables and BMI,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442672,,Patterns of objectively measured sedentary time in 10- to 12-year-old Belgian children : an observational study within the ENERGY-project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442673,,Which physical and social environmental factors are most important for adolescents’ cycling for transport? : an experimental study using manipulated photographs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442675,,In search of a founding mother : the case of Auðr djúpauðga in Sturlubók,VABB-1,559,583,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442676,,Victims of disaster : can ethical debriefings be of help to care for their suffering?,VABB-1,257,267,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442678,,"Choice of transport mode in emerging adulthood : differences between secondary school students, studying young adults and working young adults and relations with gender, SES and living environment",VABB-1,172,184,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442680,,Anodal tDCS over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex modulates cognitive processing of emotional information as a function of trait rumination in healthy volunteers,VABB-1,111,118,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442681,,How humor makes or breaks student-teacher relationships : a classroom ethnography in Belgium,VABB-1,393,401,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442682,,Inclusive education for students with hearing impairment in the regular secondary schools in the North West region of Cameroon: Initiatives and challenges,VABB-1,612,623,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442683,,"The relationships of teacher ethnic discrimination, ethnic identification and host national identification to school misconduct of Turkish and Moroccan immigrant adolescents in Belgium",VABB-1,318,333,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442684,,Gender differences in context : the impact of track position on study involvement in Flemish secondary education,VABB-1,275,295,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442686,,Learning from collaboratively playing with simulation models in policy making : an experimental evaluation in fisheries management,VABB-1,403,413,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442687,,"Suicidal ideation while incarcerated : prevalence and correlates in a large sample of male prisoners in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,19,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442688,,Critical incidents and judicial response during medium security treatment,VABB-1,54,61,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442690,,"The influence of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - hypermobility type, on motherhood : a phenomenological, hermeneutical study",VABB-1,135,144,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442692,,Mobile phone adoption in agri-food sector: Are farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa connected?,VABB-1,253,261,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:442695,,Aeschylus in Bayreuth : de Griekse tragedie en Wagners anti-opera,VABB-1,76,82,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442696,,Users’ thoughts and opinions about a self-regulation-based eHealth intervention targeting physical activity and the intake of fruit and vegetables : a qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442697,,A game-to-game investigation of the relation between need-supportive and need-thwarting coaching and moral behavior in soccer,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442699,,Performance grading and motivational functioning and fear in physical education : a self-determination theory perspective,VABB-1,202,211,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442700,,"The effects of feedback valence and style on need satisfaction, self-talk, and perseverance among tennis players : an experimental study",VABB-1,67,80,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442703,,The role of hospitals in bridging the care continuum : a systematic review of coordination of care and follow-up for adults with chronic conditions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442704,,Fulfillment of administrative and professional obligations of hospitals and mission motivation of physicians,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442706,,A self-regulation-based eHealth intervention to promote a healthy lifestyle : investigating user and website characteristics related to attrition,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442708,,Conducting international consumer research with children : challenges and potential solutions,VABB-4,346,360,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442710,,"Targeting international food aid programmes : the case of productive safety net programme in Tigray, Ethiopia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442711,,3D-printing techniques in a medical setting: a systematic literature review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442713,,Usability assessment of a virtual globe-based 4D archaeological GIS,VABB-4,323,335,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442717,,Work organization and mental health problems in PhD students,VABB-1,868,879,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442718,,Palatable food consumption in children : interplay between (food) reward motivation and the home food environment,VABB-1,465,474,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442719,,Envisioning the other : a grounded exploration of social roles in digital game play,VABB-4,46,63,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442720,,"Fat tissue accretion in children and adolescents : interplay between food responsiveness, gender, and the home availability of snacks",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442722,,Factors influencing the reinforcing value of fruit and unhealthy snacks,VABB-1,2589,2598,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442723,,XIV DBMC 14th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components,VABB-3,,,434 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442724,,Fat and lean tissue accretion in relation to reward motivation in children,VABB-1,317,325,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442725,,BIS/BAS scale in primary school children : parent-child agreement and longitudinal stability,VABB-1,98,116,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442729,,De bevoegdheden van de gewesten,VABB-3,,,520 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442731,,Handboek Bestuurskunde : organisatie en werking van het openbaar bestuur,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442733,,"The practice of enterprise modeling : 10th IFIP WG 8.1. Working Conference, PoEM 2017, Leuven, Belgium, November 22-24, 2017, Proceedings",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442735,,Are fashion consumers like schooling fish? The effectiveness of popularity cues in fashion e-commerce,VABB-1,105,116,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:442738,,Policy analysis of structural reforms in higher education : processes and outcomes,VABB-3,,,"XIII, 303 p.",eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442739,,The Palgrave handbook of the international political economy of energy,VABB-3,,,721 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442740,,Armoede in België : jaarboek 2016,VABB-3,,,"XIX, 392 p.",dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442743,,Landscape perspectives : the holistic nature of landscape,VABB-2,,,"XV, 436 p.",eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442744,,Removal of sensor tilt noise in fluxgate gradiometer survey data by applying one-dimensional wavelet filtering,VABB-1,353,360,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442746,,The Wiley Handbook of contextual behavioral science,VABB-3,,,550 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442748,,Networks for welfare provision: getting a grip on processes of social exclusion by evaluating network effectiveness,VABB-1,1174,1190,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442749,,Uncovering the double-edged sword of inter-organisational networks of welfare services: tackling wicked issues in social work,VABB-1,524,541,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442750,,Systemic aminoglycosides-induced vestibulotoxicity in humans,VABB-1,653,662,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442752,,Less meat initiatives at Ghent University : assessing the support among students and how to increase it,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442753,,Bouwstenen voor een recht van antwoord voor online media in België vanuit een juridisch en empirisch perspectief,VABB-1,42,49,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442757,,Theory and method in higher education research 3,VABB-3,,,276 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442763,,Spraakkarakteristieken bij vrouwelijke eerste bachelorstudenten logopedie,VABB-1,89,94,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442764,,"Professional learning in education : challenges for teacher educators, teachers and student teachers.",VABB-3,,,234 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442765,,The Ypres Salient 1914–1918 : historical aerial photography and the landscape of war,VABB-1,235,249,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442766,,40 jaar OCMW en bijstand,VABB-3,,,272 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442767,,Pathways to professionalism in early childhood education and care,VABB-3,,,132 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442769,,The political role of social work : grasping the momentum of working through interorganisational networks,VABB-1,404,415,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442770,,"Mensenrechten en opsporing, terrorisme en migratie",VABB-3,,,516 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442771,,Strafrecht en strafprocesrecht : doel of middel in een veranderende samenleving?,VABB-3,,,790 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442772,,When human rights clash at the European Court of Human Rights : conflict or harmony?,VABB-3,,,288 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442776,,Kobaltgeïnduceerde toxiciteit door metaal-op-metaal heupprothesen,VABB-1,6,9,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442777,,'SO STONED' : common sense approach of the dizzy patient,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442778,,De rol van de rechter hemisfeer in CVA-gerelateerd afasieherstel : een systematische review,VABB-1,11,22,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442779,,De alledaagse rebel : tien rebellengroepen in het Zuiden,VABB-3,,,247 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442781,,Comparative perspectives on the substance of EU democracy promotion,VABB-3,,,137 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442783,,Accountancy in de publieke sector,VABB-2,,,566 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442785,,Routes across the Civitas Menapiorum : using least cost paths and GIS to locate the Roman roads of Sandy Flanders,VABB-1,76,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442786,,Non-invasive research of tunneling heritage in the Ypres Salient (1914-1918) : research of the Tor Top tunnel system,VABB-1,109,117,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442789,,De strijd om talent: employer branding in theorie en praktijk,VABB-2,,,176 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442790,,Naar een herstelondersteunende verslavingszorg : praktijk en beleid,VABB-3,,,289 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442792,,Between immigration control and child protection : unaccompanied minors in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442793,,Self-perception of voice in transgender persons during cross-sex hormone therapy,VABB-1,2796,2804,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442795,,Medicatienazicht bij patiënten met polyfarmacie: de GheOP³S-tool: een expliciete Belgische checklist,VABB-1,68,72,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442796,,Het gebruik van elektronische patiëntenportalen : een literatuurstudie over de ervaringen van patiënten en artsen,VABB-1,4,9,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442797,,Deformation monitoring of a bridge with tram rail infrastructure,VABB-5,863,870,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442798,,Handboek milieueffectrapportagerecht,VABB-3,,,573 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442799,,"Children’s rights law in the global human rights landscape : isolation, inspiration, integration?",VABB-3,,,312 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442800,,De samenwerking tussen gemeente en OCMW vanuit juridisch en bestuurskundig oogpunt,VABB-3,,,120 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442801,,"Een kritische blik op zekerheden, prijsregulering en ontslag",VABB-3,,,196 p.,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442802,,Introduction to Belgian Law,VABB-3,,,463 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442803,,"Data protection and privacy under pressure : transatlantic tensions, EU surveillance, and big data",VABB-3,,,341 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442804,,Liber amicorum Patrick Senaeve,VABB-3,,,800 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442806,,Wie is nog van de partij? Crisis en toekomst van partijleden in Vlaanderen,VABB-3,,,232 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442807,,"People, aid and institutions in socio-economic recovery : facing fragilities",VABB-3,,,242 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442811,,"Engaging superdiversity : recombining spaces, times, and languages practices",VABB-3,,,320 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442812,,Stichwort: Kooperation : Keiner ist alleine schlau genug,VABB-3,,,417 p.,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:442813,,inArt 2016 : 2nd international conference on Innovation in art research and technology,VABB-3,,,401 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442823,,De obligatielening,VABB-3,,,804 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442825,,Human rights encounter legal pluralism,VABB-3,,,249 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442828,,International encyclopaedia of intellectual property 12,VABB-3,,,1064 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442829,,Game on! Young learners’ incidental language learning of English prior to instruction,VABB-1,673,694,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442831,,Financiële analyse van de onderneming : theorie en toepassing op de jaarrekening volgens Belgian GAAP en IFRS,VABB-2,,,670 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442834,,Preservation of the archaeological heritage of the North Sea using webGIS,VABB-5,375,382,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:442838,,Integrated human rights in practice : rewriting human rights decisions,VABB-3,,,554 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442839,,Deontologie en Integriteitsbewaking : een handboek voor criminologen,VABB-3,,,274 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442840,,Aanpak van gewelddadige radicalisering,VABB-3,,,260 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442843,,Reading and listening progress in segregated primary schools : does ethnic and socioeconomic classroom composition matter?,VABB-1,931,951,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442844,,Parameters of nation-ness and citizenship in Belgium (1846-1947),VABB-4,169,185,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442854,,Springer handbook of model-based science,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442856,,Feeding Japan : the cultural and political issues of dependency and risk,VABB-3,,,533 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442859,,The ten commandments in Medieval and early modern culture,VABB-3,,,290 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442862,,Ἑλληνικὲς διάλεκτοι στὸν ἀρχαῖο κόσμο,VABB-3,,,391 p.,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:442863,,Science unlimited? On the challenges of scientism,VABB-3,,,320 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442864,,Memory unbound: tracing the dynamics of memory studies,VABB-3,,,302 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442865,,Language and superdiversity,VABB-3,,,286 p.,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:442866,,Ethics of environmental health,VABB-3,,,"XIV, 182 p.",eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442867,,First workshop on text analytics for cybersecurity and online safety (TA-COS 2016),VABB-3,,,40 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442874,,De vele gezichten van het Nederlands in Vlaanderen : een inleiding tot de variatietaalkunde,VABB-3,,,360 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442875,,"Bibliography of Pragmatics Online : 14th Release, updated and expanded",VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442876,,Philosophy of war and peace,VABB-3,,,219 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442878,,"Medieval Liège at the crossroads of Europe : monastic society and culture, 1000-1300",VABB-3,,,"XXIII, 381 p.",eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442880,,Imperial identities in the Roman world,VABB-3,,,232 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442883,,The ethics and religious philosophy of Etty Hillesum,VABB-3,,,"IX, 383 p.",dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442885,,ComplexitéS,VABB-3,,,208 p.,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:442888,,Psychiatric diagnosis revisited : from DSM to clinical case formulation,VABB-2,,,236 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442894,,Vervloeiing interne en externe veiligheid,VABB-3,,,232 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442900,,Ethnicity and racism in Cyprus : national pride and prejudice?,VABB-2,,,"XIV, 161 p.",eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442904,,Using peer tutoring to improve reading skills : a practical guide for teachers,VABB-2,,,"IX, 152 p.",eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442910,,Legendes van de literatuur : schrijvers en het artistieke experiment in de jaren zestig,VABB-3,,,178 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442914,,Towards a New Standard. Theoretical and Empirical Studies on the Restandardization of Italian,VABB-3,,,378 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442915,,Manichéisme,VABB-3,,,251 p.,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:442916,,Netherlandish culture of the sixteenth century : urban perspectives,VABB-3,,,388 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442919,,Farmacologische behandeling van premenstruele dysfore stoornis : een interactieve aanpak,VABB-1,21,33,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442920,,Acute ingrijpmedicatie bij de geagiteerde patiënt met intoxicatie met psychostimulantia,VABB-1,360,365,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442921,,Dilated Virchow-Robin spaces in primary open-angle glaucoma : a biomarker of glymphatic waste clearance dysfunction?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442922,,Niet-invasieve hersenstimulatie bij psychiatrische stoornissen : beïnvloedende factoren en combinatie van interventies,VABB-1,594,599,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442923,,Hersenstimulatie : de meest directe vorm van neuromodulatie,VABB-1,588,593,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442924,,"Polarity, balance of power and international relations theory : post-cold war and the 19th century compared",VABB-2,,,"XI, 247 p.",eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442926,,"Structural assimilation in young first-, second- and third-generation migrants in Flanders",VABB-1,2728,2748,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442928,,The EU and the security-development Nexus : bridging the legal divide,VABB-2,,,422 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442929,,Penitentiair tuchtrecht en internationale detentiestandaarden : naleving in België en Frankrijk,VABB-2,,,360 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442933,,"Transforming European ECEC services and primary schools into professional learning communities : drivers, barriers and ways forward",VABB-2,,,72 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442934,,The role of communication,VABB-4,67,76,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442936,,Conference report: Undergraduate family medicine and primary care training in Sub-Saharan Africa : reflections of the PRIMAFAMED network,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442937,,"The intellectual response to the first world war : how the conflict impacted on ideas, methods and fields of enquiry",VABB-3,,,302 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442939,,Cool Japanese men : studying new masculinities at the University of Cambridge,VABB-3,,,240 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442950,,"Change or continuity in drug policy : the roles of science, media, and interest groups",VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442955,,Ecological restoration in international environmental law,VABB-2,,,318 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442956,,A memetic algorithm to maximise the employee substitutability in personnel shift scheduling,VABB-5,44,59,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:442957,,Bij welke kinderen wordt een gedwongen opname gevraagd? : een case-controlstudie,VABB-1,472,480,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442960,,De rol van de huisarts in de toekomst,VABB-4,13,23,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:442964,,Assessing the European neighbourhood policy,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442966,,"Subsidie, camera, actie! Filmbeleid in Vlaanderen (1964-2002)",VABB-2,,,238 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442967,,Resolving conflicts between human rights : the judge's dilemma,VABB-2,,,236 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442970,,"The informal economy: seasonal work, street selling and sex work",VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442973,,Assessing the European neighbourhood policy : perspectives from the Literature,VABB-2,,,185 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442976,,Klinische effecten van niet-invasieve neuromodulatie bij patiënten met een stoornis in het gebruik van middelen : een overzicht,VABB-1,643,649,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442977,,Non-invasieve neurostimulatie als behandeling in de kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie,VABB-1,650,654,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:442979,,World market transformation : inside the German fur capital Leipzig 1870 - 1939,VABB-2,,,236 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:442984,,Culture : a philosophical perspective,VABB-2,,,126 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442985,,Quer pasticciaccio brutto de Via Merulana / Un maledetto imbroglio,VABB-2,,,237 p.,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:442986,,Hacia un enfoque múltiple de la polisemia : un estudio empírico del verbo multimodal 'sentir' desde una perspectiva sincrónica y diacrónica,VABB-2,,,368 p.,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:442987,,Parise giornalista : ethos di uno 'scrittore irregolare',VABB-2,,,442 p.,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:442993,,The expressive moment : how interaction (with music) shapes human empowerment,VABB-2,,,"X, 234 p.",eng,2016,2 c:vabb:442996,,Direct speech in nonnus' dionysiaca: narrative and rhetorical functions of the characters' 'varied' and 'many-faceted' words,VABB-2,,,330 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443004,,Tarda antichità anacronica : tra storiografia e panegirico,VABB-2,,,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:443006,,Invordering inkomstenbelastingen,VABB-2,,,241 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443016,,How can pharmacists develop patient-pharmacist communication skills? : a realist review protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443017,,South-South cooperation in health professional education : a literature review,VABB-1,3,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443019,,Psychologische distress en vermoeidheid,VABB-4,79,86,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443022,,Measuring the physical activity level and pattern in daily life in persons with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis : a systematic review,VABB-1,23,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443023,,Forgotten Laxdæla poetry: a study and an edition of Tyrfingur Finnsson's Vísur uppá Laxdæla sögu,VABB-1,70,99,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443024,,Geen doel in zichzelf : onderzoeksdatamanagement aan Vlaamse universiteiten,VABB-1,47,51,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443025,,Do non-terminally ill adults want to discuss the end of life with their family physician? An explorative mixed-method study on patients’ preferences and family physicians’ views in Belgium,VABB-1,495,502,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:443029,,Screening statues : sculpture and cinema,VABB-2,,,276 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443037,,Postponing a general practitioner visit : describing social differences in thirty-one European countries,VABB-1,2099,2120,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443042,,Goederenrecht,VABB-2,,,162 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443043,,Wettelijke samenwoning,VABB-2,,,290 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443046,,Ideas on language in early Latin Christianity : from Tertullian to Isidore of Seville,VABB-2,,,513 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443047,,"Monastic reform as process : realities and representations in Medieval Flanders, 900-1100",VABB-2,,,264 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443049,,"'I believe in Buddhism and travelling', denoting oneself a Lay Buddhist in contemporary urban Taiwan",VABB-2,,,363 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443054,,Gamification in higher education and stem : a systematic review of literature,VABB-5,6548,6558,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443057,,Organic and low-input dairy farming : avenues to enhance sustainability and competitiveness in the EU,VABB-1,39,44,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443058,,Role of power in supply chain performance : evidence from agribusiness SMEs in Uganda,VABB-1,339,354,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443059,,Losing the watershed focus : a look at complex community-managed irrigation systems in Bolivia,VABB-4,81,96,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443060,,Creating spatial synergies around food in cities,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443062,,Specific Aspects of Throwing Sports in Recreational and Competitive Sport,VABB-4,101,115,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443063,,The impact of a teaching or singing career on the female vocal quality at the mean age of 67 years : a pilot study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443064,,Delayed primary palatal closure in resource-poor countries : speech results in Ugandan older children and young adults with cleft (lip and) palate,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443065,,Speech characteristics in female students training to be speech-language pathologists,VABB-1,167,174,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443066,,Cobalt toxicity in humans : a review of the potential sources and systemic health effects,VABB-1,43,56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443067,,Influence of gender and age on the Nasality Severity Index 2.0 in Dutch-speaking Flemish children and adults,VABB-1,133,140,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443068,,Sentence context prevails over word association in aphasia patients with spared comprehension : evidence from N400 event-related potential,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443069,,‘Standard’ versus ‘nose reference’ electrode placement for measuring oVEMPs with air-conducted sound : test–retest reliability and preliminary patient results,VABB-1,312,322,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443073,,"Au Coeur de la Cour : de griffie en de griffiers van de Raad van Vlaanderen, een bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van instellingen, ambtenaren en archiefvorming tijdens het ancien régime (1386-1795)",VABB-2,,,400 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443076,,Medieval urban culture,VABB-2,,,"VI, 213 p.",eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443077,,The Old Babylonian legal and andministrative documents in the Hilprecht Sammlung,VABB-2,,,835 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443078,,Facial nerve regeneration after facial allotransplantation : a longitudinal clinical and electromyographic follow-up of lip movements during speech,VABB-1,729,733,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443079,,Health-related quality of life in patients with cleft palate : validity and reliability of the VPI Effects on Life Outcomes (VELO) questionnaire translated to Dutch,VABB-1,91,96,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443083,,Exhibits that matter : material gestures with theoretical stakes,VABB-4,157,167,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443085,,"Vanishing architects, shifting nations : writing the history of Bohemian Baroque architecture, 1880-1945",VABB-1,8,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443087,,Interorganizational relationships in sport : from theory to practice,VABB-4,273,293,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443088,,Short-term effect of two semi-occluded vocal tract training programs on the vocal quality of future occupational voice users : 'resonant voice training using nasal consonants' versus 'straw phonation',VABB-1,2519,2536,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443089,,Effect of two isolated vocal facilitating techniques glottal fry and yawn-sigh on the phonation of female speech-language pathology students : a pilot study,VABB-1,40,50,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443090,,The role of the right hemisphere in the recovery of stroke-related aphasia : a systematic review,VABB-1,68,90,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443091,,The effect of tinnitus on listening effort in normal-hearing young adults : a preliminary study,VABB-1,1036,1045,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443092,,Vocal characteristics and laryngoscopic findings in future musical theater performers,VABB-1,462,469,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443093,,The relationship between tinnitus pitch and parameters of audiometry and distortion product otoacoustic emissions,VABB-1,1017,1025,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443094,,"Multidimensional poverty and the factors influencing the multidimensional poverty status of Bodos' : a case study of Udalguri district, Bodoland",VABB-1,266,285,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443097,,Jules Champfleury and James Ensor's View on the Modern Artist,VABB-4,137,147,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443098,,"E. Franch i Gilabert, A. Miljački, A. Schafer, A. R. Lawrence, OfficeUS Agenda, Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers, 2014 & E. Franch i Gilabert, A. Miljački, A. Schafer, M. Kubo, OfficeUS Atlas, Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers, 2015",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443103,,Vocal quality in theater actors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443104,,External syntax and the cumulative effect in subject sub-extraction : an experimental evaluation,VABB-1,479,531,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443107,,Keeping track of learners' activity during inquiry-based learning: the role of the teacher,VABB-5,3948,3958,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443108,,Cherchez la femme! The economic role of women in old Babylonian Sippar,VABB-5,270,295,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:443109,,The applicability of a short form of the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder for measuring motor competence in children aged 6 to 11 years,VABB-1,227,239,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443110,,Motivational paradigms for the integration of a Belgian hospital network and merger presented in the printed press,VABB-1,811,834,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443114,,"Crossbreeding cultures : Italian and local, elite and popular; building in Bohemia, 1490-1720",VABB-4,763,792,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443118,,The architectural discourse of building bureaucracy : architects’ project statements in Portugal in the 1950s,VABB-4,222,233,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443120,,Real estate pioneers on the metropolitan frontier : the works of Jean-Florian Collin and François Amelinckx in Antwerp,VABB-1,89,112,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443122,,The development syndrome : post-war housing and residential segregation in French Dakar (Senegal) : building and contesting the SICAP housing schemes in the late colonial period (1951-1960),VABB-1,359,388,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443123,,Identifying the machine translation error types with the greatest impact on post-editing effort,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443124,,Translation methods and experience : a comparative analysis of human translation and post-editing with students and professional translators,VABB-1,245,270,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443125,,Constructing and enacting kinship in sister-to-sister egg donation families : a multi-family member interview study,VABB-1,847,862,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443126,,Multi family member interview studies : a focus on data analysis,VABB-1,386,401,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443127,,How advanced efficiency techniques can support production disease control decisions on dairy farms,VABB-1,47,53,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443130,,Envisioning opportunities for agriculture in peri-urban areas,VABB-4,161,189,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443131,,Gini coefficient,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443132,,Probing the position of the Jakarta metropolitan area in global inter-urban networks through the lens of manufacturing firms,VABB-1,147,167,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443137,,Transforming social housing neighbourhoods into sustainable carbon neutral districts,VABB-5,549,554,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443141,,"The Wolfers House by Henry van de Velde, as occupied by Herman Daled",VABB-4,113,121,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443143,,Detecting hotspots of urban residents' behaviours based on spatio-temporal clustering techniques,VABB-1,923,935,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443144,,Balancing heritage and innovation : the landscape perspectives,VABB-1,41,51,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443145,,Factors affecting sustainable rangeland management : experts' attitudes towards livelihood cornerstones in the Bazoft region,VABB-1,169,184,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443146,,"Generative network models for simulating urban networks, the case of inter-city transport network in Southeast Asia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443147,,Pocket Power! : extending small-scale anaerobic digestion in Flanders,VABB-5,13,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443148,,Spatial inequality in the Southeast Asian Intercity Transport Network,VABB-1,317,335,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443149,,Built environment and travel behaviour,VABB-4,385,406,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443150,,Testing the validity of a saliency-based method for visual assessment of constructions in the landscape,VABB-1,325,338,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443151,,"Service des travaux publics, Province de l’Équateur, Congo Belge : “Situation des constructions C.M.C. au 1-9-1954”. An Inquiry into type-plans for rural hospitals as instruments of localized policies in Postwar Belgian Congo : an Inquiry into type-plans for rural hospitals as instruments of localized policies in Postwar Belgian Congo",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443172,,A performance benchmark over semantic rule-checking approaches in construction industry,VABB-1,68,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443173,,Performance of clinical prediction rules for diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis in a high-incidence setting,VABB-1,1283,1292,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443174,,Lifestyles and life choices,VABB-4,79,96,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443177,,Changing paradigms in Aedes control : considering the spatial heterogeneity of dengue transmission,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443179,,Prevalence and incidence of pulmonary arterial hypertension : 10-year follow-up of an unselected systemic sclerosis cohort,VABB-1,196,202,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443180,,Contextual word learning with form-focused and meaning-focused elaboration,VABB-1,646,667,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:443181,,The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443184,,Building with words : the Notre-Dame-des-Marais at La Ferté-Bernard and related applications of the letter-shaped balustrade in sixteenth-century France,VABB-4,68,88,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443185,,The impact of accelerated high frequency rTMS on brain neurochemicals in treatment-resistant depression : insights from 1H MR spectroscopy,VABB-1,1664,1672,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443186,,Accurate external localization of the left frontal cortex in dogs by using pointer based frameless neuronavigation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443187,,"Knowledge, self-confidence and attitudes towards suicidal patients at emergency and psychiatric departments : a randomised controlled trial of the effects of an educational poster campaign",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443188,,Better not to know? : emotion regulation fails to benefit from affective cueing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443189,,Longer depressive episode duration negatively influences HF-rTMS treatment response : a cerebellar metabolic deficiency?,VABB-1,8,16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443190,,EEG connectivity between the subgenual anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortices in response to antidepressant medication,VABB-1,301,312,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443193,,A strategy for modelling typical indoor climates in historic buildings : moisture buffering of massive walls and stratification by heating,VABB-5,2195,2205,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443194,,Guiding people along more intuitive indoor paths,VABB-5,133,136,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443195,,The interior as architectural principle,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443196,,The sociological dimension of concrete interiors during the 1960s,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443197,,"Jiat-Hwee Chang : a geneaology of tropical architecture : colonial networks, nature and technoscience",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443199,,Models in architectural design,VABB-4,975,988,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443200,,War on scale : models for the First World War battlefront,VABB-4,185,204,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443202,,Nomadic furniture in the ‘Heart of Darkness’ : colonial and postcolonial trajectories of modern design artifacts to and from tropical Africa,VABB-4,15,32,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443206,,Architecture,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443209,,Simulating infrastructure networks in the Yangtze River Delta (China) using generative urban network models,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443211,,Fulfilment of administrative and professional organisational obligations and nurses' customer-oriented behaviours,VABB-1,605,613,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443225,,Useful Energy Transfer in Air-to-air Heat Recovery Units in Partly Heated Low Energy Buildings,VABB-5,2701,2707,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443231,,"Exporting prestressed concrete to Africa : the construction of the Bata 300 shoe factory in Kinshasa, DR Congo, 1962–1965",VABB-5,2837,2849,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443232,,Solid-state structure of cyclic dipeptides : an X-ray and computational study of cis- and trans-diketo-piperazines of N-methyl-phenylalanine with the thia-pipecolic acids and thia-prolines,VABB-1,1179,1193,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443237,,The EUROASPIRE surveys : lessons learned in cardiovascular disease prevention,VABB-1,633,639,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443238,,Evaluating urban public facilities of Shenzhen by application of open source data,VABB-1,129,139,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443239,,The influence of the Web Mercator projection on the global-scale cognitive map of web map users,VABB-5,79,82,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443240,,Finding the right match : human cognition via indoor route descriptions versus existing indoor networks and algorithms to support navigation,VABB-5,171,177,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443244,,Location-allocation models,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443245,,Transcranial direct current stimulation over the right frontal inferior cortex decreases neural activity needed to achieve inhibition : a double-blind ERP study in a male population,VABB-1,176,188,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443246,,Estimation of the optimal dosing regimen of escitalopram in dogs : a dose occupancy study with [11C]DASB,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443247,,Integrated three-dimensional microanalysis combining X-ray microtomography and X-ray fluorescence methodologies,VABB-1,10617,10624,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443248,,Evidence-based national suicide prevention taskforce in Europe : a consensus position paper,VABB-1,418,421,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443249,,Systematic literature review of health-related quality of life in locally-advanced non-small cell lung cancer : has it yet become state-of-the-art?,VABB-1,40,49,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443250,,Verpleegkundig specialisten in Vlaamse algemene en universitaire ziekenhuizen : hun functie-inhoud,VABB-1,1036,1048,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443251,,Verpleegkundige zorg bij een acute manie,VABB-1,48,51,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443253,,Screening voor darmkanker : kritische evaluatie van methoden en strategieën,VABB-1,1521,1526,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443254,,Are neurocognitive factors associated with repetition of self-harm? : a systematic review,VABB-1,261,277,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443255,,"Anaesthesia, not number of sessions, influences the magnitude and duration of an aHF-rTMS in dogs",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443256,,Effect of medical interventions on gender dysphoria and body image : a follow-up study.,VABB-1,815,823,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443258,,Accelerated high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation enhances motor activity in rats,VABB-1,103,110,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443271,,Experiences of hospital-based multidisciplinary team meetings in oncology : an interview study among participating general practitioners,VABB-1,155,163,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443272,,"The role of primary care in improving health equity : report of a workshop held by the WONCA Health Equity Special Interest Group at the 2015 WONCA Europe conference in Istanbul, Turkey",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443277,,Psychosocial interventions for self-harm in adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443278,,"A case study of paternal filicide-suicide : personality disorder, motives, and victim choice",VABB-1,36,48,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443279,,The added value of food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) information to estimate the usual food intake based on repeated 24-hour recalls,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443293,,Job search behavior as a multidimensional construct : a review of different job search behaviors and sources,VABB-4,259,274,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:443295,,Permanente Loonkostenverlagingen voor oudere werknemers : effectief instrument voor behoud van tewerkstelling en voor uitstel van brugpensioen?,VABB-1,353,373,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443296,,De gevolgen van (jeugd) werkloosheid voor de latere levenstevredenheid,VABB-1,724,727,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443297,,Thematische synopsis van de 27 adviezen van de Commissie voor Boekhoudkundige Normen uit 2016,VABB-1,47,50,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443299,,L'Etat et la reconstruction de la société civile,VABB-1,699,717,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:443300,,Innovation and ownership variety,VABB-1,74,79,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443301,,Effectiveness of a job vacancy referral scheme,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443302,,Emerging Trends within the Public Sector in Flanders. Towards a Selforganising Centre of Government,VABB-1,272,281,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443303,,Prijsbepalijng externe audit in Vlaamse woonzorgcentra,VABB-1,3,19,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443305,,Low AC loss inkjet-printed multifilamentary YBCO coated conductors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443308,,The acceptance of surveillance oriented security technology : a framing experiment,VABB-4,52,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443309,,Macroeconomic shocks and Islamic bank behavior in Turkey,VABB-4,375,394,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443312,,Entepreneurial opportunities and poverty in sub-Saharan Africa : a review & agenda for the future,VABB-1,258,280,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443314,,Cognitive style and business process model understanding,VABB-5,72,84,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443315,,Voor- en nadelen van de 9 populaire rechtsvormen voor een startende onderneming,VABB-1,3,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443316,,Collectieve schuldenregeling : profielonderzoek van personen in de procedure van collectieve schuldenregeling,VABB-1,102,133,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443317,,The role of external accountants as service providers for Smes : a literature review,VABB-1,49,62,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443318,,De rol van de lokale overheid : een schets van actuele debatten,VABB-1,213,244,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443319,,Hair cortisol in relation to job stress and depressive symptoms,VABB-1,114,120,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443320,,Gender and educational differences in the association between smoking and health-related quality of life in Belgium,VABB-1,280,286,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443335,,BackUp : development and evaluation of a smart-phone application for coping with suicidal crises,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443367,,"Modern pain neuroscience in clinical practice : applied to post-cancer, paediatric and sports-related pain",VABB-1,225,232,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443368,,Does conservative treatment change the brain in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain? : a systematic review,VABB-1,139,154,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443369,,Expanded distribution of pain as a sign of central sensitization in individuals with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis,VABB-1,1196,1207,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443371,,Applying an active lumbopelvic control strategy during lumbar extension exercises : effect on muscle recruitment patterns of the lumbopelvic region,VABB-1,24,33,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443372,,Hip strength as an intrinsic risk factor for lateral ankle sprains in youth soccer players : a 3-season prospective study,VABB-1,410,416,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443373,,Compelling overuse injury incidence in youth multisport athletes,VABB-1,495,502,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443374,,Is traumatic and non-traumatic neck pain associated with brain alterations? : a systematic review,VABB-1,245,260,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443375,,Biceps disorder rehabilitation for the athlete : a continuum of moderate- to high-load exercises,VABB-1,642,650,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443376,,Neural signature of developmental coordination disorder in the structural connectome independent of comorbid autism,VABB-1,599,612,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443380,,De rol van de lokale overheid,VABB-4,213,243,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443383,,Women with symptoms of a urinary tract infection but a negative urine culture : PCR-based quantification of Escherichia coli suggests infection in most cases,VABB-1,647,652,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443387,,Bestuur en maatschappelijk middenveld,VABB-4,401,428,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443388,,Updated perspectives on the international legal environment for selection,VABB-4,659,677,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443389,,Corporate governance in early-stage high-tech ventures : the impact of top management team and outside board human capital on innovation speed,VABB-4,143,163,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443390,,How advertising beauty influences children's self-perception and behavior,VABB-4,1495,1511,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443392,,Local planning in Belgium : a myriad of policy styles?,VABB-4,107,128,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443396,,"Diagnosis of cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury : differential roles of creatinine, chitinase 3-like protein 1 and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin : a prospective cohort study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443397,,Do we reap what we sow? : exploring the association between the strength of European primary healthcare systems and inequity in unmet need,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443398,,"Insights of health district managers on the implementation of primary health care outreach teams in Johannesburg, South Africa : a descriptive study with focus group discussions",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443399,,The primary health-care system in China,VABB-1,2584,2594,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443400,,Different antibiotic treatments for group A streptococcal pharyngitis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443433,,Commentaar bij artikel 329bis BW,VABB-1,7,59,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443440,,De impact van politiek op het werkingssaldo van Vlaamse gemeenten,VABB-1,39,56,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443442,,Een buurt van burgers? Coproductie in de Rabotwijk te Gent,VABB-1,55,70,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443443,,Supply chain finance : overview and future directions,VABB-1,237,252,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443444,,Vennootschapsvormen voor starters : gewikt en gewogen door accountants,VABB-1,3,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443445,,Entrepreneurial finance : new frontiers of research and practice,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443446,,Privatization in an adverse institutional context : the case of Kosovo,VABB-1,9,30,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443452,,How family physicians respond to unpleasant emotions of ethnic minority patients,VABB-1,1867,1873,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443453,,The resident microflora of voided midstream urine of healthy controls : standard versus expanded urine culture protocols,VABB-1,635,639,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443454,,Are antihistamines effective in children? : a review of the evidence,VABB-1,56,60,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443455,,Teaching young GPs to cope with psychosocial consultations without prescribing : a durable impact of an e-module on determinants of benzodiazepines prescribing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443456,,The impact of costing system functionality characteristics on managers’ creation of budgetary slack,VABB-1,37,52,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443457,,Graag meer welzijnsnuances in het pensioendebat : een derde van de Belgische en Nederlandse oudere werknemers ervaart werken als een onvrijwillige keuze,VABB-1,217,231,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443458,,Executive forum : the scale-up gap: and how to address it,VABB-1,361,372,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443459,,Het tijdskrediet eindeloopbaan : verlengt het de beroepsloopbaan?,VABB-1,375,395,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443460,,Single audit en een vergelijking met de omringende landen,VABB-1,14,27,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443461,,"The relationship between motivation, learning approaches, academic performance and time spent",VABB-1,78,107,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443462,,How does the financial reporting quality of Belgian SMEs affect their use of financial leasing as a financing alternative?,VABB-1,53,67,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443463,,Combining EDM and EVM : a proposed simplification for project time and cost management,VABB-1,94,107,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443464,,Publieke versus private organisaties,VABB-4,71,100,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443467,,Reduced expression of chemerin in visceral adipose tissue associates with hepatic steatosis in patients with obesity,VABB-1,2544,2552,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443468,,Effect of respiratory rehabilitation techniques on the autonomic function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : a systematic review,VABB-1,217,230,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443469,,Generalized hyperalgesia in children and adults diagnosed with hypermobility syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Hypermobility type : a discriminative analysis,VABB-1,421,429,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443470,,Clinical biopsychosocial physiotherapy assessment of patients with chronic pain : the first step in pain neuroscience education,VABB-1,368,384,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443471,,"Differences in pain processing between patients with chronic low back pain, recurrent low back pain and fibromyalgia",VABB-1,307,318,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443472,,"Hypermobility, the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and chronic pain",VABB-1,S116,S122,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443478,,On the estimation of panel fiscal reaction functions: Heterogeneity or fiscal fatigue?,VABB-1,87,96,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:443485,,Harde kern versus supporters zonder abonnement : invloed en inspraak voor leden en niet-leden onderzocht,VABB-4,123,144,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443487,,Budgeting Practices in European Universities,VABB-4,85,105,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443489,,Secondary implant stability outcome of immediate versus late placed variable-thread implants in the maxilla. A retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,1129,1135,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443490,,'De bevolking is kwaad' : geweld als vorm van bescherming in Oost-Congo,VABB-4,229,247,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443491,,Het autonomiestreven van de Koerdische rebellen in Syrië,VABB-4,19,42,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443493,,Facing fragilities : the socially embedded nature of socio-economic recovery,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443496,,Aid in the European neighbourhood policy,VABB-4,415,432,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443497,,Emergency or durable solution? Coltan mining and cooperatives in northern Katanga (DRC),VABB-4,82,98,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443498,,Blind spots : domestic entrepreneurship and private-sector development in South Sudan,VABB-4,119,137,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443499,,Market structure and innovation policies in Belgium,VABB-4,25,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443500,,The Roma as ultimate European minority and ultimate outsider? The framing of the Roma in newspapers following a human-rights violation,VABB-4,259,280,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443501,,Globalisering en meervoudige crisissen : hinderpalen en mogelijkheden voor een krachtiger wereldbestuur,VABB-4,75,89,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443503,,"Partijactivisme, met lede(n) ogen aanzien",VABB-4,43,62,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443504,,Zijn Vlaamse partijen makelaars of ideologen? Een onderzoek op basis van inhoudelijke opvattingen van partijleden,VABB-4,81,100,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443505,,Inleiding : partijleden in perspectief,VABB-4,9,22,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443510,,Exploring player responses toward in-game advertising : the impact of interactivity,VABB-4,310,327,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443511,,Decision-making power and institutional logic in higher education institutions : a comparative analysis of European Universities,VABB-1,169,194,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443512,,Anticipating the Post-ISIS Landscape in Europe,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443513,,The impact of labour rights commitments in EU trade agreements : the case of Peru,VABB-1,6,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443514,,Sociale grondrechten : van symbool naar hefboom in armoedebestrijding?,VABB-1,273,282,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443515,,How 'the political' can make the European external action service more effective in the eastern region,VABB-1,355,370,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443516,,Being a mayor in the Low Countries : same job? Same role? Same challenges?,VABB-1,307,330,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443517,,Verticale politieke cumul in de Lage Landen : evolutie en verklaringen,VABB-1,281,307,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443519,,"El cine en Tampico y Ciudad Madero : exhibición, programación y contexto histórico-social en 1942",VABB-1,159,170,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:443525,,Constituting ‘the poor’ : a critical frame analysis of substantive claims,VABB-1,135,148,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443526,,Discours over hedendaagse kunst : een empirische analyse van 25 jaar Frieze en Artforum via Topic Models,VABB-1,285,308,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443527,,"'Veni, vidi, …  vici?' EU performance and two faces of conditionality towards Ukraine",VABB-1,36,55,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443528,,"Niklas Luhmann, la teoría de los sistemas sociales y la visión del Dr. Raf Vanderstraeten en la Sociología de la Educación Contemporánea",VABB-1,,,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:443529,,Partner Choices in Long Established Migrant Communities in Belgium,VABB-1,20,40,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443530,,Shifting gender gaps in journalism? A longitudinal study on gender segregation in a converging media environment,VABB-1,249,263,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443534,,Families of adult people with disability: Their experience in the use of services run by social cooperatives in Italy,VABB-1,157,167,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:443537,,Risicotaxatie in de Nederlandse Ambulante Forensische Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg,VABB-1,583,592,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443539,,Spelbedervers. Seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag ten aanzien van kinderen in de sport,VABB-1,26,31,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443540,,Belgium : economy,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443545,,Higher education institutions : landscape designers or contrived organisations?,VABB-4,188,203,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443548,,Structural reform in higher education : an introduction,VABB-4,1,28,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443549,,"Conclusie : de toestand is ernstig, maar niet hopeloos",VABB-4,205,214,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443550,,Van rebellengroep naar politieke partij : de complexe erfenis van gewapend verzet in Burundi,VABB-4,43,65,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443551,,"Geographical divergences of educational credentials in the modern nation-state : a case-study of Belgium, 1961-2011",VABB-4,61,78,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443552,,"Partial horizontal differentiation in Croatian higher education: how ideas, institutions and interests shape the policy procesi",VABB-4,53,73,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443553,,Sustainable procurement based on life cycle costing,VABB-4,129,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443554,,"Aid under contestation : public works, labour and community-based food security programming in post-conflict northern Uganda",VABB-4,156,172,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443555,,"Institutional diversity in higher education, institutional profiling",VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443556,,Partner migration in the Moroccan community : a focus on time and contextual evolutions,VABB-4,105,124,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443559,,Introduction : one-of-what-kind? Comparative perspectives on the substance of EU democracy promotion,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443560,,(Un)covering masculinities in cover song videos,VABB-4,165,173,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443561,,Het verbod op hulp aan mensen zonder wettig verblijf : Casusstudie van het Pakket maatregelenen inzake hulpverlening in zes Europese landen en steden,VABB-1,65,92,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443563,,Framing the climate-development nexus in the European Union,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443564,,Overcoming barriers to experimentation in business-to-business living labs,VABB-1,20,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443567,,Global macroeconomic imbalances after the crisis : from the great moderation to secular stagnation,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443568,,Die Systemebenendifferenzierung als Forschungsprogramm?,VABB-1,453,458,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:443570,,The Bangladesh party-state : a diachronic comparative analysis of party-political regimes,VABB-1,187,213,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443573,,The EU as an influencing force of east African community integration? An analysis of local stakeholders’ perceptions and the study of consent,VABB-1,127,166,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443574,,Operationalizing responsible research & innovation in industry through decision support in innovation practice,VABB-1,135,146,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443575,,Validating the digital games motivation scale for comparative research between countries,VABB-1,37,47,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443576,,"Film policies in transition : globalization, digitization, protectionism",VABB-1,235,238,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443578,,Fifty shades of Rokkan? Reconceiving local party system nationalisation in Belgium,VABB-1,509,538,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443579,,Luddites in the Congo? Analyzing violent responses to the expansion of industrial mining amidst militarization,VABB-1,466,482,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443580,,Greek neo-noir : reflecting a narrative of crisis,VABB-1,110,137,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443581,,Turkey-KRG energy relations : internal and external dynamics,VABB-1,129,154,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443582,,Representing diverse femininities on Instagram : a case study of the body-positive @effyourbeautystandards Instagram account,VABB-1,321,337,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443583,,Voice,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443584,,ISQ calculation evaluation of in vitro laser scanning vibrometry-captured resonance frequency,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443595,,Attitudes of family firms toward outside investors : the importance of organizational identification,VABB-1,29,50,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443596,,Maletic and EU-jurisdiction rules for consumer contracts : how a seemingly internal holiday contract turns out to be international,VABB-1,138,144,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443598,,Global value chains in Africa and development of opportunities by poor landholders,VABB-1,280,295,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443599,,Editoriaal themanummer beleidsevaluatie,VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443600,,Investigating the added value of integrating human judgement into statistical demand forecasting systems,VABB-1,85,96,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443601,,De bevoegdheden van de gemeenschappen,VABB-3,,,553 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443602,,De transversale bevoegdheden in het federale België,VABB-3,,,544 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443605,,Measuring actual integration : an outline of a Bayesian state-space approach,VABB-4,341,360,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443607,,Belgium : governance of security in Antwerp and Brussels : two of a kind?,VABB-4,249,267,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443611,,Unraveling the black box of new venture team processes,VABB-4,315,348,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443612,,Decreased regional grey matter volume in women with chronic whiplash-associated disorders : relationships with cognitive deficits and disturbed pain processing,VABB-1,E1025,E1051,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443613,,Morphological and physiological differences in the upper trapezius muscle in patients with work-related trapezius myalgia compared to healthy controls : a systematic review,VABB-1,43,51,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443614,,Applying contemporary neuroscience in exercise interventions for chronic spinal pain : treatment protocol,VABB-1,378,387,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443616,,Accuracy of magnetic resonance studies in the detection of chondral and labral lesions in femoroacetabular impingement : systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443617,,Brain changes associated with cognitive and emotional factors in chronic pain : a systematic review,VABB-1,769,786,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443618,,Relationship between extrinsic factors and the acromio-humeral distance,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443619,,"Differences between women with traumatic and idiopathic chronic neck pain and women without neck pain : interrelationships among disability, cognitive deficits, and central sensitization",VABB-1,338,353,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443620,,Comparing trigger point dry needling and manual pressure technique for the management of myofascial neck/shoulder pPain : a randomized clinical trial,VABB-1,11,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443621,,Procedure to describe clavicular motion,VABB-1,490,496,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:443622,,The design of a modeling technique to analyze the impact of process simulation throughout the business architecture,VABB-5,37,52,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443623,,A quantitative study of the link between business process management and digital innovation,VABB-5,177,192,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443624,,Developing an ontological sandbox : investigating multi-level modelling’s possible Metaphysical Structures,VABB-5,226,234,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443628,,Control in response inhibition,VABB-4,97,110,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443629,,"Association, inhibition, and action",VABB-4,489,514,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443630,,"Time heals? A multi-sited, longitudinal case study on the lived experiences of returnees in Armenia",VABB-4,165,181,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443631,,The complexity of translating neuroscience to education : the case of number processing,VABB-4,68,81,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443633,,"Practical intelligence, emotional intelligence, and social intelligence",VABB-4,342,364,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443634,,Supporting (super)diversity in early childhood settings,VABB-4,403,417,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443635,,Discussion,VABB-4,105,117,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443636,,Social werk(opleidingen) en OCMW : professionalisering van de maatschappelijke dienstverlening,VABB-4,219,235,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443637,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443648,,Commentaar bij art. 1477 BW,VABB-1,57,86,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443680,,Recommendations for using the IRAP with a medicated in-patient population with a diagnosis of psychosis,VABB-1,317,325,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443682,,An alternating combination of art and science : the legacy of Eric Broekaert illustrated in the honorary doctorate of Alain Platel,VABB-1,177,186,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443683,,Identity change in a drug-free therapeutic community : a Lacanian interpretation of former residents’ perspectives on treatment process and outcome,VABB-1,147,155,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443685,,On the interpretability and computational reliability of frequency-domain Granger causality,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443686,,The visual rhetoric of self-advocacy organizations on poverty : all about courage?,VABB-1,53,77,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443688,,Transnational knowledge in social work programs : challenges and strategies within assisted voluntary return and reintegration support,VABB-1,158,173,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443689,,Tracking dynamic interactions between structural and functional connectivity : a TMS/EEG-dMRI study,VABB-1,84,97,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443690,,Can parents’ homework assigned compensate for disadvantaged students’ learning achievement in Mainland China?,VABB-1,3,18,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443692,,Quality of Life in therapeutic communities for addictions : a positive search for wellbeing and happiness,VABB-1,207,221,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443693,,Walking back to happiness (2010) herbekeken : een interview,VABB-1,57,81,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443694,,Brand Communication in Flemish Higher Education: A Comparison Between Types of Institutions,VABB-4,63,79,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443712,,The network paradigm in higher education,VABB-4,215,226,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443713,,From once-dominant minority to historical Christian outpost on the southern Caspian: Azerbaijan’s Orthodox Christians,VABB-1,358,383,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443715,,Individuals in action : bringing about innovation in higher education,VABB-1,101,119,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443716,,Situational judgement tests for selection,VABB-4,226,246,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443717,,Cognitive control and reward,VABB-4,422,439,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443719,,Measurement Models for Marketing Constructs,VABB-4,259,295,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443720,,Werken aan legitimiteit : uitdagingen voor het OCMW in een netwerk van hulpverleningsorganisaties,VABB-4,207,218,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443724,,Introduction : constructions of truth in early childhood education : a history of the present abuse of neurosciences,VABB-4,5,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443725,,The competent early childhood education and care system in the city of Ghent : a long-term investment in continuos professional development,VABB-4,57,71,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443726,,Risk and protective factors for alcohol use among school-going adolescents in montevideo,VABB-1,12,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443727,,"Treatment challenges for alcohol service users in Kampala, Uganda",VABB-1,27,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443729,,'If only they had a file on every pupil' : on the mismatch between truancy policy and practice,VABB-1,171,189,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443730,,Lacan's analytic goal : le sinthome or the feminine way,VABB-1,336,357,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443731,,"Jeugdzorg als sociale, institutionele en professionele praktijk",VABB-1,93,107,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443734,,Een buitengewoon observatorium,VABB-1,237,250,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443735,,What parents say about children’s inequality of opportunities : a study in Mauritius,VABB-1,423,437,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443736,,Zijn we van nature goed?,VABB-1,66,69,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443737,,Specific abilities in the workplace : more important than g?,VABB-1,1,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443738,,Teaching important relational skills for children with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability using freely available (GO-IRAP) software,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443739,,Croisements de regards et de voix,VABB-1,13,20,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:443741,,Inter-rater reliability of real-time ultrasound to measure acromiohumeral distance,VABB-1,629,634,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443742,,The influence of induced shoulder muscle pain on rotator cuff and scapulothoracic muscle activity during elevation of the arm,VABB-1,497,505,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443743,,Disability in adolescents and adults diagnosed with hypermobility-related disorders : a meta-analysis,VABB-1,2174,2187,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443744,,The association between muscle strength and activity limitations in patients with the hypermobility type of Ehlers–Danlos syndrome : the impact of proprioception,VABB-1,1391,1397,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443745,,Measurement properties of clinical assessment methods for classifying generalized joint hypermobility : a systematic review,VABB-1,116,147,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443746,,Efficacy of different types of mobilization techniques in patients with primary adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder : a systematic review,VABB-1,815,825,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443747,,Lumbar muscle structure and function in chronic versus recurrent low back pain : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,1285,1296,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443748,,Risks in teaching manipulation techniques in master programmes,VABB-1,E1,E4,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443749,,Monitoring sound levels and soundscape quality in the living rooms of nursing homes : a case study in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443753,,A new agri-food systems sustainability approach to identify shared transformation pathways towards sustainability,VABB-1,52,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443754,,GM biofortified crops : potential effects on targeting the micronutrient intake gap in human populations,VABB-1,181,188,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443755,,Implementing REDD+ : learning from forest conservation policy and social safeguards frameworks in Cameroon,VABB-1,209,223,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443756,,"Chinese consumers and European beer : associations between attribute importance, socio-demographics, and consumption",VABB-1,416,424,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443757,,"Healthy, sustainable and plant-based eating : perceived (mis)match and involvement-based consumer segments as targets for future policy",VABB-1,46,57,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443758,,Consumers' emotions elicited by food : a systematic review of explicit and implicit methods,VABB-1,172,189,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443759,,"Urban agriculture and place-making : narratives about place and space in Ghent, Brno and Bristol",VABB-1,154,165,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443761,,Partijleden en volatiliteit : over ontrouwe leden en overlopers,VABB-4,64,79,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443762,,"Boycot, petitie en betoging : alternatieven voor het ontevreden partijlid?",VABB-4,187,204,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443763,,Rule-maker or rule-taker? The EU and the shifting global political economy of energy,VABB-4,165,178,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443764,,Hoe rebellen analyseren?,VABB-4,3,17,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443765,,"Rebellie in Mindanao, de Filipijnen",VABB-4,135,153,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443766,,"Een 'contra-imperium' als opstand? Hizb ut-Tahrir, panislamisme en het kalifaat",VABB-4,187,212,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443767,,The notion of branding in the higher education sector : the case of Hong Kong,VABB-4,159,179,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443768,,Reading the boys of girls,VABB-4,121,133,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443769,,Sex in sitcoms : unravelling the discourses on sex in Friends,VABB-4,300,308,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443772,,Dynamics of the North-South capital flows or rise of South-South land deals? : features of land acquisition in Ethiopia,VABB-1,2389,2407,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443773,,A temporal race-for-fish : the interplay between local hotspots of flatfish and exploitation competition between beam trawlers after a seasonal spawning closure,VABB-1,21,32,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443774,,"Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 333 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016",VABB-1,1260,1344,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443775,,Low-input dairy farming in Europe : exploring a context-specific notion,VABB-1,43,51,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443776,,Small and mid-sized farmer irrigation adoption in the context of public provision of hydric infrastructure in Latin America and Caribbean,VABB-1,4617,4631,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443777,,Farmers' preferences for automatic lameness-detection systems in dairy cattle,VABB-1,5746,5757,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443778,,Emotional and sensory profiling by children and teenagers : a case study of the check-all-that-apply method on biscuits,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443779,,Automatically measured variables related to tenderness of hoof placement and weight distribution are valuable indicators for lameness in dairy cows,VABB-1,13,22,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443780,,The socioeconomics of genetically modified biofortified crops : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,14,33,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443781,,Methods matter : a meta-regression on the determinants of willingness-to-pay studies on biofortified foods,VABB-1,34,46,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443782,,A dynamic model of irrigation and land-use choice : application to the Beauce aquifer in France,VABB-1,99,120,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443783,,Green public procurement of certified wood : spatial leverage effect and welfare implications,VABB-1,91,102,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443784,,Farmers' adaptation to groundwater shortage in the dry areas : improving appropriation or enhancing accommodation?,VABB-1,691,700,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443824,,"Human rights, the capability approach and Quality of Life: an integrated paradigm of support in the quest for social justice",VABB-1,156,162,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443825,,Kwaliteit van Bestaan en het VN-Verdrag voor de Rechten van Personen met een Handicap.,VABB-1,108,124,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443828,,Typologies of Didactical Strategies and Teachers’ Pedagogical Beliefs: A Theoretical Review,VABB-1,6583,6596,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443833,,Naar herstelondersteunende zorgsystemen,VABB-4,269,282,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443834,,Enhancing mathematical skills through interventions with virtual manipulatives,VABB-4,171,187,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443837,,Structural equation modeling,VABB-4,335,360,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443838,,40 jaar OCMW-praktijk op de spanning tussen bijstand als sociaal beleidsinstrument en bijstand als sociaal grondrecht,VABB-4,49,64,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443839,,Lesson learnt and a debate to be continues,VABB-4,132,136,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443840,,"Wat geleerd werd, kan (vaak) afgeleerd worden:",VABB-4,219,237,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443842,,The five-factor model of personality and consequential outcomes in childhood and adolescence,VABB-4,507,520,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443844,,De ervaringen van het sociaal netwerk met betrekking tot het herstelproces van een naaste,VABB-4,189,200,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443858,,Lexicalized structural priming in second language online sentence comprehension,VABB-1,395,416,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:443860,,Complex regional pain syndrome associated with hyperattention rather than neglect for the healthy side: A comprehensive case study,VABB-1,294,301,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443861,,Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice in Therapeutic Communities (TCs) for Addictions,VABB-1,63,67,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443862,,How parents contribute to children’s psychological health: The critical role of psychological need support,VABB-4,171,187,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443863,,Constructions of Neuroscience in Early Childhood Education,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443865,,Preventie van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag in de sport,VABB-1,21,26,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443873,,Individual and environmental correlates of objectively measured sedentary time in Dutch and Belgian adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443874,,The influence of restricted visual feedback on dribbling performance in youth soccer players,VABB-1,158,167,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443875,,Access to parks and physical activity: An eight country comparison,VABB-1,253,263,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443876,,Socio-cultural determinants of physical activity across the life course : a ‘Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity’ (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443877,,'Active Team' a social and gamified app-based physical activity intervention : randomised controlled trial study protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443878,,Large-scale GWAS identifies multiple loci for hand grip strength providing biological insights into muscular fitness,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443879,,Objectively measured physical environmental neighbourhood factors are not associated with accelerometer-determined total sedentary time in adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443880,,Sound attenuation in the ear of domestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) as a result of beak opening,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443881,,A tongue for all seasons : extreme phenotypic flexibility in salamandrid newts,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443882,,Behavioral determinants of physical activity across the life course : a 'DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity' (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443883,,Are RCP and critical power equivalent? : the issue of mean response time,VABB-1,2608,2608,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443885,,Relationships between socioeconomic position and objectively measured sedentary behaviour in older adults in three prospective cohorts,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443886,,The influence of neighbourhoods and the social environment on sedentary behaviour in older adults in three prospective cohorts,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443887,,"The Dutch Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI) : factor analysis, discriminative power and test-retest reliability",VABB-1,624,630,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443888,,Influence of psychological factors on the prognosis of chronic shoulder pain : protocol for a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443889,,Proximal neuromuscular control protects against hamstring injuries in male soccer players : a prospective study with electromyography time-series analysis during maximal sprinting,VABB-1,1315,1325,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443890,,"Lower insulin sensitivity is related to lower relative muscle cross-sectional area, lower muscle density and lower handgrip force in young and middle aged non-diabetic men",VABB-1,302,309,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:443892,,Promoting sustainable development or legitimising free trade? Civil society mechanisms in EU trade agreements,VABB-1,526,546,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443893,,Familia y escuela : Algunas pensamientos sobre la diferenciación interna del sistema de la educación,VABB-1,1,20,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:443894,,Spaces of exception and spaces of normality : towards a relational understanding of violence and peace in Muslim Mindanao,VABB-1,49,66,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443895,,From Washington to Hangzhou : does the G20 live up to its potential?,VABB-1,65,78,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443897,,Ongelijkheid en sociale grondrechten na de crisis : België bekeken vanuit een Europees vergelijkend perspectief,VABB-1,23,44,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443898,,De percepties van Gentse middenveldactoren over Roma en hun integratie : ambigue processen van othering binnen een inclusief kader,VABB-1,120,141,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443900,,"‘I am nobody’ : grievances, organic members, and the MILF in muslim Mindanao",VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:443901,,"The crisis of gender identity in the Greek film noir : sexuality, paranoia and the unconscious in Efialtis/Nightmare (1961) and O Ergenis /The Bachelor (1997)",VABB-1,83,109,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443903,,Qualitative research in six European countries and cities on the relation between the Facilitators’ Package and racism,VABB-1,383,403,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443904,,Action research as a framework to evaluate the operations of a living lab,VABB-1,35,41,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443905,,Cross-medial news usage in the Dutch-language region : a comparative study of news repertoires in the Netherlands and Flanders,VABB-1,484,503,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443908,,Which health-related problems are associated with problematic video-gaming or social media use in adolescents? A large-scale cross-sectional public health study,VABB-1,11,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443910,,(De)radicalisering tussen praktijk en ambiguïteit,VABB-1,219,229,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443912,,Illuminating a state : statebuilding and electricity in occupied Iraq,VABB-1,335,353,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443955,,De rol van gehechtheid in de ontwikkeling van psychopathologie-speuren naar behandelbare mechanismen,VABB-1,53,70,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443956,,"Multidimensional change in therapeutic communities for addictions : the interplay between client characteristics, perceptions of the TC treatment process and time in treatment",VABB-1,99,116,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443957,,Continuïteit in het hulpverleningstraject : interpretatief onderzoek naar de beleving van jongeren in de jeugdhulp,VABB-1,55,70,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443958,,Emotieregulatie bij adolescenten met een middelenmisbruikstoornis : een onderzoek naar kwetsbaarheden,VABB-1,187,206,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443959,,Visibility graphs for fMRI data : multiplex temporal graphs and their modulations across resting state networks,VABB-1,208,221,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443960,,Psychoanalyse: een symptomatisch probleem,VABB-1,367,386,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443961,,De relatie tussen socio-economische omgeving en psychische problemen bij kinderen : de rol van executief functioneren onder de loep,VABB-1,55,68,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:443962,,Advancing psychological therapies for chronic pain,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443964,,"De zwerftocht van het genot, met het object a op zak : over de differentiaaldiagnostiek binnen de psychose",VABB-1,420,436,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:443966,,A12-week cycling training regimen improves gait and executive functions concomitantly in people with Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443967,,"Opinions toward physical activity, sedentary behavior, and interventions to stimulate active living during early retirement : a qualitative study in recently retired adults",VABB-1,277,286,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443968,,"Which psychological, social and physical environmental characteristics predict changes in physical activity and sedentary behaviors during early retirement? : a longitudinal study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443969,,Hazard perception training in young bicyclists improves early detection of risk : a cluster-randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,112,121,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443970,,Associations of commuting to school and work with demographic variables and with weight status in eight European countries : the ENERGY-cross sectional study,VABB-1,305,312,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443971,,The mediating role of social capital in the association between neighbourhood income inequality and body mass index,VABB-1,218,223,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443972,,A life course examination of the physical environmental determinants of physical activity behaviour : a 'Determinants of Diet and Physical Activity' (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443973,,"Effect and process evaluation of a kindergarten-based, family-involved cluster randomised controlled trial in six European countries on four- to six-year-old children’s steps per day : the ToyBox-study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443974,,A European perspective on GIS-based walkability and active modes of transport,VABB-1,145,151,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443976,,Tribute to Dr Jacques Rogge : muscle activity and fatigue during hiking in Olympic dinghy sailing,VABB-1,611,620,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443978,,Sedentary time in older men and women : an international consensus statement and research priorities,VABB-1,1526,1532,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443979,,"Identifying and sharing data for secondary data analysis of physical activity, sedentary behaviour and their determinants across the life course in Europe : general principles and an example from DEDIPAC",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:443982,,The international Campus of excellence initiative in Spain,VABB-4,183,201,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443983,,Making urban design a public participatory goal: toward evidence-based urbanism,VABB-1,173,186,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:443999,,Procedural review in European fundamental right cases,VABB-3,,,271 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444000,,Implementing community-based participatory research in the study of substance use and service utilisation in Eastern European and Turkish communities in Belgium,VABB-1,265,275,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444001,,Noot bij het arrest P en S (C-579/13),VABB-1,280,285,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444002,,Bloeddorstige wraak,VABB-4,64,67,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444006,,"Socialisatie, morele emoties en morele normen.",VABB-2,,,145 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444008,,Empirisch onderzoek naar de benoeming van bestuurders van genoteerde vennootschappen,VABB-1,621,638,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444010,,Artikel 15 Wetboek van de Belgische Nationaliteit,VABB-4,113,125,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444012,,Herstelondersteunend werken binnen de ambulante verslavingszorg,VABB-4,115,134,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444013,,The developed/developing divide on unilateral coercive measures : legitimate enforcement or illegitimate intervention?,VABB-1,175,214,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444021,,Chronique de Jurisprudence de l'Union: les relations extérieures (1er janvier 2013— 31 décembre 2016),VABB-1,737,804,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444022,,Evaluation of performance models for farm-specific optimization of pig production,VABB-1,99,108,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444023,,Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries : an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016,VABB-1,1423,1459,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444024,,Determinants of the acceptance of sustainable production strategies among dairy farmers : development and testing of a modified technology acceptance model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444025,,Supporting the development and adoption of automatic lameness detection systems in dairy cattle : effect of system cost and performance on potential market shares,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444026,,Sustainability experiments in the agri-food system : uncovering the factors of new governance and collaboration success,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444027,,Economic modelling of grazing management against gastrointestinal nematodes in dairy cattle,VABB-1,68,75,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444028,,"Farmers' preferences for PES contracts to adopt silvopastoral systems in Southern Ecuador, revealed through a choice experiment",VABB-1,200,215,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444029,,"A livelihood in a risky environment : farmers' preferences for irrigation with wastewater in Hyderabad, India",VABB-1,347,360,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444030,,Automatic cow lameness detection with a pressure mat : effects of mat CD length and sensor resolution,VABB-1,172,180,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444031,,When technology is more than instrumental : how ethical concerns in EU agriculture co-evolve with the development of GM crops,VABB-1,543,557,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444032,,The social and economic impact of biofortification through genetic modification,VABB-1,161,168,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444033,,Communicative farm-specific diagnosis of potential simultaneous savings in costs and natural resource demand of feed on dairy farms,VABB-1,34,45,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444034,,"Determining factors for the application of climate change adaptation strategies among farmers in Magwe District, dry zone region of Myanmar",VABB-1,36,55,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444035,,"Changing love in ‘Scener ur ett Äktenskap’ (Ingmar Bergman, 1973)",VABB-1,71,84,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444036,,The agency of liminality: army wives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the tactical reversal of militarization,VABB-1,267,286,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444037,,Inégalités et droits sociaux après la crise : la Belgique comparée sous un angle européen,VABB-1,25,48,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444038,,"Social media and young people’s sexualities : values, norms, and battlegrounds",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444040,,Scholarly or socially relevant? An examination of European academic associations,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444042,,"Time to abandon Internet Addiction? Predicting problematic internet, game, and social media use from psychosocial well-being and application use",VABB-1,113,121,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444045,,To follow or not to follow? How Belgian health journalists use Twitter to monitor potential sources,VABB-1,545,566,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444046,,Equal partnership between unequal regions? : assessing deliberative parliamentary debate in ACP-EU relations,VABB-1,490,507,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444047,,Cyberpesten bij jongeren: Maken ouders een verschil?,VABB-1,22,40,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:444049,,"The cinema is dead, long live the cinema! Understanding the social experience of cinema-going today",VABB-1,129,144,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444050,,Introduction to the special issue : civil society in Ukraine : building on Euromaidan legacy,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444051,,Eric Broekaert (1951-2016): the life and legacy of a TC pioneer and integrative thinker,VABB-1,125,135,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444056,,Integrating developmental aspects in current thinking about personality pathology,VABB-1,69,73,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:444059,,"Verwantschap, ideologie en contraoffensieven : de transformatie van de relatie tussen rebellen en bevolking in Assam, India",VABB-4,67,88,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444060,,Mai Mai milities in Oost DR Congo : een demystificatie,VABB-4,89,110,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444061,,Understanding strategy practices in universities,VABB-4,167,188,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444062,,"The RESPECT project in the rear-view mirror : past, present and future of international professional and ethics guidelines for social science research",VABB-4,157,176,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444063,,De kop is eraf : op naar een nieuwe fusieronde in Vlaanderen?,VABB-4,59,72,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444066,,Resistance and passive revolution in Egypt and Morocco,VABB-4,211,233,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444071,,Exploring appraisals and rewards in the context of business process orientation,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444074,,Context-appropriate implementation of blended learning in higher education in Western Balkans,VABB-5,506,518,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444075,,Elements for tailoring a BPM maturity model to simplify its use,VABB-5,3,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444079,,"Developing the full range of state obligations and integrating intersectionality in a case of involuntary sterilization : CEDAW Committee, 4/2004, AS v Hungary",VABB-4,234,260,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444083,,Indigenous justice and the right to a fair trial,VABB-4,97,116,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444084,,De nieuwe interneringswetgeving,VABB-4,341,404,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444087,,Hoever reikt de fictiebepaling m.b.t. gesplitste verkrijgingen en inschrijvingen in het Vlaams Gewest?,VABB-4,431,451,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444090,,"Remedies, modification of digital content and right to terminate long-term digital content contracts",VABB-4,167,232,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444091,,"Algemene kenmerken, classificatie en IPR",VABB-4,7,75,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444096,,Art 110bis Verordening Gemeenschapsmodellen,VABB-4,165,170,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444097,,Het beleid en intern optreden van de Unie,VABB-4,5,15,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444099,,Increasing citizens' recourse to ADR,VABB-4,212,221,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444100,,Norm and standard setting for the detention of asylum seekers in Europe : the Council of Europe and the European Union as two different stories of a cosmopolitan outlook?,VABB-4,105,124,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444101,,Slachtofferschap en beleid rond mensensmokkel en -handel,VABB-4,125,150,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444104,,Europes regels inzake milieueffectbeoordeling,VABB-4,145,306,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444106,,Les professions juridiques,VABB-4,1122,1142,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444109,,Jude-made law and the common law process,VABB-4,129,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444110,,Sociale sector,VABB-4,91,119,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444112,,Probleemgebruik en sociaal herstelkapitaal bij personen met een migratieachtergrond,VABB-4,229,247,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444113,,Cross-national diffusion in Europe,VABB-4,286,303,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444116,,Onthaal en integratie van inwijkelingen,VABB-4,369,386,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444118,,"Micro-place conditions and social, personal and situational control mechanisms : testing an integrated theory of gang membership in Belgium",VABB-4,65,94,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444120,,De juridische verhouding tussen gemeente en OCMW in historisch perspectief,VABB-4,1,11,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444121,,Le recrutement du personnel academique en Belgique et aux Pays Bas,VABB-4,75,95,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444122,,Basic features of the Belgian legal system,VABB-4,25,48,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444123,,Tort Law,VABB-4,243,283,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444126,,Maar wie bewaakt de bewakers? Criminologen en morele dilemma’s,VABB-4,15,27,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444127,,Milieueffectrapportage : een kennismaking,VABB-4,7,30,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444129,,Continuity and change in the legal relations between the EU and its neighbours : a result of path dependency and spill-over effects,VABB-4,97,116,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444134,,Does one size fit all? A comparative analysis of the mandatory legal regime for apartment co-ownership,VABB-4,125,146,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444137,,Introduction Children’s rights law and human rights law : analysing present and possible future interactions,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444139,,Proposal for a directive on digital content : scope of application and liability for a Lalck of conformity,VABB-4,95,166,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444140,,De uitgifte van obligaties door de CV,VABB-4,511,518,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444142,,The right to autonomy as a moral foundation for the realization principle in income taxation,VABB-4,281,302,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444144,,Cannabis social clubs in Europe : prospects and limits,VABB-4,285,299,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444145,,Article 1712,VABB-4,415,419,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444151,,The politics of political hate speech in Belgium,VABB-4,383,398,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444152,,Welke erfrechtelijke implicaties heeft een wijziging van de oorspronkelijke afstamming na het openvallen van de nalatenschap?,VABB-4,329,367,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444154,,De positie van het slachtoffer in het strafrecht : naar een eengemaakt slachtofferstatuut,VABB-4,219,252,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444157,,De rechtsmiddelen verzet en hoger beroep : actualia,VABB-4,517,578,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444159,,Can only compulsory collective management guarantee that an author actually receives his resale right?,VABB-4,234,253,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444163,,De juridische vrije beroepen,VABB-4,1120,1140,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444166,,Out of isolation: a claim for explicit attention for children in the movement towards recognition of an environmental right,VABB-4,251,272,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444167,,Art. 2.23 BVIE (Beneluw-Verdrag van 25 februari 2005 inzake de intellectuele eigendom),VABB-4,71,134,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444170,,Het deskundigenonderzoek naar medische fouten,VABB-4,59,110,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444172,,"Saving the common hamster from extinction through the EU habitats directive : a mandatory recovery effort, a remediation of past non-compliance or an exercise in futility?",VABB-1,59,97,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444173,,Waste pickers in the informal economy of the global south : included or excluded?,VABB-1,280,294,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444174,,Patiëntenrechten in de gevangenis : we zijn er nog niet,VABB-1,5,12,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444177,,De noodzakelijke partij(en) in een geding betreffende de revindicatie van in beslag genomen roerende goederen” (noot onder Gent 10 juni 2014),VABB-1,1508,1513,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444178,,Prosecuting maritime piracy : domestic solutions to international crimes,VABB-1,331,335,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444181,,From down under all the way to the European Union : a comparative legal analysis of the enforcement of Australian exemplary damages in the EU,VABB-1,166,205,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444182,,De instroom van migranten en etnische minderheden in de drughulpverlening : een verkennende studie,VABB-1,102,117,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444184,,Erfbelasting en levensverzekeringen,VABB-1,211,236,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444186,,Patrick Hebberecht en de gestalde kaders in de criminologie,VABB-1,61,68,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444187,,Le recrutement du personnel academique universitaire en Belgique et aux Pays Bas,VABB-1,1,34,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444189,,It takes two to tango : over de samenwerking tussen de forensische en juridisch-wetenschappelijke disciplines voor de aanvaardbaarheid van forensisch bewijs,VABB-1,24,40,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444190,,"Justiciability, complementarity and immunity : reflections on the crime of aggression",VABB-1,18,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444191,,Predictieve analyse in de criminologie,VABB-1,213,221,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444192,,De reikwijdte van de rechtsbescherming bij internationale uitwisseling van inlichtingen verder toegelicht,VABB-1,853,857,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444194,,Piramidesystemen na Lucky4all : een geluk bij een ongeluk : noot onder HvJ 15 december 2016,VABB-1,78,93,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444196,,"Gedrag versus gebrek van een zaak : over schade door brand, een klapband of een vallende lichtreclame",VABB-1,603,616,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444197,,Afstamming en adoptie in overzicht van rechtspraak Familierecht (2012-2016),VABB-1,667,785,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444198,,Digest of state practice : 1 January - 30 June 2017,VABB-1,371,418,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444199,,Building a legal citation network : the influence of the court of cassation on the lower judiciary,VABB-1,65,76,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444200,,"Ongerechtvaardigde verrijking in een affectieve context : samenwonenden, waak over uw eigen belangen (noot onder Antwerpen 20 mei 2015)",VABB-1,66,69,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444201,,"Rechterlijke handelshuurprijsherziening en -bepaling ""naar billijkheid"" : een exploratieve casestudy",VABB-1,323,366,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444202,,Ommekeer in de rechtspraak van het EHRM : intern verbod op draagmoederschap kan niet altijd omzeild worden door zich te beroepen op een draagmoeder in het buitenland,VABB-1,126,140,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444203,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 mei 2017 tot 31 juli 2017),VABB-1,457,461,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444204,,"De schorsing van een leemte in de wet: wat niet is, zal echt nog moeten komen (noot onder GwH 22 december 2016, nr. 170/2016)",VABB-1,495,498,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444205,,De overschrijving is een figuur sui generis en de bank van de begunstigde is een uitvoeringsagent van de bank van de opdrachtgever,VABB-1,201,205,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444206,,Liability for damage caused by autonomous vehicles : a Belgian perspective,VABB-1,324,371,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444207,,"Verplichte wachttermijn na eerste, niet-succesvolle WCO-aanvraag",VABB-1,118,121,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444208,,Psychiatrische expertises bij internering : de waarborgen in de nieuwe interneringswet zijn welgekomen,VABB-1,246,263,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444210,,Dierenwelzijn : een luis in de pels van de bescherming van eigendom?,VABB-1,426,431,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444211,,The search for integrated paradigms of care for people with mental illness who offend: the enabling personality of Eric Broekaert,VABB-1,163,168,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444212,,Shareholders holding the reins on remuneration : the European say on pay,VABB-1,114,120,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444216,,"Alle substantiële bestanddelen zijn belangrijk, maar niet alle belangrijke bestanddelen zijn substantieel : het recht van doorgang als illustratie",VABB-1,696,702,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444217,,Actualités,VABB-1,393,409,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444219,,Law in action in the private security industry : the impact of regulation on competition,VABB-1,96,114,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444220,,Kroniek Intellectuele Rechten (2015-2016),VABB-1,282,303,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444221,,"Halting and restoring species loss : incorporating the concepts of extinction debt, ecological trap and dark diversity into conservation and restoration law",VABB-1,178,201,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444222,,"De gezondheid van geest bij het testament en de schenking, het gebruik van medische attesten en het beroepsgeheim van de arts, met bijzondere aandacht voor de rechtspraak van de laatste 10 jaar",VABB-1,294,342,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444223,,Proactive habitat restoration and the avoidance of adverse effects on protected areas : development project review in Europea after Orleans?,VABB-1,125,154,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444224,,Feitelijke samenwoning,VABB-1,914,944,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444225,,"De benadering van de schijnwettelijke samenwoning in de rechtspraak (noot onder Brussel 17 juni 2015, Brussel 27 oktober 2015, Antwerpen 25 november 2015 en Gent 1 juli 2016)",VABB-1,113,124,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444227,,International sales of software and their jurisdictional implications : focus on the exchange between the third state and the EU,VABB-1,176,194,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444228,,De communautarisering van de drughulpverlening : herstel centraal,VABB-1,275,289,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444229,,De verschuiving van illegale drugsmarkten van Nederland naar België : perceptie of realiteit?,VABB-1,103,119,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444230,,"Tussen interne markt, douane-unie en vrijhandelszone : op zoek naar een model voor de toekomstige economische relaties tussen de EU en het Verenigd Koninkrijk",VABB-1,182,188,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444231,,The recent development of online arbitration rules in China,VABB-1,135,145,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444232,,Het rechterlijk oordeel dat de vaderlijke erkenning niet kan plaatsvinden,VABB-1,67,76,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444233,,Belgium’s legal periodicals as vectors of translation policy : how Flemish legal journals contributed to the development of a Dutch legal language,VABB-1,60,73,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444236,,Een extra puzzel in het spel van de curator en de lopende overeenkomsten,VABB-1,846,854,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444238,,'Brothers-in-arms' : ancillary state responsibility and individual criminal liability for arms transfers to international criminals,VABB-1,139,187,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444239,,The implications of low quality bicycle paths on the gaze behaviour of young learner cyclists,VABB-1,52,60,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444240,,Predicting judo champions and medallists using statistical modelling,VABB-1,161,167,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444241,,Magnitude and spatial distribution of impact intensity under the foot relates to initial foot contact pattern,VABB-1,431,436,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444242,,Reducing the metabolic cost of walking with an ankle exoskeleton : interaction between actuation timing and power,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444243,,Sitting too much : a hierarchy of socio-demographic correlates,VABB-1,77,83,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444244,,The effectiveness of asking behaviors among 9-11 year-old children in increasing home availability and children's intake of fruit and vegetables : results from the Squire's Quest II self-regulation game intervention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444245,,Exercise performance and quality of life in children with cystic fibrosis and mildly impaired lung function : relation with antibiotic treatments and hospitalization,VABB-1,1689,1696,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444246,,Associations of sitting accumulation patterns with cardio-metabolic risk biomarkers in Australian adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444247,,"Effect and process evaluation of a kindergarten-based, family-involved intervention with a randomized cluster design on sedentary behaviour in 4- to 6- year old European preschool children : the ToyBox-study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444248,,Weather and children’s physical activity : how and why do relationships vary between countries?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444249,,Clustering of energy balance-related behaviours and parental education in European preschool children : the ToyBox study,VABB-1,1089,1096,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444250,,The origin of bipedality as the result of a developmental by-product : the case study of the olive baboon (Papio anubis),VABB-1,155,161,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444251,,"Who participates in running events? : socio-demographic characteristics, psychosocial factors and barriers as correlates of non-participation : a pilot study in Belgium",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444252,,Influence of aerobic exercise training on the neural correlates of motor learning in Parkinson's disease individuals,VABB-1,559,569,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:444253,,Respiratory and locomotor muscle implications on the VO2 slow component and the VO2 excess in young trained cyclists,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444254,,Development and optimization of an injury prevention intervention for physical education teachers,VABB-1,171,186,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444256,,Coloring outside the lines of the nation : an iconological analysis of the Tunisian Revolution,VABB-1,31,44,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444257,,Van grote kuis naar open huis? De evolutie van etnocentrisme in België tussen 1981 en 2009,VABB-1,25,48,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444258,,"Veilige hechting met ouders, leerkrachten en school, sociale cohesie op school en etnische vooroordelen bij Vlaamse jongeren",VABB-1,98,119,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444259,,"Volksvertegenwoordiging in de participatieve democratie : u zaagt, wij paaien?",VABB-1,91,102,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444260,,Journalists’ and news editors’ views on children as news subjects in Albanian media Exploring issues of newsworthiness and self-censorship,VABB-1,351,370,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:444261,,Comparing European citizens’ news media repertoires across nations : a second-order factor analysis approach to explore cross-national patterns,VABB-1,437,463,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444262,,Mediation through recontextualization : The European Union and the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia,VABB-1,33,50,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444266,,"Blauwe energiepillen slikken : de dialectiek van menselijke energie in ""The Matrix""-trilogie",VABB-1,45,60,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444268,,"Preferences, approaches and influence : the Central and Eastern EU member states and the EU’s policies towards the post-Soviet space : introduction article",VABB-1,2,14,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444269,,Central and Eastern European perceptions of the Eurasian Economic Union : between economic opportunities and fear of renewed Russian hegemony,VABB-1,80,102,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444270,,"Genealogies of the colonial present : the rediscovery of the local in conflict management interventions in Mindanao, the Southern Philippines",VABB-1,387,404,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444271,,"Moving onward? Secondary movers on the fringes of refugee mobility in Kakuma refugee Camp, Kenya",VABB-1,41,60,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444273,,Droits sociaux fondamentaux : du statut de symbole à celui de levier dans la lutte contre la pauvreté?,VABB-1,287,296,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444274,,Mobile youth culture : a conceptual development,VABB-1,85,101,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444275,,Gehechtheid voor (cognitieve) gedragstherapeuten : van het 'vage'vuur naar een belangrijke component van succesvolle behandeling?,VABB-1,2,16,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444276,,De arts en het ziekenhuisbeheer,VABB-1,1162,1168,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444277,,Consensus clustering approach to group brain connectivity matrices,VABB-1,242,253,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444278,,Vrouwelijke adolescente enorexia-nervosapatiënten versus een groep vrouwelijke adolescenten zonder eetstoornis,VABB-1,147,161,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444280,,Interpreting Survey Questions About Sexual Aggression in Cross-Cultural Research: A Qualitative Study with Young Adults from Nine European Countries,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444283,,Moet ouderlijk verbieden verboden worden?,VABB-1,48,61,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444285,,"Social inclusion, care and belonging of children with spina bifida : perspectives from Uganda",VABB-1,130,136,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444286,,"Soutien et cohésion sociale dans les crèches et les ontmoetingsplaatsen, en Belgique",VABB-1,21,37,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444288,,Assessing the thermal performance of insulating glass units with infrared thermography : potential and limitations,VABB-1,175,192,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444289,,Telenovelas and/as adaptation : reflections on local adaptations of global telenovelas,VABB-4,356,369,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444294,,De partijbasis als microkosmos? De representativiteit van partijleden onderzocht,VABB-4,23,42,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444295,,Cruisen in een archipel? Over de betekenis van de lokale afdeling voor partijleden,VABB-4,101,122,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444296,,Voorzittersverkiezingen : climax of ritueel?,VABB-4,145,166,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444297,,Van uitvoerder tot medebeslisser : de rol van lokale besturen in de meerlagige Europese besluitvorming,VABB-4,85,112,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444298,,Pompier-pyromanocracy : Mbusa Nyamwisi and the DR Congo’s inflammable post-settlement political order,VABB-4,41,67,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444300,,"Towards life cycle sustainability assessment, including social life cycle assessment",VABB-4,91,96,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444301,,Structural reforms in European higher education : concluding reflections,VABB-4,269,287,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444303,,Setting up associations in Flemish higher education,VABB-4,205,223,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444305,,Organizational interactions in global energy governance,VABB-4,591,609,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444313,,Anachronisme in de Andes : of hoe een rustiek-rurale guerrilla een zich snel ontwikkelend Latijns-Amerikaans land ten dans bleef dwingen,VABB-4,111,133,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444314,,Geweld als politiek in Zuid-Soedan,VABB-4,155,185,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444315,,Labour mobilisation : the case of Tushiriki (DRC),VABB-4,138,155,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444320,,Herstel van verslaving : achtergrond en situering,VABB-4,45,66,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444322,,Corpus linguistics,VABB-4,230,246,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444323,,"Professional learning of teacher educators, teachers, and student teachers",VABB-4,9,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444325,,40 jaar OCMW en bijstand : besluit,VABB-4,236,247,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444327,,Diagnostiek van autismespectrumstoornis.,VABB-4,51,74,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444329,,Diagnostiek van eetstoornissen,VABB-4,343,360,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444330,,Children's rights : a framework to eliminate social exclusion : critical discussions an tensions,VABB-4,36,52,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444331,,Trained-user opinion about Welfare Quality measures and integrated scoring of dairy cattle welfare,VABB-1,6376,6388,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444332,,"Global, regional, and national under-5 mortality, adult mortality, age-specific mortality, and life expectancy, 1970-2016 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016",VABB-1,1084,1150,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444333,,Consumers' familiarity with and attitudes towards food quality certifications for rice and vegetables in Vietnam,VABB-1,74,82,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444334,,Mapping impact indicators to link airborne ammonia emissions with nitrogen deposition in Natura 2000 sites,VABB-1,120,129,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444335,,Do anticipated emotions influence behavioural intention and behaviour to consume filled chocolates?,VABB-1,1983,1998,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444336,,Empirical investigation into spatial integration without direct trade : comparative analysis before and after the establishment of the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange,VABB-1,565,583,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444337,,Smallholder farmers' behavioural intentions towards sustainable agricultural practices,VABB-1,71,81,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444338,,Motivation outweighs ability in explaining European consumers’ use of health claims,VABB-1,34,44,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444339,,Enhanced pre-frontal functional-structural networks to support postural control deficits after traumatic brain injury in a pediatric population,VABB-1,116,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444340,,Acht jaar maatjes in balans : een evaluatie van een evidence-based ambulant groepsprogramma voor lagereschoolkinderen met obesitas,VABB-1,106,115,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444341,,The relevance and efficacy of metacognition for instructional design in the domain of mathematics,VABB-1,613,623,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444342,,"Relational responding : testing, training and sequencing effects among children with autism and typically-developing children",VABB-1,94,110,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444344,,Diagnoses als mogelijke decompenserende factor,VABB-1,283,293,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444345,,"Adapting simulation responses from judgment-based to analytic-based scores : a process model, case study, and empirical evaluation of managers’ responses among a sample of managers",VABB-1,18,47,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444347,,Kan het opportunity-propensity model ons helpen om de samenhang en comorbiditeit in de variantie in (a)typisch rekenen te verklaren?,VABB-1,75,90,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444348,,Gezinsveerkracht na de diagnose kinderkanker : van onderzoek naar praktijk,VABB-1,289,301,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444349,,Internaliserende en externaliserende symptomen bij adolescenten : de rol van gehechtheid en emotieregulatie,VABB-1,3,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444357,,The inferential reasoning theory of causal learning : towards a multi-process propositional account,VABB-4,53,64,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444358,,Computational models of cognitive control,VABB-4,127,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444361,,Parsing the effects of reward on cognitive control,VABB-4,105,122,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444362,,Ondersteuning en behandeling van personen met een verstandelijke beperking die middelen gebruiken,VABB-4,213,227,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444363,,De diagnostiek van depressieve klachten bij kinderen en jongeren,VABB-4,161,172,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444365,,"The competent system or the intersection between research, policy making and practice",VABB-4,522,536,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444366,,Possible neurocognitive components of math skill and dyscalculia,VABB-4,195,217,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444368,,Montage as perceptual experience : Berlin Alexanderplatz from Döblin to Fassbinder,VABB-2,,,244 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444370,,Validation of topographic hybrid single-photon emission computerized tomography with computerized tomography scan in patients with and without nonspecific chronic low back pain. A prospective comparative study,VABB-1,1457,1463,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444371,,Updated secondary implant stability data of two dental implant systems. A retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,1121,1128,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444372,,Allegorie op de Gentse rechtspraak door Jan van Cleef. Vernuftige rechtsiconografie in het Gentse stadhuis op het einde van de zeventiende eeuw.,VABB-1,227,239,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444374,,Development of China’s environmental legislation,VABB-4,17,30,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444376,,"The Concept of Nature and its Application in the Legal, Musical and Educational Fields",VABB-1,73,78,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444379,,L’épuisement en matière de marques : la mise à la disposition sous réserve de propriété n’est pas une « mise dans le commerce »,VABB-1,293,296,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444380,,Commentaar bij art. 319 BW,VABB-1,9,21,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444381,,Digital Contract,VABB-3,,,361 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444382,,The Chicago School and Criminology,VABB-4,123,139,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444389,,Manuscript collections of the Western and Central Indian Bhaṭṭārakas,VABB-1,36,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444393,,Assessment of socio-economic configuration of value chains : a proposed analysis framework to facilitate integration of small rural producers with global agribusiness,VABB-1,25,43,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444394,,Staple crops biofortified with increased vitamins and minerals : considerations for a public health strategy,VABB-1,3,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444395,,Metabolic engineering of micronutrients in crop plants,VABB-1,59,73,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444396,,The buzz about bees and poverty alleviation : identifying drivers and barriers of beekeeping in sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444397,,The social psychology of biodiversity conservation in agriculture,VABB-1,1464,1484,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444398,,Impacts of institutional intervention on price transmissions : the case of the Ethiopian commodity exchange,VABB-1,e88,e106,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444399,,Is taste the key driver for consumer preference? : a conjoint analysis study,VABB-1,323,331,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444400,,Maternal-child co-participation in physical activity-related behaviours : prevalence and cross-sectional associations with mothers and children’s objectively assessed physical activity levels,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444401,,Do associations between objectively-assessed physical activity and neighbourhood environment attributes vary by time of the day and day of the week? : IPEN adult study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444402,,What are the working mechanisms of a web-based workplace sitting intervention targeting psychosocial factors and action planning?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444403,,Psychological determinants of physical activity across the life course : a 'DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity' (DEDIPAC) umbrella systematic literature review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444404,,Extracurricular school-based sports as a stepping stone toward an active lifestyle? : differences in physical activity and sports-motivation between extracurricular school-based sports participants and non-participants,VABB-1,485,497,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444405,,AAV9 delivered bispecific nanobody attenuates amyloid burden in the gelsolin amyloidosis mouse model,VABB-1,1353,1364,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444406,,Sedentary Behavior Research Network (SBRN) : Terminology Consensus Project process and outcome,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444407,,Co-creating a tailored public health intervention to reduce older adults’ sedentary behaviour,VABB-1,595,608,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444409,,Segmental morphometrics of the olive baboon (Papio anubis) : a longitudinal study from birth to adulthood,VABB-1,805,819,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444410,,Development and optimisation of an in-service teacher training programme on motivational assessment in physical education,VABB-1,91,109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444417,,Aetius’ early career and the murder of Felix (c. 425-430),VABB-1,468,482,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444419,,Cricital Readings of Stanislav's Menologion,VABB-1,97,100,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444430,,Criminaliteitsconcentraties en microplaatsen,VABB-1,227,244,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444433,,Answering the Say for No Pay,VABB-4,151,190,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444434,,Invordering onbetwiste geldschulden. Een evaluatie na anderhalf jaar,VABB-1,870,884,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444435,,Greenhouse gas emissions trading in China,VABB-4,400,414,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444437,,Van die boer geen eieren? Het nut van het invoeren van een gevaarzettingsdelict in de voedingssector,VABB-1,433,452,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444438,,Transparante exempla,VABB-4,71,79,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444446,,"Studying ethnicity, problem substance use and treatment: from epidemiology to social change",VABB-1,230,239,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444452,,Get Innovative in Personnel Selection: The Case of the Port of Antwerp,VABB-4,13,21,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444453,,Language learning in the adult brain: disrupting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex facilitates word-form learning,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444454,,Quo vadis? Een verkenning van recente ontwikkelingen in de behandeling van zedendelinquenten.,VABB-1,263,270,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444461,,Local council decisions as linked data : a proof of concept,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444463,,Exploring the mediating role of energy balance-related behaviours in the association between sleep duration and obesity in European adults : the SPOTLIGHT project,VABB-1,25,32,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444464,,The effect of craniokinesis on the middle ear of domestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus),VABB-1,414,423,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444465,,Is gaze behaviour in a laboratory context similar to that in real-life? : a study in bicyclists,VABB-1,131,140,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:444466,,School gardens : a qualitative study on implementation practices,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444467,,Expert - non-expert differences in visual behaviour during alpine slalom skiing,VABB-1,229,239,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444468,,"Using a co-creational approach to develop, implement and evaluate an intervention to promote physical activity in adolescent girls from vocational and technical schools : a case control study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444469,,Views of policy makers and health promotion professionals on factors facilitating implementation and maintenance of interventions and policies promoting physical activity and healthy eating : results of the DEDIPAC project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444470,,Bidirectional associations between psychosocial well-being and adherence to healthy dietary guidelines in European children : prospective findings from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444471,,"Is the technical performance of young soccer players influenced by hormonal status, sexual maturity, anthropometric profile, and physical performance?",VABB-1,305,311,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444475,,Verbod op kwantitatieve beperkingen tussen de lidstaten,VABB-4,17,69,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444478,,"Converteerbare obligaties, obligaties met warrant en aanverwante obligaties",VABB-4,353,449,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444479,,Beslissing tot uitgifte van obligaties,VABB-4,79,82,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444481,,Deep seabed mining : key obligations in the emerging regulation of exploration and development in the Pacific,VABB-4,231,261,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444485,,The duties of significant shareholders in transactions with the company,VABB-4,199,228,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444486,,"Sanctions, retorsions and countermeasures : concepts and international legal framework",VABB-4,19,51,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444487,,Waar gaan we heen? De weg van de terroristische poging vs de weg van het zelfstandige terroristische reismisdrijf,VABB-4,81,102,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444490,,Complex procedures as hurdle to accountability : verticalization of pharmaceutical enforcement,VABB-4,141,167,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444491,,Lessons for children's rights from women's rights? Emancipation rights as distinct category of human rights,VABB-4,93,108,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444492,,Generalistische aanpak of maatwerk in de jeugdbescherming : de uitdagingen van culturele diversiteit,VABB-4,151,171,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444494,,Legal pluralism and international Human Rights Law : a multifaceted relationship,VABB-4,41,54,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444495,,Inleiding,VABB-4,3,6,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444496,,The judicial system and civil procedure,VABB-4,81,127,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444498,,In search of Norwegian penal exceptionalism : a prison tourist's perspective,VABB-4,427,449,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444499,,Mystery shopping in het financieel recht,VABB-4,77,109,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444500,,Company Law,VABB-4,309,351,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444501,,Citizens’ participation through U.S. punitive damages : should Europe embrace the concept of punitive damages in the enforcement of foreign judgments?,VABB-4,84,95,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444507,,Introduction : human rights and legal pluralism : four research agendas,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444509,,Leidt online gewelddadig extremistische inhoud tot gewelddadige radicalisering? Gebruik en invloed van het internet en nieuwe sociale media,VABB-4,61,78,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444511,,The right to strike in the public sector : a catch 22 between fundamental right and fundamental prohibition : the cases of Denmark and Germany with some comparative Belgian and Dutch elements,VABB-4,268,281,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444513,,Contract law,VABB-4,227,242,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444515,,Why do Flemish youth participate in right-wing disruptive groups,VABB-4,173,200,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444516,,Mastering the urbanization process : the urban questions of engineer August Mennes in the Antwerp agglomeration,VABB-1,503,531,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444517,,The architecture of Nation-building in Africa as a Development Aid Project: designing the capital cities of Kinshasa (Congo) and Dodoma (Tanzania) in the post-independence years.,VABB-1,1,28,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:444519,,Airtightness and watertightness of window frames : comparison of performance and requirements,VABB-1,129,139,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:444520,,Enhancing the ifcOWL ontology with an alternative representation for geometric data,VABB-1,77,94,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444521,,Enhanced explicit semantic analysis for product model retrieval in construction industry,VABB-1,3361,3369,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444522,,Ontology-based modeling of control logic in building automation systems,VABB-1,3350,3360,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444523,,Scriptural Authority and Biblical Criticism in the Dutch Golden Age: God's Word Questioned,VABB-3,,,480 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444524,,The solliciteur-culturel,VABB-4,181,184,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444527,,"Provenance study of the limestone used in the cremation rite: the case of Cova de sa Prior (Binigaus, Menorca)",VABB-1,187,201,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444535,,The Revolutionary Aesthetics of the Second Russian Avant-Garde,VABB-1,172,201,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444536,,Sexuality in Iran,VABB-4,1769,1772,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444543,,The development of knowledge tests when studying academic texts in higher education,VABB-5,10494,10507,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444544,,CSCL and vocational education : a bond worthy of investigation?,VABB-5,557,560,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444545,,"Adult learner characteristics as predictors of performance, satisfaction and intent-to persist in online and blended environments",VABB-5,221,229,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444546,,"Shifting patterns and determinants of Asia-pacific tourism to Australia, 1990-2010",VABB-1,1357,1372,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:444547,,Long-term landscape changes in the Lake Tana Basin as evidenced by delta development and floodplain aggradation in Ethiopia,VABB-1,1820,1830,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444549,,Investigating the visual exploration of the rural-urban gradient using eye-tracking,VABB-1,65,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444551,,Late Quaternary changes in climate and land cover in the Northern Horn of Africa and adjacent areas,VABB-1,103,113,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444552,,Vegetation changes and land surface feedbacks drive shifts in local temperatures over Central Asia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444553,,Proportional coefficient method applied to TRMM rainfall data : case study of hydrological simulations of the Hotan River Basin (China),VABB-1,627,640,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444555,,Digest of state practice : 1 July - 31 December 2016,VABB-1,131,170,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444556,,Het arbeidsreglement : een anomalie?,VABB-1,481,497,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444557,,De vereiste van een grondig onderzoek onder artikel 3 EVRM,VABB-1,471,479,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444558,,Weg met De Page? Leve Laurent? Een pleidooi voor een andere kijk op de recente geschiedenis van het Belgische privaatrecht,VABB-1,267,322,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444559,,Het EHRM over ouderlijk gezag en verblijf in het belang van het kind na relatiebreuk,VABB-1,241,264,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444560,,Overzicht van rechtspraak : erkenning en tenuitvoerlegging van buitenlandse beslissingen en akten inzake echtscheiding en onderhoudsverplichtingen (2010-17),VABB-1,204,225,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444561,,Credit Intermediation under the 2014 European Mortgage Credit Directive:,VABB-1,1,37,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444562,,Hoog tijd : een rechtspositie voor niet-gedetineerde justitiabelen,VABB-1,9,14,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444563,,"Arbitreerbaarheid van concessiegeschillen onder de nieuwe arbitragewet en Boek X van het Wetboek van economisch recht : als de wetgever van huis is, danst de rechtbank op tafel?",VABB-1,1008,1013,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444565,,De keuzes van het Grondwettelijk Hof : argumenten bij de interpretatie van de Grondwet,VABB-1,1003,1021,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444568,,Het recht op een doeltreffende voorziening in rechte bij internationale uitwisseling van fiscale informatie,VABB-1,534,539,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444569,,"Exploring problem use, discrimination, ethnic identity and social networks",VABB-1,269,279,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444572,,Actualités,VABB-1,489,500,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444575,,'Une telle apathie est presque coupable' : how in Belgium’s Journal des tribunaux the interest for the Congo Free State sparked off (1885-1908),VABB-1,1,15,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444576,,Centrale aanmeldingspunten drugs in gevangenissen revisited: verbreding naar alle geestelijke gezondheidsproblemen!?,VABB-1,17,23,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444579,,European Court of Human Rights : Rolf Anders Daniel Pihl v Sweden,VABB-1,,,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:444581,,De Grondwet van het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden van 1815 : staatkundige en historische beschouwingen uit Belgie en Nederland,VABB-1,271,277,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444582,,That we in me : considering terrorist desistance from a social identity perspective,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444583,,America's changing climate,VABB-1,155,162,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444584,,Met de wielen aan de grond : de gevolgen van het Amerikaanse inreisverbod,VABB-1,539,549,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444585,,De regelgeving voor de lokale verkiezingen van 14 oktober 2018,VABB-1,239,256,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444588,,De terugkeer van de wolf naar de lage landen : een juridische analyse van een moeizame verhouding tussen mens en dier,VABB-1,108,135,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444589,,Proactieve natuurontwikkeling bij schadelijke projectontwikkelingen in Natura 2000 : back to basics na het arrest van het Hof van Justitie van 21 juli 2016,VABB-1,149,163,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444591,,Aansprakelijkheid voor schade veroorzaakt door autonome motorrijtuigen,VABB-1,963,986,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444595,,De bescherming van de consument door het Hof van Justitie : een brug te ver ?,VABB-1,81,180,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444596,,Boekhoudrecht (mei 2016- april 2017),VABB-1,847,895,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444598,,La voie vers un Registre linguistique judiciaire européen,VABB-1,51,55,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:444601,,Georganiseerde misdaad en ondermijning in het Belgisch-Nederlandse grensgebied : het probleem en de aanpak,VABB-1,105,124,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444603,,A European evidence (air)space? Taking cross-border legal admissibility of forensic evidence to a higher level,VABB-1,82,98,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444605,,Het recht op een kwaliteitsvolle gezondheidszorg in gevangenissen.,VABB-1,290,298,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444606,,Psychofarmaca en drugsgebruik in Vlaamse gevangenissen,VABB-1,85,97,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444608,,A re-evaluation of documentary tendencies in Neue Sachlichkeit,VABB-4,25,50,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444609,,Universal historiography as process? Shaping monastic memories in the eleventh-century Chronicle of Saint-Vaast,VABB-4,43,64,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444610,,Jespersen’s cycle = minimize structure + feature economy,VABB-4,21,47,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444611,,"Near Neighbors, Distant Brothers: The Inter-Monastic Networks of Benedictine Houses in the Southern Low Countries (900-1200)",VABB-4,69,108,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444613,,The syntax of Indic,VABB-4,377,409,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444614,,Indo-Aryan,VABB-4,214,262,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444616,,The ARDELE project : audio description as a didactic tool to improve (meta)linguistic competence in foreign language teaching and learning,VABB-4,195,211,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444617,,Be creful how you use the left peripihery,VABB-4,203,228,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444619,,What a wonder! Looking through the text-internal observer's eyes in Nonnus' Dionysiaca,VABB-5,98,119,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444620,,Syntacticizing blends : the case of English wh-raising,VABB-4,27,46,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444621,,Les enjeux nouveaux de l'écopoétique : entretien de Claude Cavallero avec Pierre Schoentjes,VABB-4,181,195,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444623,,On the role of the hand in the expression of music,VABB-4,175,192,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444625,,"The promise of an embodied narratology : integrating cognition, representation and interpretation",VABB-4,435,459,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444627,,Were the first Bantu speakers south of the rainforest farmers? A first assessment of the linguistic evidence,VABB-4,235,258,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444628,,"The practice of continuous sedation at the end of life in Belgium : how does it compare to UK practice, and is it being used as a form of euthanasia?",VABB-4,86,100,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444632,,Ethnographic monitoring and the study of complexity,VABB-4,259,271,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444637,,The social profiles of prostitutes,VABB-4,833,858,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444639,,Entre ironie et hommage aux victimes de la guerre : civilisation de Georges Duhamel,VABB-4,299,311,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444642,,Travel guides and travelogues as sources to examine the collector’s role in art and heritage preservation : the case of Belgium (ca. 1780-1914),VABB-4,87,102,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444643,,'No country has ever benefited from a protracted war' China and the Art of War,VABB-4,23,31,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444646,,"The democratic framing of protest in the age of revolution : the language of civil rights and the organization of petitions and demonstrations in Belgium, 1830-1848",VABB-4,127,143,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444648,,"Traded, copied, and kept : the ubiquitous appeal of scarabs",VABB-4,149,166,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444649,,The Interactive Dialectics of Musical Meaning Formation,VABB-4,13,21,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444656,,Cool Japanese men?,VABB-4,7,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444657,,Agriculture,VABB-4,217,235,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444661,,De pauper en de metropool : de stedelijke migrant in de negentiende- en twintigste-eeuwse roman,VABB-4,15,42,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444662,,Learning from stories : narrative imagination in urbanism,VABB-4,18,33,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444663,,Characterization in Ancient Greek literature : introduction,VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444664,,Xenophon of Ephesus,VABB-4,578,590,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444665,,The empowering effects of being locked into the beat of the music,VABB-4,13,28,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444667,,Everyone has an accent : standard Italian and regional pronunciation,VABB-4,89,117,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444669,,Motion and proportion in Simon Stevin’s mechanics,VABB-4,21,37,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444670,,Reflections on the ins and outs of business and professional discourse research,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444671,,"Philippe Chevallier, Être soi : actualité de Søren Kierkegaard [To be Oneself : the relevance of Søren Kierkegaard]",VABB-4,45,49,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444674,,Bilingual Education in Migrant Languages in Western Europe,VABB-4,489,503,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444675,,"The merging of musician and musical instrument : incorporation, presence and the levels of embodiment",VABB-4,49,57,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444676,,Youth's civic awareness through selfies : fun performances in the logic of 'Connective actions',VABB-4,49,58,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444677,,Holy bishops and the shaping of episcopal discourse in early eleventh-century Cambrai,VABB-4,141,154,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444678,,"On not closing the loop: empathy, ethics, and transcultural witnessing",VABB-4,53,67,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444680,,Cognition and technology for instrumental music learning,VABB-4,23,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444682,,"Revenge, hatred, love, and regret : the use of narrative empathy in a regional Purāṇa",VABB-1,193,213,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444684,,Comics and authorship : an introduction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444686,,Ter promotie der devotie : materiële voorzieningen en offervaardigheid voor de Sint-Leonarduscultus in Zoutleeuw (1453-1505),VABB-1,29,57,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444687,,Verlande voorhavens : verdwenen middeleeuwse havensites in de Zwinstreek,VABB-1,6,25,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444689,,De detectie van saillante taalkenmerken : een pleidooi voor een multimethodologische benadering,VABB-1,249,270,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444690,,Re-anchoring Rome’s protection in Constantinople : the pignora imperii in Late Antiquity and Byzantium,VABB-1,277,319,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444691,,Partenij Pavlovich revisited,VABB-1,35,50,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444692,,Morele verantwoordelijkheid en cynisme : epistemische overwegingen omtrent de eed voor managers,VABB-1,87,110,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444693,,In het spoor van de intellectueel : Badious onverzettelijkheid: een militantisme van de illegaliteit,VABB-1,192,199,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444695,,De Vlaamse Onderwijsraad zet de deur wagenwijd open voor de verengelsing van het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,76,81,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444696,,Reconsidering the burden of disease in the Low Countries in past centuries,VABB-1,5,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444697,,"Books of protection, books of perdition : book imagery in Ephrem the Syrian’s Heresiology",VABB-1,270,286,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444698,,"Much ado about nothing? Reconsidering the smallpox effect : height in the nineteenth-century town of Thielt, Belgium",VABB-1,56,83,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:444699,,The particular need for replication in the quantitative study of SLA : a case study of the mnemonic effect of assonance in collocations,VABB-1,126,136,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444700,,Nightless cities : timing the pleasure quarters in early modern Japan,VABB-1,61,93,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444703,,Are we there yet? A review and assessment of archaeological passive airborne optical imaging approaches in the light of landscape archaeology,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444704,,Changing perspectives on roller presses in late antique northern Syria,VABB-1,307,323,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444706,,La Revue des marraines (1916–17) : a journal for war godmothers and their godchildren,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444709,,"Musical Instruments, body movement, space, and motion data : music as an emergent multimodal choreography",VABB-1,58,81,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444710,,"Trasjanka und Suržyk - gemischte weißrussisch-russische und ukrainisch-russische Rede, eds. G. Hentschel, O. Taranenko, S. Zaprusdski",VABB-1,133,144,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:444711,,"A ""Woven-Texture"" narration : on the compilation method of the Syriac Renaissance Chronicles (Twelfth-Thirteenth Centuries)",VABB-1,445,463,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444713,,"“In Overlandsche ende in Duytsche sprake” und “Die alghemene Duytsche tael” Oder: 30 × 30 Jahre lingua theodisca, anhand der vieldiskutierten Stelle Twe-spraack 110f.",VABB-1,637,668,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444714,,"JuriGenT, un banco de datos jurídico neerlandés/español diferente",VABB-1,15,38,,spa,2016,2 c:vabb:444716,,Mediterranean pottery at the castle of Middelburg-in-Flanders,VABB-1,83,96,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444717,,Les patriotes flamands et la construction de la nation,VABB-1,3,36,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:444720,,Dance the image away : a philosophical reading of Michiel Vandeveldes’s antithesis : the future of the image,VABB-1,99,118,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444722,,Yearning for the lost paradise : the 'Great Unity' (datong) and its philosophical interpretations,VABB-1,83,102,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444723,,Steamshipping companies and transmigration patterns: the use of European cities as hubs during the era of mass migration to the US,VABB-1,247,274,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444724,,"Transoceanic Shipping, Mass Migration, and the Rise of Modern-Day International Border Controls: A Historiographical Appraisal",VABB-1,151,162,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444725,,"'Op de barricaden en in de coulissen. Cora Polet, vertaler en bemiddelaar'",VABB-1,46,53,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444726,,Standard language ideology and multilingualism : results from a survey among European students,VABB-1,185,208,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:444727,,The Manufacture of Heraclianus' Usurpation,VABB-1,138,156,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444728,,Pyla-Kokkinokremos (Cyprus) : preliminary report on the 2015-2016 Campaigns,VABB-1,39,120,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444730,,Climate change in the Tianshan and northern Kunlun Mountains based on GCM simulation ensemble with Bayesian model averaging,VABB-1,622,634,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444731,,The temporal and spatial distributions of the near-surface CO2 concentrations in Central Asia and analysis of their controlling factors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444732,,Numerical simulations of the impacts of mountain on oasis effects in arid Central Asia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444733,,Effects of land deals on peak discharge and sediment transport in the catchments around the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam,VABB-1,1852,1861,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444734,,Towards a circular economy : the role of Dutch logistics industries and governments,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:444735,,"Aquaculture land-use policy : the case of clam farming in Thaibinh Province, Vietnam",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:444736,,Understanding communicational behavior among rangelands' stakeholders : application of social network analysis,VABB-1,320,341,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:444737,,Meteorological drought analysis in the Lower Mekong Basin using satellite-based long-term CHIRPS product,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444738,,"The resilience of Ethiopian church forests : interpreting aerial photographs, 1938–2015",VABB-1,450,458,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444739,,Uncertainties in classification system conversion and an analysis of inconsistencies in global land cover products,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:444742,,Charles Olson digging for deep time on the Yucatán Peninsula,VABB-4,211,222,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444743,,What should Jesus do? How not to go round and do good in the Greco-Roman world,VABB-4,243,256,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444750,,The role of overseas export and local consumption demand in the development of viticulture in central Adriatic Italy (200 BC – AD 150) : the case of the Ager Potentinus and the wider Potenza valley,VABB-4,342,366,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444751,,Caste-based reservation and social justice in India,VABB-4,31,55,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444752,,"‘They should be called gluttons and be despised’ : food, body and ideology in Kaibara Ekiken’s Yōjōkun (1713)",VABB-4,19,51,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444753,,Introduction : deux champs littéraires dans la tourmente de 14-18,VABB-4,1,30,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444754,,The impact of langauge and integration policies on the social participation of adult migrants,VABB-4,59,66,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444757,,Arithmetic in the Renaissance,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444758,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444759,,Appendix : topographic gazetteer of Roman towns in Picenum and eastern Umbria et Ager Gallicus,VABB-4,164,202,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444760,,Ethnographic linguistic landscape analysis and social change : a case study,VABB-4,191,211,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444761,,"The inner Coherion of Jeremiah 34:8-22, on the Liberation of the slaves during the Siege of Jerusalem, and its relation to Deuteronomy 15",VABB-4,239,250,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444764,,Flessibilità e precarietà nella letteratura italiana contemporanea : 'Personaggi precari' di Vanni Santoni,VABB-4,53,66,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:444766,,"Komische Formate im Fernsehen (USA, GB, Deutschland)",VABB-4,370,379,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:444770,,"Het Belgisch Nederlands anno 2017 : verspreiding, juridische status en variationele structuur",VABB-4,22,32,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444771,,Tussen droom en daad : de consequenties van de verander(en)de standaardtaalrealiteit voor de taaldocent,VABB-4,330,352,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444772,,The Belgian co-operative model : elements of succes and failure,VABB-4,78,98,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444773,,"Burliuk, David (1882–1967)",VABB-4,,,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:444777,,Eschatology and the Pindaric Ode in James Thomson’s Winter (1726),VABB-4,83,98,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:444781,,VISP: a MALL based app using audio description techniques to improve B1 EFL student's oral competence,VABB-4,266,276,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444784,,Medieval Chinese syntax,VABB-4,689,703,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444786,,Custom and identity at Le Bec,VABB-4,228,247,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444787,,A symbol of Late Roman authority revisited : a sociohistorical understanding of the crossbow brooch,VABB-4,97,126,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444789,,Making a virtue out of necessity : the chapter of St Pharahild in Ghent and its attitude towards the decrees of the council of Trent (1584-1614),VABB-4,187,199,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444794,,Een geval apart? De Vlaamse taalsituatie vanuit Europees perspectief,VABB-4,210,228,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444795,,Balanceren tussen gesproken en geschreven taal : over taalvariatie en taalpolitiek in de ondertitelingspraktijk,VABB-4,335,353,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444799,,From compton to congress : the Barbarians inside the gates : an exploration of 'Black Subjectivity' in Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp a butterfly,VABB-4,72,87,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444800,,On migrations : Sigfried Jan De Laet (1914-1999) : his role in Belgian Bronze Age archaeology aftter the Second World War and the diffusion of cultural characteristics,VABB-4,10,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444801,,Cultural competence in translation studies and its assessment,VABB-4,209,229,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444802,,Language and superdiversity,VABB-4,21,48,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:444803,,Morals from a mystical cook : Jan van Leeuwen and the ten commandments,VABB-4,133,151,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444805,,Better living (in a complex world) : an ethics of care for our modern co-existence,VABB-4,115,136,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444806,,"Analyzing Complex Datasets Based on the Variability Framework, Distribution Analysis, and Generalized Linear Modeling",VABB-4,332,340,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444807,,The Timanthes effect : another note on the historical explanation of pictures,VABB-4,329,351,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444811,,Rythmes et contours de la géographie culturelle sur le littoral de la Manche entre le IIIe et le début du Ier millénaire,VABB-4,63,78,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444813,,The epistemic indispensability of understanding in historiography,VABB-4,25,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444814,,Introduction,VABB-4,9,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444817,,Medieval urban culture : conceptual and historiographical problems,VABB-4,1,25,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444819,,"Sporen uit de metaaltijden onder de speelplaats van de Sint-Maartensschool te Beveren-Kallobaan (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,19,30,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444820,,A neural network architecture for detecting grammatical errors in statistical machine translation,VABB-1,133,145,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444822,,De Doxastische Catch-22 van nuttige illusies,VABB-1,385,393,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444825,,Representing discourse in clausal syntax : the ki particle in Pharasiot Greek,VABB-1,141,189,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444826,,Greek meets Turkish at the western edge of Asia : case markers and complementizers under language contact,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:444827,,Britta Wendelstein. 2016 : Gesprochene Sprache im Vorfeld der Alzheimer-Demenz: Linguistische Analysen im Verlauf von präklinischen Stadien bis zur leichten Demenz. Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag Winter. 199 S.,VABB-1,83,87,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:444828,,Bommen uit de lucht : angst en terreur onder de bevolking,VABB-1,68,72,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444830,,Doe mij maar een Picardie string : Google Translate kan (nog) niet contextueel en cultureel vertalen,VABB-1,13,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444832,,"Het Groenendaalse verzamelhandschrift van Jan van Leeuwen : een reconstructie : codicologisch-filologische analyse van Brussel, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, II 138",VABB-1,359,408,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444833,,Audiodescrizione nella classe di italiano L2 : un esperimento didattico,VABB-1,9,24,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:444836,,"The convention of The Hague and the constitutional debates in the estates of Flanders and Brabant, 1790-1794",VABB-1,156,176,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444838,,Bevins's boys abroad : British labor diplomacy in the cold war era,VABB-1,117,131,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444839,,De kracht van het verleden : de invloed van de Ilias op de karakterisering van Achilles en Ajax in de Posthomerica van Quintus van Smyrna,VABB-1,185,200,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444840,,On so-called adversative nisi,VABB-1,181,190,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444841,,Finite vs. non-finite complementation in Post-classical and Early Byzantine Greek Towards a pragmatic restructuring of the complementation system?,VABB-1,3,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444843,,The poetics of Christian history in Late Antiquity,VABB-1,227,246,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444844,,Armenzorg op het platteland : het voorbeeld van Dessel in de tweede helft van de achttiende eeuw,VABB-1,22,43,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444846,,"Reading chan encounter dialogue during the song dynasty : the record of Linji, the Lotus Sutra, and the sinification of Buddhism",VABB-1,209,221,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444847,,Sleeping equipment in early Buddhism : from India to China,VABB-1,98,121,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444851,,"Finaal-paleolithicum, mesolithicum en neolithicum te Lier-Sion (Provincie Antwerpen, BE)",VABB-1,11,23,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444852,,The semantics of the aan-construction in 16th-century Dutch : a semasiological and onomasiological approach,VABB-1,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444853,,Towards a theoretical foundation for explicitation and implicitation,VABB-1,385,419,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444854,,De Kraenepoel voor 1800 : Wastinelandschap met hei en karpers,VABB-1,38,55,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444855,,Hugo Claus in Franse vertaling : een Belgisch verhaal in een Parijs jasje,VABB-1,8,22,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444856,,Een holistisch zorgbeleid voor Differences of Sex Development,VABB-1,1,13,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444857,,La biophilosophie de Georges Canguilhem,VABB-1,33,54,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444858,,"A comparative study of participles, converbs and absolute constructions in Hindi and Medieval Rajasthani",VABB-1,105,120,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444859,,Nederengels revisited,VABB-1,264,268,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444860,,Het eerste 'democratische' regime van Brugge (1302-1310). Een herziening,VABB-1,233,298,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444861,,Imaginar el futuro : resistencia y resiliencia en la literatura y el cine hispanoamericanos contemporáneos : introducción,VABB-1,1,18,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:444862,,Wat maakt het verschil? Een genderkritisch perspectief op het thema intersekse,VABB-1,68,77,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444863,,"What does it mean to be a woman? An exploratory study of femininities among Mazandarani, Azeri and Kurdish female University Students in Iran",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444865,,"Een kwalitatieve verkenning van gepercipieerde discriminatie, etnische identiteit, sociaal netwerk en middelengebruik bij personen met een Turkse en Oost-Europese migratieachtergrond in Gent",VABB-1,142,162,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444869,,The Spanish Dock Labour Ruling (C-576/13): Mortal Blow for the Dockers' Pools,VABB-1,275,289,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444871,,Hulpverlening aan een binnenschip en inzonderheid de vaststelling van het bedrag van het hulploon,VABB-1,73,79,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444872,,Promoting Development and Change: Civil Disobedience in The Legal-Political Thinking and The Musical Field,VABB-1,32,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444875,,"Caring, rescuing or punishing? Rewriting RMS v Spain (ECtHR) from an integrated approach to the rights of women and children in poverty",VABB-4,147,181,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444877,,"Recht op expressievrijheid en wobben door journalisten, ngo’s en bloggers",VABB-1,219,227,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444878,,European Court of Human Rights : Terentyev v. Russia,VABB-1,2,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444880,,Children on the move : a private international law perspective,VABB-1,69,112,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444881,,De wijziging van de Europese en Vlaamse regelgeving inzake milieueffectrapportage voor projecten (2014-17),VABB-1,256,279,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444882,,Private international law in de context of increasing international mobility : challenges ans potential,VABB-1,113,152,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444883,,公路客运“门到门”运营模式下的末端线网优化设计,VABB-1,1,11,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444884,,The legal treatment of Muslim minority women under the rule of Islamic Law in Greek thrace,VABB-1,241,262,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444885,,Legal creativity in EU external relations : the stablization and association agreement between the EU and Kosovo,VABB-1,393,410,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444886,,Rechtsplegingsvergoeding in geschillen met de overheid : de omslag in de rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof,VABB-1,410,427,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444887,,La portabilité transfrontalière du statut personnel des réfugiés,VABB-1,173,189,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444888,,Non-regression clauses in times of ecological restoration law : article 6(2) of the EU habitats directive as an unusual ally to restore natura 2000?,VABB-1,124,154,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444889,,"Het verslechteringsverbod uit artikel 6, lid 2 van de Habitatrichtlijn in het dispuut omtrent de Waldschlössenbrücke : neen aan voldongen feiten bij blijvend natuurverlies?",VABB-1,440,464,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444891,,Meeneembaarheid van studiefinanciering : het arrest Verruga,VABB-1,342,345,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444893,,Verkoop woning via e-mail : het Antwerpse e-mailarrest van 19 december 2016,VABB-1,210,215,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444895,,Geen gewaarborgd inschrijvingsrecht en in eerste instantie beroep bij de Commissie inzake leerlingenrechten,VABB-1,314,317,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444897,,A normative framework for the enforcement of U.S. : punitive damages in the European Union : transforming the traditional ‘No pasarán!',VABB-1,347,403,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444898,,Beslag en beheer van cryptovaluta : de Bitcoin,VABB-1,41,47,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444899,,Een kennelijk onjuiste toepassing van het Unierecht maakt (voorlopig nog) geen schending uit van de internationale openbare orde,VABB-1,65,74,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444901,,Culpa in contrahendo : harde landing voor de Bermudan swaps? Noot onder Antwerpen 10 september 2015,VABB-1,953,964,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444902,,Great expectations but little evidence: policing money laundering,VABB-1,477,490,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444903,,Belgian Muslim women navigating through transnational social spaces with regard to marriage conclusion,VABB-1,11,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444904,,La delinquance du salarié en Belgique,VABB-1,99,105,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444906,,Kunnen artsen RIZIV-sancties verhalen op hun vennoten en het ziekenhuis?,VABB-1,82,94,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444907,,The Vulnerability of Judges in Contemporary Africa:,VABB-1,3,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444908,,Wettelijke samenwoning,VABB-1,874,914,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444911,,Het standstill-beginsel in actie: maatschappelijke dienstverlening ontzeggen aan economisch geregulariseerden is ongrondwettig,VABB-1,278,283,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444912,,"Compliance with the Air Passenger Rights Regulation: past, present and future",VABB-1,473,503,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444913,,De rechtsmacht van de Raad van State en de arbeidsgerechten inzake socialezekerheidsbetwistingen,VABB-1,515,556,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444916,,"Verbeurdverklaring met toewijzing aan de burgerlijke partij en artikel 53, 6° WIB 1992",VABB-1,724,732,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444924,,Legitimiteit van de strafbaarstelling van het aanzetten tot terrorisme : de uitbreiding van artikel 140bis Sw. vanuit een internationaalrechtelijk en mensenrechtelijk perspectief,VABB-4,53,79,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444925,,Inspiration for children’s human rights from indigenous peoples’ rights,VABB-4,129,145,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444928,,Children’s rights and media : imperfect but inspirational,VABB-4,231,250,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444929,,Toekomstig recht,VABB-4,639,653,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444931,,Art. 2.24 BVIE (Benelux-Verdrag van 25 februari 2005 inzake de intellectuele eigendom),VABB-4,135,142,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444932,,Het arbeidsreglement: een anomalie?,VABB-4,517,531,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444934,,Le résident européen percevant sa propre aptitude linguistique dans un contexte judiciaire : une première recherche empirique sans prétention,VABB-4,139,145,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:444939,,Freedom of expression versus privacy and the right to reputation : how to preserve public interest journalism,VABB-4,148,170,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444942,,Criminal liability of political decision-makers in Belgium,VABB-4,11,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444943,,International law and policy on restoration,VABB-4,387,400,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444946,,'Content-wherever-you-go' : towards cross-border portability of online digital content,VABB-4,283,304,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444949,,Introduction : rewriting decisions from a perspective of human rights integration,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444952,,The desistance process of offenders who misuse drugs,VABB-4,61,84,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444956,,Commentaar art. VI. 64 WER : voorlopige maatregelen,VABB-4,25,49,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444959,,Commentaar bij afstamming in het internationaal privaatrecht : III. Erkenning,VABB-1,49,87,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444965,,Mechanisms and engineering science,VABB-4,447,461,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444966,,In defence of their privileges: Student protest at the University of Orleans in the early fourteenth century,VABB-4,27,38,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444967,,Electronic feedback on second language writing: A retrospective and prospective essay on multimodality,VABB-1,405,428,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444971,,Property and ownership in Vanuatu : the lengnangulong sacred stone from North Ambrym at the Pavillon des sessions of the Musée du Louvre,VABB-1,111,127,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444976,,De tweede hoofdzonde lexicaal gefileerd: Heteroniemen voor 'gierig' in de Zuid-Nederlandse dialecten,VABB-1,278,301,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444977,,On Culture and Management: A First Overview,VABB-1,25,42,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444978,,"Social Mobility in the Medieval Low Countries, 1100-1600",VABB-4,77,99,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:444984,,Premarital dating relationships in Iran,VABB-4,1620,1624,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444987,,Collaborating on a shared document : vocational and technical students’ approaches and experiences,VABB-5,56,64,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444988,,Let it be : het recht op persoonlijke autonomie van personen met intersekse/DSD,VABB-1,87,94,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444989,,Integrative advertising : the marketing 'dark side' or merely the emperor's new clothes?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444991,,Gerechtelijke achterstand : de piñata van de wetgever,VABB-1,290,307,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444992,,De precedentwaarde van de Groenlandse exit voor een EU-uittrede van het VK,VABB-1,138,143,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444993,,De grensoverschrijdende milieueffectbeoordeling in een Midden-Amerikaans geschil voor het Internationaal Gerechtshof,VABB-1,288,298,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444994,,Systematic social observation in de studie van politie-burger interacties,VABB-1,51,61,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:444995,,Autonomie en keuzevrijheid voor de tewerkstelling bij de gemeenten : wat zijn de gevolgen van dit nagenoeg onbegrensd vertrouwen?,VABB-1,219,234,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:444997,,Na het douchegoot-arrest van het Hof van Justitie : eindelijk duidelijkheid over de beschermingsvoorwaarden en de beschermingsomvang in het modellenrecht,VABB-1,169,183,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:444998,,Articles 9(3) and 9(4) of the Aarhus convention and access to justice before EU courts in environmental cases : balancing on or over the edge of non-compliance?,VABB-1,178,195,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:444999,,Overzicht van de Gemeenschaps- en Benelux rechtspraak inzake Gemeenschaps- en Beneluxmodellen (2015-2016),VABB-1,1,83,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445001,,"Electoral reforms in Belgium's sixth state reform : historic split of electoral constituency BHV, reform of the senate, and coincident elections",VABB-1,316,324,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445004,,Blockchain and the 21st Century Annual General Meeting,VABB-1,167,176,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445006,,"Granting powers to EU decentralised agencies, three years following Short-selling",VABB-1,597,609,-,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:445007,,"Commission d'avis droit judiciaire procédure civile (A.M. du 20 octobre 2016, M.B., 27 octobre 2016, p. 72.026)",VABB-1,59,135,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445009,,Geen recht op tijdelijke visums voor Syrische vluchtelingen,VABB-1,382,389,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445010,,"Noot : hoogdringende, dringende en minder urgente werken aan de gemeenschappelijk delen",VABB-1,719,733,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445011,,L’optimisation juridique du paiement pour services environnementaux en faveur de la préservation des services environnementaux : le cas du Cameroun et de la République Démocratique du Congo,VABB-1,152,162,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445012,,The potential of conflict-sensitive education approaches in fragile countries : the case of curriculum framework reform and youth civic participation in Somalia,VABB-1,106,128,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445013,,L’analyse de l’ordonnance n°15/081 du 29 octobre 2015 portant nomination des commissaires spéciaux et des commissaires spéciaux adjoints chargés d’administrer les nouvelles provinces en République Démocratique du Congo,VABB-1,99,116,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445014,,"Grondwettelijk Hof 23 februari 2017, nr. 29/2017 Hof van Cassatie beoordeelt staatsaansprakelijkheid voor eigen foutief arrest: nemo judex in causa sua?",VABB-1,430,443,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445015,,Het vertrekpunt van de vervaltermijn waarbinnen de beweerde meemoeder een meemoederlijke erkenning kan betwisten,VABB-1,165,172,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445017,,Totstandkoming van de verkoop van onroerend goed : recente ontwikkelingen,VABB-1,223,235,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445018,,Naar een principiële contractuele tewerkstelling in de Belgische publieke sector?,VABB-1,366,390,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445019,,Policies and regulations in Mexico with regard to genetic technology and food security,VABB-4,355,376,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445021,,"Private opsporing in België, een noodzakelijke herziening van de wet van 19 juli 1991 tot regeling van het beroep van privédetective dringt zich op",VABB-4,39,50,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445024,,Procedural review in European fundamental rights cases : introduction,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445025,,"Herstelgerichte hulpverlening, ook onder drang bij druggebruikers in contact met justitie",VABB-4,153,170,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445027,,Internationale regels inzake milieueffectbeoordeling,VABB-4,31,142,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:445028,,The Belgian legal tradition : does it exist?,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445031,,Atypical employment in the European aviation sector,VABB-4,229,256,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445034,,Commercial law and business transactions,VABB-4,285,307,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445038,,EU citizenship and the European federal challenge through the prism of family reunification,VABB-4,443,467,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445039,,Terrestrial protected areas,VABB-4,110,122,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445044,,Learning from Carceral Tours: reflections after a Howard tour across Europe,VABB-4,79,101,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445048,,Moving human rights jurisprudence to a higher gear : rewriting the case of the Kichwa Indigenous People of Sarayaku v Ecuador (IACtHR),VABB-4,445,504,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445051,,"Obligaties, wanprestatie en insolventie",VABB-4,451,496,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445052,,"From Mannesmann to Siemens : some thoughts on the use of deferred prosecution agreements and the German ""Untreue"" concept to reform corporate governance through criminal law",VABB-4,251,278,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445055,,De uitgifte van obligaties en Boek VI WER,VABB-4,121,126,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445057,,Legal pluralism as a human right and/or as a human rights violation,VABB-4,23,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445058,,Direct democracy and constitutional change in the US : institutional learning from state laboratories,VABB-4,343,368,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445060,,The 'long road' to liability : challenges when suing third-party certifiers and alternatives,VABB-4,57,71,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445065,,"On ‘dark learning,’ uncertain times, and how Immanuel Kant revived Confucianism",VABB-1,275,291,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445066,,Palace Economy in the Old Babylonian Period,VABB-5,7,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445067,,A multifactorial analysis of that/zero alternation,VABB-4,201,240,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445068,,"Mayoral Collaboration under Nazi Occupation in Belgium, the Netherlands and France, 1938-46",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445071,,"'Revenons à notre Mouton’. Paul Coremans, Erwin Panofsky, Martin Davies and the Mystic Lamb",VABB-4,67,76,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445076,,"Franz Cumont, Manichéisme",VABB-3,,,250 p.,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445080,,Locative alternation as lexical derivation: the examples of νάττω and βάλλω,VABB-4,663,678,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445086,,"‘No daddy’, ‘A kind of daddy’: words used by donor conceived children and (aspiring) parents to refer to the sperm donor",VABB-1,381,396,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445087,,Rimskoto măčenie na Sv. Sv. Kozma i Damijan v južnoslavjanskata răkopisna tradicija,VABB-1,155,167,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445092,,The employment of servants in fifteenth and sixteenth century coastal Flanders : a case-study of scueringhe farm near Bruges,VABB-4,19,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445095,,Religion and the nation : confucian and new confucian religious nationalism,VABB-4,199,231,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445099,,Direct electrical stimulation of the developing brain : who decides?,VABB-4,91,103,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445100,,Ghosts in the celestial machine : a reflection on late Renaissance embodiment,VABB-4,317,323,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445101,,Reenacting modernist time : William Kentridge's the refusal of time,VABB-4,375,396,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445104,,Alexander Kluges literarisches Oeuvre als »Cli-Fi«,VABB-4,191,208,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:445106,,Selling sex in a provincial town : prostitution in Bruges,VABB-4,60,84,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445107,,The individualization of illness : bewitchment and the mental in postcolonial Tanzania,VABB-4,151,169,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445110,,"Raman spectroscopy and the study of ceramic manufacture : possibilities, results and challenges",VABB-4,531,543,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445112,,State of play : rhetorician drama and the ambiguities of censorship in the early modern Low Countries,VABB-4,295,308,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445113,,"Jewish revolt, first",VABB-4,221,227,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445114,,The institution of service in rural Flanders in the sixteenth century : a regional perspective,VABB-4,37,55,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445115,,Introduction,VABB-4,11,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445117,,Monastic practices of shared reading as means of learning,VABB-4,531,559,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445119,,"Henry Green, Party Going (1939)",VABB-4,232,251,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445120,,SCATE taxonomy and corpus of machine translation errors,VABB-4,219,244,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445121,,Indo-Iranian,VABB-4,205,213,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445128,,Witchcraft simplex : experiences of globalized pentecostalism in central and northwestern Tanzania,VABB-4,257,280,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445129,,The potential of automated corrective feedback to remediate cohesion problems in advanced students’ writing,VABB-4,294,299,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445130,,On war and warriors : Friedrich Nietzsche,VABB-4,165,180,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445131,,"Buddhism on war and peace, some thoughts and examples",VABB-4,33,45,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445132,,"Battlefield emotions 1500-1800 : practices, experience, imagination",VABB-4,3,21,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445135,,The neuroturn in education : between the scylla of psychologisation and the Charybdis of digitalization,VABB-4,20,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445136,,Embodied Social Synchronization in Children's Musical Development,VABB-4,195,204,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445137,,Jymmin - The Medical Potential of Musical Euphoria,VABB-4,278,283,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445138,,Iustum bellum and Jihad in Medieval Philosophy,VABB-4,47,68,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445139,,"Toilet care in Buddhist monasteries : health, decency, and ritual",VABB-4,137,144,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445140,,Wandering abbots : abbatial mobility and stabilitas loci in eleventh century Lotharingia and Flanders,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445141,,Monitoring music and movement interaction in people with dementia,VABB-4,294,303,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445143,,The aryans and the ancient system of caste,VABB-4,221,251,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445144,,‘Laughing a folly out of countenance’ : laughter and the limits of reform in eighteenth-century satire,VABB-4,152,172,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445147,,Audio description as a tool to enhance intercultural competence,VABB-4,133,156,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445150,,From mobility to complexity in sociolinguistic theory and method,VABB-4,242,259,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445153,,The Nanosyntax of French Negation: a Diachronic Perspective,VABB-4,49,80,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445158,,'… such are the joys of travelling when you do not speak the language of the country you are passing through ' : Zugänge zur anderen Kultur in Reisetexten von Frauen der 1930er Jahre,VABB-4,65,80,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445159,,Linguistic landscapes,VABB-4,423,450,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445160,,"Life escaping : foucault, vitalism and Gertrude Stein’s life-writing",VABB-4,177,193,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445161,,Sourcing the bitumen from Tell F6,VABB-4,214,220,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445162,,Currency and credit in the Bay of Naples in the First Century AD,VABB-4,361,384,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445164,,Chariton,VABB-4,561,577,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445165,,The communication of emotions in dance,VABB-4,122,130,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445166,,Sous les étoiles de Thot : le dieu lunaire dans l’art phénicien,VABB-4,87,97,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:445168,,Introduction : world war one and intellectual work,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445169,,"Automata, man-machines and embodiment : deflating or inflating Life?",VABB-4,269,287,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445173,,La reconstruction des Internationales Syndicales,VABB-4,337,347,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445175,,Sacrale ruimtes in de vroegmoderne Nederlanden : perspectieven en dwarsverbanden,VABB-4,7,27,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445176,,Attitudes of agricultural experts toward genetically modified crops : a case study in Southwest Iran,VABB-1,509,524,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445179,,Travel satisfaction revisited : on the pivotal role of travel satisfaction in conceptualising a travel behaviour process,VABB-1,364,373,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445181,,"A GIS-based tool for flood damage assessment and delineation of a methodology for future risk assessment : case study for Annotto Bay, Jamaica",VABB-1,1867,1891,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445182,,Natural resource opportunities and challenges for rural development in marginal grabens : the state of the art with implications for the Rift Valley system in Ethiopia,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445183,,Assessment of different modelling studies on the spatial hydrological processes in an arid alpine catchment,VABB-1,1757,1770,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445187,,"Land cover dynamics in the Simien Mountains (Ethiopia), half a century after the establishment of the National Park",VABB-1,777,787,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445188,,Sensitivity analysis of heat losses in collective heat distribution systems using an improved method of EPBD calculations,VABB-1,850,860,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445189,,Picasso's encounter with concrete,VABB-1,83,102,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445190,,Evaluation of the diffusion coefficient and sorption isotherm of the different layers of early Netherlandish wooden panel paintings,VABB-1,149,166,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445192,,Myth against history : the Concert Hall in Bruges by Robbrecht and Daem Architects,VABB-1,719,733,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:445195,,"'The Congo must have a presence on Belgian soil :' The concept of representation in governmental discourses on the architecture of the Ministry of Colonies in Brussels, 1908–1960",VABB-1,1178,1201,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445197,,Semantic web technologies in AEC industry: a literature review,VABB-1,145,165,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445198,,"Efficacy of interventions that use apps to improve diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviour : a systematic review",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445199,,"Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016 : a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128.9 million children, adolescents, and adults",VABB-1,2627,2642,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445200,,The impact of drop-out in cardiac rehabilitation on outcome among coronary artery disease patients,VABB-1,1490,1497,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445202,,Systematic mapping review of the factors influencing dietary behaviour in ethnic minority groups living in Europe : a DEDIPAC study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445203,,"From cars to bikes : the feasibility and effect of using e-bikes, longtail bikes and traditional bikes for transportation among parents of children attending kindergarten : design of a randomized cross-over trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445204,,Built environmental correlates of older adults' total physical activity and walking : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445205,,Management of moisture-associated skin damage : a scoping review,VABB-1,494,501,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445206,,Effect of magnesium supplements on insulin secretion after kidney transplantation : a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,524,531,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445207,,Outcome after prenatal and postnatal diagnosis of complex congenital heart defects and the influence of genetic anomalies,VABB-1,983,991,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445208,,Additional weighting for education affects estimates from a National Health Interview Survey,VABB-1,892,897,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445209,,Psychosocial risk factors in relation to other cardiovascular risk factors in coronary heart disease : results from the EUROASPIRE IV survey : a registry from the European Society of Cardiology,VABB-1,1371,1380,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445210,,Prevalence of chronic kidney disease and its determinants in coronary heart disease patients in 24 European countries : insights from the EUROASPIRE IV survey of the European Society of Cardiology,VABB-1,1168,1180,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445211,,Intensive insulin therapy implementation by means of planned versus emergent change approach,VABB-1,127,136,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445212,,Is the association between park proximity and recreational physical activity among mid-older aged adults moderated by park quality and neighborhood conditions?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445213,,Correlates of dietary energy misreporting among European adolescents : the Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence (HELENA) study,VABB-1,1439,1452,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445214,,Body composition indices and single and clustered cardiovascular disease risk factors in adolescents : providing clinical-based cut-points,VABB-1,555,564,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445215,,"The impact of a referral card-based intervention on intimate partner violence, psychosocial health, help-seeking and safety behaviour during pregnancy and postpartum : a randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445216,,The cost and cost-effectiveness of rapid testing strategies for yaws diagnosis and surveillance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445217,,Real-time parameter estimation of Zika outbreaks using model averaging,VABB-1,2313,2323,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445218,,"Body size ideals, beliefs and dissatisfaction in Ghanaian adolescents : sociodemographic determinants and intercorrelations",VABB-1,112,120,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445219,,Phthalate-induced oxidative stress and association with asthma-related airway inflammation in adolescents,VABB-1,468,477,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445220,,Needs of fathers during labour and childbirth : a cross-sectional study.,VABB-1,E188,E197,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445221,,The impact of stakeholder involvement in hospital policy decision-making : a study of the hospital’s business processes,VABB-1,63,71,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445222,,Time-saving screening for diabetes in patients with coronary artery disease : a report from EUROASPIRE IV,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445223,,Is pain at discharge a risk factor for unplanned hospital readmission?,VABB-1,95,102,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445224,,Further approaches to reduce the cost of renal replacement therapy,VABB-1,720,720,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445226,,Blijven de generieke varianten van weesgeneesmiddelen verweesd achter?,VABB-1,225,231,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:445227,,Flexibiliteit of paradoxale rigiditeit? De (eenzijdige) wijzigbaarheid van de arbeidsvoorwaarden van de overheidscontractant,VABB-1,1363,1376,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445234,,"The Insurance of Driverless Vehicles, Pilotless Aircraft and Unmanned Vessels",VABB-1,359,391,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445235,,Du Code Merlin au Code judiciaire: l'évolution du droit judiciaire en Belgique entre mutations et résistances,VABB-1,623,627,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445238,,Het voorontwerp van een nieuw Wetboek van Vennootschappen en Verenigingen: een eerste overzicht,VABB-1,7,36,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445240,,Global patterns of domestic cannabis cultivation: sample characteristics and patterns of growing across eleven countries,VABB-4,163,196,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445241,,Pester power and its consequences : do European children’s food purchasing requests relate to diet and weight outcomes?,VABB-1,2393,2403,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445242,,Bidirectional associations between psychosocial well-being and body mass index in European children : longitudinal findings from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445243,,Analysis of the association of leptin and adiponectin concentrations with metabolic syndrome in children : results from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,543,551,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445244,,Private practitioners' contributions to the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme in a South Indian district,VABB-1,659,665,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445245,,Cost-benefit assessment of using electronic health records data for clinical research versus current practices : contribution of the Electronic Health Records for Clinical Research (EHR4CR) European project,VABB-1,85,91,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445246,,"Critically ill octogenarians and nonagenarians : evaluation of long-term outcomes, post-hospital trajectories and quality of life one year and seven years after ICU discharge",VABB-1,598,609,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445247,,"Social inequality in adolescents' healthy food intake : the interplay between economic, social and cultural capital",VABB-1,279,286,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445248,,First results of the Flemish colorectal cancer screening program : start-up-period late 2013,VABB-1,421,428,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445249,,Vitamin K antagonists for stroke prevention in hemodialysis patients with atrial fibrillation : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,37,46,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445250,,Trust : an essential condition in the application of a caregiver support intervention in nursing practice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445251,,Nurses' experience of maintaining their therapeutic relationship with outpatients with bipolar disorder and their caregivers during different stages of a manic episode : a qualitative study,VABB-1,131,138,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445252,,"Development of an e-supported illness management and recovery programme for consumers with severe mental illness using intervention mapping, and design of an early cluster randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445253,,Association of heart rate and blood pressure among European adolescents with usual food consumption : the HELENA study,VABB-1,541,548,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445254,,A common variant and the transcript levels of MC4R gene are associated with adiposity in children : the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,4229,4236,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445255,,Is type 1 diabetes mellitus more prevalent than expected in transgender persons? : a local observation,VABB-1,e215,e218,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445256,,Computer graphics meets image fusion : the power of texture baking to simultaneously visualise 3D surface features and colour,VABB-5,295,302,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445257,,Unfolding Leonardo da Vinci’s globe (AD 1504) to reveal its historical world map,VABB-5,303,310,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445259,,Applications of duplicate detection : linking meta-data and merging music archives : the experience of the IPEM historical archive of electronic music,VABB-5,45,48,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445267,,In the eye of the beer-holder : lexical descriptors of aroma and taste sensations in beer reviews,VABB-5,25,29,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445268,,Towards an integrated pipeline for aspect-based sentiment analysis in various domains,VABB-5,136,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445271,,Etty Hillesum’s reaction to the persecution of her people,VABB-5,235,269,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445272,,Paul Schmidt's Self-Promotion in his Memoirs 'Statist auf diplomatischer Bühne',VABB-5,181,195,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445274,,"Revolution, Krieg und Stände : die Reise von Kaiser Franz II : in die Österreichischen Niederlande 1794",VABB-1,155,170,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:445276,,Les grandes guerres d’un écrivain : Roger Martin du Gard,VABB-1,175,178,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:445277,,Ethical reflections on stem cell-derived gametes,VABB-1,298,306,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445278,,Achtung Zelig! : deux monstres et un clown au carrefour de l’histoire et de la mémoire médiatique,VABB-1,29,48,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445279,,Unspeakable sentences subject omission in written registers : a cartographic analysis,VABB-1,229,250,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445280,,Goddelijke phthonos en menselijk sophronein : causaliteit en verantwoordelijkheid in Aeschylus' Perzen,VABB-1,113,128,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445281,,"Tall farmers and Tiny Weavers : rural living standards and heights in Flanders, 1830-1870",VABB-1,56,84,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445282,,Prosody as an argument for a layered left periphery,VABB-1,31,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445284,,Reliability of a speaker and recognition of a listener : Bocheński and Nyāya on the relation of authority,VABB-1,155,173,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445285,,Een laagdrempelige 'onbekende x' : over Edward van de Vendel en Floor de Goedes tweemansgenre van de stripgedichten,VABB-1,51,73,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445286,,"Herschreven en herschikt : de redactie van Jan van Leeuwens geschriften in de late middeleeuwen m.b.v. het hs. Pommersfelden, GSS, 280/2881",VABB-1,52,76,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445287,,Prehistoric Bantu-Khoisan language contact,VABB-1,1,46,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445288,,Brandende kwesties : sodomie in de vroegmoderne Zuidelijke Nederlanden,VABB-1,24,29,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445290,,The stripped fish : the translator as a tool for dismantling cultural tradition in Mario Bellatin’s Japanese novellas,VABB-1,666,679,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445291,,Grote emoties door een kleurenfilter : la casa van Paco Roca,VABB-1,21,28,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445292,,Neuroscience and the Conditions of Critique,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445293,,Dining with the Daimyō: Performative Intercultural Exchange and Border Thinking through Seventeenth-Century European-Japanese Banquets,VABB-1,195,218,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445294,,The Intertextual and the Performative: The Conceptual Visuality in Ilia Kabakov's Oeuvre. (Moscow Conceptualism and the Problem of Insects).,VABB-1,273,289,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445295,,« T’es un vrai … si … » : quand les seniors aiment leur ville au sein de groupes Facebook,VABB-1,311,330,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445296,,Syntactic reconstruction in Indo-European : the state of the art,VABB-1,83,102,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445297,,Linguistic politeness in Turkish child-directed speech,VABB-1,30,42,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445298,,De ironische vertaling : Kommandant in Auschwitz,VABB-1,6,15,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445303,,"An ANNAROVECI quinarius found in Halle-Booienhove (Zoutleeuw), with an updated list of reported finds",VABB-1,441,445,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445306,,"New AMS radiocarbon dates for the late Neolithic site of Haamstede-Brabers (prov. of Zeeland, NL)",VABB-1,61,67,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445309,,"Rituelen langs een oude rivierloop : deposities uit de Brons-en IJzertijd te Poperinge Zwijnlandstraat (prov. West-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,31,36,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445310,,For Belgian eyes only : intelligence cooperation in Belgium,VABB-1,464,490,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445311,,Redactionele inleiding themanummer intersekse/DSD,VABB-1,51,54,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445320,,"Multi-model ensemble approaches to assessment of effects of local climate change on water resources of the Hotan river basin in Xinjiang, China",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445321,,Land cover changes as impacted by spatio-temporal rainfall variability along the Ethiopian Rift Valley escarpment,VABB-1,451,463,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445323,,Geographical determinants of inorganic fertiliser sales and of resale prices in north Ethiopia,VABB-1,256,268,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445325,,Integrating indoor and outdoor spaces for pedestrian navigation guidance : a review,VABB-1,491,525,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445326,,Excess river sedimentation at bridges in the Raya Graben (Northern Ethiopia),VABB-1,946,958,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445327,,Local climate change and the impacts on hydrological processes in an arid alpine catchment in Karakoram,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445333,,Contemporaneities. On the entangled now of performance,VABB-1,2,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445336,,Indian culture and its social security system,VABB-4,233,273,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445337,,"Disclosure of donor conception, age of disclosure and the well-being of donor offspring",VABB-1,969,973,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445342,,Translation product quality: A conceptual analysis,VABB-4,15,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445345,,Park attributes that encourage park visitation among adolescents : a conjoint analysis,VABB-1,52,58,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445346,,The neighbourhood physical environment and active travel in older adults : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445347,,Associations of whole blood n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids with blood pressure in children and adolescents : results from the IDEFICS/I.Family cohort,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445348,,"The role of a FADS1 polymorphism in the association of fatty acid blood levels, BMI and blood pressure in young children : analyses based on path models",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445349,,The role of neuromedin U in adiposity regulation : haplotype analysis in European children from the IDEFICS Cohort,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445350,,Balancing upstream and downstream measures to tackle the obesity epidemic : a position statement from the European Association for the Study of Obesity,VABB-1,61,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445351,,Dietary fat intake modifies the influence of the FTO rs9939609 polymorphism on adiposity in adolescents : the HELENA cross-sectional study,VABB-1,937,943,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445352,,Pressure injuries in inpatient care facilities in the Czech Republic : analysis of a national electronic database,VABB-1,331,335,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445353,,The Family Affluence Scale as an indicator for socioeconomic status : validation on regional income differences in the Czech Republic,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445354,,Hospitalized patients’ vs. nurses’ assessments of pain intensity and barriers to pain management,VABB-1,160,171,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445355,,Physical fitness and metabolic syndrome in children with repaired congenital heart disease compared with healthy children,VABB-1,125,132,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445356,,Adolescents' ratings of features of parks that encourage park visitation and physical activity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445357,,"Intake of fat-soluble vitamins in the Belgian population : adequacy and contribution of foods, fortified foods and supplements",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445358,,A systematic review of health economic evaluation in adjuvant breast radiotherapy : quality counted by numbers,VABB-1,186,192,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445360,,Reducing the costs of chronic kidney disease while delivering quality health care : a call to action,VABB-1,393,409,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445361,,Breast cancer risk is increased in the years following false-positive breast cancer screening,VABB-1,396,403,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445362,,"Attitude of dental hygienists, general practitioners and periodontists towards preventive oral care : an exploratory study",VABB-1,221,228,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445363,,"Body size ideals and dissatisfaction in Ghanaian adolescents : role of media, lifestyle and well-being",VABB-1,65,74,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445364,,Longitudinal associations of lifestyle factors and weight status with insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) in preadolescent children : the large prospective cohort study IDEFICS,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445365,,Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015 : a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19.1 million participants,VABB-1,37,55,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445366,,"A decade of research on incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) : evidence, knowledge gaps and next steps",VABB-1,47,56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445367,,"Supporting adherence to oral anticancer agents : clinical practice and clues to improve care provided by physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses and pharmacists",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445368,,The role of community social capital in the relationship between socioeconomic status and adolescent life satisfaction: mediating or moderating? : evidence from Czech data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445369,,Regular exercise behaviour and intention and symptoms of anxiety and depression in coronary heart disease patients across Europe : results from the EUROASPIRE III survey,VABB-1,84,91,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445370,,Increased aortic stiffness in prepubertal girls with Turner syndrome,VABB-1,201,207,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445371,,A glycomics-based test predicts the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis,VABB-1,2750,2758,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445373,,The impact of an interventional counselling procedure in families with a BRCA1/2 gene mutation : efficacy and safety,VABB-1,155,162,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445374,,"Stilicho, Radagaisus, and the so-called 'Battle of Faesulae' (406 CE)",VABB-1,267,284,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445375,,De vele gezichten van zorg : armoede en armenzorg op het platteland in het graafschap Vlaanderen tijdens de achttiende eeuw,VABB-1,44,57,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445376,,The travesty of egoism : same-gender passion and homosocial desire in a Dutch seventeenth-Century morality play,VABB-1,529,550,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445378,,Birches too difficult to cut down : the rejection and assimilation of the Soviet reference in Cuban culture,VABB-1,127,141,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445379,,"Rederijkers, Kannenkijkers : drinking and drunkenness in the sixteenth and seventeenth-century Low Countries",VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445381,,Beating-time gestures imitation learning for humanoid robots,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445382,,Hybriditeit in de galante brief: grens- en genreoverschrijding als getuige en motor van literaire vernieuwing,VABB-1,61,73,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445384,,Cosmic Imaginations of the Intra-Uterine,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445385,,Joseph-Jonas Dumonts gevangenisontwerpen : 'architecture parlante' in neo-Tudorstijl,VABB-1,72,87,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445387,,Ironice verheiratet? Thomas Manns frühe Novelle Der Wille zum Glück als eine narrative Konkretisierung von Nietzsches Zur Genealogie der Moral,VABB-1,47,65,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:445389,,Rudolf Carnap’s incorporation of the Geisteswissenschaften in the Aufbau,VABB-1,199,225,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:445390,,"Einheit, unverloren : Brochs Wissenspoetik zwischen Positivismus und Religion",VABB-1,71,88,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:445391,,A note on the drainage of pools in Roman baths,VABB-1,179,186,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445393,,"A vessel worthy to all Gods : remarks on religion, war and gold",VABB-1,111,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445394,,Onderzoeksethiek : van ethische codes en commissies naar ethische vorming voor wetenschappers,VABB-1,71,86,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:445395,,Carthage and the spoils of war : an update,VABB-1,83,102,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445397,,Recent developments in genetics and medically-assisted reproduction : from research to clinical applications,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445398,,"Nwfries. iersykje ‘Ähren lesen’, rispje ‘ernten’ und Wortfeldvarianten : eine (historische) Wanderung in friesischen und germanischen Bibelübersetzungen",VABB-1,146,170,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445399,,No hay futuro sin crítica de la psicología: una interrogación del marxismo al psicoanálisis,VABB-1,16,35,,spa,2017,2 c:vabb:445400,,"In Flanders Fields’, vertaling, bewerking, toe-eigening’(‘In Flanders Fields’, translation, adaptation, appropriation’",VABB-1,11,53,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445402,,"L’ensemble monétaire (gallo-)romain de Merendree Molenkouter (Fl. Or., Belgique)",VABB-1,87,141,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445403,,"Language planning and policy, law and (post)colonial relations in small Island States : a case study",VABB-1,29,37,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445404,,Pluralism In scientific problem solving : why inconsistency is no big deal,VABB-1,149,177,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445405,,"La douleur des autres : Eisenstein, Mavrikakis et Agnant",VABB-1,27,38,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445406,,"Williams, nostalgia and modernity",VABB-1,128,146,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445407,,"Transience, Overseas Migration and the Modern European City. Introduction to the Special Issue ‘Cities and Overseas Migration in the Long Nineteenth Century’",VABB-1,209,222,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:445409,,"Nationale onverschilligheid, een uitdaging voor nationalisme-onderzoek? Een internationale workshop en een gesprek met Miroslav Hroch",VABB-1,60,70,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445410,,Women in higher education and academia in Iran,VABB-1,1003,1010,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445412,,Warlordism and the disintegration of the western Roman army,VABB-4,185,203,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445414,,Mondiale rechtvaardigheid en de toegang tot essentiële geneesmiddelen,VABB-4,109,124,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:445416,,'k Spreek ekik ver altijd zo : over de opmars van tussentaal in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,142,162,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445421,,Échos de Waterloo dans la littérature de la Grande Guerre,VABB-4,215,229,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445425,,The wor(l)ds of Procopius,VABB-4,40,55,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445426,,A communist compromise : introducing Willem Elsschot’s Kaas Soviet style,VABB-4,241,254,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445428,,Denken mobile Städter anders über Sprache? Zur Rolle von Mobilität und Urbanität bei Mehrsprachigkeitskonzeptionen von Studierenden,VABB-4,385,402,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:445429,,Taal van eigen kweek : het Nederlands van etnische minderheden,VABB-4,268,289,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445430,,"Narrating pasts for peace? A critical analysis of some recent initiatives of historical reconciliation through ""historical dialogue"" and ""shared history""",VABB-4,70,93,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:445431,,Nos in diem vivimus : Gassendi’s probabilism and academic philosophy from day to day,VABB-4,125,152,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445433,,"Reading for the mind : aesthetic illusion, fictional characters, and the role of interpretation",VABB-4,121,138,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445437,,Negative concord and (multiple) agree : a case study of West Flemish,VABB-4,231,264,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445441,,The letter collection of Libanius of Antioch,VABB-4,113,130,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445447,,"Bilingualism, multilingualism, globalization, and superdiversity : toward sociolinguistic repertoire",VABB-4,161,178,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445448,,Dialogue in audiophonic fiction : the case of audio drama,VABB-4,205,223,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445450,,Komik im US-amerikanischen Rundfunk; Komik im britischen Rundfunk,VABB-4,392,397,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:445454,,Non-human agents as subjects in English and Dutch : a corpus-based translation study,VABB-4,87,112,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445455,,Introduction : imperial identities in the Roman world,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445456,,The conjoint/disjoint alternation in Kirundi (JD62) : a case for its abolition,VABB-4,390,425,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445461,,'Ave sonder wee sterre der zee' : Die älteste mittelniederländische Reimübersetzung des 'Ave maris stella',VABB-4,157,176,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445462,,Nishida Kitarō and the antinomies of Bourgeois philosophy,VABB-4,105,140,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445463,,The Hiplife zone : cultural transformational processes in African music seen from the angle of embodied music interactions,VABB-4,232,240,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445466,,In defence of war : the Bhagavad Gita,VABB-4,15,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445467,,L'exil de Joseph Roth à Ostende et le Conte de la 1 002e nuit,VABB-4,257,271,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445470,,"Fading slave regimes and the reconstruction of patriarchal authority according to oral sources: Mingoyo, Southern Tanzania’",VABB-4,127,152,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445472,,Le cinéma pathographique d'Evgueni Youfit : l'humour du stiob carnavalesque et au-delà,VABB-4,125,142,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445477,,De Migratione Abrahami als eine Exilschrift,VABB-4,203,2018,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:445478,,Malalas and the chronographic tradition,VABB-4,261,272,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445479,,The highs and lows of biography,VABB-4,175,187,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445481,,Expletives and speaker-related meaning,VABB-4,69,93,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445483,,Metaphor in pragmatics,VABB-4,323,340,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445484,,Grammatical metaphor,VABB-4,354,371,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445485,,Perspectives on narrative and mood,VABB-4,15,28,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445486,,The blind tour : spatial abstraction in experimental fiction,VABB-4,61,79,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445487,,"Networks, agency and policy : a new approach to Maria Theresa's advisors during the war of the Austrian succession",VABB-4,151,170,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445489,,Abduction logics illustrating pitfalls of defeasible methods,VABB-4,169,193,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445490,,Marxism and the question of war and peace,VABB-4,155,163,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445494,,Archaeometrical studies on finds: bitumen,VABB-4,45,51,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445495,,Un-civic benefactions? Gifts to non-citizens and civic honours in the Greek cities of the Roman East,VABB-4,182,198,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445496,,Toujours loyal : a middle Dutch chronicle of Flanders by Jan van Dixmude in sixteenth-century Ghent,VABB-4,127,153,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445498,,"Image processing for research on the ""Ghent altarpiece""",VABB-4,26,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445500,,Crowdsourcing a cyclist perspective on suggested recreational paths in real-world networks,VABB-1,422,435,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445501,,"Asymmetric global network connectivities in the world city network, 2013",VABB-1,84,90,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445502,,Systematical evaluation of satellite precipitation estimates over Central Asia using an improved error-component procedure,VABB-1,10906,10927,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445503,,"Change in the world city network, 2000-2012",VABB-1,624,637,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445504,,Rural second homes and their impacts on rural development : a case study in East Iran,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445505,,Improved atmospheric modelling of the oasis-desert system in Central Asia using WRF with actual satellite products,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445506,,Impacts of artisanal gold mining systems on soil and woody vegetation in the semi-arid environment of northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,386,401,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445508,,"The dominant role of climate change in determining changes in evapotranspiration in Xinjiang, China from 2001 to 2012",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445510,,Cultural heritage routing : a recreational navigation-based approach in exploring cultural heritage,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445514,,Managing arguments in social work encounters,VABB-1,85,104,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445516,,An etymological case stydy on the and vocabulary in Robert Beekes’s new etymological dictionary of Greek: N,VABB-1,149,169,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445518,,Philology and the digital writing process,VABB-1,129,158,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445519,,'Consuming the Holocaust ' : over Sergei Loznitsa’s 'Austerlitz' : een subtiel manifest voor een hernieuwd historisch bewustzijn,VABB-1,156,164,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445520,,Filologia i cyfrowy proces tekstotwórczy : metody i wyzwania,VABB-1,103,127,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445521,,Acoustical properties in inhaling singing : a case-study,VABB-1,9,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445522,,"L’hybridité de la lettre galante, ou la transgression innovante",VABB-1,9,17,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:445523,,A virtual roundtable on Iser’s Legacy : part III : a conversation with Marco Caracciolo,VABB-1,18,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445524,,Rurale eigendomsmisdrijven in het gerechtelijk arrondissement Brugge (1845-1895) : een sociaalhistorische conflictanalyse,VABB-1,99,153,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445525,,The internal syntax of Q-words,VABB-1,31,46,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445526,,Éric Vuillard en dialogue avec Pierre Schoentjes,VABB-1,170,174,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445527,,Maylis de Kerangal répond aux questions de Sara Buekens,VABB-1,164,169,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445530,,Investigating tolerance of ambiguity in novice and expert translators and interpreters : an exploratory study,VABB-1,52,66,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445533,,A world-systems frontier perspective to land : exploring the uneven trajectory of land rights standardization in the Andes,VABB-1,515,539,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445536,,Scheduled Castes vs. Caste Hindus : about a colonial distinction and its legal impact,VABB-1,22,52,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445538,,A case for reproduciblity in MIR - Replication of 'a highly robust audio fingerprinting system',VABB-1,56,67,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:445539,,De demes van Attica en de Peloponnesische oorlog : een onderzoek naar de veerkracht van gemeenschappen in klassiek Griekenland,VABB-1,25,42,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445540,,Luthers Bibelübersetzung: bleibend verwurzelt in Latinität und (spätmittelalterlicher) Traditionsgeschichte. Drei Einzelbeobachtungen.,VABB-1,463,485,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:445543,,''Henne ensam lagen fällde': die literarische Verhandlung der Kindstötung als kulturhistorischer Beitrag zur Geschlechterdebatte',VABB-1,108,135,-,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:445544,,Low Countries,VABB-4,119,140,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445545,,The political dimension of dance : Mouffe's theory of agonism and choreography,VABB-4,251,272,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445548,,Unravelling translanguaging. The potential of translanguaging as a scaffold among teachers and pupils in superdiverse classrooms in Flemish education (Belgium),VABB-4,148,169,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445553,,A nation of tribes and priests : the Jews and the immorality of the caste system,VABB-4,173,220,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445554,,Prepared for all occasions: the trophies of Damascus and the Bonwetsch dialogue,VABB-4,65,76,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445555,,Disagreement over a peace agreement : the barrier treaty and the conditional transfer of the Southern Netherlands to Austria,VABB-4,79,95,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445559,,Northwestern Medieval Chinese,VABB-4,218,229,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445563,,"‘Torn between two loves’ : tentative encounters between art and architecture by Christian Kieckens, Robbrecht en Daem architecten and Marie-José Van Hee",VABB-4,62,75,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:445564,,"Using invariances in geometrical diagrams : Della Porta, Kepler and Descartes on refraction",VABB-4,145,168,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445565,,Greek and Roman philosophers on war and peace,VABB-4,47,76,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445566,,Defining sound art,VABB-4,27,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445571,,Introduction,VABB-4,8,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445572,,Achilles Tatius,VABB-4,591,607,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445573,,Epilogue,VABB-4,650,653,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445579,,‘L’hai messo dove il focus?’ Un’analisi prosodica delle domande eco wh-,VABB-4,191,207,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445583,,The symbolic power of spiritual knighthood : discourse and context of the donation of Count Thierry of Alsace to the Templar Order in the county of Flanders,VABB-4,46,56,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445585,,Hybride en multimodaal : nieuwe genretheorie en het literaire hoorspel vandaag,VABB-4,113,125,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445590,,"Complexity, mobility, migration",VABB-4,349,363,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445591,,Medial adjunct PPs in English : implictions for the syntax of sentential negation,VABB-4,265,286,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445593,,Inside out/outside in : (auto-)ethnographic work on the position of the newspaper sub-editor,VABB-4,131,148,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445595,,Ethical aspects of AGE banking,VABB-4,157,168,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445596,,Introduction : exploring the decalogue in Late Medieval and early modern culture,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445600,,"Bepaalt wat we denken en voelen over taal ook wat we doen in taal? : percepties, attitudes, evaluaties, en hun omkaderende ideologieën in het Belgisch-Nederlands",VABB-4,163,181,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445601,,The furthest escape of all : darkness and refuge in the Belgian Congo,VABB-4,56,81,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445610,,"Loustics, balourds et picaros : regards sur le personnage comique romanesque de 14-18",VABB-4,253,275,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445612,,"""To appreciate the perfection of the machinery"" : rethinking the notion of Barbarism in 'playful' holocaust representation",VABB-4,242,257,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445613,,Silenced in translation : the voice of Manolito Gafotas,VABB-4,159,180,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445614,,Truth Commissions : a philosophical approach,VABB-4,205,219,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445615,,Between Passive and Middle : evidence from Greek and beyond,VABB-4,297,325,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445616,,Remarks on temporal clauses and participial phrases in late historical texts,VABB-4,651,667,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445618,,The bitumen imports at Tell Abraq : tracing the second millennium B.C. bitumen industry in south-east Arabia,VABB-5,227,238,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445620,,MIRchiving : challenges and opportunities of connecting MIR research and digital music archives,VABB-5,25,28,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445624,,Regional and interregional trading networks and commercial practices at the port of Antwerp in the 14th and 15th centuries : the testimony of merchants and skippers in court records,VABB-5,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:445626,,Balearic lime burials : new insights on an old funerary ritual,VABB-5,226,234,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445638,,How the illness management and recovery program enhanced recovery of persons with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders : a qualitative study,VABB-1,552,557,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445639,,Relationship between non-standard work arrangements and work-related accident absence in Belgium,VABB-1,177,186,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445640,,Self-management support by final year nursing students : a correlational study of performance and person-related associated factors,VABB-1,120,127,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445641,,Associations between social vulnerabilities and psychosocial problems in European children : results from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,1105,1117,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445644,,The effectiveness of interventions to enhance self-management support competencies in the nursing profession : a systematic review,VABB-1,1807,1824,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445645,,Potential selection effects when estimating associations between the infancy peak or adiposity rebound and later body mass index in children,VABB-1,518,526,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445646,,Screening for pulmonary arterial hypertension in an unselected prospective systemic sclerosis cohort,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445647,,The single surgeon learning curve of laparoscopic liver resection : a continuous evolving process through stepwise difficulties,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445648,,A modified theoretical framework to assess implementation fidelity of adaptive public health interventions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445649,,Within the triangle of healthcare legacies : comparing the performance of South-Eastern European health systems,VABB-1,483,492,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445650,,PROTECT-trial : a multicentre prospective pragmatic RCT and health economic analysis of the effect of tailored repositioning to prevent pressure ulcers : study protocol,VABB-1,495,503,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445651,,The influence of age and gender on venous symptomatology : an epidemiological survey in Belgium and Luxembourg,VABB-1,325,333,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445652,,"Business analysis for a sustainable, multi-stakeholder ecosystem for leveraging the Electronic Health Records for Clinical Research (EHR4CR) platform in Europe",VABB-1,341,352,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445653,,Associations between body composition and bone health in children and adolescents : a systematic review,VABB-1,557,577,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445654,,Children's psychosocial stress and emotional eating : a role for leptin?,VABB-1,471,480,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445655,,Chronic psychosocial stress and gut health in children : associations with calprotectin and fecal short-chain fatty acids,VABB-1,927,935,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445656,,Planned change or emergent change implementation approach and nurses' professional clinical autonomy,VABB-1,372,381,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445657,,Patients pathways to tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment in a fragmented health system : a qualitative study from a south Indian district,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445658,,Who does not cut down? : comparing characteristics and drinking motives of drinkers and abstainers during the exam periods,VABB-1,558,566,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445659,,Effects of clustering of multiple lifestyle-related behaviors on blood pressure in adolescents from two observational studies,VABB-1,111,117,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445660,,"Variations in the prevalence of obesity among European countries, and a consideration of possible causes",VABB-1,25,37,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445661,,"Negotiating Dissidence, The Pioneering Women of Arab Documentary",VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445662,,“Away from Here to Tjottahejti” : spatial and sexual (re-)orientation in places of secondariness in contemporary Swedish fiction,VABB-4,195,216,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445663,,Language in Epistemic Access,VABB-2,,,113 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445664,,"The mark, the thing and the object : on what commands repetition in Freud and Lacan",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445668,,Spoilt for choice: A plethora of modes for electronic feedback on second language writing,VABB-1,393,403,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445671,,Acquiring attitudes towards varieties of Dutch,VABB-4,117,154,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445674,,MATERIALISM NEW AND OLD,VABB-1,215,224,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445677,,The Ghent altarpiece revisited: 2012-2017,VABB-4,3,34,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445680,,Peer workers' perceptions and experiences of barriers to implementation of peer worker roles in mental health services : a literature review,VABB-1,234,250,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445681,,CONSIDER - Core Outcome Set in IAD Research : study protocol for establishing a core set of outcomes and measurements in incontinence-associated dermatitis research,VABB-1,2473,2483,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445682,,Cost of intensive routine control and incremental cost of insecticide-treated curtain deployment in a setting with low Aedes aegypti infestation,VABB-1,418,424,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445683,,The influence of team members on nurses’ perceptions of transgressive behaviour in care relationships : a qualitative study,VABB-1,2373,2384,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445684,,"Development and psychometric validation of PUKAT 2.0, a knowledge assessment tool for pressure ulcer prevention",VABB-1,1041,1051,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445685,,"Dietary behavior, food and nutrient intake of women do not change during pregnancy in Southern Ethiopia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445686,,Influence of chronic azithromycin treatment on the composition of the oropharyngeal microbial community in patients with severe asthma,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445687,,The relation between indicators of low employment quality and attendance behavior in countries of the European Union,VABB-1,e127,e133,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445689,,The patient perspective on the effects of medical record accessibility : a systematic review,VABB-1,186,194,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445690,,Independent risk factors for the development of skin erosion due to incontinence (incontinence-associated dermatitis category 2) in nursing home residents : results from a multivariate binary regression analysis,VABB-1,801,810,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445691,,The additional benefit of residual spraying and insecticide-treated curtains for dengue control over current best practice in Cuba : evaluation of disease incidence in a cluster randomized trial in a low burden setting with intensive routine control,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445692,,Hand-to-foot bioelectrical impedance analysis to measure fat mass in healthy children : a comparison with air-displacement plethysmography,VABB-1,516,520,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445693,,Inequalities in energy-balance related behaviours and family environmental determinants in European children : changes and sustainability within the EPHE evaluation study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445695,,Dietary patterns of European children and their parents in association with family food  environment : results from the I.Family Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445696,,Six-minute walk test in or out in evaluation of systemic sclerosis patients?,VABB-1,S122,S129,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445697,,Investigating the reliability and validity of the Dutch versions of the illness management and recovery scales among clients with mental disorders,VABB-1,489,495,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445698,,The development and validation of the patient Participation Culture Tool for Inpatient Psychiatric Wards (PaCT-PSY),VABB-1,463,469,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445699,,A 50% reduction in multiple live birth rate is associated with a 13% cost saving : a real-life retrospective cost analysis,VABB-1,279,286,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445700,,Determination of the median effective dose (ED50) of spinal chloroprocaine in labour analgesia,VABB-1,598,602,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445701,,Rehabilitation interventions to improve patient-reported outcomes and physical fitness in survivors of muscle invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445702,,Ten-year results of aortic valve replacement with first-generation Mitroflow bioprosthesis : is early degeneration a structural or a technical issue?,VABB-1,272,278,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445703,,"The prognostic value of fasting plasma glucose, two-hour postload glucose, and HbA1c in patients with coronary artery disease : a report from EUROASPIRE IV : a survey from the European Society of Cardiology",VABB-1,1233,1240,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445704,,The influence of nurses' demographics on patient participation in hospitals : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,455,462,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445705,,A school-based intervention improved dietary intake outcomes and reduced waist circumference in adolescents : a cluster randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445707,,Does aerobic exercise increase 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure among workers with high occupational physical activity? : a RCT,VABB-1,444,450,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445708,,Screen-detected versus interval cancers : effect of imaging modality and breast density in the Flemish Breast Cancer Screening Programme,VABB-1,3810,3819,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445713,,Perspectives of research on Etty Hillesum’s writings,VABB-5,11,19,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:445716,,The impact of society on management control systems,VABB-1,253,266,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445717,,Identifying soccer players on Facebook through predictive analytics,VABB-1,274,297,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445718,,"""Service Encounter 2.0"" : an investigation into the roles of technology, employees and customers",VABB-1,238,246,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445719,,Can investor sentiment be a momentum time-series predictor? Evidence from China,VABB-1,212,239,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445720,,‘My lips are sealed’ the impact of package resealability on the consumption of tempting foods,VABB-1,143,151,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445722,,Older people’s preferences for side effects associated with antimuscarinic treatments of overactive bladder : a discrete-choice experiment,VABB-1,615,623,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445725,,Student employment and academic performance : an empirical exploration of the primary orientation theory,VABB-1,547,552,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445726,,Statistical physics of balance theory,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445727,,Forecasting from time series subject to sporadic perturbations : effectiveness of different types of forecasting support,VABB-1,163,180,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445729,,Altering speed of locomotion,VABB-1,407,428,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445730,,Bluetooth tracking of humans in an indoor environment : an application to shopping mall visits,VABB-1,55,65,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445731,,To squeeze or not to squeeze : how squeeze tubes affect consumers' serving sizes,VABB-1,62,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445733,,A buffer control method for top-down project control,VABB-1,274,286,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445734,,The impact of exposure to other countries on life satisfaction : an international application of the relative income hypothesis,VABB-1,221,239,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445735,,The dark side of employee referral bonus programs : potential applicants’ awareness of a referral bonus and perceptions of organizational attractiveness,VABB-1,599,627,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445736,,The state and the reconstruction of civil society,VABB-1,676,693,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445737,,Recommendation-based conceptual modelling and ontology evolution framework (CMOE plus),VABB-1,235,250,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445738,,When innovation requirements empower individual innovation : the role of job complexity,VABB-1,608,623,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445739,,"Cognitive styles, user acceptance and commitment to strategic plans in public organizations : an empirical analysis",VABB-1,340,359,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445740,,Honey they shrank the food! An integrative study of the impact of food granularity and its operationalization mode on consumption,VABB-1,210,220,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445742,,Total factor productivity and the propagation of shocks : empirical evidence and implications for the business cycle,VABB-1,335,346,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445743,,Pension reform in an OLG model with heterogeneous abilities,VABB-1,144,172,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445744,,"Duration dependence, behavioral restrictions, and the market timing ability of commodity trading advisors",VABB-1,427,450,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445745,,A Nearest Neighbour extension to project duration forecasting with Artificial Intelligence,VABB-1,1097,1111,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445746,,Improving project forecast accuracy by integrating earned value management with exponential smoothing and reference class forecasting,VABB-1,28,43,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445747,,Recruiting nurses through social media : effects on employer brand and attractiveness,VABB-1,2696,2708,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445749,,Untangling the multiple effects of slack resources on firms’ exporting behavior,VABB-1,769,781,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445750,,Making divorce easier : the role of no-fault and unilateral revisited,VABB-1,239,254,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445751,,On the stability of the excess sensitivity of aggregate consumption growth in the US,VABB-1,819,840,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445752,,Effectiveness and transmission of the ECB's balance sheet policies,VABB-1,297,333,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445754,,Consumer responses to different degrees of advertising adaptation : the moderating role of national openness to foreign markets,VABB-1,293,313,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445756,,Purchasing-driven sales : matching sales strategies to the evolution of the purchasing function,VABB-1,171,184,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445757,,Economic feasibility of microalgal bacterial floc production for wastewater treatment and biomass valorization : a detailed up-to-date analysis of up-scaled pilot results,VABB-1,118,129,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445759,,Why do some municipalities apply accrual-based rules more than others? Evidence from Turkey,VABB-1,189,206,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445760,,On the performance of priority rules for the stochastic resource constrained multi-project scheduling problem,VABB-1,223,234,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445761,,Incorporating sequential information in bankruptcy prediction with predictors based on Markov for discrimination,VABB-1,59,68,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445762,,Understanding a new generation incubation model : the accelerator,VABB-1,13,24,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445763,,Intra-stakeholder alliances in plant-closing decisions : a stakeholder theory approach,VABB-1,97,111,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445764,,Ethics in entrepreneurial finance : exploring problems in venture partner entry and exit,VABB-1,649,672,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445768,,"Les clercs de la ville de Mons en Hainaut et la production des comptes de la massarderie, vers 1300-1500",VABB-5,1,14,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445769,,Hermeneutic implications of cultural encoding : a reflection on audio recordings and interactive installation art,VABB-5,47,58,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445771,,"Documenting Bronze Age Akrotiri on Thera using laser scanning, image-based modelling and geophysical prospection",VABB-5,631,638,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445772,,Mural Paintings before Jan van Eyck : a remarkable discovery from around 1400 in St John's Church in Mechelen,VABB-5,436,452,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445774,,Recherches sur des meules romaines dans un paysage dépourvu de ressources lithiques : premier bilan d'une analyse multidisciplinaire dans la Civitas Menapiorum (Belgique),VABB-5,431,437,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:445775,,Identifying new product ideas : waiting for the wisdom of the crowd or screening ideas in real time,VABB-1,580,597,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445776,,Bank lending channel in a dual banking system : why are Islamic banks so responsive?,VABB-1,674,698,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445778,,Value-driven strategic sourcing based on service-dominant logic,VABB-1,275,287,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445780,,Conference scheduling : a personalized approach,VABB-1,38,47,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445781,,Indirect productivity effects from foreign direct investment and multinational firm heterogeneity,VABB-1,377,400,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445782,,Measuring and explaining cross-country immigration policies,VABB-1,141,163,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445783,,History-dependent growth incidence : a characterization and an application to the economic crisis in Italy,VABB-1,585,603,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445784,,The co-production of a community : engaging citizens in derelict neighbourhoods,VABB-1,201,221,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445785,,bayesQR : a Bayesian approach to quantile regression,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445786,,The design of renewable support schemes and CO2 emissions in China,VABB-1,4,11,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445787,,The added value of social media data in B2B customer acquisition systems : a real-life experiment,VABB-1,26,37,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445788,,On the dynamic links between commodities and Islamic equity,VABB-1,125,140,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445789,,Robust optimization policy benchmarks and modeling errors in natural gas,VABB-1,807,815,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445790,,International shipping traffic as a determinant of the growing use of advertisements by local shopkeepers : a case study of 18th century Ghent,VABB-1,479,500,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445791,,Employee substitutability as a tool to improve the robustness in personnel scheduling,VABB-1,623,658,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445792,,Round-robin tournaments generated by the Circle Method have maximum carry-over,VABB-1,277,302,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445793,,Rational planning and politicians’ preferences for spending and reform : replication and extension of a survey experiment,VABB-1,1251,1271,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445794,,Discrete hierarchy of sizes and performances in the exchange-traded fund universe,VABB-1,111,123,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445795,,Extensions of earned value management : using the earned incentive metric to improve signal quality,VABB-1,148,168,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445797,,Facebook profile picture appearance affects recruiters’ first hiring decisions,VABB-1,1220,1239,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445799,,Workload balancing and manufacturing complexity levelling in mixed-model assembly lines,VABB-1,2829,2844,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445802,,Combining growth and level data : an estimation of the population of Belgian municipalities between 1880 and 1970,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445803,,Does board independence influence financial performance in IPO firms? The moderating role of the national business system,VABB-1,628,639,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445805,,Identification of interdisciplinary ideas,VABB-1,1074,1085,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445806,,Predicting consumer load profiles using commercial and open data,VABB-1,3693,3701,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445807,,The effects of construct redundancy on readers' understanding of conceptual models,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445809,,Successfully creating and scaling a sustainable social enterprise model under uncertainty : the case of ViaVia Travellers Cafés,VABB-1,4555,4564,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445810,,Co-producing a nicer neighbourhood : why do people participate in local community development projects?,VABB-1,111,132,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445811,,What causes imbalance in complex service networks? Evidence from a public health service,VABB-1,34,56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445812,,Scheduling the Australian football league,VABB-1,973,982,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445813,,The impact of overtime as a time-based proactive scheduling and reactive allocation strategy on the robustness of a personnel shift roster,VABB-1,143,165,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445816,,Optimised scheduling for weather sensitive offshore construction projects,VABB-1,58,78,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445819,,Cross-national investigation of the drivers of obesity : re-assessment of past findings and avenues for the future,VABB-1,360,367,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445820,,Multi-item production routing problem with backordering : a MILP approach,VABB-1,1076,1093,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445821,,Testing for time variation in an unobserved components model for the U.S. economy,VABB-1,179,208,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445825,,Clicks as a healthy alternative to bricks : how online grocery shopping reduces vice purchases,VABB-1,61,74,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445826,,The real impact of a one-off fiscal restriction : empirical evidence of a flypaper effect in Flemish municipalities,VABB-1,285,292,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445827,,A resource type analysis of the integrated project scheduling and personnel staffing problem,VABB-1,407,433,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445828,,Capital- and resource-constrained project scheduling with net present value optimization,VABB-1,757,776,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445831,,The effects of workplace learning in higher education on employment and match quality : is there an early-career trade-off?,VABB-1,1229,1270,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445832,,The relationship between employee performance management and civil servants’ turnover intentions : a test of the mediating roles of system satisfaction and affective commitment,VABB-1,747,764,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445834,,The Structured Process Modeling Method (SPMM) : what is the best way for me to construct a process model?,VABB-1,57,76,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445837,,Religiosity versus rationality : depositor behavior in Islamic and conventional banks,VABB-1,1,19,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445838,,Economic drivers and specialization patterns in the spatial distribution of Framework Programme's participation,VABB-1,863,883,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445839,,The integration of constrained resources into top-down project control,VABB-1,277,288,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445840,,PORTFOLIO ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND RESOURCE ORCHESTRATION,VABB-1,346,370,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445842,,Will US inflation awake from the dead? The role of slack and non-linearities in the Phillips curve,VABB-1,247,271,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445843,,Are Family Firms Good Employers?,VABB-1,553,585,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445844,,On the resource renting problem with overtime,VABB-1,303,319,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445845,,A parallel multi-objective scatter search for optimising incentive contract design in projects,VABB-1,1066,1084,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445846,,Assessing the policy mix of public support to business R&D,VABB-1,1851,1862,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445848,,Towards a decision-aware declarative process modeling language for knowledge-intensive processes,VABB-1,316,334,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445849,,State-dependent monetary policy transmission and financial market tensions,VABB-1,56,61,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445850,,International Migration: Pacifier or Trigger for Military Conflicts?,VABB-1,1657,1679,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445854,,"Of employers, uncles and interpreters : the diverse trajectories of guest workers to the Belgian city of Ghent, 1960–1975",VABB-1,1233,1249,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445856,,A cross-national comparative study on the role of individual life course factors on mammography screening,VABB-1,709,719,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445857,,The young male cigarette and alcohol syndrome : smoking and drinking as a short-term mating strategy,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445858,,"Homophobic violence, coping styles, visibility management and mental health : a survey of Flemish lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals",VABB-1,1211,1235,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445861,,United States non-cooperation and the Paris Agreement,VABB-1,839,851,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445862,,How second-order Is the regional level? An analysis of tweets in simultaneous campaigns,VABB-1,1021,1039,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445863,,"One-size-fits-some! Capitalist diversity, sectoral interests and monetary policy in the euro area",VABB-1,929,957,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445864,,The suppression of satirizing Belgian community difficulties in Flemish cinema and the film adaptation of Will-O’-the Wisp,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445865,,Attitudes towards worm egg counts and targeted selective treatment against equine cyathostomins,VABB-1,66,74,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445867,,The Status Games They Play: Unpacking the dynamics of organisational status competition in higher education,VABB-1,695,709,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445868,,The education gradient in cancer screening participation : a consistent phenomenon across Europe?,VABB-1,93,103,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445870,,In Flanders fields : news media repertoires in Dutch-speaking Belgium,VABB-1,301,323,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:445871,,How people organise cultural attitudes : cultural belief systems and the populist radical right,VABB-1,791,811,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445872,,The gender gap in sport event attendance in Europe: the impact of macro-level gender equality,VABB-1,533,549,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445873,,Ignoring the Elephant in the Room? Assessing the impact of the European Union on the Development Assistance Committee's role in international development,VABB-1,44,58,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445875,,Humor as double-edged sword in response to a crisis versus a rumor?The effectiveness of humorous framed message in turbulent times on Social Media,VABB-1,247,260,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445876,,"Video gaming in a hyperconnected world : a cross-sectional study of heavy gaming, problematic gaming symptoms, and online socializing in adolescents",VABB-1,472,479,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445878,,Social mobility and political distrust : cults of gratitude and resentment?,VABB-1,269,282,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445879,,Direct evaluative conditioning in brand placement : the impact of scene valence and prominence on brand placement repetition effects,VABB-1,452,462,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445880,,The substance of EU democratic governance promotion via transgovernmental cooperation with the Eastern neighbourhood,VABB-1,1044,1065,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445883,,How queer is 'pink' programming? On the representational politics of an identity-based film program at Film Fest Gent,VABB-1,793,808,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445884,,The human face of health news : a multi-method analysis of sourcing practices in health-related news in Belgian magazines,VABB-1,611,619,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445885,,"A spatial reading of urban political-religious conflict : contested urban landscapes in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia",VABB-1,79,104,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445887,,The ‘Oops!’ of EU engagement abroad : analyzing unintended consequences of EU external action,VABB-1,1009,1025,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445890,,Democratic participation in the air strikes against Islamic state : a qualitative comparative analysis,VABB-1,254,275,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445892,,"The Tunisian Revolution: Neoliberalism, Urban Contentious Politics and the Right to the City",VABB-1,70,83,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445896,,The ignored audience : a multi-method reception study on children and television news in Albania,VABB-1,230,244,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445897,,Disclosing Brand Placement to Young Children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445898,,Dusting off the looking-glass : a historical analysis of the development of a nursing identity in Chile,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445899,,"Ecologies of ideologies : explaining party entry and exit in West-European parliaments, 1945–2013",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445900,,An exploration of sustainability change agents as facilitators of nonformal learning: mapping a moving and intertwined landscape,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445902,,Which party members participate in direct action? A cross-national analysis,VABB-1,225,241,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445905,,Health policy and integrated mental health care in the SADC region : strategic clarification using the Rainbow Model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445906,,Open transport data for maximising reuse in multimodal route planners : a study in Flanders,VABB-1,397,402,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445908,,Role of the European Union in global health,VABB-1,E756,E756,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445909,,Between world culture and local context : the university as an empowered actor in national higher education governance,VABB-1,374,388,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445911,,Strange battlefield fellows : the diagonal interoperability between blue Helmets and the Congolese army,VABB-1,363,387,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445912,,"Stigma, social structure, and the biomedical framework : exploring the stigma experiences of inpatient service users in two Belgian psychiatric hospitals",VABB-1,1249,1261,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445914,,Spider fear and avoidance : a preliminary study of the impact of two verbal rehearsal tasks on a behavior–behavior relation and its implications for an experimental analysis of defusion,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445915,,Remapping nociceptive stimuli into a peripersonal reference frame is spatially locked to the stimulated limb,VABB-1,121,131,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445916,,Evolutionary dynamics of group formation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445917,,Impaired processing of serial order determines working memory impairments in Alzheimer’s disease,VABB-1,1171,1186,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445918,,Switch-independent task representations in frontal and parietal cortex,VABB-1,8033,8042,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445919,,A novel continuous inhibitory-control task : variation in individual performance by young pheasants (Phasianus colchicus),VABB-1,1035,1047,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445920,,Can Lextale-Esp discriminate between groups of highly proficient Catalan-Spanish bilinguals with different language dominances?,VABB-1,717,723,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445921,,"Norms of valence and arousal for 14,031 Spanish words",VABB-1,111,123,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445923,,"Perceived effective and feasible strategies to promote healthy eating in young children : focus groups with parents, family child care providers and daycare assistants",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445924,,Creating transparency through electronic Information systems : opportunities and pitfalls,VABB-1,734,750,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445926,,The role of departmental leadership for professional learning communities,VABB-1,85,114,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445927,,Cortical and subcortical coordination of visual spatial attention revealed by simultaneous EEG-fMRI recording,VABB-1,7803,7810,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445928,,Resilience at information processing level in older adults : maintained attention for happy faces when positive mood is low,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445930,,Examining affective-motivational dynamics and behavioral implications within the interpersonal context of pain,VABB-1,1174,1183,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445931,,The new forest : the relationship between social work and socially engaged art practice revisited,VABB-1,1700,1717,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445932,,"Don't worry, be happy : the role of positive emotionality and adaptive emotion regulation strategies for youth depressive symptoms",VABB-1,18,41,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445933,,A comprehensive meta-analysis of interpretation biases in depression,VABB-1,33,48,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445934,,Spontaneous mentalizing in neurotypicals scoring high versus low on symptomatology of autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,15,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445935,,Career goal engagement following negative feedback: Influence of expectancy-value and perceived feedback accuracy,VABB-1,165,180,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445936,,Instructed fear stimuli bias visual attention,VABB-1,31,38,-,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:445937,,Following new task instructions : evidence for a dissociation between knowing and doing,VABB-1,16,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445938,,Children retain implicitly learned phonological sequences better than adults : a longitudinal study,VABB-1,,,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445939,,Dissociated spatial-arithmetic associations in horizontal and vertical dimensions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445940,,Suboptimal decision making by children with ADHD in the face of risk : poor risk adjustment and delay aversion rather than general proneness to taking risks,VABB-1,119,128,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445941,,Quality of life in glaucoma patients after selective laser trabeculoplasty,VABB-1,742,748,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445943,,"Relations between problem behaviors, perceived symptom severity and parenting in adolescents and emerging adults with ASD : the mediating role of parental psychological need frustration",VABB-1,21,30,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445944,,Brain regions and functional interactions supporting early word recognition in the face of input variability,VABB-1,7588,7593,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445946,,The role of acceptance and values in quality of life in patients with an acquired brain injury : a questionnaire study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445948,,"Rhetoric, narrative and management : learning from Mad Men",VABB-1,323,333,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445949,,Promoting adolescents' moral advertising literacy in secondary education,VABB-1,93,102,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445951,,Sex differences in the efficacy of psychological therapies for the management of chronic and recurrent pain in children and adolescents : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,569,582,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445954,,Beyond the impasse : reflections on dissociative identity disorder from a Freudian–Lacanian perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445955,,Grounding verbal working memory : the case of serial order,VABB-1,429,433,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445956,,The predictive value of subsets of the orebro musculoskeletal pain screening questionnaire for return to work in chronic low back pain,VABB-1,359,365,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445957,,"""Springing from a sense of wonder"": Classroom film and cultural learning in the 1930s",VABB-1,285,299,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445959,,The effects of predictor method factors on selection outcomes : a modular approach to personnel selection procedures,VABB-1,43,66,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445965,,Are they accurate? Recruiters' personality judgments in paper versus video resumes,VABB-1,9,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445966,,Self-reported psychopathic traits and antisocial outcomes in detained girls : a prospective study,VABB-1,138,153,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445967,,The calibrated sigma method : an efficient remedy for between-group differences in response category use on likert scales,VABB-1,944,960,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445970,,Beyond associations : do implicit beliefs play a role in smoking addiction?,VABB-1,43,53,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445972,,ERP response unveils effect of second language manipulation on first language processing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445973,,Age-related differences in plausibility-checking strategies during arithmetic problem verification tasks,VABB-1,613,621,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445975,,Body dissatisfaction revisited : on the importance of implicit beliefs about actual and ideal body image,VABB-1,158,173,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445976,,The contextual malleability of approach-avoidance training effects : approaching or avoiding fear conditioned stimuli modulates effects of approach-avoidance training,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:445977,,Damage to fronto-parietal networks impairs motor imagery ability after stroke : a voxel-based lesion symptom mapping study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445978,,Older adults’ preferences for formal social support of autonomy and dependence in pain : development and validation of a scale,VABB-1,257,268,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445979,,Independent effects of motivation and spatial attention in the human visual cortex,VABB-1,146,156,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445981,,Executive control of actions across time and space,VABB-1,399,404,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:445982,,Antecedents of provided autonomy support and psychological control within close friendships: The role of evaluative concerns perfectionism and basic psychological needs,VABB-1,149,153,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445983,,"Towards an extended food safety culture model : studying the moderating role of burnout and jobstress, the mediating role of food safety knowledge and motivation in the relation between food safety climate and food safety behavior",VABB-1,202,214,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445984,,Persoonlijkheidsoordelen op basis van het video-cv : (g)een goed idee?,VABB-1,52,81,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:445985,,When do adolescents accept or defy to maternal prohibitions? : the role of social domain and communication style,VABB-1,1022,1037,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445987,,Randomized prospective study of the use of anti-inflammatory drops after selective laser trabeculoplasty,VABB-1,22,29,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445988,,Symbolic and non-symbolic number processing in children with developmental dyslexia,VABB-1,105,111,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445989,,Accuracy and bias of ICT self-efficacy : an empirical study into students’ over- and underestimation of their ICT competences,VABB-1,92,102,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445992,,Let it be? Pain control attempts critically amplify attention to somatosensory input,VABB-1,309,320,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445993,,The different time course of phonotactic constraint learning in children and adults : evidence from speech errors,VABB-1,1821,1827,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445996,,Mean profiles of the NEO personality inventory,VABB-1,402,420,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445998,,What’s in a name? The case of emotional disclosure of pain-related distress,VABB-1,881,888,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:445999,,Toward a unified framework for research on instructions and other messages : an introduction to the special section on the power of instructions,VABB-1,1,3,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446000,,The time course of spatial attention shifts in elementary arithmetic,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446001,,Introducing alternative-based thresholding for defining functional regions of interest in fMRI,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446002,,"Three shades of grey : detecting brain abnormalities in children with autism by using Source-, Voxel- and Surface-based Morphometry",VABB-1,690,700,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446003,,Repetitive TMS of the temporo-parietal junction disrupts participant's expectations in a spontaneous theory of mind task,VABB-1,1775,1782,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446004,,The effect of positive mood on flexible processing of affective information,VABB-1,819,833,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446005,,Identification of emotions in mixed disgusted-happy faces as a function of depressive symptom severity,VABB-1,96,102,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446006,,Does translation involve structural priming?,VABB-1,1575,1589,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446007,,The actual and ideal sexual self concept in the context of genital pain using implicit and explicit measures,VABB-1,702,714,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446009,,Boosting the precision of mediation analyses of randomised experiments through covariate adjustment,VABB-1,939,957,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446010,,Unconscious conditioning : demonstration of existence and difference from conscious conditioning,VABB-1,1705,1721,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446011,,Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of the inferior frontal cortex affects the 'social scaling' of extrapersonal space depending on perspective-taking ability,VABB-1,673,679,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446012,,Ethnic minorities' impression management in the interview : helping or hindering?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446013,,Program-specific prediction of academic achievement on the basis of cognitive and non-cognitive factors,VABB-1,34,48,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446016,,Mental imagery of positive and neutral memories : a fMRI study comparing field perspective imagery to observer perspective imagery,VABB-1,13,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446017,,The first- and second-language age of acquisition effect in first- and second-language book reading,VABB-1,103,120,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446018,,Implicit age cues in resumes : subtle effects on hiring discrimination,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446020,,Cross-cultural adaptation of the German pain solutions questionnaire : an instrument to measure assimilative and accommodative coping in response to chronic pain,VABB-1,1437,1446,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446021,,Numerical proportion representation : a neurocomputational account,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446022,,The role of specificity and apologies in excuse messages following train delay,VABB-1,131,151,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446024,,Automatic stimulus evaluation depends on goal-relevance.,VABB-1,332,341,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446025,,Attentional processing of itch,VABB-1,876,888,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446026,,"Capitalist discourse, subjectivity and Lacanian psychoanalysis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446027,,An eye movement corpus study of the age of acquisition effect,VABB-1,1915,1921,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446028,,The impact of a flipped classroom design on learning performance in higher education : looking for the best 'blend' of lectures and guiding questions with feedback,VABB-1,113,126,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446029,,Conceptualisation and measurement of quality of life based on Schalock & Verdugo's model : a cross-disciplinary review of the literature,VABB-1,335,351,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446030,,The relevance of schizotypal traits for understanding interpersonal functioning in adolescents with psychiatric problems.,VABB-1,54,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446031,,How do students perceive the educational value of peer assessment in relation to its social nature? A survey study in Flanders,VABB-1,29,40,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446032,,Assessing childhood personality with the Estonian short version of the Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children (HiPIC),VABB-1,31,36,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446033,,Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) reveals a dissociation between SNARC and MARC effects : implication for the polarity correspondence account,VABB-1,68,78,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446035,,Searching for the roots of overprotective parenting in emerging adulthood : investigating the link with parental attachment representations using an actor partner Interdependence model,VABB-1,2299,2310,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446036,,Families with young children in times of economic downturn : implications for social work practice,VABB-1,270,281,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446039,,Long-Term Developmental Changes in Children's Lower-Order Big Five Personality Facets,VABB-1,616,631,-,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446040,,The boundaries of transnationalism: the case of assisted voluntary return migrants,VABB-1,366,381,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446041,,From social instrument to migration management tool: assisted voluntary return programmes : the case of Belgium,VABB-1,961,980,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446042,,The prospective usefulness of callous–unemotional traits and conduct disorder in predicting treatment engagement among detained girls,VABB-1,75,85,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446043,,Someone’s lurking in the dark : the role of state anxiety on atention deployment to threat-related stimuli,VABB-1,21,32,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446044,,Adolescent boys with an autism spectrum disorder and their experience of sexuality : an interpretative phenomenological analysis,VABB-1,75,82,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446045,,Methodological issues in cross-linguistic and multilingual advertising research,VABB-1,115,128,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446046,,The impeding role of self-critical perfectionism on therapeutic alliance during treatment and eating disorder symptoms at follow-up in patients with an eating disorder,VABB-1,101,110,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446047,,The association of eating styles with weight change after an intensive combined lifestyle intervention for children and adolescents with severe obesity,VABB-1,82,90,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446048,,The role of executive control in resolving grammatical number conflict in sentence comprehension,VABB-1,759,778,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446049,,Continuous track paths reveal additive evidence integration in multistep decision making,VABB-1,10618,10623,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446050,,Human eyes with dilated pupils induce pupillary contagion in infants,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446051,,"The influence of action observation on action execution : dissociating the contribution of action on perception, perception on action, and resolving conflict",VABB-1,381,393,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446053,,Early childhood education and care (ECEC) assistants in Europe : pathways towards continuous professional development (CPD) and qualification,VABB-1,46,57,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446054,,Expression and the unconscious,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446055,,On the automaticity of relational stimulus processing : the (extrinsic) relational Simon task,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446057,,Need for closure and perceived threat as bases of right-wing authoritarianism : a longitudinal moderation approach,VABB-1,431,447,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446058,,Towards a differentiated and domain-specific view of educational technology : an exploratory study of history teachers’ technology use,VABB-1,1402,1413,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446059,,When is your partner willing to help you? The role of daily goal conflict and perceived gratitude,VABB-1,671,682,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446060,,Het openbreken van een black box : schrijven en schrijfinstructie in het Vlaamse lager onderwijs,VABB-1,254,282,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446061,,Choosing when choices are limited : the role of perceived afforded choice and autonomy in prisoners’ well-being.,VABB-1,567,578,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446062,,The daily relation between parental rejection and emotional eating in youngsters : a diary study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446066,,A general procedure for testing inequality constrained hypotheses in SEM,VABB-1,61,70,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446068,,Introspection of subjective feelings is sensitive and specific,VABB-1,215,225,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446069,,"Coding of serial order in verbal, visual and spatial working memory.",VABB-1,632,650,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446070,,Everyday worry in adolescents with and without chronic pain : a diary study,VABB-1,800,807,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446071,,Pain and cancer survival : a cognitive-affective model of symptom appraisal and the uncertain threat of disease recurrence,VABB-1,1187,1191,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446073,,Biased interpretations of ambiguous bodily threat information in adolescents with chronic pain,VABB-1,471,478,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446074,,Early learning in preschool: meaningful and inclusive for all? Exploring perspectives of migrant parents and staff,VABB-1,243,257,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446076,,Distinct neural substrates of visuospatial and verbal-analytic reasoning as assessed by Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446077,,Perspectives on video games as art,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446078,,Persistent rule-following in the face of reversed reinforcement contingencies : the differential impact of direct versus derived rules,VABB-1,743,763,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446081,,Tackling social inequality and exclusion in education: From human capital to capabilities,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446082,,Quality of life in parents of young adults with ASD : EpiTED cohort,VABB-1,2826,2837,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446083,,Belief in free will affects causal attributions when judging others' behavior,VABB-1,10071,10076,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446084,,Brain regions involved in observing and trying to interpret dog behaviour,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446085,,"Low-price guarantees as advertisement strategy and compensation policy: The more, the better?",VABB-1,389,402,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446086,,Anatomical and functional changes in the brain after simultaneous interpreting training : a longitudinal study,VABB-1,243,257,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446087,,Chinese Education Examined via the Lens of Self-Determination,VABB-1,177,214,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446088,,A multilevel approach for assessing business strategies on climate change,VABB-1,50,70,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446090,,Educational Inequalities in Depression: Do Labor Markets Matter?,VABB-1,93,107,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446091,,Traditionele en nieuwe genderbreuklijnen in een snel veranderend journalistiek landschap,VABB-1,153,169,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446092,,Between Feminism and Unionism: The Struggle for Socio-Economic Dignity of Working-Class Women in Pre- and Post-Uprising Tunisia,VABB-1,25,43,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446094,,Digitale tools voor kwalitatieve data-analyse binnen historisch communicatiewetenschappelijk onderzoek : toepassing en reflecties,VABB-1,170,183,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446095,,EU member state participation in military operations : a configurational comparative analysis,VABB-1,137,159,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446097,,From persuasive messages to tactics : exploring children’s knowledge and judgment of new advertising formats,VABB-1,2604,2628,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446098,,Beyond prosumer capitalism : retaining the original understanding of prosumption,VABB-1,663,681,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446099,,Using games to raise awareness : how to co-design serious mini-games?,VABB-1,77,87,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446101,,Invisible golden girls? Post-feminist discourses and female ageing bodies in contemporary television fiction,VABB-1,21,33,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446103,,On the structure of dispositions : transposability of and oppositions between aesthetic dispositions,VABB-1,43,52,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446104,,Statistical challenges in modelling the health consequences of social mobility: the need for diagonal reference models,VABB-1,1029,1037,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446105,,Between national and European foreign policy : the role of Latvia and Romania in the EU’s policy towards Central Asia,VABB-1,441,460,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446106,,Female cigarette and alcohol consumption as a short-term mating strategy,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446110,,Between social contention and takfirism: the evolution of the Salafi-jihadi movement in Tunisia,VABB-1,71,90,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446111,,Explaining the effective number of parties : beyond the standard model,VABB-1,44,54,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446113,,Performance of four subjective video quality assessment protocols and impact of different rating pre-processing and analysis methods,VABB-1,48,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446114,,Dirty dancing : health journalists and the pharmaceutical industry : a multi-method study on the impact of pharma PR on magazine health news,VABB-1,450,459,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446116,,Farmer participation in agri-environmental schemes: regionalisation and the role of bridging social capital,VABB-1,352,361,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446117,,Terrorism threat in Belgium : the resilience of Belgian citizens and the protection of governmental reputation by means of communication,VABB-1,219,234,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446118,,Local leadership and local self-government : avoiding the Abyss,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446120,,"Cows and guns : cattle-related conflict and armed violence in Fizi and Itombwe, eastern DR Congo",VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446121,,Stigma as a structural power in mental health care reform : an ethnographic study among mental health care professionals in Belgium,VABB-1,710,716,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446122,,"Writing against loss : Kurdish women, subaltern authorship, and the politics of voice in contemporary Turkey",VABB-1,543,561,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446124,,Teachers and their implementation of differentiated instruction in the classroom,VABB-1,291,301,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446125,,'What kind of silence is being broken?' : a visual-rhetorical history of the out-of-home placement of children in poverty in 1990s Belgium,VABB-1,707,729,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446126,,"The association between actual and perceived ethnic diversity : the moderating role of authoritarianism and implications for outgroup threat, anxiety, and mistrust",VABB-1,807,817,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446127,,Conflict adaptation in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia,VABB-1,260,264,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446128,,Multifaceted brain networks reconfiguration in disorders of consciousness uncovered by co-activation patterns,VABB-1,89,103,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446129,,Neural overlap of L1 and L2 semantic representations in speech : a decoding approach,VABB-1,106,116,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446130,,Positive memory enhancement training for individuals with major depressive disorder,VABB-1,155,168,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446132,,The effects of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and disorder-relevant stimuli on the dynamics of selective attention,VABB-1,74,84,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446133,,Feeling happy when feeling down : the effectiveness of positive mental imagery in dysphoria,VABB-1,156,162,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446134,,The Role of Personality in the Assessment of Subjective and Physiological Emotional Reactivity: A Comparison Between Younger and Older Adults,VABB-1,285,301,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446135,,Mimicry and automatic imitation are not correlated,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446136,,Young people’s expressed needs for comprehensive sexuality education in Ecuadorian schools,VABB-1,14,31,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446137,,"Principals’ configuration of a bundle of human resource practices : does it make a difference for the relationship between teachers’ fit, job satisfaction and intention to move to another school?",VABB-1,820,840,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446138,,"Generalized hypervigilance in fibromyalgia : normal interoceptive accuracy, but reduced self-regulatory capacity",VABB-1,48,54,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446139,,Pattern analyses reveal separate experience-based fear memories in the human right Amygdala,VABB-1,8116,8130,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446140,,"Intergroup reconciliation between Flemings and Walloons : the predictive value of cognitive style, authoritarian ideology, and intergroup emotions",VABB-1,132,155,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446141,,Interactions between obsessional symptoms and interpersonal ambivalences in psychodynamic therapy : an empirical case study,VABB-1,Shana,Cornelis,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446142,,The role of separation anxiety in mothers’ use of autonomy support : an observational study,VABB-1,1949,1957,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446143,,The modulatory effect of semantic familiarity on the audiovisual integration of face-name pairs,VABB-1,4333,4348,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446144,,"Exploring the relations between word frequency, language exposure, and bilingualism in a computational model of reading",VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446145,,Disentangling neural sources of the motor interference effect in high functioning autism : an EEG-study,VABB-1,690,700,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446147,,Cross-lingual neighborhood effects in generalized lexical decision and natural reading,VABB-1,887,915,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446148,,Predicting upcoming information in native-language and non-native-language auditory word recognition,VABB-1,917,930,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446149,,The post(hu)man always rings twice: Theorising the difference of impairment in the lives of people with ‘mental health problems’,VABB-1,33,46,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446151,,The good lives model among detained female adolescents,VABB-1,179,189,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446152,,Eye movement evidence of the time-course of attentional bias for threatening pictures in test-anxious students,VABB-1,781,790,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446153,,Internet-delivered cognitive control training as a preventive intervention for remitted depressed patients : evidence from a double-blind randomized controlled trial study,VABB-1,135,146,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446154,,Anonymity as an instructional scaffold in peer assessment: its effects on peer feedback quality and evolution in students’ perceptions about peer assessment skills,VABB-1,75,99,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446155,,Functional relations modulate the responsiveness to affordances despite the impact of conflicting stimulus-response mappings,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446156,,"‘Fake news’ : incorrect, but hard to correct : the role of cognitive ability on the impact of false information on social impressions",VABB-1,107,110,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446157,,Sex differences in the decoding of pain-related body postures,VABB-1,1668,1677,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446159,,An electrophysiological investigation of reinforcement effects in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder : dissociating cue sensitivity from downstream effects on target engagement and performance,VABB-1,12,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446160,,Dynamic causal modelling of seizure activity in a rat model,VABB-1,518,532,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446161,,White matter integrity in brain networks relevant to anxiety and depression : evidence from the human connectome project dataset,VABB-1,1604,1615,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446162,,Testing the attentional scope model of rumination : an eye-tracking study using the moving window paradigm,VABB-1,278,285,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446163,,Implicit cross-community biases revisited : evidence for ingroup favoritism in the absence of outgroup derogation in Northern Ireland,VABB-1,97,107,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446164,,The role of anterior cingulate cortex in the affective evaluation of conflict,VABB-1,137,149,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446165,,Autistic traits in the general population do not correlate with a preference for associative information,VABB-1,29,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446166,,A comparison of methods to combine speed and accuracy measures of performance : a rejoinder on the binning procedure,VABB-1,653,673,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446167,,The development of shared syntax in second language learning,VABB-1,219,234,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446168,,Need for closure effects on affective and cognitive responses to culture fusion,VABB-1,1294,1306,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446170,,The happiness gap between conservatives and liberals depends on country-level threat,VABB-1,11,19,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446171,,Auditory support in linguistically diverse classrooms : factors related to bilingual text-to-speech use,VABB-1,79,95,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446172,,TPJ-M1 interaction in the control of shared representations : new insights from tDCS and TMS combined,VABB-1,734,740,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446173,,Collective biography : using memory work to explore the space-in-between normativity and difference/disability,VABB-1,8,19,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446175,,The impact of mindfulness and perspective-taking on implicit associations toward the elderly : a relational frame theory account,VABB-1,1616,1622,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446176,,The mere exposure instruction effect : mere exposure instructions influence liking,VABB-1,299,314,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446177,,Binding by random bursts : a computational model of cognitive control,VABB-1,1103,1118,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446178,,The role of motor imagery in learning via instructions,VABB-1,110,123,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446179,,Exploring racial bias in a European country with a recent history of immigration of black Africans,VABB-1,365,375,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446181,,Puzzling history : the personal file in residential care : a source for life history and historical research,VABB-1,384,397,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446185,,Framing the 'child at risk' in social work reports: truth-telling or storytelling?,VABB-1,453,469,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446186,,On the automaticity of relational stimulus processing,VABB-1,99,118,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446188,,Ancestral mental number lines : what is the evidence?,VABB-1,2262,2266,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446189,,Substance use among individuals with intellectual disabilities living independently in Flanders,VABB-1,107,117,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446190,,How do professional learning communities aid and hamper professional learning of beginning teachers related to differentiated instruction?,VABB-1,262,283,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446191,,Measuring teacher educators' researcherly disposition : item development and scale construction,VABB-1,43,62,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446194,,Impaired processing of task-irrelevant salient information in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder : evidence from event-related potentials,VABB-1,52,62,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446195,,Behind the wheel: What drives the effects of error handling?,VABB-1,658,672,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446196,,Motivational salience modulates early visual cortex responses across task sets,VABB-1,968,979,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446197,,Preparing pre-service history teachers for organizing inquiry-based learning : the effects of an introductory training program,VABB-1,206,217,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446198,,Interactions Between Obsessional Symptoms and Interpersonal Dynamics: An Empirical Single Case Study.,VABB-1,446,460,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446199,,Getting the words right : when wording of job ads affects ethnic minorities’ application decisions,VABB-1,533,558,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446200,,Modulation of locus coeruleus activity by novel oddball stimuli,VABB-1,577,584,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446201,,Psychological engineering : a functional-cognitive perspective on applied psychology,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446203,,Mineralocorticoid receptor stimulation effects on spatial memory in healthy young adults : a study using the virtual Morris Water Maze task,VABB-1,139,146,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446204,,Developing and validating a competence framework for secondary mathematics student teachers through a Delphi method,VABB-1,383,399,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446205,,Policy rationales for electronic information systems : an area of ambiguity,VABB-1,1500,1516,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446206,,Examining the contributions of memory-dependent and memory-independent components to evaluative conditioning via instructions,VABB-1,49,58,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446207,,How serially organized working memory information interacts with timing,VABB-1,1255,1263,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446211,,Placing the distant other on the shelf : an analysis and comparison of (fair trade) coffee packages in relation to commodity fetishism,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446213,,How can we conceptualize behavioural addiction without pathologizing common behaviours?,VABB-1,1709,1715,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446216,,Why TTIP is a game-changer and its critics have a point,VABB-1,1491,1505,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446217,,"The past, present and future of slum property regimes in Chittagong, Bangladesh",VABB-1,146,161,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446218,,"Segmentary opposition, Vertical Integration and the Structure of Political Relations in Bangladesh: A Descriptive Model",VABB-1,1141,1158,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446220,,Engendering culture : the relationship of gender identity and pressure for gender conformity with adolescents’ interests in the arts and literature,VABB-1,482,495,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446221,,"Same end, different means : the evolution of Poland's support for Ukraine at the European level",VABB-1,311,333,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446222,,'Fairtradization' : a performative perspective on fair trade markets and the role of retail settings in their enactment,VABB-1,539,558,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446226,,Stakeholder organizations in the European higher education area : exploring transnational policy dynamic,VABB-1,109,126,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446227,,Higher education policy change in the European higher education area : divergence of quality assurance systems in England and the Netherlands,VABB-1,71,83,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446228,,"About pseudo quarrels and trustworthiness : a multi-method study of health journalism, sourcing practices and Twitter",VABB-1,1257,1274,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446229,,An exploratory study into organizational repatriates’ emotional support network,VABB-1,645,668,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446230,,"Forced to vote, but not for women. The effect of compulsory voting on voting for women",VABB-1,469,487,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446231,,The nonprofit case for corporate volunteering : a multi-level perspective,VABB-1,746,765,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446235,,Pre-test influences on the effectiveness of digital-game based learning : a case study of a fire safety game,VABB-1,24,37,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446236,,Who donates? Cross-country and periodical variation in blood donor demographics in Europe between 1994 and 2014,VABB-1,2619,2628,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446237,,"Personal, Editable and Always Accessible: An Affordance Approach to the Relationship Between Adolescents’ Mobile Messaging Behavior and Their Friendship Quality",VABB-1,875,893,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446238,,Tracing Female Gamer Identity. An Empirical Study into Gender and Stereotype Threat Perceptions Computers in Human Behavior,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446239,,Beyond ubiquity : unravelling medicalisation within the frame of health insurance and health-policy making,VABB-1,407,429,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446241,,Marketing through Instagram influencers : the impact of number of followers and product divergence on brand attitude,VABB-1,798,828,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446243,,Would you date ‘the undateables’? An analysis of the mediated public debate on the reality television show ‘The Undateables’,VABB-1,825,839,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446244,,Not all markets are created equal : re-conceptualizing market elements in higher education,VABB-1,855,870,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446245,,Drinking high amounts of alcohol as a short-term mating strategy : the impact of short-term mating motivations on young adults’ drinking behavior,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446247,,The abductive argument for libertarian self-ownership : attractive but inconclusive,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446249,,Knowledge recontextualisation in academic development : an empirical exploration of an emerging academic region,VABB-1,78,91,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446250,,How media multitasking reduces advertising irritation : the moderating role of the Facebook wall,VABB-1,413,419,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446251,,Inconsistencies in the governance of interdisciplinarity : the case of the Italian higher education system,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446252,,Fractured politics? The comparative regulation of shale gas in Europe,VABB-1,1276,1293,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446254,,Creating space for ‘the political’ in environmental and sustainability education practice : a political move analysis of educators’ actions,VABB-1,1406,1423,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446256,,The role of film production policy in stimulating a Flemish identity (1964–2002),VABB-1,89,98,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446257,,The participation of CEECs in EU twinning projects : offering specific added value for EU transgovernmental cooperation in the eastern neighbourhood?,VABB-1,334,359,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446259,,Advertising literacy training : the immediate versus delayed effects on children’s responses to product placement,VABB-1,2156,2174,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446260,,An organizational perspective on social exclusion in higher education: a case study,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446261,,Hybrid e-TextBooks as comprehensive interactive learning environments,VABB-1,486,505,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446262,,Emotional support on re-entry into the home country : does it matter for repatriates’ adjustment who the providers are?,VABB-1,54,68,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446263,,A Five-Factor Model of Developmental Personality Pathology Precursors.,VABB-1,130,139,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446264,,medflex : an R package for flexible mediation analysis using natural effect models,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446265,,Personal distress and sympathy differentially influence health care professional and parents’ estimation of child procedure-related pain,VABB-1,275,282,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446266,,Systematic review : associations between family functioning and child adjustment after pediatric cancer diagnosis : a meta-analysis,VABB-1,6,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446270,,Examining bidirectional relationships between parenting and child maladjustment in youth with autism spectrum disorder: A 9-year longitudinal study,VABB-1,1199,1213,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446271,,Towards a science and practice of resilience in the face of pain,VABB-1,1301,1315,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446272,,Attention training for infants at familial risk of ADHD (INTERSTAARS) : study protocol for a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446273,,Powerful instructions : automaticity without practice,VABB-1,509,514,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446274,,Modulatory effects of positive mood on cognition : lessons from attention and error monitoring.,VABB-1,495,501,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446275,,The perceived quality of interprofessional teamwork in an intensive care unit : a single centre intervention study,VABB-1,301,308,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446276,,How to train an injured brain? A pilot feasibility study of home-based computerized cognitive training,VABB-1,28,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446277,,Mapping the functional connectome in traumatic brain injury : what can graph metrics tell us?,VABB-1,113,123,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446278,,An Asymmetric Moral Conformity Effect: Subjects Conform to Deontological But Not Consequentialist Majorities,VABB-1,323,330,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446279,,"A systematic review of pliance, tracking, and augmenting",VABB-1,683,707,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446280,,Buffer or amplifier? Longitudinal effects of social support for functional autonomy/dependence on older adults’ chronic-pain experiences,VABB-1,1195,1206,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446281,,Are they ready to teach? Student teachers’ readiness for the job with reference to teacher competence frameworks,VABB-1,151,170,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446282,,A Mann-Whitney type effect measure of interaction for factorial designs,VABB-1,11243,11260,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446283,,A mixed-methods study of former child soldiers transition trajectories from military to civilian life,VABB-1,346,370,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446284,,Is extreme response style domain specific? Findings from two studies in four countries,VABB-1,2605,2622,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446285,,"Children’s daily well-being : the role of mothers’, teachers’, and siblings’ autonomy support and psychological control",VABB-1,237,251,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446286,,Obsessions and compulsions in the lab : a meta-analysis of procedures to induce symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder,VABB-1,137,147,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446287,,Effects of reward and punishment on the interaction between going and stopping in a selective stop-change task,VABB-1,353,370,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446288,,How to withhold or replace a prepotent response : an analysis of the underlying control processes and their temporal dynamics,VABB-1,250,268,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446289,,"Optimal motivation in Peruvian high schools : should learners pursue and teachers promote mastery goals, performance-approach goals or both?",VABB-1,87,96,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446290,,Distinct regions within medial prefrontal cortex process pain and cognition,VABB-1,12385,12392,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446291,,Évaluation de la prise en charge institutionnelle d’enfants atteints d’un trouble envahissant du développement,VABB-1,687,702,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:446292,,The presence of the analyst in Lacanian treatment,VABB-1,609,638,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446294,,The role of feedback from the school leader during teacher evaluation for teacher and school improvement,VABB-1,6,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446295,,Mapping the functional connectome traits of levels of consciousness,VABB-1,201,211,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446297,,Reward sensitivity and body weight : the intervening role of food responsive behavior and external eating,VABB-1,150,156,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446298,,Action-based touch observation in adults with high functioning autism : can compromised self-other distinction abilities link social and sensory everyday problems?,VABB-1,273,282,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446299,,Emotion regulation across childhood and adolescence : evidence for a maladaptive shift in adolescence,VABB-1,909,921,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446300,,State versus trait : validating state assessment of child and parental catastrophic thinking about child pain,VABB-1,385,395,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446301,,Attention to context during evaluative learning and context-dependent automatic evaluation : a cross-cultural analysis,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446302,,Understanding behavioural rigidity in Autism Spectrum Conditions: The role of intentional control,VABB-1,714,727,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446303,,Can training change attentional breadth? Failure to find transfer effects,VABB-1,520,534,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446304,,Cognitive control interventions for depression : a systematic review of findings from training studies,VABB-1,79,92,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446305,,Mood congruent tuning of reward expectation in positive mood : evidence from FRN & theta modulations,VABB-1,765,774,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446307,,"Distinctiveness as a function of spatial expansion in verbal working memory : comment on Kreitz, Furley, Memmert, and Simons (2015)",VABB-1,690,695,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446308,,Do tonic itch and pain stimuli draw attention towards their location?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446309,,The role of spatial frequency information in the decoding of facial expressions of pain : a novel hybrid task,VABB-1,2233,2242,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446310,,Beyond clinical case studies in psychoanalysis : a review of psychoanalytic empirical single case studies published in ISI-ranked journals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446313,,Free will beliefs predict attitudes toward unethical behavior and criminal punishment,VABB-1,7325,7330,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446315,,Brain networking analysis in migraine with and without aura,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446317,,Evidence for the triadic model of adolescent brain development : cognitive load and task-relevance of emotion differentially affect adolescents and adults,VABB-1,91,100,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446318,,From the IRAP and REC model to a multi-dimensional multi-level framework for analyzing the dynamics of arbitrarily applicable relational responding,VABB-1,434,445,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446319,,The mobilizing effect of right-wing ideological climates : cross-level interaction effects on different types of outgroup attitudes,VABB-1,757,776,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446320,,A novel way to measure and predict development : a heuristic approach to facilitate the early detection of neurodevelopmental disorders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446321,,Neural coding for instruction-based task sets in human frontoparietal and visual cortex,VABB-1,1891,1905,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446322,,Combining the implicit relational assessment procedure and the recording of event related Potentials in the analysis of racial bias : a preliminary study,VABB-1,499,506,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446323,,Tired of pain? Toward a better understanding of fatigue in chronic pain,VABB-1,7,10,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446324,,Validating the Semantic Misattribution Procedure as an Implicit Measure of Gender Stereotyping,VABB-1,348,364,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446326,,Measuring quality of life in opioid dependent people : a systematic review of assessment instruments,VABB-1,3187,3200,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446327,,Verbal monitoring in Parkinson’s disease : a comparison between internal and external monitoring,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446328,,The effect of social exclusion on state paranoia and explicit and implicit self-esteem in a non-clinical sample,VABB-1,62,69,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446329,,Development of between-trial response strategy adjustments in a continuous action control task : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,39,57,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446330,,"Activity interruptions by pain impair activity resumption, but not more than activity interruptions by other stimuli. An experimental investigation",VABB-1,351,358,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446331,,Vocabulary knowledge predicts lexical processing : evidence from a group of participants with diverse educational backgrounds,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446332,,Visual word recognition in a second language : a test of the lexical entrenchment hypothesis with lexical decision times,VABB-1,530,548,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446333,,"Age of acquisition ratings score better on criterion validity than frequency trajectory or ratings ""corrected"" for frequency",VABB-1,1129,1139,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446334,,Response biases on the IRAP for adults and adolescents with respect to smokers and nonsmokers : the impact of parental smoking status,VABB-1,473,483,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446335,,Stepfamilies Doing Family: A Meta-Ethnography,VABB-1,496,509,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446336,,Psychophysiological correlates of emotion regulation training in adolescent anxiety: Evidence from the novel PIER task,VABB-1,89,96,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446337,,A Delphi study to validate competency-based criteria to assess undergraduate midwifery students' competencies in the maternity ward,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446338,,Multiscale information decomposition : exact computation for multivariate Gaussian processes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446339,,Initial validation of a virtual blood draw exposure paradigm for fear of blood and needles,VABB-1,65,71,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446340,,New insights into the phenotype of FARS2 deficiency,VABB-1,172,181,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446341,,No strings attached : exploring the relationship between anthropology and contemporary arts,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446342,,"“Do you speak my neighbourhood?” Language, technology, and proximity",VABB-1,110,126,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446343,,Can threat information bias fear learning? Some tentative results and methodological considerations,VABB-1,390,412,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446344,,"Trust, trolleys and social dilemmas : a replication study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446345,,Do obsessive-compulsive symptoms and contamination-related stimuli affect inhibition capacity?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446346,,The relationship of trait emotional intelligence with right-wing attitudes and subtle racial prejudice,VABB-1,27,30,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446347,,Orofacial electromyographic correlates of induced verbal rumination,VABB-1,53,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446348,,The role of temporal predictability for early attentional adjustments after conflict,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446349,,Why and when social support predicts older adults’ pain-related disability,VABB-1,1915,1924,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446350,,An Investigation into the relationship between the gender binary and occupational discrimination using the implicit relational assessment procedure,VABB-1,121,130,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446352,,When the fire dies : perceived success and support for innovation shape the motivating potential of innovative work behavior,VABB-1,512,524,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446353,,Factor score path analysis : an alternative for SEM,VABB-1,31,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446355,,Four key challenges to the design of blended learning : a systematic literature review,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446356,,Goal impact influences the evaluative component of performance monitoring : evidence from ERPs,VABB-1,90,102,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446358,,Numerical cognition : learning binds biology to culture,VABB-1,913,914,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446359,,Assessment of implicit self-esteem in older adults,VABB-1,302,309,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446360,,Relational information moderates approach-avoidance instruction effects on implicit evaluation,VABB-1,137,143,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446362,,Disability policy evaluation : combining logic models and systems thinking,VABB-1,247,257,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446363,,Ising model with conserved magnetization on the human connectome : implications on the relation structure-function in wakefulness and anesthesia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446365,,Investigating the familial basis of heightened risk-taking in adolescents with conduct disorder and their unaffected relatives,VABB-1,93,106,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446366,,When the heat is on : the effect of temperature on voter behavior in presidential elections,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446367,,The parental emotional response to children index : a questionnaire measure of parents' reactions to ADHD,VABB-1,494,507,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446368,,Development and validation of a scale to capture social desirability in food safety culture,VABB-1,42,47,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446369,,The opposite effects of actual and self-perceived intelligence on racial prejudice,VABB-1,136,138,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446371,,Manipulating cues in mind wandering : verbal cues affect the frequency and the temporal focus of mind wandering,VABB-1,61,69,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446373,,Test-based age-of-acquisition norms for 44 thousand English word meanings,VABB-1,1520,1523,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446375,,The role of attachment and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies in the development of Bulimic symptoms in adolescents,VABB-1,881,893,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446376,,Multiscale granger causality,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446379,,Psychological predictors of cultural diversity support at work,VABB-1,312,322,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446380,,The curious incident of attention in multisensory integration : bottom-up vs. top-down,VABB-1,557,583,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446381,,Continuity of care in youth services: A systematic review,VABB-1,116,126,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446382,,Evidence for dissociable effects of handedness and consistency of hand preference in allocation of attention and movement planning : an EEG investigation,VABB-1,493,500,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446384,,Older adults' attentional deployment : differential gaze patterns for different negative mood states,VABB-1,49,56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446385,,Flexible mediation analysis with multiple mediators,VABB-1,184,193,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446386,,"Basic psychological need experiences, fatigue, and sleep in individuals with unexplained chronic fatigue",VABB-1,645,655,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446387,,History teachers’ knowledge of inquiry methods : an analysis of cognitive processes used during a historical inquiry,VABB-1,312,329,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446388,,Governmental rationales for installing electronic information systems : a quest for responsive social work,VABB-1,1488,1504,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446389,,A different view on parenting : automatic and explicit parenting cognitions in adolescents’ drinking behavior,VABB-1,96,101,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446391,,“Now you know what you’re doing right and wrong!” Peer feedback quality in synchronous peer assessment in secondary education,VABB-1,255,275,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446392,,Personality pathology and relationship satisfaction in dating and married couples,VABB-1,81,92,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446393,,Modulatory effects of happy mood on performance monitoring : insights from error-related brain potentials,VABB-1,106,123,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446394,,Examining a novel gamified approach to attentional retraining : effects of single and multiple session training,VABB-1,89,105,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446395,,Explaining human performance in psycholinguistic tasks with models of semantic similarity based on prediction and counting : a review and empirical validation,VABB-1,57,78,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446397,,Service users with experience in poverty as institutional entrepreneurs in public services in Belgium: An institutional theory perspective on policy implementation,VABB-1,197,215,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446398,,A Self-Determination Theory perspective on Postpartum depressive symptoms and early parenting behaviors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446401,,Mechanisms underlying approach-avoidance instruction effects on implicit evaluation : results of a preregistered adversarial collaboration,VABB-1,23,32,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446402,,Lying takes time : a meta-analysis on reaction time measures of deception,VABB-1,428,453,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446404,,Child attention to pain and pain tolerance are dependent upon anxiety and attention control : an eye-tracking study,VABB-1,250,263,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446405,,The decision to have an abortion from both partners’ perspectives : a dyadic analysis,VABB-1,30,37,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446406,,Culture and testing practices : is the world flat?,VABB-1,434,467,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446407,,Conditioning task switching behavior,VABB-1,272,276,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446408,,The contribution of task-choice response selection to the switch cost in voluntary task switching,VABB-1,32,40,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446409,,Depression-related difficulties disengaging from negative faces are associated with sustained attention to negative feedback during social evaluation and predict stress recovery,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446410,,Strategies to improve the willingness to taste : the moderating role of children's reward sensitivity,VABB-1,344,352,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446411,,The action congruency effect on the feelings of agency,VABB-1,212,222,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446412,,An empirical comparison of different implicit measures to predict consumer choice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446413,,How much compensation is too much? An investigation of the effectiveness of financial overcompensation as a means to enhance customer loyalty,VABB-1,183,197,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446414,,Are numbers grounded in a general magnitude processing system? A functional neuroimaging meta-analysis,VABB-1,50,69,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446415,,Common and distinct brain regions in both parietal and frontal cortex support symbolic and nonsymbolic number processing in humans : a functional neuroimaging meta-analysis,VABB-1,376,394,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446416,,Effects of social pressure and child failure on parents’ use of control : an experimental investigation,VABB-1,378,390,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446417,,Spontaneous variability of pre-dialysis concentrations of uremic toxins over time in stable hemodialysis patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446422,,Headache impairs attentional performance : a conceptual replication and extension,VABB-1,29,41,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446423,,Neuropathic pain,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446424,,Systematic review of management of chronic pain after surgery,VABB-1,1293,1306,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446425,,Order information in verbal working memory shifts the subjective midpoint in both the line bisection and the landmark tasks,VABB-1,1973,1983,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446426,,Metacognition and cognitive control: behavioural adaptation requires conflict experience,VABB-1,411,423,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446427,,Transgender research in the 21st Century : a selective critical review from a neurocognitive perspective,VABB-1,1155,1162,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446428,,Selective laser trabeculoplasty in pseudophakic and phakic eyes : a prospective study,VABB-1,593,598,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446429,,Measuring individual differences in statistical learning : current pitfalls and possible solutions,VABB-1,418,432,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446430,,Effectiveness of additional trunk exercises on gait performance : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446432,,Social relationships and social support among post-war youth in Northern Uganda,VABB-1,291,299,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446433,,Brain networks under attack : robustness properties and the impact of lesions,VABB-1,3063,3083,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446434,,Evaluation of second-level inference in fMRI analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446435,,What families in poverty consider supportive: welfare strategies of parents with young children in relation to (child and family) social work,VABB-1,689,699,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446436,,The mediating effect of adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies on executive functioning impairment and depressive symptoms among adolescents,VABB-1,935,953,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446440,,"The logic of appearance : Dennett, phenomenology and psychoanalysis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446441,,Right lateral cerebellum represents linguistic predictability,VABB-1,6231,6241,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446444,,Reconciliation ecology in practice : legal and policy considerations when implementing temporary nature on undeveloped lands in the European Union,VABB-1,178,189,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446445,,"Regulating cannabis social clubs : a comparative analysis of legal and self-regulatory practices in Spain, Belgiun and Uruguay",VABB-1,44,56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446446,,Using force : experiences of Belgian police officers,VABB-1,278,290,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446448,,Understanding How and Why Young People Enter Radical or Violent Extremist Groups,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446450,,Shareholder voice on executive pay : a decade of Dutch say on pay,VABB-1,51,83,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446452,,The use of predictive analysis in spatiotemporal crime forecasting : building and testing a model in an urban context,VABB-1,255,261,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446453,,Predictive policing as a new tool for law enforcement? Recent developments and challenges,VABB-1,201,218,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446458,,A proposal for the reform of group law in Europe,VABB-1,1,49,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446460,,Public scholarship and the evidence movement : understanding and learning from Belgian drug policy development,VABB-1,278,295,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446461,,Head-covering bans in Belgian courtrooms and beyond : headscarf persecution and the complicity of supranational courts,VABB-1,882,909,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446462,,Counterfactual history and the first world war,VABB-1,494,501,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446463,,A cooperative game-theoretic framework for negotiating marine spatial allocation agreements among heterogeneous players,VABB-1,444,455,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446465,,Interpreter-mediated paternalistic interaction in a court-centered judicial system: a case study of interpreting in a Belgian correctional court.,VABB-1,209,231,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446466,,Ascending the ladder : editio princeps of Four Poems on the Ladder of John Klimax: Bodleian Baroccianus 141,VABB-1,556,571,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446467,,The disponent power in Gilbert's De magnete: From attraction to alignment,VABB-1,149,176,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:446468,,Philosophical aesthetics and cognitive science,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446469,,Why we need a theory of art,VABB-1,165,183,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446470,,"STREAM (Spatiotemporal Research Infrastructure for Early Modern Brabant and Flanders): Sources, Data and Methods",VABB-1,102,119,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446472,,"Falerii Novi (Comune di fabrica di fabrica di Roma, provincia di viterbo, regione lazio)",VABB-1,320,321,,ita,2017,1 c:vabb:446473,,Mesh is more : using all geometric dimensions for the archaeological analysis and interpretative mapping of 3D surfaces,VABB-1,999,1033,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446475,,“The phoenix hasn’t shaken off the ashes from which it rose” : revisiting Natzweiler-Struthof in Boris Pahor’s Nekropola,VABB-1,621,651,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446476,,"Police–public relations in transition in Antwerp, 1840s–1914",VABB-1,147,165,,ger,2018,1 c:vabb:446477,,"Working against many grains : rethinking difference, emancipation and agency in the counter-discourse of an ethnic minority women’s organisation in Belgium",VABB-1,512,529,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446478,,Bernard of Clairvaux and Nicholas of Montiéramey : tracing the secretarial trail with computational stylistics,VABB-1,190,225,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446479,,The power of sound in L2 vocabulary learning,VABB-1,341,361,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446480,,Development of a fiber-optics microspatially offset Raman spectroscopy sensor for probing layered materials,VABB-1,9218,9223,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446481,,Methodological evolutions of Raman spectroscopy in art and archaeology,VABB-1,8395,8409,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446482,,"Unification, the answer to resemblance questions",VABB-1,3501,3521,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446483,,"Les mercuriales du XIXe siècle : le contrôle et la surveillance des prix et de l’offre de grains en France et en Belgique, 1789-1914",VABB-1,811,838,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:446484,,Memories of Yoginīpura : Delhi's Digambara Merchant Community after Timur,VABB-1,531,543,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446486,,Locative clitics in Fwe,VABB-1,119,136,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446487,,La comparaison. Analyses de aussi/si et de ne en français parlé et écrit actuel,VABB-1,31,50,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:446489,,βλήμενος ἦν (Iliad 4.211) : lexical or periphrastic?,VABB-1,2,12,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:446490,,"Implications of changing attitudes towards game meat consumption at the time of Ebola in Limbe, Cameroon",VABB-1,48,58,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446492,,Poets and the city : locating the political in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russian poetry,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446493,,"Inclusivité et exclusivité dans la Vie d’Apollonius de Tyane. Philostrate sur le judaïsme, le christianisme et les traditions païennes",VABB-1,661,688,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:446496,,The documentary surreal : film and painting in Luciano Emmer’s 'La Leggenda di Sant’Orsola' (1948) and Henri Storck’s 'Le Monde de Paul Delvaux' (1946),VABB-1,207,215,-,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:446497,,"Towards a corpus-based, statistical approach of translation quality : measuring and visualizing linguistic deviance in student translations",VABB-1,25,39,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446498,,From commodity to singularity : the production of crossbow brooches and the rise of the Late Roman military elite,VABB-1,50,61,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446499,,Socio-pragmatic functions of code-switching in Latino essays : a case study on bilingual pragmatic markers in Susana Chávez-Silverman’s Killer Crónicas (2004),VABB-1,927,944,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446500,,On the lexical diversity of grain supply systems in the Roman East,VABB-1,59,79,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446502,,A corpus-based study of semantic differences in translation : the case of inchoativity in Dutch,VABB-1,388,415,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446504,,Cartoons as interdiscourse : a quali-quantitative analysis of social representations based on collective imagination in cartoons produced after the Charlie Hebdo attack,VABB-1,24,33,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446506,,The rationale of the born-digital dossier génétique: Digital forensics and the writing process: With examples from the Thomas Kling Archive,VABB-1,391,424,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446507,,Dative sickness : a phylogenetic analysis of argument structure evolution in Germanic,VABB-1,e1,e22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:446508,,Music strengthens prosocial effects of interpersonal synchronization : if you move in time with the beat,VABB-1,39,44,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446509,,Is mathematics a domain for philosophers of explanation?,VABB-1,125,142,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446510,,Tram flanerie : streetcar impressions of nineteenth-century Madrid,VABB-1,167,177,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446511,,διά as a polysemous preposition in Early Byzantine Greek. ‘Dead ends’ and other uses in the Qurrah archive (VIII AD),VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446513,,A Portuguese lifestyle in the Flemish countryside : ceramics of the Ximenez family (1595-c. 1700),VABB-1,274,308,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446514,,Revisiting persuasion in oral academic and professional genres: Towards a methodological framework for Multimodal Discourse Analysis of research dissemination talks.,VABB-1,93,118,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446515,,"The Career and ‘Revolt’ of Gildo, comes et magister utriusque militiae per Africam",VABB-1,385,402,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446516,,Semantische und syntaktische Beobachtungen zum adversativen Gebrauch von nisi,VABB-1,93,121,,ger,2016,1 c:vabb:446517,,The difference in use between the active and middle forms of φημί in speech conslusions in homer,VABB-1,7,37,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446518,,Italian echo-questions at the interface,VABB-1,207,240,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446519,,How robust is the monderating effect of extremist beliefs on the relationship between self-control and violent extremism,VABB-1,1000,1016,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446520,,An analysis of media framing of and by Cannabis Social Clubs in Belgium : making the news?,VABB-1,348,358,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446521,,The moral-hazard effect of liquidated damages : an experiment on contract remedies,VABB-1,84,105,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446522,,"More structural holes, more risk? Network structure and risk perception among marijuana growers",VABB-1,127,134,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446523,,Ecosystem services in cities : towards the international legal protection of ecosystem services in urban environments,VABB-1,205,212,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446525,,Marriages and other unions in private international law : separate but equal?,VABB-1,174,190,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446526,,"Nitrogen deposition, habitat restoration and the EU Habitats Directive: moving beyond the deadlock with the dutch programmatic nitrogen approach?",VABB-1,484,492,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446527,,Developments in Belgian constitutional law : the year 2016 in review,VABB-1,774,784,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446530,,Digital exhaustion of copyright after CJEU judgment in Ranks and Vasiļevičs,VABB-1,521,540,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446531,,Habitat restoration measures as facilitators for economic development within the context of the EU habitats directive : balancing no net loss with the preventive approach?,VABB-1,47,73,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446532,,Measuring disorder : observer bias in systematic social observations at streets and neighborhoods,VABB-1,221,249,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446534,,The Other Pamela: Readership and the Illustrated Chapbook Abridgement,VABB-1,513,531,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446535,,Conceptualizing translation revision competence : a pilot study on the ‘fairness and tolerance’ attitudinal component,VABB-1,2,23,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446539,,Funerary Culture in Hellenistic Chiusi: A Socio-Cultural Shift Towards less Expenditure and Ostentatious Display,VABB-1,37,69,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446540,,Aging as a motive for literary retranslation,VABB-1,91,115,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446541,,Indications and warning in Belgium : Brussels is not Delphi,VABB-1,927,962,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:446542,,"‘I thought of it at work, in Ostend’ : Urban Artisan labour and guild ideology in the Later Medieval Low Countries",VABB-1,389,419,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446543,,Nam ne pisalos’ i mečtalos’: alternating dative reflexive constructions revisited,VABB-1,151,175,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446544,,I Piaceri di Vitaliano Brancati : una barchetta di carta sul mare minato,VABB-1,139,145,,ita,2017,1 c:vabb:446546,,Schools as laboratories for exploring multilingual assessment policies and practices,VABB-1,217,230,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446549,,Beyond the traditional scope of translanguaging : comparing translanguaging practices in Belgian multilingual and monolingual classroom contexts,VABB-1,15,28,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446552,,Balancing ethical pros and cons of stem cell derived gametes,VABB-1,1620,1632,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446553,,"Characterising Terra Nigra Foot-Vessels of the Late Roman Period (4th-5th Century) from Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium",VABB-1,87,105,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446554,,Natural-born arguers : teaching how to make the best of our reasoning abilities,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446555,,"Dalcroze meets technology : integrating music, movement and visuals with the Music Paint Machine",VABB-1,163,183,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446557,,Een onwaarschijnlijk verhaal : de Latijnse sprookjes van een middeleeuwse Cisterciënzer,VABB-1,235,254,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446558,,Abrupt cooling events during the Early Holocene and their potential impact on the environment and human behaviour along the southern North Sea basin (NW Europe).,VABB-1,353,367,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446560,,Replicating the sanctity of the holy face : Jan van Eyck's head of Christ,VABB-1,5,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446561,,"Making a mountain out of a molehill? : a low-cost and time-efficient molehill survey of the lost medieval harbor site of Monnikerede, Belgium",VABB-1,503,513,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446562,,Why do irrational beliefs mimic science? The cultural evolution of pseudoscience,VABB-1,78,97,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446563,,"Multiple oscillations during the Lateglacial as recorded in a multi-proxy, high-resolution record of the Moervaart palaeolake (NW Belgium)",VABB-1,26,41,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446566,,A direct discourse-based approach to the study of language attitudes: the case of tussentaal in Flanders,VABB-1,93,116,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446568,,Syntactic variation and diachrony. The case of the Dutch dative alternation,VABB-1,65,96,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446569,,The Causal Metaphor Account of Metaphysical Explanation,VABB-1,553,578,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446570,,Let us save China : Gertrude Stein and politics,VABB-1,198,205,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446571,,"Übersetzungsspezifische oder mediationsbedingte Eigenschaften? Explizierung, Implizierung, Normalisierung und Shining-through am Beispiel von Verbzweitsatzkoordination mit Inversion in deutschen originalen und übersetzten Texten niederländischsprachiger Lerner",VABB-1,116,148,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:446572,,Reconstructing early neolithic paleogeography : EMI-vased subsurface modeling and chronological modeling of Holocene peat below the Lower Scheldt floodplain in NW Belgium,VABB-1,159,176,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446573,,Interaction for transfer : flexible approaches to multilingualism and their pedagogical implications for classroom interaction in linguistically diverse mainstream classrooms,VABB-1,267,280,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446574,,La evolución de las perífrasis verbales causativa e incoativa con poner en español : cambios de construcción y extensiones metafóricas,VABB-1,903,924,,spa,2017,1 c:vabb:446575,,Birds of a feather? A comparison of the personality profiles of aspiring interpreters and other language experts,VABB-1,29,51,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446577,,The future of dance and/as work : performing precarity,VABB-1,237,251,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446578,,"“Qu’est-ce que c’est que l’amour?” Curiosité, amour et monstruosité chez Stendhal",VABB-1,513,522,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:446581,,Comparative causation at multiple levels and across scientific disciplines,VABB-1,667,683,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446582,,From assistive to enhancing technology : should the treatment-enhancement distinction apply to future assistive and augmenting technologies?,VABB-1,244,247,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446583,,Zum sogenannten Nominativus Absolutus im Lateinischen : Neue Auslegungen zu einem alten Problem,VABB-1,28,80,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:446584,,Item-based assessment of translation competence : chimera of objectivity versus prospect of reliable measurement,VABB-1,40,58,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446585,,Climate change and the art of anticipatory memory,VABB-1,479,492,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446587,,"Micro-Raman spectroscopy and complementary techniques (hXRF, VP-SEM-EDS, μ-FTIR and Py-GC/MS) applied to the study of beads from the Kongo Kingdom (Democratic Republic of the Congo)",VABB-1,1468,1478,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446588,,Recent developments in genetics and medically assisted reproduction : from research to clinical applications,VABB-1,12,33,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446589,,"Large-area elemental imaging reveals Van Eyck's original paint layers on the Ghent Altarpiece (1432), rescoping its conservation treatment",VABB-1,4797,48011,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446590,,Spoiled for choice?,VABB-1,65,95,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446591,,Geoarchaeological study of abandoned Roman urban and suburban contexts from central Adriatic Italy,VABB-1,85,99,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446592,,Deaf and unwanted? Marriage characteristics of deaf people in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Belgium: a comparative and cross-regional approach,VABB-1,241,273,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446593,,"Touching matter in art: Towards a 'matterist' aesthetic with Fra Angelico, Vermeer, Lucebert, De Bruyckere, and Moreau",VABB-1,825,833,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446594,,Transfer printing of micron-size graphene for photonic integrated circuits and devices,VABB-1,435,439,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446599,,A corpus-based description of locative and non-locative reference in Kirundi locative enclitics,VABB-1,47,83,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446601,,Jewish villains and Basque heroes : ethnic identities and national narratives in Francisco Navarro Villoslada's Amaya o los vascos del siglo VIII,VABB-1,795,813,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446602,,Mazo (de) y otros recursos de intensificación en el lenguaje juvenil madrileño : factores lingüísticos y sociales,VABB-1,,,,spa,2017,1 c:vabb:446603,,Entering chair work in psychotherapy : an interactional structure for getting emotion-focused talk underway,VABB-1,168,189,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446605,,An automatic part-of-speech tagger for Middle Low German,VABB-1,108,141,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446607,,"""Murky Mercy"" : Michel Faber's under the skin and the difficulty of reality",VABB-1,591,614,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446608,,Between the historical languages and the reconstructed language : an alternative approach to the Gerundive + “Dative of Agent” construction in Indo-European,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446609,,Analytical characterization of glass tesserae from mosaics of early Christian basilicas in Albania,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446610,,Claiming the basileia ton Rhomaion : a Latin imperial dynasty in Byzantium (1204-1261),VABB-1,248,287,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446611,,The first use of portable Raman instrumentation for the in situ study of prehistoric rock paintings in Patagonian sites,VABB-1,1459,1467,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446612,,"A Chemical Compound in a Commodity Chain: The Production, Distribution and Industrial Use of Alum in the Mediterranean and the Textile Centers of the Low Countries (Thirteenth-Sixteenth Centuries)",VABB-1,238,258,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446613,,"Reformation, renovation and commemoration : the religious patronage of a Brabantine lord (Zoutleeuw, 1548-58)",VABB-1,44,72,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446615,,'Due encouragement' : the consecration of female authorship through reader contributions and extracts in the first series of The Lady's Magazine (1770–1819),VABB-1,319,335,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446616,,"Bedrieglijke eenvoud : Flandria Borealis tussen kaart en historie, tussen afbeelding en uitbeelding",VABB-1,521,543,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446617,,Amicitia et seditio : conflictstructuren in de ontwikkeling van de stedelijke autonomie in Sint-Truiden tijdens de eerste helft van de twaalfde eeuw,VABB-1,817,840,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:446619,,Food and Soot: Organic Residues On Outer Pottery Surfaces,VABB-1,1609,1621,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446620,,"Incoming mail, outgoing mail and copies of letters in the Ur-Utu archive",VABB-1,1,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446621,,"Interamna lirenas and its territory (Comune di pagnataro interamna, provincia di frosinone, regione lazio)",VABB-1,321,324,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446622,,"Solitaires dans la nature. ""L'art est ce qui rend la vie plus intéressante que l'art""",VABB-1,141,166,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:446623,,Archaeological (digital) maps as performances : towards alternative mappings,VABB-1,149,171,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446625,,Gamified music improvisation with BilliArT: a multimodal installation with balls,VABB-1,25,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446626,,Kalbeliya dance from Rajasthan : invented gypsy form or traditional snake charmers ’ Folk Dance?,VABB-1,37,54,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446631,,Caringscapes and belonging: an intersectional analysis of care relationships of unaccompanied minors in Belgium,VABB-1,80,92,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446632,,Von dem Trauma des anderen und der Sehnsucht nach Behausung in Lutz Seilers Roman Kruso (2014),VABB-1,320,345,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:446633,,'Meeting of Styles' and the online infrastructure of graffiti,VABB-1,99,115,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446637,,"Dative alternation and dative case syncretism in Greek: the use of dative, accusative and prepositional phrases in documentary papyri",VABB-1,212,238,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446638,,Customer complaints and disagreements in a multilingual business environment: a discursive-pragmatic analysis,VABB-1,77,115,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446640,,"""A Woman Like Any Other"": Female Sodomy, Hermaphroditism and Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Bruges",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446641,,Imagining a knowledge society : a comparative look at the socio-epistemic ideals of John Dee’s Monas Hieroglyphica (1564),VABB-1,157,174,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446642,,"Giving consumers a political voice : organized consumerism and the Belgian Welfare State, 1957-1981",VABB-1,70,93,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446643,,Nominale Wortbildungen und Fügungen mit 'super'. Ein korpusbasierter Vergleich,VABB-1,53,77,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:446644,,The Seal of an Official or an Official Seal? The Use of Court Seals in Old Babylonian Susa and Haft Tepe,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446645,,La accesibilidad referencial de las dislocaciones a la izquierda en español medieval,VABB-1,115,159,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446646,,La escritura-constelación de Walter Benjamin como alternativa de la historia: En la orilla (2013) de Rafael Chirbes,VABB-1,747,764,,spa,2017,1 c:vabb:446647,,Evaluation of the written competence of pre-service teachers of French as a foreign language in Belgium,VABB-1,141,153,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446648,,"SCAP_TT : tagging and lemmatising Spanish tourism discourse, and beyond",VABB-1,279,288,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446649,,Biblical and theistic arguments against the evolutionary argument against naturalism,VABB-1,9,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446650,,Hedges in conference interpreting: The role of gender,VABB-1,21,46,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446652,,"Becoming a Land Girl: Reprinting Alice Meynell's ""The Shepherdess"" in the Landswoman",VABB-1,398,417,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446654,,Gestures in contemporary music performance : a method to assist the performer’s artistic process,VABB-1,402,422,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446655,,Ὅμηρον ἐξ Ὁμήρου σαφηνίζειν : an analysis of the augment use in Iliad 1,VABB-1,58,171,,lat,2017,1 c:vabb:446656,,Adopting a music-to-heart rate alignment strategy to measure the impact of music and its tempo on human heart rate,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446657,,"La grandeur d'un genre mineur : la lettre, vecteur social et littéraire",VABB-1,107,123,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:446659,,Handling Inconsistencies in the Early Calculus,VABB-1,481,511,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446660,,Reassessing surface artefact scatters : the integration of artefact-accurate fieldwalking with geophysical data at Medieval harbour sites near Bruges (Belgium),VABB-1,101,117,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446661,,La micro-constructionalization in tandem : the copularization of tourner and virer,VABB-1,85,104,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446662,,Virer et tourner attributifs: De l’analyse quantitative des cooccurrences à la sémantique,VABB-1,386,422,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446663,,Using stem cell-derived gametes for same-sex reproduction : an alternative scenario,VABB-1,688,691,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446666,,A historical taxonomy of origin of species problems and its relevance to the historiography of evolutionary thought,VABB-1,927,987,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446667,,Whose French is it anyway? Language ideologies and re-emerging indexicalities of French in Flanders,VABB-1,407,432,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446669,,Le sort des lumumbistes chiliens face aux enjeux de la guerre froide (1964-1973),VABB-1,149,168,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:446671,,Comparison of seven portable Raman spectrometers : beryl as a case study,VABB-1,1289,1299,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446672,,Development of defocusing micro-SORS mapping : a study of a 19th century porcelain card,VABB-1,6435,6442,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446674,,Psychological closure does not entail cognitive closure,VABB-1,101,115,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446675,,Position as a behavioral property of subjects : the case of old Irish,VABB-1,111,141,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446678,,That will do : logics of deontic necessity and sufficiency,VABB-1,473,511,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446681,,The Politics of Modernism in Russia,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446682,,Entre spiritualité monastique et canoniale? Le thème de la formation dans les lettres d’Adam de Perseigne,VABB-1,247,270,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:446683,,"‘11 November 1918, an exceptional day!’ : Flashbulb memories of the World War I Armistice in Belgium from a psychological and a historical perspective",VABB-1,347,362,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446684,,"Between the shells : the production of Belgian, British and French trench journals in the First World War",VABB-1,67,89,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446686,,Unravelling the occupation history of the cremation cemetery at Wijnegem/Blikstraat (Belgium),VABB-1,,,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446689,,The nanosyntax of spatial deixis,VABB-1,362,427,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446690,,Postglacial evolution of vegetation and environment in the Scheldt Basin (northern Belgium),VABB-1,293,311,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446691,,Enhancing academic reading skills through extensive reading,VABB-1,17,40,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446693,,"Phonemes, words and sentences, and the Buddhist unconditioned",VABB-1,413,429,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446694,,"""Je crois à la justice, mais je défendrai mon fils avant la justice"" : continuer de Laurent Mauvignier."" suivi de ""Réponse à Pierre Schoentjes : traverser les frontières du roman""",VABB-1,167,180,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:446695,,Collaboration in translation practices : a course design for peer feedback in translation training,VABB-1,289,304,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:446696,,Translationese and post-editese : how comparable is comparable quality?,VABB-1,89,103,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446697,,El proceso de gramaticalización del marcador epistémico deverbal sabes,VABB-1,105,129,,spa,2017,1 c:vabb:446701,,Special forum : commodity frontiers and the global history of capitalism : a discussion about Sven Beckert’s empire of cotton : editor's introduction,VABB-1,101,105,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446703,,BRDF and its impact on aerial archaeological photography,VABB-1,133,140,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446704,,Badiou beyond formalization? On the ethics of the subject,VABB-1,724,735,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446705,,The mobile phone and society in South Sudan: A critical historical-anthropological approach,VABB-1,323,337,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446706,,From low cost UAV survey to high resolution topographic data : developing our understanding of a Medieval outport of Bruges,VABB-1,335,346,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446707,,Ballasting the Hanse : Baltoscandian erratic cobbles in the Later Medieval port landscape of Bruges,VABB-1,710,736,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446708,,Women editors and the rise of the illustrated fashion press in the nineteenth century,VABB-1,269,295,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446709,,Examining “elite” power dynamics in informant–research relations and its impact on ethnographic data construction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446711,,PLXTRM : prediction-led eXtended-guitar tool for real-time music applications and live performance,VABB-1,187,200,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446713,,"Dance performances in post-genocide Rwanda : remaking identity, reconnecting present and past",VABB-1,329,346,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446714,,Transcending the lexical vs grammatical divide regarding the mass/count distinction : lessons from corpus studies and acceptability surveys in French and Dutch,VABB-1,37,51,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446718,,Negative hotel reviews on TripAdvisor : a cross-linguistic analysis,VABB-1,22,30,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446719,,The life of Thaïs and the life of Abraham and his niece Mary : an intertextual connection,VABB-1,402,416,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446720,,Eli Lilly v Canada : the uncomfortable liaison between intellectual property and international investment law,VABB-1,283,305,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446722,,The devil in the omnibus : from Le Charivari to Blackwood’s magazine,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446723,,Human embryo research in Belgium: an overview,VABB-1,96,107,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446724,,In-between language policy and language reality : a corpus-based multivariate study of the interlingual and intralingual subtitling practice in Flanders,VABB-1,322,343,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446725,,El uso de las construcciones de adverbio locativo con pronombre posesivo en el español peninsular : un primer acercamiento diatópico,VABB-1,766,794,,spa,2017,1 c:vabb:446726,,In defense of co-existing engineering meanings of function,VABB-1,55,68,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446729,,Die Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens als emergentes Halbzentrum : Sprach- und bildungspolitischer Kontext - (Sub-)Standard - Sprachlandschaft,VABB-1,169,192,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:446730,,"""Een menschenleven voor een konijntje"" De Belgische Werkliedenpartij en de politiek van de jacht, 1894-1936",VABB-1,10,43,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446731,,"Penser les religions anciennes et la ""religion de l'humanité"" au début du XXe siècle. Le dialogue Loisy - Cumont",VABB-1,797,822,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:446733,,Size nouns matter : a closer look at mass(es) of and extended uses of SNs,VABB-1,160,176,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446734,,Models of organic organization in Montpellier vitalism,VABB-1,229,252,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446736,,Coronal plane trunk asymmetry is associated with whole-body sagittal alignment in healthy young adolescents before pubertal peak growth,VABB-1,448,457,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446737,,The role of re-appropriation in open design : a case study on how openness in higher education for industrial design engineering can trigger global discussions on the theme of urban gardening,VABB-1,121,144,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446738,,The Diorama Project: Development of a Tangible Medium to Foster STEAM Education Using Storytelling and Electronics,VABB-5,169,178,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:446740,,Connexins and their channels in inflammation,VABB-1,413,439,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:446741,,Fast spatial-selective delivery into live cells,VABB-1,198,204,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446743,,A typology of interprofessional teamwork in acute geriatric care : a study in 55 units in Belgium,VABB-1,2064,2070,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446746,,Brucella abortus is prevalent in both humans and animals in Bangladesh,VABB-1,394,399,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446747,,"Statistical procedures for the determination of linearity, detection limits and measurement uncertainty : a deeper look into SPE-LC-Orbitrap mass spectrometry of pharmaceuticals in wastewater",VABB-1,2,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446748,,Pannexin1 as mediator of inflammation and cell death,VABB-1,51,61,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446749,,Ingestion of white spirit resulting in perineal skin burns : a case report and review of the literature,VABB-1,361,364,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446751,,Flip-chip integration of tilted VCSELs onto a silicon photonic integrated circuit,VABB-1,16258,16266,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446753,,Dual pH- and ammonia-vapor-responsive electrospun nanofibrous membranes for oil-water separations,VABB-1,128,139,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446755,,Combined acute inhalation of hydrofluoric acid and nitric acid : a case report and literature review,VABB-1,278,288,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446756,,Comparing photoporation and nucleofection for delivery of small interfering RNA to cytotoxic T cells,VABB-1,154,162,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446757,,Fabrication of sustained-release CA-PU coaxial electrospun fiber membranes for plant grafting application,VABB-1,198,205,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446759,,Impact of tidal level fluctuations on the structural behaviour of a segmental tunnel lining,VABB-1,184,208,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446760,,A deep nasopharyngeal swab versus nonendoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage for isolation of bacterial pathogens from preweaned calves with respiratory disease,VABB-1,946,953,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446761,,Solid feed provision reduces fecal clostridial excretion in veal calves,VABB-1,365,367,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446762,,Rethinking the role of alpha toxin in Clostridium perfringens-associated enteric diseases : a review on bovine necro-haemorrhagic enteritis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446763,,Brain Activity During Phonation in Women With Muscle Tension Dysphonia: An fMRI Study,VABB-1,675,690,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446764,,Non-toxic perfringolysin O and α-toxin derivatives as potential vaccine candidates against bovine necrohaemorrhagic enteritis,VABB-1,89,94,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446765,,"Stabilization of colloidal Ti, Zr, and Hf oxide nanocrystals by protonated tri-n-octylphosphine oxide (TOPO) and its decomposition products",VABB-1,10233,10242,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446768,,Gesture and sign language recognition with temporal residual networks,VABB-5,3086,3093,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446769,,On the optimization of two-class work-conserving parameterized scheduling policies,VABB-1,281,308,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446772,,Visualizing and reasoning with imperfect time intervals in 2D,VABB-1,1698,1713,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446774,,A mutation in the PSST homologue of complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) from Tetranychus urticae is associated with resistance to METI acaricides,VABB-1,79,90,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446776,,Small-molecule potentiators for conventional antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus,VABB-1,780,796,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446777,,Targeting an aromatic hotspot in Plasmodium falciparum 1-deoxy-d-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase with β-arylpropyl analogues of fosmidomycin,VABB-1,2024,2036,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446779,,Determining the critical slenderness of concrete arch bridges by the nominal stiffness method,VABB-5,1715,1722,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:446780,,Refurbishment of a heritage concrete tied arch bridge across river Lys,VABB-5,1968,1975,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:446781,,Experiences with orthotropic plated bridge decks for high speeds,VABB-5,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:446784,,Autoreactivity to sulfatide by human invariant NKT cells,VABB-1,97,106,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446785,,"Coherent choice functions, desirability and indifference",VABB-1,1,36,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446787,,Crassicauda boopis in a fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) ship-struck in the eastern North Atlantic Ocean,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:446788,,Novel hamamelitannin analogues for the treatment of biofilm related MRSA infections : a scaffold hopping approach,VABB-1,757,770,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446789,,The effect of insecticide synergist treatment on genome-wide gene expression in a polyphagous pest,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446790,,Disruption of a horizontally transferred phytoene desaturase abolishes carotenoid accumulation and diapause in Tetranychus urticae,VABB-1,E5871,E5880,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446791,,Inoculative release strategies of Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur (Hemiptera: Miridae) in tomato crops : population dynamics and dispersal,VABB-1,295,303,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446793,,Diagnosis and management of bladder bowel dysfunction in children with urinary tract infections: a position statement from the International Children’s Continence Society,VABB-1,2207,2219,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:446796,,Influence of arch bridge skewness,VABB-5,4108,4112,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:446799,,Galactosylsphingamides : new α-GalCer analogues to probe the F’-pocket of CD1d,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446800,,Efficient diastereoselective synthesis of a new class of azanucleosides : 2'-homoazanucleosides,VABB-1,4307,4316,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446801,,Synthesis of C6′′-modified α-C-GalCer analogues as mouse and human iNKT cell agonists,VABB-1,2217,2225,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446802,,Leptin receptor antagonism of iNKT cell function : a novel strategy to combat multiple myeloma,VABB-1,2678,2685,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446803,,"Identification of a new tert -leucinate class synthetic cannabinoid in powder and 'spice-like' herbal incenses : methyl 2-[[1-(5-fluoropentyl)indole-3-carbonyl]amino]-3,3-dimethyl-butanoate (5F-MDMB-PICA)",VABB-1,45,52,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446804,,Helping young designers design for children: evaluating toys and possible values,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446807,,Reinstallation of tramways accross a 100 year portal frame bridge,VABB-5,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:446808,,Computing lower and upper expected first passage and return times in imprecise birth-death chains,VABB-1,137,173,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446809,,Simulation modeling for end-of-Aisle automated storage and retrieval system,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446810,,De rol van de arts in het ziekenhuis,VABB-1,966,972,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:446811,,Microfluidic flow chambers using reconstituted blood to model hemostasis and platelet transfusion in vitro,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446812,,Service life and global warming potential of chloride exposed concrete with high volumes of fly ash,VABB-1,210,223,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446813,,Saturated long linear aliphatic chain sodium monocarboxylates for the corrosion inhibition of lead objects : an initiative towards the conservation of our lead cultural heritage,VABB-1,693,704,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446814,,Synthesis and electrochemical behavior of a magnesium fluoride-polydopamine-stearic acid composite coating on AZ31 magnesium alloy,VABB-1,56,64,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446815,,Chemical dimerizers in three-hybrid systems for small molecule-target protein profiling,VABB-1,2075,2090,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446816,,Novel potentiators for vancomycin in the treatment of biofilm-related MRSA infections via a mix and match approach,VABB-1,38,42,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446817,,Efficient divergent synthesis of new immunostimulant 4″-modified α-galactosylceramide analogues,VABB-1,642,647,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446818,,Micellar paclitaxel-initiated RAFT polymer conjugates with acid-sensitive behavior,VABB-1,272,276,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446822,,Microbial community management in aquaculture,VABB-5,37,39,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446828,,Lipoma arborescens : review of an uncommon cause for swelling of the knee,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:446834,,A highly sensitive electrochemical biosensor based on AuNP-modified gold electrodes for selective determination of serum levels of crosslaps,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446835,,A multiplexed microfluidic platform for bone marker measurement : a proof-of-concept,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446836,,Acrylate-based coatings to protect lead substrates,VABB-1,8,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446840,,Psoralen and ultraviolet A light treatment directly affects phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signal transduction by altering plasma membrane packing,VABB-1,24364,24376,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446841,,Herd-level animal management factors associated with the occurrence of bovine neonatal pancytopenia in calves in a multi-country study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446842,,Motor evoked potentials in standing and recumbent calves induced by magnetic stimulation at the foramen magnum,VABB-1,178,182,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446857,,Photoinduced cross-linking of short furan-modified DNA on surfaces,VABB-1,1197,1201,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446862,,Analyse van de arbeidssituatie en perceptie van de kwaliteit van de opleiding van dierenartsen afgestudeerd aan de Faculteit Diergeneeskunde van de Universiteit Gent,VABB-1,303,310,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:446863,,Nosocomial intravascular catheter infections with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli in calves after strain introduction from a commercial herd,VABB-1,130,136,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446864,,Multicentric B-cell lymphoma in a pygmy goat,VABB-1,291,295,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446866,,Microwave induced 'egg yolk' structure in Cr/V-MIL-53,VABB-1,8478,8481,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446867,,Measuring residual stresses in orthotropic steel Decks using the incremental hole-drilling technique,VABB-1,215,226,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446869,,Heterogeneous Ru(III) oxidation catalysts via 'click' bidentate ligands on a periodic mesoporous organosilica support,VABB-1,6035,6045,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446870,,"Discovery of a novel, large pore phase in a bimetallic Al/V metal-organic framework",VABB-1,24580,24584,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446871,,Mechanical and self-healing properties of cementitious materials with pH-responsive semi-synthetic superabsorbent polymers,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446875,,Development of a fatigue experiment for the stiffener-to-deck plate connection in Orthotropic Steel Decks,VABB-1,1353,13664,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446876,,Fatigue strenght application of fracture mechanics to orthotropic steel decks,VABB-1,1696,1709,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446878,,Week-to-week variation of scintigraphic (semi-)quantitative thyroid variables in 14 healthy experimental cats,VABB-1,382,386,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446879,,Patiëntveiligheid in de eerstelijnsgezondheidszorg: een stand van zaken en aanbevelingen,VABB-1,202,211,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:446880,,Loss of functional autonomy in medication management after start of therapy in older patients with haematological malignancies,VABB-1,14,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:446885,,Mantelzorg : een literatuurstudie en simulatiemodel betreffende de economische waarde en de financiële impact op de ziekteverzekering,VABB-1,1473,1480,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:446889,,Gonadal dysgenesis in disorders of sex development : diagnosis and surgical management,VABB-1,411,416,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446890,,Influence of dartos tissue and the androgen receptor in congenital penile malformations : opening new horizons in research with clinical relevance,VABB-1,177,181,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446891,,Release of urinary extracellular vesicles in prostate cancer is associated with altered urinary N-glycosylation profile,VABB-1,838,846,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446892,,Comparison of ex vivo and in vivo dermoscopy in dermatopathologic evaluation of skin tumors,VABB-1,312,317,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446893,,Confirmation of an ARID2 defect in SWI/SNF-related intellectual disability,VABB-1,3104,3108,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446894,,Self-reported information literacy skills among researchers within a medical and health science faculty,VABB-5,422,427,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:446895,,Management of undescended testes : European Association of Urology/European Society for Paediatric Urology Guidelines,VABB-1,335,343,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446896,,Effect of abdominopelvic sepsis on cancer outcome in patients undergoing sphincter saving surgery for rectal cancer,VABB-1,722,729,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446897,,Pathologic evaluation of skin tumors with ex vivo dermoscopy with derm dotting,VABB-1,154,160,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446898,,Video urodynamic study in female adults with air-filled catheters : a health-care training video,VABB-1,239,240,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446899,,"Surgery in disorders of sex development (DSD) with a gender issue : if (why), when, and how?",VABB-1,139,149,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446900,,A microfluidic flow chamber model for platelet transfusion and hemostasis measures platelet deposition and fibrin formation in real-time,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446901,,"A randomized, observer-blind phase Ib study to identify formulations and vaccine schedules of a trivalent Group B Streptococcus vaccine for use in non-pregnant and pregnant women",VABB-1,1786,1791,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446902,,Rosettes and other white shiny structures in polarized dermoscopy: histological correlate and optical explanation,VABB-1,311,313,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446903,,Is early detection of basal cell carcinoma worthwhile? : systematic review based on the WHO criteria for screening,VABB-1,1258,1265,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446904,,Circadian rhythms in water and solute handling in adults with a spinal cord injury,VABB-1,445,451,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446906,,PLC zeta is the physiological trigger of the Ca2+ oscillations that induce embryogenesis in mammals but conception can occur in its absence,VABB-1,2914,2924,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446910,,"Short-Lasting Episodes of Torsade de Pointes in the Chronic Atrioventricular Block Dog Model Have a Focal Mechanism, While Longer-Lasting Episodes Are Maintained by Re-Entry",VABB-1,1565,1576,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:446912,,OTO : A DIY platform for mobile social robots in education,VABB-4,257,262,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:446913,,People with disabilities as product innovators : a pilot study,VABB-1,791,797,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:446915,,Risks to human and animal health related to the presence of deoxynivalenol and its acetylated and modified forms in food and feed,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:446918,,Using simulation to analyze picker blocking in manual order picking systems,VABB-5,1798,1808,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446922,,Ovarian tissue cryopreservation in female-to-male transgender people: insights into ovarian histology and physiology after prolonged androgen treatment,VABB-1,557,566,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446923,,Preimplantation genetic diagnosis for chromosomal rearrangements with the use of array comparative genomic hybridization at the blastocyst stage,VABB-1,212,219,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446925,,Improving contraceptives supply management by addressing the human factor,VABB-5,271,271,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446927,,Mathematical model of haptic perception of temperature,VABB-1,155,164,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446928,,Lessen trekken uit de terreuraanslagen in Parijs,VABB-1,726,734,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:446940,,Doped sol-gel films vs. powders TiO2 : on the positive effect induced by the presence of a substrate,VABB-1,449,459,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:446945,,Novel reproductive technologies to prevent mitochondrial disease,VABB-1,501,519,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446949,,Heme Oxygenase Activity and Heme Binding in a Neonatal Mouse Model,VABB-1,376,383,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446993,,Spatial context mining approach for transport mode recognition from mobile sensed big data,VABB-1,38,52,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446994,,"Multiple generations of buried cold-water coral mounds since the Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition in the Atlantic Moroccan Coral Province, southern Gulf of Cadiz",VABB-1,293,304,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446995,,Healthcare costs and quality of life outcomes following gender affirming surgery in trans men : a review,VABB-1,543,556,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:446996,,Hand grip strength as a screening tool for frailty in older patients with haematological malignancies,VABB-1,227,230,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446997,,Three year functional changes and long-term mortality hazard in community-dwelling older men,VABB-1,66,72,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:446999,,"Beyond the box : a comprehensive study of sexist, homophobic, and transphobic attitudes among the Belgian population",VABB-1,5,34,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:447000,,Grief and loss in older people residing in nursing homes : (un)detected by nurses and care assistants?,VABB-1,3125,3136,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447001,,Chronic fatigue syndrome : an update,VABB-1,273,280,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447002,,Validity and reproducibility of a food frequency questionnaire for dietary factors related to colorectal cancer,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447003,,Perspective: An extension of the STROBE Statement for Observational Studies in Nutritional Epidemiology (STROBE-nut) : explanation and elaboration,VABB-1,652,678,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447005,,Validation of the FNIH sarcopenia criteria and SOF frailty index as predictors of long-term mortality in ambulatory older men,VABB-1,603,609,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447006,,Identification of a memory kernel in a nonlinear integrodifferential parabolic problem,VABB-1,305,323,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447008,,Prototyping tangible user interfaces: case study of the collaboration between academia and industry,VABB-1,726,737,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447009,,Spott : on-the-spot e-commerce for television using deep learning-based video analysis techniques,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447010,,Chronic and invasive fungal infections in a family with CARD9 deficiency,VABB-1,204,209,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447011,,Sorafenib tosylate inhibits directly necrosome complex formation and protects in mouse models of inflammation and tissue injury,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447012,,High mannose-specific lectin Msl mediates key interactions of the vaginal Lactobacillus plantarum isolate CMPG5300,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447013,,Direct comparison of distinct naive pluripotent states in human embryonic stem cells,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447014,,From design for one to open-ended design : experiments on understanding how to open-up contextual design solutions,VABB-1,3873,3883,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447015,,Comparative study of colloidal gold and quantum dots as labels for multiplex screening tests for multi-mycotoxin detection,VABB-1,48,57,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447016,,Mycotoxigenic potentials of Fusarium species in various culture matrices revealed by mycotoxin profiling,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447017,,Evolution and diversity of cadherins and catenins,VABB-1,3,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447018,,Topical use of 5% acyclovir cream for the treatment of occult and verrucous equine sarcoids : a double-blinded placebo-controlled study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447019,,Multigenerational effects of the antibiotic tetracycline on transcriptional responses of Daphnia magna and its relationship to higher levels of biological organizations,VABB-1,12898,12907,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447020,,Breath analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and electronic nose to screen for pleural mesothelioma : a cross-sectional case-control study,VABB-1,91593,91602,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447021,,Co-delivery of nucleoside-modified mRNA and TLR agonists for cancer immunotherapy: Restoring the immunogenicity of immunosilent mRNA,VABB-1,287,300,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447022,,Dose optimization of piperacillin/tazobactam in critically ill children,VABB-1,2002,2011,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447023,,"Plant lectins targeting O-glycans at the cell surface as tools for cancer diagnosis, orognosis and therapy",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447024,,Initiation and execution mechanisms of necroptosis : an overview,VABB-1,1184,1195,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447025,,Optimizing nanocomposites through nanocrystal surface chemistry : superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 thin films via low-fluorine metal organic deposition and preformed metal oxide nanocrystals,VABB-1,6104,6113,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447026,,"Characterisation of the output process of a discrete-time GI / D / 1 queue, and its application to network performance",VABB-1,175,190,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447027,,Analysis of discrete-time queues with general service demands and finite-support service capacities,VABB-1,3,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447028,,In vitro and ex vivo delivery of tailored siRNA-nanoliposomes for E2F1 silencing as a potential therapy for colorectal cancer,VABB-1,377,387,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447029,,GH11 xylanase increases prebiotic oligosaccharides from wheat bran favouring butyrate-producing bacteria in vitro,VABB-1,113,123,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447030,,The role of intracellular trafficking of CdSe/ZnS QDs on their consequent toxicity profile,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447031,,Numerically pricing double barrier options in a time-fractional Black-Scholes model,VABB-1,1166,1175,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447032,,Inhibition of connexin hemichannels alleviates non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in mice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447033,,Simplified method for evaluating the biaxial capacity of rectangular reinforced concrete columns during fire,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447034,,"Population pharmacokinetics of cefazolin before, during and after cardiopulmonary bypass to optimize dosing regimens for children undergoing cardiac surgery",VABB-1,791,800,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447035,,Analytical strategy for determination of known and unknown destruxins using hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometry,VABB-1,3347,3357,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447036,,Evaluation of direct Etest for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of bacteria isolated from synovial fluid of horses using enrichment bottles,VABB-1,55,62,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447037,,Genomic innovations linked to infection strategies across emerging pathogenic chytrid fungi,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447038,,High-throughput screening of extrinsic point defect properties in Si and Ge : database and applications,VABB-1,975,984,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447039,,MALT1 is not alone after all: identification of novel paracaspases,VABB-1,1103,1116,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447040,,Formin is associated with left-right asymmetry in the pond snail and the frog,VABB-1,654,660,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447041,,Development and validation of a small single-domain antibody that effectively inhibits matrix metalloproteinase 8,VABB-1,890,902,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447042,,Congenital bilateral aplasia of the metacarpophalangeal joints in a foal,VABB-1,444,447,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:447043,,Blocking connexin channels improves embryo development of vitrified bovine blastocysts,VABB-1,288,301,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447044,,Helicobacter suis affects the health and function of porcine gastric parietal cells,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447045,,The unique peptidome : taxon-specific tryptic peptides as biomarkers for targeted metaproteomics,VABB-1,2313,2318,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447046,,Three cases of OXA-48-like carbapenemase producing Enterobacteriaceae (not) detected using Xpert® Carba-R,VABB-1,242,244,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447047,,A two-class global FCFS discrete-time queueing model with arbitrary-length constant service times,VABB-1,164,178,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447048,,Bioconjugation of quantum dots : review & impact on future application,VABB-1,31,48,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447049,,Comparing nonparametric tests of equality of means for randomized block designs,VABB-1,1718,1730,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447050,,"The impact of facility audits, evaluation reports and incentives on motivation and supply management among family planning service providers : an interventional study in two districts in Maputo Province, Mozambique",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447051,,Efficient analysis of mouse genome sequences reveal many nonsense variants,VABB-1,5670,5675,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447052,,Unsupervised spectral sub-feature learning for hyperspectral image classification,VABB-1,309,326,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447053,,A difference scheme for multidimensional transfer equations with time delay,VABB-1,580,590,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447054,,On a class of non-linear delay distributed order fractional diffusion equations,VABB-1,433,443,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447055,,"In vivo contribution of deoxynivalenol-3-β-D-glucoside to deoxynivalenol exposure in broiler chickens and pigs: oral bioavailability, hydrolysis and toxicokinetics",VABB-1,699,712,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447056,,"Resource use profile and nutritional value assessment of a typical Belgian meal, catered or home cooked, with pork or Quorn™ as protein source",VABB-1,196,204,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447057,,Diversity and functions of protein glycosylation in insects,VABB-1,21,34,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447058,,RIPK1 protects from TNF-α-mediated liver damage during hepatitis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447059,,Cytosolic delivery of nanolabels prevents their asymmetric inheritance and enables extended quantitative in vivo cell imaging,VABB-1,5975,5986,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447060,,Immunogenic apoptotic cell death and anticancer immunity,VABB-1,133,149,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447061,,Extracellular ATP and P₂X₇ receptor exert context-specific immunogenic effects after immunogenic cancer cell death,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447062,,Stochastic framework for evaluating the effect of displaced antenna elements on DOA estimation,VABB-1,262,265,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447063,,Convolutional neural network based fault detection for rotating machinery,VABB-1,331,345,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447064,,Toxic exposure to caustics and respiratory irritants,VABB-1,127,137,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447065,,Analysis of a discrete-time queue with time-limited overtake priority,VABB-1,69,97,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447066,,Nanomedicine-based intraperitoneal therapy for the treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis : mission possible?,VABB-1,13,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447067,,"Detection, isolation and characterization of Fusobacterium gastrosuis sp. nov. colonizing the stomach of pigs",VABB-1,42,50,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447068,,Microwave-assisted YBa2Cu3O7 precursors : a fast and reliable method towards chemical precursors for superconducting films,VABB-1,2407,2418,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447069,,Effects of propidium monoazide (PMA) treatment on mycobiome and bacteriome analysis of cystic fibrosis airways during exacerbation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447070,,The probiotic Butyricicoccus pullicaecorum reduces feed conversion and protects from potentially harmful intestinal microorganisms and necrotic enteritis in broilers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447071,,Basal cell carcinoma in two Hermann's tortoises (Testudo hermanni),VABB-1,750,754,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447072,,Bisulfite sequencing with Daphnia highlights a role for epigenetics in regulating stress response to Microcystis through preferential differential methylation of serine and threonine amino acids,VABB-1,924,931,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447073,,Connexin hemichannel inhibition reduces acetaminophen-induced liver injury in mice,VABB-1,30,37,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447074,,Fertility preservation for trans men : frozen-thawed in vitro matured oocytes collected at the time of ovarian tissue processing exhibit normal meiotic spindles,VABB-1,1449,1456,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447075,,Glycan-binding F-box protein from Arabidopsis thaliana protects plants from Pseudomonas syringae infection,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447076,,Systematic exploration of the glycoproteome of the beneficial gut isolate Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG,VABB-1,345,358,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447077,,Elastic modulus of the Alkali-Silica reaction rim in a simplified calcium-alkali-silicate system determined by nano-indentation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447078,,"The influence of the size, age and sex on the computed tomographic measured size of the pituitary gland in normal horses",VABB-1,267,273,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447079,,Intracellular delivery of oligonucleotides in Helicobacter pylori by fusogenic liposomes in the presence of gastric mucus,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447080,,Development of a rainbow lateral flow immunoassay for the simultaneous detection of four mycotoxins,VABB-1,7121,7130,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447081,,"Differences in extracellular matrix proteins between Friesian horses with aortic rupture, unaffected Friesians and Warmblood horses",VABB-1,609,613,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447082,,Effect of hyaluronic acid-binding to lipoplexes on intravitreal drug delivery for retinal gene therapy,VABB-1,27,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447083,,Analysis of secondary user performance in cognitive radio networks with reactive spectrum handoff,VABB-1,539,550,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447084,,"Contribution from selected organic species to PM2.5 aerosol during a summer field campaign at K-Puszta, Hungary",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447085,,Assessment of aflatoxin exposure among young children in Ethiopia using urinary biomarkers,VABB-1,1606,1616,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447086,,Awareness and prevalence of mycotoxin contamination in selected Nigerian fermented foods,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447087,,"Report from the 1st MYCOKEY international conference Global Mycotoxin Reduction in the Food and Feed Chain held in Ghent, Belgium, 11-14 September 2017",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447088,,Metabolic profile of the masked mycotoxin T-2 toxin-3-glucoside in rats (in vitro and in vivo) and humans (in vitro),VABB-1,349,362,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447089,,Precipitation in simultaneously nitrided and aged Mo-containing maraging steel,VABB-1,21,30,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447090,,Comparative study of lectin domains in model species : new insights into evolutionary dynamics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447091,,Sorafenib inhibits therapeutic induction of necroptosis in acute leukemia cells,VABB-1,68208,68220,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447092,,Challenges and recommendations for environmental sustainability assessments of pharmaceutical products in the healthcare sector,VABB-1,3493,3509,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447093,,Improving the repeatability of dynamic olfactometry according to EN 13725 : a case study for pig odour,VABB-1,70,79,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447094,,Development and validation of an ultra-high performance liquid chromatographic high resolution Q-Orbitrap mass spectrometric method for the simultaneous determination of steroidal endocrine disrupting compounds in aquatic matrices,VABB-1,140,150,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447095,,"Sibiriline, a new small chemical inhibitor of receptor-interacting protein kinase 1, prevents immune-dependent hepatitis",VABB-1,3050,3068,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447096,,Role of mycotoxins in herds with and without problems with tail necrosis in neonatal pigs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447097,,"Individualized versus conventional ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization : a multicenter, randomized, controlled, assessor-blinded, phase 3 noninferiority trial",VABB-1,387,396,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447098,,"Aspergillus flavus aswA, a gene homolog of Aspergillus nidulans oefC, regulates sclerotial development and biosynthesis of sclerotium-associated secondary metabolites",VABB-1,29,37,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447099,,The drone ambulance [A-UAS] : golden bullet or just a blank?,VABB-1,46,48,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447100,,"Calcium, oxidative stress and connexin channels, a harmonious orchestra directing the response to radiotherapy treatment?",VABB-1,1099,1120,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447101,,"Caecibacterium sporoformans gen. nov., sp nov., an anaerobic, butyrate-producing, spore-forming bacterium isolated from chicken caecum",VABB-1,4589,4594,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447102,,Analysis of a discrete-time single-server queue with an occasional extra server,VABB-1,119,142,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447103,,Delay analysis of multiclass queues with correlated train arrivals and a hybrid priority/FIFO scheduling discipline,VABB-1,823,839,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447104,,When PERK inhibitors turn out to be new potent RIPK1 inhibitors : critical issues on the specificity and use of GSK2606414 and GSK2656157,VABB-1,1100,1110,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447105,,Data-driven imbalance and hard particle detection in rotating machinery using infrared thermal imaging,VABB-1,28,39,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447106,,Evolution and structural diversification of Nictaba-like lectin genes in food crops with a focus on soybean (Glycine max),VABB-1,901,914,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447107,,Genome-wide identification and domain organization of lectin domains in cucumber,VABB-1,165,176,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447108,,Lectin-like molecules of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG inhibit pathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella biofilm formation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447109,,Compressive membrane action in FRP strengthened RC members,VABB-1,442,452,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447110,,RIPK1 protects hepatocytes from death in Fas-induced hepatitis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447111,,Species-specific immunity to Helicobacter suis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447112,,Metabolic profile of zearalenone in liver microsomes from different species and its in vivo metabolism in rats and chickens using ultra high-pressure liquid chromatography-quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometry,VABB-1,11292,11303,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447113,,Capacitive sensing of N-formylamphetamine based on immobilized molecular imprinted polymers,VABB-1,741,747,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447114,,The status of Fusarium mycotoxins in Sub-Saharan Africa : a review of emerging trends and post-harvest mitigation strategies towards food control,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447115,,Metabolism of T-2 toxin in farm animals and human in vitro and in chickens in vivo using ultra high-performance liquid chromatography- quadrupole/time-of-flight hybrid mass spectrometry along with online hydrogen/deuterium exchange technique,VABB-1,7217,7227,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447116,,PEGylated and functionalized aliphatic polycarbonate polyplex nanoparticles for intravenous administration of HDAC5 siRNA in cancer therapy,VABB-1,2181,2195,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447117,,RIPK1 protects hepatocytes from Kupffer cells-mediated TNF-induced apoptosis in mouse models of PAMP-induced hepatitis,VABB-1,1205,1213,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447118,,"Enhanced treatment of secondary municipal wastewater effluent : comparing (biological) filtration and ozonation in view of micropollutant removal, unselective effluent toxicity, and the potential for real-time control",VABB-1,236,246,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447119,,Distribution of glycan motifs at the surface of midgut cells in the cotton leafworm (Spodoptera littoralis) demonstrated by lectin binding,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447120,,Surrogate-based correlation models in view of real-time control of ozonation of secondary treated municipal wastewater-model development and dynamic validation,VABB-1,14233,14243,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447121,,The plant response induced in wheat ears by a combined attack of Sitobion avenae aphids and Fusarium graminearum boosts fungal infection and deoxynivalenol production,VABB-1,98,109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447122,,Guided chroma reconstruction for screen content coding,VABB-1,1884,1892,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447123,,Synergetic behavior of TiO2-supported Pd(z)Pt(1−z) catalysts in the green synthesis of methyl formate,VABB-1,1157,1166,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447124,,"ConTra v3 : a tool to identify transcription factor binding sites across species, update 2017",VABB-1,W490,W494,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447125,,Rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry for high-throughput screening in food analysis : the case of boar taint,VABB-1,30,36,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447127,,The BH4 domain of Bcl-2 orthologues from different classes of vertebrates can act as an evolutionary conserved inhibitor of IP3 receptor channels,VABB-1,41,46,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447128,,Into rather unexplored terrain : transcellular transport across the blood-brain barrier,VABB-1,1097,1123,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447129,,Experimental investigation and optimization of ends-together pneumatic splice chambers,VABB-1,1803,1815,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447130,,Efficient bit rate transcoding for high efficiency video coding,VABB-1,364,378,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447131,,How to solve the underestimated problem of overestimated sodium results in the hypoproteinemic patient,VABB-1,e83,e88,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447132,,"Thermal behaviour of yttrium aluminate glasses studied by DSC, high-temperature X-ray diffraction, SEM and SEM–EDS",VABB-1,1407,1415,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447133,,Intermittent haemoptysis due to an aortobronchial fistula in a warmblood mare,VABB-1,213,217,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:447134,,Elevated ΔNp63α levels facilitate epidermal and biliary oncogenic transformation,VABB-1,494,505,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447135,,Thermal processing of aqueous AZO inks towards functional TCO thin films,VABB-1,360,368,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447136,,Performance analysis of a discrete-time two-class global-FCFS queue with two servers and geometric service times,VABB-1,34,51,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447137,,Scalable feature-preserving irregular mesh coding,VABB-1,275,290,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447138,,"Evaluation of thermodynamics, formation energetics and electronic properties of vacancy defects in CaZrO3",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447139,,Analysis of a discrete-time queue with general service demands and phase-type service capacities,VABB-1,1901,1926,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447140,,Epidemic Achromobacter xylosoxidans strain among Belgian cystic fibrosis patients and review of literature,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447141,,Heading south or north : novel insights on European silver eel Anguilla anguilla migration in the North Sea,VABB-1,257,262,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447142,,The EMT transcription factor Zeb2 controls adult murine hematopoietic differentiation by regulating cytokine signaling,VABB-1,460,472,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447143,,Superconducting and magnetic properties of Sn-doped EuBa2Cu3O7-δ compound,VABB-1,1045,1047,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447144,,The MASSIF platform : a modular and semantic platform for the development of flexible IoT services,VABB-1,89,126,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447145,,Ribosome inactivating proteins from Rosaceae,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447146,,Membrane behavior in RC slabs subjected to simulated reinforcement corrosion,VABB-1,45,58,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447147,,Fluorescently labelled multiplex lateral flow immunoassay based on cadmium-free quantum dots,VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447148,,Keeping mycotoxins away from the food : does the existence of regulations have any impact in Africa?,VABB-1,1584,1592,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447149,,Microfabricated devices for single objective single plane illumination microscopy (SoSPIM),VABB-1,1732,1745,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447150,,Unravelling the diversity of the cyclopiazonic acid family of mycotoxins in Aspergillus flavus by UHPLC triple-TOF HRMS,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447151,,Exploring the HYDRAtion method for loading siRNA on liposomes : the interplay between stability and biological activity in human undiluted ascites fluid,VABB-1,241,251,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447152,,"Reduced particle size wheat bran is butyrogenic and lowers Salmonella colonization, when added to poultry feed",VABB-1,64,71,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447154,,High-pressure nebulization as application route for the peritoneal administration of siRNA complexes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447155,,Beneficial microbial signals from alternative feed ingredients : a way to improve sustainability of broiler production?,VABB-1,1008,1011,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447156,,"Influence of mycotoxin binders on the oral bioavailability of tylosin, doxycycline, diclazuril, and salinomycin in fed broiler chickens",VABB-1,2137,2144,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447158,,Spontaneous tension pneumoperitoneum presenting as an out of hospital cardiac arrest : a case report and review of the literature,VABB-1,258,262,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447159,,Disulfiram inhibition of cyanide formation after acetonitrile poisoning,VABB-1,56,60,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447160,,Collision cross section prediction of deprotonated phenolics in a travelling-wave ion mobility spectrometer using molecular descriptors and chemometrics,VABB-1,68,76,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447161,,A pseudo energy-invariant method for relativistic wave equations with Riesz space-fractional derivatives,VABB-1,98,107,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:447162,,Genetic divergence and chemotype diversity in the fusarium head blight pathogen Fusarium poae,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447163,,Amaranthin-like proteins with aerolysin domains in plants,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447164,,Genome-wide screening for lectin motifs in Arabidopsis thaliana,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447165,,Sensitive flow-through immunoassay for rapid multiplex determination of cereal-borne mycotoxins in feed and feed ingredients,VABB-1,7131,7137,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447166,,Dry heat transfer from the skin surface into textiles: subjective and objective measurement of thermal haptic perception of textiles: preliminary studies,VABB-1,445,455,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447167,,A new reference genome assembly for the microcrustacean Daphnia pulex,VABB-1,1405,1416,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447168,,Expression of ribosome-inactivating proteins from apple in tobacco plants results in enhanced resistance to Spodoptera exigua,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447169,,"Microbial detoxification of deoxynivalenol (DON), assessed via a Lemna minor L. bioassay, through biotransformation to 3-epi-DON and 3-epi-DOM-1",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447170,,Toward smart design of retinal drug carriers : a novel bovine retinal explant model to study the barrier role of the vitreoretinal interface,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447171,,"Formation, structures and electronic properties of silicene oxides on Ag(111)",VABB-1,751,757,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447172,,USP8 suppresses death receptor-mediated apoptosis by enhancing FLIPL stability,VABB-1,458,470,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447173,,Short-term health effects in the general population following a major train accident with acrylonitrile in Belgium,VABB-1,256,263,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447174,,Salmonella Enteritidis flagellar mutants have a colonization benefit in the chicken oviduct,VABB-1,23,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447175,,"T-2 toxin-3α-glucoside in broiler chickens : toxicokinetics, absolute oral bioavailability, and in vivo hydrolysis",VABB-1,4797,4803,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447176,,Impact of vancomycin protein binding on target attainment in critically ill children : back to the drawing board?,VABB-1,801,804,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447177,,Coating of quantum dots strongly defines their effect on lysosomal health and autophagy,VABB-1,195,205,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447178,,POM@IL-MOFs : inclusion of POMs in ionic liquid modified MOFs to produce recyclable oxidation catalysts,VABB-1,1478,1487,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447179,,Density functional theory study on the B doping and B/P codoping of Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447180,,Influence of dry cleaning on the electrical resistance of screen printed conductors on textiles,VABB-1,146,153,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447181,,Data-driven multivariate power curve modeling of offshore wind turbines,VABB-1,331,338,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447182,,"At the cross-point of connexins, calcium, and ATP : blocking hemichannels inhibits vasoconstriction of rat small mesenteric arteries",VABB-1,195,206,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447183,,Design of waste stabilization pond systems : a review,VABB-1,236,248,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447184,,"Plant-RRBS, a bisulfite and next-generation sequencing-based methylome profiling method enriching for coverage of cytosine positions",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447185,,Analysis and comparison of thickness and bending measurements from Fabric Touch Tester (FTT) and Standard Methods,VABB-1,51,60,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:447186,,Optimization of spray dried attrition-resistant iron based oxygen carriers for chemical looping reforming,VABB-1,824,839,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447187,,Metazoan evolution of the armadillo repeat superfamily,VABB-1,525,541,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447188,,Evolutionary relationships and expression analysis of EUL domain proteins in rice (Oryza sativa),VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447189,,Studies on the Alkali–Silica reaction rim in a simplified Calcium–Alkali–Silicate system,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447190,,Autocrine embryotropins revisited : how do embryos talk to each other in vitro when cultured in groups?,VABB-1,505,520,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447191,,A quantitative swab is a good non-invasive alternative to a quantitative biopsy for quantifying bacterial load in wounds healing by second intention in horses,VABB-1,63,68,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447192,,Repetitive urine and blood sampling in neonatal and weaned piglets for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic modelling in drug discovery : a pilot study,VABB-1,498,508,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447193,,Sulfates in completely recyclable concrete and the effect of CaSO4 on the clinker mineralogy,VABB-1,300,306,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447194,,Suspected phenobarbitone hypersensitivity with acute liver failure in a dog,VABB-1,168,170,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447195,,How do we fit ferroptosis in the family of regulated cell death?,VABB-1,1991,1998,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447196,,"Toxicity, membrane binding and uptake of the Sclerotinia sclerotiorum agglutinin (SSA) in different insect cell lines",VABB-1,691,698,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447197,,Genome-wide screening of Oryza sativa ssp. japonica and indica reveals a complex family of proteins with ribosome-inactivating protein domains,VABB-1,87,97,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447198,,"Extensive evolution of cereal ribosome-inactivating proteins translates into unique structural features, activation mechanisms, and physiological roles",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447199,,Combining traditional dietary assessment methods with novel metabolomics techniques : present efforts by the Food Biomarker Alliance,VABB-1,619,627,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447200,,Enhanced flux pinning in YBCO multilayer films with BCO nanodots and segmented BZO nanorods,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447201,,MK2 phosphorylation of RIPK1 regulates TNF-mediated cell death,VABB-1,1237,1247,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447202,,Non-destructive measurement of volatile organic compounds in modified atmosphere packaged poultry using SPME-SIFT-MS in tandem with Headspace TD-GC-MS,VABB-1,848,861,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447203,,Molecularly imprinted polymers immobilized on 3D printed scaffolds as novel solid phase extraction sorbent for metergoline,VABB-1,57,70,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447204,,Continuous-feed nanocasting process for the synthesis of bismuth nanowire composites,VABB-1,12294,12297,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447205,,Necroptotic cell death in anti-cancer therapy,VABB-1,207,219,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447206,,"6E11, a highly selective inhibitor of Receptor-Interacting Protein Kinase 1, protects cells against cold hypoxia-reoxygenation injury",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:447207,,"Cognitive, emotional,and psychosocial functioning of girls treated with pharmacological puberty blockage for idiopathic central precocious puberty",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:447210,,But every Somewhere is on the way to Somewhere else.,VABB-1,69,89,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:447217,,There is no good evidence for the effectiveness of commonly used over-the-counter medicine to alleviate acute cough,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447224,,Cost Management in the supply chain : an integrated approach (Part 2),VABB-1,40,48,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447225,,Overheidsbegrotingen,VABB-2,,,587 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:447226,,"Introduction : sign languages, with an emphasis on 'languages'",VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447232,,"Prosodia y polifuncionalidad de los marcadores anda, vamos, vaya y venga",VABB-1,125,147,,spa,2015,1 c:vabb:447238,,Lifestyles and Styles of Parental Care Related to Childhood Obesity. Compare Spain with Northern European Countries: ENERGY-Project,VABB-1,523,532,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447243,,Ethnic profiling en interne diversiteit bij de politie,VABB-3,,,254 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447245,,Ouderlijke stimulansen en opvolging van participatie,VABB-4,251,259,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:447246,,Het managen van innovatie door een netwerkende publieke politie : de triple-helix als vehikel,VABB-4,151,164,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:447249,,"The scandalous fact of fetishism : Charcot and Magnan, Binet and von Krafft-Ebing",VABB-1,325,343,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:447257,,'It's the economy' of hoe financiële imperatieven het politie- en veiligheidsbeleid meer dan ooit bepalen,VABB-1,15,18,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:447260,,Aiding to decide : concepts and issues,VABB-4,17,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447261,,Building Recommendations,VABB-4,89,113,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447263,,Sign languages of the world ; a comparative handbook,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447264,,Ugandan sign language,VABB-4,811,840,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447266,,ADHD and hyperkinetic disorder,VABB-4,738,756,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447270,,"The aristocratic avant-garde : the Count Etienne de Beaumont and ""Paris Nights""",VABB-1,55,69,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:447272,,Modelling Preferences,VABB-4,35,87,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447273,,"Shaping the right to education for Roma children: a case study of present practices in Ghent, Belgium",VABB-1,94,105,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447280,,Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten in de publieke sector? Een tweeluik. Deel 1 Morceau de fantaisie,VABB-1,317,337,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:447281,,Regarding 'La Belgique et le droit de la mer' by Alfred van der Essen (1975-1) : Belgium and the Law of the Sea in the 21st Century,VABB-1,452,464,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447283,,"Sur la nature des cataclysmes dans l’écriture antillaise (Patrick Chamoiseau, Daniel Maximin)",VABB-1,16,27,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:447285,,Edmund Gosse,VABB-4,662,665,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:447286,,Sequent-based logical argumentation,VABB-1,73,99,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447289,,Daar bij Groot Cueteghem: een rurale nederzetting uit de vroege en volle middeleeuwen te Hove,VABB-1,205,286,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:447290,,Tomas Segovia y la linguistica estructuralista: Ensayos en una dinamica de debate,VABB-1,263,279,,spa,2015,1 c:vabb:447292,,Liturgical handbooks as tools for promoting bishops' ideological and political agendas: the example of Cambrai/Arras in the eleventh century,VABB-1,317,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447293,,The Performer as Philosopher and Diplomat of Dissensus. Thinking and Drinking Tea with Benjamin Verdonck in 'Bara/ke' (2000),VABB-1,226,238,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447296,,Coding betweenness in Swedish and Norwegian translations from English,VABB-1,576,598,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447298,,Performance testing of air curtains in residential range hoods,VABB-5,199,202,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447299,,"Transitions in Middlebrow writing, 1880-1930",VABB-2,,,262 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447301,,Risk stratification and risk assessment,VABB-4,39,53,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447302,,Validation of a clinical test of thoracolumbar dissociation in chronic low back pain,VABB-1,703,712,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447304,,Participatief werken : een effectief instrument voor integratie in de hedendaagse diverse samenleving?,VABB-1,25,40,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:447305,,A meeting place for policy-makers and researchers : the Transatlantic forum on inclusive early years,VABB-1,329,337,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447306,,Tijd : tussen Nachträglichkeit en anticipatie,VABB-1,13,25,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:447307,,Macht en meesterdiscours in Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway,VABB-1,385,399,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447308,,For whom are internet-based occupational mental health interventions effective? Moderators of internet-based problem-solving training outcome,VABB-1,39,47,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447312,,Creating visual aids with graphic organisers on an infinite canvas : the impact on the presenter,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447314,,"Creation of a high-quality, register-diversified parallel (English-Spanish) corpus for linguistic and computational investigations",VABB-1,249,256,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447315,,A multimodal approach to product presentations,VABB-5,252,258,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447318,,"Patronage, foundation history, and ordinary members : the membership registry of the Brussels seven sorrows confraternity",VABB-4,19,48,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447319,,The role of the researcher in interview narrative,VABB-4,237,254,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447321,,De sotternieën : een verkenning van het 'genre' en vergelijking met thematisch verwante farces en rederijkerskluchten,VABB-1,285,339,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:447325,,‘I am happy that Italy Fosters such exquisite minds’ : Gijsbert Cuper (1644-1716) and intellectual life on the Italian Peninsula,VABB-1,91,106,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447326,,Een triptiek voor de Eekhoutabdij door Pieter I Claeissens (+1576),VABB-1,93,106,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:447327,,Translating English non-human subjects in agentive contexts : a closer look at Dutch,VABB-1,285,310,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447330,,Resource recovery from residual household waste : an application of exergy flow analysis and exergetic life cycle assessment,VABB-1,653,667,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447331,,"Structure, regulation and function of gap junctions in liver",VABB-1,29,37,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447332,,LEFM based fatigue design for welded connections in orthotropic steel bridge decks,VABB-5,758,769,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447368,,Planning in actie: de rol van cijfers in het Uplace-debat,VABB-1,46,65,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:447369,,Effects of amine structure and base strength on acid-base cooperative aldol condensation,VABB-1,35,45,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:447409,,Generation and characterization of small single domain antibodies inhibiting human tumor necrosis factor receptor 1,VABB-1,4022,4037,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447410,,Influence of hands-on experience on pig farmers' attitude towards alternatives for surgical castration of male piglets,VABB-1,80,86,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447411,,Performance analysis of machine learning for arbitrary downsizing of pre-encoded HEVC video,VABB-1,507,515,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447412,,Exploring entity recognition and disambiguation for cultural heritage collections,VABB-1,262,279,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447413,,Modelling simultaneous anaerobic methane and ammonium removal in a granular sludge reactor,VABB-1,323,331,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447414,,Model-based determination of the influence of textile fabric on bioassay analysis and the effectiveness of a textile slow-release system of DEET in mosquito control,VABB-1,1165,1174,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447415,,Thermal image based fault diagnosis for rotating machinery,VABB-1,78,87,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447416,,Clustering media items stemming from multiple social networks,VABB-1,1861,1875,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447417,,"The BH4 domain of anti-apoptotic Bcl-XL, but not that of the related Bcl-2, limits the voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1)-mediated transfer of pro-apoptotic Ca2+ signals to mitochondria",VABB-1,9150,9161,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447418,,Alcohol-related emergency department admissions among adolescents in the Ghent and Sint-Niklaas areas,VABB-1,345,349,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447419,,Quantitative bone ultrasound at the distal radius in adults with cystic fibrosis,VABB-1,334,338,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447420,,Intracellular cleavage of the Cx43 C-terminal domain by matrix-metalloproteases : a novel contributor to inflammation?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447421,,Ryanodine receptors are targeted by anti-apoptotic Bcl-X-L involving its BH4 domain and Lys87 from its BH3 domain,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447422,,Augmented renal clearance implies a need for increased amoxicillin-clavulanic acid dosing in critically ill children,VABB-1,7027,7035,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447423,,Global analysis of multi-compartment full-scale fire tests ('Rabot2012'),VABB-1,9,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447424,,Colistin and neurotoxicity : recommendations for optimal use in cystic fibrosis patients,VABB-1,555,558,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447425,,Possible pathogenic mechanism of propofol infusion syndrome involves coenzyme Q,VABB-1,343,352,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:447426,,The fallacy of the multi-API culture Conceptual and practical benefits of Representational State Transfer (REST),VABB-1,233,252,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447427,,"18F-fluoromethylcholine (FCho), 18F-fluoroethyltyrosine (FET), and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) for the discrimination between high-grade glioma and radiation necrosis in rats: a PET study",VABB-1,38,45,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:447428,,"Connexin and pannexin signaling pathways, an architectural blueprint for CNS physiology and pathology?",VABB-1,2823,2851,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448912,,Transcranial direct current stimulation in the recovery of postural control after stroke: a pilot study,VABB-1,1857,1863,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448913,,Reliability and validity of the Leuven Perceptual Organization Screening Test (L-POST),VABB-1,271,298,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448920,,"Unveiling the relationship between the transaction timing, spending and dropout behavior of customers",VABB-1,78,93,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448922,,Latin Inscriptions by Justus Lipsius in Alba amicorum,VABB-5,563,571,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448923,,Sensitivity to the prototype in children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder: An example of Bayesian cognitive psychometrics.,VABB-1,271,285,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:448924,,Paradoxes of optimal decision making: a response to Moran (2014),VABB-1,307,308,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448926,,Olfactory evaluation of boar taint: effects of factors measured at slaughter and link with boar taint components,VABB-1,2084,2093,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:448929,,Disinfection by hydrogen peroxide nebulization increases susceptibility to avian pathogenic Escherichia coli,VABB-1,378,381,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:448930,,"The effect of the MC4R gene on boar taint compounds, sexual maturity and behaviour in growing-finishing boars and gilts",VABB-1,1688,97,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448931,,An intervention study demonstrates effects of MC4R genotype on boar taint and performances of growing–finishing pigs,VABB-1,934,943,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448933,,The MC4R c.893G > A mutation: A marker for growth and leanness associated with boar taint odour in Belgian pig breeds,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448934,,Chronic progressive lymphoedema in draught horses,VABB-1,260,266,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448935,,Allogeneic stem cell transplantation in adult patients with acute myeloid leukemia and 17p abnormalities in first complete remission: a study from the Acute Leukemia Working Party (ALWP) of the European society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448938,,Exploring the Causal Effect of Interpretation Bias on Attachment Expectations,VABB-1,131,140,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:448939,,The economics of BitCoin price formation,VABB-1,1799,1815,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448940,,Scalariform-to-simple transition in vessel perforation plates triggered by differences in climate during the evolution of Adoxaceae,VABB-1,1043,1056,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448941,,Evaluating the risk of ovarian cancer before surgery using the ADNEX model: a multicentre external validation study,VABB-1,542,548,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448942,,Age-related differences in the sonographic characteristics of endometriomas,VABB-1,1723,1731,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448943,,A calibration hierarchy for risk models was defined: from utopia to empirical data,VABB-1,167,176,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448947,,Common germline polymorphisms associated with breast cancer specific survival,VABB-1,58,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448948,,Systematic Analysis of the Cytokine and Anhedonia Response to Peripheral Lipopolysaccharide Administration in Rats,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448949,,Peripheral Administration of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Induces Neuroinflammation and Sickness but Not Depressive-Like Behavior in Mice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448950,,Rechargeable Stimulators in Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Prospective Interventional Cohort Study,VABB-1,203,210,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:448958,,Identity Conflict or Compatibility: A Comparison of Muslim linorities in five European cities,VABB-1,445,517,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448959,,Islamic gatherings: experiences of discrimination and religious affirmation across established and new immirant communities,VABB-1,2635,2657,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448969,,Evolutionary dynamics and biogeography of Musaceae reveal a correlation between the diversification of the banana family and the geological and climatic history of Southeast Asia,VABB-1,1453,1465,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448970,,Chemical Classification of Cyclic Depsipeptides,VABB-1,425,452,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:448971,,Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography method development and validation for the assay of HEPES zwitterionic buffer,VABB-1,227,233,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:448972,,Fish Hydrolysates: A Regulatory Perspective of Bioactive Peptides,VABB-1,1052,1060,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448973,,Blood-brain barrier transport kinetics of the cyclic depsipeptide mycotoxins beauvericin and enniatins,VABB-1,175,184,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448974,,"Blood-brain barrier transport kinetics of the neuromedin peptides NMU, NMN, NMB and NT",VABB-1,460,470,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448975,,Quorum Sensing Peptides Selectively Penetrate the Blood-Brain Barrier,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448976,,Cell-Penetrating Peptides Selectively Cross the Blood-Brain Barrier In Vivo,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448977,,Quality control of cationic cell-penetrating peptides,VABB-1,289,297,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448978,,Classification of Peptides According to their Blood-Brain Barrier Influx,VABB-1,768,775,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448979,,Peptide profiling of Internet-obtained Cerebrolysin using high performance liquid chromatography - electrospray ionization ion trap and ultra high performance liquid chromatography - ion mobility - quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry,VABB-1,835,842,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448980,,Exploring the Chemical Space of Quorum Sensing Peptides,VABB-1,544,551,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448982,,A Global Perspective on Media Pluralism and Diversity: Introduction,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:448983,,"Cultural diversity in the digital age: EU competences, policies and regulations for diverse audiovisual and online content",VABB-4,75,90,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:448984,,Belgium,VABB-4,235,267,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:448985,,Brain endothelial TAK1 and NEMO safeguard the neurovascular unit,VABB-1,1529,49,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:448986,,Life adverse experiences in relation with obesity and binge eating disorder: A systematic review,VABB-1,11,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448987,,Childhood neglect in eating disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,100,115,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:448988,,Blended learning design: a shared experience,VABB-5,582,586,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:448993,,Effectiveness of body awareness interventions in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,35,56,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:448999,,"Description of 11 new Astiella (Spermacoceae, Rubiaceae) species endemic to Madagascar",VABB-1,1,40,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:449003,,Recovery from chemotherapy-induced white matter changes in young breast cancer survivors?,VABB-1,64,77,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449004,,Age-related microstructural differences quantified using myelin water imaging and advanced diffusion MRI,VABB-1,2107,21,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449006,,CAREER AUTHENTICITY On Being True to Onself at Work,VABB-4,25,41,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449008,,Effects of kindergarten retention for at-risk children’s mathematics development,VABB-1,305,326,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449015,,Both mucosal-associated invariant and natural killer T-cell deficiency in multiple myeloma can be countered by PD-1 inhibition,VABB-1,E266,E270,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449016,,Tumour-associated macrophage-mediated survival of myeloma cells through STAT3 activation,VABB-1,534,546,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449017,,Extracellular vesicle cross-talk in the bone marrow microenvironment: implications in multiple myeloma,VABB-1,38927,38945,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449018,,The insulin-like growth factor system in Multiple Myeloma: diagnostic and therapeutic potential,VABB-1,48732,48752,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449019,,Induction of miR-146a by multiple myeloma cells in mesenchymal stromal cells stimulates their pro-tumoral activity,VABB-1,17,24,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449020,,Novel strategies to target the ubiquitin proteasome system in multiple myeloma,VABB-1,6521,6537,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449021,,In vivo treatment with epigenetic modulating agents induces transcriptional alterations associated with prognosis and immunomodulation in multiple myeloma,VABB-1,3319,3334,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449027,,"""He shall signify from time to time'. Romeo and Juliet in modern English",VABB-1,189,213,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449030,,Nxf7 deficiency impairs social exploration and spatio-cognitive abilities as well as hippocampal synaptic plasticity in mice,VABB-1,179,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449038,,Sustained synchronized neuronal network activity in a human astrocyte co-culture system,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449039,,NRP-1 Receptor Expression Mismatch in Skin of Subjects with Experimental and Diabetic Small Fiber Neuropathy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449041,,The Borders of Subculture Resistance and the Mainstream Introduction,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449045,,Pricing contract terms in a crisis: Venezuelan bonds in 2016,VABB-1,540,555,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449047,,A study of SeqA subcellular localization in Escherichia coli using photo-activated localization microscopy,VABB-1,425,450,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449048,,Super-resolution mapping of glutamate receptors in C. elegans by confocal correlated PALM,VABB-1,13532,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449050,,Basic Income in a Globalized Economy,VABB-4,229,247,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449051,,SOCIAL JUSTICE AND THE FUTURE OF THE SOCIAL ECONOMY,VABB-1,191,197,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449054,,Development of visual category selectivity in ventral visual cortex does not require visual experience,VABB-1,E4501,E4510,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449055,,Amelioration of child depression through behavioral parent training: A preliminary study,VABB-1,611,618,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449063,,Directive 2008/96/EC on road infrastructure safety management: an ex-post assessment 5 years after its adoption,VABB-5,3312,3321,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449069,,Distance and Border Effects in International Trade: A Comparison of Estimation Methods,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449071,,Avoiding the Conflict: Metacognitive Awareness Drives the Selection of Low-Demand Contexts,VABB-1,1397,1410,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449072,,Subjective experience of difficulty depends on multiple cues,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449077,,"Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: A Retrospective, Multicenter Study of the EBMT",VABB-1,705,14,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449078,,Abnormal IGF-Binding Protein Profile in the Bone Marrow of Multiple Myeloma Patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449080,,The flexible use of the subtraction by addition strategy studied by means of reaction time analyses.,VABB-1,24,38,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449081,,"Identification of strategy use to count through non-verbal methods: opportunities, limitations and substantive findings. An introduction",VABB-1,2,8,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449087,,Impact of attention driven investments on agricultural commodity prices,VABB-5,950,955,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449092,,"A first look at multiple institutional affiliations: a study of authors in Germany, Japan and the UK",VABB-1,285,295,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449094,,An evidenced-based perspective on the validity of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the context of high intelligence,VABB-1,21,47,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449095,,Presence of an immune system increases anti-tumor effect of Ag nanoparticle treated mice,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449098,,Learning Climate and Workplace Learning Does Work Restructuring Make a Difference?,VABB-1,66,75,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449099,,Short recurrences for computing extended Krylov bases for Hermitian and unitary matrices,VABB-1,303,328,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449106,,Empty pledges: A content analysis comparing Belgian and Dutch child-targeting food websites,VABB-1,42,52,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:449107,,The future of performance management,VABB-4,203,218,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449108,,The use of performance information,VABB-4,117,138,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449109,,Incorporation of performance information,VABB-4,86,116,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449110,,Performance Management in the Public Sector Second Edition Introduction,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449112,,Performance measurement,VABB-4,62,85,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449113,,The effects of using performance information,VABB-4,174,202,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449114,,Defining the concepts,VABB-4,19,41,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449115,,The history of performance management,VABB-4,42,61,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449116,,Users,VABB-4,139,153,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449117,,Non-use,VABB-4,154,173,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449121,,A leap of faith? An interview study with professionals on the use of mitochondrial replacement to avoid transfer of mitochondrial diseases,VABB-1,1256,1262,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449129,,Unveiling the subject behind diversity: Exploring the micro-politics of representation in ethnic minority creatives' identity work,VABB-1,330,354,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449131,,Constructing positive identities in ableist workplaces: Disabled employees' discursive practices engaging with the discourse of lower productivity,VABB-1,1365,1386,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449132,,Making claims on value: The rhetoric construction of aesthetic innovation by ethnic minority creatives,VABB-1,287,310,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449141,,Exploration and Exploitation within Firms: The Impact of CEOs' Cognitive Style on Incremental and Radical Innovation Performance,VABB-1,359,372,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449142,,Connecting Interfirm and Intrafirm Collaboration in NPD Projects: Does Innovation Context Matter?,VABB-1,154,165,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449143,,Exploration of the Medicinal Peptide Space,VABB-1,324,335,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449145,,Surface acoustic wave biosensor as a functional quality method in pharmaceutics,VABB-1,103,112,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449146,,"Leaders Do Not Look Back, or Do They?",VABB-1,213,232,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449147,,SOURCES OF BUSINESS CYCLES IN A LOW INCOME COUNTRY,VABB-1,125,148,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449154,,The political economy of pricing car access to downtown commercial districts,VABB-1,76,93,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449160,,World Input-Output Network,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449161,,Identifying geographic clusters: A network analytic approach,VABB-1,1749,1762,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449162,,Global Value Trees,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449168,,Testing the dual pathway model of ADHD in obesity - A pilot study,VABB-1,507,512,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449172,,Differences and similarities in the explanation of ethnic minority groups' trust in the police,VABB-1,300,323,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449173,,Trust in the Belgian police: The importance of responsiveness,VABB-1,129,150,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449174,,Achieving Fairness in Policing: The Link Between Internal and External Procedural Justice,VABB-1,3,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449175,,Training police for procedural justice,VABB-1,319,334,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449176,,Understanding police officers' trust and trustworthy behavior: A work relations framework,VABB-1,274,294,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449177,,Explaining officer compliance: The importance of procedural justice and trust inside a police organization,VABB-1,442,463,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449178,,Officer Support for Use of Force Policy: The Role of Fair Supervision,VABB-1,843,861,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449181,,Perceptual grouping by similarity of surface roughness in haptics: the influence of task difficulty,VABB-1,2227,2234,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449183,,Perceptual grouping determines haptic contextual modulation,VABB-1,52,58,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449184,,Disclosure and donor-conceived children,VABB-1,1535,+,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449185,,The occipital place area represents the local elements of scenes,VABB-1,417,424,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449186,,Innovative market-based policy instruments for waste management: A case study on shredder residues in Belgium,VABB-1,886,893,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449188,,Moderated online social therapy for carers of young people recovering from first-episode psychosis: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449189,,Sexual objectification in women's daily lives: A smartphone ecological momentary assessment study,VABB-1,314,333,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449191,,The contribution of emotional empathy to approachability judgments assigned to emotional faces is context specific,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449192,,How the Crisis Helped Informality Re-enter the Temple: A New Sicilian Custom,VABB-1,39,52,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449197,,The pragmatics of person reference A comparative study of Catalan and Spanish parliamentary discourse,VABB-1,96,127,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:449199,,Interrelations among scientific fields and their relative influences revealed by an input-output analysis,VABB-1,82,97,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449203,,"'New friends, easier partners and bigger brothers': The influence of the emerging powers on agriculture and food security in Malawi",VABB-1,39,68,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449207,,The Influence of Facial Characteristics on the Relation between Male 2D:4D and Dominance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449208,,Visual suppression at the offset of binocular rivalry,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449209,,Gamification in Physical Therapy: More Than Using Games,VABB-1,95,99,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449210,,Intracranial Recordings of Occipital Cortex Responses to Illusory Visual Events,VABB-1,6297,6311,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449211,,The relation of trait and state mindfulness with satisfaction and physical activity: A cross-sectional study in 305 Dutch participants,VABB-1,1221,1232,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449213,,Multisensory Stimulation to Improve Low- and Higher-Level Sensory Deficits after Stroke: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,73,91,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449214,,Mindfulness and satisfaction in physical activity: A cross-sectional study in the Dutch population,VABB-1,1817,1827,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449223,,Approximate parametric cone programming with applications in control,VABB-5,178,183,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449224,,Control of Linear Parameter-Varying Systems using B-Splines,VABB-5,3246,3251,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449225,,Fitting tails affected by truncation,VABB-1,2026,2065,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449226,,New benchmark results for the stochastic resource-constrained scheduling problem,VABB-5,204,208,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449227,,A critical reexamination of doing arithmetic nonconsciously,VABB-1,472,481,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449228,,"Capacity-building Across Sectors: Making a Reference Platform for INSPIRE Implementation, Interoperability and Reusability",VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449232,,PERSONALITY AND SELF-COMPASSION Exploring Their Relationship in an Indian Context,VABB-1,18,35,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449233,,Spiritual Development and Gratitude Among Indian Emerging Adults,VABB-1,72,88,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449238,,ERGONOMIC DESIGN AND CHOICE OVERLOAD,VABB-4,275,286,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449241,,"Rationality, perception, and the all-seeing eye",VABB-1,1040,1059,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449242,,Facing the Spectator,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449247,,Esse est percipi & verum factum est,VABB-1,1530,1534,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:449248,,The Perception of Ethnic Diversity and Anti-immigrant Sentiments: A Multilevel Analysis of Local Communities in Belgium,VABB-1,38,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449249,,Profit maximizing logistic regression modeling for customer churn prediction,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449250,,REGIONAL GOVERNANCE,VABB-4,172,175,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:449251,,Belgium: Institutional and Administrative Adaptation but Limited Political Interest,VABB-4,153,169,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449252,,Comparison of machine learning techniques for psychophysiological stress detection,VABB-5,13,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449258,,Trait Gratitude and Suicidal Ideation and Behavior An Exploratory Study,VABB-1,291,296,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449264,,Paradoxical perception of object identity in visual motion,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449266,,What makes you think you are conscious? An agnosticist manifesto,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449275,,CitySDK Tourism API - building value around open data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449278,,Information ambiguity and firm value,VABB-1,843,847,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449279,,The Market Value of Technology Disclosures to Standard Setting Organizations,VABB-1,321,344,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449280,,The impact of R&D subsidies during the crisis,VABB-1,1844,1855,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449281,,"""Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe"" Rudolf Bultmann's Interpretation of the ""Signs"" in the Fourth Gospel",VABB-1,521,546,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449284,,Interpretation biases in chronic pain patients: an incidental learning task,VABB-1,1139,1147,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449285,,Rocker outsole shoe is not a threat to postural stability in patients with diabetic neuropathy,VABB-1,224,230,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449286,,"Workplace inequality, trade unions and the transnational regulation of the employment relationships The case of Europe",VABB-1,351,364,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449288,,THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PHYSICAL AND THE MORAL IN MAN Editor's Preface,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449289,,The anatomy of fear learning in the cerebellum: A systematic meta-analysis,VABB-1,83,91,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449293,,A macro-financial analysis of the euro area sovereign bond market,VABB-1,308,325,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449298,,Classroom versus societal willingness to communicate: Investigating French as a second language in Flanders,VABB-1,718,739,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449300,,SALT Frameworks to Tackle Surveillance and Privacy Concerns,VABB-5,665,673,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449305,,[Nighttime restlessness in people with dementia in residential care: an explorative field study].,VABB-1,78,85,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449306,,Measuring health literacy among low literate people: an exploratory feasibility study with the HLS-EU questionnaire,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449307,,How leader alignment of words and deeds affects followers: A meta-analysis of behavioral integrity research,VABB-1,831,844,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449309,,Walter Chatton on Enumerating the Categories,VABB-1,311,334,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449310,,NOSE: Improving Patient-Doctor Communication in Rhinoplasty,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449311,,"""What about FH of my child?"" parents' opinion on family history collection in preventive primary pediatric care",VABB-1,327,337,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449314,,The contribution of the European Court of Human Rights to the rule of law,VABB-4,225,241,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449315,,Dynamic Stability Analysis of Linear Time-varying Systems via an Extended Modal Identification Approach,VABB-1,459,471,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449317,,A Semantic Model of Events for Integrating Photovoltaic Monitoring Data,VABB-5,24,30,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449320,,Improving Column Generation Methods or Sheduling Problems Using ZDD and Stabilization,VABB-5,99,103,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449322,,STREETSTARTERS Catalysing social cohesion at street level,VABB-4,490,503,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449323,,EuroSDR - the pan-european network for mapping agencies and academia,VABB-5,661,668,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449325,,Cognitive Schemas in Placebo and Nocebo Responding: Role of Autobiographical Memories and Expectations,VABB-1,502,512,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449330,,Nicotine deprivation elevates neural representation of smoking-related cues in object-sensitive visual cortex: a proof of concept study,VABB-1,2375,2384,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449331,,Affected functional networks associated with sentence production in classic galactosemia,VABB-1,166,176,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449332,,Valid inequalities for a time-indexed formulation,VABB-1,268,273,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449333,,A Framework to Identify Housing Location Patterns Using Profile Hidden Markov Models,VABB-5,2117,2121,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449334,,Effect of Traveler's Nationality on Daily Travel Time Expenditure Using Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression Models Results from Belgian National Household Travel Survey,VABB-1,65,77,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449337,,Meteorological variation in daily travel behaviour: evidence from revealed preference data from the Netherlands,VABB-1,183,194,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449338,,Logistics Service Quality: The Case of Da Nang City,VABB-5,124,130,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449339,,Bi-objective road and pipe network design for crude oil transport in the Sfax region in Tunisia,VABB-5,108,115,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449340,,Free public transport: A socio-cognitive analysis,VABB-1,96,107,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449341,,Urban Development as a Continuum: A Multinomial Logistic Regression Approach,VABB-5,729,744,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449342,,An academic perspective on the copyright reform,VABB-1,3,13,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449343,,Intermediary Liability & Freedom of Expression: Recent Developments in the EU Notice & Action Initiative,VABB-1,46,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449348,,Is Tourist a Secular Pilgrim or a Hedonist in Search of Pleasure?,VABB-4,45,69,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449349,,Bidimensional process discovery for mining BPMN models,VABB-5,529,540,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:449351,,"Space Law, Scope and Status",VABB-4,73,136,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449352,,Appropriation,VABB-4,287,411,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:449353,,Exclusive Use in an Inclusive Environment The Meaning of the Non-Appropriation Principle for Space Resource Exploitation Conclusion,VABB-4,413,420,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449354,,Orbits and the ITU,VABB-4,213,286,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449355,,Natural Resources,VABB-4,137,211,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449356,,Methodology,VABB-4,1,72,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449357,,"Technology Familiarity, Recombinant Novelty and Breakthrough Invention",VABB-1,1215,1246,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449369,,Left medial orbitofrontal cortex volume correlates with skydive-elicited euphoric experience,VABB-1,4269,4279,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449370,,Neural Correlates of Aggression in Medication-Naive Children with ADHD: Multivariate Analysis of Morphometry and Tractography,VABB-1,1717,1725,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449371,,When workfare fails: post-crisis activation reform in the Czech Republic,VABB-1,86,101,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449382,,Representational Similarity of Body Parts in Human Occipitotemporal Cortex,VABB-1,12977,12985,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449402,,"Through One Lord Only: Theological Interpretation of the Meaning of delta iota alpha in 1 Cor 8,6",VABB-1,391,415,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449403,,1 Corinthians 8:6: An Investigation of the First Person Plural in Light of the Lordship of Jesus Christ,VABB-1,47,74,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449407,,"FU Reply to the letter to the editor by J. Hissbach, S. Zimmermann & W. Hampe",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:449408,,"""How to conquer a mountain with multiple sclerosis''. How a climbing expedition to Machu Picchu affects the way people with multiple sclerosis experience their body and identity: a phenomenological analysis",VABB-1,2393,2399,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449418,,Evaluating the implementation fidelity of New Medicines Service for asthma patients in community pharmacies in Belgium,VABB-1,98,108,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449419,,An audit of diabetes self-management education programs in South Africa,VABB-1,176,184,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449424,,The conditional power of randomization tests for single-case effect sizes in designs with randomized treatment order: A Monte Carlo simulation study,VABB-1,557,575,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449428,,Introduction to the 11th International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 2015),VABB-5,110,111,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449429,,Stochastic modeling of herd behavior indices,VABB-1,1963,1977,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449430,,Ordered random vectors and equality in distribution,VABB-1,221,244,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449431,,'Affectionate Reserve': Tact as Comedy,VABB-4,142,152,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449432,,'A Poise So Perfect': Tact as Love,VABB-4,112,141,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:449433,,'A Bond of Discord': Colonialism and Allegory,VABB-4,26,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449434,,Introduction: Trollope's Late Modernity,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449435,,Liberal formalisms,VABB-1,236,248,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449436,,'Getting and Spending': The Aesthetic Economist,VABB-4,17,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449437,,'An Admirable Shrewdness': Character and the Law,VABB-4,100,111,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449438,,'Convivial in a Cadaverous Fashion': Satires on Sovereignty,VABB-4,38,62,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449439,,'The Tone of Today': Pedagogical Paraphrases,VABB-4,81,99,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449440,,'Active Citizens of a Free State': Hellenising the History of Rome,VABB-4,63,80,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449442,,Revealed preference theory for finite choice sets,VABB-1,169,200,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449444,,CLiC Dickens: novel uses of concordances for the integration of corpus stylistics and cognitive poetics,VABB-1,433,463,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449445,,‘Why are Dionysian Artists Mostly Worthless People?’ Aristotle’s Προβλήματα Ἐγκύκλια in Context,VABB-1,781,785,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449446,,A Note on Croaking Frogs: Plu. Q.N. 2.912C,VABB-1,115,120,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449452,,Guilt-by-constellation: fraud detection by suspicious clique memberships,VABB-5,918,927,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449453,,"Construction materials from stainless steel slags - Technical aspects, environmental benefits, and economic opportunities",VABB-1,854,866,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449455,,Career Management in High-Performing Organizations: ASet-Theoretic Approach,VABB-1,501,518,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449456,,An integrative model for competency development in organizations: the Flemish case,VABB-1,2543,2568,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449458,,Discrepancies Between Perceptions of the Parent-Adolescent Relationship and Early Adolescent Depressive Symptoms: An Illustration of Polynomial Regression Analysis,VABB-1,2049,2063,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449470,,Buding a Rationale Diagram for Evaluating User Story Sets,VABB-5,477,488,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449471,,Lewis and the European Avant-Gardes,VABB-4,19,31,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449473,,When corporate social responsibility causes tone inflation in earnings press releases: Evidence from the oil and gas industry,VABB-4,83,106,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449474,,The green thumb in the energy industry - The impact of managerial political affiliation on corporate environmental performance (accepted),VABB-4,29,47,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449477,,The effect of political representation on the geographic distribution of income: evidence using Belgian data,VABB-1,178,194,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449478,,The capricious evolution of the indefinite plural article uns and its relationship with lexical plurality in medieval French,VABB-1,309,334,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449484,,Key Challenges for the Smart City: Turning Ambition into Reality,VABB-5,2385,2394,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449486,,Color Picking: The Initial 20s,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449487,,On Right and Wrong Drawings,VABB-1,1,38,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449488,,Arm Chair Perspective Preferences,VABB-1,39,56,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449489,,Counterbalancing work-related stress? Work engagement among intensive care professionals,VABB-1,234,241,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449492,,"Adolescent Loneliness and Social Skills: Agreement and Discrepancies Between Self-, Meta-, and Peer-Evaluations",VABB-1,2406,2416,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449496,,The State of Art: Trust and Conflict Management in Organizational Industrial Relations,VABB-4,29,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449498,,Coupling-modulated multi-stability and coherent dynamics in directed networks of heterogeneous nonlinear oscillators with modular topology,VABB-5,62,67,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449504,,"Big hits, export concentration and volatility",VABB-1,135,166,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:449505,,The evolution of networks of innovators within and across borders: Evidence from patent data,VABB-1,651,668,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449507,,Long-term outcome of patients with steroid-refractory acute severe UC treated with ciclosporin or infliximab,VABB-1,237,243,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449508,,Decision Qualities of Bayes Factor and p Value-Based Hypothesis Testing,VABB-1,340,360,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449510,,Spontaneous and imposed speed of cognitive test responses,VABB-1,225,237,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449511,,Conditional Dependence between Response Time and Accuracy: An Overview of its Possible Sources and Directions for Distinguishing between Them,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449512,,Modelling Conditional Dependence Between Response Time and Accuracy,VABB-1,1126,1148,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449518,,[An ethical reflection on outreaching mental health care].,VABB-1,103,110,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:449520,,Preliminary psychometric performance of the Neonatal Feeding Assessment Scale,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:449521,,Development of a clinical feeding assessment scale for very young infants in South Africa,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449530,,[Measuring alexithymia in fibromyalgia: the need for a multimodal measurement method to replace the TAS-20].,VABB-1,343,351,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449532,,Using self-reported callous-unemotional traits to cross-nationally assess the DSM-5 'With Limited Prosocial Emotions' specifier,VABB-1,1249,1261,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449537,,Physical activity and relaxation in the work setting to reduce the need for recovery: what works for whom?,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449538,,THE IMPACT OF INFORMATION AVAILABILITY ON DESTINATION CHOICE,VABB-1,678,687,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449546,,"Effect of an Accessibility Measure in a Model for Choice of Residential Location, Workplace, and Type of Employment",VABB-1,4,36,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449549,,Analyzing data from single-case alternating treatments designs,VABB-1,480,504,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449552,,"1,2,4-Triazolium perfluorobutanesulfonate as an archetypal pure protic organic ionic plastic crystal electrolyte for all-solid-state fuel cells",VABB-1,1276,1291,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449554,,Self-promotion: How regulatory focus affects the pursuit of self-interest at the expense of the group,VABB-1,587,598,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449555,,"Research, Governance, and Technologies of Openness",VABB-1,535,549,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449556,,"'Too Busy for Thoughts': Stress, Tiredness and Finding a Home in the University",VABB-4,45,55,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449557,,Researching Power and the Power in Research,VABB-4,88,108,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449558,,Introduction: philosophy as translation and the understanding of other cultures,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:449559,,"The Researcher and the Studier: On Stress, Tiredness and Homelessness in the University",VABB-1,37,48,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449560,,The Hermit and The Poet,VABB-1,191,204,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449562,,EU-Russia relations in the Wider Europe: From strategic partner to major competitor?,VABB-4,147,162,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449568,,Historians as Expert Judicial Witnesses in Tobacco Litigation A Controversial Legal Practice Foreword,VABB-4,7,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449570,,Accused for involvement in collective violence: The discursive reconstruction of agency and identity by perpetrators of international crimes,VABB-1,219,235,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449572,,Mindfulness in Daily Life: a Multidimensional Approach,VABB-1,737,750,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449573,,"Morphology, molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of Impatiens akomensis (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Cameroon",VABB-1,397,408,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449577,,"""Pure Literature"" and ""pure cinema"" in the 1920s: The response from the shepherd to the shepherdess",VABB-1,271,285,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449581,,"Scratching the Surface: Practice, Personality, Approaches to Learning, and the Acquisition of High-Level Representational Drawing Ability",VABB-1,451,462,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449582,,Collateral damage of Facebook third-party applications: a comprehensive study,VABB-5,194,208,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449583,,"Numbering the Heaven(s) John Chrysostom's Use of Greek Exegetical Traditions for Interpreting Gen 1,6-8 (Hom. Gen. IV)",VABB-1,203,228,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449584,,A Philosophical Response to Plagiarism,VABB-1,453,481,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449606,,Memory palaces to improve quality of life in dementia,VABB-5,80,84,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449607,,WEAKENED COGNITIVE EMPATHY IN INDIVIDUALS WITH DISSOCIATION PRONENESS,VABB-1,425,436,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449618,,Koranic Counter-Discourse Introduction,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449619,,"The expanded corpus : the Quranic counter-discourse (Past, Present, Future): 1/10(th) of the total corpus",VABB-4,78,105,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449620,,Koranic Counter-Discourse Preface,VABB-4,7,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449621,,Quranic counter-discourse Conclusion,VABB-4,290,295,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449622,,Quranic counter-discourse Presentation,VABB-4,179,289,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449623,,"Development strategies, a typology of the figures of the opponent and evolution of eschatological counter-discourse",VABB-4,155,176,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449624,,The restricted corpus : the present counter-discourse and the Suras without the counter-discourse,VABB-4,109,121,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449625,,"The controversy in the Quran : sources, methods and new approach",VABB-4,28,54,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449626,,Contemporary Quranic studies : status quaestonis,VABB-4,13,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449627,,Methodology and conceptual framework : the intertextual approach,VABB-4,68,77,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449628,,Chapter VIII The forms of counter-discourse and the quranic response,VABB-4,144,154,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449629,,The Quranic counter-discourse : an insufficiently analyzed channel,VABB-4,55,67,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449630,,The themes of the counter-discourse and quranic response,VABB-4,122,143,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449633,,"Engagement, boredom, and burnout among students: Basic need satisfaction matters more than personality traits",VABB-1,132,138,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449635,,'Precedent' and fundamental rights in the CJEU's case law on family reunification immigration,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449637,,A comparative study of social network classifiers for predicting churn in the telecommunication industry,VABB-5,1151,1158,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449639,,Leibniz on the Division of Sovereignty,VABB-1,93,105,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449643,,"Bioenergy, food security and poverty reduction: trade-offs and synergies along the water–energy–food security nexus",VABB-1,772,790,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449644,,Challenges facing international projects for entrepreneurial development in South Africa,VABB-1,711,725,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449645,,SENSOR WEB ENABLEMENT (SWE) FOR CITIZEN SCIENCE,VABB-5,3618,3620,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449651,,Validity and reliability of the VRAG in a forensic psychiatric medium security population in Flanders,VABB-1,530,537,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449652,,Is cultural fitness hopelessly confused? (epub ahead of print),VABB-1,305,328,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449654,,Identifying fiscal inflation,VABB-1,83,93,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449658,,"Quality upgrading, competition and trade policy: evidence from the agri-food sector",VABB-1,239,267,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449660,,Scarcity at school,VABB-1,260,267,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449664,,Authentic leadership and organisational citizenship behaviour in the public health care sector: The role of workplace trust,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449665,,Culturally Responsive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Making the Case for Integrating Cultural Factors in Evidence-Based Treatment,VABB-1,427,442,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449671,,The Geopolitics of the EU's Decarbonization Strategy: A Bird's Eye Perspective,VABB-4,159,179,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449672,,The EU and Russia A marriage of convenience,VABB-4,129,145,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449674,,Student teams' development over time: tracing the relationship between the quality of communication and teams' performance,VABB-1,787,799,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449678,,Punitive attitudes: Towards an operationalisation to measure individual punitivity in a multidimensional way,VABB-1,92,112,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449679,,Accepting immigrants as fellow citizens: citizenship representations in relation to migration policy preferences,VABB-1,700,717,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449681,,Andreas Merkt in Cooperation with Tobias Nicklas and Joseph Verheyden The New Testament Patristicum (NTP): A Project for the Research of the Reception and Interpretation of the New Testament in the early christian and late ancient Time,VABB-1,573,595,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449686,,Equity-Efficiency Optimizing Resource Allocation: The Role of Time Preferences in a Repeated Irrigation Game,VABB-1,234,253,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449687,,Inter-Temporal and Spatial Price Dispersion Patterns and the Well-Being of Maize Producers in Southern Tanzania,VABB-1,230,253,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449689,,Cognitive semantics,VABB-4,90,105,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449691,,Introduction: New and Growing but Not Necessarily Better - Expanding Jobs in Europe,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449693,,HANDBOOK OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY AFTERWORD,VABB-4,415,432,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449695,,Survey on the State of the Art,VABB-4,1,34,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449697,,Preface to the Third International Workshop on Decision Mining and Modeling for Business Processes (DeMiMoP'15),VABB-5,402,403,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449698,,"The question of the rhythm between text and comic strip The example of ""Boule de Suif"" in Maupassant. Stories and War news (Battaglia)",VABB-1,289,301,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449700,,The Role of Creative Arts in European Universities: An Exploratory Study,VABB-1,511,526,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449707,,Novel Science for Industry?,VABB-5,270,274,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449708,,"Teachers, pupils and tasks: The genesis of dynamic learning opportunities",VABB-1,28,39,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449710,,The impact of securitization on credit rationing: Empirical evidence,VABB-1,36,50,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449712,,Bias-corrected estimation of stable tail dependence function,VABB-1,453,466,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449713,,A beginning teacher in emotionally intensive micropolitical situations,VABB-1,61,70,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449741,,"Positive criminology, criminology of trust and restorative justice",VABB-1,424,434,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449747,,Fault-tolerant scheduling for real-time tasks on multiple earth-observation satellites,VABB-1,3012,3026,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449749,,Scheduling Policies for the Stochastic Resource Leveling Problem,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449751,,Applying new methodological tools in human rights research. The case of qualitative comparative analysis,VABB-1,365,385,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449752,,Does integrating labour provisions in free trade agreements make a difference? An exploratory analysis of freedom of association and collective bargaining rights in 13 EU trade partners,VABB-4,158,181,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449753,,Tense,VABB-4,354,369,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449754,,Short-circuited interpretations of modal verb constructions Some evidence from The Simpsons,VABB-1,7,39,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449755,,Modal meaning in Construction Grammar,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449756,,Modality,VABB-4,370,386,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449757,,Change in modal meanings Another look at the shifting collocates of may Response to Hilpert,VABB-1,86,97,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449758,,Fiscal consolidation contents of measures,VABB-4,85,104,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449759,,Fiscal consolidation decision-making,VABB-4,105,147,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449760,,Analytical framework,VABB-4,57,82,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449761,,Explanations of fiscal consolidation,VABB-4,151,179,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449762,,Effects of fiscal consolidation,VABB-4,180,215,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449763,,Fiscal crisis and consolidation,VABB-4,26,56,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449766,,"Country summaries of economic, fiscal and political data",VABB-4,245,277,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449768,,"Performance Management in the Public Sector, 2nd Edition",VABB-2,,,230,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449769,,Europe Managing the Crisis The politics of fiscal consolidation Conclusions and discussion,VABB-4,219,243,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449770,,"""Studies on the Structure of Consciousness"": Husserl's Contribution to a phenomenological Psychology",VABB-5,3,11,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449772,,"Czechoslovak shipping in the inter-war period: The maritime transport operations of the Bat'a Shoe Company, 1932-1935",VABB-1,79,103,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449775,,Transforming Staple Food Value Chains in Africa: The Case of Teff in Ethiopia,VABB-1,627,645,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449776,,Can Agricultural Traders be Trusted? Evidence from Coffee in Ethiopia,VABB-1,77,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449784,,Classification of staff development programmes and effects perceived by teachers,VABB-1,179,190,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449785,,The saiban'in juror in the criminal court - on becoming a good citizen?,VABB-4,154,185,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449786,,Policy-making and judicial reforms in contemporary Japan The context of the trial by jury,VABB-4,9,34,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449787,,Early experiences with the trial by jury Japan's struggle with modernization,VABB-4,37,59,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449788,,Japan's postwar discourse and experiences with the trial by jury,VABB-4,91,121,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449790,,Juries in the Japanese Legal System The continuing struggle for citizen participation and democracy Conclusion,VABB-4,186,190,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449791,,"The dynamics of the mixed jury system (saiban'in) in contemporary Japan Drafting, content and practice",VABB-4,122,153,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449792,,"Translation of the Jury Law of 1923 by SCAP's Legal Branch, Public Safety Division, Civil Intelligence Section",VABB-4,191,214,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449793,,Juries in the Japanese Legal System The continuing struggle for citizen participation and democracy Introduction,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449794,,Revolution failed? The Taisho jury system (1923-1943),VABB-4,60,87,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449795,,COMMENTS ON PAPYRI XXIX,VABB-1,269,284,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:449796,,In the footsteps of Morris Swadesh: in search of 'total' linguistics.,VABB-1,107,130,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449798,,The emergence of the Middle Palaeolithic in north-western Europe and its southern fringes,VABB-1,233,283,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449799,,"Technological Systems, Population Dynamics and Historical Process in the MSA of Northern Africa",VABB-5,147,160,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449805,,"The Diplomatic System of the European Union Evolution, change and challenges Introduction",VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449807,,A tale of two worlds: a (very) select overview of socio-legal studies in Belgium,VABB-1,81,97,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449808,,Beyond epistemicity The discursive functions of epistemic and evidential adverbs in conversational Spanish,VABB-1,120,139,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449811,,Exploring archives with probabilistic models: Topic Modelling for the valorisation of digitised archives of the European Commission,VABB-5,3245,3249,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449813,,Evolution of cytokines and inflammatory biomarkers during infliximab induction therapy and the impact of inflammatory burden on primary response in patients with Crohn's disease,VABB-1,1086,1092,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449814,,Fairness in cost-benefit analysis: a methodology for health technology assessment,VABB-1,102,114,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449816,,Compulsory Liability Insurance in Belgium,VABB-4,45,81,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449819,,"Phase II study of copanlisib, a PI3K inhibitor, in relapsed or refractory, indolent or aggressive lymphoma",VABB-1,2169,2178,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449822,,Perceptual flexibility is coupled with reduced executive inhibition in students of the visual arts,VABB-1,244,258,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449824,,Tau deletion promotes brain insulin resistance,VABB-1,2257,2269,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:449826,,"Comparison of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, cognitive behavioral writing therapy, and wait-list in pediatric posttraumatic stress disorder following single-incident trauma: a multicenter randomized clinical trial",VABB-1,1219,1228,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449836,,The therapeutic potential of cell cycle targeting in multiple myeloma,VABB-1,90501,90520,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449837,,Safety effects of dynamic speed limits on motorways,VABB-1,83,89,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449839,,Does a culture of happiness increase rumination over failure?,VABB-1,755,764,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449841,,Repeated retention or dropout? Disputing Hobson's choice in South African township schools,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449844,,Sectarian dynamics of multicultural norms and the law in Lebanon: warning for the future of Northern Ireland,VABB-1,405,431,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449846,,Direct and cross scheme effects in a research and development,VABB-1,1118,1132,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449848,,Validation of a Spanish version of the Remoralization Scale,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:449849,,Color weight photometry,VABB-1,88,98,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449850,,Learners' motivation and the success of MOOCs,VABB-5,308,317,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449851,,MONASTISCHES ENGAGEMENT IN KUNST UND KLOSTER,VABB-1,313,338,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449853,,The political economy of trade-related regulatory policy: environment and global value chain,VABB-1,287,324,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449854,,Search mechanisms and innovation: An analysis across multiple perspectives,VABB-1,103,116,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449857,,A qualitative exploration of multiple perspectives on the transfer of learning between the classroom and the clinical workplace,VABB-1,22,32,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449858,,Child and Parental Executive Functioning in Type 1 Diabetes: Their Unique and Interactive Role Toward Treatment Adherence and Glycemic Control,VABB-1,520,526,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449860,,Editors' Introduction to the Thematic Issue: Mad about Methods? Teaching Research Methods in Political Science,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449861,,Lingua franca and linguistic territoriality. Why they both matter to justice and why justice matters for both,VABB-1,224,240,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449869,,Introduction: Ethnocracy at the Heart of Europe,VABB-1,382,389,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449870,,Minority Rights and Realpolitik: Justicebased vs. Pragmatic Arguments for Reserving Seats for National Minorities,VABB-1,404,417,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449871,,Investigating empathy in interpreter-mediated simulated consultations: An explorative study,VABB-1,33,42,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449872,,A sigh of relief or a sigh of expected relief: Sigh rate in response to dyspnea relief,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449873,,"“For Every Illness There Is A Cure”. Attitudes and Beliefs of Moroccan Muslim Women regarding Health, Illness and Medicine",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449874,,A bi-level Random Forest based approach for estimating O-D matrices: Preliminary results from the Belgium National Household Travel Survey,VABB-5,2570,2577,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449876,,"The interplay between emotional exhaustion, common mental disorders, functioning and health care use in the working population",VABB-1,8,14,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449877,,World and Sacrament. Foundations for the Political Theology of the Church,VABB-1,102,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449879,,Rebuilding trust: developing restorative justice in countries in transition,VABB-1,414,418,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449881,,Domestic terrorism: a challenge for restorative justice,VABB-1,282,290,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449892,,"Determinants, causal connections and outcomes of corporate technology licensing: A systematic review and research agenda",VABB-1,620,636,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449893,,The Greek Patristic Reception of the Sibylline Oracles,VABB-4,260,277,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449896,,Risks for communication delays and disorders in infants in an urban primary healthcare clinic,VABB-1,25,28,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449900,,The evolution of the Georgian social protection system since independence: An unclear future despite recent expansion,VABB-1,51,77,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:449912,,The Secularization of the Sanctity of Life and Death,VABB-4,67,85,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449915,,Crossing the threshold: exile and literature in El Canto del peregrino (1999) by Angelina Muniz-Huberman,VABB-1,73,85,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449923,,'Beholding the Handmaids of the Lord: the Virgin Mary as a Model for Thirteenth-Century Anchoresses',VABB-1,103,134,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:449925,,Different Types of Employee Well-Being Across Time and Their Relationships With Job Crafting,VABB-1,289,301,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449926,,In and out from the European margins: reshuffling mobilities and legal statuses of Romani minorities between the Post-Yugoslav space and the European Union,VABB-1,489,504,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:449927,,Multilevel analysis of multiple-baseline data evaluating precision teaching as an intervention for improving fluency in foundational reading skills for at risk readers,VABB-1,137,161,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449928,,Dashboard for actionable feedback on learning skills: scalability and usefulness,VABB-5,229,241,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449930,,How school context and personal factors relate to teachers' attitudes toward teaching integrated STEM,VABB-1,631,651,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449931,,Caregivers' perspectives on ethical aspects of residential and domiciliary care.,VABB-1,33,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449934,,Understanding street-level bureaucracy,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449935,,Conclusion: the present and future study of street-level bureaucracy,VABB-4,315,338,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449936,,Introduction: defining and understanding street-level bureaucracy,VABB-4,3,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449937,,First-line supervisors as gate-keepers: rule processing by head teachers,VABB-4,227,241,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449940,,Prenatal developmental origins of behavior and mental health: The influence of maternal stress in pregnancy,VABB-1,1,39,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:449941,,"The regional transposition of EU directives: A comparison of Flemish, Walloon and Scottish performances",VABB-1,79,102,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:449942,,Diagnosis and treatment of patients with low and intermediate risk myelodysplastic syndromes,VABB-1,749,759,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:449943,,Quality of life in Flemish families with a child with an intellectual disability: A multilevel study on opinions of family members and the impact of family member and family characteristics,VABB-1,779,802,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449944,,Intensive prolonged exposure treatment for adolescent complex posttraumatic stress disorder: a single-trial design,VABB-1,1229,1238,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449945,,How do high school students solve probability problems? A mixed methods study on probabilistic reasoning,VABB-1,184,206,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:449946,,"Blockwise simple component analysis via rotation, constraints or penalties, with an application to product x attribute x panelist data",VABB-1,35,48,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:449950,,Flexibility in profile: An empirical analysis based on the data of 394 Belgian companies,VABB-4,97,108,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449953,,"Definitions, Typologies, and Processes Involved in Organizational Trauma: A Literature Review",VABB-4,1,17,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:449954,,Incorporating Negative Information in Process Discovery,VABB-5,126,143,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449955,,Business process modeling with geospatial constraints,VABB-1,584,599,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449959,,"Volatile Voters, Short-Term Choices? An Analysis of the Vote Choice Determinants of Stable and Volatile Voters in Great Britain",VABB-1,273,292,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449960,,Compositorial 'Weight' & 'Luminance',VABB-1,299,311,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:449962,,Introduction: Agent-Based Modelling as a Tool to Advance Evolutionary Population Theory,VABB-5,3,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449963,,Central Bank Policy Paths and Market Forward Rates: A Simple Model,VABB-1,1197,1224,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449966,,'Autie-Biographies': Life Writing Genres and Strategies from an Autistic Perspective,VABB-1,79,95,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449967,,Editorial Board,VABB-1,1,1,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449968,,The transculturation of peruvian internal war in three translations of Santiago Roncagliolo's Abril rojo,VABB-1,43,61,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:449971,,DESIGN FAILURES IN THE EURO AREA Can they be fixed?,VABB-4,119,131,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449982,,FLUX-GIBBERISH: FOR AND AGAINST HERACLITUS,VABB-1,473,505,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:449984,,The force of law of decree-laws in Belgium during and after the First World War,VABB-1,248,287,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449985,,Vertical Restraints: Towards Guidance to Iron Out Perceived Enforcement Discrepancies Across Europe?,VABB-1,274,279,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449986,,THE COURT OF JUSTICE AND THE UNFAIR COMMERCIAL PRACTICES DIRECTIVE,VABB-1,721,752,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449996,,"On certain names of settlements in France: Designations of ""conventional"" or ""unconventional"" origin",VABB-5,562,576,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:449997,,FROM TRANSLATION TO ORGANIZATION TO INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS: AN ACADEMIC NO MAN'S LAND,VABB-1,15,45,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:449998,,"PRODUCTION, TRADITION, AND IMPORTATION: A KEY TO THE DESCRIPTION OF LITERATURE AND TRANSLATED LITERATURE",VABB-1,44,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:449999,,Understanding well-being and learning of Nigerian nurses: a job demand control support model approach,VABB-1,915,922,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450004,,"""Rather Turkish than Papist"": Islam as a political force in the Dutch Low Countries in the Early Modern Period",VABB-1,714,736,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450009,,The Refugee Crisis: The End of Schengen?,VABB-1,313,332,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450010,,"Western Europe under Terrorist Attack, also after the Military Defeat of IS",VABB-1,235,273,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450011,,"Temperament, Repetitive Negative Thinking, and Depressive Symptoms in Early Adolescence: a Prospective Study",VABB-1,305,317,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450012,,Incorporating negative information to process discovery of complex systems,VABB-1,480,496,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450013,,Vocabulary learning through viewing video: the effect of two enhancement techniques,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450015,,The resource-constrained project scheduling problem with stochastic activity durations,VABB-5,453,457,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:450016,,"Hotel revenue management: Then, now and tomorrow",VABB-1,252,257,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450020,,Detecting time variation in the price puzzle: a less informative prior choice for time varying parameter VAR models,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450022,,CarTax: A simulation model for analysing the reform of car taxation in Flanders,VABB-1,11,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450023,,LITERATURE AND GLOBALISM: A TRIBUTE TO THEO D'HAEN AFTER GLOBALISM?,VABB-1,337,341,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:450024,,Eco-systems for young digital innovators,VABB-1,1449,1465,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450028,,Re-considering Language within a Cosmopolitan Understanding: Toward a Multilingual Franca Approach in International Business Studies,VABB-4,163,193,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450029,,Co-brooding and co-reflection as differential predictors of depressive symptoms and friendship quality in adolescents: Investigating the moderating role of gender,VABB-1,1037,1051,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450035,,Extracellular S100A9 Protein in Bone Marrow Supports Multiple Myeloma Survival by Stimulating Angiogenesis and Cytokine Secretion,VABB-1,839,846,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450037,,Twelve years of chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia scanning in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in the Netherlands: Towards a more precise phenotype,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450038,,Hunting for Black Swans in the European banking sector using extreme value analysis,VABB-5,147,166,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:450039,,Identifying the interaction between landfill taxes and nimby. A simulation for flanders (Belgium) using a dynamic optimization model,VABB-4,497,509,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450040,,Acute alerting effects of light: A systematic literature review,VABB-1,228,239,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450042,,Policy analysis by academics,VABB-4,275,293,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450043,,Motivation gets you going and habit gets you there,VABB-1,62,79,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450049,,What Drives False Memories in Psychopathology? A Case for Associative Activation,VABB-1,1048,1069,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450050,,The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Status-Seeking: China's Foray into Global Economic Governance,VABB-1,754,778,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450052,,Burnout in Belgian physicians and nurses,VABB-1,546,554,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450053,,Humour as the killer-app of language A view from Cognitive Linguistics,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450054,,FAIR POLICING FROM THE INSIDE OUT,VABB-4,3,19,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:450055,,"Integrated Information Systems, Alliance Formation, and the Risk of Information Exchange between Partners",VABB-1,19,23,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450056,,Bidirectional lexical interaction in late immersed Mandarin-English bilinguals,VABB-1,86,104,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:450057,,What constrains simultaneous mastery of first and second language word use?,VABB-1,684,699,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450059,,Introduction,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450062,,Geometric composite indicators with compromise Benefit-of-the-Doubt weights,VABB-1,388,401,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450063,,On aggregating Benefit of the Doubt composite indicators,VABB-1,364,369,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450066,,Belgium (Flanders),VABB-4,23,35,,lat,2016,2 c:vabb:450067,,"Taylor is guilty, is that all there is? The collision of justice and politics in the domestic area",VABB-4,153,172,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450070,,MAKING VOICES VISUAL Two images,VABB-4,92,99,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450071,,The use of time series forecasting in zone order picking systems to predict order pickers' workload,VABB-1,6380,6393,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450072,,Comparing the National Cases,VABB-4,201,225,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450074,,Social Innovation in Social Services,VABB-4,77,90,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450075,,Factors Shaping Employment in Social Services,VABB-4,91,112,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450076,,Employment in the Health and Social Services: Evidence and Problems,VABB-4,21,53,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450077,,"Innovation in Social Services The Public-Private Mix in Service Provision, Fiscal Policy and Employment Introduction",VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450078,,Social Services and the Public Sector,VABB-4,9,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450079,,"Governance, Financing and Employment in Social Services in the United Kingdom",VABB-4,181,200,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450080,,"Governance, Financing and Employment in Social Services in the Czech Republic",VABB-4,123,141,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450081,,"Innovation in Social Services The Public-Private Mix in Service Provision, Fiscal Policy and Employment Conclusions",VABB-4,227,244,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450082,,Trelliswork and Craquelure,VABB-1,,,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:450083,,Appearance changes and error characteristics in crowding revealed by drawings,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450084,,Response priming evidence for feedforward processing of snake contours but not of ladder contours and textures,VABB-1,174,182,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450085,,The Economics of Professional Road Cycling Introduction,VABB-2,,,6,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450087,,Colors of the Sublunar,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450088,,A Higher-Order Rejoinder for Reliabilism,VABB-4,125,159,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450089,,Dogmatism and the Distinctiveness Problem,VABB-4,33,66,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450090,,Process Reliabilism and Its Classic Problems,VABB-4,93,123,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450091,,Evidentialism and the Problem of Fit,VABB-4,15,32,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:450092,,"Perception, Hallucination and Justification",VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450093,,Epistemological Disjunctivism and Higher-Order Issues,VABB-4,67,91,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450094,,Self-organisation of small-world networks by adaptive rewiring in response to graph diffusion,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450095,,Governing in the Shadow of Bosman: A Principal-Agent Perspective on Sports Governance and the EU,VABB-4,213,232,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450096,,Putting evidence-based law making to the test: judicial review of legislative rationality,VABB-1,155,185,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450101,,Physiological reactivity and interoceptive awareness in pediatric anxiety disorders: A conceptual and empirical review,VABB-1,183,222,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450106,,CREATIVITY PREDICTORS: FINDINGS FROM DESIGN-BY-ANALOGY IDEATION METHODS' LEARNING AND PERFORMANCE,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450111,,Attachment Status Affects Heart Rate Responses to Experimental Ostracism in Inpatients with Depression,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450122,,Prevalence and predictors of depression and well-being after hysterectomy: An observational study,VABB-1,94,100,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450123,,STARTING POINTS,VABB-4,3,9,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:450124,,HOW TO PROCEED?,VABB-4,166,178,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450125,,RESEARCH AT THE INTERSECTION Background - choosing from a menu of methods,VABB-4,10,29,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450126,,SCHOLIA,VABB-4,17,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450127,,PROBLEMATISING RESEARCH,VABB-4,30,40,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450128,,"READING AND WRITING Reading and writing for, and as, research",VABB-4,141,165,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450130,,Two Lost Lines of the Coptic Hermas in BnF Copte 130 (2) f. 127,VABB-1,572,575,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450133,,Introduction,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450134,,Reduced Laughter Contagion in Boys at Risk for Psychopathy,VABB-1,3049,3055,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450136,,Changing Communities and Increases in the Prevalence of Depression: is there a Relationship?,VABB-1,1259,1267,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:450140,,Conceptual Modelling: how to do it right?,VABB-5,19,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450141,,Innovation and Economic Growth: Delineating the Impact of Large and Small Innovators in European Manufacturing,VABB-5,802,807,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:450144,,Investigating the Macro Determinants of Self-Rated Health and Well-Being Using the European Social Survey: Methodological Innovations across Countries and Time,VABB-1,256,285,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450146,,Occupational segregation in London A multilevel framework for modelling segregation,VABB-4,30,54,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450148,,The geography of Brexit - What geography? Modelling and predicting the outcome across 380 local authorities,VABB-1,183,203,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450152,,University Admissions and the Prediction of Degree Performance: an Analysis in the Light of Changes to the English Schools' Examination System,VABB-1,24,42,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450157,,Comparing Multilevel Modelling and Artificial Neural Networks in House Price Prediction,VABB-5,108,114,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:450163,,Gene-environment interactions between stress and 5-HTTLPR in depression: A meta-analytic update,VABB-1,339,345,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450164,,Core markers of arithmetic competence in preschool children,VABB-1,121,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450166,,Probabilistic vulnerability analysis of process facilities to external acts of interference,VABB-5,2102,2109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450167,,Application of Bayesian network to safety assessment of chemical plants during fire-induced domino effects,VABB-5,786,792,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450168,,Emotional acculturation: a first review,VABB-1,67,73,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450173,,Developments in Data for Economic Research,VABB-4,568,611,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450174,,On the Interpretation and Use of Mediation: Multiple Perspectives on Mediation Analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450176,,Internally Displaced People Roaming the Roads,VABB-4,155,178,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450177,,Heading North: Migrants and the US-Mexican Border,VABB-4,123,153,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450179,,Gazing at Tourists,VABB-4,179,208,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450180,,Nations in Crisis,VABB-4,63,93,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450181,,Changes in interpersonal problems in the psychotherapeutic treatment of depression as measured by the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,108,123,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450182,,"Psychometric properties of the Resilience Scale for Adults (RSA) and its relationship with life-stress, anxiety and depression in a Hispanic Latin-American community sample",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450189,,Crowding in the S-cone pathway,VABB-1,81,92,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450191,,50 Years of Stereoblindness: Reconciliation of a Continuum of Disparity Detectors With Blindness for Disparity in Near or Far Depth,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450196,,"Chromatic Dimensions Earthy, Watery, Airy, and Fiery",VABB-1,1153,1178,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:450197,,Edge-Based Shading as a Depth Cue in Paintings,VABB-1,173,189,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450198,,"Texture, illumination, and material perception",VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:450202,,"The Matrix E-Motion: Simulation, Mimesis, Hypermimesis",VABB-4,89,104,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450203,,Effect of Stress and Peripheral Immune Activation on Astrocyte Activation in Transgenic Bioluminescent Gfap-luc Mice,VABB-1,1126,1137,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:450204,,"The ""Music of Forgetting"" and the ""Ideal of a human-superhuman Wellbeing and Benevolence"". About Nihilism, Transfiguration and the Art of Living by Nietzsche",VABB-1,143,157,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450205,,Introduction: Crime Fiction as World Literature,VABB-4,1,9,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:450206,,"After conflict comes education? Reflections on the representations of emergencies in ""Education in Emergencies'",VABB-1,538,557,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450209,,Plutarch’s ‘Philosophy’ of Disability: Human after All,VABB-4,197,209,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450214,,"The joint effects of promotion and prevention focus on performance, exhaustion and sickness absence among managers and non-managers",VABB-1,1493,1507,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450215,,Behavioral pattern separation and its link to the neural mechanisms of fear generalization,VABB-1,1720,1729,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450216,,Religiosity and Political Participation across Europe,VABB-4,36,57,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450217,,Catholic Identity in a Post-Christian and Post-Secular Society: Four Models and a Roadmap,VABB-4,155,173,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450218,,"Location: From the Margins and at the Crossroads of the University, Church and Society",VABB-4,54,78,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450220,,More Room for Theology in the Church? A Critical-Empathetic Reading of Theology Today,VABB-4,81,111,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450221,,Foundation: Revelation as God's Dialogue with People and History,VABB-4,15,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450223,,The Swan or the Dove? On the Difficult Dialogue between Theology and Philosophy,VABB-4,112,135,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450224,,Introduction: In the Margin and at the Crossroads,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450225,,Why Benedict XVI Resigned: Cognitive Dissonance,VABB-4,221,234,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450227,,Catholic Religious Education: Still Plausible Today?,VABB-4,200,218,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450229,,Horizon: The Challenge of Plurality and Difference,VABB-4,33,53,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450230,,Qualitative Pluralism as a Hallmark of the Catholic Dialogue School,VABB-4,174,199,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450231,,Tracking the quality premium of certified coffee: evidence from Ethiopia,VABB-1,119,132,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450236,,"Accommodating Avicenna, Appropriating Augustine: Assessing the Sources for Thomas Aquinas’s Doctrine of Prophecy",VABB-5,127,144,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:450238,,The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and its contribution to international law,VABB-4,303,325,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450239,,European Supranational Courts and the Fundamental Right to Freedom of Religion or Belief: Convergence or Competition?,VABB-1,532,540,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450240,,Culture all around? Contextualising anthropological expertise in European courtroom settings,VABB-1,272,292,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450241,,"Prefatory Comments: Anthropological expertise and legal practice: about false dichotomies, the difficulties of handling objectivity and unique opportunities for the future of a discipline",VABB-1,231,234,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450242,,The European Union's Climate Change Diplomacy,VABB-4,178,201,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450243,,Regret and the Consciousness of the Past,VABB-1,646,663,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450244,,Vulnerability assessment of chemical facilities to intentional attacks based on Bayesian Network,VABB-1,515,530,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450247,,"Fragments of Communicative Memory: World War II, Tito and the 1992-95 War",VABB-4,51,90,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450248,,Ruptured Biographies: The Last Yugoslavs,VABB-4,165,200,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450249,,How Generations Remember Conflicting Histories and Shared Memories in Post-War Bosnia and Herzegovina Conclusion,VABB-4,229,240,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450250,,Two Wars and Tito In-Between: The First Yugoslavs,VABB-4,127,164,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450251,,The (Un)spoilt Generation: The Post-Yugoslavs,VABB-4,201,228,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450252,,Divided Education: Divergent Historiographies and Shared Discursive Practices,VABB-4,91,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450253,,Introduction: Researching Memory and Generation,VABB-4,1,50,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450254,,Local governments’ efficiency: a systematic literature review - Part 1,VABB-1,431,468,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450255,,"Patient-reported outcomes in adults with congenital heart disease: Inter-country variation, standard of living and healthcare system factors",VABB-1,34,41,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450256,,Green electrospun and crosslinked poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(acrylic acid) composite membranes for antibacterial effective air filtration,VABB-1,411,423,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450257,,Public administration research since 1980: slipping away from the real world?,VABB-1,555,565,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450258,,The Role of Preliminary References in the Uniform Application of EU Competition Law,VABB-4,177,191,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450259,,It is all in their mind: A review on information processing bias in lonely individuals,VABB-1,97,114,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450266,,Adolescents' and mothers' conflict management constellations: Links with individual and relational functioning,VABB-1,837,857,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450269,,Functional explanation and the problem of functional equivalence,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450270,,THE JUDGMENT OF PONTIUS PILATE: A CRITIQUE OF GIORGIO AGAMBEN,VABB-1,340,365,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:450271,,Use of key word signing by staff in special schools and in day centers for adults with intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,21,29,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450273,,The Meanings of have and the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface,VABB-4,265,291,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450274,,Semantics and Pragmatics: Drawing a Line Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450275,,"Free Pragmatic Enrichment, Expansion, Saturation, Completion: A View from Linguistics",VABB-4,11,37,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450279,,EU Citizenship and the Right to Care,VABB-4,489,508,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450281,,CHRONOTOPE TO CHARACTER ADDED: THE NEW FANTASY OF OBSCURE CITIES. (SCHUITEN-PEETERS),VABB-1,113,125,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:450282,,Comparative Constitutional Reasoning,VABB-2,,,704,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450283,,Comparing Constitutional Reasoning with Quantitative and Qualitative Methods Introduction,VABB-4,1,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450284,,The French Constitutional Council,VABB-4,323,355,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450285,,COMPARATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL REASONING CONCLUSION,VABB-4,761,797,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:450286,,Infertility in an adult cohort with primary ciliary dyskinesia: phenotype-gene association,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450289,,Prediction in a risk analysis context: Implications for selecting a risk perspective in practical applications,VABB-1,344,351,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450290,,Developmental trajectories of children’s symbolic numerical magnitude processing skills and associated cognitive competencies,VABB-1,232,250,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450291,,Respiratory muscle function and exercise limitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a review,VABB-1,67,79,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450292,,Dyspnea catastrophizing and neural activations during the anticipation and perception of dyspnea,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450293,,"A Hotelling model for the circular economy including recycling, substitution and waste accumulation",VABB-1,98,109,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450295,,"Haptic two-dimensional shape identification in children, adolescents, and young adults",VABB-1,567,580,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450296,,Expanding social actor-based explanations in labour market dualisation research: A combined macro-micro and micro-macro approach,VABB-1,75,88,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450297,,Lender Liability for Environmental Damage - Some Preliminary Thoughts on Efficency and Justification,VABB-4,459,469,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450298,,Communicative Experience of God in Prayer,VABB-4,167,175,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450299,,High intelligence and the risk of ADHD and other psychopathology,VABB-1,359,+,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450300,,"Identity navigation, story evaluation and recipient identification in The Graham Norton Show's ""Red Chair stories""",VABB-1,69,92,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450301,,The interactional ventriloquization of written records in the service of authority,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450302,,Text matching to measure patent similarity,VABB-1,62,84,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450303,,What (If Anything) Can Justify the Objective Truth of an Alleged Immediate Experience of God?,VABB-4,177,187,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450304,,Planning skills of adolescents with ADHD,VABB-1,46,57,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:450308,,Media Ideals and Other-Sex Peer Norms among Belgian Early Adolescents: Equating Self-Worth with Attractiveness,VABB-1,466,484,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450309,,Crossing the bridge to elementary school: The development of children’s working memory components in relation to teacher-student relationships and academic achievement,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450311,,The value of Actor-Network Theory and an ethnographical research strategy in exploring educational interpreting at Stellenbosch University,VABB-1,13,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450312,,The contribution of a doable hospitality and engagement ethics in the ethical care of healthcare workers,VABB-1,217,233,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450313,,Towards an ‘international forum for teacher educator development’: an agenda for research and action,VABB-1,120,134,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450314,,Greimas' aesthetic approach to Valery sensibilities,VABB-1,133,145,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450316,,"General pedagogical knowledge, self-efficacy and instructional practice: Disentangling their relationship in pre-service teacher education",VABB-1,177,190,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450317,,Degrees of mirativity,VABB-5,343,384,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450321,,How Colleagues Can Support Each Other's Needs and Motivation: An Intervention on Employee Work Motivation,VABB-1,3,29,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450322,,Performance evaluation of R&D active firms,VABB-1,16,28,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450323,,Domain-general and domain-specific neural changes underlying visual expertise,VABB-1,80,93,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450325,,Social resources and Arab women's perinatal mental health: A systematic review,VABB-1,386,397,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450328,,Glucocorticoid receptor DNA methylation and childhood trauma in chronic fatigue syndrome patients,VABB-1,55,60,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450329,,Augmenting processes with decision intelligence: principles for integrated modelling,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450330,,A service-oriented architecture design of decision-aware information systems: Decision as a service: (Short paper),VABB-5,353,361,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450331,,Model checking of mixed-paradigm process models in a discovery context: Finding the fit between declarative and procedural,VABB-5,74,86,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450333,,Killing animals as a matter of collateral damage,VABB-4,167,186,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450334,,Multi-class vector autoregressive models for multi-store sales data,VABB-1,435,452,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450335,,Maternal distress in the context of their child's type 1 diabetes: Exploring the role of adaptive maternal emotion regulation on child outcomes,VABB-1,337,346,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450338,,Beyond the Tweedie Reserving Model: The Collective Approach to Loss Development,VABB-1,611,619,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450340,,Burnout and work engagement in medical trainees and specialists,VABB-1,9,16,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:450341,,Historicizing the present: Brussels attacks and heritagization of spontaneous memorials,VABB-1,53,65,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450342,,His and Her Education and Marital Dissolution: Adding a Contextual Dimension,VABB-1,663,687,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450343,,Europe in space: The European Parliament's justification arsenal,VABB-4,66,81,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450344,,Neuroanatomical correlates of haptic object processing: combined evidence from tractography and functional neuroimaging.,VABB-1,619,633,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450346,,The Dutch Self-Concept and Identity Measure (SCIM): Factor Structure and Associations with Identity Dimensions and Psychopathology,VABB-1,56,64,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450347,,Nuanced aesthetic emotions: Emotion differentiation is related to knowledge of the arts and curiosity.,VABB-1,593,599,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450348,,NUN?! on the idea of the immanent-sublime to the Minds of Jean-François Lyotard and Helmut Lachenmann,VABB-1,55,64,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:450349,,"Middle Childhood Problem Behaviors: Testing the Transaction Between Responsive Parenting, Temperament, and Attachment-Related Processing Biases",VABB-1,916,927,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450350,,"Integrating processes, cases, and decisions for knowledge-intensive process modelling",VABB-5,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450351,,Protocol of a randomised controlled trial regarding the effectiveness of fluoroscopy-guided manual lymph drainage for the treatment of breast cancer-related lymphoedema (EFforT-BCRL trial),VABB-1,177,188,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450352,,"Trust in requirements elicitation: How does it build, and why does it matter to Requirements Engineers?",VABB-5,1094,1101,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450353,,Are Stakeholders the Only Source of Information for Requirements Engineers? Toward a Taxonomy of Elicitation Information Sources,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450354,,"Nationalizing the streetscape: The case of street renaming in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina",VABB-4,168,184,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450356,,Attentional Modulation of Somatosensory Processing During the Anticipation of Movements Accompanying Pain: An Event-Related Potential Study,VABB-1,219,227,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450357,,"Improving community mental health services for people affected by political violence in Ayacucho, Peru",VABB-1,100,112,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450358,,Text Analysis in R,VABB-1,245,265,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:450359,,Being apart together: Convergence and divergence in the field of Dutch politics,VABB-1,49,64,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450363,,Strange-but-True: A (Quick) New Argument for Contextualism about 'Know' (forthcoming),VABB-1,2005,2015,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450364,,Building a working alliance between professionals and service users in family preservation. A multiple case study,VABB-1,230,238,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450365,,School of Dialogue in Love: Interweaving Gravissimum educationis with Perfectae caritatis anno 2015,VABB-1,358,379,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450366,,Systematic design of domain-specific instruction on near and far transfer of critical thinking skills,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450367,,IMPLICATIONS Cherishing the Middle Ground,VABB-4,79,87,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450369,,Towards a better understanding of the potential of Interactive Whiteboards in stimulating mathematics learning,VABB-1,81,107,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450371,,For a diatopic analysis of fixed verbal expressions: Variational approach,VABB-1,21,31,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450372,,"Fixation: Unity and diversity. Collocations, fixed expressions, situational phrases, proverbs",VABB-1,15,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450374,,Comparison between bridging students and traditional first-year students in Engineering Technology,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450375,,Dashboard for actionable feedback on learning skills: How learner profile affects use,VABB-5,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450377,,On syntax in German: The word order in multiple verbal constituents,VABB-1,214,223,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450378,,Is Consciouness a Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery inside an Enigma? Mysterianism and Beyond,VABB-4,183,199,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450380,,Head sweat rate prediction for thermal comfort assessment of bicycle helmets,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450381,,A Model Enhancement Approach for Optimizing the Integrated Shift Scheduling and Vehicle Routing Problem in Waste Collection,VABB-1,278,290,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450384,,Modeling Answer Change Behavior: An Application of a Generalized Item Response Tree Model,VABB-1,467,490,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450385,,Explanatory Item Response Models,VABB-4,247,266,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450386,,What do you mean by a difficult item? On the interpretation of the difficulty parameter in a Rasch model,VABB-5,1,14,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450387,,Developing a multi-agent platform supporting patient hospital stays following a socio-technical approach: Management and governance benefits,VABB-1,854,882,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450389,,Higher education for Public Value: taking the debate beyond New Public Management,VABB-1,227,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450390,,The application of international environmental law principles in Latin America: a world apart from the EU?,VABB-1,501,520,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450391,,Editorial introduction,VABB-4,23,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450397,,On the operational efficiency of different feature types for telco churn prediction,VABB-1,1141,1155,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450398,,Churn prediction using dynamic rfm-augmented node2vec,VABB-5,122,138,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450399,,The link between the data producers' knowing-why and their intention to enter data correctly,VABB-5,417,423,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450400,,Organizational home care models across Europe: C cross sectional study,VABB-1,39,45,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450403,,Can group composition effects explain socioeconomic and ethnic achievement gaps in primary education?,VABB-1,6,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450404,,Public consultation and participation in Belgium: directly engaging citizens beyond the ballot box?,VABB-4,215,234,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450405,,Bayesian estimation of mixed logit models: selecting an appropriate prior for the covariance matrix,VABB-1,133,151,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450406,,ENDOGENIZING DAILY MODAL CHOICE TO EXPLAIN VEHICLE OWNERSHIP DECISIONS,VABB-5,381,388,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450407,,New strategies for stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling,VABB-1,349,365,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450408,,The truck scheduling problem at crossdocking terminals: exclusive versus mixed mode,VABB-5,247,253,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450409,,Towards a mathematically more correct understanding of rational numbers: A longitudinal study with upper elementary school learners,VABB-1,99,108,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450410,,Verbal and action-based measures of kindergartners' SFON and their associations with number-related utterances during picture book reading,VABB-1,550,565,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450411,,Re-enactment and reconstruction of Waterloo,VABB-1,134,142,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450413,,Profit maximizing logistic model for customer churn prediction using genetic algorithms,VABB-1,116,130,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450415,,Trajectories of Parental Engagement in Early Childhood Among Dual-Earner Families: Effects on Child Self-Control,VABB-1,731,743,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450416,,"Teacher Support, Peer Acceptance, and Engagement in the Classroom: A Three-Wave Longitudinal Study",VABB-1,1139,1150,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450417,,Teacher-Child Dependency and Teacher Sensitivity predict Engagement of Children with Attachment Problems,VABB-1,419,427,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450418,,‘Layouting’ for the plot: Charles Burns and the clear line revisited,VABB-1,193,202,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450419,,"Between adaptation, intermediality and cultural series: the example of the photonovel",VABB-1,47,55,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:450420,,Differences between dual users and switchers center around vaping behavior and its experiences rather than beliefs and attitudes,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450422,,Retrospective memory for symptoms in patients with medically unexplained symptoms,VABB-1,37,44,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450427,,"Europe and the euro: Integration, crisis and policies",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450434,,Empowering the green innovation machine,VABB-1,205,208,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450437,,Manipulating affective state influences conditioned appetitive responses,VABB-1,1062,1081,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450438,,Short-term effects of simultaneous cardiovascular workout and personal music device use on the outer hair cell function of young adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450439,,Educational interventions for improving the communication skills of general practice trainees in the clinical consultation,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450440,,When digital natives instruct digital immigrants: Active guidance of parental media use by children and conflict in the family,VABB-1,375,387,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450442,,Learning to feel tired: A learning trajectory towards chronic fatigue,VABB-1,54,66,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450444,,Business cycle research in marketing: A review and research agenda,VABB-1,31,58,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450445,,The phenomenological reduction (da capo),VABB-1,33,44,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:450446,,Distributional semantic analysis in a technical corpus,VABB-1,69,72,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450447,,Putting the Art in Artificial: Aesthetic Responses to Computer-Generated Art,VABB-1,177,192,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450449,,Local and global visual processing in autism spectrum disorders: Influence of task and sample characteristics and relation to symptom severity,VABB-1,1359,1381,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450452,,Under-cited influential work by Eugene Garfield,VABB-1,651,657,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450454,,Friends or foes? Monetized Life Cycle Assessment and Cost-Benefit. Analysis of the site remediation of a former gas plant,VABB-1,258,271,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450455,,Quantification and aspect in the noun phrase [un caudal de N],VABB-1,1091,1141,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450456,,"En realidad, polysemy and polyfunctionality of a discursive marker",VABB-1,173,205,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450457,,The subjective dimension in the use of the pseudo-copular verb of change in hacerse,VABB-1,195,214,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450460,,"Youth 2.0: Social Media and Adolescence Subtitle: Connecting, Sharing and Empowering",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450462,,A three-stage mixed integer programming approach for optimizing the skill mix and training schedules for aircraft maintenance,VABB-1,439,452,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450464,,Is everybody on board? Voluntary sustainability standards and green restructuring,VABB-1,511,520,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450465,,Silence – a matter of public concern: reconsidering critical environmental and sustainability education,VABB-1,1371,1382,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450467,,"Posting Autism. Online Self-Representation Strategies in Tistje, a Flemish blog on “Living on the Spectrum From the Front Row”",VABB-4,255,273,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450469,,"Page, text and screen in the university: revisiting the Illich hypothesis",VABB-1,49,60,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450470,,"Governmental, political and pedagogic subjectivation: Foucault with rancière",VABB-4,69,88,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450471,,"The vision of the four beasts, the Theotokos, the twelve thrones and other themes: The Letter T of the Florilegium Coislinianum",VABB-1,91,128,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450472,,Exploring the potential of multivariate depth-damage and rainfall-damage models,VABB-1,S916,S929,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450474,,Basket Option Pricing and Implied Correlation in a One-Factor Levy Model,VABB-5,335,367,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450475,,European Union labour law and the European Social Model: A critical appraisal,VABB-4,379,402,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450479,,Three chronological steps to encourage intrapreneurship. Lessons from the wehkamp case,VABB-1,135,145,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450480,,Authenticity and sustainability: The search for a reliable earth spirituality,VABB-4,15,29,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450481,,Why do we need a spiritual-based theory of leadership?,VABB-4,17,33,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450482,,Spirituality: The missing link in business Ethics,VABB-4,15,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450483,,Introduction: Commemorating the Great War 1914-1918,VABB-4,15,21,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450484,,The evolving view on peace and its implications for business,VABB-4,3,23,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450485,,"China, the European Union and the developing world: A triangular relationship",VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450489,,Reframing Catholic Theological Ethics: Summary and Application,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450490,,Examining Measurement Isomorphism of Multilevel Constructs: The Case of Political Trust,VABB-1,907,927,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450491,,Measuring attitudes towards Social Europe: A multidimensional approach,VABB-1,353,378,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450493,,Multilingual islands in a monolingual sea: language choice patterns during group work,VABB-1,943,955,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450495,,Kufr et takfīr dans l'ismaélisme fatimide: Le Kitāb Tanbīh al-hādī de Hamīd al-Dīn al-Kirmānī,VABB-4,82,102,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450497,,Idiot wisdom and the intimate universal: On immanence and transcendence in an intercultural perspective,VABB-4,153,181,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450498,,Combinatorial Bitstring Semantics for Arbitrary Logical Fragments,VABB-1,325,363,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450499,,[10275048]Heuristics in Aristotelian Diagrams,VABB-5,35,45,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450500,,'Anders gezegd': German counterparts of the Dutch adverb 'anders',VABB-1,133,152,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450501,,Occurrence of malnutrition and associated factors in community-dwelling older adults: Those with a recent diagnosis of cancer are at higher risk,VABB-1,191,198,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450505,,"Of divinatory connaissance in South-Saharan Africa: The bodiliness of perception, inter-subjectivity and inter-world resonance",VABB-4,110,122,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450506,,Relevance and uncertainty jointly influence reward anticipation at the level of the SPN ERP component.,VABB-1,287,297,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450510,,Cognitive feedback and behavioral feedforward automation perspectives for modeling and validation in a learning context,VABB-5,70,92,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450511,,First international workshop on teaching for smart information systems - Smart information systems for Teaching - T4SIS4T: Preface,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450512,,Enriching model execution with feedback to support testing of semantic conformance between models and requirements: Design and evaluation of feedback automation architecture,VABB-5,14,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450513,,Nanoparticle-induced inflammation can increase tumor malignancy,VABB-1,99,112,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450514,,The relationship between the cost of cybercrime and web security posture: A case study on Belgian companies,VABB-5,115,120,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450518,,"The interplay of negative experiences, emotions and affective styles in adolescents' cybervictimization: A moderated mediation analysis",VABB-1,223,234,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450519,,Civil Service Systems in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis,VABB-4,38,56,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450522,,Organizing artistic activities in a recurrent manner: (on the nature of) entrepreneurship in the performing arts,VABB-1,319,334,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450524,,Does spatial ambidexterity pay off? On the benefits of geographic proximity between technology exploitation and exploration,VABB-1,151,163,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450525,,Depression severity moderates the relation between self-distancing and features of emotion unfolding,VABB-1,119,124,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450526,,The relation between rumination and temporal features of emotion intensity,VABB-1,259,274,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450528,,Relationship between Extensions and Intensions in Categorization: A Match Made in Heaven?,VABB-1,655,666,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450529,,Annotation of streaming video in foreign language teaching. VIDEO.DE: A video annotation software for German as a foreign language teachers and learners,VABB-1,224,240,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450531,,Electrolytic post‐training lesions of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis block startle potentiation in a cued fear conditioning procedure,VABB-1,1839,1848,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450532,,The influence of specific supervisor support types on transfer of training: Examining the mediating effect of training retention,VABB-1,265,288,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450534,,Four Coptic documents from Katoen Natie collection in Antwerp,VABB-1,403,417,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450536,,Comments on Papyri XXVIII,VABB-1,211,239,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:450537,,Structure and use of pronouns/clitics with subject function in Leuven dialect,VABB-1,262,277,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450538,,"At the lakeshore – An Early Nubian Complex site linked with lacustrine sediments (Eastern Desert, Egypt)",VABB-1,131,139,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450541,,Cities and agricultural transformation in Africa: Evidence from Ethiopia,VABB-1,383,399,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450542,,EU Policies and Global Food Security,VABB-1,106,115,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450544,,"Quality standards, value chains, and international development: Economic and political theory",VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450545,,On the Output Orientation of the Benefit-of-the-Doubt Model,VABB-1,415,431,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450546,,Gap analysis for information security in interoperable solutions at a systemic level: The KONFIDO approach,VABB-5,75,79,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450547,,Searching for influence: interest groups and social movements in the European Union,VABB-1,115,121,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450548,,Political parties and interest groups,VABB-4,429,441,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450549,,On speaker commitment and speaker involvement. Evidence from evidentials in Spanish talk-in-interaction,VABB-1,161,170,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450550,,Evidentiality and the semantics- pragmatics interface: An introduction,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450553,,I “like” the way you look: How appearance-focused and overall Facebook use contribute to adolescents' self-sexualization,VABB-1,198,208,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450554,,“I can/should look like a media figure.” The association between direct and indirect media exposure and teens’ sexualizing appearance behaviors,VABB-1,320,333,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450555,,Television and Preadolescents’ Objectified Dating Script: Consequences for Self- and Interpersonal Objectification,VABB-1,71,93,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450557,,Multi-plant emergency response for tackling major accidents in chemical industrial areas,VABB-1,275,289,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450559,,'Specializing and cooperating to survive': Omer degrijse and his apologetic regarding mission institutes at the second vatican council,VABB-1,34,50,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:450560,,An algorithm for the multivariate group lasso with covariance estimation,VABB-1,668,681,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450561,,Robust Maximum Association Between Data Sets: The R Package ccaPP,VABB-1,71,79,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450563,,"Folia Linguistica, fifty years old and going strong",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450564,,Variability in clausal verb complementation: The case of admit,VABB-4,77,100,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450565,,The existential concern of the humanities. R.S. Peters' justification of liberal education,VABB-1,702,711,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450566,,Consumer response to health and environmental sustainability information regarding seafood consumption,VABB-1,492,504,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450567,,"UV-filters and musk fragrances in seafood commercialized in Europe Union: Occurrence, risk and exposure assessment",VABB-1,399,408,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450568,,Occurrence of cyclic imines in European commercial seafood and consumers risk assessment,VABB-1,392,398,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450570,,European consumers' interest in nutrition information on (sugar-free) chewing gum,VABB-1,172,180,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450571,,A Two-Step Econometric Estimation of Covariates of Side Selling: The Case of Coffee Cooperatives in Southwest Ethiopia,VABB-1,1775,1791,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450572,,Sensory attributes shaping consumers' willingness-to-pay for newly developed processed meat products with natural compounds and a reduced level of nitrite,VABB-1,21,31,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450574,,Rehabilitation of visuospatial neglect by prism adaptation: effects of a mild treatment regime. A randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,899,918,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450575,,Practitioner review: Current best practice in the use of parent training and other behavioural interventions in the treatment of children and adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD),VABB-1,932,947,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:450579,,Towards innovative geospatial tools for fit-for-purpose land rights mapping,VABB-5,37,43,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450587,,State Trust in Middle Childhood: An Experimental Manipulation of Maternal Support,VABB-1,1252,1263,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450589,,A multivariate statistical model for emotion dynamics,VABB-1,739,754,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450590,,Affective family interactions and their associations with adolescent depression: A dynamic network approach,VABB-1,1459,1473,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450591,,Variation in the serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) and inertia of negative and positive emotions in daily life,VABB-1,229,236,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450592,,"No haste, more taste: An EMA study of the effects of stress, negative and positive emotions on eating behavior",VABB-1,54,62,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450593,,A signaling perspective on bureaucratic encounters: How public officials interpret signals and cues,VABB-1,1367,1378,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450594,,Do tax officials use double standards in evaluating citizen-clients? A policy-capturing study among Dutch frontline tax officials,VABB-1,134,153,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450595,,"The relation between ethnic and civic views on citizenship, attitudes towards immigrants and sympathy for welfare recipients",VABB-1,158,177,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450597,,"Relationships, sexuality and the family: A matter of public and theological interest",VABB-1,6,17,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450600,,Interdisciplinary perspectives on translation policy New directions and challenges,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450602,,"A Captivated Audience. Cinema-going at the zoological garden in occupied Antwerp, 1915–1918",VABB-1,243,264,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450604,,The Detrimental Effects of Adolescents' Chronic Loneliness on Motivation and Emotion Regulation in Social Situations,VABB-1,162,176,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450605,,Effects of debt mutualization in a monetary union with endogenous risk premia: Can Eurobonds contribute to debt stabilization?,VABB-1,100,114,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450606,,Macroeconomic fluctuations in a New Keynesian disequilibrium model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450607,,Secular stagnation: Insights from a new keynesian model with hysteresis effects,VABB-4,69,85,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450608,,The financial crisis and its aftermath: the case of Ireland,VABB-1,393,410,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450609,,Sucker of One’s Mother’s Clitoris: A Study of the Classical Arabic Insult,VABB-4,279,294,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450610,,Abbāsid state violence and the execution of Ibn 'Ā'isha,VABB-4,128,140,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450612,,Was Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009 on Credit Rating Agencies effective?,VABB-1,299,316,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450613,,Student teachers' capacity and willingness to teach financial literacy in flanders,VABB-1,313,321,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450614,,The impact of plan and sponsor characteristics on pension funds' asset allocation and currency diversification,VABB-1,27,37,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450619,,Image-schematic scaffolding in textual and visual artefacts,VABB-1,91,106,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450621,,The politics of beer: analysis of the congressional votes on the beer bill of 1933,VABB-1,81,106,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450624,,Subjective sleep disturbances are associated with intrinsic motivation toward sleep-related thinking,VABB-1,30,36,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450625,,Computerized scoring algorithms for the autobiographical memory test,VABB-1,259,273,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450626,,Improving text-to-pictograph translation through word sense disambiguation,VABB-5,131,135,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450632,,Breaking the Unwritten Language Barrier: The BULB Project,VABB-5,8,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450633,,Assessing Sustainability in higher education curricula: a critical reflection on validity issues,VABB-1,4456,4466,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450634,,Barium (Ba) leaching from soils and certified reference materials,VABB-1,68,84,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450635,,Deification: From the perspective of jan van ruusbroec,VABB-1,19,33,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:450636,,Childhood Traumatic Experiences and Dissociative Phenomena in Eating Disorders: Level and Association with the Severity of Binge Eating Symptoms,VABB-1,88,107,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450637,,Some binominal size noun constructions in English and French: A contrastive corpus-based perspective,VABB-5,90,115,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450638,,Predicting human similarity judgments with distributional models: The value of word associations,VABB-5,4806,4810,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450639,,Large-scale network representations of semantics in the mental lexicon,VABB-4,174,202,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450640,,Using network clustering to uncover the taxonomic and thematic structure of the mental lexicon,VABB-5,172,176,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450641,,The preconciliar itineraries of WA. Visser't Hooft and J.G.M. Willebrands (1951-1961),VABB-1,23,39,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450643,,"The impact of HRM, perceived employability, and job insecurity on self-initiated expatriates' adjustment to the host country",VABB-1,861,871,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450644,,"Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group guidance series-paper 6: reporting guidelines for qualitative, implementation, and process evaluation evidence syntheses",VABB-1,79,85,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450646,,Audit committees’ independence and the information content of earnings announcements in Western Europe,VABB-1,29,53,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450647,,"The ""music of oblivion"" and the ""ideal of a human-superhuman well-being and goodwill"". About nihilism, transfiguration and art of living in the works of Nietzsche",VABB-1,143,157,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450648,,Privileged relations between the Greek and Germanic: Comparative language explorations in the early German humanism and in Wilhelm Otto Reitz's Belga graecissans (1730),VABB-1,427,443,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450651,,Usage and processing of the French causal connectives ‘car’ and ‘parce que’,VABB-1,85,112,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450654,,[Dimensional measures in autism spectrum disorders: do we know what we measure?].,VABB-1,897,901,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450655,,Pre-exposure and retrieval effects on generalization of contextual fear,VABB-1,20,26,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450657,,Social and Political Citizenship in European Public Opinion: An Empirical Analysis of T.H. Marshall’s Concept of Social Rights,VABB-1,595,620,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450658,,Discipline-specific differences in political attitudes among university students. Results of a campus-wide survey among Belgian university students,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450659,,'I loved my books': Shakespeare and the Modernity of Loving Literature,VABB-1,326,340,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450662,,Determining informative priors for cognitive models,VABB-1,114,127,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450663,,"Subgroup Decomposability of Income-Related Inequality of Health, with an Application to Australia",VABB-1,39,50,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450665,,"Faith and economics: Maurice Potron, pioneer of input-output analysis",VABB-1,91,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450666,,Renewable resources in a long-term perspective: The corn-tuna model,VABB-1,97,130,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450667,,Consumer segmentation in multi-attribute product evaluation by means of non-negatively constrained CLV3W,VABB-1,18,26,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450668,,Automated PGP9.5 immunofluorescence staining: a valuable tool in the assessment of small fiber neuropathy?,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450669,,Rethinking children's roles in participatory design: The child as a process designer,VABB-1,47,54,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450671,,Input and output additionality of R&D subsidies,VABB-1,1324,1341,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450673,,Local governments’ efficiency: a systematic literature review - Part 2,VABB-1,1107,1136,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450674,,"The influence of school size, principal characteristics and school management practices on educational performance: An efficiency analysis of Italian students attending middle schools",VABB-1,52,69,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450676,,Composite indicators as generalized benefit-of-the-doubt weighted averages,VABB-1,381,392,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450677,,Social Inclusion in the EU Since the Enlargement: Progress or Regress?,VABB-1,563,584,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450678,,Augustine’s Ostia Revisited: A Plotinian or Christian Ascent in Confessiones 9?,VABB-1,80,104,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450679,,Inhibiting the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome induces a metaphase arrest and cell death in multiple myeloma cells.,VABB-1,4062,4076,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450680,,Who follows whom? A location study of Chinese private and state-owned companies in the European Union,VABB-1,43,84,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450681,,Between cooperation and competition: major powers in shared neighbourhoods,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450684,,ICIC theorizing the European Neighbourhood Policy,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450685,,Theorizing the European Neighbourhood Policy - towards a research programme,VABB-4,267,282,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450686,,"Initial trust and intentions to buy: The effect of vendor-specific guarantees, customer reviews and the role of online shopping experience Electronic Commerce Research and Applications",VABB-1,23,28,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450687,,Building and maintaining the family business-private equity relationship: An integrated agency-stewardship perspective,VABB-1,41,63,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450690,,The Winner Takes it All: Revisiting the Effect of Direct Democracy on Citizens’ Political Support,VABB-1,857,882,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450692,,"From ""transplant with the soil"" toward the establishment of the innovation ecosystem: A case study of a leading high-tech company in China",VABB-1,222,234,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450693,,The Porphyrian Tree and Multiple Inheritance. A Rejoinder to Tylman on Computer Science and Philosophy,VABB-1,173,180,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450694,,Predicting hourly energy consumption. can regression modeling improve on an autoregressive baseline?,VABB-5,105,122,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450696,,How do we identify children at risk of developing speech disorders using less than five questions?,VABB-1,161,165,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450697,,International Transfer Pricing in Multinational Enterprises,VABB-1,55,67,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450699,,One Framework to Unite Them All? Use of the CEFR in European University Entrance Policies,VABB-1,3,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450701,,Functional upgrading in China's export processing sector,VABB-1,245,262,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450703,,Collaborative learning as educational strategy for deaf children: A systematic literature review,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450706,,Sexually Explicit Internet Material and Adolescents’ Sexual Performance Orientation: The Mediating Roles of Enjoyment and Perceived Utility,VABB-1,50,74,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450708,,Thinking and writing about global poverty: A comparison of journalist frames and media frames,VABB-1,2088,2107,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450709,,"In search of the pitiful victim: A frame analysis of Dutch, Flemish and British newspapers and NGO-advertisements",VABB-1,643,660,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450710,,Demographic diversity in the Flemish press landscape,VABB-1,169,185,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450711,,The person in social entrepreneurship: A systematic review of research on the social entrepreneurial personality,VABB-4,205,229,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450713,,Humiliated fury is not universal: the co-occurrence of anger and shame in the United States and Japan,VABB-1,1317,1328,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450720,,An integrative conceptual framework for safety culture : The Egg Aggregated Model (TEAM) of safety culture,VABB-1,323,339,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450721,,Petri-net based evaluation of emergency response actions for preventing domino effects triggered by fire,VABB-1,94,101,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450722,,Applying a Bayesian Stackelberg game for securing a chemical plant,VABB-1,72,83,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450723,,Integrating the API SRA methodology and game theory for improving chemical plant protection,VABB-1,8,16,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450731,,Anthony Trollope's Late Style: Victorian Liberalism and Literary Form,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450732,,Arithmetic in the developing brain: A review of brain imaging studies,VABB-1,265,279,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450733,,"Science, politics, and the economy: The unintended consequences of a diabolic paradox (editorial)",VABB-1,3,8,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450734,,Augustine’s sermones ad populum 182-183: a new critical edition,VABB-1,11,42,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450738,,Handbook of research on sustainable careers,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450739,,"Beyond divide and rule: weak dictators, natural resiurces and civil conflict",VABB-1,205,221,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450740,,Using sound to enhance taste experiences: An overview,VABB-5,316,330,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450741,,"Multi-level regulation in the telecommunications sector: Adaptive regulatory arrangements in Belgium, Ireland, the Netherlands and Switzerland",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450742,,A supply chain perspective of stakeholder identification as a tool for responsible policy and decision-making,VABB-1,63,76,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450746,,Comparative analysis of actigraphy performance in healthy young subjects,VABB-5,272,279,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450748,,Electoral volatility in Belgium (2009-2014). Is there a difference between stable and volatile voters?,VABB-1,68,97,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450749,,New thoughts on the topological sentence model in German,VABB-1,64,86,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450753,,Something free or something off? A comparative study of the purchase effects of premiums and price cuts,VABB-1,5,20,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450754,,"Mind, rationality, and cognition: An interdisciplinary debate",VABB-1,793,826,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450755,,"The phenomenology of the invisible: From visual syntax to ""shape from shapes""",VABB-1,127,151,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450756,,Visual art and visual perception.,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450758,,MyHealthToday: Helping patients with their health schedule using a 24-hour clock visualization,VABB-5,415,420,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450759,,MeViTa: Interactive visualizations to help older adults with their medication Intake using a camera-projector system,VABB-5,132,152,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450760,,The effect of minimum wages on employment in emerging economies: a survey and meta-analysis,VABB-1,366,391,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450761,,Institutional invitations to a meeting: Cold calls to bank clients,VABB-1,180,199,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450762,,From Adult Finger Tapping to Fetal Heart Beating: Retracing the Role of Coordination in Constituting Agency,VABB-1,18,35,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450763,,Directed cycles and multi-stability of coherent dynamics in systems of coupled nonlinear oscillators,VABB-5,19,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450764,,Synchronous oscillations in networks of time-delay coupled inert systems,VABB-5,31,36,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450766,,International financial reporting standards and private firms’ access to bank loans,VABB-1,75,104,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450770,,Understanding urban development types and drivers in Wallonia: A multi-density approach,VABB-1,309,330,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450772,,Identification of the determinants of fare evasion,VABB-1,348,352,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450776,,Did the escalation of the financial crisis of 2008 affect the perception of immigration-related threats? A natural experiment,VABB-1,439,461,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450777,,Out-of-control Olympics: why the IOC is unable to ensure an environmentally sustainable Olympic Games,VABB-1,16,30,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450778,,What happens after a local referendum? The effect of direct democratic decision-making on protest intentions,VABB-1,183,203,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450779,,Morphological awareness and visual processing of derivational morphology in high functioning adults with dyslexia: An avenue to compensation?,VABB-1,483,506,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450780,,Urbanization: An overview,VABB-4,1,43,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450782,,Cooking with alcohol: A matched case-control study in Italy and Germany assessing the risk of alcoholism due to an early exposure to alcohol in childhood,VABB-1,107,118,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450786,,Economic crisis and the demise of a popular contractual form: building & Loans in the 1930s,VABB-1,28,44,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450789,,Reducing inequality in childcare service use across European countries : what (if any) is the role of social spending?,VABB-1,271,292,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450792,,A diary study on the role of psychological detachment in the spillover of self-control demands to employees’ ego depletion and the crossover to their partner,VABB-1,140,152,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450793,,Trust and Forgiveness in Virtual Teams: A Study in Algerian E-Learning Context,VABB-5,131,135,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:450798,,Modeling the Hebrew Bible. Potential of Topic Modeling Techniques for Semantic Annotation and Historical Analysis,VABB-5,47,52,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450799,,Depicting and seeing-in. The ‘Sujet’ in Husserl’s phenomenology of images,VABB-1,555,578,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450800,,Reconceptualizing Cultivation: Implications For Testing Relationships Between Fiction Exposure And Self-Reported Alcohol Use Evaluations,VABB-1,613,639,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450801,,Feedback-seeking behavior: A person-environment fit perspective,VABB-4,23,48,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450802,,"The letters of Paul, a source for historical Pharisaism",VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450804,,Monetary transmission and regulatory impacts: Empirical evidence from the post-crisis banking literature,VABB-4,18,41,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450805,,Balanced optimization with vector costs,VABB-5,92,102,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450806,,Heretical Hindsight: Patoka's Phenomenology as Questioning Philosophy,VABB-1,36,54,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450808,,"The more you use Facebook, the more you risk becoming addicted to it?: A Study Report",VABB-1,80,84,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450810,,Goals need time perspective to be achieved,VABB-4,323,335,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450811,,Time perspective profiles of cultures,VABB-4,169,187,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450815,,Biopolitics and boredom in the waiting room. On the power of being bored in the context of preventive family support,VABB-1,330,347,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450816,,The impact of response-guided baseline phase extensions on treatment effect estimates,VABB-1,77,87,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450819,,Integration of Basic Controversies in Cross-cultural Psychology,VABB-1,161,182,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450820,,The organization of continued professional development,VABB-1,217,223,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450822,,Client perception of hindering factors in group psychotherapy and growth groups: no growth without pain? An empirical exploration,VABB-1,62,82,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450823,,The research tradition in person-centered/experiential psychotherapy and counseling: bibliographical survey 1940-2015,VABB-1,95,125,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450824,,"Questioning a Warrior Otherness as Literary Strategy in Isaiah 63,1-6",VABB-1,285,300,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:450826,,[The concept of getting older: unfinished or excessive?].,VABB-1,257,261,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450827,,"Financial innovation, regulation and crises in history",VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450830,,The destructive pattern: An experiential and existential theory-building case study,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450832,,WHY IS PERFECTIONISM A RISK FACTOR FOR WORKAHOLISM? THE MEDIATING ROLE OF IRRATIONAL BELIEFS AT WORK,VABB-1,583,600,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450833,,Burnout: A short socio-cultural history,VABB-4,105,127,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450834,,Psychosocial work environment and mental health-related long-term sickness absence among nurses,VABB-1,195,203,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450835,,Applying the Job Demands-Resources model: A 'how to' guide to measuring and tackling work engagement and burnout,VABB-1,120,132,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450836,,Psychometric properties of the Russian version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9),VABB-1,145,162,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450837,,How are changes in exposure to job demands and job resources related to burnout and engagement? A longitudinal study among Chinese nurses and police officers,VABB-1,631,644,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450838,,Antecedents of daily team job crafting,VABB-1,421,433,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450839,,Predictive value of work-related self-efficacy change on RTW for employees with common mental disorders,VABB-1,381,383,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450843,,The Qur'anic counter-discourse and the construction of a figure of the opponent,VABB-4,131,143,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450844,,"New perspectives on Qur'an research: Sources, methods and questions",VABB-1,270,293,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450845,,Does intraparty democracy affect levels of trust in parties? The cases of Belgium and Israel,VABB-1,167,183,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450848,,Stereotype Threat and Perceptions of Family-Friendly Policies among Female Employees,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450852,,A Benefit Recipiency Approach to Analysing Differences and Similarities in European Welfare Provision,VABB-1,765,788,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450854,,Discrete- vs. Continuous-Time Modeling of Unequally Spaced Experience Sampling Method Data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450863,,Childcare expansion in austria: Regional variances and policy learning,VABB-1,191,210,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450864,,Crisis? What crisis? Restructuring the German welfare system in times of unexpected prosperity,VABB-4,133,158,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450865,,"Opening up opportunities and risks? Retrenchment, activation and targeting as main trends of recent welfare state reforms across Europe",VABB-4,769,791,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450866,,Humanism and the fifth lateran council,VABB-1,27,44,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450868,,"Over de adolescent tussen biologie en omgeving Boekbespreking van: Jelle Jolles, Het tienerbrein",VABB-1,135,138,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:450869,,Angry and beautiful: The interactive effect of facial expression and attractiveness on time perception,VABB-1,299,315,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450871,,"Two roads to effectiveness: CEO feedback seeking, vision articulation, and firm performance",VABB-1,82,95,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450874,,Extreme Value Analysis of Mortality at the Oldest Ages: A Case Study Based on Individual Ages at Death,VABB-1,397,416,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450875,,Agenda setting by the Commission. Seeking public opinion?,VABB-1,327,345,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450876,,When arm’s length is too far: Relationship banking over the credit cycle (#2016-1310),VABB-1,174,196,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450877,,"A multilevel study on servant leadership, job boredom and job crafting",VABB-1,2,14,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450883,,Does more exposure to the language of instruction lead to higher academic achievement? A cross-national examination,VABB-1,123,137,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450884,,Job insecurity and innovative work behaviour: A psychological contract perspective,VABB-1,174,189,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450885,,"Vocabulary acquisition in Moroccan- and Turkish-heritage children: A comparative study (Retracted article. See vol. 22, pg. 251, 2018)",VABB-1,38,50,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450886,,Not your average job: measuring farm labor in Tanzania,VABB-1,160,172,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450887,,A NOTE ON THE RECEPTION OF QUAESTIONES NATURALES,VABB-4,171,177,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450888,,Comparing Luenberger and Luenberger-Hicks-Moorsteen Productivity Indicators: How Well is Total Factor Productivity Approximated?,VABB-1,311,318,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450889,,An excess of massive stars in the local 30 Doradus starburst,VABB-1,69,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450890,,"State practice, domestic legislation and the interpretation of fundamental principles of international space law",VABB-1,92,102,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450891,,Evaluating the Quality of Dutch Academic Legal Publications: Results from a Survey,VABB-1,9,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450892,,The Parental Reflective Functioning Questionnaire in mothers and fathers of school-aged children,VABB-1,80,90,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450893,,"Undetected scars? Self-criticism, attachment, and romantic relationships among otherwise well-functioning childhood sexual abuse survivors",VABB-1,121,129,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450896,,Status differences and knowledge transfer: The effect of incentives,VABB-1,213,234,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450898,,Evaluating the performance of large scale SDIs: two contrasting approaches,VABB-1,26,38,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450899,,TiO2 Films Modified with Au Nanoclusters as Self-Cleaning Surfaces under Visible Light,VABB-1,30,38,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450900,,Being Capable of Death: Remarks on the Death of the Animal from a Phenomenological Perspective,VABB-1,101,118,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450901,,Behavioral constraint template-based sequence classification,VABB-5,20,36,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450903,,Adults’ self-regulatory behaviour profiles in blended learning environments and their implications for design,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450904,,Air traffic control regulation with union bargaining in Europe,VABB-1,48,60,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450905,,Quality indicators for community care for older people: A systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450906,,"Was the 2016 United States' presidential contest a deviating election? Continuity and change in the electoral map - or ""Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme geographie""",VABB-1,369,388,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450907,,Risk factors for eating disorder psychopathology within the treatment seeking transgender population: The role of cross-sex hormone treatment,VABB-1,120,128,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450908,,Lived religion and theology: Meaning and consequences of the study of 'lived religion',VABB-1,60,78,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450910,,Subsistit in revisited: A historical comment on a current debate,VABB-1,256,271,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450911,,"Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance Series-paper6: Methods for question formulation, searching and protocol development for qualitative evidence synthesis",VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450912,,Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance Paper 3: Methods for assessing evidence on Intervention Implementation:,VABB-1,49,58,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450913,,Meaning in a changing paradigm: the semantics of you and the pragmatics of thou,VABB-1,42,55,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450914,,"A comparative analysis of programming games, looking through the lens of an instructional design model and a game attributes taxonomy",VABB-1,48,61,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450915,,Measuring and explaining organizational effectiveness of school districts:Evidence from a robust and conditional benefit-of-the-doubt approach,VABB-1,1172,1181,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450916,,Economic Consequences of Hiring an Auditor With Industry Expertise: An Empirical Analysis Among NPOs,VABB-1,126,145,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450917,,Arbitration in the EU Energy Sector: Recent Developments and Case Law,VABB-1,154,171,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450918,,Testosterone boosts physical activity in male mice via dopaminergic pathways,VABB-1,957,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450922,,Between the dragon's gift and its claws: China in Africa and the (un)civil fostering of ILO's Decent Work Agenda,VABB-4,190,208,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:450923,,Oscillation of Two Giants: Sino-Nigeria Relations and the Global South,VABB-1,257,285,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450924,,Parental reflective functioning affects sensitivity to distress in mothers with postpartum depression,VABB-1,1671,1681,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450925,,The Stress–Reward–Mentalizing (SRM) Model of Depression: An Integrative Developmental Cascade Approach to Child and Adolescent Depressive Disorder Based on the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) Approach,VABB-1,87,98,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450927,,"Conduct problems in youth and the RDoC approach: A developmental, evolutionary-based view",VABB-1,57,76,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450928,,Testing for the presence of correlation changes in a multivariate time series: A permutation based approach,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450929,,An evaluation of the effect of pulse-shape on grey and white matter stimulation in the rat brain,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450930,,Theorizing the complexity of HIV disclosure in vulnerable populations: a grounded theory study,VABB-1,162,174,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450931,,Anthologizing World Literature in Translation: Global/Local/Glocal,VABB-1,539,557,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450932,,Understanding Financial Crises: The Contribution of the Philosophy of Money,VABB-4,95,105,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450933,,The role of co-workers in the production of (homo)sexuality at work: A Foucauldian approach to the sexual identity processes of gay and lesbian employees,VABB-1,229,255,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450934,,Neural correlates of drug-related attentional bias in heroin dependence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450935,,Rethinking individualization: The basic script and the three variants of institutionalized individualism,VABB-1,60,78,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450936,,Characteristics of CA1 place fields in a complex maze with multiple choice points,VABB-1,81,96,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450937,,Teleological Reasoning in Economics,VABB-4,43,56,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450940,,The Black Legend on the Spanish presence in the Low Countries: verifying shared beliefs on genetic ancestry,VABB-1,219,227,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450942,,Bound or Unbridled? A Legal Perspective on the Diplomatic Functions of European Union Delegations,VABB-1,21,40,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450943,,Transient and localized optogenetic activation of somatostatin-interneurons in mouse visual cortex abolishes long-term cortical plasticiity due to vision loss,VABB-1,2073,2095,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450944,,A Systematic Literature Review to Identify Successful Elements for Financial Education and Counseling in Groups,VABB-1,415,440,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450945,,The impact of EU trade preferences on the extensive and intensive margins of agricultural and food products,VABB-1,251,263,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450948,,Social functional linguistic variation in conversational Dutch,VABB-4,253,272,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450949,,Interactions between drugs and geriatric syndromes in nursing home and home care: results from Shelter and IBenC projects,VABB-1,1015,1021,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450951,,State-of-the-art and future directions for extinction as a translational model for fear and anxiety,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450952,,"""What Goes Around Comes Around"". Attitudes and Practices regarding Ageing and Care for the Elderly among Moroccan Muslim Women living in Antwerp (Belgium)",VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450953,,The Use of the CEFR in Higher Education: A Brief Introduction to This Special Issue,VABB-1,1,2,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450954,,The B2 level and the dream of a common standard,VABB-1,44,58,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:450955,,The labouring sleepwalker: Evocation and expression as modes of qualitative educational research,VABB-4,49,67,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450956,,Child-rearing: On government intervention and the discourse of experts,VABB-4,16,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450957,,‘This could be our reality in the next five to ten years’: A blogpost platform as an ‘expectation generation’ device on the future of insurance markets.’,VABB-1,125,140,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450960,,"Finite, infinitival and verbless complementation: The case of believe, suppose and find",VABB-4,115,145,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450961,,On the competition between different types of VS word order after sentence-initial ainsi ‘so’,VABB-1,1,38,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450962,,"The relationship between class attitudes towards peers with a disability and peer acceptance, friendships and peer interactions of students with a disability in regular secondary schools",VABB-1,254,268,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450963,,Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance Paper 4: Methods for integrating qualitative and implementation evidence within intervention effectiveness reviews,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450965,,Scripting: an exploration of designing for participation over time with communities,VABB-1,17,31,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450966,,Transformational instructor-leadership and academic performance: a moderated mediation model of student engagement and structural distance,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450969,,Affect Versus Cognition: Wishful Thinking on Election Day. An analysis Using Exit Poll Data from Belgium,VABB-1,199,215,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450970,,Large-Scale Traveling Waves in EEG Activity Following Eye Movement,VABB-1,608,622,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450976,,Interventions in higher education and their effect on student success: a meta-analysis,VABB-1,208,228,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450977,,"Male and female opinions about orthotic devices of the lower limb: A multicentre, observational study in patients with central neurological movement disorders",VABB-1,121,130,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450978,,Beyond essentialism: Cultural differences in emotions revisited.,VABB-1,1142,1162,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450979,,The bipolarity of affect and depressive symptoms,VABB-1,323,341,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450982,,Normality of demand in a two-goods setting,VABB-1,361,382,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:450984,,Segregation at school and at home: An English exploration,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450989,,Spatial scale and measuring segregation: illustrated by the formation of Chicago's ghetto,VABB-1,73,85,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:450990,,"Formula for success: Multilevel modelling of Formula One Driver and Constructor performance, 1950-2014",VABB-1,99,112,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:450991,,"The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive: Full Harmonisation, Scope and Key Notions",VABB-4,65,84,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450994,,Immigrant students’ educational expectations: The role of religious affiliation and practice,VABB-1,86,104,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450995,,Crisis-related collective bargaining and its effects on different contractual groups of workers in German and Belgian workplaces,VABB-1,131,150,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450996,,Cost-benefit analysis for invasive species control: the case of greater Canada goose Brantacanadensis in Flanders (northern Belgium),VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:450997,,Aggregating Risks with Partial Dependence Information,VABB-1,565,579,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:450999,,Public employees as politicians: Evidence from close elections,VABB-1,68,81,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451000,,The efficacy of real-world experiences and service learning for fostering competences for sustainable development in higher education,VABB-1,4397,4410,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451003,,There's more to Italian c'è clefts than expressing all-focus,VABB-1,57,85,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451004,,Temporal Contiguity Training Influences Behavioral and Neural Measures of Viewpoint Tolerance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451005,,Socio-affective touch expression database,VABB-1,,,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:451006,,Feature specific attention and return of fear after extinction,VABB-1,76,87,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451007,,Influence beyond formal powers: parliamentarization of European Union security policy,VABB-1,69,83,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451008,,Supreme administrative courts' preliminary questions to the CJEU: start of a dialogue or talking to deaf ears?,VABB-1,122,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451010,,Downcycling versus recycling of construction and demolition waste: Combining LCA and LCC to support sustainable policy making,VABB-1,3,21,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451011,,Explaining New Models of Global Voluntary Regulation: What Can Organisational Studies Contribute?,VABB-1,121,128,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451012,,Breast cancer subtype and survival by parity and time since last birth,VABB-1,481,487,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451013,,Good Governance’ and the Role of Civil Society Organisations in Reform Processes and EU-China Diplomatic Relations,VABB-4,49,65,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451015,,Delay aversion in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is mediated by amygdala and prefrontal cortex hyper-activation,VABB-1,888,899,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451016,,Separating Introduction Effects from Selectivity Effects:The Differences in Employment Patterns of Codetermined Firms,VABB-1,93,111,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451017,,Revealed Differences,VABB-1,202,217,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451018,,Congestion tolling - dollars versus tokens: a comparative analysis,VABB-1,261,280,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451019,,Christian Ethical Boundaries of Suicide Prevention,VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451020,,Self-reported cognitive biases are equally present in patients diagnosed with psychotic versus non-psychotic disorders,VABB-1,122,129,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451022,,Perception of induced dyspnea in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome,VABB-1,49,55,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451023,,LITERARY BRAZIL IN FRANCE (1950-2000): INTERNATIONALIZATION AND RECEPTION STUDIES,VABB-1,249,278,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451024,,Technological capacity in the public sector: the case of Estonia,VABB-1,214,230,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451025,,Coping strategies and posttraumatic growth in prison,VABB-1,123,142,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451026,,Qualitative In-depth Interviews: Studying Religious Meaning-Making in MMOs,VABB-4,153,167,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451027,,Alterations in the inferior longitudinal fasciculus in autism and associations with visual processing: A diffusion-weighted MRI study,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451028,,Illness identity in young adults with refractory epilepsy,VABB-1,48,55,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451029,,The Relation Between Aggression and the Living Group Climate in a Forensic Treatment Unit for Adolescents: A Pilot Study,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451030,,Capitalizing on the Koran to fuel online violent radicalization: A taxonomy of Koranic references in ISIS’s Dabiq,VABB-1,491,503,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451031,,Probabilistic solutions for a class of deterministic optimal allocation problems,VABB-1,394,407,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451032,,"The nationalism of the rich: Discourses and strategies of separatist parties in Catalonia, Flanders, Northern Italy and Scotland",VABB-2,,,268,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451034,,The Provenance and Cultic Context of an Egyptian Bronze Flute in the British Museum (EA 12742),VABB-1,223,228,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451035,,A Note on N in Bayesian Information Criterion for Item Response Models,VABB-1,169,172,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:451036,,Scheduling Markovian PERT networks to maximize the net present value: new results,VABB-1,240,244,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451038,,Change detection of meaningful objects in real-world scenes in adolescents with and without ASD,VABB-1,728,739,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451039,,The GIST of beauty: An investigation of aesthetic perception in rapidly presented images,VABB-5,248,256,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451040,,Eidolons & capricious local sign,VABB-5,24,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451041,,Perceptual Organization in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder,VABB-1,177,182,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451042,,Growth of the hepatitis literature over the period 1976-2015: What can the relative priority index teach us?,VABB-1,351,368,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451043,,"What makes public sector innovations survive? An exploratory study of the influence of feedback, accountability and learning",VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451044,,How political cultures produce different antibiotic policies in agriculture: a historical comparative case study between the United Kingdom and Sweden,VABB-1,765,785,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451046,,Development of a measure of adolescents’ online prosocial behavior,VABB-1,448,464,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451048,,Depressive symptoms and self-harm among youngsters referred to Child Welfare: The role of trust in caregiver support and communication,VABB-1,155,167,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451050,,Separating the sex from the object: Conceptualizing sexualization and (sexual) objectification in Flemish preteens’ popular television programs,VABB-1,346,365,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451051,,International Endometrial Tumor Analysis (IETA) terminology in women with postmenopausal bleeding and sonographic endometrial thickness >= 4.5 mm: agreement and reliability study,VABB-1,259,268,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451052,,Middle Childhood Attachment Strategies: Validation of an Observational Measure,VABB-1,491,513,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451053,,Arithmetic skills correlate negatively with the overlap of symbolic and non-symbolic number representations in the brain,VABB-1,306,308,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451054,,Retrieving relevant factors with exploratory SEM and principal-covariate regression: A comparison,VABB-1,1430,1445,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451056,,Smartphones in the classroom: Current practices and future visions. Perspectives from teachers and children,VABB-4,137,149,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451057,,Ownership concentration and innovativeness of corporate ventures,VABB-1,527,541,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451058,,"Absence without leave or leave without absence: Examining the interrelations among mind wandering, metacognition and cognitive control",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451059,,Candidates’ humour and the construction of co-membership in job interviews,VABB-1,35,45,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451060,,Investigating the relationship between two home numeracy measures: A questionnaire and observations during Lego building and book reading,VABB-1,354,370,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451061,,About why there is a shift from cardinal to ordinal processing in the association with arithmetic between first and second grade.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451063,,Social comparison of cost behavior and financial analysts,VABB-1,805,839,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451064,,Comparing Alliance in Two Cognitive-Behavioural Therapies for Adolescents With ADHD Using a Randomized Controlled Trial,VABB-1,781,795,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451066,,Exploring inherent process safety indicators and approaches for their estimation: A systematic review,VABB-1,66,80,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451067,,"Work safety in China's Thirteenth Five-Year plan period (2016-2020): Current status, new challenges and future tasks",VABB-1,164,178,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451069,,A new principle of figure-ground segregation: The accentuation,VABB-1,9,25,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451070,,Predictive processing and foundationalism about perception,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451071,,Formulation direction. Navigational instructions in driving lessons,VABB-1,283,303,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451072,,‘Bad barrels’: Corruption in international sport federations,VABB-4,45,61,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451073,,Collaborative shipping under information distortion,VABB-5,125,137,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451074,,"Socio-emotional adjustment of adolescents with cochlear implants: Loneliness, emotional autonomy, self-concept, and emotional experience at the hospital",VABB-1,359,370,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451075,,Reducing interethnic bias through real-life and literary encounters: The interplay between face-to-face and vicarious contact in high school classrooms,VABB-1,53,67,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451076,,Emotion Fingerprints or Emotion Populations? A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Autonomic Features of Emotion Categories,VABB-1,343,393,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451078,,"Short-term success, long-term failure? Explaining the signalling effects of EU misappropriation sanctions following revolutionary events in Tunisia, Egypt, and Ukraine",VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451084,,"Actively coping with violation: Exploring upward dissent patterns in functional, dysfunctional and deserted psychological contract end states",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451087,,Interaction styles of street-level workers and motivation of clients : a new instrument to assess discretion-as-used in the case of activation of jobseekers,VABB-1,1702,1721,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451088,,Illness Identity in Adults with a Chronic Illness,VABB-1,429,440,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451092,,Polypharmacy in Home Care in Europe: Cross-Sectional Data from the IBenC Study,VABB-1,145,152,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451094,,Psychosocial work characteristics and long-term sickness absence due to mental disorders,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451095,,Are Workaholism and Work Engagement in the Eye of the Beholder? A Multirater Perspective on Different Forms of Working Hard,VABB-1,30,40,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451098,,Maximizing the expected net present value of a project with phase-type distributed activity durations: An efficient globally optimal solution procedure,VABB-1,16,22,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451099,,The peer performance ratios of hedge funds,VABB-1,351,368,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451101,,Forecasting Dutch elections: An initial model from the March 2017 legislative contests,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451103,,Short-term salmon price forecasting,VABB-1,151,169,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451104,,Exploring participation in a sustainable farming initiative with self-determination theory,VABB-1,106,123,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451105,,DSM-5 personality trait domains and withdrawal versus approach motivational tendencies in response to the perception of other people's desperation and angry aggression,VABB-1,106,115,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451108,,The Byronian hero seen by Castelar and Galdos,VABB-1,37,49,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:451109,,"Multicenter, randomized trial of conventional balloon angioplasty versus paclitaxel-coated balloon angioplasty for the treatment of dysfunctioning autologous dialysis fistulae",VABB-1,470,475,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451110,,The general exhibition of pictures of 1851: National schools and international trade in the mid-victorian art market,VABB-1,270,289,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:451111,,"A Theory of Church Funding - One Answer, Two Problems",VABB-4,237,243,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451112,,PHARA: a personal health augmented reality assistant to support decision-making at grocery stores,VABB-5,10,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451113,,How do different levels of user control affect cognitive load and acceptance of recommendations?,VABB-5,35,42,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451114,,IntersectionExpIorer: The flexibility of multiple perspectives,VABB-5,16,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451116,,Predicting the academic achievement of students bridging to engineering: the role of academic background variables and diagnostic testing,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451118,,Barco implements platform-based product development in its healthcare division,VABB-1,35,44,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451122,,Characterizing supply chain visibility - a literature review,VABB-1,308,339,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451123,,PAPAL GREED THE THEFT OF THE PALA MONTELUCE AND ITS RETURN TO THE ITALIAN PENINSULA,VABB-1,36,42,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451124,,Methodological quality of meta-analyses of single-case,VABB-1,97,115,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451125,,Children's and Adolescents' Conceptions of Happiness at School and Its Relation with Their Own Happiness and Their Academic Performance,VABB-1,1811,1830,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451126,,INTERDISCIPLINARITY IN TRANSLATION STUDIES,VABB-1,246,260,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451128,,South Korea: East Asian Pioneer Learning from the EU,VABB-4,145,165,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451131,,Predicting tax avoidance by means of social network analytics,VABB-1,13,24,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451132,,Dynamic order acceptance and capacity planning in a stochastic multi-project environment with a bottleneck resource,VABB-1,459,475,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451133,,Beyond global differences between monolingual and bilingual children on the nonword repetition task: retention skills for phonemes’ identity and serial order,VABB-1,403,418,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451134,,Exogenously triggered response inhibition in developmental stuttering,VABB-1,33,44,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451135,,Forgetting to remember? Prospective memory within the context of pain,VABB-1,614,625,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451136,,Effects of activity interruptions by pain on pattern of activity performance - an experimental investigation,VABB-1,109,119,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451137,,Prevalence of Exposure to Complex Trauma and Community Violence and Their Associations With Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451138,,How to brand your private labels,VABB-1,487,496,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451140,,"Superior disembedding in children with ASD: New tests using abstract, meaningful, and 3D contexts",VABB-1,2478,2489,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451141,,Do papers with an institutional e-mail address receive more citations than those with a non-institutional one?,VABB-1,1039,1050,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451142,,Limit Situations. Adult Education and Critical Awareness Raising,VABB-4,133,150,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451143,,Interoception and Mental Health: a Roadmap,VABB-1,501,513,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451144,,Foreword,VABB-4,7,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451145,,Generalisation of fear in PTSD related to prolonged childhood maltreatment: an experimental study,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451146,,ZNF462 and KLF12 are disrupted by a de novo translocation in a patient with syndromic intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,376,383,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451147,,The multilingual edge of education,VABB-2,,,374,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451149,,Kicking someone in cyberspace when they are down: Testing the role of stressor evoked emotions on exposure to workplace cyberbullying,VABB-1,379,399,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451150,,Economics of the craft beer revolution: a comparative international perspective,VABB-4,3,54,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451151,,Economic perspectives on craft beer: A revolution in the global beer industry,VABB-3,,,494,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451152,,Belgium: Craft Beer Nation?,VABB-4,137,160,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:451156,,Consequences of relying on statistical significance: Some illustrations,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451157,,Pre-sleep arousal can be associated with efficient processing of sleep-related information,VABB-1,13,21,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451158,,Introduction: The expanding scope of EU external engagement,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451159,,The art of teasing a corpus study of teasing sequences in American sitcoms between 1990 and 1999,VABB-4,215,242,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451160,,High fat diet treatment impairs hippocampal long-term potentiation without alterations of the core neuropathological features of Alzheimer disease,VABB-1,82,96,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451161,,Heart work after errors: Behavioral adjustment following error commission involves cardiac effort,VABB-1,375,388,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451162,,Corporate Settings,VABB-4,127,137,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451164,,Policy implementation in an age of governance,VABB-4,553,575,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451165,,Assessing and facilitating warehouse safety,VABB-1,134,148,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451166,,Life cycle assessment to evaluate the environmental performance of new construction material from stainless steel slag,VABB-1,2091,2109,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451169,,Rejection sensitivity as a vulnerability marker for depressive symptom deterioration in men,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451172,,"Can teacher–child relationships support human rights to freedom of opinion and expression, education and participation?",VABB-1,133,141,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451175,,Dementia and advertising techniques,VABB-1,1,2,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451180,,Can art help claiming rights? A case for aesthetic activism in the EU,VABB-4,204,222,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451181,,Challenges for large-scale international comparative survey-based research in public administration,VABB-4,1147,1168,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451182,,Explaining citizen satisfaction and dissatisfaction with public services,VABB-4,221,241,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451183,,An appetite for risk? Failure to replicate the effect of hunger cues on risk taking,VABB-1,415,419,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451184,,The pro-environmental Behavior Task: A laboratory measure of actual pro-environmental behavior,VABB-1,46,54,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451185,,Stopping nucleos(t)ide analogue treatment in Caucasian hepatitis B patients after HBeAg seroconversion is associated with high relapse rates and fatal outcomes,VABB-1,1170,1180,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451186,,Stains. Trace-Cloth-Symptom,VABB-1,270,290,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451187,,Activity Limitations in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis: A Role for Fear of Movement and (Re)injury Beliefs,VABB-1,357,366,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451188,,Day hospital mentalization-based treatment versus specialist treatment as usual in patients with borderline personality disorder: Randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451191,,What's Pragmatics Doing Outside Constructions?,VABB-4,115,151,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451195,,"Negative affectivity, depression and resting heart rate variability (HRV) as possible moderators of endogenous pain modulation in Functional Somatic Syndromes",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451198,,Editorial: Comparative Survey Analysis - Comparability and Equivalence of Measures,VABB-1,3,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451199,,Moments and distribution of the net present value of a serial project,VABB-1,835,848,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451200,,Subjectivity in sovereign credit ratings,VABB-1,366,392,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451202,,Perceived accessibility of childcare in Europe: a cross-country multilevel study,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451203,,Assessment of Social Transmission of Food Preferences Behaviors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451205,,An Inconvenient Truth: Algorithmic Transparency & Accountability in Criminal Intelligence Profiling,VABB-5,17,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451206,,"Perceptual immediacy in music listening Multimodality and the ""in time/outside of time"" dichotomy",VABB-1,89,104,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451207,,An Epigenetic Prism to Norms and Values,VABB-1,63,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451208,,"Where Macro and Micro Histories Meet: Position, Trumps, and Pitfalls of Family History as a Form of Oral History in Flemish Education",VABB-4,167,185,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451210,,Cracking the Tinder Code: An Experience Sampling Approach to the Dynamics and Impact of Platform Governing Algorithms,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451211,,"Ariel Dorfman, Desert Memories: (re)construction of identity and language manipulation",VABB-4,112,123,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451212,,Belgium- About penal clauses that can not be criminal... The distinctive criterion between lawful criminal clauses and unlawful penal clauses in Belgian law,VABB-1,181,195,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451213,,Waiting impulsivity: a distinctive feature of ADHD neuropsychology?,VABB-1,122,129,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451214,,Global private-label convergence: Fact or fiction?,VABB-5,149,151,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:451215,,Can Tax Treaties Confer State Aid?,VABB-1,228,232,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451216,,The General Anti-Abuse Rule of the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive: An Analysis Against the Wider Perspective of the European Court of Justice's Case Law on Abuse of EU Law,VABB-1,133,144,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451217,,"The Graphic Novel and Literary Fiction: Exchanges, Interplays, and Fusions",VABB-4,191,216,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451218,,"Introduction: The Graphic Novel, a Special Type of Comics",VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451219,,"Drawing and Style, Word and Image",VABB-4,134,161,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451220,,The Roman Dessine: A Little-Known Genre,VABB-1,65,83,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451221,,"""Not Just for Kids"": Clever Comics and the New Graphic Novels",VABB-4,74,100,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451222,,The Graphic Novel as a Specific Form of Storytelling,VABB-4,162,187,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451223,,A Short Bibliographical Guide,VABB-4,246,258,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451224,,Understanding Panel and Page Layouts,VABB-4,103,133,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451225,,MAN/MASK/ANIMAL: ON CHARACTERIZATION AND STORYTELLING IN JASON'S THE LEFT BANK GANG,VABB-1,295,+,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451226,,"Underground Comix and Mainstream Evolutions, 1968-c. 1980",VABB-4,54,73,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451227,,"Adult Comics before the Graphic Novel: From Moral Panic to Pop Art Sensationalism, 1945-c. 1967",VABB-4,27,53,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451228,,Nostalgia and the Return of History,VABB-4,217,245,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451231,,Improving personalized feedback at the workplace with a learning analytics enhanced E-portfolio,VABB-5,39,46,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:451232,,Loss of RASSF4 Expression in Multiple Myeloma Promotes RAS-Driven Malignant Progression,VABB-1,1155,1168,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451233,,DNMTi/HDACi combined epigenetic targeted treatment induces reprogramming of myeloma cells in the direction of normal plasma cells,VABB-1,1062,1073,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451234,,"Dyscalculia and dyslexia: Different behavioral, yet similar brain activity profiles during arithmetic",VABB-1,663,674,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451235,,Interference and problem size effect in multiplication fact solving: Individual differences in brain activation and arithmetic performance,VABB-1,718,722,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451236,,Modeling nonstationary emotion dynamics in dyads using a time-varying vector-autoregressive model.,VABB-1,293,314,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451239,,Paint it Black: Using Change-Point Analysis to Investigate Increasing Vulnerability to Depression towards the End of Vincent van Gogh's Life,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451241,,Secularization: History of the Concept,VABB-4,388,394,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451245,,"Vision, High-Level Theory of",VABB-4,153,157,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451248,,Fixing European Law Schools,VABB-1,151,168,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451249,,Meta-analysis of the association between autobiographical memory specificity and exposure to trauma,VABB-1,35,46,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451250,,Unfair incentives: a behavioral note on sharecropping,VABB-1,303,331,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451251,,"The functional characterization of grass- and shrubland ecosystems using hyperspectral remote sensing: trends, accuracy and moderating variables",VABB-1,747-,763,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451253,,One by one: Accumulating evidence by using meta-analytical procedures for single-case experiments,VABB-1,33,58,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451255,,From swiping to casual sex and/or committed relationships: Exploring the experiences of Tinder users,VABB-1,59,70,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451256,,The (lack of) international harmonization of EU standards: import and export effects in developed versus developing countries,VABB-1,1552,1556,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451257,,Positive psychological interventions aimed at enhancing psychological ownership,VABB-4,119,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451258,,Theoretical orientations and practical applications of psychological ownership,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451259,,Future perspectives on psychological ownership in multi-cultural contexts,VABB-4,315,332,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451260,,Cure models in survival analysis,VABB-1,311,342,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451262,,Lexical Semantics,VABB-4,931,937,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451263,,Behavioural Economics is Useful Also in Macroeconomics: The Role of Animal Spirits,VABB-1,203,216,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451264,,The Polish section of the Belgian Christian Trade Union ACV/CSC,VABB-4,257,275,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451265,,"Hibernators, their awakeners and the roles of subsequent authoritative citers",VABB-1,103,113,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451266,,Where comparative public administration and comparative policy studies meet,VABB-1,101,113,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451267,,From silos to cells: Reducing repetitive jobs through sociotechnical redesign,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451268,,On the dynamics of work identity in atypical employment: setting out a research agenda,VABB-1,324,334,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451269,,Addressing the determinants of built-up expansion and densification processes at the regional scale,VABB-1,3279,3298,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451272,,"The contribution of the lexical component in hybrid clustering, the case of four decades of “Scientometrics”",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451273,,Predictors of school engagement in foster children: A longitudinal study,VABB-1,33,43,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451274,,TVA-Based Assessment of Visual Attention Using Line-Drawings of Fruits and Vegetables,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451275,,Examining Strategic Narratives in Chinese Official Discourse under Xi Jinping,VABB-1,387,411,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:451276,,Presentation. The transnational dimension of the Latin American essay,VABB-1,13,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451277,,Precise Worlds for Certain Minds: An Ecological Perspective on the Relational Self in Autism,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451282,,A matrix-based modeling and analysis approach for fire-induced domino effects,VABB-1,347,353,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451284,,Process safety education: A literature review,VABB-1,18,27,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451285,,Platforms and commercial communications aimed at children: a playground under legislative reform?,VABB-1,58,79,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451286,,The emergence of shared leadership in newly-formed teams with an initial structure of vertical leadership: A longitudinal analysis,VABB-1,140,170,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451288,,The Green Menace: Unraveling Russia's elite discourse on enabling and constraining factors of renewable energy policies,VABB-1,244,256,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451289,,"Transportation, Supply, and Congestion",VABB-4,629,634,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451291,,Behavioral Medicine,VABB-4,463,469,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451292,,Personalized Medicine,VABB-4,925,931,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451293,,Pass-Through by Multi-Product Firms,VABB-1,265,295,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451296,,Cross-Cultural Psychology,VABB-4,311,317,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451299,,The antecedents of new R&D collaborations with different partner types: On the dynamics of past R&D collaboration and innovative performance,VABB-1,285,302,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451301,,The Ecclesiastical Province of Cambrai as a transregional node (1559-1600),VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451302,,The innovation ef[9244872] of German regions – a shared-input DEA approach,VABB-1,77,109,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451303,,Theology as speaking about God's future: For the sixtieth birthday of editor-in-chief Erik Borgman,VABB-1,197,202,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451304,,Christ the stranger: The theological relevance of migration,VABB-1,9,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451311,,The Political Economy of Financial Systems: Evidence from Suffrage Reforms in the Last Two Centuries,VABB-1,1433,1475,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451312,,Relationship banking and regional SME financing: The case of Wales,VABB-1,93,118,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451313,,The impact of aggressive orders in an order-driven market: A simulation approach,VABB-4,283,306,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:451314,,"Predict, then simplify",VABB-1,110,111,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451315,,Fall determinants and home modifications by occupational therapists to prevent falls,VABB-1,79,87,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451318,,The Pleasure of that Obstinacy: An Interview with J. Hillis Miller,VABB-1,120,134,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451321,,Block rearranging elements within matrix columns to minimize the variability of the row sums,VABB-1,31,50,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451322,,Alternative Causation in Asbestos Cases under Belgian Law,VABB-1,1141,1151,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451323,,Reciprocal Limits to the Freedom to Use Outer Space by All States: Common but Differentiated Responsibilities?,VABB-1,21,51,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451324,,Case C-648/15 Austria v Germany – Jurisdiction and Powers of the CJ to Settle Tax Treaty Disputes under Article 273 TFEU,VABB-1,5,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451327,,New product success in the consumer packaged goods industry: A shopper marketing approach,VABB-1,432,452,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451328,,Social Constructivism and Beyond. On the Double Bind between Politics and Science (forthcoming),VABB-1,81,95,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451329,,MODERNIZING TINTIN : From Myth to New Stylizations,VABB-4,98,112,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:451330,,De la lecture à la performance publique,VABB-1,201,216,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:451331,,Taking Scientists (More) Seriously,VABB-1,98,101,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451332,,"Back to Bekker. Syntactic Remarks on Aristotle, Sophistical Refutations 170 B19–26",VABB-1,60,71,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451333,,Communities of practice for knowledge co-creation on sustainable dairy farming: features of value creation for farmers,VABB-1,1427,1442,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451334,,Frequency of Home Numeracy Activities Is Differentially Related to Basic Number Processing and Calculation Skills in Kindergartners,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451335,,Time to up the game? Middle Eastern security and Chinese strategic involvement,VABB-1,283,296,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451337,,The bank lending channel of monetary policy: A review of the literature and an agenda for future research,VABB-4,383,407,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451338,,Ethnic favoritism: an axiom of politics?,VABB-1,115,129,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451339,,THE IMPOVERISHED DONOR - AN UNSOLVABLE PROBLEM IN SWISS LAW?,VABB-1,31,51,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451340,,"The Relationship Between Acceptance, Actual Use of a Virtual Learning Environment and Performance: An Ecological Approach",VABB-1,95,111,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451341,,Explaining Effective HRM Implementation: A Middle Versus First-Line Management Perspective,VABB-1,144,174,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451344,,Under-reporting bicycle accidents to police in the COST TU1101 international survey: Cross-country comparisons and associated factors,VABB-1,177,186,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451346,,A comparison between physical and virtual experiments of convective heat transfer between head and bicycle helmet,VABB-5,517,527,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451347,,A combined statistical shape model of the scalp and skull of the human head,VABB-5,538,548,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451350,,Religion and state in Belgium,VABB-1,97,119,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451351,,Neuronal encoding models of complex receptive fields: A comparison of nonparametric and parametric approaches,VABB-5,562,567,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:451352,,Culture and food security,VABB-1,113,127,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451354,,Family Continuity and Territorial Power in Early Medieval West Francia. A Reconsideration of the 'House' of Vermandois (9th-10th Centuries),VABB-1,107,126,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451355,,Comparison of citation and usage indicators in research assessment in scientific disciplines and journals,VABB-1,537,554,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451356,,François Bon's Pseudo-translated Writing Handbook: the Curious Case of Malt Olbren's The Creative Writing No-Guide,VABB-1,64,80,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451357,,"Association between non-suicidal self-injury, parent- and peer-related loneliness, and attitude towards aloneness in Flemish adolescents: An empirical note",VABB-1,3,12,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451358,,Are emotional action tendencies and attentional bias related to temperament dimensions in patients with borderline personality disorder?,VABB-1,247,252,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451359,,Profit based model selection for customer retention using individual customer lifetime values,VABB-1,53,65,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451361,,A multilevel analysis of what matters in the training of pre-service teacher's ICT competencies,VABB-1,32,42,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451362,,Qualitative monitoring of information infrastructures: A case study of INSPIRE,VABB-1,330,344,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451363,,Drawing positive lessons from the presence of ‘the social’ outside of EU social policy stricto sensu,VABB-1,75,95,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451365,,Predicting interpurchase time in a retail environment using customer-product networks: an empirical study and evaluation,VABB-1,22,32,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451366,,How Personal Accessibility and Frequency of Travel Affect Ownership Decisions on Mobility Resources,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451367,,Solving arithmetic word problems. An analysis of Spanish textbooks,VABB-1,71,104,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451369,,The influence of teachers' attitudes and school context on instructional practices in integrated STEM education,VABB-1,190,205,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451372,,Literature review on multi-appointment scheduling problems in hospitals,VABB-1,407,419,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451373,,Reasoning from an incompatibility: False dilemma fallacies and content effects,VABB-1,657,670,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451374,,Can Cancellera really be a Flandrien? Ethno-Cultural Identity Representation Predicts Regional Exclusivity of a Historically Contested Cycling Term,VABB-1,13,30,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451376,,A changing landscape in cardiovascular research publication output: Bridging the translational gap,VABB-1,1584,1589,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451377,,"Browsers and phone girls: The intricate socialities of friendship, trust and cyber love in Nima (Accra, Ghana)",VABB-1,S72,S89,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451379,,"Big cities, small towns, and poor farmers: Evidence from Ethiopia",VABB-1,393,406,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451380,,How Social and Mass Media Relate to Youth’s Self-Sexualization: Taking a Cross-National Perspective on Rewarded Appearance Ideals,VABB-1,1440,1455,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451381,,A hybrid condition-based maintenance policy for continuously monitored components with two degradation thresholds,VABB-1,515,532,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451382,,Behavioral adjustment of Chinese adoptees: The role of pre-adoption experiences,VABB-1,226,235,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451383,,Obtaining insights from high-dimensional data: Sparse principal covariates regression,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451384,,A cluster randomized controlled platform trial comparing group MEmory specificity training (MEST) to group psychoeducation and supportive counselling (PSC) in the treatment of recurrent depression,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451385,,Psychopathology and episodic future thinking: A systematic review and meta-analysis of specificity and episodic detail,VABB-1,42,51,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451386,,Can Incentive Effects in Web Surveys be Generalized to Non-Western Countries? Conditional and Unconditional Cash Incentives in a Web Survey of Ghanaian University Students,VABB-1,231,250,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451388,,Stories of trauma in family therapy with refugees: Supporting safe relational spaces of narration and silence,VABB-1,258,278,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451389,,"All wired, all tired? Work-related ICT-use outside work hours and work-to-home conflict: The role of integration preference, integration norms and work demands",VABB-1,86,99,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451390,,Explaining the relationship between sexually explicit Internet material and casual sex: A two-step mediation model,VABB-1,1465,1480,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451392,,Mundane talk at work: Multiactivity in interactions between professionals and their clientele,VABB-1,221,245,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451396,,A serious game for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Who benefits the most?,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451402,,Beyond risk-based portfolios: balancing performance and risk contributions in asset allocation,VABB-1,1249,1259,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451405,,"The Leuven Embedded Figures Test (L-EFT): measuring perception, intelligence or executive function?",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451406,,Connection-based and object-based grouping in multiple-object tracking: A developmental study,VABB-1,606,619,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451407,,On Modelers Ability to Build a Visual Diagram from a User Story Set: A Goal-Oriented Approach,VABB-5,209,226,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451408,,No perceptual prioritization of non-nociceptive vibrotactile and visual stimuli presented on a sensitized body part,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451412,,Monastic experiences of the liturgy of the hours: Empirical liturgical theological explorations,VABB-1,171,193,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:451413,,Monastic time: On the monastic life of flexible humankind,VABB-1,18,36,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451415,,Putting Power into Practice: Administrative and Political Capacity Building in the European Parliament's Committee for International Trade,VABB-1,561,577,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451423,,Let’s agree to disagree. (Variation in) the assignment of gender to nominal anglicisms in Dutch,VABB-1,43,87,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451424,,Cognitive processes and Self-regulated Learning: interactions and Impact on General Academic Performance,VABB-5,477,477,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:451425,,Structural reform histories and perceptions of organizational autonomy: Do senior managers perceive less strategic policy autonomy when faced with frequent and intense restructuring?,VABB-1,349,367,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451428,,Responsible investment in Belgium,VABB-4,287,299,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:451429,,When do Firms Invest in Corporate Social Responsibility? A Real Option Framework,VABB-1,15,29,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:451432,,COMMON AND DIFFERENT PHRASES FOR BABYLON'S FALL AND ITS AFTERMATH IN ISAIAH 13-14 AND JEREMIAH 50-51,VABB-4,53,73,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451442,,"Urban food retailing and food prices in Africa: the case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia",VABB-1,90,109,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:451445,,Children as the future? Practical-theological reflections on the place of children in pastoral practice,VABB-1,154,172,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:451446,,"Claiming commerce, quality and credit. Raisons d'être of the Antwerp and Brussels tapissierspanden (16th-18th century)",VABB-1,5,21,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:451449,,Explaining variation in perceived managerial autonomy and direct politicization in European public sectors,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451450,,"Cochrane Qualitative and Implementation Methods Group Guidance Paper 5: Reporting guidelines for qualitative, implementation and process evaluation evidence syntheses",VABB-1,70,78,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451452,,Evidence-based guidance to assist volunteers working with at-risk children in a school context,VABB-1,32,46,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451454,,Research on agricultural products supply chain inspection system based on internet of things,VABB-1,8919,8927,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451455,,Enumeration algorithms for FDH directional distance functions under different returns to scale assumptions,VABB-1,1067,1078,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451456,,Hypercongestion in Production Correspondences: An Empirical Exploration,VABB-1,2938,2956,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451457,,Translation today and translation research: A world story,VABB-4,13,30,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451458,,Exploring the choice for default systems,VABB-1,21,38,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451460,,Work engagement or burnout: Which comes first? A meta-analysis of longitudinal evidence,VABB-1,35,43,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451466,,Methods of mindfulness: How mindfulness is studied in the workplace,VABB-4,67,99,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451468,,Pathways for Knowledge Exchange in SMEs in Software-Driven Knowledge Intensive Business Services,VABB-1,343,353,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451469,,The log-linear relation between patent citations and patent value,VABB-1,879,892,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451471,,The Anaclitic-Introjective Depression Assessment: Development and preliminary validity of an observer-rated measure,VABB-1,195,209,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451472,,Random walks on the world input-output network,VABB-1,187,205,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451473,,Working Memory and Reinforcement Schedule Jointly Determine Reinforcement Learning in Children: Potential Implications for Behavioral Parent Training,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451474,,"Loneliness and Attitudes Toward Aloneness in Belgian Adolescents: Measurement Invariance across Language, Age, and Gender Groups",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451476,,"Work engagement in Europe: Relations with national economy, governance and culture",VABB-1,99,106,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451478,,"Scrapers, API's and data-archives: techniques for collecting digital news content",VABB-1,25,+,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451480,,Garfield number: on some characteristics of Eugene Garfield's first and second order co-authorship networks,VABB-1,533,544,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451482,,Habitual Workplace. ECJ Grounds Ryanair over Aircrew’s Contracts,VABB-1,141,150,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451484,,Hedging salmon price risk,VABB-1,168,191,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451485,,Religious identity and acculturation of immigrant minority youth: Towards a contextual and developmental approach,VABB-1,32,43,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451486,,The Matthew effect in childcare use : a matter of policies or preferences?,VABB-1,878,893,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451488,,Changes in EU Trade Policy After Opinion 2/15,VABB-1,13,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451489,,The Imposter as Parody of the Absolute,VABB-1,79,91,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451490,,The power of the family: kinship and intra-household decision making in rural Burundi,VABB-1,323,346,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451491,,"Do buses hinder cyclists or is it the other way around? Optimal bus fares, bus stops and cycling tolls",VABB-1,326,346,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451492,,Septuagint studies in Belgium,VABB-1,31,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451493,,Evaluating market consolidation in mobile telecommunications,VABB-1,45,100,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451494,,Emotions and concerns: Situational evidence for their systematic co-occurrence,VABB-1,597,614,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451495,,The (un)reliability of item-level semantic priming effects,VABB-1,2173,2183,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451496,,Associations of number line estimation with mathematical competence: A meta-analysis,VABB-1,1467,1484,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451497,,"Observing dyspnoea in others elicits dyspnoea, negative affect and brain responses",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451498,,Mutations in the voltage-sensing domain affect the alternative ion permeation pathway in the TRPM3 channel,VABB-1,2413,2432,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451499,,Ethnic diversity and value sharing: A longitudinal network perspective on interactive group processes,VABB-1,428,447,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451503,,Parental attachment dimensions and parenting stress: The mediating role of parental reflective functioning,VABB-1,2025,2036,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451504,,Acting one's age in physical exercise. Do perceived age norms explain autonomous motivation among older adults?,VABB-1,521,529,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451506,,Development of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Features Over a 5-year Period,VABB-1,1244,+,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451507,,Binocular stereo acuity affects monocular three-dimensional shape perception in patients with strabismus,VABB-1,1413,1418,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451508,,Reduced selective learning in patients with fibromyalgia vs healthy controls,VABB-1,1268,1276,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451509,,"To elevate or to duplicate? Experiential learning, host-country institutions, and MNE post-entry commitment increase",VABB-1,568,580,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451510,,A dual-process model of economic decision making: The symmetric effect of intuitive and cognitive judgments on optimal budget allocation,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451511,,The Importance of the Scalp in Head Impact Kinematics,VABB-1,831,840,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451512,,Neural signatures of Trail Making Test performance: evidence from lesion-mapping and neuroimaging studies,VABB-1,78,87,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451513,,Sidelining the mean: The relative variability index as a generic mean-corrected variability measure for bounded variables,VABB-1,690,707,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451514,,Brain Connectivity and Cognitive Flexibility in Nonirradiated Adult Survivors of Childhood Leukemia.,VABB-1,905,913,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451515,,A mind cleared by walnut oil: The effects of polyunsaturated and saturated fat on extinction learning,VABB-1,147,155,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451516,,"Pain, please: An investigation of sampling bias in pain research",VABB-1,787,796,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451517,,Affective spectrum symptoms and self-criticism: A behavioral genetic approach,VABB-1,71,78,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451518,,Endogenous pain modulation: association with resting heart rate variability and negative affectivity,VABB-1,1587,1596,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451519,,Unravelling Motor Learning Processes in Theater Performers,VABB-1,134,148,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451520,,The multidimensional representational space of observed socio-affective touch experiences,VABB-1,297,314,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451521,,Semi-Supervised One-Class Transfer Learning For Heart Rate Based Epileptic Seizure Detection,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451522,,"Absent, yet present? Moving with 'Responsible Research and Innovation' in radiation protection research",VABB-1,241,246,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451524,,Tween Television and Peers: Reinforcing Social Agents in Early Adolescents’ Body Surveillance and Self-Objectification,VABB-1,807,823,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451525,,The moderating role of meaning in life in the relationship between perceived stress and diurnal cortisol.,VABB-1,203,210,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451526,,"Towards an Assessment of Marginality in Democratic Systems: The Charlie Hebdo Debate in the UK,",VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451528,,Towards an innovation principle: an industry trump or shortening the odds on environmental protection?,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451529,,Profiles of rational number knowledge in Finnish and Flemish students. A multigroup latent class analysis,VABB-1,70,77,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451530,,"Chen Shaoming on the Methodology of Chinese Philosophy: Experience, Imagination, Reflection",VABB-1,51,54,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:451531,,Promoting Social Scaffolding Behaviors in Staff Members and Peer-Directed Behaviors Among Persons With Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities: An Intervention Study,VABB-1,124,135,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451532,,Sensory Prediction Errors Are Less Modulated by Global Context in Autism Spectrum Disorder.,VABB-1,667,674,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451533,,"Sanctioning of environmental crime in the European Union: The case of Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,703,723,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451534,,Reconciling biodiversity and carbon stock conservation in an Afrotropical forest landscape,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451535,,The emergence of the grammatical paradigm of nominal determiners in French and in Romance: Comparative and diachronic perspectives,VABB-1,141,166,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451536,,An approximation method for risk aggregations and capital allocation rules based on additive risk factor models,VABB-1,92,100,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451537,,Attachment and Psychopathology: A Dynamic Model of the Insecure Cycle,VABB-1,76,80,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451538,,In situ macro X-ray fluorescence (MA-XRF) scanning as a non-invasive tool to probe for subsurface modifications in paintings by PP Rubens,VABB-1,238,245,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451539,,Beyond Extinction: Prolonged Conditioning and Repeated Threat Exposure Abolish Contextual Renewal of Fear-Potentiated Startle Discrimination but Leave Expectancy Ratings Intact,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451541,,"The interplay between official and unofficial laws in rotating savings and credit associations (Eqqub) in Tigray, Ethiopia",VABB-1,94,113,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451542,,The copula-graphic estimator in censored nonparametric location-scale regression models,VABB-1,89,114,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451543,,Hazmat transport safety and alternative transport modes: A study of US accidents between 1990 and 2010,VABB-4,544,562,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451546,,Explaining the Trump Vote: The Effect of Racist Resentment and Anti-Immigrant Sentiments,VABB-1,528,534,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451549,,Testing for serial correlation in fixed-effects panel models,VABB-1,76,100,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451550,,Pathways to Happiness Are Multidirectional: Associations Between State Mindfulness and Everyday Affective Experience,VABB-1,202,211,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451552,,A longitudinal study into the reciprocal effects of identities and smoking behaviour: Findings from the ITC Netherlands Survey,VABB-1,249,257,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451553,,'Behind every stone awaits an Alexander': unravelling the limits of participation within micro and macro dramaturgy of participatory refugee theatre,VABB-1,242,258,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451554,,Refugees in Europe: Educational policies and practices as spaces of hospitality?,VABB-1,211,218,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451555,,What we know and what we do not know about DMN,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451556,,Laudato si': Pope Francis' Ecology,VABB-1,218,243,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:451557,,Blasphemy and martyrdom,VABB-1,107,110,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451558,,A forgivable sin in a secular state? Russia as a test case,VABB-1,147,168,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451559,,Why secondary towns can be important for poverty reduction - a migrant perspective,VABB-1,273,282,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451560,,Strategic human resource management and public sector performance: context matters,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451561,,Public Service Motivation: State of the Art and Conceptual Cleanup,VABB-4,261,278,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451565,,"Medicine and Society, New Perspectives in Continental Philosophy Introduction",VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451567,,Using a differential item functioning approach to investigate measurement invariance,VABB-4,483,500,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451572,,Postposition or particle and the trajective,VABB-1,29,37,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:451573,,"Beauty That Must Die: Station Eleven, Climate Change Fiction, and the Life of Form",VABB-1,9,25,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451576,,When Does The Tone Of Earnings Press Releases Matter?,VABB-1,231,245,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451578,,"A bibliometrics approach to understanding conceptual breadth, depth and development. The case of New Public Management",VABB-1,113,124,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:451586,,"Between discourses or in the midst of experience, how and where does history emerge?",VABB-1,169,184,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:451587,,"""Dueling to the End / Ending 'The Duel': Girard avec Conrad",VABB-1,153,184,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:451588,,Local Image Structure and Procrustes Metrics,VABB-1,293,324,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:451589,,The economics of financing higher education,VABB-1,265,314,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451592,,Investigating synchromodality from a supply chain perspective,VABB-1,42,57,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451593,,Regularity and idiosyncracy in the formation of nominals,VABB-1,823,858,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451594,,The politics of dispersal: Turning Ugandan colonial subjects into postcolonial refugees (1967–76),VABB-1,99,119,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451597,,Development and Preliminary Evaluation of Family Minds: A Mentalization-based Psychoeducation Program for Foster Parents,VABB-1,2519,2532,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451598,,Antecedents of informal workplace learning: A theoretical study,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451599,,Crafting the Change: The Role of Employee Job Crafting Behaviors for Successful Organizational Change,VABB-1,1766,1792,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451600,,Why resilient workers perform better: The roles of job sat faction and work engagement,VABB-1,43,62,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451601,,The Ties That Bind the Diaspora to Turkey and Europe During the Gezi Protests,VABB-1,937,955,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451602,,MOOCs as accelerators of social mobility? A systematic review,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451603,,"The interplay between target firm R&D, acquirer debt financing and takeover premia",VABB-1,451,455,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451604,,"Discursive Constructions of the Summer 2015 Refugee Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of French, Dutch, Belgian Francophone and British Centre-of-Right Press Narratives",VABB-1,103,127,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451606,,Present-day English gerunds: a multilayered referential model,VABB-1,39,74,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451607,,"Do institutions matter? The interplay between income benefit design, popular perceptions, and the social legitimacy of targeted welfare",VABB-1,4,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451608,,Steering the Poverty-Environment Nexus in Central Asia: A metagovernance analysis of the Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI),VABB-1,409,431,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451610,,Validation of the ALARO-0 model within the EURO-CORDEX framework,VABB-1,1143,1152,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:451611,,Shedding light on an unknown reality in solid organ transplant patients’ self-management: A contextual inquiry study,VABB-1,e13314,e13314,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451612,,Pediatric Outcome after Maternal Cancer Diagnosed during Pregnancy,VABB-1,1824,1834,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:451613,,"Comparison and Combination of Electrocardiogram, Electromyogram and Accelerometry for Tonic-Clonic Seizure Detection in Children",VABB-5,438,441,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451614,,Cortisol and subjective stress responses to acute psychosocial stress in fibromyalgia patients and control participants,VABB-1,317,326,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451615,,Retelling and reliving the story: Teacher educators researching their own practice in Flanders,VABB-4,175,187,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451616,,The role of teacher educator during supervisory conferences,VABB-4,189,201,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451617,,Teaching as a general educationist in physical education,VABB-4,203,214,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451618,,Internship assignments as a bridge between theory and practice?,VABB-4,215,228,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451619,,Getting to know you the best we can; embedding design in a dementia ward,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451625,,Lifetime self-harm behaviors are not more prevalent in bariatric surgery candidates than in community controls with obesity,VABB-1,109,115,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451626,,Collateral information collection by Facebook applications: a comprehensive study,VABB-1,179,208,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451627,,Social Identity Theory and the Discursive Analysis of Collective Identities in Narratives,VABB-4,408,428,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451628,,Eye-Tracking in Interaction. Studies on the Role of Eye Gaze in Dialogue,VABB-3,,,329,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451631,,Encounters in public space. How acquainted vs. unacquainted persons establish social and spatial arrangements,VABB-1,248,270,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451635,,Modalpartikeln als multimodale Konstruktionen: Eine korpusbasierte Kookkurrenzanalyse von Modalpartikeln und Gestik im Deutschen,VABB-2,,,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:451637,,Cultural mediators in cultural history : what do we learn from studying mediators' complex transfer activities in interwar Belgium,VABB-4,51,75,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451638,,From binarity to complexity: a Latourian perspective on cultural mediators,VABB-4,263,289,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451639,,Paul Vanderborght and La Lanterne sourde: networks and cultural mediation with the Spanish and Latin-American critics and translators,VABB-4,132,144,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:451641,,Pseudo-traductions et jeux de miroirs dans l’écriture populaire de Georges Eekhoud,VABB-1,77,87,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:451644,,Language and Translation Policies in Context of Urban Super-Diversity,VABB-4,455,475,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451645,,Multilingualism studies and translation studies. Still a long road ahead,VABB-4,263,283,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:451646,,La nécessité des traductions. Translating legislation in a young parliamentary regime. The case of Belgium (1830–1895),VABB-1,111,130,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:451656,,Context-aware Automatic Input Enhancement for Language Learners,VABB-5,209,214,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451657,,Category change from a constructional perspective: Introduction,VABB-4,3,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451658,,Category Change from a Constructional Perspective,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451659,,The emergence of a new adverbial downtoner: Constructional change and constructionalization of Dutch [ver van X] and [verre van X] ‘far from X’,VABB-4,179,206,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451660,,Vocabulary knowledge and listening comprehension at an intermediate level in English and French as foreign languages: An approximate replication study of Stæhr (2009),VABB-1,214,233,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451661,,Category change in the English gerund: tangled web or fine-tuned constructional network?,VABB-4,149,177,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451662,,The changing functions of competing forms: Attraction and differentiation,VABB-1,197,234,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451665,,Explorations in English Historical Syntax,VABB-3,,,312,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451678,,A blueprint for the future of professional road cycling,VABB-1,195,210,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451683,,The effect of out-of-class exposure to English language media on learners’ vocabulary knowledge,VABB-1,142,168,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451684,,Incidental vocabulary acquisition through viewing L2 television and factors that affect learning,VABB-1,551,577,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451689,,Vertaalevaluatie en subjectiviteit,VABB-1,41,51,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451693,,How to Put the Translation Test to the Test? On Preselected Items Evaluation and Perturbation,VABB-4,26,56,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451697,,Flemish sign language development: A case study on Deaf mother – Deaf child interactions,VABB-1,289,322,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451700,,Displaying recipiency in an interpreter-mediated dialogue: an eye-tracking study,VABB-4,303,324,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451701,,Automated Analysis of Eye-Tracker-Based Human-Human Interaction Studies,VABB-5,499,509,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451704,,Kompetenzdefinition und Curriculumsentwicklung durch Anwendung von EU-Instrumenten,VABB-1,159,183,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:451705,,Looking back while moving forward. The impact of societal and technological developments on Flemish Sign Language lexicographical practices,VABB-1,167,195,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451708,,Middle Dutch Literary Studies and Translation Studies,VABB-1,17,32,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451709,,Turning Minorities and Majorities Upside Down,VABB-4,39,58,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451710,,Traduire la science du traduire,VABB-1,115,124,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:451711,,Exil et discours sur la traduction,VABB-1,146,156,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:451713,,I viaggi di Magris e di Pressburger: illazioni sulle origini,VABB-1,161,169,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:451716,,Revising and Evaluating with TranslationQ,VABB-1,25,56,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451718,,Bridging the gaps in Southern California: Multicultural spaces throughout the works of Alejandro Morales,VABB-4,192,204,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451720,,Poesía y traducción en el exilio: la obra de Alaíde Foppa,VABB-1,86,105,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:451721,,Rosa Chacel: novelista y traductora española exiliada,VABB-1,47,64,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:451723,,"Al-tarğamah al-šafahiyyah: tāriħuhā wa qawā’duhā wa ‘tahaddiyātuhā [= Het tolken: geschiedenis, regels en uitdagingen]",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451724,,Videoconferencing in legal context: a comparative study of simulated and real-life settings,VABB-4,264,298,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451729,,Videoconference interpreting and pragmatics in criminal justice (accepted),VABB-4,394,429,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451732,,"Bridging Multi-light & Multi-Spectral images to study, preserve and disseminate archival documents",VABB-5,64,69,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451739,,How to Raise Quality Assurance in Legal Translation: The Question of Objectivity?,VABB-1,7,29,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451742,,Integrated STEM education: A systematic review of instructional practices in secondary education,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451743,,Towards a Gerontoludic Manifesto,VABB-1,112,120,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451744,,The ‘Self’ as Barrier for Self-Management Technologies in Healthcare?,VABB-5,336,346,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451745,,Spelen gemeentekenmerken een rol bij de participatie?,VABB-5,133,155,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:451747,,Understanding the Motivational Dynamics Among Unemployed Individuals: Refreshing Insights from the Self-Determination Theory Perspective,VABB-4,159,179,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451754,,A psychosocial typology of the unemployed in South Africa,VABB-1,179,192,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451755,,Belgian report for the EATLP tax conference may/june 2015,VABB-5,207,258,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451756,,The impact of curing conditions on heavy metal immobilisation of Fe‐rich inorganic polymers,VABB-5,249,256,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451759,,Early experiments with modern mathematics in Belgium. Advanced mathematics taught from childhood?,VABB-4,61,77,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451760,,A summer school for sustainable management as a strategy for fostering collaborative competencies to be able to build multi-actor partnerships,VABB-4,867,875,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451761,,Latent class probabilistic latent feature analysis of three-way three-mode binary data,VABB-1,1,45,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451762,,Security vulnerability assessment of gas pipeline using Bayesian network,VABB-5,1171,1180,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451763,,Participation in Spatial Planning for Sustainable Cities: the importance of a Learning-by-Doing Approach,VABB-4,69,85,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451765,,Applying Game Theory for adversarial risk analysis in chemical plants,VABB-4,110,130,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451767,,OR methods to enhance security in the chemical process industry,VABB-4,162,184,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451768,,Security risk assessment in the chemical and process industry,VABB-3,,,189 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451769,,An emergency response decision matrix against terrorist attacks with improvised device in chemical clusters,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451773,,The Differential Effects of Comprehensive Feedback Forms in the L2 Writing Class,VABB-1,813,850,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451775,,The feature structure of pronouns: a probe into multidimensional paradigms,VABB-4,277,304,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451778,,Adjectives and Negation: deriving Contrariety from Contradiction,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451780,,Refugees in the News. Comparing Belgian and Swedish Newspaper Coverage of the European Refugee Situation during Summer 2015,VABB-1,301,323,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451781,,Issue salience and framing in the Taiwanese 2016 presidential election campaign: an analysis of the KMT and DPP campaign discourses,VABB-1,301,330,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451786,,Las modalidades de lo fantástico y su traducción al francés en los cuentos de Julio Ramón Ribeyro,VABB-1,1,22,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:451790,,De impact van het nieuwe erfrecht op de schenking en vererving van familiebedrijven,VABB-1,43,85,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:451792,,Legal Signs Fascinate,VABB-2,,,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:451795,,Consumentenbescherming (2008-2014) - Marktpraktijken (2011-2014) Overzicht van rechtspraak,VABB-1,1311,1925,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:451796,,La directive 1999/44/CE sur la garantie des biens de consommation: un remède efficace contre l'obsolescence programmée?,VABB-1,207,236,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:451800,,Trumpets of Lepanto: Italian narrative poetry (1571–1650) on the war of Cyprus,VABB-1,135,154,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451802,,So What's New about Scholasticism? How Neo-Thomism helped Shape the Twentieth Century,VABB-3,,,309,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451811,,Unsupervised Learning for Mental Stress Detection - Exploration of Self-Organizing Maps,VABB-5,26,35,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451816,,Modalitäten von Übergänge in einem musiktherapeutischen Kontext,VABB-1,324,333,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:451824,,Mapping MOOC,VABB-4,77,81,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:451826,,screen experiments,VABB-4,95,100,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451828,,De digitale beeldcultuur als aanzet tot een fenomenologie van de manipulatie,VABB-4,279,295,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:451831,,Religious Metaphors at the Crossroads between Apophatical Theology and Cognitive Linguistics: an Interdisciplinary Study,VABB-4,52,88,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451832,,Insubordination in Germanic,VABB-2,,,235,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:451833,,"Jak karczować znane ścieżki? Jeszcze o jednostkach języka, włącznikach i metatekście",VABB-1,187,200,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451835,,One does not simply process memes: Image macros as multimodal constructions,VABB-4,167,194,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451837,,Interview with Anne Enright,VABB-1,33,43,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451838,,Reknitting Communities: Rita Duffy's vital gestures,VABB-1,92,123,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:451839,,"Boundaries, Passages, Transitions",VABB-4,1,265,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451841,,Deconstruction – Trauma Inscribed in Language,VABB-4,51,65,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451843,,Introduction - Texting the self: Weaving a way into the self & into society,VABB-1,1,32,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451844,,"Boundaries, Passages, Transitions: an Introduction",VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451845,,"Branches of the Germanic Oak: Pangermanism, Omer Wattez and other German-Flemish histories",VABB-1,65,79,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451846,,¿Hacia una crítica paratópica de la nación? Españoles fuera de España de Gregorio Marañón,VABB-4,66,78,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:451848,,The Pelabon Munitions works and the Belgian village on the Thames: community and forgetfulness in outer-metropolitan suburbs,VABB-4,151,170,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451850,,Foreigners and Refugees behind Bars: How the Flemish Prisons tackle Linguistic Barriers,VABB-1,738,756,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451856,,A Country of Heroes? Belgium in Russian Propaganda during WWI… and after,VABB-1,170,182,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451858,,"Efficiency Measures in Regulated Industries: History, Outstanding Challenges and Emerging Solutions",VABB-4,493,522,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451860,,The role of prior domestic experience and prior shared experience in young firm internationalization,VABB-1,265,284,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451861,,Transitivity of preferences: when does it matter?,VABB-1,1043,1076,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451862,,Face à l'incertitude : la cristallisation des réseaux par les comédiens entrepreneurs,VABB-1,79,106,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:451867,,Metaleptic and pseudo-diegetic narration in Dennis Potter’s Karaoke/Cold Lazarus (1996),VABB-1,85,101,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451871,,"Newsreel production, distribution and exhibition in Belgium (1908-1994)",VABB-4,231,246,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451875,,De Wonderdoktoor (1936): de eerste Vlaamse cross-over tussen theater en klankfilm,VABB-1,61,81,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:451876,,"Researching Newsreels. Local, National and Transnational Case Studies",VABB-3,,,300,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451883,,Financiële stress van ouders en externaliserend probleemgedrag van adolescenten: De mediërende bijdrage van depressieve gevoelens en opvoedingsgedragingen,VABB-1,348,353,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:451892,,What is a Cadence? Theoretical and Analytical Perspectives on Cadences in the Classical Repertoire,VABB-3,,,320,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451895,,New Music in Britain: with or without Britten?,VABB-1,209,221,,eng,2014,2 c:vabb:451906,,The musical experience between measurement and computation: from symbolic description to morphodynamical approach,VABB-4,253,261,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451907,,Is There a “Musical Task” in the First Movement of Haydn’s “Oxford” Symphony? Voice- Leading Schemata and Intrinsic Formal Functions,VABB-1,194,203,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451908,,Orlando di Lasso and Chant Traditions,VABB-1,9,30,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451912,,Music shaped in time: musical sense-making between perceptual immediacy and symbolic representation,VABB-1,99,120,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451917,,Das Hörwissen des Musikers im Spiegel ausgewählter Violinschulen des 19. Jahrhunderts,VABB-4,233,252,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:451923,,Schoenberg and Tonality: The Eight Songs Op. 6,VABB-2,,,266,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:451924,,User Patronage: the Return of the Gift in the “Crowd Society”,VABB-1,1983,2046,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:451927,,Vergetelheids-zaken voor de Hoven van Cassatie te België en Frankrijk - Contradictoir of Complementair?,VABB-1,32,35,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:451931,,Actualiteiten – Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,339,347,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:451933,,Shattering one-way mirrors – data subject access rights in practice,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451934,,Actualiteiten – Vlaamse Regulator voor de Media,VABB-1,445,455,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:451935,,"Having Yes, Using No ? About the new legal regime for biometric data",VABB-1,523,538,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451936,,Children’s rights and digital technologies,VABB-4,487,513,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451937,,Designing-by-Debate: A Blueprint for Responsible Data-Driven Research & Innovation,VABB-4,47,64,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451938,,"Creating universal and sustainable access to plants and seeds: the role of clearinghouses, open source licenses and inclusive patents",VABB-4,88,106,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451941,,"Scrapers, API’s en data-archieven: Technieken voor het verzamelen van digitale nieuwscontent",VABB-1,25,40,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:451949,,Introduction: history education and historical and social representations of colonialism,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451950,,The Colonial Past in History Textbooks - Historical and Social Psychological Perspectives,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451951,,Towards a postcolonial mind-set in a post-colonial world? Evolving representations of modern imperialism in Belgian history textbooks since 1945,VABB-4,155,176,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451960,,Professional development of sustainability competences in higher education: the role of empowerment,VABB-1,679,714,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:451963,,Non-Prototypical Clefts,VABB-3,,,169,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451966,,From Crisis to Meaning: The story of Eve and the inversion by Kafka (forthcoming),VABB-1,258,272,-,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451967,,Rechten van verdediging in een administratieve sanctieprocedure bij de Dienst voor Geneeskundige Evaluatie en Controle,VABB-1,236,248,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:451968,,De taak van de advocaat in het licht van het bijzondere verjaringsregime van art. 2276bis BW (noot onder Rb. Brussel 27 januari 2015),VABB-1,1062,1068,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:451969,,The Effects of Apologies for Service Failures in the Global Online Retail,VABB-1,419,445,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451974,,Somewhere over the rainbow,VABB-3,,,168,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451975,,"Coming out. A Comparative Analysis of Pupils', Teachers' and Parents' Perspectives in Eight European Countries",VABB-4,11,29,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451976,,Being Gay in Belgium: No Problem @ All?!,VABB-4,27,50,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451977,,Interest on VAT Claims,VABB-1,83,95,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451978,,A measure of pure home bias,VABB-1,1469,1514,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451980,,An institutional view on access to finance by Tanzanian women-owned enterprises,VABB-1,191,210,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451981,,Patents and open innovation: Bad fences do not make good neighbors,VABB-1,57,85,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451984,,How a firm's domestic footprint and domestic environmental uncertainties jointly shape added cultural distances: The roles of resource dependence and headquarters attention,VABB-1,883,909,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451987,,Does the number of available strategies change how children perform cognitive tasks? Insights from arithmetic,VABB-1,43,50,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:451988,,Surfaces of revolution with vanishing curvature in Galilean 3-space,VABB-1,141,152,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:451989,,Flat double rotational surfaces in Euclidean and Lorentz-Minkowski 4-space,VABB-1,61,68,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451990,,European Study on OR/MS Education,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451991,,OR/MS Education in a Changing Environment,VABB-4,13,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451993,,Do Employers Prefer Overqualified Graduates? A Field Experiment,VABB-1,361,388,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:451995,,The economics of road cycling,VABB-4,462,471,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:451999,,Het imaginaire reisverhaal,VABB-1,167,172,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:452001,,Ben je wat je leest? E. du Perrons Cahiers van een lezer: een lectuur,VABB-1,28,47,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452011,,Between Nation and Universe. Caroline Pichler's (1769-1843) Catholicism,VABB-4,149,164,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452012,,Feeling,VABB-4,233,243,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452017,,"„Ist es unmöglich, ihn loszuwerden?“ Otto Franz Gensichens Darstellung von Robespierre als Messias, der verschwinden muss",VABB-1,35,56,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:452019,,Old Quarrels and New Liaisons. On the Vexed Relationship between Theater Studies and Literary Studies,VABB-1,100,129,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452020,,Un-Fading the Hero. Reconfiguring ancient and premodern heroic templates in modern and contemporary culture,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452021,,Introduction: Getting and Spending,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452022,,Resonant with a Whole World of Meaning: The Diplomatic Aesthetic of Cosmopolis,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452023,,The Edinburgh Companion to Anthony Trollope,VABB-3,,,396,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452024,,Magnificent Desolation: The Memory of Welfare and the Archaeology of Shame in the Novels of Johan Harstad,VABB-4,251,278,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452026,,"“When I say ‘We,’ I mean what I say.” The ‘national’ receptions of Waterloo in 19th-century Ireland",VABB-1,29,41,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452032,,Irish Travel Writing,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452033,,Performing Prospero: Intertextual Strategies in John Banville’s Ghosts,VABB-4,223,242,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452034,,The Short Story Anthology,VABB-4,108,124,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452035,,'Everything has to be qualified': Reading as Misreading in John Banville and Paul de Man,VABB-1,536,546,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452036,,Circulating Traditions,VABB-4,256,267,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452037,,The Critic as Mime: Wilde's Theoretical Performance,VABB-1,307,328,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452038,,"Violence and the Mimetic Unconscious (Part I) The Cathartic Hypothesis: Aristotle, Freud, Girard",VABB-1,159,191,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452039,,Beyond the Ruins of the Organized City: Urban Experiences through the Metro in Contemporary Mexican Literature,VABB-4,19,46,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452042,,Cultural translations and glocal dynamics between Italy and the Low Countries during the sixteenth and seventeenth century,VABB-1,3,14,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452043,,"Au miroir du septième art. Portrait d’Hollywood chez Dekobra, Cendrars & Kessel",VABB-1,147,165,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452046,,Distant proximities/proximidades lejanas,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452050,,Spectres de la noblesse. L'Éve future de Villiers de l'Isle-Adam,VABB-1,131,144,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452053,,La généricité composite d’une collection patrimoniale : les ‘Albums de la Pléiade’,VABB-1,65,75,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:452055,,Qu'est-ce que le portrait de pays ? Esquisse de physionomie d'un genre mineur,VABB-1,247,268,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452056,,Pavese’s Dialogue with Ovid. The Destiny of Metamorphosis in ‘Dialoghi con Leucò’ (1947),VABB-4,199,216,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452057,,Que veut et que fait une comparaison différentielle ? Entretien avec Ute Heidmann. Propos recueillis par Jean-Michel Adam & David Martens,VABB-1,199,225,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:452058,,La tradizione “in forma”: la selezione e l'organizzazione di materiali letterari e la (de)costruzione del canone letterario italiano,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452065,,"Individuals, Structures, Systems: Adam Smith and the Contradictions of Liberalism",VABB-4,127,148,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452066,,The 'Chemical Mechanics' of the Periodic Table,VABB-4,104,121,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452067,,Shattered Symmetry: From the Eightfold Way to the Periodic Table,VABB-2,,,+500,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452068,,From the Critique of Reason to a Critique of Culture: Cassirer’s Transformation of Kant’s Transcendental Philosophy,VABB-1,85,104,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452070,,Elke klinisch psycholoog een elektronisch patiëntendossier: een stap vooruit of een noodzakelijk kwaad?,VABB-1,52,61,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452072,,Introduction,VABB-4,9,19,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452077,,"The’Three Wise Men’ Came from the East. Interaction between Missiology and Missionary Practice in Asia, 1890-1940",VABB-4,287,310,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452078,,Mission Research Revised. Missiology as a Project of Modernity and a Contemporarty Form of Apologetics,VABB-4,9,22,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452079,,La science des missions revisitée. La missiologie comme projet de modernité et forme contemporaine d’apologétique,VABB-4,23,26,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:452080,,"Mission & science: missiology revised / missiologie revisitée, 1850-1940",VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452082,,Measuring child and adolescent emotional lability: How do questionnaire-based ratings relate to experienced and observed emotion in everyday life and experimental settings?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452084,,Prospective associations between illness perceptions and health outcomes in patients with systemic sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus: a cross-lagged analysis,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452085,,The DSM-5 Non-suicidal self-injury disorder among incoming college students: Prevalence and associations with 12-month mental disorders and suicidal thoughts and behaviors,VABB-1,629,637,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452087,,"Parental psychological control, adolescent self-criticism, and adolescent depressive symptoms: A latent change modeling approach in Belgian adolescents",VABB-1,1833,1853,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452088,,Steady state security,VABB-4,21,40,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452089,,Sparse PCA for high-dimensional data with outliers,VABB-1,424,434,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:452090,,Hunting for Black Swans in the European Banking Sector Using Extreme Value Analysis,VABB-5,147,166,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452094,,Elimination scoring versus correction for guessing: A simulation study,VABB-5,183,193,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452098,,Developing a core outcome-domain set to assessing effectiveness of interdisciplinary multimodal pain therapy: the VAPAIN consensus statement on core outcome-domains,VABB-1,673,683,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452101,,Illness identity: a novel predictor for healthcare use in adults with congenital heart disease.,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452102,,Self-efficacy as a predictor of patient-reported outcomes in adults with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,1474515118771017,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452104,,A multinational observational investigation of illness perceptions and quality of life among patients with a Fontan circulation,VABB-1,392,400,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452105,,"One difference is enough: Towards a history of disability in colonial contexts – the case of Belgian-Congo, 1908-1960",VABB-4,231,243,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452108,,Education: Flemish,VABB-4,892,912,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452110,,Empowering science teachers using technology-enhanced scaffolding to improve inquiry learning (Grand Challenge Problem 3),VABB-4,17,20,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452114,,"Een nieuwe tijd, een oude orde? Een bespreking van de verhandelingen van leerlingen uit het Xaveriuscollege in Borgerhout tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog",VABB-1,72,83,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452115,,The civics test: a political or educational tool for creating the perfect citizen? Historical overview of forms and processes of naturalization in the United States,VABB-1,205,220,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452116,,Teaching for versus through problem solving: Impact on teaching and learning,VABB-5,408,415,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452122,,Parenting adolescents with ASD: A multimethod study,VABB-1,1000,1010,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452123,,Education as a source of vagueness in criteria and degree,VABB-4,149,167,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452124,,Subjectivity in gradable adjectives: The case of tall and heavy,VABB-1,460,479,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452125,,The use of prior knowledge for perceptual inference is preserved in ASD,VABB-1,382,393,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452126,,Illusory Depth Based on Interactions Between Fluorescent and Conventional Colours: Case-Study on Frank Stella’s Irregular Polygons paintings,VABB-1,116,150,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452127,,Influences of postural control on cognitive control in task switching,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452128,,Sensory and affective components of symptom perception: A psychometric approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:452130,,The presence of your absence: A conditioning theory of grief,VABB-1,18,27,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452131,,Generalization in Sports: The Impact of How Athletes Process Their Failures and Successes,VABB-1,382,403,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:452132,,A test of the functional avoidance hypothesis in the development of overgeneral autobiographical memory,VABB-1,895,908,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452135,,Sadness,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452136,,Appraisal theory of emotion,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452137,,Kicking the habit: Why evidence for habits in humans might be overestimated,VABB-1,50,59,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452138,,Bereavement,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452139,,A reverse to the Jeffreys-Lindley paradox,VABB-1,243,247,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452140,,Parenting early adolescents with autism spectrum disorder before and after transition to secondary School,VABB-1,179,189,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452142,,Capturing correlation changes by applying kernel change point detection on the running correlations,VABB-1,117,139,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452143,,VAR(1) based models do not always outpredict AR(1) models in typical psychological applications.,VABB-1,740,756,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452144,,Exploring the East-West Divide in Prevalence of Affective Disorder: A Case for Cultural Differences in Coping With Negative Emotion.,VABB-1,285,304,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452145,,Why I don't always know what I'm feeling: The role of stress in within-person fluctuations in emotion differentiation,VABB-1,179,191,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452146,,A general framework for capturing interpersonal emotion dynamics: Associations with psychological and relational adjustment.,VABB-4,27,46,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452147,,Spatial reversal learning defect coincides with hypersynchronous telencephalic BOLD functional connectivity in APP knock-in mice,VABB-1,6264,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452148,,Reversal of memory and neuropsychiatric symptoms and reduced tau pathology by selenium in 3xTg-AD mice,VABB-1,234,243,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452150,,Differential Loneliness Scale (DLS),VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452151,,Loneliness and Aloneness Scale for Children and Adolescents (LACA),VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452154,,"Vergeving, ook een psychologisch concept",VABB-1,37,49,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452156,,Cognitive functioning and quality of life: Diverging views of older adults with Alzheimer and professional care staff,VABB-1,1074,1081,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452157,,Links between life-stories and identity profiles in emerging adults from Georgia,VABB-1,422,433,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452159,,Persistent physical symptoms as perceptual dysregulation: a neuropsychobehavioral model and its clinical implication,VABB-1,422,431,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452160,,Children prenatally exposed to maternal anxiety devote more attentional resources to neutral pictures,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:452161,,"When, how and why do we express pain?",VABB-4,101,119,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452162,,On the overlap between physical and social pain,VABB-4,173,195,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452163,,"Where we’ve been, where we’re at, where do we go from here?",VABB-4,503,520,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452164,,Understanding the ethiology of chronic pain from a psychological perspective,VABB-1,315,324,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452165,,The influence of pain-related expectations on intensity perception of non-painful somatosensory stimuli,VABB-1,836,844,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452166,,Breathlessness amplifies amygdala responses during affective processing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452167,,Tired of pain or painfully tired? A reciprocal relationship between chronic pain and fatigue,VABB-1,1178,1179,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452168,,Social and Interpersonal Dynamics in Pain - We Do Not Suffer Alone,VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452170,,Religious identities and civic integration: Second-generation Muslims in European cities,VABB-4,57,73,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452173,,Kindergartners’ spontaneous focus on number during picture book reading,VABB-4,87,100,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452174,,Subtraction by addition strategy use in children of varying mathematical achievement level: a choice/no-choice study,VABB-1,215,234,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452176,,Applications of Cognitive Neuroscience in Education,VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452177,,Building a case for mixed method reviews,VABB-4,88,95,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452180,,Randomization and the randomization test: Two sides of the same coin,VABB-4,185,207,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452181,,Randomization tests or permutation tests? A historical and terminological clarification,VABB-4,209,227,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452186,,‘Making a difference’: Dialogue and compromise in the Belgian Federal Round Tables of Interculturalism,VABB-4,214,232,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452187,,"Between Past and Future: Young People's Strategies for Living a ""Normal Life"" in Post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina",VABB-4,107,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452190,,Momentous mobilities: Anthropological musings on the meanings of travel,VABB-2,,,194,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452196,,The Devil is in the Rumba Text. Commenting on Digital Depth,VABB-4,245,262,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452198,,"Congo, Democratic republic of",VABB-4,191,195,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452201,,"En territoire ennemi. Expériences d’occupation, transferts, héritages (1914-1949)",VABB-3,,,231,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452202,,"Introduction: les occupations de la Grande Guerre et leurs héritières, 1914-1954",VABB-4,15,21,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452203,,Une mémoire difficile : commémorer la Grande Guerre dans le Nord et Pas-de-Calais occupés,VABB-4,113,122,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452207,,"Marx, Sherlock Holmes, and Late Italian Prehistory",VABB-4,295,322,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452210,,Cult in Pisidia. Religious Practice in Southwestern Asia Minor from Alexander the Great to the Rise of Christianity,VABB-2,,,412,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452211,,Ancora sulle origini delle terramare… Alcune riflessioni sulla comparsa dei siti arginati nella pianura padana centrale durante il Bronzo medio,VABB-5,133,137,,ita,2015,2 c:vabb:452220,,This is how we do it. Methodology of Pottery Processing at Sagalassos,VABB-5,731,740,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452223,,Funerary Practices at Sissi: the treatment of the body in EM II-MM II,VABB-5,369,384,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:452224,,"Sealed Documents and non-written Communication in the Neopalatial period (MM III-LM I, ca. 1700/1675-1470/60 BC)",VABB-4,89,105,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452225,,Protection in life and death: Pendant crosses from the cemetery of Apollo Klarios at Sagalassos,VABB-1,280,298,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452228,,Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan. 2015 Addition,VABB-1,137,151,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452241,,From Burial Plot to Dump Site. The History of the PQ4 Compound at Sagalassos (southwest Anatolia),VABB-1,123,163,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452243,,Noli me tangere: new interdisciplinary perspectives,VABB-2,,,508,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452246,,"The annunciation and the senses: Ruach, pneuma, odour",VABB-4,197,216,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:452248,,"Lucas and Cornelis de Wael: Flemish artists and dealers in Antwerp, Genoa and Rome in the seventeenth century",VABB-3,,,350,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452250,,"Locus amoenus and the sleeping nymph. Ekphrasis', Silence and 'Genius Loci'",VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452254,,Cultivating Devotion: The Sixteenth-Century Enclosed Gardens of the Low Countries,VABB-1,237,250,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452257,,"Around the sieve. Motif, Symbol, Hermeneutic",VABB-1,57,75,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452259,,Art and Mysticism as Horticulture: late Medieval Enclosed Gardens of the Low Countries in an Interdisciplinary Perspective,VABB-4,104,127,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452260,,"The Sleeping Nymph Revisited: Ekphrasis, genius Loci and Silence",VABB-4,149,176,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452262,,"Art, Knowledge and Representation: The Collections of Charles of Croÿ",VABB-4,192,199,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452263,,Wonen op stand in de stad en op het land. Interieurs en babbelstukken,VABB-4,356,369,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452264,,Identifying Jews and Christians : the evidence of the papyri,VABB-4,81,100,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452268,,Kaiserliche Politik und Lokalpolitik in der Proklosbiographie des Marinos. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des heidnisch-christlichen Konflikts im Athen des 5. Jh.s,VABB-4,331,371,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:452274,,Horion & Co. Greek Hybrid Names and Their Value for the Study of Intercultural Contacts in Graeco-Roman Egypt,VABB-1,193,215,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:452281,,"Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker Continued IV B: History of Literature, Music, Art and Culture. Fascicle 9: Dikaiarchos of Messene [no. 1400]",VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452287,,Standards for Networking Ancient Person-data: Digital Approaches to Problems in Prosopographical Space,VABB-1,28,43,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452291,,La chronologie des archives de Narmouthis,VABB-1,199,219,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452292,,Some Ghostnames in Papyrological and Epigraphical Sources,VABB-1,187,194,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452296,,Die Politeiai des Aristoteles und ihre Beziehung zu den Nomima barbarika,VABB-1,35,72,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:452297,,Studien zur hellenistischen Biographie und Historiographie,VABB-2,,,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:452298,,Fragments of the Wisdom of Solomon (10:8b-d and 10:15b-17d) from Khirbet Mird (P.Leuven PAM 21 = Rahlfs 888),VABB-1,107,117,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452299,,Die Dikaiomata des Aristoteles: Inhalt und Intention im Licht antiker Quellen,VABB-1,29,58,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:452300,,Die Bedeutung der ethne in der Politik und den Politeiai des Aristoteles,VABB-1,23,59,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452301,,Mirroring Princes. Concepts of Ideal Rulership from Antiquity to the Renaissance,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452305,,Christian manuscripts from Egypt to the time of Constantine,VABB-5,107,114,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452307,,The Emergence of the Ptolemaic Honorific Court Titles,VABB-1,49,82,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452308,,The Career of Some Officials in the Arsinoite Nome in the Early Second Century BC,VABB-1,119,129,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452309,,Papal Bulls as Instruments of Reform: the Reception of the Protection Bulls of Gregory VII in the Dioceses of Liège and Thérouanne (1074-1077),VABB-1,399,423,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452310,,The Investiture Controversy in the Diocese of Liège reconsidered. An Inquiry into the Positions of the Abbeys of Saint-Hubert and Saint-Laurent and the Canonist Alger of Liège (1091-1106),VABB-4,183,218,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452311,,Zoutleeuw in de Middeleeuwen: van platteland tot stad. Stadsontwikkeling in de Nederlanden,VABB-2,,,286,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:452313,,Peace and Purges. Episcopal Administration of Religious Communities and the Contested See of Reims (c. 931-953),VABB-1,287,313,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452315,,Origins and early history,VABB-4,7,51,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452316,,The urban landscape I: c. 1100-c. 1275,VABB-4,52,85,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452317,,A Defence against the Arrows of the Disturbance to Come. Royal Protection and the Consolidation of Monastic Reform Under Count Arnulf I of Flanders (918-965),VABB-1,486,517,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452319,,"Schetsen uit Finland. De ‘herinterpretatie’ van de stad op het 13de Internationaal Congres van de EAUH (Helsinki, 24-27 augustus 2016)",VABB-1,193,211,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:452326,,"The ""egalitarian trend"" in practice. Female participation in capital markets in the late medieval Low Countries",VABB-4,167,182,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452327,,"Social groups, political power and institutions, c. 1100-1300",VABB-4,124,151,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452328,,"Social groups, political power and institutions, c. 1300-c. 1500",VABB-4,268,328,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452329,,"Political Representation: Communities, Ideas and Institutions in Europe (c. 1200 - c. 1690)",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452331,,De zeventiende-eeuwse inventaris van de broederschap van Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van de Zeven Weeën in Brussel,VABB-1,57,141,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:452332,,The gender distribution of immovable property ownership in late medieval Brussels (1356-1460),VABB-1,29,57,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452333,,"Braque, Gris, Léger: Cubism in Switzerland in 1933",VABB-4,38,53,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452334,,Medical Societies and Scientific Culture in Nineteenth-Century Belgium,VABB-2,,,336,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452335,,Anatomy and Sociability in Nineteenth-Century Belgium,VABB-4,51,72,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452336,,Sign or Symptom? Exceptional Corporeal Phenomena in Religion and Medicine in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452338,,'By What Right is the Scalpel Put in the Pauper's Corpse?' Dissections and Consent in Late Nineteenth-Century Belgium,VABB-1,258,277,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452339,,Anatomical collecting and tropical medicine in the Belgian Congo,VABB-4,91,111,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452340,,Reassessing the Pauper Burial: the Disposal of Corpses in Nineteenth-century Brussels,VABB-1,184,198,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452341,,Pionnières du Nord – Universitaires norvégiennes et réseaux féminins internationaux (1882-1940),VABB-1,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:452342,,A la périphérie d'une société et de l'Europe : les premières femmes universitaires en Norvège,VABB-1,261,280,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:452346,,The EC/EU between the art of forgetting and the palimpsest of empire. Part 1: The art of forgetting,VABB-1,545,581,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452349,,Solidarność a Trzeci Świat. Część I. Chrześcijańsko-demokratyczna droga do Ameryki Łacińskiej,VABB-1,281,308,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452351,,On Coerced Labor: Work and Compulsion after Chattel Slavery,VABB-3,,,368,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452356,,Morality Politics and Prostitution Policy in Brussels: A Diachronic Comparison,VABB-1,259,270,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452359,,A Second Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation? Rome and the Imperial Visions of Kaiser Wilhelm II,VABB-4,215,238,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452360,,Multiples visages des Etats-Unis d'Europe dans les années 1860,VABB-5,81,88,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:452361,,In de Rijksdag en aan het hof. Arenberg en het Duitse keizerrijk,VABB-4,142,149,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452364,,The ILO and the Oldest Non-Profession,VABB-4,90,114,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452369,,Liberalism in Russia: from the margins of Russian politics to an instrument of geopolitical othering,VABB-1,337,352,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452371,,History riding on the waves of government coalitions: the first fifteen years of the Institute of National Remembrance in Poland (2001-2016),VABB-4,255,269,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452373,,"Buddha, Bhakti, and Brahman: Sebastian Kappen S.J.’s Dialogue with Indian Religions",VABB-1,100,108,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452374,,De grote afwezige? De klant in het historisch onderzoek over prostitutie,VABB-1,24,27,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452375,,Trollope and Politics,VABB-4,15,34,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452381,,"Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Sophistry in the High Roman Empire. Maximus of Tyre and Twelve Other Intellectuals",VABB-2,,,40,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452384,,C'est du Chinois. Theater für Experten des Nicht-Verstehens,VABB-4,33,50,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:452386,,"Hölderlin en het “dusmoron” van de vertaling, of de ethiek van het dwalen",VABB-4,57,69,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:452390,,L'objectif,VABB-4,129,133,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:452393,,An Outpost of Modernism: The Politics of Translation in Cosmopolis (1896-1898),VABB-1,170,186,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452394,,"Die Autorität postmonarchischer Regierung und die Ästhetik der Unterbrechung. Georg Büchner, die Frankfurter Schule und Yaak Karsunke im Kampf gegen Maximilien Robespierres bürgerliche Autorität",VABB-4,151,178,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:452403,,Carlos Fuentes y el pensamiento barroco,VABB-2,,,359,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:452410,,"Altérité et Identité dans les ""Histoires Anglaises"" au XVIIIe siècle. Co(n)texte, réception et discours",VABB-2,,,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:452412,,From Macondo to McOndo and Beyond. Spatial Imaginations of Transnationality in Two Anthologies of Young Latin American Writers,VABB-4,221,236,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452413,,Whose Gothic Bard? Charles Robert Maturin and Contestations of Shakespearean Authority in British/Irish Romantic Culture,VABB-4,281,300,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452414,,Les langues de Leonard Cohen,VABB-1,103,122,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452420,,Futurism: A Microhistory,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452425,,"The European Avant-Gardes, 1905-1935",VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452435,,1929 - Le passeport,VABB-4,154,159,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:452437,,Les péritextes nobiliaires de Jean de La varende: étude d'un réseau d'amitiés socialement déterminé,VABB-1,149,165,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:452438,,La littérature en représentation Le portrait photographique de l’écrivain dans l’entretien du Magazine littéraire,VABB-4,255,262,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:452439,,Le meuble d'archive,VABB-4,139,142,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:452440,,1928: Le Mannequin,VABB-4,149,153,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:452444,,"A Centrifugal Reading of De Stijl's Constructivist Poetics: On the Literature of Blaise Cendrars, Georges Vantongerloo, Piet Mondrian, Theo Van Doesburg, and Laszlo Moholy-Nagy",VABB-1,43,58,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452450,,"How Literature Imagined Television, 1880-1950",VABB-1,591,610,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:452453,,Futurism and the First World War Revised,VABB-4,378,384,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452454,,Petit musée d'histoire littéraire,VABB-3,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:452456,,The Material Turn of Literary History: On the collective book Petit musée d’histoire littéraire,VABB-4,103,117,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452459,,Cognitive approach to L2 Russian and Polish: a case study,VABB-1,353,373,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452460,,Choreographing Research: Interdisciplinarity to the Second Degree (forthcoming),VABB-4,23,40,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452466,,Autie-biografisch gelezen,VABB-1,71,100,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452469,,« Pour une histoire matérielle de la littérature : autour du Petit musée d’histoire littéraire »,VABB-1,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:452470,,Transatlantic Détournement? François Bon's Ambivalent Reception of Kenneth Goldsmith's Uncreative Writing,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452476,,Critical Theory at a Crossroads: Conversations on Resistance in Times of Crisis,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452477,,Introduction: Resistance in Times of Crisis,VABB-4,11,35,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452478,,We Need To Have a Clear Alternative. Interview with Tariq Ali,VABB-4,99,112,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452479,,The Creativity Dispositive: Labor Reform by Stealth. Interview with Angela McRobbie,VABB-4,146,158,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452480,,"We Should be Modest, When It Comes to the Designation of the Possible Subjects of a New Politics. Interview with Jacques Rancière",VABB-4,47,60,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452481,,The European Union is a Cage: Interview with Antonio Negri,VABB-4,87,98,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452482,,How to Think a War Machine? Interview with Maurizio Lazzarato,VABB-4,134,145,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452484,,"In strijd met de drie begeerten. Cornelius Jansenius' Rede over de hernieuwing van de innerlijke mens. Ingeleid, vertaald en van aantekeningen voorzien door Nicolas De Maeyer en Gert Partoens",VABB-2,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452485,,"Francesco Filelfo, Man of Letters",VABB-3,,,316 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452486,,Florus of Lyon’s Expositio epistolarum beati Pauli apostoli and the transmission of Augustine's Sermones ad populum,VABB-5,141,155,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452489,,"La Collectio in Apostolum de Bède le Vénérable : tradition manuscrite, codicologie et critique d’authenticité",VABB-1,199,251,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:452494,,An Unedited Augustinian Fragment Preserved in the Early Medieval Collectio Gallicana,VABB-4,293,315,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452495,,FELICI CVRIOSITATE. Studies in Latin Literature and Textual Criticism from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century. Studies in Honour of Rita Beyers,VABB-3,,,832,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452496,,Un recueil augustinien utilisé par Sedulius Scottus,VABB-1,311,342,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:452497,,"Augustine on Private Correptio. Content, Date, Manuscript Transmission and Critical Edition of Sermo 82",VABB-1,39,95,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452498,,"Le florilège augustinien de Bède le Vénérable et les discussions tardoantiques sur la grâce, le libre arbitre et la prédestination",VABB-1,265,292,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:452499,,"Preaching in the Patristic Era: Sermons, Preachers, and Audiences in the Latin West",VABB-3,,,541,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452501,,Augustine of Hippo,VABB-4,177,197,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452503,,I Tim.-Hebr. in the Venerable Bede’s Augustinian Commentary on the Pauline Epistles: a Stemmatical Analysis of its Transmission,VABB-1,294,315,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452505,,"The Role of Vernacular Proverbs in Latin Language Acquisition, c. 1200-1600. An Exploratory Study",VABB-1,278,305,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452508,,Dalmatian Connections in Francesco Filelfo's Letters,VABB-1,75,100,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452510,,Preaching in Sixth Century Arles: the Sermons of Bishop Caesarius,VABB-4,198,231,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452511,,"Filelfo, Francesco",VABB-4,1,6,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452512,,La version augmentée du sermon 295 de saint Augustin : critique d'authenticité et conséquences,VABB-4,105,121,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:452515,,A proposito dell'anonimo destinatario di due lettere del cardinal Bessarione,VABB-1,305,315,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:452518,,Les témoignages des Capucins des Pays-Bas espagnols dans l'enquête sur le scandale causé par l'Augustinus de Jansénius (1644),VABB-1,253,278,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:452519,,Lipsius in de collegezaal: een studie van zijn De magistratibus,VABB-1,111,131,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452525,,Suetonius ex Officina Plantiniana,VABB-1,73,110,,lat,2018,2 c:vabb:452527,,“Barbarae aetatis barbarus fetus”. An early medieval sermon on Easter and its relations with other texts,VABB-1,175,232,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452533,,Unfounded and Unfollowed: Mencius’ Portrayal of Yang Zhu and Mo Di,VABB-4,165,184,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452534,,Having a Word with Angus Graham,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452545,,"Developing EU-Japan Relations in a Changing Regional Context: A Focus on Security, Law and Policies",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452549,,Developing EU-Japan Relations in a Changing Regional Context: introduction,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452555,,"Hochphasen von Zukunftsvorstellungen in Japan und der Umbruch des ‚Nachkriegs‘-in den ‚Reform‘-Interdiskurs, 1914–1923",VABB-1,225,250,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:452568,,The Abbasid Caliphate,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452571,,Diglossia: a language ideological approach,VABB-1,185,216,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452572,,Reading a Burial Chamber: Anatomy of a First Intermediate Period Coffin in Context,VABB-4,217,230,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452573,,"צלמות, an Etymological and Semantic Reconsideration",VABB-1,93,123,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452574,,Muslims in interwar Europe: A Trans-cultural Historical Perspective,VABB-3,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452575,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2018-1,VABB-3,,,151,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452576,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2018-3,VABB-3,,,182,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452577,,"“An Oriental Orientalist”: Aḥmad Zakī Pasha (1868-1934), Egyptian Statesman and Philologist in the Colonial Age",VABB-1,129,166,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452578,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2018-2,VABB-3,,,155,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452589,,"Editing Mediaeval Texts from a Different Angle: Slavonic and Multilingual Traditions. Together with Francis J. Thomson's Bibliography and Checklist of Slavonic Translations. To Honour Francis J. Thomson on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday. Together with Proceedings of the ATTEMT Workshop held at King's College London, 19-20 December 2013 and the ATTEST Workshop held at the University of Regensburg, 11-12 December 2015.",VABB-2,,,XII-439,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452591,,Est-ce qu'on a découvert la profession de foi de Métrophane de Smyrne?,VABB-4,1,16,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452594,,"Le commentaire de Métrophane de Smyrne sur la Première Epître de Pierre (chapitre I, versets 1-23)",VABB-1,389,417,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:452595,,The Anthology of Parisinus gr. 852 and Vatopediou 36 and Its Relation to the Florilegium Coislinianum,VABB-1,99,136,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452598,,‘Petit’ et ‘grand’ habit. Une dispute monastique à l’époque de Théodore Stoudite,VABB-1,35,56,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452600,,"Cupid's Swan from the Academy (De Plat. 1.1, 183): Apuleius' Reception of Plato",VABB-4,156,170,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452605,,La Lettre Nu du Florilège Coislin,VABB-1,103,127,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452606,,"Critical Edition of Soterios II.10 and its Old Slavonic Translations. Why God Shows Kindness to Faithful People Committing Sins, Together with Some Remarks on the Edition Published in Sofia in 2015",VABB-1,152,179,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452607,,Images of Invisible Beauty in the Aesthetic Cosmology of Dionysius the Areopagite,VABB-4,11,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452608,,Plutarch's Reception of Socrates,VABB-4,744,759,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452609,,Tebas y el escenario de Menipo o Necromancia de Luciano de Samósata,VABB-1,97,118,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:452611,,"La médecine en traduction : Barthélémy de Messine, Pietro d’Abano et Évrart de Conty, un trio inextricable",VABB-4,341,359,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452613,,L'autorité et le développement d'une terminologie médicale aux XIVe et XVe siècles,VABB-4,155,170,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:452614,,Bilinguisme au Moyen Âge : la terminologie médicale dans la traduction en moyen français des Problemata physica par Evrart de Conty,VABB-4,161,188,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:452615,,Latin as a Variable Language: Livy’s Patauinitas through Early Modern Eyes,VABB-5,767,777,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452616,,The Nijmegen School and its ‘sociological’ approach to the so-called Sondersprache of early Christians: A preliminary historiographical study,VABB-1,335,357,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452619,,Methods and masters: Multilingual teaching in 16th-century Louvain,VABB-1,97,103,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452620,,The information structure of French il y a clefts & c’est clefts: a corpus-based analysis (accepted),VABB-1,513,548,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452622,,Uvee face à choroïde : dénommer l’anatomie de l’œil au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance,VABB-1,77,134,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452624,,The alleged Persian-Germanic connection: A Remarkable Chapter in the Study of Persian from the Sixteenth through the Nineteenth Century,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452625,,Ideas on Language in Early Latin Christianity: From Tertullian to Isidore of Seville,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452626,,Condensing cultural knowledge in 7th-century Spain: The ‘inventors of letters’ in Julian of Toledo’s Ars grammatica,VABB-1,151,162,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452628,,Les langues du droit dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux et l’administration commerciale anversoise,VABB-4,127,136,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452629,,"Anvers, centre de la cartographie",VABB-4,483,494,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452630,,Le dialecte d’Anvers et la standardisation du néerlandais,VABB-4,363,375,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452631,,Multilinguisme vertical et multilinguisme horizontal: la complexité des rapports de langues en Flandre au seizième siècle,VABB-4,179,203,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452635,,"Dépendance pragmatique dans l'inversion ""thétique"" en français",VABB-1,81,98,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:452638,,Les clivées en voici / voilà : une analyse de corpus,VABB-1,129,151,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452639,,"Non-prototypical clefts in French: A corpus analysis of ""il y a"" clefts",VABB-2,,,356,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452641,,"Intuition, Exploration, and Assertion of the Indo-European Language Relationships",VABB-4,138,170,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452642,,"Indo-European Linguistics in the 19th and 20th centuries: beginnings, establishment, remodeling, refinement and extension(s)",VABB-4,171,210,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452643,,"L'Utopia de Thomas More: L'illusion de la réalité, peinte en langage",VABB-4,91,117,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452647,,Predicate Ellipsis (Including VP-ellipsis and pseudogapping),VABB-4,504,525,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452649,,The Oxford Handbook of Ellipsis,VABB-3,,,1123,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452650,,The study of ellipsis in natural language: empirical and theoretical perspectives,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452652,,Duality Patterns in 2-PCD Fragments,VABB-1,225,272,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452653,,Geometric and Cognitive Differences between Logical Diagrams for the Boolean Algebra B_4,VABB-1,185,208,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452659,,Complex NPs with third-order entity clauses: towards a grammatical description and semantic typology,VABB-4,11,46,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452660,,Stance as participant structure: A Jakobsonian approach to the pragmatics and semantics of evidentiality,VABB-1,193,216,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452663,,Adapting to survive: The English absolute and its new functional niche,VABB-1,363,391,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452664,,Un montón de maneras de conceptualizar la cantidad: persistencia conceptual en los cuantificadores binominales,VABB-1,123,146,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:452665,,From flying Sancho to swooning Altisidora: The changing use of premodifying present participles in three English translations of Cervantes’ Don Quijote (accepted),VABB-4,25,42,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452666,,A prosody account of (inter)subjective modal adverbs in Spanish,VABB-4,153,178,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452667,,Resourceful ways of recruiting members: The origin and development of Mental zero-Secondary Predicate Constructions.,VABB-4,155,184,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452668,,Tag questions in conversation: A typology of their interactional and stance meanings,VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452670,,"A typology of lexical and grammaticalized uses of Russian ""tip""",VABB-1,191,220,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452671,,The genetic status of Lamalamic: Phonological and morphological evidence,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452672,,Lamalamic root structure: Erosion and expansion,VABB-1,360,394,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452675,,Sociocultural dimensions of lexis and text in the history of English,VABB-3,,,258,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452676,,Introduction: Philology as linguistically informed cultural history,VABB-4,2,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452678,,"Introduction to Irregular Perspective Shifts and Perspective Persistence, Discourse-oriented and Theoretical Approaches",VABB-1,155,169,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452680,,Unwitting inventors: English speakers use -ly-adverbs more creatively when primed,VABB-1,329,340,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452684,,English loans in written Italian: a regional perspective,VABB-4,293,320,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452686,,Restricting the restrictive relativizer Constraints on subject and non-subject English relative clauses,VABB-1,309,355,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452688,,Measuring language attitudes using the Personalized Implicit Association Test: A case study on regional varieties of Dutch in Belgium,VABB-1,20,39,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452689,,Iterated exaptation,VABB-4,519,544,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452690,,Clinical sublanguages: Vocabulary structure and its impact on term weighting,VABB-1,41,65,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452693,,Neuf familles morphologiques de termes médicaux du Moyen Âge : une analyse constructionnelle,VABB-5,1,17,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:452694,,Corpus-based approaches to dialect study,VABB-4,300,313,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452695,,Ten Lectures on Cognitive Sociolinguistics,VABB-2,,,358,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452696,,Towards the Authority of Vesalius. Studies on Medicine and the Human Body from Antiquity to the Renaissance and Beyond,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452697,,Introduction: Exploring English historical syntax,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452698,,Mixed-Effects Regression Models in Linguistics,VABB-3,,,1,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:452700,,Task-based language learning: How task-based is it really?,VABB-4,166,197,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452701,,"Serving policy or people? Towards an evidence-based, coherent concept of language awareness for all learners",VABB-4,87,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452702,,The effects of raising Language Awareness in mainstream and language classrooms: A literature review (1995–2013),VABB-4,21,86,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452703,,Language Awareness in Multilingual Classrooms in Europe: From Theory to Practice,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452704,,Creating a dynamic and learner-driven online environment for practising second language skills: guiding principles from second language acquisition and online education,VABB-4,225,232,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452706,,University entrance language tests: a matter of justice,VABB-1,449,476,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452714,,Language awareness in action: Primary school students' language practices while performing a multilingual task,VABB-4,235,274,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452715,,Introduction: Towards Critical Multilingual Language Awareness for 21st century schools,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452718,,Dieetreconstructie op basis van stabiele isotopen,VABB-4,39,45,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:452721,,Governancemodellen voor lerarenopleidingen met meerdere aanbieders,VABB-1,91,101,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452722,,De lerarenopleiding: een analyse van bestaande governancemodellen,VABB-1,5,16,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452723,,Early-transition output decline revisited,VABB-1,263,292,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452724,,Who’s afraid of aggregating money metrics?,VABB-1,467,484,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452725,,Consumer Valuation of Fuel Costs and tax policy: evidence from the European car market,VABB-1,193,225,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452726,,"Tax and regulatory policies for European transport: getting there, but in the slow lane",VABB-4,259,296,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452727,,The axiomatic approach to the ranking of infinite streams,VABB-4,231,255,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452728,,The effect of international competition on firm productivity and market power,VABB-4,1,31,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452729,,Prioritarian poverty comparisons with cardinal and ordinal attributes,VABB-1,925,942,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452730,,Price transition in modern agricultural value chains: some conceptual issues,VABB-4,147,166,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452733,,"The distributional and multi-sectoral impacts of rainfall shocks: evidence from panel data analysis and computable general equilibrium modelling for the Awash basin, Ethiopia",VABB-1,621,632,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452735,,Belgian chocolate exports: quality and reputation versus increased competition,VABB-4,363,382,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452737,,Dynamics in European exports in times of crisis: the impact on growth at home and abroad,VABB-1,28,46,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452738,,Beyond diversity: a tale of faultlines and frictions in the board of directors,VABB-1,339,367,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452740,,Leveling the Playing Field: The Selection and Motivation Effects of Tournament Prize Spread Information,VABB-1,127,149,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:452742,,How leader alignment of words and deeds impacts followers: A meta-analysis,VABB-1,831,844,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452743,,The Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure in a market of traded financial and actuarial risks,VABB-1,111,133,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:452744,,Unraveling the predictive power of telematics data in car insurance pricing,VABB-1,1275,1304,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452746,,The dynamics of federalism: Belgium and Switzerland,VABB-4,50,78,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452747,,Global economic governance and the emergence of the G20,VABB-4,97,116,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452751,,ESTIMATING CONSUMER DAMAGES IN CARTEL CASES,VABB-1,955,973,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:452756,,On the returns to invention within firms: evidence from Finland,VABB-1,208,212,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452757,,When does regression discontinuity design work? Evidence from random election outcomes,VABB-1,1019,1051,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452758,,Health nudges: How behavioral engineering can reduce chocolate consumption.,VABB-4,157,169,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452759,,Time-series models for short-run and long-run marketing impact,VABB-4,79,106,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452761,,Retail entry and exit,VABB-4,344,374,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452762,,Exploiting exposure to temptation to support self-control,VABB-4,483,494,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452763,,Talent or not: Employee reactions to talent designations,VABB-4,169,192,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452767,,Employee reactions to talent management: Assumptions versus evidence,VABB-1,199,213,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452768,,Evaluating recommendation and search in the labor market,VABB-1,62,69,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452769,,Werknemersreacties op (exclusief) talentmanagement,VABB-1,1,17,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452771,,Implicit link: Using free association to explore cross-cultural differences in the meaning of talent,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452772,,Dual judgment processing in feedback: Opening Pandora’s Box,VABB-1,353,362,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452775,,Robust high-dimensional precision matrix estimation,VABB-4,325,350,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452779,,"Linearly transforming variables in the VAR model, how does it change the impulse response",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452780,,A high-dimensional focused information criterion,VABB-1,34,61,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452782,,Asymptotic post-selection inference for Akaike's information criterion,VABB-1,645,664,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452783,,A branch-and-price algorithm for parallel machine scheduling using ZDDs and generic branching,VABB-1,625,782,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452784,,Kullback–Leibler information,VABB-4,1,4,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:452785,,Model averaging,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452787,,Platform flexibility strategies: R&D investment versus production customization tradeoff,VABB-1,475,486,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452789,,Aligning sales and operations management: an agenda for inquiry,VABB-1,220,240,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452790,,Efficient priority rules for the stochastic resource-constrained project scheduling problem,VABB-1,957,967,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452793,,Design and evaluation of feedback automation architecture: Enriching model execution with feedback to support testing of semantic conformance between models and requirements,VABB-5,14,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452796,,Scalable rfm-enriched representation learning for churn prediction,VABB-5,79,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:452799,,Collaborative Exchange of Systematic Literature Review Results: The Case of Empirical Software Engineering,VABB-5,1055,1056,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:452801,,Raising the bar for smart city ecosystems,VABB-5,22,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452805,,"Principles of database management – the practical guide to storing, managing and analyzing small and big data",VABB-2,,,808,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452806,,A fully implemented didactic tool for the teaching of interactive software systems,VABB-5,95,105,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452807,,Open co-creation coming of age: the case of an open services experiment,VABB-5,2393,2402,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452810,,Towards improving context interpretation in the IoT paradigm: a solution to integrate context information in process models,VABB-5,223,228,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452811,,Isolation-based conditional anomaly detection on mixed-attribute data to uncover workers' compensation fraud,VABB-1,13,26,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452813,,The practice of enterprise modeling,VABB-3,,,363,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452816,,Time series for early churn detection: using similarity based classification for dynamic networks,VABB-1,55,65,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452819,,Is environmentally induced income variability a driver of human migration? (forthcoming),VABB-1,33,59,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452820,,World Bank policy lending for public sector reform,VABB-4,191,212,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452822,,Locus of control and its intergenerational implications for early childhood skill formation.,VABB-1,298,329,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452823,,World Bank policy lending and the quality of public sector governance,VABB-1,29,54,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452825,,"Violence, selection and infant mortality in Congo",VABB-1,153,177,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452826,,Risk and returns of sustainable crop intensification: the case of small-holder rice and potato farmers in Uganda,VABB-1,O605,O633,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452827,,Van een kale reis thuiskomen: wanneer verjaart een reizigersvordering?,VABB-1,55,59,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:452832,,Aansprakelijkheid van een contractant jegens derden,VABB-2,,,"X, 167 p.",dut,2015,2 c:vabb:452837,,De strafrechtelijke vervolging van het activisme in West-Vlaanderen (1918-1921),VABB-1,173,214,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452840,,De advocaat als kost in een onteigeningsprocedure: enkele bedenkingen in het licht van artikel 16 GW,VABB-1,860,864,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452841,,Blockchaintechnologie en het notariaat bij vastgoedtransacties: Damocles' zwaard of opportuniteit?,VABB-1,212,238,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452842,,Het 'vermoeden van kwade trouw' bij verborgen gebreken: welke verkoper past het schoentje?,VABB-1,131,143,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452843,,"Ouderlijk gezag, verblijf en recht op persoonlijk contact",VABB-1,1031,1108,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452844,,Commercial practices in B2C relations,VABB-4,47,84,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:452845,,"Het gezamenlijk aanbod van financiële diensten: een per se verbod met een beperkt toepassingsgebied, een algemeen verbod op oneerlijke handelspraktijken met een ruim toepassingsgebied",VABB-1,121,126,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:452846,,De belangen van de derde-verkrijger in het vergunningsrecht: een verscherpte onderzoeksplicht van de derde en de geringe waarde van de publiciteit in het hypotheekregister (noot onder Cass. 25 februari 2016),VABB-1,824,829,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452847,,De herziene CPC verordening als oplossing voor grensoverschrijdend consumentenleed?,VABB-1,1,22,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452849,,Ontvankelijkheid van een rechtsvordering tot collectief herstel (noot onder Nederlandstalige rechtbank van eerste aanleg Brussel 4 april 2017),VABB-1,57,63,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452854,,Human Dignity in Belgium,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452857,,"Gebuisd, maar toch geslaagd: delibereren omdat de student voldoet aan de globale opleidingsdoelen. Kanttekening bij een studiedag over onderwijscontentieux",VABB-5,83,86,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:452858,,Artikel 8 en 9 EVRM in het onderwijs: een moeilijk huwelijk,VABB-1,218,222,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:452862,,GON-begeleiding voor slechtzienden: De blinde vlek tussen redelijke aanpassingen en inclusief onderwijs,VABB-1,149,156,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452863,,"Onderwijsvrijheid en het artikel 24 § 1, al. 1 Belgische Grondwet 30 jaar Interpretatie door het Grondwettelijk Hof en de Raad van State",VABB-1,7,54,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452877,,Arbitrage et tierce opposition,VABB-1,65,68,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:452879,,The antireligious bias in personal autonomy: towards coherence and a solution,VABB-4,178,191,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452880,,Irreligious Cartoons and Freedom of Expression: A Critical Reassessment,VABB-1,89,109,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452889,,Verdragsgerechtigdheid Luxemburgse SICAV en heffingsbevoegdheid abonnementstaks onder het verdrag België-Luxemburg,VABB-1,349,356,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452890,,Fairness and International Taxation: Star-Crossed Lovers?,VABB-1,563,583,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452895,,De eigen wil van de verarmde en de subsidiariteit bij verrijking zonder oorzaak: het Hof van Cassatie grijpt in (noot onder Cass. 9 juni 2017),VABB-1,1105,1109,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452896,,Bezit van staat en het Hof van Cassatie,VABB-1,940,944,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452897,,Aangaande het minimumleeftijdsverschil tussen adoptant en geadopteerde (noot onder GwH 23 november 2017),VABB-1,17,23,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452898,,Het Hof van Cassatie erkent een nieuwe persoonlijke zekerheid: de 'uitvoeringssterkmaking' (noot onder Cass. 24 maart 2016),VABB-1,1220,1224,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:452900,,De financiële crisis en de wrange nasmaak van de gevolgen van de nietigheid van een overeenkomst tot overdracht van aandelen (noot onder Cass. 13 januari 2017),VABB-1,45,54,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452901,,"O tempora, o mores. Over de totstandkoming en het bewijs van de verkoop van onroerend goed via elektronische weg (noot onder Antwerpen 19 december 2016)",VABB-1,73,82,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452902,,"Kostenverhaal door de gemeente: de veiligheidsverplichting uit artikel 135, §2 Nieuwe Gemeentewet en de leer van de juridisch zelfstandige oorzaak (noot onder Cass. 7 januari 2016)",VABB-1,22,29,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452903,,Informatie van artsen over medische fouten en incidenten aan patiënten,VABB-1,179,200,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452904,,Alternative Causation in Asbestos Cases under Belgian Law,VABB-1,141,152,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452905,,Let op voor de relatieve nietigheid!,VABB-1,131,139,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452906,,The financial transaction tax project,VABB-4,282,303,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452907,,Prijsdiscriminatie in het digitale tijdperk: beschouwingen over de nieuwe Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming,VABB-4,105,149,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:452908,,De rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie op het gebied van mededingingsrecht: ontwikkelingen in de jaren 2013 en 2014,VABB-1,159,170,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:452910,,De Arco-garantieregeling na de uitspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof: terug naar af? Een juridische analyse van de status quo,VABB-1,112,121,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452911,,"Conference Report – 8th International Conference on Intellectual Property Protection for Plant Innovation 2017, Amsterdam, 30 November and 1 December 2017",VABB-1,339,342,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452912,,"Lucky4all? Pyramid Schemes under the UCPD Observations on CJEU 15 December 2016, C-677/15 - Nationale Loterij",VABB-1,74,78,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452913,,"Neutrality, Fairness or Freedom? Principles for Platform Regulation",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452916,,Slapende vennootschappen: nachtmerrie van het organisatierecht?,VABB-1,4,17,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:452918,,De opmars van online geschillenbeslechting,VABB-4,1,21,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:452919,,Het onderscheidend karakter van de vennootschapsnaam: een leidraad,VABB-1,23,29,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:452920,,"De pro rata going concern-waarde als uitgangspunt bij de waardering in geschillenregeling - Over controlepremies, minderheidsdécotes en illiquiditeitsdécotes",VABB-1,5,16,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452924,,The EC Proposal for Double Taxation Dispute Resolution: Turning the Tide?,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452926,,Toeristische verhuur van tot privébewoning bestemde appartementen – Over het spanningsveld tussen exclusieve eigendomsrechten,VABB-1,1002,1021,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452927,,Legalization by Commodification,VABB-4,45,67,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452928,,Street Gangs and Urban Violence in Europe,VABB-4,484,508,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452930,,Over het beroepsgeheim van artsen,VABB-1,398,404,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452931,,"Internering: de uitvluchten zijn op, het geduld is op, maar de hoop leeft op",VABB-4,113,137,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452935,,Algemene dataretentie: ten minste houdbaar tot …?,VABB-1,3,18,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452939,,De goede rechter ten tijde van het New Public Management: een verhaal van onverzoenbare verwachtingen?,VABB-1,923,940,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452943,,"Ius est vigilantibus, ook voor minderjarigen. De nieuwe Ibrahim-criteria van het EHRM voor de sanctionering van een miskenning van de Salduz-waarborgen, toegepast op minderjarigen",VABB-1,98,111,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452944,,Grondwettelijk Hof 21 december 2017: It came in like a wrecking ball,VABB-1,1,17,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452945,,Publicatie: klassiek en digitaal speuren naar strafrechtelijk bewijs,VABB-1,52,53,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452947,,De delegatie van bevoegdheden aan parketjuristen,VABB-1,62,66,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452950,,Naar een harmonisatie van het kennelijk onredelijk ontslag? (noot onder Cass. 30 juni 2016),VABB-1,1462,1465,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:452951,,The social origins of gender differences in anticipated feelings of guilt and shame following delinquency,VABB-1,291,313,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452952,,Jeugddetentie doorgelicht: een contextuele bespreking van het CPT-rapport over gesloten jeugdinstellingen in België,VABB-4,139,175,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452953,,EU Equality Law: The First Fundamental Rights Policy of the EU,VABB-2,,,256,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452956,,The Role of National Constitutions in EU Law. From Shared Values to Mutual Trust and Constructive Dialogue/Vloga nacionalnih ustav v pravu Evropske unije. Od skupnih vrednot do medsebojnega zaupanja in tvornega dialoga,VABB-1,5,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452962,,Subsidiarity as a Structural Principle Governing the use of EU External Competences,VABB-4,93,115,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452963,,"On a need to have basis. The innovation principle, the rule of law, and EU regulation of new technologies. - A Research Agenda",VABB-1,10,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452964,,"Not just one, but many ‘rights to be forgotten’. A global status quo",VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452965,,EU Status in Other International Organizations,VABB-4,1234,1281,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452966,,A Constitutional Perspective,VABB-4,103,141,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452968,,Discovering the Law of the EU: The European Court of Justice and the Comparative Law Method,VABB-4,61,87,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452969,,Case Law on International Organizations: Text and Commentary,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452970,,The External Relations of the Union: The Institutional Structure,VABB-4,1067,1109,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452971,,The Dynamics of Federalism: Belgium and Switzerland,VABB-4,38,58,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:452972,,The Governance of Emerging Space Activities,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452975,,"Global Public Goods, Global Commons and Democracy",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452978,,"Small satellites, large constellations, and space debris: in dubio pro LEO?",VABB-4,64,111,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:452979,,"Neutrality during armed conflict: illuminating the myth, interpreting the reality",VABB-5,1,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452981,,Commercial Uses of Space and Space Tourism. Legal and Policy Aspects,VABB-3,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452982,,Diplomatic and Consular Relations,VABB-4,565,581,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452984,,Parliamentary oversight and democratic control over armed forces with regard to military deployments abroad: some observations on Belgium and the US,VABB-5,283,289,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:452985,,Digest of State Practice: 1 July - 31 December 2017,VABB-1,145,187,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452987,,"Van strijdkrachten, terroristen en het Belgisch strafrecht",VABB-1,1611,1621,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:452988,,EU human rights and democratization policies An introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452989,,The EU's post-Lisbon legal and institutional architecture on human rights and democracy,VABB-4,27,45,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452991,,Neutrality During Armed Conflicts: A Coherent Approach to Third-State Support for Warring Parties,VABB-1,15,43,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:452992,,"Between Aspirations and realities - Interparliamentary cooperation in the EU's Common Foreign, Security and Defence Policies",VABB-1,170,193,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452993,,International Law: a European Perspective,VABB-2,,,1038,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452994,,The policy-Making of Investment Treaties in Brazil: Policy Learning in the Context of Late Adoption,VABB-4,295,316,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:452995,,Een buitengewone rechtbank voor politieke misdrijven: de Krijgsraad van het Groot Hoofdkwartier van het Leger (1 januari 1919 - 30 september 1919),VABB-4,132,166,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:452997,,"Eheliches Güterrechts (§§ 1363 – 1557 BGB): IV. Konkretisierung, Systemverschiebung und Europäisierung. Zur Entwicklung des Ehegüterrechts seit 1900",VABB-4,791,825,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:452998,,Wissensordnungen im Wandel. Kirchliches Rechtswissen zwischen 1000 und 1215,VABB-2,,,642 p.,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:452999,,Indemnities in Diplomacy,VABB-4,889,902,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453000,,Der verarmte Schenker – ein unlösbares Problem im Schweizer Recht?,VABB-1,31,51,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:453001,,"Rosier, Bernard de (1400-1475)",VABB-4,1654,1658,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:453002,,Religious Freedom and Diplomacy,VABB-4,1597,1610,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453004,,The Unified Patent Court as Part of a New European Patent Landscape: Wholesale Harmonization or Experiment in Legal Pluralism?,VABB-1,97,117,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453005,,De ECB voor de rechter. Grondwettelijke en historische aspecten van Europees monetair beleid,VABB-2,,,153,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:453006,,Scandalum in the Early Bolognese Decretistic and in Papal Decretals (ca. 1140-1234),VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453008,,Disinheritance of Children for Lack of Parental Consent to the Marriage in the Ius Commune and Early Modern Scholastic Traditions,VABB-4,271,335,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453011,,"The Emerging Jurisprudence, the Second Lateran Council of 1139 and the Development of Canonical Impediments",VABB-4,140,158,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453014,,"Mittelalterliche Privatrechtsgeschichte, quo vadis?",VABB-1,190,221,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:453020,,Martín de Azpilcueta (Dr Navarrus),VABB-4,115,132,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453024,,"""Glued to the Tube"": The Interplay Between Self-Control, Evening Television Viewing, and Bedtime Procrastination",VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453025,,A Biopsychosocial Model for Understanding Media Internalization and Appearance Dissatisfaction among Preadolescent Boys and Girls,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453026,,Sexual Socialization,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453027,,Family Television Viewing and Its Alternatives: Associations with Closeness within and between Generations,VABB-1,673,691,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453029,,The Impact of Sports Magazine Consumption on Mesomorphic Body Standards and Self-sexualizing Behaviors: A Panel Study of Preadolescent Boys,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453030,,The problem with our attitude: A meta-theoretical analysis of attitudinal media effects research,VABB-1,38,54,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453035,,The Naked Truth: Mindfulness and the Purification of Religion,VABB-1,303,317,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453037,,Rational Enchantments. Conspiracy Theory Between Secular Skepticism and Spiritual Salvation,VABB-4,48,69,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453041,,"The Netherlands: Organizational Transformation, a Means to Do More with Less?",VABB-4,31,40,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453042,,"Het reconstrueren van frames in het nieuws, op redacties en in de hoofden van journalisten: Een voorstel van aanpak",VABB-1,74,88,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:453043,,Public service media in Western Europe today: Ten countries compared,VABB-4,93,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453046,,Spokespersons' Nonverbal Behavior in Times of Crisis: The Relative Importance of Visual and Vocal Cues,VABB-1,441,460,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453047,,"Women, ethnic minorities and newsworthiness: Journalists’ perceptions",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453048,,More news from the Euro front: How the press has been framing the Euro crisis in five EU countries,VABB-1,532,550,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453050,,"Comparative Media Policy, Regulation and Governance in Europe: Unpacking the Policy Cycle",VABB-3,,,255,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453052,,An experimental investigation of the effect of TV cooking show consumption on children's food choice behavior,VABB-1,402,408,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453053,,The development of political knowledge in adolescence: The importance of information-rich socialization contexts,VABB-1,7,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453054,,Teachers as Role Models in the Political Socialization Process: How a good Student-Teacher Relationship can Compensate for Gender Differences in Students’ Gender Equality Attitudes,VABB-1,105,125,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453055,,Beyond the distinction incumbent-opposition: Retrospective voting on the level of political parties,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453056,,Trust and Elections,VABB-4,617,631,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453057,,Trust and Minority Groups: The Challenge of Diversity,VABB-4,57,68,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453058,,Electoral infidelity: Why party members cast defecting votes,VABB-1,539,560,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453065,,"Can schools engage students? Multiple perspectives, multidimensional school climate research in England and Ireland",VABB-1,13,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453068,,Deliberation in Citizenship Education: How the School Context Contributes to the Development of an Open Classroom Climate,VABB-1,951,972,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453071,,The Foreign Policy of the European Union [Chinese translation + new chapter],VABB-2,,,408,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453072,,EU sports policy and environmental sustainability,VABB-4,393,402,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453074,,Playing a different game: the EU’s normative engagement in international sports governance,VABB-4,216,236,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453075,,Ex-militants and electoral violence in the Niger Delta,VABB-4,135,155,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453076,,When Reconciliation Becomes the R-Word: Dealing with the Past in Former Yugoslavia,VABB-4,179,198,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453078,,"European Union External Environmental Policy: Rules, Regulation and Governance Beyond Borders",VABB-3,,,"XVII, 368",eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453080,,Introduction: European Union External Environmental Policy,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453081,,Climate Change: Adapting to Evolving Internal and External Dynamics,VABB-4,105,124,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453082,,Chemicals: Pioneering Ambitions with External Effects,VABB-4,189,208,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453083,,"USA: Oscillating Between Cooperation, Conflict and Coexistence",VABB-4,297,315,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453084,,An effective sanctioning actor? Merging effectiveness and EU actorness criteria to explain evolutions in (in)effective coercion towards Iran,VABB-1,138,157,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453085,,Conclusions,VABB-4,337,358,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:453086,,Parliamentary Diplomacy and Legislative-Executive Relations in EU Foreign Policy: Studying the European Parliament’s Mediation of the Macedonian Political Crisis (2015-2017),VABB-1,1305,1322,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453087,,Servants or Rivals? Uncovering the Drivers and Logics of the European Parliament’s Diplomacy during the Ukrainian Crisis,VABB-4,306,322,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453088,,The study of violence and social unrest in Africa: a comparative analysis of three conflict event datasets,VABB-1,310,325,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453089,,Parliamentarisation as a two-way process: explaining prior parliamentary consultation for military interventions,VABB-1,674,696,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453090,,Harnessing the Market. Trading in Carbon Allowances,VABB-4,231,247,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453091,,Peut-on apprendre la paix à l'école? Une évaluation du cours de l'Education aux Droits de l'Homme et à la Citoyenneté en Côte d'Ivoire post-conflit,VABB-1,633,650,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:453092,,"Understanding Violent Conflict in Africa: Trends, Causes, and Prospects",VABB-4,344,355,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453093,,A Teacher is no Politician’: Stereotypic Attitudes of Secondary School Teachers in Kenya,VABB-1,270,280,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453094,,Operationalizing the Decentring Agenda: Analysing European foreign policy in a non-European and post-Western World,VABB-1,277,295,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453096,,De symbolische dimensie van de democratie: Lefort versus Arendt en Marx,VABB-1,16,23,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453102,,Party finance at the level of the European Union - Party finance reform to vitalize the EU’s protoparty system?,VABB-4,182,202,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453103,,Organizational socialization in public administration research: A systematic review and directions for future research,VABB-1,610,627,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453105,,"Political advisers and circles of trust in Greek ministerial cabinets: cardinals of the conclave, managers and the children of favouritism",VABB-4,91,109,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453106,,Determinants of Legislative Turnover in Western Europe 1945-2015,VABB-1,637,661,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:453110,,‘Don’t Know’ Responses to Survey Items on Trust in Police and Criminal Courts: A Word of Caution,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453112,,Trust in and by the public sector,VABB-4,469,482,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453113,,From Data to Knowledge – An Introduction,VABB-4,27,31,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453116,,"The Value of Geospatial Information, As we Look Forward – A Summing Up",VABB-4,317,322,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453117,,Het financieel gedrag van politieke partijen: Een verkennend onderzoek op basis van de Belgische case,VABB-1,5,28,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453119,,Qualitative and other social science-oriented methods to assess the importance of geospatial information: qualitative considerations and methods,VABB-4,219,232,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453121,,Een echtscheidingsverzekering : uitdagingen en perspectieven voor een nieuwe private of sociale verzekering,VABB-4,169,184,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453123,,Partners' Educational Pairings and Fertility Across Europe.,VABB-1,1195,1232,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453127,,"Reconstructing solidarity: Labour unions, precarious work, and the politics of institutional change in Europe",VABB-2,,,272,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453130,,Why There is Less Supportive Evidence for Contact Theory Than They Say There Is: A Quantitative Cultural-Sociological Critique,VABB-1,296,321,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453131,,Qualitative Research and Cochrane Reviews,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453132,,Religious Polarization: Contesting Religion in Secularized Western European Countries,VABB-1,209,227,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453136,,"The influence of task challenge on skill utilization, affective well-being, and intrapreneurship",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453137,,Factors that influence women's engagement with breastfeeding support: A qualitative evidence synthesis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453138,,"Explaining job insecurity for temporary agency workers: A comparison between Sweden and Belgium""",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453139,,"Labour markets, solidarity and precarious work: comparing local unions' responses to management flexibility strategies in the German and Belgian metalworking and chemical industries",VABB-4,104,123,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453141,,Comparing a variable-centered and person-centered approach to the structure of prejudice,VABB-1,645,655,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:453142,,Agent-Based Modeling,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453143,,Industrial relations in Italy in the 21st century,VABB-1,654,673,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453145,,The Importance of Relevance to Student Lives: The Impact of Content and Media in Introduction to Sociology,VABB-1,208,224,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453147,,How Do South American International Students Experience Student Life in Flanders? A Photo Elicitation Project,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453148,,Beyond the Research–Practice Gap: The Development of an Academic Collaborative Centre for Child and Family Social Work,VABB-1,1611,1626,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453150,,Modeling multiple-country repeated cross-sections: A societal growth curve model for studying the effect of the economic crisis on perceived ethnic threat,VABB-1,185,210,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453151,,Cross-Cultural Analysis. Methods and Applications,VABB-3,,,648,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453152,,"Mortality Clustering in the Family. Fast Life History Trajectories and the Intergenerational Transfer of Infant Death in Late 19th- and Early 20th-Century Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-1,47,68,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453153,,The distinctiveness of employment relations within multinationals: political games and social compromises within multinationals’ subsidiaries in Germany and Belgium,VABB-1,465,491,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453154,,Childcare policies and in-work poverty,VABB-4,261,276,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453157,,Seen through the patients’ eyes: quality of chronic illness care,VABB-1,446,451,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453158,,Examining Macroeconomic Determinants of Trust in Parliament: A Dynamic Multilevel Framework,VABB-1,142,153,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453160,,"Response Rates in the European Social Survey: Increasing, Decreasing, or a Matter of Fieldwork Efforts?",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453161,,Statistical Emulation,VABB-4,1,8,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:453162,,European integration as a threat to social security: Another source of Euroscepticism?,VABB-1,209,232,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453163,,From Dualization to Solidarity: Halting the Cycle of Precarity,VABB-4,1,41,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453164,,Een sensorische onderzoeksmethodologie : Implicaties en illustraties vanuit exploratief onderzoek in een Leuvens stadsdeel in ontwikkeling,VABB-1,23,47,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453167,,Agent-Based Computational Models of Reputation and Status Dynamics,VABB-4,230,248,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453169,,Religious Involvement: Its Relation to Values and Social Attitudes,VABB-4,181,214,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453170,,Perceived Economic Threat and Anti-Immigration Attitudes: Effects of Immigrant Group Size and Economic Conditions Revisited,VABB-4,283,314,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453171,,Explaining Cross-National Measurement Inequivalence: A Bayesian Multilevel CFA With Random Loadings,VABB-4,363,392,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453172,,Genomics and Insurance. The lock-in effects of a politics of genetic solidarity,VABB-4,203,2011,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453179,,The Reversal of the Gender Gap in Education and its Consequences for Family Life,VABB-1,341,360,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453180,,Pathways to Marital and Non-Marital First Birth: The Role of His and Her Education,VABB-1,143,179,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453181,,"Meeting (or not) at the street level? A literature review on street-level research in public management, social policy and social work",VABB-1,294,304,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453182,,Does the use of reconciliation policies enable single mothers to work? A comparative examination of European countries,VABB-4,239,261,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453184,,De verzorgingsstaatkritiek van de verliezers: de invloed van maatschappelijk onbehagen,VABB-1,225,252,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453185,,The Council of Trent and Vernacular Bible Reading: What Happened in the Build-Up to and during the Fourth Session?,VABB-4,101,130,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453188,,Apologetics Against the Devaluation of the Mosaic Law in Early Judaism? An Indication of An Anti-Hellenistic Stance in LXX-Proverbs and the Works of Philo of Alexandria,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453194,,Remembering Borders. Towards a Systematic Theology of Migration,VABB-4,79,108,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453195,,Unsilencing Hybridity. A Postcolonial Critique of Comparative Theology,VABB-4,21,35,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453202,,The Shepherd of Hermas and the Roman Empire,VABB-4,189,205,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453203,,"“Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All”: Understanding, Critique and Re-appropriation of the Biblical Social Value “Group Orientation” from a Feminist Perspective",VABB-4,108,122,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453204,,Le contre-discours coranique,VABB-2,,,345,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:453207,,Pesher as Commentary,VABB-4,92,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453211,,‘Thou shalt not kill’ in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Narrative and Halakah,VABB-4,125,141,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453216,,"Playing Hard to Get: The Elusive Woman in Song 4,4",VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453218,,"Josephus, Luke-Acts, and Politics in Rome and Judaea by 100 CE",VABB-4,427,454,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453220,,Genesis 1:26-27: Biblical Criticism and Christian Doctrine of Deification in Dialogue,VABB-4,233,252,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453221,,The Jerusalem Collection and Paul's Missionary Project: Collection and Mission in Romans 15.14-32,VABB-4,15,31,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453222,,Présence dans l'absence du corps: Construction de la présence et de l'absence de Paul en 2 Corinthiens dans la perspective des épîtres pauliniennes et du monde grec,VABB-4,357,371,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:453223,,Jews and Christians in the First and Second Centuries: The Interbellum 70-132 CE,VABB-3,,,548,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453224,,Proclaimed Message or Proclamation of the Message: A Critical Analysis of the Meaning of to euangelion in the Letters of Paul and in the Gospel of Mark,VABB-4,61,88,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453226,,"Nieuwe perspectieven op Koranonderzoek - Bronnen, methoden en vragen",VABB-5,270,293,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453232,,The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Apocrypha,VABB-3,,,xii-473,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453235,,"Dating, Split-Transmission Theory, and the Latin Reception of the Shepherd of Hermas",VABB-1,83,90,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453236,,Hermas in Latin: Notes on a Recent Edition,VABB-1,151,157,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453238,,The Passion Narrative in the Gospel of John: A Hotbed of Docetism?,VABB-4,113,124,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453239,,Docetism in the Early Church: The Quest for an Elusive Phenomenon,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453240,,Sociolinguistics and the Misleading Use of the Concept of Anti-Language for Qumran Hebrew,VABB-4,195,206,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453243,,Naar een missionaire Kerk - het decreet Ad gentes tegen de achtergrond van de constitutie Lumen gentium,VABB-1,379,402,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453245,,Metamorphosis or Mutation? Jean-Luc Nancy and the Deconstruction of Christianity,VABB-4,396,407,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453246,,Between Faith and Belief: Toward A Contemporary Phenomenology of Religious Life,VABB-2,,,398,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453247,,Anarchism and Phenomenology,VABB-4,484,504,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453248,,"THINKING DESPITE EVERYTHING? ON UNKNOWING GOD, AND THE COMMON CONCERNS OF PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY",VABB-1,666,675,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:453249,,Llull and Interfaith Dialogue,VABB-4,146,175,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453250,,"Doctrines as 'Narrative-Linguistic Icons': Newman, the Creed, and the Liturgy",VABB-1,20,40,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453251,,The concept of Aufhebung in the thought of Merold Westphal,VABB-1,49,68,,ger,2015,2 c:vabb:453252,,Public opposition to ecclesial involvement in secular politics: Schillebeeckx's grace-optimism as response to public theology and Radical Orthodoxy,VABB-4,26,42,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453253,,Christendom en kapitalismekritiek: Denken in de marge,VABB-1,193,202,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453255,,"Kenosis, Unity, and Kingdom: Christology and Ecclesial Renewal at Vatican II",VABB-4,247,266,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453256,,"Sharing in the threefold office of Christ, a different matter for laity and priests? The tria munera in Lumen Gentium, Presbyterorum Ordinis, Apostolicam Actuositatem and Ad Gentes",VABB-4,155,179,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453257,,Richard Whately,VABB-4,196,216,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453258,,Individual versus Collective Rights: The Theological Foundation of Human Rights. An Eastern Orthodox View,VABB-4,273,296,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453259,,Theology and Literature: The Case of Nicolae Steinhardt,VABB-1,79,123,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:453260,,Metaphysical Theology in Hermeneutical Times? Lessons from Edward Schillebeeckx,VABB-4,95,112,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453261,,Mediated Immediacy. Karl Rahner and Edward Schillebeeckx on the Pre-Reflective Element of Experience,VABB-4,154,172,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453262,,Eschatology and Theology of Hope: The Impact of Gaudium et Spes on the Thought of Edward Schillebeeckx,VABB-1,273,285,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453263,,Different Orthodox Perspectives on the Ecclesiological Ramifications of the Filioque: Trinitarian Ecclesiology and Eucharistic Ecclesiology,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453266,,Compromised Correlation: Experience in Paul Tillich’s Concept of Correlation,VABB-4,41,52,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453267,,Introduction: Rethinking Theologie of Interreligious Dialogue,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453271,,Listening in the Night: Jean-Louis Chrétien’s Critique of Martin Heidegger,VABB-1,19,37,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453274,,"Institutions as dispositions: Searle, Smith and the metaphysics of blind chess",VABB-1,254,272,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453275,,'Open Sobornicity' and 'Receptive Ecumenism': Fruitful Models of Ecumenical Interaction,VABB-4,241,251,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453276,,Economic Theological Anthropology and Metaphysics of Money: The Challenge of Optimism for Active Christian Hope,VABB-4,137,150,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453277,,Migration as a Sign of the Times. Towards a Theology of Migration,VABB-3,,,197,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453278,,Hermeneutics of Dogma in the Roman Catholic Tradition,VABB-4,165,175,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453280,,"Christ, the Stranger. The Theological Relevance of Migration",VABB-4,224,242,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453283,,Revisiting the Agenda of the Orthodox Neo-Patristic Movement,VABB-1,99,117,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453287,,"The Commemoration of the Reformation as the Starting Point for a Joint Declaration on Church, Eucharist and Ministry?",VABB-1,32,50,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453289,,A Theological Perspective on the Conference,VABB-4,227,235,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453290,,The Letter and the Spirit: On the Forgotten Documents of Vatican II,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453291,,Dumitru Stăniloae's Theology of the World: Reflections on the Margins of the Relationship between Humankind and Creation,VABB-1,189,209,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453292,,"""Perceiving the Divine: Alexander Schmemann and the Sacramental Affordances of the Liturgy""",VABB-1,519,543,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453295,,"""""Aroused and sustained by the Holy Spirit""? A Plea for a Pneumatological Reconsideration of Sensus Fidei on the Basis of Lumen Gentium 12",VABB-1,271,292,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453302,,The phenomenon of premarital cohabitation in Poland and its meaning: a presentation of recent qualitative empirical research,VABB-4,51,69,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453303,,Empowered to Hope: The Impact of Social Entrepreneurship on Social Exclusion,VABB-4,169,184,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453305,,"The Church Fathers and the Fall of Judas: Grace, Predestination and Free Will among Early Modern Catholic Biblical Commentaries",VABB-1,185,203,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453306,,Cyprian in Augustine: from Criticized Predecessor to Uncontested Authority,VABB-4,33,66,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453307,,"Mgr. E.J. De Smedt, bisschop van Brugge, en de ""Splitsing"" van de Katholieke Universiteit van Leuven. Zijn verklaring te Kortrijk op 2 februari 1968 revisited",VABB-1,23,50,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453308,,"Mystical experiences and mystical theology in Augustine of Hippo? A reconsideration of the sources (conf. 9, an. quant. 33, doctr. chr. 2)",VABB-1,36,59,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453309,,Las traducciones de la Biblia al castellano y la Reforma. Una empresa transfronteriza,VABB-4,93,108,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:453310,,‘Cum tremore se exsultare.’ Polemics and Mystagogy in Augustine’s Writings to the So-called Semi-Pelagians,VABB-4,169,182,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453312,,"The Council of Trent: Reform and Controversy in Europe and Beyond (1545-1700), vol. 1: Between Trent, Rome and Wittenberg",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453314,,Trent and the Latin Vulgate: A Louvain Project?,VABB-4,131,174,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453319,,Vernacular Bible Reading in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. The “Catholic” Position Revisited,VABB-1,23,56,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453323,,"A Great Deal of Controversy? A Case Study of Dondeyne, Grégoire, and Moeller Integrating Phenomenology and Existentialism in Louvain Neo-Thomism",VABB-4,131,158,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453326,,The Early Modern Bible between Material Book and Immaterial Word,VABB-4,129,143,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453328,,"The Council of Trent: Reform and Controversy in Europe and Beyond (1545-1700), vol. 2: Between Bishops and Princes",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453329,,"The Council of Trent: Reform and Controversy in Europe and Beyond (1545-1700), vol. 3: Between Artists and Adventurers",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453331,,Homiletic Perspectives on Augustine’s Sacrificial Theology. Exegetical Approaches of Sacrificium in the Sermones ad Populum,VABB-1,143,162,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453332,,"Francis Lucas of Bruges’ Gospels Commentaries and the Controversy on Predestination, Grace and Free Will",VABB-1,189,215,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453333,,The Father-Son Relationship in the Eighth Sibylline Oracle,VABB-1,97,105,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453334,,Unveiling Christ in the Islamicate World: Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s Prophetology as a Model for Christian Apologetics in Gregory Bar ʿEbrōyō’s Treatise on the Incarnation,VABB-1,187,216,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453338,,De verdwenen kerk van Zelem,VABB-1,4,15,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453339,,Genade als literair motief in de Confessiones,VABB-1,1,15,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453341,,"' Ökumene von Unten’: Augustin Bea di fronte alle attività del movimento ,Una Sancta’",VABB-1,541,611,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:453342,,La genesi di un ecumenista: la corrispondenza tra Augustin Bea e il vescovo di Paderborn Lorenz Jaeger (1951-1960),VABB-5,159,191,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453343,,Pleasure in Medieval Christian Mystical Literature: The Analysis of John of Ruusbroec (1293-1381) and Hadewijch (Thirteenth Century),VABB-4,353,378,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453348,,Joys and Hopes of Louvain Theologians. The Genesis of Louvain Christian Anthropologies and their Diverse Reception in “Gaudium et Spes” (1942-1965),VABB-1,139,146,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453349,,Marius Mercator and the Augustinian concept of carnal concupiscence,VABB-1,165,180,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:453350,,Theosis/Deification: Christian Doctrines of Divinization East and West,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453352,,Introduction,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453353,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453354,,450 years later. Leuven’s Contribution to the Ongoing Historiography on the Council of Trent,VABB-4,7,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453355,,"Robrecht van Croÿ, bisschop van Kamerijk (1519-1556), tussen adellijke traditie, Leuvense theologie en tridentijnse kerkhervorming",VABB-1,27,56,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453356,,Religious Literacy and the Role of Sermons in Late-Antique Christianity,VABB-4,3,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453357,,De dominicaanse missie in Congo. Van kolonisatie naar afrikanisering,VABB-1,22,43,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453361,,"Buyse (Marcel Roger), OFMCAP, 1892-1974",VABB-4,966,970,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453365,,Trent and the Production of Liturgical Books in its Aftermath,VABB-4,175,189,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453367,,Auschwitz and Hiroshima as challenges to a belief in the afterlife: a catholic perspective,VABB-4,141,155,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453374,,Klosterkultur zwischen Struktur und Antistruktur. Liturgische Lebensform aus Sicht der monastischen Studien,VABB-1,18,40,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:453384,,Een relationeel ethisch model voor het evalueren van beslissingsbekwaamheid in de psychiatrie,VABB-1,29,36,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453392,,"“Flowing from the Wild Sea and Back to the Sea"": Water Metaphors and Mystical Union in the Late Medieval Low Countries",VABB-1,169,191,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453393,,Finance is an Extractive Sector: Interview with Saskia Sassen,VABB-4,113,133,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453394,,Neoliberalism and the Right to be Lazy: Inactivity as Resistance in Lazzarato and Agamben,VABB-1,256,274,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453395,,Sporen van en naar filosofie en filosoferen in het Vlaamse secundair onderwijs,VABB-1,113,137,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453396,,Knowledge First Virtue Epistemology (forthcoming),VABB-4,223,245,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453397,,Well-Founded Belief and Perceptual Justification (forthcoming),VABB-1,367,377,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453398,,Assertion: A Function First Account,VABB-1,411,442,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453399,,Knowledge and Attributability,VABB-1,329,350,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:453400,,Infinitesimal probabilities (epub ahead of print),VABB-1,509,552,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453402,,An Explanatory Challenge for Epistemological Disjunctivism (epub ahead of print),VABB-1,141,153,-,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453404,,Categorical Norms and Convention-Relativism About Epistemic Discourse (forthcoming),VABB-1,85,99,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:453405,,What is animal culture?,VABB-4,345,353,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453406,,Trait bin and trait cluster accounts of human nature,VABB-4,40,57,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453407,,Hoops and Barns: a New Dilemma for Sosa,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453411,,"Introspection, Mindreading, and the Transparency of Belief",VABB-1,1086,1102,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453416,,Louis XIV and the metaphysics of a juridical christology,VABB-1,289,305,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453418,,How to do digital philosophy of science,VABB-1,930,941,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453419,,Die Wiederherstellung von Pluto. Theatralität in alchemistischen Praktiken der Frühen Neuzeit (forthcoming),VABB-4,112,153,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:453420,,Kant’s Account of Sensible Concepts in the Inaugural Dissertation and the Critique of Pure Reason,VABB-4,1015,1022,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453421,,The Rational Content of Hegelian Patriotism (forthcoming),VABB-1,335,340,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453422,,The Hierarchy Among the Symbolic Forms: Cassirer’s Enlightened View of Human Culture (forthcoming),VABB-1,119,139,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453423,,Re-Telling Faith. A Contemporary Philosophical Redraft of Christianity as Hermeneutics,VABB-1,30,46,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453424,,Ours and Not Ours: Private and Commom Goods in Augustine's Anthropology of Desire (forthcoming),VABB-4,35,48,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453425,,The Promise of Love Perfected: Eros and Kenosis in To the Wonder,VABB-4,232,250,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453426,,Liebe als Prinzip sozialer Einheit: Bedingungen für ihren Status als Tugend bei Aristoteles und Thomas von Aquin,VABB-4,147,168,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:453427,,The Kantian Foundation of Schopenhauer's Pessimism,VABB-2,,,242,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453428,,The Imagination in Kant’s Critique of Wolff and Baumgarten,VABB-4,3235,3241,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:453429,,Liebe als Affekt und Tugend. Reflexionen über eine komplexe Denkfigur bei Thomas von Aquin,VABB-4,129,146,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:453430,,Mood against Reason? From Hegel via Kierkegaard to Heidegger,VABB-1,186,191,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453431,,"Wo bist du, Nachdenkliches! Sobriety and Poetic Determinability in Hölderlin and Walser",VABB-4,221,234,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453432,,"La notion de 'système' chez Wolff, Lambert et Kant",VABB-1,105,126,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:453433,,Antinomien der Kant-Forschung,VABB-4,53,56,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:453434,,Hegel’s Non-Revolutionary Account of the French Revolution in the Phenomenology of Spirit,VABB-1,453,466,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453435,,"A Ground Completely Overgrown: Heidegger, Kant, and the Problem of Metaphysics",VABB-1,358,377,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453436,,Staking out the Terrain of Pure Reason: Kant’s Critique of Wolffian Metaphysics in Dreams of a Spirit-Seer,VABB-1,3,24,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453437,,Kants radicale begrip van objectiviteit. Een reactie op Schultings Kant's Radical Subjectivism,VABB-1,331,339,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:453439,,A hermeneutic framework for responsible technical interventions in low-income households – mobile phones for improved managed health care as test case,VABB-1,171,185,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453440,,Becoming Rhythm: Rhythm in the work of Gaston Bachelard and Henri Bergson,VABB-1,85,102,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453442,,The material literary form of Kant's Opus postumum,VABB-1,65,87,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:453443,,"Modes of cognition, proto-transcendentalism and force in Kant’s Living Forces",VABB-4,875,884,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453444,,Wittgenstein en ethiek,VABB-1,10,14,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453446,,Competence in Compensating for Incompetence. Odo Marquard on Philosophy,VABB-1,50,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453447,,Deliberation and justice,VABB-4,132,143,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453448,,The theocratic Leviathan: Hobbes’s arguments for the identity of church and state,VABB-4,10,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453449,,Grotius and the early modern tradition,VABB-4,33,56,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453450,,The Hermeneutics of Society. On the State in Lefort's Political Theory,VABB-1,242,255,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453451,,Two ways of theorizing collective ownership of the Earth,VABB-4,187,213,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453452,,"Equal Recognition, Minority Rights and Liberal Democracy. Alan Patten and His Critics",VABB-3,,,144,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453453,,"Normative political theory, democratic politics and minority rights",VABB-4,101,113,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453454,,Constitutional Precedence and the Genesis of the Belgian Constitution of 1831,VABB-4,211,256,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453455,,"Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité ou la Mort. The Iconography of Injustice in the Work of Pierre Goetsbloets",VABB-4,273,295,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453457,,De romantiek en het einde van de natuur: de natuur als prefiguratie van de vrijheid,VABB-1,44,58,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453458,,"Pre-Revolutionary Provinces in a Post-Napoleonic State. Piecing Together the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, 1813-1815",VABB-1,98,121,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453459,,Normative Arguments for a European Social Union,VABB-4,187,212,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453461,,L'état des lieux de la philosophie politique (1re partie),VABB-1,89,123,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:453462,,Federal Commons,VABB-4,37,56,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453463,,Linguistic justice and English as a Lingua Franca,VABB-4,167,199,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453464,,Among Lovers. Love and Personhood in Hannah Arendt,VABB-1,99,124,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453466,,How Neutral is being Neutral? A Re-Thinking of the Concept of Neutrality as a Practice of Contestation,VABB-1,31,60,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453468,,Filelfo's Plato: Always Already There,VABB-4,45,64,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453471,,Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Views on Mathematical Imagination,VABB-4,208,226,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453474,,William Ockham on the Mental Ontology of Scientific Knowledge,VABB-4,285,299,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453475,,William Ockham on Knowledge,VABB-4,145,165,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453476,,Augustine’s Plato,VABB-4,448,469,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453477,,Physician versus Physician: Comparing the Audience of 'On the Constitution of Man' by Meletios and 'Epitome on the Nature of Men' by Leo the Physician,VABB-4,153,179,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453478,,‘Ché se potuto aveste veder tutto / mestier non era parturir Maria’. Dante on the decalogue as a means to salvation (forthcoming),VABB-4,30,48,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453479,,Proclus in the Renaissance,VABB-4,1,5,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:453480,,Compter les causes avec Proclus,VABB-4,225,247,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:453481,,Aristotle and John Buridan on the Individuation of Causal Powers,VABB-1,189,222,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453483,,"Death, Body, and Soul in Porphyry of Tyre",VABB-1,409,420,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453484,,L'harmonie des Sirènes du pythagorisme ancien à Platon,VABB-2,,,262,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:453487,,An Inventory of Medieval Commentaries on pseudo-Aristotle’s Physiognomonica,VABB-1,215,246,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453488,,Proclus,VABB-4,129,150,,lat,2018,2 c:vabb:453489,,The Metaphysics of the 'Divided Line' in Proclus. A Sample of Pythagorean Theology,VABB-1,575,599,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453493,,Reductio ad auctoritatem. The Medieval Reception of Pseudo-Aristotle's Epistola ad Alexandrum,VABB-1,245,283,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453495,,Does Aristotle reject Plato’s account of relatives in Categories 7?,VABB-4,120,138,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453496,,John Duns Scotus versus Thomas Aquinas on Action-Passion Identity (forthcoming),VABB-1,1027,1044,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453497,,The Philosophical Background of Medieval Magic and Alchemy,VABB-1,79,98,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453498,,Compatibility between Philosophy and Magic in the Work of Albertus Magnus,VABB-1,171,180,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453499,,"We Are, Therefore I Am - I Am, Therefore We Are: The Third in Sartre’s Social Ontology",VABB-4,47,63,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453500,,Husserl and Phenomenological Ethics,VABB-4,562,576,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453501,,"Aristotelian Echoes in Husserl’s Ethics: Character, Decision, and Philosophy as the Highest Good",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453503,,Being My-Self? Montaigne on Difference and Identity,VABB-4,89,104,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453509,,The Dark Truth of Love: A Freudian Phenomenology of Hatred,VABB-1,365,387,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453510,,"Imagination De-Naturalized: Phantasy, the Imaginary, and Imaginative Ontology",VABB-4,676,695,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453511,,"Shared Imagining. Beyond Extension, Distribution, and Commitment",VABB-4,247,263,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453516,,Kannitverstan,VABB-4,121,134,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:453517,,"Spinoza on the Role of Feelings, Imagination and Knowledge in Sex, Love, and Social Life",VABB-4,139,154,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453518,,Beyond the Dichotomy of “Social Direct Perception” and “Simulation Theory”: Scheler's Account of Social Cognition Revisited,VABB-4,265,283,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453519,,Anxiety between dialectics and phenomenology,VABB-4,13,32,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453520,,Depression in der unternehmerischen Gesellschaft,VABB-4,80,114,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:453521,,Das überforderte Subjekt. Zeitdiagnosen einer beschleunigten Gesellschaft,VABB-3,,,403,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:453524,,Tornare dove non si era mai stati,VABB-1,1,13,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:453525,,Creative metaphors: an essay on Bergson’s style,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453526,,The Normative Body and the Embodiment of Norms. Bridging the Gap Between Phenomenological and Foucauldian Approaches,VABB-1,323,337,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453527,,The Normal Body: Female Bodies in Changing Contexts of Normalization and Optimization,VABB-4,37,55,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453530,,El impostor como parodia del absoluto,VABB-1,79,91,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:453532,,Perceptions of the EU’s Power in the Eastern Partnership Region: the Case of Armenia,VABB-1,61,78,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453534,,Нормативная роль ЕС в Армении: факторы восприятия (Normative role of the EU in Armenia: factors of perception),VABB-1,110,121,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:453536,,European Reconfigurations of Transnational Activism: Solidarity and Human Rights Campaigns on behalf of Chile during the 1970s and 1980s,VABB-1,413,448,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453537,,Europa als dritte Welt. Europäische Perspektiven auf globalen Aktivismus während des Kalten Krieges,VABB-4,235,262,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:453542,,Geen Doel in Zichzelf : Onderzoeksdatamanagement Aan Vlaamse Universiteiten,VABB-1,47,51,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:453544,,Zit je te denken of ben je aan het piekeren? Persistentie in het synchrone gebruik van de PREP- en POS-progressiefconstructies in het Nederlands,VABB-1,5,36,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453556,,Vrijwaring voor verborgen gebreken bij koop: mag het wat meer zijn dan artikel 1644 BW?,VABB-1,144,153,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453559,,Mediating Flemish folk songs across cultural borders during the 19th century: From patrimonial monuments to musical propaganda,VABB-4,235,262,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453560,,Een vreemde eend in de bijt? Het Liber anniversarium als parochiale agenda voor de Onze-Lieve-Vrouwkerk te Brugge in de late middeleeuwen,VABB-1,299,325,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:453561,,Counterfactual history,VABB-4,277,282,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453564,,A History of Modern Translation Knowledge,VABB-3,,,470,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453565,,General Introduction,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453568,,Transfer Modes,VABB-4,135,142,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:453572,,Translation and space. A historical viewpoint and a case study,VABB-4,197,212,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453573,,Stadsgeschiedenis in buitenlandse historische tijdschriften (2016),VABB-1,170,196,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453574,,Foreign Merchants and the Parish: Local Commemoration as a Part of the Integration Process in Late Medieval Bruges?,VABB-1,145,176,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453575,,Self-Maintaining Embryonic Gut Macrophages Are Essential for Intestinal Homeostasis,VABB-1,400,415,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453577,,"Sexual Violence as a Core International Crime, the Restorative Paradigm, and the Possibilities of a ‘Juster’ Response",VABB-4,501,536,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453579,,"Garland, David",VABB-4,325,329,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453580,,Innovatie binnen Justitie: Professionals en ketenpartners aan het woord,VABB-1,50,59,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:453581,,"Criminology in Belgium: Crossing borders, reaching out globally",VABB-4,334,344,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453582,,"Cohen, Stanley (1942 - 2013)",VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453584,,Writing History through Criminal Law: State Sponsored Mempry in Rwanda,VABB-4,69,85,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453585,,The ICC as a transitional justice actor. New space for victims?,VABB-1,239,276,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453586,,"The International Criminal Court Reparation System: Punishment, Retaliation, Restoration",VABB-4,131,166,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453588,,Ethics and policing,VABB-4,1887,1892,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453589,,Restoring justice and security in intercultural Europe,VABB-2,,,272,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453590,,Rethinking Post-Truth commissions: Empowering Local Capacities to Shape the Post-truth commission discourse,VABB-1,71,82,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453591,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,61,64,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453593,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,152,155,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453594,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,336,339,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453595,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,522,527,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453596,,Harm: A Substitute for Crime or Central to It?,VABB-4,57,84,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453597,,Normalisering: een complex proces met subjectief karakter. Theoretisch kader voor de interpretatie en implementatie van het normaliseringsbeginsel,VABB-1,179,193,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:453598,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,340,346,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453599,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,228,233,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453600,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,528,536,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453601,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,156,160,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453602,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,65,72,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453607,,Overmacht in strafzaken (art. 71 Sw.): de voorwaarden geschetst,VABB-1,786,789,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:453620,,Privatising punishment in Europe: an agenda for research and policy,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453621,,Privatising punishment in Europe?,VABB-3,,,192,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453622,,Privatisation of punishment in Belgium,VABB-4,65,83,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453623,,Tracing the Impact of the Council of Europe Anti-torture Committee on Albania’s Prison System,VABB-4,103,133,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453624,,Public Perceptions of the Seriousness of Crime: Weighing the Harm and the Wrong,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453625,,The Impact of Cybercrime on Businesses: A New Conceptual Framework and Its Application to Belgium,VABB-1,397,420,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453627,,Looking at the European policy level. The place of restorative justice in intercultural environments,VABB-4,199,2018,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453628,,Action research in criminal justice,VABB-3,,,209,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453629,,Introduction: ALTERNATIVE understandings of justice and security through restorative justice approaches,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453630,,Conclusion: action research through restorative justice,VABB-4,193,203,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453631,,"Zal het morgen anders zijn? Koeien, hoorndragers en gevangenissen in (en na) het zevende periodiek bezoekrapport van het CPT",VABB-1,69,81,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453632,,De detentie en verwijdering van vreemdelingen door de ogen van het CPT,VABB-4,197,212,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453633,,Europa waakt: vrijheidsbeneming onder toezicht van het Europese antifoltercomité,VABB-3,,,242,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453634,,Een kwarteeuw Europees toezicht op vrijheidsbeneming in België,VABB-4,1,6,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453635,,Balancing Justice and Welfare Needs in Family Group Conferences for Children with Harmful Sexual Behavior: The HSB-FGC Framework,VABB-1,490,509,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453636,,Belgische gevangenissen onder toezicht van het CPT,VABB-4,77,111,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453637,,Introduction: doing restorative justice in intercultural contexts,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453638,,Action research in intercultural settings and restorative justice: setting the scene,VABB-4,10,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453640,,Family Group Conferences and harmful sexual behaviour,VABB-4,155,168,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453642,,The value of the ideal of democracy in global governance,VABB-4,37,62,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453644,,Democratic accountability and EU diplomacy: the EEAS and the role of the European Parliament,VABB-4,140,156,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453645,,National appropriation of outer space: the right to exploit and consume natural resources of celestial bodies,VABB-1,1,55,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453646,,Les Parlements des Etats Membres face au(x) défi(s) européene(s),VABB-3,,,240 p.,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:453647,,The development and promotion of global business and human rights norms: how far is the EU prepared to go?,VABB-4,159,178,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453649,,"Children’s Well-Being, Agency and Participatory Rights: A Capability Approach to Education",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453650,,Non-verbals in dialogue interpreter education : Improving student interpreters’ visual literacy and raising awareness of its impact on interpreting performance,VABB-4,260,273,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453656,,Association between oral health and general health indicators in older adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453657,,New Feet for 5 Years a Minute:,VABB-4,126,135,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453658,,"De sociale hulpverlening aan gedetineerden, de juridische eerstelijnsbijstand en de justitiehuizen",VABB-4,451,464,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:453660,,Wage Inequality and Cognitive Skills: Re-Opening the Debate,VABB-4,251,286,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453664,,Validation of the Quality of Relationships Inventory in a Peruvian Sample of Adolescents: Associations to Peer Attachment,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453665,,A randomized controlled study of a cognitive behavioral planning intervention for students with ADHD: an effectiveness study in student counseling services in Flanders,VABB-1,849,862,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453667,,Levels of depression in transgender people and its predictors: Results of a large matched control study with gransgender people accessing clinical services,VABB-1,308,315,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453668,,Educational transformation and the force of film: Viewing Michael Haneke’s The Seventh Continent,VABB-1,218,226,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453669,,The Right to the City. The Struggle for Survival of Cova da Moura,VABB-1,193,210,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453670,,Education in a digital age. How old and new technologies shape our subjectivities,VABB-1,57,61,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453671,,"Past, present, and future possibilities for philosophy and history of education. Finding space and time for research",VABB-2,,,140,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453674,,Education and the Love for the World: Articulating a post-critical educational philosophy,VABB-1,7,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453675,,Deaf-blindness and the institutionalization of special education in 19th century Europe,VABB-4,265,280,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453682,,"Radicale breuk, continuiteit of geleidelijke evolutie? Naar een geschiedenis van het Belgisch/Vlaamse staatstoezicht van het onderwijs 1850-2009",VABB-1,111,121,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453683,,¿Por qué necesitamos de ciencias pedagógicas (como ciencias del diseño)? Unas breves notas,VABB-1,111,120,,spa,2015,2 c:vabb:453684,,Social Capital and Mathematics Achievement of Fourth and Fifth Grade Children in Segregated Primary Schools,VABB-1,209,229,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453686,,"Childrearing, parenting, upbringing: philosophy of education and the experience of raising a child",VABB-4,995,1012,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453687,,Tunnel vision,VABB-4,91,94,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:453693,,The power of interactive whiteboards for secondary mathematics teaching: Two case studies,VABB-1,50,78,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453694,,Metacognitive pedagogies in mathematics classrooms. From Kindergarten to college and beyond,VABB-4,109,123,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453695,,An Instrumentalized Framework for Supporting Learners’ Self-regulation in Blended Learning Environments,VABB-4,1,38,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453696,,Effectiveness of the Building Blocks Program for enhancing Ecuadorian kindergartners' numerical competencies,VABB-1,231,241,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453697,,Open word problems: taking the additive or the multiplicative road?,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453704,,Mind the gap! The impact of professional learning communities focused on the primary-secondary school transition,VABB-5,418,434,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453706,,Regulating Shale Gas: the challenge of coherent Environmental and Energy Regulation,VABB-2,,,300,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453712,,The CCS Directive: Did it Stifle the Technology in Europe?,VABB-4,43,58,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453714,,Over de verhouding tussen het verbintenissenrecht en het faillissementsrecht. Het lot van beschikkingsbeperkingen bij faillissement van de wederpartij in een contract (noot onder Kh. Gent (afd. Dendermonde) 20 februari 2017),VABB-1,1229,1232,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453716,,Digital Inheritance in Belgium,VABB-1,37,41,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453718,,The reciprocal relationship between job insecurity and depressive symptoms: A latent transition analysis,VABB-1,1197,1218,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:453721,,Intentions to participate in training among older unemployed people: A serial mediator model,VABB-1,268,284,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453724,,Improving social dialogue: What employers expect from employee representatives,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:453725,,Employee Representatives in Spain. Which are the Perceptions and Expectations by Employers?,VABB-4,147,162,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453740,,Economics trumps politics. De valkuil van democratische besluitvorming bij vennootschappen en insolventieprocedures,VABB-1,1243,1258,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453743,,The Vanguard Messiah. Lettrism between Jewish Mysticism and the Avant-Garde,VABB-2,,,208,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453745,,Minority Report: The Myth of Equality in Digital Humanities,VABB-4,320,343,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453746,,Between original and translation: Transcultural fiction and pseudotranslation in the eighteenth century,VABB-4,89,103,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453752,,Lauro Quirini and his Greek manuscripts: Some notes on his culture,VABB-4,33,46,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453753,,Cognitive and geographic constraints on morphosyntactic variation: The variable agreement of presentational haber in Peninsular Spanish,VABB-1,30,55,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453754,,Two interventions aiming at the development of professional knowledge to teach French in primary education,VABB-1,441,458,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:453755,,Seven chances to strengthen study programmes on educational sciences,VABB-1,496,504,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:453756,,Curvilinear dependency of response accuracy on response time in cognitive tests,VABB-1,16,23,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453757,,Restorative justice: Doing justice and security?,VABB-4,58,74,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453758,,Introduction: education and fertility in low-fertility settings,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453759,,What do men want? The growing importance of men's characteristics for fertility,VABB-1,41,47,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453761,,Educational Sciences: A Crossroad for Dialogue among Disciplines,VABB-5,262,271,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453763,,In gratia recipimus. De Leuvense theoloog Nicolaas Coppin (ca.1476-1535) en de inquisitie in de Nederlanden,VABB-2,,,358 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453765,,Invisible Presence: The Nuns' Choir at Santa Maria di Monteluce in Perugia,VABB-1,107,117,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453766,,Promoting the Catholic Cause on the Italian peninsula: printed avvisi on the Dutch Revolt and the French Wars of Religion (1562-1600),VABB-4,675,694,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453767,,‘Translated and Often Printed in Most Languages of Europe’: Movement and Translations of Italian Histories on the Dutch Revolt across Europe,VABB-4,124,146,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:453769,,‘Cosas perniciosas y de mala doctrina’. El fallido proceso por herejía contra Fadrique Furió Ceriol en la Universidad de Lovaina (1556-1560),VABB-4,111,125,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:453770,,Loud voices. Emotions in the Reformation,VABB-4,33,53,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:453776,,Stedelijke overstromingen en overheidsinterventie. De casus van het vroegmoderne Namen,VABB-1,26,41,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:453781,,The repeat rate: from Hirschman to Stirling,VABB-1,645,653,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453785,,Introduction to the round table discussion,VABB-5,475,480,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453789,,The institutionalization of Habsburg-Dutch border controls during the Eighty Years War,VABB-1,55,76,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453790,,From the Interim of Augsburg until the Treaty of Augsburg (1548-1555),VABB-4,549,564,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453791,,The Council of Trent and the Preconditions of the Dutch Revolt (1563-1566),VABB-4,255,278,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453792,,Charles V,VABB-4,232,239,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:453798,,Van ambachten tot corporatisme in de Brabantse steden (middeleeuwen – 20ste eeuw) – Ter inleiding,VABB-1,12,21,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453799,,"Filips Willem. Prins van Oranje, heer van Diest.1554-1618",VABB-3,,,196,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453802,,"Personality profiles in substance use disorders: Do they differ in clinical symptomatology, personality disorders and coping?",VABB-1,61,66,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453803,,The political economy of regulations and trade: Wine trade 1860-1970,VABB-1,1567,1595,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453805,,Hayek's trap and the European utopia we need,VABB-4,213,223,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453806,,Fear extinction in the human brain: A meta-analysis of fMRI studies in healthy participants,VABB-1,16,25,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453807,,The augment as a construct form marker in Eton relative clause constructions,VABB-4,47,66,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453808,,The role of baseline granularity for benchmarking citation impact. The case of CSS profiles,VABB-1,521,536,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453809,,Which differences can be expected when two universities in the Leiden Ranking are compared? Some benchmarks for institutional research evaluations,VABB-1,1101,1105,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453810,,Scientometric research assessment in the developing world: A tribute to Michael J. Moravcsik from the perspective of the twenty-first century,VABB-1,1517,1532,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453812,,[Is there protection against copying? Thoughts about plagiarism].,VABB-1,2052,2053,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:453815,,Metabolic Features of Multiple Myeloma,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453817,,Tackling the chronic disease burden: are there co-benefits from climate policy measures?,VABB-1,1259,1283,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453821,,China's rise in Africa and the response of the EU: a theoretical analysis of the EU-China-Africa trilateral cooperation policy initiative,VABB-1,443,460,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453822,,Systemic risk in the global water input-output network,VABB-1,28,52,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453823,,Consistency and trends of technological innovations: A network approach to the international patent classification data,VABB-5,744,756,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453824,,Systemic risk and banking regulation: Some facts on the new regulatory framework,VABB-1,52,63,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:453825,,Integrating police-recorded crime data and DNA data to study serial co-offending behaviour,VABB-1,632,651,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453827,,Problem Space Matters: Evaluation of a German Enrichment Program for Gifted Children,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453828,,A Magnetic Chameleon: Biocompatible Lanthanide Fluoride Nanoparticles with Magnetic Field Dependent Tunable Contrast Properties as a Versatile Contrast Agent for Low to Ultrahigh Field MRI and Optical Imaging in Biological Window,VABB-1,7388,7397,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453829,,An interpretation of the preface to Medical Puzzles and Natural Problems 1 by Pseudo- Alexander of Aphrodisias in light of medical education,VABB-4,94,109,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453830,,Homogeneous National Management Policies or Autonomous Choices by Administrative Units ? Inter- and Intra-Country Management Tools Use Variations in European Central Government Administration,VABB-1,497,518,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453833,,Why Universities Better Invest in the Humanities,VABB-1,395,405,,ger,2018,1 c:vabb:453834,,"Income elasticities for food, calories and nutrients across Africa: A meta-analysis",VABB-1,116,132,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453835,,"A Multitude of Neural Representations Behind Multisensory ""Social Norm"" Processing",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453837,,Changes in eating disorder characteristics over the years,VABB-1,417,421,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453838,,Reduced neural gating of respiratory sensations is associated with increased dyspnoea perception.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453839,,Pain as a threat to the social self: a motivational account,VABB-1,1690,1695,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453840,,"An analysis of the development of port operation in Da Nang Port, Vietnam",VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453841,,Synchronization for secondary screens and social TV: User experience aspects,VABB-4,271,294,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453843,,Laozi Studies in the Twenty-First Century,VABB-1,111,114,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453846,,Measuring Integration Processes in Visual Symmetry with Frequency-Tagged EEG,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453848,,The Dominican mission in Congo: From colonisation to Africanization,VABB-1,22,43,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453849,,Consumer valuation of quality rice attributes in a developing economy: Evidence from a choice experiment in Vietnam,VABB-1,1059,1072,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453852,,Basic income and social democracy,VABB-4,118,122,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453854,,Fusing metabolomics data sets with heterogeneous measurement errors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453856,,Sensorimotor and Neurocognitive Dysfunctions Parallel Early Telencephalic Neuropathology in Fucosidosis Mice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453857,,[Clinical pathway evaluation for left colectomy in abdominal surgery].,VABB-1,45,50,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453858,,"The development of BelRAI, a web application for sharing assessment data on frail older people in home care, nursing homes, and hospitals",VABB-4,457,483,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453859,,"Constructing a city, building a life: Brazilian construction workers' continuous mobility as a permanent life strategy",VABB-1,733,745,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453862,,An innovative methodology for quickly modeling the spatial-temporal evolution of domino accidents triggered by fire,VABB-1,312,324,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453864,,Nonparametric Welfare and Demand Analysis with Unobserved Individual Heterogeneity,VABB-1,349,361,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453865,,Similar but separate systems underlie perceptual bistability in vision and audition,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453867,,Liturgy & Sacramentality : First perspectives from process oriented psychology,VABB-1,178,196,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453868,,"Patient Assessment of Constipation Quality of Life Questionnaire: Translation, Cultural Adaptation, Reliability, and Validity of the Persian Version",VABB-1,261,268,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453870,,Are DNA data a valid source to study the spatial behavior of unknown offenders?,VABB-1,315,322,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453871,,Emerging Adults Embarking on Their Careers: Job and Identity Explorations in the Transition to Work,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453872,,"Climate Change, Agriculture and Migration: A Survey",VABB-1,,,,ger,2018,1 c:vabb:453874,,Research on agricultural supply chain system with double chain architecture based on blockchain technology,VABB-1,641,649,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453879,,DNA Structures on Silicon and Diamond,VABB-4,49,62,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453880,,The difficult but possible path towards forgiveness and reconciliation,VABB-1,38,63,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453881,,"""Gold Standards,"" Plurality and Monocultures: The Need for Diversity in Psychotherapy",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453882,,Enhancing Placebo Effects in Somatic Symptoms Through Oxytocin,VABB-1,353,360,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453884,,Syntactic complexity in L2 writing: Individual pathways and emerging group trends,VABB-1,147,164,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453885,,Neural organization of ventral white matter tracts parallels the initial steps of reading development: A DTI tractography study,VABB-1,32,40,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453886,,Active Public Facebook Use and Adolescents’ Feelings of Social Loneliness: Evidence for a Curvilinear Relationship,VABB-1,35,44,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453888,,The Multidimensional Self-Objectification Process from Adolescence to Emerging Adulthood,VABB-1,60,69,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453891,,Burgerparticipatie in Vlaanderen: de agenda van de decreetgever geëvalueerd,VABB-1,235,254,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453892,,Social media gatekeeping: an analysis of the gatekeeping influence of newspapers' public Facebook pages,VABB-1,4728,4747,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453893,,Bezetting ter bede of wetsontduikende rechtshandeling? Kanttekeningen bij de ontduiking van de handelshuurwet en de beweerde subjectieve benadering van het verbod op wetsontduiking,VABB-1,561,577,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453894,,"Archivarissen in wording. De wortels van een ""Âge des Archivistes"" in België (1830-1895)",VABB-5,69,87,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453898,,De verplichte verzekering van de tienjarige burgerlijke aansprakelijkheid in de bouwsector: enkele aandachtspunten voor het notariaat,VABB-1,307,315,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453899,,The opportunity to avoid pain may paradoxically increase fear,VABB-1,1222,1230,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453900,,Media ideals and Early Adolescents’ Body Image: Selective Avoidance or Selective Exposure?,VABB-1,50,59,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453901,,Patient safety in primary health care: State of the art and recommendations,VABB-1,202,211,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453902,,The Ambiguous Reception of the Doctrine of the Duplex Iustitia in Leuven (1544-1556),VABB-1,91,123,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:453903,,Tijdschrift voor Herstelrecht,VABB-1,11,24,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453905,,Matiging van concurrentiebedingen in het arbeidsrecht,VABB-1,327,333,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453907,,A Study on Religious Diversity and Conflict in the Middle East,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453908,,"Studying with the Internet: Giorgio Agamben, Education, and New Digital Technologies",VABB-1,553,566,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453909,,Testing general and special Färe-Primont indices: A proposal for public and private sector synthetic indices of European regional expenditures and tourism,VABB-1,756,768,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453911,,Holding Accountable UN-Authorized Enforcement Operations: Tracing Accountability Mechanisms,VABB-1,528,553,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453912,,"""The Unsettling Portrayal of Migrant Existence in Rawi Hage’s Urban Fiction"".",VABB-1,15,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453913,,Het VN-Verdrag over het verbod op nucleaire wapens: nieuwe hoop op wereldvrede?,VABB-1,146,151,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453914,,Avoiding Interest-Based Revenues while Constructing Shariah-Compliant Portfolios: False Negatives and False Positives,VABB-1,136,143,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453915,,Dual feedback in interpreter-mediated interactions: on the role of gaze in the production of listener responses​,VABB-1,15,30,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453916,,De (vereenvoudigde) faillissementspauliana en de pauliaanse onrechtmatigedaadvordering: over verjaringstermijnen en kennis van staking van betaling,VABB-1,213,221,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453922,,Jurisdiction over ‘matters relating to a contract’ under the Brussels I (Recast) Regulation: no direct contractual relationship required,VABB-1,516,523,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453923,,Unemployment experiences in context: A phenomenological study in two townships in South Africa,VABB-1,122,127,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453924,,Water pollution in wastewater treatment plants: An efficiency analysis with undesirable output,VABB-1,24,34,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453925,,Zeven kansen ter versterking van de opleidingen Onderwijswetenschappen,VABB-1,496,504,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:453927,,Asymptotic distribution-free tests for semiparametric regressions with dependent data,VABB-1,1167,1196,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453928,,Twee interventies gericht op de ontwikkeling van professionele kennis om het vak Frans te onderwijzen in het basisonderwijs,VABB-1,441,458,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:453929,,A20 critically controls microglia activation and inhibits inflammasome-dependent neuroinflammation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453930,,Studying teachers’ lives as an educational issue. Autobiographical reflections from a scholarly journey,VABB-1,7,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:453931,,Bindend karakter van onderlinge akkoorden (“mutual agreements”) en de status ervan in het intern recht – Sifto Canada Corp / Her Majesty the Queen (Canada),VABB-1,455,462,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453935,,Advancing a systemic perspective on multidisciplinary teams: A comparative case study of work organisation in four Multiple Sclerosis hospitals,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453938,,Novelization From Film to Novel,VABB-2,,,202 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453939,,The Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel,VABB-2,,,750,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453943,,EU DIRECTIVES ON MATERNITY LEAVE: A MISLEADING SOCIAL RISK APPROACH AND ITS UNSATISFACTORY EFFECTS ON BOTH MOTHERS AND FATHERS,VABB-1,171,194,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453944,,MATERNITY LEAVE AND DISCRIMINATION AGAINST FATHERS: CURRENT CASE LAW OF THE COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE WAY FORWARD,VABB-1,27,41,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453945,,Child-related leave and women’s labour market outcomes: towards a new paradigm in the European Union?,VABB-1,376,393,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453947,,Is it still speech? Different processing strategies in learning to discriminate stimuli in the transition from speech to non-speech including feedback evaluation,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453948,,Perceptual organization and visual target selection,VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453949,,"""Pedagogical tweeting"" in higher education: boon or bane?",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453953,,"Knowing, feeling, and active ignorance: Methodological reflection on the study of Chinese philosophy",VABB-4,167,183,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453954,,Interviewer variance and its effects on estimates,VABB-1,227,242,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453955,,STEM Education in Flanders: How STEM@school Aims to Foster STEM Literacy and a Positive Attitude towards STEM,VABB-1,36,40,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453956,,How Important Is Scientific Software in Bioinformatics Research? A Comparative Study Between International and Chinese Research Communities,VABB-1,1122,1133,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453957,,Meta-analysis of the association between rumination and reduced autobiographical memory specificity,VABB-1,1323,1334,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453958,,"On farm intervention studies on reduction of boar taint prevalence: Feeding strategies, presence of gilts and time in lairage",VABB-1,508,516,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453959,,From corn to popcorn? Urbanization and dietary change: Evidence from rural-urban migrants in Tanzania,VABB-1,140,159,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453961,,Creating impact through future learning: The high impact learning that lasts (HILL) model,VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453962,,Gender-Aware and Place-Based Transitional Justice in Guatemala: Altering the Opportunity Structures for Post-Conflict Women’s Mobilization,VABB-1,323,344,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453963,,N-of-1 trials in child and adolescent psychiatry: A closer look at stimulants,VABB-1,315,325,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453964,,Lessons from the MENA region: A configurational explanation of the (in)effectiveness of UN Security Council sanctions between 1991 and 2014,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453965,,Identity leadership going global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory across 20 countries,VABB-1,697,728,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453969,,Modeling and analysis of vapour cloud explosions knock-on events by using a Petri-net approach,VABB-1,188,195,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453970,,Risk assessment of the maintenance process for onshore oil and gas transmission pipelines under uncertainty,VABB-1,50,67,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453971,,Aristotelian natural problems and imperial culture: Selective readings,VABB-1,28,44,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453972,,Accession to the World Trade Organization: A legal analysis,VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453975,,Rocker outsole shoes and margin of stability during walking: A preliminary study,VABB-5,673,677,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:453976,,"""Per omnia ecclesiastica officia promotus"". A normative perspective on the career of bishops in the Church Province of Reims (888-1049)",VABB-1,2,38,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453984,,Educating girls in Congo: An unsolved pedagogical paradox since colonial times?,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453987,,Participatory deliberative democracy: toward a new standard for assessing democracy? some insights into the Italian case,VABB-1,151,169,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453988,,"Democratic Deliberation, Social Movements And The Quest For Democratic Politics",VABB-1,261,268,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453990,,Co-production in community development,VABB-4,198,207,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:453992,,L'education des filles congolaises au maquis de Mulele: Arme de libération ou force d'(auto)destruction?,VABB-1,141,162,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:453993,,The relational responding task (RRT): a novel approach to measuring social meaning of language variation,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:453994,,How interpreters influence patient participation in medical consultations: The confluence of verbal and nonverbal dimensions of interpreter-mediated clinical communication,VABB-1,1804,1813,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:453999,,(In)directness and complaints: A reassessment,VABB-1,33,46,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454000,,The political economy of cordon tolls,VABB-1,133,148,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454001,,Pre-exposure to Tempting Food Reduces Subsequent Snack Consumption in Healthy-Weight but Not in Obese-Weight Individuals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454003,,A Demotic memorandum to the village epistates with a Greek subscription (P. dem. mon. 5),VABB-1,281,294,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454005,,"La Literatura en expansión. Intermedialidad y Transmedialidad en el cruce entre la Lite-ratura Comparada, los Estudios Culturales y los New Media Studies",VABB-1,6,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454009,,Other Non-Fiction,VABB-4,130,143,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:454010,,Présentation de La Beauté du geste de Jean Galard,VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:454011,,Continuer à écrire rien que pour soi?,VABB-1,,,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:454013,,Crowdsourcing: A Critical Discussion on Some Issues of a Challenging New Practice in the Digitization of Photographic Heritage,VABB-1,203,211,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454017,,La Ventana Indiscreta,VABB-1,110,124,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:454018,,Stimulating pre-service teachers' content and pedagogical content knowledge on rational numbers,VABB-1,197,216,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454023,,"Nouvelle narratologie, nouvau récit",VABB-1,231,244,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:454024,,Students’approaches to learning: Validating study processes questionnaire for use in Congolese setting,VABB-1,109,120,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454025,,Drawing Photo Novels,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454026,,Peut-on encore faire allusion?,VABB-1,143,151,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:454027,,The Janus head of Bachelard's phenomenotechnique: from purification to proliferation and back,VABB-1,689,707,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454029,,"Les livres de poche, une littérature ‘exposée'?",VABB-1,55,62,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:454030,,De studiebetrokkenheid van kinderen en hun verblijfsregeling na ouderlijke scheiding,VABB-1,186,200,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454031,,An Inventory of Anonymous Medieval Physiognomic Treatises,VABB-1,225,255,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454032,,Eating disorder symptomatology and identity formation in adolescence: A cross-lagged longitudinal approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454034,,‘Things Greater than Thou’: Post-Apocalyptic Religion in Games,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454035,,Benchmark-Based Strategy Use in Atypical Number Lines,VABB-1,253,263,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454036,,Behandelprogramma's voor plegers van partnergeweld: van lokale noden naar geïntegreerd beleid?,VABB-1,141,147,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454037,,EULAR recommendations for the health professional's approach to pain management in inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis,VABB-1,797,807,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454038,,Exposure and CBT for Chronic Back Pain: An RCT on Differential Efficacy and Optimal Length of Treatment,VABB-1,533,545,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454041,,The trickle-down effects of perceived trustworthiness on subordinate performance,VABB-1,1335,1357,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454043,,"Size-dependent features of public-private partnerships: geographical and sectorial differences, deal size and structuring, and transaction costs",VABB-1,206,223,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454045,,"De Blijde Inkomsten van de Brabantse hertogen. Macht, opstand en privileges in de vijftiende eeuw",VABB-2,,,392,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454046,,Equivalence and non-inferiority testing in psychotherapy research,VABB-1,1917,1919,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454048,,Self-Identity and Personal Autonomy An Analytical Anthropology,VABB-2,,,182,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454049,,Niet voor rede vatbaar? De Aristote-les over hoe omgaan met 'radicaliserende' (moslim) jongeren,VABB-1,45,49,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454051,,Conflicting Choreographies? Dance as Doctrinal Expression in Ignatius’ Ephesians 19 and Acts of John 94-96,VABB-4,217,229,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454053,,Toward Goal-Driven Neural Network Models for the Rodent Whisker-Trigeminal System,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:454054,,Evaluation of methods for volumetric analysis of pediatric brain data: The childmetrix pipeline versus adult-based approaches,VABB-1,734,744,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454056,,"Warden Oom, streekschrijver. Ethos van een auteur, functies van een genre",VABB-1,7,28,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:454058,,Publieksliteratuur uit Vlaanderen tijdens het interbellum: een pedagogisch project,VABB-2,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454059,,Writing Literary History 1900-1950,VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454060,,Writing Literary History: (Dis)continuities,VABB-4,7,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454061,,"From Far and Near: Literary Knowledge, the Interwar Novel, and the Tradition of Oral Storytelling",VABB-4,119,135,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454063,,Digital versus Analogue Textual Scholarship or The Revolution is Just in the Title,VABB-1,7,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454066,,Online Platforms and Vertical Integration: The Return of Margin Squeeze?,VABB-1,355,381,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454076,,A comparative analysis on how different governance contexts may influence Strategic Environmental Assessment,VABB-1,79,87,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454077,,The Historical Evolution of EU Climate Leadership and Four Scenarios for its Future,VABB-4,33,46,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454078,,"Federalism, State Cooperation and Compliance with International Commitments",VABB-4,243,256,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454082,,Managing Positive and Negative Media Effects among Adolescents: Parental Mediation Matters – But not Always,VABB-1,270,285,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454083,,The impact of video speed on the decision-making process of sports officials,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454084,,"The uncounted poor in EU-SILC: A statistical profile of the income and living conditions of homeless people, undocumented immigrants and travelers in Belgium",VABB-4,73,96,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454085,,Dismissal due to business reasons in Belgium,VABB-1,5,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454087,,"Irish Cultures of Travel Writing on the Continent, 1829-1914",VABB-2,,,252,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:454090,,Contagious loan default,VABB-1,14,18,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454092,,"Feminism and BDSM: empirical findings and theoretical debates in US, UK and Italy",VABB-1,37,57,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:454094,,"Een existentieel keerpunt? Gedetineerden, betekenisverlies en posttraumatische groei.",VABB-1,63,74,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454096,,Wat kunnen internationale scholierentests ons (niet) leren over het Vlaamse onderwijs?,VABB-1,204,207,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:454098,,Limits to psychological ownership in the family business,VABB-1,196,216,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454099,,When is a leader considered as a good leader? Perceived impact on teammates’ confidence and social acceptance as key ingredients.,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454103,,Two Modes of Non-Thinking. On the Dialectic Stupidity-Thinking and the Public Duty to Think.,VABB-1,65,80,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454107,,“«The Holy Spirit Leads the Church through Charismas» (LG 12). The Conciliar Doctrine on Charismas and its Significance for the Laity’s Active Involvement in the Church”,VABB-4,233,245,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454108,,Using Regression Tree Ensembles To Model Interaction Effects: A Graphical Approach,VABB-1,6341,6354,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454110,,Schuldoverdracht: Pleidooi voor een volwaardige wettelijke regeling,VABB-1,6,35,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454113,,Uma infraestrutura muçulmana de chegada no Rio de Janeiro,VABB-1,111,129,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:454115,,Mobilities – Migratory Experiences Ethnographically Connected. An Introduction,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454118,,Electronic Surveillance and the Forgotten Impacts on Organizational Employees in India: A Qualitative and Ethical Review,VABB-1,543,579,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454122,,"I have a Facebook account, therefore I am – authentication with social networks",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454124,,Between phatic communion and coping tactic: Casamançais multilingual practices.,VABB-1,67,82,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:454127,,The rule of law in the EU: many ways forward but only one way to stand still?,VABB-1,495,503,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454128,,Indian Economic Sectors and New Working Class: A Socio-Cultural Review,VABB-1,386,392,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454130,,"Het begrip 'openbare plaats' in artikel 135, § 2 nieuwe gemeentewet",VABB-1,25,28,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454133,,"Black as Ink. Materials an Techniques in Fiftheenth -Century Flemish Grisaille Illuminations by Jan De Tavernier, Willem Vrelant and Dreux Jehan",VABB-5,249,267,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454134,,"Corporeità, fantasia e attesa del futuro nell’angoscia",VABB-1,588,603,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:454135,,"Sleep Latency vs. Shuteye Latency: Prevalence, Predictors, and Relation to Insomnia Symptoms in a Representative Sample of Adults",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454140,,Stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2016),VABB-1,65,84,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454144,,Educational theorists,VABB-4,688,693,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454145,,Regional language variation in European thought before 1500: A historical sketch reflecting current research,VABB-1,167,216,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454146,,"Noot onder EHRM 9 januari 2018, nr. 36417/16, X t. Zweden",VABB-1,328,335,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454149,,Educational commons,VABB-4,33,36,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454150,,Diagram,VABB-4,87,90,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454151,,"Scientific Personas in Theory and Practice - Ways of Creating Scientific, Scholarly, and Artistic Identities",VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454154,,Tussen opwinding en structuur: lijsten in het pornografisch proza van Jef Geeraerts en C.C. Krijgelmans,VABB-1,195,214,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:454155,,Tra fiction e saggismo. Il senso del possibile nella narrativa di Claudio Magris,VABB-4,58,64,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:454156,,Indicatieve (leverings)termijnen: meer dan slechts een indicatie.,VABB-1,81,99,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454157,,"""Arguments online, but in school we always act normal"": The embeddedness of early adolescent negative peer interactions within the whole of their offline and online peer interactions",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454158,,"General education, vocational education and skill mismatches: short-run versus long-run effects",VABB-1,974,993,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454160,,How institutional and interpersonal variables impact international L2 students’ language gains at university,VABB-1,91,102,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454161,,How to measure field-of-study mismatch? A comparative analysis of the different methods,VABB-1,141,173,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454162,,Philodemus van Gadara: Griekse filosofie in een Romeinse wereld,VABB-1,50,55,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454163,,Desire Paths,VABB-1,97,107,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454165,,Anthroponomastica Varia,VABB-1,1,10,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:454166,,"The European Union as a Union of Democracies, Justice and Rights",VABB-1,132,136,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454167,,"Towards a Positive Understanding of Business Activities by Clerics (c. 286), Especially in Non-Western Contexts",VABB-4,293,304,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454170,,Intersectional inclusion for deaf learners: moving beyond General Comment no. 4 on Article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454172,,Husserlian Phenomenology: Current Chinese Perspectives,VABB-1,2,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454174,,Political marginalization of “Others” in consociational regimes,VABB-1,341,364,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454175,,Locus of control and consistent investment choices,VABB-1,66,75,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454176,,A test to measure students' systems thinking abilities in geography,VABB-1,105,120,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454177,,Input reallocation within multi-product firms,VABB-1,63,79,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454178,,Ranking dynamics and volatility,VABB-1,567,578,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454179,,The Causes of Growth during Belgium's Industrial Revolution,VABB-1,71,92,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454180,,Nicolaus Clenardus' Institutiones grammaticae Latinae (1538): Contents and context,VABB-1,430,458,,lat,2018,1 c:vabb:454181,,Trauma and dissociation in obese patients with and without binge eating disorder: A case - control study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454182,,3D Geo-Information Innovation in Europe's Public Mapping Agencies: A Public Value Perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454183,,Neural processing of breathlessness in COPD,VABB-1,235,242,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454184,,Treaty shopping in ontwikkelingslanden: BEPS-actie 6 en het VN-Modelverdrag,VABB-1,549,560,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454186,,Analytic Philosophy of Education and the Concept of Liberal Education,VABB-4,629,648,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454187,,De fenomenologie van Emmanuel Falque: Nieuwe richtingen in de Franse filosofie en theologie,VABB-1,80,90,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454189,,Towards the Authority of Vesalius,VABB-4,9,13,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454192,,"When Do Good Things Lift You Up? Dampening, Enhancing, and Uplifts in Relation To Depressive and Anhedonic Symptoms in Early Adolescence",VABB-1,1712,1730,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454195,,No side-effects of single intranasal oxytocin administration in middle childhood,VABB-1,2471,2477,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454196,,Strategic public policy around population thresholds,VABB-1,46,58,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454197,,Inpatient boarding in emergency departments: impact on patient delays and system capacity,VABB-1,953,967,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454202,,"When ""Questions"" are not Questions. Inferences and Conventionalization in Spanish But-Prefaced Partial Interrogatives",VABB-1,70,100,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454204,,"Metalogic, Metalanguage and Logical Geometry",VABB-1,453,478,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454206,,"Komaan zeg, mannekes! Wat is nu (cognitieve) gedragstherapie? Een reactie op van Emmerik.",VABB-1,175,183,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454208,,"Religious Practices, c. 1200-1500",VABB-4,329,388,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454209,,"Texts, Images and Sounds in the Urban Environment, c. 1100 – c. 1500",VABB-4,389,445,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454213,,Using Causal Diagrams to Foster Systems Thinking in Geography Education,VABB-1,34,48,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454214,,More Than a Roof: A Statistical Profile of Homeless People in Belgium,VABB-1,35,57,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454215,,Sexual violence cases involving minors: what training can contribute to professionals and what professionals can contribute to training,VABB-1,303,308,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454216,,How fear drives us apart: Explaining the relationship between terrorism and social trust,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454220,,Réseaux de traduction et langues cibles : comment se positionnent les traductions d’œuvres spirituelles franciscaines espagnoles aux Pays-Bas méridionaux au XVIe et XVIIe siècle,VABB-1,189,221,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:454221,,El duque de Alba,VABB-4,145,158,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:454225,,Les parlements des Etats membres dans une Union européenne en constante mutation,VABB-1,8,22,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:454227,,Speculatie als daad van betrokkenheid in het werk van Arkadi Zaides,VABB-1,4,13,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454230,,Successful organizational change: Integrating the management practice and scholarly literatures,VABB-1,752,788,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454232,,Les symboles de ce que nous sommes appelés à devenir: les sacrements dans une société post-séculière et post-chrétienne,VABB-1,41,64,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:454238,,On the Role of Gaze in the Organization of Turn-Taking and Sequence Organization in Interpreter-Mediated Dialogue,VABB-1,439,467,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454239,,Substantia ad substantiam. Over antiwitwascompliance door aanbieders van trust- of vennootschapsrechtelijke diensten en de dreigende functionele autonomie van het semistrafrecht.,VABB-1,304,316,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454240,,“Let’s Have Some Fucking Water for These Animals.” Animal Survival and Inter-Species Heroism in Werner Herzog’s Grizzly Man,VABB-1,61,70,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454243,,"The Leuven Collegium Trilingue 1517-1797: Erasmus, humanist educational practice and the new language institute Latin - Greek - Hebrew",VABB-2,,,228,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454244,,L’impact combiné de l’identité professionnelle et de la motivation de service public sur le processus décisionnel dans les situations de dilemme,VABB-1,25,45,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:454246,,Quali relazioni industriali per i lavoratori autonomi della digitalizzazione?,VABB-1,139,158,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:454247,,Esternalizzazione delle imprese e strategie sindacali nel settore della logistica in Italia: Due casi dímpresa a confronto,VABB-1,136,155,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:454248,,The effects of online customer reviews and managerial responses on travelers’ decision-making processes,VABB-1,973,996,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454249,,Similarities and differences in the associations between patient safety culture dimensions and self-reported outcomes in two different cultural settings: a national cross-sectional study in Palestinian and Belgian hospitals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454250,,Patterns of cybervictimization and emotion regulation in adolescents and adults,VABB-1,647,657,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454251,,Production with storable and durable inputs: nonparametric analysis of intertemporal efficiency,VABB-1,498,513,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454255,,Vluchtelingen in het nieuws. Een vergelijkende analyse van de berichtgeving in België en Zweden,VABB-1,37,49,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454256,,Trauma and Eating Disorders: The State of the Art,VABB-4,15,32,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454258,,"Les économies occultes du ""broutage"" des jeunes Abidjanais : une dialectique culturelle du changement générationnel",VABB-1,195,215,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:454259,,"Amour, ruse et érotisme dans les transactions intimes de jeunes de la ville d'Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)",VABB-1,63,85,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:454260,,Towards online spike sorting for high-density neural probes using discriminative template matching with suppression of interfering spikes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454264,,Entering data correctly: An empirical evaluation of the theory of planned behaviour in the context of manual data acquisition,VABB-1,12,30,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454269,,"Whole number thinking, learning and development: Neuro-cognitive, cognitive and developmental approaches",VABB-4,137,167,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454271,,Special needs in research and instruction in whole number arithemetic,VABB-4,375,397,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454272,,Studying Ancient Greek at the Old University of Leuven: An outline in a European context,VABB-4,129,153,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454276,,"Corporate science, firm value, and vertical specialization: evidence from the semiconductor industry",VABB-1,489,505,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:454277,,"A European research agenda for Somatic Symptom Disorders, Bodily Distress Disorders and Functional Disorders: Results of a consensus-based expert Delphi study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454278,,The secondary school careers of Freinet-educated students in Flanders,VABB-1,101,125,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454279,,Central sensitization: Explanation or phenomenon?,VABB-1,761,764,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454280,,Revisiting Coca-Cola’s ‘Accidental’ Entry into Communist Europe,VABB-1,59,72,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454281,,From duty to pleasure in the cookbooks of communist Bulgaria: attitudes to food in the culinary literature for domestic cooking released by the state-run publishers between 1949 and 1989,VABB-1,468,487,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454282,,The Body in Education,VABB-4,1013,1026,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454283,,Stiegler and the Future of Education in a Digitized World,VABB-4,417,428,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454284,,Introduction: Section 2 - Philosophy of Education: Schools of Thought,VABB-4,473,477,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454285,,Home Cooking from a ‘Slavery’ to a ‘Right’. The impact of state socialist feminism on domestic cooking practices in Bulgaria,VABB-1,117,139,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454287,,Aging and Expertise,VABB-4,835,856,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454289,,An educational cave story (On animals that go to 'school'),VABB-4,1185,1200,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454295,,Effects of Stereotypical Sex Role Movies on Adolescents and Emerging Adults,VABB-1,127,145,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454297,,Who is the Modern Aristophanes? Modernism and the Classical Tradition,VABB-4,137,152,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454298,,Philosophy and Literature – Literature and Philosophy,VABB-1,255,272,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:454299,,Associations between maternal psychological distress and salivary cortisol during pregnancy: A mixed-models approach,VABB-1,52,60,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454300,,Prenatal stress and the developing brain: Risks for neurodevelopmental disorders,VABB-1,743,762,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454301,,Marsilius of Padua and Peter of Abano: the scientific foundations of law-making in Defensor Pacis,VABB-1,276,296,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454302,,Representation as a political-theological concept: A critique of Carl Schmitt,VABB-1,507,527,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454304,,Ibn Sīnā's Aristotle,VABB-1,129,144,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454306,,The Role of the Vagus Nerve in Cancer Prognosis: A Systematic and a Comprehensive Review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454307,,Netherlandish Art and Luxury Goods in Renaissance Spain,VABB-2,,,292 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454308,,Voorwaardelijke invrijheidstelling van 2/3de bij wettelijke herhaling van wanbedrijven (noot onder GwH 7 februari 2018),VABB-1,531,534,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454314,,School counselors’ beliefs regarding collaboration with parents of students with special educational needs in Flanders: Parents as partners or opposites?,VABB-1,419,439,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454316,,Executive dysfunction in Parkinson's disease: A meta-analysis on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test literature,VABB-1,38,56,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454317,,"“... the Flesh of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, Which Suffered for Our Sins”: The Early Christian “Dying for” Formula, Suffering, and the Eucharist in IgnSm 7:1",VABB-4,197,215,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454318,,Mining and linking open economic data from governmental communities,VABB-5,144,148,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454319,,An efficient hierarchical model for multi-source information fusion,VABB-1,352,362,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454320,,Asymptotics of convolution with the semi-regular-variation tail and its application to risk,VABB-1,509,532,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454323,,Darb-e Imam Tessellations: A Mistake of 250 Years,VABB-1,321,329,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454325,,Neuronal Dysfunction and Behavioral Abnormalities Are Evoked by Neural Cells and Aggravated by Inflammatory Microglia in Peroxisomal beta-Oxidation Deficiency,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454326,,How do policies help to increase the uptake of carbon reduction measures in the EU residential sector? Evidence from recent studies,VABB-1,234,250,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454327,,Computational Stylometric Approach to the Dead Sea Scrolls: Towards a New Research Agenda,VABB-1,57,82,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454330,,Trade liberalization and child mortality: A Synthetic Control Method,VABB-1,394,410,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454333,,The Democratic legitimacy of EU institutions and support for social policy in Europe,VABB-4,120,140,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454334,,HeartMan: (Self-)managing chronic heart failure,VABB-5,8,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454335,,"Demand avoidance is not necessarily defiance (Correspondence to Green et al., Pathological Demand Avoidance: symptoms but not a syndrome)",VABB-1,E14,E14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454337,,"The future of hazardous chemical safety in China: Opportunities, problems, challenges and tasks",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454338,,Towards a Goal-Oriented Framework for Partial Agile Adoption,VABB-5,69,90,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454339,,The role of language in suicide reporting: Investigating the influence of Check for problematic suicide referents,VABB-1,165,171,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454341,,"Intermediaries, transport costs and interlinked transactions",VABB-1,484,506,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454343,,Integriteit,VABB-4,455,491,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:454344,,A symbiotic relationship? Examining the partial convergence of views between EU sanctions practitioners and scholars on effectiveness,VABB-1,223,241,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454347,,The Evolving Payments Landscape Technological Innovation in Payment Systems,VABB-1,53,61,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454348,,Risk classification in life and health insurance: extension to continuous covariates,VABB-1,245,255,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454350,,Job polarization: an historical perspective,VABB-1,461,461,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454351,,Het filmaanbod van Cine Zoologie (1930-1936): een casestudy naar filmverdeling en -programmatie in de jaren dertig,VABB-4,83,103,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454353,,"Die Suche nach dem besseren Vater. Zu einer neuen Konzeption von Männlichkeit in Ernst von Salomons ""Die Kadetten""",VABB-1,540,561,,ger,2017,1 c:vabb:454355,,Pohlmanns Spengler-bouwpakket,VABB-1,1,3,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:454356,,"""Das Eschaton, das sich nicht denken lässt."" Oswald Spenglers politische Fiktionen",VABB-1,1,10,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:454357,,"The Feminist Manifesto by Taylor Swift: Boss Babes, Fit Girls and Welvin Da Great",VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454358,,Manual signing throughout the day: Influence from staff’s sign use and type of activity,VABB-1,737,745,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454360,,Less is more: A rule-based syntactic simplification module for improved text-to-pictograph translation,VABB-1,264,289,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454366,,A pneumatological conversion? The Holy Spirit’s activities according to Lumen gentium,VABB-4,244,260,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:454368,,Arts et métiers graphiques en de houtsnijkunst van Frans Masereel,VABB-4,55,59,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:454373,,Réflexions sur la bona fides et la mala fides dans la tradition du droit romain,VABB-1,1,12,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:454375,,Myths about fundamental indexing,VABB-1,304,326,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454377,,Adult roles as predictors of adult identity and identity commitment in Polish emerging adults: Psychosocial maturity as an intervening variable,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454379,,An Ontology-based Approach for Context Modeling in Collaborative Services,VABB-5,191,196,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:454380,,A Data-driven Fault Prediction Method for LNG Engine City Buses,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454382,,Interdisciplinary perspectives on glocalization,VABB-1,11,32,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454385,,"Aantrekkelijk en inspirerend preken, hoe doe je dat? Bespreking van Evangelii Gaudium en het Homiletisch Directorium & praktische wenken daarbij",VABB-1,33,44,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:454386,,"Cognitive Contact Linguistics. Placing usage, meaning and mind at the core of contact-induced variation and change",VABB-3,,,342,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454387,,"Introduction: Placing usage, meaning and mind at the core of contact-induced variation and change",VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454388,,When sociolinguistics and prototype analysis meet: The social meaning of sibilant palatalization in a Flemish Urban Vernacular,VABB-4,127,156,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454389,,English as a Lingua Franca in Europe: the Identification of L1 and L2 accents: A Multifactorial Analysis of Pan-European Experimental Data,VABB-1,494,518,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454392,,Innovation Cloning: The Introduction and Performance of Private Label Innovation Copycats.,VABB-1,312,327,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454393,,A case based inquiry into the decision model and notation (DMN) and the knowledge base (KB) paradigm,VABB-5,248,263,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454396,,The associations between non-suicidal self-injury and first onset suicidal thoughts and behaviors,VABB-1,171,179,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454398,,International Law and Diplomacy,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454399,,Brezhnev Doctrine,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454400,,Peace of Breda (1667),VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454401,,Treaty of Vervins (1598),VABB-4,1,4,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:454402,,Blockchain en de toekomst van de organisatie,VABB-1,261,282,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454405,,Educational research: a tale of tensions and constraints,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454406,,"Ovide Decroly (1871-1932): The prototype of a modern scientist, also in the context of funding?",VABB-4,223,237,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454407,,What Makes People Believe that their Party Won the Election?,VABB-1,21,29,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454408,,Improving the Methodological Quality of Single-Case Experimental,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454409,,Politics and Normativity: A Kantian Rejoinder to Raymond Geuss’ Dismissal of the Metaphysics of Morals,VABB-1,177,201,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454410,,Kant on the History of Humankind: the Invisible Hand of Nature Behind the Progress of the Realization of Freedom,VABB-1,147,172,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454411,,Healthcare teams as complex adaptive systems: understanding team behaviour through team members' perception of interpersonal interaction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454412,,The national past according to Flemish secondary school history teachers. Representations of Belgian history in the context of a nation state in decline.,VABB-1,109,128,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454413,,THE ‘GREAT HISTORY QUIZ’. MEASURING PUBLIC HISTORICAL KNOWLEDGE AND THINKING IN FLANDERS,VABB-1,53,69,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454414,,Inleiding: het belang van de lijst,VABB-1,111,118,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454415,,Lijsten lezen: de codering van Max Havelaar,VABB-1,259,284,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454416,,Het monster van de werkelijkheid: het vroege proza van Jacq Firmin Vogelaar,VABB-4,17,37,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454417,,The impact of stimulus size and orientation on individual face coding in monkey face-selective cortex,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454418,,Face Repetition Probability Does Not Affect Repetition Suppression in Macaque Inferotemporal Cortex,VABB-1,7492,7504,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454419,,Lamentations 4:21-22 as Another Word of Consolation in 4Q176,VABB-1,3,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454425,,"‘Baby, it’s cold outside ...’ – A Comparative and Economic Analysis of Freeze-outs of Minority Shareholders",VABB-1,148,196,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454426,,Promoting the development of teacher professional knowledge: Integrating content and pedagogy in teacher education,VABB-1,244,258,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454427,,"Disentangling the role of TRPM4 in hippocampus-dependent plasticity and learning: an electrophysiological, behavioral and FMRI approach",VABB-1,3557,3576,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454428,,Reactions to comfort by parent versus stranger in children with significant developmental delays,VABB-5,590,590,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454429,,L’évangélisation des enfants par les ONG confessionnelles en Côte d’Ivoire : entre aide humanitaire et développement moral,VABB-1,219,236,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:454430,,Lonely Adolescents and Their Best Friend: An Examination of Loneliness and Friendship Quality in Best Friendship Dyads,VABB-1,3598,3605,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454431,,The Practice of Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Meets the Concept of Legalization,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454433,,"The effects of peer rejection, parent and teacher support on working memory performance: An experimental approach in middle childhood",VABB-1,12,21,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454434,,Explaining the Relationship between Parenting and Internalizing Symptoms: The Role of Self-Esteem Level and Contingency,VABB-1,3402,3412,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454435,,Making Sense of Adopted Children's Internal Reality Using Narrative Story Stem Techniques: A Mixed-Methods Synthesis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454436,,Qualitative job insecurity and turnover intention: The mediating role of basic psychological needs in public and private sectors,VABB-1,274,290,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454437,,Identity processes and clusters in individuals with and without pathological buying,VABB-1,467,472,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454438,,Key Ethical Challenges in the European Medical Information Framework,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454440,,Do volatile voters vote less correctly? An analysis of correct voting among vote (intention) switchers in U.S. presidential election campaigns,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454443,,Heraclides’ Epitome of Aristotle’s Constitutions and Barbarian Customs: Two Neglected Fragments,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454447,,Multi-Electrode Alpha tACS During Varying Background Tasks Fails to Modulate Subsequent Alpha Power,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454448,,"Post-truth, Fake News en de vrede",VABB-1,93,104,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454449,,Our Openness to Religious Phenomena Thinking in Questions as a Way to Understand Possibility,VABB-1,341,349,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:454452,,Die Dikaiomata des Aristoteles: Inhalt und Intention im Licht antiker Quellen,VABB-1,29,58,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:454457,,"Europe’s culture(s): Negotiating cultural meanings, values, and identities in the European context",VABB-1,858,867,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454461,,Feeling right when you feel accepted: Emotional acculturation in daily life interactions with majority members,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454465,,"""Wat doe jij hier eigenlijk?"" Resultaten van empirisch onderzoek naar de tijdsbesteding van Vlaamse ziekenhuispastores",VABB-1,163,190,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454466,,"The ""silent assassin"" in your organization? Can job insecurity climate erode the beneficial effect of a high-quality leader-member exchange?",VABB-1,1178,1197,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454474,,"William Desmond’s Philosophy between Metaphysics, Religion, Ethics, and Aesthetics: Thinking Metaxologically",VABB-3,,,343,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454475,,Introduction: Studying mobilities: Theoretical notes and methodological queries,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454478,,Geographies of Brexit and its aftermath: voting in England at the 2016 referendum and the 2017 general election,VABB-1,162,187,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454479,,The relationship between media use and public opinion on immigrants and refugees: A Belgian perspective,VABB-1,403,425,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454480,,Als de vos de passie preekt… Corporate greenwashing als misleidende handelspraktijk,VABB-1,31,55,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454481,,The Depoliticization of the Political. An Arendtian Account of Expertise in Politics,VABB-1,75,96,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454484,,Students’ Translations and the Use of Online-Resources: Do Online Resources Contribute Iranian Trainee Translators?,VABB-1,2,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454485,,Aansprakelijkheid voor fiscale schulden bij de overdracht van bedrijfsactiva : het web ontrafeld,VABB-1,6,26,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454489,,The Margin of Appreciation in the ECtHR's Case Law A European Version of the Levels of Scrutiny Doctrine?,VABB-1,78,96,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454490,,Randomized single-case AB phase designs: Prospects and pitfalls,VABB-1,2454,2476,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454492,,Redefining the role of parents in young children’s online interactions. A value-sensitive design case study,VABB-1,22,26,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454493,,"Axters (Gerardus), Stephanus, Belgian Dominican friar, philologist, theologian, Church historian, archivist and palaeographer (1901-1977)",VABB-4,903,907,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454494,,iFairness – Constructing fairness in IT (and other areas of) law through intra- and interdisciplinarity,VABB-1,707,714,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454500,,Regionalism in a Multilateral Trading System: Legal Interplays between the Eurasian Economic Union & the WTO,VABB-1,32,63,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454503,,The Construction of Physician-patient Trust. A Case Report of an Oncologist’s Consults in Palliative Care,VABB-1,101,111,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454504,,Research Themes in Bioethically-relevant Discourse: An Overview,VABB-1,5,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454506,,Peace Journalism on a Shoestring? Conflict Reporting in Nigeria’s National News Media,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454507,,"Individueel, contextueel, relationeel? Naar een geïntegreerde aanpak van pesten binnen de gevangenis",VABB-1,192,211,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454508,,Freedom of Information in France: Law and Practice,VABB-4,73,118,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454509,,From Enterprise Architect to Opportunity Architect: The Changing Role of Enterprise Architecture in a Digital Transformation Context,VABB-1,32,41,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454510,,Effects of rule uncertainty on cognitive flexibility in a card-sorting paradigm,VABB-1,53,64,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454511,,Patient empowerment in young persons with chronic conditions: Psychometric properties of the Gothenburg Young Persons Empowerment Scale (GYPES),VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454512,,Emotional speech perception: A set of semantically validated german neutral and emotionally affective sentences,VABB-5,714,718,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454513,,View-invariant representation of hand postures in the human lateral occipitotemporal cortex,VABB-1,446,452,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454514,,Fast periodic visual stimulation to study tool-selective processing in the human brain,VABB-1,2751,2763,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454515,,Grammaticalisation cut short: A diachronic constructional view on english posture verbs,VABB-4,43,73,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454516,,Mind the gap: Capturing value from basic research through combining mobile inventors and partnerships,VABB-1,1811,1824,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454517,,Investors' evaluations of price-increase preannouncements,VABB-1,359,377,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454518,,Gist Perception of Image Composition in Abstract Artworks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454519,,Paul smeyers and a perspective on educational research: In dialogue with Maurizio Toscano,VABB-4,144,157,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454520,,"Do Exposures to Sagging Real Estate, Subprime, or Conduits Abroad Lead to Contraction and Flight to Quality in Bank Lending at Home?",VABB-1,1335,1373,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454521,,Basic income and the freedom to lead a good life and Hartmut Rosa,VABB-4,153,161,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454522,,The number of factors problem,VABB-4,305,324,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454523,,A translational perspective on neural circuits of fear extinction: Current promises and challenges,VABB-1,113,126,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454524,,Democratic ideals and levels of political participation: The role of political and social conceptualisations of democracy,VABB-1,711,730,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454525,,The attractiveness of programmes in higher education: an empirical approach,VABB-1,153,172,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454526,,A Causal Explanatory Model of Bayesian-belief Networks for Analysing the Risks of Opening Data,VABB-5,289,297,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454527,,Entrepreneurs’ achieved success: developing a multi-faceted measure,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454530,,Can violence harm cooperation? Experimental evidence,VABB-1,342,359,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454531,,Changes in low-level neural properties underlie age-dependent visual decision making,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454532,,View From Outside the Viewing Sphere,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454534,,Needs Assessment in Land Administration: The Potential of the Nominal Group Technique,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454536,,Understanding dynamic change in perceptions of person-environment fit: An exploration of competing theoretical perspectives.,VABB-1,1066,1080,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454537,,"Bernard McGinn's ""Presence of God"": The Project that Made Mystical Theology Respectable",VABB-1,173,195,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454539,,Oil Wealth and Authoritarianism: Algeria in the Arab Spring,VABB-1,63,89,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:454540,,Towards a Digital “Calling”: A Pastoral Reconfiguring of Electronic Gadgets and Social Media Revolution in India,VABB-1,34,65,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454549,,Authoritarian leadership and employee creativity: The moderating role of psychological capital and the mediating role of fear and defensive silence,VABB-1,219,230,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454550,,Optimization in sports league scheduling: Experiences from the belgian pro league soccer,VABB-4,3,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454551,,Geroepen tot het onmogelijke. Weerbarstige Bijbelverhalen en de reflectie over het eigen pastorale handelen,VABB-4,75,86,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:454555,,Integrated staff scheduling at a medical emergency service: An optimisation approach,VABB-1,62,76,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454556,,Lateinische Inschriften aus dem Thermenmuseum in Heerlen (Niederlande),VABB-1,221,261,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:454557,,"Routes, roads and maps (of) literature",VABB-4,146,158,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454558,,Treatment processes during exposure and cognitive-behavioral therapy for chronic back pain: A single-case experimental design with multiple baselines,VABB-1,58,67,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454559,,"A review on the effects of verbal instructions in human fear conditioning: Empirical findings, theoretical considerations, and future directions",VABB-1,49,64,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454560,,"Late medieval enclosed gardens of the low countries: Mixed media, remnant art, récyclage and gender in the low countries (sixteenth century onwards)",VABB-4,33,47,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454561,,Variables Applicable to Benchmarking of Tap-Hole Life-Cycle Management Practices in Coke-Bed-Based Ferroalloy Production,VABB-1,2422,2427,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454563,,Getting the Work-Nonwork Interface You Are Looking for: The Relevance of Work-Nonwork Boundary Management Fit,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454571,,"Verslag van de jaarvergadering van de Vereniging voor de Vergelijkende Studie van het Recht van België en Nederland, Afdeling Strafrecht",VABB-5,1634,1638,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454572,,The Commons and a New Global Governance,VABB-3,,,416,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454573,,"The G7, Anti-globalism and the Governance of Globalization",VABB-3,,,182,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454574,,A European Perspective on the G20 and the BRICS,VABB-1,60,75,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454577,,"The G7, Anti-Globalism and the Governance of Globalization: Setting the Scene",VABB-4,1,21,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:454578,,"The Role of the EU in the G7 in Times of Populism, Nationalism and Anti-Globalism",VABB-4,68,89,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454579,,Out of the Ashes? Reflecting on the Future of Global Governance,VABB-4,169,178,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454580,,"Introduction—Democratic, Institutional and Legal Implications of the Commons for Global Governance",VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454581,,International law to save the commons,VABB-4,266,290,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454586,,"Personality Development and Adjustment in College: A Multifaceted, Cross-National View",VABB-1,338,361,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454589,,"Get out of my sandbox: Web publication, authority, and originality",VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:454590,,Why motivation necessarily precedes high mathematical performance - but not vice versa,VABB-5,77,84,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454591,,Gap and congruency effect in fraction comparison,VABB-5,459,466,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454592,,The influence of saliency in intuitive reasoning,VABB-5,299,306,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454593,,Investigating learners' fraction understanding: A longitudinal study in upper elementary school,VABB-5,339,346,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454594,,Comparing explanations for the Complexity Principle. Evidence from argument realization,VABB-1,514,543,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454595,,Emergent proportional reasoning: Searching for early traces in four- to five-year olds,VABB-5,347,354,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454596,,The politics of translation in multilingual states,VABB-4,221,237,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454597,,De kwaliteit van vertalingen. Een terminologie van de vertaalevaluatie,VABB-2,,,120,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454598,,A Temporary Farewell. Practices of Muslim Women regarding Mourning and Remembrance,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454600,,Humor in Julio Ramon Ribeyro's Short Stories: Consequence or Cause of the Fantastic?,VABB-1,41,61,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454602,,Classroom Discussions and Political Tolerance towards Immigrants: The Importance of Mutual Respect and Responsiveness,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454603,,The prosody of specification: Discourse-intonational cues to setting up a variable,VABB-1,87,100,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454604,,Political Efficacy and Interest as Mediators of Expected Political Participation among Belgian Adolescents,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454606,,Ziekte-Identiteit bij refractaire epilepsie.,VABB-1,23,31,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454607,,From office environmental stressors to work performance: the role of work patterns,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454611,,"De fotoconfrontatie: een juridische en rechtspsychologische analyse (noot onder Gent, 23 mei 2017)",VABB-1,77,83,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454613,,"The Risk of Earth Destabilization (RED) index, aggregating the impact we make and what the planet can take",VABB-1,601,611,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454617,,"Driving The Frame: How News Values, News Pegs, and Story Angles Guide Journalistic Frame-Building",VABB-4,112,134,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454657,,Magnetoliposomes as Contrast Agents for Longitudinal in vivo Assessment of Transplanted Pancreatic Islets in a Diabetic Rat Model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454660,,Law of Property and Obligations: Neoscholastic Thinking and Beyond,VABB-4,611,631,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454661,,Language and Translation Policies Toward Minority Languages in China and the USA,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454663,,School of Dialogue in Love: Interweaving Gravissimum educationis with Perfectae caritatis anno 2015,VABB-4,95,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454664,,"More legislation, more violence? The impact of Dodd-Frank in the DRC",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454666,,The Coffins of the Lector Priest Sesenebenef: a Middle Kingdom Book of the Dead?,VABB-4,3,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454667,,Presaccadic EEG activity predicts visual saliency in free-viewing contour integration,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454668,,Interrupting Theology – in gratitude to Johann Baptist Metz,VABB-4,43,46,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454669,,"Re-Imagining the ""loss of place"": Georges Didi-Huberman and the Aura After Benjamin",VABB-1,113,132,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454670,,WHO/ILO work-related burden of disease and injury: Protocol for systematic reviews of exposure to long working hours and of the effect of exposure to long working hours on alcohol consumption and alcohol use disorders,VABB-1,22,33,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454672,,Blockchain for business applications: A systematic literature review,VABB-5,384,399,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454673,,Interdisciplinarity and collaboration: on the relationship between disciplinary diversity in departmental affiliations and reference lists,VABB-1,271,291,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454674,,Sailing in all winds: Technological search over the business cycle,VABB-1,1933,1944,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454675,,Estimation of an overall standardized mean difference in random-effects meta-analysis if the distribution of random effects departs from normal,VABB-1,489,503,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454676,,A roadmap for user interface design of interactive systems: An approach based on a triad of patterns,VABB-5,223,240,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454677,,Numerical magnitude processing and mathematical achievement,VABB-1,127,146,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454678,,Magic Circle,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454679,,Amodal Volume Completion and the Thin Building Illusion,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454680,,A new approach to explore the knowledge transition path in the evolution of science & technology: From the biology of restriction enzymes to their application in biotechnology,VABB-1,842,857,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454681,,The Understanding of Scalar Implicatures in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Dichotomized Responses to Violations of Informativeness,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454682,,Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation and extinction of prepared fear: A conceptual non-replication,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454684,,Brief description of socioeconomic situation and changes in indicators of welfare,VABB-4,37,58,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454685,,Copy number variations in Friesian horses and genetic risk factors for insect bite hypersensitivity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454687,,Early maladaptive schemas: Similarities and differences between female patients with eating versus substance use disorders,VABB-1,422,430,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454688,,From Central Planning to the common agricultural policy: Analysis and political economy aspects of agricultural policy in Central and Eastern Europe,VABB-4,187,214,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454689,,Using eye tracking to account for attribute non-attendance in choice experiments,VABB-1,333,365,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454690,,Reduced return of threat expectancy after counterconditioning versus extinction,VABB-1,78,84,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454693,,"Hippocampal synaptic plasticity in neurodegenerative diseases: Aß, tau and beyond",VABB-1,A133,A141,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454694,,"Hippocampal synaptic plasticity in neurodegenerative diseases: Amyloid-Β, tau and beyond that",VABB-1,203,212,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454695,,Epigenetic treatment of multiple myeloma mediates tumor intrinsic and extrinsic immunomodulatory effects,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454697,,Sustainable careers: Towards a conceptual model,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454698,,Symbolic estrangement or symbolic integration of numerals with quantities: Methodological pitfalls and a possible solution,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454699,,Stimulating the problem‐solving abilities of users in an online environment. A study of a Dutch online social casework intervention,VABB-1,988,994,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454701,,Understanding street-level bureaucrats’ attitude towards clients: towards a measurement instrument,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454702,,"Active Debris Removal, International Environmental Law, and the Collective Management of Risk: Foundations of an International System for Space Traffic Management",VABB-4,131,154,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454703,,Prosocial compensation following a service failure: Fulfilling an organization´s ethical and philanthropic responsibilities,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454704,,Analysis of single-case experimental count data using the linear mixed effects model: A simulation study,VABB-1,2477,2497,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454705,,Explaining non-adoption of electronic government services by citizens. A study among non-users of public e-services in Latvia,VABB-1,399,409,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454706,,Theorizing mobility through concepts and figures,VABB-1,153,168,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454707,,The Political Import of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations,VABB-1,229,252,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454710,,The invention of European human rights,VABB-1,485,504,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454712,,"Economic inequality, perceived responsiveness and political trust",VABB-1,1,38,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454713,,Peacemaking at the Workplace: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,204,224,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454714,,The Long-Term Effectiveness of Mediating Workplace Conflicts,VABB-1,243,264,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454720,,Grapheme-Phoneme Learning in an Unknown Orthography: A Study in Typical Reading and Dyslexic Children,VABB-1,1393,1393,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454724,,Depressive symptoms and category learning: A preregistered conceptual replication study.,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454725,,"Thomas De Quincey, Translation, and the Philosophy of Reconstruction",VABB-1,197,217,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454729,,"Culture, names and economic development",VABB-1,81,106,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:454730,,"Het herteleet van Simon van Formelis. Familieruzies, erfeniskwesties en het huwelijk in vijftiende-eeuws Gent",VABB-1,55,88,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:454731,,Diffuser des lettres pour contracter des alliances. La communication des rebelles en Flandre et en Brabant au bas Moyen Age,VABB-1,131,150,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:454732,,"« Li ville est mal gouvernee ». Les registres du conseil de la ville de Mons, la crise politique de 1424-1428, son impact sur l'audition des comptes communaux",VABB-1,137,166,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:454734,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek: Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen (1 juli 2017 - 31 december 2017),VABB-1,46,62,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454735,,"Equity crowdfunding, shareholder structures, and firm performance",VABB-1,314,330,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454736,,"Pourquoi les innovations dans le secteur public survivent-elles? Etude explratoire sur l'influence du feedback, de l'imputabilité et de l'apprentissage",VABB-1,261,280,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:454743,,Lochos: A Career in the Service of Ptolemy VIII,VABB-1,376,394,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454744,,Increasing the Impact of Dynamic Microsimulation Modelling,VABB-1,61,96,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454745,,Goal conflict in chronic pain: day reconstruction method,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454746,,The end justifies the means. The nature of Belgium’s 1830 political liberalism,VABB-1,129,145,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454747,,The Belgian Constitution: Modern Constitutionalism's Greatest Triumph?,VABB-1,17,32,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454748,,"Dramaturgien des Säumens. Postdramatik und Posthumanismus in drei Aufführungen von Hölderlins ""Der Tod des Empedokles"" (Grüber, Castellucci, Theater Zuidpool)",VABB-1,61,78,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:454749,,Concurrentie aan de vennootschap door ex-bestuurders en hun vaste vertegenwoordiger (noot onder Antwerpen 9 november 2017),VABB-1,425,429,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454752,,Participation and health care: A survey investigating current and desired levels of collaboration between patient organizations and hospitals,VABB-1,4,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454753,,Aristotle’s Anthropological Machine and Slavery: An Agambenian Interpretation,VABB-1,239,262,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454755,,The Lower to Middle Palaeolithic Transition in Northwestern Europe: Evidence from Kesselt-Op de Schans,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454758,,Literary Transnationalism(s),VABB-3,,,280,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454759,,Het ECTS-apparaat ontrafeld : een verkennende analyse van de werking van het ECTS in het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,195,206,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454760,,Un office du juge (encore plus) étendu: l'hypothèse du consommateur défaillant,VABB-1,118,129,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:454761,,Need-Supporting Gamification in Education: An Assessment of Motivational Effects Over Time,VABB-1,283,297,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454762,,Raymond Carré de Malberg and the Interpretation of Sovereignty in the Belgian Constitution,VABB-1,149,166,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454764,,Multistep knowledge transfer in MNC networks: When do subsidiaries benefit from unconnected sister alliances?,VABB-1,414,442,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454769,,Legendes van de literatuur. Schrijvers en het artistieke experiment in de jaren zestig,VABB-3,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:454771,,Vergeten in Wetteren. Het maquis van galerij Drieghe,VABB-4,83,99,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:454772,,Vernieuwend werk. Een gesprek met Clara Haesaert,VABB-4,11,16,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:454774,,How well‐being and involvement fit into the commitment to children’s rights.,VABB-1,325,335,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454776,,A virtual platform to train cross-national police teams in team collaboration and police interviewing,VABB-1,167,175,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454789,,Essayism along borders. Perspectival mobility in Claudio Magris’ Danubio,VABB-1,105,113,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454791,,Abstractie als godcomplex. Een gesprek met Renaat Ramon,VABB-4,29,36,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:454792,,"Schoolmeester, vakbondsleider noch dictactor. Een gesprek met Pjeroo Roobjee.",VABB-4,37,42,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:454793,,Van Bop naar Beat. Een gesprek met Gerd Segers,VABB-4,43,49,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:454794,,Een toerist in het experimentele. Een gesprek met Lucienne Stassaert,VABB-4,51,58,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:454798,,Through thick and thin: young people's affective geographies in Brussels' public spaces,VABB-1,9,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454805,,Au droit citoyen,VABB-1,7,10,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:454806,,Enhancing the family-centered approach by means of training and feedback: a multiple case study,VABB-5,497,505,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454807,,Gazing at the partner in musical trios: a mobile eye-tracking study,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454808,,"On the Logical Topics at the Eve of the Renaissance. A Study of Saint-Omer, BA., Ms. 609 (c. 1502)",VABB-1,81,196,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454809,,The Abyss of Meaning. Paul Tillich’s views of the Demonic and the Pathological in cultural historical Perspective,VABB-4,203,225,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454812,,Rendering direct speech in Polish and Russian Translations of Dutch dialogues,VABB-5,27,39,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454815,,Business Model Innovation and Value-creation: The Triadic Way,VABB-1,883,906,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454817,,"Conclusion: reconsidering political representation in Europe, 1400-1700",VABB-4,309,317,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454820,,Intact perceptual bias in autism contradicts the decreased normalization model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454825,,Is it culture? A pragmatic approach to cross-cultural analysis,VABB-4,69,88,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454826,,Challenging Google Search filter bubbles in social and political information: Disconforming evidence from a digital methods case study,VABB-1,2006,2015,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454827,,Physical Activity-Related Drivers of Perceived Health Status in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease,VABB-1,1437,1442,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454828,,Involvement and Resistance: A Response to the Critical Study by Willem Lemmens,VABB-1,123,130,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:454829,,"Pain, Taboo and Contingency",VABB-1,3,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454831,,Forecasting risk with Markov-switching GARCH models: A large-scale performance study,VABB-1,733,747,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454832,,DAMS: A Model to Assess Domino Effects by Using Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation,VABB-1,1585,1600,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454833,,Service-Driven Iterative Software Project Management with I-Tropos,VABB-1,975,1011,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454834,,Task interference and distraction efficacy in patients with fibromyalgia: an experimental investigation,VABB-1,1119,1126,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454835,,Time for a Plot Twist: Beyond Confirmatory Approaches to Binge-Watching Research,VABB-1,308,318,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454836,,"Uncovering Pluralistic Ignorance to Change Men's Communal Self-descriptions, Attitudes, and Behavioral Intentions",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454839,,The impairing effect of dyspnea on response inhibition,VABB-1,41,49,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454840,,Literary Translation and Cultural Mediators in 'Peripheral' Cultures Customs Officers or Smugglers?,VABB-2,,,373,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454841,,General Introduction. Literary Translation and Cultural Mediators. Toward an Agent and Process-Oriented Approach.,VABB-4,1,37,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454842,,Behavioural interventions for preschool ADHD,VABB-4,333,339,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454843,,Cognitive-behavioural treatment in childhood and adolescence,VABB-4,340,347,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454848,,EXPOSURE IN VIVO VERSUS PAIN-CONTINGENT PHYSICAL THERAPY IN COMPLEX REGIONAL PAIN SYNDROME TYPE I: A COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS,VABB-1,400,409,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:454849,,[Biology and context. Experiences of adults diagnosed with autism].,VABB-1,536,543,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454852,,The effectiveness of health literacy interventions on health-related outcomes among socioeconomically disadvantaged adults living in the community: a systematic review protocol.,VABB-1,49,63,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:454853,,Do treatment outcomes differ after 3 months DBT inpatient treatment based on borderline personality disorder subtypes?,VABB-1,321,333,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454861,,"Empathy, Depressive Symptoms, and Self-Esteem in Adolescence: The Moderating Role of the Mother-Adolescent Relationship",VABB-1,3964,3974,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454863,,"Examining the cross-cultural attitudes of Qataris and expatriates in Qatar, the host country of 2022 World Cup",VABB-1,266,278,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454864,,Individual welfare analysis for collective households,VABB-1,98,114,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454865,,A performance tool for policy-makers to monitor the dual objective of social enterprises: a data envelopment analysis approach,VABB-4,102,121,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454866,,Algorithm/Architecture Co-optimisation Technique for Automatic Data Reduction of Wireless Read-Out in High-Density Electrode Arrays,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454867,,Fear of pain and cortisol reactivity predict the strength of stress-induced hypoalgesia,VABB-1,1291,1303,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454868,,Exploring user gains in participatory design processes with vulnerable children,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454869,,The roles of adult-participants in the back- and frontstage work of participatory design processes involving children,VABB-5,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454873,,Methods of Identification of International Custom: A New Role for Opinio Juris?,VABB-4,69,111,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454878,,About one in five novice vapers buying their first e-cigarette in a vape shop are smoking abstinent after six months.,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454879,,De elektronische sigaret als rookstophulpmiddel in de tabakologenpraktijk: Een prospectieve cohortstudie.,VABB-1,1405,1414,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454880,,The curious stability of candidate selection methods in Belgium in times of crisis,VABB-4,49,65,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454883,,EUROPEAN UNION DEMOCRATIC GOVERNANCE: A CASE STUDY OF THE EUROPEAN CITIZENS' INITIATIVE,VABB-1,137,168,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:454884,,The use of hyperlinks in an online environment: putting links in chains?,VABB-1,585,598,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:454890,,The Birth of a European Research Institute for Chaplains in Healthcare (ERICH): Inititated by Chaplains for the Promotion of Research by Chaplains,VABB-1,297,305,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:454891,,Verschillende beoordelings(g)raden: hoe een C-attest toch een A-attest wordt zonder schadevergoeding,VABB-1,328,337,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454893,,Transparantie over geblokkeerde websites,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454896,,'Hetzelfde // is anders'. Universalia in Hester Knibbes gedichten over Griekenland,VABB-4,139,155,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454899,,Pijnpunten,VABB-1,1,7,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454900,,De vreemde wegen van een getuigenisroman. De Spaanse vertaling van The Brick People,VABB-1,1,9,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454901,,Schoolkeuzegeschillen,VABB-1,255,261,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454905,,Local high-tech job multipliers in Europe,VABB-1,639,655,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454906,,De sluipwegen van de roem. James Ensors streven naar erkenning en verkoop ten tijde van ‘Les XX’ (1883-­‐1893)’,VABB-1,137,171,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454909,,"Drugshandel, dark web & virtuele munten",VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454910,,Heterogeneity in cognitive and socio-emotional functioning in adolescents with on-track and delayed school progression,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454911,,De zaak Kalneniene versus België: een nieuw criterium voor de Antigoonrechtspraak?,VABB-1,67,70,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454913,,Aristotle's Peculiar Analysis of Monarchy,VABB-1,216,234,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454915,,Neural Representations Behind 'Social Norm' Inferences In Humans,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454917,,"The power of art to foster systems thinking, one of the key competencies of education for sustainable development",VABB-1,758,770,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454920,,Maak kennis met Touch2Learn. Over smartphones en nóg slimmer onderwijs,VABB-1,79,84,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454922,,On the Interpreter’s Choices: Making hermeneutic relativity explicit,VABB-1,453,478,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454923,,Conscience,VABB-4,434,453,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:454926,,Testing Western Media Icons Influence on Arab Women’s Body Size and Shape Ideals: An Experimental Approach,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454927,,(Non)metonymic Expressions for GOVERNMENT in Chinese A Mixed-Effects Logistic Regression Analysis,VABB-4,117,146,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454929,,"Lucifer, Save my Soul. Medieval Female Interpretations of Divine Judgement, Compassion and the Doctrine of Purgatory",VABB-1,60,78,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454930,,Living What is Celebrated: A Liturgico-Theological Commentary on the Four Options of the Dismissal Formula of the Mass,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:454931,,"What nationalism has buried: Yugoslav social scientists on the crisis, grassroots powerlessness and Yugoslavism",VABB-4,21,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:454935,,Unintended consequences: the EU memory framework and the politics of memory in Serbia and Croatia,VABB-1,381,399,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454936,,Do women's pre-birth relative wages moderate the parenthood effect on gender inequality in working hours?,VABB-1,57,69,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454937,,"First a job, then a child? Subgroup variation in women's employment-fertility link",VABB-1,38,52,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:454939,,"Vanishing Girls, Mysterious Blacks",VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:454942,,Qualitative job insecurity and in-role performance: a bidirectional longitudinal relationship?,VABB-1,603,615,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454943,,Pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in raw and cooked seafood from European market: Concentrations and human exposure levels,VABB-1,570,581,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454946,,Types of party affiliation and the multi-speed party: What kind of party support is functionally equivalent to party membership?,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454947,,The effects of survey mode and sampling in Belgian election studies: a comparison of a national probability face-to-face survey and a nonprobability Internet survey,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454949,,Hours of service regulations for professional drivers in continental Latin America.,VABB-1,472,475,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454950,,Area Dominates Edge in Pointillistic Colour,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454952,,"DayGloification: Frank Stella’s Fluorescent Turn, an Art-Scientific Approach",VABB-1,19,44,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454956,,Evolving Government Information Processes for Service Delivery: Identifying Types & Impacts,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454957,,The multimodal enactment of deontic and epistemic authority in Indian meetings,VABB-1,333,360,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454959,,Fidelity Criteria Development: Aligning Paralympic School Day with Contact Theory,VABB-1,233,244,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454960,,General introduction: A comparative perspective on probabilistic variation in grammar,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454961,,Probabilistic corpus-based dialectometry,VABB-1,56,75,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454962,,Show me the title. Over eigendomsafspraken op aandelen op naam en aandelen aan toonder. Noot onder Gent 24 oktober 2016,VABB-1,228,233,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454966,,Old and New Democracy: Placing the Italian Anomaly in a European Context,VABB-4,151,170,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454967,,Gender differences and similarities in the educational gradient in fertility: The role of earnings potential and gender composition in study disciplines,VABB-1,381,414,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454968,,Winning or not losing? The impact of non-pain goat focus on attentional bias to learned pain signals,VABB-1,675,686,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454969,,The prospects for Transatlantic leadership in an evolving multipolar world,VABB-1,431,448,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:454973,,Veralgemeende correctionaliseerbaarheid: Rechts(on)zekerheid na het interpretatief arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof (nr. 2018/28),VABB-1,566,572,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454974,,"Arenberg. Portret van een familie, verhaal van een verzameling",VABB-3,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454975,,"Arenberg. Portrait d'une famille, l'histoire d'une collection",VABB-3,,,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:454976,,"Arenberg: Portrait of a family, story of a collection",VABB-3,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:454978,,Hierarchical stimulus processing in rodent primary and lateral visual cortex as assessed through neuronal selectivity and repetition suppression,VABB-1,926,941,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454987,,The Court of Justice and treaty revision: A case of strategic leniency?,VABB-1,570,596,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:454988,,The origins of regional integration: Untangling the effect of trade on judicial cooperation,VABB-1,122,133,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454989,,Voice and its implications for employment quality in temporary agency work,VABB-4,137,159,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454991,,"Online Dutch L2 learning in adult education: educators' and providers' viewpoints on needs, advantages and disadvantages",VABB-1,18,33,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454992,,"Online language teaching: Teacher perceptions of effective communication tools, required skills and challenges of online teaching",VABB-1,129,142,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:454993,,"Drop-out, retention, satisfaction and attainment of online learners of Dutch L2 in adult education",VABB-1,303,323,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455003,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,593,596,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:455004,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,597,603,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:455005,,Het CPT en de Belgische politie: als men maar genoeg blijft hameren op dezelde nagels...,VABB-4,7,75,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455007,,Politie en geesteszieken: het standpunt van het Vast Comité P over enkele in de praktijk gerezen juridische kwesties,VABB-1,5,11,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455009,,"De gestoorde procedure: een CPT-geïnspireerde reflectie"" (noot onder Antwerpen 22 februari 2017)",VABB-1,40,43,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455010,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,232,241,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455011,,Andere publicaties,VABB-1,242,247,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455022,,Een wettelijke basis voor de screening bij 'Tomorrowland 2017'? Het standpunt van het Vast Comité P,VABB-1,47,60,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455024,,"DORA, HYSTERIA AND GENDER Reconsidering Freud's Case Study",VABB-2,,,152,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455025,,Introduction,VABB-4,11,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455026,,"Sucking, Kissing and Disgust – Dora and the Theory of Infantile Sexuality",VABB-4,73,88,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455027,,Care Living Labs’ effect on Care Organization and Quality of Working Life,VABB-1,709,719,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455030,,The Implicative Dimension of Time: from Bergson’s Duration to Deleuze’s Virtuality,VABB-1,153,171,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455031,,Contextual factors and the experience of unemployment: A review of qualitative studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455033,,"Het stil faillissement na de Smallsteps-zaak: uit het oog, maar niet uit het hart",VABB-1,671,683,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455034,,"De dood van Eurydice. Cultuurkritische gedachtewisselingen met Simmel, Gehlen en Adorno",VABB-2,,,388 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455035,,Young children’s early mathematical competencies: Analysis and stimulation,VABB-5,31,52,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:455037,,Trust between party elites in consociational federations: the case of Belgium,VABB-4,122,149,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455038,,Solidarity after nature: From biopolitics to cosmopolitics.,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455044,,mHealth and Psycho-Physical Well-Being,VABB-5,952,955,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455045,,When data protection by design and data subject rights clash,VABB-1,105,123,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455046,,Data protection and the role of fairness,VABB-1,130,187,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455048,,Imprisonment for Life at the International Criminal Court,VABB-1,97,115,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455050,,"Kind aan huis: gender, huiselijkheid en zelfperceptie in de persoonlijke correspondentie van de kinderen Bethune in vroegnegentiende-eeuws België",VABB-1,51,68,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455053,,Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: On the Crucial Role of “Testimony” in Biblical Wisdom Literature and in the Book of Qoheleth in Particular,VABB-1,359,376,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455055,,Looking back on a Practice-Based Phd Project: 'The Painterly: Painting Revisited',VABB-4,180,185,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455056,,België en het Europees onderzoeksbevel in strafzaken: een analyse van de Wet van 22 mei 2017,VABB-1,341,378,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455057,,Het vennootschaps- en boedelbelang in de queeste van Dionysos: naar nieuwe wijn in oude zakken?,VABB-1,465,528,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455058,,"""Plowden"" at 50 --- R.S. Peters' Response to Educational Progressivism",VABB-4,101,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455061,,"Determinants of emotional language use preferences of ethnolinguistic minority children in Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455062,,Le Groupe d’États contre la corruption (GRECO) et la transparence en matière de comptabilité des partis politiques,VABB-1,5,44,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455063,,In Search of the Final Frontier? An Analysis of the Extraterritorial Effect of International Trade Measures from a Jurisdictional Perspective,VABB-1,63,104,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455065,,"The role of secularisation on marriage and conception seasonality patterns: A study of Antwerp (Flanders, Belgium) in the second half of the 19th and the early 20th century",VABB-1,335,356,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455066,,Release of Trace Elements from Bottom Ash from Hazardous Waste Incinerators,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455068,,What's mine is yours: a brief introduction to open access in the European Union,VABB-1,269,272,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455070,,Perpetuating inequality: Junior women do not see queen bee behavior as negative but are nonetheless negatively affected by it.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455071,,The Treatment of Panic Disorder and Phobias,VABB-4,63,93,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455072,,Psychotherapy Approaches,VABB-4,35,67,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:455073,,Trial-Based Cognitive Therapy: Efficacy of a New CBT Approach for Treating Social Anxiety Disorder with Comorbid Depression.,VABB-1,325,342,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455074,,"De waardering van schade aan fauna, flora en biotopen",VABB-4,183,205,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455077,,The birth of European legal history,VABB-4,84,99,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455082,,Antecedents of informal workplace learning: A theoretical study,VABB-4,12,39,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455084,,Refixation control in free viewing: a specialized mechanism divulged by eye-movement-related brain activity,VABB-1,2311,2324,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455085,,Data privacy vocabularies and controls: Semantic web for transparency and privacy,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455086,,Data makes the public sector go round,VABB-5,221,232,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455087,,Attention allows the SNARC effect to operate on multiple number lines,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455089,,Neural Signatures of the Configural Superiority Effect and Fundamental Emergent Features in Human Vision,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455090,,Strange bedfellows: Federal systems and performance management,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455091,,Sensitivity of the integrated Welfare Quality((R)) scores to changing values of individual dairy cattle welfare measures,VABB-1,157,166,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455092,,What is the value of sustainably-produced rice? Consumer evidence from experimental auctions in Vietnam,VABB-1,283,296,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455093,,Enrollment and degree completion in higher education without admission standards,VABB-1,223,244,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455094,,The printed Bible and its Reformation,VABB-1,73,89,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455095,,"First gender, then attractiveness: Indications of gender-specific attractiveness processing via ERP onsets",VABB-1,186,192,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455096,,The Best of Both Worlds: The Role of Career Adaptability and Career Competencies in Students' Well-Being and Performance,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455097,,Ensuring continued support for the rules-based multilateral trading system: The need for a public-private approach,VABB-5,433,450,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455099,,"Critical dynamics, anesthesia and information integration: Lessons from multi-scale criticality analysis of voltage imaging data",VABB-1,919,933,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455100,,Access to Parental Leave Benefits? Social Rights and Eligibility Conditions from a Comparative Perspective,VABB-1,667,687,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455101,,L’inapplicabilité du droit commun de l’insolvabilité aux personnes morales de droit public à l’épreuve du droit des aides d’État,VABB-1,827,843,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455103,,"Global alcohol markets: evolving consumption patterns, regulations and industrial organizations",VABB-1,105,132,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455105,,Effects of Gain-Loss Frames on Advantageous Inequality Aversion,VABB-1,99,109,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455106,,Visual-verbal materiality,VABB-1,357,368,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455107,,Nature's broken path to restoration. A critical look at Attention Restoration Theory,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455111,,‘The Troublesome Word of Crisis’: Discourse on the Agricultural Crisis of the 1930s in the Belgian Parliament,VABB-1,237,257,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455112,,SMEs and access to bank credit: Evidence on the regional propagation of the financial crisis in the UK,VABB-1,53,70,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455114,,"Professional self-understanding in practice: Narrating, navigating and negotiating",VABB-4,229,240,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455115,,Het voorstel tot herziening van de PSI-Richtlijn: Hoe open is open data?,VABB-1,89,101,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455116,,Overcoming conflict. The symbiosis of scholasticism and humanism at the Leuven Faculty of Theology,VABB-4,33,56,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455117,,Toepassing van artikel 29bis WAM-wet op verkeersongevallen met spoorvoertuigen: een lange reisweg (noot onder GwH 28 mei 2015),VABB-1,980,983,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:455118,,"De automatische vergoedingsregeling van art. 19bis-11, §2 WAM-wet",VABB-1,83,91,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:455119,,De rechtstreekse vordering van de advocaat tegen de rechtsbijstandsverzekeraar,VABB-1,296,303,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:455121,,Het begrip schadegeval in de rechtsbijstandsverzekering: een muisje met een staartje,VABB-1,152,163,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455123,,Commentaar op de wijzigingen aan de WAM-wet door de wet van 31 mei 2017,VABB-1,1643,1656,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455127,,Feeling pressure to be a perfect mother relates to parental burnout and career ambitions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455128,,"Le Collège des Trois Langues de Louvain 1517-1797. Erasme, les pratiques pédagogiques humanistes et le nouvel institut des langues",VABB-3,,,XIV - 230,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455129,,Architectural Contextualization of Heritage Museum Artifacts Using Augmented Reality,VABB-1,42,67,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455131,,Het Multilateraal Instrument: een analyse van de formele bepalingen,VABB-1,5,34,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455132,,Tax-on-tax: dan toch niet dood en begraven? (noot onder Antwerpen 13 juni 2017),VABB-1,293,299,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455133,,Factive knowability and the problem of possible omniscience,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455134,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455138,,De implementatie van de geamendeerde Moeder-dochterrichtlijn,VABB-1,33,71,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:455139,,Receptie en manuscriptcultuur. Nieuwe perspectieven op Bijbelse en oosters-christelijke literatuur,VABB-1,175,184,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455140,,"Bezetting ter bede, bijzonder huurrecht en wetsontduiking. Het Hof van Cassatie vult het ontduikingsverbod objectief in!",VABB-1,214,218,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455144,,L'ANALYSE COMPORTEMENTALE DU DROIT MANIFESTE POUR UN NOUVEAU CHAMP DE RECHERCHE EN EUROPE,VABB-1,315,338,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:455145,,Can EU consumer law benefit from behavioural insights?: An analysis of the unfair practices directive,VABB-4,71,106,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:455146,,De ontwikkeling van een nieuw Vlaams jeugddelinquentierecht: een juridisch-criminologische reflectie,VABB-1,18,24,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455148,,Vrijheidsbeperking in de kinderpsychiatrie. Een juridische aanvulling bij het werk van Zorginspectie.,VABB-1,83,98,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455149,,From Big Bang to heat death? Theological considerations concerning modern cosmological issues.,VABB-1,6,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455151,,De vertaling van de ondergang van het avondland,VABB-1,40,45,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455153,,Decomposing Firm Productivity Growth and Assessing its Determinants: evidence from the Americas,VABB-1,1,36,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455154,,Loyaliteitsplicht van meerderheidsaandeelhouders. Aard en misbruik van stemrecht herbekeken,VABB-1,323,391,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455155,,Self-Dealing by Controlling Shareholders: Improving Minority Protection in Light of Article 9 c SRD,VABB-1,197,235,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455156,,"Act2vec, trace2vec, log2vec, and model2vec: Representation learning for business processes",VABB-5,305,321,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455158,,Investing in Innovation and Skills: Thriving through Global Value Chains,VABB-1,1,33,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455159,,Export Dynamics and the Sourcing of Service Inputs,VABB-4,145,168,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455161,,Te oud om te spelen? Een exploratie van het belang van spel en speelsheid in de behandeling van moeilijk bereikbare adolescenten,VABB-1,300,314,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455164,,"The university as pedagogical form: Public study, responsibility, mondialisation",VABB-4,47,61,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455165,,At the intersection of anecdotal stories and great narratives: reflections on the coopteration between educational historians and educational philosophers,VABB-4,15,31,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455167,,Solidarność i Trzeci Świat. Część II. Taktyczne sojusze z kluczowymi ruchami lat osiemdziesiątych XX wieku,VABB-1,247,272,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:455168,,The Fine Structure of the Comparative,VABB-1,1,52,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455169,,Comparing task-induced psychophysiological responses between persons with stress-related complaints and healthy controls: A methodological pilot study.,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455172,,‘Van den vleeschouweren oft pensvrouwen’. De economische mogelijkheden voor vrouwen in het Leuvense vleeshouwersambacht in de vijftiende en zestiende eeuw.,VABB-1,5,30,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455175,,‘“Aen Kunst alleen verpand”. Herleving en beleving van het culturele verleden in de achttiende-eeuwse vergaderzaal van het genootschap Kunst Wordt Door Arbeid Verkregen,VABB-1,75,98,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:455176,,From Contextualisation to Categorisation of Animated Documentaries,VABB-4,15,30,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455179,,De fonograaf en de grammofoon in de Nederlandstalige literatuur (1877-1935). Een media-archeologisch onderzoek,VABB-2,,,252 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455180,,Introduction: Psychology and the Classics,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455182,,Personality Functioning in Adolescents and Emerging Adults With Type 1 Diabetes,VABB-1,792,798,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455184,,Inventory agility upon demand shocks: Empirical evidence from the financial crisis,VABB-1,16,43,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455187,,Ecokritiek / Ecocriticism,VABB-1,103,108,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455192,,De interne en externe rechtspositieregeling van gedetineerden: een beknopt overzicht van enkele recente ontwikkelingen,VABB-1,31,34,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455199,,The influence of students’ cognitive and motivational characteristics on differences in use and learning gain in an e-learning environment,VABB-5,128,135,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455201,,Een voorzienbare miskenning van het voorzienbaarheidsbeginsel (noot onder Cass. 26 februari 2016),VABB-1,703,707,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:455202,,De motivering van de kennisgeving van beslissing tot taxatie: in herhaling vallen is niet zonder risico (noot onder Gent 13 oktober 2015),VABB-1,280,283,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:455205,,Designing a Patient Portal for Patient-Centered Care: Cross-Sectional Survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455206,,Target probability modulates fixation-related potentials in visual search,VABB-1,199,210,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455209,,"The winner takes it all, the loser has to fall: Provoking the agency perspective in employability research",VABB-1,511,523,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455210,,Geometry of Pictorial Relief,VABB-1,451,474,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455211,,The neural basis of visual symmetry and its role in mid- and high-level visual processing,VABB-1,111,126,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455214,,Self-injurious behaviour in patients with anorexia nervosa: a quantitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455215,,How do virtual teams collaborate in online learning tasks in a MOOC?,VABB-1,39,55,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455216,,Smallholder agriculture in transition economies,VABB-1,882,892,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455220,,The Neurobiology of Reduced Autobiographical Memory Specificity,VABB-1,1038,1049,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455222,,The relationship between status and happiness: Evidence from the caste system in rural India,VABB-1,62,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455223,,Security management of process plants by a Bayesian network methodology,VABB-1,247,252,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455224,,Applying agent based modelling and simulation for domino effect assessment in the chemical industries,VABB-1,127,132,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455225,,Family business employer brand: Understanding applicants' perceptions and their job pursuit intentions with samples from the US and Belgium,VABB-1,180,191,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455226,,Are the Supporters of Populist Parties Loyal Voters? Dissatisfaction and Stable Voting for Populist Parties,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455227,,Suicide on the Railways in Belgium: A Typology of Locations and Potential for Prevention,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455229,,Arrival infrastructures: Migration and urban social mobilities,VABB-2,,,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455230,,Migration and the infrastructural politics of urban arrival,VABB-4,1,32,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455231,,"Non-prototypical clefts: Formal, semantic and information-structural properties",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455234,,Ook een aandeelhouder mag oplichting persoonlijk nemen: over afgeleide en persoonlijke schade,VABB-1,262,266,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455238,,Documentation Games: a comparison of three games to support participatory design team to document their design process,VABB-4,247,262,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455239,,Een gasthuis vol narren. Van traditionele naar moderne hellevaart in twee achttiende-eeuwse droomsatiren,VABB-1,245,273,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:455241,,Bottleneck models and departure time problems,VABB-4,151,165,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455245,,Aansprakelijkheid bij ziekenhuisinfecties. De huidige regeling onder het mes.,VABB-2,,,114,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455248,,The Golden Age and its Malcontents: Continental Socialists and Social Democrats Facing the British and Scandinavian Models,VABB-1,111,134,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455251,,"Over aanhangigheid, onsplitsbaarheid en het eerlijk proces",VABB-1,47,50,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455253,,Development of standard clinical endpoints for use in dengue interventional trials,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455254,,Dengue illness index—A tool to characterize the subjective dengue illness experience,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455256,,Detecting long-lived autodependency changes in a multivariate system via change point detection and regime switching models.,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455257,,Thomas Aquinas on Our Freedom to Use Our Habitus,VABB-4,167,184,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455258,,The Later Wittgenstein and Moral Philosophy,VABB-2,,,186,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455260,,Vrije wil en morele verantwoordelijkheid in theorie en praktijk,VABB-1,131,147,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:455261,,Unmerging Analytic Comparatives,VABB-1,341,363,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455262,,When Ethnicity Beats Gender: Quotas and Political Representation in Rwanda and Burundi,VABB-1,1361,1391,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455263,,Antecedenten van betrouwbaarheid tussen actoren van de gerechtelijke jeugdhulpketen,VABB-1,291,309,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455264,,Het nut van frames en counterframes in de strijd tegen stigmatisering,VABB-1,193,199,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455265,,Dataretentie: Grondwettelijk Hof stelt prejudiciële vraag aan Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455266,,Veroordeling wegens kopiëren en wissen klantengegevens,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455268,,‘Ad fontes!’ Een onderzoek van Petrus Nannius’ Deuterologiae sive spicilegia (1544),VABB-1,23,33,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455271,,The International Journal of Restorative Justice: new horizons for independent research and development,VABB-1,3,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455272,,Researching ‘under the radar’ practices: exploring restorative practices in sexual violence cases,VABB-1,107,129,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455273,,Education and fertility in low-fertility settings,VABB-3,,,330,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:455274,,Aristotelian Diagrams for Semantic and Syntactic Consequence,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455277,,Algemene beginselen inzake de bevoegdheden van de algemene vergadering en de raad van bestuur,VABB-1,443,460,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455278,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455281,,Subjectivity: From Husserl to his Followers (and Back Again),VABB-4,492,510,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455282,,Herstelgerichte detentie: kansen en uitdagingen,VABB-1,7,10,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:455287,,Europeanization of Attitudes Towards Homosexuality: Exploring the Role of Education in the Transnational Diffusion of Values,VABB-1,406,428,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455288,,Psychology and the Classics A Dialogue of Disciplines,VABB-3,,,333,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455289,,"Pesher on the True Israel, Commentary on Canticles? Józef Milik’s Designations for Unidentified Qumran Cave 4 Manuscripts on Museum Plates 303 and 304",VABB-1,61,75,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455291,,Amsterdam sierlijk verbonden met God. Het lofdicht op het Amsterdamse stadhuis van Constantijn Huygens,VABB-1,261,290,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:455296,,The enjoyment of shooting games : exploring the role of perceived realism,VABB-1,330,336,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455298,,Situatedness and Translation Training: Scaffolding Skills and Progressive Methods,VABB-1,229,253,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455307,,Hof van beroep verklaart aanslagen van ambtswege nietig wegens schending van het voorzienbaarheidsbeginsel (noot onder Brussel 9 september 2015),VABB-1,784,792,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:455308,,De liquidatiereserve: De saga rond belastingheffing op winstuitkeringen duurt voort,VABB-1,82,97,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:455311,,"Belgium: director liability in the new Companies and Associations Code. Directors, hang onto your hats - and caps.",VABB-1,645,651,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455314,,The Shotgun Method 2.0: estimating population numbers for second century A.D. Sagalassos.,VABB-1,263,304,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455322,,D'Annunzio e il Rinascimento: considerazioni preliminari e proposte di ricerca,VABB-1,603,624,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:455324,,Happiness in the kingdom of the Cleopatras: Examining government influence on quality of life in Hellenistic Egypt (332-30 BC),VABB-1,9,26,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455326,,Najat El Hachmi in the context of Spanish-African literature,VABB-1,116,130,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:455327,,Identitätsentwürfe in der hispanoafrikanischen Literatur: Von der postkolonialen Selbstsuche bis zur Poetik der Migration,VABB-4,271,287,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:455331,,Het Christendom in het Oostelijke Middellandse Zeegebied tot aan het concilie van Chalcedon (451),VABB-4,3,21,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455333,,Relaties tussen christenen en joden in de eerste eeuwen van het christendom: van geleidelijke vervreemding tot radicaal anti-judaisme,VABB-4,673,685,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455334,,When to use Multi Actor Multi Criteria Analysis or other evaluation methods?,VABB-4,28,47,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455336,,Data-driven multi-channel filter design with peak-inference suppression for threshold-based spike sorting in high-density neural probes,VABB-5,955,959,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455340,,NAHR: a visual representation of social networks as support for art history research,VABB-5,634,641,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455343,,"Presentation of the RELiCTA database: Repertory of Early Modern Linguistic and Catechetical Tools of America, Asia, and Africa",VABB-1,293,306,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455350,,European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA),VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455351,,Gaan verzekeraars aan de slag met ons gedrag? Een sociologisch onderzoek naar op gedrag gebaseerd personaliseren in verzekeringsmarkten,VABB-1,449,453,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455352,,Editorial. Citizenship and the Crisis of Democracy. What role can adult education play in matters of public concern,VABB-1,133,137,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455354,,Een geïntegreerde methode voor de beoordeling van de privacy- en persoonsgegevensbescherming van werknemers,VABB-1,377,397,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455356,,Implications of an Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis: An Interview Study of How Physicians Experience the Diagnosis in a Young Child,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455359,,Deregulation of neuronal miRNAs induced by amyloid-beta or TAU pathology,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455363,,Associations of food addiction and nonsuicidal self-injury among women with an eating disorder: A common strategy for regulating emotions?,VABB-1,629,637,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455365,,Ovidius. Het verhaal van een dichter,VABB-2,,,260,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455369,,HYBRID COMBINATIONS OF PARAMETRIC AND EMPIRICAL LIKELIHOODS,VABB-1,2389,2407,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455370,,Improving Pallet Mover Safety in the Manufacturing Industry: A Bow-Tie Analysis of Accident Scenarios,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455371,,Risk management of Hazardous materials in manufacturing processes: Links and transitional spaces between occupational accidents and major accidents,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455374,,Behavior-driven development in product configuration systems,VABB-5,49,52,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455375,,Seeing through transparent layers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455376,,Traditional media use and depression in the general population: evidence for a non-linear relationship,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455377,,Depression as a Predictor of Facebook Surveillance and Envy: Longitudinal Evidence from a Cross-Lagged Panel Study in Germany,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455380,,Geheimhoudingsplicht politie beperkter dan discretieplicht (noot onder Gent 8 november 2017),VABB-1,133,138,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455381,,"'The common good': governance, discipline and political culture",VABB-4,93,127,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455382,,Het politiek zelfbewustzijn van ambachtslieden in Brabant: een lange termijnperspectief (13de-18de eeuw),VABB-1,23,49,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455385,,L'enseignement du grec à l'ancienne Université de Louvain : un bilan sous l'angle européen,VABB-4,131,156,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455387,,Increased Insoluble Amyloid-beta Induces Negligible Cognitive Deficits in Old App(NL / NL) Knock-In Mice,VABB-1,801,809,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455390,,It Takes Three to tango: The Geometry of Workplace Mediation,VABB-4,251,263,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:455391,,Promoting Effective Workplace Mediation,VABB-4,1,17,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:455392,,Inclusive HRM in West Africa? Women’s religious congregations in Nigeria.,VABB-4,239,250,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:455395,,"Transnational Parliamentarism and the Dynamics of the IPC CFSP/CSDP: Policy-making, Accountability and Cooperation",VABB-1,137,154,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455396,,"Kunst, kennis en representatie: de hertogelijke residenties van Karel van Croÿ",VABB-4,188,195,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455397,,"Art, savoir et représentation dans les résidences ducales de Charles de Croÿ",VABB-4,192,199,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455400,,Introduction/Introduzione,VABB-1,7,14,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:455402,,Fragments,VABB-2,,,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455408,,"Creation, Civil Authority and Salvation. Edward Schillebeeckx's Political Theology After Vatican II",VABB-1,293,316,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455411,,Late Holocene landscape instability in the Breckland (England) drift sands,VABB-1,123,134,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455417,,A Control Theoretic Analysis Of The Bullwhip Effect Under Triple Exponential Smoothing Forecasts,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455422,,The political economy of agricultural and food policies,VABB-2,,,254,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455423,,Ferdinand Verbiest: Postulata Vice-Provinciae Sinensis in Urbe Proponenda. A Blueprint for a renewed SJ mission in China,VABB-2,,,248 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455424,,A Ray of Light on Private Mathematical Culture in Coimbra in the mid-17th Century: Francisco Pereira de La Cerda († 1656),VABB-1,65,76,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455425,,F. Verbiest Ingegniere between Sabatino de Ursis and Claudio Filippo Grimaldi: a Re-appraisal,VABB-4,9,30,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455428,,"Mathematical Instruction at the Colégio das Artes in Coimbra: Adam Aigenler’s ""rota astronomica"" (1672)",VABB-1,4,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455430,,Sporen van het M-decreet in statistieken over het buitengewoon lager onderwijs: een interpretatie,VABB-1,54,69,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455431,,Niet-afgifte van kinderen: strafrecht als ultimum remedium?,VABB-1,141,144,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455432,,La redemptie ab hostibus e la redemptie a domino nel diritto romano,VABB-4,75,90,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:455433,,"Economic conditions, group relative deprivation and ethnic threat perceptions: A cross-national perspective",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455441,,En ville et à la campagne. Intérieurs et conversation pieces en aquarelle,VABB-4,366,379,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455442,,Beleidstransfer en criminologisch onderzoek,VABB-1,455,462,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455443,,Living in the City and in the Country. Interiors and Conversation Pieces,VABB-4,360,373,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455445,,Taal is business: (vak) taal als centrale schakel voor de economie en samenleving,VABB-1,13,27,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455446,,Wie schreef het Requiem van Mozart?,VABB-2,,,144,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455447,,Aansprakelijkheid van de bewaarder van de gebrekkige zaak bij verontreinigde gronden: wie maakt aan saneringskosten definitief zijn handen vuil? (noot onder Cass. 22 februari 2018),VABB-1,174,180,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455448,,Muntdatasets en onze kennis van het muntwezen in de Lage Landen,VABB-1,496,510,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455450,,Lobbying the state or the market? A framework to study civil society organizations’ strategic behavior,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455453,,To feel or not to feel? Emotions and international humanitarian law,VABB-4,134,145,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455454,,Dimensions of difficulty in children reported to have an autism spectrum diagnosis and features of extreme/‘pathological’ demand avoidance,VABB-1,220,227,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:455456,,De waardering van het vruchtgebruik als grondslag voor de berekening van het ereloon van de curator (noot onder Antwerpen 9 juni 2016),VABB-1,687,690,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455458,,"Labour, profitability and gender impacts of adopting row planting in Ethiopia",VABB-1,471,503,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455459,,Morele schadevergoeding bij dierlijk lijden : hoe ver gaat het sentiment?,VABB-1,335,338,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455462,,Codification of Private Law: Scots Law at the Crossroads of Common and Civil law,VABB-4,107,129,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:455463,,LE TIRAGE AU SORT EST-IL COMPATIBLE AVEC L'ÉLECTION?,VABB-1,873,894,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455465,,Using the SGDA Framework to Design and Evaluate Research Games,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455466,,Stoet van grote en kleine levens. De Leuvense ommegang in 1594,VABB-2,,,240 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455468,,The Institutional Support for Hong Kong Independent Comics,VABB-4,131,143,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455470,,A Status Quaestionis and Future Solutions for Using Multi-light Reflectance Imaging Approaches for Preserving Cultural Heritage Artifacts,VABB-5,204,211,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455473,,The interaction between donor-conceived families and their environment: parents’ perceptions of societal understanding and attitudes regarding their family-building,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455474,,Overtaking as an interactional achievement: Video analyses of participants' practices in traffic,VABB-1,1,131,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455477,,The added value of more accurate predictions for school rankings,VABB-1,207,215,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455485,,Hermeneutical Selving as Metaxological Selving: Bridging the Perceived Gap between Theological Hermeneutics and Metaphysics,VABB-4,59,76,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455491,,Preliminary Considerations on Dionysius Bar Ṣalībī’s Islamic Sources,VABB-1,357,389,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455493,,Symbols of who we are called to become Sacraments in a post-secular and post-Christian society,VABB-1,147,163,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455496,,"Ecuadorian kindergartners' numerical development: Contribution of SES, quality of early mathematics education, and school type",VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455500,,Real-time classification of experience-related ensemble spiking patterns for closed-loop applications,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455501,,AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Is Essential for the Maintenance of Energy Levels during Synaptic Activation,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455502,,PHOTOCONSORTIUM: Opening up the Riches of Europe’s Photographic Heritage,VABB-5,585,598,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455503,,Stimulus- and response-based interference contributes to the costs of switching between cognitive tasks.,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455504,,Contingent National Belonging: The Perceived Fit and Acceptance of Culturally Different Peers Predicts Minority Adolescents' Own Belonging,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455505,,The effects of social exclusion and group heterogeneity on the provision of public goods,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455506,,Predicting human similarity judgments with distributional models: The value of word associations,VABB-5,1861,1870,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:455507,,PLD3 and spinocerebellar ataxia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455508,,Social media responses of the Turkish diaspora to protests in Turkey: The impact of gezi on attitude and behavioural change,VABB-4,97,125,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455510,,Bridging the Capabilities–Expectations Gap: Lessons Learned from Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance to Liberia,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455511,,Graininess of RGB-Display Space,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455512,,How to explain the rationality of perception,VABB-1,500,512,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455513,,There's a SNARC in the Size Congruity Task,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455514,,Effects of cold stimulation on cardiac-Vagal activation in healthy participants: Randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455516,,"Does cultural capital matter for individual job performance? A large-scale survey of the impact of cultural, social and psychological capital on individual performance in Brazil",VABB-1,1352,1370,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455519,,TecCOMFrame: Developing Prototype Technical Communication Curricula,VABB-5,69,73,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455521,,Veranderingsmanagement.,VABB-4,295,322,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455523,,The state of the art of Higher Education Research on Flanders.,VABB-4,225,241,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455525,,Task-based language teaching: How task-based is it really?,VABB-4,165,197,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455526,,Introduction. Towards a researched pedagogy for TBLT.,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455527,,TBLT as a Researched Pedagogy,VABB-3,,,292,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455528,,Una nota su Gasparo Contarini e il problema del male,VABB-4,501,513,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:455530,,The Constitution of the Belgian people. The Nation as legitimisation,VABB-1,113,128,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455533,,Lessons Learned from the South. Research Collaboration as an Educational Practice.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455537,,Declining Business Dynamism in Belgium,VABB-1,1,39,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455538,,Co-Producton and Co-Creation. Engaging Citizens in Public Services,VABB-3,,,308 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455539,,Co-creation and Co-production in Public Services: Urgent Issues in Practice and Research,VABB-4,3,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455540,,The Roles of the Professional in Co-production and Co-creation Processes,VABB-4,80,92,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455544,,Democratic Co-production: Concepts and Determinants,VABB-4,243,251,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455545,,The Dark Side of Co-Creation and Co-production: Seven Evils,VABB-4,284,293,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455546,,How to Encourage Co-creation and Co-production: Some Recommendations,VABB-4,299,302,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455550,,The origins of the Rhenish-Limburgish two-tone accents: An analysis with special attention to the short vowels for obstruent,VABB-1,129,185,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:455551,,An improper word geographic chapter and its aftermath,VABB-1,43,55,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:455552,,De verlenging van de arrestatietermijn tot 48 uur,VABB-1,87,112,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455553,,De sanctionering van de vormvereisten voor een bevel tot aanhouding,VABB-1,122,126,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455554,,Personnel Scheduling in Queues 2 with Time-varying Arrival Rates: 3 Applications of Simulation-Optimization,VABB-4,197,217,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455557,,Global Governance,VABB-3,,,1792,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455558,,Regarding “Mise en oeuvre des obligations internationals de la Communauté dans les ordres juridiques de la Communauté et de ses Etats membres” by Jean-Victor Louis (1997/-I/II): the European Union and International Law,VABB-1,574,582,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:455561,,"Renaissance? Documentary Methods, Post-industrial Economies and Ideologies on Cultural Heritage",VABB-4,239,257,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455562,,"Renaissance? Méthodes documentaires, économies post-industrielles et idéologies du patrimoine culturel",VABB-4,259,276,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455563,,Socratic Elenchus in the Sophist,VABB-1,371,390,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455566,,"СКАНДАЛ ВОКРУГ КНЯЗЯ ЭЙЛЕНБУРГСКОГО1, 1906-1909 ГОДЫ: СРЕДСТВА МАССОВОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ И ПОЛИТИКА В КАЙЗЕРОВСКОЙ ГЕРМАНИИ",VABB-1,149,159,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:455568,,Identification in Graeco-Roman Egypt: The modalities of expressing filiation,VABB-1,35,56,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:455570,,Algoritmische prijsbepaling en stilzwijgende collusie onder EU-mededingingsrecht,VABB-1,512,521,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455571,,Wild residual bootstrap inference for penalized quantile regression with heteroscedastic errors,VABB-1,859,872,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455573,,Knowing before Judging. Law and Economic Analysis in Early Modern Jesuit Ethics,VABB-1,309,330,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455574,,The Valencia Eustress-Distress Appraisal Scale (VEDAS): Validation of the Italian Version,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455575,,Het stijlboek en het vertrouwen in de media,VABB-4,83,88,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455577,,International Criminal Law,VABB-4,743,781,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455581,,Bound to Expand. The Paradigm of Change in Translation Studies,VABB-4,220,230,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455582,,Eurocentrism,VABB-4,171,174,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455590,,A fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach for analyzing the risks and benefits of opening data,VABB-5,397,412,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455593,,Het Stabiliteitsverdrag-arrest vanuit Duits perspectief,VABB-1,347,353,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:455599,,Organisatiecultuur,VABB-4,169,200,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455601,,"Framing Blended Learning, Teaching and Education",VABB-5,1676,1680,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455602,,Learning Communities in Blended Adult Education: Expectations of Learners and Program Coordinators,VABB-5,927,933,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455606,,A Systematic Review of the Literature on the Causes of Early School Leaving in Africa and Asia,VABB-1,496,522,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455607,,Exploring Cooperative Game Mechanisms of Scientific Coauthorship Networks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455608,,EDUCATIONAL VIDEO CLIPS. EFFECTS OF SUBTITLE TYPE ON LEARNING,VABB-5,805,809,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455612,,Learning from errors: error-based exercises in domain modelling pedagogy,VABB-5,321,334,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455616,,Economic Governance in a Post-Crisis Era – A Conceptual Appraisal,VABB-1,281,306,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455617,,The Two Constitutions of Europe – Integrating Social Rights in the New Economic Architecture of the Union,VABB-1,108,156,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:455618,,"Reform without Improvement: ""Donatism"" in the Belgian Capuchin Province (1925-1945)",VABB-4,231,251,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455619,,The Methodological Remainder in News Translation Research: Outlining the Background,VABB-1,155,164,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455620,,Translation Without a Source Text: Methodological Issues in News Translation,VABB-1,241,257,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455624,,The Sixteenth Century Louvain Faculty of Theology and the Debate about Bible Reading in the Vernacular: The Positions of Cornelius Jansensius ‘of Ghent’ and Josse Ravesteyn ‘of Tielt’,VABB-4,3,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455625,,"Evidence-based practice: de verhouding tussen clinicus, patiënt en wetenschap.",VABB-1,64,71,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455627,,Inleiding tot de gedragstherapie (7de herz. druk).,VABB-2,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455631,,Registered replication report on Srull and Wyer (1979),VABB-1,321,336,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455632,,"Registered replication report on Mazar, Amir, and Ariely (2008).",VABB-1,299,317,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455634,,"Cardinal Mercier in the First World War. Belgium, Germany and the Catholic Church",VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455635,,Une page oubliée dans l'histoire des Semaines de Missiologie de Louvain. Les origines et les débuts au théologat des pères de Scheut en 1923 et 1924,VABB-4,183,195,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455637,,Emotional reactivity to appraisals in patients with a borderline personality disorder: A daily life study.,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455639,,The impact of self-distancing on emotion explosiveness and accumulation: An fMRI study.,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455641,,"'Viri docti et periti rerum divinarum'. Leuven Theologians, Ecclesiastical Reform and the ‘Episcopal Turn’ in the Early Modern Low Countries",VABB-4,23,38,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455642,,Safeguards for freedom of expression in the era of online gatekeeping,VABB-1,292,303,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455645,,Diesseits und jenseits des Gartens. Zum Musiktheater Ming Tsaos,VABB-1,49,62,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:455656,,Talder swaerste crime. De repressie van ketterij in de zestiende-eeuwse Nederlanden.,VABB-1,7,21,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455658,,Introduction: A Century of Filelfo Studies,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455661,,Mapping the health technology needs of congestive heart failure patients: User needs vs. Feasibility,VABB-5,266,271,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:455663,,Exosomes play a role in multiple myeloma bone disease and tumor development by targeting osteoclasts and osteoblasts,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455664,,The Longitudinal Association Between Self-esteem and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents: Separating Between-Person Effects from Within-Person Effects,VABB-1,653,671,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455670,,The network of migrants and international trade,VABB-1,763,787,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455671,,Mystical Themes in the Work of Jean-Nicolas Grou (1731-1803): A Jesuit of the Era of the French Revolution and the Suppression of the Society of Jesus,VABB-4,465,481,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455674,,De vordering wegens kennelijk grove fout en de individuele schuldeiser,VABB-1,553,560,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455679,,The pragmatics of Spanish postposed wh-interrogatives,VABB-1,283,317,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455682,,Discovering the impact of students’ modeling behavior on their final performance,VABB-5,335,350,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455683,,Does Surveillance Intersect with Religious Freedom? The Dialectics of Religious Tolerance and (Re)Proselytism in India Today,VABB-1,432,445,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455685,,Trusts in het Belgisch internationaal privaatrecht,VABB-1,586,595,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455690,,What is the locus of abilities?,VABB-1,19,30,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455691,,La succession du Cardinal Mercier et la nomination de Mgr Van Roey,VABB-4,157,179,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455693,,The psychological science accelerator: Advancing psychology through a distributed collaborative network.,VABB-1,501,515,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455694,,"Asymmetries, mismatches and Construction Grammar: An introduction",VABB-1,123,146,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455695,,A unified framework to quantify the credibility of scientific findings.,VABB-1,389,402,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455698,,Loneliness in Adolescence: Insights From Cacioppo's Evolutionary Model,VABB-1,230,234,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455699,,Stigma reduction in relation to HIV test uptake in low- and middle-income countries: a realist review,VABB-1,1277,1298,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455701,,A Manual for Future Pastors. The Pastor bonus of Johannes Opstraet,VABB-4,53,69,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:455702,,Does effective gaze behavior lead to enhanced performance in a complex error-detection cockpit task?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455703,,Breaking the Vow of Academic Monasticism: Leuven Theologians Entering the Public Square (1945-1956),VABB-4,323,341,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455704,,"Cinquante ans après le concile Vatican II, des théologiens du monde délibèrent",VABB-4,97,251,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455706,,"Relation, Vulnerability, Love: Introducing the What and the How of Theological Anthropology in the 21st Century",VABB-1,211,219,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455708,,‘It was a bit stressy as well actually'. The pragmatic markers 'actually' and 'in fact' in spoken learner English,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455711,,Gratuitousness and Onerousness,VABB-4,179,223,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455712,,Mutuality and Reciprocity,VABB-4,224,268,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455714,,Obligation and Liability,VABB-4,12,72,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455715,,OBLIGATIONS Law and Language Conclusion,VABB-4,305,315,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455716,,Unilaterality and Bilaterality,VABB-4,130,178,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455717,,Voluntariness and Consent,VABB-4,269,304,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455718,,Conditionality and Contingency,VABB-4,73,129,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455719,,OBLIGATIONS Law and Language Introduction,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455721,,Elastic Force in Kant's Early Works,VABB-1,190,207,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455722,,Abusive supervision as a response to follower hostility: A moderated mediation model,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455730,,La sécurité nationale comme « nécessité dans une société démocratique » au regard des articles 8 et 10 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme - Vers de nouveaux équilibres entre intérêts individuels et collectifs ?,VABB-1,397,426,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455733,,Orthodoxie en oecumene: Een overzicht van 40 jaar orthodox-katholieke internationale dialoog,VABB-4,893,909,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455734,,De dubbelzinnigheid van een onvolmaakte contractsoverdracht,VABB-1,362,369,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455735,,Fairness of Power System Load-Shedding Plans,VABB-5,1404,1409,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455736,,Fair Reliability Management: Comparing Deterministic and Probabilistic Short-Term Reliability Management,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455738,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455739,,Complexity Thinking in Translation Studies Methodological Considerations,VABB-2,,,288,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455744,,Waarom er minder empirisch bewijs bestaat voor de contacttheorie dan velen beweren: Een kwantitatieve cultuursociologische kritiek,VABB-1,147,175,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455746,,Postcontractuele bedingen: overleven zij ook de retroactieve ontbinding van een contract? (noot onder Cass. 23 oktober 2017),VABB-1,421,425,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455747,,"De weergave van de betogen van La Vieille, Nature en Genius in Die Rose van Heinric van Brussel. Bijdrage tot een beschrijving van de Brabantse vertaling van de Oudfranse Roman de la Rose",VABB-1,1,23,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455750,,Au-delà du conflit. Symbiose de la scolastique et de l’humanisme à la Faculté de Théologie,VABB-4,33,56,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455751,,Labour Sociology in Italy: Resisting Erosion Through Transformation and Dynamism,VABB-4,125,151,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455752,,Afterword: Borders are there to be crossed (but not by everybody),VABB-4,224,229,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455753,,The influence of students' cognitive and motivational characteristics on differences in use and learning gain in a e-learning environment.,VABB-5,128,135,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455755,,Onderhandelen met de rem op: het gebruik van voorbehoudmechanismen in de precontractuele fase,VABB-1,3,14,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455757,,De muntvondst Blerick 2011 (TPQ 1481),VABB-1,103,116,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455758,,After postmodernism: Asking the right question,VABB-1,1515,1516,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455759,,Zuiver potestatieve voorwaarden in het licht van de artikelen 1174 en 1178 BW: een blik op huidig en komend recht” (noot onder Cass. 21 oktober 2016),VABB-1,318,323,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455760,,De executie na een pauliaanse vordering bij een onbeheerde nalatenschap (noot onder Cass. 13 januari 2017),VABB-1,480,484,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455764,,Injunctions in French Patent Law,VABB-4,87,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455767,,'Natif d'Audenarde'? Nieuwe inzichten in de afkomst van Adriaen Brouwer en zijn leven in de Noordelijke Nederlanden.,VABB-4,37,49,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455770,,Save or (over-)spend? The impact of hard-discounter shopping on consumers' grocery outlay,VABB-1,270,288,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455771,,Bedrijvige historici: interview met Herman Van der Wee en Erik Aerts,VABB-1,59,64,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455774,,Het aankomend verbintenissenrecht in de recente rechtspraak van het Hof van Cassatie,VABB-1,406,428,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455775,,La résilience de la 'rechtsverwerking' (noot onder Cass. 17 mei 1990),VABB-1,582,587,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455781,,Klokkenluiden bij de FSMA en de Nationale Bank,VABB-1,656,678,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455783,,The Astrological Autobiography of a Medieval Philosopher Henry Bate's Nativitas (1280-81),VABB-2,,,304,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455784,,To add or to multiply? An in-depth study on primary school children's preference for additive or multiplicative relations,VABB-5,137,144,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455787,,Services Wanted? Understanding the Non-take-up of Social Support at the Local Level,VABB-1,1360,1374,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455788,,Treaties in the history of international law,VABB-4,43,75,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455790,,The conciliar doctrine of the 'elements of the Church' from an outsider's perspective,VABB-1,509,531,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455792,,Reimagining laity from manuel Larrain's pastoral theology,VABB-1,285,308,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:455798,,Faut-il réformer le Code civil? Réponses et méthodologie pour le droit des obligations contractuelles (Leçon inaugurale du 3 mars 2016 dans le cadre de la Chaire Francqui 2015-2016 à l'Université Saint-Louis),VABB-1,305,311,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:455801,,Over verdwijnende beslissende beweegredenen in een voortbouwende overeenkomst. Een lezing van het 'tontine-arrest' vanuit het verbintenissenrecht.,VABB-4,439,466,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:455804,,Efficient computation of the optimal strikes in the comonotonic upper bound for on arithmetic Asian option.,VABB-1,95,106,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455805,,Cardinal Dechamps’ Defense of Church and Papal Infallibility,VABB-4,483,498,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455807,,The Catholic Church and the Early Stages of King Leopold II’s Colonial Projects in the Congo (1876–1886),VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455810,,Choices for a Sustainable Social Health Care Law,VABB-1,74,97,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455813,,"Emotion theories, the affective system, and why a digital game researcher should care",VABB-4,75,92,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455818,,Het recht op bijstand door een advocaat bij het verhoor als compensatie voor de kwetsbare positie van verdachten: een dwarsdoorsnede van de Europese en Belgische rechtspraak,VABB-1,155,165,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455819,,Encyclopaedia of Islam - Three 2018-4,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455820,,Semi-Heavy Tails,VABB-1,480,499,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455821,,APPROXIMATIONS IN BIVARIATE RENEWAL THEORY,VABB-1,69,88,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455823,,Herveiling na rouwkoop als bijzondere toepassing van voordeelafdracht,VABB-1,862,877,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455826,,De voorrang van reorganisatieschulden in een navolgend faillissement,VABB-1,691,706,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455827,,"Digital influencers and vlogging advertising: Calling for awareness, guidance and enforcement",VABB-1,11,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455828,,Obnova pravoslavného hesychasmu dvacmatého stoleti a jeho obraz svatosti: Kritické zhodnoceni,VABB-1,46,56,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455841,,Variation between the copula si “to be” and the l-clitics in Romani spoken in Mexico,VABB-1,263,292,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455843,,Een verlaagde prijs als motief voor vakbondslidmaatschap voor jongeren? Inzichten uit België,VABB-1,1,16,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455844,,Different aspects of the neural response to socio-emotional events are related to instability and inertia of emotional experience in daily life: An fMRI-ESM study.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455853,,Community evolution in patent networks: technological change and network dynamics.,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455855,,Household division of labor and family formation among Moroccan couples at the turn of the 21st century,VABB-4,125,145,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455856,,"Cultural mediation in Europe, 1800-1950",VABB-2,,,222,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455857,,Combining Temporal Aspects of Dynamic Networks with Node2Vec for a more Efficient Dynamic Link Prediction,VABB-5,1234,1241,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455860,,The excitation of emotions by objects in contrast with the evaluation directed towards objects: The question concerning the emotional character of valuing,VABB-1,289,312,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455861,,Do firms profit from involving academics when developing technology?,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455862,,Measuring student's proficiency in MOOCs: multiple attempts extensions for the Rasch model,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455863,,"Het verlies van een kans en het beschikkingsbeginsel, noot onder Cass.14 december 2017",VABB-1,587,591,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455865,,Het Geïntegreerd Breed Onthaal : krachtlijnen voor sociaal werk in de strijd tegen onderbescherming,VABB-4,259,275,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455866,,What's the price of academic consulting? Effects of public and private sector consulting on academic research,VABB-1,699,722,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:455868,,Preface,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:455870,,Three Strategies for Engaging Non-experts in a FabLab,VABB-5,482,493,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455871,,Agile manifesto and practices selection for tailoring software development: A systematic literature review,VABB-5,12,30,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455872,,Knowledge management governance in software development process with GI-Tropos,VABB-5,468,473,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455877,,"Sex, gender identity and perceived employability among Spanish employed and unemployed youngsters",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455878,,The continued quest for a single set of rules for two economic systems: Addressing 'significant distortions' arising from state influence,VABB-1,491,495,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455879,,"The Multiple-Streams Framework and Knowledge Utilization: Argumentative Couplings of Problem, Policy, and Politics Issues",VABB-1,94,117,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455880,,Radical Reform Or Piecemeal Adjustments? The Case of Finnish Family Policy Reforms,VABB-1,190,213,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455881,,Quo vadis? The local government in Turkey after public management reforms,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455882,,Science popularization in English and translated Dutch patient information leaflets: specialized versus lay terminology and explicitation,VABB-1,35,52,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455883,,The role of mid-insula in the relationship between cardiac interoceptive attention and anxiety: evidence from an fMRI study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455888,,Non-take-up van de inkomensgarantie voor ouderen: een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de visies en ervaringen van personeel betrokken bij de uitvoering en/of het beleid van de voorziening,VABB-1,547,580,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455889,,Cultural models in contact: Revealing attitudes toward regional varieties of Italian with Vector Space Models,VABB-4,213,250,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455890,,"AI4People—An Ethical Framework for a Good AI Society: Opportunities, Risks, Principles, and Recommendations",VABB-1,689,707,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455893,,Indicators for public sector innovations: Theoretical frameworks and practical applications,VABB-1,77,104,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455895,,Partner migration in the Moroccan community: A focus on time and contextual evolutions,VABB-4,105,124,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455903,,A Construction-based Analysis of Dutch Verb Clusters,VABB-5,6,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455904,,De kracht van wetenschap Een geschiedenis van het onderzoeksbeleid aan de KU Leuven,VABB-2,,,290,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455905,,Multilevel Constitutional Review and EU External Treaty Making After Opinion 2/15,VABB-1,439,462,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455909,,"Interoception, categorization and symptom perception",VABB-4,212,226,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455912,,Understanding the relationship between infrastructure public-private partnerships and innovation,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455913,,La capacité technologique dans le secteur public: le cas de l’Estonie,VABB-1,221,239,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455914,,The Increasing Role of Digital Technologies in Co-Production and Co-Creation,VABB-4,115,127,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455921,,The Role of Tangible Interaction to Communicate Tacit Knowledge of Built Heritage,VABB-1,414,436,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455924,,"Louvain, Belgium, and Beyond. Studies in Religious History in Honour of Leo Kenis",VABB-3,,,517,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455925,,"Le rôle de Mgr E.J. De Smedt, évêque de Bruges, dans la ""scission"" de l'Université catholique de Louvain: Une chronique entre 1966 et 1968",VABB-4,393,443,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455926,,Leo Kenis. Professor of History of Church and Theology,VABB-4,11,18,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455928,,Remembering what never occurred? Children's false memories for repeated experiences,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455929,,Symptom self-reports are susceptible to misinformation.,VABB-1,384,397,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455932,,"“Overzicht rechtspraak 2015 - 2017 – Algemeen belastingrecht - Inkomstenbelasting”, auteur van het deel over personenbelasting",VABB-1,26,73,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455935,,La genèse de Silence,VABB-4,145,148,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455936,,Wordt Vervolgd ou les soubresauts de Casterman sur son marché non-francophone privilégié,VABB-4,265,288,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455939,,Preface and Mission Statement,VABB-1,7,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455945,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,525,529,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455946,,Andere publicaties 2018,VABB-1,530,540,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455948,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,417,422,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455949,,Andere publicaties 2018,VABB-1,423,438,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455952,,The impact of motivational didactic interventions on the writing process and its output: the case of descriptive texts,VABB-1,13,33,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455955,,Preservation or Conservation? Two Frameworks on the Right to Truth in the Mexican Drug War,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455956,,Lateral Eye Movements Increase False Memory Rates,VABB-1,610,616,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455961,,Who Is the Better Eyewitness? Sometimes Adults but at Other Times Children,VABB-1,378,385,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455962,,"Believing does not equal remembering: The effects of social feedback and objective evidence on belief in occurrence, belief in accuracy, and recollection",VABB-1,271,280,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:455964,,Coping with sexual abuse,VABB-1,46,54,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455965,,"Rapport: Little effect on children’s, adolescents’, and adults’ statement quantity, accuracy, and suggestibility.",VABB-1,268,285,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455968,,Challenging memories in children and adults using an imagination inflation procedure,VABB-1,270,283,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:455969,,From the Battle of Heiligerlee to the Act of Cession. Arenberg During the Dutch Revolt,VABB-4,88,95,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455971,,De la Bataille d'Heiligerlee à l'Acte de cession. Arenberg pendant la Révolte aux anciens Pays-Bas,VABB-4,88,95,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455972,,Van de Slag bij Heiligerlee tot de Akte van Afstand. Arenberg tijdens de Opstand in de Nederlanden,VABB-4,88,95,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455973,,A Protestant Polemist among the Alumni of the Leuven Faculty of Theology: Henricus Boxhornius during the Eighty Years War in the Low Countries,VABB-4,39,52,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455976,,"Discussing the Past. Moral Virtue, Truth, and Benevolence in Plutarch's On the Malice of Herodotus",VABB-4,161,173,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:455980,,Inscripties uit Coriovallum (Heerlen): een Romeinse vicus in nieuw licht,VABB-1,154,160,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455983,,De Bijbel is van iedereen. Het dagelijks leven geïnspireerd.,VABB-3,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455985,,Product Governance : paternalisme uitbesteed aan financiële instellingen,VABB-1,804,811,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:455991,,Between the Reichstag and the Court. Arenberg and the German Empire,VABB-4,148,155,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:455992,,Au Reichstag et à la cour. Les Arenberg et l'Empire allemand,VABB-4,148,155,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:455998,,Psalm 139: onvoorwaardelijk geliefd,VABB-4,93,96,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456002,,Die Gegenstände unserer Kindheit Denkerinnen und Denker über ihr liebstes Objekt,VABB-2,,,350,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:456005,,Onderwijsvernieuwing is een werkwoord. Opleiden voor geëngageerde vernieuwingspraktijken,VABB-1,7,22,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456006,,Vijftig jaar Humanae vitae: de lange weg van het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie naar Amoris laetitia,VABB-1,219,238,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456007,,Preserving and Perpetuating the Heritage of Pope John Paul II. A Review of Book Publications by the Former Pontifical John Paul II Institute for the Study of Marriage and the Family,VABB-1,505,514,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456008,,Troubled Love? Theology and Pastoral Care Facing the Diversity and Fluidity of Contemporary Family Life,VABB-1,155,163,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456009,,Pastoral Accompaniment of Marriage and Family Life: A Contribution to Church Renewal?,VABB-1,11,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456017,,Urban Now: City Life in Congo,VABB-1,179,198,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456018,,Career Success SchemaSchemas and Their Contextual Embeddedness: A Comparative Configurational Perspective.,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456020,,"The Yawing Muse. Felix Vallotton's ""l'argent"".",VABB-1,1,3,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456026,,Governance of national spatial data infrastructures in Europe,VABB-1,253,285,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456033,,The effect of two modes of strategy instruction: Modeling vs. Presentational.,VABB-1,460,495,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456034,,Should We Tell the Recruiter That We Value a Good Work–Life Balance?,VABB-1,120,130,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456040,,CDR in België. Buitengerechtelijke beslechting en oplossing van consumentengeschillen,VABB-3,,,238,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456041,,CDR-landschap in België,VABB-4,1,10,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456042,,De toekomst van CDR in België,VABB-4,227,238,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456045,,Is the Church Dead or Alive? Bonhoeffer's Theology-of-the-Cross and the Future of Ecumenical Ecclesiology,VABB-1,29,45,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456046,,A Most Cherished Possession. The Arenbergs and Tapestry,VABB-4,224,233,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456047,,Slow Digital Art History in Action: Project Cornelia’s Computational Approach to Seventeenth-century Flemish Creative Communities,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456048,,Game Changers in Labour Law: Shaping the Future of Work,VABB-3,,,xxi+241,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456049,,Not So Splendiferous Brussels Baroque Tapestry: Daniel Leyniers (1618-1688) Recovered,VABB-1,24,34,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456051,,"Bonhoeffer's Last Words, ""Our Victory is Certain"": Recognizing and Receiving the Ecumenical Church as a Present Reality",VABB-4,393,404,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456054,,The relation between ethnic threat and economic insecurity in times of economic crisis: analysing data from the European Social Survey,VABB-4,19,36,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456059,,Turkey: Silencing ethnic inequalities under a carpet of nationalism shifting between secular and religious poles,VABB-4,1075,1098,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456060,,"La transmission manuscrite de la chaîne CPG C 84 : nouveaux témoins grecs, une traduction latine et sélections humanistes",VABB-1,41,62,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:456061,,"Nurturing solidarity in diversity: complementary currencies as a transformative practice in Ghent, Belgium",VABB-4,1,256,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456064,,The role of short-chain fatty acids in microbiota–gut–brain communication,VABB-1,461,478,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456067,,"Circulaire economie en het herstellen van goederen: een mogelijkheid, een recht, een verplichting?",VABB-1,126,129,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456068,,CDR entiteiten en consumentenrecht. capita selecta,VABB-4,11,35,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456070,,Tussen stad en rand: percepties op push- en pullfactoren bij de woonplaatskeuze van jonge gezinnen in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,8,31,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456072,,'Perhaps' in Cape York Peninsula. Ignoratives and verbs of visual perception in epistemic marking.,VABB-4,247,267,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456078,,Translation as food and other teachings: A thematic exploration of prologues of American missionary doctrinal works,VABB-1,11,35,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456080,,Maria en de kracht van de verbeelding. Een reflectie op herkenning en vervreemding.,VABB-1,419,432,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456083,,Europe and China in the Cold War Exchanges Beyond the Bloc Logic and the Sino-soviet Split,VABB-2,,,259,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456084,,Europe and China in the Cold War Exchanges Beyond the Bloc Logic and the Sino-soviet Split,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456090,,"Over juiste, tijdige en afwezige aangiftes, vergeten en verkeerde aanslagen en de toepassing van de buitengewone en bijzondere aanslagtermijnen",VABB-1,936,941,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:456095,,"Growing, Making, Meaning, with Special Attention to the Paperolles",VABB-4,78,89,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456098,,Who was Agrippinus? Identifying the First Known Bishop of Carthage,VABB-1,344,366,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456100,,Digitale Overheid,VABB-4,423,456,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456105,,"Overheid, management en omgeving",VABB-4,23,62,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456106,,Handboek Overheidsmanagement. Samen werken aan een overheid in beweging,VABB-3,,,486,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456107,,Human resource management,VABB-4,201,238,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456108,,Financieel management,VABB-4,239,260,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456109,,Leuven viert 500 jaar Collegium Trilingue,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:456111,,"Een testament, een visie en doorzetting… Het ontstaan, de bloei en de faam van het Drietalencollege",VABB-4,5,32,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:456112,,Het leven aan het Drietalencollege,VABB-4,57,70,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:456114,,Religieuze patronage met een politieke agenda. Arenberg als begunstiger,VABB-4,234,243,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456115,,Arenberg as Benefactor. Religious Patronage with a Political Agenda,VABB-4,234,243,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456116,,Les Arenberg comme mécènes. Mécénat religieux à but dynastique,VABB-4,234,243,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:456119,,Conrad's Mimetic Turn,VABB-1,129,142,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456121,,Meneer Vissers helse lijstjes: een analyse van de literaire lijsten in de roman van Vestdijk,VABB-1,119,146,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456131,,"Ontwikkeling, trauma en diagnostiek in context. Differentiaaldiagnostische beeldvorming van autismespectrumstoornis, taalontwikkeling en vroegkinderlijk trauma bij een 4-jarig jongetje met een vluchtgeschiedenis.",VABB-1,151,161,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456132,,Prestatiemanagement,VABB-4,261,293,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456133,,The European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union: Creating Synergies in the Field of Fundamental Rights Protection,VABB-1,9,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456134,,Innovatie,VABB-4,325,348,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456135,,Leiderschap,VABB-4,349,388,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456136,,De facto regulatory decision-making processes in telecommunications regulation: Explaining influence relationships with exponential random graph models,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456137,,Factors affecting the cost performance of transport infrastructure projects,VABB-1,535,554,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456138,,The Formal Delegation of Regulatory Decisions in the Telecommunication Sector: An Explanation Using Classification Trees,VABB-1,617,641,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456140,,Agencification in Europe,VABB-4,327,346,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:456141,,Collaborative cost-cutting: productive efficiency as an interdependency between public organizations,VABB-1,1815,1835,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456142,,Contract stability in European road infrastructure PPPs: how does governmental PPP support contribute to preventing contract renegotiation?,VABB-1,1145,1164,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456149,,"Measuring multi-level regulatory governance: Organizational proliferation, coordination, and concentration of influence",VABB-1,252,268,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:456154,,THE CHALLENGE OF USING STANDARD CONTRACTS IN PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS,VABB-1,278,299,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:456160,,The Wirtschaftsakademie Fan Page Decision: A Landmark on Joint Controllership – A Challenge for Supervisory Authorities Competences,VABB-1,547,553,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456161,,Why network structure and coordination matter: A social network analysis of sport for disadvantaged people,VABB-1,572,593,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456173,,Automating lexical simplification in Dutch,VABB-1,24,48,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456174,,Inclusive classroom practices in secondary schools.,VABB-4,179,202,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456175,,Identity processes in smokers who want to quit smoking: A longitudinal interpretative phenomenological analysis,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456181,,Kroniek Onderwijsrecht 2018 (1): kwaliteitszorg 2.0,VABB-1,465,480,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456182,,Kroniek Onderwijsrecht 2018 (2): het onderwijs uit de steigers,VABB-1,533,551,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456183,,Care across Distance Ethnographic Explorations of Aging and Migration,VABB-2,,,192,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456184,,Social Embeddedness and Care Among Turkish Labor Migrants in Vienna,VABB-4,97,112,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456185,,Introduction: Care Across Distance,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456186,,Between Past and Future: Young People’s Strategies for Living a “Normal Life” in Post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina,VABB-4,107,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456187,,"Renaming Streets and Nationalizing Public Space: The Case of Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina",VABB-4,168,184,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456188,,Aristotle's Zoology in the Medieval World,VABB-4,29,42,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456189,,Football team performance efficiency and effectiveness in a corruptive context: the Calciopoli case,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456190,,His master's voice: Carl Rogers' verbal response modes in therapy and demonstration sessions throughout his career. A quantitative analysis and some qualitative-clinical comments,VABB-1,275,333,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456191,,Core-Periphery Relations in the Eurozone,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456193,,Maria: de mens dichter bij God. Een theologische reflectie over dankbaarheid en barmhartigheid,VABB-1,393,405,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456194,,Identiteitsnavigatie in passivistische verzetskranten uit WO I,VABB-1,173,189,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456195,,"Social categories, standardized relational pairs and identity work in World War II-Narratives",VABB-1,227,248,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456198,,Picture-perfect lives on social media: a cross-national study on the role of media ideals in adolescent well-being,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456199,,Towards a methodological framework for sequence analysis in the field of self-regulated learning,VABB-1,228,249,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456205,,Attituden en zelf-gerapporteerde lawaaiblootstelling in gehoorbescherming bij 12-jarige jongeren in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,119,125,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456206,,"Als mama rookt, rookt de baby mee. Sociaaleconomische indicatoren en perinatale gezondheidseffecten tijdens de zwangerschap en in de eerste levensweken",VABB-1,166,173,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456208,,Current and Future Trends in European Public Sector Research,VABB-4,43,61,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456210,,From crisis to meaning: creativity in the Biblical narrative of Eve and the inversion by F. Kafka,VABB-1,258,272,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456211,,Decentring the analysis of EU foreign policy and external-internal legitimacy: (re-)introducing polity,VABB-1,341,351,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456213,,Uit verzet geboren: de filosofische erfenis van het operaismo,VABB-1,87,111,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456216,,Autisme als meerduidig en dynamisch fenomeen,VABB-1,421,451,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456225,,The geographical polarization of the American electorate: a country of increasing electoral landslides?,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456226,,"EU Citizenship, Access to “Social Benefits” and Third-Country National Family Members: Reflecting on the Relationship between Primary and Secondary Rights in Times of Brexit",VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456228,,The Complexity of Basic Number Processing: A Commentary from a Neurocognitive Perspective.,VABB-4,123,132,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456238,,Why data protection and transparency are not enough when facing social problems of machine learning in a big data context,VABB-4,42,45,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456243,,Over frames van gemeentefusies en hun masters,VABB-1,23,33,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456244,,21st Century Skills for Technical Communication,VABB-5,6,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456245,,Reaching out to sub-municipal decentralization: an ongoing challenge in Belgium,VABB-4,25,39,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456249,,"Torn Between Patriotic, Civic and Disciplinary Aspirations. Evolving Faces of Belgian and Flemish History Education, from 1830 to the Future",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456254,,Materials and Materiality. Unravelling the Enclosed Gardens,VABB-4,92,113,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456255,,The Conservation and Restoration of the Seven Mechelen Enclosed Gardens (2014-2018),VABB-4,218,249,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456256,,Material Analyses of the Panel Depicting Saint Peter of the Enclosed Garden of Daniel and the Lions Den,VABB-4,256,259,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456258,,The Sculpted Saint John's Head in the Low Countries 1370-1800: The Influence of the Council of Trent on Religious Cult Imagery,VABB-4,69,92,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456259,,Fifteen years of recent historiography on public and constitutional law in the Low Countries,VABB-1,127,136,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456260,,De nieuwe gerechtelijke stage,VABB-1,483,497,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456263,,"Index Religiosus 2018: International Bibliography of Theology, Church History and Religious Studies",VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456269,,"Chronic pain, goal conflict and goal frustration",VABB-4,315,354,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456271,,Innovations in Doctoral Training and Research on Tinnitus: The European School on Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research (ESIT) Perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456272,,"Different Teams, Same Conclusions? A Systematic Review of Existing Clinical Guidelines for the Assessment and Treatment of Tinnitus in Adults",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:456274,,Genetics of Tinnitus: An Emerging Area for Molecular Diagnosis and Drug Development,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:456275,,Systematic review of outcome domains and instruments used in clinical trials of tinnitus treatments in adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:456277,,Tractor. Een geschiedenis,VABB-3,,,256,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456278,,"Inleiding. Over boeren, tractoren en passie voor oldtimers",VABB-4,10,23,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456283,,Non-Standard Work and Limits on Freedom of Association: A Human Rights-Based Approach,VABB-1,185,207,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456285,,Lsl . lpsr : applying contemporary compositional processes into an electro-acoustic improvisation tool,VABB-5,69,73,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456286,,Building Capabilities Through Democratic Dialogues,VABB-1,80,95,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456288,,‘Ik ben geen complotdenker’: Relationale identificaties in het Nederlandse complotdenkersmilieu,VABB-1,133,163,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456292,,"Anacronismos históricos, potenciales políticos: la memoria transnacional de la desaparición en Latinoamérica",VABB-1,14,30,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:456293,,Weaving Theological Anthropology into Life. Editorial Conclusions in Correspondence with Tim Ingold,VABB-1,328,355,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456296,,The Posting of Workers Directive revised: enhancing the protection of workers in the cross-border provision of services,VABB-1,1401,1427,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456299,,Introduction: Big data analytics in a learning environment,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456300,,Einleitung,VABB-4,7,24,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:456305,,Do Infinitesimal Probabilities Neutralize the Infinite Utility in Pascal’s Wager?,VABB-4,293,314,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456306,,Herkansing voor infinitesimalen?,VABB-1,491,510,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456312,,The Rediscovery of the Enclosed Gardens of Mechelen,VABB-4,7,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456314,,Symmachus as an active power broker: What do his recommendation letters reveal about the writer’s network?,VABB-1,184,235,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456317,,"Italia & Francia, Francia & Italia: Scambi culturali",VABB-1,5,9,,lat,2018,2 c:vabb:456319,,Precedents and Judicial Politics in EU Immigration Law,VABB-2,,,361,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456321,,Free running mouse brain PET imaging using point source motion tracking,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:456322,,The impact of food price shocks in Uganda: first-order effects versus general-equilibrium consequences,VABB-1,783,807,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456324,,Delayed recognition: recent developments and a proposal to study this phenomenon as a fuzzy concept,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456328,,The economics of planting rights in wine production,VABB-4,127,152,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456329,,The political economy of european wine regulations,VABB-4,153,196,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456331,,UGESCO - A Hybrid Platform for Geo-Temporal Enrichment of Digital Photo Collections Based on Computational and Crowdsourced Metadata Generation,VABB-4,113,124,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456348,,De macht van partijen in België sinds 1981 – particratie revisited,VABB-1,302,317,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456353,,Learning and conditioning in chronic pain,VABB-4,143,176,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456356,,"“When in the ‘brother’ the stranger is acknowledged”: From identity to alterity and dialogue, according to Emmanuel Levinas",VABB-1,285,310,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456357,,Naar een snellere vergoeding voor slachtoffers van verkeersongevallen?,VABB-1,682,697,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456359,,"Being Human, Doing Research in a World of Systemic Injustice. Reflections on Elina Hankela's Liberationist Ethnography",VABB-1,249,268,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456363,,"Governance of the global commons: a question of supply and demand, the answer of polycentricism",VABB-4,102,129,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456368,,Figure-ground perception in the awake mouse and neuronal activity elicited by figure-ground stimuli in primary visual cortex,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456369,,A longitudinal inquiry into directionality of effects between coping and information needs in hypertensive patients,VABB-1,567,580,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456377,,Policy evaluation in Europe,VABB-4,577,593,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456378,,Thinking in splendid isolation? The organisation and policy engagement of think tanks in Belgium,VABB-4,257,274,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456379,,"Fairness and Enforcement: Bridging Competition, Data Protection, and Consumer Law",VABB-1,200,223,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456383,,Kant on Cold,VABB-4,973,980,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456387,,The Muslim Reception of European Orientalism Reversing the Gaze,VABB-2,,,258,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456388,,Introduction: the Ottoman and Persian Empires in the 18th century,VABB-4,1,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456389,,"Caliphate, hijrah and martyrdom as performative narrative in ISIS Dabiq magazine",VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456390,,Law: Islamic and Jewish Legal Traditions,VABB-4,155,178,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456396,,Reflecting on nationalism with Ian Buruma,VABB-4,69,74,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456404,,Beroepsprofiel van de leraar als black box. Analyse van de werking van onderwijsstandaarden,VABB-2,,,220,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:456411,,Experiences of Ageing in Short Stories by Irish Women Writers,VABB-1,145,160,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456412,,The Political Space between Words and Things: Health Claims as Referential Displacement,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456414,,Centrum för Rättvisa v Sweden: Bulk Interception of Communications by Intelligence Services in Sweden Does Not Violate the Right to Privacy,VABB-1,563,567,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456415,,A Continuum of Fragmentation : Distinguishing the Short Story Cycle from the Composite Novel,VABB-4,17,31,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456418,,Large-scale wearable data reveal digital phenotypes for daily-life stress detection,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456426,,‘Cantate domino canticum novum? A re-examination of ‘Post-Tridentine’ chant revision in Italian printed graduals’,VABB-4,159,182,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456431,,Training and Transfer Effects Achieved with N-Back Task in Older Subjects Evidenced with EEG,VABB-5,5,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456434,,"The Impact of User Participation Methods on E-Government Projects: The Case of La Louvière, Belgium",VABB-1,175,186,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456436,,La Belgique confédérale wil unitair beleid voeren zonder democratie,VABB-1,375,386,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456440,,'The Soul Never Thinks without a Phantasm': How Platonic Commentators Interpret a Controversial Aristotelian Thesis,VABB-4,185,224,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456441,,William of Moerbeke and the anonymous Translation of Proclus’ Commentary on the Timaeus,VABB-4,429,471,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456448,,Productinterventie: Sluitsteen van het vernieuwde beleggersbeschermingsregime,VABB-1,412,423,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:456450,,Investor Protection in the Capital Markets Union,VABB-4,341,371,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456453,,"Agency, gender, and economic development in the world economy 1850-2000: Testing the sen hypothesis",VABB-4,1,196,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456454,,"Courtship and bridal pregnancy in the Netherlands, 1870-1950",VABB-1,165,191,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456460,,Belgium,VABB-4,325,335,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456461,,Introduzione. Finire e non concludere,VABB-1,11,21,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:456462,,Building the Labyrinth. Arthur Evans and the Construction of Minoan Society,VABB-1,5,32,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456463,,Sem “direito a ter direitos”?: Lendo os protestos de refugiados enquanto autonomia política,VABB-1,133,142,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456466,,"Information Systems, Logistics, and Supply Chain 6th International Conference, ILS 2016, Bordeaux, France, June 1–4, 2016, Revised Selected Papers",VABB-2,,,193,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456467,,"Health Care Systems Engineering HCSE, Florence, Italy, May 2017",VABB-2,,,300,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456469,,"Health Care Systems Engineering for Scientists and Practitioners HCSE, Lyon, France, May 2015",VABB-2,,,214,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456474,,Early and High Medieval (c. 650 AD - 1250 AD) charcoal production and its impact on woodland composition in the Northwest-European lowland: a study of charcoal pit kilns from Sterrebeek (Central Belgium),VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456476,,"Teacher Education, Sustainability and Development Challenges, Issues, Solutions for Teaching in the 21st Century",VABB-2,,,456,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456479,,A Causal Explanatory Model of Bayesian-belief Networks for Analysing the Risks of Opening Data,VABB-4,289,297,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456480,,A fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach for analyzing the risks and benefits of opening data,VABB-4,397,412,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456483,,Belg vrijgesproken van ontucht met sweetie-avatar,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456488,,"A framework for Analyzing How Governments Open Their Data: Institution, Technology, and Process Aspects Influencing Decision-making",VABB-5,163,172,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456491,,Autisme en omgaan met onzekerheid.,VABB-1,14,30,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456499,,Realism about Legal Integration: Outline of Soft Legal Realist Approach,VABB-4,250,273,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456505,,Anonieme lofzang op de Hebreeuwse taal,VABB-4,419,427,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:456520,,Omnium linguarum purissima. Les études de l'hébreu au sein du Collège des Trois Langues,VABB-4,157,184,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:456521,,Omnium linguarum purissima. The study of Hebrew at the Collegium Trilingue,VABB-4,155,182,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456522,,“For I Will Be Like a Lion to Ephraim”: Leonine Metaphors in the Twelve Prophets,VABB-4,387,402,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456523,,Public attitudes towards the poor in the South Caucasus: a matter of solidarity and conditionality,VABB-1,426,443,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456524,,Met recht in vrede. In memoriam Walter van Gerven (1935-2015),VABB-1,363,368,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:456528,,Labour is not a technology – Reasserting the Declaration of Philadelphia in Times of Platform-Work and Gig-Economy,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456529,,Competition law,VABB-4,23,168,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456533,,Casual Work Beyond Casual Work in the EU: The Underground Casualization Of The European Workforce – and What To Do About It,VABB-1,421,441,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456534,,"The Rise of the ‘Just-in-Time Workforce’: On-Demand Work, Crowd Work and Labour Protection in the ‘Gig-Economy’",VABB-1,471,504,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456535,,"Introduction: Crowdsourcing, the Gig-Economy, and the Law",VABB-1,461,470,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456536,,"Music, Theology, and the European Reformations",VABB-4,25,32,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456537,,Journal of the Alamire Foundation,VABB-3,,,171,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456538,,Journal of the Alamire Foundation,VABB-3,,,147,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456539,,Journal of the Alamire Foundation,VABB-3,,,153,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456540,,Lavoro su piattaforma e lavoro non-standard in una prospettiva internazionale e comparata,VABB-1,241,258,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:456544,,Embracing the variety of sustainable business models: A prolific field of research and a future research agenda,VABB-1,695,703,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456546,,Social responsibility within Brussels municipalities: An exploratory study.,VABB-4,147,174,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456547,,Discovering a Wilderness of Regulatory Mechanisms for Corporate Social Responsibility: Literature Review,VABB-1,145,174,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456553,,Two Principles of Equal Language Recognition,VABB-4,75,87,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456555,,Recent trends and new prospects for a European family policy,VABB-4,32,48,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456558,,Interviewer Effects Among Older Respondents in the European Social Survey,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456562,,p-Center Problems,VABB-4,79,92,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:456563,,"Recycling, Reinvesting and Revaluing On immateriality in Sarah Vanhee's Oblivion",VABB-1,23,30,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:456568,,Alchemy and Creation in the Work of Albertus Magnus,VABB-1,63,74,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456571,,"Cui bono? Over het mattheuseffect, kinderarmoede en de (on)gewenste uitkomsten van het gezinsbeleid in de sociale investeringsstaat",VABB-1,122,140,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:456573,,Inkomensbescherming voor alleenstaande ouders in Vlaanderen : twee denksporen voor een effectiever beleid.,VABB-1,564,568,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:456574,,À quel logos correspond la συμπλοκὴ τῶν εἰδῶν du Sophiste?,VABB-1,37,59,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:456577,,Garantie- vs. verjaringstermijn bij tweedehandsgoederen in de consumentenkoop: niet zomaar op dezelfde leest (noot onder HvJ 13 juli 2017),VABB-1,100,113,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456591,,Over de radicaliteit van Kants theoretische filosofie. Enkele aanmerkingen bij Dennis Schultings Kant's Radical Subjectivism,VABB-1,341,353,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456594,,Sur la voie de la formulation du problème de l’objectivité: concepts premiers et réforme de la métaphysique chez Tetens et Kant,VABB-1,1,12,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:456597,,The impact of school SES composition on science achievement and achievement growth: mediating role of teachers’ teachability culture,VABB-1,264,276,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456602,,Enriching the academic canon: From singing one tune to embracing multivocality / Obogaćivanje akademskog kanona: Od pjevanja jedne melodije do prihvaćanja višeglasja.,VABB-1,3,101,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456603,,Privaatrechtelijke bescherming van de stem in commerciële context,VABB-1,1101,1193,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456608,,Policy advisory styles in the francophone Belgian civil service,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456614,,The Simple Enterprise Architecture Framework: Giving Alignment to IT Decisions,VABB-5,176,186,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456616,,1st International Workshop on Business Processes Meet Internet-of-Things (BP-Meet-IoT 2017),VABB-5,,,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:456618,,Mediating Matonge: Relocations of Belgian postcoloniality in four films,VABB-1,149,164,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456619,,2 Timothy and Titus Reconsidered Der 2. Timotheus- Und Der Titusbrief in Neuem Licht,VABB-3,,,201,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:456621,,The political economy of structural reforms in Europe,VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456623,,A conceptual framework to investigate the role of peer learning processes at on-farm demonstrations in the light of sustainable agriculture.,VABB-1,91,103,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456624,,Transdisciplinarity and Sustainable Development,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456625,,The New European Union-Norway Agreement on Administrative Cooperation in the field of VAT and Other Taxes,VABB-1,531,536,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456629,,"Love, Neuro-Parenting and Autism: from Individual to Collective Responsibility towards Parents and Children",VABB-1,102,124,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456631,,Gaze as a predictor for lexical and gestural alignment,VABB-4,233,263,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456632,,"Introduction: gaze, interaction and eye-tracking: A multidisciplinary endeavor",VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456633,,New Developments in International Administrative Assistance in the Recovery of taxes,VABB-1,179,185,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456634,,A stochastic-kriging-based multiobjective simulation optimization algorithm,VABB-5,2155,2166,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456635,,Paul Eelen: Leven en werk nader belicht.,VABB-1,305,311,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456637,,Structure des trente degrés de l'Échelle de Jean du Sinaï : Libellés des titres et phrases conclusives,VABB-1,365,422,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:456644,,The Historiography of Twentieth-Century Theological Renewal: The Debate on 'Nouvelle théologie',VABB-4,289,304,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456645,,"Nezávislost soudnictví a úsilí o národní, nadnárodní a transnárodní spravedlnost",VABB-4,405,426,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:456646,,The Court of Justice and National Courts: A Transparent Dialogue,VABB-4,204,213,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456647,,NMixed-Effects Regression Models in Linguistics Introduction,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456653,,Many Labs 2: Investigating Variation in Replicability Across Samples and Settings,VABB-1,443,490,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456658,,Growth and Yield of Tomato Applied with Silicon Supplements with Varying Material Structures,VABB-1,10,18,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456659,,Introduction,VABB-4,9,31,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456661,,Human Smuggling on Europe’s Eastern Balkan and Eastern Borders Routes,VABB-1,71,94,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456665,,A comparison of two approaches for measuring interdisciplinary research output: The disciplinary diversity of authors vs the disciplinary diversity of the reference list,VABB-1,1182,1193,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456673,,"Conventional, Hybrid, or Electric Vehicles: Which Technology for an Urban Distribution Centre?",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:456675,,A Literature Survey and Experimental Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art in Uplift Modeling: A Stepping Stone Toward the Development of Prescriptive Analytics,VABB-1,13,41,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456677,,A Robust profit measure for binary classification model evaluation,VABB-1,154,160,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456682,,De crisis van de Europese wetenschappen vandaag,VABB-1,222,227,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456685,,Omgaan met bewijsnood bij aansprakelijkheid uit onrechtmatige daad,VABB-1,323,345,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456689,,Analyzing and stimulating strategy competence in elementary arithmetic: The case of subtraction by addition,VABB-5,57,72,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456691,,Blockchain and copyright - Beyond the buzzword?,VABB-1,93,110,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456692,,"Entre trésors et archives, la collection des Bollandistes à la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique",VABB-1,65,92,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:456693,,De handschriften uit het klooster Mariënhage in Eindhoven. Een overzicht,VABB-1,235,279,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456694,,Counselling as an intervention strategy for men who use violence in their intimate relationships,VABB-1,128,146,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456703,,Chronique de Belgique - Letter from Belgium,VABB-1,83,159,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:456705,,Aspirant-inspecteurs van politie: wij zijn ze en waarom doen ze het?,VABB-1,35,50,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456724,,Recent advances in paleoflood hydrology: From new archives to data compilation and analysis,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456728,,"Men, spirituality and gender-specific biblical hermeneutics",VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456740,,« Faire vivre l'Ordre au temps révolutionnaire. » The Dominicans in Congo under Changing Civil Regimes,VABB-1,263,291,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456742,,Ovidiaanse kalenderpoëzie ten dienste van het christendom. De Sacri Fasti van Ambrosius Novidius Fraccus,VABB-1,35,48,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456743,,Het belang van '1814' in de Belgische archiefgeschiedenis,VABB-1,99,113,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456744,,Leve de foetus: liberale en katholieke artsen over de keizersnede in België (1840-1914),VABB-1,85,98,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:456746,,Timing disadvantages and tax treaty non-discrimination,VABB-4,59,75,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456747,,The General Court’s Judgments in the Cases Access Info Europe v. Commission (T-851/16 and T-852/16): A Transparency Paradox?,VABB-1,961,972,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456749,,Sources in the modern tradition: The nature of Europe’s classical law of nations,VABB-4,99,117,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456752,,Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Short Depressive Rumination Scale in a Nonclinical Sample,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456754,,Together individually: Individualism from a cultural sociological perspective as a multiple cultured ideal,VABB-1,308,319,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456758,,"Avicennian Elements in Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s Discussion of Place, Void and Directions in the al-Mabāḥiṯ al-mašriqiyya",VABB-4,43,63,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456760,,"Per episcopum Aurelianensem... A New Attribution of the Commentary on Aristotle's De progressu animalium in ms. Bologna, Collegio di Spagna, 159",VABB-4,273,284,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456762,,Metagovernance for Sustainability A Framework for Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals,VABB-2,,,320,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456764,,Using Facebook as a Massive Open Online Course Environment: Supported Functionalities and Challenges,VABB-4,155,170,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456767,,Les îlots verbaux dans les dislocations chez l’enfant français,VABB-5,,,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:456768,,"Die Zunahme der Parrhesie in der Auslegung von Hohelied 5,7 durch Gregor von Nyssa",VABB-4,444,453,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:456774,,"Een volwaardig recht op echtscheiding, of toch niet helemaal? Artikel 229, § 3 BW doorgelicht",VABB-1,93,99,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:456776,,The mechanics and mechanisms of tourism brokering,VABB-1,111,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456779,,"The Moderating Effects of Coping Mechanisms and Resources in the Context of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment",VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456780,,An analysis of research on inclusive education: a systematic search and meta review,VABB-1,675,689,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456784,,"Ceci n'est pas un tiers - De fiscus is geen derde in de zin van de bepalingen omtrent de tegenwerpelijkheid van akten van vennootschappen met rechtspersoonlijkheid, noot onder Cassatie 2 sempteber 2016",VABB-1,55,58,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456785,,Minimumprijzen voor tabaksproducten in de detailhandel gehandhaafd,VABB-1,26,29,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:456786,,Tax Shelter Regime for Start-Ups: Finally Up and Running,VABB-1,90,93,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456787,,Het gebruik van het Commentaar bij het OESO-modelverdrag voor de interpretatie van Belgische dubbelbelastingverdragen. Een onderzoek van de Belgische rechtspraak en de rulingpraktijk,VABB-1,6,28,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:456788,,Het verslag van betalingen aan overheden,VABB-1,21,25,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:456792,,Methods in Intercultural Theology after the Cultural Turn,VABB-4,7,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456796,,From internal-input to external-output: a multi-tieredunderstanding of legitimacy in EU foreign policy,VABB-1,241,251,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456797,,"Coherence, strategy and legitimacy – variations ofa theme in the case of EU–China relations",VABB-1,291,304,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456798,,Design Patterns for Social Intelligent Agent Architectures Implementation,VABB-4,258,283,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456799,,"Agent-Based Software Engineering, Paradigm Shift, or Research Program Evolution",VABB-4,284,296,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456802,,The Certamen poeticum hoeufftianum and the Second Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902),VABB-5,163,172,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456804,,Metallurgic Analysis of a ‘Hybrid’ Leeuwengroot from Brabant / Flanders,VABB-1,271,274,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456805,,Alfons Thijs en de verdere studie van (Antwerpse) devotieprentjes,VABB-1,1,24,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:456806,,It Is Not the End of History: The Financing Institutions of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Bretton Woods System,VABB-4,107,145,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456808,,"Juridische, administratieve en politieke factoren bij de tijdige omzetting van Europese richtlijnen",VABB-1,188,201,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456810,,De verzegelde kisten van de Vrouwe Adriana. De abdijbibliotheek van Tongerlo en de patrimonialisering van het boek in het Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden,VABB-1,129,149,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456812,,De odyssee van een bibliofiele verzameling: De Collection spéciale van Arenberg,VABB-4,244,251,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456813,,The Odyssey of a Rare Books Library: The Dukes of Arenberg and their Collection spéciale,VABB-4,244,251,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456814,,L’odyssée d’un cabinet de livres rares: la Collection spéciale des Arenberg,VABB-4,244,251,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:456815,,Constructional contamination in morphology and syntax. Four case studies,VABB-1,269,305,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456817,,Extremism and the Battle of Terms (At-Taṭarruf wa ma'rakat 'al-muṣtalaḥāt),VABB-1,259,269,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456818,,Back to epistemological basics: a critical historiography of the origins of the terramare,VABB-1,211,225,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:456819,,"Il Belgio in Italia. Belgische archeologen in Italië, een historische schets",VABB-1,32,39,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456823,,"The future of parish churches in Flanders, Belgium: a dialogue on municipality level",VABB-1,146,166,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456829,,"Belgium, Supreme Court, 30 January 2017, N° S.15.0119.F",VABB-4,277,284,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456837,,Verbeter de taaltoetsen,VABB-1,26,29,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456838,,"The Anti-Manichaean Treatise De fide contra Manichaeos, Attributed to Evodius of Uzalis: Critical Edition and Translation",VABB-1,7,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456839,,Local elites’ extraversion and repositioning: Continuities and changes in Congo's mineral production networks,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456841,,ETHICS AND THEOLOGY AFTER THE HOLOCAUST.,VABB-2,,,XII-426 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456845,,Ritual studies: A heuristic approach to liturgical spirituality,VABB-1,95,121,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456849,,Methodological considerations for comparative research on acculturation and health,VABB-4,175,196,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456855,,The dynamics of wordplay and the modern novel: A paired case study,VABB-4,47,73,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456863,,De invloed van het Europese Unierecht op het Belgische arbeidsrecht: bron van vooruitgang (of bron van ergernis)?,VABB-1,309,330,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:456866,,Cinemaprogramma’s digitaal ontsloten door het FelixArchief,VABB-1,317,321,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456868,,The Promise and Pitfalls of Recent Currents in Contemporary Orthodox Theology of Religions,VABB-1,416,440,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456869,,Aansprakelijkheid van de beslaglegger in geval van een zogenaamd onterecht beslag inzake namaak: nil novi sub sole,VABB-1,72,76,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456872,,"Cross-Border Loss Compensation and EU Fundamental Freedoms: The ""Final Losses"" Doctrine Is Still Alive!",VABB-1,230,236,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456875,,"Effectief armoedebeleid, meer dan een juridische strijd. Over de noodzakelijkheid van de dialoog met mensen in armoede",VABB-4,359,373,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456876,,Showcasing Adivasi culture and history: A comparative analysis of ‘tribal’ museums in Gumla and Ranchi,VABB-1,109,121,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456877,,Regulating new ways of working: From the new ‘wow’ to the new ‘how’,VABB-1,195,205,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456878,,Editorial. The European Social Pillar: A first evaluation,VABB-1,3,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456881,,De gustibus non est disputandum? Over smaken in het auteursrecht valt nochtans wel te discussiëren,VABB-1,87,93,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456882,,Apofatische en katafatische theologie bij Thomas van Aquino,VABB-1,365,380,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456890,,Fading Heroes in a (Post-)Mythical Quest. An Analysis of Paul Pourveur’s Play Congo,VABB-1,197,218,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456894,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456895,,European Labour Law and the Millennium Shift: From Post to (Social) Pillar,VABB-4,49,62,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456897,,Habitual Propensity: Plastic or Elastic? An Encounter Between Catherine Malabou and Sigmund Freud on the Phenomenon of Habit,VABB-4,77,94,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456898,,A Glitch in Transcendental Repetition: On the Freudian Uncanny and the Ambiguity of Repeating,VABB-1,120,137,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456899,,In the interest of saving time: a critique of discrete perception,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456901,,"Mood, emotions, and eating disorders",VABB-4,155,186,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456904,,Us Two Together. Creating an Autobiographical Visual Narrative about Dementia,VABB-1,160,175,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456911,,The Respiratory System of the Blessed and the Acoustics in Paradise: Commentaries on the Sentences as Sources for the History of Medieval Science / Дыхательная система праведников и акустика в раю. Комментарии на «Сентенции» как источники по истории средневековой науки,VABB-1,86,123,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456912,,Implicitness and experimental methods in language variation research,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456914,,"Variation in Metonymy Cross-linguistic, Historical and Lectal Perspectives",VABB-2,,,380,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456916,,Choral Societies and Nationalism in Europe,VABB-3,,,286,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456917,,"Nationale onverschilligheid, een uitdaging voor nationalisme-onderzoek",VABB-1,60,70,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:456918,,Verrassende bedgenoten. Dromen van een nieuwe wereld bij de UNPO,VABB-1,347,362,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:456919,,A lectometric definition of lexical destandardization,VABB-4,233,244,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456921,,Manual Labour with a Pink Touch: The Polish Migrant Experience as Depicted in Agata Wawryniuk’s Graphic Novel Rozmówki polsko-angielskie [Polish-English Phrase Book],VABB-1,43,58,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456923,,Getting even and becoming equal: Warsaw through the European lens (1980s–2000s),VABB-1,47,62,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456925,,"Multinational enterprises: theories, practices, effects and policies",VABB-4,245,261,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456929,,"Het statuut van aandelen, beroepsgoederen en cliënteel in het Wetsvoorstel tot hervorming van het huwelijksvermogensrecht",VABB-1,27,42,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456932,,Paradigm shifts in linguistics,VABB-5,41,44,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456937,,Belgian Exile Press in Britain,VABB-4,121,141,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:456938,,The Great War in Belgium and the Netherlands Beyond Flanders Fields,VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456939,,"The Matter of Timbre: Listening, Genealogy, Sound",VABB-4,1,34,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456943,,Embracing Digital Disruption In Translator Training: Technology Immersion in Simulated Translation Bureaus,VABB-1,125,133,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456945,,"Verliesverrekening, rulings en staatsteun",VABB-1,7,19,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456946,,"The State Aid Selectivity-Test in Corporate Tax Matters: CJEU Applies Common Sense in its Judgment on the German ""Sanierungs""-clause, but do We Have All Pieces of te Puzzle Now?",VABB-1,285,289,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456949,,Nurturing solidarity in diversity: Can local currencies enable transformative practices?,VABB-4,89,112,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456950,,Unveiling smart city implementation challenges: The case of Ghent,VABB-1,5,19,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:456955,,Redesigning Processes for Decision-Awareness: Strategies for Integrated Modelling,VABB-5,247,250,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:456958,,The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Viewpoint,VABB-4,157,171,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456959,,L'avenir de l’euro,VABB-1,171,182,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456960,,"Structural reforms, growth, and inequality: An overview of theory, measurement, and evidence",VABB-4,1,44,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456961,,"Booms, busts and the governance of the Eurozone",VABB-4,160,191,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:456965,,Het mysterie van de Madeleines. Personen als individuele essenties,VABB-1,297,307,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456970,,Vrij van faamziekte. Over de oprichting van het gedenkteken voor Lucretia Wilhelmina van Merken (1721-1789) in de Oude Kerk te Amsterdam in 1828,VABB-1,245,265,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456974,,Achter het masker van de Muiderkring. Een nieuw portret voor Roemer Visscher,VABB-1,37,56,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:456975,,"Metamorfose, mutilatie en mutatie. In gesprek met Irma Boom over het levende boek",VABB-1,235,241,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456978,,Why do the dutch swear with diseases?,VABB-4,225,244,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456979,,"Bevestiging van de toepassing van de Antigoon-doctrine in het fiscaal recht, Noot onder Cass. 22 mei 2015",VABB-1,1462,1466,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:456980,,Wetgeving,VABB-1,608,613,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456995,,Comparative Theology and Cognitive Metaphor Theory: An Analogous Reasoning,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:456997,,La représentation-incarnation chez Marsile de Padoue,VABB-1,71,88,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:456998,,Over nut en nadeel van theologie voor vergiffenis,VABB-1,381,396,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:456999,,Buyao zaiyi jianxi: Hanxue zuowei yimen ‘zhijian’de yishu,VABB-1,26,41,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457002,,Chinese Voices in the Rites Controversy: The Role of Christian Communities,VABB-4,50,67,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457007,,Index nominum; Bibliography,VABB-4,271,309,,lat,2018,2 c:vabb:457010,,EFL teachers' perceptions of task-based language teaching in a Vietnamese university,VABB-1,73,90,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457013,,Kroniek insolventierecht 2015-2016,VABB-1,288,339,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:457016,,Het nieuwe Belgische pandregister,VABB-1,877,886,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:457021,,"En droit judiciaire (européen), le défaut ne vaut pas contestation de la demande",VABB-1,57,94,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:457022,,La Belgique sortie du TEE?,VABB-1,76,86,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:457023,,"De preprocedurele reorganisatie onder Boek XX: opsporing van ondernemingen in moeilijkheden, voorlopige maatregelen, het buitengerechtelijk minnelijk akkoord en (de exit van) het stil faillissement",VABB-1,227,236,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:457024,,Het nieuwe faillissementsrecht,VABB-1,255,265,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:457028,,"Counter-terrorism sanctions, non-international armed conflicts and Tamil Tigers: note on A and others (C-158/14)",VABB-1,1573,1593,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457030,,"""How Excellent... For a Woman""? The Fellowship Programme of the International Federation of University Women in the Interwar Period",VABB-1,88,102,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457031,,"Openbaar domein, privaat domein en de private eigendom van openbaar domein?",VABB-4,253,272,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:457043,,Four questions on curriculum development in contemporary South Africa,VABB-4,63,77,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457044,,"The Mystical Fulfilment of a Spiritual Ideal: Common Love in Baldwin of Forde, Beatrice of Nazareth, and the Vita Beatricis",VABB-1,295,316,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457045,,Editoriaal. Werken tussen werelden.,VABB-1,131,136,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:457049,,Contested conjugality? Sinhalese marriage practices in Eighteenth-Century Dutch colonial Sri Lanka,VABB-1,51,80,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457050,,An inter-semiotic approach to translation: Leonard Cohen in Afri-Kaans,VABB-1,1,9,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:457052,,Drei demotische Papyri aus der Sammlung des Übersee-Museums,VABB-4,249,256,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:457057,,Plato's Gods,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457059,,The paradoxes of organized crime,VABB-4,295,341,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457060,,A data driven binning strategy for the construction of insurance tariff classes,VABB-1,681,705,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457061,,A (non-)violent revolution? Strategies of civility for the politics of the common,VABB-4,57,77,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457062,,Managing Muslim employees and Islamic practices at work: Exploring elements shaping policies on religious practices in Belgian organizations,VABB-4,303,322,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457064,,Down to Counsel: Towards A Transdisciplinary Toolbox for Non-directive Counseling in Prenatal Screening for Down Syndrome,VABB-1,38,76,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457069,,Word order in wh-interrogatives. A contrastive analysis of caribbean Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese,VABB-1,135,148,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457070,,Inferences in interaction and language change,VABB-1,536,551,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457072,,"Van terreurpiekeraar tot overtuigd van ‘het moslimgevaar’?: Een crosssectionele studie naar het verband tussen terrorismenieuwsblootstelling, piekeren over terreurdreiging, en attitudes ten opzichte van moslims",VABB-1,236,256,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:457073,,"Intergenerational Equity, Efficiency, and Constructibility",VABB-4,191,206,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457075,,An under-recognized meta-table Nancy Clark's table tamer,VABB-1,233,241,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457077,,Theorizing diversity and (in)equality through the lens of critical discourse analysis,VABB-4,171,191,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457078,,ON A PARAMETRIC KIND OF GENOCCHI POLYNOMIALS,VABB-1,68,81,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:457079,,5th International Workshop on Declarative/Decision/Hybrid Mining and Modeling for Business Processes (DeHMiMoP'17),VABB-5,526,541,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457080,,The impact of crop rotation and land fragmentation on farm productivity in Albania,VABB-1,116,125,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457082,,Advances in Operations Research Education European Studies Preface,VABB-4,7,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457084,,Product unavailability,VABB-4,202,219,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457085,,the Impact of Dedicated Emergency and Admission Units on Infection and Death Risks in Hematological Patients Presented toa Tertiary Care Center,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457087,,"Modeling agglomeration and dispersion in space: The role of labor migration, capital mobility and vertical linkages",VABB-5,555,577,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457088,,The EU social pillar: An aswer to the challenge of the social protection of platform workers?,VABB-1,219,241,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457089,,Introduction to the 13th International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI 2017),VABB-5,162,164,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457095,,Revealed Preferences for Diamond Goods,VABB-1,83,117,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457096,,Assessing Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security of the EU Food System-An Integrated Approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457097,,Multi-output efficiency and operational safety: An analysis of railway traffic control centre performance,VABB-1,224,237,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457098,,Using theory on authentic leadership to build a strong human resource management system,VABB-1,304,318,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457099,,Benefits of Using Symmetric Loss in Recommender Systems,VABB-5,345,356,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457102,,"“Old Familiar Faces”: Frankenstein, Anachronism, and Late Style",VABB-1,71,82,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457103,,"""Among Madmen and Crooks"": Stella Braam's strange and terrible saga of total immersion in Amsterdam",VABB-4,123,141,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457107,,"What is the Advantage of Knowing the Future? Some Comments on Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos, I, 3",VABB-1,31,56,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457113,,Ce livre semblera peut-être bizarre à certains. Een bestseller uit de Eerste Wereldoorlog van de monnik-soldaat Martial Lekeux.,VABB-1,66,83,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:457115,,"EVALUATIVE FEEDBACK PROCESSING IS SHAPED BY SUBJECTIVE EXPECTATION, RATHER THAN BY OBJECTIVE REWARD PROBABILITY DURING PERFORMANCE MONITORING AT THE FRN AND P3 LEVELS",VABB-5,S47,S47,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457118,,Koorddansen in het familiaal vermogensrecht – Naar een nieuw evenwicht tussen de belangen van de kinderen en die van de langstlevende echtgenoot,VABB-1,220,223,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:457119,,Ecuadorian Kindergartners' Spontaneous Focusing on Numerosity Development: Contribution of Numerical Abilities and Quality of Mathematics Education,VABB-4,69,86,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457120,,PLACEBO EFFECTS AND CONDITIONING OF THE NEUROENDOCRINE SYSTEM: LEARNED OXYTOCIN RESPONSES,VABB-5,S192,S192,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457121,,INTEROCEPTION OF RESPIRATORY SENSATIONS IN PATIENTS WITH SOMATIC SYMPTOM DISORDER,VABB-5,S205,S205,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457122,,A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON SYMPTOM PERCEPTION,VABB-5,S21,S22,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457123,,Placebo effects and conditioning of hormonal responses of oxytocin,VABB-5,A150,A151,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457124,,CAN OXYTOCIN ENHANCE PLACEBO EFFECTS IN PAIN AND ITCH?,VABB-5,A120,A120,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:457126,,THE ACCEPTABILITY OF NUDGING FOR HEALTH: WHAT DOES THE PUBLIC SAY?,VABB-5,S26,S27,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457127,,DETERMINANTS OF HEALTHY SLEEP PRACTICES AMONG BELGIAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: AN APPLICATION OF THE THEORY OF PLANNED BEHAVIOR,VABB-5,S209,S210,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457129,,The Italian version of the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire: Validity data for adults and its association with severity of borderline personality disorder,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457130,,Effects of Social Exclusion on Effortful Control and Mentalizing in relation to Borderline Personality Features,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457131,,The Reflective Fostering Programme: background and development of a new approach,VABB-1,234,248,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457132,,The mediating role of mentalizing between attachment and eating disorders,VABB-1,202,223,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457133,,Rejection sensitivity and borderline personality disorder features: A mediation model of effortful control and intolerance of ambiguity,VABB-1,50,55,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457134,,Psychotherapy and Genetic Neuroscience: An Emerging Dialog,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457135,,Good images are remembered better,VABB-5,S39,S40,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457137,,Eating disorders and pathological gambling in young males: can they be differentiated by means of weight history and temperament and character traits?,VABB-5,68,68,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457138,,Exploring the Role of Relational Practices in Water Governance Using a Game-Based Approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457140,,LEARNING PROCESSES IN CHRONIC PAIN,VABB-5,S16,S16,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457141,,THE EFFECT OF OPERANT PAIN-RELATED AVOIDANCE LEARNING ON PLACEBO AND NOCEBO OUTCOMES,VABB-5,S148,S149,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:457144,,"Showcase-""Believe in Diversity and Act Accordingly"" Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Dialogue at BNP Paribas",VABB-4,73,86,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457146,,LEARNING TO FEEL TIRED: A CLASSICAL AND OPERANT CONDITIONING APPROACH TO CHRONIC FATIGUE,VABB-5,S20,S20,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457149,,Respiratory load compensation and perception during 10-breath sustained inspiratory resistive loading in normal subjects,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457150,,"Inspiratory Resistive (R) Load Endurance Testing in Normal Healthy Adults: Load compensation, effort sensation and affective perception.",VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457151,,"BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE OF RESPIRATORY DISEASE: COGNITION, AFFECT, AND SYMPTOM PERCEPTION",VABB-5,A143,A143,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457156,,Job burnout: The contribution of emotional stability and emotional self-efficacy beliefs,VABB-1,823,851,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457157,,Workaholism and negative work-related incidents among nurses,VABB-1,373,381,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457158,,Applying Occupational Health Theories to Educator Stress: Contribution of the Job Demands-Resources Model,VABB-4,237,259,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457159,,Ghosts in machine learning for cognitive neuroscience: Moving from data to theory,VABB-1,88,100,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457161,,The Education of the Congolese girls in the maquis of Mulele: Liberation Army or force of (self)destruction?,VABB-1,141,162,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457162,,Robot assistants for perimetry: Patient experience and performance,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457163,,THE EDUCATIONAL MEANING OF 'PRACTISING',VABB-4,57,64,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457166,,"SLEEP VS. SHUTEYE LATENCY: PREVALENCE, PREDICTORS AND RELATION TO INSOMNIA SYMPTOMS IN A REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE OF ADULTS",VABB-5,E92,E92,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457172,,The Council: between European legislator and national executive,VABB-4,99,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457174,,Work Environment and the Origin of Ageism,VABB-4,73,90,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457175,,Old Age Unemployment: Activation Obligation or Pension Claim,VABB-5,6,6,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457178,,Social media use and sleep in adults: a vulnerability perspective,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457179,,Giving in God's name: investing in the ethical self in the case of the kermes,VABB-1,455,476,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457189,,Navigating Law and Software Engineering Towards Privacy by Design: Stepping Stones for Bridging the Gap,VABB-4,123,140,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457190,,"Shared Airspace, Shared Liability? Challenges to liability allocation in a converging public-private ATM domain",VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457191,,Louvain Personalism as Foundation of Ethics A Revision in the Care Context,VABB-1,410,421,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457194,,Reforming Malawi’s Law on Abortion: A Criminal Law Perspective,VABB-1,91,112,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457195,,Legislating against Cyber Crime in Southern African Development Community: Balancing International Standards with Country-Specific Specificities,VABB-1,9,26,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457200,,Introduction: Responsible innovation in security - Setting the scene,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457202,,Most Precious Blood: pilgrimage and veneration of the relic in Weingarten and Mantua,VABB-1,208,217,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457205,,El Conocimiento Escolar en Disputa en Chile: el caso del currículum fracasado de 1992,VABB-1,614,638,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:457206,,Co-ethnic marriage versus intermarriage among immigrants and their descendants: A comparison across seven European countries using event-history analysis,VABB-1,487,524,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457213,,Queer Muslims in South Africa: Engaging Islamic Tradition,VABB-1,120,144,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457214,,Translation and public policy: Interdisciplinary perspectives and case studies,VABB-3,,,177,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457215,,Credit scoring for good: Enhancing financial inclusion with smartphone-based microlending,VABB-5,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457217,,Experiences of adults following an autism diagnosis,VABB-2,,,155 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457243,,"Meditations in an Emergency: The Appellate Body Deadlock – What It Is, Why It’s a Problem, and What to Do About It",VABB-1,376,386,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457247,,Herinnering en hoop in monastieke stervensverhalen,VABB-1,301,318,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:457248,,Multicolored in a Monochrome World: WTO and Conflicting Regulatory Purposes,VABB-1,311,319,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457251,,The Day the Music Died: Good Faith in WTO Dispute Settlement and the Curious Case of Peru – Agricultural Products,VABB-1,71,85,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457252,,Requiem – Resonanzen katholischer Totenliturgie in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart,VABB-1,32,53,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:457254,,Simplicius and Iamblichus on Shape ((μορφή),VABB-1,59,87,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457267,,Nannius’ openingsrede bij het zesde boek van de Aeneis: hoe leeft men in de onderwereld?,VABB-4,151,154,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:457282,,The Beni Hasan el-Shuruq region in the Old Kingdom: A preliminary survey report,VABB-1,94,105,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457285,,Performing Prospero: Intertextual strategies in John Banville's Ghosts,VABB-4,223,242,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457287,,Verplaatsingstijd is (betaalde) arbeidstijd voor werknemers zonder vaste werkplek (noot onder Arbh. Antwerpen (afd. Antwerpen) 17 april 2018),VABB-1,696,701,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:457290,,Introduction: Reminders assembling a picture of paul smeyers,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457292,,Who are the political parties’ ideas factories? On policy analysis by political party think tanks,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457293,,Academic policy analysis and research utilization in policymaking,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457299,,Task-Driven Convolutional Recurrent Models of the Visual System,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457303,,Adel over grenzen heen. Een interview met Violet Soen,VABB-1,231,235,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:457304,,No purely epistemic theory can account for the naturalness of kinds,VABB-1,1,19,-,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457306,,The qualia-problem: ontological and epistemological consequences (in Russian),VABB-1,38,49,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457307,,Individuals accused of international crimes as delegitimized agents of truth,VABB-1,291,316,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457308,,Digital platforms : regulation and liability in the EU law,VABB-1,903,920,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:457309,,Dispute on ritual slaughter,VABB-1,3,8,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457317,,Aufrechnung und Vertragsstrafe im polnischen Recht,VABB-4,83,100,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:457318,,Consumer protection in energy markets : selected insights from behavioural law and economics and regulatory practice,VABB-4,253,271,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457320,,Translation politics and policies,VABB-4,215,223,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457321,,Preface,VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457323,,"The Thunderbolt of Evil and Goodness without Witnesses: In Conversation with Vasili Grossman, Life and Fate",VABB-1,22,37,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457324,,‘With New Eyes’: Toward Advancing the Commitment of the World Council of Churches to Justice and Peace in Africa,VABB-1,455,469,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457325,,Ecumenical Dialogue as Exchange of Knowledge Systems,VABB-1,282,298,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457326,,On the Borderline between Consensus and Reception: The Spirituality of Openness as a Necessary Criterion for Ecumenical Reception,VABB-1,348,370,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457331,,The crowding-out effect of green energy innovation,VABB-4,89,112,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457335,,Literary research,VABB-4,367,376,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457337,,Reliability of joint kinematic calculations based on direct kinematic and inverse kinematic models in obese children,VABB-1,201,207,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457338,,One day you'll wake up and won't have to go to work: The impact of changes in time use on mental health following retirement,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457342,,Validity of objective methods for measuring sedentary behaviour in older adults: a systematic review.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457343,,Sport policy in Flanders (Belgium). Country profile,VABB-1,271,285,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457344,,Energy cost of running instability evaluated with wearable trunk accelerometry,VABB-1,462,472,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457345,,Deep sleep maintains learning efficiency of the human brain,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457349,,"Musculotendon excursion potential, tendon slack and muscle fibre length: the interaction of the canine gastrocnemius muscle and tendon",VABB-1,460,467,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:457350,,Online EEG artifact removal for BCI applications by adaptive spatial filtering,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457354,,Cartilage defect location and stiffness predispose the tibiofemoral joint to aberrant loading conditions during stance phase of gait,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457355,,Being on Target: Visual Information during Writing Affects Effective Connectivity in Parkinson's Disease,VABB-1,484,494,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457357,,Participant characteristics of users of holistic movement practices in Australia,VABB-1,181,187,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457360,,Gait kinetics in children with clubfeet treated surgically or with the Ponseti method: A meta-analysis,VABB-1,94,100,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457362,,Ranking of osteogenic potential of physical exercises in postmenopausal women based on femoral neck strains,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457366,,A direct effect of perception on action when grasping a cup,VABB-1,171,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457368,,Reliability of four models for clinical gait analysis,VABB-1,325,331,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457369,,Mapping pathological changes in brain structure by combining T1- and T2-weighted MR imaging data,VABB-1,917,28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:457371,,"Sitting Time In Adults 65 Years and Over: Behaviour, Knowledge, and Intentions to Change.",VABB-1,276,283,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457372,,Modulation of gluteus medius activity reflects the potential of the muscle to meet the mechanical demands during perturbed walking,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457373,,"A New, High-Efficacy, Noninvasive Transcranial Electric Stimulation Tuned to Local Neurodynamics",VABB-1,586,594,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457375,,Identification of activities of daily living in tremorous patients using inertial sensors,VABB-1,40,48,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457378,,"To mirror or not to mirror upon mutual gaze, oxytocin can pave the way: A cross-over randomized placebo-controlled trial",VABB-1,148,156,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457381,,Enhancing Physical Activity as Lifestyle Behavior in Older Persons: The Rome Statement,VABB-1,345,351,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457382,,Neurodevelopmental origins of abnormal cortical morphology in dissociative identity disorder,VABB-1,157,170,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457384,,Age-related differences in GABA levels are driven by bulk tissue changes,VABB-1,3652,3662,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457387,,Functional Semi-Blind Source Separation Identifies Primary Motor Area Without Active Motor Execution,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457388,,"Modal analysis of nanoindentation data, confirming that reduced bone turnover may cause increased tissue mineralization/elasticity",VABB-1,217,224,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457389,,Big GABA: Edited MR spectroscopy at 24 research sites,VABB-1,32,45,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457390,,Mother- and Father-Adolescent Relationships and Early Sexual Intercourse,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457391,,"A mixed methods case study exploring the impact of membership of a multi-activity, multicentre community group on social wellbeing of older adults",VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457392,,Global Kalman filter approaches to estimate absolute angles of lower limb segments,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457394,,"Interaction between muscle tone, short-range stiffness and increased sensory feedback gains explains key kinematic features of the pendulum test in spastic cerebral palsy: A simulation study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457395,,Endothelial Cell Metabolism in Health and Disease,VABB-1,224,236,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457398,,Effects of wrist tendon vibration and eye movements on manual aiming,VABB-1,847,857,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457399,,High-intensity interval training in hypoxia does not affect muscle HIF responses to acute hypoxia in humans,VABB-1,847,862,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457400,,Sport events and happiness: towards the development of a measuring instrument*,VABB-1,255,266,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457402,,Weighted integration of short term memory and sensory signals in the oculomotor system,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457403,,Knee joint loading in healthy adults during functional exercises: implications for rehabilitation guidelines,VABB-1,162,+,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457404,,Mobile assessment of the lower limb kinematics in healthy persons and in persons with degenerative knee disorders: A systematic review,VABB-1,229,241,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457407,,Identifying the Effects of Visceral Interoception on Human Brain Connectome: A Multivariate Analysis of Covariance of fMRI Data,VABB-1,5558,5562,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457408,,Performance on Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest) impacts health-related quality of life in Adult Spinal Deformity Patients,VABB-1,637,646,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457409,,A Spatial Registration Toolbox for Structural MR Imaging of the Aging Brain,VABB-1,167,179,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457410,,Energy metabolism in ALS: an underappreciated opportunity?,VABB-1,489,509,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457413,,"Pathological factors contributing to crossed cerebellar diaschisis in cerebral gliomas: a study combining perfusion, diffusion, and structural MR imaging",VABB-1,643,650,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457416,,A Theoretical Comparison of the Economic Impact of Large and Small Events,VABB-1,199,216,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:457417,,Effective connectivity inferred from fMRI transition dynamics during movie viewing points to a balanced reconfiguration of cortical interactions,VABB-1,534,546,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457418,,Does Visual Attention Impact on Decision Making in Complex Dynamic Events?,VABB-1,163,166,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457419,,Relation between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and micronutrient intake in a prospective study,VABB-1,170,173,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457423,,Cerebellar gray matter explains bimanual coordination performance in children and older adults,VABB-1,109,120,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457424,,Let’s walk and talk: A design case to integrate an active lifestyle into daily office life,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457427,,Sport for Adults aged 50+ Years: Participation Benefits and Barriers,VABB-1,363,371,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457429,,White matter microstructural organization of interhemispheric pathways predicts different stages of bimanual coordination learning in young and older adults,VABB-1,446,459,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457430,,fMRI characterisation of widespread brain networks relevant for behavioural variability in fine hand motor control with and without visual feedback,VABB-1,330,342,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457431,,Connectivity-based parcellation reveals distinct cortico-striatal connectivity fingerprints in Autism Spectrum Disorder,VABB-1,412,423,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457433,,"Detecting Large-Scale Brain Networks Using EEG: Impact of Electrode Density, Head Modeling and Source Localization",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457434,,Perspectives of event leveraging by restaurants and city officials,VABB-1,34,50,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457435,,Electroencephalography-Derived Sensory and Motor Network Topology in Multiple Sclerosis Fatigue,VABB-1,56,64,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457436,,Who is Doing a Run with the Running Boom?: The Growth and Governance of one of Europe's Most Popular Sport Activities,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:457442,,Promoting stair climbing in a worksite and public setting: Are footprints enough?,VABB-1,527,535,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457445,,"A methodological framework for detecting ulcers' risk in diabetic foot subjects by combining gait analysis, a new musculoskeletal foot model and a foot finite element model",VABB-1,279,285,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457447,,A spasticity model based on feedback from muscle force explains muscle activity during passive stretches and gait in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457448,,Observing back pain provoking lifting actions modulates corticomotor excitability of the observer's primary motor cortex,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457449,,Gait adaptations of older adults on an uneven brick surface can be predicted by age-related physiological changes in strength,VABB-1,257,262,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457451,,Age-dependent modulations of resting state connectivity following motor practice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457452,,Age-related differences in rate of power development exceed differences in peak power,VABB-1,95,100,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457454,,Computed tomography-based joint locations affect calculation of joint moments during gait when compared to scaling approaches,VABB-1,1238,1251,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:457458,,The Use of Peer-Led Community-Based Programs to Promote Healthy Aging,VABB-1,202,211,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457460,,Substituting Sedentary Time With Light and Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity is Associated With Better Cardiometabolic Health,VABB-1,197,203,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457461,,Computational neurorehabilitation: modeling plasticity and learning to predict recovery.,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457463,,Muscle-tendon unit length changes differ between young and adult sprinters in the first stance phase of sprint running,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457468,,Interaction Information Along Lifespan of the Resting Brain Dynamics Reveals a Major Redundant Role of the Default Mode Network,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457470,,"Prevalence of arterial hypertension in the work place in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo",VABB-1,213,220,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457473,,Effect of early- and adult-life socioeconomic circumstances on physical inactivity,VABB-1,476,485,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457474,,'Take a Mental Break!' study: Role of mental aspects in running-related injuries using a randomised controlled trial.,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457476,,Behavioral and neural evidence of the rewarding value of exercise behaviors: A systematic review,VABB-1,1389,1404,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457477,,AMIE: Automatic Monitoring of Indoor Exercises,VABB-5,424,439,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457478,,Report Card Grades on the Physical Activity of Children and Youth Comparing 30 Very High Human Development Index Countries,VABB-1,S298,S314,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457481,,The power of competence support: The impact of coaches and athlete leaders on intrinsic motivation and performance,VABB-1,725,745,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457483,,Tracking Intrinsic Connectivity Brain Network Features During Successive (Pseudo-) Resting States and Interoceptive Task fMRI,VABB-1,5567,5570,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457485,,Anatomy of Subcortical Structures Predicts Age-Related Differences in Skill Acquisition,VABB-1,459,473,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457489,,Impaired brainstem and thalamic high-frequency oscillatory EEG activity in migraine between attacks,VABB-1,915,926,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457490,,Doping and performance enhancement: Harms and harm reduction,VABB-4,363,376,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:457493,,Optimal Excitation and Identification of the Dynamic Model of Robotic Systems with Compliant Actuators,VABB-5,2117,2124,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:457498,,Inertial Sensor Error Reduction through Calibration and Sensor Fusion,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457499,,Australian fitness professionals' level of interest in engaging with high health-risk population subgroups: findings from a national survey,VABB-1,108,115,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457501,,Age-related declines in motor performance are associated with decreased segregation of large-scale resting state brain networks,VABB-1,4390,4402,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457504,,Content development as a function of content knowledge courses in preservice physical education teachers,VABB-1,2440,2446,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457505,,The effect of a pre-hop on the muscle-tendon interaction during vertical jumps,VABB-1,1203,1211,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457506,,Alterations in energy balance from an exercise intervention with ad libitum food intake,VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:457507,,Reliability of 3D Lower Extremity Movement Analysis by Means of Inertial Sensor Technology during Transitional Tasks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457508,,Low 10-year reproducibility of glycaemic index and glycaemic load in a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,227,230,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457509,,Children saving lives: training towards CPR excellence levels in chest compression based on age and physical characteristics,VABB-1,135,140,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457512,,2018 EULAR recommendations for physical activity in people with inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis,VABB-1,1251,1260,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457514,,Extracting orthogonal subject- and condition-specific signatures from fMRI data using whole-brain effective connectivity,VABB-1,238,254,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457517,,"Disrupted relationship between ""resting state"" connectivity and task-evoked activity during social perception in schizophrenia",VABB-1,370,376,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457519,,Coaches’ and players’ perceptions of health promotion activities in sport clubs,VABB-1,169,178,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457520,,Biological/Genetic Regulation of Physical Activity Level: Consensus from GenBioPAC,VABB-1,863,873,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457521,,Functional brain activation associated with inhibitory control deficits in older adults,VABB-1,12,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457523,,"Motor performance, body fatness and environmental factors in preschool children",VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457525,,Effect of Interoception on Intra- and Inter-Network Connectivity of Human Brain - An Independent Component Analysis of fMRI Data,VABB-5,320,323,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:457526,,Assessment and monitoring practices of Australian fitness professionals,VABB-1,433,438,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457527,,Functional Effects of Shoes,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457528,,The Neurochemical Basis of the Contextual Interference Effect,VABB-1,85,96,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457529,,AltitudeOmics: Effect of Hypoxia and Hyperoxia on Baroreflex Sensitivity,VABB-5,533,536,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457532,,Fatigue Prediction in Outdoor Runners Via Machine Learning and Sensor Fusion,VABB-5,606,615,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457533,,Stability of potential renal acid load.,VABB-1,139,143,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457534,,Functional interaction between human dorsal premotor cortex and the ipsilateral primary motor cortex for grasp plans: a dual-site TMS study,VABB-1,1355,1359,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457536,,"ANP32A regulates ATM expression and prevents oxidative stress in cartilage, brain and bone",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457539,,AltitudeOmics: Effect of Exercise on Baroreflex Sensitivity at Sea Level and Altitude,VABB-5,529,532,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457540,,Functional assessment of strains around a full-thickness and critical sized articular cartilage defect under compressive loading using MRI,VABB-1,1710,1721,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457541,,The influence of content knowledge on pedagogical content knowledge: an evidence-based practice for Physical Education,VABB-1,133,143,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457542,,Data fusion of body-worn accelerometers and heart rate to predict VO2max during submaximal running,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457544,,Objectifying Treatment Outcomes Using Musculoskeletal Modelling- Based Simulations of Motion,VABB-4,1,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457545,,Altered effective connectivity contributes to micrographia in patients with Parkinson’s disease and freezing of gait,VABB-1,336,347,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457546,,"The effect of organized versus supervised recess on elementary school children’s participation, physical activity, play and social behavior: a cluster randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,747,754,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457550,,Simple index of functional connectivity at rest in Multiple Sclerosis fatigue,VABB-1,807,813,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457552,,Maximum Dynamic Lower-Limb Strength Was Maintained During 24-Week Reduced Training Frequency in Previously Sedentary Older Women.,VABB-1,1063,1071,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457555,,From problem to solution: Developing a personalized smartphone application for recreational runners following a three-step design approach,VABB-5,799,805,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457556,,Effect of a structured physical exercises program on cardiovascular risk factors related to the metabolic syndrome in obese workers of Kinshasa in Democratic Republic of Congo,VABB-1,e115,e122,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457558,,A noninterfering system to measure in-cage spontaneous physical activity in mice,VABB-1,263,270,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457560,,Virtual reconstruction of glenoid bone defects using a statistical shape model.,VABB-1,160,166,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457564,,Sports Psychology: Maximizing Team Potential,VABB-4,206,220,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:457568,,"Diversity in participation reigns, policy challenges ahead. Sport for all (ages) from a European perspective",VABB-4,45,65,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457570,,Source-reconstruction of the sensorimotor network from resting-state macaque electrocorticography,VABB-1,347,358,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457571,,Estimating a neutral reference for electroencephalographic recordings: the importance of using a high-density montage and a realistic head model,VABB-1,056012,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:457573,,Correlates of weekday compliance to physical activity recommendations in Swiss youth non-compliant in weekend days.,VABB-1,86,91,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457574,,The determinants and income elasticities of direct and indirect sports expenditure categories,VABB-1,175,192,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457578,,Muscle and tendon lengthening behaviour of the medial gastrocnemius during ankle joint rotation in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,1367,1376,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457579,,Age-related decline in leg-extensor power development in single- versus multi-joint movements,VABB-1,98,104,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457580,,Avoiding sedentary behaviors requires more cortical resources than avoiding physical activity: An EEG study.,VABB-1,68,80,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457583,,Test-retest reliability of knee extensor rate of velocity and power development in older adults using the isotonic mode on a Biodex System 3 dynamometer,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457586,,Effects of Generalization of Engagement in Parkour from Physical Education to Recess on Physical Activity,VABB-1,429,439,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457588,,Longitudinal joint loading in patients before and up to one year after unilateral total hip arthroplasty,VABB-1,117,124,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457589,,Seasonal training load and wellness monitoring in a professional soccer goalkeeper,VABB-1,672,675,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457591,,Effects of hip joint centre mislocation on gait kinematics of children with cerebral palsy calculated using patient-specific direct and inverse kinematic models,VABB-1,154,160,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457593,,Non-Ceruloplasmin Copper Distinguishes A Distinct Subtype of Alzheimer's Disease: A Study of EEG-Derived Brain Activity,VABB-1,1374,1384,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457595,,Heart-Brain Interactions in the MR Environment: Characterization of the Ballistocardiogram in EEG Signals Collected During Simultaneous fMRI,VABB-1,337,345,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457596,,Improving the quality of combined EEG-TMS neural recordings: Introducing the coil spacer,VABB-1,34,39,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457599,,Hip movement pathomechanics of patients with hip osteoarthritis aim at reducing hip joint loading on the osteoarthritic side,VABB-1,11,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457600,,Adaptations to Postural Perturbations in Patients With Freezing of Gait,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457602,,Managing the Mix of Sport and Social Capital: A Study of Local Networks in the Belgian Homeless Football Cup,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457603,,Different neural substrates for precision stepping and fast online step adjustments in youth,VABB-1,2039,2053,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457605,,Brain GABA Levels Are Associated with Inhibitory Control Deficits in Older Adults,VABB-1,7844,7851,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457608,,Reliability of a clinical 3D freehand ultrasound technique: Analyses on healthy and pathological muscles,VABB-1,97,103,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457609,,Analysis of Optimal Control Problem Formulations in Skeletal Movement Predictions,VABB-5,1269,1273,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457611,,Acknowledgement Correction: Face-to-Face Versus Mobile Versus Blended Weight Loss Program: Randomized Clinical Trial,VABB-1,e10159,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457612,,Face-to-Face Versus Mobile Versus Blended Weight Loss Program: Randomized Clinical Trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457613,,Computer-aided design and manufacturing of surgical templates and their clinical applications: a review,VABB-1,853,864,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457616,,Socioeconomic differences in children's television viewing trajectory: A population-based prospective cohort study.,VABB-1,e0188363,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457617,,An innovative solution to reduce muscle deformation during ultrasonography data collection,VABB-1,194,200,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457618,,Challenge to Promote Change: The Neural Basis of the Contextual Interference Effect in Young and Older Adults,VABB-1,3333,3345,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457620,,Training for micrographia alters neural connectivity in Parkinson's disease,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457623,,Can in Vivo Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle-Tendon Unit Lengths be Reliably Estimated by Two Ultrasonography Methods? A Within-Session Analysis,VABB-1,110,118,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457627,,Intensity-Specific Differential Leukocyte DNA Methylation in Physical (In)Activity: An Exploratory Approach,VABB-1,101,111,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457628,,Examination of the external and internal load indicators' association with overuse injuries in professional soccer players,VABB-1,579,585,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457631,,Global Matrix 3.0 Physical Activity Report Card Grades for Children and Youth: Results and Analysis From 49 Countries,VABB-1,S251,S273,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457632,,Estimating Contact Forces and Moments for Walking Robots and Exoskeletons Using Complementary Energy Methods,VABB-1,3410,3417,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457633,,Hierarchical Subdivision and Effect of ICA Model Dimensionality On The Interoceptive Task-Derived Brain Networks,VABB-5,57,61,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457634,,The Impact of Dual-Tasking on Postural Stability in People With Parkinson's Disease With and Without Freezing of Gait,VABB-1,166,174,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457635,,Effect of aging on motor inhibition during action preparation under sensory conflict,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457636,,Do coaching style and game circumstances predict athletes' perceived justice of their coach? A longitudinal study in elite handball and volleyball teams,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457637,,Detection of red and bicoloured apples on tree with an RGB-D camera,VABB-1,33,44,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457639,,From zero-tolerance toward risk reduction of doping: Learning from the failure of the war on drugs?,VABB-4,167,174,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457640,,"Total Energy Expenditure, Energy Intake, and Body Composition in Endurance Athletes Across the Training Season: A Systematic Review.",VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457641,,Brain Functional Connectivity Changes After Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Epileptic Patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457644,,Increasing the Continuity of Care between Primary Care Provider and a Psychiatric Hospital in Singapore.,VABB-1,156,161,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457647,,The Relationship Between Medial Gastrocnemius Lengthening Properties and Stretch Reflexes in Cerebral Palsy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457649,,Design for balanced engagement in mixed level sports teams,VABB-5,994,1002,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457650,,Virtual reality balance training for elderly: Similar skiing games elicit different challenges in balance training,VABB-1,111,116,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457652,,Increased sensory noise and not muscle weakness explains changes in non-stepping postural responses following stance perturbations in healthy elderly,VABB-1,122,127,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457653,,INTERHEMISPHERIC SENSORIMOTOR INTEGRATION; AN UPPER LIMB PHENOMENON?,VABB-1,104,113,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457656,,An experiment on the impact of coaches’ and athlete leaders’ competence support on athletes’ motivation and performance,VABB-1,2734,2750,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457658,,Year-round effects of a four-week randomized controlled trial using different types of feedback on employees' physical activity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457659,,MEDIAL GASTROCNEMIUS MUSCLE-TENDON JUNCTION AND FASCICLE LENGTHENING ACROSS THE RANGE OF MOTION ANALYZED IN 2-D AND 3-D ULTRASOUND IMAGES,VABB-1,2505,2518,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457660,,Estimating medial gastrocnemius muscle volume in children with spastic cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional investigation,VABB-1,81,87,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457661,,"Do public perception and the ""spirit of sport' justify the criminalisation of doping? A reply to Claire Sumner",VABB-1,61,78,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457666,,Functional MRI can detect changes in intratissue strains in a full thickness and critical sized ovine cartilage defect model,VABB-1,18,25,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457668,,Patient-specific Reconstruction of Large Bone Defects: Clinical Success Due to an Integrated Bioengineering Workflow,VABB-5,653,656,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457669,,"Skeletal maturation, fundamental motor skills, and motor performance in preschool children",VABB-1,2358,2368,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457670,,Medial gastrocnemius muscle stiffness cannot explain the increased ankle joint range of motion following passive stretching in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,350,357,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457673,,The Competence-Supportive and Competence-Thwarting Role of Athlete Leaders: An Experimental Test in a Soccer Context,VABB-1,e0200480,e0200480,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457674,,Adaptive optimal basis set for BCG artifact removal in simultaneous EEG-fMRI,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457676,,Association of early- and adult-life socioeconomic circumstances with muscle strength in older age,VABB-1,398,407,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457677,,The morphology of foot soft tissues is associated with running shoe type in healthy recreational runners,VABB-1,686,690,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457678,,Towards level playing fields? A time trend analysis of young people’s participation in club-organised sports,VABB-1,468,484,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457679,,Relationships between the external and internal training load in professional soccer: what can we learn from machine learning?,VABB-1,625,630,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457681,,Structure-function multi-scale connectomics reveals a major role of the fronto-striato-thalamic circuit in brain aging,VABB-1,4663,4677,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457682,,Weight Bearing Exercise Can Elicit Similar Peak Muscle Activation as Medium-High Intensity Resistance Exercise in Elderly Women,VABB-1,531,541,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457683,,"Neural correlates of action: Comparing meta-analyses of imagery, observation, and execution",VABB-1,31,44,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457684,,Rate of power development of the knee extensors across the adult life span: A cross-sectional study in 1387 Flemish Caucasians,VABB-1,260,266,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457686,,"Ten-year change in sedentary behaviour, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiometabolic risk: independent associations and mediation analysis",VABB-1,1063,1068,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457688,,Involvement in non-club organized sport. Organizational patterns of sport participation from a longitudinal life course perspective,VABB-1,58,77,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457689,,Cartilage-on-cartilage contact: effect of compressive loading on tissue deformations and structural integrity of bovine articular cartilage,VABB-1,1699,1709,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457691,,GABA levels and measures of intracortical and interhemispheric excitability in healthy young and older adults: a MRS-TMS study,VABB-1,168,177,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457692,,The influence of maximum isometric muscle force scaling on estimated muscle forces from musculoskeletal models of children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,213,220,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457694,,"The effect of pairing by ability on performance, physical activity, and time-on-task during reciprocal peer teaching in swimming",VABB-1,756,773,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457699,,Werkt 'nudging' om trapgebruik te stimuleren? Drie veldstudies bij de Vlaamse Overheid.,VABB-1,21,32,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:457701,,Results from Flanders' 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth,VABB-1,S357,S359,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457702,,Novice runners show greater changes in kinematics with fatigue compared with competitive runners,VABB-1,350,360,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457704,,Genetic predisposition score predicts the increases of knee strength and muscle mass after one-year exercise in healthy elderly,VABB-1,17,26,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457706,,P 148 - Synergy complexity during maximal voluntary isometric contractions.,VABB-1,203,204,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457707,,Combining constraint-induced movement therapy and action-observation training in children with unilateral cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457710,,"Depressive symptoms, handgrip strength, and weight status in US older adults",VABB-1,305,310,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457712,,Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science: Training and Coaching the Paralympic Athlete,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457713,,Manual lymph drainage may not have a preventive effect on the development of breast cancer-related lymphoedema in the long term: a randomised trial,VABB-1,245,254,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457714,,Functional network connectivity is altered in patients with upper limb somatosensory impairments in the acute phase post stroke: A cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457717,,Physical activity and HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review of correlates and levels,VABB-1,394,406,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457718,,Short and long-term effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in interstitial lung diseases: a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457719,,Mild cognitive impairment and sedentary behavior: A multinational study,VABB-1,174,180,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457720,,Effect of high-frequency alternating current transcutaneous stimulation over muscle strength: a controlled pilot study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457721,,THE IMPACT OF DIFFERENT CHARACTERISTICS AND MODALITIES OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON HEALTH VARIABLES IN ELDERLY PEOPLE WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES,VABB-5,533,541,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:457723,,Turning problems and freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457726,,Associations Between Muscle Synergies and Treatment Outcomes in Cerebral Palsy Are Robust Across Clinical Centers,VABB-1,2175,2182,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457728,,There is no such thing like a single ACL injury: Profiles of ACL-injured patients,VABB-1,67,73,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457730,,Energy Consumption and Cardiorespiratory Load During Lokomat Walking Compared to Walking Without Robot-Assistance in Stroke Patients: Preliminary Results,VABB-5,1229,1233,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457735,,Association between sensorimotor impairments and functional brain changes in patients with low back pain: a critical review,VABB-1,200,211,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457736,,Yoga versus non-standard care for schizophrenia,VABB-1,1,13,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:457737,,Evolution of self-care and functional mobility after single-event multilevel surgery in children and adolescents with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy,VABB-1,505,512,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457740,,Partitioned Block Frequency Domain Kalman Filter for Multi-Channel Linear Prediction based Blind Speech Dereverberation,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457741,,Physical activity levels after treatment for breast cancer: Two-year follow-up,VABB-1,23,28,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457742,,Dual-task cost in people with multiple sclerosis: A case-control study,VABB-1,384,392,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457743,,Time Course of Upper Limb Function in Children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy: A Five-Year Follow-Up Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457744,,"RE: “Low back pain misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis: Core principles” (Monie AP, Fazey PJ, Singer KP. Manual Therapy 22 (2016) 68–71)",VABB-1,E1,E2,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457745,,Model Based System Testing: Bringing Testing and Simulation Close Together,VABB-5,91,97,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457748,,AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION IN ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY,VABB-4,241,261,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457749,,Incorporating real modes and reciprocity constraints in the iterative MLMM modal parameter estimation method,VABB-5,2933,2946,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457751,,Montelukast for bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplantation: A randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457753,,Towards Personalized Rehabilitation for Gait Impairments in Parkinson's Disease.,VABB-1,S101,S106,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457754,,Gait deviations in Duchenne muscular dystrophy – part 1. A systematic review,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457755,,Fibromyalgia and unexplained widespread pain: The idiopathic cerebrospinal pressure dysregulation hypothesis.,VABB-1,150,154,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457757,,Tele-UPCAT: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial of a home- based Tele-monitored UPper limb Children Action observation Training for participants with unilateral cerebral palsy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457758,,A Multiphysical Modelling Approach for Virtual Shaker Testing Correlated with Experimental Test Results,VABB-5,87,99,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457760,,The Use of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors for Strain Modal Analysis,VABB-5,93,101,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:457761,,Strain-Based Experimental Modal Analysis on Planar Structures: Concepts and Practical Aspects,VABB-5,335,346,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457763,,Cognitive training for freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457764,,"Relationship between sedentary behavior and depression: A mediation analysis of influential factors across the lifespan among 42,469 people in low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,231,238,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457766,,Physiotherapists’ ability to identify psychological factors and their self-reported competence to manage chronic low back pain,VABB-1,471,479,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457767,,Cognitive Functional Therapy: An Integrated Behavioral Approach for the Targeted Management of Disabling Low Back Pain,VABB-1,408,423,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457768,,Characterization of pulmonary function in 10-18 year old patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy,VABB-1,307,314,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457769,,Physical activity and sleep problems in 38 low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,140,147,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457770,,The efficacy of interventions for low back pain in nurses: A systematic review,VABB-1,222,231,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457771,,Corticospinal Tract Wiring and Brain Lesion Characteristics in Unilateral Cerebral Pals Determinants of Upper Limb Motor and Sensory Function,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457772,,Musculoskeletal dysfunctions associated with swimmers' shoulder,VABB-1,775,780,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457775,,Policy on osteoporotic compression fractures,VABB-1,171,174,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457776,,The role of corticospinal tract wiring in determining upper limb function in children with unilateral cerebral palsy,VABB-5,7,7,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457780,,Performance-enhancing biomedical technology in sport: Where are the limits?,VABB-4,54,63,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:457782,,Measurement of motor-evoked potential resting threshold and amplitude of proximal and distal arm muscles in healthy adults. A reliability study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457784,,The occurrence of mirror movements in children with unilateral cerebral palsy and their typically developing peers using a standardized quantitative assessment: what is normal?,VABB-5,6,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457785,,A Mission Synthesis Procedure for Sine-on-Random Excitations in a Helicopter Application,VABB-5,197,209,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457786,,Balancing between the two: Are freezing of gait and postural instability in Parkinson’s disease connected?,VABB-1,113,125,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457788,,The assessment of movement health in clinical practice: A multidimensional perspective,VABB-1,282,292,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457790,,Influence on clinical parameters of depressomassage (part I): The effects of depressomassage on color and transepidermal water loss rate in burn scars: A pilot comparative controlled study,VABB-1,877,885,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457793,,"The relationship between chronic physical conditions, multimorbidity and anxiety in the general population: A global perspective across 42 countries",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457794,,Classification of joint gait patterns in children with hereditary spastic paraplegia,VABB-5,62,63,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457796,,Recognition of Physical Activities from a Single Arm-Worn Accelerometer: A Multiway Approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457797,,Psychotic experiences and subjective cognitive complaints among 224 842 people in 48 low- and middle-income countries.,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457798,,Industrial applications of advanced modal identification on operational rotating machineries,VABB-5,2833,2847,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457799,,Does sensorimotor upper limb therapy post stroke alter behavior and brain connectivity differently compared to motor therapy? Protocol of a phase II randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457801,,"Sibship size, birth order and psychotic experiences: Evidence from 43 low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,406,412,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457804,,Design of a fully automated service to generate an individualized exercise rehabilitation program for adults with congenital heart disease,VABB-5,249,253,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457806,,The relation between intelligence and reaction time in tasks with increasing cognitive load among athletes with intellectual impairment,VABB-1,45,51,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457808,,Exercise- and Stress-Induced Hypoalgesia in Musicians with and without Shoulder Pain: A Randomized Controlled Crossover Study,VABB-1,59,68,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457809,,Home-Based Rehabilitation With Telemonitoring Guidance for Patients With Coronary Artery Disease (Short-Term Results of the TRiCH Study): Randomized Controlled Trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457812,,Sensor-based postural feedback is more effective than conventional feedback to improve lumbopelvic movement control in patients with chronic low back pain: a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457815,,"Three-dimensional kinematics of the scapula and trunk, and associated scapular muscle timing in individuals with stroke",VABB-1,82,90,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457816,,Classifying trunk strength impairment according to the activity limitation caused in wheelchair rugby performance,VABB-1,649,657,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457817,,A computational framework for estimating statistical power and planning hypothesis-driven experiments involving one-dimensional biomechanical continua,VABB-1,159,164,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457818,,Environmental risk factors and nonpharmacological and nonsurgical interventions for obesity: An umbrella review of meta-analyses of cohort studies and randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457820,,Measured-based shaker model to virtually simulate vibration sine test,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457822,,"Chronic Physical Conditions, Multimorbidity, and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Low- and Middle-Income Countries",VABB-1,721,727,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457825,,Order-Based Modal Analysis: a modal parameter estimation technique for rotating machineries,VABB-5,325,332,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:457826,,Can inspiratory muscle training improve weaning outcomes in difficult to wean patients? A protocol for a randomised controlled trial (IMweanT study),VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457827,,Roux-en-y gastric bypass attenuates hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction in mice with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis,VABB-1,673,683,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:457828,,Smart localization of microphones inside an automotive cabin,VABB-1,63,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457832,,Is it possible for people with severe mental illness to sit less and move more? A systematic review of interventions to increase physical activity or reduce sedentary behaviour,VABB-1,3,16,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457833,,Analyses of Target Definition Processes for MIMO Random Vibration Control Tests,VABB-5,135,148,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457834,,Life balance of European people with MS: RIMS multicenter psychometric study,VABB-5,846,847,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457835,,Correlates of low physical activity across 46 low- and middle-income countries: a cross-sectional analysis of community-based data,VABB-1,107,113,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457836,,Correlates of physical activity among depressed older people in six low-income and middle-income countries: A community-based cross-sectional study,VABB-1,E314,E322,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457838,,Hand grip strength and cognitive function among elderly cancer survivors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457839,,AQUA((c)) Questionnaire as prediction tool for atopy in young elite athletes,VABB-1,648,650,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457840,,GriFT: A Device for Quantifying Physiological and Pathological Mirror Movements in Children,VABB-1,857,865,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457841,,First Results on Regularized Time-Varying Operational Modal Analysis,VABB-1,162,167,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457842,,Operational Modal Analysis for Rotating Machines: Challenges and Solutions,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457843,,Low-Complexity Kalman Filter for Multi-Channel Linear-Prediction-Based Blind Speech Dereverberation,VABB-5,284,288,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457845,,Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15) as potential serum biomarkers in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457846,,Integrated dynamic testing and analysis approach for model validation of an innovative wind turbine blade design,VABB-5,4767,4781,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457847,,Response to letter to the Editor Re: Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) Position Statement on exercise and spinal cord injury,VABB-1,422,423,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457849,,Acute and Chronic Effects of Isometric Handgrip Exercise on Cardiovascular Variables in Hypertensive Patients: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457855,,A Fast Maximum Likelihood-Based Estimation of a Modal Model,VABB-5,133,156,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:457856,,Correlates of physical activity among middle-aged and older adults with hazardous drinking habits in six low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,589,598,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457859,,Idebenone reduces respiratory complications in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy,VABB-1,473,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457860,,Yoga versus standard care for schizophrenia,VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:457864,,Damage detection in wind turbine blades by using operational modal analysis,VABB-1,289,301,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457865,,Right ventricular systolic dysfunction at rest is not related to decreased exercise capacity in patients with a systemic right ventricle,VABB-1,66,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457866,,Predictors of daily physical activity in COPD patients undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation,VABB-5,,,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:457867,,Effect of aerobic exercise on hippocampal volume in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,230,238,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457868,,Electronic Health Physical Activity Behavior Change Intervention to Self-Manage Cardiovascular Disease: Qualitative Exploration of Patient and Health Professional Requirements,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457869,,The impact of trunk impairment on performance-determining activities in wheelchair rugby,VABB-1,1005,1014,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457870,,Computerised decision support in physical activity interventions: A systematic literature review,VABB-1,7,16,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457871,,Preoperative Pain Neuroscience Education Combined With Knee Joint Mobilization for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial,VABB-1,44,52,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457873,,Spasticity Assessment in Cerebral Palsy,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457874,,Gear dynamics characterization by using Order-Based Modal Analysis,VABB-5,387,404,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457877,,Sensory processing and central pain modulation in patients with chronic shoulder pain: A case-control study,VABB-1,1183,1192,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457879,,Order Based Modal Analysis vs. standard techniques to extract modal parameters of operational wind turbine gearboxes,VABB-5,199,213,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:457880,,Different patterns of alcohol consumption and the incidence and persistence of depressive and anxiety symptoms among older adults in Ireland: A prospective community-based study,VABB-1,651,658,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457881,,Postural responses to target jumps and background motion in a fast pointing task,VABB-1,1573,1581,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457882,,Does pre-surgical central modulation of pain influence outcome after total knee replacement? A systematic review,VABB-1,213,223,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457883,,Pharmacological and neurosurgical interventions for managing dystonia in cerebral palsy: a systematic review,VABB-1,356,366,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457884,,"Research needs for the development of evidence-based systems of classification for physical, vision, and intellectual impairments",VABB-4,122,149,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457885,,Response to the Letter to the Editor on 'The effectiveness of technology-supported exercise therapy for low back pain: A systematic review.',VABB-1,E96,E97,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457887,,"An evaluation tool for Myofascial Adhesions in Patients after Breast Cancer (MAP-BC evaluation tool): Concurrent, face and content validity",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457888,,The Neuromuscular Determinants of Unilateral Jump Performance in Soccer Players are Direction-Specific,VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457891,,A Computer-assisted System with Kinect and Wristband Heart Rate Monitors for Group sessions of Exercise-based Rehabilitation,VABB-5,237,241,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457892,,Non-uniformity in pre-insertional Achilles tendon is not influenced by changing knee angle during isometric contractions,VABB-1,2322,2329,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457893,,Cultural responses towards the aftermath of suicide among the Acholi in Northern Uganda,VABB-1,545,553,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457895,,IDENTIFYING THE STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR OF A SPECIMEN DURING SPACECRAFT ACOUSTIC TESTING BY OPERATIONAL MODAL ANALYSIS,VABB-5,114,117,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:457897,,Age-related changes in upper limb motion during typical development,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457898,,Modelling and simulation of a closed-loop electrodynamic shaker and test structure model for spacecraft vibration testing,VABB-1,205,223,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457900,,Differences in Contraction-Induced Hemodynamics and Surface EMG in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy,VABB-1,71,77,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457901,,Adherence to physical activity recommendations and physical and mental health risk in people with severe mental illness in Uganda,VABB-1,236,240,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457902,,"Pain and severe sleep disturbance in the general population: Primary data and meta-analysis from 240,820 people across 45 low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,52,58,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457905,,Sedentary behavior and perceived stress among adults aged >= 50 years in six low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,100,107,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457906,,Correlates of physical activity among community-dwelling adults aged 50 or over in six low-and middle-income countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457909,,Cluster analysis of novel isometric strength measures produces a valid and evidence-based classification structure for wheelchair track racing,VABB-1,1123,1129,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457910,,When sitting becomes sport: Life stories in sitting volleyball,VABB-1,30,44,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:457912,,A novel approach for the detection and exploration of joint coupling patterns in the lower limb kinetic chain,VABB-1,372,377,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457913,,Global physical activity levels among people living with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,388,397,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457914,,The intriguing relationship between coronary heart disease and mental disorders,VABB-1,31,+,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457918,,Instrumented static laxity evaluation,VABB-4,413,428,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:457919,,Synthesis of Subject-Specific Human Balance Responses Using a Task-Level Neuromuscular Control Platform,VABB-1,865,873,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457921,,Cognitive-motor dual-task ability of athletes with and without intellectual impairment,VABB-1,513,521,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457922,,Leisure time physical activity and future psychological distress: A thirteen year longitudinal population-based study,VABB-1,50,56,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457924,,Comparative effects of high intensity interval training versus moderate intensity continuous training on quality of life in patients with heart failure: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,21,28,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457925,,"Sedentary behavior and depressive symptoms among 67,077 adolescents aged 12-15 years from 30 low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457926,,Weaning failure and respiratory muscle function: What has been done and what can be improved?,VABB-1,54,61,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457928,,Vibration-based damage detection for composite helicopter main rotor blade,VABB-1,22,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457929,,Passive and mentally-active sedentary behaviors and incident major depressive disorder: A 13-year cohort study,VABB-1,579,585,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457931,,Patellar instability in football players,VABB-4,241,252,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:457935,,Randomised controlled trial of adjunctive inspiratory muscle training for patients with COPD,VABB-1,942,950,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457936,,Where to Step? Contributions of Stance Leg Muscle Spindle Afference to Planning of Mediolateral Foot Placement for Balance Control in Young and Old Adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457938,,"Postural control during a transition task in haemophilic children, adolescents and young adults with haemophilic ankle arthropathy",VABB-1,667,674,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457939,,Aging does not change the compressive stiffness of mandibular condylar cartilage in horses,VABB-1,1744,1752,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457940,,"Foot and ankle kinematics in chronic ankle instability subjects using a midfoot strike pattern when running, including influence of taping",VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457941,,Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 polymorphisms and postexercise hypotension in hypertensive medicated individuals,VABB-1,206,212,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457942,,The effect of active video games on cognitive functioning in clinical and non-clinical populations: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,34,43,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457951,,Gait deviations in Duchenne muscular dystrophy-Part 2. Statistical non-parametric mapping to analyze gait deviations in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy,VABB-1,159,164,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457952,,Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin in Patients with Cirrhosis: A Tale of Bridges,VABB-1,350,351,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457953,,Physical activity and mental health,VABB-1,873,873,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457954,,Is There Full or Proportional Somatosensory Recovery in the Upper Limb After Stroke? Investigating Behavioral Outcome and Neural Correlates,VABB-1,691,700,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457955,,Prediction formulas to determine breast cancer treatment related lymphedema do have a clinical relevance,VABB-1,256,257,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457956,,"Exploring physical activity behavior, needs for and interest in a technology-delivered home-based exercise program among patients with intermittent claudication",VABB-1,109,117,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457957,,Physical activity correlates in people with mild cognitive impairment: findings from six low- and middle-income countries.,VABB-1,15,25,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457958,,Clinical descriptors for the recognition of central sensitization pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis,VABB-1,2836,2845,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457959,,Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire in people with schizophrenia: construct validity of the Portuguese versions,VABB-1,2577,2584,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457960,,Cardiorespiratory fitness and response to exercise treatment in depression,VABB-1,346,351,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457963,,Aerobic exercise in people with schizophrenia: From efficacy to effectiveness,VABB-4,312,333,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:457964,,Grip Strength Is Associated With Cognitive Performance in Schizophrenia and the General Population: A UK Biobank Study of 476 559 Participants,VABB-1,728,736,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457966,,Nonlinearity assessment of MIMO electroacoustic systems on direct field environmental acoustic testing,VABB-5,457,471,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457968,,Aerobic Interval vs. Continuous Training in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease or Heart Failure: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis with a Focus on Secondary Outcomes,VABB-1,1189,1205,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457969,,Functional performance and quality of life in high-risk comorbid patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation for symptomatic aortic valve stenosis,VABB-1,184,192,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:457970,,"Assessment of passive musculoarticular ankle stiffness in children, adolescents and young adults with haemophilic ankle arthropathy",VABB-1,E103,E112,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457971,,Correlates of sedentary behaviour among adults with hazardous drinking habits in six low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,406,413,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457972,,The effectiveness of botulinum toxin A for persistent upper limb pain after breast cancer treatment: a double-blinded randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1342,1351,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457973,,Treatment effect of idebenone on inspiratory function in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy,VABB-1,508,515,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457975,,Oxygen Desaturation in Daily Life and During a Laboratory-Based Protocol of Activities of Daily Living in COPD: Is There Relationship?,VABB-1,19,26,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457978,,The Effects of Four Weeks of Intranasal Oxytocin on Social Responsiveness and Repetitive and Restricted Behaviors in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Randomized Controlled Trial,VABB-5,S349,S350,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457979,,The use of strain gauges in vibration-based damage detection,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:457980,,Widespread pain in axial spondyloarthritis: clinical importance and gender differences,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457981,,A survey across four European countries t o determine rheumatology health CD professionals' awareness of physical activity measures in people with CD inflammatory joint diseases,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457982,,Inspiratory muscle training reduces diaphragm activation and dyspnea during exercise in COPD,VABB-1,381,392,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457984,,A Use Case Based Requirements Specification Approach to Support the Development of a Rehabilitation System for CVD Patients: The PATH WAY Project,VABB-5,254,259,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457985,,"A force profile analysis comparison between functional data analysis, statistical parametric mapping and statistical non-parametric mapping in on-water single sculling",VABB-1,1100,1105,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457989,,The likelihood of improving physical activity after pulmonary rehabilitation is increased in patients with COPD who have better exercise tolerance,VABB-1,3515,3527,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457990,,Best Practices for Using Order-Based Modal Analysis for Industrial Applications,VABB-5,69,84,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:457991,,Full-field modal analysis using high-speed 3D digital image correlation,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457993,,Modelling and experimental validation of a coupled electrodynamic shaker and test structure simulation model,VABB-5,2339,2353,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457994,,Hair ethyl glucuronide is a highly accurate biomarker of chronic excessive alcohol use in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis,VABB-1,454,456,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457996,,Drives power reduction procedure to fill in the multiple-input multiple-output random control reference matrix,VABB-5,1259,1269,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457997,,Constrained maximum likelihood modal parameter identification applied to structural dynamics,VABB-1,567,589,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:457998,,Quality indicators for in-hospital geriatric co-management programmes: a systematic literature review and international Delphi study,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:457999,,Regularized time-varying operational modal analysis illustrated on a wind tunnel testing measurement,VABB-5,2859,2872,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458001,,Professional Attitude of Physical Education Teachers Toward Education Process of Students with Severe Intellectual Disabilities,VABB-5,558,566,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458002,,Physical activity correlates in people living with HIV: a systematic review of 45 studies,VABB-1,1618,1629,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458005,,"Estimation of spatio-temporal parameters of gait from magneto-inertial measurement units: multicenter validation among Parkinson, mildly cognitively impaired and healthy older adults",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458006,,Development and feasibility testing of a Pain Neuroscience Education program for children with chronic pain: treatment protocol,VABB-1,248,253,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458007,,Age-related changes in arm motion during typical gait,VABB-1,51,57,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458009,,A new strength assessment to evaluate the association between muscle weakness and gait pathology in children with cerebral palsy,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458010,,"Correlates of sedentary behavior in 2,375 people with depression from 6 low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,97,104,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458013,,Kinematic Analysis of a Drinking Task in Chronic Hemiparetic Patients Using Features Analysis and Statistical Parametric Mapping,VABB-1,501,511,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458014,,"Sedentary behaviour and sleep problems among 42,489 community-dwelling adults in six low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458016,,Physical Activity and Incident Depression: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies,VABB-1,631,648,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458017,,Impact of aerobic interval training and continuous training on left ventricular geometry and function: a SAINTEX-CAD substudy,VABB-1,193,198,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458018,,Lessons Learnt from Deploying an End-User Development Platform for Physical Rehabilitation,VABB-5,4133,4142,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458022,,Physical Activity and Women's Mental Health,VABB-4,15,26,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458023,,Recent advances in swept sine controlled excitation and processing for multi-input multi-output FRFs estimation,VABB-5,2951,2965,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458027,,Effect of myofascial techniques for treatment of persistent arm pain after breast cancer treatment: randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,451,461,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458028,,Gear selection between techniques in freestyle cross-country skiing in athletes with intellectual impairment: a pilot study,VABB-1,1150,1155,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458029,,Nutritional and physical exercise programs for older people: program format preferences and (dis)incentives to participate,VABB-1,1259,1266,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458030,,"Associations between TV viewing, sitting time, physical activity and insomnia among 100,839 Brazilian adolescents",VABB-1,700,706,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458032,,Experimental Coupling and Decoupling of Engineering Structures Using Frequency-Based Substructuring,VABB-5,447,461,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458033,,Correlates of physical activity among community-dwelling individuals aged 65 years or older with anxiety in six low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458035,,Does dual-task training improve spatiotemporal gait parameters in Parkinson's disease?,VABB-1,86,91,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458036,,Physical activity and generalized anxiety disorder: results from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA),VABB-1,1443,1453,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458037,,Non-neural muscle weakness has limited influence on complexity of motor control during gait,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458040,,Taping Benefits Ankle Joint Landing Kinematics in Individuals With Chronic Ankle Instability.,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458041,,Six minutes walk test for individuals with schizophrenia,VABB-1,921,927,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458042,,Vibration training as means to counteract age-related muscle and bone loss,VABB-4,127,143,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458043,,Multicentre randomized clinical trial of inspiratory muscle training versus usual care before surgery for oesophageal cancer,VABB-1,502,511,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458044,,Cueing for people with Parkinson's disease with freezing of gait: a narrative review of the state-of-the-art and novel perspectives,VABB-1,407,413,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458045,,Predictors of falls and fractures leading to hospitalization in people with schizophrenia spectrum disorder: A large representative cohort study,VABB-1,70,78,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458046,,"Validity and cross-cultural differences of the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition in typically developing infants",VABB-1,17,25,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458049,,"Reliability and clinical features associated with the IPSG MRI tibiotalar and subtalar joint scores in children, adolescents and young adults with haemophilia",VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458050,,Can manual lymph drainage be improved or not: That's the question! A response letter,VABB-1,200,202,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458051,,Association of lifestyle-related factors and psychological factors on quality of life in people with schizophrenia,VABB-1,382,393,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458052,,Motives for physical activity in the adoption and maintenance of physical activity in men with alcohol use disorders,VABB-1,522,526,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458053,,Athletic identity and self-esteem among active and retired Paralympic athletes,VABB-1,861,871,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458054,,Motion analysis of the shoulder in adults: kinematics and electromyography for the clinical practice.,VABB-1,575,582,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458055,,Postural control of typical developing boys during the transition from double-leg stance to single-leg stance.,VABB-1,273,278,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458056,,Strain-based experimental modal analysis: new concepts and practical aspects,VABB-5,2263,2277,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458057,,Walking with robot assistance: the influence of body weight support on the trunk and pelvis kinematics,VABB-1,252,257,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458059,,Exercise and sports science Australia (ESSA) position statement on exercise and spinal cord injury,VABB-1,108,115,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458061,,Optimal Modal Parameter Estimation for Highly Challenging Industrial Cases,VABB-5,173,187,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458062,,A New Testing Device for the Role of the Trunk in Force Production and in Balance Control in Disabled Sitting Athletes,VABB-5,980,987,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458063,,A minimum drives automatic target definition procedure for multi-axis random control testing,VABB-1,452,468,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458065,,Autonomous motivation and quality of life as predictors of physical activity in patients with schizophrenia,VABB-1,184,190,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458068,,Psychotic experiences as an independent risk factor for angina pectoris in 48 low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,232,234,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458071,,Mirror movements in children with unilateral cerebral palsy have a negative impact on upper limb function,VABB-5,28,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458073,,Satisfaction with Facial Appearance and Quality of Life after Treatment of Face Scars with a Transparent Facial Pressure Mask.,VABB-1,394,399,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458075,,"The assessment of static balance in children with hearing, visual and intellectual disabilities",VABB-1,105,111,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458076,,Ex vivo thickness measurement of cartilage covering the temporomandibular joint,VABB-1,165,168,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458077,,Turning Tables: A Structured Focus Group Method to Remediate Unequal Power during Participatory Design in Health Care,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458079,,Biomechanics of simulated versus natural cross-country sit skiing.,VABB-1,15,21,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458081,,Effects of Aging on Postural Responses to Visual Perturbations During Fast Pointing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458084,,OPTIMAL MODAL PARAMETERS ESTIMATION FROM OPERATIONAL DATA USING THE ITERATIVE MLMM METHOD,VABB-5,206,209,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458085,,Scapulohumeral control after stroke: A preliminary study of the test-retest reliability and discriminative validity of a clinical scapular protocol (ClinScaP).,VABB-1,359,370,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458088,,Are baseline joint patterns in the sagittal plane indicative for the success of botulinum toxin injections in children with cerebral palsy?,VABB-5,133,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458089,,Yoga as part of a package of care versus standard care for schizophrenia,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458092,,Effectiveness of Active Cycling in Subacute Stroke Rehabilitation: A Randomized Controlled Trial,VABB-1,1576,1585,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458094,,Exercise self-efficacy correlates in people with psychosis,VABB-1,359,362,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458095,,Unraveling Self-Reported Signs of Central Sensitization in Breast Cancer Survivors with Upper Limb Pain: Prevalence Rate and Contributing Factors.,VABB-1,E247,E256,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458098,,La psychomotricité est-elle une discipline scientifique? Quelques pistes de réflexion,VABB-1,157,165,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:458100,,Lower limbic metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 availability in alcohol dependence,VABB-1,682,690,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458101,,Both moderate and severe exacerbations accelerate physical activity decline in COPD patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458102,,Patellar tendon properties distinguish elite from non-elite soccer players and are related to peak horizontal but not vertical power,VABB-1,1737,1749,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458104,,Focusing on heel strike improves toe clearance in people with Parkinson’s disease: an observational pilot study,VABB-1,485,490,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458105,,Inspiratory Muscle Training,VABB-4,233,249,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458106,,Identifying candidates for pulmonary rehabilitation,VABB-4,25,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458107,,Mechanical stiffness of TMJ condylar cartilage increases after artificial aging by ribose,VABB-1,102,109,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458110,,The development and validation of revised inclusive physical education self-efficacy questionnaire for Czech physical education majors,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458111,,Quality of life of wheelchair rugby players,VABB-1,31,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458114,,Identification of Myofascial Trigger Points in Breast Cancer Survivors with Upper Limb Pain: Interrater Reliability,VABB-1,1650,1656,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458115,,Structural Health Monitoring strategies based on the estimation of modal parameters,VABB-5,3182,3187,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458116,,"Association Between Gait Speed With Mortality, Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies",VABB-1,981,+,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458117,,Recent advances in cartilage repair (ICL 3),VABB-4,27,42,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458118,,Windmill-task as a New Quantitative and Objective Assessment for Mirror Movements in Unilateral Cerebral Palsy: A Pilot Study,VABB-1,1547,1552,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458119,,Sleep quality in patients with schizophrenia: The relevance of physical activity,VABB-1,140,145,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458120,,Upper Extremity Movement Pathology in Functional Tasks,VABB-4,1167,1184,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458121,,Halliwick concept of swimming and its influence on motoric competencies of children with severe disabilities,VABB-1,44,49,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458122,,"Sedentary behavior and anxiety: association and influential factors among 42,469 community-dwelling adults in six low- and middle-income countries",VABB-1,26,32,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458124,,Near-infrared spectroscopy using indocyanine green dye for minimally invasive measurement of respiratory and leg muscle blood flow in patients with COPD,VABB-1,947,959,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458125,,Pulmonary rehabilitation for patients with COPD during and after an exacerbation-related hospitalisation: back to the future?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458128,,INDIVIDUALISED COGNITIVE FUNCTIONAL THERAPY COMPARED WITH A COMBINED EXERCISE AND PAIN EDUCATION CLASS FOR PATIENTS WITH NON-SPECIFIC CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN: A MULTICENTRE RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458129,,Towards secondary prevention of early knee osteoarthritis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458131,,Spinal fluid evacuation may provide temporary relief for patients with unexplained widespread pain and fibromyalgia.,VABB-1,55,58,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458132,,Multimorbidity and perceived stress: a population-based cross-sectional study among older adults across six low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,84,91,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458133,,Czech self-efficacy scale for physical education majors towards children with disabilities,VABB-1,44,54,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458135,,Correlates of sedentary behavior in the general population: A cross-sectional study using nationally representative data from six low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458136,,Attitudes of teachers towards inclusion of students with disabilities in physical education: Validity of the ATIPDPE-R instrument in Polish cultural context,VABB-1,171,179,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458137,,Automatic quiet sleep detection based on multifractality in preterm neonates: effects of maturation,VABB-5,2010,2013,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458139,,Associations between active travel and physical multi-morbidity in six low- and middle-income countries among community-dwelling older adults: A cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458141,,Predictors of Falls and Fractures Leading to Hospitalization in People With Dementia: A Representative Cohort Study,VABB-1,607,612,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458142,,New steps for treating alcohol use disorder: the emerging importance of physical exercise,VABB-1,2771,2773,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458143,,Altered Achilles tendon function during walking in people with diabetic neuropathy: implications for metabolic energy saving,VABB-1,1333,1340,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458144,,Comparison of Shot Put Release Parameters and Consistency in Performance between Elite Throwers with and without Intellectual Impairment,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458145,,A new practical and intuitive method for kurtosis control in random vibration testing,VABB-5,1119,1133,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:458148,,The association of depression and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458149,,Adherence to behavioural interventions in multiple sclerosis: Follow-up meeting report (AD@MS-2).,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458151,,Moving to Beat Anxiety: Epidemiology and Therapeutic Issues with Physical Activity for Anxiety,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458152,,Computerized decision support for beneficial home-based exercise rehabilitation in patients with cardiovascular disease,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458153,,"Evaluating Correlations Between Physical Activity, Psychological Mediators of Physical Activity, and Negative Symptoms in Individuals Living With Psychosis and Diabetes",VABB-1,153,156,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458154,,C-reactive protein during and after myocardial infarction in relation to cardiac injury and left ventricular function at follow-up,VABB-1,1201,1206,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458155,,Are two-dimensional measured frontal plane angles related to three-dimensional measured kinematic profiles during running?,VABB-1,84,92,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458158,,Inter- and intrarater reliability of two proprioception tests using clinical applicable measurement tools in subjects with and without knee osteoarthritis,VABB-1,105,109,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458159,,Trunk kinematics during cross country sit-skiing ergometry: Skiing strategies associated to neuromusculoskeletal impairment,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458161,,COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PDSAFE HOME-BASED PERSONALIZED PHYSIOTHERAPY INTERVENTION TO PREVENT FALLS AMONG PEOPLE WITH PARKINSON'S: AN ECONOMIC EVALUATION ALONGSIDE A RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL,VABB-5,S93,S94,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458162,,Association Between Muscular Strength and Cognition in People With Major Depression or Bipolar Disorder and Healthy Controls,VABB-1,740,746,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458168,,Association between depression and smoking: A global perspective from 48 low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,142,149,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458170,,Concerning Quality of Life Questionnaires in Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema Patients: Review of the Literature by Cornelissen et al.,VABB-1,421,422,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458171,,Is autonomous motivation the key to maintaining an active lifestyle in first-episode psychosis?,VABB-1,821,827,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458172,,A randomized controlled trial comparing home-based isometric handgrip exercise vs endurance training for blood pressure management,VABB-1,285,293,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458173,,"EPA guidance on physical activity as a treatment for severe mental illness: a meta-review of the evidence and Position Statement from the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), supported by the International Organization of Physical Therapists in Mental Health (IOPTMH)",VABB-1,124,144,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458174,,Physical activity and suicidal ideation: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,438,448,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458175,,Objective measurements of static anterior and rotational knee laxity,VABB-1,139,147,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458176,,PERFORMANCE PROFILE AT THE BASKETBALL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP (ANKARA 2013) FOR PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES: IMPLICATIONS FOR ELIGIBILITY SYSTEM,VABB-1,187,192,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458179,,Contribution of sport science to performance: Wheelchair rugby,VABB-4,172,198,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458181,,Gender differences in motives for physical activity across the stages of change in Ugandan outpatients with psychosis,VABB-1,568,569,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458182,,Automatic sensor localization methods for efficient physical prototype testing,VABB-5,999,1012,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458184,,Improving fatigue in multiple sclerosis by smartphone-supported energy management: The MS TeleCoach feasibility study,VABB-1,90,96,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458185,,Can patients with symptomatic Tarlov cysts be differentiated from patients with specific low back pain based on comprehensive history taking?,VABB-1,839,844,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458188,,Gait pattern changes in children with cerebral palsy after the administration of botulinum toxin injections,VABB-5,221,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458189,,Comparison of ambulatory capacity and disease progression of Duchenne muscular dystrophy subjects enrolled in the drisapersen DMD114673 study with a matched natural history cohort of subjects on daily corticosteroids,VABB-1,203,213,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458190,,"Effect of Bronchodilation, Exercise Training, and Behavior Modification on Symptoms and Physical Activity in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease",VABB-1,1021,1032,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458191,,Use of a Home-Based Manual as Part of a Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program.,VABB-1,1485,1491,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458193,,Virtual shaker testing at V2i: measured-based shaker model and industrial test case,VABB-5,1013,1026,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458195,,Intra- and interrater reliability of the 'lumbar-locked thoracic rotation test' in competitive swimmers ages 10 through 18 years,VABB-1,140,144,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458198,,Training and Recommendations for Exercise,VABB-4,305,314,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458199,,The implementation of inertial sensors for the assessment of temporal parameters of gait in the knee arthroplasty population,VABB-1,22,27,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458200,,Physical activity correlates among people with psychosis: Data from 47 low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,412,417,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458201,,Exploring expiratory flow dynamics to understand chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-5,233,245,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458203,,"Associations between TV viewing and depressive symptoms among 60,202 Brazilian adults: The Brazilian national health survey",VABB-1,23,30,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458204,,Textbook of Pulmonary Rehabilitation,VABB-2,,,392,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458205,,Exercise and cardiorespiratory fitness in people with schizophrenia: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,453,457,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458206,,Cooling and Comfort: The COMFORTNeo-scale during therapeutic hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia,VABB-1,313,317,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458207,,Still little clinical evidence for hadron therapy in children,VABB-1,922,925,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458208,,Consent recommendations for research and international data sharing involving persons with dementia,VABB-1,1334,1343,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458210,,Dental age estimation in Somali children using the Willems et al. model,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458212,,Prevalence and correlates of non-adherence to immunosuppressants and to health behaviours in patients after kidney transplantation in Brazil - the ADHERE BRAZIL multicentre study: a cross-sectional study protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458213,,How to Conceptualize and Implement a PhD Program in Health Sciences-The Basel Approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458215,,Teamwork and Adherence to Recommendations Explain the Effect of a Care Pathway on Reduced 30-day Readmission for Patients with a COPD Exacerbation,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458216,,Transport mode choice and body mass index: Cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence from a European-wide study,VABB-1,109,116,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458219,,The 'magnetic forces' of Swiss acute care hospitals: A secondary data analysis on nurses' job satisfaction and their intention to leave their current job,VABB-1,15,20,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458221,,Multidrug-resistant microorganisms: Infection control,VABB-1,61,64,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458223,,Tailoring implementation strategies for evidence-based recommendations using computerised clinical decision support systems: protocol for the development of the GUIDES tools,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458224,,Reducing inappropriate antibiotic prescribing for children in primary care: a cluster randomised controlled trial of two interventions,VABB-1,E204,E210,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458225,,A post-mortem population survey on foetal-infantile end-of-life decisions: a research protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458226,,Tennis elbow: associated psychological factors,VABB-1,387,392,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458228,,The Gustatory Signaling Pathway and Bitter Taste Receptors Affect the Development of Obesity and Adipocyte Metabolism in Mice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458229,,Local influence diagnostics for hierarchical finite-mixture random effects models,VABB-1,369,380,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458231,,Clinical outcomes of heart-team-guided treatment decisions in high-risk patients with aortic valve stenosis in a health-economic context with limited resources for transcatheter valve therapies.,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458234,,EXPOsOMICS: final policy workshop and stakeholder consultation.,VABB-1,260,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458236,,Documented Nursing Interventions in Inpatient Psychiatry,VABB-1,18,28,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458237,,Do athletes have a right to access their Athlete’s Biological Passport?,VABB-1,802,806,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458240,,Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease after Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: Screening and Preventive Practice Recommendations from the CIBMTR and EBMT,VABB-1,1493,1503,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458242,,Use of a historical control group in a noninferiority trial assessing a new antibacterial treatment: A case study and discussion of practical implementation aspects,VABB-1,169,181,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458243,,The challenges of the expanded availability of genomic information: an agenda-setting paper,VABB-1,103,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458244,,Comparison of Criteria for Choosing the Number of Classes in Bayesian Finite Mixture Models,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458246,,Selection in a Complex World: Deriving Causality from Stable Equilibrium,VABB-1,265,286,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458249,,Ultrasound assessment of pubertal breast development in girls: intra- and interobserver agreement,VABB-1,1576,1583,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458251,,Case report: Non-invasive neurally adjusted ventilatory assist in a newborn with unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis,VABB-1,E37,E39,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458252,,Mitochondrial DNA content in blood and carbon load in airway macrophages. A panel study in elderly subjects,VABB-1,47,53,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458254,,Psychische stoornissen en arbeid. Bouwstenen voor een herstelgericht evaluatiebeleid in de Belgische ziekteverzekering,VABB-1,469,472,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:458255,,Accuracy of Nutritional Screening Tools in Assessing the Risk of Undernutrition in Hospitalized Children,VABB-1,159,166,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458257,,Varying viewpoints of Belgian stakeholders on models of interhospital collaboration,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458258,,Alternatives for the Bedside Schwartz Equation to Estimate Glomerular Filtration Rate in Children,VABB-1,57,66,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458259,,The Effect of Visual Feedback of the Neck During Movement in People With Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders: An Experimental Study,VABB-1,190,199,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458261,,Temporal variability of global DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in buccal cells of healthy adults: Association with air pollution,VABB-1,301,308,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458262,,Development and testing of an instrument in Western Norway to measure the quality of referral information from primary care to specialised mental health care,VABB-1,35,47,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458263,,Evidence-based educational pathway for the integration of first aid training in school curricula,VABB-1,8,22,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458264,,Respiratory medication sales and urban air pollution in Brussels (2005 to 2011),VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458265,,Air pollution-induced placental epigenetic alterations in early life: a candidate miRNA approach,VABB-1,135,146,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458266,,Forensic age estimation based on development of third molars: a staging technique for magnetic resonance imaging,VABB-1,125,145,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458268,,Recruitment barriers for prophylactic vaccine trials: A study in Belgium,VABB-1,6598,6603,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458269,,Multilevel moderated mediation model with ordinal outcome,VABB-1,1650,1670,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458270,,Outcome of transplantation performed outside the regular working hours: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature,VABB-1,168,177,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458271,,"Human biomonitoring of heavy metals in the vicinity of non-ferrous metal plants in Ath, Belgium",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458272,,Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components in Young Adults Conceived by ICSI.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458274,,Residential landscape as a predictor of psychosocial stress in the life course from childhood to adolescence,VABB-1,456,463,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458275,,Regulating role of fetal thyroid hormones on placental mitochondrial DNA methylation: epidemiological evidence from the ENVIRONAGE birth cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458276,,Patients with multimorbidity and their treatment burden in different daily life domains: a qualitative study in primary care in the Netherlands and Belgium.,VABB-1,9,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458278,,The influence of migraine and female hormones on capsaicin-induced dermal blood flow,VABB-1,1164,1172,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458281,,Body mass index charts of Algerian children and adolescents (6-18 years),VABB-1,1205,1213,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458282,,"Incidence of oncological pathologies 2002-2010 in the southwestern Piedmont area, province of Vercelli, neighbouring municipalities of former nuclear sites.",VABB-1,208,217,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458287,,Cerebral saturation in cardiac arrest patients measured with near-infrared technology during pre-hospital advanced life support. Results from Copernicus I cohort study,VABB-1,107,113,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458288,,Kinderwens in de koelkast. Over de juridische en maatschappelijke aspecten van het invriezen van eicellen.,VABB-1,7,22,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:458290,,"Building Bridges, Paediatric Palliative Care in Belgium: A secondary data analysis of annual paediatric liaison team reports from 2010 to 2014",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458291,,Posaconazole plasma exposure correlated to intestinal mucositis in allogeneic stem cell transplant patients,VABB-1,953,963,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458292,,Benefit sharing in the revised Indian National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research Involving Human Participants.,VABB-1,204,209,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458293,,Importance of information provision in the acceptance of blood donation criteria by the general public in Belgium,VABB-1,475,482,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458295,,"Integrated evaluation of solvent exposure in an occupational setting: air, dermal and bio-monitoring",VABB-1,150,157,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458297,,"Influence of CA125, platelet count and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio on the immune system of ovarian cancer patients",VABB-1,31,37,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458298,,Non-invasive assessment of cerebral oxygenation: A comparison of retinal and transcranial oximetry,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458299,,Variations of sclerostin with other bone biomarkers over a one-year period in hemodialysis patients,VABB-1,183,184,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458300,,Evaluation du dommage consécutif à la rupture de la collaboration avec un médecin hospitalier sans avis du conseil médical; note sous cass. 22 juin 2017,VABB-1,108,111,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:458301,,Routine serum creatinine measurements: how well do we perform?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458303,,Points to consider for laboratories reporting results from diagnostic genomic sequencing,VABB-1,36,43,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458310,,Prevalence and predictors of psychosocial problems in informal caregivers of older cancer survivors - A systematic review: Still major gaps in current research,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458315,,A generalization of inverse distance weighting and the equivalence to the posterior mean in Gaussian process emulation via Riesz representation theorem,VABB-1,1054,1066,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458319,,The social contact hypothesis under the assumption of endemic equilibrium: Elucidating the transmission potential of VZV in Europe,VABB-1,14,23,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458322,,Association Between Symptoms of Central Sensitization and Cognitive Behavioral Factors in People With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Cross-sectional Study,VABB-1,92,101,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458324,,Placental circadian pathway methylation and in utero exposure to fine particle air pollution,VABB-1,231,241,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458325,,The use of care robots in aged care: A systematic review of argument-based ethics literature,VABB-1,15,25,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458327,,New challenges in the advance of oral anti-cancer medicines in Belgium,VABB-1,1465,1472,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458329,,Combined dynamic predictions using joint models of two longitudinal outcomes and competing risk data,VABB-1,1787,1801,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458330,,Tumour bed boost radiotherapy for women after breast conserving surgery,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458331,,PMO-Immobilized Au-I-NHC Complexes: Heterogeneous Catalysts for Sustainable Processes,VABB-1,430,436,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458332,,Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease following hematopoietic cell transplantation: screening and preventive practice recommendations from CIBMTR and EBMT,VABB-1,173,182,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458336,,Sex estimation based on tooth measurements using panoramic radiographs,VABB-1,813,821,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458338,,MicroRNAs as Potential Signatures of Environmental Exposure or Effect: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,399,411,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458339,,Mother's Pre-pregnancy BMI and Placental Candidate miRNAs: Findings from the ENVIRONAGE Birth Cohort,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458341,,In Utero Fine Particle Air Pollution and Placental Expression of Genes in the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Signaling Pathway: An ENVIRONAGE Birth Cohort Study,VABB-1,834,840,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458342,,Determination of residual dimethylsulfoxide in cryopreserved cardiovascular allografts,VABB-1,263,270,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458345,,Proficiency testing for admission to the postgraduate  family medicine education,VABB-1,58,63,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458346,,Reorganisatie van de eerstelijnszorg in Vlaanderen. Aandachtspunten op weg naar meer patiëntgerichte zorg.,VABB-1,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:458347,,"Insights on dying, dementia and death certificates",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458348,,Blood pressure in relation to environmental lead exposure in the national health and nutrition examination survey 2003 to 2010,VABB-1,62,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458350,,Begroting van de schade ten gevolge van de verbreking van de samenwerking met een ziekenhuisarts zonder advies van de medische raad; noot onder cass. 22 juin 2017,VABB-1,108,111,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:458352,,A systematic review of the amount of water per person per day needed to prevent morbidity and mortality in (post-)disaster settings,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458354,,Salivary DNA Methylation Profiling: Aspects to Consider for Biomarker Identification,VABB-1,93,101,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458355,,Adult Height after Growth Hormone Treatment at Pubertal Onset in Short Adolescents Born Small for Gestational Age: Results from a Belgian Registry-Based Study.,VABB-1,6421243,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458357,,Conceptualization and validation of an open-source closed-loop deep brain stimulation system in rat,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458360,,Children's screen time alters the expression of saliva extracellular miR-222 and miR-146a,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458361,,"Implementation of novel methods, markers or sample types in molecular pathology – quality assurance aspects",VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458362,,A randomized multicentre trial to compare revascularization with optimal medical therapy for the treatment of chronic total coronary occlusions,VABB-1,2484,2493,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458363,,"Qualitative analysis of dental material ingredients, composite resins and sealants using liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry",VABB-1,90,100,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458364,,"Detectie en preventie van kwetsbaarheid: Op zoek naar risicoprofielen voor fysieke, psychische, sociale en omgevingskwetsbaarheid",VABB-1,1,11,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:458365,,"Patient experiences with care across various types of mental health care: Questionnaire development, measurement invariance, and patients' reports",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458366,,Safety and Efficacy of Transarterial Radioembolisation in Patients with Intermediate or Advanced Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma Refractory to Chemoembolisation,VABB-1,1882,1890,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458367,,"Increasing the Quality of Surgery for Deep Endometriosis Should Be Based on Homogenous Clinical Patient Phenotype, Surgical Experience, and Standardized Outcome Reporting in Multicenter Multisurgeon Prospective Trials",VABB-1,E26,E28,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458369,,Is an endoscopic examination associated with transfusion-transmissible infections? A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,507,519,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458370,,Continuing medical education for general practitioners: A program,VABB-1,1303,1311,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458371,,Non-invasive prenatal testing for aneuploidy and beyond: challenges of responsible innovation in prenatal screening. Summary and recommendations.,VABB-1,1438,1450,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458376,,The Impact of Air Pollution on Our Epigenome: How Far Is the Evidence? (A Systematic Review).,VABB-1,544,578,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458377,,Op zoek naar gezond verstand,VABB-1,128,131,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:458378,,"Positive DESKTOP and Tian Scores Systems Are Adequate to Predict Optimal (R0) Secondary Debulking Surgery in Ovarian Cancer, But a Negative Score Does Not Preclude Secondary Surgery",VABB-1,721,728,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458379,,Approximate cenral limit theorems,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458380,,Patient satisfaction with hospital care and nurses in England: an observational study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458381,,Review of the Ethical Issues of a Biomarker-Based Diagnoses in the Early Stage of Alzheimer's Disease,VABB-1,219,230,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458382,,Quantifying intraclass correlations for count and time-to-event data,VABB-1,852,867,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458385,,Growth of children in Greenland exceeds the World Health Organization growth charts,VABB-1,1953,1965,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458386,,"Design, synthesis and evaluation against Chikungunya virus of novel small-molecule antiviral agents",VABB-1,869,874,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458390,,Single- versus multiple-sample method to measure glomerular filtration rate,VABB-1,1778,1785,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458391,,WHO/ILO work-related burden of disease and injury: Protocol for systematic reviews of occupational exposure to dusts and/or fibres and of the effect of occupational exposure to dusts and/or fibres on pneumoconiosis,VABB-1,174,185,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458392,,Can proxy assessments serve as a first screener for identifying people at risk for multidimensional frailty?,VABB-1,501,507,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458398,,The eGVHD App has the potential to improve the accuracy of graft-versus-host disease assessment: a multicenter randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1698,1707,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458399,,Local influence diagnostics for generalized linear mixed models with overdispersion,VABB-1,620,641,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458400,,Health Literacy is Associated with Physical Activity in Heart Transplant Recipients Findings from the BRIGHT Study,VABB-1,272,279,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458402,,Observational Surveillance Approach to Detect Novel Work-Related Diseases and Hazards An Application to a Belgian Occupational Health and Safety Database,VABB-1,E476,E483,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458404,,EBMT-NIH-CIBMTR Task Force position statement on standardized terminology & guidance for graft-versus-host disease assessment,VABB-1,1401,1415,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458408,,The resurgence of mumps and pertussis,VABB-1,955,959,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458410,,Shelf-life dating of shelf-stable strawberry juice based on survival analysis of consumer acceptance information.,VABB-1,3437,3445,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458411,,Flexible multivariate nonlinear models for bioequivalence problems,VABB-1,449,467,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458414,,"Household Air Pollution Is Associated with Chronic Cough but Not Hemoptysis after Completion of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment in Adults, Rural Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458415,,The uniqueness of the human dentition as forensic evidence: a systematic review on the technological methodology,VABB-1,1277,83,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458418,,Scientists Still Behaving Badly? A Survey Within Industry and Universities,VABB-1,1697,1717,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458420,,"Safety, immunogenicity, and lot-to-lot consistency of a split-virion quadrivalent influenza vaccine in younger and older adults: A phase III randomized, double-blind clinical trial",VABB-1,596,608,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458422,,Cranial ultrasound and neurophysiological testing to predict neurological outcome in infants born very preterm,VABB-1,1232,+,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458425,,In-vitro transdentinal diffusion of monomers from adhesives,VABB-1,91,97,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458426,,The effect of orofacial myofunctional treatment in children with anterior open bite and tongue dysfunction: a pilot study,VABB-1,227,234,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458427,,Multilevel covariance regression with correlated random effects in the mean and variance structure,VABB-1,1047,1066,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458428,,The prognostic value of 3 commonly measured blood parameters and geriatric assessment to predict overall survival in addition to clinical information in older patients with cancer,VABB-1,3764,3775,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458430,,ECG Voltage in Relation to Peripheral and Central Ambulatory Blood Pressure,VABB-1,178,187,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458431,,Ethical challenges in designing and conducting medicine quality surveys,VABB-1,799,806,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458432,,Sustainability of artisanal mining of cobalt in DR Congo,VABB-1,495,504,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458433,,Patient Selection in Human Papillomavirus Related Oropharyngeal Cancer: The Added Value of Prognostic Models in the New TNM 8th Edition Era,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458434,,Effect of Adherence-enhancing Interventions on Adherence to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Treatment in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (TAKE-IT): A Quasi-experimental PreePost Intervention Multicenter Pilot Study,VABB-1,E448,E460,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458435,,Interventions for frail community-dwelling older adults have no significant effect on adverse outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458436,,Can clinical factors be used as a selection tool for an organ-preserving strategy in rectal cancer?,VABB-1,1047,1052,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458437,,Association of total cancer and lung cancer with environmental exposure to cadmium: the meta-analytical evidence,VABB-1,1281,1288,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458438,,Potential Health Risk of Endocrine Disruptors in Construction Sector and Plastics Industry: A New Paradigm in Occupational Health,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458439,,Serological diagnosis of bovine neosporosis: a Bayesian evaluation of two antibody ELISA tests for in vivo diagnosis in purchased and abortion cattle,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458440,,Is excessive exercise dangerous for the heart?,VABB-1,412,415,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458443,,"The effect of Dr Google on doctor-patient encounters in primary care: a quantitative, observational, cross-sectional study.",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458445,,Improved survival after LTx-associated acute GVHD with mAb therapy targeting IL2RAb and soluble TNFAb: Single-center experience and systematic review,VABB-1,3007,3020,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458446,,Liver-Specific Inactivation of the Proprotein Convertase FURIN Leads to Increased Hepatocellular Carcinoma Growth,VABB-1,148651,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458450,,Development of a normal tissue complication probability model for late unfavourable aesthetic outcome after breast-conserving therapy,VABB-1,916,923,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458452,,[Overtreatment in couples with unexplained subfertility].,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458453,,European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015 Section 9. First aid,VABB-1,278,87,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458454,,Economic evaluation of mental health promotion and mental illness prevention,VABB-4,207,222,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458455,,Multiscale measurement error models for aggregated small area health data,VABB-5,1201,1223,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458459,,Cross-covariance functions for additive and coupled joint spatiotemporal SPDE models in R-INLA,VABB-1,551,586,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458460,,Altered gentamicin pharmacokinetics in term neonates undergoing controlled hypothermia,VABB-1,1067,1077,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458461,,A SAS Program Combining R Functionalities to Implement Pattern-Mixture Models,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458462,,Productivity estimation in economic evaluations of occupational health and safety interventions: a systematic review,VABB-1,458,474,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458464,,Pilot Study: Combining Formal and Peer Education with FibroScan to Increase HCV Screening and Treatment in Persons who use Drugs,VABB-1,44,49,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458465,,"Supplementation of oligofructose, but not sucralose, decreases high-fat diet induced body weight gain in mice independent of gustducin-mediated gut hormone release",VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458466,,Clinical utility of risk models to refer patients with adnexal masses to specialized oncology care: multicenter external validation using decision curve analysis,VABB-1,5082,5090,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458468,,Network representation with Clustering Tree Features,VABB-1,341,365,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458469,,Validity and Responsiveness of the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire in Patients With Neck Pain Disorders,VABB-1,204,216,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458471,,The ELPAT living organ donor Psychosocial Assessment Tool (EPAT): from 'what' to 'how' of psychosocial screening - a pilot study,VABB-1,56,70,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458473,,"Alizapride and ondansetron for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing laparoscopic gynaecological surgery: A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled noninferiority study",VABB-1,96,103,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458474,,Neurocognitive Dysfunction in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients: Expert Review From the Late Effects and Quality of Life Working Committee of the CIBMTR and Complications and Quality of Life Working Party of the EBMT,VABB-1,228,241,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458475,,Prognostic value of clinical and electrodiagnostic parameters at time of diagnosis in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,VABB-1,341,350,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458478,,A look behind the screens: Characterization of the HSP70 family during osmotic stress in a non-model crop,VABB-1,10,20,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458480,,Neurobehavioral function and low-level exposure to brominated flame retardants in adolescents: A crosssectional study,VABB-4,247,271,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458484,,"Attitudes, believes, determinants and organisational barriers behind the low seasonal influenza vaccination uptake in healthcare workers - A cross-sectional survey",VABB-1,3351,3358,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458485,,"Carotid intima-media thickness, a marker of subclinical atherosclerosis, and particulate air pollution exposure: the meta-analytical evidence",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458486,,Early prediction of maxillary canine impaction: number doubts: author response,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458488,,Where do we stand after five years of care trajectories for patients with chronic kidney disease?,VABB-1,1292,1296,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458489,,Mapping maternal mortality rate via spatial zero-inflated models for count data: A case study of facility-based maternal deaths from Mozambique,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458490,,Is it safe for people with epilepsy to donate blood? A systematic review,VABB-1,143,149,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458492,,The impact of acute air pollution fluctuations on bronchiectasis pulmonary exacerbation: a case-crossover analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458495,,A novel antibody surrogate biomarker to monitor parasite persistence in Trypanosoma cruzi-infected patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458500,,Short- and medium-term outcomes following primary ileocaecal resection for Crohn's disease in two specialist centres,VABB-1,1713,1722,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458501,,Increasing number of patients addicted to opioid painkillers,VABB-1,1138,1141,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458502,,Newborn sex-specific transcriptome signatures and gestational exposure to fine particles: findings from the ENVIRONAGE birth cohort,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458503,,Transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (vNOTES) adnexectomy for benign pathology compared with laparoscopic excision: a protocol for a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458504,,Patient safety incidents during interhospital transport of patients: A prospective analysis,VABB-1,22,26,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:458505,,The Relation Between Thyroid Function and Anemia: A Pooled Analysis of Individual Participant Data,VABB-1,3658,3667,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458506,,The role of cold in common cold,VABB-1,57,60,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458507,,Safety and Efficacy of Repeat Embolization for Recurrent Hemoptysis: A 16-Year Retrospective Study Including 223 Patients,VABB-1,502,509,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458509,,Point-of-care CRP matters: normal CRP levels reduce immediate antibiotic prescribing for acutely ill children in primary care: a cluster randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,423,436,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458510,,Postoperative Inflammatory Response in Crohn's Patients: A Comparative Study,VABB-1,1127,31,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458511,,"One small edit for humans, one giant edit for humankind? Points and questions to consider for a responsible way forward for gene editing in humans",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458512,,Lower Resting State Heart Rate Variability Relates to High Pain Catastrophizing in Patients with Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders and Healthy Controls,VABB-1,1048,1053,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458514,,Comments on 'Does the type of creatinine assay affect creatinine clearance determination?' Response,VABB-1,285,286,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458516,,Studying the impact of a medication use evaluation for polymedicated older patients by the community pharmacist (SIMENON): study protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458518,,Changing places to study short-term effects of air pollution on cardiovascular health: a panel study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458519,,Multicentric evaluation of the impact of central tumour location when comparing rates of N1 upstaging in patients undergoing video-assisted and open surgery for clinical Stage I non-small-cell lung cancer,VABB-1,359,365,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458520,,An Assessment of Participatory Integrated Vector Management for Malaria Control in Kenya,VABB-1,1145,1151,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458523,,Bayesian model selection methods in modeling small area colon cancer incidence,VABB-1,43,49,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458524,,Occurrence of atypical HUS associated with influenza B,VABB-1,449,454,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458525,,A general framework for comparative Bayesian meta-analysis of diagnostic studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458526,,Endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation of the mouse PC1/3-N222D hypomorph and human PCSK1 mutations contributes to obesity,VABB-1,973,981,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458527,,Thirty-day readmissions in surgical and transcatheter aortic valve replacement: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,85,91,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458531,,"Incidence, etiology, and management of type III endoleak after endovascular aortic repair",VABB-1,1056,1064,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458533,,A nursing intervention aimed at reducing symptom burden during chemotherapy (CHEMO-SUPPORT): A mixed-methods study of the patient experience,VABB-1,35,41,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458534,,Some Similarities/Differences between Steel Static and Virtual Brass Static Casting,VABB-1,109,114,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458535,,Strategies for selection of positive and negative instances in the hierarchical classification of transposable elements,VABB-5,420,425,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458536,,The role of nutrient sensing in the metabolic changes after gastric bypass surgery,VABB-1,363,376,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458541,,Registered access: authorizing data access,VABB-1,1721,1731,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458542,,Metabolic control in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Looking at the role of perceived consistent parenting support of self-care,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458543,,Evaluation of a System-Specific Function To Describe the Pharmacokinetics of Benzylpenicillin in Term Neonates Undergoing Moderate Hypothermia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458545,,Noninvasive prenatal testing: a survey of young (future) parents in Flanders,VABB-1,35,43,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458546,,Evaluating the diagnostic value of rescaled β-trace protein in combination with serum creatinine and serum cystatin C in older adults,VABB-1,206,213,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458549,,"Incidence of ill-health related job loss and related social and occupational factors. The ""unfit for the job"" study: a one-year follow-up study of 51,132 workers",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458550,,Mixed Outcomes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458551,,Extensions to Multivariate Space Time Mixture Modeling of Small Area Cancer Data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458552,,An Italian population-based case-control study on the association between farming and cancer: Are pesticides a plausible risk factor?,VABB-1,147,156,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458554,,Ageing at the level of telomeres in association to residential landscape and air pollution at home and work: a review of the current evidence,VABB-1,42,52,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458555,,Methodology used in studies reporting chronic kidney disease prevalence: a systematic literature review.,VABB-1,iv6,i16,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458558,,RAS testing for colorectal cancer patients is reliable in European laboratories that pass external quality assessment,VABB-1,717,725,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458561,,Genetic technology CRISPR is gaining momentum,VABB-1,1196,1199,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458562,,From adolescence to adults with congenital heart disease: the role of transition,VABB-1,847,854,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458563,,Bacteriology testing of cardiovascular tissues: comparison of transport solution versus tissue testing,VABB-1,211,218,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458565,,Analyses of the short- and long-term graft survival after kidney transplantation in Europe between 1986 and 2015,VABB-1,964,973,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458566,,"Feasibility of whole-body diffusion-weighted MRI for detection of primary tumour, nodal and distant metastases in women with cancer during pregnancy: a pilot study",VABB-1,1862,1874,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458567,,The Effectiveness of a Clinical Pathway in Liver Surgery: a Case-Control Study,VABB-1,684,694,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458570,,Performance of glomerular filtration rate estimation equations in Congolese healthy adults: The inopportunity of the ethnic correction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458571,,Longitudinal association between psychosocial stress and retinal microvasculature in children and adolescents,VABB-1,50,56,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458573,,"Safety and Efficacy of Intracoronary Infusion of Allogeneic Human Cardiac Stem Cells in Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Left Ventricular Dysfunction: A Multicenter Randomized, Double-Blind, and Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial",VABB-1,579,589,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458574,,Genome-wide Analysis of Large-scale Longitudinal Outcomes using Penalization - GALLOP algorithm,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458575,,"Neoadjuvant degarelix with or without apalutamide followed by radical prostatectomy for intermediate and high-risk prostate cancer: ARNEO, a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial",VABB-1,354,354,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458576,,Bayesian hierarchical modeling of longitudinal glaucomatous visual fields using a two-stage approach,VABB-1,1735,1753,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458577,,A Multicenter Study to Assess EGFR Mutational Status in Plasma: Focus on an Optimized Workflow for Liquid Biopsy in a Clinical Setting,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458578,,Surrogacy raises many medical and legal questions,VABB-1,849,852,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458581,,Surrogate endpoints in rare diseases,VABB-2,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458583,,The bivariate combined model for spatial data analysis,VABB-1,3189,3202,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458586,,Longitudinal analysis of error causes and follow-up in external quality assessment schemes,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458591,,Adherence to geriatric assessment-based recommendations in older patients with cancer: a multicenter prospective cohort study in Belgium,VABB-1,1987,1994,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458592,,Parental autonomy and responsibility in the context of prenatal diagnosis. Views and attitudes of Belgian healthcare professionals and families,VABB-4,219,236,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458593,,"Associations of leptin, insulin and lipids with retinal microvasculature in children and adolescents",VABB-1,143,150,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458594,,Measuring the logistics performance of internal hospital supply chains –a literature study,VABB-1,205,217,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458595,,Challenges in Primary Care Delivery and the Opportunities for Point-of-Care Testing A UK Perspective,VABB-1,112,115,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458598,,Accuracy and usability of the eGVHD app in assessing the severity of graft-versus-host disease at the 2017 EBMT annual congress,VABB-1,490,494,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458600,,Migration from RIA to LC-MS/MS for aldosterone determination: Implications for clinical practice and determination of plasma and urine reference range intervals in a cohort of healthy Belgian subjects,VABB-1,7,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458603,,A nonsense loss-of-function mutation in PCSK1 contributes to dominantly inherited human obesity,VABB-1,295,302,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458605,,Efficacy of a hydroactive colloid gel versus historical controls for the prevention of radiotherapy-induced moist desquamation in breast cancer patients,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458606,,Advance directive: does the GP know and address what the patient wants? Advance directive in primary care,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458609,,European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2015: Section 1. Executive summary.,VABB-1,1,80,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458611,,Betrouwbaarheid van sterftecijfers: een kritische kijk,VABB-1,311,315,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:458613,,The evolution of clinical parameters in patients in need of an upgrade of care from the hospital ward,VABB-1,1234,1240,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458614,,Metabolic and Behavioural Phenotypes in Nestin-Cre Mice Are Caused by Hypothalamic Expression of Human Growth Hormone,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458616,,SPOUSAL CAREGIVING IS ASSOCIATED WITH AN INCREASED RISK OF FRAILTY: A CASE-CONTROL STUDY,VABB-1,170,175,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458618,,Left ventricular function in relation to chronic residential air pollution in a general population,VABB-1,1416,1428,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458619,,Dealing with missing covariates in epidemiologic studies: a comparison between multiple imputation and a full Bayesian approach,VABB-1,2955,2974,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458620,,Perceived employer-related barriers and facilitators for work participation of cancer survivors: A systematic review of employers' and survivors' perspectives,VABB-1,725,733,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458624,,Exploring the Clustering Effect of the Frailty Survival Model by Means of the Brier Score,VABB-1,3294,3306,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458628,,The GUIDES checklist: development of a tool to improve the successful use of guideline-based computerised clinical decision support,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458630,,Effectiveness of a complex intervention on Prioritising Multimedication in Multimorbidity (PRIMUM) in primary care: results of a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458631,,Combining Factors from Different Factor Analyses Based on Factor Congruence,VABB-5,211,219,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458632,,Dental development in patients with agenesis,VABB-1,537,546,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458634,,Presence of Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Use in Sows Are Risk Factors for Antimicrobial Resistance in Their Offspring,VABB-1,50,58,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458639,,First Aid,VABB-1,1003,1015,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458643,,Growth and Social Environment,VABB-1,319,329,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458644,,Calibrating Doppler imaging of preterm intracerebral circulation using a microvessel flow phantom,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458646,,Telomere Length as Cardiovascular Aging Biomarker: JACC Review Topic of the Week,VABB-1,805,813,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458647,,"OXA-427, a new plasmid-borne carbapenem-hydrolysing class D beta-lactamase in Enterobacteriaceae",VABB-1,2469,2477,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:458651,,Effect of an interactive E-learning tool for delirium on patient and nursing outcomes in a geriatric hospital setting: findings of a before-after study,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458653,,Estimation of GFR in children using rescaled beta-trace protein,VABB-1,259,264,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458654,,Clinical factors impacting on late dysphagia following radiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458655,,Managing in-hospital quality improvement: an importance-performance analysis to set priorities for STEMI care,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458656,,The Thompson Encephalopathy Score and Short-Term Outcomes in Asphyxiated Newborns Treated With Therapeutic Hypothermia,VABB-1,49,53,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458657,,Adherence to oral cancer therapy in older adults: The International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) taskforce recommendations,VABB-1,58,66,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458658,,Legislation of direct-to-consumer genetic testing in Europe: a fragmented regulatory landscape,VABB-1,117,132,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458660,,Rationale for Environmental Hygiene towards global protection of fetuses and young children from adverse lifestyle factors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458662,,The 2018 ISHLT/APM/AST/ICCAC/STSW recommendations for the psychosocial evaluation of adult cardiothoracic transplant candidates and candidates for long-term mechanical circulatory support,VABB-1,803,823,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458664,,Novel IT Application for Reverse Triage Selection: A Pilot Study,VABB-1,599,605,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:458666,,"SecurAstaP trial: securement with SecurAcath versus StatLock for peripherally inserted central catheters, a randomised open trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458667,,Too many children diagnosed with asthma?,VABB-1,473,476,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458669,,Point-of-care C-reactive protein to assist in primary care management of children with suspected non-serious lower respiratory tract infection: a randomised controlled trial.,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458670,,A systematic review of trials evaluating success factors of interventions with computerised clinical decision support,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458675,,"Exercise, Not to Exercise, or How to Exercise in Patients With Chronic Pain? Applying Science to Practice",VABB-1,108,114,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458676,,A systematic literature review on the association between loneliness and coping strategies,VABB-1,899,916,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458681,,"Response to Cherrie, 'How to Quantitatively Assess Dermal Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds'",VABB-1,255,256,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458682,,Late neonatal hypocalcemia: Importance of correct diagnosis and treatment,VABB-1,1042,1046,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458686,,Aggression towards the GP: can we profile the GP–victim? A cross-section survey among GPs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458688,,Advance care planning in dementia: recommendations for healthcare professionals,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458690,,QT-verlenging door geneesmiddelen: hoe gaan Vlaamse huisartsen om met dit risico?,VABB-1,1265,1273,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:458691,,Placental hypoxia-regulating network in relation to birth weight and ponderal index: the ENVIRONAGE Birth Cohort Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458692,,Patient-reported outcomes during cancer treatment: Arguments and implementation,VABB-1,1326,1332,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458693,,Development of a Tailored Intervention With Computerized Clinical Decision Support to Improve Quality of Care for Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: Multi-Method Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458694,,National cancer control plans,VABB-1,E665,E665,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458697,,"Models for zero-inflated, correlated count data with extra heterogeneity: when is it too complex?",VABB-1,345,361,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458698,,Protonpompinhibitoren opnieuw onder vuur,VABB-1,998,1001,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:458700,,Dynamic 68Ga-DOTATOC PET/CT and static image in NET patients. Correlation of parameters during PRRT,VABB-1,104,114,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458702,,"Childhood leukaemia near nuclear sites in Belgium, 2002-2008",VABB-1,184,191,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458703,,An evaluation of the trimmed mean approach in clinical trials with dropout,VABB-1,278,289,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458704,,The aging lung: tissue telomere shortening in health and disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458705,,Hazard identification of coal fly ash leachate using a battery of cyto-genotoxic and biochemical tests in Allium cepa,VABB-1,1443,1453,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458709,,Unplanned Readmission prevention by Geriatric Emergency Network for Transitional care (URGENT): protocol of a prospective single centre quasi-experimental study,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458710,,Strategies for handling missing data in longitudinal studies with questionnaires,VABB-1,3415,3436,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458711,,The author who wasn't there? Fairness and attribution in publications following access to population biobanks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458716,,Differing Perceptions Concerning Research Integrity Between Universities and Industry: A Qualitative Study,VABB-1,1421,1436,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458717,,Preoperative risk factors for prolonged postoperative ileus after colorectal resection,VABB-1,883,890,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458718,,Saturation reduces in-vitro leakage of monomers from composites,VABB-1,579,586,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458719,,Substance use disorder and compulsory commitment to care: a care-ethical decision-making framework,VABB-1,1237,1246,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458720,,Time to expand risk evaluation systems for cardiac surgery? Looking beyond physiological parameters.,VABB-1,760,766,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458721,,Herausforderungen in der Pflege von multimorbiden älteren Menschen,VABB-1,96,99,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:458723,,Global and gene-specific DNA methylation effects of exposing different asbestos fibres on human bronchial epithelial cells,VABB-1,301,311,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458726,,Mixed Models with Emphasis on Large Data Sets,VABB-4,11,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458728,,"Early treatment versus expectative management of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a multicentre, randomised, non-inferiority trial in Europe (BeNeDuctus trial)",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458730,,External Validation of the Prognostic Nomogram (COMPASS) for Patients with Peritoneal Carcinomatosis of Colorectal Cancer,VABB-1,3604,3608,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458731,,"Quantification, Variability, and Reproducibility of Basal Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake in Healthy Humans Using F-18-FDG PET/CT",VABB-1,1520,1526,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458736,,Detection of EGFR Variants in Plasma: A Multilaboratory Comparison of the cobas EGFR Mutation Test v2 in Europe,VABB-1,30514,30517,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:458738,,Minimal impact of a care pathway for geriatric hip fracture patients,VABB-1,1581,1586,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458740,,Placental promoter methylation of DNA repair genes and prenatal exposure to particulate air pollution: an ENVIRONAGE cohort study.,VABB-1,e174,e183,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458741,,"Pancreas and gallbladder agenesis in a newborn with semilobar holoprosencephaly, a case report",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458742,,"Dorsal penile nerve block for circumcision in pediatric patients: A prospective, observer-blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial for the comparison of ultrasound-guided vs landmark technique",VABB-1,703,709,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458743,,Achieving WHO recommendations for Hepatitis C Virus Elimination in Belgium,VABB-1,222,226,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458746,,Correlatie van verwachtingspatroon van patiënten op spoedgevallen met de realiteit: een monocentrische studie,VABB-1,654,658,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:458747,,Oncological safety of autologous breast reconstruction after mastectomy for invasive breast cancer,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458748,,Keuzehulpen voor 'shared decision making',VABB-1,79,83,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:458749,,N-back training and transfer effects revealed by behavioral responses and EEG,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458750,,The Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting: Results of a European programme to improve health workforce policies,VABB-1,87,93,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458752,,Cellular Interferon Gamma and Granzyme B Responses to Cytomegalovirus-pp65 and Influenza N1 Are Positively Associated in Elderly,VABB-1,169,175,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458756,,Blood Pressure and Same-Day Exposure to Air Pollution at School: Associations with Nano-Sized to Coarse PM in Children,VABB-1,737,742,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458757,,Statistical controversies in clinical research: futility analyses in oncology-lessons on potential pitfalls from a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,1419,1426,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458758,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2016/3, Consorzio Artigiano Servizio Taxi e Autonoleggio (CASTA) and Others v. Azienda Sanitaria Locale di Ciriè, Chivasso e Ivrea (ASL TO4), Regione Piemonte, 28 January 2016 (Case C-50/14).",VABB-1,221,226,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458759,,Is there A Correlation between Sleep Disordered Breathing and Maxillary Expansion? A Retrospective Study Based on Cephalometric Assessment and Questionnaires,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458760,,Renal Replacement Therapy in children with severe developmental disability: guiding questions for decision-making,VABB-1,1735,1743,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458762,,"Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of the CGRP Binding Monoclonal Antibody LY2951742 (Galcanezumab) in Healthy Volunteers",VABB-1,740,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458763,,Upregulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells Enhances Their Potential to Attenuate Lung Injury in a Preterm Rabbit Model of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia,VABB-1,275,285,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458764,,Can Flanders resist the measles outbreak? Assessing vaccination coverage in different age groups among Flemish residents,VABB-1,1043,1047,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458765,,"Data for the characterization of the HSP70 family during osmotic stress in banana, a non-model crop",VABB-1,78,84,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458766,,Worldwide policies on epilepsy and blood donation: a survey among blood services,VABB-1,104,109,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458769,,Professionals' perceptions and current practices of integrated palliative care in chronic heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a qualitative study in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458772,,"Organization, quality and cost of oncological home-hospitalization: A systematic review",VABB-1,145,153,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458773,,Medication review versus usual care to improve drug therapies in older inpatients not admitted to geriatric wards: a quasi-experimental study (RASP-IGCT),VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458774,,Use of electroconvulsive therapy in medication-resistant severe depression,VABB-1,339,342,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458775,,[Vision on and use of physical restraints and 'smart technology' in nursing homes in Flanders].,VABB-1,67,76,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458777,,Animal Ownership and Touching Enrich the Context of Social Contacts Relevant to the Spread of Human Infectious Diseases,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458781,,Mitigating the burden of hepatitis C virus among people who inject drugs in Belgium,VABB-1,227,232,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458783,,Evolution of body weight parameters up to 3years after solid organ transplantation: The prospective Swiss Transplant Cohort Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458784,,[A qualitative exploration of the chronic use of psychotropic drugs in nursing homes].,VABB-1,177,186,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458785,,The added value of geriatric screening and assessment for predicting overall survival in older patients with cancer,VABB-1,3753,3763,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458790,,Immunotherapy in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer,VABB-1,1001,1004,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458791,,A Modified Delphi Study to Identify Factors Associated With Clinical Deterioration in Hospitalized Children.,VABB-1,616,625,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458792,,Protocol for process evaluation of evidence-based care pathways - the case of colorectal cancer surgery,VABB-1,145,153,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458793,,A machine learning based framework to identify and classify long terminal repeat retrotransposons,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458794,,Age-related microRNAs in older breast cancer patients: biomarker potential and evolution during adjuvant chemotherapy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458795,,A novel high sensitivity UPLC-MS/MS method for the evaluation of bisphenol A leaching from dental materials,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458797,,Hemoglobin screening in blood donors: a prospective study assessing the value of an invasive and a noninvasive point-of-care device for donor safety,VABB-1,938,945,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458798,,Application process for nursing homes: Towards a standardized admission form,VABB-1,973,980,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458800,,[What do older patients on polypharmacy know about their prescribed drugs?].,VABB-1,72,80,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458804,,The Use of Ebola Convalescent Plasma to Treat Ebola Virus Disease in Resource-Constrained Settings: A Perspective From the Field,VABB-1,69,74,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458805,,Ethics of Research Biobanks: Islamic Perspectives,VABB-1,171,178,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458806,,Ultrasound characteristics of endometrial cancer as defined by the International Endometrial Tumor Analysis (IETA) consensus nomenclature - A prospective multicenter study,VABB-1,818,828,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458807,,The European COPD audit 2011: Position of Belgium,VABB-1,823,832,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:458808,,Health Risks Associated with Occupational Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution in Commercial Drivers: A Systematic Review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458809,,A Bayesian K-PD model for synergy: A case study,VABB-1,674,684,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458810,,Abiotic stress research in crops using -omics approaches: drought stress and banana in the spotlight,VABB-5,81,90,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458811,,Do general practitioners record alcohol abuse in the electronic medical records? A comparison of survey and medical record data,VABB-1,567,572,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458812,,The association between experiences with patient-centred care and health-related quality of life in women with endometriosis,VABB-1,197,205,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458813,,Structural differences in mixing behavior informing the role of asymptomatic infection and testing symptom heritability,VABB-1,43,54,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458816,,Structural Zones in Large Static Ingot. Forecasts for Continuously Cast Brass Ingot,VABB-1,141,146,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458817,,Patient-specific lean body mass can be estimated from limited-coverage computed tomography images,VABB-1,521,526,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458818,,Severe obesity is a limitation for the use of body mass index standard deviation scores in children and adolescents,VABB-1,307,314,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458819,,Development and Evaluation of an Educational E-Tool to Help Patients With Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Manage Their Personal Care Pathway,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458823,,Palliative Sedation for Existential Suffering: A Systematic Review of Argument-Based Ethics Literature,VABB-1,1577,1590,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458825,,Gender-related differences in self-reported dental care in adults with congenital heart disease at increased risk of infective endocarditis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458830,,Age estimation based on Willems method versus new country-specific method in South African black children,VABB-1,599,607,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458831,,Verbetert een beslishulp de preconceptiezorg? Bevraging van vrouwelijke patiënten en huisartsen,VABB-1,156,159,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:458833,,The burden of common variable immunodeficiency disorders: a retrospective analysis of the European Society for Immunodeficiency (ESID) registry data,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458834,,The quality of transitions from hospital to home: A hospital-based cohort study of patient groups with high and low readmission rates,VABB-1,29,41,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458835,,Effective methods for tick removal: A systematic review.,VABB-1,177,188,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458836,,Longitudinal Joint Modelling of Binary and Continuous Outcomes: A Comparison of Bridge and Normal Distributions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458837,,Differences in MWCNT- and SWCNT-induced DNA methylation alterations in association with the nuclear deposition,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458838,,Retinal microcirculation and leukocyte telomere length in the general population,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458839,,Geriatric assessment in daily oncology practice for nurses and allied health care professionals: Opinion paper of the Nursing and Allied Health Interest Group of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG),VABB-1,315,324,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458840,,Two-stage model for multivariate longitudinal and survival data with application to nephrology research,VABB-1,1204,1220,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458841,,"'Your DNA, Your Say': global survey gathering attitudes toward genomics: design, delivery and methods",VABB-1,311,318,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458842,,Growth-Mixture Models,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458844,,Implementation of the American College of Cardiology/ American Heart Association 2008 guidelines for the management of adults with congenital heart disease,VABB-1,452,457,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458847,,Clinical predictors and differential diagnosis of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome,VABB-1,469,475,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458848,,On the choice of the mesh for the analysis of geostatistical data using R-INLA,VABB-1,203,220,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458851,,"Understanding HIV risks among adolescent girls and young women in informal settlements of Nairobi, Kenya: Lessons for DREAMS.",VABB-1,e0197479,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458852,,"Systematic development of CHEMO-SUPPORT, a nursing intervention to support adult patients with cancer in dealing with chemotherapy-related symptoms at home",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458853,,First aid for everyone: First aid guideline for laypeople,VABB-1,15,29,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458855,,Including historical data in the analysis of clinical trials: Is it worth the effort?,VABB-1,3167,3182,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458856,,On the Asymptotic Behavior of the Contaminated Sample Mean,VABB-1,312,323,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458857,,Ethical challenges in offering expanded carrier screening in the context of third-party reproduction,VABB-1,334,339,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458858,,Upfront vs. no upfront neck dissection in primary head and neck cancer radio(chemo)therapy: Tumor control and late toxicity,VABB-1,220,224,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458859,,DNA hypomethylation in association with internal and external markers of traffic exposure in a panel of healthy adults,VABB-1,673,681,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458861,,Characteristics of chronic sickness absence,VABB-1,153,162,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458864,,Involving general practice trainees in clinical practice guideline adaptation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458865,,Statistical Emulation Applied to a Very Large Data Set Generated by an Agent-based Model,VABB-5,43,48,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458867,,Sex-specific associations between telomere length and candidate miRNA expression in placenta,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458868,,Interaction of multiwalled carbon nanotube produces structural alteration of DNA,VABB-1,17,22,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458871,,Prevalence of inappropriate medication use in residential long-term care facilities for the elderly: A systematic review,VABB-1,69,77,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458872,,"Insights in dying, dementia and death certificates",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458874,,"Phase 1, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Single-dose and Multiple-dose Studies of Erenumab in Healthy Subjects and Patients With Migraine",VABB-1,815,825,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458875,,A Research Agenda for Gero-Oncology Nursing,VABB-1,55,64,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458878,,Klinisch management van delier bij ouderen,VABB-1,1590,1600,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:458881,,New-onset obesity after liver transplantationoutcomes and risk factors: the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study,VABB-1,1254,1267,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458884,,Blood pressure in young adulthood and residential greenness in the early-life environment of twins,VABB-1,53,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458888,,Upper gastrointestinal acute graft-versus-host disease adds minimal prognostic value in isolation or with other graft-versus-host disease symptoms as currently diagnosed and treated,VABB-1,1708,1719,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458889,,How do older adults experience and perceive socially assistive robots in aged care: a systematic review of qualitative evidence,VABB-1,149,167,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458892,,Effectiveness of discharge interventions from hospital to home on hospital readmissions: a systematic review.,VABB-1,106,173,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458893,,"[Detection and prevention in later life: risk profiles for physical, psychological, social and environmental frailty.]",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458894,,Spatiotemporal multivariate mixture models for Bayesian model selection in disease mapping,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458897,,Signs and symptoms in adult patients with acute dyspnea: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,3,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458901,,Ophthalmological examination in neurofibromatosis type 1: a long-term retrospective analysis,VABB-1,E1044,E1046,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458902,,Higher versus standard amikacin single dose in emergency department patients with severe sepsis and septic shock: a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,562,570,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458903,,Superspecialization and Clinical Trials on Surgical Site Infection: Is There a Bug in the System?,VABB-1,E48,E49,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458906,,Ethical Challenges Biomarker-Based Diagnosis in the Early Stage of AD,VABB-1,219,230,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458907,,Detection of potentially inappropriate prescribing in the very old: cross-sectional analysis of the data from the BELFRAIL observational cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458908,,Spatio-temporal Bayesian model selection for disease mapping,VABB-1,466,478,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458909,,Upfront vs. no upfront neck dissection in primary head and neck cancer radio(chemo)therapy: Reply to Elicin et al,VABB-1,571,572,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458910,,The effect of intracoronary infusion of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells on all-cause mortality in acute myocardial infarction: rationale and design of the BAMI trial,VABB-1,1545,1550,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458911,,"Patient-centeredness and endometriosis: Definition, measurement, and current status",VABB-1,11,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458913,,Silicone wristband passive samplers yield highly individualized pesticide residue exposure profiles,VABB-1,298,307,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458914,,Burden and Risk Assessment of Foodborne Parasites,VABB-4,341,365,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458915,,Understanding the complexity of working under time pressure in oncology nursing: A grounded theory study,VABB-1,60,68,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458917,,Cord blood leptin and insulin levels in association with mitochondrial DNA content,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458919,,Do wind turbines affect the health and welfare of neighboring residents?,VABB-1,373,376,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458921,,Predictors of patient satisfaction with removable denture renewal: A pilot study,VABB-1,509,516,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458924,,The effect of headgear on upper third molars: a retrospective longitudinal study,VABB-1,426,432,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458925,,Comprehensive geriatric assessment in the emergency department,VABB-4,91,107,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458926,,Resident burnout: evaluating the role of the learning environment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458928,,Prevalence of apical periodontitis and root filled teeth in a Belgian subpopulation found on CBCT images,VABB-1,317,329,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458929,,Reporting and Interpreting Decision Curve Analysis: A Guide for Investigators,VABB-1,796,804,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:458930,,Joint modeling of multiple ordinal adherence outcomes via generalized estimating equations with flexible correlation structure,VABB-1,983,995,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458933,,HIV/AIDS: Emerging threat to cardiovascular health in sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,19,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458936,,Nanoparticles in the lungs of old mice: Pulmonary inflammation and oxidative stress without procoagulant effects,VABB-1,907,915,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458937,,Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is characterized by dramatic changes in phospholipid profiles,VABB-1,1539,1548,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458938,,The bitter truth about bitter taste receptors: Beyond sensing bitter in the oral cavity,VABB-1,407,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458939,,Using additive and coupled spatiotemporal SPDE models: a flexible illustration for predicting occurrence of Culicoides species,VABB-1,11,34,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458941,,Body composition and blood pressure in 6-year-old singletons born after pre-implantation genetic testing for monogenic and structural chromosomal aberrations: a matched cohort study.,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458942,,The role of electronic cigarettes in smoking cessation,VABB-1,360,363,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458945,,Air pollution and the fetal origin of disease: A systematic review of the molecular signatures of air pollution exposure in human placenta,VABB-1,310,323,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458951,,Endometriosis and diagnostic delay: The patient’s perspective,VABB-4,77,82,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458953,,CVA-ketenzorg: een exploratie van de visie van huisartsen in een beperkte regio,VABB-1,714,718,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:458955,,Altered duodenal bile salt concentration and receptor expression in functional dyspepsia,VABB-1,1347,1355,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458957,,"Systemic lidocaine fails to improve postoperative morphine consumption, postoperative recovery and quality of life in patients undergoing posterior spinal arthrodesis. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial",VABB-1,576,585,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458958,,Sonographic development of pericallosal vascularization in the first and srecond trimester of pregnancy,VABB-1,589,596,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458959,,The modeled impact of improved Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) treatment strategies on HCV prevalence among people who inject drugs (PWIDs) in Belgium,VABB-5,1106A,1107A,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458962,,"Body fat content, fat distribution and adipocytokine production and their correlation with fertility markers in young adult men and women conceived by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)",VABB-1,985,992,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458963,,Could fibrinogen and hsCRP be useful for assessing personal risk in workers exposed to a mixture of ultrafine particles and organic solvents?,VABB-1,177,187,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458964,,"Clinically Detectable Dental Identifiers Observed in Intra-oral Photographs and Extra-oral Radiographs, Validated for Human Identification Purposes",VABB-1,900,906,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458967,,A role for telomere length and chromosomal damage in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458970,,Randomized controlled trial to evaluate a prevention program for frail community-dwelling older adults: a D-SCOPE protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458972,,A smart algorithm for the prevention and risk management of QTc prolongation based on the optimized RISQ-PATH model,VABB-1,2824,2835,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458973,,Reflexivity and the clinician-researcher: managing participant misconceptions,VABB-1,13,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458975,,Abnormal Pain Response to Visual Feedback During Cervical Movements in Chronic Whiplash: An Experimental Study,VABB-1,156,165,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458977,,Care Pathway Effect on n-Hospital Care for ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction,VABB-1,163,174,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458978,,Role of the Structural and Thermal Peclet Numbers in the Brass Continuous Casting,VABB-1,49,54,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:458979,,Why cervix cancer screening is best adapted,VABB-1,257,260,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:458980,,"Prenatal ambient air pollution exposure, infant growth and placental mitochondrial DNA content in the INMA birth cohort",VABB-1,96,102,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458982,,Indoor bacteria and asthma in adults: a multicentre case-control study within ECRHS II,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458983,,The role of space in patients’ experience of an emergency department. A qualitative study,VABB-1,139,145,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458984,,Is central lung tumour location really predictive for occult mediastinal nodal disease in (suspected) non-small-cell lung cancer staged cN0 on 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography-computed tomography?,VABB-1,134,140,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458985,,White-light from soot: closing the gap in the diagnostic market,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458986,,Lower placental telomere length may be attributed to maternal residential traffic exposure; a twin study,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:458987,,Cord blood eicosanoid signatures and newborn gestational age,VABB-1,123,127,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:458988,,Model averaging quantiles from data censored by a limit of detection,VABB-1,331,356,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458990,,Research considerations in patients with cancer and comorbidity,VABB-4,341,369,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458991,,Imaging in gynecological disease: clinical and ultrasound features of immature teratomas of the ovary,VABB-1,706,713,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:458993,,Modifiable correlates of illness perceptions in adults with chronic somatic conditions: A systematic review,VABB-1,173,184,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458994,,The prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms in Saint Petersburg: Results from the RESPECT study,VABB-1,24,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:458995,,Transarterial Radioembolization Following Chemoembolization for Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Response Based on Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Change is an Independent Predictor for Survival,VABB-1,1716,1726,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458997,,"Nitric oxide for inhalation in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NOMI): a multicentre, double-blind, randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,2717,2725,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:458998,,Recent Developments and Advances in Joint Modelling of Longitudinal and Survival Data,VABB-4,219,229,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:458999,,Hepatosplenic Sarcoidosis Complicated by Liver Cirrhosis,VABB-1,53,57,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459001,,A Comparison of Some Simple and Complex Surrogate Models: Make Everything as Simple as Possible?,VABB-5,26,32,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459002,,The international prevalence and variability of nonadherence to the nonpharmacologic treatment regimen after heart transplantation: Findings from the cross-sectional BRIGHT study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459003,,Cardiovascular effects among workers exposed to multiwalled carbon nanotubes,VABB-1,351,358,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459004,,Correlation of Patient- and Physician-Scored Dysphagia with Videofluoroscopies in Patients Treated with Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer.,VABB-1,684,690,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459005,,Healthcare assistants in EU Member States: An overview,VABB-1,1109,1117,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459009,,Single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes induce sequence specific epigenetic alterations in 16 HBE cells,VABB-1,20351,20365,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459010,,Assessing inference of the basic reproduction number in an SIR model incorporating a growth-scaling parameter,VABB-1,4490,4506,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459012,,Novel Therapies for Metastatic Melanoma: An Update on Their Use in Older Patients,VABB-1,821,834,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459013,,International pilot external quality assessment scheme for analysis and reporting of circulating tumour DNA,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459016,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2016/1, Smaranda Bara and Others v. Preşedintele Casei Naţionale de Asigurări de Sănătate, Casa Naţională de Asigurări de Sănătate, Agenţia Naţională de Administrare Fiscală (ANAF), 1 October 2015 (Case C-201/14).",VABB-1,95,101,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459018,,Health effects of training laypeople to deliver emergency care in underserviced populations: a systematic review protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459020,,Evidence-based First Aid and Prevention Guidelines for laypeople in India,VABB-1,176,190,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459021,,A Tutorial on the Practical Use and Implication of Complete Sufficient Statistics,VABB-1,403,414,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459022,,Managing chest pain patients in general practice: an interview-based study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459023,,Measurement agreement of the selfadministered questionnaire of the Belgian Health Interview Survey: Paper-and-pencil versus web-based mode,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459026,,Methodological Challenges in the Economic Evaluation of Occupational Health and Safety Programmes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459027,,DNA Methylome Marks of Exposure to Particulate Matter at Three Time Points in Early Life,VABB-1,5427,5437,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459029,,Spatial mixture multiscale modeling for aggregated health data,VABB-1,1091,1112,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459030,,Methods to identify heart failure patients in general practice and their impact on patient characteristics: A systematic review,VABB-1,199,206,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459031,,EHealth Consent: Is the patient ready?,VABB-1,840,849,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459032,,Population Pharmacokinetics of Amoxicillin in Term Neonates Undergoing Moderate Hypothermia.,VABB-1,458,467,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459033,,A call for action to establish a research agenda for building a future health workforce in Europe,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459035,,Does well-child care education improve consultations and medication management for childhood fever and common infections? A systematic review,VABB-1,261,267,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459036,,Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in Belgian Nursing Homes: Prevalence and Associated Factors,VABB-1,884,890,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459038,,Low levels of intra-tumoural T cells in breast cancer identify clinically frail patients with shorter disease-specific survival,VABB-1,606,612,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459039,,Long-term survival of patients with CLL after allogeneic transplantation: a report from the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation,VABB-1,372,380,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459040,,Can we refer each patient with an unplanned care need safely and effectively to the appropriate level of care by telephone triage and regulation on need of care? A multidisciplinary integrated 112-1733 Protocol,VABB-1,241,247,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459044,,Clinical Validation of Heart Rate Apps: Mixed-Methods Evaluation Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459045,,Whole body diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of recurrent ovarian cancer: a clinical feasibility study,VABB-1,20160468,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459047,,A high sense of coherence protects from the burden of caregiving in older spousal caregivers,VABB-1,76,82,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459049,,Hospital financing of ischaemic stroke: determinants of funding and usefulness of DRG subcategories based on severity of illness,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459050,,Forensic age estimation based on development of third molars: a staging technique for magnetic resonance imaging,VABB-1,125,146,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459052,,Carbon load in airway macrophages as a biomarker of exposure to particulate air pollution; a longitudinal study of an international Panel,VABB-1,14,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459054,,Placental mitochondrial methylation and exposure to airborne particulate matter in the early life environment: An ENVIRONAGE birth cohort study,VABB-1,536,44,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459055,,Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Leads to Non-monotonic Modulation of DNA and RNA (hydroxy)methylation in a Rat Model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459056,,Culotte stenting for coronary bifurcation lesions with 2nd and 3rd generation everolimus-eluting stents: the CELTIC Bifurcation Study,VABB-1,318,324,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459057,,Cluster analysis for repeated data with dropout: Sensitivity analysis using a distal event,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459058,,Prehospital and Intrahospital Temporal Intervals in Patients Requiring Emergent Trauma Craniotomy. A 6-Year Observational Study in a Level 1 Trauma Center,VABB-1,E546,E558,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459059,,"Efficacy of a new technique - INtubate-RECruit-SURfactant-Extubate - ""IN-REC-SUR-E"" - in preterm neonates with respiratory distress syndrome: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459060,,"Noninferiority Clinical Trials: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly",VABB-1,97,102,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459063,,"Spatio-temporal analysis of Nova virus, a divergent hantavirus circulating in the European mole in Belgium",VABB-1,5994,6008,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459065,,Spatial small area smoothing models for handling survey data with nonresponse,VABB-1,3708,3745,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459068,,Short-term hard and soft tissue changes after mandibular advancement surgery in Class II patients: a retrospective cephalometric study,VABB-1,567,576,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459069,,Effectiveness of insecticide-treated and untreated nets to prevent malaria in India,VABB-1,972,82,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459074,,Time trends in statin use and incidence of recurrent cardiovascular events in secondary prevention between 1999 and 2013: a registry-based study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459075,,Safety profile of the 9-valent human papillomavirus vaccine: assessment in prior quadrivalent HPV vaccine recipients and in men 16 to 26 years of age,VABB-1,396,403,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459077,,European Court of Justice,VABB-1,430,433,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459078,,Antibiotics after incision and drainage for uncomplicated skin abscesses: a clinical practice guideline,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459079,,RAS testing in metastatic colorectal cancer: excellent reproducibility amongst 17 Dutch pathology centers.,VABB-1,15681,15689,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459080,,Quantifying intraclass correlations for nonnegative traits,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459083,,Associations between different weight-related anthropometric traits and lifestyle factors in Norwegian children and adolescents: A case for measuring skinfolds,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459088,,Novel oral anticoagulants in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation,VABB-1,366,372,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459089,,Development of key interventions and quality indicators for the management of an adult potential donor after brain death: a RAND modified Delphi approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459093,,Introducing ICD-resistant mortality as an end point to evaluate the clinical efficacy of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator in ischaemic cardiomyopathy,VABB-1,19,27,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459095,,Comparison of Statistical Efficiency of Self-controlled Case Series and Case-Crossover Designs in Vaccine Safety,VABB-5,533,533,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459098,,"Natural Selection, Plasticity, and the Rationale for Largest-Scale Trends (epub ahead of print)",VABB-1,25,33,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459099,,Multi-disease analysis of maternal antibody decay using non-linear mixed models accounting for censoring,VABB-1,2858,2871,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459100,,A stitch in time saves nine: external quality assessment rounds demonstrate improved quality of biomarker analysis in lung cancer,VABB-1,20524,20538,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459101,,When is it safe to stop contact precautions for vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium carriage?,VABB-1,114,115,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459103,,Cost-effectiveness of ovarian stimulation with gonadotrophin and clomiphene citrate in an intrauterine insemination programme for subfertile couples,VABB-1,302,310,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:459105,,"Adherence, knowledge, and perception about oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation at high risk for thromboembolic events after radiofrequency ablation",VABB-1,2577,2587,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459106,,Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy: Prevention of or risk on healthcare associated infections?,VABB-1,1290,1296,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459107,,"Association between self-perception of aging, view of cancer and health of older patients in oncology: a one-year longitudinal study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459108,,Short Physical Performance Battery and all-cause mortality: systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459109,,A steep ramp test is valid for estimating maximal power and oxygen uptake during a standard ramp test in type 2 diabetes,VABB-1,595,602,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459110,,Study for Promotion of Health in Recycling Lead - Rationale and design,VABB-1,147,57,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459113,,Monitoring van patiënten met dementie door Vlaamse huisartsen: nood aan concrete richtlijnen,VABB-1,935,945,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459114,,Office and Home Blood Pressures as Determinants of Electrocardiographic Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Among Black Nigerians Compared With White Flemish,VABB-1,1083,1092,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459115,,Spatially-dependent Bayesian model selection for disease mapping,VABB-1,250,268,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459118,,"Body mass index, age at breast cancer diagnosis, and breast cancer subtype: a cross-sectional study",VABB-1,189,196,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459119,,Comparing hierarchical models via the marginalized deviance information criterion,VABB-1,2440,2454,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459120,,POHaD: why we should study future fathers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459125,,"Coverage of recommended vaccines during pregnancy in Flanders, Belgium. Fairly good but can we do better?",VABB-1,2687,2693,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459126,,Ultrasound- based measurements of testicular volume in 6-to 16-year- old boys - intra- and interobserver agreement and comparison with Prader orchidometry,VABB-1,1771,1778,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459127,,"A Transactional ""Second-Victim"" Model-Experiences of Affected Healthcare Professionals in Acute-Somatic Inpatient Settings: A Qualitative Metasynthesis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459130,,The Role of Sensorimotor Incongruence in Pain in Professional Dancers,VABB-1,271,288,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459132,,Drug-eluting stents in elderly patients with coronary artery disease (SENIOR): a randomised single-blind trial,VABB-1,41,50,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459134,,Effectiveness of General Practitioner training to improve suicide awareness and knowledge and skills towards depression,VABB-1,17,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459138,,"Inpatients’ Spatial Experience: Interactions Between Material, Social, and Time-Related Aspects",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459139,,Space-time variation of respiratory cancers in South Carolina: a flexible multivariate mixture modeling approach to risk estimation,VABB-1,42,51,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459140,,Nano-TiO2 modulates the dermal sensitization potency of dinitrochlorobenzene after topical exposure,VABB-1,392,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459141,,Early prediction of maxillary canine impaction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459152,,Infectiepreventie in een tijdperk van multidrugresistente micro-organismen,VABB-1,61,64,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:459153,,Secondary solid cancer screening following hematopoietic cell transplantation,VABB-1,1013,1023,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459155,,Hotspots of malignant pleural mesothelioma in Western Europe,VABB-1,516,519,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:459156,,Rules for processing genetic data for research purposes in view of the new EU General Data Protection Regulation,VABB-1,149,156,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459157,,"Effect of Continuous Glucose Monitoring on Glycemic Control, Acute Admissions and Quality of Life: A Real-World Study",VABB-1,1224,1232,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459158,,Evolution of body mass index in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus,VABB-1,1661,1666,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459159,,Laparoscopic versus open parenchymal preserving liver resections in the posterosuperior segments: a case-matched study,VABB-1,1478,1485,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459161,,Metformin use in PCOS pregnancies increases the risk of offspring overweight at 4 years of age; follow-up of two RCTs,VABB-1,1612,1621,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459163,,"Health, wealth and behavioural change: an exploration of role responsibilities in the wake of epigenetics",VABB-1,153,167,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459164,,Proximity to blue spaces and risk of infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis: A case-control analysis,VABB-1,741,7,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459165,,Differential pulmonary in vitro toxicity of two small-sized polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated silver nanoparticles,VABB-1,675,690,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459167,,Risk factors for unplanned hospital re-admissions: a secondary data analysis of hospital discharge summaries,VABB-1,560,566,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459168,,Potentially harmful effects of high doses of vitamin supplements,VABB-1,209,212,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459169,,Relationships between aeroallergen levels and hospital admissions for asthma in the Brussels-Capital Region: a daily time series analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459172,,Irritant-induced asthma to hypochlorite in mice due to impairment of the airway barrier,VABB-1,1551,1561,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459176,,Nuclear Localization of the Autism Candidate Gene Neurobeachin and Functional Interaction with the NOTCH1 Intracellular Domain Indicate a Role in Regulating Transcription,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459178,,Zero-inflated multiscale models for aggregated small area health data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459183,,Better outcome with haploidentical over HLA-matched related donors in patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma undergoing allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation-a study by the Francophone Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy,VABB-1,400,409,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459184,,Who are the male sexual partners of adolescent girls and young women? Comparative analysis of population data in three settings prior to DREAMS roll-out.,VABB-1,e0198783,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459187,,Low-dose-rate brachytherapy as a minimally invasive curative treatment for localised prostate cancer has excellent oncological and functional outcomes: a retrospective analysis from a single centre,VABB-1,270,275,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459191,,The Impact of Implantation Time During Liver Transplantation on Outcome: A Eurotransplant Cohort Study,VABB-1,e356,e356,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459192,,Modeling agreement on bounded scales,VABB-1,3460,3477,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459194,,Is colorectal surgery beyond the age of 80 still feasible with acceptable mortality? An analysis of the predictive value of CR-POSSUM and life expectancy after hospital discharge,VABB-1,58,64,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459195,,Bone marrow cells in the cerebrospinal fluid: Contamination during a lumbar puncture,VABB-1,269,272,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459197,,Final conclusions on final solutions,VABB-4,278,283,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459198,,Peripheral blood mitochondrial DNA content in relation to circulating metabolites and inflammatory markers: A population study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459199,,The presence of autoimmune antibodies in pulmonary alveolar proteinosis does not necessarily imply idiopathic disease,VABB-1,E48,E48,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459200,,Inverse Association Between Atopy and Melanoma: A Case-control Study,VABB-1,54,57,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459202,,Geolocalisation of athletes for out-of-competition drug testing: ethical considerations. Position statement by the WADA Ethics Panel,VABB-1,456,459,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459203,,Cephalometric appraisal of Class II treatment effects after functional and fixed appliances: a retrospective study,VABB-1,334,341,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459207,,Finite Information Limit Variance-covariance Structures: Is the Entire Dataset Needed for Analysis?,VABB-5,736,742,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459208,,Describing the Reportable Range Is Important for Reliable Treatment Decisions A Multiple Laboratory Study for Molecular Tumor Profiling Using Next-Generation Sequencing,VABB-1,743,753,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459209,,Biodiversity and human health: mechanisms and evidence of the positive health effects of diversity in nature and green spaces,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459210,,Pooled individual patient data from five countries were used to derive a clinical prediction rule for coronary artery disease in primary care,VABB-1,120,128,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459211,,External quality assessment identifies training needs to determine the neoplastic cell content for biomarker testing,VABB-1,455,464,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459212,,Het oordeel van de kinderpsychiater of psycholoog als extra voorwaarde voor het toepassen van euthanasie bij een minderjarige,VABB-1,34,39,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:459214,,Expanded carrier screening for monogenic disorders: Where are we now?,VABB-1,59,66,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459215,,One-year mortality of patients with ST-Elevation myocardial infarction: Prognostic impact of creatinine-based equations to estimate glomerular filtration rate,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459220,,PALTEM: What Parameters Should Be Collected in Disaster Settings to Assess the Long-Term Outcomes of Famine?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459221,,Root-end surgery with leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin and an occlusive membrane: a randomized controlled clinical trial on patients' quality of life,VABB-1,2401,2411,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459222,,Are nursing home care workers' health and presenteeism associated with implicit rationing of care? A cross-sectional multi-site study,VABB-1,33,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459223,,Health and frailty among older spousal caregivers: an observational cohort study in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459227,,Tiredness of life in older adults,VABB-1,552,562,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459230,,Cohort Profile: Pregnancy And Childhood Epigenetics (PACE) Consortium,VABB-1,22,+,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459233,,Targeted HIV Screening in Eight Emergency Departments: The DICI-VIH Cluster-Randomized Two-Period Crossover Trial,VABB-1,41,53,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459235,,How do patients score cosmesis after laparoscopic natural orifice specimen extraction colectomy?,VABB-1,536,541,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459236,,"Analysis of VUS reporting, variant reinterpretation and recontact policies in clinical genomic sequencing consent forms",VABB-1,1743,1751,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459238,,Prevalence and antithrombotic management of atrial fibrillation in hospitalised patients,VABB-1,884,893,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459242,,Het effect van blaastraining bij urge-incontinentie,VABB-1,365,368,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459246,,A Modified Two-Step Screening Strategy for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Based on the 2013 WHO Criteria by Combining the Glucose Challenge Test and Clinical Risk Factors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459247,,Cord Blood Metabolic Signatures of Birth Weight: A Population-Based Study,VABB-1,1235,1247,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459248,,The 2018 ISHLT/APM/AST/ICCAC/STSW Recommendations for the Psychosocial Evaluation of Adult Cardiothoracic Transplant Candidates and Candidates for Long-term Mechanical Circulatory Support,VABB-1,415,440,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459250,,Mean arterial pressure of 65 mm Hg versus 85-100 mm Hg in comatose survivors after cardiac arrest: Rationale and study design of the Neuroprotect post-cardiac arrest trial,VABB-1,91,98,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459251,,Old en bored: Tiredness of life in elderly people,VABB-1,145,157,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459252,,On the sample mean after a group sequential trial,VABB-1,104,118,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459253,,Targeting extra-oral bitter taste receptors modulates gastrointestinal motility with effects on satiation,VABB-1,15985,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459254,,"European Court of Justice. ECJ 2015/6 Abcur AB v. Apoteket Farmaci AB (C-544/13), and Apoteket AB and Apoteket Farmaci AB (C-545/13) of 16 July 2015.",VABB-1,508,516,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459255,,Identifying Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Nonadherence in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Subanalysis of TAKE-IT Pilot Study,VABB-1,E351,E362,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459256,,"Use of Pentamidine As Secondary Prophylaxis to Prevent Visceral Leishmaniasis Relapse in HIV Infected Patients, the First Twelve Months of a Prospective Cohort Study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459257,,Incidence and risk factors of fever in a contemporary cohort of HIV-patients with good access to antiretroviral therapy,VABB-1,226,231,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459262,,PCSK1 mutations and human endocrinopathies: from obesity to gastrointestinal disorders,VABB-1,347,371,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459266,,Tumour bed boost radiotherapy for women after breast-conserving surgery,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459267,,"Letter to the Editor regarding the article by Roberts et al. published in volume 26, August 2014",VABB-1,24,24,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459269,,How do consent forms for diagnostic high-throughput sequencing address unsolicited and secondary findings? A content analysis,VABB-1,321,329,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459273,,On using multiple imputation for exploratory factor analysis of incomplete data,VABB-1,501,517,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459274,,Early drain removal improves quality of life and clinical outcomes in patients with breast cancer - Results from a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,112,118,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459276,,Cephalometric appraisal of post-treatment tooth eruption: a 20 year follow-up study,VABB-1,71,78,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459278,,"Accreditation, setting and experience as indicators to assure quality in oncology biomarker testing laboratories.",VABB-1,605,614,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459279,,The role of Botox in the treatment of chronic migraine,VABB-1,282,286,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459284,,Tacrolimus dose requirements in paediatric renal allograft recipients are characterized by a biphasic course determined by age and bone maturation,VABB-1,863,874,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459285,,The effect of adjuvant chemotherapy on symptom burden and quality of life over time; a preliminary prospective observational study using individual data of patients aged ≥70 with early stage invasive breast cancer,VABB-1,152,162,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459286,,Microbial characteristics in homes of asthmatic and non-asthmatic adults in the ECRHS cohort,VABB-1,16,27,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459287,,Maternal quality of life in routine labor epidural analgesia versus labor analgesia on request: results of a randomized trial,VABB-1,2027,2033,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459289,,Flexible modelling of simultaneously interval censored and truncated time-to-event data,VABB-1,311,321,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459290,,A maximum entropy approach for the evaluation of surrogate endpoints based on causal inference,VABB-1,4525,4538,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459291,,From information to follow-up: Ethical recommendations to facilitate the disclosure of amyloid PET scan results in a research setting.,VABB-1,243,251,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459292,,Improved Interobserver Reliability of the Sanders Classification in Calcaneal Fractures Using Segmented Three-Dimensional Prints,VABB-1,440,444,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459293,,Heat and health in Antwerp under climate change: projected impacts and implications for prevention,VABB-1,135,143,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459296,,"The more ticks, the more Lyme?",VABB-1,1521,1524,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459297,,Remedies for tinnitus caused by noise,VABB-1,487,490,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459301,,Association of office and ambulatory blood pressure with blood lead in workers before occupational exposure,VABB-1,14,24,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459302,,Health problems associated with irritable bowel syndrome: analysis of a primary care registry,VABB-1,1349,1357,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459304,,What can we expect from medicinal cannabis?,VABB-1,65,68,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459305,,The risk of fall accidents for home dwellers with dementia-A register- and population-based case-control study.,VABB-1,421,428,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459306,,Is the incidence of pancreas cancer increasing?,VABB-1,1419,1422,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459307,,Global Multi-output Decision Trees for Interaction Prediction,VABB-1,1257,1281,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:459308,,Obtaining appropriate interval estimates for age when multiple indicators are used: evaluation of an ad-hoc procedure,VABB-1,489,99,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459309,,Do tattoos constitute a contraindication to MRI?,VABB-1,885,888,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459312,,"Seroepidemiology of Selected Arboviruses in Febrile Patients Visiting Selected Health Facilities in the Lake/River Basin Areas of Lake Baringo, Lake Naivasha, and Tana River, Kenya",VABB-1,124,132,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459314,,Multi-level factors are associated with immunosuppressant nonadherence in heart transplant recipients: the international bright study,VABB-1,1447,1460,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459315,,Screening for the risk on long-term sickness absence,VABB-1,81,86,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459316,,Recommended care received by geriatric hip fracture patients: where are we now and where are we heading?,VABB-1,1077,1087,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459317,,Participants' decision to enroll in cohort studies with biobanks: quantitative insights from two German studies,VABB-1,477,485,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459318,,Evaluation of six months sputum culture conversion as a surrogate endpoint in a multidrug resistant-tuberculosis trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459324,,Prognostic Value of Stimulated Thyroglobulin Levels at the Time of Radioiodine Administration in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer,VABB-1,211,217,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459326,,Forward Asteroseismic Modeling of Stars with a Convective Core from Gravity-mode Oscillations: Parameter Estimation and Stellar Model Selection,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459331,,Is screening for atrial fibrillation from 40 years onward desirable?,VABB-1,828,831,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459332,,Impact of PET reconstruction protocols on quantification of lesions that fulfil the PERCIST lesion inclusion criteria,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459334,,Patient and treatment characteristics associated with patient activation in patients undergoing hemodialysis: a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459337,,The Potential Efficacy of Psychological First Aid on Self-Reported Anxiety and Mood,VABB-1,390,390,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459341,,ESPACOMP Medication Adherence Reporting Guideline (EMERGE),VABB-1,30,+,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459343,,Modern radiotherapy techniques versus three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for head and neck cancer,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459347,,Reversibility of severe mitral valve regurgitation after left ventricular assist device implantation: single-centre observations from a real-life population of patients,VABB-1,1144,1150,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459348,,The importance of external quality assessments for the improvement of oncology biomarker testing in medical laboratories,VABB-1,455,459,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459349,,Een 74-jarige patiënte met een recidiverend shockbeeld veroorzaakt door een onderliggend hypopituïtarisme,VABB-1,320,326,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:459350,,Feasibility of optimizing pharmacotherapy in heart failure patients admitted to an acute geriatric ward: role of the clinical pharmacist,VABB-1,103,111,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459351,,Androgen and estrogen actions on male physical activity: a story beyond muscle,VABB-1,R31,R52,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459354,,Implementation of geriatric care models in Europe ( a cross-sectional survey in eight countries,VABB-1,771,782,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459356,,Launois-Bensaude syndrome after liver transplantation,VABB-1,1,1,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:459358,,A Retrospective Belgian Multi-Center MRI Biomarker Study in Alzheimer's Disease (REMEMBER),VABB-1,1509,1522,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459360,,Genetic analysis of adults heterozygous for ALPL mutations,VABB-1,723,733,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459361,,"Sarcopenia: Concept, operational definition and treatment options",VABB-1,163,170,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:459362,,Age-related changes in female mouse cortical bone microporosity,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459363,,Does the total dysphagia risk score correlate with swallowing function examined by videofluoroscopy?,VABB-1,20170714,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459366,,Symptomatic androgen deficiency develops only when both total and free testosterone decline in obese men who may have incident biochemical secondary hypogonadism: Prospective results from the EMAS,VABB-1,459,469,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459367,,Free Testosterone Reflects Metabolic as well as Ovarian Disturbances in Subfertile Oligomenorrheic Women,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459368,,Bone: best papers of the year 2017,VABB-1,29,29,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459369,,Rationalisatie van slaapmiddelen: een sisyfusarbeid?,VABB-1,1537,1545,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459370,,Rickets and Osteomalacia,VABB-4,684,694,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459373,,Treatment of Clostridium difficileassociated diarrhoea: Guidelines,VABB-1,1592,1595,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459375,,Automation on an Open-Access Platform of Alzheimer's Disease Biomarker Immunoassays,VABB-1,188,197,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459376,,Vaccination programs for older adults in an era of demographic change,VABB-1,289,300,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459377,,Promotion of a Lifelong Immunization Program for Healthy Ageing,VABB-4,149,160,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459378,,Estradiol and Age-Related Bone Loss in Men,VABB-1,1,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459379,,Ijzergebreksanemie bij ouderen,VABB-1,109,116,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:459381,,Iron deficiency anemia in older adults: A review,VABB-1,373,379,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459383,,Delayed neurological syndrome after CO intoxication of elderly female,VABB-1,290,295,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459384,,Enough Power to Build a Strong Case for Clinical Pharmacy Services?,VABB-1,864,865,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459385,,Dealing with QT prolongation in daily practice,VABB-1,399,406,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459388,,Infecties,VABB-4,111,115,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:459389,,Presbyphagia,VABB-4,55,67,,lat,2015,2 c:vabb:459390,,"Pharmacological Interventions to Improve Muscle Mass, Muscle Strength and Physical Performance in Older People: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses",VABB-1,719,734,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459395,,Dialectische Gedragstherapie in Nederland: implementatie en consolidatie,VABB-1,719,727,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:459397,,A surprising cause of polycythaemia,VABB-1,967,968,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459398,,The course of apathy in late-life depression treated with electroconvulsive therapy; a prospective cohort study.,VABB-1,1253,1259,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459400,,Testing mood-activated psychological markers for suicidal ideation,VABB-1,448,457,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459401,,The interface between child/adolescent and adult mental health services: results from a European 28-country survey,VABB-1,501,511,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459402,,[Takotsubo cardiomyopathy and catatonia in a patient with psychotic depression].,VABB-1,55,59,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459403,,The use of triiodothyronine (T3) in the treatment of bipolar depression: a review of the literature,VABB-1,410,414,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459405,,Salivary cortisol as predictor for depression characteristics and remission in electroconvulsive therapy in older persons,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459406,,Psychotic experiences and general medical conditions: a cross-national analysis based on 28 002 respondents from 16 countries in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459407,,"The relationship between childhood adversity, recent stressors, and depression in college students attending a South African university",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459409,,Mapping face categorization in the human ventral occipitotemporal cortex with direct neural intracranial recordings,VABB-1,5,24,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459410,,[Prenatal psychological stress and the development of affective disorders in children: literature review].,VABB-1,699,709,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459411,,"Managing the link and strengthening transition from child to adult mental health Care in Europe (MILESTONE): background, rationale and methodology.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459413,,Dealing with daily challenges in dementia (deal-id study): process evaluation of the experience sampling method intervention 'Partner in Sight' for spousal caregivers of people with dementia,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459414,,[Music therapy and depression].,VABB-1,823,829,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459415,,WHO World Mental Health Surveys International College Student Project: Prevalence and Distribution of Mental Disorders,VABB-1,623,638,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459418,,Takotsubo-cardiomyopathie en katatonie bij een patiënte met psychotische depressie,VABB-1,55,59,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459419,,Adverse Childhood Experiences and Hospital-Treated Self-Harm,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459420,,Correlation of neuropsychological and metabolic changes after epilepsy surgery in patients with left mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis,VABB-1,31,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459423,,Age matters in the prevalence and clinical significance of ultra-high-risk for psychosis symptoms and criteria in 22q11 Deletion Syndrome,VABB-5,120,120,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459424,,An intronic VNTR affects splicing of ABCA7 and increases risk of Alzheimer's disease,VABB-1,827,837,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459425,,Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Affective Regulation Network: A Prospective Experience Sampling Analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459426,,Emotional reactivity to daily life stress in spousal caregivers of people with dementia: An experience sampling study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459430,,Cortical Dysconnectivity Measured by Structural Covariance Is Associated With the Presence of Psychotic Symptoms in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome.,VABB-1,433,442,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459431,,Clinical variability and onset age modifiers in an extended Belgian GRN founder family,VABB-1,84,94,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459432,,Volume of the Human Hippocampus and Clinical Response Following Electroconvulsive Therapy,VABB-1,574,581,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459437,,Does differential visual exploration contribute to visual memory impairments in 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome?,VABB-1,1174,1184,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459438,,[Catatonia in childhood and adolescence: obstacles to diagnosis and treatment].,VABB-1,371,379,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459440,,The role of cognitive functioning in the relationship between childhood trauma and a mixed phenotype of affective-anxious-psychotic symptoms in psychotic disorders,VABB-1,262,268,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459442,,Zoledronic Acid Induces Site-Specific Structural Changes and Decreases Vascular Area in the Alveolar Bone,VABB-1,1893,1901,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459443,,Understanding the Blind Spots of Psychosis: A Wittgensteinian and First-Person Approach,VABB-1,276,284,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459444,,Treatment gap for anxiety disorders is global: Results of the World Mental Health Surveys in 21 countries,VABB-1,195,208,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459445,,[Brain stimulation: the most direct form of neurostimulation].,VABB-1,588,593,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459448,,The circulating levels of CD4+t helper cells are higher in bipolar disorder as compared to major depressive disorder,VABB-1,28,36,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459449,,Psychotic experiences and religiosity: data from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,306,315,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459452,,A dynamic course of T cell defects in individuals at risk for mood disorders,VABB-1,11,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459453,,Lateralization for dynamic facial expressions in human superior temporal sulcus,VABB-1,340,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459455,,Mental health problems in college freshmen: Prevalence and academic functioning,VABB-1,97,103,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459456,,The association between psychotic experiences and disability: results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,74,84,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459461,,Effectiveness of technology-based distance physical rehabilitation interventions on physical activity and walking in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,VABB-1,373,387,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459467,,Rare nonsynonymous variants in SORT1 are associated with increased risk for frontotemporal dementia,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:459472,,Coping Strategies Mediate the Effect of Stressful Life Events on Schizotypal Traits and Psychotic Symptoms in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome,VABB-1,S525,S535,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459476,,[Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder: a systematic literature review].,VABB-1,192,201,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459478,,The prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behaviours among college students: a meta-analysis,VABB-1,554,565,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459479,,Fear and distress disorders as predictors of heart disease: A temporal perspective.,VABB-1,67,75,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459480,,Trauma and psychotic experiences: transnational data from the World Mental Health Survey,VABB-1,373,+,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459482,,Investigating common coding of observed and executed actions in the monkey brain using cross-modal multi-variate fMRI classification,VABB-1,306,317,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459484,,"[Prolactin, antipsychotics and breast cancer: is there a connection?].",VABB-1,641,649,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459485,,Neuroepigenetics of Prenatal Psychological Stress,VABB-1,83,104,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459487,,Neural correlates of socio-emotional perception in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459488,,[Psychotic symptoms as a side-effect of omeprazole].,VABB-1,834,837,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459490,,[Do psychomotor symptoms predict the treatment response of patients with depressive disorders?].,VABB-1,83,88,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459493,,"Volumetric changes of grafted volumes and the Schneiderian membrane after transcrestal and lateral sinus floor elevation procedures: a clinical, pilot study",VABB-1,660,671,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459495,,Post-traumatic stress disorder associated with sexual assault among women in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,155,167,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459498,,Long-term neurocognitive functioning after electroconvulsive therapy in patients with late-life depression.,VABB-1,223,231,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459499,,Hashimoto encephalopathy as explanation of psychotic symptoms in an adolescent,VABB-1,120,123,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459500,,Safe use of stimulants for ADHD: Monitoring and treatment of side effects in children and youngsters,VABB-1,221,233,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459504,,Evaluation of Threshold Values for Root Canal Filling Voids in Micro-CT and Nano-CT Images,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459505,,"A multi-centre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of methylphenidate in the initial treatment of acute mania (MEMAP study)",VABB-1,185,194,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459506,,Involuntary admission in Flanders- an epidemiological perspective,VABB-1,194,201,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459507,,Experience sampling methodology in mental health research: new insights and technical developments,VABB-1,123,132,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459508,,"Psychosis, antipsychotic medication and sexual dysfunctions",VABB-4,83,98,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459509,,Civilians in World War II and DSM-IV mental disorders: results from the World Mental Health Survey Initiative,VABB-1,207,219,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459510,,Amisulpride and olanzapine followed by open-label treatment with clozapine in first-episode schizophrenia and schizophreniform disorder (OPTiMiSE): a three-phase switching study.,VABB-1,797,807,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459511,,Progress in achieving quantitative classification of psychopathology,VABB-1,282,293,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459512,,Sensitivity to peer evaluation and its genetic and environmental determinants: Findings from a population-based twin study,VABB-1,766,778,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459515,,Severe role impairment associated with mental disorders: Results of the WHO World Mental Health Surveys International College Student Project,VABB-1,802,814,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459517,,"Consensus paper of the WFSBP Task Force on Genetics: Genetics, epigenetics and gene expression markers of major depressive disorder and antidepressant response",VABB-1,5,28,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459518,,[Parental alienation and the controversy surrounding psychiatric diagnostics].,VABB-1,482,488,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459519,,[Personalised medicine: from a scientific perspective].,VABB-1,210,214,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459520,,A pilot study on immuno-psychiatry in the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: a role for Th17 cells in psychosis?,VABB-1,88,95,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459524,,No supportive evidence for TIA1 gene mutations in a European cohort of ALS-FTD spectrum patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459525,,Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among First-Year College Students: Results From the WMH-ICS Project,VABB-1,263,+,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459528,,Effects of long-term methylphenidate use on growth and blood pressure: results of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS),VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459530,,Grey matter volume of a region in the thalamic pulvinar is specifically associated with novelty seeking,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459531,,"'False-positive' self-reported psychotic experiences in the general population: an investigation of outcome, predictive factors and clinical relevance.",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459532,,"Reply to Herpers, Van den Meijdenberg and Staal",VABB-1,641,652,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459533,,Alpha7 acetylcholine receptor autoantibodies are rare in sera of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459535,,Ultra high-risk status and transition to psychosis in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome,VABB-5,168,168,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459536,,"Stress reactivity links childhood trauma exposure to an admixture of depressive, anxiety, and psychosis symptoms",VABB-1,451,457,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459538,,Personality Disorders in Older Adults: Emerging Research Issues,VABB-1,538,539,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459539,,Childhood trauma and HPA axis functionality in offspring of bipolar parents,VABB-1,316,323,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459540,,[The use of dexmedetomidine in extreme agitation].,VABB-1,554,558,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459543,,[Rapid tranquillisation for agitated patients with psychostimulant intoxication].,VABB-1,360,365,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459544,,Understanding others: a pilot investigation of cognitive and affective facets of social cognition in patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS).,VABB-1,35,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459548,,Recovery from DSM-IV post-traumatic stress disorder in the WHO World Mental Health surveys,VABB-1,437,450,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459549,,Face processing in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: atypical development and visual scanning alterations,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459550,,A Visual Analog Scale to assess anxiety in children during anesthesia induction (VAS-I): Results supporting its validity in a sample of day care surgery patients,VABB-1,955,961,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459552,,Long-term cognitive trajectories and heterogeneity in patients with schizophrenia and their unaffected siblings.,VABB-1,591,604,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459554,,Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids improve neurocognitive functions and reduce the conversion rate of psychosis in patients with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome,VABB-5,69,69,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459555,,[Abolition of the internment of convicted prisoners in Belgium: clinical implications].,VABB-1,574,582,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459557,,Meta-analysis of the Efficacy and Safety of Adjunctive Rosuvastatin for Dyslipidemia in Patients with Schizophrenia.,VABB-1,4,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459560,,Selective visual representation of letters and words in the left ventral occipito-temporal cortex with intracerebral recordings,VABB-1,E7595,E7604,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459562,,[Ethical advice regarding the relationship between psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical industry].,VABB-1,268,273,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459567,,The integrated motivational-volitional model of suicidal behaviour,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459568,,Computer-based automatic classification of trabecular bone pattern can assist radiographic bone quality assessment at dental implant site,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459569,,Effectiveness of step-down versus outpatient dialectical behaviour therapy for patients with severe levels of borderline personality disorder: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459572,,Estimating treatment coverage for people with substance use disorders: an analysis of data from the World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,299,307,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459574,,Intact striatal dopaminergic modulation of reward learning and daily-life reward-oriented behavior in first-degree relatives of individuals with psychotic disorder,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459575,,Individual- and population-level effects of childhood adversity and emotional problems on early-onset suicide plans and/or attempt(s),VABB-1,39,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459580,,"Deletion size analysis of 1,680 22q11.2DS subjects identifies a new recombination hotspot on chromosome 22q11.2",VABB-1,1150,1163,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459581,,De risico's en de gevolgen van medische zorg toegediend door de arts in verband met toxicomanie en wat zijn mogelijke oplossingen?,VABB-1,1274,1279,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459582,,Major depressive disorder,VABB-4,41,56,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459584,,Organizing and delivering treatment,VABB-4,417,425,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459585,,Vascular Risk Factors in elderly patients with depression: outcome of electroconvulsive therapy versus medication,VABB-1,371,378,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459586,,Change in interpersonal functioning during psychological interventions for borderline personality disordera systematic review of measures and efficacy,VABB-1,173,194,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459587,,"[Doctor, will I get my memory back? Electroconvulsive therapy and cognitive side-effects in daily practice].",VABB-1,632,637,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459588,,The Cascade of Stress: A Network Approach to Explore Differential Dynamics in Populations Varying in Risk for Psychosis,VABB-1,328,337,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459589,,[ResPECT - a decade of Flemish-Dutch ECT research].,VABB-1,626,631,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459590,,"QT correction across the heart rate spectrum, in atrial fibrillation and ventricular conduction defects",VABB-1,1101,1108,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459592,,"Clinical Features of TBK1 Carriers and Comparison with C9orf72, GRN and Nonmutation Carriers in a Belgian Patient Cohort",VABB-1,452,467,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459593,,Measurement invariance of three brief emotion-regulation scales in people with and without a history of non-suicidal self-injury,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459595,,Common and rare TBK1 variants in early-onset Alzheimer disease in a European cohort,VABB-1,245,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459596,,"Overall cortisol, diurnal slope, and stress reactivity in psychosis: An experience sampling approach",VABB-1,61,68,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459597,,Suicidal thoughts and behaviors among college students and same-aged peers: results from the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,279,288,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459603,,PCL-R Field Validity in Prison and Hospital Settings,VABB-1,29,43,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459605,,Genetics of schizophrenia: A consensus paper of the WFSBP Task Force on Genetics,VABB-1,492,505,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459606,,Development of Structural Covariance From Childhood to Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study in 22q11.2DS,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459609,,Previous Mental Disorders and Subsequent Onset of Chronic Back or Neck Pain: Findings From 19 Countries,VABB-1,99,110,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459610,,Involuntary admission of elderly in Flanders: Sociodemographic and clinical correlates,VABB-1,1279,1286,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459611,,Clinical studies of social neuroscience: A lesion model approach,VABB-4,255,296,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459615,,A catalog of hemizygous variation in 127 22q11 deletion patients,VABB-1,15065,,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:459616,,Effectiveness of an Internet- and App-Based Intervention for College Students With Elevated Stress: Randomized Controlled Trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459617,,Stressful Life Events Modulates the Expression of Positive Schizotypy in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome,VABB-5,53,53,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459618,,"Variance of IQ is partially dependent on deletion type among 1,427 22q11.2 deletion syndrome subjects",VABB-1,2172,2181,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459619,,Understanding the pediatric psychiatric phenotype of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome,VABB-1,2182,2191,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459620,,Childhood abuse and neglect in relation to the presence and persistence of psychotic and depressive symptomatology,VABB-1,1363,77,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459621,,Rare Genome-Wide Copy Number Variation and Expression of Schizophrenia in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome,VABB-1,1054,1063,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459627,,Preliminary validation of a clinical staging model in schizophrenia and related disorders,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459629,,Genetic variability in SQSTM1 and risk of early-onset Alzheimer dementia: a European early-onset dementia consortium study,VABB-1,2005,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459630,,The descriptive epidemiology of DSM-IV Adult ADHD in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys.,VABB-1,47,65,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459632,,Experience sampling-based personalized feedback and positive affect: a randomized controlled trial in depressed patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459633,,"Childhood trauma is associated with a specific admixture of affective, anxiety, and psychosis symptoms cutting across traditional diagnostic boundaries",VABB-1,1277,88,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459639,,BDNF serum levels are not related to cognitive functioning in older depressed patients and controls,VABB-1,649,656,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459641,,The cross-national epidemiology of social anxiety disorder: Data from the World Mental Health Survey Initiative,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459642,,[18F]MK-9470 PET measurement of cannabinoid CB1 receptor availability in chronic cannabis users,VABB-1,357,367,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459643,,Association Between Psychotic Experiences and Subsequent Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors A Cross-National Analysis From the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,1136,1144,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459644,,"A state-independent network of depressive, negative and positive symptoms in male patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders",VABB-1,232,239,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459645,,[Movement disorders due to modern antidepressants and mood stabilizers].,VABB-1,132,137,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459646,,Bing-Neel syndrome: Two unexpected cases and a review of the literature,VABB-1,19,26,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459648,,"Liberal Acceptance Bias, Momentary Aberrant Salience, and Psychosis: An Experimental Experience Sampling Study.",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459650,,[Mechanisms of catatonia].,VABB-1,99,103,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459651,,Data quality and feasibility of the Experience Sampling Method across the spectrum of severe psychiatric disorders: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,7,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459652,,[Dialectical behaviour theory in the Netherlands: implementation and consolidation].,VABB-1,719,727,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459653,,Studying emotion theories through connectivity analysis: Evidence from generalized psychophysiological interactions and graph theory,VABB-1,250,262,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459655,,Anterior Temporal Lobectomy Impairs Neural Classification of Body Emotions in Right Superior Temporal Sulcus and Reduces Emotional Enhancement in Distributed Brain Areas without Affecting Behavioral Classification,VABB-1,9263,9274,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459657,,Extended FTLD pedigree segregating a Belgian GRN-null mutation: neuropathological heterogeneity in one family,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459658,,[The Klinefelter syndrome: a systematic review of secondary psychiatric comorbidities].,VABB-1,606,618,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459659,,The associations between psychotic experiences and substance use and substance use disorders: findings from the World Health Organization World Mental Health surveys,VABB-1,924,934,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459663,,Accelerated HF-rTMS in the elderly depressed: A feasibility study,VABB-1,247,248,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459669,,Subjective quality of life in psychosis: Evidence for an association with real world functioning?,VABB-1,116,123,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459670,,Children and adolescents: assessment in everyday clinical practice.,VABB-4,297,306,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459674,,Electroconvulsive Therapy-Related Anxiety Treat or Threat?,VABB-1,132,133,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459675,,"Experience, knowledge and attitudes of child and adolescent psychiatrists in Belgium towards pediatric ECT",VABB-1,247,252,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459676,,[An adolescent with conversion deafness].,VABB-1,268,271,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459677,,Complementary and alternative medicine contacts by persons with mental disorders in 25 countries: results from the World Mental Health Surveys,VABB-1,552,567,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459678,,Leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin block for bone augmentation procedure: A proof-of-concept study,VABB-1,624,634,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459679,,"Contribution of copy number variants to schizophrenia from a genome-wide study of 41,321 subjects",VABB-1,27,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459680,,Generalized anxiety disorder,VABB-4,79,92,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459682,,"The use of leucocyte and platelet-rich fibrin in socket management and ridge preservation: a split-mouth, randomized, controlled clinical trial",VABB-1,990,999,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459683,,Further Evidence That Cannabis Moderates Familial Correlation of Psychosis-Related Experiences,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459684,,Striatal dopamine release and impaired reinforcement learning in adults with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome,VABB-1,732,742,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459687,,APOEε-4 allele for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's and other dementia disorders in people with mild cognitive impairment in a secondary care setting,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459689,,Improved age determination of blood and teeth samples using a selected set of DNA methylation markers,VABB-1,922,930,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459691,,The paternal landscape along the Bight of Benin – Testing regional representativeness of West-African population samples using Y-chromosomal markers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459692,,Mediterranean Y-chromosome 2.0 - Why the Y in the Mediterranean is still relevant in the postgenomic era,VABB-1,20,33,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459693,,Evaluation of three statistical prediction models for forensic age prediction based on DNA methylation,VABB-1,128,133,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459694,,De toekomst van forensische leeftijdsschatting bij levende adolescenten en jongvolwassenen: magnetische resonantie beeldvorming en automatisering,VABB-4,1,19,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459695,,Determining Y-STR mutation rates in deep-routing genealogies: Identification of haplogroup differences,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459697,,Integrating community service learning in undergraduate dental education: A controlled trial in a residential facility for people with intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,201,207,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459698,,HemoVision: An automated and virtual approach to bloodstain pattern analysis,VABB-1,116,123,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459699,,Differentiation of decomposed human remains from remains of decomposed bigger mammals,VABB-1,28,35,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459700,,Forensic age estimation based on magnetic resonance imaging of third molars: converting 2D staging into 3D staging,VABB-1,121,129,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459702,,How to optimise the yield of forensic and clinical post-mortem microbiology with an adequate sampling: a proposal for standardisation,VABB-1,1045,1057,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459703,,An automated technique to stage lower third molar development on panoramic radiographs for age estimation: a pilot study,VABB-1,49,60,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459704,,Towards a consensus Y-chromosomal phylogeny and Y-SNP set in forensics in the next-generation sequencing era,VABB-1,39,42,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459706,,Whiplash-Associated Disorders,VABB-1,13,22,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459707,,Magnetic resonance imaging of third molars: developing a protocol suitable for forensic age estimation,VABB-1,130,139,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459708,,Preprocessing of Heteroscedastic Medical Images,VABB-1,26047,26058,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459709,,"A selective set of DNA-methylation markers for age determination of blood, teeth and buccal samples",VABB-1,E144,E145,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459710,,The Search for a Volatile Human Specific Marker in the Decomposition Process,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459711,,Efficacy of Artilysin® Art-175 against resistant and persistent Acinetobacter baumannii,VABB-1,3480,3488,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459712,,Padova Charter on personal injury and damage under civil-tort law,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459714,,Performance Characteristics of Para Swimmers How Effective Is the Swimming Classification System?,VABB-1,333,+,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459715,,Predictive value of Type D personality for impaired endothelial function in patients with coronary artery disease,VABB-1,205,210,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459716,,Ludo-diversity: An argument for a pluralistic movement culture,VABB-4,52,64,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459717,,Quality in dementia care: A cross sectional study on the Bio-Psycho-Social competencies of health care professionals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459718,,"Comment on: Reconsideration of the scheme of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: incentives from the Netherlands for a global debate. Heerkens et al, 2017",VABB-1,612,614,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459720,,30 min of treadmill walking at self-selected speed does not increase gait variability in independent elderly,VABB-1,1305,1311,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459723,,Evidence for aerobic exercise training on the autonomic function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): a systematic review,VABB-1,36,45,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459724,,Walking with perturbations: a guide for biped humans and robots,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459725,,Excruciating Low Back Pain After Strenuous Exertion: Beware of Lumbar Paraspinal Compartment Syndrome,VABB-1,641,3,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459726,,Ethics and governance in sport: The future of sport imagined,VABB-3,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459727,,Clinical course and recommendations for patients after anterior cruciate ligament injury and subsequent reconstruction: a narrative review,VABB-1,410,420,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459729,,Presence of comorbidities and prognosis of clinical symptoms in knee and/or hip osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,805,813,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459736,,The efficacy and efficiency of Disability Management in job-retention and job-reintegration. A systematic review.,VABB-1,501,534,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459737,,Subaxial Rotational Vertebral Artery Syndrome: Resection of the Uncinate Process and Anterior Fusion Can Be Sufficient! Case Report and Review of the Literature,VABB-1,66,70,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459738,,Biomechanical characterization of swimmers with physical disabilities,VABB-1,103,112,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459743,,Assessment of transfemoral amputees using a passive microprocessor-controlled knee versus an active powered microprocessor-controlled knee for level walking,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459744,,A scale-based approach to interdisciplinary research and expertise in sports,VABB-1,290,301,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:459747,,An Initial Passive Phase That Limits the Time to Recover and Emphasizes the Role of Proprioceptive Information,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459748,,Test-retest reliability of two-dimensional video analysis during running,VABB-1,40,47,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459750,,The effects of resveratrol on aging vessels,VABB-1,41,47,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:459752,,Early outcomes of percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation using the Edwards SAPIEN XT transcatheter heart valve system,VABB-1,86,91,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459754,,Case report of a guide wire loss and migration after central venous access,VABB-1,406,10,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459756,,Responses of human ankle muscles to mediolateral balance perturbations during walking,VABB-1,69,82,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459760,,Reliability and accuracy of spatial-temporal gait parameters measured by the WalkinSense((R)),VABB-1,275,279,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459763,,"Ulnar variance related to biological and training characteristics, pain and handgrip strength in Portuguese skeletally immature male gymnasts",VABB-1,174,181,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459766,,Eigenfoot Decomposition of Plantar Pressure Images and Case Study of Feature Prediction of Two Modalities,VABB-1,767,770,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459768,,Touching the Lived Body in Patients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms. How an Integration of Hands-on Bodywork and Body Awareness in Psychotherapy may Help People with Alexithymia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:459769,,APPLICATION OF PARTICIPATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE: KEY ISSUES,VABB-1,679,695,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459771,,Hybrid governance tensions fuelling self-reflexivity in Alternative Food Networks: the case of the Brussels GASAP (solidarity purchasing groups for peasant agriculture),VABB-1,830,845,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459773,,"Durability Analysis of a Bamboo Community Center in Cambury, Brazil",VABB-5,604,621,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459774,,Place-Text-Trace. The Contingency of the Spatial Image,VABB-2,,,108,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459776,,Linking BIM and Design of Experiments to Balance Architectural and Technical Design Factors for Energy Performance,VABB-1,34,43,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459778,,Une synthèse sur la restauration fluviale dans le bassin de l’Èbre,VABB-1,137,149,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:459780,,(Re-)Creating the past: 10 years of digital historical reconstructions using BIM,VABB-1,62,85,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459786,,Exploring the potential of disability experience as consultancy in architectural design practice,VABB-5,124,131,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459789,,"Spatial planning in Flanders and Antwerp 1940-2012 Movements, clashing values and expertise: drivers for change",VABB-4,233,254,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459799,,Private renting in social provision: Social rental agencies in Western Europe,VABB-4,333,359,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459803,,Production of heterotopias as public spaces and paradox of political representation: A Lefebvrian approach,VABB-1,135,145,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:459814,,Making Church Happen Architectural Methods for Transforming the Parish Churches of Flanders into Civic Collectives,VABB-5,169,190,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459815,,Involving Blind User/Experts in Architectural Design: Conception and Use of More-Than-Visual Design Artefacts,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459816,,"Please, Don't Touch the Museum: the Urban Art of the Museum Interior in the Design Competition for KANAL in Brussels",VABB-1,90,103,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459823,,Study on the correlation between the hierarchical urban system and high-speed railway network planning in China,VABB-1,301,318,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459830,,DESIGN OF A PREFABRICATED ROOFTOP EXTENSION WITH LOW ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT,VABB-5,431,446,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459835,,"Residential Landscapes. Garden Design, Urban Planning and Social Formation in Belgium",VABB-1,220,238,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459836,,Optimal placement of braces in steel frames using deterministic (non-evolutionary) optimization methods,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:459840,,Towards Western construction in China: Shanghai brickwork and printed technical resources 1843-1936,VABB-1,83,110,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459841,,"Breaking Down Barriers - Usability, Accessibility and Inclusive Design",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459843,,Nuns in the Suburb. The Berlaymont Institute in Waterloo by Groupe Structures (1962),VABB-4,213,230,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459846,,The physical environment and patients´ activities and care. A comparative case study at three newly built stroke units,VABB-1,1919,1931,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459847,,Een Vlaamse verordening graag! Appartementenbouw voorbij de gemiste kans,VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:459856,,The Forest and the Cell: Notes from Mosej Ginzburg's Green City,VABB-1,18,26,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459858,,Impact of acoustic conditions in classroom on learning of foreign language pronunciation,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459860,,"Re-visiting Three Neighbourhoods of Modern Tehran: Chaharsad-Dastgah, Narmak and Nazi-Abad",VABB-4,31,46,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459861,,Secularized engagement in architecture. Sieg Vlaeminck’s plea for woonecologie in 1970s Flanders,VABB-1,1,37,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459864,,Involving user perspectives in architectural design through scenarios: Lessons learned with students designing a co-working space,VABB-5,461,474,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459869,,Hyperlocal Media Architecture: Displaying Societal Narratives in Contested Spaces,VABB-5,76,83,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459870,,"Architectural Styles and Identities in Hong Kong: The Chinese and Western Designs for St Teresa’s Church in Kowloon Tong, 1928-32",VABB-1,81,109,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459871,,Migration and the resourceful neighborhood: Exploring localized resources in urban zones of transition,VABB-4,131,152,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459873,,From the Origin of Spatiality to a Variety of Spaces,VABB-4,558,578,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459878,,Predicting the sound insulation of finite double-leaf walls with a flexible frame,VABB-5,655,669,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459883,,Use cases with economics and simulation for thermo-2 chemical district networks,VABB-1,1,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459884,,De openbare en niet-openbare plaatsingsprocedures: de voornaamste wolfijzers en schietgeweren in de nieuwe regelgeving,VABB-1,85,109,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459885,,Shape optimized inclined single and double wall wave barriers for ground vibration mitigation,VABB-1,215,231,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459890,,Fissuras Urbanas em Belo Horizonte,VABB-5,,,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:459892,,Regionalised sprawl: conceptualising suburbanisation in the European context,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459896,,After Tomorrow: Three Perspectives on Urban Wastelands,VABB-4,321,329,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459897,,Academic Disagreement in Australian Urban Research: An Introspective Analysis,VABB-1,367,380,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459898,,Central coherence and the shaping of expertise in design: evidence from designers with autism spectrum conditions,VABB-1,321,330,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459901,,Early Iron Roofs in Belgian Churches (1845-60),VABB-5,106,115,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459905,,A narrative approach to collective spaces urban analysis and the empowerment of local voices,VABB-1,63,72,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459909,,Information Exchange Scenarios between Machine Learning Energy Prediction Model and BIM at Early Stage of Design,VABB-5,487,494,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459910,,Waterscapes in Transformation: The Case of the Belgian Coastal Area,VABB-1,743,766,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459911,,Perceptual evaluation of metamaterials as insulation partitions: A listening test within the COST action DENORMS (CA15125),VABB-5,1147,1161,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459912,,Influence of panel fastening on the acoustic performance of light-weight building elements: study by sound transmission and laser scanning vibrometry,VABB-1,100,116,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:459913,,Strategies to Improve the Energy Performance of Buildings: A Review of Their Life Cycle Impact,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459914,,FROM THE BODY TO THE CITY. DESIGN AS A GROUNDING PROCESS FOR A BLOCK AS A COMMONS IN BRUSSELS,VABB-5,319,331,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459919,,"De wet van 31 mei 2017 betreffende de verplichte verzekering van de tienjarige burgerlijke aansprakelijkheid van aannemers, architecten en andere dienstverleners in de bouwsector van werken in onroerende staat. Een eerste aanzet naar een algemene verzekeringsplicht in de bouwsector?",VABB-1,415,459,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:459920,,"Epistemological Tracks. On religion, Words and Buildings in 1950s Belgium",VABB-4,48,62,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459922,,Improving pool design: Interviewing physically impaired architects,VABB-4,77,87,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459923,,Augmenting the radio experience by enhancing interactions between radio editors and listeners,VABB-5,215,220,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459928,,"Extra-curricular, Intercultural Learning Modules on Urban Layering and the Social Perception of Cities: the Case the KUL-UoM Summer Workshop on Vauxhall Street, Colombo",VABB-5,358,372,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459932,,Optimal design of wave barriers for the reduction of vibration levels,VABB-4,547,556,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459933,,The Burned Map. Military Theory and Architectural Education,VABB-4,195,214,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459936,,"Dublin's Bourgeois Homes: Building the Victorian Suburbs, 1850-1901",VABB-2,,,164,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459941,,The Development of Social Housing and Value Capture in the Center of Guayaquil: Restriction or Opportunity?,VABB-1,77,97,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459944,,A Research Framework of Digital Leadership,VABB-5,641,646,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459947,,"Designing the Belgian welfare state 1950s to 1970s: social reform, leisure and ideological adherence",VABB-1,665,693,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459948,,Participatory design theory: Using technology and social media to foster civic engagement,VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459949,,Assessment of the airborne sound insulation from mobility vibration measurements; a hybrid experimental numerical approach,VABB-1,680,698,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459950,,Component-Based Machine Learning Modelling Approach For Design Stage Building Energy Prediction: Weather Conditions And Size,VABB-5,2617,2626,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:459951,,De milieu-erfdienstbaarheid of milieugrondlast: Een nuttig zakenrechterlijk instrument voor de milieubescherming?,VABB-1,1195,1313,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459953,,"Abundance of interplays delivered by scattered patterns of occupation. San Joaquin in Cuenca, a case of study in the southern highlands of Ecuador",VABB-4,191,204,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459954,,Optimal design of wave barriers for the reduction of vibration levels,VABB-5,130,137,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459955,,"Interior spaces as traces in Balzac's La Comedie humaine (vol 3, 17043, 2017)",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459958,,Insights on the spatial configuration of collective spaces within forming dynamics: the relation between infrastructure and urban transformation in Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459960,,Urban landscape design exercises in urban metabolism: reconnecting with Central Limburg’s regenerative resource landscape,VABB-1,36,49,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459963,,"Resurrecting Belgica Romana: Peter Ernst von Mansfeld’s garden of antiquities in Clausen, Luxemburg, 1563–90",VABB-4,237,260,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459967,,Alternative Approaches in Architectural Education: Un-learning through the Unheimliche,VABB-1,6,18,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459968,,La Bibliothèque Curieuse et Instructive: a Curiosité in Ménestrier’s Oeuvre?,VABB-4,329,350,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:459971,,Demand controlled ventilation (DCV) in school and office buildings: Lessons learnt from case studies,VABB-1,349,360,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:459973,,"Life Inside the Cloister. Understanding Monastic Architecture: Tradition, Reformation, Adaptive Reuse",VABB-2,,,176 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459977,,Predicting the sound insulation of finite double-leaf walls with a flexible frame,VABB-5,645,659,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459981,,Designing from a disabled body: the case of architect Marta Bordas Eddy,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459983,,Nood aan experimenteerruimte voor nieuwe woon- en leefconcepten,VABB-1,1,5,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:459988,,Modelling the Influence of Urban Planning on the Financial and Environmental Impact of Neighbourhoods,VABB-4,17,37,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:459989,,Dwelling in an ecological substrate. Landscape based strategies for flood adaptation in the Sabana de Bogotá,VABB-5,17,27,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459991,,Inner Peripheries: towards an EU placebased agenda on territorial peripherality,VABB-1,42,75,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:459998,,Designing the Dwell Care Environment as a Network: Alternative Formats for Collective Living in an Ageing Society,VABB-5,114,122,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460002,,Kastel en parken. Het erfgoed Croÿ,VABB-4,184,191,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:460005,,Component-based machine learning for energy performance prediction by multiLOD models in the early phases of building design,VABB-5,516,534,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460007,,Castles and gardens. The Croÿ legacy,VABB-4,184,191,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460012,,The Prince’s Court at Bruges: A Reconstruction of the Lost Residence of the Dukes of Burgundy,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460014,,Mixed-integer linear programming approach for global discrete sizing optimization of frame structures,VABB-1,579,593,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460017,,Enacting Citizenship in an Urban Borderland: the Case of the Maximilian Park in Brussels,VABB-1,53,72,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460019,,Just design,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460023,,From pickaxes to steam saws: the construction of the row house in Dublin (1730-1888),VABB-5,643,650,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460025,,On the equivalence of dynamic relaxation and the Newton-Raphson method,VABB-1,1531,1539,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460031,,Determining radiated sound power of building structures by means of Laser Doppler vibrometry,VABB-1,81,99,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460032,,CHALLENGES IN TEACHING OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE PRONUNCIATION IN NOWADAYS CLASSROOMS,VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460034,,Life Cycle Thinking and the Use of LCA in Policies Around the World,VABB-4,429,463,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460040,,Double wall barriers as mitigation measures for ground vibration transmission,VABB-5,2735,2740,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460041,,Impact of demand controlled ventilation on system performance and energy use,VABB-1,111,123,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460042,,The Home at Work: A Genealogy of Housing for the Laboring Classes,VABB-1,194,202,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460043,,The Interior as an Embodiment of Power: The Image of the Princely Patron and Its Spatial Setting (1400-1700),VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460044,,Between Land and Sea: Reshaping the Belgian Coastline A Case Study between Ostend and Blankenberge,VABB-1,273,294,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460046,,São Paulo: Cortiços - interstitial urbanization in central São Paulo,VABB-4,248,258,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460047,,"Water, Topography and Dispersion: qualifying small scale production and public space in the in-between territory of Cuenca, Ecuador",VABB-1,90,107,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460059,,Building Cosmopolitan Citizenship Through the Mundane: Insights from Walking Conversations in the Public Spaces of Berlin,VABB-1,33,52,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460060,,Comparison of Different Meta Model Approches with a Detailed Buiding Model for Long-term Simulations,VABB-5,106,113,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460063,,"Towards a sustainable transformation of the detached houses in peri-urban Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,302,330,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460068,,Autonomía and cultural co-design. Exploring the Andean minga practice as a basis for enabling design processes,VABB-1,92,102,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460070,,Snelwegontwerp tussen natuur en stad. René Pechère en het Groenplan,VABB-1,117,136,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:460073,,"Tangible Data, Explorations in Data Physicalization",VABB-5,753,756,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460079,,Topology optimization of elastic wave barriers using a two-and-a-half dimensional finite element methodology,VABB-5,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460088,,Participation-based parametric design in early stages: A participative design process for spatial planning in office building,VABB-5,429,438,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460090,,Disaster Resilience into Which Direction(s)? Competing Discursive and Material Practices in Post-Katrina New Orleans,VABB-1,432,454,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460096,,"Valuating narrative accounts in participatory planning processes: A case of co-creative storytelling in Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-4,15,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460098,,Urgent Interventions Needed at the Territorial Scale—Now More Than Ever,VABB-4,207,218,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460104,,Knowledge exchange and adoption to enable safer post-disaster self-recovery,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460109,,Tracing the Avant-text of Architectural Theory. The Paul Felix Case,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460114,,Localization of a virtual wall by means of active echolocation by untrained sighted persons,VABB-1,82,92,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460118,,Designing Ecologies for Resilient Urbanisms,VABB-1,44,57,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460119,,Rallying Towards the Nation Theatre of Nation Building in Post-colonial Dhaka,VABB-4,217,240,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460123,,"Virtuality and fostering critical design thinking: An exploration of the possibilities through critical theory, design practices and networked learning",VABB-4,101,132,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460126,,Discrete sizing optimization of trussed steel portal frames according to Eurocode 3,VABB-5,3990,3999,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460127,,Fire Brick in China: From Mining to Architecture,VABB-5,1193,1202,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460129,,The Meaningful Integration of Interactive Media in Architecture,VABB-5,187,191,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460135,,"An imaginary visit to The Four Winds, the house and shop of Hieronymus Cock and Volcxken Diericx",VABB-1,161,170,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:460138,,"Architects and 'Architecture without Architects': Modernization of Iranian housing and the birth of a new urban form Narmak (Tehran, 1952)",VABB-1,29,40,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460139,,Transdisciplinarity as strategy to convert multidisciplinarity into extra architectural quality,VABB-5,101,105,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460141,,At Home in the Hospital and Hospitalized at Home: Exploring Experiences of Cancer Care Environments,VABB-4,215,226,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460144,,Enhancing destinations' social capital for access to international tourism markets: The case of the Cajas Massif Biosphere Area,VABB-1,7,41,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460145,,Founding Alive Architecture,VABB-2,,,215,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460147,,Interpreting Circularity. Circular City Representations Concealing Transition Drivers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460148,,The Explorative Strategy of Engagement- atelier Bow-Wo's Rebière street project in Paris,VABB-1,123,133,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:460149,,Een betonstop is niet genoeg,VABB-1,1,7,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:460153,,Converting sunlight into audible sound by means of the photoacoustic effect: The Heliophone,VABB-1,1697,1706,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460156,,Everyone shares in hasselt: A perspective on the political potential of spatial commoning,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460159,,Calibration of a BES model of an educational building with demand controlled ventilation,VABB-5,43,51,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460160,,Architects’ Attitudes Towards Users:A Spectrum of Advocating and Envisioning Future Use(rs) in Design,VABB-1,197,216,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460162,,Vibrometry Assessment of the External Thermal Composite Insulation Systems Influence on the Facade Airborne Sound Insulation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460164,,Hidden Modernity: Reinforced Concrete Trusses in Brussels Parish Churches (1935-40),VABB-5,1375,1381,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460165,,Oase 98 narrating urbanverhalendlandscapeslandsch,VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:460169,,The Hybrid Governance of Alternative Food Systems. Highlights from the Brussels-Capital Region (BCR).,VABB-5,18,21,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460171,,Predicting the sound insulation of finite double-leaf walls with a flexible frame,VABB-1,93,105,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460172,,"The dome of Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis in Paris, a historical and structural analysis",VABB-5,967,976,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460176,,Conveying a Civic Issue through Data via Spatially Distributed Public Visualization and Polling Displays,VABB-5,597,608,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460181,,Interview,VABB-4,97,103,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460182,,Preserving the Nation's Zeal: Church Buildings and English Christian History in Stuart England,VABB-4,707,730,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460185,,Pragmatic Approaches to World Heritage Management: Along the Central Asian Silk Roads,VABB-4,59,72,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460189,,The inhabited forests of Antwerp. A history and retroactive definition of forest urbanism,VABB-1,133,151,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460191,,Innovazione sociale e sviluppo territoriale,VABB-1,62,68,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:460192,,Mixed-integer linear programming reformulation approach for global discrete sizing optimization of trussed steel portal frames,VABB-5,1,11,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460195,,Alternatives for contested mega-projects: an academic venture into activist space,VABB-4,279,298,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460197,,"Planning tactics of undefined becoming: Applications within urban living labs of flanders' N16 corridor, Belgium",VABB-4,186,202,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460207,,"‘Caribbean Cruisebanism’, the Resilient cruise destination",VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460209,,The assessment of urban environmental impacts through the City Environmental Footprint: methodological framework and first approach to the built environment,VABB-5,83,88,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460212,,Ethics in design: Pluralism and the case for justice in inclusive design,VABB-5,86,97,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460215,,Unlocking the Potential of Collective Spaces in the Peri-urban Condition: The Case of South-West Flanders,VABB-4,351,360,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460220,,Exploring the politico-institutional dimension of social innovation to repoliticize urban governance arrangements,VABB-4,11,21,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460222,,On Connecting Form: explorations of a drawing method,VABB-5,1503,1529,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460227,,Juliaan Lampens' idiosyncratic brutalism,VABB-1,58,65,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460230,,Perceived Loudness of Neighbour Sounds Heard Through Heavy and Light-Weight Walls with Equal Rw + C50−5000,VABB-1,58,66,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460232,,Audibility Thresholds of a Sound Reflection in a Classical Human Echolocation Experiment,VABB-1,530,539,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460236,,Curating complexity: An artful approach for real-world system transitions,VABB-1,59,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460237,,H-DisNet: Thermo-chemical solutions for sustainable district energy,VABB-1,29,34,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460239,,"Engineers and planners. Conflict and convergence regarding infrastructure, space and environment",VABB-1,162,175,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460240,,Communicating the Spatiotemporal Transformation of Architectural Heritage via an In-Situ Projection Mapping Installation,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460242,,"Speculative self-destruction, gateways for hyper-redevelopment in Seoul, South Korea",VABB-4,161,184,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460243,,Position Paper Reports from the Fifth EAHN Meeting in Tallinn,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460244,,Thinking about Architecture from the Inside: The Collective Interiors of Lacaton & Vassal,VABB-1,143,152,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460245,,"Landscape as a mediator between mining and urbanisation: the case of Minas Gerais and Nova Lima, Brazil",VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460246,,On the equivalence of dynamic relaxation and the Newton-Raphson method: application to the design and analysis of bending-active structures,VABB-5,1,10,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460248,,Essay: Gay architecture - On the famous project by a dvvt,VABB-1,108,113,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460249,,The coupling of BIM and LCA—challenges identified through case study implementation,VABB-5,841,846,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460253,,"Spatial Phenomena in Material Places. Reflections on Sensory Substitution, Shape Perception, and the External Nature of the Senses.",VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460257,,Designing from disability experience: Space for multi-sensoriality,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460261,,Application of Small Diameter Bamboos in Architecture,VABB-5,148,166,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460269,,Van huisje-tuintje-beestje-auto naar appartement-bakfiets-terras in de capuccino-stad ? Vlaamse woonwensen in context,VABB-1,6,28,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:460271,,Building justice: How to overcome the inclusive design paradox?,VABB-1,23,35,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460273,,"Re‐tracing the emergence of a Human Settlements approach: designing in, from and with contexts of development?",VABB-4,49,63,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460275,,Empowering Citizens with Spatially Distributed Public Visualization Displays,VABB-5,213,217,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460281,,“Housing for all” at the era of financialization; can (post-disaster) cities become truly socially resilient and egalitarian?,VABB-1,1023,1040,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460282,,Using the Systems Modelling Language (SysML) for decision modelling for sustainable building design,VABB-5,361,366,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460288,,From Integration to Solidarity: Insights from Civil Society Organisations in Three European Cities,VABB-1,79,90,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460292,,Des châteaux et des jardins. Le patrimoine des Croÿ,VABB-4,184,191,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:460294,,"Hidden Forest Figures in the Horizontal Metropolis: From Placeholders to Micro-biotopes, the Case of Liedekerkebos",VABB-4,331,339,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:460295,,ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE OF ADVANCED WINDOW SYSTEMS IN PATIENT ROOMS,VABB-5,166,171,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:460297,,Tree seedling vitality improves with functional diversity in a Mediterranean common garden experiment,VABB-1,614,633,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460299,,"Why do farmers abandon jatropha cultivation? The case of Chiapas, Mexico",VABB-1,77,86,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460300,,Horticultural exports and food security in Senegal,VABB-1,162,171,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460302,,Opportunities for short rotation coppice production on free-range chicken farms in Flanders: Farmers' perceptions and cost-benefit analysis,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460305,,Certification of Semi-forest Coffee as a Land-sharing Strategy in Ethiopia,VABB-1,194,204,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460307,,Do private coffee standards 'walk the talk' in improving socio-economic and environmental sustainability?,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460308,,Nurturing agroforestry systems in Flanders: Analysis from an agricultural innovation systems perspective,VABB-1,205,219,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460310,,Investing in land to change your risk exposure? Land transactions and inequality in a landslide prone region,VABB-1,437,452,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460311,,Landslide risk management in Uganda: A multi-level policy approach,VABB-5,395,403,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460313,,Do Tourists' Preferences Match the Host Community's Initiatives? A Study of Sustainable Tourism in One of Africa's Oldest Conservation Areas,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460314,,Changing gender roles in agriculture? Evidence from 20 years of data in Ghana,VABB-1,691,710,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460320,,Walk the Talk: Private Sustainability Standards in the Ugandan Coffee Sector,VABB-1,1792,1818,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460321,,Scenario Development and Foresight Analysis: Exploring Options to Inform Choices,VABB-1,545,570,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460323,,Disaster risk reduction among households exposed to landslide hazard: A crucial role for self-efficacy?,VABB-1,77,91,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460324,,"Rice Production under Different Weed Management Technologies Adopted by Rice Farmers in Katsina State, Nigeria",VABB-1,149,152,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460325,,The Role of Fairtrade Certification for Wages and Job Satisfaction of Plantation Workers,VABB-1,195,212,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460326,,Overyielding in young tree plantations is driven by local complementarity and selection effects related to shade tolerance,VABB-1,1096,1105,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460327,,A sociopsychological analysis of agroforestry adoption in Flanders: understanding the discrepancy between conceptual opportunities and actual implementation,VABB-1,1008,1036,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460328,,Emerging ecosystem services governance issues in the Belgium ecosystem services community of practice,VABB-1,212,219,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460332,,Impact of traditional soil burning (guie) on Planosol properties and land-use intensification in south-western Ethiopia,VABB-1,330,336,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460333,,Tree diversity mitigates defoliation after a drought-induced tipping point,VABB-1,4304,4315,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460334,,Do Looks Matter? A Case Study on Extensive Green Roofs Using Discrete Choice Experiments,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460338,,Plasticity of tree architecture through interspecific and intraspecific competition in a young experimental plantation,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460342,,Integrating Ecosystem Services values for sustainability? Evidence from the Belgium Ecosystem Services community of practice,VABB-1,68,76,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460345,,Impacts of selected Ecological Focus Area options in European farmed landscapes on climate regulation and pollination services: A systematic map protocol,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460347,,Questioning network governance for disaster risk management: Lessons learnt from landslide risk management in Uganda,VABB-1,163,171,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460348,,EFO-LCI: A New Life Cycle Inventory Database of Forestry Operations in Europe,VABB-1,1031,1047,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460349,,Smallholders’ Preferences for Improved Quinoa Varieties in the Peruvian Andes,VABB-1,3735,3735,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460350,,Local neighbourhood effects on sapling growth in a young experimental forest,VABB-1,424,443,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460351,,A new valuation school: Integrating diverse values of nature in resource and land use decisions,VABB-1,213,220,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460355,,Redesigning oilseed tree biofuel systems in India,VABB-1,631,643,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460356,,Participatory identification and selection of ecosystem services: building on field experiences,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460357,,Subsurface insert irrigation is more efficient for soil moisture conservation in olive groves,VABB-5,307,310,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460358,,The means determine the end - Pursuing integrated valuation in practice,VABB-1,515,528,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460359,,Life cycle cost assessment of insect based feed production in West Africa,VABB-1,792,806,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460361,,Biodiversity as insurance for sapling survival in experimental plantations,VABB-1,1777,1786,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460363,,Economic Arguments Rent Theory and Property Rights Theory,VABB-4,46,62,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460364,,Caught in transit: offshore interception of seafaring propagules from seven mangrove species,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460365,,"Sustained high magnitude erosional forcing generates an organic carbon sink: Test and implications in the Loess Plateau, China",VABB-1,281,289,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460366,,"Seasonal and inter-annual variations in carbon fluxes in a tropical river system (Tana River, Kenya)",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460368,,Hidden founders? Strong bottlenecks and fine-scale genetic structure in mangrove populations of the Cameroon Estuary complex,VABB-1,189,207,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460369,,Claude Kaspar: a life devoted to tourism and transport - moving theory into practice,VABB-1,493,500,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460370,,Financial Crises and Real Estate,VABB-4,183,214,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460371,,Beyond housing: on the role of commoning in the establishment of a Community Land Trust project,VABB-1,503,521,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460374,,"Involvement, knowledge, and perception in a natural reserve under participatory management: Mida Creek, Kenya",VABB-1,28,36,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460375,,Airbnb as an instigator of ‘tourism bubble’ expansion in Utrecht's Lombok neighbourhood,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460377,,"Market segmentation and their potential economic impacts in an ecotourism destination: An applied modelling study on Hokkaido, Japan",VABB-5,793,808,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460378,,Studying the Cognitive Map of the US States: Ideology and Prosperity Stereotypes Predict Interstate Prejudice,VABB-1,530,538,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460380,,The dialectic between deciduous and coniferous forests in central Iberia: A palaeoenvironmental perspective during the late Holocene in the Gredos range,VABB-1,148,165,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460382,,Benchmarking in tourism research,VABB-4,306,316,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460384,,"Introduction to culture, sustainabililty and the environmental realm",VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460386,,Emergent conservation conflicts in the Galapagos Islands: Human-giant tortoise interactions in the rural area of Santa Cruz Island.,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460390,,A non-linear Granger-causality framework to investigate climate-vegetation dynamics,VABB-1,1945,1960,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460392,,Sky View Factor footprints for urban climate modeling,VABB-1,120,134,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460393,,Dating lava flows of tropical volcanoes by means of spatial modeling of vegetation recovery,VABB-1,840,856,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460394,,Use of earth observation for monitoring soil sealing trends in Flanders and Brussels between 1976 and 2013,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460397,,Annual impact of wind-farm gravity waves on the Belgian-Dutch offshore wind-farm cluster,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460398,,Global hydro-climatic biomes identified via multitask learning,VABB-1,4139,4153,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460399,,Towards an unknown fate: The floating behaviour of recently abscised propagules from wide ranging Rhizophoraceae mangrove species,VABB-1,23,33,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460400,,A non-linear data-driven approach to reveal global vegetation sensitivity to climate,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460402,,Mangrove forest restoration and rehabilitation,VABB-4,301,345,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460405,,Un monde plus juste et durable est possible... comment pouvons-nous le créer ?,VABB-1,,,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:460406,,The City: London and the Global Power of Finance,VABB-1,208,212,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460407,,Could ecosystem management provide a new framework for Alzheimer's disease?,VABB-1,65,74,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460409,,Evaluating TMPA Rainfall over the Sparsely Gauged East African Rift,VABB-1,1507,1528,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460410,,Finding patterns in urban tourist behaviour: a social network analysis approach based on TripAdvisor reviews,VABB-1,153,180,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460411,,Influence of neighbourhood information on 'Local Climate Zone' mapping in heterogeneous cities,VABB-1,102,113,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460414,,"Preliminary observations on the circadian variation in site fidelity in Atelopus hoogmoedi (Lescure, 1974) (Anura, Bufonidae)",VABB-1,45,50,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:460415,,URBAN LAND RENT SINGAPORE AS A PROPERTY STATE Preface,VABB-4,21,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460416,,Singapore as a Case and Comparison Introduction,VABB-4,1,25,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460420,,"Factors influencing people's knowledge, attitude, and practice in land use dynamics: A case study in Ca Mau province in the Mekong delta, Vietnam",VABB-1,227,238,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460421,,Impact of landscape structure on propagule dispersal in mangrove forests,VABB-1,95,106,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460423,,"Mapping discourses using Q methodology in Matang Mangrove Forest, Malaysia",VABB-1,988,997,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460425,,Speed control with and without advanced warning sign on the field: An analysis of the effect on driving speed,VABB-1,23,32,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460432,,Assessing Expanding Space Use versus Infill for Economic Activities,VABB-5,87,99,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460433,,Relation between convective rainfall properties and antecedent soil moisture heterogeneity conditions in North Africa,VABB-1,969,992,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460435,,1st Snow Data Assimilation Workshop in the framework of COST HarmoSnow ESSEM 1404,VABB-1,325,333,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460436,,First World War Battlefield Tourism: Journeys Out of the Dark and into the Light,VABB-4,443,467,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460437,,Hydraulic conductivity and xylem structure of partially buried mangrove tree species,VABB-1,141,154,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460439,,Interaction between Water and Wind as a Driver of Passive Dispersal in Mangroves,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460440,,Ideologies of Land,VABB-4,26,45,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460441,,"Social tourism: research advances, but stasis in policy. Bridging the divide",VABB-1,181,188,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460443,,Ash fall impact on vegetation: A remote sensing approach of the Oldoinyo Lengai 2007-08 eruption,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460444,,Ge/Si ratios point to increased contribution from deeper mineral weathering to streams after forest conversion to cropland,VABB-1,24,34,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460445,,The effect of wind turbines alongside motorways on drivers' behaviour,VABB-1,477,494,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460446,,Morphometry of terrestrial shield volcanoes,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460448,,Wetland Suitability and Connectivity for Trans-Saharan Migratory Waterbirds,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460449,,The Spread and Distribution of Catholicism Beyond the Great Wall (1860s-1940s): Based on an Analysis of GIS,VABB-4,309,331,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460450,,Impact of tourism development on the local livelihoods and land cover change in the Northern Vietnamese highlands,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460452,,Evaluation of an urban land surface scheme over a tropical suburban neighborhood,VABB-1,867,886,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460453,,Preface,VABB-4,8,14,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460456,,Short term policies to keep the door open for Paris climate goals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460458,,Utilitarian framings of biodiversity shape environmental impact assessment in development cooperation,VABB-1,91,102,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460460,,What regulates crab predation on mangrove propagules?,VABB-1,63,70,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460461,,Analyzing Granger Causality in Climate Data with Time Series Classification Methods,VABB-5,15,26,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460463,,Gullies and Closed Depressions in the Loess Belt: Scars of Human– Environment Interactions,VABB-4,253,267,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460464,,Changes in mangrove vegetation area and character in a war and land use change affected region of Vietnam (Mui Ca Mau) over six decades,VABB-1,71,81,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460465,,Knowledge-based representations applied to built cultural heritage,VABB-5,93,100,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460466,,Are Peri-Urban Mangroves Vulnerable? An Assessment Through Litter Fall Studies,VABB-4,39,51,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460467,,Tourist Research Centre (TRC): short history,VABB-1,320,324,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460468,,Grabbing Land for Equitable Development? Reengineering Land Dispossession through Securitizing Land Development Rights in Chongqing,VABB-1,1120,1140,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460469,,How does the ice sheet surface mass balance relate to snowfall? Insights from a ground-based precipitation radar in East Antarctica,VABB-1,1983,2003,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460470,,Estimating the effect of rainfall on the surface temperature of a tropical lake,VABB-1,6357,6369,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460472,,"Water balance variability in the confined Aba'ala limestone graben at the western margin of the Danakil depression, northern Ethiopia",VABB-1,957,977,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460473,,A data-based landslide susceptibility map of Africa,VABB-1,102,121,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460475,,Changes in land use/cover mapped over 80 years in the Highlands of Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,1538,1563,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460477,,Assessing Discrepancies between Official Economic Statistics and Land Use through a Field Inventory System,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460479,,Have mangrove restoration projects worked? An in-depth study in Sri Lanka,VABB-1,705,716,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460480,,The initiative as a foundation for climate services in Belgium,VABB-1,49,61,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460483,,Landscape cultivation alters delta Si-30 signature in terrestrial ecosystems,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460488,,Reconstructing past arboreal cover based on modern and fossil pollen data: A statistical approach for the Gredos Range (Central Spain),VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460489,,"Editorial: Hazards and disasters: Learning, teaching, communication and knowledge exchange",VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460490,,Merging and expanding existing ontologies to cover the Built Cultural Heritage domain,VABB-1,162,178,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460491,,"The potential of local climate zones maps as a heat stress assessment tool, supported by simulated air temperature data",VABB-1,183,197,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460493,,Equilibrium State of the Greenland Ice Sheet in the Earth System Model,VABB-1,63,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460495,,"Slum dwellers’ perceptions of tourism in dharavi, Mumbai",VABB-4,112,126,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460498,,Numerical modelling of landscape and sediment flux response to precipitation rate change,VABB-1,77,99,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460500,,Moderate topsoil erosion rates constrain the magnitude of the erosion-induced carbon sink and agricultural productivity losses on the Chinese Loess Plateau,VABB-1,4735,4750,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460501,,Effects of vegetation buffer strips on concentrated flow hydraulics and gully bed erosion based on in situ scouring experiments,VABB-1,1672,1682,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460502,,Erosion and lateral surface processes,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460503,,Bootstrapping DEA Scores for Road Safety Strategic Analysis in Brazil,VABB-1,29,38,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460504,,"Assessing performance of the RSTVOLC multi-temporal algorithm in detecting subtle hot spots at Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania, Africa) for comparison with MODLEN",VABB-1,1177,1193,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460505,,Gully and soil and water conservation structure densities in semi-arid northern Ethiopia over the last 80years,VABB-1,1848,1859,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460508,,Landslide inventory for hazard assessment in a data-poor context: a regional-scale approach in a tropical African environment,VABB-1,2195,2209,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460509,,Modelling Farm Growth and Its Impact on Agricultural Land Use: A Country Scale Application of an Agent-Based Model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460510,,"Inter- and intraspecific variation in mangrove carbon fraction and wood specific gravity in Gazi Bay, Kenya",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460512,,Comparing Regional Patterns of Individual Movement Using Corrected Mobility Entropy,VABB-1,27,61,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460514,,A New Weighting Approach Based on Rough Set Theory and Granular Computing for Road Safety Indicator Analysis,VABB-1,517,534,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460516,,Check dams and afforestation reducing sediment mobilization in active gully systems in the Andean mountains,VABB-1,42,53,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460517,,Forest cover loss and recovery in an East African remnant forest area: Understanding its context and drivers for conservation and sustainable ecosystem service provision,VABB-1,133,142,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460519,,Developing a sustainable urban mobility index: Methodological steps,VABB-4,698,715,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460521,,"Statistical modelling of the surface mass-balance variability of the Morteratsch glacier, Switzerland: strong control of early melting season meteorological conditions",VABB-1,275,288,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460522,,Gully head modelling: A Mediterranean badland case study,VABB-1,2547,2561,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460525,,The cooling effect of irrigation on urban microclimate during heatwave conditions,VABB-1,309,329,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460527,,Field-based landslide susceptibility assessment in a data-scarce environment: the populated areas of the Rwenzori Mountains,VABB-1,105,124,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460530,,The Delphi technique in ecology and biological conservation: applications and guidelines,VABB-1,1097,1109,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:460532,,REGULATED DEREGULATION,VABB-4,563,573,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460533,,"Neoliberalisation from the Ground Up: Insurgent Capital, Regional Struggle, and the Assetisation of Land",VABB-1,1077,1097,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460536,,"A call to action: strong long-term limnological changes in the two largest Ethiopian Rift Valley lakes, Abaya and Chamo",VABB-1,129,137,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460537,,The role of history and identity discourses in cross-border tourism destination development: A Vogtland case study,VABB-1,204,213,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:460538,,Tourism as a strategic option for development of less developed regions,VABB-4,95,113,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460539,,"'Pablo Escobar Tourism' - Unwanted Tourism: Attitudes of Tourism Stakeholders in Medellin, Colombia",VABB-4,291,318,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460540,,"WUDAPT An Urban Weather, Climate, and Environmental Modeling Infrastructure for the Anthropocene",VABB-1,1907,1928,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460542,,The Role of Commoning and Mutually Shaped Citizenship in Developing Bottom-Linked Governance. The Projects Living Street and Future Street in Belgium,VABB-1,51,70,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460544,,Identifying the most significant indicators of the total road safety performance index,VABB-1,263,278,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460547,,Privatised Keynesianism and the state-enhanced diversification of credit: the case of the French housing market,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460550,,Modelling the water balance of Lake Victoria (East Africa) - Part 1: Observational analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460551,,"The Land, Urban and Rent Question Conclusion",VABB-4,215,226,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460552,,Governing Liveable Cities: A Question of Agency? Public Housing and Neighbourhood Communities in the City of Bologna,VABB-5,256,262,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460553,,"Land grabbing within a protected area: the experience of local communities with conservation and forestry activities in Los Esteros del Iberá, Argentina",VABB-1,572,582,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460555,,Exploring coastal development scenarios for Zanzibar: A local microcosm-inspired Delphi survey,VABB-1,83,92,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460561,,Analogue modelling of volcano flank terrace formation on Mars,VABB-4,185,202,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460562,,Land Institutions and Housing,VABB-4,86,119,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460563,,Property Tycoons and Speculation,VABB-4,120,157,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:460564,,Asset-based welfare in Brazil,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460567,,Contemporary interpretation of the meaning and heritage of early 20th century private gardens: From an historical reflection to a future outlook in planning,VABB-1,210,219,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460568,,Mapping population distribution from high resolution remotely sensed imagery in a data poor setting,VABB-1,1409,1427,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460569,,Which patient and doctor behaviours make a medical consultation more effective from a patient point of view. Results from a European multicentre study in 31 countries,VABB-1,1795,1803,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460571,,"Island-wide coastal vulnerability assessment of Sri Lanka reveals that sand dunes, planted trees and natural vegetation may play a role as potential barriers against ocean surges",VABB-1,144,157,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460572,,Social tourism and health,VABB-4,103,112,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460573,,What can culture in and for sustainable development learn from protected areas?,VABB-4,49,65,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460574,,The Financialisation of Housing 2.0: Releasing Housing into the Privatised Mainstream of Capital Accumulation,VABB-1,1098,1119,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460575,,The effects of salinity on growth and survival of mangrove seedlings changes with age,VABB-1,37,46,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460578,,Meaningful intercultural contact: how different places pave the way for learning to live together in diversity,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460579,,Mangroves - Captured By The Keen Eye Of A 17th Century Landscape Painter,VABB-1,247,263,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460582,,"'Absolutely not smelly': The political ecology of disengaged slum tours in Mumbai, India",VABB-4,270,283,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460583,,Beyond the joint-venture: knowledge sourcing in Chinese automotive events,VABB-1,389,407,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460586,,Sharing is (s)caring? Interactions between buses and bicyclists on bus lanes shared with bicyclists,VABB-1,301,315,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460588,,The advantages of using drones over space-borne imagery in the mapping of mangrove forests,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460589,,Design and results of the ice sheet model initialisation initMIP-Greenland: an ISMIP6 intercomparison,VABB-1,1433,1460,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460590,,Innovazione sociale: una scintilla per innescare processi trasformativi. Sociologia e Politiche Sociali,VABB-1,11,49,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:460591,,Belgium,VABB-4,77,91,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460594,,Subsurface erosion by soil piping: significance and research needs,VABB-1,1107,1128,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460596,,Contextual Effects on Crowding Perception: An Analysis of Antwerp and Amsterdam,VABB-1,402,419,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460598,,Spatiotemporal Analysis of the Controlling Factors of Forest Covers Change in they Romanian Carpathian Mountains,VABB-1,338,350,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460600,,Discovering or intruding? guided tours in the ethnic district matonge in brussels,VABB-4,41,59,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460601,,Mangroves at Their Limits: Detection and Area Estimation of Mangroves along the Sahara Desert Coast,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460604,,Multi-temporal dinsar to characterise landslide ground deformations in a tropical urban environment: Focus on Bukavu (DR Congo),VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460606,,Assessment of long-term Holocene soil erosion rates in Polish loess areas using sedimentary archives from closed depressions,VABB-1,978,1000,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460607,,Evidence of anthropogenic tipping points in fluvial dynamics in Europe,VABB-1,27,38,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460608,,Dispersal limitation of the mangrove Avicennia marina at its South African range limit in strong contrast to connectivity in its core East African region,VABB-1,123,134,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460611,,"Cultural sustainability and the nature-culture interface. Livelihoods, policies and methodologies",VABB-3,,,2,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460612,,MULTI-TEMPORAL INSAR MONITORING OF THE ASWAN HIGH DAM (EGYPT),VABB-5,2220,2223,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460613,,Wide Ranging Insect Infestation of the Pioneer Mangrove Sonneratia alba by Two Insect Species along the Kenyan Coast,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460614,,The fourth regime of open space,VABB-1,2143,2143,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460615,,"Megacity-Induced Mesoclimatic Effects in the Lower Atmosphere: A Modeling Study for Multiple Summers over Moscow, Russia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460617,,Inter-national benchmarking of road safety: State of the art,VABB-1,37,50,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460618,,Generalizing machine learning regression models using multi-site spectral libraries for mapping vegetation-impervious-soil fractions across multiple cities,VABB-1,482,496,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460620,,Evaluation of the CloudSat surface snowfall product over Antarctica using ground-based precipitation radars,VABB-1,3775,3789,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460621,,A constraint upon the basal water distribution and thermal state of the Greenland Ice Sheet from radar bed echoes,VABB-1,2831,2854,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460622,,Contrasting Effects of Historical Sea Level Rise and Contemporary Ocean Currents on Regional Gene Flow of Rhizophora racemosa in Eastern Atlantic Mangroves,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460625,,The microscale cooling effects of water sensitive urban design and irrigation in a suburban environment,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460626,,De politiek van buy-to-let,VABB-1,288,298,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460627,,Local tourism value chain linkages as pro-poor tools for regional development in western Uganda,VABB-1,1470,3637,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460628,,Spaces of openness: Urban citizenship and cultural infrastructures of common life in Istanbul,VABB-1,801,819,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460630,,Traffic fatality indicators in Brazil: State diagnosis based on data envelopment analysis research,VABB-1,61,73,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460631,,"Viviparous mangrove propagules of Ceriops tagal and Rhizophora mucronata, where both Rhizophoraceae show different dispersal and establishment strategies",VABB-1,45,54,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460634,,Drivers' behavioral responses to combined speed and red light cameras,VABB-1,153,166,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460635,,Spatial variability of soil water content and soil electrical conductivity across scales derived from Electromagnetic Induction and Time Domain Reflectometry,VABB-1,160,174,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460638,,Soil Conservation in Europe: Wish or Reality?,VABB-1,1547,1551,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460640,,"Analyzing the Social Lead-Up to a Human-Induced Disaster: The Gas Extraction-Earthquake Nexus in Groningen, The Netherlands",VABB-1,3621,3621,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460642,,Does Sea Surface Temperature contribute to determining range limits and expansion of mangroves in Eastern South America (Brazil)?,VABB-1,1787,1798,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460643,,Factors controlling Si export from soils: A soil column approach,VABB-1,85,96,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460644,,Tracking spatial variation in river load from Andean highlands to inter-Andean valleys,VABB-1,175,189,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460645,,Bidirectional gene flow on a mangrove river landscape and between-catchment dispersal of Rhizophora racemosa (Rhizophoraceae),VABB-1,93,108,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460649,,The possible impact of the circumglobal wave train on the wet season dust storm activity over the northern Arabian Peninsula,VABB-1,2257,2268,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460652,,The holiday-related predictors of wellbeing in seniors,VABB-1,221,240,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460653,,An Evaluation of the Plant Density Estimator the Point-Centred Quarter Method (PCQM) Using Monte Carlo Simulation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460656,,Landslides in Belgium—Two Case Studies in the Flemish Ardennes and the Pays de Herve,VABB-4,335,355,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460657,,Vegetation cover and topography rather than human disturbance control gully density and sediment production on the Chinese Loess Plateau,VABB-1,92,105,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460659,,"Energy Transition in the Nebular City: Connecting Transition Thinking, Metabolism Studies, and Urban Design",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460662,,Hazagora: will you survive the next disaster? - A serious game to raise awareness about geohazards and disaster risk reduction,VABB-1,135,147,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460663,,Serious Injuries: An Additional Indicator to Fatalities for Road Safety Benchmarking,VABB-1,246,253,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460664,,Diversification of a Real Estate Portfolio The World is Singapore's Hinterland,VABB-4,158,182,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460665,,Seasonal release of propagules in mangroves - Assessment of current data,VABB-1,92,99,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460667,,"Forensic assessment of the 1999 Mount Cameroon eruption, West-Central Africa",VABB-1,13,30,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460668,,Long-term organic carbon sequestration in tidal marsh sediments is dominated by old-aged allochthonous inputs in a macro-tidal estuary,VABB-1,2498,2512,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460670,,Determinants for tourist destinations' international markets access: The case of Southern Ecuador and Germany,VABB-1,282,301,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460672,,Distribution of tourists within urban heritage destinations: a hot spot/cold spot analysis of TripAdvisor data as support for destination management,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460673,,The rights to tourism: Reflections on social tourism and human rights,VABB-1,194,204,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460676,,Amorphous silica mobilization by inter-rill erosion: insights from rainfall experiments,VABB-1,1171,1181,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460677,,How are anatomical and hydraulic features of the mangroves Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronata influenced by siltation?,VABB-1,35,45,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460678,,Exploring the effects of seismicity on landslides and catchment sediment yield: An Italian case study,VABB-1,171,183,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460679,,Impacts of forest conversion and agriculture practices on water pathways in Southern Brazil,VABB-1,2304,2317,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460680,,Beyond the urban mask,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460681,,The pre-histories of neoliberal housing policies in Italy and Spain and their reification in times of crisis,VABB-1,135,151,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460682,,Silicon pools in human impacted soils of temperate zones,VABB-1,1439,1450,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460683,,Human-induced erosion has offset one-third of carbon emissions from land cover change,VABB-1,345,+,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460684,,Root reinforcement to soils provided by common Ethiopian highland plants for gully erosion control,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460685,,Exploring conservation discourses in the Galapagos Islands: A case study of the Galapagos giant tortoises,VABB-1,706,724,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460687,,Land Reforms Practical Solutions and Politics of Land,VABB-4,63,85,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460688,,An interdisciplinary framework to evaluate bioshield plantations: Insights from peninsular India,VABB-1,91,100,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460691,,Thermal evaluation of the Local Climate Zone scheme in Belgium,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460692,,Long-term influence of sod cutting depth on the restoration of degraded wet heaths,VABB-1,191,200,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460693,,Predicting the long-term fate of buried organic carbon in colluvial soils,VABB-1,65,79,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460694,,Rhizophoraceae Mangrove Saplings Use Hypocotyl and Leaf Water Storage Capacity to Cope with Soil Water Salinity Changes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460696,,OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES OF URBAN AGRICULTURE FOR SUSTAINABLE CITY DEVELOPMENT,VABB-1,5,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460698,,COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY AND LIGHT MICROSCOPY: COMBINING VISUALISATION TECHNIQUES IN THE STUDY OF MANGROVE SEEDLING DEVELOPMENT,VABB-1,28,+,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460699,,Olivier Baron Vanneste: tourism research in function of economic development,VABB-1,488,493,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:460704,,Should future wind speed changes be taken into account in wind farm development?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460706,,Financial geography I: Geographies of tax,VABB-1,916,927,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460707,,Ethnic and minority cultures as tourist attractions,VABB-2,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460709,,A new approach for assessing synergies of solar and wind power: implications for West Africa,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460710,,Academic capacity building: holding up a mirror,VABB-1,1277,1280,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460711,,"DOCUMENTATION FOR EMERGENCY CONDITION MAPPING OF DECORATED HISTORIC SURFACES AT THE CAID RESIDENCE, THE KASBAH OF TAOURIRT (OUARZAZATE, MOROCCO)",VABB-5,229,234,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460712,,TOWARDS A VIRTUAL HUB APPROACH FOR LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT AND MULTIMEDIA ECOMUSEUM USING MULTITEMPORAL-MAPS,VABB-5,49,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460713,,A metadata based approach for analyzing UAV datasets for photogrammetric applications,VABB-5,297,302,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460714,,From field work to deliverables. Experiences on the tin house courtyard documentation,VABB-5,77,81,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460715,,Harnessing digital workflows for conserving historic places,VABB-5,9,14,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460716,,"INTEGRATED DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE ARCHITECTURAL REHABILITATION & CONSERVATION OF BEINN BHREAGH HALL & SURROUNDING SITE, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA",VABB-5,235,241,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460717,,BUILT HERITAGE DOCUMENTATION and MANAGEMENT: AN INTEGRATED CONSERVATION APPROACH in BAGAN,VABB-5,143,150,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460718,,"DOCUMENTING MODERN MEXICAN ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE FOR POSTERITY: BARRAGAN'S CASA CRISTO, IN GUADALAJARA, MEXICO",VABB-5,199,206,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460719,,DIGITAL RECORDING and NON-DESTRUCTIVE TECHNIQUES for the UNDERSTANDING of STRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE for REHABILITATING HISTORIC STRUCTURES at the KATHMANDU VALLEY after GORKHA EARTHQUAKE 2015,VABB-5,243,250,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:460721,,DIGITAL TOOLS FOR DOCUMENTING AND CONSERVING BAHRAIN'S BUILT HERITAGE FOR POSTERITY,VABB-5,513,519,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460722,,Interpretation of sensor-based 3d documentation,VABB-5,119,135,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460723,,UAV PHOTGRAMMETRIC WORKFLOWS: A BEST PRACTICE GUIDELINE,VABB-5,237,244,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:460724,,DIGITAL WORKFLOW FOR THE CONSERVATION OF BAHRAIN BUILT HERITAGE: THE SHEIK ISA BIN ALI HOUSE,VABB-5,65,70,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460727,,Production of thin shell clavicle implants through Single Point Incremental Forming,VABB-5,174,179,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460728,,Practical Macroscopic Evaluation and Comparison of Railway Timetables,VABB-5,625,633,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460729,,Tool path generation for single point incremental forming using intelligent sequencing and multi-step mesh morphing techniques,VABB-1,517,532,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460731,,Into the development of a model to assess beam shaping and polarization control effects on laser cutting,VABB-1,1,1,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460732,,Demanufacturing photovoltaic panels: Comparison of end-of-life treatment strategies for improved resource recovery,VABB-1,29,32,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460733,,Reducing Workpieces to Their Base Geometry for Multi-Step Incremental Forming Using Manifold Harmonics,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460734,,A global optimization heuristic for the decomposed static anticipatory network traffic control problem,VABB-5,648,655,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460736,,Yielding behavior and traffic conflicts at cyclist crossing facilities on channelized right-turn lanes,VABB-1,272,281,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460740,,Systematic assessment of local & global signal control policies. A methodological perspective,VABB-5,156,163,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460743,,Cryogenic manufacturing processes,VABB-1,713,736,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460744,,Considering a dynamic impact zone for real-time railway traffic management,VABB-1,39,59,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460746,,Product and organism aspects for scalable systematic biologically-inspired design,VABB-5,784,791,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460748,,A Population Simulator and Disaggregate Transport Demand Models for Flanders,VABB-5,168,180,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460753,,Priority rule signalization under two visibility conditions: Driving simulator study on speed and lateral position,VABB-1,156,166,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460754,,Flexibility in metal forming,VABB-1,743,765,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460755,,Redeveloping the Strategic Flemish Freight Transport Model,VABB-5,3,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460756,,Discovering Regularity in Mobility Patterns to Identify Predictable Aggregate Supply for Ridesharing,VABB-1,213,223,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460758,,Non-rigid registration: a powerful morphing tool in SPIF process planning,VABB-5,155,160,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460765,,Taking Evolution into Account in a Parametric LCA Model for PV Panels,VABB-5,389,394,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460768,,Comparative Study of End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling in Australia and Belgium,VABB-5,269,274,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460771,,Towards automatic and accurate lead user identification,VABB-5,509,513,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460772,,A multi-objective optimization problem for multi-state series-parallel systems: A two-stage flow-shop manufacturing system,VABB-1,62,74,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460774,,Optimal laser beam configurations for laser cutting of metal sheets,VABB-5,714,718,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460775,,Analyzing the correlation between commuting satisfaction and travelling utility,VABB-5,2643,2652,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460778,,Laser Cutting with Direct Diode Lasers,VABB-5,551,558,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460780,,Evaluating the performance of a genetic algorithm to solve the line planning problem for a bus service,VABB-1,159,170,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460781,,An integrated perspective on Traffic Management and Logistic Optimization,VABB-5,2166,2171,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460782,,Opportunities in laser cutting with direct diode laser configurations,VABB-1,245,248,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460783,,A risk-based maintenance approach for critical care medical devices: a case study application for a large hospital in a developing country,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460785,,Assessing the effect of route information on network observability applied to sensor location problems,VABB-5,3,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460786,,Improving Cluster-based Methods for Usage Anticipation by the Application of Data Transformations,VABB-5,166,172,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460787,,Application of a Rule-Based Approach in Real-Time Crash Risk Prediction Model Development Using Loop Detector Data,VABB-1,786,791,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460788,,An ECMS-based powertrain control of a parallel hybrid electric forklift,VABB-5,763,770,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460790,,Optimization of supplements and buffer times in passenger robust timetabling,VABB-1,171,186,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460792,,Characteristics and Profiles of Moped Crashes in Urban Areas: An In-Depth Study,VABB-1,85,95,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460793,,Modelling public bus/minibus transport accident severity in Ghana,VABB-1,114,121,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460794,,Single Point Incremental Forming of Shape Memory Polymer Foam,VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460797,,Effect evaluation of a road safety education program based on victim testimonials in high schools in Belgium,VABB-1,18,27,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460799,,Generating flat patterns for folded structures: Search space reduction,VABB-1,97,110,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460803,,Single point incremental forming: state-of-the-art and prospects,VABB-1,743,773,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460804,,Pressure-sensitive fasteners for active disassembly,VABB-1,1519,1529,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:460805,,A linear programming approach to optimise the management of water in dammed river systems for meeting demands and preventing floods,VABB-1,713,722,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460807,,Combining Occupancy User Profiles in a Multi-user Environment: An Academic Office Case Study,VABB-5,186,189,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460810,,Exploring sensitivity-based clustering of OD variables in dynamic demand calibration,VABB-5,345,350,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460811,,An integrated approach to apdative anticipatory traffic control and parameter estimation,VABB-5,148,155,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460814,,Solid state recycling of aluminium alloys via a porthole die hot extrusion process: Scaling up to production,VABB-5,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460817,,"SERVQUAL analysis of public bus transport services in Kumasi metropolis, Ghana: Core user perspectives",VABB-1,25,31,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460818,,A New Stochastic Mesomodel for Optimizing Multi-Modal Signal Settings for Networks,VABB-5,1690,1695,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460820,,In search of the severity dimension of traffic events: Extended Delta-V as a traffic conflict indicator,VABB-1,46,56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460821,,Identifying Crash Patterns on Roundabouts,VABB-1,202,207,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460822,,An integrated approach for configuration optimization in a CBM system by considering fatigue effects,VABB-1,1881,1893,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460825,,Maintenance optimization: Application of remanufacturing and repair strategies,VABB-5,899,904,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460826,,A life cycle energy analysis integrated process planning approach to foster the sustainability of discrete part manufacturing,VABB-1,604,617,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460829,,Socioeconomic and sociodemographic inequalities and their association with road traffic injuries,VABB-1,152,161,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460830,,On characterizing the relationship between route choice behavior and optimal traffic control solution space,VABB-5,700,719,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460832,,Advances in macro-scale laser processing,VABB-1,719,742,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460836,,Joint quality control and preventive maintenance strategy: a unique taguchi approach,VABB-1,123,134,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460838,,A variety metric accounting for unbalanced idea space distributions,VABB-5,175,183,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460839,,Evaluating the Impact of Spare Parts Pooling Strategy on the Maintenance of Unreliable Repairable Systems,VABB-5,989,994,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460840,,Forecasting the recycling potential based on waste analysis: A case study for recycling Nd-Fe-B magnets from hard disk drives,VABB-1,96,108,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460841,,Incremental Forming of Aluminium Alloys in Cryogenic Environment,VABB-5,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460842,,Investigating the mobility habits of electric bike owners through GPS data,VABB-5,327,334,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460844,,Complex deformation routes for direct recycling aluminium alloy scrap via industrial hot extrusion,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460845,,Evaluation of the quality of postconsumer plastics obtained from disassembly-based recycling strategies,VABB-1,485,492,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460846,,Analytical Prediction of Large Radius Bending by Circular Approximation,VABB-1,121010,121010,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460847,,Sustainable aluminium recycling of end-of-life products: A joining techniques perspective,VABB-1,119,132,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460848,,Risk assessment methodologies in maintenance decision making: A review of dependability modelling approaches,VABB-1,64,77,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460849,,A BRANCH-AND-BOUND INTEGRATED SIMULATED ANNEALING ALGORITHM FOR THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE ROUTING PROBLEM WITH TIME WINDOWS,VABB-5,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:460850,,Effects of different polarization strategies on laser cutting with direct diode lasers,VABB-5,302,309,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460851,,Public bus passenger safety evaluations in Ghana: A phenomenological constructivist exploration,VABB-1,339,350,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460853,,An integrated FTA-DFMEA approach for reliability analysis and product configuration considering warranty cost,VABB-1,635,646,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460856,,On the consistency between commuting satisfaction and traveling utility: the case of the University of Luxembourg,VABB-1,248,262,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460859,,Influence of global forced-air warming on the bulge formation in shallow sloped SPIF parts,VABB-5,149,154,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460860,,"A hybrid intelligent algorithm for optimum forecasting of CO2 emission in complex environments: The cases of Brazil, Canada, France, Japan, India, UK and US",VABB-1,237,246,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460864,,Considerations on Assist Gas Jet Optimization in Laser Cutting with Direct Diode Laser,VABB-5,37,44,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460865,,Reducing Logistic Vehicle Kilometers in a City Area based on Network Changes,VABB-5,140,145,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460866,,Supplier selection considering strategic and operational risks: a combined qualitative and quantitative approach,VABB-1,665,673,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460867,,Identifying the causes of human error in maintenance work in developing countries,VABB-1,222,230,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460870,,Groei en verdeling. De Lucas-optie,VABB-1,519,543,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:460871,,"Ethnic bound school choice: Tolerance thresholds motivated by in-group preferences, out-group avoidance and an ethnic proxy for academic quality",VABB-4,125,150,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460872,,"Physical activity and sedentary behavior in Belgium (BNFCS2014): design, methods and expected outcomes",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460875,,The Rwandan agrarian and land sector modernisation: confronting macro performance with lived experiences on the ground,VABB-1,408,431,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460879,,Impact of climate-smart agriculture adoption on the food security of coastal farmers in Bangladesh,VABB-1,1073,1088,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460882,,"Redistributive Politics, Clientelism and Political Patronage under the AKP",VABB-4,71,97,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460886,,Contract farming for improving smallholder incomes: What can we learn from effectiveness studies?,VABB-1,46,64,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460903,,Croissance et répartition. L' option St. Luc. Cours d'adieu,VABB-1,515,540,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:460906,,Regulatory taxes as an instrument to foster sustainability transitions: an exploratory analysis,VABB-4,213,228,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460909,,The gold commodity frontier: A fresh perspective on change and diversity in the global gold mining economy,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460910,,New dynamics in female migration and integration,VABB-3,1,257,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460912,,Syrian Refugees’ Access to Higher Education: A Belgian Initiative,VABB-4,161,174,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460917,,Predicting job satisfaction and workers' intentions to leave at the bottom of the high value agricultural chain: evidence from the Ethiopian cut flower industry,VABB-1,1609,1635,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460920,,Assessing current and future meat and fish consumption in Sub-Sahara Africa: Learnings from FAO Food Balance Sheets and LSMS household survey data,VABB-1,116,126,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460926,,Increasing the quantity of separated post-consumer plastics for reducing combustible household waste: The case of rigid plastics in Flanders,VABB-1,708,716,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460928,,Medicalization of Sleep Problems in an Aging Population: A Longitudinal Cross-National Study of Medication Use for Sleep Problems in Older European Adults,VABB-1,816,838,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460936,,Why Do Dropout Rates Vary (So Much) Across Countries? – A Survey,VABB-4,43,75,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:460937,,Land productivity and plot size: Is measurement error driving the inverse relationship?,VABB-1,84,98,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:460946,,Prikkelbaarheid Bij Kinderen En Adolescenten,VABB-2,,,144 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:460947,,Impact of Palliative Home Care Use on Appropriateness of Care and Costs at the End of Life: A Nationwide Quasi-experimental Retrospective Case-controlled Study,VABB-5,E48,E48,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460949,,Flexible and dynamic modeling of dependencies via copulas,VABB-5,117,146,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460953,,Rules of engagement: Family rules on young children's access to and use of digital technologies,VABB-4,131,145,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460955,,The rapid spread of early farming from the Aegean into the Balkans via the Sub-Mediterranean-Aegean Vegetation Zone,VABB-1,24,41,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460959,,High pressure processing uniformity,VABB-4,253,270,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460960,,"1-Hydroxypyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidin-2(1H)-ones as novel selective HIV integrase inhibitors obtained via privileged substructure-based compound libraries",VABB-1,5779,5789,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460961,,Characterization of a Single Genomic Locus Encoding the Clustered Protocadherin Receptor Diversity in Xenopus tropicalis,VABB-1,2309,18,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460962,,Multiple reuse of the silicon substrate in a porous silicon based layer transfer process,VABB-5,313,316,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460963,,Mussel-inspired modification of ion exchange membrane for monovalent separation,VABB-1,139,150,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460964,,A new mandible-specific landmark reference system for three-dimensional cephalometry using cone-beam computed tomography,VABB-1,563,8,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460965,,Is Autonomic Modulation Different between European and Chinese Astronauts?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460966,,Metabolomics of the effect of 1-MCP and CA during ripening and storage in apples,VABB-5,223,228,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460967,,Charge-assisted ultrafiltration membranes for monovalent ions separation in electrodialysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460968,,Rat model of cholelithiasis with human gallstones implanted in cholestasis-induced virtual gallbladder,VABB-1,154,162,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460969,,The evolution of quality characteristics of mango piece after pasteurization and during shelf life in a mango juice drink,VABB-1,703,712,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460972,,Efficient Fuzzy Extraction of PUF-Induced Secrets: Theory and Applications,VABB-5,412,431,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460973,,TRPV4-stimulation Releases ATP via Pannexin Channels in Human Pulmonary Fibroblasts,VABB-1,87,95,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460974,,Visceral pain perception in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and healthy volunteers is affected by the MRI scanner environment,VABB-1,132,141,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460975,,EV-TRACK: transparent reporting and centralizing knowledge in extracellular vesicle research,VABB-1,228,232,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460976,,Development and characterization of polyethersulfone-based nanofiltration membrane with stability to hydrogen peroxide,VABB-1,462,469,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:460979,,Kant’s Mathematical Sublime and Aesthetic Estimation of Extensive Magnitude,VABB-5,629,653,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:460981,,Interplay between hopping and band transport in high-mobility disordered semiconductors at large carrier concentrations: The case of the amorphous oxide InGaZnO,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460982,,Computation-skip Error Mitigation Scheme for Power Supply Voltage Scaling in Recursive Applications,VABB-1,413,424,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460983,,Metabolic profiling reveals ethylene mediated metabolic changes and a coordinated adaptive mechanism of ‘Jonagold’ apple to low oxygen stress,VABB-1,232,247,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460984,,Oriented Clay Nanotube Membrane Assembled on Microporous Polymeric Substrates,VABB-1,34914,34923,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460985,,"Electrodeposition of germanium-containing precursors for Cu2(Sn,Ge)S3 thin film solar cells",VABB-1,651,659,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460986,,Enzymatic construction of antibacterial ultrathin membranes for dyes removal,VABB-1,56,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:460987,,A Lockdown Technique to Prevent Machine Learning on PUFs for Lightweight Authentication,VABB-1,146,159,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:460988,,Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (Action Plan B3: Area 5),VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460989,,Long-acting recombinant factor IX Fc fusion protein (rFIXFc) for perioperative management of subjects with haemophilia B in the phase 3 B-LONG study,VABB-1,124,34,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460991,,Primary cilium suppression by SREBP1c involves distortion of vesicular trafficking by PLA2G3,VABB-1,2321,2332,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460992,,Elevated salt transport of antimicrobial loose nanofiltration membranes enabled by copper nanoparticles via fast bioinspired deposition,VABB-1,13211,13222,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:460994,,MACVIA-ARIA Sentinel NetworK for allergic rhinitis (MASK-rhinitis): the new generation guideline implementation,VABB-1,1372,92,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460995,,The role of specific PP2A complexes in the dephosphorylation of γ-H2AX,VABB-1,421,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460997,,Final results from the large sunitinib global expanded-access trial in metastatic renal cell carcinoma,VABB-1,12,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:460998,,Flexible AMOLED display with integrated gate driver operating at operation speed compatible to 4k2k,VABB-5,427,443,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:460999,,Treatment of hypertension by increasing impaired endothelial TRPV4-KCa2.3 interaction,VABB-1,1491,1503,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461001,,Surface zwitterionic functionalized graphene oxide for a novel loose nanofiltration membrane,VABB-1,1980,1990,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461004,,Pharmaceutical applications of electrospraying,VABB-1,2601,2620,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461005,,Enhanced CO2/N-2 separation by porous reduced graphene oxide/Pebax mixed matrix membranes,VABB-1,860,868,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461006,,Germline polymorphisms in an enhancer of PSIP1 are associated with progression-free survival in epithelial ovarian cancer,VABB-1,6353,68,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461007,,Fixed-Size Least Squares Support Vector Machines:Scala Implementation for Large Scale Classification,VABB-5,1,5,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461008,,Is oestrogen associated with mandibular condylar resorption? A systematic review,VABB-1,1394,1402,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461009,,"Discovery of novel diarylpyrimidine derivatives as potent HIV-1 NNRTIs targeting the ""NNRTI adjacent"" binding site",VABB-1,334,338,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461010,,"The FRISBEE tool, a software for optimising the trade-off between food quality, energy use, and global warming impact of cold chains",VABB-1,2,12,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461011,,Expanded insecticide catabolic activity gained by a single nucleotide substitution in a bacterial carbamate hydrolase gene,VABB-1,4878,4887,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461012,,Stellar Flares Observed in Long-cadence Data from the Kepler Mission,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461013,,Vedolizumab as Induction and Maintenance Therapy for Crohn's Disease in Patients Naive to or Who Have Failed Tumor Necrosis Factor Antagonist Therapy,VABB-1,97,106,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461014,,Metal-organic frameworks based membranes for liquid separation,VABB-1,7124,7144,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461015,,Fabrication of Polyimide Membrane Incorporated with Functional Graphene Oxide for CO2 Separation: The Effects of GO Surface,VABB-1,6202,6210,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461016,,Reshaping anisotropic gold nanoparticles through oxidative etching: the role of the surfactant and nanoparticle surface curvature,VABB-1,6829,6833,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461017,,Micro-HCCs in rats with liver cirrhosis: paradoxical targeting effects with vascular disrupting agent CA4P,VABB-1,55204,55215,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461018,,Facile Construction of Long-Lasting Antibacterial Membrane by Using an Orientated Halloysite Nanotubes Interlayer,VABB-1,3235,3245,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461019,,Assessing the genetic architecture of epithelial ovarian cancer histological subtypes,VABB-1,741,56,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461020,,Impact of buffer layers on the self-aligned top-gate a-IGZO TFT characteristics,VABB-5,1139,1142,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:461021,,High flux electroneutral loose nanofiltration membranes based on rapid deposition of polydopamine/polyethyleneimine,VABB-1,14847,14857,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461022,,Characterization of an unknown impurity in doxofylline using LC-MS and NMR,VABB-1,31,37,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461023,,Arrays of Pentacene Single Crystals by Stencil Evaporation,VABB-1,4694,4700,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461024,,Carotenoid bioaccessibility and the relation to lipid digestion: A kinetic study,VABB-1,124,134,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461025,,UV-cured polysulfone-based membranes: Effect of co-solvent addition and evaporation process on membrane morphology and SRNF performance,VABB-1,729,737,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461027,,Coalescence of Macroscopic Flux Ropes at the Subsolar Magnetopause: Magnetospheric Multiscale Observations,VABB-1,055101,1,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461028,,Structural basis of transcription inhibition by Fidaxomicin (Lipiarmycin A3),VABB-1,60,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461029,,Quantitative microbiome profiling links gut community variation to microbial load,VABB-1,507,511,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461031,,p53 attenuates AKT signaling by modulating membrane phospholipid composition,VABB-1,21240,21254,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461032,,Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework/Graphene Oxide Hybrid Nanosheets Functionalized Thin Film Nanocomposite Membrane for Enhanced Antimicrobial Performance,VABB-1,25508,25519,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461033,,Low-frequency and common genetic variation in ischemic stroke: The METASTROKE collaboration,VABB-1,1217,26,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461034,,"Targeting the entrance channel of NNIBP: discovery of diarylnicotinamide 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazoles as novel HIV-1 NNRTIs with high potency against wild-type and E138K mutant virus",VABB-1,339,350,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461036,,High pressure activation of the Mrr restriction endonuclease in Escherichia coli involves tetramer dissociation,VABB-1,5323,5332,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461037,,"Pervasive, Dynamic Authentication of Physical Items.",VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:461038,,Development and validation of a liquid chromatographic method for the analysis of squaric acid dibutyl ester and its impurities,VABB-1,165,172,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461039,,Passivation of photonic nanostructures for crystalline silicon solar cells,VABB-1,734,742,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461040,,Maximum-likelihood decoding of device-specific multi-bit symbols for reliable key generation,VABB-5,38,43,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461041,,"KidsBrainIT: A New Multi-centre, Multi-disciplinary, Multi-national Paediatric Brain Monitoring Collaboration",VABB-4,39,45,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461042,,Electrodeposition of bismuth telluride thin films containing silica nanoparticles for thermoelectric applications,VABB-1,554,562,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461044,,"Oxygen vacancies effects in a-IGZO: Formation mechanisms, hysteresis, and negative bias stress effects",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461045,,Dynamics of metabolic adaptation during initiation of controlled atmosphere storage of 'Jonagold' apple: Effects of storage gas concentrations and conditioning,VABB-1,9,20,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461046,,Integrating activated sludge floc size information in MBR fouling modeling,VABB-1,1073,1080,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461047,,Structural basis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transcription and transcription inhibition,VABB-1,169,179,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461048,,SrTiOx for sub-20 nm DRAM technology nodes-Characterization and modeling,VABB-1,126,129,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461049,,EB depth-curing as a facile method to prepare highly stable membranes,VABB-1,55526,55533,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461050,,Medium Frequency Physical Vapor Deposited AI203 and SiO2 as Etch-Stop-Layers for Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide Thin-Film-Transistors,VABB-1,Q38,Q42,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461051,,Fine-grained hardware switching scheme for power reduction in multiplication,VABB-1,1374,1375,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461052,,Study of phase inversion parameters for EB-cured polysulfone-based membranes,VABB-1,110916,110921,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461054,,ARIA 2016: Care pathways implementing emerging technologies for predictive medicine in rhinitis and asthma across the life cycle,VABB-1,47,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461055,,Tight ultrafiltration membranes for enhanced separation of dyes and Na2SO4 during textile wastewater treatment,VABB-1,217,228,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461056,,Kerfless layer-transfer of thin epitaxial silicon foils using novel multiple layer porous silicon stacks with near 100% detachment yield and large minority carrier diffusion lengths,VABB-1,113,123,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461057,,Carotenoid stability and lipid oxidation during storage of low-fat carrot and tomato based systems,VABB-1,470,478,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461058,,Design and rationale for examining neuroimaging genetics in ischemic stroke: The MRI-GENIE study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:461059,,Impact of the Low Temperature Gate Dielectrics on Device Performance and Bias-Stress Stabilities of a IGZO Thin-Film Transistors,VABB-1,N99,N102,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461060,,Enhanced Separation Performance for CO2 Gas of Mixed-Matrix Membranes Incorporated with TiO2/Graphene Oxide: Synergistic Effect of Graphene Oxide and Small TiO2 Particles on Gas Permeability of Membranes,VABB-5,8981,8990,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461061,,A simplified method to account for the effect of human-human interaction on the pedestrian-induced vibrations of footbridges,VABB-5,2907,2912,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461062,,Zwitterionic functionalized layered double hydroxides nanosheets for a novel charged mosaic membrane with high salt permeability,VABB-1,27,37,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461063,,Three-Dimensional Contrasted Visualization of Pancreas in Rats Using Clinical MRI and CT Scanners,VABB-1,379,87,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461064,,Characterization of impurities in sodium cromoglycate drug substance and eye drops using LC-ESI-ion trap MS and LC-ESI-QTOF MS,VABB-1,537,548,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461065,,Weakening effect of nickel catalyst particles on the mechanical strength of the carbon nanotube/carbon fiber junction,VABB-1,589,599,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461066,,Carotenoid transfer to oil during thermal processing of low fat carrot and tomato particle based suspensions,VABB-1,64,73,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461067,,"A Modernist Utopia taken over by the ordinary. The consecutives lives of the Seun Complex in Seoul, South Korea",VABB-1,85,102,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:461068,,A rapid deposition of polydopamine coatings induced by iron (III) chloride/hydrogen peroxide for loose nanofiltration,VABB-1,86,97,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461069,,Conduction mechanism in amorphous InGaZnO thin film transistors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461070,,Carotenoid transfer to oil upon high pressure homogenisation of tomato and carrot based matrices,VABB-1,775,785,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461071,,Everolimus halts hepatic cystogenesis in a rodent model of polycystic-liver-disease,VABB-1,5499,5507,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461072,,Synthesis of directly spinnable carbon nanotube carpets via the oxidative dehydrogenation reaction of C2H2-CO2,VABB-5,6966,6974,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461073,,Genetic variation at 16q24.2 is associated with small vessel stroke,VABB-1,383,394,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461074,,Association of vitamin D levels and risk of ovarian cancer: a Mendelian randomization study,VABB-1,1619,1630,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461075,,Kant's Argument for the Principle of Anticipations of Perception,VABB-1,61,81,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461076,,Metabolic adaptation during intiation of CA storage of 'Jonagold' apples,VABB-5,447,453,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:461077,,"A small mission concept to the Sun-Earth Lagrangian L5 point for innovative solar, heliospheric and space weather science",VABB-1,171,185,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461079,,"Multiancestry genome-wide association study of 520,000 subjects identifies 32 loci associated with stroke and stroke subtypes",VABB-1,524,537,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461081,,Coordinate Descent Algorithm for Ramp Loss Linear Programming Support Vector Machines,VABB-1,887,903,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461082,,Multi-response surface optimization of headspace solid phase microextraction protocol for lychee aroma analysis,VABB-5,593,598,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461083,,Determination of crystal orientation in organic thin films using optical microscopy,VABB-1,100,107,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461084,,Exfoliated MoS2 nanosheets loaded on bipolar exchange membranes interfaces as advanced catalysts for water dissociation,VABB-1,416,424,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461085,,The Renewal and Reform of the Catholic Church's Relationship with the Religious Others: Prospects and Challenges for a Theological Humanistic Turn in Christian-Muslim Dialogue,VABB-1,206,218,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461086,,Further exploring solvent-exposed tolerant regions of allosteric binding pocket for novel HIV-1 NNRTIs discovery,VABB-1,370,375,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461087,,Growth Of Organic Semiconductor Thin Films with Multi-Micron Domain Size and Fabrication of Organic Transistors Using a Stencil Nanosieve,VABB-1,23314,23318,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461088,,Pharmacologic effects of cannabidiol on acute reperfused myocardial infarction in rabbits: evaluated with 3.0T cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and histopathology,VABB-1,354,363,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461090,,Imagined visual representations as multimodal embeddings,VABB-5,4378,4384,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461091,,Construction of graphene oxide based mixed matrix membranes with CO2-philic sieving gas-transport channels through strong - interactions,VABB-1,17854,17860,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461092,,"DETECTION OF SOLAR-LIKE OSCILLATIONS, OBSERVATIONAL CONSTRAINTS, AND STELLAR MODELS FOR theta CYG, THE BRIGHTEST STAR OBSERVED BY THE KEPLER MISSION",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461094,,Cherry-Picking Reliable PUF Bits with Differential Sequence Coding,VABB-1,2065,2076,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461095,,Solar cells from epitaxial foils: an epifoil epiphany,VABB-5,871,880,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461096,,Analysis of frequency dispersion in amorphous In–Ga–Zn–O thin-film transistors,VABB-1,31,36,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:461099,,One step production of darunavir solid dispersion nanoparticles coated with enteric polymers using electrospraying,VABB-1,625,633,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461100,,Validation of cone beam computed tomography-based tooth printing using different three-dimensional printing technologies,VABB-1,307,15,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461102,,De driedimensionale aangezichtsscan in de orthodontie,VABB-4,253,263,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:461103,,Mussel-Inspired Architecture of High-Flux Loose Nanofiltration Membrane Functionalized with Antibacterial Reduced Graphene Oxide-Copper Nanocomposites,VABB-1,28990,29001,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461104,,Systematic Low Leakage Coding for physical unclonable functions,VABB-5,155,166,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:461107,,The effect of human-human interaction on the pedestrian-induced vibrations of footbridges,VABB-5,655,665,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461108,,Low-temperature formation of source-drain contacts in self-aligned amorphous oxide TFTs,VABB-1,111,117,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:461109,,Construction of TiO2@graphene oxide incorporated antifouling nanofiltration membrane with elevated filtration performance,VABB-1,279,288,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461111,,Pat Manson: A multifaceted career devoted to supporting research in the fields of information and education,VABB-1,211,216,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:461113,,2BIC: Taking your adventuring gear to organise pop-up health information literacy sessions.,VABB-1,256,261,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461115,,"Medieval Liège at the Crossroads of Europe: Monastic Society and Culture, 1000–1300",VABB-3,,,XXIII+381 p,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:461116,,Real time aroma reconstruction using odour primaries,VABB-1,561,572,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461118,,Response to targeted therapy in two patients with metastatic melanoma carrying rare BRAF exon 15 mutations: A598_T599insV and V600_K601delinsE,VABB-1,507,510,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461119,,2017: het Collegium Trilingue bij Bijzondere Collecties van KU Leuven Bibliotheken,VABB-1,17,20,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461120,,"Early Eocene environmental development in the northern Peri-Tethys (Aktulagay, Kazakhstan) based on benthic foraminiferal assemblages and stable isotopes (O, C)",VABB-1,59,71,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461122,,Neo-Latin's interplay with other languages,VABB-4,27,40,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:461123,,Accuracy of Tissue and Sonication Fluid Sampling for the Diagnosis of Fracture-Related Infection: A Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal.,VABB-1,173,181,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461124,,"The Edition of Apollodorus' Library by Thomas Gale (Paris, 1675): Between Tradition and Innovation",VABB-4,204,218,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:461127,,The demise of the early Eocene greenhouse - Decoupled deep and surface water cooling in the eastern North Atlantic,VABB-1,130,140,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461128,,Early Eocene deep-sea benthic foraminiferal faunas: Recovery from the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum extinction in a greenhouse world,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461134,,Cras vives: Leuvense oude drukken krijgen een plaats bij de KU Leuven Bibliotheken,VABB-1,332,336,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:461138,,Introduction,VABB-4,10,23,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:461140,,The Middle English Translation of the De falconibus by Albertus Magnus in the Kerdeston cynegetical manuscripts,VABB-5,203,214,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:461166,,On the recurrence coefficients of the generalized little q-Laguerre polynomials,VABB-1,454,465,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461263,,De invloed van Europees recht op het Belgisch ambtenarenrecht na het arrest Strack van het Hof van Justitie,VABB-1,509,523,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:461269,,Performance and efficiency of high-speed rail systems,VABB-5,136,144,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461270,,A dynamic discrete berth allocation problem for container terminals,VABB-5,11,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:461304,,Binden of overbruggen? Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen kunst en sociale cohesie,VABB-1,85,103,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:461316,,How parties' issue emphasis strategies vary across communication channels : the 2009 regional election campaign in Belgium,VABB-1,25,47,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461318,,Does it matter who communicates? The effect of source labels in nuclear pre-crisis communication in televised news,VABB-1,99,112,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461333,,Shakespeare en het Elisabethaanse theater,VABB-4,112,119,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:461338,,"Power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and the effects of source credibility on health risk message complicance",VABB-1,291,298,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461339,,Threefoldness,VABB-1,163,182,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461343,,"Performance-based financing in the health sector in low- and middle-income countries : is there anything whereof it may be said, see, this is new?",VABB-1,51,66,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461348,,Effects of a strategy-focused instructional program on the writing quality of upper elementary students in the Netherlands,VABB-1,58,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461349,,Cortical color and the cognitive sciences,VABB-1,135,150,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461351,,Less is more: 'Fewer assumptions to better understand the Arnhem Mystical Sermons and their context',VABB-1,50,74,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:461353,,Ca(2014). Recente ontwikkelingen op het vlak van gezinshereniging van belgen en Unieburgers: a long and winding road?,VABB-4,3,28,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:461356,,Timed written picture naming in 14 European languages,VABB-1,744,758,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461358,,Of coyotes and caporali : how anti-trafficking discourses of criminality depoliticise mobility and exploitation,VABB-4,511,525,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461369,,The internationalization of production and the politics of compliance in WTO disputes,VABB-1,49,75,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461373,,Stemming the tide : what have European Union countries done to support low-wage workers in an era of downward wage pressures?,VABB-1,18,33,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461374,,The concept of modularity and normalized systems theory in the context of IS outsourcing,VABB-4,5317,5326,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461375,,Gesamtkunstwerk: de ontwikkeling van een idee: Duitse muziekesthetica tussen Verlichting en Romantiek (1750-1850),VABB-2,,,149 p.,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:461376,,Zelfs de samenhang kent zijn grenzen,VABB-1,386,390,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:461380,,Using communication accommodation theory to analyse language-discordant nurse-patient interactions: implications for applied linguistic design,VABB-5,9177,9184,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:461385,,Strengthening networks : a social network intervention among higher education teachers,VABB-1,34,49,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461397,,Full body statistical shape modeling with posture normalization,VABB-5,437,448,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461404,,Parity of participation and the politics of needs interpretation : engagement with Roma migrants in Manchester,VABB-1,359,376,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461405,,"One concept, many interpretations : the medias causal roles in political agenda-setting processes",VABB-1,245,265,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461406,,How mass media attract political elites' attention,VABB-1,153,170,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461408,,Explaining IT governance disclosure through the constructs of IT governance maturity and IT strategic role,VABB-1,368,380,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461410,,The impact of policy on microgrid economics : a review,VABB-1,3111,3119,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461411,,Port hinterland relations : lessons to be learned from a cost-benefit analysis of a large investment project,VABB-4,146,161,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461413,,"The modernist mind extended : Samuel Beckett, his fiction and the extended mind theory",VABB-1,74,87,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:461414,,Die Effekten von aktivierenden Lernumgebungen : Wie Simulationen affektives Lernen fördern,VABB-4,37,51,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:461415,,The importance of transport infrastructure mode,VABB-4,75,80,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461416,,"Brabo 1, Belgium",VABB-4,173,181,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:461419,,How are learning strategies reflected in the eyes? Combining results from self-reports and eye-tracking,VABB-1,118,137,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461422,,Vox pops in the news : the journalists perspective,VABB-1,101,111,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461424,,Domestic institutions and export performance : evidence for Cambodia,VABB-1,389,408,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461430,,Making inference across mobilisation and influence research : comparing top-down and bottom-up mapping of interest systems,VABB-1,43,62,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461431,,Leadership development practice bundles and organizational performance : the mediating role of human capital and social capital,VABB-1,120,129,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461433,,"How effective are reducing plasma afterglows at atmospheric pressure in removing sulphide layers : application on tarnished silver, sterling silver, and copper",VABB-1,32,42,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461440,,A protocol for interagency collaboration and family participation : practitioners perspectives on the client network consultation,VABB-1,14,23,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461441,,Adherence to HIV post exposure prophylaxis : a multivariate regression analysis of a 5 years prospective cohort,VABB-1,78,85,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461442,,The Rwenzururu kinship question and its aftermath,VABB-4,187,210,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461446,,"Workplace learning through collaboration in primary healthcare : a BEME realist review of what works, for whom and in what circumstances: BEME Guide No. 46",VABB-1,117,134,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461456,,"'Expect the Worst': modern life and sentimental death in just around the corner (Marion, 1921)",VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461462,,Matchmaking in organizational change : does every employee value participatory leadership? An empirical study,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461463,,"Changing lone parents, changing life courses",VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461464,,Income trajectories of lone parents after divorce : a view with Belgian register data,VABB-4,190,211,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461465,,Lone mothers in Belgium : labor force attachment and risk factors,VABB-4,257,282,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461466,,Lone parenthood in the life course,VABB-3,,,338 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461467,,Beyond the short versus long accountability route dichotomy : using multi-track accountability pathways to study performance of rural water services in Uganda,VABB-1,158,169,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461468,,Exploring local fandom : celebrities fans in the global-local nexus,VABB-4,289,297,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461470,,Upcycling of contaminated post-industrial polypropylene waste : a design from recycling case study,VABB-1,528,534,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:461471,,Teacher educators developing professional roles: frictions between current and optimal practices,VABB-1,15,31,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461473,,Novel triazine dimers with potent antitrypanosomal activity,VABB-1,306,319,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461475,,Edward Joris : caught between continents and ideologies?,VABB-4,67,98,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461478,,Are all tyrannies the same? Rebellion against Spanish oppression as a reenactment of resistance to totalitarianism in Marcos' Philippines,VABB-4,111,125,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461481,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461485,,Complicating cosmopolitanism : ethno-cultural and sexual connections among gay migrants,VABB-1,32,44,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461486,,A peculiar enterprise : the fate of metaphysics in a naturalist climate,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461489,,The trade policy of the European Union,VABB-2,,,223 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461490,,Severe interpersonal violence against children in sport : associated mental health problems and quality of life in adulthood,VABB-1,459,468,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461491,,The Author's Pale Virgin Cheek: Nabokov on Austen,VABB-4,35,43,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461492,,Is informalization equalizing? Evidence from Kinshasa,VABB-1,121,142,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461495,,A logic for the discovery of deterministic causal regularities,VABB-1,367,399,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461498,,Who has the right to travel during peak hours? On congestion pricing and 'desirable' travellers,VABB-1,98,107,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461501,,An empirical assessment of shared understanding in IT governance implementation,VABB-5,4921,4930,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461502,,Using the Viable System Model to study IT governance dynamics : evidence from a single case study,VABB-5,4880,4890,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461503,,Answering key global IT management concerns through IT governance and management processes : a COBIT 5 view,VABB-5,5335,5344,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461506,,Translation in exile: introduction,VABB-1,10,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461508,,Una deuda histórica: formación de intérpretes de la justicia en Oaxaca,VABB-1,13,29,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:461510,,Ambivalent longings: nostalgia in the picturebooks of Pieter Gaudesaboos,VABB-4,241,256,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461511,,Connecting childhood and old age in popular media,VABB-3,,,240 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461512,,Picturebooks as adaptations of fairy tales,VABB-4,473,484,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461513,,The making of Samuel Beckett's En attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot,VABB-2,,,382 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461514,,"Beckett, Samuel (2018) En attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot: a digital genetic edition",VABB-3,,,382 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461516,,Morality and what's love got to do with it,VABB-4,82,95,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461517,,Moving texts: the representation of the translator in Yoko Tawada's and Emine Sevgi Özdamar's Stories,VABB-4,140,153,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461518,,The epistemic import of aspectual constructions: the case of performatives,VABB-1,234,265,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461521,,"Gender, sexuality, and violence in humanitarian crises",VABB-1,S3,S16,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461522,,"Resilient patriarchy : public authority and women's (in)security in Karamoja, Uganda",VABB-1,S140,S158,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461525,,Factors that influence organisational crisis perception from an internal stakeholder's point of view,VABB-1,65,74,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461526,,"""We too are specimens of Homo sapiens"" : holebi culture between agitprop and pop",VABB-4,137,146,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461527,,Militarisation of governance after conflict : beyond the rebel-to-ruler frame the case of Rwanda,VABB-1,158,174,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461528,,Thermal inertia in buildings : a review of impacts across climate and building use,VABB-1,2300,2318,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461533,,Criticism,VABB-4,501,507,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461540,,Do OECD-type governance principles have economic value for Vietnamese firms at IPO?,VABB-1,58,79,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461541,,Balancing nanotoxicity and returns in health applications : the prisoner's dilemma,VABB-1,83,89,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461544,,Geopolitics of the renewable energy game and its potential impact upon global power relations,VABB-4,37,73,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461547,,Fiscale aspecten van de beëindiging van het recht van erfpacht en van opstal,VABB-4,359,407,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461548,,"South African post-Apartheid film policy : shifting discourses on film, national identity and cultural/creative industries",VABB-4,247,262,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:461553,,Theosis/deification: christian doctrines of divinization East and West,VABB-3,,,194 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461555,,Competition and the container liner shipping industry,VABB-4,660,678,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461558,,Preferential voting in local versus national elections : the proximity factor revisited,VABB-4,275,293,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461559,,Management of patients who receive an organ transplant abroad and return home for follow-up care: recommendations from the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group,VABB-1,e2,e9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461560,,Family control and innovativeness in private firms : the mediating role of board task performance,VABB-1,295,310,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461561,,Introduction,VABB-4,3,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461562,,Extremely close generations: childhood and old age in Jonathan Safran Foer's novel,VABB-4,93,107,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461564,,Teachers high-stakes decision making. How teaching approaches affect rational and intuitive data collection,VABB-1,108,119,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461566,,Du terrorisme considéré comme une maladie du langage,VABB-1,1,9,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:461567,,The present image : visible stories in a digital habitat,VABB-2,,,127 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461568,,"To swallow or to get swallowed, this is the question : on viewing, viewers and frames in the context of 'new' images",VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461571,,$^{18}F-PBR111$ PET imaging in healthy controls and schizophrenia : test retest reproducibility and quantification of neuroinflammation,VABB-1,1267,1274,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461574,,The raceless and restless novels of Caryl Phillips: The nature of blood on French ground,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461576,,Wettelijke samenwoning: Geens' sprong naar het recht voor gisteren?,VABB-1,2,5,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461578,,De evaluatie van het statutair overheidspersoneel en het ontslag wegens beroepsongeschiktheid: algemene principes,VABB-1,4,22,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461579,,Fenomenologie als houding,VABB-3,,,361 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461580,,Inleiding: Bijdragen aan een fenomenologische wijsbegeerte,VABB-4,7,16,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461581,,Grenzen aan zelfzijn,VABB-4,137,150,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461586,,A review of human thermal comfort experiments in controlled and semi-controlled environments,VABB-1,3365,3378,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461588,,Environmental assessment of waste feedstock mono-dimensional and bio-refinery systems : combining manure co-digestion and municipal waste anaerobic digestion,VABB-1,954,961,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461589,,The aesthetic experience of artworks and everyday scenes,VABB-1,71,82,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461590,,Forensic assertive community treatment in a continuum of care for male internees in Belgium : results after 33 months,VABB-1,58,65,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461591,,The double-edged sword of leader charisma : understanding the curvilinear relationship between charismatic personality and leader effectiveness,VABB-1,110,130,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461596,,The efficacy of the Friendly Attac serious digital game to promote prosocial bystander behavior in cyberbullying among young adolescents : a cluster-randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,336,347,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461599,,Syntactic representations in late learners of a second language : a learning trajectory,VABB-4,205,224,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461600,,Constitutional dialogue in the case of legislative omissions: who fills the legislative gap?,VABB-1,61,81,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461601,,The expression of authorial sensory perception: narrative and evidential aspects,VABB-4,202,220,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461602,,"General contractors on site. Contractors discourses on their position and organization, Belgium 1874-1958",VABB-4,113,137,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461603,,To evaluate or not : evaluability study of 40 interventions of Belgian development cooperation,VABB-1,189,199,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461604,,Online collective identities for autism : the perspective of Brazilian parents,VABB-1,1273,1291,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461605,,Henry Maine and the modern invention of peace,VABB-1,57,88,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461606,,Democratic peace as a historical phenomenon,VABB-1,E66,E77,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461607,,Handbook on in-work poverty,VABB-3,,,528 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461608,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461609,,Income support policies for the working poor,VABB-4,213,227,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461610,,In-work Poverty in the United States,VABB-4,328,344,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461613,,Principles and limitations of cost-benefit analysis for safety investments,VABB-4,493,513,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461616,,Does Twitter chatter matter? Online reviews and box office revenues,VABB-1,3702,3717,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461617,,"On misleading practices, the limitations of the communication medium used and the divergent levels of attention of consumers",VABB-1,329,342,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461625,,From nameplate to emblem: the evolution of the printers device in the Southern Low Countries up to 1600,VABB-4,77,100,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461626,,Assessing the success of electricity demand response programs : a meta-analysis,VABB-1,110,117,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461627,,Social sustainability assessments in the biobased economy : towards a systemic approach,VABB-1,1839,1853,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461630,,Sustainability impacts of tidal river management : towards a conceptual framework,VABB-1,451,467,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461631,,Misbruik van machtspositie: ook bij exclusiviteitskortingen is criterium van de even efficiënte concurrent relevant,VABB-1,37,41,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461632,,The impact of EU antitrust procedure on the role of the EU courts (19972016),VABB-1,92,103,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461634,,Effects of supply chain management on tomato export in Iran : application of structural equation modeling,VABB-1,177,195,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461635,,Vibration and shock analysis of specific events during truck and train transport of food products,VABB-1,95,104,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461636,,Measurement and analysis of vibration and shock levels for truck transport in Belgium with respect to packaged beer during transit,VABB-1,134,143,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461637,,Reducing postharvest losses of apples : optimal transport routing (while minimizing total costs),VABB-1,136,144,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461643,,Correctionaliseerbaarheid en straftoemeting na de gedeeltelijke vernietiging van de Potpourri II-wet,VABB-1,18,28,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461644,,On the variability dimensions of normalized systems applications : experiences from an educational case study,VABB-5,45,50,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461645,,On the evolvability of code generation patterns : the case of the normalized systems workflow element,VABB-5,51,56,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461648,,Renegotiating cultural heritage and personal belonging: the Anne Frank Museum in Aidan Chambers's Postcards from No Man's Land and John Green's The Fault in Our Stars,VABB-1,87,94,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461650,,"Actors, institutions, and the making of EU gender equality programs",VABB-2,,,305 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461651,,"Vergelijke wie vergelijke kan... Interesten uit Nederlands bouwdepot niet belastbaar dankzij schuldvergelijking, noot onder Antwerpen 6 juni 2017",VABB-1,104,107,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461654,,"De bevoegdheid van de Raad van State met betrekking tot het sociaal huurstelsel, (noot onder RvS 8 november 2016, nr. 236.378)",VABB-1,904,907,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461656,,Wallenius Bayes,VABB-1,1013,1037,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461661,,The UN optional protocol on the abolition of the death penalty,VABB-4,109,115,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461662,,US all-cargo carriers' cost structure and efficiency : a stochastic frontier analysis,VABB-1,29,45,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461663,,Beckett's collaborative translations in the 1950s,VABB-1,19,37,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461666,,"Multiple versions and fictional minds: manuscript research, digital editing, and enactive cognition in literary studies",VABB-4,220,234,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:461669,,The structural nature of the inadequate social floor for single-parent families,VABB-4,401,418,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461670,,Low-cost synchronization of high-speed audio and video recordings in bio-acoustic experiments,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461672,,Serious strategy for the makers of fun : analyzing the option to switch from pay-to-play to free-to-play in a two-stage optimal control model with quadratic costs,VABB-1,700,715,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461673,,Association between cultural distance and migrant self-rated health,VABB-1,257,266,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461674,,Moral cosmopolitanism and the everyday life : how students encounter distant others,VABB-1,195,210,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461675,,Artificial light at night causes an unexpected increase in oxalate in developing male songbirds,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461676,,Fighting terrorism in Africa : benchmarking policy harmonization,VABB-1,1931,1957,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461677,,"Problem drinking among Flemish students : beverage type, early drinking onset and negative personal & social consequences",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461678,,The foreign language effect on the self-serving bias : a field experiment in the high school classroom,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461679,,Language-specific skills in intercultural healthcare communication : Comparing perceived preparedness and skills in nurses' first and second languages,VABB-1,54,59,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461681,,Better together? Harnessing the power of brand placement through program sponsorship messages,VABB-1,151,159,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461682,,Prediction of electroconvulsive therapy response and remission in major depression : meta-analysis,VABB-1,71,80,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461683,,Enabling normalized systems in practice : exploring a modeling approach,VABB-1,55,67,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461684,,Performance of a lime-based insulating render for heritage buildings,VABB-1,376,389,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461685,,The predictive value of primary tumor location in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: A systematic review,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461686,,An overview of pharmacotherapy for bipolar I disorder,VABB-1,203,222,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461687,,The performance effects of attitudes of management vis-a-vis employee representatives in Belgium,VABB-1,133,149,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461688,,Moving the governance of shared service centres (SSCs) forward : juxtaposing agency theory and stewardship theory,VABB-1,97,104,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461689,,Adaptation as in-depth dialogue. The Cortazar-Antonioni case reconsidered,VABB-1,260,270,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:461691,,A new data structure and workflow for using 3D anthropometry in the design of wearable products,VABB-1,108,117,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461692,,"The impact of text valence, star rating and rated usefulness in online reviews",VABB-1,340,359,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461693,,How consumers' media usage creates synergy in advertising campaigns,VABB-1,268,287,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461694,,"Digital marketing strategies, online reviews and hotel performance",VABB-1,47,55,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461695,,"Women's information preferences, information needs and online interactive information portal engagement in a breast cancer early diagnosis context",VABB-1,114,127,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461698,,'All these things one has to endure from these Germans': German stage characters as means to criticize changing social positions in seventeenth-century Amsterdam,VABB-1,47,61,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461699,,Smartphone apps using photoplethysmography for heart rate monitoring : meta-analysis,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461700,,Fenomenologie en de transformatie van de roman,VABB-4,297,313,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461701,,Sensorimotor and enactive approaches to consciousness,VABB-4,202,215,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461702,,"Menselijk, al te menselijk: Wittgensteins antropologische kijk op de wiskunde",VABB-1,21,26,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461703,,Making sense of numbers without a number sense 25,VABB-4,218,233,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461704,,Academics in the field of education for sustainable development : their conceptions of sustainable development,VABB-1,321,332,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461705,,Employees' intellectual property rights : Belgium,VABB-4,63,79,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461708,,Development and Regionalism,VABB-4,109,130,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461709,,"Underground dreams. Uncertainty, risk and anticipation in the gold production network",VABB-1,30,38,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461711,,Tracing borderscapes in three recent documentaries on Central American migration,VABB-1,65,82,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461712,,Cross-sectional and temporal associations between cyber dating abuse victimization and mental health and substance use outcomes,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461713,,"#Smiling, #venting, or both? Adolescents' social sharing of emotions on social media",VABB-1,211,219,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461714,,Simulations of decision-making in political science education,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461715,,Simulations are no one-for-all experience : how participants vary in their development of self-efficacy for negotiating,VABB-4,183,199,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461716,,Europe and the human rights imaginary : do perceptions of human rights in Europe affect migration aspirations?,VABB-4,25,47,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461719,,Inter-generational learning of teachers : what and how do teachers learn from older and younger colleagues?,VABB-1,479,495,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461720,,"La pseudo-traduction traduite: les traductions anglaise, néerlandaise et allemande de La fille d'un héros de l'Union soviétique d'Andreï Makine",VABB-4,215,231,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:461721,,"With the smartphone as field assistant : designing, making, and testing EthnoAlly, a multimodal tool for conducting serendipitous ethnography in a multisensory world",VABB-1,163,167,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461723,,"An experimental study on the effect of ad placement, product involvement and motives on Facebook ad avoidance",VABB-1,470,479,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461724,,War and democracy : the legacy of conflict in East Africa,VABB-1,31,61,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461725,,Adulthood in children's literature,VABB-2,,,233 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461728,,Adaptive and multilevel metaheuristics,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461729,,A history of metaheuristics,VABB-4,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461731,,Intraword variability in children with cochlear implants: the long-term development up to five years of age and a comparison with children with normal hearing,VABB-1,706,720,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461732,,Le développement de la richesse flexionnelle d'enfants porteurs d'un implant cochléaire et d'enfants normo-entendants,VABB-1,79,96,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:461733,,Simulations of decision-making as active learning tools : design and effects of political science simulations,VABB-3,,,206 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461734,,Learning from simulations of decision-making,VABB-4,13,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461735,,How simulations of decision-making affect learning,VABB-4,121,127,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461736,,"Simulations of decision-making in political science education : premises, promises and challenges",VABB-4,201,206,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461738,,The copyright law framework and its interaction with open access repositories in Europe,VABB-1,32,53,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461740,,The governance framework of open access repositories in Greece,VABB-1,253,300,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:461745,,Verzekering van terrorisme: algemeen kader en toepassingsproblemen naar aanleiding van de aanslagen te Brussel op 22 maart 2016,VABB-4,143,173,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461746,,Nieuwe risico's in het aansprakelijkheids- en verzekeringsrecht,VABB-3,,,208 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461747,,Het vermijdbaarheidscriterium en de ernstvoorwaarde m.b.t. arbeidsongeschiktheid van de Wet Medische Ongevallen schenden het gelijkheidsbeginsel niet,VABB-1,254,258,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461748,,Conclusies en conclusietermijnen in strafzaken na Potpourri II en recente cassatierechtspraak,VABB-1,110,120,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461749,,Psychologische benadering van de werkrelatie tussen de belastingadministratie en de belastingplichtige,VABB-1,17,22,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461754,,Erfpacht en opstal,VABB-3,,,408 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461755,,Erfpacht & opstal en bouwpromotie,VABB-4,265,306,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461756,,Het oponthoud voor De verwondering: een keukenverhaal,VABB-1,36,67,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461761,,"Le cas de Dom Pedro II, empereur du Brésil et traducteur",VABB-1,1,15,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:461763,,La Fontaine en séries,VABB-3,,,139 p.,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:461764,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461765,,Les deux Amis et leur(s) double(s),VABB-4,53,64,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:461766,,"En guise d'Epilogue: La Fontaine, Rancé, Marie Du Bois et quelques autres",VABB-4,125,139,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:461769,,Team teaching als stagevorm in de lerarenopleiding : onderzoek naar de ervaringen van aspirant-leraren.,VABB-1,37,54,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461770,,Team teaching during field experiences in teacher education : exploring the assistant teaching model,VABB-1,377,397,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461771,,The nuclear ban treaty : a sign of global impatience,VABB-1,61,72,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461773,,"Violated sex : rape, nation and representation of female characters in Yugoslav new film and black wave cinema",VABB-1,132,147,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461777,,Gender differences in sorting,VABB-1,671,709,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461778,,Lang Leve Uber: arbeid in de gig-economie in het licht van het Europees Unierecht,VABB-1,97,101,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461779,,"""Care in crisis: ethnographic perspectives on humanitarianism"" : conference report",VABB-5,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461781,,Sociocultural dimensions of lexis and text in the history of English,VABB-3,,,252 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461786,,Cooperation between airports : a focus on the financial intertwinement of European airport operators,VABB-1,59,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461788,,"Escuolas Pias: ook vrome ondernemers? Onderwijsinstellingen in het mededingingsrecht en in het consumentenrecht, (Noot onder HvJ 27 juni 2017, zaak 74/16)",VABB-1,1173,1176,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461791,,Sexting : motives and risk in online sexual self-presentation,VABB-3,,,160 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461792,,A nuanced account : why do individuals engage in sexting?,VABB-4,39,51,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461793,,Parents' role in adolescents sexting behaviour,VABB-4,63,80,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461794,,Sharing and caring? The role of social media and privacy in sexting behaviour,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461798,,"Urban Freight Vehicle Access Regulation Schemes : how to match economic, environmental and social sustainability",VABB-4,139,163,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461799,,Frisian strong and weak verbs in the face of Dutch influence: a synchronic and experimental approach,VABB-1,57,74,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461800,,Publication patterns in the social sciences and humanities : evidence from eight European countries,VABB-1,463,486,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461801,,De nieuwe regels voor re-integratie van arbeidsongeschikte werknemers,VABB-4,51,98,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461804,,Home sweet home : embracing the return to returnees' migration,VABB-1,366,387,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461805,,Multi-objective optimisation models for the travelling salesman problem with horizontal cooperation,VABB-1,891,903,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461806,,Challenging Lewis's challenge to the best system account of lawhood,VABB-1,1649,1666,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461808,,No better moment to score a goal than just before half time? A soccer myth statistically tested,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461809,,Oral and written picture description in individuals with aphasia,VABB-1,294,307,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461810,,A search for molecular mechanisms underlying male idiopathic infertility,VABB-1,327,339,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461811,,Climate response of rainfed versus irrigated farms: the bias of farm heterogeneity in irrigation,VABB-1,225,234,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461812,,Issue ownership as a determinant of political parties' media coverage,VABB-1,25,45,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461813,,"Effects of hypertext writing and observational learning on content knowledge acquisition, self-efficacy, and text quality: Two experimental studies exploring aptitude treatment interactions",VABB-1,259,300,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461814,,Strategies for optimizing the environmental profile of dwellings in a Belgian context : a consequential versus an attributional approach,VABB-1,235,244,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461816,,Auditor choice in private firms : a stakeholders perspective,VABB-1,146,170,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461817,,'Valued most highly and preserved most carefully': Using saintly figures' houses and memorabilia collections to campaign for their canonisation,VABB-1,94,111,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461819,,Trade and transport modes: the search for global connectivity through transport networks,VABB-4,541,565,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461820,,Intra vs. extra-regional connectivity of the Black Sea port system,VABB-4,107,128,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461827,,Het recht van opstal: familiaalvermogensrechtelijke aandachtspunten en mogelijkheden,VABB-4,307,357,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461837,,"Reddite ergo, quae sunt Caesaris, Caesari, annotatie bij zaak C-74/16, Congregación de Escuelas Pías Provincia Betania/Ayuntamiento de Getafe",VABB-1,64,70,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461840,,Ernstige fiscale fraude en het lex certa-beginsel (noot onder GwH 5 februari 2015),VABB-1,490,497,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:461842,,Superdiversity as a lens to understand complexities,VABB-4,43,56,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461843,,Applying game theory for improving security in the process industries : a discussion,VABB-1,19,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461844,,Essential information sharing thresholds for reducing market power in financial access : a study of the African banking industry,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461845,,Prevalence of multiple forms of sexting behavior among youth : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,327,335,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461846,,Effects of asymmetric information on market timing in the mutual fund industry,VABB-1,542,557,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461849,,Globalisation and governance in Africa : a critical contribution to the empirics,VABB-1,2,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461850,,Information asymmetry and financial dollarisation in Sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,231,249,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461851,,Information asymmetry and market power in the African banking industry,VABB-1,69,83,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461852,,Applying a relational approach to political difference : strategies of particularization and universalization in contesting urban development,VABB-4,38,53,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461854,,"The commons, plant breeding and agricultural research: challenges for food security and agrobiodiversity",VABB-3,,,302 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461857,,Variation in personality traits across a metal pollution gradient in a free-living songbird,VABB-1,668,678,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461859,,'Time to move on' or 'taking more time'? How disregarding multiple perspectives on time can increase policy-making conflict,VABB-1,340,356,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461860,,Commentaar bij artikel 19 van de wet van 26 juni 1990 betreffende de bescherming van de persoon van de geesteszieke,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:461861,,"De gedwongen opname als ultimum remedium, duidingsnoot bij Vred. Haacht dd. 2 januari 2017",VABB-1,157,160,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:461863,,Van innovatie naar implementatie: mHealth,VABB-1,215,227,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:461864,,Burgerlijk procesrecht na Potpourri V,VABB-1,723,734,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461865,,Disabilities and the disabled in the Roman World : a social and cultural history,VABB-2,,,238 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461866,,"Cost-effectiveness analysis of pneumococcal and influenza vaccines administered to children less than 5 years of age in a low-income district of Bogota, Colombia",VABB-1,21,31,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461868,,From cultural to literary pidginization,VABB-4,384,409,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461875,,Wet Bescherming Preventieadviseurs: kroniek van de rechtspraak in de periode 2002-2016,VABB-4,99,153,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461876,,Twintig jaar welzijnswet,VABB-3,,,185 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461877,,Preventieadviseur of geen preventieadviseur: that's the question (noot onder Arbh.Antwerpen 22 juni 2011),VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:461878,,Kinderen in de knel: verhoorbijstand aan minderjarige verdachten in het licht van de Europese richtlijn (EU)2016/800 inzake procedurele waarborgen voor kinderen,VABB-1,287,306,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:461880,,Eerlijk duurt het langst. Over foutaansprakelijkheid tussen (ex-)echtgenoten (noot onder Brussel 24 oktober 2017),VABB-1,76,79,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461881,,Attributing authorship in the noisy digitized correspondence of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461884,,"Linguistic areas, linguistic convergence, and river systems in South America",VABB-4,964,996,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:461892,,'You talking to me?' : the influence of peer communication on adolescents' persuasion knowledge and attitude towards social advertisements,VABB-1,502,516,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461897,,"Proactive peasants? The role of annuities in a late medieval communal society: the Campine area, Low Countries",VABB-4,253,280,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461898,,"Information disclosure, trust and health risks in online dating",VABB-4,19,38,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461899,,Studying culture through imaginaries : some reflections on the relevance of imaginaries for the social sciences,VABB-4,169,193,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461900,,Europe and the human rights imaginary : the role of perceptions of human rights in Europe and migration aspirations,VABB-4,225,247,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461901,,Sexting,VABB-4,1,3,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461902,,Good symbolic representation : the relevance of inclusion,VABB-1,327,330,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461903,,"Logistics clusters, including inter-firm relations through community detection",VABB-1,178,195,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461907,,The effectiveness of medical and vocational interventions for reducing sick leave of self-employed workers,VABB-1,E139,E152,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461908,,Hiring discrimination : an overview of (almost) all correspondence experiments since 2005,VABB-4,63,77,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461909,,Public service media in the networked society. What society? What network? What role?,VABB-4,11,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461910,,Public service media in the networked society,VABB-3,,,265 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461911,,Celebrity philanthropy and activism : mediated interventions in the global public sphere,VABB-2,,,160 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461913,,Slut-shaming 2.0,VABB-4,81,98,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461914,,You've got mail! Explaining individual differences in becoming a phishing target,VABB-1,1277,1287,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461915,,De queeste van de menswetenschappen: lessen uit het onderzoek in de kunsten,VABB-1,4,16,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461916,,Actualia voorlopige hechtenis,VABB-4,271,300,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:461917,,België (opnieuw) in zijn blootje gezet door het Europees Antifoltercomité: over het gebrek aan een minimale dienstverlening in het Belgische gevangeniswezen en de onmenselijke en vernederende behandeling van gedetineerden,VABB-1,1202,1214,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461918,,'The Built and the Beautiful': esthetische regulering in de ruimtelijke ordening en de rol van de rechter,VABB-1,1322,1339,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461921,,"Production, markets and socio-economic structures I: c.1100c.1320",VABB-4,86,123,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461922,,"Production, markets and socio-economic structures II: c.1320c.1500",VABB-4,196,267,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461924,,Bruges in the sixteenth century: a 'Return to Normalcy',VABB-4,445,484,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461926,,Differential electrophysiological correlates of panic disorder in non-pulsatile tinnitus,VABB-1,57,62,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461927,,Social exclusion : empirical findings,VABB-4,206,229,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461928,,Simulation of B2C e-commerce distribution in Antwerp using cargo bikes and delivery points,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461930,,Does migration motive matter for migrants' employment outcomes? The case of Belgium,VABB-4,245,271,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461931,,Denkraum Literatur: Betrachtungen zur Kafkarezeption in der Philosophie,VABB-4,82,101,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:461932,,In search of the new Rome? Creative cities and early modern travel behaviour,VABB-4,65,84,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461934,,"Ethnic bound school choice : tolerance thresholds motivated by in-group preferences, out-group avoidance and an ethnic proxy for academic quality",VABB-4,48,68,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461937,,Comparative perspectives on early school leaving in the European Union,VABB-3,,,254 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461938,,Introduction : theoretical and conceptual framework,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461939,,A narrative approach exploring youngsters' experiences of schooling and leaving school early in Flanders (Belgium) : the stories of Simon and Karim,VABB-4,77,89,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461940,,Switching practices in vocational education : a comparative case study in Flanders (Belgium) and the Netherlands,VABB-4,135,148,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461941,,Migration and integration in Flanders : multidisciplinary perspectives,VABB-3,,,278 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461942,,Introduction : migration-integration dynamics in Flanders,VABB-4,11,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461943,,Fundamental rights as a catalyst for integration,VABB-4,48,68,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461944,,'You can't escape from it. It's in your blood' : naturalising ethnicity and strategies to ensure family and in-group cohesion,VABB-4,69,93,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461945,,"'We hold on to the ones we have' : addressing school mobility to facilitate 'stable' educational trajectories, a case-study of an urban high school in Flanders",VABB-4,151,172,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461946,,Creating bonding social capital : the case of the Polish community school in Flanders,VABB-4,173,195,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461947,,Key problems in primary health care : qualitative research on prevention amongst physicians working in a superdiverse context,VABB-4,97,123,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461949,,Oranges and apples? Using comparative judgement for reliable briefing paper assessment in simulation games,VABB-4,93,108,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461952,,"De ""minimale"" leefruimte voor gedetineerden. Een maat voor niets?",VABB-1,182,187,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461953,,Are the innovation processes in seaport terminal operations successful?,VABB-1,787,802,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461959,,Het private beheer van overheidstaken in mensenrechtelijk perspectief: de verdeling van mensenrechtelijke verantwoordelijkheid en aansprakelijkheid in het licht van het stelsel van rechtsbescherming van het EVRM,VABB-1,73,87,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461960,,Overheidstoezicht op private rechtspersonen belast met taken van openbare dienst : de verenigbaarheid van de toezichtsplicht op de uitvoering van openbare diensten met de private rechtsvorm,VABB-2,,,583 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461963,,Compensation policies in family and non-family SMEs : survey evidence from Flanders,VABB-1,3,18,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:461966,,Islamic religious education in Belgian state schools : a post-secular perspective,VABB-1,132,143,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461967,,Leren samenleven: levensbeschouwelijke vakken en symbolen op de openbare school in Vlaanderen en Quebec,VABB-1,162,173,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461971,,Assessment of forces in intradermal injection devices : hydrodynamic versus human factors,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461981,,Challenges for child support schemes : accounting for shared care and complex families,VABB-1,211,223,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461984,,Claustaal voor het witte doek. De verfilming van Het verlangen,VABB-1,132,152,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461985,,"Multinational firms, value chains, and trade disputes : explaining dispute onset at the world trade organization",VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461986,,"'We trust them, because they are receptive' : intercultural mediation to overcome barriers between Roma and mainstream education",VABB-4,197,217,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461990,,"Humanitarian urbanism in a post-conflict aid town : aid agencies and urbanization in Gulu, Northern Uganda",VABB-1,348,366,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461993,,Fuzzy analysis : a possible solution for the standard error in sampling?,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461994,,CLUS-MCDA : a novel framework based on cluster analysis and multiple criteria decision theory in a supplier selection problem,VABB-1,409,422,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:461995,,"Mediating past, present and future of D.R.Congo's historical narratives on art in a Global South dialogue",VABB-1,5,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:461996,,Lumumba's iconography as interstice between art and history,VABB-1,38,44,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:461997,,Cadrer temps et histoire (rapport des discussions du groupe de travail),VABB-1,82,85,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462006,,Impact of a personalised active labour market programme for persons with disabilities,VABB-1,32,48,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462007,,Personality characteristics of male and female executives : distinct pathways to success?,VABB-1,220,235,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462008,,"Cyberbullying and traditional bullying involvement among heterosexual and non-heterosexual adolescents, and their associations with age and gender",VABB-1,254,261,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462011,,Research design : the methodology for interdisciplinary research framework,VABB-1,1209,1225,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462012,,The tie that divides : cross-national evidence of the primacy of partyism,VABB-1,333,354,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462014,,How do post-divorce paternal and maternal family trajectories relate to adolescents' subjective well-being?,VABB-1,98,108,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462015,,Where are we heading? The legality of human body transplants examined,VABB-1,3,19,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462017,,Climate change adaptation tools at the community level : an integrated literature review,VABB-1,1,21,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462018,,Communication accommodation theory analysis of nurse-patient interaction: Implications for course design,VABB-1,71,85,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462019,,Measuring professional vision of inclusive classrooms in secondary education through video-based comparative judgement: An expert study,VABB-1,71,84,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462020,,The role of teams in academic spin-offs,VABB-1,78,103,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462021,,An information system design theory for the comparative judgement of competences,VABB-1,248,261,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462022,,Introduction : diplomacy and the duty of care,VABB-1,137,145,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462024,,Diverse twins: analysing China's impact on Italian and German exports using a multilevel quantile regressions approach,VABB-1,3051,3065,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462026,,Slapstick homes: architecture in Slapstick Cinema and the Avant-Garde,VABB-1,225,248,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:462027,,Access to preferential loans for poverty reduction and rural development : evidence from Vietnam,VABB-1,246,269,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462033,,"DHBeNeLux : incubator for digital humanities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462036,,A simulation exercise to improve building energy performance characterization via on-board monitoring,VABB-5,969,974,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:462037,,The introduction of a rapid response system in acute hospitals : a pragmatic stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,127,134,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462041,,Applying the networking power of Web 2.0 to the foreign language classroom: a taxonomy of the online peer interaction process,VABB-1,905,931,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462042,,Das Fortleben des Nachlebens von Walter Benjamins Wahlverwandtschaften-Essay,VABB-4,105,119,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:462044,,The updating of title II of the Belgian Constitution and the Human Rights Conventions: added-value or redundancy,VABB-1,265,296,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:462045,,De organieke regels betreffende de openbare Centra voor maatschappelijk welzijn,VABB-4,355,368,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:462046,,Het gebruik van de talen,VABB-4,495,551,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:462062,,De Iran-deal & Europa's verscheurende geopolitieke keuze,VABB-1,1,5,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462068,,Indirect opposition : diffuse barriers to gender+ equality in the European Union,VABB-4,77,97,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462073,,Qualitative network analysis : a useful tool for investigating policy networks in transnational settings?,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462080,,"""In our department there is absolutely no discrimination of women or others."" : staff attitudes on gender quotas in a Belgian university",VABB-1,43,66,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462081,,Verso un reddito minimo dignitoso : qual è il ruolo dell'Europa?,VABB-1,95,117,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:462115,,De nieuwe Krakerswet van 18 oktober 2017,VABB-1,1443,1451,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:462116,,Are sex differences in mating strategies overrated? Sociosexual orientation as a dominant predictor in online dating strategies,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462125,,La valeur sémantique du conditionnel 'de reprise' selon les grammaires à travers les siècles (XVIe - XXIe),VABB-1,1,27,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462133,,Managing professional footballers finances to avoid financial problems : a Belgian survey,VABB-1,318,334,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462134,,A comparison of cognitive and organizational classification of publications in the social sciences and humanities,VABB-1,1093,1111,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462136,,Impact van studentgecentreerde competentiegerichte leeromgevingen op de leerapproach,VABB-1,6,14,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462139,,Towards a new way of interacting? Pondering the role of an interpersonal ethos,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462140,,Introduction : mapping the multiculturalism-interculturalism debate,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462141,,"Political chronicles of the African Great Lakes region, 2017",VABB-3,,,126 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462142,,Rwanda,VABB-4,65,88,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462144,,When classicists need to speak up: Antiquity and present day pedophilia-pederasty,VABB-1,49,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462145,,Going radical,VABB-4,95,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462148,,Beckett and modernism,VABB-3,,,295 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462150,,Flood disasters and agrarian capitalism in the North Sea area: five centuries of interwoven history (1250-1800),VABB-4,369,392,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462151,,"Kor and Karnival, the Carnal Road of Léon-Gontran Damas: ""Evidence of Things not seen""",VABB-4,48,66,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462155,,Uganda,VABB-4,89,111,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462156,,Sensations,VABB-4,1,9,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462157,,Do better sketchers become better product designers?,VABB-5,2411,2420,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462158,,Eco Silence : Entwicklung eines ökologisch optimierten Raum-in-Raum-Systems für den Office-Bereich,VABB-5,675,678,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:462159,,Over het schuldig verzuim inzake levensbeschouwelijke vorming in Vlaanderen : pleidooi voor LEF in het onderwijs,VABB-1,1,6,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462160,,The methodological rationale of Thomas Sekine: dialectical escapes from orthodoxies and the marxian political economy,VABB-1,217,245,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462163,,Construing contemporary cosmopolitan constitution-making: a comparative view,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462166,,Inaugurating a Dutch Napoleon? Conservative Criticism of the 1815 Constitution of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands,VABB-4,257,274,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462170,,Is een roerend opstalrecht mogelijk?,VABB-1,250,260,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462171,,Collaborative mental health care in the bureaucratic field of post-apartheid South Africa,VABB-1,279,293,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462172,,Towards evaluating emergent behavior of the internet of things using large scale simulation techniques (wip),VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462174,,Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia : emerging issues from a global perspective,VABB-1,197,203,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462175,,Tackling the complexity of designing multiproduct multistage batch plants with parallel lines : the application of a cooperative optimization approach,VABB-5,979,984,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462176,,Network formulations for the design and scheduling of multiproduct batch plants with parallel lines,VABB-5,1165,1170,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462179,,Journalisten en ngo's : toegang tot fiscale bestuursdocumenten?,VABB-1,451,454,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462183,,Shared understanding in IT governance and IT management implementation : an analysis of different stakeholder viewpoints,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462185,,"Interventions for improving management of chronic non-communicable diseases in Dikgale, a rural area in Limpopo Province, South Africa",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462196,,Teaching from within worldviews,VABB-1,7,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462198,,Bestuurlijke handhaving : hoe door de bomen het bos nog zien?,VABB-3,,,222 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462199,,Bestuurlijke handhaving in vogelvlucht,VABB-4,1,38,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462200,,"Legaliteit, discretionaire bevoegdheid en de rol van soft law in de bestuurlijke handhaving",VABB-4,121,161,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462201,,Socially responsible innovation in security : critical reflections,VABB-3,,,156 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462204,,An integrative conceptual framework for physical security culture in organisations,VABB-1,25,32,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462205,,"Minder sociale ""afscherming"" van het overheidspersoneel? Deel 2: De pensioenen in de overheidssector als katalysator?",VABB-1,131,278,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462206,,Nuns' literacies in medieval Europe: the Antwerp dialogue,VABB-3,,,502 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462207,,Introduction,VABB-4,21,66,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462208,,A carthusian nun's reportationes of Henricus Cool's sermons in the Low Countries,VABB-4,99,122,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462215,,"Accomplice, patron, go-between? A role to play with poor migrant Qur'anic students in northern Nigeria",VABB-1,307,321,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462216,,Capturing the multifaceted nature of energy poverty : lessons from Belgium,VABB-1,273,283,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462217,,State and non-state mental health service collaboration in a South African district: a mixed methods study,VABB-1,516,527,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462219,,Blur and perceptual content,VABB-1,254,260,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462220,,Reid's non-Humean theory of moral motives,VABB-1,205,224,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462221,,"Maintenance fluid therapy and fluid creep impose more significant fluid, sodium, and chloride burdens than resuscitation fluids in critically ill patients : a retrospective study in a tertiary mixed ICU population",VABB-1,409,417,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462223,,A game theoretical approach to the effects of port objective orientation and service differentiation on port authorities' willingness to cooperate,VABB-1,76,86,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462224,,Embajadores culturales : recepción y trascendencia del viaje de Gerardo Diego a Filipinas en el archipiélago asiático,VABB-1,223,243,,spa,2018,1 c:vabb:462226,,"Cinema, surrealism, and object lessons : on Luc de Heusch's 1960 Magritte ou la lecon de choses",VABB-1,54,70,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:462227,,"Quelles réponses à la décadence des actions possessoires? Une analyse comparative des droits français, belge et italien",VABB-1,197,226,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462228,,"Retrospective on Léon Gontron-Damas: anthologies, ontologies, and hauntologies: resurrecting Léon Gontron-Damas",VABB-1,2,10,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462229,,Effects of country-of-origin stereotypes on consumer responses to product-harm crises,VABB-1,362,389,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462235,,How gender-sensitive are National Adaptation Programmes of Action? Selected findings from a desk review of thirty-one sub-Saharan African countries,VABB-4,55,63,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462237,,Development aid and adaptation to climate change in developing countries,VABB-2,,,223 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462240,,"Beyond the bird in the cage? Translocal embodiment and trajectories of Nicaraguan female migrants in Seville, Spain",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462242,,Coordination in Europe,VABB-4,653,670,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462247,,Linguistic discourse analysis as a tool for analyzing political communication,VABB-1,119,142,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462248,,"Construction History : proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Construction History (6ICCH 2018), July 9-13, 2018, Brussels, Belgium",VABB-3,,,1394 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462249,,Wendbare overheid : wat betekent 'wendbaarheid' en waarop zou een overheid moeten inzetten?,VABB-1,75,96,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:462250,,Snelwegontwerp tussen natuur en stad : René Pechère en het Groenplan,VABB-1,117,136,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:462254,,Suburbs en klachten: burgerlijke vorderingen in stad Aalst en haar buitenwijken tijdens de periode 1750-1800,VABB-1,137,156,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:462256,,Stadsgeschiedenis in buitenlandse historische tijdschriften (2016),VABB-1,170,196,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:462258,,Bouwen aan het geheugen van een universiteit: academisch en wetenschappelijk erfgoed aan de Universiteit Antwerpen,VABB-1,112,118,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462263,,"Responsibility, capacity, greenness or vulnerability? What explains the levels of climate aid provided by bilateral donors?",VABB-1,892,916,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462266,,'Arrestez et pillez contre toute sorte de droit': Trade and the War of the Quadruple Alliance (1718-1720),VABB-1,97,130,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:462267,,Option,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462270,,Understanding Rwandan politics through the longue durée : from the precolonial to the post-genocide era,VABB-1,514,532,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462274,,Cost-effectiveness analysis of ecosystem management with ecosystem services : from theory to practice,VABB-1,207,218,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462275,,"COBRA, canvas, and camera: Luc De Heusch filming Alechinsky and Dotremont at work",VABB-4,115,129,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462279,,Prosodic modulation in the babble of cochlear implanted and normally hearing infants: a perceptual study using a visual analogue scale,VABB-1,481,502,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462280,,Verkoop met verlies als verboden marktpraktijk: conform aan Europees recht?,VABB-1,527,542,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462281,,From dialectics to the diabolical,VABB-1,14,27,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462283,,The added value of implicit motives for management research : development and first validation of a Brief Implicit Association Test (BIAT) for the measurement of implicit motives,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462286,,Poetry and poetics after Wallace Stevens,VABB-3,,,273 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462288,,Psychometric data of a questionnaire to measure cyberbullying bystander behavior and its behavioral determinants among adolescents,VABB-1,1588,1595,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462289,,A data mining approach for indoor air assessment : an alternative tool for cultural heritage conservation,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462290,,New generation monitoring devices for heritage guardians to detect multiple events and hazards,VABB-5,1,9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462291,,"Aid, trade and the post-war recovery of the Rwandan coffee sector",VABB-1,552,574,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462292,,An evolutionary view of cultural adaptation : some considerations,VABB-4,40,54,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462293,,Exemplarische gevoelens en de esthetische ervaring,VABB-1,203,206,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462294,,Design methodology to improve human-robot coproduction in small- and medium-sized enterprises,VABB-1,1092,1102,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462295,,Genderverschillen in arbeidsdeelname na gezinsvorming : de impact van initiële arbeidskenmerken op uittrede en gebruik van ouderschapsverlof bij tweeverdieners,VABB-1,177,211,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:462296,,Hatching for 3D prints : line-based halftoning for dual extrusion fused deposition modeling,VABB-1,23,32,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462297,,Différences de genre dans la participation au marché de l'emploi après la constitution de famille : impact des caractéristiques initiales du travail sur la sortie et la prise du congé parental dans les ménages à deux revenus,VABB-1,173,208,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:462299,,"Noot onder EHRM, 27 februari 2018, nr. 1085/10, Guja tegen Moldavië (klokkenluidersbescherming)",VABB-1,353,356,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462308,,"Het onmiddellijkheidsbeginsel in strafzaken 2.0: het EHRM benadrukt het belang van het getuigenverhoor ter terechtzitting, (noot onder EHRM 14 juni 2016, nr. 65400/10,Riahi/ België)",VABB-1,143,151,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:462311,,Belgisch belastingrecht in hoofdlijnen,VABB-2,,,1393 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462312,,De verklaring over de doodsoorzaak. Het toepassingsgebied andermaal onder de loep,VABB-1,316,322,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462313,,Het belang van genetische gegevens in het Belgische recht,VABB-1,295,309,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462318,,Belgium : is robust social concentration providing a buffer against growing inequality?,VABB-4,116,167,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462319,,The external dimension of EU social security coordination,VABB-1,81,85,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462320,,Employment and social security rights of third-country nationals under the EU labour migrations directives,VABB-1,100,115,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462321,,Le voyageur et ses tombeaux,VABB-1,23,37,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462327,,"Neutralité permanente, interprétations mutantes: la neutralité belge à travers trois traités de juristes",VABB-1,188,214,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:462329,,From translation studies and audiovisual translation to media accessibility: some research trends,VABB-4,65,78,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462330,,Exploration of affordances of open data for language learning and teaching,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462337,,Much ado about nothing? Why going non-semantic is not merely semantics,VABB-1,187,203,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462340,,"Silver-stained roundels and unipartite panels before the French Revolution : Flanders, vol. 4: addenda",VABB-2,,,448 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462344,,Enkele problemen van het burenrecht: de gemene muur en de afstand van beplantingen en afsluitingen tot de grenslijn,VABB-1,168,187,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462346,,"La procédure de réorganisation judiciaire: something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue",VABB-1,239,257,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462347,,"Het toepassingsgebied van Boek XX WER: hoe meer zielen, hoe meer vreugd?",VABB-1,209,225,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462348,,Symmetry breaking in mixed integer linear programming formulations for blocking two-level orthogonal experimental designs,VABB-1,96,110,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462349,,"Sensorimotor theory, cognitive access and the 'absolute' explanatory gap",VABB-1,611,627,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462351,,Markers of inflammation and monoamine metabolism indicate accelerated aging in bipolar disorder,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462352,,Payments for ecosystem services and social justice : using recognition theories to assess the Bolivian Acuerdos Reciprocos por el Agua,VABB-1,134,143,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462354,,Individual decisions to vaccinate one's child or oneself : a discrete choice experiment rejecting free-riding motives,VABB-1,106,116,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462355,,The effect of electroconvulsive therapy on hypoperfusion in psychotic bipolar depression : a case study,VABB-1,124,126,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462357,,Resistance to International Courts : introduction and conclusion,VABB-1,193,196,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462358,,Backlash against international courts : explaining the forms and patterns of resistance to international courts,VABB-1,197,220,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462359,,The African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights : mapping resistance against a young court,VABB-1,294,313,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462360,,How regulatory decisions are made at the de facto level : conceptualizing and measuring regulatory decision making in the Colombian telecommunications sector,VABB-1,55,76,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462361,,Conflict reconsidered: The boomerang effect of depoliticization in the policy process,VABB-1,286,301,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462363,,"Ideological polarization and organizational form evolution : a study of islamic-secular rivalry and high schools in Turkey, 1971-1998",VABB-1,1593,1624,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462364,,A multi-level model of emerging technology : an empirical study of the evolution of biotechnology from 1976 to 2003,VABB-1,1,27,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462367,,Een verkenning van stop- of cessatiegedrag bij adolescente en jongvolwassen spelers van online digitale games,VABB-1,119,138,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:462369,,Santurismo : the commodification of Santeria and the touristic value of Afro-Cuban derived religions in Cuba,VABB-1,150,171,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462370,,New directions in studying policies of international student mobility and migration,VABB-1,283,294,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462371,,The real epistemic significance of perceptual learning,VABB-1,543,558,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462372,,Unconscious perceptual justification*,VABB-1,569,589,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462373,,"' not only tell, but also to show, to show plenty...' the magic lantern as a teaching tool in art history around 1900",VABB-1,46,58,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462374,,Managing urban flood resilience as a multilevel governance challenge: an analysis of required multilevel coordination mechanisms,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462379,,A systematic review of factors related to first-year students' success in Dutch and Flemish higher education,VABB-1,360,405,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:462383,,'Foreign accent syndrome' als planningsstoornis,VABB-1,26,32,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462388,,"Film, cinema and reception studies : revisiting research on audience's filmic and cinematic experiences",VABB-4,21,42,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462391,,Understanding product-service systems in a sharing economy context : a literature review,VABB-5,173,178,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462392,,Een toekomst voor verhandelbare ontwikkelingsrechten in Vlaanderen? Een verkenning van een aantal bestuurlijke en juridische uitdagingen,VABB-1,135,157,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462393,,Media and bureaucratic reputation : exploring media biases in the coverage of public agencies,VABB-4,171,192,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462395,,The fruits of better roads and waterways : facilitating fertiliser improvement through transport innovations in 18th-century Flemish husbandry,VABB-1,170,192,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462400,,Sensory information and the perception of verticality in post-stroke patients : another point of view in sensory reweighting strategies,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462401,,Vermenging van vervangbare goederen,VABB-1,1523,1542,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462402,,Exclusieve gebruiksrechten in appartementsmede-eigendom kunnen als erfdienstbaarheden worden gekwalificeerd (noot onder Cass. 30 januari 2014),VABB-1,346,353,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:462405,,Les accidents du travail dans le secteur public,VABB-2,,,583 p.,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462406,,"De toegankelijkheid, werkbaarheid en transparantie van Belgische methoden ter berekening van onderhoudsbijdragen voor kinderen",VABB-1,213,258,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462407,,"Accessibilité, applicabilité et transparence des méthodes belges de calcul des contributions alimentaires pour enfants",VABB-1,209,253,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462408,,Hervorming van de ziekte(pensioen)regeling voor de ambtenaren : kostprijsberekening,VABB-1,333,510,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462409,,Réforme du régime de (pension de) maladie pour les fonctionnaires : calcul du coût,VABB-1,329,505,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462410,,Understanding evolution in the Antwerp chemical cluster : the role of regional development strategies,VABB-1,1519,1536,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462411,,A dialogue on adaptation,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462413,,Edinburgh and the birth of British evolutionism: a peek behind a veil of anonymity,VABB-1,585,592,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462414,,A scoping review on the current and potential use of social network analysis for evaluation purposes,VABB-1,325,352,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462416,,"Descriptive (adaptation) studies, naming and definitions : epistemological issues",VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462423,,Patient representation learning and interpretable evaluation using clinical notes,VABB-1,103,113,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462425,,The powers of national regulatory authorities as agents of EU law,VABB-1,581,595,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462427,,Structural and functional brain abnormalities associated with exposure to different childhood trauma subtypes : a systematic review of neuroimaging findings,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462429,,Online celebrity bashing : wrecking ball or good for you? Adolescent girls' attitudes toward the media and public bashing of Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez,VABB-1,261,271,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462430,,ICOs in Belgium : down the rabbit hole into legal no man's land? Part 1,VABB-1,483,510,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462432,,Multilingualism and multilingual encounters in Ammianus Marcellinus,VABB-1,151,174,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462433,,"Noot onder EHRM 12 december 2017, nr. 46386/10, Karine Hallier en Elodie Lucas tegen Frankrijk",VABB-1,445,448,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462437,,Are you ready for servitization? A tool to measure servitization capacity,VABB-4,25,39,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462438,,Design optimization of air distribution systems in non-residential buildings,VABB-1,48,56,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462439,,"""Everything under control?"" : privacy control salience influences both critical processing and perceived persuasiveness of targeted advertising among adolescents",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462444,,Bicameralism in Belgium : the dismantlement of the Senate for the sake of multinational confederalism,VABB-1,215,237,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462445,,Behoorlijke wetgeving in de rechtspraak van het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens (2016-2017),VABB-1,78,83,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462446,,Exploring the process of reading during writing using eye tracking and keystroke logging,VABB-1,411,447,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462447,,Jewish displacement as experience and metaphor in 20th-century European thought,VABB-4,100,112,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462451,,"Producentenorganisaties in de landbouwsector vrijgesteld van het kartelverbod"" (noot bij zaak C-671/15, Association des producteurs vendeurs d'endives (APVE)",VABB-1,173,176,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462455,,Standardized indoor air quality assessments as a tool to prepare heritage guardians for changing preservation conditions due to climate change,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462458,,Overdaad schaadt : is de aansprakelijkheidsvordering voor fouten begaan door de hoogste rechtscolleges een uit te putten rechtsmiddel voor het EHRM?,VABB-1,288,302,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462461,,Sociale innovatie en sociologische verbeelding : over de rol van kennis en onderzoek,VABB-4,115,135,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462464,,Social media writing and social class : a correlational analysis of adolescent CMC and social background,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462465,,Analysis of the symmetry of electrodes for electropalatography with cone beam CT scanning,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462466,,La traduction des arabismes dans Kiffe kiffe demain de Faïza Guène,VABB-1,51,69,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462467,,De-growth and sustainable development : rethinking Human Rights Law and poverty alleviation,VABB-1,647,675,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462468,,Designing and validating the friendship quality on social network sites questionnaire,VABB-1,289,298,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462470,,The determinants of the adoption intention of eco-friendly functional food in different market segments,VABB-1,151,161,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462471,,Combining Monte Carlo simulations and experimental design for incorporating risk and uncertainty in investment decisions for cleantech : a fast pyrolysis case study,VABB-1,1195,1206,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462472,,"Road transport productivity in the sixteenth-century Low Countries : the case of Brabant, 1450-1650",VABB-1,707,726,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462474,,When leadership powers team learning : a meta-analysis,VABB-1,475,513,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462476,,"Towards a health-enabling working environment : developing and testing interventions to decrease HIV and TB stigma among healthcare workers in the Free State, South Africa: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial",VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462478,,Public-private partnerships and the design process : consequences for architects and city building,VABB-1,704,722,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462481,,"Teaching writing in primary education : classroom practice, time, teachers' beliefs and skills",VABB-1,640,663,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462482,,Assessing the policy and practice impact of an international policy initiative : the State of the World's Midwifery 2014,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462483,,Sustainability assessment of retail logistics solutions using external costs analysis: a case-study for the city of Antwerp,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462485,,Sub-Saharan African Eurobond yields : what really matters beyond global factors?,VABB-1,49,62,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462486,,Is information diffusion a threat to market power for financial access? Insights from the African banking industry,VABB-1,88,104,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462487,,Nonrepresentative representatives : an experimental study of the decision making of elected politicians,VABB-1,302,321,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462488,,Which firms get punished for unethical behavior? Explaining variation in stock market reactions to corporate misconduct,VABB-1,119,151,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462489,,Effects of livestock grazing on key vegetation attributes of a remnant forest reserve : the case of Desa'a Forest in northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462490,,The Ne Bis in Idem Rule : do the EUCJ and the ECtHR follow the same track?,VABB-1,182,185,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462492,,Menselijke waardigheid en de kwetsbaarheid van de hedendaagse ethiek,VABB-1,107,122,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:462493,,'She has to be prepared to improve herself' : shaping femininities in transnational marriage agencies in russia,VABB-1,355,370,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462494,,"Sweet and sour economic turmoil and resilience of the sugar sector in Antwerp and Rotterdam, 1795-1815",VABB-1,3,26,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462497,,Humanitarian protection advocacy in East Asia : charting a path forward,VABB-1,25,43,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462498,,Quadrature methods for bayesian optimal design of experiments with nonnormal prior distributions,VABB-1,179,194,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462499,,Artificial light at night affects sleep behaviour differently in two closely related songbird species,VABB-1,882,889,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:462500,,Finding inequality in an unlikely place : differences in policy congruence between social groups in Belgium,VABB-1,361,383,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:462501,,"Between ""forwardability"" and ""authenticity"" : writing style as a commercial asset in mediating communication on transnational dating websites",VABB-1,91,103,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:462503,,"Truth, justice, freedom : the trial as an emancipatory narrative framework in the cultural actions of Giuseppe Fava",VABB-1,22,44,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:462507,,A model for the use of the European certificate of succession for property registration,VABB-1,523,551,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462508,,A life course perspective on living apart together : meaning and incidence across Europe,VABB-1,799,817,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:462513,,Choosing channels : intra-state and extra-state strategies of Belgian subnational authorities in response to the European Semester,VABB-1,597,616,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462516,,Team teaching during field experiences in teacher education : investigating student teachers experiences with parallel and sequential teaching,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462517,,How does water information flow? Intersectionality in water information networks in a rural Ugandan community,VABB-1,553,569,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462519,,"Interpretatieproblemen bij de Richtlijn Consumentenkoop: over het begrip ""verkoopovereenkomst"" en de redelijke termijn (noot onder HvJ 7 september 2017)",VABB-1,86,98,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462521,,Einführung: Überlegungen zur literarischen 'Transkultur',VABB-1,5,22,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:462522,,The binding nature and enforceability of hybrid global administrative bodies' norms within the national legal order: the Case Study of WADA,VABB-1,411,432,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462525,,How to gauge banal nationalism and national indifference in the past: proletarian tweets in Belgiums belle époque,VABB-1,579,593,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:462527,,ICOs in Belgium: down the rabbit hole into legal no man's land? Part 2,VABB-1,537,557,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462530,,De dominantiestructuren en het ruimtegebruik van de Marokkaanse vrouwen in Deurne- Noord,VABB-1,32,66,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462533,,"The recent financial crisis, start-up financing, and survival",VABB-1,928,951,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462538,,Identifying the geography of online shopping adoption in Belgium,VABB-1,33,41,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462539,,"Soft urban arrival infrastructures in the periphery of metropolitan areas : the role of social networks for Sub-Saharan newcomers in Aalst, Belgium",VABB-4,153,177,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462540,,Linked to professional development : designing a network intervention to strengthen informal networks in a formal program,VABB-4,44,64,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462542,,Das schwierige Problem des Gehalts,VABB-4,437,464,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:462545,,Het Unitary Patent Package: wanneer komt er eindelijk licht aan het eind van de tunnel?,VABB-1,197,215,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462548,,A green light turning red? The potential influence of human rights on developing customary legal protection against conflict-driven displacement,VABB-1,62,78,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462551,,It is not only about the depth of processing : what if eye am not interested in the text?,VABB-1,284,294,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462552,,More ado about nothing : on the typology of negative indefinites,VABB-4,107,146,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462557,,Modeling bat prey capture in echolocating bats : the feasibility of reactive pursuit,VABB-1,305,314,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462558,,Investigating the nutrient content of food prepared in popular children's TV cooking shows,VABB-1,2102,2115,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462564,,More than energy savings : quantifying the multiple impacts of energy efficiency in Europe,VABB-5,1727,1736,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462567,,Editorial : the actress-manager and early film,VABB-1,3,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462568,,Een aanpak voor het bepalen van een realistische ranking van de gevaarlijkste procesonderdelen van het ammoniakproductieproces,VABB-1,42,56,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462569,,Game Theory for managing security in chemical industrial areas,VABB-2,,,157 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462573,,Belast genot : de tabaksimpost van de Staten van Brabant als verklikker van tabaksverbruik in het verleden (1694-1794),VABB-1,47,63,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462574,,Ecodesign : ontwerpen voor een duurzame en circulaire economie,VABB-2,,,256 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462577,,Mysticism in the courtroom in 19th-century Europe,VABB-1,21,40,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462578,,Towards a cultural policy of trust: the Dutch approach from the perspective of a transnational civil domain,VABB-4,133,150,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462581,,La Cour constitutionnelle se prononce sur l'application du principe audi alteram partem en cas de licenciement pour motif grave,VABB-1,86,89,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462583,,Accommodating local human rights practice at the UN Human Rights Council,VABB-4,57,76,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462584,,Localizing Human Rights in the European Union: Principles and Challenges,VABB-4,88,102,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462586,,De ambiguïteit van de term 'radicale verlichting',VABB-1,39,71,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:462594,,The Bernhardt of Scandinavia : Betty Nansen's modern breakthrough,VABB-1,56,80,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462595,,Introduction : understanding superdiversity in deprived and mixed neighbourhoods,VABB-4,1,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462596,,"Conclusion : super-diversity, conviviality, inequality",VABB-4,235,244,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462597,,"Belgium, a poster child for inclusive growth?",VABB-4,75,97,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462605,,Phenomenological reflexions about young contemporary art : survival forms in ines moura's artworks.,VABB-1,46,61,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462607,,Dream experiences and the neural correlates of perceptual consciousness and cognitive access,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462610,,Newly developed serine protease inhibitors decrease visceral hypersensitivity in a post-inflammatory rat model for irritable bowel syndrome,VABB-1,3516,3533,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462611,,Learning from failure in healthcare : dynamic panel evidence of a physician shock effect,VABB-1,1340,1353,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462612,,Surveying individual political elites : a comparative three-country study,VABB-1,2221,2237,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462613,,Value co-creation in online healthcare communities : the impact of patients' reference frames on cure and care,VABB-1,629,639,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462616,,Multimodal mental imagery,VABB-1,125,134,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462617,,Age is more than just a number! The role of age and maturity in the processes leading to early school leaving in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,557,572,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462618,,External costs from fossil electricity generation : a review of the applied impact pathway approach,VABB-1,635,648,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462619,,The importance of amodal completion in everyday perception,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462620,,Hysteresis due to irreversible exit : addressing the option to mothball,VABB-1,69,83,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462624,,Audio description for (postdramatic) theatre. Preparing the stage,VABB-1,232,248,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462625,,Discrimination and administrative burden in public service markets : does a public-private difference exist?,VABB-1,423,439,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462626,,Regulating scientific research : a constitutional moment?,VABB-1,S163,S184,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462627,,From a culture of civility to deliberative reconciliation in deeply divided societies,VABB-1,229,251,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462628,,Die Rolle der Frequenz in der Grammatikalisierung : lange Passive mit by im Englischen,VABB-1,251,280,,ger,2018,1 c:vabb:462629,,A conceptual framework for cooperation in hinterland development between neighbouring seaport authorities,VABB-1,819,836,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462630,,Adolescents' social background and non-standard writing in online communication,VABB-1,2,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462631,,Religious studies and nonconfessional RE : countering the debates,VABB-1,155,172,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462632,,The paradox of weakness in European Trade Policy : contestation and resilience in CETA and TTIP negotiations,VABB-1,70,85,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462633,,"Gender is not ""a dummy variable"" : a discussion of current gender research in accounting",VABB-1,385,407,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462635,,The impact of changing market requirements on dock labour employment systems in northwest European seaports,VABB-1,429,454,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462636,,Does the imitation of the sketch style of good industrial designers influence students' drawing skills?,VABB-5,472,477,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:462640,,Deskundigenonderzoek FMO-procedure moet in concreto gewaardeerd worden,VABB-1,49,52,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462641,,National or political cake? The political economy of intergovernmental transfers in Nigeria,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462643,,Ruimte voor creatieve oplossingen. Taal in het Vlaamse hoger onderwijs: beleid en praktijk,VABB-1,19,23,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462650,,Atypical employment and in-work poverty,VABB-4,146,170,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462651,,Doesn't anyone else care? Poverty among working single parents across Europe,VABB-4,195,222,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462654,,Christian Resurrection as a Propaganda Tool in Heinrich Anacker's Nazi Poetry - The sacralization of Reich and Führer,VABB-1,19,32,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462655,,The cognitive basis of computation: putting computation in its place,VABB-4,272,282,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462658,,"Het Hof van Justitie over onderdelen, reparatieonderdelen en de toepassing van de reparatieclausule",VABB-1,249,262,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:462661,,Art. XI.189 WER,VABB-4,1,32,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462663,,"Art. XI.291, 292, 316, 317 en 336 WER",VABB-4,1,30,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462664,,De rechten verbonden aan een Benelux-merk,VABB-4,1,51,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462676,,"Overview of PAN 2018: Author Identification, Author Profiling, and Author Obfuscation",VABB-4,267,285,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462677,,A 3D printed thermal manikin head for evaluating helmets for convective and radiative heat loss,VABB-5,592,602,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462678,,Architecture and architectural sculpture : the Jesuit Church of Antwerp,VABB-2,,,370 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462679,,"The dark side of descriptive representation : bodies, normalisation and exclusion",VABB-1,31,42,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462682,,Karel Martens and the Architecture of the Journal,VABB-1,73,82,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462683,,A conversation with Karel Martens,VABB-1,211,264,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462687,,Steering the adoption of battery storage through electricity tariff design,VABB-1,125,139,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462688,,Katanga's secessionism in the Democratic Republic of Congo,VABB-4,361,391,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462689,,The Jorisards: public mobilization between local emotions and universal rights,VABB-4,225,246,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462693,,Poéticas de la comida: de protagonista en la ficción del Período Especial a accesorio en la Generación Cero,VABB-1,34,50,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:462694,,De Brusselse Woninghuurordonnantie: wat nieuws onder de zon?,VABB-1,186,207,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462698,,Migration and interlanguage: translative writing in Osman Engin's satirical texts,VABB-1,177,189,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:462699,,"Multiculturalisme et interdiction du port de signes de nature religieuse visibles sur le lieu de travail: une application au secteur de la santé, (note sous Cour de Justice, 14 mars 2017)",VABB-1,27,34,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462703,,PSS design and strategic rollout : tools for product-service systems,VABB-3,,,220 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462704,,PSS design : understanding,VABB-4,14,83,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462705,,PSS design : explore,VABB-4,84,131,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462706,,PSS design : define,VABB-4,132,183,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462707,,PSS strategic rollout,VABB-4,192,211,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462709,,Manufacturing consent : rereading news on four climate summits (2000-2012),VABB-1,621,649,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462710,,Of human love: catholics campaigning for sexual aggiornamento in postwar Belgium,VABB-4,49,71,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462712,,Bestaat de bevrijdende verjaring of is ze slechts een vorm van de verkrijgende verjaring? Een onderzoek naar de verjaring als monistisch of dualistisch concept,VABB-1,393,463,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462713,,At home and on the road: comparing food cultures in the medieval Low Countries,VABB-4,331,358,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462715,,Fit for the labour market? An effort to reduce inactivity traps in the transition from benefit to work in the Belgian sickness and disability system,VABB-1,491,521,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:462716,,Much Ado About Nothing? The low importance of Twitter as a sourcing tool for economic journalists,VABB-1,869,888,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462718,,'In a Queer Time and Place': Queerolization in Giovannis Room and Black-Label,VABB-1,168,195,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462720,,De sociale toestand van de beklaagde als (verplicht?) criterium bij het bepalen van een proportionele geldboete,VABB-1,395,406,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462723,,"Twofold pictorial experience, propositional imagining and recognitional concepts: a critique of Walton's visual make-believe",VABB-1,147,156,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462724,,Research-by-Design : stimulating entrepreneurship and innovation,VABB-5,741,750,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462725,,Protection of EU Law in case of legislative omissions: how constitutional courts react,VABB-1,254,286,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462726,,Multimodality and audiovisual translation: cohesion in accessible films,VABB-4,260,280,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462728,,The cognitive value of modernist literature: Ricoeur's conception of productive imagination reconsidered,VABB-1,161,175,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462729,,Measuring synergy within a Triple Helix innovation system using game theory : cases of some developed and emerging countries,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462730,,Het principieel akkoord doorgelicht,VABB-1,13,33,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462731,,Wetenschappers in actie : een publiek sociologische-benadering,VABB-3,,,176 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462732,,Strong evaluation down the decades: rearticulating Taylor's central concept,VABB-1,149,178,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462733,,Retrieving realism in social imaginaries,VABB-4,73,92,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462734,,Wetenschap en maatschappij : in public sociology we trust,VABB-4,11,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462735,,Tussen blockadia en academia : een publiek-sociologische exploratie van klimaatactivisme,VABB-4,43,62,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462736,,"Waarom de speech van President Xi Jinping voor het 19de Congres van de Communistische Partij van China er ook voor ons toe doet: bedenkingen bij President Xi's gedachten over partij, staat en overheid",VABB-1,45,61,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462737,,"SDGs, foreign ministries and the art of partnering with the private sector",VABB-1,327,335,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462738,,My heart is sore about brave Belgium : artistic exodus: Belgian refugee artists in Great Britain during the Great War,VABB-4,101,114,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462739,,Architect 2.0 : juridische knelpunten in het Belgisch wettelijk kader voor architecten,VABB-1,272,285,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462741,,"Woontypologie gezocht : van alleenstaande eengezinswoning naar een stedelijk, collectief, inclusief huisvestingsproject?",VABB-1,71,91,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462742,,"City and society in the Low Countries, 1100-1600",VABB-3,,,303 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462743,,City and society in the Low Countries: urbanisation and urban historiograpghy,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462744,,Living together in the city: social relationships between norm and practice,VABB-4,59,92,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462745,,At home in the city: the dynamics of material culture,VABB-4,192,219,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462746,,Epilogue: The legacy of the medieval city in the Low Countries,VABB-4,255,264,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462747,,"Filelfo, Cicero and epistolary style : a computational study",VABB-4,239,270,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462749,,How can we be moved to shoot zombies? A paradox of fictional emotions and actions in interactive fiction,VABB-1,279,299,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462751,,Visibilité et témoignage dans le récit La métamorphose de Franz Kafka,VABB-1,357,382,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462752,,German-Jewish urban experience in the Third Reich: space and persecution in autobiographical writing from Breslau,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462753,,Globalization,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462754,,Use of debt relief for the education sector in the DRC,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462759,,Het onderscheid tussen bestraffende en probleemverhelpend bestuurlijk handhaven: what's in a name of relevant onderscheid?,VABB-4,41,118,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462760,,De sanctie bij schending van de redelijketermijneis bij bestuurlijke handhavingbesluiten. Capita selecta,VABB-4,119,222,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462763,,Socio-juridische studies: de derde weg,VABB-1,39,54,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462765,,Het Instituut voor Octrooigemachtigden,VABB-1,7,16,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462774,,Performance management in Europe : an idea whose time has come and gone?,VABB-4,207,225,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462775,,Quantification of the indirect use value of functional group diversity based on the ecological role of species in the ecosystem,VABB-1,181,194,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462776,,The potential of microalgae biorefineries in Belgium and India : an environmental techno-economic assessment,VABB-1,271,280,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462777,,Economic sustainability assessment in semi-steppe rangelands,VABB-1,112,119,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462781,,Programmed cell death-1 inhibitor-induced type 1 diabetes mellitus,VABB-1,3144,3154,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462782,,Understanding the illegal ivory trade and traders: evidence from Uganda,VABB-1,1077,1099,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462784,,Nonconsensual sexting and the role of sex differences reply,VABB-1,890,891,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462786,,A stochastic techno-economic assessment of seabed mining of polymetallic nodules in the Clarion Clipperton Fracture Zone,VABB-1,133,141,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462788,,Sustainability assessment of urban heritage sites,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462789,,Clinical validation of the Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale (PDAS) against independent global severity ratings in older adults,VABB-1,203,208,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462792,,"Separation from the abducting parent and the best interests of the child: a comparative analysis of case law in Belgium, France and Switzerland",VABB-1,131,153,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462793,,"""Why (should) I do something for the environment?"" Profiles of Flemish adolescents' motivation toward the environment",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462794,,Bridging sustainability and corporate social responsibility : culture of monitoring and evaluation of CSR initiatives in India,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462795,,Improving the technical efficiency of Sengcu rice producers through better financial management and sustainable farming practices in mountainous areas of Vietnam,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462796,,Vulnerability assessment of rural households to Urmia Lake drying (the case of Shabestar region),VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462797,,Citizen media practices at the digital startup Mvslim,VABB-1,1061,1069,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462798,,A migration project in retrospect : the case of the ageing zero generation in Emirdağ,VABB-1,260,269,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:462799,,Pharmacotherapy and nutritional supplements for seasonal affective disorders: a systematic review,VABB-1,1221,1233,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462800,,Compacter wonen in een context van superdiversiteit : nood aan meer inzicht in de woonwensen en wooncultuur van mensen met een migratie-achtergrond in Vlaanderen,VABB-1,92,117,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462804,,De schorsing van de voorlopige tenuitvoerlegging: weldra niet meer dan een vage herinnering?,VABB-1,1270,1274,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462806,,(G)een reservebescherming in de Europese Erfrechtverordening(?): minimale familiale solidariteit als grens van de internationale openbare orde,VABB-1,208,217,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462807,,Reasons for pragmatism: affording epistemic contact in a shared environment,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462812,,De zomer van 1917 in context,VABB-1,197,211,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462814,,Gender quotas in Belgium : consolidating the citizenship model while challenging the conception of gender equality,VABB-4,41,61,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462815,,Integral ecology and the anthropocene,VABB-4,79,88,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462818,,Re-integratie van arbeidsongeschikte personeelsleden in overheidsdienst - Een hindernissenparcours van formaat,VABB-1,663,689,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462820,,"Kif-kif? Arabische ontleningen in de Nederlandse, Spaanse en Arabische versie van Kiffe Kiffe demain",VABB-1,37,47,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462821,,Increasing the safety level in the public transport sector : an application to support decision making in a rail network,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462828,,Een competentiegericht personeelsbeleid uitbouwen : een hybride delphi-studie naar randvoorwaarden,VABB-1,44,53,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462829,,The study of historical films as adaptation : some critical reflections,VABB-4,11,31,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462830,,Communalism and internationalism : publication norms and structures in international social science,VABB-1,14,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462831,,Cavities shield birds from effects of artificial light at night on sleep,VABB-1,449,456,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462832,,"Personality and artificial light at night in a semi-urban songbird population : no evidence for personality-dependent sampling bias, avoidance or disruptive effects on sleep behaviour",VABB-1,1317,1324,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462835,,Does media attention lead to personal electoral success? Differences in long and short campaign media effects for top and ordinary political candidates,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462839,,"Civic religion: community, identity and religious transformation",VABB-4,128,161,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462840,,"2017 Lutherjaar, ook in Antwerpen",VABB-1,159,162,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462841,,Ethique du multilinguisme,VABB-1,24,39,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462843,,Art. 3.1 t/m art. 3.4 BVIE en Art. 3 t/m 9 van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen,VABB-4,1,108 en 1-12,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462846,,Branding cyber-activism : Burke's identification and the visual identity of Anonymous,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:462847,,A identidade online dos Brasileiros com deficiência : possibilidades e desafios da etnografia digital,VABB-5,1,13,,por,2016,2 c:vabb:462849,,How to leave Descartes behind : on the relevance of Marxism for a post-Cartesian philosophy of mind,VABB-1,91,105,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462851,,Persistence and changes in the peripheral Beles basin of Ethiopia,VABB-1,2089,2104,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462852,,Assessing the sustainability of community forest management : a case study from Iran,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462853,,Market power extended : from Foucault to Meadows,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462854,,A review of sustainability indicators for biobased chemicals,VABB-1,115,126,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462855,,How participation in vegetables market affects livelihoods : empirical evidence from Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,107,131,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462856,,Agricultural land conversion : reviewing drought impacts and coping strategies,VABB-1,184,195,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462858,,In situ investigation of Chinese export watercolours in the nineteenth century : pigments and dyes,VABB-1,218,234,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462859,,Continuous time state space modeling with an application to high-frequency road traffic data,VABB-4,305,315,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462873,,Defamiliarization and the unprompted (not innocent) eye,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462874,,Art made for pictures,VABB-4,181,198,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462875,,Art made for pictures,VABB-1,120,134,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462876,,Against aesthetic judgment,VABB-4,52,65,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462877,,"Attention is amplification, not selection",VABB-1,1,70,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462879,,Perception is not all-purpose,VABB-1,1,12,-,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462881,,De hervorming van de Vlaamse academische lerarenopleidingen in de achteruitkijkspiegel : blijven ze een speelbal op het universitaire veld?,VABB-1,97,113,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462882,,"Het buitenperspectief maakt vrij: over nut, noodzaak en mogelijkheid van neutraal, niet-confessioneel onderwijs over religie, levensbeschouwing en ethiek voor iedereen",VABB-1,203,223,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462884,,Combining mediation and arbitration in international commercial dispute resolution,VABB-2,,,272 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462887,,De onzichtbare scheidingsgolf : een analyse van relatieontbinding van samenwonenden en gehuwden in België,VABB-1,1,31,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462891,,"Modus vivendi liberalism, practice-dependence and political legitimacy",VABB-1,1,21,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462892,,"Clean trade, anti-paternalism, resources' entitlement",VABB-1,79,94,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462893,,Democratic justice: the priority of politics and the ideal of citizenship,VABB-1,211,221,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462895,,Rawls and religion,VABB-3,,,305 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:462896,,Applying criteria to examples or learning by comparison : effects on students' evaluative judgment and performance in writing,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462897,,"Recuerdos, heterotopías y heterocronías : la experiencia cinematográfica en la Ciudad de México",VABB-1,17,37,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:462898,,Belgian film culture beyond the big city : cinema-going in the provincial and rural periphery of Antwerp,VABB-4,135,154,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462899,,"The social experience of going to the movies in the 1930s-1960s in a small Texas border town : moviegoing habits and memories of Films in Laredo, Texas",VABB-4,155,170,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462900,,Het geloof van gewone mensen in beeld gebracht : ontsluiting en digitalisering van de Collectie Thijs,VABB-1,163,166,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462902,,New rules for an old game? How the 2016 U.S. election caught the press off guard,VABB-1,671,696,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462904,,Sociaalwerkonderzoek op het kruispunt van beleidsgerichte en publieke sociologie,VABB-4,99,111,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462905,,Politics and gender : rocking political science and creating new horizons,VABB-1,3,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462907,,In de tang,VABB-1,658,663,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462908,,Reincarnating the identity theory,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462909,,Consignatie bij de Gentse schepenbanken tijdens het Ancien Régime: een studie van het fonds Vreemde Steden in het Stadsarchief Gent,VABB-1,123,152,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:462911,,Overheidsfinanciering voor geloofsgemeenschappen in de Straatsburgse jurisprudentie,VABB-1,43,71,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462912,,"De democratische rechtsstaat en de kerk: de eigen rol van de overheid in een multireligieus landschap, bepaald door het EVRM",VABB-1,314,328,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462913,,Onderwijs en consumentenrecht na het arrest-Karel de Grote Hogeschool van het Hof van Justitie EU van 17 mei 2018,VABB-1,15,29,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462915,,"La recherche en révision : portrait bibliométrique, questions de recherche et méthodologies",VABB-1,129,152,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462918,,"Social media references in newspapers : Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as sources in newspaper journalism",VABB-4,542,551,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:462919,,Making sense of Twitter buzz : the cross-media construction of news stories in election time,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462920,,"Making peace within the Islamic world: Islamic tradition and the ""Letter-Treaty"" in Mamluk diplomacy",VABB-1,127,155,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462923,,'Reality is the Best Scenario': an interview with BERLIN,VABB-4,245,257,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462924,,"Magie, science et apparences: le théâtre d'Henri Robin",VABB-4,103,116,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462926,,Ovidian violence: Georges Méliès's explosive screen bodies,VABB-4,25,34,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462927,,"Entrepreneurship, innovation and education : frontiers in European entrepreneurship research",VABB-3,,,224 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462929,,"Economic vitality: urbanisation, regional complementarity and European interaction",VABB-4,22,58,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462930,,Education and knowledge: theory and practice in an urban context,VABB-4,220,254,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462931,,Wandering about the learning market: early modern apprenticeship in Antwerp gold- and silversmith ateliers,VABB-4,36,63,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462932,,Hervorming van de pensioenen in de overheidssector : stand van zaken anno 2018 met een visie op de toekomst,VABB-2,,,264 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462934,,The challenge of transhumanism in business,VABB-4,251,260,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462935,,What can sense making economies learn from the GNH of Bhutan?,VABB-4,215,224,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462940,,Moving beyond normative philosophies and policy concerns : a sociological account of place-based solidarities in diversity,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462942,,Are book publications disappearing from scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities?,VABB-1,592,607,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462945,,On distance decay in port choice,VABB-1,1314,1320,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462946,,Socialezekerheidscoordinatie na de Brexit,VABB-1,3,10,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462947,,De verkrijgende verjaring: enkele capita selecta,VABB-1,402,419,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462949,,De morele schade van (milieu)verenigingen: meer dan een 'symbolische euro',VABB-1,444,448,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462952,,Locating the global financial crisis : variegated neoliberalization in four European cities,VABB-1,468,488,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462953,,The city as a global political actor,VABB-3,,,282 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462954,,An urban studies take on global urban political agency,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462955,,'Dat was geen taal voor leden van de natuurwetenschappelijke gemeenschap': wetenschappelijke registers in fictie en non-fictie voor kinderen,VABB-1,28,44,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462956,,Open de poorten. Woutertje Pieterselezing 2018,VABB-1,146,152,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462959,,Middle and below living standards : what can we learn from beyond income measures of economic well-being?,VABB-4,282,311,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462960,,How arbitrary are the weights assigned to books in performance-based research funding? An empirical assessment of the weight and size of monographs in Flanders,VABB-1,660,672,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462961,,Typologies of citizen co-production in flood risk governance,VABB-1,330,339,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462962,,"The Great Famine in the county of Flanders (1315-17): the complex interaction between weather, warfare, and property rights",VABB-1,1048,1072,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462964,,Can calculated total nitrogen replace Kjeldahl total nitrogen measurements in 24-h urine samples?,VABB-1,E255,E257,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462965,,A combined approach to forecast container throughput demand : scenarios for the Hamburg-Le Havre range of ports,VABB-1,127,141,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462966,,Sham-controlled study of optokinetic stimuli as treatment for mal de debarquement syndrome,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462967,,Automatic detection of cyberbullying in social media text,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462968,,"Poor state, rich state : understanding the variability of poverty rates across U.S. States",VABB-1,628,652,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462970,,Ruggedness testing of an analytical method for pesticide residues in potato,VABB-1,303,316,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462973,,Sexting scripts in adolescent relationships : is sexting becoming the norm?,VABB-1,3836,3857,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462974,,Location theory and multi-criteria decision making : an application of the MOORA method,VABB-1,241,252,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462975,,The greening of terminal concessions in seaports,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462977,,From gay liberation to marriage equality : a political lesson to be learnt,VABB-1,280,299,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462978,,Empty fathers and failing empires : patrilineality and masculinity in os lusiadas,VABB-1,325,341,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462979,,Pharmacokinetic evaluation of the aripiprazole (once-monthly) injection for the treatment of bipolar disorder,VABB-1,999,1005,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462980,,"Do rules breed rules? Vertical rule-making cascades at the supranational, national, and organizational level",VABB-1,650,676,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462981,,Teachers' intergenerational advice and information seeking : content matters!,VABB-1,256,271,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462982,,And I think to myself what a wonderful world : in search of Louis Armstrong's Brussels collage,VABB-1,202,210,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:462983,,De insta-esthetiek van de onbeschaamdheid,VABB-1,213,216,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462985,,Capturing joint angles of the off-site human body,VABB-5,1244,1247,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:462986,,Universele esthetiek! De gulden snede? Over zin en onzin omtrent een merkwaardig getal,VABB-2,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462987,,Treatise of digital reconstruction and restauration of lace porcelain,VABB-5,15,26,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462989,,The US-DPRK summit & China's regional concerns,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462990,,Overleeft de trans-Atlantische relatie de Trump-diplomatie?,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462991,,Will the transatlantic relationship survive Trump diplomacy?,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462992,,De Syrische mini-wereldoorlog woedt verder,VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462993,,Dreigt Europa een geopolitiek schiereiland te worden?,VABB-1,1,7,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:462996,,"The great European stage directors: Bausch, Castellucci, Fabre",VABB-3,,,236 p.,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:462997,,Introduction,VABB-4,7,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:462998,,Onderwijsvrijheid in Vlaanderen en Nederland: een vergelijkende studie,VABB-1,303,326,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463001,,Becoming something else: the transormative aesthetics of Jan Fabre,VABB-4,147,172,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463005,,Le stigmate linguistique du bouc émissaire: Victor Klemperer et l'analyse du langage antisémite dans le national-socialisme,VABB-4,197,203,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:463006,,Veiligheid als rode draad bij de totstandkoming en de instandhouding van de reglementering inzake havenarbeid,VABB-1,731,757,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463008,,De weigering van de opschorting van de uitspraak van veroordeling herbekeken,VABB-1,491,500,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463009,,Hebben de instellingsreviews de werking van instellingen hoger onderwijs veranderd? Een praktijkvoorbeeld,VABB-1,77,81,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:463011,,Overspoelt de ongelijkheidsgolf ook de Lage Landen?,VABB-1,257,263,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463013,,Establishing typologies for diverging career paths through the life course : a comparison of two methods,VABB-1,139,149,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463024,,Controle op en afsluiting van het gerechtelijk onderzoek inzake voorrecht van rechtsmacht: recente ontwikkelingen,VABB-1,442,452,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463030,,Information theoretic framework for the optimization of UWB localization systems,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463033,,Nuclear terrorism : what can we learn from Los Alamos?,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463036,,Arbitrage in consumentengeschillen,VABB-4,35,48,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463038,,Explaining the reified notion of representation from a linguistic perspective,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463040,,"La régulation de la conjugalité en union libre au Burundi: une approche singulière, légalement critiquable et aux effets potentiellement pervers",VABB-1,258,279,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:463041,,Approaches to spatial analysis in a local cinema history research,VABB-1,54,75,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463042,,Cocreatie van kennis en beleid in complexe milieudossiers : welke rollen voor de (publieke) milieusociologie?,VABB-4,25,42,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463043,,Actieonderzoek als organische publieke sociologie : het project 'Generalistisch Werkt' als case,VABB-4,153,174,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463050,,"The 'activation turn' and the new horizontal division of labour at the local level : the case of social assistance services in Austria, Belgium, Norway and Switzerland",VABB-4,155,175,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463052,,Het profiel van de seksuele pleger in de sport op basis van een slachtofferenquête,VABB-1,407,419,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463055,,The performative force of the postsecular,VABB-4,86,97,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463059,,Welke richting op met de deeleconomie? Open vragen bij de Uber arresten (noot bij C-434/15 Asociación Profesional Elite Taxi / Uber Systems Spain en C-320/16 Uber France),VABB-1,66,76,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463060,,Ze halen hun slag wel thuis : over particratie en het aanpassingsvermogen van Belgische partijen,VABB-1,321,345,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463061,,Willem Jordaens's Lamentation over the death of a beloved fellow monk: to the limits of spiritual love,VABB-1,345,358,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:463063,,More is less? Decentralisation and regime control in neoliberal Uganda,VABB-4,111,126,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463064,,De boek- en tekstproductie van Servatius Smets en Chatarina de Flouwijn in het klooster Thabor in Mechelen,VABB-1,361,381,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:463065,,Hugo van Sint-Victor's 'Soliloquium de arrha animae' in het Middelnederlands; Kritische editie van de oudste Middelnederlandse vertaling van Hugo's zelfgesprek over de opgang naar de hoogste liefde,VABB-1,6,49,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463068,,"Heerst de tirannie van de minderheid? Over rechten, multiculturalisme en dialoog",VABB-1,21,38,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463069,,International child abduction and the best interests of the child: an analysis of judicial reasoning in two jurisdictions,VABB-1,421,454,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463070,,The globalization of production and the politics of dispute initiation at the World Trade Organization,VABB-1,38,48,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463075,,Autism and social media : the case of Brazil,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463082,,Framing climate change : a multi-level model,VABB-4,215,271,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463089,,Groepsportret van een eenzaat: de biografie van Aartshertog Albrecht,VABB-1,57,72,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463090,,Een realistische fictie : de Heerlijcke reyse van Jan Aerts,VABB-1,1,47,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463094,,The challenge of domesticating children's rights treaties in Nigeria and alternative legal avenues for protecting children,VABB-1,447,470,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463098,,Implications of Article 81(1) TFEU's recognition clause for EU conflict of laws rules,VABB-1,476,499,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463099,,Contradictions and ambiguities in ECJ Case-Law on free movement of companies,VABB-1,526,540,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463110,,"Minder inkomen, dus minder mobiel, dus minder kansen?",VABB-4,277,290,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463112,,Towards geological-economic modelling to improve evaluating policy instruments for geothermal energy : case study for Belgium (Campine Basin),VABB-1,10,15,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463113,,"Oorsprong, betekenis en draagwijdte van de Europese bevoegdheid inzake veiligheid en gezondheid van de werknemers",VABB-1,549,570,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463115,,Contemporary crises in European politics : gender equality+ under threat,VABB-1,301,306,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463125,,Armoede en sociale uitsluiting : jaarboek 2018,VABB-3,,,488 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463128,,"Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities. Papers and Gates, 1500-1930s",VABB-3,,,320 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463129,,Foreign domestic servants in Antwerp: a comparative regional approachon female migration trajectories to nineteenth-century European cities,VABB-4,173,194,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463130,,The Heritage Education Multiperspectivity Matrix (HEM Matrix v1.0) : a programme screening instrument for heritage education focusing on multiperspectivity,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463131,,25 jaar herverdeling en adequaatheid van minimuminkomens in België,VABB-4,107,122,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463132,,Inleiding : over armoede en beleid,VABB-4,23,44,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463133,,Een blik op het armoedebeleid in Vlaanderen en België,VABB-4,47,73,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463134,,Armoedebestrijding in een Europese Sociale Unie,VABB-4,75,106,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463135,,Armoede en sociale uitsluiting ontcijferd,VABB-4,377,452,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463136,,Thuisblijven of werken? Ervaren drempels van Marokkaanse vrouwen,VABB-4,149,172,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463137,,De sociaaleconomische positie van gezinnen met een kind met een beperking : welke rol speelt ze bij de ouderlijke tewerkstelling en de onderwijskeuze voor het kind?,VABB-4,307,326,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463140,,Het verbeteren van intern transport met palletwagens: een bow-tie analyse van ongevalsscenario's,VABB-1,74,87,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463143,,De nieuwe verblijfsduurvoorwaarde voor de toekenning van de inkomensvervangende tegemoetkoming aan personen met een handicap: juridisch drijfzand (deel 1),VABB-1,401,416,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463144,,De nieuwe verblijfsduurvoorwaarde voor de toekenning van de inkomensvervangende tegemoetkoming aan personen met een handicap: juridisch drijfzand (Deel 2),VABB-1,421,428,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463145,,De last van de bewijslast : waarom het bewijs in OCMW-zaken moeilijkheden oplevert voor de burger in armoede,VABB-4,239,258,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463146,,Verschillende berekening belastbare inkomsten uit Belgisch vs. in buitenland gelegen vastgoed schendt vrij verkeer van kapitaal,VABB-1,461,465,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463149,,"Noot onder HvJ EU 29 mei 2018, nr. C-426/16, Liga van Moskeeën en Islamitische Organisaties Provincie Antwerpen e.a.",VABB-1,576,584,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463150,,"Noot onder EHRM 27 februari 2018, Mockutė t. Litouwen (nr. nr. 66490/09)",VABB-1,345,352,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463151,,Banks,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463157,,Playing with the rules of play : the spirit of the avant-garde in arts education,VABB-1,69,82,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463158,,Going wide : extended mind and Wittgenstein,VABB-1,275,283,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463159,,Live to fight another day? Organizational maintenance and mortality anxiety of civil society organizations,VABB-1,1249,1270,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463160,,Rethinking transition : what happens when young people leave school early?,VABB-1,447,451,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463161,,The Maudsley Staging Method as predictor of electroconvulsive therapy effectiveness in depression,VABB-1,605,614,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463162,,Online celebrity aggression : a combination of low empathy and high moral disengagement? The relationship between empathy and moral disengagement and adolescents' online celebrity aggression,VABB-1,61,69,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463163,,Sustainability segmentation of business students : toward self-regulated development of critical and interpretational competences in a post-truth era,VABB-1,561,570,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463164,,Measuring and explaining the diversity of voices and viewpoints in the news : a comparative study on the determinants of content diversity of immigration news,VABB-1,2324,2343,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:463165,,Articles reporting research on Latin American social movements are only rarely transparent,VABB-1,736,748,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463166,,"Modelling the Triple Helix of university-industry-government relationships with game theory: Core, Shapley value and nucleolus as indicators of synergy within an innovation system",VABB-1,1118,1132,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463167,,Primary teachers' perceptions that impact upon track recommendations regarding pupils' enrolment in secondary education: a path analysis,VABB-1,1153,1173,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463170,,Understanding the influence of teachers' cognitive and affective responses upon school inspection feedback acceptance,VABB-1,399,431,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463171,,The longitudinal course of cognitive insight and mood in bipolar disorder,VABB-1,9,12,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463172,,Visiblement: l'évolution diachronique d'un marqueur évidentiel,VABB-1,1008,1035,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463174,,"The Associations between substance use, sexual behavior, deviant behaviors and adolescents' engagement in sexting : does relationship context matter?",VABB-1,2353,2370,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463175,,Entrance requirements to the audit profession within the EU and audit quality,VABB-1,360,373,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463176,,Renaissance of early modern letters,VABB-1,829,834,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463177,,Ethnographic film's relation to African Cinema : Safi Faye and Jean Rouch,VABB-1,426,444,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:463178,,Tread carefully : managing identities and expectations in high-tech industry-academia collaborations,VABB-1,29,43,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463179,,Water expenses by households living in Flanders : data availability in the Belgian EU-SILC,VABB-1,1568,1572,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463180,,Fish value chain and its impact on rural households' income : lessons learned from Northern Ethiopia,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463182,,Adolescents' reasons to unfriend on Facebook,VABB-1,603,610,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463183,,"Editor's Column ""And yet-and yet!"": Connections between Stevens's Poetry and Joyce's Ulysses",VABB-1,143,152,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463184,,News and comments,VABB-1,290,293,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463185,,Media coverage of child rights issues in Uganda : the case of The New Vision,VABB-1,149,168,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463186,,Distinguishing subgroups based on psychomotor functioning among patients with major depressive disorder,VABB-1,199,208,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463187,,Patterns of conflict and mobilization : mapping interest group activity in EU legislative policymaking,VABB-1,136,146,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463189,,School self-evaluation : self-perception or self-deception? The impact of motivation and socially desirable responding on self-evaluation results,VABB-1,660,678,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463190,,Public-private cooperation and judicial review : a case study drawn from European infrastructure projects,VABB-1,515,538,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463191,,Invoking Fortuna and speculating on the future lotteries in the 15th and 16th century low countries,VABB-1,699,725,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:463192,,Vormt het contractuele verbintenissenrecht nog het gemene recht? Beschouwingen bij de impliciete wijzigingen van het contractuele verbintenissenrecht en het kooprecht door het Wetboek van Economisch Recht,VABB-1,1603,1608,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:463198,,Keep calm and carry on? De toekomst van de sociaal-economische geschiedenis in de Lage Landen,VABB-1,143,160,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463199,,The Flemish performance-based research funding system : a unique variant of the Norwegian model,VABB-1,45,60,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463202,,Een verbloemd verleden: de heraldiek en eretekens van het Huis Arenberg,VABB-4,38,45,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463203,,The embellished past: heraldry and insignia of the House of Arenberg,VABB-4,38,45,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463204,,Un passé fleuri: héraldique et signes honorifiques de la Maison d'Arenberg,VABB-4,38,45,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:463205,,Social imaginaries in a globalizing world,VABB-3,,,269 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463206,,Introduction to Social imaginaries in a globalizing world,VABB-4,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463207,,Een vakspecifieke kijk op de relatie tussen ervaren docentgedrag en studiemotivatie binnen het HBO Pedagogiek onderwijs,VABB-1,46,61,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463210,,"Resentment and ressentiment, dignity and honour",VABB-4,107,128,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463211,,"Human rights-based approaches to development: the local, travel and transformation",VABB-4,77,99,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463215,,Augmenting a cardiology-patient doctor-dialogue through integrated heartbeat-activated holographic display,VABB-5,40,44,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463219,,Adapt or perish : recent developments on social protection in the EU under a gig deal of pressure,VABB-1,329,345,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463220,,The legality principle under the ECHR applied to freedom-restricting public order powers : a critical analysis of the Belgian prohibition of place,VABB-1,1,57,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463221,,Het proportionaliteitsbeginsel in het gemeentelijke openbare-ordehandhavingsrecht : naar een meer gelijklopende proportionaliteitstoets?,VABB-4,162,193,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463225,,Gender and migration : a gender-sensitive approach to migration dynamics,VABB-3,,,268 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463226,,Women in Mediterranean asylum flows : current scenario and ways forward,VABB-4,217,241,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463227,,Gendered migration aspirations in Turkey : the importance of the 'culture of migration',VABB-4,243,260,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463229,,Tangible beauty: Louis Engelberts Grand Tour,VABB-4,312,319,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463231,,Une beauté palpable: Le Grand tour de Louis-Engelbert d'Arenberg,VABB-4,312,319,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:463232,,Tastbare schoonheid: De Grand Tour van Louis-Engelbert,VABB-4,312,319,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463236,,Het Antwerpse en Brusselse rekruteringsgebied voor buitenlandse dienstmeiden (1850-1910),VABB-1,33,68,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463249,,De arbeidsgeschiedenis van Belgische ouderen in kaart gebracht,VABB-1,494,510,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463250,,The future of the new: an interview with Boris Groys,VABB-1,85,97,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463258,,Benjamin and Adorno on art and art criticism : critique of art,VABB-2,,,367 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463263,,Handbook of Pragmatics: 21st Annual Installment,VABB-3,,,285 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463267,,"Domino-effecten bij chemische bedrijven en clusters, een literatuuroverzicht van de kennisontwikkeling",VABB-1,131,147,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463270,,"Zacht, maar zonder macht: Kindertijd en volwassenheid in Maar ik ben Frederik, zei Frederik",VABB-1,67,78,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463271,,Teaching re-use strategies for modernist buildings : a case study handbook for a joint European Master in Architecture,VABB-1,187,201,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463272,,The potential stigmatizing effect of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463275,,The use of cost information in an exploitative and exploratory firm context,VABB-5,1,60,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463277,,Jan van der Noot et les recueils plurilingues de poésie à Anvers,VABB-4,671,678,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:463283,,"Rediscovering ""wonder"" through I-Docs : reflections on ""immersive"" viewing in the context of contemporary digital/visual practices",VABB-1,49,62,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463284,,Lucht in je leven : een pilootproject rond milieu en gezondheid bij sociaal kwetsbare doelgroepen,VABB-1,69,77,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463286,,"The UN ""Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights"": methodological challenges to assessing the third pillar: access to effective remedy",VABB-1,353,370,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463287,,Two economics tropes of commodity and capital fetishism: sensationalism and monotony (1700-1900),VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463288,,Prospective dreams of a field to come: the emergence of theatre studies in Flanders,VABB-1,40,69,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463291,,Transformations of a noble family: Arenberg on the European chessboard,VABB-4,29,37,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463292,,De gedaanteverwisselingen van een adellijk geslacht: Arenberg op het Europese schaakbord,VABB-4,23,31,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463293,,Arenberg sur l'échiquier européen: les métamorphoses d'une famille noble,VABB-4,23,31,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:463294,,Het Hof van Justitie als Hoeder van de Rechtsstaat,VABB-1,571,578,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463297,,Curiosité pour les langues et défense du Néerlandais à Anvers / Sprachinteresse und Verteidigung des Niederländischen in Antwerpen,VABB-4,233,241,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:463298,,La chanson et ses paroles à Anvers / Das Lied und sein Text in Antwerpen,VABB-4,739,748,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:463299,,Traduction de textes et adaptation de genres à Anvers / Textübersetzungen und Gattungsüberarbeitungen in Antwerpen,VABB-4,769,776,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:463301,,"Restating/Resituating the ""State of the Art""",VABB-1,3,37,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:463304,,Woord vooraf,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463306,,Verhalend stedelijk landschap,VABB-1,2,8,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:463308,,"Verhalen, methoden en systemen. Bureau Bas Smets en het stedelijk landschap",VABB-1,103,108,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:463310,,Over vreemdelingen en autokerkhoven. Het tijdschrift Landscape tussen ervaring en systeemtheorie,VABB-1,44,50,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:463314,,Krisis Husserl,VABB-1,217,221,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:463323,,De milieu-erfdienstbaarheid of milieugrondlast: een nuttig zakenrechtelijk instrument voor de milieubescherming?,VABB-1,1195,1313,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463325,,Enhancing the protection of digital consumer rights in the European Union: the EU Commission's response to geoblocking and geofiltering,VABB-4,60,93,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463330,,Recente cassatierechtspraak betreffende de vermoedens van wettige verdediging (noot onder Cass. 8 november 2017 en Cass. 13 februari 2018),VABB-1,475,478,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463342,,Prescribing preferences in rapid tranquillisation : a survey in Belgian psychiatrists and emergency physicians,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:463344,,Los sonidos de la II Guerra Mundial en Manila: Ruido y autorrepresentación en 'Nuestros cinco últimos días bajo el yugo nipón' de María Paz Zamora-Mascuñana,VABB-1,291,314,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:463354,,"Civil rights and EU citizenship : challenges at the crossroads of the European, national and private spheres",VABB-3,,,320 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463355,,Epilogue. Towards a European civil rights mo(ve)ment?,VABB-4,303,308,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463356,,EU citizenship and civil rights: an underexplored nexus,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463360,,Het Europees failliet van de Nederlandse pre-pack. Estro herbekeken door de lens van het EU-recht - met bijzondere aandacht voor de doorwerkingsaspecten,VABB-1,3,11,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463361,,Fulfilling High Hopes? The legitimacy potential of the European Citizens Initiative,VABB-1,75,92,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463362,,Een trip door de jungle van externe bevoegdheden: het Hof wijst de weg in de OTIF-zaak,VABB-1,417,422,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463363,,"Annotatie: HvJ EU 13 juni 2018, zaak C-683/16, Deutscher Naturschutzring tegen Bundesrepublik Deutschland",VABB-1,622,632,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463366,,Determinants of internal governance quality : evidence from corporations in Ethiopia,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463368,,From wide cognition to mechanisms : a silent revolution,VABB-1,1,17,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:463369,,Integrated co-professional evaluation? Converging approaches to school evaluation across frontiers,VABB-1,76,90,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463372,,Playing before paying? A PES simulation game for assessing power inequalities and motivations in the governance of Ecosystem Services,VABB-1,218,227,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463373,,Governance strategies for improving flood resilience in the face of climate change,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463374,,Beyond the REM-NREM dichotomy : a multidimensional approach to understanding dreaming,VABB-1,13,33,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463376,,From political biography to political event : the Daens myth in literature in cinema,VABB-1,670,686,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463377,,The Cultura de la Pantalla network : writing new cinema histories across Latin America and Europe,VABB-1,161,168,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463385,,Meaning and film : setting the agenda for an embodied cognitive approach,VABB-1,40,62,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463391,,20 Years of Ícaro spreading its wings : Ícaro International Film Festival,VABB-1,273,281,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463392,,Het gewijzigde art. 1110 Ger.W.: de omvang van het debat voor de rechter op verwijzing aan banden gelegd?,VABB-1,643,651,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463393,,Конституционная (a)симметрия: новые и старые теоретические рамки,VABB-1,28,32,,rus,2018,2 c:vabb:463398,,Aspects of linguistic variation,VABB-3,,,278 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463399,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463400,,The New European Union-Norway Agreement on administrative cooperation in the field of VAT and other taxes,VABB-1,531,536,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463401,,New developments in international administrative assistance in the recovery of taxes,VABB-1,179,185,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463402,,"Overzicht rechtspraak 2015 - 2017: Algemeen belastingrecht - Inkomstenbelasting, auteur van het deel over personenbelasting",VABB-1,26,73,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463406,,De vertaler als schrijver : tekstproductiecompetentie als onderdeel van vertaalcompetentie,VABB-1,269,301,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463407,,Schenkingen op twee snelheden,VABB-1,374,378,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463409,,Occupational pension schemes for part-time workers: equality in the eye of the beholder?,VABB-1,309,324,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463415,,Pleidooi voor meerstemmigheid: Antwerpse Handjes en Jodenvervolging,VABB-1,397,417,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463417,,"Antwerp, 1930-2008",VABB-4,183,188,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463419,,Making sure the data fit the researchers data identification and investigation in European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI),VABB-4,97,111,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463420,,Art in a museum about the Holocaust and human rights,VABB-4,8,13,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463429,,Leren lezen in Vlaanderen : van aankomende kredietcrisis naar duurzame oplossingen,VABB-1,83,89,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463431,,Factors determining young adults' appreciation of reading poetry,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463438,,"Bernard McGinn's ""Presence of God"": the project that made mystical theology respectable",VABB-1,173,195,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463444,,"The illuminated Brabantsche yeesten manuscripts IV 684 and IV 685 in the Royal Library of Belgium : an unfinished project of Brabantine historiography: description, list of illustrations and index of persons depicted",VABB-1,7,35,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463447,,Speech and language in congenitally deaf children with a cochlear implant,VABB-4,763,790,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463451,,The Claus Case: exploring the use of propositional idea density for Alzheimer detection,VABB-1,66,82,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463452,,Stylometric Text Analysis for Dutch-speaking Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder,VABB-1,3,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463456,,Aid relations and state reforms in the Democratic Republic of the Congo : the politics of mutual accommodation and administrative neglect,VABB-2,,,210 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463461,,Naar niet-confessioneel levensbeschouwelijk onderwijs in een verzuild onderwijsstelsel: een pleidooi vanuit de Lage Landen,VABB-1,287,312,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463464,,Social mainstreaming through the European pillar of social rights: shielding 'the social' from 'the economic' in the EU policymaking,VABB-1,341,363,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463467,,Goddelijk,VABB-1,64,77,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463468,,Magies douteuses. A propos du portrait de Julie,VABB-4,398,410,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:463469,,"Taking aesthetics seriously in planning law: seeking inspiration for Flanders in France, the Netherlands and the UK",VABB-1,333,358,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463475,,"Juridische, administratieve en politieke factoren bij de tijdige omzetting van Europese richtlijnen",VABB-1,188,201,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463477,,Combating the trade in organs : why we should preserve the communal nature Of organ transplantation,VABB-4,77,112,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463481,,Zoomorphism,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463493,,Circular economy and sustainable development,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463501,,IPR : het recht van toepassing op niet-contractuele verbintenissen,VABB-4,1,110,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463504,,"L'odyssée d'un cabinet de livres rares : la ""Collection spéciale"" des Arenberg",VABB-4,244,251,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:463507,,Le théâtre anglophone contemporain et les nouveaux enjeux du rire,VABB-1,1,6,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:463514,,Reconceptualising the Asia-Pacific order : Japan's response to strategic uncertainties in the era of Trump,VABB-1,153,183,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463517,,The curious evolution of ECJ's case-law on personal names: beyond the recognition of decisions,VABB-1,725,739,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463519,,"Op korte termijn naar NOx-uitstoten conform de normen van de Luchtkwaliteitsrichtlijn in heel Vlaanderen?, noot onder Voorzitter rechtbank eerste aanleg Brussel van 10 oktober 2018",VABB-1,724,729,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463520,,De hereniging van twee deelcollecties uit de Collectie Van Nuffel,VABB-1,332,337,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463524,,Bemiddeling en verzoening in consumentengeschillen: willens nillens?,VABB-4,49,64,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463527,,Introduction to EU Citizenship in Times of Brexit,VABB-1,1289,1292,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463528,,Residence rights for EU citizens and their family members: navigating the new normal,VABB-1,1333,1352,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463531,,A new relation between government industry and knowledge institutes : the case of the maritime sector,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463533,,Looking at animals without seeing them : Havelock Ellis in the 'Circe' episode of Ulysses,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463534,,Earmarking 'Oxen of the sun' : on the dates of the copybook drafts,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463538,,Belgische innovatieaftrek: een kritische beoordeling vanuit het perspectief van het intellectueel eigendomsrecht,VABB-1,15,36,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463543,,Een retrospectieve wandeling langs milieusociologische plekken,VABB-4,63,82,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463544,,State of the art or state of confusion? A brief look at recent narratologies,VABB-1,3,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463545,,"Bit in the mouth, death in the soul: remembering the poetry of Léon-Gontran Damas",VABB-1,255,270,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:463549,,On the variability dimensions of normalized systems applications : experiences from four case studies,VABB-1,306,314,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463553,,Mamluk diplomacy,VABB-4,1,7,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463558,,Misleiding in je mailbox : hoe risicovolle online activiteiten blootstelling aan phishing verhogen,VABB-1,111,134,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463560,,'Things as they are / Are changed upon the blue guitar': Learning from Ned Rorem's Last Poems of Wallace Stevens,VABB-1,65,76,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463563,,Creatividad bajo presión. Los efectos de la des-institucionalización y la mercantilización sobre el trabajo creativo,VABB-1,15,33,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:463564,,Precarity as a common foundation for 'Networks of Subsistence',VABB-1,165,180,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463567,,'All You Can Do is Pray': implications for human rights advocacy of the lack of recognition of ethnic cleansing as an international crime on its own,VABB-1,508,523,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463571,,The role of social networks in relation to internal communications,VABB-1,51,66,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463572,,From pencil and eraser to blending materials and flipping the classroom : a short history of Teksredaksie and Text Editing,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463573,,"Risk, reward, and beyond: on the behavioral sensitivities of mean-variance efficient portfolios",VABB-1,79,93,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463576,,Blondel and the crisis of modernism,VABB-1,459,469,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463579,,Testing for the burst of bubbles in dry bulk shipping market using log periodic power law model,VABB-1,128,144,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463580,,The semantics of the simple tenses and full-verb inversion in English : a story of shared epistemic schemas,VABB-1,210,233,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463581,,Space insurance: legal aspects,VABB-1,11,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463582,,Causation in transport insurance,VABB-1,187,230,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463583,,"The insurance of driverless vehicles, pilotless aircraft and unmanned vessels",VABB-1,359,391,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463584,,De verzekering van zelfsturende en afstandsgestuurde tuigen,VABB-1,434,454,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:463586,,Twee handen op één buik? Hoe en waarom de mediatisering van de Vlaamse politiek en particratie hand in hand gaan,VABB-1,347,371,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463588,,De Zoo van A : geen dieren- zonder plantentuin,VABB-1,105,132,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463589,,"De onderneming en het begrip ""verkoper"" in de Richtlijn oneerlijke bedingen",VABB-1,229,240,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463591,,"Van wapenbord tot koningsboek : herinnering, herstel en herbestemming in de heraldiek van het Gulden Vlies (1559-1795)",VABB-1,179,202,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463592,,"Love, neuro-parenting and autism : from individual to collective responsibility towards parents and children",VABB-1,102,124,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463593,,Autisme : een begripsanalyse,VABB-1,2,18,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463595,,Biologie en context : ervaringen van volwassenen met een diagnose autisme,VABB-1,536,543,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463603,,Organiseren en organisatieontwerp,VABB-4,123,167,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463605,,Interorganisationele coördinatie en netwerkmanagement,VABB-4,389,421,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463607,,Misbruik van vertrouwen ten nadele van de eigen vennootschap (noot onder Cass. 31 mei 2016),VABB-1,381,384,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463609,,Verplichte prefinanciering door de douaneadministratie van lossingskosten betreffende in beslag genomen goederen,VABB-1,69,74,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463611,,"Raoul De Keyser in print : a catalogue of the silkscreens, lithographs, linocuts and etchings",VABB-2,,,64 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463612,,"The city symphony phenomenon : cinema, art, and urban modernity between the wars",VABB-3,,,342 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463614,,"Introduction : the city symphony phenomenon, 1920-1940",VABB-4,3,44,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463615,,Belgian variations on the city symphony theme,VABB-4,106,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463616,,"A survey of city symphonies, 1920-1940",VABB-4,211,323,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463621,,Expressive markers in online teenage talk : a correlational analysis,VABB-1,293,323,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463625,,Handbook of research on sustainable careers,VABB-3,,,488 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463626,,Social dialogue as a sustainable career development practice to combat (meta)stereotyping,VABB-4,209,220,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463627,,Worn but still effective : examining the audience data of the Chilean presidential electoral broadcasting (1999-2017),VABB-1,181,197,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463630,,De rechtszekerheid van de uitzonderingsplanologie,VABB-1,6,14,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463632,,De welzijnsverplichtingen bij werkzaamheden met diverse ondernemingen: volstaat het huidige wetgevend arsenaal?,VABB-4,151,185,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463633,,"Het is de arbeidsorganisatie, stupid",VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463641,,"Flexibiliteit en rechtszekerheid in de ruimtelijke ordening : nieuwe problemen, nieuwe oplossingen",VABB-1,1,5,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463643,,Veerkrachtig recht en het spelen met eigendom : enkele inzichten uit het domein van de transportinfrastructuur,VABB-1,64,79,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463644,,Identity-transition into entrepreneurship : a two-phase theory to explain the propensity-capability paradox,VABB-5,1074,1080,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463645,,Entrepreneurial capability versus entrepreneurial propensity : why take the non-actors even more seriously?,VABB-5,942,950,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463648,,"Regels van internationale bevoegdheid in de context van de ""tweede generatie"" verordeningen: enkele beschouwingen vanuit het perspectief van berscherming van zwakke partijen",VABB-1,147,184,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463650,,Governance and aid,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463651,,Kinderen en rechters in gesprek in internationale kinderontvoeringszaken in België en Nederland,VABB-1,274,290,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463652,,"Introduction : migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities. Papers and Gates, 1500-1930s",VABB-4,3,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463656,,Fictionally flipping tetrominoes? Defining the fictionality of a videogame player's actions,VABB-1,1,12,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463657,,Emoties door onware proposities,VABB-1,473,489,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463659,,Redessiner un commun pour les semences : evaluation critique du système multilatéral d'accès et de partage des avantages du Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (TIRPAA),VABB-1,211,241,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:463660,,Redesigning the global seeds commons : law and policy for agrobiodiversity and food security,VABB-2,,,271 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463661,,Genetic resources for food and agriculture as a commons,VABB-4,218,230,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463662,,"The commons, plant breeding and agricultural research: challenges for food security and agrobiodiversity",VABB-3,,,301 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463663,,"Le lexique des jeunes des cités dans Kiffe Kiffe demain: choix traductifs en arabe, espagnol et néerlandais",VABB-1,69,96,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:463664,,De verenigbaarheid van het overheidstoezicht met de private rechtsvorm,VABB-1,243,258,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463667,,"Is rechtszekerheid passé? 'Adaptive law', een nieuw juridisch perspectief op de verhouding tussen recht en ruimtelijke vraagstukken",VABB-1,80,95,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463672,,De Verzekeringswet 2014 en de bescherming van de consument,VABB-1,3,17,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463677,,Trench crap: excremental aspects of the First World War,VABB-4,183,195,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463683,,Gevaarlijke gasten? Chinese arbeiders en het onveiligheidsgevoel in de Westhoek na de Eerste Wereldoorlog,VABB-1,29,45,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463686,,"Succession planning in family firms : family governance practices, board of directors, and emotions",VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463687,,Succession planning in family firms : emotional struggles and gender differences,VABB-5,455,461,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463688,,Participatie,VABB-4,402,429,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463690,,Media archaeology and intermedial performance: deep time of the theatre,VABB-3,,,290 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463700,,A new look at scalar implicatures under negation,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463714,,De rol van kwaliteitskamers in het recht van de ruimtelijke ordening: over smaken en kleuren moet je soms kunnen twisten,VABB-1,279,306,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463716,,The prudential carve-out for financial services: rationale and practice in the GATS and preferential trade agreements,VABB-2,,,260 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463717,,De gezagsrelatie als aanknopingspunt voor welzijnsbescherming: aan herdenking toe in een veranderende arbeidswereld?,VABB-1,691,729,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463718,,Psychosociale risico's op het werk met bijzondere aandacht voor stress en burn-out. Over de verantwoordelijkheid van de werkgever... en andere actoren,VABB-4,1,49,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463720,,Leaving no one behind in human rights research,VABB-1,9,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463722,,Introduction,VABB-1,2,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463723,,"In abstracto, in concreto en (in beginsel) irrelevant. Het Hof van Cassatie bevestigt enkele basisprincipes in het uitleveringsrecht (noot onder Cass. 26 juni 2018)",VABB-1,589,596,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463724,,The referenda for more autonomy in Veneto and Lombardia: constitutional and comparative perspectives,VABB-1,242,267,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463727,,Commentaar bij artikel 7 Wet 26 juni 1990,VABB-4,1,32,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463728,,Commentaar bij artikel 24 Wet 26 juni 1990,VABB-4,1,10,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463729,,Commentaar bij artikel 25 Wet 25 juni 1990,VABB-4,1,5,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463730,,Commentaar bij artikel 26 Wet 26 juni 1990,VABB-4,1,5,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463732,,Commentaar bij artikel 27 Wet 26 juni 1990,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463734,,Commentaar bij artikel 29 Wet 26 juni 1990,VABB-4,1,4,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463735,,Evictions in Belgium: a neglected yet pressing issue,VABB-4,66,94,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463738,,"Nieuwe woonvormen, nieuw juridisch instrumentarium!?",VABB-4,339,356,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:463753,,Artikel 331bis B.W.,VABB-4,1,9,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463754,,Hoger kunstonderwijs in vloeibare tijden? Do It Yourself,VABB-1,14,20,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463769,,"Hof van Justitie aanvaardt beperking van het ne bis in idem-beginsel op vlak van het ""bis""-criterium (noot onder HvJ 20 maart 2018)",VABB-1,340,345,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463770,,Procurement and concession law in Belgium,VABB-1,293,300,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463771,,Kroniek Overheidsopdrachten 2018,VABB-1,579,582,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463772,,Access to information in Belgium,VABB-4,119,162,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463782,,Comparative Law Method and Methodology,VABB-3,,,1583 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463783,,Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law: bridging idealism and realism,VABB-3,,,548 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463784,,Constitutional and Rule of Law culture in the Netherlands: a sober affair,VABB-4,358,385,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463785,,Constitutional possibilities for bridging the ideal and the real,VABB-4,3,33,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463786,,Introduction Method and Methodology of Comparative Law: introductory remarks,VABB-4,11,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463787,,"Structuur, praktijk en theorie van rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek",VABB-1,889,967,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463788,,Interdisciplinariteit in de initiële juridische opleiding,VABB-1,1486,1491,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463789,,Constitutionalisme in de eeuw van de stad: over stadsrecht en rechtsstaat,VABB-1,2728,2739,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:463790,,"Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors: De impeachmentprocedures tegen Bill Clinton en Donald Trump",VABB-1,1471,1477,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463792,,Multiple politica en tegendemocratie: politieke representatie en algemeen belang na 100 jaar algemeen kiesrecht (2017-2019),VABB-1,2430,2437,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:463793,,Het EU-rechtsstaatmechanisme en Polen,VABB-1,1184,1194,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:463794,,De temporele dimensie van de rechtsstaat: enkele beschouwingen bij het Jaarverslag van de Raad van State,VABB-1,787,791,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:463795,,Digitalization through the lens of law and democracy,VABB-4,3,23,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:463796,,Legislative evaluation as alternative democratic engagement,VABB-1,271,289,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463800,,I fiumi di Ungaretti tra Manzoni e Bergson,VABB-4,147,154,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:463801,,"La brevità, Ungaretti e l'avanguardia fiorentina",VABB-1,95,102,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:463803,,1517-2017: Een terugblik op het vijfhonderdjarig Reformatiejubileum,VABB-1,223,230,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463804,,"Bouwen aan een lutherse kerk 'onder het kruis': de casus van de lutherse gemeenschap van Antwerpen, 1585-1622",VABB-1,277,300,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463810,,Verplichte bemiddeling: een logische verdere bouwsteen voor alternatieve geschillenoplossing in België?,VABB-1,48,62,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463812,,E all’improvviso quel silenzio fra noi… Dialoghi interrotti fra corti nazionali e sovranazionali,VABB-1,135,161,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:463813,,"Over in solidum-gehoudenheid, wettelijke indeplaatsstelling, de actio judicati en verjaring",VABB-1,778,782,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463814,,Design of a feedback intervention to increase travel related physical activity of CVD patients,VABB-5,434,441,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463817,,Intergemeentelijke samenwerking,VABB-4,207,240,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463819,,General linear methods for time-dependent PDEs,VABB-5,59,70,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463820,,Het provinciale bestuursniveau anno 2018,VABB-4,41,56,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463826,,De introductie van ‘ Cooperative Compliance ' in België: tussen droom en daad staan wetten in de weg en praktische bezwaren…,VABB-1,894,927,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463829,,YAWN: Yet Another Wearable Toolkit,VABB-5,232,233,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463830,,What's in a name: discriminatie op basis van huidige of toekomstige gezondheidstoestand of legitiem ontslag op basis van de negatieve gevolgen van de afwezigheid op de onderneming,VABB-1,12,16,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463835,,Eerstelijnsverpleegkundigen in Belgisch Limburg: ‘buiten-gewone’ zorg voor mensen met een fysieke en verstandelijke beperking,VABB-1,22,29,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463841,,A fuzzy measure of vulnerability for the optimisation of vehicle routing problems with time windows,VABB-4,167,197,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463842,,Using event log knowledge to support business process simulation model construction,VABB-5,31,35,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463849,,Dilemmas on the Way to a New Renewable Energy Directive,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463851,,Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and Northern Sudan. 2018 addition.,VABB-1,99,118,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463854,,Have You Met Your METs? – Enhancing Patient Motivation to Achieve Physical Activity Targets in Cardiac Tele-rehabilitation,VABB-5,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463855,,De verhouding tussen het burgerlijk recht en het fiscaal recht in de Belgische rechtsorde,VABB-1,23,55,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463860,,De Belgische evenwichtsoefening inzake de verplichte ADR-poging in het raam van een gerechtelijke procedure,VABB-1,5,20,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463866,,Customer Segmentation Using Multiple Instance Clustering and Purchasing Behaviors,VABB-1,193,200,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463868,,De hervorming van het huwelijksvermogensrecht. Commentaar bij de wet van 22 juli 2018,VABB-1,228,253,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463869,,Health Care Communication Technology and Its Promise of Patient Empowerment: Unpacking Patient Empowerment Through Patients’ Identity Constructions,VABB-4,103,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463871,,De eigenheden voor de concessie van diensten en werken,VABB-1,127,134,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463872,,"EHRM, 12 december 2017, Hallier en Lucas t. Frankrijk, nr. 46386/10",VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463874,,Comfort in the Indoor Environment: A Theoretical Framework Linking Energy Efficiency and Universal Design,VABB-5,303,313,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463875,,Research in interior architecture: interdisciplinary viewpoints and research approaches,VABB-4,389,414,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463876,,"Embassies matter for trade, but diplomats matter most: Evaluation of Dutch economic diplomacy in Latin America",VABB-4,144,163,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463879,,Het verbod op het heffen van octrooibelastingen: de casus van belastingen op groeven,VABB-1,5,17,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463886,,Generating Artificial Data for Empirical Analysis of Control-flow Discovery Algorithms: A Process Tree and Log Generator,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463888,,Granular cognitive maps: a review,VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463890,,Editorial: Design for Subjective Wellbeing,VABB-5,2540,2543,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463891,,First steps towards a state-of-the-art parking simulator,VABB-5,779,784,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463895,,Relaxing Scalability Limits with Speculative Parallelism in Sequential Monte Carlo,VABB-5,462,471,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463898,,Developing sustainable agromining systems in agricultural ultramafic soils for nickel recovery.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463899,,The impact of perceptual countermeasures on driving behavior in rural-urban transition road segments: a driving simulator study,VABB-1,83,96,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463902,,A Conceptual Framework for Forecasting Car Driver’s On-Street Parking Decisions,VABB-1,131,138,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463903,,Het Decreet Lokaal Bestuur en burgerparticipatie,VABB-1,208,221,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463905,,"Bemiddeling in rechtszaken: stand van zaken, mogelijkheden en knelpunten",VABB-1,843,858,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463906,,Toepasselijke socialezekerheidsregel in geval van grensoverschrijdende werkzaamheden tijdens onbetaald verlof,VABB-1,180,184,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463908,,Trusts in het Belgische internationaal privaatrecht,VABB-1,586,596,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463909,,Global survey of rice breeders to investigate characteristics and willingness to adopt alternative breeding methods,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463910,,Modeling Car Drivers’ On-Street Parking Decisions using the Integrated Hierarchical Information Integration Approach,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463912,,Burgerparticipatie en het decreet lokaal bestuur,VABB-4,245,269,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463913,,Variable Message Sign strategies for congestion warning on motorways – a driving simulator study,VABB-1,77,92,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463914,,Analytical solution of safety stock determination in case of uncertain uni-modal lead-time demand,VABB-1,75,80,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463917,,De procesbekwaamheid van ouders en kinderen bij het instellen van een georganiseerd administratief beroep en een vernietigingsberoep bij de Raad van State tegen examenbeslissingen in het secundair onderwijs,VABB-1,262,274,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463918,,"Rechtspraak in kort bestek: juli 2017 tot en met december 2017 (GwH, EHRM, HvJ)",VABB-1,280,289,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463920,,Performance Analysis of Granular versus Traditional Neural Network Classifiers: Preliminary Results,VABB-5,1,6,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463922,,De politieke organisatie onder het Decreet lokaal bestuur,VABB-4,79,112,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463925,,Southern manners in northern lands: Design interventions for autonomía,VABB-1,103,114,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463932,,Pro-Environmental Potential in Activity-Travel Routine of Individuals:A Data Driven Computational Algorithm,VABB-5,541,548,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463933,,Origin-Destination estimation using mobile network probe data,VABB-1,69,81,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463934,,De kwalificatie van inkomsten uit merklicentie: roerende inkomsten of beroepsinkomsten...,VABB-1,795,801,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463936,,CutCAD - An Open-Source Tool to Design 3D Objects in 2D,VABB-5,1135,1139,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463938,,Integration of gamification in a traffic education platform for children,VABB-5,1189,1195,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463941,,Fuzzy Activation of Rough Cognitive Ensembles Using OWA Operators,VABB-4,317,335,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463949,,Belastingheffing en sociale zekerheid van internationale chauffeurs tewerkgesteld in het mobiele werkverkeer,VABB-1,635,647,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463951,,HTTP/2 Prioritization and its Impact on Web Performance,VABB-5,1755,1764,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463952,,Fusies tussen gemeenten onder het Decreet lokaal bestuur,VABB-4,211,223,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463956,,Unravelling the Recent US Tax Reform: A Paradigm Shift in the International and EU Tax Landscape,VABB-1,442,452,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463957,,Towards Tool-Support for Robot-Assisted Product Creation in Fab Labs,VABB-5,219,230,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463961,,Changing Some Physico-Cultural Boundaries,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463962,,Gevolgen van beperkte thuiswerkzaamheden voor toepasselijke socialezekerheidswetgeving,VABB-1,544,549,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463966,,Verzelfstandigde agentschappen,VABB-4,137,151,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463968,,Applying FEATHERS for travel demand analysis: Model considerations,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:463969,,Expanding MLkNN Using Extended Rough Set Theory,VABB-1,247,254,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463971,,Familierechtelijke aspecten van het hervormde erfrecht,VABB-1,260,268,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463978,,Fiscale behandeling van buitenlands vastgoed opnieuw onder Europees vuur,VABB-1,751,760,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463982,,Hommage à Dirk Huyge (1957-2018). In memory of Dirk Huyge (1957-2018).,VABB-1,11,16,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463983,,Access to Social Protection Minimum Floors as a tool to end early marriage in Mozambique,VABB-1,49,65,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463987,,De verenigingen en vennootschappen voor maatschappelijk welzijn,VABB-4,153,191,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463988,,De betekenis van Europese Toegevoegde Waarde (ETW),VABB-1,14,28,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463992,,All Work and No Play? Facilitating Serious Games and Gamified Applications in Participatory Urban Planning and Governance,VABB-1,34,46,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:463994,,Betwiste aanrekeningswijze verhoogde belastingvrije som ook voor Eurocontrol- personeelsleden met kinderen veroordeeld: eindelijk wetgevend ingrijpen,VABB-1,274,283,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463997,,De fiscale en socialezekerheidsrechtelijke positie van internationale chauffeurs in het weg- en treinverkeer,VABB-1,15,40,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463998,,De link tussen kwaliteit van regelgeving en de competitiviteit van ondernemingen,VABB-1,126,135,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:463999,,Het bestuurlijk toezicht onder het Decreet lokaal bestuur,VABB-4,19,40,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464001,,Administratief Tribunaal van de Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie dringt zorgplicht op aan Internationaal Strafhof: werkneemsters van het Strafhof mogen flexibel werken om borstvoeding te kunnen geven,VABB-1,37,55,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464002,,The impact of robot-mediated adaptive I-TRAVLE training on impaired upper limb function in chronic stroke and multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464003,,Optimizing copious activity type classes based on classification accuracy and entropy retention,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464009,,De 3%-regel bij lijfrenten met prijsgave van kapitaal: forfaitaire “bepaling” of forfaitaire “beperking”?,VABB-1,233,236,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464010,,Data-driven process simulation,VABB-4,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464013,,"Increasing order picking efficiency by integrating storage, batching, zone picking, and routing policy decisions",VABB-1,243,261,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464016,,Belgisch Belastingrecht in hoofdlijnen,VABB-2,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464019,,Predicting poor outcome in patients presenting to primary care with acute cough,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464021,,Quantitative Peptidomics with Isotopic and Isobaric Tags,VABB-4,141,159,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464025,,A synthesized method for conducting a business process simulation study,VABB-5,276,290,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464026,,Batching vs. non-batching in business processes: Challenges with regards to Batch Activities in Business Processes,VABB-5,41,45,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464027,,Drivers’ crossing behaviour between express and local lanes with soft separation: a driving simulator study,VABB-1,41,54,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464028,,Is knee neuromuscular activity related to anterior cruciate ligament injury risk? A pilot study,VABB-1,40,54,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464029,,Patrimonium 2018,VABB-3,,,,lat,2018,2 c:vabb:464031,,Conversations between Interiors,VABB-1,65,77,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464033,,Diagnosis of lung cancer: what metabolomics can contribute,VABB-4,79,94,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464034,,Kroniek erfrecht,VABB-4,55,70,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464038,,Revisiting the Fiscal and Social Security Status of Highly Mobile Workers in the Road and Railway Transportation: Quo Vadis?,VABB-1,836,855,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:464040,,High risk of tunnel convergence during combined anterior cruciate ligament and anterolateral ligament reconstruction.,VABB-1,611,617,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464044,,Life cycle extension of mobile phones: an exploration with focus on the end-consumer,VABB-1,7,37,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464046,,Optimizing copious activity type classes based on classification accuracy and entropy retention,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464047,,Capturing Industrial Machinery into Virtual Reality,VABB-5,44,52,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464048,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek: Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen (1 juli 2017 - 31 december 2017),VABB-1,46,62,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464053,,"Het Vlaams Onteigeningsdecreet - Een kritische analyse voor overheid, eigenaar en magistraat",VABB-3,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464054,,Overzicht van rechtspraak (2012-17). Recht van preferentiële toewijzing na echtscheiding (art. 1447 BW),VABB-1,134,142,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464055,,Reproducible Roulette Wheel Sampling for Message Passing Environments,VABB-5,799,805,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464056,,"Over de rechtsplegingsvergoeding bij afstand van geding, hoger beroep inzake de veroordeling tot de gerechtskosten en cassatie zonder verwijzing",VABB-1,778,782,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464059,,Fuzzy participatory planning processes as arenas for collaborative learning,VABB-1,557,574,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464062,,Het Decreet lokaal bestuur,VABB-3,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464063,,A New Process Discovery Algorithm for Exploratory Data Analysis,VABB-5,19,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464064,,Vergoeding pandregister: een retributie of toch maar een belasting...?,VABB-1,35,39,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464065,,"Monogenean parasites of sardines in Lake Tanganyika: diversity, origin and intraspecific variability",VABB-1,105,132,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464069,,250 Years of Smallpox Vaccination in Europe,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464073,,The Human Body and Psychological Trauma: Biological Explanatory Models. A review,VABB-1,22,50,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464077,,Exploring the Role of Artefacts to Coordinate Design Meetings,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464078,,Een nieuw oriënteringsinstrument – met hoge correlatie met reëel studiesucces – voor de begeleiding van de studiekeuze naar de universiteit toe,VABB-1,90,96,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464079,,Radon immobilization potential of alkali-activated materials containingground granulated blast furnace slag and phosphogypsum,VABB-1,68,75,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464084,,Het verdwijnen van het substitutierecht,VABB-4,289,296,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464085,,Impact of a mobile cycling application on cardiac patients’ cycling behavior and enjoyment,VABB-5,257,264,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464086,,Kroniek secundair huwelijksvermogensstelsel,VABB-4,5,27,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464087,,Adsorption of Ni(II) on spent coffee and coffee husk based activated carbon,VABB-1,1161,1170,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464088,,Naar een (verplichte) milieu-impactbeoordeling van gebouwen in Vlaanderen?,VABB-1,256,267,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464089,,The interior as interiority,VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464093,,Aanvullende belastingbevoegdheid van lokale besturen. Uitwisseling van informatie.,VABB-1,614,622,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464096,,A task scheduling method for agent/activity-based models,VABB-5,761,766,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464099,,The Impact of Electricity on Economic Development: A Macroeconomic Perspective,VABB-1,85,127,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464100,,Standards-compliant HTTP Adaptive Streaming of Static Light Fields,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464101,,Gelegenheidsarbeid in de evenementensector: als vrijwilliger of als werknemer?,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464103,,"Out with the old, in with the new: van het 'bewijs in handelszaken' naar het 'ondernemingsbewijs' en het temporeel toepassingsgebied daarvan",VABB-1,286,299,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464104,,Feasibility of an International Multiple Sclerosis Rehabilitation Data Repository: Perceived Challenges and Motivators for Sharing Data.,VABB-1,17,26,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464109,,De ambtelijke organisatie,VABB-4,113,150,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464111,,Pro Rata Deduction of Negative Income from Income Received in Each Member State,VABB-1,116,120,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464115,,Towards QUIC Debuggability,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464120,,Kroniek Overheidsopdrachten 2018,VABB-1,579,582,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464122,,De beoordeling van de mobiliteitsimpact bij een vergunningsaanvraag. Steeds vaker een struikelblok?,VABB-1,25,33,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464124,,De toetsing aan grondrechten door het Grondwettelijk Hof: Overzicht van rechtspraak 2016,VABB-1,131,175,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464131,,United Textiles: is there a Possibility to Relaunch the Activities of Insolvent Aid Beneficiaries in State Aid Recovery Proceedings? (Annotation on the Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (First Chamber) of 17 January 2018 in Case C-363/16 European Commission v Greece),VABB-1,298,304,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464133,,"Deadline 14/10: de gemeente Haaltert in een structurele coma (?) (Noot onder RvS 14 juli 2017, nr. 238.870)",VABB-1,94,99,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464134,,Terugvordering van fiscale staatssteun: Een confrontatie tussen de 'Wet terugvordering staatssteun' en de Belgische Programmawet van 25 december 2016,VABB-1,335,345,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464135,,Naar een hoopgevende preambule bij de Belgische Grondwet?,VABB-1,404,409,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464136,,"Process of learning to drive by young persons with autism: experiences of the young persons themselves, parents, and driving instructors",VABB-1,42,56,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464137,,Bridging Patients’ Needs and Caregivers’ Perspectives to Tailor Information Provisioning during Cardiac Rehabilitation,VABB-5,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464138,,Erfpacht en opstal & de overheid,VABB-4,219,264,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464139,,Detecting train reroutings with process mining: A Belgian application,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464140,,Het lichaam en existentiële bewustwording,VABB-1,97,110,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464144,,Reducing picker blocking in a high-level narrow-aisle order picking system: insights from a real-life spare parts warehouse,VABB-5,2953,2965,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464145,,"Interrelation of Diet, Gut Microbiome, and Autoantibody Production",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464150,,Participatory Design Theory: Using Technology and Social Media to Foster Civic Engagement,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464152,,Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-based Traffic Analysis: A Case Study to Analyze Traffic Streams at Urban Roundabouts,VABB-5,636,643,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464154,,De invoering van het Decreet lokaal bestuur: wat kunnen we leren van het Gemeentedecreet?,VABB-4,23,36,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464155,,Effectiveness of a roundabout rerouting signalization scheme for road works,VABB-1,5,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464156,,Ontwikkelingen in het Belgische familie- en erfrecht,VABB-1,330,340,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464158,,Simulation-based evaluation of the linear-mixed model in the presence of an increasing proportion of singletons,VABB-1,49,65,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464159,,Novel N4-Like Bacteriophages of Pectobacterium atrosepticum,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464160,,Zoeken naar het goede. Over ethiek in de verhouding tussen de familierechtadvocaat en de cliënt,VABB-1,269,279,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464161,,"Fiscale cadeautjes voor de economische activiteiten van de katholieke kerk? Respecteer de staatssteunregels! (Noot onder HvJ 27 juni 2017, C-74/16)",VABB-1,23,28,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464162,,"Acute and chronic radiodermatitis: clinical signs, pathophysiology, risk factors and management options",VABB-1,2,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464164,,Is ENEA the New PreussenElektra?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464166,,Web Performance Characteristics of HTTP/2 and comparison to HTTP/1.1,VABB-5,87,114,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464167,,Three found resonance: wandering from sublime space to zen garden,VABB-4,153,164,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464168,,Geostatistical approach to estimate car occupant fatalities in traffic accidents,VABB-1,1231,1256,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464169,,Bringing students to practice: performing a real-life simulation study in an introductory simulation course,VABB-5,4014,4025,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464170,,Wat mogen partijen en kandidaten in de strijd om de kiezer?,VABB-1,510,523,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464171,,Identification of metabolic phenotypes in childhood obesity by 1H NMR metabolomics of blood plasma,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464172,,The Duration of Judicial Deliberation: Evidence from Belgium,VABB-1,303,333,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464174,,Familiarisation: Restructuring Layouts with Visual Learning Models,VABB-5,543,555,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464181,,Mini is beautiful: Playing serious mini-games to facilitate collective learning on complex urban processes,VABB-1,141,157,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464185,,Improving CEMA using Correlation Optimization,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464190,,The ritual aspect of time in (religious) heritage – balance between daily and sacred life as a link between past and future,VABB-4,163,172,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464193,,The Monastic Landscape – Carrier of memory and potential catalyst in conservation and adaptive reuse processes of material and immaterial heritage,VABB-5,177,185,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464195,,City Makers: Insights on the Development of a Serious Game to Support Collective Reflection and Knowledge Transfer in Participatory Processes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464202,,Minderjarigheid toegepast in de schoolcontext. Pleidooi voor een modernisering van de regels inzake ouderlijk gezag en handelingsonbekwaamheid van de minderjarige,VABB-1,248,254,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:464205,,Health Impact Assessment of Cycling Network Expansions in European Cities,VABB-1,62,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464225,,Dealing with Nonlinearity in Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA): An Integrative Framework in a PLS-SEM Context,VABB-4,367,403,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464226,,Over de rol van de notaris-vereffenaar: “lijdelijke sfinx of actieve factotum”?,VABB-4,255,281,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:464234,,Fuzzy Cognitive Maps reasoning with words based on triangular fuzzy numbers,VABB-5,197,207,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464236,,Chapter 2. Designing digital texts for beginner readers: Aspects and processes,VABB-4,31,56,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464243,,Rechtspraak in kort bestek: Raad voor Vergunningsbetwistingen (1 juli 2016 - 31 december 2016),VABB-1,118,134,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:464245,,Schone fossiele energie? Aansprakelijkheid en verzekerbaarheid van milieuschade veroorzaakt door schaliegaswinning en CCS.,VABB-1,11,19,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:464253,,Eine Genealogie des Zerkratzens: Grabbe – Kiefer – Beyer,VABB-1,83,100,,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:464263,,Typefaces for Children’s Reading,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:464264,,Hernieuwde bezinning op informele religieuze huwelijken,VABB-1,786,794,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:464268,,Aanbesteding en duurzaamheid: een natuurlijke symbiose,VABB-1,3,10,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:464275,,"Recording customs in early modern Antwerp, a commercial metropolis",VABB-1,288,301,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:464278,,De patiëntenrichtlijn en het Nederlandse zorgverzekeringsstelsel.,VABB-1,53,59,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:464288,,Het voorwerp en de draagwijdte van de deskundigeneed,VABB-1,1616,1621,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:464291,,"Het akkoordvonnis: ""contractuele grondlaag met rechterlijke vernislaag""",VABB-1,504,509,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:464292,,"Over de paraaf als handtekening: to sign or not to sign, that’s the question",VABB-1,333,338,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:464297,,Het subsidiaire karakter van de verrijking zonder oorzaak bekeken vanuit procesrechtelijke bril: de contouren verfijnd?,VABB-1,941,946,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:464310,,De kennisgevingsplicht bij adreswijziging in de loop van een procedure vs. de opzoekingsplicht bij betekening,VABB-1,739,743,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:464314,,"Over aandelen, lidmaatschapsrechten en (ex-)echtgenoten: de controverse rond art. 1401,5° BW eindelijk beslecht",VABB-1,1223,1228,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:464319,,Hoger beroep tegen een gemengd vonnis dat een onderzoeksmaatregel beveelt: wie is dan de geschillenrechter in de expertise?,VABB-1,790,794,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:464328,,An adult stem cell proliferation assay in the flatworm model Macrostomum lignano to predict the carcinogenicity of compounds,VABB-1,213,219,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:464349,,Wetsontduiking en wetsontwijking in het Belgisch sociaal recht,VABB-4,13,67,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:464354,,Lynn's r/k selection theory of criminality revisited: Consideration of individual differences and developmental life history contributions to the patterning of population,VABB-1,87,91,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464358,,"Policy dialogues: facilitators’ perceived role and influence""",VABB-1,120,133,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464359,,Causal attribution in block-recursive social systems: A structural modeling perspective,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464360,,"Common and diagnosis-specific fractional anisotropy of white matter in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder: Evidence from comparative voxel-based meta-analysis",VABB-1,456,458,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464362,,Shared abnormality of white matter integrity in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: A comparative voxel-based meta-analysis,VABB-1,41,50,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464364,,Investigating self-reported health by occupational group after a 10-year lag: results from the total Belgian workforce,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464365,,Welke rol voor de Benelux post-Brexit?,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464369,,Michel Foucault – Raum als relationales Mittel zum Verständnis und zur Produktion von Macht,VABB-4,411,433,,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:464372,,"The theoretical and empirical basis of a BioPsychoSocial (BPS) risk screener for detection of older people's health related needs, planning of community programs, and targeted care interventions",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464374,,Belgian Spaces of Obsolescence: (Re)Materializing a History of Forgetting,VABB-1,1,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464375,,De nieuwe rechtspositieregeling voor bepaalde personeelsleden in de basiseducatie,VABB-1,207,221,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:464376,,Characteristics and outcome of Emergency Department intubation in geriatric patients,VABB-1,623,629,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464377,,Gezonde levensverwachting op oudere leeftijd: een vergelijking van migranten en niet-migranten in drie Europese landen over tijd,VABB-1,232,243,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464378,,The right to data portability in the GDPR: Towards user-centric interoperability of digital services,VABB-1,193,203,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464379,,Review of Cinzia Russi (ed.). 2016. Current trends in historical sociolinguistics. Warsaw u. Berlin: de Gruyter.,VABB-1,274,277,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464380,,Bereavement grief: A population-based foundational evidence study,VABB-1,463,469,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464381,,Application of ultrasound for muscle assessment in sarcopenia: towards standardized measurements.,VABB-1,739,757,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464383,,Rearrangement algorithm and maximum entropy,VABB-1,107,134,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464384,,How to Consider Evidence of Mechanisms: An Overview,VABB-4,23,33,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464385,,The Margin of Appreciation in the ECtHR’s Case Law A European Version of the Levels of Scrutiny Doctrine?,VABB-1,78,96,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464387,,Working with Walt: How a Cobot Was Developed and Inserted on an Auto Assembly Line,VABB-1,51,58,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464388,,El estudio de cambio de código en un corpus de breves textos literarios,VABB-1,329,337,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:464389,,Diffuse hair loss associated with hyperprolactinaemia: report of three cases,VABB-1,607,608,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:464390,,Crisis Communication in Public Health Emergencies: The Limits of ‘Legal Control’ and the Risks for Harmful Outcomes in a Digital Age,VABB-1,4,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464394,,Internationale definitie van advance care planning,VABB-1,22,29,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464395,,Place of death for people with HIV: a population-level comparison of eleven countries across three continents using death certificate data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464396,,Simple fractal calculus from fractal arithmetic,VABB-1,359,372,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464400,,Media Literacy Policy in Flanders - Belgium. From parliamentary discussions to public policy,VABB-1,59,81,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464403,,Strategies for newborn screening for cystic fibrosis: A systematic review of health economic evaluations,VABB-1,306,315,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464407,,IT-supported integrated care pathways for diabetes: A compilation and review of good practices,VABB-1,26,40,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464408,,The Appleization of finance: Charting incumbent finance’s embrace of FinTech.,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464409,,Colour Vision in Stargardt Disease,VABB-1,181,194,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:464410,,"Introduction: Migration Policies and Materialities of Identification in European Cities: Papers and Gates, 1500–1930s",VABB-4,3,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464411,,Modelling the water balance of Lake Victoria (East Africa) - Part 2: Future projections,VABB-1,5527,5549,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464412,,Where is my mind ?,VABB-4,243,257,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:464417,,Mantenimiento y cambio de tópico en un corpus de ELE,VABB-1,59,68,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:464419,,Prefrontal dysconnectivity links to working memory deficit in first-episode schizophrenia,VABB-1,335,344,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464423,,"Should psoriasis be considered a risk factor for hypogonadism in male patients?: A monocentric, prospective, observational pilot study",VABB-1,197,198,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464424,,Information needs about palliative care and euthanasia: A survey of patients in different phases of their cancer trajectory,VABB-1,132,138,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464428,,Verschillen in vertaalcultuur: Hoe Engelse terminologische nieuwvormingen in het Frans en het Nederlands worden vertaald,VABB-1,53,76,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464430,,Advanced Glycation End-products are associated with Physical Activity and Physical Functioning in the older population,VABB-1,1545,1551,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464431,,The profile of a pioneer cohort of women opting for oocyte cryopreservation for non-medical reasons,VABB-4,61,71,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464433,,Stereotyping and “other forms of discrimination” in the Chicago Declaration on the Rights of Older Persons and in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights,VABB-4,116,145,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464436,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,60,98,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464437,,Truancy in Europe: Does the type of educational system matter?,VABB-1,414,426,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464440,,Het democratiseringseffect van Bologna. Doorstroming in het hoger onderwijs,VABB-1,54,57,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:464441,,Data driven discrete-time parsimonious identification of a nonlinear state-space model for a weakly nonlinear system with short data record,VABB-1,929,943,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464442,,"While isolated periodic limb movement disorder significantly impacts sleep depth and efficiency, co-morbid restless leg syndrome mainly exacerbates perceived sleep quality",VABB-1,272,280,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464443,,The palliative care knowledge of nursing home staff: The EU FP7 PACE cross-sectional survey in 322 nursing homes in six European countries,VABB-1,1487,1497,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464444,,Simplifying a deltaic labyrinth: anthropogenic imprint on river deltas,VABB-1,66,78,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464445,,Das Siedlungsverfahren von Spätaussiedler_innen in ostdeutschen Kleinstädten,VABB-4,155,178,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:464446,,Effects of Stochastic Resonance Whole-Body Vibration in Individuals with Unilateral Brain Lesion: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial: Whole-Body Vibration and Neuromuscular Function,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464447,,Comparative Military Urbanism: Topographies of Citizenship and Security Threats in Brussels and Jerusalem,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464448,,Signs of physical abuse and neglect in the mature patient,VABB-1,264,270,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464449,,Measuring Portfolio Risk Under Partial Dependence Information,VABB-1,843,863,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464450,,Computing the Social Brain Connectome Across Systems and States,VABB-1,2207,2232,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464451,,"The Latin American Liberator Simón Bolívar at the Museum of Arts in Bogotá, Colombia: Ten Images by Five Artists",VABB-1,222,228,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464452,,Topical corticosteroid phobia in atopic dermatitis: International feasibility study of the TOPICOP score,VABB-1,1713,1719,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464458,,A modified multi-source parallel model for estimating urban surface evapotranspiration based on ASTER thermal infrared data,VABB-1,1029,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464459,,Students' Perceptions of Social Presence in Blended Learning Courses in a Tanzanian Medical College,VABB-1,107,122,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464460,,The Cocreation of Crazy Patchworks: Becoming Rhizomatic in Systemic Therapy,VABB-1,533,544,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:464461,,Is parental consanguinity associated with reduced ovarian reserve?,VABB-1,427,433,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:464462,,"A comparative study of segregation patterns in Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden: Neighbourhood Concentration and Representation of Non-European migrants",VABB-1,251,275,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464464,,We have never been (post)modern: Photography’s late encounters with film,VABB-1,307,316,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464466,,The Civilising Offensive. Social and Educational Reform in 19th-century Belgium,VABB-3,,,237 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464468,,I Am So Tired… How Fatigue May Exacerbate Stress Reactions to Psychological Contract Breach,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464469,,A Technologically Guided Explanation of the (Delayed) Emergence of EU Military Research: The Curious Antecedent of the European Aeronautics Research Programme,VABB-4,149,179,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464470,,Case alternation in argument structure constructions with prepositional verbs: a case study in corpus-based constructional analysis,VABB-4,85,130,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464471,,"CLIL, languages of schooling and the role of implicit learning with special reference to the learning of mathematics",VABB-1,91,108,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464472,,Stretching the Frontiers of Communication and Media Studies,VABB-1,155,170,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464473,,Business model innovation in news media organisations – 2018 special issue of the European Media Management Association (emma),VABB-1,167,172,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464474,,The importance of sector stereotypical images in relation to job pursuit intentions,VABB-1,553,564,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464475,,Towards an Effective Mechanism to Facilitate Implementation and Promote Compliance under the Paris Agreement,VABB-1,39,69,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464476,,Periorbital papules and erythematous-brownish plaques on the neck and axilla,VABB-1,1651,1653,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:464477,,Scoring the therapeutic effects of oral propranolol for infantile hemangioma: A prospective study comparing the Hemangioma Activity Score (HAS) with the Hemangioma Severity Scale (HSS),VABB-1,258,263,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:464478,,Individual differences in information integration studies of children’s judgment/decision-making: Combining group with single-subject design via cluster analysis,VABB-4,186,209,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:464479,,Inleiding,VABB-4,3,10,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464480,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464481,,"Pelka, Artur: Das Spektakel der Gewalt - Kovacs, Teresa: Drama als Störung",VABB-1,191,195,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:464482,,Responsibility and the Ethics of Ecological Restoration,VABB-1,255,274,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464486,,Technical-efficiency analysis of end-of-life care in long-term care facilities within Europe: A cross-sectional study of deceased residents in 6 EU countries (PACE),VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464495,,Cognitive Impact of Cerebellar Damage: Is There a Future for Cognitive Rehabilitation?,VABB-1,199,206,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464496,,Voorwoorden - De Crisis - De Heer Phister,VABB-3,,,213 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464497,,Exploring the stable practices of everyday life: A multi-day time-diary approach.,VABB-1,745,762,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464500,,Agressie en geweld tegen huisartsen. Onderzoek binnen de arts-patiëntrelatie,VABB-1,62,67,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464504,,"Meaningfulness, volunteering and being moved. The event of wit(h)nessing.",VABB-1,283,300,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:464506,,The way Syrian refugees in Turkey use media: Understanding “connected refugees” through a non-media-centric and local approach,VABB-1,113,123,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464507,,Anaphylaxis in an urban Belgian emergency department: epidemiology and aetiology,VABB-1,99,106,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:464508,,Chloride interaction with concretes subjected to a permanent splitting tensile stress level of 65%,VABB-1,527,538,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:464509,,"Improving clarity and transparency in cognitive assessment: conversion of the Cambridge Cognition Examination to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.",VABB-1,455,466,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464510,,Involvement of a Case Manager in Palliative Care Reduces Hospitalisations at the End of Life in Cancer Patients; A Mortality Follow-Back Study in Primary Care,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:464511,,"The Ví of Visibility, Visitability, and Viability in Vietnam.: pHD and the Safeguarding Paradigm of the 2003 Convention After a Decade",VABB-1,183,214,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464512,,"Land cover mapping in urban environments using hyperspectral APEX data: A study case in Baden, Switzerland",VABB-1,70,82,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464514,,Barriers and Facilitators to Workforce Changes in Integrated Care,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464515,,Educational paper: therapy of infantile haemangioma--history and current state (part II),VABB-1,259,266,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:464516,,"The roadmap for allergology in Europe: The subspecialty of allergology as ""stop-over"" on the way to a full specialty. An EAACI position statement",VABB-1,540,548,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464517,,Beyond the ladder of participation: An analytical toolkit for the critical analysis of participatory media processes,VABB-4,67,85,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464518,,"Improving ASTER GDEM accuracy using land use-based linear regression methods: A case study of Lianyungang, East China",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464520,,Volunteer Reliability in Nonprofit Organizations: A Theoretical Model,VABB-1,29,42,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464524,,Paediatric dental emergencies: a retrospective study and a proposal for definition and guidelines including pain management,VABB-1,245,253,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464525,,"14. Law, wives and the marital economy in sixteenth-century Antwerp. Bridging the gap between theory and practice.",VABB-4,228,241,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464527,,Onderzoek naar de stedelijke politieke elites van Antwerpen (1400-1550) en Gent (1500-1600).,VABB-1,157,169,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:464532,,"De relatie tussen apathie, depressie en cognitief functioneren bij patiënten met MCI en dementie",VABB-1,95,102,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464533,,Do physicians discuss end-of-life decisions with family members?: A mortality follow-back study,VABB-1,1378,1384,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464534,,Analgesia (mis)usage on a dental emergency service: a patient survey,VABB-1,1297,1302,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464539,,"No (Big) Data, No Fiction? Thinking Surveillance With/Against Netflix Bellanova, Rocco and González Fuster, Gloria (2018), ‘No (Big) Data, No Fiction? Thinking Surveillance With/Against Netflix’ in Ann Rudinow Saetnan, Ingrid Schneider, and Nicola Green (eds.), The Politics and Policies of Big Data: Big Data Big Brother?, Routledge, pp. 227-246.",VABB-4,227,246,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464541,,"Melden graag ! Maar opgepast ... Over de bescherming van financiële instellingen bij het uitvoeren van de meldplicht op basis van de wet van 18 september 2017 (noot onder Brussel, 2 mei 2017)",VABB-1,8,20,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464543,,Order please! How cultural framing shapes the impact of neighborhood disorder on law-and-order voting,VABB-1,73,82,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464544,,Continuous Knee Cooling Affects Functional Hop Performance - A Randomized Controlled Trial,VABB-1,322,329,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464546,,The who and what of the philosophy of mathematical practices,VABB-4,29,59,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464547,,Nawoord bij 'De ziekte tot de dood' (bij tweede geheel herziene druk),VABB-4,151,178,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464548,,Increasing use of cognitive measures in the operational definition of frailty-A systematic review,VABB-1,10,16,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464550,,Enforcement Actions,VABB-4,942,980,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464551,,Family Firm Internationalization: The Impact of Bifurcation Bias,VABB-1,158,183,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464553,,Universal intuitions of spatial relations in elementary geometry,VABB-1,269,278,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464555,,‘Wushu belongs to the world’. But the gold goes to China… The international development of the Chinese martial arts.,VABB-1,3,23,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464558,,Long-term effects of the 11+ warm-up injury prevention programme on physical performance in adolescent male football players: a cluster-randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,2447,2454,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464559,,Remote sensing estimation of urban surface evapotranspiration based on a modified Penman–Monteith model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464560,,Historicizing Hermann von Helmholtz’s Psychology of Differentiation,VABB-1,40,62,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464563,,Het CPT en de Belgische politie: als men maar genoeg blijft hameren op dezelfde nagels ...,VABB-4,7,75,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464564,,EU visa policy: decision-making dynamics and effects on migratory processes,VABB-4,110,123,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464567,,"Need satisfaction at work, job strain, and performance: a diary study",VABB-1,361,372,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464568,,"‘Statehood’, ‘de facto Authorities’ and ‘Occupation’: Contested Concepts and the EU’s Engagement in its European Neighbourhood",VABB-1,343,361,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464569,,Verzet in strafzaken na het arrest van het Grondwettelijk Hof van 21 december 2017,VABB-1,38,43,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464571,,Voicing young and older adult care-leavers in Belgium: How the experience of being in care shapes narratives of the self.,VABB-1,80,100,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464577,,Structuring modern life running on software. Recognizing (some) computer programs as new “digital persons”,VABB-1,732,738,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464578,,"Creativiteit, diversiteit en werkomstandigheden: een analyse van de drietand van culturele en creatieve arbeid in België: Creativity, diversity and working conditions: an analysis of labour in the cultural and creative sectors in Belgium",VABB-1,210,241,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464579,,"A Smartphone App to promote an active lifestyle in lower-educated working young adults: development, usability, acceptability, and feasibility study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464580,,Leren in de gevangenis verlegt grenzen: Een verslag van de conferentie van de European Prison Education Association,VABB-1,37,40,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464581,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464582,,Practical considerations informing teachers' technology integration decisions: the case of tablet PCs,VABB-1,165,181,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464583,,Board Effectiveness in Nonprofit Organizations: Do Interactions in the Boardroom Matter?,VABB-1,1296,1310,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464587,,Colorful or colorless? Local parties defending ethnic minority interests.,VABB-1,413,430,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464588,,Induction of cytomegalovirus-specific T cell responses in healthy volunteers and allogeneic stem cell recipients using vaccination with messenger RNA-transfected dendritic cells,VABB-1,120,127,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:464589,,Akute Effekte von TH4-Brustwirbelsaülenmobilisationstechniken auf das sympathische Nervensystem-eine Cross-over-Machbarkeitsstudie,VABB-1,1139,1146,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:464592,,"The recognition of child abuse and the perceived need for intervention by school personnel of primary schools: Results of a vignette study on the influence of case, school personnel, and school characteristics",VABB-1,358,370,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464596,,The Virtuality of Territorial Borders,VABB-1,13,27,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464598,,Is content still king? Trends and challenges in the production and distribution of television content in Europe,VABB-4,21,40,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464602,,Einführung Sepp Arvi: Überlegungen zur literarischen 'Transkultur',VABB-1,5,22,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:464604,,Repeated-sprints exercise in daylight fasting: carbohydrate mouth rinsing does not affect sprint and reaction time performance,VABB-1,237,244,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464607,,What is quantum information?,VABB-3,,,263 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464608,,"Targeting phosphocreatine metabolism in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: evaluation with brain MRI, H-1 and P-31 MRS, and clinical and cognitive testing: evaluation with brain MRI, 1H and 31P MRS, and clinical and cognitive testing",VABB-1,2614,2624,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464609,,La protection financière des tiers. Moyens de contrôle et d'action,VABB-1,635,682,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:464611,,"Belastingreglementen in de Antwerpse gemeenten. Deel 1: belastingen op onroerend goed,",VABB-1,22,59,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464612,,"Landslide susceptibility and mobilization rates in the Mount Elgon region, Uganda",VABB-1,571,584,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464613,,Predicting voluntary turnover through Human Resources database analysis,VABB-1,96,112,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464615,,Comparing patient and healthcare worker experiences during a dengue outbreak in Singapore: understanding the patient journey and the introduction of a point-of-care test (POCT) toward better care delivery,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464617,,Design and Modeling of V2G Inductive Charging System for Light-Duty Electric Vehicles,VABB-5,1,7,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464618,,Model-based calculations of surface mass balance of mountain glaciers for the purpose of water consumption planning: focus on Djankuat Glacier (Central Caucasus),VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464619,,Is the Self-Reporting of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Patients Treated With Spinal Cord Stimulation in Line With Objective Measurements?,VABB-1,93,100,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464621,,Divine Suspense: On Kierkegaard's 'Frygt og Bæven' and the Aesthetics of Suspense,VABB-3,,,212 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464622,,Tackling Fragmented Last Mile Deliveries to Nanostores by Utilizing Spare Transportation Capacity—A Simulation Study,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464623,,Stakeholders' Perspectives on Communication and Collaboration Following School Reintegration of a Seriously Ill Child: A Literature Review,VABB-1,583,612,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464625,,Serious gaming during multidisciplinary rehabilitation for patients with complex chronic pain or fatigue complaints: study protocol for a controlled trial and process evaluation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464626,,"Building Brussels: Een interdisciplinair onderzoek naar de Brusselse bouwsector, 1795-2015",VABB-1,41,58,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464628,,Is it worth reorganising cancer services on the basis of multidisciplinary teams (MDTs)?: A systematic review of the objectives and organisation of MDTs and their impact on patient outcomes,VABB-1,464,474,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:464634,,A mixed methods approach to compare elite sport policies of nations. A critical reflection on the use of composite indicators in the SPLISS study,VABB-1,331,355,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464635,,Bridging The Communication Gap In Multilingual Service Encounters: A Brussels Case Study,VABB-1,757,772,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464636,,Understanding parasport: an analysis of the differences between able-bodied and parasport from a sport policy perspective,VABB-1,235,254,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464637,,Humor? Check. Humor en lijsten in Moby-Dick (1851) en Max Havelaar (1860),VABB-1,285,304,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:464638,,De competenties van de Belgische klinisch psycholoog: integratie van het profiel in Advies nr. 9194 van de Hoge Gezondheidsraad en het CanMEDS-model,VABB-1,25,35,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464641,,Couscous in Tilburg Prison: Food Narratives and the Quality of Prison Life in a Belgian-Dutch Prison,VABB-1,3,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464643,,The Cytome Assay as a Tool to Investigate the Possible Association Between Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields and an Increased Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease,VABB-1,741,749,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:464646,,Variations in childbirth interventions in high-income countries: protocol for a multinational cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464648,,"""A palliative end-stage COPD patient does not exist"": a qualitative study of barriers to and facilitators for early integration of palliative home care for end-stage COPD",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464651,,Is een touw een ketting? De relatieve rechtszekerheid van de eigen taalversie in het EU-recht,VABB-1,239,247,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464653,,Students' motivation and subjective task value of participating in online and blended learning environments,VABB-1,33,40,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464657,,Predicting digital informal learning: an empirical study among Chinese University students,VABB-1,79,90,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464658,,The effectiveness of various computer-based interventions for patients with chronic pain or functional somatic syndromes: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464659,,E-Consumers and Their Perception of Automated Parcel Stations,VABB-4,147,160,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464661,,Overzicht van wetgeving 1 januari 2015 – 31 maart 2015,VABB-1,81,88,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:464663,,Fighting carbon dioxide or fighting humans?: The ideological fault lines underlying two climate change frames,VABB-1,123,152,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464664,,Acid-coated Textiles (pH 5.5-6.5) - a New Therapeutic Strategy for Atopic Eczema?,VABB-1,659,663,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:464665,,Monitoring the progression of erosive tooth wear (ETW) using BEWE index in casts and their 3D images: A retrospective longitudinal study.,VABB-1,70,75,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464669,,Metaphor in Religious Transformation: 'Circumcision of the Heart' in Paul of Tarsus,VABB-4,294,330,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464670,,Brussels’ media industry: A first look into its size and composition,VABB-4,73,89,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464671,,"Protests in the Information Age: Social Movements, Digital Practices and Surveillance",VABB-3,,,176 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464672,,The impact of driver’s license ownership on unemployed job seekers’ access to job openings: Assessing the Driver’s License at School project in Flanders,VABB-1,695,705,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464673,,L'orthographe entre méforme et réforme,VABB-1,93,105,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:464674,,White blood cell counts in a geriatric hospitalized population: A poor diagnostic marker of infection,VABB-1,87,92,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464675,,From the midnight sun to the longest night: Sleep in Antarctica,VABB-1,159,172,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464676,,The effect of pre-exercise cooling on performance characteristics: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,117,141,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464677,,Three-dimensional kinematics of the cervical spine using an electromagnetic tracking device. Differences between healthy subjects and subjects with non-specific neck pain and the effect of age.,VABB-1,111,117,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464678,,Hospice Care for Patients With Dementia in the United States: A Longitudinal Cohort Study,VABB-1,633,638,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464679,,Naar een vermensenrechtelijkt aansprakelijkheidsrecht?,VABB-1,434,452,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:464683,,The role of endothelial cells in the vasculopathy of systemic sclerosis: A systematic review,VABB-1,774,786,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464685,,De contractuele sfeer bij samenloop: naar een enge interpretatie van contractuele schade? (noot onder Gent 8 oktober 2015),VABB-1,552,561,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:464688,,Care coordination in a business-to-business and a business-to-consumer model for telemonitoring patients with chronic diseases,VABB-1,135,147,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464691,,"Cycling for Transport Among older adults: health benefits, prevalence, determinants, injuries ans the potential of e-bikes",VABB-4,133,151,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464692,,New Perspectives on Social and Educational Reform during the Long Nineteenth Century. An Introduction,VABB-4,1,26,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464696,,World cities under conditions of financialized globalization: Towards an augmented world city hypothesis,VABB-4,419,425,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464700,,Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Physical Therapy Outpatient Satisfaction Survey,VABB-1,214,219,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464702,,Direct Mining of Subjectively Interesting Relational Patterns,VABB-5,913,918,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:464703,,"Knowledge Serving the City? Brokerage, Production and Sharing in Brussels.",VABB-4,96,108,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464705,,Built to stock. Versatility of Hennebique's urban warehouses in Belgium (1892-1914),VABB-5,1383,1391,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464706,,Modelling Monnikerede. The Topographical Reconstruction of a Deserted Medieval Outport near Bruges,VABB-1,91,130,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464707,,The Effectiveness of R&D&I Subsidies to Young Innovative Companies in Belgium,VABB-1,177,191,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464709,,The European Union's Community Method,VABB-4,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464713,,The effectiveness of involving users in digital innovation: Measuring the impact of living labs,VABB-1,1201,1214,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464714,,Pre-service teachers as members of a collaborative teacher research team: A steady track to extended professionalism?,VABB-1,126,139,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464719,,Upon the academic philosopher caught in the fly-bottle,VABB-4,117,130,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464720,,Blistering eruptions in Henoch-Schönlein syndrome: more common than assumed,VABB-1,475,476,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464721,,Good Representatives and Good Representation.,VABB-1,314,317,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464722,,Multatuli: ‘makelaar in verzen’: Over het pak van Sjaalman als prozagedicht,VABB-1,239,257,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464723,,The effect of nicotine patches on craving in the brain: A functional MRI study on heavy smokers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464724,,Is sequence awareness mandatory for perceptual sequence learning: An assessment using a pure perceptual sequence learning design.,VABB-1,58,65,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464726,,De jure and de facto deaths. The impact of unregistered attendees and absentees on urban death rates in early twentieth century Belgium,VABB-1,91,117,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464727,,"Regulation 1231/2010 on the inclusion of third-country nationals in EU social security coordination: Reach, limits and challenges",VABB-1,86,99,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464731,,Jurisprudentie. Juli t/m september 2018,VABB-1,167,173,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464732,,Profit-maximizing trustworthiness levels of composite systems,VABB-4,357,368,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:464735,,Immigration and Sub-State Nations. Researching the Nexus,VABB-4,261,277,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464736,,Ein rätselhaftes Zeichen: Zum Verhältnis von Martin Heidegger und Søren Kierkegaard,VABB-3,,,518 p.,ger,2016,2 c:vabb:464737,,Evaluating Evidence of Mechanisms,VABB-4,77,90,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464739,,"Can microalgae biodiesel contribute to achieve the sustainability objectives in the transport sector in France by 2030? A comparison between first, second and third generation biofuels though a range-based Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis",VABB-1,1032,1046,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464742,,A caffeine-maltodextrin mouth rinse counters mental fatigue,VABB-1,947,958,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464744,,Country profile: sport in South Africa,VABB-1,175,191,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464748,,"Sanandaj, Iran: City Profile",VABB-1,261,273,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464749,,Recent awards in Spanish renewable energy cases and the potential impact of the Achmea judgment for intra-EU BITs,VABB-1,197,222,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464752,,"I Sogni dei Musiù (1961)/The Dream of the Immigrant (1961): The Image of Simón Bolívar in Marina di Camerota, Italy.",VABB-1,247,257,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464755,,Introduction: Building Techniques in Architectural Treatises: Construction Practices versus Technical Writings,VABB-1,27,35,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464757,,Finding Probabilistic Rule Lists using the Minimum Description Length Principle,VABB-5,66,82,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464762,,Creating an industry-level business model for sustainability: The case of the European ports industry,VABB-1,949,962,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464765,,Electric vehicle use and energy consumption based on real world electric vehicle fleet trip and charge data its impact on existing EV research models,VABB-1,436,446,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:464767,,Data Collection on Health of Foreign-Born People in Belgium,VABB-2,,,8 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464768,,Adrenaline in anaphylaxis treatment and self-administration: experience from an inner city emergency department,VABB-1,492,497,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464770,,An experimental study using manipulated photographs to examine interactions between micro-scale environmental factors for children's cycling for transport.,VABB-1,30,34,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464771,,Keuze van een secundaire school in de steden Antwerpen en Gent: factoren die de afstand tussen school en thuis beïnvloeden,VABB-1,295,305,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464774,,Contrast experiences and social imaginaries as spaces for truth-seeking,VABB-4,95,105,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464775,,Histamine and T helper cytokine-driven epithelial barrier dysfunction in allergic rhinitis,VABB-1,951,963,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464776,,Quel(s) droit(s) pour quel(s) commun(s) ?,VABB-1,83,107,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:464777,,"Over de negentiende-eeuwse Nautische Commissie, zeewaardigheidsinspecties en classificatiemaatschappijen te Antwerpen",VABB-1,96,117,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464778,,"The three ‘i’s of workplace accommodation of Muslim religious practices: instrumental, internal and informal",VABB-1,2711,2730,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464781,,The conservative political logic: A discourse-theoretical perspective,VABB-1,10,29,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464782,,Acceptance and usage of mobile assisted language learning by higher education students,VABB-1,426,451,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464783,,A randomized controlled clinical trial to assess crestal bone remodeling of four different implant designs,VABB-1,455,462,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464784,,Vaccination of 50+ adults to promote healthy ageing in Europe: The way forward,VABB-1,5819,5824,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464787,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van maart 2018,VABB-1,1628,1631,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464790,,Além da escada da participação: Ferramentas analíticas para a análise crítica dos processos midiáticos participativos,VABB-1,245,274,,por,2018,2 c:vabb:464793,,Is international junior success a reliable predictor for international senior success in elite combat sports?,VABB-1,550,559,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464794,,"An Introduction to Power, Multidirectionality and Contingency: Political Struggles Over Representation, Decision-Making and Technology",VABB-1,3,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464795,,"Waar een wil is, is een (uit)weg? Exit in de gevangenis: processen, programma’s en aanbevelingen",VABB-1,18,33,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464798,,The creative process of cultural evolution,VABB-4,33,60,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464801,,Het Ministerie van Defensie en de krijgsmacht.,VABB-4,436,458,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:464804,,Pilot validation of the tuberous sclerosis-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND) checklist.,VABB-1,16,24,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:464805,,"Transkulturalität in ostbelgischen Romanen: Hannes Anderer, Freddy Derwahl und Leo Wintgens",VABB-1,59,78,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:464807,,An Unstructured Flexible Nonlinear Model for the Cascaded Water-Tanks Benchmark,VABB-5,452,457,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464810,,Clinical work in language-discordant Emergency Department consultations,VABB-1,183,184,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464812,,"Belgian Royals on Tour in the Congo, 1909-1960",VABB-4,169,190,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464814,,De ziekte tot de dood,VABB-3,,,212 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464815,,Vemurafenib-associated Dupuytren- and Ledderhose palmoplantar fibromatosis in metastatic melanoma patients,VABB-1,1133,1135,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:464817,,Spin and Wind Directions II: A Bell State Quantum Model,VABB-1,337,365,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464819,,Onderwijs binnenstebuiten gekeerd? Een verkennend onderzoek naar ervaringen van gedetineerde en universiteitsstudenten die samen leren in detentie,VABB-1,25,32,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464820,,"The Influence of Behavioural and Sociodemographic Risk Indicators on Erosive Tooth Wear in Flemish Adolescents, Belgium",VABB-1,119,128,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464822,,"Power, multidirectionality and contingency: Political struggles over representation, decision-making and technology",VABB-1,3,114,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464825,,Incentives and Deterrents for Drug-Taking Behaviour in Elite Sports: A Holistic and Developmental Approach.,VABB-1,112,132,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464827,,United Textiles: A Missed Opportunity - Annotation on the Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (First Chamber) of 17 January 2018 in Case C-363/16 European Commission v Greece,VABB-1,298,304,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464829,,Creative Challenges to Captivity: Slave Authorship in Black British Neo-Slave Narratives,VABB-1,23,42,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464830,,Shading control strategy to avoid visual discomfort by using a low-cost camera: a field study of two cases,VABB-1,26,38,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464831,,Non-Governmental Organizations and Search and Rescue at Sea,VABB-1,1,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464832,,The Inductive Constraint Programming Loop,VABB-1,44,52,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464835,,Current Practices with regard to the Interpretation of Multilingual EU Law: How to Deal with Diverging Language Versions?,VABB-1,5,38,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464836,,De ‘belastingvrijdom van de Staat' ten aanzien van lokale belastingen,VABB-1,878,887,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464838,,Economics of State aid Control: Where Law and Economics Meet. Report on the Conference held at the Free University of Brussels 5 October 2018,VABB-1,565,569,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464843,,Anodal tDCS of the primary motor cortex and motor sequence learning in a large sample of patients with Parkinson’s disease.,VABB-1,42,53,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464844,,Resective Treatment of Peri-implantitis: Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes After 2 Years,VABB-1,729,735,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464845,,De impact van het arrest nr. 148/2017 van het Grondwettelijk Hof van 21 december 2017 op de voorlopige hechtenis,VABB-1,54,61,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464847,,"Décès de jure, décès de facto: l'impact des présents et des absents non enregistrés sur les taux de mortalité urbaine en Belgique au début du XXe siècle",VABB-1,91,117,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:464848,,"Active work, passive leisure? Associations between occupational and non-occupational physical activity on weekdays",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464850,,A Critical Examination of the Reliability and Validity of a Gender Role Attitude Scale in Flanders (Belgium): What Lessons Can be Learned?,VABB-1,423,438,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464855,,Conflict thinking: Exploring the social basis of perceiving the world through the lens of social conflict.,VABB-1,16,29,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464857,,Self-perceived fatigue in adolescents in relation to body composition and physical outcomes,VABB-1,420,424,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464858,,Holocene Selection for Variants Associated With General Cognitive Ability: Comparing Ancient and Modern Genomes,VABB-1,271,280,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464859,,Nudges and nodality tools: New developments in old instruments,VABB-4,227,242,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464860,,Joining techniques in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Belgian timber roofs,VABB-5,1322,1328,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464861,,How do peri-implant biologic parameters correspond with implant survival and peri-implantitis?: A critical review,VABB-1,100,123,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464862,,The Urban Landscape II: c. 1275 - c. 1500,VABB-4,152,195,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464865,,A global framework for the Earth: putting geological sciences in context,VABB-1,293,321,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464866,,Het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest,VABB-4,232,254,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:464869,,"Policer le port d’Anvers: contrôles policiers publics et privés, entre complémentarité et rivalité, fin XIXe-début XXe siècle",VABB-4,103,128,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:464870,,Assessing Mechanisms in Public Health,VABB-4,111,120,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464874,,Scoring systems for infantile hemangioma: The hemangioma activity score versus the hemangioma activity and severity index,VABB-1,416,417,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:464876,,"Detecting frail, older adults and identifying their strengths: results of a mixed-methods study",VABB-1,41,58,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464877,,Emerging roles of innate lymphoid cells in inflammatory diseases: Clinical implications,VABB-1,837,850,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464878,,Living Labs and designed serendipity: collaboratively discovering the UDUBSit & Mfunzi emerging platforms,VABB-1,91,113,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464880,,Algemene aannemers in de Belgische bouwsector (1870-1970): Afbakening van de beroepsactiviteiten in een interprofessionele context,VABB-1,69,84,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464881,,Teacher professionalization through ICT Design Teams: Lessons learned,VABB-1,35,49,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464883,,Assessing the performance of maternity care in Europe: a critical exploration of tools and indicators,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:464886,,Associative Learning in the Cerebellum,VABB-4,92,99,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:464887,,The neural basis of representing others' inner states,VABB-1,98,103,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464890,,Explaining the continuum of social participation among older adults in Singapore: from 'closed doors' to active ageing in multi-ethnic community settings,VABB-1,46,55,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464891,,Acute cocoa flavanols intake improves cerebral hemodynamics while maintaining brain activity and cognitive performance in moderate hypoxia,VABB-1,2597,2608,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464894,,"Gustave Andreas Royers (1848-1923), from Antwerp city engineer to Belgian politician",VABB-5,365,371,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464896,,Mechanisms and biomedicine,VABB-4,319,331,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464898,,"„Merkmale, die dem nordischen Menschen wesensfremd sind”: Risse im nationalsozialistischen Bild des germanischen Flamen",VABB-4,149,160,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:464899,,"New Dramaturgies in Contemporary Vienna: Wiener Wortstaetten, Elfriede Jelinek's Die Schutzbefohlenen, and Die schweigende Mehrheit: Wiener Wortstätten, Elfriede Jelinek's Die Schutzbefohlenen, and Die Schweigende Mehrheit",VABB-1,352,379,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464900,,Social imaginaries in a globalizing world,VABB-3,,,270 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464901,,Epilogue,VABB-4,291,297,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464902,,Whose equality? Measuring group representation,VABB-1,197,213,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464903,,EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE COMPETENCES OF THREE DIFFERENT ETHNIC GROUPS IN INDONESIA,VABB-1,36,58,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464906,,Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Proximal-to-Distal Sequencing in Team Handball: Prospects for Talent Detection?,VABB-1,9,21,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464907,,Mind outside Brain: a radically non-dualist foundation for distributed cognition: Socially Extended Epistemology,VABB-4,59,86,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464908,,"Legal Culture, Path Dependence and Dysfunctional Layering in Corporate Insolvency Law (Belgium, 19th-21st Centuries)",VABB-1,374,397,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464911,,"Het Eternit-arrest: enkele bedenkingen inzake de verjaring, de fout en de schade bij aansprakelijkheid voor asbestschade",VABB-1,369,380,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464912,,Should I stay or should I go? The association between upward socio-economic neighbourhood change and moving propensities,VABB-1,370,390,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464919,,To be or not to be the media industry – Delineation to a fuzzy concept,VABB-1,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464924,,Co-transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells improves spermatogonial stem cell transplantation efficiency in mice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464929,,"A European Quality Assurance System for Police education, a challenge for CEPOL?",VABB-1,139,144,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464930,,Vertical Agreements in EU Competition Law,VABB-2,,,462 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464931,,R.I.P.: Rest in Privacy or Rest in (Quasi-)Property?: Personal Data Protection of Deceased Data Subjects between Theoretical Scenarios and National Solutions,VABB-4,300,320,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464941,,Local Traditions v. Academic Law: Collateral Rights over Movables in Holland (c. 1300-c. 1700),VABB-1,365,403,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464942,,Factors Associated with Non-Participation and Non-Adherence in Directly Observed Mass Drug Administration for Malaria in The Gambia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:464944,,Iconoclastic Controversy in Cyprus: The Problematic Rethinking of a Conflicted Past,VABB-4,25,54,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464948,,Cognitive Performance Enhancement: Do Biofeedback and Neurofeedback Work?,VABB-1,12,42,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464949,,Zùsto: A new sweetening agent with low glycemic index,VABB-1,103,106,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464951,,Computing trust levels based on user's personality and observed system trustworthiness,VABB-4,71,87,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:464954,,Algorithmic Regulation and the Rule of Law,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464956,,The ‘Societal Turn’. Historicising Future Society: Historicizing future society,VABB-1,113,128,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464957,,"Learner Characteristics, Learner Achievement and Time Investment in Online Courses for Dutch L2 in Adult Education",VABB-1,101,112,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464958,,Rehabilitation interventions to improve patient-reported outcomes and physical fitness in survivors of muscle invasive bladder cancer: a systematic review protocol,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:464961,,The Western Balkans: decreasing EU leverage meets increasing domestic reform needs,VABB-4,275,297,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464962,,Mathematical inference and logical inference,VABB-1,665,704,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464968,,Pricing privacy – the right to know the value of your personal data,VABB-1,289,303,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464970,,Specific Surface Modifications of Silica Nanoparticles Diminish Inflammasome Activation and In Vivo Expression of Selected Inflammatory Genes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464972,,TaCLe: Learning constraints in tabular data,VABB-5,2511,2514,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464974,,Gemeenrechtelijke aansprakelijkheid van aannemer voor lichte verborgen gebreken. Een analyse van de recente rechtspraak en rechtsleer,VABB-1,462,470,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464977,,De vrije personeelskeuze als uitloper van de vrijheid van onderwijs: een geërodeerd begrip,VABB-1,455,464,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464979,,A Cross-Linguistic Perspective on Syntactic Complexity in L2 Development: Syntactic Elaboration and Diversity,VABB-1,315,334,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:464984,,Betekenis en gebruik van bepaalde emblemen bij de politie,VABB-1,111,115,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:464986,,Certification of video surveillance systems to build more resilient urban societies,VABB-4,313,330,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464987,,Optimal outcomes and women's positive pregnancy experience: a comparison between the World Health Organization guideline and recommendations in European national antenatal care guidelines.,VABB-1,650,662,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464989,,Transferia: solving local pain or bringing global gain?,VABB-1,148,159,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464991,,"Caught between propaganda and science: Ulrich Gerhard Lauts, the forgotten father of Dutch philology in Brussels.",VABB-4,119,143,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:464994,,Understanding eating behavior during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood: A literature review and perspective on future research directions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464995,,Differences in physical environmental characteristics between adolescents' actual and shortest cycling routes: a study using a google street view-based audit,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:464998,,"Seksismeverbod in de strafwet: baat niet, schaadt wel",VABB-1,770,793,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:465000,,Pollen derived low molecular compounds enhance the human allergen specific immune response in vivo,VABB-1,1355,1365,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:465002,,Managing the Risks of Being a Victim of Severe Labour Exploitation: Before and After the Modern Slavery Act 2015,VABB-4,99,138,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465003,,Methods of assessment: measurement of skin surface hydration.,VABB-4,143,147,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465005,,"Main themes, barriers, and solutions to palliative and end-of-life care in the English-speaking Caribbean: a scoping review. Systematic review.",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465006,,Moet de rechter het verlies van een kans ambtshalve opwerpen?,VABB-1,371,377,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465007,,Normocalcemic Primary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparison with the Hypercalcemic Form in a Tertiary Referral Population: Normocalcemic Primary Hyperparathyroidism: A Comparison with the Hypercalcemic Form in a Tertiary Referral Population,VABB-1,797,802,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465009,,An Instrument to Measure Maturity of Integrated Care: A First Validation Study,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465013,,Platform power and policy in transforming television markets,VABB-2,,,304 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465016,,Het Belgisch politieonderwijs: kan wat niet is nog komen?,VABB-4,83,99,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465019,,Expanding the clinical spectrum of biallelic ZNF335 variants,VABB-1,246,251,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465020,,Wijziging grenzen Belgische bstuursniveaus,VABB-1,366,377,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465021,,"Spatial disparities at death. Age-, sex- and disease-specific mortality in the districts of Belgium at the beginning of the twentieth century",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465022,,Het Grondwettelijk Hof doorprikt de punctuele acupunctuur van artikel 28septies Sv.,VABB-1,29,34,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465024,,Risk factors for complicated grief in older adults,VABB-1,438,446,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:465025,,Accretion Disks in Algols: Progenitors and Evolution,VABB-5,409,409,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465026,,Return and readmission in Europe – understanding negotiation and implementation dynamics,VABB-4,251,260,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465028,,"The effect of a portion size intervention on French fries consumption, plate waste, satiety and compensatory caloric intake:: An on-campus restaurant experiment",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465029,,Arrival Infrastructures: Migration and Urban Social Mobilities,VABB-2,,,299 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465031,,Working with Research Integrity—Guidance for Research Performing Organisations: The Bonn PRINTEGER Statement,VABB-1,1023,1034,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465032,,"Older E-bike Users: Demographic, Health, Mobility Characteristics, and Cycling Levels",VABB-1,1780,1789,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465033,,In Algorithms We Trust: Algorithmic Governance of the Public Sphere,VABB-1,153,162,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465036,,De smaak van thuis: Erfgoed en voeding in Vlaanderen tussen 1945 en 2000,VABB-2,,,185 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465037,,A Reflective Note for Dialectical Thinkers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465041,,ICT for Development in a Post-2015 World: How to conceptualise ICT4D in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals,VABB-5,1,4,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465042,,Upper bounds for strictly concave distortion risk measures on moment spaces,VABB-1,141,151,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465044,,De doorwerking van de hoor- en motiveringsplicht bij het ontslag van een arbeidscontractant,VABB-1,347,351,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465048,,Preventie psychische aandoeningen. Voorkom de etikettenregen,VABB-2,,,162 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465049,,Suicide and Youth: Risk Factors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465053,,Effect of outpatient antibiotics for urinary tract infections on antimicrobial resistance among commensal Enterobacteriaceae: a multinational prospective cohort study,VABB-1,972,979,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465056,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van januari 2018,VABB-1,1357,1360,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465057,,Onderzoek naar ontwikkelingen in het ouderlijk milieu die geassocieerd zijn met een terugkeer naar huis in perspectiefzoekende pleegzorg.,VABB-1,260,277,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465060,,Ten-year follow-up of dental implants used for immediate loading in the edentulous mandible: A prospective clinical study,VABB-1,515,521,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465061,,Free of choice options to reduce sitting: does it work?,VABB-1,40,40,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465062,,CREA Project – Conflict Resolution Equitative Algorithms,VABB-1,251,254,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465064,,Catastrophe aversion and risk equity in an interdependent world,VABB-1,4490,4505,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465065,,A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY ON ELEMENTS OF QUALITY AND SAFETY OF CARE WHEN INDICATING AND PERFORMING RESERVED MEDICAL PROCEDURES IN THE NETHERLANDS,VABB-1,51,68,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465067,,Law as Computation in the Era of Artificial Legal Intelligence: Speaking law to the power of statistics,VABB-1,12,35,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465071,,The Unfree Market and the Law: On the Immorality of Making Capitalism Unbridled Again,VABB-2,,,284 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465075,,"Contraterrorisme, ‘Targetted Killings’ vanuit drones en de crisis van het internationaal recht.",VABB-1,59,69,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:465078,,Hoe de term wordt vertaald: vertaalopties buiten het kader van de termfiche,VABB-1,65,79,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465079,,Contribution of social-constructivist and andragogical principles in blended learning to adult's social inclusion and social capital,VABB-1,47,78,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465081,,Introduction: current trends in analyzing syntactic variation,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465082,,Non-Participation in Compulsory Procedures of Dispute Settlement: The People’s Republic of China’s Position Paper in the South China Sea Arbitration and Beyond,VABB-4,183,205,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465083,,Cosmic Evolutionary Philosophy and a Dialectical Approach to Technological Singularity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465089,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van mei 2018,VABB-1,117,120,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465091,,Fast Automatic Airport Detection in Remote Sensing Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465092,,Public Service Media In Europe Today: Ten countries compared,VABB-4,93,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465094,,De preventie van suïcide en suïcidepogingen in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest: een stand van zaken,VABB-1,13,22,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:465096,,Role of Motor Competence and Executive Functioning in Weight Loss: A Study in Children with Obesity,VABB-1,642,651,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465097,,Where to seat the applicant? How spatial distance influences the effect of self-promotion on interviewer evaluations,VABB-1,448,456,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465098,,The Quality of EBM Sources Perceived By Belgian Family Physicians,VABB-1,1918,1923,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465099,,Leidt het Hof van justitie het einde van het stelsel van verplicht collectief beheer in?,VABB-1,36,41,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:465101,,Bescheiden toezichter of bemiddelaar? De rol van de rechter in reorganisatie en faillissement vanuit rechtshistorisch perspectief,VABB-1,147,218,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465102,,Irregular Migration as a Challenge for Democracy,VABB-3,,,334 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465103,,"Are Informal Caregivers of Persons With Dementia Open to Extending Medical Aid in Dying to Incompetent Patients?: Findings From a Survey Conducted in Quebec, Canada",VABB-1,247,254,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465104,,Deliberation in Deeply Divided Societies,VABB-4,742,754,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465105,,How and when LMX quality relates to counterproductive performance: A mediated moderation model,VABB-1,557,575,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465107,,L’appariement forme-fonction en FL2 : le développement de l’emploi des formes verbales du passé et la primauté du marquage de l’aspect,VABB-5,1,14,,fre,2016,1 c:vabb:465108,,Meat in the post-truth era. Mass-media discourses on health and disease in the attention economy,VABB-1,345,355,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465109,,Déjà,VABB-4,179,198,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:465110,,Testing Quantum Models of Conjunction Fallacy on the World Wide Web,VABB-1,3744,3756,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465116,,“De gevaren van studentenkrediet”,VABB-1,30,43,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465117,,Building Techniques in Architectural Treatises: Construction Practices versus Technical Writings,VABB-3,,,284 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465118,,A comparative look at a centenary. A review of World War I commemorative events in Brussels; BSI synopsis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465119,,Conservatism and Women's Political Representation.,VABB-1,5,26,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465120,,"Prevalence, Awareness, Treatment, and Control of Hypertension and Its Risk Factors in (Central) Vietnam",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465121,,De vele gezichten van zorg: Armoede en armenzorg op het platteland in het graafschap Vlaanderen tijdens de achttiende eeuw’,VABB-1,45,57,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:465122,,"Nurses' perspectives on whether medical aid in dying should be accessible to incompetent patients with dementia: findings from a survey conducted in Quebec, Canada",VABB-1,393,399,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465124,,The grammar of sensation,VABB-4,208,225,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465125,,The financing of the EU budget,VABB-1,160,171,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465126,,"Housing preferences and the Spatial Policy Plan Flanders. The obduracy of housing supply puts limits on the possibility to nudge housing demand / Woonwensen en het Beleidsplan Ruimte Vlaanderen. De inertie van het woonaanbod stelt grenzen aan de stuurbaarheid van de woningvraag, Ruimte & Maatschappij, 10 (1): 44-70.: The obduracy of housing supply puts limits on the possibility to nudge housing demand",VABB-1,44,70,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465127,,Conditional Determinants of Mobile Phones Penetration and Mobile Banking in Sub-Saharan Africa,VABB-1,81,135,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465128,,Student performance in online and face-to-face second language courses: Dutch L2 in adult education,VABB-1,66,76,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465130,,Evaluation of coordination hysteresis in a multidimensional movement task with continuous relative phase and self-organizing maps.,VABB-1,162,174,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465133,,De kwaliteit van de woningen in Vlaanderen / The quality of dwellings in Flanders.,VABB-1,49,69,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465136,,Horizontal Agreements and Cartels in EU Competition Law,VABB-3,,,467 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465140,,Personality and Party Ideology Among Politicians. A Closer Look at Political Elites From Canada and Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465142,,Jean Cocteau et son image de l'Orient,VABB-4,7,25,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:465147,,Understanding the balancing act behind the legitimate interest of the controller ground: a pragmatic approach,VABB-4,321,352,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465148,,Short-Term Results after Total Trapeziectomy with a Poly-L/D-Lactide Spacer,VABB-1,394,398,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465152,,The EU's Democratization Discourse and Questions of European Identification,VABB-1,1362,1375,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465155,,Vloeibaar nieuwsgebruik vatten met digitale etnografie,VABB-1,41,57,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465157,,Central nervous system gadolinium accumulation in patients undergoing periodical contrast MRI screening for hereditary tumor syndromes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465158,,Literatuur en muziek,VABB-2,,,121 p.,mul,2018,2 c:vabb:465160,,"Youth Delinquency redefined: the practice of scientific observation and diagnosis within the framework of Belgian Child Protection, 1913-1960",VABB-4,253,276,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465161,,Therapy modalities to reduce lymphoedema in female breast cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:465165,,Theory and methods in sport policy and politics research,VABB-1,615,620,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465166,,Smart timing and specialised spaces: Reflections on the implementation of smart specialisation strategies in Milan and Brussels,VABB-1,44,56,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465169,,Experimental techniques synergy towards the design of a sensing tool for autonomously healed concrete structures,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465170,,Public service media and ecosystem sustainability: towards effective partnerships in small media markets.,VABB-4,175,191,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465171,,Arbeid en arbeidstoeleiding in de gevangenis,VABB-4,323,338,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:465172,,"Microbial Triggers in Autoimmunity, Severe Allergy and Autoallergy",VABB-4,11,26,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465173,,The Routledge Handbook of Justice and Home Affairs Research,VABB-3,,,494 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465175,,Bioinformatics Innovations and Patent Eligibility,VABB-1,140,156,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465177,,The Cybercrime Convention Committee's 2017 Guidance Note on Production Orders: Unilateralist transborder access to electronic evidence promoted via soft law,VABB-1,327,336,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465184,,The Flemish TV market. Crime drama as a driver for small market sustainability?,VABB-4,233,251,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465186,,Strategieën om politiek en privé met elkaar te verzoenen: Vlaamse lokale mandaathouders,VABB-1,428,448,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465187,,De gevolgen van het verlies van het actuele belang gedurende het annulatieberoep bij de Raad van State voor de vordering tot schadevergoeding tot herstel,VABB-1,523,532,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465191,,Data Protection and Privacy: The Internet of Bodies,VABB-3,,,344 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465192,,"Foster care placement breakdown in the Netherlands and Flanders: Prevalence, precursors, and associated factors.",VABB-1,337,345,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465193,,Investigating ICT skills and the use of audio media in distance education among teachers and students: the case of Mountains of the Moon University in Uganda,VABB-1,51,71,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465194,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,49,70,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465195,,Assessment of a Business-to-Consumer (B2C) model for Telemonitoring patients with Chronic Heart Failure (CHF),VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465196,,Users’ Perspectives on mHealth Self-Management of Bipolar Disorder: Qualitative Focus Group Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465197,,Justice and Home Affairs Research: introducing the state of the art and avenues for further research,VABB-4,3,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465198,,The Use of Live-Prototypes as Proxy Technology in Smart City Living Lab Pilots,VABB-4,203,213,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465201,,A business-historical analysis of Entreprises générales Henri Ruttiens (1878–2000),VABB-5,573,580,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465202,,Mathematical Values and the Epistemology of Data Practices,VABB-4,20,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465205,,Balance During Bodyweight Supported and Robot-Assisted Walking,VABB-5,96,99,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465206,,Chasing the phantom of a‘global end game’: The role of management consultancy in the narratives of pre-failure ABN AMRO,VABB-4,170,191,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465207,,"Four Positions on the Recognition of States in and after the Soviet Union, with Special Reference to Abkhazia",VABB-1,991,1014,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465208,,Involvement of palliative care in euthanasia practice in a context of legalized euthanasia: A population-based mortality follow-back study,VABB-1,114,122,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465209,,Competitive balance trends in elite table tennis: The Olympic Games and World Championships 1988-2016: Paper published online,VABB-1,2675,2683,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465210,,Mobile therapeutic attention for treatment-resistant schizophrenia (m-RESIST): a prospective multicentre feasibility study protocol in patients and their caregivers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465213,,Tigecycline-induced inhibition of mitochondrial DNA translation may cause lethal mitochondrial dysfunction in humans,VABB-1,431,431,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465214,,Contribution of chronic conditions to smoking differences in life expectancy with and without disability in Belgium,VABB-1,859,863,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465217,,Preregistration of machine learning research design. Against P-hacking,VABB-4,102,105,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465220,,"Sleep Disturbances in Chronic Pain: Neurobiology, Assessment, and Treatment in Physical Therapist Practice",VABB-1,325,335,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465221,,Text (und) Theatralität: Gattungs- und Medienreflexion frühneuzeitlicher Dramendrucke am Beispiel von Henry Fieldings Tragedy of Tragedies,VABB-4,79,96,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:465225,,De nieuwe Ventôsewet: 15 jaar later,VABB-1,204,221,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:465226,,Overzicht van wetgeving 1 april 2015 – 30 juni 2015,VABB-1,41,47,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:465227,,"Interruption, disruption or intervention? A stakeholder analysis of small acts of engagement in content flows",VABB-4,141,160,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465228,,"Spatial PM2.5, NO2, O3 and BC models for Western Europe – Evaluation of spatiotemporal stability",VABB-1,81,92,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465229,,Educationism and the irony of meritocracy: Negative attitudes of higher educated people towards the less educated,VABB-1,429,447,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465230,,Grasping the Digital News User: Conceptual and methodological advances in news use studies,VABB-4,125,141,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465231,,Europe at the Crossroads: Zinnie Harris's How to Hold Your Breath,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465233,,Iedereen aan boord? Een besluitvormingsondersteunend instrument voor de Brusselse Noord-Zuid spoorverbinding,VABB-1,1,19,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465235,,“Arrestez et pillez contre toute sorte de droit ”: Trade and the War of the Quadruple Alliance (1718-1720),VABB-1,97,130,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465237,,The Order of Human Interdependencies: Simulating Elias’ One-level Multi-person Models,VABB-1,105,131,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465239,,Sinistrality is associated with (slightly) lower general intelligence: A data synthesis and consideration of the secular trend in handedness,VABB-1,118,126,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465241,,Ministère de la Défense nationale et les Forces armées.,VABB-4,434,456,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:465247,,The Uncontrolled Manifold Concept Reveals That the Structure of Postural Control in Recurve Archery Shooting Is Related to Accuracy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465253,,"An in-situ XANES investigation of the interactions between iron, manganese and antimony in silicate melts",VABB-1,227,235,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465254,,Five Questions for Digital Migration Studies: Learning From Digital Connectivity and Forced Migration In(to) Europe,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465257,,Epistemological and Ontological Paraconsistency in Quantum Mechanics: For and Against Bohrian Philosophy,VABB-4,589,604,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465258,,"On the Scope of Antitrust Law in South Korea, the EU and the US: Comparing the Interpretation of ‘Agreement’ and ‘Illegality’",VABB-1,74,91,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465263,,Quantum Perspectives on Evolution,VABB-4,571,595,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465264,,"Teaching, Social and Cognitive Presences and its relations to students' characteristics and academic performance in blended learning courses in a Tanzanian university",VABB-1,73,89,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465265,,Understanding the positive effect of financial compensation on trust after norm violations: Evidence from fMRI in favor of forgiveness,VABB-1,578,590,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465266,,Twitter data analysis for studying communities of practice in the media industry,VABB-1,195,212,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465270,,Towards blended learning designs fostering adults’ social capital: What do empirical findings reveal?,VABB-4,55,80,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465271,,Primo Levi's Duitse brieven. Over de precisie van woorden,VABB-1,55,63,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465272,,From Novel to Opera: Child's Play,VABB-4,77,91,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465273,,Aspirant-inspecteurs van politie: wie zijn ze en waarom doen ze het?,VABB-1,35,50,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465274,,Ethnic Diversity and Generalized Trust: Testing the Contact Hypothesis in Dutch Voluntary Organizations,VABB-1,813,835,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465278,,Spatial management of contractors.: An analysis of the industrial sites of the Louis De Waele enterprise in Brussels (1867-1988),VABB-5,527,535,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465280,,Atypical neural responding to hearing one’s own name in adults with ASD,VABB-1,129,138,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465285,,Bestraffing als maatschappelijke constructie,VABB-4,77,94,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:465286,,Students' motivational factors and engagement strategies in constructivist-based blended learning environments,VABB-1,13,34,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465288,,Testing Ambiguity and Machina Preferences within a Quantum-theoretic Framework for Decision-making,VABB-1,176,185,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465289,,Challenges and Developments in the Assessment of (Mal)adaptive Traits and Pathological States in Older Adults.,VABB-1,279,284,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465290,,Between Economic Revival and Social Disruption: The Redevelopment of Detroit’s Downtown and Midtown and its Impact on the Emergence of new socio-spatial Inequalities.,VABB-4,75,94,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465291,,De rechtspersoon in het strafproces: nieuwe ontwikkelingen,VABB-4,581,646,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:465295,,De Antwerpse ‘e-mailgate’. Koop van een onroerend goed langs elektronische weg,VABB-1,129,134,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:465296,,The Right to Wage War (jus ad bellum). The German Reception of Grotius 50 Years after De iure belli ac pacis,VABB-1,423,428,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465297,,Breakdown of foster care placements in Flanders: incidence and associated factors,VABB-1,209,220,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465298,,"Collectively exercising the right of access: individual effort, societal effect",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465301,,Paraneoplastic systemic lupus erythematosus in association with oat cell tumour of the lung,VABB-1,25,26,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465302,,Tuning the hyperparameters of the filter-based regularization method for impulse response estimation,VABB-1,12841,12846,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465303,,Association of Dietary Habits and Interest for Food and Science versus Weight Status in Children Aged 8 to 18 Years,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465306,,National mixed methods evaluation of the effects of removing legal barriers to full practice authority of Dutch nurse practitioners and physician assistants,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465307,,"Foreign Direct Investment in Ethiopian Land: The Good, The Bad and The Lessons to be Learned",VABB-4,167,190,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465308,,Positioning in Olympic winter sports: Analysing national prioritisation of funding and success in eight nations. European Sport Management Quarterly (Special Issue).,VABB-1,8,24,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465309,,Is isotretinoin treatment safe in patients with known peanut allergy?,VABB-1,140,141,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:465310,,Plurilingualism in Schooling Policies: The Brussels Melting Pot.,VABB-1,157,167,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465312,,Hoe gentrificatie te meten in België zonder de census?: Bespreking van een case study in Gent tussen 2004 en 2009,VABB-1,33,57,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465313,,Comparing Learning Outcomes of Blended Learning and Traditional Face-to-Face Learning of University Students in ESL Courses,VABB-1,251,273,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465314,,The construction of Ghent’s textile industry warehouses,VABB-5,519,526,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465316,,"Building Knowledge, Constructing Histories: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Construction History (6ICCH), Brussels, Belgium, 9-13 July 2018",VABB-3,,,1394 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465317,,Preindustrial welfare between regional economies and local regimes: Rural poor relief in Flanders around 1800,VABB-1,255,284,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465318,,Social software and internal communicators’ gatekeeping sense of self,VABB-1,299,307,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465321,,A Role and Reference Grammar account of clause linkage development in second language: An application to English and French,VABB-1,472,508,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465322,,Wiskunde en wetenschap in turbulente tijden,VABB-4,119,147,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465324,,Quantum superpositions and the representation of physical reality beyond measurement outcomes and mathematical structures,VABB-1,621,648,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465325,,The use of behavioural theories in end-of-life care research: A systematic review,VABB-1,1055,1077,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465326,,Iedereen aan boord?: Een besluitvormingsondersteunend instrument voor de Brusselse Noord-Zuid spoorverbinding,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465328,,Dynamics in motivations and reasons to quit in a Care Bank: a qualitative study in Belgium,VABB-1,407,416,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465329,,Mental fatigue and physical and cognitive performance during a 2-bout exercise test,VABB-1,510,516,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465330,,Total Cost for Society: A Persona-based Analysis of Electric and Conventional Vehicles,VABB-1,90,110,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465331,,Après la loi,VABB-2,,,272 p.,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:465336,,The impact of austerity on poverty and sport participation: mind the knowledge gap,VABB-1,203,213,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465337,,The role of modern malnutrition in modelling Roman malnutrition: Aid or anachronism?,VABB-1,1016,1022,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465339,,Health risks in the cleaning industry: a Belgian census-linked mortality study (1991–2011),VABB-1,13,21,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465340,,A Public Health Approach to Integrate Palliative Care into a Country’s Health-Care System: Guidance as Provided by the WHO,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465341,,Kaldor and Dorsen’s “desktop performances” and the (Live) Coauthorship Paradox,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465342,,A computational compensation method for fabric panels of tensioned membrane structures using a shape optimization method based on gradientless algorithms,VABB-1,16,24,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465344,,Development and validation of the Midwife Profiling Questionnaire assessing women's preferred perinatal care professional and knowledge of midwives' legal competences,VABB-1,23,32,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465349,,How Are Logistics Service Providers Adapting to Omnichannel retail?,VABB-1,588,593,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465351,,Evolving Legal Protections for Indigenous Peoples in Africa: Some Post-UNDRIP Reflections,VABB-1,339,365,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465356,,Youth Unemployment and Mental Health: The Mediating Role of Embodiment.,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465360,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van december 2017,VABB-1,1194,1198,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465362,,recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,22,80,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465365,,De winstpremie,VABB-1,363,376,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465369,,"Florian Trauner, the Europeanisation of the Western Balkans: EU Justice and Home Affairs in Croatia and Macedonia (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2011): A Response to Georgi Dimitrov and Marko Kmezić",VABB-1,260,269,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465374,,Gender differences in mental health problems among adolescents and the role of social support: results from the Belgian health interview surveys 2008 and 2013,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465375,,From forced migration to forced arrival: the campization of refugee accommodation in European cities.,VABB-4,249,279,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465376,,"La réception de l'oeuvre de Jean Cocteau dans la presse égyptienne, libanaise et turque",VABB-4,41,72,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:465378,,"Funerary Culture, Secularity and Symbolised Violence in Nineteenth-Century Belgium",VABB-1,62,88,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465379,,Overzicht van wetgeving 1 juli 2015 – 30 september 2015,VABB-1,63,68,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:465380,,Evaluating the impact of off-hour deliveries: An application of the TRansport Agent-BAsed model,VABB-1,102,111,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465381,,Euthanasie ingebed in de palliatieve zorg: analyse van de doctrinale kritieken op het unieke Belgische model van integrale levenseindezorg,VABB-1,605,614,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465382,,Improved efficacy of allergen-specific immunotherapy by JAK inhibition in a murine model of allergic asthma,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465384,,Transition from primary to secondary education in a rigidly tracked system,VABB-4,53,70,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465386,,Comfort in palliative sedation (Compas): a transdisciplinary mixed method study protocol for linking objective assessments to subjective experiences,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465387,,Strengthening teacher trainers ICT competencies through ICT Design Teams: Lessons learned,VABB-1,35,49,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465390,,Planning for agglomeration economies in a polycentric region: Envisioning an efficient metropolitan core area in Belgium,VABB-1,1,26,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465393,,Management of epilepsy associated with tuberous sclerosis complex: Updated clinical recommendations,VABB-1,738,748,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465400,,Entweder ästhetisch - oder religiös: Søren Kierkegaard textanalytisch,VABB-3,,,487 p.,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:465401,,Effect and process evaluation of a smartphone app to promote an active lifestyle in lower educated working young adults : cluster randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,10003,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465403,,How to empower patients?: A systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,660,674,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465404,,"Indigenous Peoples' Perspectives on land, Property, and Ownership: A Case Study of the Munduruku and Guarani Peoples",VABB-4,60,85,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465405,,Curing pansophia through eruditum nescire: Bernard Nieuwentijt’s (1654–1718) epistemology of modest,VABB-1,272,301,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465408,,What’s up with the self-employed? A Cross-National perspective on the self-employed’s work-related mental well-being,VABB-1,317,326,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465409,,"Political Power and Social Groups, c. 1300-c.1500",VABB-4,268,328,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465411,,Die Wiederholung der Philosophie: Kierkegaards Kulturkritik und ihre Folgen,VABB-3,,,291 p.,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465413,,“Nostri fratelli da Londra”: The Lucchese Community in Late Medieval England’,VABB-4,87,102,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465415,,Cash remains top-of-wallet! International evidence from payment diaries,VABB-1,38,48,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465419,,"Ethnic identity without ethnic media? Diasporic cosmopolitanism, (social) media and distant conflict among young Kurds in London",VABB-1,603,619,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465421,,Pollen-derived adenosine is a necessary cofactor for ragweed allergy,VABB-1,944,954,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:465422,,Improving policy support in city logistics: The contributions of a multi-actor multi-criteria analysis,VABB-1,554,563,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465424,,"G. Rossi, Insurance in Elizabethan England. The London Code",VABB-1,420,423,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465426,,Neogotische pracht achter schotten: De voormalige dominicanenkerk in Gent,VABB-1,31,45,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465427,,Restitution of performance under an illegal contract: A Belgian perspective on Patel v. Mirza,VABB-1,245,254,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465429,,Treatment of pain following cancer: applying neuro-immunology in rehabilitation practice,VABB-1,714,721,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465430,,Market Coupling and the Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management Regulation: New Functions for Power Exchanges in a Better Regulatory Environment?,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465432,,Migration – moving to the centre of the European Neighbourhood Policy,VABB-4,393,404,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465433,,"Gendered Teacher-Student Classroom Interactions, Student Sense of Equity and Student Achievement.",VABB-1,131,152,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465434,,Het interimdividend en het tijdstip van uitkering. Theorie en praktijk,VABB-1,495,507,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:465436,,Hidden modernity: reinforced concrete trusses in Brussels parish churches (1935-40),VABB-5,1375,1381,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465440,,"Drugs used for euthanasia: a repeated population-based mortality follow-back study in Flanders, Belgium, 1998 - 2013",VABB-1,551,559,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465441,,Central diabetes insipidus: beware of Langerhans cell histiocytosis!,VABB-1,445,449,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465443,,"Data protection by design: promises and, perils in crossing the Rubicon between law and engineering",VABB-4,25,37,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465444,,The Relationship between a New Biomarker of Vagal Neuroimmunomodulation and Survival in Two Fatal Cancers.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465446,,China’s Outward Investment in the EU: Challenges of Rapid Change,VABB-1,5,11,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465450,,Acoustic Emission,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465451,,WEAR: Wearable technologists engage with artists for responsible innovation: Processes and progress,VABB-1,91,105,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465454,,The Effects of Intensive Speech Treatment on Conversational Intelligibility in Spanish Speakers With Parkinson's Disease,VABB-1,154,165,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465455,,"The attitudes, role & knowledge of mental health nurses towards euthanasia because of unbearable mental suffering in Belgium: a pilot study",VABB-1,400,410,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465459,,Deconstructing nationalist assemblages: A visual essay on the Greek Cypriot memorials related to two violent conflicts in 20th century Cyprus,VABB-1,33,49,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465461,,Plural moralities and the search for meaning,VABB-4,70,88,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465464,,k-Centres Functional Clustering: A Person-Centered Approach to Modeling Complex Nonlinear Growth Trajectories,VABB-1,905,930,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465465,,Particularisation to an Individual,VABB-4,121,125,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465466,,Reaction time in healthy elderly is associated with chronic low-grade inflammation and advanced glycation end product,VABB-1,118,124,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465469,,Martin Vigorimeter assesses muscle fatigability in older adults better than the Jamar Dynamometer,VABB-1,65,70,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465470,,"Mutated zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 1 leads to microcephaly, cortical malformation, callosal agenesis, cerebellar dysplasia, tethered cord and scoliosis",VABB-1,783,789,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465471,,Input of Psychosocial Information During Multidisciplinary Team Meetings at Medical Oncology Departments: Protocol for an Observational Study.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465472,,Naar een eengemaakte sociale-inspectiedienst: juridische aspecten,VABB-1,285,319,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:465474,,Is vrijheidsbeneming gemakkelijk staand te houden?,VABB-1,218,222,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:465475,,Relation between dietary pattern analysis (principal component analysis) and body mass index: a 5-year follow-up study in a Belgian military population,VABB-1,23,29,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:465476,,Improved cognitive functioning in obese adolescents after a 30-week inpatient weight loss program,VABB-1,267,271,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465477,,"The importance of attitudes toward technology for pre-service teachers' technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge: Comparing structural equation modeling approaches",VABB-1,67,80,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465479,,Lexicon visualization library and javascript for scientific data visualization,VABB-1,50,65,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465483,,On Resisting Bodies,VABB-4,267,278,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465484,,"Neelsen, Sarah: Les essais d’Elfriede Jelinek. Genre, relation, singularité.",VABB-1,289,292,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:465486,,"Review of: Three Views of Logic (Loveland, Hodel Sterret)",VABB-1,291,296,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465487,,Preferable Minority Representatives: Brokerage and Betrayal,VABB-1,345,350,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465490,,House of Cards: Psychopathy in Politics,VABB-1,427,443,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465493,,"Angst und Entängstigung: Kierkegaards existenzdialektischer Begriff der Angst, dessen systematischer Hintergrund und philosophiegeschichtliche Wirkung",VABB-3,,,212 p.,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:465494,,The quest for autoreactive antibodies in nasal polyps,VABB-1,893,895,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:465495,,University governance and academic leadership: Perceptions of European and Chinese university staff and perceived need for capacity building,VABB-1,435,452,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465496,,A Specific Implicit Sequence Learning Deficit as an Underlying Cause of Dyslexia? Investigating the Role of Attention in Implicit Learning Tasks.,VABB-1,371,382,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465497,,The impact of mobility and migration on the identity-constructing policy in Brussels,VABB-4,65,87,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465501,,"Chinese international students' social connectedness, social and academic adaptation: the mediating role of global competence",VABB-1,131,147,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465502,,OPTIMAL PORTFOLIO UNDER STATE-DEPENDENT EXPECTED UTILITY,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465506,,The Role of NGOs and Accountability of Corporations for Human Rights Infringements,VABB-4,193,212,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465508,,Taekwondo as a Paralympic Sport,VABB-1,77,91,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:465509,,Refounding Legitimacy Toward Aethogenesis,VABB-1,235,249,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:465511,,MP29-02 reduces nasal hyperreactivity and nasal mediators in patients with house dust mite-allergic rhinitis,VABB-1,1084,1093,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465512,,China’s 16+1 and Belt and Road Initiative in Central and Eastern Europe: economic and political influence at a cheap price,VABB-1,181,203,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465513,,Exploring the association of learning participation with the quality of life of older Chinese adults: A mixed methods approach,VABB-1,378,390,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465515,,The use of vitrum obsianum in the Roman Empire: some new insights and future prospects,VABB-1,465,482,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:465517,,"Vast goed, zo’n ruimtelijk gedifferentieerde vastgoedtaks?",VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465519,,"""Introduction: Mediations of Authorship in American Postdramatic Mediaturgies""",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465521,,The price is (not) right: data protection and discrimination in the age of pricing algorithms,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465523,,Perplexing positions: On the researcher’s role and ethics in the field,VABB-1,133,158,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465524,,"Adolescents’ Sexual Wellbeing in Southwestern Uganda: A Cross-Sectional Assessment of Body Image, Self-Esteem and Gender Equitable Norms",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465529,,The Quantitative Theoretical Ecology of Life History Strategies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465530,,Do management and executive share the same perception on the critical issues facing the front-line nursing staff?,VABB-1,239,242,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465531,,The concept of culture in Critical Mathematics Education,VABB-4,163,176,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465532,,Multilingual Expression and Post-National Frames in 100% Brussels and Isabella’s Room,VABB-1,271,300,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465534,,"Digitisation, internationalisation and changing business models in local media markets: An analysis of commercial media’s perceptions on challenges ahead",VABB-1,89,107,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465537,,"Een versteende ruimte? De impact van stedelijke veranderingsprocessen op de sociale topografie van Brugge, 1380-1670",VABB-1,19,40,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465538,,Exploring Gender Differences in Support for Rightist Parties: the Role of Party and Gender Ideology,VABB-1,80,105,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465544,,"INVESTIGATING PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHING PRESENCE AMONG INSTRUCTORS AND STUDENTS IN BLENDED LEARNING COURSES IN A TANZANIAN MEDICAL COLLEGE: INTED2018: 12th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference",VABB-5,3404,3414,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465546,,Meet & fly: Sustainable transport academics and the elephant in the room,VABB-1,64,67,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465548,,The impact of a preventive and curative oral healthcare program on the prevalence and incidence of oral health problems in nursing home residents,VABB-1,198910,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465549,,Mapping community media organisations in Cyprus: A Methodological Reflection,VABB-1,17,35,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465550,,The use of traditional and complementary medicine among patients with multiple sclerosis in Belgium,VABB-1,128,136,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465552,,Voice Stress Analysis: A New Framework for Voice and Effort in Human Performance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465554,,"Girls’ Journeys to the Juvenile Court, Antwerp, 1912-1933",VABB-4,279,310,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465558,,Trends in health inequalities in 27 European countries,VABB-1,6440,6445,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465562,,Abnormal brain activation during threatening face processing in schizophrenia: a meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies.,VABB-1,200,208,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465565,,Impact of individual motivation differences on reducing sedentary behaviour,VABB-1,47,48,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465566,,Privacy from a Media Studies Perspective,VABB-4,355,382,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465572,,Tubulinopathies continued: refining the phenotypic spectrum associated with variants in TUBG1,VABB-1,1132,1142,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465573,,Rhythmic Keccak: SCA Security and Low Latency in HW,VABB-1,269,290,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465575,,Land-use carbon emissions estimation for the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration using 1994-2016 Landsat image data,VABB-1,1334,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465576,,In-hospital clinical outcomes after upper gastrointestinal surgery: Data from an international observational study,VABB-1,2324,2332,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465577,,Réflexions sur la législation congolaise de mise en œuvre du Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale,VABB-1,4,40,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:465578,,"The role of National Parliaments in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice",VABB-4,434,444,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465581,,Tuberous sclerosis associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND) and the TAND Checklist.,VABB-1,25,35,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:465583,,Short-term family foster care in Flanders. An exploratory study into the factors associated with family reunification decisions.,VABB-1,699,708,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465584,,Monitoring dynamic global deflection of a bridge by monocular digital photography,VABB-1,168,182,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465585,,"Waarom men niet naar het leven kan schrijven – Documentaire sporen in ""Ik in kapitaal”",VABB-4,37,62,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465586,,Is Procalcitonin Biomarker-Guided Antibiotic Therapy a Cost-Effective Approach to Reduce Antibiotic Resistant and Clostridium difficile Infections in Hospitalized Patients?,VABB-1,616,625,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465588,,Exploration of workforce changes in integrated chronic care: Findings from an interactive and emergent research design,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465589,,Power struggles: gender equality in political representation.,VABB-1,149,166,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465590,,"Quand la JAI fait dissidence. Expliquer l’activité des parlements nationaux dans le domaine européen de liberté, de sécurité et de justice",VABB-1,58,93,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:465591,,Wegwijzer voor een stedelijke mobiliteit,VABB-1,5,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:465592,,Big data besluitvormingsprocessen en sluipwegen van discriminatie,VABB-1,3,24,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465594,,"At the End, the Creditors Win. Pre-Insolvency Proceedings in France, Belgium and the Netherlands (1807-c. 1910)",VABB-1,184,206,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465595,,Vaginal birth after caesarean versus elective repeat caesarean delivery after one previous caesarean section: a costeffectiveness analysis in four European countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465600,,The neural basis and evolution of divergent and convergent thought,VABB-4,58,70,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465603,,Qualitative assessment of opportunities and challenges to improve evidence-informed health policy-making in Hungary – an EVIPNet situation analysis pilot,VABB-1,2,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465606,,Gaps in Baltic Sea Maritime Boundaries,VABB-4,7,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465607,,"Evaluatie van ‘Samenwerking Ondersteunen in Pleegzorg’ (SOP), een geprotocolleerde methodiek gericht op de samenwerking tussen ouders en pleegouders",VABB-1,197,213,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465608,,E-health beyond technology: Analyzing the paradigm shift that lies beneath,VABB-1,31,41,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465611,,Afterword: Studying conflicts in Cyprus – lessons learned for conflict studies,VABB-4,290,299,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465613,,How do researchers perceive research misbehaviors?: A transcultural case study of Chinese and Flemish researchers,VABB-1,350,369,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465614,,Palliative care service use by older people: Time trends from a mortality follow-back study between 2005 and 2014,VABB-1,466,475,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465615,,The Role of Cognitive Development and Strategic Task Tendencies in the Bilingual Advantage Controversy.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465616,,De sluiting van de PI Tilburg: het einde van een uniek project,VABB-1,16,24,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465617,,Influence of environmental loading on the tensile and cracking behaviour of textile reinforced cementitious composites,VABB-1,325,334,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465619,,Math and Music: Slow and Not For Profit,VABB-4,73,90,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465622,,Monitoring instantaneous dynamic displacements of masonry walls in seismic oscillation outdoors by monocular digital photography,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465623,,"Ecological response to land use change: A case study from the Chaohu lake basin, China",VABB-1,200,206,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465629,,"ENTREVISTA CON DIEGO RÍSQUEZ: FRAGMENTOS DE LA IMAGEN DE BOLÍVAR EN ""MANUELA SÁENZ, LA LIBERTADORA DEL LIBERTADOR"" (2000)",VABB-1,308,317,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:465632,,Can the crowd deliver? Analysis of crowd logistics’ types and stakeholder support,VABB-4,89,109,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465633,,Why children obey the law. Rethinking children's rights and juvenile justice in Europe through procedural justice,VABB-1,34,51,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465634,,Association between feeling threatened by a terrorist attack and subjective health: a web survey a week after the attacks of 22 March 2016 in Belgium,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465636,,"Knowledge, Policymaking and Learning for European Cities and Regions. From Research to Practice",VABB-2,,,320 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465638,,Resource Use During the Last Six Months of Life Among COPD Patients: A Population-Level Study: a population level study,VABB-1,318,326,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465639,,Hard tissue debris removal from the mesial root canal system of mandibular molars with ultrasonically and laser-activated irrigation: a micro-computed tomography study,VABB-1,1965,1970,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465641,,Grounds of the Immaterial. A Conflict-Based Approach to Intellectual Rights,VABB-2,,,309 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465644,,European Union multilingual primary term creation and the impact of its neologisms on national adaptations,VABB-1,8,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465647,,"The Tacit ‘Quantum’ of Meeting the Aesthetic Sign; Contextualize, Entangle, Superpose, Collapse or Decohere",VABB-1,255,266,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465649,,What is the opinion of patients with multiple sclerosis and their healthcare professionals about lower limb orthoses?: A qualitative study using focus group discussions,VABB-1,81,92,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465650,,‘Kill Me but Make Me Beautiful’: Harm and Agency in Female Beauty Practices in Contemporary Iran,VABB-1,50,60,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465651,,Un estudio de la realización de actos de habla de rechazo en un contexto académico,VABB-1,181,199,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:465652,,Between Scylla and Charybdis? Twenty-Five Years Administrating the Contested Region of Brussels,VABB-1,835,855,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465654,,The extended evolutionary synthesis facilitates evolutionary models of culture,VABB-1,84,107,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465655,,"""Girls Have More Challenges; They Need to Be Locked Up"": A Qualitative Study of Gender Norms and the Sexuality of Young Adolescents in Uganda.",VABB-1,1,33,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465658,,Integration of oncology and palliative care: a Lancet Oncology Commission,VABB-1,588,653,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465659,,"Bridging Exercise Science, Cognitive Psychology, and Medical Practice: Is ""Cognitive Fatigue"" a Remake of ""The Emperor's New Clothes""?",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465660,,Usable trust: grasping trust dynamics for online security as a service,VABB-4,271,283,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465661,,The right to die: a Belgian case study combining reception studies and discourse theory,VABB-1,381,396,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465662,,Xeroderma pigmentosum and leukaemia in two sisters.,VABB-1,42,43,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:465663,,Exercise-based injury prevention in football,VABB-1,157,168,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465665,,Motives for (non) practicing demotion.,VABB-1,244,263,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465668,,End-of-life decision-making across cancer types: results from a nationwide retrospective survey among treating physicians,VABB-1,1369,1376,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465669,,Collaboration with Xukuru teachers: Reflecting about statistics education at indigenous schools,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465670,,Longer and heavier vehicles in Belgium: A threat for the intermodal sector?,VABB-1,459,470,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465672,,"Cyprus and Its Conflicts: Representations, Materialities and Cultures",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465674,,Shipping outside the box. Environmental impact and stakeholder analysis of a crowd logistics platform in Belgium,VABB-1,806,816,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465675,,"Addressing sexual issues in palliative care: A qualitative study on nurses’ attitudes, roles and experiences",VABB-1,1583,1594,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465676,,Return to work following surgery for lumbar radiculopathy: a systematic review,VABB-1,1694,1714,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465677,,Training in nonviolent resistance for foster parents. A randomized controlled trial.,VABB-1,931,942,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465679,,Het begrip angst,VABB-3,,,235 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465680,,International university-university technology transfer: Strategic management framework,VABB-1,145,155,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465681,,Analysis of the Buddhist Conversion of Great Sage: A corpus-based investigation of textual evidence from the English translation of The Journey to the West,VABB-1,505,527,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465682,,Revisiting Kant and Fichte's Conceptions of Cosmopolitanism,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465685,,Cement mantle thickness does not influence serum or local gentamicin concentrations in hybrid total hip arthroplasty: a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,415,421,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465689,,Innerlichkeit: Struktur- und praxistheoretische Perspektiven auf Kierkegaards Existenzdenken,VABB-3,,,608 p.,ger,2017,2 c:vabb:465690,,Does nutrition play a role in the prevention and management of sarcopenia?,VABB-1,1121,1132,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465692,,Starting Teachers’ Integration of ICT into Their Teaching Practices in the Lower Secondary Schools in Turkey,VABB-1,23,45,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465695,,Comparing the use and timing of palliative care services in COPD and lung cancer: a population-based survey,VABB-1,1,4,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465697,,Realist evaluation of a complex integrated care programme: protocol for a mixed methods study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465701,,Quality of dying and quality of end-of-life care of nursing home residents in six countries: An epidemiological study,VABB-1,1584,1595,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465702,,"Evaluating Art and Design Research: Reflections, Evaluation Practices and Research Presentations",VABB-2,,,205 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465704,,Onder ons? Een onderzoek naar de bereidheid tot contacten met diverse etnische groepen bij jongeren van Marokkaanse en Turkse herkomst in Antwerpen en Gent,VABB-1,165,183,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465706,,Différences paramétriques dans les systèmes d’assignation du genre en L1 et conséquences sur sa maîtrise en FL2.,VABB-1,281,306,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:465709,,Quantum Theory Methods as a Possible Alternative for the Double-Blind Gold Standard of Evidence-Based Medicine: Outlining a New Research Program,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465710,,The Changing Role of Amicus Curiae in the Relations between Non-Government Organisation and the World Trade Organization,VABB-1,149,154,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465711,,Commissie/Polen C-441/17: Het Europees Hof van Justitie oordeelt voor het eerst dat het in een kortgedingprocedure voorlopige maatregelen kan opleggen op straffe van een dwangsom,VABB-1,465,468,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465712,,Public-private mixing: A knowledge transfer perspective,VABB-1,26,34,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:465714,,Power relations in educational scientific communication-a critical analysis of discourse on learning styles,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465716,,Étirer les frontières des études sur les communications et les médias,VABB-1,137,154,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:465718,,Data Protection by Design and by Default: Framing Guiding Principles into Legal Obligations in the GDPR,VABB-1,168,189,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465720,,On the Magic of Law,VABB-1,123,142,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465723,,A Study on the Evolution in Design and Calculation of Iron and Steel Structures over the Mid 19th Century in Western and Central Europe,VABB-1,320,333,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465724,,Media Innovation and Business Models: the Case of Immersive Content Distribution Platforms,VABB-1,42,55,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465725,,"프로테우스와 같은 CGIs. [10294068]형문화유산, 행위 연결망 그리고 도시",VABB-1,227,252,,mis,2017,2 c:vabb:465726,,Travel-based multitasking: review of the empirical evidence,VABB-1,162,183,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465728,,Can clinical characteristics be criteria to perform chromosomal microarray-analysis in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders?,VABB-1,225,232,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465729,,Mijn schrijverswerkzaamheid,VABB-3,,,212 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:465731,,Federal reform and the quality of representation in Belgium,VABB-1,683,702,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465735,,Critical Research on Populism: Nine Rules of Engagement,VABB-1,649,661,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465736,,"An old poor law on the Continent? Agrarian capitalism, poor taxes, and village conflict in eighteenth‐century coastal Flanders",VABB-1,1173,1198,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465738,,Le sens grammatical II: Pour une progression curriculaire de l'enseignement de la grammaire française à l'école,VABB-2,,,258 p.,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:465739,,To submit or not to submit – negotiating artistic research in the academic world,VABB-4,41,52,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465740,,Applying Analytical Tools and Frameworks to Research and Practice: Digital Stories and Restorative Justice in Brussels,VABB-4,211,237,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465744,,Unity in Diversity? Imagining Europe in Julian Barnes’s Cross Channel,VABB-4,159,180,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465746,,Structural Design of Barrel Vault Shaped Scissor Structures for Disaster Relief,VABB-1,171,182,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465748,,Superficial radiation therapy in peyronie's disease: An effective and well-tolerated therapy,VABB-1,548,551,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465749,,"Therapy of ulcus cruris of venous and mixed venous arterial origin with autologous, adult, native progenitor cells from subcutaneous adipose tissue: a prospective clinical pilot study",VABB-1,2104,2118,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465750,,A proposal to extend expected utility in a quantum probabilistic framework,VABB-1,1079,1109,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465751,,"Surveillance, Privacy and Security: Citizens’ Perspectives",VABB-3,,,284 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465753,,Foreign accent syndrome als planningsstoornis. Een gevalstudie,VABB-1,26,32,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465754,,Attentional avoidance of emotional information in emotional eating,VABB-1,172,177,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465755,,Social Identification and Redistribution in Heterogeneous Federations: Evidence from Germany and Belgium,VABB-1,1177,1207,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465756,,"Critical Perspectives on Media, Power and Change",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465757,,Meting van spiermassa en -kracht in de klinische praktijk,VABB-1,14,20,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465759,,Geographies of transportation in the twenty-first century,VABB-4,93,114,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465760,,Transparency as translation in data protection,VABB-4,52,55,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465761,,Palliative care volunteerism across the healthcare system: A survey study,VABB-1,1233,1245,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465762,,Study on the dynamic properties of a suspended bridge using monocular digital photography to monitor the bridge dynamic deformation,VABB-1,555,567,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465763,,Financing urban transportation infrastructure in a multi-actors environment: the role of value capture,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465764,,Implementation of integrated geriatric care at a German hospital: a case study to understand when and why beneficial outcomes can be achieved,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465769,,Verdrängung oder Erinnerung? Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Vergangenheit in der deutschsprachigen belgischen Gegenwartsliteratur,VABB-4,149,156,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:465770,,Le prédicat ? Une avancée déterminante pour l'école !,VABB-1,13,18,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:465771,,Differences between early and late involvement of palliative home care in oncology care: A focus group study with palliative home care teams,VABB-1,1275,1282,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465774,,Helping schools support caregivers of youth who self-injure: Considerations and recommendations,VABB-1,312,328,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465776,,An Engagement-related Behaviour Change Approach for SavingFood in Greece,VABB-4,153,167,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465778,,Current trends in analyzing syntactic variation,VABB-3,,,325 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465779,,Social Networking: The Dialectics of Sharing,VABB-4,42,53,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465781,,"The Development, Description and Appraisal of an Emergent Multimethod Research Design to Study Workforce Changes in Integrated Care Interventions",VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465782,,Room for advancement: The regulatory fit of bottom-rank intermediate feedback,VABB-1,890,896,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465783,,Fear and rumours regarding placental biopsies in a malaria-in-pregnancy trial in Benin,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465785,,Multiple-criteria performance ranking based on profile distributions: An application to university research evaluations,VABB-1,48,64,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465786,,Agressie en geweld tegen huisartsen,VABB-1,12,17,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465789,,Moses Mendelssohns Idee eines Missbrauchs und einer Korruption von Kultur und Aufklärung: Eine Aufklärungskritik aus aufklärerischer Sicht,VABB-4,179,200,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:465793,,Overview of skin whitening agents with an insight into the illegal cosmetic market in Europe,VABB-1,943,950,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:465794,,Staatssteun: de recente uitbreidingen en aanpassingen van de Algemene Groepsvrijstellingsverordening,VABB-1,317,330,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:465800,,"Juggling three life spheres: reconciling work, family and politics",VABB-1,226,242,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465803,,"Het criminaliteitscontrolespel.: Een onderzoek naar representatiepolitiek, witte ridders en de dynamiek van hervormingen",VABB-1,232,236,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465804,,Sport psychologists assisting young talented athletes faced with career transitions,VABB-4,141,152,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465805,,Visual sociology as a tool to de-naturalize nationalism: A case study on Greek Cypriot memorials,VABB-1,50,67,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465806,,European Approaches to United Nations Peacekeeping: Towards A Stronger Re-engagement?,VABB-3,,,216 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465808,,Vers un service d'inspection sociale unifié: aspects juridiques,VABB-1,283,316,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:465809,,A mediapark in Brussels? The media industry and its regional dynamics: BSI synopsis,VABB-1,1,34,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465810,,Data protection policies in EU Justice and Home Affairs. A multi-layered and yet unexplored territory for legal research,VABB-4,169,179,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465811,,Aufklärungs-Kritik und Aufklärungs-Mythen. Horkheimer und Adorno in philosophiehistorischer Perspektive,VABB-3,,,229 p.,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:465812,,Being Profiled:Cogitas Ergo Sum. 10 Years of Profiling the European Citizen,VABB-3,,,144 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465813,,Effect of Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation on Pain after Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Blind Randomized Controlled Trial,VABB-1,189,196,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465815,,Architectures of Festival: Fashioning and Re-Fashioning Urban and Courtly Space in Early Modern Europe,VABB-3,,,335 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465817,,"Migration, Settlement and Belonging in Europe, 1500-1930s: Comparative Perspectives",VABB-3,,,326 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:465818,,Dienstverlening door de politie.,VABB-1,13,18,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465819,,Do red prices also work online? An extension of Puccinelli et al. (2013),VABB-1,110,113,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465820,,Squaring the round: An unusual progressive graphomotor impairment with post-mortem findings,VABB-1,222,237,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:465821,,"Facing the Talking Snake: Witchcraft, Anxiety, and Sense-Making in Interwar Belgian Congo",VABB-1,219,241,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465822,,"The Comparative Economics of Knowledge Economy in Africa: Policy Benchmarks, Syndromes and Implications",VABB-1,596,637,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465824,,"Simultaneous Interpretation of Neosemanticisms in EU Press Conferences: Translations of «Hotspot», «Relocation» and «Resettlement» into Dutch and German",VABB-1,59,81,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465825,,Children’s relationships with grandparents in married and in shared and sole physical custody families,VABB-1,359,371,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465826,,Rediscovering geography in NATO defence planning,VABB-1,339,356,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465829,,Geoarchaeology and micromorphology at Ribe: A Northern Emporium in high definition,VABB-4,175,182,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465831,,Let's get cynical about this! Recursive relationships between psychological contract breach and counterproductive work behaviour,VABB-1,421,429,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465835,,Channel choice determinants of (digital) government communication: a case study of spatial planning in Flanders,VABB-1,140,152,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465836,,The Arbitral Tribunal's Interpretation of Paragraph 3 in Article 121: A First but Important Step Forward,VABB-4,154,175,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465837,,Geographies of Finance in a Globalizing World.,VABB-4,248,257,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465841,,Blowing Hot and Cold about Diversity: White middle-class gentrifiers and ethnically mixed schooling in Belgium.,VABB-1,32,55,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465844,,Right engineering? The redesign of privacy and personal data protection,VABB-1,230,256,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465845,,Age-Neutrality of a Brief Assessment of the Section III Alternative Model for Personality Disorders in Older Adults,VABB-1,310,323,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465850,,Systematic review of cognitive event related potentials in euthymic bipolar disorder,VABB-1,1854,1865,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465851,,"Translation and validation of the Dutch SarQoL®, a quality of life questionnaire specific to sarcopenia.",VABB-1,463,472,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465852,,Supporting film distribution in Europe: Why is overcoming national barriers so difficult?,VABB-4,193,210,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465853,,25 jaar toezicht door het CPT op detentie in België. Bespreking van het boek 'Europa waakt' en de studienamiddag 'Onafhankelijk toezicht op detentie in België: last of lust?',VABB-1,33,37,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465854,,Comparison of molecular and extract-based allergy diagnostics with multiplex and singleplex analysis,VABB-1,46,53,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465857,,A new insight into sentence comprehension: The impact of word associations in sentence processing as shown by invasive EEG recording,VABB-1,103,116,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465858,,Theorizing the EU's Actorness: Towards an Interactionist Role Theory Framework,VABB-1,1144,1160,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465859,,Medical art therapy of the future : building an interactive virtual underwater world in a childrens hospital.,VABB-5,64,77,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465861,,"Digital Technologies, Ethical Questions, and the Need of an Informational Framework",VABB-1,655,667,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465862,,Tools to Assess Pain or Lack of Comfort in Dementia: A Content Analysis,VABB-1,659,675,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:465864,,"Characteristics of the case mix, organisation and delivery in cancer palliative care: a challenge for good-quality research",VABB-1,456,467,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465866,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van februari 2018,VABB-1,1555,1560,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465867,,The role of the data protection authorities in supervising police and criminal justice authorities processing personal data,VABB-4,243,255,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465869,,Renal progression factors in young patients with tuberous sclerosis complex: a retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,2085,2093,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465870,,Public opinion surveys: a new measure,VABB-4,150,177,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465873,,Pitfalls in the measurement of muscle mass: a need for a reference standard,VABB-1,269,278,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465874,,Student researchers’ perceived prerequisites for voluntary research collaboration in the context of Flemish and Chinese universities,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465875,,An international review of the frequency of single-bicycle crashes (SBCs) and their relation to bicycle modal share,VABB-1,138,143,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:465876,,"From Above and Below: Surveillance, Religion, and Claim-Making at Jerusalem's Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif",VABB-1,446,458,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465877,,Conflicten van attributie: een kritische analyse van de cassatiearresten van 15 september 2017 en 29 september 2017,VABB-1,203,212,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465881,,Reciprocal Portrait of Jacques Lacan as Gilles Deleuze,VABB-4,32,43,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:465883,,Kroniek intellectuele rechten (2015-2016),VABB-1,282,303,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465884,,Uncovering a hidden professional agenda for teacher educators: A mixed method study on Flemish teacher educators and their professional development,VABB-1,86,104,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465885,,Social Media,VABB-4,1014,1026,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465886,,Un nouveau cas d’éruption de type pityriasis rubra pilaire associée à l’inhibiteur de tyrosine kinase ponatinib,VABB-1,665,670,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:465887,,"Evaluation and review of body fluids saliva, sweat and tear compared to biochemical hydration assessment markers within blood and urine.",VABB-1,69,76,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465888,,Media Diversity and Pluriformity: Hybrid ‘Regimes’ across Europe,VABB-4,207,224,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465889,,Professionals' views on the development process of a structural collaboration between child and adolescent psychiatry and child welfare: an exploration through the lens of the life cycle model,VABB-1,1539,1549,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465891,,Boosting scientific publications in Africa: which IPRs protection channels matter?,VABB-1,197,210,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465892,,Frailty differences in older adults’ use of informal and formal care,VABB-1,69,77,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465894,,"Production, Markets and Socio-Economic Relations II: c. 1320-c. 1500",VABB-4,196,267,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465895,,Belgium: Community sports in Flanders,VABB-4,430,441,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465900,,Hoe noodzakelijk is ondersteuning voor televisiefictie in kleine mediamarkten? Een analyse en evaluatie van ondersteuningsmaatregelen in Vlaanderen.,VABB-1,215,235,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:465901,,Of values and legitimacy – discourse analytical insights on the copyright case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union,VABB-1,282,307,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465903,,The Legitimacy of Citizen-led Deliberative Democracy. The G1000 in Belgium,VABB-2,,,162 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465904,,A stranger in my brain: Neural representation for unfamiliar persons using fMRI repetition suppression,VABB-1,530,540,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465906,,Die Pantomime als (Inter)Text: Richard Beer-Hofmanns Das goldene Pferd als metatheatrale Traumwelt,VABB-1,131,147,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:465911,,Clinical Decision Support Systems for Drug Allergy Checking: Systematic Review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465913,,Context-based blended learning models and implementation in Sub- Saharan Africa: A literature review,VABB-1,190,199,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465914,,How do Member States Return Unwanted Migrants? The Strategic (non-)use of ‘Europe’ during the Migration Crisis,VABB-1,101,118,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465917,,Community Resilience 2.0: The Process of Resiliency Building in Resource Dependent Communities in Developing Countries: Enhancing the Theory,VABB-1,735,751,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465918,,Appropriateness of end-of-life care in people dying from COPD. Applying quality indicators on linked administrative databases,VABB-1,541,550,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465919,,Brussel - New York (niet Parijs): De ruimtes van Chantal Akerman,VABB-1,1,16,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465920,,"Modeling managerial altruism, CSR, and donations: A comment",VABB-1,425,426,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465923,,"Christaller and ""big data"": Recalibrating central place theory via the geoweb",VABB-1,122,148,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465927,,Ideal language,VABB-1,586,608,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465928,,Evaluating innovative solutions for sustainable city logistics: an enhanced understanding of stakeholder perceptions,VABB-4,149,163,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465929,,Kunt u mij helpen? Intersectionele praktijktesten naar alledaagse discriminatie tijdens het winkelen,VABB-1,126,148,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465930,,Renovating early modern Leiden: new perspectives on the building trades,VABB-5,537,545,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465931,,"How Normative were Merchant Manuals? Of Customs, Practices, Techniques and … Good Advice (Antwerp 16th Century)",VABB-4,144,165,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465933,,Introducing European Crossroads,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465938,,Privacy and Data Protection Seals,VABB-3,,,155 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465939,,Tiny Moments of Experimentation: Kairos in the Liminal Space of Performance,VABB-4,61,67,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465940,,Gathering Evidence of Mechanisms,VABB-4,63,75,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465941,,The Influence of Sensor Size on Acoustic Emission Waveforms-A Numerical Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465942,,"Sleep during an Antarctic summer expedition: new light on ""polar insomnia""",VABB-1,788,794,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465943,,Using Network Analysis and BIM to Quantify the Impact of Design for Disassembly,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465944,,A prospective cohort study on symptoms of common mental disorders among Dutch elite athletes.,VABB-1,426,432,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:465945,,"Conference report global growth agendas: Regions, institutions and sustainability 2015 Regional Studies Association, annual conference, Piacenza, Italy, 24-27 May 2015",VABB-1,733,738,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:465948,,Jean Cocteau et l'Orient,VABB-3,,,236 p.,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:465950,,Overzicht van wetgeving 1 oktober 2014 – 31 december 2014,VABB-1,69,76,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:465952,,Sprouted all around: the emergence and evolution of housing estates in Brussels,VABB-4,145,166,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465953,,Opleiding en onderwijs van de politie,VABB-3,,,185 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465954,,Introduction: A multidisciplinary and multiperspectival approach on conflict,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465955,,Evaluatie en regulatie van de praktijk van identiteitscontroles,VABB-1,209,226,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465958,,Interpellated citizens. Signalled subject positions in a citizen deliberation process on health care reimbursement,VABB-1,91,2013,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465965,,TOWARDS GOVERNANCE FOR BLENDED LEARNING IN PRE-SERVICE TRAINING,VABB-5,7166,7173,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465967,,Catholic Commitment Around the Globe: A 52- Country Analysis,VABB-1,276,299,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465969,,Multiaxial Damage Characterization of Carbon/Epoxy Angle-Ply Laminates under Static Tension by Combining In Situ Microscopy with Acoustic Emission,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465970,,Terugblik op 20 jaar LRB. The highlight,VABB-1,4,21,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465971,,Causality and Modelling in the Sciences: Introduction,VABB-1,423,427,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:465972,,La Région de Bruxelles-Capitale,VABB-4,233,254,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:465973,,Mannen van plezier: één en al vertier? Een onderzoek naar hoe mannelijke sekswerkers harm reduction beleven.,VABB-1,34,53,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465975,,TSC-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND): findings from the TOSCA natural history study,VABB-1,157,157,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465976,,Studiebeurzen in de vroegmoderne tijd: cliëntelisme versus levenskansen,VABB-1,6,15,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:465978,,Dispute Resolution with Arguments over Milestones: Changing the Representation to Facilitate Changing the Focus,VABB-1,167,174,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465981,,Comparison of Molecular Multiplex and Singleplex Analysis of IgE to Grass Pollen Allergens in Untreated German Grass Pollen-Allergic Patients,VABB-1,190,195,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:465982,,Fractional Models in Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Data for Glucose Detection,VABB-1,180,191,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465985,,Mentoring questionnaire for health profession students in Switzerland: validation study,VABB-1,32,36,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465988,,"Communicating intelligence research: Media misrepresentation, the Gould Effect, and unexpected forces",VABB-1,84,87,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465990,,Integrating virtual conference tools in interpreter and translator training,VABB-1,220,237,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465991,,De terugvordering van onrechtmatige staatssteun in België,VABB-1,1362,1383,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:465992,,News from the Member States: Belgium: New Commission Decisions,VABB-1,553,556,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465993,,The cultural and creative economy in Brussels-Capital Region,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465994,,Sustainability and Scalability in Educational Technology Initiatives: Research-Informed Practice,VABB-1,507,523,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:465995,,"Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Telehealth: A Comparison between Home Telemonitoring, Nurse Telephone Support, and Usual Care in Chronic Heart Failure Management",VABB-1,772,782,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465996,,Relativity Theory refounded,VABB-1,511,547,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:465998,,"Des ethnographes anxieux: Pratiques quotidiennes du pouvoir au Congo belge, 1930-1940",VABB-1,41,54,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:466000,,Effectiveness of Serious Gaming During the Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation of Patients With Complex Chronic Pain or Fatigue: Natural Quasi-Experiment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466001,,University teachers’ beliefs and constructivist teaching practices in blended learning courses in Tanzanian universities,VABB-1,167,191,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466002,,Ethnic and socioeconomic segregation in Belgium: A multiscalar approach using individualised neighbourhoods,VABB-1,225,250,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466003,,Recente rechtspraak in kort bestek,VABB-1,39,66,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466004,,"Gedifferentieerde opcentiemen op de onroerende voorheffing: zegen, vloek… of gebakken lucht?",VABB-1,4,28,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466005,,The role of innate lymphoid cells in airway inflammation: evolving paradigms,VABB-1,11,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466006,,"Weduwen, weduwnaars en wezen. De voogdij in het zestiende-eeuwse Antwerpen",VABB-1,30,35,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466007,,A 5-year prospective study on regenerative periodontal therapy of infrabony defects using minimally invasive surgery and a collagen-enriched bovine-derived xenograft,VABB-1,1235,1242,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466009,,Enhancing the participation of indigenous peoples at the intergovernmental level to strengthen self-determination: Lessons from the Arctic,VABB-1,26,55,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466011,,"The popularization of a new nutritional concept: the calorie in Belgium, 1914-1918",VABB-4,111,124,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466015,,Employment status and mortality in the context of high and low regional unemployment levels in Belgium (2001–2011): A test of the social norm hypothesis across educational levels,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466018,,Reciprocal effects of psychological contract breach on counterproductive and organizational citizenship behaviors: The role of time,VABB-1,141,153,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466019,,We're (not) only in it for the money (Frank Zappa). The financial structure of STEM and STEAM research,VABB-4,261,274,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466022,,"TTIP, business as usual?: Europees handelsbeleid en zijn democratische legitimiteit",VABB-1,29,56,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466025,,Van zieke visverkoper tot arme vreemdeling. Mobiliteit en armenzorg in West-Vlaanderen op de drempel van het revolutietijdvak,VABB-1,39,52,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:466026,,Careful monitoring of the use of sedative drugs at the end of life: the role of Epidemiology. The ITAELD study,VABB-1,968,979,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:466029,,Las barreras a la comercialización de los resultados de la investigación en la relación universidad-empresa. Estudio de caso,VABB-1,204,221,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:466034,,Cold-water or partial-body cryotherapy? Comparison of physiological responses and recovery following muscle damage,VABB-1,1252,1262,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466035,,Structural Coupling Analyses of Experimental Models in a Virtual Shaker Testing Environment for Numerical Prediction of a Spacecraft Vibration Test,VABB-5,113,125,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466036,,Can the Straw Man Speak? An Engagement with Postcolonial Critiques of ‘Global Cities Research’,VABB-4,426,432,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466037,,"Ecologies of Media, Ecologies of Mind: Embodying Authorship Through Mediaturgy",VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466039,,Integrating palliative care in long-term care facilities across Europe (PACE): protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial of the 'PACE Steps to Success' intervention in seven countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466042,,All's fair in taxation: A framing experiment with local politicians,VABB-1,26,40,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466043,,De private stichting en het zorgenkind,VABB-2,,,90 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466044,,Keuze van een secundaire school in de steden Antwerpen en Gent: factoren die de afstand tussen thuis en school beïnvloeden.,VABB-1,295,305,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466046,,THE EFFECT OF TECHNOLOGY SUPPORTED TEACHING ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: A COMBINED META-ANALYTIC AND THEMATIC STUDY,VABB-1,44,60,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466047,,"Securing the Prohibition of Labour Exploitation in Law and Practice: Slavery, Servitude, Forced Labour and Human Trafficking in Italy, Spain and the UK",VABB-1,20,47,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466049,,"Biallelic mutations in RTTN are associated with microcephaly, short stature and a wide range of brain malformations",VABB-1,733,737,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466050,,Health-improving interventions for obtaining employment in unemployed job seekers.,VABB-1,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466051,,Students Embracing Change towards more Powerful Learning Environments in Vocational Education,VABB-1,26,44,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466052,,"Historici, privacy en ethiek. Het anonimiseren van privacygevoelige informatie in historisch onderzoek",VABB-1,98,114,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466055,,Creative cities and the infrastructural fragmentation of socioeconomic space,VABB-4,261,270,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466058,,Mapping infectious disease hospital surge threats to lessons learnt in Singapore: a systems analysis and development of a framework to inform how to DECIDE on planning and response strategies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466059,,Joseph-Marie Portalis (1778-1858): et la liberté de la presse vers 1820,VABB-5,,,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:466064,,Implementation of Integrated Care in Singapore: A Complex Adaptive System Perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466066,,Typology and Mixity: An approach to retrofit production in the Brussels Capital Region?,VABB-5,77,87,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466067,,"Seksismeverbod in de strafwet: baat niet, schaadt wel",VABB-1,834,843,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:466069,,The Dynamics of Multinational Enterprise Subsidiary Roles in an Era of Regionalization,VABB-4,91,112,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466072,,"Een strijd om erkenning: de onderhandelingen over de Oostendse Compagnie, 1713-1723",VABB-1,42,58,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466073,,A Jewish Intellectual under the Radar: Hans Handovsky,VABB-1,97,111,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466075,,A hybrid micro-meso-scale unit cell model for homogenization of the nonlinear orthotropic material behavior of coated fabric used in tensioned membrane structures,VABB-1,271,279,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466077,,Measuring Artistic Research or the Real Agenda Behind Bologna in Higher Arts Education,VABB-4,16,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466079,,"Emotion, emotion regulation and sleep: An intimate relationship",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466081,,An Introduction to Mechanisms,VABB-4,11,21,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466082,,Modernist Generations in Belgium: United and Divided by Community Art,VABB-4,231,249,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466083,,The collapse of the political offence exemption in European Union extradition law: the end of political asylum?,VABB-4,165,178,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466084,,Ageism and Anti-Ageism in the Legal System: A Review of Key Themes,VABB-4,303,320,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466086,,"Perceptions and decision-making with regard to pregnancy among HIV positive women in rural Maputo Province, Mozambique – a qualitative study.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466088,,Verbanning en uitzetting in Noordwest-Europa sinds de vroegmoderne periode,VABB-1,70,85,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466090,,Regulating Poor Migrants in Border Regions: A Microhistory of Out-Parish Relief in Bulskamp (1768–96),VABB-1,145,165,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466091,,Advancing integrated care and its evaluation by means of a universal typology,VABB-1,41,44,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466092,,Externe diensten preventie en bescherming - Werk aan de winkel,VABB-1,571,598,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466097,,The Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons,VABB-4,381,392,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466099,,Range-based Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis: A combined method of Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis and Monte Carlo simulation to support participatory decision making under uncertainty,VABB-1,257,269,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466101,,Correlation between Objective SCORAD and Three-Item Severity Score used by physicians and Objective PO-SCORAD used by parents/patients in children with atopic dermatitis,VABB-1,105,112,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:466103,,Three types of forgetting: on contested states in Europe,VABB-1,578,598,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466104,,"Should they stay or should they go now? The discretionary character of poor relief, settlement and removal in the Low Countries",VABB-1,48,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466105,,Differentiation between defensive personality functioning and psychopathology as measured by the DSQ-42 and MMPI-2-RF,VABB-1,331,343,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466112,,A comparative approach towards ethnic segregation patterns in Belgian cities using multiscalar individualized neighborhoods,VABB-1,1221,1246,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466118,,Education and training in the field of applied sport psychology in Europe,VABB-1,133,149,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:466121,,Pelvic floor muscle activity during impact activities in continent and incontinent women : a systematic review,VABB-1,179,196,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466128,,"Emergence phenomena in German ""W-immer/auch""-subordinators",VABB-5,97,120,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466129,,‘I am always crying on the inside’: a qualitative study on the implications of infertility on women’s lives in urban Gambia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466132,,SLC30A8 polymorphism and BMI complement HLA-A*24 as risk factors for poor graft function in islet allograft recipients,VABB-1,1623,1632,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466133,,"Understanding the Sources of Early Modern and Modern Commercial Law: Courts, Statutes, Contracts and Legal Scholarship",VABB-3,,,410 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466134,,Assessing Exposures,VABB-4,101,110,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466137,,Minder lokale mandatarissen in Brussel? Scenario’s en impact,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466138,,What influences intentions to request physician-assisted euthanasia or continuous deep sedation?,VABB-1,491,497,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466140,,"“I Do Want to Stop, At Least I Think I Do” An International Comparison of Recovery From Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Among Young People",VABB-1,416,441,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466144,,Factors associated with fruit & vegetable and total fat intake in university students: a cross-sectional explanatory study,VABB-1,151,158,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466150,,"Bibliometric approximation of a scientific specialty by combining key sources, title words, authors and references",VABB-1,113,132,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466152,,Impact of drugs with anti-inflammatory effects on skeletal muscle and inflammation: A systematic literature review,VABB-1,33,49,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466154,,T68 ou la désillusion d’une génération,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466155,,Professionalisation in Translator Education through Virtual Networks,VABB-4,291,316,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466156,,Quebec physicians' perspectives on medical aid in dying for incompetent patients with dementia,VABB-1,729,739,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466157,,Therapeutische programma’s gericht op emotieregulatie en –socialisatie bij kleuters en lagereschoolkinderen met gedragsproblemen: een literatuuroverzicht,VABB-1,77,94,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466158,,The gatekeepers of Article 267 TFEU: On jurisdiction and admissibility of references for preliminary rulings,VABB-1,511,547,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466159,,Feitenvinding in asiel: bewijswaarde en bewijslastverdeling inzake landeninformatie,VABB-1,123,134,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466161,,CFAI-Plus: Adding cognitive frailty as a new domain to the comprehensive frailty assessment instrument,VABB-1,941,947,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466162,,Het huis op de bunker van architect R. Romke de Vries: een symbiose van kleur en maatwerk,VABB-1,127,141,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466163,,Propranolol in the treatment of infantile haemangiomas: lessons from the European Propranolol In the Treatment of Complicated Haemangiomas (PITCH) Taskforce survey,VABB-1,594,601,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:466165,,Schema therapy for personality disorders in older adults: a multiple-baseline study,VABB-1,738,747,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466170,,Using Evidence of Mechanisms to Evaluate Efficacy and External Validity,VABB-4,91,98,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466171,,Met je kind op cel. Moeders van de moeder-kind afdeling te Brugge over de ‘maternal pains of imprisonment’,VABB-1,6,15,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466173,,Philosophy and Complexity,VABB-4,117,135,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466174,,Comparing Classical And Relativistic Kinematics In First-Order Logic,VABB-1,57,117,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466175,,Rosas: Appropriation as Afterlife,VABB-4,117,127,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466179,,Governing online platforms: from contested to cooperative responsibility,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466180,,"EMDR as a Treatment Approach of PTSD Complicated by Comorbid Psychiatric, Somatic, and Cognitive Disorders: A Case Report of an Older Woman With a Borderline and Avoidant Personality Disorder",VABB-1,328,347,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466184,,Beroepsmobiliteit in de vroege arbeidsloopbaan van Turkse en Marokkaanse allochtonen,VABB-1,6,22,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466185,,The changing role of amicus-curiae in the relations between non-government organization and the world trade organization,VABB-5,149,154,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466186,,What Is the Evidence on Which Physicians Can Rely to Advise Patients When They May Resume Driving after TKA? A Systematic Literature Review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466187,,Psychometric Properties of the MyotonPRO in Dementia Patients with Paratonia,VABB-1,401,412,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466189,,Looking for Prince Charming: A Diachronic Discourse Analysis of Love and Relationships in Flemish Women’s Magazines,VABB-1,98,114,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466190,,Online interaction quality among adult learners: The role of sense of belonging and perceived learning benefits (proceedings),VABB-5,41,49,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466192,,Does recent sexual intercourse during pregnancy affect the results of the fetal fibronectin rapid test? A comparative prospective study,VABB-1,403,408,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:466194,,Mothers of deaf children in the 21st century. Dynamic positioning between the medical and cultural-linguistic discourses,VABB-1,365,377,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466195,,"Does US expectancy mediate the additive effects of CS-US pairings on contingency instructions? Results from subjective, psychophysiological and neural measures",VABB-1,41,46,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466196,,Capital structure,VABB-4,87,96,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466199,,Transkultur,VABB-1,5,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466202,,"""Working Class Children, Death and Secularity: Belgium in the 1890s""",VABB-1,915,934,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466203,,A retrospective study of a multicomponent rehabilitation programme for community-dwelling persons with dementia and their caregivers,VABB-1,5,14,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466204,,Wetgeving in kort bestek. Belgisch Staatsblad van juli 2018,VABB-1,517,520,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466206,,Compensating Need Satisfaction across Life Boundaries: A Daily Diary Study,VABB-1,270,279,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466208,,What is a good democracy? Citizens’ support for new modes of governing,VABB-4,75,90,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466209,,Eemian Greenland SMB strongly sensitive to model choice,VABB-1,1463,1485,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466210,,The Vagus Nerve Can Predict and Possibly Modulate Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases: Introducing a Neuroimmunological Paradigm to Public Health,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466213,,Een puntensysteem voor de Belgische pensioenregeling van de zelfstandigen: met welk inkomen rekenen?,VABB-1,279,312,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466214,,"Towards a Narrative Aesthetic? The Scarcity of Stage Directions as (Text-)Theatrical Challenge in Plays by Crimp, Ravenhill and Stephens: Eine narrative Ästhetik? Die Reduzierung des Nebentextes als (text-)theatrale Herausforderung bei Crimp, Ravenhill und Stephens",VABB-1,541,559,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466217,,User Provided Personal Content: Data as digital Currency between Privacy and Intellectual Property,VABB-1,118,140,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466218,,Godslastering voor en na de aanslagen op Charlie Hebdo.,VABB-1,45,72,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:466220,,Class composition as a frame of reference for teachers? The influence of class context on teacher recommendations,VABB-1,274,293,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466225,,Differences in primary palliative care between people with organ failure and people with cancer: An international mortality follow-back study using quality indicators,VABB-1,1498,1508,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466226,,Park characteristics preferred for adolescent park visitation and physical activity: A choice-based conjoint analysis using manipulated photographs,VABB-1,144,155,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466229,,"Social groups, political power and institutions, c. 1100-1304",VABB-4,124,151,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466230,,Doelstellingen van de straf – een penologische discussie,VABB-4,33,60,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:466232,,The Human Takeover: A Call for a Venture into an Existential Opportunity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466235,,Orphée Rises Again: A Comparative Analysis of Orphée (Cocteau 1950; Glass 1993) Based on Settings and Characters,VABB-1,1,20,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466238,,Rethinking agency as an assemblage from change management to collaborative work,VABB-1,885,901,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466240,,The association between back muscle characteristics and pressure pain sensitivity in low back pain patients,VABB-1,281,293,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466241,,Collaboration in inclusive research : competencies considered important for people with and without intellectual disabilities,VABB-1,193,201,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466242,,Current and future directions in Belgian medical and health sciences librarianship : user-tailored approach,VABB-1,336,340,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466251,,Physiology of equilibrium,VABB-4,593,615,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466256,,Dealing with person differential item functioning in social-emotional skill assessment using anchoring vignettes,VABB-5,275,286,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466257,,Measuring gender dysphoria : a multicenter examination and comparison of the Utrecht Gender Dysphoria Scale and the Gender Identity/Gender Dysphoria Questionnaire for Adolescents and Adults,VABB-1,551,558,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:466258,,"'They are after quantity, not quality' : health providers’ perceptions of fee exemption policies in Morocco",VABB-1,1110,1119,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466259,,Suïcidaal gedrag herkennen en bespreken : richtlijnen en tools voor de huisarts,VABB-1,116,119,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466262,,Effectiveness of a self-regulated remedial program for handwriting difficulties,VABB-1,311,319,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466263,,Upper-extremity functional performance tests : reference values for overhead athletes,VABB-1,433,441,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466264,,"2018 International Olympic Committee consensus statement on prevention, diagnosis, and management of pediatric anterior cruciate ligament injuries",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466268,,Exploring dementia management attitudes in primary care : a key informant survey to primary care physicians in 25 European countries,VABB-1,1413,1423,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466270,,Cervical joint position sense in hypobaric conditions : a randomized double-blind controlled trial,VABB-1,E1969,E1975,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466271,,Hip strength is greater in athletes who subsequently develop patellofemoral pain,VABB-1,2747,2752,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:466274,,Lack of gender and age differences in pain measurements following exercise in people with chronic whiplash-associated disorders,VABB-1,E828,E839,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466275,,The influence of clinically diagnosed neuropathy on respiratory muscle strength in type 2 diabetes mellitus,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466276,,Psychological distress and widespread pain contribute to the variance of the central sensitization inventory : a cross-sectional study in patients with chronic pain,VABB-1,239,246,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466278,,Cognitive ability does not predict objectively measured sedentary behavior : evidence from three older cohorts,VABB-1,288,296,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466281,,Replacing sedentary time : meta-analysis of objective-assessment studies,VABB-1,395,402,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466282,,Do high sound pressure levels of crowing in roosters necessitate passive mechanisms for protection against self-vocalization?,VABB-1,65,70,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466283,,Segmental morphometrics of bonobos (Pan paniscus) : are they really different from chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)?,VABB-1,843,853,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466286,,The afterlife of vitruvian origin myths in eighteenth-century conjectural histories of architecture,VABB-1,199,213,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:466287,,Associations of neighborhood environmental attributes with adults' objectively-assessed sedentary time : IPEN adult multi-country study,VABB-1,126,133,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466288,,Head stabilisation in fast running lizards,VABB-1,114,120,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466289,,Using concept mapping to identify policy options and interventions towards people-centred health care services : a multi stakeholders perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466290,,Component separation technique for giant incisional hernia : a systematic review,VABB-1,719,726,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466299,,"Spatial variability in patterns of glacier change across the Manaslu range, Central Himalaya",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466301,,The three-phase process in the cancer experience of adolescents and young adults,VABB-1,e11,e20,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466304,,Aspiring global nations? : tracing the actors behind Belgrade's 'nationally important' waterfront,VABB-4,250,273,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466305,,Measuring the spatial noise of a low-cost eye tracker to enhance fixation detection,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466306,,Cartographic user research in the 21st century : mixing and interacting,VABB-5,367,377,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:466307,,Sustainable rangeland management in southwest Iran : application of the AHP-TOPSIS approach in ranking livelihood alternatives,VABB-1,603,614,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466308,,Zelfmanagementondersteuning bij bipolaire stoornis,VABB-4,123,144,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466309,,CardioScape mapping the cardiovascular funding landscape in Europe,VABB-1,2423,2430,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466310,,Consciousness assessment : a questionnaire of current neuroscience nursing practice in Europe,VABB-1,3913,3919,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466312,,Neither creatinine- nor cystatin C-estimated glomerular filtration rate is optimal in oncology patients treated with targeted agents,VABB-1,402,408,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466313,,Nursing care for stroke patients : a survey of current practice in 11 European countries,VABB-1,684,693,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466314,,Relationships between neighbourhood physical environmental attributes and older adults’ leisure-time physical activity : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,1635,1660,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466315,,Modified Rankin scale as a determinant of direct medical costs after stroke,VABB-1,392,400,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466317,,Health and budget impact of combined HIV prevention : first results of the BELHIVPREV model,VABB-1,54,67,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466321,,The majority premium : competence inferences derived from majority consumption,VABB-1,339,349,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466322,,REA2 : a unified formalisation of the Resource-Event-Agent ontology,VABB-1,201,224,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466323,,A welfare evaluation of the 1986 tax reform for married couples in the United States,VABB-1,757,807,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466324,,Customer engagement through personalization and customization,VABB-4,75,94,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466326,,Seven disagreements about cooperative learning,VABB-1,223,233,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466328,,Master degree under crisis : the salient motives of business students to enrol in a postgraduate programme,VABB-1,538,549,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466329,,The effect of information asymmetries on serial crowdfunding and campaign success,VABB-1,143,173,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466330,,Wijziging grenzen Belgische bestuursniveaus,VABB-1,366,377,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466334,,"Parallel lives revisited : Mediterranean guest workers and their families at work and in the neighbourhood, 1960-1980",VABB-2,,,220 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466341,,Under the table : exploring the type and communication of corruption on opportunity pursuit,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466345,,Current account dynamics and the housing cycle in Spain,VABB-1,22,43,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466348,,A framework for field testing in living lab innovation projects,VABB-1,40,50,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466349,,"Performing self-sacrifice, despite everything or despite oneself? Embodying a necropolitical space of appearance in the Tunisian revolution",VABB-4,251,274,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466350,,Does variation in the extent of individual education and extensiveness of social security policies affect health information-seeking?,VABB-4,227,241,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:466351,,Tackling the multi-actor and multi-level complexity of European governance of knowledge : transnational actors in focus,VABB-1,325,334,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466356,,Professional development programs in higher education : satisfying the basic psychological needs of teachers to foster transfer of learning,VABB-5,7802,7809,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:466360,,Attentional gain is modulated by probabilistic feature expectations in a spatial cueing task : ERP evidence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466361,,Loaded with fun? An experimental study into enjoyment and cognitive load as determinants of brand retention in digital games,VABB-1,72,82,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466362,,Theory and method in higher education research 4,VABB-3,,,247 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466364,,Urban gardening as politics,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466368,,Pola Negri's star persona in America of the 1920s,VABB-4,21,36,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466369,,Taking stock of the UN Decade of education for sustainable development : the policy-making process in Flanders,VABB-4,222,245,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466373,,The pursuit of objectivity in psychology,VABB-2,,,112 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466374,,"The effects of valence and style of feedback provision on need satisfaction, self-talk, and persistence among tennis players: An experimental study",VABB-5,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:466378,,Validity evidence of the Social and Emotional Nationwide Assessment (SENNA 1.0) Inventory,VABB-1,339,347,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466379,,Facing others in pain : why context matters,VABB-4,241,269,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466380,,Pain and attention : towards a motivational account,VABB-4,211,245,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466385,,"Does variation in the extent of generalized trust, individual education and extensiveness of social security policies matter for maximization of subjective well-being?",VABB-1,371,378,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:466387,,"La ""micología política"" del próspero sector bananero en China",VABB-1,90,96,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:466388,,Women’s political inclusion and prospects for democracy in North Africa,VABB-4,276,305,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466389,,Audiovisuele auteurs en het vermoeden van overdracht,VABB-1,21,30,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:466392,,Cultural adaptation and validation of the Caring Behaviors Assessment tool in Chile,VABB-1,459,466,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466396,,The OECD development assistance committee and peace : instituting peace by economic means,VABB-4,477,495,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466399,,Gender and highbrow cultural participation in Europe : the effect of societal gender equality and development,VABB-1,44,68,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466402,,Zaire (The Congo),VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:466403,,Tuberculosis infection control practices in a high-burden metro in South Africa : a perpetual bane for efficient primary health care service delivery,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466407,,Social life-cycle assessment frameworks : a review of criteria and indicators proposed to assess social and socioeconomic impacts,VABB-1,904,920,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466408,,Deixis in literary and film fiction : intra-ontological reference and the case of the controlling fictional narrator,VABB-4,185,202,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:466411,,Emerging trends in small acts of audience engagement and interruptions of content flows,VABB-4,123,140,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466412,,The New York Convention : an autopsy of its structure and modus operandi,VABB-1,413,438,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466413,,Het penale afhandelingsspoor,VABB-4,209,247,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466415,,De grens voorbij : Belgische en Nederlandse drugsmarkten in beweging,VABB-2,,,387 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466417,,Inequality and communication in the history of the employment agreement under Belgian law,VABB-5,337,349,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466421,,Biodiversiteitsmisdrijven in eigen land : in Vlaamse savannes en Waalse regenwouden = La criminalité en matière de biodiversité chez nous : des savanes flamandes et forêts pluviales wallonnes,VABB-3,,,567 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466422,,Conclusion générale = Algemeen besluit,VABB-4,476,527,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466423,,Human rights transformation in practice,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466424,,The stories we tell victims : victim participation and outreach programs at the extraordinary chambers in the courts of Cambodia,VABB-1,103,131,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466432,,18REST: a short RIASEC-interest measure for large-scale educational and vocational assessment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466433,,Affect regulation as a factor in sex offenders,VABB-1,210,219,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466436,,The impact of an innovative blended-learning professional development program in higher education on motivation to transfer learning,VABB-5,4813,4819,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466437,,Conditional expected utility criteria for decision making under ignorance or objective ambiguity,VABB-1,79,95,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466440,,Combinations of autonomy support and control in physical education: Do students benefit or suffer?,VABB-5,S93,S93,-,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:466443,,Information and communication competences for students,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466444,,Measurement of psychological entitlement in 28 countries,VABB-1,207,217,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466445,,Feasibility and impact study of a reward-based mobile application to improve adolescents’ snacking habits,VABB-1,2329,2344,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466448,,Biased latent variable mean comparisons due to measurement noninvariance : a simulation study,VABB-4,127,156,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466449,,Application of a 10 week coaching program designed to facilitate volitional personality change : overall effects on personality and the impact of targeting,VABB-1,80,94,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466450,,Causes and consequences of the belief in free will,VABB-4,229,242,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466451,,How competent do teachers feel instructing self-regulated learning strategies? Development and validation of the teacher self-efficacy scale to implement self-regulated learning,VABB-1,214,225,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466454,,Methoden en technieken van gedragstherapie bij kinderen en jeugdigen,VABB-3,,,322 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466458,,The effects of emotion regulation strategies on positive and negative affect in early adolescents,VABB-1,988,1002,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466460,,Unravelling the association between inhibitory control and loss of control over eating among adolescents,VABB-1,401,409,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466463,,The development and validation of an implicit measure of competence need satisfaction,VABB-1,615,637,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466464,,Dealing with aggression in the classroom : online clinical simulations to measure mastery of aggression management competences,VABB-5,9140,9448,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466466,,Sociology in Belgium,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466467,,Online seksuele grensoverschrijdende ervaringen : een exploratief onderzoek naar de risicofactoren bij Nederlandse en Vlaamse jonge vrouwen,VABB-1,7,16,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:466468,,Publications,VABB-4,93,125,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466469,,Epilogue,VABB-4,125,130,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:466470,,Intieme relaties en seksualiteit,VABB-2,,,119 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:466471,,Does a flipped classroom approach work in English as a foreign language (EFL) courses?,VABB-5,4298,4303,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466473,,The great debate : general ability and specific abilities in the prediction of important outcomes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466474,,"Mechanisms explaining the effect of coach feedback on athletes motivation, persistence, and performance : two experimental studies",VABB-5,S294,S294,-,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466475,,Multi-day adaptation and savings in manual and locomotor tasks,VABB-1,517,527,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466476,,What are critical features of science curriculum materials that impact student and teacher outcomes?,VABB-1,260,282,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466478,,Religion,VABB-4,23,58,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:466479,,Language,VABB-4,59,92,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466480,,Algemene inleiding = Introduction générale,VABB-4,7,60,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466482,,Governing cyber security through networks : an analysis of cyber security coordination in Belgium,VABB-1,300,315,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466484,,De Inleiding tot het sociaal recht van Herman Lenaerts revisited,VABB-4,33,56,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:466485,,De strijd tegen sociale fraude en sociale dumping : quo vadis?,VABB-4,1,74,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:466488,,De nieuwe schadevergoedingsregeling bij ongekende aansprakelijkheid,VABB-4,127,156,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466491,,Onderhandelde of consensuele justitie,VABB-4,459,514,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:466495,,The opponent : Jain logicians reacting to Dharmakīrti’s theory of inference,VABB-4,1,22,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466496,,"History, ethics and the recognition of the other",VABB-2,,,214 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:466497,,Introduction : theorizing material/nonmaterial mediations on the border,VABB-4,6,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466498,,Stadsgeschiedenis in buitenlandse tijdschriften (2014),VABB-1,193,222,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:466499,,"“TRUST ME, I’M A SUB-EDITOR” “Production values” at work in newspaper sub-editing",VABB-1,268,289,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466500,,Pour une herméneutique du romanesque : entretien avec Anne-Marie Baron,VABB-1,153,166,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:466501,,How to handle nostalgia : Georgi Gospodinov and the reinvention of the Bulgarian literary hero,VABB-5,15,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466502,,Los cortesanos y la revolución (1838-39) de Eugenio de Tapia : una novela de la transición al liberalismo,VABB-1,9,29,-,spa,2018,1 c:vabb:466504,,The genres of Thomson's 'The seasons',VABB-3,,,250 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466510,,Replicate after reading : on the extraction and evocation of cultural information,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466511,,Belgium,VABB-4,260,287,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466513,,Physical sources of biblical history,VABB-1,35,54,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466514,,Religious/secular discourses and practices of good sex,VABB-1,139,159,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466515,,Un-doing Brazil’s dictatorial past,VABB-4,143,160,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466516,,The interplay between genre and syntax in a historical Low German corpus,VABB-4,281,300,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466517,,Logics of (formal and informal) provability,VABB-4,191,237,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466518,,Did human activity really trigger the late Holocene rainforest crisis in Central Africa?,VABB-1,E4733,E4734,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466524,,Editoriaal,VABB-4,7,11,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:466525,,Naissance et développement de l’enseignement universitaire du droit social en Belgique,VABB-4,15,32,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:466526,,"Bestuurlijke handhaving van radicalisme, gewelddadig extremisme en terrorisme",VABB-4,647,702,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:466528,,Remediërende bestuurlijke sanctionering inzake natuurbehoud : het herstelbeleid voor kleine landschapselementen,VABB-4,365,428,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466530,,The value of systematic content analysis in legal research,VABB-1,34,42,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466531,,Dansen op één voet? Publiekrechtelijke sanctionering van biodiversiteitsmisdrijven en het maatschappelijk middenveld: een systeemanalyse,VABB-4,439,473,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466532,,Modellen van erfovereenkomsten,VABB-1,239,267,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466534,,Seabed mining,VABB-4,73,136,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466537,,From identification of compatibilities and conflicts to reaching marine spatial allocation agreements : review of actions required and relevant tools and processes,VABB-1,103,112,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466541,,Brexit and the provision of financial services into the EU and into the UK,VABB-1,732,771,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466542,,Giving up on individual justice? The effect of state non-execution of a pilot judgment on victims,VABB-1,173,188,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466543,,De ideale schaalgrootte : de opstap naar een optimale politionele dienstverlening,VABB-4,77,92,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466544,,The Enforcement of Foreign Decisions Concerning Punitive Damages,VABB-1,661,667,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466548,,The Spanish Dock Labour Ruling (C-576/13) : mortal blow for the Dockers Pools ?,VABB-1,551,581,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:466552,,"Shareholder proponents as control acquirers : a British, German and Italian perspective on the regulation of collective shareholder activism via takeover rules",VABB-1,797,851,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466554,,New forms of social security for persons moving between the EU and the UK,VABB-4,271,321,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466556,,Prioritaire dossiers inzake biodiversiteitsmisdrijven : het bestuurlijke bestraffingsbeleid in Vlaanderen,VABB-4,277,343,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466560,,"Spinoza and biblical philology in the Dutch republic, 1660-1710",VABB-2,,,336 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466563,,Materialities of displacement : borders in contemporary Macedonia,VABB-4,165,182,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466565,,Plea in favor of ‘trivial mathematics’ in a multimathemacy educational perspective,VABB-1,188,200,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:466566,,Multilingual writing and pedagogical cooperation in virtual learning environments,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466570,,Evaluating philosophy as exploratory research,VABB-1,227,244,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466572,,"An integrated 3D shape analysis and scientific visualization approach to the study of a Late Bronze Age unique stone object from Pyla-Kokkinokremos, Cyprus",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466573,,Argument strength in formal argumentation,VABB-1,629,675,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466578,,"'Dagli altari alla polvere' : Alaric, Constantine III, and the Downfall of Stilicho",VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466581,,The Socio-Economic Dimensions of artistic labor : lessons from the contemporary dance scene in Brussels,VABB-4,141,161,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466582,,The interoceptive mind : from homeostasis to awareness,VABB-3,,,343 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466585,,An unpublished poem on Porphyry,VABB-1,777,792,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466586,,Gesprek : de onderzoeker als dramaturg,VABB-1,110,155,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466592,,The Palgrave Handbook of State-sponsored history after 1945,VABB-3,,,879 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466595,,Constructing expert identity as a health journalist : a discursive analysis,VABB-1,119,146,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466600,,Waar gaat de kunst naartoe? Over kunstwerken in een kunstgalerie en het voorrecht van de onbetaalde verhuurder,VABB-1,1307,1311,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466604,,The anonymous Syriac chronicle up to the Year 1234 and its sources,VABB-2,,,335 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466605,,Visiones del exilio en The Castilian (1829) de Telesforo Trueba y Cosío,VABB-4,23,30,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:466606,,Posthuman Desire in Robotics and Science Fiction,VABB-4,37,50,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:466612,,"Introduction : landscape, commemoration and heritage",VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:466622,,Antisemitism among Dutch socialists in the 1880s and 1890s,VABB-1,335,355,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:466624,,"Nations, identities and the First World War : shifting loyalties to the fatherland",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466625,,Mondelinge Bronnen,VABB-4,1593,1611,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:466627,,"The culture of catechesis and lay theology lay engagement with the Bible in the Dutch Reformed Church, 1640-1710",VABB-1,31,55,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466628,,Contextualizing the cruel sufferings (for the truths sake) of Katharine Evans and Sarah Cheevers : a historical materialist perspective,VABB-1,11,17,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466629,,"""Then Am I Such a Serial ... A Serial ... Of Whom the Papers Write?"" Popular Narrative Patterns in Hugo Claus’ Novel ""Onvoltooid Verleden"" (1998)",VABB-5,98,110,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:466630,,The effect of perceptual salience on processing L2 inflectional morphology,VABB-4,107,130,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466631,,The textual tradition of bar ‘Ebroyo’s chronicle,VABB-1,73,100,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466636,,Semiotic and spatial scope : towards a materialist semiotics,VABB-4,29,38,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:466637,,Professional discourse in multilingual settings : policies and practices,VABB-1,321,330,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466638,,Neighbourly ties : characterizing local and Sicilian pottery in post-medieval Malta,VABB-1,575,587,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466639,,Imagism's musical sympathies : Amy Lowell and Claude Debussy,VABB-4,173,187,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466640,,Dealing with treatment and transfer requests : how PGD-professionals discuss ethical challenges arising in everyday practice,VABB-1,375,386,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466641,,Slow going : wartime affect and small-press modernism,VABB-4,70,88,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466644,,"The philosophy Is in the telling : how narrativity embodies cogitation in Javier Marías's 'The infatuations""",VABB-1,451,470,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466645,,The reception of ancient Greek literature in the Iambic poems of John Geometres,VABB-4,73,95,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466646,,"Marginality, canonicity, passion",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466648,,The role of referential givenness in Dutch alternating presentational constructions,VABB-1,21,52,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466649,,Manipulating dreams : Ibn ʿAsākir’s use of dream in his biographical notice of Ibn al-Mubārak,VABB-5,71,80,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466652,,Shifting multilingual strategies in a Flemish public healthcare service,VABB-1,377,401,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466655,,Exploring the Essay in the New Documentary Turn,VABB-1,8,32,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466656,,Induction,VABB-4,105,130,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466658,,"Artifak : cultural revival, tourism, and the recrafting of history in Vanuatu",VABB-2,,,265 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466659,,Hendrik de Man en Henriette Roland Holst : de schande en het geweten van twee naties,VABB-1,23,42,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:466662,,A l’aube d’une histoire littéraire : comment les textes grecs de l’époque impériale ont-ils cristallisé le canon classique?,VABB-1,455,474,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:466664,,Reconstructing the origins of the Luganda (JE15) modal auxiliaries -sóból- and -yînz- : a historical-comparative study across the West Nyanza Bantu cluster,VABB-1,13,25,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466665,,Property demythologised : historical transformations and spatial hierarchies of land regimes,VABB-4,243,251,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466666,,"After the golden age : libel, caricature, libel and the deverbalization of satire",VABB-1,305,336,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466672,,Reading Edith Sitwell's annual poetry anthology wheels through the lens of female aestheticism,VABB-1,232,249,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466673,,White Innocence : reflections on public debates and political-analytical challenges : an interview with Gloria Wekker,VABB-1,67,82,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466674,,"Free will skepticism, freedom, and criminal behavior",VABB-4,235,250,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466675,,"It is very theater, that is to say, very false : the origins and development of construction [Adverbe(degree) + Name] = C’est très théâtre, c’est-à-dire très faux : les origines et le développement de la construction [Adverbe degré + Nom]",VABB-1,431,453,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:466676,,Proof systems for BAT consequence relations,VABB-1,96,108,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:466680,,"From Locke to materialism : empiricism, the brain and the stirrings of ontology",VABB-4,235,263,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466681,,"""Im Sinne der Antike"" masochism as Roman error in Venus in furs",VABB-4,153,178,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466685,,The role of expertise in peer feedback analysis : exploring variables and factors in a translation context,VABB-4,315,336,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466687,,The poems of Christopher of Mytilene and John Mauropous,VABB-2,,,601 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466688,,Interpretación y tecnologías para la comunicación : propuestas para formadores,VABB-4,27,52,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:466689,,Bringing together the family for a daughter’s wedding : P.Yale 1.78 reconsidered,VABB-1,275,280,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466692,,The mascot as neoliberal body: Kris Verdonck’s UNTITLED,VABB-4,167,181,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466693,,De oudejaarsconference van Claudia de Breij,VABB-1,81,104,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466695,,The ethics of cryonics,VABB-2,,,130 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466697,,Procopius and non-Chalcedonian Christians : a loud silence,VABB-4,95,114,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466708,,Bewogen pauzes : Lijsten en lyriciteit in Michael Tophoffs 'Leeg te aanvaarden',VABB-1,165,194,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:466709,,Walking endurance and perceived symptom severity after a single maximal exercise test in persons with mild disability because of multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,316,322,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466710,,Hendrik de Man : een man met een plan,VABB-2,,,530 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466714,,Female abbatial leadership and the shaping of communal identity in ninth-century Saxony : the Life of Hathumoda of Gandersheim,VABB-1,21,45,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466715,,Quality assurance and assessment practices in translation and interpreting,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466716,,Historicizing Hermann von Helmholtz’s psychology of differentiation,VABB-1,43,62,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466717,,"Language, the great diversifier",VABB-4,83,90,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:466718,,An update on the “empirical turn” in bioethics : analysis of empirical research in nine bioethics journals,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466720,,The Brazilian National Truth Commission (2012-2014) as a State-Commissioned History Project,VABB-4,637,652,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466722,,Linguistics,VABB-4,357,366,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466725,,Address Behaviour in Eight Unpublished ana belija Letters from the Late Old Babylonian Ur-Utu Archive: Close Relatives Through a Distant Mirror?,VABB-1,149,166,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466728,,"Mixing multiple tracks : migration, diaspora and transcultural music in Flanders",VABB-4,37,48,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466729,,Ignis artificiosus : images of God and the Universe in Rubens's depiction of Antique Shields,VABB-1,244,277,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466730,,"”Kropp, rum och främlingskap i Willem Henrik Hermans roman : nooit meer slapen (Aldrig mera sova, 1966)”.",VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466731,,Multimediale metamorfoses: De verzoeking van hoorspel naar novelle en terug,VABB-1,168,187,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466733,,"Making a room of one’s own : place, space, and literary performance in sixteenth-century Bruges",VABB-4,65,80,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466734,,"Alex G. Papadopoulos en Aslı Duru (red.), Landscapes of Music in Istanbul. A Cultural Politics of Place and Exclusion.",VABB-1,119,125,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466741,,Notes on PMS,VABB-4,319,322,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466742,,Narratology and audiovisual translation,VABB-4,225,241,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466744,,Information literacy in health sciences education : proposal of a new model in a multi-perspectivism setting,VABB-1,15,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466745,,Clinical classification criteria for nonspecific low back pain : a Delphi-survey of clinical experts,VABB-1,66,76,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466746,,Development and validation of an information literacy self-efficacy scale for medical students,VABB-1,27,47,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466748,,Environmental impact assessment process for deep-sea mining in ‘the Area’,VABB-1,194,202,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466752,,Factors related with public open space use among adolescents : a study using GPS and accelerometers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466753,,To what extent does body height affect the use and satisfaction of electrically-assisted bicycles for postal purpose?,VABB-1,159,170,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466754,,Understanding famine in Ethiopia : bio-physical and socio-economic drivers,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466757,,"Organizing health care networks : balancing markets, government and civil society",VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466759,,Gamified cognitive control training for remitted depressed individuals : user requirements analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466763,,Impacts of socio-psychological factors on actual adoption of sustainable land management practices in dryland and water stressed areas,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466766,,More food or better distribution? : reviewing food policy options in developing countries,VABB-1,566,580,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466767,,Environmental impacts and causes of conflict in the Horn of Africa : a review,VABB-1,284,290,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466769,,Facing a new face : an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of a blind face transplant patient and his partner,VABB-1,826,831,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466770,,"Leukocyte telomere length and diet in the apparently healthy, middle-aged Asklepios population",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466771,,Long-term psychosocial outcomes after face transplantation : a patient's and a partner's perspective,VABB-1,398,412,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466773,,Discursive representation within the institutional void : the rise and fall of a governance network on sustainable food in Belgium,VABB-1,475,499,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466774,,Late-life depression : issues for the general practitioner,VABB-1,113,120,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466775,,"Effects of chlorhexidine gluconate oral care on hospital mortality : a hospital-wide, observational cohort study",VABB-1,1017,1026,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466777,,Trade unions in multi-stakeholder initiatives : what shapes their participation?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466778,,Using policy discourses to open up the conceptual space of farm education : inspiration from a Belgian farm education network,VABB-1,1320,1339,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466779,,The didactical use of tablets : a balancing act between teacher-centred and learner-centred education,VABB-5,37,44,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466780,,Is het visuospatieel werkgeheugen bij kinderen met een specific language impairment (SLI) een sterkte of een zwakte : een meta-analyse,VABB-1,15,28,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466781,,Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis : still unknown and underdiagnosed by physicians and especially by psychiatrists?,VABB-1,364,367,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466782,,The impact of tablet devices on high school students' cognitive load and learning,VABB-5,1591,1596,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466789,,Activity-induced increase in Achilles tendon blood flow is age and sex dependent,VABB-1,2678,2686,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466790,,The role of the vascular and structural response to activity in the development of Achilles tendinopathy : a prospective study,VABB-1,947,954,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466792,,De elektrische fiets : 
een middel om ouderen 
in beweging te krijgen?,VABB-1,55,60,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466794,,Framing in het EU-klimaatbeleid: de rol van expertise,VABB-1,51,63,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466797,,Exploring the relative importance of work-organizational burnout risk factors in Belgian residents,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466799,,Het Janusgezicht van de rationalisering in de jeugdzorg,VABB-1,9,23,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466800,,Van artikel tot klinische praktijk : praktische aanbevelingen voor kritische beoordeling van wetenschappelijke evidentie,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466801,,A case study about the interplay between language control and cognitive abilities in bilingual differential aphasia : behavioral and brain correlates,VABB-1,37,68,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466802,,Het bevorderen van capabilities in de praktijk van zorg,VABB-4,99,114,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466805,,Tien jaar cognitieve controle training voor depressie : een overzicht van verwezenlijkingen en uitdagingen,VABB-1,403,410,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466806,,Evidence-based werken binnen de klinische psychologie : efficiënt informatie zoeken 2.0,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466807,,Analysis of a two-class single-server discrete-time FCFS queue : the effect of interclass correlation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466808,,Artikel 1 Wetboek van de Belgische nationaliteit,VABB-4,147,163,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466812,,"User-centered design of a collaborative, object oriented historical GI-platform",VABB-5,379,390,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466813,,Het Europees onderzoeksbevel in strafzaken : het verdriet van België,VABB-4,405,458,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:466815,,Medical students’ information literacy self-efficacy : longitudinal study-protocol covering a whole medical curriculum,VABB-5,419,429,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466817,,The constitution of the Belgian people : the nation as legitimisation,VABB-1,113,129,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466818,,Van nu en straks : sekswerk : nood aan decriminalisering en sociaalrechtelijke diversificatie en flexibilisering,VABB-1,313,325,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466820,,Does size matter? Hiring discrimination and firm size,VABB-1,550,566,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466822,,One MRI-compatible tDCS session attenuates ventromedial cortical perfusion when exposed to verbal criticism : the role of perceived criticism,VABB-1,4462,4470,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466823,,"Eyes wide shut : the privacy shield’s blunt denial of continued bulk, mass or indiscriminate collection or processing and unnecessary or disproportionate access and use by US intelligence and law enforcement authorities",VABB-4,49,75,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:466827,,Public open space characteristics influencing adolescents’ use and physical activity : a systematic literature review of qualitative and quantitative studies,VABB-1,158,173,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466828,,Subgroups of adolescents differing in physical and social environmental preferences towards cycling for transport : a latent class analysis,VABB-1,70,75,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466829,,Data on determinants are needed to curb the sedentary epidemic in Europe : lessons learnt from the DEDIPAC European Knowledge Hub,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466830,,"Changes in children’s television and computer time according to parental education, parental income and ethnicity : a 6-year longitudinal EYHS study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466831,,Differential influences of population densification and economic growth on Europeans' physical activity and sitting time,VABB-1,141,149,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466832,,Evaluation of a brief intervention for promoting mental health among employees in social enterprises : a cluster randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466835,,"Changing to a vegetarian diet reduces the body creatine pool in omnivorous women, but appears not to affect carnitine and carnosine homeostasis : a randomised trial",VABB-1,759,770,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466836,,Parents’ perspectives of changes within the family functioning after a pediatric cancer diagnosis : a multi family member interview analysis,VABB-1,1229,1241,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466837,,Family support groups for family members of mentally ill offenders : family expectations and experiences,VABB-1,4854,4874,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466838,,Religion and gender,VABB-4,750,755,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466839,,Digital derasars in diaspora : a critical examination of Jain Ritual online,VABB-4,183,200,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466841,,Unmet goals of tracking : within-track heterogeneity of students’ expectations about the future,VABB-1,728,747,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466842,,Accelerated iTBS treatment in depressed patients differentially modulates reward system activity based on anhedonia,VABB-1,497,508,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466843,,Facing temptation : the neural correlates of gambling availability during sports picture exposure,VABB-1,718,729,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466844,,A school- and community-based intervention to promote healthy lifestyle and prevent type 2 diabetes in vulnerable families across Europe : design and implementation of the Feel4Diabetes-study,VABB-1,3281,3290,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466848,,Why are couples fighting? : a need frustration perspective on relationship conflict and dissatisfaction,VABB-1,S4,S23,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466849,,"A family support group for family members of offenders with a mental illness, part 2 : treatment protocol",VABB-1,487,500,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466850,,Don’t judge me : psychophysiological evidence of gender differences to social evaluative feedback,VABB-1,29,35,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466851,,Association between changes in heart rate variability during the anticipation of a stressful situation and the stress-induced cortisol response,VABB-1,63,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466852,,Perspectives on science and culture,VABB-3,,,284 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466855,,Tracing the sources : a comparative content analysis of Belgian health news,VABB-1,344,361,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466856,,"Evaluatie van de wetgeving op de associatie, groepering en fusie in de context van toenemende samenwerking tussen ziekenhuizen",VABB-1,90,98,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466857,,Losing health symbols because of nutrition-related problems in advanced cancer : an interpretative phenomenological analysis,VABB-1,492,499,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466860,,Family support groups for family members of mentally ill offenders : a pilot study,VABB-1,762,773,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466861,,Integration of reward with cost anticipation during performance monitoring revealed by ERPs and EEG spectral perturbations,VABB-1,153,164,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466862,,Dorsomedial frontal cortical metabolic differences of comorbid generalized anxiety disorder in refractory major depression : a [18 F] FDG PET brain imaging study,VABB-1,550,553,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466863,,Family support groups for family members of mentally ill offenders : therapeutic factors,VABB-1,186,199,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466864,,Short-term impact of tDCS over the right inferior frontal cortex on impulsive responses in a Go/No-go task,VABB-1,398,406,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466865,,Remediation of depression-related cognitive impairment : cognitive control training as treatment augmentation,VABB-1,907,913,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466866,,"“Everywhere we go, people seem to know” : mad students and Knowledge construction of mental illness in higher education",VABB-1,207,217,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466871,,"The art of law : artistic representations and iconography of law and justice in context, from the Middle Ages to the First World War",VABB-3,,,458 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466872,,Patients’ financially driven delay of GP visits : is it less likely to occur in stronger primary care systems?,VABB-1,292,311,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466873,,"The link between income inequality and health in Europe, adding strength dimensions of primary care to the equation",VABB-1,103,110,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466874,,"Multicultural school leadership, multicultural teacher culture and the ethnic prejudice of Flemish pupils",VABB-1,68,77,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466875,,22 Years of governance structures and performance : what has been achieved in agrifood chains and beyond? : a review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466876,,Work-family conflict and mental health in newlywed and recently cohabiting couples : a couple perspective,VABB-1,48,63,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:466879,,Updating the evidence on functional capacity evaluation methods : a systematic review,VABB-1,418,428,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466884,,Sensing the nation's law : historical inquiries into the aesthetics of democratic legitimacy,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466889,,Impaired rich club and increased local connectivity in children with traumatic brain injury : local support for the rich?,VABB-1,2800,2811,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466894,,Computer-mediated social support for physical activity : a content analysis,VABB-1,124,131,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466897,,Begin-of-school-year perceived autonomy-support and structure as predictors of end-of-school-year study efforts and procrastination : the mediating role of autonomous and controlled motivation,VABB-1,435,450,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466899,,Incidental or secondary findings : an integrative and patient-inclusive approach to the current debate,VABB-1,1424,1431,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466900,,Exploring entertainment medicine and professionalization of self-care : interview study among doctors on the potential effects of digital self-tracking,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466901,,Recreational athletes’ running motivations as predictors of their use of online fitness community features,VABB-1,815,827,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466908,,Physical activity to improve cognition in older adults : can physical activity programs enriched with cognitive challenges enhance the effects? : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466909,,How users experience and use an eHealth intervention based on self-regulation : mixed-methods study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466910,,Teachers’ motivation in relation to their psychological functioning and interpersonal style : a variable- and person-centered approach,VABB-1,21,34,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466911,,The effect of the eHealth intervention ‘MyPlan 1.0’ on physical activity in adults who visit general practice : a quasi-experimental trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466913,,"Mobile exergaming in adolescents' everyday life : contextual design of where, when, with whom, and how : the SmartLife case",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466914,,Fostering personal meaning and self-relevance : a self-determination theory perspective on internalization,VABB-1,30,49,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466916,,A parametric test evaluating smallholder farmers' training needs in Uganda : a case of dairy farmers in the Rwenzori region,VABB-1,537,553,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466918,,Twenty new contributions to the upcoming research field of historical legal iconology,VABB-5,3,24,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466919,,The quest for the Decisive Constitutional Moment (DCM),VABB-5,45,84,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466920,,Adolescents’ self-reported level of dispositional advertising literacy : how do adolescents resist advertising in the current commercial media environment?,VABB-1,402,420,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466921,,Process evaluation of an eHealth intervention implemented into general practice : general practitioners’ and patients’ views,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466922,,Feasibility and effectiveness of adding an approach avoidance training with game elements to a residential childhood obesity treatment : a pilot study,VABB-1,91,107,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466923,,Do patients with chronic unilateral orofacial pain due to a temporomandibular disorder show increased attending to somatosensory input at the painful side of the jaw?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466924,,Experiences and opinions of adults with type 2 diabetes regarding a self-regulation-based eHealth intervention targeting physical activity and sedentary behaviour,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466926,,Sensing the nation's law historical inquiries into the aesthetics of democratic legitimacy : introduction,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466928,,Hospital networks: how to make them work in Belgium? : facilitators and barriers of different governance models,VABB-1,333,340,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466930,,Progress in location based services 2018,VABB-3,,,"X, 334 p.",eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466932,,"The judge, the artist and the (legal) historian : Théophile Smekens, Pieter Van der Ouderaa, Pieter Génard and the Antwerp cour d’assises",VABB-5,407,428,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:466933,,"Dissemination of cartographic knowledge : 6th international symposium of the ICA Commission on the History of Cartography, 2016",VABB-3,,,"XIII, 390 p.",eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466941,,Mid-range management theory : competence perspectives on modularity and dynamic capabilities,VABB-3,,,"XVI, 165 p.",eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466942,,A reflexive assessment of a regional initiative in the agri-food system to test whether and how it meets the premises of transdisciplinary research,VABB-1,1137,1154,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466943,,Stakeholders' perceptions of agronomic iodine biofortification : a SWOT-AHP analysis in Northern Uganda,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466945,,Participatory tuning agricultural sustainability assessment tools to Flemish farmer and sector needs,VABB-1,70,81,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466946,,"Assessment of climate change vulnerability of farm households in Pyapon District, a delta region in Myanmar",VABB-1,10,21,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466948,,Handboek overheidsmanagement : samen werken aan een overheid in beweging,VABB-3,,,486 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466953,,Sexting : motives and risk in online sexual self-presentation,VABB-3,,,141 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466959,,Altering gait variability with an ankle exoskeleton,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466960,,Strategies to increase preschoolers' vegetable liking and consumption : the role of reward sensitivity,VABB-1,153,159,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466963,,25 years of transformations of higher education systems in post-Soviet countries : reform and continuity,VABB-3,,,479 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466966,,"Motivational perspectives on chronic pain : theory, research and practice",VABB-3,,,640 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466967,,Autonomy in adolescent development : towards conceptual clarity,VABB-3,,,214 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466968,,Civil society in post-Euromaidan Ukraine: From revolution to consolidation,VABB-3,,,400 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466969,,Social and Interpersonal dynamics in pain : we don’t suffer alone,VABB-3,,,520 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466971,,"Environmental and sustainability education policy : international trends, priorities and challenges",VABB-3,,,301 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466974,,The use of force in international law : a case-based approach,VABB-3,,,948 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466975,,Privaatrecht in actie!,VABB-3,,,255 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466979,,Measuring progress from 1990 to 2017 and projecting attainment to 2030 of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals for 195 countries and territories : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017,VABB-1,2091,2138,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466980,,Farmers' valuation of transgenic biofortified sorghum for nutritional improvement in Burkina Faso : a latent class approach,VABB-1,132,140,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466981,,Examining food intake and eating out of home patterns among university students,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466984,,Globalisation outcomes and the real output in the sub-Saharan Africa LICs : a cointegration analysis,VABB-1,338,351,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466985,,Stakeholder-driven modelling the impact of animal profile and market conditions on optimal delivery weight in growing-finishing pig production,VABB-1,34,45,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466986,,Farmers' knowledge and opinions towards bollgard II® implementation in cotton production in western Burkina Faso,VABB-1,33,41,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:466987,,REC-PATH (recovery pathways) : overview of a four-country study of pathways to recovery from problematic drug use,VABB-1,517,529,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:466988,,"Herstel in een forensische context : een exploratieve studie naar doorleefde ervaringen van geïnterneerde personen in een ambulant, regulier ondersteuningstraject",VABB-1,245,259,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466990,,Misleiding in je mailbox - Hoe online activiteiten blootstelling tegenover phishing verhogen,VABB-4,111,134,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466992,,Orale gewoonten bij kinderen met een gespleten lip en/of verhemelte : een pilootstudie,VABB-1,41,45,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466993,,Estimating grondwater nutrients using hyperspectral satellite imagery in the Flemish Meuse valley,VABB-5,3114,3117,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:466994,,Effect van vocale warm-up oefeningen bij vrouwen met een leeftijd van 60+,VABB-1,97,105,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:466995,,Logopedische en audiologische biomerkers van neurodegeneratieve aandoeningen,VABB-1,5,22,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467000,,The Bantu languages,VABB-3,,,806 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467005,,"Ethnographier les affects : captures, résistances, attachements",VABB-3,,,187 p.,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:467006,,Comics memory : archives and styles,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467007,,Current trends in analyzing syntactic variation,VABB-3,,,319 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:467010,,"Re-mapping archaeology : critical perspectives, alternative mappings",VABB-3,,,325 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467011,,Lyric address in Dutch literature 1250-1800,VABB-3,,,198 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467013,,"Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras - IX",VABB-3,,,350 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467017,,"The city symphony phenomenon : cinema, art, and urban modernity between the wars",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467020,,Post-Soviet constitutions and challenges of regional integration : adapting to European and Eurasian integration projects,VABB-3,,,232 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467022,,Influence of sensory attributes on consumers' emotions and hedonic liking of chocolate,VABB-1,1489,1503,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467023,,Characterising households' vulnerability to climate change in Pyapon District in the delta region of Myanmar,VABB-1,365,380,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467026,,Farmers' reasons to accept bio-based fertilizers : a choice experiment in seven different European countries,VABB-1,406,416,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467028,,Assessing the ecological relevance of organic discharge limits for constructed wetlands by means of a model-based analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467029,,A comparison of two low-calorie sweeteners and sugar in dark chocolate on sensory attributes and emotional conceptualisations,VABB-1,344,357,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467030,,"Implementation of the EU-Cameroon Voluntary Partnership Agreement policy : trade distortion, rent-seeking and anticipative behavior",VABB-1,167,179,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467031,,Consumers' perceptions of GM-free labelled foods : a sensory experiment,VABB-1,347,357,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467034,,Critical indigenous rights studies,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467035,,Rechtskroniek voor de Vrede- en Politierechters 2018,VABB-3,,,368 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467036,,Fragmentation and integration in human rights law : users' perspectives,VABB-3,,,"XIII, 208 p.",eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467040,,"Management control : concepts, methods and practices",VABB-2,,,316 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467041,,Inspanning leveren om spraak te verstaan : de invloed van leeftijd,VABB-1,113,124,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467043,,Arbitration in the digital age : the brave new world of arbitration,VABB-3,,,314 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467045,,Privatising punishment in Europe?,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467046,,Dienstverlening door de politie,VABB-3,,,162 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467050,,The mediating role of advertising literacy and the moderating influence of parental mediation on how children of different ages react to brand placements,VABB-1,197,210,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467051,,Flight delay propagation analysis based on the mechanism of the susceptible-infected-susceptible model,VABB-5,180,192,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:467054,,Scratching the surface of war : airborne laser scans of the Great War conflict landscape in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,55,68,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467062,,Abbots and abbesses as a human resource in the ninth- to twelfth-century west,VABB-3,,,178 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467063,,"The Kongo kingdom : the origins, dynamics and cosmopolitan culture of an African polity",VABB-3,,,"XII, 322 p.",eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467066,,The multilingual edge of education,VABB-3,,,"374, xxii p.",eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467072,,Incarceration and regime change: European prisons during and after the second world war,VABB-3,,,184 p.,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:467075,,Non-canonically case-marked subjects : the Reykjavík–Eyjafjallajökull papers,VABB-3,,,280 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467080,,Denken over poëzie en vertalen : de dichter Cees Nooteboom in vertaling,VABB-3,,,168 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467082,,"Reading Etty Hillesum in context : writings, life, and influences of a visionary author",VABB-3,,,524 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467084,,Topography and toponymy in the ancient near east : perspectives and prospects,VABB-3,,,400 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467086,,Islam en Christendom,VABB-3,,,323 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467087,,The generative potential of tensions within Belgian agroecology,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467089,,Farm-level adaptation to climate change : the case of the Loam region in Belgium,VABB-1,164,176,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467090,,Do Coffee Farmers Benefit in Food Security from Participating in Coffee Cooperatives? Evidence from Southwest Ethiopia Coffee Cooperatives,VABB-1,266,280,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467095,,The role of multi-actor governance in aligning farm modernization and sustainable rural development,VABB-1,252,262,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467096,,Farm-specific economic value of automatic lameness detection systems in dairy cattle : from concepts to operational simulations,VABB-1,637,648,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467098,,Examining farmers' willingness to grow and allocate land for oilseed crops for biofuel production,VABB-1,311,320,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467099,,Optimising finishing pig delivery weight : participatory decision problem analysis,VABB-1,1141,1152,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467100,,"Between aspirations and reality : making farming, food systems and rural areas more resilient, sustainable and equitable",VABB-1,197,210,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467101,,Towards nutrition sensitive agriculture : actor readiness to reduce food and nutrient losses or wastes along the dairy value chain in Uganda,VABB-1,46,56,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467104,,The political materialities of borders : new theoretical directions,VABB-3,,,182 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467105,,Portraits of the artist as reader and teacher : Vladimir Nabokov’s lectures on literature,VABB-3,,,205 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467108,,"City and society in the Low Countries, 1100–1600",VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467112,,Exploring nanosyntax,VABB-3,,,342 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467114,,DIGEST : Journal of diversity and gender studies,VABB-3,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467117,,Determining factors driving sustainable performance through the application of lean management practices in horticultural primary production,VABB-1,400,417,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467118,,Constraints for future cocoa production in Ghana,VABB-1,1373,1385,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467120,,Minimising farm crop protection pressure supported by the multiple functionalities of the DISCUSS indicator set,VABB-1,1184,1198,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467121,,Emoji as a tool for measuring children's emotions when tasting food,VABB-1,322,331,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467122,,Off to market: but which one? : understanding the participation of small-scale farmers in short food supply chains : a Hungarian case study,VABB-1,383,398,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467124,,Identifying key network characteristics for agricultural innovation : a multisectoral case study approach,VABB-1,19,26,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467135,,La mitificación del pasado español : reescrituras de figuras y leyendas en la literatura del siglo XIX,VABB-3,,,214 p.,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:467138,,Making way in corpus-based interpreting studies,VABB-3,,,220 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467139,,"Personalized medicine, individual choice and the common good",VABB-3,,,305 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467142,,Sociology in Belgium : a sociological history,VABB-2,,,142 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467144,,Cultural and creative industries in Brussels : creativity in a divided city,VABB-2,,,264 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467146,,To be yourself or to be your ideal self? Outcomes of potential applicants' actual and ideal self-congruity perceptions,VABB-1,107,119,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467147,,A new evaluation approach of World War One's devastated front zone : a shell hole density map based on historical aerial photographs and validated by electromagnetic induction field measurements to link the metal shrapnel phenomenon,VABB-1,257,269,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467148,,Effects of high versus low-quality preschool education : a longitudinal study in Mauritius,VABB-1,126,137,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467149,,Perspectives on science and culture,VABB-4,9,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467156,,The patient perspective in health care networks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467161,,Iranian political satirists,VABB-2,,,"X, 213 p.",eng,2017,2 c:vabb:467162,,A systematic literature review of the use of social media for business process management,VABB-5,403,414,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467164,,Barriers to play and recreation for children and young people with disabilities : exploring environmental factors,VABB-2,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:467168,,Modeling variable space in assembly line feeding,VABB-5,164,169,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467170,,Phishing attacks root causes,VABB-5,187,202,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467172,,"Moderne piraterij in Oost- en West-Afrika : het juridisch kader, de bestrijdingsstrategieen en de vervolging en bestraffing",VABB-2,,,664 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467175,,Criminaliteit als situationele keuze? Kritische toetsing en appreciatie van Wikström’s situationele actietheorie,VABB-2,,,226 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467177,,Writing across content areas in Dutch and Flemish secondary education,VABB-5,3487,3494,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467180,,Gamification and learning performance : a systematic review of the literature,VABB-5,515,522,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:467181,,Student teachers' perceptions of using learning analytics in a blended learning context,VABB-5,4508,4516,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467184,,International law : a European perspective,VABB-2,,,1038 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467187,,De keuzes van het Grondwettelijk Hof : argumenten bij de interpretatie van de Grondwet,VABB-2,,,344 p.,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:467189,,Civil procedure in Belgium,VABB-2,,,200 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467190,,Tort law in Belgium,VABB-2,,,170 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467191,,Vectoren van het recht : geschiedenis van de Belgische juridische tijdschriften,VABB-2,,,"i-ix, 444 p.",dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467192,,"Association of inflammatory bowel disease and acute anterior uveitis, but not psoriasis, with disease duration in patients with axial spondyloarthritis : results from two Belgian nationwide axial spondyloarthritis cohorts",VABB-1,1588,1596,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467193,,Development and validation of a questionnaire to self-assess the quality of interprofessional team meetings in primary and community healthcare,VABB-1,140,146,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:467195,,Intraorganizational communication and job satisfaction among Flemish hospital nurses : an exploratory multicenter study,VABB-1,16,23,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467215,,Youth justice and migration : discursive harms,VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467216,,High rate of drug-free remission after induction therapy with golimumab in early peripheral spondyloarthritis,VABB-1,1769,1777,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467217,,European ADPKD Forum multidisciplinary position statement on autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease care,VABB-1,563,573,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467218,,Would it really matter? The democratic and caring deficit in ‘parental involvement’.,VABB-1,187,200,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467219,,Suïcidepreventie in de zorg : nieuwe richtlijn en e-learningwebsite,VABB-1,5,13,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467220,,Development and preliminary results of an intervention to increase student's research competences in Mozambique,VABB-5,3232,3238,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467221,,"Kaiser, Christ, and Canaan : the religion of Israel in protestant Germany, 1871–1918",VABB-2,,,370 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467223,,Argument structure in Kashmiri : form and function of pronominal suffixation,VABB-2,,,199 p.,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:467224,,The life of padma,VABB-2,,,768 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467230,,Organisatie van spoedeisende psychiatrische hulpverlening bij kinderen en jongeren : één jaar praktijkervaring in de regio Oost-Vlaanderen,VABB-1,1211,1218,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467231,,De overlevenden : de Belgische oud-strijders tijdens het interbellum,VABB-2,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467232,,"Dialogues with ethnography : notes on classics, and how I read them",VABB-2,,,171 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467235,,"Gamification in computer programming : effects on learning, engagement, self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation",VABB-5,507,514,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:467236,,Association between person-centredness and financially driven postponement of care in European primary care : a cross-sectional multicountry study,VABB-1,176,183,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467238,,Semantic differences in translation: Exploring the field of inchoativity,VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467240,,The late-victorian little magazine,VABB-2,,,288 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467241,,Media-induced second language acquisition : children's acquisition of English in Flanders prior to instruction,VABB-2,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467243,,The Anonymous Syriac Chronicle of 1234 and its sources,VABB-2,,,349 p.,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:467244,,Quintus of Smyrna's Posthomerica : a study of heroic characterization and heroism,VABB-2,,,393 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467245,,Sperone Speroni and the debate over Sophistry in the Italian Renaissance,VABB-2,,,186 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467248,,Durkheim and the internet : sociolinguistics and the sociological imagination,VABB-2,,,123 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467249,,"Raoul De Keyser in print : a catalogue of the silkscreens, lithographs, linocuts and etchings = Raoul De Keyser in Print : een catalogus van de zeefdrukken, lithografieën, linosneden en etsen",VABB-2,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467251,,Medicinal rule : a historical anthropology of kingship in East and Central Africa,VABB-2,,,326 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467252,,Grootse plannen. De kadastrale Atlas van België van P. C. Popp: genese en datering (1840-1880),VABB-2,,,166 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467254,,"Dark age nunneries : the ambiguous identity of female monasticism, 800-1050",VABB-2,,,"XIII, 309 p.",eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467256,,Een nieuwe geschiedenis van de islamitische wereld : Rijks- en identiteitsvorming in islamitisch West-Azië (7de-18de eeuw),VABB-2,,,360 p.,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467260,,Brokering research with war-affected people : the tense relationship between opportunities and ethics,VABB-1,124,146,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467263,,"The signature of the serotonin system in the chronic corticosterone depression model : a study with [18F]MPPF, [18F]altanserin and [11C]DASB",VABB-1,1377,1390,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467265,,'Twee Vrienden' (1943) van August Vermeylen in de spiegel van zijn dagboek,VABB-1,46,70,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467266,,"De lange weg naar Björnshauge : de publieke diensten van de Gentse universiteitsbibliotheek, 1960-2017",VABB-1,75,87,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:467267,,The relationship between entrapment and suicidal behavior through the lens of the integrated motivational-volitional model of suicidal behavior,VABB-1,12,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467268,,Herval van stoornis in alcoholgebruik : wat kan een lange termijnfollow-up ons leren?,VABB-1,324,333,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467269,,Alcoholmisbruik : zijn artsen immuun?,VABB-1,546,551,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467270,,Hoe is het gesteld met de gezondheid van de gedetineerden in Vlaamse en Brusselse gevangenissen? : voorstelling van het onderzoeksrapport ‘Gezondheidsprofiel Gedetineerden’,VABB-1,16,21,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:467271,,Interception of migrant boats at sea,VABB-4,197,221,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:467272,,Neurodevelopmental outcome in very preterm and very-low-birthweight infants born over the past decade : a meta-analytic review,VABB-1,342,355,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467273,,Family therapy : a necessary core competence for psychiatric trainees,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467274,,Applications of duplicate detection in music archives : from metadata comparison to storage optimisation : the case of the Belgian Royal Museum for Central Africa,VABB-5,101,113,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467277,,Diffuse idiopathische skeletale hyperostose,VABB-1,1364,1370,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:467279,,"For the language of science : the student revolts on the Dutchification of Ghent University, 1918–1940",VABB-4,338,357,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467288,,Motivation in pediatric motor rehabilitation : a systematic search of the literature using the self-determination theory as a conceptual framework,VABB-1,371,390,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467291,,Een wekedelentumor als oorzaak van heuppijn,VABB-1,1648,1657,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467292,,"Immediate effects of arm slings on posture, balance and gait in sub-acute stroke patients : a case control study",VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467296,,Emerging role of family medicine in South Africa.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467297,,De rol van werk in de re-integratie van mensen met somatisch onvoldoende verklaarde lichamelijke klachten,VABB-1,626,633,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467300,,The role of marginal landscape for understanding transhumance in Southern Tuscany (twelfth-twentieth century AD) : a reverse perspective integrating ethnoarchaeological and historical approaches,VABB-5,197,217,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467302,,Between artistic creativity and documentation : an experiment on interaction with an installation for music-making,VABB-5,3,12,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467308,,Regionale migrerende osteoporose bij een patiënt met vasculair lijden,VABB-1,1313,1318,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467309,,Awareness of 'sound' in nursing homes : a large-scale soundscape survey in Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,43,59,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467310,,Joseph-Jonas Dumont's prison gatehouses : architecture parlante in neo-tudor style,VABB-5,371,383,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:467325,,Gross motor delay,VABB-4,724,727,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467326,,Dynamics of sedentary behaviours and systems-based approach : future challenges and opportunities in the life course epidemiology of sedentary behaviours,VABB-4,595,616,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467327,,Characteristics of a protocol to collect objective physical activity/sedentary behavior data in a large study : Seniors USP (Understanding Sedentary Patterns),VABB-1,26,31,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467329,,Pharmacokinetics of β-alanine using different dosing strategies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467340,,Actual and perceived motor competence levels of Belgian and United States preschool children,VABB-1,S320,S336,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467341,,Bèta-alanine en sportprestaties,VABB-1,6,10,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:467342,,Tennis aan zee tijdens de belle époque : een vergeten geschiedenis?,VABB-1,56,65,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467343,,Longitudinal analysis of the audiological phenotype in osteogenesis imperfecta : a follow-up study,VABB-1,703,710,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467344,,Event related potential study of language interaction in bilingual aphasia patients,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467346,,"Test-retest reliability of questionnaires regarding attitudes and beliefs toward noise, hearing loss and hearing protector devices in young adults",VABB-1,31,36,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467347,,Massed versus spaced practice in vocology : effect of a short-term intensive voice training versus a longer-term traditional voice training,VABB-1,393,404,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467355,,Mobile worlding : exploring the trans-urban circulation and the interconnectedness of migrants’ urban world-making practices,VABB-1,263,273,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467356,,"Attribuer, s'approprier et construire l'espace urbain colonial",VABB-1,,,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:467357,,(Dis)placed interventions: Tussen gedeelde en publieke ruimte,VABB-1,26,35,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467359,,Decolonizing African studies : looking into the GAPs,VABB-1,5,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467360,,Towards data-driven sustainable design : decision support based on knowledge discovery in disparate building data,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467362,,Some linguistic features of the Old Kashmiri language of the Bāṇāsurakathā,VABB-1,351,367,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467373,,Linked Data,VABB-4,181,197,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467375,,Architectural history in a 'transformed world' : a response to Alex Bremner,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467376,,SmartLife : exergames and smart textiles to promote energy-related behaviours among adolescents,VABB-5,288,293,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467377,,A brief history of landscape research,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467378,,Crime and Parkinson's : the jury is out,VABB-1,1092,1094,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467380,,Strategic cities within global urban networks,VABB-4,242,257,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467381,,Regreening of the northern Ethiopian mountains : effects on flooding and on water balance,VABB-1,129,147,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467388,,"Notre Dame de Paris, Victor Hugo (1831)",VABB-4,13,18,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:467393,,Assessment of voice quality : current state-of-the-art,VABB-1,183,188,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:467394,,The moral brain and moral behaviour in patients with Parkinson’s disease : a review of the literature,VABB-1,387,393,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467395,,Speech outcomes following Sommerlad primary palatoplasty : results of the Ghent University Hospital,VABB-1,111,121,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467398,,Producing new spatial(ized) (hi)stories on Congolese cities : reflections on ten years of collaboration between UGent and UNIKIN,VABB-1,87,106,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467405,,Health-related costs in a sample of premenopausal non-diabetic overweight or obese females in Antwerp region : a cost-of-illness analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467406,,Correlation between saliva and serum concentrations of estradiol in women undergoing ovarian hyperstimulation with gonadotropins for IVF/ICSI,VABB-1,85,91,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:467407,,"« Elle pousse, la Capitale Champignon! » Questioning skill in the Belgian Congo’s building industry",VABB-5,273,280,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467409,,Walking with older adults as a geographical method,VABB-4,171,195,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467415,,An automatic repositioning system to prevent pressure ulcers : a case series,VABB-1,16,22,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467416,,Valorization of tomato peel waste carotenoids in different oil matrices,VABB-1,48,59,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467417,,Drug administration via enteral feeding tube in residential care facilities for individuals with intellectual disability : a focus group study on guideline implementation,VABB-1,329,340,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:467418,,"Urbanizing Kitchanga : spatial trajectories of the politics of refuge in North Kivu, Eastern Congo",VABB-1,232,253,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467427,,"The application of satellite-based model and bi-stable ecosystem balance concept to monitor desertification in arid lands, a case study of Sinai Peninsula",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:467430,,Incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) and pressure ulcers : an overview,VABB-4,89,101,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467435,,Reusing domain ontologies in linked building data : the case of building automation and control,VABB-5,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:467453,,Comparison of pipe models to simulate legionella concentration in domestic hot water,VABB-5,1979,1988,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:467456,,A method to generate a modular ifcOWL ontology,VABB-5,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:467458,,"Satisfaction with leisure trips : findings from Ghent, Belgium",VABB-4,139,155,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467463,,Measuring disability : a systematic review of the validity and reliability of the Global Activity Limitations Indicator (GALI),VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467464,,De kortetermijneffecten van bedside shift report op een stroke- en midcare-unit,VABB-1,10,13,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467467,,The effect of occupational lifting on hypertension risk : protocol for a project using data from the Copenhagen City Heart Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467468,,Advanced practice nursing : Nutrition Nurse Specialist role and function,VABB-1,72,76,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467469,,Concrete matter: building the Bruges submarine pens (1917-18),VABB-5,131,140,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467472,,Scan-to-BIM output validation : towards a standardized geometric quality assessment of building information models based on point clouds,VABB-5,45,52,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:467479,,Physical environments that promote physical activity among older people,VABB-4,447,466,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467481,,"Communicatie, de basis van zelfmanagementondersteuning",VABB-4,57,76,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467486,,The use of the global activity limitation Indicator and healthy life years by member states and the European Commission,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467487,,Pre-obese children’s dysbiotic gut microbiome and unhealthy diets may predict the development of obesity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467488,,Vertrouwen in de relatie tussen zorgverleners en patiënten met een chronische ziekte : een exploratieve kwalitatieve studie,VABB-1,14,21,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467492,,Pressure ulcers,VABB-4,179,189,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467499,,Empirical Comparison of Model Consistency Between Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling and Traditional Conceptual Modeling,VABB-5,43,57,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467501,,Thoroughly Modern Accounting: Shifting to a De Re Conceptual Pattern for Debits and Credits,VABB-5,134,148,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467502,,Equity Price Direction Prediction For Day Trading Ensemble Classification Using Technical Analysis Indicators With Interaction Effects,VABB-5,3455,3462,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:467503,,Efficient use of geographical information systems for improving transport mode classification,VABB-5,130,135,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467505,,The climate test : the first steps towards an automated methodology to evaluate the climate resilience of new urban development projects,VABB-5,599,606,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467508,,Left prefrontal neuronavigated electrode localization in tDCS : 10-20 EEG system versus MRI-guided neuronavigation,VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467525,,"Planning projects with scarce resources : yesterday, today and tomorrow's research challenges",VABB-1,133,149,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467526,,A comparison of activity-based costing and time-driven activity-based costing,VABB-1,143,167,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467527,,Over frames van gemeentefusies en hun masters,VABB-1,23,35,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467528,,Rondetafel : aspecten bij de rekeningen en audit van de openbare sector,VABB-1,27,38,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467529,,The influence of project resource allocation on the resource capacity of the business processes,VABB-1,6,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467530,,Nudging: een randverschijnsel of een nieuw en volwaardig woon beleidsinstrument?,VABB-1,29,43,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467531,,Discovering health-care processes using DeciClareMiner,VABB-1,195,211,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467548,,Kiss the documents! How the city of Ghent digitizes its services processes,VABB-4,187,204,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467551,,Subnational government in the research spotlight : the merit of EGPA Permanent Study Group 5,VABB-4,147,165,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467552,,Strategisch management,VABB-4,91,122,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467557,,Contracteren in een elektronische omgeving : algemene voorwaarden,VABB-4,199,233,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467586,,Belgian reflections on the dialogue of the deaf,VABB-1,36,54,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467588,,De kwaliteit van het politieke systeem en de hervormingen van de publieke sector : discussienota van de Vlaamse Vereniging voor Bestuur en Beleid,VABB-1,13,22,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467589,,Lokale netwerken als instrument voor centraal beleid?,VABB-1,57,68,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467590,,Corporate governance and management incentives : evidence from the Scandinavian countries,VABB-1,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467591,,Wees vooral fair : hoe je burn-out onder jonge academici tegengaat,VABB-1,48,51,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467592,,Service-oriented enterprise engineering : a modeling discipline based on the viable systems approach (vSa) for strategic sourcing decision-making,VABB-1,20,40,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467598,,Mindfulness voor leidinggevenden : state of the art,VABB-1,1,31,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467600,,Evaluatieprocedure van de Belgische geïntegreerde politie : van regelgeving en intenties tot een effectieve toepassing en gewenste percepties,VABB-1,161,178,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467601,,Reflecties over nodaal en netwerkend politiewerk : de aanpak van cocaïnestromen in de haven van Antwerpen,VABB-1,91,110,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467602,,Epiloog : en ze leven nog lang en ...,VABB-1,75,78,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467603,,Towards good governance of heritage management systems : possible role of accounting,VABB-1,239,259,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467605,,Rekrutering van sociale media : een kwalitatief onderzoek bij HR-managers en medewerkers,VABB-1,32,55,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467606,,Accelerated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation does not influence grey matter volumes in regions related to alcohol relapse : an open-label exploratory study,VABB-1,210,214,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467607,,Treatment as usual (TAU) as a control condition in trials of cognitive behavioural-based psychotherapy for self-harm : impact of content and quality on outcomes in a systematic review,VABB-1,434,447,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467608,,The co-occurrence of gender dysphoria and autism spectrum disorder in adults : an analysis of cross-sectional and clinical chart data,VABB-1,2217,2223,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467609,,"When it rains in Paris, it drizzles in Brussels?",VABB-4,63,82,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467611,,Comparative local government research : theoretical concepts and empirical findings from a European perspective,VABB-4,841,863,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467613,,Domestic Institutions and Global Value Chains: Offshoring in Germany's Core Industrial Sectors,VABB-1,12,20,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467616,,China's capital controls: Between contender state and integration into the heartland,VABB-1,724,742,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:467620,,Civil society and citizens : from the margins to the heart of public administration research,VABB-4,193,202,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467621,,Entrepreneurship education and gender in Europe : a systematic literature review of studies in higher education,VABB-4,137,166,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467624,,Structure and evolution of the world's historical trade patterns,VABB-4,49,72,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467630,,Factors influencing abortion decision-making processes among young women,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467631,,"Is it possible to register the ideas, concerns and expectations behind the reason for encounter as a means of classifying patient preferences with ICPC-2?",VABB-1,1,6,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467665,,Process mining in supply chains : a systematic literature review,VABB-1,4626,4636,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467668,,Macro-economische effecten van demografische verandering in België,VABB-1,330,333,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467669,,THE IMAGE OF GERMANY IN A WRITER'S DIARY BY FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY,VABB-1,67,79,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467670,,From James Meade's 'Social dividend' to 'State bonus' : an intriguing chapter in the history of a concept,VABB-1,439,474,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467672,,De impact van criminaliteit op de lokale belastingontvangsten : toetsing van de Tiebout hypothese in Vlaamse gemeenten,VABB-1,76,96,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467673,,A domain-specific modeling technique for value-driven strategic sourcing,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467674,,Direct and indirect government venture capital investments in Europe,VABB-1,1219,1230,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467677,,An overview of challenges and research avenues for green business process management : exploring the concept of a circular economy,VABB-5,270,279,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467682,,Comparative public sector accounting standards,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467684,,Organiseren en organisatieontwerp,VABB-4,123,168,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467685,,Interorganisationele coördinatie en netwerkmanagement,VABB-4,389,421,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467690,,Building theory for management science and practice : an epistemological perspective From competence-based management theory,VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467691,,Antivirals for influenza-Like Illness? : a randomised Controlled trial of Clinical and Cost effectiveness in primary CarE (ALIC⁴E) : the ALIC⁴E protocol,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467692,,Rethinking end-of-life care and palliative care : learning from the illness trajectories and lived experiences of terminally ill patients and their family carers,VABB-1,2220,2238,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467693,,Antibiotics for acute rhinosinusitis in adults.,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467694,,Potentially inappropriate medication in primary care at the end of life : a mixed-method study,VABB-1,213,219,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467695,,The involvement of cancer patients in the four stages of decision-making preceding continuous sedation until death : a qualitative study,VABB-1,1198,1207,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467696,,Withdrawal versus continuation of long-term antipsychotic drug use for behavioural and psychological symptoms in older people with dementia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467698,,How & why governance dynamics emerge in inter-organizational networks : a meta-ethnographic analysis,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467700,,On the synergies between business process management and digital innovation,VABB-5,359,375,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467703,,Pharmacological interventions for self-harm in adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:467704,,Interventions for self-harm in children and adolescents,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:467705,,"The association between motives, perceived problems and current thoughts of self-harm following an episode of self-harm : a network analysis",VABB-1,262,270,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467706,,What’s wrong with the modern evolutionary synthesis? A critical reply to Welch (2017),VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467707,,Seebeck coefficient of thermocouples from Nickel-Coated carbon fibers : theory and experiment,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467710,,Access to arts education,VABB-4,117,141,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467712,,Mainstreaming climate change adaptation into the European Union’s development assistance,VABB-1,36,45,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467738,,European Court of Human Rights : Mehmet Hasan Altan v. Turkey and Şahin Alpay v. Turkey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467748,,Atypical brain functional segregation is more frequent in situs inversus totalis,VABB-1,12,25,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467749,,"What Makes Creative Teams Tick? Cohesion, Engagement, and Performance Across Creativity Tasks: A Three-Wave Study",VABB-1,521,547,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:467751,,"Spreken over trauma : een kwestie van kunnen, moeten, mogen of willen?",VABB-1,235,248,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467752,,Neural predictors of sensorimotor adaptation rate and savings,VABB-1,1516,1531,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467755,,Neural correlates of multi-day learning and savings in sensorimotor adaptation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467756,,The neural dynamics of competition resolution for language production in the prefrontal cortex,VABB-1,1391,1402,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467760,,Looking through tinted glasses : depression and social anxiety are related to both interpretation biases and inflexible negative interpretations,VABB-1,517,528,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467772,,"Toekomst van arbeid, toekomst van arbeidsrecht",VABB-1,3,36,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467796,,European Court of Human Rights : Sinkova v. Ukraine,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467804,,Environmental instruments in development cooperation : promoting better development and environmental outcomes?,VABB-4,81,101,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467805,,Mediatization theory : what is in it for the philosophy of communication? : on Stig Hjarvard’s The Mediatization of Culture and Society,VABB-1,91,103,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:467806,,"Powers, great, smart and not so smart",VABB-1,321,324,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467809,,"Van God los? Religiositeit bij moslimmigranten in Europa en de invloed van de ontvankelijkheidscontext, discriminatie en generatie",VABB-1,376,404,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467810,,"Sex cinemas, limit transgression and the aura of ‘forbiddenness’ : the emergence of risqués cinemas and Cinema Leopold in Ghent, Belgium, 1945-1954",VABB-1,14,33,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467811,,An exploratory study of student engagement at transnational education initiatives : proactive or apathetic?,VABB-1,298,309,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467812,,Regional alterations of cerebral [18F]FDG metabolism in the chronic unpredictable mild stress- and the repeated corticosterone depression model in rats,VABB-1,1381,1393,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467813,,Towards a definition of unbearable suffering and the incongruence of psychiatric euthanasia : authors’ reply,VABB-1,248,248,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467815,,Accelerated rTMS : a potential treatment to alleviate refractory depression,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467816,,Screening of quorum sensing peptides for biological effects in neuronal cells,VABB-1,150,156,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467817,,Changes in canine cerebral perfusion after accelerated high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (HF-rTMS) : a proof of concept study,VABB-1,66,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467818,,Understandings of arts education,VABB-4,71,100,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:467819,,Resources,VABB-4,282,295,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467821,,The effectiveness of in-game advertising : examining the influence of ad format,VABB-4,87,100,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467822,,EU policies in the DR Congo : misaligned ambitions,VABB-4,85,102,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467823,,EU development policy : abduction as a research strategy,VABB-4,288,305,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467824,,Towards 2015 : media in Turkey on the Armenian genocide,VABB-4,183,196,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:467825,,The European Union and fair trade : hands-off?,VABB-4,281,295,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467826,,Outside lobbying and the politicization of the Transatlantic trade and investment partnership,VABB-4,339,354,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467827,,From the few are still chosen the few? Continuity and change in the social background of European mayors,VABB-4,79,108,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467828,,EU trade policy,VABB-4,191,206,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467829,,Continuity and change in Parsons’ understanding of rationality,VABB-4,207,222,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467830,,Protecting the rule of law in post-Soviet states : the relevance of European and Eurasian integration,VABB-4,28,47,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467831,,Europeanisation of aid budgets : nothing as it seems,VABB-4,1,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467862,,European Court of Human Rights : Stern Taulats and Roura Capellera v. Spain,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467863,,"European Court of Human Rights, Hans Burkhard Nix v. Germany",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467865,,Social disparities in patient safety in primary care : a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467866,,Reasons why self-referring patients attend the emergency department during daytime differ among socioeconomic groups : a survey from Flanders,VABB-1,246,251,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467867,,Suboptimal palliative sedation in primary care : an exploration,VABB-1,21,28,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467868,,Development and validation of the Vietnamese primary care assessment tool,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467869,,The role of socioeconomic status in the relationship between detention and self-rated health among prison detainees in Belgium,VABB-1,547,555,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467870,,Transition from primary to secondary education in a rigidly tracked system : the case of Flanders,VABB-4,53,70,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467871,,Negotiating space for mild interventions : action research on the brink between social movements and government policy in Flanders,VABB-4,113,131,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467872,,An end to Nordic exceptionalism? Europeanisation and Nordic development policies,VABB-4,28,41,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467874,,Evaluating user experience in smart home contexts : a methodological framework,VABB-4,91,102,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467875,,Governance van transities,VABB-4,457,484,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467880,,The role of ideas in legitimating EU trade policy: from the Single Market Programme to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership,VABB-4,243,262,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467883,,Effect of childhood socioeconomic conditions on cancer onset in later life: an ambidirectional cohort study,VABB-1,799,810,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467887,,The origin and evolution of syntax errors in simple sequence flow models in BPMN,VABB-5,155,166,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467893,,Russia’s ‘other Ummah’ : from ‘ethnic Shi’ism’ to ideological movement?,VABB-1,121,126,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467894,,The everyday life of auteurs du cinema : the reception of Ingmar Bergman and his films,VABB-1,135,153,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467895,,Mapping variation of civil society involvement in EU trade agreements : a CSI index,VABB-1,41,62,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467897,,Urbanisation and the political geographies of violent struggle for power and control : mining boomtowns in Eastern Congo,VABB-1,302,324,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467898,,When societies crash : a critical analysis of news media's social role in the aftermath of national disasters,VABB-1,311,327,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467899,,The political tendency in environmental and sustainability education,VABB-1,91,111,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467900,,A new spirit across sectors : constructing a common justification for corporate volunteering,VABB-1,90,115,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467901,,"Hugo Claus, de snelste en goedkoopste filmer van Europa : de totstandkoming van De Vijanden",VABB-1,68,85,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467902,,Exploring the politics of gender representation on instagram : self-representations of femininity,VABB-1,23,42,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467903,,Van Top-Hit Girl naar Het Dwaallicht : Frans Buyens ruilt communautaire satire in voor literair filmproject,VABB-1,4,27,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467904,,Gevoelens van etnische vooroordelen bij Turkse Vlamingen : in welke mate zijn ze gelinkt aan ouderlijke voorkeuren in partnerkeuze,VABB-1,163,187,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:467908,,The mental health continuum-short form: The structure and application for cross-cultural studies-A 38 nation study,VABB-1,1034,1052,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467909,,Influence of activation pattern estimates and statistical significance tests in fMRI decoding analysis,VABB-1,248,260,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467910,,Is the Hebb repetition task a reliable measure of individual differences in sequence learning?,VABB-1,892,905,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467914,,"It’s Not Only What You Say, But How You Say It: Investigating the Potential of Prosodic Analysis as a Method to Study Teacher’s Talk",VABB-1,204,227,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467916,,Exploring shifts in the characteristics of US government-funded science curriculum materials and their (unintended) consequences,VABB-1,1,39,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467918,,Functional Connectivity Hubs and Thalamic Hemodynamics in Rolandic Epilepsy,VABB-5,627,638,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467921,,Mimicking and anticipating others’ actions is linked to Social Information Processing,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467934,,Towards improving adaptability of capability driven development methodology in complex environment,VABB-5,15,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467937,,Development of a complex intervention for early integration of palliative home care into standard care for end-stage COPD patients : a phase 0-I study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467942,,Designing value co-creation with the value management platform,VABB-5,399,413,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467949,,Our neoliberal fantasies? A preliminary test of research trends in leading journals in work and organizational psychology,VABB-1,549,551,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467950,,Motivation to comply with task rules and multitasking performance: The role of need for cognitive closure and goal importance,VABB-1,360,376,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467951,,The Motivated Cognitive Basis of Transphobia: The Roles of Right-Wing Ideologies and Gender Role Beliefs,VABB-1,206,217,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467952,,Fundamentals of cognition,VABB-2,,,578 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467953,,Power Analysis and Effect Size in Mixed Effects Models: A Tutorial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467956,,Short-and long-term memory determinants of novel word form learning,VABB-1,146,157,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467957,,The Subject and the Lie: From méconnaissance to mensonge,VABB-1,437,445,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467958,,When Cheap Isn't the Same as Not Expensive: Generic Price Terms and Their Negations,VABB-1,543,559,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467959,,Content-specific activity in frontoparietal and default-mode networks during prior-guided visual perception,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467961,,Frontal cortex function as derived from hierarchical predictive coding,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467962,,"Body and soul, a never-ending story",VABB-4,105,119,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:467963,,An Insiders’ Outside Perspective on the Flemish-Walloon Conflict: The Role of Identification and Disidentification for the German-Speaking Minority,VABB-1,115,131,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:467964,,Travel Agents and Agencies,VABB-4,1298,1302,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:467965,,Indistinguishability tests in the actor-partner interdependence model,VABB-1,472,498,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467986,,Sociaaleconomische determinanten en perinatale gezondheidseffecten van alcoholgebruik tijdens zwangerschap en borstvoeding,VABB-1,64,69,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467987,,Manoeuvres of transference in psychosis : a case study of melancholia from a Lacanian perspective,VABB-1,376,392,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467988,,A systematic approach to enhancing the personal well-being of children and adolescents,VABB-1,188,205,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467990,,Le Dansêtre : over psychoanalyse en dans,VABB-1,249,264,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:467991,,Ondersteuning en controle van artsen,VABB-1,1415,1419,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:467992,,De relatie tussen socio-econmische omgeving en psychopathologie bij kinderen : de rol van executief functioneren onder de loep,VABB-1,55,68,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:467993,,Philosophy and science dialogue : free will,VABB-1,361,376,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467995,,Cognitive control in depression : toward clinical models informed by cognitive neuroscience,VABB-1,464,480,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467996,,Exploring the effectiveness of video-vignettes to develop mathematics student teachers’ feedback competence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:467997,,Experimental and numerical analysis of the tendon repair process using tubular braided fabrics,VABB-1,121,129,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467998,,A behavioural justification for using sensitivity analysis in imprecise multinomial processes,VABB-1,513,546,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:467999,,Delay analysis of a two-class batch-service queue with class-dependent variable server capacity,VABB-1,37,57,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468000,,Caregiving impact upon sufferers’ cognitive functioning,VABB-4,347,376,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468002,,Interlude : towards a better understanding of teacher educators’ professional development : teacher educators’ researcherly disposition as a promising concept,VABB-4,229,241,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468004,,An affective-motivational account of interpersonal dynamics in pain,VABB-4,57,75,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468006,,Spontaneous thought and goal pursuit : from functions such as planning to dysfunctions such as rumination,VABB-4,215,232,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468008,,Research based learning in higher education : a review of literature,VABB-5,4188,4197,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:468010,,The role of Interference and inhibition processes in dysphoric early adolescents,VABB-1,608,619,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468011,,Core conflictual relationship patterns in complex trauma : a single-case study,VABB-1,245,260,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468013,,Temporal binding effect in the action observation domain: Evidence from an action-based somatosensory paradigm,VABB-1,1,8,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468015,,Insights into the Belgian Linguistic Conflict from a (Social) Psychological Perspective: Introduction to the Special Issue,VABB-1,1,12,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468017,,Contemporary Art,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468020,,Violence and aggression : a Lacanian perspective,VABB-1,505,516,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468021,,An analytic description of an instructional writing program combining explicit writing instruction and peer-assisted writing,VABB-1,225,277,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468022,,Tackling job insecurity : can a boundaryless career orientation boost job crafting strategies and career competencies?,VABB-1,129,146,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468023,,Teacher educators’ professional development in Flanders : practitioner research as a promising strategy,VABB-1,6,11,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:468024,,Parameterized hemodynamic response function data of healthy individuals obtained from resting-state functional MRI in a 7T MRI scanner,VABB-1,1175,1179,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468025,,Further tests of the uitility of integrated speed-accuracy measures in task switching,VABB-1,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468028,,Probleemgedrag is vaak te begrijpen,VABB-1,3,13,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468029,,Modeling brain dynamics in brain tumor patients using the virtual brain,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468032,,Autonomic symptoms in patients with moderate and severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,182,190,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468033,,"Convergent validity of the Dutch Central Sensitization Inventory : associations with psychophysical pain measures, quality of life, disability, and pain cognitions in patients with chronic spinal pain",VABB-1,777,787,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468034,,Differences in white matter structure and cortical thickness between patients with traumatic and idiopathic chronic neck pain : associations with cognition and pain modulation?,VABB-1,1721,1742,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468035,,Blended-learning pain neuroscience education for people with chronic spinal pain : randomized controlled multicenter trial,VABB-1,357,368,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468036,,Cardiac autonomic function and reactivity tests in physically active subjects with moderately severe COPD,VABB-1,51,59,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468037,,Evaluating abdominal core muscle fatigue : assessment of the validity and reliability of the prone bridging test,VABB-1,391,399,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468038,,Cerebral blood flow and heart rate variability in chronic fatigue syndrome : a randomized cross-over study,VABB-1,E13,E24,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468040,,Cracking the coding ceiling : looking at gender construction in data journalism from a field theory perspective,VABB-1,387,405,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468041,,Europa : een grootmacht zonder machtspolitiek?,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468042,,"Creativiteit, diversiteit en werkomstandigheden : een analyse van de drietand van culturele en creatieve arbeid in België",VABB-1,210,241,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468043,,Identifying cinema cultures and audience preferences : a comparative analysis of audience choice and popularity in three medium-sized Northern European Cities in the Mid-1930s,VABB-1,102,118,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468044,,Follow the leader : testing a deductive approach for studying parliamentary party leadership roles,VABB-1,359,372,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468045,,“The old wild West in the New Middle East” : American Sniper (2014) and the Global Frontiers of the Western genre,VABB-1,,,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468047,,Work–family conflict : comparing the experiences of Turkish and native Belgian women,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468048,,"University alliances in the Europe of knowledge : positions, agendas and practices in policy processes",VABB-1,349,364,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468049,,The global health policies of the EU and its member states : a common vision?,VABB-1,433,442,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468050,,"Mobile media and social space : how anytime, anyplace connectivity structures everyday life",VABB-1,5,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468051,,European defence : give PESCO a chance,VABB-1,161,180,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:468052,,In the land of pharma : a qualitative analysis of the reputational discourse of the pharmaceutical industry,VABB-1,127,147,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468053,,Factors influencing cane use for the management of knee osteoarthritis : a cross sectional survey,VABB-1,1455,1460,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468054,,Motor impairment in patients with chronic neck pain : does the traumatic event play a significant role? : a case-control study,VABB-1,1406,1416,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468055,,Training-induced improvements in postural control are accompanied by alterations in cerebellar white matter in brain injured patients,VABB-1,240,251,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:468061,,"The evidence-based rationale for physical therapy treatment of children, adolescents, and adults diagnosed with joint hypermobility syndrome/hypermobile Ehlers Danlos syndrome",VABB-1,158,167,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:468062,,Determining predictive outcome factors for a multimodal treatment program in low back pain patients : a retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,659,667,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:468065,,"Influence of morphine and naloxone on pain modulation in rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia, and controls : a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, cross-over study",VABB-1,418,430,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468066,,"Are pain beliefs, cognitions, and behaviors influenced by race, ethnicity, and culture in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain : a systematic review",VABB-1,541,558,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468067,,"The effects of aerobic exercise on eGFR, blood pressure and VO2 peak in patients with chronic kidney disease stages 3-4 : a systematic review and meta-analysis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468069,,Discontinuation of long-term antipsychotic drug use for behavioral and psychological symptoms in older adults aged 65 years and older with dementia,VABB-1,1009,1014,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468070,,Practice intentions at entry to and exit from medical schools aspiring to social accountability : findings from the Training for Health Equity Network Graduate Outcome Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468071,,Translating medical school social missions to student experiences,VABB-1,171,181,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468072,,Can you recommend me a good GP? : describing social differences in patient satisfaction within 31 countries,VABB-1,9,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468073,,Organizational image/reputation,VABB-4,1,5,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468075,,Methodological issues in cross-cultural research,VABB-4,169,190,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468077,,De (psycho)therapeutische relatie in de seksuele hulpverlening,VABB-4,275,288,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468078,,"“On voit bien que c′est un petit malheureux des Hospices” : the child, the body and the bath in Nineteenth-Century Belgium : a cure for the future?",VABB-4,29,50,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468080,,Bridging the theory-practice gap in teacher education: The design and construction of simulation-based learning environments,VABB-4,263,280,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468081,,A motivational perspective on coping with pain,VABB-4,445,478,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468095,,Stemmen of vervormde echo’s : Romeinse vrijgelaten slaven aan het woord?,VABB-1,29,35,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468099,,Development : shallow Europeanisation?,VABB-4,201,217,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468100,,Problems in education,VABB-4,513,529,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468101,,"Accountability in higher education : different forms, functions and forums",VABB-4,125,135,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468103,,Civil society and change in Ukraine post-Euromaidan : an introduction,VABB-4,11,38,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468106,,Are there gender differences in the capability to use facilities of care? A multilevel analysis of 22 countries,VABB-4,191,207,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468108,,Preferential voting in local versus national elections : the role of proximity revisited,VABB-4,275,294,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468113,,"Local government outside local boundaries : rescaling municipalities, redesigning provinces and local level Europeanization",VABB-4,377,393,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468114,,Preface,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468115,,European level policy dynamics in higher education,VABB-4,373,379,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468116,,Transformation of higher education institutional landscape in post-Soviet countries : from Soviet model to where?,VABB-4,1,43,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468117,,Media economics and transformation in a digital Europe,VABB-4,41,54,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468118,,De werkelijke waarde van Ingmar Bergman,VABB-1,1,3,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468120,,EU-NATO relations : a long-term perspective,VABB-1,85,93,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468121,,Keuze van een secundaire school in de steden Antwerpen en Gent : factoren die de afstand tussen thuis en school beïnvloeden,VABB-1,291,301,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468122,,Imagining Chinatown : 'Broken Blossoms' (1919) in Britain,VABB-1,12,37,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468124,,At your (public) service : a cross-media news consumption study of the 50-65 age group,VABB-1,60,83,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468135,,Nahda and Tunisian islamic activism,VABB-4,177,201,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468136,,Creative Brussels : mapping cultural and creative employment and self-employment in the Brussels-capital region,VABB-4,47,72,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468137,,Collective action and political mobilisation of Georgian IDPs in response to changing housing policies,VABB-4,125,143,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468138,,Fossil fuel subsidy reform : an international norm perspective,VABB-4,83,99,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468140,,Positioning European higher education globally,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468146,,Editorial introduction,VABB-4,11,24,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468147,,The roots and routes of environmental and sustainability education policy research,VABB-4,25,38,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468148,,Political leadership in issue networks : how mayors rule their world?,VABB-4,273,296,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468152,,The electric energy stored in PEDOT:PSS capacitors integrated on textile substrate : limits and possibilities,VABB-1,808,816,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468153,,Selective void creation/filling for variable size packets and multiple wavelengths,VABB-1,1667,1684,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468160,,Fostering domestication of human rights through the exhaustion of domestic remedies: A lesson learned from the ECtHR pilot and leading judgment procedures,VABB-1,334,357,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:468161,,Uplace: a neverending story?,VABB-1,42,45,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468162,,Community Corrections Programs in China:New Forms of Informal Punishments?,VABB-1,49,109,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468163,,De productaansprakelijkheid voor zelfrijdende motorrijtuigen,VABB-1,529,604,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468168,,"Aansprakelijheid scheepseigenaar - zeevervoerder, noot onder Antwerpen 2 mei 2017, NjW 2018, afl. 377, 173.",VABB-1,173,178,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468172,,Development Banks as environmental governance actors: the AIIB’s power to promote green growth,VABB-4,505,522,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468174,,"Validity and test-retest reliability of the Dutch Modified Perceived Deficits Questionnaire to examine cognitive symptoms in women with chronic whiplash, chronic idiopathic neck pain, and fibromyalgia",VABB-1,850,863,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468175,,Availability of prostate cancer exercise rehabilitation resources and practice patterns in Belgium : results of a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468176,,Análisis e influencia de los sistemas de referencia en la cinemática del hombro,VABB-1,18,23,,spa,2015,1 c:vabb:468177,,Paratonia in Flemish nursing homes : current state of practice,VABB-1,205,214,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468178,,Is core stability a risk factor for lower extremity injuries in an athletic population? : a systematic review,VABB-1,48,56,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468180,,Effect of pain neuroscience education combined with cognition-targeted motor control training on chronic spinal pain: a randomized clinical trial,VABB-1,808,817,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468181,,A feature ranking and selection algorithm for machine learning-based step counters,VABB-1,3255,3265,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468182,,Germline gain-of-function myeloid differentiation primary response gene-88 (MYD88) mutation in a child with severe arthritis,VABB-1,1943,1947,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468184,,Construct-driven SJTs : toward an agenda for future research,VABB-1,269,276,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468185,,"Nieuwe organisatievormen, nieuwe uitdagingen : het evalueren van samenwerking via netwerken",VABB-1,73,82,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468186,,De klinische interpretatie van Don Quichot,VABB-1,277,296,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468187,,In search of the recognition of expatriate complexity : interpretative phenomenological analysis of psychotherapy experience,VABB-1,2936,2952,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468188,,"Foundationalism, enhanced liberalism and post truth : 21st century developments, in early childhood education",VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468191,,Group-centrism in the absence of group norms : the role of need for closure in social projection,VABB-1,591,599,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:468202,,"'If you are in government, you can still implement traditional law' : hybridity and justice in Lanao, the Philippines",VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468203,,“Technology readiness and acceptance model” as a predictor for the use intention of data standards in smart cities,VABB-1,127,139,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468204,,"Competition, patronage and fragmentation : the limits of bottom-up approaches to security governance in Ituri",VABB-1,1,17,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468205,,The influence of ethnic-specific networks on Turkish Belgian women’s educational and occupational mobility,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468206,,Angela Merkel in blessuretijd,VABB-1,1,5,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468207,,"Als je wint, heb je vrienden : een verkenning van de pre-electorale aantrekkelijkheid van politieke partijen aan de hand van de verspreiding van verkiezingsmemoranda van belangengroepen",VABB-1,143,179,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468208,,Formele bestuurslaag of informele belangengroep? Een literatuurstudie over de rol en invloed van lokale besturen in het Europese multilevel governance systeem,VABB-1,207,233,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468210,,International responses to the Academic Manifesto: reports from 14 countries = Respuestas internacionales al Manifiesto Académico : informes desde 14 países,VABB-1,25,103,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468211,,Pink programming across Europe : exploring identity politics at European LGBT film festivals,VABB-1,72,84,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468212,,Symbolische grenzen (be)grijpen : een bespreking en illustratie van relationele en correlationele klasseanalyse,VABB-1,48,59,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468213,,'It used to be forbidden” : Kurdish women and the limits of gaining voice,VABB-1,3,24,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468215,,SES en spijbelgedrag : de school doet ertoe! De invloed van SES(context) op spijbelgedrag,VABB-1,149,175,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468217,,Residentiële behandeling van verslaving en herstel,VABB-4,135,152,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468218,,New approaches to selection system design in healthcare: the practical and theoretical relevance of a modular approach,VABB-4,167,191,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468219,,Ontwikkelingen binnen de cognitieve gedragstherapie bij kinderen en adolescenten,VABB-4,267,292,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468220,,Zelfregulatie en cognitieve gedragstherapie,VABB-4,153,186,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468221,,The social question as an urban question : a social-pedagogical analysis of participatory initiatives in Rabot (Ghent) during the Nineteenth Centuiry,VABB-4,51,71,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468222,,A rhetorical analysis of the two cultures in literary fiction,VABB-4,67,88,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468223,,How to solve the conundrum of adolescent autonomy? On the importance of distinguishing between independence and volitional functioning,VABB-4,1,32,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468226,,Het assembleren van een wereld: ruimtelijkheid en macht in een vrijzone,VABB-4,169,184,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:468227,,Burundi,VABB-4,283,293,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468230,,"Film, cinema and reception studies : revisiting research on audience’s filmic and cinematic experiences",VABB-4,21,41,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468231,,"“Veni, vidi, ...vici?” EU performance and two faces of conditionality towards Ukraine",VABB-4,36,55,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468232,,"Battling for a shrinking market : oil producers, the renewables revolution, and the risk of stranded assets",VABB-4,97,121,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468235,,The joke of surplus-value and the Guffaw of the Saint,VABB-1,205,224,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468236,,"The moderating role of age and gender differences in the relation between subjective well-being, psychopathology and substance use in Uruguayan adolescents",VABB-1,486,510,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468238,,Introduction special issue : considerations and recommendations for reporting writing interventions in research publications,VABB-1,115,137,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468239,,Taal als vergif : een psychoanalytische visie op vertrouwen en wantrouwen,VABB-1,311,324,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468242,,"De masterclass ‘Lerarenopleiders Onderzoeksvaardig!’: ontwikkeling, organisatie en onderzoek naar een professionaliseringstraject voor lerarenopleiders",VABB-1,43,54,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:468243,,Put your ears on! : deaf children’s embodied experiences with human and technological interventions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468261,,Ondersteuning van ouders met verslavingsproblemen en hun kinderen,VABB-4,249,268,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468262,,"Gedragstherapie bij kinderen en jeugdigen : geschiedenis, kenmerken en overwegingen bij het gedragstherapeutisch proces",VABB-4,3,28,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468265,,Connectome sorting by Consensus Clustering increases separability in group neuroimaging studies,VABB-1,1,36,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468266,,Psychopathologie bij adolescenten : de rol van emotieregulatiestrategieën,VABB-1,3,18,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468267,,Interrelations between perspective taking and reading experience : a longitudinal view on students in the fifth year of school,VABB-1,417,440,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468268,,Like ships passing in the night : toward a truly dyadic perspective on feedback dynamics,VABB-1,334,342,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468269,,"De beslissing tot abortus in Vlaanderen : het maatschappelijke, relationele en individuele verhaal",VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468271,,The effect of 'Research based learning activities' on students’ intention to do research in graduate courses,VABB-5,6571,6579,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:468274,,Reproducible measurements of muscle characteristics using the MyotonPRO device : comparison between individuals with and without paratonia,VABB-1,194,203,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468275,,Frontal plane hip joint loading according to pain severity in people with hip osteoarthritis,VABB-1,1637,1644,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468276,,Kinematic chain-related risk factors in the development of lower extremity injuries in women : a prospective study,VABB-1,696,703,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468278,,Effect of mechanical stress on magnetic resonance imaging of the sacroiliac joints : assessment of military recruits by magnetic resonance imaging study,VABB-1,508,513,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468280,,An ecological and lifespan approach of social influences on childhood pain experiences,VABB-4,395,413,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468282,,Ondersteuning en behandeling van personen met een dubbele diagnose,VABB-4,201,213,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468284,,Three decades of need for closure research : about epistemic goals and (not) means,VABB-4,39,55,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468285,,Het nieuwe basisartikel inzake het verbod van erfovereenkomsten: artikel 1100/1 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek na de aanpassing door de wet van 22 juli 2018,VABB-1,962,1006,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468290,,Hof Mensenrechten knabbelt alweer aan de beleidsvrijheid van lidstaten in zorgethische kwesties,VABB-1,303,311,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:468293,,Océanao meets Francovich : overheidsaansprakelijkheid als ultieme bescherming tegen onechtmatige bedingen (noot onder HJEU 28 juli 2016; Tomasova),VABB-1,110,125,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468294,,Actualités/News,VABB-1,52,68,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468295,,Processual models of radicalization into terrorism : a best fit framework synthesis,VABB-1,89,127,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468296,,"Gelijkwaardigheid van de gezondheidszorg in detentie : de wet is er, nu nog de toepassing",VABB-1,3,6,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468298,,A state-of-the-art review on police accountability : what do we know from empirical studies?,VABB-1,225,239,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468300,,"European Court of Human Rights, Centrum för Rättvisa v. Sweden",VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468302,,Brexit en de erkenning en tenuitvoerlegging van rechterlijke beslissingen in burgerlijke en handelszaken,VABB-1,428,437,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468306,,"Zelfverwondend gedrag in detentie : prevalentie, risicofactoren en preventie",VABB-1,808,816,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468307,,Cross-border proceedings in family law matters before national courts and the CJEU : national report Belgium,VABB-1,121,146,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468308,,Punitive damages in the Belgian perspective,VABB-1,674,680,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468309,,"Het strenge formalisme maakt plaats voor een doelgebonden interpretatie : noot onder Cass. 9 juni 2017, AR C.16.0372.N",VABB-1,500,503,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468311,,Noot onder EHRM 13 maart 2018,VABB-1,360,365,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468312,,Hoe ‘anders’ zijn de criminele carrières van seksuele delinquenten? Een vergelijking van seksuele met nietseksuele delinquenten op basis van nationale veroordelingsdata in België en Nederland,VABB-1,519,539,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468313,,De verjaring van buitencontractuele rechtsvorderingen tot schadevergoeding wegens kartelinbreuken: een intrigerend drieluik,VABB-1,1383,1436,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468314,,De inplanting van onshore windturbines in het Vlaamse Gewest vanuit privaatrechtelijk perspectief,VABB-1,1471,1540,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468315,,Overzicht van rechtspraak bevrijdende verjaring (1992-2017),VABB-1,605,838,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468316,,Negotiating international public policy through the adoption and contestation of sanctions,VABB-1,440,473,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468317,,Belangenconflicten in beursgenoteerde vennootschappen : hoe effectief zijn de wettelijke transparantieverplichtingen,VABB-1,479,497,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468318,,The performance of justice? Scenic anthropology and the role of victims in courtrooms,VABB-1,108,126,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468319,,Granting legal personhood to nature in the European Union : contemplating a legal (r)evolution to avoid an ecological collapse (part I),VABB-1,310,332,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468321,,De invloed van het Grondwettelijk Hof op de uitlegging van de Grondwet door andere rechters en door de wetgever,VABB-1,216,227,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:468322,,Selectieve ‘culturalisering’ in de praktijk van de jeugdbescherming in België,VABB-1,51,73,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468324,,"Les doubles structures et l’article 344, § 1er du CIR 1992 : quels sont les actes susceptibles d’abus posés par le contribuable?",VABB-1,121,138,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468327,,De sprong van Geens : het grootste codificatieplan uit de Belgische geschiedenis in context,VABB-1,1403,1412,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468328,,"De interinstitutionele verhoudingen bij de uitoefening van primairrechtelijke uitvoeringsbevoegdheden in de ruimte van vrijheid, veiligheid en recht",VABB-1,70,76,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468329,,Een buitengerechtelijk stuk in de Europese betekeningsverordening: een breed begrip,VABB-1,39,42,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468331,,Van onderhandse ouderschapsovereenkomst naar uitvoerbare titel : rechtsgronden en toetsing voor homologatie,VABB-1,81,90,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468333,,Ouderlijke verantwoordelijkheid en onderhoudsverplichtingen na een internationale kinderontvoering naar België,VABB-1,126,138,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468334,,The sleeping beauty awakens : Belgium’s new law of inheritance as a first step in the greatest recent recodification program in Western Europe,VABB-1,392,414,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468338,,Het autonome karakter en de redelijke termijn van de notariële tuchtprocedure,VABB-1,70,77,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:468342,,Réforme du régime de (pension de) maladie pour les fonctionnaires : calcul du coût,VABB-1,329,505,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468345,,Artikel 1100/1 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek na de aanpassing door de wet van 22 juli 2018: wat is de definitieve inhoud van het nieuwe basisartikel inzake het verbod van erfovereenkomsten?,VABB-4,363,396,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468346,,Het beroepsgeheim en de getuigenis in rechte van de notaris,VABB-1,417,429,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:468366,,De overmachts- en imprevisieleer: één gespleten persoonlijkheid?,VABB-1,219,322,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468381,,Objections to antidiscrimination in the name of conscience or religion a conflicting rights approach,VABB-4,277,302,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468384,,De juridische omkadering voor de aanleg en de exploitatie van warmtenetten : enkele ‘hot’ topics,VABB-4,113,162,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468389,,The Janus-faced victimisation in human smuggling and human trafficking,VABB-4,19,47,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468392,,War of wor(l)ds : clashing narratives and Interpretations of I(H)L in the intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict,VABB-4,157,172,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468396,,Conclusion : conflicting views on conflicting rights,VABB-4,242,250,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468403,,The Eastern partnership countries and Russia : a migration-driven cooperation agenda with the European Union,VABB-4,298,309,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468408,,Introduction : the jus contra bellum and the power of precedent,VABB-4,1,4,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468410,,Fusies van lokale politiezones en het effect op hun dienstverlening,VABB-4,93,118,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468411,,‘In service’ of ‘out of service’?,VABB-4,13,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468416,,Faillissement: wat blijft nog over voor de schuldeisers?,VABB-4,215,255,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468419,,Wat met (de rechten van) de kinderen? De relevantie van de gezinssituatie bij de bestraffing van volwassenen,VABB-1,501,504,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468421,,"Endorsement for extremism, exposure to extremism via social media and self-reported political/religious aggression",VABB-1,51,69,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468422,,Sierra Leone - Bejing met gedroogde zeepaardjes: vijftien maanden cel (noot onder Nederlandstalige correctionele rechtbank Brussel 8 juni 2017),VABB-1,546,555,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468433,,The Human Rights Law Clinic at Ghent University,VABB-4,209,229,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468442,,Methodologies to study human rights law as an integrated whole from a users perspective : lessons learnt,VABB-4,12,38,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468444,,"Evans v UK, three grounds for ruling differently",VABB-4,75,94,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468451,,Art. 3.1 t/m art. 3.4 BVIE en Art. 3 t/m 9 van verordening E.G. nr. 6/2002 van de Raad van 12 december 2001 betreffende Gemeenschapsmodellen,VABB-4,5,110,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468452,,Social supply : a personal network perspective,VABB-4,145,162,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:468454,,Sexting and the law,VABB-4,119,136,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468465,,Software aan het stuur : aansprakelijkheid voor schade veroorzaakt door autonome motorrijtuigen,VABB-4,1,75,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468467,,The neighbours of the EU's neighbours : overcoming geographical silos,VABB-4,522,532,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468469,,Reconstruction and study of offending trajectories through forensic evidence : an illustration using a forensic DNA database,VABB-4,177,190,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468470,,The Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen's civil war - 2015,VABB-4,899,911,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468471,,Actuele topics burgerlijk procesrecht : potpourri en rechtsplegingsvergoeding,VABB-4,287,332,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468472,,"Studying situational effects of setting characteristics : research examples from the study of peers, activities, and neighborhoods",VABB-4,600,628,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468476,,Rechten en plichten van obligatiehouders,VABB-4,127,179,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468483,,De Raad voor Vreemdelingenbetwistingen en buitenlandse akten : geen toetsing aan de IPR-regels kan schending van de motiveringsplicht opleveren,VABB-1,161,164,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468485,,Luchtvervuiling vroeger : enkele voorbeelden uit de negentiende-eeuwse rechtspraak,VABB-1,87,95,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468486,,Aanwending van de zorgvolmacht in de context van (patrimonium)vennootschappen : meer zorgen dan macht,VABB-1,224,238,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468487,,The protection of women asylum seekers under the European convention on Human Rights : unearthing the gendered roots of harm,VABB-1,347,370,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468489,,Kroniek Vlaamse Erfbelasting 2017,VABB-1,289,306,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468490,,Het ne-bis-in-idembeginsel en eenheid van opzet : een goed huwelijk?,VABB-1,262,280,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468495,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 februari 2018 tot 30 april 2018),VABB-1,270,279,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468496,,Entiteiten met deels economische en deels niet-economische activiteiten : altijd ondernemingen voor doeleinden van de staatssteunregels?,VABB-1,818,826,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468497,,De hervorming van de erfbelasting in het kielzog van het gewijzigde huwelijksvermogens- en erfrecht,VABB-1,1007,1012,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468498,,Arrest Associaçao Sindical dos Juizes Portugueses : een nieuwe dimensie aan de handhaving van het rechtsstaatsbeginsel in EU-lidstaten,VABB-1,469,474,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468500,,"Pre-agreement assessment as a responsible lending tool in South-Africa, the EU and Belgium : part 1",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468501,,"European Court of Human Rights, Roj TV A/S v. Denmark",VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468503,,De private veiligheidsindustrie in België (1960-1990) : controle en uitbreiding van een sector in wording,VABB-1,263,282,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468504,,Reflections on the 'Global magnitsky act' and the use of targeted sanctions in the fight against grand corruption,VABB-1,492,512,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468505,,Actualités,VABB-1,330,351,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468506,,Het Gerechtelijk Wetboek en de emancipatie van het sociaal recht in België,VABB-1,51,84,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468507,,"European Court of Human Rights, Savva Terentyev v. Russia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468509,,De stabiliteit van zelfcontrole : een verkennende analyse op Belgische paneldata,VABB-1,470,478,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468510,,Het vereiste van het verstrekken van informatie op duurzame drager (in de Richtlijn Betalingsdiensten),VABB-1,76,84,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468512,,Personal data regulation mechanisms : a law and economics perspective,VABB-1,45,80,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468513,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 augustus 2017 tot 31 oktober 2017),VABB-1,75,80,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468514,,"Force, stress, and decision-making within the Belgian police : the impact of stressful situations on police decision-making",VABB-1,345,357,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468516,,Belgium's path to climate adaptation,VABB-1,142,155,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468518,,Waar gaat de kunst naartoe? Over kunstwerken in een kunstgalerie en het voorrecht van de onbetaalde verkoper,VABB-1,1307,1311,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468519,,Characteristics of cannabis cultivation in New Zealand and Israel,VABB-1,90,98,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468521,,Online winkelen over grenzen heen : de nieuwe verordening inzake de aanpak van ongerechtvaardigde geoblocking,VABB-1,3,16,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468522,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 november 2017 tot 31 januari 2018),VABB-1,165,169,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468526,,Activating childcare environments for all children : the importance of children’s individual needs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468527,,"Multivariate relationships among morphology, fitness and motor coordination in prepubertal girls",VABB-1,197,204,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468529,,"Does intrauterine crowding affect locomotor development? : a comparative study of motor performance, neuromotor maturation and gait variability among piglets that differ in birth weight and vitality",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468530,,"Exoskeleton assistance symmetry matters : unilateral assistance reduces metabolic cost, but relatively less than bilateral assistance",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468531,,Mediators of the effectiveness of an intervention promoting water consumption in preschool children : the ToyBox study,VABB-1,877,885,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468533,,Compositional analysis of the associations between 24-h movement behaviours and health indicators among adults and older adults from the Canadian Health Measure Survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468534,,Coach ethical leadership in soccer clubs : an analysis of its influence on ethical behavior,VABB-1,185,198,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468535,,Perinatal and lifestyle factors mediate the association between maternal education and preschool children's weight status : the ToyBox study,VABB-1,6,12,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468536,,Walking as a mediator of the relationship of social support with vitality and psychological distress in older adults,VABB-1,430,437,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468537,,Understanding body image in physical education : current knowledge and future directions,VABB-1,255,265,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468539,,Reduced motor competence in children with obesity is associated with structural differences in the cerebellar peduncles,VABB-1,1000,1010,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468540,,"A coaches’ perspective on the contribution of anthropometry, physical performance, and motor coordination in racquet sports",VABB-1,2706,2715,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468541,,"Assembly Politics and the Rhetoric of Honour in Chariton, Dio of Prusa and John Chrysostom",VABB-1,223,243,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468545,,Music for Wilde: An Annotated Listing of Musical Adaptations of Works by Oscar Wilde,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468547,,Ethical problems related to legal diversity: limiting access for non-resident patients in cross-border reproductive care,VABB-4,141,151,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468548,,Audio Description for All: a Literature Review of its Pedagogical Values in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning,VABB-1,52,68,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468550,,De Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Dierkunde van Antwerpen (KMDA): een allesomvattende vennootschap (1843 tot nu),VABB-1,53,58,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468555,,Postcolonial Studies,VABB-1,109,115,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468559,,The excerpta anonymi and the Constantinian Excerpts,VABB-1,250,264,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468562,,The quest for the Holy Grail and the Dutch Integrated Approach to Nitrogen : how to align adaptive management strategies with the EU Nature Directives?,VABB-1,171,217,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468565,,Het hobbelige parcours van bestuurlijke handhaving van georganiseerde criminaliteit en informatie-uitwisseling in België : al puzzelend naar een sluitend model,VABB-1,360,372,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468567,,Grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkplek (2002-2017) : postmoderne sprokkels,VABB-1,617,634,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468569,,De beleving van vrouwen met een interneringsmaatregel : tussen hoop en vrees,VABB-1,580,587,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468570,,Actualités,VABB-1,146,160,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468571,,Digest of State Practice 1 January-30 June 2018,VABB-1,324,394,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468572,,"European Court of Human Rights, Mariya Alekhina and others v. Russia",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468576,,Evolutieve interpretatie van een erfdienstbaarheid van overgang : hoe ver (of hoe breed) mag de rechter gaan?,VABB-1,32,36,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468577,,"European Court of Human Rights, Annen (no. 2 and 5) v. Germany",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468578,,The principle of self-determination in relations between the EU and its neighbours : between Realpolitik and respect for international law,VABB-1,747,765,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468579,,Kan een verzekerde zijn aansprakelijkheid betwisten indien zijn aansprakelijkheidsverzekeraar deze heeft aanvaard?,VABB-1,542,547,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468580,,European Court of Human Rights: Stomakhin v. Russia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468581,,Bevraging van de Belgische advocatuur over bemiddeling : eerste resultaten,VABB-1,22,39,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468584,,Onpartijdigheid en wraking : over bereidwillige schorsing van vooringenomenheid,VABB-1,209,212,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468585,,Vragen staat niet vrij : een privacyconforme interpretatie van artikel 323 WIB 1992,VABB-1,810,817,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468586,,Attending at the general meeting or voting by mail : the French case,VABB-1,23,29,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468588,,“Gewapend bestuur” in België : de nood aan een degelijk juridisch kader,VABB-1,326,349,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468589,,De Belgische transgenderwet in een internationale context,VABB-1,185,198,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468591,,Kroniek boekhoudrecht (mei 2017 - april 2018),VABB-1,707,750,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468593,,The Belgian cannabis social club landscape,VABB-1,80,89,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468594,,Medisch gebruik van cannabis en zijn psychoactieve werking : een paradox?,VABB-1,1,13,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468595,,Buitenlands recht in Belgische rechtbanken : roeien met korte riemen,VABB-1,23,32,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468596,,The rise of self-driving cars : is the private international law framework for non-contractual obligations posing a bump in the road?,VABB-1,14,26,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468597,,Afbakening van de op basis van aansprakelijkheid vergoedbare schade in het licht van het gelijkheidsbeginsel,VABB-1,67,70,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468598,,Verkoop van een onroerend goed per e-mail? De ene vormvereiste is de andere niet,VABB-1,763,777,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468600,,"Hamidovic v. Bosnia and Herzegovina, 5 December 2017",VABB-1,231,234,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468601,,Van theorie naar praktijk : wat leren studenten tijdens een gevangenisbezoek?,VABB-1,82,96,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468603,,De bestrijding van de frauduleuze erkenningen : commentaar bij de wet van 19 september 2017 - Deel II. Strafrechtelijke aspecten,VABB-1,126,133,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468605,,"Aansprakelijkheid van de staat voor ongrondwettige wetgeving : vanzelfsprekend, of niet bepaald?",VABB-1,653,678,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468606,,"De rolrechtenhervorming is dood, lang leve de rolrechtenhervorming?",VABB-1,64,76,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468607,,De imprevisieleer : de rechter met de pen in de hand,VABB-1,1563,1575,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468608,,Creativity of continuo players and investment lawyers : a comparative sketch,VABB-1,231,237,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468609,,Unity of intent effect on sentencing : an EU dimension to ne bis in idem and proportionality?,VABB-1,39,61,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468610,,Addressing multicultural conflicts : an emphasis on procedural fairness,VABB-1,13,47,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468612,,Le controle parlementaire de l’armée à la lumière de la séparation des pouvoirs civil et militaire,VABB-1,433,466,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468613,,General court confirms that the ACER’s board of appeal cannot review non-binding opinions,VABB-1,218,223,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468614,,Hervorming vennootschapsrecht : overzicht en evaluatie,VABB-1,414,429,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468615,,Limits to delegation under Article 290 TFEU,VABB-1,231,245,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468616,,Terugbetalingsverplichtingen bij het gebruik van een oneerlijk beding : miskenning van het transparantievereiste kan verregaande gevolgen hebben,VABB-1,123,127,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468617,,Actualités,VABB-1,492,505,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468618,,De belastingvrije som en het terugbetaalbare belastingkrediet : het vlaggenschip in de gezinsfiscaliteit,VABB-1,159,185,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468621,,"Overzicht van rechtspraak verbintenissenrecht (1992-2017) : bronnen van verbintenissen (Deel I) : zaakwaarneming, onverschuldigde betaling en ongerechtvaardigde verrijking",VABB-1,1395,1526,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468622,,Organisatiecriminaliteit en de aanpak ervan in de Lage Landen,VABB-1,404,420,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468624,,e-Deposit en de ondertekening van conclusies : de relativiteit van een handtekening? Noot onder Cass. 14 november 2017,VABB-1,699,703,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468626,,“Justice ou liberté?” De impact van de Eerste Wereldoorlog op het Belgische privaatrecht,VABB-1,91,146,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468627,,Effectiviteit van predictive policing op het terrein : wat kunnen evaluatiestudies ons leren?,VABB-1,195,207,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468628,,Bepaalde contractuele clausules kunnen de (retroactieve) ontbinding van een overeenkomst ‘overleven’,VABB-1,286,292,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468629,,Rechtspraakoverzicht Hof van Justitie van de Europese Unie (1 mei 2018 tot 31 juli 2018),VABB-1,359,364,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468630,,Herstelhandhaving onroerend erfgoed op lemen voeten? Over het herstel van erfgoedschade en het bewijs ervan,VABB-1,547,552,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468632,,Critical appraisals : een meerwaarde in het kader van scoping reviews?,VABB-1,254,269,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468633,,"Verplichte doorverwijzing naar bemiddeling : we can lead a horse to water, but can we make it drink?",VABB-1,63,85,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468635,,Samenloop en vrij verkeer van judiciële beslissingen : het gebrek aan strafmatiging bij de ongelijktijdige berechting van collectieve misdrijven problematischer dan gedacht?,VABB-1,561,577,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468636,,Predictoren van druggebruik tijdens de detentieperiode : data van 1326 gedetineerden uit 15 Vlaamse gevangenissen,VABB-1,296,312,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468638,,"Résolution, restitutions et tiers",VABB-1,429,432,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468639,,Contractuele schadevergoedingsregelingen en bescherming van de consument,VABB-1,84,90,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468640,,"L'exigence d'indépendance du juge, paradigme de l'Union européenne comme union de droit",VABB-1,334,343,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468641,,Overlijdens in detentie : zicht op oorzaken en impact,VABB-1,7,16,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468642,,Eigendom op bitcoins,VABB-1,1043,1049,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468645,,De bescherming van de consument in het internationaal privaatrecht : over het vereiste dat de overeenkomst onder de op het land van de consument gerichte beroepsactiviteiten moet vallen,VABB-1,48,55,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468646,,The supply of cannabis for medical use through cannabis social clubs in Belgium,VABB-1,127,145,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468647,,De rechtsvordering tot schadevergoeding voor mededingingsinbreuken : een grote stap vooruit?,VABB-1,119,140,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468648,,Transparency and its role in the EU-China comprehensive agreement on investment,VABB-1,4,7,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468650,,Verstorend procesgedrag : doeltreffend sanctioneren voor een efficiënte procesvoering,VABB-1,1215,1281,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468651,,Geen flexibilisering voor het beroepsgeheim van de politieambtenaar,VABB-1,356,359,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:468652,,Naar een geïntegreerde aanpak van de invoer en doorvoer van cocaïne via de haven via Antwerpen,VABB-1,130,140,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468653,,Politionele bejegening van mensen met een verstandelijke beperking : een exploratief onderzoek bij verhoor,VABB-1,108,121,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468656,,"Physical activity intensity, bout-duration, and cardiometabolic risk markers in children and adolescents",VABB-1,1639,1650,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468659,,Compliance with 24-h movement behaviour guidelines among Belgian pre-school children : the ToyBox-study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468660,,A 12-week cycling training regimen improves upper limb functions in people with Parkinson’s disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468661,,Results from Scotland's 2018 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth,VABB-1,S402,S403,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468664,,Attitudes to ageing and objectively-measured sedentary and walking behaviour in older people : the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468665,,Respiratory muscle strength is decreased after maximal incremental exercise in trained runners and cyclists,VABB-1,25,30,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468666,,Near-infrared spectroscopy screening to allow detection of pathogenic mitochondrial DNA variants in individuals with unexplained abnormal fatigue : a preliminary study,VABB-1,715,724,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468667,,Which healthy lifestyle factors are associated with a lower risk of suicidal ideation among adolescents faced with cyberbullying?,VABB-1,32,40,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468668,,Lack of interest in physical activity : individual and environmental attributes in adults across Europe : the SPOTLIGHT project,VABB-1,41,48,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468669,,Development and reliability of a streetscape observation instrument for international use : MAPS-global,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468670,,Contextual correlates of happiness in European adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468671,,The Member States and the better regulation agenda : the case of Belgium/Flanders,VABB-4,137,184,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468677,,Utilisation of Marine Genetic Resources (GRs) : the access and benefit-sharing legal framework,VABB-4,579,599,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468683,,"The European court of human rights : organization, practice, and procedure",VABB-4,107,182,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468687,,A scoping review of predictive analysis techniques for predicting criminal events,VABB-4,253,292,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468690,,Samenwonende partners en het nieuwe erfrecht,VABB-4,567,572,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468695,,Is it time for a global legal framework in Belgium?,VABB-4,61,83,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468696,,Balancing migration policy and personal autonomy in private international law : a shattered illusion?,VABB-4,169,177,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468702,,Onrechtmatige bedingen in overeenkomsten tussen ondernemingen en consumenten,VABB-4,1,39,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468703,,The Indian intervention in Goa - 1961,VABB-4,85,96,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468704,,Research on neighborhoods in European cities,VABB-4,345,377,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468706,,Praktische knelpunten bij de evenredige verdeling ingevolge beslag op roerende goederen,VABB-4,163,214,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468708,,"Analogia, metafora e colore nella prima modernità inglese",VABB-1,167,176,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:468709,,Being and the Body. Embodiment in J.G. Fichte's Transcendental Analysis of Consciousness.,VABB-1,59,82,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:468718,,Bridging the gap between learning and evaluation: Lessons learnt from multilingual pupils,VABB-1,96,118,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468719,,Graffiti as historical data : the British army and the inquisitor’s palace (Birgu) in the early nineteenth century,VABB-1,37,49,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468720,,US complicity and Japan's Wartime Medical Atrocities: Time for a Response,VABB-1,40,49,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:468721,,"""To touch life with art"". A conversation with composer Chaya Czernowin on the opera Infinite Now",VABB-1,194,207,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468727,,"Art. XI.291, 292, 316, 317 en 336 WER",VABB-4,97,112,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468732,,Oprichting van rechtspersonen en participaties,VABB-4,267,300,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468733,,Migrant workers and European social law : of a respectable age or time for a rebirth?,VABB-4,233,246,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468734,,Rural-Urban migration and education in China : unraveling responses to injurious experiences,VABB-4,183,207,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468738,,Politics of oneness and Twa’s struggle for land: Questioning identity discourses in Rwanda,VABB-4,46,64,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468739,,Beyond delegated and implementing acts : where do EU agencies fit in the Articles 290 and 291 TFEU scheme?,VABB-4,174,199,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468753,,Erfgoedbescherming in Zuid-Afrika : het verhaal van Constitution Hill,VABB-4,33,45,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:468758,,Legal perspectives on the study of the European neighbourhood policy,VABB-4,105,116,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468762,,Een verkennend empirisch onderzoek naar de vaststelling van de huurprijs door de vrederechter bij handelshuurhernieuwing,VABB-4,47,67,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468765,,The added value of the criminology of place to the research agenda of environmental criminology : core propositions for unexplained mechanisms,VABB-4,67,95,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468770,,The Suez Canal Crisis : 1956,VABB-4,36,47,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468776,,Children’s rights and digital technologies,VABB-4,1,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468777,,Collaborative governance arrangements to deliver spatially coordinated agri-environmental management,VABB-1,176,192,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:468778,,Ensuring continuous feedstock supply in agricultural residue value chains : a complex interplay of five influencing factors,VABB-1,209,220,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468782,,'Op reis naar zijn gedichten.' Over een sleutelgedicht van Cees Nooteboom in Franse en Engelse vertaling,VABB-4,105,123,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468785,,"""Li ville est mal gouvernee"". Les registres du conseil de la ville de Mons, la crise politique de 1424-1428 et son impact sur l'audition des comptes communaux",VABB-1,137,166,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468789,,Arme meneer Zetternam. Het empathisch motief bij Mynheer Luchtervelde en zijn schrijver,VABB-1,189,218,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468791,,The Scale Structure of Moral Adjectives,VABB-1,161,178,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468792,,The political culture of work,VABB-4,145,158,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468793,,"Remi van Schaik, Economics, Public Finances and the Impact op Institutional Changes in Interregional Perspective",VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468794,,Art. 141bis Sw. - Vervolging tussen hamer en aambeeld van terreurbestrijding en internationaal humanitair recht,VABB-1,523,541,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468795,,Als pains of imprisonment ook voelbaar zijn buiten detentie : de beleving van vrouwen met een interneringsmaatregel,VABB-1,17,28,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468797,,"European Court of Human Rights, Big Brother Watch and others v. the United Kingdom",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468798,,De outsourcing van piraterijvervolging : legaal en wenselijk?,VABB-1,495,508,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468800,,Causation in transport insurance,VABB-1,187,230,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468801,,Aankoopprijs van verkochte handelsgoederen vormt een beroepskost in de zin van artikel 49 WIB 1992,VABB-1,464,475,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468802,,Minderjarigen in de volle rechtsmachtprocedure van de Raad voor Vreemdelingenbetwistingen,VABB-1,198,214,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468803,,Public policy meets property protection,VABB-1,393,398,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468804,,Keeping up the good work? : key issues bij het opzetten van een exit-interventie voor gewelddadig geradicaliseerden,VABB-1,6,16,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468805,,Hete hangijzers inzake de werking van de kamers voor minnelijke schikking,VABB-1,192,212,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468806,,Nood aan een kritisch Interpretatieve synthese : genderverschillen in prevalentiecijfers van seksueel geweld gekaderd,VABB-1,389,406,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468807,,"Medische zorg toegediend door de arts in verband met toxicomanie : risico’s, gevolgen en mogelijke oplossingen",VABB-1,1274,1279,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468809,,"Het Hof van Justitie over onderdelen, reparatieonderdelen en de toepassing van de reparatieclausule",VABB-1,249,262,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468810,,Wat ons gezegd wordt over kernenergie : een analyse van de ideologische strategieën in het discours van de Belgische nucleaire lobby en regering,VABB-1,157,172,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468811,,"Pre-agreement assessment as a responsible lending tool in South-Africa, the EU and Belgium : part 2",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468813,,De nieuwe wet ter bevordering van alternatieve vormen van geschillenoplossing : over grote opportuniteiten en diepe valkuilen,VABB-1,111,115,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468814,,Actualités,VABB-1,420,432,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468818,,De evaluatie van de Wet aanpassing enquêterecht,VABB-1,380,390,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468819,,De algemene vergadering van aandeelhouders : van een niet-representatieve formaliteit naar een modern beslissingsplatform,VABB-1,294,300,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468820,,Het nabijheidsbeginsel als uitzondering op het vrij verkeer van afvalstoffen?,VABB-1,143,149,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:468821,,Afpersing in het ruimtelijkeordeningsrecht,VABB-1,355,359,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:468822,,"Lopes de Sousa Fernandes tegen Portugal, 19 december 2017",VABB-1,125,130,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468823,,Uitwisseling van gezondheidsinformatie tussen ziekenhuizen en zorgverstrekkers : op weg jaar juridische duidelijkheid,VABB-1,161,166,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468824,,The impact of the GDPR for tax authorities,VABB-1,129,144,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468825,,Een hoogstnodige verduidelijking van de fiscale visitatie,VABB-1,146,152,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468827,,"Full harmonization, consumer protection and products liability : a fresh reading of the case law of the ECJ",VABB-1,119,140,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468830,,Electronic evidence in criminal matters : how about E-evidence instruments 2.0?,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468831,,The ‘Curiouser and curiouser’ legal nature of non-UN sanctions : the case of the US sanctions against Russia,VABB-1,75,104,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468834,,A new perspective at the ship-air-sea-interface : the environmental impacts of exhaust gas scrubber discharge,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468838,,Digest of state practice : 1 July 2017 – 31 December 2017,VABB-1,145,187,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468842,,Tileinkun frumlagsfalls í íslensku sem öðru máli,VABB-1,123,148,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:468843,,“Their Beastly Manner” : discourses of non-binary gender and sexuality in Shi’ite Safavid Persia,VABB-1,758,770,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468844,,Conversion in Turkish : an overview,VABB-1,148,174,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468845,,Translation as innovation in literature : the case of a Sanskrit Buddhist poem translated into Chinese,VABB-1,376,385,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:468846,,A mercury retrograde kind of day : exploring astrology in contemporary new age spirituality and American social life,VABB-1,47,75,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468847,,Ethnographies of the esoteric introducing anthropological methods and theories to the study of contemporary esotericism,VABB-1,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468848,,"Mei '68 als emancipatietoneel : volle scène, lege coulissen?",VABB-1,92,97,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468850,,Londen 2011 : the Wolves of High Street : revival van het stedelijk oproer,VABB-1,4,19,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468851,,"Introduction : ethnographier les affects : captures, résistances, attachements",VABB-1,4,13,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468852,,De fonologie van het Nederlands in Taalportaal : aandacht voor taalvariatie,VABB-1,129,140,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468854,,De onvermijdelijkheid van via via : over de oorlogsgetuigenissen uit Joe Sacco’s Safe Area Goražde en hun Nederlandse vertaling,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468855,,Hoeke in de zestiende eeuw : een club van welgestelde mannen,VABB-1,291,329,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468856,,"REVIEW: L. Fersuoch, Codex publicorum. Atlante. Da San Martino in Strada a San Leonardo in Fossa Mala, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venezia 2016",VABB-1,176,179,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468857,,Smithian Vitalism?,VABB-1,264,271,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468859,,Pigeons,VABB-1,142,165,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468861,,"The first woman Yamī, her origin and her status in Indo-Iranian mythology : demigoddess or half-human? (Evidence from R̥gveda 10.10, Iranian parallels and Greek relatives)",VABB-1,43,75,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468862,,"Late antique Latin hagiography, truth and fiction : trends in scholarship",VABB-1,209,224,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468863,,Edition des Briefwechsels zwischen Georg Gottfried Gervinus und Wilhelm Scherer 1869–1870 : ein Beitrag zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der mediävistischen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung,VABB-1,102,139,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:468864,,"""We don't need another Afrikaans"" : adequation and distinction in South-African and Flemish language policies",VABB-1,419,438,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468865,,Humor? Check : humor en lijsten in 'Moby-Dick' (1851) en 'Max Havelaar' (1860),VABB-1,285,304,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468866,,La notion d'inchoatif en linguistique française,VABB-1,91,111,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468868,,"Conviviality and collectives on social media : virality, memes, and new social structures",VABB-1,31,45,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:468869,,Las excursiones guiadas multilingües en contextos urbanos : un enfoque basado en reseñas 2.0 = Multilingual guided tours in urban settings : an approach based on 2.0 reviews,VABB-1,465,474,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468870,,@ccessible development: an introduction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468871,,How images survive (in) theatre : on the lives of images in Rabih Mroué’s the pixelated revolution and three posters,VABB-1,55,71,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468876,,Woman personified : a theoretical framework for the female gender of personifications in Medieval literature,VABB-1,5,37,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468877,,A paradox of maritime access : origins and consequences of subaltern relations in a medieval portuary system in Flanders: the case of Hoeke,VABB-1,405,421,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468879,,Literary translation as a means of ‘cultural transfer’ between Flanders and Germany during the Nazi regime,VABB-1,9,34,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468880,,"Adam de Perseigne chanoine, moine noir et moine blanc Pour une réévaluation critique de sa biographie",VABB-1,83,100,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468881,,Noise or music? Investigating the usefulness of normalisation for robust sentiment analysis on social media data,VABB-1,63,87,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:468882,,Beyond the fence : Columella's Garden,VABB-1,501,514,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468888,,The dangers of using Latin texts for the study of customary law : the example of Flemish feudal law during the high Middle ages,VABB-4,165,195,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468890,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,11,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468891,,Smart human rights integration,VABB-4,165,193,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468892,,Representing the EU in the area of CFSP : legal and political dynamics,VABB-4,44,64,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468893,,Dienstverlening door de politie : vinken of vonken?,VABB-4,7,12,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468894,,Feudal law,VABB-4,528,548,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468896,,Commentaar bij art. 14 Pandwet,VABB-4,23,32,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468903,,The contours of a field of critical indigenous rights studies,VABB-4,1,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468912,,Legal tech and blockchain for corporate governance and shareholders,VABB-4,153,181,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468922,,Israel's strike against Iraq's Osiraq nuclear reactor - 1981,VABB-4,329,341,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468924,,Combinaciones de marcadores del discurso en el lenguaje hablado,VABB-1,792,819,,spa,2018,1 c:vabb:468926,,"""Elle est tombée Babylone"" : reconfigurations du champ disciplinaire des religions durant et après 1914-1918",VABB-1,59,85,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468927,,"Lees maar, er staat meer dan er staat. Op zoek naar faultlines in Jan Vos’ Aran en Titus (1641)",VABB-1,131,147,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468928,,The omnibus as social observatory: Class encounters in nineteenth-century literature of urban transportation,VABB-1,520,535,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468931,,Alternations in contact and non-contact varieties,VABB-1,251,290,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468934,,Hij die ons allen zonder dwaling verlichtte. Boekepigrammen in de Byzantijnse manuscripten van Pseudo-Dionysius de Areopagiet,VABB-1,5,21,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468935,,Morfologie in het Taalportaal. Wat valt er te leren over scheidbaar samengestelde werkwoorden in het Nederlands?,VABB-1,151,170,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468936,,Entrainment beyond embodiment,VABB-1,233,240,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:468939,,Political margins : geography and history in the excerpta anonymi,VABB-1,233,257,,lat,2018,2 c:vabb:468942,,Incontournable! Arenberg in the Habsburg Netherlands,VABB-4,106,113,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468952,,Making literature,VABB-4,59,71,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468954,,Observing Eurolects: The case of Netherlandic Dutch,VABB-4,47,62,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468963,,Old-school transnationalism? On references to familiar authors in world literary history: East(-Central) European literature as presented by Johannes Scherr,VABB-4,104,120,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468965,,Workplace cultures,VABB-4,73,94,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468966,,"Des forêts aux polders : les Arenbergs, propriétaires fonciers",VABB-4,54,63,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:468970,,From inter- to intratextuality : 'Autumn' as the conclusion to 'The Seasons',VABB-4,43,58,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468971,,The composition of Turkish-Dutch bilingual children's early lexicon,VABB-4,42,56,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468972,,Christendom en Islam op de Balkan,VABB-4,269,288,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468974,,Introduction,VABB-4,3,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468976,,"Production, markets and socio-economic structures II: c. 1320 – c. 1500",VABB-4,196,267,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468977,,"Political power and social groups, c. 1300 – c. 1500",VABB-4,268,328,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468984,,Afterword : (Flipping) Nabokov in the classroom,VABB-4,211,221,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:468986,,A monk’s tale : framing the fictional in John of Alta Silva's 'Dolopathos',VABB-4,81,99,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468987,,"Policy, practice and perceptions of internal language variation in secondary schools : a case study of Dutch in Belgium",VABB-4,87,104,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468988,,Ecclesiastical history,VABB-4,161,175,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468992,,Arthur Schopenhauer,VABB-4,,,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:468994,,Case alternation in argument structure constructions with prepositional verbs : a case study in corpus-based constructional analysis,VABB-4,85,130,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468997,,"Degrees of embodiment in literary reading : notes for a theoretical model, with American psycho as a case study",VABB-4,11,32,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:468999,,Lingua Franca onset in a superdiverse neighborhood : Oecumenical Dutch in Antwerp,VABB-4,39,58,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469000,,Introduction: The Multilingual Edge of Education,VABB-4,1,6,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469001,,Strategies of multilingualism in education for minority children,VABB-4,9,39,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469003,,"Maria, Jezus en de keten van revelaties en profeten : een hypothese wat de Koran doet met de protagonisten van het christendom, vanuit welke mogelijke gronden en met welk effect",VABB-4,19,126,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469004,,“To make book”: a conceptual historical approach to Kongo book cultures (sixteenth– nineteenth centuries),VABB-4,216,234,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469006,,A philological approach to sound preservation,VABB-4,243,261,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469008,,Syncretism and containment in spatial deixis,VABB-4,116,148,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469009,,To remember Is to act : from a Bundle of notebooks to a worldwide publication,VABB-4,33,49,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469014,,Bodily care identity in Buddhist monastic life of ancient India and China : an advancing purity threshold,VABB-4,340,369,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469015,,Mandating data exclusivity for pharmaceuticals through international agreements : a fair idea?,VABB-4,575,591,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469016,,Intermediary leadership : the agency of abbesses in Ottonian Saxony,VABB-4,41,60,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469017,,The decline of Latin left-peripheral presentational foci : causes and consequences,VABB-4,265,279,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:469019,,Das V1-Konditionalgefüge zwischen Phraseologie und Politolinguistik,VABB-4,85,114,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:469021,,"Because they entrusted to them a part of their Buddhist selves : imagined communities, layered identities, and networking",VABB-4,320,339,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469023,,The astrological autobiography of a medieval philosopher : Henry Bate's Nativitas (1280-81),VABB-2,,,304 p.,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469024,,De vele gedaanten van Hugo Claus' Gilles. Of de geschiedenis van een dramatische monoloog.,VABB-1,86,109,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469025,,SenseDisclosure : a new procedure for dealing with problematically ambiguous terms in cross-disciplinary communication,VABB-1,57,67,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469028,,Different Types of Sounds and Their Relationship With the Electrocardiographic Signals and the Cardiovascular System,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469032,,Les Mains du Tueur Weidmann : détective dans la tempête médiatique d'un fait divers international,VABB-1,,,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469033,,De zoektocht naar het existentiële. Een analyse van het ‘oneindige nu’ in Infinite Now van Chaya Czernowin en Luk Perceval,VABB-1,72,86,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469035,,Connecting Technical Communication and Translation Courses: A Path to Successful Content Strategy,VABB-5,37,46,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469038,,Vindicating science – by bringing it down,VABB-4,243,258,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469039,,"(Re)translation, ideology and business : the fate of translated adventure fiction in Russia, before and after 1991.",VABB-4,257,275,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469040,,'Chacun doit gaingnier et profiter du prince': Lille ou le laboratoire d'une politique monumentale bourguignonne,VABB-4,143,161,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:469044,,Some introductory reflections,VABB-4,1,12,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469045,,Literature of knowledge,VABB-4,491,504,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469047,,Henri Pirenne’s 'Mahomet et Charlemagne' : de islam als breuklijn tussen Oudheid en Middeleeuwen,VABB-4,127,154,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469049,,What Is a subject? The nature and validity of subject tests,VABB-4,257,274,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469051,,A private collection in the public sphere : the Brussels art gallery in the nineteenth century,VABB-4,332,339,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469053,,Woods and polders : the Arenbergs as landholders,VABB-4,54,63,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469060,,Occupatiegeschiedenis : de pre-stedelijke fase,VABB-4,25,31,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469061,,"Rhétoricien, buveur : Adriaen Brouwer et la culture des rhétoriciens dans les anciens Pays-Bas",VABB-4,98,103,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469062,,"'Rederijker, kannenkijker' : Adriaen Brouwer and rhetorical culture in the Northern and Southern Low Countries",VABB-4,98,103,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469064,,The legibility of legislation in Kafka’s “In the penal colony”,VABB-4,83,96,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469069,,"‘een of ander Oostenrijk’ : Oostenrijk in de Nederlandstalige poëzie, een geval van januskoppigheid",VABB-4,47,61,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469070,,State-sponsored history after 1945 : an introduction,VABB-4,1,36,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469076,,"Paysages toxiques : Pollution, déchets et atteintes à l'environnement dans la littérature contemporaine",VABB-4,165,181,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469084,,Hout en houtskool,VABB-4,363,368,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469085,,"Daer nu de boochmakere up woendt : geschiedenis en archeologie van Christoffels Jans, kruisboogmaker aan de Veemarkt te Aalst (1489-1498)",VABB-4,373,430,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469087,,Challenging urban realities in recent London writing: Iain Sinclair’s Ghost Milk and John Lanchester’s Capital,VABB-4,164,178,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469088,,"Good inn, bad inn? Drinking practices in life and art in the sixteenth century",VABB-4,168,187,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469090,,Michel de Montaigne Philosophy as Inner Struggle,VABB-4,121,129,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469091,,Retranslation history and its contribution to translation history : the case of Russian-Dutch retranslation,VABB-4,195,211,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469092,,The layering of Belgian national identities during the First World War,VABB-4,155,174,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469093,,Copying Greek into Slavonic? The Slavonic branch of the Greek tradition of the life of Abraham of Qidun,VABB-4,225,250,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469094,,Constructional renovation: The role of French legal language in the survival of the nominative-and-infinitive in Dutch,VABB-4,305,338,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469096,,Should collateral damage be considered morally acceptable when using armed drones?,VABB-4,74,99,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469097,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469101,,"What is philosophy? On globalizing capitalism, the modern order of knowledge, and the spread of philosophy to Japan",VABB-4,684,712,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469103,,Chinese happiness : a proverbial approach of popular philosophies of life,VABB-4,189,207,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469105,,"The apostrophic interpellation of a son : Jan Six van Chandelier, ‘Myn Vaaders lyk my toesprekende’ (1657)",VABB-4,119,134,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469106,,"Relatos autoficcionales de filiación que operan un descentramiento lingüístico : Lenta biografía de Sergio Chejfec, El espíritu de mis padres sigue subiendo en la lluvia de Patricio Pron y Más al sur de Paloma Vidal",VABB-4,59,74,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:469107,,A wise madness : a virtue-based model for crowd behaviour in Late Antiquity,VABB-4,234,258,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469113,,"Over-uh-load, filled pauses in compounds as a signal of cognitive load",VABB-4,43,64,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469116,,The Nonhuman in mind : narrative challenges to folk psychology,VABB-4,30,42,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469117,,Pierre Bourdieu : perspectives on language in society,VABB-4,1,16,,fre,2015,2 c:vabb:469118,,Truly moving texts,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:469119,,The use of perpetual annuities in rural Brabant in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries,VABB-4,233,252,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469121,,The open-field system and the persistence of communal land systems : lessons from the Andes,VABB-4,207,232,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469122,,Vindications and reflections : the lady's magazine during the revolution controversy (1789–1795),VABB-4,67,81,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469123,,Precarity : a concept linking performance studies and social sciences,VABB-4,145,169,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469127,,Who do you think they were? What genealogy databases can do for Victorian periodical studies,VABB-4,131,144,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469131,,"On an unhappy marriage, Henry James and atoms : Vladimir Nabokov reading (on) Anton Chekhov",VABB-4,135,163,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469132,,Fields of Nippur : irrigation districts and lexicogra- phy in old Babylonian Nippur,VABB-4,97,112,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469135,,Romance down by the river IJssel : the first meeting between Etty Hillesum and Klaas Smelik Senior,VABB-4,259,271,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469136,,"Fragments, allegory, and anachronicity : Walter Benjamin and Claudian",VABB-4,33,50,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469137,,Metaphors of ‘sickness and remedy’ in Early Chán Texts from Dūnhuáng,VABB-4,27,46,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469140,,Investigating embodied music cognition for health and well-being,VABB-4,779,791,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469141,,Regen (1929),VABB-4,,,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:469142,,Survey of city symphonies 1920–40,VABB-4,211,323,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469143,,The intimacy of public space : an interview with Kris Verdonck,VABB-4,143,156,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469144,,Literaire frequenties : hoe de Vlaamse radio-omroep auteurs warm maakte voor het hoorspel,VABB-1,69,89,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469148,,"Partenij Pavlovic - the ""Wandering Monk"" as a Networker",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469149,,Cyriel Buysse en de verminkten,VABB-1,59,70,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469152,,"Faire le job à Agbogbloshie : Guillaume Poix, Les Fils conducteurs",VABB-1,1052,1063,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469153,,De historische wortels van het pluralisme aan de Universiteit Gent,VABB-1,24,41,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469155,,"Review : Union in separation : diasporic groups and identities in the Eastern Mediterranean (1100-1800), a cura di G. Christ, F.-J. Morche, R. Zaugg, W. Kaiser, S. Burkhardt, A.D. Beihammer, Viella, Roma 2015",VABB-1,169,181,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:469156,,"Metaphysics, function and the engineering of life : the problem of vitalism",VABB-1,113,140,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469157,,Het afschalen van het Afrikaans : een politieke stommiteit,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469158,,Friedrich Nietzsche in Dutch-speaking Belgium during the Interwar Period : Odiel Spruytte and the benefits of micrological reception studies,VABB-1,47,64,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469161,,Neuromodulatie en narratieve identiteit : het belang van relationele autonomie,VABB-1,291,313,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469163,,Pure designation : Deleuze's reading of Hjelmslev in the time-image,VABB-1,49,74,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:469164,,Archaeological investigations (archaeometry),VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469165,,Corpus-based interpreting studies : a booming research field,VABB-1,1,2,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469166,,"A view vrom the countryside : the nature of the Late Punic and Early Roman activity at the Zejtun villa site, Malta",VABB-1,109,143,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469167,,Notes for an econarratological theory of character,VABB-1,172,189,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469168,,Pociągający widok przemocy? Wywiad z Pierre’em Schoentjes’em przeprowadzony w języku francuskim i przetłumaczony na język polski przez Piotra Sadkowskiego,VABB-1,155,162,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469169,,"Silent reading fluency, musical aptitude and foreign language",VABB-1,161,184,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469170,,"Een ""ordo sine ordine""? Nieuwe perspectieven op de ontwikkeling van de benedictijnse kloosterorde in de hoge middeleeuwen",VABB-1,5,24,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:469171,,"Review of Fevronia Nousia, Byzantine Textbooks of the Palaeologan Period (Studi e Testi, 505), Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2016, 340 pages",VABB-1,443,446,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:469172,,A first set of guidelines for public service interpreters who unexpectedly face clients with a disability,VABB-1,437,471,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469174,,Punic painted ware from Uzita (Tunisia),VABB-1,163,176,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469175,,(Van) wie is Zwarte Piet?,VABB-1,249,255,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469177,,Meertaligheid als paradox : twee hedendaagse interculturele autobiografieën,VABB-1,55,63,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469178,,Transmissions d'un conte : Mais qui a finalement mangé le petit chaperon rouge ?,VABB-1,107,123,,fre,2017,2 c:vabb:469179,,"Compte rendu de 'Corpus de communication médiée par les réseaux : construction, structuration, analyse'",VABB-1,,,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469180,,Withdrawal from the monastic community and re-ordination of former monastics in the Dharmaguptaka tradition,VABB-1,159,197,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469181,,"Funeraire structuren en een waterput uit de bronstijd te Mortsel-Roderveldlaan (prov. Antwerpen, België)",VABB-1,31,38,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469182,,"Urnengraven en grafheuvels natuurwetenschappelijk onderzocht, Lemberge – Merelbeke (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,43,51,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469183,,"Het urnengrafveld van Meerhout-Zittaart: een frisse kijk op oude gegevens leidt tot nieuwe inzichten (prov. Antwerpen, België)",VABB-1,95,103,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469184,,"Extending the notion of near-synonymy : studies in morphological, syntactic and pragmatic equivalence",VABB-1,1,5,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469186,,"Self-perceived linguistic progress, target language use and personality development during study abroad",VABB-1,143,165,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469187,,Marmer en weldaad op het schouwtoneel : architectuurdecoratie van het Romeinse theater,VABB-1,37,45,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469188,,Romeinse badhuizen : dissectie van een succesverhaal,VABB-1,30,36,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469189,,Pay the midwife! The cost of delivery in nineteenth-century rural West Flanders : the case of midwife Joanna Mestdagh,VABB-1,5,32,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469191,,Whence pseudoscience? An epidemiological approach,VABB-1,133,139,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469192,,La ville comme Sainte Vierge : un aspect de l'idéologie urbaine en Flandre médiévale (fin du XIVe siècle - début du XVIe siècle),VABB-1,23,52,,fre,2016,2 c:vabb:469193,,The semantics of wisdom in the philosophy of Tang Junyi : between transformative knowledge and transcendental reflexivity,VABB-1,39,54,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469196,,Het belang van erestandbeelden op Romeinse fora en de mogelijkheden van archeologisch onderzoek tot hun lokalisering : enkele casestudies uit Italië,VABB-1,17,24,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:469197,,Main clause external constituents and the derivation of subject-initial verb Second,VABB-1,23,55,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469198,,Beyond the compilation : the two historiae tripartitae of Theodore Lector and Cassiodorus,VABB-1,415,444,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469200,,Focusing on out-of-focus : assessing defocus estimation algorithms for the benefit of automated image masking,VABB-1,1149,1156,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469201,,"Een maalsteendepositie uit de Late IJzertijd in Watou (prov. West-Vlaanderen, België)",VABB-1,173,177,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469202,,Where does the modality of Ancient Greek modal verbs come from? The relation between modality and oblique case marking,VABB-1,45,92,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469204,,Film analysis as annotation : exploring current tools and their affordances,VABB-1,40,70,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469205,,Developmental changes in isometric strength : longitudinal study in adolescent soccer players,VABB-1,688,695,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469206,,"Associations between sedentary time, physical activity and bone health among older people using compositional data analysis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469207,,"Body dissatisfaction, perceptions of competence, and lesson content in physical education",VABB-1,576,582,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469208,,Commentaries on Viewpoint: Use aerobic energy expenditure instead of oxygen uptake to quantify exercise intensity and predict endurance performance,VABB-1,677,677,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469209,,The gibbon's Achilles tendon revisited : consequences for the evolution of the great apes?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469210,,The association between children’s and parents’ co-TV viewing and their total screen time in six European countries : cross-sectional data from the Feel4diabetes-study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469211,,Prevalence and sociodemographic correlates of overweight and obesity in a large Pan-European cohort of preschool children and their families : the ToyBox study,VABB-1,192,198,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469213,,Measuring engagement in eHealth and mHealth behavior change interventions : methodological overview,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469214,,Mapping research on interorganizational relationships in sport management : current landscape and future research prospects,VABB-1,272,294,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469216,,"Reliability, minimal detectable change and responsiveness to change : indicators to select the best method to measure sedentary behaviour in older adults in different study designs",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469217,,A typology of cause-related marketing approaches in European professional basketball,VABB-1,347,362,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469218,,Exploring the relationship between perceived barriers to healthy eating and dietary behaviours in European adults,VABB-1,1761,1770,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469219,,Identifying a motor proficiency barrier for meeting physical activity guidelines in children,VABB-1,58,62,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469220,,The efficacy of a brief hazard perception interventional program for child bicyclists to improve perceptive standards,VABB-1,449,456,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469221,,Bi-articular knee-ankle-foot exoskeleton produces higher metabolic cost reduction than weight-matched mono-articular exoskeleton,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469222,,Daily patterns of preschoolers’ objectively measured step counts in six European countries : cross-sectional results from the ToyBox-Study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469223,,"Deformation of avian middle ear structures under static pressure loads, and potential regulation mechanisms",VABB-1,128,136,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469224,,"Sleep, training load and performance in elite female gymnasts",VABB-1,151,161,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469225,,Exploring the cross-sectional association between outdoor recreational facilities and leisure-time physical activity : the role of usage and residential self-selection,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469226,,Aquatic-terrestrial transitions of feeding systems in vertebrates : a mechanical perspective,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469227,,Effect and process evaluation of implementing standing desks in primary and secondary schools in Belgium : a cluster-randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469228,,"Differences in context-specific sedentary behaviors according to weight status in adolescents, adults and seniors : a compositional data analysis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469229,,"Anthropometry, physical performance, and motor coordination of medallist and non-medallist young fencers",VABB-1,33,40,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469230,,Objectively-assessed neighbourhood destination accessibility and physical activity in adults from 10 countries : an analysis of moderators and perceptions as mediators,VABB-1,282,293,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469231,,Parents’ and adolescents’ perception of traffic- and crime-related safety as correlates of independent mobility among Belgian adolescents,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469233,,Spatial access to restaurants and grocery stores in relation to frequency of home cooking,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469234,,"Physical activity, sedentary behavior, and diet-related eHealth and mHealth research : bibliometric analysis",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469235,,Socio-economic determinants of physical activity across the life course : a 'DEterminants of DIet and Physical ACtivity' (DEDIPAC) umbrella literature review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469236,,Muscle carnosine in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis,VABB-1,24,29,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469237,,Systematic comparative validation of self-report measures of sedentary time against an objective measure of postural sitting (activPAL),VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469242,,Parenting practices as a mediator in the association between family socio-economic status and screen-time in primary schoolchildren : a Feel4Diabetes study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469244,,Eardrum and columella displacement in single ossicle ears under quasi-static pressure variations,VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469245,,"Position-specific performance profiles, using predictive classification models in senior basketball",VABB-1,1072,1080,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469247,,Feasibility for the use of a standardized fitness testing protocol among Australian fitness industry professionals,VABB-1,380,385,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469248,,Policy determinants of physical activity across the life course : a ‘DEDIPAC’ umbrella systematic literature review,VABB-1,105,118,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469249,,Quasi-static and dynamic motions of the columellar footplate in ostrich (Struthio camelus) measured ex vivo,VABB-1,10,24,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469250,,Experimental evaluation of UWB indoor positioning for sport postures,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:469251,,Exercise thresholds on trial : are they really equivalent?,VABB-1,1277,1284,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469252,,Improving the prediction of maturity from anthropometric variables using a maturity ratio,VABB-1,296,307,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469253,,Governmental power in elite sport networks : a resource-dependency perspective,VABB-1,348,372,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469254,,Tanner-Whitehouse skeletal ages in male youth soccer players : TW2 or TW3?,VABB-1,991,1008,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469255,,The epigenetic clock and objectively measured sedentary and walking behavior in older adults : the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469256,,From evidence-based research to practice-based evidence : disseminating a web-based computer-tailored workplace sitting intervention through a health promotion organisation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469257,,Breytenbach in BABEL,VABB-1,22,31,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469258,,Il magistero letterario di Pasolini su Volponi tra «Officina» e Olivetti e la polemica intorno a Corporale,VABB-1,59,75,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:469259,,Modelling Monnikerede : the topographical reconstruction of a deserted medieval outport near Bruges,VABB-1,91,130,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469260,,Whose Side are you on? Gender Variance in Contemporary Swedish Literature and Film,VABB-1,63,82,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469261,,Elie Luzac et L’homme plus que machine (1748) : la parole dialogique d’un imprimeur des lumières,VABB-1,197,225,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469262,,Subscriptions to a lease contract,VABB-1,57,60,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469264,,"Sardinia, Etruria, Cyprus and the Phoenician homeland : reflections on distribution, chronology, typology and iconography of Scarabs from a ‘Tyrian Group’",VABB-1,123,130,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469266,,Islands of mind and matter : challenging dualism in J. G. Ballard’s ‘The Terminal Beach’ and The Chinese room’s dear Esther,VABB-1,341,361,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469267,,George Maciunas and the flux-labyrinth (1974/1976) : staging a soho way of life,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469268,,Introduction : ENN5 special issue of Frontiers of Narrative Studies,VABB-1,s1,s4,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469269,,Historische luchtfoto'sgenomen tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog : bronnen en toepassingen,VABB-1,199,221,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469271,,"Rijper, wijzer, smaakvoller : impulsen voor het literatuuronderwijs",VABB-1,223,234,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469272,,Dinamiche istituzionali e prassi normative nella Venezia del tardo medioevo : nota al caso Foscari,VABB-1,5,21,,ita,2016,2 c:vabb:469273,,Convergenze di un dialogo anacronistico : Aristotele incontra Venezia,VABB-1,11,43,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:469274,,Kitō-ryū jūjutsu and the desolation of Kōdōkan jūdō’s Koshiki-no-kata : remembering Inoue Shōji (1927-2018),VABB-1,155,171,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469275,,Motivaties en attitudes van kandidaat-spermadonoren ten aanzien van spermadonatie,VABB-1,989,995,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469276,,Toponymie en urbanisatie in de middeleeuwse Vlaamse textielsteden (ca. 1150-1300),VABB-1,451,474,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469277,,Everyday life during the siege of Ostend (1601-04) : ceramics at the Spanish St Isabella fort,VABB-1,211,247,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469278,,Vragen over de toekomst van de herinnering,VABB-1,42,47,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469279,,Marinetti at the University of Cambridge,VABB-1,408,411,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469281,,Responsible innovation in human germline gene editing : background document to the recommendations of ESHG and ESHR,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469282,,"Thank God for the greatest country on earth : white supremacy, vigilantes, and survivalists in the struggle to define the American nation",VABB-1,224,242,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469283,,Narration in judiciary fact-finding : a probabilistic explication,VABB-1,345,376,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469285,,The Aryans and the Ancient System of Caste,VABB-1,63,90,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:469286,,'Te veel heb ik van hem gehouden om hem niet te haten' : de vlijmende liefde van Jean Racine in 'Andromaque',VABB-1,27,42,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:469288,,"An archaeometric study of some pre-Roman glass beads from Son Mas (Mallorca, Spain)",VABB-1,491,499,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469289,,"“‘I never recognise myself in a picture’ : body, image and identity in how to play Francesca Woodman by Toneelgroep Maastricht”.",VABB-1,28,41,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469290,,Onderzoek op menselijke embryo’s in België : een overzicht,VABB-1,316,323,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469293,,"Causation, lawhood and determinism in electoral systems research : why ‘Duverger’s law’ deserves to be called a law",VABB-1,80,95,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469295,,L'UE renonce-t-elle à développer une politique méditerranéenne à part entière ?,VABB-5,45,57,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469298,,The dialect dictionary,VABB-4,39,56,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469301,,Bruges in the sixteenth century : a ‘Return to normalcy’,VABB-4,445,501,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469302,,Conclusion : Bruges within the Medieval urban landscape,VABB-4,485,499,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469303,,Evaluating grammaticalization and constructional accounts : the development of the inchoative construction with put verbs in Spanish,VABB-4,109,135,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469304,,What is embodied music cognition?,VABB-4,747,760,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469307,,City and society in the Low Countries : urbanisation and urban historiography,VABB-4,1,21,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469309,,Les normes de conduite en Belgique occupée,VABB-4,87,97,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469310,,Het Nederlandstalige klassieke muziekgedicht : een verkenning,VABB-4,11,30,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469314,,Die nicht-invasive Erkundung der archäologischen Landschaft Carnuntum,VABB-4,969,984,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:469315,,"Case marking of predicative possession in Sanskrit : the genitive, the dative, the locative",VABB-4,181,212,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469318,,Characteristics of maternal questioning style in Turkish,VABB-4,231,240,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469324,,"Rederijker, kannenkijker : Adriaen Brouwer en de rederijkerscultuur in de Noordelijke en Zuidelijke Nederlanden",VABB-4,98,103,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469335,,Property demythologized : historical transformations and spatial hierarchies of land regimes,VABB-4,243,251,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469341,,A twelfth-century cycle of four poems on John Klimax : editio princeps,VABB-4,285,386,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469344,,Targeted killing of terrorists in war and peace : an analysis based on the jus ad bellum/ jus in bello (in)dependence thesis,VABB-4,251,268,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469345,,Word formation,VABB-4,172,203,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469346,,Reconstructing proto-Bantu,VABB-4,308,334,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469349,,Lyric address : by way of an introduction,VABB-4,7,20,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469350,,Introduction: Cross- disciplinary approaches to Kongo history,VABB-4,1,13,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469351,,Christendom en islam in Ottomaans Cappadocië,VABB-4,289,304,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469352,,Intuitions in science education and the public understanding of science,VABB-4,223,241,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469353,,CIO's at the center of a new humanism,VABB-4,85,105,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469354,,In search for polarity contrast marking in Italian : a contribution from echo replies,VABB-4,255,287,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469358,,Al-Maqrīzī’s history of the Ḥajj (al-Dhahab al-Masbūk) and Khaldūnian narrative construction : towards a macro-structural textual analysis of form and meaning,VABB-4,193,210,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469359,,L’épuration des bourgmestres belges après la Première Guerre mondiale (1918-1921),VABB-4,58,79,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469361,,Building interpreting and intermodal corpora : a how-to for a formidable task,VABB-4,21,42,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469365,,L'Usage du monde : une sensibilité environnementale avant la lettre,VABB-4,271,282,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469366,,"On nó, an optional expletive in Vietnamese",VABB-4,31,51,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469368,,De mogelijkheden van de taal beproeven : de poëzie en poëtica van Geert Buelens,VABB-4,67,75,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:469375,,De Brug (1928) = The Bridge (1928),VABB-4,,,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469381,,Introduction : conflict landscapes and archaeology from above,VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:469382,,Enterprising migrants : language and the shifting politics of activation,VABB-4,140,162,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469383,,Islamitische en Christelijke Middeleeuwse Wijsbegeerte: invloeden en polemieken,VABB-4,155,193,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469384,,"Social groups, political power and institutions, I: c. 1100 – 1300",VABB-4,124,151,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469386,,Plus ultra : why science does not have limits,VABB-4,31,52,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469387,,"Archaeology, digital cartography and the question of progress : the case of of Çatalhöyük (Turkey)",VABB-4,267,280,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469393,,Buddhism,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469396,,Simultaneous interpretation of numbers and the impact of technological support,VABB-4,13,27,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469400,,Literatuur en radio,VABB-4,95,101,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469402,,Seventeenth-century Kikongo is not the ancestor of present-day Kikongo,VABB-4,60,102,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469405,,Speech acts and political communication in the Estates General of Valois and Habsburg Burgundy c. 1370-1530 : towards a shared political language,VABB-4,240,266,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469406,,Inleiding Denken over poëzie en vertalen,VABB-4,3,21,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469409,,Nature et environnement : enjeux pour l’enseignement de la littérature française contemporaine,VABB-4,77,92,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469413,,Introduction,VABB-4,11,29,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469415,,Une collection privée dans l’espace public : la galerie d’Arenberg au XIXe siècle,VABB-4,332,339,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469418,,Introduction : The Reykjavík–Eyjafjallajökull Papers,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469419,,Pollen,VABB-4,359,362,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:469422,,Novelistic nights,VABB-4,257,292,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469423,,De totstandkoming van Hugo Claus’ werken in het Frans : verkenning van een bewogen reis,VABB-4,109,128,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469426,,"Spanglish: current issues, future perspectives and linguistic insights",VABB-4,1,43,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469428,,"Enceintes, grand-places et citadelles : les populations urbaines des Pays-Bas méridionaux face aux violences urbanistiques du bas Moyen-Âge et du début de l’époque moderne",VABB-4,205,226,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469429,,"Historical testimony for the government in US v. Philip Morris, et al.",VABB-4,567,581,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469435,,Organizations and corporate communication : linguistic ethnography in the newsroom,VABB-4,178,189,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469436,,A short biography of Etty Hillesum (1914-1943),VABB-4,23,30,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469437,,Ulrich Beck and Etty Hillesum,VABB-4,445,457,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469440,,Sarvāstivāda,VABB-4,1,19,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469443,,Syncretisms and the morphosyntax of negation,VABB-4,180,204,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469447,,"Attentes et stratégies des plaignants dans les affaires de dénonciation à l'ennemi (Anvers, 1918-1921)",VABB-4,29,40,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469448,,Variation and change in Latin BE-periphrases : empirical and methodological considerations,VABB-4,132,162,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:469453,,‘Mobile phone communication in the mobile margins of Africa : The `communication revolution' evaluated from below’,VABB-4,225,241,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469455,,Introduction : the city symphony phenomenon 1920–40,VABB-4,3,42,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469458,,Blue blood in the red? Nobles on the Antwerp annuity market (1490-1493),VABB-1,184,217,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469459,,Mapping/painting the Medieval landscape : a landscape-archaeological analysis of the medieval landscape as depicted by Pieter Pourbus,VABB-1,112,120,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469460,,Subscriptions to a renunciation contract,VABB-1,53,56,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469463,,Towards an understanding of drone fiction,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469464,,The essay in times of crisis,VABB-1,106,122,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469465,,La puissance de l’environnement naturel dans L’usage du monde de Nicolas Bouvier,VABB-1,38,56,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469466,,"Exploring the essay in the new documentary turn : mining stories by Hannes Dereere & Silke Huysmans and Syden by Hedvig Biong, Pablo Castilla & Niko Hafkenscheid",VABB-1,8,32,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469467,,"Over Zwarte Piet, erkenning en historisch onrecht in ‘postkoloniaal’ Nederland",VABB-1,5,25,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469468,,Morfologie : de woordstructuur van het Nederlands herbekeken,VABB-1,281,285,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469469,,"Il ""Colle di Tanit"" : per una rilettura delle evidenze strutturali della Nora Fenicia e Punica",VABB-1,295,304,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:469471,,"Dramaturgy in the curriculum : on fluctuating functions, dramaturgy as research and the macro dramaturgy of the social",VABB-1,130,158,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469472,,The application of freely-available satellite imagery for informing and complementing archaeological fieldwork in the “Black Desert” of North-Eastern Jordan,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469473,,On the use of facio as support verb in late and Merovingian Latin,VABB-1,231,257,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469474,,Investigation of parents’ early literacy beliefs in the context of Turkey through the Parent Reading Belief Inventory (PRBI),VABB-1,985,997,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469475,,Transumanza e territorio in Toscana : percorsi e pascoli dalla Protostoria all’Età contemporanea,VABB-1,,,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:469476,,"Of lions, Arabs & Israelites : some lessons from the Samson story for writing the history of biblical scholarship",VABB-1,31,48,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469478,,"REVIEW : Rapporti mediterranei, pratiche documentarie, presenze veneziane: le reti economiche e culturali (XIV-XVI), a cura di G. Ortalli-A. Sopracasa, Venezia, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 2017.",VABB-1,164,169,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:469479,,"REVIEW: Dialogo. Studi in memoria di Angela Caracciolo Aricò, a cura di E. Bocchia-Z. Fabbris-C. Frison-R. Pesce, Centro di Studi Medioevali e Rinascimentali “E.A. Cicogna”, Venezia 2017",VABB-1,185,190,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469480,,"S. Giorgio Maggiore. Vol. I – Inventario, a cura di L. Lanfranchi – B. Lanfranchi Strina, Viella, Venezia 2016",VABB-1,119,123,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469481,,Racine and Barthes : the power of love,VABB-1,56,70,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469483,,"Cortijo de San Isidro (La Rebanadilla) in the bay of Málaga, Spain : observations on small finds from the burials : the seal-amulets",VABB-1,159,176,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469485,,El desarrollo de perífrasis incoativas cuasi-sinónimas : entre construccionalización y lexicalización,VABB-1,91,110,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:469486,,Zerstörungsfreie archäologische Prospektion des römischen Carnuntum : erste Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts „ArchPro Carnuntum“,VABB-1,55,75,,ger,2018,2 c:vabb:469487,,De Oudheid als spiegel : de receptiegeschiedenis van Harmodius en Aristogeiton,VABB-1,146,153,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469489,,"Slavery, sympathy, and white self-representation in Dutch Bourgeois theater of 1800",VABB-1,146,168,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469490,,"«Se ci sono uomini che odiano le donne, ebbene ci sono uomini che le odiano di più»: sulla Scuola cattolica di Edoardo Albinati, in «Allegoria»",VABB-1,137,155,,ita,2017,2 c:vabb:469491,,Transnational entrepreneurs? German entrepreneurs in the Belgian fur industry (1880 to 1913),VABB-1,52,74,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:469492,,Indian culture and its social security system,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:469493,,The importance of unimportant language,VABB-1,4,9,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:469495,,Urban-rural differences in historical demography : introduction,VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469496,,The middle as a voice category in Bantu : setting the stage for further research,VABB-1,129,149,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469498,,Dialectos del español : una nueva aplicación para conocer el estado actual de la variación en la lengua española,VABB-1,61,83,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:469499,,"Rapen : tussen gebruiksrecht, diefstal en protest?",VABB-1,4,21,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469500,,Narrating the past and the future : the position of the religions orientales and the mystères païens in the evolutionary histories of religion of Franz Cumont and Alfred Loisy,VABB-1,157,182,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469502,,Introduction : literary texts and their translations as an object of research,VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:469503,,Een dans van categorieën : lijstjes in experimentele literatuur cognitief bekeken,VABB-1,147,164,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:469504,,Denkmal oder Mahnmal? Historization and its consequences : debating the political articulation of a traumatic past,VABB-1,148,169,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:469506,,Memory studies goes planetary : an interview with Stef Craps,VABB-1,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469507,,Linking Khotan and Dūnhuáng: Buddhist Narratives in Text and Image,VABB-1,250,311,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469508,,Leren door literaire kennis : een transhistorische blik,VABB-1,331,357,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469509,,Written repetition vs. oral repetition : which is more conducive to L2 vocabulary learning?,VABB-1,72,82,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469510,,"Historici, privacy en ethiek : het anonimiseren van privacygevoelige informatie in historisch onderzoek",VABB-1,98,114,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469512,,The development of QIE 且 in medieval Chinese : from temporal adverb to polite imperative marker,VABB-1,97,124,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469515,,Prosopopoeia in the funeral poetry of Juan Latino,VABB-1,248,260,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469516,,De inwoners van Brugge in de twaalfde en dertiende eeuw : een prosopografische studie,VABB-1,3,40,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469517,,The ups and downs of being an artist,VABB-1,156,164,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469518,,"Translanguaging revisited challenges for research, policy and pedagogy based on an inquiry in two Belgian classrooms",VABB-1,361,383,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469519,,Excerpta constantiniana,VABB-1,199,202,,lat,2017,2 c:vabb:469520,,The European Parliament as a discourse community : its role in comparable analyses of data drawn from parallel interpreting corpora,VABB-1,115,132,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469521,,The morphological development of the 3 m. sg. pronominal suffix on plural nouns in classical Hebrew,VABB-1,39,64,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469523,,“Hold op med den selvmedlidenhed” : nye orienteringer i en grønlandsk samtidsroman,VABB-1,269,275,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469524,,Homerus lezen met Quintus van Smyrna : inter- en intratekstualiteit rondom de moord op Priamus,VABB-1,126,143,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469525,,Questions sur l'avenir de la mémoire,VABB-1,47,53,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469526,,"Reading 'Attar's Elahinama as sufi practical ethics : between genre, reception, and Muslim and Christian audiences",VABB-1,29,55,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469527,,Human germline gene editing : recommendations of ESHG and ESHRE,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469528,,Holandskijat ezikoved Nicolaas van Wijk (1880-1941) i prinosyt mu kym (staro)bylgaristikata (The Dutch linguist Nicolaas van Wijk (1880-1941) and his contribution to (Old)Bulgarian Studies),VABB-1,71,79,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469530,,Witte tanden en kissing teeth : de vertaling van verbale en niet-verbale codes in meertalige literatuur,VABB-1,13,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469531,,‘En plots ben ik een individu…’ : de fluctuerende functie van dramaturg-als-onderzoeker en onderzoeker-als-dramaturg,VABB-1,110,121,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469532,,"Debenedetti, il romanzo moderno e il modernismo italiano",VABB-1,68,93,,ita,2018,2 c:vabb:469534,,De om-alternantie : een verkennende casestudy,VABB-1,191,222,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469535,,La satire désamorcée ? Rire et politique dans quelques feuilles de tranchées françaises (1914-1918),VABB-1,,,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469538,,"Weldoeners, stedelijke overheden en publieke gebouwen in het Romeinse Oosten : 'gematerialiseerde oligarchie' of 'collectieve architectuur'?",VABB-1,1,4,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469539,,Truth and politics in Late Medieval Arabic historiography : the formation of Sultan Barsbāy’s State (1422‒1438) and the narratives of the Amir Qurqumās al-Shaʿbānī (d. 1438),VABB-1,147,188,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469540,,Genuine participation in participant-centred research initiatives : the rhetoric and the potential reality,VABB-1,133,142,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469541,,The formation of the kě 可 and kě yǐ 可以 constructions,VABB-1,224,255,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469542,,Geestelijk genot : Clerici en sodomie in de vroegmoderne Zuidelijke Nederlanden,VABB-1,7,25,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469543,,Balancing journalists’ and scientists’ professional practices : producing an infotainment show about food and nutrition in the age of healthism and soft news,VABB-1,393,416,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469544,,Visuele communicatie in ouder-kindinteracties : een longitudinaal en vergelijkend onderzoek naar de visuele communicatiestrategieën van ouders,VABB-1,91,108,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:469545,,Vlaamse vondsten van weefgewichten ‘type Kanaalzone’ uit de Midden-Bronstijd (België),VABB-1,39,42,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469546,,À la grecque comme à la grecque - The Greek Kandahar Inscriptions as a Case Study in Indo-Greek Language Contact During the Hellenistic Period.,VABB-1,1,40,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469547,,Tussen vier muren : ontwerp van de individuele cel in 'de Ducpétiaux-gevangenis',VABB-1,27,46,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469548,,"El fin del socialismo Soviético, la revolucion Cubana y la izquierda Latinoamericana : la historia de una doble derrota",VABB-1,231,256,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:469555,,Integrated volume visualisation of archaeological ground penetrating radar data,VABB-5,231,234,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469559,,‘Let him thus be a Hippolytus’ (Perist. 11.87) : horror and rhetoric in Prudentius’ Peristephanon 11,VABB-5,79,85,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:469573,,Experimental modal analysis of violins made from composites,VABB-5,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469578,,"Introduction : les nouvelles découvertes de peintures murales, enrichissement de la connaissance et du patrimoine",VABB-5,19,34,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469585,,Mapping/painting the Medieval landscape : a landscape-archaeological analysis of the medieval landscape as depicted by Pieter Pourbus,VABB-5,229,236,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469589,,Between me and my God : a life story narrative of conciliating cultural discourses and personalization of Islam,VABB-4,175,190,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469592,,Subjectivity as a sentient perspective and the role of interoception,VABB-4,293,320,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469595,,In Susa's Fields : on the topography of fields in Old Babylonian administrative documents from Susa,VABB-4,267,311,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469596,,A conceptual framework for music-based interaction systems,VABB-4,793,804,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469597,,On maps and mapping,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469598,,Marginality and the classics : exemplary extraneousness,VABB-4,1,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469599,,Rewriting Vernacular prose in neo-Latin hexameters : Francisco de Pedrosa's Austriaca sive Naumachia (1580),VABB-4,130,146,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469600,,"Encoding linguistic variation in Greek documentary Papyri : the past, present and future of editorial regularization",VABB-4,119,137,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469608,,"Nature, poetry and the address of friends : Jacobus Bellamy, 'To my Friends' (1785)",VABB-4,164,177,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469611,,Reizen met Awater,VABB-4,175,187,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469612,,Introduction,VABB-4,1,16,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469613,,"Presuming the promotion of the common good by large-scale health research : the cases of 2.0 and the 100,000 Genomes Project in the UK",VABB-4,155,182,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469614,,"My genome, my right",VABB-4,183,199,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469618,,Nsong B85d,VABB-4,414,448,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469619,,La recuperación y mitificación de la tradición española en el siglo XIX,VABB-4,7,12,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:469628,,Ethics in palliative care research,VABB-4,1,15,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469630,,Een privécollectie in de publieke ruimte : particulier bezit in het museumtijdperk,VABB-4,332,339,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469632,,Van het woud tot de polder : Arenberg als landheer,VABB-4,54,63,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469634,,Pratt et (A Suivre) : plus qu’une alliance des esprits 'littéraires',VABB-4,229,253,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469635,,Ruggespraak in het gekkenhuis : een beknopte geschiedenis van de spelling in het Nederlands,VABB-4,80,97,,dut,2017,2 c:vabb:469641,,Distributional assimilation in constructional semantics : On contact-related semantic shifts in Afrikaans three-argument constructions,VABB-4,143,177,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469643,,"'Een reiziger ben ik, die op weg was naar rust'. Cees Nooteboom als poëzievertaler : een terminologische kwestie",VABB-4,59,71,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469646,,Family affairs : the doing and undoing of family in modern and contemporary Egypt,VABB-4,279,294,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469650,,Etty Hillesum’s choice not to go into hiding,VABB-4,81,101,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469652,,Pedro I,VABB-4,51,62,,spa,2018,2 c:vabb:469653,,"(Re-)educational internationalism in the Low Countries, 1850-1914",VABB-4,189,216,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469654,,Generalissimos and Warlords in the Late Roman West,VABB-4,429,451,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469664,,Introduction : reading Nabokov teaching,VABB-4,1,16,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469667,,The Bantu Expansion,VABB-4,1,28,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469668,,Foreword,VABB-4,15,18,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469669,,Le Congrès d'histoire du christianisme : Franz Cumont et Alfred Loisy face au visages divers de l'histoire des religions indépendante,VABB-4,419,469,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469676,,Polycentric urban development in China : a multi-scale analysis,VABB-1,953,972,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469679,,How hydrologic processes differ spatially in a large basin : multisite and multiobjective modeling in the Tarim River Basin,VABB-1,7098,7113,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469680,,"The spatiotemporal response of soil moisture to precipitation and temperature changes in an arid region, China",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469681,,Digital sketch maps and eye tracking statistics as instruments to obtain insights into spatial cognition,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469682,,Meander hydromorphology of ephemeral streams : similarities and differences with perennial rivers,VABB-1,35,46,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469683,,"Data extraction algorithm for Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) to estimate the maximum economic damage of buildings for economic impact assessment of floods in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469684,,Dynamics of surface moisture content on a macro-tidal beach,VABB-1,206,210,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469685,,"Everyday space-time geographies : using mobile phone-based sensor data to monitor urban activity in Harbin, Paris, and Tallinn",VABB-1,2017,2039,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:469686,,"The evolving structure of the Southeast Asian air transport network through the lens of complex networks, 1979–2012",VABB-1,67,77,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469687,,A hybrid approach combining the multi-temporal scale spatio-temporal network with the continuous triangular model for exploring dynamic interactions in movement data : a case study of football,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469688,,"Estimating the actual evapotranspiration and deep percolation in irrigated soils of a tropical floodplain, northwest Ethiopia",VABB-1,42,56,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469689,,"Defining spatiotemporal characteristics of climate change trends from downscaled GCMs ensembles : how climate change reacts in Xinjiang, China",VABB-1,2538,2553,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469690,,Human exposure to indoor air pollutants in sleep microenvironments : a literature review,VABB-1,528,555,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:469691,,Experimental assessment of rainwater management of a ventilated façade,VABB-1,38,67,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469692,,Demonstration of public participation and communication through social media in the network society within Shanghai,VABB-1,529,547,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469693,,Central flow theory : comparative connectivities in the world-city network,VABB-1,1029,1040,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469695,,Unsupervised hierarchical clustering approach for tourism market segmentation based on crowdsourced mobile phone data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469698,,"Regionalization in the Yangtze River Delta, China, from the perspective of inter-city daily mobility",VABB-1,528,541,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469701,,Spatial and temporal characteristics of droughts in Central Asia during 1966-2015,VABB-1,1523,1538,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469702,,The success of recent land management efforts to reduce soil erosion in northern France,VABB-1,84,93,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469708,,The construction of Ghent's textile industry warehouses,VABB-5,519,535,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469716,,Lyrical prose and the ritualistic : lyricality as an interpretative lens for analysing C. C. Krijgelmans’s short story “Homunculi”,VABB-5,105,125,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:469728,,Evaluation of display conditions of the Ghent altarpiece at St. Bavo cathedral,VABB-1,168,172,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469729,,The genetic structure of the Belgian population,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469730,,The public health benefit and burden of mass drug administration programs in Vietnamese schoolchildren : impact of mebendazole,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469731,,Psychosocial stress and inflammation driving tryptophan breakdown in children and adolescents : a cross-sectional analysis of two cohorts,VABB-1,104,111,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469732,,Prospective associations between social vulnerabilities and children’s weight status : results from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,1691,1703,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469733,,Best practice recommendations for prevention and management of skin tears in aged skin : an overview,VABB-1,540,542,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469734,,A personal decision support system for heart failure management (HeartMan) : study protocol of the HeartMan randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469736,,The tragedy of becoming tired of living : youth and young adults' suicide in Greenland and Denmark,VABB-1,389,395,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469737,,Mediation of psychosocial determinants in the relation between socio-economic status and adolescents’ diet quality,VABB-1,951,963,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:469738,,Patient and public involvement in hospital policy-making : identifying key elements for effective participation,VABB-1,380,388,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469739,,A qualitative study of nursing care for hospitalized patients with acute mania,VABB-1,186,191,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:469740,,Two years follow-up of an open-label pilot study of treatment with rituximab in patients with early diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis,VABB-1,119,125,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469741,,Are person-related and socio-structural factors associated with nurses' self-management support behavior? : a correlational study,VABB-1,276,284,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469742,,Insecticide treated curtains and residual insecticide treatment to control Aedes aegypti : an acceptability study in Santiago de Cuba,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469744,,"HIV screening among newly diagnosed TB patients : a cross sectional study in Lima, Peru",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469746,,A replication study investigating L1 knowledge of spelling and grammar in secondary-school pupils in Flanders and the Netherlands,VABB-5,4285,4290,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469747,,The institutional organisation of Belgium's cellular prison building campaign (1830-WWI),VABB-5,619,624,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469750,,On the logical makeup of how- and why-questions,VABB-5,533,545,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:469752,,"Les datations au radiocarbone sur les ossements incinérés des champs d'urnes de Velzeke (Flandre orientale, Belgique)",VABB-5,31,44,,fre,2018,2 c:vabb:469758,,Barriers and facilitators to the provision of preconception care by healthcare providers : a systematic review,VABB-1,113,130,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469759,,Disordered eating in three different age groups in Cyprus : a comparative cross-sectional study,VABB-1,104,110,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469762,,"Effect of laser therapy on expression of angio- and fibrogenic factors, and cytokine concentrations during the healing process of human pressure ulcers",VABB-1,1105,1112,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469763,,Is laser speckle contrast analysis (LASCA) the new kid on the block in systemic sclerosis? : a systematic literature review and pilot study to evaluate reliability of LASCA to measure peripheral blood perfusion in scleroderma patients,VABB-1,775,780,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469764,,"Caramel colour and process by-products in foods and beverages, part I : development of a UPLC-MS/MS isotope dilution method for determination of 2-acetyl-4-(1,2,3,4-tetrahydroxybutyl)imidazole (THI), 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI) and 2-methylimidazol (2-MEI)",VABB-1,348,356,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469767,,"Patient safety on psychiatric wards : a cross-sectional, multilevel study of factors influencing nurses' willingness to share power and responsibility with patients",VABB-1,877,890,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469768,,Level of parenting stress in mothers of singletons and mothers of twins until one year postpartum : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,E197,E203,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469769,,Immunogenicity and safety of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine-naive and pre-immunized patients under treatment with chronic haemodialysis : a longitudinal quasi-experimental phase IV study,VABB-1,65,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469770,,Social vulnerability as a predictor of physical activity and screen time in European children,VABB-1,283,295,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469771,,"The association of emotion-driven impulsiveness, cognitive inflexibility and decision-making with weight status in European adolescents",VABB-1,655,661,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469772,,Prevention of pressure ulcers with a static air support surface : a systematic review,VABB-1,333,343,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469773,,Resource use during the last 6 months of life of individuals dying with and of Alzheimer's disease,VABB-1,879,885,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469774,,"Do current fortification and supplementation programs assure adequate intake of fat-soluble vitamins in Belgian infants, toddlers, pregnant women, and lactating women?",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469775,,An epidemiological survey of venous disease among general practitioner attendees in different geographical regions on the globe : the final results of the Vein Consult Program,VABB-1,779,785,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469776,,The Ghent Global IAD Monitoring Tool (GLOBIAD-M) to monitor the healing of incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) : design and reliability study,VABB-1,555,564,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469777,,Patient perspectives on electronic health record accessibility and patient participation : a questionnaire study,VABB-1,292,297,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469778,,Development of a clinical prediction rule for the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis in Peru,VABB-1,103,107,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469779,,A comparison of symptoms in older hospitalised cancer and non-cancer patients in need of palliative care : a secondary analysis of two cross-sectional studies,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469780,,Exploring appropriate livelihood alternatives for sustainable rangeland management,VABB-1,345,356,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:469782,,Comparing bias correction methods used in downscaling precipitation and temperature from regional climate models : a case study from the Kaidu River Basin in Western China,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469783,,How Chinese financial centers integrate into global financial center networks : an empirical study based on overseas expansion of Chinese financial service firms,VABB-1,217,230,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469784,,"Comparing the physical, functional and knowledge integration of the Yangtze River Delta city-region through the lens of inter-city networks",VABB-1,119,126,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469785,,Changing travel behaviour and attitudes following a residential relocation,VABB-1,131,147,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469790,,Global-local dynamics in the transformation of the Jakarta Metropolitan Area into a global city-region,VABB-1,52,62,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469792,,Indoor landmark-based path-finding utilising the expanded connectivity of an endpoint partition,VABB-1,233,252,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469793,,A study of the local geometric accuracy of Count de Ferraris’s Carte de cabinet (1770s) using differential distortion analysis,VABB-1,16,35,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469794,,Carriers' entry patterns under EU-US open skies agreement,VABB-1,101,112,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469795,,Transport network backbone extraction : a comparison of techniques,VABB-1,271,281,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469797,,Space-time characterization of drought events and their impacts on vegetation in Central Asia,VABB-1,1165,1178,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469799,,"Changing connectivities of Chinese cities in the World City Network, 2010-2016",VABB-1,183,201,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469800,,Attribute trajectory analysis : a framework to analyse attribute changes using trajectory analysis techniques,VABB-1,1043,1059,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469803,,"Changes in health in Belgium, 1990-2016 : a benchmarking analysis based on the global burden of disease 2016 study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469805,,Serum carotenoids reveal poor fruit and vegetable intake among schoolchildren in Burkina Faso,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469806,,Children's stress-related reports and stress biomarkers interact in their association with metabolic syndrome risk,VABB-1,523,533,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469807,,Osteopathic care for low back pain and neck pain : a cost-utility analysis,VABB-1,207,213,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469809,,"Caramel colour and process contaminants in foods and beverages, part II : occurrence data and exposure assessment of 2-acetyl-4-(1,2,3,4-tetrahydroxybutyl)imidazole (THI) and 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI) in Belgium",VABB-1,372,379,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469810,,Prospective associations between dietary patterns and high sensitivity C-reactive protein in European children : the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,1397,1407,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469811,,How much of Toyota's philosophy is embedded in health care at the organisational level? : a review,VABB-1,348,357,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469812,,Core outcome sets in dermatology : report from the second meeting of the International Cochrane Skin Group Core Outcome Set Initiative,VABB-1,E279,E285,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469813,,Effect of early and systematic integration of palliative care in patients with advanced cancer : a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,394,404,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469814,,Independent risk factors for the development of incontinence-associated dermatitis (category 2) in critically ill patients with fecal incontinence : a cross-sectional observational study in 48 ICU units,VABB-1,30,39,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469815,,A systematic review of exercise and psychosocial rehabilitation interventions to improve health-related outcomes in patients with bladder cancer undergoing radical cystectomy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469816,,"Incontinence-associated dermatitis : pathogenesis, contributing factors, prevention and management options",VABB-1,1,10,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469817,,Nasopharyngeal S. pneumoniae carriage and density in Belgian infants after 9 years of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine programme,VABB-1,15,22,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469818,,"Knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding miscarriage : a cross-sectional study among Flemish midwives",VABB-1,44,52,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469819,,Preconception lifestyle changes in women with planned pregnancies,VABB-1,112,120,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469820,,Absence of zoonotic hepatitis E virus infection in Flemish dairy cows,VABB-1,54,59,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469821,,4 Weeks versus 5 weeks of hypofractionated high-dose radiation therapy as primary therapy for prostate cancer : interim safety analysis of a randomized phase 3 trial,VABB-1,866,870,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469822,,Core outcome domains in incontinence-associated dermatitis research,VABB-1,1605,1617,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469823,,"Compliance with a structured bedside handover protocol : an observational, multicentred study",VABB-1,12,18,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469824,,Associations between exclusive breastfeeding and physical fitness during childhood,VABB-1,545,555,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469825,,Comparison of two methods for estimating the tip position of a nasogastric feeding tube : a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,843,850,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469827,,Incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) : prevalence and associated factors in 4 hospitals in Southeast Norway,VABB-1,527,531,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469828,,Shift work and occupational accident absence in Belgium : findings from the sixth European Working Condition Survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469829,,Osteopathic care for spinal complaints : a systematic literature review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469830,,Factors influencing the implementation of advanced midwife practitioners in healthcare settings : a qualitative study,VABB-1,88,96,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469831,,Automated assessment of absolute nailfold capillary number on videocapillaroscopic images : proof of principle and validation in systemic sclerosis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469832,,"Presence and use of automated external defibrillators in occupational setting, Belgium",VABB-1,603,611,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469833,,Cost-effectiveness of optimized adherence to prevention guidelines in European patients with coronary heart disease : results from the EUROASPIRE IV survey,VABB-1,20,25,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469835,,Children’s cortisol and externalizing stress symptoms are predictors of adiponectin evolution over two years,VABB-1,89,95,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469836,,Development of a prediction model for long-term quality of life in critically ill patients,VABB-1,133,138,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469839,,Emergency care in case of acute psychotic and/or manic symptoms : lived experiences of patients and their families with the first interventions of a mobile crisis team : a phenomenological study,VABB-1,462,468,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469840,,Mental health nurses and mental health peer workers : self-perceptions of role-related clinical competences,VABB-1,987,1001,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469841,,Towards an international language for incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) : design and evaluation of psychometric properties of the Ghent Global IAD Categorization Tool (GLOBIAD) in 30 countries,VABB-1,1331,1340,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469842,,Undetected dysglycaemia common in primary care patients treated for hypertension and/or dyslipidaemia : on the need for a screening strategy in clinical practice : a report from EUROASPIRE IV a registry from the EuroObservational Research Programme of the European Society of Cardiology,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469843,,Food groups and risk of colorectal cancer,VABB-1,1748,1758,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469844,,Factors associated with health-related quality of life in stable ambulatory congestive heart failure patients : systematic review,VABB-1,472,481,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469845,,Driven by ambitions : the nurse tractitioner's role transition in Dutch hospital care,VABB-1,544,554,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:469846,,Involving private practitioners in the Indian tuberculosis programme : a randomised trial,VABB-1,570,579,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469847,,"Development of a clinical prediction rule for tuberculous meningitis in adults in Lima, Peru",VABB-1,367,374,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469848,,Differing associations for sport versus occupational physical activity and cardiovascular risk,VABB-1,1165,1172,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469851,,Communication satisfaction and job satisfaction among critical care nurses and their impact on burnout and intention to leave : a questionnaire study,VABB-1,21,27,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469853,,Prospective associations between socioeconomically disadvantaged groups and metabolic syndrome risk in European children : results from the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,333,340,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469854,,Does the Mediterranean diet protect against stress-induced inflammatory activation in European adolescents? : the HELENA study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469855,,WHO/ILO work-related burden of disease and injury : protocol for systematic reviews of exposure to long working hours and of the effect of exposure to long working hours on ischaemic heart disease,VABB-1,558,569,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469856,,Reliability of simple capillaroscopic definitions in describing capillary morphology in rheumatic diseases,VABB-1,757,759,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469857,,Cost-effectiveness and budget effect analysis of a population-based skin cancer screening,VABB-1,147,153,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:469858,,Do bedside handovers reduce handover duration? : an observational study with implications for evidence-based practice,VABB-1,432,439,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469859,,Constructing a positive identity : a qualitative study of the driving forces of peer workers in mental health care systems,VABB-1,378,389,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469860,,The effectiveness of crisis resource management and team debriefing in resuscitation education of nursing students : a randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,77,85,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469861,,Associations between a Mediterranean diet pattern and inflammatory biomarkers in European adolescents,VABB-1,1747,1760,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469862,,Clinical pathway improves implementation of evidence-based strategies for the management of androgen deprivation therapy-induced side effects in men with prostate cancer,VABB-1,610,618,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469863,,Tailoring of the Tell-us Card communication tool for nurses to increase patient participation using Intervention Mapping,VABB-1,621,630,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469864,,Components of brief admission as a crisis intervention for patients with a borderline personality disorder : results of a Delphi study,VABB-1,314,326,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469865,,Timing of solid food introduction and association with later childhood overweight and obesity : the IDEFICS study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469866,,Clustering of multiple energy balance related behaviors is associated with body fat composition indicators in adolescents : results from the HELENA and ELANA studies,VABB-1,505,513,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469867,,Contributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to worldwide trends and variations in raised blood pressure : a pooled analysis of 1018 population-based measurement studies with 88.6 million participants,VABB-1,872,883,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469868,,The epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection in Europe and the impact of lifestyle on its natural evolution toward stomach cancer after infection : a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469869,,Sex-specific relevance of diabetes to occlusive vascular and other mortality : a collaborative meta-analysis of individual data from 980 793 adults from 68 prospective studies,VABB-1,538,546,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469870,,Determinants of participation and risk factor control according to attendance in cardiac rehabilitation programmes in coronary patients in Europe : EUROASPIRE IV survey,VABB-1,1242,1251,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469871,,Psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy in women with pregnancies ending in birth,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469872,,Fiscal stimulus and systematic monetary policy: Postwar evidence for the United States,VABB-1,92,96,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469874,,A new qualitative rating system for scientific publications and a fame index for academics,VABB-1,1396,1399,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469878,,The magic shoes of IPSAS : will they fit Turkey?,VABB-1,5,21,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469879,,The effect of organization size and sector on adopting business process management,VABB-1,479,491,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469881,,Imperfect Monitoring of job search : structural estimation and policy design,VABB-1,75,120,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469885,,Female migration : a way out of discrimination?,VABB-1,224,241,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469887,,Measuring the international dimension of output volatility,VABB-1,20,39,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469890,,A perturbation matheuristic for the integrated personnel shift and task re-scheduling problem,VABB-1,806,823,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469893,,Maximising the weighted number of activity execution modes in project planning,VABB-1,999,1013,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469894,,Assertiveness bias in gender ethics research : why women deserve the benefit of the doubt,VABB-1,727,739,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469895,,Optimizing the public transport priority at road intersections,VABB-1,986,994,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469900,,Approximating risk-free curves in sparse data environments,VABB-1,112,118,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469901,,Unraveling scientific impact : citation types in marketing journals,VABB-1,64,77,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:469902,,Leader-employee congruence of expected contributions in the employee-organization relationship,VABB-1,414,422,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469903,,When does performance management foster team effectiveness? A mixed-method field study on the influence of environmental extremity,VABB-1,766,782,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469904,,Venture capital internationalization : synthesis and future research directions,VABB-1,1414,1445,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469905,,Why are you swiping right? The impact of product orientation on swiping responses,VABB-1,633,647,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469906,,A tool to test and validate algorithms for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem,VABB-1,251,265,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469908,,Who influences the design of management accounting systems? An exploratory study,VABB-1,374,390,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469909,,Indexing financial reporting information for heritage management,VABB-1,186,207,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469910,,The impact of logarithmic dose banding of anticancer drugs on pharmacy compounding efficiency at Ghent University Hospital,VABB-1,334,336,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469912,,An ontological analysis framework for domain-specific modeling languages,VABB-1,23,42,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469913,,An empirical validation of the performance of project control tolerance limits,VABB-1,71,85,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469914,,Equity crowdfunding : first resort or last resort?,VABB-1,513,533,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469915,,From informational towards transformational advertising strategies? A content analysis of Belgian food magazine advertisements,VABB-1,1170,1182,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469916,,Networks and migrants’ intended destination,VABB-1,705,728,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469917,,The impact of functional and social value on the price of goods,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469918,,How to foster the well-being of police officers : the role of the employee performance management system,VABB-1,90,98,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469922,,Curbing portion size effects by adding smaller portions at the point of purchase,VABB-1,82,87,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469923,,The impact of financial reporting quality on debt maturity: the case of private firms,VABB-1,759,781,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469924,,Integrated lot sizing and safety stock placement in a network of production facilities,VABB-1,74,95,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469925,,An exact composite lower bound strategy for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem,VABB-1,135,150,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469926,,Private debt overhang and the government spending multiplier : evidence for the United States,VABB-1,485,508,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469927,,Strategic-decision quality in public organizations : an information processing perspective,VABB-1,131,156,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469928,,The impact of the soccer schedule on TV viewership and stadium attendance : evidence from the Belgian Pro League,VABB-1,82,112,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469930,,"Dynamics between social media engagement, firm-generated content, and live and time-shifted TV viewing",VABB-1,378,398,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469931,,The impact of managers’ participation in costing system design on their perceived contributions to process improvement,VABB-1,747,770,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469934,,"Governmental accounting practitioners : cardigan removed, research agenda revealed",VABB-1,1026,1044,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469936,,What drives hiring discrimination against transgenders?,VABB-1,581,599,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469938,,Too attached to speak up? It depends : how supervisor–subordinate guanxi and perceived job control influence upward constructive voice,VABB-1,39,53,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:469939,,A longitudinal comparison of capital structure between young for-profit social and commercial enterprises,VABB-1,225,240,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469940,,Production planning with order acceptance and demand uncertainty,VABB-1,145,159,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469942,,Balancing the urgency and wickedness of sustainability challenges : three maxims for post-normal education,VABB-1,1424,1439,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469943,,From rural rebellion to urban uprising? A socio-spatial perspective on Bujumbura's conflict history,VABB-1,310,328,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469944,,Rejoinder : reading Tahrir in Gramsci,VABB-1,135,145,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:469946,,Soldiers without an army? Patronage networks and cohesion in the armed forces of the DR Congo,VABB-1,626,646,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469947,,Navigating ‘taxation’ on the Congo River : the interplay of legitimation and ‘officialisation’,VABB-1,250,266,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469948,,Stranded wealth : rethinking the politics of oil in an age of abundance,VABB-1,1309,1328,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469949,,"Close, but not close enough? Audience’s reactions to domesticated distant suffering in international news coverage",VABB-1,333,347,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469950,,The Greek debt crisis as theodicy : religious fundamentalism and socio-political conservatism,VABB-1,122,137,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469953,,Understanding queer normality : LGBT+ representations in millenial flemish television fiction,VABB-1,610,625,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469954,,Inside the municipal lobby : explaining local government influence on the new EU public procurement directives,VABB-1,193,214,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469959,,African cities and violent conflict : the urban dimension of conflict and post conflict dynamics in Central and Eastern Africa,VABB-1,193,210,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469960,,Building or stumbling blocks? Assessing the performance of polycentric energy and climate governance networks,VABB-1,317,324,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469961,,The ethnic prejudice of Flemish pupils : the role of pupils’ and teachers’ perceptions of multicultural teacher culture,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469962,,"‘A hundred percent good man cannot do politics’ : violent self-sacrifice, student authority and party-state integration in Bangladesh",VABB-1,883,916,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469964,,Are non-monetary rewards effective in attracting peer reviewers? A natural experiment,VABB-1,1587,1609,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469965,,"Environmental and sustainability education in the Benelux countries : research, policy and practices at the intersection of education and societal transformation",VABB-1,1234,1249,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469967,,National behaviour in multilateral military operations,VABB-1,102,112,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469968,,"The counterinsurgency/conservation nexus : guerrilla livelihoods and the dynamics of conflict and violence in the Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo",VABB-1,300,320,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469970,,The experience of ethnic prejudice of Turkish ethnic minorities in Flanders : does it affect parental preferences about partner selection?,VABB-1,30,41,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469972,,"Beliefs, intentions, and beyond : a qualitative study on the adoption of sustainable gastrointestinal nematode control practices in Flanders' dairy industry",VABB-1,15,23,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469974,,"Rural informalities and forest squatters in the reserved forests of Assam, India",VABB-1,353,374,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469976,,"Content matters, a qualitative analysis of verbal hallucinations",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469977,,Variability and reliability of effective connectivity within the core default mode network : a multi-site longitudinal spectral DCM study,VABB-1,757,768,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469978,,The validity of the Big Five personality traits for job performance : meta-analyses of South African studies,VABB-1,223,239,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:469979,,The manageability of empathic (in)accuracy during couples' conflict : relationship-protection or self-protection?,VABB-1,403,418,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469981,,The role of child personality in effects of psychologically controlling parenting : an examination at the level of daily fluctuations,VABB-1,459,479,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469982,,WELCOME : improving WEight controL and CO-Morbidities in children with obesity via Executive function training : study protocol for a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469983,,Does attention bias modification training impact on task performance in the context of pain : an experimental study in healthy participants,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469985,,Motor simulation of multiple observed actions,VABB-1,200,205,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469986,,"The unfolding action model of initiation times, movement times, and movement paths",VABB-1,785,805,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469987,,The effect of being imitated on empathy for pain in adults with high-functioning autism : disturbed self-other distinction leads to altered empathic responding,VABB-1,712,727,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469988,,Interoceptive awareness in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469989,,Syntactic chameleons : are there individual differences in syntactic mimicry and its possible prosocial effects?,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469990,,Effect of non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation on resting-state electroencephalography and laser-evoked potentials in migraine patients : mechanistic insights,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469991,,Derived stimulus relations and their role in a behavior-analytic account of human language and cognition,VABB-1,155,173,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469993,,Impulsivity in Parkinson’s disease is associated with alterations in affective and sensorimotor striatal networks,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469994,,Selective laser trabeculoplasty as replacement therapy in medically controlled glaucoma patients,VABB-1,e577,e581,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469995,,Different mechanisms can account for the instruction induced proportion congruency effect,VABB-1,39,45,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:469998,,Are there distinct cognitive and motivational sub-groups of children with ADHD?,VABB-1,1722,1730,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470001,,Accumulation of uraemic toxins is reflected only partially by estimated GFR in paediatric patients with chronic kidney disease,VABB-1,315,323,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470002,,"Monetary intelligence and behavioral economics : the enron effect-love of money, corporate ethical values, Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), and dishonesty across 31 geopolitical entities",VABB-1,919,937,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470003,,Automatic effects of instructions do not require the intention to execute these instructions,VABB-1,108,121,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470005,,Concentrations of representative uraemic toxins in a healthy versus non-dialysis chronic kidney disease paediatric population,VABB-1,978,986,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470006,,Automatic imitation of multiple agents : simultaneous or random representation?,VABB-1,729,740,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470007,,Cognitive biases in children and adolescents with chronic pain : a review of findings and a Call for Developmental research,VABB-1,589,598,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470008,,Ensemble representation for multiple facial expressions : evidence for a capacity limited perceptual process,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470009,,The Brief State Rumination Inventory (BSRI) : validation and psychometric evaluation,VABB-1,447,460,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470010,,Conflict-driven adaptive control is enhanced by integral negative emotion on a short time scale,VABB-1,1637,1653,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470011,,To IMPRES or to EXPRES? Exploiting comparative judgments to measure and visualize implicit and explicit preferences,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470012,,Reflections on a service-user perspective in supporting persons with dual diagnosis : the case of Villa Voortman,VABB-1,1189,1192,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470013,,Quantitative study of food safety climate in Belgian food processing companies in view of their organizational characteristics,VABB-1,15,27,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470014,,The impact of happy and angry faces on working memory in depressed adolescents,VABB-1,59,72,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470015,,Occipital alpha power reveals fast attentional inhibition of incongruent distractors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470016,,Using more different and more familiar targets improves the detection of concealed information,VABB-1,65,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470017,,Early retinotopic responses to violations of emotion-location associations may depend on conscious awareness,VABB-1,35,52,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470018,,Attention bias modification training for adolescents with chronic pain,VABB-1,239,251,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470019,,Electronic information systems : in search of responsive social work,VABB-1,650,665,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470021,,Opposing and following responses in sensorimotor speech control : why responses go both ways,VABB-1,1458,1467,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470022,,The moderating role of vertical collectivism in South-Korean adolescents’ perceptions of and responses to autonomy-supportive and controlling parenting,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470023,,The effect of the “Follow in my Green Food Steps” programme on cooking behaviours for improved iron intake : a quasi-experimental randomized community study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470024,,Does perceived stress mediate the relationship between commuting and health-related quality of life?,VABB-1,100,108,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470026,,Employer branding : a brand equity-based literature review and research agenda,VABB-1,155,179,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470027,,An examination of refreshing in between-category sequences,VABB-1,190,201,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470028,,Human midcingulate cortex encodes distributed representations of task progress,VABB-1,6398,6403,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470029,,The relationship between differential stimulus relatedness and implicit measure effect sizes,VABB-1,24,38,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470030,,Social interactions between 24-month-old children and their older sibling with autism spectrum disorder : characteristics and association with social-communicative development,VABB-1,4118,4137,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470031,,Task switching in autism : an EEG study on intentions and actions,VABB-1,398,407,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470032,,Exploring educational taboos through school movies : a rhetorical analysis of student-teachers' reflections,VABB-1,187,198,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470033,,The diversity challenge for high and low authoritarians : multilevel and longitudinal effects through intergroup contact and threat,VABB-1,1163,1179,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470034,,Why seeking feedback from diverse sources may not be sufficient for stimulating creativity : the role of performance dynamism and creative time pressure,VABB-1,355,368,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470035,,Beating uncontrolled eating : training inhibitory control to reduce food intake and food cue sensitivity,VABB-1,73,83,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470037,,Personal audiovisual aptitude influences the interaction between landscape and soundscape appraisal,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470039,,"Reciprocal associations between daily need-based experiences, energy, and sleep in chronic fatigue syndrome",VABB-1,1168,1178,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470041,,"Attentional bias for negative, positive, and threat words in current and remitted depression",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470042,,"Does extreme language control training improve cognitive control? A comparison of professional interpreters, l2 teachers and monolinguals",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470045,,Preference for smaller sooner over larger later rewards in ADHD : contribution of delay duration and paradigm type,VABB-1,984,993,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470046,,Neural correlates of ostracism in transgender persons living according to their gender identity : a potential risk marker for psychopathology?,VABB-1,2313,2320,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470047,,Kynurenic acid is reduced in females and oral contraceptive users : implications for depression,VABB-1,59,64,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470048,,Dissocable effects of reward and expectancy during evaluative feedback processing revealed by topographic ERP mapping analysis,VABB-1,213,225,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470049,,Sex effects on spatial learning but not on spatial memory retrieval in healthy young adults,VABB-1,44,50,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470050,,Category learning in the color-word contingency learning paradigm,VABB-1,658,666,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470051,,Neurocognitive mechanisms behind emotional attention : inverse effects of anodal tDCS over the left and right DLPFC on gaze disengagement from emotional faces,VABB-1,485,494,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470052,,"The paradoxical effect of long instructions on negative affect and performance : when, for whom and why do they backfire?",VABB-1,421,430,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470053,,The PI IRAP : an alternative scoring algorithm for the IRAP using a probabilistic semiparametric effect size measure,VABB-1,97,103,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470054,,Hemodynamic response function (HRF) variability confounds resting-state fMRI functional connectivity,VABB-1,1697,1713,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470055,,Managing the flow of private information on children and parents in poverty situations : creating a panoptic eye in inter-organisational networks?,VABB-1,427,434,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470056,,Collateral reports and cross-informant agreement about adult psychopathology in 14 societies,VABB-1,381,397,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470057,,Effects of achievement contexts on the meaning structure of emotion words,VABB-1,379,388,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470059,,Enhanced pavlovian aversive conditioning to positive emotional stimuli,VABB-1,905,923,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470060,,"We all reflect, but why? : a systematic review of the purposes of reflection in higher education in social and behavioral sciences",VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470061,,Modeling consensus emergence in groups using longitudinal multilevel methods,VABB-1,255,281,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470062,,The β -ranking and the β -measure for directed networks: Axiomatic characterizations,VABB-1,145,153,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470063,,The predictive power of people’s intraindividual variability across situations: Implementing whole trait theory in assessment.,VABB-1,753,771,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470064,,Exploring the single-trial-type-dominance-effect in the IRAP : developing a differential arbitrarily applicable relational responding effects (DAARRE) model,VABB-1,11,25,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470065,,Mean emotion from multiple facial expressions can be extracted with limited attention : evidence from visual ERPs,VABB-1,92,102,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470066,,Late bilinguals share syntax unsparingly between L1 and L2 : evidence from crosslinguistically similar and different constructions,VABB-1,177,205,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470067,,The impact of feedback valence and communication style on intrinsic motivation in middle childhood : experimental evidence and generalization across individual differences,VABB-1,134,160,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470068,,Ethnic diversity and support for populist parties : the “right” road through political cynicism and lack of trust,VABB-1,182,189,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470069,,The role of audiovisual speech in the early stages of lexical processing as revealed by the ERP word repetition effect,VABB-1,80,101,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470070,,"Multicultural teaching in Flemish secondary schools : the role of track, ethnic school composition, and teachers’ ethnic prejudice",VABB-1,274,299,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470072,,The impact of regional screening policies on the diffusion of cancer screening participation in Belgium : time trends in educational inequalities in Flanders and Wallonia,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470073,,Online and newsworthy : have online sources changed journalism?,VABB-1,798,806,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470075,,Exploring Iranian women’s perceptions and experiences regarding cervical cancer-preventive behaviors,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470076,,Development and psychometric properties of the methamphetamine decisional balance scale (METH-DBS) for young adults,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470080,,"Toward a global coal mining moratorium? A comparative analysis of coal mining policies in the USA, China, India and Australia",VABB-1,89,101,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470081,,United in diversity? Analysing behaviour expectations of the European Union as a non-state member of the OECD’s development assistance committee,VABB-1,379,397,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470082,,"Constellations of power and authority in the political economy of illegal timber extraction in BTAD, Assam",VABB-1,146,165,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470083,,A different point of view : women's self-representation in instagram's participatory artistic movements @girlgazeproject and @arthoecollective,VABB-1,26,43,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470084,,The politics of everyday policing in Goma : the case of the Anti-gang,VABB-1,274,289,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:470086,,Neighborhood and identity : an explorative study of the local and ethnic identities of young ethnic minorities in Belgium,VABB-1,380,398,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470089,,The mimicry of the state as a state practice : the regulation of rickshaw licenses in Dhaka (Bangladesh),VABB-1,422,441,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470090,,Subgroups of lifestyle patterns among hypertension patients : a latent-class analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470096,,Birds of a feather or by note? Ideological nationalization of local electoral manifestos in Belgium,VABB-1,1,24,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470097,,Unintended consequences of job formalisation: Precarious work in Brazil’s sugarcane plantations,VABB-1,128,146,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470100,,The development and testing of a child-inspired advertising disclosure to alert children to digital and embedded advertising,VABB-1,255,269,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470101,,Use your imagination : what UK universities want you to think of them,VABB-1,425,440,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470102,,Civilian resistance against the military in eastern DR Congo : a combined social navigation and structuration approach,VABB-1,281,301,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470103,,"Regulating the old game of smuggling? Coltan mining, trade and reforms in the Democratic Republic of Congo",VABB-1,497,521,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470104,,Problematizations in the EU’s external policies : the case of Singapore as 'the other',VABB-1,423,437,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470105,,Farmer behavior and gastrointestinal nematodes in ruminant livestock : uptake of sustainable control approaches,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470109,,Changing farmers’ behavior intention with a hint of wit : the moderating influence of humor on message sidedness,VABB-1,97,103,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470111,,Confronting the colonial : the (re)production of ‘African’ exceptionalism in critical security and military studies,VABB-1,57,69,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470112,,"The emergence of conflict-free, ethical, and Fair Trade mineral supply chain certification systems : a brief introduction",VABB-1,52,55,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470113,,Political gender stereotypes in a list-PR system with a high share of women MPs : competent men versus leftist women?,VABB-1,788,800,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470114,,"Participants, physicians or programmes : participants’ educational level and initiative in cancer screening",VABB-1,422,430,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470116,,Perceived barriers to methadone maintenance treatment among Iranian opioid users,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470118,,"Of mice, men, and trolleys : hypothetical judgment versus real-life behavior in trolley-style moral dilemmas",VABB-1,1084,1093,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470119,,The effect of faking on the correlation between two ordinal variables : some population and monte carlo results,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470120,,Local fit evaluation of structural equation models using graphical criteria,VABB-1,27,41,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470121,,blavaan : Bayesian structural equation models via parameter expansion,VABB-1,1,30,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470122,,"Boost Camp’, a universal school-based transdiagnostic prevention program targeting adolescent emotion regulation; evaluating the effectiveness by a clustered RCT : a protocol paper",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470123,,A closer look at the measurement of dispositional reasoning : dimensionality and invariance across assessor groups,VABB-1,240,252,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470124,,Response distortion on personality tests in applicants : comparing high-stakes to low-stakes medical settings,VABB-1,311,321,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470125,,Assessing personality-situation interplay in personnel selection : toward more integration into personality research,VABB-1,424,440,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470126,,Graphic cigarette pack warnings do not produce more negative implicit evaluations of smoking compared to text-only warnings,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470127,,Brain structural and functional asymmetry in human situs inversus totalis,VABB-1,1937,1952,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470128,,"Collaborative teacher educator professional development in Europe : different voices, one goal",VABB-1,556,5723,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470129,,Self-monitoring in the cerebral cortex : neural responses to small pitch shifts in auditory feedback during speech production,VABB-1,326,336,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470131,,Outcome in patients perceived as receiving excessive care across different ethical climates : a prospective study in 68 intensive care units in Europe and the USA,VABB-1,1039,1049,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470132,,Anticipating the good and the bad : a study on the neural correlates of bivalent emotion anticipation and their malleability via attentional deployment,VABB-1,553,564,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470133,,Regulating craving by anticipating positive and negative outcomes : a multivariate pattern analysis and network connectivity approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470135,,The relationship between cortisol and cognitive function in healthy older people : the moderating role of Apolipoprotein E polymorphism,VABB-1,297,305,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470136,,Personality and occupational specialty : an examination of medical specialties using Holland's RIASEC model,VABB-1,262,278,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470137,,Examining the impact of distance as a contextual cue in evaluative conditioning,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470139,,Spelling of pseudowords and real words in Dutch-speaking children with and without dyslexia,VABB-1,286,298,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470140,,The individual and the collective : sociological influences on Lacan's concept of the relation subject-other,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470141,,(De)constructing parental involvement in early childhood curricular frameworks,VABB-1,813,832,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470142,,Assessing robustness against potential publication bias in Activation Likelihood Estimation (ALE) meta-analyses for fMRI,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470143,,Building a theoretical framework for autism spectrum disorders screening instruments in Europe,VABB-1,359,367,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470145,,"Using stratified medicine to understand, diagnose, and treat neuropathic pain",VABB-1,S31,S42,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470146,,Evaluating sex and age differences in ADI-R and ADOS scores in a large European Multi-site Sample of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder,VABB-1,2490,2505,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470148,,"Fast, accurate, and stable feature selection using neural networks",VABB-1,253,268,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470149,,Causal evidence for learning-dependent frontal lobe contributions to cognitive control,VABB-1,962,973,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470151,,Automatic imitation of pro- and antisocial gestures: Is implicit social behavior censored?,VABB-1,179,189,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470153,,The pursuit of belonging in inclusive education : insider perspectives on the meshwork of participation,VABB-1,969,982,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470154,,The efficacy of attentional distraction and sensory monitoring in chronic pain patients : a meta-analysis,VABB-1,16,29,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470155,,Ethical decision-making climate in the ICU : theoretical framework and validation of a self-assessment tool,VABB-1,781,789,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470158,,Transfer of learned category-response associations is modulated by instruction,VABB-1,144,167,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470159,,Structure and implementation of novel task rules : a cross-sectional developmental study,VABB-1,1113,1125,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470160,,Evidence for parallel activation of the pre-supplementary motor area and inferior frontal cortex during response inhibition : a combined MEG and TMS study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470161,,Spatialization in working memory is related to literacy and reading direction : culture 'literarily' directs our thoughts,VABB-1,96,100,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470162,,Day-to-day variation in autonomy-supportive and psychologically controlling parenting : the role of parents’ daily experiences of need satisfaction and need frustration,VABB-1,86,109,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470164,,Giving dyadic data analysis away : a user-friendly app for actor-partner interdependence models,VABB-1,103,119,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470165,,The characterization of affine maximizers on restricted domains with two alternatives,VABB-1,1038,1043,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470166,,Examining the moderating impact of plys and tracks on the insensitivity effect : a preliminary investigation,VABB-1,431,440,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470167,,The influence of study-level inference models and study set size on coordinate-based fMRI meta-analyses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470168,,Intimacy development in late adolescence : longitudinal associations with perceived parental autonomy support and adolescents’ self-worth,VABB-1,111,122,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470169,,The word frequency effect in word processing: an updated review,VABB-1,45,50,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470170,,Developing a positive living group climate in residential youth care : a single case study,VABB-1,709,716,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470171,,Automatic imitation : a meta-analysis,VABB-1,453,500,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470172,,Neural overlap of L1 and L2 semantic representations across visual and auditory modalities : a decoding approach/,VABB-1,68,77,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470173,,Task-relevant information modulates primary motor cortex activity before movement onset,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470175,,Motor command inhibition and the representation of response mode during motor imagery,VABB-1,54,62,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470176,,University students’ sleep during an exam period : the role of basic psychological needs and stress,VABB-1,671,681,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470177,,Effects of immersion in inquiry-based learning on student teachers’ educational beliefs,VABB-1,383,403,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470178,,Psychophysiological response to social stressors : relevance of sex and age,VABB-1,171,176,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470179,,Anticipating actions and corticospinal excitability : a preregistered motor TMS experiment,VABB-1,81,92,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470180,,Brain activity for spontaneous and explicit mentalizing in adults with autism spectrum disorder : an fMRI study,VABB-1,475,484,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470181,,"Positive neighborhood norms buffer ethnic diversity effects on neighborhood dissatisfaction, perceived neighborhood disadvantage, and moving intentions",VABB-1,700,716,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470182,,"Exploring the relationship between professional learning community characteristics in departments, teachers’ professional development, and leadership",VABB-1,34,55,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470183,,Reconstructing a sense of relational agency in family therapy,VABB-1,54,66,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470184,,Challenges and inequalities of opportunities in European psychiatry research : the example of psychodiagnostic tool availability in research on early autism identification,VABB-1,270,277,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470186,,Reduced distractor interference during vagus nerve stimulation,VABB-1,93,99,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470187,,Optimizing the validity of situational judgment tests: The importance of scoring methods,VABB-1,199,209,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470188,,Emotional and motivational pain processing : current state of knowledge and perspectives in translational research,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470189,,The effects of a gamified approach avoidance training and verbal suggestions on food outcomes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470190,,Context-dependence and context-invariance in the neural coding of intentional action,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470191,,Can education change the world? Education amplifies differences in liberalization values and innovation between developed and developing countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470194,,Contextual word learning during reading in a second language an eye-movement study,VABB-1,341,366,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470196,,On the symbolic generalization of likes and dislikes,VABB-1,365,377,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470197,,From De Clérambault’s theory of mental automatism to Lacan’s theory of the psychotic structure,VABB-1,205,228,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470198,,Assessing fit in structural equation models : a Monte-Carlo evaluation of RMSEA versus SRMR confidence intervals and tests of close fit,VABB-1,389,402,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470200,,Neuroleptic-free youth at ultrahigh risk for psychosis evidence diminished emotion reactivity that is predicted by depression and anxiety,VABB-1,428,434,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470201,,Asymmetric spatial processing under cognitive load,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470202,,The perceptual saliency of fearful eyes and smiles : a signal detection study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470203,,Expatriate family adjustment : an overview of empirical evidence on challenges and resources,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470204,,Monetary intelligence and behavioral economics across 32 cultures : good apples enjoy good quality of life in good barrels,VABB-1,893,917,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470205,,Specificity and overlap of attention and memory biases in depression,VABB-1,404,412,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470206,,Best not to bet on the horserace : a comment on Forrin and MacLeod (2017) and a relevant stimulus-response compatibility view of colour-word contingency learning asymmetries,VABB-1,326,335,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470207,,Parent-child interaction in children with autism spectrum disorder and their siblings : choosing a coding strategy,VABB-1,91,102,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470209,,Exploring differential trial-type effects and the impact of a read-aloud procedure On deictic relational responding on the IRAP,VABB-1,163,176,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470210,,Signed reward prediction errors drive declarative learning,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470211,,Teacher evaluation policy as perceived by school principals : the case of Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,209,222,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470212,,Using feedback requests to actively involve assessees in peer assessment : effects on the assessor’s feedback content and assessee’s agreement with feedback,VABB-1,145,164,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470213,,Linking psychological need experiences to daily and recurring dreams,VABB-1,50,63,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470214,,Small sample inference for probabilistic index models,VABB-1,137,148,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470216,,Computer training of attention and inhibition for youngsters with obesity : a pilot study,VABB-1,439,447,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470217,,Continuous professional development and ECEC quality : findings from a European systematic literature review,VABB-1,9,22,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470218,,Mechanisms underlying effects of approach-avoidance training on stimulus evaluation,VABB-1,1224,1241,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470221,,From cookies to carrots ; the effect of inhibitory control training on children's snack selections,VABB-1,111,123,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470222,,A functional-cognitive perspective on the relation between conditioning and placebo research,VABB-1,95,111,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470223,,Cognate effects and cognitive control in patients with parallel and differential bilingual aphasia,VABB-1,515,525,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470224,,Fostering writing in upper primary grades : a study into the distinct and combined impact of explicit instruction and peer assistance,VABB-1,325,354,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470226,,The design of blended learning in response to student diversity in higher education : instructors’ views and use of differentiated instruction in blended learning,VABB-1,197,212,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470228,,Is language interference (when it occurs) a graded or an all-or-none effect? Evidence from bilingual reported speech production,VABB-1,489,504,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470229,,Capacity limitations to extract the mean emotion from multiple facial expressions depend on emotion variance,VABB-1,39,48,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470230,,Dilution of ferromagnets via a random graph-based strategy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470231,,Measuring pavlovian appetitive conditioning in humans with the postauricular reflex,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470232,,Mapping emotion terms into affective space further evidence for a four-dimensional structure,VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470234,,Severe hepatopathy and neurological deterioration after start of valproate treatment in a 6-year-old child with mitochondrial tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase deficiency,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470235,,Smiling faces and cash bonuses : exploring common affective coding across positive and negative emotional and motivational stimuli using fMRI,VABB-1,550,563,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470236,,Health related quality of life in children with spina bifida in Uganda,VABB-1,650,654,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470237,,Mathematical (dis)abilities within the opportunity-propensity model : the choice of math test matters,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470239,,Encoding of novel verbal instructions for prospective action in the lateral prefrontal cortex : evidence from univariate and multivariate functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis,VABB-1,1170,1184,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470240,,Concurrent Cortical Representations of Function- and Size-Related Object Affordances: An fMRI Study,VABB-1,1221,1232,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470241,,Subjective confidence predicts information seeking in decision making,VABB-1,761,778,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470242,,Attentional bias to pain-related information : a meta-analysis of dot-probe studies,VABB-1,419,436,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470243,,Does sunshine prime loyal… or summer? Effects of associative relatedness on the evaluative priming effect in the valent/neutral categorization task,VABB-1,222,230,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470244,,Assessing the validity of emotional intelligence measures,VABB-1,87,95,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470245,,MultiPic : a standardized set of 750 drawings with norms for six European languages,VABB-1,808,816,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470246,,Governance of substance use as a by-product of policing in Norway : a historical account,VABB-1,240,256,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470248,,Agile learning strategies for sustainable careers : a review and integrated model of feedback-seeking behavior and reflection,VABB-1,51,57,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470249,,Parental rejection as a predictor of emotional eating after inpatient weight loss treatment for youngsters,VABB-1,217,227,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470251,,Factor score regression with social relations model components : a case study exploring antecedents and consequences of perceived support in families,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470252,,Enhancing childhood multidisciplinary obesity treatments : the power of self-control abilities as intervention facilitator,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470253,,Toward an Integrated Cognition Perspective on Ethnic Prejudice: An Investigation Into the Role of Intelligence and Need for Cognitive Closure,VABB-1,719,726,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470254,,Altered working memory processing of emotion in adolescents with dysphoric symptomatology : an eye tracking study,VABB-1,875,887,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470256,,On beginning the treatment : Lacanian perspectives,VABB-1,695,727,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470257,,Dorsal anterior cingulate-brainstem ensemble as a reinforcement meta-learner,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470258,,Electrophysiological correlates of the interplay between low-level visual features and emotional content during word reading,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470261,,Behavioural consistency within the prisoner's dilemma game : the role of personality and situation,VABB-1,405,426,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470262,,Parents’ need-related experiences and behaviors when raising a child with autism spectrum disorder,VABB-1,e26,e37,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470263,,The relationship between pain severity and alcohol use among school-aged children and adolescents : the moderating role of drinking motives,VABB-1,284,296,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470264,,Predicting functional networks from region connectivity profiles in task-based versus resting-state fMRI data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470266,,Placebo effects of open-label verbal suggestions on itch,VABB-1,268,274,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470267,,"A comparison of the clinical effectiveness and cost of specialised individually delivered parent training for preschool attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and a generic, group-based programme : a multi-centre, randomised controlled trial of the New Forest Parenting Programme versus Incredible Years",VABB-1,797,809,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470269,,Cognitive and motivational challenges in writing : studying the relation with writing performance across students' gender and achievement level,VABB-1,249,272,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470270,,Interference in Dutch-French bilinguals,VABB-1,13,22,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470272,,Are the benefits of autonomy satisfaction and the costs of autonomy frustration dependent on individuals' autonomy strength?,VABB-1,1017,1036,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470273,,Parental feeding behavior in relation to children's tasting behavior : an observational study,VABB-1,205,211,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470274,,"A database of orthography-semantics consistency (OSC) estimates for 15,017 English words",VABB-1,1482,1495,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470275,,Are higher-level processes delayed in second language word production? Evidence from picture naming and phoneme monitoring,VABB-1,1219,1234,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470276,,The role of sensorimotor processes in social group contagion,VABB-1,23,41,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470278,,"Future directions in personality, occupational and medical selection : myths, misunderstandings, measurement, and suggestions",VABB-1,387,399,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470279,,Individual differences and their measurement : a review of 100 years of research,VABB-1,254,273,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470280,,Early maladaptive schemas as moderators of the association between bullying victimization and depressive symptoms in adolescents,VABB-1,24,35,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470281,,Means and covariance functions for geostatistical compositional data : an axiomatic approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470283,,Using conceptual developments in RFT to direct case formulation and clinical intervention : two case summaries,VABB-1,89,96,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470286,,More precise estimation of lower-level interaction effects in multilevel models,VABB-1,335,347,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470287,,Impact of partial sleep deprivation on psychological functioning : effects on mindfulness and basic psychological need satisfaction,VABB-1,1123,1133,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470292,,Differential effect of patient weight on pain-related judgements about male and female chronic low back pain patients,VABB-1,57,66,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470296,,Narrow facets of honesty-humility predict collegiate cheating,VABB-1,199,204,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470297,,Being an optimist or a pessimist and its relationship with morning cortisol release and past life review in healthy older people,VABB-1,783,799,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470298,,When job ads turn you down : how requirements in job ads may stop instead of attract highly qualified women,VABB-1,464,475,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470299,,Understanding mental workload : from a clarifying concept analysis toward an implementable framework,VABB-1,351,365,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470300,,Behavioral problems and psychosocial strengths : unique factors contributing to the behavioral profile of youth with down syndrome,VABB-1,212,227,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470301,,A measurement of student teachers’ parent–teacher communication competences : the design of a video-based instrument,VABB-1,333,352,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470302,,Temperamental factors in remitted depression : the role of effortful control and attentional mechanisms,VABB-1,499,505,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470303,,Trajectories of change in symptom distress in a clinical group of late adolescents : the role of maladaptive personality traits and relations with parents,VABB-1,192,202,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470304,,Early and late indications of item-specific control in a Stroop mouse tracking study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470306,,The early development of infant siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder : characteristics of sibling interactions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470307,,Implicit measures of actual versus ideal body image : relations with self-reported body dissatisfaction and dieting behaviors,VABB-1,622,635,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470308,,Is memory better for objects than for separate single features? The temporal hypothesis.,VABB-1,898,917,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470310,,How to measure procedurally (un)just behavior during police-citizen interactions,VABB-1,587,600,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470313,,The burgeoning recognition and accommodation of the social supply of drugs in international criminal justice systems : an eleven-nation comparative overview,VABB-1,93,103,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470314,,Compliance externalities and the role model effect on law abidance : field and survey-experimental evidence,VABB-1,539,562,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470316,,Growing practices and the use of potentially harmful chemical additives among a sample of small-scale cannabis growers in three countries,VABB-1,250,256,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470320,,Analysing the perception-choice process in situational action theory : a randomized scenario study,VABB-1,130,147,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470321,,An analysis of Belgian Cannabis Social Clubs’ supply practices : a shapeshifting model?,VABB-1,32,41,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470325,,"Prevalence of sexual violence in migrants, applicants for international protection, and refugees in Europe : a critical interpretive synthesis of the evidence",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470327,,Mare geneticum : balancing governance of marine genetic resources in international waters,VABB-1,3,33,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470328,,Testing situational action theory : a narrative review of studies published between 2006 and 2015,VABB-1,32,55,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470329,,An examination of the interaction between morality and self-control in offending : a study of differences between girls and boys,VABB-1,282,294,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470330,,Implied exclusive powers in the ECJ's post-Lisbon jurisprudence : the continued development of the ERTA doctrine,VABB-1,1101,1142,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470331,,Reduced payer’s liability for unauthorized payment transactions under the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2),VABB-1,954,964,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470334,,Cannabis use and supply patterns among Belgian cannabis social club members,VABB-1,689,709,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470336,,The conditional effects of self-control in situational action theory : a preliminary test in a randomized scenario study,VABB-1,1450,1466,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470339,,"""The difference is in the tomato at the end"" : understanding the motivations and practices of cannabis growers operating within Belgian Cannabis Social Clubs",VABB-1,21,29,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470340,,"Within-individual change in social support, perceived collective efficacy, perceived disorder and fear of crime : results from a two-wave panel study",VABB-1,1254,1270,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470341,,Towards the discovery of scientific revolutions in scientometric data,VABB-1,505,519,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470342,,Rethinking the explanatory power of dynamical models in cognitive science,VABB-1,1131,1161,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470345,,"International feminism, domesticity, and the interview in the women's penny paper/woman's herald",VABB-1,252,268,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470346,,"Cannibals in paradise : the exotic, the familiar and the strange in ritual and performance in Vanuatu",VABB-1,541,557,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470347,,Similar or the same? Why biosimilars are not the solution,VABB-1,776,790,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470348,,"The curious incident of wisdom in the thought of Feng Qi (1915–1995) : comparative philosophy, historical materialism, and metaphysics",VABB-1,241,258,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470349,,‘Nisi per nomina’: language as the medium of thought in Hildegard of Bingen’s thinking,VABB-1,66,93,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470350,,"The French translations of James Thomson's 'The seasons', 1754-1818",VABB-1,141,164,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470352,,Non destructive archaeological diagnostics in the suburbium of a Roman town,VABB-1,325,334,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470354,,Constructies met krijgen en kry : een vergelijking vanuit (diachroon) constructiegrammaticaal perspectief,VABB-1,237,257,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:470355,,"The Virgin, the townspeople and the clergy : Marian devotion and urban policy in Cambrai in the Middle Middle Ages = La Vierge, les citadins et le clergé : dévotion mariale et politique urbaine à Cambrai au Moyen Âge central",VABB-1,267,293,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:470357,,Optimizing beat synchronized running to music,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470358,,Reconsidering religious migration and its impact : the problem of ‘Irish reform monks’ in tenth-century Lotharingia,VABB-1,588,618,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470359,,"The oldest cereals in the coversand area along the North Sea coast of NW Europe, between ca. 4800 and 3500 cal BC, at the wetland site of ‘Bazel- Sluis’ (Belgium)",VABB-1,1,7,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470360,,Motivations and attitudes of candidate sperm donors in Belgium,VABB-1,539,547,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470361,,Non-donors’ attitudes towards sperm donation and their willingness to donate,VABB-1,107,118,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470362,,Contemporary fiction vs. the challenge of imagining the timescale of climate change,VABB-1,134,153,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470363,,Discourses on Well-Being,VABB-1,747,766,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470364,,Memory studies and the anthropocene : a roundtable,VABB-1,498,515,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470366,,The role of the reprogramming method and pluripotency state in gamete differentiation from patient-specific human pluripotent stem cells,VABB-1,173,184,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470367,,Interpreter-mediated drafting of written records in police interviews,VABB-1,212,239,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470368,,"Anioto : Leopard-men killings and institutional dynamism in Northeast Congo, c. 1890–1940",VABB-1,21,44,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470369,,"Corporate collective action and the market cycle of the cloth industry in Nieuwkerke, Flanders, 1300-1600",VABB-1,375,399,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470371,,Urban space and the literary exploration of self : a rhetorician makes a mental tour through his city,VABB-1,106,120,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470372,,"The Russian post-avant-garde and the fin de siècle : the aesthetics of transfurism (Rea Nikonova, Serge Segay and beyond)",VABB-1,260,282,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470375,,"On-field Raman spectroscopy of Patagonian prehistoric rock art : pigments, alteration products and substrata",VABB-1,338,351,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470376,,"‘Business! Solidity! Publicity!’ : speculation, commodification, and affect in Martin Chuzzlewit",VABB-1,439,449,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470377,,Apollinaire's trench journalism and the affective public sphere,VABB-1,269,292,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470380,,Four misunderstandings about cultural attraction,VABB-1,162,173,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470381,,Negative strategies and world disruption in postapocalyptic fiction,VABB-1,222,241,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470382,,Two ancient intelligence failure post-mortems,VABB-1,430,441,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:470389,,Ethnicity and language in the run-up to Congolese independence in the 1950s: Ba(Ki)Kongo and Ba(Li)Ngala,VABB-1,86,104,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470393,,Human germline gene editing : recommendations of ESHG and ESHRE,VABB-1,445,449,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470395,,The current status of oocyte banks : domestic and international perspectives,VABB-1,1203,1208,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470396,,"Multilingualism, urban change and gentrification in the landscape of a Brussels neighbourhood",VABB-1,25,52,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470397,,Towards a constructional approach to discourse-level phenomena : the case of the Spanish interpersonal epistemic stance construction,VABB-1,107,138,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470398,,The sociobiology of genes : the gene's eye view as a unifying behavioural-ecological framework for biological evolution,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470400,,The younger Dryas and Preboreal landscape in the Moervaart area (northwestern Belgium) and the apparent decrease in human occupation,VABB-1,697,715,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470401,,Text form and grammatical changes in Medieval French : a treebank-based diachronic study,VABB-1,393,428,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470402,,Weichselian Lateglacial environmental and vegetation development in the Moervaart palaeolake area (NW Belgium) : implications for former human occupation patterns,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470406,,"Women’s circles and the rise of the new feminine : reclaiming sisterhood, spirituality, and wellbeing",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470407,,Representations of the fin-de-siècle literary salon in the chronicles of Matilde Serao,VABB-1,35,48,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:470408,,"The use and absence of the augment in the forms ἔδωκ(ε)(ν) and δῶκ(ε)(ν) in the Odyssey, with a brief discussion on the origin of the augment",VABB-1,7,44,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470409,,The Central Adriatic wine trade of Italy revisited,VABB-1,201,226,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470411,,Balancing animal welfare and assisted reproduction : ethics of preclinical animal research for testing new reproductive technologies,VABB-1,537,545,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470414,,"'You give the skin, I give the bones' : undocumented migrant mothers' maternal practices",VABB-1,65,71,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470417,,The song of the siren : the Dutch literature of the sixteenth century and the boundaries of a discipline = De zang van de sirene : de Nederlandse literatuur van de zestiende eeuw en de grenzen van een vakgebied,VABB-1,103,111,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:470420,,Of mice and human embryos : is there an ethically preferred order of preclinical research on new assisted reproductive technologies?,VABB-1,1581,1585,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470421,,"Embodied, participatory sense-making in digitally-augmented music practices : theoretical principles and the artistic case “SoundBikes”",VABB-1,77,94,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470423,,"""We are his children : De Landmanfamilie als erfgenaam van Adamastor",VABB-1,57,72,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:470424,,Middelnederlandse wandteksten en grafschriften op rijm,VABB-1,171,202,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:470425,,Literary salons and the periodical press in nineteenth-century Spain : exploring the Crónicas de Salón,VABB-1,91,101,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470426,,Contrasting confocal XRF with micro-SORS : a deep view within micrometric painted stratigraphy,VABB-1,3837,3844,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470427,,The typology of V2 and the distribution of pleonastic die in the Ghent dialect,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:470428,,Forty years of IVF,VABB-1,185,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470432,,Online suicide prevention through optimised text classification,VABB-1,61,78,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470433,,"Crossing languages : crossing discourses : a corpus-assisted study of 'kulturkampf' in German, Polish and English",VABB-1,117,147,,ger,2018,1 c:vabb:470434,,On the nature of the corpus and the comparability of results in historical linguistics : case study of the pragmatic marker you know = Sobre la naturaleza de los corpus y la comparabilidad de resultados en lingüística histórica : estudio de caso del marcador pragmático sabes,VABB-1,465,489,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470435,,"Descartes, corpuscles and reductionism : mechanism and systems in Descartes' physiology",VABB-1,669,689,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470437,,Ethical quandaries around expanded carrier screening in third-party reproduction,VABB-1,190,194,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470438,,Islamic modernity and the challenges for secular liberalism,VABB-1,274,287,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470440,,Complicated refugees : a study of the 1951 Geneva convention grounds in Aleksandar Hemon’s life narrative,VABB-1,331,347,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470442,,A new look at an old dog : Bonn-Oberkassel reconsidered,VABB-1,126,138,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470444,,Revisiting Hempel’s 1942 contribution to philosophy of history,VABB-1,385,406,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470446,,"'Mountains, rivers, and the whole earth' : Koan interpretations of female zen practitioners",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470447,,In defence of moral pluralism and compromise in health care networks,VABB-1,362,379,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470448,,Ragpickers and leftover performances : Walter Benjamin’s philosophy of the historical leftover,VABB-1,127,134,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470449,,Clarice Lispector on Jewishness after the Shoah : a reading of ‘Perdoando Deus’,VABB-1,225,238,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470450,,"The macquenoise sandstone (Devonian – Lochkovian), a suitable raw material for ancient querns and millstones : quarries, properties, manufacture and distribution in France and Belgium",VABB-1,27,40,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470451,,Encima de mí vs. encima mío : un análisis variacionista de las construcciones adverbiales locativas con complementos preposicionales y posesivos en Twitter = On me vs. above mine : an analysis variacionista of the adverbial constructions locativas with prepositional and possessive complements in Twitter,VABB-1,1,39,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470452,,Gallo-Roman whetstone building deposits : the cultural biography of the domestic sphere in northern Gaul,VABB-1,67,76,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470453,,The role of variation in L2 syntactic complexity : a case study on subordinate clauses in Swedish as a foreign language,VABB-1,75,116,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470454,,Translation as a multilingual activity in the digital era,VABB-1,59,72,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470455,,Divergence in rural development : the curious case of coffee production in the Lake Kivu region (first half twentieth century),VABB-1,117,146,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:470456,,How to make the revolution in Latin America? Chilean communists in the Cuban Revolution (1959-1970) = Comment faire la révolution en Amérique Latine? Les communistes chiliens face à la révolution cubaine (1959-1970),VABB-1,109,121,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470460,,Entrainment and synchronization to auditory stimuli during walking in healthy and neurological populations : a methodological systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470461,,Beyond documentation : the digital philology of interaction heritage,VABB-1,309,320,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470462,,New evidence about Nicholas Oudart (1614-1681),VABB-1,219,223,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:470463,,"“Genuine” printings of Isaac Watts’s Divine songs, 1715–1835",VABB-1,479,500,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470464,,Grammatical metaphor and grammaticalization : the case of metaphors of modality,VABB-1,164,204,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470465,,"Using the engagedMD multimedia platform to improve informed consent for ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination, and in vitro fertilization",VABB-1,1338,1346,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470466,,Responsible innovation in human germline gene editing : background document to the recommendations of ESHG and ESHRE,VABB-1,450,470,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470467,,Researching monumental spaces in late prehistoric societies : new perspectives for landscape research in the Russian Altai,VABB-1,34,44,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470469,,Military men of feeling? gender boundaries and military-civil encounters in two german soldier plays (1760-80),VABB-1,511,526,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470470,,New insights on Picasso's Blue Period painting La famille Soler,VABB-1,24,35,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470472,,La tache de l'amour racinien dans 'Phèdre',VABB-1,170,185,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:470473,,Cognitive-motor dual-task interference : a systematic review of neural correlates,VABB-1,348,360,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470474,,When a rash has two names : pese sorcery and kisigo spirits at Lake Tanganyika,VABB-1,206,219,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470475,,Many-valued logic of informal provability :a non-deterministic strategy,VABB-1,207,223,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470476,,"Cli-fi, petroculture, and the environmental humanities : an interview with Stephanie LeMenager",VABB-1,154,164,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:470477,,Exploring the fine-grained analysis and automatic detection of irony on Twitter,VABB-1,707,731,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470478,,Forensic practitioners’ expectations and moral views regarding neurobiological interventions in offenders with mental disorders,VABB-1,304,321,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470479,,The rise of nationalism in a Cosmopolitan port city : the foreign communities of Shanghai during the First World War,VABB-1,37,64,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470487,,Poetics of repetition : non-Linearity and queer futurity in philosophy and literature of memory,VABB-1,383,394,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470488,,Desafiando la bipolaridad : la independencia diplomática del gobierno democratacristiano en Chile y su acercamiento con el “mundo socialista” (1964-1970),VABB-1,186,199,,spa,2018,1 c:vabb:470490,,Tracing the essay in contemporary performing arts,VABB-1,5,12,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470491,,"The making of the Congo question: truth-telling, denial and ‘colonial science’ in King Leopold’s commission of inquiry on the rubber atrocities in the Congo Free State (1904–1905)",VABB-1,203,238,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470494,,"The evolution of the Ancient Greek deverbal pragmatic markers áge, íthi and phére",VABB-1,55,91,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:470500,,The diachronic semantics of the dissociative past completive construction in the Kikongo language Cluster (Bantu),VABB-1,297,340,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:470504,,Fictional minds : coming to terms with the unnatural,VABB-1,523,542,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470505,,Mimesis : the unnatural between situation models and interpretive strategies,VABB-1,447,471,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470507,,Attitude towards reciprocity as a motive for oocyte donation,VABB-1,194,198,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470509,,Human in vitro spermatogenesis from pluripotent stem cells : in need of a stepwise differentiation protocol?,VABB-1,47,54,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470510,,Seeking systematicity in variation : theoretical and methodological considerations on the “variety” concept,VABB-1,1,19,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470511,,"Tearing down the Greenhouse : visual ecology, savvy critics, and climate change in T. C. Boyle’s The Terranauts",VABB-1,68,84,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470513,,West Flemish V3 and the interaction of syntax and discourse,VABB-1,1,56,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470514,,Reply: disclosure and donor-conceived children,VABB-1,1537,1538,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470515,,The Nijmegen School and its ‘sociological’ approach to the so-called Sondersprache of early Christians : a preliminary historiographical study,VABB-1,335,357,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470516,,Mechanism discovery and design explanation : where role function meets biological advantage function,VABB-1,413,434,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470518,,The cognitive load of interpreters in the European Parliament. A corpus-based study of predictors for the disfluency uh(m),VABB-1,1,28,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470519,,The relevance of the Netherlandish rhetoricians,VABB-1,8,22,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470520,,"From conditionality to modality in Luganda (Bantu, JE15) : a synchronic and diachronic corpus analysis of the verbal prefix -andi-",VABB-1,84,106,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470523,,Cross-channel connectivity : Wealden whetstones import from Roman Britain to the continent,VABB-1,313,337,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470524,,"Narrative construction, ideal rule, and emotional discourse in the biographies of Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn and Louis IX by Bahāʾ al-Dīn b. Shaddād and Jean Sire de Joinville",VABB-1,133,147,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470525,,"I con[9221256]er il controllo delle risorse collettive in un’area di dogana (Toscana meridionale, XIV-XV secolo)",VABB-1,317,348,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:470528,,Posthuman narration as a test bed for experientiality : the case of Kurt Vonnegut’s Galápagos,VABB-1,303,314,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470529,,The garden of hidden delights of the Russian-Jewish avant-garde,VABB-1,78,88,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470532,,Reply to: Interprofessional teamwork in acute geriatric care : where are the pharmacists?,VABB-1,417,417,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470538,,Chapter 15: Sexual and reproductive health and rights,VABB-4,171,193,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:470542,,Primary stenting is nowadays the gold standard treatment for TASC II A & B iliac lesions : the definitive MISAGO 1-year results,VABB-1,416,421,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470543,,Sexual health of very young adolescents in South Western Uganda : a cross-sectional assessment of sexual knowledge and behavior,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470544,,Wat zijn de economische gevolgen van de hervorming van de erfbelasting?,VABB-4,493,507,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:470546,,Female genital mutilation in Europe from a children's rights perspective,VABB-4,295,316,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:470547,,"Hidden violence is silent rape : sexual and gender-based violence in refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands",VABB-4,189,206,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:470549,,Characterization of volatile organic compound emissions from self-bonded boards resulting from a coriander biorefinery,VABB-1,57,65,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470552,,Flow synthesis of heterocycles,VABB-1,25,57,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470553,,Wonen op een onaangepaste plek : de vergeten dimensie van de vergrijzing,VABB-1,1,8,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:470554,,"Stellarex drug-coated balloon for treatment of femoropopliteal arterial disease : the ILLUMENATE Global Study : 12-month results from a prospective, multicenter, single-arm study",VABB-1,497,504,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470555,,Editor's choice: Management of atherosclerotic carotid and vertebral artery disease : 2017 clinical practice guidelines of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS),VABB-1,3,81,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470556,,Holistische zorg voor slachtoffers van seksueel geweld,VABB-4,407,427,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:470563,,Modeling data backups as a batch-service queue with vacations and exhaustive policy,VABB-1,46,59,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470565,,Establishing the diagnosis of chronic colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa of cystic fibrosis patients : comparison of the European consensus criteria with genotyping of P. aeruginosa isolates,VABB-1,729,735,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470567,,When one rare disease hides another : Kartagener syndrome masking FMF,VABB-1,981,985,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470569,,Medicinal chemistry and use of myosin II inhibitor (S)-blebbistatin and its derivatives,VABB-1,9410,9428,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470573,,Tandem addition of phosphite nucleophiles across unsaturated nitrogen-containing systems : mechanistic insights on regioselectivity,VABB-1,188,201,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470578,,"A prospective, longitudinal study evaluating the baseline six-minute walk test as an individual reference value in systemic sclerosis patients.",VABB-1,95,101,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470584,,Effect of early palliative care : complex intervention and complex results : authors' reply,VABB-1,e222,e222,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470587,,Endovascular Training Using a Simulation Based Curriculum is Less Expensive than Training in the Hybrid Angiosuite,VABB-1,583,590,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470588,,"Corneel Heymans, de Gentse Nobelprijswinnaar",VABB-1,940,944,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:470608,,Fischer decomposition for osp(4|2)-monogenics in quaternionic Clifford analysis,VABB-1,4874,4891,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470609,,On a mixed fischer decomposition in Clifford analysis,VABB-1,359,374,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470610,,Generalized Taylor series in hermitian Clifford analysis,VABB-1,1531,1545,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470611,,Algebraic approach to slice monogenic functions,VABB-1,1065,1087,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470612,,Fischer decomposition for massless fields of spin 1 in dimension 4,VABB-1,439,456,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470613,,Fischer decomposition for the symplectic group,VABB-1,831,848,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470614,,Computed tomographic findings in canine elbows arthroscopically diagnosed with erosion of the medial compartment : an analytical method comparison study,VABB-1,572,581,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470615,,Canine synovial fluid biomarkers for early detection and monitoring of osteoarthritis,VABB-1,328,329,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470616,,"Erosion of the medial compartment of the canine elbow: occurrence, diagnosis and currently available treatment options",VABB-1,9,18,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470617,,Medication discrepancies in older patients admitted to non-geriatric wards : an exploratory study,VABB-1,41,45,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470619,,Medial coronoid disease in an eleven-year-old Labrador retriever,VABB-1,257,263,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470620,,"Assessment of medial coronoid disease in 180 canine lame elbow joints : a sensitivity and specificity comparison of radiographic, computed tomographic and arthroscopic findings",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470621,,Spectrum of arthroscopic findings in 84 canine elbow joints diagnosed with medial compartment erosion,VABB-1,76,85,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470622,,Intraobserver and interobserver agreement on the radiographical diagnosis of canine cranial cruciate ligament rupture,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470623,,Ulnaire osteotomie als behandeling van een losse processus anconeus bij een jonge mastino napoletano,VABB-1,88,93,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:470624,,Flexorenthesopathie bij een Italiaanse cane corso : diagnostische bevindingen en resultaat na behandeling,VABB-1,215,220,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:470625,,Therapeutic ultrasound as an aid in tibial fracture management in a dog,VABB-1,29,34,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470626,,"Arthroscopic, computed tomography and radiographic findings in 25 dogs with lameness after arthroscopic treatment of medial coronoid disease",VABB-1,246,253,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470627,,"Improved canine exome designs, featuring ncRNAs and increased coverage of protein coding genes",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470628,,Physiotherapy in small animal medicine,VABB-1,323,334,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470629,,TTA rapid: description of the technique and short term clinical trial results of the first 50 cases,VABB-1,474,484,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470630,,Higher order Borel–Pompeiu representations in Clifford analysis,VABB-1,4787,4796,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:470631,,Spin actions in Euclidean and Hermitian Clifford analysis in superspace,VABB-1,23,50,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470632,,Representation of distributions by harmonic and monogenic potentials in Euclidean space,VABB-1,31,52,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470634,,Slice fourier transform and convolutions,VABB-1,837,862,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470635,,The radial algebra as an abstract framework for orthogonal and Hermitian Clifford analysis,VABB-1,1139,1172,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470637,,Embedding factors for branching in Hermitian Clifford analysis,VABB-1,355,378,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470639,,Identification and characterization of 4-chloromethamphetamine (4-CMA) in seized ecstacy : a risk to public health,VABB-1,173,180,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470640,,Synthesis of pyrrolidine-based hamamelitannin analogues as quorum sensing inhibitors in Staphylococcus aureus,VABB-1,2822,2828,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:470641,,Acyloxybenzyl and alkoxyalkyl prodrugs of a fosmidomycin surrogate as antimalarial and antitubercular agents,VABB-1,986,989,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470643,,Toward the most ideal case-control design with related and unrelated dogs in whole-exome sequencing studies,VABB-1,200,207,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470644,,Postoperatieve infectie met multiresistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bij een Berner sennenhond met een ruptuur van de voorste kruisband,VABB-1,264,277,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:470645,,Synthesis of a 3'-C-ethynyl-β-D-ribofuranose purine nucleoside library : discovery of C7-deazapurine analogs as potent antiproliferative nucleosides,VABB-1,248,267,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:470646,,Synthesis toward bivalent ligands for the dopamine D2 and metabotropic glutamate 5 receptors,VABB-1,8212,8225,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470647,,Fundaments of quaternionic Clifford analysis II : splitting of equations,VABB-1,616,641,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470648,,Slice Segal–Bargmann transform,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470649,,Hermitian Clifford analysis on superspace,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470650,,Boundary value problems on fractal hypersurfaces for the quaternionic hermitian system in R-4n,VABB-1,957,973,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470652,,Toxicity assessment of mixtures of neonicotinoids and systemic fungicides or biopesticides in bumblebees (Bombus terrestris),VABB-5,234,234,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470653,,Discovery of novel 7-aryl 7-deazapurine 3'-deoxy-ribofuranosyl nucleosides with potent activity against Trypanosoma cruzi,VABB-1,9287,9300,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470655,,"Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of bivalent ligands targeting dopamine D2-like receptors and the μ-opioid receptor",VABB-1,944,956,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470657,,ANN prediction of corrosion behaviour of uncoated and biopolymers coated cp-Titanium substrates,VABB-1,35,51,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470658,,Synthesis of poly(2-oxazoline)s with side chain methyl ester functionalities: detailed understanding of living copolymerization behavior of methyl ester containing monomers with 2-alkyl-2-oxazolines,VABB-1,2649,2661,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470659,,A continuous rainfall model based on vine copulas,VABB-1,2685,2699,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470660,,Formation of fluorinated amido esters through unexpected C3-C4 bond fission in 4-trifluoromethyl-3-oxo-β-lactams,VABB-1,421,431,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470662,,Accelerated living cationic ring-opening polymerization of a methyl ester functionalized 2-oxazoline monomer,VABB-1,514,518,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470663,,Stochastic simulation of precipitation-consistent daily reference evapotranspiration using vine copulas,VABB-1,2197,2214,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470664,,Reactivity of 3-oxo-β-lactams with respect to primary amines : an experimental and computational approach,VABB-1,18002,18009,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470665,,Influence of solvation and dynamics on the mechanism and kinetics of nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions in liquid ammonia,VABB-1,1635,1644,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470666,,Impact of the timing of a SAR image acquisition on the calibration of a flood inundation model,VABB-1,126,138,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470667,,A coupled stochastic rainfall-evapotranspiration model for hydrological impact analysis,VABB-1,1263,1283,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470668,,The use of a saturated long carbon chain sodium monocarboxylate for the corrosion inhibition of lead objects in atmospheric conditions and in acetic acid corrosive solutions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470669,,Copula-based downscaling of coarse-scale soil moisture observations with implicit bias correction,VABB-1,3507,3521,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470670,,Accounting for image uncertainty in SAR-based flood mapping,VABB-1,70,77,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470671,,A gene family coding for salivary proteins (SHOT) of the polyphagous spider mite Tetranychus urticae exhibits fast host-dependent transcriptional plasticity,VABB-1,112,124,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470673,,Structure guided lead generation toward nonchiral M. tuberculosis thymidylate kinase inhibitors,VABB-1,2753,2775,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470675,,"Automated EEG source imaging: A retrospective, blinded clinical validation study",VABB-1,2403,2410,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470677,,Little effort with big effect – implementing the new IFCN 2017 recommendations on standard EEGs,VABB-1,2433,2434,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470679,,Are oral health and fixed orthodontic appliances associated with sports injuries and postural stability in elite junior male soccer players?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:470680,,Automated long-term EEG analysis to localize the epileptogenic zone,VABB-1,322,333,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:470681,,"Influence of Time-Series Normalization, Number of Nodes, Connectivity and Graph Measure Selection on Seizure-Onset Zone Localization from Intracranial EEG.",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470682,,Associations between poor oral health and reinjuries in male elite soccer players : a cross-sectional self-report study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:470686,,Soundscape design for management of behavorial disorders : a pilot study among nursing home residents with dementia,VABB-5,1,8,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:470687,,"The relationship between noise sensitivity and soundscape appraisal of care professionals in their work environment: a case study in Nursing Homes in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-5,2347,2352,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:470689,,Beyond temporal pooling : recurrence and temporal convolutions for gesture recognition in video,VABB-1,430,439,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470691,,Boot-turf interaction during a 180° cutting movement on artificial turf when wet and dry,VABB-4,141,152,,dut,2018,2 c:vabb:470697,,Semi-automatic flood detection using historic satellite imagery,VABB-5,551,558,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:470700,,"Evaluation and improvement of the acoustic comfort in nursing homes : a case study in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-5,405,412,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:470703,,Predicting mortality and incident immobility in older Belgian men by characteristics related to sarcopenia and frailty,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470707,,Female genital cutting in Egypt : drivers and potential responses,VABB-1,708,718,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:470708,,Impact of a 'diagonal' intervention on uptake of sexual and reproductive health services by female sex workers in Mozambique : a mixed-methods implementation study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470713,,Impact of different conditions on resin coated mortar,VABB-4,259,263,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:470716,,"Correlates of facility-based delivery among women of reproductive age from the Digo community residing in Kwale, Kenya",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:470717,,Improving postpartum care delivery and uptake by implementing context-specific interventions in four countries in Africa : a realist evaluation of the Missed Opportunities in Maternal and Infant Health (MOMI) project,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:470719,,Determinants of method switching among social franchise clients who discontinued the use of intrauterine contraceptive device,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:470721,,Incident adverse drug reactions in geriatric inpatients : a multicentred observational study,VABB-1,13,23,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:470729,,Twenty five years fighting for women's health and rights : some progress but still a long way to go,VABB-1,107,113,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:470730,,"Intimate partner violence in early adolescence : the role of gender, socioeconomic factors and the school",VABB-1,502,509,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:470732,,Cytology at the time of HPV : some things to think about when discussing HPV,VABB-1,527,533,,eng,2016,2 c:vabb:470733,,"Sexual orientation of trans adults is not linked to outcome of transition-related health care, but worth asking",VABB-4,103,111,,eng,2017,2 c:vabb:470735,,Het vrouwelijk seksueel verlangen en de invloed van hormonale contraceptie,VABB-1,1029,1038,,dut,2016,2 c:vabb:470736,,High strains near femoral insertion site of the superficial medial collateral ligament of the knee can explain clinical failure pattern,VABB-1,2016,2024,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470737,,Meniscal allograft transplantation does not prevent or delay progression of knee osteoarthritis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470738,,Morphometric atlas selection for automatic brachial plexus segmentation,VABB-1,691,698,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470739,,A semi-linear delayed diffusion-wave system with distributed order in time,VABB-1,885,903,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470740,,Standardization of pediatric uroradiological terms : a multidisciplinary European glossary,VABB-1,291,303,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470742,,Psychological characteristics and sexuality of natal males with gender dysphoria,VABB-4,75,82,,eng,2015,2 c:vabb:470743,,Deep inspiration breath hold in the prone position retracts the heart from the breast and internal mammary lymph node region,VABB-1,473,476,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470744,,"Outcome of patellofemoral arthroplasty, determinants for success",VABB-1,759,767,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470745,,Clinical outcome in MPFL reconstruction with and without tuberositas transposition,VABB-1,2708,2714,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470746,,Idiopathic partial thrombosis (IPT) of the corpus cavernosum : a hypothesis-generating case series and review of the literature,VABB-1,2118,2125,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470747,,Adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells improve the healing of colonic anastomoses following high dose of irradiation through anti-inflammatory and angiogenic processes,VABB-1,1919,1930,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470750,,"Calcium, a pivotal player in photodynamic therapy?",VABB-1,1805,1814,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470752,,Natural Fe isotope fractionation in an intestinal Caco-2 cell line model,VABB-1,1713,1720,,fre,2017,1 c:vabb:470755,,Oral vaccination with a live Salmonella Enteritidis/Typhimurium bivalent vaccine in layers induces cross-protection against caecal and internal organ colonization by a Salmonella Infantis strain,VABB-1,7,12,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470759,,Methylome and Epialleles in Rice Epilines Selected for Energy Use Efficiency,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470761,,Presence of Helicobacter and Campylobacter species in faecal samples from zoo mammals,VABB-1,49,52,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470763,,Reduced-Particle-Size Wheat Bran Is Efficiently Colonized by a Lactic Acid-Producing Community and Reduces Levels of Enterobacteriaceae in the Cecal Microbiota of Broilers,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470781,,A pre-column derivatization method allowing quantitative metabolite profiling of carboxyl and phenolic hydroxyl group containing pharmaceuticals in human plasma via liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ICP-MS/MS),VABB-1,274,282,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470785,,Optimal number of atlases and label fusion for automatic multi-atlas-based brachial plexus contouring in radiotherapy treatment planning,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470786,,Long-term survival after multimodality therapy including surgery for metastatic esophageal cancer,VABB-1,227,232,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470787,,A compact fourth-order in space energy-preserving method for Riesz space-fractional nonlinear wave equations,VABB-1,1,14,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470788,,Pre-emptive versus non pre-emptive kidney transplantation for end-stage kidney disease,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:470791,,Characterisation of Byzantine and early Islamic primary tank furnace glass,VABB-1,722,735,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:470793,,Tropical seasonality in the late Campanian (late Cretaceous) : comparison between multiproxy records from three bivalve taxa from Oman,VABB-1,740,760,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470795,,Impact of drying and Thiel embalming on mechanical properties of Achilles tendons,VABB-1,994,1001,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470796,,Popliteus impingement after TKA may occur with well-sized prostheses,VABB-1,1720,1730,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470797,,The predictive value of colon transit time and anorectal manometry in the approach of faecal continence in children with spina bifida,VABB-1,277,282,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470798,,A different way to study frequency volume charts in patients with nocturia,VABB-1,768,774,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470799,,A devastating case of diarrhea-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome associated with extensive cerebral infarction : why we need to do better,VABB-1,151,155,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470800,,Improved walking distance and range of motion predict patient satisfaction after TKA,VABB-1,3272,3279,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470802,,"De recente wijziging van de bekendmaking van huwelijksvermogensstelsels, wettelijke samenwoningsovereenkomsten, wijzigingsakten en vonnissen en arresten daarover",VABB-1,809,816,,dut,2015,2 c:vabb:470806,,Mycotoxin Biomarkers of Exposure: A Comprehensive Review,VABB-1,1127,1155,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470807,,Helicobacter suis binding to carbohydrates on human and porcine gastric mucins and glycolipids occurs via two modes,VABB-1,898,918,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470811,,Short- and long term follow-up of 150 sports horses diagnosed with tendinopathy or desmopathy by ultrasonographic examination and treated with high-power laser therapy,VABB-1,232,238,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470812,,Macroevolution of gastric Helicobacter species unveils interspecies admixture and time of divergence,VABB-1,2518,2531,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470813,,Evading innate immunity in nonviral mRNA delivery: don’t shoot the messenger,VABB-1,11,25,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470814,,A non-hydrocephalic goat experimental model to evaluate a ventriculosinus shunt,VABB-1,504,514,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470829,,Open letter to the Council of Europe,VABB-1,4,5,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470830,,The effect of morphometric atlas selection on multi-atlas-based automatic brachial plexus segmentation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470831,,A new prediction model for patient satisfaction after total knee arthroplasty,VABB-1,2660,2667,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470832,,Assessment of graft perfusion and oxygenation for improved outcome in esophageal cancer surgery : protocol for a single-center prospective observational study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470837,,Risks to human and animal health related to the presence of moniliformin in food and feed,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,2 c:vabb:470842,,Functional MRI during hippocampal deep brain stimulation in the healthy rat brain,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470843,,EEG derived brain activity reflects treatment response from vagus nerve stimulation in patients with epilepsy,VABB-1,,,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:470844,,Automated diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy in the absence of interictal spikes,VABB-1,10,15,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470845,,EEG source connectivity to localize the seizure onset zone in patients with drug resistant epilepsy,VABB-1,689,698,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470846,,EURO-MUSCULUS/USPRM basic scanning protocols for wrist and hand,VABB-1,479,484,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470847,,EURO-MUSCULUS/USPRM basic scanning protocols for elbow,VABB-1,485,489,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470848,,EURO-MUSCULUS/USPRM basic scanning protocols for ankle and foot,VABB-1,647,653,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470849,,Modulation of hippocampal activity by vagus nerve stimulation in freely moving rats,VABB-1,124,132,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470850,,Problem-solving therapy during outpatient stroke rehabilitation improves coping and health-related quality of life,VABB-1,135,142,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470851,,Seizure-onset mapping based on time-variant multivariate functional connectivity analysis of high-dimensional intracranial EEG : a Kalman filter approach,VABB-1,46,59,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470852,,The role of skull modeling in EEG source imaging for patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy,VABB-1,572,589,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470853,,"Sex differences in patients with chronic pain following whiplash injury : the role of depression, fear, somatization, social support, and personality traits",VABB-1,757,764,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470854,,EURO-MUSCULUS/USPRM basic scanning protocols for hip,VABB-1,635,640,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470858,,Genitofemoral neuralgia : adding to the burden of chronic vulvar pain,VABB-1,845,849,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470859,,Seizure onset zone localization from ictal high-density EEG in refractory focal epilepsy,VABB-1,257,271,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470860,,Directed functional brain connectivity based on EEG source imaging : methodology and application to temporal lobe epilepsy,VABB-1,2619,2628,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470861,,Hippocampal deep brain stimulation reduces glucose utilization in the healthy rat brain,VABB-1,373,383,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470862,,EURO-MUSCULUS/USPRM basic scanning protocols for shoulder,VABB-1,491,496,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470863,,EURO-MUSCULUS/USPRM basic scanning protocols for knee,VABB-1,641,646,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470864,,Electrical source imaging of interictal spikes using multiple sparse volumetric priors for presurgical epileptogenic focus localization,VABB-1,252,263,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470865,,Difficulty of comparing the multiple heterogeneous approaches : comment to transcranial direct current stimulation in epilepsy,VABB-1,459,461,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470866,,Diastematomyelia and late onset presentation : a case report of a 72-year-old woman,VABB-1,618,621,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470867,,Improved localization of seizure onset zones using spatiotemporal constraints and time-varying source connectivity,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470868,,Nineteen reasons why physiatrists should do musculoskeletal ultrasound: EURO-MUSCULUS/USPRM recommendations,VABB-1,e45,e49,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470869,,Arterial tortuosity syndrome : 40 new families and literature review,VABB-1,1236,1245,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470871,,What the eye does not see: a critical interpretive synthesis of European Union policies addressing sexual violence in vulnerable migrants,VABB-1,45,55,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470874,,Sexuality education: what is it?,VABB-1,427,431,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470875,,"Concurrent partnerships in Cape Town, South Africa : race and sex differences in prevalence and duration of overlap",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470878,,"High-frequency intimate partner violence during pregnancy, postnatal depression and suicidal tendencies in Harare, Zimbabwe",VABB-1,109,114,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470880,,Global epidemiology of use of and disparities in caesarean sections,VABB-1,1341,1348,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470881,,Towards a more integrated and gender-sensitive care delivery for victims of sexual assault : key findings and recommendations from the Belgian sexual assault care centre feasibility study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470884,,Evaluation of the clinical significance of human papillomavirus (HPV) 53,VABB-1,7,9,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470885,,Uptake of the human papillomavirus vaccine in Kenya : testing the health belief model through pathway modeling on cohort data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470889,,Beyond risk compensation : clusters of antiretroviral treatment (ART) users in sexual networks can modify the impact of ART on HIV incidence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470890,,Post-abortion family planning counselling practice among abortion service providers in China : a nationwide cross-sectional study,VABB-1,24,29,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470893,,"'A baby was an added burden' : predictors and consequences of unintended pregnancies for female sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya : a mixed-methods study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470895,,Changes in drinking patterns during and after pregnancy among mothers of children with fetal alcohol syndrome : a study in three districts of South Africa,VABB-1,13,21,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470896,,Nurses' sedation practices during weaning of adults from mechanical ventilation in an intensive care unit,VABB-1,32,42,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470899,,"Perspectives on HIV pre- and post-exposure prophylaxes (PrEP and PEP) among female and male sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya : implications for integrating biomedical prevention into sexual health services",VABB-1,141,153,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470900,,"'Yeah, I've grown; I can't go out anymore' : differences in perceived risks between girls and boys entering adolescence",VABB-1,787,798,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470901,,Where is the argument for the conceptual slippery slope? : reply,VABB-1,397,398,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470902,,"Addressing early retention in antenatal care among HIV-positive women through a simple intervention in Kinshasa, DRC : the Elombe 'Champion' Standard Operating Procedure",VABB-1,860,866,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470903,,How to achieve the desired outcomes of advance care planning in nursing homes : a theory of change,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470904,,"Pattern and determinants of contraceptive usage among women of reproductive age from the Digo community residing in Kwale, Kenya : results from a cross-sectional household survey",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470905,,Early neonatal mortality in twin pregnancy : findings from 60 low- and middle-income countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470907,,Oral care with chlorhexidine gluconate : time to focus on outcomes that matter,VABB-1,308,309,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470908,,Does place and attendance at birth improve early neonatal mortality? : secondary analysis of nine Demographic and Health Surveys,VABB-1,1558,1565,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470909,,"Associations between highly active antiretroviral therapy and the presence of HPV, premalignant and malignant cervical lesions in sub-Saharan Africa, a systematic review : current evidence and directions for future research",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470911,,Integration of maternal postpartum services in maternal and child health services in Kaya health district (Burkina Faso) : an intervention time trend analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470915,,Factors associated with HIV testing among men who have sex with men in Western Kenya : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,179,187,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470916,,Correlates of male involvement in maternal and newborn health : a cross-sectional study of men in a peri-urban region of Myanmar,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470918,,A cross sectional comparison of postnatal care quality in facilities participating in a maternal health voucher program versus non-voucher facilities in Kenya,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470919,,Gender differences in treatment outcomes among 15-49 year olds with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in Kenya,VABB-1,1176,1181,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470922,,"HIV prevention and care-seeking behaviour among female sex workers in four cities in India, Kenya, Mozambique and South Africa",VABB-1,1293,1303,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470923,,Epidemiology of HPV genotypes among HIV positive women in Kenya : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470924,,"Prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus and abnormal pap smears in female sex workers compared to the general population in Antwerp, Belgium",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470925,,A survey of geriatric expertise in medicines evaluation at national regulatory agencies in Europe : there is still room for improvement!,VABB-1,430,433,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470929,,"Time for men to count, too : in reply",VABB-1,425,426,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470930,,"A cross-sectional mixed study of the opportunity to improve maternal postpartum care in reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health services in the Kaya health district of Burkina Faso",VABB-1,S20,S26,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470932,,Management and outcomes of pregnancy with or without lupus nephritis : a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,885,901,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470933,,"'Our voices matter' : a before-after assessment of the effect of a community-participatory intervention to promote uptake of maternal and child health services in Kwale, Kenya",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470934,,Health sector involvement in the management of female genital mutilation/cutting in 30 countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470935,,"Sexual and reproductive health knowledge, contraception uptake, and factors associated with unmet need for modern contraception among adolescent female sex workers in China",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470936,,Underreporting of deaths in the maternal deaths surveillance system in one region of Morocco,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470937,,Prevalence and correlates of sexual and gender-based violence against Chinese adolescent women who are involved in commercial sex : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470938,,The magnitude and factors related to facility-based maternal mortality in Mozambique,VABB-1,464,470,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470939,,'Boys should have the courage to ask a girl out' : gender norms in early adolescent romantic relationships,VABB-1,S42,S47,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470941,,Prevention of postpartum haemorrhage by community-based auxiliary midwives in hard-to-reach areas of Myanmar : a qualitative inquiry into acceptability and feasibility of task shifting,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470942,,"Effectiveness of an integrated community- and clinic-based intervention on HIV testing, HIV knowledge, and sexual risk behavior of young men who have sex with men in Myanmar",VABB-1,S45,S53,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470943,,Factors associated with HIV testing among young men who have sex with men in Myanmar : a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470944,,"Determinants of knowledge of critical danger signs, safe childbirth and immediate newborn care practices among auxiliary midwives : a cross sectional survey in Myanmar",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470945,,Assessing women's satisfaction with family planning services in Mozambique,VABB-1,222,228,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470946,,Local and foreign authorship of maternal health interventional research in low- and middle-income countries : systematic mapping of publications 2000–2012,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470949,,Effects of the copper intrauterine device versus injectable progestin contraception on pregnancy rates and method discontinuation among women attending termination of pregnancy services in South Africa: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470951,,Surveillance of effects of HPV vaccination in Belgium,VABB-1,152,158,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:470953,,"The systematic early integration of palliative care into multidisciplinary oncology care in the hospital setting (IPAC), a randomized controlled trial : the study protocol",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470955,,International variation in place of death of older people who died from dementia in 14 European and non-European countries,VABB-1,165,171,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470956,,Descriptions by general practitioners and nurses of their collaboration in continuous sedation until death at home: in-depth qualitative interviews in three European countries,VABB-1,99,110,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470957,,Barriers to modern contraceptive methods uptake among young women in Kenya : a qualitative study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470960,,Connecting the dots : network data and models in HIV epidemiology,VABB-1,2009,2020,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470963,,Performance of a cartridge-based assay for detection of clinically significant human papillomavirus (HPV) infection : lessons from VALGENT (Validation of HPV Genotyping Tests),VABB-1,2337,2342,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470964,,"Addressing the intersection between alcohol consumption and antiretroviral treatment : needs assessment and design of interventions for primary healthcare workers, the Western Cape, South Africa",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470965,,"Contraceptive method choice among women in slum and non-slum communities in Nairobi, Kenya",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470967,,Effect of puerperal infections on early neonatal mortality : a secondary analysis of six demographic and health surveys,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470969,,Establishing sexual assault care centres in Belgium : health professionals' role in the patient-centred care for victims of sexual violence,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470970,,Genome-wide analyses identify a role for SLC17A4 and AADAT in thyroid hormone regulation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470972,,Short-term and long-term effects of caesarean section on the health of women and children,VABB-1,1349,1357,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470974,,"Intimate partner violence, forced first sex and adverse pregnancy outcomes in a sample of Zimbabwean women accessing maternal and child health care",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470977,,"Pregnancy intendedness and the association with physical, sexual and emotional abuse : a European multi-country cross-sectional study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470979,,Impact of early initiation versus national standard of care of antiretroviral therapy in Swaziland's public sector health system : study protocol for a stepped-wedge randomized trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470983,,Human papilloma virus infection in HIV-infected women in Belgium : implications for prophylactic vaccines within this subpopulation,VABB-1,46,53,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470984,,'A boy would be friends with boys... and a girl... with girls' : gender norms in early adolescent friendships in Egypt and Belgium,VABB-1,S30,S34,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470986,,"A qualitative exploration of perceptions and experiences of contraceptive use, abortion and post-abortion family planning services (PAFP) in three provinces in China",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470987,,"'The co-authors of pregnancy' : leveraging men's sense of responsibility and other factors for male involvement in antenatal services in Kinshasa, DRC",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:470989,,Critical examination of evidence for the nutritional status of children in Papua New Guinea : a systematic review,VABB-1,1,18,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470990,,Unbearable suffering or unbearable deceit? : authors' reply,VABB-1,183,184,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470991,,Including all voices in international data-sharing governance,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:470994,,Fear of childbirth and risk of cesarean delivery: a cohort study in six European countries,VABB-1,48,55,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470996,,"Where do female sex workers seek HIV and reproductive health care and what motivates these choices? : a survey in 4 cities in India, Kenya, Mozambique and South Africa",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:470997,,"Sexual and reproductive health risks amongst female adolescents who use amphetamine-type stimulants and sell sex: a qualitative inquiry in Yunnan, China",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:470998,,"Implementation of an HPV vaccination program in Eldoret, Kenya: results from a qualitative assessment by key stakeholders",VABB-1,,,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:470999,,Inequity in costs of seeking sexual and reproductive health services in India and Kenya,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471000,,Opportunities to improve postpartum care for mothers and infants : design of context-specific packages of postpartum interventions in rural districts in four sub-Saharan African countries,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471001,,Expectations and satisfaction with antenatal care among pregnant women with a focus on vulnerable groups : a descriptive study in Ghent,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471002,,Comparative analysis of cervical cytology and human papillomavirus genotyping by three different methods in a routine diagnostic setting,VABB-1,447,453,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471003,,"Implementation of point-of-care diagnostics leads to variable uptake of syphilis, anemia and CD4+T-cell count testing in rural maternal and child health clinics",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471004,,Evidence and knowledge gaps on the disease burden in sexual and gender minorities : a review of systematic reviews,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471005,,Participatory approaches involving community and healthcare providers in family planning/contraceptive information and service provision : a scoping review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471006,,"Age differences between sexual partners, behavioural and demographic correlates, and HIV infection on Likoma Island, Malawi",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471007,,"Quality of antenatal and childbirth care in rural health facilities in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Tanzania : an intervention study",VABB-1,70,83,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471008,,"Distribution of human papillomaviruses and bacterial vaginosis in HIV positive women with abnormal cytology in Mombasa, Kenya",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471012,,'Doing hymen reconstruction' : an analysis of perceptions and experiences of Flemish gynaecologists,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471013,,"Feasibility, acceptability and potential sustainability of a 'diagonal' approach to health services for female sex workers in Mozambique",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471016,,Involving men to improve maternal and newborn health : a systematic review of the effectiveness of interventions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471017,,Maternal death and delays in accessing emergency obstetric care in Mozambique,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471018,,Pregnancy outcomes among Chinese women with and without systemic lupus erythematosus : a retrospective cohort study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471019,,Validity of reported retention in antiretroviral therapy after roll-out to peripheral facilities in Mozambique : results of a retrospective national cohort analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471020,,Female sex workers experiences of using contraceptive methods : a qualitative study in Kenya,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471022,,Early effects of human papillomavirus vaccination in Belgium,VABB-1,340,342,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471023,,Exploration of gender norms and socialization among early adolescents : the use of qualitative methods for the global early adolescent study,VABB-1,S12,S18,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471024,,"Intentional and unintentional condom breakage and slippage in the sexual interactions of female and male sex workers and clients in Mombasa, Kenya",VABB-1,637,648,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471027,,The potential of task shifting selected maternal interventions to auxiliary midwives in Myanmar : a mixed-method study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471028,,Feasibility of antiretroviral treatment monitoring in the era of decentralized HIV care : a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471029,,Determinants of modern contraceptive use among sexually active men in Kenya,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471030,,"A systematic approach towards the development of quality indicators for postnatal care after discharge in Flanders, Belgium",VABB-1,60,68,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471031,,A high resolution melting (HRM) technology-based assay for cost-efficient clinical detection and genotyping of herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 and HSV-2,VABB-1,181,186,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471034,,Partner age differences and associated sexual risk behaviours among adolescent girls and young women in a cash transfer programme for schooling in Malawi,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471035,,Effects of injectable progestogen contraception versus the copper intrauterine device on HIV acquisition : sub-study of a pragmatic randomised controlled trial,VABB-1,175,180,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471036,,Female genital mutilation/cutting in Italy : an enhanced estimation for first generation migrant women based on 2016 survey data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471037,,Multiple HPV infections in female sex workers in Western Kenya : implications for prophylactic vaccines within this sub population,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471038,,Specification and implementation of mapping rule visualization and editing : MapVOWL and the RMLEditor,VABB-1,31,50,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471039,,Gender incongruence of adolescence and adulthood : acceptability and clinical utility of the World Health Organization's proposed ICD-11 criteria,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471041,,Attitudes and behaviours of maternal health care providers in interactions with clients: a systematic review,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471042,,Prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome in a South African city with a predominantly Black African population,VABB-1,1016,1026,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471043,,"Prevalence and risk factors for cancer of the uterine cervix among women living in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo : a cross-sectional study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471044,,"Early infant feeding patterns and HIV-free survival: findings from the Kesho-Bora Trial (Burkina Faso, Kenya, South Africa)",VABB-1,168,174,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471045,,Evaluation of holistic sexuality education: a European expert group consensus agreement,VABB-1,68,80,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471046,,"'Women at risk': the health and social vulnerabilities of the regular female partners of men who inject drugs in Delhi, India",VABB-1,623,637,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471047,,Engaging with community-based public and private mid-level providers for promoting the use of modern contraceptive methods in rural Pakistan: results from two innovative birth spacing interventions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471049,,Male partners' involvement in prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission in sub-Saharan Africa : a systematic review,VABB-1,87,105,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471051,,"Are HIV and reproductive health services adapted to the needs of female sex workers? : results of a policy and situational analysis in Tete, Mozambique",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471052,,"Barriers to HIV and sexual and reproductive health care for female sex workers in Tete, Mozambique : results from a cross-sectional survey and focus group discussions",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471055,,Prevalence of experienced abuse in healthcare and associated obstetric characteristics in six European countries,VABB-1,508,517,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471056,,The effect of sexually transmitted co-infections on HIV viral load amongst individuals on antiretroviral therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471058,,Enrolment of young women attending cervical cancer screening to survey effectiveness of HPV vaccination,VABB-1,178,179,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471059,,Modern contraceptive use among migrant and non-migrant women in Kenya,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471060,,"Assessing reported cases of sexual and gender-based violence, causes and preventive strategies, in European asylum reception facilities",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471065,,Effect of a 'diagonal' intervention on uptake of HIV and reproductive health services by female sex workers in three sub-Saharan African cities,VABB-1,774,784,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471066,,Chlorhexidine-related ventilator-associated events : toward recognition?,VABB-1,1144,1145,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471067,,Interventions to reduce unnecessary caesarean sections in healthy women and babies,VABB-1,1358,1368,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471068,,Integration of postpartum care into child health and immunization services in Burkina Faso : findings from a cross-sectional study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471070,,"Sexual and reproductive health services utilization by female sex workers is context-specific : results from a cross-sectional survey in India, Kenya, Mozambique and South Africa",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471073,,Marching to a different drummer : a cross-cultural comparison of young adolescents who challenge gender norms,VABB-1,S48,S54,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471074,,"Women and substance use : a qualitative study on sexual and reproductive health of women who use drugs in Delhi, India",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471076,,"Opportunities, challenges and systems requirements for developing post-abortion family planning services : perceptions of service stakeholders in China",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471077,,Associations between vaginal infections and potential high-risk and high-risk human papillomavirus genotypes in female sex workers in Western Kenya,VABB-1,2567,2577,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471078,,Violence motivated by perception of sexual orientation and gender identity : a systematic review,VABB-1,29,41,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471080,,"Knowledge and practices of general practitioners at district hospitals towards cervical cancer prevention in Burundi, 2015 : a cross-sectional study",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471081,,"Uptake of three doses of HPV vaccine by primary school girls in Eldoret, Kenya : a prospective cohort study in a malaria endemic setting",VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:471083,,Assessing predictors of contraceptive use and demand for family planning services in underserved areas of Punjab province in Pakistan: results of a cross-sectional baseline survey,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471084,,"Sexual orientation of trans adults is not linked to outcome of transition-related care, but worth asking",VABB-1,103,111,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471085,,Platinum recovery from synthetic extreme environments by halophilic bacteria,VABB-1,2619,2626,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471086,,Lead isotopic analysis of Antarctic snow using multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry,VABB-1,1322,1328,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471087,,Development of an isolation procedure and MC-ICP-MS measurement protocol for the study of stable isotope ratio variations of nickel,VABB-1,1518,1530,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471088,,"The effect of cigarette smoke exposure on the development of inflammation in lungs, gut and joints of TNFΔARE mice",VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471089,,Cryptosporidium and Giardia in recreational water in Belgium,VABB-1,870,878,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:471090,,Ionic liquid ion exchange : exclusion from strong interactions condemns cations to the most weakly interacting anions and dictates reaction equilibrium,VABB-1,4277,4286,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471091,,Selective labeling of individual neurons in dense cultured networks with nanoparticle-enhanced photoporation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471092,,Treatment with mRNA coding for the necroptosis mediator MLKL induces antitumor immunity directed against neo-epitopes,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471093,,Capacitive sensor for detection of benzo(a)pyrene in water,VABB-1,219,225,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471094,,Synthetic entries to and biological activity of pyrrolopyrimidines,VABB-1,80,139,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:471095,,Do ICP-MS based methods fulfill the EU monitoring requirements for the determination of elements in our environment?,VABB-1,2034,2050,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471096,,The Globodera pallida SPRYSEC effector GpSPRY-414-2 that suppresses plant defenses targets a regulatory component of the dynamic microtubule network,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471097,,Exploring the influence of meteorological conditions on the performance of a waste stabilization pond at high altitude with structural equation modeling,VABB-1,37,48,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471098,,RIPK4 activity in keratinocytes is controlled by the SCFβ-TrCP ubiquitin ligase to maintain cortical actin organization,VABB-1,2827,2841,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471099,,Study on mycotoxin contamination in South African food spices,VABB-1,401,409,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471100,,Development of a synthetic receptor for the food toxin beauvericin : a tale of carbazole and steroids,VABB-1,6368,6371,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471101,,Apoptosis of intestinal epithelial cells restricts Clostridium difficile infection in a model of pseudomembranous colitis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471102,,Therapeutic targeting of connexin channels : new views and challenges,VABB-1,1036,1053,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471103,,Deglucosylation of zearalenone-14-glucoside in animals and human liver leads to underestimation of exposure to zearalenone in humans,VABB-1,2779,2791,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:471105,,Anatomy of the vestibulum esophagi and surgical implications during prosthetic laryngoplasty in horses,VABB-1,942,950,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471106,,Noninvasive whole-body imaging of phosphatidylethanolamine as a cell death marker using 99mTc-duramycin during TNF-induced SIRS,VABB-1,1140,1145,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471107,,The transcription factor ZEB2 is required to maintain the tissue-specific identities of macrophages,VABB-1,312,325,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471108,,"Novel injectable gellan gum hydrogel composites incorporating Zn- and Sr-enriched bioactive glass microparticles : high-resolution X-ray microcomputed tomography, antibacterial and in vitro testing",VABB-1,1313,1326,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471109,,"The Mycotox Charter : increasing awareness of, and concerted action for, minimizing mycotoxin exposure worldwide",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471110,,Endosomal size and membrane leakiness influence proton sponge-based rupture of endosomal vesicles,VABB-1,2332,2345,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471111,,Total aflatoxins in complementary foods produced at community levels using locally available ingredients in Ethiopia,VABB-1,111,118,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471112,,Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to find the critical balance between extracellular association and intracellular dissociation of mRNA complexes,VABB-1,358,370,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471113,,Design of a mesoscale continuous-flow route toward lithiated methoxyallene,VABB-1,2248,2254,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471114,,Laser-induced vapour nanobubbles improve drug diffusion and efficiency in bacterial biofilms,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471115,,"Molecular phylogenetic study of Scleria subgenus Hypoporum (Sclerieae, Cyperoideae, Cyperaceae) reveals several species new to science",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471116,,Quantitative determination and subcellular imaging of Cu in single cells via laser ablation-ICP-mass spectrometry using high-density microarray gelatin standards,VABB-1,5783,5789,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471117,,"Synthesis of uniform, monodisperse, sophorolipid twisted ribbons",VABB-1,2419,2426,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471118,,Chick heart invasion assay for testing the invasiveness of cancer cells and the activity of potentially anti-invasive compounds,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471119,,Generation of composites for bone tissue-engineering applications consisting of gellan gum hydrogels mineralized with calcium and magnesium phosphate phases by enzymatic means,VABB-1,938,954,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471120,,"Self-assembly mechanism of pH-responsive glycolipids : micelles, fibers, vesicles, and bilayers",VABB-1,10881,10894,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471121,,Enrichment of enzymatically mineralized gellan gum hydrogels with phlorotannin-rich Ecklonia cava extract Seanol® to endow antibacterial properties and promote mineralization,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471122,,Modelling Cooperia oncophora : quantification of key parameters in the parasitic phase,VABB-1,111,114,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471123,,Cattle and nematodes under global chance: transmission models as an ally,VABB-1,724,738,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471124,,Hybrid imaging labels : providing the link between mass spectrometry-based molecular pathology and theranostics,VABB-1,624,633,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471125,,Treating hydrocephalus with retrograde ventriculosinus shunt : prospective clinical study,VABB-1,E34,E42,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471126,,Magnesium and infection risk after kidney transplantation: an observational cohort study,VABB-1,8,17,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471127,,"Paleofluid evolution in fault-damage zones : evidence from fault-fold interaction events In the Jabal Qusaybah anticline (Adam Foothills, North Oman)",VABB-1,1525,1551,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471128,,Self-aliquoting micro-grooves in combination with laser ablation-ICP-mass spectrometry for the analysis of challenging liquids: quantification of lead in whole blood,VABB-1,5671,5676,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471129,,Nanoscopic tumor tissue distribution of platinum after intraperitoneal administration in a xenograft model of ovarian cancer,VABB-1,256,262,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471130,,MicroRNA profiling reveals a role for microRNA-218-5p in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,VABB-1,43,56,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471131,,Recent developments in antibacterial and antifungal chitosan and its derivatives,VABB-1,10,19,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471132,,"Synthesis of pyrido-annelated diazepines, oxazepines and thiazepines",VABB-1,4784,4823,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471134,,Assessment of Hg pollution released from a WWII submarine wreck (U-864) by Hg isotopic analysis of sediments and Cancer pagurus tissues,VABB-1,10361,10369,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471135,,Revisiting the segmental organization of the human spinal cord,VABB-1,384,393,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471136,,The IL-33/ST2 axis is crucial in type 2 airway responses induced by Staphylococcus aureus-derived serine protease-like protein D,VABB-1,549,559,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471137,,Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for quantitative mapping of the copper distribution in liver tissue sections from mice with liver disease induced by common bile duct ligation,VABB-1,1805,1812,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471138,,Evidence for a primate origin of zoonotic Helicobacter suis colonizing domesticated pigs,VABB-1,77,86,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471139,,Patient-specific simulation of endovascular thoracic aortic repair : initial experience,VABB-1,336,341,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471140,,Iron isotopic analysis of finger-prick and venous blood by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry after volumetric absorptive microsampling,VABB-1,314,321,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471141,,"Abundance, zoonotic potential and risk factors of intestinal parasitism amongst dog and cat populations : the scenario of Crete, Greece",VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471142,,Defining the key competencies in radiation protection for endovascular procedures : a multispecialty Delphi consensus study,VABB-1,281,287,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471143,,"Direct regio- and diastereoselective diphosphonylation of cyclic enamines : one-pot synthesis of α,α′-bis(diphenylphosphoryl)- and α,α′-bis(diphenylphosphorothioyl)cycloalkanones",VABB-1,1160,1164,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471144,,Three-step synthesis of chiral spirocyclic oxaphospholenes,VABB-1,12439,12446,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471145,,Processing of mycotoxin contaminated waste streams through anaerobic digestion,VABB-1,122,128,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471146,,Fast high-resolution laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry imaging of the distribution of platinum-based anticancer compounds in multicellular tumor spheroids,VABB-1,12641,12645,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471147,,Traditional fermentation of tef injera : impact on in vitro iron and zinc dialysability,VABB-1,93,100,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471148,,The effect of enteral tube feeding in cystic fibrosis : a registry based study,VABB-1,264,270,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471149,,Risk assessment of chronic dietary exposure to the conjugated mycotoxin deoxynivalenol-3-β-glucoside in the Dutch population,VABB-1,561,572,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471150,,Scoring biosecurity in European conventional broiler production,VABB-1,74,83,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471151,,Foramen epiploicum mesh closure (FEMC) through a ventral midline laparotomy,VABB-1,235,240,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471152,,Ubiquitin-mediated regulation of RIPK1 kinase activity independent of IKK and MK2,VABB-1,566,580,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471153,,The possible role of Stomoxys calcitrans in equine sarcoid transmission,VABB-1,8,12,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471154,,Different pediatric survival after cardiac arrest,VABB-1,708,709,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471155,,Considerations on data acquisition in laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry with low-dispersion interfaces,VABB-1,29,34,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471156,,Removal of arsenic (V) from aqueous solutions using chitosan-red scoria and chitosan-pumice blends,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471157,,Antagonistic and detoxification potentials of Trichoderma isolates for control of zearalenone (ZEN) producing Fusarium graminearum,VABB-1,,,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:471158,,Biomarkers for monitoring intestinal health in poultry : present status and future perspectives,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471159,,"Straightforward synthesis of functionalized furo[3,4-d] pyrimidine-2,4-diones",VABB-1,1227,1237,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471160,,Deciphering the combined effects of environmental stressors on gene transcription : a conceptual approach,VABB-1,5479,5489,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471161,,Tozasertib analogues as inhibitors of necroptotic cell death,VABB-1,1895,1920,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471162,,Synthesis and biological evaluation of bolaamphiphilic sophorolipids,VABB-1,8992,9005,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471163,,Prevalence of Fusarium mycotoxins in cassava and yam products from some selected Nigerian markets,VABB-1,226,231,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471164,,The role of infectious agents in the development of porcine gastric ulceration,VABB-1,56,61,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471165,,"Molecular phylogenetics of the genus Costularia (Schoeneae, Cyperaceae) reveals multiple distinct evolutionary lineages",VABB-1,196,209,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471167,,Microbial inhibition of oral epithelial wound recovery: potential role for quorum sensing molecules?,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471168,,Imaging artifacts in continuous scanning 2D LA-ICPMS imaging due to nonsynchronization issues,VABB-1,2896,2901,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471169,,A European network for the investigation of gender incongruence : endocrine part,VABB-1,994,999,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471170,,Postpartum dyspareunia and sexual functioning : a prospective cohort study,VABB-1,200,206,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471171,,"Surgical satisfaction, quality of life, and their association after gender-affirming surgery : a follow-up study",VABB-1,138,148,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471172,,Petroselinic acid purification and its use for the fermentation of new sophorolipids,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471173,,Efficient continuous-flow benzotriazole activation and coupling of amino acids,VABB-1,220,227,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471174,,Influence of newly synthesized imidazolium ionic liquids on activated sludge process,VABB-1,40,48,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471175,,3-Imidoallenylphophonates: in situ formation and β-alkoxylation,VABB-1,208,2011,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471176,,Biocidal properties of a glycosylated surface: sophorolipids on Au(111),VABB-1,18086,18095,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471177,,Reactivity of aminophosphonic acids: oxidative dephosphonylation of 1-aminoalkylphosphonic acids by aqueous halogens,VABB-1,2308,2317,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471178,,Nanoscale platelet formation by monounsaturated and saturated sophorolipids under basic pH conditions,VABB-1,19265,19277,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471179,,Determination of the total drug-related chlorine and bromine contents in human blood plasma using high performance liquid chromatography-tandem ICP-mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS/MS),VABB-1,112,119,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471180,,Sophorolipid amine oxide production by a combination of fermentation scale-up and chemical modification,VABB-1,7273,7281,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471181,,Transatlantic multispecialty consensus on fundamental endovascular skills: results of a Delphi consensus study,VABB-1,141,149,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471183,,On the practice of ignoring center-patient interactions in evaluating hospital performance,VABB-1,227,238,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471184,,Evaluation of the transfection efficacies of quaternary ammonium salts prepared from sophorolipids,VABB-1,3744,3751,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471185,,Alginate biopolymers: counteracting the impact of superabsorbent polymers on mortar strength,VABB-1,169,174,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471186,,Bromine isotope ratio measurements in seawater by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry with a conventional sample introduction system,VABB-1,409,416,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471187,,A simple dilute-and-shoot approach for the determination of ultra-trace levels of arsenic in biological fluids via ICP-MS using CH3F/He as a reaction gas,VABB-1,245,251,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471188,,Late Palaeogene emplacement and late Neogene-Quaternary exhumation of the Kuril island-arc root (Kunashir island) constrained by multi-method thermochronometry,VABB-1,211,220,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471189,,Autochthonous Angiostrongylus vasorum infection in a Border collie in Belgium,VABB-1,243,250,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:471190,,"Steroids affect gene expression, ciliary activity, glucose uptake, progesterone receptor expression and immunoreactive steroidogenic protein expression in equine oviduct explants in vitro",VABB-1,1926,1944,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471191,,The formation of IIE iron meteorites investigated by the chondrule-bearing Mont Dieu meteorite,VABB-1,1173,1196,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471192,,Recent advances in quantitative LA-ICP-MS analysis : challenges and solutions in the life sciences and environmental chemistry,VABB-1,6593,6617,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471193,,Regional geodynamic context for the Mesoproterozoic Kibara Belt (KIB) and the Karagwe-Ankole Belt: evidence from geochemistry and isotopes in the KIB,VABB-1,82,97,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:471194,,High-precision Fe isotopic analysis of whole blood for biomedical purposes without prior isolation of the target element,VABB-1,1816,1821,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471195,,A genome-scale mining strategy for recovering novel rapidly-evolving nuclear single-copy genes for addressing shallow-scale phylogenetics in Hydrangea,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471196,,Correlation of clinical and physical-technical image quality in chest CT : a human cadaver study applied on iterative reconstruction,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471197,,Phosphonamide pyrabactin analogues as abscisic acid agonists,VABB-1,5260,5264,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471198,,Singlet-oxygen oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in continuous flow,VABB-1,1648,1651,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471199,,Validation of a sampling method to collect exposure data for central-line-associated bloodstream infections,VABB-1,549,554,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471200,,"Analysis of metal artifact reduction tools for dental hardware in CT scans of the oral cavity: kVp, iterative reconstruction, dual-energy CT, metal artifact reduction software: does it make a difference?",VABB-1,841,849,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471201,,Effect of parent body evolution on equilibrium and kinetic isotope fractionation: a combined Ni and Fe isotope study of iron and stony-iron meteorites,VABB-1,168,188,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471202,,High-resolution laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry imaging of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxic side effects,VABB-1,23,30,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471203,,Synthesis and analysis of stable isotope-labelled N-acyl homoserine lactones,VABB-1,73717,73730,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471204,,Discovery of (S)-3′-hydroxyblebbistatin and (S)-3′-aminoblebbistatin : polar myosin II inhibitors with superior research tool properties,VABB-1,2104,2118,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471205,,Progress in the development of subunit vaccines for gastrointestinal nematodes of ruminants,VABB-1,744,753,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471207,,Status and prospects for quasi-non-destructive analysis of ancient artefacts via LA–ICP–MS,VABB-1,341,346,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471208,,A quality improvement initiative on the use of psychotropic drugs in nursing homes in Flanders,VABB-1,163,171,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471209,,Bioresorbable everolimus-eluting vascular scaffold for patients with peripheral artery disease (ESPRIT I) : 2-year clinical and imaging results,VABB-1,1178,1187,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471210,,"Decision making on helminths in cattle : diagnostics, economics and human behaviour",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471211,,"Extreme isotopic variation documents extensional tectonics in arc magmas from Methana, Greece",VABB-1,386,398,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471212,,The role of arbuscular mycorrhiza in mercury and mineral nutrient uptake in maize,VABB-1,1076,1084,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471213,,Targeted perturbation of nuclear envelope integrity with vapor nanobubble-mediated photoporation,VABB-1,7791,7802,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471215,,"Perception of inappropriate cardiopulmonary resuscitation by clinicians working in emergency departments and ambulance services : the REAPPROPRIATE international, multi-centre, cross sectional survey",VABB-1,112,119,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471216,,Nano-targeted induction of dual ferroptotic mechanisms eradicates high-risk neuroblastoma,VABB-1,3341,3355,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471217,,Use of a national identification database to determine the lifetime prognosis in cattle with necrotic laryngitis and the predictive value of venous pCO2,VABB-1,1462,1470,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471218,,Outbreak of an acute aflatoxicosis in Tanzania during 2016,VABB-1,311,320,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471219,,A decision support system to follow up and diagnose primary headache patients using semantically enriched data,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471220,,Toxicokinetics of HT-2 toxin in rats and its metabolic profile in livestock and human liver microsomes,VABB-1,8160,8168,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471221,,A QuEChERS-based liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous determination of nine zearalenone-like mycotoxins in pigs,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471222,,"Relationship between environmental conditions, TRI5 gene expression and deoxynivalenol production in stored Lentinula edodes infected with Fusarium graminearum",VABB-1,177,186,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471224,,Biological 18[F]-FDG-PET image-guided dose painting by numbers for painful uncomplicated bone metastases: a 3-arm randomized phase II trial,VABB-1,272,278,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471225,,Performance of the Endurant stent graft in challenging anatomy,VABB-1,312,318,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471226,,Improved synthesis and comparative analysis of the tool properties of new and existing D-ring modified (S)-blebbistatin analogs,VABB-1,85,103,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471227,,Synthesis of bis-8-hydroxyquinolines via an imination or a Suzuki-Miyaura coupling approach,VABB-1,3803,3807,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471228,,Adsorption of As(III) versus As(V) from aqueous solutions by cerium-loaded volcanic rocks,VABB-1,20446,20458,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471230,,Three-dimensional reconstruction of the tissue-specific multielemental distribution within Ceriodaphnia dubia via multimodal registration using laser ablation ICP-mass spectrometry and X-ray spectroscopic techniques,VABB-1,4161,4168,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471231,,"An automated, multiplex-tandem PCR platform for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal nematode infections in cattle : an Australian-European validation study",VABB-1,62,75,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471232,,Petrography and geochemistry of distal spherules from the K-Pg boundary in the Umbria-Marche region (Italy) and their origin as fractional condensates and melts in the Chicxulub impact plume,VABB-1,231,263,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471233,,Imaging the 3D trace metal and metalloid distribution in mature wheat and rye grains via laser ablation-ICP-mass spectrometry and micro-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry,VABB-1,289,298,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471235,,"Medical emergencies related to ethanol and illicit drugs at an annual, nocturnal, indoor, electronic dance music event",VABB-1,71,76,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471236,,From lab to market : an integrated bioprocess design approach for new-to-nature biosurfactants produced by Starmerella bombicola,VABB-1,1195,1206,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471237,,Transgenerational DNA methylation changes in Daphnia magna exposed to chronic γ irradiation,VABB-1,4331,4339,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471238,,Development and validation of an LC tandem MS assay for the quantification of β-lactam antibiotics in the sputum of cystic fibrosis patients,VABB-1,95,101,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471239,,Gene co-expression networks drive and predict reproductive effects in Daphnia in response to environmental disturbances,VABB-1,317,326,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471240,,Characterization of SiO2 nanoparticles by single particle-inductively coupled plasma-tandem mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS/MS),VABB-1,2140,2152,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471241,,Repurposing cationic amphiphilic drugs as adjuvants to induce lysosomal siRNA escape in nanogel transfected cells,VABB-1,266,276,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471242,,Nictaba homologs from Arabidopsis thaliana are involved in plant stress responses,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471243,,Lexicographic choice functions,VABB-1,97,119,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471244,,"Synthesis of 1,4-oxazepane-2,5-diones via cyclization of rotationally restricted amino acid precursors and structural reassignment of serratin",VABB-1,6210,6222,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471245,,Fifty years of (benz)oxaphospholene chemistry,VABB-1,17413,17431,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471246,,The OCarePlatform : a context-aware system to support independent living,VABB-1,111,120,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471247,,A phase I/II trial of fixed-dose stereotactic body radiotherapy with sequential or concurrent pembrolizumab in metastatic urothelial carcinoma : evaluation of safety and clinical and immunologic response,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471248,,Deep learning for infrared thermal image based machine health monitoring,VABB-1,151,159,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471249,,Automated reaction database and reaction network analysis : extraction of reaction templates using cheminformatics,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471250,,Formation of the Kokchetav subduction-collision zone (northern Kazakhstan): insights from zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotope systematics,VABB-1,424,438,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471251,,Intratumoral chemotherapy in an integumentary squamous cell carcinoma in a cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus),VABB-1,86,92,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471252,,Fabrication and characterization of quercetin loaded almond gum-shellac nanoparticles prepared by antisolvent precipitation,VABB-1,190,201,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471253,,"Multiple mycotoxins in rice : occurrence and health risk assessment in children and adults of Punjab, Pakistan",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471254,,"Scleria cheekii, a new species of Scleria subgenus Hypoporum (Cyperaceae, Cyperoideae, Sclerieae) from Cameroon",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471255,,Keratinocyte-Specific Ablation of RIPK4 Allows Epidermal Cornification but Impairs Skin Barrier Formation,VABB-1,1268,1278,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471256,,Nanos genes and their role in development and beyond,VABB-1,1929,1946,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471257,,Direct lead isotopic analysis of bioethanol by means of multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry with a total consumption sample introduction system,VABB-1,481,490,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471259,,A new class of antimicrobial biosurfactants: quaternary ammonium sophorolipids,VABB-1,3373,3377,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471260,,Homogeneous gold-catalyzed cyclization reactions of alkynes with N- and S-nucleophiles,VABB-1,2975,3006,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471261,,Beyond the Diketopiperazine Family with Alternatively Bridged Brevianamide F Analogues,VABB-1,8046,8054,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471262,,"Sedimentology, three-dimensional geobody reconstruction and carbon dioxide origin of Pleistocene travertine deposits in the Ballk area (south-west Turkey)",VABB-1,1408,1445,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471263,,Submicrometer imaging by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry via signal and image deconvolution approaches,VABB-1,6125,6132,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471264,,Seismic evidence of current-controlled sedimentation in the Alboran Sea during the Pliocene and Quaternary: palaeoceanographic implications,VABB-1,292,311,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471265,,Characterization of French coriander oil as source of petroselinic acid,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471266,,Application of stable isotopes and AF4/ICP-SFMS for simultaneous tracing and quantification of iron oxide nanoparticles in a sediment–slurry matrix,VABB-1,890,901,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471267,,"Novel injectable, self-gelling hydrogel-microparticle composites for bone regeneration consisting of gellan gum and calcium and magnesium carbonate microparticles",VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471268,,Biological recovery of platinum complexes from diluted aqueous streams by axenic cultures,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471269,,Asthma inflammatory phenotypes show differential microRNA expression in sputum,VABB-1,1433,1446,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471270,,New renewable and biodegradable fiberboards from a coriander press cake,VABB-1,225,238,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471271,,Extraction and esterification of low-titer short-chain volatile fatty acids from anaerobic fermentation with ionic liquids,VABB-1,2059,2063,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471272,,pH-Driven self-assembly of acidic microbial glycolipids,VABB-1,6343,6359,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471273,,High-precision isotopic analysis of essential mineral elements in biomedicine: natural isotope ratio variations as potential diagnostic and/or prognostic markers,VABB-1,182,193,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471274,,An in-depth evaluation of accuracy and precision in Hg isotopic analysis via pneumatic nebulization and cold vapor generation multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry,VABB-1,417,429,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471275,,Recent developments in the design of rapid response cells for laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and their impact on bioimaging applications,VABB-1,423,439,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471276,,Development of a PROficiency-Based StePwise Endovascular Curricular Training (PROSPECT) program,VABB-1,51,60,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471277,,TiO2 functionalized nanofibrous membranes for removal of organic (micro)pollutants from water,VABB-1,533,541,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471278,,"Antibodies against Dictyocaulus viviparus major sperm protein in bulk tank milk : association with clinical appearance, herd management and milk production",VABB-1,36,42,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471279,,Determination of ultra-trace amounts of prosthesis-related metals in whole blood using volumetric absorptive micro-sampling and tandem ICP – Mass spectrometry,VABB-1,1,9,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471280,,Patient-specific rehearsal before EVAR : influence on technical and nontechnical operative performance . a randomized controlled trial,VABB-1,703,709,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471281,,Treatment of the femoropopliteal artery with the bioresorbable REMEDY stent,VABB-1,1311,1319,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471282,,Evolutionarily conserved and species-specific glycoproteins in the N-glycoproteomes of diverse insect species,VABB-1,22,29,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471283,,Mineralization of gellan gum hydrogels with calcium and magnesium carbonates by alternate soaking in solutions of calcium/magnesium and carbonate ion solutions,VABB-1,1825,1834,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471284,,Atypisch junctioneel melanocytoma met pagetoïde spreiding bij een jong paard,VABB-1,216,219,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:471285,,Recycling portable alkaline/ZnC batteries for a circular economy : an assessment of natural resource consumption from a life cycle and criticality perspective,VABB-1,265,278,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471286,,Repeated photoporation with graphene quantum dots enables homogeneous labeling of live cells with extrinsic markers for fluorescence microscopy,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471287,,Photothermally triggered endosomal escape and its influence on transfection efficiency of gold-functionalized JetPEI/pDNA nanoparticles,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471288,,Exchangeable choice functions,VABB-1,85,104,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471289,,In silico proteomic and phylogenetic analysis of the outer membrane protein repertoire of gastric Helicobacter species,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471290,,Bacillus velezensis as antagonist towards Penicillium roqueforti s.l. in silage : in vitro and in vivo evaluation,VABB-1,986,996,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:471291,,The Diels-Alder reaction : doomed to academic praise only?,VABB-1,40,43,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471292,,"Discovery of novel, drug-like ferroptosis inhibitors with in vivo efficacy",VABB-1,10126,10140,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471293,,Nucleic acid loading and fluorescent labeling of isolated extracellular vesicles requires adequate purification,VABB-1,783,792,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471294,,High-performance liquid chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS) for quantitative metabolite profiling of non-metal drugs,VABB-1,118,134,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471295,,Fungal and mycotoxin contamination of fermented foods from selected South African markets,VABB-1,295,303,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471297,,"X-ray crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis, thermal stability and photophysical properties of some symmetrical trans-α,α'-bis(diphenylphosphory1)- and α,α'-bis(diphenylphosphorothioyl) cycloalkanones",VABB-1,279,293,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471299,,Whole blood Fe isotopic signature in a sub-Saharan African population,VABB-1,1142,1149,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471300,,Combining dispersed particle extraction with dried-droplet laser ablation ICP-MS for determining platinum in airborne particulate matter,VABB-1,1613,1620,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471301,,A multicentre trial of patient specific rehearsal prior to EVAR : impact on procedural planning and team performance,VABB-1,354,361,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471302,,Further studies on anti-invasive chemotypes: an excursion from chalcones to curcuminoids,VABB-1,1021,1025,,fre,2015,1 c:vabb:471303,,Study of the distribution of actinides in human tissues using synchrotron radiation micro X-ray fluorescence spectrometry,VABB-1,1559,1566,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471304,,Elastic net regularized regression for time-series analysis of plasma metabolome stability under sub-optimal freezing condition,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471305,,Signaling through plant lectins : modulation of plant immunity and beyond,VABB-1,217,233,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471306,,Statistically-Based Comparison of the Removal Efficiencies and Resilience Capacities between Conventional and Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems: A Peak Load Scenario,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471307,,Development of an in vivo glucosylation platform by coupling production to growth: production of phenolic glucosides by a glycosyltransferase of Vitis vinifera,VABB-1,1594,1603,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471308,,Control of helminth ruminant infections by 2030,VABB-1,1655,1664,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471309,,Mind the gaps in research on the control of gastrointestinal nematodes of farmed ruminants and pigs,VABB-1,217,234,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471310,,Toward sustainable publishing and querying of distributed linked data archives,VABB-1,195,222,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471311,,"Chronic dietary intake of enniatin B in broiler chickens has low impact on intestinal morphometry and hepatic histology, and shows limited transfer to liver tissue",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471313,,"Safe, selective, and high-yielding synthesis of acryloyl chloride in a continuous-flow system",VABB-1,1945,1952,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471314,,New extralimital record of a narwhal (Monodon monoceros) in Europe,VABB-1,39,50,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471315,,RIPK1-dependent cell death : a novel target of the Aurora kinase inhibitor Tozasertib (VX-680),VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471316,,Elucidating the structural isomerism of fluorescent strigolactone analogue CISA-1,VABB-1,1211,1217,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471317,,Quantification of Fusarium mycotoxins in Nigerian traditional beers and spices using a multi-mycotoxin LC-MS/MS method,VABB-1,203,210,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471318,,"Combined endo-β-1,4-xylanase and α-L-arabinofuranosidase increases butyrate concentration during broiler cecal fermentation of maize glucurono-arabinoxylan",VABB-1,159,169,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471320,,Enhancing zeolite performance by catalyst shaping in a mesoscale continuous‐Flow Diels-Alder process,VABB-1,1686,1693,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471321,,GC content of Early Metazoan genes and its impact on gene expression levels in mammalian cell lines,VABB-1,909,917,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471322,,High spatial resolution geochemistry and textural characteristics of 'microtektite' glass spherules in proximal Cretaceous-Paleogene sections: insights into glass alteration patterns and precursor melt lithologies,VABB-1,1,38,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471323,,N-glycosylation of mouse TRAIL-R restrains TRAIL-induced apoptosis,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471324,,Recovering actives in multi-antitarget and target design of analogs of the myosin II inhibitor blebbistatin,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471325,,Ancient origin of the CARD-coiled coil/Bcl10/MALT1-like paracaspase signaling complex indicates unknown critical functions,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471326,,Tandem ICP-mass spectrometry for Sr isotopic analysis without prior Rb/Sr separation,VABB-1,303,310,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471327,,Laser ablation-tandem ICP-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP- MS/MS) for direct Sr isotopic analysis of solid samples with high Rb/Sr ratios,VABB-1,464,472,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471328,,"Cyperus albescens, a new combination in Cyperus (Cyperaceae) for the common (sub)tropical African and Asian species Lipocarpha chinensis",VABB-1,,,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:471329,,"4-Fluoro-3',4',5'-trimethoxychalcone as a new anti-invasive agent: from discovery to initial validation in an in vivo metastasis model",VABB-1,627,639,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471331,,Towards a social and context-aware multi-sensor fall detection and risk assessment platform,VABB-1,307,320,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471332,,Quality of pharmacotherapy in old age : focus on lists of Potentially Inappropriate Medications (PIMs) : consensus statements from the European Science Foundation exploratory workshop,VABB-1,897,904,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471333,,Chemical fractionation and speciation modelling for optimization of ion-exchange processes to recover palladium from industrial wastewater,VABB-1,1738,1745,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471334,,Composites of gellan gum hydrogel enzymatically mineralized with calcium–zinc phosphate for bone regeneration with antibacterial activity,VABB-1,1610,1618,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471335,,Evaluatie van de mini-FLOTAC-methode voor de detectie van gastro-intestinale parasieten bij grote huisdieren,VABB-1,15,22,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:471336,,Taming hazardous chemistry by continuous flow technology,VABB-1,4892,4928,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471337,,Novel image metrics for retrieval of the lateral resolution in line scan-based 2D LA-ICPMS imaging via an experimental-modeling approach,VABB-1,7413,7420,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471339,,Platinum recovery from industrial process streams by halophilic bacteria : influence of salt species and platinum speciation,VABB-1,436,443,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471340,,Tailoring cellular uptake of gold nanoparticles via the hydrophilic-to-hydrophobic ratio of their (co)polymer coating,VABB-1,3433,3439,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471341,,Prediction of delayed graft function after kidney transplantation : comparison between logistic regression and machine learning methods,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471342,,Analysis of the protective immune response following intramuscular vaccination of calves against the intestinal parasite Cooperia oncophora,VABB-1,637,646,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471343,,Late-Paleozoic emplacement and Meso-Cenozoic reactivation of the southern Kazakhstan granitoid basement,VABB-1,416,433,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471344,,Comparative immune responses against Psoroptes ovis in two cattle breeds with different susceptibility to mange,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471345,,Inductively coupled plasma-tandem mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS): a powerful and universal tool for the interference-free determination of (ultra) trace elements: a tutorial review,VABB-1,7,19,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471346,,"Pretreatment with VEGF(R)-inhibitors reduces interstitial fluid pressure, increases intraperitoneal chemotherapy drug penetration, and impedes tumor growth in a mouse colorectal carcinomatosis model",VABB-1,29889,29900,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471347,,Isotopic investigation into the raw materials of Late Bronze Age glass making,VABB-1,153,160,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471348,,A single-center comparison of 22 competing definitions of delayed graft function after kidney transplantation,VABB-1,152,159,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471349,,"Phylogenetics, ancestral state reconstruction, and a new infrageneric classification of Scleria (Cyperaceae) based on three DNA markers",VABB-1,444,466,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471350,,Angular resolution dependency in 2D LA-ICP-MS mapping : the case for low-dispersion laser ablation cells,VABB-1,1998,2004,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471351,,Fibromuscular dysplasia : results of a multicentre study in Flanders,VABB-1,211,218,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471352,,Effect of neoadjuvant radiation dose and schedule on nodal count and its prognostic impact in stage II–III rectal cancer,VABB-1,3899,3906,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471353,,Climate-driven longitudinal trends in pasture-borne helminth infections of dairy cattle,VABB-1,881,888,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471354,,Morphological variability of Demodex cati in a feline immunodeficiency virus-positive cat,VABB-1,1308,1312,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471355,,A novel scale linking potency and dosage to estimate anticholinergic exposure in older adults : the Muscarinic Acetylcholinergic Receptor ANTagonist Exposure Scale,VABB-1,582,590,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471356,,The Meloidogyne graminicola effector Mg16820 is secreted in the apoplast and cytoplasm to suppress plant host defense responses,VABB-1,2416,2430,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471357,,Expression analysis of ribosome-inactivating proteins from cucumber,VABB-1,929,941,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471358,,Effect of agronomic practices and weather conditions on mycotoxins in maize : a case study of subsistence farming households in Zimbabwe,VABB-1,421,436,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471359,,"The clinical diagnosis of equine sarcoids, part 2 : assessment of case features typical of equine sarcoids and validation of a diagnostic protocol to guide equine clinicians in the diagnosis of equine sarcoids",VABB-1,14,18,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471360,,A new probabilistic approach to estimating marine gastropod densities from baited traps,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471361,,Mycotoxin contamination of sorghum and its contribution to human dietary exposure in four sub-Saharan countries,VABB-1,1384,1393,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471362,,Using macroinvertebrates and birds to assess the environmental status of wetlands across different climatic zones in Southwestern Ethiopia,VABB-1,653,665,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471363,,Elevated faecal ovotransferrin concentrations are indicative for intestinal barrier failure in broiler chickens,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471364,,Strict monotonicity and continuity of mean unfinished work in two queues sharing a server,VABB-1,151,153,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471365,,Phase 1 dose escalation trial of ipilimumab and stereotactic body radiation therapy in metastatic melanoma,VABB-1,906,915,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471366,,The proton sponge hypothesis : fable or fact?,VABB-1,184,190,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471367,,Transgenerational inheritance of DNA hypomethylation in Daphnia magna in response to salinity stress,VABB-1,10114,10123,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471368,,Exploratory analysis of the human breast DNA methylation profile upon soymilk exposure,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471369,,Model-based analysis of increased loads on the performance of activated sludge and waste stabilization ponds,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471370,,Influence of screen printed layers on the thermal conductivity of textile fabrics,VABB-1,70,74,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471371,,"Stability of fumonisin B-1, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, and T-2 toxin during processing of traditional Nigerian beer and spices",VABB-1,229,239,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471372,,Neutralization of Junín virus by single domain antibodies targeted against the nucleoprotein,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471373,,Risk factors and impact of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa-negative CF patients,VABB-1,726,731,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471374,,In-house validation of a rapid and efficient procedure for simultaneous determination of ergot alkaloids and other mycotoxins in wheat and maize,VABB-1,5567,5581,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471375,,Quantification and isotopic analysis of bulk and of exchangeable and ultrafiltrable serum copper in healthy and alcoholic cirrhosis subjects,VABB-1,332,338,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471376,,Pulmonary surfactant and drug delivery : focusing on the role of surfactant proteins,VABB-1,116,126,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471377,,"Investigating taxon boundaries and extinction risk in endemic Chilean cacti (Copiapoa subsection Cinerei, Cactaceae) using chloroplast DNA sequences, microsatellite data and 3D mapping",VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471379,,Laryngeal hemiplegia in the horse : an update,VABB-1,283,294,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471380,,Overview on the mycotoxins incidence in Serbia in the period 2004-2016,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471381,,Valeric acid glyceride esters in feed promote broiler performance and reduce the incidence of necrotic enteritis,VABB-1,2303,2311,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471382,,Elemental and isotopic analysis of oral squamous cell carcinoma tissues using sector-field and multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry,VABB-1,92,97,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471383,,Iron isotopic composition of blood serum in anemia of chronic kidney disease,VABB-1,517,524,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471384,,A comparison of laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace molecular absorption spectrometry for the direct determination of bromine in polymers,VABB-1,50,55,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471385,,High-precision isotopic analysis of Cu in blood serum via multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry for clinical investigation : steps towards improved robustness and higher sample throughput,VABB-1,597,608,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471386,,Model-based classification for digital PCR : your Umbrella for rain,VABB-1,4461,4467,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471387,,Editor's choice: Management of the diseases of mesenteric arteries and veins,VABB-1,460,510,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471388,,Quantitative metabolite profiling of an amino group containing pharmaceutical in human plasma via precolumn derivatization and high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,VABB-1,1907,1915,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471389,,Overcoming spectral overlap via inductively coupled plasma-tandem mass spectrometry (ICPMS/MS) : a tutorial review,VABB-1,1660,1679,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471390,,"Bioinspired, biomimetic, double-enzymatic mineralization of hydrogels for bone regeneration with calcium carbonate",VABB-1,13,16,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471391,,Identification of platinum nanoparticles in road dust leachate by single particle inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry,VABB-1,849,856,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471392,,Direct detection of circulating microRNAs unveiled the absence of microRNA-218-5p in smoker subjects : reply,VABB-1,533,533,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471393,,"Evidence for a chondritic impactor, evaporation-condensation effects and melting of the Precambrian basement beneath the 'target' Deccan basalts at Lonar crater, India",VABB-1,51,75,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471394,,microRNA profiling in lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage of cigarette smoke-exposed mice and in COPD patients : a translational approach,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471395,,In vitro and ex vivo models to study drug delivery barriers in the posterior segment of the eye,VABB-1,44,57,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471396,,Synthetic approaches toward monocyclic 3-amino-β-lactams,VABB-1,301,319,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471397,,Integration of methane removal in aerobic anammox-based granular sludge reactors,VABB-1,1615,1625,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471398,,Intelligent task management platform for health care workers,VABB-1,122,134,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471399,,"Peralkylated imidazolium carbonate ionic liquids: synthesis using dimethyl carbonate, reactivity and structure",VABB-1,461,468,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471400,,Cu isotope fractionation response to oxidative stress in a hepatic cell line studied using multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry,VABB-1,2385,2394,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471401,,The choroid plexus epithelium as a novel player in the stomach-brain axis during Helicobacter infection,VABB-1,35,47,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471402,,Synthesis and biological activity of oxazolopyrimidines,VABB-1,2148,2166,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:471403,,Isotopic analysis of Cu in blood serum by multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry: a new approach for the diagnosis and prognosis of liver cirrhosis?,VABB-1,491,498,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471404,,Hydrolysers of modified mycotoxins in maize : α-amylase and cellulase induce an underestimation of the total aflatoxin content,VABB-1,86,92,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471405,,Evaluating hospital performance based on excess cause-specific incidence,VABB-1,1334,1350,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471406,,A closer look on spatiotemporal variations of dissolved oxygen in waste stabilization ponds using mixed models,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471407,,Development of a fast laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry cell for sub-µm scanning of layered materials,VABB-1,119,125,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471408,,Comparative evaluation of ICP sample introduction systems to be used in the metabolite profiling of chlorine-containing pharmaceuticals via HPLC-ICP-MS,VABB-1,135,144,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471409,,Equine allogeneic chondrogenic induced mesenchymal stem cells : a GCP target animal safety and biodistribution study,VABB-1,246,254,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471410,,Blastocyst production after intracytoplasmic sperm injection with semen from a stallion with testicular degeneration,VABB-1,814,817,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471412,,How tightly linked are Pericopsis elata (Fabaceae) patches to anthropogenic disturbances in Southeastern Cameroon?,VABB-1,293,310,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471413,,Airway surface dehydration aggravates cigarette smoke-induced hallmarks of COPD in mice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471414,,Variable aperture extraction lens for ion beam investigation in inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry,VABB-1,1329,1335,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471415,,Lifelike vascular reperfusion of a Thiel-embalmed pig model and evaluation as a surgical training tool,VABB-1,97,108,,dut,2016,1 c:vabb:471416,,"Revision of the genus Costularia (Cyperaceae: Schoeneae) for the flora of the Seychelles, including the rediscovery and resurrection of a rare endemic species",VABB-1,31,41,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471417,,Availability and actual use in the Belgian market of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) from the EU(7)-PIM list,VABB-1,243,245,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471418,,Synthesis of pyrido-annelated seven-membered N-containing heterocycles,VABB-1,1086,1125,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:471419,,Enzymatic degumming: degumming efficiency versus yield increase,VABB-1,81,86,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471420,,"An integrative approach to understanding the evolution and diversity of Copiapoa (Cactaceae), a threatened endemic Chilean genus from the Atacama Desert",VABB-1,1506,1520,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471421,,"Scleria pantadenia and Scleria tricristata : two new species of Scleria subgenus Hypoporum (Cyperaceae, Cyperoideae, Sclerieae) from Tanzania",VABB-1,45,54,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471422,,Editor's choice: Management of chronic venous disease: clinical practice guidelines of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS),VABB-1,678,737,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471423,,Validation in a single-center cohort of existing predictive models for delayed graft function after kidney transplantation,VABB-1,544,552,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471424,,The importance of integrating clinical relevance and statistical significance in the assessment of quality of care : illustrated using the Swedish Stroke Register,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471425,,Extraction of coriander oil using twin-screw extrusion: feasibility study and potential press cake applications,VABB-1,1219,1233,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471426,,Oceanographic processes and morphosedimentary products along the Iberian margins: a new multidisciplinary approach,VABB-1,127,156,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471427,,Extraction and pre-concentration of platinum and palladium from microwave-digested road dust via ion exchanging mesoporous silica microparticles prior to their quantification by quadrupole ICP-MS,VABB-1,2369,2376,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471428,,Single-step chromatographic isolation of lithium from whole-rock carbonate and clay for isotopic analysis with multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry,VABB-1,2533,2540,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471429,,A simple method for high-precision isotopic analysis of chlorine via pneumatic nebulization multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry,VABB-1,537,542,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471430,,Cu isotopic signature in blood serum of liver transplant patients: a follow-up study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471431,,Host protective ASP-based vaccine against the parasitic nematode Ostertagia ostertagi triggers NK cell activation and mixed IgG1-IgG2 response,VABB-1,,,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471432,,Biodegradation of imidazolium ionic liquids by activated sludge microorganisms,VABB-1,453,463,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471433,,"The occurrence and genetic characterization of Cryptosporidium and Giardia species in foals in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany and Greece",VABB-1,170,174,,dut,2015,1 c:vabb:471434,,Chemical and enzymatic modification of sophorolipids,VABB-1,76,104,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471435,,Systematic review of e-learning for surgical training,VABB-1,1428,1437,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471436,,Uptake of arsenate by aluminum (hydr)oxide coated red scoria and pumice,VABB-1,83,95,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471437,,"PLANET TOPERS : planets, tracing the transfer, origin, preservation, and evolution of their reservoirS",VABB-1,369,384,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471438,,Provenancing East Mediterranean cedar wood with the 87Sr/86Sr strontium isotope ratio,VABB-1,467,476,,eng,2016,1 c:vabb:471440,,Imprinted proteins as a receptor for detection of zearalenone,VABB-1,99,104,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:471441,,Oxygen consumption rate analysis of mitochondrial dysfunction caused by Bacillus cereus cereulide in Caco-2 and HepG2 cells,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471442,,Identification and functional analysis of the aspergillic acid gene cluster in Aspergillus flavus,VABB-1,14,23,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471443,,Ultra-high-performance supercritical fluid chromatography as a separation tool for Fusarium mycotoxins and their modified forms,VABB-1,627,632,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471444,,Methodologies to investigate intracellular barriers for nucleic acid delivery in non-viral gene therapy,VABB-1,74,90,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471445,,Mycobiota and co-occurrence of mycotoxins in South African maize-based opaque beer,VABB-1,22,30,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471446,,Mycobacterieel conjunctivaal granuloom bij een Chinese zaagbekeend (Mergus squamatus),VABB-1,143,149,,dut,2018,1 c:vabb:471447,,A CARD9 founder mutation disrupts NF-κB signaling by inhibiting BCL10 and MALT1 recruitment and signalosome formation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471448,,Surfactant protein B (SP-B) enhances the cellular siRNA delivery of proteolipid coated nanogels for inhalation therapy,VABB-1,236,246,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471449,,Glucocorticoid receptor dimers control intestinal STAT1 and TNF-induced inflammation in mice,VABB-1,3265,3279,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471450,,Insights into the myosin II inhibitory potency of A-ring-modified (S)-blebbistatin analogs,VABB-1,2986,2989,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471451,,Multiplexed-tandem PCR for the specific diagnosis of gastrointestinal nematode infections in sheep : an European validation study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471452,,Development and validation of a novel quantification approach for gradient elution reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem ICP-mass spectrometry (RP-HPLC-ICP-MS/MS) and its application to diclofenac and its related compounds,VABB-1,43,53,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471453,,"Geobody architecture, genesis and petrophysical characteristics of the Budakalász travertines, Buda Hills (Hungary)",VABB-1,107,128,,dut,2017,1 c:vabb:471454,,Determination of the isotopic composition of sub-ng amounts of Sr in Antarctic snow by multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry,VABB-1,1004,1008,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471455,,Evaluation of the use of cold plasma conditions for Fe isotopic analysis via multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry : effect on spectral interferences and instrumental mass discrimination,VABB-1,538,547,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471456,,A chemoselective and continuous synthesis of m-sulfamoylbenzamide analogues,VABB-1,303,312,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471457,,Movement behaviour of large female yellow European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) in a freshwater polder area,VABB-1,471,480,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471458,,A new class of bicyclic dicationic salts based on the 7-azoniabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane scaffold,VABB-1,3612,3615,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471459,,Novel self-gelling injectable hydrogel/alpha-tricalcium phosphate composites for bone regeneration : physiochemical and microcomputer tomographical characterization,VABB-1,822,828,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471460,,Thermal equilibration of iron meteorite and pallasite parent bodies recorded at the mineral scale by Fe and Ni isotope systematics,VABB-1,95,111,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471461,,Short-chain arabinoxylans prepared from enzymatically treated wheat grain exert prebiotic effects during the broiler starter period,VABB-1,412,424,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471462,,Comparative analysis of the immune responses induced by native versus recombinant versions of the ASP-based vaccine against the bovine intestinal parasite Cooperia oncophora,VABB-1,41,49,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471463,,"Surveillance or metastasis-directed therapy for oligometastatic prostate cancer recurrence : a prospective, randomized, multicenter phase II trial",VABB-1,446,453,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471464,,Combined high dose radiation and pazopanib in metastatic renal cell carcinoma : a phase I dose escalation trial,VABB-1,,,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471465,,Multilocus coalescent species delimitation to evaluate traditionally defined morphotypes in Hydrangea sect. Asperae (Hydrangeaceae),VABB-1,415,425,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471466,,Safely scaling hazardous chemistry through continuous flow technology,VABB-1,60,63,,eng,2017,1 c:vabb:471467,,Electrochemical impedance analysis of a PEDOT : PSS-based textile energy storage device,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471468,,Gold superacid-catalyzed preparation of benzo[c]thiophenes,VABB-1,729,732,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471469,,Nanoscopic X-ray fluorescence imaging and quantification of intracellular key-elements in cryofrozen Friedreich's ataxia fibroblasts,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471470,,Vascular dysregulation in normal-tension glaucoma is not affected by structure and function of the microcirculation or macrocirculation at rest : a case-control study,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471471,,"Bulbostylis albidostricta (Abildgaardieae, Cyperaceae): a new sedge species from Angola",VABB-1,221,226,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471472,,Effect of β-adrenergic receptor agents on cardiac structure and function and whole-body gene expression in Daphnia magna,VABB-1,869,878,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471473,,Synthesis of C-ring-modified blebbistatin derivatives and evaluation of their myosin II ATPase inhibitory potency,VABB-1,2261,2264,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471474,,Assessment of nanosecond laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for Pb and Sr isotopic determination in archaeological glass : mass bias correction strategies and results for Corning glass reference materials,VABB-1,223,238,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471475,,Sharing health data in Belgium : a home care case study using the Vitalink platform,VABB-1,56,72,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471476,,In-feed bambermycin medication induces anti-inflammatory effects and prevents parietal cell loss without influencing Helicobacter suis colonization in the stomach of mice,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471477,,Quantifying the average number of nucleic acid therapeutics per nanocarrier by single particle tracking microscopy,VABB-1,1142,1149,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471478,,Understanding Thiel embalming in pig kidneys to develop a new circulation model,VABB-1,,,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471479,,Metal sources for the Nkana and Konkola stratiform Cu-Co deposits (Zambian Copperbelt): insights from Sr and Nd isotope ratios,VABB-1,127,138,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471480,,Novel applications of fluid inclusions and isotope geochemistry in unravelling the genesis of fossil travertine systems,VABB-1,27,56,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471481,,Validation of the determination of the B isotopic composition in Roman glasses with laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry,VABB-1,116,120,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471482,,Interference-free determination of ultra-trace concentrations of arsenic and selenium using methyl fluoride as a reaction gas in ICP-MS/MS,VABB-1,919,929,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471483,,Post-mortem reperfusion of a pig: a first step to a new surgical training model?,VABB-1,S712,S715,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471484,,An assessment of bottom current controlled sedimentation in Pacific Ocean abyssal environments,VABB-1,20,33,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471485,,Elevated urinary excretion of free pyridinoline in Friesian horses suggests a breed-specific increase in collagen degradation,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471487,,Ultra-trace Cu isotope ratio measurements via multi-collector ICP-mass spectrometry using Ga as internal standard : an approach applicable to micro-samples,VABB-1,69,79,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471488,,Synthesizing the role of epigenetics in the response and adaptation of species to climate change in freshwater ecosystems,VABB-1,2790,2806,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471489,,Light absorption coefficient of CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystals,VABB-1,3093,3097,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471490,,Molecular mechanisms of cell death : recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee on Cell Death 2018,VABB-1,486,541,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471491,,Analysis of alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether in foodstuffs by molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry,VABB-1,357,364,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471492,,Humans significantly metabolize and excrete the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol and its modified form deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside within 24 hours,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471493,,Genetic and toxigenic variability within Aspergillus flavus population isolated from maize in two diverse environments in Kenya,VABB-1,,,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471494,,Charcoal-inferred Holocene fire and vegetation history linked to drought periods in the Democratic Republic of Congo,VABB-1,2296,2308,,eng,2015,1 c:vabb:471495,,"Historical Nankai-Suruga megathrust earthquakes recorded by tsunami and terrestrial mass movement deposits on the Shirasuka coastal lowlands, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan",VABB-1,968,983,,eng,2018,1 c:vabb:471496,,Le genre Entandrophragma (Meliaceae) : taxonomie et écologie d’arbres africains d’intérêt économique (synthèse bibliographique),VABB-1,113,127,,fre,2018,1 c:vabb:77169,,"Asymmetric distances, semidirected networks and majority in Fermat-Weber problems",VABB-1,121,155,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:77537,,Conceptions of a Global Brain: an historical review,VABB-1,274,289,,eng,2012,2 c:vabb:78729,,Historical Studies of Perceptions of Work,VABB-4,1,30,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:78730,,Perceptions of Work in Classical Antiquity: A Polyphonic Heritage,VABB-4,33,68,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:80717,,Combining quality and quantity. A psychometric evaluation of the self-anchoring scale.,VABB-1,703,716,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:80934,,“Medieval letters and letter collections as historical sources: reflections on methodological problems and research perspectives (6th-14th centuries)”,VABB-1,41,73,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:81204,,A comparison of two spectral mixture modelling approaches for impervious surface mapping in urban areas,VABB-1,4785,4806,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:81298,,Young people's health as a challenge for physical education in schools in the twenty-first century: the case of Flanders (Belgium),VABB-1,407,420,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:81389,,Normative data of 300 Dutch-speaking children on the Token Test,VABB-1,427,437,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:81475,,Testing the impact of predefined and self-defined end anchors on the linearity of the category rating scale.,VABB-1,397,408,,eng,2010,1 c:vabb:81602,,Stellar dynamics in young clusters: the formation of massive runaways and very massive runaway mergers,VABB-1,271,276,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:81610,,Effects of Varying Response Formats on self-ratings of Life-Satisfaction,VABB-1,381,395,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:81653,,Protocol Requirements for Self-organizing Artifacts,VABB-4,136,143,,eng,2011,2 c:vabb:81736,,Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Ratings; Multiple Group Invariance Analysis Across Scales with Different Response Format,VABB-1,203,221,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:81746,,Pierre Bayle: Kierkegaard's Use of the 'Historical and Critical Dictionary',VABB-4,1,10,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:81919,,Technology and the End of Law*,VABB-4,443,464,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:81926,,Who is profiling who? Invisible visibility*,VABB-4,239,252,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:81957,,The Idea of Work in Europe from Antiquity to Modern Times,VABB-3,,,368 p.,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:81968,,Developmental dyslexia and widespread activation across the cerebellar hemispheres,VABB-1,122,132,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:82045,,Assessing policy measures for the stimulation of intermodal transport: a GIS-based policy analysis,VABB-1,500,508,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:82062,,Brussel in de spiegel: de muziekkronieken in de krant L'Indépendant (1836-1850),VABB-4,437,449,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:82163,,Modal-type orthomodular logic,VABB-1,307,319,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:82387,,Van Heilig-Kruisklooster tot Sint-Bernardusabdij in Bornem (prov. Antwerpen). Een bouwhistorisch onderzoek met het oog op herbestemming,VABB-1,257,288,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:82611,,New environmental policy instruments to realize forest expansion in Flanders (northern Belgium): a base for smart regulation?,VABB-1,935,946,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:82670,,The process of definitive institutionalization of community dwelling demented vs non demented elderly: data obtained from a network of sentinel general practitioners.,VABB-1,523,531,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:82743,,"Promoting Ethics in OR Practice, Why good practice of OR is not enough – Ethical challenges for the OR practitioner, Omega, Special issue on Ethics & OR",VABB-1,1089,1099,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:82744,,"Modelling complex ethical decision problems with Operations Research - Ethical challenges for the OR practitioner, Omega, Special issue on Ethics & OR",VABB-1,1100,1108,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:82785,,"Memory, Consciousness and the Self. Consciousness as a continuum of states.",VABB-1,4,23,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:82884,,Trends in the evolution of BMI in Belgian army men.,VABB-1,917,921,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85204,,The relation between Pearson’s correlation coefficient r and Salton’s cosine measure,VABB-1,1027,1036,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85274,,"Bibliometric characteristics of the journal Science: Pre-Koshland, Koshland and post-Koshland period",VABB-1,359,372,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85300,,Ordinal Evaluation: A New Perspective on Country Images,VABB-5,261,275,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:85303,,e-Learning readiness in organisations. Case healthcare.,VABB-1,34,39,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:85378,,The CoO-ELM model: A theoretical framework for the cognitive processes underlying country of origin-effects,VABB-1,62,89,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85474,,Benchmarking road safety: Lessons to learn from a data envelopment analysis,VABB-1,174,182,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85482,,Prospective risk analysis of health care processes: A systematic evaluation of the use of HFMEA (TM) in Dutch health care,VABB-1,809,819,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85483,,Simulation of sequential data: An enhanced reinforcement learning approach,VABB-1,8032,8039,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85486,,Injury crashes with bicyclists at roundabouts: influence of some location characteristics and the design of cycle facilities,VABB-1,141,148,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85492,,Shifting towards environment-friendly modes: profiling travelers using Q-methodology,VABB-1,437,453,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85629,,A framework for Internal Fraud Risk Reduction at IT Integrating Business Processes,VABB-1,1,29,,eng,2009,2 c:vabb:85681,,Does Space Matter? Travel Mode Scripts in Daily Activity Travel,VABB-1,75,100,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85690,,Adipokinetic hormone signaling through the gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor modulates egg-laying in Caenorhabditis elegans,VABB-1,1642,1647,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85691,,Towards an International Classification for Patient Safety: the conceptual framework,VABB-1,2,8,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85692,,Towards an International Classification for Patient Safety: key concepts and terms,VABB-1,18,26,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85695,,"Specialty-based, voluntary incident reporting in neonatal intensive care: description of 4846 incident reports",VABB-1,F210,F215,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85701,,Uncertainty assessment of the road safety index,VABB-1,1220,1228,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85708,,Flash co-pyrolysis of biomass: The influence of biopolymers,VABB-1,87,97,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:85790,,risicorapportering door belgische beursgenoteerde bedrijven,VABB-1,3,11,,dut,2009,2 c:vabb:85800,,Determinants of intellectual capital disclosure: evidence from Australia,VABB-1,233,245,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:86540,,External technology sourcing: The effect of uncertainty on governance mode choice,VABB-1,62,80,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:86545,,"Open innovation in SMEs: Trends, motives and management challenges",VABB-1,423,437,,eng,2009,1 c:vabb:86607,,In black and white: a bird's eye overview of Flemish prose on the Congo,VABB-1,109,122,,eng,2009,1